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question, and the recent attitude of Herr Hitler and other
leading German personalities indicated that Germany wel-
comed the continuation of negotiations in Prague, the pro-
spects of a satisfactory solution of the Sudeten question on the
basis of autonomy within the Czechoslovak State appeared
not unpromising on the publication of the Czechoslovak
Government's Fourth Plan on jth September. The publi-
cation of the Fourth Plan was, unfortunately, however,
immediately followed by a serious incident at Mahrischa-
Ostrau. It would appear from the investigations of the
British observer that the importance of this incident was very
much exaggerated. The immediate result was a decision on
the part of the Sudeten leaders not to resume negotiations
until this incident had been liquidated. Immediately measures
were taken by the Czechoslovak Government to liquidate it,
but further incidents took place on nth September near
Eger, and, in spite of Lord Runciman's efforts to bring both
parties together, negotiations could not be resumed before
Herr Hitler's speech winding up the Nuremberg Congress
on 12th September.
" In view of the unsatisfactory development of the situation
in Czechoslovakia, and of the danger that Herr Hitler's
speech might close the door to further negotiations, His
Majesty's Government made further efforts to exercise a
restraining influence upon the German Government. The
French Government had shown themselves particularly
insistent that nothing should be left undone to make the
attitude of His Majesty's Government clear to the Chancellor
himself. Sir Nevile Henderson was at Nuremberg from 9th
September to the i2th, and he took every opportunity to
impress upon leading German personalities, such as Field-
Marshal Goering, Herr von Ribbentrop, Dr. Goebbels,
Baron von Neurath and Baron von Weiszacker, the attitude
of His Majesty's Government as set forth in my speech on
24th March and repeated by my right hon. Friend on 2yth
August, Our Ambassador reported that there could be no
grounds for any doubts in the minds of the German Govern-
ment as a result of his efforts, and as such action might have
had a contrary effect to what was intended, it was decided
not to make any personal representations to Herr Hitler