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An Encyclopedia of Proof that 
The Original Man is God 

True Islam 



First Printing: First Edition 
January 1999 




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To all the true Five Percenters 
Who struggle against all odds 
To let the world know 
That the Black Man is God. 


List of Illustrations vi 

Acknowledgements viii 

Introduction 1 


Chapter I: Is God A Spirit? 6 

The Spirit-Matter Split 1 

The Temple of God 1 3 

Chapter II: Black Gods of Antiquity 1 7 

The God of Ancient Egypt 1 8 

The Black One of the Indus Valley 2 1 

The Black God of Sumer 23 

'El, Ahura Mazda, Zeus, Et Al 24 

One God 29 

The Name Allah Among Ancient Blacks 3 1 

Who Is That Mystery God? 34 

The 'Great Spirit' of African Traditional Religion 36 

Give Me That Old Time Religion 38 


Chapter III: Yahweh, The Black God of Israel 49 

Physical Evidence of Yahweh Found 52 

"For I Am God and Not Man" 55 

Chapter IV: The God of the Early Christians 67 

The Historical Jesus 70 

Jesus the Black Militant 72 

The First Church of Jerusalem 73 

Jesus Not God to Early Christians 75 

Revisiting the Resurrection 77 

Jesus: Prophet of the Black God 81 

St. Augustine 87 

The Uproar in Egypt 89 

Chapter V: Allah, The Black God of Islam 93 

Anthropomorphism in Early Islam 94 

The Mu'tazilite Heresy 106 

Ahmad Ibn Hanbal: Defender of the Faith 1 10 

Ibn Karram 1 14 

Al-Ashari: Champion of the Faith 1 1 7 

The Philosophic Movement in Islam 1 1 9 

Ibn Taymiyah: The Last Defender 120 

Conclusion One 125 

List: Black Gods of Antiquity 1 29 

List: Prophets of the Black God 130 

List: Patrons of the Mystery God 1 3 1 


Chapter VI: Allah The Original Man 1 3 7 

Chapter VII: The Story of the Atom 1 42 

The Atom: Allah's First Complete Make 143 

The Mundane Egg of the Ancient Mysteries 148 

Chapter VIII: In The Beginning 1 55 

The Qaballah of the Jews 161 

Brahma: Black God of India 166 

Atum: The Self-Created God of Egypt 1 69 

Apsu and Marduke of Babylon 1 72 

The Book of Dzyan 1 74 

Chapter IX: The Evolution of God 1 78 

The Six Days of Creation 1 8 1 

The Cell: The Throne of God 1 89 

Say: He Allah Is One God 1 92 

The Sabbath Day 196 

The Egyptian Record 204 

The Black Man is God in Islamic Theology 208 

Chapter X: The Three Lettered, Four Lettered God 2 1 4 

Seven, The Number of God 2 1 9 

Chapter XI: The Black Woman: God's Co-Creator 223 

Holy Mary, Mother of God 225 

The Divine Secret in Woman 227 

Chapter XII: The Secret of All Ages 230 

The Secret of Masonry 232 

The Secret the Church Forbade 236 

The $6,000 Secret of Jesus 237 

The Cathar Heresy 242 

The Holy Grail 243 

The Mystery of Rermes-Le-Chateau 245 

Pope Pius XII 249 

Conclusion Two 251 


Chapter XIII: Ye Are Gods 255 

The Fall of Man 259 

The Gods in History 266 

Chapter XIV: The Twenty Four Scientists 268 

The World King 273 

Chapter XV: The Ancient Council of The Gods 277 

The Svunerian Anunnaki 277 

Ancient Egyptian Paut Neteru 282 

The Hittite Company of Twelve 286 

The Canaanite Adat'El 289 

Yahweh and the Eloheim 293 

The Twenty Four Elders of Revelations 306 

TheExalted Assembly of Islam 308 

The Seven Archangels 313 

Chapter XVI: The Duties of The Gods 3 1 7 

The Gods and the Black Death 320 

Who Wrote the Holy Qur'an Or Bible? 324 

The Meeting Place of The Gods 330 


Chapter XVII: The Unknown Men of Scripture 330 

Black Angels 334 

Chapter XVIII: The Scientists of Islam 336 

Chapter XIX: The Twenty Four Scientists and the 

Birth of the United States of America 345 

The Professor 347 

The Gods and the Declaration of Independence 350 

The Scientists and George Washington 352 

Chapter XX: Saint Germain and The Twenty Four 356 



Chapter XXI: A Stranger In Detroit 374 

God, In Person 376 

Behold, I Will Send You Elijah 390 

The Early History of Fard 395 

The FBI, COINTELPRO, and Fard 397 

FBI Launches Search For Fard 399 

FBI Fabricates History of Fard 401 

A Pictorial Anthology of A Hoax 404 

Conclusion Three 413 

Epilogue: Is Allah A Righteous Muslim? 417 

Appendix A: The Sun of Man 428 

Appendix B: E=mc^: Mathematical Proof of the 

Reality of God 433 

Appendix C: Atoms, DNA, and God 442 

Appendix D: Comparative Table of Elijah 

Muhammad's Teachings And Their 
Parallels Found In The Cosmogonies of 

Ancient Nations 452 


The Sensual Embrace of Spirit and Matter 12 

Quetzacoatle, Black God of Mexico 17 

Ptah, Black God of Egypt 20 

The Black One of India 22 

Ahura Mazda 24 

The God 'El of Canaan 25 

Black God of Nubia 28 

Black Gods of Mexico 39 

Black Gods of the Olmecs 40 

Babylonian God Shamash 41 

The Tetragammaton Within the Star of David 48 

Canaanite Coin Depicting Yahweh 53 

Black Jesus and Judas 66 

Canaanite Depiction of Allah 1 1 

A.T.O.M 141 

The Story of The Atom 1 44 

The Tao of Islam 147 

The Mundane Egg of Persia 1 50 

The Egg and the Great Serpent 1 50 

The Three Stages of God's Physical Evolution 1 58 

Triple Stage Darkness 1 59 

The Point (A-tom) 160 

The Tetractys 1 64 

Spirit' s Descent Into Matter 1 80 

DNA: The Second Septenary 1 88 

The Lotus Plant 191 

The Kavod of Yahweh 1 97 

The Grand Symbol of the Zohar 200 

The God Ptah 206 

The Black God Atum 206 

Osirus, the Mummified God 207 

The Secret of the Name Muhammad 2 1 1 

The Secret of the Tetragrammaton 2 1 8 

The Great Septenary 220 

Man, the Measure of All Things 222 

The God Ra 283 

The Twenty Four Scientists of Anatolia 286 

Resep, the God of Pestilence 321 

The Egyptian Calendar at Dendera 327 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad 389 

Master Fard Muhammad Portrait 405 

Detroit Free Press Photo of Fard 407 

Los Angeles Herald Examiner 408 

Fake Detroit Mug Shot of Fard 4 1 

Elij ah Muhammad Mug Shot 4 1 

Fake San Quentin Mug Shot of Fard 4 1 

Fake Birth Certificate 4 1 1 

Muhammad Speaks 412 

The Sun of Man 428 

The Creation of Matter From Energy 436 

The Exponential Spiral in Nature 438 

The Diffraction Pattern 440 

The Interference Pattern 440 

The DNA Double Helix 444 

The Serpent Lord 447 

The Emblem of Eridu 447 

DNA as Twin Serpents 448 

Ouroboros, the Serpent-Dragon 449 

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell Replication 450 

The Son of Man 454 

The Messiah 455 

The Father 456 

The Minister 457 


I would like to thank all of those who contributed in 
some way to the completion of this project. First, thanks 
and praises go to Allah, His Messiah, and His Anointed in 
our midst, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan. 
To Wakeel Allah, Izlaam Self, and Bamar Cushmere. 
To Power Bom, without whose help this project could have 
never been successful. 

To Karcheik Sims for the beautiful illustrations. 
To Letitia Muhammad, Victoria Bells, Conswella 
Williams, Shannon Richardson, True And Living, Ben 
McKimmy and Just Wise. 

To Nana, Pat and Lamont Manley, and my intellectual 
mentor, Ray Pipkin. 
To Mr. and Mrs. McQuiston. 

To my mother, Laurita Thomas, and my brothers Lemar 
and Luther Thomas. To my sister DaShanne Breckenridge 
and my grandma Dorthea Breckenridge. To Ma, Leslie 
Ann Williams, I love you and I miss you. 


The most important of all questions is the question of the 
reality or person of God. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad shook 
up the world in 1934 by proclaiming that God came to him in the 
person of a Man, one W.F. Muhammad. The whole theology of 
the Nation of Islam, as well as the Five Percent, hinges upon this 
one tenet: God is a Man - a Black Man. 

Many who have heard this teaching dismissed it as a 
dangerously extreme display of racial pride - an understandable 
reaction to centuries of racial degradation at the hands of white 
folk. Muslims, and gods, however, maintain that this pivotal tenet 
of their faith is actually backed up by scripture and was 
acknowledged by all of the Prophets of God. The debate ensues. 

Answering the question of Who is God is of paramount 
importance to the whole world. It is of particular importance 
however, to Black people because, in so doing, we solve the 
mystery of our own beginning. Current evolutionary theory, while 
acknowledging that the first humans were "probably" Black, place 
the origin of these aboriginal Black folk in the tree hopping 
primates of Africa. Accordingly, they say, when the Black Man of 
today looks at his reflection in a mirror, what he is seeing is 
nothing more than an advanced ape. Mr. Muhammad, on the other 
hand, takes a different position. He says when the Black Man 
looks at his reflection he is witnessing, not an advanced ape, but a 
descended God. Mr. Muhammad justifies this position by giving a 
detailed account of how the Black Man (God) originated. 

It is time to revisit the teachings of the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad. The question his doctrine raised in regards to the 
nature of God absolutely must be answered if Black People are 
going to have a true knowledge of themselves. We come on the 
heels of the Era of Afrocentricity, during which invaluable 
information was uncovered and dispensed showing the greatness of 
our African past. But through it all, we are no closer to a true 
knowledge of Self because the Afrocentric movement refused to 
address the question of God. Consequently, our self knowledge, at 
best, could only be asymptotic. We recall in our high school 

answer the question of Who is God we will never cross the 
threshold of true Knowledge of Self 

The whole world has been deceived about God and His true 
nature. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that He in fact 
hid His true reality from the people trillions of years ago. Within 
the last six thousand years. He has been worshipped as everything 
except what He really is: a Human Being. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been teaching now for 
over sixty years that God is not a formless spirit or spook, but is a 
Man. Not man as we understand man; but Man as He was before 
the great "Fall of Man." This Man is divine. Supreme in 
knowledge, wisdom, understanding and power. He has power over 
all that is, and has come into the world, out of "hiding," to redeem 
His Chosen People who have been trampled upon by the nations of 
the earth. 

This is a most controversial teaching. The Honorable Louis 
Farrakhan, in Study Guide 19:The Knowledge of God, says: 

"This critical point of belief of the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad ...was the cardinal point around which the 

Nation of Islam had it 's demise. "^ 

The average God-fearing individual reacts vehemently against 
such teaching of God being a human being. It is believed by most 
Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others that God is a spirit 
independent of flesh. But the Bible teaches that during this time 
His true reality would not be known until the End of Time. Rev. 
10:7 says: 

"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he 
FINISHED, as He hath declared to his servants the 
prophets. " 

A mystery is that which is unknown. God's reality was unknown 
for thousands of years and was to remain so until the Seventh 
Angel sounded in the Last Days. Thus, the masses who 
worshipped God prior to the sounding of the Seventh Angel would 
be worshipping other than His true reality; that would be unknown 

to them AnH when The Mvsterv is finallv finisheH and the Ser.ret 

In 1931 the Seventh Angel Sounded and The Mystery was 
finished. God came out of hiding and, as expected, the world 
stood in offended shock and consternation by the revelation. But 
over sixty years have now passed and emotions have subsided. It 
is now time to look at this most controversial teaching in a 
scholarly, scientific, and theological manner. 

"Theology" is a compound of two Latin words: theos meaning 
God and logos meaning "the study of." Science comes from the 
Latin root scio which means "to know." A Scientific Theology is 
thus the study of God based on empirical knowledge: actual facts. 

Many believe that it is impossible to "know God." They say 
His nature is such that the human mind could never comprehend 
Him. But according to scripture God desires to be known. 
Yahweh said 

"For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge 
of God (daath Eloheim), not burnt offerings. " (Rosea 6:6) 

According to a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Allah said, 

"/ was a Hidden Treasure; I wanted to be known. Hence, I 
created the world so that I might be known. " ^ 

This writing is dedicated to the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, the 
best example of the Five Percent in our midst. I hope what I say 
here will help as you cris-cross this nation and the globe spreading 
the mighty teachings of Muhammad. In my attempt to help you, I 
pray Allah I am not found guilty of throwing trash in the well from 
which you are trying to get a drink. Asalaam Alaikum and Peace. 





"God is a spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in 
spirit and in truth." 

John 4:24 

The hallmark of the major western religions (Judaism, 
Christianity, and Islam) is their belief in God as an immaterial 
being, detached from and having no connection with any 
corporeal* body. The above referenced verse from the Book of 
John has been the Christian world's scriptural "proof that God is 
in fact a formless spirit, not a Man. And though we concur 1 00% 
with John 4:24, for GOD IS A SPIRIT, we believe the Christian 
world has greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted this most 
revealing scripture. 

The proper interpretation of this verse depends on our 
understanding it in it's original context. The literal translation of 
both the Greek (pneuma) and Hebrew (ruah) words here rendered 

"spirit" is "breath" or "air."3 This breath or "air in motion" is, 
according to the ancients, the intrinsic life force which animates all 

things. It is the prana of the Hindus^ and the ba of the ancient 
Egyptians. Wade Nobles, in his African Psychology, describes the 

"The BA was the second (of the seven) division of the 
psychic nature. It represented the transmission of the 
breath of life. The ancients believed that there was only 
one power, which was symbolically represented as 'THE 
BREATH, ' and that this power or breath was transmitted 
from the ancestors to the descendants. The ancients 
believed that this power or energy has always existed and 
will always exist. The Ba was the invisible source, like 
electricity, of all visible functions. The Ba was in effect the 

vital principle which represented the essence of all 
things. "^ 

This "Breath" of John 4:24 is therefore the intrinsic, immaterial 
essence of all material reality. 

Webster's Ninth Edition defines air as "breath" or "the 
gaseous mixture surrounding the earth." A gas is a loose 
assortment of various types of atoms. An atom, in turn, is an 
extremely tiny "ball of energy." Fritjof Capra, in his TAO of 
Physics, observes: 

"Atoms consist of particles and these particles are not 
made of any material stuff... The discovery that mass is 
nothing but a form of energy has forced us to modify our 
concept of a particle in an essential way. In modern 
physics... particles are not seen as consisting of any basic 

'stuff, ' but as bundles of energy. "" 

Energy, then, is the root of air. And in the ancient world, 
energy and spirit were synonymous. Both "spirit" and "matter," 
the incorporeal* and the corporeal, are two manifestations of the 
same One Reality. Theologians call this One Reality God. 

Philosophers call it "THAT."7 Scientists call it Energy. Energy is 
eternal, according to the Law of Conservation of Energy which 
states that Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but constantly 
transforms. But whether we call It God, That, or Energy, this one 
essence is the same and from It sprung both matter and spirit. 
Madame Blavatsky, matriarch of Theosophy, notes: "Spirit and 
Matter, or Purusha and Prakriti, are but two primeval aspects of 

the One and Secondless. "° 

The two are "different forms of the same basic 'stuff -in much 

the same way that ice and steam are different forms of water. "^ 

This One Reality has been found in every major world religion 
to be "the beginning" from whence all else springs. The Hindus 
called it Parabrahm. The Zoroastrians called it Zeruana Akerne. 
To the Egyptians it was Kneph and to the Hebrews Ain Soph. 
Whatever it was called, it represented to all the "unmanifested 

deity," "the latent, causeless cause." ^^ This One Reality (Energy) 
manifests itself through spirit, and spirit manifests itself through 

This is indeed how that verse in John 4:24 was intended. The 
word pneuma was used because it conveyed this meaning of 
corporeality. Grace Jantzen, in God's World, God's Body, 

"Scripture does say, of course, that God is Spirit (pneuma). 
But pneuma, in the Greek text of that time, did not 
necessarily indicate incorporeality as we would expect; in 
fact, it was sometimes taken to imply the reverse. We can 
observe this in the Stoic philosophy of the time, where 
pneuma required corporeality. According to Stoicism, 
God and the world are composed of the same stuff. The 

creative fire which rules the universe is pneuma... "^ ^ 

According to the Stoics, this verse was to be understood as "God is 
a spirit that permeates all things and contains all things within 

Himself "^2 

The Church Father Origen (A.D. 185-253), in an attempt to 
convert the early Christians over to the Mystery God, 
acknowledged that it was this same verse, John 4:24, that the 
original followers of Jesus used to prove that God did in fact 
possess a material body. He says: 

"/ know that some will attempt to say that, even according 
to our own Scriptures, God is a body, BECAUSE.. .they find 
it said... in the gospel according to John, that 'God is a 
Spirit '...Spirit according to them [is] to be regarded as 

nothing else than a body, "^ ' 

The early Christians, the Stoics, and the Black Man and 
Woman of antiquity understood that the Spirit, as a rule, manifests 
itself through a material body. 

This is exactly as taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 
He says: 

"Materials from the Earth give us a body for breath to 
enter. When breath entered the body it made a sound and 
from the sound I could walk and I could guide myself The 
Breath of Life. Every human being that is born of parents, 
if it does not breathe the breath that is carrying the Earth 
and that we are all breathing, it won 't live. We say it is 
stillborn. But he (devil) made you look at it differently. He 
made you to look at breath as something of a spirit or a 
body we cant see. That 's right too. We can 't see the air 
that we are breathing unless we get a microscope. Then we 
can see the very Atom of Life in the air. Those Atoms of 
Life in the air are the things that give us life'^... The biggest 
'soul ' we have is air... The real soul that they preach to you 
about is your breath. ..The human soul is nothing but a 
person 's life. It is not something which is separate from 
body in which we are in. If you study the theological side 
of it, it only means our breath. That is the soul, our breath. 
The Bible teaches you that when God made Man He 
breathed into the Man the Breath of Life, then He became a 
Living Soul. "'^ 


The Western World has juxtaposed spirit and matter in 
such a way that the two are seen as mutually exclusive. This is 
not, however, how our ancient mothers and fathers understood the 
spirit-matter dichotomy. To them, spirit and matter were two 
aspects of the whole, and the whole depended on the harmonious 
union of the two. Wade Nobles notes: 

"Reality for the ancients was always conceived of as the 
synthesis of the visible and the invisible, the material and 
the immaterial, the cognitive and the emotive, the inner and 

the outer. "^^ 

He says the Supreme Being according to the ancients was 
""simultaneously 'spiritual ' and 'material '. " Egyptologist 
Theophile Obenga observes: 

"The opposition between 'matter' and 'spirit' does not 
exist in ancient Egypt where nature forms a whole, matter 
and consciousness intermingled.. .Spirit and matter are both 

modes of the same reality. "^"^ 

Fritjof Capra concurs: 

"Since motion and change are essential properties of 
things, the forces causing the motion are not objects from 
the outside, as in classical Greek view, but are an intrinsic 
property of matter. Correspondingly, the Eastern image of 
the Divine is not that of a ruler who directs the world from 
above, but a principle that controls everything from 

within. "^° 

The change came with the Elatic school of thought founded by 

the Greek Xenophanes (570-480 B.C.).^^ It was, however, Rene' 
Descartes' seventeenth century philosophy which popularized the 
spirit-matter dualism now known as the "Cartesian Split." Marcel 

Mauss, writing in What is Matter: History of the Concept and 
Present Conception, says: 

"The 'matter-spirit' opposition is much more recent. It 
came along with the notion of matter as purely mechanical 
and geometric which dates back perhaps to Galileo, 
certainly to Descartes... This notion of matter purified of 
all spiritual element developed for the most part in France 
and Great Britain. "^^ 

According to the ancient Wisdom of the Black Man and 
Woman, matter and spirit are mutually co-dependent and the 
"whole" is the product of their synthesis. We all experience this 
profound truth in our lives. All of us who are blessed to have 
electricity running through our homes know that copper wiring is 
absolutely necessary for our use of the electric current. The copper 
wire serves as a transmitter of that current. If the wire is damaged, 
the electricity is left suspended- unable to be made manifest- until 
more wire is put down. The current represents the Spirit of God. 
The wire represents the transmitters of God's Spirit, the human 

To the ancients. Spirit was masculine and Matter was 
feminine.21 They were represented as Twin Gods, male and 
female, called the Mother and Father of Man.22 Some times they 
were shown in a sensual embrace, as in Shiva and Shakti of India 
(Figure 1). This represents the sensual embrace between Spirit and 

At other times, the two gods are welded into one androgynous* 
deity. All over the earth, God was often depicted as a Great 
Hermaphrodite, a man with male and female organs.^^ The 
profane and unlearned took this representation on face value and 
thus imagined God as a being who actually possessed both sets of 
organs - a true hermaphrodite. The initiated, on the other hand, 
understood this to signify the spiritual-material nature of God/Man. 
The same with the image of God with two faces, a man's and a 
woman's, tvimed in opposite directions. This is God as Spirit 
(Man) and Matter (Woman). 

The sensual embrace between Shiva and Shakti represents, 
on one level, the sensual embrace between Spirit (Shiva) 
and Matter (Shakti). (Photo from Capra, 1991, p. 91) 


MAN is called by the ancients "the Son of the Two": the 
"Two" being Spirit (Father) and Matter (Mother).24 And 
according to all scripture, the Spirit of God uses the human body to 
covey or manifest Itself. Thus, MAN's body is called "the Temple 
of God." Paul says in I Cor. 3:16-17: 

"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the 
Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple, 
him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, 

The sacred temples of the ancients were constructed to reflect 

the human body.^^Egyptologist R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, in his 
famous The Temple In Man, says of the great House of God 
called the Temple of Luxor from pharonic Egypt: 

"The outline of a human skeleton-traced according to 
anthropometrical methods and very carefully constructed, 
bone by bone-was superimposed on the general plan of the 
temple. The head... is located exactly in the sanctuaries of 
the covered temple; the sanctuary of the barque ofAmun is 
the oral cavity; the chest is located in the first hypos tyle of 
the covered temple and ends with the temple 's platform. 
The abdomen is represented by the peristyle court, and the 
pubis is located exactly at the door separating this peristyle 
from the colonnade ofAmun. This marvelous colonnade is, 
in fact, dedicated to the femurs, the thighs; the knees are at 
the site of the gate in front of which sit the two colossi, 
marking the entrance to this colonnade... One might be 
tempted to think this skeleton had been constructed to be 
superimposed on the temple. But any skeleton.. .can be 
projected thus on the plan of the temple and will coincide 
with it. Moreover, all the proportions of the skeleton may 
be checked against the actual measurements of the 

temple. "^^ 

He concludes: 

"The Temple of Luxor is indisputably devoted to the 
Human Microcosm. This consecration is not merely a 
simple attribution: the entire temple becomes a book 
explaining the secret functions of the organs and nerve 
centers. " 

Likewise, the Great Pyramid of Gizah was constructed to 
reflect the Human Microcosm. Hall observes, 

"The base of the Pyramid... represents the four material 
elements or substances from the combination of which the 
quaternary body of man is formed. From each side of the 
square there rises a triangle, typifying the threefold divine 
being (Spirit of God) enthroned within every quaternary 
material nature... The three main chambers of the Pyramid 
are related to the heart, the brain, and the generative 
system-the spiritual centers of the human constitution. The 
triangular form is also similar to the posture assumed by 

the body during the ancient meditative exercises. "^"^ 

In the depths of the recesses of the Great Pyramid, there dwells 
the "Holy of Holies," a most august soul who never left the 
Temple and whose audience only the "initiated" could seek. He 
resided in the Temple, "as God dwells in the hearts of men."2o 
This "Illustrious One" represents the Spirit of God dwelling in the 
real House of God, the Human Body. This is the Kaabah in Mecca 
or Cathedral in Rome. 

This is true and consistent in practically all of the major world 
religions. In the Qaballah of the Jews, Ain Soph (which is the 
Jewish "Supreme All" or Spirit) uses the body of the first MAN, 
Adam Qodman, called by the Hebrews the "Heavenly Man," as the 
mercabah or throne-chariot through which He manifests 
Himself 29 The Zohar says: 

"The Infinite Unity (Ain Soph), formless and without 
similitude, after the form of the Heavenly Man was created, 
used it. The Unknown Light used the (heavenly form) as a 

chariot through which to descend, and wished to be called 
by this form, which is the sacred name Jehovah. * "^0 

In the Laws of Manu, which is an ancient Hindu writing, 
Parabrahm is the Eternal All of the ancient Indians. He (IT) 

manifests Itself through the male God BrahmaJ^ Brahma is called 
Kali Hamsa which means "Black Swan." Parabrahm is then 
called Hansa-vahan, which means "he who uses the swan (hansa) 

as His vehicle (vahan)."^^^ Black aquatic fowl- whether swan, 
goose, pelican, or dove-is always used to symbolize the vehicle 
through which the Spirit of God conveys Itself.' Ain Soph is called 

"The Fiery Soul of the Pelican."^ ^ According to the Greeks, the 
city of Delphi was founded by the Spirit of God in the form of a 
Black Dove. 34 

What is the significance of all these Black birds being 
associated with the transmission of the Spirit of God? Madame 
Blavatsky, in The Secret Doctrine, says: 

"Darkness is always associated with the first symbol and 
surrounds it,-as shown in the Hindu, the Egyptian, the 
Chaldeo-Hebrew and even the Scandinavian-hence black 
ravens, black doves, black waters and even black flames; 
the seventh tongue ofAgni, the fire god being called 'Kali, ' 

'the black'. ..Two 'black' doves flew from Egypt and settling 
on the oaks ofDodona, gave their names to Grecian gods. 
Noah lets out a Black raven after the deluge, which is a 
symbol for the Cosmic pralaya (absolute rest or sleep), 
after which began the real creation... Odin's black ravens 
fluttered around the Goddess Saga and 'whispered to her 
of the past and future. ' What is the real meaning of all 
these black birds? They are all connected with the primeval 
wisdom, which flows out of the pre-cosmic Source of 
all... and they all have an identical meaning and relate to 

* We vdll explain later why the Zohar associates the name 
Yahweh or Jehovah v^ath this "Heavenly Form." 

THINGS... "^5 

Adam Qodman, THE ORIGINAL BLACK MAN, is the Kali 
Hamsa through which the Spirit of God is conveyed to the world. 
He was the first emanation from the darkness of Mother Space. 
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says in Theology of Time: 

"You are being taught that the Black Man is the first 
creature in the Sun. You must realize that the Black Man 
was the first to see the light after coming out of darkness. 
He came out of total darkness and he was dark.. His own 
color corresponds with the conditions of what is now the 
Heavens and Earth, that was nothing then but total 

darkness. "^^ 



The whole world at one time knew that the Black Man was He 
through whom the Supreme All manifested Himself. J.A. Rodgers, 
in his 100 Amazing Facts About The Negro, says, 

HAIR... From the texture of the hair, I am inclined to assign 
to the Buddha of India, the Fuhi of China, Xaha of the 
Japanese, the Quetzacoatel of the Mexicans, the same and 

indeed an African or rather Nubian origin. "^' 

Quetzacoatel, Black God of Mexico. 

Godfrey Higgins, in his prodigious work, Anacalypsis: An Inquiry 
Into the Origins of Languages, Nations, and Religions, notes 

always Black. Venus, Jupiter, Apollo, Bacchus, Hercules, 
Asteroth, Adonis, Horus, Apis, Osiris, and Amen: in short 
ALL THE...DEITIES WERE BLACK. They remained as 

they were fir St... in very ancient times. " ^^ 

All of the ancient civilizations of the Black Man and Woman 
understood that the Most High, who is spiritual, manifested or 
conveyed Himself through the body of the Black Man. This 
luiderstanding of God's Self-Manifestation is referred to as 
"anthropomorphism." Anthropomorphism is a Greek word coming 
from "anthropos" meaning man and "morphe" meaning form. It 
represents belief in God manifesting Himself in human form. For 
reasons we shall discuss later, the Black Man's physical make was 
chosen by the Most High as the best conductor of His Spirit. Thus, 
in all of the great civilizations of the Original People, God was 
luiderstood to be a Man-a Black Man. The Jewish Encyclopedia 

"Anthropomorphism is, of course, met with among ALL 


In the great civilization of Ancient Kemet, God was imderstood 
in anthropomorphic terms. Egyptologists E. Wallace Budge, in 
The Gods of The Egyptians, observes that, 

"the Egyptian 's... gods (were) in their own image, only they 
attributed to them super-human powers. "''^ 

Cheik Anta Diop, m. African Origin of Civilization says, 

"Thus we can understand why the Egyptians always 
painted their gods black as coal, IN THE IMAGE OF 

In spite of references to the Egyptian's "gods," these ancient 
Blacks worshipped one Supreme God. His name changed with 
time, but whether He was called Ptah, Ra, Anton, or Atum, there 
was acknowledged One God from whom all others sprung and who 
is above all. Manley P. Hall, in Man: Grand Symbol of the 
Mysteries, says: 

"Eusebius, on the authority of Porphyry, wrote that the 
Egyptians acknowledged one intellectual author or creator 
of the world; that they worshipped him in a... human form 

It is said that the Early Egyptians worshipped animals or God 
in animal form. But this is not the case. The adoration of God in 
theriomorphic* terms was a late development in the religious 
history of Egypt. James Breasted, in .,4 History of Egypt, says: 

"But the animal-worship, which we usually associate with 
CLOSE OF ITS HISTORY. In the (early) periods, IT WAS 
UNKNOWN; the hawk for example, was the sacred animal 
of the sun-god, and as such a living hawk might have a 
place in the temple, where he was fed and kindly treated, as 
any such pet might be; BUT HE WAS NOT WORSHIPPED, 

The animals only represented and symbolized particular 
attributes or characteristics of the God. The hawk, because of the 
heights that it soars up in the sky, merely represented that quality 
of the Sun God. It was not, however, identified as the Sun-God. In 
Religions of the World, edited by D. Reisman, we learn: 

"This does not mean the Egyptians worshipped animals, 

however. In the ancient world, animal's forms were 

commonly used to characterize and symbolize the 
sacred. "''^ 


Another great civilization and religious center established by 
the Black Man and Woman is found on the sub-continent of India, 
called the Indus Valley Civilization. This civilization goes back to 
6-7,000 B.C. and reached it's apex in Mohenjo-Daro around 3,000 
to 2,500 B.C. These ancient Blacks likewise acknowledged that the 
Most High manifested Himself in the form of a man-a Black Man. 

The religion of the ancient Indians is known primarily from 
figurines and seals, for the language has not been fully deciphered. 
Anthropomorphic figurines were found representing male gods and 
female goddesses.'*^ On the seals, the goddess is represented as a 
slender woman with a headdress, sometimes a crescent-shaped 
headdress, and sometimes bovine horns protruding out. She is also 
usually shown with a long pony-tail and a skirt. 

The most famous seal, however, is that of the male god, called 
the ProtoSivaic Seal (Figure 4). A male god is depicted sitting in 
yoga-fashion on a throne. Large bovine horns protrude from his 
very stylized headdress. Around the God are a tiger, buffalo, 
elephant and rhinoceros. He has since been called "The Lord of 
The Beasts." Inscribed on the seal is the appellation, "The Black 
One, The Black Buffalo. "^^ The bovine animal, either Bull or 
Buffalo, was the universal icon of the Great God because it 
represents power and dominion. This Black God is identified by 
the Buffalo signifying his power and dominion and status in the 
Indus Valley religion. The fact that this Black deity is the 
Supreme power of Mohenjo-Daro is shown in another seal where 
the Mother-Goddess which we have just looked at is shown 
kneeling down and worshipping The Black One.'^^ 

Figure 4 "The Black One." (Photo from Sertima, 1988 n 
68) ' ^' 

The name of the Supreme God in India, like in Egypt, changed 
with time and area. But whether He was called Brahma, Indra, or 
"The Black One," He was always said to manifest Himself in 
human form. Stewart Elliot Guthrie, in Faces in The Clouds, 


Ivan Van Sertima, in his African Presence in Early Asia, has 
shown conclusively that the indigenous people of the Sumerian 
Civilization were not a so-called Semitic people, but were Black. 
Between 1889 and 1900, 30,000 texts were unearthed at Nippur, 
Lagash, the religious center of ancient Sumer. The texts, which are 
from the 2nd and 3rd millennium B.C., have helped us to have a 
clearer understanding of the religion of these ancient Blacks. 
Samual N. Kramer, in his book History Begins at Sumer, 

"(The stories) illustrates vividly the anthropomorphic 
character of the Sumerian Gods. Even the most powerful 
and most knowing among them were regarded as human in 
form, thought, and deed. "^* 

T. Jacobsen, in "Primitive Democracy in Ancient 
Mesopotamia," asserts 

"The Sumerians and Akkadians pictured their gods as 
human inform, governed by human emotions, and living in 
the same type of world as did men. "''' 

The Sumerians believed in One Supreme God who was called 
Anu. Anu was the Father and King of all the gods. His realm was 
the expanse of the heavens. Cheik Anta Diop suggest that the 
name comes from An, which means "man."'^ Anu was 
accompanied by his wife, the Mother-Goddess called Antu. All 
the other gods, which were "his children" -Enki, Marduk, Ishtar, 
and the rest-were human in form. 


The Hittites settled in the area of Anatolia around 2,000 B.C. 
In Yazilikaya, the ancient Hittite capital, there sits a religious 
gallery. In this gallery is depicted the Divine Assembly of the 
Gods and the Head God, named Teshub. All of the gods are 
depicted in human form. The name of the God that heads the 
Council differs at different times, but whether it is Alalu, Anu, or 
Kumarbi, one thing remains constant: the God is in human form.^' 

Ahura Mazda, the God of Zarathustra (Zoraster) and the 
Persians, was likewise a Man (Figure 6). William Bramley, in The 
Gods of Eden, observes, 

"Ahura Mazda is depicted in some places as a bearded 
human figure who stands in a stylized circular 
object. ..Ahura Mazda was a humanlike 'God'. "^- 

Figure 6 Ahura Mazda (Bramely, 1989, middle) 

The Supreme God of the ancient Black Canaanites was 'El. 'El 
is the God worshipped by Abraham and the early Hebrews. ^^ 
Karen Armstrong, in her Best Seller, A History of God, notes: 

as El Shaddai (El of the Mountain), which was one of El's 
traditional titles. Elsewhere he is called El Elyon (The 
Most High God) or El of Bethel. The name of the 
Canaanite High God is preserved in such Hebrew names as 
Isra-El or Ishma-El. "^'> 

The Biblical "Eloheim " is the plural of El. We find this name 
ascribed to God again in Psalms 82:1. Until Moses' time. El was 
the only God the Hebrews knew.^^ xhis God was an elderly Man 
with a white beard. F.M. Cross, in Canaanite Myth And Hebrew 
Epic, describes zin ancient Czinaanite relief depicting the God 'El: 

"From Ugarit comes a relief of a male god, with long 
beard, sitting on a throne with his right hand raised in a 
gesture of blessing. On his head is a high conical crown 
below which bovine horns protrude prominently: above is a 
winged sun disk. "•'* 

The Whites of antiquity likewise bore witness that the Black 
Man is God. Zecharia Sitchin says, 

"The Greeks described their gods as anthropomorphic, as 
physically similar to mortal men and women, and human in 
character: They could be happy and angry and jealous; 
they made love, quarreled, fought; and they procreated like 
humans, bringing forth offspring through sexual 
intercourse-with each other and humans. "^^ 

Godfrey Higgins says: 

"The Greek gods were adaptations of the Egyptian ones. 
Hence, the earliest ones of Greece WERE BLACK. "^« 

Zeus, the Supreme God of the Greeks, was Black. 

Another Black Man worshipped by early Whites is Ham, the 
son of Noah. Charles Finch, in his Echoes of the Old Darkland, 
observes that the Hebrew word "Ham" derives from the Egyptian 
"Cham" and means "Black." According to Higgins, Ham was 
worshipped all over the ancient world of Whites (and Blacks) as 
God. He says: 

"By the Syrians the Sun and Heat were called... 'hnte,' 
Chamha; and by the Persians Hama...Mr. Bryant shews 
(sic) that Ham was esteemed Zeus of Greece, and the 
Jupitor of Latium...Mr. Bryant says, 'The worship of 
Ham... as it was the most ancient, so it was the most 
universal of any in the world. It was at first the prevailing 
religion of Greece; and was propagated over all the sea- 
coast of Europe, from whence it extended itself into the 
inland provinces. It was established in Gaul and Britain; 
and was the original religion of this island, which the 
Druids in after times adopted. "^' 

Another important aspect of the ancient understanding of God 
was that the male God was always balanced with the female 
Goddess. You did not find the God without a feminine expression 
of that God. They always came in pairs as the Ma'atic Balance 

J 1 1 Tn..,- :_ : * ir ^ /rr i\ ^i :_ *u_ 

Kuk and Kauket (darkness and its compliment); and Amun and 
Amaunet (the hidden and its compliment).^^ This was true in 
Ancient Babylon, Ancient Canaan, and throughout the Ancient 
World. They came as a couple: Anu/Antu, Asar/Asat, El/Elat, 
Allah/ AUat, ect. 

But today, in Western Judaism, Western Christianity, and 
Western Islam, the Goddess, feminine expression of the God, has 
been buried. It is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who brought 
her back and taught that the Black Women was the "CO- 
CREATOR" with God. He said there was never a time when the 
Black God Allah was without his Goddess, the Black Woman. 

All over the earth, it was understood that God was a spirit 
which manifested itself through the human body. Stewart Guthrie 

"Indeed, gods and humans are both similar and continuous 
to most parts of the world. Gods may be jealous of humans 
or infatuated with them, may make love or war with 
them... In many cultures gods are not eternal but are 
born... They may die of old age or be killed... They may be 
the ancestors of humans... They eat and drink, sometimes 
ambrosia or other unearthly delicacies, but also milk (from 
the dairy herds) and other human foods. . . 
" A.F.C. Wallace notes that the Great Gods of Dahomey 
are 'humanlike beings' with an 'active social life' including 
sex, war, and economic enterprises. Erland Ehnmark says 
a 'richly developed anthropomorphism is by no means 
peculiar to Homer'... In Siberia, 'countless tales relate how 
God has a magnificent home in the (heaven)... a wife and 
children, servants, cattle, and other property. ' The Koryak 
Supreme Being is an 'old man living in a settlement in 
heaven and having a wife and children... In Polynesia, 
Ehnmark finds little difference between gods and powerful 
chiefs. Similar examples of humanlike gods are legion. 
Although we know the Greek gods for their 
anthropomorphism, they are by no means exceptional. "^^ 

The ancients understood that God and Man were of the same 
nature, the only difference being that God was Supreme in all of 

aspire, but was the prototype of human existence; it was the 
original pattern or the archetype on which our life here 
below had been modeled. Everything on earth was thus 
believed to be a replica of something in the divine 
world. ..There was no gulf between human beings and the 
gods. The natural world, men and women and the gods 
themselves all shared the same nature and derived from the 
same divine substance. The pagan vision was holistic. The 
gods were not shut off from the human race in a separate, 
ontological sphere: divinity was not essentially different 
from humanity... The gods and human beings shared the 
same predicament, the only difference being that the gods 
were more powerful and were immortal. "^^ 

Rev. Ishakamusa Barashango concludes, 

"Thus we see, that in ancient times, ALL THE IMAGES OF 
LOOKED LIKE, or as he was revealed and manifested to 


We have thus far seen that the ancient Black World, civilized 
or non, always believed in the One God. And we always believed 
that He manifested Himself as a Black Man. We talked about 
"gods" in the plural, but these other "gods" were the "children of 
God." Just as it is written in Psalms 82:6, "/ have said, 'ye are 
gods, and all of you are children of the Most High." Such gods 
as Enlil, Ba'al, Ishtar, and Horus, were all children of the God. But 
in all these civilizations there was the acknowledgment of the 
supremacy of the One Creator God. 

All of these civilizations professed belief in one all-powerful, 
anthropomorphic God. In fact, they professed belief in the SAME 
God. Though he was called by different names, Anu was the same 
as Ptah and 'El and "The Black One" of India. Both 'El, Anu and 
The Black One are all depicted sitting on a throne with a special 
headdress on which contains protruding bovine horns. The Bull or 
Buffalo is their icon, and a spear is usually in the hand of the God. 
If one only observed the representations without the appellations, 
he would see that this was the same god being represented. Anu is 
The Black One who was also called 'El by the Canaanites. 

Yahweh simply admitted that He was the same God, for He 
says in Exodus 6:2-3, 

"And God spoke unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the 
Lord: and I appeared unto Abraham, Isaac, and unto 
Jacob, BY THE NAME OF 'EL SHADDAI, but by my name 
Yahweh was I not known to them. " 

'El Shaddai' means "God Almighty" or '"El Almighty." He is 
the same God 'El just using a different name. And it is His use of 
the name Yahweh that proves He is the same God that was 
worshipped in Egypt before the debasement of the Egyptian 
religion. Also, in Ex. 3:14, God identifies Himself to Moses as 
"Eheyeh asher Eheyeh" or "I AM THAT I AM." T.W. Doan, in 
Bible Myths And Their Parallels in Other Religions, observes, 

"The Egyptian name for God was 'Nuk-Pa-Nuk' or 7 AM 

Jehovah, and probably of identical import; and no name 
was uttered in Egypt with more reverence that this lAO. "*'' 

The God of Sumer, Egypt, India, Canaan, Israel, Persia and 
around the world, was the One True God-the same God. Whether 
we called Him Ahura Mazda, Allah, Anu, 'El, Yahweh, or Ra, the 
God is One and the same-and He always manifested Himself in 
human form. 

All over the earth, the Black Man and Woman knew God. We 
knew Him under different names because we spoke different 
languages. But as you continue through this work you will see that 
they all spoke about the same God. God has 10,000 beautiful 
Names. 9,999 of them represent His attributes or an aspect of His 
nature. Ptah means "the Opener," but God is also the Closer. 
Amen means "the Hidden," but the Holy Qur'an says God is ''The 
Hidden and The Manifest (57:3)." Ahura Mazda means "Lord of 
Wisdom" but He is also Lord of Understanding. All of these 
names represent various aspects of the nature of God. Albert 
Churchward, in his The Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man, 

"At the same time we must not forget that all of these 
different names of gods were simply the attributes of the 
One God. In the 77"" chapter of the (Egyptian) Ritual it 
says: 'His names together compose the cycle of the 
gods '...The aboriginal Australians have a legend about 
Bymee, 'The Great Father..., ' as having a totem name for 
every part of his body, even to a different one for each 
finger and toe, which is simply the various attributes of the 
'Great Spirit Father. '....In the 17''' chapter of 'The Book of 
the Dead' it is said: 7 am the Great God-self created, that 
is to say, who made his names '- 'the company of the gods of 

The tenth-thousandth name is Allah, for it represents the 
synthesis of All of God's great Attributes. "Allah" means "All In 
All." According to Godfrey Higgins, Allah is the etymological 
root of the English word "all."** Thus, when one says Allah, 
he/she simultaneously says Ptah, Amen, Brahma, Yahweh, Ahura 

Mn^Hn Ain Snnh Vichnii pnt All r»f rrnH'c hpniitifiil Mampc arp 


In Dr. Yosef Ben Yochannan's African Origin of the Major 
Western Religions, he states that Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) 
took the pagan goddess Allat and transformed her into the male 
god Allah. ^' I have great respect for Dr. Ben, but history reveals 
this not to be the case. The name Allah was the name of the 
Supreme God in Arabia and throughout the so-called Middle East 
(which was originally populated by Black People^*) long before 
Muhammad was ever bom. Dr. W. C. Tisdall, in his The Original 
Sources of the Qur'an, notes: 

"// is not possible to suppose that the recognition of the 
unity of God was introduced among the Arabs for the first 
time by Muhammad. For the word Allah, containing as it 
does the definite article, is a proof that those who used it 
were in some degree conscious of the Divine Unity. NOW 

Samuel M. Zwemer, in his The Moslem Doctrine of God, says 

"But history establishes beyond a shadow of doubt that 
even the pagan Arabs, before Muhammad's time, knew 
their chief god by the name Allah and even, in a sense, 
proclaimed His unity. In pre-Islamic literature... 'ilah' is 
used for any god and Al-ilah, contracted to Allah... was the 
name of the Supreme. Among the pagan Arabs this term 
denoted the chief God of their pantheon... As final proof, we 
have the fact that centuries before Muhammad the Arabian 

"' Y.B. Yochannan. African Oriein of the Maior Weistern 

Kaaba, or temple at Mecca, was called Beit-Allah, the 
house of God... "™ 

The Beit-Allah or House of God goes back 6,000 years to the time 
when only Black People populated Arabia. At this time the Black 
Arabians worshipped only the one God. Drusilla B. Houston, in 
"Ethiopians in Old Arabia" notes, 

"The ancient inhabitants of Arabia Petraea and Yemen 
(South Arabia) believed in one god and a future life. "'^' 

As foreigners migrated into Arabia and brought their foreign ideas, 
and as these indigenous Blacks began to stray away from the Law 
of God, polytheism grew and finally became the dominant 
characteristic of Arabian theology at the time of Muhammad. The 
goddess Allat, along with 359 other idol deities, were worshipped 
as intermediaries between man and Allah. In fact, Allat, together 
with the pagan goddesses Manah and Al-Uzza, were called by the 
pagan Arabs the ''Daughters of Allah. '"^^ 

In the ancient ruins of Southern Arabia, which became the 
center of Black rule in Arabia, the name Allah is found in the 
Himyaritic^^ inscriptions. Philip Hitti, in his exhaustive History of 
The Arabs, notes: 

"Allah. ..was the principle. ..deity of Makkah. THE NAME 
IS AN ANCIENT ONE. It occurs in two South Arabic 
inscriptions, one a Minaean found at al-Ula and the other 
Sabean (South Arabia), but abounds in the form HLH in the 
Lihyanite inscriptions of the fifth century BC. Lihyan, who 
evidently got the god from Syria, was the first center of the 
worship of this deity in Arabia. The name occurs as Hallah 
in the Safa inscriptions five centuries before Islam... "'^^ 

Evidence of the worship of Allah in ancient Arabia has been found 
in both the Northern and Southern portions of the peninsula. It is 
most documented among the Lihyan in Northern Arabia. Four 

^0 Samuel Zwemer, The Moslem Doctrine of God, pp. 24-26. 

71 ci-^- r^ 

hundred Lihyanite and Dedanite inscriptions dating back to the 
fifth century B.C. were found in the area of al-Ulah. In these 
inscriptions are invocations to Allah. F.V. Winnet, who has 
translated these inscriptions, list some of them in his writing 
"Allah Before Islam.'' Some examples are: 

O Allah, permit me to accomplish salvation... 
O Allah, God without offspring, greeting 
O Allah, guide me that I may attain prosperity... 
O Allah, God without offspring, knowerofmen...^^ 

Allah is called in these inscriptions "The Exalted." 

"Give favor to this rock, O Exalted Allah. "7« 

The Lihyanites were not the first Arabian worshipers of Allah, 
only the oldest which are so documented. They were a division of 
the ancient tribe Hudhayl in the northern vicinity of Mecca and al- 
Ta'if Their origin, however, is in Southern Arabia. According to 
the Encyclopedia of Islam, Libyan was a descendant of Djurhume, 
who came from Yemen (South Arabia). The Encyclopedia thus 
describes them: 

"Their skins were black and shinning; their looks... were 
not hollow but round and teeming. "'''' 

The name Allah was often written simply as "Al" because the 
so-called Semitic or Middle Eastern languages were consonantal- 
they were written without vowels. One exception was the letter 
"A" at the beginning of the name. The second "a" (Allah 
phonetically is "ALA") is not written but understood. According 
to Sertima, Al was the name of God throughout the whole Afro- 
Asiatic world. ''8 Parkhurst, in his Lexicon, says Al is "//le very 
name the Heathens gave to their God Sol. "''' Godfrey Higgins 
says of this name: 

"/ must now beg my reader to review what has been said 
respecting the celebrated name of God, Al, Ale, Aleim; and 

to observe that THIS WAS IN ALL THE WESTERN 
SUN. This is confirmed by Sir W. Drummond and Mr. 
Parkhurst ...and by the names given by the Greeks to places 
which they conquered. "*" 

As we have before noted, the whole region of the Western Asiatic 
nations were populated by Blacks.*' These ancient Black People 
called on Allah as God. 


As we have noted, the worship of God as a formless spirit 
floating someplace in the sky did not originate with the Original 
Man nor was it taught by the Prophets of God. This way of 
viewing God began with the Greek philosophers. In the fifth 
century B.C., Anaxagoras reacted against the anthropomorphic 
God of the Black Man and Woman and instead proclaimed that 
God was an '''' infinite self-moving mind... not enclosed in any 

body. "^^ But it was his successor Xenophanes who launched a fiill 
fledged attack on the God of the Original People. He condemned 
the God of the Ethiopians because He had a ''snub nose and black 

hair. "^^ Xenophanes said this way of understanding God was 
wrong because He is 

"one and incorporeal, in substance and figure around, in 
no way resembling man; that He is all-sight and all- 
hearing, but breaths not... "^'^ 

This incorporeal God was standardized by Plato (427-347 B.C.). 
He is given credit as the one who perfected the concept of the 
Immaterial Reality. Jantzen notes: 

"According to a Platonic system of thought, it would be 
utterly inconceivable that God should have a material 

body. For a...Platonist, the idea of divine corporeality 
could be dismissed by a simple syllogism: 

God is Supremely Real and Supremely Good. 
Matter is least real and least good. 
Therefore God must be immaterial. "*^ 

Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) named this Immaterial Reality the 
"Unmoved Mover." This Unmoved Mover ''was pure being and 
as such, eternal, immobile and spiritual... Since matter is flawed 
and mortal, there is no material element in God."^^ 

Plotinus (A.D. 205-270) said this ultimate reality was ''not 'a ' 
thing but is distinct from all things. " In the sixth century, a Greek 
Christian wrote a mystical treaty and ascribed it to Denys the 
Areopagite, St. Paul's first Athenian convert. God is here 
described as "a mystery beyond being" who should more 
appropriately be called "Nothing."*^ In the treaty. The Divine 
Names, "Denys" says God "is not to be understood, nothing can 
be said of him, he cannot be named. He is not one of the things 
that are. " This is that Mystery God. 

Thomas Aquinas would later take up the banner of Plato's 
Immaterial Reality with the words: 

"In this way... God and prime matter are distinguished: one 
is pure act, the other is pure potency, and they agree on 
nothing. " 

The later Greeks introduced the Mystery God to the world as 
an object of worship. But the Original Man knew better. God is 
Spirit that manifests Himself in a material body-a black material 


John Mbiti's African Philosophy and Religion is a very 
important work on the religious/spiritual history of our people. 
Mbiti clearly shows that, far from being limited to "certain 
negritoes and other negroids" in Africa, the belief in One Supreme 
God permeates throughout all of African societies which have 
never been touched by Christianity or Islam. This One Supreme 
God has not, however, always been "the Great Spirit." Though this 
is found through out Traditional African Religious expression 
today, it is not found in Ancient Africa, which we have shown. 
The "Great Spirit" conception of God is a discontinuity with the 
Ancient African conception of the Anthropomorphic God. 
Animism or so-called spirit worship supplanted the worship of the 
ancient Anthropomorphic God. An example of this transition can 
be found among the Zulu nation of Southern Africa. The Creator 
according to the Zulus was Unkulunkulu, who was also the First 
Man. However, today, Unkulunkulu is despised and worship has 

been transferred to the Amatongos or ancestral spirits.^^ 

The African belief in the "Great Spirit" developed more and 
more as we traveled further and further from the centers of 
civilization. Though "Romantic Afrocentrists" will probably take 
offense to this statement, it is historically accurate. As we have 
shown, in all of the Black Man's ancient centers of civilization- 
Egypt, Sumer, Mohenjo Daro, Arabia, Persia, ect.-God was not 
understood simply as a "Great Spirit" but as a Spirit that manifest 
itself in the body of a Black Man. As groups of our people left 
these centers, for nomadic reasons or due to Exile, some fell away 
from Civilized Life. This is a fact. The notion of God as a "Great 
Spirit" in the sky grew more defined the further we strayed. 

But some of these populations retained their original 
understeinding of God. Many so-called "primitive" cultures 
continued to hold on to the God of Our Fathers. In Andrew Lang's 
The Making of Religion, he notes: 

"The savage Supreme Being, with added power, 
omniscience, and morality, is the idealization of the savage. 

// may not have originally existed. The Gippsland (of 
Australia)... believe the Creator was a GIGANTIC BLACK, 

living among the stars. "°^ 

He calls the High God of these so-called low races a "magnified 
non-natural m(a)n." Such a One was referred to by the so-called 
low races with the same language as Christians refer to their God: 
The Ancient One, Our Maker, Our Father. E.G. James, in 
History of Religions, describes this "magnified non-natural man": 

"This unique and remote figure stands in sublime majesty 
as the highest expression of supernatural power and will, 
primeval and benevolent, the giver and guardian, of the 
good and the right, the supreme originator and upholder of 
the laws and customs whereby society is maintained as an 
orderly and ordered whole. So lofty in fact is the 
conception of the tribal All-Father that at first it was 
dismissed as having been imported by Christian 
missionaries or other foreigners acquainted with the higher 
conceptions of Deity. It has now been established, 
however... the belief in (the) High (God) among low races is 
a genuine and characteristic feature of uncontaminated 
primitive religion recurrent among such aboriginal people 
as the Australians, the Fuegians in South of America, the 
California tribes in North America, and certain negritoes 
and other negroids in Africa and elsewhere. "^^ 


The belief in One All-Powerful, All-Wise, yet 
anthropomorphic Creator is the trade mark of the "Old Time 
Religion" of the Black Man and Woman. It was this "old time 
religion," and the God which inspired it, which provided us with 
the thought processes and world view allowing us to build 
marvelous civilizations which baffle scholars and scientists to this 
very day. These civilizations were built on righteous law. Long 
before Moses received the Ten Commeindments, we displayed our 
righteousness in the 42 Negative Confessions of Egypt and the 
Code of Hammurabi in Ancient Babylon. This is the same God 
who appeared to all the prophets, from Abraham to Muhammad. 
Since we have abandoned the God of Our Fathers, we have been 
unable to build so much as a Tee Pee for ourselves, by ourselves 
(excuse me, except Church's). We have turned our backs on the 
God which we worshipped when we were world rulers, and now 
wonder why we can not rule even our own homes. 

Thus we have shown that the world at one time knew that The 
Black Man is God, but the "God of our Fathers" has been 
abandoned and the god of the enemy has been adopted. It is my 
conclusion and belief that if Black People are to be truly liberated 
from our oppressors, and a Black Liberation Theology is going to 
be the catalyst of this liberation, then we need to pick back up the 
"God of Our Fathers" and "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's." 


Along with Quetzacoatel, there are other Black Gods of 
medieval Mexico. Ek-chu-ah (A), the trader god, is referred to as 
the "Black Christ" and draws many pilgrims from Central and 
South America as well as Mexico. Naualpilli, the god of jewelers 
(B) is another Black God. (Photos from Sertima, 1 976, middle) 

.\l't>. .'Hti. l%«lox 'I ri. r.ii. AIjIi. .'TO, 5(1. Coilrx Tro Vlh, 19c. 

li»'T •<cliw:tr'/.i* iwiil mil il,*r sr«"tHs<»« Nh<««', Ki.ui»r l»«liri»niL 


^m ^m 


The stone heads, found in Mexico and other parts of Central 

America, represent Olmec deities. They are dated at 800 B.C. 

(Photos from Sertima, 1976, middle) 

r - 

Babylonian Messenger Hammurabi (left) before the God 
Shamash (right). (Photo from Pritchard, 1954, p. 175) 





Science, Philosophy, and Religion are three bodies of 
knowledge which purport to help man and woman better 
understand the world around them. But of the three. Philosophy 
and Religion are more akin because, unlike Science, they seek to 
answer questions concerning an "Ultimate Reality." In that sense, 
it would then appear that the two schools of thought are help-meets 
to each other. The two should be but different methods to achieve 
a common goal: an imderstanding of the "Ultimate Truth." It was 
Origen who said that philosophy was the handmaiden given by 
God to lead the Gentiles to Christ (the Christian "Ultimate 
Reality") just as He had given Scripture to the Jews for the same 

A cursory study of the development of both schools 
(philosophic and religious) reveals that there were in fact times 
when the two complimented each other and their final destinations 
converged. However, there were also many times when the two 
schools turned out very divergent views and the schools became 
camps as they engaged in bitter battle with each other. '^ But 
despite these many juxtapositions, the two schools have had a 
syncretistic* relationship with each other. Some philosophic ideas 
have shaped and colored some religious thoughts, and some 
religious ideas have done the same for philosophic thoughts. 

I will attempt to show in this Part the contribution that Greek 
Philosophy has made to modem Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 
Though there are numerous areas in which the Hebraic Religions 
have been colored by so-called Hellenistic* thought, I will only 
entertain one for the purpose of this discussion. That one area 
being the Conception of God. It is my thesis that the original 
conception of God in the Judeo-Christian tradition was vastly 
different fi"om what it is now and that this difference is the 
consequence of Greek philosophic thought intruding into the 
Synagogue, Church and Mosque, supplanting the old ideas which 
were true to the Patriarchs of this tradition. 

Through the course of this work I will endeavor to show that, 
though today God is taught in the Judeo-Christian tradition to be 
an Immaterial Reality, i.e. a spirit, this is a break fi-om the original 
conception that was believed in by the early Jews, Christians and 
Muslims. The God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad 
was a so-called anthropomorphic God-He was a Man. This God, 

however, was supplanted by the God of Philosophy. The 
Immaterial Reality crept into the Synagogue, Church, and Mosque 
and the God of Anaxagoras, Xenophanes, Plato and Thomas 
Aquinas supplanted the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and 
Muhammad, pushing Him out of the Temple. I will show that the 
people of the Temple traded the God of Religion for the God of 



Zecharia Sitchin, a scholar of ancient Near East religions, in his 
The 12TH Planet, observes, 

"In all ancient pictorial depiction's of gods and men, this 
physical likeness is evident Although the biblical 
admonitions against the worship of pagan images gave rise 
to the notion that the Hebrew God had neither image nor 
likeness, not only the Genesis tale but other biblical reports 
attest to the contrary. The God of the ancient Hebrews 
could be seen face-to-face, could be wrestled with, could be 
heard and spoken to; he had a head and feet hands and 
fingers, and a waist. The biblical God and his emissaries 
looked like men and acted like men-because men were 
created to look and act like the gods. "'"^ 

Reference is made above to the infamous passage of Gen. 1 :26 
where Eloheim proclaims, "na'aseh 'adam beselmenu 
kidemutenu"-"Ze/ us make man in our Image after our Likeness." 
Here Adam is said to be made in the image and after the likeness 
of God. The current orthodox exegesis* of this passage renders the 
image and likeness here referred to as a 'spiritual' likeness, 
therefore eliminating any possibility that God "looks" like man. 
However, those who understand Hebrew know that this is a most 
inappropriate interpretation of that passage. The Hebrew words 
selem (image) and demute (likeness), according to Finis Jennings 
Dake in his Annotated Reference Bible (1963) denotes the 
"outward form, not (the) attributes. "'^^ In Israelite Religion, 
Helmer Renggren says, 

"...the meaning of the words; 'selem' and 'demute,' hardly 
allows this statement to refer to anything but CORPOREAL 

Maryanne C. Horowitz, in her article "The Image of God io 
Man - Is Woman Included?** affirms also that the "image," 
selem, is a Hebrew term which "contained anthropomorphic 
corporeal imagery. ^^'^^ These same Hebrew words are used 
through out the Old Testament and always have this meaning of 
corporeality.'^ Thus, to apply any meaning here other than Adam's 
physical, corporeal similarity to God is to violate the principle of 
contextual exegesis. 

The Prophets, when they saw God, indeed saw a Man. Ezekiel, 
describing his vision of God, says, 

"And above the firmament that was over their heads was a 
throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon 
the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the 
appearance of a MAN above it. (v27) And I saw the colour 
of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within him, 
from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the 
appearance of his loins even downward (Ez. 1:26-7). " 

In Ez. 10:20, this "Man" sitting on this throne is identified as 
the God of Israel. The color of this Man/God that Ezekiel saw is 
also interesting. He was the "colour of amber" as though fire was 
within it. Rev. Ishakamusa Bararshango notes, 

"The Revised Standard Version of the Bible renders the 
word amber as 'gleaming bronze. ' The word 'amber' comes 
from a Hebrew word 'ChasmaV which is a golden-brown 
substance that was used by the ancients to produce static 
electrical charges. "^ 

This Man was a Black Man. The Prophet Daniel also beheld God. 
He saw Him as 

"the Ancient of Days..., whose garment was white as snow, 

(DAN. 7:9)." 

The Hebrew word for man is 'ish. This is used in reference to 
God several times. The author of Exodus states emphatically 
"YHWH 'ish milhamah. YHWH semo," meaning "The Lord is a 
MAN of war. The Lord is his name. (15:3)." Also in Isa. 42:13 it 

"The Lord (YHWH) goes forth like a mighty man (gibbor), 
like a man of war ('ish milhamah) he sturs up his fury. " 

In Gen. 18, we read, 

"And the Lord appeared unto him (Abraham) in the plains 
ofMamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; 
(v2) And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, THREE 
MEN stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet 
them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the 
ground, and said, My Lord, if now I have found favor in thy 
sight, pass not away...(v4) Let a little water, I pray you, be 

Of these three men that appeared unto Abraham, one of them 
was Yahweh. The prophet Joshua (5:13) eilso sees a "man ('ish) 
over against him with his sword drawn. " The prophet Joshua drops 
down on his face and "did worship (vl4)" this man, who was 
God.'' George Fohrer, in History of Israelite Religion, says, 

"The statements that no man can see him (Ex.3 3: 20) and 
that he is spirit, not flesh (Isa.3I:3) of course do not mean 
that he is formless or invisible, but rather that man cannot 
endure the sight of him (cf Judge. 13:22) and that, in 
contrast to transitory 'flesh,' he possesses an eternal 
vitality... All the evidence suggest that FROM THE 
OUTSET Yahweh was conceived in HUMAN FORM. "^°° 

Tn Tltf (wrmuth nfTho Idon nf Cinit Shnil*»r \/fnthi»\A/c ctntpc 

"Even among the prophets Jahweh was described with such 
vivid anthropomorphism as to enable persons to form a 
mental picture of his appearance. Not only was he 
portrayed as AN OLD MAN WITH WHITE HAIR, but he 
had passions and policies like those of the rulers of his 
time... The conception of God as spirit DID NOT APPEAR 
IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. To the theologizing historians 
who in the eighth century (B.C.) unified and expanded the 
literary data of their religion, GOD WAS NOT A SPIRIT 


The editors of Encyclopedia Judaica stated confidently in 
1970 that 

"There is no evidence of any physical representation of 
God in Jewish history... In archeological excavations no 
images of the God of Israel have been unearthed. Biblical 
Hebrew is the only fully developed language which has no 
specific term for the notion "goddess. "' ^ 

In 1975 and 1976, five years after these words were printed, 
archeologists uncovered a collection of artifacts at Kuntillet Ajrub, 
an ancient way station in the wilderness of northern Sinai. '°^ The 
station was also a religious center, for many inscriptions bare the 
name El and Yahweh (YHWH). The most startling of the artifacts 
discovered are two pithoi or vase jars found inside the center. One 
contains a women seated and playing a lyre. A male figure, whom 
the scholars identify as the Egyptian god Bes is in the center. 
Another male deity is on the left. The inscription written across 
the top of the representation reads, "May you be blessed by Yahweh 
and his Ashera. " The man on the left is the Hebrew God Yahweh 
and the woman playing the lyre is his "Ashera" or "wife."'*'^ 
Another representation of the God Yahweh is on a fourth century 

B.C. Cannaanite coin (Figvire 10). The Hebrew God is shown as a 
man siting on a winged throne. Above his head is his name Yah or 

Figure 10 (Photo from Pritchard, 1958, #50) 

The God of Israel was a Black God. Yahweh was introduced 
to the Jews through Moses.' Moses learned of this god in Egypt. 
And in Egypt, Yahweh was a Black God. Gerald Massey, in his 
monumental work. Book of Beginnings, says of this "negro god": 

"To this origin of the negro god, and this line of descent 
through the black star-god, the black-and-golden Sun-and- 
Sirius god, and the black god who was the sun of the 
darkness, the Typhonians (whites in Egypt) remained 
devoutly attached, no matter whether they worshipped Sut- 
Nahsi in Nubia, or Sutekh in Syria... or Jah (Yahweh) in 


Indeed, the Hebrews believed in an anthropomorphic 
theophany* of God all the way up until the time of Jesus and 
beyond. Gedaliahu G. Stroumsa, in "Form(s) of God," states. 

"// must first be pointed out JEWISH 

The Church Father Justine Martyr, writing in the second century, 
said in Dialogue with Trypho that the Jewish teachers 

"imagine that the Father of all, the unengendered God, has 
hands, feet, fingers and a soul, just as a composite 
being. "^"' 

Origen(A.D. 185-253),"° Basil of Cesarea (A.D. 330-379) and 
Amobious of Sicca all charge the Hebrews of so-called 
anthropomorphism.'" An example of how the Hebrews viewed 
God in the fifth century can be found in the Genesis Rabbah, ca. 
A.D. 400-450. R. Hoshaiah says in it 

"When the Holy One (Yahweh), blessed be he, came to 
create the first man, the ministering angels mistook him 
[for God, since man was in God's image,] and wanted to 
say before him, 'Holy, [holy, holy is the Lord of hosts]. ""^ 

There is a legend among the Jews that when the High-Priest 
Simon the Just on his last Day of Atonement was ministering in the 
Temple, his usual companion, an old man adorned in white, 
entered the Holy of Holies with Simon, yet did not leave with him. 
This raised an eye of surprise in the circle of Rabbi Abbahu, for it 
is written in Leviticus xvi. 17 that no one could be in the Tent of 
Appointment during the time when the High-Priest is atoning in 
the Sanctuary. Not even one of the angels. Rabbi Abbahu 
concluded that surely that venerable old man that entered the Holy 
of Holies with Simon was no mere mortal-He was God."^ 

'°*. Stroumsa, G.G., "Form(s) of God: Some Notes on Metatron 

and Christ," HTR 76:3 (1983) p. 271 


"°. Paulsen, D.L., "Early Christian Belief In A Corporeal 


There are a couple verses in the Old Testament which appear to 
contradict the said above, such as Hosea 11:9 and Isaizih 46:5,9. 
However, as E. Lab. Cherbonnier brilliantly shows in his article, 
"The Logic of Biblical Anthropomorphism," the context proves 

"Logically, He (God of the Bible) has more in common 
with these Olympian deities than with Plato's 'Being' or 
Aristotle 's 'Unmoved Mover. ' The difference between 
Yahweh and Zeus is not logical or formal, but factual and 
'existential ' The prophets do not charge the pagan deities 
with being anthropomorphic, but with being insufficiently 
anthropomorphic. At their best, they are counterfeit 
persons. At their worst, they are frankly impersonal. 

It is sometimes held that this biblical anthropomorphism 
is only a manner of speaking, a mere symbol for the hidden, 
'wholly other ' God who defies all attempts to describe him. 
A few standard passages are regularly adduced as evidence 
that the Bible 'at it's best' abandons anthropomorphism. 
Modern scholarship, however, by restoring these passages 
to their context and so restoring their original meaning, 
reverses such an interpretation... Hosea 11:9: 'For I am 
God and not man, the Holy One in your midst. ' Here 
apparently, God is contrasted with man; 
anthropomorphism is repudiated. The context, however, 
establishes the contrary. Indeed, Hosea is one of the most 
daringly anthropomorphic authors of the Bible. He 
attributes to God Himself the feelings and emotions of the 
husband whose wife has 'played the harlot. ' The contrast 
between God and man concerns their respective ways of 
dealing with the situation. Instead of destroying Israel for 
her faithlessness, as might be expected of man, God is not 
vindictive. He has resources of mercy and forgiveness for 
the softening of Israel 's heart. This difference between 
God and man is not a difference 'in principle. ' It is merely 
'de facto '-a difference which God intends to overcome. ""'* 

Isaiah 46:5,9 says 

"To whom will you liken me and make me equal, and 
compare Me, that we may be alike?... For I am God, and 
there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. " 

Cherbonnier says of this verse: 

"It contrasts the mighty acts of Yahweh with the impotence 
of every false god: 'They lift it upon their shoulders, they 
carry it; cannot move from its place, does not 
answer' (v. 7). The true God, however, does move and 
speak; he announces his purpose and brings it to pass (v. 

" The intent of such passages is to distinguish Yahweh 
from idols by precisely these anthropomorphic activities: 
'They have mouths, but don't speak; eyes, but don't see; 
they have ears, but do not hear; nose, but do not smell ' (Ps. 
115:5,6). Pagan gods are contemptible because of their 
impotence. They cannot even do the things man can do, 
whereas Yahweh does these things 'par excellence. '""^ 


The rise of Hellenistic Thought caused a number of Jews to 
begin interpreting the Biblical passages concerning God in a 
figurative sense. These new Jewish converts to Greek Philosophy 
reacted against the God of their fathers. By the second century 
B.C., Platonic thought was wide spread and his "Immaterial 
Reality" began having an even more powerful influence on the 
Hebrew imderstanding of God. Aristobulus, in 150 B.C., "basing 
himself on Greek thinkers and poets, ""^ applied an allegorical 
interpretation to the anthropomorphic descriptions of God in the 
Bible. But it was the Jewish philosopher Philo Judaeus (20 B.C.- 
A.D. 40) who, being educated in Alexandria where Platonic 
thought flourished, systematically applied allegorical 
interpretations to the Bible, thus pushing the God of Religion 

"The God of Philo, owing to the influence of Platonism, is 
not only essentially different from man and the world... but 
he is entirely devoid of attributes. Philo opposes not only 
the literal understanding of the anthropomorphic and 
anthropopathic* passages in the Bible, but also the 
doctrine of God as an active worker, in as much as activity 


can not be predicated of a Being devoid of attributes. " 

The issue of God's corporeality was raised again in the third 
century. In the Medieval period, Saadia Gaeon (882-942), Bahya 
(wrote in 1040), and Judah ha-Levi (1075-1141), influenced by 
Greek Philosophy that was resurrected through the Muslim 
translation of Greek texts into Arabic, did their part in pushing the 
God of the Prophets out of the Synagogue and replacing him with 
the God of the Philosophers. But it was Moses ben Maimon, a.k.a. 
Maimonides (1138-1204), who planted his foot firmly on the 
backside of the God of Religion and closed the door of the Temple 
behind him. "The greatest of the Jewish philosophers," as 
Maimonides was called, was the first to set up the incorporeality of 
God as dogma and declared any person who denied this doctrine as 
an idolater and heretic who will be denied entry into the Here- 
After."* It was 

"his 'Guide' (that) determined what was to become the 
Orthodox concept of God within Judaism for a long time. 
There is evidence... to show that it was the writings of 
Maimonides which finally did away with all 
anthropomorphic notions among the Jews. "' 

Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) was denounced and banished 
from the community by the rabbis because he rejected Maimonides 
principles of exegesis and declared that the scriptural 
anthropomorphism's were originally meant to be taken literally. '^° 
Spinoza's ousting from the community of the Jews indicates that 
the God of the Jews was also officially ousted. 


"Do you then hope that they would believe in you, and a 
party from among them (Jews) indeed used to hear the 
world of Allah, then altered it after they had understood it, 
and they know this. " Holy Qur'an 2:75 

The Holy Qur'an accuses the Jews of ahering the scriptures of 
God. Far jfrom being Islamic "anti-Semitism," this fact is a matter 
of recorded history. John H. Hayes, professor of Old Testament at 
Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in his book An 
Introduction to Old Testament Study, observes, 

"Rabbinical references provide evidence that the pre- 
Masoretic scribes not only guarded and preserved the text 
ITSELF. "'^' 

Toy, in Judaism and Christianity, says also, 

"Manuscripts were copied and recopied by scribes who not 
only sometimes made errors in the letters of the words, but 
permitted themselves to introduce new material into the 
text... " 

These alterations made by the Jewish scribes, called tiqqune 
sopherim or "emendations of the scribes," were not random or 
casual but were calculated with a specific goal. Hayes observes: 

"Many of the changes assumed seem to have the purpose of 
making the text more theologically acceptable by changing 
expressions which seem to lack proper reverence. Some 
examples...: Gen 18:22 originally read 'YHWH still stood 
before Abraham ' rather than 'Abraham still stood before 
YHWH'; II Sam 20:1 read 'to his gods' rather than 'to his 
tents': Ez 8:17 read 'mv God's nose' rather than 'their 

nose'; and Job 32:3 read 'they condemned God' rather 
than 'they condemned Job.'" 

These "emendations of the scribes" were made to conceal the 
true reality of God. As shown, the God of the Old Testament was 
a so-called anthropomorphic God-a Man. The Jewish scribes 
corrupted the scripture in an attempt to hide that fact. E.G. James, 
in The Concept of Deify observes that, 

"In post-exilic Judaism.. .efforts were made by the scribes to 
remove some of the more crude anthropomorphism 's, or to 
paraphrase and SPIRITUALIZE them. Thus, in the 
Targums the finger of God of Ex viii. 19 was rendered 'this 
is a plague from before Yahweh' and when He was said to 
abide in, come to, or depart from a place, the phrase was 
made to read 'God caused his presence (shekinto) to abide 
there, and the like, just as seeing God, or God manifesting 
Himself to man, was interpreted as 'the glory (yekara) of 
God. ' When the earlier anthropomorphism 's were retained 
(e.g. in references to God having eyes, ears, hands and 
feet) the terms 'memra,' meaning the 'divine self 
manifestation,' was introduced as a reverend 
circumlocution for God as active in the affairs of men. "'^^ 

Robert Dentan, in The Knowledge of God in Ancient Israel, bares 
witness that, 

"in later times.. .older texts were changed to modify or 
eliminate some of the cruder passages (of 
anthropomorphism). "' ^ 

The Jewish Encyclopedia says, 

"For it is obvious that there is a definite method and 
purpose in the consistent efforts of the nomistic writers to 
substitute new terms for those found in the ancient 
authorities (scriptures), or to REMODEL ENTIRE 
ACCOUNTS. Such revision is to be seen, for example, in 
the so-called 'priestly code' where ALL THEOPHANIES 

ARE CONSISTENTLY OMTTTED, and the 'word' or the 
'presence of God' substituted for them. "'^^ 

When the "Seventy Jews of Alexandria" produced the Greek 
Septuagint translation of the Bible, the corruption efforts to 
conceal the God of the Patriarchs continued. The Jewish 
Encyclopedia says again, 

"The 'fathers' of the Septuagint went much further than the 
'Soferim' or the 'Meturgemanim' in their employment of 
interpretative expressions, by paraphrasing or 
spiritualizing ... the anthropomorphic... phrases of the 
Bible. The 'image of God' becomes in the Septuagint 'the 
glory of God'... 'the mouth of God' (becomes) 'the voice of 
the Lord'. "'^^ 

In translating the infamous Gen. 1 :26, Maryanne C. Horowitz says, 

"In the translation of 'image' from the Hebrew 'zelem'to the 
Greek 'eikon, ' a term which contained anthropomorphic, 
corporeal imagery was transformed into an abstract term 
for which there was a previous Greek philosophic 
tradition. "'^'^ 

One of the more interesting attempts to rid the Bible of the God 
of Religion is the introduction of an ambiguous figure called "the 
angel of the Lord." In many of the passages where God appears to 
the prophets in human form, the Hellenistic Jews changed it to read 
that it was "the angel of the Lord" appearing to them. Dentan 

"(There was) in use... various theological devices by which 
Yahweh was kept from coming into too close contact with 
the world of men. In early times Israel could think of God 
appearing to men in human form and speaking with them 
face to face, as with Abraham just before the destruction of 
Sodom (Gen. 18:22). But... there began to develop a 
reticence about speaking of Yahweh in this... too human a 
way. A number of passages in the Pentateuch and Judges 

speak of a curious figure called the Angel of the Lord, who 
in each story turns out to be not an 'angel' at all, but a 
special form of Yahweh himself appears (e.g. Gen. 
16:7:22:1 If ;Judg 6:11,14; 13:3,22). The 'angel' is a 
transparent device for avoiding too anthropomorphic a 
portrayal of the deity's self-manifestation. "^^* 

In Judges 13, this "angel of the Lord" appeared to the wife of 
Manoah of Zorah (v3). She was barren, and this 'angel' gives her 
instructions which will facilitate her child-bearing. After the 
'angel' departs, she runs to her husband and says, 

"A man ('ish) of God came unto me, and his countenance 
was like the countenance of an angel of God, very terrible 

This 'angel' was a man. This 'angel' came again to the wife of 
Manoah (v9, 10), 

"And Manoah arose, and went after his wife, and came to 
THE MAN, and said unto him. Art thou the man that 
speakest unto the woman? and he said I AM (vll). " 

In answering Manoah, this man says "Eheyeh," "I AM." In 
Ex. 3:13-14, Yahweh identifies Himself to Moses in the same way, 
"Eheyeh asher Eheyeh," "I AM That I AM." In vl4, he shortens 
it and refers to Himself simply as "Eheyeh," "I Am." 

The Man, after eating the offering made to the Lord, then 
ascended up into heaven in a flame of fire, as Yahweh is known to 
do. Manoah then realizes who this Man is and says to his wife, 

"We shall surely die, because we have SEEN GOD (v22). " 

Other examples can be seen in Gen 32:24-30, where Jacob 
wrestles with a "man" and prevails against this "man"(v25). After 
Jacob extorts a blessing from this man, having his name changed 
from Jacob to Israel, he lets the man go and says, 

"And Jacob called the name of this place Peniel: for I have 
^m\i nnn rrArr Tn trArr ^..w «n. )ifo if r^vooor^^oA 

Thus, these "men" that appeared to the prophets as the "angel of 
the Lord" are in fact God himself 

The Jews also sought to remove references to the Black 
children of that Black God, called in the scripture "Gods." These 
divine descendants of the Creator are mentioned in the opening 
verses of the Bible under the name Eloheim. Though it is 
mistranslated as "God," Finis J. Dake says: 

"The Heb. Eloheim is the word for God in Gen. 1:1 and in 
over 2700 other places in the O.T. It is a uni-plural noun 
meaning Gods and is so translated 239 times (Gen. 3.5; Ex 
22:28; 1 Sam 4:8...)" 

Dake observes that sometimes, Eloheim is used in conjunction 
with plural pronouns. Such examples are Gen 20:13 which 
originally read as, "The Gods they caused me to wander " and Gen 
35:7 which read, "there the Gods they appeared unto me. " Both 
verses were changed to read, "when God caused me to wander " 
and "there God appeared unto him. "' 

The Jewish Encyclopedia not only acknowledges this 
corruption of the scripture, BUT IDENTIFIES THE QUILTY 
PARTY ( "a party from among them... "). 

"Tannaitic sources mention several passages of Scripture 
in which the conclusion is inevitable that the ancient 
readings must have differed from the present text The 
explanation of this phenomenon is given in the 
expression... 'Scripture has used euphemistic language', i.e. 
to avoid anthropomorphism... In Masorectic works these 
changes are ascribed to Ezra; to Ezra and Nehemiah; or to 
Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah, Haggai and Baruch. All these 
ascription 's mean one and the same thing: that the changes 
were made by the Men of the Great Synagogue. "'^° 

"The Great Synagogue" was reputed to be a "council of elders" 
of sorts. Little information about them is known, but most scholars 
agree they were instituted during the Persian period. Consisting of 
anywhere from 85 to 120 Jews, their leader was reputed to be the 
scribe Ezra. Ezra was a priest-scribe from Babylon who, backed 

Jews there. '^^ He and his "Great Synagogue" are accredited with 
being the "party from among" the Jews who altered the Bible in an 
attempt to conceal the reality of the Black God Yahweh.'^^ 



Not only did the Jews alter the Bible in an attempt to conceal 
the true Nature of their Black God, they also removed the true 
Name of that God, Allah. YHWH is one of the many names of 
God used in the Scripture. But His most perfect name, Allah, 
which represents the synthesis of All of His beautiful Names, was 
as ElShaddai (Ex. 6:3), El 'Elyon (Gen. 14:18-24), El 'Olam (Gen. 
21 :33) and Eloheim (Gen 1 :1) are all purposeful corruption's of the 
name Allah. 

The above names are compound names composed of the name 
of God prefixed to an attribute. El is the presumed name of God, 
and El Shaddai is God Almighty; El 'Elyon is God Most High; El 
Olam is God Everlasting, ect. El or Eloh is the singular of 
Eloheim. Herein lies the deception. The fact is, El, Eloh, and 
Eloheim are purposeful corruption's of Al, Allah, and Alheim. 

The Hebrew words translated "El" and "Eloheim" are [ ^ M ] 

and [ ( ^•^ n > H ]. The Hebrew letter [ M ] written as an "e" 

is actually the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet called Aleph 
which is an "a," not an "e." Godfrey Higgins observes: 

"/ must now beg my reader to review what has been said 
respecting the celebrated name of God, Al, Ale, Aleim; and 
to observe that this was in ALL THE WESTERN ASIATIC 
NATIONS THE NAME OF GOD and the Sun...I must also 
beg my readers attention to the observation.. .relating to the 

'^'Bright, p. 385-391. 

The Jewish Encyclopedia "Anthropomorphism" says again: 
''''Aversion to Anthropomorphism exercised a great influence upon 

word El.. .In the Asiatic languages, the first letter of the 
word is the first letter of the alphabet (A) and not the fifth 
(E)...But we don 'tjust increase difficulties (by such errors), 
Thus, it is a fact that the Sun and the God of Moses had the 
same names; that is, the God of Moses was called by the 
same word which meant sun, in the Asiatic language: BUT 

This fact was concealed by a group of Jewish scribes called 
Tiberian Massoretes who developed the current vowel system. 
The Hebrew language is consonantal, possessing no written 
vowels. Occasionally some consonants, called the matres 
lectionis, were used to indicate vowel sounds.' ^ The Hebrew first 
letter Aleph was one of those consonants. Chomsy, in Hebrew: 
The Eternal Language, notes: 

"eventually the Aleph was taken as a long 'A, ' as in far, ' and 
was employed as a vowel-letter pure and simple. Hence, when 
one wants to signify in Hebrew the sound 'a ' in such words as 
Paris, Bialik, and the like, the Aleph is employed for the 
purpose. " 

When the Greeks took over the Semitic alphabet from the 
Phoenician traders around 800-900 B.C., the Old Hebrew Aleph, 
written [ J;L V^^ became their "A," shape and all.'" H.W.F. 
Gesenius, in his Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament, 
has a ^^Comparative Table of Ancient Alphabet, " in which the 
Hebrew Aleph is synonymous with the first letter which represents 
"A" in thirteen other ancient languages.'^* 

It was the Tiberian Massoretes who concealed this fact. 
Massoretic scribes were scribes who added critical notes to the 
external form of the Biblical text. During the fifth through the 
eleventh centuries, the Massoretic scribes resurrected the Hebrew 
language which had been dead since around 400 B.C., being 


Higgins,VOL.I,pp. 80-81. 

'^^ Hayes, p. 50 

replaced by Aramaic as the popular language among the 
Hebrews.'^' To fix the pronunciation of words and denote vowel 
sounds, the Tiberian Massoretes (as opposed to the systems 
developed by the Babylonian and Palestinian Massoretes) 
introduced the vowel system in which a number of dots and dashes 
are placed under the letter to represent vowel sounds. By placing 
five dots under the letter Aleph [ . W ], the letter is changed from 
an "A" to an "E," and the words Al, Alah, and Alheim are changed 
to El, Eloh, and Eloheim. Thus, the name of God in popular 
Hebrew. MacGregor Mathers, in The Kabbalah Revealed, notes 
that "Eloh" is written in Hebrew as ALH or Allah.''*" In Synagogue 
Hebrew, according to Higgins, the Jews still use Allah and 
Alheim.''*' Lloyd Graham, in Deceptions and Myths in the Bible, 
speaking on Eloheim: 

"The Word comes from Alheim and means a council of the 
Gods. "''' 

Scholars Albert Churchward''*^ as well as Gerald Massey''*'* 
confirm that the originals of the Hebrew El and Eloheim possessed 
an "A" as the first letter, not an "E." Likewise, the Canaanite God 
'El, whom we have previously discussed, was originally named Al 
until later Jewish scribes and historians changed it to 'El. 

As a side note, the name of God in the sister languages of 
Hebrew is Allah as well. In Arabic (which is it's mother), 
Aramaic''*^ (which was the language Jesus spoke), and Syriac, the 
name of God is Allzih. These three languages are of considerable 
importance to the development of Hebrew theology. Aramaic is 
the language used throughout Palestine at the time of Jesus, who 
used this language himself, dong with his followers.''*^ Some of 
the Old Testament texts were written in Aramaic and Arabic. The 
Oldest and most valuable New Testament codex (A.D. 350) was 
written in Syriac. 

'^^ J.T. Sunderland, The Origin and Character of the Bible, p. 60. 

"*° MacGregor Mathers, The Kabbalah Revealed, p. 22. 

'^' Higgins, VOL. I, p. 64. 

''*^ Lloyd Graham, Deceptions and Myths in the Bible, p. 36. 

143 >-»_•_•„ f c 1..^: -^n-i:—i -> i t 



This same development found its parallel in the history of 
Christian Thought. Just as the original Hebrews believed God 
manifested Himself in human form, so too did the original 
Christians, including Jesus himself. Jesus was a prophet sent into 
the world by God to do a particular work. He did not teach his 
followers to worship him as God. Jesus of two-thousand years 
ago was not God. He was not worshipped as such by his disciples 
nor the community of believers that sprung from them. What is 
most important to understand is that the Jesus of the Gospels is not 
the Jesus of Palestine. The Jesus of the Gospels is a theological 
paradigm which was grafted from the "mythological" histories of 
the gods of antiquity. The biblical authors just chose to attach the 
name of the prophet from Galilee to this ancient paradigm. 
Therefore, the Gospel histories are not to be read as the true history 
of the historical figure called Jesus. Kerry Temple, in his 
informative article on Christian origins entitled "Who Do Men 
Say that I Am?" {The Humanist Magazine May/June 1991) 

"Most of what we know about Jesus comes from the four 
gospels. Yet scholars agree that these are hardly 
dependable as historical sources. For one thing, they did 
not take shape until late in the first century, a generation or 
two after Jesus died... Scholars also agree that the gospels 
were not written by any of the 12 apostles-probably not 
anyone named Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John, probably not 
by anyone who was even alive when Jesus was... 
" Most importantly, the four gospels were compiled not as 

professor of theology. 'There were a lot of embellishments. 
The evangelists were not reporters or historians in the 
modern sense. They were telling stories with the view of 
getting points across, not necessarily with a view to 
accuracy of detail. '"' ''^ 

In 1991, an august body of 200 biblical scholars calling 
themselves the Jesus Seminar published their results of over 6 
years of research trying to ascertain how much of the New 
Testament really speaks of Jesus of 2000 years ago. They 
concluded that only 20% of the Jesus of the Gospels goes back to 
the son of Mary 2,000 years ago, almost none of the Gospel of 
John. Robert Fortna, biblical scholar from Vassar College and 
member of the Seminar said 

"Most scholars, if they had worked through the sayings as 
we had, would tend to agree there is virtually nothing in the 
fourth gospel (John) goes back to Jesus. "'''^ 

The Nativity Stories, the Resurrection Drama, the Miracles, are all 
a-historical, according to biblical scholars. The Christ of faith, 
they say, "w a... theological construct, into which have been woven 
traces of that enigmatic sage from Nazareth. "''^^ 

According to Reverend Charles Kannengiesser, S.J., Notre 
Dame's Husking Professor of Theology, such tales were 
commonly applied to mythical figures and heroes of the time. 

"'It was almost obligatory to have such stories 
available... They were stock stories told to convert people to 
Jesus. ' Tales of virgin births, divine heroes, and miracle 
workers were relatively common 2,000 years ago and did 
simply not mean what they do to us today. "'^° 

One of the Divine Heroes whose history is similar to that of 
Christ's, yet precedes Jesus by 1,200 years, is the Black god 
Krishna of India. John G. Jackson, in his Pagan Origins of the 
Christ Myth, says: 


Kerry Temple, "Who do Men Say That I Am?" The Humanist 

"In the sacred books of India it is recorded that Krishna 
was born of the virgin Devaki, that his nativity was 
heralded by a star, and that though of royal lineage, he was 
born in a cave... The infant Krishna spoke to his mother 
soon after his birth. ('Jesus spake even when he was in the 
Cradle... to his mother'). Krishna was born while his 
foster-father Nanda was in the city to pay his tax to the 
king. (Jesus was born while his foster-father Joseph was in 
the city to pay his tax to the governor Luke 2:1-3,5.); the 
babe Krishna was adored by cowherds. (The infant Jesus 
was adored by shepherds.) King Kansa sought the life of 
the Indian Christ by ordering the massacre of all male 
children born during the same night as was Krishna. (This 
is almost identical with the story of the slaughter of the 
innocents, ordered by Herod. Matthew 2:16); Nanda was 
warned by a heavenly voice to flee with the infant Krishna 
across the Jumna river, to Gakul, to escape King Kansa. 
(Joseph was warned by a voice in a dream to flee in Egypt 
with the Christ-child to escape the wrath of Herod.) 
Krishna performed many miracles in the city of Mathura. 
(Jesus, while in Egypt, lived in a town named Matarea, 
where he performed many miracles.) Krishna was a 
crucified Christ. He is pictured in Indian art as hanging on 
a cross with arms extended... Krishna was pierced by an 
arrow while hanging on the cross. (Jesus was pierced by a 
spear during his crucifixion.)... Krishna descended into hell 
to raise the dead before returning to the abode of the gods. 
(We read of Jesus Christ: 'He descended into hell, and on 
the third day rose again from the dead. )... Krishna rose 
from the grave, and finally ascended bodily to heaven in 
the presence of a multitude of spectators... In Indian art 
Krishna is represented as a man of Black complexion. The 
word 'Krishna ' literally means 'The Black ' (In early 
Christian art Jesus is almost invariably represented as a 
Black man). "'^' 

Historian Kersey Graves notes that there were sixteen 
"crucified saviors" which preceded Jesus yet share a similar 
history. All of them were believed to be the Son of God who, after 

India 600 B.C., Quezalcoatel of Mexico 587 B.C., Quirinus of 
Rome 506 B.C., and Indra of Tibet 725 B.C., who were all 
likewise bom of virgin mothers, like Jesus. 

It is clear that the Christ of the Gospels, who is different from 
the Jesus of history, is part of a theological paradigm which goes 
back thousands of years before the birth of the Christian Savior. 
This theological paradigm has been labeled as "myth" by scholars. 
The Honorable Elijeih Muhammad, however, said all of these 
histories were prophetic, symbolic pictures of a particular man and 
a particular people who would appear at the End of Time. The 
historical figures which lay at the root of the "mythological christ 
figures" were in fact signs of that prophetic Man and People that 
were yet to come. 


What do scholars know about the historical Jesus? Little to 
nothing. G.R.S. Mead, in his Did Jesus Live 100 B. C. ? notes: 

"// has always been an unfailing source of astonishment to 
the historical investigator of Christian beginnings, that 
there is not one single word from the pen of any Pagan 
writer of the first century of our era, which can in any 
fashion be referred to the marvelous story recounted by the 
Gospel writers. The very existence of Jesus seems 
unknown. "'^^ 

Robert Keable, in The Great Galilian, elaborates: 

"No man knows sufficient of the early life of Jesus to write 
a biography of him. For that matter, no one knows enough 
for the normal Times obituary notice of a great man. If 
regard were had to what we should call... definitely 
historical facts, scarcely three lines could be filled. 
Moreover, if newspapers had been in existence, and if that 
obituary notice had had to be written the year of his death, 
no editor could have found in the literature of his dav SO 

and Tiberius. But no contemporary knew of his existence. 
Even a generation later, a spurious passage in Josephus, a 
questionable reference in Suetonius, and the mention of a 
name that may be his by Tacitus-that is all. His first 
mention in a surviving document, secular or religious, is 
twenty years later. "'^^ 

Indeed, in the contemporary literature, no reference to a 
"Jesus" or "Jesus Christ" is found because the historical figure was 
not named Jesus. ''' "Jesus" is a Greek word while the historical 
figure and all of his followers spoke Aramaic. '^^ "Yeshua" is the 
Aramaic name which was rendered "Jesus" by the Greek 
translators of the Bible. And records show that there was such a 
one who caused quite a stir in Jerusalem in those days. His name 
was Yeshua ben Pandera. His father's name was Joseph Pandera 
and his mother, s name was Mary. Godfrey Higgins says: 

"Stuckeley (Christian historian) observes... 'Tis remarkable 
that Panther (sic) was the surname of Joseph 's family, our 
Lords foster father. ..'The circumstance of Joseph's family 
name being supposed to be Panther (sic), is remarkably 
confirmed by Epophanius, who says that Joseph was the 
brother of Cleophas, the son of James, surnamed Panther. 
Thus we have the fact both from Jewish and Christian 
authorities. "'^'^ 

Joseph Panther or Pandera was not, however, the "foster-father" of 
Yeshua, but the actual father. Origen, in the third century, referred 
to Joseph as "//le paramour of the mother of Jesus. " His 

mother's name was Mary. By all accounts, Yeshua was Black. '^^ 
This Blackness caused the early Caucasian writers of the Church to 
describe their Lord as physically "ugly." Rev. Geiki, in his Life of 
Christ observes: 

"In its first years, the Christian church fancied its Lord's 
visage and form marred more than those of other men; and 
that he must have had no attractions of personal beauty. 

'^^ Quoted from Jackson, p. 9. 

Justin Martyr (A.D. 150-160) speaks of him as without 
beauty or attractiveness, and of mean appearance. 
Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 200) describes him as of an 
uninviting appearance, and almost repulsive. Tertullian 
(A.D. 200-210) says he had not even ordinary human 
beauty, far less heavenly. Origen (A.D. 230) went so far as 
to say that he was 'small in body and deformed, ' as well as 
low-born, and that, 'his only beauty was in his soul and 



The historical "Jesus" was not the passive, non-poUtical, non- 
violent figure whose kingdom was wholly spiritual and 'not of this 
world,' which current Christian dogma has transformed him into. 
On the contrary, biblical scholarship has shown that movement for 
which the carpenter from Galilee championed was indeed spiritual 
but also social and political.'^' He would be called in these days a 
"militant revolutionary." 

His movement, called by modem historians "the Nazarean 
Party," included in its membership at least two individuals who 
were also part of another movement called "Zealots." The Zealots 
(which is the origin of our term zealot or zealous) were an 
extremely militant revolutionary group foimded by a Pharisee rabbi 
known as Judas of Galilee in A.D. 6. They had an elite body 
within their ranks called Sicarii which were a well trained, highly 
skilled cadre of professional assassins.'" Two such members are 
known to have been in Jesus' close circle; Simon Zelotes or Simon 
the Zealot and Judas Iscariot or Judas the Sicarii. '^^ Jesus' own 
militancy is shown in Luke 22:36 were he instructs his followers to 
sale their garments and buy swords. When Pontius Pilate and the 
Roman cohort came to arrest Jesus at Gethsemane, one of the 
Zealots takes out their sword and takes off an ear of one of the 
Roman officers. 

•^°Doan, p. 502. 

lAi . .. . 

The movement that the historical Jesus championed was not 
only militant, but was strictly monotheistic. To them Yeshua was 
not God, but the "anointed of God."'^ The language of Jesus and 
his followers was neithel- Hebrew nor Greek, but Aramaic. As 
such, when they called on God in this language, they called on 
Allah which is the name of God in Aramaic as well as Hebrew. '^^ 


After Jesus' death, which will be discussed later, a "centralized 
Nazarean authority" was established in Jerusalem which included 
the "little group of Apostles."'^ This administrative hierarchy 
became known to later Christian writers as 'the Early Church.' 
Though it's most famous member is Peter, and secondly Mary, the 
mother of Jesus, the official head was James, the brother of 
Jesus. '^^ This Early Church in later generations would likewise be 
centered around the family members of Jesus called the Desposyni 
(i.e. the Master's People). This included children and 
grandchildren of the brothers of Jesus. The historian Eusebius 

"...there still survived of the Lord's family the grandsons of 
Jude, who was said to be His brother, humanly 

I • »I69 


These "Desposyni" existed all the way up to the fourth century. 
Eusebius reported that several of them were leaders of various 
churches. In A.D. 318, they met with the then Bishop of Rome 
(later to become Pope Sylvester) and requested that the Church of 
Jerusalem be again recognized as the Mother Church. Rome 

This 'Early Church' founded by the Apostles and family of 
Jesus is completely different fi-om the Church founded by 
Constantine in the fourth century and endures as the Church today. 

'^ Ibid, p.26; Mead, p. 342. 

The Early Church was a "Jewish sect that remained faithful to the 
form of worship practiced in the Temple. "'^^ They adhered to the 
strict law of the Old Testament, including the Dietary Law. Jesus 
himself proclaimed that he came not to break the Law, but to fulfill 
it. The break with this tradition began not with Jesus, but with 
Paul. T.W. Doan, in his Bible Myths And Their Parallels in 
Other Religions, quotes: 

"If we go back to the founding of the church, we find that 
the most marked feature of that age, so far as the church 
itself was concerned, is the grand division between the 
'Jewish faction, ' as it was called, and the followers of Paul. 
This division was so deep, so marked, so characteristic, 
that it left its traces all through the New Testament.. ..The 
followers of Peter, those who adhered to the teachings of 
the central church in Jerusalem, held that all Christians, 
both converted Jews and Gentiles, were under obligation to 
keep the Mosaic law, ordinances, and traditions... Paul took 
the ground distinctly that Christianity, while it might be 
spiritually the linear successor to Judaism, was not 
Judaism; and that he who became a Christian, whether 
converted Jew or Gentile, was under no obligation 
whatever to keep the Jewish law... "'^' 


Not only did Paul differ from the Early Church with regard to 
Judaism and the Law, but also with regard to the nature of Jesus. 
The Early Church accepted the God of Israel- Yahweh, the Black 
God. To James, Peter, Mary, John, and the Early Church, Jesus 
was not God nor was he the "son of God" in the Christian sense of 
the word. As stated above, he was regarded by the Early Church 
as the "anointed of God." It was Paul who introduced the concept 
of Christ as we understand it today. It is Paul who weds the 
ancient prophesies of the Christ with the personage of the recently 
deceased Jesus or Yeshua. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and 
Henry Lincoln, in their Messianic Legacy, notes: 

"Jesus, James and the Nazarenes in Jerusalem advocated 
worship of God, in the strict Judaic sense. Paul replaces 
this with worship of Jesus as God. In Paul 's hands, Jesus 
himself becomes an object of religious veneration... 
" It is from Paul, and Paul alone, that a new religion 
begins to emerge... It is fused with Greco-Roman thought, 
with pagan traditions, with elements from a number of 
mystery schools... In the first place, it had to compete with 
already established religions in regions where it was trying 
to gain a foothold-with the religions of Syria, Phoenicia, 
Asia Minor, Greece, Egypt,... In order to do this, Jesus had 
perforce to assume a degree ofgodhood comparable to that 
of the deities, he now, posthumously, was intended to 
replace. Tammuz, for example, the god of ancient 
Sumerian and Phoenician mystery teachings, had been 
born of a virgin, died with a wound in his side and, after 
three days, rose from his tomb, leaving it vacant with the 
rock at the entrance rolled aside. If Paul were to challenge 
successfully the adherents of Tammuz, Jesus would have to 
be able to match the older god, miracle for miracle. In 
consequence, certain aspects of the Tammuz story were 
grafted on to Jesus ' biography. "'^^ 

The Early Church, led by Jesus' own family and his disciples. 

century, Iraneus, Roman Bishop of Lyons and one of the early 
voices of the new strand of Roman Christianity, issued an attack on 
all those doctrines which were contrary to the new Roman faith. In 
his attack, he fulminates against the descendants of the Early 
Church which he called "Ebionites." Iraneus attacks these Early 
Christians because they 

"insist that Jesus was a man, not God, and was not born of 
a virgin. They claim that he became Messiah only at the 
time of his baptism. ..They reject the Pauline letters, and 

'they reject the apostle Paul, calling him an apostate from 
the Law. "•'^'' 

In the 1960s an early manuscript called Al-Nasara or "The 
Nazarenes" was found which goes back to a fifth or sixth century 
text found in a Christian Monastery in Khuzistan, south-west Iran. 
It is said to contain a tradition which dates back to the original 
Nazarean Hierarchy which fled Jerusalem before the revolt of A.D. 
66. The Al-Nasara states that Jesus was a mortal prophet, not 
God, and that Paul "abandoned the religion of Christ and turned 
towards the religious doctrines of the Romans. " 

It was Paul who began to merge the history of Yeshua with that 
of the ancient Prophetic Christ-the Immaculate Conception, the 
Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension-were all 
elements of the ancient, symbolic prophecy of a man and people 
who would come at the End of Time which Paul amalgamated with 
the person of Yeshua ben Pandera or Jesus. The Early Church 
didn't understand this and thus became vexed with Paul. James 
and the Nazarene hierarchy sent missionaries in the wake of Paul's 
evangelizing efforts to undo his "heretical*" teachings of Jesus. '^^ 
Angered by this act, Paul returns to Jerusalem where a full-scale 
dispute ensues. '^^ In I Corinthians 11:3-4, Paul acknowledges that 
he was teaching a different Jesus from the one James and the Early 
Church were teaching. They were teaching the historical Yeshua, 
he was teaching the prophetic Christ. 


The most important part of Christian eschatology* is the 
Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. However, these should be 
understood in their proper context. When Paul grafted these 
elements of the ancient, world-wide prophesies onto the history of 
Yeshua ben Pandera, he never intended it to be taken as the literal 
history of the recently deceased Nazarean. The New Testament 
Christ is the same as the Indian Krishna, Egyptian Horus, 
Phoenician Tammaz, etc. They all have symbolic meaning and 
pointed to a future Man and People. That future Man and People 
would be Crucified, not in the literal sense of being put on a 
wooden cross, but Crucified in that He/They would suffer 
undeserved pain and persecution for the sake of the redemption of 
the original family of God. 

The physical crucifixion of Jesus upon a cross never happened 
in history. The historical Jesus, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad 
teaches, died from a stab womb. The Early Church understood this 
and thus the image of Jesus on a cross was never a part of the early 
Christian doctrine. T.W. Doan observes: 

"When we speak of Jesus being crucified, we do not mean 
to convey the idea that he was put to death on a cross... This 
cross was the symbol of life and immortality among our 
heathen ancestors. ..and in adopting Pagan religious 
symbols... the Christians took this along with others. The 
crucifixion was not a symbol of the earliest church; no 
trace of it can be found in the Catacombs... The oldest 
representations of Christ Jesus was a figure of a lamb, to 
which sometimes a vase was added, into which his blood 
flowed. .This custom subsisted up to the year 680, and until 
the ponificate ofAgathaon, during the reign of Constantine 
Pogonate. By the sixth synod of Constantinople.. .it was 
ordained that instead of the ancient symbol, which had 
been the LAMB, the figure of a man fastened to a 
cross. ..should be represented. All this was confirmed by 
Pope Adrian I." ^ 

because it was an old Roman symbol.'^' Minucius Felix, Church 
Father of the early third century, in his Octavius (A.D. 211) argues 
with an infidel saying: 

"As for the adoration of crosses which you (Pagan) object 
against us (Christians), I must tell you, THAT WE 
victorious trophies not only represent a simple cross, BUT 

Tertullian, Christian Father of the same era, observed the same 
thing in his dispute with a Pagan: 

"The origin of your gods is derived from figures molded on 
a cross. All those rows of images on your standards are 
the appendages of crosses. "'^^ 

The early Christians rejected such paganism and thus never 
represented Yeshua as suffering on a cross. It was at the Council 
of Constantinople, called in Trullo in A.D. 707, that pictures of 
Christ were ordered to be drawn in the form of a man on a cross.'*' 

Likewise was the Resurrection not a part of early Christian 
doctrine. The members of the Early Church did not expect to see 
their slain leader again and they never taught that they did so see 
him. After his death, as we will soon see, Yeshua' s body was 
embalmed by his father Joseph to last 10,000 years. He was buried 
in a secret tomb in Jerusalem. Only a small circle of close 
intimates knew where the tomb was located. Gud Ludemann says 
in his What Really Happened to Jesus? 

"We can no longer say where he (Joseph) put the body. 
Evidently not even the earliest community knew... 'This 
world of sacred tombs was a real element of the 
environment in which the earliest community lived. It is 
inconceivable that, living in this world, it could have been 
for gotten... The 'rediscovery' of the tomb of Jesus in 326 

has nothing to do with the real place of burial and is a 
pious legend. "'^^ 

It was not until Christianity became "paganized" that Jesus was 
said to have physically returned from the grave. 

"In the earliest times, the Christians did not celebrate the 
resurrection of their Lord. They made the Jewish Passover 
their chief festival, celebrating it on the same day as the 
Jews, the 14''' of Nisan... Believing, according to tradition, 
that Jesus on the eve of his death had eaten the Passover 
with the disciples, they regarded such solemnity as a 
commemoration of the supper and not as a memorial of the 
Resurrection. But in proportion as Christianity.. .separated 
itself from Judaism and imbibed paganism, this way of 
looking at the matter became less easy. A new tradition 
gained currency among the roman Christians to the effect 
that Jesus, before his death, had not eaten the Passover, 
but had died on the very day of the Passover, thus 
substituting himself for the Paschal Lamb. The great 
Christian festival was then made the Resurrection of Jesus, 
and was celebrated on the first pagan holiday-Sun-day- 
after the Passover. ..No actual representation of the 
resurrection of the Christian 's Savior has yet been found 
among the monuments of early Christianity. The earliest 
representation of this event that has been found is an ivory 
carving, and belongs to the fifth or sixth century. " ^^ 

The earliest gospel, the Gospel of Mark (A.D. 70), did not 
contain an account of the Resurrection of Jesus. The oldest version 
of this gospel ends at 16:8 and lacks verse 7.'^'* Thus, it contains no 
mention of any appearances of a resurrected Christ. It relates only 
the discovery of the empty tomb by two women named Mary and 
Salome. There they find a yoimg man sitting on the tomb. This 
young man will later be transformed into an angel in preparation 
for transforming Yeshua into a resurrected Christ. But as Kenneth 
Woodward says in his article, "Rethinking The Resurrection" 
{Newsweek Magazine April 8, 1996) 

"By itself the empty tomb, one of Christianity's most 
enduring images, does not prove anything. Matthew 
acknowledges as much in his Gospel. Hench, the angel, a 
literary figure commonly used in the Bible to indicate a 
message from God... In itself, however, the empty tomb 
merely indicates that the body was not there. " 

The later stories of the Resurrection scene found in the later 
gospels are so replete with contradictions they nullify each others 
credibility. Reginald Fuller, in The Formation of the 
Resurrection Narrative, observes 

"The best way to discredit a witness in court is for the 
cross-examiner to tie him up in knots and make his 
evidence appear to be such a tissue of inconsistencies that 
the jury becomes convinced he is entirely untrustworthy. 
One does not need to be a scientific New Testament scholar 


to do that with the Resurrection narratives. " 

While Mark says a Mary (not the mother Jesus) and Salome 
discovered the tomb, Matthew says Mary and Mary Magadelene, 
while Luke says it was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother 
of James, amd "other woman." John says Mary Magadalene went 
alone. In regards to what took place at the tomb, Mark said the 
two woman found a young man outside sitting. Luke says there 
were two men standing inside. Matthew and John says it was not 
men, but angels (they also disagree on the number). 

The Resurrected Christ was not introduced by the original 
followers of Yeshua ben Pandera. It was introduced by Paul.'*' 
The later gospel writers, Matthew, Luke and John, followed Paul's 
lead, embellishing it with details that even Paul was ignorant of 
Of course, it was part of the "Prophetic Christ" mythos that Paul 
borrowed so heavily from in forming the Christian "Savior" that he 
got this Resurrected Christ from. Kersey Graves, in his The 
World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors notes: 

"Now mark, Quezalcoatel of Mexico, Chris of Chaldea, 
Quirinus of Rome, Prometheus of Caucasus, Osiris of 
Egypt, Atys of Phrygia, and 'Mithra the Mediator' of the 

from the dead after three days burial, and the time of their 
resurrection is in several cases fixed for the twenty-fifth of 
March (as in the Christian resurrection story. "'** 

Jesus was a prophet. He never taught his followers to worship 
him and they never did. The original Christians worshipped the 
Black God of Israel. 


Jesus was a Jew and believed in the God of Israel. Arthur 
McGiffert in The God of the Early Christians, says, 

"Jesus was a devout and loyal Jew, and the God whom he 
worshipped was the God of his people Israel-the God of 
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was not a theologian or a 
PHILOSOPHER.. .God was always strictly personal for 
Jesus-Ruler, Judge, Master, Lord, Father. He thought of 
OR MYSTICAL, fashion. "'*' 

David L. Paulsen, in his very enlightening article, "Early 
Christian Belief In A Corporeal Deity," observes, 

"The view that God is incorporeal, without body or parts, 
has been the hallmark of Christian orthodoxy, * but in the 
beginning it was not so... (The) ordinary Christians for at 
least the first three centuries of the current era commonly 
(and perhaps generally) believed God to be corporeal. The 
belief was abandoned (and then only gradually) as 
Neoplatonism became more and more entrenched as the 
dominant world view of Christian thinkers. "''" 

Grace Jantzen, in God's World, God's Body, agrees: 

"The idea that God is not embodied has been the stock-in- 
trade of theological orthodoxy for so long that it comes as 
a surprise to find that 'FROM THE BEGINNING IT WAS 
NOT SO.' In the first efforts towards theological 
understanding in the patristic period, the Fathers of the 
Church were divided on the question of whether or not God 
was embodied. Some of them, like Tertullian... clearly 
thought that he was. Irenaeus is less explicit, but the idea 
that God has a body could easily be taken as the logical 
consequence of his line of reasoning. "'^' 

Adolph Hamack, in his History of Dogma, gives confirmation 
that the original Christians believed in a so-called anthropomorphic 
God. He says of the first century believers, 

"God was naturally conceived and represented as 
corporeal by uncultured Christians (meaning those 
uninfluenced by Greek intellectualism), though not by these 
alone, as the later controversies prove. ..In the case of the 
cultured, the idea of Corporeality may be traced back to 
Stoic influences; in the case of the uncultured, popular 
ideas co-operated with the sayings of the Old Testament 
literally understood, and the impression of Apocalyptic 

He says also, 

" the second century... realistic eschatological ideas no 
doubt continued to foster in wide circles the popular idea 
that God had a form and a kind of corporeal existence. "'^^ 

Hamack identifies the source of the Christian belief that God 
was a material being with a form to "popular ideas," the Bible, and 
Stoic thought. Stoicism was the Greek philosophy which rivaled 
Platonism. The Stoics believed that the only reality is a material 
reality. They postulated that God was a material being. Those 
"cultured" Christians obviously refer to the Christians who were 

The masses of the faithful beHeved the anthropomorphic 
descriptions of God in the O.T literally, just as the Hebrews did. 
But there were also New Testament anthropomorphic passages 
such as John 4:24 which we have already discussed. Another verse 
usually cited as proof of Plato's "Mystery God" is Colos. 1:15 
where mention is made of "the image of the invisible God" 
However, here too the context reverses the interpretation and 
proves otherwise. The word translated "invisible" is the Greek 
aoratos. Dakesays, 

"The word really means not visible, not in sight, unseen, 
concealed. Invisibility consist more of distance than 
substance. Cities or other material objects cannot be seen 
even at 30 miles away. At this distance they are invisible. 
Anything out of sight is invisible. God (and) angels.. .can 
appear or disappear at will. They have been seen with the 
natural eyes many times, proving that invisibility must be 
understood... as with all other invisible things that become 
visible. "'^^ 

E. LaB Cherbonnier agrees; 

"The biblical God... is invisible as a matter of tactics. De facto, 
men seldom see Him. Upon occasion, however, he does show 
himself: to Moses (Ex. 33:23), to the elders of Israel (Ex. 
24:10), to Isaiah (Is. 6:1)... God retains the freedom to show 
himself or to withhold his face at will. "^'^ 

Rudolf Bultmann, in Primitive Christianity in It's Contemporary 
Setting, says also, 

"God is not invisible to the senses as a matter of principle. 
Indeed, Hebrew has no word for 'invisible. ' God is 
invisible because he wills to be so. "'^^ 

This is corroborated by Is. 45:15, "Thou art a God who hides t 
thyself and Prov. 1:28, "They will seek me (God) diligently, but 
will not find me." Also, many people have seen God: Job (Job. 

42:12); Amos (Amos 9:1); Jacob (Gen. 32:30); Manoah and his 
wife (Judges 13:22); and all will see Him (Rev.22:4). 

Colossians also mentions God's "image." The Greek eikon is 
an abstract term which could either have a spiritual meaning, of 
which only three times it has (Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18; Col. 3:10) 
or it could mean an outward appearance. The latter is meant in 
over fifteen times (Mt. 22:20;Mk.l2:16, et al'^'). The ambiguity is 
cleared up in Philippians 2:6 where mention is made of "Christ 
Jesus: Who, being in the FORM OF GOD, thought it not robbery 
to be equal with God" God has a "form." The Greek word 
"morphe" means "the outward form that strikes the vision: the 
external appearance, "^'^^ as in Mk.l6:12. According to St. John 
5:37, God the Father has a voice and a "shape" which no one has 
yet seen. The Greek "eidos" also means "outward appearance, 
external form. "^^ Thus, God has an external form and a shape, 
according to the New Testament. The early Christians, 
uninfluenced by Platonism, understood this and thus believed in 
the God of the Prophets. 

Celsus, a second century philosopher, wrote a critique of 
Christianity in A.D. 178 entitled Alethes Logos (True Doctrine). 
The work was suppressed and destroyed, but we know of it today 
through the quotes of Origen, the second century Christian Father. 
Celsus argues "at length" against what he believes to be the 
Christian understanding that God "is corporeal by nature and has 
a body like the human form."^^ Iraneus, Bishop of Lyons, writing 
in that same period acknowledges the same among the 

Robert P. Casey, in "Clement of Alexandria and the 
Beginning of Christian Platonism," notes that it was the 
influence of Greek thought which prompted the change: 

"The period in which (the) revival of Platonism took place 
saw the beginning of Christianity, and in the second 
century it became apparent that Christian theology, if it 
were to survive, must Justify itself philosophically. In doing 
so it had to make choices between the materialism ofStoa 
and the immaterialism of Plato. That it ultimately chose 

the latter may in part be attributed to the influence of men 
like Philo and Numenius. "^"^ 

Justo L. Gonzalez, in Christian Thought Revisited, also traces the 
influence that Greek philosophy has had on Christian doctrine. 
Writing in the second century, Clement of Alexandria was one of 
the first to bring Plato's God into the Church.^^'' Gonzalez says, 

"Thus Clement of Alexandria... turned Platonism into one of 
his main instruments for understanding Scripture. In 
consequence... Clement... came to the conclusion that all 
Scripture concerning God must be understood in such a 
manner that it is compatible with what the philosophers 
had said about the Supreme Being. "^"^ 

It was Origan (A.D. 185-253) though, who is most 
responsible for the supplanting of the God of Religion by the 
God of Philosophy in the Church. He was a Hellenistic 
Christian philosopher from Alexandria, Egypt whose polemic 
against the popular anthropomorphism became the hallmark of 
Christianity. It is he who first uses the word asomatos, 
meaning "incorporeal," in the orthodox Greek sense to describe 
God. He acknowledges that the doctrine of God's 
immateriality is a new doctrine.^ ^ He also acknowledges that 
in the period in which he was writing (middle of third century), 
the issue of God's corporeality had not yet been settled in the 
Church. He says that 

"how God Himself is to be understood-whether as 
corporeal, and formed according to some shape, or of a 
different nature from bodies" is "a point which is not 
clearly indicated in our teachings. "^"'^ 

Origen thus decides to settle the issue himself. In his Homily III, 
Origen says that 


Casey, p. 45 

Though such writers as Albinus, Justine, Athenagoras, and Tatian used 

thp frreplf term stsnmatns inHiratina inr.nmnrealitv it was nnt iispH in the 

"the Jews indeed, but also some of our people, suppose that 
God should be understood as a man, that is adorned with 
human members and human appearance. 

He attempts to correct this notion because "the PHILOSOPHER 
despise these stories as fabulous and formed in the likeness of 
poetic fictions."^'^^ Stroumsa acknowledges that, although he 
refers to these Christians who believe God to be in human form as 
akeriotatoi or "sim^e persons," many of these are not 
unsophisticated at all. Melito, Bishop of Sardis in Lydia, who 
died probably in A.D. 197, was a learned and prolific writer, 
composing eighteen works. Origen identifies him as among the 
"orthodox" Christians who taught that God has a human form and 
body. Melito wrote a book entitled The Discourse on the 
Corporeality of God?^'^ Gennadius, writing in the fifth centxuy, 
corroborated Origen's claim and says Melito was responsible for a 
body of Christians who also believed God had a human body.^'' 


St. Augustine (A.D. 354-430), bom in Thagaste in North 
Africa, is one of the pivotal Fathers of the Church. His many 
works have influenced Christian thought probably more than any 
other person. At the time he was writing, the popular belief among 
Christians, particularly the original Black Christians of North 
Africa, was that God was a man. In fact, he says this is the reason 
it took him so long to accept Christianity. In his Confessions, St. 
Augustine shares how he was turned off in his youth because the 
Christians he knew, including his Black mother Monica, believed 
that God was in the form of a man. As a result, he aligned himself 
with another group he would later come to anathematize*: the 
Manichean sect. Because they too fought the Christian majority's 
belief in anthropomorphism, he succumbed to their logic. He says, 

"For... that which really is I knew not; and was, as it were 
through sharpness of wit, persuaded to assent to foolish 
deceivers (Manichees), when they would ask me:... 'is God 
bounded by a bodily shape, and has hairs and nails?'. ..At 
which, I in my ignorance, was much troubled... because as 
yet... I knew not God to a Spirit, not one who hath parts 
extended in length and breadth, or whose being was 
bulk.. And what might that should be in us by which we 
were like God, and might be rightly said to be after the 
image of God, I was altogether ignorant. " 

He continues: 

"/ despaired of finding the truth... in Thy Church, O 
Lord... and it seemed to me very unseemly to believe Thee to 
have the shape of human flesh, and to be bounded by the 
bodily lineaments of our members. For when my mind 
endeavored to recur to the Catholic faith, I was driven 
back.. And I seemed to myself more reverential, if I 
believed God... Thee, my God... [to be} unbounded... than 
if. I should imagine Thee bounded by the form of a human 

for this reason he rejected the Christian faith. His career as a 
teacher of rhetoric, however, took him later on in life to Milan, 
Italy. While there, he met a Bishop Ambrose who introduced him 
to the Latin translations of the writings of Plato and the "purely 
spiritual" concept of God. Paulsen says. 

"Augustine accepted this view of God and, with his long- 
standing stumbling block to Christian doctrine removed, he 
was converted to the faith in 386 and the following year, at 
age thirty-two, was finally baptized. "^^^ 

After discovering this new Neoplatonic* interpretation of the faith, 
he rejoiced: 

"But when I understood withal that 'man, created by Thee, 
after Thine own image, ' was not understood by Thy 
spiritual sons... as though they believed and conceived of 
Thee as bounded by human shape. ..with joy I blushed at 
having SO MANY YEARS barked not against the Catholic 
faith, but against the fictions of carnal imaginations... For 
Thou, Most High... hast not limbs some larger, some 
smaller, but art wholly every where and no where in space, 
art not of such corporeal shape... Thy Catholic Church...! 
NOW DISCOVERED...not to teach that for which I had 
grievously censured her. So I was confounded, and 
converted; and I joyed. " 

It is clear that, up even until the time of Augustine, there were 
two strands of Christianity, exclusive of each other. One in Africa, 
where it spread from the Apostles first, and one in Europe which 
was interpreted through the writings of the Greek philosophers. 
The God of the Afiican strand of Christianity was the God of 
Religion: A God in human form. The God of the European strand 
of Christianity was the God of Philosophy: an abstract, immaterial 
being. Augustine, though he was a Black Man himself, rejected 
the faith and the God of his native land, and embraced the God of a 
foreign land. 


The issue of God's corporeality came to an explosive head in 
Egypt in A.D. 399. Even at that late date, the indigenous Christian 
Egyptians believed God the Father to have, from the beginning, 
manifested Himself in human form. The anthropomorphic 
theophanies of the Bible were interpreted literally by the Egyptian 
majority. Owen Chadwick refers to the "literalist Egyptian 
Majority."^^^ Because of Origen and Augustine, there was a small 
group of "Origenist" in the city of Nitria who believed in the God 
of the Philosophers. But Elizabeth Clark, in The Origenist 
Controversy, says, 

"the sources more representative of the indigenous 
Egyptian tradition... reveal the distrust felt by the native 
Egyptian clientele ofOrigen's views. "^'^ 

George Florvosky, in his Aspects of Church History, also 
bares witness that the literalist, or so-called "Anthropomorphites," 
were in the majority in Egypt and thus represented the Egyptian 
"Orthodox Christian Doctrine."^'^ 

Current historians who are believers in Origen's teaching of 
God portray the Egyptian majority as "simple" and "ignorant" and 
attribute this as the reason they believed as they did. But 
Florvosky shows this view to be biased and false. He says, 

"Nor should the 'literalism' of the alleged 
'Anthropomorphites' be attributed to their 'ignorance' and 
'simplicity'... The 'Anthropomorphites' could quote in their 
could not be summarily discarded by the charge of 
'ignorance'. "^'^ 

Theophilus was at that time the Bishop of Alexandria. In the 
festal letter, which is written and read aloud each Easter Day by 
the Bishop of Alexandria, Theophilus remarked that ^^ God ought to 

be regarded as incorporeal, and alien to human form." He 
stated that Man was not today in the Imagie Dei or Image of God. 
This caused the monks of Scete, Egypt to riot. Leaving their 
monastic retreat, the monks stormed to Alexandria in droves and 
even threatened to kill Theophilus.^'* At the time Theophilus had 
his letter read, not only were the monks angered, but three of the 
four priests of the Churches at Scete were angered by his heretical 
pronouncement. Bishop Epiphanius of Slamis was of the same 
view of the monks regarding God.^'' 

One of the monks was a wise and pious man by the name of 
Apa Aphou of Pemdje. He was a monastic that was early in his 
career a part of a community which contained members who were 
themselves taught by "disciples of the Apostles."^° Thus, he had 
access to the teachings of the Apostles themselves. As it was 
Aphou's custom to journey from his monastery retreat to the town 
of Pemdje once a year to hear the paschal letter read aloud to the 
congregation, he was then present when Bishop Theophilus's 
inflammatory letter was read. Upon hearing it, he was greatly 
disturbed and was ordered by the Lord to "go to Alexandria to set 
this aright."^^ 

Thus, Aphou traveled and waited three days outside the 
Bishop's gate. When he was finally permitted entrance, he was 
given an audience with the bishop at which point, after having the 
Bishop read his letter to him, Aphou challenged his statement that 
man was not in the image of God. I will quote the discussion, as it 
is reported in a Coptic text and repeated by Florvosky. 

^The Archbishop said: "How could you say of an Ethiopian 
that he is in the image of God, or of a leper, or of a cripple, or 
of a blind man?" 

" Blessed Aphou replied: "If you proclaim that in such fashion, 
you will be denying that which He said, namely, 'Let us make 
man in our likeness and in our image'... 

"The Archbishop replied: "Far be it! But I believe that 
Adam alone was created in His likeness and image, but that 
his children whom he begot after him do not resemble 

him. " Apa Aphou replied, saying: "Moreover, after God 
had established the covenant with Noah fallowing the 
flood. He said to him: 'whoever sheds human blood, his 
own will be shed in return, for man had been created in the 
image of God' (Gen. 9:6)." 

^The Archbishop said :"I hesitate to say of an ailing man 
...that he bears the image of God, Who is impassable and 
self-sufficient, while (the former) squat outside and perform 
his necessities.. .How could you think of him (as being one) 
with God, the true light whom nothing can surpass?" 

"Aphou said to him: "...If we think, for example, of a king 
who will give orders and a likeness will be painted, and all 
will proclaim that it is the image of the king, but at the 
same time all know that it is wood and colors, for it does 
not raise it's nose (head), like man, nor its ears are those of 
the king's countenance, nor does it speak like the king. And 
all these weaknesses which belong to it nobody remembers 
out of respect for their king's judgment, because he has 
proclaimed: 'it is my image.' On the contrary, if anyone 
dare deny it... on the plea that it is not the king's image, he 
will be executed... for having slighted it. Furthermore, the 
authorities are mustered concerning it and give praise to 
bits of wood and to colors, out of respect to the king. Now 
if such things happen to an image which has no spirit, 
neither does it stir, being... delusive... how much more, then, 
(to) man, in whom ABIDES THE SPIRIT OF GOD, and 
who is active and honored above all animals which are 
upon the earth; but because of the diversity of elements and 
colors... and of weaknesses which in us are... for us on 
account of our salvation; for it is not possible for any of 
these latter to slight the glory which God has given us, 
according to Paul: "As for man, it is not proper that he 
cover his head (because he is the image and glory of 
God)'(ICor. 11:7)." 

**When he heard these words, the blessed Archbishop arose 
and bent his head saying: "This is fitting that instruction 

"And immediately he wrote within all the country, 
retracting the phrase, saying: "It is erroneous and 
proceeds from my lack of intelligence in this 
respect. "(Endf^^ 

After writing to every region repudiating his former statement, 
he visited the monks and said to them, "In seeing you, I behold the 
face ofGod"^^^ The monks said that he must repudiate and bum 
the writings of Origen, which the repenting Bishop is reputed to 
have done. Three years later, Theophilus appointed Aphou to 
Bishop of Pemdje. 

Thus, all the way into nearly the fifth century, the Africans still 
held on to the orthodox Christian position that God manifested 
Himself in human form as is taught in the Scriptures of Moses, Ex. 
15:3 "The Lord is a Man of War." 

I have, I believe, successfiiUy proven that the God that is 
worshipped in the Synagogues and Churches of today is not the 
God that was originally worshipped there. The God of the 
Patriarchs and Prophets has been pushed out of these holy 
sanctuaries, and the God of the Philosophers has replaced Him. 
Casey concludes, 

"It is easy to see what Platonism brought into the 
partnership (religion and philosophy), for it supplied 
Christianity with an immaterialist 

philosophy.. .Henceforward Christian Platonism with it's 
idea of God as an immaterial, intellectual substance... was a 
permanent element in Christian theology. "^^^ 



We have seen that the original Black Hebrews and the original 
Black Christians took the anthropomorphic descriptions of God in 
the Bible literally and thus conceived of God in human form, as all 
the ancient Black cultures have done from the beginning. Such 
belief was the orthodoxy of the Judeo-Christian tradition for the 
first three or four centuries of each. It was predominantly, though 
not exclusively, through the influence of Greek philosophic 
thought and the introduction of Plato's God that this was 
challenged. After much controversy and heated debate, the old 
orthodoxy was supplanted for a new. What started out as a 
heresy* proclaimed by a minority of "cultured" Jews and 
Christians became ultimately the established orthodoxy of the 
Synagogue and Church. And what began as the recognized 
orthodoxy was later anathematized and thrown in the much too 
crowded basket of heresies. 

The same historical development found it's sequel in Islam. 
The Holy Qur'an, like the Bible, speaks of Allah in very 
anthropomorphic terms. The original orthodox Muslim community 
accepted these passages literally. This understanding was 
confirmed by the teachings of the Prophet himself-Prophet 
Muhammad ibn Abdullah. Again Greek influences crept in and a 
"crises in Islam" ensued. The Muslim world was embittered in 
battle over this issue and others until oflFicial creeds had to be 
issued defining the faith and responding to the heresies. But as in 
Judaism and Christianity, the original orthodoxy, after putting up a 
strong fight, lost to the heretical postulations of a minority group. 
The reader will see that what is today called "Orthodox Islam" or 
"Simni Islam" was in it's beginning a heretical aberration from the 
orthodox and that the original orthodoxy is today represented by 

among the people and misrepresented the teachings of the Most 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad. There is one statement from our 
brother, however, that I agree with 100%: 

"It is essential that the American people in general and the 
African Americans in particular know and realize that 
there are very clear differences in the teachings of the 
(modern) Universal Religion of Islam and the teachings of 
the Nation of Islam. In order for people to make an 
accurate and clear judgment or decision about anyone or 

It is indeed very essential that our people understand the 
difference between the Nation of Islam and what is today 
erroneously called "Orthodox" or Universal Islam. It is also 
important, as he correctly states, that one analyzes those 
differences based on CORRECT INFORMATION. However, he 
failed to present the correct information, so the task is left up to us. 


A.S. Trittin, in his Islam, observes: 

"The Koran and tradition (sayings of the Prophet and his 
companions) often speak of God as if He were a man; to 
take two examples only, 'When God created the world He 
wrote with His Hand for Himself 'My mercy precedes My 
anger, ' and, 'He opens the gates of heaven in the last third 
of the night, stretches out His hand and says, 'Is there none 
to ask of me that I may give?' He stays like this till dawn. ' 
In consequence many thought of God as (having) a body; 
they asked if the throne supported Him and did He fill it. 
He had the limbs of a man. He was a.. .light in the form of a 
man and His hair was black light; He was a body but not 
like other bodies. '^^^ 

As noted above, the Holy Qur'an describes Allah with vivid 
anthropomorphism. After creating Adam and calling the angels to 
make obeisance to him, Allah said to the rebellious Iblis who 

"O Iblis, what prevented thee from submitting to him whom 
I created with MY TWO HANDS (bi-yadayya) ? (38:75)" 

Surah 5:64 says, 

"And the Jews say: The hand of Allah is tied up. Their own 
hands are shackled and they are cursed for what they say. 

Not only does He have two hands, but, like man, one is on the 
left and one is on the right. In Surah 39:67, we read: 

"And they honor not Allah with the honor due Him; and the 
whole earth will be in HIS GRIP on the day of Resurrection 
and the heavens rolled up IN HIS RIGHT HAND. Glory be 
to Him! and highly exalted is He above what they associate 
(with Him). " 

Allah also has a face and eyes according to the Holy Qur'an. 
Surah 55:26 says, 

"Every one on it (the earth) passes away-And there 
endures for ever THE FACE (wadjh) OF THY LORD, the 
Lord of glory and honor. " 

In Surah 20:39 Allah says, 

"Put him (Moses) into a chest, then cast it into a 
river... there an enemy to Me and enemy to him shall take 
him up. And I shed on thee love from Me; and that thou 
mayest be brought up before MY EYES. " 

Probably the verses cited most often by the old orthodox in 
support of their Quranic understanding of God being in human 

r A.I i_i: i_ tt:_ ti nn ti -r a ii-t. i 

Throne of Power (83:15). The Arabic word 'arsh, according to 
Mualana Miihammad Ali, literally means "a thing constructed for 
shade" or "anything roofed."^^^ The court or sitting place of the 
king is called 'arsh. 

The most famous of these Throne passages describe Allah 
anthropomorphically sitting Himself on the Throne. In Surah 57:4 
it reads, 

"He it is who created the heavens and the earth in six days, 

Surah 20:5 reads: "Al-Rahman 'ala-'l-'arsh istawa," meaning 
"The Beneficent One has sat down firmly on the Throne." Allah's 
angels are said to encircle the Throne (39:75). Surah 40:7 also 
mentions ^^ Those who bear the Throne of Power and those around 

As Allah sits firmly on the Throne of Power, His feet are said 
to rest on the Kursi or stool which accompanies the Throne. 
Though Kursi can signify seat in a very general sense, usually, as 
in the daily life of Muslims, it meant a seat with no back or arm- 
rests-a stool. Kursi is mentioned only twice in the Qur'an, but 
several times in the sayings of the Prophet. In Surah 2:255 it is 
stated that "His (Allah's) 'kursi' extends over the heavens and the 
earth. " In Surah 38:34, Allah sat somebody on Solomon's kursi. 

The Prophet had some very interesting things to say about 
Allah's 'arsh and His kursi. He said at one time, removing any 
possibility of a non-physical understanding of the Throne: 

"Know you not what Allah is? His throne is on His 
heavens, in this way "-and he formed with his fingers a 
cupola-"and He makes it crack, as the rider makes the 
saddle. "^^^ 

This is a most revealing quotation. The Prophet is asking his 
companions, not do they know "Who" Allah is, but do they know 
"What Allah is!" He teaches his companions of the nature of God 
by referring to Allah sitting on His liirone and comparing it to A 
implication here is that Allah is a man. As we quote more of the 

sayings of the Prophet, you will see that this is exactly what he 

The Prophet above described the physical likeness of the 
Throne. The MoUa Husain ibn Iskandar al-Hanafi, in his 
commentary of the Wasiyat Abi Hani/a, describes the conceptions 
of Allah's Throne and Chair that were popular in early Islam: 

"Opinions regarding the throne differ. According to some 
it is a seat of light, according to others, e.g. the author of 
Bahr al-Kalam it is a red hyacinth. The author of the 
Daka'ik al-Akhbar says: Allah created the preserved table 
from a white pear I... and He attached it to the throne. On it 
is written what shall happen till the day of 
resurrection... Ibn Dj'arir, Ibn Mardawaih and Abu'l-Shaikh 
have a tradition which goes back to Abu Dharr: The 
Apostle of Allah said: O Abu Dhar, the seven Heavens are, 
as compared with the chair, as a ring thrown away in the 
desert. And the relation between the throne and the chair 
is as the relation between this desert and the ring. The 
same tradition is found also in al-suyuti's al-Hai'a al- 
Saniya ". 

It is clear from all these traditions that the Throne is physical 
and the Chair is attached to the Throne. This is confirmed by the 
tradition handed down by al-Baihaki on the authority of Ibn Abbas, 
in which the Prophet says: 

"TJie first thing Allah created was the pen. Then He 
created the Throne and the Chair, then a preserved table 
from a white pearl... " 

The Throne and Chair are created objects, not representing the 
eternal attributes of Allah. 

This Throne has always been the trademark of the 
anthropomorphic deity. In Sumer, after Marduke was made 
Supreme God over the Anunnaki, the first thing they did to show 
his Kingship was "erect... for him a princely throne." ° Ra, the 
Supreme God of Egypt was represented on his Throne.^^' In a 
Hittite inscription, we read 

"Formerly, in the olden days, Alalu was the King in 
heaven; He, Alalu, was seated on his throne. ' 

But the clearest manifestation of the connection between the 
Throne and the anthropomorphic deity is in the biblical 
descriptions of Yahweh. Micaiah the prophet, describing his 
vision of Yahweh, said, 

"/ saw the Lord sitting on his throne. . . (I Kings 22:19)." 

Isaiah says also, 

"/ saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted 
up (Is. 6:1)." 

When Ezekiel saw God, he observed: 

"And above the firmament that was over their heads was 
the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire 
stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the 
appearance of the likeness of a man above it (Ez. 1:26). " 

The King of the gods in India was called Kash-Yapa, "He who 
is the Throne.""^ 

All of the ancient Black cultures, when depicting God, depicted 
Him as a Man sitting on a throne. This is true for the Sumerians, 
Kemetians, Indians, Canaanites, Hittites and Hebrews. 

After examining the context in which the Throne verses were 
interpreted, we can now understand why this was a central piece of 
evidence for the orthodox in support of their anthropomorphic 
conception of Allah. But though it was the central, it was in no 
way iJie sole. The Encyclopedia of Islam relates some of the 
traditions of the Prophet that were ftindamental to the orthodoxy's 
understanding of the nature of Allah: 

"He (Allah) descends to the lowest heaven (al-sama' al- 
dunya) and cries: 'Is there a supplicant? Is there a seeker 
of forgiveness'?. ..Then there is the story of the man who 
will be last in Paradise, and how he will make Allah 

laugh... His (Allah's) eyes... are opposed to the one eye of 

One of the oft-quoted hadiths (sayings of the Prophet) says, 

"All the hearts of mankind are like one single heart 

He also said that in a vision, he felt "a touch of the Divine hand 
between his shoulders. "^^^ 

But of eill that we have above stated, the most convincing 
saying of the Prophet that Allah manifests Himself in human form 
is that tradition in which the Prophet says: 

" Allah created Adam in His form" (inna Allah 'azza wa- 
j'alla khalaqa Adam 'ala suratihi). " 

In case there was any confiision of whose "form" is actually 
meant here, the tradition is repeated except it states even more 
explicitly that Adam was created in the form of al-Rahman, The 
Beneficent. This tradition clearly shows that Allah has a human 
form after which Adam was created. This is why the Qur'an states 
that Adam was created by Allah in 'V/?e best of forms (95:4)." 
Adam was fashioned from Black mud into the "best of forms" 
because he was fashioned after the make or form of Allah. 

One of the most interesting traditions is that which concerns 
Kheilid, the famous Warrior for Islam, and his experience at the 
shrine of the pagan goddess Al-Uzza. As we have earlier noted, 
Al-Uzza, eilong with AUat and Manah, were three pagan goddesses 
considered to be the "Daughters of Allah" to the pagan Arabs. At 
the time of Muhammad, Al-Uzzah received the most worship. Her 
shrine was located in Nakhla, a few miles north of Mecca. In the 
eighth year after the Hegira (Muhammad's flight from Mecca to 
Medina), Muhammad sent the zealous and valiant Khalid with 
thirty horseman to destroy the sanctviary. While Kheilid was 
putting the sanctuary to the sword, a naked black woman "with 
flowing hair" approached him. The lady's priest, who was eilso 

234 ,r>/ 

present, cried out: "5e courageous, Al 'Uzza, and protect 
yourself!" Khalid, it is written, "shook with terror. "^^* After 
regaining his composure and courage, he cleft the Black woman's 
head and killed her. Khalid reported the deed to Muhammad, 
expressing doubt that he had actually slain Al-Uzzah herself. He 
suggested that the Black Woman was just a priestess. The Prophet 
replied, however, 

"Of a truth, it was Uzza herself whom thou hast 
destroyed. ""^ 

This is extremely significant. If the Prophet and the Arabs in 
general accepted Al-Uzzah as a Black Woman, and the Arabs saw 
Al-'Uzzah as the "Daughter of Allah," how do you suppose they 
saw the Father? Though Muhammad and the Holy Qur'an 
condemns the Arabs belief that these goddesses are Allah's 
daughters, they both fail to condemn the anthropomorphism 
implied. In fact, though Al-Uzzah is not a "Daughter of Allah" in 
the sense the Arabs believed, the name is the feminine ofAl-Aziz, 
which is one of the 99 Names of Allah.^''° 

The early Canaanites represented Allah as a Black Man 
sitting on His Throne. The pictures of 'El are actually 
pictures of the Canaanite depiction of their God Al or 
Allah. We have proven that the name "El" is a purposeful 
corruption by later historians of the more ancient name Al 
or Allah. (Photo from Pritchard, 1978, #57.) 

The issue of Allah's bodily movement (descending to the 
lowest heaven) also found it's support in the Holy Qur'an. In 
Surah 89:22 we read, 

"Nay, when the earth is made to crumble to pieces, And thy 
Lord comes with the angels, ranks on ranks... " 

This tended to disprove the Greek view of God as a immaterial 
spirit that exist everywhere at all times. For if that were the case, 
we couldn't talk about God moving from one place to another as 
the Qur'an and the Prophet had. 

The final point of concern for this discussion of the 
anthropomorphic nature of the God of Islam is the Vision of Allah 
(ru'yat Allah). The faithfiil believed they would see Allah "bi 1'- 
absar," with eyesight.^'*' This is supported by the Quranic verse 
(75:22-23) in which, in the hereafter, some faces will be bright, 
"Looking toward their Lord." Also in 39:73-75, the Holy Qur'an 
describes the day when the faithfiil are conveyed to the Garden (in 
the Hereafter) in companies. This Hereafter is very earthly, with 
fountains flowing,^''^ pairs of every fiiiit,^'*^ reclining beds whose 
inner covering are of silk brocade, '^ green cushions and beautifiil 
carpets.^'*^ And if all that isn't enough to convince one of the 
mundane nature of Paradise, there are righteously beautiful women 
for the righteous men and vice versa.^"*^ As the righteous 
approach the Garden, the Keepers open the doors. They are said 
then to "inherit the land."^'*' Then, as they enter the Gates which 
lead into the Garden, the Qur'an says, 


It is made perfectly clear here that, as the righteous enters this 
earthly Hereafter, they will see Allah sitting on His Throne with 
His heavenly host encircling Him. 

^*\ Encyclopedia of Islam, 1960, p. 41 1. 

''I 75:50 

Again, the words of the Prophet confirm the orthodox belief 
that Allah will be seen by the righteous. The tradition is related of 
the Prophet answering a concern from among his companions on 
whether or not they will see Allah in Paradise. The tradition goes: 

"Some persons asked the Apostle of Allah: Shall we see our 
Lord on the day of the resurrection? The Apostle of Allah 
answered: Would you importune anyone with such a 
question regarding the moon in a night of full moon, or 
concerning the sun on a cloudless day? They answered: 
No. He said: In the same way you will see your Lord... ''^* 

It is reported by Ahmad ibn Nasru'l-Khuza'i that the Prophet said 
again, "Ye shall see your Lord in the day of judgment, as ye see the 
moon. ''^*^ Al-Nawawi, author of the Forty Hadith, says, 

"The position of the PEOPLE OF THE SUNNAH is that 
seeing Allah is possible and not absurd... "^^^ 

"The people of the Sunnah" are the original followers of the 
Prophet who transmitted his teachings. It is thus made clear that 
the faithful will see Allah as one sees a full moon at night or bright 
sun on a cloudless day. 

The verse that the modem orthodox, those who were originally 
heterodox,* quote in their attempt to make Allah an immaterial 
being that is invisible is Surah 2:3 were Allah is referred to as Al- 
Ghaib. The Muslim writers of today deceptively translate that 
word as "Unseen." However, that word does not mean "unseen" in 
Arabic. It means "absent" or "to withdraw ones presence from." 
This word is similar to the Greek aoratos and does not mean 
physical invisibility but unseen due to location or distance-absent 
from view. Allah is not here described by the Qur'an as an 
invisible being, but as one who has made Himself absent until the 
Day of Judgment at which time He will make His presence known 
again. This is why the faithful have to wait until that Day before 
they could "see their Lord." 

The above cited Quranic passages were read by the early 
Muslims as literal representations of Allah. The Encyclopedia of 
Islam notes that "the ancient traditionalists took these verses on 

their face value. "^^' A.J. Arbery, in Revelation And Reason In 
Islam, observes, 

"From earliest Islam there had been a strong 
preference... to take these descriptions literally. ' It was said 
that God, when he grows angry, grows heavier and the 
throne groans under his weight like a camel saddle. Others 
explained that it was the throne that grew heavier, not 
God "^" 

George F. Moor, in his History of Religion agrees: 

"The common idea of God was crudely anthropomorphic. 
Taking the words of the Koran in their natural sense, men 
imagined God sitting upon a throne in heaven, a being with 
hands and feet, eyes and ears; a body, therefore, and some 
doctors of repute did not hesitate to say a body of flesh and 
blood "^" 

Indeed, the people of the "Sunna," the original orthodox of 
Islam which included the companions of the Prophet, armed with 
the words of the Prophet himself, understood these 
anthropomorphic verses of the Holy Qur'an literally and thus 
conceived of Allah in that same way. They are referred to as 
Ashab-Al-Hadith, or "People of the Tradition." This group later 
came to be anathematized and called Al-Hashwiyya. The exact 
meaning of Hashwiyya is unknown but it is clearly used in a 
derogatory way. Writers today refer to the Hashwiyya as a "sect" 
within Islam. But A.S. Halkin has shown that, far from being a 
sect, it represented the orthodox majority. In his article, "The 
Hashwiyya," he states, 

"We learn also that the name is by no means applicable to 
a well defined group, including as it does virtually the 
whole community. "^^^ 

He says again, 

"A reconsideration of the... sect will doubtless reveal that it 
was representative of the masses of Islam, and that the 
sectarianism is due to a misunderstanding. "^^^ 

Today the Orthodox Muslim world wants to disown the ashab- 
al-hadith and make it appear that it was an insignificant sect. But 
Halkin has convincingly shown, as well as the writings of their 
enemies, that they represented the orthodox majority. Armstrong 

"Muslims often spoke about God anthropomorphically, 
making him a larger-than-life man... "^^^ 

They are today anathematized because they believed in the 
God of Religion. In the polemic of Jahiz (772-872) against the 
Nabita, which is another name for the Hashwiyya, he says of them: 

"But the Nabita... insisted: He is a body; and it ascribed 
form... to Him and declared anyone who believes in the 
beatific vision (seeing Allah in Paradise) without 'Tajsim' 
(acknowledging God has a body)... to be a heretic. Again 
most maintain that God's word is excellent and clear, 
evidence and proof... that if He wished to add to it. He 
could; and subtract from it. He could... The acts of 
disobedience of this community had never exceeded sin and 
err or... until the Nabita and their followers, THE MASSES, 
appeared. Now the PREVAILING trend of this generation 
is Kufr, that is anthropomorphism and determinism. 

Jahiz, who was an enemy of the Hashwiyya, here acknowledges 
that they represented the masses and their view of 
anthropomorphism was the "prevailing" view. His attempt, 
however, to make this a "new trend" we have already shown to be 

Another Muslim writer, Iji, writing on Muslim sects, says of 
the Hashwiyya: 

"The anthropomorphists Hashwiyya like Mudar and 
Kahmas and al-Hujaimi assert He is a body (not like other 
bodies) of flesh and blood (unlike all other flesh and 
blood). He possesses limbs (and organs, and it is possible 
for Him to touch, and shake hands with and embrace the 
sincerely pious who visits Him in this world)... 

This is the view of the original orthodoxy of Islam. "Sunni 
Islam" originally held the belief that Allah manifested Himself in 
human form. Hisham ibn Hakim said: 

''Allah has a body, defined, broad, high and long, of equal 
dimensions, radiating with light, of a broad measure in its 
three dimensions... " 

Just as with the original Hebrews and Christians, the original 
orthodoxy of Islam was far different than the orthodoxy of today's 
Muslim world. But when and under what conditions did the 
orthodoxy change? 


W.M. Watt, in Early Islam, says, 

"The problems implicit in the anthropomorphic conceptions 
of the Qur'an did not begin to thrust themselves upon the 
awareness of Muslim thinkers till towards the close of the 
second century after the Hij'ra (in the ninth century, two 
hundred years after Muhammad). The point was 
apparently raised first by the heterodox groups of the 
Mu'tazila and the Jahmiyya, and they raised it... BY 
usually translated ANTHROPOMORPHISM. The 

Mu'tazila and the Jahmiyya-at this point probably not 
entirely distinct from one another-had come under the 
influence of Greek philosophy". ^^' 

Richard Martin, in his Islam, observes also, 

"Most Mu'tazilites denied any resemblance between God 
and His creatures. AGAINST MORE POPULAR 
CONCEPTIONS, the Mu'tazilites argued that God could 
not be conceived in human terms; that is, they 
'deanthropomorphised' the notion of God... "^^'^ 

Hoodbhoy, in Islam and Science, notes, 

"The Mu'tazila doctrine rejected the anthropomorphic 
representations of God POPULAR AT THAT TIME... "^^' 

"Mu'tazila" means "dissenters," called such because they dissented 
from the orthodox understanding and were therefore "heterodox."* 
The school was actually a loose association of thinkers primarily 
from Basrah and Baghdad who differed widely among themselves 
on important points. ^^ Wasil ibn Ata and Amr ibn 'Ubayd, after 
separating from the circle of Hasan at Basrah, founded the school 
in the early part of the ninth century. They were later joined and 
succeeded by Abu al-Hudhayl and al-Nazzam. In Baghdad, a 
branch of the Mu'tazila was formed around Bishr ibn al-Mu'tamir. 
Bishr was temporarily jailed for his views by the Calif Harun al- 

The Mu'tazila affirmations and the subsequent controversy 
which they caused centered around three basic issues, of which we 
will only discuss the first:(l) They believed in the imity (tawhid) 
of Allah. This wasn't just an affirmation of monotheism, for all 
Muslims affirmed such. But this was a special "philosophic" 
concept which called into question the anthropomorphism of the 
orthodoxy;(2) They asserted that the Holy Qur'an was "created" 
against the orthodox belief that it is the "uncreated" word of God 
(3) Kalam. The Mu'tazila denied the worth of the Hadith (sayings 
of the Prophet) in interpreting the Qur'an. They believed Greek 
reason was superior to Tradition and more authoritative. This is 
called Kalam. The Mu'tazila therefore invented a grammatical 
system of exegesis called ta'wil which was allegorical 
interpretation of the Qur'an, thus interpreting away the 
anthropomorphism's in a philosophical fashion. 

It was this small heretical school that gave the ciirrent Muslim 
world it's tafsir or mode of exegesis. Where the Qur'an speaks of 
the faithful "seeing God," it really means they would 'know' Him, 
according to this method of reading Scripture. The hand of Allah 
meant 'grace' and His face was rendered His 'essence.' Just as their 
Jewish and Christian predecessors, the Mu'tazila applied 
Hellenistic rationalism to strip away the references of Allah that 
disagreed with the God of Philosophy. The Encyclopedia of Islam 

"But the Mu'tazilite schools... wished to justify dialectically 
the Muslim notion of God, in the face of the Greek-inspired 
'God of the philosophers'. "^" 

Though the early Mu'tazilites had not access to the Arabic 
translations of the Greek writings which came later, they were 
evidently influenced by non-Muslim groups described by al- 
Ash'ari in his Views of the Muslims. ^^ And even though Wasil 
ibn 'Ata was the founder of the Mu'tazila, the Greek influence was 
not clearly perceptible until Jahm ibn Safwan. Peters, in Allah 's 
Commonwealth, says of him, 

"The intrusion of these new constructs and novel modes of 
understanding are first perceptible in the work of Jahm ibn 
Safwan, afar more likely sire to the Mu'tazila than Wasil. 
Jahm had before him some vision of the world and God 
rationalized on a Neoplatonic model, and he proceeded to 
explain Allah in terms of that understanding. The 
Mu'tazilites followed in his path, not with one but with 
many world views, some of them crossed with non-Greek 
themes, but NONE of them even remotely resembling the 
(world view) that lay behind the Qur'an. "^^^ 

The result was the introduction into Islam of a totally new and 
foreign view of the nature of God. Al-Ash'ari describes the 
Mu'tazilite conception of God: 

"Allah... is no body, nor object, nor volume, nor form, nor 
flesh, nor blood, nor person, nor substance, nor 'accidens, ' 

moistness, dryness, length, breadth, depth.. .Neither is He 
provided with parts, divisions, limbs, members, with 
directions, with right or left hand... no place encompasses 
Him... He cannot be described by any description which can 
be applied to creatures.. .He can not be described by 
measure, nor by movement in a direction... The senses do 
not reach Him, nor can man describe Him by analogy. He 
does not resemble the creatures in any way.. .Nothing of 
what occur to any mind or can be conceived by fantasy 
resembles Him... Eyes do not see Him... nor can He be heard 
by ears." ^'^'^ 

Henri Masse, in Islam, notes, 

"the Mu 'tazilites considered Allah to be Pure Spirit, and 
consequently they rejected all those attributes of God... "^^^ 

Thus, the God of Philosophy was being introduced into the 
Muslim Worid. The orthodoxy reacted vigorously against the 
Mu'tazilite heresy, accusing them of ta'til, divesting God of all of 
His attributes and rendering Him "an empty concept." 

The Mu'tazilite heresy produced the ninth century "dogmatic 
crises in Islam." The intensity of the crises and debate equaled that 
of the Arius-Athanasis feud which resulted in the Nicean Creed of 
Christianity. As a result, many strong defenders of orthodoxy 
emerged, the most famous of which was Ahmad ibn Hanbal. 



The "Great Defender" of the cause of Islam was the pious 
Ahmad ibn Hanbal (780-855). Bom in Baghdad, he is regarded 
today as "the imam of Baghdad." He began studying the traditions 
of Islam at the age of fifth-teen. To acquire a full knowledge of 
the holy texts and sacred writings, Hanbal visited Mecca, Medina, 
Yemen, Syria, Mesopotamia, Kufa, and Basra. He studied under 
such famous teachers as Sufyan ibn Uyaina, Abu Yusuf, and al- 
Shafi'i.^^* As a youth, he was held in reverence as an authority in 
matters of Islamic tradition. When the great al-Shafi went to 
Egypt, he said: "/ do not leave behind any one greater as a 
'figih' (scholar in Islamic tradition) or more pious and learned than 
Ahmad ibn. Hanbal. "^'^^ 

Not only was Hanbal a brilliant scholar, but he was also a very 
pious and devout Muslim. It is said that while making salat 
(prayer) he made at least 300 rak'a's a day. After the last prayer at 
night, after only a few hours of sleep, he would wake up and 
perform prayers of supererogation until morning. This pious 
Muslim recited the whole Qur'an once every seven days and fasted 
so much that his life seemed like a continuous fast. 

Ahmad ibn Hanbal was probably the greatest Muslim to come 
to bat for the "old orthodoxy." He was bitterly opposed to the 
Mu'tazila doctrines. He opposed their system of ta'wil or 
allegorical interpretation of tiie anthropomorphic verses of the 
Qur'an. As a defender of the "Sunnah" and the "ashab-al-hadith," 
he argued that the Holy Qur'an, being the uncreated word of God, 
had to be taken literally. He said this must be done bila kaifa, 
without asking questions. While traveling and studying the holy 
texts, Hanbal gatiiered 30,000 acceptable Hadiths or sayings of the 
Prophet. These were compiled in his most famous work, Musnad. 
One of those hadiths was the above discussed which states that 
Allah created Adam in His form. Thus, contrary to what some 
modem writers would like to believe, Hanbal understood Allah in 
anthropomorphic terms-the way the ashab-al-hadith understood 
Him. According to Dr. Walter Patton, in his Ahmed Ibn Hanbal 
and the Mihna. "Ahmed's belief was anthroDomorohic. That was 

the simple fact. And the Prophet was not the less so. "'^^° Ahmad 
says of Allah; 

"77»e throne of the Merciful is above the water, and God is 
on His throne. His feet rest on the stool... The throne 
belongs to God, and the throne is supported by those who 
carry it... He is in movement. He speaks, He looks. He 
laughs. He rejoices. He loves and He detests. He displays 
ill-will and kindness; He becomes angry and He 
for gives;... Every night He descends, in the manner He 
wishes, to the nearest heaven. 'Like Him there is naught; 
He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing'(42:ll) the hearts of 
humankind are between two fingers of the Merciful; He 
turns them over as He desires and engraves on them 
whatever He wants. He created Adam with His hands and 
IN HIS IMAGE . On the day of resurrection, the heavens 
and the earth will be in His palm; He will put His feet in 
the fire and He will disappear, and then He will make the 
people of the fire come out with his hand. The people of 
Paradise will look at His face and see it... "^ ' 

Hanbal's beliefs are made even more clear in the rescript that 
the Caliph al-Radi issued against his followers in 935. AI-Radi 
was influenced by Mu'tazilite doctrine and thus condemned the 
Hanbalites ( those who follow Ahmad ibn Hanbal's teachings) of 
Baghdad saying: 

"You claim that your ugly disgusting faces are in the image 
of the Lord of the World and that your vile appearance is in 
the image of His; you talk of His feet and fingers and legs 
and gilded shoes AND CURLY HAIR and going up to 
heaven and coming down to the world-may God be raised 
far above what wrongdoers and unbelievers say about 

This God of the Hanbalites was a Black God. Far from being 
wrongdoers and unbelievers, Peters says. 


"the Baghdad Hanbalites were the chief defenders of 'the 
Sunnah and the community'. "^^^ 

Philip K. Hitti, in his History of the Arabs, says, 

"Ahmad ibn-Hanbal's... bold and stubborn championship of 
the cause of conservative orthodoxy constitutes one of the 
glamorous pages in its history. "^ 

The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics observes, 

"During his whole career he was a great defender of 
orthodoxy. "^^^ 

The Encyclopedia of Religion says also, 

"they (Hanbalites) represented the overwhelming majority 
of Sunni Islam as members of the traditionalist 
movement. "^^'^ 

Ahmad ibn Hanbal was the key defender of the orthodox faith 
against the heresies of the Mu'tazila. But as the battle between 
orthodoxy and heterodoxy raved on, some fell victim to the 
influence of the Mu'tazila. One such person was Caliph Ma'mim. 
Ma'mim assumed the caliphate in 813. He has been described as 
"the greatest patron of philosophy and science in the entire history 
of Islam." Ma'mim sent emissaries as far away as Byzantium to 
seek out and purchase philosophical and scientific works. It is 
recorded that his intense interest in Greek philosophy was sparked 
by a dream he had in which Aristotle appeared to him.^^* In 827, 
al-Ma'mim adopted the doctrine of the Mu'tazilites that the Qur'an 
was created, not uncreated as the orthodoxy had claimed. 
Concomitant with this was denial of the anthropomorphic 
descriptions of Allah contained therein. The Caliph authorized this 
belief giving Islam its first state authorized theological dogma. 
Under Ma'mim, Mu'tazilism was enforced as state doctrine. The 
Caliph sent letters to all of the provinces ordering that his 

Peters, n. 590. 

governors should cite theological leaders and learned men 
demanding of them a clear answer as to the creation of the Holy 
Qur'an. Those who would not submit to this new teaching were 
jailed and tortured. Ma'mun established the first Islamic 
Inquisition, called mihna. 

One of the primary victims of the mihna was Ahmad ibn 
Hanbal. The Caliph ordered that he be sent to him for questioning. 
Hanbal was chained, along with another orthodox Muslim, and 
sent from Rakka to Tarsus where Ma'mun was then seated. But 
shortly after leaving Rakka, the Caliph died and Hanbal was sent 
back to Baghdad. Ma'mun's successor, Mu'tasim, desiring to end 
the mihna, was persuaded to continue by a Mu'tazilite kadi (Judge) 
Ahmad ibn Abi Du'ad. Abi Du'ad, being made Chief Judge to 
Caliph Mu'tasim, immediately took up the pursuit of the orthodox 
believers. He summoned and interrogated Hanbal and after again 
refusing to abandon the orthodoxy of the community, Hanbal was 
beaten and jailed. As Hanbal was confined in his cell, a large and 
very angry crowd gathered outside and was preparing to attack the 
palace of the Caliph. In fear, the Caliph ordered Hanbal's 
punishment suspended and Hanbal set free. 

During the rest of Mu'tasim's Caliphate, Hanbal remained in 
retirement refusing to do any lecturing. When Mu'tasim was 
replaced by al-Wathik (842), the ban on him was lifted. However, 
because the Mu'tazilite Du'ad was still the kadi, Hanbal maintained 
his retirement and Mu'tazilism flourished. It was with the 
accession of al-Mutawakil (847) that orthodoxy was reinstated. 
With him marked the beginning of the end of the heretical reign of 
the Mu'tazilites. Abi Du'ad was removed as kadi in 852 and his 
successor, Ibn Aktham, is said to have been recommended by 
Hanbal. The Caliph invited Hanbal to the court in order that he 
may teach Tradition to the Caliph's favorite son, al-Mu'tazz. 
However, Hanbal refused. 

Hanbal died on the 3 1 of July, 855 at the age of 77. The 
Encyclopedia of Islam says of him: 

"He was a man of great influence among the people, and 
the leading representative of the strictest orthodox party in 
those days. "^^° 

attended.^*' He was buried in the Martyrs' cemetery (Makabir al- 
Shuhada) and his tomb became one of the most frequented places 
of pilgrimage in Baghdad. Demonstrations of intense and ardent 
devotion took place at his tomb to the point where the cemetery 
had to be guarded by civil authorities. Caliph al-Mustadi' 
furnished the tomb with an inscription glorifying Hanbal as "the 
most faithful defender of the Sunna."^*^ He has also been regarded 
as "hero (fata) of Islam. "^*^ All this praise given to a man who 
taught that Allah manifested Himself anthropomorphically. 

Mu'tazilism and the God of Philosophy had a short lived life. 
After the fall of Mu'tasim and Wathik, the Mu'tazilites were again 
regarded as heterodox. Peters observes, 

"The Mu'tazilites ended as heretics, execrated by the 
conservative wing of Islam and disavowed by the 
theologians of the what came to be the orthodox 
persuasion. "^^^ 

The Encyclopedia of Islam also affirms, 

"The Mu'tazilites... who triumphed under Ma'mun...were 


subsequently regarded as 'heterodox' for centuries. ' 


Another defender of the orthodox belief in an 
'anthropomorphic' God was Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad ibn 
Karram. Ibn Karram is a man greatly misrepresented today by the 
so-called orthodox Muslim world which has taken up the banner of 
the Mu'tazilite cause. And because of this current adherence to 
Mu'tazilism, which Ibn Karram was one of the greatest adversaries 
of, I have foimd that little trust can be given to Muslim scholars 
when discussing him or his movement. A perfect example of 
Muslim dishonesty is in M. Muhammad All's The Religion of 
Islam. On page 1 54, in footnote number one, Ali says, 

"The anthropomorphic view which likens God to man has 
never found favor among the Muslims. A very insignificant 
sect known as the Karramiyah (after the founder, 
Muhammad Kar ram)... held the view that God was 
corporeal, but this has always been rejected by the learned 
among the Muslims. "^^^ 

Ali has mislead his readers three times in those two sentences. 
His first, which alleges that anthropomorphism never found favor 
among the Muslims, we have already disproved and will provide 
further evidence that the view was representative of the original 
orthodoxy. He goes on to say that the Karramiyah was a "very 
insignificant sect" whose views on God was "always rejected by 
the learned Muslims." We will show All's understating of the 
Karramiyah to be an error shortly. When he speaks of the "learned 
Muslims" who always rejected such belief, he is referring only to 
those learned in Mu'tazilite learning. Those who were learned in 
the Qur'an and the sayings of the Prophet, such as ibn Hanbal, 
were of the opinion that God is just as He is described in the 
Qur'an. This view was accepted by the masses. 

Ibn Karram was bom in 806 in Sistan. He subsequently 
traveled to Khurasan where he studied under such men as Ahmad 
ibn Harb and Ibrahim ibn Yusef al-Makiyani. Early in his studies, 
Karram came into contact with Ahmad ibn Abd'AUah al- 
Djuwaybari and Muhammad ibn Tamin al-Firyanani, two persons 
who proved unreliable as transmitters of tradition. Karram later 
discovered their unreliability and disavowed his relationship with 
them. He spent five years in Mecca as a "mudjawir" then returned 
to Nishapur where he sold all his possessions in favor of a holy 

Ibn Karram taught that God was a substance (djawhar) and a 
body (djism) and that body was exactly as it is described in the 
Holy Qur'an and the Hadith. We have above shown that such a 
teaching was also accredited to the Nabita which was a name given 
to the ashab-al-hadith or Sunni Muslims. Thus, Ibn Karram was 
within orthodoxy with this view. It was Karram's other views 
which set the Karramiyah at odds with orthodox groups such as the 
Hanbalites. Ibn Karram was bitterly against the conclusions drawn 
by the Mu'tazilite theologians on the nature of God. However, he 

ibn Karram was in the precarious position of mediator between the 
partisans of tradition and the partisans of rationalism. And as such, 
Ibn Karram was attacked by the traditionalists for his use of 
Kalam and by the Mu'tazilite influenced theologians for 
anthropomorphism. There were other aspects of ibn Karram's 
teaching, such as the issue of God's power over the world and the 
issue of faith, that invoked the condemnation of the orthodoxy. 
These aspects of Karram's doctrine, including his sympathy with 
Kalam, is what set him apart from the orthodoxy. On the other 
hand, his adherence to anthropomorphism was representative of 
the orthodoxy. 

Despite these aspects of ibn Karram's teaching which were 
heretical in the eyes of the orthodoxy, the Karramiyah flourished in 
the central and eastern parts of the Islamic world for three 
centuries from the 9th to the 12th century.^*^ Contrary to All's 
statement that the Karramiyah was a "very insignificant sect, " the 
Encyclopedia of Islam says, 

"It is not easy to give a Just appraisal of the significance of 
the Karramiyah in the development of Islamic religious 

The Arab geographer Makdisi came into contact with Karramiyah 
on the course of his travels. He firmly placed the Karramiyah 
within the bounds of orthodoxy, referring to them as "an ascetic 
and God-fearing folk."^*' The Encyclopedia of Islam says, 

"It seems we should consider the Karramiyya as a Sunni 
group engaged in defending a central position against the 
Mu'tazila on one side and the Ahl al-Hadith on the other. " 

Thus, ibn Karram's greatest crime possibly was his attempt to 
rectify two opposing views in a coherent system. And in so doing, 
he isolated himself from both. However, what is brought out here 
is that it was not his "anthropomorphism" that was the problem, for 
ibn Karram was well within orthodoxy on that point. 


Ahmad ibn Hanbal, the great defender of orthodoxy, put up a 
strong fight against the heresies of the Mu'tazila. However, the 
one who is responsible for delivering the death blow was Abu'l- 
Hasan 'Ali ibn Isma'il al-Ash'ari (d.935). It was said by a pious 
Muslim that "Al-Mu'tazila carried their heads high, but their 
dominion ended when God sent al-Ash'ari. "^^^ 

What made Ashari's refutation of the Mu'tazila so devastating 
was that for forty years he had been the chief disciple and then 


collaborator with al-Jubba'i, the chief of the Basra Mu'tazila. 
But after reportedly receiving a vision of the Prophet informing 
him of the error of their doctrines, Ash'ari mounted the pulpit of 
the mosque in Basra in 912 and made public his repudiation of the 

Ash'ari declared himself a follower of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and 
returned to the Sunna and the Qur'an.^^^ The anthropomorphic 
descriptions of the Qur'an are to be taken literally and without 
question (bila kayf). Ash'ari repudiated his former teachers for 
their denying Allah's description as given in the Qur'an. He wrote, 

"May Allah preserve us from a 'tanzih' (The withdrawing of 
the human element from expressions and ideas regarding 
God) which would imply negation and 'ta'tiV (divesting God 
of all of His attributes). "^'^ 

He taught also that Allah will be seen by the faithfiil in Paradise 
and that Allah literally sits Himself on The Throne. In his Ibana, 
he says of these anthropomorphic descriptions, 

"The Djahmites (another sect that rejected these verses of 
the Qur'an) deny that Allah has a face, though He says so 
Himself; likewise they deny His possessing hearing, sight, 
and eyes. So they are in accord with the Christians, for the 
latter admit God's hearing and seeing in the sense of 
knowing only... The real aim is bare unity and denial of 


T-Ti'ttJ n d'iO 

Allah's names. They make a formula without being able to 
give it a sense. "^^'^ 

Ash'ari went on to reiterate the old orthodoxy, 

"We confess that God is firmly seated on His Throne 
(without asking how)... We confess that God has two hands 
(without asking how)... We confess that God has two 
eyes... We confess that God has a face... We affirm hearing 
and sight, and do not deny, as do the Mu'tazila, the 
Jahmiyya, and the Khawarij... 

He states that this position is in adherence 

"to the book of our Lord, to the Sunnah of our Prophet, and 
to what is handed down on the authority of the 
Companions, the generation that succeeded them and the 
masters of 'Hadith-these are our binding authorities-and 
the views of Abu 'Abd Allah Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may Allah 
make his face resplendent, raise his rank and render his 
reward considerable), opposing that which opposes him, 
for he is an excellent leader and the perfect head, through 
whom Allah has brought forward the truth, removed error, 
made clear the path, and subdued the heresies of heretics 
and schism's of schismatics. Allah's mercy be upon him as 
a leader and chief and an honored and venerated 
friend '^^^ 

Ash'ari, often reputed as one of the greatest of MusUm 
theologians, dealt the death blow to his former teachers and 
reestablished the orthodoxy. Through his words, we again are 
informed that the anthropomorphic understanding of God was 
shared by the "book of our Lord (Qur'an), the Sunnah of the 
Prophet" and the "Companions." Hoodbhoy notes, 

"Al-Ashari's emphasis on literalism and anthropomorphic 
representations of God became (again) the accepted view 
of orthodox Sunni Islam. "^^^ 

After Ashari's death in 935, his followers moved away from 
his position and embraced that of the Mu'tazila in his name. In so 
doing, words were subsequently put in Ashari's mouth which he 
uttered not but which reflects the position of his followers who had 
come under Mu'tazila influence.^' 


Ahmad Hanbal and Al-Ash'ari were the tag team that delivered 
the one-two punch to the heresies of the Mu'tazila. However, the 
Mu'tazila ideas were revitalized with the rise of the falsafa 
(philosopher) movement of the 10th century. Hitti observes that, 

"After (Ash'ari) the scholastic attempt to reconcile 
religious doctrine with Greek thought became the supreme 
feature of Moslem intellectual life as it was of medieval 
Christian life. "^^^ 

The Arabic translations of the Greek Hellenistic writings gave 
Plato and Aristotle a considerable following in the Arab world. 
Speaking of the philosophic movement in Islam, Fazhur Rahman, 
in his Islam, notes, 

"The materials with which this philosophical system was 
constructed were either Greek or deduced from Greek 
ideas; in its material or content aspect, therefore, it is 
Hellenistic throughout. "^°° 

Muslim intercourse with Greek ideas had the same effect that it did 
on the Judeo-Christian traditions: the God of Religion was 
gradually being supplanted by the God of Philosophy. Rahman 

"On the basis of the Plotinian idea of the ultimate ground 
of Reality, the One of Plotinus...the philosophers re- 
interpreted and elaborated the Mu'tazilite doctrine of the 

Unity of God. According to the new doctrine, God was 
represented as Pure Being without essence or attributes, 
His only attribute being necessary existence. "^ 

The Encyclopedia of Islam (1961) agrees, 

"Another influence was Greek philosophy. The students of 
it in Islam... with it (Greek Philosophy) as guide.. .attacked 
the problem of the nature of Allah. Unity (tawhid), 
religiously and philosophically, they had to preserve; but, 
in preserving it, the nature of Allah Himself was gradually 
reduced to a bare, undefinable something... ' 

The conflict between the Ahl al-Hadith or people of the 
tradition and the philosophers went on for centuries. And as the 
debates continued, the philosophic concepts of God became more 
saturated throughout Muslim thought. The anthropomorphic God 
of the old orthodoxy was pushed into a closet, as was the same 
God of the Hebrews and Christians. By the thirteenth century, a 
great reformer arose in Damascus and attempted to call the 
Muslims back to the old faith that they had deviated from. 


Ibn Taymiyah (1263-1328) was bom in Harran but at the age 
of six fled with his father and brothers to Damascus during the 
Mongol Invasions.^°^ Early in his youth he devoted himself to the 
study of Qur'an, Hadith and Shari'a (Islamic Law). He was well 
read in the areas of logic, philosophy and Kalam. Ibn Taymiyah 
was a man of profoxmd academic ability. He studied a number of 
collections of Hadith, but he was particularly impressed with the 
Musnad, the collection compiled by Ahmad ibn Hanbal. He also 
studied diligently the "six books" of Hadith and the Mu'jam of al- 
Tabarani.^ On his own he mastered Sibawayh's text on grammar. 
Ibn Taymiyah earned the unusual privilege of being qualified to 
issue legal opinions before the age of twenty. At twenty one, he 

succeeded his father £is professor of Hadith and law at Dar al- 
Hadith al-Sukkariyah, a Sufi monastery and college of Hadith in 

Ibn Taymiyah said Allah should be described "as He has 
described Himself in the Book and as the Prophet described Him 
in his Sunnah. ''^^ He called for a return to the literal interpretation 
of the anthropomorphic verses of the Qur'an. Head of the 
Umayyad Mosque, he lectured without notes on Hadith and other 
topics. But on one Friday in 1291, Ibn Taymiyah gave probably 
his most famous lecture. Famous because it caused great 
controversy. On that day he proclaimed fi-om the pulpit, "Allah 
comes down from heaven to earth, just as I am coming down now, " 
and he came down the steps of the pulpit staircase.'' This caused 
great dissatisfaction among his opponents who tried to get him 
barred from lecturing at the Mosque a^ain. But the chief kadi 
Shihad al-Din al-Khuwayyi said, 

"/ am in agreement with the creed of Shaykh (ibn 
Taymiyah). ..because he has sound intelligence, speaks from 
extensive knowledge, and says only what he knows to be 

Far fi-om being silenced, the advocate of the old 
anthropomorphic God of Religion, in 1296, succeeded to the 
vacated chair of law at the Madrasah (school) Hanbaliyah. Before 
he would turn thirty, Ibn Taymiyah was offered in 1291 the post of 
shaykh al-shuyukh, or Head of the Sufies, and the post of chief 
kadi (judge), but he refiised them both. 

Ibn Taymiyah's enemies continued their efforts to break him. 
He wrote a fiill-length 'aqidah (creed) at the request of the people 
of Hama in 1299. He wrote a second for a group of religious 
intellectuals in Iraq. Both professions of faith were attacked and 
"accused" of anthropomorphism. The Kadi Imam al-Qazwini, in a 
house meeting, reviewed the contents of Ibn Taymiyah's creed and 
it was found to be "in conformity with the Qur'an and Sunnah. ""'^ 
But they finally got him on one of his legal opinions in which he 
cited various opinions on the rightfulness of visiting the tombs of 


. Ibib. 
^'^.Ibid.. n. 273. 

the prophets and saints. However, he was charged and convicted 
of demeaning the prophets. He was sentenced to imprisonment in 
the citadel in Damascus where he would die two years later at the 
age of sixty-five. Like his mentor, Ibn Hanbal, hundreds of 
thousands of supporters turned out to his funeral. Thus, another 
martyr for the God of Religion, the true God of Islam. 

There would not be too many more revivers of the old faith 
until the Coming of Master Fard Muhammad. As far as the nature 
of God is concerned, the philosophers ultimately won. The old 
orthodoxy, represented by such men as Ahmad ibn Hanbal, ibn 
Karram, Al-Ash'ari, and Ibn Taymiyah, was finally supplanted and 
a new orthodoxy emerged. The God of the Greek philosophers had 
finally took its seat in the world of Islam. Today, "Orthodox Sunni 
Islam" believes in this God. They do not believe in the God of the 
Holy Qur'an or of the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions. 
They all believed in the ancient God of Religion, the so-called 
anthropomorphic God. The God that the current world of Islam 
believes in was primarily the God of a small heretical group of 
dissenters, the Mu'tazila, who were scourged by the People of the 
Sunna and People of Hadith. In light of all of this history, it is so 
ironic that so-called "Orthodox Muslims" like Mustafa El-Amin 
and others like to charge the followers of the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad with being heretics or kafr, unbelievers, because we 
teach that Allah came in the form or person of a Man. We are now 
anathematized by the current established orthodoxy which itself 
originated as a heresy. Wensinck, in The Muslim Creed, said it 
most accurately, 

"In reality such 'extremes' as the Djabrites, Sifatites and 
ANTHROPOMORPHISTS were not sects at all, but the 
as sects because the NEW ORTHODOXY took a different 
turn from theirs. "^'' 

We can now see the gross error made by Mustafa El-Amin in 
his. The Religion Of Islam and the Nation Of Islam: What is the 
Difference? when he says, 

"Over one billion Muslims and others, believe and accept 

^J-_ ^ -J" All -1. yy^t 1\ ^.^?^ . f. .1 n 1* ' 

believe and accept the concept of God as it is presented by 
the Nation of Islam. '^'^ 

Those one billion Muslims that he is referring to do not believe in 
the God of Old Islam nor of the Holy Qur'an. They believe in the 
God of the small heretical group called the Mu'tazila. Today, that 
small group of a few thousand in the Nation of Islam under the 
Divine Leadership of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan represent the 
only true remnant of the Old Orthodoxy as it was laid down by the 
Qur'an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and believed in by the whole of 
the orthodox Muslim community. 

Prophet Muhammad, may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be 
upon him, prophesied that three generations after him would no 
longer be of him. The Muslim world was going to deviate from 
the mustakin or the Straight Path that Allah had laid down through 
him. The world of Islam would be so far removed from what the 
Prophet had established that a great one, called M ahdi, would have 
to come at the end of time and reform the Muslim world bringing 
her back to her Lord. After that third generation the false and 
foreign concepts of God began making strides in the Muslim 
community. And today, over 1 ,400 years later, the Muslim world, 
in general, is no longer on the mustakin. The Muslim world 
deviated. Why did the Muslim world deviate? The Prophet said in 
his farewell address to the Muslims, paraphrasing it: 

"/ leave with you two things: This Qur'an and my example 
(Sunna). If you follow the Qur'an and you follow my 
example, you will be on the straight path and you shall not 
deviate from it. " 

Here, the prophet is telling us that the criterion of the faith is 
to be found in the Qur'an and the Sunna. But the Muslim world 
long ago abandoned the Qur'an and the Sunna and picked it back 
up only after twisting it with foreign interpretations. It could not 
be articulated better than as it was by the 19th century writer from 
India, Abd al'Aziz Pahrarawi, when he said to the Muslim 
community of India, 

"You have adopted the sciences of the infidels as your 

The Mahdi would have to come to restore Orthodox Islam. And 
when He comes. He will not be teaching of the God of the 
Mu'tazila. He would teach the world to believe in the God that 
Prophet Muhammad and all the Companions, the Ahl al-Sunna, 
believed in: that anthropomorphic God who manifests Himself in 
the form of a Man. 


God is a Spirit. This Spirit manifests Itself through all of 
creation. It is in fact the immaterial essence lying behind all 
material reality. But the Spirit of God manifests Itself most fully 
and perfectly in the body of the Black Man and Woman, the 
Original People of the planet Earth and direct descendants of the 
Creator Himself 

"There is One God and Father of all, who is above all (in 
power and wisdom), and through all, and IN YOU ALL 

The Spirit of God is the true Self of the Black Man and 
Woman-our "Higher Selves." 

"As men, we are never without this pure essence, and upon 
it we as men rely for our continuance, and for it is our 
essential being. As men we know that this essential being is 
in all, passing through different stages of our daily life and 
taking our bodies through birth, old age, and death, but 
itself remaining unchanged by anything and calls itself (I). 
In us all, it is therefore the one (I) in the whole Universe, 
and it is the One source of all that is in the Universe. You 
and myself are but different expressions of the (I). Because 
you say (I), and I say (I). Who then is (I)? If we are not (I), 
is it not evident that... man is only an expression of his 
Creator, and that he and his Creator are one?... The 
suffering we try to excuse ourselves of, and blame it on the 
Creator, Who is within ourselves, and (is) our very selves. 
If we were aware of the Creator within ourselves we would 
be at a loss to blame anyone but ourselves. "^'^ 

This is true according to all sacred traditions. According to the 
scriptures of ancient India, the Infinite All called Parabrahm or 
Vishnu manifests Itself in every human being as our Higher Self 

called Atman. When we unite with this God-Self within, we 
become God. The Upanishads state: 

"That which is the finest essence - the whole world has 
that as its soul. That is Reality. That is Atman. That art 
Thou. "^'^ 

The individual who is successful in uniting with Atman or his 
God-Self is said to be an "avatar"* of Vishnu. The Infinite All is 
said to have "incarnated"* in him. 

In Esoteric Islam, this process of "incarnation" (huJuI) or 
uniting with the God-Self wdthin (Allah) is called 'fana. 
Annihilation. Man's personal self is gradually "annihilated" until 
the core of his being is reached which is Allah Wa'Ta'ala (God 
Most High). At that point of complete Annihilation, it is not the 
individual, Karreim or Elijah or Muhammad, who walks, talks and 
acts. It is Allah walking, talking, and acting through the physical 
body of the individual who just became submerged in the Mind of 

Abu Yazid Bislami, a noted Sufi scholar of the ninth century, 

"/ gazed upon (Allah) with the eye of truth and said to 
Him: 'Who is this? ' He said, 'This is neither I nor other 
than I. There is no God but I. ' Then he changed me out of 
my identity into His Selfhood... Then I communed with Him 
with the tongue of His Face, saying: 'How fares it with me 
with Thee? ' He said: 7 am through Thee; there is no god 
but Thou. '"^'^ 

The martyr of mystical union wdth Allah in Islam is Husain ibn 
Mansur, known as Al-Hallaj (d.922). In one of his mystical 
poems, he stated: 

"/ am He whom I love, and He whom I love is I: 

We are two spirits dwelling in one body. 

If thou seest me, thou seest Him, 

And if thou seest Him, thou seest us both. "^'^ 

After returning to Basra from Hajj, he knocked on the door of 
his Sufi master Al-Jumayd. When the master asked 'Who is 
there?' Al-Hallaj answered in the now infamous words, ''Anal- 
Haqq" "I am Truth" or "I am God."^"* The uninitiated, who at 
this time were in authority (along with the 10%) in Islam, got very 
vexed and crucified Al-Hallaj in A.D. 922. His death is said to 
have been punishment for 'ifsha al-sin, "divulging the Secret." 

The clearest example of the possibilities inherent in Man's 
unification with the God within is in the personage of Jesus Christ. 
The biblical Christ (as opposed to the historical Yeshua) is the 
most important figure in zill eschatological writings, for he is the 
clearest example of human potential. He started as a mere 
carpenter but, because of his complete obedience to and faith in his 
Father (our Father, who art in Heaven) he successfully united with 
the God within and was exalted, becoming Lord. 

""Therefor let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that 
God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye hath crucifed, 
both Lord and Christ. "(Acts 2:36) 

Jesus' exaltation to Lord and Christ was not to make him an 
object of worship, but to show fallen humanity what we could 
achieve by following his example. He is The Way, The Truth, The 
Light. His example is the way to perfect union with God so that 
we can say as he said, ''When you have seen me you have seen the 
Father, for I and My Father are One.'' 

The Church Father Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 150-215) said 
Christ was the Divine Logos who had become man ''so that you 
might learn from a man how to become God. "^" 

Maximus the Confessor (A.D. 580-662), known as the father of 
By2antine theology, said the same. Christ is the example of human 
potential. By uniting with the God within ourselves we can 
become God. He said the Word became flesh in order 

"that the whole human being would become God, deified by 
the Grace of God because man - whole man, soul and 
body, by nature-and becoming whole God, soul and body, 
by Grace. "^^^ 

The Creator was a Man-a Black Man. This was acknowledged 
by all of the ancient spiritual traditions of the Original People. 
This was acknowledged by the original Hebrews (and Jews), the 
original Christians, and the original Muslim followers of Prophet 
Muhammad ibn Ab'dullah (P.B.U.H.). This understanding of God 
is the hallmark of Traditional Aboriginal Religion and Philosophy 
as well as the original orthodoxy of the three Hebraic religions. It 
was the later Greek philosophers who introduced the Spook God to 
the world. 

How did the God become a Man? It is true that, in the 
Beginning, it was not so. The next Part will detail the process by 
which the Spirit of God evolved into a Black Man. 

Black Gods of Antiquity 

Below is a brief list of some of the Gods of antiquity who were 
either depicted or described as a Man, in most cases a Black Man. 
The (+) denotes Gods that were specifically described as Black. 

1 . Adonis, Chaldea+ 

2. Ahura Mazda, Persia 

3. Alalu, Anatolia 

4. Allah, Arabia+ 

5. Anu, Sumer 

6. Apollo, Greece+ 

7. Atum, Egypt+ 

8. Bacchus, Chaldea+ 

9. Brahma, India+ 

10. Buddha, India+ 

11. El/Al, Canaan 

12. Fuhi,China+ 

13. Ham, Britain+ 

14. Hercules, Greece+ 

15. Krishana, India+ 
16.Marduke, Sumer 
1 7.Nahasi, Nubia+ 

18. Osirus, Egypt+ 

19. Ptha, Egypt+ 

20. Quetzacoatel, Mexico+ 
21.Sutekh, Syria+ 

22. Unkunlukunlu, Azania+ 

23. Xaha, Japan+ 

24. Yahweh, Egypt/Israel+ 

25. Zeus, Greece+ 

Prophets of the Black God 

Below is a partial list of the Prophets, Sages, and Scholars who 
represented the Anthropomorphic God of Revelation-The God- 

1. Abraham, Chaldea (c. 2123 B.C.) 

2. Jacob, Israel (c.l940 B.C.) 

3. Hammurabi, Babylon (c. 1750 B.C.) 

4. Akhnaton, Egypt (c. 1375 B.C.) 

5. Moses, Egypt/Israel (c. 1300 B.C.) 

6. Zara Thustra, Persia (c. 600 B.C.) 

7. Sidhartha Guatama (Buddha), India (b. 538 B.C.) 

8. Jesus of Nazareth, Palestine (c. A.D.40) 

9. Melito, Bishop of Sardis, Lydia (d. A.D. 197) 

10. Arius, Egypt (d. A.D. 336) 

1 1 . Apa Aphou, Egypt (c. A.D.399) 

12. Muhammad ibn Abdullah, Arabia (c. A.D. 610) 

13. Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Baghdad (d. A.D. 855) 

14. Muhammad ibn Karram, Sistan (.b. A.D. 806) 

15. Abu Hasan al-Ashari, Baghdad, (d. A.D.935) 

16. Ibn Taymiyah, Haran (d. A.D. 1328) 

17. Elijah Muhammad, Georgia, U.S.A. (e.A.D.1975) 

18. Louis Farrakhan, Boston, U.S.A. (Present) 

Patrons of the Mystery God 

Below is a partial list of some of the most influential priests 
of the Cult of the Mystery God. They have taught that the God of 
the Prophets, the Black God, is not God. God, they say, is an 
immaterial, indefinable Reality. 

1 . Anaxagoras, Greece (c. 540 B.C.) 

2. Xenophanes, Greece (d. 480 B.C.) 

3. Plato, Greece (d. 347 B.C.) 

4. Aristotle, Greece (d. 322 B.C.) 

5. Aristobulus (c. 150 B.C.) 

6. Philo Judaeus, Egypt (c. A.D. 40) 

7. Origin, Egypt (c. A.D. 253) 

8. Plotinius, Egypt (c. A.D. 270) 

9. St. Augustine, Egypt (d. A.D. 430) 

10. Jahn ibn Safwan, Bashra (c. A.D. 900) 

1 1. Al-Radi, Baghdad (c. A.D. 935) 

12. Moses ben Maimon, Cordova (d. A.D. 204) 

13. Thomas Aquinas (d. A.D. 274) 

14. Wallace D. Muhammad, U.S.A. (Present) 







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He created (t. 



"How came the Black God, Mr. Muhammad? This is 
the way he was born-in total darkness. There was no 
light no where. And out of the orbit of the universe of 
darkness there sparkled an Atom of Life. Long before 
there was a where and a when, He (the Black God) was 
God. A little small Atom of Life rolling around in 
darkness...building up itself...just turning in darkness, 
making it's own self...How came the Black God, Mr. 
Muhammad? He is Self-Created."- Excerpts from 
Muhammad's 1969 Saviors Day Address. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had a very interesting 
explanation of the Origin of Things and Allah's (God's) Self - 
Creation. What is most interesting about His History of Origins is 
that it is surprisingly consistent with the history of origins of 
practically all of the major world religions. We will examine some 
of these parallels in the next chapter. Here, I will introduce you to 
The Beginning as taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

Mr. Muhammad teaches that in the beginning there was 
nothing but "Triple-Stage Darkness." Not just darkness but 
Triple-Stage darkness. This would imply that there was some 
measure of light hidden in the darkness in order for three degrees 
of darkness to be differentiated. 

"If we see that One emerged from out of all this darkness, 
what force or power in the darkness brought it out? One 
could not have come out of darkness unless force was in the 
darkness to bring it out. "321 

For an unknown period of time this force laid dormant, hidden 
in the triple dark womb. Then, suddenly, The Hour struck. For 
unknown reasons, the force exploded and differentiated itself into 
charged balls of fire. These "balls of fire" are known to scientists 

"The beginning was when God was making Himself from 
an Atom of Life... The One was already in the darkness but 
could not be given to us until Time brought it about. It 
emerged in our view into a revolving Life that was hidden 
in darkness. We don 't know how many trillions of years it 
was there, but It was there ... 

" The Atom out of which Man was created came from 
space. It was out in space where He originated. An Atom 
of Life was in the darkness of the space and He came out of 
that Atom... What came out of space was a Human 

Being. "^^^ 

The violent bursting forth, or "explosion," of the Atom was not 
only the beginning of God as we know Him, but also of Time. 
Muhammad says: 

"What do we mean when we say 'Time?' We mean that 
from the distance of one point it took so long and so long to 
get to another point... So it means that we have motion and 
motion makes Time. We can not have any reading of Time 
until we set up motion... Time started when the first motion 
of an Atom moved in and out of darkness. When that Atom 
moved it began time. That was, according to the Teachings 
of Allah to Me, 76 trillion years ago when these things took 

place. "^^^ 

Inherent in the Atom was the rudiments of divine intelligence: 
Mahat. 9,999other atoms emanated out of that initial Atom. After 
they were attracted to the first by an Affinit Energy (Power of 
Attraction), making a total of 1 0,000 atoms, God became One (an 
Atom is 1/10,000 m. 10,000 atoms would thus equal 1). 

"If our Father was made on Number One, how did He get 
that figure when there had not been any more on the Earth 
or in the Universe before His Creation? How did He 
become One? We are taught that an Atom is one ten- 
thousandth of one (certain part of it, elements of it) how did 
our Father get up all those other parts to become One 

Thus was bom the first organism known to science, the 
"moneron"- the primeval single celled organism that gave birth to 
all life. This single celled moneron, Allah as The One, went 
through an evolutionary process which lasted 6 trillion years 
during which He became a plant, an animal, and finally, a Man. 
This Man, also called A.T.O.M. (Allah The Original Man) is the 
grand manifestation of that God Force that existed alone in the 
womb of space. His growth took Him from being the One to being 
the Six. Six, Muhammad teaches, is the number of the Black 
Man's imperfect physical creation. His evolution from a moneron 
to a complete human being was an evolution from the One (1) to 
the Six (6): 

"This is our number '6. ' He made Himself to revolve and 
then He caused whatever comes in to the darkness to 
revolve like Himself... We can't help from revolving. We 
are not a perfect human being because our form is not 

perfect. "'^^ 

Seven is the number of The "Perfect Man": The Black Man who, 
through Supreme Wisdom, can rise above the imperfection of his 
physical creation. 

Over the course of the 6 trillion year development in the Black 
Womb of Space, that rudimentary intelligence which manifested 
itself in the self created Atom grew to Supreme Intelligence in the 
A.T.O.M. (Allah The Original Man). God has emerged. That God 
Force wrapped itself in the cloak of the black material which 
developed in the dark womb as a result of the creation of the 
atomic elements. 

"...our First Father formed and designed Himself. Think 
over a Man being able to design His own form and He had 
never seen another Man before He saw Himself. This is a 

powerful thing. "^^^ 

70 trillion years ago, God was physically bom from the womb 
of triple darkness. He had always existed as a force (theologians 
prefer "spirit"), but in order to accomplish the act of Creation, He 
had to create Himself (Self Create) physically. He came out of 

further back until, where as in the beginning you couldn't get out 
of the circumference of darkness, we now can't see out of the 
sphere of light. Allah's Wzir with Dzirkness was the second War in 

Within the Complete Make of Allah (God) was the necessary 
ingredients to make everything else in existence. During the 6 
trillion year evolution of Allah all 102 natural elements327 ^ere 
created. The 10,000 atoms that made up the initial organism of 
Allah (God) has become known in religious texts as the Attributes 
or Names of God. As we will later see, the names of God are 
always a variation of 10 (10,100,1,000, and 10,000). 

Allah The Original Man emerged out of water, for water was 
one of the first molecules and the source of Life. The Honorable 
Louis Farrakhan once said that in order to find the origin of the 
Black Man, you must find the origin of water. Thus, Man is 
composed mainly of water (70%). ^28 



It may be hard for most people to grasp the fact that this sub- 
microscopic entity called the Atom is the root of God and Man. 
As we will see, however, this was xmderstood perfectly by our 
ancestors. Because this Atom is so important, a detailed 
description is in order. 

The Atom, as discussed previously, is not a material particle 
per se, but is a "bundle of energy." The Standard Dictionary 
defines the Atom as "a center of force, a phase of electrical 
phenomena, a center of energy active through it's own internal 
make-up. " 

Though the Atom was believed to be the "basic building block" 
of all things, it is now known to be composed of several "sub- 
atomic" particles. In the nucleus of the Atom, which accoimts for 
98% of it's mass (as the Sun accounts for 98% of the mass of the 
Solar System), there is the positive proton and the neutron which 
has no charge. Revolving around the nucleus (as the planets 
revolve around the Sun) are the negative electrons. The electrons 
travel at the speed of light (186,000 m/sec.) around the nucleus. 
There is an equal number of protons and electrons in the Atom. 

The proton, neutron and electron are themselves composed of 
smaller "a-toms" called quarks and leptons. These are actually 
thought to be the building blocks of matter.329 Called "balls of 
fire," they are the manifestation of the positive and negative 
electricity which existed when nothing else existed (that hidden 
Force mentioned by Muhammad). There are six quarks (positive 
electricity) and six leptons (negative electricity). These twelve are 
the basis of all in existence. Leon Lederman, 1 988 Noble Prize 
winning physicist, says in his book. The God Particle: 

particles of matter. Our a-toms come in two families: six 
quarks and six leptons. "^^^ 

These twelve "a-toms" are known in religious language as the 
12 Sons of God. They are the twelve great gods created by 
Brahma to assist him in the work of creation.33 1 They are also the 
twelve Tien-Hoang of China; the twelve Aesars of 
Scandinavia332;and the twelve "sons born into the light" of the 
Bank Islands.333 j^g quarks never exist individually but as a unit 
of three called a hadron or occasionally as a unit of two called a 
meson.334 Thus, that Primordial Electric Force formed the quarks 
and leptons, who formed the protons, neutrons, and electrons. 
Brought together by an Affinit Energy or Magnetic Energy (Power 
of Attraction), these sub-atomic particles formed the Atom. 


When the three quarks came together to form the hadron, the 
first Divine Quaternary was produced. Because the hadron is 
composed of three inner ciphers (quarks) and one outer cipher (the 
shell) (Figure 15), it was referred to as the Sacred Four, the 
foundation. Ancient Indian literature refers to the hadron as the 
"Fowr sons who are One and become 5'eve«."335 From the hadron 
(quaternary) formed the three major component parts of the Atom: 
the proton, neutron, and electron. These three constitute the 
Divine Trinity. Together, the hadron (quaternary) and the three 
major particles (trinity) make up the Atom: the first Septenary* or 
Divine Seven-Allah in His first complete make. Seven, as we will 
later show, denotes God in physical creation. This Seven always 
appears as a Quaternary with a Trinity (4 + 3). The Atom v^ath it's 
seven constituent parts was the first "mature" manifestation of 
Allah. The Seven were called the "Primordial Seven," "the Seven 
Sublime Lords," the "Seven Sons of Fire" and the "Seven 


to 'inch (10 "m) 


10 •inch (10 "m) 

Figure 1 5 


Ltsidun 10 "inch (10 '"m) 

The study of the Atom, nuclear physics, is the scientific study 
of Allah. It is one of the most revealing theological pursuits. The 
mind and the power of Allah were first observable in the Atom. It 
was the first "observable" entity which displayed rudimentary 
"mind" or "intelligence." The famous scientist Thomas Edison, in 
February of 1890, acknowledged this fact in an interview in 
Harpers Magazine. He stated: 

"/ do not believe that matter is inert, acted upon by an 
outside force. To me it seems that every atom is possessed 
by a certain amount of primitive intelligence. Look at the 
thousands of ways in which atoms of hydrogen combine 
with those of other elements, forming the most diverse 
substances. Do you mean to say that they do this without 
intelligence? Atoms in harmonious and useful relation 
assume beautiful and interesting shapes and colors, or give 
forth a pleasant perfume, as if expressing their 
satisfaction... (G)athered together in certain forms, the 
atoms constitute animals of the lower order. Finally they 
combine in man, who represents the total intelligence of all 

the atoms. "^^" 

Ernst Hackle, another scientist of great repute, says the Atom also 
possesses soul: 

"The recent contest as to the nature of atoms. ..seems to be 
capable of easiest solution by the conception that these 
very minute masses possess-as centers offorce-a persistent 
soul, that every atom has a sensation and a power of 

movement. "^^' 

This was understood by our ancestors as well. The words 
"atom" and "soul" were synonymous with the Initiates of the Great 

Mysteries.33° Valentinus says in Esoteric Treatise on the 
Doctrine ofGilgui. 

"Light becomes heat, and consolidates into fiery particles 
(quarks); which, from being ignited, become cold hard 

particles, round and smooth (atom). And this is called a 
Soul, imprisoned in its robe of matter. "^^^ 

Physicists have observed four forces in nature: the Strong 
Force, the Weak Force, the Electromagnetic Force, and Gravity. 
The most powerful of the four is the Strong Force. This 
immensely powerful force operates only inside the nucleus of the 
Atom, being made manifest nowhere else in the universe. 340 it is 
this force that lies behind the most dramatic events in the universe, 
from the burning of a star to the explosion of a nuclear bomb. 
This God Force which lies only in the nucleus of the Atom is, like 
the Atom itself, a microcosmic and primordial manifestation of the 
Power of Allah Himself 



The Atom was indeed recognized by the ancients as the 
physical beginning of God. They universally referred to it as the 
Mundane or Golden Egg because of it's shape. Muhammad says: 

"Take a magnifying glass and start looking at these little 
atoms out here in front of you. You see they are egg- 
shaped and they are oblong. You crack them open and you 

find everything in them that you find out here. "^'^' 

This Egg was the key to the mystery of Origins. Manley P. Hall, 
world renowned scholar of the Occult, in his book MAN: The 
Grand Symbol of The Mysteries, observes: 

"The whole mystery of origin and destiny is concealed in 
the symbolism of that radiant gold egg... It was declared 
that such as understood this mystery had risen above all 

temporal limitations. "■^^•^ 

Madame H.P. Blavatsky, Matriarch of Theosophy, concurs. In her 
The Secret Doctrine, she notes: 

"The 'Mundane Egg' is, perhaps, one of the most 
universally adopted symbols... Whence this universal 
symbol? The Egg was incorporated as a sacred sign in the 
cosmogony of every people on the Earth, and was revered 
both on account of it's form and it's inner mystery... It was 
known as that which represented most successfully the 
origin and secret of being. The gradual development of the 
imperceptible germ within the closed shell; the inward 
working, without apparent outward interference of force, 
which from a latent 'nothing' produced an active 
'something, ' needing naught save heat; and which, having 
gradually evolved into a concrete, living creature, broke its 
shell, appearing to outward senses of all a self-generated 

Two different Eggs were recognized by the ancient Mysteries. 
The first, the Universal Egg, was the Black Womb of Space in 
which existed that Primordial God Force-The Supreme A11.344 

The Sanskrit Book of Dzyan refers to it as the Eternal Egg.^^^ 
Within this Universal Egg, the Supreme All (God Force) self 

fecundated and produced the Mundane or Golden Egg-^^^; called 
"Golden" because the sparking of the Atom was the first visible 
manifestation of Light. 

Proof that in fact the Golden Egg is a symbol for the Atom 
from which God physically emerged is found everywhere. The 
Egyptian Ritual speaks of the ''egg conceived at the hour of the 
great one of the Dual Force " (Sec. V., 2,3). The "Dual Force" is 
reference to the positive/negative polarity of the Primordial Energy 
which gave birth to the protons (+) and electrons (-) of the Atom. 
Occult philosophy depicts this Golden Egg with two poles, a 
positive on top and a negative on bottom.34 7 

The ancient Persians depicted two serpents, labeled Good and 
Evil, contending for the Mundane Egg (Figure 1 7). Manley P. Hall 
notes that the ancients used the serpent to represent Electricity or 

"Electricity was commonly symbolized by the serpent 
because of it 's motion. Electricity passing between the 
poles of a spark gap is serpentine in its motion. Force 
projected through the atmosphere was called The Great 
Snake. Being symbolic of universal force, the serpent was 

emblematic of both good (positive) and evil (negative). "^^° 

Figure 17 



From Mauiicc's Indian A nti ^i iti cs. 

The two serpents contending for the Egg are therefore symbolic of 
the contending protons (+) and electrons (-) within the Atom. The 
Orphic Mysteries depict the Egg with the Great Serpent coiled 
around it (Figure 18) like a mother snake coiled around it's 
recently laid egg. This Great Serpent, Hall informs us, represents 
the "Fiery Creative Spirit,"349 the God Force from which the 
Atom or Egg sparked. 

Figure 18 

Muhammad says again, 

"You crack them (egg-shaped atoms) open and you find 
everything in them that you find out here. " 

The ancient Mysteries taught the same. The Creator and every 
morsel of creation were initially contained within the Egg. In The 
Vishnu Puranas, we read: 

"Intellect (Mahat) ...formed an egg. ..and the Lord of the 
universe himself abided in it.. .In that egg, O Brahma, were 
the continents, and seas and mountains, the planets and 
divisions of the universe, the gods, the demons and 
mankind. (Book I ch. 2). " 

The Egg was said to be composed of seven parts which are the 
seven constituent parts of the Atom. The Mysteries taught that 
'V/2e Absolute All creat(ed) or even evolv(ed) the 'Golden Egg, ' 
into which it is said to enter in order to transform himself into... the 
Creator, who expands himself later into gods and all the visible 
Universe. " All of the Creator gods are said to have emerged or 
evolved from the Golden Egg or Atom; Ra or Atum of Egypt,350 
Brahma of India,351 Ahura Mazda of Persia,352 Chumong of the 
Coresians,353 and Yahweh of the Israelites. In the following 
pages, I will discuss Yahweh, Brahma, and Atum. 


After six trillion years, enough atoms had formed and 
coalesced to form the macro-A.T.O.M., Allah The Original Man. 
The first Man in almost every religion is therefore named Atom or 
some variation thereof In Egypt, the Creator God Atum was also 
the first Man. In fact, George G.M. James, in his monumental 
Stolen Legacy, says the "atom" of science was named by the 
Greeks after this Egyptian God-Man that evolved therefrom. He 
says the name Atum means "SELF-CREATED; EVERYTHING 

ALL... "•^■^■^ These of course are all attributes of Allah The Original 
Man, the Self-Created All in All(Allah means All In All).355 

The Supreme God of the Chaldeans was called Ann, which 
means in Sanskrit "atom."^^^ Yhe first Man of the Greeks, 
Hindus, and Buddhists was called Atum or Adam.357 j^e Self- 
Creation of the macro-A.T.O.M.(Allah The Original Man) was 
presented in scripture under the guise of the creation of Adam, the 
First Man. Charles Finch, in his Echoes of the Old Darkland, 
confirms this by showing the Biblical Adam to be rooted in the 
Egyptian Atum. As Adam was the first man made in the image of 
God and the Father of mankind, Atum was the first God made in 
the image of Man and the Father of mankind. Finch says: 

"The root of ATM is TM (TEM/TUM) which has several 
meanings, among them 'people' and 'completion' (Adam 
represented the completion of God's work on the 6th day). 
MAN. A cognate root of TEM is DEM and this means 'to 
name ' (Adam was the namer of all the animals). Thus, the 
most elementary and indisputable etymological analysis 
demonstrates that ALL THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE 


Godfrey Higgins confirms this analysis. He tells us the word 
"Adam" is a compound of AD and AM. "AD" is the Syrian name 
of God and also means "Holy." "AM" is the ancient "mystic OM," 
the unspoken name of God. It was never uttered unless suffixed or 
prefixed to another word. Ad-AM is thus "God Am" or "Holy 

This History of Origins taught by the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad may sound strange to those who know only the 
orthodox Christian dogma. However, any student of world 
religions should immediately see that Mr. Muhammad's basic 
teachings are in complete agreement with the History of Origins as 
presented by the ancient reUgious literature of the Black Man and 


Woman found all over the Earth. For those who aren't such 
students, I will present those parallels hereafter. 


We shall show that the various world theo-cosmologies of 
antiquity agree with Muhammad with regards to how God Himself, 
the Creator, evolved as a Man from the Atom. The Atom is the 
First Manifestation of God: The Beginning. Is there, however, any 
scientific support for Muhammad's contentions? 

Leon Lederman, in his very informative The God Particle, 
explains for us in laymen terms the conclusions of modem science 
in regards to The Beginning. There wzis a big explosion a long 
time ago which produced. . .the Atom. He says: 

" ...once upon a time the entire universe was no bigger than 
an atom... The prenatal universe had in it all the matter in 
the presently observed universe ...Everything we can see 
today was squeezed into a volume vastly smaller than the 
head of a pin... The temperature was high-about 10^32 
degrees Kelvin. ..And consequently matter was decomposed 
into it 's most primordial components. A plausible picture 
is of a 'hot soup, ' or plasma, of quarks and 
leptons ...smashing into each other with energies like 10'^19 
GeV, or a trillion times the energy of the biggest collider a 
post-SSC physicist can imagine building. Gravity roared as 
a powerful ...influence at this microscopic scale. 
"After this fanciful beginning, there was expansion and 
cooling. As the universe cooled, the collisions became less 
violent. The quarks, in intimate contact with one 
another ...began to coagulate into protons, neutrons, and 
the other hadrons...By three minutes (after the Explosion), 
the temperature had fallen enough to allow protons and 
neutrons to combine and... now stable nuclei formed. This 
was the nucleosynthesis period, and since we know a lot of 
nuclear physics, we can calculate the relative abundance 's 
of the chemical elements that did form. They are the nuclei 

right temperature arrived at about 300,000 years. ..Once 
neutral atoms formed, photons could move freely... " '"^ 

Just as Muhammad stated, this was the beginning of Time. 
Lederman stumbles over evidence that this Big Bang (which 

Muhammad agrees happened-^^^), was not a random, unguided 
occurrence. The evidence pointed to the fact that, before the 
explosion, the Laws of Nature already existed. He observes: 

"Let 's go back to the prenatal universe again. We live in a 
universe about which we know a great deal... We are aided 
by the laws of physics emerging from the laboratories of 
the world. We are convinced... that only one sequence of 
events, played backward, can lead via the laws of nature 
from our observed universe to the beginning and 'before. ' 
The laws of nature must have existed before even time 
began in order for the beginning to happen... 

The concept of time is tied to the appearance of events 
fJust as Muhammad stated). A happening marks a point in 
time.. .The Great Event, the Big Bang, was a formidable 
happening that created, among other things, time... 

We can try to imagine the pre-Big Bang universe: 
timeless, featureless, but in some unimaginable way 
beholden to the laws of physics... What happens as space 
and time tend toward zero is that the equations we use to 
explain the universe break down and become meaningless. 
At this point we are just plumb out of science. ..What 

remains? What remains must be the laws of physics. "^^^ 



In the beginning of Madeime Blavatsky's, The Secret Doctrine, 
she quotes from an Archaic Manuscript which was so old it was 
written on a collection of palm leaves made impermeable to water, 
air, and fire, by some process which is now lost.363 On the first 
page of this Manuscript there is a white disc surrounded by a black 
background. On page two the same disc but now possessing a 
central point. On the third page the central point had become a 
diameter of the disc. 

These three symbols [ H ], [ o ], [ e ] are the oldest of 
all religious symbols. ^64 They represent the three primary stages 
of Allah's (God's) evolution. The first illustration, the white disc 
surround by a black background, represents Allah (God) in His 
Primeval State as the Absolute All, the Great Cosmos before the 
"Great Awakening" of the "still slumbering Energy."365 
Blavatsky says: 

"The Circle was with every nation the symbol of the 
Unknown... the abstract garb of an ever present 
abstraction-the Incognisable Deity. It represents limitless 

Time in Eternity. "^^^ 

The black background represents the Black Womb of Space called 
'Mother' which existed before The Beginning. The biblical 
account of The Beginning refers to it as "darkness upon the face of 
the deep." In the Norse cosmogony we read: 

"In the beginning was a great abyss, neither day or night 

:^t^j. »;.« _i /^: .!.„ „.■»„ 7/" 

Uncreated, the Unseen, dwelt in the depth of the Abyss 
(Space) and willed, and what was willed came into 

being. "^^^ 

The uncreated All Father which existed in the Black Womb 
was represented by the bright circle or disk. This is the light 
source or force that Muhammad said was hidden in the darkness. 
The Bible refers to it as the "Spirit of God" which "moved upon 
the face of the Deep." Sometimes instead of just a plain circle, a 
fiery serpent with it's tail in it's mouth was used to represent the 
Spirit of God upon the Deep. In ancient Egyptian cosmo-theology, 
the Eternal Unrevealed God Kneph was represented by a snake 
encircling a water urn. This snake emblem identifies the true 
nature of the Spirit of God. As we have previously shown, the 
serpent represented electricity. This primordial electric force was 
called Fohat by the ancient Indians or "Cosmic Electricity." This 
is, according to all traditions, the nature of Allah (God) "before 
the Beginning." And all traditions use the [ o ] ^ the 
geometrical symbol of the All. 

This is in complete agreement with what Mr. Muhammad 
teaches. He says in Theology of Time: 

"Elijah (you ask), Why did you make the zero round? 
Because that's the way the Universe was before the 
Creation of Man.. ..He (God) made Himself in a Circle so 
that the Wisdom of His Self -Creation could keep going to 
give knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to you and 
me. "368 

Muhammad later refers to it as the "Darkened Circle."^^^ 

This Abstract Deity represented by The Circle is called 
Parabrahm by the Hindus; Zeruana Akerne by the Zoroastrians; 
Kneph by the Egyptians; and Ain Soph by the Jews. God existed in 
this state, according to all of the traditions, before The Beginning. 

Allah laid dormant in that state for an unrecorded number of 
years. But all the while, a desire for self-manifestation was 
building up. The ancient Book ofDzyan refers to this desire as the 
"chief cause of existence. "3 70 j^is desire grew stronger and 

This stage is represented by The Circle with the Central Point. 
According to physicist Leon Lederman, in his The God Particle, 
the quark is scientifically referred to as a "point-atom," a 
"geometrical point" which has no dimensions except mass and 
charge. It has no size, radius, or spatial extent.371 The Hebrews 
referred to this Central Point as the "luminous point" or Kether. 
The Indians refer to it as Nara. And scientists simply call it 

After the explosion and the manifestation of the quark, it 
underwent an evolutionary development which lasted six trillion 
years. It grew into a man, symbolized by the Diameter within The 
Circle. This is the third evolutionary stage. The Diameter or 
straight line (1) represents Allah The Original Man.^^^ y^e 
straight line represents a Man because Man is distinguished from 
all other beings by his erect posture (l).-^^-^ 

The Three Stages of God's Physical Evolution 

God as The Infinite All (Energy) - The 

God as The Point (Atom) - The 1 


God as The Diameter (Man) - The 6 


Stage One of God's physical evolution. The Circle within the 
Black Background, was sometimes represented as a Triangle 
within the Black Background. This represents the Black Womb of 
Space as Triple or the "Three Dimensions of Heaven." To the 
ancient Persians, the Womb of Space was "Thrice Deep." This is 


Stage Two, The Point, was also represented as a Point within a 
Seven Pointed Star. According to Churchward, in Signs and 
Symbols of Primordial Man (1913), the Seven Points of the Star 
represent the "Seven Glorious Ones" or the "Seven Powers (that) 
sustain the One (p. 201)." These are the same as the Seven 
Sublime Lords, the Seven Sons of Fire, the Seven Constituent Parts 
of the Atom. 


Most people's knowledge of "The Beginning" comes from 
their acquaintance with the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). The 
Genesis narrative proceeds to chronicle the Six Days of Creation, 
beginning with the creation of light by fiat (divine creative 
utterance) and culminating with the creation of Man. What the 
O.T. narrative seems to omit, however, is the early history of God 
Himself It appears that we have the history of the creation, but 
not the Creator. 

Despite its conspicuous absence in the O.T., the History of God 
is in fact a very important aspect of Hebrew theology. It is not 
known to common Bible quoters because it is a part of the Secret 
Doctrine of Israel. Jewish theology has two aspects: a public 
doctrine, which is openly discussed and professed by the masses; 
and a secret doctrine which was taught to only a select few among 
the Jews. The secret doctrine is known today as the Qaballah. 

The word Qaballah means "secret or hidden tradition. "3^4 
The doctrines which make up this secret tradition came to the Jews 
by way of Musa (Moses) 4,000 years ago. After years of oral 
transmission, the Secret Doctrine of Israel was codified in books 
which were to be kept out of the reach of the masses. 

Unlike the Hebrew Bible, the Qaballah covers the time period 
preceding the Biblical "Beginning." It gives a very detailed 
account of the self creation of the Hebrew God Yahweh. 

As noted above, the Jewish Qaballists called the Infinite All, 
Ain Soph. The Qaballistic History of Origins agrees completely 
with Mr. Muhammad's. In the Qaballah, the Cosmic Egg or Womb 
of Darkness was divided up into three states symbolized by three 
concentric circles (Muhammad's Triple State Darkness) :v4m, 
which is the vacuum of Pure Spirit; Ain Soph which is the 
Limitless and Boundless; Ain Soph Aur which is the Limitless 

At a certain time, Ain Soph made a concentration into IT's 
center and produced The Point within The Circle. That Point is 
the Quark that spjirked from the latent Energy. The Zohar says: 

"When the concealed of the Concealed wished to reveal 

entirely unknown, and diffused no light before this 
luminous point (a-tom) violently broke into vision. "^^^ 

It reads also: 

"In the beginning was the Will of the King, prior to any 
other existence. ..And there went forth as a sealed secret 
f-om the head of Ain Soph A NEBULOUS SPARK OF 
MATTER... "^77 

This "luminous Point" or "nebulous spark of matter" is the a- 
tom which exploded 76 trillion years ago. This a-tom is the 
"quark" of nuclear physics. The quark is a "spark of fire" which is 
the basic building block of the conventional atom. As we have 
shown. Point is the same name scientists give to the quark. This 
Pimordial Point is represented by the Qaballists by the Hebrew 

letter Yod [ ^ ]. The Yod is a picture of a tiny flame,^^^ which 
is the quark. This Point, represented by the Hebrew letter Yod, is 
God. Blavatsky, on the origin of the term "God," notes: 

"The attempt to derive God from the Anglo-Saxon synonym 
'good' is an abandoned idea... To the Latin races it comes 
from the Aryan 'Dyaus (the Day); to the Slavonian, from 
the Greek Bacchus (Bagh-bog); and to the Saxon races 
directly from the Hebrew 'Yodh ' or 'Jod. ' The latter is 
[ ^ ], the number-letter 10... hence the saxon 'Godh, ' the 
Germanic 'Gott, ' and the English 'God. '"^79 

The Masons symbolize the Deity as an equilateral triangle (Triple 
Darkness) within which is the Yod.^^O Yod is the ninth letter of 
the Hebrew alphabet, the letter "I." The Point is therefore called 
Ehejeh meaning "I AM." Manley P. HaJl, in his The Secret 
Teachings of All Ages notes: 

"...the unmanifested AIN SOPH established His first point 
or dot in the Divine Sea-the three spheres of X (triple 
darkness). This dot... contains all creation within it, but the 
first divine and uncontaminated state of the dot, OR FIRST 

MANIFESTED GOD, was not considered as a 
personality...but rather as a DIVINE ESTABLISHMENT 


He didn't become a personality until after the emergence of the 
TEN. Out of this one "globe" or "shinning sapphire"-as the Point 
is called-nine other globes or atoms emerged making TEN (read: 
10,000). These TEN are called the Rings of the Sacred Names . 
Hall notes: 

"The first ten great circles or globes of light were 
manifested out of AIN SOPH and the ten names of God 

assigned to them.... "^^^ 

These Ten Names are the Attributes of God. The TEN is not to 
be read as only ten but as an exponent of ten ( 1 0, 1 00, 1 000, 1 OK, 
ect). This fact is revealed by the Qaballistic Sepher Yetzirah or 
Book of Formation. It states: "His (God's) attributes are ten AND 

WITHOUT LIMIT "383 These are the 100 Attributes or Names of 
Allah, the 1,000 Names of Brahma384 and the 10,000 Names of 
the "African god" mentioned by Paul Boyd.385 

These are thus the 10,000 atoms that made Allah The One, that 
first primeval organism: the single celled moneron. Just as that 
moneron made up of the 1 0,000 atoms was the foundation of all 
life, the Ten Sapphires of the Qaballah are called "the foundations 
of all creations" and the "ten roots of the Tree of Life". 386 j^e 
Qaballaih says they were ''the numbers or emanations of the 
Heavenly Light. "^^^ 

38lHall, 1988,0. CXVIII 

Pythagoras represented these 10,000 a-toms by the Tetractys, 
an equilateral triangle consisting of 10 Yod's or tiny flames-quarks 
(Figure 20). The Pythagoreans taught that it was the "symbol of 
the Creator."388 

Figure 20 
(Photo from Hall, 1988, p. LXVIII) 

These TEN Great Circles of Light or globes represent the 
10,000 atoms Allah (God) used to make Himself One. At this 
point He became a personality (an actual organism) and not just a 
"divine establishment or foundation" as He was when He was just 
the Point or Atom. The TEN also represent the total atoms used by 
Allah (God) to build his human body, making Himself the SIX. In 
the Qaballah the TEN are called the Ten Sephiroth and arranged in 
the form of the Divine Human called Adam (Atum) Qodman. As 
shown earlier, Adam Qodman is the physical vehicle through 
which Ain Soph manifests. He is the SIX. Qaballist Eliphas Levi, 
in his History of Magic, describes the emergence of this Man-God 
called Adam Qodman: 

"The Synthesis of the world formulated by the human 
figure, ascended slowly and emerged from the water, like 
the sun in it's rising. When the eyes appeared, light was 
made; when the mouth was manifested, there was the 
creation of spirits and the world passed into expression. 
The entire head was revealed, and this completed the first 
day of creation. The shoulders, the arms, the breast arose, 
and thereupon work began. With one hand the Divine 
Image put back the sea, while with the other it raised up 
continents and mountains. The Image grew and grew; the 
generative organs appeared, and all beings began to 
increase and multiply. The form stood at length erect, 
having one foot on land and one upon water. ..Such is Adam 
Qadmon, the primordial Adam of the Kaballists. Such is 
the sense in which he is depicted as a giant; and this is 
why Swedenborg, haunted in his dreams by reminiscences 
of the Kabalah, says the entire creation is only a titanic 
man and that we are made in the image of the 
universe... The face of God, crowned with light, rose over 
the vast sea and was reflected in the waters thereof. His 
two eyes were manifested, radiating with splendor, darting 
two beams of light... The brow of God and His eyes formed 
a triangle in heaven, and it 's reflection formed a second 
triangle in the waters. So was revealed THE NUMBER 


stone becomes a plant; a plant a beast; a beast a man, " and this 
man, the Qaballah says, becomes ^'finally God. Thus 

accomplishing his cycle or circuit... "^^^ The Zohar says: 

"As soon as man appeared, everything was complete... for 
everything is comprised in man. He unites in himself all 
forms (Hi, 48a). " 

Eliphas Levi thus proclaims the secret of the Qaballah: 

"Man is God on Earth, and God is Man in Heaven. "^"^ 


Unbeknownst to most, India is one of the great lands of the 
Black Man. Scholars such as Baldwin,^^^ Houston,393 and others 
have conclusively shown that the original inhabitants of that 
continent were Black. The early Indus Valley Civilization 
displayed the high level of civilization possessed by the aboriginal 
Black Indians. The religious texts of India, the Rig-Veda, the 
Puranas, the Laws of Manu, the Bhagavat Gitaf and the 

Upanishads, all spring from the wisdom of these early Blacks.^^^ 
The scriptures of the Indians likewise detail the early history 
and development of God. The Eternal All with them was an 
abstract, indefinable "Causeless Cause" called Parabrahm or 
Vishnu. In the Sanskrit Book of Dzyan, it is referred to as 
Prabhavapyaya, which means "the place or plane whence emerges 

the origination, and into which is the resolution, of all things."^^^ 

The Supreme All, at this stage, is not yet God.^^^ 

In the Beginning, according to the Laws of Manu, Vishnu 
existed within the "Effulgent Womb" which is Space. At a certain 
time, Vishnu, like Ain Soph, made a concentration into itself and 
produced a Central Point called Nara. This Point is described as 

390 Blavatsky, VOL. II, p. 186. 

the Navel of Vishnu. It is also described as the Mundane Egg. 
Brahma, the Creator, issued forth from this Egg or Navel of 
Vishnu, the Atom. Manley P. Hall, in MAN-The Grand Symbol 
of The Mysteries, recounts the Indian History of Origins: 

"From the old records we gather the following: Narayana, 
an epithet of Vishnu, contemplating the creation of the 
universe, first generated the 'waters of causation. ' Then, 
moving upon the face of the waters, he dropped the seed of 
the world (Atom) into the deep. Within the egg was born 
Purusha, THE HEAVENLY MAN (Like Adam Qodman - 
author's note), resplendent as the sun. Within the egg 
(Atom) also are all the lokas, or worlds, by which is meant 
all aspects of existence which can be sensed by the 
perceptions of created things... The egg was originally 
described as being without consciousness, but the Creator, 
having entered into the consciousness of time, destiny, and 

law, the egg became alive and Purusha... issued forth... "^^^ 

When the Egg or Atom became alive. He was invested with 
Mahat, Divine Intelligence. Issuing from that first Egg or Atom, 
according to the Laws ofManu, were nine others making the ''''ten 
lords of Being" or ''''ten creative forces" or the "Ten 

Prajapatis. "^^^ These Ten of course are the Ten Sapphires or Ten 
Sephiroth of the Qaballists and the 10,000 Atoms of Muhammad. 
The Commentary to the Book ofDzyan confirms this: 

"The Spheres of Being, or centers of life, which are 
isolated nuclei breeding their men and their animals, are 
numberless... The nucleoles (components of the Atomic 
nuclei) are eternal and everlasting; the nuclei periodical 
and finite. The nucleoles form part of the absolute. They 
are the embrasures of that Black impenetrable 
fortress. ..The nuclei are the light of eternity escaping 
therefrom. ..It is that Light which condenses into the forms 
of the 'Lords of Being' ...From these downward -formed 
from the ever-consolidating waves of that light, which 
becomes on the objective plane gross matter... 

The informing intelligence's, which animate these 

and the wise, the Initiates, honor in them only 
the. ..manifestation o/THAT (The AH)... "^^^ 

From the Atom issued forth Purusha, the Heavenly Man, who 
is Brahma the Creator. Brahma is the first Man as well as the 
Creator.400 Monier Williams, in Indian Wisdom, observes: 

"When the universal and infinite being 
(Parabrahm/Vishnu)-the only really existing entity, wholly 
without form, and unbound. .wished to create for his own 
entertainment the phenomena of the universe, he assumed 
the quality of activity and BECAME A MALE PERSON. AS 

Because Brahma, like Adam Qodman, issued forth from the 
Black Womb of Space, he too is described as Black. The Puranas 
make a note of '''the quality of darkness pervading Brahma 's 
assumed body. "402 Because of this "quality of dzirkness" which 
pervaded his body, Brahma was called Kali Hamsa, the Black 
Swan. We recall that in the Laws ofManu, Vishnu is then called 

Hansa-vahan meaning "he who uses the swan as His vehicle."^^^ 
Brahma is the conveyer of Vishnu just as Adam Qodman was the 
conveyer of Ain Soph and Allah The Original Man was the 
conveyer of that Primordial Electric Force- all three being the same 


Gerald Massey, through his various writings,^^^ has shown 
conclusively that the Hebrew religion with it's Old Testament is a 
reworking of ancient Egyptian wisdom. Yahweh, in fact, is one of 
the names of the God acknowledged by the Egyptians.405 They, 
however, like the Indians £ind the Qaballists, made a point to 
narrate not only the history of creation but the history of the 
Creator as well. 

According to the priests of Aimu, one of the earliest Egyptian 
cites, the Beginning began with the Primeval Waters of Nun. Nun 
was the ''''primeval watery mass from which all the gods were 
evo/ve£/."406 Within Nun was the Hidden God Kneph who is 
equivalent to the Indian Vishnu and Hebrew Ain Soph, all of 
whom represent the Primordial Electric Force that Muhammad 
teaches existed in the Beginning. Coexisting with Nun was Maa, 
Divine Intelligence (Indian Mahat). According to Egyptian theo- 
cosmology, the waters of Nun produced the World Egg, the Atom. 
Dr. Brugsh, in his Religion And Mythology, narrates the Egyptian 
History of Origins as such: 

"...there was in the beginning neither heaven nor earth, 
and nothing existed except a boundless primeval mass of 
water (energy) which was shrouded in darkness and which 
contained within itself all the germs or beginnings, male 
and female, of everything which was to be in the future 
world. The divine primeval spirit (Kneph) which formed an 
essential part of the primeval matter felt within itself the 
desire to begin the work of creation, and its word woke to 
life the world, the form and shape of which it had already 
depicted to itself. The first act of creation began with the 
formation of an egg (Atom) out of the primeval matter, 
from which broke forth (Atum), the immediate cause of all 
life upon earth... The birth of light from the waters 
(explosion of the Atom), and of fire from the moist mass of 
primeval matter, and of (Atum) from Nu, formed the 

starting point of all (religious) speculations, conjectures, 
and theories of the Egyptian priest. "^^' 

The Seven Glorious Ones or the Seven Constituent Parts of the 
Atom were called the Seven All by the ancient Egyptians. These 
Seven came together and produced the god Atutn. Albert 
Churchward says the Ali ''''are the companions, seven in 
number... who were afterwards absorbed in Atum as constituents of 
his body. "^^^ Atum here is the Atom. From this one, nine other 
gods issued making the Ten. In the Book of Knowing the 
Evolutions of Ra, an ancient Egyptian theological text, the 
bursting forth of the 10,000 atoms-the Ten Original Gods of 
theology, is described. The First God is found saying: 

"/ am he who evolved himself..!, the evolver of the 
evolutions evolved myself, the evolver of all evolutions, 
after many evolutions and developments which came forth 
from my mouth. No heaven existed, and no earth...! found 
noplace whereon to stand..! was alone.. .there existed none 
other who worked with me. ! laid the foundations off all 
things by my will, and all things evolved themselves 
therefrom. ! united myself with my shadow, and ! sent forth 
Shu and Tefnut out from myself: thus from being one god ! 
became three, and Shu and Tefnut gave birth to Nut (4) and 
Seb (5), and Nut gave birth to Osirus (6), Horus-Khent-an- 
maa (7), Sut (8), !sis (9) and Nephthys (10), at one birth, 

one after the other... "^^^ 

The Ten would come together, like the Ten Sephiroth, to 
produce the first God-Man, also called Atum. Atimi, according to 
Charles Finch in his Echoes of the Old Darkland, was the first 

God made in the image of a Man.^^^ As the Creator, he is always 
depicted as a Man.41 1 j^g is called in the Book of the Dead the 
"Self-Created."412 He was also called Kemu-tef which means "he 
who is his own father." Gerald Massey, in The Historical Jesus 
and The Mythical Christ, shows that the tale of the Immaculate 

Conception of Christ was in fact a symbolic picture of the Self 
Creation of the god Atum. He says: 

"In one version of the Gospel according to John, instead of 
the 'only begotten son' of God, the reading is the 'ONLY 
BEGOTTEN GOD'...(T)he 'only begotten God' was an 
especial type of mythology, and the phrase involves the 
divinity whose emblem is the beetle. This was Khepr-Ptah 
who, like Atum, was reborn as his own son, lu-em-hept, the 
Egyptian Jesus. 'To denote the only begotten or a 
father. ..the Egyptians delineate a scarabaeus (beetle). And 
they symbolize by this an only begotten because the 
scarabaeus is a creature SELF PRODUCED, BEING 

Massey concludes, 

"This god is the express image of the Christ of John's 
Gospel, who begins in the first chapter, without father or 
mother, and is the Word of the beginning, the opener and 
architect, the light of the world THE SELF-ORIGINATED 


The Creation Story of the ancient Babylonians (whom were 
Black) is called Enuma Elish ("When on height"). It begins with 
Apsu the Begetter, who is the Formless, Infinite All of the 
Babylonians. Apsu means "one who existed from the 
beginning").413 Apsu existed in the Womb of Dark Space called 
by the Babylonians Tiamate ("maiden who gave life"). These two, 
Apsu the Infinite All Father(Primordial Energy or Electricity), and 
Tiamate the Virgin Mother Space, gave birth to the "Great Gods": 
Lahmu and Lahamu (quark and anti-quark) and Ansar and Kinsar 
(lepton and antilepton). These gave birth to Anu, the Atom. 

Act II of this Creation Story reads : 

"The divine brothers (quarks and leptons) banded 


They disturbed Tiamate as they surged back and forth 

They were troubling the belly of Tiamate... 

Their doings were loathsome.... 

Troublesome were their ways. "^^^ 

The "loathsome" and "troubling" ways of these gods are 
undoubtedly the activity which took place at the beginning of our 
Universe's history during a period known as the Period of 
Annihilation. This Period of Annihilation, according to modem 
cosmology, took place between 10 seconds and 10 seconds 
after the Big Explosion^l^ which they call the Big Bang and 
Muhammad calls simply the "explosion" of the Atom.416 During 
this period, rudimentary particles of matter and anti-matter 
annihilated each other. Just as every action has an equal and 
opposite reaction, every particle has an equal yet oppositely 
charged anti-particle. Thus, for every negatively charged electron, 
there is a positron which is positively charged. Same with quarks 
and anti-quarks, leptons and anti-leptons, protons and p-bars, etc. 
Anti-particles are called anti-matter. Immediately after the 
explosion, rudimentary particles of matter and anti-matter canceled 
each other out, a process called Annihilation. Left in its wake was 

which manifested itself in the created world. This imperfection is 
called by science the Violation of CP Symmetry and resulted in 
there being slightly more matter than anti-matter (for every 100 

million quark-antiquark pairs there is one extra quark).'^^^ The 
tiny surplus of matter over anti-matter is the material from which 
our universe was created. It is my belief that this activity of 
annihilation is the "troublesome" and "loathsome" ways of these 
Babylonian gods. The Commentary to the Book of Dzyan refers 
to this activity of the primordial particles as "fighting." 

"From One Life formless and uncreate, proceeds the 
universe of lives. First was manifested from the deep cold 
luminous fire which formed curds in space (quarks)... These 
fought, and a great heat was developed by the encountering 
and collision, which produced rotation. " 

This was the First War in Heaven. 

In Act III of this creation drama, we observe the emergence of 
A.T.O.M., called Marduke by the Babylonians. (He was 
worshipped, however, as Ilu, meaning "The Lofty One" but 

translated "God.")'^18The text reads : 

"In the Chamber of Fates, the place of Destinies (The 

Womb of Space) 

A god was engendered, most able and wisest of gods; 

In the heart of the Deep was MARDUKE created... 

Alluring was his figure, sparkling the lift of his eyes.... 

Greatly exalted was he above the gods (atoms), exceeding 


He was the loftiest of the gods, surpassing was his height; 

His members (limbs) were enormous, he was exceedingly 

tall. "419 

Marduke glowed like a blazing sun. The text says he was 
''clothed with the halo of TEN GODS." Of course we know the 
Ten Gods are the same as the Ten Sephiroth or Globes of Light of 
the Qaballists and the 10,000 atoms of Muhammad. This "halo" is 
also reminiscent of the "luminous glow," such as that of a fire fly, 
which Allah The Original Man possessed. Marduke was hailed 

Act IV of this creation drama is the Celestial Battle or War in 
Heaven. Marduke here wages war against the Darkness of Space 
called Tiamate. Marduke uses as his weapons a net, an arrow 
(lightning bolt) and four winds. The net could be the canopy of 
stars which pushed the wall of darkness so far back we now cannot 
find true darkness. The four winds could be the spiraling dust 
clouds which formed stars.'^^l 

Mr. Muhammad says: 

"Allah is a Warrior from the beginning. He was such a 
warrior from the beginning, that when He made Himself to 
appear out of darkness, He then went to war with the 
darkness, by raising up Light to lighten up darkness, so that 
darkness could not triumph over him. He made a Great 
Light for Himself. He made his own house rotate so that it 
will stay in and out of the light, so that it would be a sign 

for us here today. Praise be to Allah. "^^^ 


The Book of Dzyan is an ancient Sanskrit book of scripture 
made known to the West primarily through the writings of Madam 
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society. This 
ancient book of revelation is illuminating on several points. 

There are seven Stanzas or chapters translated from the Book 
of Dzyan which deal with Cosmic Evolution. Stanza I begins: 

"The Eternal Parent (Mother Space) wrapped in her ever 
invisible Robes (undifferentiated Cosmic Substance) had 
slumbered once again for seven eternity 's. 

2. Time was not, for it lay asleep in the infinite bosom of 

5: Darkness alone filed the Boundless All, for Father 
(Energy), Mother (Space) and Son (Atom) were once again 
One(undifferentiated), and the Son had not yet Awakened 
(snarked) for the New Wheel fCvcle of Existence) and Hi.'! 

energy); and Life pulsated unconscious in Universal 

(II:3)The Hour had not yet struck: The Ray had not yet 
flashed into the Germ... " 

Thus concludes the relevant opening verses from the ancient 
Sanskrit History of Origins. "TTie Form of Existence" needs 
elucidation. The Sanskrit word is Prabhavapyaya which really 
means "the place or plane whence emerges the origination, and 
into which is the resolution, of all things."423 Jhis then is the 
Source of All, the Primordial Energy or Spirit (Electricity)-The Ain 
Soph of the Qaballists and the Parabrahm of the Indians. 

The "Ray" and "Germ" are two very important terms in the 
vocabulary of Origins. The solitary Ray flashing into the Germ is 
the Divine Thought (riding a flash of light) impregnating Chaos or 
the undifferentiated substance (Germ) hiding in the Darkness of 
Space.424 -Qjg R^y jg Father and the Germ is Mother. The Son is 
the Atom that forms from their union. But as of now, that had not 
happened. The "Hour" had not yet struck and so Father, Mother, 
and Son are still One. The Beginning takes place in Stanza III: 

3. Darkness radiates Light, and Light drops One solitary 
Ray into the waters, into the Mother Deep. The Ray shoots 
through the Virgin- Egg (Circumference of Space); the Ray 
causes the Eternal Egg (Space) to thrill, and drop the non- 
eternal Germ, which condenses into the World-Egg (a-tom) 

4. Then the Three (Quarks ) fall into Four (Hadron)...The 
Luminous Egg, (Hadron) which in itself is Three (Quarks), 
curdles and spreads in milk-white curds throughout the 
depths of Mother (Space).... " 

Here we have the creation of the quark and hadron from the Ray or 
spark of Light impregnating the Primordial Substance or Germ 
laying latent in the Womb of Space. The "Luminous-Egg" is the 
Hadron which resulted from the bonding of three quarks (the 
Three) making the fourth (hadron). The three quarks are said to 
"Fall" into the four or the hadron because it is part of Spirit's 
Decent into Matter which will be discussed shortly. These hadrons 
"curdled and spread in milk-white curds throughout the depths of 

swirling, primordial gas clouds that gradually curdled into long, 

thin strands separated by dark voids. "^^^ 

300,000 years after the Big Explosion, according to 
cosmologists, the temperature of the universe cooled enough (to 
10^5K) for electrons to bond with atomic nuclei and form atoms. 
Verse 7 of Stanza III proclaims: 

"Behold, Oh Lanoo !* The radiant Child of the Two 
(Atom); The unparalleled Refulgent Glory, Bright Space, 
Son of Dark Space, who emerges from the depths of the 
Great Dark Waters. It is Oeaohoo, The Younger... He 
shines forth as The Sun..." 

The Atom is here called the Child of the Two-the Two being 
the Positive and Negative Electricity (Quark and Lepton);the Ray 
and the Germ; and the Father (Energy/Spirit) and Mother (Space). 
He is Bright Space (Light), the Son of Primordial Darkness. He is 
later called in verse eight "the white brilliant Son of the Dark 
hidden Father." Of course we know the Dark Hidden Father is the 
Ain Soph, Apsu, Parabrahm or the Abstract Deity. The Son is 
called Oeaohoo, The Younger. Oeaohoo is the name of the 
Abstract All, the Father. '^26 pjg ^ow emerges as Oeaohoo, The 
Younger or The Son. The same is found in Egyptian theo- 
cosmology. The God Ptah becomes his own son, Imhot-pou.427 
We also recognized this from our Christian orientation in which 
God the Father comes to earth as the Son. 

The Son is now ready to begin his Pilgrimage mentioned in 
Stanza I. This Pilgrimage is described in Stanza VII verse 5: 

"...It journeys trough the Seven Worlds of May a.^ It stops 
in the First (Kingdom) and is a metal and a stone 
(mineral);it passes into the Second, and Behold-A Plant; 
the Plant whirls through seven forms and becomes a 
Sacred animal (Third Kingdom). From the combined 
attributes of these, MANU (MAN), the Thinker, is formed. " 

Alice Bailey, in Consciousness of the Atom describes this Hajj 
or Pilgrimage with a little more detail. Bailey says: 

"We have seen that the atom of chemistry. ..demonstrates 
the quality of intelligence; it shows discriminative mind, the 
rudiments of selective capacity... The atom is then built into 
all the different stages, and each time it gains according to 
the force and life of the entity that insoles that 
form...(T)he atom that goes to the building of the mineral 
kingdom; it shows not only discriminative selective mind, 
but elasticity. Then in the vegetable kingdom these two 
qualities appear, but a third is also found which we might 
call sensation of a rudimentary kind. The initial 
intelligence of the atom has acquired something during 
the transition from form to form and from kingdom to 
kingdom... Next we have the animal kingdom, in which 
animal forms show not only the above qualities, but to 
them is added instinct, or that which will some day blossom 
into mentality. Finally, we come to the human being 
(Manu), who shows all these qualities to a far greater 
degree, for the fourth kingdom is but the macrocosm of the 
three lower. "428 

The Atom is the Divine Pilgrim and His Journey through all 
the various kingdoms up into the macro-A.T.O.M. (Allah The 
Original Man) took 6 trillion years, so teaches the Honorable 
Elijah Muhammad. This period of Six Trillion Years is recorded 
in the Bible as the Six Days of Creation. "Creation," when used in 
ancient scripture, means "period of evolution."429 j^g "Sjx Days" 

mean "six successive periods."^^^ The Six Days of Creation are 
thus Six Successive Periods of Evolution. In the next chapter, we 
will examine these Periods of Evolution which resulted in the God- 
Man (Qodman). 



The Evolution of God happened on three planes: the Spiritual, 
Mental and Physical. Each of these "planes of evolution" had it's 
own laws, yet they are "inextricably interwoven and interblended 
at every point." This Triple Scheme of Evolution of God is 
represented by all ancient cosmologies by a Triangle [a ], the 
Mental Scheme being the bottom bar because it was the last to be 
completed.'*-^ ^ 

This Triple Scheme of Evolution of God is referred to in the 
Rig Veda (ancient Hindu scripture) as the "Three Strides of 
Vishnu." The Zohar of the Qaballists likewise calls it the "Three 
Steps of Jehovah."432 jj^g Spiritual and Physical lines are 
parallel but go in opposite directions I " ]. As it is stated of in 
Five Years Theosophy: " A descent of spirit into matter (is) 
equivalent to an ascent in physical evolution. "^^' When Pure 
Spirit becomes gross matter, this is a "Fall" or descent. Thus, this 
first theological "Fall of Man" was the fall of spirit into matter. 
The diagram below shows the evolutionary path of this "Fall." 
This is the First Stride of Vishnu. 

This Fall or Descent of Spirit into Matter is described in the 
Vision of Thoth-Hermes. Thoth was the Egyptian god of wisdom 
and also the Messenger of the Gods. In his vision, Osiris grants 
Thoth' s request to see "the path of souls from which man comes 

and to which he returns. '"^^'^ 

Osiris opened up the starry heavens for Thoth and showed him 
the Seven Heavens as seven luminous globes enveloping Thoth. 
These seven regions, through which is accomplished the "fall and 

ascent of souls," comprise the "visible and invisible world. '"^-^^ 

Thoth asked: "O, master, how does mankind journey through these 
worlds? " Osiris replies: 

"Dost thou see a luminous seed (quark) fall from the 
regions of the Milky Way into the seventh sphere? These 
are the germs of souls (atoms). They live like faint vapors 
in the region of Saturn, gay and free of care, knowing not 
their own happiness. On falling from sphere to sphere, 
however, they put on increasingly heavier envelopes. In 
each incarnation they acquire a new corporeal sense, in 
harmony with the surroundings which they are living. 
Their vital energy increases but in proportion as they enter 
denser bodies they lose memory of their celestial origin. 
Thus is effected the fall of souls which come from the divine 
Ether... The soul is the daughter of heaven, and it's journey 
is a test. If it loses the memory of it 's origin, in it 's 
unbridled love of matter, the divine spark which was in it 
and which might have become more brilliant than a star, 
returns to the ethereal region, a lifeless atom, and the soul 

disintegrates in the vortex of gross elements. "'^^^ 

Spirit's Descent Into Matter 

(1) Spirit 

(2) Soul (Vehicle of Spirit) 

(3) Mind 

(4) Animal Soul (Vehicle of Mind) 

(5) Life 

(6) Astral Body (Vehicle of Life) 

(7) Physical Body 
(Vehicle of all Six Principles) 


This spiritual Descent ran parallel with a physical Ascent. The 
Second Stride of Vishnu is the physical evolution of the "shell" or 
body of Man (The Temple). This evolution is described in the 
Bible and the Holy Qur'an as senary* or going through six stages. 
The Biblical Six Days of Creation, or Six Successive Periods of 
Evolution, are really a picture of the growth of the Atom (First 
Manifestation of God) into the A.T.O.M. (Grand Manifestation of 
God). The Biblical Adam (and Quranic Adam) "created" on the 
Sixth Day is therefore A.T.O.M.437 

This may sound far fetched to those who are only familiar with 
the orthodox Christian interpretation of the Biblical Six Days, but 
the Hebrew authors know better. The real meaning of Genesis is a 
part of the Secret Tradition of the Jews called the Qaballah. 
Maimonides, the most famous Jewish philosopher and Qaballist, 
concerning Genesis, went on record admitting: 

"Whosoever shall Jind the true sense of it ought to take 
care not to divulge it. This is a maxim which all our sages 
repeat to us, and above all respecting THE MEANING OF 
THE WORK OF THE SIX DAYS. If a person should 
discover the meaning of it, either by himself or with the aid 
of another, then he ought to be silent: or if he speak of it, he 
ought to speak of it but obscurely, and in an enigmatical 
manner as I do myself leaving the rest to be guessed at by 
those who can understand me. "43 8 

What is the meaning of the Six Days that some Jews know but 
keep secret? S.L. MacGregor Mathers, in his The Kabbalah 
Revealed, concerning one of the three great Qaballistic writings 
called the Siphra Dtzenioutha or Book of Concealed Mystery, 

"This and the immediately following sections (of the Book 
of Concealed Mystery) are... to trace the gradual 
development of the Deity from negative into positive 
existence; the text is here describing the time when the 

describes not only the creation of the world, BUT THE 

The biblical Six Days of Creation and the Indian Puranic story 
of Creation both give detailed accounts of the Self Creation of 
God. The Genesis tale starts off with the famous yet grossly 
misunderstood words, "In the beginning, God created the heavens 
and the earth." The Hebrew reading is "ALEIM BRA BRAChIT 
AT EChIM UAT EARTz." This has a totally different meaning. 
The word BRAChIT, translated as "In the Beginning," really has 
two different meanings. The first is "From that which was 

first. '"^'^0 This implies that there was already some material in the 
beginning from which God created Himself and the world. 
Godfrey Higgins notes: 

"The word... 'bara' in the singular number. ..does not mean 
that the Aleim created, but that he formed, fecit, ' as the 

Septuagint says, out of matter previously existing. "^'^^ 

Mr. Muhammad says the same. 

"The God created Himself out of matter... that he took out 
of the darkness of space... It made Itself out of a fine Atom 
of Water that It found there with It in the darkness of the 
universe. "442 

In Egypt, the Creator God Atum emerged from the already existing 

Primordial Waters of Nun.'*'^^ Egyptologist Theophile Obenga 

"In the beginning there was matter-water-which, though 
weak, obscure, and abysmal, was powerful, dynamic, 
capable of creation and innovation, begetter of the gods 
themselves and the rest of creation... This matter would 
become consciousness itself, and manifest itself as 
creation. ..The ancient Egyptians posited a material state 
before God and His creation. What is more, God the 

Creator and Engineer Himself came out of this primordial, 
uncreated matter. "^44 

In the Bible we read: 

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 
And the earth was without form and void and darkness was 
upon the face of the deep AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD 

The word BRAChIT could also be read as BRA ChlT. When 
read as two words (In the Hebrew text it could go either way) the 
meaning is not "In the Beginning," but is "//e created the 5'ZA'."445 
According to Mathers, "the SIX" is reference to the six physical 
manifestations of God on each of the Six Days, culminating with 
Man on Day Six-the Grand Manifestation of God.446 

The next word of the opening sentence of Genesis which needs 
to be understood is the word mistranslated as "God." The Hebrew 
word Alheim or Eloheim does not mean "God." As we have 
shown, "Eloheim" is a uni-plural word meaning "gods." Hall says 
the Eloheim represents 

"a host, or a least a group, of powers, symbolically 
described as SEPTENARY, and not under any condition a 

single personal deity. "^^' 

These Seven "Powers" or "Creators" which constitute the Eloheim 
or Alheim are the same as the Seven Sublime Lords or Seven 
Creative Spirits, the Dhyan-Chohans, of the Indians.448 They are 
the Seven constituent parts of the Atom. 

"The Spirit of Eloheim" in v.2 of the opening chapter of 
Genesis we have shown is the Electric Force which pre-existed 
Creation and was represented by the ancients as a Serpent with it's 
tail in it's mouth making a cipher. This Serpent, in the beginning 
of Creation, grows seven heads. These seven heads of the serpent 
are the seven constituent parts of the Atom which developed from 

the Primordial Electric God Force. These are the Seven Eloheim. 
Hall observes: 

"The seven-headed snake represents the Supreme Deity 
manifesting through His Eloheim, or Seven Sprits, by 

whose aid He established His Universe. "^^^ 

The first Creation Story of Genesis 1 (as opposed to the story 
of Genesis 2 which is a different Creation) is the story of the 
creative evolution of the Atom, Allah's First Complete 
Manifestation. It is the story of Allah's Pilgrimage, through the 
Atom, through the various kingdoms in search of the Perfect Make 
for His Divine Theophany or Manifestation. This Pilgrimage 
lasted Six Days or Six Trillion Years. The ancient Egyptians had 
the same understanding of Creation. In a Hermetic fragment 
translated by Strobaeus we read: 

"From one Soul, that of All, spring all the Souls'^^^ 
(atoms), which spread themselves as if purposely 
distributed throughout the world. These souls undergo 
many transformations; those which are already creeping 
creatures turn into aquatic animals; from these aquatic 
animals are derived land animals; from the latter the birds. 
From these beings who live aloft in the air men are born. 
On reaching that status of men, the Souls receive the 
principle of immortality, become Spirits, then pass into the 
choir of the gods. " 

We will now show that the Biblical story of Creation in 
Chapter 1 traces the same history of God; His journey fi-om an 
Atom to His destination as A.T.O.M., Allah The Original Man. 


The first act of Creation on Day One was the act of separating 
the Light from the Darkness. 

"And Alheim said. Let there be Light: and there was light. 
And Alheim saw the light, and it was good: and Alheim 
divided the light from the darkness (v. 3-4). " 

These are very reveafing words. This speaks of the explosion 
which caused the Primordial Energy which was hidden in Triple 
Darkness to differentiate into balls of fire, quarks, and manifest 
itself as light. Now the light, no longer hidden in darkness, could 
be seen ("And Alheim saw the light"). Muhammad says: 

"The history of space teaches us that at one time there was 
nothing but darkness. ..BEFORE THE A-TOM 

The Indian Puranas calls the first creation the Mahat-tattwa 
Creation. This is the "primordial self-evolution" of the Divine 
Mind called Mahat in India. This is the first Spark of Light, 76 
trillion years ago. This Light is Divine Mind or Intelligence in it's 
rudimentary stage. 


"And Alheim said. Let there be a firmament in the midst of 
the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters... 
And Alheim called the firmament Heaven (v. 6,8). " 

The words translated "firmament" and "Heaven" are the 
Hebrew rqio and e-samim. ^^2 "Rqio " means space, air, but not 
empty space. The firmament here developed is the Hydrogen 
Cloud which developed in Space after the Explosion. Shortly after 
the Period of Annihilation, a dense cloud of hydrogen and 

neutron.453 Shortly there after, helium, with only two protons and 
neutrons, formed from hydrogen. These two account for 99% of 
all the matter of the universe. The remaining 100 elements make 
up only 1%.'^54 "This cloud of hydronic nuclei and radiation is the 
"Spiritual Fire" of the ancients, "the substance of the First 
Cause."455 fhis is so because hydrogen is the basis of all other 
matter. Two trillion years after the Explosion, the temperature of 
the universe dropped and these clouds produced the first 
generation of stars. In the core of these stars, other atoms were 
produced by nuclear fusion in which extremely high temperatures 
(minimum temperature of 10 million K)456 melds protons and 
neutrons into the hydrogen atom, producing the Periodic Table of 

Stars are the factories of matter and hydrogen is the "raw 
material" from which matter is produced. The lives of some of 
these first generation stars ended in huge explosions called a 
supernova which blasted the newly formed heavy atoms into space. 
These heavy atoms attracted and formed molecules. These 
molecules formed elements. One of the first elements formed was 
water (two hydrogen and one oxygen). Thus, all the major 
religions place water at the Very Beginning. 

The Universe on Day Two was a dense cloud of hydronic 
nuclei and radiation. This cloud is called "firmament" and 
"Heaven" in the Bible. This is appropriate because 90% of all 
matter of the 76 quintillion miles of space is hydrogen.457 fhe 
Holy Qur'an bares witness that the Heavens here referred to is this 
primordial cloud of hydrogen. 

"Moreover, Allah turned to the Heaven WHEN IT WAS 
SMOKE and said to it and the earth . . . (Sura 41:11)" 

The Arabic word translated "smoke" is dukan which means a 
"gaseous mass with fine particles."^^^ This gaseous mass was the 
hydrogen cloud.459 Pressure in the Universe caused the hydrogen 

453colin A. Ronan, The Universe Explained, p. 167. 

to condense and liquefy,460 producing liquid hydrogen, the 
"Mystic Ocean" of the ancients.461 This liquid hydrogen could 
also be the "waters" of the firmament developed on Day Two 
(Gen. 1:6-8). 

The Puranas call this stage the Bhutasarga Creation. Bhutadi 
meeuis literally "the origin of the Elements."'*^^ 'Y\\\s stage was 
called such because it hosted the differentiation of Primordial 
Cosmic SubstEuice into hydronic nuclei, deuterium, and helium. 


Day Three was a very important Day in the Story of Creation. 

"And Alheim said, Let the waters under the heaven be 

gathered together unto one place, AND LET THE DRY 


And Alheim called the dry land Earth... 

And Alheim said, Let the Earth bring forth grass, THE 


What developed on Day Three was "dry land," or Earth, and 
"seed." This is extremely important to understand. 

The dry land here called Earth is reference to the development 
of the material world as we know it. "Earth" here does not mean 
the globe. It simply means "matter."463 it was on Day Three that 
the electrons attracted to the hydronic nuclei and formed the First 
Septenary, the Atom-the building block of matter. This is why the 
Puranas refer to this stage as the ''prakriti" creation meaning 

At this stage. Oxygen had developed and, after joining with 
Hydrogen, produced water. Now, life could start. The Holy 
Qur'an says: 'We made from water every thing living (21:30). " 

In this Primordial Ocean, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and 
Carbon came together and produced protoplasm (cytoplasm and 
nucleoplasm), the material substance of life. And it was in this 
protoplasmic sea that the 10,000 atoms came together and Allah 

Septenary-DNA, the Second Complete Make of Allah and the first 
biological manifestation of Allah. 

DNA, Deoxyribonucleic Acid, is, like the Atom, encoded with 
Allah's signature Seven (Figure 23). Called the "very secret of 
Life"'^64 it is composed of four nucleotides (Quatemary)- 
nitrogenous bases adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and 
cytosine (C). Each nucleotide is made up of three parts (Trinity): 
deoxyribose, which is a five-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and 
a nitrogen -containing base.465 

DNA: The Second Septenary 





— N N 


.Vj—f NH 








Figure 23 
(Photo from Arms and Camp, 1988, p. 144) 


Rensberger, in his How The World Works, describes the DNA 


"a chemical that can store information. Living organisms 
rely on the information stored in the DNA to control how 
they grow from a single cell to a complex, fully developed 
adult. The information in the DNA tells each cell what 
specialized features to develop (making one cell a nerve 
cell, another a liver cell, and so on), and what on going 
process to engage in. DNA, in words, IS THE MASTER 

This "Master Molecule" operates from a blueprint which is 
inherent in it's nature. Dr. Robert Gange, in his Origins and 
Destiny notes: 

"to explain the origin of life we must explain the origin of 
a particular sequence of nucleotide bases in the DNA 
blueprint that instructs the cells to manufacture proteins, 
including the production of three thousand vastly complex 
enzymes that supply the 'workmen ' responsible for doing 
the actual assembly. 

The blueprint also contains detailed specifications that 
produce the heart, stomach, kidneys, and gall bladder, 
along with every other organ and gland in the body. It also 
instructs the manufacture of muscles, nerves, and skin, 
together with the myriad of body parts including the eyes, 
ears, and brain. And if that isn 't enough, the blueprint 
contains additional instructions responsible for the 
manufacture of reproductive organs that perpetuate the 
blueprint by producing new human beings! "467 

DNA is an acronym for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Here, we find 
the Secret of God. Dr. Alim Muhammad468 tells us the 

etymological breakdown of the word is as follows: "Deoxy" comes 
A.^.^ tu^ T „♦;« -«^t "T^«.,o" »A^r.»;n^ "n^^". "d;u«" a.»»a tu^ 

nourishes a thing stage by stage, during it's evolutionary 
development towards perfection"; "Nucleic" meaning center. 
Thus, Deoxyribonucleic means that at the center of every cell there 
is God, the Lord which nourishes stage by stage our (human) 
development towards the perfection of our being. This is the great 
Hajj. The Muslim Holy Pilgrimage is only a sign of the true 
journey; Man's journey from a single cell to a fully developed 
human who, after evolving mentally and spiritually, has achieved 
the perfection of his being. This august stage of development is 

called in Islam mutma'innah, meaning "soul at rest."^^" The 
ancient Egyptians called this stage ^''Summum Bonum. " Man at this 
stage can then proclaim: "Labbaika Allahumma labbaika (Here I 
am, O Allah, in Thy August Presence)." 

The DNA cell is the Throne of Allah. Inside the very genetic 
makeup of the Original Man Allah Wa'Ta'ala sits enthroned. Thus, 
the Qur'an makes the curious statement, 

"His (Allah's) Throne of Power is ever on water (11:7). " 

The cell in which the DNA lives is 80% water. From there, Allah 
(God) sends down instructions, like revelation, on the production 
of every organ of every life form. These "instructions" or 
"scriptures" are conveyed to the ribosomes by another nucleic acid 
called "Messenger RNA." Like the Prophets and Messengers of 
God, this Messenger RNA is responsible for communicating God's 
Word to the ribosomes. 

The DNA cell was universally recognized as the Throne of 
God by the ancients under the symbol of the Lotus plant. The 
Lotus plant is a seed plant (^'Every Herb yielding seed") which 
ftmctions like the cell (Figure 24). 

"This plant grows in the water, and amongst its broad 
leaves puts forth a flower, in the center of which is formed 
a seed vessel, shaped like an inverted cone, and punctured 
on top with little cavities or cells, in which the seeds grow. 
The orifices of these cells being to small to let the seeds 
drop out when ripe, they shoot forth into new plants, in the 
places where they were formed: the bulb of the vessel 

KPrvintr nx n mntrir tn nniirivh thorn until thoM nnmiiro itir-U 

Concerning the seeds of the Lotus, Sir W. Jones notes that 

"they contain-even before they germinate-perfectly formed 
leaves, the miniature shape of what one day, as perfect 
plants, they will become, nature thus giving us a specimen 
of the preformation of its production. ..the seed of all 
phanerogamous plants bearing proper flowers containing 

an embryo plantlet ready formed. '"^^^ 

The Lotus, being the ideal seed plant, perfectly represented the 
DNA cell, the seed of life. The ancients recorded that the Creator 
evolved out of the Lotus and sat enthroned on the Lotus. Such was 
the case with Brahma of India and Osiris of Egypt.472 xhe 
symbolic Lotus Plant (DNA) is the Throne of Allah (God). 

Figure 24 

This is why the Puranas refer to this stage as the Indriya or 
Aindriyaka Creation. The term means the "organic creation" for 
the first organism was bom on that Day. 

The 10,000 atoms which came together to produce the first 
DN A ceil are written of by the Jews and the Indians. The Zohar 

"We have learned that there were Ten who entered into the 
Sod ('mysterious assembly'), and that SEVEN ONLY 

It reads again, 

"The Deity manifests itself through the Ten Sephiroth 
(10,000 atoms) which are the radiating witnesses... From 
the basin, like Seven channels, issue the Seven 
Sephiroth. ..For TEN EQUAL SEVEN. " 

In the Laws of Manu, the "Ten Lords of Being (Prajapatis)" 
produce "Seven other Manus."^^^ This, I believe, is all reference 
to the 10,000 atoms coming together and forming the first DNA 
Cell-the Second Divine Septenary of Allah. 


Dr. Charles Price, former president of the American Chemical 
Association, stated his belief in 1971 that the fact that 

"DNA language in the simplest one-cell organism is 
exactly the same DNA language that duplicates a human 
being. ..suggest(s) that one original cell became the 

progenitor of all life on earth. '"^^"^ 

The first cell to develop was the prokaryotic* cell, the simplest 
of all cells containing only a circular molecule of double-stranded 
DNA folded up in a nuclear area. They lack the nucleus 


It is on Day Four that we meet our first biblical "incongruity." 
The biblical revisionists purposely put the events of Day Four out 
of place. According to Genesis, Alheim made the Sun and Moon 
on this Day. This is wrong. The Sun was made after Day Six, and 
the moon was made 4 trillion years later.'*'"^ The Indian Puranas 
are free from such incongruities. Here the fourth creation is called 
Mukhya - The evolution of the Vegetable Kingdom. 


Day Five saw the birth of the Animal Kingdom. The fish or 
aquatic animals were the first to develop from the Primordial 

"And God said, Let the waters bring fourth abundantly the 
moving creature that hath life, and fowl that mayfly above 
the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God 
created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, 
which the waters hath brought forth... "(Gen. 1:20-210) 

From aquatic animals, land animals formed. 

"And God said. Let the earth bring forth every living 
creature after it's kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and 
beast of the earth after his kind... "(Gen. 1:24) 

The Atom had to go through all the following stages 
(Inmetallization, Inherbbation, zind Inzoonization) before it could 
develop the physical shell of Man (Incarnation). Agassiz, in 
Principles of Zoology makes the same observation. He says the 
progress in the succession of beings, 

"consists in an increasing similarity of the living fauna, 
and, among the vertebrates, especially, in the increasing 

rovfmhinnnp tn mnvt \Anvt is: thi> ort/lv tnninr/iv xithi^h nil 

The Puranas refer to this as the Tiryaksrotas Creation - The 
evolution of the Animal Kingdom. The Atom has now become an 


"And Alheim said, Let Us make Man in Our Image, after 
Our Likeness. ..(1:26) " 

On Day Six, Man emerges for the first time, in His first state. 
This Man is different from the Man of Genesis 2 which was made 
from the "dust of the ground (2:7)." This Man was made in the 
Image (selem) and Likeness (demute) of the Alheim or Eloheim. 
The Eloheim, we recall, were the seven constituent parts of the 
Atom-the Seven Sons of Fire. The Eloheim were "balls of fire" 
themselves, and the Man which developed on Day Six was 
likewise of a fiery nature. In Man's first state. He did not possess 
a body of flesh and blood. The material body developed on the 
Sabbath from the "dust of the ground." The body of the Man 
which emerged on Day Six was composed of "luminous ether" or 
fire. Blavatsky notes, 

"Finally, it is shown in every ancient scripture and 
Cosmogony that man evolved primarily as a 'luminous 

incorporeal form'. "^~^ 

In Man's first state, He is described as being "aerioform, devoid of 
compactness, and mindless. " His body was not yet material as we 
know it today, but was "ethereal." The Qaballah says, 

"His skin is ether, clear and congealed. "^^^ 

According to the Commentary to the Book of Dzyan, Man's 

Inner, Spirtual Self was at that time the "outer man."^^^ This 
body is said to be "luminous," glowing with "effulgent light." The 
Zohar says of Adam Qodman, 

light... light of that light which was used in the Garden of 
Eden. " 

Manley P. Hall, in Old Testament Wisdom, notes: 

"Most of the ancient philosophers of the world have taught 
that life descended onto the physical planet from a sphere 
of superphysical energy which encloses the 
earth... According to the Zohar and other commentaries, 
the Heavenly Man emerged from the highest primordial 
obscurity. ..Originally, this. dwelt in a luminous 
atmosphere above the earth. His body was composed of a 

kind of radiance like the world in which he lived... "^°^ 
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said Allah 

"Emitted light from the live Atom of Self "^^^ 
The Persian Prophet Zara Thustra (Zoreister) said, 

"God, in His body, resembles light. "^°^ 

In this state, the Original Man was called a Dyooknah or "divine 
phantom," This is why the Puranas refer to Day Six as 
Urdhvasrotas Creation, the creation of Divinities. The Qaballists 
depict a human figure made out of fire (Figure 25). This, they say, 

is the Kavod, the Divine Glory or Yahweh.^^^ They equate this 

Divine Glory of God with Adam Qodman, the Primordial Man.'^^^ 
This fiery human figure is called "The Form." The Qaballah says: 

"But the conformations of (God) are disposed from the 
forms of (The All); and his constituent parts are expanded 
on this side and on that under a human form, so that there 
may manifest in Him the Spirit of the Concealed One (A in 
Soph) in every part. 

So that He may be placed upon his throne, because it is 
written, Ezek I. 26: 'And above the likeness of a throne, the 
appearance as the likeness of a man upon it above... 

" All those sacred diadems of the King, when He is 
conformed in his dispositions, are called ADM, Adam, 
Man, which is the Form which compreheneth all 
things. "486 


"These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth 
when they were created, in the day that YHWH Alheim 
made the earth and the heaven... 

And YHWH Alheim formed man of the dust of the ground, 
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man 
became a living soul (2:4-7). " 

The Sabbath Day is called God's Day of Rest, for His work of 
Creation was complete. However, there was work done on Day 
Seven, just not the work of Creating. Manley P. Hall, in Old 
Testament Wisdom, observes: 

"There are two distinct accounts of what at first appears to 
be the production of the human being. The first is 
contained in (Genesis) 1:26-28. ..In the second chapter of 
Genesis, there is another description of the human 
creation. The context indicates definitely that this second 
process of generation is not merely a restatement of the 
first, for it occurs after God has blessed the seventh day, 
and the first creation took place on the sixth day. At the 
end of verse 5 (Chapter 2), it is clearly stated '...and there 
was not a man to till the ground. ' Obviously, then, the man 
created in the first chapter was not of the earth-earthly. 
The 7"" verse of chapter 2 reads: 'And the LORD God 
formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his 
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living 
soul. "487 

The differences between the anthropocentric narratives of 

,u„_4^^-„ 1 „_j o „f /-!.„ ^_;„ _f * : -<.«_„» „„ 4.u».. 

Figure 25 
The Kavod of Yahweh 

it reads "Vayivra ALHEIM et adam," - "So, Alheim created man." 
In Genesis 2:7 it reads "YHWH ALHEIM vahitzer et ha Adam 
OPR MN HADAMH" - "And Yahweh Alheim formed this Adam 
from the dust of the ground (ha-adamah)." This man of Day Seven 
was not created (vayivra) but was formed (vahitzer) from the dust 
of the ground. And because this man was formed from the dust of 
the ground (ha adamah) he is named after the ground (ha Adam). 
The man of Genesis 1, created in the image and likeness of the 

Eloheim, was not neimed Adeim. He wasn't named at all.4^° The 
creator of Man on Day Six is Eloheim (Alheim). The former of 
Adeim on Day Seven is Yahweh Eloheim. 

The meaning of all this is this: the Man that was created on 
Day Six was The Form, the Ethereal Body of God made in the 
image and likeness of the Eloheim: Fire. On Day Seven, the Form 
underwent a transformation. It hardens and materializes. His brain 
matures ("...and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life"). The 
"dust of the ground" is reference to the hard material that Allah 
adorned on Day Seven. The Holy Qur'an describes this as 

hamiat, Black Mud.^^^ The atoms condensed. Bone and blood 
developed.490 fhig is called God's Descent to Earth and the new 
body is called God's "Earthly Garment." The Zohar says, 

"The Soul and the Form, when descending on earth, put on 
an earthly garment. " 

The Zohar specifically describes this earthly garment that God 

adorns as a garment of flesh, skin, veins, and bones.^^^ Most 
importantly, the Qaballists described the garment as a BLACK 
MATERIAL BODY. In Eliphas Levi's History of Magic, there is a 
picture of "The Grand Symbol of the Qaballah "(Figure 26). It is 
a picture of a colorless man standing erect and a Black woman 
upside down standing on her head, her legs passing under the 
extended arms of the man's and protruding behind his shoulders. 

488 Ibid., p. 105. 

489 Surah 15:29. 

4907he Book of Dzyan referred to Him as the "Boneless." 

Their hands join on each side at an eingle. Eliphas Levi says the 
man is God, in his Etheric Form, and the Black Woman represents 
Nature, the material body which God put on as a cloak or garment. 
Matter is always represented by the ancients as feminine.492 

Allah's (God's) descent onto earth is described in the Divine 
Pymander of Thoth, the Egyptian precursor to the Mosaic 
revelation. It's describes the ethereal God wrapping Himself in a 
material cloak. 

"The Man (God) longed to pierce the circumference of the 
circles... Having already all power, He stooped down and 
peeped through the seven Harmonies and... made Himself 
manifest to Nature stretched out below. The Man, looking 
into the depths, smiled, for He beheld his shadow upon the 
earth and a likeness mirrored in the waters, which shadow 
and likeness were a reflection of Himself. The Man fell in 
love with His own shadow and desired to descend into it... 
" Nature, beholding the descent, wrapped herself about the 
Man whom she loved and the two mingled. For this 
reason, earthly man is composite. Within him is the Sky 
Man (God), immortal and beautiful; without is Nature, 

mortal and destructible. "^^^ 

This materialization process occurred in four graduated stages. 
The first "fire God" gave way to a form slightly more dense and 
compact, which gave birth to an even more compact body, until the 
perfect material form developed. These Four Stages are referred to 
as the Four Root Races. The Commentary to the Book ofDzyan 

"Man in the First Round and First Race on Globe D, our 
Earth, was an ethereal being, non-intelligent but super- 

II. Round. He is still gigantic and ethereal but growing firmer 
and more condensed in body, a more physical man. Yet 
still less intelligent than spiritual, for mind is a slower and 
more difficult evolution than is the physical frame... 

in. Round. He has now a perfectly concrete or compacted 
body... He has now reached a point where his primordial 

Figure 26 

/K Round. Intellect has an enormous development in this 
Round... "494 

In the Qaballah, these Four Stages are called the Four Men of 
the Zohar. The Zohar notes: 

"the first being, 'the perfect, Holy Adam',... (was) 'a 
shadow that disappeared'; ...the second is called the 
protoplastic androgen Adam of the future terrestrial and 
separated Adam; the third Adam is the man made of 

'dust'...; 'The fourth Adam ' ... 'was clothed with skin, flesh, 

nerves, etc. '"^"^ 

The Four Men of the Zohar each resided in and represented the 
Four Worlds of the Qaballah. The First World, which was the 
world of the First Man, was called the Atziluthic World or the 
World of Emanations and Archetypes. 496 jhis was the world of 
Fire. 497 jj^e y[an of this world, the Primordial Heavenly Man 
(Adam Qodman) was therefore called the Atziluthi Man- the Man 

The Second World was called the Briatic World or World of 
Creation. The Man in this world is still ethereal but is more 
protoplasmic. The Third World, the Jetziratic World or World of 
Formation, was the world in which the Body of God first becomes 
material. The Fourth World, the Asiatic or Earthly World, is the 
World of Shells. God's physical body completely heirdens like a 
shell. This Earthly body is called Asia after the original name of 
the planet Earth.499 

The Greeks compared the four stages of God's materialization 
process with four metals. 

"The successive races, destroyed and replaced by 
others. ..without any period of transition, are characterized 
in Greece by the name of metals... Gold, the most brilliant 
and precious of all, symbol of purity... qualifies the first 
race (the "bright, luminous" race). ..The men of the second 
race, those of the age of silver... Inert and weak creatures, 

all their life is no better than a long and stupid 

infancy... They disappear... The men of the Bronze are 

robust and violent (the third race); their strength is 
extreme... " 

The Fourth Race was symbolized by "/row, the black metal." 

"The fourth generation is, with Heisod, that of the heroes 
who fell before Thebes. "^^^ 

The Fourth Adam, God with a black material body, was supremely 
wise. The Mental Evolution reached it's climax with Him. Man in 
His First State was 'mindless.' The final (Third) Stride of Vishnu 
(mental evolution) had not progressed too far. Thus, in the 
Urdhvasrotas stage Mzin is described by such names as ''''senseless 
Bhuta or phantom," and "statue (meaning only a shell)." Slokas 
IW of Xh-Q Book of Dzyan says: 

17. The Breath needed a form; the Fathers (atoms) gave it. 
The Breath needed a gross body, the Earth molded it.... But 
Breath needs a Mind to embrace the Universe; We can not 
give that, ' said the Fathers. 'I never had it, ' said the Spirit 

of Earth... Man remained an empty, senseless Bhuta. "501 

Both the Bible and the Holy Qur'an concur with the said 
above. It was after this creation of Mein's body from dust that 
Allah (God) "breathed into him of My Spirit," making Man a 
"Living Soul." The body became a Living Soul after He 
developed mentally. This is the Third Stride of Vishnu and it took 
place on Day Seven, the Sabbath.. The Hindu Puranas list an 
Eighth zind Ninth Creation which are Mental Evolution's. The 
Eighth is called Anugraha zind also Pratyayasarga which mezins 
the creation of perception zind intelligence respectively. The 
Ninth, called Kumaras is when Mzin is described as Mind-Bom. 
Muhammad says also: 

"In the making of God Himself, He could not have a Will 
until He had brains capable of thinking. "^^^ 

Destination. Six Days or Six Trillion Years later, Allah The 
Original Man emerges in all His Splendor. The Black Man has 
touched down. This Adam (A.T.O.M), created or evolved on the 
Sixth Day, is the Grand Manifestation of The All. He started as an 
Atom (1) and grew to be A.T.O.M. (6). Mr. Muhammad teaches: 

"The figures one (1) and six (6) are the most outstanding 
figures that we have. One represents the God that created 
the Heavens and the Earth, and the other one represents 
the same, the "6. " Why is that? He didn 't stop growing! 
He grew into the scientific knowledge of '6 ' and when He 
got into the '6 ' He still had us puzzled. We didn 't know 
how to overtake Him because the '6 ' came 6 trillion years 
after the 'J '..."^03 


This Black Adam (A.T.O.M.) is called Qodman (God-Man) by 
the Jewish Qaballists, Ahura Mazda by the Zoroastrians, Marduke 
by the Babylonians, Atum by the Egyptians, Yahweh by the 
Hebrews, and Brahma by the Hindus. These Creator Gods are one 
and the same with the Black Man who emerged from Triple 
Darkness 70 Trillion years ago. 

In Genesis 1, God is always called Eloheim. In Genesis 2, 
which begins with Day Seven, God is always called Yahweh 
Eloheim. In the Qaballah, it is affirmed, "Yahweh is Eloheim. " 
This is to assure the people that the two are in fact the same God. 
But the question is then raised, ''How is Yahweh Eloheim? " How 
is it that the two, Eloheim of Chapter I and Yahweh of Chapter 2, 
are the same God when their creations were different? How did 
they become the same God? The answer is given by the Qaballah, 
''By Three Steps. " The Three Steps are the same as the Three 
Strides of Vishnu-the Spiritual, Physical, and Mental Evolutions 
which took God from a simple Atom (Eloheim) to a fully grown 
Man (Yahweh). 


As we stated in Chapter VII, the biblical Adam is a Hebraic 
rendering of the Egyptian Atum.504 The biblical Story of Creation 
is therefore rooted in the Creation narrative of the ancient 
Egyptians. In the Solar Mythos, the first God in human form was 
named Ptah. Ptah was said to have evolved from the Egg, which 
was the Atom. In the Hymn to Ptah-Tanen, he is praised as "//je 
beggeter of men and the maker of their lives. " Not only did Ptah 
create man, he is also the ''''builder of his own limbs and maker of 
his body.. .Thy didst fashion thyself without the help of any other 
beings. "-"'-' This Hymn is strikingly reminiscent of what the 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad said about Allah The Original Man. 

" ...our First Father formed and designed Himself. Think 
over a Man being able to design His own form and He had 
never seen another Man before He saw Himself. This is a 
powerful thing. " 

Ptah is the Everlasting Father. Though he was the first God in 
human form, Ptah had no physical or material body. He was the 
^'everlasting Spiritual Form. "^"^ Ptah is equivalent to the Kavod of 
Yahweh or the Luminous Man created on Day Six. The Hymn 
said Ptah ''''lightest up the earth with thy brilliant rays. " 

Ptah then creates his son, Atum, who is the Perfect Man. Atum 
is also considered the first God in human form like Ptah. How can 
both the Father and the Son be the first in human form? Because 
they are the same God.^ov Atum the Son is God (Ptah) in His 
physical form. He is the Adam of Genesis 2, Day Seven, the 
material body of the Spiritual Form, Ptah the Father. This is why 
the Hymn says, ''^Homage to thee, O Ptah-Tanen. ..whose FORM IS 
HIDDEN. " The Form is hidden behind the material body of Atum. 
Atum is a "biune divinity" meaning he partakes of the "double 
primitive essence," spirit and matter, ^os In Atum, the Perfect Man, 
all of the gods or attributes are synthesized and actualized. 
Churchward says, "a// these gods were not different gods, but all 

the powers and divine attributes of 'Atum "... "^'" He is thus called 
"Lord of Oneness" or the "culmination of all powers in One 
supreme Power."5io Atum was a Black. God. 

The later Egyptian theologians replaced Ptah and Atum with 
Ra and Osiris. Ra was God the Spirit and Osiris was God the 
Material Body. The two gods were the same God, like Ptah and 
Atum.5i' Ra, as the Sun God, represented the luminous rays 
(Kavod) trapped with the body of matter. This materialization of 
the body of God was represented by the Egyptians by 
mummification. Thus, Osiris was imaged as a mummy bound up 
in a seamless linen vesture. Churchweird notes: 

"the Sun God (Ra), when descending to Amenta (Hidden 
Earth), may be said to mummify or karas his own body in 
becoming earth, or, as it were, fleshed... "^'^ 

Ra with a material or mummified body is Osiris, called the "Black 

Ptah, the Form or Man of Day Six 
(Photo from Finch, 1992, p. 103) 


Islamic theology, like all others, has an exoteric* or public 
dimension as well as it's esoteric* or hidden dimension. While 
the masses no only the outer dimension or "garment" of the 
doctrine, the learned few are initiated into the "Qaballah," or secret 
tradition. The "Qaballah" of Islam is called Sufism. 

Sufism traces the same historical development of God. 
According to this hidden tradition of Islam, in the beginning God 
existed as a single, immaterial essence called 'ayn, similar to the 
Ain or Ain Soph of Jewish Qaballism. This Single Essence is 

described as The Absolute called also """"Haqq" Truth.^^^ How 
long The Absolute existed in this state is unrecorded. At a certain 
point, The Absolute began feeling the Desire to manifest Itself in 
concrete form. This Desire for Self-Manifestation is called 
Mashi'ah, the Divine Wish. The process by which The Absolute's 
Desire for Self Manifestation in Concrete Form is actualized is 
called Tajalli. 

This "tajalli" or process of self manifestation of the Deity 
occurred, according to Esoteric Islam, in Seven Stages or Strata 
{maratib), comparable to the biblical Seven Days. These strata or 
"maratib" are the Seven Densities of Matter starting with the First 
which is The Absolute-totally immaterial and incomprehensible-to 
the Seventh which is the created world of matter. It was on the 
Fourth Strata that the Single Essence (Absolute) differentiated into 
the various Names and Attributes of Allah. Toshihiko Izutsu, in 
his comparative study of Sufism, notes: 

"What is generally known as 'Names' and 'Attributes' is 
nothing but a theological expression of this infinite variety 
of the possible forms of self-manifestation of the 
Absolute. "^^^ 

These, as we have shown, are the atoms. The Names are later 
described as the infinite ways the Absolute manifests Itself "m the 

world of concrete Being. "^^^ The concrete stages of The 

On the Seventh Strata, all of the Names or Attributes came 
together and formed the Insan Kamil or The Perfect Man. This 
Perfect Man has the sole distinction of being the only being which 
possesses in it's nature all of the Names. Everything else in the 
universe manifests one single Divine Name. The Insan Kamil, 
however, manifest every one of them. He is thus called Al-Kawn 
Al-Jami\ "The Comprehensive Being." 

"Those discrete things and properties that have been 
diffused and scattered all over the immense universe 
become united and unified into a sharp fiicus in Man. The 
structure of the whole universe with all it's complicated 
details is reflected in him in a clear and distinctly 

articulated miniature. "^^ ^ 

At this stage. The Absolute becomes God. The Original Man or 
Perfect Man is Allah, the All In All who synthesizes all of the 
Divine Names of The Absolute. 

"Man on a cosmic level, or the Perfect Man, is endowed 
with a perfect 'comprehensiveness. ' And because of this 
'comprehensiveness ' by which he synthesizes in himself all 
the existents of the universe not individually but in their 
universality, the Perfect Man shows two characteristic 
properties which are not shared with anything else. One is 
that he is the only being who is really and fully entitled to 
be a perfect 'servant' ('abd) of God. All other beings do 
not reflect God because each actualizes only a single 
Divine Name; they cannot, therefore, be perfect 'servants. ' 
The second characteristic feature of the Perfect Man 
consists in his being in a certain sense the Absolute 
itself. ..The Absolute, in its self-revealing aspect, reaches 
perfection in the Perfect Man. In the latter the Absolute 
manifests itself in the most perfect form, and there can be 
no self manifestation more perfect than this. The Perfect 
Man, in this respect, IS THE ABSOLUTE, while at the 
same time a creature. "•5-' o 

According to Esoteric Islam, Allah manifested Himself as the 

"He had the limbs of a man, He was a. ..light in the form of 
a man and His hair was black light... "^^^ 

The Light from which the body of Insan Kamil was formed is 
called Nur 'Allah or The Light of Allah.520 The Body of Light is 
called AlSurah Al-Ilahiyyah, The Divine Form. This Divine 
Form is the same as the Kovad or Form of Esoteric Judaism 
(Qaballah). It is called Muhammad ('One worthy of praise'). 

The First Man is Esoteric Islam was not named Adam, but 
Muhammad. Not Muhammad ibn Abdullah of Arabia (P.B.U.H.). 
This Muhammad is Allah as the Divine Form. The Arabic letters 
of the name Muhammad produce a human figure (Figure 27), 
which is liken unto the Divine Form of Allah. According to the 
Tradition of Ibn 'Abbas, the Prophet's cousin, 

"He (Allah) brought about (human) creation through the 
form of the name Muhammad... The head is shaped round 
like the letter Mim, and the hands like the letter Ha ', the 

belly like the letter Mim, the feet like the letter Dal. "^^^ 

Allah as the Divine Form, the Man of Light, is called 
Muhammad. When the Divine Form cloaks itself in matter. It is 
called Adam. This process is symbolically described in the Holy 
Qur'an. There are three different accounts of the "Creation" of 
Adam and they each reveal an important detail. The first mention 
of the formation of Adam is in 2:30. 

30. And when thy Lord said to the angels, I am going to 
place a ruler in the earth, they said: Wilt Thou place in it 
such as make mischief in it and shed blood? And we 
celebrate Thy praise and extol Thy holiness. He said: 
Surely I know what you know not. 

31. And He taught Adam all the names... 

The word translated as "ruler" is often translated as "vicegerent." 
However, neither translation captures the true meaning of the 
Arabic word here used. The word "Khalifah," according to 
Maulana Muhammad Ali, comes from khalafa which means "/le 

Figure 27 
The name Muhammad in Arabic read from right to left. 

The Secret of the name Muhammad 

The One that Adam succeeded is Allah. How is it said that Allah 
perished or died? Prior to Adam, Allah existed as the Divine 
Form -a man of Light with no material body. Adam represents 
Allah in His material state. Once Allah's body materializes in 
Adam, He no longer exists as the Divine Form. It exists as the 
Inner Man of this Adam, but has no independent existence. This is 
why the word used here for man is insan. According to Ibn Arabi, 
one of the greatest Sufi scholars, this word "insan" has the 
meaning of "pupil" as well. 

"Furthermore, (he deserves to be named Man- insan 
because) he (Adam) is to God as the pupil (insan) is to the 
eye as the instrument of vision, i.e. seeing. Thus he is 
called insan because God (The Divine Form) beheld His 

creatures through man, and had Mercy upon them. " "-^ 

The Divine Form wrapped itself in a material cloak and viewed 
the worid through the material eyes of this material cloak called 
Adam. Thus Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) said, 

"Allah created Adam in His Form. " 

The Form is the Divine Form. 

This Adam represents the sum total of all the Names of Allah. 
This is why it is said in verse 31, ^'And He taught Adam all the 
Names. " According to Ibn Arabi, this means Adam "actualizes all 
Divine Names." 

The second narrative is in Sura 15:28. 

26. And surely We created man of sounding clay, of 
BLACK MUD fashioned into shape. 

27. And the jinn. We created before of intensely hot fire. 

28. And when thy Lord said to the angels: I am going to 
create a mortal of sounding clay, of Black Mud fashioned 
into shape. 

29. So when I have made him complete and breathed into 
him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him. 

30. So the angels made obeisance, all of them together- 

? / Rut rhliv rHiH it nnt) 

the primordial waters from which Allah created Himself. This is 
the black material that Allah adorned on Day Seven (The Sabbath 
Day). In Abu Layth's tenth centviry collection of Ibn Abbas' s 
Traditions, this "Black Mud" is described as "flesh, blood, veins 
and sinews." ^24 yjug jg why the angels and everything in the 
earth are ordered to "make obeisance"(5a/a</a) to this Black Adam, 
while at the same time the Qur'an says:^''And to Allah makes 
obeisance every living creature that is in the heavens and earth, 
and the angels roo... ('16:49)" And also: ''''Whoever is in the heavens 
and the earth makes obeisance to Allah ONLY, willingly or 
unwillingly. (13:15)" This again is a picture of Allah's Self- 
Creation out of Triple Darkness 76 trillion years ago. 

The final narrative is Sura 38:71-88. The important detail here 
is in verse 75. After Iblis refused to make obeisance to this Black 
Adam like the rest of the angels, Allah says: 

"He said: O Iblis, what prevented thee from submitting to 
him whom I have created with BOTH MY HANDS? " 

According to Esoteric Islam, the "Two Hands" of Allah which 
Adam was created by represent the Spiritual and Material Nature 
of Adam/God. 

"You must have understood by now the real nature of 
Adam's body i.e. his outward 'form, ' as well as the real 
nature of his spirit (ruh), i.e. his inward 'form. ' Adam is 
the Absolute (in view of his inward form) and (represents) 
the creatures (in view of his outward form). ..God jointed 
His two hands for (creating) Adam. This He did solely in 
order to show his high position. ..The (joining of His two 
hands) symbolizes nothing other than the fact that Adam 
joins in him two 'forms '; the form of the world and the form 

of the Absolute. These two are the 'hands ' of God. "^^^ 

The Inner Man of this Black Adam is Allah Himself, according to 
Esoteric Islam. Thus the Prophet said again, "He who knows 
himself knows his Lord. "J 26 

Adam's body is thus called ''Ruhiyyah-badabiyyah" meaning 
"sDiritual-bodilv." This is whv it is written in the Our'an that 



The sacred cosmologies of ALL the great religions of antiquity 
say the exact same thing: 

1. In the beginning, God the Father existed as an Abstract 
Deity in the Womb of Space called Mother. The Abstract Father 
God, represented by The Circle, lay latent, unmanifested, for an 
unspecified amount of time. 

2. At a certain period, called The Hour, The Circle produced 
The Point, which means the Abstract Father manifested Himself as 
an A-tom, the manifest Son. This Son grew xmtil He became The 
Diameter, at which point He becomes Man, the Creator. 

The Prophet Zara Thustra from Persia (Zoraster), whom God 
revealed the Zend Advesta to, taught that the Abstract Father, the 
Boundless Circle, was called Zeruana Akerne. Zeruana Akeme 
existed within the Womb of Space which was described as "Thrice 
Deep," which is of course the Triple Darkness described by Mr. 
Muhammad. From Zeruana issues Ahura Mazda, the Creator, who 
was a Man. ^2 7 

The Abstract Father of Babylon was Apsu,^^^ the Manifest 
Son Marduke. 

The Abstract Father of Egypt was Kneph, the Manifest Son, 

The Abstract Father of India was Parabrahm, the Manifest 
Son, Brahma. 

AnH en nn Tn pvprv caip the Snn ic the Vf»hifl<» thrmiah u/hirh 

Another trait that is consistent in all these great religions is that 
God The Father is represented by a Three Lettered Name, and God 
The Son is represented by a Four Lettered Name. In India, the 
Abstract Deity is attributed the ineffable Mystic AUM 
(pronounced OM).^29 ^in Soph, according to the Sepher 
Yetzirah, is represented by the three Hebrew letters [ A ] [ M ] 
[ Sh ] called the Mother Letters.^^O 1^5 Jews also use the letters 
lAO to represent the Hidden Deity, just as the Chaldeans did. In 
the Holy Qur'an, Allah is represented by the three enigmatic 

letters alif, lam, mim orA,L,M.531 

The Infinite All is designated by three letters and symbolized 
by the triangle.^-^^Three is the Spiritual Number because the 

spiritual nature of Man is threefold. ^-^-^ Three thus best represents 
God as the Infinite Spirit. Maurice, in his Indian Antiquities, says: 

"Nearly all the Pagan (non-Christian) nations of antiquity, 
in their various theological systems, acknowledged a trinity 

in the divine nature. " ""^ 

The Three represents God as "indivisible in essence and indivisible 


God The Son is designated by the Four Lettered Name or the 
Tetragrammaton. Blavatsky observes : 

"Every anthropomorphic god (god in human form), in old 
nations, as Marcelinus Vicinus well observed, has his name 
written with four letters. Thus with Egyptians, he was 
Teut; the Arabs, Alia; the Persians, Sire; the Magi, Orsi; 
the Mahometans, Abdi; the Greeks, Theos; the ancient 
Turks, Esar; the Latins, Deus; to which J. Lorenzo Anania 
adds the Germanic Gott; the Sarmatian Bouh, etc., 

etc. "^^^ 

529Higgins, VOL. I, p. 106. 
530Hall, 1988,p.CXV. 

The quaternary always represents the physical nature of 

Man^^^which is made from the Four Elements: Hydrogen, 
Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon. Henry Drummond, in his Natural 
Law in the Spiritual World, explains: 

"If we analyze this material point at which all life starts, 
we shall find it to consist of a clear structureless, jelly-like 
substance resembling albumen or white of egg. It is made 
of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. It 's name is 
protoplasm and it is not only the structural unit with which 
all living bodies start in life, but with which they are 
subsequently built up. 'Protoplasm, ' Huxley says, 'simple 
and nucleated, is the formal basis of all life. It is the clay of 
the Potter. "^^^ 

These Four, also representing Fire (Nitrogen), Earth (Carbon), 
Air (Oxygen) and Water (Hydrogen), were termed the "four sons 
of God" by the Egyptians and the "four Maharajahs" by the ancient 
Indians. Thus, the Four Lettered Name of God designated the 
physical nature of God, God as The Diameter, the Manifest Son. 
Brahma, in the Vishnu Purana (Book I, chp. V.), is described as 
the manifest quaternary or fourfold. 

Adam Qodman is called "He of the Four Letters."^^^ Those 
Four letters are the Tetragrammaton, which is the Hebrew letters 
Y[ b ], H [ J- ], W[ I ], H[ Jl ]. This is Yahweh, the 
anthropomorphic god of tiie Hebrew Bible. ADAM QODMAN IS 
YAHWEH THE CREATOR. The Zohar says that Ain Soph 

"used the (heavenly form, Adam Qodman) as a chariot 
through which to descend, and wished to be called by this 
(YAHWEH). " 

The Book of Concealed Mystery says: 

"And except for that Adam who is called Tetragrammaton 
(YHWH), the universe would not exist... "^^0 

"The True Word of the Mason is found in the concealed 
and profound meaning of the Ineffable Name of Deity 
(YHWH), communicated by God to Moses... The true 
pronunciation of that name was in truth a secret, in which, 
however, was involved THE FAR MORE PROFOUND 
SECRET OF ITS MEANING. In that meaning is included 
all the truth that can be known by us, in regard THE 

Manley P. Hall, a world renowned Mason, reveals the Secret of the 
Name YHWH. 

"By placing the four letters of the Tetragrammaton in a 
vertical column, a figure closely resembling the human 
body is produced, with the Yod [ ^ ] for the head, the first 
He [ J"^ ] for the arms and shoulders, Vau [ / ] for the 
trunk of the body, and the final He [ f] ] for the hips and 

legs. "^4^ 

The Hebrew Letters read from right to left 
The Secret of the Tetragrammaton 


(Notice it is the same figure as the Kavod. Adam Qodman=YHWH) 


God's Full Name is composed of the Three and the Four 
Letters, or the Seven Letters. Thus the Greek poets said 

"Seven sounding letters sing the praises of Me, 
The immortal God, the Almighty deity. "543 

The union of the Three Letters and the Four Letters is MAN, 
called the Third Septenary. ^^^ Manley P. Hall explains: 

"The 3 (Spirit , Mind and Soul ) descend into the 4 (the 
world) the sum being the 7, or the mystic nature of man, 
consisting of a threefold spiritual body and a fourfold 

material form. "•''*•' 

The Occultists call Him Saptapama meaning the "seven leafed 
plant." He is represented by the Triangle (His Spiritual nature) 
over the Square (His Material nature). This MAN is called the 

"Seven Lettered God"^^" and is the answer to the Great Riddle of 
the Seven Vowels. In the Pistis Sophia, a work which predates St. 
John's Revelation, Jesus says, 

"No mystery is more excellent than they (the seven vowels): 
for they shall bring your souls unto the Light of 
Lights... Nothing, therefore, is more excellent than the 
mysteries which ye seek after, saving only THE MYSTERY 

Hall refers to the Seven Letters as "r/ie unwritten vowels which 
together make up the name of the manifested deity. "548 

The Secret of the Seven Vowels, the Secret of the 
Tetragrammaton, the Secret of the Masonic Word, the Secret of the 
Riddle of the Sphinx, are all one and the same-MAN, the Black 

While Seven (7) is the number of God as the Divine Man, Six 
(6) is the number of Man's imperfect physical creation, as Mr. 
Muhammad teaches. 549 Madam Blavatsky concurs. She says in 
The Secret Doctrine : 

"Now, the number six has been regarded in the ancient 
mysteries as an emblem of physical nature. For six is the 
representation of the six dimensions of all bodies (top, 
bottom, front, back, right, and left). ...Therefore, while the 
'senary' was applied by the sages to 'physical' man, the 
'septenary' was for them the symbol of that man 'plus' his 
immortal soul. "^^0 

The Third Septenary is referred to as the "Perfect MAN" by the 
ancients.. The Triangle is invisible while the Square is on the 
plane of objective perception. The following diagram shows the 
breakdown of the Third Divine Septenary -Man. 

Triune Nature of God (Man) 

Atma (Universal Spirit) 

Buddki (Spiritual Soul) 

Marua (Mind) 


Quaternary Nature of God (Man) 

W«ter pji^ Nitrogen 





And as would be expected, the septenary manifests itself 
throughout the nature of MAN. Nearly all ancient theologies (at 
least, the Indian, Egyptian, Hebrew, Druid, etc.) acknowledged the 
Seven Souls or Principles of MAN. The Indian and Egyptian are 

Indian Egyptian 

1. Rii/nt - body or form i A'A -hod 

2. Pr««i.-ll«brwlhofllf«. j' ^/.'^.e^iU ofBrea.h 
J. Astral Body 3 Khaba ~ tin siade 

4. Manas - InteUigence 4 /l**ii - fnlelllgence or Percepllon 

5. Kama - animal soul 5. Seb ~ ancestral Soul 

6. Bi«U/i/ - splrlhial soul 6. FwloA - the fitsi inlelioclual Tallier 

7. /tfma -pure spirit 7. >4AnH - a divine or elemal soul 

The septenary is also manifested in MAN's physical 
composition, as Hall observes in MAN: Grand Symbol of the 

"...physiology, as imperfect as it is, shows septenary 
groups all over the exterior and interior body: the seven 
orifices, the seven 'organs' at the base of the brain, the 
seven plexuses.. .the seven sacred organs about the heart, 
the seven layers of the epidermis, the seven ductless glands 
of first importance, the seven methods by which the body is 
vitalized, the seven sacred breaths, the seven body systems 
(bones, nerves, arteries, muscles, etc.), the seven layers of 
the auric egg, the seven major divisions of the embryo, the 
seven senses. ..and the seven-year periods into which human 

life is divided. "^^^ 

MAN, the Great Septenary or Seven Lettered God, was 
recognized by our ancient forefathers and mothers as the 
"summation of all the possibilities immanent in the Universe, " 

according to de Lubicz in The Temple In Man.^^^ And as such, 
the ancients erected a statue of the Greuid MAN in the midst of 
their Temples as a "textbook." This statue was covered with 

MAN, the Measure of All Things 

The above picture is an ancient construct called the Squaring of the Circle 

and was meant by the ancients to convey the idea of MAN being the sum 

total of all things-i.e. God. 



The Western World understands the origin of Woman 
according to the narrative in the second chapter of Genesis. Adam, 
so the story goes, was made to go to sleep by God. During his rest, 
God took one of Adam's ribs and made from it Eve, his help-meet. 
This tale, though essentially rooted in truth, has been interpreted 
through the sexist eyes of Western Man and, as such, has been the 
springboard for many of his discriminating and abusive ways 
toward women. The actual history which is at the root of this 
narrative, however, completely reverses the interpretation and 
precludes any condescending outlook on womanhood. 

Muhammad teaches that after Allah created Himself, His first 
feeling was that of loneliness and His first desire was to reproduce 
Himself He began to scientifically study Himself and found 
within Him a Second Self the X chromosome. Allah The Original 
Man proceeded to give that Second Self an independent form. 
Because He had so much love and respect for the Womb from 
which He sprung. He put that same womb in the Second Self that 
He created. Thus was bom Womb-man or Woman. The Black 
Woman was, according to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the 
very first creation of God after He created Himself Before there 
was a sun, moon, or star, Muhammad says, there was the Black 
Woman. These two, Allah The Original Man (God) and His 
Second Self became the first man and woman, the progenitors of 
the whole human family. 

Because half of who He was went into the making of His 
Second Self, the Woman, God could only be whole again through 
union with His Second Self, the Goddess. This union allowed God 
to reproduce Himself Thus, that first Black Woman was at the 

Viraj is Brahma again,553 j^st as the Egyptian god Ptah is reborn 
as his own son, Ju-em-hept. Vach is described as the "Queen of 
the Gods" and the Earth "who yields us nourishment and 
sustenance. "554 

Whites who have encountered this Brahmic history, not 
understanding it's meaning, have spared no epithet in condemning 
the Indians. Blavatsky notes: 

"And here we may point out one of the many unjust slurs 
thrown by the pious and good missionaries in India on the 
religion of the land. This allegory... namely that Brahma, 
as father of men, performed the work of procreation by 
incestuous intercourse with his own daughter Vach... is 
incessantly thrown into the teeth of the Brahmins, as 

condemning their 'detestable and false religion. " "-^ 

As we have seen, the meaning of this story is much more beautiful 
than an "incestuous intercourse" of God with His daughter. 
Brahma split himself in half to produce Vach, his second self 
From that point on his wholeness and perpetuity could be achieved 
only through uniting intimately-mentally, spiritually, and 
physically-with his second self The intimate union of man and 
woman, contrary to the sacrilegious celibacy of the Pope, is 
divinely ordained and was in fact instituted by God Himself. All 
Praise is Due to Allah. 

The same is found in the Egyptian, Persian, Hebrew, Sumerian, 
Cannaanite and Arabian theology. 


With all of the ancient theo-cosmologies of the Black Man, the 
Primordial Space is called the Virgin Mother and the Universal 
Egg. Mother Space is always represented as the Mother Goddess, 
the most famous being the Egyptian Aset or Isis. The Christian 
world got their Virgin Mary from this Holy Virgin, who gave birth 

to the Son (Man-God) without ever knowing man.^^^ As the 
Eternal Matrix of Space, she is rightfully called the Virgin Mother 
of God. Once the Spirit fecundates within her and they conceive 
the Son (the male Creator God), the Mother of God then becomes 
the Wife of God. Thus, in Egypt, the Father God called Ammon 
(The Hidden) was called "the husband of his mother," meaning the 
Goddess Mut. Mut was hailed as the "queen of Heaven," "the 
Earth" and "Mother." The Indian God Brahma, as Prajapati, was 
called "His mother's husband."557 

One of the oldest religious symbols is that of the Virgin Mother 
with the infant Son in her arms. This is Isis and Osiris of Egypt. 
Osiris the Father God is reborn as his own son Horus through his 

wife/mother Isis.^^^ This religious symbol, found all over the 
earth, represents the Eternal Virgin Mother Space and the Manifest 
Son who is the Creator and Father Incarnate. The Virgin Mother 
(Space) is Black and thus the God (Son) is Black. Paul Boyd 

"The representations of the Goddess Mother and Child in 
the respective countries have in general been recorded as 
being Black in complexion. In India, the Goddess Mother 
and Child, Isi and Iswara; in China, Shing-Moo or Ma 
Tsoopo with child in her arms; In Asia, Cybele and Deoius; 
and in Mexico, Ciuacoatl and Quetzacoatl, all had Black 
complexions. "JjV 

And the same is true for the Virgin Mary and Jesus. In all of 
the Roman countries of Europe, the Virgin Mother and Child are 
Black; in the Cathedral at Mouins; the Church of St. Stephen at 
Genoa; the Church of St. Francisco at Pisca; the Church at Brixen 

The Black Madonna and Child from Einsiedein, Switzerland 

in Tyrol and all over.^^^ This universal icon represents Mother 
Space and the Manifest God (Son). 

The Goddess was the conveyer of Allah's Mercy. The 
Quranic verses begin "'Bishmillah ir 'Rahman ir'Rahim," meaning 
"In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful." The Rahim 

or Merciful nature of God is manifest in the Woman.^^^ A stem 
father disciplines his child with a rod of iron. But God put the 
quality of mercy. His Mercy, in the nature of Woman. Thus, Paul 
C. Boyd notes in The African Origin of Christianity: 

"(The Mother Goddess) was the light and the hope of the 
world and she was named the Mylitta in Babylon. Under 
that title she was 'The Mediatrix' or in other words, 'the 
Mediator, ' which suggests that she was the most virtuous 
and COMPASSIONATE of women.... (U)dner the title of 
'The Mediatrix, ' the Aphrodite was in reality 'the wrath- 
subduer. ' It is a Chaldee expression and comes from the 
words 'aph' meaning 'wrath' and 'Radah' meaning 'to 
subdue'. ...In Athens, she was Amarusia, 'the Mother of 
Gracious Acceptance '; and, finally, in China, she was the 
goddess, Kuayin, 'the goddess of mercy. ' "^^2 


The Honorable Louis Farrakhan, in his historic "WHO IS 
GOD?" lecture delivered at Christ Universal Temple, Chicago, 
Illinois on February 24, 1991, says these most profound words: 

"The woman is made after the womb out of which God 
created Himself, and in the woman is the Secret of God. 
The reason you are far away from God is because of your 
attitude towards women. You will never find God and you 
will never grow to honor God, as long as you are a 
mistreater and disrespecter of women. THE WOMAN IS 
riddle has been with God, but the secret of the riddle is in 

The Secret of God is revealed in the Womb of Woman during 
the nine months of pregnancy. Mr. Muhammad teaches that the 
whole Self Creation of God is re-enacted during those nine months 
a child develops in it's mother's womb. Thoth Hermes, the 
Egyptian god of wisdom, said the same thing when he addressed 
his son Tatian thousands of years ago: 

"If thou will contemplate the Creator even in perishable 
things, in things which are on earth, or in the deep, reflect, 


The Ray of the Book of Dzyan, which falls into the Mother- 
Deep and impregnates the Germ, is the Sperm (Spirit or Ray) 
entering the Mother-Deep or Womb of the Woman and 
impregnating the Egg or Germ. From the union of these two polar 
opposites (Ray/Germ, positive/negative electricity, Spirit/Matter) 
the Son (Atom) is produced in the Womb of Space as the Son 
(Cell) is produced in the Womb of Woman. From the One Atom 
came many millions of atoms to form the Body of God; and in the 
Womb of Woman, the One Cell divides (mitosis) into millions of 
cells and forms the Body of Man. 

God's physical evolution, The Six Days of Creation, are 
reenacted in the Womb of Woman. The initial Cell, representing 
the Mineral Kingdom, proceeds through the higher kingdoms until 
it reaches MAN. Blavatsky describes the process: 

"At the end of three or four weeks the ovum has assumed a 
plant-like appearance, one extremity having become 
spheroidal and the other tapering like a carrot. Upon 
dissection it is found to be composed, like the onion, of very 
delicate laminae or coats, enclosing a liquid. The laminae 
approach each other at the lower end, and the embryo 
hangs from the root of the umbilicus almost like fruit from 
the bough. The stone (mineral) has now become changed, 
by 'metempsychosis, ' into a plant. Then the embryonic 
creature begins to shoot out, from the inside outward, its 
limbs, and develops its features. The eyes are visible as 
two black dots; the ears, nose, and mouth form 

The "tadpole" then becomes human in the "fourth hour." 
Lefevre, in Philosophy, also acknowledged the said above. On 
page 484 he says: 

"A very strong argument in favor of variability is supplied 
by the science of Embryology. Is not a man in the uterus... a 
simple ceU, a vegetable with three or four leaflets, a 
tadpole with branchiae, a mammal with a tail, lastly a 
primate and a biped (man)? It is scarcely possible not to 
recognize in the embryonic evolution a rapid sketch, a 
faithful summary, of the entire organic series. " 

The Secret of God in Woman. 



The knowledge of God has been a closely guarded secret for 
over 50,000 years. The secret was held by The Mysteries and the 
secret societies. Manley P. Hall says of the Great Mysteries of 
ancient Egypt: 

"...there was ...a secret theological system in which God 
was considered as the Grand Man and, conversely, man as 

the little god. "^^^ 

In Edouard Schure's Hermes and Plato, a hierophant (teacher) 
from the Mysteries is quoted instructing his student: 

"Remember that there are two main keys to knowledge. 
This is the first: 'The without is like the within of things, the 
small is like the large; there is only one law and he who 
works is One... And this is the second:' MEN ARE 
Happy the man who understands these words, for he holds 

the key to all things. "^^^ 

Nesta Webster, in her Secret Societies and Subversive 
Movements, says: 

"The war now begins between the two principles: the 
Christian conception of men reaching up to God and the 
secret society conception of MAN AS GOD. "-^o/ 

U.S. Anderson, who has spent almost all of his adult years 
studying secret societies and esoteric learning, reveals their secret 

ineffable secret, the ultimate illumination, the key to peace 
and power. You are God... Though this knowledge is not 


U.S. Anderson sounds very much like Mr. Muhammad who said: 

"You are walking around looking for a God to bow to and 
worship. YOU ARE THE GOD. "^69 

One of the most famous ancient Mysteries patterned after the 
Egyptian Rites were the Eleusinian from Greece 1400 B.C. 
Allegedly founded by Eamolopas, these Mysteries instructed her 
white initiates into the Secret of the Black God. Eliphas Levi, in 
his The History of Magic, notes: 

"// was only after the initiate of the Eleusinian mysteries 
had passed victoriously through all the tests, had seen and 
touched the holy things, that, if he were judged strong 
enough to withstand the last and most dreadful secret, a 
veiled priest passed him at flying pace and uttered in his 
ear the enigmatic words: OSIRIS ISA BLACK GOD. "^^o 


The secret of Masonry, the most popular of all secret societies, 
is: Man is God. This is the secret of the WHITE LODGE. Our 
Prince Hall brothers have a different Masonry from the white's, 
which is why white folks keep the Lodge and the Shrine 

The Nature of God is revealed through the Symbols of 
Masonry. Harold Waldon Percival, a Master Mason, says in his 
book for Masons entitled Masonry and it's Symbols, that the 
culmination of the Masonic purpose is represented by a Temple 

(Lodge) filed with effulgent light.^^l This is Man as God. He 
says Man's physical body is: 

"the. ..lodge in which all the degrees are worked... The 
Ground floor is the pelvic section. The Middle Chamber is 
the abdominal section. The Sanctum Sanctorium is the 
thoracic section. The Royal Arch is the physical body in 
it's atmosphere, complete. The top of the head represents 
the keystone. "572 

The Effulgent Light which fills the Temple or Lodge is the Three 
Great Lights of Masonry (Bible, Square and Compass) which 

represent the Triune Self of Man.^^-^ This Triune Self is divided 
into the Doer, Thinker, and Knower and is represented by the three 
degrees: Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason. The Master 

"After the candidate has been raised to the degree of 
Master Mason, he represents the Doer, Thinker, and 
Knower, each developed to its capacity and coordinated so 
that they are a trinity, the Triune Self. This trinity is in 
Masonry represented by a right-angled triangle in the 
lodge. "-^74 

We quote Blavatsky again, 

"the triangle being a symbol of Deity everywhere. "-^75 

The Master Mason of Masonic lore is King Solomon. 
Solomon is Sol-0-Mon or Son (Sun, Latin sol) of Man: God. He 
exemplifies the Three Pillars of Masonry: Wisdom, Beauty and 
Strength. Shahid M. Allah, in his Thy Kingdom Come, observes: 

"Wisdom, Beauty, and Strength are the 3 pil-lars of 
Masonry. In the Greek language, respectively, these three 
pillars are, Gomar, Oz, Dabar. And with the use of the 
language of acronyms, these three words become G.O.D. 
Indeed so, God is the acronym used to describe the man 
possessing Wis-dom, Beauty & Strength, "576 

The pathway to God is represented by the Seven Stairs which lead 
up to the Sanctum Sanctorium where the Master Mason Degree is 
given. Percival, on the meaning of these stairs, says: 

"The body as a whole is King Solomon's Temple.... The 
entrance or first step is the prostate, the second step 
symbolizes the kidneys, the third the adrenals, the fourth 
the heart, the fifth the lungs, the sixth the pituitary body 

These Seven Stairs which lead to the Hall of the Master Mason 
(God) sound like the Seven Chakras. 

The Word of the Mason is the Name of God. As we saw 
earlier. The Name of God is composed of a First Name possessing 
Three Letters and a Last Name possessing Four Letters. Percival 

Three Ruffians who murdered Hiram Ablif: Jubela, Jubelo, and 
Jubelum. Percival says: 

"Each has a part of the Word. If their parts were 
combined they would be AUM or AOM or three of the four 

parts of the word. "^'° 

AUM, we remember, is the First Name of God as the Absolute, 
Incorporeal All. For the second part of the Masonic Word we go 
back to the words of Albert Pike: 

"The True Word of the Mason is to be found in the 
concealed and profound meaning of the Ineffable Name of 
Deity (YHWH) communicated by God to Moses... The true 
pronunciation of that name was in truth a secret, in which, 
however, was involved the far more profound secret of its 
meaning. In that meaning is included all the truth that can 
be known by us, in regard to THE NATURE OF GOD. "-^^P 

The Word of the Masons is thus the Full Name of God: the Seven 
Letters which represent the Septenary Nature of MAN. 

Once a Mason has earned his 32nd degree, he has the option of 
joining the Mystic Shrine where he would earn the honorary SS^** 
degree. He would then leave the Square (Bible) and start using the 
Compass {Holy Qur'an). It is in the Shrine where the secrets of 
Masonry are revealed. The reality of the Black Man as Allah is 
made fully manifest to those whites who are so privileged to 
receive the 33^**. They then call themselves "Muslim Sons. " 

During the initiation into the Shrine, according to former 
Shriner Jim Shaw, the Grand Puba says these words to the 

"By the assistance of Allah and the Creed of Muhammad; 
by the legendary sanctity of our Tabernacle at Mecca, we 
greet you and in commemoration of the Arabs faith as 
sincere you will now be permitted to proceed in the rites 

and ceremonies of the Mystic Shrine. "^^^ 

After marching the candidates to a designated area in the temple, a 
gong sounds. The Grand Puba and the Assistant Reban proclaim: 

"Who is he who has professed to have conversed in person 
with the Supreme and maketh himself mightiest of his 


(Ass. Reban): 

" What shall the (men) who have reflected with adhorrence 
that which the Prophet Muhammad hath revealed? 

Wherefore there works shall not prevail. Do they not travel 
through the earth and see the end of those who went before 



" Why do unbelievers indulge themselves and eat as beasts. 
Shall not their portion be a torment. Appeal to the 
prophets for Truth... 

These are wealthy and influential WHITE MEN PROCLAIMING 
THAT ALLAH IS GOD. Such is the Secret of Masonry. 


The Church has many secrets. But one of the most important 
and closely guarded was revealed during an incident connected 
with a relic of the Apostle Peter. Peter is considered the "beloved 
of Jesus" and as such was he upon whom Jesus founded his 
church. The Papal See is supposed to be the legacy of St. Peter. 
The Vatican claims him as the founder and the Pope his successor. 
Peter had a particular chair he sat in that would later become 
the property of the Vatican who celebrated a festival in its honor 
every January 1 8"*. The chair would be exhibited for the adoration 
of the people. In 1662, however, the festival was abruptly 

That year, upon being cleaned, it was discovered that engraved 
on it was a Black god thought to be Hercules because he is 
pictured with what is thought to be representations of the Twelve 
Labors of Hercules. Giacomo Bartolini, who was present at the 
discovery, stated that Pope Clement X rewarded an author who 

attempted to cover it up with ridiculous theories.^^^ But the most 
remarkable discovery was made some years later by the French. 
Higgins says: 

"When the wicked French got possession of Rome, they did 
not fail to examine this celebrated relic, and lo! In addition 
to the labours of Hercules, they discovered engraved upon 
it, in Arabic letters. THE MOHAMEDAN CONFESSION 
OF FAITH "^^2 

The so-called "Mohamedan confession of faith" is Ashadu-an-la- 
illaha-illa-Allah meaning "I bear witness there is no God but 
Allah." That Black god is not Hercules, it is Allah The Original 
Man. Higgins concludes: 

"lean scarcely conceive a more marked proof of the nature 
of the secret doctrine of the Conclave (Vatican). "^^^ 


One of the Great Keys to the Secret of God is the Secret of 
Jesus. This is a secret which the Church is very adamant about 
keeping from the masses. It is the secret of Jesus" mortality. The 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that after the murder of 
Jesus (he was stabbed by a Roman officer), his father Joseph 
retrieved the body from Roman authorities. He secured some 
Egyptian embalmers (Jesus was a native Egyptian) to embalm 
Jesus' body to last 10,000 years. Joseph wanted the body to be 
embalmed to last forever, but such a process would cost more than 
Joseph had to spend. The Egyptian embalmers put the body into a 
glass tube filled with a certain chemical, known only to 
themselves. This chemical would keep the body looking the same 
for thousands of years so long as no air entered the tube. Joseph 
and the embalmers buried the body in Jerusalem. It lies in a secret 
tomb surrounded on four sides with mirrors in such a manner that 
it reflects in four different directions. This was done so that, when 
the enemies are allowed to see the body, they would not know 
exactly which is the real body. 

For years, only a small group consisting of Jesus' family and 
his original followers and the embalmers knew where his body was 
located. Eventually, however, the Church of Rome would be made 
aware. When this actually took place no one knows for sure. This 
revelation could have been made in A.D. 318. In that year, eight 
descendants of members of Jesus' family who were still based in 
the Church of Jerusalem (though they had several churches which 
they were leaders of) met with the Bishop of Rome, later to be 
known as Pope Sylvester, at the Lateran Palace. They are said to 
have requested that bishops of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria and 
Ephesus, which were confirmed by Rome, be removed. They also 
wanted the Church of Jerusalem, being that it was the original 
Church, to be recognized as the Mother Church. They told the 
Bishop that Paul was a "renegade from the Law" and his epistles 

should be rejected.^^^ 

The Desposyni, as these descendants of Jesus' family have 
been called, could possibly have informed the Bishop of the body 
of Jesus which was beine secretlv euarded in Jerusalem. We don't 

The Great Deceiver 

would be guarded by Muslims (Jesus was a Muslim). The 
Christians are stripped of all weapons, hand-cuffed behind their 
backs, and escorted by well-armed Muslim guards into the tomb. 
There they would see five images, the real Jesus and the four 
reflections. They would have no idea which is the actual body of 
the prophet. Muslims, on the other, can freely travel to Jerusalem 
and view the body. 

This secret viewing of the embalmed body of Jesus has been 
going on now for hundreds of years and is one of the most closely 
guarded secrets of the Church of Rome. To protect this secret they 
have committed great crimes including the massacre of whole 
peoples. In 1095, Pope Urban II initiated the First Crusade. 
Though most people are under the impression that the Crusades 
were fought to reclaim Jerusalem from the infidels, they were 
actually fought to capture the Holy Sepulcher or Tomb of Jesus 
from the Muslims. 

In 1070, twenty-nine years before the First Crusade, a 
mysterious band of monks from Calabria in southern Italy, 
possibly on the orders of the Pope, arrived on part of the domain of 
Godfiroi de Bouillon, the duke of Lorraine (France). The duchess of 
Lorraine, Godfroi's aunt and foster mother, Mathilde de Toscan, 
provided a tract of land for this mysterious group upon which was 
built an abbey to house them. One of the monks, known to history 
as Peter the Hermit, would become, according to tradition, the 
personal tutor of Godfroi.585 j^ 1095, Peter the Hermit, along 
with Pope Urban II, began preaching the need for a Crusade to 
capture the Tomb of Jesus firom the Muslims. In 1099, Godfiroi 
de Bouillon and his troops set out for the Holy Land to wage the 
First Crusade. 

This mysterious band of monks appears to be the "entourage of 
anonymous figures" who accompanied Godfi-oi to the Holy Land, 
acting as advisers and administrators.^^^ Once Jerusalem fell to 
the Christian armies in 1 099, these anonymous figures are reported 
to have met in secret conclave and elected Godfiroi King of 
Jerusalem. He declined and instead accepted the title Defender of 
the Holy Sepulcher. The Crusade was not about the land. It was 
about the Tomb of Jesus. Though Godfroi declined the throne, he 
was in fact de facto ruler of Jerusalem. Peter the Hermit, one of the 
"mysterious monks" that inspired the Crusade, was left in charge 

abbey was called the Abbey of Notre Dame du Mont de Sion. The 
"mysterious monks" who occupied it became known as the Prieure 

de Sion or Order de Sion.^^^ 

The Prieure de Sion is the guardian of the Secret of Jesus, 
called the Holy Grail. The Secret of Jesus is the key to the Secret 
of God, which is the ultimate secret of all secret societies. M. 
Plantard de Saint-CIair, the secretary-general of the Prieure de 
Sion, told the French magazine Le Charivari in 1973 when asked 
of his order's objectives: 

"The society with which I am attached is very ancient.. We 
are guardians of certain things. And without 

publicity. "^^^ 

In 1979, he told researchers Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh 
and Henry Lincoln, one of the items the order is "guardian" of is 
the lost treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem-the booty Titus' 
Roman armies plundered in A.D. 70. He stated that it would "6e 
returned to Israel when the time is right " However, M. Plantard 
intimated that the "true treasure" which the Order of Sion is 
guardian of is a "spiritual treasure" which was a secret of some 

sort.^°^ The secret is the Secret of Jesus. 

Through the Prieure de Sion, many members of European 
nobility came in contact with this secret. In 1 1 04, the count of 
Champagne, one of the wealthiest lords in Europe, met in conclave 
with some of Europe's most influential nobles-the Brienne, 
Joinville, and Chaumont. One of the nobles had just returned from 
Jerusalem and there appears to have "made a discovery" which he 
revealed to the gathered conclave. Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln, in 
their explosive best-seller. Holy Blood, Holy Grail, concludes that 

the discovery had something to do with Jesus.^^^ Indeed, the 
noble had been admitted into the Tomb and there "discovered" the 
embalmed body of his Lord Jesus Christ. The count of 
Champagne immediately left for the Holy Land to see for himself 
He remained for four years, returning in 1 108. 

In 1114, the Prieure de Sion gathered a cadre of Christian 
warrior-monks to serve as it's military and administrative arm. 
These warrior-monks would serve as protectors of the pilgrims in 

Grail-the embalmed body of Jesus. These monks would become 
known in history as the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the 
Temple of Solomon, AKA, the Knights Templars. 

Though this "Militia of Christ" was commissioned with the 
duty of guarding the Tomb of Jesus, it appears that initially they 
weren't able to view the contents of the tomb they so fearlessly 
protected. When they were, these "White Knights" were not 
prepared for what they saw. It can be debated what disappointed 
the Templars more-the fact that their Lord was in fact dead lying in 
the Tomb or that their Lord was a dead Black Man lying in the 
Tomb. The Knights were known to be very ethno-centric, to say 
the least. In the Order's rule, they stated about their apparel: 

"To all the professed knights, both in winter and summer, 
we give... white garments, that those who have cast behind 
them a dark life may know that they are to commend 

themselves to their creator by a pure and white life. "^"^ 

To learn that their Lord was Black was quite a shocking 
disappointment, not to mention that he was dead. This caused the 
Knights, known through out the world for their fierce zealotry in 
the name Jesus, to rebuke Jesus and the Cross. They began to 
instruct new inductees: 

"You believe wrongly, because he (Jesus) is indeed a false 
prophet. Believe only in God in heaven (the Spook God), 
and not in him. " 

Another Templar was told by his inductor: 

"Do not believe that the man Jesus whom the Jews 

crucified in Outremer is God and that he can save 

you. •'^^ 

The Templars kept this secret sealed, even at the cost of their lives. 
This "secret" would die with them as the "hidden treasure of the 
Knights Templars." As Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln note, the 
"treasure" was not jewels or money. 

example-it would not have been necessary to destroy or 
conceal all records... The implication is that the Templars 
had something else in their custody, something so precious 
that not even torture could wring an intimation from their 
lips. Wealth alone could not have prompted such absolute 
and unanimous secrecy. What ever it was had to do with 
other matters, such as the order's attitude toward 
Jesus. "59^ 

The Templars began to openly defy the Vatican for which they 
were supposed to honor, as well as their parent order, Prieure de 
Sion. In 1 188, the parent disowned it's child, Sion wash it's hands 
of the Knights Templars. 


Another group of Europeans who stumbled onto the Secret of 
Jesus, and paid dearly for it, is the Albigensians or Cathars of the 
13^ century. Based in the foothills of the Pyrenees in what is now 
southern France, the Cathars were a loose association of 
"Christians" who, unlike the Christianity of Rome, taught that 
Jesus was a mortal prophet, not God. They "vehemently" 
repudiated the Crucifixion story. What was the source of this 
"heresy," as Rome would call it? 

Legend connects the Cathars, like the Templars, with the Holy 
Grail. They were also thought to be the custodians of a great 
"treasure." That "treasure" was the Secret of Jesus. According to 
Jean de Joinville, an acquaintance of King Louis IX, several of the 
Cathars approached the Comte de Montfort with a shocking offer. 

"The king once told me how several men from among the 
Albigenses had come to the Comte de Monfort.. .and asked 
him to come and look at THE BODY OF OUR LORD, 
which had become flesh and blood in the hands of their 
priest. " 

Not long after that (in 1209), Pope Innocent III order a genocidal 
crusade against the Cathars to steimp out the "heresy" which means 
to keep the secret concealed. An army of thirty thousands knights 
crossed over into the land of the Cathars and exterminated the 
entire populace of Languedoc-men, woman, and children. Rome 
exterminated the Cathars because they were flaunting their 
knowledge of the Secret of Jesus. If it became common 
knowledge, Rome's deception would be unmasked. 


The Holy Grail has been rumored to be many things, from the 
cup which caught Jesus' blood to a possible "son of Jesus." 
However, the Grail is actually the embalmed body of Jesus. This is 
why the Grail stories began during the peak of the Crusades, 
because this was Europe's first encounter with the true Tomb (with 
the exception of those few who paid the obligatory $6,000.) The 
first Grail Romance, appearing around 1188 (the year Sion and the 
Templars separated) was written by Chretien de Troyes, an 
associate of the count of Champagne. The Grail is never actually 
defined in this poem, but as a result of encountering it, the main 

character declares that he has ceased to love or believe in God.^^^ 
Appearing a few years later (between 11 90 and 1212), the most 
revealing Grail Romance is called Perlesvaus. The author 
remained anonymous, but he is believed to have been a Knight 
Templar. In this Romance, the protagonist Perceval stumbles 
across a Castle in which was a "conclave of initiates" who are 
somehow connected with the Grail or had a knowledge of the 
Grail. One of the "masters" of the 33 initiates tells Perceval that 
only a select few can view the Grail. He is warned by a priest, ''for 
behoveth not discover the SECRETS OF THE SA VIOUR, and them 
also to whom they are committed behoveth keep them covertly. " 
When he finally sees the Grail, he sees five different images: 

"(The Grail) appeared at the sacring of the mass, in five 
several manners that none ought to tell, for the secret thing 
of the sacrament ought none tell openly... " 

privilege to view the body, he will actually see five images, only 
one being the true body. The rest are "reflections." It is also 
interesting that one of the figures that Perceval sees is as "a figure 
of a child." Yeshua ben Pandera, the historical Jesus, was noted 
for his small fi-ame, like a child. Origen said he was "small in 

body and deformed."^^^ 

In 1187, the Muslims, led by General Saladin, defeated the 
Christian armies and reclaimed the Holy Land and the sacred 
Tomb. The Prieure de Sion is said to have fled back to France, 
where they first met in conclave on the land of Godfi-oi. France 
will subsequently become a hotbed of clandestine activity 
connected with the Secret of Jesus. One such incident revolves 
around a famous 1 T**" century painter, Nicolas Poussin. 

Poussin grew up in France and later moved to Rome. It 
appears that it was there that he learned the Secret of Jesus. He 
represented it enigmatically in his art. His most famous piece, 
called "Les Bergers D'Arcadie," depicts three shepherds gathered 
around an ancient tomb trying to understand an inscription found 
there. Inscribed on the tomb are the Latin words "ET IN 
ARCADIA EGO." This tomb with this Latin inscription was used 
previously to represent the Secret of Jesus. Poussin' s predecessor 
and mentor, Giovanni Francesco Guercino, first used the theme in 
a 1618 painting. There, two shepherds wander in a forest and 
happened upon a tomb. Resting on the tomb is a large skull. 
Inscribed on the tomb are the words "ET IN ARCARDIA EGO." 

The literal translation of the phrase is "And in Arcardia I...," 
which is an incomplete sentence. Later investigators realized that 
the phrase was in fact a anagram (words or phrases which, when 
the letters are rearranged, make other words or phrases). It was 
rearranged to read "I TEGO ARCANA DEI" which means, 
is telling the inquisitive shepherds to leave, because it (the tomb) 
contains the secrets of God. 

In 1656, Abbe Louis Fouget fi-om France visited Poussin in 
Rome. During their meeting, it appears that Poussin revealed the 
secret to his guest. The Abbe's brother was Nicolas Fouquet, 
superintendent of finances to Louis XIV. From Rome, the Abbe 
wrote a letter to his brother which contained a description of his 
meeting with Poussin. He makes the statement: 

according to him, it is possible that nobody else will ever 
rediscover in the centuries to come. And what is more, 
these are things so difficult to discover that nothing now on 

this earth can prove of better fortune nor their equal. "^^"^ 

Some time after receiving the letter, Nicolas Fouget was arrested 
and imprisoned for the remainder of his life. King Louis XIV 
confiscated his things and personally inspected them. He then set 
out on a mission to obtain the original of Poussin's "Les Bergers 


Rennes-le-Chateau is a tiny village in southern France. 
Historically, it served as a bastion of Cathar and Templar activity. 
In 1891, the local priest, Berenger Sauniere, encouraged by his 
best friend Abbe Henri Boudet, priest of the local adjacent village, 
undertook a restoration of the village church. In the course, he 
removed the altar stone which was supported by two hollow 
columns. Inside, the priest found four parchments contained in 
sealed wooden tubes. Two of the parchments comprised 
genealogies. The other two were Latin excerpts from the New 
Testament composed in the 1780's by one of Sauniere's 
predecessors zs local village priest. Abbe Antoine Bigou. On one 
of these parchments the letters were run together, comprising a 
"sequence of ingenious ciphers or codes." The most important 


Which means 


King Dagobert II was the king of Austrasia, France in the 7 


Realizing that he stumbled onto something of great 
significance, Saimiere presented his findings to his superior, the 
bishop of Carcassonne. He was immediately sent to Paris to 
present the parchments to the ecclesiastical authorities. One of the 
persons he met was Claude Debussy, reputed to be the Grand 
Master of the Prieure de Sion at the time. One of Debussy's closest 
occult associates was the symbolist artist Josephin Peladan. In 
1 889, Peladan visited Jerusalem. When he came back, he revealed 
having made an "astonishing discovery" while there. According to 
contemporary eulogist Rene-Georges Aubrun, "/le made a 
discovery so astonishing that at any other era it would have shaken 
the Catholic world to it's foundations; he rediscovered the 
authentic tomb of Jesus in THE MOSQUE OF OMAR. "^^^ 

For hundreds of years the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which 
is also in Jerusalem, was one of the most holy shrines in 
Christianity because it is believed to be the old tomb of Jesus. 
However, Jesus' father Joseph removed the body and buried it in a 
secret tomb controlled by Muslims: the Mosque of Omar. The 
Mosque of Omar (Figure 34) is one of the edifices controlled by 
the Templars during the Christian occupation of the Holy Land. 
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that it was Muslims 
who guarded the Tomb and body of Jesus, not Christians. Though 
the Templars guarded the outside of the Mosque, the inside 
remained in the hands of the Muslim Scientists. Baigent, Leigh, 
and Lincoln ask a good question concerning Peladan's discovery: 
how did Peladan know it was Jesus' tomb? They note: 

"Neither Peladan nor his associates. ..volunteered any 
indication of how Jesus' tomb could have been so 
definitively identified and verified as such, or why its 
discovery should necessarily shake the Catholic world, 
unless, of course, it contained something significant, 

controversial, perhaps even explosive. "^^^ 

What the tomb contained, which definitively identified it as Jesus' 
tomb, was the body of Jesus himself. Indeed, this was an 
"explosive" discovery that could well shake the foundation of the 
Catholic world and all of Christianity. Sauniere spent three 
weeks in Paris where, accordine to later reoorts. he became 

(Photo from Claire Rydell, 1996) 

Figure 34 
The Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem, reputed to house the Tomb and 

was made payable to her. The money was apparently "hush 
money." With it, and guided by Boudet who was allegedly 
working on behalf of the Sion, Sauniere undertook some strange 
projects. One of these projects was the completion of the 
restoration of the local village church. It was redecorated in a 
"most bizarre fashion." Above the entrance was the Latin phrase 
TERRIBLE). Immediately inside stood a large statue of the demon 
Asmodeus- the custodian of secrets and guardian of hidden 
treasures. On the walls were painted plagues, called the Stations 
of the Cross, depicting various biblical scenes. Station XIV is of 
immense importance because it portrays the BODY OF JESUS 
This is extremely important because in the Jewish history of Jesus, 
they state that the reason the tomb was empty when the disciples 
arrived was because the body was stolen from the tomb that night 

by another group of his disciples.^OO The body was then 
embalmed and moved to a secret tomb which is now reputedly 
located in the Mosque of Omar. 

Sauniere, though an unknown priest of a remote tiny village, 
became the host of many powerful men and woman because of his 
"discovery." The French Secretary of State for Culture paid him a 
visit, as well as Archduke Johann von Hapsburge, cousin of Franz 

Josef, emperor of Austria, ^^l He also became a well protected 
man. When the local ecclesiastical authorities, not in the know 
about the significance of the events, reacted to Sauniere' new 
found yet unaccounted for wealth by suspending Sauniere on the 
grounds of selling Masses, the Vatican overturned the decision and 
reinstated him. 

Sauniere benefited greatly from his discovery. However, in 
1916, things took an unpleasant turn. He reputedly had a falling 
out of sorts with his contacts within Sion. On January 7, 1917, he 
was reported to be in very good health for his age. Yet, according 
to receipts, his housekeeper Marie ordered a coffin on his behalf 
Ten days later, on January 17, Sauniere suffered a sudden, yet 
suspicious, stroke. As he lay on his deathbed, a priest was called 
in to hear his final confession and administer the last rites. Some 
time after entering the room, according to eyewitnesses, the priest 

came nut "visihlv shakpn " SniinifTp'Q rnnfpccinn nnnnrpntlv 

Extreme Unction and lapsed into an acute depression which lasted 
for several months. 

After Sauniere died on January 22, his will revealed that all of 
his wealth was in the name of his lifelong confidant and 
housekeeper of 32 years, Marie Denamaud. She lived a quiet and 
comfortable life until 1946. After World War II, a new currency 
was issued by the French government. When exchanging old 
francs for new ones, French citizens were required to account for 
their money. Instead of revealing the sources of the wealth to the 
French government, Marie burned her old notes and chose to live 
in poverty for the next seven years. She sold the Villa Bethania 
which she had been living in. According to the purchaser. 
Monsieur Noel Cordu, she promised to tell him a "secret" that 
would make him "rich and powerfiil." On January 29, 1953, 
however, Marie also suffered a sudden and unexpected stroke and 
died. And with her died the "secret"-the Secret of Jesus. 


On October 13, 1958, Pope Pius XII died. On October 14, his 
chief physician and head of the Vatican's Medical Department, 
Prof Riccardo Galeazzi-Lissi, held a press conference in which he 
made a startling, and costly, revelation. He said he and other 
physicians had succeeded in embalming the Pope "in much the 
same way as had the body of Jesus been embalmed." On October 
15, The New York Times ran an even more startling article- 
startling in its frankness as if what it was stating was common 
knowledge. The title of the article read: "OLD METHOD USED 
TO EMBALM POPE." The subtitle read: "Physicians Say 
Procedure Was Like That Employed on body of Christ." The 
story read in part: 

"77ie chief physician of Pope Pius XII said today that the 
remains of the pontiff -were embalmed in much the same 
manner as had been Jesus Christ 's body. 

It is a method entailing no surgery and requiring no 
evisceration, the physician said. He declared himself 

The method consisted of allowing the Pope 's body to 
absorb volatile resins and certain oils and other chemicals 

having deoxidizing action. "^^^ 

This is the same method described by the Honorable EUjah 
Muhammad. He said the body of Jesus was put in a tube filled 
with a certain chemical. The body would absorb that chemical and 
could conceivable last "indefinitely" without decay. 

Prof. Lisi's revelations caused an uproar in the Vatican. The 
Congregation of Cardinals ordered the police to bar him from the 
whole 108-acre territory. They encouraged the Italian government 
and the Medical Association of Rome to trump of charges against 
him (charges that he made disclosures about the "illness" of the 
Pope, which was what he was suppose to do). On October 20, 

Prof Lisi resigned from his post at the Vatican. ^^^ 

The Vatican is the keeper of many secrets, the revelation of 
which would topple it like a house of cards. Pope Leo X openly 
admitted, "// has served us well, this MYTH OF CHRIST. "^04 The 
Pope is not the Vicar of God. He knows well that the Jesus of 
2,000 years ago is dead. He gives out certificates every year to 
those Christians able to pay the $6,000 fee to travel to Jerusalem 
and view the embalmed, black body of their Lord. The Pope has 
committed great crimes in an effort to keep the secret locked. He 
waged the Crusades and slaughtered Muslims to do so. He 
committed genocide on the Cathars of Languedoc to do so. He 
has ordered the bribing or murder of many men who had stumbled 
across this secret. But the truth v/as bound to come out. And 
now, the inevitable has happened. 


The Reality of God is the crown piece of the world's esoteric 
traditions. The secret of the Jewish Qaballah, the secret of Sufism, 
the secret of Masonry, and the secret of the Church of Rome is, the 
Black Man is God. The ancient Indians, the Hebrews, the 
Egyptians, the Babylonians, all narrate the History of the Self 
Creation of this Black God in their various theo-cosmological 
texts. They all agree with the History of the Self Creation of Allah 
narrated by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This Black God, 
called Brahma, Yahweh, Atum, Marduke, Ahura Mazda, or Allah, 
is recognized by all of the ancient traditions and scriptures as the 
Creator of Heaven and Earth-yet, He was a Black Man Supreme in 
Power and Wisdom. 

At a certain time, the Creator's material body returned to it's 
earthly source just as ours will. His Spirit continues on and is 
made manifest to the world through His children, the Black Man 
and Woman-the Original People. Professor Hilton Hotema, one of 
the most profound white metaphysicians of this century, observes: 

"As the son of God (Gen 6:2), being born of God (I John 
3:9), in his image and after his likeness (Gen 1:26, 27; Gen 
5:1,2), the Law of Correspondence (Like begets like after 
its kind-Gen 1:24) declared that this Original Man, in his 
Primitive Perfection, the first begotten son of god, 
possessed a composite, complete, perfect body, lacking 
nothing, and containing the Positive and the Receptive 
Principles of Generation, as inherited from the Great 
Father... "^05 

In Part Four, we shall take a closer look at these Sons of God. 





God the Originator's physical body had to return to it's earthly 
source just as ours will. But He did not die. His spirit lives on 
through His Children, the Black Man and Woman, who everyone 
should now know as the Original People of the Planet Earth. We 
sprung directly from God Himself. These "Original People" have 
been described by all the ancient writings as a Divine People with 
great powers. The Mexican scripture Popol-Vuh describes the 
Original People as a people ''''whose sight was unlimited, and who 
knew all things at once." The Popol-Vuh as well as the Book of 
Dzyan, attribute to these primordial Black folk the ability to ''fly as 

well as they could walk'"^^^ 

These ancient Blacks were recognized as the Family of God. 
These are the "gods" of ancient history. Prehistoric Egypt and 
Chaldea are said to be the "Land of the Gods." In Egypt these 

gods were called Neteru,^^' and in Chaldea the Anunnaki, 

meaning "Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came."^^^ Zecharia 
Sitchin, scholar of ancient Near Eastern civilizations, says in his 
The 12TH Planet concerning these "ancient gods": 

"They were the "olden gods" of the epic tales, and, in the 
Summerian belief, they had come down to earth from the 

" These were no mere local deities. They were national 
gods-indeed, international gods... They were powerful, 
capable of feats beyond mortal ability or comprehension. 
Yet these gods not only looked like humans but ate and 
drank like them and displayed virtually every human 
emotion of love and hate, loyalty and infidelity. "^^9 

The ancient Cannaanites called them Banu'ili, "the Sons of 
El(God)," and the Hebrews Bene'elyon (Sons of the Most 

High). 6 ^ ^ We meet with them in the enigmatic verses of Chapter 
6 of Genesis: 

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the 
face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 
2 That the Sons of God (bene 'eloheim) saw the daughters 
of men (Caucasian Adam) that they were fair; and took 
them wives of all which they chose.... 
4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also 
after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the 
daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same 
became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. " 

Mr. Muhammad teaches us that this is the beginning of 

miscegenation.* It happened in Arabia when the Adamic"ll 
Caucasians lived among the Righteous, here called Sons of God, 
six thousand years ago. Rabbi Yonah N. Ibn Ahron, Hebrew and 
Near Eastern scholar who speaks over twenty Middle Eastern and 
Eurasian languages, seems to agree with Mr. Muhammad. He 

"the earliest Biblical reference to GENETIC VARIATION 
within the human family is in the sixth chapter of Genesis, 
where we read: 'And it came to pass when Man began to 
multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born 
unto them and the Sons of Those on High (Sons of God) 
saw the daughters of Man... "612 

Michael Bradley, in his Chosen People from the Caucuses, 


"Without resorting to either mystical or extraterrestrial 
conjectures, we can say, at least, that 'those from on high' 
(Sons of God) and 'men ' presumably down below were of 
the same species. Women bore children to them. The two 
groups were 'inter fertile, ' the same species. It is equally 

certain, however, that 'those from on high ' on the one 
hand, and 'men ' on the other hand were of markedly 
different races (emphasis original). "613 

The word translated "giants"(Gen.6:4) is Nephilim. According to 
Rabbi Ibn Ahron, the Sons of God were called such "because men 
would fall (nophel) on their faces with fright at the sight of 

them."^^^ By the use of this term to describe the Sons of God, the 
Bible coimects them with the "gods" (Anunnaki) of Sumner. In 
Numbers 13:33, the Nephilim are called the "sons of Anak." 
"Anak" or "Anakim," according to Zecharia Sitchin, is the Hebrew 
rendering of Anunnaki.^^^ 

These ancient Black gods were called "the Children of 
Heaven" by the Book of Jubilees,^^^ "Sons of the God of 

Heaven" and "Holy Ones" by the Book of Noah. ^^'^ Madame 
Blavatsky says of these "Sons of God": 

"This race could live with equal ease in water, air, or fire, 
for it had an unlimited control over the elements. These 
were the 'Sons of God '...It was they who imparted Nature 's 
most weird secrets to men, and revealed to them the 

ineffable, and now lost 'word'. "^^^ 

Creuzer says of them: 

"Those Children of Heaven and Earth were endowed at 
their birth by the Sovereign Powers, the authors of their 
being, with extraordinary faculties both moral and 
physical. They commanded the Elements, knew the secrets 
of heaven and the earth, of the sea and the whole world, 
and read futurity in the stars... It seems, indeed, as though 
one has to deal, when reading of them, not with men as we 
are but with Spirits of the Elements sprung from the bosom 
of Nature and having full sway over her... all these beings 
are marked with a character of magic and sorcery... "OvV 

^^^Michael Bradley, Chosen People from the Caucasus, p. 121. 
614ibid.,p. 120. 

The Holy Qur'an also attributes to the Black Adam (A.T.O.M., 
as opposed to the Caucasian Adamites) and his children control 
over the forces of nature.^^O xhese are the Gods of Antiquity: The 
Black Mein eind Womein. It is not enough to teach that "We were 
Kings." We were (are) Gods. But this all begs the question, 
WHAT HAPPENED? Today we are not controlling ourselves 
much less the forces of nature. How did we lose that glory? 


One of the most revealing, and neglected, verses of the Bible is 
Psalms 82:6-8. It reads: 


7. But ye shall die like men (adamites), and fall like one of 
the princes. 

8. ARISE, O GOD, judge the earth: for thou shall inherit 
all nations. " 

This is the Fall of Man that every ancient writing recognizes. 
As we mentioned earlier, there were actually Three Falls-Spiritual, 
Mental and Physical. The first was the Spiritual Fall or Descent 
which began 76 trillion years ago. The Second was the Mental 
Fall. This took place 50,000 years ago, so teaches the Honorable 
Elijah Muhammad. This is when our Higher Selves, do to 
rebellious living, went to sleep, and the All Seeing Eye of MAN 
closed. The Book of Dzyan says ""Then the Third Eye acted no 
longer. " Once the Third Eye closed, the Immortal MAN became 
mortal man. 

The Fall mentioned in Psalms 82:7 is the Mental Fall which 
occurred 50,000 years ago. This is confirmed by the Hebrew text. 
J. Morgenstem, in The Mythological Background of Psalm 82 
says the verse "But ye shall die like men" is properly translated as 
"ye shall become mortal," thus the gods are sentenced to the loss 
of immortality. He says: 

"That ye shall become mortal' is the precise meaning of 
7 'emutun ' here, rather than 'ye shall die, ' may well be 
inferred fi-om the context, for there is nowhere the slightest 
implication that these gods were to die at that very moment 
and actually the second half of punishment imposed upon 
them, viz. that they must fall as one of the (princes) implies 
that this was an additional detail. ..which must... be visited 
upon them before the stage of their doom, viz. death, could 
befall them. This necessitates the conclusion that there 
must have been some interval between the imnnsition of 

'I'emutun' here not 'ye shall die' but ' must become 
mortal... "^^^ 

In Sam. 14:14 that same phrase (mutun) is translated "For we are 
mortal" instead of "For we must surely die." Thus, when the gods 
"died" and "fell," we became mortal. 

As stated above, this "Fall" consisted of the closing of the 
Third Eye: MAN's pineal gland or Ureaus. Called in medical 
terminology the "epiphysis cerebri," it is recognized by occultism 
as the seat of God Consciousness in Man. It has been called the All 
Seeing Eye, the Eye of Siva, the Eye of Osiris, and the Eye of the 

The pineal gland is a cone shaped body joined to the roof of the 
third ventricle in the brain by a "flattened stalk" called the 
hebenula or pituitary body. These two (pineal gland and pituitary 
body) have been called the "head and tail respectively of the 
Dragon of Wisdom."622 fhe pineal gland is so placed that it 
forms a little door between the third and fourth ventricles, closing 
the contents of the third (heavenly water) from the fourth. 

The third ventricle is the reservoir, so to speak, of a cerebral 
fluid secreted by the epithelial cells of the chorioid plexuses. This 
fluid was known by the ancients as the "nectar of life," "divine 
fluid" and "heavenly water."623 Hall says of it: 

"Is not this 'dew ' the lux or light fluid, the pure akasa, the 
fiery mist, the heavenly luminous water, the Schamayim, or 
fiery water, the sea of crystalline befiyre the throne of God, 

the fountain ft-om which flows the four ethereal rivers that 

water the whole earth? "^^'^ 

The pineal gland is the seat of the seventh chakra ("wheel of 
force") or energy center in MAN. According to the Arunopnishad 
of India, there are seven chakras which exist along the spinal 
column. These energy centers or chakras are stimulated into 
operation by a "serpentine or twisting force" called in Sanskrit 
Kundalini. Kundalini lies coiled in the sacral plexus, where it rest 
upon the triangular bone at the bottom of the spine "in three and 

The Pineal Gland - 8 

(Photo from de Lubicz, 1977, p. 91) 

one half circles, as does the sleeping serpent over the head of 

Shiva "^^^ 

While the Kundalini is at the bottom, the place of the lowest 
chakra called Muladhara, the carnal, animal nature of Man is 
stimulated and His kama-manas or animal-mind is Lord. When 
that serpentine force or Kundalini is at the pineal gland, the 
Seventh Chakra called Sahasrara is activated and the Third Eye is 
opened. Man is thus in union with His Higher Self which is God. 
His buddhi-manas or divine mind is then Lord. 

When the Black Man and Woman "fell" 50,000 years ago and 
we lost our immortality, the Kundalini "fell" from the seventh 
(Divine) chakra to the first (animal) chakra. It is said to have 
"entered the Nether World." This descent of the Kundalini is the 
meaning of the ancient Sumerian tale of The Descent of Ishtar to 
the Nether World.626 

We have been living a terrestrial and carnal existence since 
then. The reclaiming of our former glory and immortality would 
then require us to raise the Kundalini back up the spinal column, 
operating the intermediate chakras (2-6) in the process, until it 
reaches its destination in the Holy City Mecca which is the brain. 
There it will stimulate the pineal gland and the Third Eye, the All 
Seeing Eye, will once again be opened. Manley P. Hall, in Man: 
Grand Symbol of the Mysteries, describes the process: 

"The psychical and occult currents moving in the brain in 
their ascent through the spinal cord must pass through the 
cerebral aqueduct which is closed by the trap door of the 
pineal gland. When this body-the ibis of the Egyptians- lies 
backwards ' as it were on , // 's haunches, it closes the 
opening into the fourth ventricle and forms a sort of 
stopper. It thus seals the contents of the third ventricle 
(heavenly water), dividing them from the fourth. When 
stimulated by Kundalini, the gland stands upright, lifting 
itself like the head of a cobra snake to strike and, like the 
head of this snake, the gland increases in size and it 's little 
finger-like protuberance (pituitary body) moves with the 
rapidity of a serpents tong. The pineal gland, having 
removed itself as an obstruction to the passage between the 
ventricles, permits the essences in the brain to mingle in a 

The Seven Chakras 

This, then, was the second Fall of Man. There was a small 
population of 'gods' who did not transgress divine law and 
therefore maintained their immortal existence. These few in turn 
set up a secret school system designed to train fallen man to raise 
that Kundalini up and open the Third Eye. This "secret school 
system" was called The Mysteries. Manley P. Hall says in his 
Secret Teachings of All Ages: 

^^The Mysteries were organized for the purpose of assisting 
the struggling human... to reawaken the spiritual powers 
which, surrounded by the flaming ring of lust and 
degeneracy, lay asleep within the soul. In other words, 
man was offered a way by which he could regain his lost 

estate. "^^^ 

Richard King, in African Origin of Biological Psychiatry says 

"The Egyptian Mystery System had as it's most important 
object, the DEIFICATION OF MAN (emphasis mine. T7) 
and taught that the soul (mind) of man, if liberated from it 's 
bodily fetters, could enable him to become godlike, attain 
vision and hold communion with the immortals... "629 

In the Egyptian Mysteries referred to by King, the novice or 
student studied seven levels of Arts and Sciences for 42 years. 
After completing this study, he would have reached his "Summum 
Bonum" and, according to George G.M. James, ''advanced fl-om 

the level of a mortal to that of a God."^^^ Of the powers learned 
by these graduates of the Mysteries James says: 

"According to Herodotus, the Egyptian Priests possessed 
supernatural powers, for they had been trained in the 
esoteric philosophy of the Great Mysteries, and were 
experts in Magic. They had the power of controlling the 
minds of men (hypnosis), the power of predicting the future 
(prophecy) and the power over nature (i.e. power of 

Gods)... (inserts original, T7) "^^^ 

This is all of our potential as the Children of God, i.e. Gods. 
The prophets Moses and Jesus were trained in this system but 
never graduated (See works of Yosef ben Yochannan and others). 
Master Fard Muhammad, the teacher of Elijah Muhammad, 
completed the 42 years of study in the worlds best Mystery and 
non-mystery schools. After reaching his "Summum Bonum" or 
Greatest Good, He came to North America, by Himself, and 
brought with Him a teaching which contains the essence of them 
all. More on Him later. 

The third or physical Fall came 6,000 years ago. The seed of 
this fall was, according to Mr. Muhammad, the miscegenation 
which took place in Arabia described in the enigmatic verses of 
Genesis Chapter Six. As a result, the Lord says, ''My Spirit shall 
not always strive with Man (Original Man) for that he is ALSO 
flesh: and his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. (6:3) " 

man's life span was reduced from the length of the Original 
Adam-936 years according to Genesis 5:5-to 120 years. Man has 
suffered his complete fall and God has withdrew Himself into 
hiding. This was done so the devil (Caucasian) could rule the 
earth unhindered in accord with the Divine Plan of the Most High. 
The Caucasian, according to Mr. Muhammad, was given six 
thousand years to rule the earth. After that time, God would 
reawaken and reclaim the land. This is why the Bible says that 
God comes "after the workings of Satan." It says Satan will have 
six days (" a day unto the Lord is as a thousand years") to do his 
work, but on the seventh day or seventh thousandth year, God will 
come back and sit Satan down. 

In Siam in the East Indies, there is a system of religious 
temples called Par-cha-di or Dagoba, which means "roof of the 
Lord." One of these temples is dedicated to the god Kiakiack 
which means "The God of Gods." In this temple, the god Kiakiack 
is pictured asleep and the people of Siam say the God of Gods is to 
Kiakiack, the God of Gods who slept for six thousand years. 


The Black Man has fallen asleep. He is the Lion found asleep 
in Juda, and the Lion (Sphinx) found lying in the desert of Egypt. 
Even though the Black Man suffered a fall on all three levels, there 
has always been a tiny population of gods that maintained their 
paradisiacal state, even after the final fall six thousand years ago. 
Their appearance has been noted trough out history by reputable 
witnesses, one being Agobard, Archbishop of Lyons, France. In 
840, he died as "one of the most celebrated and learned relates of 

the ninth century.""-^ -^ Before leaving, however, he left an account 
of an incident in which some of the gods, whom many of the 
writers called Sylphs, Elementals or Gentry, appeared to the people 
of Lyon from aerial vehicles. He says: 

"These beings were seen in the Air in human form, 
sometimes in battle array marching in good order, halting 
under arms, or encamped beneath magnificent tents; 
sometimes on wonderfully constructed aerial ships, whose 
flying squadrons roved at the will of the Zephyrs... 
" The people straightway believed that sorcerers had taken 
possession of the Air for the purpose of raising tempest and 
bringing hail upon their crops. THE LEARNED 

WELL. "6^4 

In Ireland these gods are called the Gentry and in Scotland 
Sleigh Maith or the Good People. Walter Evans- Wentz, in his 
The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries, quotes one who witnessed 
these gods: 

"The Gentry are a fine large race who live out on the sea 
(island) and in the mountains, and they are very good 
neighbors. The bad ones are not the Gentry at all, they are 
THE FALLEN ANGELS and they live in the woods and the 
sea "<5i-J 

"The folk are the grandest I have ever seen. They are far 
superior to us and that is why they call themselves the 
Gentry. They are not a working-class, but a military- 
aristocratic class, tall and noble appearing. THEY ARE A 
spirits, as they have told me. Their qualifications are 
tremendous: 'We could cut off half the human race, but 
would not, ' they said, for we are expecting salvation. ' 
And I knew a man three or four years ago whom they struck 
down with paralysis. Their sight is so penetrating that I 
think they could see through the earth. They have a silvery 
voice, quick and sweet. 

The Gentry live inside the mountains in beautiful castles, 
and there are a good many branches in other 
countries. ...Like armies they have their stations and move 
from one to another.... 

" They travel greatly, and they can appear in Paris, 
Marseilles, Naples, Genoa, Turin or Dublin, like ordinary 
people, and even in crowds... 

" The Gentry take a great interest in the affairs of men and 
they always stand for justice and right... They marry and 
have children. And one of them could marry a good and 

pure mortal. ""•'" 

The governing body of these gods or Gentry is a Supreme Council 
of Twelve. 



The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that Allah was a 
Man. He presided over a Divine Council which consisted of 
twenty-three other Black Men who are gods like Him but of a 
lesser degree. The twenty-four of them make up a Secret Order, 
the most secret of all Secret Orders. They are variously referred to 
as the Twenty Four Scientists, the Twenty Four Elders or the 
Council of The Gods. Muhammad teaches that these twenty-four 
men govern the universe and the Black Nation. Of the twenty- 
four, there are Twelve Major Scientists and Twelve Minor 
Scientists. They constitute the best minds of the Original Nation. 
Of the Twelve Major Scientists, One of them sits as Judge above 
all the others because He is the Best Knower. This One is called 

These twenty-four men, who Eire gods, are the wisest Black 
Men anywhere on earth. They represent every tribe and color of 
the Nation of Islam. The inner circle of Twelve is the real power 
behind the universe. They hold within their circle all knowledge 
and they pass their wisdom down from Father to Son. The 
language of these men is Arabic and their way of life is Islam. 
Collectively, they are called Allah as the One Judge among them is 
called Allah. 

These Twenty Four Scientists have nine main duties. Their 
first duty is to write history. But writing history for these Gods 
does not mean recording events after they happen. These Gods 
write the history of the world BEFORE it transpires. The 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that at the beginning of 
every 25,000 Year Cycle, twenty three Scientists would go out 
from the root of civilization to all four comers of the Earth; to 
every nation, among every kindred and tongue, and live among the 

history: what will be, when it shall be, how it shall be, why it shall 
be. After they had tuned in on the earth, the Gods would 
reassemble back at the Root of Civilization. After sitting down 
and predicting what shall be allowed to transpire, the Twenty 
Fourth Scientist, the Judge and sole authority, would decided on 
what would be and what would not be. He, Allah, has the final 
decision and will ultimately give the command of 'A"!//! '-Be! He 
has the power to stop any of the predicted developments and cause 
it to develop a different way. But when He feels it is necessary for 
the history to be written as the Gods presented, it is guaranteed to 
transpire on the earth, for He has said 'Kun.' 

This 25,000 Years of Prophetic History is put in a book that is 
kept by the Gods. They then make sure that history is fulfilled. 
They exacerbate the conditions on the earth to make sure it 
develops just as it was prophesied. When ever a segment of the 
History is about to be fulfilled, one of the Twelve Major Scientists 
raises up a man from the midst of a particular people and informs 
that man of the coming events. That man is made a "Prophet" and 
he then begins to prophesy. His prophecies are written down and 
are called "scriptures." Scriptures are writings that are portions of 
a greater writing. The scriptures of the world, the Bible, the 
Qur'an, the Zend-Avesta, and others, are portions of the Greater 
Writing, also called Holy Qur'an or Umm al-Kitab, the Mother 
Book. As we will show later, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, 
Muhammad, and all of the prophets were approached by one of 
these Gods from the Circle of Twelve (Majors). 

The number of Gods on this Divine Council being twenty-four 
is not arbitrary. Muhammad teaches, 

"There is a significance to the number 24 Scientists and the 
25,000 years. The number 24 Scientists used is in 
accordance with the hours in our day and the measurement 
of the circumference of our planet... Our planet is not 
exactly 25,000 miles in circumference, it is 24, 896 and we, 
according to astronomy, don't have a full 24-hour day but 
near that-23 hours, 56 minutes and 46 seconds. The 
change made in our planets rotation at the Poles is about 
one minute a year and takes 25, 000 years to bring about a 
complete change in the region of the poles. The actual 
Doles are inclined 23 1/2 deerees to the olane of its orbit. 

These Scientists write the Prophetic History to equal our home 
(Earth) circumference of approximately 25,000 square miles; thus, 
a year for every mile. 

The Scientists' duty is to guide the History of the Black Man in 
accord with the 25,000 Year Prophetic History and to fulfill the 
scriptures. The Bible is a book of prophecy which describes events 
that take us all the way into the Apocalypse.* As the History is 
written, the Twenty Four Scientists make sure it happens just as it 
is written. They are also responsible for imparting Wisdom, 
Knowledge, and Understanding to Allah's prophets and ministers. 

These Scientists fi-om the Black Nation guide the planets. The 
Caucasian creates satellites and sends then up in space to spin on 
their axis, but they oflten find themselves having to repair one. 
Allah likewise makes sure that His satellites (planets) are 
functioning properly. 

They are also responsible for governing the Mother Ship and 
piloting it. More on that later. They destroy evil on the earth 
through the science of nature, by controlling the weather, rain, hail, 
snow and earthquakes. The Son of Man does all of this. 

The Scientists are responsible for collecting and preserving the 
wisdom of the universe. When the Caucasian was released fi-om 
the caves, he went all over the earth destroying the Black 
civilizations that he found. One of the things he did in the process 
was bum down the libraries that we stored divine knowledge in. 
This was repeated when whites invade Egypt, Chaldea, India and 
elsewhere. Today, writers mourn the loss of such works as the 
Egyptian Book of Thoth or Histories written by Manetho, or the 
Chaldean Histories written by Berosus. Scholars assume they 
were destroyed during the invasions. But in fact, it is the duty of 
the Gods to secure such wisdom and make sure it is not destroyed. 

The Scientists serve as the "Heads" of the Black Nation. The 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that there were originally five 
billion members of the Black Nation on the earth that were divided 
into 12 Nations. The Head of each of these 12 Nations was one of 
the Twelve Major Scientists. They were each represented by one 
of the twelve constellations. 

As stated in the begirming, this is a Secret Order. These 
Twenty Four constitute a firatemity of wise men, a grand order of 
adepts. Whites are aware of this Secret Order of God and have 

unseen that can be hardly felt, yet it weighs on us. Whence 
comes it? Where is it? No one knows... or at least no one 
tells. This association is secret even to us the veterans of 

secret societies. "^^^ 

This "secret association" that weighs on them is the Secret 
Association of the Gods: The Twenty Four Scientists. It has come 
to be known in secular circles as "The Hierarchy," "The Great 
Brotherhood," or "The Hidden Directorate." It is said rule all of 
the secret societies and Mysteries through it's adepts. According 
to The Trail of the Serpent, 

" ...the higher grades of all hermetic societies 'require that 
the adept be enslaved by some astute mind or group of 
minds which, it would seem, seek to rule the nations 
through hypnotically controlled adepts.. .for one and all of 
these modern Mysteries are ruled by some unknown 
hierarchy... "*•'* 

One of the secret societies that is reported to have received 
guidance from the Gods is the Golden Dawn Society of Germany. 
Samuel Liddell Mathers, reformer of the Golden Dawn in 1 892, 
claimed that he received the Order's four ascending Adeptus 
Grades degrees from the Gods whom he called "The Secret 
Chiefs." In a meeting with his fellow initiates, he described his 
encounters wdth the Gods: 

"As to the Secret Chiefs of the Order... from whom I have 
received my wisdom of the Second Order... I can tell you 
NOTHING (emphasis original). I know not even their 
earthly names, and I have rarely seen them in their 
physical bodies... My encounters with them have shown me 
how difficult it is for a mortal, however advanced, to 
support their presence... the sensation was that of being in 
contact with so terrible a force that I can only compare it to 
the continued effect which is usually experienced by any 
person to whom the flash of lightning passes during a 
violent storm; coupled with a DIFFICULTY OF 

prostration after each meeting being terrible and 
accompanied by cold sweats and bleeding from the nose, 

mouth, and ears. "^^^ 

This Divine Council of Twelve has for trillions of years been 
the Supreme Government of the Black Nation with God (the 
Judge) as it's King. Until 66 trillion years ago, the King and His 
Host ruled the Nation openly and publicly. God was then icnown 
among the people. 66 trillion years ago, however, God went into 
hiding. After a Great God tried to destroy the planet with high 
explosives, God, along with His Council, "went underground." 
No more were they to rule the Nation openly. Instead, they 
became a secret order and governed the Nation clandestinely. 

This withdrawing of God is a pivotal zispect of many aboriginal 
traditions which teaches that at one time God was on earth but has 
since "gone away."^° E.O. James, in his History of Religion, 

"In all these widely separated groups (aboriginal 
tribes). ..the Supreme Being. thought to have existed 
before death came into the world, and having made 
Himself He lived on the earth, could 'go anywhere and do 
anything. ' After a time, for one reason or another, He 
retired to the seclusion of the sky where He has lived ever 
since as the Great Chief "^'" 

God and His Entourage were to stay in hiding for a pre- 
determined number of years and then reveal their identity to the 
mzisses once again. In ancient Egypt, as we have shown, the 
Creator wzis a Black Man named Atum which means "the Self- 
Created." He was said to have been assisted by a "paut" or 
Council of Gods called the Ali. After time, Atum and his Ali hid 
themselves from the people. Atum's name wzis changed to Amen 
which means "the Hidden." Dr. Albert Churchward, in Origin 
and Evolution of Religion, says: 

"The word Amen. ..means 'what is hidden, ' 'what is not 
seen, ' 'what cannot be seen. ' The hymns to Amen often 
state that he is 'HIDDEN TO HIS CHILDREN, ' 'HIDDEN 


God and His Divine Council were said to have hidden 
themselves in a secret subterranean kingdom called variously 
Amenta, Shamballah, Shangri-La, and Agarthi. From this hidden 
kingdom, God and His Host directs the affairs and the fiiture of 
nations and individuals. 


In the beginning all people had access to God directly. Now, 
only the initiated few could establish physical contact with the 
Divine. This is why the Holy Tabernacle was built. Yahweh 
would sit in the Holy of Holies and only the Prophet or High Priest 
could seek His audience. The people could not. This has been 
going on now for 66 trillion years. Over this course of time, God 
and His Host has established covert contact with many individuals 
and groups as we will soon show. 

One of the groups who had contact with Allah and His 
Emissaries are the Lamas of Central Asia. One entrance to the 
hidden, subterranean Kingdom of God is said to be located North 
of the Gobi Desert. According to the traditions of Tibet and India, 
this hidden kingdom is called Agarthi. From there, "the Hidden 
Directorate" or "Inner Circle of Humanity" governs the affairs of 
men. This Inner Circle, according to the Lamas, is a Circle of 
Twelve God-Men called the Princes of Shamballah or the Goros of 
Agarthi. These Twelve owe allegiance to One Man who is 
Supreme in Power, Wisdom and Holiness. This One Man is called 
the King of the World or World-King or Brahytma. These are the 
Twelve Major Scientists and the World-King is Allah, the Judge. 
From the hidden Kingdom the Brahytma or World King judicates. 

Brahytma is not a person but a position. The Best Knower 
among the Gods is He who sits enthroned for a designated term. 
One Lama said of the World-King, 

"He knows all the forces of the world and reads all the 
souls of humankind and the GREAT BOOK OF THEIR 

"The Great Book of their destinies" is the Umm Al-Kitab or 
Mother Book which contains the destiny of the world for 25,000 

The King and His Circle of Twelve are Supreme Scientists and 
as such His Kingdom is said to possess astonishingly advanced 
technology. According to Edwin Bembaum in The Way to 

"According to descriptions of the King's palace..., special 
skylights made of lenses act like high-powered telescopes to 
reveal life on other planets and solar systems. The King 
also possesses a glass mirror in which he can see scenes of 
whatever is happening for miles around; lamas familiar 
with modern technology explain it as a kind of television 
screen that enables him to monitor the events of the outside 
world. " 

Tradition has it that a number of individuals have been 
privileged to penetrate into the Kingdom to view it and come back 
to tell us about it. Sakkia Mouni, Undur Gheghen, Paspa, and 
Khan Baber are some of these blessed ones. One lama was able to 
give a very detailed account of an immensely profound ritual 
which the World King performs in the Hidden Kingdom. 

" ...throughout the whole year the King of the World guides 
the work of the Panditas (gods) and Goros (Twelve Great 
Gods) ofAgarthi. Only at times he goes to the temple cave 
where the embalmed body of his predecessor lies in a black 
stone coffin. This cave is always dark but when the King 
of the World enters it the walls are stripped with fire and 
from the lid of the coffiin appear tongues of flame. The 
eldest Goro stands before him with covered head and face 
and with hands folded across his chest. This Goro never 
removes the covering from his face, for his head is a nude 
skull with living eyes and a tongue that speaks. He is in 
communion with the souls who have gone before. 

The King of the World prays for a long time and 
afterwards approaches the coffiin and stretches out his 
hand. The flames thereon burn brighter; the stripes of fire 
on the walls disappear and revive, interlace and form 

this moment the King of the World is in contact with the 
thoughts (tuning in) of all the men who influence the lot 
and life of all humankind: with Kings, Czars, Khans, 
warlike leaders. High Priests, scientists, and other strong 
men. He realizes all their thoughts and plans. If these be 
pleasing before God (Most High), the King of the World 
will invisibly help them; if they are unpleasant in the sight 
of God, the King will bring them to destruction... 

After his conversation with his predecessor the King of 
the World assembles the 'Great Council of God' (Twelve or 
Twenty Four Scientists), judges the actions and thoughts of 
great men, helps them or destroys them. ..Afterwards the 
King of the World enters the great temple and prays in 
solitude. Fire appears on the altar, gradually spreading to 
all altars near, and through the burning flame gradually 
appears the face of God (Most High). The King of the 
World reverently announces to God (Most High) the 
decisions and awards of the 'Council of God' and receives 
in turn the Divine orders of the Almighty. As he comes 
forth from the temple, the King of the World radiates with 
Divine Light. "^^^ 

Many very significant observations were made in this narrative. 
The World King is said to, on occasion, view the thoughts of His 
predecessor (The World King who ruled before Him) whose body 
was embalmed. A highly placed minister in the Nation of Islam 
and aid to the Honorable Louise Farrakhan once said that there are 
three embalmed bodies which are closely guarded secrets of the 
world. One is the body of Jesus which we have looked at earlier. 
Another is the body of the first white Jew who listened to Musa's 
civilizing teachings as he attempted to raise the cave dwelling 
Caucasians 4,000 years ago. That Jew's body was embalmed. The 
third body, according to this minister, is the body of the Judge who 
ruled the last Cycle of 25,000 Years which ended in the year 
13,086 B.C. This is the "predecessor" of the World King here. 
The King, by reading the Akasic Record or thought-forms of His 
predecessor, is able to discern the Will of the Most High, the Spirit 
of the Creator. The Great Gods are always obligated to pay 
homage to the Creator. Though He is no longer physically present. 
His Sprit and Mind permeates All. The World King or Judge is 

Central Asia and published a chronicle of his adventures in his 
Beasts, Men, and Gods. Dr. Ossendowski noted that one night, in 
a small Mongolian town called Narabanchi, he was lead into a 
temple by a Lama who told him a very interesting story. One night 
in 1 890, a group of horsemen arrived in Narabanchi and demanded 
that all Lamas enter the Temple in which sat the Throne of the 
World King. As the Lamas were gathered in the temple, 

"one of the strangers mounted the throne, where he took off 
his 'bashlyk ' or cap-like head covering. All of the Lamas 
fell to their knees as they recognized the man who had been 
long ago described in their sacred bulls of Dalai Lama, 
Tashi Lama, and Bogdo Khan. He was the man to whom 
THE WHOLE WORLD BELONGS and who has penetrated 
into all the mysteries of nature. He pronounced a short 
Tibetan prayer, blessed all his hearers and afterwards 
made predictions for the coming half century. This was 
thirty years ago and in the interim all his prophesies are 
being fulfilled. During his prayers before the small shrine 
in the next room this door opened of its own accord, the 
candles and lights before the altar lighted themselves and 
the sacred braziers without coals gave forth great streams 
of incense that filled the room. And then, without warning, 
the King of the World and his companions disappeared 
from among us. Behind him remained no trace save the 
folds in the silken throne coverings which smoothed 
themselves out and left the throne as though no one had sat 
upon it. "*^'' 

The King of the World, is known to travel the globe in the humble 
garb of a novice and communicate in the language of the land He 
is in. 

In the following chapters, we will see that, though it sounds 
blasphemous today, the existence of this Secret Order of God was 
acknowledged by the whole of the ancient civilized Black World; 
the world that gave the present world all of it's major religious 



E. Theodore Mullen, in his very enlightening book. The 
Assembly of The Gods: The Divine Council In Canaanite and 
Early Hebrew Literature observes, 

"The concept of the divine assembly, or the assembly of the 
gods, was a common religious motif in the cultures of 

Egypt, Mesopotamia, Canaan, Phoenicia, and Israel. ""^-^ 

With these may also be added the Indians, Hittites, Persians, 
and Arabians. We will attempt to analyze these various concepts 
in comparison with what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has 


Sumer is the name of the ancient civilization which preceded 
the Akkadian and Babylonizin civilizations of the airea now called 
Iraq. It is believed by many scholars to be the oldest civilization. 
Others contend that such honor should be given to Kemet (Egypt). 
I will not engage in that debate here. However, I will point out that 
Sumer was a Black civilization. Ivan Van Sertima, in his African 
Presence in Early Asia, as well as other scholars, has shown 
beyond dispute that the indigenous people of Sumer were not a so- 
called Semitic people, but were Black. The oldest and Chief God 
of these Black Sumerians was called Anu and his council was 
called the Anunnaki. 

Samuel N. Krammer, in History Begins At Sumer, says. 

these anthropomorphic but superhuman beings was deemed 
to be in charge of a particular component of the universe 
and to guide its activities in accordance with established 

rules and regulations. "^^^ 

Through the Cuneiform Texts (CT), which are the ancient 
writings of the Sumerians, we leam a great many details of this 
Divine Assembly. In these writings, it was referred to in many 
ways, but primarily as puhur Hani ("council of the gods") or the 


The AnunnJiki was composed of an inner circle of the higher 
and lower region Gods. The higher or "Heavenly Gods" were 

called the Igigi.^^^ According to Zecharia Sitchin, in The Twelfth 
Planet, the number of these heavenly gods was twelve. He says, 

"This emphasis on the number 12 can be traced to the fact 
that the Solar System has twelve members, and each of the 
leading Anunnaki was assigned a celestial counterpart, 
who were each assigned a constellation AND A 
MONTH. "^47 

This Sumerian Anunnaki, consisting of twelve gods, each 
assigned to a constellation and a month, is the root and origin of 
the Latin annum ("year"), French anne ("year") and English 
annual ("yearly").648 Sitchin says again, 

"There were many other gods in Sumer-children, 
grandchildren, nieces, and nephews of the Great Gods; 
there were also several hundred rank-and-file gods... who 
were assigned... 'general duties.' But only TWELVE made 

up the Great Circle (emphasis orig) "^^^ 

This Circle of Great Gods was also referred to as the "Exalted 

Court."^^^ This is exactly as is taught by the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad. He said the Twelve Major Scientists were 
represented by the Twelve Constellations. The "Lower Region" 
Gods undoubtedly consisted of Twelve also. These were also 
called "The Gods of Heaven and Earth." 

The Head God or Judge of the Anunnaki was czilled the 
Lugaldimmerankia, which means "The King of the gods of the 

heavens and earth."^^ ^ Anu, the "Father of the Gods" was always 
the Lugaldimmerankia, until he was replaced by the Anunnaki 
with Marduke the Young God. The way this transition takes place 
is a perfect example of how the Council functions. In the Enuma 
Elish, the old Babylonian Creation epic, the Anunnaki Gods were 
looking for a champion to slay the evil Tiamat. The young god 
Marduke approached them saying 

"/ will accomplish all that is in your hearts. I will be your 
avenger and slay Tiamat. But you must make me supreme. 
From now on, my words will fix the destinies of the gods. 

And whatever I create will remain unchanged. ""■^-^ 

Marduke, King of the Anunnaki 
(Photo from Pritchard, 1954, p. 177) 

The Anunnaki first tested Marduke. They spread the starry 
canopy in the sky and challenged Marduke to remove it by his 
word. After succeeding in this and the challenge to make it 
reappear, the Gods prostrated themselves before Marduke and 
proclaimed joyfully "Marduke is King. " The tablet reads, 

"They erected for him a princely throne... Thou art most 
honored of the great gods, thy decree is unrivaled.. .From 
this day unchangeable shall be thy pronouncement. To 
raise or bring low-these shall be (in) thy hand. Thy 
utterance shall be true, thy command... unimpeachable. No 

one among the gods shall transgress thy bounds! "^^^ 

The office of Lugaldimmerankia was not a permanent 
position. Just as the President sits in that seat for a specific term, 
so did the Judge or King of the Anunnaki Gods hold that office for 
a specific term called bala. The term or period was named after 
the particular incumbent, just as we refer to the "Reagan 
Administration" or the "Bush Administration." This is exactly as 
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches. He says, 

"The planet Earth was governed by 24 wise scientists. The 
wisest of these scientists was He that was the Supreme 
Being, and the name of His great Office was Allah, just as 
the name of the Office of the leader in this country is 
President. And just as the man who is called by the name 
President may die and another man take his place, so it is 
with He that is called by the name Allah. But the name 

remains forever. ""•^'^ 

The Sumerian Council met on a mountain court called 
Ubshuukkinna. As the Gods arrive at the court, there is 
embracing between them and they first have a banquet. They 
joyfully ate and drank before the meeting moved to more serious 

matters.^^^ A very interesting example of the proceedings of the 
Assembly is here given from one of the tablets: 

they sat in the banquet. They ate bread, they poured [sweet 
drink], they made their throats flow with sweet 
drink,.. Quickly they became carefree as the spirit rose. For 

Marduke, their avenger, they fixed his decree. .."^^^ 

This shows the astonishingly human-like nature of this 
Council. Here before a meeting, all the participants greet each 
other with kisses and conversation. They are then entertained with 
a banquet. Only after the eating and drinking does the Assembly 
get down to business. This is like a typical executive board 
meeting. In these meetings the Gods make such decisions as to 

send a flood down to drown mankind,^^^ or to establish kingships 
in the land. In the Creation Epic of Mesopotamia, there is 
described a meeting with the Coimcil imder King Marduke to pass 
judgment against Kingu. Marduke places the call to the Gods to 

"Let the great gods be here in Assembly, Let the guilty be 
handed over that they may endure. ' Marduke summoned 
the great gods to Assembly; Presiding graciously, he issues 
instructions. To his utterance the gods pay heed. The king 
addresses a word to the Anunnaki:'...Who was it that 
contrived the uprising, and made Tiamat rebel, and joined 
the battle? Let him be handed over who contrived the 
uprising'... The Igigi, the great gods, replied to him, to 
Lugaldimmerankia, councilor of the gods, their lord: It 

was Kingu who contrived the uprising... "^^° 

The ancient Black Sumerians acknowledged the existence of 
this Coimcil of Gods. This Divine Assembly was divided up into 
the Twelve Higher Region or Heavenly Gods and the Lower 
Region or Earthly Gods. The Judge or Lugaldimmerankia was to 
serve an appointed term called the 'bala.' This Coimcil had total 
control over the workings of the universe and the affairs of men. It 
must be remembered that these Gods were human in form. T. 
Jacobsen, in his article "Primitive Democracy in Ancient 
Mesopotamia," notes, 

"The Sumerians and Akkadians pictured their Gods as 
human inform, governed by human emotions, and living in 

the same type of world as did men. "^^^ 

The only difference is that these huniEins are Supreme in 
Knowledge and Power. 


So too did the Black inhabitants of Ancient Kemet (Egypt) 
believe in the existence and power of this Council of The Gods. E. 
Wallis Budge, in his translation of the so-called Book of the Dead, 


"The priest of Ainu (oldest city of Kemet) at a very early 
period grouped together the. ..greatest gods of Egypt, 
forming what is called the 'paut neteru'...or 'company of the 
gods, ' or as it is written in the pyramid texts, 'paut aat..., 
'the GREAT company of gods'; the text also show that there 
was a second group of... gods called 'paut net'eset'... or 
'lesser company of the gods'. 

Budge says again, in his The Gods of the Egyptians, 

"The Egyptian word here rendered 'company' is PAUTI or 
'paut '...and the meaning usually attached to it has been 
nine... But the last quoted passage proves that a 'paut' of the 
gods might contain more than nine divine beings. ..Again, in 
a litany to the gods of the Great company given in the Unas 
text (line 240 ff.) we see the 'paut' contains... ten gods... In 
the text of Mer-en-Ra (line 205) the 'paut' contains nine 
gods, and it is described as the 'Great paut which is in 
Ainu'... whilst in the text of Pepi I I... the same 'paut' is said 
to contain Tem, Shu, Tefnut, Seb, Nut, Osiris, Osiris-Khent- 
Amenti, Set, Horus, Ra, Khent-maati, and Uatchet, i.e., 

of the Gods."661 That the true paut neteni, both Great and Little, 
was composed of twelve gods is shown by Albert Churchward in 
his Origin and Evolution of Religion. He observes, 

"In the papyrus of Ani and ofNunefer we see depicted the 
Judges of Maat as twelve in number, sitting on Twelve 
Thrones. The earthly representation was TWO CIRCLES, 

EACH "662 

The fact that these twenty four Judges are each sitting on 
thrones is an important feature which we will elaborate on later. 
Sitchin says, 

"The head of the Egyptian pantheon was Ra...who presided 
over an Assembly of the Gods that numbered twelve. "66 j 

James Bonwicks, in Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought, says, 

"The TWELVE GODS may be more readily identified with 
Mazzaroth, or the twelve signs of the Zodiac, through 
which the sun passed every year...Proclus calls them the 

'twelve super-celestial gods. "^^^ 

The Great and Lesser Companies of the Gods were also, like 
Sumer, called the Gods of Heaven and the Gods of Earth.^^^ The 
Gods of Heaven are the Twelve Major Scientists that the 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad refers to, and the Gods of Earth are 
the Twelve Minor Scientists. 

There are a few very interesting pictures given of this paut 
neteru. In the Text of Pepi I, Budge describes Pepi being made 
King of the Council: 

"...The king is said to sit on an iron throne and to weigh 
words at the head of the Great Company of Gods in Ainu; 
the two companies of the gods lift up the head of Pepi.. .and 
he takes the crown in the presence the Great Company...; he 
sits at the head of the two companies... and in their 

boat...; and he stands between the two companies. "^^^ 

In the Legend ofRa and Isis, Isis seeks to make herself Queen 
of the heavens. She does so by coercing Ra, through poisoning 
him with a serpent, into revealing to her his sacred name. In the 
legend, we get a picture of Ra's paut neteru. It reads: 

"Now behold each day Ra entered AT THE HEAD OF HIS 
HOLY MARINERS and established himself upon the 
THRONE of the two horizons... " 

Ra calls the Gods to council, 

"...Let there be brought before me THE CHILDREN OF 
THE GODS with healing words and with lips that know, 

and with power which reacheth unto heaven. "^^^ 

This is a very interesting picture of Ra and his paut neteru. 
Here, they are referred to as "his holy mariners" and "children of 
the Gods." This last appellation is most significant, for it is a 
description of the members of the Council that reoccurs in the 
Divine Assembly -aotif. In another picture of the Divine 
Assembly, called . e Deliverance of Mankind from Destruction, 
Ra fears that mankind has conspired against him. Thus he turned 
to his God and maker. Nun, for a solution to this menace. It reads; 

"Then his majesty perceived the things which were being 
plotted against him by mankind. Then his majesty said to 
me my Eye, Shu, Tefhut, Geb, and Nut, as well as the 
fathers and mothers who were with me when I was in Nun, 
as well as my god Nun also. ..Thou shall bring them 
secretly... Thou shalt come with them to THE GREAT 
HOUSE, that they may TELL THEIR PLANS... 

"Then these GODS WERE BROUGHT IN, and these gods 
[came] beside him, PUTTING THEIR HEADS TO THE 
they said in the presence of his majesty: Speak to us, so 
that we may hear it. " 

In this picture, Ra calls the paut neteru his "retinue" which has 
military implications. Similar designations to describe the 
members of a god's court is common. Also, the god's were called 
to assemble at the "Great House." Later, we will develop the motif 
of the sacred meeting place of the Council, for there is always a 
specific place where the Gods are called to assemble. In Sumer, 
the meeting place was in a large mountain court called 
Ubshuukkinna. The gods are also shown here prostrating before 
the Head God. This too is a recurring picture of the Divine 

The ancient Kemetians were aware of this Holy Council of The 
Gods. The Head God was the Judge of this council which is 
divided into two groups, the Great Company and the Lesser 
Company, both of which were composed of Twelve Great Gods 
and Twelve Lesser Gods. It must be pointed out here that these 
"Gods" were human in form, as they are in Sumer. The Book of 

Phvlnnf p.lpnrlv <ihnw<i thp<ip Twpntv Fniir finri"; tn he human 


Around 2,000 B.C., a group of unknown origin migrated into 
the mountain area of Anatolia. This people have become known to 
history as the Hittites. In Yazilikaya, the ancient Hittite capital, 
there sits a religious gallery. In this Hittite gallery is a depiction of 
the Hittite pantheon inscribed on rocks arranged in a semicircle 
(Figure 39). 

Figure 39 

The Twelve Minor Gods of Anatolia 

The Twelve Major Gods 

Sitchin observes, 

"(I)t is clear that the Hit tit e pantheon, too, was governed 
by the 'Olympian' twelve. The lesser gods were organized 
in groups of twelve, and the Great Gods on Earth were 
associated with twelve celestial bodies. "^^^ 

In the Hittite description of this Divine Assembly are to be 
found all the characteristics that are found in the Sumerian and 
Kemetic descriptions. They are referred to as the "Gods of Heaven 
and Earth/'^^O \^ ^ Hittite epic entitled "Kingship in Heaven," 
the recounter lists the twelve "mighty olden gods" who are the 
"forbearers." He proceeds to tell a very interesting history of the 
Judgeship of the Council: 

"Formerly, in the olden days, Alalu was king in Heaven; 

He, Alalu, was seated on his throne. 

Mighty Anu, the first among the gods, stood before him. 

Bowed at his feet, set the drinking cup in his hand. For 

nine counted periods, Alalu was king in Heaven. 

In the ninth period, Anu gave battle against Alalu. 

Alalu was defeated. .On the throne sat Anu. "^^^ 

It continues: 

"For nine counted periods Anu was king in Heaven; 

In the ninth period, Anu had to do battle with Kumarbi. " 

These excerpts highlight some very important aspects of the 
Divine Assembly motif First, the King or Judge of the Council is 
almost always pictured sitting on his Throne. His Kingship in fact 
is represented by the Throne. The significance of the Throne can 
be seen in practically all the cultures we will examine in 
connection with the Divine Assembly and the Anthropomorphic 
God. We learn here in fact that the Throne is the position. The 
King who sits in it changes, and those vying for the position do so 
by going after the Throne. It is like the Oval Office. The Oval 
Office, like the Throne of the President, represents the position. 
He who sits in the Office changes constantly, but the Oval Office 

r^nrfcfntc an iHpn nnH nr><:itir>n that ic nr>n<:ictf»nt anH cppminolv 

permanent. This is exactly as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad 
described the Kingship of the Gods. 

Another significant aspect highlighted by this epic is the fact 
that the position of the King is to last only a designated time 
period. "For nine counted periods" is how long Alalu sat on the 
Throne before he was challenged by Anu. And^r nine counted 
periods did Anu sit before he was challenged by Kumarbi. The 
fact that they are "counted" periods implies that the term is pre- 
determined. Again, this is as the office of President. The one who 
holds that position can only do so for a pre-determined period of 4 
years. Afterwards, he is challenged by others for that position. 
This is the concept of the bala of the Sumerians. 

This, too, is in accord with what the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad taught. 

"Once every 25,000 years a new God has been coming up 
in the past, so God taught Me. Their Wisdom would always 
run through about 25,000 years and then they would 
change and bring in another One... From the year 7 ' of the 
Calendar Time of 2 5, 000 years, it would be another 25,000 
years before we allow a new God to rule, so God taught 
me. "672 

Not that the God actually physically lived for 25,000 years, but His 
wisdom will be the Rule of that particular Cycle. 

The ancient Persians believed that their God, Ahura Mazda, 

was the Head of a group of "Creators"^^^ that equaled twelve in 
number.674 ^nd like the ancient Arabians and Sumerians, each of 

the twelve were assigned a month."^^ The Phoenicians spoke of 
mphrt 7/ gbl qdsm, "the assembly of the holy gods of Byblos." 
The Syrians had Alaheim, "gods" or "Council of the Gods." 

In the Hindu Vedas of India, mention is made of Twelve Gods 
who made up one family. These Gods are called the Twelve 
Adityas or Devas ("shining ones"). The King of the Twelve 
Adityas was Kash-Yapa, which means "he who is the Throne." 
Again, the significance of the Throne is here seen. The Twelve 
Adityas were each assigned to a zodiac sign and celestial body. 676 

The Greeks worshipped the Twelve Gods of Olympus. Here, 
as with the Hindus, the Twelve Gods and Goddesses were of one 
family. These Gods, as in the other civilizations we have seen, 
were human in form and Black. 


It is with the Canaanite writings that we begin to get a clearer 
picture of this Divine Council and its function. Canaan is the 
ancient name of the area which is today called Palestine (Israel). 
The ancient Black Canaanites contributed greatly to the religion of 
the Hebrews. The God of these ancient Black people was named 
'El/Al. He was always depicted as an aged man with gray hair and 
beard sitting on a Throne. 

'El was the Head or King of a Divine Council called Adat'El or 
"Council of 'El/God." P.M. Cross, in Canaanite Myth and 
Hebrew Epic, says, 

"In Canaan the original image of 'El is as Judge in his 
assembly. "^'^'^ 

Probably the most revealing picture of 'El and his Council is 
given in a text which describes a conflict between the gods Bal and 
Yam. Yam heis received kingship through the Decree of 'El. As 
part of his kingship, Bal, a member of the Council and second only 
to 'El, is to be turned over as a servant to Yam. Bal refuses and 
rebukes Yam, invoking his destruction. Yam then sends two 
messengers to the gathered Council to affirm his kingship. Yam 
instructs his two messengers: 

"Arise, Lads, do not tarry! Verily set face 

Toward the appointed assembly to midst of Mount Lull 

To the feet of 'El do not fall, Do not prostrate yourself 

To the appointed assembly. 

Arise! Constantly stare! Repeat your message 

and say to Bull, his father, 'El 

Repeat to the appointed assembly: 'Message of Yam your 

BaV was standing beside 'El. " 

We leam much about the Adat'El from this text. It is clear that 
they, like in Sumer, met on a mountain, in this case Mount Lull. 
Those that are privileged to enter into the midst of the gathered 
Assembly are required to prostrate themselves before the Gods. 
We know this is the tradition because. Yam, in rebellion, instructs 
his messengers "not" to bow down before the Gods. 

We see another parallel with the Sumerian concept of the 
Divine Council in the "banquet" motif. The Gods were seated to 
eat as the messengers arrived. As we noted, the gathering of the 
Sumerian Council commenced with a banquet. This is true of the 
Canaanite Council also. In the so-called Banquet Text, we read 

"El prepared game in his palace. 
Provisions in the midst of his temple. 
He summoned the gods 'to mess. ' 
The gods ate and drank... 
'El sits enthroned in his shrine, 
'El sits enthroned at his banquet. " 

The Banquet of the Gods of 'El's/Al's Council was called 


As well as being designated Adat'El, this Divine Council was 
more often referred to as puhur 'Urn, "assembly of the Gods" or 
phr m'd, "the gathered assembly." Other times it is referred to as 
phr bn 'Urn, "the assembly of the sons of 'God/'El," and the gods 
referred to as banu 'Hi, the "sons of El" or banu qudsi, "the sons of 
Qudsu (Atirat)." This designation of the gods becomes extremely 
important as we analyze the Hebrew Divine Assembly. 

One of the most significant features of the Divine Assembly 
that begins to emerge from the Canaanite writings is its militaristic 
nature. 'El's kingship is the result of his ability as a warrior- 
god."'" Likewise in Sumer, "the investiture of kingship (was) to 
the warrior-god of the cosmos. "^^0 Marduke was granted 
kingship over the Council only after he defeated the dragon 
Tiamat. We saw in the Hittite description the necessary military 
prowess of the god who would be King. 

"The final term 'tlth' presents an important clue to the 
identities of 'ilm who constitute the council. We have 
followed P. Millers interpretation of the noun 'tit, ' taking it 
from the Hebrew 'salis, ' 'ojficer, ' translating it here 

'retinue. ' As we shall show, 'tit' does designate a military 
retinue... (I) t is the retinue of the divine council.. .The 
council members are to be seen as members of a military 

company surrounding their aged leader, 'El. "^°^ 

The members of the Council sit on kahtu zubulu, "princely 
thrones." He says again, 

"As we noted.. .'zubulu,' in Ugaritic (Canaanite language), 
designates the victorious warrior-gods Ba'l and Yamm...As 
a title, it was applied only after victory in battle. So here, the 
designation of the thrones of the council members by the 
term 'zubulu' must also be seen as a reference to the military 
exploits of these gods who were once active military 

personnel alongside their mighty leader 'El. "^^^ 

In the Phoenician writings of 'El, he is a warrior-god that is 
surrounded by "allies" who go to war along side him. In Kemet, 
we found the members of Ra's council called "mariners," and 

"those who were in his (Ra's) retinue."^^^ It is important to keep 
this military nature of the council in mind as we examine the 
Hebrew description of Yahweh's Council. 

From the gathering of the Council, 'El issued his tahumu or 
"Decree." Mullen observes: 

"'El's decree is taken for granted as a prerequisite for any 
important matter influencing the realm of the 
gods... Whenever the need arose to decide an important 
matter relevant to order in the cosmogonic realm, the gods 
would journey.. .to the dwelling of 'El to receive the decree 

or permission of the aged patriarch. "^^^ 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that it was the Judge 
who issued decrees and had the final say. That Twenty Fourth 

no decisions what so ever. It was the Head God, in this case 'El, 
that was the author of all decrees. As we shall see, the other gods 
duty was to carry out the decrees issued by their Lord. 

I shall take this time to recount the main points that have been 
made thus far. The belief in a "Council of the Gods" is to be found 
among practically all the nations of the Near East: the Sumerians, 
Egyptians, Hittites, Persians, Phoenicians, Arabians, Syrians, 
Indians, Greeks, and Canaanites. Though there are some 
differences in the various beliefs, there is also great similarity. In 
all of them, the Council consisted of Twelve Major Gods and 
Twelve Minor or Lesser Gods. The head of the Council was the 
Supreme God of the pantheon: Anu, Ra, Ahura Mazda, 'El, etc. 
This Head God was the Supreme authority. He is usually depicted 
as a warrior-god, and the Council as his retinue. 

We have learned that the Head God was more of an office than 
an actual god. A particular god served in that post for a pre- 
determined period, then a new god takes his place for that same 
period. The Council gathered at a central point to make decisions 
affecting the cosmos and man. Before such decisions are 
pronounced, however, there is usually a Banquet in which the 
Gods eat, drink, and be merry. The gods in all of these cultures are 
human in form and deed, but super human in power and wisdom. 


The Hebrews, leeiming much from the Canaanites as well as 
the Kemetians, would of necessity have much in common with the 
religious beliefs of these cultures. F.M. Cross, in a chapter entitled 
" Yahweh and the Council of the Gods" observes, 

"Like 'El, Yahweh may be seen as Judge of his council, as 
King in his court, or as Divine Warrior surrounded by the 
heavenly hosts. In Canaan the original image of 'El is as 
Judge in his assembly. In Israel also, the dominant image 

is that of Yahweh judging in his divine assembly. "^°^ 

I would say that the Hebrews give the most detailed account of 
this Divine Assembly. We first meet with this Council in the 
opening verse of the Bible, "In the beginning GOD created..." 
The word here translated "God," as we have shown, is the Hebrew 
Alheim or Eloheim meaning "Gods." Who are these Gods?*^* 
The suspense is heightened more with the use of first person plural 
pronouns when Eloheim speaks. The now infamous Gen. 1:26 
"na'aseh 'adam besalmenu kidemutenu. " "Let US make man in 
OUR image after OUR likeness. " We find such usage of plurals 
again in 3:22, after Adam ate of the Forbidden Tree, God says, 
"Behold, the man is become as ONE OF US..." In the eleventh 
chapter, after God realized that the people spoke one language, he 
says, "Go to, LET US go down, and there confound their 
language... " 

Contrary to traditional orthodox Christian interpretation, these 
plurals do not refer to the Catholic Trinity. These are references to 
the Hebrew Council of The Gods. Lloyd Graham, in his 
Deceptions and Myths in the Bible, says again: 

"77ie word (Eloheim) comes from Alheim and means a 
Council of the Gods. "*'*'' 

These Gods are men. The International Standard Bible 

Encyclopedia notes that "Eloheim" was a title designating "a 

position of honor and authority of men. "'*** R. A. Finlayson, 
Professor of Systematic Theology, observes in The New Bible 
Dictionary that the word Eloheim "w applied in the Old Testament 
to men. "**' 

The historical Yahweh who gave Moses his mission (as 
opposed to the archetypal Yahweh who represented the Original 
Man) was not God Most High, the Creator. He was one of the 
Alheim or Eloheim. Thus in Deuteronomy 7:5-6, Moses says to 
the Israelites, 

"For you are a people consecrated to YAHWEH YOUR 
ELOHEIM; it is you that YAHWEH OUR ELOHEIM has 
chosen to be his very own people out of all the peoples in 
the earth. " 

The biblical account is the history of Yahweh establishing his 
kingship in the Council, just as Marduke had to establish his 
kingship in the Anunnaki years earlier. A glimpse at Yahweh's bid 
for the Throne is recorded in Psalms 82: 

<YHWH> nissah ba'adat-'al<-mi> , beqereb 'elohim 

"<Yahweh> stands in the Council of 'El/Al to deliver 
judgment among the gods. 
No more mockery of Justice 
No more favoring the wicked! 
Let the weak and the orphan have justice. 
Be fair to the wretched and the destitute... 
I once said, 'You too are gods, sons of El Elyon, all of 

Here, the Assembly of the Gods is referred to as Adat'El/Al, 
just as in Canaan. Yahweh is seen standing in the Council of Al 
(Allah) condemning the other Alheim, accusing them of failing to 
meet the social challenge of the day. Thus, Yahweh asserts his 
authority. But as Karen Armstrong argues, this was easier said 
than done. 

"Yahweh's victory was hard-won. It involved strain, 

able to transcend to older deities in a peaceful, natural 
manner. He had to fight it out. "*'" 

This is why Yahweh is depicted in the Old Testament as such a 
ferocious warrior. In Exodus. 15:3, it is written "YHWH 'ish 
milhamah. YHWH semo." "Yahweh is a MAN OF WAR. Yahweh 
is his name. " Here he is explicitly described as a MAN ('ish) of 
war (milhamah). Isa. 42:13 reads, 

"The Lord (YHWH) goes forth like a mighty man (gibbor), 
like a man of war ('ish milhamah) he stirs up his fury; 
He cries, he shouts aloud. 
He shows himself mighty against his foes. " 

The most graphic descriptions of Yahweh as a warrior is in 
Duet. 32:39-43 and Jos. 5:13-15. In Deut. we read: 

"See now that I, even I, am he, 

and there is no god with me: 

I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: 

neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand... 

(41) If I whet my glittering SWORD, 
and mine hand take hold on judgment; 
I will render vengeance to my enemies. 
And reward them that hate me. 

(42) I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, 
and my sword shall devour flesh; 

And that with the blood of the slain and the captives, 
from the beginning of revengers upon the enemy. " 

In Josh 5:13-15, while Joshua is in Jerico he sees a "man over 
against him with his SWORD drawn in his hand (vl3). " Joshua, 
not recognizing this man, asks him "Art though for us, or for our 
adversaries?" The man with the drawn sword answers, "Nay, but 
am I now come (vl4). " When this man identifies himself as sar- 
seba'-YHWH, Joshua fell on his knees and "did worship (vl4) " and 
said to him "What saith MY LORD ('Adoni) unto his servant?" The 
man then tells Josuah, "Loose thy shoe fr-om off thy foot; for the 

ninrp whprpnn thnii vtnnripth iv hnlv /v/ 5) " 

"This man proved to be the God of heaven.. who was 
personally leading Israel from Egypt. "^^^ 

Dake lists as proof that this man was Yahweh the following: 

(1) He claimed to be sar-seba'-YHWH, Captain of the Host of the 
Lord. The Host was Yahweh's army, the other gods of the 
Council. If this man is Captain, then he must be Yahweh himself 

(2) Joshua "worshipped him" (vl4). Joshua, a prophet, would not 
worship anyone but God. And if this was only a messenger of 
Yahweh, he would not have allowed Joshua to worship him. (3) 
Joshua calls him 'Adoni, "Lord." 'Adoni is one of the O.T. names 

of God.^^2 (4) Joshua recognized himself as this man's servant. (5) 
The man told Joshua to take off his shoes, for the place that he 
stood was holy. The only other time we read of a similar 
command is in Ex. 3:1-8. Here Yahweh speaks to Moses from the 
burning bush and commands Moses to "put off thy shoes from off 
thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground (v5). " 
This is a verbatim parallel to what the sar-seba-YHWH said to 

In Psalms 89:6, Yahweh has secured victory among the Gods. 

"The heavens praise your wonders, O Yahweh, 

And your truth in the council of the holy ones 

(qehal qedosim). 

For who in the skies can compare to Yahweh? 

Who is like Yahweh among the sons of God (bene 'elim)? 

A dreadful god in the council of the holy ones 


Great and terrible above "all those around him" (al-kol- 

sebibaw). Yahweh, God of the host (elohe seba'ot), who is 

like you? 

Mighty Yahfweh), your faithful ones surround you. 

(hasin yah we 'emunateka sebiboteka) " 

In Jerimiah. 23:18,22, the prophet distinguishes between true 
and false prophets by asking the question, "Who has stood in the 
council of Yahweh <sodh YHWH>, and has perceived and heard 
his word?" Yahweh goes on to say of the false prophets, 

Here the term sodh YHWH is used to designate the Council. In Job 
15:8, it is referred to as sodh eloah, meaning "council of God," 
though it is now translated "secret of God/'^^S 

The members of the Council are referred to with many 
designations. We have seen Eloheim, simply meaning "the Gods" 
(also Ps. 95:3, 96:4, 97:7b, 148:2).694 in other places they are 
referred to as bene 'eloheim (Duet 32:8), bene ha'eloheim (Gen. 
6:2, 4; Job 1:6;2:1), and bene 'elyon (Ps. 82:6), all of which mean 
"sons of God," "sons of the Gods," or "sons of the Most High." 
This, too, finds it parallel with both Kemet and Canaan. The 
members of Ra's Divine Assembly, in the Legend of Ra and Isis, 

which we examined earlier, were called "children of the gods."^^^ 
In Canaan, as we noted, the gods of El's Council were often called 
bani 'Hi, as in this text which reads, 

"Let it be born to the assembly of the sons of 'El, to the 
council of the sons of 'El. "^^^ 

Reflective of this is Job 38:7, 

"When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of 
God (bene 'eloheim) shouted for joy. " 

"Qedosim, " meaning "Holy Ones," is another designation for 
the gods of Yahweh's Assembly. This designation shows that these 
are gods like Yahweh, though of inferior rank, because Yahweh 
himself is referred to as the "Holy One," qedes (Lev. 20:26; 
Isa.6:3; Ps. 99:3, 5, 9). In Isa. 54:5, Yahweh is the "Holy One of 

One of the few good examples of an actual court proceeding, 
when Yahweh gathers his Council together for deliberations, is 
reported by the prophet Micaiah ben Imlah (I Kings 22:19-23). 
Micaiah actually was brought into the proceedings in a vision. 
Ahab of Israel and Jehoshaphat of Judah, after receiving favorable 
oracles from the four hundred prophets (22:5-6), summoned 
Micaiah. His oracle was different from that of the four hundred 
prophets. Micaiah' s vision of the proceedings of the Divine 
Assembly revealed the reason for the discrepancy. I Kings 22:19- 
22 reads: 

"And he (Micaiah) said, Hear thou therefore 

the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord 


and all the host of heaven 

standing by him on his right and on his left. 

(20) And the Lord said. Who shall persuade Ahab, 
that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead? 

And one said of this manner, and another said of that 

(21) And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the 

and said, I will persuade him. 

(22) And the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, 
I will go forth, and be a lying spirit 

In the mouth of all his prophets. And he said. 
Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also: 
Go forth, and do so. " 

The first thing we notice in this description of Micaiah's vision 
is that he saw Yahweh sitting on "his Throne." Again we see the 
significance of the Throne. Around the Throne are the seba' 
hassamayim, "the host of heaven." These are the same as the 
Eloheim, bene 'Eloheim, and qedosini.697 "Host of Heaven" is 
another designation of the gods which, like the Canaanite talituha, 
emphasizes the militaristic character of the Council. 

Yahweh then proceeds to address the Council: "Who will entice 
Ahab...?" (mi yepatteh 'et-'ah'ab) (v20). Yahweh is asking which 
one of the Gods will volunteer to go and entice Ahab. This is 
reminiscent of 'El convening with his council for the purpose of 
healing the ailing Kirta. 'El sits enthroned and addresses his 

"(my b'ilm ydy mrs) Who among the gods will cast out the 


Who will drive out the sickness?" 

No one among the gods answered him. " 

In 'El's proceeding, none of the gods answered his request. In 

this individual is referred to as haruah, here translated as "the 
spirit," we are not dealing with a literally immaterial spirit. The 
members of this Council, like Yahweh himself, are men. 

This haruah that stands before Yahweh and volunteers himself 
tells Yahweh his idea of placing a "lying spirit in the mouth of the 
four hundred prophets (v22)." Yahweh agrees, and commissions 
the god with an imperative "se' wa'aseh-ken," "Go forth and do 

A similar description of the proceedings of the Divine Court 
was witnessed by Isaiah. Whereas Micaiah only saw the 
proceedings in a vision, Isaiah actually was allowed to attend. In 
the sixth chapter, we read, 

"In the year that the king Uz-zi-ah died 

I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, 

high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 

(2) Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings... 

(3) And one cried to another, and said, 

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Host (YHWH seba'ot)" 

Here again Yahweh is seen on a throne "high and lifted up." 
We note here that the assembly takes place in a Temple (vl). 
What catches our attention most, though, is how Isaiah describes 
those around the Throne: seraphim. Seraphim literally means 
"flames." He describes them as having six wings, two covering 
their face, two covering their feet, and two they fly with. Why 
Isaiah refers to the members of the Council as seraphim, "flames," 
I am not exactly sure. It could mean that they are angry, for fire is 
often used to indicate the anger of God. When Yahweh spoke to 
Moses from the burning bush, this was a symbolic description 
representing Yahweh's anger. Thus the intent might be to represent 
the wrathful anger of the gods over the people of unclean lips (v5). 
In fact, the Decree that issues forth from this assembly is that the 
cities be wasted, leaving no living inhabitants. The land is to be 
rendered utterly desolate (vl 1). 

Nor do I know what the wings represent. However, I do know 
that wings, when applied to men and women, are usually intended 
to represent their knowledge and wisdom which allows them to 
soar above their counterparts and above the gravitational pull of 
the wickedness of a reprobate world. Maybe these wings are to 

Morgenstem, in The Mythological Background of Psalm 82, 

justifies Isaiah's description of the Council as winged seraphim. 
He says, 

"It is a reasonable and highly probable conclusion 
therefore that Isaiah's designation of Yahweh's divine 
attendants by the obviously conventionalizing and 
generalizing term, 'seraphim,'... rather than by some other 
more specific and realistic title, 'bene ha'eloheim' for 
example, is really the result of a natural attempt upon his 
part, animated... by a characteristic prophetic reluctance to 
admit the existence along with Yahweh of any other divine 
beings, even though of inferior rank, to reduce what must 
have been, in the current popular belief and tradition, the 
gods, although, of course, gods of inferior rank, who 
constituted Yahweh's personal attendants..., to 
conventionalized and impersonal figures who would clash 
as little as possible with the fundamental principles of 
prophetic theology. Unquestionably this very same motive 
prompted the prophetic author of I Kings. 22:21 to call the 
member of the 'heavenly host' who offered himself for the 
specific service in question haruah, "the spirit" or "the 
wind," and to withhold what was in all likelihood the 
customary popular designation of such a member of the 
'heavenly host.' viz. 'ben ha'eloheim' or 'ahad mibene 
ha'elohim', 'one of the sons of the gods. ' For this reason no 
doubt Zee. 3.4 and 7 calls the members of the host of 
heaven by the purely descriptive term, ha'omedim, 'those 
who stand (in attendance upon Yahweh), and withholds 
from them their proper title. """" 

We must note here that seraphim is not to be met with again in the 
biblical literature. 

Thus, these winged seraphim are but the members of the 
Council. Isaiah then cries out because he is one of unclean lips 
(v5). He says, "for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of 
Hosts. " At that point one of the seraphim comes over to him, and 
with coal from the alter, purifies Isaiah (v7). Then Isaiah hears 
Yahweh address the Council: 

Compare this with Micaiah's vision and El's address to his council. 
In this ceise, Isaiah steps up and volunteer's as opposed to one of 
the divine attendants of the Council. 

H.W. Robinson, in his article, 'THE COUNCIL OF 
YAHWEH," observes, 

"The order of events should be rioted, for their right 
understanding depends on this order. It is only AFTER the 
cleansing of Isaiah's lips that he is able to participate in the 
council of Yahweh, and to address Yahweh Himself. 
Yahweh calls upon His council for a decision as to His 
messenger, and asks for a volunteer (as in Micaiah's 
vision) who will go 'for us,' i.e., for the whole body of 
councilors. Naturally, the cleansing of the lips (as the local 
organ employed in delivering the message) equips the 
prophet for his future task; but its first and immediate 
result is to enable him to join in the deliberations of the 

council "699 

This reflects the holiness of the Divine Council. It should be 
noted here that both scenes portray the prophet as the Messenger 
for the Council. F.M. Cross observes, 

"More concretely, the prophet is the Messenger of the 
Divine Court or Council, and his authority rest upon the 
absolute authority of the council, it's great Judge or great 
King who pronounces the judgment which the prophetic 

messenger is to transmit. "'^^ 

This is true to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad. He teaches that the Prophet is in fact the messenger 
to the whole Coimcil of Twelve. 

Micaiah's and Isaiah's descriptions of the proceedings of the 
Divine Assembly are basically similar. In Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7 a 
picture of the proceedings is given which introduces two new and 
important details. In Job, we read, 

"(6) Now there was a day when the sons of God 
came to present themselves before the Lord, 

And said, From going to and from in the earth. 
And from walking up and down in it. " 

Here, the bene ha'eloheim came to present themselves before 
Yahweh. What is important is that they came on an appointed day 
(hayyom) and Satan was among them. Morgenstem asks and 
answers a very important question concerning the time in which 
these proceedings take place. He asks, 

"...precisely when and upon what occasion did Yahweh 
hold His divine court and pronounce judgment upon 
mankind (?) Was it at any indeterminate moment in the 
year, when and as often as the spirit moved Him, or was it 
upon some particular occasion, at some fixed moment of 
the year, specifically appropriate for this peculiar, divine 
function? " 

He answers, 

"...(T)raditional Judaism has known, seemingly from fairly 
early times, of an annual Day of Judgment, judgment by 
God Himself judgment not only of Israel but also of other 
nations and even of all mankind... And this annual Day of 
Judgment by the Deity has always been identified with the 
New Years Day. " '^01 

Morgenstem observes that the word hayyom, here translated as 
"a day," really means "the day." In the Targum of the Jews, they 
write that verse of Job hayyom, beyoma' dedina' here's satta' 
meaning, "On the Day of Judgment, upon the New Years Day. "^^2 
In I Sam. 1 :4 hayyom means the New Years Day, the eighth and 
culminating day of the Asif festival. ^^^ 

Morgenstem points out the significance of the fact that in both 
1:6 and 2:1, the bene ha'eloheim are not summoned by Yahweh to 
gather, but come of their own accord upon a certain day. Hasatan 
(Satan) too comes. It is clear that, because he travels up and down 
the earth, he was not with the other bene ha'eloheim in the 
preceding days. Thus his appearance on that same day could not 

all appeared together because it is routine to convene on that 
particular Day, which Morgenstem suggests is New Years Day. 

Edwin Kingsbury, in his article "The Prophets and The 
Council of Yahweh," agrees that the Day of Convening for the 
Council of Gods was New Years Day. He says, referring to the 
time of Micaiah's vision, 

"There is reason to believe that the scene at the 'threshing 
floor' connects this experience with some agricultural feast. 
It is possible that the time of the chapter may be fixed even 
more closely by noting that in the Septuagint ch. 22 follows 
immediately after ch. 20. (having excluded ch. 21 which 
deals with the Elijah legend and disrupt the chronology). 
The given (date) in ch. 20 is 'the turn of the year. ' If the 
events in ch.22 take place just three years after the events 
recorded in ch. 20, then the time of the events in ch.22 is 
also 'at the turn of the year. ' This would place the events at 
the time of the spring agricultural festival and of the New 
Year of Israel. ""^04 

Kingsbury, like Morgenstem, places all of the Conventions on 
the New Years Day, the Annual Day of Judgment. 

Yahweh in v8 asks Satan has he considered his servant Job, a 
perfect and upright main. Satan suggests that Job is faithful only 
because Yahweh has blessed him. But if Yahweh's "hedge" was 
removed from around Job, he would certainly be of the sinful. 
Thus, Yahweh gives Satan a year to do to Job what he will, except 
harm his person. We read of Satan's works against Job in the rest 
of chapter 1-the destroying of his flock and the killing of his 
children. But Job turns humbly to Yahweh and says, "The Lord 
giveth, and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the 
Lord. "(v22) In chapter 2, we read, 

"Again there was (the) day (hayyom) when the sons of God 

came to present themselves before the Lord, 

and Satan came also among them 


Again we see, a year later, on the same hayyom, the bene 

I «-i_i.-i i_ A. ii 1 i.-r- ■\.r-^ u ai7T._* ;_ 

themselves," Satan did not. But here, in the second convention, 
Satan shall present himself. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that the Gods of the 
Assembly each go to a particular part of the earth. The twenty 
three would, over the course of time, live among every people, 
nation, kindred, and tongue. They would study that people- tune in 
to the thinking of the people and study that people's history. The 
Gods then, by the use of the Law of Cause and Effect, would be 
able to predict the future of that people. The Gods would then 
convene back in the Holy City, and present their findings to Allah, 
the Judge. At which point. He would say either "Let it Be" or 
"No." This, I believe, is the meaning of the bene ha'eloheim 
"presenting themselves before the Lord." 

In the first convening of the Gods with Yahweh, Satan didn't 
come to present any findings, for it was in that meeting that he was 
given the "Job Assignment." The next year, however, Satan was to 
present his findings on Job. And of course, his findings were 
unfavorable to himself Thus, he asks for another year to work on 
Job, with more power, and Yahweh says, "Let It Be." 

In Zee. 3, Joshua, the high-priest, stands for judgment before 
Yahweh. The mal'ak YHWH ("messenger of Yahweh") which is 
clearly one of the gods, and Satan, are the two who are presenting 
before the Lord (vl). Yahweh rebukes Satan and dismisses the 
charges brought against Joshua. As Joshua stands there with "filthy 
garments," the god designated mal'ak YHWH instructs the other 
gods, designated ha'omedim lefnaw ("those that stood before him- 
Yahweh") to take away the filthy garments of the high-priest and 
give him new ones. This convention also takes place in a temple, 
the second Temple of Jerusalem. Morgenstem says the role that 
Satan plays here is significantly indicative of the time in which the 
convention takes place. According to rabbinical tradition, upon 
each annual Yom Kippur, when the high-priest enters into the Holy 
of Holies to present himself before God, Satan always stood at 
hand in the Temple, just on the other side of a veil which covered 
the entrance of this part of the Temple. Satan is there to attempt to 
prevent the high-priest from being in good standing with God. 
Yom Kippur was celebrated on the New Years, which is evidence 
that the scene in Zee. transpired on the New Years Day.^^^ 

We have thus presented the evidence that the assembling of the 

consisted of one Great Year. This Great Year was determined by 
the Precession of the Poles, which took 25,897 years. Thus, one 
Great Year consisted of 25,897 years, and every 25,897 years they 
celebrated the New Year. The Hebrews, particularly Moses who 
was a student of the Kemetic Mysteries, in all probability learned 
of this Great Year. If so, it is possible to see in tiie Hebrew Annual 
Day of Judgment a closing of a 25,000 Year Cycle, as taught by 
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

The second detail highlighted by the Job narrative is the 
position Satan, or Hasatan occupies in the Divine Assembly. 
Satan is not yet viewed as a malevolent being who is the enemy of 
God. He isoneof the bene ha'eloheim. Morgenstem says, 

"His Junction is to roam about the world and take notice of 
the acts of men and at the proper moment to bring to 
Yahweh a report thereof. Moreover, the import of the 
name, Hasatan, 'the adversary' or 'the accuser'... indicates 
that it is sins and crimes of men, rather than their 
meritorious deeds, of which he takes note and which he 
reports to Yahweh. It is therefore a role of fixed hostility to 
mankind and, moreover. ..a role specifically assigned to him 
by Yahweh... (H)asatan... while still one of the 'bene 
ha'elohim,' i.e.,... one of 'the host of heaven,' is that 
particular divine minister of Yahweh regularly 
commissioned to seek out the iniquitous deeds of men and 
report them to Yahweh at His great Judgment assembly, His 
'adat 'el. ""^06 

This is why we find Satan coming with the bene ha'eloheim in 
Job. At this point he is a member of the Assembly. The other 
bene ha'eloheim are commissioned to roam the earth also, as we 
leam in Zee. 1:8-11. They bring back information concerning the 
nations of the earth to Yahweh. Hasatan is a member with a 
specifically defined role given to him by Yahweh himself: to bring 
back the report of the iniquitous deeds of men. He is not yet the 
enemy of God but one of His ministers. Mullen notes that the 
name Hasatan occurs with the definite article making it a title 
instead of a name. He says. 

role which the member ofYahweh's court performed as the 
'adversary. ' In post-biblical material, however, this figure 

became the source and personification of Evil. "'^' 

Satan's job is to patrol the earth and make reports of the 
iniquitous deeds of men and then report them to Yahweh. Thus, in 
Zeceriah, Satan attempts to bring charges against Joshua the high- 
priest. It is only in post-biblical times when Satan becomes the 
epitome of evil. How did Satan go from being one of the bene 
ha'eloheim, one of the gods of the Divine Assembly, to being the 
antithesis of God and the source of evil? 

Biblical and apocryphal writings speak of a rebellion that took 
place in heaven in the beginning. The leader of this rebellion 
against God was one of God's brightest shinning angels. The angel 
wanted to exalt himself above God and therefore, along with his 
followers, were cast out of heaven and from that point on became 
the source of all worldly evil: Satan. 


References to the Council are scarce in the New Testament. 
One early Christian text which describes the Council found at Nag- 
Hamadi. Entitled, The Apocryphon of John, it was written in 
Coptic and is dated to the third century, though it is a revision of 
earlier works. This text speaks of God as The MAN. Frederick 
Borsch, in his Son of Man in Myth and History, describes this 
Man-God according to the Apocryphon of John: 

"He is to be praised and is seen as a cosmic figure... He is 
creator, both father and son, the primal, source of all 
things. He wears the 'aeons' like a crown and rays dart 
forth from him... He is the Word and savior... The TWELVE 

"(2) And immediately I was in the spirit; 
and behold, A THRONE was set in heaven, 
and one sat on the throne. 

(3) And he that sat was to look upon 
like Jasper and a sardine stone: 

and there was a rainbow round about the throne. 
In sight like unto an emerald. 

(4) And round about the throne 
And upon the seats I saw 


clothed in white raiment 's; 

And they had on their heads crowns of gold... 

(10) The four and twenty Elders fall down 

before him that sat on the throne. 

And worship him that livethfor ever and ever, 

And cast their crowns before the throne. 

Saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, 

To receive glory and honor and power... 

(5:1) And I saw in the right hand of 

him that sat on the throne a BOOK 

written within and on the backside 

sealed with seven seals. " 

This is a clear description of the 24 Scientists, here called 
Elders. The Man sitting on the Throne is God. This Throne is the 

center of activity in Revelations, for it is mentioned 40 times. ^^^ 
The other twenty four are also sitting on thrones like God, showing 
that they are gods also, but of a lower rank. The Twenty Four 
Elders are shown prostrating themselves before God and 
worshipping Him. This seems to be their main duty in 
Revelations. It is interesting that the Man on the Throne is holding 
a Book in his hand sealed with seven seals. This picture in 
Revelations of the Twenty Four Elders is the culmination of the 
Biblical references to the Divine Assembly beginning with the 
Eloheim of Genesis 1 . These are the Twenty Four Scientists that 
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught the world of It is 
interesting, however, that the Judge in this picture makes the 
twenty 'fifth' person, not the twenty fourth as usual. Up 'till now, 
there were twentv four ends with the twentv fourth heine the 


The Muslim world also acknowledges the existence of this 
Divine Assembly. L.M.J. Garnet, in Mysticism and Magic in 
Turkey, writes, 

"According to the mystical canon, there are always on 
earth a certain number of holy men who are admitted to 
intimate communion with the Deity. "^^0 

Manley P. Hall, in his Mystics in Islam, observes also, 

"According to certain mystical calculations, the true saints 
of the Moslem world are... the 'unseen men' who journey to 
all parts of the world according to the Will of God and are 
given authority over the affairs of mankind, both Moslem 
and non-Moslem. Sometimes these saints are collectively 
referred to as The Owners, or Masters of Destiny. The 
chief among them is known as the Center, and each 
morning the saints assemble at Mecca, presumably by some 
mystical projection of their higher natures, and report all 

they have done to the Center. "'^^ 

The Center here is the Judge, Allah. Hall flirther says of the 

"At the head of the hierarchy composing the inner or 
mystical Dervish Order is a most august sole, who is called 
the 'Axis' or 'Pole' of the universe... (H)e often wanders the 
earth in the garb of a novice. He is a Master of the power 
of magic, can make himself invisible at will, and traverse 
vast distances with the speed of thought. ..This great body of 
spiritual mystics, collectively the 'Lords of Souls' and 
'Directors, ' is an invisible government controlling all the 
temporal institutions of Islam, and far surpassing in power 
all earthly monarchs...With ...AN INNER BODY 
COMPOSED OF GOD-MEN so highly advanced and so 

ctiT\a^ir\^ tr\ r\wriivtnii*\i Imwt^/^w^ii-ti /friy-v/ th»n-\t cnntm^ w»^r\wn »mi ic/vr^y-r/ 

This 'Axis of the Universe' is Allah Himself, the World King or 
Judge. It is interesting that He often walk's the earth as a novice 
(which is just a student instead of Master). Master Fard 
Muhammad, the Axis which we will deal with later, first appeared 
as a "prophet" instead of the God that He really was. Fazur 
Rahman, in Islam, says, 

"...the world is kept in tack, thanks to the existence of a 
network of.. .saints of DIFFERENT RANKS.. .around which 
the WHOLE UNIVERSE ROTATES But for this spiritual 

structure, the UNIVERSE WOULD GO TO PIECES "^^-^ 

This Divine Assembly is also mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. 
Just as God uses the plural personal pronoun "Us" and "Our" in the 
Bible, so too does the Holy Qur'an use the plural "We" (nahnu): 

"And surely We created man of sounding clay (15:26); 
"And indeed We have given thee a Reminder from 
Ourselves (20:99)", "And We made the heaven a guarded 
canopy (21:32) "; "And to Us you are returned (21:35) " 

Who are the "We" and "Us"? Muslim scholars today, having 
not understanding, attempt to dismiss these plural references by 
saying this is only Allah using language to express the greatness of 
His majesty. However, this is a very weak attempt on their part to 
rectify these clearly plural references with their misunderstanding 
of monotheism. These references could not be Allah using kingly 
language, because hard pronouns such as "Ourselves" 
(21:17;25:46;ect) necessitates the presence of a group of persons. 
Also such references to "Our eyes" in 1 1:37, "Our hands" in 36:71 
fiirther prove this point. 

Further proof that a plurality of beings is meant here is given 
in Surah 56:59: "/s it you that create or are We the CREATORS ?" 
"Creators" denotes more than one. Also, in 5 1:47," We are the 
Makers" and 15:23 "We are the Inheritors. " These are clearly 
references to a plural body. The Holy Qur'an mentions this 
Divine Council in Surah 37:8 where it refers to the "Exalted 
Assembly" (al-mala' al-a'la). Both Yusef Ali and Maulana Ali 
refer to this as a "heavenly assembly." Remember, in ancient 

The Holy Qur'an refers to members of this Divine Assembly 
as mala'ikah, translated as "angels." We found the members of 
Yahweh's Council referred to as Mal'ak, "angels." The word 
actually comes from the Arabic malakz, meaning "he controlled" 
or from alk, meaning "to send." These etymologies reveal that the 
true meaning of the word is not angel, but an emissary or one sent 
from the Council who has control over the forces of nature.^^^ 
These so-called angels, just as in the Bible, are pictured encircling 
Allah on His Throne. A.J. Wensinck, in The Muslim Creed, 
describes the duties of these mala'ikah: 

"In the Kuran the angels are mentioned as the heavenly 
host side by side with Allah Himself. They are His obedient 
servants who encircle His Throne, praising Him and 
prostrating themselves. They are His intermediaries with 
man, and more especially the bearers of His revelation and 
command. They console the Faithful and implore Allah's 
forgiveness on their behalf. They also accomplish the 
separation between body and soul when the children of 
man die; sometimes they combine this Junction with that of 
punishing the infidels. Especially in connection with the 
resurrection of the dead they are often mentioned: they will 
bear the throne on that day, they will be ranged in a row 
with the Ruh, but the intercession of many of them will be 

of no avail "^^^ 

In Surah 39:75 it reads, 

"And thou seest the angels (mala'ikah) going round about 
the Throne of Power, glorifying their Lord with praise. " 

We found that one of the duties of the bene ha'eloheim was to 
praise Yahweh in the Council. In Psalms 89:8-9, the heavenly host 
are referred to as "all those around him" {al-kol-sebibaw) and the 
"faithful ones (who) surround you (Yahweh)" (we'emunateka 
sebiboteka). Also, compare this with the picture in the Book of 
Revelations 4 of the Elders sitting around God on a Throne 
praising Him. Such is the case here also. In Surah 42:5, it says the 

The mala'ikah are also said to petition Allah on behalf of men. 
We find this described in Surah 40:7-9: 

"Those who bear the Throne of Power and those around it 
celebrate the praise of their Lord and believe in Him and 
ask protection for those who believe. " 

Here a distinction is made between those "who bear the 
Throne" and "those around" the Throne, showing that their is a 
rank. It is possible that this is reference to the Major and Minor 
Scientists. Not all angels are part of the Coimcil. A distinction is 
made between regular angels and "the angels who are near to Him 
(Allah) (al-mukarrabun) 4:172)." In Zee. 3:4, the gods are referred 
to simply as "those who stood before Him." The "Exalted Chiefs" 
are mentioned in Surah 38, entitled "Those Ranging in Ranks." 
In Surah 78:38, the mala'ikah are said to "stand in ranks" with Al- 
Ruh, The Spirit, at the forefi-ont. Al-Ruh is the angel Gabriel. He, 
like the haruah of Micaiah's vision, is a member of the Council 
referred to as The Spirit. Gabriel, or Al-Ruh, is mentioned as 
leading the mala'ikah on two other occasions: in Surah 70:4 
ascending to Allah; and in Surah 97:4 descending to earth. 
Gabriel's role in the Exalted Assembly is discussed in a later 

Men are forbidden to worship these mala'ikah. In Surah 
34:40, we read, 

"And on the day when He will gather them all together, 
then will He say to the angels: Did these worship you? 
(41) They will say: Glory be to Thee! Thou art our 
Protecting Friend, not they; nay, they worshipped the jinn; 
most of them were believers in them. " 

Compare this with Deut. 4:19 where Yahweh admonishes the 
people fi-om worshipping "the host of heaven." The members of 
Allah's Exalted Assembly are not to be worshipped, but are to 
worship Him. 

The members of Allah's Exalted Assembly also accompany 
Him in battle, just as the members of the Canaanite and Hebrew 
Assemblies accompanied the God in battle. In Surah 89:21, we 

The members of this Exalted Assembly are also referred to as 
Hafazah, "Keepers" (6:61;82:10). As Keepers, they watch over 
the affairs of men to "guard the consequences of his deeds."^^^ 
This is compared with the bene ha'eloheim referred to as 
"Guardians of the people" and "Watchers." As Keepers, they are 
also described as kiram-an katibin or "Honorable Recorders" who 
"know what you do" (82: 11). They are said to have all the deeds 
of man recorded. We notice that, in the Book of Job, the bene 
ha'eloheim were commissioned to go out in the world and make a 
record of the deeds of men. 

The Exalted Assembly of Islam shares a lot in common with 
the Hebrew Adat'el. Both are composed of the heavenly host 
encircling God as He sits enthroned. The members of each share 
the same duties, such as praising the God, serving as messengers or 
ambassadors, and accompanying the God in battle. Both have a 
member called Ruah or Ruh, The Spirit. Another member of the 
Adat'el was Hasatan. Satan was originally one of the bene 
ha'eloheim who was driven out of heaven. In the Exalted 
Assembly, one of the mala'ikah was Iblis. Iblis was the rebellious 
angel who was "driven away" (15:29-36) and later emerged as 
Shaiton, the Devil. Two other angels that they share in common 
are Gabriel and Michael. Both are mentioned by name in the Holy 
Qur'an (2:98) and both are mentioned by name in the Bible (Dan. 
8:16;9:21;10:13;12:1). The Qur'an, like the Bible, has it's "angel 
of death" (32:11). 


The Divine Assembly, as we have noted, consists of Twenty 
Four God-Men, i.e. Scientists; Twelve which are Major and 
Twelve which are Minor. But of the Twelve Major, there are 
seven which are of utmost significance. In fact, they are the only 
ones to be identified individually. In ancient Sumer they were 
called the ilu simati or "The Seven Gods of Fate." T. Jacobsen in 
"Primitive Democracy In Ancient Mesopotamia," observes, 

"A group of seven powerful gods, 'the seven gods who 
determine destiny'-that is, whose word is decisive-had, it 
would seem, the final say. "^^ ^ 

In the Akkadian Epic of Gilgammesh, "The Seven Wise Ones" are 

given special note.^^^ 

Of the Twelve Indian Adityas, there were also Seven Rishis 

("primeval flowing ones") who were the Great Progenitors.^^ ^ 
The Chaldeans as well as the Persians acknowledged these special 
"Seven Archangels. "^20 i^ Persia, they were called Amesha 
Spentas or the "Inunortal Holy Ones." ^2 1 These seven which 
were of special aid to the God Ahura Mazda were: Vohu Manah 
("Good Thought") the Angel of Revelation who appeared to the 
prophet Zara Thustra; Asha ("Right"); Kshathra ("Power" or 
"Dom\n\on"),Haurvatat ("Prosperity"); Armaiti ("Piety"); 
Armeretat ("Inunortality"); and Sraosha ("Obedience"), the Angel 
of Judgment. ^22 

The Hebrews believed that "the Throne of Jehovah was 
surrounded by his seven high-chiefs. "723 These Seven "High 
Chiefs" or Archangels are named: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, 
Uriel, Raguel, Saraqiel, and JeremielJ^"^ In Islamic theology. 

^17. Jacobsen, p. 169. 
^IS.pritchard, p. 75. 
719 Sitchin, 1976, p.61. 

790 i-v -»i 

there are four "archangels" that are recognized as such: Gabriel, 
Michael, along with 'Izra'il, the Angel of Death, and Israjil, the 
Angel of Resurrection. We will discuss these Angels, as well as 
the other that are mentioned by name in Islamic theology, in a later 

The Book of Revelations describes the duties of these Seven 
Angels in the Last Days. John the Revelator says in Chapter 8: 

"And when he had opened the seventh seal, 

there was a silence in heaven about the space of half an 


(2) And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; 

and to them were given seven trumpets... 

(6) And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets 
prepared themselves to sound. 

(7) The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and 
fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth; 
and a third part of the trees was burnt up, and all green 
grass was burnt up. 

(8) And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great 
mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea; and a 
third part of the sea became blood; 

(9) And the third part of the creatures which were in the 
sea, and had life, died, and a third part of the ships were 
destroyed. (10) And the third angel sounded, and there fell 
a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it 
fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains 
of waters... 

(12) And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the 
sun was smitten, and a third part of the moon, and a third 
part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, 
and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night 

(13) And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the 
midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice. Woe, woe, woe, 
to the inhabitants of the earth by reason of the other voices 
of the trumpet of the three angels which are yet to sound!" 

Chapter 9 continues: 

four angels which are bound in the great river 

The Seventh Angel is described independently from the others 
in Chapter 1 0; 

"And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, 
clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, 
and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars 

(2) And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his 
right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, 

(3) And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth... 

(5) And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon 
the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, 

(6) And sware by him that liveth forever. ..that there should 
be time no longer. " 

The Seven Angels appear to be the vanguard Gods of the 
Twelve Major Scientists and are clearly the Gods that will usher in 
the destruction of this present world. The Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad said of these Great Seven, 

"They have orders from Allah to do a certain job. Each 
one is to do a certain job, just as you read in the 
Bible... There are seven of them... They are not spooks, they 
are men... The devil is bound to attack us one day. But we 
have what they call, in the Bible seven Angels with us and 
Allah said, 'The devil is not enough for one. ' All seven 
would like to get a hold of him (devil)... (These) are seven 
Scientists that Allah sends to His Messenger in the 
Destruction. Last of all is that dreadful Angel who places 
one foot on land and one on sea. That's the dreadful one, 
the Seventh one. The Book says, and Allah confirms it, that 
he lifted up his right hand and his left hand to heaven. This 
is the way Muslims pray... He said these words, 'Time, time, 
shall soon know no more. ' Then he cut a shortage into 
gravity and set the nation on fire. Cutting a shortage 
means to cut a shortage into the atoms of the gravity of the 
earth and make the atnm.<: nver the earth exnlode. "'^J 

"The Angel is a very beautiful sight here. He put one foot 
on water and one foot on land... Since this is true out of 
both books, here is the secret of it: the man was raised off 
of the food and water out of the Earth, and out of the water 
he also obtained food to survive. So the Angel is cutting 
them off from both. He puts His foot on land and water 
because without either one of these two you can't exist. "725 

These Seven Gods or Archangels are the Vanguard of God's 
"Heavenly Host." 



Thus far, we have seen that the Gods serve a great many 
functions as members of God's Divine Court. They write the 
Prophetic History of the Black Nation. They Serve as warriors in 
God's army and accompany Him in His Holy Wars. The Gods will 
act as messengers for the Head God. In Deut. 33:2b-3, the 
functions of the Gods are explicitly stated: 

At his right hand marched the mighty ones, 

(mimino 'ase<ru 'e>lim) 

Yea the guardians of the people. 

('ap hobebe 'ammim) 

All the holy ones are at your right hand. 

(kol qedosi<m> beyadeka) 

They prostrate themselves at your feet, 

([ Jhimtakku leragleka) 

They carry out your decisions. 

(yisse'u-mi dibroteka) 

In these verses, the military duties of the Gods are reinforced, 
but other duties are also acknowledged. They are to prostrate 
themselves before the God (v3c). This is seen also in the Council 
scene of Isaiah where the seraphim sing the praises of Yahweh. 
This is one of their divine duties, to praise and prostrate themselves 
before the God, for they are not His equal. This point is reinforced 
in Ps. 29:1-2: 

Ascribe to Yahweh, O sons of the gods! 
(habu la YHWHbene 'elim) 

They are to cany out all the decisions of Yahweh (v3d). What 
ever the Judge decrees, the Gods will bring into fruition. But the 
most interesting is v3. The Gods are referred to here as the 
"guardians of the people." The Honorable Elijah Muhammad 
taught that in the beginning, there were five billion people on the 
earth divided up into twelve nations. The ruler of each nation was 
one of the Twelve Major Scientists. This teaching is clearly 
proved in Deut. 32:8-9 where it reads: 

"When the Most High apportioned the nations 
When he separated the sons of man, 
He established the boundaries of the peoples 
According to the number of the sons of God. " 

While the King James Version writes "sons of God" as "sons of 
Israel," the discovery of the ancient Hebrew text's from Qumram 
prove that it is properly written "sons of God" or "sons of the 
gods," bene ha'eloheim.^27 -j^e nations were apportioned and the 
boundaries of the peoples were set based on the number of the 
bene ha'eloheim. What was the number of the bene ha'eloheim? 
L. Graham, in Deceptions and Myths of the Bible, says, 

"...Eloheim. The word comes from Alheim and means a 
council, a Council of the Gods... The Eloheim were 
inferentially twelve in number, since there were twelve 

Titans and twelve powers of the zodiac. "'^° 

The number of the Eloheim is Twelve. The nations and 
peoples were apportioned and each of the twelve Eloheim was 
placed over a nation. They were to be the guardians of the people. 
In Deut. 4:19, Yahweh forbids the people from worshipping the 
sun, moon, stars, or all the "host of heaven" whom Yahweh had 
"allotted (halaq) unto all nations under the heavens." In the 
apocalyptic Book of Sirac, it states 

"For every nation he appointed a ruler. But Israel is the 
Lord's portion. ""^^^ 

it is written that "This matter is by the decree of the Watchers, and 
the demand by the word of the holy ones. " They are called the 

Watchers in the apocryphal Book of Enoch 7^^ In the Kemetic 
Text Pepi II, they are called Watchers. 

We have seen that the Gods are often dispatched as messengers 
for the Council £ind/or the Judge. When they are in this role, they 
are referred to as a mal'ak, often translated "angel." The word 
really means "ambassador," "to dispatch as a deputy" or 
"messenger." This speaks to the gods' role as ambassador to the 
Council. When reference is made to "angels" in the Bible, the 
reference is usually to one of the Scientists. We have developed 
this later in this writing. 

Some times one of the Scientists would be dispatched from the 
Council in order to be a messenger for the Council. Other times, 
however. Scientists are dispatched not to carry a message to the 
people, but to bring destruction to a people. These are "Angels of 
Death" or "Death Angels." When Yahweh destroyed Sodom and 
Gommorah he dispatched two angels, i.e. Scientists, to bring about 
this destruction (Gen. 19). 


One of the oft' used methods of destruction is the sending of 
plagues upon a people. Yahweh sent plagues into Egypt to curse 
Pharaoh (Ex. 11:1). Because this type. of destruction is used so 
often, there is a god on the Council that is the god of Pestilence 
and Plague. In Habakkuk 3.3 this go'd is said to precede the 
coming of God from Teman. It reads, 

"God came from Teman, and the Holy One from Mt. 
Paran...Befi)re him Pestilence (Daber) marched, And 
Plague (Resep) went forth at his feet. " 

Mullen says, 

"Here, the designation of the members of the military 
entourage as Pestilence (daber) and Plague (resep) shows 
the terror involved in the theophany of the Divine Warrior. 
The inclusion of Resep, the god of pestilence and disease, is 
not surprising. As this god could be invoked in the 
assembly when the concern was for progeny..., so he could 

also accompany the warrior-god in combat. "^^^ 

Resep, the god of Pestilence and Disease, also called Daber, 
was a part of the Divine Council in Canaan. In an ancient 
Canaanite text, six of the members of the Assembly are mentioned: 
El, the Judge, and Aliyan, Ba'l Yarihu, Kotar, Rahmayyu, and 
Rapsu. Rapsu, like the Hebrew Resep, is the god of Pestilence 
and Plague. ^-^2 f/fg Encyclopedia of Religion observes that the 

two gods are in fact the same god.^^^ We observe this god in I 
Cor. 21:14-16: 

"So the Lord sent Pestilence upon Israel: 

and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men. 

(15) And God sent an angel unto Jerusalem to destroy it: 

And as he was destroying, the Lord beheld, 

and he repented him of evil, 

and said to the aneel that destroyed. 

threshing floor of Oman the Jebusite. 
(16) And David lifted up his eyes, 
And saw the angel of the Lord 
Stand between the earth and the heaven, 
Having a drawn sword in his hand 
stretched out over Jerusalem. " 

Resep, the God of Pestilence, shown on a stella from 
ancient Syria (Photo from Pritchard, 1954, p. 164) 

In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Europe was hit with 
great plagues that wiped out between one third to one half of the 
European population. The plague which so devastated Europe was 
Bubonic Plague, but it has become known as Black Death. 

The orthodox history says that the plague was caused and 
spread by rodent's and through the cold air. However, there is 
more to the story than meets the eye. William Bramley, in The 
Gods of Eden, observes that, 

"...Troubling enigmas about the Black Death still linger. 
Many outbreaks occurred in the summer during warm 
weather in uncrowded regions. Not all outbreaks of 
bubonic plague were preceded by rodent infestation: in 
fact, only a minority of cases seemed to be related to an 
increase in the presence of vermin. The greatest puzzle 
about Black Death is how it was able to strike isolated 
human populations which had no contact with earlier 
infected areas. The epidemics also tended to end 
abruptly "'^^4 

The most puzzling phenomena associated with the Black Death 
is the curious appearance of mysterious Black Men right before the 
outbreak of the plague, and their mysterious subsequent 
disappearance. Johannes Nohl, in his The Black Death, A 
Chronicle of the Plague, chronicles these mysterious appearances. 
He writes, 

" the year of Christ 1571 was seen at Cremnitz in the 
mountain towns of Hungary on Ascension Day in the 
evening to the great perturbation [disturbance] of all, when 
on the Schuelersberg there appeared SO MANY BLACK 
RIDERS that the opinion was prevalent that the Turks were 
making a secret raid, but who RAPIDLY DISAPPEARED 
again, and thereupon a RAGING PLAGUE BROKE OUT 


These Black riders are reminiscent of the bene ha'eloheim in 
Zee. 1:8-11. They are pictured mounted on horses. Nohl cites a 
journal from 1680 which reported: 

had disappeared a great heat set in so that people in this 
place could hardly stand it... Whereupon the epidemic set in 

Thuringia in many places. "^^^ 

Probably the most interesting took place in Germany: 

"In Brandenburg [in Germany] there appeared in 1559 
horrible men, of whom at first fifteen and later on TWELVE 
were seen. The foremost had beside their posteriors little 
heads, the others fearful faces and long scythes, with which 
they cut the oats, so that the swish could be heard at a 
great distance, but the oats remained standing. When a 
quantity of people came running out to see them, they went 

on with their mowing. "'^' 

Plague struck Brandenburg right after. Who are these 
mysterious Black Men whose presence and subsequent 
disappearance brings pestilence and disease? Bramley theorizes 
that they are members of a Council of Gods (whom he calls the 
Custodians). He believes they were engaged in germ-warfare. The 
"long scythes" carried by the twelve men referred to above, he 
believes, are instruments designed to spray poison or germ laden 
gas. The fact that, with all their mowing, no oats were cut, and 
because these "scythes" emit a loud noise, his theory is not 
altogether far fetched. 

Bramley's theory of germ-warfare is strengthened further by 
the reports of a "mist" which preceded the epidemic. George 
Deaux, in Black Death, notes that, 

"German accounts speak of heavy vile-smelling mist which 
advanced from the East and spread itself over Italy. "'^° 

He says in other countries, 

"...people were convinced that they could contract the 
disease from the stench, or even.. .actually see the plague 

coming through the streets as a pole fog. "' '" 

"During the whole of the year 1382 there was no wind, in 
consequence of which the air grew putrid, so that an 
epidemic broke out, and the plague did not pass from one 
man to another, but everyone who was killed by it got it 
straight from the air. ""^^O 

Had the god Resep visited Europe? 


In Surah 45:29, it reads, 

"This is Our record that speaks against you with truth. 
Surely We wrote what you did. " 

In Surah 36:12, we read, "We record everything in a clear 
writing. " This clear writing is the writing that the Honorable 
Elijah Muhammad taught contained the prophetic history of the 
world. This Book contains every thing that will transpire on the 
earth for a 25,000 Year Period. In Surah 27:75, it reads, 

"And there is nothing concealed in the heaven and the 
earth but it is in a clear book " 

Surah 57:22 says, 

"No disaster befalls in the earth, or in yourselves, but TTIS 
surely this is easy to Allah. " 

This completely bares witness to what the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad taught. 

Prophet Muhammad also taught of this writing of Prophetic 
History. He said at one point, 

"The first thing Allah created was the Pen. He said to it: 
Write. It asked: Lord, what shall I write? He answered: 

The "Clear book" which contains the record of man's deeds and 
the prophetic history of the world is referred to as the Umm al- 
Kitab, meaning Mother or Original of the Book. In Surah 43:3-4, 
it is written, 

"Surely We have made it an Arabic Qur'an that you may 
understand. (4) And it is in the Original of the Book 
(Umm al-Kitab) with Us, truly elevated, full of wisdom. " 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the Holy Qur'an 
and Bible are "scriptures," meaning they are pieces of a bigger 
writing. That bigger writing is here referred to as Umm al-Kitab 
and is in the possession of the Exalted Assembly. 

The Great Pyramid of Kemet, the so-called Pyramid of 
Ghezah, is the house of that 25,000 Year Prophetic History. In 
Kemet, the Urshi or "Mystery Teachers of Heaven" were 
Astronomers. They read the history in the stars and celestial 
bodies, and then wrote them on the walls of the Great Pyramid. ^^2 
G.G.M. James, in his Stolen Legacy, observes that these Kemetic 
Mystery Teachers, through their rigorous and disciplined 42 year 
study in the Mystery System, gained not only the power to control 

the forces of nature, but also to predict the future. ''+^ These Urshi 
coded their prophesies in symbol and allegory on the walls of the 
temples. This prophecy was based on the Cycles of the Great 

Charles Finch, in his Echoes of The Old Darkland, describes 
this Great Year that the Kemetians calendair of events was based 
on. He says, 

"// (the Great Year) is determined by the Precession of the 
Equinoxes, itself a function of the 23 1/2 degree tilt of the 
earth's axis. This tilt gives us two north poles, the magnetic 
north defined by the earth's tilted northern axis and the 
vertical north pole, sometimes referred to as True North or 
the north pole of the ecliptic. .This 23 1/2 degrees of tilt 
gives the earth a wobbling motion, like a spinning top, as it 
rotates and revolves around the sun. As a result of this 
wobble, the magnetic north pole describes a slow, 
retrograde circle around the north pole of the ecliptic. 

itself is displaced for another. It takes between 25,860 to 
25,920 years for the earth's axis to complete this cycle. 
This is the Great Year and the apparent retrograde 
movement of the equinoxes relative to the circle of 
constellations represents the Precession. Once this was 
discovered... by pre-historic Kamit astronomer-priests, the 
heavenly circle was divided into 12 arcs, EACH 
mythic type... Each of the 12 arcs of the Precessional circle 
represents a 'month' of 2, 155-2, 160 years in the Great Year 
of nearly 26,000 years. ""^^4 

In other words, the north pole which is tilted 23 1/2 degrees, as 
the earth rotates, transcribes an imaginary "circle" around the 
heavens. It takes 25,860 years to complete. As this Precession 
progresses, the pole passes through the Twelve Constellations 
which are over the north pole. It remains in each of the twelve for 
a "month," which equals 2,155 years. This is the Great Year. 
Each "month" was presided over by one of the twelve 
constellations. We have seen that each of the Twelve Judges of 
Ma'at, or the Twelve Gods of Ra's Council, was represented by one 
of the Zodiac. The Zodiac of the Kemetians, from which the 
current Zodiac is based, can be seen on the ceiling of the Temple 
of Hathor at Dendarah (Figure 41) which was buih around 3,200 
B.C.. ^45 The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that each of the 
Twelve Major Gods was represented by a constellation. 





Figure 41 

Egyptian Calendar at Temple of Hathor 

(Photo from Finch, 1991, p. 121) 

This Great Year of 26,000 years was the Kemetic Calendar. 

The Urshi based their predictions on this Great Year,^'^^ just as 
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches. The Great Pyramid was 
designed to contain the complete record or "Mother Book" of 
25,000 years of prophetic history coded in it's structure and 
hieroglyphics. Churchward says, 

"The Arab traditions affirm that the Great Pyramid of 
Ghizeh was a 'star-temple' and a treasury of knowledge, - 
the hidden wisdom and the means of keeping chronology 
from the beginning TO THE END OF TIME. "7^7 

'He quotes a Colonel Green who says that the ascending and 
descending Passage and Grand Gallery of the Pyramid coincides 

_ r* '^ £■ r»rv^ 

contains 25,000 years of prophetic history. The two diagonals of 

the base added together equals the Great Year. '4* 

The 13th chamber of the Great Pyramid is reported to contain 
the history and destiny of the World. Hannibal Ahmed, 
Egyptologist, observes, 

"The thirteenth chamber of the Great Pyramid corresponds 
with the north pole every 25,000 YEARS. If we studied 
solar time, lunar time, and stellar time measurements, we 
would clearly understand the theology of time and better 
able to verify the Messenger's (Elijah Muhammad) 

teachings. "'^^ 

The Great Pyramid houses that 25,000 Years of Prophetic 
History called Bible or Holy Qur'an. Churchward concludes, 

"When you have learned the hidden mysteries contained in 
the symbolism of the Great Pyramid you must arrive at the 
STONE... It contains the message and gnosis for poor 
humans for their salvation and way to eternal life... THE 

Gerald Massey has proved beyond all doubt that the whole of 
the Old and New Testament books are reworkings of the Kemetic 
Wisdom written in stone which we have learned is prophecy. Thus, 
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that the Bible is 75% 
prophecy. Charles Finch concludes, elaborating on Massey, 

"Gerald Massey states that ANCIENT PROPHECY 
GREAT YEAR, because in knowing, THE 
REVEALED BEFOREHAND. The Old Testament has 
come to us as, on the one hand, a book of judgment, and on 

,,7? 7 

The Judges which preside over the cycles are the Twelve 
Judges of Ma'at. There could not be any greater evidence of the 
truth of what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches. The 
Kemetic Urshi predict history to last a cycle of one Great Year or 
25,000 years. This prophetic history was written in symbols on the 
walls and in the structure of the Great Pyramid. 

The Umm al-Kitab, containing 25,000 Years of Prophetic 
History, is the source from which all of the world's scriptures 
derive. The Bible, the Qur'an, the Zend Advesta, ect., are all 
portions of this Great Writing. Madam Blavatsky may have made 
reference to a copy of this Great Writing when she spoke of a 
"very old book" which she came across in her travels. She says: 

"So very old that our modern antiquarians might ponder 
over its pages an indefinite time, and still not quite agree as 
to the nature of the fabric upon which it is written. It is the 
only original copy now in existence. The most ancient 
Hebrew document on occult learning-the Siphrah 
Dzeniouta-was compiled from it, and that at a time when 
the former was already considered in the light of a literary 
relic... The 'very old book' is the original work from which 
the many volumes of Kiu-ti were completed. Not only this 
latter and the Siphrah Dzeniouta but even the Sepher 
Yezirah, the work attributed by the Hebrew Kabalists to 
their Patriarch Abraham, the book Shu-King, China's 
primitive Bible, the sacred volumes of the Egyptian Thoth- 
Hermes, the Puranas of India, and the Chaldean Book of 
Numbers, and the Pentateuch itself, all derive from that one 
small parent volume. Tradition says, that it was taken 
down in Senzar, the secret sacerdotal tongue, from the 
words of the Divine Beings (Sons of God). "'^^^ 


We have seen that the Council of The Gods meets every year 
on New Years Day to pronounce Judgment. But where do they 
meet? The answer to this question is consistent in all of the 
traditions we have examined: on the Holy Mountain. In Sumer, 
the gods met at a large mountain court named Ubshuukkinna. 
The gods of Greece met on Mount Olympus. Homer described this 
Mountain of The Gods thus: 

"(It is) the seat of the gods established forever. It is not 
shaken by winds nor ever wet with rain, and the snow 
comes not nigh; but the clear air spreads without a cloud, 
and the white light floats over it. There the blessed gods 

take their pleasure for all day. "'^^ 

In Cannaan, the Assembly of 'El also met on top of a Holy 
Mountain. Mullen says, 

"...the mount of 'El was the hursanu, the place of entrance 
to both the Underworld and Heaven. It was the place of 
judgment, the seat of the divine council. The tent-dwelling 
of the aged deity lay there, at the sources of the life-giving 
rivers. It formed the cosmic center of the earth, the region 
of Paradise. From there the high god delivered his decree 
from within the divine council. It was this mountain which 
became the central focus of the... high god and his 

council. "'^^ 

The Ugaritic designation hursanu signifies both "mountain" 
and "the place of the river-ordeal." Two rivers are pictured 
flowing from the base of this Holy Mountain where the Assembly 
of The Gods convened. This Holy Mountain is also called gr 'II, or 
Mount LI. The actual mountain range where 'El's Council met is 
placed at, according to Mullen and others, the mountain range 
called the Amanus, which is located to the north of Ugarit (which 
is to the north of Canaan). 'El is called // pabanhi-wi-ni haman, 
'"El. the one of the mountain. Haman CAmanusV" 

designated har-mo'ed or "Mount of Assembly." In Ps 48:1-3 we 

"Great is Yahweh, and greatly to be praised, 

in the city of our God, his holy mount (har-qodso) 

(2) The beautiful height, the center of all the earth (mesos 


Mount Zion, the extreme north (yarkete sapon), 

the city of the great king. " 

The fact that Mt. Zion is described here as being in the 
"extreme north" (yarkete sapon) connects it with Mount Amanus 
which was also described in the Bible by that very term (Ez. 38:6, 
15; 39:2). This makes the Holy Mount of 'El and the Holy Mount 
of Yahweh the same. Both are described as being in the midst of 
flowing rivers. In Ez. 28, the lameny over the king of Tyre, he 
attempts to "sit enthroned in the seat of God (mosad 'elohim) in the 
heart of the seas (v2). " Compare this with the Ugaritic text which 
refers to 'El's dwelling; "Towards 'El at the sources of the rivers, in 

the midst of the double-deep."^ ^^ It is from this holy mount that 
Yahweh's decree issues forth (Isa. 2:3) 

The meeting place of the Gods is on a high mountain which is 
supposed to be the center of the earth. Mt. Amanus is thought to 
be the Mount, but this is far from conclusive as there are other 

Mountains referred to in the literature. ^^^ We find that this Holy 
Mountain, which ever mountain it is, has played a very significant 
role in the religious history of the world. The sages and prophets 
received their revelations in a mountain. Jesus was transfigured in 
a mountain. Thus, when theologians speak of God beings "high 
up," this doesn't mean He is floating in outer space. No, the Gods 
meet on the highest point on the earth: on a sacred mountain. 
In conclusion, Mullen says, 

"Our study of the divine council in Canaanite, Phoenician, 
and early Hebrew sources has revealed a great similarity 
in the constitution and function of the divine assembly. The 
council of the gods met to decree the fate of both gods and 
humans. The assembly was composed of MAJOR AND 
MINOR DEITIES, whose functions were to aid the high god 

have the power of decree or of life. This belonged only to 
the high god 'El/Yahweh. "7^7 

The same can be said of Sumer, Kemet, Persia, India, and all 
the other traditions we have examined. My conclusion is that these 
are not all different Assemblies with different gods. The 
similarities in all of them make it clear this is the same Divine 
Assembly, with Twelve Minor Gods and Twelve Major Gods, One 
of which is The God and Judge. Manley P. Hall notes: 

"The number twelve frequently occurs among ancient 
peoples, who in nearly every case had a pantheon 
consisting of twelve demigods ...presided over by the 
Invincible One. " 

These are all men, the God and the Heavenly Host that 
surround Him. They control the destiny of the world and the life 
of individuals. This is the true theophany, for God manifest 
Himself today as He always has: as a Council of Gods with One 
being the Supreme Ruler of the Universe. Everything the Hon. 
Elijah Muhammad said concerning the Twenty Four Scientists, I 
believe I have shown here, is backed up by the testimony of our 
ancient mothers and fathers. 



We have just outlined the structure of this "secret government," 
composed of 24 Black Men who £ire Gods- who control the 
ftmctions of the universe. This body of Black Gods is known 
throughout the world under different names: Eloheim, Adat'El, 
The 24 Elders, Annunaki, Aditays, The Judges of Ma' at. The 
Mystic Order of Dervishes, etc. It is this body of Black Gods that 
brings rain, hail, snow, and earthquakes. It is this Council, as 
outlined, that also imparts knowledge to the world. I will show in 
this Part how they impart this knowledge. I will also show how 
they are not only involved in the "religious affairs" of the world, 
such as raising up and teaching prophets, but they are very much 
involved, actually behind, the "secular affairs" of the world. It is 
they who have been guiding the destiny of the nations of the earth 
in accord with the well-laid out plans of the Prophetic History 
which is written every 25,000 years in advance. It is they who see 
to it that this prophecy is fulfilled. 

The identity of the members of this Divine Council is usually 
unknown. It is only known among the Circle. The Head Judge is 
called Allah. Every now and then, however, we will learn of this 
One's personal attribute. Anu, Ahura Mazda, Yahweh, Ra were the 
personal attributes of the Head Gods who ruled at various times. 
As stated in the previous chapter, whenever an aspect of the 
Prophetic History is about to be fulfilled, one of the Major 
Scientists or Gods will raise up one from among the people and 
that one will teach him and make him a prophet. That One would 
either be the Judge, or He would be one of the Twelve Major 
Scientists. When it is one of the Scientists that is commissioned for 
this job. He appears as an Arch-Angel or as an "Unknown Man" 
of scripture. 



In the 18th Chapter of Genesis, it is written of Abraham: 

"And the Lord appeared unto him (Abraham) in the plains of 
Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; 
And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo, THREE MEN 
stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them 
from the tent door, AND BOWED HIMSELF TOWARD THE 
GROUND, and said, MY LORD, if now I have found favor 
in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant: Let 
a little water, I pray you be fetched, and WASH YOUR 
I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort your hearts; after 
that ye shall pass on.. .And they said, So do, as thou hast 
said. And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and 
Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched a calf tender and 
good.. .And he took butter, and milk and the calf which he 

" AND THE MEN ROSE UP from thence, and looked 
toward Sodom: and Abraham went with them to bring them 
on the way. AND THE LORD SAID, Shall I hide from 
Abraham that thing which I do;. ..And the Lord said, 
Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorra is great, and 

and went toward Sodom: But Abraham stood yet before the 
Lord... And the Lord went his way... " 

I put as much of Chapter 18 in here as possible because an 
extremely important fact is revealed here. Of those THREE MEN 
that approached Abraham in the plains of Mamre, one of those men 
was The Lord. The Lord and the two other Men that are with him 
are fed very well by Abraham and Sarah; fed with regular food that 
you and I eat: bread, cakes, meat, butter, and milk. These are three 
human beings, but one of them is THE LORD. This man who 
approached Abraham with two other "men" is not identified by 
name, only as The Lord. As we will later see, this is a recurring 
phenomena: holy figures will appear but their identity would not 
be known. This Man who is Abraham's Lord is in fact Allah, the 
Head Judge of the Council of the Gods of Abraham's day. Notice 
that this simple designation Adonay ("Lord") seems to be an 
identifying mark of the Council members. As we vkdll soon see, 
almost all, if not all, of these unidentified figures are referred to as 
Adonay or "My Lord." 

But who are the other two men with him? The very next 
chapter reveals their identity. At the closing of the 1 8th Chapter, 
the two men leave the Lord behind talking to Abraham and they go 
on to Sodom. The Lord eventually meets them there. The opening 
of Chapter 19 says: 

"And there came TWO ANGELS TO SODOM at even... and 
Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed 
himself with his face toward the ground; And he said, 
Behold now, MY LORDS.. .into they servants house, and 
tary all night, AND WASH YOUR FEET, and ye shall rise 
up early, and go on your ways... 

" But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the 
men of Sodom, compassed the house round. .And they 
called unto Lot and said unto him. Where are the MEN 
which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us 
that we may know them... 
" But THE MEN put forth their hand and pulled Lot into 

place: For WE WILL DESTROY THIS PLACE, because 
the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; 
" And when the morning arose, THEN THE ANGELS 
hastened Lot, saying Arise, take thy wife and thy two 
daughters, which are here; lest they be consumed in the 
iniquity of the city... " 

Clearly the two men that accompanied The Lord were two of 
His Angels, or two other Scientists from the Council. The Head 
Judge is Allah, the God, while the others are called in scripture His 
Angels. It is these other Scientists or Angels that destroy cities 
with Allah. The Unnamed Holy Man and the two men with Him 
represented Allah, the Judge, and two of His Angels or Scientists. 

There are other times when the Head Judge doesn't go. Instead, 
He sends one of the other Major Scientists to do the job of 
conversing with the prophet. In these situations, the identity of the 
Scientist is usually unknown. In fact, when one appears in the 
scripture, the scholars know not who or what he represents. He is 
not identified as an angel. He is referred to as one of God's 
Servants but He is not identified as a prophet. He in fact teaches 
the prophets. He is no ordinary Servant because he has great 
power and the prophets bow down in their presence. They are 
actually one of the Major Scientists. 

One appears in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 10. It is necessary 
that I quote the entire chapter so that the fiill significance is 
revealed. It reads: 

"In the third year of Cyrus King of Persia a thing was 
revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called 
Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, but the time 
appointed was long: and he understood the thing, and had 
understanding of the vision. 

" In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks. I 
ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my 
mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three weeks 
were fulfilled. And in the four and twentieth day of the first 
month, as I was by the side of the great river, which is 


" And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for men that were 
with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon 
them, so that they fled to hide themselves. Therefore I was 
left alone, and saw this great vision, AND THERE 
CORR UPTION, and I retained no strength. Yet I heard the 
voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his 
words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and MY 

" And, behold, a hand touched me, which set me upon my 
knees and upon the palms of my hands. And he said unto 
me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words 
that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee AM 
I NOW SENT. And when he had spoken this word unto me, 
I STOOD TREMBLING. Then said he unto me, Fear not 
Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thy heart to 
understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, and thy 
words were heard, and I am come for thy words. 
" But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 
one and twenty days: but lo, Michael, one of the chief 
princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the 
chiefs of Persia. Now I am come to make thee understand 
when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face 
towards the ground, and I became dumb. And behold, one 
like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I 
opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him that stood 
before me, O MY LORD (ADONAY), by the vision my 
sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no 

of a man, and he strengthened me. And said, O man greatly 
beloved, fear not: PEACE BE UNTO THEE, be strong. And 
when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said. 
ME. Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto 
thee? and now I will return to fight with the prince of 
Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince ofGrecia 
shall come. 

SCRIPTURE OF TRUTH: and there is none that holdeth 
with me in these things but Michael your prince, (end)" 

Who is this Divine Man? He is one with great power to 
strengthen the prophet Daniel, and great authority to cause the 
prophet to tremble and bow his face to the ground. His identity is 
made known in the 14th and 21st verse. "Now I am come to make 
Man is one of the 12 Major Scientists who had come to reveal to 
Daniel the aspect of the Prophesy about to be fiilfilled. 


The color of the Man is very interesting: the color of "polished 
brass." This is reminiscent of the biblical description of Black 
Jesus- that he is as "fine brass burned in an oven." Whoever this 
powerful Holy Man is, he is a Black Man. He gives the greeting of 
"Peace be unto you" or in the language of the scripture, "As- 
Salaam Alaikum." That these Scientists of the Council of God are 
Black is confirmed by Ezekiel. In a vision, the prophet beheld one 
of the Scientists: 

"And he brought me thither, and, behold, THERE WAS A 

"And above the firmament that was over their heads was a 
Throne, as the appearance of sapphire stone: and upon the 
likeness of the throne was the likeness of the appearance of 
a MAN above it. And I saw the COLOR OF AMBER, as 
the appearance of fire round about within him, from the 
appearance of his loins even upward, and from the 
appearance of his loins even downward (Ez. 1:26-7). " 

In Ez. 10:20, this MAN is identified as God Himself. Rev. 
Ishakamusa Barashango, in his God, the Bible, and the Black 
Man 's Destiny, notes: 

" The Revised Standard Version of the Bible renders the 
word amber as 'gleaming bronze. ' The word 'amber ' 
comes from the Hebrew word 'Chasmal ' which is a golden- 
brown substance that was used by the ancients to produce 
static electrical charges. " ''^ 



These Scientists have likewise been written of as "Unknown 
Men" in the Holy Qur'an, the sacred scripture of Islam. One of 
the most mysterious figures of Muslim tradition is the Unidentified 
Servant of the Lord found in Surah 18, section 9 and 10, beginning 
withayat65. It begins: 

"They found one of our servants whom We had granted 
mercy from Us and Whom We had taught knowledge from 
Ourselves. " 

The "We" here is the rest of the Council speaking. It continues: 

"Moses said to him: May I follow thee that thou MAYEST 
TEACH ME of the good thou hast been taught? He said: 
Thou canst not have patience with me. And how canst thou 
have patience in that whereof thou hast not a 
comprehensive knowledge? He said: If Allah please, thou 
wilt find me patient, nor shall I disobey thee in aught. He 
said: If thou wouldst follow me, question me not about 
aught until myself speak to thee about it. 
" So they set out until, when they embarked in a boat, he 
made a hole in it. (Moses) said: Hast thou made a hole in 
it to drown its occupants? Thou hast surely done a 
grievous thing. He said: Did I not say that thou couldst 
not have patience with me? He said: Blame me not for 
what I forgot, and be not hard upon me for what I did. 
" So they went on until, when they met a boy he slew him. 

about anything after this, keep not company with me. Thou 
wilt then indeed have found an excuse in my case. 
" So they went on until, when they came to the people of a 
town, they asked its people for food, but they refused to 
entertain them as guests. Then they found in it a wall 
which was on the point of falling, so he put it into a right 
state. (Moses) said: If thou hadst wished, thou couldst have 
taken recompense for it. He said: This is the parting 
between me and thee. Now I will inform thee of the 
significance of that with which thou couldst not have 
" As for the boat, it belonged to the poor people working 
on the river, and I intended to damage it, for there was 
behind them a king who seized every boat by force. And for 
the boy, his parents were believers and We feared lest he 
should involve them in wrongdoing and disbelief. So We 
intended that their Lord might give them in his place one 
better in purity and nearer to mercy. 
" And for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the 
city, and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them, 
and their father had been a righteous man. So thy Lord 
intended that they should gain their maturity and take out 
their treasure-a mercy from their Lord-and I did not do it 
of my own accord. This is the significance of that with 
which thou couldst not have patience (End). " 

Who is this Unnamed Servant? Jabril Muhammad says, 

"A great many scientists, on the scriptures, referred to this 
servant as 'the green one. ' This was due to the nature of his 
wisdom, which was direct from the Source of wisdom, the 
Great God and Supreme Being of all creation, Allah 

Surely he is more than a prophet, for he TEACHES prophets. 
His identity was in fact revealed in the 80th and 81st verse (ayat). 
In explaining why he killed the young boy, he says, "We feared" 
and "We intended." As we have shown, the "WE" is referring to 

Council of the Gods; one of the Scientists. He is not the Judge, but 
one of the Majors. 

MusUm tradition has since called him Al-Khadir which means 
"the green one." One can't help but connect this designation with 
the green garments said to be worn by the Scientists. His real 
name, geneologym, or date is unknown. However, much is 
recorded of him in these traditions. He is Sdid to live on ein isleind, 
the name of which is unknown. Others say he lives in Jerusalem 
and makes salat every Friday in the Mosques of Mecca, Medina, 
Jerusalem, Kuba' and on the Mount of Olives. He makes 
pilgrimage to Mecca every year, drinks from the Well of Zem Zem 
every Friday, and washes in the well of Siloam. 

Al-Khadir is said to possess great power. As Allah's khalifa 
(deputy) on sea and wakil on land, he has power over the sky, sea, 
and all quarters of the earth. He is immortal, can make himself 
invisible at will, and can speak the language of every people. Al- 
Khadir was a god to the Syrian sailors and in India he was 
appealed to as a river-god by the name Kh-w-adja Khidr.^'" 


We have above noted the Four Archangels of Islamic tradition. 
The most famous, written of in the Qur'an as a leader of sorts of the 
other "angels," is Jabril or Gabriel. It is written that Muhammad 
would frequently go up into the mountain cave of Hira and 
meditate and contemplate over issues of the divine. But on one of 
those sessions, a vision came to him. In the vision, the angel 
Gabriel came to him and with a loud and authoritative voice said to 
the Prophet, "Read." After Muhammad replied, "I am not one who 
can read" Gabriel "took hold to me and pressed me so hard that I 
could not bear it any more."^*^ Then after the third repetition of 
this, Gabriel revealed to Muhammad the first Surah (Chapter) and 
Ayat (verse) of the Holy Qur'an: 

"Read in the Name of thy Lord Who created-He created 
man from a clot-Read and thy Lord is most Honorable. " 

It was Gabriel who, over a period of some 27 years, revealed 
the totality of the Holy Qur'an to the Holy Prophet. It has 
generally been assumed that the angel Gabriel was some spooky 
being with wings or something that is other than a man. But the 
Holy Prophet and the Holy Qur'an says differently: the angel 
Gabriel was a Man. The Qur'an says, 

"Then We sent to her (Mary) Our spirit and it appeared to 
her as a WELL-MADE MAN (19:1 7). " 

Gabriel is known as the Spirit of Truth or the Holy Spirit {ruh 
al-kundus).^*^ We have seen that such a member of the Council 
described in Hebrew literature was designated as "Ruah," The 

In describing the way in which he receives revelation, 
Muhammad mentions two ways as reported by A'isha. The first 
and the hardest on him is when he only hears Gabriel in his ears 
but he doesn't see Him. The other is when he does see Him and 

"the Angel comes to me in THE LIKENESS OF A MAN and 
speaks to me and I retain in memory what he says. " '' 

In his Hadith there is a very interesting account of a particular 
experience that the Prophet had. It is related by Umar, the second 
Caliph. I will quote it in its entirety: 

"One day while we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah 
(may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) 
Journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew 
him. He walked up and sat down by the Prophet (may the 
blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Resting his 
knees against his and placing the palms of his hands on his 
thighs, he said: O Muhammad, tell me about Islam. The 
Messenger of Allah (may the blessing and peace of Allah be 
upon him) said: Islam is to testify that there is no god but 
Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, to 
perform the prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramadan, 
and to make pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do 
so. He said: You have spoken rightly, and we were amazed 
at him and saying that he had spoken rightly. He said: Then 
tell me about iman. He said: It is to believe in Allah, His 
angels. His books. His messengers, and the Last Day, and 
to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil 
thereof. He said: You have spoken rightly. He Said: Then 
tell me about ishan. He said: It is to worship Allah as 
though you are seeing Him, and while you see Him not yet 
truly He sees you. He said: Then tell me about the Hour. 
He said: The one questioned about it knows no better than 
the questioner. He said: Then tell me about its signs. He 
said: That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and 
that you will see the bare-footed, naked, destitute herdsmen 
competing in constructing lofty buildings. Then he took 
himself off and I stayed for a time. Then he said: O 'Umar, 
do you know who the questioner was? I said: Allah and his 

Messenger know best. He said: IT WAS GABRIEL, WHO 

In fact, the name Gabriel, according to The Encyclopedia Of 
Islam, means "Man Of God."^"' He seems to be an angel of 
special significance, for he is described as leading the other angels 
in the ascension to Allah (70:4) and descending to Earth (97:4). 
Surah 78:38, 

"The day when the spirit (al-ruh) and the angels stand in 
ranks; none shall speak except he whom the Beneficent 
permits and he speaks right. " 

This distinction between the mala'ika and Al-Ruh has perplexed 
scholars. It is clear, though, that it shows Gabriel to be one of 
great and special significance among the other mala'ika. 

Gabriel was a Divine Man, a Scientist. The Encyclopedia Of 
Islam notes that, 

"As a rule he appeared as an ordinary strong 
turban, on a horse. "^'' 

This description of Gabriel with green garments on connects 
him with that mystical body that visited Jalal-ud-Din at the tomb of 
Abraham at Hebron."' They too wore these distinguishing Green 

We have before discussed the Seven Archangels that were 
actually an inner circle within the iimer circle of Twelve Major 
Scientists. Gabriel was designated in Hebrew literature as one of 
the Seven. In Islamic literature, he was also one of the Archangels. 
In fact, he appears to be the "leader" of these Archangels. 

Another of these Archangels acknowledged by Islam is Mikal 
or Michael. He, too, is acknowledged as such by the Hebrews 
(Dan. 10: 13). They refer to him as "The Lord of Israel""^ and also 


An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith, #2. 

the "protector of the best part of mankind.""^ In Revelations 12:7, 
Michael leads his angels into a victorious battle with the Dragon. 

The status of this Scientist is said to equal that of Gabriel."" 
He and Gabriel are referred to as the two wazirs (viziers) of 
Prophet Muhammad who helped to expand his breast and came to 
the aid of the Muslims in the battle of Badr. 

The third of the four acknowledged Archangels of Islam is 
Izra'il, the Angel of Death mentioned in Surah 32: 11. He is said to 
have a seat (sarir) of light that sits in the fourth heaven. Izra'il is 
the master of Death. He keeps a roll on mankind. At the 
appointed time known only to Allah, he performs the separation of 
the soul from the body of the person whose time has come. 

Superstition has embellished Izra'il with such childish 
descriptions as having 4,000 wings, 70,000 feet, and a body 
covered with eyes and hair. This, if anything at all, is to be taken 
as allegory for he, too, is a man. He was one of the Scientists that 
Jalal-ud-Din is reported to have met. He appeared to Jalal as "a 
most handsome youth."'" This is highly interesting because the 
Scientists, because of their dietary laws, are said to look sixteen 
years old at all times. The King of the World is in fact called "the 
youth of sixteen summers." "* 

Israfil is the fourth Archangel. He is the Angel of 
Resurrection. He has the Trumpet which he will blow from the 
holy rock of Jerusalem, signifying the Day of Resurrection. Israfil 
is considered to be the angel which reads out the decrees of the 
Council kept in the Tablet or Mother-Book, then transmits them to 
the particular Archangel to whose department they belong. Three 
times daily and nightly he is said to look into Hell and is convulsed 



"'.Hall, 1975. p. 98 

"^Muhammad said that when the Mahdi comes again. He will 

cause us all to regenerate our bodies and look sixteen again: ''Allah 

(God)in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises 

are due forever-out of His own mouth-said to me that He causes us 

with grief and weeps so violently that the earth might be inundated 
by his tears."^ 

Isra'fil is said to be the person who initiated Prophet 
Muhammad into the work of the Prophet-hood while he was his 
companion for three years. Gabriel took over this job and revealed 
the Holy Qur'an. Alexander is said to have met him before his 
arrival in the land of darkness. He stood upon a hill with tears in 
his eyes, blowing his Trumpet. 


In the thirteenth century, a Muslim by the name of Jalal-ud-Din 
became an adept of the Dervish Order. In A.D. 1260, he was urged 
by Hasan Husam al-Din to compose the Mesnevi, which is a six 
volume mystical poem of Islam. Jalal-ud-Din procured the favor 
of the Divine Assembly, and on occasions had direct contact with 
the Gods on the Council. At the age of 23, Jalal traveled to Aleppo 
to further his studies. While there, many of his peers were jealous, 
and thus complained to the governor that this young man left his 
cell each night at midnight for some mysterious reason that they 
suspected was immoral. The governor decided to find out the truth 
for himself and one night hid himself outside the college gate. At 
exactly twelve, the gate mysteriously opened of itself and Jalal 
emerged. The governor attempted to follow and found himself 
traveling at great speed over a considerable distance. 

The journey concluded 350 miles from Aleppo, at the tomb of 
Abraham at Hebron. Hall describes what happened next: 

"The governor then beheld a domed edifice, wherein was 
congregated a large company of mysterious beings wearing 
GREEN ROBES, who came forth to meet Jalal-ud-din. 
They embraced him with affection and then conducted him 
into the building. The governor became so frightened he 
fainted. When he awoke, the domed building was gone, 
and the bewildered magistrate was hopelessly lost in the 
desert. "'^' 

Another mysterious interaction with the Divine Assembly was 
reported by Jalal's widow. She was regarded in her day as a model 
and virtuous woman. She related that one evening she had seen 
through the chink in the door her husband and an associate 
engaging in spiritual communion. Suddenly the wall opened and 
six strangers dressed in green robes entered, saluted and bowed, 
placing a nosegay of bright flowers at the feet of Jalal. This was 
even more odd because it was in the depth of midwinter. The six 
mysterious strangers stayed until sunrise, then departed through the 
walls again. Jalal gave the nosegay to his wife, saying they were 
given to her as gifts from the strangers. She sent her servant with 
the bouquet to the perfumers mart in the city to ask what type of 
flowers they were. All the merchants were astonished, for they had 
never seen such. A spice merchant, though, from India recognized 
them to be petals of a flower that grows in Ceylon, southern 





Both the Powers of Good (Council of The Gods) and the 
Powers of Evil (Council of The Devils) have their agenda for a 
New World Order. And at the center of both agendas is the United 
States of America. America is the focal point of both Powers. She 
was written in the Prophetic History 15,084 years ago when this 
current Qur'an was written. She appears in the Book of 
Revelations as "That Mystery Babylon." America is that Mystery 
Babylon, the Great Whore. She is the most powerful and most 
wicked nation that has ever existed in the last 6,000 years. Allah 
actually rose America up so that He can destroy her. It is written 
in the scripture that God rose up Pharaoh and gave him his power 
so that, after He destroyed her, the world will see that He Allah is 
God. So Allah has been developing America to the point where 
she is now, so that he can destroy her and prove to the world that 
there is no God but He. 

The Devil also had great plans for America. She was 
established to be the comer-stone nation of the New World Order. 
Manley P. Hall, in The Secret Destiny of America said: 

"Men bound by secret oath to labor in the cause of -world 
democracy decided that in the American Colonies they 
would plant roots of a new way of life.... Not only were 
many of the founders of the United States Government 

i\Tr\ iTT/^TTCT Tt/^rwr T?'VTC"rT\T/^ T\T j:'T Tn/^TtrP IT/TTT/^TJ 


Who was that secret and august body and what was the reason 
they aided in America's establishment that is only known to the 
initiated few? This body was the Coimcil of the Devils. 

One of the most closely guarded secrets of this society (2nd 
only to the Reality of God) is what is referred to as the Great Plan. 
This was the Plan to establish the New World Order with America 
as its comer-stone. This Plan goes back 4,000 years to the time of 
Musa (Moses). Hall says: 

"The explorers who opened up the New World operated 
from a master-plan and were agents of re-discovery rather 
than discovery. Time will reveal that the continent now 
known as America was actually discovered and, to a 
considerable degree, explored more than A THOUSAND 
ERA. The true story is in the keeping of the MYSTERY 
SCHOOLS, and passed from them to the Secret Societies of 
the medieval world... Plans for the development of the 
Western Hemisphere were formulated in Alexandria, 
Mecca, Delhi, and Lhasa [Tibet] long before most 
Europeans were aware of the great Utopian program. " 

One is referred to Hall's The Secret Destiny of America and 
William Stills New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret 
Societies for an in-depth look at this Great Plan. 

I shall endeavor to show that this nation now known as 
America is the product of Divine fulfillment of prophesy. Both 
Allah and Shaiton had a vested interest in seeing America 
developed. The role that the Coimcil of the Devils played in her 
development is known to all serious students of secret societies. 
The Masonic Publication iVeH'y4^e admits, 

"It was Masons who brought about the war (Revolutionary 
War), and it was Masonic generals who carried it through 

The Masonic Bible states, 

"For -well over 150 years, the destiny of this country has 
been determined largely by men who were members of the 
Masonic Fraternity. " "' 

These Masons were acting in accord with instructions from that 
"secret and august body" in England. While the governments were 
seemingly embroiled in war, the secret societies of the two lands 
were working in cahoots to bring the War about. 

What is not so well known is the role that the Council of The 
Gods played in America's early development. This brings us right 
back around to our discussion of the Unknown Men of history. We 
have before noted that the Scientists would often send one under 
anonymity to a people to teach a prophet. Likewise did they send 
one of their own into America (and Europe) to help guide the early 
development of this country. 


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us about the 
"Unknown Man That Designed Our Flag," the Flag of the U.S. It 
is popularly believed that Betsy Ross designed the flag, but in fact 
she just sewed it up. It was one of the Scientists, known in history 
only as "The Professor," that designed the Flag of America. Hall 
gives a very interesting account of this Scientist called "The 
Professor" in his book The Secret Destiny of America. 

According to Hall, the Colonial Congress met in the fall of 
1 775 and appointed Franklin, Lynch and Harrison to consider and 
recommend a design for the flag. General Washington was then in 
camp at Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the Committee went there 
to consult with him. While there, the committee stayed at the 
residence of a "patriotic well-to-do citizen." At that time the best 
room in this gentleman's residence was temporarily occupied by a 
''peculiar old gentleman "^^^ The only other guest room was 
given to Lynch and Harrison while Dr. Franklin shared the room 

"Nothing is known about the mysterious old man except 
that he was referred to as 'The Professor'; his name is not 
preserved. He was beyond SEVENTY YEARS OF AGE but 
MOLASSES. He was well educated, highly cultured, of 
extensive as well as varied information, and very studious. 
He spent most of his time pondering over RARE BOOKS 

The Professor was introduced to everyone on December 13 and 
subsequently invited to be on the committee. What happened next 
is very intriguing yet revealing. Hall says: 

"After graciously accepting the invitation, the Professor 
made his first recommendation. He pointed out that the 
committee now consisted of six persons, George 
Washington and the host being honorary members. SIX 
WAS NOT AN AUSPICIOUS NUMBER, and as none of the 
members could be spared, let the hostess be included THAT 
This suggestion was unanimously accepted... "^^'' 

As we have covered in other writings, six is the scriptural 
number of the Beast (devil) while seven is the number of God. The 
committee met the following evening in the Professor's room. 
General Washington opened the proceedings by asking Dr. 
Franklin for his recommendations. Franklin answered by 
requesting that the committee listen to the words of his new friend. 

"The sun of our political air, the sun in the heavens, is very 
low in the horizon-just now approaching the winter 
solstice, which it will reach very soon. But, as the sun rises 
from his grave in Capricorn, mounts toward his 
resurrection in Aries, and passes onward to his glorious 
culmination in Cancer, so will our political sun rise and 
continue to increase in power, in light, and glory; and the 
exalted sun of summer will not have gained his full strength 
of heat and power in the starry Lion until our Colonial Sun 
will be, in its glorious exaltation, demanding a place in the 
governmental firmament alongside of, coordinate with, and 
in no wise subordinate to, any other sun of any nation upon 

He finally submitted the design for the flag, which was as it is 
now with the exception of the 50 stars. In the original, the British 
Union Jack was in the blue. However, the Professor said that 
particular part of the flag was subject to change in the future. On 
January 2, 1776, Washington, with his own hands, raised the flag 
given to him by this Muslim Scientist he knew as "The Professor." 

The flag this Scientist gave America contained the nature and 
history of the white man's world because she (America) was to be 
the pinnacle of the white world. The six white stripes represent the 
six thousand years the white man was given to rule the earth. The 
seven red stripes represent the Freedom of the Original Nation, for 
red symbolized freedom. It begins with a red stripe and it ends 
with a red stripe, for As it wais in the beginning. So shall it be in 
the ending. The Original Nation was on top in the beginning 
exercising freedom, and We will be back on top in the ending of 
their world (which is happening now). The blue field represents 
deception, for blue is the color of deceit. As you look up in the 
sky, it looks blue. But you jump to try and grab that which is blue 
you will never do it. Or as you look into a deep blue ocean, go put 
your hand in it and handle the blue water. The blue disappears. 
This blue is caused by the ether of the sky refracting light, giving 
off a blue glow. Blue is the color of deception. The white man's 
world is built on deception and lies. He has lied about everything 
under the sun. He has lied about God, himself and others. This is 


The next Scientist that is known as another "Unknown Man" 
who contributed to America's birth is "The Unknown Man Who 
Swayed The Signers of the Declaration of Independence." On July 
4, 1776, a group of men gathered at the Old State House in 
Philadelphia to decide whether they would go ahead and sign the 
Declaration. It was a heated debate because, if the Revolutionary 
War failed, every man that signed the parchment would be subject 
to death for high treason. There were several speeches given. In 
the balcony of the Old State House citizens crowed to listen to the 
proceedings. Jefferson spoke "with great vigor." John Adams and 
Ben Franklin spoke, one with great strength and the other in calm, 
quiet words. The delegates hovered between sympathy and 
uncertainty as the meeting proceeded for hours. All the doors were 
locked and a guard was posted to prevent interruption. The talk 
was of axes, scaffolds and other penalties for their actions. Then, 
out of nowhere, a "strong, bold voice" thundered at the cowardly 
future fathers saying: 

"-'Gibbet! They may stretch our necks on all the gibbets in 
the land; they may turn every rock into a scaffold; every 
tree into a gallo; every home into a grave, and yet the 
words of that parchment can never die... Sign that 
parchment! Sign, if the next moment the gibbet's rope is 
about your neck!. ..Nay, do not start and whisper with 
surprise! It is truth, your own hearts witness it: God 
proclaims it... (A) handful of men, weak in arms, but mighty 
in God-like faith: nay, look at your recent 
achievements. ..then tell me, if you can, that God has not 
given America to be free! 

" It is not given to our poor human intellect to climb to the 
skies, and pierce THE COUNCIL OF THE ALMIGHTY 
ONE. But methinks I stand among the awful clouds which 
veil the brightness of Jehovah's throne. Me thinks I see the 

T\ 7^/^J^T%r\.T\T^^ AXT^^T^T 

man trodden beneath the oppressor's feet, nations lost in 
blood, murder, and superstition, walking hand in over the 
graves of the victims, and not a single voice of hope to 
man!' He stands there, the Angel, trembling with the 
record of human guilt. But hark! The voice of God speaks 
from out of the awful cloud :'Let there be light again! Tell 
my people, the poor and oppressed, to go out from the old 
world, from oppression and blood, and build My alter in 
the new'... (end) 

This speech reveals the identity of this Unknown Man. His 
reference to The Council of the Almighty One and The Recording 
Angel makes it plain. This unknown speaker fell exhausted into 
his seat. The delegates, inspired by his enthusiasm, rushed forward 
to sign. It was done. The delegates turned to express their 
gratitude to the unknown speaker for his eloquent words but he 
was not there. Hall asks: 

"Who was this strange man, who seemed to speak WFTH 
DIVINE A UTHORITY, whose solemn words gave courage 
to the doubters and sealed the destiny of the new nation? 
Unfortunately, no one knows. His name is not recorded; 
none of those present knew him; or if they did, not one 
acknowledged his acquaintance. How he entered into the 
locked and guarded room is not told, nor is there any 
record of the manner of his departure. Not one claimed to 
have seen him before, and there is no mention of him after 
this single episode. Only his imperishable speech bears 
witness to his presence. ..In all, there is much to indicate 
that the unknown speaker was ONE OF THE AGENTS OF 

This "Unknown Speaker" was in fact "one of the agents of the 
Secret Order guiding and directing the destiny of America." 
However, not an agent of the white man's Order of the Quest 
(Council of The Devils), as Hall believes. He was an agent of The 
Council of The Gods, The 24 Scientists. As the Council of Gods 
controls the "religious affairs" of the world by sending a 

representatives to guide the destiny of nations. It was their 
representative that gave America her flag. It was their 
representative who inspired the doubting delegates to sign the 
Declaration of Independence so that she could be free from 
England and grow to be that great nation (not good nation) that it 
was prophesied she would be when the Scientists wrote the History 
15,084 years ago. 


There is yet another episode that I would like to bring to the 
reader's attention. It is very profound and significant. It is the 
story of George Washington's Vision, recounted in Neal Wilgus' 
The Illuminoids. George Washington had a reputation of being a 
deeply spiritual mystic. He was in fact a Mason who studied Islam 
in secret Lodges, first in the Lodge in Frederickburg, Virginia in 
1752.^" Prayer and meditation were daily practices in his life. 
Accounts of The Vision were first published by Wesley Bradshaw 
in the 1860's. He was told the story by Anthony Sherman in 1859. 
Sherman was then 99 and had served with Washington at Valley 
Forge. He was the one Washington first shared his vision with in 

Washington was in his tent working on that day. Looking up 
from his work, he saw a "singularly beautiful female" standing 
opposite him. He asked several times what she wanted but he soon 
lost all power to move or speak and could only watch the scene his 
visitor revealed. She addressed him, "Son of the Republic, look 
and learn" She showed him a heavy white vapor in which 
appeared a strange and frightful scene. First there appeared the 
continents of the world-Europe, Asia, Africa and America- with the 
Atlantic and Pacific rolling and tossing between them. Then, a 
Gods)" appeared, floating in the air over the Atlantic. Wilgus 

'The angel dipped handfiils of water from the ocean onto 

T7 I J ■ I _^ _f i_ t.^i- _y 

American continent with flashing lightening and smothered 
groans and cries from the American people. The angel 
dipped from the ocean again and sprinkled as before and 
the clouds withdrew so that Washington could see that new 
towns and cities had sprung up from the Atlantic to the 
Pacific. Then the angel turned southward and Washington 
AFRICA AND APPROACH AMERICA and as it flitted over 
appeared, this one bearing a flag and crown labeled 
Union, and saying 'Remember ye are brethren' it caused the 
people to cast away their weapons and unite once more. 
The shadowy angel in the mid-Atlantic then BLEW THREE 
BLAST ON A TRUMPET and again sprinkled water upon 
the lands, this time in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Storm 
clouds arose from all three, and joining together 
INVOL VED IN COMBA T The shadowy angel then BLEW 
The angel with the Union crown then led LEGIONS OF 

Then the beautiful woman explamed to Washington that the 
vision meant that "Three great perils will come upon the Republic" 
and the "most fearful is the third." Wilgus concludes, 

"The vision then vanished and Washington was left with the 
feeling that he had seen the birth, progress and destiny of 
the United States." 

Washington indeed had seen the history and future of his republic. 
The whole vision is reminiscent of John's apocalyptic vision on the 
Island of Patmos in Revelations. Who ever this "singularly 
beautiful female" was, she had great power for she drained 

■«Tr__i-; 1. _r _ii t.;_ _* tu it._ tt _j c? * J :__J 

two are similar in this respect. Also in the respect that the Scientist 
revealed to Daniel a dreadful future of his jjeople, as this Unnamed 
Servant revealed a "fearful" future to Washington. 

The description of the "dark, shadowy being, like an angel" is 
obviously a way of getting around saying it weis a Black 
Man/ Angel. The first scene is evidently referring to the 
Revolutionary War where Europe (England) and America went to 
war. Afterwards, "new towns and cities" did indeed spring up in 
America, for she became a new and independent nation. The 
second is abundantly clear. That "ill-omened spectre" that came 
from Africa into America, which caused the inhabitants of America 
to war with each other, is the so-called Negroes who were brought 
here as slaves from Africa. We are indeed an "ill-omened spectre" 
to America. We have now been described as her "Achilles Heel." 
She knows not what to do about the "Negro Problem." Also, it is 
primarily because of Us that America is to be destroyed. The 
battle is clearly the Civil War, which was fought, not to free any 
slaves, but to preserve the Union. The South had seceded because 
of a dispute over the Negroes in America. Thus, the white brethren 
went to war with each other. 

I see two interpretations of the beginning of the last and "most 
fearful" of the perils that will afflict America. When it shows 
storm clouds from Europe, Asia, and Africa enveloping America 
and setting millions in combat, on one level it could refer to the 
conflicts of America's so-called "melting pot." America is the only 
nation which has within her borders every race, nation, and kindred 
on earth. Immigrants from all over Europe, Asia, and Africa have 
come through Ellis Island, greeted by the Statute of Liberty (sic). 
However, her melting pot is boiling over. Much attention has now 
been given to all the ethnic conflicts that exist within America's 
borders: Black-white, Black-Jew, Black-Korean, Jew-Gentile, 
Mexican-Black, etc. I once heard the Honorable Louis Farrakhan 
say that there is not a external enemy that can bring America to her 
knees, but her "internal" conflicts would do so. 

It also can be the fulfillment of what the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad told us of the Third World War. He said that 
ultimately, all the nations of the earth will involve themselves in a 
war with America. We zilready see this brewing now. America is 

"light as of a thousands suns" could be a reference to the coming of 
the Sun of Man that comes to dispense with the clouds of darkness. 
This is the coming of God who comes to destroy America. More 
on Him later. The "legions of white spirits" that will aid America 
in this battle could be reference to the Council of the Devils and 
their helpers. They are an international body which has 
representatives and white aiders all over the world. But on that day 
they will be aiding America in her battle with The Powers of Good. 
That last and "most fearful" peril could be the War of 

The Angel revealed to Washington the dreadful future of his 



Before we examine the last and greatest of the Scientists that 
appeared on the American scene, I want to discuss probably the 
most colorful Scientist known in history. He is known as Compte 
Saint Germain. He did not appear in America, but in Europe in the 
18th century. Hall says of him, 

"During the early part of the eighteenth century there 
appeared in the diplomatic circles of Europe the most 
baffling personality of history-a man whose life was so 
near a synonym of mystery that the enigma of his true 
identity was as insolvable to his contemporaries as it has 
been to later investigators. "'' 

Biographer James O. Tyron agrees: 

"There are romances of real life more cleverly and 
ingeniously constructed by the hand of destiny than the best 
works of the trained novelist. There are characters of real 
life more interesting, amusing, or outlandish than any 
constructed by the pen of the creator of fiction. Such a 
character was the Count Saint-Germain. " " 

Count Saint-Germain's origin, nationality, and parentage are as 
imknown today after a hundred years of research, as they were to 
his closest associates. Some have speculated that he was actually 
Leopold George, the eldest son of Prince Francis Rakoczi II. The 

problem is. Prince Francis's eldest son died at the age of four^^' 
Another theory alleges that he was the son of a wealthy cloth 
merchant in MoscowJ^^ The Count, on one occasion, gave an 
ambiguous hint at his origins. The Countess of Genlis, who was 
governess to the children of Philippe Egalite, Duke of Orleans, 
engaged the Count in conversation on his origins. She recalls: 

"When asked if Germany was really his native country, he 
shook his head with a mysterious air, and heaving a deep 
sigh (said), 'All that I can tell you of my birth... is that at 
seven years old I was wandering about the woods with my 
governor, and that a reward was set upon my head!' These 
words made me shudder, for I never doubted the sincerity 
of this important communication... The evening before my 
flight, ' he continued, 'my mother, whom I was never more to 
behold... fastened her portrait upon my arm, '....'" ^ 

The Count himself purposely contributed to the mystery that 
surrounded him. Isabel Oakley-Cooper, a biographer on the life of 
this amazing personality, says of the various alias' that he used: 

"During this time (1710-1822) we have M. de St.-Germain 
as the Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre or Aymar 
at Venice, Chevalier Schoening at Pisa, Chevalier Weldon 
at Milan and Leipzig, Comte Soltikoff at Genoa and 
Leghorn, GrafTzarogy at Schwalbach and Treisdorf Prinz 
Ragoczy at Dresden, and Comte de St.-Germain at Paris, 
The Hague, London, and St. Petersburg. ' It is evident that 
M. de St.-Germain adopted these various names in the 
interest of the. ..secret.. .work which historians have 
presumed to be the major mission of his life. "^^^ 

His contemporaries were dumbfounded as to his true origins. 
French Emperor Napoleon III (r. 1852-1870) ordered a dossier 
compiled on the mysterious Count, but all the documents were 

"' Franco, "The Count of Saint Germain,'' The Musical 
Quarterly Vol. 36, p. 542. 

destroyed in a fire that erupted in the house containing them. Many 
of his contemporaries believed he had lived as much as three 
hundred years/" There is no evidence of this, but it is certain that 
he lived "to an unnatural age. " * Frederick the Great, as well as 
Voltaire, described him as a man "that never dies. " On one 
occasion, he said to Louis XV, 

"Sire, I sometimes amuse myself, not by making it believed, 
but by allowing it to be believed, that I lived in ancient 
times. " 

On another occasion he said to Baron von Gleichen, 

"Those stupid Persians imagine that I am Jive hundred 
years old, and I encourage them in this thought, because I 
see it pleases them. Although in reality I am MUCH 

Birch observes, 

"People thought he lived by virtue of some charm, for he 
was never known (in over forty years of being on the public 
scene) to eat in public, to confess to illness or fatigue, or to 
grow perceptibly older in looks. "'^' 

With regard to eating, he gained notoriety as a dinner-quest, 
because he never ate anything. One hostess remarked to him, 

"My dear Count, you have been a quest at my house now on 
three occasions and I have never seen you take a morsel of 
food. Do you never eat? " 

The Count replied to his concerned hostess, 

"Never, except in my own house, where the meal is 
prepared under my directions and for my consumption 

"^Tyron, p. 43. 

776 Ti • 1 Mf\ 

alone. " She answered, "Do you know that you are not very 
complimentary to the chefs of Paris, including my own?" 
"On the contrary, the Count responded, "any of these chefs 
would feel themselves insulted if they were asked to prepare 
the only sort of meal which leat..."^ 

Hall says that the Count ate no meat nor drank any wine7*' 
Remember, the Professor was noted for his strange diet that 
consisted on no meat or strong drink. 

He spoke fluently German, English, Italian, Portuguese, 
Spanish, French, Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Arabic, and Chinese. Hall 
says the Count spoke these diverse languages so well that "in every 
land he visited he was accepted as a native. "'" 

One name that was unanimously agreed upon by those who 
came in contact with him was 'der Wundermann' (the 
Wonderman). His contemporaries gave him this name because of 
the display of enormous super-natural power that was accredited to 
him. St. Germain had the ability to write the same article with both 
his hands at once, and when the two were placed together under a 
light, the writing on one sheet matched exactly the writing on the 
other. ^*^ He proved to his associates that the compartments of his 
brain worked independently by inscribing a love letter and a set of 
verses simultaneously.^*^ The Count's memory was so keen he 
would often show off by repeating pages of print after just one 
reading.^*' His knowledge of history baffled his contemporaries, 
being able to expound in detail on every occurrence of the 
preceding two-thousand years. Voltaire, in a letter to the King of 
Prussia, described St. Germain as "a man who never dies and who 
knows everything. "^'^ Cobenzl, in 1762, said of him also, "he 
knows everything and shows an uprightness and a goodness of soul 
worthy of admiration. "^* Hall notes, 

"^ Tyron, p. 42-3. 
'"'.Hall, 1988,p.CXCIX. 

■70t .... 


"This remarkable person also had the surprising and 
impressive ability to divine, even to the most minute details, 
the questions of his inquisitors before they were asked. By 
something akin to telepathy he was also able to feel when 
his presence was needed in some distant city or state, and it 
has even been recorded that he had the astonishing habit 
not only of appearing in his own apartment and in those of 
friends without resorting to the conventionality of the door 
but also of departing therefrom in a similar manner. " ** 

St. Germain was a multi-talented genius. He played several 
musical instruments with great skill, including the violin. Some of 
his most famous pieces are Six Sonatas for Two Violins and 
Musique Raisonnee, as well as an opera L 'Inconstanza Delusa. 
These and others are catalogued in the old music section of the 
British Museum.^*' 

St. Germain was a profound chemist. It was said that he could 
crystallize carbon and also remove flaws from precious stones. 
The credulous Madame de Hausset of the Court of Louis the 
Fifteenth tells how Louis showed the Count a large dizimond with a 
flaw, remarking that the stone would be worth double if it were 
flawless. St. Germain offered to make it flawless within four 
weeks. He requested that a jeweler be summoned to judge. The 
jeweler, who had at first priced the diamond at 6,000 franks, 
offered the King 10,000 for the flawless stone.^*" 

Another display of his alchemical abilities was experienced by 
none other than Chevalier de Seingalt, a.k.a Casanova. He had 
visited the Count at Toumay. The Count, surrounded by a 
regiment of bottles and retorts with which he was engrossed in 
chemical experiments, offered Casanova a mixture for his health, 
for he had complained of being ill. After Casanova refused, the 
Count said, "If I can't be permitted to doctor on you, at least I shall 
show you something else I can do. Have you a copper coin? " 

After taking the coin from his guest, he melted it over a 
charcoal fire and dipped it in water to cool. "Here is your money, " 
the Count said, "but note that it is now goldl" Casanova, in awe. 

took the coin, and later presented it to Marshall Keith, Governor of 

This remarkable figure first appeared publicly in European 
society in England in 1743, though he was also known in Venice in 
1710.™ In 1745, the Jacobites invaded Scotland. The British 
authorities, suspecting that St. Germain was a spy, arrested him. 
He was released, with the authorities covering him with apologies. 
Horace Walpole wrote of his arrest, 

"The other day they seized an odd man, who goes by the 
name of Count St. Germain. He has been here two years, 
will not tell who he is or whenche, but profess two very 
wonderful things, the first that he does not go by his right 
name, and the second, that he never had any dealings, or 
desire to have any dealings, with any woman-nay, nor any 
(substitute)... He sings and plays on the violin wonderfully, 
composes... He is called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole... "'" 

St. Germain was prepared, like Musa (Moses), the Professor, 
the Swayer of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence and 
Fard Muhammad, to be able to go among whites and not be 
detected. He was clearly the son of one of the dominant Black 
Scientists who produced him through a white mother to effect the 
complexion that was needed of him. But his Black ancestry was 
clearly noted by Madame de Genlis as she described his 
appearance. She says of him, 

"He was somewhat below middle size, well made, and 
active in his gait; his hair was black, HIS COMPLEXION 
DARK, his face expressive of talent, and his features 

His eastern origin was the reason for his noted "love of the East 
(that was) a passion. "^" He came to Europe fi^om the east, being 
the guest at the Court of the Shah of Persia between 1737 and 
1742. His Eastern learning and esoteric knowledge was well 


792 Ti 1 n^n 

known to his contemporaries. Two of his most famous writings 
are now in the library of Troys: The Most Holy Threefold 
Wisdom, containing elements of Eastern esoteric knowledge such 
as so-called Hermetic Philosophy; and The Magic Revealed to 
Moses, Rediscovered in an Egyptian Monument, and Preserved 
with great care in Asia under the device of a Winged Dragon. He 
had a retreat in the Himalayas where he periodically retired for 
many years, often found in sitting posture of the Buddha 
meditating. On one occasion, he declared that he would some day 
return to the East for eighty-five years before he appeared again on 
the European scene.^'^ 

In June, 1760, the London Chronicle ran a series of articles on 
St. Germain under the title, "Anecdotes of a Mysterious 
Stranger," which read in part: 

" Whatever may have been the business of a certain 
foreigner here about whom the French have just made or 
have affected to make a great bustle, there is something in 
his most unintelligible history that is very entertaining; and 
there are accounts of transactions which bound so nearly 
upon the marvelous that it is impossible but they must 
excite the attention of this Athenian age. I imagine this 
gentleman, against whom no ill was ever alleged, and for 
whose genius and knowledge I have the most sincere 
respect, will not take umbrage at my observing that the 
high title he assumes is not the right of lineage or the gift of 
royal favor; what is his real name is perhaps one of those 
mysteries which after his death will surprise the world 
more than all the strange incidents of his life... 
" It is certain... he has supported himself always at 
considerable expense, and in perfect independence, without 
any visible or known way of living... The country of this 
stranger is as perfectly unknown as his name; but 
concerning both, as also his early life, bust conjecture has 
taken the place of knowledge... All we can with justice say 
is: This gentle is to be considered an unknown and 
inoffensive stranger, who has supplies for a large expense, 
the sources of which are not understood. 

keeping up the appearance of a man of fashion, and always 
living with credit. 

" He had the address to find the reigning foible always of 
the place where he was going to reside, and on that he built 
the scheme of rendering himself agreeable. When he came 
here he found music was the hobby of the country, and took 
the fiddle with as good grace as if he had been a native 
player whom true 'virtu' reigns; and there he appeared as a 
connoisseur in gems, antiques, and medals; in France he 
was a fop, in Germany a chemist... 

" The rumor ran that the stranger could make gold. The 
expense at which he lived seemed to confirm that account; 
but the minister at that time. ..ordered an inquiry to be 
made whence the remittances he received came, and told 
those who applied to him that he would soon show them 
what quarries they were which yielded this philosopher's 
stone... but the fact is that in the space of two years, while 
he was thus watched, he lived as usual, paid for everything 
in ready money, and yet no remittance came into the 
kingdom for him. 

" The thing was spoken of and none now doubted what at 
first had been treated as a chimera; he was understood to 
possess, with the other grand secret, a remedy for all 
diseases, and even the infirmities in which time triumphs 
over the human fabric. " 

In spite of all the mystery surrounding this seemingly Divine 
Man, he was able to ingratiate himself on the most powerful 
persons in Europe. Birch says: 

"The travels of the Compte de Saint-Germain covered a 
long period of years and a great range of countries. From 
Persia to France and from Calcutta to Rome he was known 
and respected. Horace Walpole spoke with him in London 
in 1745; Clive knew him in India in 1756; Madame 
d'Adhemar alleges that she met him in Paris in 1 789, five 
years after his supposed death... He was on familiar and 
intimate terms with the crowned heads of Europe and the 

Walpole, who all knew him personally, rivaled each other 
in curiosity as to his origin. " " 

As we have noted earlier, one of the duties of the Scientists is 
to fulfill the scriptures. The history that was decreed when the 
Gods met at the beginning of the 25,000 Year Cycle had to be 
brought into fruition. Thus, the Scientists are sent out among the 
people to make sure certain events take place. St. Germain's 
political activity clearly demonstrates his membership on the 
august Council. He is reputed to have played a part in "every 
occurrence of any importance which had taken place within the 
past generation. " '* 

After his release from the British authorities, St. Germain 
departed from England and was for a year the guest of Prince 
Ferdinand von Lobkowitz, the first minister to the Emperor of 
Austria. At this time, Austria and England were allied against 
France and Prussia in the War of Austrian Succession. While in 
Austria, he was introduced to the Marshd de Belle-Isle, the French 
Minister of War. William Bramley, in The Gods of Eden, 

"This is an intriguing sequence of events. Here we have a 
man arrested as a suspected enemy of England during a 
time of war, who then immediately went to stay with a top 
minister of a nation (Austria) which was allied to England. 
During that stay, this same man befriended the Minister of 
War of a nation (France) which was an enemy of Austria! 
St. Germain's political contacts on all sides of a raging war 
were remarkable. "^'' 

While in France, St. Germain was the secret agent of King 
Louis XV. As such, he negotiated with Frederick the Great the 
alliance between France and Prussia. He also negotiated with 
General York, commander of the English troops, in 1760 
concerning peace with France during the Seven Years War. From 
Paris St. Germain went to the Russian capital of St. Petersbturg. 
There, he helped Catherine overthrow the monarchy of her 
despised husband, Tsar Peter III. In 1762, St. Germain planned 

with the Russian family Orloffs the coup d'etat which established 
the throne of Tsarina Catherine, which lasted twenty-nine years. 

The Count was a Russian General while they were fighting the 
Turks, and was then known to them as Count Soltykofif. He went to 
Vienna in Austria in 1772. While there, the Treaty of Petersburg 
was effected partitioning Poland to Russia, Austria and Prussia. In 
1775, he traveled to India on board ship with English Commander 
Robert Clive who was on his way to fight the French. It was 
reported that St. Germain also played an important part in the 
French Revolution of 1789. In 1779, he was for five years the 
guest of Prince Karl of Hesse, the top leader of the Strict 
Observance ^ lasonic Lodge. 

It is clear by the above chronology of events in which the 
Count played significant roles that He was sent by the Council to 
fulfill prophecy. He was involved in practically all of the history 
making events of his time, setting the stage for other occurrences 
to take place and bring world affairs in accordance with the written 
Prophetic History. 

Many scholars have made the mistake, because of his 
association with prominent Masons, by asserting that Compte St. 
Germain was himself a Mason. On the contrary, he was of the 
Higher Order. He, in fact, taught those prominent Masons of his 
day. Count St. Germain was known to instruct the whites of 
Germany at " illuminist meetings in caverns by the Rhine" which 
he conducted.*" After his mission in Vienna in 1772, Birch notes, 

"The next few years he spent in Germany in the society of 
the.. .unknown leaders of secret societies. Bieber stein, 
Weishaupt, Prince Charles of Hesse, and Mirabeau are 
known to be his friends; he instructed Cagliostro in the 
mysteries of the magician's craft, and worked in 
conjunction with Nicolai at securing the German press in 
the interest of the perfectibilist movement. " 

Adam Weishaupt was the infamous founder of the Order of the 
Illuminati in 1 776. His tutelage under the Count, as well as that of 
the other prominent Masons noted above, proves that the Count 
was of a Hieher Order. He established manv Masonic Lodees 

Elijah Muhammad teaches, as noted above, that a small group of 
white people are allowed to study the Black Man in secret for 35- 
50 years. In the process, they were to clean themselves up and live 
upright. By doing this, those particular whites would be allowed 
to come among the righteous and do trade, without being killed as 
quickly as would the other whites who have not undertaken this 
study. They were also allowed to were the Fez and Flag of Islam, 
only a sword was placed over the Flag reminding them that if they 
ever revealed the secret that we gave them this opportunity, their 
head would be taken by that sword. The sword was the emblem of 
Justice used by the Original Man in Muhammad's time(1400 years 

It was the Half Original Man, Musa, on orders from the 
Scientists, which set up the first Masonic "Lodge" four thousand 
years ago. The Count, another Half-Original Man, while in 
Europe, established more Lodges as a grace to those whites whom 
the Holy Qur'an prophesies will enter the Here- After. The 
German secret order, the Thule Society, which produced Adolph 
Hitler, taught that these Scientists initiated whites into the "Higher 
Mysteries" of these societies.*"^ 

In 1784, Dr. Blester, a Mason, declared that St. Germain was 
dead. The report went out that he died in Schleswig. But Hall 

"// is well known that many members of.. .secret societies 
have feigned death for various purposes. Marshal Ney, a 
member of the Society of Unknown Philosophers, escaped 
the firing squad and under the name of Peter Stuart Ney 
lived and taught school for over thirty years in North 
Carolina. On his deathbed, P.S. Ney told Doctor Locke, 
the attending physician, that he was Marshal Ney of 
France. '""^ 

Birch agrees, 

"Great uncertainty and vagueness surround his latter days, 
for no confidence can be reposed in the announcement of 
thp dpfith nf nne illuminate hv the other, for. as is well 

justifiable, and it may have been in the interest of the 
society that Saint Germain should have been thought 

The Scientists appear to have faked the death of Saint Germain, 
just as they will do again in America on February 25, 1975 with 
their chosen representative, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 
Saint Germain is reported to have attended the 1785 Masonic 
convention in Paris and the famous Wilhelmsbad Masonic 
conference held also in that year.*"' 

Countess d'Adhemar of France stated that the Count appeared 
there on several occasions in 1789 before the outbreak of the 
French Revolution. He met with the King and Queen, warning 
them of their impending doom and the imfavorable future of their 
country. It is in these conversations that the Count identifies 
himself and his purpose. As noted, when ever a part of the 
Prophetic History is about to be fulfilled, one of the Scientist will 
go among the people and inform one of them of these future 
events. This is exactly what the Count did in France in 1 789. He 
informed the monarchs that: 

"The time is fast approaching when imprudent France, 

Surrounded by misfortune she might have spared herself. 

Will call to mind such hell as Dante painted. 

" Falling shall we see scepter, censor, scales, Towers and 

escutcheons, even the white flag. 

" Great streams of blood are flowing in each town; Sobs 

only do I here, and exiles I see. On all sides civil discord 

loudly roars... As from the Assembly votes of death arise. 

Great God, whom can reply to murderous judges? "^"^ 

The Count agreed to meet Madame d'Ahemar in the Church of 
the 'RecoUets to discuss further these prophesies. He said these 
revealing words to her: 

"S'.G.." I am Cassandra, prophet of evil. .Madame, he who 
sows the wind reaps the whirlwind..! CAN DO NOTHING; 

AfYSELF...The hour of repose is past, THE DECREES OF 
MME. : What do they want? 

S.G.: The complete ruin of the Bourbons. They (the 
revolters) will expel them from all the thrones they occupy 
all their different branches to the rank of simple private 
individuals. France as Kingdom, Republic, Empire, and 
mixed Government will be tormented, agitated, torn. From 
the hands of class tyrants she will pass to those who are 
ambitious and without merit. ""' 

These dialogues are most revealing, for the Count identifies 
himself as an emissary of a higher power, and declares that "THE 
confirms his identity as one of the Scientists whose mission was to 
fulfill the Decrees of God established in the Year 1, at the 
beginning of the 25,000 Year Cycle. Bramley concludes, 

"The likely explanation, based on the known facts of St. 
Germain's life, is that he was not so much a Freemason as 

Hall agrees, 

"The Compte de St. -Germain... (was one of}... the greatest 
emissaries sent into the world by the Secret Brotherhood in 
the last one thousand years. """ 





*'Say: He, Allah, is One. He begets not, nor is He begotten.' 
(Holy Qur'an 112:1-3) 

To most readers, the above Qur'anic verse is the clearest 
affirmation of strict "philosophical" monotheism- "philosophical" 
meaning affirming the oneness of the abstract God of Philosophy 
as opposed to the anthropomorphic God of Religion. In fact, 
though this is correct in one sense, it is incorrect in another. 

The first part of this verse, "Say: He Allah is One, " could be 
reference to that singular primordial God-force which existed in 
the Womb of Space before " The Beginning" ; that " Spirit of God" 
which sparked the first Atom 76 trillion years ago and is now 
dwelling within the Temple in Man-the bodies of every Black 
Man, Woman, and Child. 

The second verse, however, "He begets not nor is He 
begotten, " is reference to two separate individuals - or two 
different manifestations of that primordial God-force.*'" "Nor is 
He begotten " is speaking of the very first God which self-created 
Himself in the Womb of Triple Darkness 76 trillion years ago. In 
Part Three I described that 6 trillion year "creative evolution" of 
that First God, Allah The Original Man. He was not begotten. He 
was Self Created. 

"He begets not, " is reference to the Last God, Master Fard 
Muhammad. When He came among the Black Man and Woman in 
the Hells of North America, He had begotten no children. He 
abstained in preparation for a specific task: finding and reclaiming 
that which was lost. 

Why are these two Gods here mentioned in the same breath? Is 
their any relation between them? 

In the New Testament, their relationship is described as that of a 
Father and a Son, even though they are separated by 70 trillion 
years. These two God's are so close and so intertwined with each 
other, the latter could say, " When you have seen me, you have seen 
the Father, for I and the Father are One. " 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that, after Allah The 
Orieinal Man. the First God. self created Himself. He immediatelv 

manifested itself throughout His whole creation. Thus, neither the 
planets nor the solar systems are perfect ciphers-they are egg 
shaped. The circumference of the planet Earth is not a perfect 
25,000 square miles; it is 24,896 square miles. A day is not a 
perfect 24 hours; it is 23 hours 56 minutes and 46 seconds. The 
earth rotates 1,037 and 1/3 miles per hour. The Earth is inclined 
23 and Vi degrees. "1/3" and "1/2" are fractions, which are 
mathematical imperfections. The imperfections of Creation are 
manifestations of the imperfection in the nature of the Creator. 
The First God, upon realizing this, desired perfection for Himself 
and His creation. He yearned for such perfection. His yearning 
was passed down in the genes of His descendants, who also 
yearned for perfection. This yearning will ultimately activate an 
immutable Law. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that whenever a 
people are deprived of something, that depravation will cause a 
yearning. That yearning, over time, will cause a child to be bom 
one day who will fulfill the yearning. That child will be bom just 
as any normal child is bom, but he or she will not be normal. 
They are Children of Destiny, the Seeds of Yearning. Their 
genetic makeup would be so tailored by Providence that their 
nature, skills, temperament, and inclinations are all suited for the 
mission for which they were bom. Such souls as Ahknaton, 
Tousant Louvertoure, Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King, Elijah 
Muhammad, etc., were all Seeds of Yearning. Their time on earth 
will affect a great change. 

The yearning of the First God for perfection was passed on 
from generation to generation. Every God that ruled after Him 
tried to establish a perfect order. Every God failed. The yearning 
grew and intensified. It would take 70 trillion years for the Law, 
call it the Law of Depravation, to produce One to fiilfill this just 
desire. On February 26, 1 877, a Seed of Yearning was bom in the 
Holy City Mecca. 70 trillion years of depravation and yearning 
produced a boy child that would be unlike any human being that 
ever preceded Him. He would be the Last God because He would 
be the First Perfect God-a God with Perfect Wisdom because He is 
bom to answer the Original God's cry for perfection. 



In 1930, an enigmatic figure appeared in Detroit, Michigan. C. 
Eric Lincoln, in his study of the Nation of Islam called Black 
Muslims in America, says of "The Stranger in Detroit": 

"Sometime in the midsummer of 1930, an amiable but 
faintly mysterious peddler appeared in the black ghetto of 
Detroit. He was thought to be an Arab, although his racial 
and national identity still remains undocumented... No one 
knew very much about the founder of this first temple (in 
Detroit). Usually he referred to himself as Mr. Farrad 
Mohammad or Mr. F. Mohammad All He was also known 
as PROFESSOR Ford Mr. Wali Farrad and W.D. 
Fard. .Inevitably, there was a proliferation of legends 
about so mysterious a figure. One such legend is that Fard 
was a black Jamaican whose father was Syrian Moslem. 
Another describes him as a Palestinian Arab who had 
participated in various racial agitation 's in India, South 
Afi-ica, and London before moving on to Detroit. Some of 
his followers believed him to be the son of wealthy parents 
of the tribe of Koreish-the tribe of Mohammed, founder of 
classical Islam. Others say that he was on a diplomatic 
career in the service of the kingdom of Hejaz, but that he 
sacrificed his personal fixture 'to bring fi-eedom, Justice, 
and equality' to the 'black men in the wilderness of North 
America, surrounded and robbed completely by the Cave 
Man... At the other extreme, a Chicago newspaper 
investigating the Black Muslim Movement refers to Fard as 
'a Turkish-born Nazi agent [who! worked for Hitler in 

E.D. Beynon in his 1938 article on Fard stated: 

''Although (Fard) lived in Detroit from July 4'", 1930, until 
June Sff'', 1934, virtually nothing is known about him save 
that he 'came from the East, '...His very name is 
uncertain... One of the few survivors (Sister Carrie 
Muhammad) who heard his first addresses states that he 
himself said: 'My name is W.D. Fard and I came from the 
Holy City of Mecca. More about myself I will not tell you 
yet, for the time has not yet come. I am your brother. You 
have not yet seen me in my royal robes. "*'^ 

Of the 25,000 Blacks who reputedly followed Fard, none knew 
exactly "who He was. " None, except one. 

When Elijah Muhammad first heard Him speak on September 
22, 1931, he instantly recognized his true identity. When the 
lecture was over Elijah got in line with others to shake this man's 
hand. When his turn came, he told this Man, "You are the One 
whom the Bible's prophets foresaw coming: The Son of Man." 
Jabril Muhammad says in his book, This is the One, 

"Almost simultaneously Mr. Fard Muhammad looked 
around to see who else had heard that, and then at Elijah 
sternly. His smile followed the look He bent His head 
close to him, to put His hand on his shoulder, and the other 
on his forehead. Pressing His mouth against Elijah's ear. 
He whispered: 'Yes, I am the One. But who else knows but 

He told Elijah that he should tell nobody about His true 
identity, that He was God in Person. 


Around the year 13,086 B.C. (over 15,000 years ago), the Gods 
convened at the Holy City Mecca. A new Judge was chosen 
whose wisdom-rule was to last 25,000 years until the year A.D. 1 1, 
914 (about 10,000 years from now). That convention in 13,086 
B.C. ushered in a new Cycle of History - the Year 1. The Mother 
Book was written and the history of the world up until the year 
A.D. 11, 914 was decreed. Prophesies concerning the birth and 
work of Yakub, the Great Deluge, and the birth of the Son of Man 
were all contained in the Umm al-Kitab. 

Around A.D. 1870, the Council of The Gods met again at the 
Holy City Mecca to confer over seeking, finding, and returning the 
people that the Bible refers to as the Lost Sheep and Lost Tribe of 
Israel. It was this people that were to be the cornerstone of God's 
New World. "The stone that the builders rejected, that same has 
become the headstone of the corner. (I Peter 2:7)" The Scientists 
knew that it was time for the people to be found and redeemed, but 
the scriptures didn't give the location except in symbolic terms. 
Thus God says in Ezekiel 34:1 1-12, 

"Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek 
them out. As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day 
that is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out 
my sheep, and will deliver them... " 

In 1874, the Gods located the Lost Sheep here in America. 
They then began preparing that One that would be sent to retrieve 
us. Also, the Scientist known as St. Germain prophesied that after 
he left, it would be 85 years before he returned to white people. He 
was last seen in 1788-9. 85 years after 1788 is 1874, the year the 
Scientists began preparation on the God that would be sent into 

One of the Gods on the Council was Fard's Father who has 
come to be known as Alphonso Allah. It has been rumored that He 
was a Moor. The validity of this I don't know, but by His name it 
seems Hkelv. After the Council determined that the Lost Sheen 

the people could be redeemed. They believed that we were so far 
gone, they would only get a few. That small few would not be 
worth the trouble. In fact, of the 17 million so-called Negroes that 
were in America at that time, the Book of Revelations said only 
144,000 would be redeemed. But Alphonso differed with the other 
Imam's (Scientists). 

Alphonso Allah was a pure, jet Black Man from Teman, 
Arabia. He would have come Himself but He knew He would be 
coming into a solid white country. The authorities would have 
given him too many problems for, at that time, America didn't 
allow foreign Black Men to come into the country freely without 
having official business with the government. The Honorable 
Elijah Muhammad says, 

"He (Master Fard Muhammad) said His father knew he 
would not be successful in coming in a solid white country, 
and he being a solid Black man. So, He taught me that His 
father said, 'I will go and make me a Son. And I will send 
my Son among them, looking like them. ' Think over that! 
'My Son, they will think He is one of them, and He will find 
our lost people. " 

The Bible says God would come "without observation" as "a 
thief in the night." Therefore, being a jet Black Man, He would not 
be able to come to a solid white America "undetected." Thus He 
had to specially prepare One that could come "undetected." That 
One had to have a certain complexion to be able to move in certain 
circles in America "without observation." He had to have a certain 
body prepared for Him to come in. Thus, God says in the Book of 
Hebrews 10:5: 

"Wherefore when He cometh into the world, he saith, 
Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, BUT A BODY 

Fard's mother was a Caucasian woman from the mountains of 
Asia. This woman is supposed to have been raised since the age of 
six under the Islamic Sharia or Law in Mecca. Arabia. Her familv 

Her name was reportedly Baby Gee. She was specially prepared to 
give birth to this Special Son. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that "Baby Gee" is the 
woman referred to in the Book of Revelations (12:1): 

"And I saw a great wonder in heaven, a woman clothed 
with the sun, and the moon under her feet and upon her 
head a crown of twelve stars. " 

This lady was a wonder in heaven (Mecca) because she 
wasn't from heaven yet she gave birth to a child of heaven to be 
sent out of heaven.*''' 

"The woman that's seen sitting in the sun, in the light of 
truth and in the midst of the righteous, is a wonder to see 
sitting, because she is not of that particular family. But 
what happened? The God cleaned her up. He striped her 
of the devil and made her fit to give birth to a child, a child 
He intended to use to go after his people and to redeem that 
people fr-om her people. "*" 

The Honorable Louis Farrakhan has said that the twelve stars upon 
her head could mean that the Twelve Major Scientists had 
approved this woman.*'* Mr. Muhammad says: 

"And she was made a perfect. Holy and Righteous woman, 
though not by nature; yet, made righteous. "*' 

I often hear gods (Five Percenters) disrespect the mother of 
Master Fard Muhammad because she was white. They say she is 
"Devil" just like the rest. THIS IS AN EMPHATIC NOW 
CIPHER. Master Fard Muhammad's mother is not to be 
disrespected or referred to as devil. The Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad explicitly states that, though her nature was devil, 

"^ Eliiah Muhammad. The True Historv of Master Fard 

The child was bom on February 26, 1877 in the Holy City 
Mecca. He had the appearance of a white man, even thou he was 
Black. It has been stated by the enemies of Islam, that, because 
His mother was white. He could not be a God. This is very 
erroneous. If an apple seed is planted in soil somewhere in Africa, 
it will germinate as an apple tree. If that apple seed is planted in 
soil somewhere in Asia, it will germinate as an apple tree. Also, if 
that apple seed is planted in soil somewhere in Europe, it will 
germinate as an apple tree. Point being, regardless to where you 
plant the apple seed, it will germinate as an apple tree. Fard was 
the seed of His Father. His mother was like the soil. And once the 
soil was cleaned from its impediments, the seed was able to 
germinate as God. He is the Son of Man (His Father), not the Son 
of Woman (His Mother). This also fulfilled the prophesy that God 
would come "in sinful flesh, to condemn sin in flesh (Romans 
8:3). " He came in the sinful white flesh of the Caucasian to 
condemn the Caucasian. 

Also, all of the Scientists that we have covered, that were sent 
into the white world to do a job, were of this same complexion. 
The Professor, The Swayer of the Signers of the Declaration of 
Independence, and St. Germain all had to look like white people in 
order to be able to move among them without being detected. 
Master Yard Muhammad came in that same line of the Divine. 

He is actually the child that is referred to in the Book of Isaiah 

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the 
government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall 
be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The 
Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase 
of his government of peace there shall be no end... " 

This is a man-child bom of a woman, but He is the Mighty God. 
This certainly is not referring to Jesus of 2,000 years ago. There 
has been more violence and blood shed in the world (in his name) 
than before he came into it. 

As he grew up. He sat in the Circle of the Scientists for 16 
years and was taught the collective knowledge of the Twelve 

12. He also studied in the library vaults in Mecca. His Father 
would take him around to the Kings and pay large sums of money 
for rare, ancient books of Wisdom. Remember also, after Emperor 
Justinian closed down the Mystery School in Kemet (Egypt) in the 
6th century, George James teaches us that the priest fled through 
out the world and secretly developed those teachings which taught 
Man how to be God. One of the places they went to and developed 
those teachings was Mecca.*'* Fard actually traveled the world over 
and studied "every educational system of the civilized world."*" 
He studied a total of 42 years for his mission. Remember also that 
in the Mystery System of Egypt, after one studied for 42 years he 
reached his Sunnum Bounum, which meant his Godhood. 

In preparation for his mission. He calculated the measurements 
of the universe. Muhammad says: 

"He stood still and measured the earth, the waters, 
mountains, hills, deserts, rivers, and weighed them by 
ounces and pounds and gallons. Even the old earth itself, 
and did not over look the atmosphere in which our planet 
rotates in. He measured the air by inches, feet and miles, 
and weighed the whole contents (11 2/3 quintillion 
pounds). He also counted the atoms and cracked them to 
pieces, and told the amount man breaths in from a cubic 
inch, foot, yard. He did not leave us foolish concerning the 
great magnificent starry canopy. He counted and 
measured the distance between the eight inhabitable 
planets, taught us their days, years, the square mileage of 
all, another great wonder. He told us how we come to have 
a moon, by whom... The fiery sun was conquered by His 
measuring line, and her great mass unfold. YES! His eyes 
pierce throughout the vast open space and his measuring 
rod recorded the diameter of the whole 
(76, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 76 quintillion miles) """ 

After he reached maturity, He became The Judge, and all of the 
other Scientists bowed down to Him. This is the One found in the 
Book of Revelations 4:10 sitting on a throne with the 24 Elders 

seated around Him giving Him praise and worship. He is reputed 
to be greater than any God that ever went before Him. None of the 
Judges before His time are equal to Him in Wisdom. All of the 
others had wisdom that only covered a 25,000 Year Cycle. But 
this God's Wisdom is written in scripture to last forever because He 
was bom as a Seed of Yearning to fulfill the Creator's desire for 

He left Arabia and came here to America in 1910. It is written 
in the Book of Matthew 24:27, 

"For as lightning cometh from the east, and shineth even unto 
the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. " 

The Son of Man was prophesied to come out of the East into 
the West. Where from the East? The Book of Habakkiik 3:3 said 
^^God came from Teman, and the Holy One from Mount Par an. " 
Both Teman and Mt. Paran are in Arabia. Allah, Master Fard 
Muhammad, came out of the East, Arabia, and into the West, 

Many people- Jews, Christians, and Muslims, Black and White- 
have a problem grasping that God would visit America, much less 
Black America. But in fact, the whole world is waiting on the 
Coming of God, Some are expecting Him to come under a title 
such as Messiah, Christ or Mahdi. Georges Pidoux, in his 
treatment of the coming of God in the Old Testament, commences 
with the observation, 

"The faith of the Old Testament rests on two certainties, 
equally profound and indissolubly bound together. The 
first is that God has come in the past, and that he has 
intervened in favor of his people. The other... is the hope 
that God will come anew in the future. "^^' 

Murray, in his Jesus And The Kingdom ofGod^ says, 

"The decisive element in the theophany descriptions of the 
Old Testament, accordingly, is the concept of the coming of 
God; the descriptions of the accompanying phenomena in 

^7.- ^ f 1 ^_ I.- .-• f t_f-_ t-.^ ^I _ 

supremely important matter is that God 'comes' into the 
■world... in the future. "*^" 

So too does the New Testament prophesy of the eminent 
coming of God. In II Thessa. 2:9, it prophesies, 

"And then shall the Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall 
consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the 
brightness of HIS COMING: Even him, WHOSE COMING IS 
AFTER THE WORKINGS OF SATAN with all power and signs 
and lying wonder... " 

Why does God come into the world? Murray says, 

"More important than the place from which the Lord 
comes is the 'purpose' for which he comes. The passages 
we have considered provide the answer: the Lord comes 
for the punishment of the wicked and the deliverance of his 
people. '"" 

Habakkuk 3:13 says of the Lord, 

"Thou goest forth to save thou people, thou cometh to save 
thy anointed. "^" 

It is written in Revelation that God will Himself dwell among a 
particular people. It says, 

"And I heard a greater voice out of heaven saying. Behold, 
the tabernacle of God is with men, AND HE WILL DWELL 
GOD (21:3)." 

Who is this people whom God has chosen to dwell among? For 
years, it was thought to be the Jews. But such is not the case. God 
made a covenant with the seed of Abraham (who was a Black 
Man) in Genesis 15:13-15 

"Know of a surety that thy seed would be a stranger in a 
land that is not theirs, and shall serve them: and they shall 
afflict them FOUR HUNDRED YEARS; And that nation, 
whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall 
they come out with great substance. " 

This covenant was never fulfilled by any white Jews in 
bondage in Egypt 4,000 years ago. The Jews themselves told Jesus 
that they were never in bondage to any man (John 8:33). Scholars 
such as H.G. Wells,"'' T.W. Doan,*" Yosef ben Yochannan,*"and 
others have proven that story of the Children of Israel in bondage 
in Egypt for 400 never happened 4,000 years ago. That was a 
prophesy that was to be fulfilled near the end of time. 

Who fulfills that prophecy of being in bondage in a foreign 
land for 400 years? Only the Black Man and Woman who were 
brought from Africa (in the East) to America (in the West). In 
Isaiah 43:5 God says of this people 

"Fear not: for I am with thee: I will BRING THY SEED 

We were brought out of the East into the Western Hemisphere 
in 1 555 on a slave ship named Jesus. We have been here now over 
430 years in this strange land, among strange people, and have 
been afflicted for that time. I Peter 2:9-10 says of us, 

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, A 
PECULIAR PEOPLE: that ye shall shew forth the praises 
of him who have called you OUT OF DARKNESS INTO 
THE MARVELOUS LIGHT: Which in time past WERE 
Which had not obtained mercy, but now obtained mercy. " 

No one can deny that this is speaking of the so-called Negroes 
in America. No one was in more darkness than us. They say if 

an ignorant people. The savage condition of our community bares 
witness to our benightenment. We are a "Peculiar People" made 
that way by the "Peculiar Institution" of slavery. There is not a 
people on earth liken unto us. Before the coming of Master Fard 
Muhammad, The Great Judge of this Day, we were no people at 
all. Our only identity was that of slaves and freed slaves. But now 
we are the People of God. Thus, God came to us, for our 
deliverance, and the Judgment and destruction of America, that 
Mystery Babylon. 

The coming of God in the Last Days was prophesied by the 
world over under different titles. In the apocalyptic writings of 
Enoch which probably date to the first century, aind written in 
Ethiopic, we find the coming of God mentioned also under the title 
of Son of Man and Holy One. The opening oracle reads, 

"The Holy Great One will come forth from his dwelling, 
And the Eternal God will tread upon the earth. .And appear 
in the strength of his might from the heaven of heavens. " 


"For the Heavenly One will arise from his royal throne, 
And he will go forth from his holy habitation with 
indignation and wrath ON ACCOUNT OF HIS SONS. " 

Murray notes, 

"Here the coming of God is motivated 'on account of his 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that Master Fard 
Muhammad, The Great God, left His throne and holy robes back in 
Arabia so that he could come to America and redeem His people, 
destroying our enemies in the process. 

Jesus prophesied of the Coming of Master Fard Muhammad. 
He says in John 14, 

"If ye love me keep my commandments. And I will pray the 
Father, and he shall send you ANOTHER COMFORTER, 
Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will 

This Comforter whom the Father will send is other than Jesus. 
Jesus is not here talking about himself coming back. He just said 
the Comforter would come "in his name." And when He comes. 
He would reveal "ALL things." Some Muslims want to say this is 
reference to Prophet Muhammad of Arabia. If he was the One to 
teach all things, he would not have prophesied the coming of one 
after and greater than himself called Mahdi. He said Mahdi will 
come and fill the earth with justice and equality. Jabril 
Muhammad says, 

"The Mahdi is expected to be a human being in every 
respect; except that He is expected to be very exceptional. 
He would have to be in order to rid the earth of evil and to 
establish righteousness-forever-as he is expected to do. '*^' 

The root of the name Mahdi is AHD, which means "One God." 
The M is the Divine prefix. Thus, the coming of the Mahdi is the 
coming of God."° The Muslim world is up in arms over the 
assertion that God Himself came in the Person, but The Holy 
Qur'an makes two references to the eminent Coming of Allah. In 
the Surah "The DAYBREAK" it says 

RANKS (89:22). " 

The chapter is about the End Days. Thus, at the End Days, we are 
to expect the Coming of God. Also, in 21 :44 it is written 

"See they not then that We are VISITING THE LAND..?" 

Allah is a part of that "WE" that will be visiting the lands. Thus, 
we should expect Allah and His Angels to come in the Last Days 
and visit the land. He came and has visited the land. 

The Ancient Egyptians prophesied the coming of the Great lu- 
em-hept. He was to reveal all the secrets of the history and future 
of the world and establish the Universal Kingdom of Peace on 
earth. The ancient prophesy said that He would make Himself 
known "IN THE WEST."*^' The Chinese prophesied that their 
God Tien would make Himself known in the Last Day in the 
person of the Holy One. They are waiting for the Holy One to 
appear "IN THE WEST."*^^ The Native Americans of Mexico are 
waiting for the God-Savior Quetzacoatle to come here to the West 
"FROM THE EAST."*" The Hindus believe that in the Last Days, 
"when the fixed stars have all... returned to the point from which 
they started," their God Vishnu will "appear among mortals, IN 
horse.""^ In the Latter Days, the God Buddha "will come again.""' 

Thus, the whole world is expecting a certain God-Man to come 
among men in the Last Days as a warrior to destroy the wicked and 
establish the Kingdom of God. These are not all different 
personages. They are all the same Man just described by different 
titles or names. But they all agree He will come from the East and 
make Himself known in the West. That One came, by Himself, in 
the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (To whom all holy praises 
are due forever). He is the Head Judge ,the King of the World, for 
this day and every day from this point onward, for He is the 
greatest of the Gods who ever lived. It is He who says, "Behold, I 
make all things new." He makes a "new heaven and a new earth," 
because the one the Originator created was imperfect. He is the 
One to estqblish that Perfuct Kingdom of Puace, for He is the first 
Perfect human being. The Book of Daniel says, 

"/ saw in the night visions, and behold, with, the clouds of 
heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to 
the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. and to 

"' Massey, Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ and Richard 
Noon 5/5/2000. 

him was given dominion and glory and kingdom, that all 
peoples, nations and languages should serve him; his 
dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass 
away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed. " 


The Ancient of Days represents Allah The Original Man, who 
is God, the Ancient of Days; The originator of the Heavens and 
Earth. The Son of Man is Master Fard Muhammad who is the 
New Ruler. His Kingdom will last forever. Borsch, in Son of 
Man in Myth and History, says, 

"The scene portrays the YOUNG GOD TAKING THE 

In the Book of Enoch also we find: 

"And there I saw One who had a head of days, and His 
head was white like wool, and with Him another being 
whose countenance had the appearance of a man, and his 
face was full of graciousness, like one of the holy 
angels... This is that Son of Man who hath 
righteousness...And whose lot hath THE PRE-EMINENCE 
FOR EVER. And this Son of Man whom thou hath seen 
Shall put down... the kings and the mighty from their 

Borsch says of this Son of Man, 

"He is also a JUDGE WHO SITS ON A THRONE, and the 
throne is identified as THE VERY THRONE OF GOD 
HIMSELF. This idea is hard to account for unless... we 
reach back to the ancient conception of THE YOUNG GOD 

The "young God" indeed has sat Himself in the throne of the 
"old God." Master Fard Muhammad is the Yoimg God who now 

sits in the throne of the Creator Himself. He has come to "pre- 
eminence before the Lord of Spirits" forever. His Kingdom will 
last FOREVER. He will "put down" all the kings and the mighty 
from their seats. Master Fard Muhammad has come to topple all of 
the governments of the world. This Is The One that the world has 
been expecting for the last 2,000 years. And He came. 


In the prophetic pictures of the Coming of God, He is 
accompanied by One called "His Anointed." When He comes out 
of the East and reaches His destination in the West, there He raises 
up His Anointed One. God says in Deuteronomy 18:18 

"/ will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, 
like unto thee (Moses), and I will put my words in his 
mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall 
command him. And it shall come to pass, that whoever will 
not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my 
name, I will require it of him. " 

This Anointed One will actually be the precursor of God. He will 
"prepare ye the way of the Lord." 

In the writings of the Muslim world, when the Mahdi comes, 
He will be accompanied by the Messiah. The Messiah is different 
from the Son of Man and is called the Son of God. The Son of 
Man is God and His Anointed One is called The Son of God or the 
Christ. The two are called "The Two Anointed Ones" in Zee. 4:14. 
In the Holy Qur'an, Allah and His Apostle were drawn together in 
the "farthest horizon." The farthest horizon from Arabia is to the 
dateline in the Pacific. This makes the Western Hemisphere the 
farthest horizon. 

This Anointed One is to be exalted to the "right hand of God; 
angels and authorities and powers being made subject to him (I 
Peter 3:22)," In the Book of Revelations, this Anointed One is 
called The Lamb. The 4th chapter opens up describing the 24 
Elders or Scientist sitting around The Man sitting on a throne. The 
Man is the Mahdi, Master Fard Muhammad. The Mahdi has in His 
hand a book sealed with seven seals. An angel asks "Who is 
worthy to open the book, and loose the seals there of? " No man 
was found worthy and John the Revelator weeps. Then one of the 
Elders says, 

"Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe ofJuda, the Root 

came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat 
on the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four 
beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the 
Lamb. ..And they sung a new song.. .Saying with a loud 
voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, 
and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and 
glory, and blessing. " 

This Lamb of God was already "slain" before He reached the 
throne. But the scripture says that God will exalt His Messenger to 
Himself and they would be as "two arrows shot from the same 
bow." The two in fact could easily be confused. Borsch says of 
this Messiah figure that is described in the apocalyptic Book of 
Enoch that He 

"is enthroned next to God on a throne like that of God... He 
is God's Servant and true vice-regent, all other angelic 
rulers being subject to him. Secrets of creation were 
revealed to him from the beginning of time, and he is called 
a COPY OF GOD and even 'the lesser Yahweh'. '"'' 

Who is this Anointed One called Messiah who was to be seen with 
the Mahdi? In the last book of the Old Testament, the book of 
Malachi-which means "My Messenger" -God says: 

"Behold I will send you ELIJAH THE PROPHET before 
the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord (4:6). " 

Jesus even admits that Elijah "truly shall first come, and 
restore all things (Matt 17:11). " It is generally believed that John 
the Baptist was that Elijah, but he denied being that Elijah (John 
1 : 19-25). While Jesus was on the cross, he called for Elijah (Matt. 
27:47,49). Jesus knew that John was already beheaded, thus he 
couldn't do anything for Jesus. White biblical scholars know that 
John the Baptist was not that Elijah. Examples can be found in the 
New Scofield Reference Bible, Commentary on the Whole Bible 
by J.F. Brown and Son of Man in Myth and History by Borsch. 
That Elijah was yet to come. 

child shall be called Emmanuel, meaning God is Present. His 
name isn't really Emmanuel. He is "called" Emmanuel because he 
will denote that God is present. But the Book of Malachi says that 
One is Elijah. The third name is not generally known because it 
was hid when white folks "translated out of the original tongues, 
diligently compared and revised" the Bible. In the Book of Haggai 
2:7, God says, 

"And I will shake all nations, and the DESIRE OF ALL 
NATIONS SHALL COME: I will fill this house with 

The Hebrew word translated "the desire of all nations" is 
[ 1 /':) )"j ] HMD, pronounced Ahmad. Ahmad is the base and 
etymological root of the name Muhanamad. "M" in the eastern 
languages is the "divine prefix." This divine prefix is added to 
Ahmad to meike Mu-Ahmad, or Muhanmiad. This is how the name 
evolved according to the great scholar Godfrey Higgins in his 
prodigious work, Anacalypsis: An Inquiry Into The Origin Of 
Languages, Nations, and Religions. He says 

"Here Mohammad is expressly foretold by Haggai, and by 
name; there is no interpolation here. "^'"' 

Parkhurst, a white Christian scholar, even had to reluctantly admit 

"[y^J'O] HMD, From this root, the pretended prophet 
Mohammad, or Mahomet, had his name. "^'" 

Higgins says, 

"There is no evading this clear text and it's meaning, as it 
appeared to the mind of the most unwilling of witnesses, 
Parkhurst, and a competent judge too when he happened 
not to be wrapped by prejudice. " 

Thus, the third name mentioned in the Bible of this Messiah is 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is the Messiah that the world 
has been expecting for 2,000 years. Master Fard Muhammad, the 
Great Mahdi, chose Him as His Messenger and Exalted Christ. 
Master Fard Muhammad taught Elijah Muhammad "face to face, 
as a man speaketh to his friend" for three and 1/2 years. He chose 
Him to be the One to represent Himself This man Elijah 
Muhammad worked on the mission given to Him by God Himself 
for 40 years: from 1934 which was the time His Teacher left, to 
1974, which was the last time He ever spoke (He departed the 
following year). It is written in the Book of Hebrews 3:9, 

"When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my 
works FORTY YEARS." 

History reveals that neither Jesus nor Paul worked for forty 
years before the authorities killed them. But that is reference to the 
Forty Years of the Messiah, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

He is not accepted as the Messiah, not even as a Messenger, by 
His own people, thus fiilfilling John's prophesy of Him that 

"He came in the world, and the world was made by him, 
and the world knew him not. He came unto HIS OWN, 

When your hear Black people talk of Him, it is as if He did 
something evil against the Black Nation. Spike Lee portrayed Him 
like a criminal and now many Black people hate Him. Why? 
Jesus says, "They hated me without a cause (John 15:25). " That 
Jesus is The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Seventy-five percent 
of what is written in the Bible concerning "Jesus" is prophetic and 
refers to the prophetic Jesus, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

He is an old, meek and humble man. He wasn't an overly 
handsome man and He had many health problems because The 
Lamb was already slain when He got to the throne. God says of 
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the Book of Isaiah (52:13): 

"Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be 
exalted and extolled, and be very high. As many was 

sorrows, and acquainted with grief. .Surely HE HATH 
SORROWS. But he was wounded for OUR 
INIQUITY OF US ALL. He was oppressed, and he was 
afflicted... he is brought as A LAMB TO THE 

This is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He suffered much 
for our people. He was "marred" in appearance and suffered with 
health afflictions. He is despised and rejected of all men. This is 
why, when honor and recognition is given to historical Black 
figures, His name is hardly ever mentioned. They will mention his 
students, Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali, but they will never 
mention him. He is despised and rejected. 

He did not speak eloquently. He was slow of tongue and spoke 
so-called "broken English." 

"And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I AM NOT 
ELOQUENT, neither heretofore.. .but I AM SLOW OF 
SPEECH, AND OF A SLOW TONGUE.. .And he said, O my 
Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him whom thou will 
send. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against 
Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy brother? I 
speak unto him, and put words in his mouth: and I will be 
with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you 
what ye shall do. AND HE SHALL BE THY SPOKESMAN 

God said in Deuteronomy that His Anointed would be "like 
unto" Moses (18-15). 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is that One "likened unto 
Moses." He had to use eloquent speakers like Malcolm X and 

We have been looking for a white man to float down from the 
sky to be the Messiah. But God rose a Black Man from among us. 
This is why J. Edgar Hoover, a 33rd degree Mason and Moslem 
Shriner (Muslim Son), orchestrated his Counter Intelligence 
Program against Black America. This was a program in which the 
FBI used slander, infiltration, and assassination to "prevent the rise 
of a 'MESSIAH' who could unify and electrify the militant black 
nationalist movement." ^^ He didn't say "leader" or 
"revolutionary." He said Messiah. This was the Biblical Herod 
who destroyed all leaders in an attempt to kill the Messiah. Only 
One escaped his wicked plan: the Honorable Elijah Muhammad- 
The Messiah. 


When Master Fard Muhammad first came to America in 1910, 
He was undetected. He did not make Himself known. In fact, 
according to legend. He studied, then taught, at the University of 
California-Berkley in California. Sister Carrie Muhammad, one of 
His early followers, claimed Fard was a graduate of UCLA. 
While there He stayed with a white family. His name was then 
Wallace Fard. Wallace meant "Stranger." He went back to Arabia 
some time between 1910 and 1930 and changed His name from 
Wallace to Wali, which means "Friend." Fard means "Obligatory" 
and also "Bright and Morning Star." The Christ says in the Book 
of Revelation, "/ am the root and offspring of David, and the 

He finally began teaching on July 4, 1930, in a ghetto in 
Detroit named Paradise Valley. He posed as a silk-peddler and 
went door to door. If He was a jet Black man He would have had 
no success. Black people then (and now) were so filled with self- 
hatred, we would not have listened to a jet Black man coming to 
our door. Even though Marcus Garvey had a very large foUov^dng, 
one of the main criticisms hurled against him was that he was 
"Black and Ugly." DuBoise is reported to have called him a 
"Black bulldog." So when Master Fard Muhammad went door to 

^ _ J 1 

Like many Judges before Him, He made himself of little 
reputation. He allowed himself to be thought of as " Prophet Fard" 
when in fact He was Allah, the Judge. The Axis in Islam is known 
to travel in the garb of a novice. While he didn't disclose his 
identity to the so-called Negroes who were blind, deaf and dumb- 
therefore unable to appreciate his true identity-He did disclose 
Himself to certain whites who, through their Mcisonic learning, 
knew the reality of God. Brother Yussuf Muhammad, one of the 
early followers of Fard, said: 

"When the police asked him who he was, he said: 'lam the 
Supreme Ruler of the Universe. ' He told those police more 
about himself than he would ever tell us. "*^"' 

One time in a courtroom in Detroit, a judge asked Him, "Who 
are you?" He answered, "/ am the Supreme Ruler of the 
Universe." The judge was a Mason so he insteintly understood. He 
asked Fard what He thought He was doing influencing the minds 
of those Negroes the way He had. Fard explained that His job was 
to resurrect the so-called Negro. The judge laughed and said, "Why 
that's like putting pants on an elephantl" Fard responded, "/ 
already have one pant's leg on... " 


Master Fard Muhammad first came to the attention of J. Edgar 
Hoover in September of 1931. As director of the Justice 
Department's Bureau of Investigation (BOI, precursor to the FBI), 
Hoover was asked by President Herbert Hoover to investigate the 
Chicago branch of the Moorish Science Temple of America 
(MSTA). The Grand Sheik in Chicago had sent the President a 
letter requesting he address the annual gathering of the MSTA. 
Since the President had not heard of the group, he had his man in 
the BOI investigate."' 

In the course of this investigation, J. Edgar learned that there 
was a similar, yet more " disturbing," group based in Detroit called 
the " Holy Temple of Islam." Hoover paid little attention to the 
group and terminated the investigation shortly there after. But 
during the Thanksgiving holidays of 1932, Hoover reopened it's 
investigation of the "Allah Temple of Islam." 

It was a quiet storm in Detroit until November, 1932. One of 
Master Fard Muhammad's followers, Robert (Harris) Karri em, 
ritualistically murdered his roommate, James Smith. Karriem, a 
mentally deranged native, "sacrificed" his roommate with a 
dagger and an automobile axle. On November 23, 1932, Fard was 
arrested for investigation. According to the Detroit Free Press, the 
police grabbed Him as He was leaving His room in a hotel at 1 
West Jefferson Avenue. It states: 

"He did not resist the officers, smiling enigmatically when 
told he was under arrest. At police headquarters he evaded 
questions cleverly. With the complacent smile of an 
oriental fakir. Farad (sic) calmly told detectives that he 
was the 'Supreme Being on Earth. "... "^^ 

Fard stated that Karriem had "apparently misunderstood my 
teachings. "*^* 


Karl Evanzz, The Judas Factor, p. 141. 

"Although the precepts of the worship command the death 
penalty for persons who disturb the peace in our temples, ' 
he said, human sacrifices were not tolerated. ""'' 

Fard and His chief minister were held at the Psychotic Ward of 
the Receiving Hospital. The reports said Fard was " suffering from 
delusions that he is a divinity." The day after, All's wife Lillie led 
500 of Fard's followers in a march on poUce headquarters. 

On December 6, detectives Oscar Berry and Charles Snyder 
escorted Fard to the train station, placed Him on a train heading for 
Chicago, and ordered Him to never return. On May 25, 1933, 
Fard was arrested again at Detroit's Hotel Traymore and held 
"pending an investigation into his activities since his 
reappearance" in Detroit.*"* The Detroit Evening Times reported 
that, before returning to Detroit, Fard had ''organized 20,000 
worshipers in Chicago. "*'" He was released and again ordered out 
of the city. He traveled back to Chicago where He was 
immediately arrested. He was arrested again on September 26, 
1933 in Chicago, without deposition, photo, or fingerprints.*^" 

Master Fard Muhammad remained in Detroit for 3 1/2 years. 
Though He had power over the devil. He allowed the devil to arrest 
Him to show Elijah what he would have to suffer in order to 
resurrect the so-called Negro. In 1934, He "mysteriously" 
disappeared, never to be heard from again (by the public). Lincoln 
notes that 

"Fard vanished as mysteriously as he had arrived. Even 
the police seem to have been baffled. "^^' 

^' "Negro Leaders Open Fight..., " p.9. 

*'* " Banished Leader of Cult Arrested, " Detroit Free Press, 

May 26, 1933. P. 10. 

O lO < , — . 


In 1939, the NOI became the subject of FBI counterintelligence 
again. Hoover linked the Muslims with the Japanese Black 
Dragon Society led by seventy-year-old Satahota Takahashi. The 
group was thought to be a fifth column of Japan who v/as to 
eventually engage America in World War II. In 1940, after word 
got back that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad urged his followers 
to oppose the war. Hoover initiated a covert operation against the 
movement. He placed in charge of the operation Assistant FBI 
Director Percy J. Foxworth. In March of 1 942, the Alien Enemy 
Hearing Board recommended the custodial detention of Takahashi. 
Shortly thereafter. President Roosevelt issued an Executive Order 
to have the Honorable Elijah Muhammad locked up and taken off 
the streets. On May 8th, the FBI arrested the Honorable Elijah 
Muheimmad in Washington, DC. 

The FBI then launched a man-hunt for his teacher, Fard 
Muheimmad. The man-hunt in 1942 turned up nothing. Prince-A- 
Cuba, a researcher on the Nation of Islam, says, 

"The FBI, which initiated an investigation of Fard in 1942 
that was to last more than thirty years, could not 
substantiate or verify his name at birth, birth date, place of 
birth, port of entry, exist, or present whereabouts, despite 
exhaustive inquiries. There are even indications that 
bodies were exhumed in the search for Fard. "^" 

In 1956, the FBI became alarmed at the NOI's growing 
^^ appeal to middle-classed blacks and the skyrocketing 
development of new temples, "^'^ which resulted partly from the 
activities of a new recruit, Malcolm X. Hoover requested 
permission from the Justice Department for "increased technical 
surveillance." On New Years Day, 1957, U.S. Attorney General 
Herbert Brownell granted his request. 

In late 1957, after receiving reports of the continuous 
" explosion in the Nation of Islam membership, " the FBI's Chicago 

field office requested that Hoover renew the investigation on Fard. 
In an October 3, 1957 memo, they stated, 

"For the information of the Honolulu, Portland, and 
Washington Field Offices [and] as a result of a recent 
inspection of the Chicago office, it was suggested that a 
concerted effort be made to determine the whereabouts of 
W.D. Fard, reportedly the founder of the Nation of Islam 
[NOI]. '"'' 

The FBI had no leads in their search for W.D. Faid. They 
instead conducted a search under His various aliases. During a 
search with the records of Immigration and Naturalization Services 
(I.N.S.) under the alias Wallace Ford, the name of an immigrant 
from New Zealand came up. This Wallace Ford was an actor in 
California. The FBI put feelers out trying to find Wallace Ford. 
On January 18, 1958, the FBI's Los Angeles field office 
interviewed a woman by the name of Hazel Ford.^" She was the 
common law wife of Wallace Ford in the I920's. In 1926, this 
man and an acquaintance by the name of Ed Donaldson were 
arrested for conspiring to sell a pint of bootleg to an undercover 
cop. After paying a forty-dollar fine. Ford was arrested again for 
selling heroin. He was convicted and sentenced to prison at San 

Wallace Ford was not Master Fard Mtihammad nor was he the 
"white man" the FBI would later make him out to be. Hazel 
described him as a "VERY DARK COMPLECTED 
MEXICAN."*'^ His mother, Beatrice Ford, was a Maori, a 
member of the very dark-skinned tribe of Polynesian origin. After 
IT'S EFFORTS TO FIND FARD.*" The Wallace Ford lead turned 
out to be a wild goose chase and the FBI forgot all about him. In 
1962, they will "metamorphous" him into a white man and use his 
early history as part of a disinformation campaign against the 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 


After the infamous documentary called The Hate That Hate 
Produced aired in 1959, the ranks of the NOI swelled with new 
recruits. Three weeks after the June 13"" broadcast, the Los Angeles 
mosque gained 500 new members. As a result, the FBI initiated 
it's "second major counterintelligence offensive aimed at 
destroying the Nation of Islam. ""* They decided to discredit the 
movement by publishing fabricated biographies of it's founder, 
Master Fard Muhammad. The FBI fabricated a fallacious 
biography which stated Fard was a Txirkish bom nazi agent for 
Hitler during World War II. They reported that Fard and Elijah 
Muhammad had concocted the idea of the Nation of Islam while 
they both were in prison together in Milan, Michigan in 1943. The 
FBI sent this slander to it's ''''friends in the media. " One of those 
friends was the New Crusader newspaper of Chicago. On August 
15, 1959, Mohd Yakub Khan published the slander under the title 
"White Man Is God For Cult of Islam. " Karl Evanzz, in his Judas 
Factor, says Khan 

"had gotten his information from a selection of the FBI's 
file on Wallace Fard, which it released in response to the 
surge in the NOI membership that had followed the 
television broadcast 'The Hate That Hate Produced. '*^' 

This first attempt at disinformation was very sloppy and 
backfired. The article was " riddled with demonstrable errors and 
obvious contradictions." For example, this Nazi from Turkey 
supposedly met Elijah Muhammad while they were allegedly in 
prison together in 1943. However, in another paragraph, the two 
are said to have met in 1934. Such sloppiness allowed the 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X to successfully 
discredit the " white Nazi from Turkey" story with articles of their 
own in Muhammad Speaks eind The Los Angeles Herald 

In September, 1962, The House Un-American Activities 
Committee held hearings on the Nation of Islam. Congressman 

Nation. Hoover sent the fabricated biography along with the 
"Wallace Ford" file. Walter and Congressman L. Mendel Rivers 
agreed to use the story to "disrupt and curb the growth of the 
NOI. """' The Chicago FBI admitted the spuriousness of these 
bio's in a letterhead memorandum to headquarters that was routed 
to the L.A. field office. It acknowledged their failure in identifying 
the whereabouts and background of W.D. Fard. It stated that " all 
investigative leads had been exhausted. '"^^ The Director ordered 
that ''''creative and imaginative methods" be employed. Chicago, 
L.A., and San Francisco began a "misinformation" campaign 
approved by headquarters. The project was overseen by Catha D. 
DeLoach and William Sullivan (Assistant Director). 

The "creative and imaginative methods" used by the FBI 
consisted of merging the " White Nazi from Turkey" slander with 
the " Wallace Ford" history. Wallace Ford was not white nor was 
he light complected. But when he "reemerges" through the 
auspices of the FBI's disinformation campaign, this "very dark- 
complected Mexican" will become a "white Caucasian" like the 
Nazi from Turkey. 

On February 19, 1963, a week before the NOI's Annual Saviors 
Day which commemorates Fard's birth. Hoover learned through 
informants that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's health was bad 
and he would not address the convention. He sent a memo to the 
Chicago field office stating "now [is] the time to use the dossier on 
Fard to neutralize the NOI. "*" He said that if he leaked it to his 
"friends in the media," 

"the impact on Elijah Muhammad and his followers would 
be tremendous and could well serve to make Muhammad 
look ridiculous. " 

The FBI sent the dossier to several large newspapers on July 4, 
1963. On July 28, 1963 Ed Montgomery of the Los Angeles 
Evening Herald-Examiner printed the story under the title "Black 
Muslim Founder Exposed As White." It contained a picture which 
was supposed to be a mug shot of Master Fard Muhammad taken 
in 1933 by the Detroit Police Department (Figure 46). This was in 

860 TU ! J 1 ,1 ^ • 

fact the first flaw in the FBI's disinformation efforts. The picture, 
shown below, is not a mug-shot. The customary police serial 
numbers are conspicuously absent. Who that man is and where it 
came from no one knows. Two things are for certain, however: (1) 
It is not an actual mug-shot taken by the DPD as claimed; (2) It is 
not W.D. Fard, the teacher of Elijah Muhammad. 

The FBI got even sloppier. The article also shows a birth 
certificate for the son of Wallace and Hazel Ford (or Hazel Barton, 
her maiden name) (Figure 50). On the alleged certificate, the race 
of both parents is listed as " White." We know the certificate is 
doctored because HAZEL'S WALLACE FORD WAS NOT 
FBI obviously did was take the history of Wallace Ford and give 
him the racial identity of the Nazi from Turkey. 

The FBI also released a 1926 San Quentin mug-shot. Prince - 
A-Cuba argues that this picture was doctored from the 1 933 fake. 
He says, 

"hair was removed for the 'convict look, ' and the photo 
underexposed to add shadows to conceal the work done on 
(the) photo, as well as to make it appear different from the 
original 1933 photo.""^' 

On July 30, Hoover received a memo stating that the fabricated 
story had the desired effect on Muhammad. According to the 
memo, Muhammad was "quite riled up about the story. " Mr. 
Muhammad made a public response to the slander stating: 

"/, Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, told the Lost 
Angeles Herald Examiner's office on Monday, July 29, 
1963, that my followers and I will pay the Los Angeles 
Herald Examiner newspaper $100,000... to prove the 
headline charge ('Black Muslim Founder Exposed As 
White') made against us: we are following one Wallace 
Dodd with many aliases including the name, Fard; that he 
is the man that I am representing to my people as Master 
Fard Muhammad (Allah in Person) who appeared among 

us in Detroit, Michigan in 1931 and is the same person 
(Wallace Dodd)'"' 

The paper was never able to prove it, nor was any other 
newspaper who printed the fallacious story. The FBI spread two 
different fabricated biographies of Fard Muhammad to make Mr. 
Elijah Muhammad "look ridiculous" and curb the growth of the 
Nation of Islam. The enemies of the Nation of Islam like to quote 
this FBI propaganda, like Dr. York of the Nubian Hebrews. But 
the stories are just that-FBI propaganda. 


Upon the departure of Master Fard Muhammad, He left His 
followers one picture of Himself (Figure 43). The Muslim World 
charges the Nation of Islam with 'shirk' and idolatry by holding up 
a picture of a man and saying it is a picture of Allah in the Person. 
But Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) taught that 'ishan' is to 
worship Alleih " as if you are seeing Him, and while you see Him 
not, surely He sees you. "*" To worship as if seeing someone 
requires that we are able to form a picture in our mind's eye of that 
object of worship. If Allah coiild not be seen or if He gave us no 
idea of what we would be seeing, HOW COULD WE WORSHIP 

No. We have proven throughout this series that Allah (God) is 
a Man that coiild be visualized. And in 1934, the last Judge left a 
picture so that the People of God woiild be able worship as if 
seeing Him, though we see Him not. The picture itself is not to be 
worshipped, for such woiild surely be idolatry. 

This particular pose of the God is also of great significance. 
He is here pictured, not in the old garbs of the Old World of Islam, 
but in a suit and tie, with a pen in his left suit pocket. He is shown 
studying the Holy Qur'an. THE ONE PICTURE THE GOD LEFT 
WAS OF HIM STUDYING. Minister Farrakhan, on the authority 
of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, has stated that Master Fard 
Muhammad left this picture to teach His people how He developed 

into His God-hood. He studied 42 years. This was to serve as an 
example and as instructions to His people who were to become 

On November 23, 1932, Fard was arrested by the Detroit 
Police Department in connection with the rimal murder of James 
Smith by Robert Karreim. He was not photographed nor was He 
fingerprinted. On November 24, The Detroit Free Press ran a 
fi-ont-page story covering the killing and the arrest of W.D. Fard.*^^ 
On page 20, the back page Pictorial Section, The Detroit Free 
Press printed a photo they had taken of Fard and detectives Oscar 
Berry and Charles Snyder (Figure 44). This photo is very 
interesting. Most Muslims and gods had no idea it existed. I am 
indebted to the investigative work of Prince Allah Cuba at The 
Universal Truth Publications. The photo pictures W.D. Fard, 
again, STUDYING SCRIPTURE! The detectives appeared to be 
engrossed in Fard's exegesis. The caption under the picture reads, 
in part: 

" 'HERE'S MY AUTHORITY.' Wallace Farad, head of the 
Order of Islam, explains from his 'bible ' to detectives the 
workings of his cult... " 

The authenticity of this photo has never been confirmed or denied. 
People simply did not know it existed. I am inclined to believe 
that it is authentic. It was, as opposed to the later forgeries, which 
we will soon discuss, released the day after his arrest. The fact that 
He allowed The Detroit Free Press to photograph Him studying 
scripture I think says something of the authenticity of the photo. 
Again, the only picture the God wanted His People to have of Him 
is of Him studying. It would, however, take an individual " in the 
know," such as Min. Farrakhan, Min. Jabril Muhammad, or any of 
those who might have heard fi-om the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad himself whether or not the picture is an authentic 
photo of Master Fard Muhammad. 

— Free Prc^j Phot' 

"HERE'S MY AUTHORITY." Wallace Farad, hrad 

of the Order of Islam, explains from his bihle' to delec- 

liyea the workings of his cult, h wns an offshoot of the 

Order of islam which led Robert Harris. Negn"©. lo slay 

James Smith in a cult rite, police charge. Farad is held. 

On July 4. 1963. the Anniversary' of the Day in which Master Fard 
Muhammad began teaching His People in Detroit, the FBI sent it's 
fabricated bio's to the major newspapers who constitutes Hoovers "friends 
in the media. " On July 28. Hoover's friend at the Los Angles Herald 
Examiner. Ed Montgomery, ran the slander under the front title "Black 
Muslim Founder Exposed As White" (Figure 45). 


-^^ - . _ 

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i. ^. SUNNY 


Unitad Pf»ii Inttrnotianol • At«aciot*d ^f«ii . Do- lonti 

Fishing With 
Herbert Hoover 

~ — ■'" 



«^ - 


Kennedy. Pact The Body' ' « 

li a f'lTitStep 
Toward Peace 

'. Guilty of 

vuwHoran J.IT n .urt. — riBi mn ,„ nj^ ■ i, i . ii 

Dodd Sensd 
Ti'me-in-6uentin — 

The FBI sent Montgomery the history of the man Wallace Ford 
along with a fake photo and birth certificate. The alleged history 
of Fard provided to the Los Angles Herald Examiner was 
completely different from the history the FBI provided to Mohd 
Yakub Khan at the New Crusader in Chicago.**^ The photo in 
Montgomery's article (Figtire 46) was supposed to be the mug shot 
taken by the Detroit Police Department after Fard's arrest on May, 
26, 1933 after He returned to Detroit from Chicago. However, not 
only is the photo not Master Fard Muhammad, it is not a mug shot 
at all. The customary police ID Number, shown in the alleged 
1926 San Quentin mug shot (Figure 48) and the mug shot of Elijah 
Muhammad in 1943 (Figure 47) are here conspicuously absent. 
This photo was provided to Montgomery by the FBI who, based on 
a profile they were able to put together from the 1932 Detroit Free 
Press photo and the 1934 NOI photo, obviously found a look a-like 
to pose for their fake "mug shot" photo. 

This photo is also not Wallace Ford, though they use his 
history in the article. When the FBI interviewed Hazel Ford on 
January 18, 1958, they were unable to determine his whereabouts. 
After two month's of fiaiitless searching, they closed the 
investigation. *** Who this man actually is will probably forever 
remain a mystery, but he is truly neither W.D. Fard nor Weillace 

From this fake "Detroit mug shot," as Prince- A-Cuba has 
convincingly shown, the FBI doctored the later " San Quentin mug 
shot" (Figure 48). It is interesting that this picture was not 
contained in the file the FBI sent Ed Montgomery. Thus, it was a 
later creation. If you look at the picture of the "Detroit Mug" 
found in Montgomery's article (Figure 49), as opposed to the 
overexposed picture shown above), you can clearly see that the two 
pictures are the same. A close look at the nose bridge, the two 
shadows extending from the (our) right side of the nose under his 
left eye; the top lip bridge; and the mustache shadow above his lip, 
all prove that Prince Cuba's contention was correct: the 1926 " San 
Quentin Mug" was doctored from the 1933 "Detroit Mug." Both 
of them are fake mugs. 





Ed Montgomery's article also contained a picture of a birth certificate 
allegedly belonging to the son of Wallace Ford and Hazel Barton Ford 
(Figure 50). Montgomery circles for his readers the racial listing of the 
father: WHITE. In an overzealous effort to make Elijah Muhammad's 
teacher a "fake," the FBI unwittingly exposes the fakeness of the 
document. The real Wallace Ford, common law husband of Hazel Barton 
Ford, WAS NOT WHITE! She described her baby's father as " A VERY 
DARK COMPLECTED MEXICAN." His mother was a member of the 
very dark skinned Maori tribe of Polynesian origin.*** 

*i; n»-t2I!I-j£2^^ OaltforaU fttilf Viari of Xralli| 

Sijie Ittitx So _ 

:,TANO**0 CtRTiriCATC CF OIRTM '-^i' Hrti'lrrti) So. 




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' iii«iB .qept 

ttllaco Fbrd 

8 Flower Loe AJtcsloe 


"iM. Hazel Barton 

i^vpftyUcfM fwOoM' *!<»"• ••'■'•t';-j«""<r y ii W . O'' 

Nng PH/llClAN on MtDWITL* 



Ib2l So Hope Et Lee Ar.i^clfO 

On August 14, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad offered Montgomery 
and the staff of the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner S 100, 000 to prove their 
claim. No one was able to do so. 

^L TUuhammadSpcaks W 

Nation Of Islam Offers Hearst 




Phly To Prove Charge 

Claims ^(^^^^^^^—gr^ 

'n ■■■»•.)•<• *H«IH«*»4in.>«M»i«l. Willi. D«*l ilnil WX II illliii II II ) ««<— M 
•M •» •>»> » <>• » «M> Hmmt M WM» It ka llii til rf *> M««il« rf Wh to NMk UlliHj M li^, 
rCir^'^tS^^ •»«', k««iMl Oi^/^M.1 MMw r««l, •< ItocM, ak> (n> dlla Wadi pM*l* h ^ 
u. ra>K>^ w> •.•■< la Mjk n i m i* « l» M il. Bo M «iilil*li BMt IMi»— ■< t» 1 »<> tt t n d h 

^ r«'»'*r j"«'" fc— »»|^«n> ..K t%,*m»mmlfm. km tal l^lll i *>« *n» «i< 

■ I .. . »^ la. » ^ftmi t, p>r •ibO.OM ttiftm rmm *^ liiii<iil»« 4Mm. Um «>■ »■ 


Thus, the Black Man and Woman are the gods and goddesses 
of the earth, Children of the Most High. Mr. Muhammad says: 

"When we say Allah, the Name means God and covers all 
Muslims. All Muslims are Allahs... Allah is all of us... every 
righteous person is a god. We are all God. When we say 
'Allah ' we mean every righteous person. "*'" 

Master Fard Muhammad (T.W.P.I.D.F.) told His student : 

"They just waited. They *re so glad that the day has come 
now that they can show you now that THE BLACK MAN 
IS GOD.""'' 

The Jews know that the Black Man is God. The Masons know 
that the Black Man is God. The Church of Rome knows that the 
Black Man is God. Yet the Black Man and Woman continue to 
worship a Mystery God. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad 
answered three very important questions concerning the make-up 
of the human family: 

Who is the 85%? 

The uncivilized people; poison animal eaters; slaves from 
mental death and power; people who do not know the 
Living God, or their origin in this world, and they worship 
what they know not what-who are easily lead in the wrong 
direction, but hard to lead in the right direction. 

Who is the 10%? 

The rich; the slave makers of the poor, who teach the poor 
lies- to believe that the Almighty True and Living God is a 

Otherwise known as the Blood- Sucker of the Poor. 

Who is the 5% in this Poor Part of the Earth? 

They are the poor, righteous Teachers, who do not believe 
in the teachings of the 10%; who are all-wise; and know 
who the Living God is; and teach that the Living God is 
the Son of Man, the Supreme Being, the (black man) of 
Asia; and teach Freedom, Justice, and Equality to all the 
human families of the planet Earth. 

Otherwise known as Civilized People. 
Also is Muslim and Muslim Sons. 

The masses (85%) don't know God. They worship a 
philosophical construct given them by a small but powerful click 
(10%) who publicly share their faith but secretly acknowledge the 
True and Living God. The Five Percent have the perilous task of 
imparting this Divine Knowledge-perilous because what they are 
doing threatens to topple an entire world which has been built on a 
lie: the Lie of the Mystery God. 

As shown in my book, The Synagogue of Satan and the 
Secret of the Black God, Jews are locked in a battle with the 
Honorable Louise Farrakhan, not because he is anti-Semitic, but 
because they know he is the herald of the Messiah and 
representative of the True and Living God-the Black God, the God 
which they have tried so hard keep concealed from the people. 

The Knowledge of God is the most precious Jewel. When 
given to a people who have walked in darkness for so long, it can 
be (with some) tantamount to throwing pearls before swine. Some 
of us simply lack the ability to appreciate it. The Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad once said "there are some people so stupid, God 
can 't even help them." 

With others, this Jewel in their hands becomes very dangerous. 
Some of our people have taken this knowledge that the Black Man 
is God and have become devils. Others receive this Wisdom, hut 

Gods" hidden in subterranean communities, the masses of Black 
men have fallen far from the Glory of God. The difference 
between God and Man is this: God is an Immortal Man and man is 
a mortal god. Man is a god whose Third Eye (Pineal Gland) is 
closed. God is a man whose Third Eye is open. What we see in 
Atlanta, Detroit, New York, Pennsylvania, and through out the 
inner cities of America, are Black men, i.e. mortal gods. The 
brother strung out on drugs, or the graduate from Morehouse doped 
out on a false sense of belonging, are gods whose Eye is closed. 
This happened as a result of our fall. 

"/ have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the 
Most High. 

But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. 
Arise, O, God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all 
nations. " 

We are gods. But we have fallen. We are admonished to 
"Arise, O' God." That process of "arising," called in scripture 
"Resurrection," is the process of awakening the Spirit of God in us 
(our Higher Selves) and becoming One with It. This is called in 
Sufism " Annihilation, " for the personal self or ego is annihilated 
and what moves and lives in it's place is Allah Himself. This 
process of Resurrection was the purpose for which Master Fard 
Muhammad, the World King, came out of hiding and chose to 
dwell among His people. He deposited in the head of the 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad the Wisdom necessary to facilitate 
our Resurrection. 

In 1964, the Father Allah (Clarence 13X) left Temple # 7 in 
New York and brought this Jewel to a community who were 
previously "out of the loop." Malcolm X, the minister of Temple 
# 7 at the time, had an agenda which centered around reaching out 
to the Civil Rights element, thus leaving a spiritual void in the 
Black youth of New York. Clarence 13X Smith stepped in to fill 
that void. From him, a whole generation of young gods and 
goddesses (Earths) sprung. Black children were walking around 
the streets of New York with wisdom superior to college graduates 

us Living Gods. A Living God created the Sun and gave it a 
diameter of 853,000 square miles. A Living God created the Earth 
and gave it a weight of six sextillion tons. It was Living Gods 
(Immortal Men) who raised the mountains on the planet so that we 
will have a smooth ride through space. 

The process by which one goes from a mortal god to an 
Immortal Man (Living God) is much more involved that just 
memorizing some degrees. It requires years of discipline, self- 
denial, and spiritual development, all predicated upon humility. In 
Egypt, it took 42 years to achieve Summum Bonum or Godhood. 
Master Fard Muhammad, the God of Gods, Himself studied 42 
years. He came to America, by Himself, and brought the blueprint 
were by the mortal gods living in the slums and lost in the white 
communities of America can be raised to Immortal Men. The 
Blueprint contains more than 120 Lessons. It contains Instructions 
to the Laborers, Restrictive Law, the Problem Book, the Rules of 
Islam. It contains the "whole" body of Wisdom revealed to the 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad. When we pick and choose, taking 
some of the Blueprint and leaving the rest, we short change our 
own selves and sabotage our Resiirrection. 

Supreme Wisdom is a Blessing from Allah Wa'ta'allah. But as 
Solomon was admonished, with all our getting of Wisdom, we 
must get Understanding. The Black Man is God, but because we 
have lacked understanding, we have rendered this Jewel of 
Supreme Wisdom an empty, rhetorical slogan. 

The Son of Man, the King of the World, God in Person, has 
come. He came, not to just make us believers, but to makes us 

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet 
appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall 
appear, WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM, for we shall see Him as 
He is." (IJohn3:2) 




Over the past few years, a debate has quietly raged within the 
Five Percent Nation over whether or not Gods were Muslims. 
Many believe that a Muslim is "one who submits" and therefore 
Gods, who allegedly submit to no one and nothing, cannot then be 
Muslim. There are also those who allege that the Father Allah 
taught that we are not Muslim, yet such persons fail every time to 
produce proof of such claims. Putting words in the mouth of the 
Father to justify a new and heretical doctrine has been the 'modus 
operandi' of the Ten Percent element which has evolved and 
gained a foothold within our Nation. The only actual tape 
available of the Father building has him making no such statement. 
But some Gods persist in taking a religious posture and 
dogmatically insist on that which they can not prove. 

According to Universal Shamgaad Allah, THE FATHER 
TAUGHT THAT WE WERE MUSLIMS!!! In a 1983 edition of 
The Sun of Man, which is shown in the Appendix, our great Elder 

"/ tell you these things so you will not be deceived. Just 
recently I heard one young brother tell another that he had 
more knowledge than the other because he could quote 666 
of these lessons. I had a mental picture of 666 large 
needles sticking in his head. I thought to myself well, he 
has his war bonnet all he needs now is his fire water and 
he 11 be off to do his war dance. Brothers and sisters, THIS 

This is Universal Shamgaad, the brother who gave the Nation of 
Gods and Earths the Flag, stating emphatically that the Father DID 
TEACH THAT WE ARE MUSLIMS. Unquestionably, the Father 
based his understanding on The Lessons which he intensely studied 
and gained mastery of while an FOI in Mosque #7. When he left 
the Mosque, he embarked on a mission to correct a particular 
situation that had developed. The life giving teachings contained 
within The Lessons, The Lost Found Muslim Lessons, were not 
being made accessible to the Babies in New York. Malcolm 
catered his message to an older audience. Thus, the Father went 
out to claim the Lost Sheep of New York: the Black Babies. 

The Father made it mandatory that each and every young God 
or Earth study The Lessons, memorize them, and be able to recite 
them. He gave of Supreme Mathematics, Supreme Alphabet and 
Twelve Jewels of Islam as a key to better understand The Lessons. 
IMPORTANCE IN THIS NATION. Those brothers who are now 
trying to deny the The Lessons their rightful place and propagate a 
doctrine which is contrary to the message of The Lessons, are 
disrespecting the Father and the Mission that he left the Mosque to 

Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying. 

This people draweth nigh unto me with their lips; 

but their heart is far from me. 

But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the 

commandments of men.(M,aXt. 15:7-9) 

Many in our Nation are guilty of the said above. They draw 
nigh unto the Father by their lips yet, their actions and their 
denying of that which the Father stood upon, indicates that their 
hearts are far removed from him. Others have taken to 
worshipping the Father, believing he dropped down from the sky 
ready made as opposed to developing in the womb of the Mosque. 
These brothers teach for doctrine the commandments of these men 
who have set themselves up as leaders of the Nation. 

The Lessons are the words of Master Fard Muhammad and the 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This is what the Father brought for 

of North America. This knowledge was made manifest to us 
through the Wisdom, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 
Everything that we know of Islam was brought by Master Fard 
Muhammad and taught to us by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 
These two men, the Knowledge and the Wisdom, gave mental birth 
to the Understanding, the Father Allah. These three exist as a tri- 
unit. To separate the Father from this imit in order to give him a 
different teaching from what Master Fard Muhammad and the 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught, is tantamoimt to separating 
the Understanding from the Knowledge and Wisdom, or the seed 
from its parents. The Father, as the Understanding, is indeed for 
us the Best Part. But Understanding is imderstood only in the 
context of the Knowledge and Wisdom which homed it. Zig, Zag, 
Zig teaches us that Knowledge and Understanding are alike, THUS 
ARE ALIKE. To separate them is to violate the Laws of Supreme 
MATHEMATICS. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as the 
Wisdom, is the bridge between the Knowledge and the 

He who claims that the Father taught something different from 
what the Knowledge and the Wisdom taught are setting up an 
inconsistency in Allah's Mathematics. THAT IS AN EMPHATIC 

So, what did the Honorable Elijah Muhzunmad, as the bridge 
between Master Fard Muhammad and the Father Allah, teach? 
First and foremost, he taught that the Black Man is God. 

"The Black Man is the God of the Earth. He is the 
Creator. I don 't care how you have been mistreated, still 
your Father was a Black Man and He is the One who 
created this Earth and is now taking it over. This is our 
Earth. "*'- 

He savs also. 

"If you don t believe that the Black Man is God. that s all 
right with me. Just show me the God that you believe in. if 
you say it is not the devil or Caucasian. "^ "" 

Muhammad says Master Fard Muhammad said to him one day 

"They just waited. They're so glad that the day has come 
now that they can show you now that the Black Man is 

The Black Man, Muhammad teaches, is God. and our rightful 
name is Allah. 

"As far as the Name goes, I am Allah and you are Allah. I 
am not anything more than you in that way. We are all 
Allah. •"'' 

And Allah, Muhammad teaches, IS A RIGHTEOUS MUSLIM. 
The Original God, the first Creator, was a Muslim. 

"We were created Muslim from the very beginning. Our 
Father, who created the Heavens and the Earth was a 
Muslim.. .Muslim means a righteous person.. .You were 
created Muslim. "'^ " 

He says again: 

"You are born a Muslim. You were not made a Muslim, 
you were created a Muslim from the start. God, Himself, 
was a Muslim and all of His people are Muslims. "" 

AllEih The Original Man Himself was a Muslim, and all natural 
Muslims are Allah's, collectively and individually: 

"When we say 'Allah, ' that Name means God and covers ALL 
Supreme Allah the Supreme Being. And He has a Name of His 

Own Thi<: Nnntp i<: 'Fnrd Muhnmmnd 

And He came, by Himself, not to just make us followers, but to 
grow us into true God-hood. 

" The Father is our own Kind. He wants to make you and 
me: not just believers, but Gods... 

...There is no doubt that we are really Gods, but we lost 
our power and knowledge as shown by the parable of 
Jesus. 'Salt is good as long as it has saving power. When it 
no longer has saving power it is not good for anything, but 
to be thrown out and trampled under people 'sfeet. ' 

This is referring to us. We had knowledge and we will 
be powerful when we are restored to what we originally 
were. But, we have been robed of power through depriving 
us of the Knowledge of Self... 

" Allah taught me that He would like to restore you... You 
have lost everything of Self. Now He wants to restore you 
back to Self. Then you can do what we are preaching that 
He is doing if you will believe and follow Him. He didn 't 
come here just to show us who He was. He came here to 
show us who He was, who we are, and to make us 
rulers. '"'' 

The Lessons are just as explicit on the Black Man being God 
and God being a Righteous Muslim. In Student Enrollment # 1 , 
Master Fard Muhammad asked, " Who is the Original Man? " The 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad answered: 

The Original Man is the Asiatic Black Man, The Maker, 
The Owner, The Cream of the planet Earth, the Father of 
Civilization, the God of the Universe. 

In the knowledge degree of the Lost-Found Muslim Lesson # 
2 (1-40), Muhammad stated: 

The Holy Koran or Bible is made by the original people, 
who is Allah, the supreme being, or (black man) of Asia. 

The population of the Original Nation in the wilderness of 
North America is 1 7, 000, 000. 

With the 2,000,000 Indians makes it- 19,000,000. 

All over the Planet Earth is 4,400,000,000. 

These 17,000,000 members of the Original Nation are Original 
People and are therefore Allah. But they are also Righteous 
Muslims. In English Lesson CI (1-36) a dialog is recorded 
between Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad. It starts off: 

My name is W.F. MUHAMMAD. 

I came to North America by myself. 

My uncle was brought over here by the Trader three 
hundred seventy-nine years ago. 

His Uncle is the Original Man in the wilderness of North America 
who was brought here by the Trader, Sir John Hardy Hawkins in 
the year 1555. The Original Man here is the brother of the 
Original Man in the East, one of whom was Alphonso Allah, the 
father of Master Fard Muhammad. And because we are the 
brother of His father, we are called " uncle'.' The Lesson goes on 
to say that the Devil, after planting fear in the uncle, fed him the 
wrong foods which made him other than himself "What is his 
own self? " the Honorable Elijah Muhammad asks. Master Fard 
Muhammad answers: 

14. His own self is a righteous Muslim. 

15. Are there any Muslims other than righteous? 

16. I beg your pardon! I have never heard of one... ^^° 

21. Did I hear you say that some of the seventeen million do 
not know that they are Muslims? 

22. YES, SIR! 

23. I hardly believe that unless they are blind, deaf, and 

24. Well, they were made blind, deaf, and dumb by the devil 
when they were babies. 

In the above exchange. Master Fard Muhammad identifies the 
1 7 million members of the Original Nation in the wilderness of 
North America as RIGHTEOUS MUSLIMS. These are the same 
who are the Original People who is Allah. ALLAH IS A 
RIGHTEOUS MUSLIM. I once heard a God try to argue that the 
"uncle" that is here referred to as Muslim was the 85%. The Five 
Percent, he said, were not Muslim. The Lessons, however, 
destroys that argument. Above degrees #19-24 explicitly states 
that the whole 17 million are Righteous Muslims. The 85%, THE 
BLIND, DEAF, AND DUMB AMONG US, are those who argue 
that they are not Muslim for lack of knowledge. Also, in the 
knowledge equality degree of the 1-40, it makes it plain that the 

Who is the 5% in the Poor Part of the Earth? 

They are the poor, righteous Teachers, who do not believe 
in the teaching of the 10%; and who are all-wise; and 
know who the Living God is; and Teach that the Living 
God is the Son of man, the Supreme Being, the (black man) 
of Asia; and Teach Freedom, Justice and Equality to all the 
human family of the planet Earth. 

Otherwise known as Civilized People. 

A T o/^ ro » yr tct t\ t t xrr» i n tct ttl r c/-^\tc 

31. To make devil, what must you first do? 

To make devil, one must begin grafting from original. 

Many Gods are running around with "devil lessons" which were 
grafted from the originals. But this degree explicitly states that 

The Original Nation is cdled the Nation of Islam. Many Gods, 
who lack proper knowledge, disassociate themselves from the 
Nation of Islam because they identify it with the Mosque. This is 
an emphatic now cipher. The whole Original Nation of 
4,400,000,000 Original People constitute the Nation of Islam. 
Those of us who were brought to the wilderness of North America 
by the Trader are called the Lost-Found Members of the Nation of 
Islam. We are the Five Percent within the Lost-Found Nation of 
Islam. But the only eternal nation is the Nation of Islam. 

9. What is the birth record of the said, Nation of Islam? 

The said. Nation of Islam, has no birth record. It has no 
beginning nor ending. 

10. What is the birth record of said, others than Islam? 

Buddhism is 35,000 years old. 
Christianity is 551 years old.^^' 


There are many gods among us who say they are not Muslim 
because they don't " submit." In fact, they may be telling the truth. 
Though by nature we were created Muslim, willful rebellion 
against the Universal Law of Mathematics will indeed earn us a 
different name. In the Holy Qur'an, which was written by the 
Original People who is Allah, it reads: 

He said: What hindered thee that thou didst not submit 
when I commanded thee? He said: I am better than he 
(Adam); Thou has created me of fire, while him Thou didst 
create of dust. 

He (Allah) said:Then get forth from this (state), for it is not 
for thee to behave proudly therein. Go forth, therefore, 
surly thou art of the abject ones. " (7:11-13) 

The above is a symbolic picture of the Self Creation of Allah 
The Original Man (A.T.O.M. or Adam). It is clear that from the 
very beginning of this Nation, there were those among us who 
developed a particular temperament which caused them to willfiilly 
violate the Holy Sharia or Law of Islam which was always 
paramotmt in this Nation. Maulana Muhammad Ali says the 
creation from fire and from dust represents two different 
temperaments within the Original Nation. Those who are made 
from dust represents the perfect man who is humble and meek 
while those among us who are made of fire are the proud and 
arrogant.**^ Those individuals who say " I don't submit to nobody 
or nothing, I'm God!" Not only are these individuals blatant liars, 
they are called in scripture Iblis. Said persons of this temperament 
are punished by the Nation of Islam by exile or banishment. 

In Islam, for the last 66 trillion years, the Holy Sharia has been 
the Rule, for rule or ruler is that which the King (Allah) uses to 
keep everything right and exact. No one is ever above the Law of 
Islam. Even the Great Gods who sat in the Circle of Twelve were 
subject to the Law. One of the Great Gods 50,000 years had an 
idea that didn't find favor among the other 1 1 Imams or Scientists 
of Islam. He persisted in his idea and was thus banished from the 
Holy City Mecca. Shabazz and his family were exiled into Africa 
which, at that time, was used by the Great Gods as a place of exile 
for all rebels. The ancient Sumerians referred to Africa as the 
ABZU which came to mean "Underworld" and "world of the 
Dead." *" The Anunnaki, which are the 24 Scientists in Sumerian 
theology, sentenced rebel Gods, including members of their own 
Circle, to exile in Africa or the Abzu. 

The natural consequence of this is that the society or family who 
were "cut off falls into debasement and savagery. When 
Shabazz rebelled, his family fell into savagery in Africa, our land 
of exile. There is no denying this. This is fact. The banishment 
of Shabazz and his Family is recorded in the Sumerian cuneiform 
tablets. They refer to Shabazz as "En.Ki." which means "The 
Lord who was cut off." ^^ He was one of the Lords, the Twelve 
Major Scientists, but he was cut off when he refiised to submit to 
the Decree of the Council. To the Abzu Enki was banished. 

Why are the Indians in North America? Because they violated 
the Law of Islam 1 6,000 years ago and were exiled here. All 
members of the Universal Nation of Islam Eire required to submit to 
the Law of Mathematics. We all have the option, however, of not 
submitting. There is a penalty (Just-Ice) for such rebellion. Just 
because you are God, doesn't mean you don't have to submit to 
Allah's Mathematics. 

Some brothers see the fact that Allah is a Muslim as a 
contradiction. It's not just a contradiction, it's a paradox, for such 
is the nature of Truth. The Truth is the Light. And Light, by it 
very nature, is a contradiction; a contradiction which physicists 
called the Great Paradox of Light. Fritjof Capra, in his The Tao of 
Physics, explains: 

"In atomic physics, many of the paradoxical situations are 
connected with the dual nature of light or-more generally- 
of electromagnetic radiation. On the one hand, it is clear 
that the radiation must consist of waves because it 
produces the well-known interference phenomena 
associated with waves... On the other hand, electromagnetic 
radiation also produces the so-called photoelectric effect: 
when ultraviolet light is shown on the surface of some 
metals, it can 'kick out ' electrons from the surface of the 
metal, and therefore it must consist of particles.... The 
question which puzzled physicists so much in the early 
stages of atomic theory was how electromagnetic radiation 
could simultaneously consist of particles (i.e. entities 
confined to a very small volume) and of waves, which are 
spread out over a large area of space. Neither language 
nor imagination could deal with this kind of reality very 

We now know that this seeming contradiction is a fundamental 
aspect of the natvire of light itself. 

"Every time the physicist asked nature a question in an 
atomic experiment, nature answered with a paradox, and 
the more they tried to clarify the situation, the sharper the 
paradoxes became. It took them a long time to accept the 
fact that these paradoxes belong to the intrinsic structure of 
atomic physics. '"'** 

Reality is a Paradox. The Truth, like light, is a Great Paradox. 
The Original Man is Allah, and Allah is a Righteous Muslim. 

Who among us is willing to deny Allah's Mathematics? Who 
among us is willing to deny The Lessons? And who among us is 
willing to deny the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the bridge 
between the Knowledge and the Understanding? To say that Allah 
is not a Muslim, is to deny all of the said above. And to deny the 
said above is to deny the Father himself. WHO AMONG YOU 



' (g).'-^ THE 

LIGHT-Traveling at the speed of-THOUGHT 

ST.MAUHEW 13; 34: 

SURA 13; 1: 




In the name of Almighty God Allah, the most gracious, 
the most merciful, the cherisher and the sustainer of all 
worlds one to whome all praises are due to forever and here- 
after and in the name of his son the Universal Saviour God 
and Divine Deliverer do I greet you my beloved brothers and 
sisters in the Most Holy and Highest Respects of the Universe 
in Peace! 

I hope this brief message will find all of you in the 
best of health, mentally as well as physically, before 
entering into the main theme of this month's issue I would 
like to take this opportunity to deal with a subject which 
has weighed heavy on the minds and hearts of many of us in 
recent months, that subject is: 


Exile is the voluntary or forced removal of one or more 
persons, from their home, country or nation by ones ownself 
or by those who are in authority in our nation. It is the 
penalty for those who claim to be righteous and for one 
reason or another have violated the laws of our nation, which 
are the laws of Allah and Islam, it is an alternative to 
Death, I repeat, it is an alternative to Death!!! Almighty 
God Allah taught us that a right and right can only produce a 
right. That a right and a wrong could produce (or equal) a 
right or a wrong!! However a wrong and a wrong can only pro- 
uce a greater wrong!!! £o with this in mind we do all within 
our power to prevent from taking a human life, whenever 
hunanly possible. 

In the case of the unwarranted attack on the brother 
Allah live and his family. This attack which was spearheaded 
by one who called himself Gooamar complete, by lying a deceiv- 
ing other unsuspecting Brothers, who should have known better 
just by claiming to have knowledge of self was an act of high 
treason, which can not and will not be tolerated. This one 
who called himself Goomar Complete, had the unmitigated Gall! 
to send a taped confession, further threatening the Elders 
and firstborns, and then fled into prison for security. The 
Elders have agreed that he shall be exiled for the rest of his 
natural life as long as that shall be!!! Those who were put 
into exile, however, the Elders have agreed that those who have 
taken the exile seriously and have respected the rules and 
regulations of said exile, their exile has been lifted (ended) 
and they are once again welcome to cone among us. However 
those who have insisted on violating said exile, theirs shall 
be extended for another six months, so that they may take heed 
This is a final warning so that they may turn from their wicked 


ways. To them we say, be fruitful and multiply or be de- 
stroyed in thine own inequity!!! In the name of Allah's 
first born's and Elders!!! Peace! 

NOW moving right along. Almighty God Allah taught us 
that in the last days in times, that we would have to be our 
own doctors and ministers. So I would like to take this 
opportunity to show you how one of Allah's Chief Brain 
Surgeons goes about removing the needles or brain tumors 
whichever your prefer from the brain of the Black Babies ! ! ! 

The Snow Job or Needles and Pins, Needles and Pins 
Everywhere you look Needles and Pins ! ! ! 

Brothers and Sisters the first time the government took 
the father away from us for his rest or arrest whichever you 
prefer, was when New York City had its first major blackout! 
It was on that very night that they snuck him out of Bellvue 
Hospital to Mattawah. The Light was leaving New York City, 
thats why we had the Blackout. Now the father told then 
that he would burn them with the sun (during this period New 
York City had its first water shortage or draught.) *Nbw' 
right after his departure, -we, his sons, were set 'upon by 
the doctors'-and nurses of deception; -They 'came 'from but of 
nowhere talking about they had beendown sihce'lSSpi^ind 1961, 
talking about they Allah the Suh;' and Abdu, Allah'Born to' 
destroy' yoA; "They 'brought with them, their own^personnel 
snow, (dope, 'LSD, ''Coke, "DMT, PCP,~ mescaline jnst to'nair.e a few.) 
After getting us under the influence of their annestisia'they 
started injecting us with needles in the' brain by "telling us 
that the ■ father : had sent us these lessonsl 'Allah'World' 
Manifest, General Monk, Monk, Islan in 90 degreesT'magnetic 
analysis;'- the magnetic field, the magnetic flux suid countless 
others, while at the same time they' blood sucked us for all 
the knowledge that Allah had taught us. They had us all high 
up walking around Ouoteing these other lessons, taking our mind 
off of what was our original teachings and jobs, all they had 
to do was add fire water, and shake well, then nost of us would 
wake up the next morning in jail or half dead not remembering 
what had happened the night before , and they had disappeared 
to sell the knowledge that they stole from us to the highest 
bidder, those. of us who knew better had already been set up and 
were in jail on chumped up charges. This has always been the 
way of the devil black or white to divide and conquer when the 
father heard of this he told us to burn these lessons, that 
they were not our lessons that we should not study them, quote 
them or give or teach them to anyone, because they would make 
us other than our ownself. He taught us that all we needed 
were our 120 degrees of knowledge and to be able to quote thero 
would give us 120 degrees of wisdom and that when we were old 

enough we would have 120 degrees of supreme understanding 
which would give us the 360 degrees that would be required 
to master the cipher which is called Earth Almighty God 
Allah taught us that these needles come at us all the time 
in the movies we see. In the book we read in the lies the 
weak brothers or women tell us about our brothers, for this 
is the science of adam emd eves exile from the Garden of Eden. 
You see the snake feed the apple which was the lie or in- 
correct knowledge to Eve who then in return feed the lie tojoAM, 
Adeun belived her over the word of the righteous Gods, thus 
when they were confronted by the true and living God they 
were sheuned and exiled from among the righteous. I tell you 
these things so you will not be deceived. Just recently I 
heard one young brother tell another that he had more know- 
ledge them the other had because he could quote 666 of these 
lessons. I had a mental picture of 666 large needles stick- 
ing in his head. I thought to myself well/ he has his war 
bonnet all he needs now is his fire water emd he'll be off 
to do his war dance. Brothers and Sisters, this is one of 
the, reasons ^the Father told us that we could not have Muslim 
riiunes ■1&'1i'at'''tliey! would^ not Kave 'to t'ake the weight for "the 
unrighteous' actions of. pur fruit, he taught us that a Muslim 
is" only "sonieone' who submits 'to the' will of Allah so 'that'by 
Mature, we are all, Muslims, and that it's hard enough being 
righteous or a Muslim' irT Hell without a bunch of kuiickle 
heads running around on the warpath causing confusion. We 
are a nation of Peace and are not at war with any people, 
not the Muslims, not the White mem, not the Zulu nation, 
not the mau mau nation, not any nation. So if you go among 
them in our name and start a war, you will more than likely 
find yourself at war with Allahs Nation of IsIjub a/k/a the 
Five Percent nation!!! So until our minds meet again, PEACE! 
(to be continued) 

A Word to the Wise! ! 

vrhat goes Around, is definitely coming around!!!!! 

Peace, Love and Happiness 

Universal Shaeungaudd Allah 
Alleih's First Born of Medina 

" Seven Over 6 in 83 " 

Allah Nation of Islam a/k/a the five percent nation would 
like to take this opportunity to congradulate the Philadelphia 
76ers in their Mudslidding victory over the Los Angeles Lakers 



Since the time of Anaxagoras, the issue of God's nature has 
been hotly debated. The argument at times centered on the 
question of whether God was an immaterial, spiritual being, having 
no connection with matter, or was He in fact a corporeal being. 
This debate has raged now for 2,500 years. In 1905, the answer to 
this most important question was mathematically notated on the 
chalkboard of one of the greatest minds the Western World has 
ever produced. Albert Einstein's famous equation, E=mc--, 
revolutionized the world of physics. It's significance to the world 
of theology is equally as tremendous, though most people perceive 

Without a doubt, E=mc ''' is one of the most important 
discoveries, and it's relevance to theological speculation is 
profound. When properly understood, this mathematical equation 
provides the Key to the nature of God. 

The "E" in this equation stands for energy. What is important 
to know is that all energy is conserved. This means there is a set 
amount of energy in the universe and this amount is always 
constant. This energy cannot be destroyed and no new energy can 
be created. The energy can simply transform into different 
"types." This is the Law of Conservation of Energy or the First 
Law of Thermodynamics. Science recognizes five "forms" or 
"types" of energy, mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical and 
nuclear. The fiindamental sources of this energy are the four 
forces of nature: the Strong Force, the Weak Force, the 
Electromagnetic Force, and Gravity. Scientists have now 
suggested that, in the Beginning, these four forces were merged 
into one primordial Super Force. 

The "m" in the equation is reference to the mass of an object. 
Mass and matter are here used interchangeably. Mass is defined as 


The significance of this famous equation is that it shows how 
energy and matter are the same. Trying to avoid as much technical 
jargon as possible, this is what Einstein is saying: 

When energy is accelerated, it gains mass. The higher the 
velocity (rate of acceleration), the greater the mass. It becomes 
"heavy." Additional weight or mass caused by acceleration is 
called "energy of motion."^^^ All objects and particles acquire 
mass when traveling at high velocities. A car gets heavier when in 
motion and an astronaut, travelling at high speeds, gains weight.^^^ 

The same is true for energy. As the velocity of this energy 
approaches the speed of light ( c ), it becomes subject to what is 
called the "Gamma Factor." This principle can best be understood 
by the use of an illustration. Picture an astronaut travelling in a 
high-speed spaceship weighing 100 tons. As the space ship 
accelerates, both the ship anJi the astronaut increase in mass and 
gets heavier. By the time the ship reaches 99.999 % of the speed 
of light ( c ), it now has an effective mass of 2,237 tons. Because 
the ship has picked up an enormous amount of additional "mass," 
it becomes increasingly more difficult to accelerate. It comes to a 
point where, the more the ship (or particle of energy) approaches 
the speed of light, it becomes too massive to accelerate anymore, 
so it appears to stop but the energy continues to pile on. An object 
will always stop before it reaches the speed of light. This is called 
the "light barrier" and it describes the "gamma factor." 

This is how energy is converted into matter. As it approaches 
the speed of light, it acquires more and more mass. By the time it 
has reached "gamma factor" or the light barrier, it has acquired so 
much mass it's acceleration appears to have stopped (though it is 
still accelerating very "sluggishly"). The energy becomes "frozen 
in matter." The "c*"" of the equation shows that there is an 

tU n^at> lr*+r^ 4-Ua n^an+ir^r* ^-T 4-U.= 

again the enormity of the amount of energy which is "frozen'* in 
the tiniest piece of matter. The nuclear bomb is a perfect 
illustration. The goliath explosion caused by the nuclear bomb is 
the result of the release of the latent energy stored in the nucleus of 
the Atom. 

The question may then be asked, if energy travelling at the 
speed of light becomes "massy," what about light? Einstein 
learned that, in agreement with E=mc^, light possesses mass eind is 
heavy. Light is so heavy in fact, it is subject to Gravity. Of the 
four forces of nature. Gravity is the weakest and only manifests 
itself in the macroscopic world. This means it only effects massy 
objects. It is totally irrelevant in the microscopic world of atoms. 
Yet, light is subject to Gravity because it is so massive due to its 
energy of motion. Gravity "bends" the path of light and causes it 
to fall towards the earth like any other massive body.^^^ Light of 
sufficient energy, such as gamma rays (gamma = "infinite"), can 
produce material particles. 

"The creation of matter is recorded at the Stanford Linear 
Accelerator Center. From the head-on coUision of an 
electron and an anti-electron there emerges a swarm of 
newly created particles that are intrinsically far heavier. 
Energy of motion is converted into the rest-energy of 
matter in accordance with E=mc *'." (Photo and quote from 
Calder, 1979, middle) 

Now what does all this have to do with God? E=mc settled 
the age-old question of whether God was ein unbound spirit or had 
a material manifestation. As we have shown throughout this text. 
Energy and Spirit are interchangeable terms. What scientists call 
Energy, theologians call Spirit, and vice versa. The Spirit of God, 
with all of the ancient Sacred Traditions, was symbolically 
represented as a serpent with its tail in its mouth. This is the 
Primordial Electric Force. 

The key ingredient in <:onverting energy (Spirit) to matter, 
according to E=mc -^ is motion- high-speed motion. Genesis opens 
with the words, 

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, 
And the earth was without form and void and darkness was 
upon the face of the deep. AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD 

When the Spirit of God "moved," it began it's process of 
materialization. This initial movement of the Spirit of God is 
called the "Primum Mobile" or First Motion. The Hindus call it 
the "Churning of Space." "Churning" is to spin in a spiral type 
motion. This spiral is called in mathematics the "Exponential 
Spiral" and is represented by the small "e" in the formula {r=e'^^ ) 
As the value of Pi (3.14159...) is basic to descriptions of all 
circles, so "e" is basic to all spirals. This graceful curve occurs 
in nature more often \ any other shape. It is seen in the 
Nautilus seashell, the Ammonite fossil, the distribution of seeds in 
a sunflower and the spread of stars in the galaxies (Figure 53). 
This spiraling motion was the first motion of the Spirit of God, the 
Primum Mobile. This is also the motion of the number 6 (Six), the 
number of physical creation. 

Figure 53 
The Exponential Spiral found through out the universe: the 

*VT i'l 

As the Spirit increased in velocity. It acquired more and more 
mass and became more and more dense. As It reached gamma 
factor. It became "frozen" in matter. Every particle of matter is 
imbued with an enormous amount of the Spirit, which, is "frozen" 
within it. This is why the Eastern religions teach that the Infinite 
All pervades everything and is in everything. The greatest 
concentration of the Spirit of God is in matter. This is also why we 
said earlier that matter is the conveyer of the Spirit. E=mc ^ . 

That Primordial Electric Force (Spirit of God) that existed 
before The Beginning was not just "brute" or unintelligent energy. 
It was imbued with Divine Intelligence (Mahat). It was 
rudimentary intelligence then but grew to Supreme Intelligence 
when the Spirit evolved into Man. 

Most people are not aware of the fact that energy is not "brute" 
but possesses rudimentary intelligence. But as we have shown, 
intelligence is inherent in the Atom, which is a "bundle of 
energy."^''' This fact was scientifically demonstrated in 
experiments using a maser, a gun that fires atoms one Atom at a 
time. The experiments were based on earlier ones done by the 
English physicist Thomas Young in 1803. In the maser 
experiment, scientists cut two slits in a plate. Beyond the plate was 
a screen with photographic emulsion. With only one slit open (the 
second one closed up), an Atom is shot at the plate from the maser. 
If the Atom hits the plate, it is stopped and seen no more. If it 
happens to pass through the open slit, it will strike the emulsion 
and produce a spot on the film. 

The scientists continued to fire one Atom at a time. They 
waited an hour between each shot. After a while, a large number 
of spots accumulated on the emulsion. The edges of this 
accumulation are the fuzzy diffraction pattern which is 
characteristic of waves passing through a narrow opening. If the 
first slit is closed and the second opened, the same results appear 
(Figure 54). 

If the scientists open both slits and fire one Atom at a time as in 
the previous experiment, something very perplexing occurs. A 
pattern of light bands separated by dark regions are produced 
(Figure 55). This is the well-known interference pattern associated 
with waves. The dark regions are the product of the crest (High) of 
one wave meeting a trough (Low) of another wave. They cancel 
each other out. This interference aooears as dark bands. 

Figure 54 

Figure 55 
(Photos from Schroeder, 1997, 151) 

The reason this is perplexing in this maser experiment is 
because only one Atom is shot at a time and shots are separated by 
an hour. Thus, there is nothing for the Atom to "interfere" with. 
Dr. Gerald Schroeder, in his The Science of God, noted the 
implications of this experiment: 

"We already noted that atoms going through the single slit 
fall everywhere within the diffraction pattern with none of 
the alternating light and dark bands that result from the 
interference of waves at the screen. Although we opened 

hntU elite 

\A)0 nro 


thf /ifiMrr rtPthf nvio ntrkm rtt n tim/? 

The atom is a single entity, with a fixed locality. In its 
passage through one slit, why should opening or closing 
the other slit have any effect upon its passage? How can it 
'know ' // the second slit is open or closed. But it does. 
Somehow it is aware of its environment... This is 
bizarre. " ^' 

Now modify the experiment a little. Put a particle detector 
near one of the slits and leave the other slit unaltered. As we fire 
the maser, we can monitor through which slit the atom passed. If it 
is detected, it passed through the monitored slit. If not detected, it 
passed through the unmonitored slit. Schroeder notes: 

"With the monitor in place, something very annoying 
happens. The pattern that accumulates on the screen as the 
experiment proceeds is the sum of two fiAzzy patterns as if 
the first slit was open and the second closed, and then the 
second opened and the first closed.... There are no dark 
forbidden' regions even though both slits are now open 
and the banded interference pattern should 
appear ...Particles passing through the second slit (the one 
with no detector) should follow the usual two-slit pattern. 
But they don 't. They too somehow know about the detector 
at the other slit. 

Not only do the particles know if the second slit is open, 
they know is someone is looking over their shoulders with a 
detector! " 

These double slit experiments strongly suggest intelligence 
being displayed by the Atom; the ability to chose. As we have 
shown, the Atom is the first mature manifestation of Allah, the 
First Divine Septenary. Inherent in the Atom is the Divine 
Intelligence of Allah. 


We have attempted to show that the Atom is not just some 
inanimate "building block," but is a sacred life form animated by 
the Spirit and Mind of Allah Wa'Ta'ala (God Most High) Himself 
The Atom is the First divine Septenary. In Chapter IX I suggested 
that when the initial 10,000 atoms came together, making Allah 
The One, this was the creation of the first unicellular organism. 
The first DNA molecule, which is the Second Divine Septenary, 
was produced from those primordial 10,000 atoms. I found 
powerfiil confirmation of my suggestion in Dr. Jeremy Narby's 
The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge. On 
page 103, he makes the observation: 


This is very powerfiil. All DNA is 1 atoms wide. They vary 
in length. The human DNA is 2 yards long and 10 atoms wide. 
The DNA of the primordial prokaryotic cell (simple unicell) is 
much shorter but 10 atoms wide as well. The length is determined 
by how many rows of 10 are "stacked" on top of each other. So all 
DNA is composed of a number of atoms which is an exponent of 
10: 10,000, 100k, 10 , etc. These are the Ten Sepheroth of the 
Qaballah, the Ten Prajapatis of the Vedas, the Ten Gods of Egypt, 
etc. I suggest that the DNA of the simplest unicell is 1,000 by 10 or 
10,000 atoms. 

In the Qaballah, as we have seen, the Ten Sepheroth make up 
the body of the divine first human, Adam Qodman. I suggested 
that the Ten Sepheroth here represent the total number of atoms 
which constituted the body of the First Man/God. This would be 
an infinitely larger number than the 10,000, but it would still be an 
exponent of Ten. The Ten Sepheroth here could also represent the 

the observable universe, the Grand or Macroscopic Man, which is 
also and exponent of 10 [/J*^).^'"* 

DNA is a long twisting chain made of two interwoven ribbons 
that are connected by the four bases adenine, thymine, guanine, and 
cytosine. This forms a Double Helix (Figure 56). The four 
nucleotides are designated by the four letters which begin each 
name (A,T,G,C). These four letters make up the alphabet of the 
genetic language. The molecular instructions which come from the 
DNA are conveyed by words that zire composed of just three letters, 
such as ATG. Thus the genetic alphabet is composed of four letters 
(Quaternary) and the "words" are composed of three letters 
(Trinity). We have again the Divine Septenary.^'^ 

The nature of the genetic language has led researchers to 
conclude that it is the result of intelligence, not random chemical 
activity. Linguist Ramon Jacobson has pointed out that the coding 
system displayed by the genetic language was originally thought to 
be an "exclusively human phenomena" which requires the 
presence of intelligence to exist. ^'^ Biologist Robert Pollack notes 

"DNA is not merely an informational molecule, but is also 
a form of text, and therefore it is best understood by 
analytical ways of thinking commonly applied to other 
forms of text, for example, books. "*^^ 

DNA, like the Atom, is imbued with the Mind and Spirit of Allah 


^^^ The Cosmic Senary (The Six), being the number of physical 


Models of DNA double helix. 

Figure 56 

'TT.^. r\ t-1^ TT_i;_. -j:'r^-vT . 

DNA, like light, is paradoxical in nature. It brings together two 
mutually exclusive elements. Water and Fire. DNA exists in water 
which makes up 80 percent of the cell. This water is salt water 
and its concentration of salt is remarkably similar to that of the 
world ocean. "We sweat and cry what is basically seawater" 
according to biologists Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan.*'* 

While this DNA lives in water, it spits fire like a dragon. It has 
been discovered that the DNA of all living beings emit tiny balls of 
fire called photons (tiny charged particles of energy). These 
photons are emitted at a rate of 100 units per second per square 
centimeter. The wave length of these emissions correspond to that 
of visible light. They are emitted so regularly that researchers have 
compared it to an "ultra weak laser." These coherent photon 
emissions are said to produce luminous holographic images which 
the cells use to communicate with each other and with other 



One of the most exciting experiments in this field consists of 
placing two lots of unicellular organisms in a devise which 
measures photon emissions and separate them with a metal screen. 
Under these circumstances, the graph of one lots photon emissions 
is completely different fi"om the others. When the metal screen is 
removed, however, both graphs coincided "to the highest 
degree."^^^ Divine Intelligence inherent in the DNA. 

The first Primordial Cell, containing the initial 10,000 atoms, is 
recognized by science today. Dr. Charles Price, former president 
of the American Chemical Association, stated that "one original 
cell became the progenitor of all life on earth." In 1986, 285 
scientists firom 22 countries who participated in the landmark 
eighth Conference on the Origin of Life held at Berkley in 
California, agreed that "a// life on earth, from bacteria to sequoia 
trees to humans, evolved from a single ancestral cell. "'°' That 
single cell is the Primordial Cell above described. 

What is most interesting about the conclusions and current 
thinking of modem science is the suggestion that this primordial, 
ancestral cell did not originate on earth but in interstellar space. 
Lynn Margulis, in her summation of the fourth Conference on the 
Origin of Life, said, 

"The central problem inspiring these conferences, perhaps 
slightly better defined, is as unsolved as ever. DID OUR 

produced evidence that some of the smaller organic 
molecules are there. " 

In 1986, The New York Times headline story read, "NASA to 
Probe Heavens for Ciues to Life's Origin on Earth" (September 
6, 1986). Sandra Blakeslee summed up the current thinking of the 
scientific community: 

"Driving the new search for clues to life 's beginnings is the 
recent discovery that comets, meteors and interstellar dust 
carry vast amounts of complex organic chemicals as well 
as the elements crucial to living cells. 
" Scientists believe that Earth and other planets have been 
seeded from space with these potential building blocks of 
life. "'"^ 

The suggestion that the ancestral cell and life originated, not on 
earth, but in space is only confirming what the Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad said twenty years ago: 

"The Atom out of which man was created came from space. 
It was out in space where He originated. An Atom of Life 
was in the darkness of the space and He came out of that 
Atom... What came out of space was a Human Being. "^'^^ 

The ancients universally recognized the divine nature of DNA. 
As we have shown, they symbolically represented it as the Lotus 
Plant. They also represented it, however, as the Twin Snakes. 

At the beginning of every cosmogony,* that Primordial 
Electric Force (Spirit of God) was represented as the Great 
Invisible Serpent with its tail in its mouth making a circle. After 
creation began, the Great Invisible Serpent produced the visible 
Twin Serpents. Dr. Jeremy Narby has shown that the Twin Snake 
motif, foimd all over the world, represents the ancient's knowledge 
of DNA. In fact, these Twin Snakes were often depicted entwined 
like the Double Helix of DNA. 

Seal from ancient Mesopotamia depicting the Serpent Lord, 
Enki. (Photo from Narby, 1998, p. 65) 

The emblem of Eridu, city of the Serpent Lord 
(Photo from Sitchin, 1980, p. 103) 

^le in the cell '7/^e two small snakes 
"^ Molecular biologists Chris Wills says 

DNA is said to wri] 
slithering through mud " 
the "^^vo chains of DNA resemble two snakes coiled around each 
other in some elaborate courtship ritual. "'"■' He even represents 
the DNA Double Helix as two entwined serpents (Figure 59.) 

"The DSA Htiublc helix rcpn'sciitcd ci\ 
a pair nf'inakc'^. Bt/ titniniiz the pieture 

upside rAuiM. ijoit can see that fh, 

nuileciih' is eontph'tehf stfinnictneal — 

each half of the double hcltx can sene 

tis a template for the stfuthesis ot (f> 

complementary halj. " From WiZ/s 

i'99'-P 3" 

Figure 59 

DNA Double Helix as Twin Snakes 

(Photo from Wills, 1991, p. 37) 

As in the case with the Lotus Plant symbolism, God the Creator 
(as opposed to God the Infinite All) is identified with the Twin 
Serpents. The Dictionary of Symbols says under the heading 

"// makes light of the sexes, and of the opposition of 
contraries. .it is... a twin to itself like so many of the 
important creator gods who are always, in their first 
representation, cosmic serpents. ..Thus the visible snake(s) 
(DNA) appear as merely a brief INCARNATION OF A 
causal and timeless, a master of the vital principle and of 

The Creator God of South America is the Black god 
Quetzalcoatel. Quetzalcoatel was bom from the Invisible Cosmic 
Serpent named Coatlicue. Quet2^1coatel is called "The Plumbed 
Serpent." Claude Levi-Strauss notes: 

"In Aztec, the word coatl means both 'serpent ' and 'twin. ' 
The name Quetzalcoatel can thus be interpreted either as 
'Plumed serpent ' or 'Magnificent twin. " 

Most DNA is linear and thus the Twin Serpents motif pictures 
two linear serpents entwined. However, the oldest cell, the 
prokaryotic cell, direct descendent of the Primordial Ancestral 
Cell, has one double helix with its ends joined making a circle 
(Figure 61).^°* The more complex eukaryotic* cells are represented 
by the linear Twin Serpents, but the single circular DNA of the 
simple prokaryotic cell is represented by the Ouroboros, the 
Serpent Dragon. The Serpent Dragon Ouroboros is depicted, like 
the Great Invisible Serpent, with its tail in its mouth making a 
circle. (Figure 60) 

Figure 60 
Ouroboros, the Serpent-Dragon 
(Photo from Narby, 1998, p. 84) 

DNA Replication in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells 

Prokaryotic Cell 

Eukaryotic Cell 

\X origin 




-Original ONA 
'double helix 




Figure 61 
(Photo from Arms and Camp, 1988, p. 148) 

The Dictionary of Symbols says the Dragon, one of the elders 
of the reptilian family, represents "the union of two opposed 
principles. " What are the two opposed principles that this Serpent 
Dragon symbolizes? Narby says, 

"Sometimes the winged serpent takes the form of a dragon, 
the mythical and double animal par excellence, WHICH 

He lives in water and spits fire, just like the paradoxical DNA. 

When DNA is symbolically represented as the Lotus Plant, it 
represents the Throne of God, the Holy Seat from which He issues 
divine decrees (instructions). When it is represented as the Twin 
Serpents, it represents the Creator Himself who creates by 
transforming into its creatures, just as the DNA does. ^ 






Following is a comparative table showing some of the 
teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and their parallels 
found in the cosmogonies of various nations of antiquity. What 
this table demonstrates is that the ancient sacred traditions of the 
Original Man found all around the earth contain the same basic 
theological outline and this outline agrees with the theological 
paradigm of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of 

Boxes A, B, and C are the Three Primary Stages of God's 
physical evolution from an immaterial state of pure energy, to the 
sparking of the Atom, and to that Atom's evolution into a Man. 
We see that Egypt, Sumer, Persia, India and Israel all recorded this 
history of the Self-Creation of God. This history, as we have 
shown, agrees with the history of the Self-Creation of Allah as 
taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 

In Box D we have the Primordial 10,000 Atoms which came 
together and made Allah The One-the first unicellular organism. 
Egypt, Sumer, India, Israel, and Arabia wrote of this Sacred Ten as 
they are called. 

In Boxes E and F we have the Divine Assembly of the Gods 
which Mr. Muhammad calls the Twelve Major Scientists and the 
Seven Archangels. All of the listed traditions acknowledged the 
Sacred Council of Twelve God-Men and the Vangaurd Seven. 

Box G is the worldwide prophecies of the coming of a special 
Man-God at the End of Time to slay the wicked and redeem the 
Righteous. The prophecies concerning this messianic figure are 
strikingly consistent. Many say He will come out of the East and 
make His presence known in the West. 







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•^7 ,--■>-)*■ .v.- ■■*,-■'■ '7;f 


Ashad - Al Hadith - Early Muslims who believed in and 
transmitted the Sayings of Prophet Muhammad of Arabia 

Anathematized - To be cursed by religious authority. 

Androgynous - a human possessing both male and female sex 

Anthropomorphic - Ascribing a human form to God. 

Anthropopathic - Ascribing human feelings to God. 

Avatar - An Eastern term which denotes a human in which God or 
the All has incarnated. 

Corporeal - Possessing a material form or substance. 

Cosmogony - The origin or creation of the universe or world. 

Esoteric - Knowledge known only to the initiated; secret. 

Eukaryote - Cell with a nuclear membrane. 

Exegesis - Contextual interpretation of scripture. 

Exoteric - Surface knowledge for the uninitiated masses. 

Hadith - The recorded Sayings and Traditions of Prophet 
Muhammad of Arabia (P.B.U.H.). 

Hellenistic - Referring to the culture of Greece after Alexander the 

Incorporeal - Immaterial, having no form of substance. 

Macrocosm - The great world or universe. 

Miscegenation - The mixing of races. 

Microcosm - A little world; a man or human nature that is an 
epitome of the universe. 

Motif - A dominant idea or central theme. 

Neoplatonic - of or relating to those who followed the thinking of 
Plato after his death. 

Orthodox - The authorized doctrines of faith. 

Polemic - An aggressive attack or reflitation of the religious 
beliefs of others. 

Primeval - Of or relating to the earliest stage. 

Primordial - First developed or created; earliest form. 

Prokaryote - The earliest and simplest cell which lacks a nuclear 

Quaternary - Of or relating to the number four (4). 

Senary - Of or relating to the number six (6). 

Septenary - Of or relating to the number seven (7). 

Synchrintistic - mutual exchange of religious or philosophical 
concepts between two independent systems. 

Theophany The self-manifestation of God. 

Theriomorphic - Ascribing an animal form to God. 


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