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Full text of "Tsukasa Kuwabara on SI from 1992/04/01 to 2012/03/31"

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V^$5, is% =*'/*'%■$•>' X<0—M&J&$,irZ\ /n— /■<— h •://l'— r — (Blumer, Herbert 
George, 1900-1987) ©^y^U j/^ilf^M (Symbolic Interactionism) #5 y T.^°— y^X£r 


■viz, MHj&siL&^ib, ^ftt^f 5^^ ^sfo-cra, ->^jj?ii y^iukimm^^ 

1) v/^/^y s/^fiSffMBSfefci&V^-C, gAW rft^-fkj (socialization) £ (4, M5J&5&W 

2) i/^/Ky -y ? mKfc%mz.iS^X rtt^j (society) £ ft, #0®%?) * %-XJ»&mZX, 
^(DBA 0@*A) tc«t t) . ffM^tLT^< i><Dbfez.t3tiX^Z<Di)\ 

3) £fc, -^5 Lfc*±^M^i&(-l??FM£tLT^< h<Db&Z.tbtlX^Z<Dfr 

m*. -?)v— r-wv^tfy ^ffiiifffliroi^ftit^o^^ ria^n^fflj (seif- 

interaction) && £ O»@fc3te(j!o^ fc £ [C^ f> ^^ Lft ttfttfft b^t^5 Sw^fe 

MLX, 7';^-7-i^it5 r<@A£ *#£<£> BI$*J IEI, ftktfl^ r??&J ffig^fPJf^ 

5 rgBffiSf^fflj i:fl,^Vv— 7 — fcifttf, rg#g#£©*BB:fNBj (interaction with oneself) 
i^g^tL, ^tx^^V^— ^-tt, rjt^if*5i9 % fiA* s i^S#tffi5^ffiSrfi : o-CV^5ig©j 


Xh6tt\ ri@A^g#g#ML-aSL^tj\ ZLXZti\£ttLXfcfo1rZ s M^3^ 

(internalize) $ it fc&WtfS, 7Vu-v-0f5 r g # g # £ ©fBSftUB J ~$-t£t>h rgB+BZf^ 
ffij ^ffiftb&V\ ^fcrcDfE^fi, ^/V— r — {^*3V^Ttts l"^j (indication) i r#MRj 
(interpretation) frb fr 6 rftff^cDillgj (process of interpretation) t ffi^X^^bthX^^Z £> <£>"? 
fc5o ^fe"C«t!9s^©ga+ISf^ffl^M-t-SS:|fe^ML-Ctt N ^rfttfS r|±^ftj (socialization) 

(socialization) £ ft, ffi#t (Dtt^tgSftffl^lRjtttt 5 r^ttcDff @5£j (schemes of definition) 
i, gSfcOffiS^ffl (gallH^ffi) Sr^lRjttttS r-^b^n^ff^(D^*iJj (generalized 
roles) il^5-0(D$?|R#£1^3r, f@A#\ g fi£ffi: «3 ffltf rfl&#fc^<£>3£Hj (groups of others) 

£n $£ (perception), t V^ 5 — iiW^nir x t JEx. btlTl^o r. ©7°nir^. ^ ^, r^P^#-^-j 
(confering of meaning) i: P^ff tl^^^-^ftil^ h ftV\ 
&*3, ±IE^*5V^-r^#tf4, 7>— 7 — fc&V^THu ^%<T>W%-\ (world of reality) £ Eft 

t->X<D r^f^j (object) Sr^fig-t-S#^ttE^.^tbTV^5 &*3, :?>— v — fc&V^ ng£fc 
#4 J i(i> fe§— fe<D \/* — 7.^>? 7-4-7 \ (perspective) ^X<K \^%\ tW\B< 

#ij £, r^^jfeJ-^J (physical object) , rfch^ftjfcf&j (social object) N rftb&#J*J"&J (abstract 
object) <D Ho {I^SUL-CV^5o 

AFBlttoT© rtt#j (world) t ft, :Hfc T^j^j ^b^^filfife^tlSfcW^IExLfj^ 


(talk back) LT< 5 RTf£t4/^#ft-f5 fc© tSEx. f>tLTl^;^-efe5o S/cfUlA^ ^ r M 
Mfllite, $A£±5t!!:#K:*M-5fi?# • :£H^ cfcot-jl^&^tLS few fcffix. ttit 

^5Lfc rflAt-ffl:#i:©Bi^j ffig £.$» £*.;/$: ±"C, "?{*, ^©{@A<7> r?f&j (action)^ 
tt, $D{Bl^5)t)»fciEx.btL5(D^\ ^;V— v — ^fcV^TfT^ (T§IA#tfT&J (individual act)) 
bit, £-ffa«J:!9-fc, 3SH©ttt:#^*fi-5 rjgjfcj (fit, adjust) Mi:J£;ib friTte !9, *r*US, 

f?tl5 ^—r-iir» TtT^J £ N Tffibj (impulse)-* T^qf;j (perception)-^ ^{f\ 
(manipulation)-* T^gj (consumation) b V^ 5 — jI^^p ± 7. frb ft 5 h <D b JE X. T V ^ 5 #$, ± 

-*•...-> r^^j t^gt5toi:tTtH:/j:<, r^ftj 1 ) -» • • • • -> r^j 1) 

-> rffibj 2) ->• • • •-> rffttj n) t m ^irm%K lx n < h<Dt fetch fate n nit tzb 

TV^54&^ ^rtlti r^^WffiSf^fflj (social interaction) id? ffft, ^tL£:7>— r — «, Tg 
SfSMffij (D^Lftl^ r^->^jK!J y^+BSf^fflj (non-symbolic interaction) i , rgBfg 
Sitfflj £>4h£i"5 r->V7K!J y^&tlMfflj (symbolic interaction) ro^o^^glj L-CV> 5 
-?T(D±-e:/>— -v — ft % j|ij#<£>*@i:M £\ 5 — K©f 5 r#H !9 #f£j (conversation of gestures) 
t, ■£LX&%<Dffi£.fc!R&, S— K<Z)W5 ^M^yy^^<Di$.mi (use of significant symbols) 

fi, 35 #? r^E^^^^V^J #*$3:l-cW£v^<z)0) n faKfcmz&^LX^zM* Aft, 


Z>Z.bftWbfr\Z.£tl1t 7>— 7-^fcl^T, r%t^J (TAW^tt^J (human society) ) t 

M&\ ^VV— 7 — fi, r^a^^h • T^i/g^j (joint action) ft l^Ltt ^yy^/^i/a 
yj (transaction) i^ "CI ^5 Htt s ~ OfrMftl&m t LX<Dyytf ]} y 9 ftffiMffl i *\ 
±IE<£> T;firP£->^tf;>(Z){£fflj ^|©!)©i L T <Z> -> ^ /K y 5/ ^ ftfg2{^^ffiift bftl\ 

-{yh-Ttyaytn, tt£<z> rs^WWij t LT{£go-tfb;ftTWc 

19 J (gesture) (7)^^ i, -?: O # H <9 <Z) T#P^j (meaning) {£*J~f 5 —0<DKfo t £5&fb ZtlX^^ 

m%KMLx&M*)ftmzMtiz%w^k%, ^#ttiB2^a»u^oTv^, ^^>— ^-^ 

B*A(Df$K s f^MM^y^^] (significant symbol) ft V ^ Lfi r#ai©^g|j (common definition) 

^«, fs*A^ ^*©gsiis{fffl^itt, z^xm^ztix^^&mv^ttLx, m- 
©s*^#4t-cv^5^ffi^^Lrv^^ ^a^F'T^^/a^ ^ <D^MMyytf^ft 

li^LtZ&T&<Dfe£tff&&.-tZ>Zkfc£iX'%&fcftZ>h<Oh, y>— 7-^^oV^-Cfii£^^n 
TV^ ^5 Lfc*ji<7)^iltt % fi^A35 s ,gBffi5:f^ffi<D-^litL-C©r#j|t©#Jtj (taking 
into account of taking into account) %W$. Loo, Zl^C rfg^eoH^j, <t rfl^tfV* — *^<;? 

iL-fZ>h(Db^7LhtiX\^ £fc, i@*A£«fc5x ^r5 Lfcro(D^±fe(Z)MfttEgf4, * 

Jgsipc^&v^ji, ±iE©H3v^3) ©$PJ^£@£tiT^5 7>— ?-«, -^-e, *±£ 


&h<Db]&Z-X\^ -f &£>*>, ^tett^ffi^tt^S^fo^W^ 1±# £ v> 5 fc <z> (v>a 

#J (world) ktZ, ^(DBA^koXfD T^j-^j (object) frbhfrft 5 &© tffix. ^tlTV^S,, 

tv^-tfc&So H?Mtl^ m%] £^5#£*>*^ -^-e^w^At-«fcot*n*$tbfc 

At^ ^w imvML} zmmtLx, &b<Dmvi-'fem<o&%&<Diinffi&tozzb&m%, 


rnxxK ztDm^ttLxft^fzhz-femm • fern*, ^^fcotiti^its^t 

hk>-jk<DkJjXZ<D%MV%H J X\,^m%bLX, rga+BS^j £i§CT, fi?&-)£i& 

£\ SK^t^BE-f 5^IE¥St LT©, rff&#<Affi£j (standpoint of the actor) /5^©7^ 

^ fr^Ef^ffl ^ LTCOtt^J (society as symbolic interaction) b V^5> ^V— 7-©j; < £q btLfc^ 

Sftffl (^^fftM/^ h7^7^^ 3 ^-Cfc«? J?3^ h • T^->a ^7?fcofc) ^$ff 
VMte^fc-htDb LX&z.btiX^1t Lfc^ot, ^i/-r-©i/y^y y^ffiSf^ffll&i: 

feStfc^W+BEf^ffl (h7^^7^^ 3 y/v? 3 ^yh-7^i/3y) ^W^"TtL«\ rxM 
©tfc^J (human society) iV^ 5 fc©^jf , ZfrftGO&W&Wbfrfcte&o ^fl^K 7>- 


tz, r%it(D#itj mi^loo, +@#^ir©«t 5^ffi^Sr^oyt#ffi-efe5(7)^ (rt@¥»ia 
£jh ffcffi^bit, g^g#«if©«t5'fc«^*Rpofe#&^iE^p>nrv^5©^ (r*@ 

f^i >9#^^Wi±^^^S^fflffigtts ^©^feffe^fc'V^Ttt m^Ulkl (sensitizing concept) 

7>-^-[i N }±£f4^<Z)<t5^tll^$liiE^fei It, rg$#jggjfcj (naturalistic inquiry) 
©^X-IMJ&V^ISfKfflj (continuing interaction between guiding ideas and empirical observation) £r N 

tlTV^5<7)-efc5 5^o 7>— 7 — ft^nSTx W^^^^C&S rg,^^tt#j (empirical world) 
^bW^#W^^-v J ^MIi(-*]-LTII*btL5rffi^Cj (resist) ft^UiTfg <9 MLj (talk back) 
(r^SWH^Jj (negative case) <D%£.) &^m> <9 t LT& £ *l#5 , t LTV^o 

v=j (root images) ) £##f#*l^ £ LXURl U ^©iT?, ±ISO g&ft&jfcfcfi 1 5 ^-ftU2\ 

#\ ±|E<£> rfr&#<£>*£^J (standpoint of the actor) ^fjOT/n-f HWb4^, -f&fr*^ 

^cd±t\ smmn^ftD t-rtm, m$t%\z, &j&&n^ r?f&#©tt£j ^toryp- 

£1\ TSfiWiJ (acting unit) fcAa &*>"£* 5 fl^N £: ^ 5 If^S-O^To rfr&#tf)ffi 


SSc1-5 tft3k%(D&&\ (position of the actor) ri>kffi35£fir 5 - t £s Hft5*bil ^ 
{&J (acting unit) ^5 fflM£ffll^Tl^ //Wv-ia^if, ^ ©Sft W^£ ttTl^ 

U\z, gEi:ft!l#tV^-A»All(-J;oT|±^^lS2{^ffl^^^^xv^5i LJ;5c *f^ 

A;&»k3l#ffi&;ftftttfttf&b&v^<z)Tfc?K ^©ffiAt^sf^BSr^/^^sM^kSl^ 
&<bt\ ^niSfe^w^s* (ps#) £??&# (is^t) ^©ffisf^fflt*^, #l<^ 


5W2E#tf)$?fRiigj (reconstruction of constructions) "CL^fe <9 #&V\, Xlt s •?: <£>$&!&© 



r^A£W£<z>W0*j #AfWfc«fc51£# (5an©1£#) i-fcvWS rgB+BStfMBj MC 
-fex^tiMb-cv^< ^©-efcs^ £ Otitis £ ft 5 „ 

f!3#-e«, ^n^*^±, ^"rtrcfc 5 ;:£«#© r^nr^j t£&iiLT#fis£*L5 y 

^~r -IdJ: ft tf % r*a©^»j ^«#£ftigtf5^W:, #£g^£M^L-Cl^AfU1;^ ^ 
&• 5ttt^&£ftT^;5ftii^tt^M5 Lfcfl?^- £H(- rfg(93ibj (h~* •/■*-,*) -f- 


£-cn*-m, ^±ro^/v— ^-(Diyy-^v */?faKfcmwi\z.istfz mm±£i w.z>m& 

tt, ffcx.1\ WR%ftffiRtt&K<>^X&^X^Z4*—i?t£^U*%m&&t5E- &ITLT 
