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Full text of "The Struggle For Peace"

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faction. It is the absence of that peace of mind which to-day
weighs upon the world, and in its turn by destroying confid-
ence prevents us from reaping the material advantages to
which human progress in mastering the forces of nature
should entitle us. And I would conclude by appealing through
you to all the nations you represent to realize that our aim
should be the happiness of all our peoples and that that
happiness can only be attained if we are willing to lay aside
suspicion and prejudice, to cease looking for points of
differences, and to search instead for points of agreement.
"Not many generations ago we were at war with the
United States of America; to-day such a conflict has passed
beyond the bounds of possibility. In my own lifetime we
were within an ace of war with France ; to-day such a cata-
strophe seems as remote as war with America. In fact, our
relations with France are so close as to pass beyond mere legal
obligations, since they are founded on identity of interest.
If we have succeeded, then, in reducing the field of possible
wars thus far, is there any reason why we should not carry it
further until we can attain such a general sense of security that
all of us can lay aside our weapons and devote ourselves to the
benefit of the human race ? For my part, great as may be the
obstacles, discouraging as may appear the outlook in certain
respects, I believe it to be possible to attain our goal provided
we can keep our purpose firm, our courage undaunted, and
our faith untarnished."