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Full text of "To Have And Have Not"

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coastguard plane down from Miami. It's dark now
at six. She can't fly it down under an hour. Once
it's dark they're all right. Well, if I'm going to carry
them I got to figure out about the boat. She won't
be hard to get out but if I take her out to-night and
they find she's gone they'll maybe find her. Any-
way there will be a big fuss. To-night's the only
time I've got to get her out though. I can take her
out with the tide and I can hide her. I can see what
she needs if she needs anything, if they've taken off
anything. But I got to fill gas and water, I got a
hell of a busy night all right. Then when I've got
her hid Albert will have to bring them in a speed
boat. Maybe Walton's. I can hire her. Or Bee-lips
can hire her. That's better. Bee-lips can help me
get the boat out to-night. Bee-lips is the one. Be-
cause sure as hell they've figured about Bee-lips.
They've got to have figured about Bee-lips. Sup-
pose they figure about me and Albert. Did any
of them look like sailors? Did any of them seem like
they were sailors? Let me think? Maybe. The
pleasant one, maybe. Possibly him, that young one.
I have to find out about that because if they figure
on doing without Albert or me from the start there's
no way. Sooner or later they will figure on us. But
in the Gulf you got time. And I'm figuring all the
time. I've got to think right all the time. I can't
make a mistake. Not a mistake. Not once. Well, I
got something to think about now all right. Some-
thing to do and something to think about besides