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Full text of "To Have And Have Not"

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scull in and drive out to the bridge and pick me up.
I'll be on the road there In about two hours. I'll
leave her and come out to the road/
Til pick you up/ Bee-lips told him, and Harry
with the motors throttled down so that she moved
quietly through the water, swung her around and
towed the skiff close In to where the riding light of
the cable schooner showed. He threw the clutches
out and held the skiff while Bee-lips got in,
'In about two hours,' lie said.
"All right/ said Bee-lips.
Sitting on the steering seat, moving ahead slov/ly
In the dark, keeping well out from the lights at the
head of the docks, Harry thought. Bee-lips Is doing
some work for his money all right. Wonder how
much he thinks he is going to get? I wonder how he
ever hooked up with those guys. There's a smart kid
who had a good chance once. He's a good lawyer,
too. But It made me cold to hear him say it himself.
He put his mouth on his own self all right. It's funny
how a man can mouth something. When I heard
him mouth himself It scared me.