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Full text of "FIRE-ENGINE PUMP - United States Patent 691"

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Specification of Letters Patent No. 691, dated April 14, 1838.

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, Joseph Newman, of the city of Baltimore and 
State of Maryland, have invented a new and useful Improvement in 
Fire-Engines, which I denominate "the Fire-Engine Pump;" and I do 
hereby declare that the following is a full and exact 

The principle consists in converting the ordinary pump into a 
fire-engine, or a suction, for forcing and throwing water, while 
it, at the same time, retains the office of the common street, 
ship or other pump. This object effected by the application of 
any form of the usual apparatus of the fire engine, consisting of 
a cylinder, piston, air vessel, hose, &c, as will be particularly 
noticed in the following description. In the drawing A, A, 
represents the lower part of that part of the pump above ground, 
as seen in the street, b, b, sheet iron jacket bolted on the pump 
stock, the top of the stock being cut away, as will be seen and 
described in the next figure. On the iron jacket is secured by 
bolts and nuts as seen at c, c, &c., a cap which supports, or to 
which is attached the cylinder of the force pump, and on which 
stands the air chamber. e, is the handle, which rests on the iron 
frame or support f, f, which support is bolted to the jacket b, 
b. g, is the rod connecting the handle with the piston and other 
rod as will be shown hereafter.

Fig. 2 represents a section of Fig. 1, where a, at represent the 
wood part as the corresponding letters do in Fig. 1. g, is the 
rod connecting the handle with the lifting box h. i, is the 
retaining box; these two boxes with their valves are like the 
ordinary pump apparatus, j, is a joint connecting the rod g with 
the box handle and rod k, which is joined at I with the piston 
rod m. The pump stock, as at I, in Fig. 1, is provided with a 
closely fitted door by which the joint is accessible from 
without, w, is the piston, o, o, cylinder. p, p, two valves which 
induct the water below the piston. g, valve which supplies the 
water, through the side pipe r, to the cylinder above the piston, 
p, p and q.

Fig. 3 is a downward view showing the position and form of the 
valves and side pipe r. At the down stroke of the piston, the 
water passes up the side pipe a, and at the up stroke it passes 
up the pipe t, and passes alternately through the valves u, u.

Fig. 4 is a downward view of valves x, w. w, the usual screw to 
which the hose is attached.

Fig. 5 represents a form of the cylinder, pipes and valves which 
may be used without an air vessel; the valves may be round or any 
other form.

Fig. 6 represents another form of the cylinder and piston. This, 
it may be seen is a single stroke piston. I have contemplated 
various forms of the forcing apparatus.

Fig. 7 represents a downward view of the pump stock and levers or 
handles; as a, a, the fulcrum; f, f, prop as f, f, Fig. 1. e, 
handle as at e. Fig. 1. g, g, g, g, additional levers. As these 
may be constructed in various ways it is unnecessary to be more 

By the foregoing structure and arrangement we have only to stop 
the spout, as at —, Fig. 1, and the common pump is converted into 
a fire engine, while it still remains a common working pump. It 
will be seen by Fig. 2 that nearly all the open space above the 
retaining valve i except what is occupied by the forcing 
cylinder, is a reservoir of water to supply the fire engine.

The advantages which would result from the application of the 
principle I propose, to most of the street pumps and others which 
might be placed in appropriate locations, is too obvious to 
require any additional remarks.

I claim—

The combination of the common pump, prepared as before described, 
with the cylinder, piston, valves and air chamber of the ordinary 
fire or hydraulic engine; which combination produces a twofold 
instrument, viz, a self supplying fire engine and a culinary or 
common pump.


Witnesses: Simon Kemp, John W. Post.