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professions which we are expressing at the same time. I do
not know why any different standards should be applied to
this country and to other countries in that respect. But I do
repeat here categorically what I have so often said, that we
have no aggressive intentions against Germany or any other
country. Our sole concern is to see that this country and her
Imperial communications are safe, and that we shall not be so
weak relatively with other countries that our diplomacy
cannot enter upon discussions upon an equal footing. There
is nothing further from our minds than entry upon a new
armaments race.
" In talking about the Munich results, it seems to me that
the right hon. Gentleman (Mr. Attlee) forgot the last act at
Munich, which, after all, is not the least important one. That
declaration which was signed by Herr Hitler and myself, and
in which we recorded our belief in the desire of our two-
peoples never to go to war with one another again, and
expressed our own intention that the method of consultation
should be the method adopted to deal with other questions
which might concern us, and our intention also to continue
our efforts to remove every possible source of difference—
that declaration signed by us seems to have dropped out of
sight lately. I myself feel that in that declaration, if it is
properly and suitably followed up, lies the chance of a new era
of peace in Europe. When I signed that document I meant
what was in the document. I am convinced that Herr Hitler
meant it too when he signed it; and I am equally convinced
that those views are the views of the majority of the people
both in Germany and in this country. Let there be~no mistake,
let there be no doubts as to our policy and our intentions; as
to the desire, the firm determination, that there shall be no
sitting still and waiting for peace to come, but that we must
take firm and practical steps towards that end. The right hon.
Gentleman asked whether we were to wait always until war
threatened before we thought the time was ripe for discussion.
No, Sir. That is the whole point of the policy which we are
pursuing, that we should not wait. Too often delays have
taken place in the past. We should not wait until a crisis
becomes acute before we try to settle it, but we should try
to consolidate the good will of the four Powers when they