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a college in motion 


a triple image 



The Outer View 

the passing glance— 
a hazy recollection 
from an outsider- 




only surface meanings, 


J ' i 



progress born of 
decision-making leaders, 
those experiencing 
the trying moments 
and the pleasant ones, 

edifices and edification— 

a brick and mortar world 

leading to gowns and mortarboards, 

modern architecture 

invading the colonial atmosphere . . . 

the personality portrayal— 
a combination of 
the good, 
the bad, 
and the ugly, 

■ - I 


bridges extending images 
to the outside world, 












fhe f/ags 

of a state and nation 

streaming in the breeze, 


November snowfalls, 

zip code 27262. 

- - - .- r >> 

The Middle View 

> JffJEjS 


a two- fold image— 

those activities seen 

in one way by the student, 

in another by the public, 

focusing on academics — 
student assimilation, 
graduate dissemination, 

promoting fraternalism— 
its social aspects 
with service overtones, 

piling point upon point, 
victory upon victory . . . 

the talented performers- 
moments of self-expression 
receiving public approval, 




audience eyes 


on a single figure 

with an original composition, 




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the coffeehouse atmosphere, 


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to the professional Platter style 

in concert. 

The Inner View 

the student inside- 
freeing himself 
from the collegiate 

interacting with 
others in the same 

over student center cokes 
and three o'clock chats, 

with temporarily hairless heads, 
huddles of damp umbrellas, 

and "BC- 

the cat who belonged 

to twelve hundred students . . . 

each of us alone- 
moments for introspection, 
time to make decisions, 

allowing the mind to wander 
and create 






a chance to answer 

the questions of each day 







Zenith- 1969 

A Student Publication 


High Point College 

High Point, North Carolina 

Volume XUII 


HPC In Perspective 

Prologue 2 

The Outer View 

A Changing Campus 20 

Haworth Hall of Science, the recently completed 
infirmary, and the new co-ed dorm are only the 
beginnings in HPC's current bold project of growth 
and expansion. 

Progressive Leadership 24 

Awareness of their role of direction in the critical 
period in the development and advancement of the 
College is a characteristic of the HPC leaders. 

The Middle View 

Special Events 32 

Concerts, assemblies, and Homecoming festivities are 
some of the events which bring interested outsiders 
to the HPC campus from time to time. 

The Performing Arts 42 

In various styles and settings, student performers 
from HPC display their talents to the public both as 
groups and as individuals. 

The Greek Spirit 48 

Although fraternities and sororities are primarily 
known for having fun and good times, they also 
contribute much in the way of service. 

Intercollegiate Athletics 70 

Cross country in the fall, basketball in the winter, 
and four other sports in the spring project an 
important two-toned image of HPC. 

A Liberal Education 86 

Offering three undergraduate degrees, thirteen aca- 
demic departments, and twenty-two major fields of 
study, HPC provides a sound educational back- 
ground for its students. 

Honors and Recognition 100 

Some HPC students, who exhibit superior scholar- 
ship or leadership ability, are given deserved recog- 
nition which will remain with them the rest of their 

The Inner View 

The Student Insight 108 

Because he is caught in the cycle of classes, parties, 
and routine, the student receives a clearer judgment 
of HPC perspective than anyone else. 

The Religious Feeling 132 

HPC is a church-related institution where religion is 
sometimes faithfully practiced, sometimes flagrantly 
ignored, but always significantly present. 

Active Participation 138 

Campus organizations provide outlets for construc- 
tive student activity and develop an atmosphere 
conducive to the formation of lasting friendships. 

Student Government 150 

Students at HPC have a voice in forming the rules of 
their College through representation in the execu- 
tive, legislative, and judicial bodies on campus. 

The Student Body 158 

With a total enrollment of 1 150— men and women, 
residents and commuters, seniors and underclass- 
men-the HPC year 1968-69 is now history. 

Advertising 224 

General Index 243 

Student Directory 244 

Epilogue 258 

the outer 

Triple Image 
Prevails . . . 


the middle 

the inner 

To many, HPC is merely one of more 
than sixty houses of higher education in 
North Carolina. It is a group of buildings, 
a student body of approximately 1200, 
an assembly line of diplomas and grad- 
uates. To others, those who share an 
involvement in the campus activity, HPC 
is much more. It is a complex of educa- 
tional, spiritual, social, and personal 
forces— forces which direct students' 
ideas, attitudes, and lives. 

HPC is viewed in different ways by 
different people. Each person sees the 
College from his own unique viewpoint. 
Because of the variety of people's con- 
cepts and opinions, it is necessary to 
examine several viewpoints. No single 
image can provide a totally accurate pic- 
ture. Several views of HPC, rarely seen 
together, offer perspective. 

The word perspective suggests em- 

phasis—placement of some aspects of HPC 
in the foreground, according to their 
relative importance to the individual. One 
person may emphasize the impact of the 
Golden Decade Development Program, 
while another may stress the intellectual 
atmosphere— or lack of it. Views differ 
because they come from different 
groups-the casual onlookers and the ac- 
tive participants. 

In order to project HPC in true per- 
spective, Zenith 1969 presents three views 
of the college: the outer view— the image 
of HPC to the public; the middle view— 
the activities seen by both the students 
and the public; and the inner view— the 
impressions of the HPC students them- 
selves. Taken together, these three views 
give HPC a triple image which provides a 
total picture— HPC in Perspective. 


Colonial architecture, the tow- 
er of Roberts Hall, the erection 
of new buildings- these are some 
of the elements that comprint 
outer view of HPC, what 
outsider sees in a pa; 
A drive down Montlieu Av 
may give the outsider a basic 
impression of the physii 
ities of HPC, while a newspaper 
article about the Golden Decade 
Development Program may 
tray HPC as a college on the 
move toward a higher quality of 
education. In any case, the 
outsider makes casual judgments 
about HPC, a college with which 
he has had little or no per 

An outsider may have a general 
idea of HPC as merely a four year 
liberal arts institution affiliated 
with the Methodist Church, or he 
may judge HPC by the actions of 
one single student he happens to 
know. Some people receive their 
only knowledge of HPC from 
what other people say about it. 

Regardless of the way an 
outsider receives his impressions 
of HPC, he receives only a surface 
view. He is limited in the possible 
depth of his perception of HPC 
life. The public image of HPC is 
very important in its future, 
however, for this outer view can 
sometimes result in a better inner 
atmosphere, enticing more qual- 
ified students to apply to HPC 
each ye 

a changing 


• When the outsider passes HPC 
he is confronted by a campus in 
constant change. Each year the 
campus sheds its summer dress 
when autumn arrives and later 
watches winter snows melt into 
days of spring fever. Since HPC 
opened its doors in 1924, this 
cycle of campus atmosphere has 
repeated itself again and again. 
High Point city residents have 
watched the campus change its 
face through the seasons year 
after year. 

It has been obvious to any 
observer, however, that HPC is 
changing in other more signifi- 
cant ways. Since its inception in 
1964, the Golden 'Decade 
Development Program has mani- 
fested itself forcefully and con- 
structively. New structures con- 
tinue to emerge, contrasting the 
older buildings surrounding 
them, seemingly placing tradition 
and progress side by side. As 
the College continues to unfold 
for the public its new achieve- 
ments, it shows an impetus 
which will promote HPC as a 
college in motion for years to 

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Students and professors, especially in the 
science departments, find the fall days 
perfect for constructive field trips 
(above). The temporary dormancy of 
such educational outings, brought about 
by the cold winter weather, is suggested 
by the icicle formations along the rail- 
ings outside Haworth Hall (right). 


Parallel Campus Moods 

As HPC stands through the four seasons of the year, changes 
occur in the pace of campus activity as well as in the physical 
features of the campus. The students begin their fall semester at 
HPC in the summer enthusiasm of late August. Autumn brings 
falling leaves and a tendency toward settling down. When the 
winter chill invades the campus, everyone seems to turn inward, 
leaving the impression of inactivity. As spring comes along, the 
sunbathers emerge in full force, and often the thoughts of study 
are nearly negligible. The cycle repeats itself each year, changing 
the students' moods as the weather changes. 

Summer at HPC means the reflection of the sun in a flowing fountain (left), 
while spring brings countless HPC sunbathers to the public's attention (below). 


Go/den Decade Fever 


•- : 


Occupied in March, 1969, the new Health Center provided the much-needed facilities to make health service for the HPC students 
more efficient. 

Mr. Lawson Allen, Vice-President for Public Affairs, shows two HPC coeds the new student union 
proposed for the Golden Decade's Phase II. 



Aiming toward 1974, the year marking 
HPC's Golden Anniversary, the Golden 
Decade Development Program continued 
to move toward the raising of ten million 
dollars in ten years. Officially initiated 
September 1, 1965, this program has been 
the most ambitious undertaking ever 
attempted by HPC. 

With many Golden Decade Achieve- 
ments already tangibly evident, the year 
1968-69 saw the end of Phase I of the 
program and the beginning of Phase II. 
During the last years of Phase I, several 
new facilities made their way to the 
campus. A new academic facility, Ha- 
worth Hall of Science, was occupied in 
the fall of 1967. This year a modern co-ed 
dormitory and a much-needed Health 
Center emerged as evidences of the 
Golden Decade Program of HPC. 

The major task being undertaken in 
Phase II of the Golden Decade is to raise 
funds for a new Student Union complex. 
The proposed building, according to ten- 
tative artist's plans made public this year, 
will contain a book store, lounges, various 
game rooms, a multi-purpose dining hall, a 
day student locker area, meeting rooms, 
and publications offices. 

Believing that the emphasis should be 
placed on the development of the best 
program for a limited number of students, 
HPC plans to keep its enrollment at 
approximately 1200. With this concentra- 
tion on the Golden Decade Development 
Program, HPC continues to be a college in 
motion, finding itself in the strongest 
position in its history. 

HPC students were proud of their new coed dormitory, completed 
for use in the fall of 1968. 

1Z&«J* * 

Dedicated on October 28, 1967, Haworth Hall of Science was the first building completed with Golden 
Decade funds. 




HPC is a college currently envel- 
oped in a program of development 
and expansion. One integral factor 
in this move toward excellence is 
leadership— dynamic, creative, pro- 
gressive. A college is only as good 
as its leaders, and HPC's recent 
advancement suggests superior lead- 
ership. The College has four admini- 
strative departments— Academic Af- 
fairs, Student Affairs, Public Affairs, 
and Business Affairs— coordinated by 
President Patton and the Board of 

These administrative leaders are 
the men who initiate new policies 
and change old ones. They are also 
men who represent HPC. Daily they 
come in contact with the public, 
projecting an image of HPC to the 
man on the street. The impressions 
these men give are important. Good 
impressions inspire the support that 
is so necessary to a college during 
times of projected growth and im- 
provement. HPC is growing with the 
aid of many friends, and the Col- 
lege leaders have worked diligently 
to encourage much of this support. 

Trustees and 


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The Board of Trustees meets periodically to determine official HPC policy. 


Dr. Patton Guide HPC 

Dr. Patton uses his library to keep up with current educa- 
tional trends. 

For the past ten years Dr. Wendell M. Patton has 
served as chief administrator of HPC. It is in this 
capacity that he, along with the help of the Board of 
Trustees, has kept this institution moving and growing. 
A man of many honors, Dr. Patton received his edu- 
cation at Wofford College, University of Georgia, Pur- 
due University, and Colgate University, and obtained 
the B.S., M.S., Ph.D., and L.L.D. degrees. 

Very much interested in the College's growth and 
development, President Patton looks ahead to the 
success of the Golden Decade program. This ten-year 
(1965-1974) effort to raise ten million in income gives 
HPC the chance for the increase and improvement of 
its facilities. 

But Dr. Patton is also concerned with the growth 
and development of each person involved in this insti- 
tution. He feels that in order to keep the institution 
growing, each member should constantly review the 
goals and objectives of the institution and that these 
goals should be "the yardstick by which we measure 
our efforts." The very purpose of HPC is to prepare 
young men and women for leadership in their com- 
munities, to feed them not only intellectually, but 
also spiritually, to give them not only knowledge, but 
also wisdom. 

Dr. Wendell M. Patton 
President of High Point College 



Academic affairs are under the direction of Dr. David 
W. Cole, Dean of the College, and Dr. E. Roy Epperson, 
Assistant Dean of the College. The most notable academic 
achievement this year was the implementation of the 
independent study program, offered during the mid-term 
semester vacation. Formulated through the efforts of the 
Educational Policies Committee, this program was con- 
ducted on a completely voluntary and experimental basis. 
It provided an opportunity for the individual student to 
deepen his knowledge of a specific area of his academic 

Registration, degree requirements, admissions, and 
financial aid are some of the aspects of HPC under the 
heading of academic affairs. 

Dr. David W. Cole, Dean of the College, also taught 
courses in the HPC history department. 

Dr. Harold Conrad served as Dean of Academic Mr. David H. Holt kept up with students' academic records 
Planning. in his first year as Registrar. 

A former HPC graduate, Mr. Robert Wells came to the 
campus this year as Director of Financial Aid. 


The Admissions Office was directed this year by Mr. 
Benjamin Brock well. 

Student Affairs 

The primary objective of the Student Personnel 
Office under its new administrator, Dean Phillips, 
is to tear down the disciplinary image which is 
strangling it. Too many students equate only 
discipline with this office, but actually it is also in 
charge of health, housing, social affairs, security 
and the new senior placement services. It works 
closely with the Inter-Fraternity Council, Student 
Union and the Student Government Association. 
Dean Phillips also hopes to gather more student 
participation in other branches of his office. 

The Dean found no major problems in his first 
year in this position. In fact, the trial co-ed 
dormitory proved successful and caused fewer 
behavioral problems than the other dormitories. 

During his administration the student dress code 
has been dropped on a trial basis in favor of one 
based on the students' own judgment. In the 
dormitories, in order to help relieve the house- 
mothers' long hours and responsibilities, paid 
house managers were chosen from the students. 
The many-faceted role of the Student Personnel 
Office has everyone's interests in mind. 

Mr. Robert E. Phillips served in his first year as Dean of Stu- 

For the first time in HPC history, an on-campus physician. Dr. Fortney 
served the students. 

Women's affairs is part of the responsibility of 
Mrs. Nanci Motsinger, Assistant Dean of Stu- 

The guidance office is often open for Dr. Pope to interpret test scores for 
HPC students. 


Pub//c Affairs 

Mr. W. Lawson Allen is the 
Director of Public Affairs at 
HPC. As Director he is in charge 
of the news bureau, alumni af- 
fairs, the speaker bureau, mail 
service for all second and third 
class postage, fund raising, and 
record keeping for gifts given to 
the College. One of his most 
important duties is institutional 
planning in the long range stage. 

One of the long range pro- 
grams on campus today is the 
Golden Decade Program, which 
started in 1965 and will run 
until 1974 when HPC will be 
celebrating its fiftieth anniver- 
sary. Mr. Allen helps in raising 
money for the program by de- 
veloping literature. Money has 
been raised for the Golden 
Decade Program through indivi- 
dual gifts, deferred giving, cor- 
porate gifts, and alumni con- 
tributions. Last year 42 per cent 
of HPC's alumni made contri- 
butions. This is almost twice the 
percentage of the national aver- 
age for a college of HPC's size 
and type. 

Co-ordinating the various operations in college relations is Mr. Lawson Allen, Direc- 
tor of Public Affairs. 

Mrs. Beverly McCabe serves as Executive 
Alumni Secretary. 

Mr. Lane Kerr, Director of HPC's News Bureau, works on one of the 
many news releases that come from his office each year. 


Mr. Wesley W. Gaynor, Bursar, is the man who takes 
in the student fees at the beginning of each semester. 

Mr. Earle G. Dalbey became Vice-President in charge of Business 
and Financial Affairs this year. In addition to his administrative 
duties, he taught one course in the business department during the 
first semester. 



Mr. Jack Thompson is in charge of the much-criticized, 
under-staffed HPC maintenance department. 

The business and financial affairs of HPC include many 
aspects of college life, from payrolls and audits to main- 
tenance and food service. As head of this vital organ of 
HPC Mr. Earle G. Dalbey, Business Manager, has many 
responsibilities. Although there have been no new areas 
placi d under his control in recent years, his present 
duties have increased with the additions of the Magic 
Blocc, the new Eastgate Shopping Center, new campus 
buik ings, and federal aid programs. 

Although the nature of the Business Manager's role 
sug> ;sts an isolation from the students, the opposite is 
actL. illy true at HPC. As advisor to the SGA and some- 
times liaison between administration and students, Mr. 
Dalbey finds his job significantly related to HPC's student 
body. Many students enter his office during the year for 
advice, both official and unofficial. 

Mrs. Annie Parks serves students and faculty every day 
in the mimeograph office. 


Intercollegiate athletn 
artistic performance, the academ 
ic struggle— these are portions of 
the middle view of HPC, those 
campus events and activ 
which can be seen in two ways, 
one way by the student himself 
and another by the person 
outside the college proper. This 
double image of these activities 
suggests their significance. They 
not only provide areas in which 
the college student can partici- 
pate but also serve to inform the 
outsider of HPC's progress. 

It is through these activities of 
the middle view that a college 
establishes its reputation. To 
some people HPC may be known 
for its winning basketball team, 
while to others it may be known 
for a certain department's aca- 
demic superiority over other 
schools. Consequently, each part 
of the middle view reaches a 
certain portion of the general 

The middle view allows the 
HPC student to relate to the 
outside community around him. 
He participates in the activities of 
the College and, at the same time, 
acts as HPC's representative to 
the public. With this duality in its 
nature, the middle view provides 
a much more extensive look at 
HPC than does the outer view. 
The middle view offers an impres- 
sion of depth. 




Special events pave a two-way 
street at HPC. Usually taking the 
form of entertainment, these special 
events are received in one way by 
the student and in another way by 
the outsider. 

The student watches various pro- 
fessional performers come to the 
campus and leave almost as quickly 
as they came. He listens to the con- 
certs, judges them according to his 
particular tastes, and associates these 
entertainers with HPC the rest of his 

The entertainer, on the other 
hand, sees the special events at HPC 
from a different perspective. In the 
brief time that he is part of the cam- 
pus, he forms impressions which 
accompany him to his next engage- 
ment of the concert circuit. He 
judges his audience by their reaction 
to him and possibly extends this 
judgment to form an opinion about 
the college as a whole. 

Concerts, dances, assemblies, and 
Homecoming were among the special 
events at HPC this year. As usual, 
some boasted success; some, failure. 


Professionalism on the part of Larry Johnson, lead singer of the Platters, brought 
approving applause during the concert in Alumni Gymnasium on a Thursday night 
in October. 


Contrasts Campus Humdrum 

Week-long coffeehouses and featured concerts highlighted the 
professional entertainment at HPC during 1968-69. A packed 
house applauded the Fall Weekend concert by Smokey Robinson 
and the Miracles on September 19th. Later in the semester, a 
smaller Thursday night audience witnessed the return of the 
Platters, the popular recording artists featured at Homecoming in 

This year's coffeehouses, held in the Student Center, included 
such entertainment as the Dickens during the week of September 
23rd and Donnery and Rudd during the week of October 21st. 

The precision movements of the Spinners preceded 
the headliners at one of HPC's fall concerts. This 
group proved quite popular with students on campus. 

The psychedelic folk -rock music of the Dickens blasted from the HPC 
Student Center on six successive September nights. 

The musical mood of the Platters settled the at- 
mosphere of their Thursday eveing concert. 

Fall Weekend brought the "Motown sound" to HPC in a 
popular concert by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles. 


Assembly Programs Reflect 

"Assembly"-a word that brings varied re- 
actions from HPC students. Usually the stu- 
dent response to the 10:00 Wednesday morn- 
ing required assemblies is solid disinterest. 
Thus, the average student views the assembly 
programs with a closed mind. The few pro- 
grams of value that do find their places on the 
assembly schedule are appreciated by some 
but ignored by many. 

Some of the popular assemblies this year 
featured speakers John Howard Griffin and 
"Tank" Harrison, the Tower Players melo- 
drama "Curse You, Jack Dalton," and the 
match between the HPC College Bowl Team 
and a team composed of faculty members. 

Because of the tiresomeness of the current 
weekly assembly system, steps have been 
taken to reduce the number of required as- 
semblies in 1969-70. 

The Sons of Thunder, a rock -gospel group from Bethesda, Maryland, 
sounded their musical message during the October 23 assembly. 

President Patton accepts a District 26 first place 
plaque from cross country standout Bill Carter. 

Brenda Bradford, Pat Austin, and Margaret 
Leary brought the house down in "Curse 
You, Jack Dalton. " 


Coach Bob Vaughn introduced his soon-to-be Caro- 
lina's Conference Basketball Champs during one of 
the fall assemblies. 

Student Disinterest 

John Howard Griffin, author of Black Like Me, spoke to HPC students during the fall semester. 



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llillillll lUml 

Introduction of the 1969 candidates for Homecoming Queen added beauty to the February 12 
assembly. As the final contestant, senior class representative Carolyn Britt, was introduced, the 
students prepared to vote for their favorites. The tabulation of the votes brought the royal crown to 
Nancy Eaves, who reigned over the Homecoming festivities on Saturday night. 


Homecoming Displays 

A creative "HPC Coloring Book" constructed by Phi Mu sorority won second place in the display 

The Lenoir Rhyne bear, in hibernation in the Pika cave, looks out toward the Alpha Gam exhibit of the "Panther Steam. ' 


Predict Panther Victory 

nake Ban 

Out tffr 

Zeta Tau Alpha sorority went "fishing" for a Panther victory with the 
bears as "bait. " 


Looking like frozen statues, the Lambda Chi's rest after putting up 
their homecoming display. 

Homecoming 1969 dominated the weekend of 
February 15th on the HPC campus. A Friday 
night dance featuring Soul, Inc. at the High Point 
Moose Lodge was followed by a full day of 
activity on Saturday. Fraternity and sorority 
faithfuls battled the early morning chill to put up 
their displays on the front lawn of McCulloch 
Hall while alumni from various bygone years 
came to the campus and witnessed all of HPC's 
newest developments. 

In the display competition, first place honors 
went to the unusual Delta Sigma Phi exhibit and 
the Phi Mu's took second place. All the displays 
pointed to victory, which became a reality Satur- 
day night with HPC's 94-73 win over Lenoir 

The inventive Delta Sig display caught the judges' atten- 
tion and won first place. 

Alpha Phi Omega's exhibit related the homecoming game to a "bear- 
stuffing" contest. 


Miss Nancy Eaves 

Homecoming Queen 1969 

Pageantry Dazzles 

Twelve campus beauties, three selected 
from each class, were presented before the 
Homecoming game on February 15th as 
the Homecoming Court of 1969. The 
candidates from the senior class were 
Carolyn Britt of Charlotte, N.C.; Nancy 
Eaves of High Point, N.C.; and Kathy 
Hayden of Bethesda, Md. The junior class 
selected as their representatives Joyce 
Kait of Alexandria, Va.; Nancy Nash of 
Scott A.F.B., III.; and Susan Rehberg of 
Richmond, Va. Representing the sopho- 
mores were Nancy Easterling of Charlotte, 
N.C.; Lynne Lupton of Arlington, Va.; 
and Caroline McCorkle of Newark, Ohio. 
The freshman candidates were Carolyn 

Dean of Cambridge, Md.; Nancy Grah of 
Livingston, N.J.; and Jane Libby of 
Burtonsville, Md. 

Chosen by a vote of the entire student 
body on the preceding Wednesday, the 
Homecoming Queen and the first and 
second runners-up were announced. Sec- 
ond runner-up was Kathy Hayden, and 
Joyce Kait was announced the first run- 
ner-up. Then senior Nancy Eaves was 
crowned Homecoming Queen of 1969. 
She was presented a trophy and the tradi- 
tional bouquet of roses. The Homecoming 
Court then took their reserved seats to 
watch the Homecoming game with Lenoir 


Miss Kathy Hayden, second runner-up for Homecoming Queen, 
prepares to watch the exciting HPC— Lenoir Rhyne basketball game. 

First runner-up. Miss Joyce Kait (center), awaits 
the big announcement with sophomore attendant 
Lynne Lupton and junior attendant Susan Reh- 

Faces radiate with excitement as 1968 Homecoming Queen Susan 
Fowlkes I left) crowns her successor Nancy Eaves. 

As the final class representative is presented to the Home- 
coming audience, suspense rises toward the final announce- 


HPC College Bowl Team 





Loses In Final Seconds 



The NBC-TV program received 
probably its largest HPC audience 
ever on Sunday evening, February 
9, as a team from their school met a 
team from Goucher College of Bal- 
timore, Maryland, on nationwide 
television. HPC viewers fidgeted 
restlessly during the first part of the 
program as it was pre-empted by 
the final minutes of a golf tourna- 

Finally the regularly scheduled 
College Bowl hit the air waves, 
however, and television watchers 
saw the HPC team answering a 
bonus question concerning the 
provisions of various constitutional 
amendments. Half-time came 
quickly with the scoreboard show- 
ing HPC ahead of Goucher by a 
score of 65—50. 

During half-time, both teams 
showed films of their campuses. 
Even HPC students seemed im- 
pressed by the attractiveness of 
their campus as they were taken on 
the filmed tour. 

The second half of the contest 

progressed with both teams answer- 
ing several toss-up questions but 
finding it difficult to accumulate 
many points on their bonus ques- 
tions. It was a close game all the 
way, and Goucher won in the final 
seconds as they answered a toss-up 
question about the settings of Mark 
Twain stories. The final score 
showed Goucher College winning 
by a score of 135-125. The HPC 
team made an impressive showing, 
however, and could leave New York 
City satisfied with their perfor- 

HPC's team, chosen on the basis 
of tests administered in December, 
came from the history and fine arts 
fields. Team captain was David 
Steves, a sophomore history major 
from Bedford, Mass. Other mem- 
bers of the team were religion 
major Morris Calhoun from Ker- 
nersville, N.C.; history major Lynda 
Long from Forestville, Md.; and 
history major Richard Quinn from 
Kernersville, N.C. The team was 
coached by Dr. Richard Stalter. 




Dr. Richard Stalter, Coach 


the performing 


Whether it's in a production by 
the Tower Players or a concert tour 
by the college choir, HPC students 
represent their school through their 
talents. The year 1968-1969 added 
Once Upon A Mattress and Antigone 
to the list of HPC theatrical presenta- 
tions and welcomed the newly- 
formed madrigal singers to the music 
department. These new additions 
sparked this year's performing arts at 

The performing arts at HPC serve 
a two-fold purpose. The outsider 
watches HPC "students perform in 
theatre, chorus, art, and recital. He 
gets an impression of the College by 
coming to Memorial Auditorium to 
see a play or perhaps by being pre- 
sent for one of the concerts on choir 
tour. For the student, the perform- 
ing arts provide a chance to display 
talent and relieve the day-to-day 
class routine. The benefits that the 
students and the public receive place 
the performing arts in HPC's middle 

The stern countenance of Creon (Pat Austin) overpowers the young Antigone (Dianne 
Marsh) as she fights to give her brother a decent burial. 

4 J 

Jack Dal ton's sister (Martha Hadley) mo- 
mentarily falls for the villain (Buddy Gab- 

Three guards, dressed in modern Texas Ranger garb, prolong the tension of 
"Antigone" with a card game. 

The hero (Pat Austin) comforts the heroine 
(Ginger Price) in "Curse You, Jack Da/ton. " 

1 'Antigone ' ' Probes Man 's Law 

Presented by the Tower Players 
as the culminating event in the 
annual HPC Fine Arts Festival, 
Antigone made her statement to 
audiences on the nights of Novem- 
ber 8 and 9. In this adaptation of 
the Sophoclean tragedy, French 
playwright Jean Anouilh brought 
new meaning to the story of one 
individual's fight for human dig- 
nity against the forces of author- 
ity and the contradictory laws of 
man. Directed by Mrs. Carolyn 
Rauch, the cast of Antigone per- 
formed to spellbound audiences 
and receptive critics. Dianne 
Marsh played the title role and Pat 

Austin played the autocratic 
Creon. Buddy Gabriel, Charlotte 
Bova, Marty Hedrick, and Libby 
Deckman also gave fine perfor- 

In contrast to the serious mood 
transmitted by Antigone, a 
humorous satire of the perennial 
wretched villain — shining hero 
motif was presented in assembly 
in the form of "Curse You, Jack 
Dalton." Complete with diabolical 
schemes, triumphant innocence, 
and melodramatic piano, "Curse 
You, Jack Dalton" provided a 
fresh diversion for the HPC stu- 


"Once Upon A Mattress" 

The relationship between Queen Agravaine (Margaret Leary) and King Sextimus (Buddy Gabriel) as they 
hold a one-sided conversation (below) is a contrast to the mood of Sir Harry (Bob Montgomery) and Lady 
Larken (Dana Scotten) as they become romantically involved (right). 

The wizard (Pat Austin) gives Princess No. 12 (Laura 
Bowers) the queen's impossible test (above). She fails and 
along comes Winifred, Princess No. 13 (Sharon Harsh - 
barger), who prefers to be called "Fred, " according to the 
last song in Act I (right). 


Offers Music and Comedy 

Spring of 1968 brought the light-hearted musical Once Upon a 
Mattress to the stage of Memorial Auditorium. Sharon Harshbarger in the 
Carol Burnett role of Princess Winifred, Margaret Leary as the over- 
bearing Queen Agravaine, and Buddy Gabriel as her mute husband 
Sextimus extracted laughs from the audiences as they recreated music- 
ally the old tale of "The Princess and the Pea." Treating show business in 
a satirical manner, the characters of Mattress staged some intricate 
production numbers, all leading up to the final curtain when Princess 
Winifred and Prince Dauntless finally got together for romance. 

Marty Hedrick, David Phillips, and Buddy Gabriel cavort as they stage the unusual number -The Minstrel, 
the Jester, and I. " 


High Point College 

« # $ a © 


Madrigalians— Bob Applegate, Rik Danburg, Lindley Smith, Lynda Corn, Linda King, Carol Crater, Dana 
Scotten, Linda Wall, Margaret Leary, Doug Rayle, Richard Walker, Calvin Cobb, and Mr. Highbaugh, 
director. Not pictured: Martha Hadley. 

During an afternoon rehearsal, one choir member finds it con- 
venient to place her music at her feet on the risers for easy access. 

The choir practices an anthem by Scarlatti in preparation 
for a concert at Northeast Junior High School. 


Concert Choir 

The choir officers planned a spring tour this year for the first time in two years. They 
are Jane Wagner, secretary; Doug Rayle, president; Richard Walker, business manager, 
and Lawrence Jordan, historian. 

Long hours of practice and extra 
night rehearsals culminated in a 
tour during spring vacation. This 
event climaxed a year of hard work 
for the High Point College Concert 
Choir. The tour, which took the 
choir to Virginia, Maryland, and 
Washington, D.C., gave the choir 
members the opportunity to sing in 
many schools and churches and 
visit points of interest along the 

The forty-voice choir was under 
the direction of Mr. William K. 
Highbaugh, who completed his first 
year at HPC. 

The choir also sang at several 
area schools and churches this year 
and presented a program of Christ- 
mas music to the college assembly 
in December. 

The Madrigalians are a newly 
formed group of thirteen students 
who sing sixteenth century mad- 
rigals. They have performed for 
many clubs and church groups. The 
Madrigalians were featured in a 
special thirty-minute Christmas 
broadcast on WGHP-TV in High 

Front Row: Jenny Bond, Carol Clause, Jim Dodson, Phyllis Pickel, Danny Nelson, Sara Welch, Dave Phillips, Linda Wall, Richard 
Walker, Doug Rayle, Angie Young, Ramah Hall, Alice Guiton, Linda Doss, Carol Crutchfield. Back Row: Terry Botts, Ray Baity, Mary 
Oldershaw, Bob Applegate, Dana'scotten, Robert McKinney, Jane Wagner, Lawrence Jordan, Joyce Shipley, Lindley Smith, Carol 
Crater, Carol Huff, Edna Oliver, Margaret Leary, Pat Cash, Dianne Marsh. 

4 7 

the greek 


Rushees, pledges, initiations, par- 
ties—to many people these words 
symbolize the very essence of fraternity 
and sorority life. This image of Greek 
life is a real one. However, one aspect 
of fraternity life— service— is too often 
pushed into the background. Although 
the social life of the Greeks is funda- 
mental in the inner workings of a fra- 
ternity, it is their service aspects which 
reach out into the community. These 
two sides of Greek life, social and 
service, direct the Greek spirit toward 
the middle view of HPC. 

Four social fraternities, governed by 
the Inter-Fraternity Council, and four 
social sororities, coordinated by the 
Panhellenic Council, shared the Greek 
atmosphere at HPC this year. In addi- 
tion, a service fraternity and sorority 
repeatedly illustrated their importance 
on campus. The Greek system at HPC 
has been improving steadily in recent 
years and will continue to. improve as 
new ideas grow and develop. 


I Council 

Serving as a governing body to 
co-ordinate the activities and func- 
tions of the four Greek letter social 
fraternities at HPC, the 1968-69 
Inter-Fraternity Council promoted 
and strengthened the Greek system 
on campus. Events of this year in- 
cluded the preparation and imple- 
mentation of rush activities, the 
awarding of the IFC Scholarship 
Trophy, and the exchange of ideas 
which led to the return of a spring 
Greek Week after a year's absence 
in 1968. 

The IFC governs the four social 
fraternities on campus-Delta Sigma 
Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Kappa 
Alpha, and Theta Chi. 

Dean Phillips and IFC representatives dis- 
cuss plans for Creek Week during a Feb- 
ruary meeting. 

Front Row: 
Back Row: 
Walton, Bob Holliday, Tom Carpenter. 

Bill Stewart, vice-president; Jim Coston, president; Gil Hyatt, secretary 
Mr. Phillips, advisor; Woody Griffin, Rick Shumate, Bruce Parisi, Bil 


The Junior Panhellenic Council 
exists to prepare sorority girls to 
take their places in the ever-im- 
proving Creek system at HPC. With 
the exception that its members con- 
sist of girls from the four pledge 
classes. Junior Panhellenic func- 
tioned as the regular Council under 
the leadership of Neely Dowall, 
president; Ann Davis, vice-presi- 
dent; Donna Hastings, secretary; 
and Bonnie Shrader, treasurer. One 
activity of the Junior Council this 
year was a tea for all pledges in the 
Student Center. 

Impromptu planning was part of the Panhellenic year. Here, Sue 
Fischer (right), Panhellenic president, talks with Neely Dowall, 
president of Junior Panhellenic, in front of the Student Center. 


The Panhellenic Council, whose 
purpose is to strengthen the bonds 
of friendship among sorority mem- 
bers, thus strengthening the entire 
Greek system, governs all four 
sororities on the HPC campus. 

The big event of the year spon- 
sored by the Council was Greek 
Week. During the week open houses 
were held for the faculty, Greeks 
met with their national represen- 
tatives as well as with President 
Patton and Dean Phillips, and a 
banquet with a speaker was held. 
Highlights of the week were the 
Greek Sing and Talent Show, the 
chariot race, co-rec night— always a 
favorite— and a dance. 

The Council decorated the cafe- 
teria for a unique Halloween Dinner 
and was responsible for the adver- 
tisement of all athletic events on 

A most impressive and effective 
rush season, consisting of a skit to 
introduce the rushees to the Greek 
system and several meetings with 
the rushees to answer their ques- 
tions concerning rush, was carried 
out by the Council also. 

Front Row: Sue Fischer, president; Martha Brooks, vice-president; Linda Sanders, 
secretary; Janice Watts, treasurer. Back Row: Carol Isaacs, Tricia Elliott, Carolyn Britt, 
Kathy Hayden, Sally Hill, Linda Smith, Susan Brown, Elaine Seigle. 


1. Kathy Zellmer 

2. Paula Smith 

3. Joey Moore 

4. Joanne Sturm 

5. Linda Doss 

6. Sylvia Pratt 

7. Phyllis Pickel 

8. Barbara Mize 

9. Paula Pipes 

10. Wendy Duda 

11. RuthSherrill 

12. Penny Williamson 

13. Carolyn Moses 

14. Nim Stear 

15. Pat Coffey 

16. Susan Brown 

17. Jan Watts 

18. Caroline McCorkle 

19. Diane Niland 

20. Carolyn Humphries 

21. Joan Peterson 

22. Carol Scheufele 

23. Judy Kievning 

24. Kay Stewart 

25. Kathie Hayden 

As a sister or as a pledge, you are still an Alpha Gam. 


Kathie Hayden 

Kay Stewart 

Carol Scheufele 

Linda Sturm 

Gamma Eta Of Alpha Gamma Delta 

Whether they are entertaining rushees, getting ready for a formal dance, or enjoying just a few carefree 
minutes in the club room, Alpha Gams are loyal sisters. 

The vision of Alpha Gamma Delta became a reality 
on May 30, 1904. On this day, eleven girls met in the 
home of Dr. Wellesley P. Coddington, a professor of 
philosophy at Syracuse University and a firm believer in 
Fraternalism. Together they discussed, planned and 
organized the beginnings of Alpha Gamma Delta. 

Alpha Gamma Delta is an International Fraternity 
composed of 100 chapters throughout the United States 
and Canada. The total membership is far above 50,000. 
The colors of Alpha Gam are red, buff, and green, and 
the flowers are the red and buff roses. 

Alpha Gamma Delta has as its International Altruistic 
Project a concentrated program of rehabilitation grants 
to benefit the work of the National Society of Crippled 
Children and Adults. In 1962, a new service project was 
added concerning work in Cleft Palate. An endowment 
was given for the purchase and maintenance of a library 
known as Alpha Gamma Delta Library for Research in 
Cleft Palate which is located at Syracuse University. 

Locally, Alpha Gam is active in campus organiza- 
tions. We win trophies in intramurals, have a number of 
informal parties, sell candy, have Canned Food Drives, 
win trophies for Homecoming Displays, and participate 
in serenades. 

Scholarship is also stressed. This past year the Alpha 
Gam's ranked above all other fraternities, sororities, and 
non-affiliated students scholastically on campus. 

Alpha Gams can look back on a year of hard work 
and play; a year of fun and laughter; happiness and 
tears; and because of all these things-we love Alpha 

Pledges-Front Row: Jayne York, Janie Libby. Second Row: 
Linda Armstrong, Bobbi Ballenger, Lois Mayer, Bonnie Schra- 
der, Dottie Lovell. Back Row: Pam Elliott, Joyce Jowdy, Sue 
Robinson, Sandi Schroeder, Debbie Chappell, Pam Bosworth, 
Nancy McCray, Kathy Stillman, Jane Dayvault, Kathy Guy. 


Larry Fagge 

Woody Griffin 



Steve Benson 

Dan Eisert 

Delta Zeta Of Delta Sigma Phi 

The Delta Sig life includes resting after the long climb, planning strategy on the field, and arriving a little 
too late for the group picture. 

Pledges-Front Row: Ken Beck, Larry Breeden, Bob Busch, 
Jerry O'Neil, Bruce Sheaffer, Bob Steinberg. Back Row: Oliver 
Stinchcomb, Shelley Dawson, Ken Shook, NateCagle, Joe 
Higdon, Bob Joiner, Terry Oldaker, Mike Smith, Bill Hart, Earl 


In this, the year of the Sphinx, Delta Sigma Phi 
continued to show the characteristics that in the past 
have fostered leadership, organization, and brother- 
hood. Delta Sigs were again prominent in campus 
offices, and with the results of rush embarrassingly 
clear (to some) this tradition shows no sign of 
weakening in the years to come. With the success in 
football that some termed startling, but those who 
knew attributed to inherent capabilities, Delta Sigma 
Phi was well on its way to a fine, as was expected, 
intramural year. Delta Sigma Phi has always regarded a 
firm relationship between campus and community as 
an integral part of fraternity life, and it was with this 
idea in mind that the Delta Sigs aided the citizens of 
High Point with the Cancer Drive and Christmas 
Parade. Realizing that student life is not all dedication 
and service, the brothers of Delta Sigma Phi admit to a 
weakening of the flesh that is to be found in the 
greatest of heroes: it is with satisfaction that we recall 
the many parties and good times that bound us 
together. (Query: Is this aspect of fraternity life any 
indication of the qualities of one's pledge class?) No 
year would be complete without a Delta Sig serenade 
and this year was no exception as many Delta Sigs 
took the plunge, then another, and in the case of some, 
still another-each addition was in no way a protest 
against the Pill-let that be said. The year closed with 
the annual Sailor's Ball, which in light of certain 
accomplishments, should be left to one's imagination. 

1. Tom King 

2. Douglas Fryer 

3. Mike Current 

4. Early Hedgecock 

5. Don Staley 

6. Mike Carle 

7. Glenn Chorpening 

8. Gil Hyatt 

9. Robert Holliday 

10. Jim Wilkerson 

11. Ray Smith 

12. Steve Breckheimer 

13. Tom Crouch 

14. Jim Monaghan 

15. Johnny Lucas 

16. Richard Badu 

17. Woody Griffin 

18. Charlie Golff 

19. Don Malpass 

20. Steve Benson 

21. Larry Fagge 

22. Danny Eisert 

23. Jim Allison 

24. Bill Kornegay 

25. John Wall 

26. John Driscoll 

The Sphinx gets a face-lifting. 


1. Karen Czarny 

2. Mimi Bratt 

3. Susan Fowlkes 

4. Carol Isaacs 

5. Bev B liven 

6. Sue Willis 

7. Linda Sanders 

8. Kathy Rice 

9. Kay Hubbard 

10. Lani Chisman 

11. Cheryl Phillips 

12. Pat Twitty 

13. Nancy Hunter 

14. Joyce Kait 

15. Nadine Sadler 

16. Sue Jackson 

17. Cathy Cruit 

18. Jeanne Vanneman 

19. Diana McEwan 

20. Missy Waters 

21. Caryl Beam 

22. Linda Pascal 

23. Delores Brewer 


Carol Isaacs 

Joyce Kait 

Susan Fowlkes 

Caryl Beam 

Gamma Gamma of 
Kappa Delta 

A KD pledge party 
for everyone! 

'spills over" into fun and excitement 

KD's are famous for their fashions, fellowship, and frolic. 

Pledges— Front Row: Mary Anne Shaw, Susan Durr, Carolyn Dean, 
Donna Hastings, Peggy Fillastre, Annie Kneifel, Justine Barshinger. 
Back Row: Jan Henry, Martha Donington, Vicki Leak, Jane Swanson, 
Nancy Dyer, Brenda Greenwood, Ellen Moore, Susan Humphries, 
Dianne Jones, Beverly Bullin, Michaela Mudre, Susan Cash, Wendy 


"Take me along" might 
well have been the theme 
song for Kappa Delta this 
year as KD's were every- 
where, laughing, working, 
studying and embodying all 
that is sorority. 

It all began with rush, 
when twenty of the very best 
rushees were swept off their 
feet and into the Kappa 
Delta circle of friendship. As 
the year progressed they 
joined in the parties, road- 
trips, study sessions and days 
full of activity that are an 
integral part of every KD's 
life. On campus, in class and 

places in between, Kappa Deltas displayed the best qualities 

of college and sorority living. 

In keeping with the philanthropic goals that make 
sisterly love a fulfilling reality, KD's donated to the Red 
Cross Bloodmobile. As a project for the year, the girls 
helped bring a little bit of home to the men in Vietnam by 
"adopting" an entire division of Navy men. In other 
activities, KD's displayed the attributes of the well-rounded 
college woman by joining in intramural sports, being tapped 
to join honorary societies and participating in all phases of 
campus life. 

Social life for the Kappa Deltas was whirling, almost 
hectic, as the yearly round of parties, dances and basketball 
games ran its course. The Pledge Dance, Homecoming 
Weekend, White Rose Ball and the annual Beach Party are 
all events looked back upon with smiles and a nostalgic 

All in all, 1968-69 was a Kappa Delta year guided by the 
motto "Let us strive for that which is Honorable, Beautiful 
and Highest," and following that goal will make each 
succeeding year more rewarding. 

Jay Cornet 

Tom Carpenter 

Richard Folts 

Ken Martin 

Iota Phi of Lambda Chi Alpha 

Rushing for the big weekend, being good guys at Christmas, and having the whole crew together bring out 
the best in a Lambda Chi. 

This year Lambda Chi Alpha continued its project 
of constructive action through fraternalism. The 
brothers and pledges of Lambda Chi strove to be tops 
on campus in scholastic and extra-curricular activities. 

The fraternity started out the year with fifteen new 
pledges. This number brought manpower up to its 
highest in over five years. 

Keeping up with Lambda Chi Alpha's tradition of 
public service, the Fraternity helped in many worth- 
while projects, including the United Appeal and Millis 
Home Orphanage parties at Christmas and Easter, just 
to name a few. 

The year was not just limited to servicp projects for 
the Lambda Chi's. Memorable events such as the Drag 
Rush Party, the Costume Ball, combo parties and, of 
course, the White Rose Formal filled in our calendar. 

All Lambda Chi's can look back to a year of hard 
work and play with many rewards filled with Frater- 
nalism. Now all that lies ahead is the Beach! 

Pledges-Front Row: Jim Hasty, Charlie Dietrich, Wiley Garrett, 
Terry Rawley, Jerry Garmon. Back Row: George McColley, 
Steve Herman, Rich Hartshorn, Bob Lowery, Mike Koch, Sam 
Fleming, Ralph Peck. 





^T ^B" V 

• ■ 

1. Eddie Stratton 

2. Dave Mowery 

3. Jay Cornet 

4. Dave Disborough 

5. Sam Davis 

6. Benton Dry 

7. Bill Boleyn 

8. Fred Eshelman 

9. Barney Peeler 

10. Ken Martin 

11. Phil Keefer 

12. Steve Hornberger 

13. Tom Carpenter 

14. Robert Samuels 

15. Bob Williams 

16. Stan Trump 

17. Larry Jones 

18. John Woods 

Every minute jumps at a Lambda Chi party. 


Getting off campus for an afternoon at the farm gives the Phi 
Mu's an opportunity to enjoy their lighthearted moments of 

1. Selina Stark 

2. Lynne Williams 

3. Louise Pierce 

4. Sharon Baker 

5. Susan Haynes 

6. Shirley Hemphil 

7. Cathy Miller 

8. Betsy Snead 

9. Robin Woodhams 

10. Nancy Duncan 

11. Becky Willis 

12. Lyn Nevitt 

13. Alice Seymour 

14. Ann Outland 

15. Leslie Steele 

16. Sharon Sherwood 

17. Kathy Denver 

18. Cheryl Johns 

19. Ellen Lohse 

20. Carolyn Britt 

21. Sally Hil 

22. Marcia Rainer 

23. Ellen Law 

24. Leslie McCall 

25. Nancy Nash 


Carolyn Britt 

Lyn Nevitt 

Sharon Baker 

Judy Parker 

Gamma Zeta Of Phi Mu 


Phi Mu's relax after a car wash, in the sun, and at the lake. 

Phi Mu's win and hold second Yadkin. As a result 
we found a growing sisterhood of fun and frolic, 
service and loyalty. 

In September our minds were full of ideas for rush. 
We began by having a retreat at Tanglewood. For us it 
was a busy day of planning and picnicking. Our efforts 
were greatly rewarded as we took in sixteen new 
pledges who were naturally the best! We worked 
together to produce a funfilled successful year. 

By late October we were already champions! Field 
hockey was our game! Our intramural team played on 
to victory as they were cheered by faithful sisters. 

Brighter than pink? It can't be! Phi Mu's startled 
the campus with their new pink dresses for this year. 

Hope for the World! Phi Mu's philanthropy, the 
medical ship Hope, received forty dollars from our 
chapter. We collected this money with our "Hope 
Wishing Wells" in assembly and on campus. 

Sisters honored pledges on November 15 at our 
pledge dance. "A Night in the Big City" proved, 
indeed, abignight for many. Several weeks later, sisters 
Ann Outland and Susan Allred were honored by Phi 
Mu's and Delta Sigs in their joint serenade. A beautiful 
full moon cast a glowing light on two Phi Mu's and 
their chosen ones as we sang. 

Gamma Zeta Chapter joins Phi Mu's all over the 
world in expressing friendship for each other and those 
we know. 

Pledges-Front Row: Noelle Street, Lynne Williams, Ann Davis, 
Ginny Scoggins, Peggy Kinnally, Jerie Adair, Dawn Reynolds. 
Back Row: Janet Overgaard, Anne Navarro, Chris Smalley, 
Becky Lee, Ann Robinson, Cindy Foster, Jan Templeton, Linda 
Shipe, Colleen Ripley. 


Virgil Reid 

Bruce Parisi 

Jim Kinney 

Bill Walton 

'/HI i \\ 

Delta Omega of 
Pi Kappa Alpha 

Pi Kappa Alpha has always been notorious for its lovely oledge 

From rush parties to intramural basketball back to lounge parties, the Pikas make their presence felt on the 
HPC campus. 

One hundred years of Pi Kappa Alpha! That's 
alot of beer! Pi Kappa Alpha is a national frater- 
nity which was founded on March 1, 1868, at the 
University of Virginia. Since this beginning, Pika 
has experienced tremendous growth. Delta Omega 
chapter, chartered on February 7, 1953, was the 
first national fraternity to come to HPC. Pi Kappa 
Alpha, fostering academic excellence and brother- 
hood, again sought quality in its pledges and 
brothers, not necessarily quantity. 

As usual, the Pika year was full and active. The 
pledges should make the best Pikas yet. The Drag 
was out of sight— and so were a few brothers! The 
pledges presented the "Gangsters Ball," and it was 
better than great— lots of Pika spirit and good 

Next there is the beach and "Rip City!" 

Pledges-Front Row: Rodney Briggs, Bob McDonald, Mike Carr, 
Calvin Crutchfield, Jim Taylor. Back Row: David Williams, David 
Griffith, Gary Burton, Harry Owen, Terry Dalrymple, Layton 


1. Carlton Fitzgerald 

2. Rick Steffen 

3. Ken Ruhl 

4. Jim Coston 

5. John Reaves 

6. Walter Mantz 

7. Ron Horney 

8. Chuck Eakes 

9. Bill Fidler 
10. Ken Jurney 

1 1. Jim Kinney 

12. Virgil Reid 

13. Rick Jensen 

14. Bruce Parisi 

15. Lee Brown 

16. Dick Spiker 

17. Rich Ross 

18. Bill Walton 

19. Paul Obermueller 


1. Linda Williamson 

2. Betty Peeler 

3. Nancy Lefler 

4. Tricia Elliott 

5. Sue Fischer 

6. Donni Williams 

7. Peggy Billhimer 

8. Cheri Palermo 

9. Linda Smith 

10. Pamn Klinedinst 

11. Phyllis Laney 

12. Linda Greenwood 

13. Marilyn Stephenson 

14. Rosanne Cunningham 

15. Maggie Amberg 

16. Cathy Rushing 

17. Lorraine Scronce 

18. Carol Currie 

19. Lynn Donington 

20. Carey Sherrill 


Tricia Elliott 

Lynn Donington 

Nancy Lefler 

Carol Currie 

Working together on projects adds much to the Zeta 
sorority life. 

Delta Gommo Of 
Zeta Tau Alpha 

Zeta's enjoy singing together, dancing together, and just being together. 

Pledges-Front Row: Karen Hallberg, Tricia Harness, Neely Dowall, 
Cindy Horn, Linda Robey. Back Row: Cheryl Combs, Diane Carden, 
Jean Wake, Alexis Hinkle, Linda Hinkleman, Stephanie Seney. 


This year Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity pledged twelve 
wonderful pledges, all bubbling with enthusiasm and "crazi- 
ness." To say that the energetic pledges have kept the sisters 
on their toes is an understatement! Most of all— the newly 
pledged girls have added twelve new links to the already 
lengthy chain of love and friendship found in ZTA. 

Ever concerned for life outside the sorority, the Zetas 
engaged in many service projects- together and individually. 
The sorority made holiday tray favors for children at a 
nearby cerebral palsy hospital and helped in the annual 
Cancer Drive. Individual Zetas sponsored Brownie troops, 
worked with Head Start and taught Sunday School. 

The sisterhood grew even stronger as the girls made a 
united effort to cook a spaghetti dinner, as it did when they 
held their annual Christmas party. The February slumber 
party was a total success-no sleep! And the beach trip again 
brought golden tans, great food, and truly "unique" parties. 

With enthusiasm and unity, the Zetas participated in 
intramurals the year round. Engaging in events from volley- 
ball to bursting balloons, the sorority happily carried the 
first place trophy away from October's Co-Rec Night. 

Without a doubt, 1968-69 has been the best year yet for 
Zeta Tau Alpha! 

Ted Renfro 

Bill Stewart 

Bill Lagos 

John Winters 

Epsilon Alpha Of Theto Chi 

Theta Chi's are the life of the party from shore to shore. 

As another year began, Theta Chi carried on its 
fine tradition of Brotherhood. The year began with 
the addition of sixteen great pledges, and we con- 
tinued to remain number one. 

The year brought such projects as the cleaning of 
Roberts Hall and successful Christmas Party held for 
the needy children of the area. Social events, such as 
the Stag and Drag Rush Parties, Pledge-Brother 
Football game, D. C. New Year's Eve Party, the 
Sweetheart and Dreamgirl, and even unforgettable 
Tanglewood highlighted the year's activities. 

Once again Theta Chi remained on top in intra- 
mural competition, striving to keep the coveted 
Sports Award Trophy for the fifth year in a row. Our 
annual excursion to Ocean Drive proved to be a most 
fitting close to another outstanding Theta Chi year. 

Finally Graduation and the departure of seniors 
who take with them memories of Theta Chi, a 
Brotherhood never to be forgotten. 

Pledges-Front Row: Steve Gregory, Bentz Puryear, Steve 
Kadie, Steve Haught, Frank Kaufman, Ken Mehrling, Dave 
Baird, Scott Furman. Back Row: Chip Eisele,.B ill Hegland, Bob 
Enter, John Kirkman, Randy Warren, Cleve Anthony. 



= 1 1 Hi • 

1. Jim Crawford 

2. Rick Shumate 

3. Bucky Stilwell 

4. John Seward 

5. Skip Pearson 

6. Dan Ennis 

7. Dave Ackerman 

8. Rich VonDreele 

9. Bob Applegate 

10. Bob Bonnafon 

11. Bill Lagos 

12. Mike Lewis 

13. Skip Attinger 

14. John Winters 

15. Allen Eastlack 

16. Ted Renfro 

17. Greg Holmes 

18. Ray Blosse 

19. Dennis Bowley 

20. Worth Younts 

21. Jim Pusey 

22. J. C. Sossoman 

23. BobNickell 

24. Jack Bloom 

After pledging sixteen men, the Theta Chi's again proclaim 
themselves number one! 


The true "beauty" of Alpha Delta Theta is demonstrated by 
the winners of the pledges' Ugly Contest. 

1. Mary Petree 

2. Marty Smithey 

3. Beth Holcomb 

4. Alice Thompson 

5. Judy George 

6. Carol Crater 

7. Detra Blackburn 

8. Pat Cash 

9. Robyn Decker 

10. Doris Whitt 

11. Sherry Sullivan 

12. Angie Miller 

13. Barbara Herman 

14. Linda Boswell 

15. Ann Luff 

16. Carol Huff 

17. Linda Sykes 

18. Fuchsia Lackey 

19. Ginger McDonough 

20. Phyllis Haddock 

21. Janet Masten 

22. Joyce Shipley 

23. Dori Brewer 

24. Beth Woods 

25. Sheila Melton 

26. Jane Van Anda 


Ann Luff 

Carol Huff 

Pat Cash 

Margaret Kirkman 

Alpha Delta Theta 

From fun songs, business meetings, and 
Alpha Delta Theta. 

A sisterhood united by a desire to enrich the 
spiritual lives of the women of High Point College is a 
challenge for the sisters of Alpha Delta Theta. It was 
begun in 1953 when ADT was made a part of our 
campus. The sorority seeks to meet this challenge 
through different paths of service. Opportunities begin 
on campus with the responsibility of carrying food 
trays to sick dormitory coeds, weekly dorm devotions 
and clubroom clean-ups, and extend to sponsoring an 
orphan in Korea. 

Since membership is open to all HPC women, ADT 
attracts women with varied interests. Introduced to the 
sorority at the annual coke party, prospective members 
learn of the pledge program required to become a 
sister. Interests turn to desire!! This fall, twenty-six 
new pledges completed seven weeks of training. These 
pledges chose to share their service project with a class 
of retarded children and to present their big sisters 
with small pillows for their sorority pins. Sisterhood is 
finally attained with the climactic informal and formal 
initiations completing the pledge program. 

The bond of sisterhood is strengthened through joy, 
fun, and fellowship. This feeling is created by singing, 
recreation, and outings. The entire year is highlighted 
by such fun-filled events as the seasonal Christmas 
dinner, the Heart Sisters Banquet at Valentines, and 
the Fall and Spring retreats at Millbrook Farm. 

Through the experience of Alpha Delta Theta, 
women learn that Sisterhood "is not a principle, but a 
relationship between persons who share in a common 
enterprise, involving common risks, common privileges, 
and common responsibilities." 

weekends of fellowship comes the bond of sisterhood found in 


Pledges-Front Row: Darlene Real, Carol Kelly, Pat Keaveny, 
Rachel Miller, Joan Vanderwerker, Cynthia Johnson, Vicki 
Seay. Back Row: Jane Fitzgerald, Helen Browning, Barbara 
Gheen, Linda Reed, Alice Child, Sue McGeogh, Mary Older- 
shaw, Lynne Hurley, Pat Ezzell, Judy Malany, Betty Griggs. 

Sid Downey 

Ken Weatherman 

Tommy Hall 
Acting Secretary 

Warren Grimes 

Mu Xi Of Alpha Phi Omega 

Taking part in the pledge- brother camping trip, a business meeting, and retrieving the long lost bench are 
all involved in being in APO. 

Pledges— Front Row: Bobby Bagwell, John Young, Tom Trot- 
ter. Back Row: Gerald Sanders, Don LeMar, Chris McKinney, 
David Allgood. 

Mu Xi Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega Service 
Fraternity continued in its four-fold program of 

Mu Xi staged a successful rush, pledging eight 
outstanding men. With this added man power, APO 
sees a future of continued service. 

APO provides service to the student body and 
faculty, to the youth and community, to members of 
the fraternity, and to the nation as participating 

Mu Xi's service endeavors included aid during 
concerts and faculty teas, assistance at the Walnut 
Street Mission, blood donations for an advisor, and 
help at local presidential headquarters. The list could 
go on and on. 

All work and no play is not the APO policy at all. 
APO's social events included such memorable func- 
tions as the pledge dance, Christmas party, and 
Anniversary Ball. 

Mu Xi Brothers are always seeking to reach greater 
heights. As the APO Toast Song emphasizes, APO 
brothers are always "daily working, daily striving, 
evermore to be, men of Alpha Phi Omega, our 



' ■' ' '.''-« _ ... " . r 

1. Jack Gates 

2. Joe Hoover 

3. Dale Ensor 

4. Jim Luedeke 

5. Daren Hutchison 

6. Jeff Irwin 

7. John Cooley 

8. Ken Weatherman 

9. Skip Brown 

10. Sid Downey 

11. Wayne Holder 

12. Robert Looney 

13. Tim Callaway 

14. Warren Grimes 

15. John Farmer 

At the APO car crash, students gained a momentary relief 
from tension with a "strike of revenge. " 




The various sports at HPC, as well as 
any other college, are seen in two ways 
— one by the students and one by the 

Athletic contests give the student a 
chance to release his enthusiasm. When 
basketball season invades the campus, 
the student is more than ready. He 
supports his team in his thoughts, 
attendance, and constant ability to 

HPC sports, however, are also 
viewed from the outside. The fans 
outside the College include parents, 
alumni, and general sports fans. These 
people see HPC athletics through sta- 
tistics, newspaper articles, and televi- 
sion programs. They may read a 
column about the cross country trip to 
the Oklahoma City Nationals or watch 
Panther-Deacon Basketball on a local 
television station. In any case, they 
receive an impression of HPC as a 
whole from following the sports. Where 
these outsiders see only winners and 
losers, the HPC student sees individuals. 

District Cross 

An airplane ticket stub, an HPC duffel bag- these represent the HPC cross country 
team's flight to the NAIA Championships in Oklahoma City in November. 

HPC runners Dwight Hood, Bill Carter, and Eric Noren lead the field in a cross country 
meet with Western Carolina. 

r n ;• —""— '*"-"• i^slt^^mI 






Front Row: Tim Reihm, Dwight Hood, Frank Hardenstein, Jimmy Pierce. Back Row: 
Bill Carter, Walter Mantz, Eric Noren, Russ Jones. 


Country Crown Comes to HPC 

The 1968 edition of the High Point College 
Cross Country Team, trying to recover from 
1967's mediocre season, posted a 6-6 over-all 
record. Stiffest competition, as usual, came 
from Appalachian. Under the direction of 
Coach Bob Davidson, however, the High Point 
College harriers did manage to walk off with 
first place honors at the District 26 NAIA 
Championships in Lynchburg, Virginia, on 
November 9. From there High Point College 
traveled to the NAIA Nationals in Oklahoma 
City on November 23. This achievement by 
the Cross Country Team brought about more 
student body interest in the fall sport than 
ever before. 


Opponents HPC 

Pembroke 36 19 

Methodist 37 18 

Pembroke 26 33 

Old Dominion 38 19 

N.C. State 20 39 

Appalachian 26 30 

Appalachian 21 38 

Appalachian 47 62 

Pembroke 64 62 

Davidson 79 62 

Wake Forest 80 62 

Western Carolina 23 36 

State Meet-Eighth Place 
District 26, NAIA-First Place 
Oklahoma City Nationals-Thirty-fifth Place 
Low score wins 

Displaying the determination of the distance runner, Bill Carter crosses the 
finish line of the 10,000 meter road race in Lexington, Virginia. Several 
HPC runners participated in this road race from Buena Vista to Lexington, 
on December 7, 1968. 


During one of the time outs. Coach Betty Jo Clary and her Pantherettes plan their strategy for the 
remainder of the game. 


Hampered by last year's graduation, the 1969 edi- 
tion of the HPC Pantherettes found it necessary to rely 
heavily on the efforts of newcomers on the team. With 
a roster including eight freshmen, three sophomores, 
one junior, and one senior, the Pantherettes fought 
their way through a difficult twelve-game schedule. 
This year's team was led by Betty Sue Hodock with a 
15.6 scoring average and Dorcas Feimster averaging 9 
points per contest. With the experience gained by this 
year's new freshmen, the team looks forward to a more 
successful season next year. 

Fans and team members watch a girls' basketball game with 


Opponents HPC 

Western Carolina 69 17 

Averett 34 29 

Appalachian 60 20 

UNC-G 65 41 

Salem 47 38 

Averett 42 35 

Pembroke 38 53 

UNC-G 47 22 

Appalachian 61 36 

Salem 42 35 

Western Carolina 70 35 

Mars Hill 41 37 

Front Row: Dianne Whitt, Bonnie Schrader, Betty Sue Hodock, Dorcas 
Feimster, Sue Swigart. Back Row: Wendy Duda, Anne Slaughter, Leslie 
Dickerson, Cheri Palermo, Joyce Jowdy, Neely Dowall, Karen Hallberg. 


Robin Woodhams 


The fantastic season of this year's Panthers 
really gave HPC's cheerleaders something to cheer 
about! Selected on the basis of tryouts held 
before the student body in Alumni Gymnasium, 
this year's cheering squad followed the basketball 
team as they won game after game. The presence 
of the cheerleaders always insured the enthusiasm 
of the HPC fans. The cheerleaders practiced sev- 
eral afternoons each week to polish their move- 
ments and to prepare some new cheers for the 
upcoming games. 

Seated: Nancy Nash, Pam Bosworth, Nim Stear. Standing: 
Cheryl Phillips, Sally Hill, Robin Woodhams, Wendy 
Duda, Debbie Chappell. 

Animated HPC cheerleaders, evoking spirit from fans at the Greensboro 
Coliseum, mirror the intense rivalry always felt at one of the High 
Poin t- Guilford con fron ta tions. 


Purple Panthers Post 

High Point 

Basketball Classic 


Carolinas Conference 

Regular Season 


Carolinas Conference 

NAIA District 26 

HPC's Ron Loewenthal (351 controls a jump ball with Guilford's Jerry Crocker. 

Basketball was the big word on 
the HPC campus in 1968-69. The 
main reason was a 21-2 regular sea- 
son record. Add to this already 
impressive total the Carolinas Con- 
ference Tournament Championship, 
then three more wins for the Caro- 
linas Conference Tournament 
Championship and two more wins 
in the District 26 Tournament play- 
offs, and you have a 26-2 record. 

After winning the District, it was 
on to Kansas City for the NAIA 

National Championships. A rash of 
upsets eliminated all of the top 
teams, but the Purple Panthers 
pulled off impressive wins over the 
University of Missouri at St. Louis 
and Whittier College of California 
before dropping a heartbreaker to 
Eastern New Mexico State College, 
the team that went on to win the 
Championship. The Panther efforts 
in these games brought their overall 
record for the year to 28-3, the best 
in HPC history. 

Nationally ranked most of the 
season, the Purple Panthers reached 
as high as 13th in the Associated 
Press small college polls and at- 
tained a 4th place rank from the 
NAIA polls. 

The highlights of the season in- 
cluded victories over Georgetown 
of Kentucky and Georgia Southern 
to win the first annual High Point 
basketball Classic held on Decem- 
ber 27th and 28th. 


Fantastic 28-3 Season 

Ron Loewenthal takes an opportunity at the foul line in John Kirkman and Bob Pen/and stretch for a rebound against two 
the Greensboro Coliseum. Guilford Quakers. 

Watching Panther action from the bench are Joe Wilson, John Euler, Bill Webb, John 
Kirkman, Greg Holmes, and Bob Penland. 


Stars Spark Panther Power 

The 1968-69 championship 
Panther line-up was sparked by 
individual stars who led the team to 
win after win. Hailed as the finest 
player on the team, in the con- 
ference, in the district, and one of 
the best in the nation, Gene Littles 
completed his HPC basketball 
career this year. Among his awards, 
Gene was voted Most Valuable 
Player in the Carolinas Conference, 
the High Point Classic, and the 
Carolinas Conference and District 
26 Tournaments. He made the 
Greensboro Daily News All- 
Conference and All-State Teams 
and was voted to the All-District 
Team. In the nationals in Kansas 
City, Gene was named to the NAIA 
All-Tournament Team, giving HPC 
even more pride in its NAIA First 
Team All American. 

Another award winner for the 

Panthers was senior center Jim 
Picka, whose improved play this 
year bolstered HPC's scoring and 
rebounding. Judged by many 
coaches and sports writers "the best 
big man in the conference," Jim 
copped berths on the High Point 
Classic All-Tournament Team, the 
Greensboro Daily News All- 
Conference Team, the All-Carolinas 
Conference and All-District 26 
Teams, and the District All- 
Tournament Team. 

Jim Colbert started the season as 
a ball handling ace, but when HPC 
needed two points Colbert was 
always there. Team leader in assists, 
"Joe" proved he could shoot and 
play defense with the best of them. 
Two fine games in the District 26 
Playoffs earned Jim a place on the 
All-District Tournament Team. 

The third starting guard for 

Coach Bob Vaughn's fast breaking 
team was Danny Witt. A clutch 
performer from the charity stripe, 
Danny was best known for his 
banked jump shots on the fast 
break. In many games Danny 
seemed to have radar on the basket 
as his long jumpers swished the 

Steve Tatgenhorst, Ron Loewen- 
thal, and Ron Homey all finished 
their HPC careers with a fine sea- 
son. A starter at forward during 
most of the season and a former 
All-Conference performer, Steve 
added extra scoring punch. After a 
year's layoff Loewenthal returned 
to be the surprise of the season, 
helping the Panthers in the Con- 
ference, District, and National 
Tournaments. Hustling Ron Homey 
played well as a substitute forward. 

HPC retired jersey 14 this year In honor of Panther All American guard 
Gene Littles. Cited as a prime example of the "complete basketball 
player" and heaped with honors galore. Gene broke all kinds of records 
during his four years at HPC. He broke the school scoring record this 
year, tossing in his 2000th point in a road game with Lenoir Rhyne on 
January 25th. The Panther star awed crowds in Alumni Gymnasium as 
he went into action (above) and took time out to give autographs to 
some of his younger fans (right). At HPC Gene was respected as a 
basketball great and as a worthy individual. 



Outstanding forward Steve Tatgenhorst leans away from his de- 
fenders to score his two points. 

Suspended animation engulfs Joe Colbert as he awaits 
the results of his free throw attempt. 


Spectacular Season Leads 

SEASON SCORES-1968-1969 


Campbell 77 

Pfeiffer 86 

Atlantic Christian 84 

Elon 74 

Winston-Salem State .... 76 

Carson Newman 74 

Georgia Southern 64 

Wilmington 84 

Campbell 62 

Western Carolina 86 

Appalachian 89 

Virginia Commonwealth . 77 

Elon 81 

Pfeiffer 71 

Lenoir Rhyne 80 

Guilford 79 

Catawba 69 

HPC Opponents 

94 Western Carolina 78 

107 Appalachian 71 

110 Atlantic Christian 100 

84 Lenoir Rhyne 73 

88 Guilford 78 

85 Catawba 81 

68 Conference Tournament 

107 Pfeiffer 86 

75 Catawba 76 

91 Newberry 67 

85 Dis trict 26 Pla yo ffs 

107 Winston-Salem State 70 

94 Elon 62 

85 NAIA Nationals 

82 Univ. of Mo./St. Louis . . 90 

95 Whittier College 82 

103 Eastern New Mexico .... 77 





Team captain Gene Littles and District 
26 Coach of the Year Bob Vaughn 
accept the first place trophy at the first 
annual High Point Classic. 

A tissue streamer zipping past the scoreboard in the Winston-Salem 
Coliseum reflects the student body's enthusiasm after the 83-62 
win over Elon that sent the Panthers on to Kansas City. 

The Panthers, cheerleaders, and fans take to the Greensboro Coliseum 
to defeat the Guilford Quakers 95-79. 


To Kansas City Fever 

HPC awoke to a toilet paper wonderland on Thursday morning, February 6th, after a Wednesday night drape-in 
by students ecstatic about being "Kansas City bound. " 

1 ^ <H 

*1 * s 


Charles Fagan, Bob Pen/and, and Ron Homey anticipate the action as Panther 
guard Bill Webb (31) tries for two points. 

Basketball spirit overshadowed Roberts Hall as 
veils of tissue asserted a convincing victory for 
Panther Power. 



Don Cooke, one of last year's powerful hitters with a .290 batting average, takes another solid rip at the ball. 


With conference championships in 1965 and 1967, the 
trend indicated that the Panthers would win again in 1969, 
and looking at the potential, and particularly the pitching 
depth, the chances were very good that another crown would 
be won again on another alternate year. The 1968 season 
(19-20) represented the first losing season since 1962. Coach 
Hartman, now in his tenth year as head mentor, greeted five 
starters and two first line pitchers from the 1968 edition 
which finished second in the conference during the regular 
season with a 15-5 record. Nine lettermen formed a strong 
nucleus for a team which had only one senior and one junior 
on the roster. 

Three All-Conference performers returned to make the 
future bright: sophomore catcher Don Hickey, sophomore Joe 
Kaub (winningest pitcher in college baseball last year with a 
13-1 record), and junior first-baseman Nick Penozzo. 

The pitching staff showed great promise this year with 
Kaub appearing to be number one on the staff. Several 
freshmen prospects brightened the pitching scene also. They 
were John Euler, who was a draft choice of the Houston 
Astros; Bill Hegland, who pitched his legion team to the 

Maryland State Championship by pitching a no-hitter and 
striking out nineteen in the state finals; and Ron Slingerman, 
who was a professional draft choice of Seattle. Dennis Miller, a 
sophomore who pitched some fine baseball last year and 
couldn't seem to get the breaks to be a big winner, figured 
again to see a lot of action. Freshman David Poole and transfer 
Tim Bryan added much depth to a top-notch pitching staff. 

Catching duties were once again in the capable hands of Don 
Hickey who last year led the team in hitting, runs batted in, 
and base hits. His runs batted in (39) and base hits (52) totals 
were both school records. Two time All-Conference player 
Nick Perlozzo was solidly entrenched at first base for his third 
consecutive year. Danny Witt and Bobby Hickey were pros- 
pects at the short stop position, while Darrell Rich and Ken 
Mehrling filled the second base spot. 

The outfield was strong, with as much depth as pitching. 
Two starters, David Mitcham and Mark Gebicke, returned for 
their second year of competition. Mark led the team in 
homeruns (7) last year and was second in runs batted in (28). 
Ron Slingerman, Scott Morgan, Rick Larrick, and Paul Wilner 
provided additional depth in the outfield. Coach Hartman saw 
Pfeiffer, Catawba, and Guilford as the strongest opposition but 
looked forward to one of the best seasons ever. 



Wilmington 1 

Campbell 1 

Belmont Abbey 2 

Elon 5 

St. Andrews 6 

Newberry 4 

Newberry 1 

Catawba 2 

Pembroke 8 

Elon 5 

Atlantic Christian 3 

Appalachian 6 

Atlantic Christian 2 

HPC Opponents HPC 

Catawba 5 6 

2 Erskine 8 3 

6 Valdosta State 13 11 

6 Georgia Southern 2 1 

5 Florida University 4 2 

Jacksonville University .... 3 2 

7 Jacksonville University ....10 2 

8 Presbyterian 2 6 

3 Presbyterian 1 8 

11 Guilford 18 6 

6 Appalachian 8 1 

2 Lenoir Rhyne 1 2 

3 Lenoir Rhyne 3 

Opponents HPC 

Western Carolina 4 7 

Western Carolina 2 6 

Davidson 4 2 

Pfeiffer 6 

Pfeiffer 2 6 

Belmont Abbey 4 

Campbell 2 3 

Wilmington 4 1 

Guilford 5 11 

Conference Tournament 

Catawba 4 5 

Pfeiffer 3 2 

Guilford 5 1 

The concentrated worry of the baseball coach regis- 
ters on the face of Panther mentor Chuck Hartman 
during a home game. 

Z ~im <t *> - 

David Zenns (51 makes a close tag on an Elon player at home 
plate. HPC went on to beat Elon twice, 6-5, and 1 1-5. 

This swing of the bat by Mark Cebicke marked another 
homerun, this one estimated at over 400 feet. 


Front Row: Bob Hickey, Ken Mehrling, Don Hickey, Dennis Miller, Joe Kaub. Second 
Coach Hartman, Paul Wilner, Tim Bryan, Jimmy Taylor, Nick Perlozzo, Ron Slingerman 
Row: John Euler, David Poole, David Mitcham, Bill Hegland, Scott Morgan, Mark Gebicke, 







This year's golf squad was led by Tommy Holmes, 
captain of the 1969 team. Tommy was a three-year veteran 
on the team. His performance in 1968 placed him in the 
number one position on the club this season. With his 
consistent improvement, much of the success of the team 
depended on him. 

Mike Koch, another member of the golf team, was a 
transfer student who was counted on heavily in the 
number two position. Keith Tingle, Darrell Parker, and 
Harrell Smith were also expected to see a lot of action on 
the links. 

Again, as in the past, a challenging schedule faced the 
team, including Clemson and Wofford in addition to the 
usual Carolinas Conference opponents. The highlight of 
the season was the second visit to the Miami, Florida 
Invitational Tournament, in which approximately forty- 
five teams from various parts of the country participated. 
The club was again coached by Mr. Robert Phillips. 


Opponents HPC 

Catawba 6 1 / 2 1 T/ 2 

Atlantic Christian 14 1 / 2 9M> 

Atlantic Christian 21 3 

Wofford 1 VA 1 2Vi 

Appalachian 20y 2 3 1 / 2 

Morris Harvey College TA 814 

Guilford 14Y 2 9/2 

Pfeiffer 9 11 

Elon 13 11 

Campbell 19V 2 4'/ 2 

Guilford 12 8 

Elon 17'/ 2 2!4 

Mike Koch, Keith Tingle, Tommy Holmes, Harrell Smith. 

Team captain Tommy Holmes practices his number-one 



Co-captain Mike Koch was one reason for the squad's wins 
in their first two matches of the 1969 season. 


Swinging into the net action this year was freshman Chip Eisele, who played 
in the number 1 spot for the Panthers. 


Front Row: Mike Smith, David Miller, Tom Linton. Back Row: Bob Joiner, 
Chip Eisele, George Freeze, Scott Furman, Dr. Charles Morris, coach. 


The Panther netters looked forward to 
their best season in years with the addition of 
four promising freshmen and one junior col- 
lege transfer. The absence of Ken Machlin, 
Carolinas Conference and NAIA District 
champion of 1967 and 1968, was con- 
spicuous, but strength at positions 4, 5, and 6 
helped to off-set the lack of the brilliant No. 
1 man. 

Chip Eisele, Mike Smith, Bob Joiner, and 
Scott Furman were the four freshmen who 
brightened the Panther tennis picture. Eisele 
and Smith had the potential to develop into 
leading contenders in singles competition and 
provided a strong doubles team. 

Others expected to provide the needed 
depth to produce a championship team were 
Tom Linton, Hal Walker, George Freeze, and 
Dave Miller. The team was again coached by 
HPC athletic director Dr. Charles Morris. 

The Panthers continued to play a tough 
schedule with Purdue University, Wake Forest 
University, Bucknell University, and Appala- 
chian State University heading the twenty- 
match slate. 




Wake Forest 9 

Bucknell University 8 1 

Atlantic Christian 9 

Purdue University 8 1 

Frostburg State 7 2 

Hope 6 

Guilford 4 5 

Morris Harvey 8 1 

Atlantic Christian 8 1 

Western Carolina 1 6 

Guilford 4 5 

Pfeiffer 6 1 

Elon 5 2 

Appalachian 8 1 

Pembroke 1 2 

Elon 5 2 


Track and Field 

The possibility of a team championship this season ap- 
peared unlikely. The Panthers were blessed with champion- 
ship performers from this year's District 26 Cross Country 
championship team. However, a serious lack of proven 
performance in a number of events caused the team outlook 
to appear dim. The shot put, discus, triple jump, broad jump, 
and high jump appeared very weak as the season began. 

On the bright side, however, the team had seven or eight 
men capable of winning their events in the championship 
conference meet. Bill Carter, district mile champion, returned 
for his last season and looked like he would bow out in fine 
style. Bill also ran in the 880. 

Richard Smith felt that this was his year in the pole 
vault. Richard finished third in last year's state meet against 
competition from the ACC. Gary Markland was the man to 
beat in the javelin. Last year Gary won the district and was 
second in the conference, plus finishing third in the state 
meet and second in the Carolina AAU. He also holds the 
Davidson Relays record for the javelin. Other potential 
champions were returnees Dennis Bowley in the 100 and 220 
and Walter Mantz in the 440. 

Three outstanding freshman performers were expected to 
provide a real lift. All three were potential winners. Eric 
Noren looked outstanding in the 440 and 220 events. Harry 
Melrose, Maryland high hurdle state champion, was tough in 
the 120 yard high hurdles and the 440 intermediate hurdles. 
Dwight Hood gave the Panthers an outstanding three miler. 

Returning letterman Bill Webb looked to an exceptional 
year in the 120 high hurdles and the 440 intermediate 
hurdles. Webb finished second in the conference last year in 
the 440 intermediates. 

The 440 relay and the mile relay proved very adequate. 
Eric Noren, Mike Lewis, Rich Smith, and Dennis Bowley ran 
the 440 relay while Noren, Smith, Walter Mantz, and Bill 
Carter formed the mile relay. 

Because of their lack of depth, the Panthers expected to 
be strongest in the big meets where top places were at 


Opponents HPC 

Davidson 83 61 

Wofford 61 84 

Pembroke 94 ^2 71 2/3 

Atlantic Christian 141/3 71% 

Appalachian 37 76 

Davidson 60 76 

Lynchburg 30 115 

Citadel 95 49 

Emory 60 85 

Catawba 97 48 

Davidson Relays-Sixth Place 
District 26— Third Place 
Conference-Third Place 
State— Tenth Place 

Bill Webb boosts himself over the high jump in spring 

Coach Bob Davidson makes last-minute arrangements with 
Rich Smith before departing for the Tennessee Relays, the 
first meet for HPC this season. Coach Davidson was voted 
District 26 Track Coach of the Year last year. 





<^^ "*... «er_ > •-" 

HPC's outstanding pole-vaulter Rich Smith placed third in 
the state event last year. 

Continued success was expected from Gary Mark/and, the 1968 
standout who set new javelin records in the district event and in the 
Davidson Relays. 

f *• m 

^ A ,.,S ; '-. **S5P»V 

Fronr flow/ Dennis Bowley, Jim Leng, Eric Noren, Mike Lewis, Dwight Hood, Bob Davidson, coach. 
Back Row: Russell Jones, manager, Harry Melrose, Richard Smith, Gary Markland, Bill Webb, Bill 
Carter, Curtis Quakenbush, Walter Mantz. 


a liberal 


The reason for the existence of any 
college is to transmit knowledge and 
build citizens who can make construc- 
tive contributions to society. This re- 
sponsibility is carried out through the 
academics at HPC. Believing in the 
development of the entire individual, 
HPC emphasizes a broad education 
through its liberal arts curriculum. 
Many areas of concentration are of- 
fered along with a strong general back- 
ground, provided through a required 
core curriculum. 

The HPC student views his academic 
world from a personal standpoint. He 
listens, questions, and evaluates. If he is 
the conscientious type, he digests as 
many facts and theories as possible; if 
his interests lie elsewhere, he may try 
to "slide by." In any case, the know- 
ledge is there. The student just has to 
take advantage of the opportunities be- 
fore him. 

HPC education not only serves the 
individual student but also extends to 
the outside world. Outsiders judge HPC 
by the caliber of its graduates, thus 
placing academics in the middle of 
HPC's perspective. 

Special Programs 

One of the special programs at 
HPC is the Humanics Program, a 
four-year program toward a major 
that places students in jobs as lead- 
ers of various youth organizations. 
In the four years that the depart- 
ment has been on campus, its mem- 
bership has increased from one to 
forty-one. Utilizing retreats, field 
trips, workshops, and discussions, 
the students prepare themselves for 
future service. 

Another special program, the 
HPC Honors Program, is led by Dr. 
Harold Conrad. At the beginning of 
their sophomore year, students are 
invited to take part on the basis of 
scholastic average. This year's 
course, for which three hours of 
credit was given, was Great Works 
of Literature. After the general 
sophomore course, the student may 
continue in honors by doing indi- 
vidual study in his major field. 

Mr. L. E. Moody heads the Humanics 
Department at HPC. 

Gary Austin, Dr. Conrad, Pam Catron, and Beth Holcomb share one of the humorous 
moments in Sophomore Honors. The Honors students met weekly at the home of Dr. 
Conrad to discuss Great Works of Literature. 


Dr. Leo Weeks, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Mr. Pat I. Brown, M.S. 

Dr. Richard Stalter, Ph.D. 

^£&-*~+*-«~*~ Biology 

Having moved into the new science building last year, 
the biology department boasts good facilities, adequate 
space, and excellent teaching aids. Dr. Weeks, specializing 
in genetics, is the new head of the department. New 
professors are Dr. Richard Stalter and Mr. Pat I. Brown, 
whose specialties are plant ecology and radiation biology, 

The purpose of the department is to offer a program 
that will enable students to carry on work in biology, will 
serve other branches of the College, and will prepare 
students for the medical and teaching professions. That 
several of its 1969 graduates are planning graduate studies 
is a sign of the success of the department. Because of the 
quality of courses, seminar and research, and the stu- 
dents' contact with professors in small classes, the depart- 
ment feels that it has prepared its graduates well. 

The first semester ecology class took several field 
trips in the fall. 

Much of the student's learning in biology courses came from regular afternoon lab sessions. 



The year 1969 brought another "first" 
to the Business Department. The first of 
an independent study program was com- 
pleted during the semester break. 

Nine business students participated in 
the Securities Market Study. Classes were 
held on campus under Associate Professor 
Wilson Rogers. The group then spent four 
days in New York City touring and 
getting first hand experience in securities. 
Some of the places visited were the 
American Stock Exchange, the Federal 
Reserve Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, 
and the New York Stock Exchange. 

Each student received three semester 
hours credit for the "mini-mester," which 
was acclaimed a great success. 

Sounds of typewriter carriages whizzing back and forth eminated from the 
typing classes, which met five times weekly each semester. 

Mr. Clyde Lowe, M.B.A. 
Mr. Joseph Robinson, M.S. 
Mr. Wilson Rogers, M.B.A. 
Mrs. Gwendolyn Watson, M. Ed. 

Mr. James L. Nelson, M.S. 
Department Head 

Business majors gained practical experience with office machines in several 
of their courses. 

Freshly paneled and carpeted, the Educational Materials Center awaits 
student use in the basement of Roberts Hall. New resource materials came 
in constantly during the year. 

Education — 

The big development in the Department of 
Education and Psychology this year was the 
establishment of the Educational Materials 
Center. This addition was intended to provide 
resources in textbook and audio-visual mate- 
rials for students in education. In the process 
of gathering materials for the center, the 
department has planned for continuous addi- 
tions and deletions as the materials in the 
public educational system change. 

With teacher education's place as one of 
the important functions of HPC since its 
founding, the department continued to co- 
ordinate the education of all teachers and to 
provide necessary professional-education 
courses and experiences. Representatives from 
school systems as far away as California came 
to the campus during the second semester to 
recruit prospective teachers. 

Dr. Dennis H. Cooke, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Mr. Herman Coble, A.M. 

Mrs. Virginia Epperson, M.Ed. 

Dr. Fred Hill, Ed. D. 

Dr. William Matthews, Ph.D. 
Mrs. Nancy She/ton, M. Ed. 
Dr. Allen Thacker, Ph. D. 
Miss Ruth Worth ington, Ed. S. 



Typing taped lectures keeps English major Bill Hatchl busy in his English Department 
secretarial job. 

In 1968-69, the English Department continued in its goal of 
presenting the thoughts and philosophies of man, from past to 
present. The sophomore course this year was changed back to a 
survey of English literature after a two-year experiment with world 
literature. Also, for the first time, seminar included an intensive 
study of English literature along with individual oral examinations in 
front of the Department to complete seminar requirements. 

Dr. Sam Underwood, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Dr. Charles Mounts, Ph.D. 

Mrs. Shirley Rawley, A.M. 
Mrs. Virginia Rhoades, M.A. 
Mrs. Elaine Stalter, M.A. 
Mrs. Emily Sullivan, M.A. 

An HPC coed takes notes in her sophomore 
English class. Survey of English Literature. 


One HPC collegian pauses at Sherry Sullivan's painting titled "Flail and Flask." 
It was only one of many impressive creations of Mr. Porter's painting class in an 
exhibit on student protest in the foyer of Memorial Auditorium. 

Fine Arts 

The Fine Arts Department, in an effort 
to promote appreciation of the arts on 
campus, continued to offer a wide variety 
of courses and programs to the students. 

Mr. William K. Highbaugh joined the 
Fine Arts faculty as voice instructor and 
director of the Concert Choir. 

The annual Fine Arts Festival, held in 
November, brought outstanding lecturers, 
an art exhibit, and programs of cultural 
interest to the campus. During the spring 
semester, student recitals were given by 
Margaret Leary, soprano; Linda King, 
pianist; and Judy Ramsey, organist. 

A new course was added to the music 
curriculum this year. Piano pedagogy, 
taught by Mrs. Pat May, was introduced 
to prepare students as private piano in- 
structors. The students received actual 
practice in teaching beginning and inter- 
mediate piano students from the area. 
Recitals of these students were held at the 
end of each semester. 

Dr. Lew J. Lewis, Ed.D. 
Department Head 

Mrs. Jane Burton, M.F.A. 

Miss Elizabeth Cole, A.M. 

Mr. William Highbaugh, M.A. 

Mrs. Pat May, 

Mr. Raiford Porter, M.F.A. 

Mrs. Carolyn Rauch, M.A. 


Dr. A. Paul Gratiot, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Dr. Harold Conrad, Ph.D. 

Dr. Stuart Desk ins, Ph.D. 

Dr. David Holt, M.E. 
Mr. James Pritchett, M.A. 
Mrs. Lucy l/Vashington,N\.A. 


One of the major projects in the 
HPC History Department this year 
came with the New Horizons program 
during the break between the first and 
second semesters. During this period, 
Dr. Conrad sponsored a trip to Canada 
and Dr. Gratiot taught a course in 
contemporary African history. 

Courses in administrative law and 
contemporary political ideas and 
issues were offered for the first time, 
and an ideologies course proved very 
popular. During the first sessions of 
1968 summer school, the third annua 
colonial history caravan was planned 
in conjunction with the new theories 
in educational methods. 

Betsy Snead and Ken Johnson were two of the students who worked in the history 
department this year. 



One of the many math majors who frequent the computer room in Haworth 
Hall, David Tuxhorn transmits a program to the Triangle Universities 
Computation Center. 

Covering everything from multi- 
plying two-place numbers in the base 
4 to contemplating derivatives, anti- 
derivatives, or Boolean algebra, the 
HPC Math Department expanded to 
provide the necessary math courses 
for any HPC students' core curriculum 
and to improve the caliber of the 
higher courses for the math majors. 

With everything from Differential 
Equations to Modern Geometry be- 
hind them, the math majors faced a 
new idea in math seminar in the fall. 
Instead of being a concentrated review 
of past math courses, this year's sem- 
inar introduced the students to a new 
area— topology. In addition to serving 
majors, the Math Department was of 
special service to students in the Pre- 
Medical, Pre-Engineering, and Pre- 
Forestry programs. 

Dr. Alvin G. Myrick, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Miss Louise Adams, A.M. 

Mr. Theo Hotz, M.A. 

Mr. Many on Idol, M.S. 
Mrs. Ruth Sharrock, M.Ed. 
Miss Alice Youngblood, M.A. 


Modern Foreign Languages 

The HPC Modern Foreign Language De- 
partment offers beginning courses in French, 
Spanish and German for the general student 
body plus advanced courses in French and 
Spanish for majors in the department. 

The modern foreign language majors 
worked in both the language and the litera 
ture of their particular concentration. They 
studied cultures and literature from the 
Middle Ages to the contemporary. The de- 
partment taught two new courses this year, 
one in French Classical Drama and another in 
Spanish Golden Age Drama. 

Dr. Arthur E. Le Vey, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Mrs. Polly Kayser, M.Ed. 
Mr. Thomas Scott, A.M. 
Mr. Jaime Villegas, M.A. 
Mr. Nathaniel Yarborough, A.M. 

One startled scholar uses his time in language lab in the typical HPC 
manner-by doing something else! 


Miss Betty Clary, M.Ed. 
Mr. Robert Davidson, M.E. 
Mr. Charles Hartman, A.M. 
Mr. Robert Vaughn, M.A. 

Dr. Charles Morris, D.Ed. 
Department Head 

Walter Mantz takes his turn on the parallel bars in Wrestling 
and Tumbling, one of the activity courses offered by the 
Physical Education Department. 


Through physical education activities and academic 
courses in hygiene and health, the Department of Physi- 
cal Education and Health tried to foster an appreciation 
for the rules of exercise and healthful living in a complex 
society. Supplementing the work of the Education De- 
partment, several courses functioned primarily to prepare 
teachers in the fields of health education, physical edu- 
cation, and recreation. This year also brought back 
courses in beginning and intermediate swimming after 
their long absence from the physical education curricu- 



In the past three years the Department of 
Physical Science, through matching federal 
funds, has acquired instruments, equipment, 
and instructional aids such as models, over- 
head transparencies, and filmstrips. With these 
improvements, as well as the new physical 
plant, Dr. Epperson believes that the depart- 
ment was as well equipped as any undergrad- 
uate department in the surrounding states 
which was not on the university level. With 
these advancements and the increase it is 
making in library holdings, the Physical 
Science Department continued to strive to 
improve the quality of instruction. 

Dr. Epperson checks on some student experiments in the chemistry lab. 

Dr. E. Roy Epperson, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Mr. Thomas Conally, B.S. 

Mr. Charles Forney, M.S. 

Busy at the spectroscope in the HPC physics lab, Tim Calloway focuses his attention on experimentation in the 
world of the spectrum. 


During their three-day campus stay during Religion-in-Life, Jim Moore and 
Tom Page (performing as "Dust & Ashes") visited several of HPC's religion 
classes, discussing their beliefs through the mode of folk music. 

Dr. William R. Locke, Ph. D. 
Department Head 

Rev. Samuel Carter, B.D. 
Dr. Earl Crow, Ph.D. 
Mrs. Dorothy Hays, M.R.Ed. 
Dr. Omen Weatherly, Ph.D. 


A circular seating arrangement proved conducive to 
discussion of the New Testament in Mrs. Hays's 
religion classes. 

The Religion Department offered courses in religion to all 
students to make them aware of their heritage in this aspect of 
their lives. Majors were offered in three areas: Religion, Christian 
Education, and Philosophy. Next year a full major in Philosophy 
will be offered. Building up to this, two new courses were added 
to the curriculum this year— Philosophy of Science and Philos- 
ophy of Government. 

Throughout the year the department members worked with 
the administrators in hiring a chaplain for HPC. The Reverend 
George Mullinix accepted the position and will begin his duties in 
June. Plans for the future chapel gradually took form with hopes 
for the addition of this building to the campus in the near future. 

The Department of Religion was also actively involved in the 
religious functions of the college community. The department 
members served as advisors for the religious organizations, aided 
in the planning of Finch Lectures and Religion-in-Life, and 
worked closely with the campus-wide co-ordinating group, the 
Student Christian Association. 


Dr. L M. Hays, Ph.D. 
Department Head 

Mr. William Cope, M.S. 


This year marked the end of the 
first decade of the Sociology De- 
partment at HPC. In conjunction 
with this milestone, letters were 
sent out to former graduates of the 
department in an effort to keep the 
alumni interested in the college and 
to get new ideas for the advance- 
ment of the department. 

Again this year students taking 
Social Work and Social Case Work 
were given the opportunity to work 
with public agencies in the city of 
High Point. This included work with 
juvenile delinquents in the Domestic 
Relations Court and participating in 
the programs of the City Parks and 
Recreation Service. Co-operation of 
the Sheltered Workshop allowed 
students to work with the mentally 
retarded. This program not only 
rendered service to the city but also 
gave the students a headstart in 
gaining factual experience in their 
field of study. 

Comprising the Sociology Depart- 
ment were two part-time professors 
in the evening school and two full- 
time professors. 

Participating in field work for her Social Case Work class. Sherry 
Franz works with underprivileged children in a High Point recrea- 
tion center. 


Mr. Sherrill Wilkes 

June 5, 1906 - March 19, 1969 

HPC Loses 

HPC students lost two mem- 
orable professors during the 
1968-69 school year. Mr. Juan 
Miranda, visiting lecturer of 
Spanish who came to HPC in 
1965, died on November 22, 
1968. Mr. Sherrill Wilkes, Assis- 
tant Professor of Psychology who 
had been a member of the faculty 
since the fall of 1967, died on 
March 19, 1969. This page in 
Zenith 1969 is in tribute to these 

Senor Miranda lost his life in an 
automobile accident, one of those 
events of modern society that is 
often difficult to understand or 
comprehend. The zest with which 
he lived his life will live on after 
him in the minds of all who knew 

Mr. Wilkes passed away after a 
long illness. As a psychology 
teacher who gave his all to his 
students and as a sponsor of Alpha 
Phi Omega, service fraternity on 
the HPC campus, Mr. Wilkes' 
presence will certainly be missed. 

The absence of both of these 
men should be mourned; however, 
their contributions to HPC and to 
society should encourage all who 
knew them to win in life just as 
they did. 

Mr. Juan Miranda 

April 24, 1904- November 22, 1968 


honors and 


In recent years the trend in higher 
education has been to increase the 
number of honor societies on college 
campuses. This trend has had its ef- 
fect on HPC. The newest additions 
to the honor societies on campus are 
Kappa Delta Pi, an honorary educa- 
tion society established May 27, 
1965, and Alpha Phi Gamma, an 
honorary journalistic fraternity estab- 
lished in November, 1966. 

For the industrious student, en- 
trance into an honor society is a 
worthwhile goal. The honor societies 
at HPC are the means by which the 
academic world applauds exceptional 
scholarship and leadership. Entrance 
into one of the honoraries is a time 
of pride for the student selected. For 
other students it is a time to recog- 
nize fellow classmates' accomplish- 
ments, which took time and effort. 
To the people in the outside com- 
munity, however, the honor societies 
and what they stand for are too 
often merely vague ideas or abstract 
concepts. They do not see the effort 
behind the horior. 

Junior Marshals 

Desire and determination are 
qualities which have combined to 
bring twenty HPC juniors to the 
point of being named Junior Mar- 
shals. Selection as a marshal, one 
of the twenty students with the 
highest over-all scholastic averages 
for two years at HPC is the great- 
est honor that can be bestowed 
upon a member of the Junior 

Being a Junior Marshal, how- 
ever, is not just an honor. During 
the year the marshals also provide 
service to HPC by distributing 
assembly bulletins, checking as- 
sembly attendance, and ushering at 
various HPC functions. The high- 
light of the marshal's year comes 
when he helps at graduation exer- 
cises. The activities of the Junior 
Marshals were co-ordinated by 
Sharon Shackelford and Carol 
Crutchfield, co-chief marshals. 

This year's marshals began their 
duties in October and will relin- 
quish the duty and honor to 
twenty more outstanding students 
next fall. 

*;,-".;• •>'•: . --*. •" 

Co-chief Marshal Sharon Shackelford 
checks attendance records after as- 

Front Row: Diane Davis, Janice Brundige, Edna Palmer, Sharon Shackelford, Betty 
Logan, Janet Auman, Anita Hill, Ellen Lohse, Carol Crutchfield. Back Row: Bill 
Hatchl, Leon McCaskill, Richard Braun, Joyce Kait, Ellen Teague, Becky Proehl, 
Gerald Robbins, Richard Quinn. 


Front flow: Martha Fielden, secretary; Phyllis McDowell, 
historian; Mary-jo Hall, treasurer; Sylvia Pratt, president; Dr. 
Hill and Miss Worth ington, advisors. 

m ^ 

*:I Kappa Delta Pi 

Kappa Delta Pi, an honor society in education, was 
the first honorary fraternity to be established on the 
HPC campus. Kappa Mu chapter was installed on May 
27, 1965. Individuals are invited into membership on 
the basis of high scholarship and an exhibited good 
professional attitude. 

n Js 'I 

Front Row: Ellen Lohse, 
Jane Way, Beulah Smith, 
Ernstena Parker, Carol 
Crutchfield. Back Row: 
Nancy Holcombe, Sha- 
ron Shackleford, Martha 
Fogleman, Nancy Wil- 
liams, Linda Tysor, Kelly 

Initiates—Front Row: Dorothy Styles, Jane Mailleue, Wanda Wise, 
Linda Crowder. Second Row: Joy Duncan, Beth Holcomb. Back 
Row: John Keets, Mr. Lane Kerr, David Bishop. 

Current Members— Front Row: Ray Baity, bailiff; Doris 
Whitt; Willie Shaw, president. Back Row: Wayne Eddinger; 
Sherry Franz, secretary; Dennis Sigmon, vice-president. 

Alpha Phi Gamma 

The purpose of Alpha Phi Gamma, honorary journalistic 
fraternity, is to honor individual achievement in the field of 
journalism as exhibited through student publications on 
campus. Delta Beta chapter, which was established at HPC in 
November, 1966, initiated thirteen new members this year. 


Student Members 

Brenda Auman 
Morris Calhoun 
Richard Collins 
Martha Fielden 
Susan Fischer 
Patrick Gaffney 
Richard Godfrey 
Susan Griffin 
Nancy Holcombe 
Tommy Holmes 
Betty Idol 
Phyllis McDowell 
Scott Owen 
James Picka 
Sylvia Pratt 
Donald Saunders 
Dennis Sigmon 
Beulah Smith 
David Tuxhorn 
Linda Weiss 

Faculty Members 

Dr. Harold Conrad 


Miss Marcella Carter 


Mr. Earle Dalbey 

Secretary- Treasurer 

Mr. Hobart Allred 

Rev. Samuel Carter 

Dr. Dennis Cooke 

Dr. Stuart Deskins 

Dr. Roy Epperson 

Dr. George Hobart 

Dr. Lew Lewis 

Dr. William Locke 

Dr. Eugene Mounts 

Dr. Wendell Patton 

Dr. Christopher Wilson 

Mr. Nathaniel Yarborough 

Honor Society 

In Recognition of Outstanding Scholarship 

Alumni Members 

Dr. Edwin Auman 
Mrs. Lee Edwards 
Mrs. Beverly McCabe 
Mr. Robert Parrish 


Order of the Lighted Lamp 

Scholarship, character, leadership, and service were considered 
in the induction of twelve new members into the Order of the 
Lighted Lamp during the assembly of February 19, 1969. The 
Order of the Lighted Lamp is the oldest honor society on 
the HPC campus. It was organized in 1935 under the guidance 
and leadership of Dr. Clifford Hinshaw. The present sponsor is 
Dr. Allen Thacker. 

A student selected for membership in this society must have a 
scholastic average of 1.75 based on the last five semesters of 
college work. Additionally, a student selected has an excellent 
character rating, has proven himself to be a leader, and has 
rendered outstanding service in campus activities. In making 
nominations, the society is guided by the student's participation 
in the following organizations: student government, athletics, 
publications, religious, and social. 

The members of the society in residence nominate the new 
candidates and the faculty by majority vote confirms them. 

Inducted in 1968 

James Coston 
Mary-jo Hall 
Robert Myer: 
James Picka 
William Stev^rt 

Inducted in 1969 

Morris Calhoun 
Susan Fischer 
Tommy Holmes 
Joyce Kait 
Margaret Leary 
Richard Quinn 
Dana Scotten 
Sharon Shackelford 
Willie Shaw 
Sharon Sherwood 
Dennis Sigmon 
Doris Whitt 


Who's Who in American 

Each year a student-faculty committee selects a 
group of seniors for the honor of being placed in 
the book Who's Who Among Students in American 
Universities and Colleges. From an HPC class out- 
standing for its leadership and participation on 
campus, these eight seniors have been selected as 
representing the best. 





Universities and Colleges 




Day-to-day hful 

idult seriousness of pur- 
pose—these are the facets of the 
inner view of HPC, that whi< 

xperienced by the 
student himself. The HPC student 
ii a position to see his 
institution in a clearer perspective 
than anyone else. He is involved 
in the innei aspects of HPC life. 

The "certain something" 
winch gives a college its unique 
identity is perceived only by the 
student. He observes the little 
things that make up the days, 
months, and years on the HPC 
campus. He is a part of the 
controversies, the facial expres- 
sions, and those midnight fire 
alarms! Although he wavers be- 
tween moments of anger and 
elation, he is able to place his 
college experience in the best 

The inner view emerges as the 
most important image of a 
college. It is a feeling, an 
atmosphere, or possibly a disil- 
lusionment. This view shows that 
HPC possesses more thai 
tradition or imic image. It 

is a conglomeration of personali- 
ties, all types an ties. The 
"hidden" aspects of the inner 
view are recognized by the 
student who is actively involved 
in his institution. Hi 
are 1 in his mind 
become the parts of HPC that 
will bring back the memo 


I Inner 

the student 


When the student enters college, 
he accepts a great challenge— a chal- 
lenge to learn about life. He learns 
from books, from professors, from 
friends, but most of all from him- 
self as he contemplates his society 
and develops his philosophy. Each 
student discovers the rich experience 
of living with people with whom he 
shares attitudes and involvements 
that he will always cherish. Learning 
what meaningful relationships are, 
he discovers the value of friends. 

The HPC student receives nine 
months of inside impressions of his 
College. He probes for answers to 
his questions and in doing so in- 
fluences HPC while it is influencing 
him. He reacts to his instructors 
and his peers; however, he must 
think for himself or become static. 
So, he meditates, communicates, 
and perhaps develops a talent as a 
means of expressing his inner feel- 
ings. The student's insight prepares 
him for the next stage of his life, 
and if he does not ignore his own 
mind, he becomes a truly educated 


In a small college like HPC, the student feels his individ- 
uality. He knows a high percentage of the students on campus 
and can easily match personalities with faces. The small student- 
faculty ratio at HPC affords more personalized teaching meth- 
ods and gives student and professor a chance to know each 
other as individuals. The smallness of the campus also makes it 
easier for each student to utilize his particular talent. 

Dormitory life, academic life, and social life place the HPC 
student in constant involvement with his peers, and he gains a 
more profound knowledge of his fellow man through the con- 
stancy and closeness of association. HPC students become aware 
of the advantages inherent in the small college. 

Portray Individuality . . . 

Individuality asserts itself in many ways for the college student. John 
Woods (left) makes his selection of a class ring, while art major Charlie 
Rock (above) displays his talents by painting a portrait. 


. But Names Are Obscured 

m\ \ m 


The cost of this year's stickers for student parking on campus increased to an unpopular five 




Flashing the ever-present ID is a ritual at breadfasts, lunches, and dinners in the HPC 


Midst Perplexing Multi-Numbers 


While the student on the HPC campus does feel his individuality, 
at times he is bombarded by the depressing feelings that he is not a 
name at all but an array of numbers which bear little or no 
distinction. From orientation to graduation, the student is repre- 
sented by mere digits. The Bursar's office initiates the system by 
sending each new student his permanent account number. The 
number game continues with the assignment of assembly seats, I.D.'s, 
and parking stickers. On all forms, the student is reminded to include 
social security number and zip code. 

In the fight for individuality, perhaps the least perplexing number 
is the student's campus mailbox. The student usually goes by his 
post office box daily and appreciates this number when his box is 
filled with his long-awaited letters. For the HPC student, numbers are 
both a help and a hindrance. 

The HPC students are sometimes known in their school as numbers, 
digits, or letters. Each Wednesday morning the junior marshals check 
attendance in assembly (above) by using the seat numbers. After 
assembly is over, many students rush to another system of numbers, the 
campus mailboxes (left). Numbers always will play a significant role in 
the life of any college student. 


Christmas Spirit Sweeps HPC 

Christmas 1968 at HPC brought secret Santas in 
front of the new dorm (below) and tree trim- 
mings in the suites, typified by Rick Capek and 
David Tuxhorn (right) as they prepare for a 
holiday party in Suite 204. 

Windows were camouflaged with Christmas coating at HPC, 
whether it took the form of lights and Christmas stockings in 
the new dorm (above) or snow-sprayed holiday greetings in 
McCulloch Hall (right). 


Along With Hong Kong Flu 

Bob Pen/and poses a size problem for the lap of an HPC Santa Claus. 

Christmas trees, lights, wreaths, tinsel, and 
mistletoe made their way onto the campus during 
the pre-examination period in December. One 
cause for this sudden display of Christmas spirit, 
besides the desire to relieve tension about exams, 
was the arrangements in the new co-ed dorm. 
Decorations popped up all over the new dorm, 
each suite working as a unit in putting up all of 
the Christmas paraphernalia, seemingly trying to 
outdo all the others. Christmas parties, tree trim- 
mings, and surprise Santas sparked the atmo- 
sphere and gave the students momentary diver- 
sions before beginning the giant cram for the exams 
on December 12th. 

Something besides exams marred the holiday 
spirit at HPC— the Hong Kong Flu. After five days 
of exams in the classrooms, cafeteria trays in the 
dormitories, and sickly throngs in the infirmary, 
HPC postponed the remainder of the exam sched- 
ule and gave the students an early first-semester 
send-off. A mass evacuation from the College 
resulted, leaving little on campus but the aban- 
doned trees, lights, wreaths, tinsel, and mistletoe. 

Having his symptoms checked in the infirmary, one HPC 
student suffers the plight of many others during the 


Dormitory trays waiting to be transported back to the 
cafeteria were common sights during the holiday flu 
epidemic on campus. 

HPC Routine and Rules 


The dull process of filling out the mountains of registration cards 
catches up with every student as the semester begins. 


The trunk of a Virginia car holds the articles for a student's 
second-semester move-in into McCulloch Hall. 

Later permission for girls throughout the week 
and an abolished student dress code which left the 
selection of attire up to the individual were two of 
the rule changes on the HPC campus this year. 

Each year some rules are changed; however, 
there always seems to be some dissatisfaction 
about certain college regulations which students 
consider outdated. The rule-makers usually insist 
that rules are necessities while the rule-bre?kers 
operate on the premise that "rules are made to be 

Routine also acts as a stabilizer at HPC. 
Whether the student goes through the once-in-a- 
while routine of a hectic registration or the every- 
day routine of a classroom lecture, he realize? that 
much of his time is consumed by the common- 


A sturdy lock was placed on the cigarette machine below 
the Student Center as a reaction to a rash of machine 
break-ins during the first semester. 


Between classes, the HPC 
bookstore always seems to 
be a very congested area. 

The clock shows 11:31, one minute after 
lock-up for HPC girls. The boxes on the 
table suggest the girls' tedious task of 
signing in and out. 

The parking area behind the post office 
and Student Center is usually the scene of 
car washing on the weekends at HPC. 

The new co-ed dormitory is hidden at the 
end of a dead end street behind Yadkin 
Hall (pictured above). 

1 15 

There are various techniques of sending 
messages to residents of a college. Someone 
may be contacted through the intercom 
(right) as well as the old stand-by— a note 
placed strategically on the door (below). 


Assemblies are often a time of non-communication, as students "tune out" 
the speaker in favor of studies or sleep (above). Also, although there are 
always plenty of posters around the campus (right), they often go 
unnoticed, resulting in sparse attendance at some meetings. 


Snow brings some sort of mania to the 
campus. A throng of hard workers deft) 
around a mound of snow in the parking lot 
seemingly shouted, "Get the message, Nim- 
rod?" The "message" turned out to be Nim- 
rod's car buried under that snow (below). 





A Campus Communicates 

Squinting as more water trickles into the bathtub, a soaked Danny Nelson 
suffers through one of the "wetter" types of communication at the hands of 
Steve Lawson and Ray Baity. 

In a period when there is so much talk of 
the "generation gap" between parents and 
children, administration and students, leaders 
and followers, communication— or the lack of 
it— is of primary importance to the HPC stu- 
dent. The need and the desire to communi- 
cate is the very basis of daily living, and the 
student on the college campus communicates 
in various ways. 

HPC students display many methods of 
communication. On the superficial level, as- 
sorted signs inform students of upcoming 
events, hurriedly written notes give messages 
to friends, or pseudo-scholars daydream their 
way through classes. More important at HPC, 
however, is communication on the personal 
level. Campus telephones and intercoms 
usually stay busy at night, while the daylight 
hours are consumed by class lectures and 
momentary discussions among students. 

Much communication is silent— a light 
touch, a sheepish grin, a knowing look. This 
silence is often interrupted, however. At any 
Panther basketball game, HPC fans constantly 
illustrate the most universal form of com- 
munication—word of mouth! 

1 1 / 

Students dodge the puddles on their way 
past McCulloch Hall after the regular 
Wednesday morning assembly. 

Going away for the weekend calls for girls 
to get their special permission cards 

Hectic HPC Weeks 

Many HPC students arrive on campus early each day to grab a parking space in the 
overcrowded park ing lot. 

Coats in hand, an HPC student stands beside the dormitory awaiting his ride to the 
action off campus. 


Dissolve Into Weekend 1 'Blahs' 

Is HPC a suitcase college or does 
everyone hide when the weekend 
arrives? During the weekend, the 
hustle and bustle of eager students 
is only an echo of the week's 
activities. During the week, the 
campus is a milling throng of stu- 
dents rushing to and from the post 
office, the student bookstore, and 
the various classes and assemblies 
which they must attend; however, 
when the weekend comes, there is a 
headlong rush for home, other col- 

leges, and various other cities. The 
only things left on a Saturday 
afternoon are an empty parking lot 
and the loud crack of a billiard ball 
or the patter of a ping pong ball 
from the Student Center as listless 
students search for entertainment. 
At times, it is possible to catch a 
glimpse of the conscientious stu- 
dent on his way to study in the 
solitude of the empty library. 

The basic reasons for students' 
remaining on campus are fraternity 

and sorority parties, Student Union 
weekends, lack of transportation 
home, studies, or the ever-popular 
habit of As the exit from 
HPC occurs and the cafeteria lines 
dwindle, many remaining students 
become somewhat depressed about 
the HPC weekend atmosphere. 
However, suitcase campus or not, 
the carnival atmosphere is there, 
waiting to be discovered and shared 
with anyone who is willing to make 
it happen. 

**» .4 mZ: . 



• . 

The empty parking lots which students see at HPC on the weekends contribute to the feelings of weekend "blahs. 


Intramurals Highlight 

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Alpha Phi Omega and Pi Kappa Alpha battled in one of the early intramural football games. 

A member of the deadly-accurate Theta Chi intramural basket- 
ball team steps up to the foul line to deliver one more point 
for his team. 


This Rich Smith grimace suggests the typical HPC reaction to 
isometric exercise. 


Campus Physical Activity 

Even during brisk autumn days several HPC students could be seen using the 
outdoor basketball court behind the Student Center. 

Believing in the development of the 
well-rounded individual, HPC gives its stu- 
dents the chance to develop their physical 
skills as well as their mental abilities. The 
student's physical development is an im- 
portant part of the environment which 
influences his life and the relationships he 
forms with others. 

Intramurals provide the major outlet 
for physical activity on campus. Tourna- 
ments are held in such sports as football, 
volleyball, basketball, softball, and bowl- 
ing, plus special one-day contests in tennis 
and track. Girls' intramurals are also held 
in many areas, including basketball and 
field hockey. Not only do these intra- 
mural contests develop physical skills, but 
they also aid in building sportsmanship, 
leadership, and teamwork— creating the 
well-rounded graduate. 



Physical education major George Freeze improves his 
tennis skill. 

Theta Chi Bob Nickel/ carries the pigskin past his opponent in an intramural 
football contest. 



Books really make the rounds while they're at HPC. The college- 
wide purchase of books at the semester's beginning usually takes a 
chunk out of student's checking accounts (right) until the end of 
the semester when students obtain a little extra pocket money by 
selling back their used books (below). 

A common sight on campus was the stacks of books on the cafeteria tables 
(above) resulting from the twelve o'clock rush to lunch. A more uncommon 
sight came when the Saxons appeared on campus in the spring of 1968. 
Books served to make one Saxon a bit taller (right) as he played the 
harpsichord and sang for HPC aduiences. 


Dominate Campus Life 

As a student attends classes, he invariably carries a load of books under his arm 
(above). If he needs to find additional information, he can get help at the 
library's card catalog from head librarian Miss Marcella Carter (right). The HPC 
library contains approximately 70,000 volumes and continues to grow. 

Although the interests of college stu- 
dents take off in many directions, there 
must always be time for books— text- 
books, notebooks, library books, grade- 
books. Students use books in many 
ways— as information organizers, term 
paper sources, paperweights, or dust 
catchers. Hardly a day passes that the 
student is not confronted by books. 

At the beginning of any semester, the 
student checks the list of courses and 
purchases the appropriate books from the 
HPC bookstore. Some of them are read, 
reread, underlined, studied, and fully di- 
gested. Others, unfortunately, are rarely 
opened. At the end of the semester, the 
student makes his grade (or fails to make 
it) and sells his books back to the book- 
store. Whether his knowledge is turned in 
with the book depends on the individual. 


New Co-ed Dorm 
Adds Luxury 

An innovation in housing at HPC 
manifested itself this year in the 
form of a new, but unnamed, co-ed 
dormitory. With men on the bot- 
tom two floors and women on the 
top two floors, the new dorm 
housed a total of 138 students. 

On September 2nd, these stu- 
dents moved into the dorm amid 
tools, sawdust, and workmen. Dur- 
ing the first few days of school, the 
students lived with only the bare 
essentials. Gradually the occupants 
of the new dorm received the desk 
chairs, drapes, mirrors, shower 
doors, keys, and other small articles 

which had been so conspicuously 
absent upon their arrival. 

With its motel-type arrangement, 
the co-ed dorm provided a new 
source of luxury, privacy and pride 
for HPC students. They were awed 
by wall-to-wall carpet, plentiful 
storage space, sinks in their rooms, 
and their own suite living room. 
Students enjoyed the comforts and 
cared for their new living quarters. 
The new dorm was included on any 
campus tour and brought Phase I of 
the Golden Decade Program to an 
appropriately impressive climax. 

One artistic inhabitant created this sign to 
christen the new dorm. 

Mrs. Mary Bennett fright), first resident counselor of the new co-ed dorm, discusses some of the year's 
experiences with David Tuxhorn and Beth Woods. 


Viewed from North Hall, the new co-ed dormitory is an impressive sight, veiled by the trees standing between. 

The new dormitory meant many innovations for student residents. Even the 
most common activity, such as reading the daily newspaper (left), seemed 
more pleasant with wall-to-wall carpet and air conditioning. The strategic 
location of the new dorm— behind the girls' dorms— inspired some new 
equipment (above) in the suites of the men residents. 


■ 301 




Dormitory Life 

m ; *$/ 

When it comes to doing French homework or reading a required novel, an HPC student 
finds it more enjoyable when she can work in the comfort of her own room (above). 
Studies are not everything, however, and the decorations on the doors of rooms 301 , 
108, and 308 (left) suggest the lighter moments in McCulloch and Yadkin dormitories. 



Sparks Creativity 

Impromptu get-togethers for comparing lecture notes or just swapping 
stories did not lose their popularity with the advent of the new dorm. 

Two HPC freshmen lounge in their room as they listen to their collection of 
the latest records. 

Living away— away from family and home 
town friends-the student gains a sense of 
having a second home— his dormitory. He 
carts his worldly belongings into his dormi- 
tory room in late August, and by the time he 
takes his final exams in the spring, he has 
made it a nine-month stay. 

The resident student spends much of his 
time in the dorm and considers it as much a 
part of college life as his Monday-Wednesday- 
Friday pedagogues. The dormitory— whether 
it's the decaying McCulloch Hall or the 
modern co-ed dorm— is the place for a night 
of study, a bull session, or a creative binge. 
Dorm residents inevitably find time to cover 
walls and doors with assorted decorations, 
bringing a bit of the uncommon into the dull 
routine of everyday life. 

Even the most dilapidated dorm room reflects the 
interests of its occupants in its decor. 


"Wheels" Mean Escape For 

"Wheels" find their place in the daily ] V 

routine at HPC. Scenes range from , 

the common sights, 'ike the cnss i\? •;*«*•*•• .. *,'-J'Wm •UX,. ,' .' J 

crossing of spokes (above), to the *£■ 5, 'fat^fT^j*' 

uncommon sight, like a mysterious «■£ — "" 
early-morning flat tire (right/ on the 
car of a certain head proctor. 


Residents and Commuters 

It is not uncommon to see one of HPC's car owners saving money by playing the "Mr. 
Fix-It" role. 

It often seems that there is no place as 
isolated from the outside world as the 
college campus. The HPC campus is the 
hub of much of the student's work and 
play for nine months. Every student ex- 
periences periodic, short-lived escapes to 
outside activities but soon makes his way 
back to the doldrums of his campus- 
centered existence. To effect these tem- 
porary excursions, transportation is vital. 
A large percentage of HPC's co dormitory 
students keep cars on campus for this 

Many of the vehicles seen at HPC, 
however, belong to commuters— students 
who spend their days in the scrubbed 
lecture halls and their evenings in the 
comfort of their own homes. The HPC 
commuter's seemingly ideal situation is 
sometimes upset though when he drags 
from a day of classes to find a parking 
ticket or a flat tire. Thus, cars bring both 
conveniences and problems. 

Some day students solve the HPC parking problem by making their daily journeys on motorbikes. 


Students ProgressThrough 

Today's college student is caught 
in the middle of stimulating discus- 
sions with professors, snowballing 
activity, and a complex social life. 
He is in the process of forming 
meaningful relationships with 
others and solidifying his attitudes 
and ideas about life. Because he is 
in this process of change, the HPC 
student finds himself susceptible to 
new ideas. Therefore, he uses his 
moments of solitude in reminiscing 
about the past, thinking about the 
present, or planning for the future. 

In developing a philosophy of 
life, the college student must focus 
on himself, examining his own 
ideals and his place in society. He is 
aware of not only his physical ap- 
pearance but also his inner emo- 
tions and feelings. Worry, anticipa- 
tion, disappointment, and elation 
dominate the student's most per- 
sonal thoughts as he encounters 
studies, tests, and social relation- 
ships each day. 

As the student thinks, he grows. 
He becomes more honest and objec- 
tive in his evaluations of himself 
and those around him. He sees his 
faults as well as his virtues. 

The college world serves to en- 
lighten those who participate in it. 
The HPC student is a mixture of 
the serious thought of adulthood 
and the free spirit of youth. In 
college, he examines, experiments 
and creates, all of which make for a 
fuller life after graduation. 


HPC students are always concerned with self-examination. On the surface he 
concentrates on his physical appearance but his inner feelings require deeper 
contemplation. One HPC coed goes through the last minute grooming process 
(right) before going out for the evening. Another student, getting away from the 
distractions of the central campus, pauses on the bridge to sort her thoughts. 



Late night cramming sessions 
(left) bring out the books, the 
notes, and the No-Doz as the 
HPC student examines the 
world of knowledge. At the 
end of the semester he finds 
out whether his nights of 
quickly consumed knowledge 
paid off as he sees his final 
grade posted (above). 


the religious 


HPC is a college which is affiliated 
with the Methodist Church. In a period 
when state-supported institutions are 
expanding in facilities and enrollment, 
HPC remains as a reminder of the 
importance of the role of the church- 
related institution in higher education. 

Although HPC is partially supported 
by the Methodist Church, it is certainly 
not limited to Methodist students. 
Methodism is the prominent religion on 
campus, of course, but there are also 
many students with other church affil- 
iations. This year thirty-five separate 
religions were represented on the HPC 

Regardless of which of these reli- 
gions a student adheres to, religious 
faith and practice is a very personal 
matter. In this age when so much 
attention is devoted to the so-called 
breakdown of formalized religious prac- 
tices, the college student, in many i 
instances, practices his religion more • 
personally, seeking answers to the great 
moral issues of his day. This inward 
questioning and devotion places the 
focus of HPC religious feeling on the 

Judy Harvey places one of the symbolic ornaments on the Chrismon tree. These 
Chrismons are made in white and gold to symbolize the purity, perfection, majesty, 
and glory of the Son of God. 


The solemnity of the Christmas program "The Child We Honor" is mirrored in the faces of those in attendance. 

Religious Attitudes Vory 

Involvement in religious activi- 
ties on the HPC campus varies from 
complete devotion to almost total 
abstention. Organizations like the 
Student Christian Association, the 
Circle, and Fellowship Teams offer 
year-round outlets for students 
interested in service, while special 
events such as Religion-in-Life 
Week have campus-wide appeal. 
Guided by Mrs. Dorothy Hays, 
Director of Religious Activities, 
students plan programs for the en- 
lightenment of the campus. Stu- 
dents who involve themselves in 
these activities can find the exper- 
iences both enjoyable and mean- 

The candles in Lind/ey Chapel suffered 
quietly in the heat of the 1968 summer. 

Students sing a hymn during the tradi- 
tional Thanksgiving assembly program. 


Student Christian Association 

Carrying the responsibility of co-ordinating 
student religious activities on campus, the Student 
Christian Association has had a year of important 
public services and significant behind-the-scenes 
influence. Religion-in-Life Days, Summer Job 
Opportunities, the Christmas program in the lib- 
rary, devotions in Lindley Chapel, and the annual 
picnic highlighted the year's events. Members of 
the SCA also helped speed up the process of 
obtaining an HPC chaplain and by sitting in on 
interviews were instrumental in the selection of the 
Reverend Mullinix. A bill passed in legislature to 
hurry the construction of a chapel was also 
introduced by the SCA. 

Rik Danburg participates in the program 
Honor, " sponsored by the SCA. 

■The Child We 

Summer Job Opportunities Commit tee- Linda Boswel 
man, Becki Gibbs, Linda Huff, Linda Tanner. 

chair- Religion-in-Life Days Committee-Seated: Doris Whitt, chair- 
man. Standing: Jim Elkins, Terry Botts, Carol Huff, Judy 
Davis, Beth Woods. 

Bob Williams, vice-president; Carol Huff, president; Becky Gibbs, secretary; Charlotte Bova, 
SGA representative. 


The bulletin board beside the Student Center displays 
Circle publicity, one of the organization's strong points. 

Rev. Charles R other, American University chaplain, spoke 
to a coffeehouse audience on February 7th using the 
theme that "God is within each of us. " 

The Circle 

The Circle is an organization in which 
students of all aspects of college life, 
through their personal commitments, in- 
teract to broaden and encourage their 
intellectual and emotional involvement 
and awareness. 

All HPC students are members of the 
Circle, which by its very name indicates 
its "all-inclusiveness." This aspect of the 
Circle relates not only to its members but 
also to its functions. 

The Circle is not only active in the 
quest for knowledge but also in the fun of 
fellowship, the need to promote social 
change and welfare, the desire to under- 
stand existing institutions, and the appre- 
ciation of our own culture and the culture 
of others. 

Coffeehouses, art exhibits, lectures, 
retreats, discussions, worship services, and 
other activities were all visible signs of the 
Circle, which is truly "a group searching." 

Front Row: Mark Rother, MOTIVE chairman: Steve Bowditch, treasurer; Bob Williams, program chairman. 
Back Row: Linda Huff, publicity chairman; Cheri Palermo, entertainment chairman; Judy Davis, state 
representative; Ginger McDonough, refreshments chairman; Terry Botts, president; Marilyn Hughes, vice- 
president; Laura Bowers, decorations chairman; Robyn Decker, secretary. 


Fellowship Teams 

Fellowship Teams is composed of students 
who are interested in helping youth groups of 
churches throughout the state. They give 
instruction in recreation, worship, program 
planning, and organization. While on visits, 
usually made on weekends, team members stay 
in the homes of church members. 

In September a retreat was held at Mill- 
brook Farm to train the members in the areas 
of instruction. Leaders in the Methodist 
Church led the training session. Swimming, 
sports, recreation, good food, and fellowship 
all added to make the weekend special. 

This year there are five teams with seven 
members each. Visits were made to churches in 
Lexington and Reidsville during the first semes- 
ter and to Mount Holly and Hudson during the 

A special challenge— to plan a weekend 
retreat for youth groups from Forest City and 
Marion— was accepted for second semester. It 
was hoped that the Fellowship Teams would 
have a retreat to Millbrook in the spring to 
share experiences. 

Between moments of fun and laughter. Fellowship Team 
members renew bonds of friendship and teamwork through 
stimulating thought and discussion. 

Mike Carle and Richard Boyd take time 
for a friendly "splash" battle in one of 
the most refreshing spots at Millbrook. 

Front Row: Phil Norwood, Dori Brewer, Barbara Gheen, Pat Ezzell, Barbara 
Herman, Linda Boswell, Pat Cash. Second Row: Mary Deck, Carol Clause, Doris 
Whin, Mary Oldershaw, Mark Rother, Marilyn Hughes, Angie Miller, Sheryl 
Thompson, Mary Smithson. Back Row: Mike Carle, Mrs. Hays, advisor, Scott 
Owen, Ginger McDonough, Wanda Wise, David Allgood, Judy Davis, Chris 
McKinney, Charlotte Bova, Mike Ray, Beth Woods, Richard Boyd. 


Fellowship Team members sacrifice meals at Harrison Hall to attend the Fall Retreat. 

Team Cap tains- Richard Boyd, Wanda Wise, Linda Boswell, Mike 

Officers- Mike Carle, treasurer; Wanda Ogden, secretary; Angie 
Miller, vice-chairman; Jim Elkins, chairman. 




At times it snowballs. At times it 
lags. It is what is known as "extra- 
curricular activity" on the HPC cam- 
pus. Through participation in these 
activities, the student can find an out- 
let for his creativity as well as a place 
to make friendships. 

Various types of organizations jus- 
tified their existence at HPC this year. 
Some organizations were affiliated 
with certain academic departments of 
the College while others worked pri- 
marily in the realm of service. Also, 
the quality of all HPC student publi- 
cations showed a marked improve- 
ment over previous years. 

Probably the most active partici- 
pant on the HPC campus, however, 
was the non-clubber, one of those 
students who thrive on non-activity 
and hon-praticipation. No one ever 
compiled the roll of membership, but 
is was undoubtedly a large one. The 
non-clubber never knew what he was 

Women 's 



Leslie McCall 

Advised by Miss Betty Jo Clary, 
the HPC Women's Recreation As- 
sociation has its membership open 
to all women interested in athletic 
activities. This year's officers were 
Leslie McCall, president; Linda 
Sykes, vice-president; Cheri Paler- 
mo, secretary; and Kelly Hanes, 

During the year the WRA held 
various picnics and outings for 
members in addition to organizing 
several campus activities, such as 
the Co-Rec Swim Meet. As in past 
years, the WRA was represented at 
the state convention. The WRA 
continued to be a club in which the 
bywords were fun, hard work, par- 
ticipation and reward. 

Front Row: Bonnie Schrader, Trudy Matheny, Darlene Real, Linda Sykes, Kathy 
Hayden, Dorcas Feimster, Susan Cosman, Leslie McCall, Betsy Snead, Betty Sue 
Hodock. Back Row: Cheri Palermo, Sue Swigart, Wendy Duda, Dianne Whitt, Pat 
Coffey, Anne Slaughter, Barb Smith. 


Anne Nulsen and members of her committee make preliminary plans 
for the associations's junior-senior banquet. 

Officers: Larry Jones, president; Donni Williams, secretary; Pat Austin, 
treasurer; Ginger McDonough and Jack Gates, historians. 

Hu monies 



The American Humanics Foundation 
Student Association met every Thursday 
night this year at 6:30 p.m. in the base- 
ment of Roberts Hall. These meetings 
ranged from having informal student dis- 
cussions to hearing guest speakers. The 
student meetings pertained mainly to the 
election of officers and reports from var- 
ious committees. Guest speakers came 
from all over the United States to talk on 
their particular phase in the program of 
Humanic Relations. The subjects of 
speeches included Boy Scouts, Girl 
Scouts, YMCA, and the work done by 
Concerned Citizens in High Point. In- 
formal discussions with the speaker and 
refreshments followed the speeches. From 
these meetings each member gained some 
piece of knowledge that will be very 
beneficial when he gets out in the field of 
Human Relations. 

Front Row: Jack Gates, Wendy Williams, Barbara Gheen, Alice Child, Anne Nulsen, Ginger McDonough, Donni 
Williams, Caroline McCorkle, Larry Jones. Back Row: Buddy Gabriel, Tom Trotter, David Allgood, Daren 
Hutchison, John Young, Pat Austin, Sid Downey, Mark Rother, Bob Bagwell, Joe Ellington, Jay Cornet. Bill 
McFarland, Jerry Garmon, Mr. Moody, advisor. 


Society For „„__„.„,„,. 


Advancement Of Management 

The Society for Advancement of Man- 
agement provides students with an insight 
into the actual practice of the manage- 
ment profession and furthers the growth 
of all students regardless of their academic 
major. This insight is obtained through 
meetings, newsletters, and plant tours of 
nearby businesses. 

Last year the High Point College Chap- 
ter received its first Membership Growth 
Award. Also, last year, the High Point 
Chapter attended the state convention of 
The Society for Advancement of Manage- 
ment held at Elon College. 

Mr. Robinson, advisor; Jerry Needham; Mrs. Needham, 
Jim Davis, vice-president; Bill Harding, president; Jimmy 
Brown; Danny Nelson, secretary-treasurer. 

r f 

m A • Id *•■ ■ *■ ' 



The group poses for a picture . . . and then enters Adams-Millis for an enlightening tour. 


The speaker at the October meeting was 
an AFL official, who spoke about how to 
handle the "big guys. " 

Student National 
Education Association 

SNEA members enjoy refreshments after one of their monthly meetings in Haworth 

Having more than doubled its 
membership, the SNEA has had a 
most active year. During American 
Education Week they gave a ban- 
quet for local school superinten- 
dents and teachers. Some of the 
members have worked as volunteers 
in the High Point Head Start pro- 
gram. Last fall the members went 
on a field trip to Greensboro, where 
they visited a school using team 

Anyone who is interested in 
education may join the SNEA. The 
SNEA is a professional organization 
on both the national and state 
levels, with the goal of knowing the 
teaching profession better. 

Front Row: Nancy Holcombe, chaplain; Dianne 
Williams, publicity chairman; Linda Weiss, president; 
Ann Davis, state editor; Ellen Reed, historian. Back 
Row: Lynne Williams, treasurer; Mary-jo Hall, first 
vice-president; Janice Brundige, secretary; Rik Dan- 
burg, membership chairman; Sharon Sherwood, 
second vice-president. 

Club members review their plans for entertainment at the SNEA - sponsored 
banquet for local school personnel. This banquet was one of the highlights 
of the SNEA year. 


Serving as an usher at a basketball game is Nick Senior Carol Isaacs watches the grill at City Lake as several 

Perlozzo, president. P. E. majors await their steaks. 

At half time, George Freeze gets the court 
ready for the second period of basketball 

Front Row: Darlene Real, Betty Sue Hodock, Suzanne Chisholm, Pat 
Coffey, Kathy Hayden, Bill Carter, Sue Swigart, Dianne Whitt, Barbara 
Smith, Cheri Palermo, Karen Hallberg. Back Row: Bill Farkas, Russ Nanfelt, 
Eric Noren, Dwight Hood, Buddy Thomas, Nick Perlozzo, George Freeze, 
Dorcas Feimster, Carol Isaacs, Rik Danburg, Paul Payne, Bill Webb, Rodney 
Briggs, Tim Bryan, Joe Wilson. 


Members of the Physical Education Majors Club get ready to sample some of the "good eats" offered at the Fall Outing held 
in September. 

Physical Education 
Majors Club 

The Physical Education Majors 
Club is a non-profit service organ- 
ization and one of the most active 
clubs on the HPC campus. Leading 
this year's Club were the officers- 
President Nick Perlozzo, Vice- 
President Cheri Palermo, Treasurer 
Bill Carter, and Secretary Dianne 
Whitt. Mr. Chuck Hartman was the 
Club's advisor. 

The Club had many fund-raising 
activities which were centered 
around the home basketball games. 
Some Club members were in charge 
of the concession stands and others 
ushered at the games to raise addi- 
tional funds for the Club. They 
were also sponsors of the basketball 
programs and sold the programs at 
the games. 

During the year the Majors Club 
had various activities held for both 
the majors and the Health and 

Physical Education Department 
members. In the fall they sponsored 
a Fall Outing at City Lake, where 
steaks were served and consumed. 
A Spring Outing was held for the 
members and their families as well 
as the Club members and their 

The big event of the year was 
the Athletic Awards Banquet in the 
spring. Last year it was held at the 
Sheraton Hotel in High Point. The 
guest speaker was Dr. Barrows, Pro- 
fessor of Physical Education at 
Wake Forest University, a nation- 
ally recognized individual in his 

All in all, the Club had a suc- 
cessful year in 1968-69. They take 
pride in the fact that they are 
adding much to the effectiveness of 
the Physical Education Department 
at HPC. 

P. E. Majors Buddy Thomas and Bill 
Carter officiate as an HPC co-ed lofts the 
basketball, hoping to increase her team's 
point total. 


Circle K 

Circle K is a Kiwanis-sponsored program for 
college men which operates as a service organiza- 
tion on campus. It is a leadership and character- 
building group which serves both HPC and the 
surrounding community. 

In the more than 775 Circle K clubs in the 
United States and Canada, the motto is "We 
Build," building for a better world in which to 
live. This year's international concern on the part 
of Circle K was disadvantaged youth, and with 
this nationwide project in mind the HPC chapter 
had several enterprises, such as sponsoring a group 
of underprivileged boys to an HPC basketball 
game this winter. 

Other projects in Circle K included everything 
from distributing monthly student calendars to 
improving some of the paths around campus. On 
Sunday afternoon, March 9, 1969, the HPC chap- 
ter, in conjunction with chapters in other area 
colleges, sponsored a car rally with members 
serving at various checkpoints along the outlined 
route. Trophies were presented to the winners. 
All of these projects contributed to another out- 
standing year for HPC's Circle K. 

Front Row: Walter Gragg, treasurer; Richard Quinn, 
president/ Ken Johnson, vice-president; Richard Boyd, 
secretary. Second Row: Danny Parsons, Ken Millman, 
Russell Jones, Brian Ditzler, Maynard Tu thill. Back Row: 
Bob Gilliland, Mark Rother, Bill Hatchl. 

Secretary Richard Boyd slides a student calendar under a 
door in the new dorm. Calendar distribution was one of 
the services of Circle K this year. 

Miss Ann Davis was selected Sweetheart of the Year by 
the members of Circle K. 


The creative writing seminar, where students criticized each other's original composition, was conducted each 
Thursday afternoon at 3:30. It was hoped that this seminar would provide better material for the literary 

Willie Shaw 
associate editor 

Linda Crowder 


The story of the 1968-69 Apogee 
reads very much like the plot of a 
Greek drama complete with reversal, 
discovery and purgation. The chorus 
of Student Government legislators 
declared that the Apogee would re- 
ceive no funds for publication. 
Immediately, a loud cry of indigna- 
tion arose in protest, accompanied by 
orations, soliloquies, and loud lamen- 
tations heard as far as the President's 

In order to prove to the SGA that 
the citizens of HPC were truly inter- 
ested in a literary magazine, a poll was 
taken which validated the opinion of 
the Apogee staff. In addition, a non- 
credit creative writing seminar under 
the able direction of Dr. C. E. Mounts 
was created for the purpose of gather- 
ing material for Apogee and stimu- 
lating interest in creative writing. 

Armed with the discovery of un- 
tapped talent on campus and folders 
of hot-to-be published writing, the 
Apogee editor approached the august 
council of student government offi- 
cials. Unanimously, the legislators de- 
creed that Apogee would receive 
funds for publication. This turn of 
events effected a catharsis on both 
sides, and contrary to Aristotelian 
rules of tragedy, this drama ended 
happily as Apogee went to print. 



With forty-two years of growth 
behind it, The Hi-Po has just begun to 
realize its full potential by receiving 
the coveted "All-American" rating 
(the first All-American ever won by an 
HPC publication) from the Associated 
Collegiate Press (ACP) with the high- 
est rating ever given by the associa- 

Already praised as "very profes- 
sional" by the ACP, The Hi-Po con- 
tinued to grow this year with better 
coverage of on and off campus events 
and forged ahead with innovations in 
style and format. The Hi-Po stepped 
ahead of other small college news- 
papers this year with the creation of 
"decade," a monthly news and feature 

The All-American award marks the 
beginning of a tradition of truly super- 
lative journalism for HPC and its stu- 

Joe McNulty, editor-in-chief; Steve 

Bowditch, news editor; Buddy Gabriel, managing 

Eric Nilsson, Stu Penn, and Dede Styles, staff writers. 

Alice Seymour, copy editor; Jane Mailleue, assistant editor; William 
Todd, associate editor; James Beaulieu, associate editor. 


Staff members mill around the office between working sessions. 

~ i 

John Keets, sports editor. 

Marty Hedrick, cartoonist; Daphne Glasgow, office manager; Mark 
Rother, staff writer. 

Don Staley and Bill Hatchl, staff writers. 



Through the theme "HPC in Per- 
spective," Zenith 1969 presented a 
yearbook with a new look. Realizing 
that the College is seen in different 
ways by different people, the Zenith 
staff took upon itself a task unequaled 
in the history of the HPC yearbook— 
to show HPC from several viewpoints. 

Creating this yearbook meant 
many changes from past traditions. A 
reorganization of the usual yearbook 
sections, a change in headline and 
type styles, and the use of a new 
"contemporary matte" paper were 
some of the notable differences in 
Zenith 1969. The Greeks and ads were 
two sections that received a complete 
face-lifting and revitalization. 

Probably the most outstanding stu- 
dent contribution to the 1969 year- 
book was in photography, thanks to 
Dave Bishop, Steve Smith, and Jim 
Elkins. The staff gave much thought 
and hard work to produce "HPC in 

Bucky Sigmon 

Dave Bishop 
associate editor 

Greek editor Doris Whin (right) uses the speed-o-scope to draw picture diagrams while Nancy Williams, 
copy editor, creates captions for the Greek section. 



_r _ *r-» ^dl fen 

/?t/ss Jones, sports editor, selects pictures for the basketball 
section of the yearbook. 

Seated: Linda Greenwood, organization editor. Standing: 
Barbara Barnes, copy co-editor; Sherry Franz, class editor; 
Wanda Wise, feature editor; Sheila Melton and Barbara Her- 
man, directory editors. 

Ray Baity, business manager, and Beth Ho/comb, production 
supervisor, list checks that come in from local advertisers. 

Front Row: Joy Duncan, Jan Hayworth, Dale Sakers, Vicki Seay. Back Row: Gary Austin, Bev Garrett, Judy 
Scott, Jane Wagner, Doug Rayle, Jake Smith, John Koven, Larry Clapp, Danny Nelson. 




In the course of their work, partici- 
pants in HPC student government gain 
experience in dealing with people and 
also suffer moments of frustration. This 
sense of the uselessness of their work is 
real; it passes, however, and student 
government continues to operate side by 
side with the apathy on the campus it 

The HPC Student Government Asso- 
ciation consists of various aggregations 
of elected representatives who give ad- 
vice, make decisions, enforce rules, and 
deal out punishment. These groups re- 
ceive periodic support, recurrent criti- 
cism, and year-round toleration. But 
they are always present. 

Whether it was the popularity of a 
Fall Weekend concert sponsored by the 
newly-formed Student Union or the 
laborious task of listening to the cam- 
pus nurse give an hour-long dissertation 
on HPC health facilities at a fifteen- 
minute dormitory meeting, the HPC 
student was constantly exposed to his 
student government. 

Executive Council 

An organization of, for, and by 
the students of HPC, the Student 
Government Association has the 
three-fold purpose of developing 
student honor and self-control, 
promoting personal responsibility, 
and fostering the principles of self- 
government. The executive, legisla- 
tive, and judicial duties are co- 

Robbie Myers 

ordinated by the Executive Coun- 

Elected by the student body in 
the spring for the coming year, the 
four officers of the Executive 
Council gain a chance to bridge the 
apparent communications gap be- 
tween administration and students 
and to plan for HPC's future. 

Jack Driscoll 

Robin Woodhams 


Tommy Holmes 

Student Union 

Since its inception in March, 1968, the 
Student Union has been responsible for all 
phases of entertainment on the HPC 
campus. Through the Governing Board, 
consisting of a chairman, a secretary and 
chairmen of the Entertainment, Publicity, 
Cultural and Arts committees, the Stu- 
dent Union has tried to provide the finest 
entertainment in a wider realm. Coffee- 
houses, with Donnery and Rudd and The 
Dickens, were included in this year's 
program. Smokey Robinson and The 
Miracles appeared in a benefit show for 
the Greater High Point United Appeal, 
which received a $1,000 gift from HPC. 
The Platters appeared in another major 

The Student Center received much 
attention this year as the Student Union 
made an effort to provide better enter- 
tainment for the student on campus. Pin 
ball machines and a new juke box were 
installed and new ping pong tables were 

The Student Union has been expanding 
to meet the needs of an enlarging student 
body. As HPC grows, so will its Student 


Dave Holton, head of HPC's Student Union, exchanges ideas with other 
convention delegates. 

Seated: Jane Phillips, cultural chairman; Jim Coston, chairman resigned; Tommy 
Holmes, treasurer. Standing: Larry Johnson, entertainment chairman; Martha 
Brooks, publicity chairman; Dave Holton, chairman. 

Bulletin boards such as this informed Student 
Union members of possible available entertain- 
ment at the conclave of North Carolina Student 
Unions, hosted by HPC in the fall. 


Student Legislature 

The Student Legislature is the repre- 
sentative body of the students in the 
SGA, being composed of twenty-two vot- 
ing delegates from the four classes, the 
dormitory and day student councils, the 
Student Christian Association, and the 
Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils. 

This representative body considers 
legislation relating to students and im- 
provement of campus life and maintains 
veto power over Executive Council and 
Student Union decisions. 

Some of the major proposals passed in 
Legislature this year included the creation 
of a student activity loan fund, the 
elimination of the student dress code, the 
creation of a cafeteria advisory board, and 
legislation favoring teacher evaluations by 
students and student membership on 
faculty committees. Student Legislature 
continued its sponsorship of the Student 
Public Affairs Committee, which pre- 
sented the Student Congress this spring. 

Brian Ditzler, Speaker of the Legislature 

Front Row: Gil Hyatt, Larry Breeden, Wiley Garrett, Willie Shaw. Second 
Row: Kathy Hayden, Bob Williams, George McColley, Rick Shumate. Third 
Row: John Lucas, Martha Brooks, Susan Jackson, Lynda Corn. Back Row: 
Lynne Williams, Linda Smith. 

Front Row: Ken Millman, speaker pro-tern; Nancy 
Nash, secretary; Walter Gragg, budget committee 
chairman. Back Row: Rik Danburg, elections com- 
mittee chairman; Mike Carle, student public affairs 
committee chairman. (These officers are also voting 
members of Legislature) 


Front Row: Beverly Molitor, Carol Clause, Jay Cornet, Ellen Lohse, Judy Harvey. Back Row: Steve Kennedy, Carol Scheufele, Nate 


Functioning as a branch of the 
Student Government Association, the 
Judiciary Council has original juris- 
diction, trying those cases referred to 
it by Dean Phillips and faculty mem- 
bers, and appellate jurisdiction, trying 
those cases appealed to it from the 
Men's and Women's Dormitory 
Councils. The nine justices and the 
Chief Justice represent the four aca- 
demic classes, the Men's and Women's 
Dormitory Councils and the Day Stu- 
dents' Council. The positions of pro- 
secutor and secretary are filled by 

Because the Council believes that 
ideally it should have no purpose on 
campus, it tries to discourage student 
misconduct. This year, in an attempt 
to do this, the Council has published 
its current trials and their results in 
the Hi-Po. This publicity is intended 
to be both a warning and an informa- 
tive service. 

Chief Justice Jay Comet (center) talks with Chuck Eakes, prosecutor, 
and Beth Ho /comb, secretary. 


Day Student Organization 

This year the idea of having full day 
student meetings was put into action. The 
first day student meeting filled up the 
large lecture hall in Haworth Hall. There 
President Lynda Corn outlined the three- 
fold purpose of the Day Student Organi- 
zation: to promote interaction between 
day students and the college as a whole, 
interaction between day students and 
dorm students, and interaction between 
the HPC student body and the surround- 
ing area. Day students were also urged to 
get their money's worth in college by 
participating in campus activities. 

Under the leadership of the Day Stu- 
dent Council, a bake sale was held in the 
fall, a day student questionnaire was 
formulated and distributed, and day stu- 
dent news letters were sent out periodi- 
cally. The Day Student Council members 
made decisions and held informal discus- 
sions during noon "lunch-ins" held in 
Roberts Hall on alternate Thursdays. 

Lawrence Jordan, secretary-treasurer, Lynda Corn, president; Judy Musgrave, 

The foyer of Roberts Hall is a convenient spot 
for HPC day students to relax between classes. 

The parking area off East College Drive, commonly dubbed the "day student 
parking lot," is usually full except when it gets muddy after one of the winter's 


Men's Dormitory Council 

The purchase of a color television set for the 
lounge of McCulloch Hall was the major pro- 
ject of this year's Men's Dormitory Council at 
HPC. This action showed the constant work of 
the Council toward improving living conditions 
in the men's dorms. 

In addition to the sixty-two males in the 
new co-ed dorm, the Men's Dormitory Council 
also governed the residents of Millis Hall and 
McCulloch Hall. The Council— president, vice- 
president, secretary-treasurer, head proctors, 
and house managers— govern HPC's resident 
men with the aid of Mrs. McMeekin-Kerr and 
Mrs. Warren, resident counselors. The Dormi- 
tory Council assisted in acquainting freshman 
men with dormitory regulations and enforced 
these regulations basically by using a demerit 

Dorm council member Oogie Hundley also scrubs ac one of the 
student maids in the new dorm. 

Mrs. Warren and Mrs. McMeekin-Kerr, housemothers of McCulloch and 
Millis dorms respectively, talk with McCulloch Hall house manager 
Walter Gragg. 

Dave Burrell; Walter Gragg; Dave Tuxhorn; Bob Williams, vice-president; Bil 
Harding, president; Oogie Hundley, secretary-treasurer; Henry Pelfrey; Jim 


Women dormitory students enjoy six Front Row: Barbara Peterson, Judy Harvey. Second Row: Carol Lancashire, Carol 
days of leisure, and then comes room Scheufele, Linda Sturm, Judy Parker, Susan Brown, Suzanne Arnold, Melinda Peabody. 
check! Back Row: Mrs. Watkins and Mrs. Turpin, housemothers. 

Bridge games were as much a part of life in the 
new co-ed dorm as they were in the women's 
dormitory complex. 

Frankie Matthews, vice-president, talks with Pam Catron, Cheri Palermo, and 
Mary Deck in the lounge of Woman's Hall. 


Vice-President Frankie Matthews, President Barbara Peterson, and Recording Secretary Judy Parker read demerit slips at one of the 
weekly dorm council meetings. 

Women's Dormitory Council 

On Monday nights members of the 
Women's Dormitory Council at HPC 
could be found meeting and making the 
decisions which govern women dormi- 
tory students. In accord with its many 
obligations, the Council tried to de- 
velop in resident women individual 
honor and personal responsibility. 

This year, with the addition of the 
new Co-Ed Dorm, the Council had to 
face problems never before encoun- 
tered on campus. With the differences 
in the rules and regulations needed in 
the new dorm and those existing in the 
other women's dorms, two governing 
bodies were formed for more effective 
functioning of the Council. 

Council members in the dorms dealt 
with noise, phone duty, more noise, 
and the never-ending freshmen pro- 
blems. These duties are part of being a 
member of the Women's Dormitory 

Lani Chisman, a freshman hall counselor, discusses the 
Student Handbook with Barbara Peterson, President of 
the Women's Dormitory Council. 


the student 


A college is composed of individual 
students, people who interact and 
create an atmosphere. Each student in a 
small college like HPC sees his peers 
every day— expressions, movements, 
personalities. He develops ideas about 
these individuals whether they are close 
friends or just nameless faces in the 
crowd. For the 1968-69 academic year 
HPC had 1,150 students enrolled repre- 
senting twenty-three states. 

Entering the College as a somewhat 
bewildered freshman, the HPC student 
progresses up the class ladder through 
beanie capping, freshman policing, class 
rings, and caps and gowns. Although 
classification is a necessity in college 
operations, the students at HPC display 
a strong interclass relationship. Under- 
classmen get to know the upperclass- 
men readily in classes and extra-cur- 
ricular activities. As a result of the 
interaction of members of the different 
HPC classes, the student body is part of 
the inner image. 

Although they are surrounded by seminars, GRE's, class 
meetings, and job-hunting, seniors still find time for 
leisure, glancing in the bookstore after acquiring a snack 
i right) or spending a few moments in discussion with a 
professor (below). 


Registration for the last semester of HPC classes can still 
be frustrating to a senior (above), but the eight registra- 
tion periods are worth it when the senior receives his 
diploma at graduation exercises (right). 


Dan Eisert 

Judy Garner 

Rik Danburg 

Glenn Chorpening 


After two years of core courses and 
two more of major courses, the seniors set 
their sights for May 25, 1969-the day of 
HPC commencement. This year HPC had 
candidates for three degrees-A.B., B.S., 
and A.B.T.-in twenty separate major 
fields of study. 

The class of '69 was one which left its 
mark on HPC. During their years at HPC, 
the members of the senior class inaugu- 
rated student-faculty basketball games 
and sponsored a most successful 1968 
Junior-Senior Prom and Banquet. The last 
year for the senior was dominated by 
measurement for cap and gown, selection 
of a gift to the school, and that one last 
fling before facing the outside world as an 



Sharon L. Baker, A.B.T. 
Knoxville, Tenn. 

Judith H. Bennett, A.B.T. 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Betty K. Bowman, A.B.T. 
Lumberton, N. C. 

Lynda Beck, A.B.T. 
Lewisville, N. C. 

Ann B. Bollinger, A.B.T. 
Annville, Pa. 

CarolynS. Boyles, A.B.T. 
Pilot Mountain, N. C. 

Nancy G. Eaves, A.B.T. 
High Point, N. C. 

Gilbert H. Edwards. A.B.T. 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Ann G. Everhart, A.B. I . 
Thomasville, N. C. 

JoelW. Farlow, A.B.T. 
High Point, N. C. 


Martha C. Fielden, A.B.T. 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Douglas P. Fryer. A.B.T. 
Hagerstown, Md. 

Mary-jo Hall. A.B.T. 
Bahama, N. C. 

Shirley E. Hemphill. A.B.T. 
Jacksonville, Fla. 

Nancy L. Holcombe, A.B.T. 
Statesville, N. C. 

Lynda A. Huffman, A.B.T. 
High Point, N. C. 

Louella Loflin, A.B.T. 
Denton, N. C. 

Leslie A. McCall. A.B.T. 
Cheverly, Md. 

Virginia A. Grey, A.B.T. 
High Point. N.C. 

Gail L. Hetherington, A.B.T. 
Hampton, N. J. 

Patricia A. Jolly, A.B.T. 
Elkin. N.C. 

Phyllis K. McDowell, A.B.T. 
High Point, N.C. 

Linda Greenwood, A.B.T. 
Kernersville, N. C. 

Fuchsia A, Lackey, A.B.T. 
Fallston, N.C. 

Diana L. McEwan, A.B.T. 
Cynthiana, Ky. 


Lizbeth J. Marshall, A.B.T. 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Catherine A. Miller, A.B.T. 
Tampa, Fla. 

Rachel A. Miller, A.B.T. 
Winston-Salem, N.C. 

Beverly J. Molitor, A.B.T. 
Lexington Park, Md. 

Elaine G. Murphy, A.B.T. 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Patricia J. Nance, A.B.T. 
Charlotte, N. C. 

Diane P. Niland, A.B.T. 
Arlington, Va. 

Deirdre L. Norman, A.B.T. 
Pilot Mountain, N. C. 

A. Cheryl Owen, A.B.T. 
High Point. N. C. 

Dorothy H. Pace, A.B.T. 
Pleasant Garden, N. C. 

Joan M. Peterson, A.B.T. 
Irvington, N. J. 

Phyllis A. Pugh, A.B.T. 
High Point, N. C. 

Ernstena P. Parker, A.B.T. 
High Point, N. C. 

M in tieS. Saintsing, A.B.T. 
Thomasville, N. C. 


Sharon D. Sherwood. A.B.T. 
Atlanta, Ga. 

Beulah J. Smith, A.B.T. 
High Point, N. C. 

MarthaS. Smith, A.B.T. 
Asheboro, N. C. 

M. Donna S tines, A.B.T. 
Marshall, N. C. 


Dorothy B. Styles, A.B.T. 
Black Mountain, N. C. 

S. Alice Thompson, A.B.T. 
Graham, N. C. 

Linda Charlene Williamson, A.B.T. 
Jacksonville. Fla. 

Inez E. Teague, A.B.T. 
Thom3Sville. N. C. 

Lynne Thigpen, A.B.T. 
High Point, N. C. 

Janice Watts, A.B.T. 
Charlotte, N.C. 

Linda M. Weiss. A.B.T. 
High Point, N. C. 

A. Rebecca Willis, A.B.T. 
Fayetteville, N. C. 

Gay Whitfield, A.B.T. 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Diane L. Williams. A.B.T. 
Eagle Springs, N. C. 

Patricia M. Wimbish, A.B.T. 
Clinton, N. C. 



Virginia A. Lewis, A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 

Carolyn P. Britl, A.B. 
Charlotte, N. C. 

Linda M. Crowder, A.B. 
Little Rock, Ark. 

Judy C. Foster, A.B. 
High Point. N. C. 

Mary F. Brown, A.B. 
Jonesville. N. C. 

Susan K. Culler, A.B. 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

John W. Cooley, Jr., A.B. 
Ambler, Pa. 

Kenneth A. Frazier, A. 
High Point, N. C. 

Patricia A. Finks, A.B. 
Woodstock, Va. 

Karen N. Hollingsworth, A.B. 
Lexington, N. C. 

Ga/7 E. Merritt, A.B. 
Shelby, N. C. 

Hugh A. Moran, Jr., A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 

Barbara E. Peterson, A.B. 
Mattapoisett, Mass. 


Marcia D. Rainer, A.B. 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Dennis H. Sigmon, Jr., A.B. 
Elkin. N. C. 

Peggy J. Sisk, A.B. 
Winston-Salem, N.C. 

Wanda Wise, A.B. 
Broadway, N. C. 

Carol A. Biddle, A.B. 
Massapequa, N. Y. 

Cynthia L. Hardy, A.B. 
Southport, N. C. 

Sylvia D. Pratt, A.B. 
Charlotte, N. C. 


Margaret M. Clapp, A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 

Robert T. Montgomery, Jr., A.B. 
Stratford, N. J. 

David A. Phillips, A.B. 
Peabody, Mass. 


H. Wayne Eddinger, A.B. 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Judith H. Garner, A.B. 
LaPlata. Md. 

Stephen R. Harrison, A.B. 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Mary L. Thomas, A.B. 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Fred Tucker, A.B. 
Asheboro, N. C. 

George W. Vann, A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 

Raymond A. Baity, A. 
Greensboro, N. C. 

John R. Driscoll, A.B. 
Somerset. Mass. 

Jane E. Phillips, A.B. 
Vesta, Va. 

Vicki L. Wilson, A.B. 
Lexington, N. C. 


• «- - s 


BrendaJ. Austin, A.B. 
Great Falls, Va. 

Lois B. Robinson, A.B. 
Woodbury Heights, N. J. 

Laraine K. Todd, A.B. 
Thomasville, N. C. 


Tim Webb, A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 

Joy E. Duncan, A.B. 
Concord, N. C. 

Social Studies 


History And Political Science 


Connie F. Beauchamp, A . 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Irene F. Caputo. A.B. 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Linda K. Case, A.B. 
McLeansville, N. C. 

John P. Chernault, A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 


David R. Collins, A.B. 
High Point. N. C. 

Max R. Cheek, A.B. 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Lesley W. Cooke, A.E 
Long Branch, N. J. 

C. Larry Fagge, A.B. 
Eden, N. C. 



Richard W. Folts, A.B. 
Wilmington, Del. 

Joseph O. Needham, A.B. 
Pilot Mountain, N. C. 

Alice P. Guiton. A.B. 
Whiteville. N.C. 

Danny R. Parsons, A.B. 
Winston-Salem, N.C. 

Philip R. Keefer. A.B. 
Cheverly, Md. 

Richard C. Smith, A.I 
College Park, Md. 

Thomas L. McPherson, A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 

Phillip L. Speaks, A.B. 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

William A. Stewart, A.B. 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Edward S. Stratton. Jr., A.B. 
Afton, Va. 

Diana Tolson, A.B. 
Centreville, Md. 

Edwin W. Walker, A.B. 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

John P. Winters, A.B. 
Mountain Lakes, N. J. 

Philip L. Xindaris. A.B. 
Peabody, Mass. 

J. Worth Younts, A.B. 
Trinity, N. C. 


Physical Education 

Rodney Briggs, A.B.T. 
Fayetteville. N. C. 

Patricia M. Coffey. A.B.T. 
Devon, Pa. 

Susan J. Cosman, A.B.T. 
Albany, N. Y. 


fine E. Cruit, A.B.T. 
Aberdeen, Md. 

Rik Danburg, A.B.T. 
Gainesville. Fla. 

William O. F ark as, A.B.T. 
Westfield, N. J. 

Dorcas E. Feimster, A.B.T. 
Hamptonville, N. C. 


Thomas R. Grace, A.B.T. 
Cheshire, Conn. 

Ronald E. Homey, A.B.T. 
Julian, N. C. 

Wayne T. Hall, A.B.T. 
Statesville, N. C. 

Carol L. Isaacs, A.B.T. 
Lincoln, Del. 

Sara K. Hanes. A.B.T. 
Linwood, N.C. 

Eugene S. Littles, A.B.T 
Washington, D.C. 

Katharine L. Hayden, A.B.T 
Bethesda, Md. 

Edward F. Pryor, A.B.T. 
Hendersonville, N. C. 

Richard L. Sink, A.B.T. 
Lexington, N. C. 

Burton F. Steflen, Jr., A.B.T. 
Bethesda. Md. 

Jerry W. Stevens, A.B.T. 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Stephen C. Tatgenhorst, A.B.T. 
High Point, N. C. 

John H. Thomas, A.B.T. 
Winston-Salem, N.C. 

Steve M. Wall, A.B.T. 
High Point, N.C. 



William D. Cox, A.B 
Richmond, Va. 

Donna L. Kirk, A.B. 

Cheverly. Md. 

Joanne G. Maddux, A. 
Asheboro. N.C. 

Jonathan H. Mann, A.B. 
Jamestown, N.C. 

Barbara A. Mize, A.B. 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Henry Pe/frey, Jr., A. 
Clermont, Fla. 

Herbert T. Penry, III, A.B. 
Lexington, N.C. 

Frances J. Winney, A.B. 
Jacksonville, Fla. 




Martha J. Hadley, A.B. 
Asheboro, N. C. 

N. Carol Huff, A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 

P. Scott Owen, Jr., A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 

Russell W. Sink, A.B. 
Lexington, N. C. 

Doris M. Whitt, A.B. 
Roxboro, N.C. 


Phyllis P. Crater, A.B. 
High Point, N.C. 

Elaine Hamrick, A.B. 
Shelby. N.C. 

Sheila E. Campbell. A.B. 
Spindale, N.C. 

Jeanette S. Edwards, A.B. 
High Point, N.C. 

Joseph M. Hoover, A.B. 
Wynnewood, Pa. 

Dagnia Cirulis, A.B. 
High Point, N.C. 

Lynda B. Corn, A.B. 
High Point, N.C. 


M, Linda Huff, A.B. 
High Point, N.C. 

Judy E. Kievning, A.B. 
Livingston, N.J. 

Ellen E. Law, A.B. 
Charlotte, N.C. 


Cynthia A. Lockhart-Mummery, A. 
McLean, Va. 

Janet L. Masten, A.B. 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 

James D. Moore, A.B. 
Asheboro, N.C. 

S. Susan Steed, A.B. 
Warrenton, N.C. 

Judy L. Parker, A.B. 
Aurora, Col. 

Linda J. Tucker, A.B. 
Burlington, N .C. 

Kenneth W. Weatherman, A.B. 
Lewisville, N .C. 

Linda Carol Williamson, A.B. 
Raeford, N.C. 

Martha K. Matthews, A.B. 
Severna Park, Md. 

Jenniffer C. Sale, A.B. 
Ronda, N.C. 

Lucinda E. Wood, A.B. 
High Point, N.C. 


Margaret B. Leary, A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 



Judi W. Ramsey, A . 
Gastonia, N. C. 

Martin D. Rayle, A.B.T. 
Greensboro, N. C. 

A. Jane Wagner, A.B.T. 
Lexington, N. C. 

Prise ilia M. Brant, A.B. 
High Point, N. C. 

David Reed, A.B. 
Winston-Salem, IM. C. 

Lynn Donington, A.B.T. 
Chatham, N. J. 

Charles C. Rock, Jr., A.B. 
Virginia Beach, Va. 

Phyllis D. Haddock, A.B. 
Starke, Fla. 

W. Carol Scheufele, A.B.T. 
Arlington, Va. 

Lawrence A. Jordan, A.B. 
Trinity, N. C. 

Elaine M. Seigle, A.B. 
Alexandria, Va. 


Human Relations 

Raymond D. Alderson, B.S. 
High Point. N. C. 

Richard L. Capek, B.S. 
Bethesda, Md. 


John D. Comet, B.S. 
Orlando, Fla. 

Dave E. Disborough. B.S. 
Wilmington, Del. 


Sam G. Hardister, III. B.S. 
Clemmons, N. C. 

Virginia E. McDonough, B.S. 
Augusta. Ga. 

Frances J. Matthews, B.S. 
Severna Park, Md. 

John J. Stilwell, III, B.S. 
LaPlata, Md. 



John D. Ammons, B.S. 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Britt Armfield, B.S. 
High Point. N. C. 

David B. Bishop, B.S. 
Oxford, Md. 

Phillip Black, B.S. 
High Point, N.C. 

Detra A. Blackburn, B.S. 
Mt. Airy, N. C. 

Katherine C. Bland, B.S. 

High Point. N. C. 

Raymond W. Bloss'e, B.S. 
Marlow Heights, Md. 

Larry H. Boyles, B.S. 
Mt. Airy, N. C. 

Steven E. Breckheimer, B.S. 
Fairport, N. Y. 


Jimmy R. Brown, B.S. 
Westfield, N.C. 

James W. Carpenter, B.S. 
Lexington, N. C. 

Larry G. Clapp, B.S. 
Liberty. N.C. 

Richard A. Collins, B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 

Thomas J. Crouch, B.S. 
North East, Md. 

James H. Davis, Jr., B.S. 
Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 

Jeanne Davis, B.S. 
Galax, Va. 

Laird M. Freeman, B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 

Walter A. Cragg, Jr., B.S. 
Connelly Springs. N.C. 

Thomas M. Graves, Jr., B.S. 
Waynesboro, Va. 

Robert W. Guyer, B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 

William L. Harding, B.S. 
Wilmington, Del. 

Barbara L. Haywood, B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 


Tommy H. Holmes, B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 

Jeffrey W. Irwin, B.S. 
Wilmington, Del. 

Stephen R. Lawson, B.S. 
Hickory, N. C. 

Robert T. Myers, B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 

Jerry W. Needham, B.S. 
High Point. N. C. 

Danny Z. Nelson, B.S. 
Madison, N. C. 

Virgil C. Reid, B.S. 
Candor, N. C. 


Donald R. Saunders, B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 

Kenneth E. Martin, B.S. 
Wayne, Pa. 

Bruce A. Parisi, B.S. 
Glen Rock, N. J. 

Kenneth D. Smith, B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 

Charles H. Stirewalt, Jr., B.S. 
Old Fort, N. C. 

Jorge I. T raver ia, B.S. 
Jacksonville, Fla. 


Thomas J. Waldron, B.S. 
Allentown, N. J. 

John R. Williams. B.S. 
Wyckoff, N. J. 

Thomas M. Warth, B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 

James H. Wilkerson. B.S. 
Milford, Del. 

Larry S. Williard. B.S. 
High Point, N. C. 

Thomas A. Yaun, B.S. 
Linwood, N. J. 

A. Ray Corriher, Jr., A.B. 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 


Harold E. Renfro. A.B. 
Rockville, Md. 


James R. Elk ins, 8.S. 
Durham. N.C. 


L. Pat Gaifney, B.S. 
Randleman. N.C. 

Betty J. Idol. B.S. 
High Point, N.C. 

Margaret A. Kirk man, B.S. 
Greensboro, N.C. 

William J. Lagos, B.S. 
Wheaton. Md. 

James G. Picka, B.S. 
Baltimore, Md. 

G. Darrell Rich, B.S. 
Asheboro, N.C. 

DavidM. Tuxhorn, B.S. 
Springfield, III. 


Charles D. Allen, B.S. 


Shelby, N. C. 

Judith A. Davis, B.S. 


Fayetteville. N. C. 

Robert J. Betterton, B.S. 


Brigantine, N. J. 

F. Howard Day, B.S. 


High Point, N. C. 


Daniel J. Eisert, B.S. 


Louisville, Ky. 

Susan M. Fischer, B.S. 


Bethesda, Md. 

WyattF. Hearp, B.S. 


High Point, N. C. 

Barney P. Peeler, III, B.S. 


High Point, N. C. 

Gerald L. Robbins, B.S. 

General Science 

Milford, Del. 

Johnny C. Lucas, B.S. 
Cocoa, Fla. 


Tom Suddenh, B.S. 

Winston-Salem. N. C. 

Ann Luff, B.S. 


Hackettstown, N. J. 

Buying characterized every class, whether it was purchasing 
books from the bookstore (below), with junior Toni Bigham 
selling to classmate Caryl Beam, or sampling APO doughnuts, 
like junior Jake Smith (right). 

Juniors looked for value as they chose class rings from the samples offered by Josten's (above) or 
stopped to view one of the art exhibits in the foyer of the auditorium (right). 



Although the class ring is the tradi- 
tional symbol of the junior year in col- 
lege, this year's junior class can also be 
symbolized by the word "work." Whether 
they were raising money for the Junior- 
Senior Prom or sacrificing time for stu- 
dies, the juniors were always in action. 

Because of the expense involved in the 
Prom, the class sponsored many money- 
making projects. As March 7th ap- 
proached there were invitations to be 
mailed, decorations to be made, and 
sundry other jobs to be done. 

Academic work for the junior meant a 
deeper involvement in his major field 
resulting in greater interest in the aca- 
demic pursuits on campus. With mis- 
givings behind him, each junior faced his 
senior year and the completion of his 
major confidently. 

Willie Shaw 

Nadine Sadler 

Patty Finks 

Mark Doughten 


Barry Allen 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Thomas G. Ammons 
Kings Mountain, N. C. 

Edel A nderson 
Asheville. N. C. 

Bob Applegate 
Alexandria, Va. 

Janet Auman 
Seagrove. N. C. 

Pat Austin 
Jersey City, N. J. 

Richard Badu 
Ridgewood, N. J. 

Robert Bagwell 
Greenville, S. C. 

Barbara Barnes 
Rutherfordton, N. C. 


Derry Barnhardt 
Walkertown, N. C. 

Freda Barnhardt 
Advance, N. C. 

Justine Barshinger 
Red Lion, Pa. 

Caryl Beam 
Cherryville. N. C. 


Nancy Beamer 
Bassett, Va. 

Alton Beard 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Bill Benlield 
High Point, N. C. 

Nancy Berry man 
Arlington, Va. 

Toni Bigham 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 


Diane Black 
Statesville, l\l. C. 

Beverley Bliven 
Charlotte, I\J. C. 

Cheryl Bodenhamer 
High Point, N. C. 

Mary Sue Bogue 
Fremont, N. C. 

Jenny Bond 

Bob Bonnaffon 

Linda Boswell 

Terry Botts 

Charlie Bowers 

Arnold. Md. 

Falls Church, Va. 

Greensboro, N. C. 

DeLand, Fla. 

High Point, N. C 

Martha Brooks 
Edison, N. J. 

Sharon Shackelford fulfills her duties as a Junior 
Marshal as she checks attendance in an assembly 


Junior Bill Carter receives the ninth-place trophy for the 10,000 meter road 
race in Lexington, Virginia. 

Marie Carawan 
Randleman, N. C. 

Mike Can 
High Point, N. C. 

William H. Carter 
Rockville, Md. 

Pat Cash 
Roanoke. Va. 

George Coppedge 
High Point, N. C. 

Jane Cr an ford 
Asheboro, N.C. 


Tommy Crews 
Kernersville, N. C. 

Ann T. Davis 
Berlin, Md. 

Glenn Denisio 
High Point, N. C. 

Carol Crutch field 
Greensboro. N. C. 

Michael Current 
Hamptonville, N. C. 

Karen Czarny 
Westfield, N. J. 

James Dodson 
Sandy Ridge, N. C. 

Sam Davis 
High Point, N.C. 

Robyn Decker 
Summerfield, N. C. 

Jo Deininger 
Miami, Fla. 

Charles Dennis 
Thomasville, N. C. 

James DeViney 
High Point, N.C. 

Carolyn Dewberry 
Boonton. N. J. 

Ann Davis 
High Point, N. C. 

Mark Dough ten 
High Point. N.C. 

Sid Downey 
High Point. N.C. 

Allen East lack 
Woodbury, N. J. 

Brian Ditzler 
Chevy Chase, Md. 

Joe Ellington 
High Point, N. C. 


Tricia Elliott 
Denton, N. C. 

Paul Gabriel 
Cary. N. C. 

Alan Gouge 
Washington, D. C. 


Dan Ennis 
New Brunswick, N. J. 

Dale Ensor 
Westminster, Md. 

Fred Eshelman 
High Point, N. C. 

John Farmer 
Lumberton, N. C. 

David Fleming 
Butler, Pa. 

Darlene Floyd 
Trinity, N.C. 

Sherry Franz 
Frostproof, Fla. 

Kaye Furr 
Lexington, N. C. 


Bruce Garner 
High Point, N. C. 

John Gates 
Granby, Mass. 

Millie Gibson 
Rockingham, N. C. 

Fred Gold 
Roselle, N. J. 

Ed Grant 

New Carrollton, Md. 

Brenda Greenwood 
Kernersville, N. C. 

Marcia Griffin 
Alexandria, Va. 

Warren Grimes 
Smithfield, N.C. 



Kathy Guy 
Statesville, N. C. 

Bill Hart 
Townsend, Del. 

Judy Harvey 
West Long Branch, N. J. 

Donna Hastings 
Bethel, Del. 


fi/7/ Ware/;/ 
Arlington, Va. 

Lawrence Hecht 
Havre De Grace, Md. 

Early A. Hedgecock, Jr. 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Cynthia Hefner 

Statesville, IN. C. 


Stanley Helser 
Kernersville. N. C. 

Anita Hill 
High Point, N. C. 

Tommy Hill 
Asheboro. N. C. 

Sarah Hodgin 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Wayne Holder 
Pinnacle, N. C. 

Robert Holliday 
Thomasville, N. C. 

David Holton 
Baltimore, Md. 

Tony Townsend, like many HPC students, finds it necessary to spend time 
researching in the basement of the library. 


Ed Howard 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Percy Hundley 
Smithfield, Va. 

L ynne Hurley 
Ellenboro, N. C. 

Carl Johnson 
High Point, N. C. 

Cynthia Johnson 
High Point, N. C. 

Kenneth Johnson 
Warwick, R. I. 

Skip Jones 
High Point, N. C. 

Mary Beth Kain 
Lake Worth, Fla. 

Pat Keaveny 
Fredericksburg, Va. 


Steve Kennedy 
High Point, N. C. 


Bobby Key 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Jane Kimball 
Pfafftown, N. C. 

For a few days in October, one table in the Student Center was surrounded 
by juniors eager to place their order for a class ring with the representative 
from Josten's. 

Linda King 
Little Silver, N. J. 

James Kinney 
High Point, N. C. 

Virginia Lanier 
Lexington, N. C. 

Butch Lipe 
High Point. N. C. 

Bonnie Lott 
Hammonton, N. J. 

Robert Lathan 
Butner, N. C. 

Dave L ittle 
Charlotte. N. C. 

Pamela Klinedinst 
Bethesda, Md. 

Kurt Koontz 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 


Nancy Letter 
Aiken. S. C. 

Faye L ewallen 
High Point, N.C. 

Betty Logan 
Hickory, N.C. 

Ellen Lohse 
Fairfax, Va. 

Carol Lancashire 
Somerset, Mass. 


Barbara L yon 
Bethesda, Md. 

Leon McCaskill 
Seagrove, N.C. 

Kevin McCracken 
Bethesda, Md. 

Joanne McCully 
Silver Spring, Md. 



Joseph McGhee 
High Point, N. C. 

Donald Marshall 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Angie Miller 
Wilmington, N. C. 

Dave Miller 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Kenneth Millman 
Lincoln, Del. 

Carolyn Moses 
Franklin, N. C. 

Judy Ness 
Cockeysville, Md. 


Johnny Mish 
High Point, N. C. 

Robert Mohlmann 
Port Jefferson, N. Y. 

Kay Mooney 
High Point, N. C. 

Kay W. Moran 
Charlotte, N. C. 

Judy Musgrave 
Lexington. N. C. 

Michael Myers 
Winston Salem. N. C. 

Nancy Roy Nash 
Scott AFB. III. 

L inda Neighbors 
High Point, M. C. 

Carolyn Nevitt 
Long Island, N. Y. 

Bob Nickell 
Allison Park, Pa. 

David Ni long 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

4 £ 

Anne Nulsen 
Greensboro, N. C. 


Edna Palmer 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 

Evan Pearson 
Pitman, N. J. 

Tommy Parker 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Martha Payne 
High Point, N.C. 

Junior Barbara Rawley returns to her dorm after 
a morning of classes. 


Betty Peeler 
High Point, N.C. 

Nick Perlozzo 
Cumberland, Md. 

Doug Perry man 
Lexington, N. C. 


David Phillips 
Pinetops, N. C. 

Becky Proehl 
Lynchburg, Va. 

James Pusey 
Avondale, Pa. 

Richard Quinn 
Kernersville, N. C. 

William Ramsey 
Mountainside, N. J. 


Barbara Rawley 
Crisfield, Md. 


A t 10:00 on Mondays, the juniors had several class meetings on the steps of 
Roberts Hall. 

Brenda Reeves 
High Point. N.C. 

Wanda Rich 
High Point. N.C. 

Shirley Rockenbaugh 
Washington, D. C. 

Dale Sakers 
Glen Riddle. Pa. 

Gerald Sanders 
Pageland. S. C. 


Ray Scott 
Asheboro. N. C. 

L orraine Scronce 
Hickory, N. C. 

John Seward 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Ellen Reed 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Susan Rehberg 
Richmond, Va. 

L inda Sanders 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Alice Seymour 
Lanham. Md. 


Sharon Shackelford 
High Point, N. C. 

F red Shaell 
Reading. Pa. 

Willie Shaw 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Bruce Sheaf fer 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Bill Shields 
Pleasant Garden, N. C. 

Joyce Shipley 
Beltsville. Md. 

Tony Sink 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Clayton Skiver 
Kernersville, N. C. 


4iM± ^tvli 

John Smith 
New Carrollton, Md. 

Paula Smith 
District Hgts., Md. 

Stephen Smith 
Woodbury, N. J. 

Tommy Smith 
Kernersville, N. C. 

Anita Smith 
High Point, N. C. 

d A 

Martha Smithey 
N. Wilkesboro, N. C. 

Patricia Southard 
High Point, N. C. 

L eslie Steele 
Wilmington, Del. 

Marilyn Stephenson 
Arlington, Va. 

Donna Stepp 
High Point, N.C. 


L inda Sturm 
Newport News. Va. 

Ellen Teague 
High Point. N.C. 

Linda Tysor 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Roger Stevenson 
Randleman, N. C. 

Kay Stewart 
Apopka, Fla. 

Sparky Stroud 
High Point. N. C. 

▲ .W 

Sherilyn Sullivan 
Lenoir. N.C. 

C. L. Sumpter 
Lenoir, N. C. 

L inda Sykes 
Burlington, N. C. 




w - k ' 

Genie Thomas 
Forest City. N. C. 

Keith Tingle 
Wilmington. Del. 

Tommy Tompkins 
Pompton Plains, N. J. 

Jane Van Anda 
Fairfax. Va. 

Richard von Dreele 
Louisville, Kv. 

Robert Voyles 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Joann Sturm 
Charlotte. N. C. 

Linda Tanner 
Hyattsville. Md. 

Tony Townsend 
Lexington. N. C. 

Hal Walker, Jr. 
Asheboro, N. C. 


John Wall 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Joe Colbert, a junior, portrays the concentration given by all HPC students when faced by the 
inevitable test. 

Carolyn Ward 
McLeansville, N. C. 

Jane Way 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Lay ton Wheeler 
Apex, N. C. 

Wayne Whitehead 
Wilmington, Del. 

Bruce Wilbur 
Falls Church, Va. 


Bob Williams 
Asheboro, N. C. 

David Williams 
Lexington, N. C. 

Nancy Williams 
Thomasville, N, C. 

Roger Wittenberg 
High Point, N. C. 

Wayne Woodell 
High Point, N. C. 

Beth Woods 
Durham, N. C. 

Jayne York 
Ramseur, N. C. 

Barbara Zakos 
High Point, N. C. 

Kathleen Zellmer 
Washington, D. C. 


Sophomores are often found in spontaneous get-togethers, 
whether it's listening to Lynne Williams play the guitar 
(right) or stuffing Phil Norwood in the trash can (below). 

The Woodruff twins, Ron and Don, 
raised money for the cross country trip 
(above). J.C. Sossoman (right) found 
interesting reading in his dorm room. 


Bill Kornegay 

Sally Hill 

Sandy Turner 

Gil Hyatt 


The second year of a student's college life has 
often been referred to as "the sophomore 
slump." However, after viewing the life of an 
HPC sophomore closely, one can easily see that 
he is a very active person. The sophomore does 
the routine things, such as studying for a quiz or 
working on a research project. He also partici- 
pates in the activities of his class. During the 
1968-1969 school year, the sophomores served 
as guides on Parents Day, capped freshmen with 
beanies, and played a major part in orientation. 

One experience which may have meant much 
to a sophomore came when he initially returned 
to the campus in the fall. It was then that he 
realized he was no longer the puzzled freshman, 
but the experienced sophomore who knew the 
type of work ahead of him and what to expect 
of college life. He had found his identity in the 
college world, for he was a member of the class 
of '71. 


Bob McClellan, Wayne Schoenhut, Jim Monaghan and J. C. Sossoman gather in front of the Student Center, a favorite 
meeting place even during cold weather. 

Barbara All red 
Durham, N. C. 
Susan All red 
Concord, N. C. 
Margaret Amberg 
Bethlehem, Pa. 
Suzanne A mold 
Pompano Beach, Fla. 
Marsha A twood 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Sally Auman 
Reidsville. N. C. 
Sheri Auman 
Kensington, Md. 
Gary Austin 
Randleman, N. C. 
David Barker 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Becky Barta 
Annandale, Va. 

Ted Belch 
High Point. N. C. 
Jane Bell 
Fulton, Mo. 
Dick Bennett 
Orlando, Fla. 
Hazel Bennett 
Trinity, N. C. 
Peggy Billhimer 
Bethesda, Md. 

Susan Black well 
High Point, N. C. 
Bill Boleyn 
Falls Church, Va. 
Kathy Boucher 
Lanham, Md. 
Charlotte Bova 
Oceanport, N. J. 
Stephen Bond itch 
Melrose, Mass. 


Laura Bowers 
Newport News, Va. 
Dennis Bowley 
Lanham, Md. 
Jim Bowman 
High Point, N. C. 

Dorothy Brewer 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Frank Brewer 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Mike Brown 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Susan Brown 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Edwin Bryant 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Dave Burrell 
S. Burlington, Vt. 

Greg Burrow 
High Point, N. C. 
Robert Busch 
Takoma Park, Md. 
Thomas Butler 
Jamestown, N. C. 

David Byrd 
High Point, N. C. 
L ynn Campbell 
Garden City, N. Y. 
Mike Carle 
Wilmington, Del. 

Pam Catron 
Springfield, Va. 
Suzanne Chisholm 
Rockingham, N. C. 
Carol Clause 
Greensburg, Ohio 

It's up, up, and away for sophomore Gary 
Kendall as he boosts himself up the flagpole. 


Sue Combs 
Levittown. N. Y. 
Dennis Conner 
Kings Mountain, N. C. 
Nancy Craig 
Siler City, N. C. 
Carol Crater 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Jimmy Crawford 
Pikeville. N. C. 

Rosanne Cunningham 
Wilmington, Delaware 
Gary Cuomo 
Princeton Jet., N. J. 
Carol Currie 
Williamsburg, Va. 
Diane Day 
Livingston, N. J. 
Mary Deck 
Forest City, N. C. 

Kathryn Denver 
Wilmington, Del. 
Maria Dockery 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Linda Doss 
Stuart, Va. 
Benton Dry 
Albemarle, N. C. 

Wendy Duda 
Alexandria, Va. 
Nancy Easterling 
Charlotte, N. C. 

Jane Fitzgerald 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Martha Fogleman 
High Point, N. C. 

Dick Bennett goes through a typical routine for HPC residents 
as he takes his turn at the washing machine. 


Nancy Forshier 
Springfield, Va. 
William Frazier 
Ridgeway, Va. 
George Freeze 
Wenonah, N. J. 
Anne Gatlin 
Asheboro. N. C. 

Mark Gebicke 
Adelphj. Md. 
Judith George 
Long Island, N. Y. 
Beck i Gibbs 
Marion, N. C. 
Patrick Gibson 
High Point, N. C. 

*^i.<^t vfefe fc 




Ellen Grassi 
Little Neck, N. Y. 
Ga/y Greenly 
High Point, N. C. 
tVootfy Griffin 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Berry Frances Griggs 
Portsmouth, Va. 
Ramah Hall 
Jamestown, N. C. 

Karen Hamilton 
Mooresville, N. C. 
Carol Hamlin 
Washington, D. C. 
Frank Hardenstein 
Somerville, N. J. 
Susan Haynes 
Reidsville, N. C. 
Barbara Herman 
Portland, Pa. 

Harriet Hight 
Franklinton, N. C. 
Doris Hill 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Sally Hill 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Linda Hinkleman 
Cary, N. C. 
Gay Hinshaw 
Randleman, N. C. 


Beth Holcomb 
Virginia Beach, Va. 
John Holmes 
Bladensburg, Md. 

Steve Hornberger 
Rockville, Md. 
Gib Norton 
Kernersville, Md. 

Carolyn Humphries 
Alexandria, Va. 
Carlton Hunt 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Steve Hunter 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Daren Hutchison 
Asheville, N. C. 

Gil Hyatt 
La Plata, Md. 
Denise Janer 
Hollis, N. Y. 

Janice Johnson 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Larry Johnson 
Mt. Airy, N. C. 

Working in the Student Personnel Office, sophomore Jana Owen 
has a big job during registration. 


Catherine Jones 
High Point, N. C. 
Russell Jones 
Livingston, N. J. 
Sieve Kadie 
Poolesville, Md. 

Joseph Kaub 
Cheverly, Md. 
Thomas King 
Wilmington, Del. 
Nancy Kirkman 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Gary Koepenick 
Potomac, Md. 
William Kornegay 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Phyllis Laney 
Monroe, N. C. 
Carolyn Leatherman 
Rockville, Md. 
Jim Leng 
Yardley, Pa. 

Mike Lewis 
Baltimore, Md. 
Thomas Lin Ion 
Haddonfield, N. J. 
Larke Loflin 
High Point, N. C. 
Ernest Loman 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Lynda Long 
Forestville, Md. 

Ronald Lort 
Elkton. Md. 
Bob Lowery 
Springfield, Va. 
Lynne Lupton 
Arlington, Va. 
Robert McClellan 
East Hartford. Conn. 
Caroline McCorkle 
Newark, Ohio 

Linda McCrary 
Thomasville, N. C. 
William McFarland 
Hartly, Del. 
Lee McGavm 
Arlington, Va. 
Gail Mabe 
Ridgeway, Va. 
Jane Mailleue 
Sunbury, Pa. 


Mike Manley 
High Point, N. C. 
Dianne Marsh 
Rehoboth Beach, Del. 
Trudy Matheny 
Forest City, N. C. 
Roy Mattocks 
High Point, N. C. 
Lois Mayer 
Newark, Del. 

Sheila Me/ton 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Dennis Miller 
Altoona, Pa. 
David Mitcham 
High Point, N. C. 
James Monoghan 
Manchester, Conn. 
Christy Moore 
Richmond, Va. 

JoAnn Moore 
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 
Kenneth Nail 
Winston-Salem. N. C. 
Phillip Norwood 
High Point, N. C. 
Wanda Ogden 
Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 
Barbara Overman 
Whitakers, N. C. 

Jana Owen 
High Point, N. C. 
Cheri Palermo 
Linden, N. J. 
Nancy Patterson 
Alexandria, Va. 
Melinda Peabody 
Princeton, N. J. 

Mary Petree 
Greensboro, H. C. 
Phyllis Pick el 
Berkeley Hts., N. J 
Paula Pipes 
Alexandria, Va. 
Nancy Powell 
High Point, N, C. 

Alan Prather 
High Point, N. C. 
Rodney Prevail 
High Point, N. C. 
Curtis Ouakenbush 
Graham. N. C. 
Linda Rector 
Winter Park, Fla. 


Linda Reed 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Ed Reid 
Thomasville, N. C. 

Jean Rich 
Asheboro. N. C. 
Wanda Roark 
Martinsville. Va. 

Lois Rogers 
Clifton, N. J. 
Mark R other 
Bethesda, Md. 

Cathy Rushing 
Newport News, Va. 
Sonny Russell 
Thomasville, N. C. 
Bob Samuel 
St. Louis, Mo. 
Terry Scearce 
Reidsville, N. C. 
Barbara Schmidt 
Virginia Beach, Va. 

Wayne Schoenhut 
Seaside Park, N. J. 
Judith Scott 
Falls Church, Va. 
Vicki Seay 

Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Tom Sharp 
High Point, N. C. 
Ruth Shemll 
Wilmington, Del. 

Rick Shumate 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Barbara Smith 
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 
Bryce Smith, Jr. 
Advance. N. C. 
Dave Smith 
Adelphi, Md. 
Donald Smith, Jr. 
Morganton, N. C. 


Linda C. Smith 
Arlington, Va. 
Lindley W. Smith 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Betsy Snead 

Calvin Sossoman III 
Morganton, N. C. 
Davene Stear 
Brooklyn, N. Y. 

David Steves 
Bedford, Mass. 
Ross Strickland 
Northport, N. Y. 
Dale Ella Switzer 
Haddon Heights, N. J. 
Valerie Theise 
Deer Park, N. Y. 
Richard Lee Thomas 
Olney, Md. 

Samuel Turner 

Madison, N. C. 

Pat Twitty 

Pompano Beach, Florida 


Harry Wagner 
High Point, N. C. 
Billy Walton 
Charlotte, N. C. 


Ann Washburn 
Arlington, Va. 
Missy Waters 
Alexandria. Va. 

Kathy Weaver 
Olin. N. C. 
Bill Webb 
Greenbelt, Md. 

Sophomore Lois Rogers gets new linens from the linen truck, 
which comes to the campus once each week for the linen 


While studying the clam, sophomore Dale Wolfe receives individual instruction from Dr. Weeks. 

Rosiland Welborn 
High Point. N. C. 
Charles Wharton 
Ruffin, N.C. 
Danny White 
Hickory, N. C. 
Nancy White 
High Point, N. C. 
Donni Williams 
Cheverly, Md. 



Lynne Williams 
Atlanta, Ga. 
Paul Wilner 
Allentown. Pa. 
Dale Wolfe 
Washington, D. C. 
Donald Woodruff 
Blackwood, N. J. 

Ronald Woodruff 
Blackwood, N. J. 
Gayle Woodward 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Roberta Yates 
Linthicum, Md. 
Angela Young 
High Point, N. C. 


Freshmen emerged from the auditorium after the capping ceremony (below) 
with copies of the HPC Alma Mater and a new sense of class unity. This 
class unity inspired successful class projects, such as the "car bash" in front 
of Woman's Hall (right). 

Wiley Garrett 

John Koven 

Nancy Garth 

Wendy Neff 



Orientation for HPC freshmen had a 
new twist this year. For the first time, a 
summer orientation program was held. 
On four successive June weekends, 
groups of freshmen came for testing and 
introductory parties. The program, 
termed a success, prepared freshmen for 
the formal orientation period, Septem- 
ber 1-5. 

The freshmen struggled through 
beanie capping, a tug-of-war victory, 
Greek rush, and parties. As money- 
making activities, the Freshman Class 
sponsored a car bash in December and a 
sandwich and cake sale during exams. 
The freshmen's abstract ideas about HPC 
came into focus quickly. 

June meant the new summer orientation program. One of the new 
freshmen (left) apprehensively awaits his guide to a dormitory room. 
September meant the old beanie capping ceremony. One of the new 
HPC coeds (above) shows that this ceremony is still as exciting as ever. 


Jerie Adair 
Alexandria, Va. 
Charles F. Allan 
Greensboro, N. C. 
David L. Allgood 
Mebane. N. C. 
John S. All red 
Albemarle, N. C. 
Henry C. Anthony 
Greensboro, N. C. 

Linda C. Armstrong 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Linda Bagby 
Annandale. Va. 
Dave Baird 
Hillsborough, N. C 
Beverly Baker 
Westminster, Md. 
Barbara Ballenger 
Ashland. Va. 

Evelyn Barlow 
Lenoir, N. C. 
Thomas Barrows 
Beltsville, Md. 
James G. Beaulieu 
East Hartford, Conn. 
Kenneth Beck 
Whippany. N. J. 
Nancy Bedle 
Matawan, N. J. 

Glenna Bellinger 
Hyattsville, Md. 
Carl Bimbo 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Sharon Blackburn 
Jonesville, N. C. 
Phillip D. Bonkmeyer 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Pamela Bosworth 
Livingston, N. J. 

Larry Breeden 
Arlington, Va. 
Harold Briggs 
High Point, N. C. 
Shirley Brown 
Kernersville, N. C. 
Helen Howard Browning 
Charlotte. N. C. 
Gary Burton 
High Point, N. C. 

Nate Cagle 
Wilmington, Del. 
Diane Carden 
Durham, N. C. 
Bill Car/in 
Mt. Lakes, N. J. 
Susan Cash 
Morganton, N. C. 
Jerry Cash well 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 



Henry A. Chandler 
Fork Union, Va. 
Debbie L. Chappell 
Charlotte. N. C. 
Alice J. Child 
Hyattsville, Md. 
Calvin Cobb, Jr. 
Millville, N. J. 
William Cola vi to 
Long Island. N. Y. 

Cheryl Combs 
High Point, N. C. 
Bill Connelly 
Pittsburgh. Pa 
Nancy Cox 
Chatham, N. J. 
James Currie 
McLean, Va. 
Gary Davis 
Sophia, N. C. 

Lomane Davis 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Sheldon P. Dawson 
Salisbury, Md. 
Jane Dayvault 
Charlotte, N. C. 
Carolyn E. Dean 
Cambridge, Md. 
Bruce W. Deans 
Virginia Beach, Va. 

Elizabeth Dechman 
Macon, Ga. 
Susan DeViney 
High Point. N. C. 
Leslie Ann Dickerson 
Fairfax, Del. 
Charles Dietrich 
College Park, Md. 
Bill Donald 
High Point, N. C. 



We Pn 



This blackboard, placed at the front of Roberts Hall, greeted the freshmen as they arrived for their summer 
orientation in June. 


Nancy Donaldson 
Westfield, N. J. 
Martha Donington 
Chatham, N. J. 
Michael Dorsett 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Neely Dowall 
Ocean City, N. J. 
Susan Durr 
Westfield, N. J. 

Nancy Lee Dyer 
Ho-Ho-Kus, N. J. 
Barbara Earle 
Bethesda, Md. 
David J. Eichlin 
Flemington, N. J. 
Clifton Eisele 
Cheverly, Md. 
Pam Elliott 
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 

Roberts. Enter 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Jane Evans 
High Point. N. C. 
Patricia Ezzell 
Kernersville, N. C. 
Charles Pagan 
LaPlata, Md. 
Vicki Ferris 
Chatham, N. J. 

Peggy Fillastre 
Lakeland, Fla. 
Cyndy Foster 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Debbie Freeman 
High Point, N. C. 
Kenneth Scott Furman 
Rockville, Md. 
Jerry Garmon 
Matthews, N. C. 


Beverly Garrett 
Travelers Rest, S. C. 

Wiley Garrett 
Indian Trail, N.C. 

Peggy Billhimer (right) proceeds to direct the freshmen toward the dormitory during 
the new HPC summer orientation. 


Barbara Qheen 
Leesburg. Va. 
Robert W. Gilliland 
Arlington, Va. 
Daphne Glasgow 
Cheverly. Md. 
Jane Goodwin 
Landover Hills, Md. 
Nancy Grah 
Livingston, N. J. 

Steve Gregory 
Morganton. N. C. 
Edward F. Grune 
Takoma Park, Md. 
Karen Hallberg 
Claymont, Del. 
Linda Hamlin 
State Road, N. C. 
Janet Hampton 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

Patricia Harness 
Raleigh, N. C. 
Gary Harting 
Wilmington, Del. 
Richard Hartshorn 
New Egypt, N. J. 
Jimmy Hasty 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Stephen Haught 
Hyattsville. Md. 

Richard Hawkins 
Roanoke Rapids, N. C. 
Charlene Hedrick 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Larry C. Hedrick 
High Point, N. C. 
William Hegland 
Bowie, Md. 
Jan Henry 
Glen Rock, N. J. 

Steve Herman 
Emporia, Va. 
Joe Higdon 
LaPlata, Md. 

Alexis Hinkle 
Welcome, N, C. 
Dwight Hood 
Landover Estates, Md. 

There are many times that the freshman does not seem to 
know exactly what to do! 


Cynthia Horn 
Wilmington, Del. 
Anna Jessup 
Mount Airy. N. C. 
Betty K. Johnson 
High Point, N. C. 
John Johnston 
Beltsville, Md. 
Bob Joiner 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Allie E. Jones 
Orlando. Fla. 
Dianne M. Jones 
Sheppard AFB, Texas 
Joyce Jowdy 
Danbury, Conn. 
Frank Bert Kaufman, Jr. 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Gregory Kaylor 
Finksburg. Md. 

William Kearns 
Badin, N. C. 
Karen Keeton 
Princeton Jet., N. J. 
Barbara Keiter 
Arlington. Va. 
Peggy Kinnally 
Meadowbrook, Pa. 
John Kirkman 
High Point, N. C. 

Kristin Koolage 
Arnold, Md. 
John ft Koven 
Noblesville. Ind. 
Pam Laferty 
Woodbury Heights, N. J. 
Kee Kee Lang 
Atlanta, Ga. 
Jim Latsios 
Arlington, Va. 

Vicky Leake 
Arlington, Va. 
Becky Lee 
Salem, Va. 
Wanda Gail Leigh 
Kings Mountain, N. C. 
Donald LeMar 
High Point, N. C. 
Bill Leslie 
Morganton, N. C. 

Jane Libby 
Burtonsville, Md. 
Carol L igon 
Sandy Spring, Md. 
Hazel L inn 
Fayetteville, N. C. 
Patricia Lissendon 
Ridgewood, N. J. 
Dorothy Lovell 
Ridgewood, N. J, 


Freshmen registration is an early introduc- 
tion to a quality needed by every HPC 

George McColley 
Wilmington, Del. 

Nancy McCray 
Charlotte. N. C. 
Robert McDaniel 
Round Hill. Va. 
Pat McDowell 
High Point, N. C. 
Susan McGeogh 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Robert McKinney 
Forest City, N. C. 

Earl Mackintosh 
Bethesda, Md. 
Patricia Maier 
Newton, N. J. 
Judith Malany 
Cincinnati, Ohio 
Charles Mann 
Jamestown, N. C. 
Kenneth Mehrting 
Silver Spring, Md. 

Harry Melrose 
Baltimore, Md. 
James R. Miller 
Livingston, N. J. 
Richard Monaco 
Seaford. Del. 
Beverly Moon 
High Point, N. C. 
Ellen Moore 
Freeport, N. Y. 

B. J. Morrow 
Jacksonville, Fla. 
Jay Moseley 
Elkin, N. C. 
Michaela Mudre 
Arlington, Va. 
Kathie Mull 
Morganton, N. C. 
Anne Navarro 
Towson, Md. 


Wendy Nell 
Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. 
Patsy Newman 
High Point, N. C. 
Michael E. Nitong 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Terry Oldaker 
Oriental, N. C. 
Mary Oldershaw 
Hampton, Va. 

Jerry O'Neil 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Janet Overgaard 
Springfield, Va. 
Joel Payne 
High Point, N. C. 
Ralph Peck 
Bethesda, Md. 
Gaylon Peel 
High Point, N. C. 

Stewart Penn 
Perth Amboy, N. J. 
Lydia Penry 
Lexington, N. C. 
Barbara Phillips 
Lexington, N. C. 
Jimmy Pierce 
Rock Hill, S. C. 
John T. Pizzadili 
Felton, Del. 

David Poole 
Mt. Airy, N. C. 
Nancy E. Powell 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Jean Powell 
Wilmington, Del. 
Douglas Price 
Cambridge, Md. 
Bent z Puryear 
Arlington, Va. 

Terry Raw ley 
Crisfield, Md. 
Michael Ray 
Ho-Ho-Kus. N. J. 
Darlene Real 
Kensington, Md. 
Dawn Reynolds 
Durham, N. C. 
Ronald Rich 
High Point, N. C. 

Chet Riches 
Wilmington, Del. 
Mary E. Riecks 
Tantallon, Md. 
Colleen Ripley 
Silver Spring, Md. 
Linda Robey 
Arlington, Va. 
Ann Robinson 
Oxon Hill, Md. 

A. Jfc 


By administering personality tests, the guidance department seeks to help the freshman adjust to HPC. 

Susan Robinson 
Wilmington, Del. 
Pat Rowland 
High Point, N. C. 
Bonnie Schrader 
Livingston, N. J. 
Sandra Schroeder 
Westfield, N. J. 
Monica Schwegel 
Millville, N. J. 

Gmny Scoggins 
Charlotte. N. C. 
Pam Sec h rest 
High Point, N. C. 
Norman Seidel 
Essex, Md. 
Stephanie Seney 
Baltimore, Md. 
Mary Anne Shaw 
Westfield, N. J. 

Linda Shipe 

Potomac. Md. 

Kenneth M. Shook 

Baltimore. Md. 

Felton C. Shows. Jr. 
High Point, N. C. 
Valeria Ann Shumake 
Stokesdale, N. C. 
Thomas Siciliano 
Asbury Park. N. J. 


Carole Simmons 
Pilot Mountain, N. C. 
Anne Slaughter 
Greensboro. N. C. 
Christine Smalley 
Pittsfield, Mass. 
Blaine Smith 
Baltimore. Md. 
Joyce Smith 
Trenton, N. J. 

Kathy Smith 
Colfax, N. C. 
Martha Smith 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Mike Smith 
Salisbury, Md. 
Mary Smithson 
Annapolis, Md. 
Charles Southard 
High Point, N. C. 

Juanita Spoon 
Burlington, N. C. 
William T. Stanton 
Asheboro. N. C. 
Judith Ann Steer 
Altavista, Va. 
Linda Susan Stemple 
Pennington, N. J. 
Dianne Stewart 
Raleigh, N. C. 

Kathleen Stillman 
Alexandria, Va. 
Oliver Stinchcomb 
McDaniel, Md. 
Noelle Street 
Bethesda, Md. 
Donna Snaim 
Kernersville, N. C. 
Jane E. Swanson 
Villanova, Pa. 

A freshman's arrival on the HPC campus often involves his entire family. 


Jimmy Taylor 
Gastonia, N. C. 
Katherme E. Taylor 
Boardman, Ohio 
Jan Temple ton 
Suitland, Md. 
Sheryl Thompson 
Annapolis, Md. 
William Todd III 
San Antonio. Texas 

Doug Tracey 
Arlington, Va. 
Carlton Trogdon 
Asheboro, N. C. 
Tom Trotter 
Columbus, Ga. 
Winne Tull 
Falls Church, Va. 
Maynard Kiah Tuthill 
Madison, N. J. 

Ginery Twichell 
Linwood, N. J. 
Joan Vanderwerker 
Tenafly. N. J. 
Tanya Vick 
Rocky Mount, N. C. 
Charles Vogel 
Whippany, N. J. 
Iva Walker 
Hillsborough, N. C. 

Linda Wall 
Arlington, Va. 
Cathy Wallace 
Stokesdale. N. C. 
Jean Wenk 
Alexandria, Va. 
Phyllis Weyraugh 
Alexandria, Va. 
Duane Wheeler 
Waterville, Maine 

Dianne Whitt 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Barbara Wiedenman 
Wayne, Pa. 
Jimmy Williams 
Morganton, N. C. 
Lynne Williams 
Alexandria, Va. 
Joe Wilson 
Vienna, Va. 

Anna Winslow 
Greensboro, N. C. 
Ann Wood 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 
Barbara York 
High Point. N. C. 
Portia York 
Asheboro, N. C. 
John Young 
Reidsville, N. C. 



Zenith 1969 values the support of its advertisers and 
realizes the important role they play in the publication 
of the High Point College yearbook each year. We hope 
the HPC students will thank them through their 


A group of HPC students are greeted by January puddles as they 
arrive for classes at Haworth Hall. 

The side exit of Memorial Auditorium receives its share of 
freshman traffic as the beanie capping ceremony ends and students 
linger to talk to each other. 


&t gb Potn t 

Col I ege 
floofr $t ore 










During the hectic registration, one lucky student 
found a quiet working place in the Student 
Personnel Office. 


Box 1 129 


Thomasville, N.C. 



Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back 

101 S. Wrenn Street 
High Point, N.C. 

Sears in downtown High Point has 
over 500 parking places for your 
shopping convenience. We can give 
you up to date service for your car 
and fill your wardrobe with all the 
latest styles and colors. Come in soon 
and just say "Charge it" on your 
Sears Revolving Charge. 

Phone 885-4051 for 
All Your Everyday Needs 



The Thomasville Dodge Boys 



Dormitory walls (left) usually get plastered with assorted pictures and signs whether 
the occupants are enthusiasts of cars, golf, or liquid refreshment. 


1901 N. Main Street 
High Point, N.C. 


■./ - • SSwffift 

ilv \m -i am ■ 

The sunshine during the early part of the first semester lures 
HPC students to relaxation on the Student Center steps 
(above), while the frozen face of the second semester winter 
days (left) limits students to more indoor entertainment. 




Since 1906 


A. W. Klemme, Jr., President 
High Point, N. C. 

Compliments of 


Headquarters for 
the College Students 

Over and above the great things at HPC, every student remembers those awful tests. The 
students above are shown taking their first test in Math 101. 


Course list and registration card in hand, freshman Bev Garrett 
makes last minute changes in her second semester schedule. 

A necessary component of the campus, sewer pipes contrast 
the pleasant atmosphere of the daffodil beds. 



Sizzling steaks start the semester off sumptuously at the introductory picnics of the various campus organizations. 


to the 

CLASS OF 1969 


High Point, North Carolina 





High Point, 

North Carolina 

Compliments of 


The Theta Chis go to the huddle 
in an intramural football game 
against the Delta Sigs. 


Compliments of 


"Car of the Year" 

408 National Highway 

Thomasville, North Carolina 


121 National Highway 
Thomasville, North Carolina 

The ordeal of finger-pricking is one of the worst 
parts of the Bloodmobile's visit to the campus. 

Arriving on the HPC campus means temporary 
good-byes to family. 

Several students put up the mail each morning in the 
campus post office. 



Dealership with the Personal Touch 



Main Street 
High Point. N.C. 


for Finer Impressions 


Established 1923 

Compliments of 


Thomasville, North Carolina 

Entertainers, such as the Saxons, performed during week-long 
Coffeehouses on the HPC campus. 

Entertainment comes in various forms, whether it 
is the home team watching their fellow Panthers 
from the dugout (left) or a captivated audience 
listening to Robin Woodhams sing one of her 
original folk-gospel songs (above). 


Charlie Rock (left) places high in the broad jump for the HPC 
track team. A seemingly never-ending line of cars I below) lines 
the back of Roberts Hall on the campus's work-filled weekdays. 


501 National Highway 

Thomasville, N. C. 
"Where Friends Meet" 

Compliments of 


2500 North Main Street 
High Point, N.C. 

Students were checked thoroughly before being 
allowed to give blood to the Bloodmobile. 


Athletic prowess is demonstrated in intramural 
football games (right! and in varsity basketball 
as Gene Littles receives the trophy as Most 
Valuable Player (below). 


Compliments of 


Route 10, Jones Road 
Winston-Salem, N. C. 

A. C. Miller 
Owner and Operator 

Phone 788-9008 


Established I905 


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 

The Student Center's TV (above left) is always available 
for student enjoyment. Black caps and gowns (above right) 
suggest the solemnity of graduation. 



Serving This Community Since I897 

1301 East Lexington Ave. 
Telephone 882-2555 

414 S. Main Street 
Telephone 885-2145 

Member by Invitation 

Compliments of 


High Point, North Carolina 

Compliments of 


902 N. Main Street 
High Point, North Carolina 

Coast to Coast 

Phone 882-3210 


"Home of Low Prices" 
211 N. Main St. 

High Point, N. C. 


"See Us in the Sheraton Hotel" 
High Point, North Carolina 


1807 N. Main 

'Finest Pizza & Spaghetti in High Point" 
House of Good Food 


207 N. Main St. 
High Point, N. C. 

Phone 882-6718 

Many college students read other printed material besides 
homework assignments. 

HPC students renew old friendships as they 
return to school from their summer vacation. 


Compliments of 


Spring brings baseball action to the High Point College campus. 

Quality Flowers 
Professional Service 


4018 S. Main Street, High Point 
Phone 431-2121 


247 South Main Street 
1530 North Main Street 
1310 North Centennial 


Montlieu and Southgate 

Students won various prizes during the 
Merchants' Association's High Point 
College Day. 



302 North Wrenn St. 
High Point, North Carolina 

Compliments of 



Shoes for the entire family 


"Seven Barbers to serve you." 


A student continues on her way 
toward the library. 


126 South Main Street 
Style Clothes for the College Man 


North Main 
at Rockspring 


der Shed 

This notice reminded juniors to go and pick out their class 




North Carolina National Bank 

Have you 

been in 

Lester's lately? 


High Point, N. C. 



"Your Chevy Service Center" 

1800 North Main Street 

Chevrolet - Chevy II - Corvair — Corvette 

Bill Webb puts forth all his effort in the 
high jump. 


The proof and sales personnel from Olan Mills 
talked with the majority of HPC students when 
they visited the campus in October. 

Compliments of 


of High Point 

Compliments of 


Your Dealer for Dodge Cars and Trucks 
Since 1926 


701-709 S. Main St. 

High Point, N. C. 27261 

Telephone 888-5031 




"For the Groovy Co-ed' 


High Point College Students Welcome 
Phone 883-9810 

A freshman bows down as he receives his beanie from 
a sophomore class officer. 


General Index 

Academic Affairs 26 

Advertising 224-241 

Alpha Delta Theta 66,67 

Alpha Gamma Delta 50,51 

Alpha Phi Gamma 101 

Alpha Phi Omega 68,69 

Apogee' 145 

Assemblies 34,35 

Baseball 80,81 

Basketball 74-79 

Biology Department 87 

Board of Trustees 24 

Business Affairs 29 

Business Department 88 

Cheerleaders 73 

Choir 46,47 

Circle 135 

Circle K 144 

Co-ed Dormitory 124,125 

Coffeehouses 32 

Conclusion 258-261 

Cross Country 70,71 

Day Students 128,129,154 

Delta Sigma Phi 52,53 

Education and Psychology Department 89 

English Department 90 

Fall Weekend 32 

Fellowship Teams 136,137 

Fine Arts Department 91 

Forensics 43 

Freshman Class 212-223 

Golden Decade 22,23 

Golf 82 

Hi-Po 146,147 

History Department 92 

Homecoming 36—39 

Honors Program 86 

Humanics Student Association 139 

Humanic Relations Program 86 

Inter-Fraternity Council 48 

Introduction 2—13 

Judiciary Council 153 

Junior Class 184-199 

Junior Marshals 100 

Kappa Delta 54,55 

Kappa Delta Pi 101 

Lambda Chi 56,57 

Legislature 152 

Mathematics Department 93 

Men's Dormitory Council 155 

Modern Foreign Language Department 94 

New Horizons 86 

Order of Lighted Lamp 103 

Panhellenic 49 

Pantherettes 72 

Phi Mu 58,59 

Physical Education Department 95 

Physical Education Majors Club 142,143 

Physical Science Department 96 

Pi Kappa Alpha 60,61 

President of the College 25 

Productions 42-45 

Public Affairs 28 

Religion Department 97 

Religious Life 132-137 

Scholastic Honor Society 102 

Seasons on Campus 20,2 1 

Senior Class 158-183 

Society for Advancement of Management 140 

Sociology Department 98 

Sophomore Class 200-21 1 

Student Affairs 27 

Student Christian Association 134 

Student Directory 244-257 

Student Government Association 150 

Student Life 108-131 

Student National Education Association 141 

Student Union 151 

Tennis 83 

Theta Chi 64,65 

Track 84,85 

Who's Who 104,105 

Women's Athletic Association 138 

Women's Dormitory Council 156,157 

Zenith 148,149 

Zeta Tau Alpha 62,63 

Ackerman. David G 
6308 Blackwood Road 
Beihetda, Md 

Adair. Jene 

8508 Crowley Place 

Alexandria. Va 

Albertson. Tom B. 
High Point. N. C 

Adams. D Lawrence 
176 Broad Streei 
Manchester. Conn 

Alderson. Raymond D 
600 Runyon Drive 
High Point, N C 

Allan, Charles F 
3925 Kipling Drive 
Greensboro. N C 

Allen. Barry 

620 Kenneth Road 

Greensboro. N C 

Allen. Ben Wade 
306 Tate Street 
Greensboro. N C 

Allen. Charles D 
Route 1, Box 2 
Shelby, N C 

Allgood. David L 
Route 1. Box 67 
Mebane. N C 

Allison. James B 
P O BOx 235 
Waldorf. Md 

Al/red. Barbara 
1307 Leon Street 
Durham, N. C 

Ai/red. John S. 
Route 3, Box 524 
Albemarle. N C 

Allred. Susan A 
119 Cedar Drive 
Concord. N C 

Amberg. Margaret 
825 Hawthorne Road 
Bethlehem. Pa. 

Ammons, John D 
Children's Home 
Winston-Salem. N C 

Ammons, Thomas G 
203 North Sims Street 
Kings Mountain. N C 

Amos. Fred Bernhardt 
210 C Chestnut Street 
High Point, N. C 

Anderson, David Harold 
Route 2 
Greensboro. N C 

Anderson. Edel Knstme 
30 Adams Hill Road 
Asheviile, N. C 

Anthony, Henry C 
1017 Lexington Avenue 
Greensboro. N C 

Apple. Manlynne 
2814 Masonic Drive 
Greensboro. N C 

App/egate. Robert E 
3504 Halcyon Orwe 
Alexandria, va 

Armlield. Brut 
221 Hillcrest Drive 
High Point. N C 

Armstrong. Linda C 
1230 8rockton Lane 
Charlotte. N C. 


Arnold, Suzanne 
2)21 N E 24th Street 
Pompano Beach. F la 

Attmger. Frank S. 
2836 Belair Drive 
Bowie. Md 

Atwood Marsha Diane 
730Nattonal Highway 
Thomasville. N C 

Auman. Brenda Sue 
Route l.Box 249 
Sophia. N C 

Auman. Janet 
P O Box 144 
Seagrove, N C 

Auman. Sally Reid 

101 N Franklin Street 
Re.dsv.lle. N C 

Auman. Shen Doreen 
6106 Flanders Avenue 
Kensington. Md 

Austin. Brenda J 
P O Box 65 
Great Fails, Va 

Austin. Gary 
310Sunsei Drive 
Randleman. N C 

Austin, Patrick 
2 Jones St . Apt 8 
Jersey City. N J 

Badu. Richard P 
429 Albm Court 
Ridgewood. N J 

Bagby. Linda 

6501 Pmecrest Court 

Annandale. Va. 

Bagwell. Robert H 
6 Thomas Street 
Greenville. S C. 

Band. Dave 
Rt 1 
H.iisborough, N C 

Baity, Raymond A 
Rt 6. Bo- 335 
Greensboro. N C 

Baker. Beverly 

102 Bond St 
Westminster, Md 

Baker. Sharon L 
7424 Bennington Dr 
KnoxviHe, Tenn 

Ballenger. Barbara 
Bo- 731 
Ashland. Va 

Barker. David 
P O Box 384 
Thomasville. N C 

Barlow. Evelyn 
Rt 1. Box 412 A 
Lenoir. N C 

Barnes. Barbara 
1 1 1 Maple St 
Rulherf jrdton, N C 

Barnhardt. Derry 
Rt 1 
Waikertown. N C 

Barnhardt. Freda 
Rt 2. Box 316 
Advance. N C 

Barrows, Thomas 
4130Sellman Rd 
Beitsviiie, Md. 

Barshmger, Justine 
212 S Frankhn St 
Red Lion. Pa 

Students walk away from the auditorium with prizes from 
various High Point businesses. This traditional give-away brings 
the students closer to the community. 

Bans. Becky L 
3912 Oak h.ii Dr 
Annandale. Va 

Beam, Caryl 
408 FarnsDr 
Cherryville. N C 

Beamer. Nancy 

Rt 4. Ridgewood Rd 

Bassett. Va 

Beard. Alton Ray 
Box 993 
Winston-Salem. N C 

Beasiey. Jane Page 
823 Arbordaie Or 
High Point. N C 

Beauchamp. Connie F. 
Mernweather Estates. Rt 5 
Winston-Salem, N C 

Beauheu. James G 
14 Woodiawn Circle 
East Hartlord, Conn 

Beaver, Patricia Lee 
612 Nebraska St 
Spmdale, N C 

Beck. Evelyn Jessup 
404 Rtdgecrest Dr 
High Point. N C 

Beck. Kenneth 
17 Ertman Or 
Wh.ppany, N. i 

Beck. Lynda 
Lewisville. N C 

Bedle. Nancy 
212 Main Si. 

Matawan. N J 

Belch, Ted 

Rt 2, Box 347-6 Point. N. C. 



Bell. Jane 
834 Court St 
Fulton, Mo 

Bellinger, Glenna 
6004 35th Ave 
Hyatisviiie, Md 

Ben field. Bill 

102 E Peachtree Or 

High Point, N. C. 

Bennett. Hazel Frances 
Rt I.Box 145 
Trinity. N. C. 

Bennett. Judith H 
2318 K. Harney Dr 
Greensboro, N C 

Bennett, Richard 
1225 Vassar St 
Orlando, Fia 

Benson. Stephen Bruce 
6021 Thames Way 
Orlando, Fia. 

Berryman. Nancy 
4701 N Oitimar Rd. 
Arlington. Va 

Betterton. Robert J. 
334 37th St 
Brigantme, N J 

Biddle. Carol A. 
149 Exeter Rd 
Massapequa. N Y. 

Bigham. Tom 
1010 Shea Court 
Winston-Salem, N C 

Bigham, Hugh Elliott 
High Po.nt, N. C. 

Billhimer, Peggy S. 
8811 Beiiwood Rd. 
8ethesda, Md. 


Bimbo, Carl 
923 Walton Ct. 
Asheboro. N. C. 

Buhop, David B 
Morns St. 

Oxford. Md. 

Black, Diane 
816Henkel Rd. 
Statesville. N C 

Black. Phillip 
High Point, N. C. 

Blackburn. Deira A. 
1381 Gwynwood Or 
Mt Airy. N.C 

Blackburn. Sharon 
Rt. 1, Box 28 
Jonesville, N.C. 

Black well. Susan 
507 Decatur St. 
High Point. N C 

Bland, Kathetme C. 
1209 McCam Place 
High Point. N. C. 

Bland. Nancy Louise 
6341 Knob H.ll Of 
Virginia Beach. Va 

Bhven. Beverley 
7321 Watercrest Rd 
Charlotte. N. C. 

Bloom. John C 
Hall Acre Rd 
Cranbury, N. J 

Blosse. Raymond W 
2325 Kirbv Or 
Marlow Heights, Md 

Bodenhamer. Cheryl 
409 Richardson St 
High Point. N C. 

Boleyn. Bill 
3122 V.newoodPi 
Falls Church. Va 

Bogue. Mary Sue 
P O Box 2 
Fremont. N C 

Bolhnger. Ann B 
726 6 Maple St 
Annville, Pa 

Bond, Jenny 
Rt 2. Box 426 
Arnold, Md 

Bonkemeyer. Phillip D 
2101 N FayettevilleSt 
Asheboro. N C 

Bonnaf/on. Robert A 
3505 Duff Or. 
falls Church, Va. 

Boswell. L mda F. 
2220 Oak M,ll Or 
Greensboro. N C. 

Bosworth, Pamela 
8 Longview Rd 
Livingston. N J 

Bolts. Terry 
P.O. Box 1416 
Oeland. Fla 

Boucher. Karhy 
7308 Riverdale Rd 
Lanham, Md 

Bova. Charlotte S. 
349Port-au-Peck Ave 
Oceanport, N J 

Bowditch. Stephen 
51 Maple Rd. 
Melrose. Mass 

Bowers. Laura J 
610 Randolph Rd 
Newport News. Va 

Sowers, Charlie 
2611 8GuyerSt 
Htgh Point. N. C 

Bowley. Dennis 
8911 2nd St. 
Lanham, Md. 

Bowman, B. Gray 
614 Bridge St. 
High Point. N C. 

Bowman. Betty K 
1019 Riverside Blvd 
LumbeMon, N. C. 

Bowman. Jim 
405 Janice Ave 
High Pomt. N C 

Boyd. Bulord 
1205 Johnson St. 
High Point, N C 

Boyd. Richard H. 
19561 Scotland Or 
Saratoga. Caltl 

Boyles. Carolyn S 

Box 655 

Pilot Mountain. N C 

Boyles. Larry H 
1362 Gwynwood 0< 
Mt Any. N C 

Braica. L mda J 
High Point. N C 

Brant. Pntcitt* M 

1019 8arbee Ave 
High Point. N. C 

Bratt. Meredith C 
3315 Emory Church Rd 
Oiney. Md. 

Braun. Richard L., Jr 
308-8 Lindsay St 
High Point, N. C. 

Breckheimer. Steven E. 
184 W Church St 
Fairpon, N. Y. 

Breeden Lawrence A. 
2028 N Vermont St 
Arlington, Va. 

Breneman. Demse Anne 
5681 Sanger Ave 
Alexandria. Va 

Brewer. Delores 
Rt 1, Box 154 
Eagle Springs. N C 

Brewer. Dorothy 
12545 Two Farm Or 
Silver Spring, Md 

Brewer, frank 
P. O Box 203 
Thomasville. N C 

Bnggs. Harold 
Rt 1, Box 593 
High Pomt, N C 

Briggs. Rodney 
1931 Paladin Or 
Faveiteville. n C 

Britt. Carolyn P 
1033 Habersham Or 
Charlotte. N. C. 

Brooks. Martha G 
73 Eden Ave. 
Edison. N J 

Brooks. Mary 
P. O. Box 117 
Midland. N C 

Broos. Jell 
Rt 2 
Lexington, N C. 

Brown. Jimmy R 
Rt 2, Box 199 
WesHieid, N. C 

Brown. Mary Frances 
Rt l.Box 214 
Jonesville, N C 

Brown. Mike 
1126 Cliff Rd 

Asheboro, N. C. 

Brown. Shirley 
Rt 3. Box 247 
Kernersville. N C 

Brown. Skip 
305 N Cedar Rd 
Fairfield. Conn 

B'Own, Susan 

1020 Wimbledon Or 
Charlotte. N C 

Browne, Ray S. 
7 Hillcrest Or 
Lexington, N C 

Browning. Helen H. 
911 Coiville Rd 
Charlotte, N C 

Brundige, Jan 
1 16 Penny Rd 
High Point. N C 

Bryan. Tim 

P O Box 4136N Station 

Winston Salem, N C 

Bryant. £dwm 
908 Umiy St 
Thomasville. N C 

Bulla, Kenneth 
1032 E College Or 
High Pomt, N C 

Bullm. Beverly 
1419 Chatham Or 
High Point, N C 

Burchette, Robert W 
308 RochardsonSi 
High Point, N C 

Burnett. Abram D 
1822 Arlington Rd 
Roanoke. Va 

Burrell, Dave 
21 Proctor Ave 
So Burlington, Vl 

Burrow. Greg 

1620 West Lexington Ave 

High Point, N C. 

Burton. Gary 
1702 Eugene Ave 
High Pomt, N C. 

Busch. Robert O 
8508 Flower Ave 
Takoma Park. Md 

Butler. Thomas 
Oakdale Rd 
Jamesiown, N C 

Byerly. Janie Prances 
208 Spring Dr 
Thomasville. N. C. 

Byrd. J David 
2506 Lowe Ave 
High Pomt, N C. 

Cagle. Nate 

2631 E Riding Or 

Wilmington, Del 

Calhoun. Daniel Moms 
Box 269 
Kernersville. N C. 

Callaway. Tim 

Rt. 4 

Mt. A.ry. N C. 

Calvert. Richard G. 
900 N LarrimoreSt 
Arlington, Va 

Campbell. Lynn 
104 Meadow St 
Garden C.ty, N. Y 

Campbell. Sheila E 
412 Maryland Si 
Spmdale. N C 

Capek. R,chard L. 
9509 Lmdale Or 
Bethesda, Md 

Caputo. Irene F 
105Claybrook Or 
Silver Spring. Md 

Carawan, Mane 
Rt l.Box 194-2B 
Randieman. N C 

Garden. Diane 
Durham, N C 

Carle. Mike 
2610Bittersweei Or 
Wilmington. Oel 

Carlm. Bill 
35 Pollard Rd 
Mi Lakes, N J 

Carpenter. Clay Tom 
Rt. 2 
Norwood. N C 

One freshman seems quite distressed during the ceremony of 
beanie capping. The sophomore cfass officers laugh at the 
possibility of a "beanie/ess" freshman. 


Carpenter. Jim 
205 Copley St 
Lexington, N. C 

Car/. Mike 
1105 Johnson St 
H.ghPoini. N. C 

Cirler. William H 
Day Road 
Rockville. Md. 

Cm*, Linda K 
Rt I.Bon 231 
McLeansvtiie, N. C 

CmA, Pat 

1434 Wellsley St., N.W 

Roanoke. Va 

Cash, Susan 
227 Riverside Dr 
Morganton, IM C 

Cathwell, Jerry 
628 Waltrude Lane 
Winston Salem, N C 

Catron. Psm 

8207 Langbrook Rd 

Springfield, Va. 

Chandler. Henry A 
Geneoi Oehvery 
Fork Union, Va 

Chappell. Debbie L 
320 Tuckaseegce Rd 
Charloiie. N. C. 

Chetk, Ma* R 
337 € Dorset! Si 
Asheboro. N. C 

Chernsult, John P 
512Gatewood Ave 
High Point. N C 

Child. Alice J. 
6702 Forest Hill D< 
Hyaltsville, Md 

Chisholm, Suzanne 
1421 Cumberland D' 
Rockingham. N C 

Chisman. Leilani L 
9 Pine Lane 
Hampton, Va 

Chorpi'inng. Glenn £ 
7314 Aulumnvale Or 
Orlando. Fla 

Cirul'S, Oagma 
1315 FlondaSi 
High Point. N C 

Clapp. Larry C 
Rt 3 
Liberty. N C 

C'app. Margaret M Rd 
High Pomt. N C 

Clause, Carol 
Box 63 

Greensburg. Ohio 

Cobb. Calvin 
603 N 9th St 
Millville. N J 

Coffey, Patricia M 

315 Forrest Hills Circle 

Devon. Pa 

Colavito. William 
68 5th St 

Garden City, N Y 

Colbert, James C 
2316 Ainger Place, S E 
Washington. D C 

Collins. David R 
1633A Rotary Or 

High Point, N C 

Collins, Richard A 
l012Shcrrod Ave 
High Point. N C 

Combs. Allison Sue 
190 Elm Place 
Leviltown. N Y 

Combs. Cheryl 
202 C Sunset Or 

High Point, N C 

Connelly. Bill 
43 Riverview Ave 
Pittsburgh, Pa 

Conner, Dennis 
703 W King Si 
Kings Mountain. N C. 

The side of the auditorium leads the eye to the station wagon parked on the Mil/is Half sidewalk. 

Conrad. Clarence R. 
Rt I.Box 162 
Lexington. N. C. 

Cooke, Lesley Welch 
486 Hampton Ave 
Long Branch, N J. 

Cooley, John W. 
1166 Limekiln Pike 
Ambler. Pa 

Cooper, Linda Gail 
Box 4 
Colfax, N. C 

Cooper, Lmda Tart 
617 W Lexington 
High Point. N. C. 

Cooper, Martha Catherine 
1218 Oelk Or 
High Point, N C 

Coppedge. George AN. 
705 A Chandler Ave 
High Point. N C 

Corn. L ynda 8 
1519 Oelk Or 
High Point, N C 

Cornehson. Richjrd W 
1703B W Rotary Or 
High Point. N C. 

Cornet. John D 

1 134 Guernsey Ave 

Orlando, Fla 

Cornher. A Ray 

Rt l, JamesSt, Apt 16 

Winston Salem. N C 

Cosman. Susan J. 
22 Belvidere Ave 
Albany, N Y 

Coston, James C 
2604 Bedford Ave 
Raleigh. N. C 

Co*, Nancy 
26 Myrtle Ave 
Chatham, N J 

Co*. Wilham D. 
9518 Proctors Rd. 
Richmond. Va 
Craig. Nancy 
Rt 4. Box 274-A 
Siier Cny.N C. 

Cranford. Jane 
936'/, S Park St 
Asheboro. N C 

Cranlord. Virginia Evans 
Rt 3, 257-B 
Thomasville, N C 

Crater, Carol 

Rt 4. Fraternity Church Rd 
Winston-Salem, N C 

Crater, Phyllis P. 
615 0akview Rd 
High Point. N C. 

Crater, Stephen Grey 
605 0akview Rd 
High Point. N C 

Crawford. Jimmy 
P O Box 38 
P.keville. N. C 

Crews. Tommy Galen 

Rt 5. Box 1 

Kernersville. N C 

Crouch. Thomas J 
614 S Main St 
North East, Md 

Crowder. Lmda Margaret 
3901 9 Cedar Hill Rd 
Little Rock. Ark 

Crun. Catherine E 
8ox 457 
Aberdeen, Md 

Crutchlield. Calvm 
124 Wrenn Ave. 
Mount Airy. N C 

Crutchfield. Carol 
Rt 9. Box 469 
Greensboro. N C 

Cunningham, Rosanne 
1625 N Franklin St 
Wilmington, Del 


Cuomo, Gary P. 
Princeton Jet . N J 

Curling John Joseph 
11311 Orleans Way 
Kensington. Md 

Current. Michael 
Rt 2 
Hamptonville, N C 

Cume. Carol 
500 B 8ypass Rd. 
Williamsburg. Va 

Cume. James 
6533 Ivy Hill Dr 
McLean, Va 

Ciamy. Karen 

904 Pennsylvania Ave 

Weslfield. N J 

Dalrymple, Terry 
450 Blairmore Or 
Charlotte. N. C 

Dal ton. David Lee 
2826 Westndge Rd 
W.nston-Salem. N C 

Danburg. ftik 

212 SW 43rd Terrace 

Gainesville, Fla 

Day is. Ann 
P O Box 296 
Berlin. Md. 

500 Greenwood Or 
High Pomi. N C 

Davis. Carol 
Box 688 
Carthage, N C 

Davis. Elmer 
212Chesnut St 
Lexington, N C 

Davis. Lomane 
Rt 5, Bailey Rd 
Winston Salem, N C 

Davis. Gail Paige 
Valleybrook Or 
Jamestown. N C 

Davis. Gary 
Rt 1 
Soph.a. N C 

Davis. James H. 
2741 N E. 57 Ct 
Ft Lauderdale. Fla 

Davis. Jeanne 
Rt 4. Box 19VA 
Galax, Va 

Davis. Jimmy 
Rt 8. Box 100A 
Lexington. N C. 

Davis. Judith Anne 
206Pmecrest Or 
Fayettev.iie, N. C 

Davis. Sam 

535 Gatewood Ave 

High Pomt. N. C 

Dawson. Sheldon P. 
1307 Taney Ave 
Salisbury, Md 

Day. Diane 
20Taconic Rd 
Livingston. N J 

Day. F Howard 
Rt 4. Box 336 A 

High Point, N. C. 

Dayvault, Jane 
3612 Trent St. 
Charlotte, N C. 

Dean. Carolyn E. 
303 Mill St. 
Cambridge. Md 

Deans. Bruce W. 
745 Victor Rd 
Virg.n.a Beach. Va. 

Dechman. Elizabeth 
3800 Wynnwood Dr. 
Macon, Georgia 

Deck. Mary 
Rt 3. Box 69 
Forest City. N. C. 

Decker. Robyn 
Rt 2 
Summerlield, N C 

Oemmger, Jo 
2001 N.W 26St 
Miami, Fla 

Oemsio. Glenn C 
3520 Tanyard Rd 
High Point. N C 

Dennis. Charles 
Rt 2, Box 342 
Thomasville, N C 

Denver. Kathryn L 

205 Florence Ave McDaniel Hgts 

W.lmingion. Del 

Oi-Vmvy. James J 
1901 McGu.nnSi 
High Po.nt, N. C. 

DeVmey. Susan 
1901 McGuinn Ave 
High Point, N C 

Dewberry. Carolyn 
137 Knoll Rd 
Boonton. N J. 

Dickerson, Leslie Ann 
1803 Bybrook Rd 
Fairfax, Del 

Dietrich. Charles 
4616 Guilford Rd 
College Park. Md 

Disborough. Dave £ 
603 Ashford Rd 
Wilmington, Del 

Oit/ler. Brian 
8035 Glendale Rd 
Chevy Chase, Md 

Docker y. Mart a 
1314 Peace Haven Rd 
WmstonSaiem, N C 

Doc/son. James 

Ri 1. Delta Church Rd 

Sandy Ridge, N C 

Donald. Bill 
815 Hillcrest Dr 
High Point. N C 

Donaldson. Nancy 
404 Hamson Ave 
westdeid, N J. 

Donmgton. Lynn 
183 Watchung Ave 
Chatham, N J 

Donmgton. Martha 
183 Watchung Ave 
Chatham. N J 

Donovan. Robert V 
14122 Arctic Ave 
Rockv.lle. Md 

Dorsetr. Michael Olan 
Rt 7. 8ox 23 
Asheboro, N C 

Doss, Linda 

Box 536. Glenwood Terrace 

Stuart. Va 

Doughten. Mark 
740-8 English Rd 
High Point. N C 

Do wall. Neely 
820 4th St 
Ocean City. N J 

Downey. J. Sidney 
1860Cedrow Dr 
High Point. N C 

Dremnger. Grace L. 
3200 Crestview Or 
High Point. N C 

Onscoll, John F 
82 Adams St 
Somerset, Mass 

Dry. Benton H 
613 Brown Ave 
Albemarle. N C 

Duda. Wendy 
400Skyhill Rd 
Alexandria. Va. 

Duncan, Beverly Joe 
223 Westwood Ave 
Thomasville, N C 

Duncan. Joy E 
Rt l.Box 157 
Concord. N C 

Duncan. Nancy 
505 Audubon Dr 
Greensboro, N C 

Durr. Susan 

900 Pennsylvania Ave 

Westtield. N J 

Dyer. Nancy Lee 
250 Shend3n Ave 
Ho Ho Kus, N J 

Bakes. Charles F 
5654 Eighth St , North 
Arlington. Va 

Earl,; Barbara 
5812 Conway Rd 
Bethesda. Md 

Easterhng. Nancy 
2217 Easiway Dr 
Charlotte, N C 

Eastlack. Allen C 
73 N Woodland Ave 
Woodbury. N J 

Eaves. Nancy G 
5l0Sherb'OOk Dr 
High Point. N. C. 

Eddmger. Harold W 
814 Unity Si 
Thomasville, N C 

Edwards, Gilbert H 
1820 Raleigh Rd 
Asheboro. N C. 

Edwards. Jeanette S. 
1110 Barbee Ave 
High Pomt, N C 

Eichlm. David J 
Rt 5. Box 596 
Flemington. N. J 

Eisele, Chiton 
3000 T.emont Ave 
Cheverly, Md. 

Eisert. Daniel J 
6802 Fegenbush Ln 
Louisville. Ky 

Elkms. James ft 
2208 Pershing St. 
Durham, N. C. 

Ellington, Joe 
904 Putnam St. N C 

Elliott. Cam 

2440 NE 27thTerr 

Ft Lauderdale. Fla 

Elliott. Steve Warren 
1005 Gray land Si 
Greensboro. N C 

Elliott. Tncia 
Rt 3 
Denton, N C 

Embler. Betty M 
1402 Duyer St 
High Po.nt. N C 

Emory. Violet A 
422 Whippoorwill Dr 
Greensboro. N C 

Enms. Dan 
College Farm Rd 
New Brunswick, N J 

Ensor. Dale 
267 W Main St 
Westminster. Md 

Enter. Robert S 
401 Northwest Or 
Silver Sprmg. Md 

Eshelman. FredN 

714 Quaker Lane Pomt. N C 

Evans. Jane 
706 O'Neill St 
High Pomi. N C 

Evans, L ynne Harrison 

715 E Guilford St 
Thomasville. N C 

Everhart. Ann D 
Rt l.Box 236 
Thomasville. N C 

Eizell. Patricia Yvonne 
Rt 5. Box 68 
Kernersville. N C 

Fagan. Charles 
Starr Rl 3 
LaPiata. Md 

Fagg. William Samuel 
501 Rockspring Rd 
High Point. N C. 

Theta Chi Fraternity sponsored one of the coffeehouses during 
the Dickens' week-long campus visit. 


F agge. C Larry 
103McConnell Ave 
Eden, N C 

Farkas. William O. 
2403 Whittier Ave 
Westlieid. N J 

Farlow. Joel W. 
1111 CanerSt. 
High Pomi. N. C. 

Farmer. John A. 
509 E 18th St 
Lumberton. N C 

Feimster. Dorcas €. 
Rt 1 
Hamptonvtlle. N C 

Ferris. Vicky 

304 Southern Blvd 

Chatham, N J 

Fidiet. William A 
211 E Walnut Si 
Cieona, Pa 

Fielden. Martha C. 
1607 Timberhne Rd 
Silver Spring, Md 

Fillaure. Peggy 
2416 Cambridge Ave 
Lakeland, Fia 

Fmks. Patricia A 
428 W High St 
Woodstock. Va 

Fischer. Susan M 
9205 Villa Of 
Bethesda. Md 

Fisher. Reynold Alan 
28 N Cedar Ave 
Maple Shade, N J 

Fitzgerald. Jane 
4818 Herdwicke Rd 
Charlotte, N C 

Fnugeraid. Leonard C 
1909 Fhnt H.n Rd 
Silver Spring, Md 

Fleming. David G 
316 Roosevelt 8ivd 
Butler. Pa 

Floyd. Darlene 
Rt 2 
Trinity, N C 

Flynt. Ftoyce Max 
IIS Morgan Rd 
WtnstonSalem. N C 

Fogleman. Martha Sawyer 
404 A Steele Si. 
High Point. N C. 

Foils. Richard Wayne 
22 Windsor Rd., N Hills 
Wilmington. Del 

Forshier. Nancy H 
6711 RuskmSt 
Springfield. Va 

Foster. Ondy 
2001 Downing St 
Greensboro. N C 

Foster. Judy C. 

1607 N. Centennial Ave 

High Point. N. C 

Fowlkes. Susan D 
224 SW IlihCt 
Pompano Beach, Fia 

Franz, Sherry 
355 "f" St 
Frostproof. Fia 

Franer. Kenneth A. 
201 Crestwood Circle 
High Pomi. N C 

Franer. William G. 
Rt I, Mitchell Rd 
Ridgeway. Va 

Freeman. Debbie 
310 Louise Ave 
High Point. N C 

Freeman, Laird M. 
310 Louise Ave 
High Point, N. C 

Freeze. George 
6W Willow St. 
Wenonah. N J 

A different view of Roberts Hall is seen from the girls' dorm. 

Froystad, Martm 0. 

223 Massachusetts Si 

Westheid, N J 

Fryer. Douglas P 
28 Pm Oak Terrace 
Hagerstown. Md 

Furman. Kenneth Scott 
4412 Norbeck Rd 
Rockville. Md. 

Furr. Kaye 
Rt 3 
Lexington, N C 

Gabnei. Paul 

313 W Cornwall Rd 

Cary. N C 

Gattney, Pat 
Rt 3. Box 527 
Randleman, N C 

Gansman. Wm Bernard 
1402 Forrest St 
High Point. N. C. 

Garmon. Jerry 

224 Garmon Or 
Matthews, N C 

Garmon. Jesse Wayne 
Rt 1. Box 699 
Colfax. N C 

Garner. Judith H 
Rt 3. 8ox 102 

LaPiata. Md 

Gamer. Wm. Bruce 
3119 Bentbrook Dr 
High Point. N C 

Garrett. Beverly 

Box 187 

Travelers Rest, S C 

Garrett. Wiley 
Rt 1 

Indian Trail. N C 

Gates. John C 
1 Sherwood Dr 
Granby, Mass 

Gatlm. Anne 
1747 Brook Or 
Asheboro. N. C 

GebiCke. Mark Edward 
2831 Powder Mill Rd. 
Adelphi. Md 

Gekas. Speros Pete 
214Montheu Ave 
High Point. N C. 

George. Judith 
96 Grand Blvd. 
Massapequa Park. N. Y. 

Gheen. Barbara 
General Delivery 
Leesburg. Va 

Gibbs. Beck i 
625 State St 
Marion, N C 

Gibson. Millie 
Rockingham, N C 

Gibson. Patrick 
2100 Alpine Dr 
High Point. N C 

Gilliland. Robert W 
4912 N 28th St 
Arlington. Va 

Glasgow. Daphne 
2816 64th Ave. 
Cheverly. Md 

Godfrey. Richard Byron 
1215 Kensington Or 
High Point. N C. 

Gold. Fred 
430 E 5th Ave. 
Roseiie. N J 

Golil. Charles Anthony 
1450 Wagoaman Circle 
McLean, Va. 



Goodwin. Mary Jane 
3827 Fourth Ave 
Landover Hills. Md 

Gouge. Alan 
2452 Tuniaw Rd 
Washington. C 

Grace. Thomas Redding 
101 Fernwood Lane 
Cheshire, Conn 

Gragg, Waller A. 
Rt 1,8ox 5 
Connelly Springs, N C 

Grah. Nancy 
18 Arden Rd. 
Livingston. N J 

Grant. Ed P 
5703 83rd Place 
NewCarrollion. Md 

Grassi, Ellen 

250-38 Thornhill Ave 

Little Neck. N. V 

Graves. Thomas 
flt 2 
Waynesboro, Va 

Greenly. Gary 
1017 Monti ieu Ave 
High Point. N C 

Greenwood. Brenda Kaye 
Rt 3 

Kernersville, N C 

Greenwood, Linda 
Rt 3 
Kernersville. N C 

Gregory, Steve 

211 Waifcer Si 
Morganton. N C 

Gri/lm, M. n, i,i 
8507 Crossley Place 
Alexandria, Va. 

Gnllin, Woody 
801 Kemp Rd W 
Greensboro. N C 

Gril/ith. David w.ison 
1107 Madison Ave 
High Point, N C 

Gngg. Karen Melton 
1539 NW Blvd 
Winston Salem, N C 

Griggs, Betty f ranees 
4625 Haywood Or 
Portsmouth. Va 

Grimes, Warren 
112 Johnston St 
Smithlield. N C 

Grune. Edward F 
81 10 Hammond Ave 
Takoma Park, Md 

Guiton. Alice P 
Rt 4. Bo. 38 
Whiteville. N C 

Guy. Kathy Ann 
354 N Bost St 
Siatesville, N C 

Guyer. Robert W 
1402 Eastchester Or 
High Point, N C 

Haddock. Phylhs 0. 
Rt 2. Box 93A 2 
Starke. Fla 

Hadley. Martha J 
126 Ridgecrest Rd 
Asheboro, N C 

Hall. Mary/o 
Rt 1. Box 348 
Bahama, N C 

Hall. Ramah 
514 Forestdaie Or 
Jamestown. N C 

Hall. Wayne T 
Rt 4, Box 370 
Statesv.iie. N C 

Hallberg. Karen 
717 Oarley Rd 
Claumont. Del 
Hamilton. Karen 
218 N Academy St 
Mooresviile. N C 

Hamlin. Carol 
6406 Oahlonega Rd 
Washington. O C 

Hamlin. Linda 
Rl 1. Box 205 
Slate Road. N C 

Hammond, Trudy Hill 
2512 E HiaitSt 
Greensboro. N C 

Hampton. Janet 
107 Anna Or 
Winston-Salem, N C 

Hamnck. Elaine 
Rl 8 
Shelby. N C 

Hanes. Sara K 

Rt 1 
Lmwood, N C 

Harbm. Melton Timothy 
1236 Maxwell St 
Salisbury. N C 

Hardenstem. frank 
3 Beechwood Rd 
Somcrville. N J 

Hardmg, William L. 

208 Country Club Or Woodbrook 

Wilmington, Del 

Hatdister. Sam Gray 
Rt 1 

Clemmons. N C 

Hardy. Cynthia L 
209 River D> 
Southport, N C 

Harness. Patricia 
737 St George Rd 
Raleigh. N C 

Hatratl, Maty Harrington 
Presbyterian Home, N C 

HafflS, James Carmon 
Box 524 

Thomasville. N C 

Harrison. Stephen R 
Rt 4, Box 342 
Thomasville, N C 

Hart. Bill 

Box 262 

Townsend, Del 

Hartmg. Gary 
2619 0ecpwoodOr 
Wilmington. Del 

Hartshorn. Richard 
85 Jacobstown Rd 
New Egypt, N J 

Harvey, Judy 
31 Hilltop Rd 
West Long Branch. N J 

Hastings. Donna 
Main St 
Bethel. Del 

Hasty. Jimmy 
422 N Elm St 
Asheboro, N C 

Hatchl. William A 
4417 1st St S 
Arlington. Va 

Haught. Stephen 
4112Ciagett Rd 
Hyattsville. Md 

Hawkins. Richard 
Rt 1, Box 266 
Roanoke Rapids. N C 

Hayden. Katharine L. 
6004 London Lane 
Bethesda 14. Md 

Haynes. Susan 
1837 Pennrose Or 
Reidsville. N C 

Haywood. Barbara L 
713 Lindsay St 
High Point. N C 

Hayworth, Jamta M. 
Rt 2 Box 186 
High Point. N C 

Hearp. Wyatt F. 
1014 Grant St 
High Point. N C. 

Hecht, Lawrence E. 
1006S Adams St 
Havre De Grace. Md 

Hednck. Charlene 
1999 Georgia Ave 
WmstonSalem. N C 

Hednck. Larry C 
414 Walnut St 
High Point, N C 

Hedgecock. Early Arthur 
Rt 6 
WmstonSalem. N C 

Helner. Cynthia Kaye 
628 W End Ave. 
Statesville. N C 

Heg/and. William 
12605 Kemwood Ln 
Bowie. Md 

Heiser. Stanley A 
607 S Main St. 
Kernersville. N C 

Hemphill. Shirley E 
5537 Set ton Ave 
Jacksonville, Fla 

Henry, Jan 

230 Pinelynn Rd 

Glen Rock. N J 

Hepler. Roger D. 
308 Rolling Rd 
High Pomi. N C 

Herman. Barbara 
Box 374 
Portland °i 

Herman Sieve 
Rt 3. Box 79B 
Emporia. Va 

Hethenngton, Gail L 
Rt 1. Box 180 
Hampton. N J 

Hiatt. Johnny M. 
211 N Cedar St 
Greensboro. N C 

Hickey. Donald Palr. c k 
2608 N Underwood St 
Arlington, Va 

Hicks. Steven Lynn 
5005 Hilltop Rd 
Greensboro. N C 

Higdon. Joe 

801 Washington Ave 

LaPlata, Md 

Hight. Harriet 
112 Cheatham St 
Franklinton. N C 

Hill. Amta 

1007 W College Or 
High Pomt. N C 

Hill. Oons 

609 Randolph St 

Thomasville. N C 

Hill. Sally 
1526 L.lac Rd 
Charlotte. N C. 

Hill. Tommy 

1318 Northside Terrace 

Asheboro. N C 

Hmkle. Alex.s 
Box 276 
Welcome. N C 

Hmkleman. Linda 
304 Board. M Dr 
Cary. N C 

Hmsnaw, Gay 
Rt 3, Box 537 A 
Randleman. N C 

Hodgm. Sarah A 
1745 Raleigh Rd 
Asheboro. N C 

Hodock. Betty Sue 
505 Valley Rd .Exi 
Charlottesville. Va 

Holbrook. Marian Dailey 

1008 Barbee Ave 
High Point. N C 

Holcomb. Beth 
4428 Paul Jones Lane 
Virginia Beach, va 

Holcombe. Nancy L 
Rt 4. Box 408 
Statesville, N C 

Holder. Fred Wayne 
Rt 1 
Pinnacle, N C 

Hoihday. Robert H 
Box 156 
Thomasville. N C 

Hollingsworth. Karen N 
306 W Center St 
Lexington, N. C 

Holmes. John 
5206 Upshur St 
Biadensburg. Md 

Holmes. Tommy Hanell 
1403E Chester Or 
High Point, N C 

Holton. David 

543 WoodWn Terrace 

Baltimore. Md 

Hood. Owight 
Landover Estates. Md 

Hoover. Joseph M 
525 Parkview Dr 
Wynnewood, Pa 



Horn. Cynthia 
1231 Evergreen R<J 

Wilmington. Del 

Homberger, Stephen G 
403 Twinbrook Pkwv 
Rockville. Mel 

Homey. Ronald £ 
Rt 1 
Julian. N C 

Motion. Gib 
Kernersville. N C 

Houck. Tom 
240 6 New Dr. 
vvmston Salem, n C 

Howard. Ed E. 

1620W 1st St Wedgewood 

Winston Salem. N C 

Howard. John Frank 
Rl 3 
Kernersville. N C 

Hubbard. Beverly 
1217 Brookdale Ave 
High Pomt. N C 

Hubbard. Keren Ann 
11? Frances Dr 
Asheboro. N. C 

Hull. M Unda 
127Eastchester Dr 
High Point. N C 

Hull. N. Carol 
1816E.tstchester Dr 

High Point. N C 

Huffman. Lynda A 
818 Quaker Lane 
High Point. N C 

Hughes. Marilyn 

Bo* 334 

Whispering Pines. N. C. 

Hulm. Nancy Cashall 
Rt 2 
Tr.n.iv. N C 

Humphnei. Carolyn 
2710 Hemlock Ave 
Alexandria. Va 

Humphries. Susan Leigh 
508 8 Wakel.eidDr 
Charlotte, N C 

Hundley. Percy 
1102 S Church St 
Smnhlield. Va 

Hunt. Ca'llon 
Rt 8. Box 347A 
Greensboro. N C 

Hunter. Njncy Lynne 
lOSChetwood Terrace 
f anwood. N J 

Hunter, Sieve 
Rt 9 
Winston-Salem, N C 

Hurley. Lynn 
Rt 2 
Ellenboro. N C 

Hulchens. James Floyd 
1 169 Johnsontown Rd 
Thomasville. N C 

Hutchison. Daren 
1 16 Longv.ew Rd 
Asheville. N.C. 

Hyait. Gil 
LaPiata. Md 

Idol. Betty Jean 
3706 Mulberry Lane 
High Point. N C 

l/ames. Steve M 
2817 Westchester Or 
High Pomt. N C 

Irwin. Jeffrey W 
1 1 Maryland Ave 
Wilmington. Del 

Isaacs. Carol L 
Rt 1. Box 319 
Lincoln, Oel 

Jackson. Susan Clan* 
1019 Faun Rd GraviynCi 
Wilmington. Del 

When Congressman L. Richardson Preyer was campaigning at HPC, the campus was distinguished 
by the presence of CBS news correspondent Roger Mudd (left). 

Jaiier. Denise 

8736 Marengo Si 
Mollis, N Y. 

Jensen. Ralph Frederick 
6166 LeesburgPk . Apt C51S 
Falls Church, Va 

Jessup. Anna 
Rt 2. 8ox 304A 
Mount Airy, N C 

Johns. Cheryl Elyse 
117 Plantation Cn E 
Hillsborough, Fla 

Johnson. Betty K 
High Point. N C 

Johnson. Carl 
2310 Lowe Ave 
High Pomt, N C 

Johnson, Cynthia 
1401 E F arris Ave 
High Point, N C. 

Johnson. Janice 
Rt 7. Box 194G 
Greensboro, N C 

Johnson. Kenneth P 
140 Leigh Si 
Warwick, R I 

Johnson. Larry 
Mount Airy. M C 

Johnston. John 
11608 Cedar Lane 
Beltsville. Md 

Joiner. Bob 

1351 3 Partridge Or 

Silver Spnng. Md 

Jolly. Patricia A 
Rt 2. Box 94-A 
Elkm. N C 

Jones. Alhe £ 

3904 S SummerlinSt 

Orlando, Fla 

Jones. Catherine 
2203 E Green Dr 
High Point. N C 

Jones. Dunne M 
120B Jupiter Dr 
Sheppard AFB. Texas 

Jones. Johnny Edward 
1 200 Wedgewood Dr 
Winston-Salem. N C 

Jones. Lawrence Cooper 
206 W Philadelphia Ave 
Salisbury, Md 

Jones. Norma Odell 
118 Ashland St 
High Pomt. N C 

Jones. Rae Stroman 
18>0O<ikview Rd 
High Pomt. N C 

Jones. Russell 
21 Carlisle Dr 
Livingston. N J 

Jones. Sk,p 
U09Guyer St 
High Point. N C 

Jordan. L 

Rt 1 
Trinity. N C 

Jurney. McKmley Van 
Harmony. N C 

Jowdy. Joyce 

A Overlook Terrace 

Danbury, Conn 

Kadie. Sieve 
Reddick Rd 
Poolesville. Md 

Kam. Mary Belli 
1730N "D'St 
Lake Worth. Fla 

Kan. Joyce Snow 
801 Enderby Dr 
Alexandria. Va 

Kaub, Joseph G 
6341 Landover Rd 
Chtvtrly, Md 

Kaulman. Frank Bert 
315 Valleybrook Dr 
Silver Spring, Md 

Kaylor. Gregory 
Rt 2. Box 281 
Fmksburg. Md 

Kearns. William 
Badm. N. C 

Keaveny. Pal 
1313 Hanover St 
Fredericksburg. Va 

Keeler. Philip R 
Cheverly. Md 


Keel on. Karen 
13Sherbrook Or 
Princeton, N J 


Keets. John David 
264 Mill Rd 
Nonhlield. N J 

I i 

Keever. Defons Ann 
508 Carey St. 
High Point. N C 


Keiter. Barbara 
4845 N 25th Rd 
Arlington. Va 


Kelly. CarofAnn 
1418 Madison Ave 
High Pomt. N C 


Kendall. Gary McGuire 
Rt 2 
Axton. Va 


Kennedy. Mary Smith 
Rt 4. Box 39A 
Thomasville. N C 

I l 

Kennedy. Steven McRae 
87 Hillcrest Of 
High Pomt, N. C 

Kerr. Rhonda Rosecrans 
1510 Coventry Rd 
High Point, N C 

Key. Bobby 

Ri 10. Box 100 

Greensboro. N C 

Kievmng. Judy E 
39 Burnet St 
Livingston. N J 

Kiger. Susan Earle 
Simmons Rd. 
Rural Hall. N C 

Kimball. Jane 
Rt 1 
PlaMtown. N C 

King. Lmda C 
304 White Rd 
Lntle Silver. N J 

King. Thomas 
418 S OuPont Rd 
Wilmington. Del 

Kinnally. Peggy 
823 Dale Rd 
Meadowbrook. Pa. 

Kmney. James Michael 
1824 Pershing St 
High Point. N C 


Kirchner. Deborah Hope 
Rt. 1, Box 420 
Arnold. Md 

Kirk. Donna L 
5805 Carlyle St 

Chevedy. Md 

Kirkman. John 
720 Woodr ow 
High Point, N. C. 

Kirkman. Margaret 
1224 Highland Ave 
Greensboro, N C. 

Kirkman. Nancy 

3805 Pleasant Garden Rd 

Greensboro, N C 

Klinedmst. Pamela 
7112 Oarby Rd 
Bethesda, Md 

Knedel. Annie 
1602 Seven Oaks Pomt, N. C 

Koch. Michael Stephen 
242 Cedar Lane 
Cheshire, Conn 

Kopemck. Gary J. 
9700 Kentsdale Or 
Potomac, Md 

Koolage. Kristin 
Rugby Hall 
Arnold, Md 

Koonu. Calvin William 
409 Boxwood 0' 
Greensboro, N C 

Koonu. Kurt Douglas 
601 Arbor Rd. 
Wmston-Salem. N C 

Komegav. William 
1410 Seminole Or 
Greensboro, N C 

Koven. John R. 

Rt 3, Stardust Village 

Nobiewilie. Ind 

Lackey. Fuchsia 
Box 56 
FaMston, N C. 

Lalerly. Pam 
335 Linden Ave 
Woodbury Heights, N J 

Lagos. W.lliam J. 
Wheaion. Md 

LaGrance. Funk H 
2679 Meadow Rd 
W. Palm Beach. Fla 

Lancashire. Carol 
335 Wahl Si 
Somerset, Mass 

Lang. Kee Ket- 

2839 Sylvan Ramble Rd 

Atlanta, Ga 

Laney, Phyllis 
1301 Virginia Ave 
Monroe. N C 

Lamer. Virginia 
Rt 10, Box 124 
Lexington, N C 

Larnck. Ftickw Leroy 
803 B Morns Si 
High N C 

Lathan. Robert 8 
Box 556 
Burner, N C 

Latsios. Jim 
521 25th St ,So 
Arlington, Va 

Law. Ellen E 
2426 West held Rd 
Charlotte, N C 

Lawson. Stephen R 
1216 12th St Place. N W 
Hickory. N C 

Leake. Vicky 
6200 N 30th St 
Arlington. Va 

Leaty. Margaret 8 
790 Dogwood Circle 
High Point, N C 

Leatherman. Carolyn 
13212 Valley Of . Glen H.I 
Rockville, Md 

Lee. Becky 
Salem. Va 

Lt'ller. Nancy 
1403 Audubon Ave 
Aiken. S C 

Leigh. Wanda Gail 

710Ganti St 

Kings Mountain. N C 

LeMar. Donald 
925 Eastchesier Or 
High Point, N C 

Leng. Jim 
19 Hilltop Rd 
Yardley. Pa 

Lomax. Sara Ruth 
711 Lee St 
Ashcboro. N C 

Long. Lynda 
8208 Belt; Or 
Forestville. Md 

Looney. George Robert 
1017 B Richland St 
High Point, N C 

The egg toss, one of the most popular events at Co-Rec Night, 
can also be one of the messiest. 

Leonard. Bjrbarj Lynn 

Lort. Ronald Joseph 

250 Pme Valley Rd 

512 North St 

Winston Salem. N C 


Elk ton. Md 

Leonard. Michael Lee 

LOU. Bonnie 

717 fisher Ferry St 

McCormick Ave , R F D 

Thomasville, N C 


Hammonton. N J 

Lesile. Bill 

Love/I, Dorothy 

101 N Anderson St 

530 Banta St 

Morganton. N C 


Ridgewood, N J 

Lester, Paul Sherman 

Lowery. Bob 

Rt 2, Box 388 A 

6022 Craig Si 

Trinity, N C 


Springfield, Va 

Levering, Mjrlvne 

Lucas. Johnny C 

1102 Adams St 

961 KaulmanSt 

High Point. N C 


Cocoa. Fla 
Luedeke, James Edgar 

Lewallen. Faye 

17 Boulder Brook Or 

122 B.ggs PI 

Wilmington Oel 

High Point. N C 


Lull. Ann 

Lewn. Anne 

421 Sharp St. 

1300 B EaionPl 

Hackemtown, N J 

High Point. N. C 


Lupton. Lynne 

Lewis. Mike 

3336 N Kensington St 

306-6th Ave 

Arlington. Va 

Baltimore. Md 


Lyon. Barbara 

Libby. Jane 

6516 Callander Or 

16106 Liberty Grove Rd 

Bethesda. Md 

Burtonsville. Md 


McCaii. Leslie A 

Ligon. Carol 

2907 Iremont Ave 

Sandy Spnng. Md 


Cheverly. Md 

Lmton, Thomas 

McCarter. Mrs Delores 

216A Haddon Hills Apis 

224 Cresiwood Circle 

Haddonheid, N J 


High Point. N. C 

Lmn. Harel 

McCaskill. Leon 

6442Greyheld Rd 

Box 5 

Fayetteviiie. N C 


Seagrove. N C 

Lipe. Bruce 

McClellan. Robert L 

3210Forestview 0' 

805 Tolland St 

High Point. N C 


East Hartford, Conn 

Lissenden. Patricia 

McCloud. James E. 

600 Wellington Rd 

Route5. Box 310-B 

Ridgewood. N J 


High Poml. N C 

Little. Dave 

McCorkle. Caroline 

4622 Carmel Park Dr 

1 120 Moundbuilders Road 

Charlotte. N C 


Newark, Ohio 

Lillle, Lynn F 

McCo"ey. George 

627 Cox St . Api 1 

609 West 27lhSt 

Asheboro. N C 


Wilmington, Del. 

Littles. Eugene S 

McCracken. Kevin B 

2348 A.nge. Pi. N E . 101B 

9211 Holly Oak Or 

Washington. O C 


Bethesda. Md 

Lloyd, Harvey C 
2624 N Roosevelt St 

McCray. Nancy 
2546 Marlowe Ave 

Arlington. Va 


Charloite. N C 

Lock hart Mummery. Cynthia A 
1728 Baldwin Dr 

McCrary. Linda 
108 College St 

McLean, Va 


Thomasville. N C 

Lockman. Phil A 

McCully. Dale Joanne 

Rt 1 

911 Tanley Rd. 

Iron Station. N C 


Silver Spring. Md 

Loewenthal. Ronald £ 

McDade. Mary Lynn 

7400 Honeywell Lane 

Oxto'd House Apis 

Bethesda. Md 


High Point. N C 

Lofim. Larke 

Mc Daniel. Robert 

1101 Chestnut Or 

Box 114 

High Point. N C 


Round Hill. Va 

Loflm. Loueiia 

McDonald. John R 

Rt 3. Box 32 

2421 Woodruff Ave 

Oenton. N C 


High Point. N. C 

Logan. Betty 

McDonald. Roy 

597 12ih Ave, N E 

3114 Dr 

Hickory. N C 


Falls Church. Va 

Lohse. Ellen 

McDonough. Virginia E 

10603 Orchard St 

2134 Kelly St 

Fairfax. Va 


Augusta. Ga 

Loman. Ernest 

McDowell. Pat 

Rt 5. 8ox 718 

601 W Ward Ave 

Greensboro, N C 


High Point, N C 



Whether at cheerleading tryouts, Co-Rec Night, or a real action-packed basketball game, the 
of Alumni Gymnasium fill up quickly. 


McDowell. Phyllis K 

Mjnley, Mike 

510 Kennedy Ave 

1 102 Tabor St 

High Pomt. N C 


High Point. N C 

McDowell. Sieve S 

Mann. Charles 

1400 Richland St 

513 Forestdale Or 

High Point. N C 


Jamestown. N C 

McEwan, Diana L 

Mann. Jonathan H 

106Grandview Dr 

Ri 2. Box 133 

Cynihiana. Ky 


Jamestown. N C 

Mcfarland. William W 

Mann. Mary Ann (Mrs.) 

Rt 1.Box i33 

Ri 2. 80* 133 

Hartly. De' 


Jamestown. N C 

McGavm. Lee 

Mantz, Walt'-' A 

3027 N Pearv St 

605 Cranbrook Rd 

Afl.ngton. Va 


Cockeysviiie. Md 

McGeogh. Susan 

Markland. Gary F 

905 Venice Dr 

Rt 1 

Silver Spring, Md 


Advance. N C 

McGhee. Joseph T 

Marsh. Dianne 

3100 Centennial Si 

90 Tidewaters Rd 

High Point. N C 


Henlopen Acres 
Rehoboth Beach. Del 

McKmney. Robert 

202 Carolina Ave 

Marsh. Walter C 

Forest CttV. N C 


615 Colonial Or 
High Point. N C 

McNulty. Joseph f 

905Gienwood Rd 

Marshall. Donald E 

Asheboro. N C 


2754 Spr ague St 
Winston Salem. N C 

McPhenon, Thomas L 

3505 Guess Rd 

Marshall. Lubeth J 

High Po>m. N C 


3324 Rockingham Rd 
Greensboro. N C 

Mabe. Gail 

P Box 267 

Martin. Kenneth E 

Ridgeway, Va 


705 Eagle Rd 

Wayne. Pa 

Mackmnon, Michael A 

Whispering Pines. N C 


Masten, Janet L 

2109 WaughtownSt 

Mackintosh, Earl 

Winston Salem. N C 

7520 Arrowwood Rd 

Beihesda. Md 


Matheny. Trudy 
705 S Broadway St 

Maddo*. Daniel W. 

Forest City. N C 

105 Batchelor Dr 

Greensboro N C 


Matthews. Frsnces J 

Maddux. Joanne 
825ChHRd Ci 
SevernaPark. Md 

Asheboro. N C 


Matthews. Martha K 

Maiei. Patricia 

137 Ev.tlCt 

6 Park Lane 

Severna Park. Md 

Newton. N J 


Mattocks. Roy W 

Mailleue. Jane 

2312Purdy Ave 

Rt 1 

High Point. N C 

Sunbury. Pa 


Mayer. Lois E 

Malany. Judith 

1600 Gravenor Lane 

726 Bradbury Rd 

Newark. Dei 

Cmcmnatt. Ohio 


Maipass. Herman M. 

Mehrhng. C Kenneth 

243d £ Lexington Ave 

9206 G'enville Rd 

High Poml. N. C 


Silver Spring. Md 

Melrose. Harry 
8222 Streamwood Or 
Baltimore. Md 

Melton. Sheila A 
404 Cedarbrook Or 
03nville. Va 

Memtt. Gail E 
917 N Lafayette St 
Shelby. N C 

MeyerboeHer. Edward H 
2005 Ape» Place 
High Point. N C 

Miller. Angie 
Rt 3. Bo- 309 
Wilmington, N C 

Miller. Catherine Ann 
451 7 Shamrock Rd 
Tampa. Fia 

Miller, David M 

Silver Spring. Md 

Miller. Denms 

714 2nd Si Jun.aia 

Aitoone. Pa 

Miller. James R 
26 Wellington Rd 
Livingston. N J 

Miller. Rachel A 
Rt 10, Jones Rd 
Winston Salem. N C 

Millis. Henry A 
96Hilkrest Or 
High Point. N C 

Mil I man. Kenneth 

Rt 1 

Lincoln, Delaware 

Mish. Johnny E 
108 Columbus Ave 
High Point, N C 

Mitcham. David 
616 Hednck Ave 
High Point. N C 

Mue. Barbara A 
10108 Kinross Ave 
Silver Spring. Md 

Mohlmann. Robert 
117 Oak wood Rd 
Port Je'terson. N Y 

Molitor. Beverly Jean 
150 Sunrise Dr 
Lexington Park. Md 

Monaco. Richard 
Rt 1 
Sealord, Oel 



Monaghjn. James B 
21 Hendee Rd 
Manchester, Conn 

Montgomery. Robert T. 
15 Oxford Ave 
Siratlord. N. J 

Moon. Beverly 
1215 Carter Street 
High Point. N C 

Mooney, Kay 
3105 Kivett Dr 
High Point. N C 

Moore. Chnsty 
1511 Baysdale La 
Richmond. Va 

Moore. Ellen 
167 Wallace Si 
Freeporl, N Y 

Moore. James D 
Rt 6. Box 280 
Asheboro. N. C 

Moore, JoAnn 
1150N W 30th Cl 
Ft Lauderdale. Fia 

Moran. Hugh A 
3019 Kiveit Or 
High Poml. N C 

Moran. Kay 

1136 Rosewood Cir 

Charlotte. N C 

Mormg. Mrs Mildred 
403 Rolling Rd 
High Point. N C 

Morrow, B. J. 
2742 Beauclerc Rd 
Jacksonville. Fla 

Moseley. Jay 
221 HiiicreslOr 
Elkin. N C 

Moses. Carolyn 
Rt 5 
Franklin. N C 

Mudre. Michael a 
5309 1st Place N 
Arlington. Va 

Mull. Kaihie 

608 Carbon Cny Rd 

Morganion, N C 

Murphy. Elame G 
Rt 4. Box 326 
Thomasville. N C 

Musgrave. Judy D 
Rt 10. 80x686 
Lexington. N C 

Myers. Robert T 
1 01 3 Bar bee Ave 
High Point. N C 

Myers. Michael W 
1 15 Harper Si 
Winsion Salem, N C 

"'■ Nabors. Johnny J 
J00 Clark Place 
Hig^ Pomt, N C 

Nail. Kenneth 
4559 W 1st St 
Winston Salem, N C 

Nance. Patricia J 
3118 Pmehursi Place 
Charlotte. N. C. 

Nanfelt. Russell 
4704 Mercury Dr 
Rockville, Md 

Nash. Nancy Roy 
Scott Air Force Base 

Navarro. Anne 
638 Murdock Rd 
Towson, Md. 

Needham, Jerry W. 
2407 E Lexington Ave 
High Poml, N C. 

Needham. Joseph 
301 Key Sueei 
Pilot Mountain, N C 

Net I. Wendy 
Tichy Drive 
Mt Holly Springs. Pa 


Neighbors. Linda 
106 Fisher Avenue 
High Point, N C. 

Nelson. Danny Zane 
Rt 1 
Madison. N. C. 

Ness. Judith Ann 
10402 Greentop Road 
Cockevsviiie. Md 

Nevitt. Carolyn 
148 Luquer Rd 
Port Washington. N Y 

Newman. Palsy Chloe 
1420 Cook St 
High Point. N C 

Nickvll. Robert Elgin 
4364 Winchester Dr 
Alhson Park. Pa. 

Nitong. Dav,d Paul 
Rt 5. Gumtree Rd 
Winston Salem. N C 

Nitong, Michael E 
Rt. 5. Gumtree Rd 
Winston-Salem, N C 

Niland. Diane P 
956 N Lebanon St 
Arlington. Va. 

Nilsson. Eric S. 
R F D 3-31 IV 
Somerset. N J 

Noren. Eric J. 
6315 Anneliese Dr 
Falls Church. Va 

Norman Deidre L 
Rt 1. Box 205 
Pilot Mountain. N C 

Norwood. Phillip 

1 123 Meadowlawn Ave 

High Point, N C. 

Nulsen. Anne 
3221 Forsyth Dr 
Greensboro. N C 

Obermueiier. Paul E 
1004 Edmondson Ave 
Baltimore, Md 

Ogden. Wanda 
438 Carolina St 
Roanoke Rapids, N C 

Oldaker, Terry 
Box 239 
Oriental. N C 

Oldershaw. Mary 
8 Bonaire Dr 
Hampton. Va 

Oliver. Edna H 
502 Parkway 
High Point. N. C 

Oman. James D 
Rt 10. Boh 422 
Lexington, N. C 

O'Neii. Jerry 
9508 Biltmore Dr 
Silver Spring. Md 

Orren. Sarah L 
135 Magnolia St 
Statesville, N C 

Outland. Ann 
Box 172 
Pikeville. N C 

Overgaard. Janet 
7719 Viceroy St 
Springfield. Va 

Overman. Barbara 
Box 197 
Wh.takers, N. C. 

Owen. Cheryl 
612 O'Neill St 
High Point. N. C. 

Owen. Harry 
4456 Carriage Dr 
Charlotte, N. C. 

Owen. Jana 
612 O'Neill St. 
High Point, N C 

Owen. Paul S. 
312 Louise Ave 
High Point. N. C. 

Pace. Dorothy H 

Rt 1 

Pleasant Garden. N Y 

Palermo. Chen 
15 Yale Terrace 

Linden, N J 

Palmer. Edna 
139 Dawnview Dr 
Winston Salem, N C 

Pansi. Bruce A 
62 Thurston Ten 
Glen Rock. N J 

Paikvi. Caiol 
2009 W Rotary Dr 
High Point. N. C 

Parker. Darrell 
2009 W Rotary Dr 
High Point. N C 

Parker. Ernstena P. 
High Point. N C 

Parker. Judy L. 
342 Newark St 
Aurora. Colorado 

Parker. Tommy 
Rt 4 
Thomasvitle. N C 

Parsons. Danny P. 
131 LouellaOr 
Winston Salem, N C 

Pajfcaf. Linda/ 
3426 Stontybrae Dr 
Falls Church. Va 

Patterson. Nancy 
1405 Juliana Pi 
Alexandria, Va 

Patton. Wendell M 
821 W College Dr 
High Point. N C 

Payne. James f 

801 N Centennial Dr 

High Point, N C 

Payne. Joel C 
606 Manley St 
High Point, N C 

Payne. Martha 
1 702 West Lexington Ave 
High Point. N C. 

Payne. Paul 
York House. NWS 
York town. Va 

Peabody. Mehnda 
289 Jefferson Rd 
Princeton, N J 

Pearson, Evan 
209 Lakeside Ave 
Pitman, N J 

Peck. Ralph 
5007 Benton Ave 
Bethesda, Maryland 

Peel. Gaylon 
106Moffit! Dr 
High Point. N C 

Peeler. Barney P 
1806 Lazy Lane 
High Point. N C 

Peeler. Betty 
High Point. N C 

Pegram. James R 
Rt 3 
WinstonSalem, N C 

Pellrey. Henry 

1904 S Lake Shore Or 

Clermont, Fla 

Penland. Robert B 

405 Tapawmgo Rd S W Vienna 

Fairfax. Va 

Penn. Stewart 
72 Catalpa Ave 
Perth AmbOy, N J 

Penry. Herbert T 
Rt 10, Box 322 
Lexington. N. C 

Penry. Lydia 
Rt 10. Box 322 
Lexington, N C 

Studying on the Student Center steps requires some extra 
equipment, such as the sung/asses worn here by Bill Webb. 

Perloito. Nick 
129 Race St 

Cumberland. Md 

Perryman. Doug 
Rt 10 
Lexington. N C 

Peterson. Barbara E. 

4 Winnaiuxett Beach Road 
Mattapoisett. Mass 

Peterson. Joan M 
125 Laurel Ave 

Irvington. N 

2505 Camden Rd 
Greensboro. N C 

Petty, Freder-cka J 
923 S Cox St. 

Asheboro. N C 

Phillips. Barbara 
Rt 8. BoxSIA 
Lexington. N C. 

Ph.lhps. Cheryl Anne 
118 Fox Hill Rd 
Hampton. Va 

Phillips. David Allen 

5 Kenwood Rd 
Peabody. Mass 

Phillips. David W 
104 Edgewood Dr 
Pinetops, N C 

Phillips. J. Gretchen 
1842 Elizabeth Ave 
Winston-Salem. N C 

Phillips. Jane E. 
Vesta. Va 

Phillips. Joan Bennett 
1420Granthan Dr 
High Point. N C 

Picka. James C 
8809 Victory Ave 
Baltimore. Md 

Picket. Phyllis J 
549 Chaucer Dr 
Berkeley His . N J 

Pierce, Jimmy 

241 Pmewood Lane 

Rock Hill. S C 

Pierce. Louise 
1502Middlebyrn Dr 
Alexandria. Va 


Pipes. Paula M 
4010 Taney Ave 
Alexandria, Va 

Puiadili. John T 
Rt 1. Box A-1 
Felton. Del 

Poole. Charles David 
240 Fairview 
Ml Airy. N. C 

Powell. Jean 
1011 Foulk Rd 
Wilmington. Del 

Powell, Nancy 

1518 Homewood Ave Point. N C 

Powell. Nancy E 
10412 Kmloch Rd 
Silver Spring. Md 

Prat her. Alan 
3611 Westf.eid 
High Point, N C 

Pratt. Sylvia D 
1636 Lombardy Cir 
Charlotte. N C 

Prevail. Rodney 
507 E Grimes Ave 
High Point. N C. 

Price. Virginia Sue 
4000 Lake Blvd 
Fairfax. Va 

Price. William Douglas 
1001 Willowmere La 
Cambridge, Md 

Proehl. Becky 
1612McKinney Ave 
Lynchburg. Va 

Pryor. Edward F 
Rt 6. Box 148 
Hendersonyiiie. N. C 

Pugh. Phyllis Ann 
1704 N Centennial Ave 
High Point. N C 

Puryear. Bent! 
316 S Fenw.ckSt 
Arlington. Va 

Pusey. James N 
Avondale. Pa 

Quakcnbush. Curtis 
Ri 2 
Graham. N C 



Co-Rec Night calls for participants to torture various parts of 
their bodies. 

Oubem. Nidal fij ( ' 
21 1 Louise Ave Point. N C 

Oumn, Rich 
3lOMtn View Of 
Kemersville. N C 

Rjgland. Gary Wayne 
4210 N Mam Si 
High Point, N C 

Rjgland. Ellen Schalfef 
1211 Montlieu Ave 
High Point, N. C 

Rjmer. Marcia D 
13206 Bregman Rd 
Silver Spring. Md 

Rjmsey. George Wilhjm 
1101 Sylvan La 
Mountainside, N J 

fttmsey, Judi w 

Gastonia. N C 

Riper. Cheryl Craver 
204-0 Sunset Or 
High Point, N C 

Rjwley. Barbara 
116 Hall Highway 
Cf.stield. Md 

Rjwley, Terry 
1 16 Hall Highway 
Cns'ield. Md. 

Ray. Michael Preston 
6 Gordon Rd 
HohokuS, N J 

Rayle. Marlm D. 
1300 Elwcll Ave 
Greensboro. N C 

Rgti, Oarlene 
4102 Decaiur Ave 
Kensington, Md 

Reaves. John Robert 
Rt. I.MashuDr 
Plalfiown. N C 

Rector. Linda 
1671 Legion Or 
Winter Park. Fla. 

Reed. David 

Rt 6 Friedland Church Rd 

Wmston Salem. N C 

Reed, L>nda 
Rt 5 
Winston-Salem. N C 

Reed. Ellen 

2724 East Sprague Si 

Wtnston-Salem. N C 

fte*V*3, Brenda 
1121 Montlieu Ave 
High Po.nt, N C 

Rehberg. Susan 

Defense General Supply Center 

Richmond. Va 

Reid. Ed 

3l2Pmevwoods Rd 
Tnomasville, N C 


Reid. Virg.l C 
Box 111 
Candor. N C 

Reihm. Ralph E 
6012 Euclid Si 

Cheverly. Md 

Renlro. Harold E 
14819 Carrolton Rd 
Rockville, Md 

Reynolds. Dixie Dawn 
3619 Hathaway Rd 
Durham. N C 

Rice. Kathenne K 
6129 LeesburgPke 
Falls Church, Va 

Rich Glenn Darrell 
117 Bnlljin Si 
Asheboro. N C 

Rich. Jean Webb 
117 Br. nam St 
Asheboro, N C 

Rich. Ronald 
Rl 6, Bo* 171 
High Point, N C 

Rich Wanda 
Rt 5, Box 171 
High Point, N C 

Richardson. Elizabeth 
1918 N QuanticoSl. 
Arlington. Va 

Riches. Chet 
112 Banbury Or 
Wilmington, Del 

Riecky Mary £ 
204 Emerald Mill Dr 
Tantallon, Md. 

Ripley. Colleen 
13806 Noiley Rd 
Silver Spring, Md 

Ritter. Menme Burns 
Rl 2 
Robbms. N C 

Roark. Wanda C 
68 Hillcresi Ave 
Marlinsville. Va 

Robbms. Gerald L 
R D 2, Box 85 
Milford. Del 

Robey. Linda 

5216 N Washington Blvd 

Arlington. Va 

Robinson. Ann 
333 Onondaga Dr 
O.on Hill, Md 

Robinson. Lois B 
248 Holly Ave 
Woodbury Heights. N J 

Robinson. Suian 
2513 Faulkwoods Rd 
Wilmington, Del 

Rock. Charles C. 

2117 Windward Shore Df 

Virginia Beach. Va 

ROCkenbaugb. Shirley 
5009 Bell Road, N W 
Washington, D C 

Rogers. Lois f 

36 Doherty Or 
Chiton, N J 

Ross. Richard W 
1604 Woodmeer La 
McLean. Va 

Rother. Mark 
9859 Singleton Or 
Belhesda. Md 

Rowland. Pal 
115 A Sinclair St 
High Point, N C 

Ruhi. Kenneth Jat * 

451 Sterling Place 
Hidgi-wood. N J 

Rushing. Calhy 

11 Comwtl lis Place 

Newport News. Va 

Russell. Sonny 
P Box 484 

Tnomasville. N C 

Rusifll. Rosemary 
Rl 1 
Troy, N C 

Sadl''. Nadint 
4 MarcmSl 
Rockville. Md 

Samtsmg. Michael 
Rl 4 
Tnomasville, N C 

Samtsmg. Mmtie S 
Rl 4. Bo- 333 
Thomasvilie, N. C 

Sakers. Dale J 

3 N Constance Or 

Glen Riddle. Pa 

Sale. Jenne'ir C'r.,,1 
Rl 2 
Ronda. N C 

Salmon. William W 
Ri 2 
Carthage. N C 

Samuel. Bob 

1226 Ambassador Blvd 

Si Louis. Mo 

Samuels. Lucy L 
58 Chestnul Apts 
High Point, N C 

Sanders. Gerald C 
309 MaynardSt 
Pageland, S. C 

Sanders. Linda 
1814Woodc»esi Or 
Asheboro. N C 

Saunders. Donald R 

P O 561 

High Point, N C 

Sawyer. * Marlene 
114N Jomer Si Point, N C 

Scearce. Terry 
Rt 7 

Re.dwille. N C 

Scheulele. W Carol 
3906 N Upland Si 
Arlington, Va 

Schmidt. Barbara 
1917 Charia Lee La 
Virginia Beach, Va 

Schoenhut. Wayne 
7 Island Ave 
Seaside Park, N J 

Schrader. Bonnie 
Livingston, N J 

ISchroeder. Sandra 
1731 Scotch Plains Ave. 
Westfieid. N J 

Schwegel, Monies 
201 N !2ihSt 
Millville. N J 



Scoggms. Gmny 
4232 Wmdmcre La 
Charlotte. N. C. 

Scoff. Ellis Roy 
2119S Fayetteville 
Asheboro. N C 

Scott, Judnh A 
6533 Jay Miller Or 
Falls Church. Va 

Scot fen, Dana Lynn 
901 Circle Dr 
High Point. N C 

Scronce. L. 
Rl 5. Box 888 
Hickory, N C 

Seay, Vick, 
Winston Salern. N C 

Sechrest. Pam 
225 Charles Ave 
High Point. N C 

The bell tower . . . 

Seidei. Norman 
1812 Hilltop Ave 
Essex. Md 

Seigle. Elame M. 
507 N Quaker La 
Alexandria. Va 

Seney. Stephanie 
1300Wesieilen Rd 
Baltimore. Md 

Seward. John 
1 101 Tanley Rd 
Silver Spring. Md 

Seymour. Alice W. 
9200 TuckermanSi 
Lanham. Md 

Shackelford. Sharon 
2001 Chestnul Or 
High Point. N C 

Shaeft. Fred 
208 W 46th Si 
Reading, Pa 

Sharp. Tom 

930 E Dayton Ave 

High Pomt, N C 

Sharpe. Larry 
fit 2. Box 96 
Sioneville, N C 

Sharpion. Ray R 
Rt 1 Murray Rd 
Winsion-Salem. N C 

Shaver, Thomas L 
2439 Sink St. 
Winston-Salem. N C 


Sh3W. Mary Anne 

782 Knollwood Terrace 

Wesifield, N J 

Show. Willie 
2604 Marble Si 
WmslonSalem, N C 

Shcalfer. Bruce 
1503 Sharon Dr 
Stiver Spring, Md 

Sheen, Linda 

4501 KnoMwood Dr 
High Pomi. N C 

Shemll. Joan Carey 
325 Oakwood Or 
Slatesville. N C 

Shemll. Ruth 
2412 Dr 
Wilminglon. Del 

Sherwood. Sharon D 
3300 W Roxboro Rd 
Atlanta. Ga 


... a victory! 

Shieldt. Alfred H 
261? N Edgewater 
Favetieviiie. N C 

Sh,eldi. Bill 

Box 66 

Pleasant Garden. N C 

Shipe. Lmda 
9737 Corral Or 
Potomac. Md 

Shipley. Joyce 
1 1 303 E mack Rd 
8eiis«iiie. Md 

Shook. Kenneth M 
5810 Oakland Rd 
Baltimore. Md 

Shows. Felton C 
805 W Burton Ave 
High Point, N C 

Shumake. Rick 
3022 Robm Hood Or 
Greensboro. N C 

Shumate, Valeria Ann 
flt 1 
Stokesddie, N C 

Sicthano, Thomas 
1319 2nd Ave 
Asbury Park. N J 

Sigmon. Denms H 
315 Hillcrest Dr 
Elk.n, N C 

Sigmon, Vivian Kay 
705 Georgra Ave 
Rulherford. N C 

Simmons. Carole 

Box 426 

Ptioi Mountain, N C 

Sittk. Diane 
Rl 3, Box 2 

Lexington. N C 

Sink, Richard L 
320 W 5th Ave 
Lexington, N C 

Sink. Russell W 
Ri 3, Bo. 2 
Lexington. N C 

Sink. Tatmadge Slaydon 
512 Richardson Si 

High Point. N C 

Sink. Tony 
Rt 4 
Thomasville. N. C 

Siik. Pe<&y J 
Rt 5. Box 35 
Winston Salem. N C 

Skiver. Clayton 
Ri 4. Box 34-F 
Kernsville, N C 

Slaughter. Anne 

2404 Running Brook Rd 

Greensboro. N C 

Slawter. Shirley Ann 
2209 E Lexington 
High Point, N C 

Smalley. Christine 
19 Sherwood Dr 
Pitistield, Mass 

Smith. Anita 
703 Overbrook Dr 
High Pomt, N C 

Smith. Barbara 
2880 N £ 33rd Ct 
Ft Lauderdale. Fla 

Smith. Beuiah J 
114 N Hamilton St 
High Point. N C 

Smith. C Bryce 
Rl 2 
Advance. N C 

Smuh. David 

2313 Cool Spring Rd 

Adeiphi. Md 

Smith. Donald S 
606 Collett St 
Morganton. N C 

Smith. George Danny 
646 W Wamman St 
Asheboro, N C 

Smith. Harrell Cray 
Box 301. Rt 2 
King, N C 

Smith. John S 
6008 85th Si 
NewCarrollIOn, Md 

Smith. Joyce £ 
806 Bunker Hill Ave 
Trenton, N J 

Smith. Kathy Dawn 
Rt 1. Box 727A 
Colfax. N C 

Smith. Kenneth D 
1414 Cloverdate 
High Point. N. C 

Smith. Lmda C 

3515 N Washington Blvd 

Arlington. Va 

Smith. Linda Virginia 
Coddmgton Rd.. Bo- 276B 
White House Sta. N J 


Smith. Lmdi'-y W 
Ri 4. Box 186B 
Greensboro, N C 

Smith. Blame 

804 Ridgt'ieigh Rd 
Baltimore. Md 

Smith. Lucy Shores 
Fayi'tteville Rd Ext 
Richmond. N C 

Smith. Marth.i SuSM 
346ChH Rd 
Asheboro. N C 

Smith. Martha 
Ri 8. Bo- 296 
Greensboro. N C 

Smith. Michael Paul 
416 Forest La 

Salisbury, Md 

Smith. Paula 
7803 Kipling Pkwy 
District Heights. Md 

Smith. Rav 
High Point. N C 

Sm.rn. ftichj'd C 

6022 Westchester Park Dr 

College Park. Md 

Smith. Stephen R 
139 Spring St 
Woodbury. N J 

Smith. Thomas G 
3008 Archdale Rd 
High Point. N C 

Smith. Tommy £ 
Rt 4. Box 19C 
Kernersville. N C 

Smuhey. Martha W 

P O Box 607 

North Wilkesboro. N C 

Smithson. Mary 
75 Shipwright Si 
Annapolis. Md 

Snead. Elizabeth 
% Methodist Board 
475 Riverside Dr 
New York. N Y 

Snyder. Shirley 
722 Chestnut Dr 
High Pomt, N C 

Sossoman. John Calvm 
P O Box 486 
Morganton. N C 

Southard. Charles 
2205 Timberlake Dr 
Hign Point. N C 

Southard. Patricia 
Rt 3. 8o. 77 
High Point. N C 

Spaugh. Arthur Thaler 
1321 Trinity Ave 
High Pomt, N C 

Phillip L. 

441 Crews St 
Winston Salem. N. C 

Spears Jamet 

120 Penny Rd 
High Pomt, N C 

Spiker. Richard 
1125Tanle v Rd 
Silver Spring. Md 

Spoon. Juanita 
Ri 6. Box 329 
Burlington. N C 

Spoon. Katharine Etlen 
Box 1095 

Apotjkj, Fla 

Stall v. Donald Edward 
502 Northwood Circle 
Garner. N C 

Stanley. Randolph Lee 
612Pinevalley Dr 
High Pomi. N C 

Stanton. William Thomai 
302 Sunns? Ave 
Asheboro. N C 

Stark. Selena Sue 
Chesapeake Beach. Md 

Steer, Davene 

Qtrs A. N AS New York 

Brooklyn. N Y 

Steed, Susan 
Box 542 
Waneniown, N C 

Steele. Leslie 

120 Bambury Dr 
Wilmington. Oel 

Steer, Judith Ann 

2130 Laurel La 
Alia Visia. Va 

Stellen. Burton F 
4519 Rosedale Ave 
Bethesda. Md 

Sternberg, Robert D 
9506 Telegraph Rd 
Seabrook. Md 

Stemple, L mda Susan 
2 Vannoy Ave 
Pennington. N J 

Stephenson. Marilyn 
4009 N Stafford Si 
Arlington. Va 

Stepp. Donna 
1003 N Mam St 
High Pomi, N C 

Steves. David Ala" 
11 7 Patterson Rd 
Bedford, Mass 


The HPC baseball players throw the ball around the bases in 


Stevens, Jerry W 
601 KifkmanSi. 
Greensboio. N C 

Sfvenson. Roger Dalr 
1 1 2 Stevenson Si 
Randleman, N C 

Stewart, Dianne 

4623 Woodndge Or 
Raleigh. N C 

Stewart. Kav 
14l2Lakecrest Or 

Apopka. Fla 

Stewart, William a 

3608 Isbeii Si 
Silver Spring. Md. 

Stillman. Kathleen 
6070Edsall Rd 201 
Alexandria. Va 

Stilwell. John J 
Box 674 
La Plata. Md 

Stmchcomb, Oliver 
McOamel. Md 

Strnes. M Oonnj 
Rt 4 

Marshall. N C 

Stirewalt. Charles 

Box 314 

Old Fori. N C 

Stout, Minam Mays 
12419 Mosscup Dr 
Houston. Tex 

Stratton. Edward Samuel 
Afton House 
Alton. Va 

Street. Noeile 

4549 N Chelsea Land 

Bethesda. Md 

Strickland, Ross 
143 Maple Ave 
NorthpoM. N V 

Stroud. Sparky 
122 Marywood Rd 
High Point. N C 

Strum. Joann 

4936 Sharon View Rd 

Charlotte. N C 

Strum. Lmda 
49 Lakeshore Dr 
Newport News. Va 

Styles. Dorothy B 
Bo> 152 

Black Mountain, N C 

Sudderth. Tom 
338 Barnes Rd 
Winston Salem. N C 

Sullivan. Sherilyn 
1062 Hibmen Land 
Lenoir. N C 

Summers, Gary Lynn 
7215Glenn«ge Or 
Hyattsville. Md 

Sumpter. C L 
126 Regal Oi 
Lenoir. N. C 

Swaift. Donna 
Rt 5. Box 801 N C 

Swjnson. Janr £ 
778 Parkes Run La 
Villanova. Pa 

Swigari. Sue 
2W Church St 
Cambridge. |nd 

Switter. Dale Ella 

30 8th Ave 

Haddon Heighis. N J 

Sykes. Linda 
2228 Lacy Si 
Bu'lmgion. N C 

Tanner. Lmda 
5706 38th Ave 
Hyaiisville. Md 

Tatgenhorst. Stephen C. 
3910 N Mam Si. 
High Point. N.C. 

Taylor. Jimmy 
1239 0ueensgateSt 
Gastonia. N C 

Taylor. Katherme 
Board man. Ohio 

Teague. Ellen 
SlOSherbrook St 
High Point. N C 

Teague. Inei E 
6 Swaim 
Thomasville, N C 

Templeton. Janet Catherine 
5312 Taylor Ave 
Suirland. Md 

Theise. Valerie A 
74 Lauren Ave 
Oeer Park. N. Y. 

Greg Holmes and Richard Thomas enjoy the P.E. Majors Club 
steaks at the picnic at City Lake. 

Tliii/urn. Lyme 

G 3A Emerywood Si Apis 

High Point. N C 

Thomas. John Henry 
Rl 9, Box 107 
Winston Salem. N C 

ThOmai Luell Lamar 
711 N WeldonSt 
Gastoma, N C 

Thomas, Genie 
206 WesihavenSt 
Forest OlV.N C 

Thomas, Mary Lucille 
3810Gitmorc Dr 
Greensboro. N C 

Thomas. Richard Let' 
Spencerville Hd 
Burtonville. Md 

Thompson. Sarah Ah, e 
Rt l.Box 253 
Graham. N C 

Thompson. Sheryl 
448 Schley Rd 
Annapolis. Md 

Tillrs. William Norman 
610W FamsSt 
High Point. N C 

Tingle. Keith 
608 Baldwin La 
Wilmington. Del 

Todd. Larame Kenerly 
Highway 64. Apt 4A Bo- 815 
Thomasville. N. C 

Todd. William Wyatt 
116 Honeysuckle 
San Antonio. Texas 

Tolson. Diana 
Kidwell Ave 
Centreville. Md 

Tompkins. Tommy 
34 Sunset Dr 
Pompton Plains. N J 

Townsend. Tony 
320 W 6th St 
Lexington. N C 

Tracey. Doug 
4023 N 27th Rd 
Arlington. Va 

Traveria. Jorge I 
801 Acostast St 
Jacksonville. Fla 

Trogden. Carlton 
218 N View Or 
Asheboro. N C 

Trotter, Tom 
4415 Curry St 
Columbus. Ga 

Trump, Stanley Jackion 
39 Beechwood Rd 
Asheviile. N C 

Tucker. Fred 
1621 3rd St 
Asheboro. N C 

Tucker, Lmda Jean 
2112S Ashland Dr 
Burlington. N C 

Tull. Winnie Eluabeth 
6421 EppardSt 
Falls Church. Va 

Turner. Samuel E 
405 Colonial Or 
Madison. N C 

Tuthill, Maynard 
27 Woodd.fl Dr 
Madison. N C 

Twhom. David M 
115 Circle Dr 
Springfield. Ill 

Twichell, Gmery 
109 Cambridge Ave 
Lmwood. N J 

Twitty, Pat 
701 NE 7th St 
Pompano, Fla 

Tysor. Lmda Lee 
133E Oorseit Ave 
Asheboro. N C 

Upton, David Michael 
1303 W Green Si 
High Point, N C. 

Van Anda, Jane 
10611 Hoverton Ave. 
Fairfax, Va. 

Vanderwerker. Joan 
41 Benjamin Rd 
Tenafly. N J 

Van Gilder. Sue Ellen 
4452 Mam Rd. 
Millville, N. J. 

Vann. George W 
11208 BybeeSt 
Silver Spring. Md 

Vanneman. Jeanne C 

309 Central Ave 
Woodbury, N. J 

Vick. Tanya 

8ox 440 Old Mill Rd. 

Rocky Mount. N C. 

Vogel, Charles 
49 Fairchild Pi 
Whippany. N. J 

Von Dreele, Richard 
3250 Coronado Dr 
Louisville, Ky. 

Voyies. Robert Ray 
712 Cox Ave 
Thomasville. N C 

Wagner. Anita Jane 
Rt 2, Box 422 
Lexingion. N C. 

Wagoner. Teddie Vonn 
Rl. 10 
Lexington. N C 

Wagner, Harry R 
711 A Chandler St 
High Point, N C 

Wakewight, Jean Marshall 
2900- 30th St S E 
Washington. 0. C 

Wald'on. Thomas Joseph 
80S Mam Si 
Alleniown, N. J 

Walker. Edwin W. 

3719 Caiderwood Dr 
W.nston-Salem, N. C 

Walker. Hal 
116S ElmSl 
Asheboro. N C 

Walker, Iva 
Rt 1 
Hillsborough, N. C 

Walker, Richard Lmk 

310 West 5th Ave 
Lexington. N C 

Walker, Ronme Lee 
703 E KearnsAve 
High Point, N C 

Walker. Stephen D. 
Rl 4. Box 624 
Thomasville, N C 

Walker. William H 
Ri 2. 8ox 72 
Cleveland, N C 

Wall, John 

2804 Fairfield Ave 

Greensboro. N. C. 

Wall. Lmda 
5404-16lhSl, N. 
Arlington. Va 

Wall. Steve W. 
709 0verbrook Or 

High Point, N C. 

Wallace. Cathy 
Rl 2 
Stokesdaie. N. C 

Walter, Candace Ann 
116 Harney Si. 
Winston-Saiem, N C 

Walton, Billy R. 
2215 Pembroke Ave 
Charlotte, N. C. 

Ward. Carolyn 
Rl 1. Box 382 
McLeansville. N. C. 


Warren, Randy 
3001 Twin Lakes Dr. 
Greensboro, N. C 

Warih. Thomas Michael 
3700 Greenhill Dr 
High Point. N C 

Waihburn. Ann 
4551 -32nd Rd.. N. 
Arlington, Va. 

Waters, Missy 
4200 HattonCl 
Alexandria. Va. 

Wails, Janice Kristin 
4126 Faulkner PI. 
Charlotte. N. C. 

Way, Jane 
118 N ElmSt 
Asheboro, N. C 

Weatherman, Kenneth 
Rt 1 
Lewisviile, N C 

Weaver. Maria 
Rt 1 
Olin. N. C. 

Webb. T,m 

3300 Centennial Ave 

High Point. N C 

Webb. Bill 

7 F Crescent Rd 

Greenbeit. Md 

Weiss. Linda M. 

A-38 Emerywood Ct Apis 

High Point. N. C 

Welborn. RoSiland 
3921 S Mam St 
High Point. N. C. 

Welch. Sara 
Rt. 1 
Lexington. N C 

Welsh, Frances Kay 
36 Rosewood Or 
Charlotte. N C. 

Wenk, Jean 
802PryOf St 

Alexandria. Va 

Weyaugh. Phylhs 
6438 Vale St. 
Alexandria. Va 

Wharton. Charles 
Box 55 
Rulfm. N C 

Wheeler. Ouane 
87 N. Street 
Waterville, Maine 

Wheeler. Layton 
Rt 1 
Apex. N. C. 

White. Brenda Ann 
Box 646 
Kernersville. N. C 

White. Charles D 

581 11th Ave. Circle NW. 

Hickory, N. C 

White. Judith Lucille 
1540Westbrook Or 
Gasionia. N. C. 

White. Nancy 
High Point. N. C 

Whitehead. Wayne 
607 ivydale Rd 
Wilmington. Del 

Whittield, Gay 

2353 Queen St Apt A 

Wmston-Salem. N. C. 

Whitl. Dianne 
1907 Textile Dr. 
Greensboro. N. C. 

WhM, Dons M. 
513 N Mam St. 
Roxboro. N. C 

Wiedenman. Barbara 
693 Wallace Or 
Wayne, Pa 


Wilbur. Bruce 
6438 Maplewood Or. 
Falls Church. Va. 

Wilkerson, James Henry 
Box 78 
Miiford. Del 

Williams, David H 
503 Weststde Or 
Lexington. N C 

Williams. Diane Lewis 

Box 6 

Eagle Springs. N C 

Williams. Donald Dumad 
20 Valley View Terrace 
Moorestown, N J 

Williams. Donm 
2349 Belleview Ave 
Cheverly, Md 

Wilhams. James D 
t07 Burkemont Ave 
Morganton. N. C 

Wilhams. John Robert 
11 Godwin Or. 
Wyckotl. N J 

Wilhams. Laura A 
1016 Valley Or 
Alexandria, Va 

Wilhams. Lynne Ann 
1488 FamaDr NE 
Atlanta, Ga 

Wilhams. Lynne 
1016 Valley Or 
Alexandria. Va 

Wilhams. Nancy Jane 
108 Warner St 
Thomasvilie, N C 

Wilhams. Robert 
720Oakmom Or 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Wilhams. Wendy Susan 
1 1 14 Cameron Rd 
Alexandria. Va 

Williamson. Linda 
RFO 1 
Raelord. N C 

Williamson. Linda Charlene 
1834 Talbot Ave 
Jacksonville, Fla 

Wilhard. Larry Steven 
Rt 4. Box 247 
High Point. N C 

Wilhard, Margaret Ann 
506 Steele St. 
High Point. N C 

Wilhs, A Rebecca 
1 1 7 John St 
Fayetteville. N. C 

Wilhs. Susan Gray 
2900 Verett St 
Raleigh. N. C. 

Wilner. Paul Stephen 
2819 Crest Ave 
Allentown, Pa. 

Wilson. Joseph F. 
201 James Dr 
Vienna. Va 

Wilson. Vicki Lea 
311 W 5th Ave 
Lexington. N. C 

Wimbish. Patricia M. 
Cohane Acres 
Clinton, N C 

Wmney. Frances Jane 
1677 Geraidme Dr 
Duval. Fla 

Wmslow. Anna 
Rt 7 Box 262 

Greensboro. N. C. 

Winters. John P 
31 Rayhoid Rd. 
Mountain La*es. N J 

Wise, Wanda Lee 
Box 66 
Broadway, N C. 

igh n/NT 


HPC students are aware of the new and the traditional. Here, a 
sign inspired by the Co-ed Dorm is foreshadowed by the 
ever-popular "Great Pumpkin." 

Witt. Daniel Melvm 
1501 C Carolina Ave 
High Point. N C. 

Wittenberg. Roger A. 
207 Shadow Valley Rd. 
High Point. N C 

Wolfe. Nancy Da'e 

3271 Van Ha?en St N W. 

Washington. D C 

Wood. Jeffrey 

747 Charmg Cross Rd 

Baltimore, Md 

Wood. Luanda Ellen 
901 CarnckSt 
High Point. N C 

Wood. Ma/one Anne 
1920 BurgoyneCl 
Wmston-Salem, N C 

Wood, Sharon T 
3012 Kivett Or 
High Pomt. N C 

Woodell. Wayne 
4020 Knollwood Or 
High Point. N. C 

Woodhams. Roberta 
7714 Radnor Rd 
Belhesda, Md 

Woodruff. Donald William 
1021 Putnam PI 
8lackwood, N. J 

Woodruff. Ronald R 

1021 Putnam Pi 
8iackwood. N J 

Woods. Elizabeth 

1022 Anderson St 
Durham. N. C 

Woods. John Leonard 
1532 Maryland Ave 
Charlotte. N C 

Woodward. Gayle 
3009 Masonic Dr 
Greensboro. N. C 

Wright. Susan 
1600-8 Richland 
High Point, N. C 

Xindans. Philip L- 
73 Prospect St 
Peabody. Mass 


Yates. Roberta 

311 N Camp Meade Rd 

Lmthicum. Md 

Yaun. Thomas Alan 
205 East Dr 
Lmwood. N J 

York, Barbara 
1006 HoltonPl 
High Point, N. C 

York. Martha Jayne 
Rt 2 
Ramseur. N C 

York. Portia Elizabeth 
334 R.dgecrest Rd 
Asheboro, N. C. 

Young. Angela Jean 
301 Rodkspnng Road 
High Pomt, N. C. 

Young. John A 
1101 WentworthSt 
Reidsville. N. C 

Younts. John Worth 
Rt. 1 
Trinity. N C. 

Yow. Sarah Amick 
Rt 11, Box 367 
Greensboro. N. C 

2akos. Barbara Jean 
141 7 Welborn St 
High Point, N. C 

Zellmer. Kathleen 
5603 Ontario Orel 
Washington. C 

Zenns. David G. 
2814 31st St SE 
Washington. D C 



HPC—a campus 
in constant change, 
facing each moment 
and moving on, 


the perpetual 
comings and goings, 




and even students . . 

but always returning 
is a nostalgic twinge, 

memories of 
long hauls in the 

student center, 
forgotten strolls down 

campus pathways, 
library labor, 
coffeehouse release, 

awaiting the day 
to color it 

recalling a life 
at HPC . . . 

the end 

HPC in Perspective 

Dennis H. Sigmon, Jr. 


David B. Bishop 

Associate Editor 

Raymond A. Baity 

Business Manager 

Dr. Sam J. Underwood 


fit ..: .-■• - 

- :■■ '■'■.■-' -