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Full text of "IMPROVEMENT IN WARDROBE-BEDSTEADS - United States Patent 668"

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United States Patent Office.


Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 668, dated April 
3, 1838.

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, Zebulon C. Favor, of the city of Boston, in 
the county of Suffolk, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, have 
invented a new and useful Improvement in the Mode of Constructing 
Wardrobe-Bedsteads; and I do hereby declare that the following is 
a full and exact description thereof.

The improvement consists in having the bed-rail attached to the 
door or front, so as to strengthen and keep the rails from 
springing, on which the canvas or bed-bottom is placed, so as to 
have the bed made up and ready for use when folded up in the 
case, and also in having a closet at the under part of the case 
to contain the night furniture, &c. This bedstead may be made in 
any of the front views of wardrobes.

The improvements in my invention consists in the bed-rails 
forming a part of the door, having the canvas or bed-bottom 
attached to it on one side and made in the form of a door on the 
other. It is hung at a sufficient distance from the floor by 
means of a closet, so as when folded down to be about the height 
of a common bedstead; also, in having the closet-door hung at the 
upper-edge on the aperture at the bottom of the case, so as to 
conceal the night furniture, &c., which may be put into it. The 
head-board is placed so as to protect the bedclothes, bolster, 
and pillows from falling out when turned up by sliding in two 
grooves in the side of the case. Two or more loops are attached 
to the bed-rails, into which rods are introduced for the purpose 
of holding the bed and bedclothes in their proper place when 
turned up. Two moving columns or pilasters are placed at front 
corners of the case, so as to cover the openings in the corners, 
by the legs being attached to the rails when turned or raised up.

I proceed to describe the operation of this bedstead in preparing 
the bed to sleep on: First, turn the columns or pilasters back in 
the corners of the case and then take hold of the knobs which are 
on the stile or center of the case and ease the bed down, and the 
bed is ready to sleep on; second, to turn the bed up in the case, 
make up the bed and fasten the strap across the foot of the bed, 
and then turn the bed up into the case, and then turn the columns 
or pilasters forward, that cover the openings caused by the legs, 
and the whole then presents the front of a beautiful wardrobe 
with columns on the corners of the case; third, the closet at the 
foot from the case presents the view of a drawer with knobs on 
the ends, as appear in the drawings herewith forwarded.

The wardrobe-bedstead occupies less space in thickness by about 
one-third by means of the closet not having doors to swing out 
when the bed is let down. ' It is more convenient, and is more 
simple, and is less expensive in building and materials.

The wardrobe-bedstead may be made to lie on the side, to turn up 
sidewise or endwise, as may best suit purchasers, and so as to 
present the view of a single or double wardrobe, as convenience 
or fancy may require, and may be ornamented as the proprietor may 

What I claim as my invention and improvement in 
wardrobe-bedsteads, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is�

The making the under side of the bedstead so as to imitate doors, 
in the manner set forth, there being no doors in the improved 
wardrobe-bedstead, which swing out and thus occupy room.


Witnesses: A. Moore, Levi Whitney.