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Full text of "To Have And Have Not"

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pered to me. He was sitting at the wheel now, and
I had reached up and had both the cases open and
the butts pulled out about six inches.
That's right.'
'Oh, boy/ he said.
It certainly was wonderful what a drink would do
to him and how quick.
We lay there and I could see a light from the
delegate's house back through the brush. I saw the
two lights on the point go down, and one o them
moving off around the point. They must have
blown the other one out.
Then, in a little while, coining out of the cove, I
see a boat come toward us with a man sculling.
I could tell by the way he swung back and forth,
I knew he had a big oar. I was pretty pleased.
If they were sculling that meant one man.
They came alongside.
'Good evening. Captain,5 said Mr. Sing.
'Come astern and put her broadside,' I said to
He said something to the kid who was sculling
but he couldn't scull backwards, so I took hold
of the gunwale and passed her astern. There were
eight men in the boat. The six Chinks, Mr, Sing,
and the kid sculling. While I was pulling her astern
I was waiting for something to hit me on top of the
head but nothing did. I straightened up and let
Mr. Sing hold on to the stern.
'Let's see what it looks like,' I said.