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Discussion Papers In Economics and Sociology, No. 1 20 1 

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2012/04/05 (mi) 



1 2/04/05 

(cache) T.Shibutani 1955=2012(*JSC&i?l£ £ N IR) ^<— 7,^(77-^ tLXCD^UMMl - TKLecture 



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Archives of Tsukasa Kuwabara from 2000/04/01-2012/03/31 > 2Q12^jg 

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T.Shibutani 1955=2012 (*jg^§[£ 

^aifis Tamotsu Shibutani, 1955, Reference Groups as Perspectives, 
The American Journal of Sociology, 60(6): 562- 
9 r 966 1 CQ£fRT?fc£ fRJt^T j"T?<<b^T 

(HIS wi), rp P ^ffiror^ftjrxfbtSB«tftiJjra/?(Dtt#Mtft*a)«|ji)tj 

sts) o &fc\ mm\zm%mm*?^rmi%m'tmLtzo *fc, ±<*w«:ir 

*|&<D&fiJ|cpgLTi** v*=f *¥fflli6J§G)Greta Wahlersft&UfPerry 

Cartwrightftl^li. *^**BS*:<!:©¥fict-tfJg*L^fcf£l^fco ZZlcffiLT 

Originally published in English under the title 'Reference Groups 

as Perspectives' and copyright © 1955 by University of Chicago 

Press, Inc. 

Copyright © 2012/03/31 by Faculty of Law, Economics and 

Humanities of Kagoshima University. 

(DZtUfoZ) (2012/03/31 -2012/04/04) 

A Shibutani 1955=2... ^JSCrI, 


W Shibutani 1955=2... ftlSf], 


Shibutani 1955=2... ft IS W], 


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s^-rls C= Herbert Hiram Hyman (1918-85)] *S3tl& LTW*, «t 9^<+¥"^±o t 

WXm^bS'i^X^t-^fT-fSBS^x R»A«] tT»(-^C5#-Ktt(i, WIS© 

ffi'&%<Di mvi*mwirz>mz., ztihmm%,%<DZ<DmiRtf : t<DA(D rtA©i^ 

fc #«&I^Ji^#^»f-^-7* • ^t^LT^o^Lfc^ttt.KJS'M 

- 1 - 

$<Dm.&frbMgr£tixziz mmz. m&omm — mw&&ith(Dm>i\ ia-»s 

$.itz<Dm&frbftVr£tiX£1z T&Mb LTte&ftSrtib^ttl**^ PCS [ 5 ] 
1\ %h#^ffl¥#^c^« [CWflpE^ov^T] ffi2(d31*?t?#"CV^5 r©MB\ [r 

ZLX, ^(DMM^m^itir^^tlt, fifty— ;i'bLX<D'z.<Dig(.&<n1%mi& : &$iitoZ>z. 

x, ft^m^hfrmtxmmttrtbfox^^hmWi^WiWMt, -to^ai^v^-c 

5 ft) fI^W^ft(-fcV^-Cti, ^©Ii©^*/5 s fll© , b©^j; ; 5o }±£#^4b^TIf 


tit fC^LTV^S 2) o£<9 [rr-cfi], ^Wtt^tt, %<DA*<Dt£fr-e. fo5A 
#Srli-ft©i L-cM&btiTV^S [ 6 ] 0^19, mUMmk\%, fc3AJ& s -?r-l-#-5-i"5 

*fii/5^fb/^&ofc -ttefrhs (1) JtK^tLtii^-rs^H, (2) x*a s [s 

*l»3o CL^U PW-, fHIA^g^W^aiS^^tittblfe^-S, ^5 LfcA^^^fiJ 
£&#-f 5 &HW:fcVN -efcs&fctf, fg-roffl&fi, [*i«|^^i] £<Mofcg 



(DliDalL^ibrt:) M±> SI 



h-v^lifl^tK^ APaWf^iti^A^H^ii^^WLTi^ t 

*t>*>, fl^Mt^Jltt, a*f©Itt, AWH4l-Hi-sa^©JIH4^lib-CgW^$ 
tttRR?>^v^s*®«j^tt— E*-5J5if^St>*S J; 5***^ y$&i£:: !>#S* : fc^^: 
tt#£\ JtGfcftj^jtLfcfcroirLT, &FF±L^tzk(DkLX, ZLXJ-MpJMteh'DbL 

ftfcro-Cfcft- -$J;tt4\ |0*T^^*5 - <t , mfrft&frR ©raster t*%\Z>z\b, 


mi-tilt, mmtte, tt^ftffiSftUBKfc^-C, 0*. MtfL-fttei&ZftZt^oM'Qft 

fKDXit^Mm^mir^xxitii, z <d x o %■%> y frit-? , RgBf^Kni^tB^ffv*— * 

rote, AU ? t(i ; &^§^^FjfMLTV^5*a^^r1-55:^^^'S;^^g^ro-ti:#(-'fi#^ 
tt^k$^feAISttttt^roiH||lI-C*>5 -fftfr^s AteS^Mfc^xtLT^fc-C 

-cfcs 6) 5-K^-im^tLfcfdi#(osfii(D^# [") K-o^^xm^tcb^, mtxu 

b\zx\-±f£<s hyy^T^^sy^U^-L-x^^i&^tzhb^^^^x^^^—^^^ 

iibtev, $.1t, mtc\(DWMWZfob®%^ftOtkmzi»ltfZ>^b^t£Z)o tcfrb. & 
U tfr£:A9 oftliif^f), #&©— o— o£#jte£^^te^A*£teBU*iSfc:£ 



tfsigtfp>;h,5 ^(Dk oft A* lis *^rro1ft^^*tlT#-CV^/ c c^^A^^^S$tbfeffi: 

ffi©&Vv|Kj£±tfV-?— ^^tV^SjS ibO^£iF{ffiLTV^ fc 5 i§l^£ &£■>£> 

#£>■££ -CVS A^ -tt£t>h, k<><<D^Kfa&\sfcA*K'&Wk£fr1t.WLMsfrb : %&<0 

g*?)tU3fc#£ftt#ijLTv^A* , bv^o ±^^±9(-> 2d«i*-0ittts mM<D\Hmik* 

-> 3 y^ai:t#ftt5o SiJ<D#L£^fb3z!^<5&bti\ *ii(D^N°-x-<^x^y * 


— 1-ft:b*>. **###i\ X£#*f ■ [ = *8g#tff:u yv^^h (^3^), rf^iT^y- 
jgL<ttJL5£L-Ck, A£JLT^<fc5ft$«^L;&\fLfcl^b-efc5o T?>^=¥>^ 

— o^fl&jfc^^v^^-cfeSo ^Hfcft^t^ «*e>*bk $t§£, £-a\ Jl^ 

^ n ^^X^mm&<Vfek/vb*<DAx^k^X±hAt)mitbte^Xi<^JgmWi [ft if] 


5 o zto^xtf^ -^(Dumt^titz^mt /£oT^i9, ssiiw^+aii^fflro^d^fcs 

#|jgd^«^$n-CV^S f^x.«\ E##s ^fim-a^-t&IK J^JftJfk SfS^^ h^7^' 

£ifti£#£WTfcr 9o 1rftt>h. 7.^-y<D^t^ s #J¥Hx3M£ otitic IK7©ttff 
ft if. -^^ • yrV7©f|I^ f^-^K • Tiy K • * h y— a [ 17 ]J wj; 5ft*tl£lc: 

Mift^^MIHcDJ;?^ &^tf s >h&<* AP?feftroifl5v^rotfctL^ £PI$AW1£# 
fctbfi\ «*^»^fcfc5o ?±^^1tt#ttA^cDm# [£{£ 18 ] fcHa-©&fls«?£Jfofc 

^-/r-v^a ^ • ^^^^yKDSlilSr^oT [teD&T] ^i£i"5o ^r^fcfe, £?£#:{£ 


fete, ^<D«^r<7)?fi!j*PP, -S¥w«its M£o^ipfc&<z>^roi£fi^W^f£, 


9^»TB*Lfe/-c^O^fc5 -tftfrh. mXi*£*$k&(>-&lzbZ>fe&<D#.£ 


'R^tl^otv^^Tc*^ ftbiirrot^^yhftufew^f)! (prt^t-cg^ 


KUfcO.fcSfckroasfcSo -fftfc>*>. r-A©APfli: LT&te, fc&fc^UHfH-So L£> 

&WtH:|jMe::m^T«*w©#J££fc1-&a>-C, i@Afi^^5^WSrflfe#fe*>f-<§ JS$*5 


&V^*l5o Lfl»L&flSk, fc^g^ffiv^t^&^Tte, ^9 Lfc3y7y ^ Mate* 

— z<D^-x^7^j-?fr^m%£fox\<^mm(DMm^(Dmm — wu fiA©*i-ABa 

x^^m^tzhb^(Dmxb(Dm\%, &xf. zomA<D^(Dm%tz-hi<ittirz>!&mykmx 

©A*^&8fcroffi^W&^©i^S^fc!^ £!9frtf\ $Ari s £-?fcl$l8&&&«5*£A/ 
TV^A*i» ; e;ft<-efc ; 5o ^LT, fig&Miii, Ull^ii, ^WfliAWt^s fffifg\ 
Effi©ffi*^il#LTV^5A*W-t-Cfc5 9) fc^^MfcrfcH:, AP^fi^ft 

- 10- 

ftTVS, ^5 Lfc*H£*t1-fflMt LTfflv>P>tb5t#, rrolR&teft'bWffl &*><£>£ 
A^i^itt, %mit • %7tlkLfzt>(D7:hZ>(D&teh-f, m^-f^itLXV^hcD-r:' 

- 11 - 

ISStfS&SirftSo *Pl£ttS^fi*iT?S>5x ^-^-^r^fi [A^Ciot] Mft-Sfc 

1) H.H.Hyman, 1942, The Psychology of Status, Archives of Psychology, 38: 15 C 2 ] ; 
R.K.Merton and A.Kitt, 1 950, Contributions to the Theory of Reference Group Behavior, 
R.K.Merton and P.F.Lazarsfeld (ed.), Studies in the Scope and Method of "The American 
Soldier," Free Press, pp.42-53, p.69; D.W.Chapman and J.Volkmann, 1939, A Social Determinant 
of the Level of Aspiration, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 34: 225-38. 

2) Merton and Kitt (1950: 75-6). 

3) M.Sherif, 1953, The Concept of Reference Groups in Human Relations, M.Sherif and 
M.O.Wilson (ed.) , Group Relations at the Crossroads, Harper and Bros., pp.203-31. 

4) Merton and Kitt (1950:49-50). 

5) R.Redfield, 1941, The Folk Culture of Yucatan, University of Chicago Press, p. 132. & $d s fr 

D.G.Mandelbaum (ed.), 1949, The Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and 
Personality, University of California Press, pp. 104-9, pp.308-31, pp.544-59. 

6) G.H.Mead, 1925, The Genesis of the Self and Social Control, International Journal of Ethics, 
35: 251-77 ["] Rtf 1934, Mind, Self and Society, University of Chicago Press, pp.152-64 [ 28 ] 

- 12- 

£#P&> 1ztzllk<D$:1$kh^M&tltc\<\ T.Parsons, 1952, The Superego and the Theory of 
Social Systems, Psychiatry, 15: 15-25 . [ 29 ] . 

7) ^^5CJ^^r#fl^ cSfrltz^^o K.Riezler, 1950, Man: Mutable and Immutable, Henry Regnery 
Co., pp.62-72; LJLandgrebe, 1940, The World as a Phenomenological Problem, Philosophy and 
Phenomenological Research, 1: 38-58; A.Schutz, 1944, The Stranger: An Essay in Social 
Psychology, The American Journal of Sociology, 49: 499-507 [ 30 ] . 

8) ^(DX^k&^MOZbo E.C.Hughes, 1945, Dilemmas and Contradictions of Status, The 
American Journal of Sociology, 50: 353-59; E.V.Stonequist, 1937, The Marginal Man, Charles 
Scribner's Sons. 

9) H.S.Sullivan, 1947, Conceptions of Modern Psychiatiy, W.H.White Psychiatric Foundation, 
pp. 18-22 [ 3I ] . 

10) 7^(DXM^^M(D^. to R.R.Grinker and J.P.Spiegel, 1945, Men under Stress, Blakiston 
Co., pp. 122-6; E.A.Shils and M.Jonowitz, 1948, Cohesion and Disintegration in the Wehrmacht in 
World War II, Public Opinion Quarterly, 12: 280-315. 

11) iX^XWK&^MtD^bo G.H.Mead, 1938, The Philosophy of the Act, University of 
Chicago Press, pp. 107-73; L.Postman, 1951, Toward a General Theory of Cognition, J.H.Rohrer 
and M.Sherif (ed.), Social Psychology at the Crossroads, Harper and Bros., pp.242-72. 

1 * fra It, 

L 2-0404-1 24644/^ 

2 T^Ito^ Tamotsu Shibutani, 1955, Reference Groups as Perspectives, The American Journal 
of Sociology, 60(6): 562-9 [ httpy/^ ] <Di£MXfoZ> zRJC^ 1 I" J X<<hth 

3 Tamotsu Shibutani (1920-2004) : T / V ;# ©&#*£#„ 1920 ¥# ]) Vitfr—TWX- V V 
2 h ^(Stockton) \z£.$.tl So 0^ 2 flfc # ]) 7 *jv^Tiz¥'*—? ^~&%&X S *y* 
=fA^A^I£ET\ -?)V— ^-(Blumer, H.G/K t a — X(Hughes, E.C/K !7 — X(Wirth, L.)^f 
[Z*£j& 1948 ¥, ^^«t«5lf±-§-*K#o v^^A#, *U7^=7^/<-^W 

& , # y 7 * /V ^ 7 ^ ^ t > ^ ^ ^- ^ 7 K ^ f f I ft 

r htlp://megalodon.ip/20l2-0307-0957-15Aiiiiversirvofca]ifon)]))otsusliibutani.huiil ] „ 1986 ^p (CL s *S 1/ 7$ ty y ty 

fgS^fflfra^#(The Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction) £ <9 5 — Kit (George 

Herbert Mead Award) ^rS-^-^^"C^ N 5 C htlp://meBalodon.ip/2012-0307-0943-31/ ] 

- 13 



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