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Full text of "The Zenith Yearbook 1967, High Point College"

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7/? JKemoriam 

. . . for wnoin ine Seff toffs 
Or. ( //'ffo/r/ Jxeginafcf Jfinsfiaw, cS/i 

January 10. 1890- 71 pr if 11. 1907 



The beginning of a new science building for 
High Point College which is part of the 
Golden Decade Development Program. 

Beanie -ticket 

Va me. 


-rime Date 






, J 



f 2 






T * 


The year is 1967, and the place is High Point College. 
High Point College is a coeducational institution of higher 
learning which dates its birth with the foundng of Yadkin 
College in 1856. HPC has come a long way since 1924 when 
the College first opened its doors to students. 

Today High Point College represents growing, building, 
striving, and succeeding. The College is a community with- 
in itself. It has its own work, projects, and goals. At 
present we are busy with the Golden Decade Program. The 
first project, a new science building, has been most success- 

The College is definitely a great part of the community. 
Both of these interchange all phases of culture which broad- 
en education. The Magic Block purchased by the College 
has brought new industry and growth to our city. 

Besides material building, the College has been helping 
men and women to build. Today's students are tomorrow's 
leaders. They must work, grow, and achieve for a greater 

The staff of the ZENITH invites you to review the year 
1967. BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE is the thought for 
the year. 

Table of Contents 

Introduction 2 

Features 18 

Greeks 46 

Organizations. . . . 66 

Academics 100 

Student Body ... 1 22 

Sports 190 

Advertisements . . 208 

Dedication of the 1967 ZENITH 


To one whom we feel truly deserves this honor. He is an example and inspiration to 
those around him and gives willingly of his time to benefit others. He is a loyal friend 
to all his students, and one to whom we proudly dedicate the 1967 ZENITH. 

Respected by his fellow teachers and loved and admired by his students, he has 
made contributions in his field which have been great credit for High Point College. In 
recent years he has been the director of the Coatings Industry in this area in which he 
was instrumental in coordinating with the College. 

Through his assistance, many deserving students have gained scholarships which 
have enabled them to continue their work in the field of chemical research. Finally, for 
his lasting interest in students, his patience, kindness, friendly spirit, and unceasing 
devotion to the College for several decades, we proudly dedicate the 1967 ZENITH to 

Dr. Edmund 0. Cummings 



Dr. Cummings v 
istry lab. 

ks with a student in the chem- 

Dr. E. O. Cummings 

Professor of Chemistry 

We Pay Tribute to 

Men who think are becoming rare in our society 
today. Book learning establishes a foundation, but a 
student's ability to reason will follow him throughout 

Emerson once said that our chief want in life is 
"someone who will make us do what we can." We have 
a proponent of this philosophy on our campus. 

Informal classroom discussions and stimulating 
imagination characterize his technique. His wit is 
beyond compare. 

Ready to help students at any call, he is a teacher, 
leader, worker . . . for these reasons we pay tribute to 
Dr. Sam J. Underwood, our advisor. 

Tell me more about that !" 

A leader, teacher, and friend. 

Dr. Sam J. Underwood 

Dr. Patton Leads Us. 

Dr. Wendell M. Patton is a man of many talents 
and interests. He is filled with aims, ideas, and 
goals for Hi<;h Point College. 

Time and time again Dr. Patton has proven his 
ability as an administrator, businessman, and 
teacher. He does an excellent job of coordinating 
the activities of the faculty, the Board of Trus- 
tees, and the administration. 

Dr. Patton displays musical talent. 

The First Family 

High Point College 

Tower of Progress 

A colleRe must have a living per- 
sonality separate and distinct from 
all others. High Point College stands 
for unique and definite ideas in ed- 
ucation and strives to translate them 
into our philosophy and to reveal 
through our actions. 

The tower stands tall and strong. 
a symbol of learning, striving, and 
achieving. It is the center of our 
goals for the present and the future. 
The students, faculty, and adminis- 
tration strive to achieve, to learn, 
and to progress. 

Today High Point College is a 
church-related institution of higher 
learning with plans for the future. 

Golden Decade is the Foundation 

This is where it all began, Memorial Auditorium. 

Sherry Snow was our first Miss 
(lelden Decade. 

With four buildings, 122 students, and a 
muddy campus the College opened on September 
16. 1924. By 1926 the enrollment doubled. Prog- 
ress was sure for the 60 acres of land and $100 
thousand that got the College underway. 

In order to make improvements, the Long 
Range Planning Committee recommended the 
Golden Decade Development Program or "Opera- 
tion Golden Decade." This began in 1965 with a 
goal of §10 million to be completed by 1974. This 
year was the second phase and a most success- 
ful one. The new science building is well under- 
way. Plans are complete for the student union 

"The past is history, the present is challenge, 
the future is opportunity. Dedicated to her 
Christian history, stimulated by the challenge of 
today, appreciative of the opportunity that is 
tomorrow. High Point College continues forward 
to her objective . . . superior Christian educa- 
tion." We are truly BUILDING FOR THE FU- 

Board of Trustees 

Mr. Holt McPherson, Chairman 

Mr. Horace S. Haworth, Vice-Chairman 

Dr. Wendell M. Patton, Secretary 

Mr. Elliott S. Wood, Treasurer 

Mr. W. Roger Soles 

Rev. Thomas B. Stockton 

Rev. J. Clyde Auman 
Mr. S. R. Brookshire 
Dr. Charles F. Carroll 
Mrs. D. S. Coltrane 
Mr. J. Harriss Covington 
Mr. Harry B. Finch 
Bishop Paul N. Garber 
Dr. C. L. Gray 
Rev. M. E. Garbin 
Mr. C. Felix Harvey, III 
Mr. Charles E. Hayworth 
Mr. Delos S. Hedgecock 
Mr. Josh L. Home 
Bishop Earl G. Hunt 
Mr. Charles L. Kearns 
Mr. A. J. Koonce 
Mr. Charles W. McCrary 
Dr. J. Clay Madison 
Mr. James H. Millis 
Gov. Dan K. Moore 
Dr. W. Stanley Potter 
Mrs. Katie M. Rankin 
Mr. William E. Stevens 
Mr. William F. Womble 


Dr. R. G. Jennings — Coordinator of Consulting Physicians 

Consulting Physicians 

Dr. Edwin L. Auman 
Dr. L. U. Creech 
Dr. W. B. Donald, Jr. 
Dr. Donald Douglass 
Dr. William P. Hinson 
Dr. Robert C. Johnson 

Dr. Max P. Rogers 
Dr. Earl W. Schafer 
Dr. J. E. Slate 
Dr. Eldora H. Ten-ell 
Dr. T. Eugene Terrell 
Dr. Charles W. Surles, Jr 

Dr. R. T. Wilder 

New Organizations 

The Delta Beta chapter of Alpha Phi Gamma is 
the only chapter between Washington and Atlanta, 
Ga. The principal purposes are to honor and recog- 
nize individual achievement in journalism, as shown 
through participation on campus publications. 

The fraternity serves student yearbooks, news- 
papers, magazines, and other campus publications. 
It cooperates and supports the work of professional 
journalism societies. 

With the aid of I. L. Baker this honorary journa- 
lism fraternity was established at High Point Col- 
lege in the fall of this year. It has seventeen mem- 
bers at the present time. 

Eligible students must be involved in publications 
at least a year. The local chapter hopes to arouse 
interest in the fraternity among other colleges in 
this area, as well as to engage in a number of pro- 

^n/p/ia J ni c^a/n/na 

Back row: L. to R.: Savage, Mounts. Stillwell, Vann, Rawley. 
Second ro»: L. to R.: Baker, Bigham, Hoar, Sloan, Eddinger, 

Mclnnis. Third row: L. to K.: Martin. Smith. Smith, Simone, 


Add To The Campus. 

L. to R. Standing: Cooke, Mounts, Allen, Blackburn, Anderson. 
Edmunds, Smith, Peterson. Back Row: Eller, TugRle, Martin. 

Bradinc, Worthinpton. Front Row: Hood, Suhadolc. Benfield, 
Chambers. Walker, Sides, Bowman. 

Jt appa Delia J J i 

Kappa Delta Pi is an honor society in edu- 
cation. The Kappa Mu chapter was the first 
honorary fraternity to be installed on the 
High Point College campus. 

Membership is limited to Juniors and Sen- 
iors in the upper fifth of their classes who 
are majoring in Education. 

The first installation occurred on May 
27, 1965. 

President Susan Hood 

Vice-President Donna Suhadolc 

Secretary Kaye Benfield 

Treasurer Gail Chambers 

Historian Reporter Barbara Walker 

Pledge Instructors Ruth Sides 

Betty Jo Vaughn 

Counselor Dr. Peterson 

Co-counselor Miss Worthington 

Physics lab gets new equipment in 1966. 


A Day is a Memory. 

Breakfast comes at an early hour. 

'I've just got to get that swing right 

A few students take time out from the hustle of classes. 

Our days together in 1966-1967 can be cap- 
tured partly in pictures and partly only in our 
memories. Time moves very slowly; yet, it also 
moves swiftly. 

Early hours, interesting classes, long meet- 
ings, lively dances, and a few leisure hours are 
parts of the student's day. 

After Wednesday Assembly everyone makes 
a dash for the post office. A letter is a precious 

These small occasions today will be memories 

■ * 

"Do you have vour Kiddie Lit file?" 

Students present Assembly programs. 

All the mail is vip. 

'I'm starved! Get this line moving." 

A nother Day, 

A Delta Sig serenade brings the day to 
an end. 

Another Memory. 

We let off steam at those Wednesday night 

Roberts Hall 

Our Campus 

Though our campus is small, the atmosphere 
is big, warm, and friendly. The students take 
pride in their college. 

The snow, heat, and rain bring confusion to 
the campus but never cover up the constant 

Outsiders view only buildings, but when they 
come inside, they see more than a small college. 
They view a way of life completely separate from 
the outside world; yet, it is an active part of the 
surrounding environment. 

The tower light shines brightly through the 
night. It reflects the life, growth, success, and 
hopes that the students seek for the future. 

McCulloch Dormitory 

Wrenn Memorial Libr; 


Future leaders walk between these columns. 

is Growing. 

Students visit enroute to Student ("enter. 

Womens' Hall 

A flowing fountain represents graduation time. 

Victory Bell 
now sounds louder and Hearer 
each time the Panthers bring us 



j/ie Jiomeco/nina C 'our/ 

yiomecomina 1967 

JlTiss ,7u/ie DeSfooyer 


».4 V 


^ • 

first Runner-up 

Miiss QretcJien Jfenesu 

Second CRunner-up 


Sau'ss yinne i/reco 

Jiomecoming J,ueen 

/Kiss Jamara Lrtearns 
Senior ^Attendant 

Miss £ mi fie J J icf?ett 
^Junior LA//endan/ 



? y 

HCiss Snaron LeineriDuru 
Senior lA//endan/ 

Muss /Inn c)co// 
Junior ^Attendant 


Gourt 1967 

Miss (Jnery/ i/onns 


Miss Gat£y Mi/Ier 

muss si. a/nerine 7/ai/aen 


Miss Susan J^e£6ery 

Jres/iman JMenoani 


Miss unaron Sfiac&feforc/ 
/res /) man Jittencfant 

Bam6Ja CA/s C7aJz>e Jfonors 

x *\ 

Lambda Chis bring the circus to High Point College. 

Alpha Gams take second-place honors. 


Alpha Delta Theta is against the Bears. 

The presentation of the Culler jersey. 


Queen Anne reigns. 

The Four Freshmen entertain. 

A memory at HPC forever 



A smile of joy 



\ : i 





§ » 


lee and rain— an annual event at Homecoming! 


Front Row, L. to R.: Taylor, Henesy, Kait, Mosteller, Blading-, Sturm, Neinian. Back 
Row, L. to R.: Cruit, Huff, Mize, Gardner. Britt, Donninsrton. Ritchie. 

Sffjss 9ofcfe 


^Decac/e Court 

miss /Jaroara JiTize 
Jin a/is t 


Jaiss Jmtcnen IHenesu 
si rial is I 

JKiss Diane 3 ion 

"Miss Gofcfen Decade" 


JR is s <5yJo/a J/Tos/e/ier 


JKiss C mine J J icAe// 
J~irs/ J^unner-up 

Jfomecoming J J rings Excitement 

Homecoming features THE FOUR FRESHMEN. 

Dionne Warwick entertains at Fall Weekend. 

Mrs. Kay Phillips presents her recital. 

Bishop Goodson is guest during: the Finch Lectures. 


Each year the Junior Marshals are selected 
by the faculty from the members of the Junior 

The marshals are selected on the basis of 
their scholastic attainments, leadership, and 
participation in college activities. 

While serving as a marshal, the duties are 
distributing assembly bulletins and checking at- 
tendance, ushering during school programs, 
and helping at graduation time. 

A banquet is given to honor the last year's 
marshals, new marshals, and dean's list stu- 

This is the highest honor that can be awarded 
any junior at High Point College. 

Co-Chief Marshals 
Lynn Tutrtrle, Daniel Civws 

^Junior JKarsnaJs 

Hack How: L. to K.: Wilkes. Emory, Faulkner. Ehert, Wauirh. Blackburn, Cox, Crews, 
Ripjrs, Edmonds. Daniel, Duffy. Tujrirle. Front Row: I., to R.: Smith. Martin, N'eese, 
Simone. Palmer. 



The Scholastic Honor Society was 
inaugurated to stimulate and to rec- 
ognize love of learning and scholar- 

To become a member, a junior 
must have completed 75 semester 
hours with a quality point ratio of 
2.75 while seniors must have a qual- 
ity point ratio of 2.25. 

To be a member of the Scholastic 
Honor Society is one of the greatest 
honors that a student can receive at 
High Point College. 

Sacu/iu JRe/noers 

Or J false y mi/f'r rresicfent 
Or foew foewiS) ( hee- J resident 
Dr. JfarofcJ C . v>onracf cJec-Z/reas. 
Or. Dennis C'oofe 
Or (. /iffiam L. azaruf 
JKr. J. Jfobari Jlffrecf 
JfTiss fffTarceffa Gorier 
Jflr. <L)amuef C'ar/er 
Or. C . (J. C >umminqs 
Or Q)/uar/ C>. OesAins 
Or. L Jiff ore/ fJlinsfiaw 
Or. I.) iffiam Locfee 
Or C fiarfes JKounLs 
Or 7 )encfeff 7 J atton, , Jr. 
Or C Jiristopfier 7. J/fson 


\- . - 

/ '"'4--V 

Jflr. \ a/nanief yarSorouafi 

cb/uc/en/ JKembers 

7Mie TUTen 
Jtaye Jjenfiefcf 
Jjonnie <bue Jjowman 
Jeanne G J^utfi 
James 7. J. S/i// 
Jje//y Jo IJauafin 
JjarSara Tsfaffzer 
Danief C >rews 
€ fiiabetfi Ji. Danief 


Order of the foiadited I—amp 

bounded 193 J 

The Order of the Lighted Lamp is the oldest honor society at High 
Point College having been organized in 1935. A student selected for 
membership must ha\e a 1.75 average for the last five semesters. A 
student must possess excellent character and leadership. Nominations 
are made by current members with approval of a faculty majority. 

c)/aden/ JK embers 

aj/iaron ylai/e f)en field 
C finor dl atnrina J)radina 

^Jaif TsJni/h'more C>nam6ers 
fbunn Ciaro/ C dmonds 
d/onatf/an L ee fauIAner 
<uusan JKarie 3 food 

(pJi/fiam Jfoward JKcynnis 
<L)uzanne JKartin 
flinda ^Jade J J erru 

David J J arAer J J uffiam 

yZooert J J at Robertson 

f^ut/i Ann Sides 
.James L.. cjfoan 
Cffa Xaines cb/ou/ 

Jjeftu ,Jo ( Jauann 
Joyce ( >an JfooA 

/Barbara Dare ( )amer 


e Jlppreciafe fne 

Mrs. Jean Austin 


Mrs. Ina Patrick 

eop/e Jjenind me 

Mrs. Charlotte I.ocke 

Mrs. Theda Cecil 


Mr. Earle (i. Dalbey 

Scenes Cftt Jf.CP.G. 

J. ,*&■ 

Mrs. Annie Hall 


Mrs. Annie Parks 

-Mrs. Louise Blake 


Orientation Initiates 

That first week of college is exciting, fun, unusual, 
eventful, and sometimes horrible! Whatever the 
choice of words is, Orientation Week at High Point 
College is a time never to be forgotten. 

The new roommate, new friends, dances, rush, 
parties, big sisters, and big brothers — all of these 
make fond memories. Perhaps also not to be forgot- 
ten is that lump in your throat as you entered the 
main gate of UPC, or that small touch of home- 
sickness which came sooner or later. 

Faculty members take time-out after talk- 
ing with the freshmen. 

a -mm 

Freshmen enjoy their picnic. 

The beanies, beany tickets, and most of all the 
lug-of-war spirit which brought victory will al- 
ways remain in our hearts. 

Kvery ounce of our brains was tested! 

"What kind vl test will they irive next?" 

Who shall ever forget those long hours of 
testing in the auditorium or that long regis- 
tration line? 

The Freshman Picnic was fun and filling. 
Upperclassmen ate their fair share of hot 
dogs too. 

All of these are behind us now but were 
vital necessities in our steps toward the 

The Freshmen! 

"O. K.. let's get that line movinjr." 

'We need refreshment after frointr through that!" 

3 5 

"On the count of :! look this way." 

Once through that registration line, it's al- 
most Thanksgiving and time for a vacation. At 
least it seems that way. Classes get into full 
swing. Tests do, too! 

"I have a term paper clue next week.", "Who 
ever advised me to take field hockey?" or "We 
just about blew HFC off the globe in chemistry 
lab today." Such statements become daily con- 

"Girls, get that ball in there. 

Classes Set a Steady Pace. 

The months, days, hours, and worry 
spent are well worth the trouble when 
that magnificent seminar paper is 
presented. Emma Lou is on the final 
stretch now. 



Greeks Play Active Roles. 

^V' 1 


■ ■ *-' 


Delta Sijrs serenade the freshman ^irls. 

It's Sunday afternoon at the ballgame. 

Greek women honor their new pledges. 


Students Seek to 

A student engrossed in his work. 

Susan relaxes in the library. 

Walking on campus, reading a good book, or just sitting 
down to think are ways for a student to search and to find 
himself. Away from the daily routines one learns and 

These quiet moments of the day are a necessity. 

I I 

A professor has a few moments alone. 


A quiet time in a quiet place. 

Silence as the Class of 1966 enters. 

"A time to work and a time to play." 

Find Themselves. 


That's terribly interesting, isn't it? 

Exams begin today! 


Beards Are A New Fad! 


- k '" 

"My beard looks better than yours!' 

Each year students come up 
with something new on campus. 
This year the new idea was 
beards. Some of the guys really 
"got with it". 

If one is interested in bridge, 
he can find a game day or night. 
Candlelights have also come into 
fashion. They really blazed before 

'Candy, pass the bottle on. It's not your candlelight.' 

"Anyone for a bridge game?" 

"How's this for a mob scene?" 

"Are the T's up yet?" "She finally de- 
cided to write!" "Why don't you hurry 
up?" These are common phrases heard a- 
roimd the campus post office about 10 
A.M. each morning. 

There's nothing like standing in line 
fifteen minutes just to wipe the dust out 
of your box, but if there is a letter, it's 
worth waiting for. 


"Ya'll come to the Sadie Hawkins Dance." 

"Make Love, Not Beds!" 

The boys protest against the 
daily inspections. They made the 
daily T.V. news and the news- 
paper headlines. 

A cherry bomb somehow found 
it's way into the bathroom. Con- 
fess! Who really did it? We'll 
never get enough of Elmer's glue 
to put it back together again. 

"One false move and there'll be no toilet paper!" 



m - 


1 N 




'O.K., who did it?" 

And so endth another 11:20. 

Yum! Yum! Yum! 

It's a Busy Day 



Rip'em up. tear'em up. 

give 'em hell High Point! 

Assembly period is used wisely by serious student. 


I think I swollowed it! 

For Every Student. 

Christmas brings an extra present — exams. 

Julie Claus visits H.P.C. 

What is the answer? 


No more coffee? 

Juniors Learn 

Sophomores Serve 

*v A t 


**£-J - "W» * 

Freshmen Seek 

Seniors Lead The Way To The Future 

A lump in the throat, an unseen tear, a hope, and a prayer — all of 
these happen as the Senior takes that last walk down the hill. It is 
"the day" that was the future and now is the present. Now is the time 
to "do" and to "use" what we have learned. 

The registration lines, the chats in the dorm, the term papers, the 
sorrows, and the joys — all of these are behind. But a bright and sunny 
future is before us — a future that wants all the good and the service 
that we can give. 

The past years have built men and women, men and women who can 
do the job. The beanie, the tickets, our rings, and finally the cap will 
always remain in our hearts. Memories of these and this last long walk 
will remain sacred in our hearts forever. 

The knowledge gained and the experiences enjoyed will be a vivacious 
part of our daily lives. The purple and white of our school colors will 
be an emblem of building, growing, and achieving. 

The lump, a tear, a hope, and a prayer mean one goal reached. Now, 
we are prepared for our next goal in life. 



* * * 





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• .'• 



Oe/ta ^ia. 



Another banner year has ended for Delta 
Sigma Phi "men of sphinx" ... 22 brothers 
and "crip" came back . . . New look in the lounge 
. . . "super party" ends Fall rush ... 18 freshmen 
and 4 upperclassmen pledge. Freshmen girls' sere- 
nade . . . Initiation for Scott and Allison!!! 
Shroeder. Kirk, and Bench-leg practice-teach, 
sorry "bout that . . . Rich pins the girl back 
home . . . Danny gives Susan a diamond . . . 
Steve plays for the Panther cagers . . . Carna- 

tion Ball . . . Thompkins and Badu skateboard 
to class . . . Gala Christmas Party . . . Dave. 
Shroeder, and Bill graduate, good luck. Second 
semester . . . more pledges . . . Dr. Underwood 
hack from England . . . awarding of Delta Sig 
scholarship . . . Homecoming display . . Greek 
Week . . . Val still drinks cokes ...CM. 
preparing to enter Duke . . . Ken "1 for Tennis 
Team . . . Sailors' Ball . . . This is Delta Sigma 
Phi fraternity. 


Wk t 

Brothers and Alums sun at Myrtle 

Sips and dates relax at Hanging Rock. 

Dr. Underwood speaks at the rush banquet. 

A24> Wedges 

(enter L. to K.: Current, Whitfield. Willis. Tompkins. Standing I,, to R. : McCracken, 
Donovan, Thompson. Badu. Greer, Grant, Matthieson. Doughton. Wall. Ramsev Lucas' 
Holt, Home. 


Delia Zeia 



Delia Qj/a/na 

Val Zumbro 


Thomas Crouch 

Steve Benson 

Steven Breckheimer 

Daniel Eisert 

David Evans 

David Phillips 

David Schultz 

Donald Staley 

George Vann 

** *% 

William Carter 

Larry Fagge 

James Scott 

^ r* 

Robert Wells 


Thomas McPherson 

James Allison 

Glenn Chorpeninj; 

Danny Culler 

Kenneth Machlin 

Richard Simms 

Richard Smith 

James Wilkerson 


Carl Worthy 



L. to R.: Kreider, Carpenter, Pryor, Braun, Stratton, Adams, Patton, Wittenburg. 
(Not pictured: Eshelman, Holland, Mowery.) 

L a/nor/a C >/ii 

The Lambda Chi's move from a busy spring semes- 
ter to wedding bell summer . . . Brother Charles 
Presley married long time sweetheart, "Kitty" . . . 
Pledge Robert Hooper married Daphine Morgan and 
Brother Earl Senger wed Fran Freeman. . . 

Lambda Chi's reminded of the previous year — 1966 
— the always inspiring Mills Home at Christmas Party 
... the Thanksgiving party in D.C. . . . Car washes 
. . . Shoe polish sales . . . and the beach trip. 

A new year began with initiation of five brothers 
. . . Rush — eleven new men welcomed into Lambda 

Brothers and pledges get back into swing with car 
washes and the Blood Drive . . . The new year found 
pledges losing to brothers in football games. . . . The 
mountain trip . . . Fall Weekend . . . H.A. party . . . 
social life. 

Unhappy moments when Saint gets stitches after 

wicked Brother Taylor plays demolition duty. 

All of these — in happiness, sorrow, work, and play 
bind together the brotherhood of Lambda Chi Alpha. 

AXA sponsors Caryrus Capers 

D.C. Party 

Joia J J fn 


loamboa Qjni Jilpna 

Philip Keefer 

Marc Kreider 

Paul Payne 

David Mason 

Richard Braun 


Emery Raper 

Edward Stratton Robert St. John 

Ray Taylor Roger Wittenburg 

IIKA TYedyes 

L. to R : Hack Row: Ooston, Campbell, Fidler, Sombar. Alger, Prince. Seated: Ober- 
miller, Lindsay, Reaves, Kinney, Boales. 


Rush . . . Best pledge* ever . . . Gangster's Ball . . . 
Skwirut, are you KD Sweetheart? Uncle Festur 
wants to know how they get that foam back into the 
can . . . Baden Lake . . . wow ! Sharpie, does Jackie 
know what Mary knows that we know that you don't 
want us to know? Laney. look! you can hardly see it! 
Pledge — Brother basketball game. Wild Bill: "Open 
the door ... I want to talk to you." EEEEEEEEsaw, 
let us hear you play that organ. J.R. seen any Ger- 
man movies lately ? Hell Man has eleven tests tomor- 
row! Intramurals — Pi Kappa Alpha Spirit! Brother- 
hood — Friendship. 

Art, have you played with any marbles lately? 
Reid, eat much cake or pie? Key has rags for sale! 

Bageant, how about a free A. P.? Brau, when will 
you lose your pin at L.R.? Hewitt, come back to us! 
Sweater Girl Ball — Light Bulbs — Candy — Rudy, 
have you seen Mr. Watson's pad lately? 

Parties — Dream Girl Week End was great! Beach 
Trip — Pikas remodel O.D. Then there was Summer 

News flash — Art finally married Diana on the 
sneak — know they will be happy! 


Go, Pikas, Go. 

". . . Hmnim ?' 

Pikas participate on campus. 


£)e/ia (jmeoa 

o t 

\Pi DCappa Jl/pna 

Thomas Coleman 

Forrest Dover 


Arthur McKay 
Vice President 


Jennings Austin 

Michael Key 

Hugh Alger 

4* tr\ 

Thomas Blanciak Maxwell Boales McKinley Jurney Stephen Laney 

Richard Light 

Chris Lindsay William McDermott Bruce Parisi 

Virgil Reed 

Rudy Shackleford Robert Skwirut 


Charles Tomlinson 

John Roberts 
John Williams Michael Sombar 

Where there is life, there are Theta Chi's. 

Faye Harman, Theta Chi Fraternity sponsor. 

l/ieta C£i 

Ripley might make it this time . . . where does 
Thorburn get all that money? Bloom's convertible 
full of girls . . . Spence's" V.W. full of YMCA 
barbells . . . Chase — the only male Alpha Gam 
. . . Goode and Kurkjian try to build a body 
like Lea who earns fifty cents weekly teaching 
Hoke about "the birds and the bees." . . . Hulick 
dreams about a first round K.O. over Clay. Fur- 
man is triumphant . . . Hoar ponders the flaming 
bush . . . Stretch uses himself as a high jump 

Lare is trying to organize a tropical fish foot- 
ball team . . . North finds all harmonious . . . 
Rendell hides Thigpen's GTO in his shoe . . . 

Sappenfield has "get-togethers" . . . Robertson — 
the Levitown . . . White considers entering the 
"black bomb" at Daytona . . . Mann and Marshall 
bite the marital dust . . . Renfro wins the Dodge 
Rebellion girl with the winning smile . . . Cox 
inherits the "booby prize" . . . Lagos is socially 
adequate, to say the least. Blosse is blase about 
his athletic prowess . . . Winters is joyful . . . 
Sugar Bear Ackerman blinds you with his shorts 
. . . Stewart stews at intramural football games 
. . . McMahon dreams of an Academy Award 
playing opposite Rhea Carle. 

A new song about pansies, new pledges, new 
ideas, —that's Theta Chi!! 




{Sack Row L. to R.: Bonnaffon. Nickell, Fanning, Johnson, Mote, Gouge, Barker. 
Front Row L. to R.: Ennis. Pusey. Nanfelt. Wagoner, Farkas. Pearson, Eastlack. 








Noel Rendell 

Jneia Q>ni 

William Lea 
Vice President 


Stanley North 

Allen Thorburn 

John Bloom 

David Ackerman 

Raymond Blosse 


Craig Furman 

Spencer Brown 

Gregory Chase 

Clifford N. Cox 

Ralph Goode 

Ralph Hoar 

Michael Hoke Jeffrey Hulick Thomas Kiley 

William Lagos 



Charles Kurkjian 


Kent Ripley 

George Lare Richard Lewin Gary McMahon Harold Renfro 

Robert Robertson Thomas Sharp 

William Stewart Frankie Thigpen 


William White John Winters 

Alpha Gams sing in the Freshman Talent Show. 

The Greeks are an active part of everything that goes 
on at UPC. They are good leaders, active workers, and 
faithful followers. 

Rush, pledges, parties, Greek Week, sisterhood, and 
brotherhood are all a part of their activities. 

Some contributions include helping the Blood Mobile, 
adopting foreign children, and helping with the VISTA 

^JreeAs J arh'cipa/e 

Phi Mu Robin Woodhams displays talent. 

Delta Sigs are known for their vocal talent. 

/.etas rejoice after winning the speedball cham- 

Alpha Gams and KD's entertain during Fresh- 
man Orientation. 

APO boys give excellent drum performance 


in O/uc/en/ //c//o///es. 

The Greeks did an outstanding )••}• during Orientation. 


A/pfia lamina Delta 

". . . and it began with a true lasting friend- 
ship and the love in an Alpha Gam's heart." 
Gamma Eta chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta fra- 
ternity has pursued many activities which have 
brought our chapter closer together. Enthusiasm 
and interest was shown by all. We have "adopted" 
a young boy in India and contributed to our 
altruistic project. Our President, Ann, attended 
the Alpha Gamma Delta International Conven- 
tion in the summer. It has been a tremendous 
year for us — win or lose, we always have fun. 

Memories . . . Dina and her "Little man" from 
Carolina . . . such dedication — Lorraine played 
speedball with 104 temperature . . . Wanda and 
her 28 children . . . Betty finally got the hang of 

college . . . 

Greg hardly saw his pin before Ann was wear- 
ing it . . . the week Allison looked like Little 
Lulu . . . Kiger and Tamara sporting diamonds 
. . . eleven Alpha Gams in Cathy's Cadillac . . . 
Fernda and her traveling salesman . . . Fruit- 
door and Emilie baking cakes . . . Abbott is in 
a daze . . . Gotch and Newman share, but isn't 
this taking it a bit too far, Mike? 

Patsy's weekend trip to Fla. . . . Our pledges 
sat on a sheet of paper, their feet wouldn't touch 
the floor. The bull sessions after lock-up on Sat- 
urday nights were great. All the wonderful times 
we shared make Alpha Gamma Delta a true sister- 

Another candlelight, Ann ? 

Alpha Gam, the best we agree . . . ! 

AfA J J /eJ 9 es 

I., to K.: Robinson, Winchester, Poston, Sturm, Tyler, Berryman, Zellmer Bower 
Humphries, Sturm, Moore and Henesy. 


J am ma C ta 

O t 

Ann Scott 

Alpha ^Jamma Oe/la 


Jean Anderson 

Cassandra Ritchie 
Vire President 

Kitty Chappell Catherine Cline 


Patricia Coffey 

X • 

Lynda Corn 


Sharon Harsh barker Katherine L. Hayden Gail Hetherington Sharon D. Jackson 




Sue E. Knam Mary Jane Majrruder Barbara Mize 

Patsy Nance 


Emilie Pickett 

Barbara Poole Sylvia Pratt 

Betty Rogers 

Dina Steed 

Lynne Swink 

Bobbie Taylor 

Nancy Taylor 

Allison Gle 

Wanda Joyce 

Diane Niland 

n f 


Debra Bolton 

* * a 


Judy KievninK 


Carol Scheuffle Donna^Shelly 



Tamara Reams 


Marizell Austin 

Donna Ooettsche Gail C. Grabovetz 


a ^ 

Susan Kiifer 

Kathy Newman Joan Peterson 

Patricia A. Smith 


Diane Williams Penny Williamson Vicki Wilson 

Back Row L. to R.: McEwan, Keller, Isaacs, Rehberg, Kait, Wilson, Harwick, Bliven. 
Front Row L. to R.: Smith, Beam, Neiman. Czarny, Bratt, Sadler. 






Another wonderful year gone by and we wish 
a fond farewell to our sisters who are leaving us. 
So many memories from third Yadkin. Rush ex- 
citement, "What's the poop!", an elevator full of 
girls, the "choir" on key, and the unsurpassed 
15 _ We did it again ! . . . 

Hey, Buffy, where's the place? . . . Hoppy's 
hearty laugh . . . Intramurals — going down 
feeling great; coming back, bruised and pooped 
. . . Bridge games . . . hunting dates — the pledge 

dance . . . Anybody for a ring this month? . . . 
The hen party at the cabin . . . Delaine's New 
Year's Eve . . . Homecoming honors . . . Our 
white dresses . . . And what did you do for a 
month? . . . Island vacations ... A never for- 
gotten White Rose . . . See you at OD! 

Laughter, tears, understanding, a helping 
hand, a loving hand: these are a part of the 
beauty of our true sisterhood — Kappa Delta 

Sisters and pledges enjoy a KD party. 

Sisters model their new dresses. 


Sherry Snow 


a mm a ^Jamma 







Limla Hopkins 
Vice President 

Diana Ferran 

Clayton Cleaves 

Anne Greco 

Carol Issac-s 


Lee Cheney 

Elinor Brading Jackie Brendle 


Cathie Cruit 


Betsy Hairfield 

Kay Jackson 

Julie DeGooyer 


Dianne Holt 

Aileen Howe 


Delaine Jurnev 


Kathy Rogers 

Jane Gardner 

Nancy Hunter 

Mary Lvnn McDade 


Buffv Rounds 

Blaine Seigle 

Jeanne Vanneman 

Su :anne Wells 

Helen Wilson 

Phi Mil's play "patty-take" in 
dorm for relaxation. 


Sharon Letherbury presides over 
Phi Mu banquet. 

A week-end off campus results in fun and 

OM / J /ec/yes 

Standing L. to K.: Seymour, Outland, Hoffman. Lancashire, Brooks, Sherwood, Nevitt, 
Baker. Scotten, Blaikshire. Xash, Pierce, Meyer, Lohse. Front L. to R.: Richardson, 
MeCall, Crumpton, Covington, Henderson. Caputo, Steele, Jolly, Woodhams. 

°Ai Mu 

Another year for dear old Phi Mu . . . Our 
Pres. Sharon cracked the whip while Claudia 
guarded our "overflowing" money box. Another 
sleepless night in lab. Guinov? Maggie went Big 
Time on diamond . . . Angie survived rush . . . 
Barb, Ellen, and JL> rode the goat. Who' Carolyn? 
All we know is Juma! Tillie builds a hacienda 
with Mario while Lellen waits to join the Navy 
. . . Betty Pat will graduate and her horse, too 
. . . Hey Jeannie, we love name "Swampy" 
Marsh! Dim flushed away her lavalier . . . Sandy 
yot out of the hospital. Has your hair grown 
out, Teague? Don't burn me at the stake, Kitty 

. . . Our Wise Owl Lynn studied hard as Vickey 
cut out every week . . . Maggie's enjoying married 
life, but Cathy and Shirley pined all year for 
their men ... Is his name really Tucker, Marcy? 
Judy gave blood, tears, and teeth for Vietnam 
. . . Fran supports R. J. Reynolds. Life is one 
big hard job, Claud . . . We love Cheryl's yellow 
shoes! Britt packed up every weekend . . . 
Stepped in what, Julie? Emma Tush— tuckie 
tuckie! The Black Death awaits C.K. in Md. . . . 
Frankie and Phyllis finish the basement crew. 
This is life in Phi Mu. 


Sharon Letherbury 

Tillie Clark 

Claudia Babb 


-Jam ma /Let a 

D & JItu 

Carolyn Britt 

Lynn Edmonds Shirley Hemphill Susan Hood 


Claudia Payne 

Kitty Kindred 

Sandy Kyles Emma Lou Landes Mary Dim LaSalla Ellen Law 


Laura Lenz Maggie Nance Barbara O'Connor 

W f\ 




Kathy Miller 
Vice President 

Janet Daniel 

Gerry Howard Cheryl Johns Cheryl Kendle 

Maggie Leary 

Judy Parker Frankie Peace Marcia Rainer 


Fran Schell Angie Smith Phyllis Sturdivant 

Sylvia Teague Betty Pat Thomas Juli>- Turner 


jL e/a Jau /i/p/ia 

Zeta memories — what could be better? Remem- 
ber fall rush ... the 100th Link Ball . . . beach 
trips and informal get-togethers. 

Color the Zetas wedding white! Judy and 
Carol got their man . . . Little Willie's wedding 
. . . Myra receives red roses from Fla. . . . Pat's 
collect calls from P.C. . . . Candy's calls from 

Rita, the Great Pumpkin is watching you . . . 
Betty ironing? . . . Pranky Pamn and her tricks 
. . . Carolina games. 

Color Zetas athletic! Winners of the speed- 
ball championship . . . Perry plows the ground 
. . . "Busbud" kick that ball! 

Color Zetas intelligent. Jan hands over junior 
marshal honor to Donna . . . Sue and Linda 
in Honors Program. 

Color the Zetas happy ! Jean's weekends at 
Carolina . . . Dorm Pres. Linda looking for 
prowlers . . . Ellen and her Delta Sig . . . Rosie 
and her marks . . . Sara and her seminar . . . 
Carol answering questions in class. 

Zetas at High Point during 1966-67 experi- 
enced a wonderful year. Scrapbooks are full of 
lasting mementos, and intangible thoughts that 
are stored away to use again when one Zeta 
meets another. 

Pamn Klinedinst experiences the plight of a 
ZTA pledge. 

**-- A 

H T 

Zetas — one and all. 

That's the look of a Zeta champ. 

ZTA 7Ye<fyes 

L. I.. !•'..: Lefler, Carter, Stephenson. Elliott. Klinedinst. Howard. Barlow, Bowden. 


Delia Jamma 


Ze/a 7a a A/p/n 

Martha Harrington 



Janet Stayer 

Myra Bailey 



Pat Cowden 

Lynn Donnington 

Sue Fischer 

Linda Perry 
Vice President 



Donna Ebert 

Scottie Cochrane 

Sara Hester 

Rosemary Kennedy 

Jean Losten 

Ann Mackie 

Lois Mainwaring Candace Sarmuk 


Linda Sessums 

Joan Warren 

Ellen White- 

Jane Wooldridjre 

Jan Young 

' ; 




















^A , Jak 'u.. V 



*TV»^ Ufc ----- 












The SGA is a guiding body composed of all 
phases of student life. There are different per- 
sonalities and varying opinions, but all have a 
common goal of a better student community. A 
chance to lead, a chance to serve, a chance to 
work with the administration and plan for the 
future characterize the SGA leaders. 

In 1967 the officers have worked diligently 
with the students. The satisfaction of a corpo- 
rate success and the contrasting despondency 
of a failure make this a body dedicated to the 
students of High Point College. 

Ka!ph Hoar, Vice-President 

Tom Dignan- President 

* v 

( 'assandra Kit hie. Seeretai v 

David Pulliam, Treasurer 


I., to R.: First Row: Applegate. Taylor. Smith. Martin, 
Pulliam. Second Row: Hamilton, Hood. Ramsey. Patter- 
son. Third Row: Neiman, Jackson, Peterson, Axtell, 

I. u m Fourth Row : 
Spiridopoulos, Currie. 

Robertson, Stev art, Can!!. lie!]. 

Student Legislature 

Student Legislature is made up of student 
representatives to comprise a cress section of 
the community. This is the group that express- 
es decisions through written legislate n. These 
representatives concern themselves with all 
activities of student life and government, serve 
on committees for college improvements, for 
publicity, for poling student opinion, for en- 

tertainment, and for recreation. Legislature 
students hope to stir the interest of other 
students in their own affairs as it faces apathy 
and concern. The legislative process is one 
that involves argument, agreement, revision. 
communications with others, setbacks, and 
gains . . . the heart of the student organiza- 

L. to R.: Robert Myers, Speaker Pro Tern. Kent Ripley. Speaker, Sylvia I'ratt. Secretary. 

L. to R.: Scheuffle, Dorsey, Quinn, Applegate, Mclnnis, Green, Osborne, Holland. 

Judiciary Counci 

The Judiciary Council of High Point College 
has the important responsibility and duty of 
trying all cases involving any infractions of 
the laws of the Student Government Associa- 
tion and the College. 

As the highest judicial body on the campus, 
the Council follows the principles of law and 
procedure that are the American heritage. All 
persons accused of offenses are assumed inno- 
cent until they are proven guilty, and the bur- 
den of proof falls upon the prosecution. 

Thus, our Judiciary Council insures the 
rights of the individual in the High Point Col- 
lege society. 

Bill Mclnnis, Chief Justice 




Housemothers: Mrs. McMeekin-Kerr, J. Ed Millis 
Dorm; Mrs. Hazel Lonjr, McCulloch Hall. 

Kddie Patterson, President 

The Men's Dormitory Council is the 
governing body of McCulloch and Millis 
dormitories. The Council consists of a 
president, vice-president, secretary-treas- 
urer, head proctor, and two house mana- 

It governs and guides with the aid of 
Mrs. McMeekin-Kerr and Mrs. Long, re- 
sident counselors who serve in an advis- 
ory capacity. 

Rules and regulations are formulated 
at the beginning of each school year by 
the Dormitory Council and are enforced 
basically by means of the demerit sys- 

L. to R.: Patterson, Ackerman, GrapK. Mason, Allison, Sevier. 


"Who needs toilet paper?' 

Our dynamic duo! 

The hot water rush! 

■\V!.at did we do now, Linda?" 




•* />* 


"Now girls 

"This is ridiculous. 

Women's Dormitory Council 

L. to R.: Linda Hopkins. Sally Heed. Scottie Cochrane, Ann 
Neese, Claudia Payne. Laura Lent:. Kathy Hayden, Julie Turner. 

Standing: Laura Coltiano. Betty Jo Hall. Barbara Peterson, 

Sarali Green, Alice Thompson, 

The Women's Dormitory Council has many responsi- 
bilities and rules to abide by. Members often wait up 
for 1 :00 A.M. dates and special permissions. 

Moments of despair and decision appear on Monday 
nights during Council meetings. Complaints often heard 
are: No hot water. Where is the toilet paper?, Why no 
phones?, and let's keep the noise down to a dull roar. 

A dreaded consequence is twenty-six demerits. Oops 
— a maid shortage — Pearl quit! Mr. Dalbey, more 
new mattresses, curtains, and rugs. 

Health inspection is a great threat. Blinds must be 
dusted, and bed springs must be cleaned! 

Duties such as checking freshmen during closed 
study and insuring the use of sign-out cards is time- 
consuming for Council members. 

Members are constantly beseiged with questions con- 
cerning college regulations. The Women's Dorm Council 
keeps the girls on the straight and narrow path. 

I.indi IVrr.i. I'm 

Editorial Staff: Jane Wooldridije. Ralph Hoar, Bill Mclnnis. 

I)a\id Dorsey, Advertising Manager; Barbara Barnes, Typist. 

A finished paper is a great source of pride. It is 
a time-consuming job. Deadlines are the worst 
things in the world. A job well done makes the 
effort and work worthwhile. 

News Editor, Willie Shaw; Judy Harlow, Copy Editor. 

Rob Owens, Spoils Editor, 

Francis Garris, Cartoonist. 




Vol. 40, No. 7 

Loan Rate 

Lecture Hall 

High Point College, High Point, N. C. 

October 21, 1966 


Jim Sloan. Editor-in-Chief 

The Hi-Po, our campus newspaper, is "The voice 
of the students" in every way. The editor this 
year, Jim Sloan, has done an outstanding job. 

The paper began the year with a new face-lift. 
The type and layout was completely rearranged. 

Jane Wooldridee. Assoc. Editor 

For the first time. The Hi-Po became a weekly 
newspaper. The students have shared in and taken 
great pride in this year's The Hi-Po. 

Ralph and his "Potpourri" really got some varied 
reactions. Bob did an outstanding job with sports. 

Larry Kendrick 
Business Manager 

David Dorsey 

Advertising Manager 

Mr. Ira L. Baker 


Andy Craig, Photographer 

Business Staff: Seated — Sharon Sherwood, Ass't Manager, L. 
to If.: Signion, Stirling. Tucker. Rnirich. Not Pictured: Rayle, 
Barnes, Hanna, McCallum. 

Class Staff: Seated — Detra Blackburn, Ass't Editor, L. 
to R.: Duncan. Art Staff: Harshbarger, Seigler, Luff. 

Representatives at C.S.P.A. in New York 

Greek Staff: Brading, Greenwood, Greco. Typing Staff: 
Stephenson. Not Pictured: Chambers, Ass't Editor, Donning- 
ton, Johns, Bradford, Decker. 

Copy Staff: Seated— Susan Griffin, Ass't Edi- 
tor. I.. In |{.; Mellette, Pillsburv. Not Pictured: 

Schell, Parker, Derles. 

Lay-out Staff: L. to R.: Ellis. Sharon Leatherbury, Ass't Edi- 
tor, Horigan, Franz. Not Pictured: Faulkner. 


J 9 % 

V V 

Barbara McDiarmid, Editor-in-Chief 

Wayne Eddinger, Associate Editor 

♦ ♦ «• • - 

Raymond Baity, Business Manager 

Donald Saunders, Advertising Manager 

Dr. S. J. Underwood, Adviser 

Student Advisers — Ella Stout, Nancy Tabor 

Zenith Staff 

EDITORS L. to R.: Whitt— Greek, Simone— Lay-out, Clark 
—Feature, Davis— Class, Martin— Typing, Smith— Art, and 
Kyles — Copy. 

The ZENITH Staff has the task of creating a 
yearbook which will be an asset to the College. Un- 
usual events occur each day. There is never a dull 

A broken camera, unknown faces, a disappearing 
photographer, no transportation to the camera shop, 
and deadlines are basic problems from which we 
can't escape. 

The 1967 ZENITH Staff has worked to make this 
yearbook a remembrance that will be treasured in 
years to come. The year has been one of growth and 
prosperity. We tried to tell the story of High Point 

Putting out a yearbook is hard work, tried pa- 
tience, black circles under the eyes, failed exams, 
and total exhaustion. We think that the finished 
product is worth the trouble, and hope that the stu- 
dents do too. 


The staff at work. 

Dr. C. E. Mounts, Adviser 

Art Staff: Frances Garris and Ann Mackie 

Andy Craig, Photographer 

Apogee is the High Point College literary 
magazine. This is a magazine composed of 
student contributions. 

Students submit poems, short stories, art 
work, and book reviews. A prize is given to 
the best one in these categories. 

This staff sees the need to encourage think- 
ing and creative writing from the students. 
Its main objective is to find these latent 
talents and show them to the world. 

Barbara Walker. Reading Comm. Chairman 


1 967 Apogee Staff 

Kaye Benfiekl. Editor-in-Chief 

Douglas Kerr, Associate Kditor 

Val Zumbro. Business Manager 

Kiln Stent. Manau'ini; Kditur 


Tower Players 

Julie Turner, President, has a variety of talent. 

The Tower Players are members of the stu- 
dent body who enjoy many phases of dramatic 
production. Building- sets, rehearsing, lines, de- 
signing costumes, and selling tickets consume 
much time. 

The real satisfaction comes when the final 
curtain falls, and the members know that they 
have been a success. 

This year's play, "J.B.'* was a tremendous suc- 
cess. With the help of Robert Milli the cast gave 
a tremendous performance. 

The musical presented second semester was 
also outstanding. 

Under the direction of Mr. Don Drapeau, the 
Tower Players worked diligently to present this 
entertainment to the students, faculty, and 

Robert Milli was the first guest artist that 
High Point College has had. He worked with 
the largest cast in the history of the Tower 


Robert Milli 




Mr. Robert Milli rehearses with the Tower Players. 

The Players display very good talent. 

Acts in "J.B." 

Ralph Hoar (God) views the disaster on earth as Milli watches from the side. 





1 ^ 

1 ■ 

B\ i ■* 



, \> ( 

p**t \ 



High Point 

Audience stands for Hallelujah Chorus. 

Last minute preparations for one of many perfect performances. 

: M& 

The choir entertains the public during graduation. 


Mrs. Frames |{oddin«. Director 

Mrs. Patsy May. Pianist 

College Concert Choir 

The High Point College Concert Choir is com- 
posed of interested music and non-music majors. 
Hard work and good times have made this organi- 
zation memorable for all. 

The Choir has done a great deal of hard work 
preparing for the college assembly programs, vari- 
ous church services, the Christmas Concert, and the 
choir tour. 

The director, Mrs. Redding, has done wonders 
during her first year as the director. The Choir 
is a source of entertainment and pleasure for the 
students and the faculty. 

The Choir believes that it has enriched the lives 
of all with whom it has come in contact. The mem- 
bers themselves have received the greatest benefits 
— the joys of working together in a common bond 
toward basic goals. 

Last minute 

preparations before graduation. 


Musical Arts Club 

The Musical Arts Club is 
composed of music majors and 
music minors. Many things 
keep the members busy. 
There are recitals, ushering 
for Fine Arts Department 
presentations, and receptions. 

With all this experience and 
enjoyment there is an appre- 
ciation of and interest in mu- 
sic as a vital component in 
our lives. 

Standing L. to R.: Bond, King, Sale, Lewis, Harshberger, Woolhams, Leary, Bristow, 
Morgan. Seated I,, to K.: Bigham, Rayle, Wagner, May. Not Pictured: Redding. 

High Point College Band 

The College Band spends many hours 
practicing in order to provide entertainment 
for the college students. This year has been 
a highly successful one for our band. 

The Rand is composed of students who en- 
joy and appreciate music. It is directed by 
Mr. Robert Clark. 



The band works hard preparing for concerts. 

L. to R.: Lynn Simone, Margaret Kirkman, and Vir- 
ginia Reed practice together. 




David Dorsey 

A/pna J J ni Omega 

Wayne Ervin 

Willie Harris 



Tony Hill 

c ' ■"• 


David Gilbert 

Itob Hamilton 

John Locklair 


Phillip Mabe 

Doug Thayer 

Richard Waldcn 


Richard Danburg 

7/ 7>0 y^4^ 

L. to R.: Farmer. Ensor, Holder. Austin, Carr, Cooley. Gold. Brown. Callaway. 


Carol Huff greets the sisters at the 
initiation reception. 

Singing is a bin part of the fun at 

French toast on Sunday morning!! 
another treat at Millhrook. 

Sisters united in work and play, this is Alpha 
Delta Theta, a service sorority. Surprising little 
sisters, forming teams for intramurals, working 
with VISTA in a tutoring program — all of these 
characterize Alpha Delta Theta. 

The Fall retreat at Millbrook was great. Feast- 
ing on spaghetti and singing with the player piano 
was enjoyed by everyone. 

Throughout the year the sisters and pledges 
work hard on many projects. At Christmas there 

is the gay making of gifts. For the Presbyterian 
Home a special Easter program is presented. 

Fooling Heart Sisters in February is loads of 
fun. In addition there is annual fun and picnick- 
ing at City Lake. 

All this and more are to be found within Alpha 
Delta Theta. The holding of devotions in Lindley 
Chapel is of great significance for we try to live 
our motto — Sisters in the Service of God. 

J J !ecfy 



^ ^VVIV^ 

Seated. I., to K.: .liar. Hanna, Lorraine Scronce, Genie Thomas, 
Judy Ellis, Barbara McDiarmid. Sandy Doggett. Sue Ellen Van 
Guilder. Betty Logan. Donna Hutchinson. Standing, L. to R.: 
Detra Blackburn, Leslie Elmore. Linda Sykes, Sherry Franz, 

Sherry Shaffer, Gloria Faucette, Barbara Griffin, Margaret 
Kirkman. Pat Cash, Janet Seigler. Ann Luff, Joyce Shipley, 
Barbara Barnes, Angela Miller. Jane Phillips, Linda Honeycutt, 
Robyn Decker, Dianne Davis, Judv Davis. 


Joyce Van Hook 



Billie Allen 

Mary Grissom 

Catherine Poindexter 

Alice Thompson 



Carol Huff 
Vice President 

Betty Sanderford 


Cftfp£a Delia Jlieta 

Saiah ( ii e«tl 

Martha Had ley 

Sharon Sherwood 


Susan Griffin 

Linda Huff 

Ruth Ann Sides 

Betty Jo Vaughn 

Barbara Walker 


Doria Whin 

Janet Mas ten 


Laura Coltrar 

Fuchsia Lackey 

Judy Stutta 

J ■ Wright 

L. to R.: White, Lea, McKay, Vice-President, Dick Lewin, President, Mr. Netts, Ad- 
visor. Standing: Coleman, Worthy, Vann. 

Inter-Fraternity Council 1 966-67 

Inter-Fraternity Council is the governing 
body for the four Greek letter social fraterni- 
ties. This year the I.F.C. has made giant steps 
toward increasing its influence on campus and 
within the community. Operating under a new 
Constitution the I.F.C. is now able to function 
in new and varied situations. 

With emphasis placed on cooperation the 
I.F.C. coordinates fraternal functions for the 
Greeks such as the I.F.C. Scholarship award. 

rush, co-recreation night, and a trophy to the 
outstanding faternity man. 

Greek Week is an exciting event for the High 
Point College campus. Each fraternity partici- 
pates actively in the events of this week. 

One of the main objectives of Inter-Fraternity 
Council is to facilitate the mutual exchange of 
ideas which help to promote and strengthen the 
Greek system on our campus. 

"I hate posing: for Pictures!' 

Dick Lewin, President 


J I 1, ! * ' 

Miss Elizabeth Cole. Adviser, Miss Diane Holt. President 

The Panhellenic Council is an 
organization established to foster 
interfraternity relationships, to 
assist collegiate chapters of the 
National Panhellenic Conference 
member groups, and to cooperate 
with the colleges and universities 
in maintaining the highest scho- 
lastic and social standards. With 
this in mind, the four National 
Panhellenic sororities on the High 
Point College Campus strive to 
create a greater Panhellenic spirit. 

The Council coordinates in all 
the Rush activities. The members 
meet in the Panhellenic House 
which is supported by the differ- 
ent sororities. 

The members serve as a means 
of communication between the 
College, the sororities, and them- 
selves. By working together, they 
I'osicr sisterhood between the four 
sororities which are: Alpha Gam- 
ma Delta, Kappa Delta. Phi Mu. 
and Zeta Tan Alpha. 

Panhellenic Council 

1 to R • Standing: Ann Scott. Miss Cole. Claudia Babb, Martha Harrington. Seated: 
Lee Cheney. Sharon Leatherbury, Diane Holt. Myra Bailey, Sherry Snow, 

Methodist Student Fellowship 

L. to R.: Front Row; Alice Thompson, Doris Whitt, Judy Davis, Mary Grissoni. Back 
Row: Larry Adams, Jim Elkins, Kitty Kindred. David Tuxhorn. 

The major purpose of the Methodist Student 
Fellowship is to instill a stronger Christian 
faith through meetings with fellow students. 
The group meets on Friday nights to look 
objectively at their beliefs and to attempt to 
formulate an intelligent faith. 

Among the activities are worship in Lindley 
Chapel, group singing, and a service project. 
Twice a year students participate in retreats at 
Camp Chestnut Ridge, meeting with learning 
from students on a state-wide basis. This year 
our MSF aided in hosting the Methodist Student 
Movement held in High Point. 

All the criterion for these endeavors is the 
life and teachings of Jesus Christ as found in 
the BIBLE. 

Kitty Kindred. President 


Student Christian Association 

L. to K.: Hob Hamilton, President, Claudia Payne, Vice-President, Susan Griffin, Sec- 
retary, Doris Whitt, Publicity Chairman, Martha Hadley. Job Opportunty Chairman, 
David Tuxhorn, Treasurer. 

The Student Christian Association seeks to 
show the love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ, 
in order to build a more vital Christian fellowship 
among students and to coordinate effectively 
the activities of religious organizations on cam- 
pus. The SCA attempts to make the student 
body aware of the importance of religion in their 

lives both during their college years and in the 
future. The SCA fulfills its purpose with the 
Orientation worship service, Finch Lectures, and 
Religion in Life Week. 


I ' 4 ■ 

BPr E 

^^^^^L ■■ 

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VL «*•*•- 

L. to R.: Seated: Masten, Griffin. Whitt, Hadley, Cheek, 
Thompson. Standine: Hall, Kindred. Payne, Williams, Tux- 
horn, Hamilton. Ervin, Adams. Miller. Van Hook. Lackey. 

Bob Hamilton, President 

L. to R.: Laurie Abbott, Ray Alderson, Mansell Bridwell, Frank LaGrantre. Joyce 
Wriirht, Jan YanAnda, Delores McDonald, Billie Allen. Sue (luck, Marizell Austin, 
Linda Corn. 

Baptist Student Union 

The Baptist Student Union is composed 
of Baptist students on campus. The officers 
are Sue Cheek. President: Billie Allen, Vice 
President; Marizell Austin, Secretary; and 
Linda Corn, Treasurer. The advisor is Dr. 
Owen M. Weatherly. 

The purpose of the Union is to combine 
faith and learning and to help the student 
become involved in experiences of the Chris- 
tian community everywhere. It helps the 
student become aware of the understanding 
the "Love Impels Sacrifice Toward Every 

The Union meets in Lindley Chapel. Many 
attend the state conferences and make new 

The group tries to accomplish definite 
goals through fellowship and service. 

L. i» R.: Sue Cheek. President; and Billie Allen. Vice President. 


Standing: Mary Grissom, Secretary, Wayne Ervin, President. Sue Cheek. Vice-Presi- 
dent. Seated. I., to R.: Larry Adams. Mary Jo Hall. Barbara McDiarmid, Fuchia Lackey, 

Sharon Sherwood. .Inn Klkins. 


The Fellowship Teams are a group who devote themselves to helping 
the "younger set" at various churches. The travel, preparing, performing, 
pursuing, enlightenment, entertainment, and enjoyment produce a deep 
satisfaction from seeing the results of helping these young people. 

L. to R.: Seated: Lopan, Letter. Gaither. Hull. Honey- 
eutt. Crumpton. First Row: Griffin, Scronce, rhomas, 
Huff, Blackburn. Whitt, Doggett, Hutchinson. Second 

Row: Shipley. Proehl. Elisor. Boyd. Miller, dates, 
Farmer. Decker. 

Student National 
Education Association 

SXEA provides an opportunity to develop 
an understanding of the teaching profession 
through participation in the work of the local, 
state, and national education associations. 

The purpose is to interest young men and 
women in education as a life-long career and 
to gain practical experience in working to- 
gether on problems of the profession and of 

SNEA at High Point College is one of the 
largest organizations on campus. The mem- 
bers enjoy interesting programs. 

A highlight this year was having Dr. Lois 
Eddinger to present the Assembly program 
one morning. She presented interesting in- 

Betty Jo Vaughn, President 

L. to R.: Front Row: Hall, Sides, Vaughn. Edmonds, 
Stutts. Welborn. Wright. Second Row: Abbott, Austin. 
Mainwaring, Benfield. Finks. Holeombe, Carle. Green, 
Parker, Poindexter. Third Row: Steed. Thompson. Mel- 

W,ll T aU £ D Colt '- ane - Van Anda, Auman, Griffin, 

X, In, l" U « R n V: J St ?! lt - Stor - v " A1,en - Suhadolc. Ren- 
egai. Back Row: Reed, Daniels, Sturdivant, Peace. Carl- 


L. to R.: Jim Sloan, Phyllis Sturdivant, Laurie Abbott, Marizell Austin, David Gilbert. 
Ralph Hoar, Barbara McDiarmid. 

English Club 

The English Club is composed of members inter- 
ested in the vast literary world of the Twentieth 
Century. At the meetings, the discussions about 
modern-day poetry help to attain a sense of appre- 
ciation for literary genius. 

This is not a club in the ordinary sense of the 
word. It is a meeting of emotions, humors, minds, 
and bodies. The challenge is for a better under- 
standing of literary works. 

The members eat together in the private dining 
room and have their meeting afterwards. Listening 
to outstanding guest speakers tell the many facets 
of learned men improve the intellect and desire for 

Jim Sloan, President 


Forensic League 

The Forensic League receives welcome and the red carpet treatment at Princeton 

This year the Forensic League concentrated on de- 
bate for the fall semester. The debaters began with 
the novice tournament at Wake Forest, and a trip to 
Boone for the Appalachian' State College tournament. 
To climax the semester, five members were taken to 
Princeton University for debating and extemporaneous 
speaking. Spring semester brought the 35th annual 
South Atlantic Forensic Tournament in March and sev- 
eral other Forensic events. 

L. to R.: Miss Cole. Advisor. Anftie Smith. President 

Hours of work and preparation for a debate. 

The American Humanics Foundation 
exists to provide specialized college-level 
training for careers in youth agency 
administration. It provides so that a 
leadership major can help in society's 
tremendous and growing need for effec- 
tive youth agency leaders. 

The Foundation endorses the Human 
Relations Department, providing a cur- 
riculum in Humanics (the science of 
human leadership), stressing liberal arts 
plus professional preparation, leading to 
a B.S. degree. 

The Curriculum is enriched by a re- 
quired pattern of workshops, field trips, 
an annual retreat, and seminars in order 
to correlate theory with reality. This 
provides professional contact for the 
student prior to graduation. 

L. to R.: Cornet, LaGrange. F. Matthews, Austin. Standing: Bridwell, 
Bowden, Lord, Coston. Davis, Stillwell, Mr, Moody, advisor. Not pictured: 

Egan, Alderson, Teague. 

Humanics Student Association 

The Foundation also provides a Resident Ad- 
ministrator for the department plus any others 
needed for the functioning of the Human Rela- 
tion Department. An excellent library is avail- 
able to students. 

c ^y 

Students enjoy the second annual Humanics Campus Day. 

President Jay Cornet works with Mansell Bridwell pie- 
paring refreshments. 

• " 

Physical Education Majors Club 

The Physical Education Majors Club strives to 
promote a professional interest in the field of 
Physical Education. Members are given the oppor- 
tunity to broaden their scope and understanding of 
the profession. 

New members are introduced to the club at the 
annual fall outing. Majors are active in the basket- 
ball ad campaign as well as working behind the 
concession stand during all home games. A new 
innovation this season will be the physical educa- 
tion majors serving as ushers and also hostesses 
for the Panther Club Hospitality Room. 

A highlight of each year for the entire student 
body is Co-Rec night sponsored by the club. 

During the month of April "steak" is the pass- 
word when all majors gather for the spring outing. 

The annual Awards Banquet honoring our varsity 
athletic teams closes out an active and rewarding 
school year. 

Tom Dignan. President 

L. to R.: Whitehead. Skwirut, Austin. Blaneiak, Prince, Steffen. Letherhurv Im ni™«n c\i d :jj tr ,, i, j- 

Hall, Danhurp. Holland. Kennedy. Burns. Clark. Coffey, Cruit and CoacV f'Hai tmaif ' Eckman - Reidda - Kendle - Brading, 

Tuttlo. Dover. Coppley, Chase. Sykes. Howlett, Milner, Feimster. 


Women's Athletic Association 

The Women's Athletic Association, full of fun, 
hardworking girls, has had another wonderful year. 
The planning of the NCARFCW convention was 
hard but pleasurable. Anyone for another one next 
year? Each year brings intramurals with the hope 
that good sportsmanship as well as good winners 
and losers will be the result. Volleyball, basketball, 
tennis, ping pong, speedball, and field hockey are 
all enjoyed. The inter-school programs bring a host 
of tough competitions. Anyone for volleyball at 
Appalachian? ("Hey, Miss Clary, when do we stop 
and eat?") 

New activities are introduced to help bring in 
more of the student body — this year we hope to 
find four good referees for a wild powder puff foot- 
ball game. All in all it has been a wonderful year. 

Miss Clary, advisor, aids Sharon and Tillie with jrvmnastic 

L. to R.: Back Row: Howlett. Cruit, Reidda, Brading. Second Row: Coffey, Clark. 
Letherbury, Kendle, McCall. First Row: Milner, Tuttle. Feimster. Hamrick and Sykes. 




Dr. David W. Cole 

Dean of the College 


Dr. Wendell M. Patton 
President of High Point College 

Mr. Earle 0. Dalbey 
Business Manager 


Mr. F. Lee Edwards 
Dean of Students 

Mr. W. Lauson Allen 
Director of College Relations 

Dr. Harold E. Conrad 
Dean of Academic Planning & Director of the Summer School 


Leads Students 

Mr. N. P. Yarborough 


Mr. Robert E. Phillips 
Director of Admissions 

Reverend James R. Calloway 

Director of Financial Aid 

Miss Anne B. Orren 

Assistant to Director of Student Affairs 

■ : i 

Mr. Wesley W. Gaynor 




Dr. Carl C. Savage 
Director of Information Services 


Dr. C. R. Hinshaw 

Director of Evening School 

Mrs. Dorothy Hays 

Director of Religious Activities 

Dr. Louis B. Pope 

Director of Guidance 

Miss Beverly Deal 

Alumni Executive Secretary 

& Director of Placement 

Giving Guidance, 

Dr. Dennis H. Cooke 
Director of Teacher Education 

Mr. Leslie E. Moody 

Resident Administrator, 
American Humanics Foundation 


Information, And Help. 

L. to R.: Mrs. Frances McMeekin-Kerr, Mrs. Marv Bennett, Mrs. 
Hazel Long, Mrs. Carolyn Miller. 

L. to R.: Mrs. Probert, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Hamilton, Miss 


L. to R.: Miss Dorsett, Secretary to the Bursar. Mrs. Saunders, Secretary 
in the Business Office, Miss Wood, Cashier to the College. 

Mrs. Bobbie Thompson 

Mr. Jack Thompson 
Supt. of Buildings and Grounds 

i 05 

The Staff 
is helpful. 

L. to R.: Mrs. Green, Secretary to the Dean of Students, Mrs. Davis, 
Clerk, Mr. Coble, Assistant Manager, and Mrs. Webb. Manager of the 
Book Store. 

I,, to R.: Mr. Levy, and Mr. W. E. Stone 

L. to R.: Mrs. Gaynor, Bookkeeper, Mrs. Poindexter, Assistant 
Bookkeeper, Mrs. Mays, Secretary to Dr. Conrad and Dr. Hinshaw, 
Mrs. Parks. Mimeograph Office. 


L. to R. : Mrs. Tysinger, Mrs. Price, Secretary to Dean of 
Admissions, Mrs. Spurrier. Secretary to Preside'nt, Mrs. Aus- 
tin. Secretary Dean's Office. Seated: Mrs. Blake. Secretary 
Registrar's Office. 

L. to R.: Mr. L. G. Wright, Mrs. L. G. Wright. Dieticians, 


Biology Department 

The Biology Department has four major 
objectives. It provides introductory courses 
in plant and animal sciences in order to 
fulfill the general requirements of the col- 
lege in science. It provides a sequence of 
courses which lead to a concentration in 
several areas of biological sciences which 
prepare a student for graduate school and 
positions in the fields of research, indus- 
try, and public health. It also provides 
courses which will prepare the students to 
teach biology in high schools. 

The faculty of the department is en- 
couraged to do independent research. Dr. 
Miller has a number of publications dealing 
with research he conducted in Arizona. Dr. 
Lazaruk has several grants from the Pied- 
mont University Center. 

Dr. William Lazaruk- Ph.D. 
Department Head 


v i 

Mrs. Angela Foin, M.S. 

Dr. Dorothy Stewart, Ph.D. 

Students learn by doing. 

Dr. Halsey \V. Miller. Ph.D. 


Nelson Heads Business Department. 

Mr. James L. Nelson, M.S. 
Department Head 

The Department of Business Administration 
and Economics offers three degrees; in Business 
Administration. Economics and Business Educa- 

The curriculum is designed to develop the capa- 
city of students to make sound judgments in 
their eventual role as business executives, and to 
give the students an understanding of economic 
institutions and a knowledge of basic principles 
and analytical tools of economics and business. 

Experience and reason support the view that 
training for a successful career rests upon a 
comprehensive education in the broad area of 
human knowledge. Therefore, students in this 
department follow virtually the same program of 
liberal arts studies in their first two years as do 
the students in other departments. 

The Department of Business Administration 
sponsors jointly, with the Department of Reli- 
gion and Philosophy, the Church Management 
Institute. Faculty members and students in the 
department participate in the Fancourt Memorial 
Seminars and in other workshops and seminars 
throughout the Piedmont area. 

Mr. George Netts, M.B.A. 

Mr. J. Wilson Rogers, M.B.A. 

Mr. Walter B. Thompson, 


Mrs. Gwendolyn S. Watson, 

Mr. Robert G. Leonard, M.S.E. 


Epperson Heads Chemistry. 

The Department of Physical Science has several 
objectives: to provide the opportunity for all students 
to undertake fundamental study in the fields of 
chemistry, geology, and physics; to provide training 
in depth in the methods and principles of physical 
science for those students preparing for further 
study in the fields of medicine, dentistry, medical 
technology, and related fields; to provide a broad 
appreciation of these fields for those students plan- 
ning to teach ; to provide a depth and bredth of 
training in chemistry so that a student can think 
analytically and by logical reasoning formulate a plan 
of attack for the solution of an academic, research, 
or industrial problem. 

In addition to the formal lecture and laboratory 
training prescribed by the curricular offerings, 
"trickle-down" of research findings and methods are 
presented throughout the undergraduate work so 
that an appreciation of the limitations and frontiers 
of science may be obtained. Our most important 
objective is to achieve a continuing dialogue between 
student and faculty with the ultimate goal of mutual 
expansion of knowledge. 

Dr. E. 0. Cummings, Ph.D. 

Dr. E. Roy Epperson, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Dr. Christopher L. Wilson, Ph.D. 


Education Stresses "Blocks." 

The purposes of the Education Department are: to coordi- 
nate the education of all teachers and to provide the necessary 
professional education courses and experiences; to provide a 
major in elementary education ; and to contribute to the over-all 
general education objectives of the College. 

Beginning with the 1960-61 school year, the College was 
given full national accreditation by the National Council for 
the Accreditation of Teacher Education for the education of 
elementary and secondary teachers. 

In May, 1965. a chapter of the National Honor Society in 
Education — Kappa Delta Pi — was installed by the national 

On December 2. 1965. the College was notified of its ap- 
proval by the North Carolina State Board of Education of the 
College's new approved-program approach in teacher education. 

Five faculty members teach in the Department, one of whom. 
Mrs. Nancy Shelton, was added this year. All others have been 
members of the Department for some time. 

Dr. Dennis H. Cooke. Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Dr. H. H. Peterson. D.Ed. 

Mrs. Nancy W. Shelton. M.Ed. 

Miss Kuth Wurlhinirton. Ed.S. 

Dr. James A. Thacker. Ph.D. 

I 10 

English Department Has New Courses. 



Mrs. Emily Sullivan, M.A. 

Dr. C. E. Mounts. Ph.D. 

Mrs. Shirley Kan-ley, M.A. 

Mr. Ira L. Baker. M.S. 

Mrs. Lucille Godwin, A.M. 

Dr. Sam J. Underwood, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Mr. William K. Phillips. A.M. 

The English Department has made 
several changes this year. Introduction 
to Literary Genre. Survey of Western 
Literature, and a one-semester course 
for A.B.T. candidacies in English Liter- 
ature were introduced. 

The department encouraged one out- 
standing student to study in England at 
the University of Manchester. 

For the first time, the English De- 
partment is working directly with the 
Education Department in training Eng- 
lish teachers. 

We worked to get a writer in residence 
to teach creative writing second semes- 
ter. Mr. Baker establishes an honorary 
Journalism Fraternity. 

Dr. Underwood went to England to do 
research in the British Museum. 

Dr. Lew J. Lewis, Ed.D. 
Department Head 

Fine Arts Department 

The Fine Arts Department develops perform- 
ers, artists and teachers as a primary function, 
but a very important obligation is its sponsor- 
ship of cultural events on campus and the em- 
phasis on the growth and refinement of all 
students appreciation. 

There are three divisions of this department: 
art, music and speech. Each section offers 
special opportunities for the student's interest. 
The art students visit many exhibits and display 
their own work. The choir and band give con- 
certs as well as go on tour. Student recitals are 
also presented. The speech student has an op- 
portunity to debate and act. All these programs 
add to the cultural atmosphere of the college. 


Mrs. Jane J. Burton, M.F.A. 

Mrs. Patsy J. May. M.Mus. 

Mr. Donald Drapeau, M.A. 

Mr. Charles R. Clark. M.S. 


Mrs. Prances Redding. M.A. 

Mr. Raiford M. Porter, M.F.A. 


Miss Rlizabeth Cole, M.A. 

Gratiot Heads 

The History Department has three main objectives: 
first, to prepare the majors for graduate work; second, to 
give adequate preparation to those students planning to 
enter teaching, law, and other fields ; third, to aid students 
to develop a broad understanding and appreciation of learn- 
ing and culture in our various courses. 

The History Caravan tours historical sites after learning 
about them. This is part of the new theories in education. 

Dr. Harold E. Conrad. Ph.D. 

Dr. A. Paul Gratiot, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

History Department. 

Mr. 0. Arthur Kirkman. M.S. 

Mr. James R. Pritchett, M.A. 

Dr. David W. Cole. Ph.D. 


Humanics Department 

Has 14 Majors. 

Mr. L. E. Moody, MA. 

The purpose of the American Humanics Foundation 
is to offer college work, for the students who are 
planning to enter the fields of Youth Agency work. 
Some of the careers open in this field are: Y.W.C.A., 
Y.M.C.A., Girl Scouts. Girls' Clubs. Boy Scouts of 
America. Boys' Clubs. Campfire Girls, juvenile courts, 
training schools. Junior Achievement, recreational 
therapy, counseling related fields. 

The American Humanics Foundation was first 
started on the campus of Missouri Valley College. 
Marshall. Missouri. It was started because many 
workers in the youth serving field felt that there was 
a great need for specialized training for young persons 
preparing to enter this field. Today there are four 
such departments on college campuses in America. 

Departments are located in Salem College, Salem, 
West Virginia; Indiana Central College, Indianapolis, 
Indiana; as well as Missouri Valley College and High 

The department opened in the fall of 1965 with Jay 
Cornet and James Coston as the only students. This 
fall the department has a total of fourteen students. 
Seven of these students are oriented towards Boy 
Scouting but the others are planning on Y.M.C.A., Girl 
Scouts, juvenile court, and other youth serving fields. 
It is hoped that eventually we will have approximately 
one hundred students on the campus each year. When 
the number of students justifies it there will be an 
associate administrator on the campus. Next year 
looks good to the department. 


Language Department Improves 


The High Point College Modern Language Depart- 
ment has come upon several recent improvements. 
Freshmen will be given advanced standardized Lan- 
guage Placement Tests, to improve norms of excellence. 
The advanced literature and culture courses are being 
conducted as seminars with high scholastic require- 

Plans are being made for improvement of the lan- 
guage laboratory, in order to better serve students and 
improvement of advanced language courses. 

On Sunday, November 6, Mr. Juan Miranda of the 
Spanish Department, spoke on the High Point College 
Presents television series. 

Mr. Juan Miranda, A.B. 




_ ? _ 


Dr. Arthur E. Le Vey. Ph.D. 

Department Head 

Miss Berta Hirtzler. M.A. 

Mr. Thomas E. Scott. A.M. 

Mr. N. P. YarboroiiKh. A.M. 

' :s 

Cook Heads 

The most important purpose of the Mathematics Depart- 
ment is to furnish a well-rounded program of mathematics 
for students who have chosen this area as their field of 
major concentration. Courses for science majors as well 
as required courses for Pre-Engineering, Pie-Forestry, or 
Pre-Medical Curriculum in preparation for their transfer to 
other institutions for completion of studies in these fields. 

The interest and encouragement of the department is 
not limited to majors in this field and background courses 
for the sciences, however. The mathematics department is 
an integral part of the total education program of the col- 
lege. In addition to the encouragement and enthusiasm of 
the professors, an adequate background in mathematics is 
provided for all students graduating with a Bachelor of 
Arts degree in any of the various departments. 

Mr. Carlton J. Cook, M.S. 
Department Head 

Mathematics Department. 

Mr. Manyon L. Idol, M.S. 

Mr. Ah in (,. Myrick, MA. 


Dr. Charles M. Morris, Ed.D. 
Department Head 

Physical Education 

New faces head the Physical Education Department this 
year. The students welcomed Dr. Charles Morris and Mr. 
Robert Vaughn to HPC. 

The department has introduced new programs in recreation, 
and the gymnasium is available to students now more than 
ever before. 

The department strives to develop an appreciation for the 
rules and laws of exercise. Another primary function is to 
present the fundamental principles of teaching and directing 
group activity and competitive sports. 

The Pep Club and the Panther Hospitality Room are two 
new innovations of the department which create enthusiasm 
and support of the activities during the yea)-. 

Mr. Charles F. Hartman, A.M. 

Mr. Robert F. Vaughn, M.A. 


Miss Betty Clary, M.Ed. 

Mr. Robert D. Davidson, .ME. 


Psychology Plays Important Role. 

Dr. William I'. Matthews. Ph.D. 

We try, in the area of psychology, to help a student be- 
come tough-minded, flexible, and gain a scientific, problem- 
solving approach to his life and living. 

The major in psychology starts his major study with 
general psychology and winds it up with seminar. Those 
students who intend to use psychology as a direct voca- 
tional choice are urged to continue their schooling in gradu- 
ate school toward the master's or the doctor's degree. 

Most of our students who continue their education are 
pointing toward courses in clinical psychology, personnel 
psychology, the teaching of psychology, or counseling. 

Many students find this major advantageous who are 
going into work involving direct contact with people. Boy 
Scouts, Girl Scouts, social work of all kinds, and govern- 
mental work all deal with psychology. 

Mr. Joseph Godwin. M.Ed. 

Mr. Herman K. Coble. A.M. 

Dr. Louis B. Pope, Ph.D. 


Religion Department 

Plans Journal. 

The Department of Religion offers general courses in Reli- 
gion to all students in order to make them aware of their 
spiritual heritage and relate this heritage to the modern world. 
Philosophy courses offered make possible the study of the 
great thinkers of the past and the practice of right thinking 

Plans are under way for the Department to publish a journal. 
This journal will include articles by members of the Depart- 
ment, other faculty members, and students. The articles will 
be in the general area of religious thought. Dr. Crow will be 
responsible for editing the journal. 

Dr. William R. Locke. Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Dr. Owen M. Weatherly. Ph.D. 

Mrs. Dorothy Hays. M.R.E. 

Dr. Earl P. Crow, Ph.D. 

Reverend H. Samuel Carter. B.D. 


Sociology Department 

It is the aim of the Sociology Department to 
provide a curriculum which prepares the student 
to understand the total society of which his is 
a part, and to learn how he can make his in- 
dividual contribution to that society. 

Students may major or minor in sociology. 
These courses have been selected to help the 
student understand the structure and interac- 
tional behavior of society. Special courses are 
also offered to prepare the student for a specific- 
area of work, depending upon his or her selec- 
tion of a profession. 

The thirty-three hours of courses in sociology 
required for a major are only able to introduce 
a student to any particular field of concentra- 
tion and to make him able to handle a specific 
position as a beginner. This will provide initial 
preparation for graduate study. A year or two 
of actual experience is suggested before doing 
graduate work to make the graduate work more 


Dr. L. M. Hays. Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Has 67 Majors. 

Mr. William F. Cope, M.S. 

Sociology major Margaret Nance learns to deal 
with the public. 


"Those boys better heed what I sav! 

"This is the way to run a college." 

Academic Life Has Many Moods. 

The "Hambone" captivates the faculty too. 

"Hey, what's going on up there?' 

"Yes, it was a very educational His- 
tory Caravan!" 







College Life Begins 


Freshman Officers 

The Freshman Class of 70 found 
its place on campus the first day and 
planned to continue the lively pate 
kept by all during Orientation Week. 
There were, however, obstacles to over- 
come including beanies, court, and the 
tug of war. After the trying prelimi- 
naries of campus life and registration, 
the class began to become a vital part 
of the student body. The first project 
planned was the participation in Par- 
ent's Day. The Freshman Talent Show 

was the next successful activity spon- 
sored by the class. 

Spring semester included such activi- 
ties as the freshman lecture, concert, 
busses to Dr. Zhivago, spring social, 
and the Freshman Scholarship. It was 
a year of growth and action for the 

Freshmen took part in sports, jour- 
nalism, campus government, clubs, and 
cultural events. The fresh enthusiasm 
of class members began the first year 
with success and ambitions. 

L. to R.: Bruce Campbell, President; Jeff Obermiller. Vice President: Anita Smith. 
Secretary: and David Holt, Treasurer. 


■ L f^- TO? fHI 

m Ma Mm ±rk\MiM\ 


Claude Adams 
Hampton, Virginia 

Raymond Alderson 
High Point, N. C. 
Barry Allen 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Robert Applegate 
Alexandria, Virginia 

Janet Auman 

Seagrove, N. C. 

Larry Austin 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Patrick Austin 
Jersey City, N. J. 
Richard Badu 
Ridgewood, N. J. 
Randv Ball 
High Point, N. C. 
Patricia Harbour 
Oceanport, N. J. 

Judith Barlow 

Jacksonville, N. C. 
Barbara Barnes 
Rutherfordton, N. C. 
Derry Barnhardt 
Advance, N. C. 

Lynn Beam 

Cherryville, N. C. 
Jane Beasley 
High Point, N. C. 

Bill Benfield 
High Point, N. C. 
Nancy Berryman 
Arlington, Virginia 
Linda Blackshare 
Richmond, Virginia 
Mary Blandy 
Smithfield, N. C. 
Beverlev Bliven 
Charlotte, N. C. 

Cheryl Bodenhamer 

High Point, N. C. 
Kaye Boggle 
Lexington, N. C. 
John Boles 
High Point, N. C. 
Jenny Bond 
Arnold, Maryland 
Mary Borden 
Potomac, Maryland 

Robert Bonnaffon 
Falls Church, Va. 
Linda Boswell 
Greensboro, Virginia 
Rita Bowden 
Gastonia, N. C. 
Charles Bowers 
High Point, N. C. 
Richard Boyd 
Vienna, Virginia 

Meredith liratt 
Olney, Maryland 
Richard Braun 
Falls Church, Va. 
Kristina Briegel 
Atlanta, Georgia 
Emily Britt 
Lumberton, N. C. 
Martha Brooks 
Edison, N. J. 



Martha J. Brooks 
High Point, N. C. 

Arnold Brown 

Fairfield, Conn. 
Clifton Brown 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Thomas Brucke 
High Point, N. C. 
Anna Bryson 
Rutherfordton, N. C. 

Beverlv Bullin 
High Point, N. C. 
Gay Byerly 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Ernest Callaway 
Mt. Airy, N. C. 
Bruce Campbell 
St. Thomas, Va. 
John Caplanides 
High Point, N. C. 

Richard Carr 
Beverly, Mass. 
Elizabeth Carter 
Wilmington, Del. 
Betty Casey 
Falls Church, Va. 

Patricia Cash 
Roanoke, Va. 
Sheila Causey 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Burton Cobb 
High Point. N. C. 
Richard Collins 
High Point, N. C. 
Charles Cook 
High Point. N. C. 
l.inda Cooper 
Colfax, N. C. 
Martha Cooper 
High Point, N. C. 

Harold Creasman 
High Point. N. C. 
Tommy Crews 
Kernersville, N. C. 
Robert Criswell 
Riverdale, Md. 
Connie Crumpton 
Roxboro, N. C. 
Linda Crutchfield 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Michael Current 
Hamptonville. N. D. 
Robert Currie 
Milford, Delaware 
Karen Czarny 
Westfield, N. J. 
Carol Davis 
Carthage, N. C. 
Elizabeth Davis 
High Point, N. C. 


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Samuel Davis 
High Point, N. C. 
Robyn Decker 
Summerfield, N. C. 
James Devinev 
High Point, N. C. 
Brian Ditzler 
Chevy Chase, Md. 
Sandra Doggett 
Rockville, Md. 

Robert Donovan 

Rockville, Md. 
Mark Doughten 
Lincoln, Delaware 
Margaret Dunlap 
Wilmington, Delaware 
Barbara Dunn 
New Castle, Del. 
Charles Eakes 
Arlington, Virginia 

Allen Eastlack 
Woodbury, N. J. 
Jay Egan 
Woonsocket, R. I. 
Patricia Elliott 
Denton, N. C. 
Judy Ellis 
Mocksville, N. C. 
Lesley Elmore 
Lincolnton, N. C. 

Daniel Ennis 

New Brunswick, N. J. 
Richard Enright 
Irvington, N. Y. 
Dale Ensor 
Westminster, Md. 
Fred Eshelman 
High Point, N. C. 
John Farmer 
Lumberton, N. C. 

Gloria Faucette 
Haw River, N. C. 
James Fetner 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Patricia Finks 
Woodstock, Va. 
Janice Fortner 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Wallace Foutch 
High Point, N. C. 

Sherry Franz 
Frost Proof, Fla. 
Paul Gabriel 
Cary, N. C. 
William Garner 
High Point, N. C. 
John Gates 
Granby, Mass. 
Mildred Gibson 
Rockingham, N. C. 

David Gipe 
Richmond, Virginia 
Fred Gold 
Roselle, N. J. 
Alan Gouge 
Washington, D. C. 
John Grant 
Hyattsville, Md. 
Lee Gray 
Greensboro, N. C. 


"Doug, did you leave 
anything at home?" 

The first day of college consists of registering, unpacking, getting 
settled, meeting people, and mass confusion! 

Theodore Greer 
Lenoir, N. C. 
Ruth Grieve 
Fairfax, Virginia 
Barbara Griffin 
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 
Warren Grimes 
Smithfield, N. C. 

James Hall 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Sharon Hall 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Prances Hanna 
Wadesboro, N. C. 
Judith Harvey 
W. Long Beach, N. J. 
Elizabeth Harwick 
Potomac, Md. 
William Hatch! 
Arlington, Va. 

Wesley Hayes 
Jamestown, N. C. 
Larry Haynes 
High Point, N. C. 
Marty Hedrick 
High Point, N. C. 
Donna Henderson 
Rockville, Md. 
Pamela Hendricks 
Cumberland, Md. 

Sara Hendricks 
High Point, N. C. 
Gretchen Henesy 
Bethesda, Md. 
Donald Hensley 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Anita Hill 
High Point, N. C. 
Tommy Hill 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Bruce Hobson 

Trinity, N. C. 
Fred Holder 
Pinnacle, N. C. 
Robert Hollidav 
Thomasville, N. C. 
David Holt 
Baltimore, Md. 
Linda Honeycutt 
Fuquay Varina, N. C. 


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Edward Howard 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Marjorie Howard 
Chapel Hill, N. C. 
Susan Humphries 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Percy Hundley 
Smithfield, Va. 
James Hutchens 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Donna Hutchison 
Asheville, N. C. 
Stephanie Isaacs 
Raleigh, N. C. 
Gregory Jaeger 
Charlottesville, Va. 
Evelyn Jessop 
High Point, N. C. 
Carl Johnson 
High Point, N. C. 

Dian Johnson 
Salisbury, Md. 
Jovce Johnson 
High Point, N. C. 
Kenneth Johnson 
Warwick, R. I. 
E. Street Jones 
High Point, N. C. 

Johnny Jones 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 

".Make it kids, make it." 

Good housekeeping is important in college as Emily Britt and Linda Sturm learn the first day. 


Joyce Kait 

Alexandria, Va. 
Claud Kenner 
Greensboro, N. C. 
John Keets 
W. Norfield, N. J. 
Deloris Keever 
High Point, N. C. 
Robert Key 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Linda King 
Little Silver, N. J. 
James Kinnev 
High Point, N. C. 
Kenneth Kirk 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Laraine Klay 
Sanford, Fla. 
Pamela Klinedinst 
Chevy Chase, Md. 

Karen Knitter 
Waterport, N. Y. 
Richard Knomph 
Thomasville, N. C 
Kip Lanam 
Falls Church, Va. 
Carol Lancashire 
Somerset, Mass. 
Robert Lathan 
Butner, N. C. 

Margaret Lauder 
High Point, N. C. 
Stephen I. an son 
Hickory, N. C. 
Nancy Lefler 
Aiken, S. C. 
Kay Lewallen 
High Point, N. C. 
Bruner Lipe 
High Point, N. C. 

Betty Logan 
Hickory, N. C. 
Ellen Lohse 
Fairfax, Va. 
Margaret Lvtle 
High Point, N. C. 
Kalherine McArtor 
Rockville, Md. 
Clement McCaskill 
Seagrove, N. C. 



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"Steve, keep your mind 
on the show!" 

Hootenannies, dances, and informal parties welcome the freshmen during Orientation Week. 

Steven McCoy 
Brentwood, Md. 
Kevin McCracken 
Bethesda. Md. 

Joanne McCully 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Joseph McGhee 

High Point, N. C. 
Herman Malpass 
High Point, N. C. 

Keith Mann 

High Point, N. C. 
Jovita Mask 
Connelly Springs, N. C. 
Frances Matthews 
Cherry Hill. N. J. 
Martha Matthews 
Cherry Hill, N. J. 


Steve Matthiesen 
Baltimore, Md. 
John Meadows 
Tobaccoville, N. C. 
Linda Meyer 
Annapolis, Md. 
Angela Miller 
Wilmington, N. C. 
Henry Millis 
High Point, N. C. 

Kenneth Millman 
Lincoln, Del. 
Johnny Mish 
High Point, N. C. 
Wilbur Mishoe 
High Point, N. C. 
Robert Mitchell 
Butler, N. J. 
Robert Mohlmann 
Port Jefferson, N. Y. 

Kay Mooney 

High Point, N. C. 
JoAnn Moore 
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 
Diane Morrison 
Arlington, Va. 
Nancy L. Nash 
High Point, N. C. 
Nancy R. Nash 
Symana, Tenn. 

Linda Neighbors 
High Point, N. C. 
Meda Neiman 
Sanford, Fla. 
Marsha Netts 
High Point, N. C. 
C'arolvn Nevitt 
Port Washington, N. Y. 
Robert Nickel] 
Attison Park, Penn. 

David Nifong 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Kristian Nilson 
Monmouth Beach, N. J. 
Jeff Obermiller 
Alexandria, Va. 
Edna Oliver 
High Point, N. C. 
Ann Outland 
Pikeville, N. C. 

Linda Paskal 
Falls Church, Va. 
Joseph Patterson 
High Point, N. C. 
Martha Pavne 
High Point, N. C. 
Evan Pearson 
Pitman, N. J. 
Nicholas Perlorzo 
Cumberland, Md. 

Nancv Perov 

High" Point, N. C. 
Kenneth Perryman 
Lexington, N. C. 
David W. Phillips 
Pinetops, N. C. 
Vicki Phillips 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Louise Pierce 
Alexandria, Va. 



Toni Pope 

High Point, N. C. 
Carol Poston 
Shelby, N. C. 
Rebecca Proehl 
Lynchburg, Va. 
.lames Pusey 
Avondale, Penn. 
Richard Quinn 
Kernersville, N. C. 

George Ramsey 
Mountainside, N. J. 
Nancy Rea 
Mt. Jackson, Va. 
Ellen Reed 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Susan Rehberg 
Alexandria, Va. 
Wanda Rich 
High Point, N. C. 

Sandra Richardson 
Fairfax, Va. 

Stephen Richardson 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Suzanne Robinson 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Michael Rook 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Nadine Sadler 
Rockville, Md. 

Dale Sakers 
Glenriddle, Penn. 
William Salmon 
High Point, N. C. 
I.inda Sanders 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Dana Scotten 
High Point, N. C. 
Ray Scott 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Lorraine Scronce 
Hickory, N. C. 
John Seward 
Silver Spring. Md. 
Alice Seymour 
Seabrook, Md. 
Sharon Shackelford 
High Point, N. C. 
Fred Shaeff 
Reading, Penn. 

Sherry Shaffer 
Lynchburg, Va. 
I.arry Sharpe 
Stoneville, N. C. 
Willie Shaw 
Winston-Salem, N. 0. 

Linda Sheets 

High Point, N. C. 
William Shields 
Pleasant Garden, N. C 

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Jovce Shipley 
Beltsville, Md. 
Anita Smith 
High Point, N. C. 
Douglas Smith 
Salem, Virginia 
Dent Smith 
High Point, N. C. 
John Smith 
Hyattsville, Md. 

Sheryl Smith 
Springfield, Va. 
Susan Smith 
Lynchburg, Virginia 
Martha Smithev 
Wilkesboro, N. C. 
Patricia Southard 
High Point, N. C. 
Arthur Spaugh 
High Point, N. C. 

Richard Spiker 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Richard Spoone 
High Point, N. C. 
Leslie Steele 
Windsor Hills, Del. 
Marilyn Stephenson 
Arlington, Va. 
Kay Stewart 
Apopka, Fla. 

Roger Stuart 
Kendall Park, N. J. 
Joann Sturm 
Midland Park, N. J. 
Linda Sturm 
Newport News, Va. 
Shcrilyn Sullivan 
Lenoir, N. C. 
Gary Summers 
Hyattsville, Md. 

Collis Sumpter 

Lenoir, N. C. 
Sue Swigart 
Cambridge, Indiana 
Linda Sykes 
Burlington, N. C. 
Patricia Tanner 
Rocky Mount, N. C. 
Martha Thomas 
Forest City, N. C. 

"Lyn, have you ever cut 
poodle hair before?" 

Lyn Nevitt and Kathy Zellmer enjoy some of the dormitory 
ill-. Freshmen quickly adjust to their "home away from 


Marie Thompson 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Robert Thompson 
Lenoir, N. C. 
Keith Tingle 
Wilmington, Del. 
Tommy Tompkins 
Pompton Plains. X. 
Ann Townsend 
Roanoke, Virginia 

Tony Townsend 
Lexington, N. C. 
Patricia Tyler 
Arlington, Va. 
Jane Van Anda 
Fairfax, Virginia 
Teddy Wagoner 
Lexington, N. C. 
Edwin Walker 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Hal Walker 

Asheboro, N. C. 
William Walker 
Cleveland, N. C. 
John Wall 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Vivian Wall 
Jamestown, N. C. 
Carolyn Ward 
McLeansville, N. C. 

Nancy Watson 

Monroe, Virginia 
Nancy Webster 
Hampton, Virginia 
Phillip Wheatley 
Seaford. Del. 
Wayne Whitehead 
Wilmington, Del. 
Bruce Wilbur 
Falls Church, Va. 

David Williams 
Lexington. N. C. 
Donald Williams 
Moorestown, N. J. 
Robert Williams 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Richard Wilson 
Thomasville, N. C. 
James Willis 
Milford, Delaware 

Robert Wingard 
High Point, N. C. 
Daniel Witt 
Baltimore, Md. 
Roger Wittenberg 
Annandale, N. J. 
Gerald Wood 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Roberta Woodhams 
Bethesda, Md. 

Sue Woosley 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 

Shirley Voe 

Granite Quarry, N. C. 

Gerald Young 
Oakton. Virginia 
Barbara Zakos 
High Point, N. C. 
Kathleen Zellmer 
Washington, D. C. 




Sophomores Renew Friendships 


Bill Stewart — President 

The Sophomore Class's main project this year was a 
complete revitalization of the Freshman Beanie Pro- 
gram. Changes included a shorter period of time, a more 
ritualistic capping ceremony, better interest of both 
freshmen and upperclassmen, and the muddiest, wet- 
test, most fun-filled tug-of-war ever. 

The Capping ceremony made quite obvious the seri- 
ousness that the sophomores felt for their part in the 
orientation of the HPC freshmen. The notes of the just- 
learned Alma Mater were mingled with sophomore 
laughs of authority as the freshmen knelt to receive 
their purple and white crowns and solemnly repeated 
their Beanie Oath. 

The sophomores assigned duties to the freshmen 
every Wednesday to help them become better adjusted 
to their college and new friends. These included a Dress- 
Up Day. Meet Your Colleagues Day, and a Know Your 
Rules Day. Failure to fulfill these duties resulted in a 
Beanie ticket. 

Drudgery and humiliation ended for the freshmen 
when they overcame the foe, and celebrated their vic- 
tory at the Sophomore-Freshman dance featuring the 


Walter Gragg 

Doris Whitt 


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David Ackerman 
Bethesda, Md. 
Lawrence Adams 
Manchester, Conn. 
Linda Adams 
Summit, N. J. 
Charles Allen 
Shelby, N. C. 
Nancv Allgood 
High Point, N. C. 

James Allison 
Waldorf, Md. 
John Ammons 
Arden, N. C. 
Bill Atwell 
Orlando, Fla. 
Brenda Auman 
Archdale, N. C. 
Claudia Bahb 
W. Suffield, Conn. 

Myra Bailey 

Gibsonville, N. C. 
Ray Baity 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Sharon Baker 
Charlotte, N.C. 
Debby Barnes 
Orlando, Fla. 
Alton Beard 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 

Lee Beaver 

Spindale, N. C. 
Lynda Beck 
Lewisville, N. C. 
Steve Benson 
Orlando, Fla. 
Pamela Berry 
Alexandria, Va. 
Phil Black 
High Point, N. C. 

Detra Blackburn 
Mt. Airy, N. C. 
Patricia Blessington 
Ocean City, N. J. 
Ray Blosse 
Marlow Heights, Md 
Paula Bower 
Vista Heights, Md. 
Larrv Boyles 
Mt. Airy, N. C. 

Brenda Bradford 
Great Falls, Va. 
Linda Braica 
High Point, N. C. 
Steve Breckheimer 
Fairport, N. Y. 
Delores Brewer 
High Point, N. C. 
Rodney Briggs 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Carolyn Britt 

Charlotte, N. C. 
Jeff Broos 
Lexington, N. C. 
Jasper Brown 
Troy, N. C. 
Mary Brown 
Jonesville, N. C. 
Steve Brumfield 
High Point, N. C. 


Morris Calhoun . 
Kcrnersville, N. C. 
Richard Calvert 
Arlington, Va. 
Sheila Campbell 
Spindale, N. C. 
Irene Caputo 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Clay Carpenter 
Norwood, N. C. 

James Carpenter 
Lexington, N. C. 
Christie Carter 
High Point, N. C. 
I.inda Case 
McLeansville, N. C. 
Nancv Cashatt 
High 'Point, N. C. Cheney 
Fayetteville, N. C. 

Dennis Champion 
High Point, N. C. 
Kitty Chappell 
Brown Summit, N. C. 
Wade Chastain 
Horse Shoe, N. C. 
Glenn Chorpening 
Orlando, Fla. 
Emily Chrisco 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Dagnia Cirulis 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Larry Clapp 
Liberty, N. C. 
Margaret Clapp 
High Point, N. C. 
Ann Clark 
Lexington, N. C. 
Charlene Clark 
Galax, Va. 

Clayton Cleaves 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Scottie Cochrane 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Patricia Coffey 
Devon, Pa. 
Joseph Collier 
Ahoskie, N. C. 
David Collins 
Thomasville, N. C. 

John Cooley 
Prospectville, Pa. 
Lvnda Corn 
High Point, N. C. 
John Cornet 
Orlando, Fla. 
Ray Corriher 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Susan Cosman 
Albany, N. Y. 




'Be Careful!" 

Elaine Seigle serves punch at one of the many 
Freshmen Orientation activities. Many sopho- 
mores were active in the Orientation orotrram. 

14 **.** Jtlifc 



Jim ("oston 
Raleigh, N. C. 
Clifford Cox 
Falls Church, Va. 
Stephen Crater 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Tom Crouch 
North East, Md. 
Linda Crowder 
Bethesda, Md. 

Boyce Cruse 
High Point, N. C. 
Patricia Cumbv 
High Point, N. C. 
Richard Danburs 
Gainsville, Fla. 
Evelyn Davis 
Galax, Va. 
Jim Davis 
Chamblee, Ga. 

John Davis 

Charlotte, N. C. 
Judy Davis 
Fayetteville, N. C. 
Howard Day 
High Point," N. C. 
Sandra Derles 
High Point, N. C. 
James Dodson 
Sandy Ridge, N. C. 

Lynn Donnington 
Chatham, N. J. 
Priscilla Donnell 
Sanford, Maine 
John Driscoll 
Somerset, Mass. 
Joy Duncan 
Concord, N. C. 
Beverly Echerd 
High Point, N. C. 

Diane Eckman 
Cornwall, N. Y. 
Wavne Eddineer 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Daniel Eisert 
Louisville, Ky. 
James Elkins 
Durham, N. C. 
Karl Elliott 
Denton, N. C. 


Larry Ellison 

Stokesdale, N. C. 
Martha Emrich 
McLean, Va. 
Sandra Eskridire 
Shelby, N. C. 
Ann Everhart 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Larry Fagge 
Leaksville, N. C. 

William Farkas 
Westfield, N. J. 
Joel Farlow 
High Point, N. C. 
Janice Farris 
Madison, N. C. 
I'hilip Faucette 
Brown Summit, N. C. 
Dorcas Feimster 
Hamptonville, N. C. 

Hill Fidler 
Cleona, Pa. 
Martha Fielden 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Susan Fischer 
Bethesda, Md. 
Richard Folts 
North Hills, Del. 
Judv Foster 
High Point, N. C. 

Susan Fowlkes 
Pompano Beach, Fla. 
Laird Freeman 
High Point, N. C. 
Douglas Fryer 
Hagerstown, Md. 
Pat Gaffney 
Randleman, N. C. 
Frances Gaither 
Harmony, N. C. 

Jane Gardner 

Shelby, N. C. 
Judv Garner 
LaPlata, Md. 
Frances Garris 
Christiansburg, Va. 
Curtis Gerringer 
McLeansville, N. C. 
Gail Grabovetz 
Succasunna, N. J. 

Walter Gragg 
Connelly Springs. N. C. 
Jovce Gray 
High Point, N. C. 
Linda Greenwood 
Kernersville, N. C. 
Susan Griffin 
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba 
Alice Guiton 
Whiteville, N. C. 

Martha Hadley 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Marv Jo Hall 
Bahama, N. C. 
Patricia Hall 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Tommv Hall 
Statesville, N. C. 
Katherine Hayden 
Bethesda, Md. 

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Barbara Havwood 
High Point, 'N. C. 
Wyatt Hearp 
Reidsville, N. C. 
Shirley Hemphill 
Huntsville, Ala. 
Gail Hetherington 
Hampton, N. J. 
Vicky Hoffman 
Fayetteville, N. C. 

Nancy Holcombe 
Statesville, N. C. 
Tommy Holmes 
High Point, N. C. 
Robert Hooper 
Apopka, Fla. 
John Howard 
Kernersville, N. C. 
Carol Huff 
High Point, N. C. 

Linda Huff 

High Point, N. C. 
I.vnda Huffman 
High Point, N. C. 
Freddie Hughs 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Nancy Hunter 
Fanwood, N. J. 
Betty Jean Idol 
High Point, N. C. 

Carol Isaacs 
Milford, Del. 
Cheryl Johns 
Tampa, Fla. 
Joseph Johnston Jr. 
Lutherville, Md. 
Patricia Jollv 
Elkin, N. C. 
Dorsay Jones 
Durham, N. C. 

Norma Jones 
High Point, N. C. 
Ken Jurney 
Harmony, N. C. 
Phillip Keefer 
Cheverly, Md. 
Judy Kievning 
Livingston, N. J. 
Susan Kiger 
Rural Hall, N. C. 

Thomas King 
High Point, N. C. 
Donna Kirk 
Cheverly, Md. 
Margaret Kirkman 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Fuchsia Lackev 
Fallston, N. C. 
Bill Lagos 
Wheaton, Md. 

Janet Land 

Thomasville, N. C. 
William Land 
High Point, N. C. 
Ellen Law 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Gay Lawrence 
Elkin, N. C. 

Margaret Leary 

High Point, N. C. 



Sandi Lee 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Richard Light 
Glen Rock, N. J. 
Chris Lindsay 
Rochester, Pa. 
Eugene Littles 
Washington, D. C. 
Alan Lord 
Potomac, Md. 

Johnny Lucas 

Cocoa, Fla. 

Ann Luff 

Hackettstown, N. J. 

Leslie McCall 

Cheverly, Md. 
Sarah McCallum 
Candor, N. C. 
James McCarson 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Mary McDade 

High Point, N. C. 
Phyllis McDowell 
High Point, N. C. 
Libbv Mclnnis 
High Point, N. C. 
Judv McKenzie 
West End, N. C. 
Catherine McLeod 
Chester, Va. 

William McMillan 
Cape Charles, Va. 
Thomas McPherson 
Durham, N. C. 
Ralph Malany 
Cincinnati, Ohio 
Jon Mann 
Hamlet, N. C. 
Gary Markland 
Advance, N. C. 

Kenneth Martin 
Arlington, Va. 
Janet Masten 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Gail Merritt 
Shelby, N. C. 
Cathv Miller 
Tampa, Fla. 
Barbara Mize 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Beverly Molitor 
Lexington Park, Md. 
Robert Montgomery 
Stratford, N. J. 
Robert Mooney 
Lumberton, N. C. 
J. D. Moore 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Susan Moses 
Rocky Mount, Va. 

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Svlvia Mosteller 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Terry Mote 
Rockville, Md. 
Elaine Murphy 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Janna Murphy 
Woodbridge, Va. 
Robert Mvers 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Robert T. Mvers 

High Point, N. C. 
Patsv Nance 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Russell Nanfelt 
High Point, N. C. 
Jerry Needham 
Pinnacle, N. C. 
Joseph Needham 
Pilot Mountain, N. C. 

Danny Nelson 
Madison, N. C. 
Diane Niland 
Arlington, Va. 
Dannie Norman 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Deirdre Norman 
Pilot Mountain, N. C. 
Robert O'Hara 
Glen Rock, N. J. 

Cheryl Owen 

High Point, N. C. 
Paul Owen 
High Point, N. C. 
Bruce Parisi 
Glen Rock, N. J. 
Judy Parker 
Aurora, Colo. 
Larry Parker 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Danny Parsons 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Wendell Patton III 
High Point, N. C. 
Paul Payne 
Yorktown, Va. 
Barney Peeler 
Lawndale, N. C. 
Andy Pell 
Pilot Mountain, N. C. 

Herbert Penry III 

Lexington, N. C. 
Barbara Peterson 
Fuquay-Varina, N. C. 
Joan Peterson 
h-vington, N. J. 
David Phillips 
Peabody, Mass. 

Jane Phillips 
Vesta, Va. 

James Picka 
Baltimore, Md. 
Barbara Poole 
Orlando, Fla. 
Sylvia Pratt 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Joseph Price 
Monroe, N. C. 
Phyllis Pugh 
High Point, N. C. 


Marcia Kainer 

Silver Spring, Md. 
Doug Rayle 
Greensboro, N. C. 
John Reaves 
Pfafftown, N. C. 

James Reed 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Virgil Reid 
Candor, N. C. 

Ted Renfro 
Rockville, Md. 
Darrell Rich 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Charles Rock 
Va. Beach, Va. 
Shirley Rockenbaugh 
Washington, D. C. 
Mitch Russell 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Mintie Saintsing 
Thomasville. N. C. 
Becky Samuels 
Jamestown, N. C. 
Donald Saunders 
High Point, N. C. 
Fran Schell 
Atlanta, Ga. 
Carol Scheuffle 
Arlington, Va. 


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'Yes, we went to church." 

Church is an important part of H.P.C. life, isn't it Judy Davis and 
Janet Masten? 

David Schultz 

Baltimore, Md. 
Jim Scott 
Leaksville, N. C. 
Elaine Seigle 
Alexandria, Va. 
Linda Sessums 
Hyattsville, Md. 
Karen Shelton 
High Point, N. C. 

Sharon Sherwood 
Atlanta, Ga. 
Judy Sidden 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Dennis Sigmon 
Elkin, N. C. 
Talmadge Sink 
High Point, N. C. 
Barbara Smith 
Towson, Md. 


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"Now John!" 

Beulah Smith 
High Point, N. C. 
Jerry Smith 
High Point, N. C. 
Kenneth Smith 
High Point, N. C. 
Martha Smith 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Richard Smith 
Riverdale, Md. 

Rudy Smith 
Onancock, Va. 
I.aur Stayer 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Burton Steffen 
Bethesda, Md. 
Diana Stein 
Alexandria, Va. 
Jerry Stevens 
Greensboro, N. C. 

William Stewart 
Silver Spring, Md. 
John Stilwell 
LaPlata, Md. 
Donna Stines 
Marshall. N. C. 
Pat Stirling 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Dorothy Styles 
Asheville, N. C. 

Avis Swallow- 
Manchester, Conn. 
Lynn Swink 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Kay Terrell 
Mebane, N. C. 
John Thomas 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Karen Thomas 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Alice Thompson 
Graham, N. C. 
Diana Tolson 
Centerville, Md. 
I.inda Tucker 
Burlington, N. C. 
Julie Turner 
Silver Spring, Md. 
David Tuxhorn 
Springfield, 111. 

Joj Duncan and John Winters enjoy a Sunday afternoon on the HPC 


George Vann 

Wheaton, Md. 
Jane Wagner 
Lexington, N. C. 
Jean Wakenight 
Washington, D. C. 
Richard Walden 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Thomas Waldron 
Allentown, N. J. 

Tim Webb 

High Point, N. C. 
Leslie Welch 
Long Branch, N. J. 
Buck Weleck 
Ridgewood, N. J. 
J. B. Whitfield 
Roxboro, N. C. 
Pat Whitlow 
High Point, N. C. 

Doris Whitt 

Roxboro, N. C. 
Rita Whitt 
Wenatchee, Wash. 
James Wilkerson 
Milford, Del. 
Diane Williams 
Eagle Springs, N. C. 
Herman Williams 
Lexington, N. C. 

John Williams 
Waretown, N. J. 
Linda Williamson 
Raeford, N. C. 
Helen Wilson 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Carol Winchester 
Monroe, N. C. 
Vicki Wilson 
Lexington, N. C. 

Patty Wimbish 
Clinton, N. C. 
John Winters 
Mountain Lakes, N. J. 
Wanda Wise 
Goldsboro, N. C. 
Jeffrey Wood 
Baltimore, Md. 
Vicki Wood 
Siler City, N. C. 

John Woods 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Jane Wooldridge 
Hampton, Va. 
Phillip Xindaris 
Peabody. Mass. 
Thomas Yaun 
Linwood, N. J. 
Worth Vounts 
Trinity, N. C. 

& o 



Jr.-Sr. Highlights Year 


Junior Class 

The Juniors embarked on their third journey with 
their class officers: Bobby Robertson, Pres. ; Ken 
Machlin. Vice-Pres. ; Ann Scott, Sec: and Elinor 
Brading, Treas. 

Juniors were quite excited about receiving class 
rings. Junior Marshals were named and prepara- 
tions were made for the long awaited Junior-Senior 

A shining light, an open door, a spark of radi- 
ating knowledge burst from the minds of the stu- 
dents during their junior year. Courses took on a 
new meaning and began to form the foundation for 
the graduate. Thoughts of graduation, teaching, and 
graduate school entered the juniors' minds as they 
began to see their final year just beyond the horizon. 

Hobby Robertson, President 


Elinor Bradinn. Treasurer; Ann Scott. Secretary 

Ken Machlin. \'i t e President 



Dianne Abbott 
Arlington, Va. 
Hugh Alger 
Eustis, Fla. 
Donald Andrews 
Moorestown, N. J. 
Nancv Andrews 
Siler City, N. C. 

Susan Applegate 
Alexandria, Va. 
Jennie Auman 

Archdale, N. C. 
Jennings Austin 
Monroe, N. C. 
Priscilla Axtell 
Rockville, Md. 

William Baldwin 
Wilmington, Del. 
Gary Barker 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Barry E. Bateman 
Spray, N. C. 
Linda Beatty 
Greensboro, N. C. 

William Bigham 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Gloria Blackburn 
High Point, N. C. 
John Bloom 
Cranbury, N. J. 
Margaret Botsch 
Lexington, N. C. 

Buford Boyd, Jr. 
Kingstree, S. C. 
Patricia Boyles 
Pinnacle, N. C. 
Elinor Brading 
Alexandria, Va. 
Thomas Brazier 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Mansell Bridwell 
Honea Path, S. C. 
Michael Bryant 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Kenneth Bulla 
High Point, N. C. 
Stephen Burton 
Critz, Va. 



Dan Cagle 
High Point, N. C. 
Judy Carlton 
Lexington, N. C. 
John Carter 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Tim Cassell 
Winston-Salem, N. 

Carolyn Caveny 
Hickory, N. C. 
David Cerchio 

New Castle, Del. 
Kichard Chappell 
High Point, N. C. 
Donald Clcndaniol 
Milford, Delaware 

Catherine Cline 
Paris, Illinois 
David Cole 
High Point, N. C. 
Douglas Combs 
Chevy, Maryland 
James Cook 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Donald Cooke 
Brown Summit, N. C. 
Cherie Covington 
Wadesboro, N. C. 
Pat Cowden 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Charles Cox 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Jimmy Cranford 

High Point, N. C. 
Stephen Crater 
High Point. N. C. 
Gary Craver 
Lexington, N. C. 
Larry Craver 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 


Rebecca Craver 

High Point. N. C. 
David Crawford 
Granite Falls, N. C. 

Daniel Crews 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Marv Crochett 
High Point, N. C. 

Catherine Cruit 
Aberdeen, Maryland 
Elizabeth B. Daniel 
Greensboro, N, C. 
Janet Daniel 
Roxboro, N. C. 
Virginia Dark 
Siler City, N. C. 

Peggy Davis 

Adelphi, Md. 
Pete Davis 
Miami, Florida 
Forrest Dover 
Bessemer City, N. C. 
Vivian Duncan 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Donna Ebert 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Lvnn Edmonds 
Mobile, Ala. 
Robert A. Edwards 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Rosemarv Edwards 
Siler City, N. C. 

Steve Elliott 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Violet Emory 
Greensboro, N. C. 
David Ensley 
High Point, N. C. 
Barbara Everhart 
Welcome, N. C. 

Jonathan Faulkner 
Ridgewood, N. J. 
Diana Ferran 
Eustis, Fla. 
Darrell Frve 
Trinity, N. C. 
Craig Furman 
Roikville, Md. 


"Hey there, little Red Riding Hood." 

Ron Lowenthal (Little Red Riding Hood) and Bill Stewart (Bis Bad 
Wolf) provide unusual entertainment for the students. 

Gayle Futch 
Norfolk, Va. 
Mary Garland 
High Point. N. C. 
David Garner 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Larry Garrison 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Connye Gentry 

Roxboro, N. C. 
David Gilbert 
Pfafftown, N. C. 
Allison (Hew 
Sautrus, Mass. 
Donna Goettsche 
Arlington, Va. 

Monica Goggin 
I.evittown, N. J. 
Ralph Goode 
Connelly Springs, N. C. 
Ann Greco 
Alexandria, Va. 
Mary Grisson 
Macon, N. C. 

Laura Groce 
Asheville, N. C. 
Betsy Hairfield 
Morcanton. N. C. 
Randv G. Haithcock 
High Point, N. C. 
Elaine Hamrick 
Shelby, N. C. 






Sam Hardister 

Winston-Salem. X. C. 
Martha Harrington 
Chapel Hill, N. C. 
Konald Harris 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Sharon Harshbarger 
McLean, Va. 

Sara Hester 
Roxboro, N. C. 
Steven Hicks 
Trinity, N. C. 
Tony Hill 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Michael Hoke 
High Point, N. C. 

"He finallv learned how to write!' 

Laura Gross and Frank LaGrange visit one of the favorite 
spots on campus. The post office provides contact with the 
outside world. 

Diane Holt 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Linda Hopkins 
Washington, D. C. 
Beth Horigan 
Bethesda, Md. 
J. K. Home, Jr. 
Pikeville, N. C. 


Roberta Howie 

Waxhaw, N. C. 
Wanda Howlett 
High Point, N. C. 
David Bucks, Jr. 
High Point, N. C. 
Jesse Hulin 
Asheboro, N. C. 


'Can't you read Spanish, Diane?" 

New signs using foreign languages have been posted to 
protect the lawn and to beautify the campus. 

Mary Humphrey 
Arlington, Va. 
Patricia Hurt 
Falls Church, Va. 
Kay Jackson 
Wilmington, Del. 
Donna Rae Jones 
Pinnacle, N. C. 

(Catherine Keller 

Hyattsville, Md. 
Cheryl Kendle 
Williamsport, Md. 
Larry Kendrick 
Spray, N. C. 
Ann Kennedy 
Greensboro, N. C. 


pe ^ 


A lit A* 

Kitty Kindred 
Knoxville, Tenn. 
.Marc R. Kreider 
Lebanon, Penn. 
Charles Kurkjian 
Exton, Penn. 
Sandra Kyles 
Statesville, N. C. 

Frank LaGrange 
West Palm Beach, Fla. 
Steve Laney 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Mary LaSalla 
Raleigh, N. C. 
Talmadge Leverett 
High Point, N. C. 

I'hil Lockman 
Iron Station, N. C. 
Barbara McDiarmid 
Red Springs, N. C. 
Deloris McDonald 
High Point, N. C. 
Diane McEwan 
Cynthiana, Ky. 

Carl McKoon 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Talmage Mcl.ain 

Hiddenite, N. C. 
Uary McMahon 
Huntington, N. Y. 
Lewis McMillan 
Lexington, N. C. 

Kenneth Machlin 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Michael MacKinnon 
Carthage. N. C. 
Mary Jane Magruder 
Rockville, Md. 
Walter Marsh 
High Point, N. C. 

John Marshall 
Statesville, X. C. 
Chervl Martin 
High Point, X. C. 
Suzanne Martin 
Alexandria, Va. 
David Mason 
Westfield, N. J. 



Libby Michael 
Welcome, N. C. 
Stephen Miller 
Boonville, N. C. 
Richard Mock 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Anne Montague 
Raleigh, N. C. 

Ellen Moriarty 
Guilford College, N. C. 
David Mowery 
High Point, N. C. 
I'aula Muench 
High Point, N. C. 
Christine Myers 
High Point, N. C. 

Patrick Myers 

Troy, N. Y. 
Sidney Nance 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Larry T. Neal 
Belews Creek, N. C. 
Ann Neese 
Fayetteville, N. C. 

(Catherine Newman 
Allendale, N. J. 
Sharon Oliver 
Morganton, N. C. 
Dorothv Price 
Pleasant Garden, N. C. 
Leo Palmer 
High Point, N C. 

Leonard S. Palmer, Jr. 
Salem, Va. 
Claudia Payne 
Montgomery, Ala. 
Frankie Peace 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Peggv Pernell 
High' Point, N. C. 



4 Mm 


Thomas A. Peterson 

Archdale. N. C. 
Dianne F'hipps 
High Point, N. C. 
Emilie Pickett 
Denton, N. C. 
Cynthia Pillsbury 
Charlotte, N. C. 

Kermit Prevette 
Lewisville, N. C. 
Ronald Edward Price 
Cambridge, Md. 
Carolyn Prillaman 
Collin'sville, N. C. 

Edward Pryor 

Hendersonville, N. C. 

Lorraine Reidda 
Succasunna, N. J. 
.ludson Richardson 
Lynnfield, Mass. 
Cassandra Ritchie 
Kingsport, Tenn. 
Steve Riggs 
High Point, N. C. 

Robert Robertson 
Wantagh, N. Y. 
Betty Rogers 
Alberta, Va. 
Ruffv Rounds 
Westfield, N. J. 
Robert Sale 
Ronda, N. C. 

Betty Sanderford 
Whiteville, N. C. 
Gary Sappenfield 
High Point, N. C. 
Roy I). Schumacher 
Haddonfield, K. J. 
Ann Scott 
Hampton, Va. 

Janet Seigler 
Monroe, N. C. 
Earl Senger 
Greenville, Va. 
Bill Sevier 
Asheville, N. C. 
Rudy Shackleford 
Pinnacle, N. C. 


"Such a display of legs during 
the History Caravan!" 

Stalling*. Mock, and Thigpen relax at 
Fortress Monroe, Virginia during the 
1966 Caravan. 

Donna Shelly 
Parris Island. S. C. 
Joan Simmons 
High Point, N. C. 
Lynn Simone 
Union, N. J. 
Bruce Smith 
Washington, D. C. 

Dannv Smith 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Patricia Smith 
Annapolis, Md. 
Wilton Smith 
Hillcrest Heights. Md. 
Dennis Snead 
Greensboro. N. C. 

Shirley Snvder 
High Point, N. C. 
Michael Sombar 
Milford, Del. 
Steven L. Spencer 
Madison, N. C. 
Gordon Stallings 
Concord, N. C. 

Millard Stallings 
Smithfield. N. C. 
Patsy Starling 
High Point, N. C. 
Sammie L. Steele 
High Point. N. C. 
Martha Sterling 
Dover, Del. 


Robert St. John 
Pensacola, Fla. 
Charles Stirewalt 
Old Fort, N. C. 
Edward Strotten 
Afton, Va. 
Phyllis Sturdivant 
Lexington, N. C. 

Bobbi Tavlor 
Denton, N. C. 
Nancy Taylor 
Eutaw, Ala. 
Charles Teague 
Asheville, N. C. 
Sylvia Teague 
Charlotte, N. C. 

Barbara Thayer 

High Point, N. C. 
Frankie Thigpen 
Pikeville, N. C. 
Louise Thomas 
Jackson Springs, N. C. 
Ted Thomas 
Gastonia, N. C. 

George Traveria 
Jacksonville, N. C. 
Gloria Troutman 
Kannapolis, N. C. 
Lynn Tuggle 
High Point, N. C. 
Martha Tuttle 
High Point, N. C. 

"Some call it the cafeteria, some call 
it the cafe, but I call it the !" 

Lynn Edmonds is going to the cafeteria where students al- 
ways complain about the food, but High Point College has 
the best variety around. 



Robert Tuttle 
Lewisville, N. C. 
Janice Tysinger 
Lexington, N. C. 
Sue Ellen Van Gilder 
Millville, N. J. 
Jeanne Vanneman 
Woodbury Hts., N. J. 

Hrenda Varner 

Lexington, N. C. 
Steve Vestal 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Larry Wall 
Pilot Mountain, N. C. 
Joan Warren 
Walkertown, N. C. 

Ellen White 
Saugus, Mass. 
William White 
Stony Point, N. C. 
James Whitehead 
Camp Lejeune, N. C. 
Shelbv Jean Wilkes 
High 'Point, N. C. 

Vicky Wimberly 

Reidsville, N. C. 
Carol Winstead 
Roxboro, N. C. 
Linda Wood 
Hifrh Point, N. C. 
Lucinda Ellen Wood 
HiKh Point, N. C. 

Clark Yokley 
Hiph Point, N. C. 
Val Zumbro 

Hyattsville, Md. 

College Life Draws To A Close 


Jim Spiridopoulos, President 


Having chosen their separate paths, the seniors bring 
their college days to an end. Nevertheless, college memo- 
ries will remain with them, especially those of the last 

The officers, Jim Spiridopoulos. Sally Reed. Laura 
Coltrane. and Tillie Clark worked together with the aid 
of Mr. Drapeau. the advisor. 

That special senior superiority, the Junior-Senior 
Prom, and that long-awaited day which opens a new 
door to the future are all a part of the senior year. 

The Class of '67 has been an asset to the College, and 
the College has certainly been a major part in their 
development as Americans and as adults in our society. 

Laura Coltrane. Secretary 

Tillie (lark, Treasurer 


Seniors Struggle Through Seminar. 

Laurie I). Abbott 

Thomasville, N. C. 
A.B. English 

Billie L. Allen 

High Point, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Jean Allen 

Atlanta, Ga. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

J</an Anderson 

Wilmington, Del. 
A.B. English 

Thomas S. Anderson 

Trinity, N. C. 
A.B. English 

Sue ('. Ashburn 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Delia E. Auman 

Seagrove, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Marizell E. Austin 

Monroe, N. C. 
A.B. English 

Charles D. Ayers 

High Point, N. C. 
A.B. Sociology 


Patricia A. Banks 
Marshall, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Sharon K. Benfield 
Hifi-h Point. X. C. 
A.B. English 

Ralph and Angie enjoy the Jr.-Sr. Prom. 

Debra L. Bolton 

Greensboro, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Charles B. Bridges 
Kernersville, X.C. 
A.B. History, Political Science 

Bonnie S. Bowman 

Walkertown. X. C. 
A.B. History 


Jackie S. Brendle 

Morganton, X. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Winifred M. Bristow 

Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 
A.B. Music Education 

Larry E. Brown 
Trinity, N. C. 
A.B. History 

Ronald C. Brown 
Asheville, N. C. 
A.B. History and Political Science 

Spencer W. Brown 
Springfield, Va. 
A.B. History, Political Science 

Velma F. Browning 
High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

John W. Buffum 

New York, N. Y. 
A.B. Psychology 

Carolyn E. Burns 

Maple Shady, N. J. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Clinton S. Rums 

Cumnock, N. C. 
B.S. Physical Education 

Sally M. Campbell 

Taylorsville, N C. 
A.B. Sociology 

Rhea E. Carle 

Fairhaven, Mass. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

(Jail W. Chambers 

Graham, N. C. 
A.B. English 

Gregory I). Chase 

Virginia Beach, Ya. 
B.S. Physical Education 

E. Sue Cheek 

Kannapolis, N. C. 
A.B. Sociology- 
Phyllis G. Church 

Winston-Salem. X. C. 
A.B. English 


Jim Spiridopoulos 

Top Ten Senior 

Robert H. ("lark, Jr. 

Tillie 1.. (lark 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Greenwood, S. C. 

B.S. Business 

B.S. Physical Education 


l.aKue L. (line 

Thomas I.. Coleman 

Lexington, N. C. 

Potomac. Md. 

A.B.T. Elementary 

A.B. History 



Nancy Scales 
Top Ten Senior 

I .ini.i 1,. Coltrane 

Hoyle (;. Coppley 

Kernersville, N. C. 

Lexington, X. ('. 

A.B. F.TiK-lish 

A.B.T. Physical 

Judy C. Cox 

Andrew W. CraiR 

Reidsville, X. C. 


ack Mountain, N. C 

U.S. Business 

A.B. English 

Boh Hamilton 
Top Ten Senior 




Sharon (J. C'reagmile 

Ridley Park, Pa. 

A.B. Sociology 

William V. Cude, Jr. 

Winston-Salem, N. ('. 
A.B. History 

Donald l{. (rossley 
Swansea, Mass. 

A.B. History 
Political Science 

Brenda A. Dayvault 

Kannapolis, N. C. 

A.B.T. Elementary 


Billie and Wayne head religious groups. 

Are Active 

Julie A. DeGooyer 

Silver Spring, Md. 

A.B. English 

Mario Dell Amico 
Miami, Fla. 
A.B. History 

Thomas F. Dignan 

Washington, D. C. 

A.B.T. Physical 


David B. Dorsey 

Rutherfordton, N. C. 

A.B. History 

Political Science 

Marriage plays its role on campus as illustrated liy Art and Diana. 


Winifred Bristow presents her Senior Recital. 

in College Programs. 

Jim unci Dave give a helping hand during Freshman 


John A. Duffy 

Washington, D. C. 

A.B. History 

Political Science 

Otis I). Kvans 
Spray, N. C. 
B.S. Business 


Robert S. Eller 

Thomasville, N. C. 
A.B. History 

William I'. Fanning 

Rochester, X. Y. 

B.S. Business 


Leif F. Erickson 

Hitrh Point. X. C. 
A.B. English 

Sidney I.. Faucette 

Boykins, Va. 

A.B. History 

Political Science 

Wayne I). Ervin 

Brunswick, Ga. 

A.B. History 

Clinton S. Forhis, Jr. 

High Point, N. C. 

A.B. History 

Political Science 

Sharon and Tillie help with physical education courses. 

Taniara Kearns shows her school spirit 
at the ballgame. 


"Spiro" welcomes the Freshmen. 


Roy E. Foster 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Eloise L. Freeman 

Leaksville, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Becky S. Freeze 

Troutman, N. C. 
A.B. Economics 

Michael E. Goodale 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
B.S. Biology 

Gainor E. Goodwin 

Woodcliff Lake, N. J. 
B.S. Biology 

Sarah F. Green 

High Point, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Richard A. Greene 

Randleman, N. C. 
A.B. Psychology 

Sarah E. Greene 

White Plains, N. Y. 
A.B. Sociology 

Robert E. Hamilton 

Wareham. Mass. 
A.B. Religion, Philosophy 

John I). Hamrick 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Chemistry 

David R. Hardee 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Physical Education 

Faye Harmon 

Hanover, Md. 
A.B. French 

Willie G. Harris, Jr. 

Carthage, X. C. 
A.B. Religion 

Nancy P. Havens 

High Point. N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Ralph W. Hoar. Jr. 

Toano, Va. 
A.B. History 


Cleah M. Harris 

High Point, N. C. 
A.B.T. Primary Education 

H. Garry Holland 

High Point. N. C. 
B.S. Physical Education 

Susan M. Hood 
Quantico, Va. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Ervin H. Houser 

High Point, N. C. 
A.B. Religion 

Charles T. Howard 
High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Chemistry 

C. Wayne Hughes 

Trinity, N. C. 
B.S. Mathematics 

George M. Ilunsucker 

Asheboro, N. C. 
A.B. Psychology 

Judy <;. Hussey 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Mathematics 

Luis A. Jimenez 

Jamaica, N. Y. 
A.B. French 

and Leading as Top Ten Seniors. 

Ralph Hoar . 



Ella Stout 


Kent Ripley 

Tom Supervises Cake Cutting. 

Kimbrounh Jones 

Raleigh, N. C. 
A.B. History 

Levin K. Jones, Jr. 
Kinston, N. C. 

B.S. Physical Education 

Wanda L. Joyce 

Madison, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Cheryl I). Jurney 
Harmony, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Tamara K. Kearns 
Lexinirton. N. C. 
B.S. Business Education 

('. Wayne Kennedy 

High Point. N. C. 
A.B.T. Physical Education 

Rosemary M. Kennedy 

Lincolnton, N. C. 
A.B. Christian Education 

Jeffrey I). Kerr 
Emmaus, Pa. 
A.B. History 

Michael I). Key 

Charleston, W. Va. 
B.S. Business 



Mr. Drapeau(R), class adviser, enjoys senior prom. 

Susan E. Knara 
Gwynedd, Pa. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Emma L. Landes 

Raleigh, N. C. 
A.B. Sociology 

George A. Lare, Jr. 

Drexel Hill, Pa. 
B.S. Biology 

William T. Lea 

Silver Spring, Md. 
A.B.T. Physical Education 

Laura K. Lenz 

Bethesda, Md. 
A.B. Sociology 

Sharon Letherbury 
Wilmington, Del. 
A.B.T. Physical Education 

Richard I). Lewin 

Camden, N. J. 
A.B. Psychology 

John W. Locklair 

Moncks Corner, S. C. 
A.B. Religion 

C. Jean Losten 

Chesapeake City, Md. 
A.B. English 

N. Leslie Lowe 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Business 

William H. Mclnnis 

Lakeview, N. C. 
A.B. History, Political Science 

Arthur I. McKay 
Norwood, Mass. 

B.S. Biology 


Betty S. McMillan 
Lexington, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Philip M. Ma be 

Mooresville, N. C. 
A.B. History 

E. Ann Mackie 

Cecilton, Md. 
A.B.T. Ait Education 

Lois J. Main waring 

Chapel Hill, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

James A. Martz 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Chemistry 

Larry K. Matthews 

Kcrnersville, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Jane M. Milner 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
A.B.T. Physical Education 

Linda S. Morgan 

Greensboro, N. C. 
A.B. Music Education 

Jay S. Motsinger 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Accounting 

Graduate Records! 

Sally anxiously awaits them. 


WAo's ls)Ao in ^American 


Richard Dennis Lewin 

Inter-Fraternity Council — 

Men's Dormitory Council — 
Theta Chi Fraternity 
Orientation Committee 
Steering Committee — Co- 

Thomas F. Dignan 

Student Government Association 

— President 

Men's Dormitory Council 

Baseball Team — Co-Captain 

Physical Education Major's 

Club — President 

Golden Decade Development 

Committee — Student Chairman 

David Barnett Dorsey 

Young Democratic Club — 


Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity 

— President 

The Hi-Po — Business Manager'. 

President of '67 Student 


Orientation Committee 

Julie Anne DeGooyer 

Chief Cheerleader 

Kappa Delta Sorority 

Student National Education 


Homecoming Court — 1966 

English Club 

Catherine Sue Poindexter 

Women's Dormitory Council 

Alpha Delta Theta Sorority 

Student National Education 


Fellowship Teams 

Student Christian Association 

vjo/Ieges ancf QJniuersi/ies 


Claborne Kent Ripley 

Student Legislature — Speaker 
Theta Chi — Vice-President 
Student Congress representative 
Exchange student to Queens 
College, N. Y. 
Orientation Committee 

William Howard Mclnnis 

Judiciary Council — Chief 


Junior Marshall 

Apogee — Business Manager 

Alpha Phi Gamma Fraternity 

The Hi-Po — Columnist 

Edna Ann Mackie 

Miss Golden Decade Pageant — 


ZENITH — Art Editor 

Zeta Tau Alpha — 


Apogee staff 

Robert Earl Hamilton 

Ella Raines Stout 

Junior Marshal 

ZENITH — Editor-in-Chief 

Order of the Lighted Lamp 

Apogee — Managing Editor 

Student National Education 






Student Christian Association - 


Sophomore Class — Treasurer 

Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity 

Student Legislature 

Methodist Student Fellowship - 



" •* ' .' ■ 

19 Seniors CReceioe 

Linda dale I'erry 
It'oiih h'h Doimitory Council - 

I' I I Slllllll 

'/.•In Tun Alpha — Prcsidt nt 
Outstanding Greek Woman 

I l m I, I 

*«"». •'< nl Legislature 
I'. i •■/ 1 lh iiir ( 'mincil 

Ralph Wellington Hoar 

Student Government Association 

— Vice-President 

The Hi-Po — Columnist 

Thcta Chi Fraternity 

Junior Class — President 

Tower Players — President 

David Parker I'ulliam 

Student Government 
Association — Treasurer 
Student Legislature 
Junior Marshal 
Fellowship Teams — Team 
Captain, Treasurer 
Methodist Student Fellowship 

Sharon Kaye Benfield 

Junior Marshal 

Apogee — Editor-in-Chief 

English Club 

Kappa Delta Pi Fraternity 

Betty Jo Vaughn 

Student National Education 
Association — President 
Student Christian 
Association — Vice-President 
Junior Marshal 
Order of the Lighted Lamp 
Kappa Delta Pi Fraternity 


G. Edward Patterson 

Men's Dormitory Council — 


Society for Advancement of 


Representative at Fancourt 

Memorial Seminar 

Student Government Steering' 

Committee — Co-Chairman 

Golden Decade Development 

Conference representative 

w ^j?'-- 'j i 





■ 1 5s 



Tillie Lynn Clark 
Senior Clans — Tri'dHiircr 
ZENITH — Feature Editor 
Student Government Association 
— Secretary 
The Hi-Po — Columnist 
Phi Mil Fraternity — 
Corresponding Secreta ry 

Nancy Taylor Scales 

Student Legislature 
Student National 
Education Association 
Tower Players 

James L. Sloan 

Junior Class — Vice-President 

The Hi-Po — Editor-in-Chief 

Alpha Phi Gamma Fraternity — 


English Club — President 

Apogee — Editor-in-Chief 

Christine H. Myers 
High Point, N. C. 
A.B.T. Primary Education 

A. Margaret Nance 

Mt. Pleasant. N. C. 
A.B. Sociology 

Ronald S. Nelson 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Chemistry 

William A. N'ewhy 

Thomasville, N. C. 
A.B. Sociology 

Rebecca E. Nixon 

High Point, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Stanley R. North 
Demarest, N. J. 
B.S. Biology 

Barbara J. O'Connor 

Hanover, N. J. 
A.B. Sociology 

Eric I.. Okin 

Arlington, Va. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Carl A. Orton, II 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Senior Work During 

President Dignan chats with faculty members. 

Dorm council members have to do every- 



"O.K., Freshmen, we're ready to go. 

Harry P. Osborne 

Asheboro, N. C. 
A.B.T. Physical Education 

Rob6rt L. Owens 

Lexington, N. ('. 

B.S. Physical Education 

Ann .1. Parker 
Hobgood, N. C. 

A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Betty A. Parks 
Trinity, N. C. 
A.B. History 

(i. Edward Patterson 

Ararat, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Hattie A. Patterson 

High Point. N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

(J. Thomas Patterson 

High Point, N. C. 
A.B. Psychology 

Lowell I). Payne 

High Point. N. C. 
A.B. History, Political Science 

l.inda <;. Perry 

Belmont. N'. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Robert C. Plyler 

Hifth Point, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Catherine S. Poindexter 

Monroe, N. C. 
A.B. English 

Richard ('. Prince 

Tampa. Fla. 
B.S. Physical Education 



David P. I'ulliam 

Roanoke. Va. 
A.B. Psychology 

Emery K. Kaper, Jr. 

Lexington, N. C. 
A.B. History 

Sally C. Reed 

Leesburg, Va. 
A.B. English 

Grace M. Reitzel 

High Point, N. C. 
A.B. Sociology 

Noel A. Rendell 

Simsbury, Conn. 
B.S. Accounting 

Mary E. Renegar 

Harmony, N. C. 
A.R.T. Elementary Education 

James B. Richardson 

Clemmons, N. C. 
A.B. History 

('. Kent Ripley 

Washington. D. C. 
B.S. Biology 

Johnsie S. Rios 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Mathematics 

John W. Roberts, Jr. 

Marietta, Ga. 
A.B. Psychology 

Kathleen Rogers 
Arlington, Va. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Carolyn A. Russell 

Granite Falls, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Jeanne C. Ruth 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Candace Sarmuk 

Berkshire, Mass. 
A.B. French 

Nancy T. Scales 

Leaksville, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 


Sally redecorates the Student 

Julie is Chief 

Jim takes time out from his work. 


> * * / 

Jim Sloan 
Top Ten Senior 

Tillie (lark 
Top Ten Senior 

Tom Dignan 

Top Ten Senior 

K. Sharon Sechrest 
Jamestown. N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Thomas P. Sharpe 
Burlington. N. C. 
A.B. Psychology 

Tommy It. Shoaf 

Lexington. N. C. 
A.B. Sociology 

Ruth A. Sides 

Greensboro, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Richard S. Simms 

Clinton. X. J. 
A.B. History, Political Science 

I.inda Perry 

Toil Ten Senior 



William J. Skaggs 

Thomasville. N. C. 
B.S. Chemistry 

Robert F. Skwirut 
Vandergrift, Pa. 
A.B.T. Physical Education 

James I.. Sloan 

Alexandria, Va. 
A.B. English 

Angela I). Smith 

Greensboro. X. C. 
A.B. Relipion 

I.inwood E. Smith 

Washington, D. C. 
B.S. Business Management 

Sherry 1). Snow 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
A.B. English 

Donna K. Sowers 

High Point, N. C. 
B.S. Business 

James S. Spiridopoulos 

Washington. D. ('. 
A.B.T. Physical Education 

Jane B. Springer 

High Point. N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Janet I.. Stayer 

Charlotte, N. C. 
B.S. Business Administration 

Dina ('. Steed 

Greensboro, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

John M. Steimle 

Southern Pines, N. C. 
A.B. History, Political Science 

James W. Stitt 
Eastville, Va. 
A.B. History, Political Science 

Catherine D. Story 
Greensboro, N. C. 
A.B. English 

Ella R. Stout 

Asheboro, N. C. 
A.B. English 


Judy I. Stutts 

Liberty, N. C. 

A.B.T. Elementary 


Douglas A. Thayer 
Baldwin, N. Y. 
A.B. Sociology 

Donna L. Suhadolc 

Ramsey, N. J. 
A.B.T. Elementary 


Betty l\ Thomas 

Winston-Salem. X. ('. 

A.B.T. Business 


Nancy R. Tabor 
Greensboro, N. C. 
A.B. English 

Dorothy E. Thomas 

High Point, N. C. 

A.B.T. Elementary 


Ray T. Taylor 

Durham, N. C. 

A.B. History, Political 


Prank I). Thomas 

High Point, N. C. 

B.S. Biology 

Practice Teaching 

Wayne Ervin heads the Fellowship Teams. 

Dick Simms did his 

practice teaching in the history field. 


Mary L. Thomas 

l.eon E. Thompson 

Greensboro, N. C. 

Arehdale, N. C. 

A.B.T. Primary 

A.B. History 


Allen ('. Thornburn 

V. Dare Tingen 

Harrington Park, N. J. 

W Isdale, N. C. 

B.S. Business 

A.B.T. Music 



Sally Reed learns through experience, 

is for Seniors. 

Harriet A. Tvsinger 

Thomasville, N. C. 

A.B.T. Elementary 


Betty J. Vaughn 

High Point, N. C. 

A.B.T. Eelementary 


s. Joyce VanHook 

Canton, N. C. 
A.B. Sociology 

Barbara I». Walker 

Reidsville, N. C. 

A.B. English 

What really goes on in the dorm' 


Patricia J. White 

Trinity, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 



McDermott *2 

Leads ^fe 

Bernice G. Willen 

Jamestown, N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Ellen F. Williams 

Olin, X. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Rebecca M. Wilson 

Walkertown, X. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Carl M. Worthy. Jr. 

Charlotte, N. C. 
A.B. History, Political Science 

"Come and get it!" 

"And just what does he think he's doing?' 


John I). Loflin 

High Point. N. C. 
B.S. Chemistry. 

Linda P. I'riddy 

Spray, N. C. 
"B.S. Mathematics 

Robert P. Weiss. Jr. 
Greensboro. X. C. 
A.B. Psychology 

Wanda L. Welborn 

Winston-Salem. X. C. 
A.B.T. Primary Education 

Robert A. Wells. Jr. 

Burlington. X. C. 
A.B. History 

Suzanne Wells 

Duval. Fla. 
A.B.T. Primary Education 

Ruby (J. White 

Greensboro. N. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Joyce Wright 
Earl. X. C. 
A.B. English. History 

I.inda H. Wright 

High Point, X. C. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

James K. (iallimore 

Pulaski. Va. 
A.B. Social Studies 

Aileen X. Howe 

Mt. Holly. X. J. 
A.B.T. Elementary Education 

Xot Pictured 

Edgar M. Greeson 

Clearwater. Fla. 
A.B. Psychology 

Jerry L. Lambert 

High Point, X. C. 

A.B.T. Physical 


Helen 1. Hutto 

High Point, X. C. 

B.S. Business 


(iloria McDowell 
High Point. X. C. 
B.S. Mathematics 

Alison B. Johnson 
Portsmouth. \'a. 

A.B. History. 
Political Science 

Linda B. Moody 

Winston-Salem. X. ('. 

A.B.T. Elementary 


Carolyn J. Price 

High Point, X. C. 

B.S. Business 


William I). McDermott 

Washington, D. C. 

A.B. History 

; ; 



Cheerleaders Lead School Spirit! 

L. to R.: Diane Abbott, Tamara Kearns. Julie DeGoover, Chief, Mimi Bratt, Diane 
Holt, Barbara Taylor. 

"Get that arm up high and yell!" 

Hard work, long hours, and con- 
stant practice are the requirements 
for a good cheerleader. This year we 
have had a superior squad. 

These girls cheer our team on to 
victory with the experienced guid- 
ance of Julie, the Chief. 

The squad has made a special ef- 
fort this year to acquaint the stu- 
dents with new and better cheers. 
The cheerleaders are a necessary as- 
set to the team and to the students. 

"Yen, High Point!" 

The Pep Band and Cheerleaders gave a swinging assembly. 


Pantherettes of HPC 

Hack Row: L. to R.: Perry, Coffey. Kendle, Sykes, Auman. Reidda. Feimster, Havden. 
Front Row: Tuttle, Howlett. 

The lady Panthers really came through again 
this year. After hard work and good sportsman- 
ship, the team retained its standing. 

For the past two years the Pantherettes 
have won the Gold Medal Championship at the 
YMCA. Wanda Howlett and Mickey Tuttle led 
their team to many victories this year. 

HPC 55 

HPC 69 

HPC 76 

HPC 77 

HPC 51 

HPC 74 

HPC 52 

HPC 61 

Seagrove 41 

UNC-G 67 

Guilford 54 

Seagrove 31 

UNC 35 

UNC-G 71 

Averette 50 

Averette 42 

Miss Clarv throws the ball for Wanda and Mickey. 


Witt, Davis Get Into Full Swing. 

Danny jumps high against Elon. 

The Panthers started this season with excit- 
ing action. They welcomed Coach Bob Vaughn 
as their new leader. 

Basketball season brings the College campus 
alive with school spirit and enthusiasm. HPC 
received great pride and pleasure from the 1966- 
1967 Panthers. 

"O.K.. Roys, give them what you've pot!" 



We've pot that Panther spirit! 

Basketball Team 

L. to R.: Xindaris, mgr., Lindsay, Littles, Mathieson, Wall, McDermott, Picka, Lowen- 
thal, Davis, Spirodopoulos, Witt, Smith, Coach Vaughn, Del Amico, mgr. 

Season Scores, '66-'67 

High Point. . 

. . 87 

High Point. . 

. . 87 

High Point. . 

. . 89 

High Point. . 

. .104 

High Point . . 

. . 96 

High Point. . 

. . 78 

High Point. . 

. 68 

High Point. . 

. . 77 

High Point. . 

. 76 

High Point. . 

. 82 

High Point.. 

. 84 

High Point. . 

. 69 

High Point. . 

. 79 

Pfeiffer 76 

Campbell 78 

Winston-Salem State 84 

Campbell 77 

Elon 75 

Guilford 77 

Frederick 60 

Atlantic Christian 84 

Frederick 86 

Western Carolina 65 

Appalachian 86 

Belmont Abbey 60 

Elon 73 

High Point.. 


High Point. . 

. .71 

High Point. . 

. .94 

High Point. . 


High Point. . 

. .65 

High Point. . 


High Point . . 


High Point. . 

. .76 

High Point . . 

. .64 

High Point . . 

. .83 

High Point. . 

. .88 

High Point. . 

. .85 

Guilford 88 

Lenoir Rhyne 92 

Atlantic Christian 84 

Eastern Carolina 71 

Catawba 66 

Western Carolina 76 

Appalachian 68 

Atlantic Christian 82 

Pfeiffer 60 

Lenoir Rhyne 69 

Frederick 72 

Catawba 95 

Pep Band leads school spirit. 



■ i 


What's a team without its bench! 

John Davis goes up for two. 

a Successful Season. 

Our men walked all over Western — 90-76. 

Panthers Start 

Get that ball back! 

Panthers Win 

Ron Loewenthal brings the team to life. 


No one can out jump center, Jim Picka. 

"Down on the 50 yard line?" 

Gene Littles shows them how it is don<.\ 


■■ ■ 

The Close Ones. 

tT * -ft 

A perfect set-up every time. 

Joe Colbert displays that unbeat- 
able Panther skill. 

Chris Lindsay in a corner is a ball in the basket. 

'99 A tense game ends as the Panthers claws the Quakers— 92- 







Hiph Point clobbers Atlantic Christian — 94-84. 

v\ - 



j / ! i 



That's one point for sure! 

Cross Country 

L. to R.: Coach Davidson, Rich Smith, Steve Laney, Doug Frver, Bob Criswell. Not 
Pictured — Walter Gregg. 


"Get those feet up in the air!" 

Coach talks with Rich, the Captain. 

District 26 Meet— Second Place 


High Point College. .30 
High Point College.. 20 
High Point College.. 15 
High Point College. .27 

St. Andrews 55 

Methodist College . .35 
Methodist College . .40 
Campbell 29 

High Point College. .47 
High Point College. .19 
High Point College. .22 
High Point College. .27 

N. C. State 16 

Davidson 40 

Washington & Lee . .39 
St. Andrews 29 


Basebal Team 

■ ^*" WW W * %& «»*i 

/ AL. 

< • 



> , . ■■: ■■■ 



A * 'J,- ' 

L. to R., Front Row: Younts, Braun, Nanfelt, Robertson, Perlozzo. Austin, Witt, Eakes. 
Back Row: Whitehead, Carter. Holland, Smith, Myers, Mowery. Broos, Lagos, Lare, 
Coach Hartman. 

An All Conference catcher sure helps. 



Coach Hartman helps co-captain, Bobbv Robert- 



A perfect swing every time. 



A happy moment, another hit. 

This year's baseball team has great potential for 
the coming season. Many players are returnees from 
last year and with the addition of some fine fresh- 
men the team will go far. A full schedule is in store 
for the team yet with their skill and ability there will 
be excitement for all who go to the games. Coming 
from behind, those vital base hits, and the final 
inning tension all contribute to a thrilling sport. 

■Ml ■ ■ 

-21 " ? 

• :s 


/ r« 

i'*u: - 

"Get that ball!" 


Coach supervises pitching practice. 


Tennis Team 

Hours of practice create good players. 

John Reaves 


High Point College. . .0 Atlantic Christian . . .7 

High Point College. . .7 Lenoir Rhyne 

High Point College ... 1 Pfeif fer 6 

High Point College. . .9 Lenoir Rhyne 

High Point College. . . 4 Guilford 3 

High Point College... 1 Western Carolina ...6 

High Point College... 1 Atlantic Christian ...8 

High Point College. . .4 Elon 3 

High Point College. . .3 Guilford 4 

High Point College. . . 5 Elon 2 

Ken Machlin 



L. to R.: Teapue, Waugh, Marshall, Tinple, Holmes, Fanning, SappenfieUl. 

Golf Team 

.-:, ■ ■ 


High Point 
High Point 
High Point 
High Point 
High Point 
High Point 
High Point 
High Point 
High Point 
District 26- 

College. ..191/2 
College... 16 
College... 14 
College... 20 
College... 13i/ 2 
College. . .141/i 
College. ..16 
College... I6I/2 
College. ..12 
Tournament — 3rd place 
—5th place 

Catawba 4 1 2 

Guilford 8 

Pfeiffer 10 

Elon 4 

Elon 10'/. 

Appalachian . . 9 1 2 

Pfeiffer 8 

Guilford 7i/> 

Appalachian . .16 

Co-captains Randy Waugh and Gary Sappenfield 


Track Team 

Track men train for upcoming season. 


Rick Steffen perfects broad jump. 

Conference Champions '66 



eaks many 

• -- 






Sid Faucette grins and bears it! 



Back Row, L. to R.: Alger, Rock, Landy, Fryer, Blanciak. Second Row, I,, to R.: Pryer, 
Criswell, Schumacher, Applegate, Brown. First Row, L. to R.: Smith, Coston, Steffen. 



Coach Davidson demonstrates for training. 

"Hugh, get those legs up there!" 

"Reach for those toes and make it!" 




Compliments of 


Compliments of 


"Your reliable Buick Dealer" 
819 N. Main St. 
High Point, N. C. 


the drive-in with the arches 


tasty lood... thrifty prices 

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A good company to be insured in, 
and a good company to work for! 


8fii&/ ~£t$ ^Wn4€&€mce ^WemAtmu 

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Compliments of 

CO., INC. 

Thomasville, North Carolina 

"Tiger Country' 


Thomasville, North Carolina 

CO., INC. 






201 E. Washington St. 

Phone 882-6848 

High Point, N. C. 

2 ': 2 



21 3 


North Wrenn ol Westwood 
High Point, North Corolino 

Phones: 888-4085 — 882-1617 

Specialize in Italian Food 
Pizza and Spaghetti 


House of Good Food 
1239 Montlieu 

Compliments of 


Main Street, High Point, N. C. 


Gift Shop Luggage 

134 & 136 South Moin St. 


121 National Highway 
Thomosville, N. C. 


"See Us In The .Sheraton Hotel" 
High Point, N. C. 


"Finest Pizza in High Point" 

1807 N. Main 

Tel 883-9423 

House of Good Food 


Cameras — Films — Photo Supplies 

215 South Elm St. Phone 888-5617 

: - 

Widen your horizons! 

Exciting things are happening in textiles today . 
in outer space . . . inner space . . . and on earth! 

. materials for use 

Cone Mills, a major producer of high quality fabrics, is a part of this 
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In this time of rapid change, we are constantly seeking imaginative, 
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a challenge? Write Industrial Relations Department, Cone Mills Corporation, 
Greensboro, N. C. 


"Where fabrics of tomorrow are woven today." 

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Carlisle, Cheraw & Greenville, S. C. 

Greensboro & Haw River, N. C. • 

MANUFACTURING PLANTS— Cliffside, Forest City, Gibsonville, Greensboro, 
Haw River, Henrietta, Hillsborough, Pineville, Reidsville, Salisbury in North 
Carolina. Greenville and Whitmire in South Carolina. Houston in Texas. 

SALES HEADQUARTERS — Cone Mills Inc., New York 


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Established 1905 

High Point, "North Carolina 

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 


Serving This Community Since 1897 

1301 East Lexington Ave Telephone 882-2555 

414 S. Main Street Telephone 885-2145 


Compliments of 




"Your Chevy Service Center" 
1800 North Main Street 


to the 
CLASS OF 1967 


High Point, North Carolina 

Compliments of 


Compliments of 


High Point, North Carolina 

N \\H 1 1 1 1/7/> 



a living tradition in furniture 

Kuntot muiitvu CO, net romr. no*rt titouat 

Before The Game — After The Game 

Meet Your Friends 



Milk Shakes, Sundaes, Hordogs, Sandwiches 
Dairy Lunches 


You Never Outgrow Your Need For Milk 

844 South Main Street 

College Village Shopping Center 

1730 North Main Street 







Since 1906 


A. W. Klemme, Jr., President 
High Point, N. C. 

21 -: 

Compliments of 


902 N. Main Street 

High Point, North Carolina 

Coast to Coast 



tht most In DKV CLf animo 

247 South Main Street 

1530 North Main Street 

1310 North Centennial 


At The New South Gate Shopping Center 
1628 South Main 

. • 

Compliments of 


248 N. Homilton St. 


2431 N. Main St. 




The Thomosville Dodge Boys 


501 Notional Highway 

Thomasville, N. C. 
"Where Friends Meet" 


126 South Main Street 
Style Clothes for the College Man 


302 North Wrenn St. 
High Point, N. C. 

Specialize in Italian Food 
Pizzo and Spaghetti 


129 N. Main St. 
House of Good Food 

Compliments of 


.: 2 3 


717 S. Mam St 
High Point, N. C. 

Compliments of 


High Point 

Compliments of 


Finer Impressions 



Established 1923 

Distinctive Clothing For The Gentleman And His Lady 




Abbott, Diane— 160 

606 N. Garfield St. 

Arlington, Va. 
Abbott, Laurie Dee — 92.94,164 

218 Spring St. 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Academics — 100 
Ackerman, David— 55,71,138 

6308 Blackwood Rd. 

Bethesda, Md. 
Adams, Claude — 50.126 

242 Breckinridge Ct. 

Hampton, Va. 

Adams. Donald L.— 90,93,130,138 

176 Broad St. 

Manchester. Conn. 
Adams, Linda — 138 

2 Scheridan Rd. 

Summit. N. J. 
Adams. Louise — 116 

1318 Guyer St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Administration — -102 
Advertisements — 190 
Alderson. Raymond — 92,126 

600 Runyon Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Alger, Hugh — 53.160 

Box 151. Star Rt. 

Eustis, Fla. 
Allen, Barry — 126 

215 Terrell St. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Allen. Billie— 87,92.164,168 

906 Circle Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Allen. Charles— 138 

Rt. 3 

Shelby, N. C. 
Allen, Dorothy— 94,164 

373 Lakemoore Dr.. N.E. 

Atlanta, Ga. 
Allen, Lawson — 102 

906 Circle Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Allgood, Nancy — 138 

1427 Cook St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Allison, James Bryan — 49.71.138 

Box 235 

Waldorf, Md. 
Alpha Delta Theta— 86.87 
Alpha Gamma Delta — 68,69 
Alpha Phi Gamma— 12 
Alpha Phi Omega — 85 
Ammons, John — 138 

Rt. 2, Box 306 

Arden, N. C. 
Anderson. Jean — 59,164 

507 Redfern Ave. 

Wilmington, Del. 
Anderson, Tom — 164 

Rt. 1. Box 106 

Trinity, N. C. 
Andrews, Donald— 160 

436 E. Main St. 

Moorestown. N. J. 
Andrews. Nancy — 160 

117 White Oak Dr. 
Siler City, N. C. 

Apogee Staff — 78,79 
Applegate. Robert — 126,69 

3504 Halcyon Dr. 

Alexandria, Va. 
Applegate. Susan — 59,150 

3504 Halcyon Dr. 

Alexandria, Va. 
Ashburn, Sue — 164 

Children's Home 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Atwell. William— 138 

1200 Reading Dr. 

Orlando. Fla. 
Auman, Brenda — 138 

118 Northeast Dr. 
Archdale, N. C. 

Auman. D. Emile — 164.193 

Seagrove. N. C. 
Auman, Janet— 166 

Box 144 

Seagrove, N. C. 
Auman, Jennie — 150 

118 Northeast Dr. 

Archdale, N. C. 
Austin. Jennings — 53,150 

Rt. 7 

Monroe, N. C. 
Austin, Larry— 126 

401 Plummer St. 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Austin, Marizell— 59,164 

310 E. Houston St. 

Monroe, N. C. 
Austin, Patrick— 126 

2 Jones St. 

Jersey City, N. J. 

Axtell, Priscilla — 150 

911 Lewis Ave. 

Rockville, Md. 
Ayers. Charles— 164 

141 Renola Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 


Babb, Claudia— 63.138 

493 Babb's Rd, 

W. Suffield. Conn. 
Badu. Richard— 126 

429 Albin Ct. 

Ridgewood, N. J. 
Bailey, Myra — 65.138 

326 Alamance St. 

Gibsonville, N. C. 
Baity. Raymond— 138 

Rt. 6, Box 335 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Baker. Sharon— 63.138 

1513 Paddock Cr. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Baker, Ira L. — 111 

910 Johnson Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Baldwin. William — 126 

117 Greenspring Rd. 

Wilmington. Del. 
Ball. Randolph— 126 

207 Hi Merest Dr. 

High Point, N. C, 
Band— 84 
Banks. Patricia— 165 

Rt. 3. Box 222 

Marshall, N. C. 
Baptist Student Union — 92 
Barbour. Patricia— 126 

37 Werah Place 

Oceanport. N. J. 
Barlow, Judith— 64.126 

304 Creon Court 

Jacksonville, N. C. 
Barnes. Barbara — 74,126 

111 Maple St. 

Rutherfordton, N. C. 
Barker, Gary Boyd — 54,160 

107 Beverly PI. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Barnes. Billy 

Rt. 5. Box 146A 

High Point. N. C. 
Barnes, Deborah— 138 

6037 Chenango St. 

Orlando, N. C. 
Barnhardt, Derry— 126 

Rt. 1 

Advance, N. C. 
Baseball— 202,203 
Basketball— 194 
Bateman. Barry — 150 

213 Park Ave. 

Spray. N. C. 
Beam, Lynn— 60.126 

408 Farris Dr. 

Cherryville, N. C. 
Beard, Alton— 138 

Children's Home 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Beasley, Jane — 126 

823 Arbordale Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Beatty. Linda— 150 

3309 High Point Rd. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Beaver, Patricia— 138 

612 Nebraska St. 

Splndale. N. C. 
Beck, Lynda — 138 

Rt. 1, 

Lewisville. N. C. 
Benfield, Billy— 126 

102 E. Peachtree Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Benfield, Kay— 79.165,178 

1420 Courtesy Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Benson. Stephen— 49.138 

511 Faber Dr. 

Orlando, Fla. 
Berry. Pamela— 138 

5367 Taney Ave.. Apt. 200 

Alexandria, Va. 
Berryman. Nancy— 126,158 

4701 N. Dittmar Rd. 

Arlington. Va. 
Betterton, Robert 

334-37th St. 

Brigantine, N. J. 
Bigham, William— 84.150 

1708 E. Fourth St. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Black, Phillip— 138 

1205 Fifth St. 
High Point, N. C. 
Blackburn. Detra— 29.76. 13S 
1318 Gwynwood Dr. 
Mt. Airy. N. C. 

Blackburn, Gloria — 29,150 
1222 Guyer St. 
High Point. N. C. 
Blackshaie. Linda— 62,160 
6808 Kensington Ave. 
Richmond. Va. 
Blanciak, Thomas — 63,98 
268 Sherman Ave. 
Vandergrift. Pa. 
Blandy, Mary— 126 

311 North 3rd St. 

Smithfield. N. C. 
Blaner. Sally— 14 
Box 443 

Jamestown. N. C. 
Blessington, Patricia — 138 

P. O. Box 285 

Ocean City, N. J. 
Bliven. Beverley— 60,126 

7321 Wateicrest Dr. 

Charlotte. N. C, 
Bloom. John C— 55.150 

Half Acre Rd. 

Cranbury, N. J. 
Blosse. Raymond — 55.150 

2325 Kirby Dr. 

Marlow Heights. Md. 
Boales, Maxwell — 53 

511 S. Atlantic Ave. 

Daytona Beach, Fla. 
Board of Trustees— 10 
Bodenhamer, Cheryl— 126 

409 Richardson St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Boles. John— 126 

1201 E. Farriss Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Bolton. Debra— 59.165 

Rt. 4. Box 522 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Bond. Jenny — 126 

Rt. 2. Box 426 

Arnold, Md. 
Borden. Mary — 126 

10501 S. Glen Rd. 

Potomac, Md. 
Bonnaffon. Robert —54,126 

3505 Duff Dr. 

Falls Church. Va. 
Boswell. Linda — 126 

2220 Oak Hill Dr. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Botsch. Margaret — 150 

316 Rosemary Dr. 

Lexington. N. C. 
Bowden. Rita— 64,97,126 

418 S. Marietta St. 

Gastonia. N. C. 
Bower, Paula— 58.138 

7803 Kipling Pwy. 

Vista Heights. Md. 
Bowers. Charles — 126 

1432 Futrelle St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Bowman, Bonnie — 166 

Rt. 1 

Walkertown. N. C. 
Boyd. Buford— 150 

310 Clairview St. 

Kinstree. S. C. 
Boyd. Richard— 93,126 

300 Broadleaf Dr. 

Vienna, Va. 
Boyd, Thomas 

113 Vandalia Rd. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Boyles. Larry— 138 

1362 Gwynwood Dr. 

Mt. Airy. N. C. 
Boyles. Patricia — 61,150 

Rt. 1 

Pinnacle. N. C. 
Bradford. Brenda— 13S 

P. O. Box 65 

Great Falls, Va. 
Brading. Elinor— 

5341 Thayer Ave. 

Alexandria, Va. 
Braica. Linda— 138 

125 Lindale Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Bratt. Meredith— 60,126 

3315 Emory Church Rd. 

Olney, Md. 
Braun. Richard— 50.126 

3517 Pinetree Ter. 

Falls Church, Va. 
Brazier, Thomas — 160 

Greenlawn Dr. 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Breckheimer. Steven — 49.138 

184 W. Church St. 

Fairport. N. Y. 
Brendle, Jackie — 61.166 

215 Enola Rd. 

Morganton. N. C. 
Brewer, L. Delores— 138 

1018 Sherrod St. 

High Point, N. C. 



." - 


Bridges. Charles — 165 

Box 401 

Kernersville. N. C. 
Bridwell, Mansell - 

101 Virginia Ave. 

Honea Palh. S. C. 
Briegel. KrLstina — 76.126 

4243 Chamblee-Dunwoody Kd. 

Atlanta. Ga. 
Brigga, Rodney -138 

:i20 Ralph Dr. 

Thomasville. N. C. 

Bristow. Winifred— 166 

714 Vance St. 

Roanoke Rapids. N. C. 
Britt. Carolyn 63.138 

1033 Habersham Dr. 

Charlotte, N. C. 
Britt. Emily— 126.130 

Rt. 4. Box 91 

Lumberton. N. C. 
Brooks. Martha G.— 62.126 

73 Eden Ave. 

Edison. N. J. 
Brooks. Martha J. 127 

Rt. 2, Box 159 

High Point. N. C. 
Broos. Jeffrey— 51.138 

Rt. 2. Box 27 

Lexington. N. C. 

Brown. Arnold 127 

305 N. Cedar Rd. 

Fairfield. Conn. 
Brown. Clifton— 127 

919 Arbor Rd. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Brown, Jasper — 138 

215 West Chestnut St. 

Troy. N. C. 
Brown. Larry Eugene — 166 

Rt, 2. 

Trinity, N. C. 
Brown. Mary— 138 

Rt. 1. Box 214 

Jonesville. N. C. 
Brown. Ronald — 166 

61 Hereon Ave. 

Asheville. N. C. 
Brown. Spencer— 55.166 

822-7 Smithfield Ave. 

Springfield. Va. 
Browning. Velma F.— 166 

Apt. F3A Emerwood Ct 

High Point. N. C. 
Brucke. Thomas 127 

1504 Pinehurst Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Brumfield. Stephen L. — 138 

1406 Wise Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Bryant. Michael 150 

27 Culbreth Ave. 

Thomasville. N. C. 

Bryson. Anna — 127 

110 S. Hillside St. 

Rutherfordton. N. C. 
Buffum. John — 166 

141 E. 5Gth St. 

New York. N. Y. 
Bulla. Kenneth— 160 

600 Greenwood Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Bullin. Beverly— 127 

1419 Chatham Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Burns, Carolyn — 166 

77 W. Woodcrest Ave. 

Maple Shady. N. J. 
Burns. Steve — 98.166 

Cumnock. N. C. 
Burton. Stephen — 150 

Critz, Va. 
Burton. Mrs. William— 112 

3256 Robinhood Rd. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Byerly. Gay— 127 

Rt. 2. Sullivan Rd. 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Byerly, Sharon Marie 

1612 Delk Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 

Cagle. Dan— 151 

800 Willowbar Ter. 

High Point, N. C. 
Calhoun, Daniel— 139 

290 Bodenhammer St. 

Kernersville. N. C. 
Calloway, James— 102 

625 Nathan Hunt Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Calloway. Mary — 113 

525 Hathan Hunt Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Calloway, Tim— 85,127 

Rt. 4. Box 618 

Mt. Airy. N. C. 
Calvert. Richard— 139 

900 N. Larrimore St. 

Arlington. Va. 
Campbell. Bruce— 52.127 

Vessup Bay Estates 

St. Thomas. Va. 
Campbell. Sally— 166 

Rt. 1 

Taylorsville. N. C. 
Campbell. Sheila— 139 

412 Maryland Ave. 

Spindale. N. C. 
Caplanides. John — 127 

1110 Glain St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Caputo. Irene— 62,139 

105 Claybrook Dr. 

Silver Spring, Md. 
Carle. Rhea — 94,166 

12 Christian St. 

Fairhaven, Mass. 
Carlton. Judith— 94.161 

2207 Marion Dr. 

Lexington. N. C. 
Carpenter. Clay— 51.139 

Rt. 2 

Norwood. N. C. 
Carpenter, James — 139 

205 Copley St. 

Lexington. N. C. 
Can-, Richard— 85,127 

19 Cross St. 

Beverly. Mas9. 
Carroll. John 

149 Rolling Rd. 

High Point, N. C. 
Carter, Christie— 64,139 

3910 N. Main St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Carter. Elizabeth— 64.139 

18 Wayne Dr. 

Wilmington. Del. 
Carter. Johnny — 161 

505 Randolph St. 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Carter. Marcella— 105 

1009 N. Hamilton St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Carter, Samuel— 119 

Rt. 6. Box 252 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Carter, William— 19 

3910 N. Main St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Case. Linda— 139 

Rt. 1 

McLeansville. N. C. 
Casey, Betty— 127 

3470 Mildred Dr. 

Falls Church. Va. 



Cash, Patricio— 86. 127 

1434 Wellsley St.. N. W. 

Roanoke, Va. 
Cashatt, Nancy — 139 

217 Welch Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Cassell, Timothy— 151 

Rt. 4, Box 88 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Causey, Shelia — 127 

710 Franklin Blvd. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Caveny. Carolyn — 151 

697 Fourth St., N. W, 

Hickory. N. C. 
Cerchio, David— 161 

1109 Graylyn Rd. 

New Castle. Del. 
Chambers. Gail W— 186 

1709 E. Lexington Apt. G 

High Point. N. C. 
Champion. Dennis C. — 139 

503 Runyon Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Chappell, Katherine — 59,139 

Rt. 2 

Brown Summit. N. C. 
Chappell. Richard— 161 

1010 Ferndale Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Chase. Gregory— 55.98.166 

1041 Miles Standish Rd. 

Virginia Beach. Va. 
Chastain. Wade — 139 

Rt. 1 

Horse Shoe. N. C. 
Cheek. Sue— 92.93.166 

1303 Central Dr. 

Kannapolis. N. C. 
Cheerleaders— 192 
Cheney. Lee— 61.139 

317 Elizabeth Ave. 

Fayetteville, N. C. 
Choir— 82,83 
Chorpening, Glenn— 49.139 

7314 Autumvale Dr. 

Orlando. Fla. 
Chriscoe, Emily — 139 

201 Shamrock Rd. 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Church. Phyllis— 166 

4X33 Germanton Rd. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Cirulis, Dagnia— 139 

209 Spring St. 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Clapp. Larry — 139 

Rt. 3 

Liberty. N. C. 
Clapp. Margaret— 139 

207 Pine St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Clark. Ann— 139 

Golden Dr.. Rt. 9 

Lexington. N. C. 
Clark, C. Robert— 112.84 

Box 678 

Kernersville. N. C. 
Clark. Charlene— 139 

Box 594 

Galax. Va. 
Clark, Robert— 167 

1157 Polo Rd. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Clark. Tillie —,99.77,167 

Box 1178 

Greenwood, S. G. 
Clary, Betty Jo— 117.193 

1101 Council Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Cleaves. Clayton— 61.139 

610 Lansdowne Rd. 

Charlotte, N. C. 
Clendaniel, Donald — 161 

206 S. E. Front St. 

Milford. Del. 
Cline, Catherine— 55.151 

403 W. Court St. 

Paris, 111. 
Cline. LaRue — 167 
Rt. 1. Box 414 
Lexington, N. C. 
Cobb. Burton— 127 
1837 Eastchester 
High Point. N. C. 
Coble. H. E.— 118 
830 Circle Dr. 
High Point. N. C. 
Cochrane. Lvnn— 65.73.139 
336 Sugar Creek Rd. 
W, Charlotte, N. C. 
Coffey, Patricia— 59,99,139 
315 Forrest Hills Ct. 
Devon, Pa. 
Cole. Dr. David W., Sr.— 102,113 
1006 Emery Circle 
High Point. N. C. 
Cole. David W„ Jr.— 151 
1006 Emery Circle 
High Point, N. C. 

die. Elizabeth J.- 151 

William & Mary Apts. 

High Point, N. C. 
Coleman. Thomas— 53.88.167 

10612 Burbank Dr. 

Potomac. Md. 
Collier. Joseph— 139 

Rt. 2. 

Ahoskie. N. C. 
Collins. David— 139 

602 Burke Trail. Box 27 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Collins, Richard— 127 

1208 Greensboro Rd. 

High Point, N. C. 
Coltrane, Joseph 

Rt. 2 

High Point, N. C. 
Coltrane. Laura — 73,87,167 

Rt. 1. Box 105 

Kernersville, N. C. 
Combs, Douglas — 151 

3105 Tremont Ave. 

Cheverly. Md. 
Connor, Irene 

417 Rockspring Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Conrad, Dr. Harold E.— 102 

S05 E. Farriss Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Cook. Carlton J. (Col.) — 116 

1424 Coventry Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Cook, Charles— 127 

1424 Coventry Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Cook. James — 151 

4108 Dogwood Dr. 

Greensboro. M. C. 
Cooke. Dr. Dennis H.— 104,110 

924 Kingston Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Cooke, Donald— 151 

Rt. 2, Box 152 

Brown Summit. N. C. 
Cooley, John— 85.139 

Limekin Pike 

Prospectville. Pa. 
Cooper. Linda Gail — 127 

Box 4 

Colfax, N. C. 
Cooper. Martha— 127 

1218 Delk Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Cope. William F-— 120 

Rt. 1. Box 236 

Kernersville. N. C. 
Coppley. Hoyle— 51.98,167 

Rt. 9, L 

Lexington. N. C. 
Corn, Lynda— 59.92.139 

1519 Delk Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Cornet. John— 51.97.139 

1134 Guernsey Ave. 

Orlando. Fla. 
Cornher. A. Ray — 139 

Rt. 1. James St.. Apt. 16 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Cosman. Susan — 139 

22 Belvidere St. 

Albany, N. Y. 
Coston. James — 52,97,140 

2604 Bedford Ave. 

Raleigh. N. C. 
Covington, Cherie — 62.151 

507 Morven Rd. 

Wadesboro, N. C. 
Cowden, Patricia — 05,151 

70S Rollingwood Dr. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Cox, Charles— 151 

Rt. 5. Box 195 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Cox, Clifford— 55.140 

6330 Waterway Dr. 

Falls Church, Va. 
Cox. Judy— 167 

Rt. 1, 

Reidsville, N. C. 
Craig, Andrew — 76,167 

W.N.C. San. 

Black Mt., N. C. 
Cranford. Jimmy — 151 

602 Westchester Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Cranford. Virginia 

1011 Francis St. 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Crater, Stephen G— 140 

1164 Lockland Ave. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Craler, Stpehen R. — 161 

3505 Imperial Dr. 

High Point. N. G. 
Carver. Gary— 151 
208 W. 8th Ave ; 

Lexington. N. C. 

Craver. Larry — 151 
Rt. 4 

V. Tlr :"":->:. IT!! N (.'. 

Craver. Rebecca— 152 

804 Hillcrest Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Crawford. David — 152 

Rt. 1. Box 276J 

Granite Falls. N. C. 
Creagmile. Sharon — 16* 

401 Lindsay St. 

Ridley Park, Pa. 
Creasman. Harold — 127 

2<m Dogwood Cir. 

High Point, N. C. 
Crews. Daniel— 29.152 

1309 Verdun St. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Crews, Tommy — 127 

Rt. 4, Box 463 

Kernersville, N. C. 
CiT<«i-ll. Robcit- :2~ 

6711 Oakland Ave. 

Riverdale. Md. 
Crockett, Mary— 157 

627 W. Lexington Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Cr.isslev, Donald— 168 

148 Puffer Ave. 

Swansea. Mass. 
Crouch. Thomas— 49,140 

614 S. Main St. 

North East. Md. 
Crowder, Linda — 140 

7836 Hampden Lane 

Bethesda. Md. 
Crow, Dr. Earl P. 119 

821 Circle Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Cruit. Catherine— lil. 99. 152 

Box 457 

Aberdeen, Md. 
Crumpton. Connie — 62.127 

Route 3 

RoxIkho. N. C. 
Cruse. Norman — 140 

1219 Ragan Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Crutchfield, Linda — 127 

Rt. 9. Box 409 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Cude. William— 168 

Waterbury St. Ext. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Cumby. Patricia — 140 

1309 Guyer St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Cummings. Dr. E. O.— 4.5.109 

Emerywood Estates 

High Point. N. C. 
Current. Michael— 48,127 

Rt. 2, 

Hamptonville, N. D. 
Currie. Robert— 127 

Rt. 4. Box 221 

Milford, Del. 
Czarny. Karen— 60,127 

9114 Pennsylvania Ave. 

Westfield, N. J. 


Dalbey. Earle C 102 

300 Nutbush Ct. 

Jamestown. N. C. 
Danburg, Richard— 85,98,140 

212 S.W. 43rd Terrace 

Gainsville, Fla. 
Daniel, Elizabeth— 152 

5626 Atwater Dr. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Daniel. Janet— 63,94.152 

Rt. 3 

Roxboro, N. C. 
Dark, Viiginia— 152 

317 N. Garden Ave. 

Siler City, N. C. 
Davidson, Robert D. — 117 

602 W. Farriss Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Davis, Carole — 86,127 

Box 688 

Carthage. N. C. 
Davis. Elizabeth — 127 

500 Greenwood Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Davis. Evelyn — 140 

Rt. 4. Box 191A 

Galax. Va. 
Davis, James — 140 

3719 Gladney Dr. 

Chamblee, Ga. 
Davis. John— 140 

509 Nelson Ave. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Davis. Judith— 86.77.90,140 

206 Pinecrest Dr. 

Fayetteville. N. C. 



Davis. Peggy — 152 
10115 Phoebe Lane 
Adelphi. Md. 
Davis. Peter — 162 
4200 S. VV. 96 Ave. 
Miami, Fla. 
Davis. Samuel— 128 
404 Rolling Rd. 
High Point. N. 0. 
Day. Fleming— 140 
2:jl4 Kivett Dr. 
High Point. N. C. 
Dayvault. Brenda— 168 

1003 Centergrove Rd. 

Kannapolis. N. C. 
Decker, Robyn— 86,128 

Rt. 2 

Summerfield, N. C. 
Dedication — 4 
DeGooyer, Julie— 61,183.168.176 

1112 Meurille Lane 

Silver Spring, Md. 
Dell Amico, Mario— 168 

1241 S. W. 7th St. 

Miami. Fla. 
Delta Sigma Phi — 48.49 
Derles. Sandra— 140 

211 E. Lexington Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Deskins. Dr. S. C— 113 

Rt. 8, Box 601 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Deviney, James — 128 

1701 McGuinn St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Dignan, Thomas— 68.98,168.173.180,18 

3903 W. St. 

Washington. D. C. 
Ditzler, Brian— 128 

8035 Glendale Rd. 

Chevy Chase. Md. 
Dodson. James — 140 

Rt. 1 

Sandy Ridge. N. C. 
Doggett, Sandra— 86.128 

12906 Laikin Place 

Rockville. Md. 
Donovon. Robert — 128 

14122 Artie Ave. 

Rockville. Md. 
Donnington. Lynn — 65,140 

183 Watchung Ave. 

Chatham. N. J. 
Donnell, Patricia— 140 

School St. 

Sanford. Maine 
Dorsey. David— 75,85.168,176 

103 Church St. 

Rutherfordton, N. C. 
Doughten. Mark— 48.128 

Box 85 

Lincoln. Del. 
Dover. Forrest— 53,98,152 

Rt. 2 

Bessemer City. N. C. 
Drapeau, Donald A. — 112 

821 Circle Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Driscoll, John F.— 140 

82 Adams St. 

Somerset. Mass. 
Duffy, John— 29,169 

4213 Ft. DuPont Ter., S.E. 

Washington, D. C. 
Duncan, Joy— 76,140 

Rt. 1. Box 152 

Concord. N. C. 
Duncan, Vivian — 152 

1803 Sylvan Rd. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Dunlap. Margaret — 128 

405 Ramsey Rd. 

Wilmington, Del. 
Dunn. Barbara— 128 

1803 Bryce Dr. 

New Castle, Del. 


Eakes, Charles— 128 

5654 8th Rd., North 

Arlington, Va. 
Eastlack, Allen— 54,128 

73 N. Woodland Ave. 

Woodbury, N. J. 
Ebert. Donna— 65,29,152 

613 Catalina Dr. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Eckerd. Beverly 140 

507 Hines St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Eckman. Diane— 9R. 140 

16 Walnut St. 

Cornwall, N. Y. 
Eddinger, Wayne— 76.77.140 

814 Unity St. 

Thomasville. N. C. 

Editor's Note — 232 

Edmonds, Lynn— 29,63.162,160 

3758 Pleasant Valley Rd. 

Mobile, Ala. 
Edwards, F. L.— 102 

909 W. College Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Edwards, Gilbert 

1820 Raleigh Rd. 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Edwards, Marion T. 

909 W. College Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Edwards. Rosemary — 152 

Homewood Acres 

Silver City. N. C. 
Egan. Jay— 128 

176 Huntington Ave. 

Woonsocket. R. I. 
Eisert, Daniel— 49.140 

6802 Fegenbush Lane 

Louisville. Ky. 
Eldridge. Joseph 

1637 W. Lexington Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Elkins. James— 93,140 

2208 Pershing St. 

Durham, N. C. 
Eller, Robert S.— 169 

513 White St. 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Elliott. Karl— 140 

Rt. 3. Box 52 

Denton. N. C. 
Elliott. Patricia— 64.128 

Rt. 3, Box 135-B 

Denton, N. C. 
Elliott, Steve— 152 

1005 Grayland St. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Ellis. Judy— 76.86.128 

Mocksville. N. C. 
Ellison, Larry — 141 

RFD 1 

Stokesdale. N. C. 
Elmore. Leslie— 86,128 

Rt. 3 

Lincolnton, N. C. 
Emory, Jean — 152 

4222 Whipporwill Dr. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Emrich. Martha— 96,141 

6416 Noble Dr. 

McLean. Va. 
English Club— 95 
Ennis. Daniel— 54,128 

Bartlett Hall. Rutgers U. 

New Brunswick. N. J. 
Enright. Richard— 128 

Grey Rock Terrace 

Irvington, N. Y. 
Ensley, Paul— 152 

1111 N. Hamilton St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Ensor, Dale— 85,128 

267 W. Main St. 

Westminster. Md. 
Epperson. Dr. E. Roy — 109 

1115 Delk Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Eriksson. Leif — 169 

514 B. N. Wrenn St. 
High Point. N. C. 

Ervin, Wayne— 85,93.168.169,86 

509 Sawtell PI. 

Brunswick. Ga. 
Eshelman, Fred— 50.128 

714 Quaker Lane 

High Point, N. C. 
Eskridge. Sandra — 141 

111 Wells St. 

Shelby, N. C. 
Evans. David— 49.169 

202 Van Buren Rd. 

Spray. N. C. 
Everhart. Ann — 141 

Rt. 1, Box 236 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Everhart, Barbara— 152 

Box 82 

Welcome, N. C. 

Faculty— 107 

Fagge. Larry— 49,141 

103 Park Ave. 

Leaksville, N. C. 
Fanning, William— 64.169 

234 Avalon Dr. 

Rochester. N. Y'. 
Farkas, William— 54,141 

2403 Whittier Ave. 

Westfield, N. J. 
Farlow. Joel— 141 

1111 Carter St. 

High Point, N. C. 

Farmer, John— 93,128 

509 E. 18th St. 

Lumberton, N. C. 
Farris, Janice — 141 

1200 N. Main St., Apt. 6 

Madison. N. C. 
Faucette, Gloria— S6, 128 

Box 31 

Haw River, N. C. 
Faucette, Philip — 141 

Rt. 1 

Brown Summit, N. C 
Faucette, Sidney — 169 

Box 251 

Boykins, Va. 
Faulkner. Jonathan— 29.152 

375 Goffle Rd. 

Ridgewood. N. J. 
Feimster. Dorcas— 98,99,141 

Rt. 1 

Hamptonville, N. C. 
Ferran, Diana— 61,152.168 

416 S. Center St. 

Eustis, Fla. 
Fellowship Teams— 93 
Fetner. James— 128 

125 S. Randolph Ave. 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Fidler. William— 52.141 

211 E. Walnut St. 

Cleona, Pa. 
Fielden, Martha — 141 

1607 Timberline Rd. 

Silver Spring, Md. 
Fields. Ernestine 

1005 Forrest Ave. 

High Point, N. C. 
Finks, Patricia— 128 

42k W. High St. 

Woodstock. Va. 
Fischer, Susan— 65,136.141 

9205 Villa Dr. 

Bethesda. Md. 
Foin. Mrs. T. C— 107 

1701-F Village Square Apts. 

High Point. N. C. 
Folts. Richard— 51,141 

22 Windsor Rd. 

North Hills, Del. 
Forbis. Clinton— 51.169 

1310 E. Chester Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Forensic League — 96 
Foreward — 3 
Fortner. Janice — 12S 

1709 Cone Rd. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Foster, Judy— 141 

1607 N. Centennial Ave. 

High Point. N, C. 
Foster, Roy— 171 

3700 Vest Mill Rd. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Foutch, Gail— 128 

3910 N. Main St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Fowler. Edwin — 151 

308 Lee St. 

Wadesboro. N. C. 
Fowlkes. Susan — 141.161 

224 S. W. 11th Court 

Pompano Beach, Fla. 
Franz, Sherry— 76,86.128 

355 West F St. 

Frost Proof. Fla. 
Frazier, Kenneth 

205 Crestwood Circle 

High Point, N. C. 
Freeman. Eloise — 171 

315 Moir St. 

Leaksville. N. C. 
Freeman. Laird — 141 

310 Louise Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Freeze, Becky— 171 
Box 87 

Troutman. N. C. 
Freshman Class— 124 
Frye. Darrell Leon— 152 
Rt. 2 

Trinity. N. C. 
Fryer. Douglas — 141 
28 Pin Oak Terrace 
Hagerstown. Md. 
Furman, Craig — 55,153 
4412 Norbeck Rd. 
Rockville. Md. 
Futch. Gayle — 153 

3709 Buckingham St. 
Norfolk, Va. 


Gabriel. Paul— 128 

313 W. Corn well Rd. 

Cary, N. C. 
Gaffney. Lantz P.— 141 

Rt. 1 

Randleman. N. C. 



Gaither, Mary— 93.141 

Rt. 1. Box 225 

Harmony. N. C. 
Gallimore. James — 189 

1208 Allison Lane 

Pulaski. Va. 
Gardner, Jam; — 141,161 

403 Forest Hill Dr. 

Shelby, N. C. 
Garland. Mary— 153 

806 Ferndale Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Garner, David— 163 

Rt. 1 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Garner. Judith— 141 

Star Route 3 

LaPlata. Md. 
Garner, William — 128 

3719 Bentbrook Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Garris. Frances— 74,141 

509 W. Main St. 

Christiansburg. Va. 
Garrison, Larry — 153 

Rt. 6 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Gates. John — 93.128 

1 Sherwood Dr. 

Granby, Mass. 
Gaynor, Wesley W. — 103 

2405 E. Lexington 

High Point, N. C. 
Gentry. Cornelia — 153 

107 Ridge Rd. 

Roxboro. N. C. 
Geeringer. Curtis — 141 

Rt. 2, Box 445 

McLeansville. N. C. 
Gibson. Mildred— 128 

1924 Fenton St. 

Rockingham. N. C. 
Gilbert. David — 85.153 

Rt. 1. 

Pfafftown, N. C. 
Gilliam. Elizabeth 

21 Culbreth Ave. 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Gipe. David— 128 

3610 Marquette Rd. 

Richmond. Va. 
Glew, Allison— 59.153 

6 Greenwood Ave. 

Saugus. Mass. 
Gobble, Rita— 126 

Rt. 3 

Lexington, N. C. 
Godwin. Joseph— 118 

831 Circle Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Godwin. Mrs. Joseph— 111 

831 Circle Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Goettche, Donna— 59.153 

6243 Williamsburg Blvd. 

Arlington. Va. 
Goggin. Monica — 153 

37 Middlebury Lane 

Levittown, N. J. 
Gold, Fred— 85,128 

430 E. 5th Ave. 

Roselle. N. J. 
Golf Team— 205 
Goodale, Michael — 171 

524 Harper St. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Goode. Ralph— 55.163 

Connelly Springs. N. C. 
Goodwin, Gainor — 171 

17 James St. 

Woodcliff Lake. N. J. 
Gouge. Alan — 54.128 

2462 Tunlaw Rd.. N. W. 

Washington. D. C. 
Grabovetz, Gail— 59.141 

40 Condit St. 

Succasunna. N. J. 
Gragg. Walter— 71,141 

Rt. 1. Box 6 

Connelly Springs, N. C. 
Grant, John — 48,128 

5703 83 rd PI. 

Hyattsville. Md. 
Gratiot. Dr. A. Paul— 113 

633 Colonial Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Gray. Joyce — 141 

115 Penny St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Gray, Lee — 128 

Rt. 8, Box 209 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Greco. Ann— 61.76.153 
2907 Valley Dr. 

Alexandria. Va. 
Green. Sarah F. — 87.171 
Rt. 2 
High Point. N. C. 

Greene. Richard — 171 

Rt. 2. Bi.x 347 

Randleman. N. C. 
Greene, Surah E.— 70.73.171,180 

24 Midchester Ave. 

White Plains, N. Y. 
Greenwood. Linda — 76.141 

Rt. 3 

Kcinei.svill,-. X. 0. 
Greer, Theodore — 4 8.129 

107 Kent wood Cr. 

Lenoir, N. C. 
Greeson. Edgar — 189 

1305 Williams Dr. 

Clearwater. Fla. 
Grieve. Ruth— 129 

3505 Country Hill Dr. 

Fairfax. Va. 
Griffin. Barbara— 86.129 

Box 37. PWC FPO 

New York. New York 
Griffin. Susan — 76,87 141 

Box 37. pwc<-;fpo 

New York. New York 
Grimes, Warren— 129 

112 Johnston St. 
i Smithfield. N. C. 
Grissom. Mary — 87, 9^,93 15:1 

Box 64 

Macon, N. C. 
Groce, Laura — 153,154 

24 Tampa Ave. 

Asheville. N. C. 
Guiton. Alice— 141 

Rt. 4. Box 38 

Whiteville. N. C. 
Guyer, Robert 

1402 Eastcheters Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 


Hadley. Martha— 87.141 

126 Ridgecrest Rd. 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Hairfield. Betsy — 61.153 

410 N. Green St. 
Morganton. N. C. 

Hailhi-ocli. Karidv _:5; 

1606 Valley Ridge Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Hall. James— 129 

202N K..n--t I):. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Hall. Mary Jo — 73.93,141 

Rt. 1. Box 348 

Bahama, N. C. 
Hall. Patricia— 141 

Rt. 8, Box 320 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Hall. Sharon -129 

Rt. 5. Box 55 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Hall. Wayne— 141 

Rt. 4, Box 370 

Statesville, N. C. 
Hamilton, Adeline — 105 

1208 Guilford Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Hamilton. Robert — 85.167.171,177 

Box 97 

Wareham. Mass. 
Hamrick. Elaine— 98,153 

Rt. 4 

Shelby. N. C. 
Hamrick, John — 171 

1304 B. Eaton Place 

High Point, N. C. 
Hanna, Frances— S6, 129 

Rt. 3, Box J21 

Wadesboro. N. C. 
Hardee. David— 171 

Rt. 2, Box 377 

High Point, N. C. 
Hardister, Sam — 154 

2-30th St.. N.E. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Harmon. Faye — 171 
Harrington. Marth— 65,89,154 

419 Cameron Ave. 

Chapel Hill, N. C. 
Harris, Cleah— 172 

3306 Hillside Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Harris, Lana 

1101 Council St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Harris. Ronald— 154 

1427 Pinecroft Rd. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Harris. Willie Gray— 85.171 

Rt. 1 

Carthage. N. C. 
Harsh barger, Sharon — 59.76.154 

1703 Macon St. 

McLean. Va. 
Hartman, Charles F.— 98 

70S Hedgecock Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 

Harwick. Elizabeth —129 

10816 Lockland Rd. 

Polumac, Mil. 
Harvey, Judith— 129 

31 Hilltop Rd. 

W. Long Branch. N. J. 
Halchl. William— 60.129 

4417 First St.. S. 

Arlington. Va. 
Havens. Nancy — 171 

829 Circle Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Hayden, Katharine — 59,73.141 

6004 Landon Lanes 

Bethesda, Md. 
Hayden. Thomas 

5' I Wostwoo.l Ave. =19 

High Point. N. C. 
Hayos. Wesley 12» 

203 Perry Rd. 

Jamestown, N. C. 
Haynes. Larry — 129 

516 Flint St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Hays. Dr. L. M. -120 

1300 Merry Hills Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Hays. Mrs. L. M. — 119 

I3< " Mei r> I T i 1 1 i Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Haywood, Barbara — 142 

713 Lindsay St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Hearp. Wyatt — 142 

Rt. 7. Box 345 

Reidsville, N. C. 
Hedrick. Marty — 129 

123 Scott Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Hemphill. Shirley 63.142 

3si)3 Force Dr.. N. W. 

Huntsville, Ala. 
Henderson. Donna — 62.129 

14310 Yosemite Ct. 

Rockville, Md. 
Hendricks. "Pamela— 129 

..'■', Mi-Mollen Hwy. 

Cumberland. Md. 
Hendricks. Sara — 129 

Rt. 2. Box 56 

High Point, N. C. 
Henesy. Gretrhen 58,124.129 

7539 Sebago Rd. 

Bethesda, Md. 
Hensley. Donald— 129 

1690 Ralee Dr. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Hester. Sara— 65.154 

308 N. Main St. 

Roxboro. N. C. 
Hetheiinetnn. Gail — 59.142 

Rt. 1, Box 104 

Hampton, N. J. 
Hewitt. Johnny 

Apt. 5. Parkview Apts. 

Lexington. N. C. 
Hicks. Steven— 154 

Rt. 2 

Trinity, N. C. 
Hill, Anita— 129 

1007 W. College Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Hill, Harry •-;.-,."> 4 

1007 Westridge Rd. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Hill. Tommy— 129 

1318 Northside Terrace 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Hinshaw, Dr. C. R.— 103 

902 Rotary Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Hi Po— 74,75 
Hirtzler. Berta — 115 

202 Edgedale Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Hoar, Ralph — 55, 

Toano. Va. 
Hobson. Bruce — 129 

Rt 1 

Trinity, N. C. 
Hobson, Joan 

915 Willowbar Terrace 

High Point. N. C. 
Hoffman. Vicky— 62,142 

2114 Harlee St. 

Fayetteville. N. C. MieSael- -55,K.4,K.J 

227 Montlieu Ave. 

High Point, N. C. 
Holconibe. Nancy — 142 

Box 40S. Rt. 4 

Statesville. N. C. 
Holder. Fred- 129 

Rt. 1 

Pinnacle, N. C. 
Holland. Garry — 50,70.98.172 

21'. Diui-l Uv 

High Point, N. C. 



Holliday. Robert— 129 

HI School St. 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Holmes, Tommy — 142 

1403 Eastehester Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Holt. Diane — 61.89,154.166 

2425 Vail Ave.. Apt. 21 A 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Holt. David— 129 

543 Woodlynn Terrace 

Baltimore, Md. 
Homecoming — 20 
Honeycutt, Linda-8G.129 

P. O. Box A142 

Faqua Varina. N. C. 
Hood. Susan — 63,69. 172 

Qres. 604 M.C.S. 

Quantico, Va. 
Hooper, Robert— 142 

61 E. First St. 

Apopka. Fla. 
Hopkins. Linda — 61.73.154 

4922 Eskridge Terr.. N. W. 

Washington. D. C. 
Horigan. Elizabeth— 76,154 

9212 Topeka St. 

Bethesda, Md. 
Home, John — 48,154 

Rt. 2, Box 158 

Pikeville, N. C. 
Houser, Ervin — 172 

Rt. 2. Box 333A 

High Point. N. C. 
Howard, Charles— 172 

Rt. 6. Box 468 

High Point. N. C. 
Howard. Edward— 130 

2646 Amesbury Rd. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Howard. Geraldine — 63 

600 E. Lexington Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Howard, John— 142 

Rt. 3 

Kernersville, N. C. 
Howard. Marjorie — 64,130 

Box 986 

Chapel Hill, N. C. 
Howe. AUeen — 61,189 

441 Merritt Dr. 

Mt. Holly, N. J. 
Howie. Roberta— 155 

Box 188 

Waxhaw, N. C. 
Howlett. Wanda— 98.99,155 

804 Arthur Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Hucks, David— 155 

1006 Sherrod Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Huff, Linda — 87,142 

127 Eastehester Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Huff. Nancy— 87.142 

1816 Eastehester Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Huffman. Lynda — 142 

818 Quader Lane 

High Point. N. C. 
Hughes, Charlie— 172 

Rt. 1 

Trinity. N. C. 
Hughes, Freddie— 142 

'i Lakeview Park 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Hulick. Jeffrey— 55 

Half Acre Rd. 

Cranbury. N. J. 
Hulin, Jesse — 155 

Rt. 1 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Humanics — 1 1 4 
Humphries. Susan — 58,130 

4929 White Oak Rd. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Humphrey, Mary — 155 

6133 N. 12th St. 

Arlington, Va. 
Hundley. Percy— 130 

1102 S. Church St. 

Smithfield. Va. 
Hunsucker. George — 172 

1110 Breeze Hill Rd. 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Hunter. Nancy— 61.142 

105 Chetwood Terrace 

Fanwood, N. J. 
Hurt. Patricia — 155 
3416 Rusticway Lane 
Falls Church, Va. 
Hussey. Judy — 172 
Rt. 2, Box 209 
High Point. N. C. 
Hutchens, James— 130 
1169 Johnstown Rd. 
Thomasville. N. C. 

Hutchinson, Donna— 86,130 

116 Longview Rd. 

Asheville. N. C. 
Hulto. Helen— 189 

402 Otteray Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 

Idol, Betty— 142 

3700 N. Main St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Idol, Manyon L.— 116 

Rt. 3 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Idol. Richard 

Box 66 

Colfax, N. C. 
Ingram. Sherry 

Route 4. Box 62 

High Point. N. C. 
Inter-Fraternity Council — 88 
Isaccs. Carol— 142.61 

Rt. 1, Box 319 

Milford. Del. 
Isaccs, Kim— 60.130 

1936 Ridge Rd. 

Raleigh. N. C. 

Jackson. Kay — 61,155 

1019 Faun Rd. 

Wilmington. Del. 
Jackson, Sharon — 69 

P. O. Box 506 

Lake Mary, Fla. 
Jaeger. Greg— 130 

101 Chaucer Rd. 

Charlottesville. Va. 
Jessup, Janie — 130 

408 Crestline Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Jimenez, Luis— 172 

90-60 180th St. 

Jamaica. N. Y. 
Johns. Cheryl— 63.142 

121 Danube Ave. 

Tampa, Fla. 
Johnson. Alison — 189 

3505 Craig St. 

Portsmouth. Va. 
Johnson. Carl— 130 

2310 Lowe Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Johnson. Carol 

126 Lakeview Cr. 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Johnson. Dian — 130 

North Park Dr., Ext. 

Salisbury, Md. 
Johnson. Joyce— 130 

306 Liberty Rd. 

High Point. N, C. 
Johnson, Kenneth— 54.130 

140 Leigh St. 

Warwick. N. J. 
Johnston, Joseph — 142 

101 Adcock Rd. 

Luthewille. Md. 
Jolly. Patricia— 62.142 

Rt. 2 

Elkin. N. C. 
Jones. Donna Rae — 155 

Box 27 

Pinnacle. N. C. 
Jones, E. Street — 130 

1109 Guyer St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Jones. Johnny — 130 

2517 D. Miller Park Cr. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Jones. Kimbrough — 173 

3121 Hillmer Dr. 

Raleigh, N. C. 
Jones. Levin — 173 

1302 Rhem 

Kinston. N. C. 
Jones. Mary D.— 61.142 

502 Morehead Ave. 

Durham. N. C. 
Jones, Norma — 142 

118 Ashland St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Joyce. Wanda— 59,173 

R.F.D. 1 

Madison, N. C. 
Judiciary Council — 70 
Junior Class — 148 
Junior Marshals — 29 
.lurney. Delaine — 61.173 

Rt. 1 

Harmony, N. C. 
Jurney. McKinley— 53.142 

Rt. 1 

Harmony. N. C. 


Kait, Joyce— 60,130 

801 Enderby Dr. 

Alexandria, Va. 
Kearns. Tamara— 59,170,173 

Rt. 9, Box 46 

Lexington, N. C. 
Kappa Delta — 60,61 
Kappa Delta Pi— 13 
Keefer, Philip— 51.142 

5830 Carlyle St. 

Cheverly. Md. 
Keener. Claud— 130 

Rt. 9, Box 219 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Keets, John — 130 

254 Mill Rd. 

W. Norfield, N. J. 
Keever, Deloris — 130 

408 Carey St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Keller. Kathryn — 60.166 

3416 Tulane Dr.. Apt. 14 

W. Hyattsville. Md. 
Kendle, Cheryl— 66,98,99.155 

Rt. 1, Box 78 

Williamsport, Md. 
Kendrick. Kenneth— 76,166 

852 Aiken Rd. 

Spray. N. C. 
Kennedy. Anne — 156 

3515 C. Parkwood Dr. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Kennedy, C. Wayne— 173 

2728 A. English Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Kennedy. Rosemary — 65,173 

212 Salem Rd. 

Lincolnton, N. C. 
Kerr, Jeffrey— 79,173 

710 Evergreen St. 

Emmau8, Pa. 
Key. Michael— 53,130.173 

4208 Lancaster Ave. 

Charleston, W. Va. 
Key. Robert— 130 

Rt. 10, Box 232 

Greensboro, N, C. 
Kievning. Judith— 59,142 

39 Burnet St. 

Livington, N. J. 
Kiger. Susan— 59,142 

Summons Rd. 

Rural Hill, N. C. 
Kiley. Thomas— 65 

118 Prospect Ave. 

Wilmington, Del. 
Kindred. Kitty — 63.90,156 

7117 Stockton Dr. 

Knoxville, Tenn. 
King, Linda — 130 

304 White Rd. 

Little Silver. N. J. 
King, Thomas — f42 

128 Penny Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Kinney, James— 52,130 

1824 Pershing St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Kirk, Donna— 142 

5805 Carlyle St. 

Cheverly. Md. 
Kirk Gaynes — 130 

4107 Farmbrooke Dr. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Kirkman. Margaret — 86,142 

1224 Highland Ave. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Kirkman, O. Arthur — 113 

501 W. High Street 

High Point, N. C. 
Klay. Laraine— 130 

2406 Adams Ct. 

Sanfoid. Fla. 
Klinedinst. Pamela — 64 

5301 Oakland Rd. 

Chevy Chase, Md. 
Knam, Susan — 59,174 

Box 71 

Gwynedd, Pa. 
Knitter, Karen — 131 

1979 Waterport Rd. 

Waterport. N. Y. 
Kreider. Marc— 51,156 

2035 Grace Ave. 

Lebanon. Pa. 

Kurkjian. Charles — 55,156 

504 E. Meadow Lane 

Exton, Pa. 
Kyles. Sandva— 63.77,156 

123 Magnolia 

Statesville. N. C. 



Lackey, Fuchsia— 87.93.142 

Box 56 

Fallston, N. C. 
Lagos. William— 56.142 

2606 Arvin St. 

Wheaton. Md. 
LaGrange. Frank -92.97. 154.151; 

2479 Meadow Rd. 

W. Palm Beach, Fla. 
Lambda Chi Alpha — 50.51 
Lambert. Jerry— 189 

307 Oakview Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Lanam. Kill — 131 

3867 Pinewood Terrace 

Falls Church. Va. 
Lancashire. Carol— 62.131 

335 Wahi St. 

Somerset, Mass. 
Land. Janet — 142 

109 Ford St. 
Thomasville. N. C. 

Land. William— 142 

1005 Barbee Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Landes, Emma-Lou— 63.174 

3212 Queens Rd. 

Raleigh. N. C. 
Laney. Stephen — 53,156 

3209 Barnhill Dr. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Lare. George — 55,174 

1228 Cornell Ave. 

Drexel Hill. Pa. 
LaSalla. Mary Dim— 156 

2104 Dunnhill Dr. 

Raleigh. N. C. 
Lathan. Robert — 131 

110 Westbrook Dr. 
Butner. N. C. 

Lauder, Margaret — 131 

506 Steele St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Law. Ellen— 142 

2426 Westfield Rd. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Lawrence, Lettie — 142 

713 Elk Spur St. 

Elkin. N. C. 
Lawson. Stephen — 131 

1216 12th St. PI.. N.W. 

Hickory. N. C. 
Lazaruk. Dr. William-107 

219 Greenway 
— Jamestown, N. C. 
Lea. William— 55.98.174 

13401 Sherwood Forest Dr. 

Silver Spring. Md. 
Leary. Margaret— 63.142 

406 Ridgecrest Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Lee. Sandi— 143 

204 E. Guilford St. 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Lefler, Nancy — 64.131 

1403 Audubon Ave. 

Aiken. S. C. 
Legislature — 69 
Lemons, Paul 

3555 Kernersville Rd. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Lenz, Laura — 63.73,174 

5414 Huncington Pdwy. 

Bethesda. Md. 
Leonard, Mary 

910 Croyden St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Leonard. Robert G.— 108 

910 Croyden St, 

High Point, N. C. 
Letherbury. Sharon—,170.174 

503 W. 32nd St. 

Wilmington. Del. 
Leverett. George— 156 

607 North Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
LeVey. Dr. Arthur E.— 115 

Rowella Apts, #19 

High Point, N. C. 
Lewallen. Fay — 131 

43 F Clara Cox Homes 
High Point. N. C. 

Lewin. Richard— 55.69,88,174 

3056 Kearsarge Rd. 

Camden, N. J. 
Lewis. Dr. Lew J.— 112 

202 Shadow Valley Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Light. Richard— 53.143 

44 Rodney St. 
Glen Rock. N. J. 

Lindsay. Chris— 53.143 

221 Nabbington Rd. 

Rochester, Pa. 
I.ipo. Brunei' 131 

3210 Forestview Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Littles. Eugene — 143 

212 36th St.. N. E. 

Washington. D. C. 
Locke, Dr. William R. 119 

1409 Wendover Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Locke. Mrs. William R. 32 

1409 Wendover Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Locklair. John— 85.174 

203 Camelia Dr. 

Moncks Corner. S. C. 
Lockman, Philiji — 166 

Rt. 1 

Iron Station, N. C. 
Loflin, J. .an I 39 

'.MS l; 1 .-.i.Ul.! Alt'. 

High Point. N. C. 
Logan. Betty-86,131 

597 12th Ave.. N. E. 

Hickory. N. C. 
Lohse. Ellen— 62.131 

1018 Orchard St. 

Fairfax. Va. 
Lord. Alan -97.143 

9304 Meriden Rd. 

Potomac, Md. 
Lostcn. Carol— 65.174 

Chesapeake City, Md. 
Lowe, Nolan — 174 

4107 S. Main St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Lowenthal. Ron— 49.153 

2722 Blaine Dr. 

Chevy Chase. Md. 
Lucas. Johnny — 48,143 

961 Kaufman St. 

Cocoa. Fla. 
Luff. Ann — 76.86.143 

421 Sharp St. 

Hackettstown. N. J. 
Lytle. Margaret— 131 

330 Montlieu Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 


McArtor. Katherine— 131 

4503 Woodlark PI. 

Rockville. Md. 
McCall. Leslie — 62.99,143 

2907 Ave. 

Cheverly. Md. 
McCallum. Sarah — 143 

Rt. 1. Box 186 

Candor. N. C. 
McCarson, James — 143 

608 Concord St. 

Thomasville. N. C. 
McCaskill, Clement— 131 

11. iv 5 

Seagrove. N. C. 
McCross. Marian 

131 Pine Vallev Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
McCoy. Steven— 131 

3503 Varnum St. 

Brentwood. Md. 
McCracken. Kevin— 48,131 

9211 Holly Oak Dr. 

Bethesda. Md. 
McCully. Dale— 131 

911 Tanley Rd. 

Silver Spring. Md. 
McDade. Mary Lynn— 61.143 

Oxford House. Apt P 

High Point. N. C. William 53.188 

3527 Manorwood Dr. 

Hyattsville, Md. 
McDermott, Verna 

603 Ashe St. 

High Point. N. C. 

McDiarmid. Barbara A.— 76,77,81 

Rt. 1 

Red Springs. N. C. 
McDonald, Di Ion 92.166 

300 N. Scientific St. 

High Point. N. C. 
McDonald, Roy 

3114 Mai it's Dr. 

Falls Church. Va. 

Mrl)..ivell. GI.M ia 1 v.i 
I0S Friddle St. 

High Point, N C. 
McDowell, Phyllis— 143 

.'.in Kennedy Ave. 

High Point, X C 
Mi Ewan, Diana 60,166 

lor. Grandview Dr. 

Cynthiana, Ky. 
.Met Hue. Joseph— 131 

31 lentennial Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Mclnnis, Libby 148 

1"1" Wellington 

High Point. N C. 
Mclnnis. William— 70,74,174,177 

Box 10 

Lakeview, N. C. 
McKay. Ai thur 5 1.8 3,168.17 l 

129 Albemarle Rd. 

N"i« 1. Mass. 

McKenzie. Judith — 143 

Rt. 1 

West End. N. C. 
McKoon, Carl— 156 

1724 Cedardale Ave. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
McLain, Talmage — 166 

Box 14. Rt. I 

Hiddenite. N. C. 
McLean, Mary 

230 Lorraine Dr. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
McLeod. Catherine— 143 

Rt. 1. Box 666 

Chester. Va. 
McMahon, Gary— 55.156 

275 Bay Ave. 

Huntington. N. Y. 
McMillan. Betty — 175 

Weaver Dr. 

Lexington. N. C. 
McMillan, Lewis — 156 

503 Weaver Dr. 

Lexington. N. C. 
McMillan. William— 143 

l»i. Randolph St. 

Cape Charles, Va. 
McMullan, Ellen 

701) Ruckspring Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
M.- I'll, i son. Thomas— 49.143 

3505 Guess Rd. 

Durham. N. C. 


Mabe, Philip sr,.17". 

288 W. McNeely Ave. 

M sville. N. C. 

Machlin. Kenneth— 49.156 

3614 Janet Rd. 

Silver Spring. Md. 
Mackie, Ann— II5.173.177 

Cecilton, Md. 
MacKinnon, Michael 156 

Whimpering Pines 

Carthage, N. C. 
Magruder. Mary Jane — 59.156 

2 Sedgwick Lane 

Rockfille, Md. 
Mainwaring, Lois— 65,94,175 

318 Estes Dr. 

Chapel Hill. N. C. 
Malany. Ralph— 143 

726 Bradbury 

Cincinnati, Ohio 
Malpass. Hernial! 1 :i I 

J4:i4 I-;. Lexington St. 
High Point. N. C. 
Maness. Jacqueline 
3411'. Hillside Dr. 
High Point. N. C. 


Mann. Joel — 131 
305 Green Oak Dr. 
High Point. N. C. 
Mann. Jonathan — 143 
410 Entwistle St. 
Hamlet. N. C. 
Mardeusz, Danny 
12915 Kendale Ave. 
Bowie, Md. 
Markland. Gary— 143 
Rt. 1 

Advance. N. C. 

Marsh. Walter— 15G 

615 Colonial Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 

Marshall. John— 156 

322 Rhee St.. Box 546 

Statesville. N. C. 

Martin. Cheryl— 156 

702 Chandler Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Martin. Kenneth— 143 

3825 N. Cittmar Rd. 

Arlington, Va. 
Martin. Shirley 

139 E. White Ave. 

High Point, N. C. 
Martin, Suzanne— 

1317 Juliana PI. 

Alexandria, Va. 
Martz. James — 175 

112 Columbus Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Mask, Jovita— 131 

Rt. 2. Box 1120 

Connelly Springs, N. C. 
Mason. David— 51.71,156 

664 Glen Ave. 

Westfield. N. J. 
Masten. Janet — 87.143 

2109 Waughtown St. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Matthews. Frances--97,131 

119 Mansfield Blvd. 

Cherry Hill. N. J. 
Matthews. Larry — 175 

Rt. 1, Teague Lane 

Kernersville. N. C. 
Matthews. Martha— 131 

119 Mansfield Blvd. 

Cherry Hill. N. J. 
Matthews, Dr. W. P.— 118 

114 N. Centennial Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Matthiesen. Steven— 48,132 

6124 Wheatland Rd. 

Baltimore. Md. 
Mays. Lillian — 83 

Rowella Apts. IS 

High Point. N. C. 
Meadows, John — 132 

Rt. 1 

Tobaccoville. N. C. 
Mellette, Linda— 76.94 

1617 S.W. 10th St. 

Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. 
Men's Dorm Council — 71 
Merritt. Gail — 143 

917 N. LaFayette St. 

Shelby, N. C. 
Methodist Student Fellowship — 90 
Myer. Linda— 62.80.132 

Apt. G2. Perry Cir. 

USNA. Annapolis, Md. 
Michael, Libby— 157 

Box 214 

Welcome. N. C. 
Miller, Angela— 86,132 

Rt. 3, Box 309 

Wilmington. N. C. 
Miller. Catherine— 63.143 

4617 Shamrock Rd. 

Tampa, Fla. 
Miller. Dr. Halsey W.— 107 

900 Sixth St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Miller. Stephen— 157 

Rt. 1 

Boonville, N. C. 
Millis. Henry— 132 

1107 Rockford Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Millman. Kenneth— 132 

Lincoln. Del. 
Milner. Jane— 98,99.175 

4508 Oakridge Dr. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Miranda, Juan — 115 

614 W. First St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Mish. Johnny — 132 

108 Columbus Ave. 

High Point, N. C. 
Mishoe. Wilbur— 132 

2302 Van Buren St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Miss Golden Decade— 26,27 
Mitchell, Robert— 132 

11 Ogden Terrace 

Butler. N. J. 

Mize, Barbara— 59,143 

10108 Kinross Ave. 

Silver Spring. Md. 
Mock. Richard— 157,159 

Rt. 1 

Lewisville. N .C. 
Mohlmann. Robert— 132 

1170 Akwood Rd. 

Port Jefferson. N. Y. 
Molitor. Beverly — 143 

150 Sunrise Dr. 

Lexington Park. Md. 
Montague. Anne — 157 

12S N. King Charles 

Raleigh. N. C. 
Montgomery. Robert — 143 

15 Oxford Ave. 

Stratford. N. J. 
Moody. Linda— 189 

917 Brookline St. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Moody. L. E.— 97.104 

1107 Guilford Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Mooney. Kay — 132 

3105 Kivett Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Mooney. Robert — 143 

Box 1032 

Lumberton. N. C. 
Moore. James — 143 

Rt. 6. Box 280 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Moore. Jo Ann — 58.132 

1150 N.W. 30th Ct. 

Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 
Monroe, Mary — 6 

128 Penny Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Morgan. Linda — 175 

Rt. 9, Box 265 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Moriarty. Ellen — 167 

Box 8611 

Guilford College. N. C. 
Morrison, Diane — 132 

3436 N. Roberts Lane 

Arlington, Va. 
Morris, Dr. Charles M.— 117 

911 W. College Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Moses. Susan — 143 

331 Oak St. 

Rocky Mount. Va. 
Mosteller. Sylvia— 144 

3964 Glenn High Rd. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Mote. Terry— 54.144 

514 Carr Ave. 

Rockville. Md. 
Motsinger, Jay — 176 

Rt. 1. Box 158 

High Point, N. C. 
Mounts, Dr. C. E.— Ill 

715 Montlieu Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Mowrey, David — 51.157 

Rt. 5. Box 501 

High Point. N. C. 
Muench. Paula — 157 

504 Avalon PI. 

High Point, N. C. 
Mullen, Sandra 

6123 Archdale Dr. 

Guilford College. N. C. 
Murphy. Elaine — 144 

Rt. 4, Box 326 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Murphy. Janna — 144 

Box 622 

Woodbridge, Va. 
Musical Arts Club— 84 
Myers, Catherine — 180 

509 Montlieu Ave. 

High Point, N. C. 
Myers. Patrick — 157 

519 Fourth St. 

Troy. N. Y. 
Myers, Robert — 114 

15 E. Colonial Dr. 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Myers. Robert T.— 144.69 

1013 Barbee Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Myrick. Alvin G.— 116 

1454 Enterprise Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 


Nance. Anna M.— 63.180 

34 Main St. 

Mt. Pleasant. N. C. 
Nance. Patricia— 59,144 

3118 Pinehurst PI. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Nance. Sidney — 157 

Rt. 3, Box 140 

Thomasville. N. C. 

Nanfelt, Russell— 54.144 

2512 Woodruff St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Nash, Nancy L— 132 

245 Boulevard 

High Point, N. C. 
Nash, Nancy R.— 132.162 

112 Arnold Dr. 

Symana. Tenn. 
Neal. Larry— 157 

Rt. 1, Box 91 

Belews Creek, N. C. 
Needham. Jerry — 144 

Rt. 1 

Pinnacle. N. C. 
Needham, Joseph— 144 

301 Key St. 

Pilot Mountain, N. C. 
Neese. Ann— 29.73,157 

1450 Pine Valley Loop 

Fayetteville. N. C. 
Neighbors, Linda— 132 

1 06 Fi*her Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Neiman. Meda— 60,69,132 

406 Pine Dr. 

Sanford, N. C. 
Nelson, Danny — 144 

Rt. 1 

Madison. N. C. 
Nelson. James L. — 108 

607 Montlieu Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Nelson. Ronald— 180 

4111 S. Main St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Netts. George W.— 88 

1503 Delk Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Netts. Marsha — 132 

1503 Delk Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Nevitt. Carolyn— 62.132,134 

148 Laquer Rd. 

Port Washington. N. Y. 
Newby. William— 180 

Rt. 4. Box 69B 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Newman. Katharine — 59.157 

38 Talman PI. 

Allendale. N. J. 
Nickell, Robert— 54.132 

4364 Winchester Dr. 

Attison Park. Pa. 
Nifong, David — 132 

Rt. 5 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Niland. Diane— 59.144 

956 N. Lebanon St. 

Arlington. Va. 
Nilson. Kristian — 132 

800 W. St. 

Monmouth Beach. N. J. 
Nixon, Rebecca— 180 

202 West Lexington Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Norman. Dannie — 144 

1226 Hart St. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Norman. Deirdre — 144 

R.F.D. 1 

Pilot Mtn., N. C. 
North. Stanlev— 55,180 

30 Maple Ave. 

Demarest. N. J. 

Obevmiller, Jeff— 63.180 

1403 A. N. VanDorn St 

Alexandria. Va. 
O'Connor. Barbara — 63. U0 

13 Forest Rd. 

Hanover. N. J. 
O'Hara. Robert — 144 

91 Central Ave. 

Glen Rock. N. J. 
Okin. Eric— 180 

2415 N, Rockingham St. 

Arlington. Va. 
Oliver. Edna— 132 

3514 Tanyard Rd. 

High Point, N. C. 
Oliver. Sharon— 157,95 

302 Holly Place 
Movganton, N. C. 

Order of the Lighted Lamp— 31 
Orren. Anne B-— 103 

823 Fifth St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Orton. Carl — 180 

609 Halstead Dr. 

Wilmington. Del. 
Osborne. Barry— 70.181 

S44 Occoneechee Ave. 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Outland, Ann— 62,132 

P. O. Box 172 

Pikeville. N. C. 



Owen. Ann — 144 

612 O'Neill St. 

High Point. N. C 
Owen. Paul— 144 

312 Louise Ave. 

High Point, N. C. 
Owens, Robert— 74,181 

Rt. 6 

Lexington. N. C. 

Pace, Dorothy — 157 

Rt. 1 

Pleasant Garden. N. C. 
Palmer. Leo — 157 

Apt. 24B. William & Mary 

High Point. N. C. 
Palmer. Leonard — 29.107 

804 Apperson Dr. 

Salem, Va. 
Panhellenic— 89 
Parisi. Bruce — 53.144 

62 Thurston Ter. 

Glen Rock. N. J. 
Parker. Ann— 181 

Box 245 

Hobgood. N. C. 
Parker. Judy— 63.144 

342 Neward St. 

Aurora. Colorado 
Parker. Larry— 144 

Rt. 4 

Thomasville. N. C. 
Parks, Betty — 181 

Rt. 2 

Trinity. N. C. 
Parks. Mrs. Emmett A. — 106 

Rt. 2 

Trinity. N. C. 
Parsons, Danny — 144 

131 Louella Dr. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Paskal. Linda— 132 

3426 Stoneybrae Dr. 

Falls Church. Va. 
Patrick. Ina M. —105 

806 Carrick St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Patterson. Eddy— 71,179,181 

R.F.D. 1 

Ararat. N. C. 
Patterson. George — 181 

1011 Tipton St., 

High Point. N. C. 
Patterson, Hattie — 181 

307 Avery Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Patterson. Joseph — 132 

1201 Forrest St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Patton. Dr. Wendell M.— 7.102 

821 W. College Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Patton, Wendell, 111—50,144 

821 W. College Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Payne, Claudia— 63,73.157 

382 Holly Ridge Dr. 

Montgomery, Ala. 
Payne. Lowell— 181 

1206 Brentwood St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Payne. Martha— 132 

1708 W. Lexington 

High Point. N. C. 
Payne. Paul— 51.144 

York House. Naval Weapons 

Sta.. Yorktown, Va. 
Peace, Frankie— 63,94,157 

416 Springdale Ave. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Pearson. Evan— 54.132 

209 Lakeside Ave. 

Pitman. N. J. 
Peeler. Barney— 51,144 

Belwood Sta. 

Lawndale, N. C. 
Pell, Joseph— 144 

Box 217 

Pilot Mountain, N. C. 
Penry. Herbert— 144 

Rt. 10, Box 322 

Lexington. N. C. 
Perlozzo. Nicholas A. — 132 

129 Race St. 

Cumberland. Md. 
Pernell. Margaret— 157 

1601 Laurel Lane 
High Point. N. C. 
Perov, Nancy — 132 

1221 Carter St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Perry, Linda— 65,72,178,181,184 
27 W. Woodrow Ave. 

Belmont. N. C. 

Penyman. Kenneth — 132 

Rt. 10 

Lexington. N. C. 
Peterson. Barbara— 144 

Rt. 2 

Fuuuay-Vaiina. N. C. 
Peterson. Dr. H. H.— 110 

1604 W. Lexington Ext. 

High Point, N. C. 
Peterson, Joan— 59.144 

27 Headley Terr. 

Irvington, N. J. 
Peterson, Thomas — 158 

121 W. White Dr. 

Archdale. N. C. 
Phi Mu- 62.63 
Phillips. David A.— 49.144 

5 Kenwood Rd. 

Peabody, Mass. 
Phillips. David W— .132 

104 Edgewood Dr. 
Pinetops, N. C. 

Phillips. Jane — 86,144 

Vesta. Va. 
Phillips. Vicki— 132 

1935 Butler. St. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Phillips. Robert E.— 103 

1420 Grantham Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Phillips. William R. — 111 

1200 Biltrnore St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Philips. Diane — 158 

3415 Imperial Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Physical Ed. Majors Club —95 
Pi Kappa Alpha— 52,53 
Picka, James — 144 

8»09 Victory Ave. 

Baltimore, Md. 
Pickett, Emilie — 59,158 

Box 8 

Denton. N. C. 
Pierce, Louise— 62,132 

1502 Middlebury Dr. 

Alexandria. Va. 
Pillsbury. Cynthia— "6.15s 

2425 Vail Ave. 

Charlotte, N. C. 
Plyler. Robert— 181 

512 Denny St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Poindexter, Catherine — 87.176,181 

Rt. 8. Box 226 

Monroe. N. C. 
Poole, Barbara— 59,144 

1100 S. DeLaney 

Orlando, Fla . 
Pope, Dr. L. B. — 133 

Sedge Garden Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Pope. Toni— 133 

3B Chestnut Ct. 

High Point. N. C. 
Porter. Ra'ford M. 

1509 N. W. Boulevard 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Poston, Carol— 133,158 

103 Perry St. 

Shelby, N. C. 
Pratt, Sylvia— 59,69,144 

1636 Lombardy Circle 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Prevette. Lloyd — 158 

Rt. 1. Lazy Acres 

Lewisville, N. C. 
Price. Carolyn— 189 

1701 H. Village Sq. Apt. 

High Point. N. C. 
Price, Dorothy— 106 

1701 H Village Sq. Apt. 

High Point, N. C. 
Price. Joseph — 144 

Rt. 2 

Monroe. N. C. 
Price. Ronald— 158 

1001 Willowmere Lane 

Cambridge. Md. 
Priddy, Linda— 189 

105 N. Gordon St. 
Spary, N. C. 

Pritchett. James R.— 113 

717 W. Farriss St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Proehl. Rebecca— 93.133 

1621 McKinney Dr. 

Lynchburg. Va. 
Prillaman. Carolyn— 158 

304 Nola Rd. 

Collinsville. Va. 
Prince. Richard— 98,181 

3822 San Luis 

Tampa, Fla. 
Pryor. Edward— 50,158 

Rt. 6, Box 216 

Henderson. N. C. 

Pugh. Phyllis— 144 

1704 N. Centennial St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Pulliam. David— 6N.169. 178.182 

3»S« Frontier Rd. 

Roanoke. Va. 
Pusey. James — 54.133 

Avon Knoll 

Avondale, Pa. 


Quinn. Richard— 70.133 
106 Mt. View Dr. 
Kernersville. N. C. 


Rainer, Marcia— 63,145 

13206 Bregman Rd. 

Silver Spring. Md. 
Ramsey. William— 4K.133 

1101 Sylvan Lane 

Mountainside. N. J. 
Raper. Emery— 51.182 

16 Vance Cr. 

Lexington. N. C. 
Rawley. Mrs. D. A 1)1 

1027 Wellington 

High P.. int. N. C. 
Rayle. Martin— 145 

1300 Ehvell Ave. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Rea. Nancy — 133 

Shannon St. 

Mt. Jackson. Va. 
Reaves, John — 145 

Mashie Dr.. Rt. 1 

Pfafftown. N. C. 
Redding. Mrs. Donald— 83 

1109 Country Club Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Reed. James — 145 

lit. HI 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Reed. Sally- 94, 175.182. 183. 187 

159 Edward Ferry Rd. 

Leeshurg, Va. 
Reed. V. Ellen— 133 

2724 East Sprague St. N. C. 
Rehberg, Susan— 60,133 

610 S. View Terrace 

Alexandria. Va. 
Reid. Howard 

Rt. 6 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Reid. Virgil— 53.H6 

Box M 

Candor. N. C. 
Reidda, Lorraine— 9s.99.15S 

14 Highland Ave. 
Succasunna. N. J. 

Reitzel, Grace— 182 

415 Hillcrest Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
iiendell. Noel ^3.1s^ 

29 Riverside Rd. 

Simsbury. Conn. 
Renfro. Harold— 55.144 

1 ■■.,'•■ '•,,:,, l-,,,-, R ,i 

Rnckvllle, Md. 
Renegar. Mavv — 94,182 

Rt. 2 

Harmony. N. C. 
Rich. Mrs. Dean A. 

1111 Greenway Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Rich. Glenn— 145 

2211 Portage Pkway 

Asheboro. N. C, 
Rich. Wanda— 133 

Rt. 5, Bov. 171 

High Point, N. C. 
Richardson. James — 62.1*2 

51I-5U Whitewood Lane N C. 
Richardson, Judson — 15S 

15 Greyland 

'.. :.' : i, :.:. \!;is-. 

Richardson. Sandra— 1:13 

10207 Shiloh St. 

Fail fax. Va. 
Ripley, Kent— 55.69.172,176.182 

5427 Carolina PI.. N.W. 

Washington, D. C. 
Ritchie. Cassandra — 59.68,158 

586 Bloomingdale Rd. 

Kingsport. Tenn. 
Richardson. Stephen — 133 

S3U8 Arlington Dr. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Rob!.. Arthur 

202" W. I'oio ltd. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Riezx:!.. Steve -29.15s 

324 Phillips Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 



Rios. Johnsie— 182 

116 Chestnut Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Roberts. John— 63.182 

3 McNeal Dr., S. E. 

Marietta, Ga. 
Robertson, Robert— 55.168 

40 Deer Lane 

Wantagh. N. Y. 
Robertson, Suzanne — 58,133 

1219 W. Northwood St. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Rook, Charles— 145 

2152 Windward Shores 

Virginia Beach. Va. 
Rockenbaugh. Shirley — 145 

5009 Belt Rd.. N. W. 

Washington, D. C. 
Rogers. Betty— 59,158 

Alberta, Va. 
Rogers. J. Wilson— 108 

607 Shevbrook Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Rogers, Kathleen-61,182 

1929 N. Van Buren St. 

Arlington, Va. 
Rook. Michael— 133 

6104 Sunset Rd. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Rounds. Helen— 01.158 

603 Clark St. 

Westfield. N. J. 
Russell, Carolyn— 182 


Granite Falls, N. C. 
Russell. Mitchell— 145 

104 Leonard St. 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Ruth. DeVon 

4811 S. Main St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Ruth. Jeanne — 182 

1109 Campbell St. 

High Point. N. C. 

Sadler, Nadine— 60.133 
4 Marcia Ct. 
Rockville. Md. 
Saintsing. Mintie— 145 
Rt. 4. Box 333 
Thomasville. N. C. 
Sakers, Dale— 133 
3 N. Constance Dr. 
Glen riddle. Pa. 
Sale. Robert— 158 
Rt. 1. Box 201 
Ronda. N. C. 
Salmon, William— 133 
121 Old Mill Rd. 
High Point, N. C. 
Samuels. Rebecca— 145 
Rt. 1. Box 623 
Jamestown. N. C. 
Sanderford. Betty— 87.158 
104 E. Wyche St.. Box 174 
Whiteville. N. C. 
Sanders, Linda — 133 
1814 Wooderest Dr. 
Asheboro. N. C. 
Sandy, Richard 
Marsh Harbor 
Abaco, Bahamas 
Sappenfield. Gary— 158 
1108 Vera Ct. 
High Point, N. C. 
Sarmuk. Candace— 65.182 
Rt. 1. Box 113 
Berkshire, Mass. 
Saunders. Donald— 77,145 
4210 N. Main St. 
High Point. N. C. 
Savage. Dr. Carl C— 103 
1807 Guyer St. 
High Point, N. C. 
Sawyer. Anna 
114 N. Joiner St. 
High Point, N. C. 
Scales, Nancy— 167.179.182 
Rt. 2, Box 324 
Leaksville, N. C. 
Schell, Fran— 63,145 

3233 Mathieson Dr. N. E. 
Atlanta. Georgia 
Scheufele, Carol— 69,70.146 
3906 N. Upland St. 
Arlington. Va. 
Scholastic Honor Society— 30 
Schultz, David— 49.145 
25 Sipple Ave. 
Baltimore. Md. 
Schumacher. Roy— 158 
858 Edge Park Dr. 
Haddonfield. N. J 

Scott. Ann— 58.59,89.158 
27 Breamar Dr. 
Hamilton, Va. 
Scott, Ellis— 133 

2119 S. Fayetteville St. 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Scott. James — 49.145 
Rt. 2, Box 102 
Leaksville, N. C. 
Scolt, Thomas E.— 115 
Rt. 6 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Smtten. Dana— K2.IX3 
901 Circle Dr. 
High Point, N. C. 
Scronce. Lorraine— 86,133 
Rt. 5. Box 686 
Hickory. N. C. 
Sechrest. Sharon— 184 
225 Charles Ave. 
Jamestown, N. C. 
Seigle, Elaine — 140,145,161 
507 N. Quaker Lane 
Alexandria. Va. 
Seigler. Janet— 76,86.168 
1629 Sells St. 
Monroe, N. C. 
Senger. Earl— 51.15K 
Senger's Mt. Lake 
Greenville, Va. 
Senior Class— 162 
Sessums. Linda — 65.145 
6947 Emerson Si. 
Hyatlsville, Md. 
Sevier, William— 71.158 
51 Hillcrest Rd. 
Asheville. N. C. 
Seward, John — 133 
1101 Tanley Rd. 
Silver Spring. Md. 
Seymour, Alice— 62,133 
9200 Tuckerman St. 
Seabrook. Md. 
Shackelford. Sharon— 133 
2001 Chestnut Dr. 
High Point. N. C. 
Shackleford, Rudy— 53,158 

Pinnacle. N. C. 
Shaeff. Fred— 133 
208 W. 46th St. 
Reading. Pa. 
Shaffer. Sherry— 86.133 
11037 Timberlake Rd. 
Lynchburg, Va. 
Sharpe. Larry — 133 
Rt. 2. Box 96 
Stoneville, N. C. 
Sharpe. Thomas— 55,184 
2727 Alamance Rd. 
Burlington. N. C. 
Shaw. Willie — 74,133 
2604 Marble St. 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Shelly, Donna-59,159 
310 MOQ 

Parris Island. S. C. 
Shelton. Karen— 145 
P. O. Box 4041 
High Point. N. C. 
Shelton. Mrs. John M. — 110 
2901 Claire Rd. 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Sherwood, Sharon— 62,87,93.145 
3300 W. Roxboro Rd. 
Atlanta, Ga. 
Sheets, Linda— 133 
4501 Knollwood Dr. 
High Point. N. C. 
Shields. William— 133 
Box 66 

Pleasant Garden, N. C. 
Shipley, Joyce— 86,134 
11303 Emack Rd. 
Beltsville, Md. 
Shoaf, Tommy — 184 
Rt. 10. Box 332 
Lexington, N. C. 
Sidden. Judy — 145 
Farmingdale Avenue 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Sides, Ruth Ann— 87,94.1 X4 
3013 E. Bessemer 
Greensboro. N. C. 
Sigmon. Dennis- -76.145 
315 Hillcrest Dr. 
Elkin. N. C. 
Simmons, Joan — 159 
1105 Camden Rd. 
High Point. N. C. 
Simms. Richard— 49, 184.186 
18 Hancock St. 
Clinton. N. J. 
Simone. Lynn— 29,77,76. 1 59 
1031 Lowden Ave. 
Union. N. J. 

Sink. Etta 

Rt. 3 

Lexington, N. C. 
Sink, Talmadge — 145 

813 Cartel- St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Sisk, Peggy 

Rt. 6 

Lexington, N. C. 

Skaggs, William— 185 

1134 Liberty Dr. 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Skwirut, Robert — 53,57,98.185 

921 Cooper St. 

Vandergrift, Pa. 
Sloan. James— 

708 Enderby Dr. 

Alexandria, Va. 
Smith, Angela— 63,96.165.185 

807 S. Chapman St. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Smith. Anita— 134 

703 Overbrook Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Smith, Barbara— 145 

527 Hampton Lane 

Towson. Md. 
Smith, Mrs. Beulah— 146 

1507 N. Hamilton 

High Point. N. C. 
Smith. Bruce — 159 

7416 Merritt St. 

Washington. D. C. 
Smith, Douglas— 129.134 

629 Yorkshire St. 

Salem. Va. 
Smith, F. Dent— 134 

816 Circle Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Smith, G. Danny— 29.159 

Rt. 4. Box 607 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Smith, Jerry — 146 

4001 S. Main St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Smith, John — 134 

KOOx 85th Place 

Hyattsville, Md. 
Smith. Kenneth— 146 

1414 Cloverdale 

High Point, N. C. 
Smith. Linwood — 185 

5704 2nd St., S.E. 

Washington, D. C. 
Smith. Martha— 146 

346 Cliff Rd. 

Asheboro, N. C. 
Smith, Patricia — 59.77,159 

Box 25A. Rt. 2 

Annapolis, Md. 
Smith. Richard— 49.146 

5369 Riverdale Rd. 

Riverdale. Md. 
Smith. Rudy— 146 

R.F.D. Box 164 

Onancock, Va. 
Smith. Sharon 

1704 Long St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Smith. Sheryl— 60.134 

5314 Pillow Lane 

Springfield, Va. 
Smith, Susan — 134 

28C Princeton Cir. W. 

Lynchburg, Va. 
Smith. Wilton— 51.159 
5308 Blacksnake Dr. 

Hillcrest Heights, Md. 
Smithey. Martha— 134 

P. O. Box 607 
N. Wilkesboro, N. C. 
Snead. Dennis — 159 
4245 Ashland Dr. 
Greensboro. N. C. 
Snow, Sherry— 61,89,185 

2807 Teakwood Ct.. Apt. B 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Snyder, Shirley L.— 159 
722 Chestnut Dr. 
High Point. N. C. 

S,. ii, bar. Michael- -53.159 

504 New St. 

Milford, Del. 
Sophomore Class — 136 
Southard. Patricia — 134 

Rt. 3. Box 77 

High Point. N. C. 
Sowei-s. Donna — 185 

601 Willowbar Terrace 

High Point. N. C. 
Spaugh, Arthur — 134 

1321 Trinity Ave. 

High Point. N. C. 
Spencer. Steven — 159 

538 Hunter St. 

Madison, N, C. 



Spiker. Richard — 134 

1125 Tanley Rd. 

Silver Spring, Md. 
Spiridopoulos, Jim — 167,169,170 185 

3245 38th St., N.W. 

Washington, D. C. 
Spoone, Richard — 134 

700 Arch St. 

High Point. N, C. 
Springer, Jane — 186 

626 Weaver St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Staley, Donald — 49 

502 Northwood Circle 

Garner, N. C. 
Stallings. C. Millard— 159 

412 N. 3rd St. 

Smithfield, N. C. 
Stallings, Gordon M.— 159 

367 Sunset Dr. 

Concord, N. C. 
Starling, Patsy — 159 

826 Ferndale St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Stayer, Janet — 65,185 

3646 Henshaw Rd. 

Charlotte, N. C. 
Stayer, Laur — 146 

3645 Henshaw Rd. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Steed. Dina— 59.94.185 

4413 Harward Ave. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Steele, Leslie— 62,134 

120 Banbury Dr. 

Windsor Hills, Del. 
Steele. Sammie— 159 

107 Kersey Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Steffen. Burton — 98.146 

4519 Rosedale Ave. 

Bethcsda. Md. 
Sleimle, John — 185 

Box 1362 

Southern Pines, N. C. 
Stein, Diana— 76,146 

5820 Lowell Ave. 

Alexandria, Va. 
Stephenson. Marilyn —66,76 

4009 N. Stafford St. 

Arlington, Va. 
Sterling, Martha — 169 

102 S. Layton Ave. 

Dover, Delaware 
Stevens, Jerry — 146 

601 Kirkman St. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Stewart, Dr. Dorothy R.— 107 

317 Ardmore Circle 

High Point, N. C. 
Stewart. Kay — 134 

1412 Lakecrest Dr. 

Apopka. Fla. 
Stewart, William— 

3608 Isbell St. 

Silver Spring, Md. 
Stilwell. John— 97,146 

Box 624 

LaPlata, Md. 
Stines, Donna— 146 

Bt. 4 

Marshall. N. C. 
Stirewalt. Charles— 160 

P. 0. Box 314 

Old Fort. N. C. 
Stirling. Patricia — 76,146 

4809 Walden Ct. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Stitt. James— 185 

Box 396 

Eastville, Va. 
St. John. Robert— 51,160 

2321 Glamis Dr. 

Pensacola, Fla. 
Story. Catherine— 94.185 

1208 W. Florida St. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Stout. Ella— 79.94,172.177.185 

1530 Fairway Rd. 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Stratton, Edward — 50.160 

"Afton House" 

Afton. Va. 
Stuart, Roger— 134 

24 Sturgis Rd. 

Kendall Park. N. J. 
Student Christian Ass'n— 9 
Student Government Ass'n — 68 
Student Life— 34 
Student Nat. Ed. Ass'n — 94 
Sturdivant. Phyllis— 63.94,160 

Rt. 6 

Lexington. N. C. 
Sturm, Joann — 58,134 

124 Franklin Ave. 
Midland Park, N. J. 
Sturm. Linda— 68.130.134 
49 Lakeshore Dr. 
Newport News, Va. 

Stuns, Judy— 87,94.186 

319 S. Fayetteville 

Liberty. N. C. 
Styles, Dorothy— 146 

Box 7232 

Asheville, N. C. 
Suhadolc. Donna— 94.186 

84 Lake St. 

Ramsey, N. J. 
Sullivan. Mrs. Coleman N.— 111 

1202 Gi'eenway Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Sullivan. Sherilyn— 134 

Bt. 2. Box 414 

Lenoir, N. C. 
Summeis. Gary — 134 

7215 Glenridge Dr. 

Hyattsville, Md. 
Summer. Collis— 134 

126 Regal Dr. 

Lenoir, N. C. 
Swallow, Avis — 146 

449 Gardner St. 

Manchester, Conn. 
Swigait. Sue— 134 

12 South Foote St. 

Cambridge, Indiana 
Swink. Lynne — 59.146 

Rt. 5 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Sykes, Linda — S6. 98, 99, 134 

2228 Lacy St. 

Burlington, N. C. 

Tabor, Nancy— 160,186 

Rt. 4, Lynwood Lks 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Tanner. Patricia— 134 

547 Falls Rd. 

Rocky Mount. N. C. 
Taylor, Barbara— 59,160 

Box 66 

Denton, N, C. 
Taylor. Nancy— 57,59 

813 Boligee Rd. 
Eutaw, Ala. 

Taylor. Ray— 51.186 

1009 Sycamore St. 

Durham, N. C. 
Teague. Charles — 160 

35 Brevard Rd. 

Asheville. N. C. 
Teague. Sylvia— 63.160 

1932 W. Blvd. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Tennis Team— 204 
Terrell, Kay— 146 

308 W. Jackson St. 

Mebane, N. C. 
Thacker, Dr. James A. — 110 

814 E. Farris St. 
High Point, N. C. 

Thayer. Barbara — 160 

Rt. 5 

High Point, N. C. 
Thayer, Douglas— 85.186 

63 Parkview Place 

Baldwin. N. Y. 
Theta Chi— 54,56 
Thigpen, Frankie — 55,159.160 

P. O. Box 245 

Pikeville. N. C. 
Thomas, Betty Pat — 63,186 

299 Westview Dr. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Thomas, D. Louise — 160 

Rt. 1, Box 151 

Jackson Springs, N. C. 
Thomas, Dorothy— 186 

708 Florham 

High Point. N. C. 
Thomas, Frank — 186 

540 Forrest Ave. 

High Point, N. C. 
Thomas, John— 146 

Rt. 9. Box 170 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Thomas. Karen — 146 

1235 Westover Tr. 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Thomas, Martha—86,134 

206 Westhaven St. 

Forest City, N. C. 
Thomas. Mary — 187 

3810 Gilmore Dr. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Thomas, Ted— 160 

711 N. Weidon St. 

Gastonia, N. C. 
Thompson, Leon — 187 

308 Hattie Ave. 

Archdale, N. C. 
Thompson, Marie — 135 

Rt. 3, Box 117 

Asheboro, N. C. 

Thompson. Marie — 135 

Rt. 3. Box 117 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Thompson. Robert— 48,136 

207 Hawthorne Lane 

Lenoir, N. C. 
Thompson, S. Alice — 73,87,146 

Rt. 1 

Graham, N. C. 
Thomspon, Walter B.— 108 

302 Rolling Rd. 

High Point. N, C. 
Thorburn. Allen— 55,187 

33 Lincoln Terrace 

Harrington Park, N. J. 
Tingen, V. Dare — 187 

Rt. 2 

Woodsdale, N. C. 
Tingle, Keith— 135 

608 Baldwin Lane 

Wilmington, Del. 
Tolson. Diana— 146 

Kidwell Ave. 

Centerville, Md. 
Tomlinson. Charles — 53 

Box 301 

Mocksville. N. C. 
Tompkins. Tommy — 48.135 

39 Sunset Rd. 

Pompton Plains, N. J. 
Top Ten Seniors— 167.172.184 
Tories. Robert 

3910 N. Main St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Tower Players— 80,81 
Townsend, Ann — 135 

3365 Pasley Ave. 

Roanoke, Va. 
Townsend, Tony— 135 

Rt. 10 

Lexington, N. C. 
Track Team— 206.207 
Traveria. Jorge — 160 

801 Acosta St. 

Jacksonville, N. C. 
Tribute— 6 
Troutman, Gloria— 160 

917 S. Juniper St. 

Kannaspolis, N. C. 
Tucker. Linda— 76.146 

2112 S. Ashland Dr. 

Burlington. N. C. 
Tuggle, M. Lynne— 160 

Rt. 3. Box 2G7C 

High Point. N. C. 
Turner. Julie — 63,73,80 

610 Cannon Rd. 

Silver Spring, Md. 
Tuttle, Martha— 98.99,160 

712 Glenmore C.R. 

High Point, N. C. 
Tuttle. Robert— 161 

Rt. 1 

Lewisville, N. C. 
Tuxhorn. David — 91.146 

Rt. 7 

Springfield. 111. 
Tyler. Patricia— 58.135 

2901 N. Underwood St. 

Arlington. Va. 
Tysinger, Harriet A, — 187 

Rt. 2, Box 114 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Tysinger, Janice — 161 

Rt. 7 

Lexington. N. C. 


Underwood. Dr. Sam— 77,6.111 
503 E. Farriss Ave. 
High Point, N. C. 

Van Anda, Jane— 92.94,135 

10611 Howerton 

Fairfax, Va. 
VanGilder, Sue— 86.161 

Main Rd. 

Millville. N. J. 
VanHook. Joyce— 87.187 

529 Dutch Cove Rd. 

Canton, N. C. 
Vann. George — 49,88,148 

11208 Bybee St. 

Wheaton. Md. 
Vanneman. Jeanne — 61,161 

309 Central Ave. 

Woodbury Hts.. N. J. 
Varner, Brenda — 161 

Rt. 2. Box 163 

Lexington. N. C. 
Varner, James 

Box 82 

Linwood, N. C. 
Vaughn, Betty Jo— 87,94,178,187 

309 Colonial Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 



Vaughn. Robert F.— 117 

1D29 Lakewood Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Vestal, Stove— 161 

Rt. 3, B,,x 107 

Thomasville, N. C. 


Wagner. Anita — 147 

Rt. 1, Box 422 

Lexington, N. C. 
Wagoner, Forrest- 54 

Box 122 

Appomattox, Va. 
Wagoner, Teddie— 135 

Rt. 10 

Lexington, N. C. 
Wakenight. Joan— 147 

2900 30th St.. S.E. 

Washington. D. C. 
Walden. Richard — 85.147 

3725 Wabash Dr. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Waldron. Thomas — 47 

SO S. Main St. 

Allentown, N. J. 
Walker. Barbara— 94.187,87 

1303 Walnut St. 

Reidsville, N. C. 
Walker. Edwin— 135 

2115 Link Rd. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Walker. Hal— 135 

116 S. Elm 

Asheboro, N. C . 
Walker. William— 135 

Rt. 2. Box 72 

Cleveland, N. C. 
Wall. John— 135.48 

2004 Colonial Ave. 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Wall. Larry— 161 

Main St. 

Pilot Mountain, N. C. 
Wall. Vivian— 135 

501 Mendenhall Rd. 

Jamestown. N. C. 
Ward, Carolyn— 135 

Rt. 1. Box 382 

McLeansville, N. C. 
Warren. Joan— 65.161 

Friendly Rd. 

Walkertown. N. C. 
Watson. Mrs. Edison E.— 108 

536 Overlook 

Greensboro. N. C. 
Watson. Nancy — 135 

Rt. 1 

Monroe. Va. 
Waugh. Randolph— 29 

4 Beuna Vista Rd. 

Asheville, N. C. 
Weatherly. Dr. Owen M.— 119 

819 Circle Dr. 

High Point. N. C. 
Webb. Michael— 147 

3300 Centennial St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Webster, Nancy— 135 

4709 Maser Ct. 

Hampton, Va. 
Weiss. Robert— 189 

405 Hammel Rd. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Welborn. Wanda— 189 

311 Solon St. 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Welch. Lesley— 147 
486 Hampton Ave. 
Long Branch, N. J. 

Welch, Mary 

520 W. Parkway 

High Point, N. 0. 
Weleck. William— 147 

150 W. Ridgewood Ave. 

Ridgewood, N. J. 
Wells. Robert— 49.189 

912 Tarleton Ave. 

Burlington. N. C. 
Wells. Suzanne — 151,189 

3415 Emerald Isle 

Duval. Fla. 
Wheatley. Phillips— 135 

623 Penna. Ave. 

Seaford. Del. 

White. Ellen— 65.161 

7 Sterling Ave. 

Saiurus. Ma-.s. 
White. Patricia— 188 

Rt. 2 

Trinity. N. C. 

White. Ruby— 189 

130" Larchmont Dr. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
White. William— 55.88.161 

Box 13* 

Stoney Point, N. C. 
Whitehead. James— 98.161 

5712 Delaware Ave. 

Camp Lejeune. N. C. 
Whitehead, Wayne— 135 

i;i>7 lvydale Ave. 

Wilmington. Del. 
Whitfield. Jasper— 1x, 147 

214 Garrett St. 

Uoxburo. N. C. 
Whitlow. Patricia— 147 

H21K N. Centennial St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Whitt. Doris— 77,87,90,147 

415 N. Main St. 

Roxboro, N. C. 
Whitt, Rita— 147 

115 S. Miller Ave. 

Wenatchee, Wash. 
Who's Who— 176.177,178.179 
Wilbur, Bruce— 135 

6438 Maple Wood Dr. 

Falls Church, Va. 
Wilkerson, James— 49.147 

Box 78 

Mllford, Del. 
Wilkes. Shelby— 19.161 

27-B Daniel Brooks Apts 

High Point. N. C. 
Willen. Bemiee— 18S 

506 Mendenhall Rd. 

Jamestown. N. C. 
Williams. David— 135 

503 Westside Dr. 

Lexington, N. C. 
Williams. Diane — 59.147 

Box 6 

Eagle Springs. N. C. 
Williams, Donald— 135 

20 Valley View Terr. 

Moorestown. N. J. 
Williams. Ellen— 188 

Rt. 1 

Olin, N. C. 
Williams. Herman — 147 

713 Raleigh Rd. 

Lexington. N. C. 
Williams, John— 53.147 

Box 659 

Waretown. N. J. 
Williams. Richard 

501 Academy St.. Apt. 1 

High Point, N. C. 
Williams. Robert— 135 

720 Oakmont Dr. 

Asheboro. N. C. 
Williamson, Linda— 59.147 

R.F.D. 1 

Raeford, N. C. 
Willis. James— 48.135 

Lynch Heights 

Milford. Del. 
Wilson. Dr. C. L. — 109 

207 Shadow Vallev Rd. 

High Point, N. C. 
Wilson. Helen— 60.61.147 

132 North ridge St. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Wilson, Rebecca— 188 

Rt. 1 

Walkertown, N. C. 
Wilson, Richard— 135 

I'll ,\U,.r, St. 

Thomasville, N. C. 
Wilson. Vkki— 59.147 

311 W. 5th Ave. 

Lexington. N. C. 
Wimberly. Vicky— 161 

2021 Richardson Dr. 

Reidsville, N. C. 
Wimbish, Patricia— 147 

Coharie Acres 

Clinton, N. C. 
Winchester, Carol— 58.147 

1104 Lakewood Dr. 

Monroe. N. C. 
Wingard. Robert— 135 

2s»4 English Rd. 

High Point. N. C. 
Winstead. Carol- 161 

2n2 N. Main St. 

Roxboro. N. C. 
Winters. John — 55.146.141 

31 Raynold Rd. 

Mountain Lakes. N. J. 
Wise. Wanda- -147 

1404 E. Laurel St. 

Goldsboro, N. C. 

Witt, Daniel— 135 

:J04 Augusta Ave. 

Baltimore. Md. 
Wittenberg. Roger— 50,135 

R.F.D. 1 

Annandale. N. J. 
Woman's Athletic Ass'n— 99 
Women's Dorm Council— 72,73 
Wood, Gerald— 135 

1920 Burgoyne Ct. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Wood, Jeffrey— 147 

747 Charing Cross Rd. 

Baltimore. Md. 
Wood. Linda— 161 

627 Wesley Dr. 

High Point. N .C. 
Wood, Lucinda — 161 

901 Carrick St. 

High Point, N. C. 
Wood. Vicki— 147 

508 N. Garden Ave. 

Siler City, N. C. 

Woodell. Wayne 

4020 Knollwood Dr. 

High Point, N. C. 
Woodhams. Roberta— 62,135 

7714 Radnor Rd. 

Bethesda. Md. 
Woods. John— 51.147 

1352 Maryland Ave. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Wooldridge, Jane— 65.74,147 

105 Marcella Rd. 

Hampton, Va. 
Woosley. Sue— 135 

Box 3657, Rt. 6 

Winston-Salem. N, C. 
Workman, Anthony 

2127 Sink St. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Worthington, Miss Ruth— 110 

823 Fifth Street 

High Point, N. C. 
Worthy. C. M-— 49.88.188 

6716 Ronda Ave. 

Charlotte. N. C. 
Wright. Joyce— 87,94,189 

Box 49 

Earl, N. C. 
Wright. Linda— 189 

201 Dorsett St. 

High Point, N. C. 


Xindaris. Philip — 147 
73 Prospect St. 
Peabody, Mass. 

Varborough, N. P.— 103.115 

1431 Wilshire Blvd. 

High Point, N. C. 
Yoe. Shirley — 135 

Box 276 

Granite Quarry, N. C. 
Yaun, Thomas — 147 

1633 Woodlynne Blvd. 

Linwood, N. J. 
Yokeley. Vicki 

1220 Ashburton Lane 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Yokley, Clark— 161 

K3B Emerywood Ct.. Apt. 

High Point, N. C. 
Young. Gerald — 135 

11300 Vale Rd. 

Oakton. Va. 
Young, Janet — 65 

102 Long Leaf Lane 

Altamonte Springs. Fla. 
Younts, John — 147 

Rt. 1 

Trinity, N. C. 

Zakos, Barbara— 135 

1417 Welborn St. 

High Point. N. C. 
Zellmer, Kathleen— 58,134.135 

5603 Ontario Circle 

Washington, D. C. 
Zenith Staff— 76,77 
Zeta Tau Alpha —64,66 
Zumbi'o, Val— 49.79.161 

4116 E. West Highway 

Hyattsville. Md. 


The "Building for the Future" for the year 1966-67 fades away and is 
recorded in the history of High Point College. Although the school year 
is ending, the memories will live on and help our College grow and expand. 

The staff feels a sense of accomplishment in putting the final touches 
on the 1967 ZENITH. Many changes have influenced the presentation 
of this book, especially the Golden Decade Development Program started 
in 1965. We tried to tell the real story behind High Point College. 

This year the staff sacrificed many hours in order to present you this 
book. Among them are Wayne Eddinger. associate editor; Andy Craig, 
photographer; and Hay Baity, business manager. A special "thank you" 
goes to Lynn Simone, the layout editor and to Dr. Underwood, our 
advisor. He was always there when we needed him, but never in the way, 
which made this a real student publication. 

We hope that the student will take special pride in the cover of the 
1967 ZENITH which is in purple, the school color. Seniors, you wanted 
a purple yearbook, and now you have one. 

The staff hopes that you will appreciate and treasure this book. My 
final acknowledgement goes to the 1967 ZENITH Staff. "Thanks. Staff, 
for everything!" W« close with the hope that High Point College will 
forever be "Building for the Future. " 

Barbara McDiarmid 











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