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Full text of "To Have And Have Not"

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I WAVED to Frankie, who'd thrown the bowline on
board, and I headed her out of the slip and dropped
down the channel with her. A British freighter was
going out and I ran along beside her and passed
her. She was loaded deep with sugar and her plates
were rusty. A limey in an old blue sweater looked
down at me from her stern as I went by her. I went
out the harbour and past the Morro and put her
on the course for Key West; due north, I left the
wheel and went forward and coiled up the bowline
and then came back and held her on her course,
spreading Havana out astern, and then dropping it
off behind us as we brought the mountains up.
I dropped the Morro out of sight after a while
and then the National Hotel and finally I could
just see the dome of the Capitol There wasn't
much current compared to the last day we had
fished and there was only a light breeze, I saw a
couple of smacks headed in toward Havana and
they were coming from the westward, so I knew
the current was light,
I cut the switch and killed the motor. There
wasn't any sense in wasting gas, I'd let her drift
When it got dark I could always pick up the light of
the Morro or, if she drifted up too far, the lights of
Cojimai, and steer in and run along to Bacuranao,