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Full text of "To Have And Have Not"

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would not numb away, and he lay quietly now and
felt it. For a time he had thought that if he could
pull himself up over himself it would warm him like
a blanket, and he thought for a while that he had
gotten himself pulled up and he had started to warm.
But that warmth was really only the hemorrhage
produced by raising his knees up; and as the warmth
faded he knew now that you could not pull yourself
up over yourself and there was nothing to do about
the cold but take it. He lay there, trying hard in all
of him not to die long after he could not think* He
was in the shadow now, as the boat drifted, and it
was colder all the time.

The launch had been drifting since ten o'clock of
the night before and it was now getting late in the
afternoon. There was nothing else in sight across the
surface of the Gulf Stream but the gulf weed, a few
pink, inflated, membranous bubbles of Portuguese
men-of-war cocked jauntily on the surface, and the
distant smoke of a loaded tanker bound north from