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♦ The Flag of Islam 
Sun Moon and Star 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the "universal flag of Islam" 
consisted of the Sun, Moon and Star which represented Freedom, Justice and 

The Sun, he taught represented Freedom because the Sun's light shines freely 
upon all. The Moon represented Equality because it equalized water and land by 
its affect upon the tides. The Star symbolized Justice because, he taught, at night 
the Star served to "justify the existence of the Sun." 

The Bible says, "When I was a child, I spoke like a child... but when I became a 
man I put away childish things." 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad called his Nation of Islam a "baby nation" and he 
often used baby language or explanations that could be grasped by people who, 
because of slavery and racial discrimination, had been denied higher education. 

But inside the words that seemed sometimes embarrassingly simple was a depth 
of wisdom that surpassed that of most gurus, teachers and masters alive today. 

No divine teacher interprets himself. The full meaning of what he or she taught 
must wait until another happens along who sees what the former teacher was 
really putting down. 

Moses interpreted Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and the prophets before him. But 
Jesus came and interpreted Moses and the Mosaic law. 

When Prophet Muhammad arrived he interpreted Jesus' InjiyI (Revelation) and 
much of Jesus' life and teachings. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was initiated in the divine wisdom and science 
and he interpreted Prophet Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and many of the prophets 
back to Noah and even Adam. 

But he did not interpret himself. 

For a master teacher to succeed in producing deep character change and spiritual 
growth in his students he has to get past their little egoistic minds and reach the 
depths of their being with his words. 

The ego or Monkey Mind - as the Indian Yogis call it - acts like a hockey goalie. It 
slaps away, guards and blocks anything truly spiritual and immaterial from getting 
into the deeper parts of being. It doesn't always succeed, so things do get 
through, but when they do, they are distorted, sometimes perverted and "grafted" 
bits of knowledge. They grow like demons in the soul and produce "grafted 
devils" when their vile work is done. 

To sneak past the monkey mind goalie - like a thief in the night - the master 
teacher has to employ the language of symbols, mythology, allegory and pictures. 

The Quran is a very great, wonderful and special book. Unfortunately, the proper 
order of the Quran was changed after Prophet Muhammad's death. 

The true first Surah is Surah 96, "Alaq." The true Surah 2 is now Surah 68. Surah 
3 is now 73 and Surah 4 is now Surah 74. The supposed Al — Fatihah (so-called 
Surah 1) is really Surah 5 and its title isn't really al-Fatihah (the opening). Its real 
title is Al-Hamd (the Praised). 

The short Surahs which comprise the dOt" juz' (section) actually are the earliest 
and beginning Surahs of the Quran. 

Those Surahs rhyme, are chanted and sung in rhythm, are replete with imagery 
and are designed to bypass the monkey mind and process through the right 
hemisphere of the brain and go down into the subconscious where man's power 
to change and do is stored. Those Surahs also help to clean out mental garbage 
and prepare one for further development. 

The word Quran actually means "two recitations." The first are the Meccan 
(poetry-like) Surahs which are designed for the right brain. The second is the set 
of medina Surahs which are designed to be processed through the left-brain. 

The overall effect is a whole-brain nourishment which can only be effected when 
the Book is recited in its proper order, in Arabic, in "slow measured, rhythmic 
tones" (tarteelan). 

Even though the general order of the Quran is known, some verses have been 
inserted into placed they do not belong. A poignant example is the famous 5:3 
ayati. "This day have I perfected for your religion." 

For some unknown reason that boggles the mind "scholars" after Muhammad 
took that passage out of the final Surah and stuck it inside a lengthy ayat that's 
about food. 

The Quran order goes: 1) The short Meccan poetic Surahs which includes 
swears by nature, the Sun, Moon, plants and other natural miracles. 2) The long 
Meccan Surahs that give histories of the prophets and older civilizations and 3) 
the long Medina Surahs that give laws, affairs of state, military counsel, economic 

principles and tlie wide spectrum of l^nowledge needed to operate the Islamic 

After all that, the Quran concludes with a very short, concluding Surah that goes: 

When the Help of Allah and victory comes, 

and you see the masses enter into the 

Religion of Allah in crowds, then sing 

songs with the praise of your Rabbi and 

ask for His Forgiveness. Surely he is 

ever Turning. 

This day have I perfected for you your 

religion and completed my favor to you 

and chosen for you Islam as your religion. 

-- The Last Surah of the Quran. 

What a magnificent ending! But some fellow decided he knew a better ending and 
changed Surah 114 to Surah 110 and cut out the last sentence and stuck it in the 
middle of Surah 5, Verse 3. 

For God's sake why? 

The Muslims after Muhammad did the same thing to the Quran that the Jews did 
to the Torah and the Christians did to the InjiyI (Revelation). 

They alter the words from their places and 

neglect a portion of that whereof they 

were reminded. 

--Quran 5:13 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's followers did the same thing with his 
teachings. They altered teachings probably with the best intentions and like the 
Jews, Christians and Muslims before misplaced the divine words. 

Here are two examples. In the original printing of Message to the Blackman by 
Elijah Muhammad, he wrote that America was then trying to land on the Moon 
which, he said, "cannot and will not be done." 

After Neil Armstrong allegedly landed on the Moon, some bright fellow in the 

Chicago headquarters deleted that passage to prolong the fiction of the 
Messenger's infallibility. No human is infallible, not even a prophet or messenger. 
That's why the Quran says Allah will forgive the prophet for his past and future 
sins. If he was going to sin in the future then he couldn't possibly be infallible. 

God alone is perfect. The rest of us make mistakes. 

But was it a mistake on Mr. Muhammad's part? Did America really go to the Moon 
or was the Apollo program just a big hoax? 

Consider this: In 2005 France announced it was sending a craft to orbit the moon 
to see if America even really got there. 

Why was the flag waving mightily on the supposed Moon if the Moon has no 

Why did the astronauts keep passing the same rocks and landmarks during their 
days long treks on the lunar surface? 

Under close examination the lunar landing looks like a Hollywood production and 
a bad one at that. 

Mr. Muhammad's followers should 've left his words alone. 

Another alteration came about by former National Secretary Abass Rasul's 
re-arrangement of Theology of Time to appear according to subject matter instead 
of the original arrangement given my Mr. Muhammad over 18 very special 

I'm sure Mr. Rasul had good intentions, but it takes a lot of gall to take it upon 
oneself to change divine words. 

The time has come to properly explain an interpret The Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad's teachings and to reveal the scope and depth of Universal wisdom 
contained beneath the surface of his words. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the white man had been grafted from 
Black people and that some tried to graft themselves back but messed up and 
instead transformed themselves into monkeys. 

Don't laugh too hard because the Quran says something close to it. 

Those who incurred the curse of Allah and 

His wrath, those of whom some He 

Transformed into apes and swine. 
-- Quran 5:60 

The white man being tuned into monl<eys refers to the ego ("white man") 
degenerating to left-brained, separatist, "IVIonl^ey l\/lind" patterns of thought. See 
how deep The {Honorable Elijah Muhammad really was? 

The Monkey Mind is the undisciplined mind that Jumps about, unfocused, from 
subject-to-subject and is very frustrating when one is trying to meditate. It is 
classified under the 8^^ Tree of Life sphere (Yakub's 8 ounce brain) and, when 
transformed becomes the monkey god Hanuman who possessed 72 magical 

The Egyptians symbolised Hanuman as Tehuti's ape Aah. 

In other expressions the Monkey becomes, in various myths, a canine, i.e. a 
coyote (American Indian), jackal (Egyptian) or wolf (Bible and Quran). 

Because the left brain is incapable of perceiving truth - since it breaks wholes 
into parts - the world seen through the left brain is called maya or illusion. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the "white man" befriended the dog 
while he was "in the hills and caves of Europe." The dog licked the sores which 
were on the white man's skin and helped heal him. 

The dog here refers to the same left brain predominance which is the predominant 
thinking mode of many Europeans. But Whites themselves symbolize a type of 
mentality as do Blacks. 

On a basic level, "white man" is code for the physical plane oriented conscious 
mind and "black man" is code for the mind in a state of trance. 

The ego put its trust into left-brained logic and technology and that is symbolized 
as the white man domesticating and befriending the dog. 

There's a lot more to this, but you'll have to tune in next week to get it. 

The masters like The Honorable Elijah Muhammad use strong, powerful, symbolic 
language to get the consciousness seed past the monkey mind down into the 
subconscious where it can take root and grow. 

The Quran says a good word is like a good seed. 

A man may emit 400,000,000 seeds in one ejaculation but only One may make it to 
the ovum, give up its little sperm brain and grow into a fully developed man. 

Prophets may teach multitudes, but they are lucky if even one grasps the real 
message and applies it to become a "living soul." 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad tried to lay the foundation for a New Islam. 
Because his followers weren't steadfast in continuing to incubate his fertilized 
eggs until the New Islam was born in them, several continue to surrender to the 

pull of Sunnism, thinking that that is "the true Islam" and more spiritual than Elijah' 
s way. 

The Quran forbids all sects. No sect of Islam is legitimate. Muhammad was 
neither Sunni nor Shi-ite. Nor was Moses, Noah, Abraham, Solomon, David, Isaac, 
Ishmael, John the Baptist or Merriam. They were Muslims (people who'd attained 
unshakeable inner peace). 

The Quran asks, "Will you exchange the superior for the inferior? 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's Islam is a superior expression of Islam than 
Sunni, Shi-ite, Hanbali, Shafi, Ahmadiyya and any of the schools and sects. I don't 
mean to disrespect those sects. But they disrespect themselves by being sects in 
violation of the Quran. 

When I was 17 years old. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad wrote me a letter and 
said, "There is no equal to my teachings. The only equal is the name of Egypt." 

I first started writing The Honorable Elijah Muhammad when I was a child. He use 
to call me his follower. I wrote him back and said, "I'm not your follower." 

He wrote back and said, "You will be." 

"No, I won't," I wrote again. 

As a boy, I didn't realize how blessed I was to be able to write him and get swift 
replies. Sure, I knew he was a man from God, but I was on pretty good terms with 
God myself, so that didn't impress me. 

What did impress me as a boy, was his hat. I use to stare at his picture and that fez 
for maybe an hour sometimes and say the name "Elijah Muhammad." I found his 
name and his hat to be quite amazing. 

When people said bad things about him, even adults, I'd leave their presence. 

I was quite irreverent, but when asked to join in a joke about Mr. Muhammad, I told 
the grown ups, "I don't joke about that man." 

I now know that I spent several past lives as an Arab so anything Islamic and the 
name Muhammad must've been imprinted upon my spirit. 

My present incarnation is to help bring in the New Islam which I call Fitrah. 

I do not teach what Mr. Muhammad taught verbatim because he did that for over 
40 years. During part of that time he was himself learning, developing and 
digesting what he'd learned from Master Fard Muhammad. 

I try to explain what The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's teachings mean. The 
meaning contains knowledge that can help usher in a new reality. 

By 1970 Papa had a brand new bag. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught on a 
level so advanced that even his ministers are still wrestling with such speeches as 
The Operation of a Nation and Theology of Time . 

Once you realize that it's all symbolic , deciphering The Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad's teaching is not so arduous. I don't try to break his teachings down 
for myself. I don't use a left-brained analytical approach. I have apercus so that I 
am informed from within and then I try to explain without. 

Knights Templar, Masons and Nation of Islam 

The Knights Templars were a group of occult soldiers who traveled to the Holy 
Land supposedly to protect pilgrims. They united with mystic Sufi Muslims and 
from them the Masons of Europe emerged. They called themselves, proudly, "the 
poor followers." 

Prince Hall was a Black man who got the right to bring Blacks into Masonry. The 
Masonic symbols of both the White and Black Masons are replete with Islamic 
images such as the crescent. 

Some Masonic lodges are called Mosques (such as Pittsburgh's Syria Mosque) 
and have Arabic letters engraved in the building stone that says La ilaha illa-llah 
or, as it's usually translated, "There is no god but Allah." 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a Prince Hall Mason. So was Noble Drew 

The early NOI seemed nearly indistinguishable from the Black Masons and the 
Moorish Americans. 

The NOI national charity was called "the No. 2 Poor" and members called 
themselves "poor followers." Their mosques were called Temples. 

Masons, Rosicrucian's and other occult organizations use symbols and codes in 
their communications. So did the Prophets of old and the great mystery schools 
of Egypt. 

Thus it is quite in line with tradition that Master Fard and Elijah Muhammad would 
speak symbolically. 

A symbol, properly used, can convey far more information than ordinary factual 
speech. Mythological and symbolic speech are like musical chords with tones, 
overtones an undertones accompanying the primary sound. 

Symbols communicate via the right brain hemisphere. When contemplated and 
meditated upon they can "explode" and symbolically "push up a mountain a mile 

high" that masks realization and inner knowing. 

Western approach is to put knowledge in. The Eastern approach is to awaken the 
knowledge that's already within. That's the function of Buddhist koans, myths and 
symbols. If the teacher were to tell the students what the symbols actually mean, 
no inner growth would occur. So they left the disciples to mentally chew on the 
spiritual food they'd given. That is the only way for the student (chela) herself to 
become enlightened. 

I tell people what certain symbols mean because those symbols are no longer 
creating superior women and men. In fact, in some cases those symbols are 
rotting in people's subconscious minds and making devils, criminals, rapists, 
murderers, liars, thieves and hypocrites. 

To some extent, then, I am trying to free innocent people from the tyranny of 
decayed symbols. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad made giants. The men who were directly taught 
by him and indirectly influenced amounts to a virtual who's who among Black 
Americans. No men of equal greatness have been produced from the same body 
of knowledge since the Messenger's death. 

Huey P. Newton, H. Rap Brown, Eldridge Cleaver, Malcolm X, Jeremiah Shabazz, 
Raymond Sharrieft, Yusuf Shah, Muhammad All, Hoe Tex, Stokely Carmichael, 
Jesse Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Wallace D. Muhammad and Lois Farrakhan all 
were nourished, inspired or taught by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and these 
men "shook up the world." 

Why aren't such "mountains" being produced today since various ministers are 
working with the same body of knowledge? 

Because knowledge bodies, like bodies of water, must either flow or become 

The Quran says, "For every message there is a limit of time, and you will come to 
know this." 

Much of Elijah's Message to the Blackman was already published in Supreme 
Wisdom, Volumes I and II. Much of that came from articles Mr. Muhammad had 
previously written in the 40's and 50's in Black newspapers such as The 
Pittsburgh Courier , The Afro-American and The Amsterdam News . 

So when we read Message to the Blackman a lot of what we are reading comes 
from the Messenger's understanding 20 years before Theology of Time . 
Undoubtedly, his mind and understanding of Master Fard's revelation grew 
exponentially during that time. 

When Elijah Muhammad taught Theology of Time , Message to the Blackman was 
already obsolete. It had done its job. It had removed the curse of White 
Supremacy off Black America. Now it was time to create a new world order and he 
gave us the seeds for that in Theology of Time . 

None of Our revelations do 

we abrogate or cause to be 

forgotten, but we substitute 

something better or similar: 

knowest thou not that Allah 

hath power over all things? 

-Quran 2:106 

When we change a message 

for another message - and Allah 

knows best what He reveals 

(in stages) - they say, "you are but 

a forger": but most of them 

understand not. 

"Quran 16:101 

I am not saying Message to the Blackman should be tossed away. No, it remains 
valuable. But it was only a stage in development, a degree, as it were. It should be 
understood in light of Theology of Time . 

New converts should study Message to the Blackman primarily. Muslims who've 
practiced for 10 or more years would do better to make their primary study book 
Theology of Time . 

One problem with all organized religions is that too much focus is placed on 
getting new converts taught "the basics" and very little effort is made to continue 
to nourish people who are ready to progress to a higher level. The result is that all 
you get is Sunday School baby talk and most of the veterans stop showing up 
after 3 to 5 years of hearing the same stuff week-after-week. 

Black people in America are in a worse state of self-hatred, Black-on-Black 
genocide, disempowerment and death culture than before Mr. Muhammad died. 

The various street gangs murder more Black people in a year than the KKK did in 
a Century. 

Without doubt we need a message to the Blacl< man, but we can't stop there. 

The Messenger taught he'd have no successor and he never chose one. "I didn't 
choose myself," he said, "God chose me. So how can I choose the one who 
comes after me?" 

He said, "After Elijah, there's God." 

People didn't understand that, couldn't handle it so they set about proclaiming 
themselves his successors anyway. Some guys claimed the mantle who'd never 
even been in the Nation and, in fact, opposed him. But after he died, they tried to 
lay claim to being his successor. 

Ausar: The Indwelling Divinity 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's teachings have more in common with ancient 
Egyptian science than with the Sunni sect of Islam. Egypt and all of the ancient 
paths to God-realisation taught that man was a three-fold being. There is man's 
emotional being (Ka), his mental being (Ab) and his divine being (Ba). This is 
symbolized by the ka'aba (Ka-Ab-Ba) which the Arabs took over from the original 
Ethiopian inhabitants. 

The ancient science holds that a spark of God lies buried, hidden in everyone and 
that our purpose on Earth is to awaken (resurrect) that indwelling divinity. The 
Black Dravidians of India called it the Atman. The African Egyptians personified it 
as the god Ausar (Ausar, Osiris) who lay dead at the bottom of the Nile (deep 

By Asar! Surely the man is 

in loss. 

-Quran 103 

The purpose of religion is to apply the procedures, techniques and means 
("laws" of God) that facilitate resurrecting this sleeping God so that we become It, 
i.e., a "true and living god." 

Jesus achieved that unity when he announced that "I and the father are one." 

The purpose of a Messenger or Prophet of God is to give us the wisdom to 
actualise this transformation. 

When you awaken the inner God, you have no need for a messenger. So Elijah - 
may peace and blessings forever be upon him - said, "After Elijah, there's God." 


But none of us was ready for that in 1975. We had to go through all the junk all of 
us went through - confusion, mourning, rage, smoking, drinking, illicit sex, dope, 
partying, faking the funk, bad diet - to get to the point where we have no place to 
go but within ourselves. The Messenger taught us this prayer to prepare us: 
"Surely I have turned myself to Thee, O Allah, Striving to be upright to Him who 
originated the heavens and the earth and I am not of the polytheists. Surely my 
prayer and my sacrifice, my life and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the 
Worlds. No associate has he and this I am commanded. I am of those who submit. 
Oh Allah, Thou art the king, there is no god but Thee. Thou art my Lord and I am 
Thy servant. I have been greatly unjust to myself and I confess my faults. So 
grant me protection against my faults for none grants protection against faults but 
Thee. And guide me into the best of morals, for none guides to the best of morals 
but Thee. And turn away from me the evil and indecent morals, for none can turn 
away from me the evil and indecent morals but Thee. 

This prayer was required to be prayed at every Mosque meeting. The Honorable 
Elijah Muhammad knew a day was coming when we'd need the help this prayer 

Jesus said: "If it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the 
comforter cannot come unto you. But if I go away, I will send him unto you. Albeit 
when he is come, the spirit of truth , he will guide you into all truth." 

The Messiah had to get ghost so people might stop focusing on him and reach 
into themselves to find the indwelling divinity, the spirit of truth. 

The same thing happened with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He had to split 
to we could stop being blinded by his light and have no choice but to reach 
sincerely inside our souls and find God. 

After the horror of seeing the NOI disintegrate, seeing our people get bamboozled 
by the smiling face of Jimmy Carter, seeing once strong men and women fall 
victim to the lowest life styles, we had no option but to look for God within. 

We have indeed created man in the 

best of moulds, then do we reduce 

him to the lowest of the low - except 

those who believe and work righteous 

deeds: for they shall have a reward 

unfailing. Then what can, after this, 

contradict you in the Religion? 


- Quran 95: 4-6 

When we re-viewed Elijah's teachings it would be from a different phase. It would 
be not about sounding slick or dazzling people, it would be to find God and the 
guidance of God. The Messenger use to say "Islam comes after all else has 

For me, the journey re-started with my remembering the letter the Messenger sent 
a 17 year old kid who though he pretty much knew everything worth knowing. 
"There is no equal to what I teach but the names of Egypt." 

What names of Egypt? I began to learn about the divine names used in Egypt and 
that those names formed a structure for god-realization they called the Paut 
Neteru or Cake of the Gods. The Canaanites called it the Tree of Life. 

By studying and working with The Tree of Life I began to see that it was possible 
to realize God while still alive. 

For a full understanding of the Tree I recommend Metu Meter, Vol. I by Ra Un Nefer 
Amen or my own book. The Egyptian Tree of Life . 

There are other programs for God realization such as the Tao and Yoga. In God's 
mercy He has provided many routes to Godliness so everyone could use that path 
that best suited their temperament. 

The Sun 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the Sun on the Flag of Islam 
represented freedom. 

The Sun rules Sphere 6 of the Tree of Life (Tifereth/Heru). The initiate can have 
freedom from his low desires and the tyranny of emotions by following the laws of 


Heru (Horus). 

Mastery of Sphere 6 renders freedom of choice, i.e., we are free to choose to 
follow the influences from the lower self ("the beast" 666) or the higher self (Ausar, 
Atman, Tern, Obatallah). 

The lower self (spheres 7, 8, 9 and 10) are not really able to make us do anything. 
They can call out by throwing up desires into our awareness, but those little 
Jinn-like devils have no power to make us do wrong. 

And I had no authority over you 

except that I called you and you 

obeyed me. So blame me not, 

but blame yourselves. 

- Quran 14:22 

The Tree of Life 

Geb (Malkuth) 

The bottom of the Tree, Sphere 10, is called Geb and it rules health, the physical 
body, chi or pranic energy and the animal spirit. An initiate works to strengthen 
and purify Geb by following the laws of health and proper diet such as The 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught in How to Eat to Live . 

Any psychic inspirational act requires energy to empower it. The health laws of 
Geb facilitate increasing. Storing and increasing the free flow of chi throughout 
the body. 

Auset (Yesod) 

Sphere 9 governs altered states of consciousness (trance), learning, meditation 
and emotions. It is where conditioned reflexes (programs) are stored. It is ruled 
by the Moon. 

Sebek (Hod) 

Sphere 8 is the seat of the lower left-brain logic. It governs verbal 
communications and separates wholes into parts based on external differences. It 
is ruled by Mercury. In its higher expression, it is mythologized by Anpu and 
Apuat, the Guide of the Dead (initiate) and the Opener of the Way. It represents the 
power of beliefs. In its negative expression it is Set, the devil Satan, the 
Arch-deceiver. In NOI mythology, it is "Yakub's grafted devil, the skunk of the 


planet earth." 

Het-Heru (Netzack) 

Sphere 7's principle is graphic communication, love, harmony, rhythm, uniting 
parts into wholes, dance, right brain intellect, art, music and beauty. It is ruled by 
Venus and is mythologized as the love goddesses Aphrodite, Nebt-Het, Ashtoreth 
and Mary Magdalene. Its methodology can involve tantric sex yoga or life-force 
intensification procedures and creative visualization. In the NOI it is symbolized 
by the M.G.T. - G.C.C. 

Heru (Tifereth) 

Sphere 6 represents consciousness/will. It opens the ability to see (Eye of Heru), 
clairvoyance. It represents resisting the lower impulses (Heru's battles with Set) 
through the use of Men Ab yogic breathing, a method which awakens the initiate 
from the negative trance of his emotions. 

The Men Ab is accompanied by slowing inhaling and then, at the end of the 
exhale, pulling the lower abdomen in and up. This accomplishes awakening and 
frees the initiate to live truth. 

The sphere is also called Tifereth or Beauty because mastery of this sphere 
allows you to determine what is beautiful and to program that into your spirit 
instead of allowing Hollywood to condition your spirit to believe anorexic 
Twenty-type women are beautiful, thus promoting anorexia and bulimia in females 
especially young white girls. 

Sphere 6 is ruled by the Sun whose glyph symbolises the eye. 

In the NOI Sphere 6 corresponds to the Minister of the Temple (the body) and the 
King of Mecca who exiled Yak-b and his followers (i.e., false beliefs) to the Island of 

Herukhuti: (Giborah 

Sphere 5's principle is the enforcement of the divine law. It governs analysis 
(separation based upon internal differences), psychic heat necessary to wage all 
out war on our lower emotions, austerities (such as fasting) and cutting off the 
identity with the lower self. ("His head would be taken off by the Sword," teach the 
secret NOI lessons.) 

Sphere 5 is ruled by Mars and, in the Nation's Lessons, it corresponds to the 
Captain and Lieutenants of the Fruit of Islam. 

Maat (Gedullah 

Sphere 4's principle is synthesis. It is the basis of the divine law which is, itself 


based upon interdependence and interrelationships. It unites things based upon 
abstract, internal differences. It deals in mass quantities and is ruled by Jupiter. 

Sekert (Binah) 

Sphere 3 is the seat of all words of power. Its principle is transformation and 
death of the identification with the lower parts of being. Higher Kundalini (Shakti) 
resides in this sphere. It is ruled by Saturn and is symbolized as Father Shabazz's 
50,000 years in Africa in NOI mythology and Alphonso. It represents God's 

Tehuti (Chockmah) 

Sphere 2.s principle is wisdom, i.e., being informed from within (revelation). It 
represents God's omniscience. In the NOI it is symbolised by the Messenger 
Elijah Muhammad. Its planetary significator is Neptune. 

Ausar (Kether) 

Sphere 1 's principle is Omnipresence. It corresponds to the God in man. It is the 
Oversoul who lives through infinite incarnations. Its planetary significator is Pluto. 
In the NOI it is symbolized by Master Fard Muhammad, "God in Person." 

Amen (Ain Soph) 

Sphere O's principle is Hetep or Islam (Salaam), i.e., unshakeable inner peace. 
When one has achieved Sphere 0, she is a Muslim, i.e., woman of peace. The true 
religion of the Hebrews was not Judaism, it was Shalom (peace). Every religion's 
origin and goal was peace. Lesser lights, over time, split the one religion (peace) 
into many little cults. 

Amen means "Hidden" and indicates that the true being is imperceptible, hidden, 

The Flag of Islam 

The Sun in the Islamic Flag stands for all the things related to Sphere 6. The Moon 
represents Sphere 9 and the Star represents Venus, Sphere 7. 

It is said that the planet Venus makes a five pointed star in its movement. 

Jesus said, "There will be signs in the Sun, Moon and Star." 

Venus' star also symbolizes the woman. It indicates the importance of 
visualization in spiritual cultivation. 


As Het-Heru and Aphrodite, Venus on the flag bespeaks the importance of 
mastering sexual energies. They can either elevate or corrupt us. 

Venus, in Greek iconography, held the scales of justice. This shows that an 
initiate must achieve balance and that his heart must be immaterial (light as a 
feather) as shown by Maat's scales with the heart in one pan and the feather in the 

Life force intensification is accomplished by rhythmically contracting and relaxing 
the perineum, in coordination with the breath, during meditation and visualization. 
This activates the pleasure principle and associates the visualized objective with 
pleasure, thereby providing the motive force for change. 

Tantric sex practices provide a much more powerful way of activating the same 
life force or Ching Chi as the Taoists call it. 

In most Islamic flags the Star is inside the crescent Moon indicating that Venusian 
practices should be an extension of Luna meditative trance practices. 

When a person has achieved mediumistic trance, the next step is to utilize creative 
visualization, to see oneself enjoying (pleasure principle) one's objective because 
one has lived truth (Maat). When this is accompanied by life-force intensification 
procedures and mantra chanting (dhikr) the vision is empowered and stands a far 
greater chance of materializing. 

In the Egyptian myth, the above process is symbolized by Auset getting pregnant 
by Ausor's seed (the mantra Aum) and placing the fertilized egg into her sister 
Nebt-Het's womb. Nebt-Het is a Venusian goddess-principle who stands for 
creative visualization. The resulting baby (new personality) is then nourished at 
the breast of Isis, i.e., the new "you" must be sustained by repeated trance 
induction else it will "die." 

Two Parts of Being 

There are two fundamental, indivisible parts of being, consciousness and spirit 
(energy). In There are two fundamental, indivisible parts of being, consciousness 
and spirit (energy). In The Tree of Life Meditation System Ra Un Nefer Amen has 
explained the two parts in great detail. I recommend that and all of Ra's books 
about the Tree of Life. 

There is consciousness which can know and learn, but is incapable of storing that 
which it knows. Then there is spirit (Ra) which stores all the knowledge in the 
universe, but is incapable of knowing the knowledge it stores. 

Consciousness is powerless, but it is able to give direction and understand what it 
wills to accomplish. The spirit has infinite ability to do (Al-Qadiyr) but must be 
given direction. 


The Consciousness has no direct control over the thoughts and feelings which 
are thrown into the sphere of awareness. The thought and feelings generator is 
the spirit (Ra). 

In 85% of the "poison animal flesh eaters," there is no unity between 
consciousness and spirit, so the person (lower self) is in a state of disunity. The 
Honorable Elijah Muhammad was not speaking metaphorically when he said unity 
is more powerful than atom bombs. Just ask those who know how to make rain, 
hail, snow and earthquakes. 

The spirit is like a mighty robot. He is all-powerful, but really rather stupid. To get 
anything done, the spirit must be properly programmed. 

The spirit takes direction from 1) consciousness, 2) subliminal messages, 3) 
contents of the blood, hence The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, "Be a 

The spirit has to get instructions from consciousness at specific times ("holy 
days" or holidays) of the year, month and/or day. It usually has to receive them 
repeatedly since it can be issued contradictory commands by the bodily contents 
and subliminal messages. 

That is why The Honorable Elijah Muhammad repeated the same basic themes 
over and over for 40 years. He was a master psychologist. That is also why the 
Quran repeats things over and over. 

It usually takes 21 days of repeated instruction for a new instruction to be 
impressed upon the spirit. The night before the New Moon is the best time to 
begin rituals. 

They ask you about the 

new Moons. Say: They 

are signs for the people 

and for the Hajj. 

"Quran 2:189 

The purpose of meditation is to link (unify) consciousness with spirit. The 
purpose of ritual is to direct spirit, once it is linked to consciousness, toward 
accomplishing a directive. 

To every Ummat have we appointed 

rites and ceremonies which they 

must follow. Let them not then dispute 

with you on the matter, but do invite 

your Rabbi. Surely you are on right 



- Quran 22:67 

The power of Ra, the spirit, is to be subjected to the higher parts of being, else 
chaos can result. The Quran says "He has subjected the Sun (i.e. Ra or Spirit) to 

In Chinese medicine, Venus is ruler over the lungs. That underscores the 
importance of deep breathing to good health. 


The Biblical and Quranic idea of sin is derived from the Sumerians who taught that 
sin meant "to waste sperm." 

Retention of semen is vital to good health, longevity, spiritual ascension and clear 
intellect. Many of the other so-called sins are priests' ideas of those things which, 
in the immature, could lead to the loss of sperm. 

Some uptight cats took it so far as to prohibit dancing, looking at pictures of even 
praying in the same place as women. 

When a Master has learned how to enjoy sex and achieve multiple orgasms 
without ejaculating , he is in little danger of committing "sin." 

In the ancient wisdom systems female initiates who mastered the arts and 
sciences of sexual energy were called horis. They are avatars and initiates of 
Het-Hor (Hathor, Het-Heru), the goddess of love. The Egyptian texts call her the 
Lady of Amenta (heaven) because sexual power (even indirectly in the form of 
mantras) is necessary to propel consciousness to the highest regions of the 
unconscious (Amenta, Sekhet Qaru, Valhalla, etc.). 

Venus remains on the Islamic Flag as a reminder to all of the vital importance of 
mastering sexual energy. MGT captains and lieutenants should teach tantra to the 
women in the MGT classes. They can begin their studies with "Healing Love 
Through the Tao by Mantak Chia. 

So many personal and sacretal ills are linked to a distortion of the male sexual 
energy. Much physical violence simply reflects males' attempts to 
overcompensate for real or imagined sexual inadequacy. For Black males, whose 
only perceived superiority in the larger society, is in sexual prowess, 
entertainment and sports, the secret fear of sexual incompetence can be quite 

The pistol has become a substitute penis for young men, making up for 

The main sexual disfunction for young men is seldom impotence in the classic 
sense. Obtaining an erection is rarely an issue. What frightens and haunts young 
men is premature ejaculation or ejaculation soon after penetration, especially 


when the female partner starts to respond with her own movements and 

It's often too much for a youthful male, excited and inexperienced lover. He then 
feels embarrassed, resentful and inadequate. Although even young women have 
the good manners to say, "It's alright," the lack of disappointment on her face can 
be a dagger in a young man's heart. 

Taoist sexual practices teach how to forestall ejaculation for hours. (The Ching 
(sexual) Chi is pulled up the spine to higher centers and to the brain. 

Women are far more naturally adept at the sexual arts than men. If Muslim women 
were to learn the full art and science of love-making and "take care of their 
husbands" by teaching them, not only would their own lives be enriched, their 
husbands' psychological blocks would be healed over time. 

The five-pointed star is used in magical rituals like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of 
the Pentagram (LBRP). Non-magicians mistakenly thing the pentagram represents 
evil spirits. But the pentagram actually stands for protection against such spirits. 


In the ancient world the Moon was the main instrument for calculation, 
determining the time for plantings and use for magic. 

Ancient astrology was lunar based and consisted of 28 signs. Those signs 
survive in modern astrology as "Mansions of the Moon." 

And the Moon - We have 
measured for it mansions (to 
traverse) till it comes back 
again like the ancient date stalk. 

~ Quran 36:39 

The higher faculties having to do with calculations are often metaphorized as 
lunar deities. In Kamit, Tehuti was called the Moon god because the higher 
mathematical functions are from the wisdom faculty. 

In pre-lslamic Arabia, Allah was the Moon god and his wife, Allah was considered 
the Sun goddess. Today, Muslims would probably find that blasphemous since 
the Quran clearly states Allah has no consort. 

Although Allah is not the great divine name used by Muslims, it existed in Arabia 
thousands of years before the advent of Muhammad. 

The "pagan" Arabs knew far more than they are today given credit for. 
Everything exists in polarities. There are two sides to every coin. Hot and cold 
are thermal polarities. Dry and west are polarities of hydration. 

The opposite of some principles or faculty was its symbolic spouse. Planets also 


have polarities: Sun-Moon, Venus-Mars, Jupiter-Saturn. 

By attributing the Moon to Allah, the Arabs were saying that god is the source of 
all mathematics and calculations. 

Islam is mathematics and mathematics is Islam. This stands true 
and can be proven in no limit of time. 
~ Master Fard Muhammad 

If the Saviour is correct, if indeed, Islam is mathematics, then there must be lower 
and higher Islams even as there are lower and higher maths. 

Simple arithmetic is math, but certainly must be lower than quantum physics. 

It is interesting and funny to note that higher mathematicians easily see the truth in 
low math, low mathematicians are incapable of seeing the truth in higher math. 

Yogis and other high spiritual mathematicians are profuse in their praise and 
honor for the teachers honoured by primitive religionists. Yogis honor Jesus, 
Muhammad, Moses, Solomon et al. But how many Muslims, Christians and Jews 
have a single kind word for Osiris, Krishna, Gautama Buddha or Shango. 

No, they are more inclined to heap scorn and insult upon them as "false gods, 
idols, pagan gods, nature spirits" and even "devils." 

If a sign of maturation is tolerance of others, when will the self-righteous 
"monotheists" show a bit of tolerance to adherents of ancient faiths like voodoo 
which actually produced the so-called monotheistic religions? 

All 3 desert religions, to this day, end prayers with "Amen," but never stop to 
thank ancient Black Egypt for giving them the god Amen in the first place. 

One who knows Algebra can bear witness to the truth of simple Arithmetic, but a 
person who knows only Arithmetic is unable to see Algebra's truth. How, he might 
wonder, can anyone be so primitive that they'd try to add, subtract and multiply 
letters ? And to say X = 36 + 12? 

Likewise, someone who knows the higher Islam can see the validity of simple, 
basic (Arithmetic) Islam. But practitioners of lower Islam will only, like children, 
call higher Islam practitioners a bunch of names. 

And the knowledge was given 

To us before this, and we use 

To be Muslims. 

~ Quran 27:42 

Here the Queen of Saba (Sheba) tells the new kid on the block, Solomon, that her 
Ethiopian people had the knowledge way before Solomon's people and that 
Ethiopians "once were Muslims." 


Ethiopia sent its science all over the globe. They say Osiris was one of their 
priests who was sent to Egypt to civilize it. Sumer, Canaan, Babylon and India 
(Rama) are offshoots of Ethiopia. Even Buddha's ethnic origin goes back to 

If the Ethiopians were Muslims then surely their missionary Osiris would also 
have been one. Osiris taught Shetau Hetep (the way of Religion of Peace). Hetep 
is the Kamitic word that becomes Islam in Arabic. 

But Hetep is a very advanced Islam. The Islam practiced in Arabia is like a child 
learning to count to 10 in comparison. 

The ancient Dravidians of India also practiced higher Islam. 

The primitive Sunday School Islamists feel justified in destroying ancient relics 
and statues belonging to the higher Islamic systems. 

Yet even Prophet Muhammad was initiated in the Egyptian system. In fact, the 
Prophet's real name wasn't even Muhammad. He was given the title-name 
Muhammad upon his initiation to sphere 2 when he became a prophet. 

Muhammad is an Arabicized form of the Egyptian word hemet which means 
"prophet." When Ahmad reached sphere 2 and could prophesy accurately, he 
was given the name Muhammad (mu-hamet). 

His mother's name was Aminah, a name given to priestesses of Amenat, the wife of 
the god Amen. 

In most cases, the gods of the so-called pagans were appropriated by the priests 
of monotheism and claimed as angels of their own. Allah, El, Elohim, Jabr-EI, 
Mrza-EI, Uri-EI, Rafa-el, Dan-El, Shamesh (Samson) all had long histories in the 
"nature Religions" long before the simplistic, concretised and ultimately atheistic 
notion of monotheism was ever imagined. 

The 99 Names of Allah were separate, though coordinated in a hierarchy 
("pantheon"), gods in the ancient Middle East. Under post-Muhammadan Islam, 
those gods were fused into one often contradictory Being and became Its 

If, say Shadid and Ra'uf, can be "aspects" of the One Allah, why can't Seker, 
Tehuti and Heru be "aspects" of the One Ausar (Osiris)? Why is one standard 
applied to the desert religions and a different one applied to the ancient spiritual 
cultivation systems. 

The so-called "primitive, base, pagan fertility cult religions" produced math, 
geometry, algebra, justice systems, yoga, astronomy, astrology, pyramids, 
aqueducts, medicine, shipping, economics, acupuncture, "rules of engagement in 
war" (as opposed to the war crimes attributed to Moses, Joshua and David), 
august edifices, wonders of the world, universities for prophets, alphabets, the 
music scales and tones (each of which was attributed to a god, i.e., conjured 
specific energy), alchemy, funeral rites, embalming and just about every refined 


human art, trade, technology and science. 

What have the desert religions created except war, race-hatred, oppression, 
intolerance, gender discrimination, library burning, inquisitions and police states? 

How dare they turn up their noses at "pagans"! They cannot point to a single 
great thing or civilization they've built. 

"America!" some true believer will say. "America was built upon Christianity and 
America is the greatest nation in the entire history of the whole world." 

Even if we accept the false idea that America - the prime polluter, warmonger, 
imperialist extant - is a great achievement, the fact is that the main founders tried 
to keep Christianity away from America's constitution and tenets. 

Most of the founders were masons, not Christians and believed in more eastern 
ideas than protestant ones. 

When they established the separation of Church and state, it was to immunize the 
new nation from the disease of Western religion. 

The invasion of Christian extremism from the Georgia-Bible-Belt (where Christian 
priests tortured, whipped and murdered Europe's felons sent to America) is what 
is wrong, perverse, vile, mean and suffocating about America. 

Ben Franklin, Dr. Ben Banneker, Thomas Jefferson and more created America in 
spite of Christianity , not because of it. 

The same path of destruction and racism follows Arab Islam into Africa, 
Mesopotamia and the far East. The great, majestic civilizations of the Sabeans 
and Africans throughout North Africa were wiped out by the marauding, invading 
Muslims after Muhammad. 

To this day, Islam is like acid rain on Africa. The Arabs continue to oppress and 
exploit Africans and to pit them one against the other. African liberation requires 
sending the Saracens back across the desert and returning the Mother Continent 
to its true natives (no pun intended). 

Waxing and Waning Moon 

The Moon has two main modes: 14 days of waxing (increasing) and 14 days of 
waning (decreasing). Rituals to attract things or increase things are best done 
while the Moon is waxing. Rituals to sell or banish things are best performed 
when the Moon is waning. 

Isis: the state of Trance 

The Egyptian goddess of the Moon is Auset (Isis). Among other things, Isis 
represents the state of mediumistic trance achieved through meditation. 

Because mantras only have power when said in trance, Isis was called the 
"mistress of magic" and of words of power (hekau). 


Trance can more easily be achieved at night (ruled by the Moon) so meditation is 
usually begun around 8:00 PM or following Isha prayer. 

The full Moon is said to permit the most powerful trance states as well as out of 
body projection to higher planes. 

So I do call to witness the ruddy 
glow of sunset, and the Night and 
its Homing, and the Moon in her 
Fullness: You shall surely travel from 
stage to stage. 

"Quran 84:16-19 

In Canaan, the goddess of the Moon was called Shaddai. Later, though the name 
is feminine, Shaddai became a male deity, the "Lord of the Mountain." 

But the name Shaddai means "breasted one" and refers to Isis often depicted with 
bare breast, nursing Heru. 

In the Quran, Shaddai became Shadid, "the Severe One," and is now an attribute 
of Allah. 

The goddess' gender was stolen and in a brash case of religious cross-dressing 
lady Shaddai became a male god. Her soft, nurturing function as symbolized by 
her naked breasts got perverted into "strong, severe" making the sex-change of 
the goddess complete. 

Breasts often symbolize spiritual feeding through trance. Thus nurturing is not 
merely symbolic. Very subtle energy comes from the left and right breast of a 
woman. The urge on people's part to suck women's breast is linked to a very 
deep, subconscious knowledge that true spiritual nourishment flows from a 
woman's breasts. The Bulgarian mystic Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov has written 
about this. 

Other subtle particles emanate from a woman's body which can smell like flowers 
or perfume. The female urge to wear perfume is rooted in her ancient memory of a 
time when her body naturally emitted perfume. 

The Moon symbolizes the Ka (jivan, personality or lower self). Isis (Moon) is the 
polar compliment (wife) of Ausar which means the Ka (emotional self) is the natural 
counterpart of the Ba (divine self). 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught women to breast feed, even at a time 
when American witch doctors were forcing women to stop breast feeding and 
instead to poison their babies with the lethal drug Similac and other "baby 

The result was bad breast health for the mother, and brain damage for the 
children. The last 3 or so generations of young people testifies to the zombie. 


maddening effect of the Similac drug on babies. They never recover. Their brains 
never mature past teen ideas. That's why you can't get them to leave the patental 
nest. They remain l<ids (bad, law-breal<ing retarded l<ids) for life. 

The brain is a delicate instrument that continues to "develop up to the age of 40, 
the time the Quran calls "the age of full strength." 

Drugs inhibit the brain's development, especially the growth of the pattern of 
neurons which eventually would link the left and right hemispheres. 

Similac starts the zombie drug culture and breaks down the body's natural reflex 
(nausea, sickness) against drugs. When a "normal" person first tried hard drugs, 
the body makes it throw up and purge the drugs from its system. 

Similac babies, unfortunately, have no such safety reflex. Having been drugged 
from birth, a Similac baby's reaction is "this is what I have been waiting for all my 

Today, science is catching up, slowly with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. 
They say breastfeeding inhibits breast cancer and diabetes. 

Children who were breastfed make for better grounded, more self-assured adults. 

American women are rediscovering breast-feeding, but only for short periods, like 
six weeks. Beats a blank, I guess. But I think the Quran is a safer guide to follow. 
It says the breast-feeding should be from 30 to 36 months! 

A lot of babies will thank me. 

The solution to Similac brain damage is yogic alternate nostril breathing. Try, it, 
you'll like it. 

Moon Gazing 

A Taoist technique for imbibing lunar energy involves looking at the Moon and 
slowly closing the eyelids while inhaling. Imagine the lunar essence flowing into 
the mid eyebrow {Z'<^ eye) and the mouth. Swallow the saliva that's now charged 
with Luna chi and thereby drink the Moon's nourishment into your body. 

The Moon in the Flag of Islam reminds us of the importance of meditation and 
trance for spiritual development. As it is engulfed by the Sun, the personality 
(Moon) should be encompassed by the individuality (Sun). 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the Moon represented equality. The 
path to divinity is open to all regardless of social standing. Each has equal 
opportunity to meditate and seek unity with God (the higher self). 

Because the Moon represents femininity, implied by the Moon's equality is the 
essential equality of women with men. 



The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that the Sun represented freedom. This 
is the freedom to ignore the lower emotions. Practicing Men Ab breathing 
awakens one from negative mediumistic states of trance - any emotion exists only 
in a trance state. Men Ab breaks the trance and stabilizes the heart rate while 
simultaneously stimulating the R-complex and cerebral cortex, the waking centers 
of the brain. 

The Men Ab em aungkh em Maat means "keeping the heart stable to live truth." 

The Sun also represents waking consciousness, and that tells us that freedom 
(Sun/Tifereth) depends upon a people's consciousness. When people are 
drugged and hypnotised by TV intellectual junk food, freedom is sure to become a 
thing of the past. 

A people's freedom depends upon consciousness/will. The Honorable Elijah 
Muhammad use to say, "up you mighty nation. You can accomplish what you will." 

The Sun rules the heart and, some say, the solar plexus. 

In higher expressions the Sun renders clairvoyance or third Eye visualization. 
Thus is represented by the Eye of Heru. 

Psychoanalytically, the Sun stands for the ego, the sense of Individuality. 
Astrologically, it is one's Identity. 

It also represents one's essential libido, life force (Ra). 

In Egypt, Heru personified the Sun (Individuality). He is the Son of Ausar 
(collective consciousness) and Auset (personality). 

Heru stands for the new personality that's a reflection (son) of the divine seed (the 
mantra Aum/Ausar) and the trance state (Auset). 

The icons of him as a child breastfeeding represent the need to nourish the new 
personality via repeated trance induction. 

Neale Donald Walsch teaches people to Be-Do-Have. This is very similar to the 
Kamitic approach. 

If I choose to have good health, I do those things and live those laws which serve 
to transform me into the archetype of health, Geb. By becoming Geb I then 
naturally do Geb-like things with the result that I have Geb's possessions, i.e., 
good health. 

A sign of my becoming Geb would be the inner birth of a new personality. This 
new personality is symbolized by the infant Heru. 

But the gravity of this world's life would soon pull me back to my former 
personality, so I'd have to meditate regularly (Heru at the nipple) to establish my 
new me. 

Heru is depicted with a falcon's head, indicating that the new will must attach the 
lower desires and behavioural/thought patterns. 

The Heru falcon also represents spiritual sight, clarity of vision and the ability to 


see far (remote viewing). 

In the Quran, the male initiates of Heru (Shemsu Heru) are called Hauaariyun. 

In Christianity, Jesus represents the same principle as Heru. 

In the picture writing of Kamit, Heru is displayed leading the initiate Ani to his 
father, Ausar. Jesus echoes the same by saying, "I am the way, the truth and the 
light. None entereth unto the father but by me." 

The awakened will (Heru, Jesus, Krishna) is a necessary step to divine 
consciousness (Ausar, Shiva, the Father). 


By looking at the Sun (and blinking often so as not to injure the eyes) one can 
draw in solar energy through the Third Eye and the mouth. Swallowing the 
sun-charged saliva brings solar force into the body. 

Solar Power 

Kundalini is the body's bioelectrical energy (chi, life force) which the Egyptians 
personified as Ra. It is also called serpentine power. 

That force is to be lifted up the spine canal. When that force is awakened, it is 
symbolized as the resurrection of Christ, Heru or Ausar. 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that God promised us money, good homes 
and friendship in all walks of life. Money is a correspondence of the sun. Homes 
are ruled by Cancer and the Moon. Socializing (friendship) is a correspondence of 

The Sun stands for the initiate's freedom to obey the demands of the animal spirit 
("the Beast") or the gentle pull of the higher self (Allah most High). The lower self 
is symbolized by spheres 7 through 10 on the Tree of Life. The higher self is 
represented by spheres through 3. This is freedom of choice as opposed to 
selection, i.e., selecting corrupt politician A over corrupt politician B. 

The Star (Venus) represents the initiate's balance ("justice") and the use of life 
force intensification procedures. The Moon stands for all humanity's equal 
access to God through trance.