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Preface i 

Abbreviations, and Explanations of the Japanese j 

words used ii 

Important Changes in Official Posts and other Per- 
sonal Standings, occurred during the Printing,.. v 

Obituary ... ... xiv 

Reigning .Sovereign and family i. 

Biographies i 

Supplement 129 

Biographies of some Foreigners associated with Japan.. i 


The first edition of "Who's Who in Japan" lefi 
much to be desired from many points of view and I am 
not claiming that this ivolume is complete or that it, i^ 
free feom defects. In the nature of things a work of 
kind can only progress slowly towards perfection, 'and ma- 
naging and editing it quite alone under difficult circum!!- 
tances it is beyond my power to bring forth ti-' perfect 
volume so early.. . . ; ■ . , •• .. , 

Regarding foreign residents it was niy first intention 
to; put as many as possible of their names in a directory 
for public interests, apart from the standard of qualifications 
under which the Japanese names were : chosen. Y"et the 
necessary informations for the biographies of the majority 
were not procurable. Consequently it is unavoidal:}le that 
some of the prominent persons eligible for inclusion in a 
work of this kind have been unfortunately omitted. In 
reference to the names of Koreans, though - we have the 
necessary materials for them I came to the ronclnsion it 
was not very important to insert their names in this valu- 
me. If, however, it is found necessary they will be inclu- 
ded in future editi<ms. 

I am deeply grateful to those who have kindly fm'- 
nished valuable information for this work. 

Tokyo, March 191 3. 

S. Kurita. 


A. C Appeal Court. 

Aead Academy. 

Adm Admiral ; Admiralty. 

Adop. or 

Adopt Adopted. 

Agr. • Agriculture; Agricultur- 

A. m. Master of Arts. 

Art Artillery. 

Assist. •■• Assistant. 

ASSO. or 

Assoc Association. 

Aud Auditor. 

I) born ; brother. 

B. A Brichelor of Arts. 

B. C. L. ••• Bachelor of Civil Law. 

B. Sc Bachelor of Science. 


hakuslll. Doctor of Literature. 

Capt Captain. 

Cav Cavalry. 

C. E Civil Engmeer. 

cho an urbarn subdivision ; 

an equivalent 'to English 

" street. " 

Col Colonel. 

Coll. College. 

Com Commerce; Commercial; 

Cr. created. 

(/_ daughter; died. 

D. C District Court. 

D. C. L. •■• Doctor of Civil Law. 

D. D."-" Docter of Divinity 

Dep't Department. 

Dir Director. " " 

Div Division. 

Dx' Doctor. 

D, Sc Doctor of Science. 

€. b elder brother. 

C. d eldest daughter. 

itduc Education. 

Eng' Engineer ; Engineering, 

£■ S eldest son ; elder sister. 

Fin Finance. 

fu A local administrative 

district ; the same as ken 
(prefecture) ; it is espe- 
cially so designated when 
applied to eitlier of the 
three administrative dis- 
tricts having tlieir head 
government offices at To- 
kyo, Kyoto and Osaka. 
{see ken.) 

G. C. M. G. l-Cnight Grand Cross of 
St. Michael and St. Geor- 
ge. ^ 

■Abbreviations and Explanations 


G. C. V. 0. Knight Grand Cross of 
l^oyal Victorian Order. 

o- // strand dait-'shter. 

Gen General. 

o-_ f grandfather. 

Gr. K Golden Kite (decora- 

o- ;;^ grazid mother. 

o ' 

(jO V. ' Governor. 

Q-Ovt Government. 

grad. or 

gradu. ■■■ graduated. 

<r c srrandson. 

gun or (go- 

ri) A subdivision of a pro- 
vince (a local administra- 
tive district); an equiv- 
alent to English " coun- 

HataviotO. former Chie ■" retainer of 
the Shogimate. 

Heimin Common people as dis- 
tinguished from Shizoku 
or samurai. 

H. H His Highness. 

H. I. H. ••• Wis Imperial Highness. 

H. I. M. ••• His Imperial Majesty. 

H. M His Majesty. 


hakushi. Doctor of Law. 

Hon Honorary; HonouraUe. 

H. P House of Peers. 

H. E. House of Representa- 

kusJii . 

Doctor of Medicine. 

I Ind ludustrial. 

Imp. ■•■ .-.•• Imperial. 

Inf. Infantry. 

Inst Instructor. 


liakushi. Doctor of Veterinary 

ken A local administrative 

district ; equivalent to 
English " prefecture." 
{see fu). 


hakushi. Doctor of Engineering. 
Kyododan Military Kon - Commis- 
sioned Officers' School. 

L. C Local Court. 

'• d. long distance (in tele- 

Lieut Lieutenant. 

LL. B Bachelor of Laws. 

LL. D. ... Doctor of Laws. 

''^. month; married; mother. 

machi a local administrative 

district ; equivalent to 
English " town " or. 
sometimes "street" when 
used in the same sense 
as cho. {see cho). 

Maj Major. ~ " 

M. D Doctor of Medicine. 

Mem Member. 

M. H. P.-- Member of the House of 

M. H. K... Member of the House of 


Abbreviations and Explanations 

Mil Military. 

Min Minister. 

mura A subdivis'on of a gun 

(a. local administrative 
district); an equivalent to 
Hnglish " village." (see 

M4 Sc Master of' Science. 


kakushi. Doctor of Agriculture. 

Ph. D Doctor of Philosophy; 

pre. or 

pref. prefecture. 

Pres President. 

Proc Procurator. 

Prof. Profes-sor. 

P. S. Peers' School. 

ret retired. 


Iiakushi., Doctor of Science. 


liaklishi. Doctor of Dendrology. 

R'iy Railway. 

R'lys Railways. 

B,. S Rising Sun (decoration.^ 

S son ; sister. 

samurai... Military caste of the feud- 
al times ; now distingui- 
shed' from Heiniin or 
common people. 

Se. D Doctor of Science. 

Sec Secretary; .second. 

shi city. 

S. T Sacred Treasure (decora - 


Tel. Telephone. 

T. H. '■ Their Highness. 

T. M Their Majesties. 

Toku cho. Special long distance (in 

Univ University. 

XJtai Old Japanese classical 


Vet Veterinary. 


kuhakuSl. doctor of pharmacology, 

y. vounger brother. 

y. S younger sister. 

^mportont Changes in Official Posts 

and other Personal Standings, 

Occurred During the Press 

Abe, Toru, dismissed from offiice, Dec. 30tli, '13. 

Abo, Kiyotane, appointed attache to the Embassy at London, 
and superintendent of Naval Conatruction, March 6th, 

Anderson, Larz, left Japan, March 6th, '13. 

Ando, Kensuke, appointed Governor of Niigata-keu, March 

Anraku, Kanemichi, appointed Inspector-General of the Me- 
tropolitan Police, Feb. 20th, '13. 

Arisaka, Nariaki, placed on the Reserve list, Jan. '13. 

Ariyoshi, Masaichi, relieved of his post, Feb. I5tli, '13 

Arikawa, Gorosaku, trausferred to Chief Staff on the Guards 
Division, Feb. 25th, '13. 

Baba, Genji, transferred to f-ec. chief of the Court of Cassa- 
tion, 22 April '13. ■ 

Chiya, Taijiro, transferred as pre. of Mito District Court, 24 
April '13. 

Egi, Yoku, relieved of his post, Feb. 20th, '13. 

FTijii, Kenjiro, . given the degree of liigahuhakushi, Feb. 


13th '13. 

Fujimoto, Hidehiro, transferred to commander of the torpedo- 
boat squadron of Saseho Admiralty Port, April 2nd, '13. 

Fujita, Koriki, transfen-ed as director of control bureau- of 
the Railway Board 6th May '13. 

Fujita, Takasaburo^ relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 

Fukuda, Takenori, transferred as chief pub. procurator Nii- 
gata District Court, 24 April '13. 

Fukuoka, Toypkazu, relieved^of his post, 22 April '13. 

Fukuzawa^ Momosuke, left Seiyiikai and joined Seiyit-club 
Feb. '13. 

Hamada, Tokutaro, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 

Hamana, Kansuke, promoted to paymaster inspector and tran- 
sferred to director of Senju Woolen Factory, 8 May 

Hanabusa, YosMmotoj appointed President of the Japan Eed 
Cross Society, Jan. 30th, '13; 

Hanabusa, Yushiro- placed on the reserve list, March 3i8t 

Hani, Shoiehi, relieved of his post, 24 April '13. 

Hara, Seigo, transferred to the Commander of the battle- 
ship Fuji, March 7th, '13. 

Hasegawa, Kinsuke^ transferred as director of Kobe Control 
Bureau of the Eailway Board, 6 May '13. 

Hashimoto, Keizaburo, appointed Vice-Minister of Agr. and 
Com., Feb. 23rd '13. 

Hashizume, Sutezo, relieved of his i est, 24 April '13. 

Hayakawa, Shintaro, transferred to the Commander of the 
35th Inf. Eegiment, Feb. 15th, '13. 

Hayashi, Kiriku, elected M. H. E. for Kagawa-ken and be- 
longed to Seiyti-kai, May '12, but left it and joined 


Seiyu-cluL, Eeb. '13. 
Hazama, Kota, transferred to Commander of the Maidzuru 

defence body, April 2nd, '13. 
Hiranuma, Kiichiro tran'ferred as procu. general,';21 Dec. '12. 
Hojo, Tokiyuki, transferred as pre. of Tohokn Imp. Univ., 

9 May '13. 
Hongo, Fusataro, transferred to Vice-Minister of War, 7 May 

Hori, Eiichi, appointed pre. of Kyoto District Court, 24 April 

Hotari? Jungo, appointed Grovernor of the Kafikyohokudo, 

Chosen, Feb. 14th, '13. 

lehiki: Kitokuro, dismissed . from office, Feb. 20th, '13. 

Ichinose, Yujiro, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 

lida, Hisatsune, relieved of his additional post, April '13. 

Ide, Osamu, transferred as chief of accountants' dep't . of the 
Guards Division, 8 May '13. 

Ijichi, Kosuke, placed on the retired list, Feb. 15th, '13. 

Ikebukuro, Hidetaro, transferred as pre. of the Mint, 2,5 Apr. '13. 

Ikegami, Saburo, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 

Inouei Katsunosuke, dismissed from his post as m. of the 
H. P. and appointed Ambassador to St. James Court, 

■ ■ London, Feb. 13th, '13. 

I none, Mitsu, appointed Mayor of Kyoto, March 31st, '13. 

!lsawa,;takio, placed on the reserve list, -March 3rd, '13. 

IsMhara, Junko, placed on the retired hst, April' 2nd, '13. 

Ishiliara, Kenzo, • dismissed from office, March 3rd, '13. 

Tshikalva, I-sMyo, relieved of his post, 6 May '13. 

Ishimaru, ShigeyosM^ transferred as chief of technical const- 
ruction section of the Eailway Board, 6 May '13. 


Kagami, Shotaro, transferred to Vice-Dir. of the Maizuni 
Naval Hospital and in addition to chief of the 1st Dep't 
in Maizuru Naval Station, April^2nd, '13. 

Kagawa, Ki, placed on the retired list, Feb'. 14th, '13. 

Kakehi, Takebumi, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 

Kakihara, Takekuma, transferred as pre. of Hakodate Appeal 
Court, 22 April '13. 

Kakeshita, Jujiro, transferred as pub. procu. of Nagasaki Ap- 
peal Court, 9 May '13. 

Kamaya, Chudo, transferred to Com. of the .squadron of Sa- 
seho Admii-alty Port, April 2nd, '13. 

Kamiizumi, Tokuya, transferred to Commander of the torpe- 
do-boat squadron in Yokosuka Admiralty Port, April 
2nd, '13. 

Kaneko, Manki, transferred to M. of the Naval Administra- 
tive Board and in addition to teacher at the Naval 
College, April 2nd, '13. 

Kasai, Shin-ichi, transferred to Groverner of the Shizuoka-keh, 
March 3rd, '13. 

Kase, Shizutaka, promoted to Maj.-Gren., Commander of the 
4th Brigade of Cavalry, Feb. 15, '13. 

Kataoka, Tai-ichi, relieved of his post, 24 April '13. 

Kawai, Ttaro, transfen-ed as pre. of Morioka District Court 
24 April '13. 

Kawakami, CMkaharu, resigned his post, Feb. 20th, '13. 

Kawamura, Kingoro, resigned his post, Feb. 23rd, '13. 

Kawanishi, Hirobumi, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 

Kawanami, Yasukatsu, . appointed Commander of the battle- 
ship Hizen, March 4th '13. 

Kawase, Hayaharu, placed on the retired list, March 31st 

Kikuehi, Kanji, left Seiyu-kai and joined Seiyu-club, Feb. '13. 


Kimura, Heitaro, appointed Commander of the loth Battalion 
of Engineers, March, 4th '13. 

Kitashiro, Katsu, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 

KobayasM, Yoshirb, transferred as chief pub. procu. of Osaka 
Appeal Court, 22 April '13. 

Koda, Keitaro, transferred to Commander of the Snmq, 
April 2nd '13. 

Koizumi, Eitaro, placed on awaiting list, i4 April '13. 

Komori, Motoe, transferred as pub. procu. of Osaka Appeal 
Court, 24 April '13. 

Koyama, Junji, resignad his post, March l/th, '13. 

Koyama, Matsukichi^ transferred as chief pub. procii. of Na- 
gasaki Appeal Court, 22 April '13. 

Kubota, HikosMehi, promoted t > Bear- Admiral and placed 
on the reserve list, March 31st, '13. 

Klihara, Mitsuru, relieved of his additional post of pre. of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ., 9 May '18. 

Kumada, Kantaro, transferred as chief pub. procu. of Shizu- 
oka District Court, 24 April '13. 

Kunb, Tsukasa, appointed Commander of the Special Despa- 
tched Army in Chosen, March 4th, ,13. 

Kuroda, Hideo, transferred as pi-e. of Niigata District Courtj 

24 April '13. 

Kuroi, Teijiro, transferred to Commander of the squadron 
of Maizuru N. T., April 2nd '13. 

Mano, Bunji, transferred to pro. of the Kyushu Imp. Univ.^ 

9 May '13. 
Mano, Genjiro, transferred in Commander of the torpedo-boat 

squadron of Kure Naval Station, April 2nd '13. 
Maruya, Seizo, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 
Mataga, Tomomasaj relieved of his post, 8 May' 13. 

Matsuhara, KoicM, given the degree of EigakuJiaJcushi, Teb. 

13th '13. 
Matsumura, Sadao, transferred as ist seor. of Legation at 

Brazil, 2 May '13. 
IBatsumura, Yoshio, placed on the reserve list, 14 April '13 
Mats-uno, A-tsuyoshi, relieved of his post, 22 April '13 
Midzumachi, Gen, transferred to chief of the Kure Marines 

Division and in addision Commander ot the Tango ^ 

April 2nd '13. 
Mlzumachi^ Kesarokui appointed President of the Yokohama 

. pecie Bank as an, additional post, Feb. 28th '13. 
Mikij Itaroi transfeiTed as chief pub. procu. of Miyagi Ap- 
peal -Court, 22 April 13. 
Mikij Tomeii relieved of his post, 24 April '1,^. 
Miuraj Juntaro, transferred as pre. of Gifii District Court, 

24 April '13. 
Mishima? Yataroi appointed Governor of the bank of the 

Japan, Feb. 28th '13. 
Miwa? Shuzoi trantsferred to Commander of the Manchuria, 

April 2nd '13. 
Miyake? Jir05 relieved of his post, 6 May '13. 
Mi?ukamii Chotaroi transferred as pre. of Nagoya Appeal 

Court, 22 April '13. 
Mizunoj Eentaro? appointed Vice-Minister of Home Affairs, 

Feb. 2 1 St, '13. 
Momojimai Ichihaehi^ transfer-red as pre. of Apmori District 

Court, 24 April '13. 
Mori? Masatakaj appoiiitjed Governor fo Miyagi-ken, Feb; 27th 

Morimoto? iCunijiroi transfeiTed to director of acccmutants' bu- 
reau of the Eailway Board, 6 May '13. 
Murakamij Taiichii transferred as pre. of Yamaguchi Distri- 


ct Court, 24 April '13. 
Murase, Kobun, relieved of his post, 24 Ai)ril '13. 

Jjlagao? Hanpeij transferred to director of Kyirshii control 

bureau of the Eailway Board, 6 May '13. 
Nakagawa, Toranosnke, left Seiyukai and joined Seiyu-cluU, 

Feb. '13. 
Uagashima? Eyuji, resigned his post, Feb. 28th '13. 
Nakamurai Junkuro? appointed Governor of Hokkaido, Feb. 

27th 'J.3. 
Niheij Shozo? relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 
Niho, Kyuko. relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 
Niitobe, Inazo, relieved of his additional post of pre. of the 

I St High School, 22 April '13. 
Nishi, Shinrokuro, transferred as Commander of Port Bako, 

14 April '13. 
Nishikaki, Tomita, placed on the reserve list, March 31st '13. 
Nishikawa, Torajiro, promoted to Major-General and Com- 
mander of the 19th Brigade of Infantry, March '13. 
Nishio, Yujiro, traiisfeiTed to Commander of the Yokosiika 

Defence Body, April and '13. 
Nishiyama, Yasukichi, promoted to Maj.-Gen., placed on .the 

retired list, Feb. 15th '13. 
Nomoto, Tsunayuki, placed on the reserve list, March 3 1st 

Nomura, Eyutaro, transferred to vice pi-esident of the Eail- 

^yay Board, 12 May '13. 
Nomura, Yasaburo, transferred to director of Tokyo control 

bureau of the Railway Board, 6 May '13. 
Nonoyama, Shigern, relieved ot his post, 24 April '18. 
Nose, Man, transferred as pre. of Fukuoka District Coiu-t, 

24 April '13. 


Oba, Shigema, appointed judge of the Court of Cassation, 
24 April ,13. 

Ofuji, Tomokatsu, appointed chief staff on the 3rd Army Di 
vision, March 4th '13. 

Ohashi, Jntaro, transferred as pre. of Wakayania District 
Court, 24 April '13. 

Oka, lehinosuke, relieved of his i)ost, 7 May '13. 

Okano, Keijiro, appointed President of th^ Bureau of Legis- 
lation and Chief of tlie Pension Bureau of Ministry, 
Feb. '13. 

Okano, Tomojiro, ajjpointed Commander of the Telegraph 
Corps, March 4th '13. 

Okumiya, Masaharu, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 

Okumnra, Yasushi, transferred as chief pub. procu. of Oka- 
yama District Court, 24 April '13. 

Oiwa, Xinjiro, transferred as pub. procu. of Osaka Appeal 
Court, 24 April '13. 

Omura, Nobuyuki, appointed Commander of the 69th Infan- 
try Regiment, March 4th '13. 

Ono, Toyogoro, transferred to chief of accounts' dep't of the 
14th Army Division, 8 May '13. 

Oshima, Seiki, transferred to the Saseho Defence Body, April 
2nd '13. 

Otaguro, Eiki, transferred as chief pub. procu. of Osaka 
District Court, 24 April '13. 

OsMkawa, Noriyori, resigned his post, Feb. 21st '13. 

Ozaki, Yukio, left Seiyukai aud joined Seiyu-clab, Feb. . '13. 

Ozawa, Jinichi, relieved of his post, 22 April 13. 

Saigo, Kiehiki, given the degree of IgakuhakusM, Feb. 4th 

Saigo, Tsunaki, transferred as pre. of Kanazawa District 


Court, 24 April '13. 
Saito, Jnichiro, transferred as i)re. of Osaka A])])eal Court, 

22 April '13. 
Sakai, Eitaro, given the degree of Rigalcuhahmhi, Feb. 14tli 

Sakazaki, Shun, transferred as pre. of Hiroshima District 

Court, 24 April '13. 
Sakurai, Joji, relieved of his duty of acting president of the 

Tokyo Imp. "Univ., 9 May '13, 
Sawayanagi, Masataro, transferred to pre. of the Kyoto Ini]). 

Univ., 9 May '13. 
Seki, Shigetada, placed on the Eeserve list, March 31st '13. 
Sendzu, Shigeomi, transferred to Commander of tlie squadron 

of Kure Admiralty Port, April 2nd '13. 
Seto. Toraki, transferred to pre. of the 1st High School, 22 

April '13. 
Shimooka, Chuji, transferred to chief secretary of the Privy 

Council, Feb, 23rd '13. 
Shimoyama, Hidegoro^ transferred as pre. of Shizuolia Dist- 
rict Court, 24 April '13. 
Suenaga, Koko^ transferred as chief pub. procu. of Kobe Di- 
strict Court, 24 April '13. 
Sugano, YusMehi, transferred to commander of the IGtli 

flotilla, April 2nd '13. 
Suzuki, SMgeomi, placed on the reserve list, March 31st 

Suzuki, Ynzo, transferred to Director of the Maiztuu Naval 

Hospital and chief of the Surgeon Dep't in Maizuru 

Naval Station, April '13. 
Takahashi, Bunosuke, transferred as chief pub. procu. of Na- 

goya Appeal Court, 22 Appeal '13. 
Takahashi, Koi, appointed priv.ite secretary of Minister of 


Home Affairs, FeL. 21st '13. 
Takigawa, Chokei, traiipferred as pre. of Sendai District Court, 

24 April '13. 
Takashima, Mantaro, appointed c^iDiuauder of the hoami, 

March 7th '13. 
Takei, Tomosada, placed on the retired hst, Feh. 14th '13. 
Takenouchi, Kyufu, appointed cliief staff on the 8t]i Army 

Division, March 4th '13. 
Tamaki, Uaonori, transferred as pre. of Anotsu District Court, 

24 April '13, 
Terada, Sykeyuki, transferred to Gov. of Hiroshrnm-keu, FeK 

27th '13. 
Terajima, Hisamatsu, transferred as chief pub. procu. of Ka- 

nazavva District Court, 24 April '13. 
Tezuka, Taro, transferred as pre. of Nagasaki Appeal Court, 

22 April '18. 
Tobimatsu, Kanji, placed on the reserve list, Feh. 15th '13 
Toda, Keiiehiro, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 
Togo, Heihaehiro, promoted to fleet admiral, 21 April '13. 
Togo, Seinosuke, placed on the waiting list, April 2nd '13. 
Tokonami, Takejiro, appointed president. of the Imperial Kail- 
way Board, Feb. 20th '13. 
Toyama, Masatsune, relieved of his post, 24 April '13. 
Tsuchiya, Mitsukane, transferred to commander of the tor^- 

pedo-boat squadron of Maizuru Admiralty Port, April 

2nd '13. 
Isujima Kusuzo, promoted to Paymaster-General, Feb. 4th 

Tsukiyama, SeiicM, promoted to Rear-Admiral and placed 

pn the reserve list, March 31st '13. 
Tsunei, Seiichiro, transferred as chief pub. procu. of Waka- 

yama District Coiut, 24 April '13. 


Tsunematsu, EikicM, transfen-e, as chief pub. procn. of Ha- 
kodate Appeal Court, 22 April '13. 

Tsutsumi, Teijiro, appointed Gov. of Iwate-keii, March 3id 

Tsatsumi, Yoshihiro, appointed sectional chief of the Milita- 
ry Survey Dep't, March 4th 13. 

trchino, Tatsujiro, appointed chief of the 1st U p't of the 
Inspector-General of Education and in addition teacher 
of the Military Academy, Feb. 25th '13. 

Ueda, Mitsugu, placed on the reserve, 14 April '13. 

Uki, Sekitaro, transferrred to Chief of the Stirgeon section 
of the Military Dep't of Kwangtung Government Ge- 
neral, March 4th '13. 

Xlshiyama, Matsuzo, transferred as pre. jof Okayama District 
Court, 24 April '13. 

TJyehara, Yusaku, appointed Commander of the 3rd Army 
Division, March 1st '13. 

Wani, Teikiehi, transferred as pre. of Osaka District Coiirt, 

24 April '13. . 
Watanabe, Akira, placed on the second reserve list, March 

1st '13. 

Yamada, Einosuke, transferred to attache to Naval Admini- 
strative Board, April 2nd '13. 

Yamada, Toyosaku, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 

Yamada, Rikutsuchi, transferred to Commander of Kailway 
Eegiment, March '13. 

Yamada, Ryuiehi, transferred to director of the Military In- 
fantry School, March 29th '13. 

Yamaguch,i Buko, relieved of his post, 22 April '13. 


Yamaguchi, Chojun, transferred to pub. procu. of tlie Court, 
of Cassation, 24 April '13. 

Yamaguchi, Kujuro, transferred to Commander of Itvate, 
Marcli 7 th '13. 

Yamakawa, Kenjiro, transferred as pre. of the Tokyo Imp- 
Univ., 9 May '13. 

Yamazaki, Naokata, given the degree of Rigakulialcushi, Feb 
13th '13. 

Yamazak, Shioroku, appointed chief of the Financial Bu- 
reau of the Dep't of Finance, Feb. 28th '13. 

Yano, Masami, transferred as. chief of tlie accountants' dep't 
of the 3rd Army Division, 8 May '13. 

Yano, Shigeru, relieved of his post,. 22 April '13. 

Yokoi Taro, promoted to the Surgeon Inspector, Feb. 15th 

Yokota, Goro, appointed pre. of Yokohama District Court, 

24 April '13. 
Yonemura; Sosen, relieved of his post, 21 April ^13. 
Yoshie, Takayuki, relieved of his post, 21 April '13. 
Yoshijima; Jutaro, -transferred to commander of the Suo 

April 2nd '13, 
Yuasa, G-itaro; transferred as director of the Army Clothes 

Of&ce, 8 May '13. 


Akizuki, Shintaro, May loth '13. 

Bridel, Louis, March 23rd '13. 

Ishiguro, Gozo, May i4tli '13. 

Ito, Heizaemon, May nth '13. 

Hiraiiuina, Seiizo, April /tli J3. 

Kawabata, G-yokusho,. Feb. 15th '13. 

Kumagae, Naohiko, '13. 
Kiirata, Shinshichi, April '13. 

Motoori, Hoei, Feb. i6th '13. 

Shibayama, Grorosaku, March 6th 'x-3. 

ShimidzUj Hikogoro, April luth '13. 

Shioi, Masao, '12. • 

Tokishige, Hatsukuma, April 19th '13. 

Tokuno, Michimasa, May 14th '13. 

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[ I ] 

Reigning Sovereign and Family. 

His Ihiperikl Majesty Yoshihito, the; I22iid Emperor 
of Japan, born the 31st August, 1879, 3rd son of the late 
Emperor Meiji, nominated Heir Apparent on August 3i3t, 
1887 and proclaimed the Crown Prince oh the 3rd Nov., 
1889; succeeded. to the throne on the death of his father, 
on th^e 3ptK July, 1912. Oh the 31st July of 45th year 
of Me*ji, the Emperor chose the name of Taisho to design 
nate ''^he era of his reign." 

H^er Imperial Majesty Sadako, the Empress of Japan, 
fourth daughter of Prince Kujo Michitaka, born on the 
25th June, 1884, married.on May lOth, 1900. 

Her Imperial Majesty Haruko, the Empress Dowagef, 
third daughter of Ichijo Tadado, noble of the 1st rank, 
born on the 17th day of the 4th month, 3rd year of 
Kayei (May 28th 1850), married on the 28th day of the 
1 2th month, ist year of Meiji (Feb. 9th 1869). ~: 


Hirohito, Michi-no-Miya, ; eldest son of the Emperor, 
born the 29th April, 1901 ; nominated Heir Apparent 
and proclaimed the Crown Prince as soon as his father 
succeeded to the throne ; appointed Sub- Lieutenant of 
the Army and Navy, and decorated with the Grand 
Order of Merit and grand Insignia of the Imperial 
Chrysanthemum on the 9th, Sept. 1912. ■'-< 

Yasuhito, Atsu-no-Miya, second son of the Emperor, 
born the 25th June, 1902.. 

Nobuhito, Teru-no-Miya, third son of the Emperor, 
born the 3rd January, 1905. 

C 2 3 

House of Fushimino=Miya. 

Prince Sadanaru, son of Prince Kuniiye, Grand Order 
of Merit, General and Member of the Supreme Military 
Council, is the present representative of the family. He 
was born on the 28th of the 4th month, 5th year of 
Ansei (1858) ; took part in the war of the Satsuma 
Rebellion as a Lieutenant of the Imperial Forces ; com- 
manded the Fourth Brigade in the Japan-China War ; 
represented Japan on the occasion of the coronation 
ceremony of Tsar Nicholas 11, 1 896 ; commanded the 
First Army Division in the battle of Nanshan, May 26th, 
1904 and was promoted to the rank of full General in 
June ; decorated with 2nd class Golden Kite ; attended 
the St. Louis Exhibition 1904 ; Imperial mission to 
the St. James Court, 1907 ; attended the grand funeral 
ceremony of Cluina 1909 ; presided over the Imperial 
grand funeral, 1912; appointed Naidaijin Dec. 191 2. 

Princess Toshiko, consort of the Prince, daughter of 
the late Prince Taruhito Arisugawa, born May 21st, 
1858 ; married to the Prince Oct. 9th, 1876. 

Prince Hiroyasu, is the heir of that house and a 
captain in the Navy. He was born on Oct. i6th, 
1875, succeeded the house of Kwacho-no-Miya on April 
23rd; 1883, but returned to the present house on Jan. 
1 6th, 1904, leaving Prince Hirotada, a son, as successor 
to the house of Kwacho-no-Miya. Prince Hiroyasu was 
wounded on board the Mikasa in the Yellow Sea Battle 
in the Russo-Japanese war. Granted 4th class Golden 

Princess Tsuneko, consort of Prince Hiroyasu daughter 
of Prince Yoshihisa Tokugawa, born Sept. 23rd, 1882 ; 
married Jan. 9th 1896. Issu:— 2 son and 3 daughters. 

Princess Tei-ko, married to Marquis Yamanouchi, m 

[ 3 ] 

House &f Afisugawa-nO'Miya. , 

Prince Takehito, second son of Prince Takahito, and 
Admiral in the Imperial Navy, is the present representative 
of this family. He was born on the r3th of the ist 
month 2nd year of Bunkyu (1862) and was decorated in 
December, 1886, with the Grand Order of Merit and 
Grand Insignia of Imperial Chrysanthemum ; entered the 
Navy while young; served 2 years from 1879 as mid- 
shipman on the British flagship Iron Duke on China 
Station, then in the Channel Squadron, and further studied 
at the Royal Naval Col. Greenwich ; commander of the 
cruiser Matsushima in the Japan China War ; attended 
with his Princess the wedding ceremony of the German 
Crown Prince April 1905 ; visited England on 
his way home and was decorated by King Edward with 
G. O. B., returning home Aug. 26th, Granted 3rd class 
Golden Kite for his service during the Russo-Japanese 

Princess Yasuko, 4th daughter of the late Marquis 
Maeda, born Feb. 13th, 1864; married to the Prince, 
Dec. nth, 1880. Prince Tanehito, son of Prince Takehito; 
died Apr. 1908. Princess Mieko, daughter of Prince Takehito, 
married in 1908 to a son and heir of Prince Tokugawa, 

Dowager Princess Tadako, mother in law, 7th daughter 
of the late Count Mizoguchi, born May 12th, 1855 ; widow 
in 1895. 

House ot Kan=in'no=Miya. 

Prince Kotohito, Grand Order of Merit, son of Prince 
Fushimi Kuniiye and younger brother of Prince Fushimi 
Sadanaru, is the present representative of this family. 
He was born on the 22nd day of the 9th month, the 
1st year of Keio (1865). He returned from France after 
the completion of his studies in the Military College," in 
1 899 ; Major of Cavalry at the time of the Japan-China 
War ; in the recent War played a distinguished pa,rt in 
Manchuria and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 

[ 4. ] 

General ; was appoined Commander of the ist Army- 
Division Feb. 1906 and granted 2nd class Golden Kite; 
was appointed Commander of the Guard Divisions 1912; 
promoted to General and was appointed Supreme Militery 
CpunciUor. Nov. 1912. He is Hon. President of the Red 
Cross society. 

>,.. Princess Chieko, consort, 2nd daughter of the late 
Prince Sanetomi Sanjo, born May 25th, 1872; married 
tQ,:the Prince Dec. 29th, 1891. Issue: — a son and five 

House of Higashi Fushimi=no=Miya. 

(Formerly Komatsu.) 

Prince Yorihito, Grand Order of Merit is the present 
representative of this house and is Rear- Admiral ; 
born the 19th day, 9th month of the 3rd year of 
Keid (1876), being younger brother of Prince. Kotohito. 
He returned home in 1892 from France after the com- 
pletion of his studies in the Naval College ; was , second 
in command on board the cruiser Chitose, Aug. 20th, 
1894 ; Captain of the armored cxvasgx Kasuga^ Jan. .1905 ; 
attached to the Naval Staff Board 1906 and granted 3r.d 
class of Golden Kite. : ; , 

Princess Kaneko, consort, ist daughter of Prince 
Tomosada Iwakura ; born Aug. 26th, 1876, married on 
Feb. loth i; 

House of Yaraas!iina=no=Miya. 

Prince Takehiko, eldest son of the late Prince Kiku- 
maro, head of this house, born Feb. 1898. 
■ Dowager Princess Hisako, mother, 3rd daughter of 
Prince Tadayoshi Shimadzu ; born Febi 7th,. 1874 ; married 
to the late Prince Nov. 26th, 1902. Issue: — four sons 
and a daughter. 

House of Kaya=no=Miya. 

,-^: . Prince, Tsunenori the eldest son of the Late Prince 
JCuninori, "Grand order of Merit, who passed -away in 

[ 5 ] 

Kyoto, on December 8th, 1909, is the present representa- 
tive of this: family; He Was born on January;? 
Dowager. Princess Yoshiko, widow of the Late Ktininorl 
e. d. of Marquis Daigo ; born Oct. 20th, 1865; married 
on Nov. 26th; 1892. The Prince has two sisters. 

House of Kuni=no=Miya. 

Prince Kuniyoshi, Colonel in the Army, Grand Order 
of Merit, is the present representative of the family. He 
was born in the 7th month, 6th year of Meijr (1873), and 
is the third son of Prince Asahiko, attended General 
Kuroki's Staff during the recent war as Major of Infantry, 
and was granted 4th class Golden Kite ; went to Ger- 
many, April. 1907 and returned 1909. 

Princess Chikako, consort, 7th daughter of Prince 
Tadayoshi Shimadzu ; born Oct. 19th, 1879; married on 
Dec. 13th; 1899. Issue: — three sons and three daughters. 

House of Nashimoto=no=Miya. 

Prince Morimasa, " fourth son of the late Prince 
Asahiko, and a Colonel of Infantry in the Army, is the 
present representative of this family. "He was born on 
the 9th day of March, 1874; on the outbreak of the 
Russo- Japanese War came back from France where he 
was . studying at a military academy ; was attached to 
Gen. Oku's staff as Captain of Infantry; Major 1906 and 
was granted 4th class Golden Kite. He started ' for 
Europe, April, 1907 and returned home July 1909. 

Princess Itsuko, consort, 2nd. daughter ! of Marquis 
Nabeshima, born Feb. 2nd 1882 ; married Nov! 28th 1900, 
and made tour through Europe 1 908-9. Issue: — two 

House of Kitashirakawa=nc=Miya. 

Prince Narihisa, 3rd son: of the late Prince Yoshihisa, 
and a. Lieutenant in the Army is the present repre- 
sentative of ' this family. He was born ^ on April 1 8th, 
1887 ; and married Princess Fusako, 7th daughter of the 

[ 6 ] 

the late Emperor Meiji. Issue: — one son. Dowager Princess 
Tomiko, mother, adopted daughter of the late Prince 
nisaimteu Shimadzu ; born Aug. 8th, 1 862 ; widow in 

House of Takeda=no=Miya. 

Prince Tsunehisa, eldest son of the late Prince Yoshi- 
hisa, and a Major of Cavalry. He married Princess 
Masako, 6th daughter of the late Emperor. He was 
decorated with 5th class Golden Kite. Issue: — ^one son. 

House of Kwacho=iio=Miya. 

Prince Hirotada, son of Prince Hiroyasu, the present 
representative of this family, born Jan. 25th, 1902 ; is 
pupil of th.e Peers School. 

House of Koiiatsu=nO'Miya. 

Dowager Princess Yoriko, widow of the late Prince 
Akihito and first daughter of Lord Arima, is the present 
(last) representive of this family. Prior to the deatii of 
her consort, which took place on Feb. 18th, 1903, this 
House was renamed Higashi Fushimi-no-Miya, of which 
Prince Yorihito, brother of the deceased, is the present 
representative. The title of Komatsu-no-Miycv, however, 
is in existence during the Princess lite. The Princess was 
born on the i8th of the 6th month of Kayei (Aug. 3rd, 
1852) and married to the late Prince Akihito on Nov. 
1st, 1869. She was decorated with the first Class of the 
Crown on Nov. ist, li" 

House of Asaka=no=Miya. 

Prince Yasuhiko,. 8th son of the late Prince Asahiko, 
born on the 2nd Oct. i88i ; Lieutenant of Infantry. 
This house was newly created on March 20 1905. The 
Prince was married recently to the Princess Nobuko, &tb 
daughter of the late Emperor. Issue: — one daughar, one 

[ 7 ] 
House of Higashikuni=no=Miya. 

Prince Naruhiko, 9th son of the late Prince Asahiko, 
born on Dec. 3rd, 1887: Lieutenant of Infantry in the 
Army. He was ordered by the -Emperor on the 3rd Nov. 
1906 to set up an independent house. 

[ i ] 

Abe, J?usajiro CM «^ B ^ IR), 
Managing director of the 
Osaka Spinning Co. Ltd., & 
auditor of the Fuji Papar 
Manufacturing Co. Ltd; i. 
Jan. the first year of Meiji 
(1868) at Hikone, province of 
Omi Shiga prefecture) ; s. of 
Kcnzo Tsuji, a clan samurai; 
adopted by Ichitaro Abe, a 
merchant of Notogawa, in 
Nov. the 28th of Meiji and 
married his daughter. Educ: 
Tokyo Eiwa Gakko (now the 
Asabu Middle school), Tokyo; 
studied at the Keiogiziku 
from the 22nd to 26th Meiji. 
He assisted in opening the 
Omi Bank immediately after 
his graduation from college; 
In 1 89s he removed to O- 
saka and opened a business 
as a flax and umbrella dealer, 
the staple industries -of his 
native province. In 1900 he 
assisted in the readjustment 
of the affairs of the Omi Oil 
Mfg. Co. Ltd., the Abe Silk 
Filature and the Omi Bank, 
restoring them when in a 
depressed state to a sound 
financial condition. He was 
also appointed managing di- 
rector of the Calico Mfg. Co. 
which office he continued to 
hold when the company was 
incorporated with the Oiaka 
Spinning Co. Address: 2, 

Minami-Kyiitaro-Machi. O- 
saka. Tel.: 499 Higashi 

Abe, Ooicbi (^ 


Proprietor of a coal; coke and 
petroleum store ; managing 
director of the Ibaraki Coal 
Mining Co. Ltd., and in ad- 
dition director of the Tokyo 
Gas Coke Co., the Ono- 
hama Salt Manufacturing Co., 
the Kyoeki Warehouse Co., 
the Nakamura Electric Co. the 
Nippon Gum Co., and auditor 
of the Railway Transport 
Co., the Banzai Life In- 
surance Co., also a member 
of the Tokyo Chamber of 
Commerce; ^. March 1873. in 
the province of Mino ; e. s. of 
Kiichi Abe ; m. Taka, e. d. 
of Sanzo Matoba, a Heimin 
of Tokyo prefecture ; one son. 
"When young he was em- 
ployed by Mr. S. Asano's 
coal store and a few years 
later was appointed its Mana- 
ger. In 1 90 1 he started the 
Ibaraki Coal Mining Co., 
being backed by Baron Shibu- 
zawa and Mr. Asano and 
since he has became its 
managing director. At pre- 
sent carries on a coal, coke 
and petroleum business. Ad- 
dress: No. 4, 2 chome, 
Minami #Shimbori, Kyoba- 
shiku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1236 

Afce, Hikotaro CM iSK ^ * 15), 
Director of the Naigai Cotton 

[ 2 ] 

tVading Co., Chuo Ware- 
house Co., and the Naniwa 
Electric Car Co. Ltd., b. 
J879 (the r2th Meiji) in 
Osaka. He is engaged in the 
wholesale rice and cereal 
trade and also as a rice 
broker. As director . of the 
afeove mentioned Companies 
|ias; done much towards 
the successful development of 
those important concerns. 
^Address: 2, Dojima, Osaka.; 
Tel.: 138 Higashi. 
.j.Abe, ilcbisaburo [S^ ^ ■fp H 

W)i President of the Osaka 
Acid & Alkali Co. Ltd., and 
the Omi Railway Co., b. 12 
Jan. 1869 ; y. b. of Count 
Takatada Aburakoji ; adopted 
by the late I. Abe ; m. 
Tetsu, d. of his adopted 
lather ; one son and three 
daughters. Address: 108, 2 
diome, Minamihon-machi, Hi- 
gashiku, Osaka. 
; -Abe, Isoo (3f HE a ii), Pi-of, 

jn,\Waseda University ; b. 4 
Feb, 186s in Fukuoka pre- 
fecture; .f. of Gormojo Oka- 
nfoto; adopted into Abe 
femily ; . m. Kotoo, e. d. of 
Kiyoshi Murakami, a Shisoku 
of Fukuoka-ken ; 2 sons and 
3 daughters. ^Edzic: studied 
theology in the Doshisha Col- 
lege, Kyoto ; and then became 
a pastor at Okayama and after 
three years entered Hartford 
College ; after graduation 

from college he made a tour 
of England and Germany. 
Principal of the Doshisha 
Middle school, which after- 
wards he resigned and was 
for some years connected with 
several schools in Tokyo as 
lecturer, finally was engaged 
by the Waseda Univ., where 
he lectures on sociology and 
teaches English. Besides he 
has charge of the Athletic 
Association of that Institution. 
He has for many years 
advocated socialism. Pub- 
lications: . The solving of 
social problems ; The ideal 
man, (both in Japanese). 
Address: Sugamo, Tokyo. 
Abe, Kobei (,^ % ^ ^ m, 

Import and export merchant, 
his firm name being Masu- 
daya, member of the Yoko- 
hama Chamber of Commerce ; 
Director of the Daini Bank. 
The Companies with which 
he is connected at present 
include the Taikoku Flour 
Mfg. Co., the Yokohama 
Sugar Refining Co., the Nis- 
sin (Japan-China) Spinning 
Co.. the Iwaki Cement Co., 
and several others ; b. the 
9th month of the 4th year 
Kokwa (1847); e. s. ofCho- 
bei, a Helmiu of Kanagawa 
prefecture ; m. Ei, d. of Tsuru- 
oka ; one s. and five daughters 
and' several grand sons. In 
1875 he opened an import 

[ 3 ] 

and export business in Yoko- 
hama, which he has con- 
tinued ever since. The firm 
]ias branches in various im- 
portant business centres and 
is engaged in the import of 
sugar, American flour, foreign 
rice, bean manure, manure, 
hemp and cemeiit. He is 
the chairman of the committee 
erf" the Yokohama sugar 
merchants' guild. Address: 
3, Minami Nakadori, Yoko- 
hama. Tel.: 6. 

Abe, Magoyemon C^ SK ^ 

* 'Si n)> a rich farmer, re- 
presentive member of Abe 
& Co.; d. Dec. the 7th j. 
of Meiji (1874) in Toyama, 
province of Ettchu;^. s. of 
the late Magoyemon Abe; 
m. Matsu, e. d. of Kichizaye- 
mou Matsuda, Address : 
Tomarimachi, Shimonikawa- 
gun, Toyama. 

Abe, Masakatsu (li^ §K JE :^'), 

Viscount, ex-Dairnyo (Lord) 
of Shirakawa clan, Mutsu 
province; i>. on the 23rd, 
fir-st month, first year of 
Manyen (i860) ; 3rd s. of 
Masatsuyo' Abe ; m. Teruko, 
younger sister of Marquis 
Sanenori Tokudaiji, ex-Grand 
Chamberain to the H. I. M. 
Emperor and the "late Em- 
peror Meiji. J Address : i 
Kasumicho, Asabu-ku, Tokyo. 
Abe, JSIasataro (M ^ '& :k. 
W), ex-M. of the House of 

Representatives; 3. 1859 (6 
jf. of Ansei) in Aomori pre- 
fecture ; s. of Bunsuke Abe ; 
m. Yumi, d. of Masamichi 
Kamada. Edzic: Meiji law 
school. Belongs to Seiyukai. 
Address: Namiokamura, Mi- 
namitsugaru, Aomori-ken. 

Abe, Masatsxme (^:gB jE ®)i 
Count {cr. 1884),. previous 
daimyo of Fukuyama clan, 
Bingo province; ^.-28 Dec. 
4th year of Kayei (1851); 
y. b. of Marquis Asafio; 
adopted by Masakatsu Abe ; 
m. Atsuko, d. in law : of 
Marquis Nabeshinia, ' Clan 
Governor, 1869. .Address: 
No.' 10, ' Komagortie-Nishi- 
katamachi, Hongoku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: No 1392 Shitaya. 

Abe, Moritaro (|isl SI5^ * SR), - 
Diretor of the Bureaus r of 
politics and Investigation Jri ■ 

the F. 0.; b. 1872 in Osumura, 
Buzen; firsts, of Genzaburo. 
Ediic. : graduated from - the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
.Imp. Univ. iii 18^6., He- 
passed the higher civil service^ 
examination of 1896 -and- 
wa's appointed Sec. of Foreign^: 
Oi?ict. the following yeaf[; 
Councillor in '99 and private' 
Sec."' of the Minister as aii 
additional post in 1906; 2nd 
Sec. of the Japanese- Em- 
bassy at London in "i9di, 
1st Sec. of the Japanese- 
Legation at Peking ifi 1905 ; 

C 4 ] 

Councillor to the Foreign 
Office, 1908-12. Address: 
No. 31, Reinansaka-cho, 
Akasakaku, Tokyo. 

Ab8, Okindo (M % ^ A), 

ex-M. H. R. and President of 
the Hokkaido Cement Co.; 
b. Sept. the 2nd year of 
Kokvva (1845) ; s. of Ido Abe. 
Editc: studied Chinese and 
Japanese literature from Shiba 
Shuson and after that he 
went to Kyoto for study. 
Assistant master of Toku- 
shima Clan school and be- 
came samurai, in the second 
year of Keiwo. During the 
Restoration he entered foreign 
affairs. In the 3rd of Meiji 
he was sentenced to im- 
prisonment for life because of 
his intention of reforming the 
clan administration, but was 
liberated in the 6th year. 
Since the 12th year Chief 
of a county ; member and 
chairman of prefectural coun- 
cil ; paymaster of the Depart- 
ment of Finance in the 19th 
year ; secretary of Osaka 
Prefecture, the 22nd year ; 
jointed the Progressive Party 
and elected M.~ H. R. for 
Tokushima prefecture, the 
23rd year of Meiji ; re-elected, 
the 26th year and in the 
next general election. Became 
President of the " Hochi"- 
newspaper office ten years 
ago. Address: Kamiisomura, 

Kamiisogun, Oshima province, 
Hokkaido. Tel. i. 

Abe, Taizo (15? fg ^ m\ 

President of the Meiji Life 
Insurance and the Meiji Fire 
Insurance Cos.; b. April the 
2nd year of Kayei (1849) at 
Toyohashi, province of Mi- 
kawa (Aichi prefecture! ; s. 
of Gengo Toyoda, a satmirai 
and physician of Yoshida 
clan ; was adopted by Sankei 
Abe, a physician of the same 
clan ; in. Yu, d. of Somei 
Yasuno, a Shisoku of Yama- 
gata. Editc: studied Chinese 
literature from the famous 
teachers Ono and Saito ; 
entered the Keiwo-gizuku in 
1868 ; and was its teacher 
afterwards ; teacher of the 
Imp. Univ., the third year of 
Meiji (1871) ; official in the 
Educational Department and 
visited U. S. A. in 1877 
under Viscount Fujimaro 
Tanaka (then Minister of 
Education) ; resigned his Gov. 
.position ; the next year started 
the Meiji Life Insurance Co. 
188 1 ; founded in 1891 the 
Meiji Fire Insurance Co., 
the pioneer concerns of their 
kind in Japan. Address. 
Matsusakacho-Mita, Shiba 
kii, Tokyo. Tel. 12 17 

Abe, Sadajiro CWS^^M.^ W) 
Major-General ; commander 
of the Tsushima Garrison 

r 5 ] 

since 1912; b. Aug. 1861, in 
Niigata Prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Kanji o Abe ; m. Nao, 2nd 
d. of Hisahachi Masunaga, a 
samurai o{ Kumamoto. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Engineer, 1882 ; 
graduated from the Military- 
College, 1889; was serving 
as Staff of the 2nd Army 
Division, Chief of Staff of the 
2nd Army Division of Rear, 
Commander of the Japan's 
Army in N. China; Major Gen- 
eral, 1907; rewarded with 
3rd Order of Merit and 4th 
class of Golden Kite for his 
service duringS he late war. 
Address: The Headquar- 
ters of the Tsushima 

Abe, Tokusaburo (P^ gR ^ H 

IR), Lawyer, Member of the 
House of Representatives, 
etc.; b the 9th m. of the 
3rd y. of Keiwo (1867) in 
the province of Rikuchii ; 
brother of Onshi Abe. Educ: 
Graduated from the " Meiji 
Horitsu Gakko," a private 
Law School ; passed the 
examination for the bar. 
Was aften elected, member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives; has connection with 
Business circles and is at 
present Director of the To- 
hoku Printing Co., Auditor 
of the Ichinoseki Tobacco 
Agency Co., Advisor to the 
8th Bank, etc. He belongs 

to the Seiyukwai as political 
party. Address: Ichinoseki 
Nishiiwai-gun, Iwate-ken. 

Abe, Toru (^ *B }*), Gov- 
ernor of Tokyo, prefecture ; 
b. the first month of the 6th 
year of Kaei (1853) in Mori- 
oka, province of Rikuchu ; 
s. of Yukei Abe, a shizuhi 
of Nanbu clan; m. 1887 
Tatsuko, e. d. of Sasaki, a 
doctor. Educ: studied Japa- 
nese, Chinese literatures and 
Western languages in a clan 
and public schools, Chinese 
boarding school of Gamo 
Seian. Entered civil service 
in the 7th year of Meiji either 
in the province or at the head 
office ; Director of Shrines 
and Temples Bureau 1889, 
Governor of Gunma • 1896 
Governor of Chiba some 
m,onths after ; Governoi ot 
Toyama 1898, Gov. of Chiba 
and Niigata afterward ; trans- 
ferred to the present post in 
Feb. 1908 ; elected three 
times M. H. R. for his native 
place 1 89 1 -'01 ; Appointed 
Member of the House of 
Peers, 1907. Address: Tokyo 
Governor's house, Shiba park, 
Tokyo. Tel: 910 and 15 18 
Shiba. Clubs: Nippon and 

Abe, Toshiaki (ISI gR ^ sp), 

chief public procurator at 
the Kumamoto Local court ; 
b. the 1 2th month of ist 

C 6 ] 

year of " Gwanji (1864) iu 
Iwate prefecture ; adopted s. 
of lyemon Abe ; m. Chite. d. 
of Toshiaki Kodama, a Shizu- 
oka shizoku. Studied law 
and passed the examination 
for Bench in the 20th year 
of Meiji ; public procurator, 
22nd y. of Meiji ; served as 
judge at several district 
courts or court of appeal ; 
present past since Feb., the 
4Sth year of Meiji. Address: 
Official residence, Kumamoto 
District court, Kumamoto. 

, Abei, Iwane (^ iSR # ^ ig), 
ex-M. H. R. for Fukushima 
prefecture ; b. the third year 
of Tempo (1832), s. of Mata- 
nojo, a clan samurai of Ni- 
honmatsu. From the 2nd 
year to the 5th, official in 
Wakamatsu-ken ; three times 
elected M. H. R. for Fuku- 
shima prefecture ; vice-pre- 
sident of the House of Re- 
presentatives ia the 5 th 
session ; the Diet in that 
session dissolved . oh account 
of his proposal of the strict 
application of the treaties 
with leading Powers. Ad- 
dress: Nihonmatsu-machi, A- 
dachi-gun, province of Iwa- 

Abiko, Kyutaxo CS ^ ^ ■*. ;fe 
IB), president of the " Nichi- 
-bei"- (Japan- America) news- 
paper; b. 1864 in Midzu- 
machi, province of Echigo, 

(Niigata prefecture) ; tn. y. s,. 
of Miss Tsuda, 1908. Ediic: 
Entered California College 
the 17th year of- Meiji. 
Director of the Nichi-bei: 
Bank and the Nichi-bef 
Industrial Society ; founded- 
Yamato-Colony ; he is well 
known as an able business 
man and Christian among 
Japanese in America. -(4</- 
(^r^.yj;-" Nichi-bei Office" in 
San Francisco. 

Abo, Kiyotane (S 1% ^ ft),- 
Captain, staff on the 2nd 
Squadron, Baron; b. Dct, 
1870 in Miyeken; 3rd s. of 
Tanezo Sawano, samurai of 
Sagaken and adopted by the- 
late Baron Kiyoyasu Abo, 
Vice admiral, in 1884; m. 
Haru, e. d. of Hanji Haya- 
kawa of Miyeken. Educ r 
Naval Academy. Lieutenant, 
1897; lient. . Commander, 
1903 ; Corrjmander, 1906 ; 
present post since Nov. 191 1. 
Address: 126 Ichigaya- 
Tomihisacho, Ushigomeku, 
Tokyo, 'lei. : 804 Bancho. 

Adachi, Aizo CS % M M)^. 
Major General, Staff on the 
Gov. General of Taiwan ; b. 
June 1863 in Tokushima pre- 
fecture; a heimin. Made 
Second Lieutenant in the 
Artillery 1883 Lieut, in 
1.887 ; Captain in . the 
1 889 ; Major in the 1 894 ;. 
Lieut. Colonel . the 1 899 ;. 

[ 7 3 

Colonel, in 1502; Major, 
Gen. on the first Jan. of the 
42nd year of Meiji. Granted 
3rd class Golden Kite and 
2rd Order of R. S. ex-Com. 
of Hokoto Defence ; present 
post since 18 12. Address: 
Taihoku, Taiwan. 

Adachi Akira (gf jS ^), 

President of the Tokyo Haku- 
zen Kwaisha, Auditor of the 
Kushiro Colliery Co., b. the 
3nd m. of the 9th y. of 
Tempo (1838) in Nagoya; 
e. s. of Wahei Adachi, a 
samurai of Nagoya. Before 
the Restoration era, he 
earnestly advocated the cause 
of the Mikado, and took 
active part in the politics of 
the time. Early in Meiji, he 
was appointed an official of 
the prefecture of Hiroshima. 
Then successively served in 
the Treasury, Senate and 
Navy for a few years, after- 
wards resigning office. He 
is now connected with busi- 
ness and holds the above 
posts. Address: No. 2 Su- 
saki-cho, Mukojima. Honjo, 

Adachi, Arando (JE.:fe3£ A). 
Editor, vice-president of the 
Yomiuri paper, Licencie en 
Science politique; b. 1868 in 
Iwakuni, province of Suo ; 
s. of Bunkichi Adachi. 
Ediic : Iwakuni Middle school 
and graduated from Hiro- 

shima Normal school ; went 
to St. Petersburg to study in 
the 29th year of Meiji; 
studied m Belgium from Nov. 
the 31st year to Dec. 34th 
year. He is now the chief 
manager and editor of the 
paper. Recreation: horticult- 
ure. Address :-'i^o. 74, Nishi- 
gahara, Takinogawamura, 
Near Tokyo. Te!.: 12 14 
Shitaya. Chubs: Kojunsha 
and Himatori Club. 

Adachi, Buntaro (S. ifc 5: :fc 

IP)) Professor of the College 
of Medicine in the Imperial 
Kyoto Univ., Igakuhakashi, 
M. D. (Anatomy) ; b. June 
the first year of Keiwo 
(1865) in Shizuoka prefecture; 
s. of Chozo Adachi ; m. 
Yasu, second d. of Genbei 
Imai, a heimin of Tokyo-fu. 
Educ: Medical College of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univ. 
(gra. 27th year of Meiji) ; 
studied ariatomy in Germany 
from May, 32nd year of 
Meiji to May 37th. Served 
as assistant in the Medical 
College of Tokyo after his 
graduation ; professor of the 
3rd High school from Oct. 31st 
year of Meiji to 32nd year ; 
has held his present post 
since his return home a few- 
years ago. Address: Yoshi 
damachi, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 
Adachi, jinzo ($ jg -fc: ^, 

Manager of the Furukawa 

C 8 ] 

Mining Co.; b. 1854 at Mori, 
Idzumo (Shimane prefecture). 
Educ: studied liie science 
and art of mining from Mr. 
Lyman ; started for America 
1882 and entered the ofifice 
of Geological Investigation in 
Pennsylvania devoting him- 
self to the study of mine 
investigation ; after 8 years 
returned home through Eu- 
rope, in 1890. Served in the 
Nippon Yusen Kaisha at 
Katsunq Coal mine. In 1896 
entered Furukawa Co.; ap- 
plied to the Diet for revison 
of the Mining Act and was 
successful. Address: No. 11. 
Shiba park, Tokyo. Tel.: 
J947 Shiba. 

Adaclii, Kameji CS. ^ ft ?§), 

Colonel of Infantry ; Com- 
mander of the 71st Infantry 
Regiment; b. 1866 in Kochi 
prefecture (the province of 
Tosa) ; a Heimin of the 
same prefecture. Second 
Lieutenant, July the 2ist 
Meiji (1888) ; Lieutenant, 
Dec, the 2Sth Meiji ; Captain, 
May, the 28th Meiji; Major 
Nov. the 3Sth Meiji ; Lieut. 
Colonel, March the 40th 
Meiji ; Colonel ist Jan. 
the 43rd- Meiji (1910). 
Granted the 3rd class Golden 
Kite, Orders of the Rising 
Sun of 4th rank and of the 
Sacred Treasure of 3rd rank 
for his services during the 

late War. Address: The 
71st Infantry Regiment in 

Adachi, Eenzo (3? SI ^ U), 

M. H. R.; b. Oct. 1864 in 
Kumamoto ; s. of Nihei A- 
dachi ; ;«. Yuki, 3rd. d. 
of Osato, a shizoku of Kuma- 
moto. Educ. : studied Chinese 
Literature and mathematics 
at Tomoe-jiku and Kuma- 
moto-Seisei-ko, 1884 ; law 
and politics in Tokyo, 1889. 
Issued two newsapapers 
" Chosenjiho" and " Kanjo 
shinpo" in Korea ; served in 
the committee of the Kuma- 
moto Kokkento (a political 
party), 1896. Since 1902 
several times elected for 
Kumamoto prefecture M. H. 
R. Address: No; "jy. Samon- 
cho, Yotsuyaku, Tokyo. Tel: 
161 S Bancho. 

Adachi, Ean (J£ 2i ®, 

Surgeon-General of the Imp. 
Army on i-eserve list ; b. 
May 1842 at Kunimotomura, 
Yamanagun, province of 
Totlmi ; Sth s. of Chusuke 
Adachi, a Shinto official; 
m. Kofuji, 3rd d. of the late 
Nobumichi Tsuboi. one s. 
Educ. : medical sciences from 
Koan Ogata. Second Guni- 
sho (surgeon of the rank of 
Lieut. • Col.), 1875; rendered 
service to the Imp. Forces 
during the Satsuma Insurrec- 
tion, 1877 ; professor in the 

C 9 ] 

Medical College simultaneous- 
ly with his Military service, 
1878; chief of the Educ. 
Section at the Medical 
Bureau of the War Depart- 
ment, 1887 ; President of the 
Army Surgeon College and 
member of the Army Sanitary 
Council, 1889 ; director of 
the Medical Bureau during 
tiie Japan-China War, 1894- 
5, and decorated with the 
Order of Rising Sun of the 
3rd rank for his remarkable 
services. President of the 
Commission for the Examina- 
tion for the medical service 
and of that of the Examina- 
tion of pharmaceutist 1896. 
Publications: some surgical 
books and Japanese transla- 
tions. Address: No. 14, 
Higashigokencho, Ushigome- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 735 Bancho. 
Adaclii, MCineichiro (^ ^ ^ 
— B|5). HogaktihakusM, Dip- 
lomat, Minister to Mexico 
since January 1913 ; b. July 
1869 at Yamabe-cho, pre- 
fecture of Yamagata ; s. of 
Hisashi Adachi, a Heimin 
di Yamagata prefecture ; m. 
Kaneko, e. d. of Suketoku 
Takazawa, a Shizoku of 
Yamagata ; two sons and 
two daughters. Educ. : 
graduated from law college 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1892. Lecturer in the Meiji 
Law School and the Wafu- 

tsu Law School; made diplo- 
matic attache, Sept. '92 ; sent 
to Rome, 1893 ; removed to 
Paris as third secretary, 
1897 ; relieved of the post, 
1903 ; attached to the head 
office in the same year ; 
lecturer upon diplomatic 
history at the post graduate 
students' class in the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial school, 
Oct. 1903 ; councillor of the 
Foreign Office, and counsillor 
of the Prize Court, Feb. 
1904 ; held temporary post 
on the Diplomatic and Con- 
sular Service Examination, 
Aug. 1904 ; was in suite of 
the Peace Envoy to Ports- 
mouth in 1905 ; secretary of 
the Foreign Office, April 
1907; councillor to Embassy 
at Paris, 1908 — 1912; deco. 
Rising Sun of the first 
rank, 1908 ; granted decora- 
tion of King's Crown of 
third rank by the Emperor 
of Italy, 1877; 2nd Order of 
Isabera Le Catholic by the 
Spanish Emperor, 1901 ; also 
a decoration from the French 
Republic Government. Ad- 
dress: Japanese Legation, 

Adachi, Tatsujiro (3c iS S 
^ IU)> Engineer of the Home 
Department; b. Aug, 1868 
(the 1st of Meiji); s. of 
Kamakichi Hiradzuka, a Shi- 
zoht of Ishikawa prefecture ; 

[ lo ] 

adopted by Masatomi Adachi; 
m. Sumi, sister of Josaburo 
Miyauchi. Educ. Graduated^ 
from the College of Engineer-^ 
ing in the Tokyo Imperial 
University in the 27th year 
of Meiji. He has been, ap- 
pointed an engineer of the 
Tokyo Engineering Branch 
of the Home Department 
since Feb. 1906. Address: 
No. 3, I chome, Motomachi, 
rHongo, Tokyo. . TeL: 1615 
'Bancho. • ;n . 1 ^ 

Adachi, Tsunayuki (3? ^ jf^ 
2:). ex-Inspector General of 
the Metropolitan Police Board; 
b. the eleventh month of the 
6th year of Ansei (1859) in 
Kagoshima, province cf Satsu- 
: ma ; third s. of Ichiemon 
- Kokubu, a clan samurai _ of 
^Kagoshima ; - adopted . by 
Toshitsuna Adachi ; m. Toku, 
d. of Nagata, a clan samurai. 
He .was . appointed . police 
inspector in the 19th Meiji ; 
filed . post of chief Police 
Commissioner in the Pre- 
fectures Ehime, Fukuoka and 
'Nagasaki since the 25th 
Meiji; during his service in 
Ehime he settled satisfactorily 
a troublesome case concern- 
ing fishery rights between 
Ehime-ken and Hiroshima- 
ken., Secretary at Saga Pre- 
fecture, the "Ibth Meiji ; was 
appointed; Director of the 
Police ..Bureau, Home OfScei 

1901 ; Inspector-General, 
1903 ; the last post he had 
to resign in Oct. 1805 in 
consequence of the celebrated 
Sept. 5th anti-peace agitation; 
appointed member of the 
House of Peers after his 
resignation of the Govern- 
tnental post and was granted 
the order of Rising Sun of 
2iid rank. Address: No. 10, 
Nishikatamach, Hongo, To- 
kyo. 7>/.: 506 Shitaya. 
""'S^iAeba, Tosaburo (|g ^ H H 
SK>> novelist, nom de plume 
Koson ; b. the 8th month of 
the .2nd year of Ansei (1855) 
at Tokyo ; s. of Yonokichi 
Aeba ; m. Sige,^^. ^. of 
Keizo Umedzu, a Shizoku oi 
Akita-ken ; two sons and one 
daughter. He is a distin- 
guished figure among con- 
temporary novelists, especial- 
ly reputed for his light and 
delicate style in writing ; 
was engaged in the Yomiuri 
Shinbun for a while and 
now is a regular contributor 
to the Tokyo Asaki. Publica- 
tions: his chief works are 
Muratake, Kasano-Tsuyii, 
Arimafude, Kisewata, etc. 
Address: No. 107, TVtukojima- 
Kommecho, Honjoku, Tokyo. 
: , Aibara Masutaka (MWM.^')t 
Pa5miaster-general, 2nd order 
cf merit and 3rd class of G. 
K.; b. 185s; e, s. of Masu- 
zumi, , Aibara, samurai 6i 

[ II .1 

Saga-ken; m. OtoyoshJ, d. 
of Sliinsuke Koga. Served iii 
the Imp. navy since 1875; 
Paymaster-General, 1904; 
retired since 1907. Address: 

1 162, Kamakura - Omachi, 
Kamakura. ;.. 

Aihara, Sukeya (M M fife 51). 
Judge of the Tokyo Court of 
Appeal ; b. the 1 ith in. of 
the 1st y. of Gvvanji (1864) 
in Sendai, prefecture of 
Miyaki ; 2nd. s. of Sukeji 
Oiib and adopted by Yasu 
Aihara ; m. Toki, sister 
of Kiyoaki Sato. Educ: 
Graduated from the Law 
College of the Imp. Univ. 
of Tokyo. Address: No. 3 
Takagicho, Aoyama, Akasa- 
kaku, Tokyo. 

Aisawa, Eijiro (ffl J? 5£ rz 
W)i principal of the Normal 
School of Miye prefecture ; 
b. the 9th month of the 2nd 
year of Bunkyu (1862) in 
Tolcyo ; adopted into Aisawa 
family whose head was a 
Japanese poet. Educ: Stud- 
ied English, Chinese and 
mathematics at Kogyokusha, 
English at Doninsha, a 
private school established by 
the late Dr. Keiu Nakamura 
from the eleventh Meiji until 
the r4th; graduated from 
the Tokyo-fu Normal school 
(now the Tokyo Higher 
Normal school) in 1886 He 
served as teacher and after- 

wards as principal at various 
normal school in Fukushima- 
ken, Tokyo-fu, Kagoshima, 
Kagawa, Isliikawa, and has 
held his present post since 
the 39th Meiji (1906). Pub- 
lications: a new educational 
system (Shinshiki Kyoju- 
gakii) ; new ways of school 
superintendance ; school boy's 
sport and some others regard- 
ing school education. Ad- 
dress: Kurushima, Tsu, Mie 
prefecture. . 

Aiiso, TasMka (^ ^ ^), 
Court physician ; b. the 2nd 
m. of the sth y. of Ansei 
(1858) ; brother of Ryuma 
Koshiba and adopted into the 
Aiiso family. He early studied 
medical science and was ap- 
pointed to his present post 
some twenty years ago. 
Address;. No. 36, Imaicho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. 

Ajima, Masanori Q^%tk liO, 
Colonel of Gendarme since 
Nov. 191 2, Commander of 
the Osaka Gendarmey ; b. 
1873 in Tokyo. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant (Dec. 1883) ; Lieu- 
tenant (Apr. 1887) ; Captain 
(Dec. 1899); Major (Sept. 
1904) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 
(Dec, 1908). Address: 2 
chome, Kawaracho, Higashi- 
ku, Osaka. 

Akaboshi, Tenta (# g ijj. ^-y. 
Judge of the Court of Ad- 
ministrative Litigation ; b. 

[ 12 ] 

Sept. 1st y. of Meiji (1868) 
in Kumamoto, province of 
Higo ; e. s. of Shinsaku 
Akaboshi, a samurai of 
Kumamoto clan ; in. Yuki, 
£. d. of Ichitaro Takaoka. 
Educ. Graduated from the 
Law College of the Imp. 
Univ. of Tokyo (1893). 
Passed the higher civil 
service examination (1894) ; 
entered the Treasury and was 
appointed Revenue officer at 
the Kanagawa Revenue Ad- 
ministration Bureau {1897) ■; 
Director of the Nemuro and 
Sapporo Revenue Administra- 
tion Bureaus respectively in 
1897 and in 1898 ; Assistant 
Examiner of Board of 
Auditors (1899); Councillor 
and Secretary to the Dep't. 
of Justice (19001; Secretary to 
the Dep't. of Commerce and 
Agriculture (1903I; Judge of 
the Court of Administrative 
Litigation (1910). Address: 
No. 373, Sankocho, Shiro- 
kane, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 
4166 Shimbashi. 

Akamatsu, Noriyoshi (^ ifS 
ra H). M. of the House of 
Peers, vice — Admiral on 
reserve list, Baron {cr. 1887); 
b. the eleventh month of the 
1 2th year of Tempo (1841) 
in Edo (now — ^Tokyo); e. 
s- of Masanori Yoshisawa, 
descendant of Prince Tomo- 
l,ira, son of the Emperor 

Murakami. Entered the 
Tokugawa's navy while young 
and was sent to Holland to 
study naval science ; during 
the Austro-Danish war he 
went to the front with the 
late Viscount Enomoto for 
observation ; after his return 
home served in the Imperial 
navy and was appointed 
master of the Naval Academy 
in Sept. the 3rd Meiji (1870); 
promoted to the rank of 
Rear-Admiral in March 7th 
Meiji and took part in the 
Formosan Expedition. In May 
of the same year was decorated 
with the 2nd Order ; granted 
the Order of Rising Sun of the 
first rank in May of the 21st 
Meiji ; rewarded . with the 
title of Baron the 20th Meiji 
for his long and distinguished 
public services; promoted to 
Vice-Admiral in Sept. the 
2 1st Meiji; appointed Com- 
mander-in-Chief of the Sase- 
ho Naval Station, March, 
23 year M.; the Yokosuka 
Naval Station, the 24 M.; 
was placed on reserve list 
Dec. the 25th Meiji ; was 
elected a member of the 
House of Peers since July, 
the 30^1 year of Meiji. Ad- 
dress: No. 25, Shinmeicho, 
Shibaku, Tokyo. 

Akaslii, Mag^otaro (!^ H ^ 
i: SK>> Principal of the 
Girls' High School at 

[ 13 ] 

kamigawa, . Hokkaido; b. 
June, the 3rd of Ansei (1856) 
in Kumamoto ; s. of Genpachi 
Akashi. Ediic. : studied 
Chinese and Japanese Clas- 
sics when a boy in the 
various schools of his feudal 
lord ; learned English at the 
"Meiji Eiwa Gakkan" and 
other institutions (188.3 — 
1888); graduated from the 
" Igirisu - Horitsu - Gakko, " 
Tokyo (1891). Formerly he 
was a teacher of the First 
Higher Middle School ( 1 89?) — 
1892), the Chief editor 
of the " Literary Monthly 
Review." (1^92 — 1895), tea- 
cher of the Okayama Normal 
School (189s — 1898), a 
Lecturer at the 4th High 
School (1898 — 1902), a 
teacher of the Girls' High 
School, Tategamigawa, Hok- 
kaido (1903 — 1907). etc. 
During the period of the 
Saigo Rebellion, he took an 
active part in the defence of 
Kumamoto Castle in the 
cause of the Emperor, and 
after encountering many 
perils, which endangered his 
life, he finally succeeded in 
driving off the enemy. 
Publications "National Lan- 
guage Reader," " Chinese 
Classics Reader" ; A treatise 
on the Science of National 
Education," " History of 
Japan" etc. Address: No. 

1,4 chome, Gojo, Asahigawa,. 

Akashi, Motojiro |9 ;S' tu :r. 
IP'j Lieut.-Genferal ; Com- 
mander of the Gendarmery 
at present stationed in Cho- 
sen ; b. Aug. 1 864, in Fuku- 
oka Prefecture ; 1st .r. of 
Sukekuro Akashi, a samurai 
of Fukuoka ; m. Nobu, aunt 
of Kadzuyoshi Kuroda, Baron. 
Edtic. : grad. from the Milita- 
ry Preparatory School and the 
Military College ; and further 
studied in Germany, 1894 — 
1895. Sub-Lieutenant of Infan- 
try, 1883; Lieutenant, 1887;. 
Captain, 1891 ; Major, 1895; 
Lieutenant-Colonel, 1900 ;. 
Colonel, 1903 ; Major-Gene- 
ral, 1907 ; took part in the' 
Japan China War on Staff of 
the Guard Division ; has 
served as Military Attache 
in France, Russia, Germany, 
and as the Commander of 
the 7th Regiment of Infantry, 
etc. Decorated with the 
3rd Class of Golden Kite 
and 2nd Order of Merit in- 
recognition of his services. 
Was promoted to present 
rank in Dec. 19 12. Address-^ 
Official House of the Chosen- 

Akashi Tojiro (m:^%^ g|5), 
Colonel of Artillery since: 
1912, Chief cf^ the Gunpow- 
der Investigation Labora- 
tory ; b. 1869 in, the pre- 

[ H ] 

fecture of Fukuoka. Sub- 
Lieutenant, July 1889; 
Lieutenant, Nov. 1892; 
Captain, Aug. 1895; Major, 
Nov. 1 90 1 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, May 1905. Ad- 
dress: OfKcial residence at 
Itabashi Gunpowder depot, 
Itabashi, Kitatoshimagun, 

Akatsuka, Shosuke (# i^ jE 
W)i Consul-general at Kan- 
ton since 19 12; b. Sept. 
the sthj/. of Meiji (1872) in 
Kagashima; 3rd. s. of Gen- 
taro Akatsuka, a samurai oi 
Kagoshima clan; m. Suma, 
adop. d. of Chikayoshi Kawa- 
kami. Educ.: .Graduated 
from the law College of the 
Tokyo ' Imp. Univ. (1898); 
passed the examination for 
diplomatic service (1898). 
Appointed Eleve-Consul at 
Fusan, Secretary to the 
Japanese Legation at Berlin, 
Secretary to the Japanese 
Legation at Washington ; 
Consul at Manila ; Secretary 
to the Dep't. of Foreign 
Affairs in 1909 ; Decorated 
with sth Order of Merib. Ad- 
dress: Japanese Consulate 
General, Kanton, China. 

Akatsukasa, Xkkaich.iro (3]^ 
»i S — IP)» Private Secre- 
tary to the Minister of 
Education and Councillor of 
the Department; d. July. 
1876 in Tokyo; e. s. of 

Kyuichi Akatsukasa ; m. Ka- 
yo, e. d. of Renkichi Wata- 
nabe. Educ: Graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Imp. Univ. of Tokyo (1897). 
Appointed Councillor of the 
Department of Education 
(1898) ; sent to France and 
Germany to investigate the 
: educational systems there 
(1902 — 1904) ; appointed 

Private Secretary to the 
Minister of Education as an 
additional post. Address: 
No. 29, 3 chome, Haruki- 
cho, Hongo, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2029 Shitaya. 

Aki, KyoicM (^ Wi "^ — ), 
Civil Engineer to the Dep't 
of Home Affairs ; b. Feb. 
the 6th y. of Meiji (1873) in 
Tokushima, province of Awa; 
2nd s. of Heizaburp Aki ; in. 
Kono, sister of Tsugizo Aki- 
tsuki. Educ. : Graduated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1893). Was appointed Civil 
Engineer to the Dep't. of 
Home Affairs (1894); sent 
to Europe and America on 
official business (1907). Ad-, 
dress: Branch-office of Eng- 
ineering Bureau, Niigata. 

Akimoto, Okitomo (j^ 7c fj 
18) » Viscount, Member of the 
House of Peers, Member of 
Seiyiikai, etc.; b: the 5th 
m. of the 4th y. of Ansei 
(1857) ; adop. s. of Reicho 

[ X5 ] 

Akimoto, a feudal Lord of 
Tatcbayashi clan ; m. Toki- 
ko, aunt of Viscount Toshi- 
atsu Mcri. He was appointed 
Secretary to the Japanese 
Legation at Paris in 1883. 
In the following year, he 
resigned the office and 
studied Politics in Germany. 
He was created Viscount 
in 1884. He again entered 
the diplomatic service and 
was appointed Miiiister ^e^- 
dcni en desponsabolite in 1892. 
He was afterwards promoted 
to Envoy Extraordinary and 
Minister plenipotentiary. In 
recent years, he has taken 
an active part in politics as 
a member of the Seiyukwai, 
in which he now holds the 
post of Councillor. He is 
also a member of the House 
of Peers. Recreations: Takes 
a great interest in Wrestling, 
Playing of checkers, etc. 
Address: No. 6, Kitakoga- 
cho, Kanda, Tokyo. Tel,: 
722 Honkyoku. 

M. H. R.; President of the 
Niroku, a daily paper; b. Aug. 
the 14th ^. ofMeiji(i88i) in 
Tokushima-prefecture ; s. of 
Eiji Akita ; m. Tama-ko, y. s. 
to Zim'pci'Fvkni. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Chuo Univ. 
and from the Nippon Univ. 
Passed the Examination for 
Bench and was appointed Pro- 

bationary Judge in 1901 , 
Judge of the Kochi District 
Court, July — Oct., 1903 ; wri- 
ter of the Niroku Shimpo ; 
became president of the same 
in Apr. 191 1; elected mem. 
of the House of Representa- 
tives for Tokushimaken, 
191 2. Recreation: reading. 
Address : No. 4 3, Fujimaecho, 
Komagome, Hongoku, To- 
kyo. (7//<^5: Dold club; Nit- 
to club. Tel.: ii33:Shitaya. 
Akiyama, Chikanori (^ Ui |B 
»). Director of Kobe Elec- 
tric Railway Co., Director 
of the Han-shin Horse-Racing 
Club, etc ; b. June, the 3rd 
of Kaei (1850) in Inuyama- 
machi, Tanba-gun, Aichi 
Prefecture ; s. of Zengo Inu- 
yama. Educ. : studied Chinese 
Classics in the " Keidokwan" 
of his feudal lord. He 
formerly held the office of 
the Governor of Fukushima 
and Yamaguchi Prefectures 
and afterwards occupied the 
above posts as Director of 
various companies in Kobe, 
as well as Superintendent of 
the Board of Auditors of the 
"West Honganji" of Otani 
Section. Recreations: Read-., 
ing; Drawing, etc. Address. 
No. 148, Uwozaki-mura, 
Muko-guHj^i- Prefecture of 
Hiogo. Tel.: iji Mikage. 

Akiyama, Chuchobu (fJc lU S. 
^')i Director of Japan Com- 

[ i6 ] 

mercial Bank, Auditor of Univ. (1879). He was ap- 

Japan Woolen Cloth Mfg. pointed probationary judge 

Co., etc.; b. the ist m. of immediately after his gradua- 

the 5th jj/. of Ansei.(i8S9) in tion from the Tokyo Uni- 

the prefecture of Tottori; e. versity and became the 

s. of Toyo Akiyama, a president of the Nihonbashi 

samurai of Tottori clan ; m. Court of Peace. In 1882, he 

Maki, e. d. of Nobuyoshi was made full judge and 

Kambe. Address: No. i was appointed President of 

Kajiyacho, Kobe. Tel.: 1260. Nagasaki Court of Appeal 

Akiyama, Gembei (^^ m jg and then President of the 

^ S)> President of Akiyama Kagoshima Court of First 

Bank ; b. Sept. the 7th y. of Instance. Afterward he was. 

Meiji (1874) in the prefecture transferred as- President of 

of Yomanashi ; e. s. of the tlie Yokohama District Court 

late Kembe Akiyama ; m. and finally to be judge 

Shigeyo; sister of Heisuke of the Court of Cassation in 

Amikura. Educ: Graduated 1898. He retired from the 

from the Keiwogijuku (1894). Bar and began practicing as 

Established the Akiyama lawyer in Tokyo. Address-:. 

Bank with his own capital; No. 134, Kogaicho, Azabu,. 

was once elected member of Tokyo. Tel.: 417 Shiba. 

the prefectural Assembly Afeiyama,KenzoCi|Jt il] ^il), 

(1907). Address: Masuho- Expert to the Imperial 

mura, Minamikoma-gun, Ya- Household Forestry Bureau ; 

manashi-ken. b^ the 3rd m. of the 3rd 

Akiyama, Genzo (,%, Ui j® ^), y- of Bunkyu ( 1:863) in 

Barrister-at-Law, Auditor of Tokyo; 2nd s. of Kanae 

the International Oil Co. etc.; Akiyama ; m. Kane, 2nd d. 

b. the 8th m. of the 6th y. of Tomi Toda. ,'- Address-:. 

of Ansei (i859)in Kakegawa, No. S, 2 chome, Kagacho, 

Province of Totomi ; e. s. of Ichigaya, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Toshio Akiyama, a samurai Akiyama, Yoshifuni (f^ jij 

of Kakegawa clan ; m. Sen, jff ■S')i Lieutenant - General. 

2nd d. of Hidemoto Kano. Commander of the 13th Army 

Educ: studied Chinese and Div.; ;5. the ist ^«. of the 6th 

Japanese Classics at the y. of Ansei (1859) in Ehime 

school of his feudal lord ; prefecture ; 3rd s. of Kyii- 

graduated from . the Law kei Akiyama; m. Tami, sister 

College of the. Tokyo Imp. (rf Chie Sakuma. Sub-Lieu- 

[ 17 ] 

tenant of Cavalry (Dec. 1879); 
Lieutenant (Feb. 1883) ; Cap- 
tain (June 1886) ; Major (Nov. 
1892); Lieutenant Colonel 
(May 1895); Colonel (Oct. 
1897) ; Major-General (June. 
1902); Lieu- 
tenant - Ge- 
neral (Aug. 
1909). In 
the late war, 
he went to 
the front as 
the Com- 
mander of 
the Second 
Brigade of 
the Second 
.\rmy and took an active 
part in the splendid victories 
of Telissu and Tashih-chao ; 
was awarded the Second 
Order of the Rising Sun 
together with the Second 
Class of the Golden Kite, was 
superintendent of Cavalry; 
present post since Jan. 1913. 
Address-.Takata, Niigata-ken. 
Akiyama, Masanosuke (j^ |l! 
JS i: ^), Hogakithakushi 
(Doctor of international law), 
Councillor of the Department 
of War, of the Bureau of 
Legislation and of the 
Governor-General's Office of 
Chosen ; b. the 1st m. of 
the 2nd J/, of Keiwo (1865) 
in Hiroshima ; e. s. of Junichi 
Akiyama, a samurai of 
Hiroshima clan; m. Aki, 3rd 

d. of Wahei Awaya. Educ: 
graduated from the Law- 
College of the Imp. Univ. 
of Tokyo (1886). He has 
been lecturer of internation^ 
al law at several schools in 
Tokyo. Itiblication: Inter- 
national Law. Address: No. 
14, Dote Sanbancho, Koji- 
machi, Tokyo. 

Akiyama Shin s>ii Cft(llR;<:), 
Nsy^al^Cagtain^ staff on ,,the 
J^a^llSiafllBpard . anj^ 
ctor ._of„ tlie, .Naval Coijege;_ 
b. in 1869. Commander 
in [904 ; Captain in 1908. 
Played a splendid part in the 
late war as a member of 
Admiral Togo's staff; was 
decorated with 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and jrici 
Class of the Golden Kite a: 
a war reward, Addres. 
Shimoshibuya, Tokyo. 

Akiyama, Teisuke (i^ ^i ^ 
li). ex-M, H. K., Proprietor 
of the Nirokushimpo, a daily 
newspaper ; b. July the i st 
y. of Meiji (1868) in Kura- 
shiki, province of Bitchii. 
Ediic: Graduated from the 
College of Law of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1890). Appoint- 
ed Junior-Auditor of the 
Board of Audit soon after 
his graduation ; resigned the 
office and started in 1893 
the publication of the Ni- 
roku-shimpo, . of which he 
long remained president; 

:[ i8 ] 

made an Jnsgection tour Chinese Classics under the 
-TCRrougfi" Europe anS^i^inenca . tutelage of Tanso Hirose 
"Ipf^mff *^f*fef^KF«^^ while young. He f5rst entered 
elected member of the House the Army making fair pro- 
of Representatives since 1903. gress. Afterwards he was 
Address: Nishikicho, Karida, successively appointed Cpun- 
Tokyo. cillor of the Home Depart- 
Akizuki, Satsuo (5^ J| :fe H ment, Director of the Bureau 
:^)> Ambassador to Austria ; of Books and Documents of 
b. 1858 in the Province ' of the Department of Educa- 
Hyiiga. Educ: Graduated tion, Private Secretary to 
from the former College of the Minister of Finance, 
the Dep't of Justice (1884); Principal of the Girls' Higher 
studied Law in Belgium and Normal School, Councillor 
Germany by government of the Department of Educa- 
irder (1885— 1891). Consul tion, etc. In 1899, he was 
at Fusan, Korea (1896) ; appointed Member of the 
Secretary to the Legation House of Peers by Imperial 
at Seoul (1896: — 1899); the nomination. He is the wearer 
same to the Legation at of the Third Class of the 
Baris (1900 — 1902); the same Sacred Treasure. Address: 
to the Legation at St. No. g, Daimachi, Akasaka, 
Betersburg (1902 — 1904); Tokyo. ! 
Minister Resident to Sweden- Akutsu, Saburo (|SiiIA^2B|5) 
Norway (1904-^-1910) ; Am- Igakuhakushi, chief of sur- 
bassador to Austria and geon dep't of Juntendo hos- 
Minister to Switzerland as ^\^Y\ S. Qci7 i^'j^y'Edtrc.: 
'additional post since 1 909 ; medTcal college of the Tokyo 
decorated in 1906 with 3rd Imp. Univ. and in„Qf^jnanj{. 
Class of the Rising Sun. Address: 422 Kamikoma- 
Address: Japanese Embassy, gome, Sugamocho, Tokyo. 
Vienna. Tel. : 1 1 89 Honkyoku. 

Akizuki, Shintaro 5^ ^ §f Amani, Minkei (3c S S S)j 
± ir> > Member of the House._ Chief oL ,HiffashJyaioa^. Hoar 

of Peers j b. 7th m. of the ^^itel^ Kobe ; 'iJ. Mar. the 6th 

i2th ;j'. of Tempo (1841) in j. of Meiji (i873y-^in the 

Saeki, Province of Bungo ; prefecture of Hiogo"; e. s. of 

e. s - of the famous scholar Ariiye Arndtm ; m. 'Kb, sisteir 

Kitsumon Akizuki, a samurai of Taisei Ogasawara; Adr 

of Saeki clan. Educ: studied dress: No., 32, 4ch6me, 

[ 19 ] 

Nakayamate-dori, Kobe. 

Amano, ShichisalbuTO (3c if 
-b S IR), Proprietor of the 
Amano Machine Mfg. Co.; 
b. Mar. the 7th y. of Meiji 
(1874) ' in Kyoto; s. of 
Soren Hanai and adopted by 
Sensuke Amano ; m. Yu, 
2nd d. of Yushin Fukuhara. 
Educ: Graduated from the 
Doshisha, a private college 
in Kyoto (1888) and the Eng- 
ineering College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University (1901). 
He was first employed as 
engineer in the Amano 
Machine Mfg. Co., which was 
under the management of his 
foster father Sensuke Amano; 
afterwards he became its 
chief engineer and had entire 
charge of the factory. At 
present he has five hundred 
workmen under his control 
and is carrying on a pros- 
perous business in the manu- 
facture of railway wheels 
and machinery. Address : 
Sumida-mura, Minami-Katsu- 
shika-gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 371 

Amano, Kisaburo (3^ |!f f ij 
3 115), a wood and charcoal 
dealer ; b. Aug. 1 865, in 
Osaka ; brother of Shobei 
Amano ; in. Yasu, sister ' of 
Umetaro Nakagawara. Ad- 
dress: ,No. 57, 3 chome, 
Nishi-dotonbori, Nishi-ku, O- 
saka. Tel.: 1048 /.^?., Nishi. 

Amano, Tameyuki (^ |f @ 
iC^i Hogaknhahishi, Dean 
and Professor of the Com- 
mercial College of the Wa- 
seda Univei'sity, Principal of 
the Waseda Business School, 
Special Member of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce, etc.; 
/;. 1 2th m. of the 6th y. of 
Ansei (1859) in Karatsu, 
Province of Hizen ; e. s. of 
Shoan Amano ; in. Taki, 
sister of Takayoshi Mayebashi. 
Educ: Studied at the Kai- 
sei Gakko ; graduated from 
the College of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imperial University 
in 1882. When "the Tokyo 
Semmon Gakko" was estab- 
lished in 1882, he became 
one of its professors and_ 
occupied the chair on Politics 
and Economicsj' in which 
capacity he "became widely 
known to the public. It was 
at this time that he published 
his famous " Principles of 
Economy,'' a work, which has 
been much read in Japan. 
In. 1-890, he was elected a^ 
member of the House of 
Representatives and soon 
after he started the publica- 
tion of the " Oriental Eco- 
nomic Journal' ' of which he 
still remains the chief editor. 
Was awarded the degree of 
Hogaktihaktishi--- . in 1899.' 
Ptiblicatians: Besides "Princi- 
ple of Economy" ab'd^'e 

■[ 20 ] 

stated, he translated into 
Japanese Mill's " Higher 
Principles of Economy" and 
Corn's " Science of Finance," 
etc. Address : No. ■ 28, 3 
chome, lidarhachi, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel,: 812 Bancho. 

Amano, Kunpei 0^ If- ^; ^-"j, 
ex-Member of the House of 
Representatives; d. Dec. 1849 
in Yamanashi-ken ; 1st 5. of 
Goroemon Amano ; m. Toyo, 
sister of Rijuro Inouye. Once 
was a rhember of the Yama- 
nashi Prefectiiral Assembly. 
Address: Sasako-mura, Kita- 
tsuru-gun, Yamanashi-ken. 

Amaya, Senmatsu (yz ^ ^ 
'IS)) Igaku-hakushi, Prof _ of 
the Medical College of the 
Jffyoto_Iipp, , .Unix.; '•. the 
7th m. of the 1st y. of 
Manyen (1864) in Shizuoka 
prefecture ; e. s. of Usaburo 
Amaya ; m. Michi, sister- of 
Yamaro Hanaoka. Edtic. : 
Graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1885) ; was sent to 
Germany to study physiology 
(.1896-;;- 1899). Appointed 
Assistant Expert to the Dep't 
of Home Affairs (1885) ; • 
Prof of the Second High 
School (1888); Prof, of the 
Medical College of Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (1899) ; had con- 
ferred on him the degree of 
Igaku-hakushi ( 1 90 1 ) . Ad- 
dress: Hirokoji, Teramachi- 

dori, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Anaemori, Kikutaro (B # ^ 
±. % ' Member of the Muni- 
cipal Council, Kyoto, Director 
of the Kyoto Agricultural and 
Industrial Bank, etc.; /;. the 
9th m. of the 5 th ;'. of An- 
sel (1858) in Kyoto; e. s. of 
Zenshiro Amemori; m. Suzu, 
c. d. of Naofusa Tanaka. 
Was several times elected 
member of the Pfefectural 
Assembly ( 1 8 '4 — .1 889) ; has 
been re-elected member of 
the Municipal Council every 
time since 1889; Director 
of the standing Committee 
of the Kyoto Chamber of 
Commerce (1890) ; Special 
member of the Same (1891); 
Councillor and Inspector of 
the 4th Domestic Industrial 
Exhibition (1895); elected 
member of the House of Re- 
presentatives in 1898 and 
again in 1904. He is one of 
the foremost public-spirited 
business men in Kyoto and 
was awarded for his public 
services the Commendatory 
Medal of Indigo Riband 
Order in 1896. In addition, 
he is the Vice-President of 
the " Hinode-Shimpo-Sha" 
a famous newspaper Office in 
Kyoto. Address: Nakano-cho, 
Higashi-Sambongi, Kamikyo- 
ku, Kyoto. Tel.: 1084 Kami. 

Amikura, Heisuke (S9 SI -^ 
$S)) a rich farmer ; 1^. Nov. 

[ 21 ] 

the 3rd y. of Meiji (1870) in 
the province of Kai; e. s. of 
Teruaki Amikura ; m. Sumi- 
ye, 2nd d. of Bunzo Hosoda. 
Address: Shiosaki-mura, Ki- 
taki mia-gun, Yamanashi-keii. 

Amino, Zenyercon (^ |f 
# ^ §i P'3)i a rich landlord, 
President of the Amino Bank ; 
b. the 1st m. of the 14th y. 
of Tempo (1843)- in the 
province of Kai ; adopt, s. 
of the deceased Ryoyemon 
Amino. Was once member 
of the House of Peers. Ad- 
dress: Nishiki7mura, Higashi- 
yatsushiro-gun, Yamanashi- 

Ando, Izumi (^g; jff ^ ;/jc), 

T}'."VS6^"in the province of 
Tosa. Sub-Lieutenant (Dec. 
1883) ; Lieutenant (Apr. 
1887); Captain (Nov. 1892); 
Major (Oct i^gS); Lieu- 
tenant Colonel (Mar. 1904) ; 
Colonel (bee. 1906) ; Major- 
General (1910) ; decorated 
with the 3rJ Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address: Higa- 
shiyoshinomachi, Nagoya. 

Ando, Hirotaro (^ ^ ;t i: 
El>)' Expert of the Agricul.ur- 
al Experimental Station, 
Dep: of Agriculture and 
Commerce ; b. Aug. 1871 in 
the prefecture of Hiogo ; <?. s. 
of Kyujiro Ando ; i>i. Hana, 
^nd d. of Kyubei Honjo. 

Educ: Graduated from the 
Agricultural College of the 
Imp. Univ. .of Tokyo (1895). 
Appointed to the present 
■post ( ! 896) ; despatched to 
Korea on official business 
(1905). Address: Nishiga- 
hara, Takinokawa-mura, Kita- 
toshima-gun, Tokyo pre- 

Ando, KensuTie (^ f§ '^ -^), 
ex-Governor of Nagasaki p;-e- 
fecture since 1912; decorated 
Avith 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 5, Shiba-koen, 
Shiba-ku, Tokyo^ Tel. 2297. 

Ando, Koko C^ ^ ^ -1"), 
Violinist, Instructor of the 
Tokyo Musical Academy. 
Editc: Graduated from the 
Tokyo Musical Academy- 
and from the Government 
Musical School at Berlin. 
She is a sister of Nobuko 
K5da, famous musician of 
the time, and has been 
Instructor to the Tokyo 
Musical School since 1903. 

Ando, Sadayosiii (^ fl§ ^j, 
^ '_JlM£,2i_Iii£llE£0afll;;Gene ;_ 
ral, Comoiander of the 

ljamff)n lin jChosenj b. "the' 
(1853) in lida-machi, province 
of Shinano ; brother of Kini- 
chiro Ando ; in. Kae, sister of 
Yukei Ito. Edtic. : Graduated 
from the former " Osaka 
Heigaku-ryo," a government 
military fcbool. Appointed 
Sub-Lieutenant of Infantry 

[ 22 ] 

(May 1873); Lieutenant 
(Nov. 1874); Captain (May 
1877), took part in the war 

of the Satsuma Insurrection , 
Major (Feb. 1883); Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel (Apr. 1891); 
Colonel (Dec. 1894) ; Major- 
General (Oct. 1 898) ; Lieu- 
tenant General (Jan. 1905). 
In the Russo-Japanese War, ^ 
he first commanded the 19th 
Brigade of Infantry; was 
later promoted to Commander 
of the lOth Division; fought 
in the Battle of Mukden, his 
brave and hard assault on the 
enemy's powerful detachment 
at Wan-pao-shan greatly con-- 
tributing to our final victory; 
commander of the 12th Di- 
vision until 1912. He was 
created Baron and decorated 
with the Grand Cordon of the 
Rising Sun together with the 
2nd class of the Golden Kite 
for his services. ' ? Address : 
Headquarters of the Ch5sen 
Garrison, Ryuzan, Korea. 

Ando, Seijiro Q^Mm^ II5> 
Dealer in foreign and domes- 
tic wax and oil ; ^. Aug. 
the 2nd of Bunkiu (1862) in 
Nagoya ; s. of Zenyu Ando ; 
m. Sada, d. of sTadahira 
Shimizu. EdiicA studied 
Chinese Classics in Nagoya 
while young. He was elected 
member of the Prefectural 
Assembly (1888), member of 
the City Assembly (1889), 
President of the City As- 
sembly (1890) etc., successive- 
ly. Recreations: collector of 
pictures and curios ; chiro- 
graphy, etc. Address: No. 
7, Funairicho, Nagoya. Tel.: 
282 long distance. 

Ando, Shintaxo (^ ^ K i: 
gP). Member of the House of 
Representatives ; b. Jan. 1 868 
in Hyogo-ken ; 1st s. of 
Shotaro Hashimoto, and 
adopted by Makino Ando. 
Edjic: the 3rd Higher Mid- 
dle School; Meiji Law 
School. Several times made 
inspection "tbiir in China 
aird ~Korea' ; ' attendeS ' the 
Ihfernatibnar ■' Parliamentary 
conference, 1910 ; decorated 
with 4th Order of merit. Ad- 
dress : Okubomachi, Okubo- 
mura, Akashigun, Hyogo-ken, 

Ando, Taro Q^ M ± IR). 
earnest temperance evange- 
list, President of the Tem- 
perance Society ; b. the 4th 
in. of the 3rd J/, of Kokwa^ 

[ 23 ] 

(1844) in Tokyo ; <?. s. of 
Buntaku Ando, a physician 
to the Lord of Shima pro- 
vince ; m. Fumi, 4th d. of 
Seibei Arai. Edi/c. : received 
education from the late 
Sokken Yasui, a famous 
scholar of Chinese Classics ; 
studied Dutch under the 
tutelage of the late Masujiro 
Omura. Joined Enomoto's 
pro-Tokugawa movement at 
Hakodate, for which he was 
sentenced to imprisonment 
for one year ; entered the 
diplomatic service and went 
to Europe and America in 
the suite of the late Prince 
Iwakura's m.emorable envoy 
in 1 87 1 ; was appointed 
Consul at Hongkong (1874^ — 
1885), then at Shanghai 
(1885— 1886) and Congul- 
Genei'al at Honolulu (1886 
— 1889), where he was 
converted, returning home as 
fervent Christian and total 
abstainer ; was promoted to 
Director of the Commercial 
Bureau of the Foreign Office 
(1891) ; then was transferred 
to be Director of the Bureau 
of Commerce and Industry 
in the Department of Com- 
merce and Agriculture ; is at 
present the president of the 
Total Abstainers Society of 
Japan. Address : No, 22, 
Hommuracht-, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Tel.: ie.6 Shiba. 

Ando, Toshiyuki C^figt.2:), 
Member of tlie House of 
Representatives, President of 
the Central Ice Mfg. Co., 
Director of the Kamesaki 
Bank, etc.; b. the 4th m. of 
the 2nd j. of Keiwo (1866) 
in Okayama, province of 
Bizen; 5th s. of Tobei Ashi 
da and adopted by Tomo- 
hichi Ando ; m. Shidzu, 
sister of Ryuji Tosald. 
Bduc: Graduated from the 
" Chuwo Daigaku," a private 
College of law (1891) ; 
passed the Examination for 
lawyers the same year. 
Began practice at Nagoya 
(1893); elected President of 
Nagoya Lawyers' Associa-^ 
tion, member and chairman 
of the Aichi Prefectural As-' 
sembly, member and chair- 
man of Nagoya Municipal 
Council, special member of 
the Nagoya Chamber of 
Commerce, etc., in succession 
(1901 — 1908) ; elected Mem- 
ber of the House of Re- 
presentatives (190S). As a 
politician he belongs to the 
Boshin Club ; at present he 
is one of the leading business 
men in Nagoya. Address: 
■5, 3 chome, Shimosonocho, 
Nishiku, Nagoya. Tel.: 159. 

Anraku, Kanemich.i C^ |g Jg 
^)> ex-Chief of Metropolitan 
Police; b. the 12th ;«. of the 
3rd y. of Kayei (1850) in 

[ 24. ] 

KagosWma ; 2nd s. of Ikkaku 
Niino, a samurai of Kago- 
^ima and adopted into the 
Anraku family ; m. Mora, 
2ad d. of Shirozaemon Maye- 
da. During the Restoration 
era, he joined the Mikado's 
army ard took an active part 
in (he cause; was appointed 
Sergeant of Police • (1875) ; 
Police Inspectoi (i88i): 
Superintendent of Police in 
the prefecture of Kochi ( 1 882) 
and of Kumamoto (1886) ; 
Secretary to the Kumamoto 
Local Government Office 
(1895) ; Governor of Yama- 
guchi prefecture (1896) ; 
Governor of Fukushima 
prefecture (1898,; Governor of 
<^ifu prefecture (1898); chief 
of the Police Bureau of the 
Home Department (1899) ; 
Chief Superintendent of Metro- 
politan Police (1900) ; re- 
signed the office on the 
overthrow of the Ito-Cabinet 
(1901); became a member 
of the House of Peers by 
Imperial nomination (1904); 
again appointed Chief Super- 
intendent of Metropolitan 
Police on the organization of 
the Saionji-Cabinet 1906-8 ; 
was granted the Fourth, 
Order of the Rising Sun in 
connection with the Russo- 
Japanese War ; appointed 
again his last post, Sept. 191 1- 
Dec. 1912. AddresvY^o 461, 

Okubo-mura, Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo. 7>/.: 974 Bancho. 

Anesaki, BSasaharu (iiS ilit JE 
f§)> Btingakuhakushi, pro- 
fessor of the College of 
Literature in the Imperial 
University of Tokyo (Chair, 
Science of Religion) ; b. July 
25th 1873 in Kyoto; s. 
of Masamori Anesaki ; m. 
Masu, third d. of Kansai Ino- 
uye, a physician. Edii.c.:, 
Third Higher Middle school* 
Kyoto (1888—1893) ; _ the 
Imperial University of Tokyo 
(1893 — 1896); Universities of 
Kiel, Berlin, Leipzig (1900 — 
1902); British Museum (1902;. 
He was 'first appointed lectur- 
er at the Imperial University 
of Tokyo (1897 — 1900) and 
then its professor (since 1904); 
travelled in India (1902^ — 
1903) ; travelled around the 
world (1907 — 1908), as Kohu- 
Scholar of Tokyo Imperial 
University. Publications : 

" History of Indian Re- 
ligions," 1898 (EP S .^ m 
:&) ; " Outlines of the science 
of religions," 1900 (^ ft ;^ 
l#tm) ; " Religious history of 
Ancient India." 1900 C-t ift 
EP m. ^.M m ;' First dawn of 
resurrection," 1904 (iS JB O 
Bf *) ; " The personality 
of Buddha, its aspects in 
History and Faith," 1904 
(?I A W i * ,a ^); " Reli- 
gious History of Japan," 

[ 25 ] 

1907 (An article in the 
Encyelopedia America, en- 
larged and reprinted) ; 
" The Four Buddhist Agamas 
in Chinese," rpoQ ; Fioretti 
d'ltalia," 1909 CiE -o * fB) ; 
"Buddhism, in its funda- 
mental aspects as a religion," 
1910 CIS * m WO-; "How 
Christianity appeals to a 
Japanese Buddhist?" (an 
essay to the Hibbert Journal, 
Get. 1905).; " Le sentiment 
religieux chez les Japonais" 
(an essay to Revue du Mois, 
July, 1908); " Coenobio laico 
nell' Estremo Oriente" 
(Coenobium, Nov. 1907) 
" Modern Civilization of Euro- 
pe, its Impressions upon an 
Asiatic" (to be published in 
the Bulletin of the Fondation 
kahu & Coenobium, 191 1); 
"Asariga, Asvaghosha, Man, 
Life and Death, May Day 
&c. in Hasting's Encyclopae- 
dia of Religion and Ethics." 
Address: No. 78 Sasugaya- 
cho, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Aoda, Kogo C# B # %\ 
LieHte nant-Colen el -of -^i^aJU>. 
Ter^, "attache Ito , the_j[_Zth 

(Sept. 1894) ; Lieutenant 
(Oct. 1 897) ; Captain (Sept. 
1900); Major (Nov. 1904)-; 
Lieutenant Colonel (Nov. 
1909). Address: the 17th 
field artillery regiment, Shi- 


Aoike, Cliodairo (# Jtfi, M ic 
Bl!)' President of the Japan 
Automobile Company and of 
the Japan Mineral Ore Com- 
pany, Auditor of the Nippo 
Petroleum Company, etc.; b. 
Dec. 1863 in Wadamura, Ha- 
mana-gun, province of To- 
tomi ; e. s. of Tokujiro Aoike; 
m. Setsu elder sister of Koei 
Okitsu. Educ: The Normal 
School of Hamamatsu ( 1 875 — ■ 
1877); studied Chinese Class- 
ics from Fu Okumura (i886 — 
1887). He held successively 
the post of Auditor of the 
Kozuke Railway Company, 
President of the Tokai-gumi 
Iron Foundry and the Tokai 
Flask Mfg. Company, Ma- 
naging Director of the Nippon 
Petroleum Refining Company, 
etc. and is now engaged 
in planning the organization 
of the Kei-Hin Canal Com- 
pany and the Japan Industrial 
Company. Publication: " On 
rabbit- farming." Recreations : 
Chinese poetry ; picture-col- 
lecting; travelling; reading, 
etc. Address: No. 19 Dai- 
rokuten, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
Chibs: Nippon club ; Risodan; 
Tenka-Taihei-Kwai ; Oriental 
Economic Association. 

Aoki, Daisaburo C# /tc :>: S 
MI5)) Pres. of Nippon Fishing 
Co., Ltd., Dir. of Yamane 
Electric Guilding Co., Ltd.; 

[26 i 

^.-1856 in Chiba-prefecture ; 
€. s. of Nagasada Aoki, a 
samitrai. Address: Shiroya- 
ma-Cho, Nishi-kubo, Shiba- 
kui Tokyo. Tel. : 1 190 Shiba. 

Aoki, IwaO XM M ^ ti)> 
Director of the Tokyo Sugar 
Mfg. Co ; b: the Rth m. of 
the 1st y. of Manyen (1865) 
in Tokyo ; 3fd . s. of Sodo 
Aoki ; «2. Mitsu, 2nd d: of 
Tsunehichi Nishigami. Ediic: 
Graduated from the law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
Appointed procurator of vari- 
ous District Courts and of 
the Tokyo Court of Appeal ; 
resigned office and became 
lawyer; Is now connected 
with several business enter- 
prises and holds a Director- 
ship of the Tokyo Sugar Mfg. 
Co. Address : No. 6 Kasumi- 
cho, Azabu, Tokyo. 

Aofei, Kikuo (#7^ ^41)) 
Manager of the Osaka- Branch 
of the Mitsubishi Firm. Ad- 
dress : Nishinagaboridori, Nu 
shiku, Osaka. 

Aofci, Motogoro (_^ ^fc -76 ^ 
S!>)i Civil Engineer of the 
Department of Home Affairs ; 
Chief of the Sendai Public 
Works Office ; ^. Sept. 1855, 
in Tokyo; 1st s. of San-u- 
emon Aokij a sardurai of 
Tokyo ; nn- Ko, sister of 
Hyakuju ' Ko, : a samurai of 
Shidzuoka. -Educ'.: graduated 
from the. College of Science 

in the Tokyo Impei'ial Univ. 
1890. Rewarded with 4th 
Order of merit in recognition 
of his services during the 
Russo-Japanese War. Ad- 
dress: Shimizu-Shqji, Sendai. 

Aoki, Nobumitsu (fl^ tjc -^ 
3fe)> Viscount, Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. Sept. tile 
2nd y. of Meiji (1869); 4th 
s. of Shincho Nakayama and 
adopted by Viscount Shige- 
yoshi Aoki, a feudal lord of 
Asada clan. Province of Set- 
tsu. Was twice elected a 
member of the House of Peers 
in 1897 and in 1904. Address: 
No. 85 Daiban-cho, Yotsuya, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1261 Bancho. 

Aoki, Nobuzumi (-^ -^ "g 
*6)> Major- Gene jalj_Military, 
AttacW^io, . . the_;_„Japanese 
t,?^^^_^^_^,eking, holder 
"of'^lnS^^as?' Grofdeh Kite, 
third Order of Rising Sun and 
Sacred Treasure ; b. the first 
year of Manyen (i860) in Sa- 
dowara, Province of Hyuga ; 
e. s. of Shinzo Aoki, a sa- 
murai of Sadowara clan ; m. 
Komao, d. of Sadame Saku- 
rai in 1884. Edtic: Military 
Preparatory School (1875 — 
1877); Military Academy 
(1877 — 1879). Appointments'. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Artillery 
(Dec. 1879), Lieutenant (May 
1884); Captain (Apr. 1889); 
Major (Sept. 1894); Lieu- 
tenant Colonel (Oct. 1899); 

C 27 ] 

Colonel (Dec, 1 903) ; Major- 
General (Nov. 1907). Has 
travelled China on military 
mission from 1.884 to 1887; 
studied military tactics in 
Belgium from 189O to 1893. 
He took part in the Japan- 
China War, Russo-Japanese 
War, and North China Boxers' 
Riot. Since 1897 has twice 
occupied the post of Military 
Attache to the Japanese Le- 
gation at Pekicig and still 
remains in that office. Ad- 
dress : No. 120, Tani-machi, 
Ichigaya, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
'Chil' : Rikugun Kaikosha. 

Aoki, Byosaburo (# tIc R 3. 
IR)> Civil engineer of the De- 
partment of Home Affairs ; 
member of the Nagoya Public 
Works Office; 6. Feb. 1868, 
in Tochigi Prefecture ; 1st s. 
of Tetsutaro Aoki ; m. Haru, 
3rd d. of Naomichi Takeba, a 
samurai of Saga. Educ: 
graduated from the College of 
Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imperial Univ. 1894. Civil 
Engineer of the Office in 
Charge of Public Works, 
1895: the same of the De- 
partment of Home Affairs, 
1905. Decorated with 6th 
Order of Merit. Address \ 
No. 2; I chome, Shuzei-cho, 
Higashi-ku, Nagoya. 

Aoki, Shokiclii (# * g 3) 
Assistant-Prof, of the College 
of Literature in the Tokyo 

Imp. Univ.; b. April, 1872, 
in Tokyo; i st 5. of Masahiro, 
Nakamizo, and adopted by 
Shotaro Aoki ; in. Nobu, 1st 
d. of Shotaro Aoki, his foster- 
father, iii/z/h: graduated from 
the College of Literature in 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity ; studied in i;he same 
University Hall. Prof on the 
Sth High School, 1898; Prof, 
of the 1st High School ; As- 
sistant-Prof, of the College 
of Literature in the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1909. 
Address: No. 93 Hayashi- 
cho, Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 
Aoki, Shotaro C^ip. JK -k. 115), 
President of the Hachioji 
Warehouse Bank, Director of 
the Yokohama Railway Co., 
Director of the Nippon Ware- 
house Co., Member of the 
Tokyo Chamber of Commerce, 
etc.; b: the 3rd m. of the ist 
year of Ansei (1854) '" To- 
kyo ; e. s. of the late Kanji 
ro Aoki ; m. Sei, e. d. of Sei- 
ze Aoki. He first chose a 
political career, and becoming 
a member of^ the Liberal 
Party, was elected a member 
of the Kanagawa Prefectiiral 
Assembly in 1882 and then 
a member of the House of 
Representatives in 1898. Sub- 
seqtiently he entered busi- 
ness and became the Presi- 
dent of the Hachioji Ware- 
house Bank^ At present he 

[ 28 ] 

holds several directorships 
in the various Companies 
above ~ mentioned. Address: 
No. 39 Muramatsu-cho, Ni- 
honbashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 527 

Aoki, Skuzo .(-#-,* Wi 9l) 
Viscount. Member of" the 

Eriv'y Council; Ji. the ist w. 
of the I st: y. of Kokwa ( 1 844) 
in Choshu ; e. s. of Genchu 
Miura, a village doctor and 
adopted by Kenzo Aoki, a 
santtirai of Choshu clan ; in. 
Elizabeth, a German la.dy ; 
his d. is Countess Hatzefelt. 
Edtic, : was sent to Germany 
for study by his feudal 
Lord (1869). A -few years 
later, he was appointed 
Secretary to the Japanese 
Legation at Berlin ; promoted 
to- Minister (1875); created 
Viscount (i8''4); Vice-Meni- 
ster for Foreign Affairs 
(1886) ; Minister for Foreign 
Affairs ( 1 8 89 — 1 89 1 ) ; was 

again accredited to the Court 
of Berlin (1892— 1898) and 
had temporarily the charge 
of the same duty in England 
as an additionalpost ; Minister 
for Foreign Affairs (1898 — 
J 900) ; Japanese Ambassador 
to Washington (1906 — 1907). 
'While in the post of Minister 
for Foreign Affairs, he ex- 
erted himself in the task of 
revising our treaties with 
foreign powers and was very 
successful in it. He is one 
of the most experienced di- 
plomats in Japan. At pre- 
sent he' holds the post of 
Privy Councillor.' Address : 
No. 15 Kami-Nibancho, Koji- 
machi, Tokyo. Tel.: 18 19 

Aoki, Tetsuji (# He SC -), 
Hogaku-hakushi, lawyer 

patent agent; b. the seventh 
year of Meiji (1875) in Na- 
gama-mura, Province of Mino; 
2nd s. of Kumataro Aoki. 
Ediic: graduated from the 
law college of the Keiogi- 
juku University (i897);,studi- 
ed law at the Universities of 
Berlin and Gettingen (1899 — 
1962). Immediately after 
graduation from the Keiogi- 
juku, he passed the examina- 
tion for the Bench and was 
appointed Probationary judge 
at the Kobe District Court, 
which post he resigned after 
occupying it for about six 

L 29 ] 

montlis. He was then de- 
spatched to Germany under 
the patronage of the Keio- 
Tijuku especially with the 
i)urpose of studying commer- 
cial law. After his return 
homo, he became professor 
o( the Keiogijuku University; 
resigning on April, 1908 he 
entered the bar. Publications: 
a •' Complete Work on Com- 
mercial Law." Recreations: 
base ball; checkers, etc. 
Address: No. 5 Minaminabe- 
ch5, Kyobashi. Tokyo. Tel.: 
isgr Shimbashi. Clubs: 
Kojunsha, Nippon Club. 

Aoki, Tetsutaro (# H« gj i: 
KR). Government Commercial 
Agent at Honkong ; <^. ist 
m. of the 3rd y. of Keio (1867) 
in Okayama-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Gisuicc Kobayashi ; ;//. Sue, 
d. of Shozaburo Dogura of 
Kara prefecture. Was long in 
the service of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank, Ltd.; received 
appointment of the present 
post in 1910. Address: c/o 
Japanese Consulate, Hong- 
kong, China. 

Aoyagi, Eishi (# » ^ n]), 
Kogaku-ftakushi, prof, of the 
College of Science and En- 
gineering in the Kyoto Im- 
perial Univ.; b. March, 1873, 
in Hokkaido; ist s. of Aiji- 
ro Aoyagi ; in. Fumi, 2nd d. 
of Tsunahiko Kuroda. Educ. : 
graduated frcm the College 

of Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imperial Univ., 1898 ; studied 
electrical engineering in Ger- 
many, 1899 — 1 90 1. Assistant- 
prof, of the College of Science 
and Engineering in the Kyo- 
to Imperial University, 1898 — 
1899; prof/,, of the same 
University, 1901 ; Kogaku- 
hakushi, 1903. Address: No. 
161 Nishi-nyukvvan-sankitsu- 
cho, Ichijo-noboru, Karasu- 
maru-tori, Kamikyoku, Kyd- 

Aoyagi, Shingoro (^ WP fi? 
3i Md Member of the House 
of Representatives; b. Jan. 
the istjf. of Meiji (1868) in 
Niigata ; Sth s. of Itsuan 
Aoyagi ; m. Ei, 2nd d. of 
Joji Hasegawa. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the former First 
Higher Middle School. Was 
elected member of the Nii- 
gata Prefectural Assembly ; 
Member of the House of 
Representatives since 1907.. 
A member of the Seiyu- 
kzvai, a £olitical pary. Ad- 
dress : Ojikawa-mura, Mi- 
shima-gini, Niigata. 

Aoyama, Chu-i (# |.l| ]& Jg), 
Engineer of the Post and 
Telegraph Bureau, Dep. of 
Communications; b. Mar.. 
1870 in the prefecture of 
Yamagata ; e. s. of Shuzo 
Aoyama ; m. Yuki, 2n6:^d. 
of Kichihei Takeda. Ediic.t 
graduated from the Engineer- 

[ 30 ] 

ing College of the Imp. 
Univ. of Tokyo (1893). Ap- 
pointed Engineer of the Post 
and Telegraph Bureau, Dap. 
of Communications and ad- 
ditionally prof, of the former 
Tokyo Post and Telegraph 
School (1893), the former of 
which posts he still occupies. 
Address: No. 10, Nishikama- 
chi Hongo, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2400 Shitaya. 

Aoyama,. Hajime (f^ |J|J 76), 
Baron, Member of the House 
of Peers ; b. the 8th m. of the 
3rd year of Ansei (1857) 
in Fukui, Province of Echi- 
zen ; s. of Takatsune Aoyama, 
a ..samurai of Fukui clan, 
afterwards Baron ; m. Kusue, 
d. of Kwanichi Nakamura. 
Educ: Studied English at 
the Foreign Language School, 
Tokyo ; graduated from the 
Komaba Agricultural School. 
Was appointed Engineer to 
the Department of Agricul- 
ture and Commerce (1892) ; 
and transferred as Engineer 
to the Agricultural Experi- 
mental station at Nishiga- 
hara. (1899) ; went to Europe 
in connection with official 
business (1900). Was elected 
Member ' of H. P. after he 
had resigned his official post. 
Address: No. 286, Nishi- 
Okubo, Okubo-mura, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo Prefecture. 
Aoyama, Tanemichi (# [ll )|L 

M)j Igakti-Jiakushi, Dean and 
Prof, of the Medical College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ.; b. 
the 5th ;«. of the .6th y. of 
Ansei (1859); 3rd s. of 
Kagemichi Aoyama, a samu- 
rai of Naeki clan; m. K6, 
e. d. of. Koai Kobayashi 
Educ: Graduated from the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1882); was sent 
to Germany for study {1883^ 
1887). Appointed Prof, of 
the Medical College of the 
Tokj'o Imp. Univ. (1887) ; 
Dean of the same (1888); 
was despatched to Hongkong 
for the investigation of black 
plague (Pest) in 1894; Chief 
of the University Hospital 
(1897); diagnosed the Late 
Emperor Meiji's last illness; 
ordered to serve the Imp. 
House of medical affairs since 
Aug. 1912. Address:Yko.i^, 
2 chome, Yumicho, Hongo, 
Tokyo. Tel.: yjG Shitaya.. . 
Aoyama Yukiyoshi (#llj^ 
:&)> Viscount, ex-lord of Ya- 
wata, M. R. P. ; b. 1854, at 
Mino province; 2nd s. of 
Yukiya Aoyama; m. Fumiko, 
cousin of Viscount Takahiro 
Todo. Was often elected 
member of the House of 
Peers since July 1890; now 
is director of the 15th Bank, 
Teiyu Bank, Tamagawa E- 
lectric Railway Co., besides 
manager of the " Kazoku 

[ 31 ] 

•Kaikan" (Peers' hall) and of 
rifle shooting society. Ad- 
dress : 28, 9 ch5me, Kobiki- 
cho, Kyobashiku, Tokyo. 
7>/. : 1042 Shimbashi. 

Ara, Kentaro (lie ^Ki:BI5)' 
Chief of Finance Dep't of the 
Government General's office, 
Chosen ; i>. the lOth m. of 
the '3rd jj/. of Eunkyu (1863) 
in Niigata Prefecture ; e. s. 
of Chokusei Arai, ;«. Kane, 
sister ■ of Naokiyo Okazaki. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Law College of the Imp. Univ. 
of Tokyo (1890). Entered 
the Dep. of Finance the same 
year ; transferred to the Chief 
Revenue office of the Pre- 
fecture of Nara ( 1 894) ; 
returned to the Treasury and 
after successively serving as 
Councillor, Secretary and 
Director of the Finance 
Affairs Bureau,finally became 
Vice-Minister of the same 
Department (1906). Im- 
mediately after the Govern- 
ment of Korea came under 
our protection, he was 
recommended and appointed 
as Vice-Minister of its Finan- 
ce and afterward appoined 
to his present post as the 
result pf the aiinexation of 
Korea by Japan (1910). 
Address: Seoul, Chosen. 

Arai, BXatsunosuke (§f ^ Mi 
i. &)^> 3y_rg£oiv£s.lpJiei> ex- 
Chief of the Medical Depart- 

ment qf the 15th Division; i>. 
1865 in the Tochigiprefecture. 
Surgeon Second-Lieutenant 
(Jan. 1885) ; Surgeon-Lieute- 
nant (Nov. 1889) ; Surgeon- 
Captain (Nov. 1892) ; Sur- 
geon-Major (Oct. 1898) ; 
Surgeon -Lieutenant - Colonel 
(December 1903.) ; Surgeon- 
Colonel (Dec. 1908) ; deco- 
rated with the 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite; 
placed on the reserve list 

Arai, Taiji .(M ^ % ?S). 
M. of the House of Peers for 
Miyagiken, Pres. of the Tai- 
wan Hat Mfg. Co. and of the 
Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co., 
Auditor of the Japan Por- 
celain Mfg. Co., etc.; &. 
the Sth m. of the ist jy. of 
Bunkyu (1861) in the prefec- 
ture of Miyagi ; e. s. of 
Moriyuki Arai. Address : 
No. 28 Edogawa, Koishikawa, 
Tokyo.. Tel.: 277, Bancho. 

Arakawa, Buroku (^;il^:^), 
Kogakuhakushi (Dr. of En- 
gineering), Master of Arts 
(Cornell), Prof, of the College 
of Engineering in the Kyushu 
Imp. Univ.; b. the: 18th in. 
of the iith>. ofMeiji (1878) 
in Yokohama ; s- of Seigo 
Arakawa ; m. Chiyoko, e: d. 
of Kajinosuke Ibuka, D.D., 
president of the Meiji Gakii- 
m. Educ. : graduated from 

[ 32 ] 

tlie College of Engineering- 
of- the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
3901. Lecturer of his Alma 
matory 19Q1 ; Assist. Prof of 
the same, 1902; sent to 
G:ermany, England aiiS the 
U" S: ' A" for study, 1908- 
J:9;i ; Present post since 1 9 1 1 . 
-Ptiblicdtion : Science of elect- 
rical engineering. Recreation: 
western rriusic Address : No. 
-73, Digyo-Nishimachi, Fuku- 
"oka, Fukuoka-ken. Chtb: 
;Member of the Electrical 
Science Association. ' Reli- 
.gion: . Congregational deno- 
'.rriination of Christianity. 

- Arakawa, Ckugo (jK /ll ft* -^)) 
Captain, com.__ Qf__the._i2th 
torpedo chasy flotilla-,;, b. 
T870. Ediic.: ISfaval Fjigine- 
ering school. Lieut, com., 
'Dec 1897 ; Com., Nov! 1900 ; 
second cap,, Aiig. 1905. De- 
corations: 4th order of R. S., 
5 th order of S. T., 4th class 

Arakawa, Gitaro ^ )\\M ±. 
Bl>)> Mayor of Yokohama; b. 
the 9th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Bunkyii (1862) in Tokyo. 
Edii£.: graduated from the 
Law College of the Imp. 
Univ. of Tokyo (1884). Ap- 
pointed a Subordinate official 
of the Home Dep. (1884 ; 
promoted to Secretary of the 
local government of Okayama 
Prefecture (1884) ; after, suc- 
cessively served as Councillor 

of the .Home Dep., Secretary 
to the Toyama, Kanagawa, 
Gumma Prefectures and 
Director of the Yokohama 
Harbour Improvement Bureau, 
becam: Governor of Tottori 
Prefecture (1897) ; Governor 
of Miye prefecture (1899) ; 
Governor of Kagawa pre- 
fecture (1900) ; Governor of 
Nagasaki prefecture (1907) ; 
elected Mayor of Yokohama 
(191 2); Address:. .Mayor's 
Office, Yokohama. : 

Arakawa, (Sorb (Jt )|| 3£ fj), 
Member of the House of 
Represehtives; . Chief , editor 
of the " Chijgoku Shimbun " 
(a daily newspaper published 
at Hiroshima), etc.; b. the 
6th _m. of the 1st y, of 
Keiwo (1865) in Hiro.shima ; 
5th s. of Ikusuke Arakawa ; 
m. Chiyo, e. d. of Hageshi 
Mizuyama. Ediic: Graduat- 
ed from the former ■ ' Nihon 
Horitsu Gakko," a private 
law school. Became Chief 
editor of the Chugoku Shim- 
bun. Founded the Hiroshima 
Girls' School and is its 
Principal ; was twice elected 
member of the House of 
Representatives. Has pub- 
lished a book called " Condi- 
tions in Korea." Address: 
Gion-mura, Ansa-gun, Hiro- 

Ara]=:B.wa, Juro.(^ ;il -^ .gjj), 
A rich farmer ; b. the 6t\\m. 

E 33 ]; 

of the qthjy. of Tempo (1838);. 
ill the province of Hizen ; e: 
5. of Bunji Arakawa; m. 
Riyo, 3rd d. of Kishi Kita- 
shinaa. , Address: Fukami- 
mura, Kitatakaki^gun, Naga- 

Arakawa, Minoji (Jjjf ;il g 
^)j Minister to Spain ; 6. the 
lOth m. of the 4th j/. of 
Ansei (1857) in Kagoshima ; 
e. s. of Yukyo . Arakawa, 
paymaster-general of Navy; 
ni. Hide, d. of Kenzo Hashi^ 
guchi, formerly a member of 
the Senate. Edae.: graduat- 
ed from the Engineering 
College of the Imp. Univ. of 
Tokyo (1880). Was appoint- 
ed Engineer of the Bureau 
of Mining, Dep. of Agricul- 
ture and Commerce the same 
year ; resigned the office and 
entered the Nihon Railway 
Co. in 1882, meanwhile becom- 
ing Director of its Transporta- 
tion Section and afterward 
Station-Master of Uyeno; left 
the Railway Co. and entered 
diplomatic service ( 1 8S4) ; 
appointed Secretary to the Legation in London 
(1886-1889) ; . Vice-Consul 
and additionally Japanese 
Post-Master at Tientsin (189©- 
1894) ; Consul at Chemulpo, 
Korea (1894) ; attached to 
the Second Army during the 
Japan-China War, serving as 
Civil administrator at KiO' 

chow (1894-1895);' agiqtiro 
Consul at Tientsin (i$§S— 
(1896); Consul at Londoi* 
and additionally Inspector of 
the London-Branch of the 
Bank of Japan ( 1 896- 1 902) ; 
Consul-General at Londoa 
(1902- 1 906) ; Minister t» 
Mexico (1906-1910) ; Minis-i 
ter to Spain since 1910.. 
He was awarded the Third 
Order of the Rising Sufl 
with grant of Money for his 
service in connection with 
the late war. While Minister 
to Mexico, he rendered helpf 
in sending out Japanese emi- 
grants to South America. 
Address: No. 103, Hom- 
muracho, Azabu, Tokyo. 

Araki, Hikosuke (T£?h:*fi!l> 
President of the Sakata 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. 
the 8th m. of the 5th y. of 
Kayei (1852) in Sakata,; 
province of Ugo; e. s. of the: 
late Hikosuke Araki ; m,^ 
Fukuyo, 3rd d. of Zenbei 
Watanabe. Address: Sakai^a- 
machi, Akumi-gun, Yama- 
gata-ken. , , 

Araki, Kampo (3^ tIc ^ W^i 
Painter of Japanese style ; b. 
the 6th in. of the 2nd y. of 
Tempo (1831) in Kochi, pro- 
vince of Tosa ; 2nd s. of 
Washu Tanaka, a samurai 
of kochi clan and adoptexf 
by Kankai Araki, a famous 
painter of the Tokugawa 

[ 34 ] 

Era. He studied painting 
under ' the tutelage of his 
fether-in-law and created a 
new school of painting of 
his own in later years. Since 
1893, has taught painting at 
the Women's Higher Normal 
School and at the Peers 
Girls' School, and was re- 
cently appointed a professor 
at the "Tokyo Fine Arts 
School. Became a member 
of the Fine Arts Committee, 
attached to the Imperial 
Household in 19OO. He has 
been several times awarded 
gold and silver medals for 
pictures exhibited at various 
pteutUre galleries. Address; 
No. 3. Yaoicho, Hbngoku, 

Araki, Torasalburo (l!£ -^ ^ 

fejS bB)) Igakti-kaktishij Vrgi. 

» and Dean of -Medical ColJege!;. 

'- ffi^'^^^ffif-preiectllf e! ' Mdiic. : 
grad. from the M. G., Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., ^^i 889: and . pro- 
) secuted physiology in . Ger- 
'• many. Appointed prof of 
the 3rd High School, 1896; 
present post, 1900. Address'. 
Shiino - kamo - mura, Atago- 
gun, Kyoto-fu, Tel.\ 2576. 

Araki, Tsuuetaro (Jft ;ic fB ic 
te)» President of the Yaina- 
gkta Electric Light Co., 
Vice-President of the Yama-" 
gata Cloth Mfg.' Co., 
Member of the Yamagata 

Chamber of Commerce, etc.; 
b. the 7th in. of the ist j/. 
of Gwanji (1864) 'in the 
prefecture of Yamagata ; e..s: 
of Zentaro Araki ; m. Eki, 
4th d. of Yakichi Ui. Ad- 
dress: Yokomachi, Yama- 
gata, Prefecture of Yamagata. 

Araki, "WaicM (3^ ]^ m — ). 
Importer of Foreign dry 
goods. Agent of the Dai- 
Nippon Artificial Manure 
Co., Manager of the Osaka- 
branch of the Canada Sun 
Life Insurance Co; h. Mar. 5th 
of Meiji (1872) in Osaka. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Tokyo Imperial University. 
Since 1900 has been official- 
ly and jgrivately several times 
to Europe and America ; 
Lecturer at the Osaka 
Higher Commercial School 
during his stay in Osaka,' He 
is the pioneer importer of the 
cinematograph in Japan. 
Publication: "Standard Vo- 
cabulist." Recreations: takes 
a great interest in playing 
checkers ; study of the 
Bible ; chirography, etc. Ad- 
dress : No. 21,. 4 chome, 
Minami-Kyuhoji-rnachi, Higa- 
shiku, . Osaka. Tel.: 1910 

Arai, Keijiro (I; ^ ^ ^'fO, 
Captain, com. of the cruiser 

uc. : 

Naval Academy. Lieiit. com. 
Dec. 1897; com., 1900 ;'se- 

[ 35 ] 

cond com., Aug. 1905. De- 
corations: 3rd order of R. S., 
4th order of S. T. 4th class 
of G. K. 

Arano, Tcshiuro ^ |f |^ ^ 
IP)' a rich farmer; b. the 
4th m. of the 5 th y. of 
Ansei (1858J in the province 
of Hidachi ; 2nd .y. of Seibei 
Kasuya and adopted by 
Seiyemon Arano; »«. Ko, d. 
■of his adopted father. Was 
•once elected member of the 
House of Peers. Address: 
Nakazato-mura, Kashima- 
\. gun, Ibaraki-ken. 

Arichi, Shinanojo (;fj J||i £., ;^ 
:ft)) Baron, ..yiags^MdiaixaL- 
Member of the House of 
Peers, , Presiding Director of 
the Marine Affairs Society, 
•Chairman of the committee 
for the organization of the 
Imperial Volunteer Fleet, 
President of the Board of 
~ Directors of the Yokohama 
Electric Railway, Director of 
the Konan Steamship Com- 
pany, etc.; b. Mar. 14th 
year of Tempo (1843) in the 
City of Yamaguchi ; s. of 
Kurama Arichi, a samurai 
•of Yamaguchi clan: m. Sute, 
third d. of Saburoyemon 
Satake. In the first year of 
Meiji (1868), he took part 
in the bombardment of the 
English, French and Ameri- 
can battlesViips by his feudal 
lord - achievine renown by 

Iiis energy in the battle. 
Afterward he also rendered 
the most illustrious sfervices 
in the war of Restoration. 
In the third year of Meiji 
(1870), he went to Europe 
to observe the progress of 
the war between France and 
Germany and returned home 
next year. In the same year 
he was appointed Major. 
In the meanwhile, he retired 
from military service and 
entered the Navy. Did splend- 
idly in the Satsuma Insurrec- 
tion as a naval officer. 
Gradually rising in rank, he 
became Vice- Admiral and was 
appointed Commander of the 
Standing Squadron in 1895. 
He was created Baron and 
had conferred on him, the 
first Order of the Rising Sun 
iu recognition of his meritori- 
ous service in connection 
with the Japan-China war. 
Ever since he has more es- 
pecially devoted his efforts 
to business enterprises and 
now holds the position of 
director of the Yokohama 
Electric Railway Company 
as Avell as that of the Ko- 
nan Steamship Company, etc. 
He is also a member of the 
House of Peers since 1897. 
Address: No. 7, 2 chome, 
Awajicho, Kaiida, Tokyd. 
Tel.: 2599 Head. Office. 
Ariga,: ITagatunii (:W1C-fi^>, 

I 36 1 

Director <f the Mitsui firm ated . from tlie Imperial 
dnd of the Mitsui' family As- University of Tokyo (philo- 
sociation, Auditcr ofOjipapar sopHy) in 1882; studied 
Mfg/Co. Ltd; l>. July, ist politics, psychology and the 
of Kfeio (i86'5), ill Kawasaki-' , History of civflizatipn at. tjie 
mura, Nishin'ari-guii, Osaka ; University qf B.erlin and after- 
s. of Ghorin Ariga- w/. Michi, wards attended Prof. Stein's 
J. d. Sahei Ihdo and y. b. lectures on national juri- 
of 'Dr.' ... Ariga. ' Educ: spriidence (i886-i887).- His. 
graduated from the Law first official appointment was 
College of -the Imperial that of secretary to the 
University of Tokyo (1889). Senate in 1884. While he 
After occupying the posts held tliis post he : returned to 
of Assistant Councillor . c f Europe to continue his studies., 
the Bureau of Legislation, After his return from abroad, 
Secretary of the Imperial he was appointed secretary 
Parliament and Councillor of of the Privy Council as well 
the Department of Agri- ' as private secretary to the 
culture and Commerce sue- same and assisted its Pre- 
cessively, he entered the sident in preparing the 
Mitsui: firm hi the 35th of necessary arrangement for 
Meiji (1902), now holding the putting in force of the 
the' post of director. Ad- Imperial Constitution. Tlien 
dress: No. 2, likurakata- he was transferred to the 
maehi, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel.: office of the president, of the 
305 Shiba. Clubs: Tokyo, Patent Bureau of the Agri- 
Nihpii, Kojunsha. cultural and Commercial 
Ariga, ' ITagao {;% %.^ *©, Department and made coun- 
Hogaktthakiishi, Btingakn- cillor of the same, in addition, 
hakushi, Lecturer of Inter- botli of these posts he re- 
national Law at the Waseda signed however after having 
University and at Ihe Military occupied them for only eight 
College, Chief Editor of the months. In 1894, when tlie 
" Diplomatic Review," etc.; Japan-China War broke out, 
b. Nov. the first year of he was ', entrusted, by the- 
Manyen ( 1 8€o) iii Kawasaki- Cabinet, with its investiga- 
mura, Nishinari-gun, province tion regarding war matters 
of Settsu; s. of Chorin Ariga; and was ordered to proceed- 
m. Chiyo; Welder sister of to the Imperial headquarters. 
5filljima Tan. Edtic: gradu- at Hiroshima. Oil October 

[ 37 ] 

•of the same year, he became 
adviser to the Commanding 
offices of the 2nd Army 
upon international law and 
went to the front.'"'^' After the 
war, he sailed to Europe 
and published in Paris " An 
essay on International Law 
•concerning the China-Japan 
War" in French and re- 
turned home in 1896, after 
having called on various 
International jurists in the 
European Continent. He 
was then appointed lecturer 
on international law at the 
Military College and at the 
Paymasters' School and also 
Director of the Japan Red 
Cross Society. In 1899, he 
represented Japan at the 
Peace Conference in London. 
He went to Manchuria as 
adviser to the Manchurian 
Army upon international law 
during the Russo-Japanese 
War and afterwards was de- 
corated with the Third Class 
Order of the Rising Sun. Pnbli- 
cation: Among various works 
on international law, politics, 
jurisprudence, sociology etc., 
the most noted are " His- 
tory of Modern Diplomacy," 
International law during 
the Russo Japanese- war 
(French," '-International 
Law in connection with the 
China-Japan War," " Com- 
mentaries on the Laws 

of Ancient Japan, " a volume 
on Administrative Law," etc. 
Address-: No. 56, Myogadani- 
machi. Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 350 Bancho. 

Arika-wa, Gorosaku (J^jllS- 
Sf^)i Qolond, commander_gf_ 

the srffTrfeirofTS'^mlffi^'"' 

Naganbken, Sub-lieut., 1892; 

lieut., 1894; captain, 1897; 

major, 1903 ; lieut.-colonel, 

1905 ; colonel, 4th Oct. 1909; 

present post since Feb. 191 2. 

■ Decorations : 5th order of 

Sacred Treasure, 4th order 

of Rising Sun, 3rd class of 

Golden kite. Address : office 

of the 3rd guard regiment of 

infantry, Tokyo. 

Aiikawa, Sadahisa (pg Ul^M' 
m)' Mayor of Kagoshima ; 
(5. Nov. 1861 in Kagoshima ; 
1st s. of S3hachi Arikawa,- 
a samurai of Kagoshima; 
m. Taki, sister of Kin-ichiro 
Kono. After serving as 
Police Inspector in several 
prefectures, was appointed 
Mayor of Kagoshima. Ad- 
dress: Kagoshima City Hall, 

Arikawa, Teiliaku (;^ )\\ ^ 

6)1 Rear-^4-dsy£^..ffl»£S§SS^ 
list ;" h. Nov. 'i 8567 -STTcl ~s. ' 
of Teibin Arikawa, a samurai 
of Kagoshima; m. Sae, 2nd 
d. of Hikogoro Sakamoto, a 
samurai of Kagoshima. Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1879; once held 

t 38 ] 

the post of the Navigating 
Lieutenant of the Standing 
Squadron, Prof of the Naval 
University, etc.; decorated 
with 3rd Order of Merit and 
4th class of Golden Kite in 
recognition of his services 
during the late war. Ad- 
dress: No. 39, Higashimachi, 
Azabu, Tokyo. 

Arima, Ichitaro (;fj ,fl| [jj 1^., 
SI5)> Director - of Hyogo 
Transportation Company, 
Commercial Bank, Hyogo 
Electric Railway Company, 
etc.; b. June, 1852; ist s. 
of Yoshisuke Arima; m. 
Yone, 1st d. of Izaemon 
Ogawa. Member of the 
Kobe Chamber di Commerce, 
'Etc. Also once was member 
of the Kobe City Assembly. 
Address: No, 20, Hyogo- 
kawasakimachi, Kobe-shi, 
Hyogoken. Tel.: .163 Cho. 

Arima, Kaiman (fl- ,1 ^ ^,), 
Connt, President of the 
"' Kurume Ikueikwai "; b. 
June the first year of Gwan- 
ji-(i864) in Kurume, province 
of Chikugo; 5th s. of Raisei 
Arima, a feudal lord of Ku- 
rume clan. '^ created Count 
in 1884; successively held 
posts in the Board of Cere- 
monies and in the Depart- 
ment of . Agriculture and 
Commerce. Address: No. 31, 
Hashibacho, Asakusa, Tokyo. 
Tel.: .884 Shitaya. 

Arima, Ritsusaburo (;f) 15 '/^ 
Hilt), Capt^n: b. 1869. Educ; 
Naval Academy. Lieut, com. 
Dec. 1897; com., Sept. 1900; 
second com., Aug. 1905. 
Decorations: 3rd order of R. 
S., 4th order of S. T., 4th 
class of G, K. 

Arima, Hyokitsu CtMKffi), 
Rear^Admiral; commander^of,, 

ItE ff^i s t— squa3[i:aiL.siiu:e i)ec. 

^iQiZJy^'b- Nov. 1 861, in Wa- 
]<ayama-ken; ist s. of Gen - 
kwan Arima, a samurai of 
Wakayama-ken; m. Ei, 2nd 
d. of Taka-aki Wakayama, 
a samurai of Tokyo. Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1888; after serv- 
ing as master of battleship, 
A'««2Z£'«, Captain of the cruiser 
Kasagi, Chief of Staff of Ta- 
keshiki Naval Establishment, 
Staff of the ist Squadron, 
Captain of Itvnte, Chief of 
Staff of the 2nd Squadron, 
Principal of Naval Gunnery 
School, became Staff of the 
Nav. Staff Board, Dec. 1910. 
Decorated with 3rd Order of 
Merit and 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite in recognition of his 
services during the Russo- 
Japanese War. .Address : No. 
22 Kasumi cho, Azabu-ku, 

Aiima, Tojiro Qii W,m^m> 
Rice and manure merchant. 
Director of the Manshu Trade 
Co., etc.; b. the 8th in. of 
the 4th y. of Ansei (1857) 

39 ] 

in the prefecture of Hiogo; 
2nd. s. of Kisuke Arima; m. 
Tomi, e. d. of Sakuzaemon 
Tanaka. . Address : No. 20, 
Kavvasakicho, Kobe. Tel.: 

Arima, Yoriyubi «) ,Bfg^% 
Viscount,, Member ' of the 
House of Peers; b. Oct. the 
third year of Meiji (1870) in 
Kurume, Province of Chiku- 
go; s. of Raisei Arima, 
a feudal lord of Kurume 
clan, and adopted by Yoko- 
in, widow of the feudal lord 
of Fukiage, Shimozuke Pro- 
vince; m. Fuji-ko, sister of 
Takanori Kyogoku, Viscount. 
Was elected member of the 
House of Peers in 1902; 
granted 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun in recognition of 
merit during the Russo- 
Japanese War. Address: No. 
29, Banbacho, Honjo, Tokyo. 
TeL\ 1073. Shitaya. 

Arimatsu, Hideyoshi (pg'IS^ 
fS)> Dir. of Imp. For. Con. Bur. 
b. the 3rd .y. of Bunkiu 
(186-3) in Okayama. Educ: 
graduated from the, Doitsu 
Kyokwai Gakko (German 
Language School) in 1888 
and passed the higher civil 
service examination the fol- 
lowing year. He was for- 
merly in the Department of 
Justice either as . judge or 
councillor; councillor of the 
Department of Agriculture 

and Commerce then of the 
Home Department and of 
the Bureau of Legislation 
( 1 894 - 1 898) ; ordered to 
attend the International Sani- 
tary Conference held at 
lyiadrid and also the Con- 
ference for the protection of 
released prisoners held at 
Antwerp both in 1898; trans- 
ferred as director of the 
Police Bureau of the Home 
Department the same year; 
again councillor of the 
Bureau of Legislation in 
1902 ; governor of Mie- 
prefecture in 1904; director 
of ths Police Bureau in 1908, 
Address: No. 2, Nakasato- 
cho, Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel.; 
680 Bancho. 

Ario, Keiju (;f « gic a\ 
Director of the Japan Hypo- 
thec Bank; b. June the 2nd 
year of Kaei (1849) in the 
city of Ogaki, province of 
Mino; adopted by Yasushige 
Ario, a samurai of Ogaki 
clan and married Sada, d. 
of Ikuji Ha=:egawa. In the 
4th year of Meiji (1871), he 
entered • the service of the 
Department of Finance and 
greatly assisted in the work 
of revising the Land Tax 
Regulations, for which service 
he was appointed secretary 
of the same Department. 
Afterwards he was promoted 
to be president of the Direct 

[ 40 

Tax Section of the Revenue 
Biireau being chiefly engaged 
fii' planning the scheme for 
ffite maintenance of the uni- 
form levying of the land tax, 
for which purpose he travel- 
led into almost every part 
«f the Empire during his 
term of office.:. When the 
Japan Hypothec Bank was 
established in 1897, be was 
elfficially appointed one of its 
directors, which post he still 
holds. He was granted the 
Third Class of the Sacred 
Treasure and entitled to the 
payment of generous pension 
in recognition of his long 
and faithful service of the 
office. He is one of the 
most remarkable iigures in 
business circles at present. 
Address: No. 2, Kami-Fuji- 
maecho, Hongo, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2081 Shitaya. 

Arisaka, Nariaki (:W^JS^)> 
Baron, Lieutenant-Generalj^ 
•^^tS!!>^ j^'t _Investi^tion_ 
"Section,, ex-Advisor to the 
Military Arsenal, Tokyo, 
Inventor of the ' Arisaka 
Gun; b. the 2nd in. of the 
5th y. of Kayei (1852) in 
Iwakuni, province of Suwo; 
2nd J of Samon Kibe and 
adopted by Nagayoshi Ari- 
saka; /%.' ' Mitsu, sister of 
Kuhfharu Miyazaki. He en- 
tered the army in 1874. and 

after serving as teacher to 
the Military Preparatory 
School, Commissioner for the 
Coastdefence Investigation 
Committee, etc., became Cap- 

tain of Artillery in 1882; 
promoted to be Major in 
Apr. 1887; sent abroad to 
investigate the matters con- 
cerning fort artillery in 1892; 
appointed Lieutenant Colonel 
and Member of the Artillery 
Council on Apr. 1893; 
Colonel on May. 1895; 
completed the invention of 
a new type of quick-firing 
mountain gun in Dec. 1897, 
after six .year's persistent 
effoit; .again sent to Europe 
on official business, _ 1899; 
promoted Major-General and 
President of the Artillery 
Council; Superintendent of 
the Military Art Investigation 
Section iu 1903; created 
Baron and awarded the 
Second Class of the Golden 

[ 41 ] 

Kite for Ins meritorious 
s.ervices in connection with 
the Russo-Japanese War. 
Promoted to be Lieutenant- 
Gen^eral in the same year. 
Address: No. 27, Hachiman- 
chpi Us.higpme, Tokyo. Tel.: 
42^ :Banchp; 

i;.';4.risiva Sli:ozo (;ft- .|2 ^ ig), 
K:dgqkuhaktishi, Inspector of 
the Maval Arsenal, Professor 
at 'the Engineering College 
of^the Imp. Univ. of Tokyo; 
b.' the 1st ni. oi the y. of 
Gwanji (1864) in Tokyo; 
2nd 5. of Senkichi Arisaka; 
m. Toshi-ko, 2nd d. 01 Kyo 
Mayeda, samunxi of Tokyo. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Engineering College of the 
Imp. Univ. of Tokyo (1890); 
studied naval science in 
France (1890 — ^1893). Ap- 
pointed Naval Engineer 
(1893); was steadily promot- 
ed, meanwhile devising a 
new plug for 12 inch quick- 
firing gun; was twice sent 
to England on official busi- 
ness and finally promoted 
to the present post. Addess: 
No. 13 Komagome Akebono- 
choj Hongoku, Tokyo. 

Arita, Gen-icMro (^M WtM~ 
B|5)i ex-Member of the House 
of Representatives; b. 9th m. 
of the 6th J. Kayei (1853) ' 
in the province of Hizen; 
e. .s. of Itsuzo Arita; in. Aya, 
2ndd of Nobunaka Naritomi. 

Was several times elected 
member of the Prefectural 
Assembly; Member of ■ the 
House of Representatives 
since 1907, where he belongs 
to the Seiyiikwai, a Govern- 
ment party. Address : Asahi- 
mura, Kineshima-gun, Saga- 
ken. ' , 

Arita, GisM i:^^mWi\ '^^- 
Governor of Miye Prefecture; 
b. the 1 2th m. of the 6th y. 
of' Kayei (1853) in Saga, 
province of Hizen; e. s. of 
Denzo Arita;_w. Riki, 5th 
d. of Josetsu Oishi. Entered 
the Dep't of Home Affairs in 
1875 and after occupying 
the posts of Chief of Police 
in the prefectures of Tochigi, 
Shimane, ^ Hiroshima, Fuku- 
oka in succession was trans- 
ferred as Secretary of Shi- 
mane Prefecture; was pro- 
moted to be Governor of 
Tokushima and afterwards 
transferred as Governor to 
Fukushima, Gumma and 
Miye, the last of which 
posts he resigned 191 1. Ad- 
dress : Jujicho, Odawara- 
machi, Ashigarashita-gun, 
Kanaga wa-ken. 

Arita, Jo (;# H 1".), Major- 
jGeneral, COTnmander of Hi- 
r o'siii m a^aj^ .fort ., sin c e Sepit. 
"igi2^ b. the ist m. of the 
2nd y. of Bunkyu (1862) in 
Hiroshima; 3rd s. of Minoru 
Arita; m. Toshi, e. d. of 

[ 42 ] 

Kageyasu Todo. Educ: 
graduated at the Military 
College (1886). Appointed 
Sub-Lieutenant (June 1886); 
Lieutenant (Nov. i888); 
Captain (July 1893); Major 
(Oct. 1898); Lieutenant- 
Colonel (Feb. 1904); Colonel 
(Dec. 1906). He held the 
position of the Chief of Staff 
of the 4th Division in rear 
as well as of the Commiss- 
ary Staff during the late war; 
was awarded the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite 
for his services. Address : 
Head-quarter of the Hiro- 
shima Bay Fort. . 

Ariyoshi, Akira (/g- g §q , 
Consul-General at Shanghai; 
b. Apr. the 9th y. of Meiji 
(1876) in Kyoto; 2nd s. of 
Sanhichi Ariyoshi. Educ: 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School 
(1898); passed^ the examina- 
tion for the diplomatic serr 
vices (1898). Appointed 
Consul at Fusan, Newchang, 
and Secretary to the Japan- 
ese --Embassy' .at Pa.ris; 
transferred to his present 
post iin 1909.. Address.: 
Japanese Consulate-General, 

Arisawa, .mototsugu (^ 55 
X ^\> Medical practitioner, 
besides being President, of 
the .Sakai Brick Mfg. Co., ' 

Auditor of the Fiikushima 
Spinning and the Central 
Cement Mfg. Companies, etc.; 
b. the 3rd m. of the 3rd y. 
of Kokwa (1846) in the pro-. 
vince of Kaga; brother of 
Kohei Arizawa; m. Sada, e. 
d. of Chikamasa Okubo, 
Early studied medicine and 
began practice at Osaka. 
Later became engaged in 
business and is now holding 
the above positions. Ad- 
dress: No. 69, 5 chome, 
Fushimicho, H gashi-ku, O- 
saka. Tel.: 1943 I-Ionkyoku. 
Ariyoshi, MasaicM (r^' ^ H 
--).^ColOTjel^jlnfaOtry, com- 
manBer orthe 63rd regiment; 

-^^^ms^X'v. "TZmMC-Yz.- " 
maguchi"ken . Sub-lieutenant, 
1888; lieutenant, 1892; cap- 
tain, 1896; major, 1902; 
lieut-colonel, 1901; colonel, 
1908. Decoratio)ts\ Ae'dcioidex 
of R. S., 3rd Order of S. T;, 
3rd class of G. K. Address: 
com. office of the 63rd infant- 
ry, regiment, Matsue. 

Asabuki, Eiji v|S n.^ It — ), 
Special m; of the T. C. C.> 
director of Mitsui Bussan Co., 
Ltd, Sakai Celluloid Co;, Ltd, 
Auditor of Mitsui Bank; etc.; 
b. the 2nd in. of the 2nd y. 
of Kaei '. { 1 848) in Shimogo-^ 
rnura, Shimoge-gun, province 
of- Buzen; 2nd s. of Taizo 
Asabuki; m. Sumi,- sister- of 
Saizo Nakamigawa, Educ: 

[ 43 ] 

graduated from the Keio- 
gijikii. Entered the Mitsui 
firm and was appointed 
managing director of the 
Mitsukoshi Department Store 
and of the Mining section of 
the same firm. Afterward 
he became managing director 
of the Kanegafuchi Spinning 
Co., still retaining the post 
of advisor to the Mitsui 
firm. Address: No. 32, Ko- 
bikicho, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 211 Shimbashi. 

Asada, Eiji Q^ ffl ^ ^), 
Professor of the Tokyo School 
of Foreign Languages; b. the 
4th m. of the 1st j/. of Kei- 
wo (1865) in Choshu; e. s. 
of Heisaku Asada; m. Mika, 
e. d. of Kyutaro Takiguchi. 
Edtic: graduated from the 
North Wester and Chicago 
Universities (Ph. D.). Ap- 
pointed Professor of the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School; and then present 
post (1897). Address: No. 
94 Kogaicho, Azabuku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1080 Shiba. 

Asada, lEasakiolii (-^Blgfe^), 
Soy-brewer; b. Nov. the i ith 
y. of Meiji (1878) in Tokyo; 
2nd s. of the late Masakichi 
Asada; m. Iki, e. d. of Zin- 
yemon Asada. Address: No. 
576, Nakanomachi, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 7el.: 
1342 Bancho. 

Asada, MTobuoki C-SH ■©#?). 

Baron, . General, Superintend- 
ent of the Military Education;! 
b. the 1 0th m. of the 4th j^. 
of Kayei (185 1) in Kawagoe, 
province of Musashi; 2nd s. 
of Kanso Sakaguchi, a sa- 
murai of Kawagoe clan, and 
adopted by Junshin Asada; 
m. Kino, e. d. of Isaburo 
Saito. Edtic. : graduated 
from the Military College at 
Osaka (1873). Appointed 

Sub-Lieutenant (Mar. 1872); 
Lieutenant (Oct. 1873); took 
part in the Satsuma insur- 
rection as Captain , of the 
Third Battalion of the Fly- 
ing Column; Major (Mar. 
1884); sent to China on 
official business (Mar. 1888); 
Lieutenant-Colonel (June. 
1 891); Staff-officer to the 
Third Army Division (the 
.same year); Colonel and 
Chief of Staff of the Colonial 
Militia; Major-General (Sept. 
1897); Commander of the 
First Brigade of the Impeiial 

[ 44 ] 

l-Jody. Guard ; Lieutenant- 
■General (Sept. 1904) and 
Commander of the Imperial 
■Guard Division. \Viien the 
Russo-Japanese War broke 
out, he corhmanded the 
Brigade -under General Ku- 
raki;: and: first, landed, in 
Korea- land marching north 
t'oeik:-part in- the battles of 
Yalu2 Siu^yen. Fert-shui-Ling 
and::-sorije others,. After- 
wards was 'the conxmander 
of the first column iaf the 
first Army and fought the 
battles /of Liaoyang, Sha,-ho 
and Mtikden:; was comman- 
der of the :12th Division 
after the war. Was trans- 
ferred tp his present post in 
Sept. 191.1 after commanding 
the 4th Army Division from 
Nov. 19 G. Was created 
Baron and awarded the 
Second Class of the Golden 
Kite, Order of Rising Sun of 
xst rank; promoted to Gener- 
al, 1912. Address: No 14 
Ichigaya tomih'sacho, Ushi- 
gome-kii, Tokyo.' 

" Asada, Tei'iro QtE3.ft?>:IR)i 
Presiding Diiector of the 
Ikuno Bank; b. the 6th m. 
of the 2ndjj'. of Ansei (1855); 
4th s. of Yakuro Takahashi 
and adopted by Renpei 
Asaga; m. Sen, e. d. of his 
father-in-law. Address: Iku- 
nomachi, Asaki-gun, Province 
of Ta:zima. ■ 

Asada, Tokunori IvSH^ilij), 
Lord-in Waiting in the Kin- 
kei Hall, Member of the 
House of Peers, President of 
the Narita Railway Co., etc.; 
l>. 1 ith m. of the ist j/. of 
Kaei (1848) in Kyoto; e. s. 
of Kingo Asada; m. Mine, 
e. d. of-Genseki Nakagawa. 
Entered diplomatic-, service 
in 1874 and was appointed 
Secretary to the Japanese 
Legation at Washington. 
Afterwards was transferred 
as Director of the Bureau of 
Commercial Affairs as well 
as Director of the Accounts 
Section of the Department 
of Foreign Affairs and finally 
promoted to be Minister 
Resident, jn 1889, tempo- 
rarily retired from the dip- 
lomatic service and became 
successively the Governor of 
Nagano, Niigata, and several 
other prefectures. Again 
entered the Department of 
Foreign Affairs and was ap- 
pointed Vice-Minister of the 
same in 1900. His last 
ofificial post was that of Vice- 
Minister of the Department 
of Communications. Was 
made a member of the 
House of Peers by Imperial 
nomination in 1903. At 
present is taking an active 
part in business and holds 
the positions of President of 
the Narita Railway Go. and 

[ 45 ] 

Dircctorsli'p of various other 
Companies. Address.: No. 
48. Shimo-rokubancho, Koji- 
machi, Tokyo. Tel.: 955 
Hancho. • . 

Asaba, Yasushi (g| eg if), 
:Mcniber of the House of 
Representatives, Member of 
the Sapporo Chamber of Com- 
merce; b. Jan. 1854; m. Uta, 
3r(J d. of Naoyuki Tanitsu, 
;i samurai of Tokyo. Deco- 
rated with 4th Order of 
Merit in 1904. Address: 
No. So. Yushima-mikumicho, 
Ifongoku, Tokyo. 7^/.: 99S 
Shitaya. ... 

Asahara, Shinjiro (^Mfiit^ 
fiji)' Igakiihakushi, President 
and chief physician of the 
Prcfectiiral Hospital at Kago- 
shima; b. Mar. the 4th of 
Meiji (1871) in Tokyo; s. of 
Tamotsu Mtirata. Ediic. : 
graduated from the Medical 
Department of the First 
High School (1893); gra- 
tluatcd from the University 
of Kcrlin and had conferred 
on him the degree of Dr. 
(189s — 1898). He was one 
of the Medical Staff of 
Higashi-yama Hospital, Kyo- 
to and the Assistant Profes- 
sor at the Kyoto Imperial 
University ( 1899 — 1909J. Ad- 
dress:tio. ..3g. Kasugacho, 
Kagoshima. Tel.: 142. 

Asai, Tatsuzo (g| ^ jg =)> 
Pciymaster-Colonel, Chief of 

the Paymaster's Department 
of the; ilth Division; b. 1865 
in Tokyo. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantry (June 1885); Lieute- 
nant (Nov. 1888); Paymaster- 
Lieutenant (Oct. 1894); Pay- 
master-Captain (Oct. 1900); 
Paymaster-Major (Dec. 1903);; 
Paymaster Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel (July, 1904); Paymaster- 
Colonel(Dec. 1908); decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite in con- 
nection with the Russo-Japa- 
nese war. Address: Pay- 
master's Department of the: 
nth Army Division, Zen- 
tsujimachi, Kagawa-ken. 

Asahina, Chisen (?«fcigairii)^ 
nam de plume Kanan, author 
(now engaged and given 
chai'ge of investigating the 
history of the War Depait- 
ment); b. in the 4th month 
of the 2nd year of Bunkyu 
(1862) at Mita; A. S. of 
Shinyemon ; m. Rokuko, d.. 
of .Shuzo Shimizu. Ediic. :: 
Ibaraki Normal School, Kei- 
ogijuku-Gaijiku, Shinbungaku- 
sha, Seiritsugakusha and the 
preparatory Course of the 
Tokyo Univ. ' (graduated in 
1884), further' .studied in the 
Literature and Law Colleges 
. of the Tokio Imp. Univ. From 
his student life studied ma- 
naging & editing newspaper 
from Messrs I'ujita and Yano 

ciiid issued a . newspaper intendent of the ; Hbrse 
^* Tokyo Shinpo 1888-92; Administration Bureau, chief 
then vehemen ly criticised commissoner of the Horse- 
Count Okuma's policy regar- plague rnvestigation Com- 
ding the treaty revision; in mittee, etc.; b. the 4th ni: 

1892 entered the Tokyo of the ist y. of Many en 
Nickinicki Skinbtin (a daily (i860) in Yamanashi Pre- 

paiper) as chief editor; then fecture; m. Kono, sister of 

Had great discussion with the Kuniichiro Komiyama. Edtic. : 

late Minoru Kuga ■ supporting graduated from the Military 

the late Prince- Ito then College (1886). He was 

premier ; proceeded to Eurdpe appointed Sub-Lieti'tehant of 

and America, 1896-98 ; again Cavalry (June i886j; Lieu- 

■Av«nt abroad, i90i'-02;' had tenant (Nov. 1888 J; Captain 

friendly interview with Sir (Nov. 1892). He participated 

. Donald Mackenzy Wallace, in the war with China as 
Browits, Chirol . & Ravino; commander of a cavalry 
Publication: the future written company and distinguished 
Language of Japan- (Japa- himself in fighting bravely 
riese). Address: i2f Haku- and heroically! with the help 
sangoten, ' Koishikawa^ku, of a few men against the 
Tokyo. Clubs: '- Tokyo; enemy consisting of a large 
Nippon. . ...; -nurnber of ' Manchurian 
~ Asakawa, Sehei.c^SJiVSS-^), cavalry and was severely 
lieutenant colonel of • artillery, wounded over' the iaffair; 
com. of the 7th regiment of Major (Oct, 1897),; Lieu- 
artillery; (J. 1870 -in Miye- tenant-Colonel (Nov. 1901)'; 

~ken; , Sub-lieutenant,' 1889; Colonel ^^ Oct. 1904); Major-- 

lieutenant, 1892; captain, General (Sept. 19G9); was 

1896; major, 1903; present granted the Third Order 

rank since 1908 and present of the Rising Sun toge- 

pbst since Nov. 191 1. Deco- ther_ with the Third Class 

rations: .5th order of S. T., of-- the Golden Kite in 

4th order of" R.S., 5th class recognition of his merit in 

of G; K.' Address : the com. connection with the Russo- 

bffice of the 7th artillery,' re- Japanese War. Address: 

^iment, Asahigawa, Hokkai- No. 53 Hiakunincho Okubo' 

do. ■ ' n^ra, Tokyo. Tel.: 21 11 

' Asa^aw.i, Toshinotu (.^ )\\ Bancho. 
®t "!!?i^y Major-General, super^ Asako, Hambei CSfT^^Rff). 

[ 47 ] 

A rich merchant ; b. Nov. 
the 2nd y. of Meiji (1869) 
in the prefecture of Saitama; 
e. s. of the late Hambei 
Asako; m. Moto. Address: 
Kusakamachi, Kitaadachi- 
giin, Saitama-ken. 

Asakuno, Kanjuro (IS/^ifM 
i*SP). colonel,_ corn, of the ist 
infanfiy""Feg'rnent; b. 1869 in 
©tt£pEen7~'~" .Sub-lieutenant, 
1893; lieutenant, 1895; cap- 
tain, 1898; Major, 1904; 
lieut. colonel, 1907 ; present 
rank, 191 1. Dec. 5th order 
of S. T., 4th order of R. S., 
3rd class of G. K. Address:, 
88 Minamicho, Yotsuya-ku, 

Asakura, Bunzo (^% -^ % H); 
■Igakuhakiishi, Director of the 
Asakura Hospital; b. Sept. 
1863, in Gumma-ken; 2nd 
s. of Yoshinori Asakura; m. 
Koj 3rd d. of Shozo Sawa. 
Educ: graduated from the 
College of Medicine in the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
i888.' Address: No. 25, 5 
chome, Fujimicho, Kqjimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2900; 2901; 

' Asami, Matazo Q^M^XM), 
President of the Taiko Steam- 
ship Co., Director of the 
Ujigawa Electric Co.; b. 
Feb. the 9th y. of Meiji 
'{i^yG) in the prefecture of 
Shiga; 2nd s. of the late 
Matazo Asami; m. Maki 

2nd d of Hikosaburo Walca- 
mori. Address: Nagahama- 
machi, Sakatagun, Prefecture 
of Shiga. 

Asano, Chokan, (v^ if :B£i)i), 
Marquis, Lord-in- Waiting in 
the Jako Hall, Member of the 
House of Peers, Director of 
the Fifteenth Bank, etc,; /;. 
the 7 th ni. of the 13th j/. of 
Tempo (1842) in Hiroshima, 
Province of Aid; e. s. of 
Yusho Asano, brother of 
Naganori Asano, Daimyo of 
Hiroshima, and adopted by 
the latter in the 3rd. j/. of 
Ansei. Early in the Restora- 
tion Era, he embraced the 
cause of the Emperor and 
took active part in the battles 
of Fushimi and Toba with a 
large number of troops imder 
his command, for which 
service he was afterward 
granted by the Emperor an 
annual pension of ten thou- 
sand koku of rice. In 1867, 
he was appointed one of the 
Councillors tQ_tlj&^-Iaifi£rial_ 
Government and afterwards 
Governor of Hiroshima Pre- 
fecture. In 1880, he was 
transferred and made Coun- 
cillor of the Senate and then 
entered the diplomatic ser- 
vice, receiving an appoint- 
ment as Envy Extraordinary 
and Minister Plenipotentiary 
to Italy in 1882. After 
retiring from the Government 

[ 48 ] 

service, <he ivas elected Mem- 
bef of the House of Peers 
in 1890.. Address: 'No. 3, 
Yayoicho, Hongo, Tokyo. 
Tel.-: 81 Sliitaya. 

Asano, Chotaro Q% if A ic 
5P), ex- Member of the House 
of Peers (representative of 
highest taxpayers of Toyama- 
ken); d. Aug. 1856; 2nd s. 
of Ito Asano; m. Naka, ist 
d. of Toyozo Fujise. Ad- 
dress: Sasakura, Hoshihaya- 
rmira, Nei-gun, Toyama-ken. 

Asano, Isamu Q% gf ^), 
ex - Paymaster -General of 
Navy, Presiding Director of 
the 68th Bank; l>. the 2nd 
m: of the 2nd y. of Ansei 
(1855) in the province of 
Yamato; 2nd s. of Kumae- 
mon Yamada and adopted 
hy the late Rakuzo Asano; 
m. Kuni, sister of Norimchi 
Tazuka. Address: No. 17, 
Nabeya-cho, Nara city, pro- 
vince of Yamato. 

Asano, M:%sT.yasu.(->$g:j£^), 
»lSfi.«iiftr.?ft£?jber of the Naval 
Material Sept., instructor of 
the Naval college; b. 1869,. 
Ediic. : Naval Academy. 
Lieut, com., Dec. 1867; com., 
Sept. 1899;.. second Cap., 
Dec. 1905. Decorations: 
3rd order of R. S., 4th order 
of S. T., 5th class of G. K. 
Address : 2 Tameike, Aka- 
sakaku, Tokyo. 

Asano, BEbrio Q^ if =3= ^, 

13ar6n, Member oi the 'HouSe 
of Peers; b. J 2th ni. of the 
2nd y. of 7\nsei' (1855) in 
Hiroshima, province of Akj-; 
uncle of Marquis .Asano";-;:;;?.. 
Mitsu, sister of Viscount 
Higashizono. Since 1 874!, 
he was in the service of the 
Department of Communi- 
cations as postmaster. H<; 
was elected member of the 
House of Peers in 1905. 
Address: No. 3, Yayoicho, 
Flongo, Tokyo 

Asano, OsuUe (5;t if Hft))., 
Kogaku-hakushi, Expert .of 
the Department of Communi- 
cations, Professor of' the 
Engineering College of the 
Imp. Univ. of Tokyo, etc.; 
b. the 3rd m. of the 6th y. 
of Ansei (1859) in Chaya- 
inachi, Province of Bitchu; 
3rd s. of Isliun Asano; vi. 
Haru, .sister of Jiijiro Hara. 
Ediic: gradiiated from the 
Engineering College of the 
Imp. Univ. of Tokyo (i88i). 
Appointed Prof. of the; 
Univeirsity (1881); Principal 
of the former Tokyo 
Post and Telegraph School 
(1887); Superintendent of the 
Experimental Office of Elec- 
tricity, Department of Com- 
munication (1891); sent to. 
Europe and America for the 
investigation of . ,' business 
connected ■ with; telegraph, 
telephone, electric light. 

[ 49 ] 

electric railway, etc. (iSpJ-™- 
1895); Advisor to tlie Tokyo 
Street Improvement Com- 
mittee (1895); Constructed 
the submarine cable between 
Osumi and Formosa (1895— 
1897); granted the degree 
of Ksgakii-kaknshi (1899); 
has been in the present post 
ever since. Address: No. 
148, KSgaicho, Azabu, To= 
kyo. Tel.: 94 Shtba. 

Asano, SSichiro i^ If jjg, ,- 
W)i President of, the Toy5 
Steamship Co. and of the 
Asano Cement Co., etc.; b. 
the 3rd m. of the 1st f. of 
Kayei (1848) in Toyama, 
province dT Etchu; 4th s. of 
Taijun Asano; m. Sakti, 2nd 
d- <£ Choemon Suzuki. He 
early came up to Tokyo and 
established himself as a coal 
mtM'chaat after encountering 
many hardships- Later he 
organized the Asano Cement 
Works ill Fukagswa, Tokyo, 
which has been nmning very 
prosperously ever since, 
bringing him a ccaiside'rable 
amoont of pr<A. la i885., 
he began -with his qwjj capi- 
tal, a shipping and traiKper- 
tatidaa buaness by establish- 
ing the Toyo Steamship £,0. 
Recently he succeeded in 
openmg ap a direct steamship 
service iitween Japaa and 
South America. In addition 
to the Ccanpanies above 

mentioned, he ig connected 
with the Tokyo Gas, Tokyo 
Card-board Manufacturing, 
Tokyo Artificial Manure, 
and Namboku Petroleum 
Companies, Address; No. 
16, gchome, Tamaebi, Sbiha» 
Tokyo. Tel.: 9.88 Shiba. 

Asano, YokicW (^ » ^ ti'U 
ex-Member of the House of 
Representatives; b, March 
i868, in Fukuoka Prefecture; 
1st s. of Tamesaburo 
Asano, a smnurai; m. 
Matsu, 3rd ^. of MichitosM 
Toyama. a samtirai of Fuku^ 
oka. EdH£. :_ graduated from 
the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial &hool.. Once was 
principal of the Kurtfniie 
Commercial School, Member 
of Kurume Chamber of 
Conamerce, .Editor-in-chief of 
Jyoshu SJiimbufl, etc.; is 
now one of the editors of the 
Osaka Asahi Shimbua, 
decorated with 4th Ofder 
cf Merit. Address: She|iffia- 
maehi, Kurume, F*daJoka=- 

Asanuma, Tdkieiii (>}J Jg H 
"§)» Representative partner 
of the Tokyo Import and 
Export Co., Proprietor of the 
Asanuma firm; i. tlie ist m.(£ 
the 5th year of Kayei (1852) 
in Tokyo; e. s. M Zenshipo 
Asanuma; m. Toyo, e. d. .of 
Ketkiehi Morita. He is now 
carrying on an extensive 

[ 50 1 

business for the manufacture Society, Japan Shipbuilding 
of lithographic apparatus and Society, etc. % - 
as a druggist.- He has also Asayama, Iku'iro ^ iii fg 
various factories and show- ^ IP)) lgaknhaktishi,^^x^ 
rooms of his own establish- of the College, of Medicine 
ment in different quarters of" in the Kyoto Imp. Univ.; 
the city. Address : Hirakawa- '^r"lIavc1C"T^6l7"in Kyoto; 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 7'e/.: 2nd s. of Hajime Asayama, 
339 Bancho. a samurai; m. Mika, 
Asaoka Mitsutoslii (jj jsg j® 2nd d. of Sokan Kazaka. 
4S)>]hisp£Ctor of the Naval. £'^7/<r.: graduated from the 
_KJXA&Mff£S-!,,"^^^^>^^^^^^i^^ College of medicine in the 
Department of Material of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1874; 
Navy;, d. the nth m. .of studied ophthalmology in 
the 1st f., of Bunkyu (1861) - Gefitiahy, 1898-— 1902. In- 
in Matsuyama, Province of structor in the Kyoto Me- 
lyo; s. of the late Hampei dical School, 1887; Assistant 
Toshima; m. Fuji, 2nd d. of Prof, in the College 'of 
Sitsuzo Naito. Educ. : grad- Medicine of the Kyoto Im- 
uated from the Keiogijihi perial University, 1901; Prof, 
and then from a British Naval of the same Institution, 1902; 
College. Entered the Imp. Igakuhakushi, 1903; de- 
Navy in 1883 as Midshipman corated with 6th Order 
and after due promotions of Merit. Address: Muroma- 
attained the present rank, chi, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. Tel.: 
Sept. 1907 ; sent to England 4636 Kami. 
as superintendent of naval AsMda, Junzaburo (g h WS 
Construction, 1889-1892; to 2 SR)' Director of the_ K6- 
the United States, 1895- 1896; noike Bank and of the Osaka 
again sent to England, ] 904- Warehouse Co., Auditor of 
1906 ; Chief of the Constru- the usaka Savings Bank; b. 
ction Dep't of the Maizuru the 9th m. of the ist y. of 
Naval. Station, 1907; Chief Ansei (1854) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of the Construction Dep. of of the late Kujuro Ashida; 
the Saseho Naval Station, m. Shin, adopt, d. of Baron 
1908; present post since Matsuo. Address: No. 
1909. Address : Iriaraimura., 21, 2 chome, Imabashi, 
Ebaragun, Tokyo- fu. Clubs: Higashiku, Osaka. Tel.: 22,^0 
British Shipbuilding Society, Honkyoku. 
Anglo-Japanese Shipbuilding Ashili- ra, Nobuyuki eg ^, 

C SI ] 

•fn ^)> Surgepn Lieiitenant- 
ColoneJ, Chief of the Medical 
Department of the 17th 
Army Division; b. 1870 in 
Kyoto. Surgeon Sub-Lieu- 
tenant (Nov. 1 891); Surgeon- 
Lieutenant (Dec. 1894); 
Surgeon-Captain (Oct. 1897); 
Surgeon-Major (Nov. 1902); 
Surgeon - Lieutenant - Colonel 
(Dec. 1907), Address: The 
Medical Department of the 
17th Army Division, lijima- 
mura, Mitsugun, Okayama- 

, AsMno, Keisaburo (S if ®C 
H ||>), Naval Instructor, ^-In- 
structor of the Naval Staff 
College; b. Dec. 1867; 2nd 
s. of Hisashi Ashino, a sa- 
mtirai; in. Fumi, 1st d- pf Ki- 
chikyo Tsuji, samtirai. Educ. : 
graduated from the college 
■of Science in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1 8 8"8j stu- 
died in Europe and Ame- 
rica. Appointed Instructor 
of the Naval Staff College, 
May, 1890. Rewarded with 
4th Order of merit. Address: 
No. 71 Kikugawa-cho, Hon- 
go-ku, Tokyo. 

Aso, Jiro (gjt ^ - 115), Di- 
rector of the Osaka branch 
of the Bank of Japan; 
i. Mar. the 4th y. of Meiji 
(1871) at Osaka; adopt. 5. of 
the late Buhei Aso. Early 
entered the service of the 
Bank of Japan where he held 

for a number of years the 
post of the managership of 
the Nagoya branch office; 
appointed Director of National 
Loan Bureau of the bank, 1910, present post since 
Oct. 19 1 2. Address:, Naka- 
noshima, Osaka. 

Aso, Skozo (Jft ^ JE pgj). 
Superintendent of the Japan 
Women's University (Private); 
b. the 1st m. of ' the ist y. 
of Gwanji (1864) in lida- 
mura, Kusu-gun, Prefecture 
of Oita; 6th s. of Kanzo 
A-so;- m. Kishiyo, sister of 
Kiyotaro Ozawa. Educ: 
graduated from the Doshi- 
sha, Kyoto (1882—1887); 
studied Philosophy in the 
Imperial University of Tokyo 
(1887 — 1889). He succes- 
sively became teacher to the 
Niigata Hokuyetsu Gak- 
kan, the Niigata Girls' 
School, the Osaka Baika 
Girls' School, etc. and was 
finally engaged as Professor 
at the Doshisha "College in 
1893. In 1893, he went to 
Europe, and after investiga- 
ting the conditions of female 
education there returned^ 
home in 1897. Since 1893, 
he in company with Mr. 
Ninzo Naruse, after great 
efforts succeeded in estab- 
lishing the Japan Women's 
University and when it was 
finally organized in 1901 he 

f 5^ 1 

became President and also a 
J^'ofesfebr of tlie same, Re- 
cf'eattons : reading;. ' clieekers, 
arid elia't WilM boys. Address : 
No. i8 Toyerkawa-ciio, Ta- 
kafa; Koislaikawa, Tokyo. 

Asiike, Eosei (i^%%- i)j 
Expert of the Osaka Local 
Government office; b. the 
lOth m. of the sth y. -of 
Ansei (1858) in Choshu; e. s. 
of Meizen Asuke; in. Tsuru, 
sister of Sorou Fukuhara. 
Address: No. 51, Utsubo 
Minami-d'ori, 5 chome, Nishi- 
ku, Osaka. 

Atomi, Kabei (S 1, ?E ^), 
Lady Paiiiter, Principal of 
Atoirii Girls' school; 6. 4th 
riiontb of nth year of Ten- 
po (1840) in a village near 
Osaka (Settsu); 2nd d. of 
Jiikei At&mi, a Settsu man. 
Her name is Takino and the 
so called Kakei is iiom ds 
pMinie. EdiK.: while young 
site studied , painting from 
Tbzan tshigaM and Sosan 
Maktoo, Chfoese classics 
from Shoin Goto, poetry and 
hahdwfiting (Chirography) 
from Setsuan Miyahara, paint- 
ing again from Oriu Maruya- 
ma; in Kyoto. Established the 
Atbmi girls' school at Tokyo 
(1876) and since that time 
niany girfe especially in noble 
society have been educated 
there; Address: No. .27, 
¥anagima<:hi, Koishikawa, 

Tokyo. Tel.: 4/0 Bancho. 

Atinai, ■&htHix&6 CgJ: M. Jf T)^ 
Lady paiiiter, fiom de fhiiite 
is Gyokiishi; b. 1855 in Tokyo; 
d^ of Kafeuyo AtSmi, a Sn- 
mhrai of Shfagu cfan. EdUe. r 
painting froril Gyoktthb Ha- 
segawa and Gyokucho Mi- 
yazaki; handwriting from 
Ekian Miyahara, a pupil oS 
the famous Rai Saiiyo, and 
again from Gyokusen MocM- 
zuki at Kyoto. Served as 
teacher at several schools in 
Kyoto and Tokyo. Add^ 
ress: Imagawakoji, Kanda, 

Atsunii, JiEagojuro (^ JU ^ 
+ Rl>)) Director of the Sen- 
dai Rice Exchange and the 
77th Bank; President of the 
Miyagi Agricultural and Iri- 
dustrial Bank, Member of the 
Sendai. Chamber of Com- 
merce; b. the 1st m. of the 
1st jj'. of Kayei (1848) in the 
prefecture of Miyagi; 2nd s- 
of Chozo Chiba and adopted 
by the Atsumi family; ?».. 
Kiiio. One of the prominent 
business men of Sendai. Ad- 
dress : Itchoyu-mura, Kuri- 
hara-gun, 'Pi'efecture ot Mi- 

Atsuxni, Tetsu (M ^ M)y 
Pres. of Nippon Kyodo Tea- 
Manufacturing Co-., Ltd'.; b. 
i860 in the province of 
Musashi; e. s. rf Riyata 
Atsumi, a samtirm in Shinobu, 

[ 53 I 

Oaa. Edttc: studied at 
Kobiisfw Denshin Gakko 
(defunct Telegraph School), 
187,7. Took part as T. 
Oper'ator in the Satsuma 
rebellion ; District Official 
in Hyogo-ken, 1883 — 1886; 
Manager of the Sliiga & 
Co., 1886; tlien entered the 
N. Y. K. to the Sub-M.z.xi. 
of the Yokohama Branch; 
and present post since 
1907. Address: Konyamachi, 
Shizuoka ken. 

Awano, Kenjiro (^ if <ft ^ 
110> Prof, at the 2nd High 
School; b. 1864 in Iwate- 
prefecture; e. s. of Takumi 
Awano, a samurai. . Educ: 
passed the Government ex- 
aminations to be an instructor 
■of middle schools, 1886. 
Assist. — Instructor of Tokyo 
Middle School, 1886; Prof 
of the First High School, 
1889; then transferred to 
present post 1892; sent_ 
Address : Kita-San6ancHo, 

A'wataguclii, Sadataka (ig gj 
PS#). Baron (cr. 1883); 
i>. Dec. 1837, in Kyoto; m. 
Taka-ko, 1st d. of Nobuatsu 
Okumura. Is the descendant 
of the famous Kamatari Fuji- 
wara. Address: Ichijoagaru, 
Muromachi-dori, Kamikyoku, 

Awatsu, Kiyosiike (^ gE ^ 

^)> Expert of insurance^ Hdr 
gaktikakuski, Pi'of of tlie Cd- 
lege of Law in the Tokyo 
Imperial Univ., President of 
Nippon Accident Insurance 
Co., Advisor to the Aikoku 
Life Insurance Company; b. 
April, 1 89 1, in Kyoto. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Imperi- 
al Univerity, 1894; further 
studied in Europe and Tirne- 
rica. Attended the Inter- 
national Actuarical Congress 
in Paris and New York as 
the representative of the Jap- 
anese insurance companies, 
1903. Publications: Essays 
on Insurance; Science of In- 
surance, etc. Address: No. i, 
3 chome, Misakicho, Kanda, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1695 Hon- 

Ayabe, Riyemon (^ §|5 %\\ y^ 
fi P1)> President of the Kawa- 
goe Electric Railway Co., 
Vice-President of the 85th 
Bank and Chairman of Kawa- 
goe Chamber of Commerce, 
etc.; b. the 6th m. of the 
1st jf. of Manyen (1865) in 
the province of Musashi; e. 
s. of the late Riyemon Aya- 
be; m. Shima, sister of 
Sangoro Matsuoka. Address: 
Kawagoemachi, Iruma-gun, 
Prefecture of Saitajna. 

Ayabe, Sobei m^it^&, 
A Druggist, Member of the 
House of Representatives; 

[ 54 ] 

b. the 6th in. of the 3rd y. 
of Keivvo (1867) in the pre- 
fecture of Saitama; e. s. of 
So Ayabe; m. Sai, sister of 
Takayasu Kyogoku. ' Educ: 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Pharmaceutical School. Be- 
gan practice as a pharmacist; 
was . subsequently elected 
member of the prefectural 
Assembly and Vice-President 
of the Kawagoye Chamber 
of Commerce, etc.; member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives since 1907 ; a member 
of the Kokuminto (National 
Party). Address: Kawagoe, 
Iruma-gun, Saitama-ken. 

Azuma, Shogo (§• M Bt HlJ). 
Igakiihakttshi, vice-President 
of the Hamada Frauenheil- 
-kunde Hospital.;. "He "was 
born at Akita, province of 
Ugo. Graduating from the 
Medical College of the Im- 
perial University of Tokyo in 
the 22nd year of Meiji (1893), 
he was appointed assistant 
professor of the same college 

and was ordered to proceed 
to Germany to continue his 
medical study (1898 — -1901). 
After his return from abroad, 
he was appointed professor 
of the Medical College cf the 
Imperial University of Kyoto 
and afterwards Examiner of 
the Fifth Industrial Exhibition 
at Osaka. In later years, he 
resigned all his official posts 
and is now the vice-President 
of the Hamada Frauenheit- 
kunde Hospital in Tokyo. 
Address: No. 21 Maruyama 
Shinmachi, Hongo, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2286 Shitaya. 

Azuma, Takeshi (^ J^V 
M. H. R., Dir of Hokkai 
Times Co.; b. 1869 in the 
province of Yamato. Educ. 
studied Law at Tokyo Hd- 
gakuifi (ChiJo Univ.). Went 
to Hokkaido and was enga- 
ged in cultivation; elected 
M. H. R. 1908; member of 
Seiytikai (a political party)- 
Address: Odori, Sapporo. 

[ 55 ] 


B--ba, Genii (g # jg Jg), 
Judge; President of Hiroshi- 
ma Court of Appeal; b. Aug. 
i860; 2nd s. of Shobei Ba- 
ba. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Law in the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1885. Appointed a Junior 
Judge in Tokyo Court, i886; 
Judge, and President of Yo- 
kohama District Court, 1890; 
Councillor of the Department 
of Justice, 1891; President 
of Tokyo District Court and 
then Judge of Tokyo Court 
of Appeal; sectional chief of 
Tokyo Court of Appeal, 1896; 
President of Urawa District 
Court, 1 898, and shortly after, 
transfered as Judge of the 
Court of Cassation; was or- 
dered to go to England and 
America, 1899 ; decorated 
with 3rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress: Hiroshima Court of 
Appeal, Komachi, Hiroshima. 

Baba, Sinsuke (,g "^ ^ ^), 
Director of the Nikkan Print- 
ing Co., Ltd.; i>. Saitama- 
prefecture, Dec. 1866; ist i-. 
of Baba, Tahei; m. Tetsu, 
adopt, d. of Inoue Seifu. 
Address: No. 12 sanchome, 
Nishikicho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 3233 Honkyoku. 

Baba, MicMbisa ^•'^'M.^ji 
President of Iwase Bank and 
many other large Cos:, Au- 

ditor of the Keihin Electric 
Railway Company, the Nihon 
Paint Co., etc.; b. 1846, 
Toyama prefecture. Mem- 
ber of Toyama Prefectural 
Assembly, 1883 ; headman 
of Higashi-iwase, a town 1889; 
member of House of Peers, 
1890 — 1897. Address: No. 
16 Tori-nichome, Nihonbashi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel-'- 1225 cho- 

Baba, Saburo (.g ^ = j|{). 
Lord Steward to Prince Fu- 
shimi; b. in Saga Prefecture 
Aug. 1865; 2nd s. of Kyoto- 
sht Baba; m. Fuku. Decorat- 
ed with 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address : Tatsumimon, Ao- 
yama palace. Tel.: 1980 

Ban, Naonosuke ({$: g ^ ^), 
nom de plume,- " Chisai" \ 
import and export merchant. 
Director of the Manshu Horse 
Improvement Co., etc. ; b. the 
8th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Bunkyu (1862) in Tokyo. ; s. 
of Toichiro Oshima, a samu- 
rai, and adopted by Naokiyo 
Ban, a samurai of Kokura 
clan ; m. . Kine, 2nd. d. of 
Shindai Yanagizawa. Educ. : 
studied under the late famous 
scholar Keiu Nakamura ; 
graduated from the Donin- 
sha, 1880. Entered the 
Tokyo Keizai Zasshisha 
(Tokyo Economic Magazine 
Publishing Office) as its writer 

[ 56 ] 

and becalfte at the same tifile 
CoMribator t& the VamaHashi 
KyVchu SMmbun, a daily- 
papier' published at Kofu, 
Yaiftaaashi-ke«) 1880; Chief 
clerk of the Chiba Prefectural 
Assembly, 1 884 ; chief writer 
erf the Vsaka Rikken Shim- 
bun, 1 886 ; started the publi- 
cation of the Talhei Shimbun 
in company with Tsuneteru 
Miyagawa and others, 1887 ; 
Lecturer of the Kyoto Do shi- 
sha, 1887; established in 
ccanpany with the late J. 
Niishima the Kyoto Nursery 
School, the first of its kind 
in Japan, 1887 ; Manager of 
the Ryomo Railway Co., 
which he founded in company 
with the late Ukichi Taguchi, 
Eiichi Shibusawa and others, 
1888; Director of the Oda- 
wara Tramway Co., 1889; 
General Manager of the Ban- 
tan . Railway Co., 1895 ; 
elected Member of the 
House of Representatives, 
the same year ; Manager 
of the Kyoto Railway Co., 
1896; Director of the same, 
1902; Manager of .the Kyoto 
Chinese -Language School, 
1903 ; Director and there 
President of the Iwa Railway 
Co., 1907 \ Employe of the 
Imp. Railway Board, 1908 ; 
Couftcillor of the same, i^foS ; 
Chief Clerk of the Osaka 
Chamber of Commerce, 1909 ; 

present post since January 
19 1 2. Recreations: riding, 
archery, swimming, painting, 
chirography, tdai^^\xs\c, etc. 
Address : No 1$, Osakim'achi, 
Ebara-gun, Tokyo-^fu. Tet. : 
3379 Sbiba. 

Bando, Kangoro (M^'B'S. 
II5)) Member of the House of 
Representatives; b. Jan. 1S61, 
in Tokushima-ken; ist s. of 
Tsunegoro Bando; m. Seki, 
sister of Sataro Kume. Bditc: 
studied Law, Politics and 
Poitical Economy. After ren- 
dering services as member 
of rural district and pre- 
fectural assemblies, and as 
Councillor and Vice-President 
of Prefectural assembly, was 
elected member of the House 
of Representatives for Toku- 
shima-ken in 1894. Decora- 
ted with the 4th Order of 
Merit in recognition of his 
services during the Russo- 
Japanese War. Address; No. 
16 nichome, Tsukiji, Kyo- 
bashiku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1-843 

BMiao, Otoya, (ff if Zi *)» 
Auditor of the Japan In- 
dustrial Bank; b. in Tokyo, 
April, 1867; 2nd s. of Ban- 
no Saiegusa; m. Misa, ist d. 
of Yashiro Norinaga, Educ. 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Im- 
perial Univei-sity, i'892. Ser- 
ved in the Financial Depart- 

[ 57 3 

ment, but resigning entered 
the Industrial bank on its 
formation. Address: No. 3 
Nichome, Kayacho,' Ushigo- 
meku, Tokyo. Tel.: 258 

Bansai, Bihacliiro (^Sjf))A 
H»)> colonel of artillery, mem- 
ber of the General Staff 
office; b. 1873 i" Tokyo. 
Sub-lieut., March 1892; lieut., 
Oct. 1894; captain, Oct. 
1897; major, June 1903; 
jieut. colonel, Nov. 1907 ; 
present rank, Feb. 191 2. 
Decorations : 4th order of E.. 
S., 5th order of S. T., 4th 
class of G. K. Address : Gen- 
eral Staff Office, Tokyo. 

Banto, Shucho (« :^ ^ H), 
/. n. Katsutaro Kaneko, 
Actor; b. 1880 in Tokyo; 
adopted s. of the 2nd Shia- 
cho Banto; in. Fukuko, d. 
of his foster-father. Ediic.i 

privately. From his boy- 
hood he was studying Utat 
and when he was 17 years 
old he became one of the 
pupils of the late Danjuro. 
Three years after he was 
adopted by the 2.nd Shueho; 
and after three years he has 
became the third Shucho; 
He is well known as an ex- 
cellent actor of female char- 
acter, so that once upon a 
time when he played a fe- 
male part at a theatre of 
Yokohama he was regarded 
as a true woman by some 
foreigners. Publications: Yo- 
garasu (night crow), Tsuki- 
hitotsti (one moon), both are 
Japanese drama. Recreations: 
music, shooting, billiard. Ad- 
dress : 7g Kaminegishi, Shita- 
ya-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 2i96 Shi- 

[ 58 ] 

Chayama, Toyoya (^lilStt)i 
captain, director of the Mai-. 
dzuru Port Affairs Dept.; b. 
1866. Educ: Naval Acade- 
my. Lieut, com., Dec. 1 897 ; 
com., Sept. 1900; second cap., 
August 1905. Decorations : 
3rd order of R. S., 4th order 
of S. T. Address : Maidzuru. 

Chiba, Naoe (^ H a tt), 
Judge; President of Matsu- 
yama District Court; b. Sept. 
i855j_»«. Aya, 1st d. of Kam- 
bei Okawara, a samurai < f 
Yamagata. Passed the ex- 
amination for Bench, 1887; 
after holding posts of Judge 
of Shidzuoica District court, 
Chief Judge of Nagano Dis- 
trict Court, Chief Judge of 
Utsunomiya District Court, 
and President of Nemuro- 
District Court, was ultimately 
raised to present post. De- 
corated with 4th Order of 
Merit. Address: Public resi- 
dence of the President of 
Matsuyama District Court, 
Matsuyama, Ehime-ken. 

Cliiba, Sadamoto C^ ^ A Ifr)) 
Governor of Nagano; b. in 
Yamato-province, Feb. 1852; 
1st. s. of Kiyomune Chiba; 
m. Miyo, sister of Wakao, 
Shinichi. Ediic: studied law 
in Tokyo. President of Oka- 
zaki Local Court, 1877; 
Public procurator, 1881; 

Councillor of the Department 
of Justice, 1887; President 
of Otsu District Court, 1891; 
President of Okayama Dis- 
trict Court, 1894; President 
of Kobe District Court, 1 895 ; 
Councillor of the Court of 
Administrative ■ Litigation, 
1900. Decorated with 3rd 
Order of Merit. Address: 
Official house. No. 5, Agata- 
cho, Nagano-shi, Nagano- 

Chiba, Toshijiro (-T H ffe ^ 
MR); Igakithakiishi, Proprietor 
of the Mazumi Hospital in 
Tokyo; <5. Dec. 1863 in the 
prefecture of Chiba; e. s., of 
Haruki Chiba, a samurai of 
Yamaguchi clan; m. sister 
of Kungo Ogawa. Educ. 
graduated from the Medical 
College of the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo. Appointed , 
assistant Prof, of the Im- 
perial University of Tokyo; 
went to Germany and stayed 
there abgut three years; after 
his return he was appoint- 
ed prof of the same; now 
proprietor of the Mazumi 
Hospital in Tokyo. Address.. 
No. 25, Sanchome, Tamachi 
Ichigaya, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 363 Bancho. ,_ 

Chiba, Yajima <c^nm^ 
.S)) Doctor; one of the 
highest taxpayers. . of Chiba 
Prefecture; b. May, -rSfe, in 
Chiba Prefecture; ist s. of 

[ 59 1 

Shoya Chiba; m. Mitsu, sis- 
ter of Taninobu Kamishiro.. 
Edttc: graduated from the 
College of Medicine in the 
Tokyo Imperial. University, 
1 89 1. For many generations 
his family have been doctors; 
is specially famous for his 
thorough knowledge of 
Ophthalmology. Address: 
Tsurue - mura, Chosei - gun, 
Chiba Prefecture. 

Chicliiiwa, Yeiichi (^ ■* :^ 
3i — )) Director of Osaka 
Branch of the Marine Trans- 
portation Fire Insurance 
Company (Kaijo-unyu-Kwa- 
sai-hoken - kabushiki - kaisha) ; 
b. Aug. 1851, in Saga Pre- 
fecture; 1st s. of Shingo 
Chichi-iwa, a samurai of 
Saga; in. Nao, 1st d. of 
Naoemon Harima. Once 
served as Police Inspector of 
HyOgo-ken, Headman of 
Tengoku-gun in Saga-ken, 
Police Inspector of the Metro- 
politan Police Office, Com- 
missioner of the Formosan 
Governrrient, Address : No. 
57, 4 chome, Honcho, Higa- 
shi-ku, Osaka. 

diihaya, JVCasaiiJ^o C^ ^ IE 
^ W), Dir, of the Tokyo 
Woollen Manufacturing Co.; 
h. July, 1856 in Nayegimura, 
Enagori, Pi-ovince of Mino. 
He entered the Naval pay- 
master's schoi>l; was promoted 
to assist, paymaster and even- 

tually became Fleet Pay- 
master. He was elected 
member of the House of Re- 
presentatives in 1908. Ad- 
dress : No. 36, Nakacho, Ushi- 
gomeku, Tokyo. Te/.: 2130 

Ciiikaiio, Yasuzo (igIF/f.l3)> 
colonel of engineer, chief 
staff of the 17th Army Divi- 
sion; b. 1867 at Kumamoto. 
Sub. lieut., June 1886; lieut., 
Nov. 1890; captain, April 
1895 ; major, June 1901 ; 
lieut. colonel, June 1904 ; 
colonel, March 1908. De- 
corations : 3rd order R. S., 
4th order of S. T., 3rd class 
of G. K. .Address: Okayama. 

Chikasliige SCasunxi (ig ■^ 
iR. !®)> Rigakuhakushi, ]B\^C. 
S. (London), Prof of the 
College 'of' Science and 
Engineering of the Imperial 
University at Tokyo; b. May 
1870 in Kochi, province of 
Tosa; son of Yashihohiko 
Chikasuini. Ediic. : graduat- 
ed from the Tokyo English 
Language School (1885-6), 
the First High School (i 886- 
1891), the College of Science 
(1891-1894), the University 
Hall (1894-9), the University 
of Gettingen (1905-7), the 
University of Berlin (1907), 
the University of Paris (1907 
-1908) where he specially 
studied chemistry, was ap- 
pointed pnjfessor of the Fifth 

1 €o 3 

High school (1986-8); assist- 
ant professor of the College 
of Science and . Engineering 
at the University of Kyoto, 
(1898 — 1908); professor of 
the Science and Engineering 
College of the Imperial Uni- 
versity (since 1908). Public- 
ations: "Discussion of Zen," 
and some essays concerning 
natural science. Recreation: 
Literature. Address : Shin- 
machi, Nakaitachi-dori, Kyo- 

Chinda, Sutemi (#: B| ^ B)? 
Viscount (cr. 191 1), Japanese 
Ambassador to ■V\Aashington; 
•5 at Hirosaki, . Dec. ■ 1856; 

1st s. of Yufu Chinda, a 
snmurai of Tsugaru clan; in. 
Iwa, 3rd d. of Itsuro Yama- 
naka. Ediic: graduated, at ^ 
an American University;, j88 1 .^_ 
Appointed a clerk of the 
Foreign Office, 1885, and 
changed to Telegraph Section 
in the same office; Consul 
at San Francisco, 1 8^7 re- 

moved to the Con$iilate at 
Cheamlpo; then Goasul-Gene- 
ral at Shanghai, ^ iS9S; Mi- 
nister at ' 'Brazil, ■ next at 
the Hague, 1.899 — 1900; 
Envoy Extraordinary and 
Minister Plenipotentiary at 
St. Petersburg, 1900; Vice- 
Minister of Foreign Affairs, 
1 901; Ambassador to Ger- 
many,- 1908; present 'P-<3st 
since Nov. 1911. Deco.: ist 
Class Sacred Treasure. Ad- 
dress : Japanese Embassy, 

Ohigami, Kiyoomi '^ g^ :^ 
E)> member of the House of 
Peers; b. Nov. 1856 in the 
Prefecture of Kochi (a samu- 
rai of Kochi clan). Edu<:.: 
graduated from the College 
of Literature of the Imperia,l 
University of Tokj'^o. In 
-1886 he went to England 
and stayed, there about four 
years. After his return 
"Home, he was appointed 
Prof, of the First High 
School; Prof, of the Zoshi- 
kwan and the 2nd High 
School. In 1896 he became 
Councillor of the Home 
Office; appointed Governor 
of the Prefectures of Tochigi, 
Miyagi and Kagoshima. In 
1907 was elected member of 
the House ot Peers. Now 
Proprietor of the " Tokyo 
Nipposha" a newspaper office. 
Publication: Text Book of 

[ 6i- ] 

Ethics. Recreation : Read- 
ing. Address: No. 42 Ka- 
minibanchot K6jimaclii-ku. 
Tokyo. TeL: 276CJ Baneho. 

Chi-waki, Morfaiosuke (jJl J§, 
'J i:. W' Principal of the the 
Takyo Dentistry Sch(X)l; d. 
Feb. 1870 in the Abiko- 
machi, Prefecture of Chiba; 
adopt, s. of Chiwaki. Ednc: 
when twelve years old, he 
removed to Tokyo and studied 
at the Aayama-Gakuin and 
Kyoritsu-Gakko (Private); 
graduated from the Keio- 
gijiku when he was nineteen 
years old. Entered the 
" Tokyo Shimposha" a news- 
paper office; taught English in 
the Beihoku-Gakko, a private 
school in Niigata-ken; studied 
dentistry from Kisai Taka- 
yama, a famous Dentist ; 
elected Chief of the Taka- 
yama Dental Hospital; went 
to China in July, 1898-9; 
in 1900 established the 
Tokyo Dental School at 
Kanda, Tokyo and became 
its principal. Pvblication : 
Operative Dentistry. Ad- 

dress : No. 9, Nichome, Misaki 
cho, Kanda, Tokyo. TeL: 
2575, 4240 Honkyoku. 

ehiya Taijiro C=p # # ^ W), 
Judge, President of Shizuoka 
District court; ^. _i86o; y. 
b. of Yeiichtro . Okushi of 
Saidamaken; adopted by Ko 
Chiya. Passed the exami- 
nation for judicial service, 
1892 ; served successively as 
judge at district courts of 
Mito, Mayebashi, Niigata and 
the Tokyo court of appeal ; 
president of Tottori district 
court until 1907 ; present post 
since April 1907. Dec: 4th 
order of merit. Address : 
official residence of Shizuoka 
district court. 

Ch.o, Haruto (^ Hg- g), a 

member of the Diet re- 
presentir^ Yamagata Pre- 
fecture; b. Aug. 1866; m. 
Setsu, 2nd d. of Takaha.shi, 
Goroemon.. Decorated with 
4th Order of Merit. Address : 
No. 3, 1 chome, Motomachi, 
Hongoku, Tokyo. TeL: 3501 

[ 62 


Daido, Eyota (:Jc jM H *)> 
Councillor of the Railway- 
Board; b.- July, 1879 in 
Shiga-ken; ist s. of Seiji 
Daido; m. Sho, sister of 
Yataro Horichi, a samurai 
of Kochi-ken. Educ: grad- 
uated from the College of 
Lav/ in the Tokyo Imperial 
University with honors in 
1903. Passed the Hig:her 
Civil Service Examination, 
1903; Private Secretary to 
Home Minister, 1804; Coun- 
cillor, and then Secretary 
of the Department of Com- 
munications. Address : Of- 
ficial House, No. 2, I chome, 
Sliiodomecho, Shiba, Tokyo. 
Tel. 262,0 Sliimbashi. 

Daido -Seiji ii^ m. W. ?&). 
One of the highest taxpayers 
of Shiga-ken; b. Jan. 1858 
in Shiga-ken; m. Katsu, ist 
d. of his foster-father Eizo 
Daido. Address : Moriyama- 
machi, Yasu-gun, Shiga-ken. 

Daiho, Jin (Jt % Pf). One 
ot the highest taxpayers of 
Aichi-ken; b. Nov. 1871 in 
Aichi-ken; ist s. of Jin Dai- 
ho; m. Kyo, 1st d. of Mago- 
zaemon Ito. Address: No. 
47,, Tomiokamonzen-nakacho, 
Fukagawa, Tokyo. 

Daiko, Yukiclii (:fc "^ S rf)) 
Rigakiihakiishi; Prof, of the 
•^ollege of Science and 

Engineering in the Kyoto 
Imperial University; b. Dec. 
1866; 2nd 5. of Heihachi 
Ameya, a samurai of Ishi- 
kawa-ken, and adopted by 
Cho Daiko; in. Tome, sister 
of Hidehisa Shimoyama, a 
samurai of Saitama-ken. 
Educ: graduated from the 
College of Science in the 
Tokyo Imperial University, , 
1892; studied chemistry in 
Germany, 1899^.1902. Prof, 
of 'the" 5th Higher Middle 
School, 1892; Prof of the 
Higher Normal School, 1896; 
Rigakuhakushi, 1903; present 
post since 1903. Address: 
No. 182, Shimokamomura, 
Atago-gun, Kyoto. 

Daikviliara, Gintaro (:^ IC ig 
ffi i: Ii5)> Nogakuhakushi, An 
Experimental Farm expert; 
b. in Nagano province, Jan. 
1868; adopted 5. of a certain 
Daikuhara, his former name 
being Suzuki ; m. Jun. ist 
d. of Tomotaro Asai. Educ. : 
graduated from the lida Mid- 
dle School, 1887; from ist 
High School, 1 891; from 
College of Agriculture in the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1902. Nogakuhakushi, 1911. 
Address : Official House of the 
Experimental Farm, Nishi- 
gahara, Takinogawa, Tokyo. 

Dan, Takuma (H ^ g;, 
Kogakuhakushi; Director of 
Mitsui Bank, Mitsui mining 

[ <53 ] 

Co., and of Shiba-ura Engi- 
neering Works, etc.; b. 1S58, 
in Fukuoka; w. Yoshi, 1st ^. 
of Kaneko Seizo. Address: 
344 Harajuku, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 
2901 Shiba. 

Bate, Munenobu (^ ^ ^ ^). 
Marquis, Member of the 
House of Peers, Master of the 
Imperial Hunt, former feudal 
Lord of Uwajima, lyo Pro- 
vince; b. Dec. i860; 1st s. 
of Munenori Date who took 
a distinguished part in up- 
holding the cause of the 
Restoration and who, on 
account of his merit and of 
his father's meritorious ser- 
vices to the Empire, was 
afterward granted a higher 
patent of nobility than that 
of the main house at Sendai 
which only tardily supported 
the Imperial cause at that 
time although only held fief 
of 100,000 kokii at Uwajima, 
lyo Province; m. Taka-ko, 
an adopted sister of Marquis 
Yorishina Tokugawa. Ad- 
dress: No. 194, Kita-shina- 
gawa, Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 
Tel.: 925 Shiba. . 

Den, Kenjiro (Eg ^ ^ B|5), 
Baron, President of the 
Kyushii Colliery Steamship 
Co., Member of the House 
of Peers, etc.; b. Feb. the 
2ud of Ansei (1855) in Kai- 
bara-machi, Hikami-gun, Hio- 
go Prefecture: s. of Bumpei 

Den; in. Yasu, e. d. of 
Ankyo Shigeno. Educ: 
studied Chinese Classics 
while young under the tute- 
lage of Seijun Watanabe 
and Seisai Kojima, the 
famouse scholars of the old 
Daimyo, and afterwards 
studied English at the Na- 
goya Foreign Language 
School and other institutions. 
After occupying the post of 
Superintendent of Police in 
the prefectures of Kochi, 
Kanagawa and Saitama he 
was appoirited Secretary of 
the Department of Com- 
munications in the 23rd of 
Meiji (1896) and subsequent- 
ly Director General of posts 
and Telegrajshs in the same 
Departrrient. ' .'In 1898 and 
in 1901, he twice -became 
Vice-Minister of Cofiimunica- 
tions i» the Ito Cabinet and 
also held the same post for 
the third time in the Katsura 
Cabinet in 1903 ; resigned 
the post when he was made 
a member of the House 
of Peers in 1906; had been 
elected member of the House 
of Commons. He went to 
Europe and, America in 
1893 and represented Japan 
at the International Tele- 
gra[)hic conference at Buda- 
Pesth. He was created 
Baron and received the 2nd 
Order of the Rising Sun in 

[ 64 ] 

1907 in recognition of his 
meritorious services rendered 
to the State during the 
Russo-Japan^e war. He has 
aisn received Decorations 
from the Governments of 
France, Denmark, Austria, 
Turkey, Roumania, etc. Ad- 
dress: No. 50, Hommuracho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Til: 18 
Shiba. Chibs : Saiwai Club; 
Doki Club. 

Dewa, SMgeto ({B ^ « ^), 
Admi ral (ap. ' 12), Baron (cr, ' 

1907).; b. m Aidzu, Dec. 
ii)55; 1st 5, of Sataro De- 
wa ; m. Yiiki, i st d.' of 
Sliiaaei Onuma. Educ: grad- 
uated ifrem the Naval Aca- 
demy, 1882. Lieutejiaat, 
1884; Vice-C( inuiaander of 
7kka0, 1885; granted 4th 
class of Golden Kite for his 
service ia tlie Jaiau-China 
war; wits chabf of the Com- 
mittee ordered to England 
to bring feme the crujisier 
Tokkp<a, 1^9. In tlie Boxer 

trouble, was the Commander 
of the Asama; R^r- Admiral, 
and appointed Commander 
of Saseho Standing Squadron, 
19CX3; afterwards transferred 
as Chief ^if Construction 
Bf)ard oi^the Yokosuka 
Naval Station, and next as 
Chief of the Department of 
Naval Education; was Com- 
mander of the 3r<l Squadron 
in the Russo-Japanese War; 
Com. of the 1st squadron^ 
since igj i ; ^nd Class of 
Golden Kite and i^ Order of 
Merit. Address: Mita-tsuna- 
machi, Shtbaku, Tokyo» Tel.; 
1612 Shiba. 

Bogen,' GJonji K=M. iS % W)-, 
Banker; b. ]a.n. 1869 in 
Kano-nmraj province of Suo;. 
adopted son of Iwiitarf) Do- 
gen; m. d. <M his . fost. 
fether. Educ. : graduated frc»Q 
" Tokyo Nisho-Gakusha," a 
boarding sckooi icx the study^ 
of Chinese literature and 
"Tokyo VSeit^ii-Gakfcd" in 
1891. Was elected a niember 
of the Pi-efectural Assembly 
in {903; member of the 
House of. Peers in 1904; 
became the pr<.>i>riet(.)r of 
Dogen bank iti.^ 1899 and 
aiidittir rf the Suo bank and 
the Yaii^guchi Agricultural 
aod Industrial bank ia i,902> 
Address: No. 5, EaoKsaka- 
macJbi, A]<asaitca, Tokyo and 
Toiidamura, Tsui*o-giiB, Ya- 

[ 65 ] 

Doh— Doi 

maguchf prefecture. Chib: 
Saiwai Club. Tel.: 471 Shiba. 
Dobi, Keizo " (± M ^ ^), 
Igaktihakushi; Prof. of._ .the 
College pf_ Medicine in the 
T(3iy6 Irngenai^TJniversity, 
(dei'fflatoldgy and syphilis) ;' b. 
at Takefu, Echizen, 1866; s, 
of Sohaku Ishiwatar, a doctor, 
and afterwards adopted by 
his uncle, Junboku Dohi, a 
sui:geon; m. Ta-o, sister of 
Mitsui Motonosuke. Educ. : 
graduated from the Prepara- 
tor)^ Course of Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1885:, and 
from the College of -the same 
university, 1890; studied in 
Heidelberg Univ. :and Vienna 
Univ-, and then in France, 
1893-189S. . Prof of the 
Medical College in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1898. Igahi- ■ 
hakushi, 1899. Attended the 
coronation ceremony of King 
Edward VII, as, one of the 
suite of the late Prince Ko- 
matsu, 1903; ^vent to Europe 
again July, 1910. Decorated 
with 4th Order of Merit. 
Publications: Atlks of the 
diseases of the skin 1903-10; 
Lessons of the diseases of the 
skin 1909, 2. Edit.. 1910, 
etc. Is specially famous for '" 
his thorough knowledge of 
skin diseases. Address: No. 
46,® Shimonibancho, Koji- 
machiku, Tokyo. Tel. 554 

Doi, lehibei (± efl^ Tfj :R ®, 
One of the highest taxpayers 
in Kyoto; Auditor of Kyoto 
Noko Bank, of 34th Bank; 
b. Apr. 1864, in Kyoto; ist 
s. of Ichibei Doi; ni. Tasa, 
sister of Eitaro Kinugawa. 
Address : Maizuru - machi, 
Kasa-kun, Kyoto. 

Doi, Junnosuke (±^)|12:B9), 
Paymaster-General of the 
Navy (retired). Auditor of 
the Japan Steel Foundry; b. 
the 9th m. of the 5 th y. of 

Ansei (1858) in Hiroshima- 
ken ; s. of the late Michi- 
Shige Doi. Educ. : graduated 
from the Naval Paymasters' 
School. Paymaster' Paymas- 
ter Sub-Lieutenant, 1883; 
was in France on an official 
mission, 1 892-1 893; Chief of 
the ist'Sectioii of the Pay- 
masters Bureau of the Navy 
in addition Instructor of the 
Naval College, 1 896 ; Chief 
of the Paymasters' Training 
Institution 19:0; Chief of the 


[ 66 3 

Fayniaaters' Bureau of the 
Kure Na;val Station, 1906; 
p^ced on the retired list, 
1910; elected Auditor of 
the Japan Steel Foundly. Ad- 
dress: No. 23, Kasumi-cho, 
Azabuku, Tokyo. Tel.: 895 

Doi, raicbiMro <.-i; Ig S fS>> 
Member of the House of 
Peers (Representative of the 
highest taxpayers in Okaya- 
Hia-ken); Director of the 
Doi Bank and several other 
banks and companies ; b. 
Apr. 1868; and s. of Michi- 
masa Tsuchiya, a samurai of 
Okayama-ken, and adopted 
by Michinobu "Doi; in. Ka- 
oruyo, 1st d. of his adopted 
father. £i/«£. : graduated from 
the Meiji Law School; M. 
H. P. since 1906. Address: 
Tamuramura, Tomata-gun, 

Boi, 3S!ticli£o i± f.5 ffi ;^), 
Chairman of Osaka Cham- 
ber of Commerce, ex-member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives, President of the Osaka 
Electric Light Company, 
Director of the Japan Life 
InsHrance Company, etc.; t. 
at , Uwajima, Jlyo, April, 
t833; m. Mina-ko, 1st d. of 
Hatta-yu Takama. Was a 
Judge till 1884, when he 
entered the service of the 
Konoike's, Osaka, as adviser; 
caaK of the members of the 

organizing comaiittee of the 
Osaka Electric Light Cc«i- 
pany, which' was founded 
in 1888, and afterward be- 
came its President; in i' 93, 
was elected member of the 
Osaka Chamber of Com- 
merce, and is at present its 
Chairman; inspected Cham- 
bers of Commerce and Com- 
mercial Bourses of Europe 
and America by the request 
of the Department of Agri- 
culture and Ccanraerce; de- 
corated with sth Order of 
Merit in recognition of his 
services to the Empire during 
the Russo-Japanese War. 
Recreation : Haikai (17 syl- 
labled poetry). Address: No. 
65, Joan-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. 
Tel; 286 Nishi. 

DoM, Shoji (di » * W), Iga- 
kuhakushi (Dr. of_ Medicine); 
b. 1875 ill "(jjfu-prefectiire. 
Educ: graduated from the 
former Saiseigakusha (a 
private medical institution); 
passed the examination for 
Medical Practitioners; after- 
wards studied at the Elective 
Course of the Medical College 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. and 
then at Berlin for a few years." 
He is a specialist in derma- 
tology, pathological anatomy 
and bacteriology; Jg-akidtaku- 
shi in 191 1. Address: 14 
Sanbancho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel: 668 Bancho. 

[ ^7 ] 


Boi, Xotar© (d: ^ ^ * #)', 
Judge of the Chosea Govern- 
ment^ President of the Heijo 
Court of Appeal in Chosen; 
b. Nov. .iS57; ist s. of 
Hikokuro Doi. Passed the 
Examination for Bench, 
1887; "after serving in several 

District Courts, was ordered 
to proceed to Chosen as 
Judge; decorated with the 
4th- Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress-: QfiScial House in' the 
Court of Appeal, Phyong- 
yang, Chosen. 

Ebi— Egi 

[ 68 ] 

Ebiua, Danjo (S ^ ;S 5f IE), 
Pastor of Hongo Chuixh 
in Tokyo; (J. Aug. 1856 at 
Yanagawa, the prefecture of 
Fukuoka; e. s. of Kyuya 
Ebina, a samurai of Yanaga- 
wa clan; m. eldest daughter 
of Heishiro Yokoi, a famous 
royalist in the Restoration. 
Educ: studied Qiinese Liter- 
ature in the " Denshukan" 
(Established by the Kuma- 
moto Clan); graduated from 
the English Language school 
of the same clan; also entered 
the Doshisha of Kyoto and 
studied Theology, and was 
in addition teacher of the 
same school; after graduation 
became pastor of the Gunma 
Church in the prefecture of 
Gunma. In 1887 he removed 
to Kumamoto and established 
the English Language school 
and a Girls' school; became 
president of the Nippon 
Missionary Society, Kyoto, 
1890; pastor of the Kobe 
Church, 1893;^ came to To- 
kyo in 1897 and established 
the Hongo Church; a zealous 
defender of the truth of 
Christianity. Editor of " Shin- 
jin" (a Christian Magazine). 
Publication: Various work 
concerning Christianity. Ad- 
dress: No. 43, Hayashicho, 

Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2544 Bancho. 

Egi, oiiu (ii :^ :g), Hogaku- 
haktishi, Barrister- at-law; b. 
the 9th m. of the Sth y. of 
Ansei (1858) in Iwakuni, 
province of Suwo; 2nd s. of 
Senzaemon Egi, ' a famtirai 
of Iwakuni clan; w. Ei, adopt, 
d. of Rui Osaka. Educ: 
graduated from the Law 
College of the Imp. Univ. of 
Tokyo. Entered the bar and 
began practice at Tokyo, 
lecturing on criminal law at 
the same time at the "Tokyo 
Hogakuin, a private school 
of law, as well as at other 
institutions. Later he entered 
the government service and 
was successively appointed 
Councillor of the Dep't. of 
Justice; Dep't. of Foreign 
Affairs, and Dep't of Agri- 
culture and Commerce, and 
finally Private Secretary to 
the Minister for Home 
Affairs. He resigned office 
afterwards and again entered 
the bar, in which he is now 
one of the prominent members. 
Pztblications : " Principle of 
Criminal law," besides many 
other popular works of the 
similar kind. Recreation : 
Chinese poetry. ' Address: 
No.- 7, 2chome, Awaji-cho, 
Kanda, Tokyo. Tel.: 873 

69 ] 

Egi— Egu 

Egi, Senshi (fx :^ =f- ;<:), 
Lord-in-waiting in the Kinkei 
Hall, Member of the House of 
Peers; d. the 4th ;«. of the 
6th J/, of Kayei (1853) in 
Iwakuni, province of Suwo; 
('. s. of Senzaemon Egi; 7n. 
Naka, adopt, d. of Akinori 
Nishida. Educ: studied 
foreign languages at the 
" Kaisei-sho" a government 
school at Osaka (1 870-1 871); 
entered the " Daigaku-Nan- 
ko," the forerunner of To- 
kyo University, and • studied 
law and economy under the 
care, of foreign teachers 
(1871-1873) Received an 
appointment at the Dep't of 
Education and successively 
became its Secretary, Coun- 
cillor, Inspector of Schools 
and Director of the General 
Education Bureau (1874- 
1891); Private Secretary to 
the Minister for Home Affairs 
(1892- 1 893); Director of the 
Bureau of the Local Govern- 
ments (1893- 1 896); Governor 
of Ibaraki prefecture (1896- 
1897); Governor of Tochigi 
prefecture (1897); Governor 
of Aichi prefecture (1897- 
1898) ; Governor of Hiro- 
shima prefecture (i 898-1 903); 
Governor of Kumamoto pre- 
fecture (1903- 1908); resigned 
ofiice and was appointed 
member of the House of 
Peers by Imperial nomination 

(1908); was awarded the 
1st Order of the Rising Sun 
together with a grant of 
money in connection with his 
services during the Russo- 
Japanese war. Address;. No. 
to6 . Yocho-machi, Okubo, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel.: 2^,2^ 

Egi, Yoku Qt * R) In- 
spector of the South ..^'fa.h- 
churian Railway Co. ; b. Apr. 
the 4th y. of Meiji (1871) i:tj 
the prefecture of Yamaguchi 
2nd -c. of Minetaro Hamura 
and adopted by Senshi Egi; 
in. Hide, daughter of his 
father-in-law. Ediic: gradu- 
ated from the Law College 
of the Imp. Univ. of Tokyo 
(1897); studied at the Univer- 
sity hall; passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination; 
Was appointed subordinate 
clerk of the Dep. of Home 
Affairs (1899); promoted 
Councillor of Kanagawa pre- 
fectural Government (1900- 
1903); transferred as Coun- 
cillor of the Bureau of Legis- 
lation (1903) and appointed 
additionally secretary to the 
Cabinet (1904); chief secre- 
tary of Cabinet, Dec. 19 12. 
Address: No. 10 Nishikata- 
machi, Hongo, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1445 Shitaya. 

Eguchi, Rlnroku (^ p ^ 
:^)> real-a,dmiral, president-of 
the Naval Gunnery school; 

[ 70 ] 

b. i 866. Educ: -Naval Acg^ 
demy. Com-maade-r, Dec. 
iSg7 ; second cap., Sept. 
19GO '; Captain, Aug. 1905 ; 
preseirt ra-nk sitice Nov. 
1-91 1. Decorations: 3rd ©rder 
of R. S., 4th order of S. T., 
4th class of G. K. Address : 

_ Egoabi, ^ptaro (jl g # ic 
E|5)- -ng. captain of Navy, 
exa-miner of Saselio arsenal; 
b. 1867. Educ: Naval Eng. 
seliool. Eng. lieut. com., 
Dec. 1897; command-er, 
Sept. 1900; second captain, 
August. 1905 ; present rank 
si"ne« Nov. 191 1. Dec: yc-d 
order of R. S., 4th class of 
G.Kl. Address: Saselio. 

^gh^ra, Setsu (tc M. fS). 
Lawyer, ex-Member of the 
House of Representatives; b. 
Oct. &e 2nd y. of Meiji 
(•i8€9) ill Tocfeigi prefecture; 
s. of Tsunezp Ehara; m. 
Kin, e. d. ol Masakidhi Ya- 
mada,. Educ: graduated 
from the "Tokyo Semmon 
Gakko," forer-tinner of the 
present Waseda Univ. Be- 
came lawyer at 'Utsunom^iya ; 
was elected member of tfee 
House of Representatives in 
I9©7.) where he belongs to the 
Seiytikdi, a P©lifieal party. 
Address : Temmadho, U^sti- 
norriiya., Toe-hi^-k-en. 

jai^a, Sorofeu ^ U % -fO, 
Promtnent -edueat-ionist. Mem- 

ber of the House of Peers 
since 191 2, Principal of the 
Azabu Middle School ; b. 
the 1st m. of the i3tTi y^ 
of Tempo (1843) in Shizu- 
oka prefecture; e. s, of Gen- 
go Ehara, a samurm of Shi- 
zuoka clan; m. Nui, e. d. of 
Junjiro Kawamura. Near 
the end df the Tokugawa 
Dynasty, he took part in the 
Choshu expedition and sub- 
sequently in the battles of 

Fusbimi and Toba. After the 
Restoration, he received an 
appointmeirt as Secretary to 
the provincial government of 
his jiative place •(iiS^'O); sub- 
sequently was -seiit to Eu- 
rope and America for. study; 
taught at Shizuoka Nownal 
School and 'Numazu Middle 
School u[.).on Ms retur-n fliowe; 
becaiine Director i>f the ** To- 
yo Eiwa GaW^o,'" a 'private 
foreign fefigaage s^kxJ, and 
then a «emtoF of ifihe ^izu- 
dka. Tea IE*p€««ting Co.; 

t n ] 

Eha— Ema 

established the Azabu Middle 
School and became its Presi- 
dent; elected member of the 
JHouse of Representatives 
(1890); elected President of 
the Educational Society of 
the city of Tokyo (1901); 
appointed member of the 
Higher Educational Council 
(1901); again elected member 
of the House of Repre- 
sentatives (1903). He is at 
present one of the promi- 
nent educationists in Japan 
as well as a most devoted 
adherent of the Christian re- 
ligion. As a politician, he be- 
longs to the " Seiyukwai" and 
holds the post of one of its 
councillors. Address: No. 
5 1 Hommura-machi, Azabu, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2156 Shiba. 

Ekara, Yosliiliei (tr Kl ^ ^), 
President of the 39th Bank 
and the Jomo Bussan Bank, 
Director of the jomo Ware- 
house Co , Auditor of the 
Gumma Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, etc.; b. the 
9tli in. of the ist y. of Kayei 
("1848); e. s. of YosHemon 
Ehara; ■m. Yano, e. d. of 
Kihei Matsui. Address: 
Shimmachi Mayebashi, Gum- 

£hata, Siiinnosuke (ji JH §{ 
^ W). a rich farmer; b. jtily 
the 4th y-. of Meiji (1871) in 
the prefecture of Akita; e. s. 
of Usaburo Ehata; m. Toku, 

e. d. of Hikokichi liziika. 
Address: lizurne-mura, Sem- 
poku-gun, Akita-ken. 

Eitaki, Hisa'^ichl C*. i| A. 
§)' Consul-General at. Ho- 
noluluj Hawai; b. the I2tli in. 
of the "2nd J/, of Keio (1866) 
in the province of EchigQ;, 
s. of Genji Eitaki; m. Fusa, 
2nd d. of Kichizayemon 
Motai. Educ: studied la-w 
and politics at the " Tokyo 
Senshu Gakko" and the 
" Igirisu Horitsu Gakko," 
both private law schools 
(1887 — 1889); passed the 
Examination for the Higher 
Civil Service (1800). Entered 
diplomatic service as Eleve- 
Consul (1891);. In succession 
viras Consul at Chemulpo, 
Shanghai, Shashl, and Consul- 
General at Sydney, Hankow, 
Shanghai, Chientao, 1894 — 
1902; present post since '12. 
Publications: "Colourphobia," 
a volume published at Syd- 
ney, vindicating the cause of 
the coloured-races against the 
absurdity of the so called 
" White Australian principle" 
which has, for its oljject, the 
exclusion of the Mongolian 
people from the island con- 
tinent. Address: Consulate- 
General of Japan, Hawaii. 

Ema, Shun-ichi Qr Pal % —'"', 
ex-Member of the House of 
Representatives; b. May, 
l86i in the prefecture of 

Emi— Ena 

[ 72 ] 

Shizuoka; adopted son of 
Chugoro, Em a; m. d. of his 
fost father. Educ: In 1884 
he removed to Tokyo and 
studied Law. Then became 
Lawyer in 1893; member of 
the Prefectural Assembly in 
1898; elected member of the 
H. R. for the prefecture of 
Shizuoka in 1902; elected 
member of the H. R. for 
Tokyo Prefecture since 1906. 
Recreation: engraving char- 
acters. Address: No. 17, 
Kuromoncho, Shitaya, Tokyo. 
Tel.\ 906 Shitaya. 

Emi, Suiin (Jn % -^ ^), 
p. n. Tadakatsu, novelist; b. 
1869 in Okayama. Was edi- 
tors of Kobe Shimbun (daily 
paperj and Tdiheiyo (maga- 
zine). Publications : many 
novels. Address : 252 O- 
gurayama, Nishishinagawa, 

Emori, Jokichiro (jl ^ S S 
W)i Kogakuhakushi, Prof of 
the Engineering College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ.; b. 
Sept. the 3rd y. of Meiji 
(1870) in Osaka; 3rd s. of 
Keiju Emori. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1894). Assist. — Pro- 
fessor of the same Univ. 
(1895); sent to England, 
France and Germany to study 
Chendistry (.1896-1901); Pro- 
fessor of the Tokyo Imp. 

Univ. (190 1); conferred the 
degree of Kogakuhaktishi 
(1902). Address: No. 2, 
Nishi Imagawacho, Kanda, 

Emori, Moritaka C?I ^ ^ 
#)> Proprietor of the Emori 
Firm, building contractor, tim- 
ber merchant. Member of 
the Tokyo Chamber of Com- 
merce, etc.; b, the 7th m. 
of the 4th y. of Ansei (1857) 
in the province of F'ukushi- 
ma; brother of Hoson Emori. 
Address: No. 5, 2 chome 
Katamonzencho, Shiba, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 191 Shiba. 

Emori, Zenroku (jX =3^ # ;?;), 
Auditor of the Tokyo Land 
Co.; b. Sept. 1861 in Tokyo; 
e. s. of Zenroku Emori; m. 
eldest daughter of Yasubei 
Noguchi. Succeeded his father 
as a pawnbroker in 1884. 
Founder of the Owariya 
Bank. Address: No. 45, Sui- 
do-cho, Koishikawa-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: ^7 1 Bancho. 

Enami, Shobei t; M & -^ 
#t)> Wholesale mat dealer. 
Director of the Nagoya 
Wood Ware Co., Auditor ol 
the Tokai Fish Incubation 
Society; Member of the Na- 
goya Chamber of Commerce; 
b. Dec. the 2nd y. of Meiji 
(1869) in Aichi-ken;. m. 
Fuyu, 4th d. of Shinzaburo 
Yoshida. Address: No. ig 
Nichome, Tamayamachi, Ni- 

[ 73 ] 


shiku, Nagoya. Tel.: 779. 

Endo, Cliuji <M m & m)> 
Judge of the Court of Cas- 
sation; i>. the 1 2th m. of the 
2nd jf- of Keiwo (1866) in 
Tokyo; e. s. of Tadanari 
Endo; m. Riku, 2nd d. of 
Tanemitsu Tanaka. Educ: 
graduated from the Law 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1888). Appointed 
Probationary Judge (1890); 
after successively served as 
Judge of Osaka District 
Court, of Nara District Court 
and of Tokyo Appeal Court, 
promoted to present post 
(1905). Address: No. 119 
Zoshigaya machi, Koishika- 
wa, Tokyo. 

Endo, Oenroku (^ H Jg jS;), 
Hogaktihakiishi {\n\,Gxn2AAGazX 
law), Councillor of the Dep't 
of Navy, Prof, of the Naval 
College, etc.; b. April, the 
5th y. of Meiji (1871) in the 
prefecture of Miyagi; 3rd s. 
of Sagenji Endo, a rich far- 
mer; m. Tsuru, e. d. of 
Tasuke Tsunekawa. Educ. : 
graduated from the Law 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1900); passed the 
higher civil service exami- 
nation (1901). ■. Appointed 
Councillor of the Navy 
(1901); Judge of the Prize 
Court at Saseho during the 
Russo-Japanese War; Pro- 
fessor of the Naval College 

(1906); conferred degree of 
Hogakuhaktishi {igoi). Pub- 
licatio7is: An outline of in- 
ternational law, Internat. 
Law during the Russo-Japa- 
nese war. Address: No. 
895, Sendagaya, Toyotama- 
gun, ^ Tokyo. 

Endo, Kiciiisaburo (g %. ^ 
H BR), Rigaknhakiishi, Prof, 
of the College of Engineering 
of the Tohoku Imp. Univ. 
(Chair-Science of Marine 
Products). Address: General 
office, Tohoku Imp. Univ., 
Sapporo, Hokkaido. 

Endo, Kippei <» ^ ± jp.), 
Member of the H. R.; 
Director of the Hakodate 
Tramway Co., Auditor of 
the Hakodate Dock Co., 
of the Otaru Oil Mfg. Co., 
and of the Hokkaido Cement 
Co., etc.; b. the 3rd m. of 
the 1 2th y. of Tempo (1841) 
in Niigata-ken; adopt, s. of 
the late Kichibei Endo of 
Niigata; in. Yone, d. of his 
adopted father. Removed 
early to Hakodate where he 
soon became well known in 
business circles and elected 
member of the 11. R. in the 
last election (1908). Address: 
No. 40, Motomachi, Hako- 
date, Hokkaido. 

Endo, Kyosalburo (5S ^ ^ 
3 IP), Chief Public Procura- 
tor of the Karafuto District 
Court. Address: Minami 7 

lad— Eno 

[ 74 ] 

cliome, Higashiyojo, Toyo- 
hara, Karafuto (Sagalten^. 

Endo, Syuemon (S K ft. :^ Si 
PI)' President of the Kyoto 
Savings Bank, Director of 
the Kyoto Bank; b. the Sth 
in. of the 4th y. of Ansei 
(1857) i" Kyoto; ^. s. of the 
late Kurobei Endo; m. Ko, 
e.. d. of Zenyemon Nakaya. 
Address : No.- Shinmachi, 
Gojo, Shimo-kyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Endo, Motozo (M M yb :B.), 
Manager of the Tokyo branch 
of the Yokohama Fire 
and Maritime Transportation 
Insurance Co. and of the 
Yokohama Life Insurance 
Co.; ^. Nov. the 5th 7. of 
Meiji {1872) in Gumma-ken; 
2nd s. of Otojiro Endo; m. 
Sada, e. d. of Shunkai Tachi- 
bana of Tokyo. Present post 
since 1888. Address: No. 
52 Nichomachi, Shitaya, To- 
kyo. Tel.; 2388 Shitaya. 

Endo, KyukicM <;^S^$), 
Bungaktthakase., scholar of 
sociology. Ednc, : literary 
college of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. Publications : some 
bot^s on sociology. Address : 
2639 Su'gamocho, Tokyo. 

EnOHioto, SekiicM (^ ^^—), 
de|},tist ; i. 1866 in Tokyo; 
ddop. s. of Gunjiro Eaomoto ; 
m. Rei-ko, and d. oi Kateu- 
yoshi Henmi, 1897. Edue. : 
stJasMed - English at the Tokya 
Rig^-Gakko and book-keep- 

ing at the Tokyo Book- 
keeping School. Has been 
President of the Tokyo 
Dentist Associatioii, Director 
of the Japan Dentist Society, 
and one of the Committee 
for the Examination for the 
candidates to physicians ; is 
famous as inventor of various 
dental apparatases, for ex- 
amples, disinfecting, gold foil 
apparatases and Enomoto 
styled press-casting machine, 
etc., obtaining their patent 
from the governments of Ja- 
pan, Great Britain, U. S. of 
America, France and Germa- 
ny. Recreation: chirography, 
picture, game of ^<?. Address: 
No. 20, Minamikogacho, 
Kanda, Tokyo. Tel. : 215 

Enomoto Takenori (Ig jfc ^ 
S)- Viscount, Member ol' 
the Peers' House; b. Jan. 
the 6th y. of Meiji (1873) 
in Tokyo; e. s. of the late 
Viscount Buyo Enomoto; m. 
Ume-ko, d. of the late 
Count Kiyotaka Kuroda. 
Educ.: graduated from the 
College of Law of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. Succeeded his 
father on the Jatter's death 
in 1908 and became Vis- 
count; was elected member 
of the House of Peers m 
1909. Address: No- 142, 
Susalciclw, Mukojima, Honjo, 
Tokyo. Tel.; 993 SlAaya 

[ 7-5, ] 

Esumi, taiiyojfco Qx r^ =f -ft 
*®)> A large landowner in 
Skinaane-ken, Director of tlie 
Ko&ei Bank; b- tlie iith m. 
of the ast y.. of Owanji (:i864) 
in 3aiman;e--ken.; &. s. d 
Gonzo Esami; fn. SeJ. niete 
of jCidaitaro Sato. Addre.S:S\ 
Dehigashi-mura, Hikawa-gum, 
Sbioaatte-iken. j- - 

Sfisura, Samakitsu (tl5S#S 
W))^ naval engi. capfcain, 
chief engineer ©f Ae Kiare 
reserve squadron ; b. 1867. 
Ediic. : N. Engi. Academy. 
Engi. coaa.., Sept.. 1899 ;-se- 
cond cap., Sept. 1903 ;-cap- 
tsirii si^fice Qet. 1,909. Dec; 
3rd order of S. T., 4|jth class 
of G. %.. Address : JKime. 

Ezafci, Masatada (^ftfiSc SJ,), 
Director of the Konoike bank 
siuice 191 1 ; S. the 9th m. of 
tfce 1st J/, d Keiwo <i88s) in 
MatsjjjMota, province of Shi- 
riano; .^, s. of Masakuni EzaJd; 
m, Masa, d., of Sobicl?i Miya- 
ke, a samurai of Shjzuoka. 
Ediie.', studied at the former 
Tokyo Foreign Language 
School^ gfaduated froia the 
*' Tokyo Ndrin Gakko," fore- 
runner of the present Agri- 
cujtyral College of the Imp. 
University of Tokyo (j886), 
R,eceive4 an appointnient as 
assistant inspector of forests 
(1889); traijsfcrred as, assis' 
te-nt expert of i&e Imperial 
te Bureau of the Dep't 

of Imp. Household (1891); 
promoted to be full expert 
of the same (1891), despatch- 
ed to Europe for the iaves- 
tigation of forestry admini- 
setratjons there (i 897-1898); 
appointed a member of the 
Investigation Committee for 
He^ drafting of regulations 
conoefriing the Administra- 
tion of the Imperial Estates 
(1899); member of the Uye- 
no Park repair investigation 
cpmmittee (1901); examiner 
of the 5th Domestic Indus- 
trial Exhibition (1903); mem- 
ber of the eommittee for 
the- measurement of Imperial 
Estates ,as well as for the 
Investigation of the financial 
admiiBisitration of the same 
(1903).; Examiner of the 
Tokyo Industrial Exhibition 
(190;'); Expert to Imp. 
Forestry Inspection Bureau 
(1908). Address: No. 7,. 
Haraikatamachi, Ushigome, 
Tokyo, Tel.: 2213 Bancho. 

Ezawfl, Kfegoro Ctt yf #• 2. 
|^)> Goldsmith and Jeweller 
(firm name '* Tensho-do) ; b. 
Jujie the <^\^y. of Meiji (1873) 
in the prefecture of Chiba; 
e, $. of Kingoro Ezawa; m. 
Asa, 2nd d. of Zembei EujiL 
Has branch offices in various 
places. Address'. No. 16, 2 
chome, Owari-cho> Kyobashi, 
Tokyo. Teh 333= 3' 53= 1826: 
2685: Shimbashi. 

JPnli— Euj 

[ 7^ ] 

Fulia, Hikomaro (^ :?S ^ ^). 
Governor of Saga-ken; b. 
Oct. 1866, in Fukuoka-ken; 
1st s. of Kunio Fuha, a 
samurai of Fukuoka ; m. 
Masa, 5 th d. of Ryonin 
Imai. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Law in 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity. After serving as Coun- 
cillor of the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce, 
Secretary of the Minister of 
the same Department, Coni- 
missioner of Saga and Hyogo 
Pres. was appointed to his 
present post in 191 1 ; deco- 
rated with 6th Order of Merit. 
Address: Official Residence 
of Saga-prefecture, Saga-shi, 

Puji, BEasazumi (Ji JE ft)» 
Director of the Kanegafuchi 
Spinning Co.; b. May, the 
first y. of Meiji (1868) in 
Nakatsu, province of Buzen; 
:?. of Ginzaburo Fuji; m. 
Yukiye, sister of Ikutaro 
Misawa. Edtic. ; graduated 
from the Keiogijuku (1892). 
Entered the service of the 
Mitsui Bank and was assigned 
a post in its Kobe branch 
where he rendered valuable 
service as the chief of the 
correspondence department; 
subsequently left the service 
of the bank and accepted 

the post of chief of the 
sales department of the 
Kanegafuchi Spinning Co.; 
succeeded Mr. Toyoji Wada, 
as mill manager at the 
Tokyo head office of the 
same Co. in 1899; was 
elected, in addition, a director 
of the Co. in 1907. Recrea- 
tions : playing checkers, 
horticulture, etc. Address:, 
Sumida-mura, Minamikatsu- 
shika-gun, Tokyo. ?>/. 2818 

Fujie, Shofa (M IX % *), 
President of Osaka Alkari 
Company; Director of K'nu- 
gawa Water-power Electric 
Company; b. April, 1854, in 
Hyogo-ken; ist s. of Rai- 
itsu Fujie, a samurai of 
Hyogo-ken; m. Shizu, ist 

d. of Jihei Hishino. Ad- 
dress : No. 4 1 , Minamiwata- 
yacho, Minamiku, Osaka. 

S"ujieda, Ifiasayuki k^ ft Jl 
1t')i Baron, Court poet. 
Member of the House of 
Peers; b. the nth m. of the 
2nd y. of Ansei (18J5) in 
Kyoto; s. of Masanori Fuji- 
eda, formerly a noble at the 
Mikado's Court; m. Tamiko, 

e. d. of Viscount Nobutari 
Fusehara. Became abbot of 
the Kofukuji, a famous Bud- 
dist temple at Nara, in 1866; 
appointed Shinto priest to 
the Kasugajinja, a large 
Shinto Shrine at Nara, in 

[ n ] 


1872; became periodical at- 
tendant at the Imp. Palace 
in Kyoto in 1882; created 
Baron in 1884; elected 
member of the House of 
Peers in 1890. Address.: 11 
Kinsacho, Higashi-iru, Shin- 
karasumaru, Shitakiri-dori, 
Kamikyoku, Kyoto, ^j. 

Fujii, GhuTDei (^ # M!. :!% Si). 
Share-broker; b. Nov. 1861, 
in Hyogo; 2nd .y. of Kambei 
Osaki, and adopted by Chu- . 
bei Fujii. Address: No. 27, 
3 chome, Minatomachi, 
Kobe, Hyogo-ken. Tel.: 
344 1- d- 

Fujii, Kanefusa (^ -^ -a !&)> 
Baron (or. 1907); Lieute- 
nant general on the reserve; 
holder of the 4th class Gol- 
den Kite; b. on 14, ist 
month, 3rd of Kaei (1850), in 
Fukayama, Bingo province; 
e. s.- of Tadaharu Fujii, 
(Descendant of Notonokami 
Fujii, whose ' ancestor was 
Hidesato Tawraratoda) ; ;«. 
Toshi, younger sister of Yasu- 
sada Shibata. Edtic. : educat- 
ed at the training school 
for non-commissioned officers.. 
Went to Hakodate in the 
expedition of his feudal lord 
at the opening of the Meiji 
Era; was appointed Sub- 
Lieutenant of Engineering; 
promoted to Lieutenant Ge- 
neral in 1896. Has served 
as Principal of the Military 

Preparatory School and Head 
of the Department of Land 
Surveying; also in the China- 
Japanese war, the Boxer 
disturbances and the Russo- 
Japanese war; appointed 7it. 
of the House of Peers, 191 1. 
Address: 26, Edogawamachi, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel.-. 
3752 Bancho. 

Fujii, Kansuke (f§ ^ |£ gj))> 
President of the Dainan 
District Court. Address : 
Official House of the Dainan 
District Court, Dainan, 

Fujii, Kenjiro (^ # g| ?§ IH), 
philosopher, Lecturer of Wa- 
seda Univ. Educ: Literary 
College of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University. Was sent 
abroad by Waseda Univer- 
sity to continue his studies 
at a German university. 
Publications : Shukantekido- 
tokugaku-yoshi (Principle of 
Subjective Ethics), etc. Ad- 
dress: No. 29, 2 chome, Ko- 
binatadaimachi, Koishikawa- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Fujii, Kenjiro (H ^ M ^ |P), 
Professor of the College 
of Science in the Tokyo 
Imperial University. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Science in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. Address: No. 
47, Komagome, Sendagicho, 
Hon go, Tokyo. 

Fujii, Kichibei (^ ^ ^ ^), 


[ 78 ] 

ftesicSeufr g£ ttse- Ses^im. Dry- 
gOO(fe Com-iiangr;; ^. Sept. 
i866i. Mi Osaka; Est 5. ^ 
KicMibei-Ftijii. Address: Ki- 
• sWwada-Glia, Semiaat-gtw, 

Fajii, EaicM (0 #■ fl — >, 
Vice- AdiswaJ;- Vke cbfef of 
tke Na'craJ: staff beard^ 3i?d 
c. of G. K.; b. rS57 m Oteit- 
yama prefectme ;. «". s.^ of 
Hircfshi FrajS; i§^. Jim,. 3¥d. 
<^. of NarimicM Fujita. Sub- 
Lieutenant in tlie i6l»li f. of 
Meiji (1883;)!;" rapidly pro- 
moted to present rank; served 
d-ariiig the interval, a:s Vice- 
Com. of tiie battleship Ckin- 
en, staff of the Saseho Naval 
Station^ Conmaaiider of the 
war-ship- Smna' aud of the 
Akitsteskima, Attache to the 
Japanese Legati^ni at Berlin., 
etc.. Address-^ 56r 5 chonae, 
AoyaiEca.-Minami-'GhiQ, Tokyo. 
TeL; 1 82 Shiba. 

FuJee, KctsaeM (^ ^- ^ #5, 
Major-General,. Commander 
of 'ytEe'""7th Brigade of In- 
fantry; b. 1864, in Tokyo. 
Second 'Lreutenant, 1886; 
Lieutenant,. 1891; Captain, 
1895;. Major 1900; Lieute- 
nant-Colonel, £904; Colonel, 
1907. Decorated with jrd 
Class of the Golden Kite 
and Rising Sun of 3rd rank. 
Address: Otemaecho, Higa- 
shiku, Osaka. 

Ftijii, Kitsagoro (Mfr %^ 

». Rea^-AdnAsI; Hea.«f of 
the 4:«h Section of tli« De- 
partment of Naval Materials; 
b. i8!6S. Bditc: gradci^ated 
from- the Naval EngiEfee#fiig 
School. Lieuteflant - Com- 
mandercf EngiHeeKirfg^ Bee. 
1898; CbmM3tander,-Oel. igGgf; 
Captain, Aag. ig©5;- Kear- 
Admiral,, 19,1a; wa-» dfec©rat- 
ed with the ^M Ordter of 
the Rising SuH' ana the 5th 
Class of G<i%fen. Krtfe. Ad- 
dress: 143 Harajukuv Tokyo. 
Ftfjii, Siiigeta m #" 3g jW. 
Lieut .-Geiie^J^ iiTspectsr of 

field artilteiy, holder of 2nd 
class of Golden Kite, 2nd rank 
Kising Sun> 3rd rank Sacr-ed 
Treasure and many other 
foreign decorations; b. 2 ist the 
9th m. of the i-st f- of Man>- 
yen (i86o> at Kurigamuro, 
Kanzaki-gun> Haritaa prov., 
Kyogo Prefecture; ist s. of 
Gihei Fajif, a sarmirai of 
Hyogo-ken; m. iPoku^, 2nd ^. 
of the late Totebei Kato. 

[ 79 ] 


Ediic: Opened his, military 
training at the Military Pre- 
paratory School to which he 
was admitted in 1875; was 
admitted into the Mililtary 
School, 1877; appointed Sub- 
Lieotenant of Artillery after 
graduation; admitted into the 
Military College in 1884; on 
graduating was sent to Ger- 
many in 1 896 for study. On 
his return home appointed 
Professor of the Military 
College in 1894; went to 
the front on the Head — 
Quarters' Staff of the 2nd 
Army during the Japan- 
China war; participated in 
the battles of Kinchow and 
Port Arthur; was rewarded 
with the 4th class of Golden ' 
Kite decoration; stayed at 
Vienna as military Attache 
to the Japanese Legation 
(1897 — 1900); resumed the 
professorship of the Military 
College on his return; was 
promoted to Major General 
in 1901; Lieutenant-General, 
Aug. 1909; was appdnted 
Chief staff to General Ku- 
roki's Army on the opening 
of the war in 1904; took 
part in the battles of Yalu, 
Hseuyen, Sai-ma-chi, Mo- 
tien - ling, Aiyang - pianmen, 
Liao - Yang, Shaho, and 
Mukden; was decorated with 
the 2nd class Golden Kite 
for his services in helping to 

bring ab<uit the glorious 
victories of the First army. 
Address: 81 Daibancho, Yo- 
tsuya, Tokyo. Tel.: 2840 

Fufif, Shiiulwi (M "^ % ^ 
W)i Piesident of the Jomo 
Savings Bank; Chairman of 
the Maebashi Chamber of 
Commerce; b. April. 1862, 
in Gumman-ken; m. Ycshi, 
2nd d. of Shimbei Fujii, his 
foster-father. Address: Ho- 
sogasawa-machi, Maebashi. 

B'ujii, Teisuke (fll ^ Ji; ^), 
Manager of the Hyogo Ve- 
getable Market; dealer in 
fertilizer; b. May, 1854, in 
Osaka; 2nd s. of Rihei 
Idzumi, and adopted by 
Hanshichi Fujii; m. Kiku, 
2nd d. of Hanshicho Fujii, 
his adopted-father. Address: 
No. 29, Shimakaini-cho, Ko- 
be, Hyogo-ken. Tel.: 265 
L d. 

Pujii, Torataro C^ # ;^ >fe. 
BBi Major of Engineer at- 
tached to the 1 2th Battalion 
of Engineers; b. 1873 in 
Hiroshima - ken. Sub - Lieu- 
tenant, 1894; Lieutenant, 
1S97; Captain, 1900; Major, 
1905; decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Kising Sun. 
Address: the 12th Batttalion 
of Engineers, Kokura, Fu- 

Fujii, Zensuke (^ ^ # U,), 
One of the highest tax-payers 


[ 80 ] 

of Shiga-ken, Member of the Address: 5 Nakano-go Ka- 

House of Representatives, waramachi, Honjo-ku, Tokyo. 
President of the Kansai Ware- Fujikawa, Yu i% j; ;i| J^), 

house Co., Director of the M. D., medical man; b. 1865 

Omi Commercial Bank, and in Hiroshima-ken. Ediic: 

of the Kyoto Provision Co., prefectural medical college 

etc.; b. Mar. the 6th y. of (gra. 1889) and in Germany. 

Meiji (1873) in Shiga-ken; e. Was once lecturer of pathblo- 

s. of the late Shuji Fujii- g'a at the medical college, 

Edtic. : educated at the of Kyoto Imp. Univ; now is 

Kyoto Commercial School, engaged in medical work. 

Has a large business con- 
nection in addition to the 

Publication: History of Japa- 
nese Medicine (in Japanese), 

posts mentioned above; also °f ^^'<=^ ^« ^^^ honoured 

director of the Omi Trading J^ conferring a prize fi-om 

Bank and auditor of the the Imperil Academy. ^^- 

Kyoto Electric Light Co.; f''''-^ Komagome-nishika- 

member of the House of ^T^'^) ^°"^^ 1"' v^^' 

Medical office. : Nakasu Yojo- 

in, Nakasu, Nihonbashi-ku, 

Representatives since 1908. 
Address : Okazakicho, Ka- 
mikyo-ku, Kyoto. Tel.: 5 

Tokyo. Tel.: 356 Naniwa. 

Fujimoto, Juan (^ * ^ ^), 
ex-Commissioner of Akita 

Fujima, Fusako m^^m=¥). Prefecture; b. July, 1868, in 

actress, proper name Ginko Kumamoto-ken; ist s. of 

Yanoshima; b. August 1882 jQgy5 Fujimoto, a samurai; 

in Tokyo; e. d. of Yanoshi- ^^, Tama, ist d. of Kadzu- 

ma, paper merchant. Educ: ^aga Utaguro, a samurai of 

Tokyo Academy of Music, kumamoto. Educ: graduat- 

Actress school of the Teiko- gd from the College of Law 

kuza, studied painting from jn the Tokyo Imperial Un- 

Ukaku Kawamura. Practiced iversity (1896). Passed the 

Odori (Japanese dance) from Higher Civil Service Exami- 

the famous teacher Kanzae- nation, 1896; Councillor of 

mon Fujima; made her first Shimane-ken, 1897; served 

appearance on stage in the as Councillor of Nara-ken, 

Kabuki theatre some years the same of Kyoto-fu, Com- 

ago; appear on the stage of missoner of Kyoto-fu, the 

Teikokuza since March 191 1. same of Shimane-ken, and 

Recreation: Western music, was appointed to the last 

[ 81 ] 


post, 1907; decorated with 
5th order of Merit. Publica- 
tion: principle of humanity. 
Address: 17 Hakusangoten, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Fujimoto, Seibei (M: '^ ^ ^ 
9i^ Banker, Member of Osa- 
ka Chamber of Commerce; 
b. Oct. 1870, in Wakaya- 
ma-ken; in JQ, 1st d. of 
Seibei Fujimoto. Address : 
No. 268, 10 chome Uehon- 
machi, Higashiku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 507 Minami. 

Fujimoto, Tare (ft * pfc gp), 
Lieut. -General on the reserve 
since January 191 1; b. 1855 
in Kochi Prefecture. Second 
heutenant, 1875; Lieutenant, 
1878; Captain, 1885; Major, 
1 892 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
1898; Colonel, 1 901; Major- 
general, 1905; took part in 
the Eusso- Japanese War; 
decorated with 3rd Class of 
Golden Kite, Order of 2nd 
rank Rising Sun and 3rd 
rank Sacred Treasure. Ad- 
dress : Minato-mura, Kaiso- 
gun, Wakayama-ken. 

Fujimoto, Tokunoshin (|^ i^ 
^ ^ j1). Director and mana- 
ger of the Shinkqkumin Bank 
(new national bank); Auditor 
of the Oriental Rubber Co., 
and of the Japan Slate Co.; 
b. in 30th, April, 4th of 
Meiji (1871); 2nd s. of Kan- 
suke Fujimoto, of Yamagu- 
chi; m. Ei, e. d. of Uichi 

Tsukamoto of Tokyo. Educ.i 
graduated from the ChUS 
Daigaku in 27 th of Meiji, 
entering business soon after 
leaving School. Address : Dai- 
machi, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo: 

Fujimura Buinbei (Mz'^'%^ 
®' A rich merchant; b. 
April the ist y. of Meiji 
(1868) in the province of 
Ise; e. s. of Zenshiro Mori 
and adopted by Chobei Fu- 
jimura; m. Ei, e. d. of his 
adopted "father. Address: 
Matsuzakamachi, linan-gun, 

Fujimura lEatsujiro (^U^ 
^ BR); Major-General on the 
Reserve; b. 1863 in Hiro- 
shima-ken. Sub-Lieut, of Ar- 
tillery, 1886; Lieut., 1888; 
Captain, 1892; Major, 1897; 
Lieutenant - Colonel, 19O1; 
Colonel, 1904; promoted to 
the rank of Major-General 
and placed on the reserve 
list; decorated with 3rd 
Order of Rising Sun and 
the 3rd Class of Golden 

Fujinam.i, Denzaemon (j§ ^ 
nnm n-). One of the high- 
est-taxpayers of Saitama-ken; 
b. April 1843, in Saitama- 
ken; 1st s. of Manju Fuji- 
nami. Address : Kawayagi- 
mura, Minami - saitama - gun; 

Fujinami, Kan (j§ -^ |g), 
Igakiihakushi; Prof, of the 


[ 82 ] 

College of Medicine in the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ.; b. at 
Nagoya, 1870. Ediic: gra- 
duated from the College of 
Medicine in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ.; sent to Germany by 
the Department of Educa- 
tion, and studied pathology 
in Berlin, Strasburg, and 
Freiburg, respectively. In 
1906, returned home, and 
appointed prof of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. Igaktihakiishi, 
1 90 1. Address: No. 6, Na- 
gura-oka, Yoshida, Kamikyo- 
ku, Kyoto. 

Fulinami, Kototada (^ JjJ § 
S'> Viscount, 2nd order of 
Merit, Superintendent of Im- 
perial Mews, Councillor of 
Iniperial Court, etc.; b. Sept. 
1 8-5 3 in Kyoto; adopt, s. of 
Noritada Fujinami, a noble 
of the late Mikado's Court; 
m. Nao-ko, younger sister of 
Baron Takatomi Senge, Nov. 
1887. Educ: studied Chin- 
ese Classics and Japanese 
Literature in Kyoto . under 
the tutelage of Rokuzo Iwa- 
saki and Zenshin Tanimori 
respectively and afterwards 
receive'i' instruction from 
Baron Fukuha in Tokyo; 
also studied English from 
Mr. Richards, English Major- 
General then living in Yoko- 
liama; 'went to Europe in 
1885 and listened to the 
lectures of Prof. Stein on 

politics at Vienna for about 
a yean While in Europe 
he "especially investigated, 
under the direct order of 
His Majesty the Emperor, 
then existing institutions of 
the various courts and the 
matters concerning Imperial 
Stud Administration, besides 
observing stock farming in 
various countries;, returned 
home in 1887 and was ap- 
pointed Superintendent of 
Imperial Mews in 1889; 
again .went to Europe and 
America to investigate the 
actual conditions of stud im- 
provement 1900-1901; was 
also appointed Councillor of 
the Imperial Court in 1904; 
devoted his time under the 
order of His Majesty the 
Emperor, to the organization 
of the Stud Administration 
Bureau and was subsequent- 
ly appointed Vice-President 
of the same Bureau in 1906, 
which post he resigned in 
1908, making a tour of in- 
vestigation in this connec- 
tion to Formosa and Chosen 
during that interval; was 
appointed Stud Administra- 
tion Commissioner in 1909. 
Is best known as one of 
those who with Prince Iwa- 
kura and other gentlemen 
organized the noAV defunct 
Nippon Railway Company. 
At the same -time was the 

[ 83 


chief promotor of Hokkaido 
Colliery Railway, Hokkaido, 
Hakodate-Muroran Railway, 
Kyoto Railway, J-[okuetsu 
Railway, So-bu Railway, 
Nishinari Railway, etc; now 
holds the positions of Di- 
rector of Mariners Relief As- 
sociation, Councillor of Marine 
Affairs Society, Councillor of 
National Athletic Association 
(Butokukwai), Director of 
Peer's Horse-riding Society, 
Vice-President of Horticul- 
tural Association, President of 
Stock-farming Investigation 
Society, etc. Address: No. 
I , likurakata-machi, Azabu, 
Tokyo. Tel:: 2993 Shiba. 
Chibs: Tokyo Club, Peer's 
Club, Peer's Horse-riding 
Club, etc. 

Fujinawa, Sankuro (^ S H 
% I!J)) lieut. cpL. of .cavalry; 
Comrhander of the 2nd Ke- 
giment of Cavalry;, b. i8yo 
in Saitama-ken. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, 1894; Lieutenant, 
1896; Captain, 1889; Major, 
1905; decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 5th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Headquarters 
<)f the 2nd Regiment of 
Cavalry, Sendai, Miyagi-ken. 

Pujino, Shirotoei (j^ gf gg |p 
■^ #!)' Freight Agent; h. 
Jan. 1851, in Shiga-ken; ist 
^. of Shirobei Fujino; m. 
Ritsu, sister of Saburoemon 

Ono. Address: No. 13, 2 

chome, Nakanoshima, Kita- 

ku, Osaka. Tel: yy 1. d. 

Fujino, Teizo (jg ^f ^ =) 

" Surgeoh-Cpionel, chief of thC 
Medical Dep't of the ' idth 
Army Division; b. in 1864.," 
Hiroshirha- prefecture. Surge- 
on Sub- Lieutenant, 1885; 
Surgeon -Colonel, 1892; Sur- 
geon-Captain 1895; Surgeon- 
Major, 1 901; Surgeon-Lieute- 
nant-Colonel, 1907; Surgeon- 
Colonel, 1912. Decorations: 
5th Order of S. T, and 4th 
Order of R. S. Address: 
Hon-cho, Himeji. 

Pujioji, Chikaliaru (^ -^ gg 
fft #)? Baron, Member of the 
House of Peers; b. Feb. 
the 6th J. of Meiji (1873) 
in Kyoto; e. s. of Kaneehika 
Fujioji, formerly a noble .at- 
the Mikado's Court; in. Ei, 
sister of Hiromichi Tanaka, 
samurai of Tokyo. Edtic: 
graduated from the Higher 
Course of the Peers' School. 
Has been a subordinate 
official of Chiba-ken and of 
Tokyo- fu; afterwards elected 
member of the House of 
Peers; decorated with 4th 
Oi-der of Merit in connection 
with the Russo-Japanese war. 
Address: No. 8, Sanchome, 
Sadowara-cho, Ichigaya, U- 
shigome, Tokyo. 

Fujioka, Ichisuke (^ pij '^ 


I H ] 

&}')i Kogakuhakushi, Presi- 
dent of the Tokyo Electric 
Co., president of Iwakuni 
Electric Railway Company; 
b. April 1S57 in Yaiiiaguchi; 
e. s. of Kisuke Fujioka; m. 
Chise, e. d. of Chishi Fuji- 
oka. Ednc: graduated from 
the Tokyo Engineering Col- 
lege, 1 88 1.' Was appointed 
assistant professor first and 
then full professor of the 
same (1881-1884), when he 
was ordered to proceed to 
the United States to attend 
the International Electric 
Exhibition then held at Phil- 
adelphia; resigned professor- 
ship in 1886 and became 
engineer to the Tokyo 
Electric Light Company arid 
again went to Europe and 
America to investigate the 
condition of electric light 
enterprises there; was ap- 
pointed lecturer to the Im- 
perial University of Tokyo 
and had conferred on him 
the degree of Kogakuhaku- 
shi, 1 891; after resigning all 
his public and private posi- 

l:ions in 1898, made his thirH 
trip to, Europe and America, 
especially for the purpose of 
observing the conditions of 
electric railways and manu- 
facture of electrical apparatus; 
became chief manager of the 
Tokyo Electric Light Com- 

; pany, besides being adviser 

to the Enoshima Electric 
Railway Company after his 
return home. Address: No. 
24 Azuma-cho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Tel: . 540 Shiba. 

Fujisaki, Saburosulie (f§ (if 
3 m «I), Director of the 
Takasago and Yensui Sugar 
Mfg. Companies; b. May the. 
ist y. of Meiji (1868) in the 
prefecture of Miyagi; e. 5. of 
the late Saburosuke Fujisaki; 
in. Matsue, e. d. of Bunno- 
suke Uchigasaki. Address: 
No. 29, I chome, Shio-cho 
Yotsuya, Tokyo. Tel.: 1046 

Fujioka, Motojiro (^ IS] 7c 
^ M)i President of Takasu 
Sayings Bank and 76th Bank; 
b. Nov. 188 1, in Gifu-ken; 
2nd s. of Sadataro Midzu- 
tani, and adopted by Toyo- 
saburo Fujioka; in. . Mine, 
sister of Gitaro Omiyama. 
Address: Takasu-machi, U- 
metsu-gun, Gifu-ken. 

Fujisaki, Tomojruki (^; ilif ig 
;&)! Mayor of the city of 
Kochi, Member of the House 
of Representatives; b. the 
5th in. of the 1st y. of Man- 
yen (i860) in the province 
of Tosa; e: s. of Tomokame 
Fujisaki, a samurai of Kochi; 
in. Toye, sister of Masato- 
shi Nakazawa. Was elected 
member of the House of 
Representatives in 191 for 
the second time. Address: 

[ 85 ] 


Masugata-cho, Koclii, Kochi- 

Fujisaki, Toraji (ft if J*—), 
Commissioner of Kyoto-fu; 
b. March, 1854, in Chiba- 
ken; 2nd s. of Yosoji Suzu- 
ki; m. Kane, 1st d. of 
Daisuke Tamura; was adopt- 
ed by Magojiro Fujisaki. 
Police man, 1876; Police In- 
spector, 1892; served as chief 
police inspector in several 
prefectures; appointed to the 
present post in 1908; deco- 
rated with 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: Official- Residence, 
Haruobimachi, Higashi-Itachi 
Sagaru, Shimmachitori, Kami- 
kyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Fujisawa, Ikunosuke (ft -g 
^ ^ f-i)> Lawyer, Member of 
the House of Representatives, 
Director of the Sendai Gas 
Co., etc.; b. the 7th m: of 
the 6th J/., of Ansei (18S9) 
in Sendai, province of Riku- 
zen; e. s. of Keiyoku Fuji- 
.sawa; in. Tatsu, 2nd d. 
of Sosaburo Nakamura. He 
early studied law and be- 
came lawyer in 1879, practi- 
sing at Sendai; was elected 
member of the Miyagi Pre- 
fectural Assembly and then 
its chairman; elected member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives in 19 1 2 for the eighth 
time. He is a member of 
the Kokuminto (National 
Party). Address: No. 12, 

Higashi Ichiban-cho, Sendai, 
. Miyagi-ken. 

Fujisa-wa, Kambei (ft ?^ Dj 
:R %')■> A rich farmer; b. Nov. 
the i6th y. of Meiji (1883) 
in the prefecture of Ibaraki; 
e. s. of the late Kambei 
Fujisawa; m. Yone, e. d. ot 
Masanosuke Endo. Address: 
Sakae-mura, Niihari-gun, 


Fuiisawa, Rikitaro (ft ?? fij 
M ± "II5). .. Ph. D. (Strassburg 
University) , Rigakuhakvshi, 
Member of the Imperial 
Academy, Prof of mathe- 
matics in the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo ; b. Sept. 
1 86 1 in Niigata, province of 
Echigo ; e. s. of Chikayuki 
Fujisawa ; m. Miss Yasu 
Amaya, Nov. 14th, 1890.. 
Ediic. : Tokyo University, 
University College, London ; 
Berlin and Strassburg Uniyei> 
sities. Was appointed pro- 
fessor at the Imperial Univer- 
sity of Tokyo, June, 1887; 
was Japan's delegate to the 
2nd International Conference 
of Mathematics, Paris, 19OO 
and to the International 
Commission on the teaching 
of mathematics, acting as 
chairman of the Japanese 
Sub-Committee, 19 10. Publi-' 
cations: besides many works 
on mathematical subjects 
" Life Insurance " (Japanese) 
and "An essay on Joint- 


C 8& J 

metalism '\ (English). Ad- 
dress : No. 36, Suwa-cho, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 
808 Bancho. Clubs: Tokyo 
Club, life member of the _ 
British Society, member of 
Tokyo . mathematico-physical 
Society, , Tokyo Astronomjical 
society,.' etc. ^ '.' r." ' " 

FujisHima, Takeji (jf % ^ 
— )> Painter in Eiirdpsari 
style. Prof of the Fine Art 
Academy; b. 1867 in Kago- 
shima;^s•. of Kempo Fujishima. 
Ediic: graduated from^ the 
Tokyo French Language 
school. From boyhood, he 
was very fond of painting, 
and indulged in copying from 
the pictures in the Hokusai 
Manga and others. Froni 
1881 to 1896, studied picture 
dia:^ing in Japanese style 
from such artists as Togaku 
Hirayama and Gyokusho Ka- 
■wabata. In 1890, he turned 
to the painting in. European 
style, his teachers being 
Seijuro Nakamura, Ju Matsu- 
oka and Hosui Yamamoto. 
Was teacher in painting in 
the Miye Middle School in 
1893, and promoted to the 
present position in 1896 
when the Fine Art Academy 
opened its department of 
European style painting. In 
1905, was sent to France 
ahd Italy by the Government 
for; the; study of fine art. 

He studied oil painting under 
Ej-Cormon in _the Fine Art 
Academy in Paris, and 
travelled various European 
_countries to see the art gal- 
leries and museums, and es- 
pecially in Italy he saw many- 
artistic productions of classi- 
car and, historical interest. 
In- the : counir y^ ; he : received 
the review of his \york from 
Gorolus Duran. Returned to 
Japan in" 191D, and was ma(ile 
one of the examiners of the 
Tokyo Fine Art and Indus- 
trial Manufacturing Exhibi- 
tion, beside the present 
position. Address: No. 15 
Akebono-cho, Hongo, Tokyo. 
Pujishiro, Teisuke (^ fj jjg 
W)i Bungakzihakushi; Prof.", 
of the Literary College ia 
the Kyoto Imperial Univ.; b. 
in Chiba, July 1868; 1st 5. 
of Rikizo Fujishima; in. 
daughter of Matano Hisomu. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Course of German Literature 
in the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity in 1902; was sent to- 
Germany by the Department 
of Education to study Germaii 
language and literature, and 
stayed there two years. On 
returning home, was ap- 
pointed prof. of the; ist 
High school, and subse- 
quently that of the Kyotb- 
Imp. Univ. He is well known 
for his knowledge of German 

r 87 ] 


literature. Address : Tanaka- . 
mura, Atago-gun, Kyotb-fu. 

Fuiita, Heitar-o (MSVi:M')> 
Baron, President of the 
Fujita Firm, Osaka; 6. Oct. 
the 2nd j/. of Meiji (1869) in 
0?aka; e. s. of Denzaburo 
Fujita, founder of the Fujita 
Firm; m. Tomi, 3rd d. of 
Count Yoshikawa. Ed-iic.-. 
Cambridge University. Was 
"once director of the Osaka 
Shosen Kaisha, and auditor 
of the Japan Fire Insurance 
Co.; Now pre-sident of the 
Fujita Firm, succeeding his 
father. Address: No. 9 
Amijima cho, Kitaku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 1372 Higashi. 

Fujita, Tunenobu C^HIS'^), 
Prof of the College of Agri- 
culture in the Tohoku 
University, Chair (Marine 
Science). Address : Sapporo, 

Fujita, Kikuko (il H ^ ji). 
President of Toyarha District 
Court; b. Oct. 1854, in 
Hyogoken; 2nd .y. of Toshi- 
nobu Fujita, a samtirai of 
Hyogoken; m. K'ameki, sister 
of Kadzumasa Tanaka, a 
samurai of Fukuoka-ken. 
Clerk of Court, 1881, passed 
the Examination for Bench, 
1887; after serving as 
Judge of Utsunomiya, Anotsu, 
Nagoya Courts, and Judge 
of the . . Nagoya Court of 
Appeal, ; Chief Judge of the 

same Court, Chief Judge of 
Nagoya District Court, Pre- 
sident of Nab a District Court, 
was ultimately appointed to 
his present post; decorated 
with 4th Order of Merit. 
Address : Nishi -aimonocho, 
Toyama-city, Toyama-ken. 

Fujita, Koriki (jS H J[^ :ft). 
Director of the Imperial 
Railway Bureau and Chief 
of the Kyushu Railway 
Control Bureau; b. the 4th 
May the 2nd year of Keio 
( ! 866) in Tokyo; e. s. of Soku 
Fujita; in. Miss Ko, 2nd d. 
of Shigebumi Hattori. Ediic: 
graduated from the Law 
College of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University; took ser- 
vice in the Department of 
Education; was appointed 
its secretary; afterwards 
transferred to the post of 
secretary of the Communi- 
cation Department, promoted 
to' the present post in the 
43rd y. of Meiji. Address: 
official residence, Moji-shi, 

Fujita, kuhei C^±HA-^5» 
Founder of Fujiku-Gomei 
Kaisha (Fujiku Partnership); 
b. Sept. 1837, in Wakayama- 
ken ; 1st s. of Kurobei 
Fujita dealer in lumber. 
Address: No. 16, 2 chome, 
Saiwaicho, Nishiku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 719 /. d. Nishi. 
. Fujita, Biazo (^; H -# ^i 


[ 88 ] 

One of the highest-taxpayers 
of Okayama-ken; b. Sept. 
1867, in Okayama,-ken; ist 
s. of Rinzo Fujita; m. Mura, 
sister of Sei-ichi Tanaka. 
Address : Ashimorimachi, 
Kibi-gun; Okayama-ken. 

Fujita, Sadaichi (Mm'M. lU). 
Captain; ex-Chief of the 
Drawing Section of the 
Hydrographical Bureau in 
the Naval Department; b. 
1867. Educ: graduated from 
the Naval Academy. Lieute- 
nant-Commander, Dec. 1897; 
Commander, June, 1900; 
Captain, Oct. 1906 ; decorat- 
ed with the 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun; is now on 
the list of those who are 
waiting for an appointment. 
Addi'ess: l:iio. 2, Eijyucho, 
Yotsuya, Tokyo. 
Fu'ita, Seikyo \(M B IE «), 
Lkutenant-Colonel of Caval- 
ry; Commahcfer" of the i2th~ 
Regiment of Cavalry ; b' 
1869 in Tokyo. Sub-Lieute- 
nant, 1 891; Lieutenant, 1893; 
Captain, 1896; Major, 1903; 
Lieutenant-Colonel, 1907; 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address : Headquarters of the 
1 2th Regiment of Cavalry, 
Kokura, Fukuoka-ken. 
Fujita, Sh.igexn.ori (^ H S ^)» 
Judge; Presiding Judge 
m Hiroshima Court of 

Appeal. Address: Hiroshima 
Court of Appeal, Komachi, 

Fujita, Shiro (S IB H MR), 
Member of the House of 
Peers; President of the Japan 
Fire Insurance Co.; President 
of the Board of Directors of 
the Formosan Sugar Refining 
Co., and of the Tainan 
Sugar Refining Co.; b. 6th 
month, 1st y. of Bunkyu 
(1861) in Toba, Shima prov.; 
3rd s. of Rinzo Fujita; m. 
Bun, adopted daughter of 
Marquis Inoue, and e. d. of 
Kaemon Isono, a prominent 
businessman. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Tokyo 
Imperial University in iSth 
of Meiji; entei'ed government 
service as attache and coun- 
cillor to the Foreign Depart- 
ment ; served successively in 
the Japanese Legations at 
Vienna, and Berlin, etc.; was 
apppointed private secretary 
to the Minister of Com- 
munications in 23rd of Meiji; 
sent to Vienna as a repre- 
sentative of Ihe International 
Postal Conference held there 
in 1 891; promoted to be 
Councillor of the Department 
upon his return, in the same 
year; appointed Councillor 
of the fourth Home Exhi- 
bition; promoted to the Vice- 
Minister of Agriculture and 
Commerce in the 31st of Meiji 

[ 89 1 


(1898); retired from Govern- 
ment service in the 34th of 
Meiji when Marquis Katsura 
became premier. Address : 
No. 5. Koyamacho, Mita, 
Shiba, Tokyo. Tel: 1233 

Fujita, Sukeshichi (^ f] ^ 
-b)> Dealer in sugar; b., 
April, 1851, in Okayama- 
ken; in. Fusa, 1st d. of 
Fujisuke Matsuhara. Ad- 
dress : 2 chome, Andojimachi, 
Minami-ku, Osaka. Tel.: 4?,g 
I. d. Minami. 

Pujita, Takasatouro (|§ [H p^ 
H IP), President of the 
Nagoya Court of Appeal; 
b. the sth m. of the 3rd j. 
of Ansei (1856) in Uvvajima, 
province of lyo; 2nd s. of 
Toshioki Fujita, samurai of 
Uwajima clan; m. Rui. e. d. 
of Moiku Nishimura. Ediic: 
studied Chinese classics, Eng- 
lish and military science at 
the Enbujo, common school 
of his feudal lord; went up 
to Osaka with his father 
and learned English from Mr. 
Aston, then Interpreter of the 
English Consulate, by whom 
he was finally taken to Eng- 
land to continue his study; re- 
turned home in 1874 and en- 
tered the Kaiseigakko, fore- 
runner of the former Tokyo 
Daigaku, from which he gra- 
duated in 1878. Appointed 
probationary judge the same 

year: full judge in 1881, 
serving successively at the 
Kobe Court of First Instance, 
Hiroshima Court of Appeal 
and Hiroshima Criminal 
Court, etc. In 1884 left the 
bench and entered the service 
of the Foreign Dep't where 
he was first appointed its 
junior secretary and then 
acting director of the Com- 
mercial Bureau; returned 
to the bench in i886 and 

after sitting successively at 
the Tokyo Court of Appeal, 
Nara District Court (Presi- 
dent) , Osaka Court of Appeal, 
and the Court of Cassation, 
etec, was finally promoted to 
the present post in 1898. 
Mr. Fujita his his family 
are all devoted Christians, 
having been baptized at the 
St. John Church (Episcopal), 
Nagoya. Ptiblications : " In- 
ternational law "; " Maritime 
International law," etc. 
Recreations : Poetry, music 

[ 9£> ] 

and travelling. Address: 
No. I, Nichome, Fujiisuka- 
cho, Higashiku, Nagoya. 
Tel,: 97. 

, Fujita, toshiro (^ H ii B) 
1st Secretary to the Japanese 
Legation at Rio-de- Janeiro, 
j?razil; ^. the 7th m. of the 
2hd jT- of Bunkyu (1862) in 
the • prefecture of Okayama; 
2nd s. of Sei Watanabe and 
adopted by Shigeho Fujita, 
Samurai of Okayama; in. 
Ikuyo, e. d: of his father-in- 
law. Became a clerk of the 
Foreign office (1886;: pro- 
moted tq be Consul (1895); 
Secretary to _ the Japanese 
Legation and Consul at 
Banglipk;; Consul at Chicago; 
ConsulVat Bombay ; Secretary 
to the Japanese Legation ' 
and Consul at Rio-de- 
Janeiro (1910). Address: 
Japanese Legation, Rio-de- 
Janeiro, 'Brazil. ' ' 
, Fujita, 'Tsug'iakira (^ fg Jgj 
#) ) _ Surgeon General since 
September 1912, Chief of the 
Chosen Government General 
Hospital; b. 1855. Assistant- 
Surgeon, 187 1; Vice-Surgeon, 
1 881; Surgeon-Lieutenant, 
1883; Surgeon-Captain, 1884; 
Surgeon Lieutenant-Colonel, 
1889; Surgeon^Colonel, 1894; 
Surgeon-Lieutenant Colonel, 
1897; Surgeon-Colonel, 

1897; Surgeon Inspector 
Major-General, 1903. Took 

part in active service as chief 
of the Surgeon's Departrnent 
of the 4th Army under the 
late Marshal (then General) 
Nodzu during the Russo- 
Japanese War. Decorated 
with 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite, Order of Rising Sun 
of 2nd rank aiid Sacred 
Treasure of 3rd rank. Ad- 
dress: No. 39. Hyakunincho, 
Okubo-mura, Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo fu. 7>/.: 2433 Bancho. 
Fujiwara, Kiyozo (^ gf % 
i\ ^)> nom de Plume 
Reisen, writer; b. the 4th 
m. of the 1 6th y. of Meiji 
(1883) in Tottori-ken; s. of 
Ichisaburo Fujiwara; un- 
married. Educ: studied 
politics and pedagogics in 
England and returned home 
through Germany, Holland, 
Belgiijm and ..; Fi'ance, after 
investigating the matters 
relating newspaper manage- 
ment, from Jan. 19 10 to' 
Oct. 191 1. For some years 
engaged in school education, 
was article writer of the 
Yomhirishiinbun for five 
years;- A¥as entrusted with the 
work of investigating the 
educational condition in 
England by the Department 
of Education and the Tokyo 
Municipal Office while in 
Europe; after returned home 
was engaged in some im- 
portant educational works; 

[ 91 ] 


is special contributor to 
various educational maga- 
zines. Publications: "Politic- 
al education," " History of 
educational idea in the 
Meiji Era ", " Educational 
system of Great British," etc. 
(all in Japanese). Recreations : 
i-eading, chess, base ball, 
travelling, tobacco and tea. 
Address: No. i, Yanaka, 
Shimizu-cho, Shitaya-ku, 

Tokyo. Cbibs: " Teiyu 

Ethical Society," " Peace 
Society," " Eastern Asiatic 
Society," " Dainippon Edu- 
cational Association," etc. 

Fujita, Tsunetake {_% H M 
#)» Naval Pay master- Colo- 
nel; director of the Naval 
Paymasters' School since 
19 1 2. Chairman of the 
Ordinary Civil Service 
Examination Commission. 
Decorated with 5th Class of 
-Golden Kite. Address: No. 
100, Nakashibuya, Shibuya, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Fujita Yoyei CREEI^:^^g), 
President of Imari Bank; b. 
No. 1852, in Saga-ken; 1st 
.y. of Yohei Fujita, a samurai 
oi Sagaken; m. ist d. of 
Gizaemon Inatomi. Address: 
Imari-machi, Nishimatsuura- 
gun, saga-ken. 

Fujitake, Kihei (M^'M ^ tl). 
One of the highest-taxpayers 
of Kagoshima-ken; b. Oct. 
1864, in KagQshimaken; 

1st s. of Kizaemon Fujitake; 
m. Chika, 2nd d. of Kuma- 
suke Fujitake. Address : 
Nakamura, Kagoshima-shi. 
Pujitsu, Jun-ichi (^ j|6 Jp — ), 
^Colonel of Artillery, attached 
to the 4th Regiment of Field 
Artillery since 191 1; b. 
1870 in Yamaguchi-ken. 
Sub-lieiitenant, 1 892 ; Lieu- 
tenant, 1894; Captain, 1897; 
Major, 1903; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, 1907; decorated' 
witn the 4th Order of Mei'it 
and 4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address: Headquarters of 
the 4th Regiment of the 
Field ylrtillery, Osaka. 

Fujitsuka, Yosh.itaro (^ ^ 
^ ±. lit). Pawn-Broker; b. 
Apr. the 1 6th y. of Meiji 
(1883) in Osaka; 2nd s. of 
Shichibei Fujitsuka; »?. Kinu, 
5th d. of Kibei Togawa. 
Address: No. 153, Tatamiya- 
cho, Minami-ku, Osaka. 

Fujiyama, Baita (JiUjgi:), 
President of the Dai Nippon 
Sugar Mfg. Co., Vice Presi- 
dent of the Nippon Fire 
Insurance Company, Director 
of The Tokyo Printing Com- 
pany, President of the Shun- 
to Electric Company, etc.; b. 
Aug. 1863 in Saga, province 
of Hizen; s. of Kakuemon 
Fujiyama; m. Mine, : 2nd 
d- of Tsunenosuke Yeguchi. 
Educ. : studied ' economics 
and politics at the Keiogijuku 

Fuj— Fuk 

[ 92 ] 

Univ. and graduated from 
it in 1884; was elected 
president of the Prefectural 
Assembly of his native 
district; promoted the publi- 
cation of the Nagasaki 
Shimbun; employed by the 
Mitsui firm and was appointed 
Managing Director of the 
Shibaura Engineering Works; 
organized the cji paper 
Manufacturing Company, of 
which he became President; 
was elected member of the 
Standing Committee of the 
Tokyo Chamber of Com- 
merce; rendered useful 
service in the organization 
of the Tokyo Street Railway 
Company and became 
Managing Director of the 
same; promoted the Shun- to 
Electric Company with the 
capital of '1,000,000 yen in 
1903 and afterwards became 
connected with the Nippon 
Fire Insurance Company of 
which he was appointed 
Vice-President; was entrusted 
with the readjustment of the 
affairs of the Dai Nippon 
Sugar Mfg. Co., the largest 
one of its kind in Japan, 
which was financially em- 
barrassed and was finally 
became President of the 
same; is a conspicuous figure 
in business circles at present. 
Address: Irhazato-cho, Shiro- 
kane, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.'. 

1545 Shiba. 

Fujiyama Yokiclii (^ ^[i ^ 
S)> Chairman of the Otaru 
Chamber of Commerce. Ad- 
dress: No. 6, Kitahamacho, 
Otaru, Hokkaido. 

Fujisawa, Seikei (^-/f JE^), 
Chief gaoler of the Sugamo 
Prison; decorated with 4th 
Order of merit. Address: 
Official House, No. 3277, 
Sugamo, Sugamo-mura, Kita- 
toshima-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Fukada, Chokuio (gig EEI jf; 
^1 Japanese painter; b in 
Jejemachi, Shiga-ken, i86i. 
Educ. : studied painting of 
Shijo school from Sobun 
Morikawa. Was twelve times 
examiner and often lecturer 
or professor of painting; fre- 
quently got prizes; member 
of Osaka picture society and 
of Nihon Art Asso. Address: 
No. I, Shichome, Fushimi- 
cho, Higashiku, Osaka. 

Fukada, Yonejiro, fgg ffl :)U 
* Ii5)> Stock-Broker; b. Feb. 
1856, in Tokyo; 2nd jr. : of 
Hachiemon Fukada; m. 
Yoshi, 1st d. of Ryosetsu 
Arakawa, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Address: No. 7, 4 
chome, Fujimicho, Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 404 Bancho. 

I"ukaga-wa, Jukiclxi (-gg ji| 
a :S). One of the highest 
.taxpayers of Saga-ken; b. 
'Nov. 1848; brother of Bun- 
kichi Iguchi, a samurai of 

L 93 J 


Sagaken, and adopted by Finance and a member of 

Komakichi Fukagawa; m. the Bank of Japan; went to 

Matsu, 1st d. of his foster- America and Europe accom- 

father. Address: Suko-mura, panying Mr. K. Takahashi, 

Kineshima-gun, Saga-ken. then Vice Pre. of the Bank 

Fukagawa, Masajiro (gg J!| of Japan during the late 

gfe rK II?) {^ Director of the war. Publication : Translat- 

Kagoshima Warehouse Co. ed Prof. Westlake's " A 

and the Taiyo Steamership treatise on International Law" 

Co.; b. the 6th m. of the into Japanese. Address: 

3rd y. of Bunkyu (1863) in No. 89, 6 chome, Minamicho, 

Kagoshima; e. s. of Kakubei Aoyama, Tokyo. Tel.: 1917 

Fukagawa; m. Ei, sister of Shiba. Club: Tokyo Club, 

Tsunetaro Iguchi. Address: Fukai, Kanichiro (^ ^ g 

No; 17, Kanpmachi, Kago- — SO. Principal of the 4th 

shima. Middle School of Tokyo; 

Fukagawa, Yeizaimon (-gl b. at Iwatsuki, Musashi, May 

ill ^ :fe if PI), President of 1865. Educ: Saitama Mid- 

the Arita Bank, Director of die School; Tokyo Univer- 

the Arita Porcelain Mfg. Co., sity; graduated from the 

etc.; b. the ist m. of the Chinese Classical Course of 

1st J/, of Gwanji (1864) in the latter in June, 1887. 

the province of Hizen; e. s. Publication: Text book of 

of the late Eizaemon Fuka- Chinese Classic for Middle 

gawa; nt. Kotsuru, sister of School; etc. Address: No. 

Shidzuo Nagano. Address: 63, i chome, Kobinatadai- 

Aritamachi, Nishimatsuura- machi, Koishikawa-ku, To- 

gun, Nagasaki-ken. kyo. 

Fukai, Eigo (-Jg ^ ^ 5:), Fukai, Tsuneji (M. ^ B v&), 
Chief of National Loan Bur. Director of the Saifcai Bank, 
of the Bank of Japan; b. Address: Shimabara-machi, 
Jan. 1 87 1 in Takasaki, (Gum- Minamitakaki-gun, Nagasaki- 
ma Prefecture); s. of Shitau ken. 

Fukai; m. Haru, d. of Fukamachi, Eentaro (gg Wf 

Zennosuke Kosaka. Educ: Si pfc W)-> Commissioner of 

studied at Doshisha, Kyoto Aichi-ken; b. Jan. the 4th 

from 1886 until 1891. Was y. of Meiji (1871) in Ishi- 

successively writer of the kawa-ken; e. s. of Tetsugoro 

"Kokumin-Shimbun"; Private Fukamachi, saimirai of 

Secretary to the Minister of Kanazawa clan; m. Sakio, 


[ 94 ] 

5tli d. of Kumagoro Kosaka. Lieutenant, 1879; Major, 
Educ: graduated from the 1896; took part in the 
Coll. of Law of the Tokyo Japan-China War; Corn- 
Imp. Univ. (1896). Passed mander of the 28th Regiment 
the Examination for the of Infantry, 1900; served in 
Higher Civil Services and the Dep. of War, 1902; 
appointed Secretary to the Commander of the 2nd 
Department of Communica- Guards Regiment of Infantry, 
tion the sarne year; appointed 1903; took part in the Russo- 
successively the Secretary of Japanese War; Major-Gene- 
Aichiken, Ibaraki-ken, Tochi- ral, 1907; decorated with 
giken, and finally of Niigata 4th Class of Golden Kite, 
ken. Address: Nanamagari- Recreation : readino-. Ad- 
cho, Higashi-ku, Nagoya. dress: No. 459> NishiSkubo, 

Fukano, Icliizo (g| u — H), Okubomura, Toyotama-gun, 

ex-Governor of Aichi-ken; h. Tokyo-fu. 

in Higo, Jan. 1852. Secret- Pukaya, Teikitsu (M'S-'SW) 

ary of Fukushima-ken, 1891; Managing Director of the 

Governor of Tottori-ken, Ogasawara Bank, Auditor 

1896; Governor of Fukuoka- of the Yokosuka Bank; A. 

ken, 1899; nominated M. H. the loth m. of the ist j. 

P., Aug. 1911. Address: No. of Gwanji (1864) in the 

I, Minamitakashira-cho, Na- prefecture of Shizuoka; «<fi?/. 

kaku, Nagoya, Aichi-ken. s. . of the late , Yasaku 

Fukano, Tatsu (gg if ^), Fukaya; m. Tei, d. of his 

Judge; President of Nagoya father-in-law. Address: 0-. 

District Court. Address:'^o. suga-mura, Kogasa-gun, 

I, Nichome, Takehirachp, Shizuoka-ken. 

Higashi-ku, Nagoya-shi. Pukagawa, Yaich.iro (g| ;ii 

Fukaya, MCatasaburo (gg # 5S — *i5)» President of Hatano 

3(. H 115), Major-General on Bussan Kwaisha (H^atano 

the Reserve; b. in Tokyo, Products Company); Director 

Sept. 1865; s. of Fukaya of Hatano Bank; b. June, 

Moroyasu {samurai); m. 1858, in Kanagawa-ken; 1st 

1882, ,Nobu-ko, 2nd d. of s. of Gorobei Fukagawa; m. 

Onuki' Katsuyuki. Educ: Nae, sister of Nobutaro 

Chinese Classics in Shohei- Kondo. Address: Hatano- 

Gakko; English in Keiogi- machi, Naka-gun, Kanagawa- 

jiku, 1870-1873; Military ken. . ! : 

School,. 187:5-1-879. Second Fukazawa, Yahei ,(sg if ?® 

[ 95 ] 

■^ ^) grocer; firm name 
Yorodzuya; b. Sept. 1848, 
in Tokyo; ist j. ofMagoichi 
Fukagawa; m. Tome, 2nd d. 
of Gentaro Otani. Address: 
No. 5. Ichome, Muromachi, 
Nihonbashi-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1248 Honkyoku. 

Fukuda, IHCisataro (ia H Ji 
±. B15)) Majpr.^_G;enejr.iU,._chief 
staff df'TKe' ETwantung Gov- 
ernment General; b. 1870 
in Nagasaki-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
1887; Lieut., 1 891; Captain, 
1895; Major, r90o; Lieut.- 
Col., 1904; Colonel, 1907; de- 
corated with the 3rd order of 
the Rising Sun and 3rd Class 
of Golden Kite; Major-Gen- 
eral and commander of the 
24th Int. Brigade, Aug. 1911; 
present post since Dec. 1912. 
Address: Kwantung Goven- 
ment General Office. 

Fukuda, MataicM (fi p) JJ. — ) , 
Lawyer M. H. R.; assignee 
in bankruptcy; member of 
the ward assembly of Kanda; 
sub- chairman of the Tokyo 
municipal assembly; b. loth 
August 1st of Gwanji (.1864), 
in Saitama prefecture; 2nd s. 
of Sawakichi Fukuda; m. 
Sei, e. d. of Kiyoshi Kawai. 
Educ. : entered the higher 
Normal School; left to enter 
the Hogakuin,,a private law 
-college; assisted in the amal- 
gamation of the Liberal and 
the Progressive parties; passed 


the examination of barrister- 
at-law in the 24th of Meiji; 
elected member of the House 
of Representatives, 1908. 
Addreess: No. 30, Kijicho, 
Kanda, Tokyo. Tel.\ 1970 

Fukuda, Rokujiro (If, g >"c 
^ W>i A rich merchant in 
Osaka; b. the 12th m. of 
the 4th y. of Kokwa (1847) 
in Osaka; e. s. of the late 
Rokusuke Fukuda. Address: 
No. 7, 3 chome, Kitakyutaro- 
machi, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 

Fukuda, Takenori (|g pj jj^ 

SI)' Chief Public Procurator 
of the Okayama District 
Court; b. the 1st m. of the 
2nd y, of Bunkyu (1862) in 
Kumamoto ; e. s. of Keichoku 
Fukuda; m. Kuwa, 2nd d. 
of Matasuke Teramoto. Pass- 
ed the examination for the 
Bench (1887); Public Pro- 
curator of the District Court 
of Tottori, Kobe, Osaka in 
succession from 1887 to 1903; 
Chief Public Procurator of 
the Matsuye District Court 
(1904); present post since 
1905. Address: Official Re- 
sidence, District Court, Oka- 

-Fukuda, Tokuzo (jg, © ^ 2) 
fiogakuhakushi; Professor of 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
school; b. in 2, Dec, 7th of 
Meiji (1874) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of Tokubei Fukuda; m. 


[ 9^ ] 

Masayo, e. d. of' Baron 
Keijiro Murakami. Educ : 
Entered the Higher Com- 
mercial School, 22nd year 
of Meiji; graduated from the 
said school, 27th of Meiji; 
afterwards went abroad and 
studied economics and history 
of political economy at the 
Leipzig University; subsequ- 
ently entered the Miinhen 
University, and after gradua- 
ting from it, attended for 
special study at the Paris 
University, France, and at 
the Genoa University, Italy; 
was appointed professor of the 
Higher Commercial School 
upon his return in the 34th 
year of Meiji. Publications: 
"National economy"; "La- 
bour and Economy." Ad- 
dress: No. 756 Sendagaya, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Fufcuda, Tsugijiro (|S B ffi ?>: 
BR). President of the Kitaga- 
;ta Bank, Auditor of the 
Nohi Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank; b. June the 
4th y. of Meiji (1871) in the 
province of Mino; e.s. of the 
late Tsugijiro Fukuda; m. 
Ryo, sister of Keikichi Ya- 
bashi. Address : Makuwa- 
mura, Motosu-gun, Gifu-ken. 

Fukuda, XTmanosuke (|a §] 
% i. fiS). Naval. Constructor- 
General; Head of the 3rd 
Secion of the Departrnent <:£ 
the Naval Materials; h. Oct. 

1856; 1st s. of Fukuda Yo- 
rizane; m. Haru-ko, 3rd d. 
of Ando Ju-in. Decorated 
with 4th class of Golden 
Kite in recognition of his 
services in the Japan-China 
War and the Russo-Japanese 
War. Address: No. 3991 
Sanya, Nakano, Nakano- 
mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Pukuda, Yusaku (Jig [g -^ f-^), 
noin de ' pbim Yilsho, editor 
of, Yomiuri Shiinbun; b. 
Oct. r886 at Takayama, 
Hida. Educ. : literature 
course of Waseda Univ. 
Publication : Hariino Yu-me 
a collection of poetry). Ad- 
dress: c/o Seikwado, i cho- 
me, Echizenbori, Kyobashi- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Fukuba, Hayato (jfS ^3 i£ A)> 
Viscount, President of the 
Horticultural Department and 
Master of Ceremonies; b. 16, 
I ith month of 3rd y. of Ansei 
(1857); 3rd s. of Yojibei Sa- 
saki and adopted into the 
Fukuha family; m. Miss Tei, 
e. d. of Bisei Fukuha. Ad- 
dress: No. 185 Tsunohazu, 
Yodohashi ; Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo-fu. Tel.: 1871 Ban- 

Fakuhara, Eitaro (|S if. il i: 
IR)> President of the Ono- 
da Cement Mfg. Co.; /;. the 
7th in. of the 2nd y. of 
Bunkyti (1862) in the pro- 
vince of Nagato ; e. s. of 

C 9Z ] 


Hikohichi Fukuhara and a 
nephew of Marquis Inouye; 
■m. Ei, sister of Tomikuma 
Ozawa. Educ: studied at 
the Keiogijiku. Entered the 
Mitsui Firm (1880); retired 
from the above in 1905 and 
established the Onoda Ce- 
ment Mfg. Co., of which he 
is now president. Address: 
Chofu - mura, Toybura - gun, 

Fukuhara, Kyojiro f|l M ^ 
— BP)) Vice-Minister of Edu- 
cation since Sept. 191 1; b. 
in Mie Prefecture, June 1868; 
2nd s. of Sukehide Fu- 
kyhara, a smnurai; m. Miss 
Fumi, 2nd d. of Genru Kawa- 
kita. Edtic: graduated from 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity in 1892. Was appointed 
official to the Department 
of Communications; transfer- 

' red subsequently to the 
Home Department; was ap- 
pointed counsellor of the 
Department in 1893; served 
successively as Counsellor of 
the Nara Prefecture; Director 
of the Imperial Museum at 
Nara; Chief Inspector of 
Police of the Nara Prefecture; 
Counsellor and School Inspec- 
tor of the Department of 
Education; went to Germany 
and France in 1900 and 

""spent two years there, in- 
vestigating educational sys- 
tem. Address: 5 Kita-cho 

Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel. : No. 
564 Bancho. 

Fukuhara, Sentaro (jfg |g- |g 
i: Wi- Colonel of Infantryj 
Chief of Staff of the i6th 
Division; h. 1865 in Miye- 
ken. Sub-Lieutenant, 1887; 
Lieutenant, 1 892 ; Captain, 
1 89s; Major, 1902; Lieute- 
nant-Colonel, 1905; Colonel, 
1907; decorated with the 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Headquarteirs 
of the 1 6th Army Division, 

Fukutara, Toshimaru (fg ® 
^ ^)i Baron, Engineer of the 
Temporal Construction Bu- 
reau of the Finance Dept.; 
b. Aug. the 9th y. of Meiji 
(1876) in Yamaguchi-ken; 
e. s. of the late Hozen 
Fukuhara, samurai of Yama- 
guchi clan; ni. Tsuru, adopted 
sister of Jochii Kodama of 
Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Coll. of Engineering 
of the Tpkyo Imp. Univ. 
(1901). Became Lecturer 
to the Coll. of Engineering ■ 
and Science of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (1902-1904); was 
employed in the Tokyo 
Military Arsenal (1904-1906); 
appointed present post (1906); 
was sent to Europe and 
America on an official mission 
(1908- 1 909). He was created 
Baron in 1900 on account of 


[ 98 ] 

his father's meritorious service 
to the State. Address: Nai- 
tomachi, Yotsuya, Tokyo. 
2^/.: 1683 Bancho. 

Fukuhara, Yuslxin OWi M ^ 
■©>> druggist, President of the 
Imperial Life Insurance Com- 
pany, Ltd., Director of the 
Odawara Electric Railway 
Company, Ltd., of the Hakata 
Bay Railway Company, of 
the Takaishi Oil Company, 
Auditor of the Ajigawa 
Electric Company, member 
of the Tokyo Chamber of 
Commerce; b. in 8th April, 
ist^. of Kaei (1848), in Chiba 
prefecture; arid s. of Ichizae- 
mon Eukuhara; m. Toku, e. 
d. of Zenzaburo Suzuki. 
Began business career when 
young; by opening the Shi- 
seido, druggist store, assisted 
in bringing into existence the 
Imperial Life Insurance Com- 
pany. Address: No. i, Izu- 
mocho, - Kyobashiku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 324 Shimbashi. 

Fukui, Junzo (|i # Sp jf), 
ex-Member of the House of 
Bepresentatives; b. Sept. the 
A^ y- of Meiji (1871) in 
Kanagawa-ken; e. s. of Na- 
okichi Fukui, rich farmer in 
Kanagawa; m. Haru, e. d. 
of Kokusho Nakamura of 
Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Keiogijiku. Was 
once elected Vice-President 
of the Kanagawa, Agricul- 

tural Assembly; had been 
charged by the Dep't of 
Agriculture and Commerce 
with the business of investi- 
gating the conditions of 
factories and workingmen in 
Kanagawa prefecture; Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives (SeiyGkai member) 
1908-12 Address: Toyoda- 
mura, Naka-gun, Kanagawa- 

Surgeon Colonel on the re- 

ESivTsion; v5; 1864. Surgeon 
Second - Lieutenant, 1886; 
Surgeon- Lieutenant, 1892; 
Surgeon-Captain, 1 89S ; Sur- 
geon-Major, 1901; Surgeon I 
Lieutenant - Colonel, 1905.7 
Decorated with 4th Clas^^ 
Golden Kite. Address: Ku-^ 
nimoto-mura, Kawachi-gun, ' 

Pukui, Kikusaburo (is ^ ^ 
3||5), Managing Director of 
Mitsui Products Company; 
b. March, 1866, in Tokyo; 
Sth s. of Mankichi Naka- 
mura, and adopted by Ume 
Fukui; m. Natsu, ist d. of 
Soroku Ebara, a samurai of 
Shidzuoka. Educ: graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher ' 
Commercial School, 1883. 
Served as manager of several 
branch shops of the Mitsui 
Products Company, and was 

[ 99 ] 


tlie manager of the New 
York Branch of the Com- 
pany till transferred to the 
present post in 1890. Ad- 
dress: No. 2, Higashitoriiza- 
ka-cho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2683 Shiba. 

Pukui, MCasayoshi (IS^jER), 
Captain of the Navy; h. 
1859. Edtic: graduated 
from the Naval College in 
1879. Lieutenant-commander, 
Dec. 1897; com'mander, June 
1898; Captain, July 1904. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of R. 
S., 3rd Order of S. T., 3rd 
Class of Golden Kite. 

Fukui, Naokiehi CJI^iit^), 
President of the Kanagawa 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank, Director of the Eno- 
shima Electric Railway Co., 
Auditor of the Toa Mutual 
■Fire Insurance Co.; b. the 
1st m. of the 1st y. of 
Kayei (1848) in the province 
of Musashi; e. s. of the late 
Gembei Fukui; m. Nami, 
2nd d. of Mozayemon Nagao. 
Address: No. 6 Okawa-cho, 

Fukui, Saburo (ja ff- H IP), 
Member of the House of 
Representatives; b. the 5th 
m. of the 4th y. of Ansei 
(1857) in Okayama-ken; 2nd 
s. of Shimpyo Fukui; m. 
Fuku-ko, e. d. of Sei Naka- 
rai of Osaka. Edric. : gra- 
duated from the Okayama 

Normal School. Became first 
a primary school teacher 
and subsequently chief editor 
of the " Kyochii Shimbun," a 
daily newspaper published at 
Kofu, Yamanashi-ken; enter- 
ed the Dep't of Agriculture 
and Commerce and went to 
Hawaii on Official business; 
leaving the Dep't established 
the Keirin Shogyodan, a com- 
mercial association in Korea 
and became its president; 
has thrice been elected mem- 
of the House of Representa- 
tives since 1896; decorated 
v/ith the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun in connection 
with the Russo-Japanese war. 
Address: No. 68 Sanchome, 
Kitamachi, Aoyama, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 3090 Shiba. 

Fukui, Shinnosliin (jig ;^ -^ 
i^ 5S)> pen-name " Kotei," 
painter of Japanese style; b. 
Yedo, in 1865. ,&/2/^. : studied 
painting from Gyokusho Ka- 
wabata. Honoured in paint- 
ing before their Imp. Majesties 
when they proceeded to 
Marquis Mayeda's residence, 
July 19 10. Gained often 
prizes in exhibitions; member 
of the societies of Musei, 
Tenshin, Nihon picture, Ta- 
tsumi and Nihon Art. Asso. 
Address; 9 Kojima-cho, Asa- 
kusa-ku, Tokyo. 

Fukumoto, Sei (Is i^ |^), 
nom de phime " Nichinan; 


[ loo ] 

ex-Member of the House 
of Representatives, Author, 
Journalist; b. May, 1857, in 
Fukuoka-ken; ist s. of Taifu 
Fukumoto; in. Yoshi, sister 
of Kamekichi Mitsunawa, a 
saimirai of Tokyo. Educ: 
studied Japanese and Chinese 
Classics, and English, in 
Tokyo. Made a trip to 
France. Once was editor of 
the " Nihon-Shimbun," and 
is now editor-in-chief of Fu- 
kuoka Nippo; was member 
of Kokiimintd for some years. 
Publications: many works of 
various kinds, the most 
famous being " Genroku 
kwaikyoroku," a story of 
the 47 loyalsts of the Akao 
clan. Address: No. 82, Yu- 
shimamikumi-cho, Hongb-ku, 

Pukanaga, Kichinosuke (IS 
^ ^ i. fJ), Naval Paymas- 
ter-General ; ^^as'lioiTi mated 
Ttrewbef ' of the House of^ 
Peers in 191 2. Decorated 
with 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: No. 75, Hiro- 
cho, Azabuku, Tokyo. 

Fubunaga, S5nosuke (jjf, f^ 
^ ^ IS)' Maj or-G_en er^l.;,, .<^,. _ 
Feb. 1 8^4, HI Tokyo'™ ' In . 
Russo-Japan War, he was 
the commander of the ist 
Artillery Brigade and did 
good service in the famous 
battle of Ta-shih-cho. De- 
corated with the third class 

Golden Kite and. 3rd Order 
of Merit. Placed on the re- 
serve Mar. 1907. Address: 
Harajiku, Tokyo. 

Fukunish.i, Ihei (SP, M '6* :^ 
#)_> President of the Aidzu 
Bank, Director of the Aidzu 
Electric Power Co., etc.; b. 
the 1st in. of the 3rd y. of 
Ansei (1856) in the prefec- 
ture of Fukushima; e. s. of 
the late Ihei Fukunishi; in. 
Yasu, 3rd d. of Kizaemon 
Hoshino. Address: Daimachi, 
Wakamatsu, Fukushima-ken. 

Fukuoka, Hidei (Jg M^W)i 
Professor of the Tokyo 
Foreign Language School; 
Prof, of the Peers' School; 
of Waseda University; s. 
of Viscount Kotei Fukuoka; 
b. in Kochi, Province of 
Tosa, 21 Sept. 4th of Meiji 
(1871); in. Miss Sada-ko, e. d. 
of Viscount Raisho Sagara. 
Educ: Entered the Peers' 
Schoolj went to America i 
June^ i887';..studiedllaw,-at.the \ 
Washington and Lee Univer- 
sities; moved to the Cum- 
berland University; graduated 
from the law department of 
the same, 24. of Meiji; receiv- 
ed the degree of B. S. at the 
University; entered the Yale 
University to pursue the same 
study; returned to Japan the 
2Sth of Meijij^entered Brussel 
Univ., in^- 1 89s, and studied 
there "iriterliaticrrial law',- poll- 

[ tor ] 


tics aiid__,e.cQnomics ; .^nd, 
received an honorable degree 
from the University in the 
-Jiext year, and then renaoyed~ 
.to Paris for study; came 
•back to Japan at the end of 
the year. Since his return 
home, served as Professor of 
Waseda Univ., the Tokyo 
Foreign Language School, 
the Peers' School and some 
others. Besides he was vice- 
President of the Tokyo Y. 
M. C. A., adviser to the 
Nohi_ Orphanage, etc. Ad- 
■dress: Kanatomi-cho, Koishi- 
Kawaku, Tokyo. Tel.: 6gi 

S-ukuoka, Sotei (|a IRI # ^), 
Viscount (cr. 17th of Meiji), 
Privy Councillor and Member 
of the Board of Decora- 
tions; b. the 2nd m. of the 
6th y. of Tempo (1835) in 
Kochi, province of Tosa; s. 
of Kojun Fukuoka, hereditary 
retainer to the Lord of Tosa. 
Became Koribugyo (Magist- 
rate)" to the clan government 
at the early age of twenty 
four; subsequently appoint- 
ed Military Governor of 
Feudal lord; went up to 
Kyoto, then the Capital of 
. Mikado, in the 3rd year of 
Keiwo (1967) and began a 
movement in concert with 
the late Count Goto for the 
cause of the Restoration; 
presented in the same year 

the memorial of his feudal 
lord to the Shogunate through 
the hand of Iganokami 
__Itakura, then the Minister of 
the Tokugawa government; 
had an interview with the 
Shogun Keiki soon afterwards 
in company with Goto and 
others, earnestly pleadii?g the 
advisability of his returning 
the reins of government into 
the hands of the Mil-cado ; 
the deputation being success- 
ful in its efforts, was next 
appointed Councillor to the 
new Government and drew 
up together with Kosei Yuri 
and others the so-called 
"Imperial .Written Oath" 
which was duly adopted by 
the Emperor; laid the govern- 
mental foundation of the 
Dajokwan system (Council of 
State), an institution which 
was abolished in 1885; was 
appointed member of the 
Senate in the ist y. of Meiji 
(1868); Sangi (Councillor of 
State Affairs) and Minister 
of Education (188 1); grant- 
ed the 1st Order of the 
Rising Sun (Grand Cordon) 
the same year;, created Vis- 
count (1884); Privy Councillor 
(1888), a post he still holds. 
Address: No. 59 Kanatomi- 
cho, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 691 Bancho. 

JPukuoka, Seiiclii (ifsPg^— )> 
Member of the House', of 


C 102 ] 

Representatives, Lawyer; b. 
April, iSss, in Aichi-ken; 
2nd s. of Shinzo Fukuoka; 
m. Kura, ist d. of Kinjiro 
Nakane. Once was a mem- 
ber of the AicW Prefectural 
Assembly. Address: Ren- 
jyaku, Okazaki-machi, Nu- 
kata-gun, Aichi-ken. 

Futuoka, Toyokadzu (M 153 
S *n), Judge, President of the 
Aomori District Court; b. 
the lOth m. of the 3rd y. of 
Kayei (1850) in the province 
of Hizen; 2nd s. of Yosuke 
Tomioka and adopted by the 
late Sosuke Fukuoka; in. 
Sumi, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Became Probationary 
Judge in 1874; full Judge 
(1887); Judge , of the Local 
Court of Kokura, Tokyo, 
Takasaki, Matsumoto in suc- 
cession (1887-1908); pro- 
rrioted President of. the . Ao- 
rnori District Court (1900). 
Address : District Court, 

Fukuoka, Tsunejiro (|a |^ 
■m fh II5)> Expert of the Me- 
tropolitan Police Office and 
of the Mechanical Bureau 
in the Department of Agri- 
culture and Commerce; b. in 
Nara, ' 1870. Educ: gra- 
duated from the .3rd High 
Sthool and from the College 
_ of Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imp; Univ. in 1894. He is 
well versed in archtecture. 

and many large notable • 
buildings in the capital were 
constructed under his super- 
intendence. The newly built 
Metroplitan Police Office is 
one of them. Address: No. 
29 Ukyo-cho, Yotsuya-ku, 

Fukurai, Toiiiokie}ii (jjg ^ 
'M. a)> Bttngakti-kakushiy 
Assistant-Prof, of the College 
of Literature in Tokyo Imp.. 
Univ.; b. at Takayama, Hi- 
da, Nov. 1973. Edtic: 
graduated from the 3rd High 
School in Kyoto, and from 
the College of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Is 
famous for his knowledge of 
psychology, and especially 
hypnogenetic Psychology. 
Publications : Educational 
Psychology; The Text Book 
of Psychology; Lectures on 
Psychology; Psychology of 
Hypnotism. Address: No. 
70 Otsuka-machi, Koishika- 
wa-ku, Tokyo. 

E"ukush.ima, Namizo (|f, ^ 
?B P)> Broker of the Tokyo 
Stock Exchange; b. in 6th, 
April, 1st of Man-yen (i860);. 
3rd s. of Tomisaburo Matsu- 
bara, a native of Tokyo; m. 
Taki, d. of Shige Fukushima. 
Early established himself in 
business as broker, and is one 
of the most prominent brokers 
in Japan. Address : No. 24 
Aomonocho, Nihonbashi-ku, 

[ I03 ] 


Tokyo. Tel. : No. 54 Naniwa. 
5"ufeusliima, Yasumasa (|g 
& 3? iE)> Baron (cr. 1907); 
Xieu±en?:,;;it-Cjetieral, Gover- 
"iTor-Generail of Kwantung 
since 1912; ^. Sept. 1853, at 
Matsumoto, Nagano- ken; ist 
i. of Yasushiro Fukushima, a 
samurai of Nagano-ken; »«. 
Sada, 1st </. of Teiketsu Ta- 
kano, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ: Kobusho (Military 
Arts Training School); Dai- 
gaku-nanko (the forerunner 
of the present Tokyo Im- 
perial Univ.). Served in the 
Department of Justice, 1873, 
and then in the Department 
of War, 1874; was detached 
for service in America, 1876; 
Lieutenant, 1878; Captain, 
1883; Military Attache of 
the Japanese Legation in 
Berlin, 1887-1893; on his 
returning from Germany, he 
rode home through Siberia, 
starting from Berlin in Feb. 
1892, and arrived at Vladi- 
vostock in June, 1893; on 
completing his famous ride 
through Siberia, Mongolia, 
and Manchuria was the re- 
cipient of an enthusiastic 
welcome from the people. 
Major, 1888; Lieutenant-Co- 
lonel, 1893; in the Japan 
China War, he acted on the 
staff of the ist Army and 
was rewarded with 4th Class 
of Golden Kite: after the war 

ended, he travelled through 
many countries of Europe 
and Asia, 1895- 1897; Co- 
lonel, 1895; Major-General, 

190O; on the occasion ot the 
Boxer Trouble in 1900, he 
acquired international fame as 
commander of the Japanese 
Expeditionary Army and was 
rewarded with 2nd Order of 
Merit and 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite, in 1902 ; he went_^ 
over to England, in the suite 
of Prince Komatsu, to attend 
the Coronation Ceremony of 
King Edward VII ; in the 
Russo-Japanese War he ren- 
ndered splendid service to 
his country under Marshal 
Prince Oyama on the staff of 
the Manchurian Army, and 
was decorated with 2nd Class 
of Goldefn Kite as a war 
reward; Lieutenant-General, 
1906 ; vice-chief of the 
General Staff office untffl 
April 1912. decorated with 
1st Order of Merit, 1907. 


C 1.04 ] 

Recreations: travelling. Ad- 
re ss: Port Arthur. 

Fubushima,. Tubinobu (i|g ^ 
^ W)y Proprietor of Fultu- 
shima Co., Director of the 
Hinode Life Insurance Co., 
etc.; b. the 7th of Meiji (1874) 
in the prefecture of Hiogo; 
€. s. of the late Ryosuke 
Fukushima; m. Shin, e. d. of 
Isamu Kiyono. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Third High 
School, 28th of Meiji (1895); 
studied Econpmics in^Lgndon, 

■ 1896; returned home in 1899; 
went to fSidney to establish 
tlie ""Branch , of Fukushima 
Co., 1901 ; present post 
since his return home. Chibs: 
Nippon Club. Address: No. 
6j, Roppongi-cho, Azabu, 
Tokyo; Yaesucho, Kojimachi 
(Office). Tel: 69S Shiba,- 779 
Honkyoku (Office). 

Fukutaiiii, "Motoji (|i ^ jrp 
^)» Director of the Toyo- 
hashi Gas Co., Special Mem- 
ber Toyohashi Chamber of 
Commerce!; b. the 2nd m. 
of the 1st y. of Manyen 
(i860) in the province of 
Mikawa; and s. of Katsuzo 
Hayashi a,nd adopted by the 
late Yaye Fukutani; in- 
Sudzu, sister of Ryoseki 
Kiuke. Address: No. 149 
•Nishimachi, Toyohashi. 

Aichi-ken. . 
Fnkuyama, Kametaro (M lU 

% X S5), President of the 

Local Mining Inspection 
Office at Sendai. Address : 
Local Mining Office, Sendai, 
Miyagi-ken. " (_„ 

Fukuzawa, IcMtaro (M M — 
* gp),- Proprietor of the Keio- 
gijuku, Writer of the " Jiji 
Shimpo ; ^. Dec. 1863; e. s. 
of the late celebrated Yukichi 
Fukuzawa ; m. Ito, e. d. of 
Hintoku Osawa. Educ. : 
graduated from the Keio- 
gijuku, July, 15th of Meiji; 
entered Yale University, . U. 
S. A. in 1883. and studied 
literature ; returned home in 
i860 and became writer to 
the Jiji Shimpo. Recreations : 
various indoor games. Add- 
ress : No. 2, 2 chorhe, Mita, 
Shiba, Tokyo.. Tel.: 634 
Shimbashi. ' • ■> 

Eukuzawa, Homosuke (ia ?f 
W& W)y Director of the Nisshin 
Spinning Company, the 
Toyohashi Electric Company ; 
b. the second of Meiji (1869) 
in Arako-mura, Hiki-gun. 
Gumma Prefecture ; sec. s. of, 
Kiichi Iwasaki; was afterwards 
adopted by the late celebrat- 
ed Yukichi Fukuzawa ; m. 
Fusa, d. of his foster father. 
Educ. : after graduating from 
the Keiogijuku (1883—1886) 
entered the : Commercial 
College in New York where 
he specially -studied matters 
•coheemirig ' railways ; inves- 
tigated _ the actual , . nr.atiage- 

[ rps ] 


ment of railway business for 
about a year in tKe Pennsyl- 
vania Railway Company in 
^hich he was one of the 
staff "(i 888— 1 889). Returned 
home in the fall of 1889 and 
snccessively became advisor 
and manager to the Hok- 
kaido \^ Colliery Railway 
Company ; started the organi- 
zation of the Naniwa Rail- 
way ; is enaged at present 
in several enterprises beside 
the companies above mention- 
ed. Address : No. 436, Shi- 
moshibuya' Shibuyacho, To- 
kyo. Tel: 753, Shiba. 

Funabashi, Suiken Clff ^ tR 
K), Viscount, Member of the 
Peers' House ; d. the 6th in. 
pf"t'he^st y. of Keio (1865) 
in Kyoto; 2nd s. of Koken 
Funabashi, formerly a noble 
at the Mikado's Court; m. 
Fumiko, sister of Viscount 
Ryuji Kuki. Appointed 
periodical attendant to the 
Imp. Palace at Kyoto in 
1883; has been elected 
several times Member of 
the House of Peers since 
1890; decorated with 4th 
Order of Merit in connection 
with the Russo-Japanese war. 
Address : 32 Daimoncho, 
Minamiiru, Enokimachi, 

Muromachidori, Kaniikyo-ku, 

Eunabashi, Zenya (Iff ® # 
M), Eear-Adm. Chief , Engi- 

neer of Kure JSTaval station ; 
b. 1867. Educ: graduated 
from the Naval Engineering 
School. Lieutenant-Comman- 
der of Engineering, Feb. 
1898 ; Commander of—, Sept. 
1899; Captain of—, Sept. 
1906; decorated with the 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: No. 481, 
Shirogane Sankocho, Shiba, 
Tokyo. Tel: -2,7s, Shiba. 

Funada, Sansluro CIS K H ■ 
ra 115), One of the highest- 
taxpayers ^ of Tochigiken ; b. 
Nov. 1862, in Tochigi-ken; 
1st .J. of Chokichiro Funada ; 
m: Yasu, mother of Kura 
Fukutomi. Address : Toyoda- 
mura, Shimotsuga-gun, 


Funafcawa, Kwashu CIS 
."] ^ ?#D, Seiichi by proper 
name, artist, Japanese painter; 
6. 1«80 in Kyoto; s. of Na- 
kashi Funakawa; m. Rikiko 
in 1908. Eduo : graduated 
from the Kyoto Middle School. 
Exhibited his masterpieces 
in ^various art exhibitions and 
obtained many prizes ; had 
honour of drawing before 
Nun — Princess Murakumo in 
1906 and 1909 ; had honour 
of his picture of Altebmioyo 
being bought, by the Trap. 
House. Recreations : old puinf- 
ing and calligraghy, travell- 
ing, curios. Address : 8 chome. 


[ ic6 ]. 

Ue-hon-machi, Higashi-ku, O- 
saka. (Jvbs: m. of Dohitsu- 
kai and of the Tatsumi-kai. 
Fimaki, Rentaro, CI9 * ^ ± 
^^luM&MrA^^sXop. tlig reser- 
ve; 3. in "Tokyo, 6^Jan. 1856; ist 
s. of the late Shigetaka Funaki. 
BdiK. : studied in the Naval 
Cadet School, and went to 
England to prosecute his 
studiSs;' 1875 ; returning in 
1 88 i . Took part in the Japan- 
China war as the captain of 
the Yamato, and then, of the 
Kongo. His merits in the 
war were great. , In 1893, 
he went to England, as one 
of the suite of Prince Arisu- 
gawa, to attend the corona- 
tion ceremony of Queen 
Victoria ; is now director of 
the Japan Whale Catching 
Company. Address: No. 
69, Zaimokucho, Azabuku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2258, Shiba, 
FunakosM, Mamoru C^ j® 
W), Baron (cr. igoo"). member 
of the Privy Council; h. at 
Hiroshima, June, '40. Educ: 
Studied in the school of the Hi- 
roshima clan! As one of the 
loyal party at the time of the 
Meiji Restoration, his services 
were very great. In 1 888, 
on returning from his in- 
spection four pf European 
_couut.i:ies, he was appointed 
governer of Ishikawa, and 
then, of Miyagi. Nominated 
Member of the House of 

Peers, 1894. Address: No. 
22, 2chome, Kaga-cho, Ushi- 
gome-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 488, 

Funakoslil, Shushiro (if @ 

*l H 115), .Cagitan; Commander 
of the afinoufed cruiser I'- 
wate; b. 1871. Educ: 
graduated from ' the Naval 
Engineering College, Lieu- 
tenant, Dec. 1 897 ; Lieutenant 
Commander, Jan. 1901 ; Com- 
mander, Jan. 1905 ; and then 
Captain, 19 10; was decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 4th 
Order of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : No. 3, Nihoh-enokl, 
Nishimachi, Shiba, Tokyo 

FunakosM, Mitsimojo CIS M 
jfe ^ ^^, Qouncillor >,to the 
Japanese Em&assy at Berlin 
since 1912;. 6. in Hiroshima, 
Feb. 1867 ; ist s. of Baron 
Funakoshi Mamoru. Educ. : 
st.Hdigd .in_.G.erinany, Passed 
the diplomatic , and consular 
service examination in 
1 894 ; eleye Consul at 
Vladivostock, 1894 ; at 

Fusah, and then, at San 
Francisco, 1895 ; Secretary 
of the Japanese Legation at 
Washington, 1897; Legation 
Secretary at London, 1902 ; 
Secretary at VigafKti 1903 ; 
transferred to Beriin> 1906; 
ISecr^etary of the Foreign 0- 
&ce Address: Japanese. Em- 
bassy, Berlin. 

[ I07 ] 

Fun— Fur 

Funao, Tetcho (l§ M ® «), 
Lieutenaiit Colonel of Artil- 
lery ; Commander of the ist 
Battalion of Mountain Artil- 
lery ; b. 1868 in Yamagata- 
ken. Sub-Lieutenant, 1892 ; 
Lieutenant, 1894 ; Captain, 
1897; Major, 1904; Lieu- 
teiiat-Colonel, 1908 ; decor- 
ated with the 4th Order of 
Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Ist Battalion of the 
Mountain Artillery, Sendai. 

Fuuaoka, Einosuke CIS H % 
i- SS)) Igaku-hakushi ; Prof 
of the Okayama Medical 
College. Address : The 
Okayama Medical College, 
Okayama city. 

Furiya, YosMro Cl^ ^ ^ 
fiP), Kogakuhakushi, Prof of 
the Sendai Higher Technical 
School. Addresss : The 
Sendai Higher Technical 
School, Sendai, Miyagi-ken 

Furuari, Yoshinao ("§ ^ -ft 
i£), NogakuJtakushi ; Dean 01 
the College of Agriculture 
in the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity. Address : The Col- 
lege of Agriculture, Kami- 
meguro, Ebaragun, Tokyo. 

Furniehi, Koi Ck * & ^), 
Kogakuhakushi, Professor of 
the Tokyo Imperial Umversity, 
member of the House of 
Peers; b. in 1854 at Edo ; 
s. of Takashi Furuichi, sa- 
murai of the Himeji clan. 

Educ. : Kntered the Kaisei 
Gakko, predecessor of , the 
present Imperial university, 
just the beginning of the 
present Meiji era; after- 
ward, selected from his clan- 
to enter the Daigaku Nanko, 
in 187s ; was sent to France 
by the government; admitted 
into the Ecole Centrale and 
afterward into the Paris Uni- 
versity from which he 
graduated with hohors and 
degree of L.S; ; returnedhome 
and entered the Government 
service as official to the Home 
Department ; granted the 
degree of Kogaku - haku- 
shi ; elected, member of the 

House of Peers in 1890 ; 
held the posts ot lecturer 01 

the Imperial University, en- 
gineer of the Home Depart- 
ment ; Dean and Professor 
of the Engineering College, 
Councillor of the Imperial 
University ; Special Com- 
mittee of the Central Sani- 
tary Association, Chief of the 
Civil Engineering Bureau of the 
Home Department, etc. ; was 
Director of the Public Works 
Bureau, Home office; Vice- 
minister of Communications, 
and Director-General of the 
Government Railways; Eme- 
ritus Professor in 1 903; in 
1904, appointed the presi- 
dent of the' Seoul Fusan 
Railway Company. Superin- 
tended in many provincial 


[ io8] 

places various engineering 
works; carried through the 
faiHous Shinano-gawa riparian 
work ; was Chief Projecter 
of the Tokyo street and 
road linprovement scheme; 
was decorated with the 3rd 
Order of Merit after the 
Russo-Japanese War. Ad- 
dress : No. 3, 2chorne, Yu- 
micho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : I Shitaya. 

Furukawa, Gentaro (W ;il M 
■k 115), President of the Thir- 
tieth Bank, Auditor of the 
Miyako Bank, Steward to 
Marquis Nabeshima, etc. ; d. 
the I St m. of the 1 3th y. of 
Tempo (1842) in the province 
of Hizen ; e. s. of the late 
Yoichi F'urukawa, a samurai 
of Saga clan ; m. Kiyo, sister 
of Kataro Fukuchi. Address: 
No. I, 2 chome, Nagata- 
machi, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Furukawa, Koju (■& )\\ ^ 

S), Chief of the 4th Section 
of the 3rd Department in the 
Board of Audit. Address : 
iS'o- 203, Harajuku, Sendaga- 
yamura, Tokyo. 

Furukawa, KohicH C'fi" )\\ 
# -b), President of the Sumida 
Steamship Company ; Direc- 
tor of the Senju-Adzuma 
Steamship Co. ; Member of 
the Tokyo City Council ; 
Rice-merchant ; b. in Mino, 
June 1894. He was the first 
man to run steamboats on 

the .Sumida. Address : No. 
4, Kpmme-narihiracho, Honj o- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 503, Shitaya. 

Furukawa, Senyo QS jil "M 

#), ■ JLieute|ia,|!Lt;general on 

the reserve; ' 0. the "^rd m. 
of the 2ndjj', of Kayei (1849) 
in Shizuoka-ken ; s. of the 
late Shotaro Furukawa ; m. 
Ryu, 3rd d. of his adopted 
father. Edi(c. : Graduated 
from the former Kyododan 
(Non-Commissioned Officers' 
School). Appointed Sub- 
Lieutenant of Engineers in 
1873 ; filled later on the 
post of Instructor of the 
Militaiy College ; Inspector 
General of etapes of the 5 th 
Army Division in the Japan- 
China War ; Chief of the 
Engineei-ing Department of the 
4th Army in the Russo- 
Japan war, etc.; promoted 
Lieutenant-General in 1906 
when he was placed on the 
reserve list. He received the 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
and 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite. Recreation : Chinese 
Poetry. Address: 462, Nu- 
mazu, Shunto-gun, Shizuoka- 

Furukawa, Sho (■£■ ;i| ^), 
President of Owari Colliery 
Company; d. Mar. 1854, 
in Osaka ; 4th s. of Dai- 
suke Furukawa, a Samurai, 
m. Fude, 2nd d. of Masatoyo 
Takeuchi. Address: No. 16, 

[ I09 ] 


Ichome, Minamitakehiracho, 
Purukawa, Toranosuke C'Sf M J^ 
^ IS), President of the Furuka- 
wa Mining Company ; b. Jan. 
1882 in Tokyo ; s. of the 
late celebrated mine-owner 
Ichibei Furukawa ; m. Fujiko, 
2nd d. of the late Marquis 
Saigo Nov. .1908. Educ. : 
The Keiogijulcu ; completed 
the course of Mining and 
Metallurgy at the Columbia 
University, U. S. A. (1905 — 
1907) ; returned home Dec. 
1907 after investigating the 
conditions of the mining 
industry in America, Mexico, 
Canada and various countries 
of Europe, when he became 
the president of the Furu- 
kawa Mining Company, one 
of the largest in- this line in 
Japan (with a paid up Capital 
of 5,000,000 yen). Address: 
No. 10, 2 chome, Tsukiji, 
Kyobashi, Tokyo. Tel. : 

1000 Kyobashi. Recreation : 
Athletics. Clubs.: Tokyo Club; 

Furumori, Tai (■fi" # #), 
Br., ex-Memher of the House 
of Representatives ; b. the 
7th m. of the 1st y. of 
Gwanji (1864) in Nagasaki- 
ken ; e. s. of Kenzo 
Furumori, a samurai; tn. 
Mine, e. d. of Hisakata 
Kojima. Educ. : Graduated 
from the Nagasaki Medical 

School. Founded the Izuhara 
Public Hospital after gradua- 
tion ; was Militaiy Surgeon 
in charge of the Tsushima 
Garrison during the Japan- 
China War ; was elected 
Member of the House of 
Representatives in the last 
general election. Address : 
Imayashiki, Izuharamachi, 
Shimogata-gun, Nagasaki- 

Furusho, Kamon Qii^M H), 
Member of the House of 
Peers; b. Dec. 1840, in' 
Kumamoto. Entered civil 
service in 1 874 ; Judge of 
Osaka Court ; Secretary of 
Aomori and Oita Prefec- 
tures, 1883 — 1887; Princi- 
pal of the 1st High School. 
1887 ; Member of the House 
of Representatives, 1 890 ; 
Governor of Dainan-ken ; 
rewarded with 5 th Order of 
merit in recognition of his 
services during the Japan- 
China War ; Governor of 
Gumma Prefecture, April 
1897 — July 1898; Governor 
of Miye Prefecture ; nominat- 
ed Member of the House of 
Peers, 1905 ; decorated with 
^rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : Minamisendanbata- 
cho, Kumamoto-shi, Kuma- 

Furusho, Kadzuo CSB — mX 
President of the Osaka Court 
of Appeal ; b. in Kumamoto, 


[ no] 

April, 1848; 1st .s. of the 
late Furusho Sentaro ; m. 
Chidzu-ko, jst d. of Taka- 
yama Rangi._ Judge, 1881 ; 
Judge of Hiroshima District 
Court, 1890; Judge of Tokyo 
District Court, 1892; Chief 
Public Procurator of Miyagi 
Court of Appeal, 1896; 
President of Hakodate Court 
of Appeal, 1898; President 
of Miyagi Court of Agpeal, 
1902 ; President of Osaka 
Court of Appeal, 1905. Ad- 
-dress.: No. 11, Nichome, 
Dojimahamadori, Kitaku, 

Fnruumi, Gencho Q^ UM 

uder of the 36th Infantry 
Brigad; h. 1866 in Ehime Pre- 
fecture; Second -Lieutenant, 
1887; Lieutenant 1890; Cap- 
tain, 1896; Major, 1902; Lieu- 
tenajit-Colonel, 1905; Colonel, 
1907. Decorated with 3rd 
Class of Golden Kite and 
Order of Rising Sun of third 
rank and Sacred Treasure of 
4th rank. Address: the 
Commanding Office of the 
36th Infantry Brigad, Kago- 
Furuya, CMzo (■& S ^ jf), 

,^^aMt«8L&afii.S:'.l<>n the 
reserve. Prof, of the Mercan- 
tile Marine School ; b. the 
nth m^oi the 3rd y. of 
Bunkyu {i?,6i) in Tokyo; 
e. s. of Chojiro Furuya ; m. 

Michi, e. d. of" Shiori Miya- 
zawa. Awarded 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite for his 
services in the China-Japan 
War. Address: No. 3, Ake- 
bonocho, Hongo, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1592 Otsu Shitaya. 

Furuya, Hisatsuna (•& # A 
M), Master of Ceremonies and 
Steward to Prince Yi-kong 
of Chosen ; b. June. 1 874 in 
Shimouwa-mura, Higashi- 
Uwa-gun, province of lyo ; 
s. of Tsunetada Furuya ; in. 
Miyo, second d. of Vice- 
Admiral Baron Ito. Educ. : 
Received general education 
at the Doshisha, Kyoto, from 
1887 until 1893; Graduated 
from the University of Brus- 
sels, Belgium in 1900 and 
was awarded the degree of 
Docteur in Sciences PolitigMes ; 

was military correspondent 
of the Kokumin-Shimbun 

during the Japan-China war ; 
Peking Correspondent of the 
same paper after the war 
(1894 — 1896) ; Private Secre- 
tary to Prime Minister (1900 
— 1901) ; Secretary to the 
Bureau of Investigation of 
Imperial Household^^Institu- 
tions (1902 — 1905) ; 'Private 
Secretary to the Resident- 
General Prince Ito (1901 — 
1909); Private Secretary to 
the President of the Privy 
Council ; Master of ceremo- 
nies since 1909, Publica- 

1 1" ] 

Fur— Fut 

tions : " Systeme representatif 
au Taoon " (Bruxells 1900) ; 
"Toko Yoei," (Brief sketches 
of the late Prince Ito, Tokyo 
191 1). ..- Address: No. 3, 
Hinokicho, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
Tel. .- 2086 Shimbashi. Clu^ : 
Tokyo Club. 

Fu.ruya, Keiryu (■§•)!» H), 
One of the highest taxpayers 
of Gifu-ken; d. Dec. 1897 in 
Gifu-ken ; ist- s. of Zenzo 
Furuya ; m. Tane, sister_of 
Ei-ichi Suda. Address: Di- 
machi, Ina-gun, Gifu-ken. 

Fuse, Keisuke (M % M il), 
Lieutenant-Colonel attached 
to Commissariat, Commander 
of the 4th Battalion of Com- 
missariat Troops ; d. 1 865 in 
Yamagata-ken. Sub-Lieute- 
nant of Artillery, 1887 ; Sub- 
Lieutenant of Transport, 
1889; Lieutenant, 1890; 
Captain, 1895 ; decorated 
with the 4th Order ot the 
Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: The 4th Battalion of 
the Commissariat Troops, 

ruse, Tatsuji m M & fl&)» 
lawyer, patent agent; t>. 1881 
in Ishimaki, Miyagi prefec- 
ture; 2nd s. of Eijiro Fuse; 
;m. Mitsuko, 1906. Ediic: 
Meiji college. Recreation: 
game cf chess. Address: 8 
Araki-cho, Yotsuya-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2241 Bancho. 

Tutami, Kyozaburo (z: 1, M 
H II5), Kogakuhakushi, . Prof 
of the Engineering College 
of the Kyoto Imp. Univ. ; 
b. the 9th m. of the 3rd y. 
of Ansei (1856) in the pro- 
vince of Kazusa ; 2nd s. of 
Kinryii Futami ; m. Masa, 
sister of Kintaro Hemmi. 
Educ : Graduated from the 
Science College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1879). Entered 
the Dep't. of the Interior in 
the same yearj transferred 
to the Army Engineers and 
additionally made Professor 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1886); studied Engineering 
in America (1888 — 1890); 
Chief Engineer to the Osaka 
and Shinkaku Electric Rail- 
way Co. (1890); Prof of the 
3rd High School (1895); 
Prof of the Kyoto Imp. 
Univ. (1897) ; given the 
degree of Kogakuhakushi 
(1899) ; again went to Europe 
and America (1903 — 1904). 
Address: No. 2, Somedono- 
cho,Takoyakushi, Teramachi- 
dori, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 

Futamura, Ryojiro (::! ^ ^ 
^ W), Igahihakushi, Assist- 
ant-Prof of the College of 
Medicine in the Tokyo Iin- 
perial University.; 6. April 
1873 in Aichi-ken. Educ.: Me- 
dical College of the Tokyo Im- 
p. Univ. (gra. 1907). Address: 


I M2 ] 

No. 1 6, Komagome. Fuwa 
Akebonocho, Kongo. 

Fuwa, Eijiro C^ * ^ ^ IP). 
Silk merchant ; b. Sept. the 
19th J', of Meiji (1886) in 
the prefecture of Shiga ; e. s. 
of Eijiro Fuwa. Address: 
No. 35, 2 chome, Minami- 
kyutaromachi, Higashiku, 
Dsako. Tel. : 541 

Fujii, Subenori (K ^ f* M); 
Toryo by ^nom de plume, 
sculptor (on wood); /'. 1855 
in Kyoto-fa. Director of 
Tokyo Kangyo Kyokai, 
Tokyo engravers society, 
Kokka Club and chief 
director of Tokyo casting 

society, member of Nihon 
Art Asso. Address:, logy 
Nippon, Nippori-mura, Kita- 
toshima-gun, Tokyo-fli. 

Pukuda, George (^ H ^ —), 
Pastor of Lebanon church; 
b. in Tochigi-ken. Educ.: 
graduated from, a Theologi- 
cal college of Chicago, y. S. 
A., 1892. Represented Ja^ 
pan at the International 
Mission Encouragettient Con- 
gress held in America in 
1911. -Publication: Fable 
of Bible (in and few 
others. Address: No. 102, 
Tsunohazu, Yodobashi-machi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

[ "3 ] 



€k)jo Masao XT m IE Ig), 
Paymaster - Inspector ; Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers,; i>. 
July, .18.81; ,ist,j.,of Ham- 
bei Gejo, a samurai of yo- 
nezawa clan, and adopted by 
Takebei (j€)o \' ni. Yoshi, 2nd 
d. of Shingo Saito, a samurai 
of Yamagata-ken. After ser- 
ving as Chief of the Ac- 
count's Inspection Bureau of 
the Yoko'suka Naval Station, 
Chief of the Accounts' Sec- 
' tion of the Sasebo Naval Sta- 
tion, Principal of the Naval 
Paymasters' School, was no- 
minated member, of the House 
of Peers, 1897; decorated with 
4th Order o£ Merit. Address: 
No. 40, I chpme, Motozono- 

cho, Koiimachi, Tokj'o. 
G-ejo, Otomaru CT WSkJL%j, 

Engineer Rear- Admiral, Chief 
offhe 3rd Section oftheNaval 
EducationDepartment;<5. Sept. 
1861 ; 2nd s. of Chikahide 
Gejo, a samurai of Yama- 
. gata-ken; ?«. Take, ist d. oi 
Masahide Yaino, a samurai of 
Yamagata-ken. Ediic'. : Na- 
val College. After serving as 
Chief Engineer of the 3rd 
Squadron and of the Yokosuka 
Naval Station, etc., was trans- 
feri'ed to the present post in 
1907; Engmeer Rear- Admiral, 
1908; was decorated with the 

3rd Order of Merit and the 
4th Class of theGolden Kite in 
recognition of his services du- 
ring the Russp-Japanese War. 
Address: No. 27, Shinsaka- 
niachi, Akasaka, Tokyo. • 

Gion, Seijiro . C«R @ ^ 
^ II!), Manager of the Kar 
shima Bank ; h. 28 June of 
the 3rd y. of Keio (1867) in 
Okayama-ken ; s. of Kojuro 
Gion ; to, Kura, 1891. Entered 
the Hirooka & Co,, a money- 
changer, 1881; when it was 
changed to the banking busi- 
ness, became manager of it. 
Address : Tennoji-mura, Hi- 
gashinari-gun, Osaka-fu, Tel'. 
268 Minami. Cluhs : Osaka 
Club, bankers club. 

Go, SeinosAke (M W. ^ fj;, 
Member of the House of Pe- 
ers since 191 1, Presiding Di- 
rector of the Teikoku Com- 
mercial Bank, President of 
the Iriyama Coal Mining Co.,. 
etc.; b. the first »«. of the 
first y, of Keiwo (igSs) in 
Tokyo ; 2n,d s. of the late Junz6_ 
Go, Baron. Edtic. : studied 
economics, internationl Jaw 
and politics in Germany and 
Belgium (1884 — 1891). Was 
given an official position at 
the Dep't of Agriculture and 
Commerce, recommended by 
the late Count Mutsu who 
was Minister of Agriculture 
and Commerce at the time 
(1892); left the government 


[ "4 ] 

service soon afterward and 
entered bOsiness in which' he 
holds, at present, in addition 
to the posts above mentioned, 
those of Director of the 
Nipgon Fire Insurance Co., 
the Oji Paper' Mfg. Co. and 
the Mayebashi Tramway Co. 
etc. Address : No. 20, 
Hashibacho, Asakusaku, To- 
kyo-. 7>/. .• 249 Shitaya. 

Oto, Takasabnro CfK H S 115), 
Military Paymaster On the 
Reserve List ; Director of 
the Shinagawa White Brick 
Company ; Auditor of the 
Japan China Flour Manufac- 
turing Company; ^. Mar. 
1871 in Chiba-ken; 3rd .y. 
of Tanshitsu Go ; »«. Yone, 
sister of Seigo Kashimura, a 
samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
Graduated from the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School. 
Address : Minamishinagawa- 
shuku, Shinagawa, Ebara-gun, 

Tokyo. Tel. : 200, Shiha. 

Goda, ITmetard C-^ ffl # :fc 
W), One of the highest tax- 
payers of Kagawa-ken ; b. 
July, i860 in Kagawa-ken; 
1st s. of Nakaji Godaj m. 
Etsu, s. of Taijiro Sud^ufci. 
Address : Onohara-mura, 

Mitoyo'gun, _ Kagawa-ken. 

'Cfodai, EyvteakuCS: \% % #), 
Proprietor of mines ; k Jan. 
1857 io ■»• Wakayama-ken ; , 
2nd J. of Heidayii Takasu, 
a samurai of Wakayama, and 

adopted by Tqmoatsu Godai ; 
m. Take. 1st d. of his foster- 
father. Address : No: 5, 
Higashihorikawacho, Kitaku, 

Gokan, Kikuno Ctt^^Sf)* 
lady-educationist; d. 1866 in 
Edo; 3rd d. of Yaheiji Go- 
kano, a samurai of Himeji 
clan; in. ta ,^Sei Gokan. 
Educ: Tokyo" Higher Nor- 
mal school (gra. 1884). Ap- 
pointed assist. - instructor at 
her alma mater after gradua- 
tion; afterward instructor of 
it and now holds it; was 
often member of the exam- 
ination commission for middle 
class teachers; was one of 
examiner in the Columbus 
Gland Exhibition. Address: 
8 Minamikoga-cho, Suruga- 
dai, Kanda, Tokyo. 

G-oseida, TToshimatsu (^ ^ 
ffl ^ f2)) painter of oil picture 
and aquarelle, manufacturer 
and seller of the preserva- 
tive of pencil painting; 
b. 1855 in Edo. Educ: 
studied Western painting 
from an English painter in 
Yokohama and at a private 
school in paris; gained prizes 
in domestic exhibitions and 
the Hanoi exhibition; often 
was ordered painting hy the 
Imp. Household Department 
and painted portraits of Em- 
peror Komei, of prince Tate, 
Emperor Godaigo, of Her I. 

i 115 ] 


M. Empress Dowager (then 
Empress), of Wakeno Kijo- 
maro, etc.; went to England 
and America, 1887-90. Ad- 
dress: 1407 Nakamura-cho, 

Goto, Morimitsu. (31 ^ # 
3fc), Viscount ; ex-Lord of 
Fukue, Hizen ; 5. July 1 873 ; 
brother of Naomasa Mizo- 
guchi, Count, and adopted 
by Viscount Morimitsu Go- 
to ; M. Yoshi, 3rd d. of 
Viscount Seiyo Hotta. Educ. : 
studied in Germany, 1885 — 
1889; graduated from the 
■College of Law, Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1909. Ad- 
dress : No. 32, Gazembocho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. 
0oto, eiitigai Q$.M^ ^)» 

author; l>. 1866 in Akita- 
ken; 2nd i. of Saburoemon. 
Educ: Waseda college. Ptib- 
lications: several novels and 
literary works. Address: 
354 Komagome Yurugizaka, 
Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 

Goto, Katsuzo C^ ^ » 3©, 
Import and Export trader 
and Shipping Agent ; b. the 
4th in. of the 1st y. of Ka- 
yei (1848) in Nagano, pro- 
vince of Shinano ; e. s. ol 
Kajiiro Nagasaka and ado- 
pted by Juzayemon Goto; 
m. Koma, 2nd d. of Hambei 
Hirano. At present is one 
of the leading business men 
in Kobe. Addrees : No. 6 

3 chome, Kaio'an-rlovi, Kobe. 

Tel:: 133. 
Goto, Makita (f* M %. A), 

Prof, of the Higher Normal 
School ; b. the lOth m. of the 
6th y. Kayei (1853) in the 
province of Mikavva ; e. s. of 
Keiryil Goto ; m. Setsu, sister 
of Tomosuke Nishi. Educ. : 
studied at the Keiogijuku 
(1868 — i87i);.was sent to 
England to study chemistry 
and physics (Owen College, 
Manchester and Glasgow 
Universities) 1887 — 1890. 
Appointed teacher to the 
Tokyo Normal School (1887); 
Assistant Prof, of the Higher 
Normal School (1886); Pro- 
fessor of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School since 1900. 
While in England, was awai'd- 
ed a gold medal for his 
exhibit of various physical 
apparatus of his own inven- 
tion at the British Sanitary, 
and Educational Museum. 
Publications : BesfdS' ~msiv^ 
works on Physical Science,, 
" Text-book of Physics " and 
" Object Lesson in Physics " 
etc. Address: No. 10 Nishi- 
kata-machi, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Goto, Masakata Qk m IF. 
W), One of the highest tax- 
payers in Kochi-ken ; b. Aug. 
1866; 1st .y. of ,M[asami Go- 
to, a samurai of Kochi-ken ; 
m. Hide, 1st d. of Tankichi- 
ro Fukao, a samurai of Ko- 


[ m } 

chi-ken. 'Address : Obiya-ma- 
chi, Kochi-ken. . . 

Goto, Masuhei (.^ M ^ ¥), 
Dealer in woollen, goods ; 
d. Jan. 1868 in Aichi-ken ; 
2nd s. of Masuhei Goto ; m. 
Tane, sisUr of Motozo Yagi. 
Elected M. H. K, 191 1. 
Address : No. 24, i chome, 
Teppomachi, Naka-ku, Na- 
goya-shi, Aichi-ken. 

Goto, Motaro (&m'S.X 10, 
Count; d. Sept. 1863; 1st j. 
of the famous late Shojiro 
Goto, a samurai of Kochi- 
clan, well known for his 
sei-vices at the time of the 
Meiji Restoration ; m. Yoi, 
adopted d. of Genkichi Wa- 
kayama, a samurai of To- 
Jcyo. Address: No. 3. 
.Kioicho, Kojimachi-ku, To- 
kyo. ■ 

Goto, Motonosuke (MiM % 
^ IS), Igakuhakushiy^ J?r§f- 
and Dean bl 'the Fiiliuoka- 
Medical "College of the Kyo- 
to~'d5irpenal "University (ana- 
tomy and physiology) ; b. 
June, 1867 in Gifu-lcen; 2nd, - 
s. of Sojlro Goto ; in. Tome 
4th d. oFKyuzo Aoki. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Medicine in 1 894 ;„jtu.die.d,- 
iii ; _Gerrnany,_ , 18,9,9-^-190,3 ._ 
Assistant in the Medici 
College of the ToKyo Im- 
pjrial University, 1894; and 
tlien its Assistant Prof ; Prof, of 
the- Fukuoka Medical College 

of the Kyoto Imperial Urii- 
versity, 1903; Igakuliakushi, 
1905 ; Dean of the above 
mentioned Institution, 1909. 
Address: No. 14, , SuSaki- 
uramachi, Fukuoka-shi. 

Goto, Seitaro C3l %^ jc 
BK), Rigdkzikakushi, Prof, of 
coUegeof science, T. 1. XJ.; 6. 
the 8th m. of the .3rd . y. of 
Keiwo ( 1 867) in the prefecture 
of Yamaguchi ; 2nd s.. of 
Moriatsu.', Goto ; m. Chiyo,. 
e. d. of, Narisada Senju. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
College of Science of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1890); 
studied at the University 
Hall ; went first to , America 
and then to Holland to 
study entoniology (1894^ — 
1 896), during which interval 
he attended the 3rd Inter- 
national Zoological Congress, 
"held 1895, at "Leiden, "Hdl- 
,land as Japanese, delegate ;' 
received the degree of Ri- 
gakuhakushi while atfroad ; 
appointed Prof, of the First 
High School immediately 
after his return home. Ad- 
dress: No. 66, Sugamo- 
mura, Kitatoshima-guh, 

Tokyo. ■ 

,Got5, Setsuzo C^ ^ IfS ^), 
Pharmaceutist ; dealer in 
medical instruments ; b. Mar. 
1862 in Tokyo; 3i'd s. 
of Tachu Goto; «^ Yasu, 
2nd d., of Kumetaro Go, a 



iaimirai of Tokyo. Address : 
No. I, I chome, Awajicho, 
JCanda, Tokyo. Tel. : 1906 

Honkyoku. . . . .: ^ 

Goto, Shimpei C^ M ^ ¥), 
Baron, D. , ex-Mnister of Gb^ 
mmunications , ex-President 
of the Imperial Railway Board; 

Communications, ex-Pres. of 
Communications, President of 
tlie Imperial Railway Board ; 
i. the 6th m. of the 4th y. 
of Ansei (1857) in Misawa, 
prefecture of Miyagi ; e. s. of 
Juyeinon Goto, a doctor, and 
a grandson of the famous 
patriot Nagahide Takano 
who was put to death by 
the Tokugawa Government 
a little before the Restora- 
tion ; M. Kazu, sister of 
Suyeki Yasuba, Baji^n. 
Educ; studied medicine 'at 
the medical school at Fuku- 
shima ; graduated from the 
University of Berlin with the 
degree of Doctor of Medicine 
(1890— 1893). At the early 

age of twenty, he was ap- 
pointed physician of the 
Aichi Prefectural Hospital 
and was also one of the 
teaching staff of the Pre- 
fectural Medical ': School. 
Four years later, he was 
promoted to be Chief of the 
hospital as well as the 
medical school. In 1S83, he 
was transferred to the Dep't 
of Home Affairs, where he 
received an appointment as 
Acting Director of the Sani- 
tary Bureau. During his 
occupation of the office,, he 
was sent to Germany to 
pursue his study of medicine 
and returned home in 1892, 
He was next appointed 
Director of the Sanitary 
Bureau. When the famous 
Soma scandal case came up 
in. 1893, he was arrested on 
the charge of complicity in 
it, but was acquitted soon 
after as the result of his 
honest and eloquent pleadings 
at the trial court. Sub- 
sequently he was appointed 
Sanitary Commissioner of 
the Army at the time of the 
Japan-China War. When 
the late General Kodama 
was sent to govern Formosa, 
the newly annexed depen- 
dency of Japan, he was 
singled out in 1897 by the 
General -;is Director of the 
Civil Administration Bureau 


L "8 ] 

of the Colonial government. 
Though a man of medicine 
by profession he became by 
circumstances a man of 
politics and it was in the 
administration of Formosa 
that he displayed those 
remarkable abilities which 
finally brought him rapid 
official promotion. During 
the period of his administra- 
tion of the Island, he 
enforced the Opium and 
Camphor Monopoly law, 
mitiated the construction oi 
railways "and roads and 
developed along sound lines 
local industry. He was made 
a Baron in 1906 and given 
a seat in the House of 
Peers. When the South 
Manchurian Railway Co. was 
established in 1906, he was 
recommended as its first 
president and here he also 
displayed his distinguished 
abilities in the administration 
of the Railway. In 1908, 
when the 2nd Katsura Cabinet 
was organized, he received 
the portfolio of the Minister 
of Commtmlcations ; resigned 
August, 191 2; held the posts 
again, Dec. '12-Feb. '13. Ad- 
dress: No. 189, Hommura- 
cho, Azabu-lai, Tokyo. Tel.: 
128 Shiba. 

GotS Takeo C^ ^ ^ ^\ Pre- 
sident of the Teikoku Inquiry 

Association (Teikoku Koshin- 
jo) ; d. Aug. the 3rd y. of 
Meiji (1870) in Fukuoka-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Masuzo Go- 
to, a samurai; m. Tama, e. 
d. of Buhei Aoyagi of the 
same prefecture; Educ. : grad- 
uated from the Kansai Law 
Schopl, entirely self-support- 
ing. Has had experience as 
a newspaper writer, teacher, 
and miner, etc. ; afterwards 
inaugurated the present Tei- 
koku Inquiry As.sociation, be- 
coming its president. Address: 
No. II, I chome, Kobikicho, 
Kyobashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
88? Kyobashii 

Gotoda, Sen-ieM Cm » B ^ 
—5, Director *of the Toku- 
shima Water-Povver Electric 
Company ; b. Aug. 1888 ; 
1st s. of Shinnosuke Got5, 
a samurai of Tokushima-ken j 
m. Naka, grand d. of Hyozo 
Amaha, a samurai of Toku- 
sbima. Address : Kawa- 
shima-macht, Asane-gun, 

Gotsu, Tomoya (ig it IX. M), 
Public Procurator of the 
Chosen Government ; Chief 
PubUc Procurator of the 
Hang-Hung District Court; 
^, Mar. 1899 in Nagano-ken; 
2nd s. of Tamesabur5 Gotsu ; 
m. Tomi, 2nd d. of-' Matsuzo 
Yasbiro. Kduc: ; graduated 
frcwn the Meiji Law School, 
i8qi. Public Procurator, 

[ "9 ] 


1895 ; after serving as Public 
Procurator in several District 
Courts and Osaka Appeal 
Court, was transferred to the 
present post in 1910. Ad- 
dress : Public Procurator's 
Office of the Hanghung 
District Court, Chosen. 

Gunji, Naritada CfK tj ^ S.), 
first-lieut. on. the reserve^ 
president of the Hokogikai; 
6. i860 in Edo; 2nd s. of 
Narinofou Kota, a samurai 
of the Tokugawa Shoguna- 
te, adopted into Gunji family, 

Educ.\. entered Heigakuryo 
in 1872. Appointed lieut- 
enant of navy; placed on the 
reserve, 1893; is pioneer of 
immigration to ShimusHu, the 
northest island' of Chishima 
archipelago; for 20 years 
has been engaged in cultivat- 
ing the island and fishing in 
the north sea; took part in 
' 'the . Japan China war. Tokyo 
Address: S,' i chome Tsu- 
kiji, Tokyo. Tel: 187 Kyo- 

H^b— Had 

[ I20 i 


Habu,. SMnsT^Jse (^ 4. Jt : 

. manner "of tlie 5th Infantry 
-Regiment; k 1S66 in Kago- 
shima. Sub-Lieut., July 1887; 
Lieut., iNov. 1891; Captain, 
Dee. i8g6; Major, June 
1903; Lieut. Colonel, April 
1957; Colonel, Aug. 19 10. 
Decorations: 5th Order of S. 
T., 4tli Order of R. S., 3rd 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Aomori-shi, Aomori- 

HacMda, Ikutaro (A H fB :fc 

sectional cfiief of the Tokyo 
Arsenal, member of the 
military Technical Com- 
mittee; b. 1867 in Aichi-ken. 
Sub-Lieut., July 1888; Lieut., 
Nov. 1 891; Captain, MarcK. 
189s; Major, April 1900; 
Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 1904; 
Colonel, Dec. 1-908. De- 
corations: 4th Order of R. 
S., 4th Class of Golden-Kite. 
Address: 17 Nijikki-cho, U- 
shigome-ku, Tokyo. 

Hachisuka, Shigeakira C^ |f 

n n %\ Marquis (cr. 1884); 
Formerly Daimyo of Toku- 

shima ; Privy Councillor ; 
Member of the House of 
Peers ; s. Aug. 1846, in 
Tokyo ; b. of Marisuke 
Hachisuka ; m. Ybriko, aunt 
of Viscount Takasada Toku- 
gawa. Once represented Japan 
inJFrance abQU|,,l8 Pre- 

sident of the House of Peers 
1891 — 1896 ; Governor of 
Tokyo ; Minister of Educa- 
tion, Sept. 1896— Nov.' 1897 ; 
was appointed to present 
post the following year. 
Address: No. 9, Mitatsuna- 
machi, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. .- 
36 Shiba. 

Hachiya, Sadaoki (.WkM. M. 
*), Prof at the Osaka 
Higher Technical School. 
Address^ The Osaka' Higher 
Technical School, Osaka. 

Kada, Ilasukiohi (^ ^ ^ 

0% ' ..Ai'SE„«t^^ Kharmacist7 
Colonel^ Tiistructor of the 
"Medical Academy, chief of 
Sanitary Material Depot; b. 
1863 in Tokyo. Pharmacist- 
Sub-Lieut., Oct. 1883; Phar- 
macist-Lieut., April 1887;; 
Pharmacist - Captain, May 
1 895 ; Pharmacist-Major, Nov. 
1902; Pharmacist- Lieut. "Co- 
lonel, Nov. 1907; Pharmacist- 
Colonel, Nov. 1910. Decora- 
tions'. 6th Order of S.T., 4tb 
Order of R. S. Address : No> 

[ 121 ] 

Had -Ha J 

737 Sendagaya, Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Hada, Koreyuki (Mia^ ;t.), 
Surgeon^-Inspsptor, Instructor 
at the Naval Surgeons School; 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address: No. 373, Shin- 
meicho, Komagome, Hcngo- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Hada, Hikoshiro C^H^SMIP), 
Lawyer ; b. July the 2nd y. 
of Meiji (1869) in Oita pre- 
fecture ; s: of Kakuya .Hada; 
in. Yuki Kawashima in 18- 
94. Educ. : graduated from 
the .Hogakuin (present Chuo 
Daigaku, a private , law, col- 
lege), 189 1. Passed' the ex- 
amination for the Bar and 
began practices at Tokyo ; 
once was Vice-President of 
the Lawyers Association; par- 
ticipated in the inauguration 
of various buaness companies; 
was chiefly instrumental some 
years ago in making the To- 
kyo Street Railway Co. adopt 
a system of uniform i-ate of 
3 sen for passenger fare. Re- 
creation : checkers. Address : 
No. 13,2 chome, Kobikicho, 
Kyobashiku, Tokyo. Tel..- 73 
Kyobashi. Club: Doki club. 

Haga, Eijiro CS'^m^^JlO, 
IgakiiJiakushi, Burgeon "Iviar. 
Tor^tS^ngratf Chief of tlie 
*edicaf " Dep't of the. Im- 
perial Guard Division; b. the 

7th m. of 2nd y. of Keio 
(i 866), Fukushima - ken. 

Educ: graduated from the 
Medical College of the 
Tokyo, Imp. Univ. Surgeon 
Sub-Lieut., June 1888; Sur- 
geon. Lieut., Nov. 1890; Sm'r 
geon Captain, Nov. 1893; 
Surgeon Major, Oct. 1899.; 
Surgeon Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 
1902; Surgeon Colonel, 
March 1905,; Surgeon Major- 
General, Oct. 19 lO; De- 
corations: 3rd Order of R. 
S., 4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address : No. 5 , i chonie, 
Hirakawa-cho, Kqjimachi-ku, 

Haga, Gonshiro (^ ^ tt E3 
115), Engineer of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture and 
Commerce ; Lieutenant of 
Infantry; b. Apr. 1867; ,4th 
s. of Shiisuke Haruna, a 
samurai of Saitama-ken, and 
adopted by lyo Haga ; m. 
Tetsu, 1st d. of Kadzusada 
Haga, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
College of Agriculture in the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1892. Engineer of Akita- 
ken, 1892; one year volun- 
teer 1892 ; Sub-Lieutenant, 
1894; present, post .since 
1885; took part .in both 
Japan-China War and Russo- 
Japanese War, decorated with 
4th Order of Rising Stin. 
Address : No. 29, Shirokane- 

[ 122 ] 

cho, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Haga, Tamemasa cWfl] ^ fi), 
1st G. of 5th R., 5th O. M., 
RigakuhakusM (Doctor of 
science), Professor of the 
Imperial University of Tokyo; 
Member of the Ghemical 
Institutes of London andBerlin; 
b. Mejirodai, Tokyo, 23rd 
May, 1856; J. of Tametsuga 
Haga ; m. Chiyo, sister of 
Nagayasu Oinuma, Hogaku- 

shi, 1889. -Educ: studied 
chemistry at the Kobu Dai- 
gakko (the predecessor of 
Technical College of the 
Imperial University) 1875 — 
1S81 ; studied chemical fects 
aaid theories at the Berlin 
tlniversify, 1896' — 1898. Ad- 
dress: No, I, Sadowaracho, 
Ushigome, i chome, Tokyo. 
Haga. YaicM C^" K % -), 
Bungakuhakushi ; Prof of the 
College of Literature in the 
Tokyo Imperial University ; 
i. May, 1867; Jtst s. of 
Masaki Haga, a samurai of 
P'ukui-ken ; m. Ko, sister of 
Hozo ShJoda. Educ: grad- 
uated from the College of 
Liteiature in the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1892 ; 
studied in the University 
Hall ; studied in Berlin 
tJniversity by government 
orrder 1900— rJ902. Lecturer, 
and then Prof of the ist High 
School, 1894; Prof of the 

Tokyo Higher Normal 
School, 1894; Assistant-Prof 
of his alma mater; and held 
the Chair of Philology, and 
then the Chair of Japanese 
Classics; 1898 — 1900; it's 
Prof, 1902 ; Bungakuhakushi, 
1905 ; decorated with 4th 
Order of merit. Is specially 
famous for his thorough kno\y- 
ledge of Japanese Literature. 
Publications: History of Japan-, 
ese Literature ; a chronology 
of Men of Letters; Ten 
Lectures on Japanese Liter- 
ature ; Ten Charactei'istics of 
the Japanese ; and many 
others. Address : No. 23, 
3 chome, Otowacho, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. Tel:: 11 80 

Hagino, Suekichi (M fF ^ 

a ) Maio r- Xjej]£ral- : . Com- 
manSer df 'the 2n(i garrison 
in Taiwan; h. 1861 in Oka- 
yaraa. Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, 1 88 1 ; Lieutenant, 
•1885 ; Captain, 1894; Major, 
1898; Lieutenant-Colonel, 
1903 ; Colonel, 1905 ; Major- 
General, 1910 ; decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 3rd Class 
of Golden Kite. Address: 
aogakyogai, Tainan, Tainan- 
ken, Formosa. 

Hagino, YosMyuki (« if ft 
^), Bungakuhakushi; Prof, 
of the College of Literature 
in the Tokyo Imperial Univ. 

[ 123 ] 

(chair of Japanese classics), 
and of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; h. Apr. 
i860 in Niigata-ken ; ist s. 
of Keikei Hagino ; m. Sadac 
2nd d. of Totaro Maruoka. 
Educ. : finished the Course 
of Classics in the College of 
Literature of Tokyo Univer- 
sity 1886. Secretary of the 
Senate, 1886; Official in the 
House of Peers, 1890; Prof 
of the Peers' School, 1 892 ; 
Prof of Tokyo Higher Nor- 
mal School, and, of the To- 
kyo Female Higher Nor- 
mal School, 1 896 ; Lecturer 
of the College of Literature 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; 
Bun^akuhakushi, and present 
post, 1901 ; decoraxcd with 
4th Order of Merit. •»^" Pu- 
ilications : An Epitome of 
Japanese History ; History of 
Japan ; etc. Address : No. 7, 
Komagome Ho.raicho, Hon- 
So, Tokyo. Te/. : 3702 Shita- 

Ha^o, KyuJko C^ m A 
^)^ artist. Japanese painter . 
b. i860 in Fukuoka-ken ; s. 
of Kazutsugu Hagio ; m. 
Makiko, y. sister Ohokujo 
Fukada, Japanese painter. Ji*- 
iuo : privately ; -went to Kyo- 
to in 1885 and studied paint- 
ing with the late Bairei un- 
til 1891. Made a tour in 
Tokusbima for one year and 
in lyo province for five years; 

afterwards was appointed sev- 
eral times examiner of the 
domestic industrial exhibitions 
and then was appointed as 
adjustment member and con- 
noisseur of the forty-first art 
Association ; obtained ^ many 
prizes in various exhibitions. 
Mecreaiion : study of art. 
Address : No. 9 Fushimi-cho 
4 chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 
dubs : Representative Commi- 
ttee of the Osaka Art Society. 

Hagio, Tsutau (fj M fiS)t 
Manager of the Sumitomo 
Steel Works; d. 1870 in 
Fukuoka-ken; e. s. of Shiro 
Hagio; m. Shimako. Tsutsu- 
mi, Ediic: graduated from 
the College of Engineering 
in the Tokj^o Imp. Univ.; 
finished the Graduate Course 
of the Purdue Univ., In- 
diana, U. S. A., 1902-1909. 
Employe of the Mitsui Co., 
1898-1899; Special Ap- 
prentice to the Schenectady 
Locomotive Works, 1899- 
1902; Engineer of the Osaka 
Car Mfg. Co., 1903-1906; 
Chief of the Engineering 
Section of the Simiitomo 
Mine at Besshi, 1906- 19 10; 
present post since 19 10. 
Recreation: walking in the 
suburbs.' Address: No. 194, 
Kitano-machi, Onkijima, Ni- 
shi-ku, Osaka. Tel.: 1336 

Hagiwara, TokitBug^u (M. M 

Hark— Ham 

[ 124 3 

■8S ^), Engineer of the Ironr 
-foundry. - Address : Official 
House, Onigahara, Onga-gun, 

Hakamada, Kishiro (# B S 

a 115),, Pawnbroker^ Alder- 
man of Tokyo-fu-, Dirctor of 
Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd. and 
Tokyo Electric Tramway Co. 
Ltd.; b. ,10 Dec. in 1859; 
brother, of Mr. Yoshitaka Sano 
■of Saitarn'a prefecture ; in. 
Hahm Hakamada in 1881 ; 
Address :- Nagasaki-cho, 
Honjo-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1115. 

■ Hakui, Masajiro (M i^k^-k 
II5)j_g^gtajj^j,_^at present on 
the Waiting list; d. "'1867,. 
Edtic. : graduated frorh the 
Naval Academy. Lieutenant- 
Commander, Feb. 1898 ; 
-GomrnaEnd^r, - "Get; 1901-; 
.Captain, Oct, 1906; .decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 5th Class 
■of Golden , Kite. .4^^!' ^i.y.* 
No. 309, Nakashibuya, To- 
yotama-gun, Tokyo. , , 

Hama, Heiemon (-^ ^ :H Iss 
P?)) One of the highest tax- 
payers of Ibaraki-ken ; Di- 
rector of the ■ Ishioka , Bank ; 
(§, July, 1882 in Ibaraki-ken ; 
-I St s. , of Sataro Hama ; m. 
Toyo, sister of Kiemon Ki- 
lichi. Addfess:: ' Ishioka-ma- 
-thi,. Niihati-gun, Ibaraki-kfen. 

Hama, Koichi (S % — ), 
^Ghief of .'the ist Section ot 

the Board of Audit; b. May,. 
1848; 2nd s. oi' Take^uke 
Hama, a samurai of Gifu- 
ken; m. Kin, 1st d. of Nanso 
Ibi, a samurai of Gifu-ken. 
Entered official /service first 
as a junior official -in the 
Board of the Financial 
Department, was afterwards 
promoted to the present 
post ; decorated with ist 
Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 5, Otsukakubomachi,, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2238 Bancho. 

Hamada, Doki (^ H ji |e), 
Judge; Sectional Chief in the 
Osalia Court of Appeal ; b, 
Mar.- 1896 ; 1st s. of Kosaku 
Hamada, a samurai of Kochi- 
ken ; m. Matsu, ist d. of 
Masakata Shimatsu, a sanzu- 
rai of Kochi-ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law. in the Tokyo Im- 
perial 'University, 1891. 
Judge, 1 89 3-; after served as 
Judge in several District 
Courts, ; was promoted to 
present post in' 1907.. Ad' 
dress .• Shinlcawasakimachi,, 
Kitakii,' Osaka. , 

Hamiada, Gentatsu (^ ffl S 
^3i . Igakuhahishi, .Chief and 
Proprietor of Tokyo C5bstetric 
Hospital, Pnysician'm-waitmg . 
to Court; b.^ 1954 in Kuma-^ 
nioto ; . e. s, of Gensai Hama-; 
da, an, attendant physician: 
Educ::- studied " at Clail 

[ 125 ] 


Medical School and graduated 
from Medical College, Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., iSSo; studied in 
Germany, 1885— 1888. Dir. 
of Kumamoto Medical School; 
Prof, of Medical College, 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1888; 
and then Dean of the 
College; resigned the post, 
1897 ; i^iow an acknowledged 
anthority on obstetrics. Ad- 
dress : Surugadai, Kanda, 
Tokyo. 7>/. .• 932 Honkyoku. 

Haniada, Jimljei CM H ffi :5I 
ft)) Paper-broker, and of 
Osaka Paper Mill Co., Ltd ; 
3. 1852 in Osaka. Succeed- 
ed his /. 1881. • Address : 
Kita-Horie, Nishi-ku, Osaka. 

Hamada, Kenjiro 0® ffl M 
^ W), Chief Clerk of the 
Osaka Chamber of Commerce; 
b. 1 860 in Osaka ; e. s. of 
Taijun Hamada. Educ. : gra- 
duated from Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1884. Prof, on co- 
nomics at Senshu Gakko 
(a private college). Publica- 
tion : " Political Economy," 
etc. Address : Dojima, Kita- 
ku, Osaka. 

Hamada, Tokutaro (M. ffl It 
ic Wd, Tudge ; President of 
the Kanazawa District Court ; 
b. Sept. 1856; 1st s. of 
Manji Plamada, a Samurai 
of Tokushima-ken ; m. Fuji, 
1st d: of Sosaku Kadzumi, 
a samurai of Tokushima-ken. 
Entered the Department of 

yuSfcice, 1877- Judge, 1886; 
having fillet.'*» Che post of 
Judge in ' several Court and 
president of Takamatsu and 
Otsu District Courts was appo- 
inted to the present post; de- 
corated with 4th Order of 
Merit. Address.' Kanazawa. 

Hamada, Tsunenosuke C'S H 
tl Z m), Gov. of Toyam.a- 
prefecture ; b. 1871 in the 
province of Kochi. £duc. : 
graduated from Political 
Division; Law College, Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1896. Councillor 
of Ibaraki-ken, 1 897 ; Chief 
of Police of Yamanashi-ken, 
1899; Chief Police of Ishi-' 
kawa, 1900; Chief Police of 
Miyagi, 1900 ; Chief Police of 
Kanagawa, 1902 ; Secretary 
of Nara-ken, 1 905 ; Sec. of 
Hokkai-Do, 1907 ; appointed 
to the present post, 1908. 
Address : Toyama-City, To- 
yama-ken. Tel. : S Toyama. 

Haniaguclii, KicMuemon (S 

n S *r « H), Soy Manufact- 
urer ; M. H. P., Pres. of Fuji 
Spinning Co., Ltd., and To - 
yokuni Bank, Ltd., Hama- 
guchi and Co. ; b. 1862 in 
Wakayama - prefecture ; e. s. 
of Yugaku Hamaguchi, a 
wealthy family. Educ. : 
graduated' from Keiogijuku 
(Keio Univ.). Took part in 
local politics, and elected M. 
H. R. three times ; went 
abroad for business inspection, 


[ 126 ] 

.1900 ; entered business gnd 
became Dir. of Kanegafucbi 
SpinniRg Co.; founded Tokyo 
Goods Exchange with the 
late Mr. Amenomiya ; be- 
came Pres. of Fuji Spinning 
Co. when it was in a critical 
financial condition; elected M. 
H.P., 1907. Publication: Com- 
mercial and Industrial Policy 
towards ; Foreign Countries. 
Recreation.: Education. Add- 
ress : . Koamicho; Nihoftbashi- 
ku, .Tokyo. TeL : 1050 

HamagueM,, Yuko (MUM. 
^."), Yice-Minister of Commu- 
nication since Dec. 1912; 6. Apr. 
1870, in KocM-keE; 3rd s. of 
Impel MidziiguGhi; and adop- 
ted by Griritsu Hamaguchi; m. 
Natsu, 1st d. of his foster- 
father. Educ. : Graduated 
from the College of Law in 
the Tolcyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1895. Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination a 
year after his graduation 
from the university ; having 
filled the posts of Secretary 
and Councillor of the Finan- 
cial Department, of the 
President of Revenue Superin- 
tending Office of several 
Prefectures, and of Secretary, 
and the Departmental Chief 
of Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, 
was promoted to Chief of the 
Bm-eau, 1907; decorated with 
4Lh Order of merit as a 

reward for his services during 
the Russo-Japanese , War. 
Address: Zoshigaya, Taka- 
ta-mura, Kitatoyoshima-guQ, 

Hamamotp, Hachijiro (M ^, 
A ^ IR), Pres.. of Himeji 
Commercial Bank, Ltd.,- 
Himeji Electric Light Co., 
Ltd ; (5. 1 862 in Hyogo- 
Prefecture. Succeeded his /., 
1898. Address: Fukunaka- 
machi, Himeji. 

Hamamoto, YosMaki (M * 
S M), Managing Dir. of Shi- 
. roto Coal Mining Co., Ltd., 
and Nihon Fire-brick Manu- 
facturing Co., Ltd., Nisshin 
Spinning Co. Ltd. ; <5. 1856 in 
Tottori-prefecture as a samu- 
rai. Entered the Government 
service as official of Comm. 
Dep't. ; next Police-Inspector 
of Metropolitan Police Office 
under Baron Sonoda ; suc- 
ceeded his father 1896, and 
entered business as Pres. of 
Shiraishi Mining Co., when 
it was in a critical condition. 
Address : No. 47, Hikawacho, 
Atasaka-ku, Tokyo. Tel. .-26- 
90, Shimbashi. 

Haniana, Hirosuke CS ^ W 
Wh)>^. Paymaster.,. _,i, -Colonel ; 
Director of the Accountant's" 
Department of the Imp. Gu- 
ard Division; b. 1865 in 
Shidzuoka-ken, 3rd Class 
Paymaster, 1888; 2nd Class 

[ ^27 ] 


— , 1891 ; 1st Class — , 1894; 
Sub-Inspector, 1895; 3rd 
Class Inspector,' 1901 ; Pay- 
master Major, 1903; — Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel , 1904; — Colo- 
nel, 1907 ; decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and the 4tb Glass of 
Golden Kite. Address: 

Headc[uarters of the Imp. 
Guard Division, Tokyo. 

Hamanaka, !Miliei CS "? — 
^). Director of the Shichiku 
Bank; b. Feb. 1870 in 
Hyogo-ken ; 2nd s. of Benjiro 
Hamanaka ; ni. Teru, sister 
of Heigoro Hada. Address .' 
Shichikumachx, Tsuna-gun. 

Hamaao, Torakichi (.W. !? i* 
a'), Commissioner of Tokyo 
fu ; decorated with the 4th 
Order, of Merit. Address: 
No. 118, Kogaicho; Azabu, 
Tokyo. Tel: ^8$, Shiha. 

Hamano, YasMro (S if ^ 
K IP), Engineer of the Foi-m- 
osan Government ; b. Sept. 
1869, in Chiba-ken ; 2nd s. 
of Kyubei Kurokawa, and 
adopted by Noboru Hamano ; 
m. Kume, .sister of Ren 
Miyazaki, Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Engineer- 
ing in the Tokyo Imperial 
University, x 8g6. Address : 
Official House, 5 chome, 
Shoinstreet, Daihoku, Form- 

Hamao, Arata (^ % if), 

Baron fcr. T907) , L L. D. 
(Cambridge) ; ex-President of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity ; Member of the Privy 
Council; h. Apr. 1849; ist 
s. of Kaheiji Hamao, a 
saimirai of Hyogo-ken ; m. 


Saku, sister of Seishu 
Kubota. Ediic. : studied in 
Europe and America; Coun- 
cillor of the Department of 
Education, 1878; Vice- 
President of Tokyo Univer- 
sity in 18S4; made an., 
inspection tour in Europe,-, 
1885; Acting Principal of 
the Tokyo Fine Art School ; 
Director of the Special 
Education Bureau, 1888; 
nominated Member of the 
House of Peers, 1890; 
President of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1893 — 
1S97; Chairman of the 
Higher Educational Coun- 
cil, and then Minister 
of Education, 1897 — 1898; 


[ 218 ] 

Emeritus Prof, of the Tokyo 
imperiai University, 1 905 ; 
Re-appointed to the present 
post, Dec. 1905 with 
skinnhi (direct imperial ap 
pointment) .rank ' in .con- 
sequence of the . celebra:ted 
" Strike movement " of the 
Professors ; decorated with 
2nd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress: No. 33, Kanatomicho, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 

220 Bancho. 

Eamaoniote, Matasuke (jg 

® ^ ® '^^^^iSESLsLitt.feol-'ys*. 
Comm and ef of '"the Osa ka 
regimental district; d. 1874 
in Wakayama, Sub-lieut., 
March 1894; Lieut,, March 
1895; Captain,' Nov. 1899; 
Major, Nov. 1904; Lieut.- 
Coloriel, Dec. 1908; Colonel, 

— l)ec. 1912. Decorations: 5th 
Order ofS. T., 4th Order oi 
R. S., 4th Class of G. K. 
Address: Ote-maeno-cho, Hi- 
gashi-ku, Osa,ka. 

-— Haniazaki, Eizaburo CS *t 
^ H 115),. Stock-broker; In- 
spector of the Shinagawa 
White Brick Company; 
Chief Manager of the Osaka 
Stock-Exbhange ; h. Apr. 
1,848 in Osaka-fu; 2nd s. of 
liiemon Hiisegawa ; m. Tame, 
1st d. of Daisuke Kawachi. 
Address ,• ' No. 32, i chome,, 
D.5jim9.Tiama-dori, Kitaku, 

, Osaka-! Tel.: 847 Higashi 
■ Sia»aoka, Toshio CtE R IS: :?c), 

Lawyer; -A 1874 in Matsu- . 
moto ; 2nd s. of Chokusetsu 
Kirihara. Edtic: Law College 
of the Tokyo Imp. University. 
Becaine lawyer since his gra- 
duation, 1910. Publications; 
Essential idea of international 
private law ; and some others. 
Address: 2-chome, Kakigara- 
cho, ; Nihonbashiku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1 548 Naniwa. 

Hanabusa, Faosaburo C^E W 
iE H l|5), Hqgakuhakushi ; 
President of the Bureau of 
Statistics in the Cabinet ; b. 
Nov. 1857; Srd s. ofTanren 
Hanabusa, and brother of 
Viscount Yoshimoto Hana- 
busa ; m. Yaye-ko, ist d. 
of Yoshiaki Yamanouchi, a 
samurai of Kyoto. Educ. : 
studied German Law, Political 
Economy. Filled the post 
of Secretary of the Privy 
Council, and was Private 
Secretary to a Cabinet Mini- 
ster till transferred to the 
present post ; was decorated 
with 3rd Order of Merit ' in 
recognition of his services 
during the Russo-Japanese 
War. Address: No. $4, Scho- 
me, Aoyama-minamimachi, 
Akasaka. - Tel. :' 365 Shiba. 

Hanabusa, Yoshimoto v^E\^ 
S W), Viscount, Member of 
the Privy Council since 191 1, 
Vice-Pres. , of the Japan Bed 
Cross Society; &. the first mon- 
th in the xjth year of Tempo 

[ 129 ] 


(1842) at Okayama; e. s. of 
Masatsura Hanabasa, a samu- 
rai of Okayama Clan; m. Chi- 
ziiko; e. d. of Juiiichi Aoki of 
the same province Echic. stixdi- 
ed Dutch under Koan Ogata of 
Osaka and English under 
Daisuke Shibata of Nagasaki ; 
afterward" visited Europe and 
America. Entered Govern- 
ment office, 1869; Secretary 
of Foreign Dep't, 1 870 ; 
Charge d' Affairs Sit Seoul, 
1876 — 1877 ; Minister Resi- 
dent, "1880— 188 f, and 
narrowly escaped being killed 
by the anti- Japanese Korean 
mob ; Minister Plenipoten- 
tiary ; - Vice-Minister of 
Agriculture ' and eommerce, 
1888, and then transferred 
to the Imperial Household 
Department as Chief Auditor ; 
promoted to Vice-Minister 
which he resigned in 1909 ; 
created Baron, 1 896 ; pro- 
moted to Viscount, 1907, as 

a . war reward. Address : 

Tsuk-iji, Kyobashiku, Tokyo. 
Club : Nihon Club. " Tel. : 
446 Kyobashi. 
Hanabusa', YusMro (^ S If, 

M SD^ Chief 
StaiofNrirpfK?rA?thur ; 
b. 1867. .S/^^^r. .', graduated 
fi-om the Naval Academy. 
Lieutenant-Commander, Dec. 
1 897 ; Commander, Sept. 
1900 ; Captain, Aug. 1905 ; 
decorated with the 3rd Order 

of the Rising Sun and the 
Sth Class of Golden Kite. 
Addres>s: The Staff Office ot 
the Port Arthur NaVal Sta- 
tion. - •> 

Hanai, Hatasaburo C^ fh'^ 
H I|5), Member of the Nagoya 
Chamber of Commerce.; 
Director of the Kinjyp Bank, 
of the Hokkai Bank, etc.; 
Dealer in Rice and Manure ; 
b. May. 1858 in Aichi-ken ; 
3rd s.- of Matasuke Okada, 
and adopted by Hachirozae- 
mon Hanai. Address : No. 
5 5 , Tomanmachi, Nishiku, 
Nagoya. Tel. : 660. 

Hanai,- Takuzo m ^ ^ MX 
Hogakithttkushi,. M.,. -H. R., 

. Lawyer, Lecturer of the Chuo 
Univ., Member of the Com- 
mittee on. Law-Investigation ; 
b. 1 869 at , Miharacho, Hiro- 
shima-prefecture ; 5th s. of 
Shirozaemdn Tatsuhara, a 
Hiroshima Samurai ; w«. Hisa, 
d. of Taesuke Suzuki of 
Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from English Law School 
with honours, when he was 
only eighteen years old ; grad. 
from Hogakuin (Chiao Univ.); 
1888. Elected Councillor of 
Japan Lawyers' Assciation and 
Chief Editor of Hogaku Shim- 
/5 and Jittracted public notice, 
for his scholarship and elo- 
quence especially in criminal 
cases; M. H. R.' since 1898. 
Publications i "Hijo-Kokusai^ 


[1 1 30 ] 

ho-Ron " (fesays on Extraar- 
diiiary Ihternatiorial Law) 
"Shin-keiho-Hyorori" (Critic- 
ism of New Criminal Code). 
Clubs: Nippon Club, Sakurada 
Club. Address : Nishikicho, 
Kanda, Tokyo. Td : 8S3 
. Hanaa. Hisao W W ^ #). 
"=^^^^®ar. Chief of the 
Surgeon TDep't ' of the 1 2lh 
Army Division: 6. i86.i in 
Fukuoka-ken. Surgeon Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1884;— Lieute- 
nant ; 1887; — Captain, 1890; 
— Maj or, 1 897 ;— Lieutenant- 
Colonel, 190S ; decorated 
. with the 4th Order of the 
fiiksing Sun and the 4th Class 
of Golden Kite. Address: 
Kyobashi illaellomachi, 

Higashi-ku, Osaka. 

Haada, Yotaro (4^ H if i: 
115), Stock^Bfoker,, Pr^s. of 
Haiida & Co., aiid Manda 
Minitig Co.; ^. '56 at fokyo' ; 
in. f^othi Hirarto.feX-ihsi. of 
Tokyo Female Highef Nor- 
mal School '06; Meriibef of 
Tokyo Chamb'er of Cofli- 
riierce '9'i-^'9J. Address : 
Sakamotochd, Nihoflbashiku, 
Tdk5^d (dflfiGe), Jfihonefioki- 
Nishifnachi, Shibakii, Tdkyd. 
Tel.: 221, 241 Nahiwa, 241 

fiaiii, ShoieM C^ t: # ~% 
Judge ; Pr^sid^nt , of. ; ..^ttie 
.-Sa«a Disttfet Gouft, Add- 
ress : Tlie Nawa; District 
C-ourt., Oldiiawa-ken.- 

Hanjliafa, Masanao (Jf M JE 
it)» diplomat, directdr of the 
Telegram Section of. the 
Foreign Office; ^. Aug. 1876 
in Yamariashi-keh. Ediic. : 
graduated the English politic- 
al course of the Waseda 
Semmon Gakko, July 1897. 
Passed the diploriiatic and 
consular service -examinatidri, 
Seipt. 1898; .eleye-consul at 
Amc^,. Oct. i%t;''atta! 
the' legatioh at Seoul, May 
iSjj9; attache to .the legatipii 
Jit Washihgtori, May IgOi; 
'3'fd class sfecfetafy td the 
sarfle, Oct. 1902; jird class 
seci-etafy to etftfeassy at the 
same, Jttfy 1904; 2nd class 
Secretairy, July 1906; ist 
class Secretary, March igcig. 
Was conferred with the 6th 
Order df S.T. in recdgnitidh 
of his service in the Boxers' 
trouble, 190Q; afterwards 
decorated with the 5th Or- 
der df R.S. Address: F. O. 
ICaSiJiiiigaseki, KojimacM-kiJ, 

fe,anta, EyotarS (^ # ^ 
A W>, Proprietor of Osaka 
Iron Works, Hunter' & Co. ; 
b. 1871 at Kobe; e. S: of 
E. H. Hunter, an English 
resident. Edue-. : studied at 
Kobe Commercial Schodl ; 
giraduated frdia Engiiifcel'ing 
College, .Glasgdwr Univ.., 
1888. The O. I. W. was. 
organized by his father, 1881 ; 

im ] 


Hunter & Co. is a trad- 
ing firm. Recreation : shoot- 
ing. Address : K;Ajikawa, 
Osaka. TeL : 2744 /. a. 

Hara, Daisaburo (],?. 'X — fll^), 
Director of the Oita Bank, 
the Oita Savings Bank, the 
Toyooka Industrial Bank, 
etc. ; S. June, 18 56 iri Oita- 
ken ; ist s. of Zenbei Hara ; 
fn. Kaga, ist d. of Kwanji 
Taguchi. Address : Toyo- 
okamachi, Hemmi-gun, Oita- 

Hara, Katsnro (IS if I|5), 
Bungakuhakushi ; Prof at the 
College of Literature of the 
Kyoto Imperial Univ. Ad- 
dress : Kyoto University, 

Hara, Kei CM §S)^ M. F., 

-Horrte Minister ; 3. 2nd 
month,. 18 54 at Morioka. 
Educ. ; studied at Foreign 
Language School and Law 
Colfege. - Took to journalism 
as a member of the staff of 
the Idocki ; went to Korea as 
liewspaper cofrespOrident with 
Marq. Inoue, special Envoy 
'82; entered Foreign Office 
Consul in Tientsin ; Secretary 
arid Charge d' affairs in PariiS- 
'86; file Marquis' Private See- 
refary when Minister of Agr. 
and Com.; i)ir. of Commercial 
Bureau at Foreign Office 
when the I^ate Count Mutsu 
was its chief; prorhoted to 

Vice-Minister of the Depart- 
ment, 1895 ; prompted to 
be Minister to Korea, '96, 

which he resigned and be- 
came Chief Editor of the Osaka 
Mainichi ; succeeded the Late 
Hoshi as Minister of Comm. 
'00 — '01 ; then Chief Editor 
of Osaka Shinpo, and Mini- 
ster of Home Dep't in the 
Saionji Cabinet '06 — ' 08 ; 
Home Minister again and 
Pres.- of the Imperial Eailway 
Board, 191 1- 1 2 ; Home • Mi- 
nister thirdly since Feh. 19 1 3. 
Address : Shiba Park, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 68 Shiba. 

Hara, Ki CM M), Assistant- 
Prof of the College of Agri- 
culture of the Tokyo Imperial 
University. Address : Offi- 
cial House, AgricultitraJ^ 
College, Meguro-mura, Eba- 
ra-gun, Tokyo. 

Hara, Kichiro CM S MP), 
Managing Dir. of Shinsan 
Bank, Ltd., Dir. of Nisshin 
Co., Ltd., d. 1851 in the 


[ iP 3 

province- of Shinano. Suc- 
ceeded his father, 1885. 
Address: lidamachi, Nagano- 

Kara, Kingo C® ^ -S-). Ma- 
nager of the Meiji Fire In- 
surance Co., Ltd.; 6. Tokyo, 
in 1867; second s. of Motoyo 
Hara, a samurai of Tokyo; 
m. e. d. of Baron Koreaki 
Ibaraki. Ediic: graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial school, 1885- 
Taught, 1885-1891, in his 
alma mater and in other 
local commercial schools; in 
1892, entered the service of 
the Meiji Fire Ins. Co., soon 
afterward being .appointed 
his present position; through 
the introduction of Modern 
Methods the company soon 
came "to the fore; in 1907 
he was one of the founders 
of the Japanese Fire Insur- 
ance Association, and is at 
present chairman of its rating 
committee. Address: No. 28 
Kita -Yamabushi-cho, Ushi- 
gome-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 209 

Bancho. - > 
Hara, Kokuro , C^, ^ fiU), 

Dir. of the Ya^okaiW Specie 
Bank,o£-the Imperial Hotel; 
Ltd.," the Yokohama Dock 
"Co., Ltd., of the Tokyo Ele- 
ctric R'ly Co., Ltd., of the 
Uraga Dock Co., Ltd., the 
Tokyo Steamship Co., Ltd, 
and. of the Tokyo Savings 

Bank, Ltd.; d. in 1844- in 
Hyogo-prefecture / 6th s\ of 
Shindo, a- well known family 
in the province of Tajima; 
m. Tomi, d. of Shozaburo 
Dokura of Nara-prefecture. 
When young he rendered 
with Kuniomi Hirano splendid 
service on the Imperial side 
at the time of the Restora- 
tion ; spent seven .years in 
Europe and America in study 
as well as inspection. At 
the tiriK of the Saigo Re- 
bellion he was back in his 
native country and subse- 
quently organized the lOOth. 
National Bank with a few 
others; founded. the ImjJerial 
Commeircial Bank in -.1894. 
Pres. of the Yokohama Specie 
Bank, 1883 — 1890.:' As a 
busine.s.s man he ranks, with 
Yasiida", _Furukawa, Shibusa- 
wa' and Okura, as one of. the 
five greatest business .men in 
the Empire. Address: Kita 
Shinagawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 295 

Hara, Eyoiehiro <M ^ — lU), 
Pres. of Kinkodo Publishing 
Co. Ltd.,. and Dir. of Toyo 
Printing Co.- Ltd.-; b. 1869 
at Gifu-prefecture. Educ. : 
studied at the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School for some 
years. Went abroad and , 
entered Samuel & Co. and 
afterwards became Head of 
Miscellaneous Goods Dep't 

[ 133 ] 


of the Yokohama Branch of 
the firm ; and then succeeded 
to his father's publishing and 
printing business. Publicatmt: 
" ShogaMkp-Dokuhon" (Text- 
book for Elementary School). 
Clubs : Kojunsha, Beiyukyo- 
kai, Boekikyokai. Address : 
Ryusenji-machi, Shitaj^a-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 252 Shitaya. 

Hara, 'Sanekazu CM K A), 
JRea£-Admiral of Engine- 
enrig,"on'thelR.eserve; b. Mar. 
1850 in Tokyo; 4th s. of 
Yasubei Hara, a samurai of 
Tokyo ; m. RyiJ, 3rd d. of 
Riemon Inaba. Was decor- 
ated with the 4th Order of 
Merit and the 4th Class of 
Golden Kite in recognition 
of his services during the Ru- 
sso-Japanese _War. Address : 
No. 600, Shimoshibuya, Shi- 
buya-mura, Toyotama-guh, 

, Hara, Seigo'CM fi? -^), ■ C"' 
tain, Commaiider ofjthe^Nani- 
was,niYaJctcmo;b. 1.866. Educ: 
graduated from the Ifaval Aca- 
demy. Lieutenant, Sept. 1890; 
Lieutenant-Commander, June. 
1 899 ; Commander, Feb. 
1885; decorated with the 
3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun. Address ; No. 2236, 
Shinjubu, Zushi-mura Miu- 
ra-gun, Kanagawa-ken. 

Hara, SMdzuo CM ' P W), 
Engineer of Miye-ken. Educ: 
graduated from, the College 

of Engineering of the Tokyo- 
Imperial University. Ad- 
dress : Kengyomachi, Tsu- 
shi, Miye-ken. 

Hara, Taneaki, CM )i. Bg.), 

Proprietor of Tokyo Shutsu- 
gokunin-Hogosho (Tokyo 
Released Prisoners .Help 
Society) ; Christian pastor af 
Hokkai-do Church for many 
years ; went up to the capital 
and now well known as a 
founder of different charitable' 
institutions while a writer for 
the Yorozu Newspaper. Add- 
ress : Moto-yanagiwaracho, ' 
Kanda, Tokyo. Tel. : 2956 

Hara, Tomitaro CM 1 ;fc W), 
raw silk merchant, M. of 
Yoke. Cham, of Com., Di- 
rector of the 2nd Bank ; 
of the Uji River Electric 
Company ; Inspector of the, 
Yokohama Life Insurance 
Company; b. Aug. 1868 in 
Gifu-ken ; 1st s. of Kyuei 
Aoki,^ and adopted by Moto- 
saburo Hara ; m. Yasu, i st d. 
of his foster-father. Address: 
No. 5. 3-chome, Benten- 
clori, Yokohama. Tel. : 

539 ^- d. ^ , 

Hara, f oshiynki CM SSe -fr),' 
Director of the Kusano 
Bank; b. Jan. 1853 in 
Fukuoka-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Yugo Yano, and adopted by 
Kyugo Hara; m. Masayo, 
2nd d. of his foster-father. 


[ 134] 

Address : Takeno-rnura, U- 
kiha-gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Hara, Yaotaro CM A f * 
BI5), Veterinaiy Colonel ; In- 
structbr^ ' "af tlie "'Military 
College ; 5. 1 861 in Tokyo. 
Veterinary Sub-Lieutenant, 
1 886 ; — Lieutenant, 1 890 ; — 
Captain, 1898; — Major, 

1902 ; -^ Lieutenant-Colonel, 
1904; — Colonel, 1907; deco- 
rated with the 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun. Address: 
No. 15, 6 chome, Aoyania- 
Minaminiachi, Alcasaka, 


Hara, Yasutaro CM 1* ^ fO, 
Lord-in- Waiting in Kinkei 
Hall, M. of H. P. ; b. 7th 
month '47 in the province of 
Tamba. Edijc. : sent to 
America for study by the 
Government '71— '73; Gov. 
of 'Yamaguchi, Fukushima, 
and Hokkai-do ; Dir. of 
Forestr}' Bureau of Agr. and 
Com. Dep. ■ Address : Shimo- 
Rokubancho, Kojimachiku, 

Hara, Yoshimiehi QM. M 3I), 
Hogakuhakushi, Lawyer, b. 
1867 in Shinano. Educ: 
graduated from I^aw College 
Tokyo Imp, University, '88 
Councillor of Agr. & Com 
Dep't., Inspector of Mines 
which he resigned '91. Recrea- 
tion : travelling. Address : 
lidamachi. Kojimachiku, 

Tokyo ; Hiyoshicho, Kyo- 

t/ashiku (ofiSce). Tel. : 407 
Bancho, 520 Shimbashi 

Hara, Yoshinori CJg "B ^), 
farmer ; Aud. of Yoshii 
Bank, Ltd., and Taisei Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. 1 86 1 in Fukuoka 
prefecture. Was entrusted 
with the readjusting of 
measurements of the fields of 
several villages of the pre- 
fecture. Recreations : pictures, 
" curios, sweet oranges. Ad- 
dress : Yoshii-mura, Fukuoka- 

Harada, Bokusai CIC El \k Ife), 
Staff Sergeon, Dir. of Tokyo' 
Dental Scliobl; b. 8th month 
'61 in Gifu. Educ. .\ gradu- 
ated from Gifu Medical 
School and Medical College, 
California, University. Prof, 
of Naval Medical College. 
Address : ligurakatamachi, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 2057 

Harada, Jgei CM m + W), 
Deputy Mayor of Tokyo ; 
Member of the House q|^ 
Representatives ; b. Dec. 
18.61 ; 1st s. of Jujii'o Harada, 
a samurai of Kumamoto-ken ; 
m. Saki, 2nd d. of Sadamasa 
Tanabe, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Was once Private Secretary 
to the Minister of Educa- 
tion, and of Finance ; is now 
Editor-in-Chief of Liberal 
Newa-agency ; M. P., 1908 ; 
A rriember of the Seiyukwai 

[ 135 ] 


Address : No. i-o, 6 chome, 
Aoyama-?/Iinamimachi, Aka- 
saka, Tokyo. Tel.: 26%\ Shiba. 

Ilarada, Kyujo CJ?: ffl ^ ^), 
Pres. of Taiyo Life Insurance 
Co., Ltd., Dir. of Sobu 
Railway Co., Ltd.; b. 1856 
in Tochigi-prefecture. Edtic: 
graduated from Tochigi 
Normal School. Headman 
of Shimane-gun in Shima- 
ne-pref.. 1884; Headman ot 
Oki-gun, 1889; Secretary of 
the prefecture, 1896. Elect- 
ed M. H. R,, 1897. Ad- 
dress : Komagome, Sendaki- 
cho, Hongo, Tokyo. Tel. : 
998Shitaya. . 

Harada, Kyukiciii CM H X 
W)) Director of the Yoko- 
hama Commercial Bank; d. 
Sept. 1839 in Shidzuoka-ken ; 
brother of Tadzusaburo Hara- 
da ; m. Yoshi, 5th d. of 
Ichizo Higuchi. Address : 
No. 66, Miyazakimachi, 
Yokohama. Tel-.-^gi. 

Harada, Sadasuke C!|i H M. 
'^A Engineer of the Depart- 
ment of Home Affairs ; b. 
Mar. 1865, "in Yamaguchi- 
kcn ; 1st J. of Seiichi Harada ; 
jn. Ikuyo, 1st d. of Masando, 
Takeyasu, a samurai of 
Yamaguchi-ken. Engineer of 
the Public-works Inspection 
office, 1892 ; present post 
since 1905 ; decorated with 
4th Order of Merit; became 
Chief Ensjineer of Shimono- 

scki Branch Office of the Pu- 
blic Works, Home Dep't iiince 
191 1. AMrezs: Shimonoseki. 

Harada, Saiiro CM H -fe In 
S©i One of the highest 
taxpayers of Aomori-ken ; b. 
Mar. 1850 in Aomori-ken; 
1st s. of Sajiemon Harada ; 
m. Miyo, aunt ofTashichird 
Terada. Address : Yoshida- 
mura, Nishitsugaru-gun, Ao- 

Harada, Shingi CM m K- S), 
Councillor of the Con-struction 
Bureau of the Railway Board. 
Address : No. 79, 3 chome, 
Kobinata-daimachi, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. 

Harada, Tasxike (.gi m Wh 

B. D. (Yale Univ.) D. D. 
(Amherst College) L. L. D. 
(Edinburgh Univ.) President 
of Doshisha University, Kyo- 
to; b. 1863 in Kumamoto, 
Higo; i-. of Osamu Kamada, 
a samurai; m. Saki, sister of 
J. Kawamoto, M. D. of Kobe. 
Educ-: Doshisha College and 
Yale Univ. Pastor of Kumiai 
(Congregational) Churches in 
Tokyo, Kobe and Kyoto. 
Editor of Kirisutokyo Sekai 
(Christian world). Resident 
of the Christian Endeavor 
Union. President of the Do- 
.shisha since 1907. Delegate 
to the World Congregational 
Council in London, .1891, 
Delegate to the World Chri- 
stian Endeavor Convention, 


[ n^] 

1900. Delegate to the World 
Missionary Conference Ed- 
inburgh, 1910. Travelled ex- 
tensively in Tiidia" in 1905. 
Lectured m Yale, Harvard, 
Hartford and other institu- 
tions in U. S. of America, 
igio. PtMications: The 
Faith" and Ideal and the Time 
of Jesus (Japanese), the Faith 
of Japan (English), &c. , Ad- 
dress: The Doshisha, Kyoto. 
7^/.: Kami 3299. 
^Harada, Teisaburo, (M ffl % 
^ Wd, Pres. of Yaitsu Bank, 
Ltd.; 3. i8S3 in Shizuoka- 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther 1874. Address: Higa- 
shimasutsu-mura, Shizuoka- 

-Haraguchi, Kaname CMP^), 
Kqgakukakushi, Tir. of Rail- 
way Association ; b. 185 1. 
Educ. : Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity and Yale University. 
One of the pioneer students 
sent abroad; has been R'ly 
Eng. in the Gov. R'ly ser- 
vice for a long time. Address : 
Nagatacho, Kqjimachiku, 

Tel. .' 29 23 Shimbashi. 
HaragueM, Kensai C^. ^ 

*iJ.ifeui,*fi^„(ret.j ; d. in 
1 847 in . the province of 
Bungo ; adop. s. of Kentoku 
Haraguchi', a, samurai; in. 
Seki, 3rd d. of Yoshitaka 
Yokogawa, of Tokyo. Educ: 
studied at the Heigakuryo 
(Mil. College). Appointed 

Sub-Lieut., 1872; Lieut., 
1 874 ; fought as Commander 
of tile 1st Company of the 
Flying Inf. Third Battalion 
in the Saigo rebellion, 1877 ; 
Captain,. 1877; Major, 1882; 
Vice-Dir. of the Toydma. 
Gakko (Toyama Mil. School), 
1887; sent to Germany, 
1890; Colonel, 1891 ; IDir. 
of the Toyama Military 
School, 1 89 1 ; took , part in 
the China- Japan war; Chief 
of Staff to the 4th Army 
Division : again appointed 
Di*-. of the Toyama School ; 
Maj.-Gen., 1896; Comman- 
der of the Inf 7th Brigade, 
1900 ; promoted to Lieut.- 
Gen., 1905 ; fought in the 
Russo-Japanese war as 
Comm.ander of the 13th Army 
Division, and was Comm.-in- 
Chief of the Saghalien Ex- 
pedition Army; elected mem- 
ber of the House of Peers, 
August, 19 10. Created Ba- 
ron, invested with Grand 
Cordon of Merit and 3rd Class 
of G. K. as a war reward. 
Address : Sanaizaka, Ichi- 
gaya, Ushigomeku, Tokyo. 
Haramoto, Daisaburo CM ^ 
iz H IH), One of the highest 
taxpayers of Shimane-ken ; 
Director of the Yasuki Bank ; 
d. Sept. 1866 in Shimane- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Gompachiro 
Haramoto; m. Tada, ist 0?. 
of Saburobei Namikawa. Once 

E 137 ] 


was Member of the Shimane 
Prefect uraJ. Assembly. Add. 
re'ss : Yasukimachi, Nag-f, 
gijii. Sh;mane-ken. 

Harimoto, Takayoshi (!f;|:H 
if-\ Safe Maf., Pro. ofChuritsu 
Co., Ltd., Managing Dir. of 
Nihon Spinning Co., Ltd., Dir. 
of Osaka Goods Co., Ltd., 
Alderman of Osaka-fu. Ad- 
dress : Honden, Nishiku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 485 Nishi. 

Haruki, Gensaburo (# 7fc jl 
H M'), , Colonel ..of Commis- 
sariat, Commander of the 
Sth Commissariat" Battalion ; 
d. 1868 in Mie-ken. Sub- 
Lieut, of Cavalry, July 1SS8; 
Sub-Lieut, of Commissariat, 
Nov. 1888; Lieut., Nov. 
1 891; Captain, Aug. 1895; 
Major, Feb. 1901; Lieut. 
Colonel, July 1904; Colonel, 
Nov. 1 9 10. Decorations: 4th 
Order of S. T., 3rd Order 
-of R. S., 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Hiroshima, 

Hdruki, Ichiro (# /fc — 115), 
Hogakuhakushi, Prof, of the 
College of Law in the Kyoto 
Imp2rial University : b. July, 
1870, in Tokyo; ist jr. of 
Yoshiakii-a Haruki ; m. Yoshi, 
sister of Sozaburo Yoshi- 
mura. Educ.. : graduated 
from the College of Law in 
the Tokyo ' Imperial Univer- 
sity in 1 894; studied in the 
Univ. Hail ; studied Roman 

Law in Germany^,., 1900^ — 
T904I Present post .since 
1905. Address: Shimmachi- 
noma, Musakoj iminami-iru, 
Muromachi Kamikyo-ku Kyo- 

Harumoto, Juaiike C#7cWltX 
representative member of the 
Harumoto Soap Manufactory, 
adviser to the Osaka Soap M':- 
nixfactures Union ; b. 3 Feb. 
of the 2nd y. of Kayei (1849) 
in Osaka-city ; s. of t) usuko 
Harumoto, a druggist ; m. 
Yasu, d. of Sohei Inamori. 
Engaged in the drug business, 
helping his father, when he 
was 16 years old ; studied the 
soap manufactures since 18- 
73 and established the sog,p 
works, 1879, and afterwards 
was president of the Osaka 
soap manufacturers union for 
20 years ; obtained over 30 
prizes in various exhibitions 
home and foreign ; the one- 
3rd of the whole quantity of 
soaps produced in Japan,which 
is estimated at two million 
yen per year, are manufactured 
at this factory ; the products 
are exported to China, India, 
Siberia and Oceania beside 
consumed in Japan ; the or-, 
ganization of this firm has 
been ■ changed as a partner- 
ship and his 3 sons are en- 
gaged in the business as its 
represen'tatives. JRecreaUon ' 
ballad drama. Address : No. 


;[ 138 ] 

27, Jiunikenclio, Higashi-ku, 
Omli'ai-'Tel.: 77, 2297 Minami, 

Haruyama, Ankan (M \U S 
W3)f Director of the 67th 
Bank; 3. Feb. 1851 in 
Yamagata-ken ; 1st s. of 
Ankan Haruyama, a samurai 
of Yamagata ; m. Sei, 2nd 
d. of Kambei Tabikawa, a 
samurai of ^Yamagata. ^i^- 
^riS'.fj .• Tsuruokamachi, Nishi- 
tagawa-gun, Yamagata-ken. 

Haseba, Sumitaka, Cft # ^ 

m ^),. M. p. . ex-Minister of 


(from Au- 
gust, 191 1 
t) Dec* 
1912); h. 
4th month 
'S3; e.s. 
of Fujizo 
Haseba, a 
samur ai ■ 
and a rich 
farmer by 
p r of e s - 
sion. Educ. :■ graduated from 
-Kagoshima Clan school. 
Fought as a leader of Saigo's 
army in Satsuma Rebellion, 
and was 'severely wounded ; 
played a splendid part ■ wiih 
M:Unakata ■ of Kumamoto 
when Counts Itagaki and 
Okuma raised the political 
party, banner and afterwards 

imprisoned for political of- 
fences. Was a typical a.d- 
ministrative .official in hiis 
native province for many a 
year, and then appointed 
Chief Councillor of Home 
Dep't. have sat in the House 
of Representatives from its 
beginning; and "was its pre- 
sident, 1908— II. traj,ejje(i 
g.|)j;pgd,~;,JA,=^J@§.., . Addi^ess : 
Official residence. 

Hassb8,,ShoieMro (S=&nl?!l 
— BFOj Major of Commissariat, 
attached to the 17th Battalion 
of Commissariat Troops ; 3. 
1872 in Ehimeken. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Cavalry, 1894;- 
of Commissariat Troops, 
1 894 ; Lieutenant, 1 897 ; 
Captain, 1900 ; Major, 1905 ; 
decorated with the 5th Order 
of Rising Sun and the 5 th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : The 17th Battalion 
of Commissariat Troops, 

Hasefee, Tatsutsura. ('A # IfB 
m =1), M. of H. P., Lord-in- 
Waiting of Kinkei Hall ; '3. 
2 May in 1844; a Fukui 
samurai ; m. Kane, 3rd d. of 
Mr. Kwansei Watanabe, an 
Osaka samurai. Entered Board 
of Audit in 1 858 ; Director 
of Industrial Bureau, and 
Governor of Yamagata pre- 
fecture. Address : Mita- 
Tsunamachi, Shibaku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 3680 Shimbashi. 

[ 139 ] 

Heinai Cfi ^ ;il 
^ ra), One of the highest 
taxpayers of Yamagata-ken ; 
Director of the Adzuma 
Bank, the Yamagata Electric 
Company, the Ryou Agricul- 
tural and Industrial Bank ; 
b. Sept. 1853 in Yamagata- 
ken ; I st J. of Nobumitsu 
Hasegawa ; m. Mino, 1st d. 
of Kichibei Taze. Address : 
Yashiro-mura, Higashi-aki- 
tama-gun, Yamagata-ken. 

Hasegawa, Keigoro (g :i^ ji] 
46 2. P), Mine-owner; b. 1868 
at Karatsu, Nagasaki-ken; s. 
of Hisanobu Hasegawa. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Karatsu Middle School and 
self-taught afterwards. En- 
tered the Mitsui firm in 
1880; member of its London 
Branch for 8 years; director 
of the Kobe, Hongkong and 
Moji Branches successively; 
established himself as a 
mine-owner, 1904. Recrea- 
tions : billiards, shooting. 
Address: No. 6, i chome, 
Kitano-machi, Kobe. Tel.: 
2879. Clubs. Tokyo Club; 

Shinko Club. 

Hasejawa, Keisuke CA # )\\ 

%. W), Pres. of Saitama Agr. 
and Ind. Bank, Ltd.; b. 1850 
in Saitama-prefecture. Suc- 
ceeded his father, Rokuzaemon 
Hasegawa, 1883. Address.: 
Kawahara - mura, Kitasaita- 
ma-gun, Saitama-ken. 

Hasegawa, Kichisaburo CJ§ 

# jil ^ H W), Foreign goods 
merchant; b. Nov. 1856 in 
Aichiken ; ist s. of Keizo 
Hasegawa; in. Koto, 4th d. 
of Shinzaburo Yoshida. Ad- 
dress. : No. 95 Tamaya-cho, 
Nishi-ku ; Osaka. 

Hasegawa, Kiehisaburo (ft 

# ;i! S H m, Member of the 
Yamagata Chamber of Com- 
merce ; Director of the Uyo 
Savings Bank, of the Yama- 
gata Transportation Com- 
pany, etc. ; Inspector of the 
Ryou Bank, etc.; b. Mar. 
1865 in Yamagata-ken; 
brother of Kichinai Hase- 
gawa; m. Y\x, adopted niece 
of Kichijiro Hasegawa. 
Address: No. 511, Mikka- 
machi, Yamagata-shi. 

Hasegawa, Kinsuke CS # W. 
li ^), Engineer of the Im- 
perial Railway Board ; Chief 
of the Western District of 
the Railway Administration 
Bureau; b. Aug. 1855, in 
Yamaguchi-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Tamenobu Hasegawa ; m. 
Cho, 2nd d. of Ihei Takeda, 
a samurai ' of Yamaguchi- 
ken. Was for years in the 
Formosan Government's Rail- 
way 51s its Chief Engineer, 
then Director, and was ap- 
pointed to present post, 1909. 
Address: I^.o. 12, Kitanaga- 
sa-dori, 5 chome, Kobe, Hyo- 

[ 1,40 ] 

go-ken. - 

Hasegawa, Kiraku CA # ifl 
% ii). Confectioner, Din. of 
Tokyo Confectionery Co., 
Ltd.; i>. 1852 in Kanagawa- 
prefecture. Succeeded his 
father Raku Hasegawa, .1880. 
Maker of " Kirakusembei^' 
a famous and popular Japan- 
ese biscuit. Address: Ise- 
zakicho, Yokohama. Tel.: 

Hasegawa, KyusMehi (A # 
il) M-t), Member of the 
Nagoya Chamber of Com- 
merce ; Director of the 
Nagoya Timber Company ; 
b. Aug. 185 1 in Gifu-ken; 
1st s. of Shichibei Yatna- 
guchi, and adopted by Ko- 
zaburo Hasegawa ; m. Kaya, 
4th d. of his foster-father. 
Address : No. 674, Masaki- 
cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya. 

Hasegawa, Kizaemon (S ^ 
jil ^iJ ;fe m F^), One of the 
Tiighest taxpayers of Chiba- 
ken ; Director of the Dai- 
nichi Bank, of the Narita 
Bank ; Dealer in Diygoods ; 
b. Apr, 1 849 in Chiba-ken ; 
2nd s. of Buhei Shimbashi, 
and adopted by Rizaemon 
Hasegawa ; m. Cho, aunt of 
A&2LZo\\dL2., Address : Narika- 
machi, Imba-gun, Chiba-ken'. 

Hasegawa, Seiya (^ © )\\W. 
lii)) non de phime " Tenkei,'-' 
magazine editor; b. Dec. 

1876 at Siiya, -Kariba-gun, 
Niigata-ken; s. of ^ ^Chikatora 
Hasegawa, a." 'samtir^i -pf 
Siiya clan, and banker; m-. 
Chp, d. of Ryozo Kumagai, 
1804. Educ: Tokyp Senmon 
Gakko (Waseda college). 
Entered the editorial dep't of 
Hakubunkwan and engaged 
in the editorial works of the 
" Shoiien Sekai" and. Taij-6j 
1897; advocated naturalismi 
in the literary column of the 
"Taiyo"; besides lectured 
the modern French history of 
fictions at the literary college 
of Waseda Univ., 1909-7 10; 
proceeded Xt) 'London ,', for 
observing magazine publish- 
ing business , there, , i June 
1910;, after one year,- and 

eight mo.nths travelled 

through Germ any,- ^France, 
.Switzerland, Austria-Huh- 
gary, Italy and America- 
returned home, Oct. 1912. 
Pn blications : Naturalisin , 
Precept of literature, " Man- 
nenfude," A view on literary 
art (all in Japanese). Re- 
creations:, wrestle,, journey. 
Address: c/o Hakubunkwan, 
3 chome, Honcho, Nihonba- 
shi-ku, Tokyo. 

Hasegawa, Tameji (A S- )i\ 
^ iS), Director of the Osaki 
Mint; ,i>. Aug. 1848, in 
Yamaguchi-ken-; ist ^.s. of 
Tamenobu Hasegawa ; m. 
Mon, 2nd d. of Kasuke 

[ HI ] 


Iketa. Entered the Financial 
Office, 1869 ; Chief of Mint, 
1893 ; sent to Europe and 
America by government 
order, 1886—1887; decorated 
with 2nd Order of Merit. 
Address: Official House of 
the Mint, Shin— Kawasaki- 
machi, Kita-ku, O.saka-shi. 

Hasegawa, Teiicliiro (jft § 
;il a - IS), Prof, of the Sth 
High School; b. (1870), 
Ishikawa-ken, e. s. of Chiabei 
Hasegawa, a saimirai of 
Kanazawa; m. Sakae, ist 
d. of Junji Aochi, Ishikawa- 
ken. Edtic: graduated from 
the College of Literature of 
the Imperial University, 
1893. Appointed to present 
post in Oct. 1895. Address: 
Kumampto, Kumamoto-ken. 

Hasega-wa, Yasuko (g ^ j\\ 
IK -?)» Authoress known as 
Shigiire, her nom de phinie; 
b. 1879, '" Tokyo, d. of 
Shinzo Hasegawa, lawyer. , 
Editc. : self-taught. She is the 
originator of the Biiyo Ken- 
kyu Kai, or the Society for 
the Study of Dances. Pub- 
lications: Dai Nikon Bijin 
Den (Belles of Japan), Enji 
Den (Belles of Japan, Sup- 
plemented), Meiii Bijin Den 
(Belles of Japan in- Meiji 
Era), and other dramatic 
plays among which Saktira- 
ftibiiki, Kai-cJioon Haomaru, 

and Taketcri Monogatnri 
are pc^pular and were 
practiced on stages. - Recrea- 
iipjis: -music, especially play- 
ing on samisen, flower ar- 
rangement, picture drawing, 
dancing, and dramatic plays. 
Address: No. 5, Sanchorne, 
Shin Tsukudajima-cho, Kyo- 
bashi, Tokyo. 

Hasegawa, Yoshimiclii CA ;& 
i!) Sf 5t), Viscount (Baroni 

or. " 1 895 ; Viscount, 1907); 
General; Chief of the General- 
Staff since January... 1912; 
ex-Memher of the High Mili- 
tary Council; 6. Aug. igSo; ist 
s. of Tojiro Hasegawa, . a 
samurai' o{ Yzxas.fg\x<:iki\ clan; 
m. Tatsu, adopted sister of 
Kichisaburo Uchida. - Cap- . 
tain, 1871;. Major; 1872; 
Lieutenant Colonel, 1 87.3 ; 
Colonel, and Comm,ander of 
the nth E.egiment of In- 
fantry, 1878 ;.. stayed in 
France, 1885-1886; Major- 


[ 142 ] 

General, and Comander of 
the I2tli Brigade of Infantry, 
1 886 ; commanded a mixed 
Brigade in the Japan-China 
War and took a distinguished 
part in the battles of Port 
Arthur and Wei-hai-wei ; 
and was decorated with the 
3rd Class of Golden Kite 
and the DouUe-Rayed of the . 
Rising Sun as a war 
reward, 189S ; Lieutenant- 
General, Commander of the 
3rd Army Division and then 
of the Guards Division, 
1896; invested with the 
Order of the Sacred Tf<?asure, 
1902 ; in the Russo-Japanese 
War be coihrrianded the 
Imperial Guards Division 
undef Gerfer'ai Kiifoki and 
led it to sticeesS arid honour 
at the Battles of Yalu, 
Fenghurigchingi Yang-tzu- 
ling, Liaoyang ; especially at 
Yang-tzu-ling he fought veiy 
gail-lahtly, and after two day's 
severe frglitiiig, the Japanese 
army finally were successful ; 
the famous Russian General 
Count Keller, who comriiand^ 
ed in person a Russian foree 
consisting of two and a half 
divisions, fell mortally wound- 
ed in the course of the second 
day's operations ; his loss 
was a particularly heavy 
blow to Kuropat&in, and it 
gave a great advantage to 
the Japanese arniy ; this was 

one of the greatest services 
he rendered to the Empire 
during the war ; was promoted 
to the rank of General' during 
the course of the War,- 1904; 
invested with the Grand 
Cordon . of the Rising Sun, 
1906; of ,the 
Army Division stationed in 
Korea, 1907 ; decorated with 
1st Class bf Golden Kite 
and the Grand Cordon of 
the Rising^ Snn with the 
Paulownia Flower in re- 
cognition of his exeellerit 
services during the late waf; 
1907; Higii Military CoHneillor 
1909. . Address : No. 40^ 
Waseda-cho, Ushigome; 

Tokyo . Tel. : i Soo _Bancho". 
Hasegawa,- Yoshiyuid C;^ 
# ill K ^;5, Holder of Jtli E. 
3rd Order 
of Merit, 
Maj or- 

Mayor of 
b. Saga, 
7th Jtily, 
1842 ; s. 
of Hasegawa. Educr. Kadj 
kwanT the , clari seKool of 
Mdfquis Nabeshima. Bii^ 
gaged iii 0-u action ait the 
time of the Restofation, M6 
awarded a pensiori of 2d 
koku of rice; appoirifed 

[ 143 ] 


Captain of the Army, Jan. 
1872 ; engaged in the battles 
of Saigo Rebellion, 1877; 
promoted Major, x88o; 
despatched to Korea as 
guard to the envoy extra- 
ordinary and rhinister pleni- 
potentiary, 1 887 ; promoted 
Colonel, 1 892 ; appointed 
Commander of the loth In- 
fantry Brigade, 1894; Com- 
mander of the 17th Defensive 
Infantry Brigade, 1904 ; pro- 
moted Major-General, 1906. 
Recreations : Japanese check- 
ers ; reading ; hunting. Ad- 
dress : Kwaisho-Koji, Mizu- 
noyemachi, Saga. 

Hashidzume, Sutezo \S /R ^ 

W), President of Morioka 
District Court. h. May 
1858: s. of Seisuke Ha- 
shidzume, a samurai of Fu- 
kushima ; m. Hisa, 1st d. of 
Ryuzaemon Araki, a samurai 
of Adihori-ken. Passed the 
Examination for Bench, 1887; 
after ■ serving in several 
Districi Courts was appointed 
Judge of the Tokyo Appeal 
Court in 1896. Address: 
Uchimaru, Morioka-shi, Iwa- 

HasliigucM, KiyosHi (^ ^ 

it)» Goyo by pen-name, 
painter (of decorative art) 
(oil painting and design); 
b. Dee. 1881 in Kagoshiiriai. 
Ediic: Kagoshima middle 
school " Zoshikan," Tokyo 

Art school (gra. 1905). Given 
charge of his professional art 
by the Nihon Yusen Kaisha^ 
Ltd.; engaged in ornamental 
painting; member of Musei- 
kai. Address: 31 Ichigaya- 
sanaizaka, Ushigome-ku, To- 

Hashiguehi, Yuma (# % 
.1), £olond,„_-,i^Qf^-,r.lJifaatiy.^^ 
Cdmmarider of the 62nd Re- 
giriierit of Infantry; b. I863 
in Kagoshirtia. Stib-DieU- 
tenant. of Infantry, 1 883; 
Lieutenant, 1887 ; Captaiil, 
1894; Major, 1901 ; Lieti- 
tenant. Colonel, 1905 ; Co- 
lonel, 1967 J decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Risirig 
Sun and the 3rd Class of 
Golden Kite. Address: The 
62nd Regimeiit of Infantryj 

Hashiindto, Ghujiro (M * S* 
^ SI5), Eng. Contractor, Pi-es. 
of Kokkd-sha Ltd., a large 
printing hoiise afid Bunkyo- 
sha, Ltd., Dealer in Patent 
Strong Papers; b. i8s9 ift 
Kumaihotd-prefecture. First 
eritered the Okura Co., next 
the Haya-kawa-Guifti, a firrft 
of contractors, aild otganized 
the Hashimoto Co. Address; 
Tsukiji, Ky6bashi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel: 71 T Shimbasht. 

Hashimoto, EaMtaro (M :# 

, tarf :;A.cademy; h- May i S62, in 
Gifu-kea; m. Ei, sister of Ma- 


[ 244 ] 

tsutaro Kitahara, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieutenant, 1886; 
Lieutenant . 1 889 ; Captain, 
1894; Major, 1900; Lieu- 
tenant Colonel, 1904 ; Co- 
lonel, 1906 ; decorated with 
3rd Class of Golden Kite and 
3rd Order of the Rising Suii 
in recognition of his services 
during the Russo-Japanese 
War ; Maj.-Gen,, 1 9 1 1 . Ad- 
dress: The Military Academy, 
Ichigaya, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

llasaiiiiot"3, Keisaburo C^ ^^ 
m.B. M), Chief of the Ac- 
countant's JtJureau, Vice-Mi- 
nister of Finance; b. Sept. 
1865 ; 1st J', of Yajuro 
Hashimoto, a samurai of 
Niigata-ken ; m. Chise, sister 
of Asatarp Yamane, a samu- 
rai of Yamaguchi-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
pi Law in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1890. Sec- 
retary of the Privy Council, 
1892; having filled the posts 
of Secretary or Commissioner 
pf .-leveral Depai-tments, was 
appointed to present post in 
19 1 1 Address : No. ^6, 
6chorae,. Aoyama-minamicho, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. 7>/. / 2525 
Shiipa. ;^ 

, Hashimoloi^ Keizabnro <@ )^ 
^ HM,;" President of the 
3aga Municipal Coinmercial 
.^chool. Saga | 2nd Grade of 
•fth; Rank, A at Isa, Hyogo 
.grefecturb,; 28th Dec., ;i866 ; 

s. of Rokubei Hashimoto ; w. 
Sadako, 4th d. of f. Ikeguchi 
of his native place, ,1897. 

£duc. : 
Entered ' 

Toyo-oka Middle 
Hyogo ; Tokyo 
Commercial School. 
: Sumitomo Bank, 
1895, and managed Onomichi 
and Funabe Branch Ofifices ; 
established the Takama- 
tsu Municipal Commercial 
School, 1900 ; assumed 
present position April, 1907. 
Recreation : "yokyoku." Ad- 
dress : 28 Akarnatsu-machi, 

Hashimoto, Kichibei (IS * 
a ^ ^), One of the highest 
taxpayers of Hiroshittia-ken ; 
Director of the " 66th Bank, 
of the Onomichi Savings 
Bank ; 3. Sept. 1 862 in Hi- 
.r'oshima-ken ; ist J. of Seigo 
Hashimoto ; m. Kei, 2nd d. 
of.Eijiro Amako. Address: 
Jiayokka-machi, Onomichi, 
Hiroshima -ken. 

Hashimoto, Koryo (^ ;zic ^ 

A)v.- President of the. Chur'-}- 
tsu Kigyo Kabushiki Kwaiska 
(a Company)-. Address,: No. 
I , JBonden ;-machi, Nishi-ku , 
Osaka-shi. Tel : 448. .Nif^hi. 
: Hashiniotd, ffiasaakira (M 76 
'<5rf8s-4.ia Kagoshima. Educ.: 
■Heigakurjio... ( efunct Naval 
College) and. Naval College. 
.Took part in the Satsuma 
■ Retiellion; Cadeit, 1877; 

[ 145 ] 


fought in both Sino- Japanese 
and Russo-Japanese wars ; 
Commandant of Port Arthur 
Naval Station ; created Baron, 
1907. Address : Nakano, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Hashimoto, Masafeei (^- y¥- 
ift ^), Managing Dir. of 
Kinokuni Bank, Ltd.; d. 1846 
in Wakayama-prefecture ; 

3rd i". of Zembei Matsumoto ; 
adopted by Hyogoro Hashi- 
moto. Address : Takaikecho, 

Hashimoto, Matakichiro QW 
* X &' Sl5;,,.Qajit»a;J)irector 
of Yokosuka Port Affairs 
Dep't ; decorated with the 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 4th Class of Golden 
Kits' Address : Yokosuka. 

Httsfeimoto, Eyoei C|§ ?ic K 

5S), ColoneJ_Ci£ Artilkry, an 
' aide-^e-camp and adjutant 
to H. I. H. Prince Sadana- 
ru; b. 1862 in Fukuoka. 
Sub-Lieut., June 1886; Lieut., 
Nov. 1888; Captain, Nov. 
1893; Major, Oct. 1898; Lieut. 
Colonel, March 1904; Colonel, 
Nov. 1907. Decorations: 4th 
Order of S. T., 3rd Order 
R. S., 4th Class of Golden- 
Kite. Address: No. 31, 7 
chome, Aoyamakita-machi, 
Shibuya-cho, Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo -fu. 

Hashimoto, Saburo C^ ^ 2 
der oT the 4th Brigade of Infa- 

ntry; h. 1864 in Tokyo Sub-Li- 
eutenant, 1887; Captain, 189^^ 
Major, 1898; Lieutenant 
Colonel, 1903; Colonel, igoj; 
Major-General, 191 1, decora- 
ted with the 3rd Order of 
the Risng Sun and the 4th of Golden Kite. Addresst 
Hirosaki, Aomori-ken. 

Hashimoto, Sagoro C:^ ;^ M 
S. Bi5), Prof, of the College 
of Agriculture in the Tohoksi 
Imperial University ; ^. Oct. 
1866, in Okayama ; 2nd *. 
of Yoshitaro Hashimoto ; m. 
Kayo, 1st d. of Sukesaburo 
Hattori. Edtic. : graduated 
from the Sapporo Agricul- 
tural College, 1 889 ; studied 
in Germany, 1895 — IQOO. 
Assistant-Prof, of his aJma 
mater, 1889; then fuli-Prof., 
1900; present post, 19C7L 
Address: No. S, Kitahachijo 
Nishi, Sapporo, Hokkaido. 

Hashimoto, Sessai (W pjc ® 
^), Assistant Pro/, of the 
College of Medicine in the 
Tokyo Imperial University ; 
b. Dec. 1868 ; 1st .y. of Issai 
Hashimoto, a samurai of 
Tsu clan. Educ. : graduated 
from the Medical College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
University hospital assistant; 
Assistant in the Medical 
College ; Head of the Koma- 
gome Hospital, 1 899 ; shortly 
after present Address: 
No. 62, 2 chome, Motomachi, 

ais— Hat 

[ 146 1 

Hongo, Tokyo. ' 
: Hashimoto, Shogo CW '^^ "^ 
?)> Pres. of Tokyo-fu Agr. 
and Ind. Bank, Ltd., d. 1855 
in Tokyo-fu. Elected M. 
H. R., 1894- Address: 
Mizuho-muia, Minami-Katsu- 
shika.'^gun, Tokyo. 

Hashimoto, Tatsujiro (MM 

ft ^ W), Pres. of Chamber of 
Commerce of Nagasaki, tra- 
der and shipowner; h. 1 868 in 
v^ita-prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Kempei "Hashimoto ; adopted 
by Yuzo Hashimoto, i88S 
Address: Aburaya-machi, Ka- 

Hashimoto, Yuzo C^ * ^ jg), 

ex-Member of tlie House of 
Peers (Representative of the 
highest taxpayers) ; one of 
the highest taxpayers of 
Nagasaki-ken : Trader ; d. 
Oct, 1 848 in Oita-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Mataemon Hashimoto. 
Once elected Member of the _ 
House of Representatives. 
Address : Edomachi, Naga- 

Hata, Jehigaku Cfts — ^), 
ex-Chief -Goaler of the Kosu^e 
Prison. ' Address: Kosuge. 
Minami-Ayase-mura, Minami- 
katsushika-gun, Tokyo. 

Hata, Hyotaro f ftB K -k I!?), 
Minister Ran^..^E. to Bra- 
zil since Jan. i pTj J T. Feb. 
ViM/' in'Wiigjt'fi^-keri^^ ist s. 
of Narikuni Hata ; '^m. Teru, 
,ist d. of Haruo Sakata, a 

samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Im- 
perial . University, 1890. 
Diplomatic Probationer, 1892, 
and .dispatohfid. to A,ustria ; 
having " 'ffi1M"^po# of "Secre- 
tary in several Legations, 
was transferred to the Secre- 
tary of the Department of 
Foreign Affairs m April 1908, 
coupi^sdlpr to embassy at Berlin 
igJcS'; decorated With 4th 
Order of Merit. Address: 
Japi.nese Legation in Brazil. 

Hata, Sahachiro C# fe A BB), 
Expert to the Government In- 

66dor Salvars'aii, an efficacious 
medicine for the cure of syphilis; 
d. in 1873 in the province of 
Iwami, Shimane - prefecture ; 
adopt, s. of Tokuta Hata ; m. 
Chiyo, d. of his adopted fa- 
ther. jEduc. : graduated from 
the Okayama Higher Medical 
School, 189s ; studied medi- 
cal chemistry under Dr. A- 
raki, 1895 — 1897; studied 
bacteriology and epidemiolo- 
gy at the Infectious Diseases 
Investigation Laborato:-y, 18- 
97 — 1907. Engaged in the 
study of chemosheiraphy of 
,SpirLllose with Dr. Ehrlich of 
Frankfurt while he was stay- 
ing irt Germanyi 1907^^ 1910 
aiid made himself famous for 

i 147 


his discovery of 606 or sal- 
varsan, an efficacious cure for 
s)'philis and Riickfallfieber. 
Took part in the late war as 
a one year volunteer and was 
decorated with the 6th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun and is 
now Surgeon - Lieutenant in 
the 2nd reserve; lately award- 
ed the 5th Order of the 
Double Rayed Rising Sun 
for his new medical discov- 
ery. Publications: very many 
works and reports on bact- 
eriology and epidemiology. 
Address: No. 15, Kogaicho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. 

Hata, Toyosake C^ %■ »i 
Governor of Akita-ken; h. 
Aug. 1872, in Tokyo ist 
s. of Grenyu Hata ; m. 
Shidzu, 2nd d. of Atsutaka 
Sakata, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Blduc. : graduated from the 
College of Law in the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1896. 
Official in the Home Office, 
1 896 ; Councillor of Fukui- 
ken, 1897; serving as 
Councillor of several Prefec- 
tures, was transferred to the 
present post in 19 12. . -Ad- 
dress : Official House, Akita- 
shi, Akitaken. 
Bungomachi, Nagasaki-shi. 

Hatakeyama, Shozo C^ IH # 
■H), Pres. of Sanyo Com- 
■mercial Bank, Ltd., A 1853 
in Okayama-prefecture. Add- 
ress : Rokubancho, Okayama. 

Hatano, Baron Keiehoku (^ 

# !Sf Sc it), Grand . Master of 
the House of the Crown 
Prince ; b. loth month in 
1850; e. s. of Mr Kyuzo 
Hatano, a Saga samurai ; m 
Tame, 2nd d. of Gion Yano; 
entered H. I. M.'s -Legal 
Service in 1884, Miaister 
of Justice, 1903-^—1905 
created Bai-on in 1907 ; 
Addj-ess : Ukyomachi, Yotsu^ 
yaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 409 

Hatano, Shogoro (jife # if 
H^ 3L SR), Dir., of Mitsui Bank 
and of Hokkaido Coal and 
Steamship Co. ; b. ist month 
'54 in Shizuoka ; e. s. of 
the Late Hanzo Hatano, a 
Shoguoate samurai. Educ. : 
graduated" from Keiogijuku 
(Keio Univ.) 'j^. Took to 
journalism on the staff of the , 
Jiji, and then entered the 
consular service as Consul 
at Tientsin, Sec. of Foreign 
Office; founded GMya in '95 of 
which he acted as Chief 
Editor;, accepted an appoint- 
ment with the Mitsui firm 
when the Late Hikojiro 
Nakamigawa was entrusted 
with its management ; his e. 
d. married Rikisaburo Go, .s. 
of the Late Baron Go. -Ad- 
dress : Kaminibancho,- Koj-i- 
machiku, Tokyo. Tei: : : 83 
Bancho:. \ , ' -- " r; 

Hatano, TeinosukeCk ^M 
M. .^ m), Prof of the Tokyo 


[ 148] 

Higher Normal School ; b: 
Aug. 1864; lst\s. of Hiroshi 
Hatano, a samurai o{ Tsuchi- 
ura Clan ; OT._ Taki, sister of 
Yotaro Hase. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School in 
18S7; studied in Germany 
by government order, 1892 — 
1896. Teacher of the Ibaraki 
Normal School, 1887 ; Tea- 
cher of his 'a?ma mater 
after return home from Ger- 
many in 1 896, was appointed 
Lecturer, and then Prof, of 
the- Tokyo Higher Normal 
School ; once was a Prof of 
the Tokyo Female Higher 
.Normal School. Address : 
No. 82, Haramachi, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. 

Hataya, Sennosuke (ft ^ fill 
^ ^). One ox the higest tax- 
payers . of Ibaraki-ken ; i^. 
Jan. 1854 in Ibaraki-ken; 
2nd s. of Shosuke Hataya ; 
m. Cho, 2nd d. of Jiro 
Kakehi, a saniicrai of Ibaraki- 
ken. Address^- Ogawamachi, 
Higashi-ibaraki-gun, Ibaraki- 

Hatsumi, Keijiro (H li & — 

IK), One of the highest 

taxpayers of Ibaraki-ken ; 

Director- of Bando Bank; 

b. Aug. 1847 in Ibaraki-ken; 

1st s. of Kichizaemon Hatsu- 

mi; m. Yasu, ist d. of 

Riemon Osawa. Address: 

Yamada-mura, Sashima-gun, 


Hatsuse, Namiko (f!/ JigjKT)> 
Iwao Hideko by proper 
name, actress; b. August 
1889 i" Tokyo; d. of Tosui 
Iwao. -Ediic: Tsukiji girls' 
elementary school, graduated 
from the Actress school, of 
Teikokuza. Made her first 
appearance on the stage of 
the Teikokuza in 191 1; often 
practised as heroine of 
tragedy. Recreations: read- 
ing, theatre-going. Address: 
I, 2 chome, Atago-cho, Shi- 
ba-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 4367 

Hatta, Ikutaro (A H f 15 ic 
110, J,;69l§BeL.,Qf ::iArtillery ; 
Officer of the Tokyo Arsenal ; 
b. 1866 in Aichi-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Artillery, 1888 ; 
Lieutenant, 1891 ; Captain, 
1798; Major, 1900; Lieute- 
nant Colonel, 1904 ; Colonel, 
1908 ; decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 4th Class of Golden 
Kite.' Address: No. 17,, 
Nijikkicho, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Hatta, Kinjiro CA H S ^ 
SR), Director of the Hatta 
Bank; <5.' Sept. 1853 in 
Hiroshima-ken ; ist .y. of 
Shinshichi Hatta ; m. Ishi. 
4th d. of Sennosuke Kibara. 
Address : Kujima-mura, Sa^ 
egi-gun, Hiroshima-ken. 

Hatta, Saburo CA H H B|5), 
Rigakuhakushi ; Prof at the 
College of Agriculture of 

[ 149 ] 


the Tohoku Imperial Univer- 
sity. Address : The Agri- ' 
cultural College, Sapporo, 


Hotta, Zen-uentou Clffl Ffl # 

* ttP^), Director of the 
Fushiki Bank, etc. ; Inspector 
of the Fushiki New Store 
Company; b. Oct. 1846 in 
Toyama-ken ; ist s. cf Zen- 
uemon Hotta ; in. Toku, 4th 
d.. of Seijiro Kuchiki. Ad- 
dress : Fushikimachi, Imidzu- 
gun, Toyama-ken. 

E<vttori, Ayao CJR ^ m M), 
ex-Mem. of B.. E., principal of 
the Private Kanazawa Middle 
Sciiool, Adviser to Furuya 
& Co.; b. in 1862 at 
Numazu, Suruga. Educ. : 
grad. from the Tsukiji Mis- 
sion College and further 
studied ethics and psychology 
at the Princeton University. 
Appointed Dir. of the Oka- 
yama Middle School for 
many years.; went to Seattle 
as Adviser to Furuya &. Co. 
and was elected President 
of the Japanese Asso. ; 
greatly helped his countiy- 
men in America in combating 
the Anti-Japanese feeling ; 
elected" Mem. of H. R. for 
Okayama, 1907. A member 
of the Kokuminto (National 
party). Address: No. 20, 
Shiba Park, Tokyo- 

Hattori, Ichiza CM % - S), 
Governor of Hyogo Prefecture; 

Member of the House of 
Peers; b. Feb. 1851 ; 2nd 
s. of Hyozo Watanabe, a 

samurai of Yamaguchi, and 
adopted by Matazo Hattori ; 
in. Sudzu, 2nd d. of SeichS 
Midzuno, a saimirai of To- 
kyo. Educ. : studied Chinese 
Classics and English at 
Nagasaki ; America, 
1869- — 1875. , Appointed of- 
ficial of the Department <yf 
Education; .1875-; and theii 
ts Secretary, 1880; after 
serving as the Dean of the 
Law College in the Tokyo 
Imperial University, President 
Df.the Preparatory Course of 
■.he same Institution, Director 
of the Bureaii of Common 
School Affairs, Secretary and 
Councillor of the Educational 
Department, was appointed 
Governor of Iwate in 1891 ; 
of Hiroshima, 1 896 ; and 
then of Nagasaki, and lastly 
present post in 1900 ; was a 
Japanese Commissoner in the 
New Orleans Exhibition, 


L ISO ] 

X883 ; nominated Member of 
the Hduse of Peers, 1903; 
decorated with ist Order of 
Merit. Address : Official 
House, No. 28, 5 chome, 
Shimoya,mate - dori, Kobe, 
Hyog07ken. >" 

Hattbri, Kintaro CAR ?fB ^ ± 
SP)> watch and clock tnanu- 
facturer and dealer, Auditor of 
the Korean Industrial Co., 
Ltd., Executive Member of 
the Tokyo ..Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. Tokyo, 9th Oct., 
i860; .f. of Kisaburo Hattori, 
of Owari ; m. Man, e. d. of 
Kenjuro Yamamoto. Was 
apprenticed to a fancy- 
goods store when 12 years 
of age, and aftarwards was 
employed by a watch maker, 
and then by a watch dealer. 
Established himself in the 
same line of business, 1881; rer 
moved to his present pre- 
mises at Ginza and enlarged 
his business 1887 ; com- 
menced manufacturing clocks 
and established the Seikosha, 
his own factory,! 892 ; began 
the manufacture of watches 
1895 ; appointed President of 
the Watch and Clock Dea- 
lers' Union of Tokyo. Ad- 
dress : No. 8, 4 chome, Ginza, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1300, 1301, 
and 1302 Kyobashi. 

Hattori, Kojuro Cffi tR /> it 
SI5), Director of the Toyoka- 
wa Railway Co., of the NaT 

goya Electric Co., of the 
Aichi Cement Co., etc, ; 
member of the Nagoya 
Chamber of Commerce ; 
timber dealer ;. (5. Mar. i860 
in Nagoya; ist s. of Yo- 
soji Hattori ; m. Tatsu, sister 
of Gonzaemon Shimamoto. 
Once was elected a Member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives. Address : No. 136, 
Shimohorikawa-niachi, Naka- 
ku, Nagoyashi. Tel.: 231 

Hattori, Kotaro GR bS # ic 
SR), Pres. of 83rd Uyeno 
Bank, Ltd., Aud. of Takai 
Reeling Co., Ltd.; b. 1867 
in the province of Ise. Suc- 
ceeded his/; 1 89 1. Address: 
Tomoda-mura, Miye-ken. 

Hattori, Otosaburo CM M> 3: 
% H W), One of the highest 
taxpayers of Chiba-ken ; In- 
spector of the Chiba Agri- 
cultural and Commercial 
Bank; b. Jan. i860 in Clii- 
ba-ken ; 2nd s. of Eitaro 
Yamakoshi, and adopted by 
Eitaro Hattori ; m. Kumi, 
1st d. of his foster-father. 
Address : Umigami-mura, 
Ichihara-gun, Chiba-ken 

Hattori, Seikai (Iff STjE 13), 
Instructor at the Naval Aca- 
demy ; b. Apr. 1866 in Ku- 
mamoto-ken ; brother of Shi- 
geru Uno, and adopted by 
Seicho Hattori, a samurai of 
KunJatitoto-ken.}- m. Setsu, 

[ 151 ] 


1st d. of his foster-father. 
Educ. r graduated from the 
College of Science of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1896! 
Address : Official House, 
the Naval Academy, Hiro- 

Hattori, Shikajiro QM. U li 
^ IP), Kogakuhakushi (Civil 
Engineering); Prof, of the 
College of Engineering in the 
Kyiishu Imperial University; 
b. Apr. 1868, iu Fukuoka- 
ken ; 3rd s. of Hikoroku 
Hattori ; m. Moto, 2nd d. of 
Shin-ichi Asai, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Engine- 
ering in the Tokyo Imperial 

University, 1 892. Engineer 
of Tokyo-fu, and Assistant- 
Prof of his alma mater, 1 894; 
Prof of the ist High School, 
1 896; of the Tokyo Imp. Univ.; 
present post since 19 12. Add- 
ress: Hakozaki, Fukuoka-ken. 
Hattori, Susumu (M- m) )'!?), 
Engineer of the Iron-foundry; 
b. Feb. 1865 ; 2nd s. of Oki 
Hattori, a samurai of Hyogo- 
ken ; m. Nami, sister of Sho- 
taro Hattori, a samurai _. of 
iukyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Engine- 
ering of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1892. Entered the 
Department of Agriculture 
and Commerce, 1892 ; En- 
gineer of the Local Mining 
Inspection Office; 1893; once 

ordered to proceed t-p, Eurgpe 
arid America, decorated. wUJi 
the 31 d Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : Official House, the 
Iron-.*bundry, Hachiman-ma- 
chi, Onga-gun, Fukuoka- 

Hattori, Tasuke (|R % % |S), 
Prof, of Gakushuin (the Pe^ 
ers' School); h. 1863; Address 
Official House, the Peers' 
School, Takata-mura, Kita^ 
toshima-gun, Tokyo. 

Hattori, tTaokiehi Cfi U ^ 
Z. a\ Bungakuhakushi; Prof, 
of the College of Literature 
in the Tokyo Imperial Uni-. 
versity ; b. Apr. 1867; 3rd" 5, 
of Tohachi Hattori, a samu-, 
rai of Nihommatsu clan ; m, 
Shige, sister of Kin-ichT Shi- 
mada, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ: graduated from the 
College of Literature in the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1890; studied Chinese Clas^ 
sics in China, and Methcfds 
of Teaching' ih Germany, 
I S99- 1 906. Appointed official 
in the Department of Educa- 
tion, 1890; Prof of the 3rd 
High School ; and then of 
the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School ; Private Secretary to 
the Minis'er of Educati6m 
and Councillor of the De- 
partment of Education, 1897; 
School Inspector of the same 
Office; Manager of the Higher 
Educational Conference; As- 


[ 152 ] 

sistaint-Prof. of his alma 
Plater; and then its full 
Prof, 1902 ; Bungakuhakushi, 
1902; Prof of the Normal 
Course in the Peking Uni- 
versity, being engaged by the 
Chinese Government, Aug. . 
1902 ; again Prof of his 
alma mater, Feb. 1909 ; de- 
corated with 4th Order of 
.merit. He is a famous 
scholar of Chinese Classics. 
Publications ; Logic ; Text 
Book of Logic ; etc. Address : 
No. 1825 Shimoshibuya, 
Shibuya-machi ; Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo. 

Hattori, Yohei (K SB J4 :R m, 
Stonemerchant, M. of Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce, 
Auditor of Imperial Stone 
Co. Ltd.; b. 18 Jan. in 1854; 
2nd s. of Mr. Yohei Hattori 
<rf Tokyo ; helped greatly in 
organizing, Fukagawa Bank, 
Ltd., of which he is an 
adviser. Address^: Izawa- 
cfeoj Fukagawa-ku, Tokyo ; 
Tel. •■ 1 144 Naniwa. 

Hayakawa, Eyusuke (^ ^H 
% ^)i Member of the House 
of Representatives ; b. Aug. 
1853 in Aichi-ken ; 1st J. of' 
Todayu Hayakawa ; in. Sai, 
4th i/. of Ryoseki Miyatsu- 
no. Educ. : studied Chinese 
Classics and English. Once - 
was Member of the Aichi 
Prefectural Assembly ; made 
an inspection tour through 

America, China, and Corea. 
Address : ' ' Mutsumirmura, 
Aomi-gun, Aichi-ken. . 

Hayakawa, Senkiehiro C^ ;ij 
=P S B!5), Managing Dir. of 
Mitsui Bank; b. 3rd month, 
'63 ; e. s. of Chiizo Hayaka- 
wa, a Kaga savucrat ; 
in. Sotoko e. d. of Kaziima- 
sa Yamanaka of Ishikawa. 
Educ: \rad. Politics in the 
ImperiallLJniversity of Tokyo. 
Entered Financial Dep't, and 
successively held the posts 

of councillor, secretary, and 
private secretary. In connec- 
tion with the Chinese indemni- 
ty as well as a foreign loan he 
was twice dispatched to En- 
gland by his chief Marq. 
Matsukata ; in 1 900 he re- 
signed his official post and 
entered the Mitsui Co. as a 
Dir. of Mitsui Family as- 
sociation, and then Managing 
Dir. of the Mitsui Bank; 
now regarded as one of the 
foremost bankers of Japan. 
Address : Nagata-cho, To- 
kyo ; Tel. : 2595 Bancho. 
Eayabawa, SMntaro Cf- )\\ 

Commander of "the "'N*^ 
Regimental District;^. 1871 
in Yam inashi-ken. Sub- 
Lieut., i8q3; Lieut., Jan. 
1895; Captain, Aug. 1899; 
Major, Oct. 1904; Lieut. 
Colonel, 1908; Colonel, 
March 1912. Decorations: 

[ 153] 


5th Ord'jr of S. T., 4th 
Order of R. S., -4th Class of 
G. K. Address: Takabatake, 
Nara-shi, Naraken. ' . 

Hayakawa, Shuzo (#■ Jii ^ 
'^, One of the highest tax- 
payers of Gifu-keii ; Director 
of the Nobi Agricultural and 
Industrial Bank, the Fukuju 
Life Insurance Company ; b. 
Aug. 1863 in Gifu-ken ; ist 
s, of Riemon Hayakawa ; m. 
Jo, sister of Tetsusuke Hase- 
gawa. Once elected Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers 
representing Gifu-ken. Ad- 
dress: Imao-machi, Unietsu- 
gun, Gifu-ken 

Hayakawa, Tetsuji C^ jil # 
?p). Managing Dir. of Ota- 
ru Lumber Co., Ltd , Nihon 
Storage Co., Ltd., Dir. of 
Nihon Wood Preservative Co., 
Ltd . ; b. 1 865 in Okayama 
Prefecture. Educ. : grad. 
from the Sapporo Agricultural 
School (Tohoku Imp. Univ.) 
ivnd studied Law in Ameri- 
ca. Entered the Government 
service as Diplomatic Attache; 
CoTinsellor of Agr. and Com. 
Dep't. ; promoted to Mini- 
ster Resident ; and then Dir. 
of Political Bureau. Retiring 
from. Government service en- 
tered business and has been 
insti-umental in bringing for- 
eign capital into the country. 
Address: Kamishibuya-, To- 
kyo-fu ; . Tel. : 2264 Shiba. 

Hayami, Jiro CiS tK * 115), 
Manager of the. Meiji Rubber 
Mfg. Partnership Co., Unltd.;. 
b. Nov. the ist y. of Meiji 
(1868) at Uyeno-machi in the 
pi-efecture of Mie ; 2nd s. o\ 
Yoshikadzu Hayami. Educ. : 
studied Chinese classics from 
his father and English from 
foreigners. Has travelled 
through North and South A- 
merica, the west coast of Afri- 
ca, the islands of Oceania, and 
India for. fourteen years and 
investigated the plantations of 
rubber-trees and manufacture 
of rubber therefrom ; has in- 
vented many mechanical ap- 
pliances. Address : No. 258, 
Shinagawajuku, Shinagawa- 
maclii, Ebara-srun, Tokyo-fu. 
Hayami, Seiji C* M S£ »), 
Member of the House' of 
of the Hi- 
bly,^ Di- 
rector of 
the Hiro- 
Railway Co.' and of the 
Nisshin Match Co., Advisor 
to the Dai Nippon Rail 
Co. and of the Teikoku 


.[ 154 ] 

Trading Co., etc. ; b. Oct. 
1868 in Hiroshima-ken ; 
2nd s. of Genzo Nakayama 
and adopted by Katsuzo 
Hayami; m. Ryu, ist d. ol 
his adopted father. Educ: 
grad from the College of 
Politics and Economics of the 
Waseda Univ. and then from 
the Chiiw5 Daigaku (a pri- 
vate Law College). Chief 
instructor of the Saitama En- 
glish School for two years; 
Member of the editorial staff 
of the Hakubunkwan Pub- 
lishing firm ; started the pub- 
lication of the Geibi Nichi- 
nichi Skindun, an independent 
daily paper in Hiroshima, 
besides being engaged in the 
business of printing and book- 
selling ; has been several 
times Member and Vice-pres. 
of the Hiroshima pre- 
fectural assembly and Chair- 
man of the Hiroshima Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; elected 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives in 19 12 for the 
fifth time j has been one 
of the directors of the Hiro- 
shima Economic Association 
as well as member of the 
Business-tax Investigation 
Committee for Hiroshima-ken 
for many years ; owns several 
steamships and is now car- 
rying on a prosperous trans- 
portation business on the 
Seto inland sea ; has special 

interest in Forestry. Publi- 
cations: "The Religioris of 
Japan " ; " Female education"; 
" Social' improvement "; " A 
simple essay on the future of 
Japanese society " ; " Man- 
churia and Korea " ; " Finan- 
ce and Economics " ; " Situ- 
ation of Japanese merchants," 
etc. Recreation : Gidayu (Bal- 
lad, drama) Address: "Eo. 9, 
loriya-chd, Hiroshima-city, 
Hiroshima-ken. Tel. : 8. 
Clubs : Doki club ; Oriental 
Association ; Tobokyokai ; 
Economic -Association. 

Hajrami, Takeru (M ■^ W), 
Igakuhakushi ; Prof, of the 
College of Medicine in the 
Kyoto Imperial University. 
Address : The Kyoto Imperial 
Univ., Kyoto. 

Hayamizu, Kenjiro (#- ;^ M 
^ IP), Pres. -of Kihoku Com- \ 
mercial Bank, Ltd., Hikimoto 
Soy Co.; b. 1874 in Miye- 
prefecture. Succeeded his 
father, 1904. Address : Hiki- 
moiiocho, _Miye-preiecture. 

Hayasafi, Gengo C-¥-^i®5), 
Rear-Admiral (reserve), Pres. 
of Uraga Dockyard Coi, Ltd.; 
b. 1 2th month '53 in Kago- 
shima ; 3rd Lieutenant '78, 
took part in thfe Sino- Japan- 
ese war as Commander of 
Akagi and was rewarded for- 
his service ; m. Ito, 2nd d. 
of Kizaemon Hashimoto of 
Kagoshima. Address: Taka- 

ll 155 ] 


gicho, Aoyama, Akasakaku, 

Hayase* Waheiji Cf- 31 W ¥ 
^X One of the Highest tax- 
payers of Okayama-ken ; 
Director of the Tamashima 
■ Commercial Bank ; <5. Feb. 
1849 in Okayama-ken; ist 
s. of Jiichiro Haj'ase. Add- 
ress: Tsurejima-mura, Asa- 
guchi-gun, Okayama-ken. 

Hayashi, Aisaku C# & fi^), 
Standing D rector and in ad- 
dition Manager .of the Im- 
perial Hotel, Ltd. ; d. Oct. the 
6th jc. of Meiji (1873) in Gum- 
ma-prefecture ; e. s. of Chi- 
yokichi Hayashi ; m. Ito, 4th , 
d. of Choshichi Aoki of the 
same prefecture. Early went 
over to the United States ; 
served in a firm at Kobe for 
some time after his return 
home ; present post since 19- 
07. Address: No. 6, i chome, 
Motozono-cho, Kojimachiku, 

Hayashi, Akira C # W), 
Pres. of Hayashi Hospital ; 3. 
5th month '66 at Tokyo; 
2nd s. of Shinri Yamac'alia. 
£duc. : graduated from the 
Medical College, Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. '92 and studied in 
Germany '95 — '97. Address: 
3 Chome, Tsukiji, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1077 Kyobashi 

(office) 70 Shitaya. 

Hayashi, Gonsuke C# 1M Wm 
Baron (cr. 1907) ; Ambassador 

to Rome J i» Mart i860; is; 

s. of Gonsuke Hayashi, s 
samurai of Aidzu clan ; m. 
Kotake, 2nd d. of Tadatake 
Sekiba, a samurai of Aomori- 
ken. ^ Educ. : graduated from 
the Tollege of Law in the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1886. Appointed attache at 
the Foreign Office, 1886; 
eleve-Consul at Chefoo, 1887; 
at Chemulpo, 1888; promot- 
ed full Consul, 1890; Consul 
at Shanghai, 1892 ; removed 
to a similar post at London, 
1893 to be appointed six years 
later Secretary of the Lega- 
tion ; recalled home, was 
appointed Director of the 
Bureau of Commercial Affairs, 
1898 ; Minister at Seoul, 
1899 ; Minister at Peking, 
1906 — 1908 ; present post, 
June, 1908 ; decorated with 
1st Order of merit. Address: 
Japanese Embassy at Rome. 
Hayashi, Haruo C# # SI), 



IgakuIiakiLshi ; Prof.' of the, 
College of Medicine of 
the Tokyo Jmpsrial Univer- 
sity. Address: No. 15, 3 
■chome, ligura, Azabu, Tokyo. 
HayasW, Count Hirotaro (|* 

1t i: IP), Lecturer of the 
Literature College, Tokyo 
Imp. Ijniv., Master of Cere- 
monies, Mem. of H. Y.;b. 2nd 
month '68 ; g. s. of the Late 
Count Tomoyuki Hayashi ; 
m. Fuki e. d. of Takenosuke 
Tajima of Saitania. £duc. : 
graduated from Philosophical 
Division, Literature College 
of Tokyo Imp. Univ. Add- 
ress : Atagoshitamachi, Shiba- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 208 Shiba. 
Hayashi, Ikataro (M^^ E!t), 
Chief 01 the Insurance Dep't 
of the Dkura-gumi ; /?. tlie 
Sth m. of the 2nd jf. of Keio 
(iii66) in the prefecture of 
Oita ; s. of Toshihisa Haya- 
shi. Educ. : graduated from 
the Tokyo Higher Commer- 
cial School, July 1890.' An 
official in the Government 
Railway Board ; aftei'wards 
served at the Japan Kairiku 
Insurance Co., and then at 
the Japan Fire Insurance Co. 
either as Manager or Direct- 
or; while in the service of 
Japan Kairiku Insurance Co., 
he stayed in I^ondon for some 
yeai-s as Superintendent of its 
branch there and had an 
ample opportunity of studying 

the science of marine insur- 
ance and actual business con- 
nected with it. Address : No. 
22, Nandocho, Ushigome, To- 
Icyo. Cluds : Nippon club and 
KojUnsha. Tel : 823 Bancho. 
Storage Co. and of Mitsui 
Bussan Co.; d. 1 8-63 at Naka- 
tsu, in Buzen. Ediic : gra- 
duated from Law College, 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1889. 
Became Chief Editor of 
Nagasaki CIdnzei Nippo ; a 
few years later was connected 
with Kwansai Commercial 
Neivs.; Chief of Investigation 
Section of Mitsui Firm 1896 ; 
sent to Europe in connection 
with bank business 1907 ; 
appointed Dir. of the Bank 
when its organization was 
remodelled. • Recreation : 
reading and travelling. Add- 
ress : Shimhamacho, Shibaku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 725 Shiba. 

Hayashi, Kenkioliii'o (^ M 
"a 115), Importer, Managing 
Dir. of Keihin Bank, Pres. of 
Kyod5 Emigi-ation Co. and 
Marine Transportation Co.; d. 
9th month '62 in Hyogo ; 
Adopted into the Hayashi 
family and so he succeeded to 
his father's leather business ; 
Address : Ginzai Tokyo ; 
398, 397 Kyobashi. 

Hayashi, Eirika (M IS ^)i 
Prof of Kei5 University; d. 
'71 at Karatsu ; Educ. : 
graduated from Literature 

[ 157] 


College, Keio Univ., '96, and 
sent to France for studu; was 
eiected M. H. E. in 191 2; 
Publications : " Russia," " Di- 
plomatic History of Modern 
Europe " contributing editor 
to the Nippon since '06. ; 
Address: No. 1843, Shimc 
ahiliuya, Tokyo. 

Hayashi, Komanosuke (#^ ^ 
■C m),. Director of the Akita 
Major Forest Office. Ad- 
dress : Higashinegoya-cho, 
Akita-shi, Akita-ken. 

Hayashi, Moritaro C# # ic 
H5), Prof at the 3rd High 
School ; Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantry. Address : The 
3rd High School, Kyoto. 

Hayashi, Ryutaro (M- SI 
-k. IB)' lawyer, adviser to 

the Osaka Stock Exchange 
the Takaia Co., the 1st Bank 
and of the several cotton 
Spinning Companies ; b. 15 
November of the 1st ?/. of 
Meiji (1868) in Wakayama- 
keii ; s. of Shuro Hayashi ; m. 
Yone, e. d of Chobei Oniwa, 
189i5, 'Edwi. ; graduated from 
the law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1892. Was pro- 
curator of the Sendai District 
Court for one year ; after- 
wards became lawyer and is 
lecturer of the Kwansai Un- 
iversity (law college) ; sent 
to' England, Germany aiid 
France by Dept. of Justice 
.■uj;' (xovernment to investigate 

the Judicial system ijn. 1906 ; 
is well known as lawyer in 
Osaka. PubUocdion : "lecture 
on the code of civil proced- 
ure." Beoreation : Judo. Ad- 
dress : No. 2 Dojima-hama- 
dori, Kita-ku, Osaka, Td. : 
1552 Honkyoku. 

Hayashi, Shinsuke (.# fr SO), 
Director of the Kyoto Fine 
Arts Club (a co mpany) ; 
dealer in ohjects of Fine 
Art; d. Dec, 1869 in Kyo- 
to; 1st s. of Shinsuke Ha- 
yashi; m. Ei, 1st d. of Shi- 
kobei Nishimura. Address.: 
Miyoshi-cho, Chioin Ko- 
monmae, Yamato-oji-higashi- 
iru 2ch6me, Shimokyo-ku, 
Kyoto. 7>/..- T13 /. ^. 

Hayashi, Count Tadasu Cljc 
ig), ex-Minister of Communir 
cations ; b. in the 2nd month 
of the 3rd Year of Kaei 
(1850) at Yedo (Tokyo) ;"3rd 
s. of Dokai Hayashi, a 

physician attached to the 


[ 158 J 

Shogunate. Educ : He with 
Keiu Nakamura, Shoichi Tor 
yama and Baron Kikuchi, 
was one of" tlie first students 
sent to iEngland for study by 
the Tokugawa Government. 
Took part in the Hakodate 
Battle against the Imperial 
Army, and was imprisoned 
for a couple of years for his 
shai'e in it. Entered the 
civil service as an official of 
the Kanagawa-prefecture ; 
next was appointed Secretary 
of Industrial Bureau and also 
of the Imperial House-hold 
Dep't ; then Governor of 
the Hyogo-prefecture ; entered 
the central Government as 
Vice-Minister of the Foreign 
Office, i89i~i89f5; Minister 
to Peking,. 1896; then. at St. 
Petersburg, 1 858,; :and . theu 
to St. James; was finally 
appointed Foreign Minister in 
the first /S'ato1|(YCabihet/i9o6; 

created Baron, 1895; pro- 
moted to Viscount in 1902 
for his meritorious services 
in bringing about the Anglo- 
Japanese; Alliance ; was gran- 
ted the title of Count after 
the Eusso-Japanese war; resi- 
gned the post Foreign Mini- 
ster with the Premier in 1908; 
When the second Saionji Ca- 
binet had been formed in 
Aiigiist, 191 1; he was appo- 
inted Minister of Communi- 
cations, which he -resigiied 

Uue. 191 2 with the Premier^ 
Publications ; " Itarii SHi " (Hi- 
story of Italy) ; , " Mirii Kei- 
zaisho " (Mill's Political Eco- 
nomy). Recreations: Reading 
and rural life. Address : Ni- 
shi-machi, Azabu-ku, Tokyo; 
Tel. : 58 Shiba. 

Hayashi, Taiehiro C# i: — 
HI5), .,._Iie]at._,Qg3fi|y..; poin- 
mandei- "6f#the 7tii Army 
division; h. Oct. 1856, in 
Ishikawa-ken ; 3rd s. of Ta- 
robei Hayashi ; in. Sudzu, 
1st d. of Jirobei Komori, a 
samurai of Aichi. Edtic: : 
graduated, from the Military 
Academy, 1886. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Infantry, 1881 ; 
Lieutenant, i88'5 ; Captain, 
1887; Major, 1893; took 
part in the Japan-China War 
as Commander of the 
19th Infantry Regiment ; 
Lieutenant Colonel, 1898 ; 
took part in the Russo-Japa- 
nese war as the Commander 
of the 14th Brigade of the 
Second i, Resei-ve Infantry, 
and aftfer the end of the war 
was invested with 2nd class 
of Golden J. Kite and 2nd 
Order of Rising Sun as war 
reward ; Major-General, 1905; 
present post since 19 11. Ad- 
dress : No. 57, Saka-machi, 
Yotsuya, Tokyo. - 

Hayashi, Tamio (M S Si). 
Chief of the Passengers' , 
Bureau of the Nippon Yusen 

[ 159 ] 


Kaisha (Japan Mail Steam- 
ship Company) ; b. May, 1865 
in Tokyo; ist s. of Naotsune 
Hayashi, a samurai of Tokyo; 
m.W&o, ^. of the late Marquis 
Nodsu. Address: No. 85, 2 
chome, Ichibeicho, Azabu, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 2694 Shiba. 

Hayashi, Taro C# iz ||5), 
M^og^Genejal j_ Commander 
oftne3'3rd Brigade of Infan- 
try ; b. Apr. 1 860 in Aichi- 
ken ; ist j. of Kyiisuke 
Hayashi ; m. Suka, sister of 
Kagenta Uyeda, a samurai 
of Tokushima-ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the Militaiy 
college 1888; studied in 
Germany 1 89,4^— 1895. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, 1883; 
Lieutenant, 1 887 ; Captain, 
1893 ; in Japan-China War 
was on the Staff of the ist 
Army, and was invested with 
5th Class of Golden Kite as 
war reward ; Major, Military 
Attache to the Legation at 
Berlin 1S98-— 1901 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, 1900; Colonel, 
I903; decorated with the 3rd 
Order of Merit and 3rd Class 
of Golden Kite in recognition 
of his meritorious service dur- 
ing the Russo-Japanese War; 
Major-General, and present 
post, 1907. Address: Head- 
quarters of the 33rd Brigade 
of Infantry, Ijima-inura 
Mitsu-gun, Okayama-ken. 

Hayashi, Wataro C# fn ± W), 

Prof, of the 3rd High School ; 
(5. Aug. 1850; 1st s. of 
Nakasuke Hayashi, a samurai 
of Kyoto. Entered the Edu- 
cational Department, 1874; 
Instructor of the 8th High 
School, 1886; present 
post since 1907; decorated 
^vith 4th Order of Merit. 
Address : Nashikicho Imade- 
. gawa noboru, Kamikyoku, 

Hayashi, Yuzo C# ^' ifi), 
ex-Cabinet-Minister ; b. 17th 
Aug. 1842 in Tosa ; 2nd s. 
of Hidetoshi Iwamura, a sa- 
murai of Tosa, and brother 
to Baron Michitoshi Iwamu- 
ra, and adopted by Mojihei 
Hayashi, a samurai.; m. Ka- 
tsu, 1st d. of Jinzo Okazoe, 
of Tosa. At the completion 
of the Restoration he was 
ordered to proceed f6'"Eiig- 
iand for the purpose of in- 
specting the system of coin- 
mercial and industrial affairs, 
and customs and habits of the 
people, etc. there ; on return- 
ing home in 1869 was appoint- 
ed Councillor of Kochi-ken ; 
then transferred as Secretary 
of the Foreign Office, 1873— 
1874; during that^time the 
Formosan Trouble broke out, 
and in connection with it he 
was despatched to Peking with 
Mr. Taneomi Soejima (after- 
wards Count) , the then Foreign 
Minister. Afterwards he enter- 


[ i6o] 

ed politics- under Count Itaga- 
ki and fought for liberty and 
popular rights ; was thrown 
into prison for ten years on 
the charge of complicity in the 
Satsuma Rebellion in 1877 ; 
when the Diet was opened for 
the first time in Dec. 1889, he 
was elected a Member of the 
Hoiise of Representatives for 
his native place ; sat twice 
in the Cabinet, holding the 
portfolio first of Communica- 
tions in the Okuma-Itagaki 
Cabinet, 1898, and then of 
Agriculture and Commerce in 
the 4th Ito Ministry ; in 1903 
he seceded from the Seiyu- 
kwai, to which he then belong- 
ed, and organized the "-Li- 
beral Party " as rriinisteri- 
al supporters, but it sooii 
collapsed; he has lost much 
of his influence in consequen- 
ce and is how alrnoSt for- 
gotten ; has been decorated 
with the 4th Order_of Merit. 
Address: No. 25, Otsukaku- 
bomachi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
.Hayasliida, Sentaro (J^ [g 
M iK. W)' newspaper-editor; b. 
Sept. 1874 in Nagasaki. 
Educ: literary course of 
Tokyo Senmongakrko (the 
Waseda college). , Engaged 
in the editorial works of 
Nikon bijtitsu !ind Hiinagata 
(both magazines are of fine 
arts), 1898; was editor of 
Hochi and Fttjl; editor of 

Miyako shimbun since 19OI; 
is known as an experienced 
editor of art. Address: 36, 
I chome, Aoyama-Minami- 
cho, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo^ 

Hayashida, Kametaro (# fR 
ft ^ W), Chief Sec. of K. 
R. ; b. 6th month '6^ at 
Kumamoto. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from Law College, Imp. 
Univ. of Tokyo, '87. Entered 
government service as Clerk 
of the Bureau of Legislation, 
next Councillor of the Bu- 
reau; and Secretary of Business 
Office of the Imperial Diet 
of which the Late Viscount 
. Inoue was Pres.; Secretary of 
H.R., 'go; Chief Secretary, '97. 
Address: Uchisaiwai-cho, To- 
kyo. Tel: 818 Shimbashi. 

Hayashida, Moritaka (# H 
^ S), One of the highest 
taxpayers of Fukuoka-ken ; 
Director of the 6ist Bank ; 
b. Nov. 1848 in Fukuoka- 
ken; 1st s. of Moriaki 
Hayashida ; m. Nami, 3rd d. 
of Jyojin Hasegawa, a samu- 
rai of Fukuoka-ken. Address.' 
Tasumarumachi, Ukiha-gun, 

Hayashida, Yuo (# H R ^), 

One of the highest taxpayers 
of Nagasaki^ken ; Director of 
the Yagami Educational 
Bank; b. Nov. 1880 in 
Nagasaki; 2nd s. of Yiishiro 
Hayashida, a . samurai of 
Nagasaki ;. m. Kuma, tst d. 

[ t6i ] 


of Chosaku Nagata. Add- 
ress : Yagarni-mura, Nishi- 
kanoki-eun, Nagasaki-ken. 
Hazama, Kota (^ ^ ife A), 

-feBtaijls, Commander of the 
7th flotilla. Educ: graduat- 
ed from the Naval Engineer- 
ing Academy. Lieut.-Com- 
mander, Jan. 1901; Comman- 
der, Aug. 1905; Captain, 
1912. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of R. S., 4tb Order 
of S.T., 4th Class of Golden 

Hioki;'Eki C B S ^). Envoy 
Extraordinai-y and Minister 
Plenipotentiary to Chile ; b. 
Jan. 1 86 1, in Miye-ken ; Stli 
s. of Inemon Hegi; m. Toki, 
1st d. of Heizaburo Hoshino, 
a samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1888. 
Diplomatic Attache 1891 ; 
after serving as Secretary of 
several Legations and Coun- 
cillor of the Embassy in 
Bei'lin, was transferred to 
present post in 1908. Add- 
ress : Japanese Legation in 

Hibi, Osuke (a Jt 


Managing Director of Mitsu- 
kbshi Department Store ; 
Director of the Imperial 
Theatre Co. Ltd. ; b. June, 
i860 in Kurume, Fukuoka 
Prefecture; 2nd s. of YadayiJ 
Takei, a samurai ot i-<"uku- 

olca-ken, and adopted by 
Osuke Hibi; m. HarUmo, 
1st d. of his foster-father. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Keiogijuku. After having 
gained considerable experien- 
ce, entered the Mitsui Bank 
and was subsequently trans- 
ferred to the Tokyo Main 
Office where he was assigned 
the important position of 
sub-manager ; when ia 
1895, the affairs of the 
drygoods department of the 
Mitsui Firm were readjusted, 
he was appointed General 
Manager, and again, 1903, 
when the dry-goods depart- 
ment was placed on an 
independent basis and the 
Mitsui Firm re-organized as 
a joint stock company, he 
was elected its managing 
Director, a post which he 
still retains; in 1906, made 
a trip througii^'Europe and 
America and[ §fter his return 
home, adopted the depart- 
ment-store plan for the dry 
goods business. Address : 
No. 339, Kitashinagawa- 
machi, Ebara-gun, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1333 Shiba. 

Hibi, Shigeaki CB Jt a M). 
Gov. of Okinawa prefecture ; 
(5.- May, 1848 ; 2nd s. of Shin- 
nojyo Kawamura, a samurai 
of Miye-ken, and adopted by 
Shigetomo Hibi ; m. Matsu, 
1st d. of his foster-father. 


[ 162 

Secretary of Kochi-Prefecture, 
.1885 ; having filled the posts 
of Secretary and Councillor 
in several Prefectures, was 
appointed to the present post. 
Address : Official House, 
No. 1682 Higashi, Nawa. 

Hibi, Tadahiko CH ib ffi> ^), 
Kogakukakushi (Metallurgy) ; 
Prof of the College of 
Science and Engineering in 
Kyoto Imperial University ; 
b. Jan. 1873 ; 2nd s. of 
Noboru Hibi, a samurai of 
Fukui-ken ; m. Koshi|o, ist 
d. of Chuichi Ban. JEduc. : 
graduated from the College 
of Science in the Tokyo 
Imperial University in 
1 897 ; studied Civil Engineer- 
ing in "France and Ger- 
liiany by government order, 
1902— 1904. Assistant-Prof 
of the College of Science 
and Engineering in the Kyoto 
Imperal University 1897; 
Kogakukakushi, 1904 ; present 
post, 1906. Address: Matsu- 
kagecho, Kawaracho-tori 

nijyonoboru, Kamikyo-ku, 

Hibiki, If obusuke C H JE -^ 
%), Mit. Intendant Inspector; 
Director of the Accountant's 
Department of the ist Army 
Division; b. 1858 in Waka- 
yama-ken. Sub-Eieutenant of 
Infantry, 1883 ; Lieutenant, 
1 887 ; Paymaster Lieutenant- 
Colonel, 1903 ; — Colonel, 

1906; decorated with the 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: 'S.o, 94, Yaku- 
ojicho, Ushigome-ku, Tokvo. 
"Hibino, Kan (0 iL if ![), 
Dir. of Aichi Ist Middle 
School, b. 1866 in the pro- 
vince of Aichi ; 3rd s. of 
Fuminobu . Oda of a famous 
histoi-ical family ; adopted to 
Hibino family. Educ. : gra- 
duated from Law College, 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1895. 
Inspector of Mines, 1895 — 
1 899 ; accepted an appoint- 
ment of 

1899. ^^- 
creation : 
and run- 
ning. Ad- 
dress : 

Eibiya, Heizaemon C0 ifc # 

¥ & ii P'J), President of 
Kanegafuchi Spinning Com- 
pany ; Director of the Fuji 
Gas Spinning Company, the 
Tokyo Woollen Cloth Com- 
pany, and the 1st Life 
Insurance Company ; Inspec- 
tor of the Japan Brick 
Manufacturing Company ; 
President of the Japan-China^ 
Spinning Campanj' ; Vice- 

L 1:63 ] 


Chairman of the Tokyo 
■Chamber of Commerce ; b. 
Feb. 1848 in Niigata-ken; 
3rd s. of Eizo Oshima, and 
adopted by Tsune Hibiya; 
7/7. Moto, -2nd d. of Chobei 
Kimiira. When he was thirteen 
3'ear.s of age. came up to 
Tokyo and entered the em- 
pk^y of Mr. Saito, a dealer 
in raw cotton ; shortly after- 
wards, he started business in 
the same line on his own 
account in which . he was 
very successful; in 1896, isi 
co-operation with .some of his 
friends, inaugurated the Tokyo 
Gas Spinning Company, 
being elected its Managing 
Director ; when the affairs of 
the Fuji Gas Spinning Com- 
pany were in a bad way he 
was entrusted with the work 
of readjustment, and succeed- 
ed in incorporating the two 
Companies, placing the amal- 
gamated firms on a sound 
basis ; when the Kanegafuchi 
Gassed Spinning Company 
was established by the mem- 
bers of the Mitsui family as- 
principal shareholders, he 
Avas one of the promotors, 
and eventually elected its 
Presideiit ; made a tour of 
America as one of the party 
of Japanese business men 
invited by the Chamber of 
Commerce on the Pacific 
Coast, 1909. Address: No. 

■ 203, Godenyama, Kitashina-. 
gawa, Shinagawamachi, Eba- 
ra-gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 388 
Cho Shiba, 

Hida, Heijiro (« H ^ ^ l|5), 
Judge of the Court of Ad- 
ministrative Litigation ; b. 
Dec. 1871, in Gumma-ken ; 
1st s. of Aritoshi Hida, a 
saumrai of Gumma-ken ; m. 
Ito, 1st d. of Kansiike Yama- 
moto, a samurai of Toku- 
shima-ken... Ednc. : graduated 
from the College of Law in 
'',- Tokyo Imperial Uni\'., 
1805. Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination, 
1895 ; Secretary of the House 
of Representatives, (j 1895 5 
after serving as Councillor of 
the Department of Foreign 
Affairs, Second Secretary of 
Legation Councillor of the 
Department of Agriculture 
and Commerce, etc., was trans- 
ferred to present post in 191 o. 
Address : No. 22, Tame ike 
Reinanzakacho, U Akasaka, 
Tolo/o. Tel.: 2840 Shiba. 
Hida, Shichiro (BE ffl -tr l!0, 

- 'Saf ^btf-'WeiB^en^Sf^tJloi^^^^^ 
"V-PresicTeiat of tlie T''" _ 
Second Garrison Ho.spitai.; 
Listructor at the Military 
Surgeons' School; b. 187.0 in 
Tokyo. Surgeon Lieutenant, 
1 899 ; — Captain 1901 ; — 
Major, 1904;— Lieutenant-. 
Colonel, 1909 ; decorated" 
with the 4th Order of th& 


[ 164] 

Rising Sun and the 4th Class 
of Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 4, I chomo, Yamamoto- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Hida, TomosMcM CflE H ^ 
-b), A large Land-Owner ; 
b. Apr. 1868 in Osaka; ist 
.s. of Tomosuke Hida ; m. 
Koharu, ist </. of Tomokichi 
Hodzunai. .(4^ifr^i:r.- No. 179, 
ichorne, Nagaboribashi^suji, 
Minami-ku, Osaka. Tel. : 
1085 Minami. 

Hida, Yahei CK W M^ ^), 
Representative of Toraya 
Bank; d. 1848 in the city of 
Osaka ; f. s. of Late Yahei 
Hida, a well known mil- 
lionaire. Address: Kyuhoji- 
machi, Minami-ku, Osaka. 
Tel. : 899 Minami. 

Hidaka, CMcMbu CB * ^ 
^). Private Secretary to the 
Holder of the Privy Seal ; 6. 
Dec- 1852 in Tokyo; ist s. 
of Yorinaga Hidaka; m. 
Riki, sister of Bunso Kure, a 
samurai of Hiroshima ; has 
been decorated with the 5th 
Order of Merit. Address : 
No. I, /chome, Aoyama 
Kitamachi, Shibuyamachi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 
272 Shiba. 

Hidaka, Eizaburo (0 ifc ^ 
H 115), Member of the House 
of Peers, Inventor of the Hi- 
daka net (fishing yellow tails); 
h. Dec. 1897 in Miyazaki-ken; 
ist s. of Kameichi Hidaka; m. 

Take, sister of Viscount Ya ta- 
re Mishima. '[This is the 2nd 
time of his membership of H. 
P.; has been decorated with the 
4th Order of Merit. Address f 
No. 103, Hommura-cho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 2450 

Hidaka, Jutsuyo CH ift W 
#), Public Procurator; chief 
Public Proc. of Kagashima Di- 
strict Court. Address : Kago- 
shima District Court ' Kago- 
shimashi, Kagoshima— ken. 

Hidaka, Sonojyo CB M ^ Z 
S), Baron (cr. I907),;^i^d^;^ 
.^Loa4jbfeJB6«S&.J .^."Mar. 
1848 in Kagoshima ; 4th s. 
of Seinoshin Miyauchi, a 
samurai of Kagoshima, and 
adopted by Tozaimon Hida- 
ka, a samurai of Kumamoto ; 
in. Fuku, 1st d. of Junki 
Sakamoto, a samurai of Ka- 
goshima. Educ. : studied in 
the Naval Academy. Second 
Sub- Lieutenant, June 1877; 
and by successive promotion, 
was ultimately raised to the 
i-ank of Admiral in Aug. 
1908 ; placed on the retired 
list, Aug. 1909; took, part 
in both the Japan China and 
the Russo-Japanese wars, 
has been invested with the 
1st Grand Cordon of the 
Rising Sun and the 2nd 
Class of Golden Kite in re- 
cognition of his War services. 
Address: No. 7 Shinbori- 

[ i65 ] 


cho, Azabu, Tol<yo. 

Hidejima, Naritada C^ & & 
*0, _CapJtain _ of the Navy 
Gom7 of ihe'Kiirama, a Wax- 
ships ; b. 1897 Edt(c. : gradu- 
ated from the Naval Academy. 
Lieutenant-Commander, Oct. 
1 898 ; Commander, Oct. 190 1; 
Captain, Sept. 1907 ; de- 
corated with the 3rd order of 
the Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: 19, 7ch6me, Aoya- 
ma-kitamachi, Akasaka, To- 

Hidejima, Shichisaburo iW a 
-fc H EI5), JRear-admiral placed 
on the waiting list since DeS'. 
191 2; b. 1 867. i^MC.; graduated 
from the Naval Academy. Lieu- 
tenant-Commander, Dec. 
1897 ; Commander, Sept. 
1900 ,- Captain, Aug. 1905 ; 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address : No. 22, Echizem- 
bori, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 

Hidejima, Shicliiro (^ ^ -jj 

Bi>)) Colonel _ of Infantry, 
■ComitiancTer of the 66th' Re- 
giment of Infantry; d. 1867 
in Saga-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1887; Lieut., March 
1892; Captain, Dec. 1895; 
Major, Jan. 1903; Lieut. 
Colonel, March 1907; Colonel, 
Nov. 1910. Decorations: 5th 
■Order of S. T., 4th Order 
■of R. S., 4th Class of Golden 

Kite. Address: Utsunomiya, 

HigasM, Sekigoro C^i ^ 31 
W), Prof of the Kobe 
Higher Commercial School ; 
b. Jnly, 1865; 3rd s. of Ta- 
robei Higashi, a samurai of 
Nagasaki-ken ; m. Moto, 
adopted d. of Fukujiro Taji- 
ma, a samurai of Nagasaki- 
ken, Edtix. : graduated from 
the Tokyo Higher Commer- 
cial School in 1887. Teacher 
of the Commercial Schools 
of Nagasaki and Kumamoto ; 
Prof of the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School, 1 898 ; 
present post, 1903. Was 
ordered to proceeed to En- 
gland and Germany to study 
the Art of book-keeping and 
practical business in 1908 
Addsess: 51, Kumochi, Fu- 
Idaimura, Kobe. 

Higashibojyo, Noriaaga (^ 
iS * % fi), Viscount (cr. 
1.884) ) member of the Im- 
perial Poetry Bureau ; b. May 
1869; 1st s. of Nincho Hi- 
gashibojyo.' Address^ : No. 48, 
Tansumachi, Yotsuya, Tokyo. 

Higashikuze, Hideo (^ ^ ift 
^ ii), Baron (cr. 1897) ; Se- 
cretary to the House of Peers; 
b. July 1878 in Tokyo; 4th 
s. of Count Michitomo Hi- 
gashikuze ; in. Koroku, niece 
of Tan Hamaguchi, a samu- 
rai of Wakayama-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the College 


L i66] 

of Law, Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1905. Address: No. 
19, Minami-yamal)Ushiclio, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel.: 1705 

HigasMzono, MotoyosM (M 
m » S), Viscount (cr. 1884); 
Cliamberlain ; Oonrt Council- 
lor; b. June, 1851 ; ist 5. of 
Motoyoshi Higashizono ; m. 
Ei-ko, sister of Prince Kuni. 
Is the descendant of the 
famous Kamatari Fujiwara. 
Address : No. 41, Ichi bancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 89 

Higo, Haehiji (« ^ A ^), 
Councillor of the Department 
of Communications ; Secretary 
to the Electric ]?ureau of the 
same Department. Address : 
No. 6^, Sakuradacho, Azabu, 

Higo, Yukimori Q& '^ # &\ 
ex-Mera. of the House of 
Representatives for Kago- 
.shima-ken ; b. Mar. 1863 in 
Kagoshima; 1st s. of Fuku- 
mori. Higo, a samttrai of 
Kumamoto j tn. Mori, ist d. 
of Fude Fukutome. Edtic. : 
graduated from the Kago- 
shima Normal School. Once 
elected Member of the 
Kagoshima Prefectural As- 
sembly ; M. H. R. since 
1908. ^^^r^.Ji'.- Tarumi-mura, 
Kanzoku-gun, Kagoshima- 

HigrucliJ, Hideo (H n ^ W), 

author, lecturer; noft de 
pbime " Ryokyo;" b. 1875 
in lida-machi, Nagano-ken. 
Ediic: studied philosophy at 
the college of literature ot 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ> 
Engaged as lecturer at the 
Meiji and Kokugakuiu Univs. ; 
besides is chief editor of the 
"Shin Nihon," a monthly 
magazine. Publicaiions: He- 
kicho, .Age and literary arts 
Etc. : Go game. Address : 7 
Hayashi-cho, Koishikawa-ku, 

Higuehi, Kanjiro (M O M ^ 
II5)> author and journalist; 
b. in November, 1871, in 
Nagano Prefecture; s. of 
Hanzaemon Higuchi, m. To- 
moko, s. d. of Kiyomaru 
Kawai, in 1897. Educ: 
graduated from the Higher 
Normal school of Tokyo, 
studied pedagogy for three 
years in England, France 
and Germany. He was the 
lecturer in the Higher Nor- 
mal school of Tokyo, in the 
Waseda University, editor of 
the Hochi Shimbtin, director 
of the Tokyo Institute of 
Education. • He left the 
Government school as he 
opposed the uniform system 
of education now in vogue 
in Government schools. He 
failed in the General Elec- 
tion Campaign, 1912, for the 
membership in the House 

[ i67 ] 

of Representatives, because 
of his principle of abolishing 
the state text book system, 
which caused some book 
sellers betraying. Publica- 
tions: many books of educa- 
tion. Recreation.: rending 
A short history of sociology, 
Collection of essays on 
society, social policy, (all in 
Japanese). Address: no 
Hakusangoten-cho, Koishi- 
kawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 1413 

Higuchi, Kikichi (H n ~M 

>V ; . :..-fi.elDiiid-~=x£«.JLLifkciti:y, 
Commander ' of the 23rd 
Infantry Regiment; b. 1865 
in F"ukushima. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1889; Lieut., March 
1893; Captain, May 1897; 
Major, June 1903; Lieut. 
Colonel; April 1907; Colonel, 
Aug. 1910. Decorations: 5th 
Order of S. T., Sth Order 
of R. S., 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Kumamoto- 
slii, Kumamoto-ken. 

Higuchi, Kisuke CS d 5 li), 
Pres. of Seiwan Iron Works, 
Ltd., Dir. of Aomori Storage 
Co., Ltd., S9th Bank Ltd., 
Aomori Sav. Bank, Aud. of 
Aomori Electric Light Co., 
Ltd., M. C. C. of Aomori ; 
b. 1856 in Aomori-prefecture. 
Succeeded his father 1889. 
Address : Omachi, Aomori. 

Higuchi, Seizaburo CS n i^ 
H IB), Colonel of Engineers ; 

Sectional Chief of the Land 
Surveying Department ; b. 
June, 1862 in Hyogo-ken ; 
3rd s. of Eiko Higuchi, a 
samurai of Hyogo-ken ; m. 
Yoshi, 1st d. of Saneo Ito, 
a samurai of Hiroshima-ken. 
~,Sub-Lieutenant of Engineers, 
Dec. 1882; Lieutenant of — , 
June 1886; Captain of—, 
Apr. 1892; Major of— -, Feb. 
1898; Lieutenant-Colonel, 
Feb, 1902 ; Colonel, Mar. 
1905 ; has been decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 4th Class 
of Golden Kite in reegonition 
of his services during the 
late war. Address: No. 17, 
Aoyama Takakimachi, Aka- 
saka, Tokyo. 

Higuohi, Nariyasu (MViWM^, 
Viscount ; Retired Captain of 
Infantry ; Member of. 'Csyt 
House of Peers ; b. Sept. 
1865 ; 4th s. of Shidzuyasu 
Higuji. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantiy, 1888 ; Captain, 
I Bi^J ; took part in the 
Japan China War ; placed on 
the retired list. May 1900; 
Member of the House of 
Peers, 1904 ; decorated with 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address:' No. 88 Moto- 
samegahashi, Minamimachi, 
Yotsuya, Tokyo. 

Higuchi, Tokujiro CSBS'^^ 
BI5), Pawnbr'oker ; Member of 
the Yokohama Chamber of 


1. i68 ] 

Commerce ; Director of the 
2nd Bank; b. May, 1859 in 
Yamanashi-ken ; 3rd s. of 
Nobuzane Matsumoto, and 
adopted by Takujiro Higuchi; 
in. Tsune, 2nd d. of his 
foster-father. Address : No. 
28., 2 chome, Hanasakicho; 
Yokohama. Tel. : 5^5 

Hijikata, Kyucho Q± :^ X 

Sk), Director of the Bank of 

Japan; 3. Sept. 1870 in 
Hokkaido ; 2nd s. of Hisami 
Hijikata, a samurai of Hok- 
kaido ; m. Matsii, sister of 
Yasutaro Minomura. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University. Address : 
No. 10, Nishidaikucho, Fuka- 
gawaku, Tokyo. Tel.: 3193 

Hijikata, Hisamoto 'i±.')3 ^k 
yb"), Count (cr. 1895) ; Gitez- 
kan (Councillor) ; b. Oct. 
1833 in Tosa ; ist .y. of 
Kyuyo Hijikata a samurai 
of Kochi clan. Edtic. : studi- 
ed Chinese Classics. Was 
one of the distinguished 
figures of the Restoration 
JPeriod ; appointed Secretary 
of the Imperial Household 
soon after that rhemorable 
event in 1868 ; Chief Secre- 
tary in the late Prince Ito's 
Cabinet in 1885 ; was order- 
ed to proceed to. Europe, the 
same year; uoon his return 

was appointed Privy Council- 
lor ; Minister of Agriculture 
and Commerce, July 1887 — 
Sept. 1887 ; Minister of the 
Imperial Household, Sept. 
1887 — Nov. 1898; decorated 
with 1st Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 62, Hayashicho, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel..: 
\6q Bancho. 

Hijikata, Yasushi C± ^ ^), 
Hogakultakushiy Prof of the 
College of Law in the Tokyo 
Imperial University (civil 
code and English law) ; b. 
Feb. 1859; 1st s. of Nao- 
yuki Hijikata, a samurai of 
Kochi-ken ; m. Tsune, sister 
of Kenkichi Kodera, a samu- 
rai of Hyogo-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1882; 
studied in London by govern- 
ment order, 1887— 1896. 
Assistant Prof, aiid then full 
Prof of his alma mater. 
Ordered to proceed to Europe 
and- America, May, 1901. 
Tel.: 846 Bancho. 

Hijikata, YusH C± 3& 4i iS), 
Viscount ; Official to the 
Formosan Government ; b. 
Aug. 1856 in Tokyo ; ist j. 
of Hisami Hijikata, a samu- 
rai of Tokyo, and adopted 
by Yiiei Hijikata. Elected 
member of the House of 
Peers, 1 890 ; present post 
since 1899. Address: Tora 

[ .169 ] 

Him— Hin 

Seiho Hokutogai. Shokacho, 

Himejima, CMkugai ()g % •tir 

!'\-:j artist, (Nanso school); ^. 
March of the nth f. of 
Tenpo (1840). Educ: studied 
paintings under Toho Murata 
and Shungyu Ishimaru; is 
now adviser to Yushinokai 
and member of Japanese art 
association. Address: 6chome 
Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, O- 

Hinata- Terutake CH |nJ » 
^), 4t'h 0. M., member of the 
Hon.Be of Kepresentatives, Di- 
rector of the Nihon Dempo 
Tsushinsha (The Japan news 
agency, Ltd.), auditor of the 
Aratsu Mining Company 
Ltd.; h. Idemura, Gtimma- 
gun, Kozuke ; s. of Jubei 
Hinata; m. Kin, d. of Gon- 
bei Majima, ofTokyo. When 
young, joined the Liberal 
Party and was engaged in 
politicel agitations ; went over 
to the U. S. A, 1886 ; entered 
the Pacific University there ; 
issued a news-paper in San 
Francisco ; returned home, 
1896, Address: i. Shinsaka- 
na-cho, Kyobashiku, Tokyo. 
Td.: 235 Kyobashi, 1241 Shi- 

Hino, Kuniaki C0 If S ?5), 
Lawyer ; chairman of the 
Osaka City Council ; Elected 
Member of the House of 
Representatives, at the bye- 

election of Feb. iQii. Add- 
ress : No. 820, Isemachi, Ki- 
ta-ku, 'osaka. 

Hino, Kurobei CB ^ %M^ 
ft), Director of the Japan 
Pharmaceutical Company ; i>. 
May 1863 in Osaka; 3rd s. 
of Isaburo Shibuya, and 
adopted by Kuemon Hino; 
;«. Toku, ist d, of Soboku 
Kano. Address: No. i^' 
2chome, Awajicho, Higashiku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 503 Gho, Higa- 

Hino, Yoso C0 if # W), 
One of the highest taxpayers 
of Hiroshima-ken; Director 
of the Mitsugi Savings Bank ; 
3. Jan. 1863 in Hiroshima- 
ken ; 1st s. of Motoi Hino; 
m. Toyo, d. of Kichizaemon 
Yamada. Address : Yoshi- 
da-machi, Tagata-gun, Hiro- 

Hinonishi, MitsuyosM C If 

n .* #). Viscount (cr. 1884); 
Shinto-Priest of Heian-shin- 
gil, a First Class Government 
Shrine; 3. Dec. 1849; ist J. 
of In-ei Hinonishi. Shinto- 
Priest of Toyokuni Shrine, 
Feb. 1883; of Shiramine 
Shrine Mar. 1885 ; of Yojyo- 
nawade Shrine, Mar. 1890; 
Member of the House of 
Peers, July, the same year ; 
then present post. Address^ 
No. 35, Hirokoji-dori-tera- 
machi, Higashi-iri Higashi- 
sakuramachi, Kamikyo-ku, 


170 ] 


HirabayasM, Kwaajiro (^ 
» IS * IP), Pres. of Aadon 
Electric R'ly Co., Ltd., Dir. 
of Hokuan Bank, Ltd., Shi- 
Jianomimpo, Ltd; b. 185 1 in 
Shinshu ; e. s. of Late Mori- 
haru Hirabayashi. Succeeded 
his father, 1879. Address: 
Omachi, Nagano-prefecture. 

liirabe, SadaicM (^ fit A 
— ), Rear Adm. of Enginee- 
ring; Placed on the waiting 
list since December 1912; de- 
corated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 

Hira^a, TosM (^ IS ii), 
Director of the Imperial Mi- 
neral Water Company ; Pre- 
sident of the Sakura Cement 
Company; Inspector of the 
Meiji Oil Company, the Mi- 
nomo-Arima Electric Rail- 
way Company, and the- Ka- 
negafuchi Spinning Co. ; b. 
Aug. 1859 in Tokyo; 4th s. 
of Shomu Hiraga, a samu- 
rai of Tokyo ; m.' Mitsu, 
sister of Jukichi Yamamoto, 
Address: No. 5751 Tennoji- 
Karasugatsuji-machi, Mina- 
mi-ku, Osaka. Tel. : 234 
cho Minami. 

Hiraga, Yoshiharu (^ K « 
ife), Kogakuhakushi ; Presi- 
sdent of the Osaka Woven 
"goods Co. ; Director. . of the 
Japan Volcanic Ashes Com- 
pany; b. Aug. 1857 in Fu- 

kuoka-ken ; 3rd .f. of Genji 
Ishimatsu, samurai of Fuku- 
oka-ken and adopted by Yo- 
shikadzu Hiraga ; m. Suma, 
1st d. of his foster father. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Engineering of the 
Tokyo Lnpirial University. 
Entered business after many 
years' Official service ; was 
elected special member of 
the Osaka Chamber of Com- 
merce. Address : No. 37, 
Tosabori-uramachi, Nishi-ku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 455 Nishi. 

Hirai, GonshicM (^ #■ 1® 
-b)j Dealer in Pumping 
Machinery; b. Oct. 1852 in 
Kyoto ; 2nd s. of Gonzaburo 
Hirai ; m. Ei, ist d. of 
Keiho Niwa. Once elected 
Member of the Kyoto Pre- 
fectural Council. Address : 
No . 21, Teramachi-matsu - 
bara-minami-iri - Uematsucho, 
Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto. Tel. : 
842 Shimo. 

Hirai, Ikutaro (^^ H X SP), 

Ig-akuhgknsMi'r^^^^^SsiSi: the 
'X^lgti^Ifis&Ss;:3n ;the 

Kyoto "imperial University; 

b" Oct. 1 865 in Miye-ken ; 

1st s. of Jihei Koba, and 

adopted by Kyutaro Hirai. 

Educ. : graduated from the 
vCollege of Medicine in the 

Kyoto Imp. Univ. in 1 890; 

studied Eagdi^t'^icSi J^^^ p-^f " 
"msuayhy GwernfflSff 
. i 8qq— 1 902 ._^ ;4ssistant ' lii" his 

[ 171 1 


alma mcder 1 890 ; Assistant 
Prof, of the Kyoto Imp. Univ., 
1900 ; full Prof, of the- same 
Institute, 1902; JgakuJiakushi, 
1904. Address : Masuya- 
machi, TomikojimarUtamachi 
sagaru, Kamilv>'oku, Tokyo. 

Hirai, Kiunasaburo C^ ^ J§ 
H iJIC), Director of the Kigy.o 
Bank, Chief of the Kyoto In- 
dustrial^ Committee, Director 
of Tango Electric Light Co. 
L'td, Pr4)prietor of Kyoto Ni- 
l)po (daily paper) and Kyoto 
ininting House, M. of Kj-otoO. 
of Com. ; b. 1874 in Kyoto ; 
3rd s. of Shimezo Tsuchikui-a ; 
adopted by the late Tose 
Hirai. Succeeded his mother, 
1888, and afterwards elected 
M. of Kyoto City Assembly. 
Address : Matsxxbara, Oda- 
war,i-ch6, Shimoliyoloi, Kyoto. 
TeL: 725 I. d. Shimo. 

Hirai, EoJcu-uemon C¥ ^- A 

« gt PI), One of the highest 
taxpayers of Iwate-ken ; 
Director of the Iwate Bank, 
of the Morioka Bank, of the 
Hanamaki Bank ; of the 
Nambu Iron bottle Company; 
Inspector of the Morioka 
Electric Company ; Brewer ; 
i>. Dec, 1865 in Iwate-ken ; 
1st s. of Yozo Hirai ; m. 
Sei, 1st d. of Sanzo Imano. 
Address : Hidzumemachi, 
Shiba-gun, Iwate-ken. 
Hirai, Sei-ei C^ # iE ft), 

Lieutenant-Generai on the re- 
serve since September 191 2; i. 
Oct. 1855 in Kumamoto-ken : 
ist s. of Ichiro Hayashi, and 
adopted, by Ichiko Hirai; m. 
Masu, istd ofKansuke, Abe 
Kumamoto-ken ; ist j. ot 
Ichiro Hayashi, and adopted 
by Ichiko Hirai; m. Masu, 
1st d. of Kansuke, Abe. 
£diic. : graduated from the 
Military Academy, and from 
the Toyama Gakko, 1890. Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1879; Lieutenant, 
1883; Captain, 1886. Major, 
1894; Lieutenant-Colonel, 
1900 ; Colonel, 1903 ; Major- 
General, 1907 ; present pest. 
1910 ; was decorated with 
3rd Order of Merit and 3rcL 
Class of Golden Kite in 
recognition of his services 
during the Russo-Japanese 
war. Address. : Headquarters 
of the 20th Brigade of In- 
fantry, Sogai-mura, Amata- 
gun, Kyoto. 

Hirai, Seijiro C^ # Bf ^ BID, 
Kogaktittakushi ; Vice-Presi- 
dent of the Railway Board ;: 
J. Oct. 1856, in Ishika wa- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Sadazo Hirai; 
m. Kinu, adopted d. of Hideji 
Kawase, a samurai of Kyoto. 
Ediic. : studied engineering 
science in a New York 
College. Forawhile.wasinthe 
American Government's em- 
ployment and returned home 


[ ^72 ] 

in 1880 after an inspection 
tour in France and England ; 
managed the construction of 
Hokkaido railway and Osaka 
railway ; Kogahihakushi, 

1888 ; Engineer of the De- 
partment of Communications, 
1895 ; Chief of the Railway 
Construction Bureau, 1904 ; 
present post, 1907. Address : 
Official House, No. i, 2 
chome. Shiodomecho, Shiba- 
ku, Tokyo. Td.: 1262 

Hirai, Seisin C¥ * i* ii), 
Surgeon General; Igalmlmlcvr- 
shi: President of the Japan Eed 
Cross Society Hospital ; <J. 
May 1865 in Tokyo; ist s. 
of Santaku Hirai, a samurai 
of Kohama clan; m. Kuma, 
2nd d. of Koshi Kondo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1888; 
Xurther studied in Germany. 
Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant, June 
1889; — Lieutenant, Feb. 
i^9l ; — Captain, Mar. 1895 ; 
. — Major, Oct. 1899; Lieute- 
nant Colonel, Nov. 1903 ; — 
Colonel, Mar. 1905 ; — Major- 
General, May 1909 ; has been 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
, of the Rising Sun and the 
4th Class of Golden Kite in 
recognition of his services 
during the Russo-Japanese 
, War. Address:, ist of No. 8, 
Yaraicho, Ushigome, Tol<yo. 

Tel. : 741 Bancho. 

Hirai, Taro C^ * ;fc M), 
One of the highest taxpayers 
of Nara-prefecture ; 3. Nov. 
1876 in Nara-ken; 1st s. of 
Tarobei Hirai ; m. Shina, 
2nd d. of Ihei Yoshie. Ad- 
dress. :. Umami-mura, Kita- 
Kadzuragi-gun, Nara. 

Hiraki, Sloritsugu (-^ ^ ^ 

^5» Colonel of Cavalry, com- 
mander of the 1st cavalry 
regiment; d. 1869 in Naga- 
saki. Sub-Lieut., March 1892; 
Lieut., Sept. 1894; Captain, 
Oct. 1897; Major, Sept. 
1 903 ; Lieut.-Colonel, Dec 
1908; Colonel, Dec. 19 12. 
Decorations: Sth Order of 
S. T., 4th Order of R. S., 
4th Class of G. K. Address; 

~ HiraisHi, "Ujindo C^SI6A), 
Judge of the Kwantung 
Government; President of the 
High Court of Justice ; b. 
March, 1864; ist s^ of 
Nahira Hiraishi, a samurai 
of Kochi-ken; m. Tsuru, 
sister of Ryoei Iketa, a 
samurai of Kochi-ken . Educ. : 
studied law. Was once 
Judge of the Court of 
Cassation. Address: 1st 
Official House, Ho, Idzumo- 
cho, Old Street, Port Arthur. 
Hiraiwa, Tamotsu (^ ^ il), 
Managing Dir. of Saji Bank, 
Ltd.; <5. 1 86 1 in Hyogo-pre- 
fectui-e ; y. b. of Setsuichi. 

173 ] 


Kamizaka. Succeeded his 
adopted father Hyogoro 1889 
Address : Tosaka-Mura, 


Hirako, Tokuemon C^ ^ ^. 
* if H)) Porcelain-merchant, 
Pi-es. of Nagoya Ice-Manu- 
facturing Co., Ltd., Dir. of 
Toyohashi Ice-Mfg. Co., 
Ltd., Aud. of Nilion Car 
Mfg. Co., Ltd., Fukuju 
Life Insurance Co., Ltd., M. 
C. C. of Nagoya; b. 1854 
in Aichi-prefecture ; y. b. of 
Hanjiro Matsumoto. Suc- 
ceeded his adopted father 
late Binshu 1 881. Address: 
Tamayacho, Nishi, Nagoya, 
Tel: 280. 

Hh-amatsu, Suekichi C^- ;i£ 
tK a), Auditor of the Tokyo 
Gas Company ; b. Sept. 
1869 in Fukuoka-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Tomizo Kano, a samwai 
of Fukuoka, and adopted by 
Maruhira Hiramatsu ;_ m. 
Miki, ist d. of Kyukichi 
Hara. Edtic: graduated 
from the College of Law of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univ. 
Address: No. 3, Nihon-enoki- 
Nishimachi, Shiba, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1668 Shiba. 

Hirano, Go C^ I? «), Prof 
of the Osaka Highei Tech- 

nical School; b. Nov. 1871 ; 
1st s. of Naganori Hirano, a 
samurai of Shimodzuke 
Province ; m. Haru-ei, 5 th d. 
of Yuho Kawa-ai. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1897. 
Present post, Aug. 1897. 

iiirano, Ooliei C^ tl 2L ':ft 
^), One of the highest tax- 
payers of Toyama-ken ; Pre- 
sident of the Takaoka Fisheiy 
Company, of the Etchu 
Cotton Manufacturing Com- 
pany ; Director of the Taka- 
oka Savings Bank, and the 
Takaoka ILlectric Lamp 
Company, etc. ; Member of 
the Takaoka Chamber of 
Commerce; b. Sept. 1859 
in Toyama-keh ; ist s. of 
Gohei Hirano; m. Tomi,, 
sister of Heitaro Masamura. 
Address: No., ^o, Fukuro- 
machi, Takaoka, Toyama-ken.^ 

Hirano, Uagayoshi (^|f :S#), 
Baron (cr. 1884), 4th Order of 
Merit, Member of the Plouse 
of Peers, Manager of 
the Shinkoku Life Insm- 
ance Co. Ltd. ; b. Dec. the 
2nd y. of Meiji (1869) in the 
province of Yamato ; e. s. of 
the late Nagahiro Hirano,. 


[ 174] 

Daimyo of the former Tawa- 
xamoto clan ; in. Masu, elder 
sister .,to Viscount Masuteru 
Oz€^\,'' Daimyo of the former 
Kuroba clan. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the University 
•Course of the Peers School. 
Has thrice sat in the House 
of Peers. Recreation : fishing. 
Address : No. 6, 2 chome, ' 
SMn-ogawamachi, Qshigome- 
ku, Tokyo. Chi' : Saiwai 

Hirauo, Kinroku (^ |f ^ 

Infantry Regiment; 3. 1869 
in Nagano-ken. Sub-Lieut.,- 
July 1887; Lieut., Nov. 189O; 
Captain, March 1896; Major, 
June, 1903; Lieut. Colonel, 
1907; Colonel, 191 1. De- 
corations: 4th- Order of S. 
T., 4tb Order of R. S., 4tli 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Takata, Niigata-ken. 
Hirano, Masayaki (^ Sf jft 
^r), ^^^^grv^n^^nt^fin 

in Kumamoto-ken ; ist j. of 
Masaichi. Hirano, a samurai 
of Kumamoto-ken ; m. Ai, 
1st d. of Hidenao Matsu- 
mura, a samurai of Kuma- 
moto-ken. Sub-Lieutenant, 
1 879 ; Lieutenant of Infantry 
1 894 .• Paymaster Lieutenant- 
Colonel, 1903 ; Paymaster- 
Colonel, 1905 ; Head of the 
Accountant's Bureau of the 

1 8th Army , Division, 1905; 
Military Intendant, Jan'. 
1 9 10; transferred to the 
First Reserve, Nov. 1910..- 
Decorated with 3rd Order of 
Rising sun and 4th Class of 
Golden Kite in recognition 
of his services during the 
Russo-Japanese War. Ad- 
dress : Iwasaki, Yatomi-mura, 
Tamana-sun, Kumamoto-ken. 
Hirano, Yiitaro (^ gf Sic i: 
MIO, Judge ; Judge of the 
Court of Cassation ; b. July 
1865 in Okayama-ken ; ist 
s. of Koun Hirano, a samurai 
of Okayama-ken ; m. Chitose, 
istir/. of Shonojyo Katayama, 
a samurai of Okayama-ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law in the Tokyo 
Imperial University in 1892. 
Public Procurator, 1895 ; 
after filling the post of 
Public Procurator in several 
District Courts, was appoint- 
cr] Councillor of the Depart- 
ment of Justice in 1 899 ; 
shortly afterwards transferred 
as Public Procurator of 
Osaka Court of Appeal, and 
then of Nagoya Court of 
Appeal, was ultimately ap- 
pointed to present post in 
1908. Address: No. 2192, 
Arai-shiku, Iriarai-mura, E- 
bara-gun. Tokyo. 

Hiranuma, Hattaro CT B A 
:fc Ki5), Director of the Yoko- 
hama Bank, etc. ; cotton- 

[ I7S ] 


thread dealer; b. July 1869 
in Yokohania ; 2nd i'. of 
Senzo Hiranuma ; m. Toshi, 
3rd d. of Kamecliio Utsuki, 
a samurai of Shiga-ken. 
Address: No. 3, i chome, 
Kofunecho, Nihombashiku, 
Tokyo. Tel: 139 ^- ''^■ 

mrannma, KiicHro (^ tS K 
— 115), Hogakuhakusld ; Public 
Procurator of the Court of 
Cassation; Vice-Minister of 
Justice since Septemher 191 1; 
b. Sept. 1865 in Tsuyama, 
Mimasaka ; 2nd s. of Slrn 
Hiranuma, a samurai of 
Tsuyama clan. Edtu\ : 

graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Ini- 
psrial University in 1888. 
Probationary Councillor of 
the Department of Justice, 
1 888 ; Probationary Judge 
1 890 ; having filled the post 
of Chief Judge of several 
District Courts and Judge of 
Uie. lokyo Court of Appeal, 
became Director of the Civil 
and Criminal Affairs Bureau, 
1906; went to America and 
Europe, 1966; Hof/rtZwJiaSase, 
Juiie, i 9b7;'d(3coratcd with 3rcl 
Order of merit. Address : No. 
420, Nishiokubo, Okubo-mura, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1181 Bancho. ^ 

Hiranuma, Ryozo (^ M ^a 
B). Dir. of Toyo Bank, 
Ltd., Tobe Savings tk-xWk, 

Ltd., Pres. ot Yokohama 
Butchery Co., and; M: of 
Yokohama City Assem- 
bly ; e. s. of Kuhei Hiranuma, 
a well known family. His 
g. f. brought Hiranuma under 
cultivation ; his father became 
wealthy through manufactur- 
ing salt. Address : Hira- 
numa, Yokohama. Tel. : 654. 
Hiranuma, Senzo (^ tS W- ^0, 
President of Mssin Spg. Co. 
Dir. of Yokohama Central 
Savings Bank, etc. ; Dii-ector 
of the Yokohama Joint Ele- 
ctric Company, and the Yo- 
kohama Store-house Compa- 
ny, etc.; Inspector of the Clii- 
ji-oda Gas Company, and 
the Kinu Elver Water- 
power Electric Company ; 
Member of the Yokohama 
Chamber of Commerce ; 
Councillor of the Yokohama 
City Council; b. Jan. 1836 
in Hannomachi, a small 

town in Saitama-ken ; 3rd j. 
of Yasubei Hiranuma ; m. 
Toshi, 2nd d. of Unosuke 
Ichikura. Started in life in 
a small way and by daunt- 
less energy and perseverance, 
eventually gained his present 
eminent position ; founded 
and endowed at a cost of 
over Y. 100,000 the Hira- 
numa Primary School, a 
charity school; elected Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers, 
representing the highest 


[ 176] 

taxpayers of Kanagawa-ken, 
1899; — 1901 ; Member of the 
House of Representatives, 
1902 ; has been several 
times elected Member of the 
City and Prefectural Councils ; 
invested with the 5th Order 
of the Double Rayed Rising 
Sun. Address : No. 27, 2 
chome, Honcho, Yokohama. 
Tel. : 0291 Toku Cho (Sepcial 
Long Distance). 

Hirao, Gentayu C^ JS ii ;k 
^), One of the highest tax- 
payers of Hyogo-ken ; Pre- 
sident of the 55th Bank, of 
the IdzusM Savings Bank ; 
Dii'ector of- the Hyogo 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank; b. Dec. 1861 in 
Hyogo-ken ; ist j. of Gen- 
tayu Hirao ; m. Sue, a. d. of 
Tanino, a samurai oi Hyogo. 
Address : Kammi-mura, Idzu- 
ishi-gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Hirao, Hideomi (^ .« ^ g), 
Dir. of Beppu Industrial Ap- 
prentice School ; 3. 1874 in 
Tokushima province. Educ. : 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Higher Industrial School, 
1 90 1. Instructor of Hiroshima 
Industrial Apprentice School 
1 90 1 — 1902 ; Dir. of Shmi 
Industrial- School 1902 — 
1907 ; present post 1907. 
Address: Beppumachi, Oita- 

Hirao, Kibeiji (¥ M» ¥ iS), 
Apothecary; b. Apr. 1839 

in O.saka ; ist-j. of Tsune- 
shichi Hirao. Address: No. 
16, 2chome, Itachibori-Kita- ' 
dori, Nishi-ku, Osaka. Tel. : 
2 141 Nishi. 

Hirao, Sampei (^ M ^ ¥), 
Apothecary ; d lealer in to jlet 
a.rticles; d. Aug. 1874 in 
Tokyo ; 2nd .r. of Sampei 
Hirao ; m. Cho, 3rd d. of 
Eishichi Nozaki. £duc. : 
graduated from the Keio- 
gijuku (a private institution). 
Address : No. 6. I chome,. 
Bakurocho, Nihombashiku,. 
Tokyo. Tel.: 652; 528 
Toku Cho Naniwa. 

Hiraokoa, Manjiro (^ IM :5' 
=k 115), Lawyer ; k Mar. i860 
in Hyogo-ken ; 1st s. of 
Takichi Hiraoka, and brotlier 
of Teitaro Hiraoka, Gover- 
nor of Saghalien ; m. Hisa, 
2nd d. of Keizo Sakurai, a 
samurai of Hyogo-ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 

Meiji Horitsu Gakko and: 
the Senshii Gakko (private 
law Colleges). Once elected 
Member of the House of 
Representatives. Address .• 
No. 15, Yazaemoncho, Kyo- 
bashi, Tokyo. Tel. : 210 
Cho Kyobashi. 

Hiraoka, SadaioM Q^ IBJ ft 
— ), paptai!L,,CJiief staff on the 
Port Arthur i^.S.Z). 1869. Educ: 
graduated from the Naval . 
School of Engineering. 
Lieutenant Commandei-, Sept. 

[ 177 ] 


i885 ; Commander, Jan. 
1905 ; Captain, Sept. 1908 ; 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun. Address: 
No. 121, Shinjukutkitaura, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. ■ 

Hiraoka, SMgeru C^ M »), 
Major-Greneral since 1912 ; 
Commander of the ist Gam- 
son in Taiwan; 6. 1843 in 
Fulmoka-ken. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Infantry, i BBS; Lieutenant, 
1 889; Captain, 1 894; Major, 19- 
00; Lieutenant Sboin St., 
1907 ; decorated with the 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 4th Class of Golden 
Kite Address: Taihoku, For- 

Hiraoka, Teitaro C^ iiSI ^ 'ic 
M), President of Saghalien 
Government; d. June, 1863 
in Hyogo-l<en; 2nd s. of 
Takichi Hiraoka ; m. Natsu, 
1st d. of Iwanojo Nagai, a 
samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1892. 
Having filled the posts 01 
Chief Police-Inspector of 
Tochigi-ken, Secretary of 
the House of Representatives, 
Councillor of the Department 
of Home Affairs, Secretary 
of Hiroshima, Osaka, Miyagi 
Prefectures, was appointed 
Governor of Fukushima in 
1906, and then transferred to 
the present post, 1908. 

Decorated with 4th Order 
of Rising Sun. Address-: 
Official House, Higashigojyo, 
Toyohara, Saghalien. 

Hirasa, Kempitsu (^ <fe # 
^), Lieutenant-Colonel of 
Cavalry ; Commander of the 
1 6 th Reginlent of Cavaliy; 
b. 1867 in Yamaguchi-ken . 
Sub-Lieutenant, 1891; Lieute- 
nant, 1893 ; Captain, 1895 ; 
Major, 1902 ; Lieutenant 
Colonel, 1905 ; decorated 
with the 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite and the 4th Order of 
the Rising, Sun. Address: 
The i6th Regiment of 
Cavalry, Narashino, CMba- 

Hirasawa, Kinji (^ ff ^ ?&), 
Lawyer, Dir. of the Tokyo 
Y. M. C. A.; b. in 1871 at 
Hirosaki in Mutsu ; .$•. of 
Sadao Hirasawa, a saimirai ; 
m. Sue, d. of Shogi Hattori. 
Educ. : grad. Law at the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1899. Called at bar after 
practicing law under Prof 
Dr. Jur. Lonholm of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; adviser 
to various business companies. 
A well known- Christian as 
a national conimittee of the 
Y. M. C. A. of Japan and 
as one of the organizers of 
the Peace Society of Japan. 
Recreations .•'^ Reading and 
travelling. Address ; Saru- 
gakucho, Kandaku, Tokyo. 


[ 178 ] 

Chib: Tokyo- Y. M. C. A. 
Tel.; 2,260 HpnkyoJcu. 

Hirase, Tailiei C^ M ~K ^). 

j^g^gd ^^j^^En^n^er, Sec- 

Dep't of: War; -Mem. of the 
Military- Teehnical Gom- 
mittee; If. 1869 in Fukui- 
ken. Sub-Lieut,j March 1891; 
Lieut., Nov. j 1893; Captain 
Nov. 189S; .Major, May 
1903; Lieut. Colonel, June 
1905; Colonel, Nov. 1910. 
Decorations: Sth Order of 
S. T., 4th Order of R. S., 
4th Class of Gplden Kite; 
Address: No. 40 Yakuoji- 
cho, Ushigdme,, Tokyo. 

Hirata, Joyei C¥ H M W), 
attorney and counsellor of 
law ; 1)1 Ikeda-mura,!Okayama 
Prefecture, 1 864. , : Educ. : 
Dojinsh^ .at 1 Koishikawa, 
188 1; Seiritsu-GakusM, 1882; 
Preliftainary Course, to the 
Tokyo.-; University, .1882 ; 
completed, the Law College of 
the same, 1888.;, Lecturer and 
Councillor of the Tokyo 
Semmon Gakk6 (the present 
Waseda University), 1889; 
Lecturer on law and juri- 
sprudence at. the Peers' 
College and Nippon Horitsu 
Gakko (Japan .Law College); 
became attorney about this 
time ; Published the Kempo 
Zasshi (Constitution Maga- 
zine) in co-opsration with 
Sanaye Takata, etc. 1889; 

went over., to.. ..liurope -. for 
study, .'i^§g|^r~oC ' returning 
home iii" 1898, opened a 
branch law office ' in Kobe, 
knowing that Osaka and 
Kobe were in need of law- 
yers who will satisfactorily 
attend to legal cases regard- 
ing- foreigners, as just - at 
-that: time the . revised ' treaty 
had come into foixe ; and 
removed his main office 
from Tokyo to 0.saka. 
Publications : " General View 
of Jurisprudence " in English, 
1898. Address: 24 Tosar 
bori I chqme; Osaka; -Tel. : 
■1064 Nishi (L. D.) and 1885 
Nishi. Telegraphic address: 
" -Hirata." 

Hirata, Kosaburo C^ ffl /> 
H. W), Judge; ex-President of 
the Kanazawa District Court ; 
^.' .May 1856 in Nagasaki- 
ken; 2nd s. of Teikuh 
Midzuo ; m. Mine, sister of 
Kotaro Yoshida, a samurai 
of Tolcyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Nagasaki English 
School and the Tokyo" Uni- 
versity. - Judge, June 1883; 
after serving as the president 
of several District Courts and 
Judge of the. Tokyo -Court 
of Appeal,- was ultimately 
traiisferred to ,the last, po- 
st in Dec. 1904; has been 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of Merit. Address : Shire- 
tarezaka-dori, Kanazawashi. ' 

[ 179 ] 


Hirata, Sentaro (^ IB ^ 5k 
115), Dir. of Osaka Industrial 
Experimental Office and 
Osaka Commercial Museum; 
b. 1863 at Otsu, iq Orai. 
Ed2ic. : graduated from Tokyo 
Higher. Industrial School 
1886. Dir. of Kyoto Dyeing 
School 1894, Head of Ac- 
countant aud General Sec- 
tions of Osaka Harbour- 
Work Business Office 1898; 
appointed present post 1904. 
Address : Nishinomiyamachi, 
Hyogo-prefecture. 7>/. .• 1 10 

Hirata, Takeji (¥ fH ^ :;), 
Commissioner of Tokyo ; h. 
Mar. 1867; 1st J. of Toemon 
Hirata, a sa/mirai of Kago- 
shima ; m. Yasu, sister of 
Saneyoshi Hishigari, a sanui- 
rai of Kagoshima. Educ. : 
graduated from the Gollege 
of Law in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1893. 
After serving as Police 
Inspector of several pi-e- 
fectures was appointed to 
the present post in 19 12. 
Address: No. 18, ShibaPark, 
Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 

Hirata, Tokimaru (^ H ^^ 
Commander of the 12th 
Regiment of Infantry"; d. 
1 868 in Yamaguchi-keii. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Infantry, 
1887; Lieutenant, 1892; 
Captain, 1896; Major, 1902; 

Lieutenant Colonel, 1905 ; 
Colonel, 1909 ; decorated 
wkh the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun . and the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : The 1 2th Regiment 
ot Infantry, Marugame. 

Hirata, Toshio C^ ffl ig ^), 
Bungahihakushi ; Prof of 
the Tokyo Female Higher 
Normal School. Address : 
3rd of He, No. 10, Nishi- 
kata-machi, Komagome, 

Hongo, Tokyo. 

Hirata, Tosuke (^ [3 jg fj), 
Hogakuhakushi , Viscount (cr- 

181 1), ex-Minister for Home 
Affairs ; Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. March. 
J 849, in Yonezawa; 2nd s. 
of Shochyu Ito, a sanuirm 
of Yamagata-ken, and adopted 
by Kyohaku Hirata ; m. 
Tatsu; adopted sister of 
Viscount Yaichi Shinagawa. 
Educ: .studied in Russia and 
Germany. "After seEvihg""iii 


i mo 3 

several offices, went to 
Europe as one of the suite 
of tlie lafe Prince Ito in Feb. 
1882, and returned home in 
Nov. the same year ; Secret- 
ary of the Minister of Finance, 
1 884 ; Governor of Aichi- 
keh, 1885 ; Ceunciller - of 
the Bureau ^'of Legislation 
Dee. 1885 ; Governor of 
Miyagi, 1886; Chief of the 
Bureau of Legislation, 1 892 ; 
Member of the House of 
Peers, 1 890 ; Chief Secretary 
of the Privy Council, 1893; 
President of the Bureau of 
Legislation, 1897 ; Privy Coun- ' 
cillor, 1 897 ; Minister of Agri- 
culture and Commerce, 1901- 
1906 ; Minister for Home Af- 
fairs, 1908; Eesigned it 191 1. 
I St Order of Merit. 'Address: 
No. M, Fukuro-maehi, Suru- 
gadai, Kandaku, Tokyo. 
Tel. .• 928 Honkyoku. 

Hiratsuka, Chunosuke (^ M 
& Z |fJ), Prof, at the Sth 
High School. Address : The 
5th High School, Kumamoto-_ 

Hiratsuka, Sadajiro (^ M. % 
^ 115), Public Auditor ; Chief 
of the 1st Section of the ist 
Department in the Board of 
Audit; b. July 1854. i» 
Tokyo ; "2nd s. of Kanibei 
Hiratsuka ; m. Mitsusawav 
sister of Teian lijima, a 
samurai of Tokyo- Address : 
No. 13, Akebonocho, Koma- 

gonie, Hongoku, Tolg^Q. 

Hiratsuka, Tamotsu Q^ M. i^A 
Captain ** of Engineering ; 
cx-Ship Equipment Officer of 
the Kure Naval Arsenal ; 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Siin and the 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address : Naval Arsenal, 
Kure, Hiroshima-ken. 
' Hirau, HacMsaburo (^ & f\ 
H 115), Chief of the Osaka 
Branch of the Tokyo Marine 
Insurance Company ;• 3. May 
1866 in Gifu-ken ; 3rd s. of 
Tokikoto Tanaka, a samtirair 
of Gifu-ken, and adopted by 
Tadatatsu Hirau ; m. Sudzu, 
sister of Kame-ichi Sudzuki, 
a satnurai of Tokyo. Ad- 
dress : No. 52, Sumiyoshi- 
mura, Muko-gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Hirayama, Eizo (^ ill % H), 
Examiner of the Patent 
Bureau in the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce ; 
b. Dec. 1855; brother' of 
Seishiu Hirayama, M. H. P. ; 
m. Hisa, 1st d. of Kyu 
Sakurai. Edicc. : studied in 
Austro-Hungary, 1876 — 

1878.' Address:- No. 20 
Ichigaya Nakano-machi, U- 
shigomeku, Tokyo. 

Hirayama, Kambei (¥• lU Wi 
M W), President of the Tako 
Bank; d. Sept.t, 1845 in 
Chiba-ken ; 2nd s. of Kazae- 
mon Koshikawa, and adopted 
by Toyosaku Hirayama : in. 

[ i8i 1 


Toshi, adopted d. of ^ichiro 
Igarashi. Address : Tako- 
machi, Kadori-gun, Chiba- 

Hirayama, Kojiro (^ iB ^ 
I& 115), One of the highest 
taxpayers of Chiba-ken ; b. 
May 1866 in Chiba-ken ; ist 
s. of Chiuibei Hirayama ; in. 
Ai, 2nd d. of Hachii'obei 
Sosame. Address : Furushi- 
ro-mlira, Kadori-gun, Chiba- 

Hirayama, Masunosuke C¥ |Ji 
^'i. Si),, Yahigakuhakusht ; 
One of the Examiners of 
Pharmaceutics ; decoracted 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : No. 45, 5 chome, 
Aoyama, Minamicho, Aka- 
saka, Tokyo. 

Hirayasaa, matsuji (^ Hi S 
^)i Engineer of the Osaka 
Hygienic Laboratory. Ad- 
dress : Tlie Osaka ■ Hygienic 
Laboratory, Osaka.^' 

Hirayama, ]?ainisaburo (^ lU 
M S fi!5), One of the highest - 
taxpayers of Aomori-ken ; 
Director of tlie Gosho-gawa- 
ra Bank, and the Aomori- 
ken Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Banlc ; d. Oct. 1 863 
in Aomori-ken ; ist s. 01 
Svikeroku Hirayama ; m. 
Nayo, 4th d. of Sadakichi 
Takasugi. Address : Gosho- 
gawara-machi, Kitatsugaru- 


Hirayama, Seiji C¥!l!?t^), 
Rigahihahtshi^ assfst. prof, 
of the college of science, 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. Educ: 
graduated astronomy at the 
college cf science, Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1897. Present 
post since his graduation; 
engaged in the Saghalien 
demarkation work in 1906; 
was decorated with the 3rd 
order of St. Anna by the 
Russian Emperor in 1908; 
obtained the degree of Ri- 
gakiihakase, by presenting 
an astronomical thesis in 
1 91 2. Address: 12 Shinryu- 
do-cho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 

Hirayama, Seishin (^ lU J^ 
fi). Court Councillor ; Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers ; ' 
b. Nov. 1754, in Tokyo ; ist 
s. of Shosai Hirayama, a 
samurai of Shidzuoka clan ■; 
m. Take, 2nd d. of Baron 
Kanji Nabeshima. Edtic. : 
studied Chinese Classics in 
Shohei-ko ; studied French 
in the clan school. Was 
sent to Vienna as Secretary, 
of the Great Exhibition held 
there, 1873 ; went over to 
France as Secretary of the 
International Exhibition of 
Paris, and studied law there, 
1878 — 1 88 1 ; after serving as 
Secretary of the Minister of 
Finance, Chief Secretary of 
the Privy Council, Judge of 


[ i82 ] 

the Court of Administrative 
Litigation, etc., was nominated 
Member of the House of 
Peers in 1 894. Address : 
No. 31, Haramachi, Koishi- 
kawaku, ' Tokyo. Tel. : 676 

, Hirayama, Shin (^ lU ft), 
Rigakuhaktishi (astronomy) ; 
Prof of the College of Science 
in tiie Tokyo Imperial Univ. ; 
b. Sept. I 'i,Syj in Tokyo ; and 
s. of Sen . Hirayama ; m. 
Ran, 1st d. of Sukeyoshi 
Ito, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Ediic. : graduated from the 
College of Science in the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1 890 ; studied further at the 
University Hall ; and . in 
^JEngland and Germanyr Was 
*pp6lR'te J Pi-of. at his cUma 
metier on his return home in 
1894. ■■" Address :' No. i, 
Nagasakacho, Azabuku, 

Tokyo. . 

Hu'ayoslii, Yasuiciii (-"P K 
% —), ex-President of the Oki- 
nawa Joint Stock Bank ; b. 
Nov. 1872 in Okinawa-ken ; 
1st s. of Yasuyoshi Hira- 
yoshi, and adopted by Hoei 
Hirayoshi ; m. Kana, 2tid d. 
of Koki Hirayoshi. Ad- 
dress : Jdzumisaki, Nawa, 

Hirobe, Seibei CI 

m s. 


W, Director of the Hirobe 
Bank ; of the Owariya Bank, 
etc. ; b. Jane 1866 in Tokyo ; 
1st s. of Seizaemon Hirobe ; 

m. Toku, sister of Kisukc 
Hashimoto. Address :, No. 
14, 4chome, Honmachi, M- 
Honbashi-ku, Tokyo. Tel : 
2016 Shiba. 

Hirohata, Tadataka CM If 
&> il), Marquis ; Acting Pri- 
vate Secretarj"- to the Prime 
Minister; b. Dec. 1884; ist 
s. of Tadatomo Hirohata. 
Educ. : graduated , from the 
College of Law, Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1909. 
Address: No, 92, Yoyoki, 
Yoyohata-mura, Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo. 

Hiroi, Isamu C^ f\- W), 
Hogakuhakiishi ;. Prof of the 
College of Science in the 
Tokyo Imperial University ; 
b. Sept. 1852; 1st s. of 
Zenjyuro Hiroi, a samurai of 
Hokkaido ; m. Tsuna, sister 
of Jyozen Oi, a samurai oi 
Hokkaido. Educ. : graduated ' 
from the Sapporo Agricultural 
College in 1 88 1 ; studied in 
Germany. Assistant-Prof of 
his alma ' ipater, and then 
Pj'of ; Kogakuhakushi, 1899. 
Address: No. 17, Ichigaya 
Nakano-machi, Ushigomeku,- 
Tokyo. Tel. : 2438 Bancho. 

Hirokawa, Chohachi (^ ]\\ 
fi A), Pres. of Sanjo Bank, 
Ltd., Dir. of Sanjo Weaving 
Co., Ltd., • Aud. of Niigata 
Sulphuric Acid Co., Ltd.; b. 
1868 in Niigata-prefecture. 
Address: Sanjo machi, Niiga- . 

[ .183 ] 


ta prefecture. ' 

Hiroap,. Grizo (Jg WMm), 
Pres. pi 133rd Bank, Ltd., 
Om'i "Savings Bank, Ltd?, 
Dir. of Omi Railway Co., 
Ltdj 4- , 1 863" in the province 
of Omi ; >:^2nd s. of Furunori 
HiroBO, a - Hikone samurai. 
A(^"fr.ess, : Hikone-machi, Shi- 
ga-ken. ' 

Hirookai K'eizo (MM M H), 
Director of th^ Kashima 
Bank, of the Kashima Savings 
Bank ; President of the Daido 
Life ■ Insurance . Company ; 
In'spector •of the . Sakura 
Cement Company ; l>. Feb. 
1876; 2nd s. .of Viscount 
Suenori , Hitotsuyanagi, and 
adopted by Nobugoro Hiro- 
oka; m. Kame, ist d. ol his 
foster father. £duc. : grad- 
uated, from, the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, Address: No, 
5386, Tennoji Komiyacho, 

Minamiku, Osaka, fel. : 785 
/., d. iMinami. 

Hirose, Juntaro C^- Sf iil -fc 
W), Captain; Chief of the 
i. i86g. ■ Educ. : graduated 
from, the Naval Academy. 
Lieutenant-Commander, Oct. 
1898; Commander, June, 
1904; Captain, Oct. 1909 ; 
decorated with the '3rd Order 
of the Rising, Sun and the 
,2rd Class of Gold'eri Kite. 
■" Hirose, Jitsuei CM M K ^), 

Director ■■ of ■'the . :Morirn,ui;a" 
Bank; 5. Jan. 1844 in Hirq-i 
shima-ken ; 2nd s. of Jietnon 
Yamawaki, a stiinurai of 
Hiroshinla-kfen, and adopted 
by Gennosuke Hirose; ,«?. 
Tetsu, ist d. of Denhachiro 
Hirose., Address: No., 27^ 
ShimQ-:niDa;ncho, , ■Kojimachi, 
'J'okyo. Tel. : i^62, Bancho. 

Hirose, Katsuhiko (S^iltJt*"), 
Rear- Admiral oti the reserve 
since JSfovember, 191 1 ; 
b. ,1863. Edtic./: graduated 
from the Naval Academy., 
Lieutenant Comrirander, Dec. 
1897 ; Commancier, Oct. 
1898; Captain, Jan. 1905; 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun arid' the 
4th Class - of Golden Kite. 
Address : No 8; i ' , chome, 
Kagamachi, Ushigomeku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 2942 Bancho. 

Hirose, Kichiro Q^M^ Wd, 
Secretary to the House of 
.Representatives. Address:' 
No, 27, 2 chome, Ichibeicho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. 

Hirose, Masanori (J^ ^J jE ^), 

Paymaster-Colonel, sectional 
chief of the'"" Accountants 
Bureau of War; b. 1866 in 
Fukuoka - ken. Paymaster- 
Lieut., July 1893; Paymaster 
Lieut., May 1895; Paymas- 
ter-Captain, Nov. 1899; Pay- 
master-Major, July . 1904; 
Paymaster - Lieut. - Colonel, 
Dec. 1908; Paymaster-Co- 


[ 184 ] 

Ibnelj 1911. Decorations'^ Stli 
Order of S. T.-, 4th Order 
of R. S., 4th class of G. K.- 
Address: No. 60 Saka-ttiachi, 
Yotsuya, Tokyo. Tel.: 1967 

Hitose, Mitsttmasa (jg M % 
iE)j Otte of the highest Tax 
Payers, Dir. of Kawasaki 
ia^e|<yard Co., Ltd., Osaka 
Sjiiflfiliig; Co., Ltd , Ehime 
AgF. and Ind. Bank, Ltd.; 
h: i8g9 in Ehime-prefecture ; 

e. s, ©f S,aihei Hirose, a rich 
fe.i;(M€r^ thee largest taxpayer 
in the prefectiii'e. Address : 
YgMiramotetdorij Jvobe. Tel :,■ 
434 Ad. 

Hirose, Seibei (JK ^ ^ :R ft), 
One of the highest ta?jp,ayers 
of Tokyo ; ^ June, 1869 in 
Tokyo; ist .>-. of SsilpeJ 
fiE? ; »f Kiyo., ist d qf 
!§,0kiisahuro Hagiwara. Ad- 
dress : No. 22, Hommiriato- 
Tnachi, Kyobashiku, Tokyo. 
jie^. : 2141 Kypbashi. 

Hirose, tamesMro (J^ ^ ^ 
eg g!5), ex-Prof, of the Hiroshl- 
iiia Higher Formal School; b. 
Aug.. 1865, in Kyotc^; 2nd 

f. of Quchi ; m. Hataji, ist 
4- of his fqster-father. £duc. : 
graduated from the Higher 
Normal School in 1889. 
Tffaeher of the Kyoto 
Normal Sehool, 1889; Erin- 
cjpsi of Fukushima Normal 
School, i8q8 ; and then 

Principal of the Noririal 
Schools of Hiroshima and 
Kochi. Address : No. 31, 
Shimoyanagicho, Hiroshinia- 

Hirotaj Tstikksa i3k H A), 
Igakukakmhi ; Prof, of the 
College of Medicine in the 
Tokyo Imperial Univei<'y 
(Prediatrics) ; b. June, 1839; 
1st s. of Shirtko Hirota, a 
samurai of Hyogo ; ift. 
Masu, grand d. of Mosuke 
Tasuda, a samurai of Kochi- 
ken. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Medicine in 
the, Tokyo Irhperial Univer- 
sity in i860; studied ia 
Germaiiy 1885-^1 88,8. "Ted- 
cller of the Kuffiamoto 
Medical School, 1889; Igaku- 
hakushi and Prof of his alma 
mater, 1888. Address: No. 
19, 6 chome, litamachi, Kojit 
machiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 41 

Hirotani, Gf#nji (*- # ti ?S), 
Pres. of Hakodate Bank> 
Ltd.. Dir. of Hakodate 
Steamship Co., Ltd.* Sagha- 
lien j'ishiiig Co., Ltd., Mutsu 
Steamship Co., Ltd., Kitanli 
Co., Ltd., Aud. of 113th 
Bank, i-td., fiakoitiate Sav. 
Bank, Ltd., Toshlma Mining 
Co., Ltd., Hokkaido Cement 
Co., Ltd.; b. 1854 in Aoniori- 
prefeCture, e. s. of Risuke Hi- 
rotani, a samurai. Succeeded 
his.^. /. in 1883. AM^ss: 

[ i85 ] 


Tomiokacho, Hakodate. 
. Hiroftmi,:^jsa.huro CM if -'. 
H ER), ex-Meini)er«f the-House 
of Peers (Representing hrghest-, 
taxpayers of Ishikawa^kep) ; 
Dealer in Marine Products, 
a large shipowner; ^. Nov-. 
1854 in Ishikawaken ; 1st s. of 
Tsunenobu Hiroumi, zsamurat 
of Ishikawa-ken ; m. Saku, 
foster mother of Naokichi Wa- 
katakc. Decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun 
in recognition of his services 
during the late war; Ad- 
ilrcss : No. 88, Iriokojima, 
Higashimachi, N:shiku, Q- 
saki. Te/.: $97 Nishi. 

Hirosawa, Benji (Jgrf P— >, 
ex-Cliief of the 3rd Section of 
Chief of the 3rd Section of 
the Administration 
Bureau ; ^. May, 1862, in 
Aomori-ken ; m. Tetsu, sister 
of Zenzo Tachikawa. Was 
ordered to proceed to America 
for the inspection of Stock- 
farming in 1888. Address: 
No. I , Kasumicho, Azabuk-u, 

Hirosawa, Xinjiro C]Sf rS ^ 
=*: HI5), Count (cr. 1884) ; 
Member of the House pi 
Peers; l>. July iS.71 : ist s. 
of the celebrated Heizo 
Hirosawa who ^fter ta|«ing 
an active part in the work 
of the Restoration was as- 
sassinated ; m. Kame-ko, 6th 
d. of Viscount Yozo- Yd^xnao. 

j^uc: studied in England. 
Once was Private Secretary 
to, the Premier, 'I.89S j d^- 
eorated with the 4th. ■ Order 
of the Rising Sun. Address- 
No. 28, Zaimokucho, Azabu, 
Tokyo. Teh ■: Otsu' , of 1 996 
BKrtttnni, Sotar^ CJ*^ ^ i: 

SDt Managing Dir. of Kai- 
zuka Bank, Ltd., Dir. of 
Kishiwada Brick-Manuf. Co., 
Ltd.; &. 1878 in Osaka-Bu. 
Succeeded his fathier, 196 1. 
Address : Kaizukacho, Osaka- 

Fu. ";:^^:. .;,.,,. r;,..;; 

Hisamatsn, S.adaIiiro CX ^ 
'M. 54), Viscount (cr. 1884) ; 
Director of the Toa Fire 
Insurance Company; <J. Jan. 
1857; 1st s. qf Masaharu 
Okochi, and adopted by 
Sadakatsu Hisamatsu. Edtic. : 
studied in Germany, 1874 — 
1878. Once served on the 
Councillor of the Department 
of Home Affairs, Secretary 
of a Japanese Legation, Prof, 
of the 1st High School, etc., 
and was elected Member of 
the House of Peers ; decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. '^Address : No. 
86, Shimonegishi, Shitaya, 
Tokyo. ; :!>/..• 1040 Shitaya. 

Hisamatsu, Sadakoto (.ik ^ 
& WO, Count, Coloiiel of In- 
fantry; Com. of the syd Ee- 
giment; b. Sept. 1867 in 
^llizuoka-ken ; 2nd jf.. of 


[ i§6 ] 

Kadzuzaine- Matsudaira,. a 
samurai of Shidzuoka-ken, 
and ,a:dopted by Sada-aki 
Hisamatsu ; m. . Sada-ko, 
sister of Prince Tadashige 
Shimatsu. £4>/t. .•' studied 
in France. Sub-Lieutenant 
.of Infantry,. 1889; and, by 
gradual promotion, eventually 
reached his present rank in 
;i907 ; decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address : No. 13, Sagaimachi, 
Shiba,, Tokyo, Tel: 1655 
Shiba. _ -. 

HisMjima, YosMtern CJt S^ 
;^ M M\ Retired Lieutenaint- 
General; b. Sept. 1847 in, 
Kagoshima ; ist s. of Kiira 
Hishijima, a samurai of 
Kagoshima ; m. Yuki-ko, 
adopted d. of Yasutada Ina- 
gakij a samurai of Aichi- 
ken. ■ Siib-Lieutenant, 1870 ; 
and, by successive promotion, 
was ultimately reached the 
rank of Lieutenant-General 
in 1906 ; in the Japan China 
War was the Commander of 
'the Hokoto expedition army 
"and then of the" 2nd Brigade 
of Infantry which acted as 
, Rearguard, and in the Russo- 
Japanese War the Commander 
of the. .9th Brigade of In- 
fantry ;;^ decorated with the 
■2nd Order of the Rising Sun 
-and the 3rd, Class of the 
■GoUQn Kite..' i< Address: No. 
QOS.Sendaigaya, Sendagaya- 


'JJ^achi; Toyotaraa-gun, Tokyo 

BetsngJ -HyoKichi (.p-^^ 
Director and Sub-xMa"-ag^c. 
the Yokohama Gpscie Bani 
^. the 5th V«. of ?JK^ 4^" f • 
of Ansei (1857) in Fukuoka- 
prefecture; e. s. of Shinrin 
Hetsugi, a samurai / m.Chi- 
ka, e.d.oi Iko Juji, of the 
-same prefecture] £/«£•..- stud- 
ied. English at the Yanaga- 
vva English Language School; 
then entered the Government 
School, attached to the Treas- 
ury, and studied Banking and Was an official 
of the Treasury; Chief of tiie 
New York Agency of the Yo- 
kohama Specie Bank,, i'882 ; 
then Manager of its' Londbii 
branch ; present posts siiice 
-1889. Address: No.' 1780, 
Aokicho, Yokohama. Tel.: 
M34- ■ ■" ': ^^-^ . ■:; ■^ 

Siyama, Sukeynki (® ili K , 
ii). ex-Judge of the Court of 
Administrative Litigation ;- b. 
July, '1858; 5th J. .of Sei- 
-zaimon Kamiyama, a samurai 
of Gumma-ken, and adopted 
by his uncle JyiSro Hiyama ; 
m. Nui, 3rd d. of 'Hyozo 
Ida, a samurai of Wakayama- 
ken. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Law in the 
Tokyo Imperial University 
1883. Address : "iiio. 92, 
Yushima-shinhanacho, Hon- 
goku, Tokyo. 
' Ho, Hidetaro (^ ?? i: 1?R~» 

[ 187] 


KvgitM'kakusM:- (Doctor of 
Eiig.), Pi'of- of the College 
of Eng. of the Tokyo. , Imp: 
Univ; Z'^zic.v'th.Q college of 
Erig. of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1896. Address: 
No. 10 Nishi-kata-machi, 
Hongo-ku, Tokyo. ■ 

Hodziinii, Zimbei Cfi jft -^ 
^ Tif), Director of the Koma- 
gi Bank; Brewer; <5:' Nov. 
1851 iii AicM-keri; 1st s. of 
Kimbei Hodzumi ; m.Tb, 
sister of Yoshijiro Maeda. 
Address : Komagi-machi, 
Higashi-kksugai-gun, Aichi- 


; Hojb,;Tokiyuki (,A\. % B^ Ik), 

•Principal ' of the Hiroshima 
'Higlier -Normal School;" b. 
Mar.' .1859 ; 2rid ■^.of Josuke 
Hojo, 71 samurai of Ishika wa- 
ken; V«. Masaki, ist d. of 
Junshin Kondo, a samurai oi 
Ishikawa-ken. ' Edtic. .• grad- 
uated from the College of 
Science in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1885 ; 
studied in the University 
Hall. Prof, of the 4th High 
School, 1885 ; Prof of the 
1st High School, 1891 ; Prof, 
of the Yamagiichi High 
School, 1894; Principal of the 
same school, 1896; Principal 
of the 4th High School, 
1898 ; present post, 1902 ; 
decorated with 3rd Oi'der of 
Merit.- Addiyss':. No. 2ig, 
9 chbfne,; ©temachi, Hiro- 


Hojo, . TJjiyasu (4h 1^ ^ #j, 
Viscount, Chamberlain, Coni 
Councillor; b. Aug, 1845:; 
7th- J. of Masahifa Hotta,, 
and adopted by Shi-in Hq- 
jo; Governor of Sayama 
clan, 1869; present post 
since 1871 ; decorated with 
3rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress: No., 39, ShimOnibaq- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
TeL: , 1441 Bancho. 

Homma, ChiyokieM i%Wi ^ 
-f^ .^), ex-Mem. of the House 
of Peers Representing the 
highest taxpayers of Gumma- 
ken ; Diirector of the Jyorno 
Savings rBank ; Inspector of 
the Isezaki Bank; b. Ded 
•1856-; 2nd s. of Chigoro 
Homma ; m. Rin, ist 5. of 
Shimpei-. Fujii. , Address': 
Akabori-mura, Sanami-gun, 

Hpmma, Kinnosuke (*. feT # 
;?.!!), 'M., H. P., highest 
taxpayer. of Akita-ken.; 
Managing Director of the 
48th Bank. b. Mar. 1845 in 
Akita-ken ; 3rd s. of Saburo- 
bei Yanianouchi,. and adopted 
by Kinnosuke Homnm. Ad- 
dress : Omachi, Akita-shi. . 

Honda, Chiyoo C* ^ =p jt 4i), 
Prof of the Mercantile 
Marine School ; b. Jan. 
1 86 1, in Tokyo; 2nd s. of 
Seicho Honda ;, m. Yoshi, 
I St d. of Insai Eawai. Educ.^ - 


[ i88 ] 

studied the art of Navigation 
ftf Eiigtartd By goveriiiiient 
©lifeV f 890^4 SgftV AiSisMJit- 
TM. of the ToKVd Mcr- 
cApttlt Mai-iiie Sch&dl, 18^3 ; 
Trdi'. of the sattlfe school, 
1896.; Address i ■'Ho. ■ 2% 
SuwacHo, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
HoMa*^ J5»ku (* f^ ftp 5^), 
Ringakuhakushi ' (fot-estry) ; 
Prof of the: Cdllege of 
Agriculture ifi tfe Toikyo 
Imperial University ; b. Jiil)', 
1 866; brother of Kingo 
OriTiara, a samurai of Sai- 
tama-ken, aiid adopted by 
Shin Honda; M^ Sen, ist d. 
<^f his foster-father. EdUc. : 
graduated from the College 
c*f Agriculture in the Tokyo 
imperial University, 1 8^ ; 
studied; in Rluricheh ttniver- 
'si^, iSSp— 189.1. Assistant- 
V'fof: of the Gollege of 
Agriculture in the Tokyo 
Irripei'ial tlniv./ 18^1; Rin- 
gakuhakii'shi, 1899 ; Prof, of 
the College of Agriculture, 
1900 ; decorated with 4th 
Order of Merit. He iS a 
famous scholar of Dendrology. 
Publications : Forestry ; on the 
Japanese forest-zone ; etc. 
Jiddress : Officicial House, 
College of Agr. in The Tokyo 
imp. Uiiiv.j KarhimegUfdr, 
Ebara-gun, Tokyo. 

Sdnda, Jiijirb (M:^'M^ S!?), 

-.^^#'*%#'j:.,,J&9f- - 3i, the 
CJkayama'SieBical College. 

Address : PliaffltiakolGgishes 
Institut der Uiiiversitaij 
Strassbufg I/e- 

Honda, Kostilje C^ # ^ |p>, 
Nd^JcakakiiShi; Chief of ihp 
Iiidtxstrial Mo^el Office of 
the Ohoseri Gp:v:ernipenl-(^e- 
neral ; b. Jps . 1 864; 2^4 
s. of Morihide Naniura, a 
samurai of Kagpshima-ken; 
and adapted Nakajiro Hpnda ; 
7fi. Tei, 4th d. pf Chikayoshi 
Ishihara, a s,anmrai of Tokyo. 
Edric. : graduated from the 
Komaba Agricultural College 
in 1886; studied in Germany 
and Beigiliin, 1891—185(5. 
Eiitdred the Department of 
Agricultuie and Commerce, 
1886; Prpf of the Tokyo 
Agricultural and Dendrolo- 
gical School, 1889 • Assistant- 
Prof of the College of 
Agriculture iti the Tokyo 
Imperial U^iv., iSpQ;- and 
then it's Prof., 1896, and 
holds the Chair of the science 
of Zoptechny Nagakiijiaknshi, 
1 899 ; decorated with 4th 
Order of Merit. Address : 
Suigen, Keilddp, Kprea. 

fioiidaj Kumatsiro C* # M :*: 
ff), Consul^Ggiieral at. Harbin 
since Apcii 1912; &. Dec. 1874, 
in 'WaltayaBia-ken; ist s. of 
tJhfei Honda; m. Eiki, sister of 
Kisaku Mine, asamwra* pf Tp- 
Ityo. Passed the Examinatipix 
for- Chancellor pf the Foreign 
ken ; rst s. of Uhd Honda ; 

[ »:89.] 


in. Riki, sister Of Kisaku 
Mino, a samurai of T^kyo. 
Passed the Examination for 
Ghancellor of the Foreign 
Office, 1894; Chancellor of 
Consulate, 1895 5 passed the 
Examination for the Con- 
isular and Diploniatic service, 
1898 ; Diplomatic Proba- 
tioner; 1898; after serving 
as Private Secretary to the 
Foreign Minister, 2rid Secre- 
tary of the Japanese Lega- 
tibn at Peking, 2hd Secretary 
of the Japanese Embassy in 
lionaoiij First Seeretaiy of the 
Japanese Legation a,t Peking, 
was transferred to the pre- 
sent post in 191 2. ^ddf'ess: 
Japanese Consulate-General, 

Honda, Masazane C:^ # iS iil% 
Baron, ist grade of 5th 
Rank, 4th Order of Merit, 
of the cordon of the Rising 
Sun, M. H. P., President of 
the Agricultural and Indust- 
rial Bank, Ltd., manufacturer 
of " Habutaye " silk for 
export, dairyman; d. Kana- 
zawa, 3ist Oct., 1864; s. of 
the late Masachika Honda 
(Harima-no-kami) ; in. Shina, 
e. d. of the late Sajima 
Araki, 1882. Educ: the 
Clan School of Marquis 
Mayeda, 1875— 1890 ;- Ishin- 
kan established by himself; 
learned English, mathematics, 
Cliinese da.<;sfe and Zen- 

•sect literature in Tokyo and 
Osaka. Hoijorarv Member of 
the Agricultm^al Institute of 
the Ishikawa Prefecture ; 
Councillor to Mayeda fanijly 
household ; adviser to the 
Ishikawa Branch of the J,apan 
Red Gross Society ; councillor 
to the Loyalty Manifesting 
Society ; member of the 
Construction Committee of 
the Imperial Volunteer Fleet ; 
Special Member of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce ; 
Executive Member of the 
Japan Chivaliy Society ; 
President of the Kanazawa 
Merchant's Asssociation ; Ge- 
neral Committe of the Rikken 
Seiyu Kwai (political party) ; 
President of the Ishikawa 
Branch of the Goni Industrial 
association ; President of the 
Kinjo Society of Alurnni ; Pre- 
sident of the Ishikawa , Pro^ 
ducts Exposition ; Director oi 
the Nanao Railway Co., Ltd. ; 
chairman of the Promoting 
Committee, Japan Hardened 
Porcelain Co., Ltd. Recrea- 
tions : " Yokyoku " (a school 
of Japanese classical so ngs) ; 
wrestling ; and riding. Ad- 
dress : No. I, Teramachi 
Yotsuyaku. Tokyo. Chibs : 
Saiwai — ; Doki — ; Mokuyo 
Kwai. Td. : 2952 Bancho. 

Honda, Miehidzumi C/i« # »t 
^), Lieut. Gbnei-al;_. Gliiei of 
the War-PIorse Recruiting 


.L 190. J 

Dep't;, -Jb. June. .1866 
in Tokyo ^" m. Hana, ist d. 
of Yasuke Konaka. Educ: 
studied in the Military 
Academy. Siib-Lieutenant of 
Cavalry, 1 882 ; Lieutenant, 
1885 .; Captain, 1889 ; Major, 
1894; Lieutenant-Colonel, 
1898 ■;■■ ' Coldnel. iQoi ; 
Major-Generai, 1905 ; deco- 
rated with ' 2nd Order of 
Merit and 4th Class of 
Golden Kite in reward for 
his services during the Russo- 
Japanese . War. '■ Address : 
4 chome, Aoyaniaiminamicho. 
Akasaka-ku, jTokyo. Tel. 
•3644 Shiba. 

- Honda, Nishio C?K #^ ® 1^), 
One of the highest taxpayers 
of Nagasakir'ken ; b. June, 
1 847 in . Nagasaki-ken ; i st 
s. of Suiso Honda, a samurai 
of ' Nagasaki-ken. Address: 
Kohama-mura, Minami-taka- 
ki-gun. Nagasaki-ken. 
■ Honda, Seiichi C* # jst — ), 
Editor of Chikyu: (a monthly 
magazine of finance); 6. 1 870 in" 
the province EchiJ;ten.' Educ: 
graduated from Political 
Division, Law College, 
Tokyo Imp. Uniy^, 1893. 
Prof of Political School at 
Doshisha, 1893 — 1895 ; Prin- 
cipal of Ecomical Dep't. of the 
Osaka' Asaki,: i805: — 1903 ; 
went abroad ; eritered Tokyo 
Mic'hi-Nichi, 1904. Address: 
5- chome, Minami-machi, A6 

yama, r Tokyo. • 7r/..*'29G8 
Shibia. ■ : ; 

Honda, Tadaatsu C?^ ^% ^), 
Viscount (or. i'884) j Member 
of the House of Peers ; ex- 
Lord of Okazaki clan, Mi- 
kawa - Province ; b. ' Mar. 
1863 in Mikawa Province; 
1st s. of^Tadatane Honda, 
and adopted by Tadanao 
Honda ; m, Yoshiko, aunt 
of Count Yukimasa Sanada. 
Is the descendant of the 
famous warrior Tadakadzu 
Honda ; pnce was Master 
of Ceremonies ; decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : No, 
4, Komagome Myogizaka- 
shita, Sugamo-machi, Kita- 
tpshima-gun, Tokyo.. 'Tel::. 
1464 Shitaya. 

Hoiida, Tadao C?^ ^ ,f, ^y, 
2nd G. of 4th R., 3rd O. 
M., 4th Cla.'is of Exploit of 
the Golden Kite, Igakuhaku- 
shi (Doctor of Medicine), 
: Siii-geon-GerieM' df the Navy, 
-Presidgiit' of the^ Naval Me- 
dical College ; <5..Utsunomiya 
Shimozuke, 22nd July, 1858; 
s. of Nagamori Honda, a 
samurai (subject) to the 
Toda Clan ; m. a daughter 
of a Mr. Torinomi, 1884,- 
and after her death, married 
Haruka,^ .sister.- im- lasK. . of 
Lieutenant-Colonel Matsuda, 
1906, Educ: Entered The 
Gaikoku Gogakkb (foreign 

[ 191 ] 


language college), 1874; 
the Medical College of the 
Imperial University, 1878'; 
completed the course and 
was granted the degree of 
Igakushi, 1884. On gradua- 
tion, was appointed President 
of the Kochi Medical College 
and President of the Kochi 
Municipal Hospital, 1884; 
Surgeon of the Navy, 1888. 
Publications : several original 
essays . on surgical topics. 
Address : , 24 . Hirakawacho- 
Gochome, Xojinlachi, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 424 Bancho. 

Hondo, Tsnnejiro C'^^ ^ ® 

^ BI5), "Jgakuliakushi-; Surge- 
on Colonel ; President of 
the jst Tokyo Garrison and 
Prof., of the Army Surgeon 
school; I. 1861 in Tokyo. 
Surgeon Sub - Lieutenant, 
1892 ;— Lieutenant, 1894; — 
Captain, ' 1 897 • — Major, 
1902;: — Lieutenant Colonel, 
1905; present post since 
Nov. 1908 ; Surgeon Colonel, 
1908 ; decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 4th Class of Golden 
^\^. Address: Hayabusa-cho, 
Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 

Hongb, Fusataro Of. M W jSc 
W), Lieut. -General ; Chief of 
the Department of the Ins- 
pector - general of Military- 
Education- ; . b. Jan . 1 860 in 
Sasayama, Province of Tanba; 
1st J. of Kwannosuke Hongo, 

a samurai of Sasayama' clan ; 
m. Kimi, ist d. of Yoshikuni 
Yamanouchi, a samurai of 
Hyogo-ken. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from 'the Military Aca- 
dency, 1879. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Infantry, 1879; Lieu- 
tenant,- 1875 ; Captain, 1891; 
Major, - 1895 ;. Lieutenant 
Colonel,, 1899; Colonel, 
1902 ; Major-General,- 1905 ', 
took part in^ both Japan 
China War and Rnsso-Japan- 
ese War; was promoted to Li- 
eutenant General April, 19 12. 
Decreation : .^decorated , with 
3rd Class Of; Golden Kite 
and 2nd 'Drder of Rising 
Sun as war reward. Ad- 
dress : No. 8, Itchome, Ao- 
yama-Kitamachi, Akasaka^ 
Tokyo. TeZ. .-2966 Shilba. 182 

Honjyoi BEototaro (;^ ^,# 
:k IP), Colonel of infantry, 
chief of the reward section 
of the bureau of personnel 
of the War Office; i>. 1870 
in Tokyo.. Sub-Lieut., March 
1894; Lieut., March 1895; 
Captain, March 1900; Major, 
Sept. 1904; Ijeut.-Colpnel, 
Dec. 1908; Col., Dec. 1912. 
Decorations: 5th Order of S. 
T., 4th Order of R.S., 4tli 
Class of, G.. "K^ :Addre.s's-i the 
Dep't of War. ^ . . . ' 

Sbnso, Hisanao XM ff S ,S)> 
Viscount (cr. 1884); Mem-, 
bef of the House • of Peers,; 
Director of the Tokwa Bank, 

[ 192 ] 

and\jtl)e Japsp Tr_iJ;st (3pm- 
jpany ; ex-Lord of Tal^^tomi, 
Mirio Province ; &. Jtily^ 1855; 
lOth ?. , of. CJydfiin fjosokawa, 
and adopted by Micjiiyoshi 
Honso: Otlce w^^ a judge 
and Public Proeurator ; de- 
corated voXh. the 4th Order 
of the Rising Siin. Address : 
Mo.. I, ichome; Nishiogawa- 
clit5, K.anda-lfu, Tokyo. Tel,: 
33|77 Honkycliu. 

Hoaso, l[nne^yos]ii C;*; ^ ^ 
P5, Viscount ; Member of 
the House of Peers ; ex- 
X«rd of Miyatsu, Tango 

■province; d. Feb. 1867 in 
Tango province > 5. of Mu- 
netake Honso, Viscount ; 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun. Addrgss : 

, No. 9, Ichigayai Kawada- 
jiiacKi, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Tel. :. 1986 B^ncho. 

ffori, Ei-ieM m ^ -), 
public Prpcuratoi- of the 
'Tiokyo District Court ; 
Colinciilor of the Depart- 
rnent of Justice; b. July, 
1866; brother of Shin-ichi 
iCigawa, a samurai of Yama- 
gUchi-ken, and adopted by 
Shingoro Hori; m. Hatsuyo, 
•J St d. of Shidzuhiko Oka- 
knjira, ^. samiirai of Yamagu- 
ciii-keh. kdtic.:: graduated 
from the College of Law in 
the Tokyo imperial Univer- 
sity, in 1893. Judge, 1896, 
i4ter serving as Judge or 

CWjef Ju^ge in. ;seveial Dis- 
triet.. Cpijrtsi was appointM 
tp tjie .present post. Adr 
dress; Np. 51 Fujijiii-cko, 
Koiimaehiku Tpkyo. * 

I^Ori, psuke C^ ^M), A 
millipnaire of- Kanagawa- 
ken; b. July, j88i in Kana- 
gawa-ken ; ist .f,. of Eisuke 
Hori. Address: No. 2 % 3 
Cheme, Hanabus'a-cho, Yo- 
kohama., Trcl,,: .975. 

%ov\, EtspiQJyo <M^:^ Eg), 
Proi. of the ist High School; 
b. Nov. iZ^z; iBts. of Ei- 
noshin. Hpri, a . scfmvrai of 
Aichi-ken; m. Gin, 1st d. of 
liro Matsu-.mura, a samurai 
of Shiga-ken. .Educ. : gra- 
duated froni the College of 
Science in the Tokyo Im- 
perial -University ; studied in 
England and Germany, and 
returned home 1896. Presi- 
deSr o%the Hygienic La- 
boratory, 1 890 Address : No . 
16 Konja^gome Akebonp-cho, 
Hongo, Tokyo. Tel.: 1206 


Hdft, Kakutaro (M^jjz I|5), 

Kegakuhakushi, Professor of 

the Kyoto Imp. Univ. ; b. 

1 876, in Kambe machi, Ka- 

>vage-guii, Miye-ken; 5. of 

Kijiiro Herj. "^ Educ. ; gra- 

dj-iated from the College of 

fingineering of the Tokyo 

Imperial Univ., igor. Was 

apppinted assistant prof^sser, 

df the Tokyo Imp- Univ.; 

[ 193 ] 


sent abroad for study ' by 
the South Manchurian Rail- 
way Co., 1907, returned from 
abroad and was appointed 
preseiit position, 19 10. Recrc- 
aiions: trnXhemaXxcaX study. 
Address: No. 27, Nakaoji, 
Yoshida-machi, Kyoto. 

Hori, Keijiro (« ^ ^ 515), 
Vice-Chairman of the Board 
of Directors of the Osaka 
Shosen Kwaisha (Osaka Mer- 
cantile Marine Co.), Ltd. ; b. 
the 1st m. of the 3rd y. of 
Kei.6 (1867) in Kanazawa, 
Ishikawa-prefecture ; e, s. of 
Gohei Hori, a samurai. Educ: 
graduated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1893. Member of the Osaka 
Russian Petroleum Co., 18- 
93 — 1895 ; entered the .service 
of the Osaka Shosen Kwaisha, 
Ltd., Dec. 1895, serving suc- 
cessively as Manager in its 
branches at Chemulpo, Kobe, 
Shanghai and Hankow, 1896 
— 1907 ; Chief of the Traffic 
Section and of the Exami- 
nation Section in addition, 
Feb. 1907 ; Director and 
Manager, July the same year; 
present post since Jan. 191 1. 
Address: No. 39, 4chome, 
Edoborikitadori, Nishiku, O- 
saka. Tel.: 250 Nishi. 

Hori, Manao '^M^^ % it). 
Dr., Igaltulialcushij .Snrgeou- 
Colo^j Pre. of the Army 
Sui'gedn' school; h. Nor. 

i860 ; 2nd s. of Buriimei 

Hori, a samurai of Saga-ken-; 

in. Hisatsuchi, 2nd d. of Sa- 

dataka Iwamura, a samurai 

of Saga-ken. _ Address : No: 

3 Hikawa-cho, Akasaka, Tp- 

kyo. Tel: 150S Shimba- 


Hori, Shummei Cli ^ M), 

Assistant- Major of Kanaga- 
wa ; b. Dec. 1870 ; 2nd s. oi 
Gonbei Nagaucht, a samurai 
of I.fhikawa-ken, and adopted 
by Katsuroku Hori ; m. Yo- 
shi, sister of Kiyoshi KurnaT, 
■moto, a tamurai of Kagoshi- 
ma-ken. Address: No. 37, 
Naka-cho, Jyusangen-machi, 

Hori, Shinji C« -^ ^\ 
Commissioner of Kanagawa- 
ken ; b. Jan. 1864; 2nd .y. of 
Tsiisho Hori, a samurai of 
Toyama-ken. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the College of 
Law in the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1893. After ser- 
ving as Councillor or Com- 
missioner of severa 1 Pi-efectures 
and Departments, was ap- 
pointed to the present post 
in 1909. Address : Official 
House, No. 13, ichome, Ise- 
machi, Yokohama. Tel.: 122=;. 

Hori, Shotaro CI® jE ^ 115), 
Engineer of the Experimental 
Farm; b. Oct. 1865; ist s. 
of Eizo Hori, a samurai of 
Shimane-ken; m. Hoei, foster- 
mother of Wakayama-ken. 


L 194 

Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Science in the -To- 
kyo Imperial University. -Pre- 
sent post, 1893. Address: 
No. 320, Komagorne Myo- 
gisakashita, Sugamo-machi, 
Kitatoshima -gun, Tokyo. 

Hori, Tei <® ^), ex-Pri . 
Secretary of the Minister of 
Agriculture and Commerce ; 
b. Sept. 1872 ; 2nd s. of Tora 
Hori, a samurai of Fukuoka ; 
m. Kane, ist d. of Baron 
Kanetake Oura. Edvc. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Im- 
perial Univ., in 1898. Entered, 
the Sumitomo Bank. 1898 ; 
made an inspection *tpur. of 
Europe and America by the 
order of the proprietors of 
the Bank, Mar. 1900 — Nov. 
1900.; Private Secretary of 
the Minister of Communica- 
tions, 1906; resigned the post, 
191 1. Jddress : No. 28, Ko- 
gai-cho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel .- 604 Shiba. 

Hori, Tojuro CIB 1^ + IP), 
One of the highest taxpayes 
of Shimane-ken ; d. June, 
1853 ii^ Shimane-ken ; 1st s. 
of Bansei Hori, a samurai of 
Shimane-ken; m. Moto, ist 
d. of Chikamoto Shishiko, a 
■samurai of Yamaguchi-ken. 
Address : Hataseko-mura, 
Katari-gun, Shimane-ken. 

Hori, Toyohiko m fi it), 
Director of the Tatsuno Fle- 

cti'ic Railway Company, tne 
Tatsuno Soy Company, and 
of the Aboshi Bank, etc; 
/;. Oct. 1862 in Hyogo-ken ; 
brother of Kenjiro Hori ; in. 
Kaku', 1st ^. of Bunjiro Ya- 
manioto. Member of the 
House of Representatives, 
1898 — 1902. Address: Ota- 
ku-mura, Ibo-gun, Hyogo- 

Horibe, Hikojiro (IS SB ;^ ^ 
W), Director of the Uwaji- 
ma Transportation Company, 
of the Uwajima Savings 
Bank; Inspector of the Uwa- 
jima Bank; b. Mar. 1865 in 
Ehime-ken ; 2nd s. of Nao- 
saku Horibe; m. Tatsu, 
foster, d. of Sanzo Nakahira. 
Address : Kuru-mura ; Ki- 
ta-uwagun, Ehime-ken. 

Horiehi, Yatoro C« ifi iS i: 
M©, Prof of the Naval 
College. ^Address: No. 37,, Kqjimachi, 

Horie, KiicM (ii jl S — ), 
Prof. cf the Keio-gijuku 
University; b. 1877 in Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Keio-gijuku University, 1 896 ; 
studied in Europe and Ame- 
ica being sent by his alma 
rnhieV' He is well-known as an 
economist. ^ Pttblications : On 
Banking; On Coins; Inter- 
national Commercial Policy ; 
etc. Address: No. i. Mita- 
tsuna-machi, Shiba, Tokyo. 

t 195 3 


Hori, Teiufusa (M ^ M)> 
Captain, attached to the 
Yokosuk'a Naval Station; i. 
1869. Edi/c. graduated from 
the Naval Academy. Lieut.- 
Commnader, Jan. '" 1901; 
Commander, Jan. 1905; Cap- 
tain, 191 2. Captain of the 
armored Cruiser "Takao" and 
"Suma"; then appointed to 
present post, Dec. 19 12. De- 
corations: 3rd Order of R. 
S., 4th Order of S. T., 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. 

Hori, Tohru (|i ji), Manag- 
ing Director of the Nippon 
Yusen Kwaisha; b. the 3rd 
m. of the 1st y. of Manyen 
(i860) in Ishikawa-ken; s. 
of Hiroshi Hori; widower. 
Educ: graduated from the 
former Tokyo University. 
Entered the Nippon Yusen 
Kzuaiska when it was found- 
ed m 1886 and promoted to 
the present post in 191 1. 
Address: No. 56, Shimotaka- 
ragi prefecture, March 1908; 
secretary andOcounsellor of 
the Home Dep't, July 1910. 
Recreations: billiard, go play- 
ing. Address: 'No. i Mita- 
tsuna-machi, Shiba-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2556 Shiba. 

Horilsawa, Kozan (M )'l ^ 
ID), potter; b. .1856 at Shi- 
-modzuma, HidachJInprovince. 
Studied painting of "Korm 
school: after struggling with 
many difficulties invented a 

new kind of raktiyaki 
(pocelain covered with minute 
cracks); it is quite hovel in 
design and colour; became a 
member of committee of the 
Tokyo Engraver Society and 
member ..of the Art Asso. 
and special member of the 
Dainihon Art Asso.; lecturer 
of Yakushikai at a porcelain 
studying institution, March, 
1903; often has - honour of 
))racticing the art before Her 
M. the Empress, H. I. H. 
. Crown Prince and other 
members of the Imperial fa- 
mily; during the Anglo-Ja- 
panese exhibition stayed in 
England to practice the art 
before the visitors and \Vas 
admired by H. M. the king 
of England, the Swedish. 
Crown Prince and Prince 
Arthur Connaught, 1910; has 

honour to pratice before Prince 
A. Connought and admired 

by him at Prince Fushimi's 
mansion, Sept. 1912. He is 
manufacturing pottery and 
exporting abroad; established 
branch at Meiji-machi, Seci!, 
:i-6=;en. March 1012 and 
branch factory in Terajima- 
mura, near Tokyo, July, 
1912; the picture drawn by 
him and " Gyokushii Kawa- 
bata in a large ceiling of 
Mitsui is very notable. Ad- 
dress: 39 Uyenosakuragi-cho, 
Shitaya-ku, Tokyo. Tel.; 
5 15 1 Shitaya. 


[ 196 1' 

Horikawa, Morimaro (M M 
M fMj,- Viscounty member of 
the House of Peers ; d. Aug. 
1873; 5th s. of Yasutaka 
Horikawa, and brother of 
Marquis Chi»:a- ei K.w'azan-in ; 
m. Tsune-ko, foster grand 
aunt of Marquis Sadamasa 
Iketa. -Address: No. 45, 
Shirisaka-mac.hi, Akasaka-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel. ■ 3373 SKimbashi. 

Horikiri, Monjiro CM W ^ 
^ 115), One of the highest tax- 
payers of Chiba-ken ; 6. Oct. 
1 87 1 in Chiba-ken; ist .y. of 
Monjiro Horikiri; m. Asa, 
1st d. of Bun Takanashi. Ad- 
dress : Nagareyawa-niachi. 
Higashi - Kadzushika - gun, 

Horikoshi, Kakujiro (M IS 
^ ^ IR), Dry-goods dea- 
ler; i. Jan. 1885 in To- 
kyo ; 4th s. of Kakujir5 Hori- 
koshi. Address _: No. 14 
Hadago-cho, Nihombashi, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 336 Naniwa. 

Horinoilcli!, Bunjiro CI® ;:::: 
ft 5: ^ M), Major-Genera] 
Commander of the,' 23rd'" 
Brigade of In/antry; I>. 
1864 in Nagano-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, 1885 ; 
Lieutenant, 1889; Captain, 
1894; Major, 1900; Lieu- 
tenant Colonel, 1904 ; Colo- 
nel, 1907 ; decorated with 
the . 3rd Order of , the 
Rising . Sun and the 
3rd Class of Golden Kite. 

Address: Headquarter of the 
_Brigade, Nagasaki-ken., 

Horio, Seiko (ifg M "t *\ 
Colonel of Infantry; Com- 
mander of the /til Regimentr 
of Infantry; ir. 1868 in 
Hyogo, Sub-Lieut., July 
1889; Lieut., Nov. 1892; 
Captain, May, 1897; Major, 
March 1903; Lieut. Colonel, 
Oct. 1 90s; Colonel, Oct. 
1910. Decorations: 5th Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S., 4th Class of Golden • 
Kite. Address: Kanazawa, 

Horiiichi, Chouemon CIS 1% 
m-^-JS. P'3), Director of the 
Seibi Bank, and of the Osaka 
Bank, etc. ; b. Dec. 1 865 in 
Hiroshima-ken ; i st i'.. of 
Chouemon Horiuchi ; m. 
Yuki, 1st d. of Kurobei Kane- 
yuki. Address: Sedotamachi, 
Toyoda-gun, Hiroshima-ken. 

Horiuchi, Hanzabnro (M H 
s^ =. m. Director of the In- 
dustrial Bank, the Harada 
Paper-mill Company, the Fuji- 
Railway Company, the Yo- 
shihara Bank, and of the Fuji- 
Electric Company ; b. Feb. 
1852 in Shidzuoka-ken ; 2nd' 
y. of Tomoo Horiuchi ; m. 
Kame, 1st d. of Gihachi Taka- 
hashi. Address : Yoshihara- 
machi, Fuji-gun, Shidzuoka--. 

Horiuclii, Hidetaro CIS ft % 
X W\ 2nd G. of 5th R., 5th. 

[ 197 ] 


O. M., Commissioner of Osaka- 
Prefectare since 1 9 1 2; 5. Kana- 
zawa, Kaga, nth Oct., 1873 ; 
in. Shigeyo, d. of Tokusabu- 
ro Yamamoto, Aug., 1902. 
-Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College, Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo. Commis- 
sioner of the Temporary 
■Quarantine Bureau of the 
Dept. of the Interior ; pro- 
fessor at the Police and 
Prison College ; Councillor 
to the Dept^- of the Interior ; 
-Councillor to the Kanazawa 
Prefecture ; Commissioner 
to the Kanazawa Prefecture ; 
-C]!ommissioner to the Toku- 
shima Prefecture. Address : 
2chome, Dojima. Hama-dori, 
Kita-ku, Osaka. T&l.: 259. 
HoriucM, Kenkichi CIS ft ^ 

^), Doctor; b. Oct. 1870 in 
Osaka-fu ; 1st s. of Toshikuni 
^Horiuchi, a samurai of 
Osaka ; in. Naoe, sister of 
Kohachiro M5ji. Address: 
-No. II, 3 chome, Imabashi, 
Higashi-ku, Osaka. Tel. : 
1 96 1 Honkyoku. 

Horiuchi, Saburo CI® ft H I|5), 
Captain ; Prof of the Naval 
'"Cofrege'p Officer of the First 
Section of the Department 
of Naval Education ; decorat- 
ed with the 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : No; 1339, Araishiku, 
Jriaraimura, Ebara-gun, To- 


Horiya. Saiiro ^fflS ^ 'fe ^ 
IP), ex-Member of the Ho ire 
of Eepresentatives; Inspector 
of the Yokohama Indilstrial 
Bank, the Japan Safe Oil 
Company, and> of the Yoko- 
hama Industrial Savings 
Bank ; b. Oct. 1 862 in Shina- 
no province ; 2nAs. ofTetsuji 
Kishida, a samurai of Sanada 
Clan, and adopted by Naoji 
Horiya. Educ. : studied in 
the Tokyo Commercial School 
and in Waseda Middle School. - 
Once was Member and then 
Councillor of the Kanagawa 
Prefetural Assembly. Ad- 
dress : No. 4, ichome,_Ho- 
raicho, Yokohama. Tel. : 764. 

Hoshi, Hajime CM —5, 
M. A., ex-M. H. K., Publisher; 
b. 1873 in Fukushima-prefec- 
ture. Educ. : graduated from 
Columbia Univ., 190 1. Be- 
came journalist, was editor 
of Japan and America, a 
magazin which he founded 
and edited at New York ; 
Delegate to International 
Journalist Conference at Paris 
1900 ; elecled M. H. R., for 
his native province, 1908 ; 
lie manufactures of Termitol 
and Wood Preservative at 
Osaki, Tokyo. Publication: 
" Hand-book of Japan " 
"Shin-hochi" (monthly maga- 
zine). Clubs: Kojunsha. Ad- 
dress : Kitashinagawa-machi, ■ 


L 198 ] 

Tokyo. Tel. :■ 67 1 Shiba. 

Hoshi, Kikuta Cfi. M ;fc), 
2nd Grade of 6th Bank. 
President of the Hokkaido 
Normal School ; b. Iwashiro, 
5th May; s. of Zen.shichi 
Hoshi ; m. Shizuko, e. d. of 
T. Imai, Secretaiy of the 
Fukushima Prefecture, 1896. 
Edtic. : graduated from the 
Fukushima Normal School, 
1 89 1 ; the . Tokyo Higher 
Normal School, 1895. In- 
structor at the normal schools 
of Fukushima, Iwate and 
Saitama,- Prefectures ; Princi- 
pal of the Miye, Okayama and 
Hokkaido Normal Schools ; 
Professor of the Tokyo 
Academy of Music. . Publica- 
tions: a volume on pedago- 
gics and a text-book on 
physics for girls. Address: 
Hokkaido Normal School. 
Clubs : Educational Kodo 
Kwai. . 

Hoshi, TorakicM C-f^ig it; g), 
Prof of the ist High School ; 
b. Jan. 1858 ; ist j. of Senpu 
Hoshi, a samurai of Tokyo ; 
m. Masa, ist d. of Rihei 
Kawakami. Edzic. : studied 
German in the Kaisei Gakko 
(a government School). Pre- 
sent post since 1892. Ad- 
dress: No. 55, Miyashita-cho, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Hoshina, Koichi C# W ^ -). 
Prof of the Tokyo Higlier 
Normal School ; Assistant- 

Prof of the College of Litera- 
ture in the Tokyo Imperial 
University; b. Sept. 1872; 
1st s. of Chujiro Hoshina, a 
samurai of Yamagata-ken ; 
m. 'Misao, 2nd d. of Nobu- 
kichi Miyajima. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the College of 
Literature in the Tokyo 
Imperial Univ., 1890; 

studied in the University 
Hall. Present post, 1902. 
He is a well known linguist. 
Publications: .Philology; etc. 
Address: No. 36, Dote-sam- 
bancho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Hoshino, Hisashi CM IF 11), 
Btmgakuhakushi ; Prof of the 
College of Litei-ature in the 
Tokyo Imperial UniveVsity ; 
Member of the Imperial 
Academy; b. July, 1839, in 
Niigata-ken ; ist j. of Yoshi- 
nosuke Hoshino ; m. Kishi, 
1st d. of Kambei Shimozuke, 
a samurai of Niigata-ken. 
Educ. : studied Chinese Clas- 
-sics under the famous Toin 
Shionoya. Prof of the College 
of Literature in the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1888, lec- 
turing on Chinese history, 
history of Chinese philosophy 
and Chinese literature. 
Buugahuhakushi, 1891; grant- 
ed 2nd Order of Merit. Pub- 
lications : An Epitome of 
Japanese History ; Essays on 
Japanese History ; etc. Ad- 
dress : No. 51, Omotemachi^ 

[ 199 ] 


Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Hoshino, Kingo (s. if # ^), 
Majpr-Creijeral; attache to 
tlie GeneraPSlaFf Office since 
1912; b. Nov. 1863; 3rd s. 
of Nanju Sugihashi, a samu- 
7'ai of Niigata, and adopted 
by a certain Hoshino. Ediic. : 
graduated from the Military 
University in 1887. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Artillery, 1882; 
Lieutenant, 1886; Captain, 
1890; Major, 1894; Lieu- 
tenant Colonel, 1899; Colonel, 
1902 ; Major-General, 1907 ;. 
decorated with 3rd Order of 
Merit and 3rd Class of Gol- 
den Kite; was Chief Staff on 
the Military Dep't of the Kwa- 
ntong Government till 19 12. 
Address : General Staff Office, 

Hoshino, Shozaburo CM. Sf 
■E - SP),*,,Qobge^l£,,Sag|nee- 
ring pirice ^'1912; Sectional 
Chief of the General Staff 
Office; b. 1861 in Niigata- 
ken. Sub-Lieutenant of Engi- 
neering, 1 892 Captain, 1 897 ; 
Major, 1904 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, 1908 ; decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun and 4th Class of 
Golden Kite. Address : The 
1 8th Battalion of Engineer- 
ings, Kurume. 

Hoshino, Seki CM If ^x 
M. H. E., president of the 

Tokj'o Printing Company ; 
Director ^of the Japanese 
Sugar-Manufacturing Coiii- 
l)any, and of the Oriental 
Oil Company, etc. ; d. Dec. 
1854 in Tokyo; ist s. of 
a SMnurai 
of Tokyo; 
m. Sayo, 
2nd d: of 
Koso U- 
rano, a 
Edti. c . : 
has stud- 
ied Chinese Classics. Made an 
inspection tour in America. 
Address: No. 14, 2 chome, 
Hama-cho, Nihombashi,- To- 
kyo. Tel. : 383 Naniwa. 

Hoshino, Yukinori (fi if ff 
I'i). Inspector of the Daido 
Life Insurance Company, Di- 
rector of the Kashima Bank; . 
d. Aug. 1 87 1 in Nagasaki- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Yukiyoshi 
Hoshino, a samurai of Shima- 
bara clan, Hizen ; m^ Masu, 
2nd d. of Gensoku Ooka, a 
samurai of Nagasaki-ken. 
Educ. : studied in America. 
Address: 2rid of No. 1915, 
Tennoji-hide-in-machi, Mina- 
miku, Osaka. Tel. : 855 ' 
/. d. Minami. 


I. 200 ] 

Hosoi, Eizabtiro CM * ^ H 
IP). Director of the Central 
Commercial Bank ; 6. Dec. 
1863 in Gumma-ken ; 3rd s. 
of Yohei Kadokura, . and 
adopted by Masataka Hosoi; 
m. Ito. 1st d. of his foster- 
father. £duc. : graduated 
from the Doitsu Kyokwai 
Gakko (The German Associ- 
ation School). Once was 
Member of the Tokyo City 
Council. Address: No. 12 
Kogaicho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1792 Shiba. 

Hosoi, Iwaya CM ^ ^ MX 
2nd G. of 5th R., 4th O. M., 
Kogakusht (Bachelor of Te- 
chnics), Expert to the De- 
partment of Agriculture and 
Commrece, Chief of the Mi- 
ning Section of ,the Mine 
Bureau ; b. Toba, Shima, 
1 6th June, 1863 ; s. o, Han- 
zo Hosoi; m. Shima Yoshi- 
da, 1894. Educ.: completd 
the Mining and Metallurgy 
Course, Technical College, 
Imperial University of Tokyo, 
1893. Appointed Assistant- 
Professor of the Imperial 
University; Lecturer of the 
Naval Engineering College; 
Inspector of the . Patent 
Bureau; member of com-, 
mittee of the Copper Poiso- 
ning Investigation Society ; 
-committee of the River Im- 

provemeut Society ; Delegate 
to the International Science 
and Art Conference. Ad- 
dress: 19 Akefune-cho, Shi- 
ba, Tokyo. 

HosoRawa, Morishige C|B jil 

^ ^), Marquis ,' Member of 

the House of Peers ; ex-Lord 

of Kumamoto ; b: Aug. 1868; 

1st s. of Marquis Morihisa 

Hosokawa; ?«. Taka-ko, 1st 

d. of Count Ujitomo Toda. 

Educ. : studied ; in, England 

and France; decorated with 

the 4th Order of the Rising 

Sun. Address: No. 76, 

Takata Oimatsu-cho, Koishi- 

kawa, _ Tokyo. ^ Tel. : 450 


Hosokawa, Junjiro (M i'i iffl 
^ fil5). Baron (cr. 1900) ; 
Privy Councillor (since 1893); 
Bungakuhakushi ; b. Feb. 
1834; s. of Nobuhira Hoso- 
kawa, a samurai of Tosa; 
m. Masa, sister of Ryokichi 
Nishimura, M. H. P. Educ. : 
studied in the clan school, and 
after\vards in Europe and 
America. Vice- President of 
the House of Peers, 1891 — 
1893; President of the 
Female Higher Normal 
School, 1891 ; President' of 
the Peers' Girls School, and 
Chief of the Secreariat 
Bureau of the Imperial 
Houshold, 1893 ; decorated 
with 1st Order of Merit. He 
is at once a scholar and one 

[ 20I ] 

of the prominent educution- 
alists of Japan. Publications : 
Biogiaphy of Hermits ; Bio- 
graphy ofKadzutoyo Yamano- 
uchi ; and many translations. 
Address : No. i Surugadai 
Kitakogacho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 3333 Ho.nkyoku. 

Hosono,^ Jiro (|B Sf ^ SI5), 
Member of the House of 
Representatives ; Inspector of 
the Gumma Commercial and 
Industrial Bank, etc. ; d. 
Aug. 1862 in Gumma-ken ; 
2nd s. of TokitosMHosono, 
a samurai of Gumma-ken. 
Educ. : studied in the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University. Once was 
member of the Gumma Pre- 
fectural Assembly. Address : 
No. "J"], 2cliome, Nagata-cho, 
Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
679 Shimbashi. 

Hosotani, Sojiro C$H SI ^ ^ 
BI5), One of the highest tax- 
payers of Kagawa-ken ; Di- 
rector of the Sanuki Agri- 
cultural and Industrial Bank, 
the Sanuki Spinning Com- 
pany, the Sanuki Savings 
Bank, and the Takamatsu 
Bank; d. Oct. 1853 in Ka- 
gawa-ken ; 3rd s. of Sojiro 
Hosotani; m. Kane, 2nd d. 
of Jinzo Terajima. Address : 
Minami-shimmachi, Takama- 
tsu-shi, Kagawa-ken. 

Eosoya, Iwataro C|B # S ;fc 
BP), -Member of the House ot 

Peers (Representing the 
highest taxpayers of Yama- 
gata-ken) ; Director of the 
Ryou Agricultural and Com- 
mercial Bank ; -Member of 
the Yamagata Chamber of 
Commerce ; b. Nov. 1 844 in 
Yamagata-ken ; 1st s. of Gi- 
shichiro Hosoya ; m. Ito, ist 
d. of Jimbei Yamaguchi. 
Decorated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun. Address : 
Tanichi-machi, Nishimuraya- 
ma-gun, Yamagata-ken. 

Hosoya, Sutcuji C^H ^ K i^), 
Rmfc:.Admii;al^. on the Re- 
serve; ^Dec. 1857 in Tokyo; 
1st s. of Sukeshige Hosoya, 
a samurai of Tokyo ; in. Te- 
tsuo, sister of Totaro Ohara, 
a samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
studied in the Naval Acade- 
my. Second Sub-Lieutenant, 
1881 ; took part in the Japan 
China War; Rear- Admiral, , 
1903 ; in the Russo-Japanese 
War, he did great service as 
the Commander of the 3rd 
Squadron, and, after the end 
of the war was invested 
with the 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 3rd Class 
of Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 28, Roppongi-cho, Aza- 
bii, Tokyo. 

Hotari, Junzo CW & '-^ H), 
Utiicial in the Okoseii Govern- 
ment general; 6. Feb, 1 871; I St 
s. of Mochihira Horai, a samu- 


[ 202 ] 

rai of Yaniaguchi-ken ; m. 
Umeno, adopted d. of Shinya 
Yamada, a samurai of Yama- 
guchi-ken. Edtic. : graduated 
from tlie Meiji Law School 
in 1890: Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination, 
1895 ; Official in the Board 
of Audit, 1896; Assistant 
Public Auditor, 1896; after 
serving as Councillor of 
Dita, Shiga Prefectures and 
as Commissioner of Iwate, 
and Ohiba; was transferred to 
present post 191 2. Address: 
Seonl, Chosen. 

Hotari, Shimtaro CIH /S^ ;fo 
fS), Director of the Nagasaki 
Agricultural and Commercial 
Bank ; 3. Oct. 1850 in Naga- 
saki-ken; 2nd s. of Koheiji 
Hotari, a samurai of Naga- 
saki-ken ; m. Masa, foster- 
mother of Takitaro Sawa- 
mura. Address: No. 40, 
Uchinaka-machi, Nagasaki- 

Hotta, Mitsugu C^ffl K), 

secretary of the Home Dep't; 
b. 1877 in Fukushima-ken; 
5. of Kizayemon Hotta; m. 
Tama, e. d. of Kinnosuke 
Okano in 1807. Educ: 
studied German law at the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (gra. in 1904). 
Appointed commissioner of 
Chiba prefecture, Nov. 1905; 
comrlnissioner of Kanagawa 
prefecture, Tulv 1006: chief 

of police department of Iba- 
ragi prefecture, March 1908; 
secretary and counsellor of 
the Home Dep't, July 1910. 
Recreations: billiard, go play- 
ing. Address: No. i Mita- 
tsuna-machi, Shiba-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2556 Shiba. 

Hotta, Sei-itsu (S6 H IE iS), 
Assistant-Prof of 'the College 
of Agriculture of the Tokyo 
Imperial University. ' Ad- 
dres : Official House of the 
Agri. -College, Meguro, Tokyo. 

Hotta, Tat«uji 0® H ^ ^), 
Manager of the Methodist 
Publishing House, of Tokyo ; 
b. Niigata Prefecture, 8th. 
Aug., 1865 ; s. of Mozan, 
Hotta ; »i. Jlomiko, e. d.oi 
Tadatsune Okubo, of Tokyo, 
1 890. Educ. : studied Eng- 
lish, etc. at the Niigata 
Middle School and Meiji 
Gakuin, and law at the 
Senshu Gakko. Has taught 
in several primary schools 
and middle schools ; inspector 
of emigrants; entered the 
methodist Publishing House, 
1 896. Publications : has 
published many books. Ad- 
dress : No. 203, Harajuku, 
Aoyama, Tokyo. Tel.: 252 

Hotta, TJmazo C^ ffl .% H), 
Chief Judge in the Miyagi 
Court of Appeal ; b. Jan. 
1864; brother of Kamekichi 
Hotta, a samurai of Yama- 

[ 203 ] 

Hyo— Hoz 

guchi-ken; in. Iso, ist d. of 
Iheita Iketa, a samurai of 
Saga-ken. j5/«<r. .• graduated 
from the College- of Law in 
the Tokyo Imperial Univ., 
1 890. After serving as Judge 
in several Courts, was ap- 
pointed to the present post 
in 1909. Address: Official 
House of the Miyagi Court 
of Appeal. Sendai. 

Hozaka, Jimji C# M. ?i ^), 

One of the highest taxpayers 
of Niigata-lcen ; Director of 
the Naoetsu Commercial 
Bank; b. June, 1885 in 
Niigata-ken ; 1st s. of Tei- 
kichi Hozaka ; vi. Tsuma, 
3rd d. of Tokujiro Ichijima. 
Address : Tonome, Tsuari- 
mura, Nakakubiki-gun, Nii- 

Hozaka, Sukekichi (f* M I& 

cf), Director of the 139th 
Bank, and of the Hokuetsu 
-Store Bank^ b. Feb. 1855 '" 
Niigata-ken ; .Cousin of Sada- 
kichi Hozaka, and adopted 
by Chogoro '^ Hozaka ; m. 
Kasu, 1st d. of Daizo Hiraga. 
Address : Tsuari-mura, Naka- 
kubiki-gun, Niigata-ken. 

Hozaka, Ushitaro Ci* Wi i 
;fo II!), Prof of the Naval 
Academy. Address : The 
Naval Academy, Hiroshima- 

Hozumi, Nobushige Crl ^ |^ 
S), 2nd G. of' 3id R.. ist 
O. M., Hogakuhaknshi (Doc- 
tor of Law), -Barrister-at-law, 

■^of the Middle Temple, Eng.. 
Emeritus Prof, of 'the Law 
College, Imp. Univ. of Tokyo, 
chair of Jurisprudence ; ^. 
Uwajima, lyo, iithf July, 
, 1855, s. of Shigeki Hozumi^ 
in. Utako, e. d. of Yeiicht 
Shibusawa, 1882. Ediic. ."; 
Entered the Daigaku Nanko: 
(the present Impei'ial Univer-I 
sity)' as a selected student; 
from the Uwajima clan,.; 
1870; studied law and 
Jurisprudence at the Kaisei 
Gakko, 1874 — 1876 ; jggnt 
to England and studied law 
at the Middle Temple, 1876 j^ 
scholar at the Berlin Univer- 
sity,, i 879 — 1881 ). Address r 
No. 9, Haraikata-machi, U- 
.shigome, Tokyo. Clubs : 
Japan Club. Tel. : 433 

Hyodo, Masataka <:mm.W), 
Lieut-General : Director of 
Artillery Depoi; b. Jan. 
1858 ;_ 1st s.. of Keiuemon 
Hyodo, a samurai of Ehime- 
ken; TO. Ei, 1st d. of Nobu- 
yuki Goshima, a imnurai of 
Ehime-ken. kduc. : studied 
in the Military Academy 
1875— X 879. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Artillery, 1879; Lieute- 
nant, 1883; Captain, 1886; 
Major, 1894; took part in 
the Japan-China War as the 
Commander of the and 
Battalion of the i6th Regi- 
ment of Artillery, and was 

-Hir [ 204 ] 

granted the 4th Class of of Merit and 3rd Class of 
-Golden Kite as a war reward ; Golden Kite in recognitio'h 
Lieutenant Colonel, 1 899 ; was of his excellent services 
'ihe Conamander of the 1st during the war ; Major- 
Regiment of Field Artillery General, 1907. Address : 'No. 
in the Russo-Japanese War, 36, Nakamachi, Ushigome,^ 
.and decorated with 3rd Order Tokyo. 

[ 20S ] 


Ibaraki, Mohei CW" B. '4^ M 
^), a rich landlord ; 3. the 
2nd m. of the 2nd y. of 
Keio (1866) in the province 
of Bizen ; e. s. of the late 
Mohei Ibaraki. Address : 
Saidaijicho, Jodo-gun, Oka- 


Ibiika, Kajinosuke (^ M M 
i.Sl), M. A. (Princeton 
University), D. D. (Rutger 
College), Pres. of the Meiji 
Gakuin, . ,Ex-Pres. of the 
Y. M. C. A. of Tokyo ; d. 
in 1854 '^t Wakamatsu in 
the province of Iwashiro ; .y. 
of Shigeyoshi Ibuka, a samu- 
rai ; ;«. _Hana-ko, 4th d. of 
Yiikyo Oshima, a samurai 
of Okayama. Educ. : studied 
Englisih under Mr. Brown at 
the Shuhin-kan ; grad. from 
the Tokyo Itchi Seminaiy 
School in 1879 ; went Xo 
U. S. A. in 1890 and studied 
in the Post Graduate Course 
of the. Union Seminary 
School in New York; Was 
appointed Pastor of the Koji- 
machi Church in 1 879 ; Prof, 
of the Tokyo Itchi Seminaiy 
School in 1881 ; Vice-Pres. 
of the Meijt Gakuin (a mis- 
sion college) in 1886 ; present 
post in 1891. A delegate 
of the Japan Y. M. C. A. to 
International Y. M. C. A. 
Conference held in U. S. A. 

in 1895 ; a delegate of the 
Christian churches pf Japan- 
to the International Christian 
Conference held at Edinburglt 
in 1 9 10. Address: Shiro-' 
gane-Imazato-machi, Shiba,. 
Tokyo. Tel. : 820 Shiba. 

IcMda, Hyohichi CflJ H Jl -b), 
Member of the • House of 
Representatives, President of 
the Kizukuri Ryosei Bank ;. 
k. the 3rd m. of the 3rd y. 
of Ansei (1856) in the pro- 
vince of Mutsu ; e. s. of Rihei 
Ichida; m. Yayo, 2nd d. of 
Hikoemon Fukui. Was twice 
elected member of the House 
of Representatives where he 
sits as a member of the 
National Party (Kokumin-to) -^ 
decorated with the 4th^0rder 
of the Rising Sun in • con- 
nection with the Russo- 
Japanese war. Address : Ki- 
zukuri-machi, Nishitsugaru- 
gun, Aomori-ken. 

Ichida aihachi Cip H g. a),. 
Dry goods dealer, Director- 
of the Kyoto Exchange, 
ex-auditor of the Kyoto-fu 
Agricultural^ and Industrial 
Bank ; i>. the 5th ;«. of the 
1st y.- of Kayei (1848) in 
Kyoto ; m. Shika, 3rd d. of 
Hikobei Shimizu. Address .: 
No. 22, Higashi-iru, Todo- 
in, Rokkaku-dori, Shmiokyo- 
ku, Kyoto. TcL: i48KamL 

Ichida, Yaichiro CrtJ H §1 — 


[ 206 ] 

BI5), draper (firm name 
" Marumasu ") ; b. Nov. the 
2nd y. of jMeiji (1869) in 
Shiga-ken ; e. s. of Yasohachi 
Ichida ; m. Shige, 2nd d. of 
Kasaburo Yamada of Kyoto. 
Has branch offices at Tokyo, 
Yokohama, Osaka and some 
other places ; is one of the 
directors of the Kyosan 
Transportation Co. Address : 
Sanjo-agaru, Todoin, Kami- 
kyo-ku, Kyoto. Tel. : 6I2 ; 
806 ; 1282 Toku. 

IcMhara, Seiko Crit M & S), 
President of the Bank of 
Korea ; d. the 4th m. of tlie 
5th y. of Ansei (1858) in 
the province of Higo ; e. s. 
of Naohichi Murakami and 
adopted into the Icliihara 
family ; m. Kane, 2nd d. of 
Yoshiyuki'Yeba of Gumma- 
ken, Edzic. : Graduated from 
tlie Kumamoto Foreign Lan- 
guage School and then from 
the department of poKtics of 
the Doshisha, Kyoto. Be- 
came the principal of the T5ka 
School in Sehdai; wgnt to 
the United States and grad- 
uated from Yal,e«JJnjv:0,with . 
the degree of L, L, D. ; 
was" next appointed Chief 
prof, of the political depart- 
ment of the Doshisha; re- 
signed and entered the 
•service of the Bank of Japan, 
occupying the post of Acting 
Chief of the State-Treasury 

Bureau and then that of 
Manager of the Nagoya 
Branch ; went abroad in 
1902 in company with Baron 
Shibusawa for the investiga- 
tion of business matters ; 
entered the First Bank and 
accepted the post of 
manager ' of its Yokohama 
Branch ; was then elected 
Mayor of Yokohama, which 
post he resigned in 1906 
and again entered the service 
of the First Bank, becoming 
one of its directors as well 
as general rnanager. of itS; 
branches in Korea ; was ap- 
paihted president of the 
Bank of Korea when it was 
inaugurated in 1909, Ad- 
dress : No, 43, Daibancho, 
Yotsuya, Tokyo. Tel. : 2507 

Ichihashi, Yasujiro CTfJ If iSk 
'^ B|5), Managing Director of 
the Fukui Bank ; b. the ist 
7/1. of the 1st J/, of Gwanji 
(1864) in the prefecture of 
Fukui ; sec. s. of Mokubei 
Ichihashi ; m. Shige, e. d. of 
Gohachiro Ichihashi. Ad- 
dress : Minamina^cayama- 
mura, Iniadate-gun, Fukui- 
ken. V - 

Ichii, Tamotsu C— ^ ■(%), 
Managing Director of the 
Tokyo Trading Co. ; 3. ; the 
7th m. of the 6th j/. of 
Kayei (1853) i" Tokyo ; e. s. 
of Toru Ichii ; m. Ei, 3rd d. 

[ 207 ] 


of Komon Najima, a saniurat 
of Hyogo-ken. Entered the 
service of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank in 1884, becom- 
ing Manager of its New 
York branch ; resigned the 
post and returned home in 
1890 after observing the 
various countries of Europe 
and" America ; estabhshed a 
trading Company and started 
business in the Chinese trade, 
holding the post of its 
managing director. Address : 
Tansu-machi, Azabu, Tokyo. 
7>/. .• 2855 Shiba. 

Ichijima, Tokujiro (7h" S ^ 
^ W), a rich landlord, Dire- 
ctor of the Niigata Bank 
and of the Niigata Water 
Power Electric Company ; d. 
the 4th m. of the 4th f. of 
Kokwa (1847) in the pro- 
vince of Echigo ; <?. s. of 
Seigetsu Ichijima ; m. Jun, 
5th d. of Izaemon Sato. 
Was once a member of the 
House of Peers. Address : 
Nakaura-gun, Kitakambai'a- 
gun, Niigata-ken. 

IcMjo, Saneteru C— W K *I). 
Prince,^ Cagtein;,.^ acting lord 
steward To Her Imperial Ma- 
jesty; b. 24 Aug. i8f8; 
7th s. of Marq. Takauta 
Shijo ; m. Yoshiko (died) in 
1883, 3rd <^. of Prince iSane- 
yoshi Ichijo ; studied in Fran- 
ce ; Lieutenant in 1 892 ; Re- 
warded in iSgS for his 

services in China- Japan War ; 
-Attache to Legation ?tt Paris 
in 1900, Address: Fuku- 
yoshicho, Akasakaku, Tokyo. 
7^/. .• 1 276 Shimbashi. 

Ichikawa, Bunzo CT& jil X ^), 
a rich landlord. President of 
the Ichikawa Bank and of 
the Yamanashi Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank, Director 
of the Ogasawara Steam 
Drying Co. and o( the Fuji 
Water Power Electric Co., 
etc. ; b. the i ith in. of the 
1st y. of Gwanji (1864) in 
the province of Kai ; e. s. of 
Tayemon Ichikawa ; in. En, 
adpt. d. of Kanando Naka- 
yama of Tokyo. Address : 
Gomei-mura, Nakakoma-guh, 

Ichikawa Ken-iehiro CtIT )\\ It 
- W), President of the Aki- 
ta Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank •,J>. the loth m. of tlie 
4th y'f-'oi Kayei (185 1) in 
the province of Ugo ; e. s. of 
Ryozo Ichikawa, a samurai 
of Akita clan j m. Koto, 
sister of Denya Nagayama. 
Fujikoto-mura, Yamamoto- 
gun, Akita-ken. 

Ichikawa, Kentaro CftJ ;i! S— 
:*: BFOs Colonel of Infantry ; 
b. Aug. the 3rd. y. of Meiji 
(1870) in the prefecture of 
Akita \^e. s. of Sekizen Ichi- 
kawa ; tn. Chiyo, e. d. of 
Masaya Ishida. Ediic. : 
Graduated from the Military 

I eh 

[ 208.] 

Academy (1891); Graduated 
from the Military College 
(1900). Sub-Lieutenant 

(1894); Captain (1897); 
Major (1902); Lieutenant. 
Colonel (1905); Colonel 
(1909). In the late war, he 
was in the front first as a 
member of the general staff 
of the 4th Army and then 
as Chief of the General Staff 
of the Mixed Brigade on 
Reserve ; was decorated with 
the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun as well as with the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite for 
his services. Appointed Chief 
of the Staff of the 2nd Army 
Division in 1908. Address : 
Commanding Office of the 
Second Army Division, 


IcliikaTva, Monnosuke, (■j^ j|| 

P9 ;i ||J)> Arakawa Seitaro 
by proper name, Actor; b. 
the 6th m. of the 2nd year 
of Bunkyii (1862) in Shima- 
ne-ken; s. of Mansaburo O- 
nishi and was adopted by 
the Arakawa family. Educ: 
studied under a private tutor. 
Became actor at the age of 
thirteen under the name of 
Ichikawa Fukunojo; came up 
to Tokyo and became one of 
the disciples of the late famous 
Ichikawa Danjijro; succeeded 
the name of 6th Ichikawa 
Monnosukein 19 10. Address: 
No. 28, Kawara-machi," Asa- 

kusa-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 3201 
Sliitaya. -■ ' 

Ichikawa, Seijiro Cfti jij % 
^ W), Reac-Admhalof Engi- 
neermg, Chief of the JSaval 
Eng. School; h. i2,6i. Ediic: 
Graduated from the Naval En- 
gineeinngSchoolm i88t. Lie- 
utenant-Commander ef Engi- 
neering (Dec. 1 897); Comman- 
der of Engineering(June 1 898): 
Captain of Engineering (Jan. 
1904) : Rear- Admiral of 
Engineering (1910). Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4tli Order of 
the Sacred Treasure ; 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : Shiodome-cho, Yo- 
kosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken. 

IcHikawa, Tadaji ClP J'l K ^). 
a rich farmer ; b. Oct. the 
4th f. of Meiji (1871) in -the . 
province of Echigo ; brother 
of Shunzo Kawai and adopted 
into the Ichikawa family. Ad- 
dress: Kamomachi, Minami- 
kanbara-gun, Niigata-ken. 

Ichikawa, TosMo Cifi W^ 
i^'), Jfrofessor of the IS aval En- 
gineering School; b. the ist m. 
of the 3rd 2/. ofBunkyu (1863^ 
in the prefecture of Shizuoka ; 
e. s. of Kanichi Ichikawa ; 
m. Ei, sec. d. of Tomotake 
Hemmi. Educ. : Graduated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1886. Appointed to the 
present post in 1887. Ad- 

[ 209 3 


dress : Hikiya, 0-machi, 

Kamakura, Kanaeawa-ken. 
Ichikawa, Yaozo (tU Jll A W 

^)>. by professional name, 
Actor, Kamejiro Hashio by 
his proper name; b. 1861 in 
Kyoto; s. of KyObei Hashio. 
Educ: studied by private 
tutors. Began his actor's 
career at Osaka when only 
7 years old; came up to 
Tokyo ill his early youth 
and succeeded the late Yaozo 
Ichikawa, famous actor; is 
one of the famous actors of 
present Japan. Recreation: 
fine arts. Address: No. 39 
3 chome, Shinmachi, Akasa- 
ka-ku, Tokyo. Teh: 1896 
Shimbashi. _ 

lehiki, Kitoknro C— 7k ¥ ^ 
SI5), Hogakuhaktishifiii-Yice.- 
Minister of the Interior ; b. 
the 4th m. of the 3rd y. of 
Keiwo (1867) in the city of 
Shizuoka ; sec. s. of Ryoichiro 
Okada, a .rich landlord and 
adopted by Kisaji Ichiki ; m. 
Saye, d. of his father-in-law. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1888). Ap- 
pointed Secretary to the 
Dep. of Interior (1890) ^ was 
sent to Germany for stuciy 
{1890— 1893) ; Accepted Pro- 
fessorship of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. with additional post of 
Secretary to the Cabinet 
{1894); Councillor of the 

Dep. of the lateriox (1899); 
Received degree of 'Hogaku- 
hakushi (1900); appointed 
member ot the House of 
Peers by the Imperial nomi- 
. nation (1901) ; appointed 
Presi'.lent of the Legislative 
Bureau and additionally of 
the Pension Bureau of the 
Oabinet; prniuoted to Vice. Ho- 
me Minister wliun thelvatsura-. 
Cabinet was organized in 
1908; resigned igii. Publica- 
tions: several works on law 
Addreirs: No. 26, Wakamiya- 
cho, Usliigome, Tokyo '. Tel. . 
777 Bancho. •• . 

Ichiki, Masakata (TU ?fc j& :*), 

Master of Ceremonies ; b. 
the 1st 7K. of the 6th y. of 
Ansei (1859) in Kagoshima ; 
4th s. of Rokuji Ichiki of 
the former Satsuma clan and 
was adopted by Kanroku 
Ichiki; pf. Shin, adop. d. of 
Teikichi Harada of Tokyo. 
Address: No. 66, 4 chome, 
Kitamachi, Aoyama, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 143 Shiba. 

Ichiku.OtoMko (Tlf ^ Zt W), 
Chief of the Accountantf 
Bureau of Dep't of Finance, 
h. April the 5th of Meiji 
(1872) in Kagoshima; 3rd- 
s. of Heita Ichiku ; m . 
Yone, aunt of Koto Hirato. 
Educ. : Graduated from- the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1896. Passed 
the Higher Civil Service 
Examination the same year 


t 2J0 3 

and was appointed Revenue 
officer of the Kumanioto 
Revenue Administration Bu- 
reau ; Secretary to the Land 
Adjustment Bureau of Oki- 
nawa-ken ; Chief of the Naha 
Revenue Administration Bu- 

teaii4 ..Secretary to the 

Formosan Governnient ; Sec- 
T-etary to the Finance Dep't, 
then present post. . Was 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun . . Address : 
No. 16, Sumgadai-rBuzuId- 
cho, Kanda-ku, .Tokyo. Tel.; 
4040 Honkyoku. . 

IcMmura, Kokei (it H % ^), 
Prof; .of ,the Kyoto Imp. 
Uniy., SggakukakusM, Publi- 
cation: Constitution. Addrehs: 
¥osMda-cho , KamiSyo-ku , 

Ichimura, Sanjiro Clt ^ IS 
^ W>y Bungakuhakushi, Prof 
of the College of Literature 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(Chair, Oriental^ History) ; 
b. the 8th m. of rhe ist y. 
of Gwanji (1864) in the 
province of Hitachi ; e. s. of 
Shojiro Ichimura ; m. Kiyo, 
2nd^^. af Torn Kono. Educ. : 
At first studied law ancL 
afterwards entered the College 
of Literature of the Imperial 
Univ.- of Tokyo graduating 
in 1889. Immediately after 
graduation, was appointed 
Professor of the Peers' School 

and also one . of its .Coun- 
sellors ; made Assistant-Prof 
of the College of Literature 
of the Tokyo Imp.. Univ. 
as an additional post ; was 
afterward relieved of his post 
in the Peers' School and 
became Professor of the 
Imperial Univ. travelled 
China for the, purpose ...of 
historical research during 19- 
63. Publications: "History of 
China," " History of Chinese 
• Literature," " An Essay on 
. the Evolution' of Literature,'' 
' etc. Address /No. 43, 
Wakarhatsucho, Ushigorne, 

Ichimura, To (tU » «), 
Prof of the Fourth High 
School ; b. Sept. the 4th y. 
of Meiji (5871) in. the pre- 
fecture of Ishikawa ; e. s. of 
Sadakichi Ichimura, a samu ■ 
rai of Kaga clan ; m. CKo, 
e. d. of Jun-ichiro Sakurai. 
Edtic. : Graduated from the 
College of Science of the 
former Tokyo Daigaku(i89S). 
Prof of the Second High 
School' (1896— 1896); Prof 
of the Fourth High School 
Since 1 897. Add. : Kanazawa. 
IcMmura, tTzaemon, (fp ^sf ^ 

:fe^ PDj 'Actor, proper narne 
is Ichimura Rokutaro; b. the 
nth m of the 7th y. of Meiji 
(1874) in Tokyo; adopted .f. 
-of Kakitsu Bando, also an 

[ 211 ] 


actor. Ednc: studied under 
a private tutor. Appeared 
at the Shintomi theatre at 
the age of seven under the 
name of Bando Takematsu; 
assumed afterward the name 
of Ichimura Kakitsu; succeed- 
ed the name of 15th Ichi- 
rriura Uzaemon at the age of 
thirty. Recreations: reading 
novel; fishing. Address: No. 
15, ichome, Tsukiji, Kyo- 
bashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 2132 

Ichinohe, Hyoe C- F ^< ft), 
Lieutenant - General, Com- 
mander of the I St Army 
Division; b the 6th m. of 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855) 
in the prefecture of Aomori ; 
e. s. of Norisada Ichinohe ; 
nt. Sada, e. d. of Masayoshi 
Ito. Educ. : Graduated from 
the " Toyama Gakko," a 
military tactical school. Ap- 
pointed Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantry (May 1S77); took 
part in the War of the Sa- 
tsuma Insurrection ; Lieut. 
(June J 880); Captain 

(June 1883); Major (Feb. 
1888) ; ' Lieutenant - Colonel 
(Dec. 1894); Colonel (Oct 
1897); Major-General (May 
1901) ; Lieutenant - General 
(Nov. 1907). In the Russo- 
Japanese war, he was at first 
Chief of the Staff of the 3rd 
Army and afterward became 

Commander of the ist .Bri- 
gade of Infantry ; distin- 
guished himself for his stub- 
born resistance in holding a 
fortress secured at Panlungsun 

in the first general assault 
06 Port Arthur. He was 
granted the Second Order 
of the Rising Sun together 
with the Second Class of the 
Golden Kite . He was emcce- 
ssively appointed Commanders 
of the 17th and of the 4th 
Army Divisions; present post 
since Dec. 191 2. Address: 
Headquarters of the isfArmy 
Division. Tokyo. 

Ichinohe, Naozo <i— p M. M), 
Rigakuhakushi (Dr. of Scien- 
ce), Lecturer of Astronomy 
at the College of Science of 
the Tokyo Inip. Univ. ; a 
native of Aomori-prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Science of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; further 
studied in U. S. A., 1905 
—1907. Was Assistant to the 

I eh 

[ 212 ] 

Tbkyo ■ Astronomical Obser- 
vatory immediately after his 
graduation from the Tokyo 
Univ. ; present post since his 
return from U. S. A. in 
1907 ; Rigakuhakushi in 19- 
1 1 . Address : The College 
of Science of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ , Tokyo. 

Ichimura, Yoshiki Cifj ¥i ^' 
SO, Principal of the Nago- 
ya Coriimercial School and 
of the Nagoya Female Com- 
rriercial School, Special 
member of the Nagoya 
. Chamber of Commerce ; 
b. the 4th m. of the 3rd 
y. of Keio (1867) in Ono- 
michi, province of Bingo, 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School ■ (1887). Established 
at his C own expense the 

Onomichi Com. School in 1 8- 
n7 and became its Pres.; retai- 
8ing the same post when the 

schc-sl became a public one in 
the following year ; Principal 
of the Nagoya Commercial 
School .since 1893; established 
in 1907 the Nagoya Female 
Commercial School, the first 
one of its kind in Japan, a 
donation of yen 7,509 was 
bestowed upon him from the 
Society for rewarding educa- 
tional Merit for the services 
rendered to the cause of 
education. Publication: 

" Shoshi-kun " (Precepts „ to 
Merchants)., Recreations: 

walking. Address: Nunoike- 
cho, Higashi-ku,'^ Nagoya, 
Aichi-ken. Clubs : Nagoya- 
Club ; Nagoya Economical 
Society etc. 

Ichioka, Shiun (Tti H ^ S), 
artist, gilder, manufacturer' of 
fine objects ; h. Aug. 1 899 in 
Tokyo. Studied painting, un- 
der Tanbi Kano, gilding -un- 
der Joun Oshima ; often recei- 
ved medals in various exhibi- 
tions. .^c?c?ress : No. 51, Miya- 
mura-cho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 

Ichinokura, Kan-ichi i— ii 
t K -), President of the 
Iwate Agricultural arid In- 
dustrial Bank ; ^. the 12th 
m. of the 3rd f. of Ansei 
(1856) in the province of 
Rikuchu ; m. Fumi, adopt, d. 
of Takiji Ichinokura. £duc. : 
Graduated from the Miyagi 
Normal School. Teacher to 
the same school ; clerk of the 
Iwate prefectural office, etc.; 
Since 1902 has been twice 
elected Member of the House 
of Representatives. Address: 
Oyamada-mura, Waga-gun, 


lehinoEiiya, Eeitaro (— g 

^ ± W), - Manager of the 
New. York; branch' of' 'the 
Yokohama Specie "BalSK**i4^ 
dfess :" ' New Y6rl ' bfahcrh 
of the' Yokohama Specie 
Bank. Wall Street. New 

[ 213 ] 


York, U. S. A. 

Ichinose, Keisafetiro (ifj M St 

H IP). Colonel of infantry, 
commander -of the Hongo 
regimental district; ^. 1871 
in Hyogo. Sub-lieut., March 
•1893; Lieut., March 1895; 
Captain, Jan. 1899; Major, 
Atig. 1 904; Lieut.-Colonel, 
Dec. 1908; Colonel, Aug. 
1902. Decorations: 5th Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S., 4th Class of G. K. 
Address : Headquarters of 
the Hongo-ku regiment, Ma- 
sago-cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo- 

Ichinose, Kyojiro CrfeSSP,^ 
I|5). Kogakiihakase, engineer 
of the Home Dep't, Secretary 
of harbour investigation 
society, lieutenant in army on 
reserve. Ediic. : the engineer- 
ing college of Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (gra. 1890). Obtained 
the degree by presenting a 
thesis of the Kojima-bay land 
reclamation question, 19 12. 
Address: 3 Yarai-cho, Ushi- 
gome-ku, Tokyo. 

Ichinose, Yozaemon (— /> M.^ 
^^H), „ dried - bonito dealer 
(firm-ns.,ne "Matsuya"), Audi- 
tor of the Yokohama Trading 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. June the i6th 
y. of Meiji (1883) in Yoko- 
hama ; 5th s. of Kotaro Ichi- 
. nose ; adopted by the late 
Yozaemon Ichinose, i884^;«. 
Shidzu, e. d. of Tatsuro Ota- 
ka, a Gifii samurai. Edtic. : 

graduated from the Yokoha- 
ma Commercial School. Ad- 
dress : No. 72, 4chbme, Ai- 
oicho, Yokohama. Tel.: 258 

/. d. 
Ichinose, Yiisaburo C— M % 

H W), President of the Ha- 
kodate Court of Appeal ; b. 
the 1st in. of the 1st y. of 
Ansei (1854) in the province 
of Hizen ; 2nd .$■. of Tayemon 
Ichinose, a samurai of the 
former Nagasaki clan ; m.. 
Sumi, e. d. of Amakichi Wa- 
kamatsu, of Tokyo. Educ. : 
studied law-f,at the former 
Law College of the Dept. of 
Justice since 1875 ; sent to 
Europe for law study (1886- 
1890). Appointed' Judge in 
1883 and transferred as 
Public Procui'ator after his 
return from abroad ; Public 
Procurator-in-Chief of the Na- 
gasaki Court of Appeal, 
Councillor of the Dept. of 
Justice, Chief public Procu- 
rator of the Yokohama and 
Osaka District Courts, Presi- 
dent of the Hiroshima Court 
of Appeal in succession 
(1890 — 1908); present post 
since (1908) ; was awarded 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun. Address : Official Re- 
sidence, Hakodate Court of 
Appeal, H^akodate, Hokkai- 
do. ^^ 

Ichisaka, Shuntaro C-- :R M 
Jk SP), ex-Mayor of Tokushi- 
ma; b. the 7th ?». of the 3rd y. 


[ 2:14 ] 

of Aiisei (1856) in Tokushi 
mai-ken ; ^. s. of Shusaku 
Ichisaka, a samurai of To- 
kushiina elan. Was Secretary 
to Miyagi-ken and then to 
the Department of Com- 
munications ; later resigned 
office and became President 
of the Ishinomaki-Yamagata 
Railway Company; elected 
Mayor of Tokushima city 
some; years ago. Address : 
Terashima-cho, Tokushima, 
•Ida, Iwazo (^ H ^ |i), a 
rich landlord ; b. ist m. of 
the 7th y. of Meiji (1874) in 
the province of Omi ; e. s. of 
Gohei Ida ; m. Mio, e. d. of 
Yosahei Yoshida. Address : 
Kitagokanosho-mura, Kan- 
zaki-gun, Shiga-ken. 
■ Ida, Tadanobu (^ W Jg, ^), 
Member of the Tokyo Pre- 
fectural Assembly ; i>. Mar. 
186 1 in Tokyo ; ist s. of 
Tadasada Ida, a samurai of 
Tokyo ; m. Rii, ist d. of 
Seishichi Shimada. Educ. : 
Keiogijuku ; Rikkyo College ; 
Hosei College. Has been 
several times elected Member 
of. the Tokyo Prefectural 
Assembly. Publications : 

several works on book keep- 
ing. Address : Sendagaya, 
Sendagaya-machi, Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo. Clubs : Chiyo 

Club. Tel.: 27=5^ Shiba. - 
Ide, Kenji r^ {ft « i&), 

^Inspector of Naval 
Construction and of the Nav^il 
Ordnance; h. 1871. Educ!: gra- 
duated from the ISTaval Engin- 
eering Academy in 1885. Lie- 
utenant-Commander (Sept. 19- 
00); Commander (Jan. 1905); 
Captain (Sept. 1908). Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4th Order of 
the Sacred Treasure ; 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : No. 1598, Nakano- 
machi, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo- 

Ide, Osamu C^ ffi ?S), £|y^^.. 

ms.-st£C3MaJQEa-Gc.6iiecal, Chief 
01 the Paymaster s Dep t of 
the 1 8th Army Division ; 
b. the 4th m. of the 1st y. 
of Keio (1865) in Okaya'ma- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Torazo Sasa, 
a samurai, and adopted by 
Masaaki Ide ; in. Masa, 
sister of Viscount Katsuhiro 
Itakura, feudal lord of the 
Niwase clan. Educ. : Grad- ' 
uated from the /i- Military 
Academy (1887) ;'' attended 
Tokyo Post and Telegraph 
School to study telegraphy 
(1879— 1888); Gradtiated 
from the Military Paymaster.? 
School ( 1 892— 1 894) ;. . „has 
been in Germany and Aust- 
ria :" tp:#stuay- , military' ac- 
countahcy ( 1 896'— 1 909), 

Sub-Lieutenant of Infantry 
(Aug. 1883) ; ""^"^ Lieutenant 
(April 1887); Paymaster- 


He— Iga 

Lieutenant (June 1894) ; 
Paymaster-Captain (Oct. 

1 899) ; Paymaster-Maj or 

(Nov. 1903) ; Paymaster- 
Lieutenant Colonel (Dec. 
1903) ; Paymaster Colonel 
(Dec. 1906). Has been a 
member of the Tokyo 
Streets Improvement Com- 
mittee. Recreations : Chinese 
and Japanese poetry. Ad- 
dress : Shinoyama, Kurume- 
shi, Fukuoka-ken. 

Ide, Sinroku (^ ^ g i^'), 
Eear-AdmiraL ,o.r>, .the reserve 
'"■^iiS6"r'ecem'bei' 1912; b. the 
3rd TO. of the jvA y. of Ansel 
(1856) in Saga-ken, brother of 
Naga-toshi Ide; m. Toyo, sister 
of Shukan Sono, a native of 
Saga-ken. Educ. : Graduated 
from the Naval Academy. 
Sub-Lieutenant in 198S and 
Lieutenant in 1887; Section 
Commander of the Fusd, 
T^enryu and Nardwa in. succes- 
sion ; Commander in 1897; 
Second Captain of the Heiyen 
and Shikishima ; Captain in 
1902 ; Captain of the Mu- 
sashi, Toyohashi, . Haslddate 
and Kasagi ; Chief of. the 
Saseho Toipedo Division ; 
Captain of the Azuma, Mi-^ 
kasa, Kato'/i in succession ; 
Eear-Admiral and Command- 
der of Saseho Eeserve Squad- 
ron in 1908; was decorated 
with the' 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 

Class of the Golden Kite. 

Addreiis: No. i , Mhon-enoki, 
Nishimaclii, Siiiba-kuj Tokyo. 

Iga, Komakicliiro CiP^ K U 
o 515), Principal of the 0.saka 
Yiihigaoka Girls' High 
School, Lecturer of the Toyo 
University ; d. Oct. the 2nd 
/. of Meiji (1869) in Taka- 
matsu, province of Sanuki ; 
s. of Ihachiro Akaki and 
adopted by Tama Iga ; m. 
Ryu, e. d. of his adopted 
mother. Educ. : Graduated 
from the Tetsugaku-kan (a 
private philosophical institu- 
tion) in 1893. For 13 years, 
has been engaged in ordinaiy 
education works. Publica- 
tiqits : Principles of Psycho- 
.!ogy ; Essay on Sentimental 
Education ; a General View 
of the Female Sex, .etc. 
Recreations : Reading and 
Tennis. Address : YGhiga- 
oka-machi, Tennoji, Minami- 
ku, Osaka. 

Igarq,shi, Hidesuke C.S i- M 
® KJ), Kogahihakushi (Elec- 
trical Engineering), Engineer 
to the Dept. of Communica- 
tions, Chief of the Engineer- 
ing Section of the Posts and 
Telegraphs Bureau ; b. the. 
I2th m. of the 5th y. of 
Ansei (1858) in the pre- 
fecture of Yamagata ; 3rd .j. 
of Kyiisaburo Tokuma ; 
adopted by the late Masa- 
tomo Igarashi, a samurai of 


[ 216 ] 

Yonezawa clan;. ?:^. Matsu, 
sister of Tomendo Sakurai, of 
Aichi - prefecture. Educ. : 

graduated in 1882 from the 
course of- Electrical Engineer- 
ing of the Kobudaigaku (the 
former Engineering Univer- 
sity). Was at once taken 
into the service of the 
'.Department of Public Works ; 
being engaged in the work 
of telegraph construction ; 
Prof of . the former Tokyo 
Telegraph School (1888); 
went in 1889, to the .United 
States- with official, instruc- 
"tions', /or...,, and was 
appointed an engineer of the 
Dep't of Communications on 
his return in the following 
year ; again Prof of the 
Tol<yo Telegraph School 
(1891) ; transferred to the 
post of Chief of the Con- 
struction Section of the 
Tokyo Posts and Telegraphs 
pffice (1893); became 
;Director of the Tokyo Tele- 
phone Exchange (1894) ; and 
also appointed Director of 
the Yokohama Telephone 
in 1897. Received the degree 
of Kogaktihakuski and was 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the ^ Sacred Treasure 
(1898).; was despatched to 
Europs a'i07r'!??menca''' ' to 
Investigate . me .. telepHojffe 
" excl'iange:. systems,, ... ( 1 898— 
1899); acted since return' 

home, in an advisory capa- 
city in connection with the 
installation of electric 'light 
in the Imperial and Cro.wn 
Prince's Palaces ; is at pre- 
sent, in addition to the posts 
above mentioned. Expert to 
the Patent Bureau of the 
Dept. of Agriculture and 
Commerce and an Associate 
Engineer to the Dept. of the 
Imp. Household; Address : 
No. 67, Roppongicho, Aza- 
bu, Tokyo. Teli' 100 Shiba-,. 

Igarashi, Jinzo (iff. + jii ^ 
M}, a rich farmer ; 3. the 
lOth m. of the 2nd j/. of 
Kokwa (1845) in the pro- 
vince of Echigo ; e. ■ s. of 
Okazo igarashi. Address : 
Sasaoka-mura, Kitakambara- 
gun, Niigata-ken , . 

Igarashi, Keishi' CJl "t Mi 9i 
Jt), a rich landlord, Member 
of the House of Peers ; d. 
the 3rd m. of the 1st j>. of 
Man-yen (1865) in the pre- 
fecture of Chiba ; 2nd s. of 
Saichiro Igarashi ; m. Tsune, 
3rd d. of Kyuemon Yoshida, 
of Ibaraki-ken. Was former- 
ly one of the Director of the 
Japan Industrial Bank ; twice ~ 
elected member of the House 
of Peers. Address: No. 35, 
Koizuriiicho, Honjo, Tokyo: 
Tei. : 3850 Naniwa. 
..: . I?ata, Tokiizo m >& M- «), 
,„M^^^Ge^g^jCommander of 
wi^S^wT^ra^s since 191 1; 

[ 217 ] 

Iga— Igtt 

h. 1866 ir Kumamoto-lcen. 
Sub-Lieutenant (June 1885); 
Lieutenant (Nov. 1889); 
Captain (Dec. 1892); Major 
(Oct. 1897); Lieutenant 
Colonel (Dec. 1900); Colonel 
(Nov. 1904) ; Major-General 
(19 11); 3rd Order of the Ei- 
sing Sun and 3rd Class of tlie 
Golden Kite. Address : Koge- 
tsu-cho, Saselio. 

Igawa, Kostike (I?- }\\ # D), 
P)-esident of the Saijo Bank; 
b. the 8th in. of the 3rd y. 
of Ansei (1856) in the pre- 
fecture of Ehime ; e. s. of 
Rinsaburo Igawa ; m. En, 
4th d. Gihichi Tsuda. Ad- 
dress : Saijo-machi, Arai-gun, 


Iguclii, Ariya (^ P ;ffi B)> 

K'ogakukakase, prof, of the 
college, of Eng. (chair: me- 
chanics) Tokyo Imp. Univ.; 
b, 1856; 3rd •■:. of Wataru 
Iguchi, a samurai of Kana- 
zawa clan; m.- Tasu, e. d. 
of Buhei Azou. Edtic: en- 
gineering college, imp. Univ. 
(gra. 1882). Appointed prof, 
of the Naval Engineers 
Academy, 1883; prof, of tlie 
Naval college, 1894; ordered 
to proceed to England for 
sty dy,, July 1894; appointed 
present post after return 
home, decorated with 3rd 
Order of Merit. Address: 
40 Nichome, Nishihara-raa- 
chi, Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Tel.: 2126 Baacho. 

Iguohi, Hambei (jfcV^ ^ ^'' 

^), ex-President of the Chita 
Chamber of Commerce ; 
President of the Kamezaki 
Building Co., ~ Director of 
Kinuura Savings Bank, of 
the Yurin Life Insurance 
Co. 'and of the Kamazaki 
Iron Foundry, etc. ; b. the , 

2nd m. of the 2nd y. of 
Bunkyu (1862) in the pre- 
fecture of Aichi ;. e. .j. of 
Hansuke Iguchi ; m. Kaoru, 
3rd d. of Gensuke Kojima. 
Address : Kamezaki-machi, 
Chita-gun, Aichi-ken. 

IgucM, Seigo (^ a 1- -1^), 

LieutensMit-General^ Com. of 
ther r 5th. Army DiTision since 
Dec. 1912; b. Aug. 185s in the 
province of Suruga,'' 2nd s. of 
Kan-ichiro Iguchi; m. Hiro-ko, 
2nd d. of Koichiro Sudzuki. "• 
Educ. : private schools ; 
graduated from the Military 
Academy and Military- 
College ; studied in Germany 
about three years. Sub- 
Lieutenant, Feb. 1879 ;. 
Lieutenant of Artillery, Apr. 
1882; Captain of Art. May 
1885 ; Major of Art. Nov. 
1 89 1 ; Lieutenant' Colonel of 
Art. Oct. Nov. 1897 ; M^jor 
General, May 1902 ; Lieute- 
nant-General, Aug. 1509; 
once sei-ved on the staff of 
the General Staff Office, as 
the sectional chief of the Mili- 

Ika, li 

[ 218 ] 

tary i)ei)artment and as presi- 
dent of. the Military CoUge, 
etc.; took part in the Japan- 
China War as a staff on the 2- 
nd Army, and in the Eusso-Ja 
panese War as a staff on thfc 
Manchurian Army, and, at the 
end of the war, ;vas decorated 
with the ^nd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 2nd 
■Class of the Golden Kite. 
Recreations : travelling; i-ead- 
ing. Address: No. 160, 
Kashiwagi, Yodobashi^machi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 
179 Bancho. 

Ihara, Moaiosuke i^ M ^ 
|!!)> Engineer of the Qsa-ka- 
fu Government, President of 
the Osaka Agricultural 
School; 3. the 2nd m. of 
'the 1st J/, of Manyen (1863) 
in:the prefecture of Yaniagu- 
<:hi ; -and s. of Kambei Ihara; 
'f^y. Hisa, e. d. of Ju Ihara. 
^ii/?^^..' graduated fi-om the 
former Komaba Agricultural 
.College. Appointed succes- 
sively Instructor to the Ya- 
maguchi. Middle School, 
Principal- of the Yamaguchi 
Agricultural School, In- 
structor to the Yamaguchi 
Higher Middle School, Prin- 
cipal of the Miyagi Agri- 
cultural School, .Expert to 
the Miyagi Prefectural Gove- 
rnment; present posts since 
1898; was, sent to Europe 
and America on an official 

mission in 1906. Address: 
No", 3 Koer?. ''Hamadera-jnu- 
ra, .Sempoku-gun, Osaka-fu. 
Iliara, Seiseien (^ M #* ®)> 

proper name is Toshiro, 
editor of Miyako Shinbun (a 
daily news' paj!)er)'; b. -'April 
1 870 at Matsue-city., province 
of idzumo. Educ. : graduated 
from "the ist high school. 
Besides is member of com- 
mittee of literary art society, 
:chief editor of Kabuki (ma- 
gazine). Address: No. 37, 
5chome Aoyama-minaihi-cho, 
Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. - 

li, K"a»5?asu (^ F it 3f), 
Viscount, Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. .the 2nd '■ 
7n. of the 4th y. of Kayei 
(1S31) in Yedo ; 3rd s. ot 
the late famous Naosuke li, 
pioneer advocate of the 
opening of our country at 
the later period of Tokuga- 
wa government ; afterwards 
adopted by Naomitsu li, 
feudal lord of Annaka clan ; 
m. Masu, annt of Viscount 
Katsuhiro Matsumaye. Took 
part in the battle of Toba 
arid Fushimi early in the 
Restoration era ; made a 
tour of inspection through 
Europe and America (-1872- 
1873) ; Created Viscount in 
1 884 ; elected member of the 
House of, Peers (1896); was 
decorated with 4th Order . of 
the Rising Sun in 1906 in 

[ 219 ■] 


connection with the Russo- 
Japanese war. Address : No. 
365, Kasuga, Kashiwagi-cho, 
Yodobashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 1264 

n, Yoho (§1- -^ W m. Shim- 

zaburo by proper name, 
actor of new school; b. i6tli 
August 1 87 1 in Tokyo; m. 
Tei. Made his first appear- 
ance on the stage when he 
was 21 years old; we owed 
the present development of 
Japanese plays of new school 
from a very rudimentary 
state in , great part to his 
endeavour. Recreation : no- 
vels. Address: 96 Kamine- 
gishi-cho, Shitaya-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2129 Shitaya. 
lida, -EiEj (■^ ill 3£ S), 
_ Maior-Qen., Com.. of the ist 
Brigade of Infantry of the 
Guard Division; h. the 7th m. 
of the 5th y. of Angei (1858) in 
the prefecture of Tochigi ; 
e. s. of Shiro lida ; m. Te- 
tsu, e. d. of Miyo Yamada. 
Educ. ; grad. from the 
Military Academy (1881) and 
from the Military Staff Col- 
lege (1887), Appointed Sub- 
Lieutenantof Infantry (2882); 
Lieutenant (1885"); Captain 
(1892); Major' (1897); 
Colonel ( 1 905 ) ; Maj or-Ge- 
neral (1908). He was the 
Commander of the 4th Re- 
giment of the Imperial Body 
Guard and awarded afterward 

the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun- ' together with the , 3rd 
Class of the Golden TCite for 
his services. Address :.^^o. 
17, Kami-Aigashi-machi, A-. 
kita, Akita-ken. 

lida, G-iiehi (M ffl tt — ), 
Managing director of the 
Mitsui Co., d'irector of the 
Mitsui Bank and of the Oji 
Paper Manufacturing Co., 
etc.; b. the 12th m. of the 
3rd y. of Kayei.(i8so) in 
Yamaguchi-ken ; e. s. of K6- 
zo lida ; m. Yaso, e. d. of 
Sukemitsu Ito. , . First entered 
the government service as 
an official of the Railway 
Bureau ; became soon after 
manager of. the London 
branch of the Mitsui Co., 
was appointed, on his return 
to Japan, sub-manager of the 
Osaka branch of the Com- 
pany ; promoted director of 
the head-office in 19.01 ; at 
present, in addition to the 
posts above mentioned, is 
.auditor of the Nippon Match 
Mfg. _Co. Address: 12, 
Shinryudo-cho, Azabu, To- 
kyo. Tel. : . 1067 Shiba. 

liSa, Hisatsune (fj gg f;^ ff.), 

Captain of Navy, an officer 
residing in London jjnder 
government order; b. 1871. 
Ediic. : Naval Academy, July 
1888. Lieut. - Commander, 
July 1904; Commander, Sept. 
1907; Captain, Dec. 1912. 


[ 220 ] 

Decorations: 4th Order of 
JR. S., 4th Order jof S. T., 
4th Class of G. K. Address : 

- lida, Samon (® H :fe P^), 

M^o^^^eEaij^. Commander 
"of the 25th Brigade of In- 
fantry; b. the Sth m, of the 
Cth year of 'Ansei (1859), 
Yamaguchi-ken. Sub-Lieut, 
of Infantry, Dec. 1883; 
Lieut., April 1887; Captain, 
May .1894; Major, Oct. 1898; 
Lieut. Colonel, June 1903; 
Colonel, May 1905; Major- 
General, May 1910. De- 
corationsr* 4th Order of S. 
T., 3rd Order of R. S., 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Kosumi-cho, Yamaga- 
ta-shi, Yamagata-ken. 

lida, SeiicM : CDJ ffl #? -)- 
ex-Member of the House of 
Eepresentatives^ b. May the 
5th J,', of Meiji (1872'-) in 
Yamaguchi-ken ;.£. s.of Bun- 
suke lida ; m. Hana, 2nd d. 
of Kinzaburo Sekido of To- 
kyo. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Law of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; sent to study the postal 
system. Occupied successively 
the po.sts of director of the Post 
and Telegraph Bureau ; Se- 
cretary "to the Dep't. of Com- 
munications, _ and 1st class 
Post-Master ; resigned, office 
: and .mads.A .toli'.of , iiispection 
throygh,, , Europe ; had been 

elected member of the House 
of Representatives. Address: 
42 Iriyamazu, Iriarai-niura, 
Ebara-gun, Tokyo. 

lida, Shinshiehi CiS B iK -b), 
a rich dry goods dealer 
(firm-name, " Takashimaya,") 
Member of the Kyoto Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; b. the 
loth m.. of the 6th y. oi 
Ansei (1859) in Kyoto ;- 2nd 
s. of the late Shinshichi li- 
da ; w. Fumi, 4th d. oi Ki- 
chiyemon Yoshioka. His 
ancestors' have been noted 
dry-goods merchants for se- 
veral generations under the 
firm-name of Takashjmaya. 
When he inherited the bu- 
siness, he throughly reorgan- 
ized and extended it, esta- 
blishing brand! offices in 
Tokyo, Osaka, *j Yokohama, 
Tientsin, Lyons and London. 
He has never failed to make 
exhibits at exhibitions, at 
liome and abroad, and has 
been awarded a number of 
gold, silver and bronze me- 
dals of various descriptions. 
In 1902 he was decorated 
with the Sixth Grade of the 
Order of Merit^for his efforts 
for the public welfare. Ad-, 
dress : Mm-omachi-dori'- Ta- 
katsujinoboru, Shimokyo-fcu, 
Kyoto. Tel.: 6yg Shimo,/. d. 

lids,, Tatsuml C^ ffl S), 

Director of the Nippon Bri- 
quette Co., Auditor of the 

[ 221 ] 


Nippon Yusen Kaisha, etc. ; 
b. the 8th m. of the 13th 
y. of Tempo (1842) in Ao- 
mori-ken ; s. of Yuma lida. 
Early entered the govern- 
ment service as an official 
of the Finance Department ; 
later became the director and 
chief of the State-Treasury 
Dep't of the Bank of Japan ; 
again entered the govern- 
ment service in .1887, occupy- 
ing successively in the Im- 
perial Household Department 
the posts of Vice-director of 
the Treasury Bureau, Com- 
missioner , of the Supply 
Bureau, Master of Ceremonies, 
and Inspector of the Ex- 
chequer ; i-etired from official 
life in 1900 and entered 
business, at present besides 
occupying the posts above 
mentioned is also Auditor of 
the Japan Red Cross Society. 
Address: No. 18, Nishiyedo- 
gawamachi, Koishikawaku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 11 28 Bancho. 

lida, Tojiro CtR H li r. Ml?), 
Manager of the Tokyo branch 
of the Takashimaya Dry 
Goods Store, Kyoto ; b. Nov. 
the 2nd y. of Meiji (1869) 
in Kyoto ; 4th s. of Shin- 
shichi lida ; m. Tami, e. d. of 
Hachiemon Kitamura. Ad- 
dress : No. I, I chome, Ya- 
yesucho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel. .•512 Honkyoku. 

lijima, Isao (M. % M), Ri- 

gakuhakushi, Ph. D. (Leipzig 
University, Zoology), Prof, 
of the College of Science of 
the - Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; 6. 
the 6th in. of the 1st y. of 
Bunkyu (1861) in the pre- 
fecture . of Shizuoka ; e. s. of 
Michiaki lijima, a former 
samurai of the Hamamatsu 
clan ; m. Tsuru, sister of 
Kamejiro Saionji of Nagoya. 
Educ. : studied at the " Kai- 
sei Gakko," a government 
school (1875 — 1878); grad- 
uated from the former Tokyo 
University (1884.); was -sent 
to Germany where he studied 
Zoology at the Liepzig 
University (Ph. D.) from 
1882 to 1884. On his 
return home, he was ap- 
pointed Lecturer to the 
former Tokyo University and 
subsequently Prof, of the 
College of Science of the 
Imperial Univ. of Tokyo; 
Professorship of the Peers' 
School in addition (1887) ; 
Received the degree of 
Rigakuhakushi. He is the 
best known Zoologist at 
present in Japan and his 
specimen collection of irisects, 
birds etc. is quite unique in 
the Empire. Publications: 
"Text-book of Zoology for 
Middle School students," 
" Easy treatise on Zoology " 
etc. ; besides many others of 
a similier kind. Address: 


[ 222 ] 

Is'^b. ' 962,; Sendagayamachi, 
Toyotanaa-gun, Tokyo-fu, 
-. jlijima IS^skharu C^^ IE ?&), 
Presideht... of the 63rd Bank 
and of the Nagano- iSTews- 
papei^Co., Director of the 
Shinyet5>ii -Petroleum Co. and 
of the- Shinano Electric Co. ; 
b: the 5th m. of the 1st y: 
of Bunkyii (1861) in. the 
province of Shinano ; 'e, s. of 
the late, Shinzaemon lijima ;- 
m. Sute, sister of Kameo 
Eujita. ■ : Address : Nakatsu- 
mura, Sarashina-gun, Niga- 
t)o-ken. ; 

;_,^n^ia,^ ;!?hi|eru_ eJJ % W, 
""Qiief of . the: Nagqya ifa^^^^ ' 
rison ; Hospital ; d. 1869 in 
Tokyo. Surgeon-Sub-Lieute- 
nant (Sept.. 1894).; Surgeon- 
Lieutenant' (Oct. 1897); 
Suirgeon-Captain (Nov. 1900); 
Su)-geon-Maj6r (Dec. 1904) ; 
Surgebn -Lieutenant -Colonel 
(Tune 1909). Decorations: 
4th Qrder of the Rising Sun 
and 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. : Address: The Nago- 
ya Garrison :Hospital, Nago- 

limori, feizo OIZ 

Prof of,^the Tokyo Female 
fligher Normal- School ; b. 
the 8th in. ; of the 3rd y. of 
Kayei (1850) in the province 
of Saga ; . ^. J. ■ of Nayehi 
limori, samurai of Saga clan ; 
m Ssi, e. d. of Kohichi 

HanyQ of Tokyo. Educ- 
Graduated from the fotmer 
Tokyo Foreign Language 
School. Taught German in . 
the. same school; was Prof 
of the Tokyo Medical School 
and of the Tok5'o Agricultural 
aiid Dendrologica'i School, 
Assistant-Prof of the former 
Tokyo Daigakti in succes- 
sion ; has been in Germany- 
and, graduated frdtri, the 
Freiburg University with the 
degree of Ph. ' D. ( 1 884— 
1886) ; Chief Prof.- of the 4th. 
High School and subsequent- 
ly Pi'of of the Tokyo Female 
Normal School. , Address : 
No. 22, 2 chome, Yumicho, 
Hongo, Tokyo. Tel. : 290 

limura, Jozahuro (^ 1^ 5t 
H- 515), President of the Tei- 
koku Building, Stoiie Co., 
Director of the Tokyo 
Carpet Mfg. Co., the Nippon 
Fire Insurance Co. and, of 
the',.,K6ma Colliery Co.-,. 
Auditor of the Industrial 
Savings Bank ; :b., the 
m. of. the 6th y\ of Kayei 
(1853) in the province pi 
Hitachi ; e. s. of • Matagoro 
limura ; . nt. Kimi, e. d. of 
Ryohei Nishimura. Educ. : 
Studied Chinese classics 
under the tutelage of Sankei 
Kikuchi. Was member and 
chairman of the Ibaraki 
prefectural Assembly (1880 

[ 22.3 ] 


-^1890) ; sat twice in the 
House of Representatives in 
1890 and in 1892 ; established 
the . Ibaraki-Shimbun, of 
which he ; became president ; 
entered business in 1902 and 
now occupies the posts above 
mentioned. Address : No. 
16, Minamimachi, Kamiichi, 
Mitoshi , Ibaraki-ken. 

lida, Shunsuke CSS W M SU), 
Baron,^ Lieutenant-General on 
the secorid reserve ; b. the 
8th m. of the 3rd y. of Ko- 
kwa (1846) in Yamaguchi- 
ken ; , 4th s. of Kanyemon 
lida, a samurai of Yamagu- 
chi-ken ; m. Masa, 2nd d. 
of Shinanosuke Inoue, also 
a Yaniaguchi samurai. En- 
tered the Army as Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry in 
1873 and after due promo- 
tions attained the rank of 
Lieutenant-General when he 
was placed on the reserve 
hst; commanded the nth 
Brigade of the Second Army 
in the Russo-Japanese war 
and fought in the fierce 
battle of Telitiz with Major- 
Generals Nishijima and Ando, 
doing good work in helping 
towards our final occupation of 
the stronghold ; was created 
Baron and decorated with 
the 1st Order of the Rising 
Sun together with the 2nd 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : Kajo-mura, Saha- 

gun, Yamaguclii-ken. 

lizukft, Kei (fj %, V-), JH. 

gakuhakushi, Professor of 
the Peers School. Address: 
Zoshigaya-choj Koishikav/a- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Ijiclii. Kosuke (^ ji ^ ^ 
^), Baron, Lieutenant-Gene- 
ral, put on tKe Tef&eii "litf"^ 
since Nov. 191 1; h. the ist 
m. of the 1st y. of Ansei 
(1854) in Kagoshima; e. s. 
of Naoyemon Ijichi, a samu- 
rai of Satsuma clan ; m.. 
Miki, sister of Jutoku Saigo, 
Marquis. Edv.c. : Graduated 
from the Military Academy 
(1879). Appointed Sub- . 
Lieutenant of Artillery (i 879); 
sent to France for study an4 
promoted to Lieutenant while 
there (1880— 1882) ; Adjutant 
to the Imperial Body^Guard 
and a member of the Investi- 
gation Committee for the 
Revision of the Target-Practice 
Regulations for Artillery 
(1883) ; again went to Europe 
in the suite of Prince O- 
yama in 1883 and remained in 
Germany for study ; Captain 
(the same year) ; Major 
(1889); Lieutenant-Colonel 
(1894); Second in Command 
of the General Staff of the 
2nd Army in the Japan- 
China War and took part in 
the battles of Kin-Chow and 
Port Arthur ; rendered excel^ 
lent service in the Negotia- 


[ 224 ] 

tiou-Conference held on board 
the battleship Matsushivta 
for the acceptance of the 
surrender of Ting Zhu Chang, 
Commander-in-Chief of the 
Chinese- Squadron ; Colonel 
#%?);' Majors-General (1900); 
Chief- of the General Staff of 
: ftK ' .^r-d ' x4.i^y ■ ^ and ; Chief 
Comiaissioher for the riegotia- 
'tion of the. Surrender of Port 
Arthur in the Russo- Japan- 
war ■ and afterward Com- 
mander of the Port Arthur 
Fortress ; Lieutenant-General 
(1906) ; Commander of the 
Tokyo Bay Defence (1906) ; 
Commander _, of the nth 
Army Division (1909), a 
post which he held till 191 1. 
He was created Baron in 
:I907 and' decorated with the 
Second Order of the Rising 
Siin together with the Second 
Class order, of the Golden 
Kite for his services in the 
late war. Address: Yuiga- 
hama, Kamakura, Kanagawa- 

IjicM, Soya CF Jt ^it ^1), 
Engineer, to the Imperial 
Railway Board ; b. the 9th 
in. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864) in Tokyo ; sec. j. of 
Sadaka -Ijichi ; m. Sei, e, d. 
of Tatewaki Kurooka . of 
Kagoshima. Educ. : . studied 
Engineering in . America. 
Appoihte'd Railway Engineer 
to the Dep. of the Interior 

(1893) ; Engineer to. the 
Imperial Railway ^BojCrd 
since 1907 and is now tlie 
President of the Construction- 
Office at Kagoshima. Ad- 
dress : Hamacho, Kago- 
Ijichi, Suetaka CF ifi ^ ^ 

^), ; Vice -Admiral, Director 
of ""Kure^'^^^*^ArsenaI ; 
3. 26 3rd month 4 Ansei 
(1857); ^- of Mr. Tokushiro 
Ijich,', a. Satsuma saimirai; 
Chief-Gunner of the Fuso and 
on the Staff of the Standing 
Squadron in China-Japan 
War ; Captain of Izumo in 
Kusso-Japanese War. Gran- 
ted the 3rd Order of Rising 
Sun, Sacred Treasure and 3rd 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Yamate-dori, Kure. 
Ijuin, Goro CF m iS S W), 

Baron, Admiral,,, Chief 

of the Naval General Staff, 

[ 225 ] 


Member of the Board of 
Admirals ; b. the 9th m. of 
the 5th y. of Kayei (1852) 
in the province of Satsuma ; 
c. s. of the late Sainosuke 
ijuin. a former samurai of 
the Kagoshima clan ; in. 
Shigc, c. d. of Yoshikata 
Ono of Tokyo. JEaac- entered 
in 1 87 1 the former "Kaigun- 
Hcigaku-Ryo," a naval a- 
cademy; sent later to England 
and Germany to study Gun- 
nery and Navigation. Ap- 
pointed Lieutenant on his 
return home (1888); pro- 
moted to Captain and was 
on board Saikyo Mdru in 
the Battle of the Yellow 
Sea (1894); was Second in 
Command of the Naval 
General Staff (1898); Rear- 
Admiral (1899); invented 
Ijuin fuse in 1900 j repre- 
sented Japan with the 
Asama and Takasago at 
the Coronation Ceremony of 
King Edward ; Vice-Admiral 
in 1903 ; held lirst the post 
of Second in Command of 
the Naval General Staff and 
then that of Commander-in- 
chief of tlie 2nd Standing 
Squadron during the Russo- 
Japanese War ; represented 
Jai^an at Jamestown Exhibi- 
tion U. S. A., April 1908 
with Tsukuba and Chitose ; 
created Baron and granted 
the Grand Cordon of Rising 

Sun and the ist Class 'of 
the Grolden Kite for his ser- 
vices in the . late War ; 
Transferred to present post 
in May 1908. Address : No. 
33. 2chome, Nagatamachi, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2282 Shimbashi. 

Ijuin, Hikokichi CI? ft ^ ^ 
§), Minister to China ; b. 
the 6th m. of the ist y. of 
Gwanji (1864) in Kagoshima ; 
e. s. of Yoshitsugu Ijuin of 
the former Satsuma clan ; m. 
Yoshi, sister of Toshikazu 
Okubo, Marquis. Ediic.: 
Graduated from the Law 
College of the Tokyo Inlp. 
Univ. (1890). Entered the 
diplomatic service the same 
year ; eleverConsul at Chefoo 
(1893); Secretary to the 
Japanese Legation at London 
(1894) ; the same to the 
Japanese Legation at Vienna 
?i89S); Consul at Fusan 
{1896); Consul at Chemulpo 
(1898); Consul at Tientsin 
(1901); Consul-General at 
Tientsin (1902); Councillor 
of the Japanese Embassy at 
London (1907); Minister to 
China since 1908.. He was 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun together 
with a grant of money in 
1902 in connection with the 
Boxer trouble and with the 
2nd Order of the Rising Sun 
for his services in the Russo- 


[ 226 

Japanese War. Address : 
Japanese Legation, Peking, 

Ijuin, Kanetomo C^-ft i^ ^g 
^), Viscount, Member of the 
House of Peers ; 3. Oct. the 
3rd y. of Meiji (1870) in 
Kagoshima ; adopt, s. of the 
late Viscount Kanehlro Ijuin ; 
m. Haru, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Was Master of Hunt- 
ing in 1896. Addreis : No. 
31. Ichome, Mita, Shiba, 
Tolcyo. Tel.: 1S08 Shiba. 

Ikebe, MunesaDuro CJ& is W 

H W), Attendant Physician 
to the Emperor ; 2nd s. of 
Mr. Kensetsu Watanabe of 
Oita Prefecture ; d. 28 Feb. 
5 Ansei (1858). Address: 
Aioicho, Honjolcu, Tokyo. 
Tel..: 3650 Naniwa. 

Ike^e, Tosliikata (Jffi, si *« 
^)> scholar of Japanese 
Classics, lecturer at the 
law college of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ.; b. 1863 in Ku- 
mamoto; s. of Gunji Ikebe, 
a clan samurai. Educ: the 
Tokj'o Imp. Univ. Engaged 
in teaching at schools, public 
and private; often worte 
books regarding educa- 
tion; was in Europe and 
America for 4 years. Pn- 
blications : ' 'history of Japan- 
ese legislation," " Europe," 
and various works of litera- 
ture. Address: 26 Shekigu- 
chidai-machi, Koishikawa-ku, 

Tokyo. ! ' 

'Ikebukuro, Hidetaro (J& S 
^ ic W), Chief of the Account 
Section of the Monopoly 
Bureau of the Finance De- 
partment; b. Aug. the Sth 
y. of Meiji (1872) in Kago- 
shima ; e. s. of Keizo Ike- 
bukuro ; m. Yuki, 2nd d. of 
Michimasa Tokuno, a samu- 
rai of Kagoshima. Educ. : 
Graduated from the Law 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1897). Passed the 
Higher Civil Service Exami- v 
nation and was appointed 
Revenue officer of the De- 
partment of Finance in 1898, 
successively occupying the 
posts of Chief of the Nemuro, 
Sapporo, Hakodate, Maru- 
game and Tokyo Salt Mono- 
poly Office ; was transferred 
as Secretary to the Tobacco 
Monopoly Bureau and then 
promoted to the present post. 
Address: No. 1081, 6chome, 
Aoyamaminami-cho, Akasa- 
ka-kn, Tokyo. 

Ikeda, JSuntaro CJlfc H A ;fc 
SIS). A rich farmer, Director 
of the Akita Bank and of 
the Omagari Bank; b. Apr. 
the 1st y. of Meiji (1868) in 
the province of Ugo ; e. s. of 
Zinnosuke Ikeda ; in. Kiya, 
sister of Hyozo Shoji. Ad- 
dress : Takanashi-mura, Sem- 
poku-gun, Akita-ken. 

Ikeda, Chuhakn (M fS -ft If). 

[ 227 ] 


Marquis, Lieutenant of Infant- 
ry, Meni5e7"oTffie''' of 
"Peers ; b. Aug. the loth y. 
of Meiji (1878) in Tokyo; 
Sth s. of Prince Keiki Toku- 
gawa, ]ast of the Shoguns, 
and adopted by Marquis 
Terutomo Ikeda, lord of 
Tottori clan ; m. Kyo-ko, 
2nd d. of his adopted- father. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
MiHtary Academy. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1898 ; Lieu- 
tenant in 1907. Address : 
No. 3, I chome, Ichibeicho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 282 

Ikeda, Isaji (*,. ffl ?t H :^), 
President of the Ihei Bank 
and of the Kansai Trust Co., 
Managing Director of the 
Tenryu Timber Co. ; d. the 
Sth m. of the 3rd j/. of 
Bunkyu (1863) in the pre- 
fecture of Shizuoka ;"?;«. Suye, 
sister of Kohachi Ozawa. 
■Address: Jhei-muta, Hikisa-' 
-gun, Shizuoka-ken. 

lirada, Iwaii C*. B ^ ?&). 
Rigakuhakushi, Prof. of 
the Hiroshima ■ Higher 
Normal School. Address : 
The Hiroshima Higher Nor- 
mal School, Hiroshima. 

Ik&da, Juzaburo Cift, Et| ir S 
I!^), Chief of the Communi- 
cations Bureau of the Chosen 
Government-General's Office ; 
S. Aug. the 3rd j>. of Meiji 
(1871) in the prefecture of 

Nagasaki ; 4th s. of Youn 
Ikeda, a samurai of Naga- 
saki ; m. Toki, sister of 
Shinichi Okamoto of Tokyo. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
College of Law of the Tokyo. 
Imp. Univ. (1892), Has 
long been in the service of 
the Dept. of Communications; 
present since 1910. 
Address: 3 chome, Yamato- 
cho, Seoul, Chosen, 

Ikeda, Kenzo (jSi IB If H), . 
Banker, President of the 
Tokyo Savings Bank, Direc- 
tor of the 1 00th Bank.. 
Advisor to the ist Mutual 
Life Insui-ance Co., Member 
of the To.kyo Chamber of 
Commerce ; b. the 1 2th m. 
of the istjc. of Ansei (1854) 
in Hyogo-ken ; e. s. of Sumi- . 
haru Ikeda ; m. Yone, e. d. 
of Yuzo Fujinami. Began ' 
his business career as director 
and manager of the lOOth 
Bank in 1.883 ', later estab- 
lished the Tokyo Savings 
Bank and became its presi- 
dent ; in addition is at present 
vice-president of the Japan 
Traders .Association. Ad- 
dress : No. 8, 3 ' chome, 
Tsukiji, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 
Tel: 1836 Shimbashi 

Ikeda, Eensai Cjfe ffl ^'S:, 
Baron^^a/f^^^^«/5^<i•A^ Member 
of ' tlie'~""T3ouH"'^CS)LfnciI ; b. 
the ii'Oci m. of the 12th jk- 
of Tempo (1842) in Niigata, 


,[ 228 

province of Echigo ; 2nd s. 
of Kenzo Irizawa and adopt- 
ed by Shushin . Ikeda, a 
famous physician at the time 
of Tdkugawa. Educ. : studied 
medicine under the care of 
his father-in-law; was sent 
to Germany for study where 
he graduated from the Univer- 
sity of Berlin in 1876. Ap- 
pdihted Surgeon Inspector of 
the Army (1876); President 
of the Tokyo Medical School 
(1876) ; Dean of the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Univ. 
(1877); President of the 
Imp. Physicians' Bureau 
(1878) ; Received the degree 
of Igakuhakushi. (1888) ; was 
created Baron with First 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
and appointed Councillor of 
the Kinkei Hall (1898); 
Member of the Court 

Council (1902). Address : 
No. 9, Kitakogacho, Suruga- 
dai, Kanda, Tokyo. TeL : 
733 Honkyoku. 

Ikeda, Kikunae C&KMW, 
Rigakuhakushi, Prof, of the 
College of Science of the 
Tokyo Imperial University 
(Chair, Chemistry) ; b. the 
loth m. of the ist y. of 
Gwanji (1864) in the province 
of Satsuma ; 2nd s. of Haru- 
nae Ikeda, a former samurai 
of Kagoshima clan ; in. Sada, 
3rd d. of Reizo Okada. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 

College of Science of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. inM886; 
studied Chemistry in Ger- 
many (1899—1901). Prb- 
fessbr of the Higher Normal 
School and then accepted 
present post. Address : No. 
9, Nishisugacho, Nezu, Hon- 
go, Tokyo. 

Ikeda, Kakuzo (1, H K H), 
Judge of the Hakodate Court 
of Appeal ; b. the loth m. 
of the 6th f. of Ansei (1859) 
in the prefecture of Kagawa; 
brother of Shunji Mino and 
adopted by the late Hisa 
Ikeda ; m. Kazuo, sister of 
Sadahisa Nagae. Educ. : 
studied law at several .private 
Institutions and passed the 
Examination for the Bench 
(1886). Appointed Proba- 
tionary Judge and then full 
Judge in 1887. Judge of the 
District Courts of Tokushi- 
ma and Matsuyama, of the 
Hiroshima Court -of Appeal 
in succession (1897— 1908); 
present ppst since 1908. Ad- 
dress r Shiomi-cho, Hakoda- 
te, Hokkaido. 

Ikeda, Marao (ife H H W), 
Lieutenant of Infantry on the 
"feserve ristrErigiiieef to the 
Dep. of Horhe Affairs, etc.-; 
b. Aug. the 4th y. of Meiji 
(1871) in Tokyo; Sth s. of 
Ritsu Ikeda ; m. Take, e. d. 
of Konosuke Hasumi. Educ: 
Graduated from the Engine- 

[ 229 ] 


member of the Tokyo City 
Assembly ; has been sitting 
in the House of Representa- 
tives since 1908 ; is also a 
member of the ToI<yo Cham- 
ber of Commerce. Address : 
No, 1 2, Iwamotocho, Kanda, 
'I'okyo. Tel.: 1876 Hon- 
kyoku. • 

Inagaki, Kitazo ff§aS#5t), 
Artist, nom de plume is 
"Kite"; h. 1854 in Edo. Educ: 
studied under L. Verny-Inge- 
nieur, Prof. Gerard; graduated 
Chimie IndustrielL* ■Couser- 
vatoir des Arts et Metiers, Pa- 
ris, 1873. Often proceeded to 
Europe since the bsginning of 
Meiji and engaged in export 
and import business; besides 
managed silk textile industry ; 
is life mem. of Kyoto Fine Arts 
Association; Address : '^0. 16, 
Takatokuji-machi, Tera- ma- 
chi-kami, Kamikyo-ku, Kyo- 
to. Tel. : 5853- 

Inamura, Kan-ichiro (M "fR 
S: — II5), President of the 
Kumagae Bank and of the 
Kumagae Savings Bank ; b. 
the Sth ni. of the 3i-d y. of 
Kayei (1850) in the prefecture 
of Saitama ; e. s. of Yagoye- 
mon Inamura ; m. Fusa, 
sister of Zenkuro Uchida. 
Address: Narita-mura, Kita:- 
saitama-gun, Saitama-ken. 

Inamura, Shinroka (|§ *j" i? 

Commander of the 37 th 

Regiment ; b. 1 866 in Tokyo. 
Sub-Lieutenant (July 1887); 
Lieutenant (Dec. 1891); 
Captain (Dec. 1896); Major 
(Sept. 1902) ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel (July 1905) ; Colonel 
(Apr. 1909) ; Decorations. 
The 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun and the 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address: 
37th . Regiment of Infantry, 

Inamura, Tokuta (ifgtJ,l3Sc)i 
Mining Engineer of the Min- 
ing Sapporo Superintendent 
Office; b. .iSyi, in Toyohi- 
gashi village, Toyoura-gun,^ 
Yamaguchi-ken; s. of Shoi- 
chi Inamura; m. September 
1906. Educ: graduated 
from the College of Engin- 
eering of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1898. Was appointed 
the Mining Engineer of the 
Osaka Mining Superintendent 
Office, August 1898, elected 
a member of the Forestry 
Conference of the Miye, 
Shiga, Fukui, Tottori, Shi- 
mane, Ehime and Kochi- 
ken, 1 899-1902, transferred 
to Sapporo Mining Super- 
intendent Office, 1902; was 
invested with the 6th Order 
of Merit, December 191 1. 
Recreations: Utai. Address : 
No. I, Ju-nichome, Kita Ichi-. 
jodori, Sapporo. 

Inanobu, Eihei (f§ ]& M ^ 
ft), boot and shoe merchant 

Ina— Ino 

[ 230 ] 

(firm name " Htachiya "), 
Managing director' of the 
Nippon Commercial Bank, 
Director of the Fuji Gas 
Spinning Co., and of the ist 
Boiler Insurance Co., Member 
of. the Tokyo "Municipal 
Council and of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. 
the 1 2th m. of the 4th y...oi 
Kayei (1851) in Tokyo; i. s. 
of Yasubei Inanobu ; m. 
Fusa, 2nd d: of Sobei Naka- 
gawa. Address .• No. i , i 
chome, Honzaimokucho, Ni- 
honbashi, Tokyo. Te/. .• 357 

Inayama, Kyusen (f§ [U {^. 
flil)( President of the Inaya- 
ma Bank, Director of the 
Sumidagawa Steamship Co., 
and of the Estate and Build- 
ing Go. 'J (5. the 3rd m. of 
the 13th J/, of Tempo (1842) 
in the province of Kazusa ; 
adop. s. of the late Kyiisen 
Inayama. Address: No. 6, 
Yama.shitachp, Kyobashi, To- 
kyo; Tel. : 1449, Shimba.shi. 

Indo, Seiko CH B !^ ■ W), 
Chief of the Issue Depart- 
ment of the Bank of Japan ; 
d. the m. of the 2nd j', 
of Ansei (1855) in Yama- 
guchi-ken ; e. s. of Shizue 
Yamaga and adopted into 
the Indo' family, j Address : 
No. I , Nichoiiie, : Sadowara- 
cho, Ichigaya, Ushigome, 
Tokyo. Tel. .: 20S- Bancho. 

moguelii, Harukiyo C^ ffif n 

Com. oftfie"3ist Bngade oi 
Infantry; b. 1861 in Gifu-ken. 
Sub-Lieutenant (June r886).; 
Lieutenant . (Dec. ' 1889) ; 
Captain (Dec. 1894) ; Major 
(Oct. 1900); Lieutenant- 
Colonel (Nov. 1904) ; Colonel 
(Nov. '1907)'; decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and the 3rd Glass of 
the Golden Kite. Address: 
Headquarter of- the 31st In- 
fantry Brigade, Toyama. 

Inogami, Seizab iro ( ^ ± ^ 
H Wi, Artist, (manufacturing 
of picture dyed texture) ; h. 
Dec. 1873 in Kyoto. Is mem. of 
Kyoto Arts Association and of, 
Yanagisalcurakai; often was 
awarded with prizes in exhibi- 
tions. Address : No. 4, Muro- 
machi-nishikita, Iru-Yama- 
bushi Yamacho, Shimo-Kyo- 
ku, Kyoto. Tel: 1164. Fac- 
tories .-Nishijin Kyoto, Kita- 
koji-cho, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto; 
Grifu Kojo, Saraki-mura, Ina-- 
ba-gun, Gifu-ken, Fukni 
Kojo, Mitsubashi, Fukui. 
Besides he has ' embroidery 
and dying factories. 

i Incfko, Hokonosuke G'i ^ % 
Z.) IS),, ^„J^o^he^usM ; Prof 
of ; the'T^dicaF^irege of 
the Kyoto Imp, Univ. (Chair- 
Surgery) ; b. the 4th m. of 
the 1st J/, .of Manyen (1865) 
in Kyoto ; e. s. of Eiyoshi 
Inoko ; in. Hisao, e. d. of 

[ 231 ] 


dress : Futatsuka-mura, Imi- 
zu-gun, Toyama-ken. 

Ikegai, Shotaro CJ& S. ^£ i: 
115), President of the Ikegai 
Iron Works ; b. Oct. the 2nd 
y. of Meiji (1869) in the pre- 
fecture of Chiba ; e. s. of Ju- 
yemon Ikegai ; 7n. Koto, 
sister of Kumeji Takahashi. 
Served as apprentice for three 
years (1882— 1885) with the 
Nishimura Machinery Works 
at Yokohama ; returning to 
Tokyo entered the service of 
the Shibaura Engineering 
Works till 1890 when he 
started the Ikegai Iron 
Works for the manufacture 
of machine tools ; subsequen- 
tly enlarged the business by 
entering into partnership with 
Mr. Chiba, one of Japan's 
Cigarettes Magnates of that 
time and the firm has since 
been conducted on a company 
basis of which he is now 
president. Address : No. 
22, Shikoku-cho, Mita, Shi- 
ba, Tokyo. Tel.: 597 Shi- 

Ikegami, Saburo (}& ± 3 SR}, 
Chief Public Procurator of 
the Hakodate Court of Ap- 
peal ; b. the 1st m. of the 
2nd y-. of Ansei (i8SS) in the 
prefecture of Fukushima ; 
e. s. of Takesuke Ikegami ; m. 
Tsune, e. d. of Tatsumasa 
Watanabe, samurai of Shizu- 
oka. Appointed Public Pro- 

curator of the Nagasaki and 
Osaka Courts of Appeal, 
Chief Public Procurator of the 
Kobe District Court etc., in 
.succession (1881 — 1905); 

present post since 1905. Ad- 
dress : The Public Procura- 
tors' Office, Court of Appeal, 
Hakodate, Hokkaido. 

Ikegami, SMro C^ ± B 115), 
Secretary to the Osaka-fu 

Governnient | 3. the 4th m. 
of the 4th y. of Ansei (1857) 
, in the prefecture of Fuku- 
shima'; sec. s. of Takesuke- 
Ikegami, a samurai of Fuku- 
shima clan ; m. Hama, sister 
of Nyoyen Kosuge of shi- 
zuoka. Entered the service 
of the Metropolitan Police 
Board as a policeman in 
1877 j promoted successively 
to be Police Sergeant of. 
Ishikawa and Kyoto pre- 
fectures. Superintendent of 
Kyoto Prison, Police In- 
spector of Kyoto prefecture. 
Chief of Police of Chiba, 
HyogO and Osaka prefectures, 
Counselled of the Osaka pre- 
fectural government and 
finally to the present post. 
Address: Higashino-machi, 
Enokoshima, Nishiku, Osaka. 
Ikegami, Shuho (Jfe _h ^ M), 
■Kunijiro by proper name, 
artist (Japanese painting); b. 
Oct. ■ 1874 in Nagano- ken; 
e. s. ©f ShiJ Ikegami; m. 
Toyo, younger sister of Iku- 


E 232 ]■ 

zo Ooka. . Educ: privately,: 
studied painting from his 
father and afterward from 
Ranpo Araki ; obtained very 
. many prizes in various ex- 
hibitions; had honour of 
drawing before their Imperial 
Majesties; is director of Do- 
kugakai, couaicillor of Nihon- 
gakat, member of committee 
of the Japan Art Asso. Ad- 
dress:. 12 Yanakashimizu-cho, 
Shitaya-Jku, . Tokyo. 

Ikegami, Teruhaya CB ± M- 
M), A '. rich farmer ; b. the 
6th m:.. of the . ist y. of 
Kayei (.1848) in the province 
of Bizen ; : ^. J, of Bunzaye- 
mon. Ikegami;, m. Kaya, 
adopt, d. of Kikugoro Tera- 
da. : Address : Kitawake- 
mijra, _ Katsuda-gun, Okaya- 

. ma-ken. ' "-' 

- IkegucM, Keizo i%X\ R =), 

Yakugakuliakushi (doctor of 
Pharmacology), Expert to 
the Metropolitan Police Board, 
to the Department of Home 
Affairs and to the Patent 
Bureau ; b. the 4th m. of the 
3rd V. of.Keio (1867) in 
Hyogo-ken ; 3rd s. of Kichi- 
bei Ikeguchi ; m. Seki, sister 
of Jinpachi Matsuda of Kyo- 
to. Edua : Graduated from 
the Medical College (Pharma- 
cological course) of.the To- 
kyo Imperial University. En- 
tered the Metropolitala Police 
Board after his graduation as 

an expert, ; appointed, in 
addition, Expert to . the 
Home Department and to 
the Patent Bureau of the 
Department of Agriculture 
and Commerce., . Address : 
No. 17 Shimonegishi, Shita-' 
ya, Tokyo. 

Ikehara, Shikanosuke (1, W. 
M i- W^> director of 

the Fujita-gumi & Co., di- 
rector of the Ujikawa Elect- 
ric Co., special member of the 
Osaka Chamber of Comxnerce; 
6; August of the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1871) at Komatsu- 
mura, Shuso-gun, Ehime-ken; 
s. of Toshi-zaburo Ikehara ; 
m. Shizuko Yamazaki, March 
1902. Educ. : graduated from 
the private Chuo University. 
Passed the Higher Civil Ser- 
vice Examination, Oct. 1897; 
was appointed counsellor of 
Nara prefectural government, 
August 1901 ; became assist.- 
mayor of Osaka City, Nov. 
1901 ; entered the present firm 
in Feb. 1906 and promoted to 
the present post. Decorations: 
6th order of merit. Address. : 
No. 32 Amijima-cho, Kita- 
ku, Osaka. Tel.: 2851 Higa- 

Ikematsu, Tokikazu (M S a* : 
SI), Governor of the Fukui' 
prefectural ' - b. Aug. 
the 6th y. of Meiji (1873) 
in the prefecture of Kago- 
shirna ; e. s. of Seizo Ike- 

[ 233 ] 


matsu ; m. Tetsu, 2nd if. of 
Jiro Sagimiira of Shiga-ken. 
Educ, : Graduated from the 
College of Law of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1898). Acted 
on the Metropolitan Police 
Board as its police Sergeant 
and clerk ; subsequently 
entered the Home Dept. ; 
occupied successively the 
post.s of Councillor of Saga 
prefecture, Chief of Police of 
■Gumma, Iwate, Tochiki pre- 
fectures, Secretary of the 
Aichi prefecture ; present 
post since 19 12. Address: 
Hoyeinaka-machi, Fukui, 
. Fukui-ken. 

Ikeno, SeiicMro CJfi. if )* — 
m, Prof, of the Agricultural 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. . Address : No. 89, 
Harajuku, Sendalgaya-machi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Ikeuehi Soichiro Qfi, P9 It - 
|R), mine-owner ; 3. June the 
2nd f. of Meiji (1869) m 
Mayebashi, province of Ko- 
zuke ; e. s. of Shinroku Ike- 
uehi, a retired judge ; m, 
Kimi, sister of Kamen Ishi- 
yama, a samurai of Gumma- 
ken. Educ. : graduated from 
the Hogakuin, forerunner of 
the present Chuo Daigaku 
(Central Univ., private). 
After graduation became '_ a 
government official, news- 
paper writer, company em- 
ploye, and sugar merchant 

in succession ; took part in 
the Japan-China war, staying 
in Manchuria and Formosa 
fbr three years ; entered, oh 
his return home, the service 
of the Japan Sugar Mfg. 
Co., taking the post of Chief 
of its General Affairs Sec- 
tion ; resigning the post in 
1908 . accepted the sole 
management of the Takatori 
mine in the Province of 
Hitachi, the mine producing 
a large amount of wolframite, 
a native compound of tung- 
state of iron and manganese. 
Address : No. 12, 3 chome, 
Kakigaracho, Nihonbashi, 
Tokyo. Clud : Kojunsha 
Tel. : 3438 Naniwa. 

Iki, Josei Cf 7k ■?* it), 
Expert to the Bureau of 
Mining of the Department 
of Agriculture and ~ Com- 
merce ; i>. Sept. the 5tli j/. 
of Meiji (1872) in the pre- 
fecture of Kagoshima ; sec. 
s. of Otogoro Oshikawa ; 
afterwards adopted by the 
late Shichiro Iki ; m. Kano, 
e. d. of Yosuke Arima. 
Educ, : Graduated from the 
College of Science of ' the ' 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1897). 
Appointed Prof ot the 
Second High School (1898); 
present post since 1901. 
Address: No. 1859, Shimo- 
shibuya, Shibuya-machi, 

Toyotama-gun; Tokyo-fu. 


[ 234 ] 

■ Ikimi, Kotaro (S. ir M 'jI tk 
©» , Golohel of liifai 

gitneiit of Infantry; i. 1861 
in Fukudka-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
June 1886; Lieut., Jan. 1891; 
Captain, April 1895; Majr, 
1901; Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 
1904; Coloiiel, Nov... 1 907. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of 
R. S;, 4tli Order &f S. T., 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address: Kumamoto-slii, Kii- 

Ikoma, Chikatada C4 )S S. 
*>), Bai'on; b. July the 4tli 
y. of Meiji (i8;2) in the 
province of Bizen ; 4th s. of 
the late Yoshimasa Ikeda, 
lord of Okayama clan, and 
adopted afterward by Baron 
Ghikasuke Ikoma, lord of 
Yajima clan of Ugo province ; 
m. Iwa-ko, 2nd d. of the 
late -Ghikataka Ikoma. Was 
once member of the House 
of Y&&CS.--': Address : No. 262, 
Kita.shinagawa, Shinagawa- 
machi, Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

IkomS, MaEJi i^E M %_ <S), 
School-Inspector of the Dep. 
of Education, Prof of the 
Tokyo Normal School ; b. 

. the 1st m. of the. 3rd y. of 
Keio (r867) in the province 

■ of Jse j sec. s. of Tokuzo I- 
koma ; »«. Narae, 3rd d. of 
Teisabiiro" Kida of Waka- 
yama. Educ. : Graduated 
from the Miye Noftnal School 

(1889) and from the Higher 
Normal School (1892); sent 
to Germany to study rriathi- 
ma-tics (Strasbufg- University 
1898'— i"9d5). Appointed 

Prof of the' Higher Nornial 
School and in addition one 
of the School Inspectors for 
the Dep. of Education. Ad- 
dress : No. 133, Hara-machi, 
Koishilcawa, Tokyo. 

Ikui, Junzo C*. fc JH 'it), 
M^^^iftgEaJ^.placed on the 
reserve; 6. the gth m. of the 
4th y. of Ansei (1857) in 
Gifu-ken. Sub-Lieutenant 

(Feb. 1879) ; Lieutenant 
(May 1884); Captain (Feb. 
1892); Major (July 1897); 
Lieutenant Colonel (Aug. . 
1902) ; Colonel (Mar. 1905) ; 
Major-General (Dec. 1908). > 
Decorations : 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun and 5th 
Class of the Golden Kite, 
Address : Tomitacho, Hiro- 
saki, Aomori-ken. 

Ikushima, Gorobei (4 St '£. 

M ^ 'M'), a rnillionaire of 
Kobe ; b. the 4th m. of the 
6th y. of Meiji. (1873) in 
Hyogo-ken ; 2nd s. of Bun- 
yemon Uyenishi and adopted 
by the late Gorobei Il<:ushin:a ; 
m-. Suye, sister of Siehei Iwa- 
zaki, of Osaka-fu. Address : 
No. 73, 2 chome, Sakae- 

machi, Kobe. 

Ikuta Hiroji (/% m 3i ?§)* 

7io)-fi de pbhne is Cholco; b. 
1882 in Tottori-ken. Ediic.-i 

[ 235 

Iku— Ima 

graduated the iihilosoj^hy 
course at the College of lite- 
rature of the Tokyo Imperial 
University. _ Publication : 
"Primer of Literature," etc. 
Addfess: No. Suga-cho, 
Nezu, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 

Ikuta, Sadayuki (/£ H 'm. Z^, 
Chief of the Trea.sury Bureau 
of the Bank of Japan ; i>. 
June the 3rd jf. of Meiji 
(1870) in Kochi-icen ; adopt. 
s. of the late Nobuo Ikuta ; 
m. Shigeyo, .sister of Kuni- 
take Takayoshi, a native of 
Okayama^ken; Address : No. 
3, Takajomachi, Ichigaya, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1689 Bancho. 

Ikuta, Shinyemon (4 H Sr 
5& It PI), President of the 
Higami Bsnk, Director of 
the Saji Bank ; b. the 6th 
m. of the 3rd y. of Keio 
( 1 867) in the prefecture of 
Hyogo ; e.. s. of the late 
Shinyemon Ikuta ; in. Yo, 
sister of Saburoyernon Fujii 
Address : Tosaka-mura, Hi- 
gami-gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Ikutame, SJiin Qi. B @ if), 

£44a!lSJss:-B9^~Jjife-**-'?y> ' Com- 
mander of''t¥e Kabai'uto Gar- 
rison; h. 1866 in Ibaraki-ken. 
Educ.^ Graduated from the 
Military Academy. Sub- 
Lieutenant (June 1886); 
Lieutenant (Nov. 1890) ; 
Captain (Jan. 1895) ; Major 
(Apr. 1900) ; Lieutenant- 

Colonel (Nov. 1904) ; Colonel 
(Nov. 1907) ; decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and the 3rd Class" of 
the Golden Kite. Address: 
Headquarter of the Kabafutb 

Imai, EonicM (.'^ fr ^ — )« 
President of the Nippon 
Mercantile Marine Co. ; b. 
the 3rd m. of the 1st y. of 
Kokwa (1844); adop. s. of 
Shurei Imai, a samurai of 
Mori clan ; in. Ishi, sec. d. 
of Keikichi Yamasaki of 
Tokyo. Early entered the 
service of the Dept. of 
Justice, occupjdng succes- 
sively the posts of Chief 
Public Procurator of the 
Tokyo 'District Court, Public 
Procurator of the Court ,of 
Cassation, Judge of the Court 
of Administrative Litigation, 
Chief of the Taiwan Court 
of Cassation, Governor of 
Tainan-ken ; resigned official 
service in 1901 and became 
the President of the Nippon 
Mercantile Marine Company. 
Address: No. 10, Nishikata- 
maclii, Komagome, Hpngo,. 
Tokyo. Tel. : 3437 Shitaya. 

Imai, Hikosaburo (^ ^ iS ' 
3i SI5), Prof of the First 
High School; b. the jixA' m. 
of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864) in the prefecture of 
Miyagi; e. s. of the late 
Yoshida Imai .; m. Tsuna, 


[ 236] 

sister of Michitomo Hatae 
of Akita prefecture. Educ: 
studied Chinese from Kinryo 
Yoshino ahd Koson Shima- 
da ; graduated from the 
Japanese Classic course of 
the former Tokyo Daigaku. 
Successively appointed 

teacher to the Normal Schools 
■of Akita, Chiba, Miyagi and 
to the Middle School of 
Miyagi (1886— 1896). Prof 
•of the First High School 
since 1 896. ^^N Address : No. 
99, Asakamachi, Komagome, 
Hongo, Tokyo. 

iin9.i, Kanetane (^ ^ Jft la ^ 

.. ^.^g.gJ§.ia-.o£iJJ.avy,- Command- 
* er of the 7/&V, coast defence 
•ship; Chief of the Yokos-ufo 
Marines' Division; ^. 1869. 
' Ediic: Naval Academy, 
August* 1883; Lieut.-Com- 
mander, Feb. 1898; Com- 
mander, Oct. 1904; Captain, 
Sept. 5907. Decorations: 
3rd Order of R. S., 4th 
Order of S. T., 4th class of 
G. K. Address: the Yoko- 
suka Naval Station. 

Iiuai, Kwan-ichi (^ ^ K — )s 

•president of the Osaka Public 
Library; b. 1870 in Toku- 
shima; younger b. of Susumu 
Nishika-wa; in. Ryiiko, elder 
'sister of Konosuke Yama- 
mura. Educ: graduated 
from the Literary College 
of Tokyo Imp Univ. in 
189S. After serving as 

teacher qf Hakodate Middle 
school, of Hikone Middle 
school was appointed prin- 
cipal of Tsushima Middle 
school, 1900-1903; travelled 
through Europe and America 
to inspect libraries there 
from March 1912 to January 
19 1 3. Recreation: Utai. Ad- 
dress: I of 493 Terayama- 
cho, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 
Imai, Shinoo (-^ ^ J?, |lt). 

Consul jGenerai at Song- 
kong; (5. August 1870 at 
Minogun, Hyogo-ken. Passed 
the examination for diplo- 
matic and consular service 
in 1 901; eleve coiKul at 
Fusan, 1901; Montreal, 1903; 
diplomatic attache in Italy, 
1904; third secretaty of 
legation, 1906; third sec. of 
Embassy, 1907; 2nd sec, 
1909; attended the 2nd 
International Agricultural 
conference in Rome, 19O9; 
decorated with 6th order of 
Sacret Treasure for his 
service during the late war. 
Address: Japanese consulate, 
Hongkong. . 

Imai, Kihaclii (^ * » A), 
pawn-broker, Director of the 
foyokuni Bank, Auditor of 
the Senj u- Azuma Steamboat 
Co., Member of the Tokyo 
Municipal Assembly ; b. the 
4th m. of the 4th J/, of Ansei 
(1857) in Tokyo; adopt, s. 
of the late Kihachi Imai ; /«. 

1 237 ] 


Cho, adopt, d. of Kihei 
Nakajima. Address : No. 9, 
7 chome, Umamichi, Asakusa, 
Tokyo. Td. : 1737 S'nitaya. 

Imai, Majoielii i/^ 9: ?^ — ), 
A rich landlord, Representa- 
tive member of the Imai 
Bank, President of the Yoshida 
Saving.s Bank, Director of 
the Fuji Life lasurance Co. ; 
b. the 6th m. of the Sth y. 
of Ansel (1858) in the pro- 
vince of Echigo ; e. s. of 
Magohei Imai. Address : 
Yoshida-mura, Nishikambara- 
guH, Niigata-ken. 

Imai, Nofcuyuki C^^ft±), 

English Editor of the Yo- 
rodzv C hollo; b. in Tokyo 
on November 15th in the 
i/th year of Meiji; s. of Hei- 
zo Imai, a clerk of the 
Metropolitan Police Board, 
married Hanaye, the second 
d;iughter cf Ryobei Mutai, 
a farmer in Nagano-keii. 
Ediic: Received practically 
no school education except 
the matriculation at the ^1?- 
kitniin Elgakko, Tokyo. Pu- 
blications: several works on 
tlie study of the English 
Language. Address. : 22 Sen- 
dagi-cho, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Imai, Shozo C4- ^ # H), 
Prof, of the Fourth High 
School ; b. the 6th m. of the 
I St J)/, of Ansei (1854) in the 
prefecture of Shizuoka ; 3rd 
s. of .Moritane Imai ; 7m. 

Shige, e. d. of Naonobu 
Mayeda, ^ia'?/^.. .-. Graduated 
from the College of Science 
of the former Tokyo Daigaku. 
Prof of the Kanazawa .Medi- 
cal School (1877— 1888); 
Prof of the Fourth High 
School since 1888. Address: 
No. 16, Nagamachi Sanban- 
cho, Kanazawa, Ishikawa- 

Imai, Takeo (4- ^ ^ jg), 

Paymaster-Colonel, Chief of 
the Accountants Dep't of 
7th Army Division; b. 18 52 
in Mie-ken. Paymaster- Sub- 
Lieut., 1893; Paymaster- 
Lieut., May 189S; Paymas- 
ter-Captain, Oct. 1898;. Pay- 
master-Major, Dec. 1903; 
Paymaster - Lieut. - Colonel, 
No V . 1 907 ; Pay m aster- 
Colonel, Nov. 1 910. Decora- 
tions: Sth Order of S. T, 
4th Order of R. S., 4th class 
of G. K. Address: 17th 
Army Division, Asahikawa, 
Imai, Tokitaro C^ # b# js, 

m, Chief Public Procurator 
of the Aomori District Court ; 
b. the 4th m. of the ist f.. 
of Keio (1865) in the pro- 
vince of Echigo.; ,^. .y. of 
Sozaemon Imai ; m. Sumi, 
6th d. of Zenichiro Togawa. 
Edttc. : Graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1893). Appoint- 
ed Public Procurator of the 


[ 23§1 

iSFiigata and Tokyo District 
Courts in succession (1896 — 
1901) ; promoted to be Public 
Procurator of the Tokyo Court 
of Appeal (190 1 — 1906) ; 
transferred as the Public 
Procurator of the Hakodate 
Court of Appeal (1906) ; is 
now the Chief Public Pro- 
curator of the Aoiriori Dis- 
trict Court. Address: Of- 
ficial Residence, Aomori 
District Court, Aomori, Ao- 

Imai, YuMcH C^ ?t^ It S), 
ex-Chief of the Kurume Hos- 
pital. Address: Kyomachi, 
Ku rumeshi, -^Fuk uoka-ken . 

Imaizumi, Sokuro <i'fy ^i^ 
MR), Veterinarian, V. D. Prin- 
cipal of the Veterinary 
School. Address: No. 291, 
Nakashibuya- ;,,i.. Tokyo-fu. 

Imaizumi, Toshiyoshi (4* %. 
^'1 ^))^^ear-Adniiral on the 
Ansei (1858) in the pro- 
vince of Hizen ; e:s. of Toshi- 
tada Imaizumi, samurai of 
Saga clan ; in. Suzu, si-ster 
of Ryo Ishii. Educ: Grad- 
uated from the Naval 
academy (1881). Sub-Lieute- 
nant (1885); Rear-Admiral 
(1909) ;-occupied successively 
the posts of Section-Com- 
mander of the Fuso, Navigat- 
ing Lieutenant of the Takao, 
and Captain of the Saien, In- 
structor of the Naval College, 

Legation-Attache a4 London, 
Chief of the Sur\'eying 
section of the Hydrographical 
Department of the Navy ; 
took part in the Japan-Chin^ 
war as section-commander of 
the Iwaki ; removed to the 
reserve in 1909. Address: 
No. 59, Tansumachi, Azabu, 

imaizumi, Yasunosuke (j^ ^ 
^ ^ UJ); Engineer to the 
Dep. of the Interior ; b. May 
the I St J. of Meiji (1868) in 
the prefecture of Saitama ; 
sec. s. of Kyuzo Someya and 
adopted by the late Masa- 
tsune Imaizumi ; m. Ko, e. d. 
of Katsutoshi Aral. Educ. : 
Graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1892). Ap- 
pointed Assistant-Engineer to 
the Public Works Inspection 
Office (Dep. of the Interior) 
in 1895; promoted to full 
Engineer (1896); transferred 
as Engineer of the Dep. of 
the Interior (1905) and is 
now in the service of the 
Sendai branch of the Public 
Works Office. Address : 
Sendai -branch of the Public 
Works Office. __ , 

Imamura, Hanzo C-t- # ^ ^)» 

President of the Imamura 
Bank, Auditor of the Kirin 
Beer Brewery Co. and of 
the Ninju Life Insurance 
Co. ; b. Jan. the loth y. of 

[ 239 ] 


Meiji (1878) in Tokyo ; 2nd 
s. of the late Seinosuke 
Imamura ; m. Toshi, e. d. of 
Baron Tadazumi Nitta. 
' Educ. : studied at the Tokyo 
English School ; graduated 
from Trinity College, Cam- 
bridge with degree of Bache- 
lor of Arts in 1902. Entered 
business on his return to 
Japan and now occupies the 
above mentioned posts. Ad- 
dress : No. I, 8 chome, 
Tamachi, Shiba, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1208 Shiba. 
■ Imamura, Kyotaro (-^ tJ ^ 
i: W), Judge of the Tokyo 
Court of Appeal ; b. May. 
the 2nd y. of Meiji (1869) 
in the province of Shinano ; 
£. s. of the late famous Judge 
Nobuyuki Imamura ; m. 
Kiku, 6tli d. of Takuji Godo 
of Tokyo. Educ. : Graduated 
from the former "'Meiji 
Horitsii Gakko" a private 
law school in 1 890 ; passed 
the Examination . for the 
Bench (1894). Appointed 
Probationary Judge the same 
year and full Judge in 1 896 ; 
Judge of the Tokyo Local 
Court and of the Tokyo 
District . Court etc., and 
finally to the Present post. 
His reputation as a wise 
judge is well known. Ad- 
dress: No. 51, 2 chome, 
Kobinata Suidobatamachi, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 

1520 Bancho. 

Imamura, Meiko C't" 4t ?l 
H), Rigakuhakiishi, Assistant 
Prof, of the College of 
Science of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. Address: No. 48, Hir- 
gashi-i^kubo, Tokyo. 

Imamura,' HobutaKa -t- it ft 
|5r), -Lieutenant-Greneral, j)ro^ 
rve in Aug. 1911,6. the 8th m. 
of the 6th f. of Kayei (1853) 
in the province of Kaga ; 
e: s. of the late Sogaemon 
Imamura, a former samurai oi 
Kaga clan ; m. Fude, sister of 
Seikan Aral of Kobe. He 
entered the Army as Sergeant 
in 1871 ; Sub-Lieutenant 
(1874); Lieutenant (1877),- 
Captain (1883) ; Major 
(i 889) ; Lieutenant-Colonel 
(1897); Colonel (1899); 
Major-General (1904). He 
fought in the fierce battles 
of Chin-Chow and Port 
Arthur- in the Japan-China 
War, and in the late war 
with Russia he commanded 
the 4th Regiment of Infantry^ 
belonging to the 2nd Army 
under General Oku. He 
was decorated with the 
Second Order of the Rising 
Sun together with the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: Omura, Higashi- 
kanoki-gun, Nagasaki-ken. 

Imamura, Eikisaburo C't' ^ 
11 H B15), lawyer ; 6. the Sth 


[ 240 ] 

m. of the 2nd y. of Keio 
(1866) < vs\ ■ Nagano-ken; 
adopt. -S.. of "the late Urtie 
-Imamura ;'»?.;. Masa, e. d. 
of Rokuhel Ohara of Nagano- 
'keh.,: Educ. :■, Graduated from 
the Law Course' of the 
Tokyo Seiishu Gdkko. Passed 
the lawyer's Examination and 
began to practice jn Tokyo 
in 1894; appointed Judge, 
serving m'feanwhile at the 
District Courts of Nagano and 
Mayebashi successively ; retir- 
ed from the Bench and again 
entered the Bar in 189,8 ; is 
now one of the couspicuous 
members of the . Tokyo bar. 
Address: No. i, 3 chome, 
Misakicho, Kanda, Tokyo. 

Imamura, Shinkiehi (^ .^ 
%'o),^^Igakiiha^ui^^^J^oi. of 
the College' of Medicine of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ. 
(Chaif-Psychiatry). Address: 
No. 1 80,. Higashisakuragawa- 
cho, Hii-okoji-sagaru, Tera- 
machi, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 

Imanislii, Keiji (^-H^— )» 

banker, sub-manager of the 
Yokohama Specie Bank; b. 
1867 in Mino province; 2nd 
s. of Kizayemon. Entered 
the Daihyaku:^Bank, 1871; 
joined tfie Yokohama Specie 
Bank, 1876, and served, Jn 
its Sun Francisco branch; 
afterward served in New 
York, Hawaii and Hong- 
Kong; present post since 

April 1910; decorated with 
5th Order of Merit. , ' Ad- 
dresr^ 345 Ichino-kura, Ikc- 
gami-mura, Ebara-gun, To- 
kyo-fu.^ ' 

Imanishi, Naojiro C'^ ® it 
^ Si5), Expert to the Silk 
Conditioning Section of the 
Dep. of Agriculture and 
Commerce ; b. the 4th m. of 
the'jth .y. of,Ansei (1858) 
in Kyoto; e.s. of Sohichi 
Imanishi ; m. Yone, d. of 
Yozo Takagi of Tokyo. 
Educ. : studied in France 
( 1 877). Entered the service 
of the , Dep. of Agi'iculture 
and Commerce (1890); pre- 
sent post since 1895, now 
has temporary charge of the 
Silk Conditioning house at 
Yokohama. Address : No. 
2193, Minami Dtamachi, 

Imanishi, Einzaburo (^ S 
# S ||5), Coal merchant. 
Managing Director of the 
Hanshin Electric Railway 
Co., Director, of the Meiji 
Brick Mfg. Co., Naniwa 
Electric Railway Co., Ori- 
ental Timber Antiseptic Co., 
Auditor of the Kansai 
Horse-Improvement Co., 

Japan Flannel Co., Vice-Pre. ' 
of the Osaka Chamber of 
Commerce, etc. ; b. the 2nd 
m. of the 5 th y. of Kay^i 
(1852) in the province of 
lyo ; brother of Kanichiro 

[ 2# ] 

Ima— Jim 

Imanishi, eX'H. M. R, Edw:. : 
Gpaduated from ilie Mitsu- 
bishi .Commjercial ScIjoqI. 
Tkst entered the service .of 
the Mitsubishi firm .and then 
established himself in Osaka 
as a Shipping agent ; inau- 
gurated the -Qsaka Union 
SteamsJiip Co., and became 
its .president {i&Sj?).; Cfcief 
of "the Shipping ^department 
of the Osaka Shosen Kaiisha 
when the Osaka Ifeion 
Steamship Co, was amal- 
gamated with it jn !SSB6 ; 
resigned .the dattef past >in 
1889' and began rbjusiness 3.s 
a Coal meftjhajjt. At fire- 
sent, in additiogj .to thciposts 
mentioned cabove, ;he is 
Auditor of -the Central 
Cement M:%. Co., Teikoku 
Cold Storage -Co., and .Chief 
Director of the Osaka Silk 
Exchange. Address : Ko. 
1 3D, Sambancho, Honda, 
Nisbiku, Osaka, Tel. : 142 
Imaya, Tftmojixo <^ ft M. ^ 

IP) ., ;CQlQpsL,^,lE^aa|g^^ Com- 
mander of .the 9th :Regiraent ; 
b. 186.6 in Shiga-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant ,(july 18.87) ; 
Lieutenant (Mar. iS©2) ; 
Captain (May 1,895) ; Major 
(May 1902): Lieutenant 
Colonel (Jnly 1905) : Colone! 
(May ■I.907)'; Decorations. 
The 3rd Order .of .the Rising 
Sun and the 3rd Class of 

Imazeki, .Ts»aejiro i^ BI % 
■^ P5» .ijxpsrimental Jtga- 
cultural Farm expert. Ad^ 
dress: No. 15, Karaikoma- 
gome, Sugaroo-mura, Kitato- 
shima-gun, Tokyo-fu. , 

.Inaha, Kohei ,Cfg % 4- ¥), 
,a r4ch landlord ; b- *th€ 8th 
m. .q{ the 3rd jj'.. of Ansei 
t(iS5-6) in the '.pr-Qyince .of 
.Hitachi.; f. ,s, of the late 
.&)"hei laaba ; m- .Maki, ^e.d. 
.of Y,uz5 :Nakaya;ma. Ad- 
[dress.: YoshisiJinia'^mjjra, Tsu- 
.4?;uba'g.un, Ib«waki-ken. 

Inabst, Masaaoj^i (MMMM)> 
Viscoyat, Master .of GeEs- 
•raonies ; .<5. the 7th m- ofihe 
3rd ^. ,Qf Kelo (1867) in 
Hirato, pro.vinee of Mixen; 
3rd j;. of -Count MatsBura, a 
.feudal Lord of Hirato and 
adopted .by :the late "V^isCiELUnt 
ilnaba ; m. Taka-ko, e. d. pjf 
yiscount Mayeda. .Spent 
.some j^ears in /England iii 
study ; appointed Chambgr- 
lain tg) the Crown Prince 
(i895),.and then transfeired as 
Master .of Ceremonies, a post 
he nowrholds. Address: No. 
I,, 7 chome, .Aoyamakita- 
machJ, Xokyo. Td.: .415 
vShiha. , 

Taaaa, Yakiohi C^ M. M ^}, 
JBuildJng Cisntractor. .Ad- 
dress: No. 128, Nishidecho, 

Ina'Da, ■SByotaro ..g0^W:kMy> 
l^dkiihdknsMi ^(JJocto/ .of 


[ 243 i" 

IHedidne),' Instructor of the 
•Military Surgeon ': School and 
in .addition of the Military 
-College;. -iJ. .iri Saitaniai-ken. 
Educ,\\ graduated, from the 
Med. Coll. of tilt- Tokyo Imp. 
University in 1-899. Became 
Surgeoii-tieut. in 1890; took 
part in the Russo-Japanese 
War as a:ttache to the garrison 
hospital of the 4th Army 
Division, 1 904 ; jent to Ger- 
inany to prosecute his^ studies 

the Berlin , Univ.,, , 1908;,; on 
returning home in 19 10 has 
been appointed present post, 
and is now taking charge of 
hygiene at the College; ob- 
tained the degree of Igaku- 
hakashi by presenting a 
thesis on fat and hygienic 
chemistry. Decorations: 4th 
Order of Merit, 5 class of 
Golden Yixt^. Address: No. 
13, Kasumigaoka-cho, Yo- 
tsuya-ku, Tokyo. 

Inabata, Katsutaro (f§ % H:- 
:fc Ii5>, Direcf-or of the Osaka 
Muslin Mfg. Co., Proprietor 
of Inabata Dyeing Factory; 
2. the loth m. of the 2nd y. 
of Bunkyxi (1862) in Kyoto; 
e. s. oL Risuke Inabata ; m. 
Tomi, 3rd d. of Toshige 
Mori of Tokyo. Ediu:. : 
Graduated from the Kyoto 
Normal School (i87X),.i^®aiW 
sent; to France to. study 
Applied Chemistry, (first at 

• the Lyons Technical School 

returned hQmCliT '18^ 

^inyestigating .the.;,d^ 
dustiy in England, Germany, 

■ Iteiyi "'QtigmxaiVSMiz.erland, 

^te'.-; ^appointed Expert to 
the Kyoto Prefep'tural Govern- 
ment in 1 8 84 ; inaugurated 
the Kyoto Dyeing, School 
and became ' its president 
(1886): appointed Chief 
Engineer of the Kyoto Cloth 
Mfg. Co. (1888); afterwards 
established the Inabata 
Dyeing Factory and became 
its president, the Khaki uni- 
forms which were so ex- 
tensively used during the late 
war being manufactured by 
him ; has several times been 
appointed Examiner to Do- 
mestic Exhibitions and Fairs. 
Address : No. 125 1, 2 chome, 
Junkeimachi, Minamiku, O- 
saka. 7>/.; 3262 Minami. 
Inada, Eyukiehi Cf§ ffl 11 §j, 

_j£§kukakushi^,^^xo{. of the 
Fukuoka Medical College of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ. Ad- 
dress : Fukuoka Medical 
College of the Kyoto Imp. 
Univ., Fukuoka. 
. Inagaki, Eizo CfS S ^ it),, 
Dyestuff merchant. Auditor 
of the Yokohama Central 
Saving^ Bank and of the 
Yokohama Central Bank, 
"' etc. ; b. Sfipt- the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1871) in the province 

[ ?43 ] 


of Kit ; adop. \y. of ..theflate 
Hide Inagaki and married 
her daughter. , Address :lj^o, 
6, ■ I chome, Nogemachi, 
Yokohama. 7>/. ; 1008. 

Inagaki, Hyotaro (M M ^ 
:fc W), Engineer to the Inj- 
perial Railway Board ; ^. 
Dec. the 2nd 7; of Meiji 
( 1 869) in Tokyo ; j. of the 
late Shobei Inagaki. Educ. .• 
Graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1893). Entered 
the Hokuetsu Railway Co. 
first and subsequently ap- 
pointed Engineer to the 
Formosan Railway Construc- 
tion Bureau ; sent to Europe 
and America on ofBcial 
busitiess (1906— 1907) ; trans- 
ferred as the Engineer to the 
Imperial Railway , Board 
(1909) and is now the Pi-e- 
sident of its Construction 
Office In Hokkaido. Ad- 
dress : No. r, Railway Of- 
ficial residence, -Asahigawa, 
Kamigawa, Hokkaido. 

Inagaki, lehibei (IS JB fU 
9; W), a Sake merchant (firm 
name " Ikedaya "), Director 
of the Nisshin Bank, Member 
of the Tokyo-shi Assembly ; 
b. Apr. the 7th y. of Meiji 
(1875) in Tokyo ; adopt, s. of 
the late Ichibei Inagaki ; m. 
Ryu, adopt, d. of Rokubei 
Watanabe of. ToXvfo.^ Ad- 
dress : No. 7, Shinfukutomi- 

cho-, Asakusa, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1 941 Siiitaya. ; = 

Inagaki, Otohei' CIS il 2j W, 
Nogakuhakushi, Prof, of the 
Agricultural College of the 
Tokyo Imperial Univ. (Chair- 
Or,2;anie , .- Physics and 
Meteorology).; b. the llth 
m. of the 3rd y. of BunkyiS 
(1863) in the province of 
Shinano; brother of Shin- " 
kichi Shibata and adopted 
by the late Shigetame Ina- 
gaki ; m. Taka, e. d. of his 
father-in-law. Educ. : Gradu- 
ated from the Matsumoto 
Normal School and then 
from the Tokyo Normal 
School in 1878 and in 1883 
respectively ; entered the 
Agricultural and Forestry 
School in 1887 ; removed to 
the Agricultural College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. the 
following year graduating in 
1894. Appointed Prof, of 
the Higher Normal School 
(1897) ; received the degree 
of Nogakuhakushi (1900) ; 
_sent_ to Germany for study.„ 
(1900— 1903)1^ Prof, of the 
"M^rioka "' Agricultural and 
Forestry School (1903) ; 
Prof of the Agricultural 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1906). Publications: 
" Science of iS' Agricultural 
I^and Improvement," " An 
Essay on the Nutrition of 
Plants," " Agricultural Mete- 


[ -t44 ] 

Qmtegy " -.etc., 4!j,d rglao m^riy 
other works on AgriWltural 
3ifti3eBts.. Addr&iS:- N(3. 3^8, 
ShimQ-MsgurQ, M^gaFQ- 

HiUrai, Eba_Efetg!an, Tofefo-i?w, 

G©kneL4C -G»valry,_.MlKiary 

bfl,?Sy -In -LQiid&H4 4- 'i:87i 
in SliiHnane'^ken, Sab-Liept., 
Msreh iSg^.; Irfeut*, Oct. 
18.94; Captttjn, Otefe. 1897; 
MajD)?, -©se. I9<?2; Ljewt. 
Colonel, ^ril i>9P5 ; Colonel, 
Dog. 1.910, 'Miecoratietis-i .^th 
Or.der of.'S. T,,, 3r4 Order 
of R. S., ,trd Class of 
Golden Kite. ■i^ddf'4ss: ^q 
Japane^ Ittftjrassv in 
London. ■ .^ __ 

Inagstki, T-aisho (!§.%.:*;#), 

Viscount, Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. the 64h 
ni, of the 6th y. of Ansei 
(i:8§9) in the ;province of 
Qmi; ^.j. oif the -late -^is- 
GountTalsei; m. Moto, sister 
of Viscount Hirokaae Wata- 
iiabg. Member of the ^Peers' 
Bureau of the ©gpactment 
of the fciperial Household 
(1885).;; vKas twice elected 
member of the House of 
Peers in 1892 aad in. 189J8 ; 
decorated with the 4th-.QrdBr 
of the Rising Sun . in . con- 
ijectipn with ^ the , Riiss&^ 
Japanesfe ^m. Address .• No. 
, 2Q, Nijjkkimachi,; Ushigpine, 
</&.' :Tfl:- •■■- •i'yi.j- Baijeho. 

ffi '&% Draper, Represeiitlflg- 
liiember '6»f Ae Inag«iki 'Go.> 
Di¥eet^>r -o't" the Kyoto Gas 
Co. ; in:^niber of the Kye)t& 
Chamber ef 'Commerce ; b. 
the 8th -m. 'of ihe ist y. of 
^wanjt '(T'864) in the pre- 
ife^ure ^f Fukui y ad'op. if. of 
^feaifcu 'Inaga'k-t 'of Kydto ; 
m. Asa, 2nd d. of his 
ad&jJtejS father. Address : 
Mite-no'bo'ru, Muremadhi,. 
Kamil^oku, Kyoto. 
Inawoto, Sabwo CJS IK g H. 

SR), Meaibef of the House 
0f Representatives, Director 
of the Tokyo Trust Co., the 
T0feyo Market Building Co., 
the Nippem El'eetrie Wire 
GS., and eil' the ^Warehouse 
Bank, etc. ; .^. the 3rd m. of 
the 2nd y. Of Keio (1866) 
in Guttima%en ; adfetpt. if. of 
the late ¥aichijro ihamot©;; 
m. Kane, e. d. ef his adopted 
father. Educ. .* G'radukted' 
from the Gumma Middle 
School ; studied English,, 
mathematics and book-keeping 
in Tokyo. Entered the- 
service -of the Kaikdku Life- 
Insurance Co., anil became- 
ojje of its directors (1900) ;. 
oi'ganized nvith others the 
Warehouse Baiik, the Tokyo 
Trust Co.. and the Nippon 
Electric Wire Co. in succes- 
sion and is now director of 
all of them; was once 

im ] 


HiBrtlbeiT of the Tokyo City- 
Assembly ;: has been sitting 
ill! the House of Representa- 
tives since 1908 ; is- stlso a 
member of the Tokyo Cham- 
ber of Commerce. Address : 
No. 12, Iwamotocho, Kaflda, 
Tokyo. Z>/. .• 1 8/6 Sfen- 

Inamura, Kaa-icMjEO' (^; ^ 
S -- Mh President of the 
Kuinagae Bank and of the 
Kuma'gae Savings Bank ; i>. 
the 5th m. oi the jrd f. of 
Kayei (1850) in the preifecture 
' of Saitama ;. e. s. of Yagoye- 
uion Inamura ; in.. Fasa, 
sister of Zenlmto U^iMda. 
Address:- Narita-mura, Kita- 
.saitama-gun, -Saitama-ken. 

Inamura, ^intoka CM H if 
iOt .^oloijel, „.,_Qf-.,_- Infantry, 
Cbm-maiider ' of ' the "$yih 
Regiment; 3. 1866 in Tokyo. 
Sttb-Lientenant (July 1887); 
Lieutenant (Dec. 1 89 1 ) ; 
Captain (Dec. 1896); Majoi" 
(Sept. 1902) ; Lieutenant- 
CoJonel (July 1905); Colonel 
(Apr. 1909)-; Decorations. 
The 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun and' the 3rd Class of 
the. Golden Kite. Address: 
37th Regiment of Infantry, 

rHamura, Tokuta CpW^i:). 

Mining Engineer of the Min- 
ing Sapporo Superintendent 
Office; b. 1871, in Toyohi- 
gashi village, Toyoura-gun, 

Yamaguphi-ken,;, s. of Shof- 
chi inamura; 111. September 
1906. Editc, : graduated, 
from the College of Engiri- 
eeriiig of the Tokyo Imp. 
Untv;, 1898. Was appointed 
the Mining Engineer, of the 
Osaka Minitig Siaperihtendent 
Office, August I %8; elected 
a member of; the Forestry 
Conference of the Miye, 
Shigfi, Fukui^ Tottori, Shi- 
mane, Ehifne and. Kochi- 
keri, 1899-1902, transferred 
to Sappdra Mi«in^, Super- 
intendent Office, 1902; was 
invested with the 6th Order 
of Merit, December 1911. 
Recreatiotis: U'tai. Address: 
No. I,. JG-nichprne, Kita Ichi- 
jodori, Sapporo. 
Sapporo, Hoklcaido. 
■ iBsno-bu, Ui-bei m M M ^ 
ft), boot and shoe merchant 
(firm name " Hitachiya "), 
Managing- director of the 
Nipp^QU CoiTimercial- l^nk. 
Director .of the Fuji: Gg,s 
Spinning Co., and of the lat 
Boiler Insurance Co., Me,mber 
of , the- Tokyo Municipal 
CotinpiJ-. and of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commei-ce ; d. 
the r2th m. of the , 4th jf. of 
, Kayei ,(i 85 i) in Tokyo ; e^ s. 
of Yasubei Inanobu ; m. 
Fusa, 2nd d. of Sobei Naka- 
ga-wa. Address .- , No. 1,1 
chome, Honzaimokucho, Ni- 
honbashi, Tokyo. Tel. : 357 



Hoiikyaku. - 

Iriayama, Kyusen Cf§ lli i>^ 
fill), Pi-esident of the Inaya- 
ma Bank, "^Director of the 
Sumidggawa Steamship Co., 
and of the Estate and Build- 
ing Co.; 5. the'^srd m.oi 
the X 3th ;>'. of Tempo (1842) 
in the, province of Kazusa ; 
adop. s: of the late Kyiisen 
ihayama. Address: No. 6, 
Yamashitacho, Kyobashi, To- 
kyo. Tel.:. i449Shimbashi. 

Indo, Seiko C0 M ^ *), 
Chief of the Issue Depart- 
ment of the Bank of Japan ; 
(5. the I2th m. of the 2nd 7. 
of Ansei (1855^) in Yama- 
giichi-ken ; e. s. of Shizue 
Yamaga and adopted into 
the Indo family. Address: 
No. I, Nichome. Sadowara- 
cho, Ichigaya, Ushigome, 
Tokyo, Tel.: 205 Bancho. 

Inoguchi, Ariya C-?^ ^£ M), 
Kogakuhakushi, Prof, of the 
Engineering College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (Chairs, 
Applied Mechanics and 
Mechanical Engineering).; b. 
the loth m. of the 3rd y. of 
Ansei (1856) in the province 
of Kaga ; 3rd s. of Sai Ino- 
guchi, a former samurai of 
the ■,Ka;ga clan; m. Tasu, 
e. d. of Takehei Aso of 
Tokyo." Ediw. : Graduated 
from the former Engineering 
Cpllege ,of the ^T-^kyo Dai- 
gaku -(1882).-: Appointed 

Assistant-Prof of the Tokyo 
Daigaku the following year; 
was ProfC, of the Naval 
Engineering School and of 
the Naval College from 1883 
to 1894 ; was sent to Eng- 
land for the" "study of Me- 
chanical Engineering (1884 — 
1 891); appointed Prof of 
the Engineering College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. arid 
received the degree of Ko- 
gakuhahishi the following- 
year. Address: No. 40, 2 
chome, Nishiharamachi, Ko- 
ishikawa, Tokyo. ^ Tel. : 2126 

Inoguehi, Harukiyo C# If D 
* *ra),^j^^i^^feafe,since 1911 
Com. oF^e3i8t Brigade -of 
Infantry; 6. 1861 in Gifu-ken. 
Sub-Lieutenaut (June 1886); 
Lieutenant (Dec. 1889) > 
Captain (Dec, 1894); Major 
(Oct. 1900); Lieutenant- 
Coloncr(Nov. 1904); Colonel 
(Nov. 1907) ; decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and the 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address: 
Head(5[uarter of the 31st In- 
fantry Brigade, Toyaina. 
Inoko, Hokonosuke C?§ ^ Ik^ 

^ ^^»,,.«i&ilil^to^4,. Prof- 
of the Medical College of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ. (Chair- 
Surgery); b. the 4th, i%. of 
the \sty. of Manyen (1865) 
in Kyoto ; /. s. of Kiyp.shi 
Inoko ; m. Hisao, e. d. of 

[ 147 ] 


Tomoyuki Hirose. Edtic. : 
Graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Irnp. 
Univ. (1882). Address: O- 
sakazaimokucho, Oshikoji- 
shita, Sakaemachi-dori, Kami- 
kyoku, Kyoto. ' 

Inoue, Cbikao C^ ± m. M), 

Engineer, chief of the con^ 
struction section of the Naval 
Accounts Dep't in the Kure 
Naval Station. Decoration: 
the 4th Order of Merit. Ad-- 
dress: tlie Kure Naval station. 
' Inoiiye, Earyo (^ ± il T), 
b. the 2nd m. of the 5th y. 
-if Ansei (1858) m the pro- 
vince of Echigo ; fi s. of 
Ensei Inouye ; m. Kei, 2nd 
d. of Jun-ichiro Yoshida of 
Tokyo. Educ. : Graduated 
from the Philosophical course 
of the , fornier Tokyo Dai- 
gaku. Soon after gradua- 
tion, established- the Tetsu- 
gakukwan, forerunner of the 
present Toyo Daigaku (a 
private philosophical institu- 
tion) and became its presi- 
dent ; founded- a new school 
of philosophy called Yokai- 
gaku (Science of Apparition) 
and published a. long series 
of lectures on\itj-. twice went 
to Europe an^r. America for 
study and inspection ; later 
established the Kei|ioku 
Middle School and became 
its superintendent ; had the 

degree of Bungakukakus/u 
-conferred on him in 1S96 ; 
is reputed to be one of the 
most learned^ philosophical 
scholars, in Japan. Addres's-: 
No. S3, Fujimayecho, Koma- 
gome, -Hongo, Tokyo. ' ' 

Inouye, Hichiemon (^ ± -fa 
'& ^ P5), draper (firm narrie 
" Daimaru ") ; b. August the 
16th.- y. of Meiji (1884) in 
Kyoto ; e. s. of Masunosuke 
Shimidzu and adopted by the 
late Hichiemon Inoue ; _m. 
Naka, ^. ^; of Zinkichi Ka- 
tsuda. Address: No. 17, 
Minami-iru, Gojo, Shinmachi, 
Shimokyoku, Kyoto. 

Inonye, Ikutaro C* ± S 3fo 
f|!'Jn^yi?nel^f.^nsneers, Chi- 
ef of . the Engineer section^' 
War Dep't 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun and 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite- b. 1863 
in Yamaguchi-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant (Mar. 1894); Lieu- 
tenant (Apr.' 189s); Captain 
(Oct. 1897);- Major (May, 
-1904) ; Lieutenant Colonel 
(Mar. 1908}; Qolonel {1911^ 
Address: No 17S, Kogaioho 
Azahii-ku, Tokyo. ; j 

Inouye, Jiixkiohi C^ ± j~ §>, 
KogaktAixkushi ; . Prof of the 
Engineering College of the 
Tokyo Imp.. Univ. ; b. Nov; 
1868 in Kyoto ; s. of Kinsho 
Inoue ; m. Yoshi, ist.^. of 
Kageyori' ' Yiibi. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 


[ 348 ] 

^f EfigSieedwg of the Tokyo 
■SiM|)i.. Unm, i8§'6 ; .st'ti(3fed 
fe: Geffflia«yv ige5^-~"i^a5. 
^.35SslBt2litt? it Ife aKa niatdt, 
'r§96^— 1897-; Erigitieef of 
Yolco&ama-shi, rgSgf7-"t899 ; 
Assistant Prof, at his aliraa 
Hiaten f^9'— igio^' J and 
tkeisits Ml Frof. t9<d;5 ; ^^- 
gUk-ul-mk-ushi, 1^07. Pitbtica- 
tknti : Industrial Uses- of Gas. 
^creations : aneieiit Iftet state; 
imveffii^ ; walking, etc. Ad- 
(hress : No. 3, Yayoicfio, 
Hongey Tokyo. CM> .• Tbftyo 
Cliemical Society. 

IttOTtjre, Juntiosnke C# _L ^ 
:t I9)> Vice-President of the 
Tofeohamai Specie Banlf si- 
nee 1911; h. Mar. 1869 in 
Oita-ken ', adopt, s. of thd 
Me Kwan^ichi Irtomye; m.. 
Chiyo, e. d. of Hajime Mori, 
a native of YamagucM-ken, 
Edkic. : Graduated from the 
Goll. of il-aw of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. Received art ap- 
psintment in the ISank of 
Japan and after serving the 
fcank in various capacities 
#as promoted to director of its 
business boteatt,' bad rnade a 
foar in Europe and Sftiefica 
oi; a business ""liiissfejft, from 
trbicli he fetttrned ffliitfe. re*- 
centty, ~A-ddr6ss .• Nishinofcii- 
h&f Fufeite-c-ho, Sbiba'-feu, 

liiStiye, J3rufeieai (# j: -h§3, 
Fir^t Secretary c^f L^gatiea; 

^,2^ Oct, 2 Bfflikya (t8§2>; 
/, J: &f Mr. Sfeoi-ecJnerayev 
* T©fem&im3 saMwai ; 
Sdue. : graduated^ from H. 
Bi M.'s. Minmkg school in 
Eflgfend;, Frdfessor of the 
1st High School- in i88'6-; 
Translator of the Foreign 
Office ill iS'94; 2nd secretary o" 
Legation in 18^; m. SMma 
y. d. of Mr. Ya-suzo Torii of 
Tbkyo-frt. Addtens: No. 240, 
' Ol:tibo, Tbyotamagmi, I'okyo- 

IiHJ'flye, Kakugoro (# Jr % 
11 IK5, Member of the H. R.. 
Director of the Nippon Steel 
Works'. Ltd., and of the 
Kabaki Co,, Anditor of the 
SMnagawa Bank and of the 
Nippon Paint Mfg. Co., : 
Member of the Toky^o Cham- 
ber of Cbmrnerce ; b. the 
loth nt. of the 6th' J/, of 
Ansei (i8'59) in Hiroshima- 
ken ; s: of Chagoro Inouye ; 
M. Waka, e. d. of Sozabtiro 
Yamada ot Tokyo. Educ. : 
Graduated from , the Keio- 
gif ffku ( r8 82) . Became writer 
to .tile Kanjb SJiimpo (a 
daily newspaper at Seoal) j 
subs'equeHtly advisor to the 
Koi-ean government ; was 
afterwards connected with the 
bQ"Sirtegs of iffimigration to 
Utiited States. On one oc- 
casion sentenced to imprisdn- 
ment for a political offence, 
and on being set free by 

C 249 J 


ainnesty became an ardent 
follower of the late Count 
Goto at the time when' . the 
latter inaugurated on a broad 
basis the party known as 
the Daidodanketsti ; became 
later the President of the 
Hokkaido Colliery and Steam- 
ship Co., a post which he 
resigned only last year ; is 
member of the H. R, since 
its establishment in. 1890 ; a 
member of the Seiyukai. 
Address; No. 54, Ichibancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo:. Tel. : 
1607 Bancho. 

Inouye, Kaname (:>^ ± I?)) 
President of the lyo Railway 
Co., Director of the Matsu- 
yama Commercial Bank, 
Auditor of the lyo Paper 
Mfg. Co., b. the 5th in. of 
the 1st y, of Keio (1865) in 
Matsuyama, province of lyo ; 
adop. SI of the late Kon 
Inouye; m. Chikayo, sister 
jf Wataru Mori. Address: 
No. 2, Toyosakacho, Matsu- 
yama-shi, Ehime-ken. 

Inouye, Katsunosuke C^^ ±- 
m Z W, ex-Envoy Extraordi- 
nary and Minister Pleni- 
potentiary, ex-Vice-President 
of the Preparatory Committe 
for the Revision of Treaties ; 
b. the 7th m. of the ist y. 
of Bunkyu (1861) in Choshu ; 
adop. s. and heir of Marquis 
Inouye ; m. Suye, 3rd d. of 
Masamichi Ono. Educ. : was 

sent to Europe for study 
(1871,— 1879). " Entered the 
Treasury receiving an ap- 
pointment first in the Com- 
mercial Bureau and then in 
the Bank Bureau (1880— 
1882); retiring from the 
Treasury, entered the then 
newly organized Nippon. 
Ginko (Bank of Japan) and 
became one of its Managers, 
taking charge of the Ac- 
counts Bureau as well as 
- being the Chief of its .Dis- 
count Section (1882 — 1883)5 
was recalled to the Treasury,' 
receiving an appointment as 
junior Secretaiy to the same, 
meanwhile holding the post 
-of <;hief of its Investigation 
Bureau (1883 — 1884); trans- 
ferred to the junior Secretary- 
ship in the Dep. of .Foreign 
Affairs (1885);' .despatched 
to Hawaii to investigate tlie 
conditions, of. Japine^ im- 
migrants there (1885); .pro- 
moted to the senior Seci'etary- 
ship and became Acting- 
Director of the Bureau of 
Accounts (1886): appointed 
.Secretaiy to th:- Japanese 
Legation at Berlin (1886— 
1892) ; transferred to the 
Council lorship of the Dep. 
of Foreign Affairs (1892); 
Secretary of the same (1893) ; 
promoted to Minister-Resi- 
dent (1896); Enovy Ex- 
traordinary and Jlihfstef 


[ 250 ] 

Hkxiipotentiary to G-irmany 
(1898) ; promoted to Ambas- 
sador (1906) ; returned home 
ill 1907, where he awaits fur- 
ther _ orders. He has been 
awarded the ist Order of the 
Rising Sun together with an 
annual pension in connection 
•with his services rendered 
during the Russo-Japanese 
war. I-fe is one of the most 
able diplomats of Japan and 
entirely won the confidence 
of the Court.: to which he 
was accredited.- Address: 
No. 43) -Kitahigakubo, A- 
zabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 462 

Inouye. Kaoru (^ _h ®), 

Marquis, Councillor of State 

(with ,the special privileges 
accorded to a minister of 
State), Member of the House 
of Peers ; d. the 28 th day of. 
the nth m. of the 6th j^. 'of 
Tempo (1835) in the province 
- of Nagato ; 2nd s. of Mitsu- 

suk^e Inouye,; samurai of- 
Choshij clan ; m'.. Take-ko, 
sister of Baron Tadazumi 
Nitta.' Emerging from-, his 
native province,, at the end 
of the. Tokugawa govern- 
ment, the Marquis, who was 
then known 'by the name of 
Monta Inouye, in company, 
with his elder brother Iku- 
taro Inouye, went up to 
Kyoto and joining there a 
group of partriots from vari-. 
ous clans earnestly advocated 
the principle of exclusion 
of toreigners. On hearing 
that the government . of 
Tokugawa ' wa;s ■ going to 
sanction the' construction of 
foreign Legations at Goten- 
yama, Takanawa, Tokyo, h-e 
and his bosom friend the 
late Prince Ito lodged a 
strong protest against it and 
when they found that the 
construction of the English 
Legation at that place had 
become an accomplished fact 
as a .last . resort set the 
building on fire- on the night 
of the 1 2th of .Dec. 1862. 
Later their "anti-foreign ideas 
reached a climax and wishr 
ing to put them . into effect 
they, with Yozo Yamao and 
others, went to Yokohama to 
buy arms and ammunition • to 
prepare- for. the i execution of 
their plans. In the mean- 
time, the Marquis, thinking 

[ 2SI. ] 


that the execution of the 
principle of exclusion of 
foreigners could not success- 
fully be executed without a 
knowledge ^{ the actual con- 
ditions of foreign powers, 
repaired to Nagasaki and 
fortunately managing to get 
on board a British schooner 
then lying in' the , harbour 
was finally taken to England. 
On reaching London, he 
instantly perceived the ab- 
surdity of his anti-foreign 
ideas and soon became a 
zealoiis admirer of wei^tem 
civilization. He remained 
there for about a year, when 
learning from the London 
Times that the British squa- 
dron was going to bombard 
the port, of Shimonoseki he 
immediately left London and 
returned home in June, 1864. 
He at once presented a 
memorial to his feudal lord, 
arguinjT the advantageousness 
of making peace with foreign 
powers. But, though this 
memorial had a favourable 
effect, he became an object 
of hatred to his former com- 
rades who were still holding 
strong anti-foreign ideas. 0« 
one occasion he was waylaid 
by some of them and severely 
wounded in the , face arid 
back. Subsequeiifly he took 
an active parts in. the battles 
of Choshu and Fiishimi, 

Soon after the Restoration, 
he was made Councillor of 
state and then Minister of 
Finance which post he resigned 
in 1873 owing to the difference 
of opinion between himself 
and the other Ministers of 
State in connection ' with the 
so called Seikanron (a mo- 
tion to send a punitive army 
X6 Korea). In 1875, he was 
appointed a member of the 
Senate ; was sent to England 
to investigate the system of 
public accounts in 1878; be- 
came Minister for Industry 
and, in the following year. 
Minister of Foreign affairs in 
addition ; was Minister 
at Seoul in 1884; Court 
councillor 1887 ; Minister for 
Agriculture and Commerce 
in 1 888 ; Minister for Horne 
affairs in 1892 ;; again Mini- 
ster at Seoul acting at the 
same time as advisor to the 
Korean government in 1 894 ; 
Minister to Finance in 1898 ; 
was created Marquis and 
decorated with Grand order 
of the Crysanthemura for his 
services during the Russo- 
Japanese war. He is a 
" Guardian " of the Japanese 
Treasury. Recreations: .Col- 
lector of fine art objects and 
-curios. Address: No. 42, 
Miyamuracho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
TeL: 82 Shiba. 
. ..Inouye, Kazuo C?S ± - H), 


[ 2S2 ] 

Mana§er6f the Tairea bmitdi 
of l3ii& Yokolama Specie 
' Bank ; 6, the. 5th m^ of the 
3rd y.. of Bunkjm (1863) m 
Yamaguehi-ken j e. s. of 
Tadasuke Inoxxye, samurai d 
Choshu. clan ; m^M-oXo., e-. d^ 
«f Kjoreka Sayeki, samurtd 
■of Chosho. Address : Tai- 
TCtt-brarichL of the Yokohama 
Specie Baiik, Tairen, North 

Iliouye, Keijiro C# -h St ^ 
'W), Director of the Eleetric 
^Bureau of the Tokyo Mvmicip- 
aJ Office, director of the Doha- 
fiiii Tea Manufacturing Go. • 
a. the 8th m. of the 1st y^ 
of Bunkyu (i86i) in Kuma- 
naotQ-ken ; m. Hana, adopt. 
<£ of Teijiro Akiyama. Being 
ieft an orphan in childhood, 
his early life was passed in 
penurj' and difficulties ; when 
the Satsuma rebeHion broke 
, out, sided with the rebels 
and fought under Great 
Saigo ; on the conclusion of 
peace, repaired to Tokyo 
and became a journalist 
contributing to the magazine 
-" Kioji Hyoron " strongly 
advocating the principles of 
liberty and popular rights ; 
later joined the ranks of 
liberal politicians under the 
leadership of the late notorious 
liberal leader Mr, Toru, 
Hoshi ; in 1889, went to 
the United States and, on 

returning to Japan two yea^ 
after, inaugurated a daily 
paper catted "'Mezaniaslu 
Shimbun " of which he be- 
came the chief editor, the 
jo-urnal being the recognized 
organ of the liberal pairtj^; 
vtx 1896, inaugurated the 
Kumamoto Emigratioa Co.; 
subsequently took an active 
part in inaugurating the 
Tokyo City Railway , Co.., 
and was elected its manag- 
ing directory has been 
managing director and ako 
Chief of the traffic defstrt- 
ment of the Tolcyo Railway 
Co. since it was foj-me_d as 
the result of the amalgama- 
tion of the three street elec- 
tric railway cauipanies in 
1905. Address.: No. 6$, 4 
chome, Kitamachi, Aoyama, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. Tel. : 307 

Ihonye, Kinessuke C* .h M 
i. M), Expert to the Dep. 
of Agriculture and Commerce, 
Chief of the Geological 
Laboratory ; h. Dec. the 6th 
y. of Meiji (1873) in the 
prefecture of Yaraaguchi ; 
2nd s. of Nobuatsu Inouye ; 
m. Tamiho, 4th d. of Genzo 
Yotsukura of Miyagi pre- 
ifecture. Educ. : Graduated 
from the College of Science 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1896). Appointed succes- 
sively Assistant-Expert to 

c 2-53 ]: 


the Dep. «f Colonial Admifii- 
stration ■, (now defunct), Ex- 
pert to the Formosafl 'Govern- 
ment Office and Expert to 
the iDfep. of Agriculture and 
Coriinierce ; was sent -to 
Sw;tzer4and on an official 
niission in 1910. Address : 
No. I j, Mikawadaiinachi, A- 
za*u, Tokyo. 1^,; 2860 Sbilja. 

inouye, Koji C# J: & — ). 
Chief of the Ashio Mining 
Wor-ks of the iFurultawa 
Mining Go, ; Director of the 
Nilcko "Electric Raihvc^y Co. ; 
6. *he 11 th w. o{ the 3rd j'. 
of Bankyu (1863) in the 
province of Bitchu ; e. -$. of 
Kotclli Inouye, a samurai of 
Takahashi clan ; w. Fuki, 
e. d. of Torao Shiwoda. 
£di{c. : -studied at the Keio- 
gijuku. Entered the service 
of the Furukawa Mining 
Co. in 1 888 and became 
successively chief of its Gene- 
ral Affairs Section, Chief of 
the Account Section, Vice- 
president of the Ashio Mining 
VVorks and finally President 
of the same. Address : 22Z1 
Ashiomachi, Kamitsuga-gnn, 

Inouye, Mitsu C* ± ^j, 
Hognkuliakiisld, Prof of the 
Law College of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (Chair-Admini- 
strative law); (5. the roth 
m. of thfe 3Fd ry. of Keio 
C1867.) in Ghiba-ken; 3rd s. 

of Saiji Tomisaka and adopted 
into the Inouye family; m. 
tto, 2nd 'd. of Ifesaaki 
Shimada, a smimrai<d¥^c!&\- 
ken. Educ. : Graduated from 
the Law GoU^e of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (■I-892); 
studied con^itutional law,, 
national jmrisprudence, ad- 
ministrative law, etc. in 
Gtermany, England and 
France (1896—1899). Ap- 
poittted Pi*of. of the Law 
CoMege of tlie I^oto Imp. 
Univ. (i£t9P) ; Hagakuk&kns/tt 
(1901); promoted Dean of 
tlie isame College (1906) ; 
was sent to Europe and 
America on an official mis- 
sion (1909 — r9!io)f; present 
post since -his return home. 
Address : Shimokamo-mura,. 
Atago-gun, Kyoto, 

Inouye, IKnro C# ± /fc ^SP>^ 
Major-General, Commander 
of the CommunicatiiGn Bri- 
gade, Member of the Com- 
mittee for the Study of Mili- 
tary Aeroplanes, etc. ; 6. the 
Sth m. of the ist j. of 
Gwanji (1864) in the pre- 
fecture of Ehime ; 2nd s. of 
Wataru Inouye ; m. Yoshi, 
e. d. of Taro Inouye. Educ. : 
Graduated from the Military 
Acadeniy (1885). Sub'- 
Lieutenant of Pioneers (1885); 
Lieutenant (1888); Captain 
(4-893) ; sent to "Germany for 
Study (1895 — 1899) ; Major 


II ^5.4 I 

(1900); Lieutenant- Colcjnel 
(1902); Colonel (1905); 
Major-General _(i9io). In 
the Russo-Japanese War, he 
rendered excellent serviees 
in the administrations of the 
Military railways, for which 
he was awarded the 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun 
together with the 3rd Class 
of the Golden ICite. He has 
been lately appointed Com- 
mander of the Communica- 
tion Brigade. Address: No. 
14, Nakacho, Ushigome, 

laouye, Eisuke C^^ ± M IS), 
a Cotton Cloth Dealer, Direc- 
tor of the Kyoto Exchange, 
the Commercial and Indust- 
rial Savings Bank, Auditor 
of the Kyoto Commercial 
and Industrial Bank, Member 
of the Kyoto Chamber of 
Commerce ; b. Oct. the 3rd 
y. of Meiji (1870) in Osaka ; 
adop. s. of the late Risuke 
Inouye and married his 
daughter. Address: No. 21, 
Muromachi, Rokkaku-dori, 
Kyoto. Tel. : 32 1 Long 

Inouye, Syataro (^ ± ffi ;fc 

BI5), President of the Nippon 
Nursery Co., Proprietor of 
the " Konoen " (an agri- 
cultural farm) ; b. the 6th 
m. of the 6th y. of Kayei 
(1853) in Kyoto; e. s. of 
Tahei Inouye ; m. Kiku, 

e. d. of Chikudo Muroga of 
Aichi-ken. -Address: No. 
124, Elashiwagi, Yodobashi- 
machi, Tbyotama-gun. Tokyo. 
Inoue, Saibi (.^ ± m ^). 

Secretary of the Osaka 
Chamber of Commerce; b. 
the 5th m. of the nth y. of 
Meiji (1878) in Nara-ken; 
adopted s^ Setsu Inoue; m. 
Michi, d. of his adopted 
father. Educ: graduated 
from the College of Law of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ., 1903. 
An official of the Osaka 
Prefectural Office, 1903-05; 
an official of the Osaka 
Municipal Office, 1905; 
chief clerk of the Osaka 
Weavers Guild, 1905-1911; 
present post since October 
1911. Recreations: Chinese 
poetry; reading books relat- 
ing Buddha. Address: Kita- 
yama-cho, Tennoji, Minami- 
ku, Osaka. 

Xnonye', Seiichi C^ Ji jE —5, 

Hogakuhakuski, Judge of the 
Court of Cassation ; b. the 
2nd m. of the 3rd y. of 
Kayei (1850) in the prefecture 
of Yamaguchi ; e. s. of the late 
Seiken Inouye ; m. Mutsu, 
aunt of Zempachiro Otani of 
Tokyo. Ediic. : studied law 
under the late Prof Boiso- 
nard, who was the Legal 
Advisor to the Dep. of 
Justice ; went to France to 
continue his studies (i§7S — 

[ -55 ] 


1884). . Entered the Dep. of 
Justice immediately after his 
'return and successively oc- 
cupied the posts of Chief of 
its Translation , Bureau; . Its 
Secretary, chief of .its CpTr 
respondence Section until 
1 890 ; elected member of the 
House of Representatives the 
■sam.e year ; appointed Judge 
(if the Tokyo ' Court of 
Appeal, of the Court of 
Cassation. - Publications : 
"Lectures on the Criminal 
Code of Japan," besides 
'many other legal works. 
Address: No. 31, , Kami- 
Nibancho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 515 Bancho. 

Inonye, Seiji C^ ± ^ ^\ 
a rich landlord, Director of 
the 47;th Bank; b. the 9th 
in. of the 1st y. of Kokwa 
(1844) in the prefecture of 
Toyama ; adop. s. of the 
late Seiji Inouye ; m. Mitsu, 
e. d. of his adopted father. 
Address : Hayaboshi-mura, 
iJei-gun, Toyama-ken. 

Inonye, Seikan C?!^ ± iS X), 
Mayor of the City of To- 
yama. Address : Sovaa.^&v^s., 
Toyama, Toyama-ken. 

, Inonye, Tadashiro C^ ± g 
ra S|t), - Rigakuhakushi, Vis- 
count, Member of the House 
of Peers, Prof, of the College 
of Engineering of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (Chair-Mining and 
Metallurgy) and of the 

03aka Higher Teichntcal 
School ; b. Apr. the,. 9th y, 
of Meij 1.(1876) in the pre- 
fecture, of Kumamoto ; adop. 
.y. of the late Viscount Ki 
Tnduye ; m. ■ Fuji, d. of his 
father-in-law. Educ. : Grad- 
uated ; froni the College of 
Engineering of " thS" Tokyo 
Tmp. Univ., in I899. Lecturer 
to the Same College and 
afterward its Prof. ; was sent 
to Europe for .Study (i$6i 
—igoy); Pro£ of the Osaka 
Higher Technical School and 
of the College of Engineer- 
ing of the Kyoto Univ. 
(1907) ; was elected member 
of. the House of Peers (19 10), 
Address : the Kyoto Imp.. 

Inouye, Tatsukuro C# ± M 
% II5), HSgakuhakushi, Direc- 
tor of the Japan Industrial 
Bank; (5. Sept. the ist ^. of 
Meiji (1868) in Shizuoka- 
ken ; e. s. of Seiso Inouye, 
samurai of Shizuoka clan ; 
m. Masako ; e. d. of Vis- 
count Choshoku Okabe, pre- 
sent Minister of Justice. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Lavy College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. and entered the 
post gi-aduate course to make 
a special study of applied 
economics (1891). After 
graduation became Lecturer 
at the Waseda Semmon 
Gakko (forerunner of the 


I ?5^1 

|jisss£»t Waaeda -Univ^), the 
\&^gnaii.twm.l . Gall, of the 
Tafeyp - ItQf). CEaiv. and the 
f eej-i* . .SoxQpJ .; . -in 1 89;7 
^tecefl tfce Bank ©f Japan 
^ sajJi-Hjanagfi^r ; Siibsegi-ien- 
lay :Ttransfar^d as^ manager 
-io the .'N^oys. "brajagli !a^.e 
oi" ithe baifc ;^eci:etajy: -af fee 
TpJ^j^q -Jiead office 4o ii?P0/; 
sf^ '.c^eiilted J>jrect©r oj 
I'SIie .J-sSJa." iHfdusltnal Bmh 
w3xeH It -JK^s firi^ estaHIM'.ed 
ijnV-i902 :;. prder^d .^p;^Ocged 

%jSnciai . gSai^rs jn Jt^09. 
PuBticdtiom /Translated Pr.oJ. 
Maj-shsjr^s "Principle of 
Econoniics^" ^Mress: J^-p. 
30, SekiguGgi-Sjaidochp,, JC®- 
i^'ikawajTokyo. Tel. : J^J 3 
Baocho. , - 

InwyB, Tpijiro 'C# .± H ^ 
i^), proprietor of ifte Ko- 
^ekl^hiaj a ujatcb laanufaGtuF- 
ing ixsJi b. the JJJth ««. of 
tHe_5fti>. ,<tf Kaei ^iSSJ) in 
H^ogo-Jsen,; -3jid iy- ,of Jtbe 
latf^'Juitiryo'Inpuye.; nt- Tsuae, 
sist'ei" of S.hota Seno- Address : 
No,- .3.348, I chouje,, Higaslii- 
niachi, • NibpnbaahisMji, Mina- 
iliijai,t)saka. 7eI.-.8Q4 Miii,a]mi, 
Inpuye, Tetsujire X% Jt % 
^ 115), '.Buti^dhihakiiMi, Prof 
ef it'he Caliege of Literature 
of •tie Tpkyp Imp. Univ. 
(CJ^air^, JEhilo-sophy and 
History of iPbiJosophy) ; b. 
the I2i:h m. of the 2nd y. of 

Ansei i( 1^5:5) in Al® prpwimse 
.of Chikuzgn^ 3r4..s;..Qf ^s^i- 
tatsu 'Toraita -and .after«ard 
Adopted l^.Tfitsuhide laoigfe.; 
.ni. Hui, .pf \m &ther- 
LU-rlaw.. ;©&?:. ,.•: studied JS^- 
iisb, history, mathem^tios, 
etc. ittujer the Anietjcan 
teacIieKs sX JSaggsaki .^igZ? 
— :iSf Sji; entered in -ig/S tthe 
•fbrmer Tpkyp Daigaku (the , 
Toky.0 U.uiv.) and gra$&}ateci^ 
.frpuj its College of Jjit^aiatijrfi 
■in iS8p, his .speciarl caurse 
of study ^ere being Ehjlo- 
sophy and Politics. Entered 
the same year the ,D^, tof 
Education as a njeiBber 'oi 
its Compilation Bureau where 
he epmpleted the task of 
-con^pilin^ lie .jfemous " .His- 
tory of CjrientaJ Philosophy ";; 
.appointed Assistant Prof, or 
the Toiryo Imperial' Univier- 
sity {1883), taking .the chair 
of " History of Piiilosophy " ;: 
jKas ;sent to .Germaijj;- and 
EranPCj, where he attended 
the tXniversities of Heidelberg^ 
lieipzig, Berlin, rP9i-is etc.,, 
his large ;and .varied know- 
ledge .of *' Sanscrit " having- 
been obtained during these: 
•years [1884 — 1890) ; ap- 
pointed Prof of tbe College 
.of Literature of ;the Tokyo< 
Imp. UnLv. immediately after 
bis-return.; E&cei.ved thedegree- 
.of Bimgakuhakushi ^(rSpl.);; 
Prof, of the .Peers' School in 

[ 257 ] 

I no 

addition the same year; 
elected member of the Im- 
perial Academy (189s); sent 
to France to attend the grand 
meeting of the Oriental 
Association held at Paris 
(1897); appointed Dean of 
the College of Literature of the 
Imp. Univ. of Tokyo the 
same year. He is one of 
the most distinguished 
philosophical scholars at 
present in Japan and while 
in Germany he once took 
the chair of History of Ori- 
ental Philosophy at the 
Oriental Language Schoci, 
Berlin. Publications : " Dic- 
tionary of Philosophy," 
" Commentaries on the Im- 
perial Rescript." etc. Address: 
Noi io9j Omotemachi, Koi- 
shikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 966 

Inouye, Tom'oichi C^- ± M 

— )) Hogakuhakushi, Coun- 
cillor and Chief of the 
Shrines Bureau of the 
Department of Home Af- 
~ fairs ; b. April the 4th y. ot 
Meiji (1871) in Hokkaido ; 
e. s. of the late Morishige 
Inouye, a samurai of Hok- 
kaido ; m. Tei, sister of 
Senkichiro Hayakawa, a 
samurai of Ishikawa-ken. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1893). Ap- 
pointed Secretary to the 

Home Department the same 
year ; tran.sferred as Coua- 
cillor and Chief of the Shrines 
Bureau^ of the same Depart- 
ment. Address: No. 27, 
Hisakatamachi, Koishikawa, 
Tokyo. Tel. : Q22 Bancho. 
Inoue, Toraji . (^ ± J^ riS). 

Manager of the Tomijima- 
gumi, a shipping agency; b. 
the 6th m. of the 9th y. pf 
Meiji (1877) in Hyogo-ken. 
Telegraphic operator of the 
Himeji Post and Telegraph 
Office, afterwards becoming 
Chief of its Telegraph Dep't, 
1894-1899; entered the Osa- 
ka Shosen Kaisha in 1899 
and became assistant man- 
ager of its Osaka branch in 
1906; then present post. Re- 
creations: reading and chess. 
Address: No. 491, Terayama- 
cho, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Tel.'. 
2575 Higashi. 

Inouye, Toshio C*- ± St 5^). 
Rear-Admiral on the re- 
serve, ex-Member of the House 
of Representatives ; b. the 
8th m. of the 4th y. of 
Ansel (1857) in Kaga pro- 
vince ; 2nd s. of Eishin Ino- 
uye, a samurai of Kanazawa 
clan ; m. Nobu, 2nd d. of 
Kanyii Takano of Tokyo. 
Educ: Graduated from the 
Naval Academy in 1878. 
Entered the navy as Sub- 
Lieutenant the same year 
and after due promotions, 


[ 258 

attained the rank of Rear- 
Adriiiral, occupying succes- 
avely the posts of Instructor 
to the Naval Academy, 
Attache to the Japanese 
Legation at Peking, staff 
officer of the Sasebo Naval 
Station, Captain of the Saien, 
Idzumo, Chiyoda, and Fuji, 
Commander of the Special 
Service Squadron, and har- 
bour Master ; took part in 
the Japan China and the 
Russo-Japanese Wars ; a 
member of the House of 
Representatives and of the 
Seiyiikai. Decorations : 2nd 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
4th Class of the Golden 
Kite, Address: No. 14, 
Wakamatsucho, Ushigome, 
Tokyo.. Tel.: 1576 Bancho. 

Inouye, Toyotaro (# ± M 
ic IR, Doctor, Chief of the 
Tokyo Ophthalmic Hospital. 
Address : No. 24, 3 chome, 
lidamachi, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 750 Bancho. 

Inouye Tsuiieji C-:^l- Ji ffi — ), 
Prof, of the Seventh High 
School. Address : The Sev- 
enth High School, Kago- 

Inouye, Tsutai C^- ± ii #), 

Igaku^kmhi^ (Ophthalmo- 

^^^^P'^Kfw^'the Inouye 

Ophthalmic Hospital ; b. the 

: 12th m. of the 2nd j/. of 

iKeio (1866) in Hyogo-ken ; 

adopt, s. of Sekihei Inouye ; 

m. Ryi5, 2nd d. of Yo'shi- 
saburo Sato of Tokyo. 
Edttc.: Graduated from the 
Medical Coll. of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1890). Assistant- 
Prof, of the same College 
(1890) ; Vice-president of the 
Himeji Hospital (1893); 
Prof of the Third High 
School (1895); afterwards 
resigned ofKce and established 
the Inouye Ophthalmic Hos- 
pital of which he became 
president ; is reputed as an ex- 
cellent composer of Japanese 
poems and is a member of 
the Imperial Poetry Bureau. 
Address: No. 3, i chome, 
Uchisaiwaicho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1290 Shim- 

Inouye, YaekioH C^ ± A 
S S), lawyer, Member of the 
House of Representatives ; 
b. the 7th m. of the ist y. 
of Gwanji (1864) in Kana- 
gawa-ken ; 3rd s. of Zinzae- 
mon Naito ; m. Otsui, 2nd 
d. of Koreyuki Ishizaki of 
Nagasaki-ken. Educ. : Grad- 
uated from the Kanagawa 
Normal School and the 
Tokyo H^aku-in, forerunner 
of the present Chilo Univ. 
Passed the Examination for 
Bench in 1890 and was 
successively appointed judge 
of the Hachioji and Taka- 
saki Local Courts and of the 
Yokohama District Court ; 

L 259 

I no 

retired from the Bench and 
became lawyer, practising 
at Yokohama ; Member of 
the House of Representatives 
since 1908. Address: No. 
28, 2 chome, Kitanaka-dori, 
Yokohama. TeL: 870. 

Inouye, Yasujiro (^ ± 1* ^ 
W), President of the Toyo 
Paper Mfg. Co., Director of 
the Keihan Electric Railway 
Co., the Toyo Leatlier Mfg. 
Co., the Nippon Life In- 
surance Co., etc. ; b. the 
loth m. of the 3rd y. of 
Bunkyu (1863) in Osaka; 
2nd s. of Tamotsu Inouye ; 
m. Iku, e. d. j.of Hachizo 
Ikeda of Hyogo-ken. Ad- 
dress : No. 28, 2 chome, 
Kitahama, Higashiku, Osaka. 
Tel. : 14 Higashi. 

Inouye, Zenjiro (^ ± # ^ 
SF-), Igakuhakushi (Medical 
Chemistry), „ Prof. . of the 
Chiba Medical College ; b. 
the 8th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Bunkyu (1862) in the pre- 
fecture of Kagawa ; adop. s. 
of Zintaro Inouye ; m. Tatsu, 
e. d. of his adopted father. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
College of Medicine of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1888). 
Prof of the Third High 
School (1891); Prof of the 
First High School ; has had 
conferred upon him the 
degree of Igakuhakushi 
(1899); Prof of the Chiba 

Medical College ( 1 9qi )-; , was 
sent to Gerriiany to study 
Medical chemistry (1901 — 
1903). Addess: ¥>Qi. 783, 
Chibamachi, Chiba-ken. 

Inouye, Yorikuni iM - ± S 
M), Bungakuliakushi, Im- 
perial Librarian, Member of 
the Committee for the in- 
vestigation of Shrines, Lect- 
urer to the 'Kokugakuin 
Daigaku, a private College 
of Japanese literature ; b. the 
4th /«. of the loth y. of 
Tempo (1839) in Tokyo; 
e. s. of Tamizo Inouye ; m. 
Uta, d. of Keiji Ishikawa of 
Tokyo. Hduo. : studied 
Chinese classics from Gisho 
Inuzuka, Japanese literature 
from Atsutane Hirata, poetry 
from Keiken Aikawa. En- 
tered the Department of 
Education as its Junior 
Compiler in 1872; became 
junior Shinto priest of the 
Ise Daijingii (a shrine dedi- 
cated to V the ancestors of 
Our Imperial family) in 
1875; transferred to the 
Imperial Household Depart- 
ment where he became an 
employe first and then a 
subordinate official; estab- 
lished in ^1882 the Koten 
Kokyiisho, a school for the 
study of Japanese classical 
literatui-e and became its 
professor; Professor of the 
Peeresses' School and of 


[ 260 ] 

the Peers' School insncces- 
sion. Publications: many 
works on Japanese histor5' 
and literature. Recreations : 
Reading and book collecting. 
Address: No. 13, i chome, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Inouy^, Yoshika C^: ± H^). 

of the Hi^^iHa^TCmmS 
d, the iith m. of the andj. 
of 'Kokwa (184S) in the 
province of Satsuma ; e. s. of 
Hichiro. Inouye, a fonner 
samurai of the Kagoshima 
clan; «. Mitsu-ko, ^nd </. of 

Naogoro Ijiiin of the same 
clam. He early entered the 
naval "^ service, (^ and when 
Kagoshima was bombarded 
by the British fleet of seven 

; ships in 1863 took' part in 
the defence of the Okinoko- 
zima Fortress and was 
wounded on the occasion. 
He was next appointed 2nd 

■officer of the Imperial Navy 

on board the battleship : Ka- 
suga and ; took part ,. in the 
fight with the Tokugawa 
battleship Kaiyo-Maru off the 
coast of Awa in 1868. In 
the following year, he also 
took an active part in the 
Battle of Hakodate against 
the Tokugawa force which 
was under the command of 
the late Viscount Enomoto, 
In 187s, -he surveyed the 
western coast of Korea on 
board the warship Unyo, 
when being shot at from the 
Fortress on the Island of 
.Kang-fa he was compelled 
to reply for the outrage. 
He made a long voyage to 
Europe and America in iSjS' 
as captain of the SeiMj 
returning home in the follow- 
ing year. In 1886, he was 
made Rear- Admiral ; created 
Baron (1888) ; Commander- 
in-Chief of the Standing 
Squardon (1889) ; promoted 
to Vice-Admiral and became 
Commander of the Sasebo 
Naval Station (1892); trans- 
ferred as Commander of the 
Yokosuka Naval Station 
(1893) ; Commanded first the 
Western Squadron and then 
became the Commander-in- 
Chief of the Standing Squad- 
ron in the Japan-China warj 
transferred V successively to 
the posts of Commander of 
the Naval Stations at Kure 

[ 26l ] 


and Yokosuka (1896— 1900) ; 
granted the ist Order of tihe 
Sacred Treasure (1900) ; 
promoted Admiral (1901); 
granted the Grand Cordon- 
of the Rising Sun and was 
appointed member of the 
Military Council (190S) ; 
decorated with the 2nd 
Class of the Golden Kite 
and granted an annual 
pension of fen 1,000 for his 
services in the late war 
{1906) ; created Baron (1907). 
Address: No. 33, Hiroo- 
machi, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1 38 1 Shiba. 

Inubushi, Kurozayemon iik. 

-K % W * ® n\ Patent Me- 
dicine Vendor ; b. the 9th 
ni. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
{1864) in the province of 
Awa, Shikoku ; e. d. of the 
late Kurozayemon Inubushi ; 
m. Yuki, sister of Sataro No- 
da. Address : Aisono-mura, 
Itano-gun, Tokushima-ken. 

Inui, Yasushi Cl£ # ^0, 
Judge, President of the 
Hiroshima District Court ; 
b. the 8th m. of the Sth y. 
of Ansei (1858) in the Pro- 
vince of Higo ; 2nd d. of 
Numatsune Suganuma and 
adopted by Heigo Inui of the 
former Kumamoto clan ; m. 
Yu, e. d. of his father-in-law. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1886. Ap- 

pointed judge of the Urawa 
District court, of the - Na- 
goya Court of Appeal, Pre- 
sident of the Anotsu and 
Mayebashi District Court.s ki 
succession ; is now the 
President of the Hiroshima 
District Court. Address : 
Official Residence, District 
Court of Hiroshima, Hiro- 

Inukai, Ei C:R: * IS), Menv 
ber of the House oi' Repre- 


sentatives, leader of the 
Kokuminto (National party) ; 
b. the 4th m. of the 2nd y. 
of Ansei (1855) in Okayama- 
ken; 2nd s. of the late 
Genzayemon Inukai; m. 
Chiyo, sister of Sennosuke 
Mita of Tokyo. Edttc. : stu- 
died Chinese classics at the 
Yushima Kyokangijuku, 

Tokyo and afterwards grad- 


L 262 ] 

Hated from the Keiogijuku. 
Became writer to the Hochi 

serving "^as war 
correspondent of the paper 
during the Satsuma Rebellion 
m 1877 ; started in 1880 the 
publication of the Tokai 
Economic Magazine and 
strongly advocated the prin- 
ciple of trade protection 
against that of free trade 
then maintained by the late 
Ukichi Taguchi ° appointed 
junior secretary to the Board 
of Statistics the followihg 
year ; resigned office and 
became member of the Con- 
stitutional Progressive party 
when it was organized in 
1882 ; elected member of 
the Tokyo-fu Assembly the 
same year; entered the 
Choya . Shimbun and also 
became president of the 
Japan Economic Association 
in 1885 ; elected member of 
the House of Representatives 
in . 1890 for the first time ; 
occupied the chair of Mini- 
ster of Education for a while 
when the Itagaki-Okuma 
Cabinet was forrned in 1 898 ; 
held the post of Chief of 
the general committee of the 
Constitutional party for a 
number of years ; was one 
of the organizers of the new- 
ly formed Kokumin-tp 
; (National party) of which he 
is now one of the leaders. 

Mr. Inukai has been con- 
secutively member of the 
House of Representatives 
since its inauguration- in 
1890 and is reputed to be^ 
one of the most energetic 
politicians in the opposition 
party. Recreation : Playing 
Checkers. Address : No.. 
35, Babashitacho, Ushigome^ 
Tokyo. 7>/. .• 40 Bancho. 

Inutsuka, TosMyuki C^ M.. 
M ZX poctor^^ Chief of the 
Obstetrical" Depaftrnerit of the 
Oita Hospital. Address : 
Oitamachi, Oita-gun, Oita- 

. Inutsuka, Katsutaro (.-k_ M 
B M W, Governor of Osa- 
ka Prefecture; b. Mar. the 
1st y. of Meiji (1868) in the 
province of Ugo; s. of Mori- 
take Inutsuka, a famous 
patriot at the time of the 
Restoration ; m. Shizu, sth 
d. of the late Izuru Tsuda. 
£duc. : Graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1889). Ap- 
pointed Private Secretary ta 
the Minister of the Interior 
(1890); transferred as Coun- 
cillor of Nagasaki Prefecture 
(1891); made in succession- 
Councillor of the Dep. of 
Communications, secretary to 
the Imp. Railway Office,. 
Seci-etary to the House of 
Peers, Councillor of the 
Legislative Bureau, etc. and 

[ 263 ] 

Inn— Iri 

finally Director of the Rail- 
way Bureau of the Dep. of 
Communications in 1899 ; 
Governor of Aomori Pre- 
fecture (1904) ; Chief of the 
Civil Engineering Bureau of 
tlie Dep. of the Interior soon 
after ; sent to Europe and 
America on official business 
(1909) ; Governor of Naga- 
saki Prefecture (1910); late 
post from September 191 1 
to December 1912. 

Inutsuka, KomakicM Cik M 
IS §), President of the Tokyo 
Pottery Co. Address: No. 
3, 7 chome, Tamachi, Shiba, 

Irimajiri, Yoshio CA r^ S^ ^), 
Public Procurator, Chief 
Public Procurator of the 
Hakodate li District Court ; 
b. the 1st in., of the 1st y. 
of Gwanji (1864) in the 
province of Tosa ; 2nd s. of 
Gorozo Irimajiri, a samurai 
of the Kocbi clan ; m. Taka, 
sister of Yoshito Nishihara. 
Ediic. : studied law at several 
private Institutions since 
1878 and passed the Ex- 
amination for the Bench. 
Appointed Judge of the 
Takamatsu District Court 
(1887); Public Procurator of 
the same Court (1887) ; 
Public Procurator of the 
same Court (1897;; Public 
Procurator of the Osaka 

District Court and Chief 
Public Procurator of the 
Matsuyama District Court lit 
succession ( 1 898 — 1906) ; 
Present post since 1906, 
Address : Public Procurators' 
Oiifice, District Court of 

Iriniura, Shirosaku (A W H 
115 f'^), Managing Director of 
the Joyetsu Bank; b. the 
8th m. of the 3rd f. of 
Kayei (1850) in the province 
of Echigo ; adop.~ s. of the/ 
late Tokuhei Irimura ; m. 
Chiyo, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Address : Araimachi, 
Nakakubiki-gun, Niigata-ken. 

Irisawa, Tatsukiehi CA Ji ^ 
° ^' ,j:,J^&kub&kMhit K,Prof. .-of 
the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ; (Chair^ 
Medicine) ; b. the ist m. of 
the ist y. of Keio (1865) 
in the province of Echigo; 
e. s. of Kyohei Irisawa ; m. 
Tsune-ko, 3rd d. of Kura- 
nosuke Nakamuda, Viscount 
Educ. : Graduated . from the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1888) ; continued 
his studies in Germany 
( 1 890 — 1 894) . Became a 
member of the Imperial 
Physicians' Bureau (Dep. of 
the Imp. Household) in 
1894; appointed Prof of the 
Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1895); 
Chief physician of the Tokyo 


[ 264 1 

jRtiiylum- arid President ef the 
Kdmagiome Hospital in ad- 
dition (i%7) ; was granted 
the degree of Igakuhakushi 
(1899). Address: No, i, 
Kinsukeicho, Hongo, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 3047 Shitaya, Long 

Iriye* Tamemori CA il S ^), 
Viscount, Member of the 
Mouse of Peers , b. April 
the 1st y. of Meiji (1868) in 
Kyoto; adopt, s. of Tame- 
iuku Iriye, an old noble of 
the Mikado's court ; m. 
Nobu-ko, sister of Count 
Yoshimitsu Yanagiwara. Is 
a member of tne Imperial 
Poetry Bureau. Address : 
No. 117, Kogaicho, Azabu, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 1998 Shiba. 

Irizawa, Toshio QAWWcW, 
JEear-'Admiral of Engineerina: 
Since 191 1, Craei Engineer of 
the Yokosuka Admiralty; b. 
1869. Educ: Grraduated from 
the Naval Engineering School 
in 1883. Cieut. Commander 
of Engineering (Feb. 1 898) ; 
Commander of Engineering 
(Sept. 1899) ; Captain - of 
Engineering (Aug. 1905). 
Decorations : 3rd Order of 
flle Rising Sun ; 4th . Order 
of the Siicred Treasure ; 4th 
Glass of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 32, Nakano- 
cho, Ichigaya, ^ Ushigome, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 1801 Bancho. 

Irobe, Gldayn C-fe ^ « i: ^), 

a rich landlord, Repre'senta" 
tive member of the li-pbe 
Bank. ^. the 9th m.'of the 
5th jf. of Kayei (1853) in 
the province of Shinano ; 
e. s. of Yoshisuke Irobe ; m. 
Rui, 2nd d. of Gennosuke 
Minamizawa. Was once a 
member of the House of 

Peers. Address: Hanyu- 
mura, Hanishina-gun, Naga- 
Isaka, ITaomoto C# ^ i: #^, 

President of the Akita Timber 
Co., Director of the Otaru 
Timber Co., etc.; b. the 9th 
«. of the 1st y. of Manyen 
(1865) in Mito, province of 
Hidachi ; e. s. of Kan Isaka, 
a samtirai of Mito clan ; m.. 
Ume, sister of Naomi Matsu- 
ki. Edtic. : Graduated from 
the Keiogijy'uku (1883). 
Became writer to the " Jiji 
Skimpo," a daily newspaper ; 
entered the service of the 
Japan Civil Engineering Co. 
(1887)5 Manager of the 
kujime Lumber firm, of 
Nojiro, Akitaken ; started 
the Nojiro Timber Co. and 
the Nojiro Lumber Co. 
(1897), ^^^ afterwards the 
Akita Timber Co. of which 
he. is now president. Ad- 
dress : Minatomachi, Nojiro, 
Yamamoto-gun, Akita-ken. 

Ise, Jogoro (ffi m^^ W), 
Court physician; b. the nth 
7u. of the Sth y. of Kayei 

[265 ] 


(1853) in the province of 
■Owari ; 3rd s. of the late 
Nyozan Ise, samurai of 
Nagoya clan ; m. Sei, e. d. 
of Toshisada Tamura of 
Chiba-ken. Educ. : Grad- 
uated from the medical 
department of the former 
Tokyo Daigaku in 1880. 
Assistant Prof, of the Tokyo 
Daigaku (1883); Chief of 
the 1st Division of the 
Daigaku-Byoin (University 
Hospital) in 1884; Assistant- 
Prof, of the Medical Coll. of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (t886); 
court physician since 1894. 
Address: No. 8, 3 chome, 
Omotecho, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
. Ishibashi Ayaliiko (:eT # liH 
^)> Kogahihakase, expert 
of Chiyoda Gas Co., principal 
of a technical school. Educ: 
graduated engineering college 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1879. Address: 2132 Mi- 
namiota-machi, Yokohama. 
Tel.: 2537. 

IshibasM, Hajime CS M IS".). 
Ke^^Jidjairalj .._ President of 
the" Mercantile Marine Sch- 
ool ; 6. 1 864. Educ. : Gra- 
duated from the Naval Col- 
lege in 1879. Lieutenant-Com- 
mander (Dec. 1897); Com- 
mander (Oct. 1898); Captain 
(Jan. 1904). Decorations : 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure ; 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 

Address .1.N0. 23, Kasumicho, 
Azal)u, Tokyo . Tel}. : 2030 

Ishibashi, Kenzo (S ^ M M>, 
Maj^r-General ; i>. the 6th m. 
■'of:'the^Qfyf'§f Ansei (1859) 
in the province of Hyogo ; e. s- 
of Gisei Ishibashi ; m. Masu, 
2nd d. of Tsugisaburo Suzuki. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Military Academy (1879); 
Graduated from the Military 
College (1885). Appointed 
Sub-Lieutenant (1879); Lieu- 
tenant (1884); Captain (1887); 
Major (1893); Lieutenant Co- 
lonel (1898); Colonel (1901); 
Major-General (1905). In the 
Russo-Japanese war> he was 
the Commander of the 3rd 
Brigade of Infantry and was 
afterward decorated with the 
Second Order of the Rising 
Sun together with the Third 
Class of the Golden Kite for his 
services; after Commanding 
the 7th Brigade of Infantry 
was put on the reserve. Add- 
ress : ISTo. 804, Motoisemaohi, 
Higashi-ku, Osaka. 

Ishibashi, Shian (5 iff ,® ^), 

Sukesaburo by proper name, 
novelist; b. 1867 in Yoko- 
hama; s. of Masakata Ishi- 
bashi. Educ. : literary college 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Is 
chief editor of "Bungei Club" 
(a literary magazine). Ptib- 
lications: " Niji" " Ninumo- 

no," etc. Address.: 50 Kana- 
tomi-cho, Koishikawa - ku, 

Ishibashi, Tamenosuke CS ^ 
% ;t fl), co-editor of the 0- 
saka Asaki ; M. H. R. (in- 
dependent) ; b. June 24 of 3rd 
y. of Meiji in Osaka ; j. of A- 
risaburo Ishibashi and grand- 
son of lori Ishibashi, direct 
retainer of the Tokugawa Sho- 
gunate ; m. Mineyo ; g. d. of 
Yoshitomi Yanase, a native of 
lyo. Educ. : has been tea- 
cher of a common school when 
young ; entered the Doshisha 
at Kyoto which he quitted 
without graduating. . Gained 
a position in the editorial staff 
of the Osaka Asaki and is now 
one of its editors ; was elected 
member of the House of Re- 
presentatives in 1908, his only 
measures resorted to in this 
campaign being; speeches and 
publications, thus starting a 
refoi-m in the field of election ; 
visited America Aug. .1909 as 
a member of those famous 
busiiiess men's coterie invited 
by the* American Chambers of 
Commerce of the Pacific Coast; 
in the House of Representa- 
tives was elected member of 
the Tariff Question Committee 
(26th Session), of the Account 
Committee (26th Session) and 
of the Budget Committee (27th 
Session). Address: Imahashi, 

266 ] 

"; chome, Osaka! ~ ' ; 

Ishibashi, Wa OB m^W; 
Commissioner' of the Gifu 
prefectural Grovernment. Add- 
ress: TsukasamacH; Gifu-shi, 

Ishida, Haehiya CH ffl A W), 
Baron, Sub-manager of the 
Osaka-branoh of Mitsubishi 
firm ; b. the 8th m. of the 
3rd y. of Bunkyij (1863) in 
the province of Ugo ; adojr. 
s. of the late Baron Eikichi 
Ishida of Kyoto ; m. Yii,, 
e. d. of his father-in-law. 
Edtic. : Graduated from the 
former College of Engineer- 
ing; of the Tokyo University 
(1887) and from the Erei- 
Ipurg Uhiversity, Germany 
{iSgi). Entered the service, 
of the Komaki Mining Co.. 
in 1888 and then that of the 
Mitsubishi firm ; appointed 
Engineer to the Imperial Es- 
tates' Bureau (1891) ; Prof of 
the College of Engineering of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; be- 
came Chief of the Osaka Iron 
Foundry ; again entered the 
service of the Mitsubishi firm 
and is now Sub-manager of its- 
Osaka-branch. Address: No. 
10, 3 chome, Temma-bashi^ 
Kitaku, Osaka. 

Ishida, Ichiro (M ffl — 
W>, Rear - Admiral, Chief of 
the Torpedo Division of the 
Sasebo Naval Station ; d. 18- 

[ 26; 1 


64. Eiiuc. : graduated from 
the Na.val Academy (18- 
80). Lieutenant-Commander 
(Dec. 1897) '> Commander 
(Sept. 1899) ; Captain (Jan. 
1906) ; Rear- Admiral (1910); 
Decorated with the 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun toge- 
ther with the 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite in connection 
with the late war. Address : 
No. Ill, Chofu-mura, Toyo- 
ura-gun, Yamaguchi-ken. 

Isnida, Mambei CS W ^ ^ 
W), Woollen cloth dealer 
(firm name " Ishidaya ") ; d. 
the 3rd m. of the 6th y. of 
Ansei (1859) in Osaka; e.s. 
of the late Mambei Ishida ; 
in. Toyo, sister of Kanekichi 
Miyamoto, a heimin of Kana- 
gawa-ken. Address: No. 21, 
Tori-Aburacho, Nihonbashi; 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1529 Naniwa. 

Ishida, Moriteru (^ fS ^ 
iS), Major- General, Com- 
mander of the Dispatched Ar- 
my to Chosen; h. the 3rd to. of 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855) 
in the prefecture of Ishikawa ; 
2nd s. of Toji Hayashi and 
adopted by the late Nuie-. 
mon Ishida ; m. Shigeru, d. 
of Seiichi Sugioka. Educ. : 
Graduated from the Military 
Academy. > Appointed Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry (1877) ; 
taking part in the war ol 
the Satsuma Rebellion the 
same year; Lieutenant (1883); 

Captain (1886); Major f i8oc->; 
Lieutenant - Colonel (1902) ; 
Colonel (1905); Major-Gelie- 
ral (1908), He commanded 
the nth Regiment of Infant- 
ry in the late war and was 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun as well as 
the 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite for his services. Ad- 
dress: Headquarter of the 
dispatched army in Korean 
Ishidzn, Bisaku C^G * ^ij ft), 
Yakugakuhakushi (Doctor of 
pharmacology^, expert of the 
Tokyo Hygienic Laboratory,, 
member of Committee for the 
Examination for Medical pra- ' 
ctitioners. Address: No. lo, 
Nishikatamachi, Komagome, 
Hongo, Tokyo. 

Ishidzuka, Teppei (.H U ^ 
-¥), Experimental Agricultural 
Farm Expert. Address: The 
Riku-u biraneh of the ' A-gri- ' 
cultural Experimental Farm, 
Hanagata - mura, Sempoku- 
gun, Akita-ken. 

Ishigami, Kantaro Q^ ±. M 
:k SK, Managing Director of 
the Abe Bank; d. the ist 
m. of the 1st y. of Bunkyu 
(1861) in the prefecture of 
Shizuoka ; e. s. of Heishi- 
ro Ishigami ; m. Masu, 2nd 
d. of Yosuke Oshima. Ad- 
dress : Fukuori-mura, Abe- 
gnn, Shidzuoka-ken. 

IsMgnri, Gozo CS ^ WI 


[ 268 ] 

^•)) Colgnel^of,^,. Eiigineers, 
-Memoer of ^ne Fortifica- 
-tions Office. Address : No, 43, 
.2 chome, Haramachi, Ushi- 

IsliigHfo, Isoji C;fT M 351 -t 
— ).j a member of the Peers' 
House, " Kinkeinoma-shiko," 
(a honoraiy position of tlie 
Imperial Court Attendance) 
since 1908, KogakuImkusJn 
(Doctor of Technical Science); 
b. June loth, 1875 at Kana- 
zawa, Kaga ; second s. of the 
late Chihiro Ishiguro, a sa- 
murai of Kaga clan (Lord 
Mayeda's). Educ. : the Tech- 
nical College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University (gra. 
1878); started for England 
for his further study " the ' , 

_^ne^tj yeair__.^/Servecl appfen- 
ti_ce.for,. three years with Ed- ' 
ward Eastern, Delahay Street, 
Westminster, S- - W:; from- 
1879 to, 1.882; after his re- 

"turri to Japan served con- 
tinually for the Government 
till 1906, when he retired 
from the service ; has since 
occupied the Post of chief 
Engineer to the Uji River 
Hydro-Electric Power Com- 
pany, Ltd ; at Kyoto, where 
he designed a scheme to 
generate about 50,000 horse 
power with the water from 
the lake Biwa formerly en- 
gaged upon Herts and Es- 

sex Water-works Extension, 
Gray's Water works, . Fave^ 
roham Swing bridge. De- 
signed gas-holdor of East 
Griestead, bridge over the ri- 
ver Nacor, bridge over the 
river Halladole, Casheldue- 
Bridge, pumping establish-! 
ment at Khatatbeh in Egypt,? 
and irrigation works iii Be-< 
hera District ; iron roof for' 
the circular tanks of Alex-\ 
andria Water works; carried 
out Deal water-works; Beherai 
Irrigations Works, at Khatat- 
beh, Egypt ; Installation of 
Experimental Electric Light- 
ing at Stafford House with 
Gramme Machine, in 1882; 
Engineer to a new manufacT 
tory of " Insulite " with Dri 
Fleeming, of Cambridge ; aii 
Inspector for pumps and irriT. 
cration plants made at the Prish 
Iron works t© be sent out t<i 
Egypt on behalf of Ed.s 
Eastern. During his service': 
with the Japanese Govern-" 
ment designed the Drainage 
system of the foreign settle- 
ment of Yokohama, detail- 
ed survey of the Yokohama 
Waterworks, 1878— 1879; 
design oft Kilung Harbor 
Works, etc., etc. Designed' 
and carried out river impro- 
vements of the river Chiku- 
go. Tone, Shinano (some of 
which are still in progress) ; 

[ 269] 


Harbor Works of Moji, Wa- 
karnatsu and Miike (all com- 
pleted satisfactorily) ; Civil 
Engineering Works for the 
establishments of the Govern- 
ment Naval Stations at Ku- 
re, Sasebo and Maidzuru ; 
and also the civil engineering 
in general for the Naval Ex- 
pansion Works since 1895 to 
1906 ; was also engaged up- 
on the Yokohama Harbor 
Works as chief engineer 
after the death of the late 
Major General Polmer in 
Feb., 1893 till 1896. It was 
due to his scherne and his 
actual supervision that the 
Japanese Government succe- 
eded in lifting six Russian 
sunken war-ships, " Retvizan" 
(12,700 tons), "Poltava" 
(11,000 tons), " Pobieda " 
( 1 3 ,670 tons) , " Presviet ' ' 
(12,674 tons), "Pallada" 
(6,700 tons), and " Bayan " 
(7,800 tons), in Port Arthur, 
after the Russo Japanese war 
in 1904 — 5. Chief Engineer 
to the Plome Department from 
189s — 98 ; Chief Engineer to 
the Civil Engineering Works, 
and also the Inspector General 
of Works Department of the 
Imperial Navy, 1886 — 90, and 
again from 1898 — 1906; Le- 
cturer upon Sanitary Engine- 
ering at the Tokyo Imperial 
University, from Jan., 1885 
to June 1886. Committee and 

Councillor : Japanese Imperi-^ 
al Steel Works Tokyo' cily 
Improvements, Imperial Sels- 
mological Society, Imperial 
Japanese Railway construe-: 
tion. He was decorated with 
the Order of the " Rising 
Sun " of second rank. Full 
member of the • Institution of 
civil engineers (London). Mar- 
ried, firstly Masu Enomoto,. 
niece of the late Viscount 
Vice-Admiral Enomoto (she 
died Oct., 1905) ; secondly in 
1906, Yaye Yoshida, daugh- 
ter of Major Paymaster .Gen- 
eral T. Yoshida, and has issue 
four sons and two dailghters 
of the first, and one son ' of 
the latter. C/u5 : Nippon, in 
Tokyo. Address ; No. 2, Aka- 
sakadaimachi, Akasakaku.Tp- 
kyo. Tel. : 2260 Shimbashi. 

Ishiguro, Kogi (j^W^3> W)y 
Engineer, chief of the Con- 
struction section of the Ac- 
counts Dep't in the Yokosuka 
Naval Station. Address: the 
Yokohama Naval Station. 

IshigTxro,. Tomokichi (:S M 

*: a). Director of the Tokyo- 
fu Technical school; b.. 
August, 1 869 at Kowa-machi, 
Chita-gun, Aichi prefecture; 
s. of Shircemon; m. Ikuyo, 
e. d. of Toku Suzuki. Educ: 
Aichi-ken Normal school, the 
mechanics course of the To- 


1 270 ] 

kio Higher Technical school. 
Served holding successrvely 
the posts of assistant teacher 
of the Aichi-ken Normal 
school, teacher of the Tokio- 
fu Normal school, of Fuku- 
oka Technical school and 
.principal of the Akita-ken 
Technical school. .. Address: 
961 Mitsuki, Shinagawa-cho, 

Itiliiguro, Uchnji CS M ^ » 
?&), ex - Surgeon Inspector 
General of the Navy, Director 
of the Fuji Life Insurance 
Co.; b. the '2nd in. of the 
Sth y. of Kaei (1852) in Nii- 
gata ; e. s. of Genshin Ishi- 
gijro ; m. Yoshi, e. d. of Baron 
Motoi Nabeshima. Edtcc. : 
Graduated from the Naval 
Medical School. Appointed 
second Assistant Surgeon after 
graduation and after rapid 
promotion, attained the rank 
of Surgeon Inspector General, 
when he was placed on the 
reserve ; at present is Direc- 
tor of the above-mentioned 
Co. Decorations: 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun ; 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
-26^, Tornoecho, Nishinokubo, 
Shiba, Tokyo. Td.: 2081 

IsMguro, Tadanori (Jf M S 
!i)> Baron, ex-Surgeon Ge- 
neral, Member of the House 

<of Peers, Councillor to ^ the 
Japan Red Cross Society, 
President of the Central 
Sanitary Association, etc. ; b. 
the 2nd m. of the 2nd y. 
of Kokwa (1845) in the pro- 
vince of Echigo ; e. s. of Jun 
saku Ishiguro. Edtic. : studi- 
ed medicine at the medical 
school of the Tokugawa 
Government. Entered the 
Army as Surgeon (1871); 
promoted to Surgeon-Ma.] or 
(1876) ; was sent to America 
to attend the International Ex- 
hibition held at Philadelphia 
(1876—1877); Chief Surgeon 
of the Osaka Military ^Hos- 
pital on the occasion oif the 
Civil War of Kagoshima. in 
1877 ; promoted to Surgeon- 
Colonel (1878); Vice-Presi- 
dent of the Medical College , 
of the Tokyo Univ. in ad- 
dition (1879) ; junior Direct- 
or of the Medical Bureau of 
the Dep. of War and junior 
Director of the Sanitary 
Bureau of the Dep. of the 
Interior (1884); represented 
Japan at the 6th Intefhafional 
Sanitaiy Conference held at 
Vienna (1885); appointed 
Chief of the Military Medical 
School as well as member of 
the Sanitary Council of the 
Army (1886); promoted to 
Surgeon-General and ap- 
pointed Director of the Me- 

[271 ] 


dical Bureau of the Dep. of 
War (1888), both of these 
posts he resigned in 1896 to 
open the road of promotion 
to younger men. On the 
occasion of the Japan-China 
War, he held the office of 
the Superintendent of the 
Field Sanitary corps, in 
which capacity he rendered 
•great service to the Army 
and was chiefly instrumental 
in showing to the world our 
admirable system of military 
sanitation. He was created 
Baron after the War. ^ Since 
his resignation of his official 
post, he has devoted himself 
to the works of the Red 
Cross Society as well as 
other public works of simi- 
lar kind. He was nominat- 
ed member of the House of 
Peers in 1902 and decorat- 
ed with the Grand Cordon 
{Rising Sun) in connection 
witli the late Waf. He is 
widely known for his wonder- 
fill development of common- 
sense. Address: No. 17, A- 
geba-cho, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 3 Bancho. 

Ishihara, Hisashi (H M A.), 
Assistant Prof of the Me- 
^cai.;.Cpllege: of .the^ , lokyp 
imperial University. Address : 
Sanchome, Akebonocho, Ko- 
magome, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Ishihara, Junko (S .© M HI), 

Surgeoh-Ihipector of Navy, 
Chief of the Port Arthur War 
val Hospital ; b. 1864. Staff 
Surgeon (Dec, 1897) 5 Fleet 
Surgeon (Dec. 1 899) ; Sur- 
geon-Inspector (Jan. 1905). 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 4th Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address ■' The 
Naval Hospital, Port Arthur. 

Ishihara, Kenzo (S M li S), 
Governor of Aicbi— keu ; b. ^ 
the ist m. _of ist y. cf 
Gwanji (1864) in Okaya- 
ma-ken; 3rd s. of Kurahei 
Ishihara ; m. Shizu, 2nd d. 
of Sasaki Haga, a samurai 
ofFukui. Educ: Graduated 
from the College of Law of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1889). 
Appointed Judge (1901); .since 
1902 has served successively 
as Councillor of Ibaraki-ken, 
Osaka-fu, Kagawa-ken and 
Gifu-ken, Councillor and Se- 
cretary of the Home Depart- 
ment, Governor of Yamana- 
shi-ken, Chiba-ken, Kochi- 
ken, Shizuoka-ken, and Hok- 
kaido; present post since 19- 
12; decorated with the 3rd 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
' n connection with the Russo- 
Japanese War. Address: 
Official Eisidenc'e of Aichi 
Prefectural oiiice, Nagoya. 

Ishihara, Misao OS W- W) 
President of the. 5 2nd Bank J 
b. Aug. the 1st j/. of Meiji 


[ 272 ] 

(1868:7 in the prefecture of 
Ehime; e.s. of Boku Ishiha- 
ra, a samurai of Ehime-ken; 
m. Rin, sister of Taneaki 
Futagami. Address: Kuwa- 
bara-mura, Onsen-gun, Ehi- 

Ishii, Choku CS * i£)> Pre- 
sident of the Ishii Savings 
Bank, Director of the Nippon 
Fish Incubation Co. and of 
the Yokoliania Stowage Bank, 
Auditor of the Moji Industrial 
Co. ; b. Mar. the 7th y. of 
Meiji (5875) in Kanaga wa- 
ken ; e. s. of Naokata .Ishii ; 
m. Tsuru, sister of Matsusa- 
buro Noguchi of Tokyo. Ad- 
dress : No. 3, Kanagawacho, 

Ishii, Gitaro CS * ^ * W, 
Captain" of Navy, sectional 
Chief of the iTaVal EuducatioD 
Office: b. 1868. Eduo.: Grad- 
. uated from the Naval Acade- 
my in 1882. Lieutenant Com- 
mander (Feb. 1 898); Com- 
mander (Sept. 1900) ; Captain 
(Jan 1905). Decorations ; ■^xd 
Order of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure ; 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 5, Enokizaka, 
Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. 

Ishii, Hayata Cy^ ^ ^ is,\ 
Lieiit.-Genera], Commander 
of Shimonoseki Fortress since 
Dec. 191 2; b. the 7t}i TO. of 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855) 

in the prefecture of Miyazaki;; 
adoJ>. s. of the late .■ Mdzoi 
Ishii.; m. Suye, 2nd </.. of his 
adopted father. Educ: -Gradu- 
ated from the Military Pre- 
paratory School and the Mi- 
litaiy - Academy ;, , w^sS, .agiit. 
to France to study military 
tactics ;(i888X^ $ub-Lieute- 
nant (Feb. 1 879)"-; Lieutenant 
(Feb. 1883) ; Captain (Jan. 
1887); Major (Jan. 1893) ; Li- 
eutenant-Colonel (Oct. 1 897) ; 
Colonel (Nov. 1901) ; Major- 
General (July 1906). ^Occu- 
pied successively "the posts of 
Adjutant to the War Dept.-, 
Private Secretaiy to the Mini-, 
ster of War, Commander of 
the loth Regiment of Field' 
Artilleiy, Commander of the 
2nd Brigade of Heavy Artil-, 
ler>% etc. j has been decorated, 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite ; was 
military attache to the Ch5-: 
sen Governor-General's Office, 
and then Commander of the- 
2nd Brigade of Field Artillery. 
Address: Shimonoseki. 

Ishii, Jyuji (5 Jt^ + i^). 
Founder and Manager, of the 
Okayama Orphanage ; b. in 
1865 at Takanabe in the pro- 
vince of Hyuga. _ Educ. : en- 
tered the Okayama Medical 
School and left it four months 
before graduation. At the- 
age of fiftefen he came up to 

[ 273 ] 


Tokyo and studied there for 
a year ; on returning to his 
native place was arrested for 
a political offense and for 
forty days was imprisoned. 
Later, he suffered from sick- 
ness and was converted by 
his Christian physician. He 
then went to Okayama and 
entered the Public Medical 
School there. While study- 
ing at school he was assist- 
ing an oi'phan. He made 
up his mind to give his life 
to orphanage work while pre- 
paring for his final examina- 
tions. Against his friends' 
advice, he burnt all medical 
books and notes, and organ- 
ized the Okayama Orphan 
Asylum. During tlie last 
twenty five years has met many 
difficulties and hardships in 
bringing the institution to its 
pi-esent -SotirisMng condition. 
The orphanage is now well 
known allover Japan as a mod- 
el institution of its kind. Many 
children have been educated 
in this orphanage. His man- 
puku (full stomach) principle 
is very famous. It is said 
that he will present the 
institution to the Imperial 
Household Dep't when in 
a satisfactory position. He 
is widely known as Oka- 
yama Saig5. To everyone's 
great surprise and regret, he 

is suffeiring from an incurable 
disease and his doctor only 
gives him a couple of years 
to live. That God may 
spare his life for a longer 
period for the sake of suffer- 
ing humanity is the wish of 
all. Address : Okayama 
Kojiin Jimusho, Umeda, 
Kitaku, (Dsaka-city. 

Ishii, Kibei Cs * V- J^- if), 
Judge, President of the Ma- 
yebashi Prefectural Court^ 
3. the 6th m. of the 2nd jf. 
of Bunkyii (1862) in the pre- 
fecture of Iwate ; 3rd s. of 
Isaburo Isliii ; m. Fuji, sis- 
ter of Daizo Kikuchi. Educ. : 
studied law at several pri- 
vate institutions. Appointed 
Probationary Judge in 1885 
and full Judge in 1887; 
Judge of the Hakodate Pre- 
fectural Court, of the Ha- 
kodate Court of Appeal, Pre- 
sident of the Yamagata and 
Fukushima Prefectural Courts 
in succession (1887 — 1908); 
Present post since 1908. 
Address : Official Residence, 
Mayebashi, Gumma-ken. 

Isliii, Kikuiiro CS * ii ^ 
515) Ambassador to Paris since 
191^, Baron; 6. th^jnd month 
of the 2nd year of Keio (1866) 
in Chiba-'ken; adopted into I- 
shii family ; 7n. Tama, d. of 
Tadashi Kashimura. Educ. : 
graduated Law in the .Imperial 
University of Tokyo ; Dipio- 


[ 274 1 

matic Attache in 1891 ; 2!id 
class Secretary of Legation 
at Paris in 1893 ; Consul at 
Chemulpo in 1896; istckss 
Secretary of Legation at Pe- 
king in 1898 : Chief of the 
Section of Telegraphs in 1900; 
and then Director of the Bu- 
reau of Commercial Affairs ; 
Vice Minister of Foreign Af- 
fairs, 1908; was despatchecl to 
San Francisco and Vancouver. 
in 1907 in.., counection with 
' the anti-Japanese riots there. 
Address: Japanese, Embassy, 
Paris. <. , 

■ IsMi Kyutaro CH * A. i: W), 
Vice-President of the Tott'ori 
Hospital. ■& Address : Nishi- 
machi, Tottori-shi, Tottori- 


Tshii,. Mankichi (5 ^ ^ §), 

Hakutei by pen-name, artist 
(Western painting) ; _ b. -i 882 
in Tokyo; 5. of Teiko Ishii, 
Japanese painter. Studied 
painting from the late Chu 
Asai, once was engaged as 
design drawer in the Printing 
Bureau and a printing com- 
pany; was sketch drawer in 
the "Chuoshimbun;" travelled 
through Europe to visit 
galleries, and to draw from 
nature" and life in the differ- 
ent countries; Dec. J910- 
Oct. 1912; during that time 
was hiterested • by the Egyp- 
tian ancient arts, Mohamme- 
dan building in Turkey and 

the Moor arts in Spain; 
received in audience ^ by 'their ^ 
Italian Majesties in Rome; 
is member of Taiheiyogakai, 
Museikai, ^Pnblication-^\nm- 
hihongafu (two volumes of 
picture collection). Address: 
183 Komagome-hayashi-cho, 
iiong5-ku, Tokyo., 

Ishii, Kyoiclii (ir % K — ), 
philanthropist, educationist 
for idiots, proprietor of Ta- 
kinogawa-Gakuyen (an or- 
phanage ,.. and idiot school); 
son of a saimirai of Saga 
clan; m. Fudeko, lady edu- 
cationist, d. of Kiyoshi Wata- 
nabe. In the time of the 
great earthquake of 1 891 he 
was the head master of the 
Rikkyo girls school. Being 
stimulated by the miserable^ 
condition of many orphans 
whose parents died on ac- 
count of the earthquake he 
established a female orphan 
school, the antecedent of the 
Takinogawa Gakuyen, at 
his own expense. Besides 
he founded the educational 
work of idiot. " Thus he is 
tke pioneer of this work of 
Japan. He twice went to 
America in 1896 and 1898 
for observing the idiot educa- 
tion. Thus he is devoting 
himself to the charitable 
work. Address: 126 K6- 
shindzuka, Sugamo, Tokyo. 
Tel: 1788 Shitaya. 

[ m ] 


Ishii. Tsnneliide CS # jt JS), 
President of the Formosan 
Court of Cassation ; b. the 
1st ni. oftheistj?/. of Gwanji 
(1864) in the province of 
Hizen; adopt, s. of the late To- 
rasahuro Ishii; m. Shizu, d. of 
Masao Kusano of Kumamoto. 
Edtic. : Graduated Law in 
the former Tokyo Daigal<;u 
(1,887). President of the Yo- 
kohama District Court be- 
fore he came to occupy the 
present post. Address: Bu- 
nba-machi, Taihoku, Form- 

. Ishikawa, Chiyomatsu (X\ jfi 
"f- -ft ^S), Zoologist, Rigaku- 
hakushi, Ph. D. (Freiburg 
University), Prof, of the Col- 
lege of Agriculture of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (Chair,- 
Zoology, Entomology and Se- 
riculture) ; b. -ihe 4th m. of 

the 1st y. of Bunkyii (1861) 
in Tokyo ; ' 2nd s. of Chcso 
Ishikawa, a former samurai 
of Shizuoka Clan ; m. Sada, 
sister of Toshio Mitsukuri, 
Baron. Educ. : studied English 
at the former Foreign Lan- 
guage School ; graduated 
from the College of Science 
of the former Tokyo Daigaku 
in 1882; sent to. Germany 
where he graduated from the 
Freiburg University with the 
degree of Ph. D. (Zoology, 
Comparative Anatomy, Bot- 
any, Paleontology, etc.) ; was 

appointed Prof of the Col- 
lege of Science of .the • To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. immediately 
after his return ; subsequently 
a member of the Imperial 
Museurn ; Prof of the College 
of Agriculture of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1890; receiv- 
■ ing the degree of Rig&ku- 
hakiishi the same year. Pub- 
lications .' " Aiiimal Evolu- 
tion," " Anatomical Guide," 
besides many other works on 
Zoology. Address: No. 19, 
Daibancho, Yotsuya, Tokyo. 

Ishikawa, Ghoenioa CS ]\\ ^ 
ti % PI), a rich landlord, 
Director of the Shonai Bank ; 
b. the 8th vi. of the ist y. 
of Gwanji (1864) in the" pro- 
vince of Uzen ; e. s. of Jukei 
Ishikawa ; 7n. Naka, e. d. oi 
Saburo3'emon Dtaki. Address: 
Jurokugo-mura, Higashitaga- 
wa-gun, Yamagata-ken. 

Ishikawa, Hanyemon OS Jii 
'-? /&' '■^ ri), Managing direc- 
tor of the Yokohama Savings 
Bank and of the Yokohama 
Industrial Bank; b. the 12th 
«¥. of the 3th y. of Ansei 
(1858) in Kanagav/a prefec- 
ture ; 2nd s. of the deceased 
Hanyemon Ishikav/a ; m. Ri- 
se, adopt, d. of Tomomichi 
Soyeda. Address: No. 116, 
3 chome, Motomachi, Yoko- 
hama. Tel. : 1047. 

Ishikawa, IIozo (;fl }\\ a m\ 
a rich landlord ; '5. the 9th 


[ 2.7.6 ] 

m. of the 2nd y. cA Kaei 
(1849) in the province of Mu- 
-sashi ; adop. s. of the late 
Dsulce Ishikawa. Address: 
Matsufuse - mura, Ritakatsu- 
shika-gun, Saitama-ken. 

Ishikawa, Ishiyo (j^ ]\\ S •ft), 
Engineer to the. Imperial 
Railway Board ; b. Mar. the 
1st y. of Meiji (1868) in 
Kameyama, province of Ise ; 
e. s. of Chikujiaro Ishikawa, 
■a samurai; m. Slio-ko, e. 
d. of Masatsune Suganuma 
of VVakayama - ken. Edtic. : 
Graduated from the Civil 
Engineering Course of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1890). 
Appointed Assistant-Engineer 
of the Public Works In- 
spection office of the Home 
Department the same year ; 
full Engineer to the same in 
1 892 ; transferred as Railway 
Engineer to the Dep't of 
Communications and Engi - 
neer to Aomori-ken in ad- 
dition ( 1895 ) ; constructed 
the Du Railway as Chief 
of the Aomori branch office 
of the Railway Construction 
Bureau (1896): appointed 
Chief Engineer to the Mili- 
tary Railway Construction Of- 
fice at the time of the Russo- 
Japanese' War ; made Chief 
of the Construction Section 
of the Railway Control Bureau 
of the Residency General in 
1906 ; was sent to Europe 

and America for the inspec- 
tion of Railway matters ( i 905- 
1910) ; fraiTTsfeyi^ed 'to the pre- 
sent postion in his return from 
abroad; was decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun in connection witli his 
great services as Milita:ry Rail- 
way Engineer during the Rus- 
so-Japanese War. Address : 
No. 93, Yamaya, Yoyold, Yo- 
yohatamura, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 
1 149 Bancho, 

Ishikawa, llaa-mei (:fT M # 
M), Chief editor of the Jiji 
.Shunpj ; b. the loth m. of 
the 6th y. of Ansei (1859) 
in Mito, province of Hitachi 5 
3rd s. of Takenosuke Ishi- 
kawa, a samurai ofMA\.Q c^asi ; 
m. Sato, e. d. of Jo Seki,. 
samurai of the same clan. 
Ediic. : Graduated from the 
Ibaraki Normal School and 
taught in it for two years ; 
entered the Keiogijuku, gra- 
duating from it in 1885 #Be- 
came leader writer to the Jiji 
Shimpo on the i-ecommenda- 
tion of the late Fukuzawa im- 
mediately after graduation ; 
went to Europe and Ame- 
rica for observation purposes 
in 1908 ; is one of the Coun- 
cindrs of the Keiogij uku . Ad- 
dress: No. 9, Fujimicho, Aza- ' 
bu-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1256 

Shiba. ^ . «,/ 

Isaikawa, Kei. vS J!l Wii 

Coromissioner of Niigata-ken; 

[ 277 J 


^. the lotli m. of the 3rd _y. 
of Bunkyu (1863) in Kaga wa- 
ken ; e. s. of the late Masa- 
taro Ishikawa ; ni. Tsune, 
2nd d. of Sashichiro Sakai of 
Hiroshima-ken. Educ. : Gra- 
duated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1890). Appointed succes- 
sively Councillor of Fukushi- 
ma-ken and psaka-fu and Sec- 
retary of Oita-ken ; Oommi- 
ssioner of Kumamoto-ken , 
1907. Address: Official Eesi- 
dence , ]S1 ibancho , Ei shodai , 
Niigata-shi, Niigata-ken. 
Isbikawa, Kintaro Cg ;i| & 

•JkW), Inlaid work sculptor, 
also known by the name of 
Kambi; ^. 1863, in Asakusa, 
Tokyo;, m. Nobu, 1896. 
Educ. : after completing 
primary school course in 
1883, studied inlaid works 
and painting by Kansai 
Asamura, 1885-1891, esta- 
blished in the profession for 
himself in 1892. Made 
inlaid work screen for use 
on the occasion of the cele- 
bration of the birth-day of 
the late Empress Dowager 
of China. Awafded many 
prizes Tor his excellent work- 
manship by various exhibi- 
tions, industrial and fine 
arts institutes. The peculiar- 
feature of his work is that 
shells, ivory, precious stones 
- articles are inlaid 

with artistic skill. Recrea- 
tions: Haikai (Conjiposition 
of short poetic epigram) 
Address: No. 5 Nichome,. 
Yanaka Hatsune-cho, Shita- 
ya, Tokyo. 

Ishikawa, Kisaburo (:0 Jll S 

SIR), Editor of the Seikyo 
Shimpo and of the Seikyo- 
Yowa, organs of the Russian 
Ortliodox Church; b. 2nd 
y. of Keio (1866) in Sendai; 
s. of Tokuji Ishikawa; m. 
Toku, d. of Hideroku Sato, 
pastor of the Russian Or- 
thodox Church, October 
1 891. Educ: entered the 
Medical College in Sendai 
when young, but passed over 
to the Theological College , 
of the Russian Orthodox 
Church in Tokyo, 1884, and 
graduated from it later. Was 
long in mission work as 
preacher and lecturer of the 
theological college. Ptiblica- 
tions: Poetry and Music; 
Orthodox Church and Mo- 
dern Thought; Life of Christ; 
and others (in Japanese). 
Address: No. 6, Kobai-cho, 
Kanda, Tokyo. 

Ishikawa, Mitsuaki C?J )\\ % 
M), sculptor, Prof, of the 
Tokyo Fine Arts School ; b. 
the 9th m. of the 5th y. of 
Kayei (1852) in Tokyo; e.s. 
of Tpkichi Ishikawa ; m. Sa- 
da, e. d. of Bunyemon Su- 
zuki. Educ. : studied paint- 


1 278 J 

ing from Soseri Kano, a fa- 
mous painter of the Toku- 
gawa era and ivory engrav- 
ing from Masamitsu Kiku- 
gawa. Awarded prize medal 
for his ivory engraving of 
the Kannon Statue exhibited 
at the National Exhibition 
ih 1881-; was several times 
appointed Examiner to various 
Exhibitions and . to the Fine 
Arts Committee, attached to 
the Imperial Household, in 
1 899; Prof, of the Tokyo Fine 
Arts School at present; Ad- 
dress: No. .^2, Tennoji-machi, 

■ Yanaka, Shltaya, Tokyo-. ~ 

Ishikawa, Seiyemon (5 }\\ if 
^ 'M F5), manufacturer and 
retailer of shirts and dry- 
goods (firm-name, " Yamato- 
ya ") ; d. the i ith m. of the 
2nd y. of Ansei (1855) in 
the prefecture of Kanagawa ; 
adopt. sJ of the deceased 
Seiyemon Ishikawa and mar- 
ried his daughter, Masa. Ad- 
dress : No. 6, I chome,. Ben- 
teu-dori, Yokohama. Tel.: 

■ 183. 

Ishikawa Mohei (5 jfl 'M ^ 
%), rice and fertilizer mer- 
chant. Director of the Japan 
Rice tp . , Auditor >. of the 
Japan Commercial Bank and 
of the Manchurian Commercial 
Co. ; b. the iithm. of the lOth . 
y. of Tempo (i 839) in the pro- 
vince of Settsu ; adopt, s. of the 

late Mohei Ishikawa; f/i. Mlyo, 
e. s. of his adopted -father. 
Address: No. 47, Egawacho, 
Kobe. Tel.: 171, . 

Isb.ika,wa, Sadakiclii (:fi ]\\ 

M. S% ./^_^/|^^^44? .(Poctior 
of Medicine). Address: Oxno- 
te-cho, Koishikawa-ku, To- 
kyo. . - " - , '.. 

Isbika-wa, Shokin CS J'l . ?i 
fiS)? Buddhist priest, superior 
of Shinshcyi (a ' temple, of 
Fuddson) on Naritayama, 
Chiisojyo; b. Oct; 1869 at 
Itadomura, Chiba-ken; 2nd 
s. of Matajuro Nakamura. 
Educ. : Honshvi n\iddle school, 
Doninsha, Kokurnin Eigakkai, 
Honshiidaigaku and private- . 
ly. Succeeded his predecessor' 
Rev. Shoho Mitsuike in 1894; 
proceeded to America in 
1898 and after one . year 
travelled through Europe and 
India; the private- Narita 
middle school, Narita, library, 
Naritayama girls school and 
Naritayama reformatory are 
managed at his own expense;. 
decorated with. 6ih Order; of 
Merit. Address:. Narita-ma- 
chi, Inba-gun, Chiba-ken. ; 

Ishikawa, SMgeyuki CH ))\ 

S 1^') viscount, ex-lord of Shi^ 
modate-clan; h- 1867 in Hita- 
chi; s. of Shokan, descend and 
of the Minamoto family; m. Ke- 
iko, aunt to viscoimtToda. Su- 
cceeded his father in 1 8 '7. Ad- 

[ 279 ] 


dress: No. 6, Sliimodateinachi, 
Makabs-gun, Ibaragi-ken. 

Ishikawa, Tokuyemon CS J'l 
ffi * » P^), President of the 
Yokohama Industrial Bank 
and of the Yokohama Indus- 
trial Savings Bank, Director 
of the Japan Safety Oil Co. 
and of the Yokohama Life 
Insurance Co., Auditor of the 
Yokohama Dock Co., of the 
Yokohama Railway Co. and 
of the Yokohama Warehouse 
Co., etc. ; b. the I2th m. of 
the 3rd y. of Ansei (1856). 
in Kanagawa prefecture ; e. s. 
of the late Tokuyemon Ishi- 
kawa ; m. Kiku, 3rd d. of 
Kohei Ogawa. In addition to 
the posts mentioned above, 
he is a member of the Yo- 
kohama Chamber of Com- 
merce': Address : No. 108, 2 
chome, Motomachi, Yokoha- 
ma. TsL: 458. 

Ishikawa, Yaichiro C5 H M 
- S|5), Chief of the Second 
Section of the Board of Au- 
dit. Address : No. 9,5 chome, 
Fujimicho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Ishimaru, Shigeyoshi O^ % 
M. ^), Engineer to the Imperi- 
al Railway Board; b. the ist 
m. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864) in Dita-ken ; e. s. cf 
Kesazo Ishimaru, a samurai 
of Oita clan ; ; m. Ito, sister 
of Etsuta Yanagi of Tokyo. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 

Engineering College of -the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ.- (1890). 
Appointed Assist.- Engin'eer to 
the Home Dep. the same 
year; transferred as Engine- 
er of Akita-ken (1891); sub- 
sequently Railway Engineer 
to the Department of Commu- 
nications; was despatched to 
Europe and, America on an 
official mission (1907 — 1908); ■ 
has been in present post 
since 1908. Address : No. 
13, 2 chome, Iclubeicho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel.: 281 

IsWmitsu, Maomi (;s 3fc 1. 
E)> Lieutenant-Colonel of 
9th Regiment of Field Artil- 
lery, 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun and 4th Class of tl^ 
Golden Kite; 3. 1866 in 
Kumamoto-ken. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant (Mar. 1891); Lieu- 
tenant (Nov. 1893); Captain 
(Nov. 189s); Major (Nov. 
1901) ; Lieutenant - Colonel 
(May 1905). Address: 8th 
Regiment of Field Artillery, 
Hirosaki, Aomori-ken. 

Ishihara, TJliaohi (:s M i^ A), 
Patent- Attorney, Auditor of 
the Banzai Life Insurance 
Co., Ltd., and of the Tovo- 
dashiki Machine Mfg. • Co., 
Ltd.; b. the 7th m. ot the 
3rd f. of Keio (1867) in Shi- 
dzuoka - prefecture ; e. s. of, 
Teizo Ishihara; m. Takane, 



y. s. of Misumi likawa of 
Tokyo, ^c/^^f.,- graduated from 
the Tokyo Higher Techno- 
logical School. Was Expert 
to the Patent ' Bureau of the 
Agricultural and Commercial 
Dep't for some time; resigned 
and became Patent-Attorney 
in 1902.' Address: No. 30, 
Takanawaminamicho, Shiba- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1269 Shx- 

ba. . . 
Ishiwara, Hiroshi 05 W- 3i), 

Chief physician of the Sap- 
poro Ifospital. Address: The 
Sapporo Hospital, 8 chome, 
Kitaichijo, Sapporo, Hokkai- 

IsMwara, Makoto CS M 1^), 

'^™©icaFT!allege (Fukuoka) 
of the Kyoto Imp, Univ. 
Address: The Medical Col- 
lege of the Kyoto Imp. Univ., 

Ishiwatari, Bin-icM CS W. M 
-:'), Hogakufiakushi (Doctor 
of Criminal law). Member of 
the House .of Peers ; b. the 
nth in. of the 6th y. of 
An.sei (1859) in Sljizuoka- 
ken; e.s. of Eijiro Ishiwatari, 
a samurai of Shidzuoka pre 
fecture ; m. Ryu, e. d. of Ikuo 
Tokuda of Tokyo. Educ. .: 
Law in the former Tokyo Dai-^ 
gaku (1884). Entered the 
Dept. of Justice as a member 
of its Translation Bureau, and 

280 ] 

then of the Grimiual Affairs 
Bureau ;, .^urpp?- :i9T 
study as well as for •■ 'Ca.t 
investigatioij" of "court pro- 
cedures of vafibusTountri- 
es, (1886— fSgo) ;' appointed 
prdbatioriary' judge on his 
return and afterwards trans- 
ferred as public procurator; 
then occupied the post of 
Councillor of the Dept. of 
Justice as well as of public 
procurator of the Tokyo 
Court of Appeal ; promoted 
public procurator of the Court 
of Cassation in 1 898 ; Lec- 
turer on criminal law at the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. and at the former 
Police and Prison Adminis- 
tration School in addition the 
same year ; , sent to Belgium 
to represent Japan at the liiter- 
natibnal Prison Congress held 
at Brussels in 1859; appointed 
Chief of the Bureau of Civil 
and Criminal Affairs of the 
Cept. of Justice in 1902; 
transferred afterwards to the 
post of Vice-Minister of Jus- 
tice and then to that of Chief 
Secretary of the Cabinet ; 
resigned the office and was 
made member of the House 
of -Peers by Imperial nomi- 
nation. Recreations : TravellT 
ing and Utai (Old Japanese 
songs). Address: No, 2, 
2 chome, Yechizenbori, Kyo- 
bashi, , Tokyo. Tel. : 83 . K5, 

[28l ] 


Ishiwata, Kuninojo CS JS' ?R 
^ :&y, President of the Nis- 
shin Steamship Co. ; <J. in 
the 2nd f,. of Keio (1866) 
in .the province of Kozuke ; 
adopt, s. of the late JQtaro 
Ishiwatari ; m. Fumi, 4th d. 
of Eisho Ishikawa of Fuku- 
shima-ken. Was once in the 
service as Secretary of the 
Dept. of Communications. Ad- 
dress : No. 3, I chome, Fu- 
kuyoshicho, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
7c). : 4030 Shimbashi. 

Ishiwata, Shigetane (;£? iSt 
m a), Chief of the Kyoto 
Sericultural School, Expert 
to the Tokyo Sericultural 
iSchool, Nogahuhahushi; b. Oct. 
the 1st J. of Meiji (1868) 
in Kanagavva-ken ; e. s. of 
Masatoshi Ishiwatari ; m. To- 
shi, 2hd d. of Shunjiro Na- 
kamura oi Kanagawa - ken. 
Once was a teacher of the 
Gumma Middle School ; ap- 
pointed Assistant Expert to 
the Depaitment of Agricul- 
ivv and . Commerce (i 896) ; 
transferred as Expert to the 
Sericultural School at Tokyo 
( ■ ^Q^) ; present posts since 
[909. Address : No. 326, Ka- 
shiwagi^ Yodohashi, Tokyo. 

IsMyama, Sanzo (5 ill H jt), 
Colonelof Engineering, Mem- 
ber and Chief of Ihe Tokyo 
Bi-anch of the Military Con- 
struction Department; 6. i86i- 
in Tokyo. Sub-Lieutenant 

(Dec. 1879); Lieuteuant (Feb. 
1882) ; Captain (Nov, 1889) ; 
Major (Nov. 1 896); Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel (Nov. 1902) ; Co- 
lonel (Mar. 1908). Jyecoration's 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun. 

IsMyama, Totaro OB \\X.'M 
X HB), Expert to the Agricui^ 
tural Experimental: i Farm 'bf 
Fukushima - prefecture; '• ' Ad>- 
dress: No.. 17 ^ Miyaraachi; ■ 
Fukushima, Fukushiihi <- keni 

Isliizaka, Ikan CS S -ft ^). 
ex-Surgeon Inspector-jGerie- 
ral ; b. tl^e 2nd m. of the 
nth ^. of Tempo (1840) in 
Okayama-ken ; 2nd s. bf the 
late Hide Akamatsu, a sainu- 
rai of Okayama clan; and 
adopted by the late Kensp 
Isliizaka ; in. Michi, e. d. of, 
his adopted father. . Early 
entered the Army and after 
steady promotion attained 
the rank of Surgeon-Inspec- 
tor-General ; retired from the 
office a few years ago aad 
began practice as a , general 
practitioner. Address: No. 43, 
2 chome, Fujimicho, Kojima- 
chi, Tokyo. ■ • 

Ishizaka, Otoshiro CS ^ "b 
SfO, Hogakuhakushi, Prof 
of the Law College of the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ. Address: 
General Office of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. 

Ishizaka, Tomotaro CS IC ^ :fc 
W)f IgahihakMsM) Pyofrjof the 


I 282 ] 

Medical College (Fukuoka) of 
the Kyoto Imp. Vniv: Address: 
The Medical College of the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ., Fukuoka- 

Ishizaki, Shinji CS J^ S 
-), director of the Dai- 
ren branch of the Osaka 
Mercaiitae S. 8. Co., Ltd.; b. 
1873 in Ishikawa-ken. Educ;: 
graduated from the law col- 
lege of, the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
Address: branch of 0. S. K., 

Ishizaki, Zenjiro Cji ^^^ 
W)> Lieutenant- Colonel of Ar- 
tillery, Commander of the 5th 
Regiment of Field Artillery, 
4th Order of the Rising Sun 
and 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite ; d. 1863 in Tokyo. Sub- 
Lieutenant (Mar. 1 89 1); Lieu- 
tenant (Nov. 1893) ; Captain 
(Oct. 1897) ; Major (Dec. 19- 
02); Lieutenant Colonel (Aug. 
1905). Address: 5 th Regiment 
of Field Artillery, Hiroshi- 

Ishizaki, Masazo C?i «€ ^ M), 
pawn-broker, President of the 
Koyama Bank, Auditor of 
the Teikoku Commercial Bank ' 
and of the Toyokuni Bank ; i. 
the 1 2th m. of the ist j/. of 
Kokwa (1844) in Tokyo ; 2nd 
s. of the late Tasuke Ishizaki ; 
?». Tsuru, f. d. of Bunsuke 
Aoyama.^ Address : No. 86, 
Mikumicho, Yushima, Mongol 
Tokyo. 7>/..- 82 Shitaya (Long 


Ishizu, Wafd (S #: ffl W), 
Secretaiy of the Tottori pre- 
fectural office. Address : No. 
140, Nishimachi, Tottori, Tot 

Ishizuka, Eizo CS ^ H ^), 
Chief of the Agr. Com. Ind. 
Dep't of the Chosen Gover- 
ndr-Generai's Office ; b. the 
8th w. of the 2nd y. of Keio 
(1866) in the province of 
Iwashiro ; e. s. of Wasaburo 
Ishizuka, a samurai of Aizu 
clan ; nt. Shinobu, niece of the 
late Ko Yamakawa, Baron. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
College of. Law of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1900). Appointed 
Councillor^of the Bureau of 
Legislation in 1900 and suc- 
cessively transferred to the 
posts of Judge of 'the Prize 
Court, Counciller of the Ko- 
rean Government, Chief Coun- 
cillor of the Taiwan Sotokufu' 
(Formosan^Government offi^ 
ce). Chief of the Civil Admi- 
nistration of the Kangtung Go- 
vernment and Councillor of the 
Residency-General of Korea ; 
Chief of the Inv.B., 19 10. Ad- 
dress : Official Residence, 
Chosen Governor General'^ 
office, Seoul, Chosen. 

Ishikawa, Hachiya (JB JH A 
^), Proprietor of the Osaka 
Steelworks. Address: Shin- 
Kawasaki-cho, Kitaku, Osaka> 

[ 283 ] 

I so 

IsoTje, Masaharu C® SB IE #5, 
Director of the Bureau of Min- 
ing of the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce ; 
b. the 2nd m. of the ist y. 
of Keio (1865) in Yamaguchi- 
ken ; 2nd s: of Shoz5 Isobe ; 
m. Ry5, e. d. of Yoshiharu 
Matsuura of Tokyo.. Educ: 
Graduated from the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1890). Took service in 
the Dept. of Agriculture and 
Commerce and in the Bureau 
of Legislation ; afterwards 
Secretary to the Imperial 
Railway Office, Comptroller 
of the Patent Bureau of the 
Dept. of Agriculture, and 
Commerce ; Councillor of the 
same Dept., and Director of 
the Patent Bureau, etc. in 
succession ; present post since 
1905 ; was once merriber of 
the Investigation Committee 
for the revision of the Patent, 
Design and Trade-Mark Laws. 
Address: No. 118, Yamazato, 
3 chome, Yarai-cho, Ushigo- 
me, Tokyo. 

Isobe, Matsuzo (M SB Wi H), 
A building contractor. Ad- 
dress : Moji - shi, Fukuoka - 

, Isobe. Shiro C^ SB H II5\ 
lawyer, HogakuhakusM, (cml 
code), member of the Tokyo 
Municipal Council ; b. the 
7th pi. of the 4th y. oi Ka- 
yei (IBs I) in the province of 

Etchii ; adopt, s. of the late 
Soyemon Isobe, samurai of 
Toyama clan ; m. Seki, V. d. 
of his adopted father. Edtic. -r 
studied at the former Dai- 
gakunanko (forerunner of the 
pre.sent Tokyo Imp. Univ.) ; 
Graduated from "'^ the Paris 
Univ. (law course) in 1878. 
Appointed Judge in 1 879 • 
transferred successively as jun- 
ior secretary to the Depart- 
ment of Justice, junior secreta- 
ry to the Dajokan (Councillor 
of State's Office),senior secre- 
tary to the Department of 
Justice (1880 — 1886); appoint- 
ed public procurator to the 
Court of Cassation (1886); 
elected member of the House 
of Representatives in 1 890 ; 
afterwards Judge of Court 
of Cassation ; resigned the 
office and entered the Bar 
in 1 892 ; elected president of 
the Tokyo Lawyers' Associa- 
tion in 1898 ; Lecturer of Civil 
code at the former Meiji H5- 
ritsu Gakko, the Tokyo Sem- 
mon Gakko and other pri- 
vate institutions. Publications: 
many works on civil, com- 
mercial and criminal codes as 
well as_ on constitution law. 
Recreations: Chinese poetry; 
Joruri (a kind of ballad-drama) 
etc. Address : No. 3, 2 chome, 
Kamezawa-cTio, Honjo. Tel.: 
766 ^Shitaya. 


[ 284] 

Isobe, Yaiehiro CmM^- W), 
Proprietor ai;d ".Principal of 
the Kokuinin. Eigakl<ai (the 
National English College), 
Proprietor and chief editor of 
the Chugwai . Eiji . Shimbun 
(a niagazine devoted for the 
learning of the Enghsh lan- 
guage) ; ^. the 2nd m. : of 
the 1st y. of Bunkyu (1861) 
in the province of "Biingo ; 
2nd s. of the late Kenzo- 
Isobe and the younger brother 
of the Rearr Admiral" Kane- 
yoshi Isobe,. a member of the 
House of Peers ; m. Aya, 
sister of Miye .Miyagawa of 
Tokyo. Educ. : studied at the 
Keiogijuku from 1876 till 18- 
79. Started the Kokumin Ei- 
gakkai in 1888 with the late 
F; W. Elastlake, and became 
the sole proprietor of the insti- 
tution in 1 891; started the Chu- 
gai Eiji Shimbun in 1894; 
travelled in England and other 
European countries in 1899 
and returned home in 1900 via 
Ainefica. ^Publications. : Se-. 
vefai bbbks on the study of 
the English language and 
literature. Recreation:' Trav- 
els. Address: .No. 84,,Sani- 
bancho, Kojimachi, Tokyo' 
Chib : Member qf, the Tokyo 
English Speaking 'Society. 
'■^Isobe, Yasuji.C« SS « ^), 
Member of the H. R. ; Di- 
rector of the Oriental Salt 
Mfg. Co., the Ryubunkan Pub- 

lishing; .Cp., Tokyo Railway 
Co:, "and- of the', Ghiyoda 
Gas Co. ,- h, July the \%\.y.. 
of -Meiji (1868) in Ibaraki-, 
ken; e. s. of Yoshiyasu Isobe/ 
saffiurai of JhaiXfik'i ; in. T.oki, 
e. d. of Gpn^ays moil Katsu- ; 
da of TbkyQ. Made a tour of" 
inspection through Eu'rope and 
Afflerita Vsome' ,y^ 'ago ; 
meniber of the H. R. for Ibara^ 
ki-keh since 1908^ Address : ' 
No. 35 i Kurunia-cho; Shiba, ■ 
Tokyo. Tel. : 1033 Shiba: ■ ' 
: Isoda, Deahiclii (^ B %. -fcj,' 

Medal-manufacturerY b. i88"^; 
in Nagasaki-ken; .y. of Urae-' 
moh Isoda. Educ: graduat-' 
ed from the Meijigakiiin and' 
from the Steel College. Is 
inventor of the Isoda Medal. 
Address: No. 59, , i chome, ' 
Nihon-enoki, Shiba-ku, To- • 
kyc). 7el.'. 2159 Shiba. 

Isoda, Ryo (S ffl 5), Prof, 
of the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School ; ' b. the 4th m. of the 
3rd y. of Keio (1867) in 
Tokyo ; e. s. of Chii Isoda. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Coll. of Literature of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 1890. 
Lecturer of tlie same Univv 
(History) in 1892 ; was sent 
to Austria and Germany for 
study (1894); present post 
since his return home in 1 896. 
Address: No. r8, Nishino- 
kubotomoye-cho, Shiba, To- 

[ 283 ] 


Isogai, Eo (^ M fS), Di- 
rector of the Osaka Fire and 
Marine Insurance Co. and of 
the Nagoya Theatre Co., Au- 
ditor of the Tokai Printing 
Co. and vf the Ytirin Life 
Insurance Co., etc. ; 3. tlie 
-8th 7/2. of the istjK- ofGwanji 
(1864) in the province of 
Ovvari ; 2nd s. of Yasuzaye- 
mon Isogai ; m. Tomi... 3rd 
d. of Einosuke Honda. Be- 
sides holding the posts above- 
mentioned, he is a member 
of the prefectural Council as 
well as of the Nagoya Muni- 
cipal Assembly. Address^ : 
Atsnta-kmomecho, Mlnami- 
ku, Nagoya. 7>/..- 1339- 

Isogirai, Kotaro CS.-V M U. 

i IP), Colonel j)f ^.XQfa5te7' 
Cbmman'deFHrtffe "13th Regi- 
ment of Infantry; 3. 1861 in 
Fukuoka-ken. Sub-Lieutenant 
(June 1886); Lieutenant (June 
1891); Captain (June 1895); 
Major (Feb. 1901) ; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel (Nov. 1907); 
decorated with the 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun and 
the 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address: 13th Regi- 
ment of Infantry, Kumamoto- 
shi, Kumamoto-ken. 

Isokawa, TokicM C^ jH M 
u5, Managing Director of the 
Kaga Industrial Bank ; b. 
Apr. the 6th>. ofMeiji (i8- 
73^ in the prefiicture of Ishi- 

kawa ; e. s. of Isaburo Isoka- 
wa ; m. Rika, sister of- Yei- 
suke Yamao-ami. Address: 
No. 81, Kyomachi, Koma- 
tsumachi, Noto-gun, Ishika- 

Isomura, . Uen C« « ¥), 
Lieutenant-Col^Qnd^qf Artille- 
ry, Member of the General 
Staff Office; 3. 1883 in 
Ishikawa-ken. Sub-Lieutenant 
(Mar. 1889); Lieutenant (May 
1 890) ; Captain (Oct. 1 892) ; 
Major (Mar. 1899); Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel (Mar. 1903). 
Address: No. 100, Kitaura, 
Toyotama-gun. Naitoshinju- 
ku, Tokyo-fu. 

Isono, RyokicM (^ If S o ), 
President of the Osaka Pot- 
tery Co., Auditor of the Na- 
ruo Stud Improvement Co., 
and of ' the Umetsu Paper 
Mfg. Co. etc. ; b. Mar. the 
2nd y. of Meiji (1869) in 
Osaka ; e. s. of Koyemon 
Isono ; in. Tsuru, 2nd d. of 
Tomosaburo Aoki. He is, in 
addition to the posts mention- 
ed aboye. Auditor of the Do- 
jima Rice Exchange and of 
the Osaka Stock Exchange. 
Address: No. 27, Amijima- 
cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. Tel.: 
S 1 1 HigasM. 

Isono, Shinzo (M^M M), 
Managing Director of the Shi- 
zuoka Electric Light. Co. ; b. 
the 4th m. of the 14th y. 
of Tempo (1843) in the pro- 

Isb— Ita 

[ 286 ] 

.yince'. of Suruga ; e. s. of the 
late Shin-ichi Isono, a samu- 
rai, of Shizuoka*'~d'an ; m. 
Y'etsu, sister of Cliu Dbavashi. 
Address: No. i, i chome, 
Tori-shimmachi, Shizuoka- 
shi, Shizuoka-ken. 

Isoya, Kaiizan (^ ^ % lll)« 

Kuninosuke "by proper name, 
artist, maker of raisp'1 la coner- 
work, inventor of a new 
styled lacquer work; b. Feb. 
1875 in. Osaka; s\ of Soyo 
Isoya; m. Miya, d: of Ha- 
yata Takemoto, igoi. Educ: 
Tokyo- Art School (gra. 
1897). -Awarded a golden 
medal in the Grand Exhibi- 
tion of Pa,ris, a silver medal 
. in the 5th Domestic Indus- 
trial Exhibition; is member 
of Nihon Lacquer Work 
Society and Goyokai. Ad- 
dress: 23 Sekiguchidai-machi, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 

1416 Bancho. -^ , -„. 

Isoya, Kojiro (# « # * ER, 

President of the Yokohama 
District Court; b. Nov. 18- 
65 • in Tsu,. Mie prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Shingoro Isoya, 
a , samurai of Tsu clan ; m. 
Tei, ■ 2nd d... of ■ Nobukata 
Itagaki, . a " samurai of Tsu 
clan. Edtic. : graduated from 
the College of Law, Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1889. Probation- 
ary;' Judge, - 1889; Judge, 
1890 ; Judge at the Tokyo 
District Court, 1892; Judge 

at the Nagasaki Court of 
Appeal, 1 895 ; Judge and 
Sectional Chief of the To- 
kyo Cdurt of Appeal, 1900; 
Judge at the Tokyo- Supreme 
Court, 1903 ; present post sin- 
ce 1907; has been decorat- 
ed with the 3rd. Order of 
merit. Address .- Official Ho- 
use, Isevama, Yokohama. Tel.: 

Isoyama, Hiroi C® 111 Jffi M), 
Chief of the Nagoya Branch 
Office of the Imperial For- 
estry Administration Burea;u. 
Address : Nagoya Branch Of- = 
fice of the Imperial Forestiy 
Administration Bureau, Na- 
goya. . . 

Isshiki, Hanjo C— "6 IS ®), 
President of the Tsuchiura 
?th Bank;^. the nth m. of 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855) 
in the province of Hitachi ; 
e. s. of Hanchii Isshiki, a 
samurai of Mito clan ; in. 
Tsuru, sister of Yennosuke 
Nishikawa. Address: Manabe- 
machi, Niiharu-gun, Ibaraki- 

Itabashi, Jiro C^ :p ^ W), 
Colonel of Infantry, Comman- 
der "or the 70th Regiment 
of Infantry; b. 1868 in Mi- 
yagi-ken. Sub-Lieutenant (Ju- 
ly 1887); Lieutenant (Sept. 
1891); Captain (May 1895); 
Major (Aug. 1902) ; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel (Mar. 1907); 
Colonel (June 19 10); decb- 

[ ?87 ] 


rated with the 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : The 70th Regiment of 
Infantry, Sasayama, Hyogo- 

Itagaki, Eajio (M S ^ — 
M), Judge of the Osaka Court 
of Appeal; b. the nth in. 
of the 2nd jr. of Bunkyu (18- 
62) in the prefecture of Ya- 
magata ; e. s. of Zembei 
Itagalii ; ■ m. Yoshi, Sth d. 
of Joen Kosuge of Shizuoka. 
Ed7ic. : Graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1888. Appoi- 
iiited Judge of the District 
Courts of Tokyo and Maye- 
bashi.. of the Tokyo and O- 
saka Courts of Appeal, Presi- 
dent of the District Courts ot 
Chiba and Dtsu, etc. in suc- 
cession (188S — 1907); pre- 
sent post since 1907. Ad- 
dress : No. 7, 2 . chome, Ta- 
nimachi, Higashiku, Osaka. 

Itagaki Taisiike CM M si Wl), 
Count, a veteran statesman 
(now retired); i. the 4th m. 
of the Sth J/, of Tempo (1837) 
in the province of Tosa ; s. 
of Eiroku Itagaki, samurai 
of Kochi clan ; m. Kinu-ko, 
adof. d. of Viscount Kotei 
Fukuoka. Joined a body of 
patriots near the end of the 
Tokugawa government and 
strongly advocated the cause 

of the Mikado j took part in 
the battles of Shirakaw^a, 
Aizii and Yonezawa aschief 
of staff of the Imperial army 
in 1868 ; appointed Councill- 
or of Sta;te at the restora- 
tion of peace ; retired from 
his office in 1873 owing to 
a difference of opinion with 

many of his Colleagues in 
conn'ection with the so-called 
Seikaw'on (a motion to send a 
punitive army to Korea) which 
he advocated in company with 
the late Takamon Saigo and 
others ; presented the follow- 
ing year a memorial to the 
government to establish a 
representative form of ■ gov- 
ernment, which, on being re- 
jected, he retired to his native ; 
province and' established the 
Risshisha, a political party, '- 
meanwhile preaching: the 
cause of people's rights and 
liberty ; inaugurated the liberal 
party in 1880; was severely 


L 288' ] 

\<rotiflded tbrottgh an outrage- 
ous attempt on his life by a 
certatin ■ Shoshu Aihara at 
Gifu where he stayed tor 
canvassing, purposes; .went 
to Europe in:j8§2 with the 
late Count Goto to inves- 
tigate political matters ; was 
ci'eated Count in 1 887 ; as-, 
tablished the Constitutional 
Liberal Party in X890 and 
became its president ; was 
Home Minister in the Ito 
Cabinet the same year ; again 
took the portfolio of Home 
Minister in the Constituton- 
al Party Cabinet when it 
was formed in 1898 ; retir- 
ed from the office the same 
year and is now engaged in 
social and educational matters. 
Address •• Shiba-Park, Shiba , 
Tbfcyo. m. .' 760 Shiba. 

itakara, Chu C« t «f), 
Lawyer, Member 'of the 
House of Representatives ; d. 
the 9th m. of the 31-d f. of 
Ansei (1856) in Chiba-ken ; 
e. s. of Heibei Itakura ; m. 
Hisa, e. d. of Yosaburo Matsu- 
moto. Educ. : studied French 
from the late Rinsho Mitsu- 
kuri ; studied law at a private 
institution. - Became lawyer ; 
was once Chairman of the 
Chiba Prefectural Assembly ; 
started the Tokai Shhnbim 
and advocated the principle of 
liberalism \ Was elected Memb- 
er of the House of Repre- 

sentatives in 1908 ; Member 
of the Seiyukai ; was in Eu- 
rope in 19 10. Publication: 
''""Fveiich'A'ciminls trative law. ' ' 
Address : No. 1 1, Yamashiro- 
cho, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
454 Honkyoku. 

Itakura, Katsnsato (® # Bt 
S), Viscount, Member of the 
House of Peers, Auditor of 
the Toka Bank; b. the 5th 
m. of the TOth y. of Tempo 
(1839) in Fukushima-ken ; 
e. s. of Katsusada Itakura ; 
m. Ina-ko, aunt of Viscount 
Tatsuoki Hosokav/a. Enter- 
ed the Department of Justice 
and served as Judge of the 
Gumma and Takasaki District 
Courts (1869— 1877); Chief 
of the 1st Section of the 
Peers Bureau of the Imperi- 
al Housgnold Department 
(1877); created Viscount in 
1884; and elected member 
of the House of Peers. Ad- 
dress : , 15, S chome, lida- 
machi,Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1793 Bancho. 

Itami, Haruo (fi- n- # 41), 
Baron, Member of the House 
of Peers ; b. the 12th m. of 
the sth y. of Ansei (1858) 
in Tokyo ; e. s. of the late 
Baron Shigekata Itami. Ad- 
dress: 147, 6ch6me, Aoyama- 
minami-machi, Akasaka-ku, 

Itami, Yataro -ff- fi-m^W).. 
z. rich landlord, President ot 

[ 289] 


the Sakaye Bank, Managing 
Director of the Saga Cement 
Co., the Saga Industrial and 
Agricultural Bank, the Saga 
Savings Bank and of the 
Hirotaki WaterPower Electric 
Co.; (5. the 1 2th m. of the 
2nd y. of Keio ( 1 866) in the 
province of Hizen ; e. s. of 
Bunzayemon Itami, a samurai 
of Saga clan ; m. Fusa, e. d. 
of Tqkujuro Tagami. Ad- 
jdress : No i, Hontoko-machi, 
Saga, Saga-ken, 

Itaya. Hironaga (;K g. j^ ^'),. 

Artist, (Japanese painting of 
Sumiyoshi School), better 
known as Keishyu; b. De- 
cember, 1 87 1, in Tokyo; .y. 
of Keii Itaya; m. Kinu, sister 
of Jisuke Higashi; Prof, of 
the College of Medicine of 
the Tohoku Univ., 1906. 
Edtcc: graduated from the 
Jikeiin Medical College of 
Tokyo. Recreations: Art and 
Literature. Address : No. 
527, Shimoshibuya, Suburb 
of Tokyo. 

Ito, Aizo CF aS S W, Presi- 
dent of the Tottori Hospital. 
Address : Nishimachi, Tottori, 
Tottori-ken. , 

Ito, Chojiro Cl?- 11 S ^ MR), 
landowner, ex-Member of the 
House of Peers. President of 
the Kakogawa Bank, Director 
of the 38th Bank, the Hyogo 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank and of the Kobe Mari- 

time Transportation Fire In- 
-surance Go., "etc. ; ^.-Aph 
, the 6th J', of Meiji (i873)4!i 
the prefecture of Hyogo ; €. 
s. of the late Chojiro Ito ; m. 
Ei, sister of Korei Onishi, a 
samurai of Kagawa prefec- 
ture. Educ. : Graduated from 
the former Nippon Horitsu 
Gakko, a private law school 
in Tokyo. Was once Mem- 
ber of the Income Tax In- 
vestigation Committee for the 
Hy5go Prefecture and Presi- 
dent of Hy5gp Agricultural 
Association ; was one of the 
Organizing Committee of the 
Oriental Colonization Com- 
pany and a Councillor of the 
Anglo-Japanese Exhibition-; 
is now a Member of the House 
of Peers. Address: Imaichi- 
mura, Innami-gun, Hyogo- 

Ito, Ckubei (^ H .«. 9, m\ ■ 
a wholesale cloth-dealer in 
Osaka ; b. June the 19th y. 
of Meiji (1886) in the pre- 
fecture of Shiga ; e. s. of the 
late Chubei Ito. Address: 
No. 84, 3 Chome, Hon-cho, 
Higashi-ku, 0.saka. Tel. ? 
1936 Higashi. 

Ito, Chuta C-P- m .© ±V 
Kogahihakushi, Prof, of the. 
College of Engineering of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (chair, Ar- 
chitecture), Member of the 
Science and Arts Committee 
of the Tokyo Imperial Mu- 


I 290 ] 

sepm, I Member of the Com- 
mittee for the Preservation pi 
old Shrines and Temples, etc. ; . 
i. the loth m. of the 3rd 
jr. of Keio (1867) in:Yone- 
zawa, prefecture of Yama- 
gata ; s. of Sukeyuki Ito, a 
samurai;: w. Chiyo, 4th d. 
of Viscount Nakamuda Kura- 
nosuke. Educ: Graduated 
.from the College of Engineer- 
ing of the Tokyo Imp, Univ. 
in 1892 ; studied a.t the Uni- 
verslly Hall for five years. 
Examiner of the 4th Domes- 
tic Industrial Exhibition (18- 
95) J Member of the Comm- 
ittee for the Preservation of 
old Shrines and Temples (18- 
96) ; Engineer to the Home 
Dep't and to the Construction 
office of the Ise Shrine (1897) ; 
Assistant Prof of the ICngi- 
neering College of tlie To- 
kyo Imp, Univ. (1898); Prof 
of the same College (1905) ; 
Member of the Committee 
for the construction of the 
New Imperial Diet Building 
(1916); travelled .through 
China, India and Turkey for 
the investigation of Oi'iental 
"Architecture ; planned the 
~ C&Hstruction of the Kyoto 
Heian Shrine, the Daikyoku- 
den, etc. Publications: con- 
tributed essays and reports 
on architecture for various 
magazines. Address : 10, 
Ni&hikatamachi, Hongo, To- 


Ito, Daihaehi CI* M ,:k A), 
Member of the. House of 
Representatives, Temporary 
member of the Railway Coun- 
cil,, etc. ; b. I ith m. of the 
5th f. of Ansei (1858) in 
the province of Shinano ; 2nd 
s. of Kenjiro Hirasawa and 
adopted into the Ito ffimily i 
m. Yaye, e. d. of Toranosuke 
Takakuwa. Educ. : studied 
politics, economics and psy-,. 
chology at the " Futsugaku- 
juku," a private school un- 
der the management of thfi- 
late famous scholar Chomin 
Na-kae (1876— 1887). Ap- 
pointed Lecturer to the 
Military Preparatory School 
and additionally a member 
of the Land Surveying De- 
partment of the Army (18- 
87 — 1889); thrice has been 
elected member of the House 
of Representatives since 18- 
80; Director of the Mobu 
Railway Co. (1897) ; appoint- 
ed Councillor ^^to the Dep. 
of Communications and ad- 
ditionally the Director of its 
Bureau of Railways when 
the Kenseito Ministry (Con- 
' stitutional Party Ministry) 
was organized in 1898; ap- 
pointed member of the Rail- 
way Council in 1898, where 
he was a strong^advocate 
of the railway nationaliza- 
tion scheme ; Director of the 
Enoshima Electric Railway 

[ 291 ] 

I to 

Co. (1901); was one of the 
organizers of the Seiyukai, 
a governiEent party, and is 
now one of its^i^Directors ; 
again appointed member of 
the Railway Council (1898); 
elected member of the House 
of Representatives in 1909 
for the third time. Publica- 
tions : " French-Japanese Dic- 
tionary." " On morals " etc- 
Address : No. 2, Gobanch5, 
Kojimachi, Tol-cyo. Tel. : 400 

Ito, DenhicM QW M W- -b), 
Director of the Miye Spin- 
ning Co., President of the 
Enamel Hardware Mfg. Co. ; 
■5. the 6th pi. of the 5th/. of 
Kayei (1852) in the province 
of Ise ; e. s. of the late 
Denhichi Ito ; jn. Masa, 2nd 
d. of Rempei Suzuki. Ad- 
dress : Shigo-mura, Miyegun, 

Ito, Denyemon CtP" H ^ *f 
m H), President of the Haka- 
ta Gas Co.,^ijDirector of the 
Kaho Bank and of the 17th 
Bank; 6. the nth m. of 
the 1st y. of Manyen (1865) 
in the province of Chikuzen ; 
£. s. of the late Denroku 
Ito ; m. Haru, e. s. of Toku- 
hachiTsuji. Address : Otani- 
mura, Kaho - gun, Fukuoka - 

Ito, Eizaburo (^ jR ^ H 
IR), Kogakuhakiishi, Assistant 

Prof, of the College of En- 
gineering of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (chair-Applied Chemi- 
stry). Address: c/o Takagi, 
Nishigahara, Takinogawa-mu- 
ra, Kitatoshima-gun, Tokyo- 

Ito, Gen (^ m 5±), Colonel ^ 
of Artillery, Commander of 
the 1 0th Regiment of Field 
Artillery ; b. 1 864 in Hiro- 
shima-ken. Sub - Lieutenant 
(July 1887); Lieutenant (Nov. 
1890) ; Captain (Dec. 1894) ; 
Major (May 1981); Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel (Dec. 1904) ; Co- 
lonel (191 1); 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite.- Address : 
loth Regiment of Field Artil- 
lery, Himeji-shi, Hyogo-ken. 

Ito, Heizaemon (f* # 2p :fe 
iiH)' Ressai by non de plume, 
contractor, art member of 
the Imperial House; b. 1829 
in Nagoya. He is excellent 
in building shrine and temple. 
Over one hundred of the 
largest and most notable 
shrines and temples of Japan 
were built by him. He re- 
ceived golden medal for his 
Japanese noble building 
design in the Paris Grand 
Exhibition, 1900. Address: 
41 Matsushige-cho, Nakaku, 
Nagoya. Branch factory: 85 
Takanawakuruma-cho, Shi- 
ba-ku, Tokyo. 


C 292 ] 

Ito, Hirokuni Cf- M If '05), 
Prince, Vice-Grand Master 
of Ceremonies ; ^^Febl the 
2nd y. of Meiji (1869) in the 
province of Nagatb ; 4th s. 
of Gorosaburo Inouye of the 
former Choshu clan and a 
nephew of Marquis Inouye ; 
adopted by the late Prince Ito 
and inherited his title etc. ; 7n. 
Tama, sister of Kahei Taka- 
shima of Kanagawa. Early 
entered the Dep. of the Im- 
perial Household; is now hold- 
ing the important office of Vi- 
ce-Grand Master of Ceremo- 
nies in it. Address : Oi-mura, 
Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 
60s Shiba. 

Ito,. l^^zo c# m W m), 
^^^^L Chief of the 

eaical.^D^^fment of the 
2nd Army Division ; <J. 1 866 
in Aichi-ken. Surgeon Sub- 
Lieutenant (Aug. 1886) ; Sur- 
geon-Lieutenant (Nov. I 891); 
Surgeon-Captain (Dec. 1893); 
Surgeon-Major (Oct. 1900) ; 
Surgeon- Lieutenant -Colonel 
(Apr. 1905); Surgeon-Colonel 
(Mar. 1910). Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address.: Medical Dep. of the 
2nd Army Di vision j Sendai. 

Ito, Jirosuke Cf K r!& MR ID), 
a rich landlord ; (5. the 6th 
m. of the 4th y. of Kokwa 
(1847) in the prefecture of 

Iwafe ; e.s, of the late Jirosu- 
ke Ito; m. Tomi, sister of Rin- 
jiro Tanimura. Address: Ku- 
rozawaziricho, Waga-gun, I- 

Ito, Jirozaemon Q^M.'^ IB 
M ft PI), a rich landlord, Di- 
rector of the Ito Bank and 
of the Ito Savings Bank, Au- 
ditor of the Aichi Bank, Vi- 
ce-President of the Nagoya 
Chamber of Commerce, etc. ; 
b. the 6th m. of the ist y. 
of Kayei (1848) in the pro- 
vince of Owari ; m. Mitsu, sis- 
ter of Sosuke Okatani. Ad- 
dress : No. 38, Chaya-machi, 
Nishiku, Nagoya. 

Ito, Jisaburo CF :t ?S := 115), 
Engineer of the Dep. of Com- 
munications, Chief of Mariners 
Section of the Mercantile Ma- 
rine Bureau ; d. the 2nd in. of 
the 4th y. of Ansei (1857) in 
Tokyo ; e. s. of Kyuji Ito ; m. 
Tsune, 3rd d. of Shoyemon 
Naito. Entered the service of 
the Communications Depart- 
ment (1880) ; transferred later 
to the service of the Dep. of 
Agriculture and Commerce ;, 
appointed Prof of the Mer- 
cantile Marine School (1880) ;, 
Judge of the Marine Court 
of Appeal ; Engineer of the. 
Bureau of Lighthouse, Buoys, 
and Beacons ; Engineer to 
the Dep. of Communications, 
and now Chief of the Marl- 

[ 293 ] 


ners Section of the Mercan- 
tile Marine Bureau. Address: 
No. 8, 2 chome, Kagacho, I- 
•chigaya, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Ito, Junzo (# M :* H), 
TgaktihahishiiVtoi. of the Co- 
llege of'Meciicine of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. ; d. the 5th m, of 
the 1st J. of Gwanji (1864) in 
the prefecture of Tottori; adop. 
s. of Kenzo Ito; m. Suma, 2nd 
■d. of his father-in-law. Educ. : 
■Graduated from the College . 
-of Medicine of"''~the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1890); Establi- 
shed the Ito Hospital in To- 
ttori, his native town and be- 
came its President ; studied 
m Germany (1896 — 1899); 
appointed Pi^esident of the 
Sapporo Hospital (Hokkaido); 
granted the degree of Iga- 
kichakushi (1900) ; Prof of 
the College of Medicine of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ. (1900). 
Address : Sakuragi-cho, Te- 
ramachi, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 

Ito, Kashichi Cfi- li M -tr), 
President of the, Chita Bank 
and of the Chita Savings 
Bank, Member of the Chita 
Chamber of ->Commerce ; b. 
June the 3rd y. of Meiji (1870) 
in the prefecture of Aichi ; 
adop. s. of the late Kashichi 
Ito; m-. Kaya, e. d. of his 
adopted father. Address: No- 

ma-mura, Chita- gun, Aichi- 
ken. ' 

Ito, Kan-icM iW ^ # -"), 
Chairman of the Board of Di- 
rectors of the Ibaraki Anth- 
racite Co., Director of Tokyo 
Stock Exchange, Member of 
the standing Committee of 
the Tokyo Chamber of Com- 
merce, etc.; b. the nth m. 
of the 1st ^. Kokwa (1844) 
in Tokyo ; e. s. of Konosuke 
Ito ; m. Sei, sister of Tadaoki 
Okubo of Tokyo.* First enter- 
ed the government service as 
an official of the Department 
of Education and rendered 
good service in the elabora- 
tion of the system of normal 
schools in Japan; left the go- 
vernment service and entered 
business becoming chief clerk 
of the Tokyo Stock Exchange 
in 1878 ; at present, in addi- 
tion to the posts above enu- 
merated, is Auditor of the 
Sendai Gas Co., the Tokyo 
Bay Steamship Co., the Ni- 
kkan Gas Co., and Kabuto 
Beer CoX' Address : No. 42, 
Shimoniban - cho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 330 Bancho. 

Ito, Keisui CP. m 'M *)., 
artist, Japanew! painter ; b- 
the 12th y. of Meiji (1879) 
in Uwajima-machi, lyo pro- 
vince; m. Kikuko, 4th d. of Ku- 
masahuro Matsunaka, 1904. 
He exhibited a cherry picture 


I 294 

in the second art exhibition 
and a peacock picture in the 
Bill art exhiHtion ; besides 
e:^hibited his jnasterpiec§s 
in varions exhibitions and 
often obtained prizes. Eeorea- 
iions: imisic, travelling. Ad- 
dress: Ko. 5473 . Matsuga-ha- 
na, Minami-ku, Osaka. Club ; 
Taisho Art Society. 

Ito, K^xtto'Cm'M 3+ W), 
a grocer, President of Japan 
Bonds Dealers -Company, 
Auditor of Nanijva Electric 
Railway Company, etc. ; ^. 
the 3rd m. of the 2nd j. of 
Ansei (1835) in Osaka; 
adop. s. of the, late Zembei 
Ito ; m. Moto, e. d. of his 
father-in-law. ^^ Was once a 
niember of the Citj^ Assem- 
h\y and of the Osaka Cham- 
ber of Commerce. Recrea- 
tMfts: painting, curios, music 
and dancing. Address: No. 
$3, 2 chome, Hiranomachi, 
Osaka. Jel. :- 324 Higashi, 

Ito, Kinryo W M ^ 3i), 
proprietor of the Nippon, a 
daily paper; b. the 8th m. 
of the 4th jc. of Ansei (1857) 
in Hagi, province of Nagato ; 
2nd s. of Shinryo Ito, samu- 
rai of Hagi clan ; m. Suzu, 
sister of iCihei Nishio. Educ. ': 
graduated from the Keiogi-- 
jiku. Became writer to the 
fiji Shimpo, which he resign- 
ed In 1896 and entered the 
service of the Bank of Japan, 

■where. he held the of 
Chief of the Secretaries' D,e- 
partmerit till 1906 ; visited. 
Europe and America on fi- 
nancial business of the Bank 
ill 1965 ; left the" Bank and' 
took' eiitire management of 
the Nippon in 1906. Ad- 
dress: No. 344, Ippongi, Ki- 
tashinagawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 69 

Ito, Kohiehi (^ jR # -t), 
President of the Hiroshima 
Commercial Bank ; b. ttie 
"5th m. of the nth y. of 
Tempo (1840) in Hiroshima, 
province of Aki; adop. s, of 
the late Risuke Ito ; m. Tama, 
sister of Zenkuro Sakai. Ad- 
dress : No. 37, Tsukamoto- 
cho, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshi- 

Ito, Komachiyo \W % M '-^ 
-ft), Managing Director of the 
Nisshu Bank; b. Dec. the 
I St y. of Meiji (1868) in the 
prefecture of Miyazaki ; e.s. 
of Masuo Ito, a samurai of 
Miyazaki clan; m. Taga, 
2nd d. of Gahei Uyematsu, 
Baron. Address; No. 313, Ku- 
subara, Abimachi, Minamina- 
ka-guiij. Miyazaki-ken. 

Ito, Kosaburo (-p- % /> 3 11?), ' 
Prof, of the Third High S- 
chool ; b. July the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1,871) in Kyoto; 2nd 
s. of Shinzo Ito. Educ: Gra- 
duated from the College of 
Literature of the Tokyo Imp. 

295 ] 


Univ. (1897). Appointed tea- 
cher to the Toyama Middfe 
School (1897) ; Prof, of the 
3rd High School since 1898. 
Addresi : Saneicho, Masuga- 
ta, Tera-machi, Kamikyoku, 

Ito, Kxunao (F M B. *), 
President of the Japan Tea 
Export Co., Director of the 
Fushimi Bank ; d. the 12th 
in. of the 2nd y. of Kayei 
(1849) in Kyoto; e. s. of 
the late Kizo Ito; m. Ko, 
2nd d. of Denzayemon Kita- 
gawa. Address : Fugenjimu- 
ra , Tsuzuki-gun, Kyoto-fu . 

Ito.JSIagosuke (F ^ i^ fJ), 
President of the Tateoka Bank; 
b. the 2nd' m. of the .2nd j. 
of Ansel (1845) i" the prefec- 
ture of Yamagata ; e. s. of 
Chohichi Ito ; m. Somi, 3rd 
d. of lyemon Kihaya. Ad- 
dress: Tateoka-machi, Kita- 
murayama - gun, Yamagata - 

Ito, Mansuke (ffi' M M IS), 
woollen-cloth dealer. Director 
of Settsu- Spinning Co., and 
of the 34th Bank ; b. the 3rd 
m. of the 5th jf. of Kayei 
(1852)' in. Osaka; '3rd s. of 
Chuyemonlto; m. Shina, 2nd 
d. of Heibei Nakamura. Ad- 
dress : No. 1 8, 4 chome, Hon- 
cho, Higashiku, Osaka. 7>/. .• 
yS Higashi. 

Ito, Miyoji CF « B -f^ f&), 

Viscounf Privy Councillor } 

b. the 5th m. of the 4th y. 
of Ansei (1857) in Nagasaki ; ■ 
3rd s. of Zempei Ito; m. 
Ayaye, e. d. of Takeshi Eso. 
Edm.: studied the Dutch, 
English and French lan- 
guages at Kobe while young. 
Became Interpreter of the 
Dep. of the Interior (1873); 
promoted to the junior 
Secretaiyship of the same 
Dep. (1880); senior Secretary- 
ship the following year ; was 
one of the late Prince Ito's 
suite on his famous tour in 
Europe for the investigation 
of the various constitutional 
systems there in 1882 ; be- 
came Private Secretary to 
Prince Ito, the then Prime;^ 
Minister (1885); transferred 
to the Secretaryship of the 
Privy Council as well as 
Private Secretary to its Pre- 
sident, Prince Ito, and render- 
ed valuable services in the 


[ 296 ] 

drafting of the Constitution 
(18%^- 1890) ; was elected 
member of ^ the House of 
Peers by Impsrial nomination 
(1890) ; again Chief Secretary 
to the Ito-Cabinet, in which 
capacity he was chiefly in- 
strumental in bringing about 
an understanding between the 
Prince and the Liberals ; 
entered the Ito-Cabinet as 
Minister of Agriculture and 
Commerce in 1898, which 
post, however, he had to 
resign in less than four 
months owing to the rupture 

• between the . Ministry and 
its political supporters ; was 
appointed Privy Councillor 
in 1899. On the occasion 
of the Japan-China war, he 
was sent to Chefoo to ex- 

-*cK*i'gfe' the sig'rtea - treaty of 
Peace • was cireated Baron in 
i"8^5 and Viscount in 1907. 
At present he occupies the 
post of Privy Councillor. 
Address :' Nagatamachi, Koj i- 
machi, Tokyo. Tell: 812 Shi- 

, Ito, Motoi Cf- m »), Pre- 
sident of the Yotsuya Bank ; 
i: the 2nd m. of the loth j/. 
of Tempo (1839) in Tokyo; 
adop. sr of the late Yahei 
Ito; m. Sen, sister of Shige- 
nobu 'Kuwayama . Address : 
No.- 18, Samoncho, Yotsuya, 
Tokyo Tel. :■ 866 Bancho: 
.,!|ito, Otojiro ip- m 'C^Wd, 

Captain of Navy, Chief Sta- 
~ti on tliie Saselid'^Adnuralty; 
b. 1 868. Educ. : Gradua- 
ted from the Naval Acade- 
my in 1882. Lifeut.-Comman- 
der (Dec. 1897) J Commander 
(Sept. 1900); Captain (Jan. 
1905). "^ Decorations : 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure; 
4th Class of the Golden Kite, 
was attache to the Japanese 
Embassy, Berlin. Address : 

- Ito, Sampei (F S ^ ¥), 
Paymaster-Colonel, Chief of 
the Paymaster's Department 
of the i7tlvArmy Division; 
^. 1887 in'"Aichi-ken. Pay- 
master - Sub - Lieut, {Oct. 18- 
89) ; Paymaster -' Lieutenant 
(Nov. 1893); Paymaster-Cap- 
tain (May 189s) ; Paymaster- 
Major (Dec. 1903) ; Paymas- 
ter-Lieut. - Colonel (Apr. 19- 
05)5 Paymaster-Colonel (Nov. 
1909). Decorations; 4th. Order 
of the Rising Sun and 5 th 
Class of the Golden Kite., Ad- 
dress: Paymaster's Depart- 
ment of the 1 7th Army Divi- 
sion, Okaysnaa. 

Ito. seJiBs (F m m ^). 

Major-General since. 191 1, Co- 
naniander ^Mrai^34tli'Ihfantry 
Brigade.; b. the 4th m. of 
the 1st >. of'Gwanji (1864) 
in the province of Shinano ; 
e. s. of Kiyoya Ito, a samurai 
of Nagano ; in. Ume, 3rd d. 
of Munesuke' Date. Educ. : 

[ 297 ] 


Graduated from the" Military 
Academy (1887) and from 
the Military College (1898). 
Appointed Sub-Lieutenant 
(1887); Lieutenant ( 1 89 1 ) ; 
Captain (1894); Major 
(1898); Lieutenant-Colonel 
(1904); Colonel (1906); oc- 
cupied successively the offices 
of Adjutant to the General 
Staff, member of the staff 
of the 5th Army Division, 
Aide-de-camp to His Majesty 
the Emperor, Commander of 
the 2Sth Regiment of In- 
fantry, etc. since 1898; as- 
signed present post in 1909. 
Was a member of the Mili- 
tary Headquarters staff at 
Hiroshima during the late 
war ; decorated with the 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun 
together with the 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Headquarters of the 
34th Brigade, Tsudamura 

Ito, Seijiro C^ M ^ ^ IP), 
President of the Miyagi. 
Spinning Co. ; 3. the 4th m. 
of the 3rd J/, of Ansei (1856) 
in Sendai, province af Riku- 
zen ; e.'s. of the late Seijiro 
Ito ; m. Shige, 2nd d. of 
Tokuilosuke Aihara. Ad- 
dress : No. 92, Higashihiban- 
cho, Sendai-shi, Miyagi- 

Ito, Sukehiko (ffi M ^ M\ 
Igakiihakushi, Prof of the Me- 

dical College of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (chair - Peristal - 
tics) ; b. the 8th w. of the 
1st y. of Keio (1865) in the 
province of - Ugo ; e. s. of 
Yijjun Ito ; m. Tsuru, 2nd^. 
of Juhei Minoda of Shizuoka. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
College of Medicine of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1892). Ap- 
pointed Assistant - Professor 
of the same ; became Chief 
of the Peristaltics Department 
of the Fukuoka Hospital 
(189s); appointed Medicial 
Expert to the Governihent 
Office of Fukuoka prefecture ; 
was sent to Germany for 
study (igpi— 1904) ; has 
been Prof of the Medical 
College of the Kyoto Imp. 
Univ. since 1904; granted 
the degree of Igakuhakushi 
(1906). Address .' T>io. 30, I~ 
chifunecho, Fukuoka. 

Ito, Suketada #• S I& K'), 
Director of the T5yo Steam- 
ship Co. ; b. Sept. the 3rd f. 
of Meiji (1870) in the pre- 
fecture of Miye ; e. s. of Suke- 
kata Ito ; m. Masu, sister of 
Buhei Tanaka. Educ. : Grad- 
uated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1894)": Entered the service 
of the Communications' De- 
partment, getting an appoint- 
ment first as Judge of the 
Marine Court of Appeal and 
then as Inspector of the Mer- 


![ 298 .] 

cantile Marine; was sent as 
Japanese delegate to the First 
International 'Maritirrie Law 
Conference held at Brussels, 
Belgium in IQO^'; appointed 
■PrdffSf the Mercantile Marine 
School and Director of the 
Local Marine Bureau in ad- 
dition (1908) ; transferred a- 
gain to the post of Judge of 
the Marine Court of Appeal, 
which he resigned in 1910 ; 
present post since June last 
year. Address : No. 28, Hya- 
kunin-cho, Olmljo-mura, To- 
yotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 
2780 Bancho. 

Ito, Siiketaka CF M I& S5:), 
Chief Auditor of the Third 
Section of the Board of Au- 
dit ; &. the 3rd m. _oi the 
3rd f. of Kayei (1850) in 
the province of Shinano ; adoJ>. 
s. of the late Sukehide Ito, 
a samurai of Nagano clan ; 
m. Sh5, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Address : No. 43, Hi- 
node, Zoshigaya, Takata-mu- 
ra, Kitatoshima-gun, Tokyo- 
fu. Tel. : 2128 Bancho. 
Ito, Suketake CF M Ifi ^), 

j£QlSfl€l;;QOflfei]ijy^ Comman- 
'^S'^^^^^^m^'giment ; 
3. the 2nd f. of Meiji (1869) 
in.Kagoshima, province of Sa- 
tsuma. Sub-Lieutenant (July 
1889); Lieutenant (Nov. 18- 
92) ; Captain (June 1 898) ; 
Major (Aug. 1904) ; Lieute- 
nant Colonel (Nov. 1907) ; 

Colonel (1910). Decorcatons: 
Fourth Order of the Rising 
Sun and the Fourth Ckss of 
the Golden Kite. . Address : 
The 1 6th Regiment of Infan- 
try, Konodai, Chiba-ken. . 

Ito, Sukeyoshi CF « «& IS), 
writer ; b. Sept. i860 in Oshi- 
kojj, Mizukaemachi, the pre- 
fecture of Saga ; e. s. of Ta- 
keshige Ito; m. Yoneko, sister 
of Ryunosuke Niwa, in 1886. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
preparatory course of the To- 
kyo Imp. ,Univ. and Dojinsha. 
Entered the Statistical Bureau 
of the Cabinet ; became lec- 
turer of the Naval Staff Col- 
lege; had charge of the .sta- 
tistical business of the Kwang- 
tung Government Office ; at- 
tended the International Sta- 
tistical Cqnferencip in Buda- 
Pesth, and investigated sta- 
tistical methods of Europe and 
America. 'Publications: World 
Year Book since 1904; Poc- 
ket Year Book (both in Japa- 
nese) ; Travellers Guide Book 
(issued monthly) Address : 
No. 75, Nichome, Nagata- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2%'^2 ShirabasTii. 

Ito, Shigeharu C#- m iK rS), 

President of the Naval Ar- 
chitectural School ; b. 1864. 
Educ. : Graduated ?- from the 
former Heigakuryo (Naval 
School) in 1 873. Commander 
of Engineering (Dec. 1897); 

[ 299 ] 


Captain of Engineering (Sept. 
1903); Rear -Admiral (Dec. 
1909). Decorations : 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure. 
Address: The Naval Archi- 
tectural School, Yokosuka. 

Ito, Shunkichi CF * ^ a), 
Baron, Vice-Admiral (retired), 
Member of the House of 
Peers ; b. the 3rd m. of the 
nth y. of Tempo in Mai- 
zuru, province of Tango ; e. 
s. of Katsusuke Ito, samurai 
of Maizuru clan. Educ. : 
studied gunnery and the art 
of navigation from the late 
famous Tarozayemon Egawa ; 
graduated later from the for- 
mer Fu.shimi Nava! School. 
Entered naval service in 1869, 
engaged in a surveying cruise 
off Hokkaido on board a 
British ship in 1871 ; appoint- 
ed Commander and Captain 
of the Kasuga in the same 
year ; Sec. Captain of the 
Nisshin in 1873 ; went to 
China in the suite of the late 
Count Soyejima in the fol- 
lowing year ; made a voyage 
to San Francisco, U. S. A. 
on boards the Nisshin (1875 
— 1876) ; Captain in 1878 ; 
President of the Naval Col- 
lege in 188 1 ; Rear- Admiral 
ni 1882 ; sent to Europe on 
an official mission (1883 — 
1 884) ; Chief of the Yokosu- 

ka Dockyard and Second-in- 
Command of the Yokosuka 
Naval Station in 1884; Chief 
of the Construction depart- 
ment of the Yokosuka Naval 
Station and member of the 
Board of Admirals in 1886; 
Section-chief of the Naval 
General Staff in 1889; Vice- 
Admiral and Vice-Minister 
of Navy in 1889; Judge of 
the Supreme Prize Court dur- 
ing the Japan - China war ; 
created Baron and decorated 
with the 1st Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite for his 
services - in connection with 
the Japan-China war ; nomi- 
nated a member of the House 
of Peers in 1899. Address: 
342, Kitashinagawa, Shina- 
gawa-machi, Ebara-gun, To- 

Ito, Takajiro C^ 1^ ifi ^ IR), 
Maj oj_-General on the reserve; 
~'K\SE' ii'Si'm' oi the ist 3'- 
of Ansei (1854) in Shiga-ken; 
e.s. of Toyojiro Ito, a samurai 
of Shiga-ken ; m. Ume, e. d. 
of Yasoji Tanaka. Educ.: 
Graduated from the former 
Rikugun Heigakuryo (a go- 
vernment military school) in 
1874 ■ Appointed Sub-Lieu- 
tenant in 1877 and after rapid 
promotion attained the rank 
of Major-General ; Examinor 
of the Osaka Arsenal, Com- 
mander of the Tsushima Gar- 


[ 300 ] 

rison, Commander of the 13th 
Regiment of Field Artillery 
in succession ; took pait in the 
Russo-Japanese war as com- 
mander of the 2nd Brigade 
of ^ Field Artillery ; removed 
to the reserve list in 1906. 
Decoration : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : No. 29, 
Higashisakae, Hikone-machi, 
Inugami-gun, Shiga-ken. 

Ito, Teiji (#- K « iS), Judge 
of the Court of Cassation; b. 
the 6th m. of the 5 th y. of 
Ansei (1858) in the province 
of Echigo ; 2nd s. of Masu- 
hiko Oya, a samurai of Nii- 
gata clan; m. Kuni, 5th d. 
of Seishin Nakano. Editc. : 
Graduated from the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1883.S? Judge of the 
Sendai and Tokyo Courts ol 
the First Instance, of the To- 
kyo Court of Appeal, of the 
Court of Cassation in turn 
since 1883. He is one of the 
Commissioners for the Exami- 
nation for the Bench. Ad- 
dress : No. 12, Shin-Ryii-do- 
machi, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. . 
2399 Shiba. 

Ito, Teizo Cff M % M), ex- 
pert to the Dep. of Agri- 
culture and Commerce, Chiel 
of the Agricultural-products 
Section of the Bureau o< 
Agriculture (the same Dep) ; 
>. Aug. the Sth y. of Meiji 
(1875) in the prefecture of 

ifamaguchi ; 2nd s. of Hyo- 
ta Ito,, a samurai of , Yama- 
guchi ; ^n. Nobu, 2nd d. of Nao^ 
taka Sugano. Educ. : Gradu- 
ated from the College of 
Agriculture of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1896). Appointed 
Assistant-Expert to the Dep. 
of Agriculture and Commerce 
immediately after graduation; 
in succession has been Ex- 
pert to the Shizuoka and 
Kagoshima Prefectural Gov- 
ernments, Expert to the Ka- 
goshima Agricultural Experi- 
mental .Station ; present post 
since 1966. Address: 2625, 
Araijiku, Inaraimura, Ebara^ 
gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Ito, Tokutaro (•^ g|." ^ X 
Sl>)s RigakuhakusJii (Dr. ol 
Science), F. L. S. (London), 
Botanist; y. s. of the late 
Keisuke Ito, famous botanist; 
b. 1865 in Nagoya. Educ: 
Univ. of Cambridge, Eng- 
land. He is especially well 
versed in geographical botany 
and botany of class'fication; 
has discovered several new 
species in Japan; published 
Ws informations after exact 
investigation of the vegeta- 
bles in Ryukyu Island and 
China. Publications : many 
essays and books of botany 
in Japanese, English and 
other European languages. 
Address: 4 HayashL-cho, 
Koishikawa-:ku, Tokyo. 

[ 301 ] 


Ito, Tomijiro CW'M'M^ W), 
■ Representative Member of 
the Yokohama Silk Company; 
^. the 8th m. of the 2nd j. 
of Bunkyu (1862) in Miye- 
ken ; adopted s. of the late 
Hyozo Ito ; in. Tsune, 3rd 
d. of Denjiro Yamamoto of 
Saitama-ken. Address : 1499 
Nakamura-cho, Yokohama. 

Ito, Ya (-05- m W), Director 
of the Fukushima Forestry 
Co. and of the Hommiya 
Bank ; b. the 4th m. of the 
3rd y. of Keio (1867) in the 
province of Iwashiro ; e. s. of 
the late Kumakichi Ito ; m. 
Chiki, e. d. of Shozo Okada 
of Ibaraki-ken. Address : Ho- 
mmiya-cho, Adachi-gun, Fu- 

Ito, Yoshigoro (.WM^S. 115), 
Baron, Vice-Admiral (retir- 
ed); 3. the 5 th m. of the 
5th jy. of Ansei (1858) in 
the province of Shinano ; 4th 
s. of Kenji Ito, samurai of 
Nagano clan ; tn. Mari-ko, d. 
of a certain French naval of- 
ficer. ~'Educ. : Graduated from 
the former Kaigunheigakuryo 
(naval academy) in 1876. Mid- 
shipman on board the Tsukuba 
in the- same year ; took part 
in the Satsuma rebellion in 
1880; Sub-Lieutenant in the 
following year ; Lieutenant in 
1882 ; was sent to France and 
Germany to study gunnery 

(i 884— 1888) ; Lieutenant- 
^ISOmmander in 1886; Chief 
gunner of the Takachihp; 
Member of the Naval Gene- 
ral Staff and staff-officer of 
the Standing Squadron in suc- 
cession ; Commander in 1 890 ; 
Sec. -Captain of the Hiei, Ya- 
mato, Katsuragi and Takachi- 
ho, etc ; private secretary to 
the Minister of the Navy dur- 
ing the Japan-China war; Cap- 
tain in 1 896; Legation-attache 
at Paris and Commander of 
the Shikishima successively ; 
Rear- Admiral in 1900 ; Com- 
mander of the Standing Squad- 
ron, Chief of the Construc- 
tion Department of the Yoko- 
suka Naval Station, Comman- 
der of the Takeshiki Second- 
ary Naval Station, etc. ; Vice- 
i\dmiral in 1905 ; created Ba- 
ron in 1907 and invested with 
the 2hd Order of the Rising 
Sun together with the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite in 
connection with the Russo- 
Japanese war.'- Address: No. 
22, Ka^umicho, Azabu, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 924 Shiba. 

Ito, Yoshitaro Cfs- S fe ic 
m, Member of the House of 
Peers, Director of the Hori- 
kawa Savings Bank, the Aichi 
Bank and of the Mikawa Ce- 
ment Co., Member of the Na- 
goya Chamber of Commerce,, 
etc. ; b. April the 5th f. of 


[302 ] 

Meiji (1872) in the province 
of pwari ;; e. s. of Chuzaemon 
lio ; m. Cho, 2nd d. of So- 
siike Okatani. i At present, in 
addition to the post mention- 
ed above, he is Auditor of 
the Maruhachi Savings Bank, 
the Enamel Hardware Mfg. 
Co., and of the Tokai Ware- 
house Co. as well as Advisor 
to the Chita Bank. Address : 
No. 19, Ofunamachi, Nishiku, 
Nogoya Tel.: 339. 

Ito, Yozo C^ m IE M), 
Member of the House of 
Representatives for Shizuoka 
' prefecture elected in 1909 and 
1912; one of the highest 
taxpayers of Shizuoka-pre- 
fecture, member of the Sei- 
jukai, President of the Ha- 
mamatsu-1., Turst Company, 
Director of the Toyokuni 
Bank, Auditor ofthe Fuji 
■Grrs Spinning Company, 
•etc. ; I. the 3rd m. of 
the 1st y. of Gwanji 
( 1864 ) in the province 
•of Tot5mi; adcyp. s. of 

Kiheiji Ito ; m. Naka, e. d. 
of his adopted father. Edtic. : 
Graduated from the Keio- 
gijuku (i88i). Elected mem- 
ber of the . Shizuoka Prefec- 
tural Assembly (1890-^1893); 
Chairman of the same As- 
sembly (1899 — 1902); Presi- 
-dent of the 3Sth Bank (1901 

—1910) ;,Directbr of the To- 
yokuni Bank since the; amal- 
gamation of the%sth Bank 
with it in 19 id, besides holding 
the posts mentioned above ; 
was elected in 1909 member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives whei-e he now holds a 
seat. Address: Nakagawa- 
mura, Hikisa-gun, Shizuoka- 
ken. Club : Kojun-sha. Tel. : 
4 Kanasasu-kyoku. 

Ito, Yukyo Cfr m m ?),, 
Count (or. Viscount 1895 ; 
Count i907),^Fleet Admiral J 
b. the 5th i';«. of the 14th j/. 
of Tempo (1843) in Kago- 
shima ; 4th s. of Yuten Ito, 
a samurai of Satsuma clan ; 
m. Mitsu, d. of Heihachi Ka- 
to. ■.:,Educ.: Studied at the 
Naval College in the time 
of the Tokugawa Shogunate ; , 
was sent to Ameiica to pur- 

- siie_^ hl&v^ta^ies -early , ia. ^ the 
.-S^eiji ,Era-. He entelred the 

[ 303 ] 


Naval service in 1 868 ; at- 
tained the rank of Lieuten- 
ant-Commander (1872) ; com- 
manded the Azuma, Ftiso, Nis- 
skin, Ryujo, arid Hiyei in suc- 
cession ; took part in the Civil 
war 01 1877 (Satsuma Insur- 
rection) in command *if the 
Nisshin ; promoted tCv. Cap- 
tain (1882); Second-Comman- 
der of tlie Yokosulia Naval 
Station and the President of 
the Yokosuka Naval Dock- 
yard (1885) ; brought the Na- 
niwa home from England the 
same year ; Rear- Admiral and 
Commander of the Standing 
Squadron (1896); Vice- Ad- 
miral and Chief of the Yoko- 
suka Naval Station, with ad- 
ditional posts of Principal of 
the Naval College and a Mem- 
ber of the Board of Admirals 
(1892); fought the battle of 
the Yellow Sea with the com- 
bined squadrons under his 
command and subsequently 
blockaded the port of Wei- 
hai-wei, thus causing the total 
destruction of the Chinese fleet 
(1894), j,took possession of 
" Hokoto" the following year; 
chief of the Naval General Staff 
(189s) ; created Viscount and 
invested with the First Order 
of the Rising Sun and Se- 
cond Order of the Golden Elite 
etc., for services in the war ; 
made full Admiral in 1898 ; 

as Chi«f of the Naval Gene- 
ral Staff in the Russo-Japa- 
nese war he greatly con- 
tributed by his strategy to 
keeping the command of the 
P3astern Sea ; cj'eated Count 
and decorated with the Grand 
Cordon of Rising Sun with 
Paulownia flower, together 
with the First Order of the 
Golden Kite after the war 
(1907). Address : No. 35, Ku- 
rumacho, Takanawa, Shiba, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1370 Shiba. 

luohi, Kintaro C^i^ f^ ^ ±. 
I^^^^^^^^^ef of the. 
^^v^^gbection of the 
Hydrographical Dept. ofthe 
Navy; b. in 1869. Educ. : 
Graduated from the Naval 
Academy (1883). Lieuten- 
ant Commander (Dec. 1897) ; 
Commander (Sept. 1900); Ca- 
ptain (Sept. 1907); was lately 
Instructor to the Naval Coll.; 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 4, Yaraicho, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. 

luchi, Tahei C=>^ pj ;k ¥), 
President of the Tokushima 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. the 
6th m. of the 3rd y. of Bun- 
kyii (1863) in Tokushima- 
ken ; e. s. of Daiji luchi ; m. 
Asano, e. d. of Zempei Miya- 
moto. Address : Nishishin- 


[ 304 ] 

tnachi, Tokushima-shi, Toku- 

Iwadate, Jirokichi (.^ ^L/^ta 
IP SO, Auditor of the Tokyo 
Kyoritsu Bank ; d. the 9th 
m. of the 4th jf. of Kokwa 
(1847) in Tokyo ; e. s. of the 
late Taroyemon Iwadate ; m. 
Sei, 2nd d. of Sozayemon Wa- 
tanabe of Tokyo. Address: 
No. 52, Yamanojukumachi, 
Asakusa, Tokyo. Tel.: 2104 

Iwade, Sobei (.m ^ lA ^ ^), 

""dealer in rice and fertilizers; 
3. Sept. the 5th ^. of Meiji 
(1872) in Sa.itaLm3.-ken yadopl. 
\s. of the late Sobei Iwade. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 

-.School. Is carrying on a pro- 
sperous business under the 
firm name of " Iwadeya"; has 
branch ofifieces in Hakodate, 
Hokkaido and many ware- 
houses in various parts of To- 
kyo. Address: No. 6, Higa- 
shidaikucho, Fukagawa, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 2300 Naniwa, long 

Iwade, Tsunetaka (« tK ^ 
#), dealer in fertilizers. Di- 
rector of the 20th Bank ; b. 
the 4th ni. of the 2nd y. of 
Kayei (.1849) in Chiba-ken ; 
adopt, s. of Tsunezumi Iwa- 
de ; m. Toku, e. d. of his 
adopted father. -Address: 11 
Higashidaiku-machi, Fukaga- 
wa, Tokyo. . Tel. : 3304. Na- 

mwa. .. 

Iwado, Yasuhei (^ ^ j^ $X 
Chief Director of the Okaya- 
ma Rice Exchange, Manag- 
ing Director of the Okaya- 
ma Paper Mfg., Co. ; b. the 
loth m. of the Ist y. of An- 
sei (1854) in Dkayama, pro- 
vince of Bizen ; adop. s. of 
the late Yugoro Iwado ; m. 
Ei, 5th d. of his adopted 
father. Address : Ohara-cho, 
Okayama-shi, Okayama-ken. 
IwagttcM, Takijiro (:§ P ^ 
M ^ W), Engineer to the 
Western Railway Administra- 
tion Bureau. Address: 45, 
Kamikurumazakamachi, Shi- 
taya, Tokyo. ' ■ ' 
Iwahara, Kenzo C:g M M H>, 
Managing Director of the 
Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Di- 
rector of the Oji Paper Mfg. 
Co. and of 
the Shibau- 
ra Engineer- 
ing Works ; 
b. the loth 
I m. of the 3rd 
I y. of Bun- 
kyii (1863) 
in Ishikawa- 
ken ; e. s. of 
Takaoki I- 
murai; m. Takeo, 4th d. of 
Kura Yano of Ehime-ken. 
Educ. : Studied at the Osaka 
Enghsh Language School; 
Graduated ' ftom the .Mi~ 

[ 305 3 


tsubishi Mercantile Marine 
School. Entered the service 
of Kyodo Unyu Co. after 
graduation and subsequently 
the firm of Mitsui and Co., 
being appointed private sec- 
retary to Mr. Masuda, the 
managing director ; was next 
sent to England to serve at the 
London branch of the firm and, 
returning to Japan in 1890, 
was appointed manager of 
the Kobe branch; in 1890 
was despatched to the U. S. 
"A. in order to make special 
investigation on the condition 
of trade in connection with 
the extension of the export 
of silk textile fabrics, and 
when the firm established a 
new branch in New York, 
was appointed its manager ; 
was made, after his return 
home, director and then man- 
aging director of the firm. 
Recreation: Fine Arts. Ad- 
dress: No. 71, Miyamuracho, 
Azabu, TokT-'o. Tel. .• 2380 
Shimbashi. Clubs: Tokyo Club; 
Nippon Club ; Kojunsha. 

Iwai, Katsujiro Cg # ^ 
W>, Export and Import mer- 
chant. Director of the Japan 
Artificial Silk Mfg. Co.;^. the 
4th m. of the 3rd y. of Bun- 
kyu (1863) in Kyoto ; adop. 
s. of Bunpei Iwai of Osaka ; 
m. Ei, sister of Bunsuke Iwai. 
Address : No. 437, 4 chome. 

Kitahamacho,.Higashiku, O 
saka. Tel. : 239 Higashi. ■ 

Iwai, Keitaro (^^ m±m-), 
Commissioner of Shizuoka- 
ken. Address: Official .Resi- 
dence, Otte-cho, Shizuoka- 
shi. Shizuoka-ken. 

Iwai, Umeiaro C^ ^ « ^ BI5), 

petroleum dealer ; b. Oct. 
the 6th f. of Meiji (1873) in 
Nara-ken ; e. s. of Noe Fuji! 
and adopted by Bunsuke 
Iwai ; m. Shidzu, 2nd d. of 
his adopted father. Address: 
42, Okawa-machi, Higashiku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 2880 Higashi. 
Iwai, Teizo (.^ ^ m S), 
court physician, medical at-;- 
tache to Prince Yi-kong of 
Chosen, physician to the Ja- 
pan Red Cross Society, etc. ; 
b. the 1st m. of the 5 th >. 
of Ansei (1858) in Aichi-ken; 
2nd s. of Eiichi Endo and 
adopted into the Iwai fami- 
ly; m. Some, daughter of 
Mr. lioka of Tokyo. Educ. : 
Graduated from the Special 
Course of the Medical Col- 
lege of the former Tokyo Dai- 
gaku. Appointed Assistant- 
physician of the University 
Hospital after graduation ; be- 
came teacher to the Iwate 
Medical School as well as 
president of the Hinuki Pub- 
lic Hospital of Iwate prefect- 
ure in 1882; went to Ha- 
waii and was appointed Chief 


[ 306 

physician of the Japanese T"-- 
migratiori. Office there (i 885 
—1887) ;"' became Vice-presi- 
dent bif the Medical^Depart- 
ment of the Tokyo Asylum 
and also physician to the Ja- 
pan Red Cross Society (1889); 
was subsequently sent by the 
latter society to Eiirdpe -to 
investigate the work of the 
Red Cross in various coun- 
tries ; was chief physician of 
the Hakuai-maru, a hospital 
ship of the Japan Red Cross 
SQcietyj on; the occasion; of the 
Hprtji China B0;X@ltT^smble ; 
. js; now chief pbysjciaji of the 
'^Ifiifemal! 'Disease' X Section of 
the Jjipari Rfed Cross Society, 
besides occupying the posts 
above "mentioned. Address: 
No. 6, 4 chome, Hirakawa- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
458 Bancho. ■ 

Iwakame^ Eisnke C:@ j& W 
W), a rich landlord ; b. the 
1st m. of. the 2nd y. of 
Bunkyii (1862) in the pro- 
vince of Rikuchia ; e. s. of 
Hanzo Iwakame ; in. Tane^ 
4th d. ofYajiro Uyeda. Ad- 
dress : Osekomachi, Hikan- 
gun, Iwate-ken. 

Iwaka-vsra, Kokki <^^)\\%m), 

Igakuhakushi (Doctor of 

'Medicine).' Educ: graduated 

from the College of Medicine 

of the Tokyo Imp. Univ.. 

1906, entered into the .Uni- 
versity hall to make special 
study of materia medica, re- 
ceived the degree of Igaku- 
hakushi, Dec. igi2. 

Iwakawa, Tomotaro (^ )\\ 1X. 
X SI5), Prof, of the Tokyo Fe- 
male Higher Normal School ; 
(5. the 1 3th m. of the ist y. of 
Ansei (1854) in Hirosaki, pro- 
vince of Mutsu; 3rd s. ofToyo- 
kichi Iwakawa ;. m. Sada, d. 
of Riki Nakamura. Educ^ : 
studied at the former "Kai- 
sei Gakko," a government 
School ; graduated from the 
former Tokyo Daigaku (Bi- 
ology)- Appointed succesiive- 
ly Prof, of the Higher Nor- 
mal School, Female Higher 
Normal School, Lecturer to 
the "Jodo-shu-Gakko," a bud- 
dhits school, and Prof, of the 
Tokyo Female Higher Normal 
School. Address: No. i, 3 
chome, Sarugaku-cho, Kanda- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Iwakura, iiameo \.^ M i^ ^ 
HQ, Oolpnel of Artillery since 
19 1 2, Memher of the Mili- 
tary Technical Committee, 3rd 
Order of the-^Rising Sun and 
4th Class of the Golden Kite ; 
d. 1 867 in Ishikawa-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant (July 1887) ; Lieu- 
1905). Address: No. 8, icho- 
me, Aoyama-kitamachi, Aka- 
saka-ku, Tokj^o. , 

Iwakura, Tomotstma CS 3|" 
M: M), Cliief- Ritualist; d. .14 

[ 30? ] 


Apr. 1 3th year of Tempo (18- 
42) ; e. s. of the Late Prince 
Tomomi Iwakura, one , of the 
founders of the New Govern- 
ment; father of the Late Prince 
Tomosada Iwakura ; m. Kayei 
2 (1849) Masuko, 4th d. of 
Viscount Masanao Tomikoji. 
Address : iSTagatacho, Kojinia- 
chiku, Tokyo. Tel.: Shimbaslii 

Iwamasa, Kenzo C^lSkW. H), 
Superintendent of Tarn - Sui 
Customs, Formosa ; b. Jan. 
the 7th y. of Meiji (1874) in 
the prefecture of Yamaguchi ; 
3rd J. of Norisada Iwamasa, 
a samurai of Choshu clan ; 
171. Ritsu, e. d. of Kiyosuke 
Sadanaga. Educ. : Graduat- 
ed from the College of Law 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1897). Address: Tamsui Cus- 
toms, Formosa. 

Iwamitsu, Uakataro (^ iSS 
11' -k 115), Major-Greneral. Co- 
mmauder of the 20th Inf. Bri- 
gade; h. 1 864 in Tokj'O. Suh- 
Lieutenant (Dec. 1882); Lieu- 
tenant (May 1886); Captain 
(May. 1895); Major (Oct. 
1898); Lieutenant - Colonel 
(Nov. 1902) ; Colonel (Nov. 
1907) ; decorated with the 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
the 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite; present rank, Nov. 1912. 
Address : 20th Brigade of 
Infantry, Kyoto, 

Iwamoto, Einosdke C^ * 

^ a fj). 6*'l^ order of 
merit, Sub-lieutenant ,ou the 
second f eserve," slock " Bfplcer, 
purchaser and seller of the 
documentary securities ; 6. 2 
April of the 11th y. of Meiji 
(1878) in Osaka ; s. of Bizo 
Iwamoto, m. Teruko,' 1910. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Osaka Higher Commercial 
School. Is filling posts of aud. 
of the Osaka Stock Exchange, 
Ltd., dir. of the Keihan 
Electric Eailway Co., the Jom'o 
Muslin Co. and the Electric 
Trust Co., travelled through 
Europe ■ and America as a 
member of the body of the 
Japanese businessmen who 
were invited by the U. S. 
Chambers of Commerce^ Aug. 
1909 ; he donated one million 
yen for 4:, public. May 1911. 
He is now one of the million- 
aire in Osaka. Address : No. 
7 Imabashi 2 chome, Higaslii- 
ku, Osaka. Tel. : 1043, 1044 

Iwamoto, Kichitaro CS 76 § 

^ SrO, a rich landlord -,^3. the 
2nd m. of the 4th y. of Kaei 
( 1 851) in che prefecture of 
Kagoshima ; e. s. of Kichino- 
suke Iwamoto ; m. Ei, e. d. 
of Tsunesuke Kitayama. Ad- 
dress: Kaya-mura, Kimotsuki- 
gun, Kagoshima-ken. 

Iwamoto, Shimbei, (^ tc "ft 
R W, Director of the Kago- ■ 



the engineering college of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1896-. Ser- 
ved as expert at the Dai 
Nippon Brewery Co., 1896 
— 1SG4 ; went to Germany,. 
Denmark anfl England to 
study beer brewing, 1899 ; 
afterwards entered the present 
"firln •" sent to England and 
Germany by his firm ; re- 
turned " hom e from abroa d , 
1910. Address: No. 137. Urae, 
Sagisu-machi, Nishinari-gun, 

Iwannira, Torn (S Pi M), 

Baron, Prof, of the Tokyo 
Fine Art School (History of 
fine arts in Europe), Lecturer 
to the Keiogijuku University, 
Member of the Investigation 
Committee of Fine arts (at- 
tached to the Dep. of Edu- 
cation) ; 3. Jan. the 3rd >. of 
Meiji (1870) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of the late Baron Takatoshi 
Iw'amura ; m. Eso, 2nd d. of 
Baron Michitoshi Iwa-mura. 
Educ. : studied at Keiogiju- 
ku, Doninsha, Aoyama Gaku- 
in, etc., and later at Paris and 
New York (Fine Arts and 
their history). Appointed Prof, 
of the Tokyo Fine Arts School 
(1902); made an inspection- 
tour in Europe on the occa- 
sion of the Paris International 
„, T , . -r ^^. ■ Exhibition in 1900; represent- 

lakat^hilwamura;m. Kimi, ^^ Japan at the St. Louis,, 
;c7. of Shun Omata, education- international Exhibition as one 
■1st. Eduo.: graduated from ^^ ^^^ International Commis- 

shima Electric Co.; b. the i ith 
m. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864) in the province of Sa- 
tsuma ; e. s. of the late Zem- 
bei Iwamoto ; m. Kiku, 2nd 
d. of Shozo Sa:gara. Address: 
Kanomachi, Kaposhima, Ka- 

Iwamoto, Teitaro C^ * A 
;*: BB), Director of the H6- 
satsu Gold Mining Co.; b. Jan. 
the 1st y. of Meiji (1868) in 
Kagoshima ; e. s. of Gensuke 
Iwamoto ; m. Mitsu, e. d. of 
Sojiro Matsumoto. Address: 
Nakamachi, Kagoshima - shi, 

Iwamura, Danjiro C:5& W 11 

jutant to the Naval General 
Staff Office ; b. 1868. Edm. : 
"Graduated from the Naval 
Academy in 1879. Lieut.- 
Coriimander (Oct. 1898); Com- 
mander (Sept. 1903) ; Captain 
(Sept. igo?,). Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: 19, Schome, Koji- 
machi, Tokj'o. 
Iwamura Maroshi CJg tf 
U), director of the Osaka 
works of the Mhon Paint 
Co.; 6. 30 the 4th m. of the 
7th y. of Meiji (1874) in 
Tokyo ; s. of the late Baron 

[ 309 ] 


sioners of Fine Arts (1904) ; 
appointed Examiner of the 
Fine Arts department of the 
Tokyo Industrial Exhibition 
(1907); has been Commis- 
sioner of the Fine Arts Ex- 
liibition of the Dep. of Edu- 
cation since 1907. Publi- 
cations : " Students of Fine 
Art in Paris," " Miscellane- 
ous views on Fine Arts," 
" Outlines on the History of 
Fine Art in Europe," etc. Ad- 
dress : No. 1865, Shimoshi- 
buya, Tokyo-fu. 

Iwanaga, Kasei CS tK'^^^, 
President of the Seishu Bank; 
b. the 8th m. of the 6th y. 
of Ansei (1859) in Nagasa- 
ki prefecture ; e. s. of Togo 
Iwanaga ; m. Yaye, sister of 
Shoyei Asanaga, a samurai 
of Nagasaki. Address: No. 
122, Chiwata-rnura, Higashi- 
kanoki-gun, Nagasaki-ken. 

Iwano, SMmpei C^ if if ^), 
Judge of the Supreme Court 
of Chosen ; b. the nth m. 
of the 2nd /. of Ansei (1855) 
in Tokushima-ken ; e. s. of 
Kunitaro Iwano, a samurai 
of Tokushima clan ; in. Kise, 
e. d. of Yasutane Okada of To- 
Icyo. Edttc. : Graduated from 
the former Government Law 
School in 1875. Appointed 
junior Secretaiy to the Dajo- 
kwan, the State Minister (18- 
84) ; transferred to be Judge 
(1886) ; in addition Councillor 

to the Department of Justice 
the same year ; was despatch- 
ed to France and Germany on 
an official investigation (1889 
— 1890); Public Procurator of 
the Tokyo Court of Appeal 
(1890) ; Public Procurator-in- 
Chief of the Nagasaki Court 
of Appeal (1892); Public Pro- 
curator of the Court of Cas- 
sation (1895) ; Judge of the 
Court' of Cassation (1905); 
present post since 1909. Ad- 
dress : Official Residence, Su- 
preme Court, Seoul, Korea. 
Iwano, Yoshiye (^ if H g^r), 

Poet," Novelist, Critic and 
Journalist, known as Homei, 
his nom de plume; b. January, 
1873 in Sumoto, Awaji is- 
land; 1st s. of Tadao Iwano, 
in. Kiyoko. Educ. : studied 
in Meiji Gakuin and Tohoku 
Gakuin, both of which are 
Mission Schools; studied 
political economy and science 
of finance in Senshyu Gakko; 
is most excellent in English 
and Greek. Was teacher of 
English in - middle schools 
for 10 years. In 1904, com- 
menced a new movement in 
poetical works as an editor 
of Shirayuri, a literary 
magazine, and as the result 
of that movement he tended 
to be a poet of symbolistic 
naturalism. He occupies an 
isolated position in the literary 
world of Japan as novelist 


[ 310 ] 

and essayist as, free thinker 
and propoufi«fcr of moment- 
alisni. He .vas an editor of 
the Seka^ Uimgei, a literary 
magazine, and is now the 
editor of the Salcigake Shim- 
bun, a daily newspaper. 
Publications: poetical works, 
— " Yujio" (Evening Tide), 
"Hiren Hika" (Sad Love 

ul ^'')w ^<'"S^)' " Yamino 
Haiban (a cut of Darkness); 
Novels,—" Tandeki" (a De- 
cadent), "Horo" (The ■wan- 
dering), « Dankyo" (a Broken 
Bridge), "Hatten" (The De- 
veloping); Essays,— " Han- 

Jpl^^g'" (Semi - bestialism) 
'Shm,Shizen Shugi" (Neo- 

naturaltsm). Address : No. 9, 

Hachiman-cho, Nishinokubo,' 

Shiba,. Tokyo. 

Iwaoka, lyoji, (^|^^-f^^), 

lawyer, member of the House 
of Representatives for Naga- 
no ken; b. the istj. of Meiji 
(1878) in Nagano-ken; 3rd 
5., of Ijiro Iwaoka.' Elected 
m: of H. R. since 1912; be- 
longs to 5«>?;-^/?^^. Address: 
. No. I r, Hama-cho, 2chome, 
Nihonbashi-ku, Tokyo. - Tel.: 
1386 Naniwa. 
Iwasaki, Hajime C^ if ^), 

President of the Osaka Trust 
Co., Managing director "^of 
the Nippon Trust Co., Audi- 
tor of- the Nippon Earthen- 
ware Co. and of the Tama- 
gawa Electric Railway Co.; 
b. Sept. the ist y. of "^ Meiji 

(1868) in Tokyo ; 2nd s. of 
Ryonosuke Iwasak:i. Educ. : 
studied Chinese classics while 
young under the tutelage of 
Shoshu Nagai .Entered the 
servive of the" Mitsui firm 
and became Chief of its Es- 
tates department ; was once 
elected member of the Tokyo 
Municipal Council. Address : 
No. 5 3) Takanawa minami- 
cho, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 11 ^1 


Iwasaki, Hatsutaro (g ilif |jj 

± 15))^ Colonel of Infantry, 

Commander of the Kokura 

Regimental District; b. 1871 

in Tokyo. Sub-Lieut., March 

1 89 1 ; Lieut., ^^Dec. 1893 ; 

Captain, Oct. '1897; Major,. 

Nov. 1903; Lieut. Colonel, 

Nov. 1907; Colonel, March 

1912. Decorations: ' 5th 

Order of S. T., 4th Order 

of R.S., 4th Class of Golden. 

Kite. Address: Kokura, Fu- 

; Iwasaki, Jisaburo (S <# * 

H IB), a hardware merchant, 
Representing member of Iwa- 
saki Bros & Co., Director 
of the Yokohama -.Artificial 
Manure Mfg. Co.?* Auditor 
of the Tetsugyo Ginko ; ^. 
Dec. the 6t\vy. of Meiji (1873) 
in the prefecture of Kanagawa; 
e. s. of Yoshijiro Iwasaki ; m. 
Tsune, 2nd d. of Keisuke Ko- 
bayashi. _^.^^<^i^^.f-f '* No.*5, \ 
chome, Otamachi, Yokoha- 

[ 311 ] 


IwasaM,. Kyuya C^i^ XW, 
millionaire, Baron, President 

of the Mitsubishi Co. ; d. 
the 8th m. of the 1st _?'. oi 
Keio (1865) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of the^. late Yataro Iwasaki, 
the founder of the - Mitsubi- 
shi firm ; m. Shizu, sister of 
Viscount Masaaki Hoshina. 
Educ. .-. studied at the Keio - 
gijuku and then at the Mi- 
tsubishi Commercial School ; 
later went to the United 
States and graduated from the 
Pennsylvania Univ. in 1891 
with the degree of LL. B. 
Became the president of the 
Mitsubishi Co. on his return 
to Japan ; was created Baron 
in 1896 in recognition of the 
meritorious services rendered 
to the state by his illustri- 
ous father ; is also a Director 
of the Tokyo Warehouse Co. 
Recreations : billiards and fish- 
ing. Address : No. I , Ki;-i- 
doshimachi, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Tel. ; 256 Shitaya. : 

Iwasaki, Isao C^- (f Si), 

Lawyer, Patent- Attorney', M. 
H. R.; i5. Feb. the I nth J/, 
of Meiji (1878) in Shidzuoka- 
prefecturej^.j; of Motoka- 
tsu Iwasaki, 
a satnurccii, 
m. Tokukp, 
2nd d. of 
Samonji Su- 
president of 
bank, 1900. 
Educ: gra- 
duated from 
the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1903. Passed the 
Higher Civil Service Exami- 
nation, 1903; instead, how- 
ever, of entering into civil 
service opened a law office 
at Tokyo; was elected mem- 
ber of the House of Re- 
presentatives ^ for Shizuoka- 
ken, 191 2. Address: (Re- 
sidence) No. 10, Mikura-cho, 
Kanda, Tokyo; (Office) No. 
26, Ise-cho, Nihonbashi-ku, 

Iwasaki, Koyata CS if <1^ W 
*)> millionaire. Baron, vice- 
president of the Mitsubishi 
partnership, director of Tokyo 
Warehouse / Co., Ltd. and 
Yokohama Specie Bank; b. 
August 1879; ^- ^- of *^^ 
late Yanosuke Iwasaki; m. 


K6, younger sister of Baron 
S. Shimazu. Address: i? 
Kobai-cho, Kanda-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel: 233: 548 Honkyoku. 

Iwssaki. Tat.sundo (S «# ^ 
A5» Rear - Admiral on the 
reserve J b. the nth m. of 
the 6th y. of Ansei (1859) 
ill Fukushima-ken ; e. s: of 
Yoshio Iwasaki, samurai of 
Fukushima clan; m. Tsune, 
sister of Makoto Tagata of 
Tokyo. Second -Lieutenant 
in 1882; Rear -Admiral in 
1908; in succession Com- 
mander of the Akitsu, Taka- 
sago, Hiyei, Chief of the ist 
section of the Department 
of Materials of the Navy, 
Second to chief of the Naval 
Barracks in Port Arthur during 
the Japan-China war, etc. ; de- 
corated with the 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite in 
connection with the Russo - 
Japanese war. ^</(/r^J.y.- No. i, 
Kasumicho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
. Iwasaki. Yukichika CS nt 
^ WO, ex-President of the Sev- 
enth High School (Zoshi- 
kan) ; b. the^ i ith m. of 4th 
y.. of Ansei (1857) in the prov- 
ince of Sanuki ; 2nd j. of To- 
moyuki Iwasaki ; m. K5, sis- 
ter ot Chiasuke Honda of Osa- 
ka. Edicc.: Graduated from 
the Sapporo Agricultural 
School (1877); Entered the 
service of the Colonial gov- 
ernment of Hokkaido imme- 

;i2 1 

diateiy after graduation ;suc- 
cessively occupied the posts 
of Clerk of Sapporo-ken and 
Osaka-fu, teacher to the Ka- 
goshima Middle School, Prof 
of the Seventh High School ; 
President of the Seventh High 
School since 1902. Address : 
No. 10, Hiyamizucho, Kago- 
shima Kagoshima-ken. 

Iwashita, Seishfi CS T ?t W), 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives, President of Ki- 
tahama Ginko, Yingkow Wa- 
ter-Works and Electric Co., 
Minomo Arima. Electric Rail- 
way Co., Director of the Sou- 
thern Manchurian Railway 
Co., etc. ; b. the Sth m. of the 
4th y. of Ansei (1857) in the 
province of Shinano ; 2nd .s. 
of Sagenta Iwashita, a samu- 
rai oi the former Nagano clan; 
m. Yuka, 4th d. of Shigehisa 
Yatsu. Edux:.: Graduated from 
the " Sh6h5 Koshu-sho," fore- 
runner of the present Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School 
and appointed one of its In- 
structors. Later he entered 
the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha and 
served, for more thaii ten years, 
as manager of the various for- 
eign branches of the firm. On 
his return to Japan he was 
appointed general manager of 
the Mitsui firm. He organized 
the Shinagawa Electric Light 
C.O., being elected its pre- 
sident, and at one tirne was 
a director of the Kanega- 

[ 313 ] 


fuchi Spinning Co., and an 
auditor of the Tokyo Rice 
and Cereal Exchange. Re- 
signing these positions he went 
to reside in Osaka where he 
inaugurated and became pre- 
sident of the Kitahama Bank. 
At present, he is a Director 
of the Hanshin Electric Rail- 
way Co., Osaka Godo Spin- 
ning Co., Toyoda Loom Mfg. 
Co., aiid Nippon Soy Co., etc. 
He is held in high esteem as 
one of the most influential 
business men in Osaka. Ad- 
dress : No. 3, Kioicho, K5- 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 194 

IwasMta, Zenhiehiro (^ T 
# -fa W), President of the 41st 
Bank, Director of the Ashi- 
kaga Bank, the Sano Railway 
Co., ■ Jomo Muslin Co., Wa- 
tarase Water Power Electric 
Co. and the Kuzuo Bank ; 
, (5. the 1st -m. of the 2nd j'. 
of Bunkyu (1862) in the pre- 
fecture of Tochigi ; e. s. of the 
late Zenhiehiro Iwashita ; m. 
Moto, sister of Toraichiro Yo- 
shizawa. Address : Ashika- 
gamachi, Ashikaga-gun ; To- 

Iwata, BuhicM (g H ^ -tr), 
a leather merchant. Address : 
No. 108, Teppocho, Nakaku, 

Iwata, Chnzo C^ H ffi it), 
lawyer. Lecturer at the Coll. 
of Agriculture of the Tokyo 

Imp. Univ. ; 6. Apr. the 8th 
y. of Meiji (1876) in Yama- 
guchi-ken; 2nd j. of Hiko- 
hichi Hiyama arid adopted 
by Kinzo Iwata, a million- 
aire of Hokkaido ; m. Yaye, 
3rd d. of Kinyemon Iwata.^ 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Coll. of Law of the Tokyo ^ 
Imp. Univ. (1898). Became 
Lecturer of Civil law at the 
Chuwo Daigaku (private Univ. 
of law) ; started the publica- 
tion of the Meigi, a monthly 
magazine devoted to politics 
and law ; entered the Tokyo 
Nichinichi Shimbun as a lead- 
e;r writer; resigned and en- 
tered the bar in 1902, prac- 
ticing in Tokyo ; is now legal 
adviser to the Bank of Japan, 
the Nippon Yiisen Kaisha and 
the Tokyo Marine Insurance 
Co., besides being Lecturer 
on law at the Coll. of Agri- 
culture of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. Address : 'No. i, icho- 
me, Yayesucho, Kojiraachi, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1356 Honkyo- 

Iwata, Koji C^ H # f:), 
Public Procurator - in - chief 
of the Koshii District Court, 
Chosen ; d. the 9th m. of the 
2nd y. of Kaei (1849) in Sai- 
tama - ken ; 2nd s. of Shin- 
ketsu Suzuki, a Samurai of 
Saitam-ken and adopted by 
the late Kanhichi Iwata: Ap- 
pointed clerk to Niigawaken 


[ 3H J 

in 1 872 ; Probationaiy Public 
Procurator in t88i ; Public 
Procurator in 1887 ; in suc- 
cession Public Procurator ot 
the Local Courts of Yokoha- 
ma, Shibata, Uyeda, Public 
Procurator-in-chief of the Na- 
ha District Court, Public Pro- 
curator of the District Courts 
of Toyama and Wakayama, 
etc. ; was transferred to the 
present post in 1908. Address: 
Koshu District Court, Korea. 

Iwata, Masakichi (^ H jE 
a), Colonel, Commander of 
the 22nd Regiment of Infan- 
try ; b. 1865 in the prefect- 
ure of Gifu. Edtic. : Gradu- 
ated from the Military Aca- 
demy. Sub-I Jeutenant (Dec. 
1882) ; Lieutenant (May 1 886); 
Captain (June 1894); Major 
(Jan. 1900) ; Lieutenant-Co- 
lonel (Mar=:-*I904) ; Colonel 
(Dec/ 1906) ; decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and the 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : 22nd 
Regiment of Infamtry, Matsu- 
yama, Ehime-ken. 
^ Iwata, Sosabiiro C:^ H jg! H 
BR), Cotton yarn merchant, 
Pre. of Bishu Ginko, Director 
of Osaka SilkExchange, Audi- 
tor of,Settsu Spinning Co., 
of Osaka Chamber of Com- 
merce, etc.; ^.» the 3rd m 
of the 14th y. of Tempo (18- 
43) in the prefecture of Ai- 
chi ; 2nd s. of Tsuneyemon 
Iwata. Address : No. 1 1 . 2- 

Chome, Kitakyutarocho, Hi- 
gashiku, Osaka: Tel.: 521 Hi- 

Iwata, Tomoemon (^ B ^ 
^ #i PI), cotton yarn dealer ; 
b. Nov. the 9th y. of Meiji 
(1876) in Aichi-ken; e. s. of 
-the late Tomoemon Iwata, 
a samurai of Nagoya. Ad- 
dress : No. I, 3 Chome, Horie- 
cho, Nihonbashi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1920 Naniwa. 

Iwata, Tsutomu CS H W), 
doctor, President of the Ano- 
tsu Hospital. Address : Ano- 
tsu Hospital, Anotsu, Miye- 

Iwatsuki, Naoiiko C^ ^ it 
^). a rich landlord ; b. the 
6th m. of the 2nd y. ol 
Keio (1866) in the province 
of Satsuma ; adop. s. of Sami 
Iwatsuki. Address : Kuma- 
nojo-mura, Satsuma-gun, Ka- 

Iwaya, Magozo (K # ^ ^), 
Hogakuhakiishi, Prof, of the 
College of Law of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. Address: Gene- 
ral Office of the Kyoto Imp. 

Iwaya, Matsuhei (S # ^ 
^), President of the Japan 
Stock-farming Co., Director 
of the Mino Coal Co. and 
of the Hakata Railway Co. ; 
b. the 6th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Kayei (1849) in Kagoshima; 
2nd .f. of Unosuke Iwaya. 
First engaged in the manu- 
facture and sale of wax in 

[ 315 1 

Iwa— Iza 

'his native province and sub 
sequently became a contractoi 
to the Kagoshima clan ; went 
up to Tokyo in 1877 and open- 
ed a dty-goods shop in the 
Ginza, afterwards established 
an extensive tobacco factory 
from which he derived a larg"e 
profit ; retired to his country 
residence when the tobacco 
industry became a monopoly 
of the Government and start- 
ed pig rearing on a large scale 
and is now in a fair way of 
making it a most profitable 
business. Address: No. 715, 
Shimoshibuya, Shibuyamachi, 
Toyotama - gun , Tokyo - fa . 
Tel.': 2S6.Shiba. 

Iwaya, Syutaro CS # M i: 
IR), Colonel of Cavali:y. Chief 
of the Sanbongi "braTcETf Tthe 

War-Horse Recruiting Office; 
b. 1869 in Akita-ken Sub- 
Lieutenant (Mar. 1 891); Lieu- 
tenant (Nov. 1893); Captain 
(June 1895); Major (May 19- 
00); Lieuteijant Colonel (Mar. 
1904); Colonel (Apr. 1909); 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : Sanbongi - mura, 
Kamikita - gun, Aomori - 

Iwaya, Sueo CiK # * M), 
novelist, (Norn de plum ".Sa- 
zanami-sannin ',')r Member of 
the Hakuburikwan Publishing 
Co. ; d. the 6th m. of the 3rd 

f. of Meiji (i'87i) in Tokyo 5 
3rd .y. of the late Shii Iwa- 
ya, famous calligraphist ; m. 
Yu, sister of Tokujiro Yama- 
moto of Shiga-ken. Edtic. : 
studied at the Doitsukydkai 
Gakko (a school attached to 
the Gei:man Association). Es- 
tablished, in company with 
the late Koyo Ozaki and oth- 
ers, the Genyusha, a literary 
society, and advocated the 
cause of light literature ^J£as 
once teacher of the Japanese 
language in the Oriental Lan- 
guage School in Berlin feii- 
tered the Hakubunk wan Pub- 
lishing Co. where he is now 
reputed as an unique writer of 
juvenile literature. Address : 
No. S3, Takanawaminami-ma- 
chi, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.:'2yj'J 

Iwaya, Tamizo (^ # K M), 
Managing Director , of the 
1st Cotton Flannel Mfg. 
Co., Director of the Chosen 
Agricultural . Encouragenient 
Society; b. Aug. the ist y. 
of Meiji (1.868) in the pro- 
vince of Kii ; adop: s. of 
Shijun; Iwaya ; m. Mitsu, 
e. d. of Kosuke Kuki. Ad- 
dress : Nakanocho, NakanoT 
mise, Wakayama-shi, Waka- 

Izaka, Kp C# ^ #), Direc- 
tor of the Oriental Steamship 
Co. and of Kyodp'Sekizai Co. 
Ltd.; 6. Pec."*the 2nd 2/. oi 

Meijj\ (^1869) in Mito, pro- 


[ 316] 

vince of Hitachi ; 3rd s. of 
Naomoto Izaka, a samurai 
of Mito clan ; m. Setsu, e. d. 
of Rinnosuke Hara of Tokyo. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. Address: 'So. 12 
Ogacho, Kyotashi-ku, Tokyo. 

Izawa, 'Heizayemon (^ 'M ¥ 
ic X P^), Sake-brewer. Ad- 
dress : Kami - Sugiyama - dori, 
Sendai, Miyagi-ken. 

Izawa, Shnji (f- Jf ^ n), 
. educationalist, Member of the 
House .of Peers ; 3. the 6th 
Wtl'&i' the 4th J/, of Kayei 
(185 1 ) in the province of Shi- 
naho ; e. s. of Bunyo Izawa, 
a samurai of Shinano ; m. 
ChiyO, e^ d. of Shlgeto Mori 
of Tokushima-ken. Educ. : 
Graduated from the former 
Daigak-Nanko (1872); stud- 
ied music and gymnastics 
in America (1875). Succes- 
sively occupied the posts of 
Senior- Secretary of the Dep. 
of Education, Director of the 
Cprnpilation Bureau of the 
same Dep., President of the 
Tokyo Musical School and ot 
the Tokyo Blind and Deaf- 
Mute School, Councillor of 
the Dep.. of Education, Sec- 
retary to the Civil Admini- 
stration Bureau of the Form- 
osah Government, President of 
the Higher Normal School ; 
was. thrice elected member of 
the Elernentary School Text- 

Book Investigation Commit- 
tee ; appointed member of the 
House of Peers by Imperial 
nomination in 1897'; decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun for his meritori- 
ous services rendered to the 
advancement of education ; 
is at present member of the 
Higher Educational Council 
and one of the Councillors 
of the coming Grand Do- 
mestic Exhibition. Address: 
No. 50, Dairokuten-machi,Ko- 
ishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 209 

Izawa, Takio CF Ji ^ S ^). 
Governor of Niigata prefecture; 
b. Nov. the 2nd y. of Meiji 
(1869) in the province of 
Shinano; 2nd .s. of Bunyo 
Izawa ; m, Toku, 4th d. of 
Saburobei Irokawa of Iba- 
raki-ken. Educ. : Graduated 
from the College of Law of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1895). 
Became soon after gradua- 
tion clerk to the Aichi pre- 
fectural office ; occupied suc- 
cessively the posts of Coun- 
cillor of Yamanashi and Gifu 
prefectures, Chief of Police 
of Gifu prefecture. Secretary 
to Fukui and Shiga prefect- 
ures. Police Inspector of the 
Metropolitan Police Board ; 
Governor of Wakayama pre- 
fecture (1907); Grovernor of 
Enime prefecture, 1908 — 12. 
Address: Official Eesidence, 

317 ] 

Tze— Izu 

Izeri, Kosai C^- )r M -dl), 
Sake-brewer ; d. Dec. the 7th 
y. of Meiji (1874) in the 
province of Higo ; e. s. of 
Tenta Izeri, a samurai of 
Kumamoto ; m. Tei, 5th d. 
of Sho Anami of Oita pre- 
fecture. Address : Miyabara- 
machi, Yatsushiro-gun, Ku- 

Izeri, Tenta (# ^ ft ;k), 
a rich landlord and sake- 
brewer ; <5. the 2nd m. of the 
4th jf. of Kayei (185 1) in 
the prefecture of Kumamoto ; 
e. s. of Kamon Izeri, a samu- 
rai of Kumamoto clan ; tit. 
Fuji, e. d. of Yajiro Toyama. 
Address: Miyajimacho, Ya- 
tsushiro-gun, Kumamoto-ken. 

Iznmi, Nisaburo C^ t: 3 
g[5), marine products dea- 
ler; ^■. Oct. 1876 in Osaka. ; 
s. Nihei Izumi ; m. En, d. of 
Seijiro Itakura, marine pro-- 
ducts dealer ; is now engaged 
to the present business , help- 
ing his father ; since 1893 
the house, which was founded 
in two hundred fifty years 
ago, is well known as the 
oldest marine products dealer 
in Osaka ; besides is acting 
as managing director of the 
Naigai Aquatic Products Co. 
and director of the Imperial 
Gold Storage Co. Beoreation : 
go game. Address : 'So. 4, 5 
ohome, Utsubo Minami-dori, 
Nishi-ku, Osaka. Td. : 538 

Izumida, Heiemon C:^ ffl ^ 
^ ^ f ^), a rich farmer ; L 
the 9th m. of the 3rd ^.. of 
Bunkyu (^863) in the province 
of Rikuchu ,* e. s. of the late 
HiramatsU Izumi ; m. Hatsunp^ 
e. d. of Ugenji Sato. Ad 
dress: Setame-mura, Kisen-. 
gun, Iwate-ken. 

Izumioka, Sosuke G^ M ^ 
Kl)> President, of Izumioka 
Hosiery Mfg. Co. ; i>. Jan. 
the 9th f. of Meiji (1876) 
in Osaka ;,^.x of Shohaku 
Izumioka ; m. Umeno, e. d. 
of ,Uhei Shirono. Address : 
No. 53, 2 chome, Dotonbori, 
Nishiku, Osaka. Tel. : 377 

Izu, Sonpu C^ M X ^X 
Major-General on the Re- 
serve;^. 1865 in Fiikuoka- 
ken. Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry (June 1886); Lieuten- 
ant (Nov. 1839); Captajn(Nov. 
1894) ; Major (Jan. 1900) ; 
Lieutenant-Colonel (Mar. 19- 
04); Colonel (Dec. 1906);" 
Major-General (1910). Beco- 
rations : the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite. Recrea- 
tions : Chinese poems ; bill- 
iards, etc. Address: Beppo, 
Zezemachi, Shiga-ken. 

Ibara, Toriiehi (#• M M — )> 
Capt. of the N-ayy, attached 
to the Yokosuka Naval Sta- 
tion; b. 1871. Educ.: Naval 
Academy in 1886. Lieut.- 
Cdmmander, Oct. 1902; Com- 

I ga— Ima 

L 318 

mander, Sept. 1906; Captain, 
Dec. 19 1 2. Was adjutant 
of the Saseho ^ NaVal Station 
in 1909; present post since 
Dec. 1912. Decorations: 4th. 
Order of R.S., 4th Order of 
the S.T., 4th Class of G. K. 
Address : the Yokosuka Naval 

Ig^i, UkioM Q'tJiO 5P ^), 
Ai'tist, Japanese painter, Prof, 
of the Kyoto Municipal Art 
Semmon GaJcko. Educ. : gra- 
duated the design course of 
the Kyoto Art School ; studied 
painting under K-okyo Tani- 
guchi. Obtained often bronze 
medal in the Kyoto Art Associ- 
:ation. Address: Muro-machi, 
Nishi-iru, Nijo-dori, Kami- 
tyo-ku, Kyoto. Gliibs : m. of 
the Kyoto Art Asso., Koso 
Art Asscciation. 

Ikeda, Tsunesabtiro Offi H S 
•SgU), yR-esident of the Omi 
!Bank, Ltd., standing direc- 

tor of the Osaka Bank Mee- 
ting Hall; h. 3 Nov. of the 
German Asso. School in 1895. 
Entered the business bureau 
of the Bank of Japan on his 
graduation ; transferred to the 
Omi Bank, 1898, and promo- 
ted to present post, 19 10. 
liecreaiions : various. Ad- 
dress: No. 12, Jtiniken-cho, 
Higashi-ku, Osaka. Clubs: the 
Osaka:club,' the Bankers' club. 
Imao, Keinen C-^ M S ^)' 
artist ,- (Japanese painting), 
Yososai by non de plutne; b. 
1845 in Kyoto. Early studied 
painting from Tokyo Ume- 
kawa, ukiyoye drawer, and 
Shonen Suzuki; is the art 
member of the Imperial 
House. Address: 19 Kinu- 
ya-cho, Sakai-machi, Ebisu- 
kawanoboru, Kamikyo-ku, 

[ 319 ] 

Jim— Jin 

Jimbo, Kotora C# i* /> jTS), 
geologist, Rigakuhakushi, Prof. 
of the College of Science in the 
Tokj'o Imperial TJniverfsity , 
chair of geology, paleontology 
and mineralogy; b. May 1867, 
in Tokyo ; \sX. s. of Nagamune 
Jimbo ; m. Shidzii. ist d. of 
Tsunesaburo Jimbo. Educ: 
graduated fiom the College of 
Science in the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1887 ; studied in 
Germany, 1892—1894. As- 
sistant-Prof of the College of 
Science in the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1 894 ; Rigakuha- 
kushi, June 1895 ; then Prof 
of the College of Science in 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Ad- 
dress : No. 138, Komagome 
Higashi-katamachi, Hongoku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1290 Shitaya. 

Jirayoin, Kitetsu <*# §8 ^ ^ 
^), Viscount (cr. 1884); Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers ; 
b. Feb. 1865, in Kyoto; 2nd 
s. of Motosuke Ishino, and 
adopted by Mototomo Jimyo- 
in ; m. Hisa-ko, ist d. of Mo- 
totomo Jimyoin, his foster-fa- 
ther. The Jimyoins is the des- 
cendant of the famous Kama- 
tari Eujiwara, a well known 
loyal subject. Nominated 
Member of the House of Peers, 
1906. Address. : No. 603, Mu- 
shakoji-tori-shimmachi, Ka- 

mikyoku, Kyoto. 

Jindo, Sai-iehi (i^ B *' — ). 
L L. D. (University of Law 
in Paris); Meorber of the 
House of Representatives ; /;. 
1859, in Kanagawa prefect- 
ure ; m. Isa, sister of Masa- 
o Ibuki. Educ. : graduated 
fi-om the Military Academy, 
1877 ; resigning from the 
army .studied in France, grad- 
uating from the University of 
Law in Paris, 1885 — 1895. 
Was Prof of several, schools 
and colleges in Tokyo. Mem- 
ber of the Housfe of Repre- 
sentatives, 1900; decorated 
with 4th Order of Merit in 
recognition of his services dur- 
ing the Russo-Japanese War. 
Publicatims : History of Mo- 
dern Diplomacy, etc. Ad- 
dress : No. 43, ichome, Ko- 
binada-daimachi, Koishikawa- 
kn, Tokyo. Tel.t 1290 Shitaya. 
. Jinno, KatsunosuEe CSf IF M 
i. W), Chief of the Printing 
Bureau ; b. Apr. 1868 ; 2nd 
s. of Mitsutada Arakawa, a 
samurai of Gifu-ken, and a- 
dopted by Matsu Jinno ; m. 
Kimi, foster mother of Kikue 
Takayama, a samurai of To- 
Icyo. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Law in the To- 
kyo Imperial University 1896. 
Passed the Higher Civil Ser- 
vice Examination, 1 896; Coun- 
cillor of the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce 

Jill— Joh 

[ 320 ] 

1898; after serving in several 
Departments, was transferred 
to the present post. Address : 
OfiScial House, No. 3, 2cho- 
rtie, Otema'chi, Kojimachi, To- 
kyo.!. - - 

Jiano, Kinnosttke (if W ^' 
& »))» Pres. of the Meiji Bank, 
Ltd., the Atsuta Savings 
Bank, Ltd., the Fukuju Life 
Insurance Co., Ltd., Dir. of 
the Nippon Fire Insurance Co., 
Ltd., Aud. of the Nagoya E- 
lectric Power Co., Ltd., the 
MieCotten Yarn Co., Ltd., the 
Chiyoda Gas Co., Ltd. ; d. in 
1 849 in Aichi-prefecture ; 4th 
s. of Kimpei Jjnno ; m. Toyo, 
e. s. of Count Ogi. Address : 
No. 854, Teppocho, Nakaku, 
Nagoya. Tel. : 203 Ko I. d. 

Jyo, Kadzuma C*i, ft .H), 
Judge ; "President of Seoul 
Court of Appeal ; ^. Aug. 
1864 ; 1st s. of Kumataro Jyo ; ■ 

m. Ichi, adopted d. of Gembo- 
ku Gyotoku. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the College of Law 
in the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity. Once was a member 
of the Tokyo City Council, 
and Member of the House 
of Representatives. Address r 
The Seoul Court of Appeal, 
Chong-lo, Seoul, Chosen. 

Johoji, Goro CJt 5S # S W>y 
Major-General, Comrfiander 
of the 29th Brigade of In- 
fantry; b. the 2nd m. of the 
7.ViA.y. of Keio (1866), Tochi- 
gi-ken. Sub-Lieut, of Infant- 
ly, July 1887; Lieut., Dec. 
1890; Captain, Nov. 1896;. 
Major, April 1902; Lieut. 
Colonel, April 1905; ColoneU 
Nov. 1907; Major-General, 
April 1 91 2. Decorations: 5th. 
Order of S. T., 3rd Order 
of R. S. Address: Otte-cho^ 
Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka-ken. 

L 321 ] 



Kabayama, Sukeaori C# lU ^ 
IB), Count, Admiral, Privy 
Councillor, the 2nd Class of 
the Goldei:i Kite, the 1st Or- 
. der of the Rising Sun; b. on 
the lOth of the lith month 
in the -Sth year of Tempo 
(1837); 31'd J-. of Yosaburo 
Hashiguchi, a Satsuma saimi- 
rai ; m. Toino, d. of Tajii- 
ro Yamamoto of Kagoshima. 
Played a distinguished part in 
the Restoration. Appointed 
Major, 1 871 ; visited China 
an<l Formosa iii the suite, of 
the late.Count^_,Soejima, 1S73; 
fought ia Forniosa under the 

Uj'i°n Major-General Tani, 18- 
74 ; sent to Korea in the suite 
of Kiyotaka Kuroda, 1875 ; 
Cliief of Staff of the Kuniamo- 
to Division, 1876; took part 
and was wounded in Saigo's 
Rebellion ; promoted Colonel 
and afterwards Maj or-General ; 

theii transferred to the Navy 
and appointed Rear-Admjral, 
1880; created Viscount for 
distinguished services; promot- 
ed to Vice-Admiral, 1885; 
Vice-Minister, 1886; and then 
Minister for Navy, 1890—18- 
92 ; Chief of the Naval Staff 
in the Sino - Japanese war ; 
took part in the Battle of Yel- 
low Sea being , on board, the 
transport Saikyo Maru. Ap- 
pointed first Gov.-General of 
Formosa; then Home Minister, 
1896—1897 ; and lastly Mi- 
nister for Education, 1898-— 
1900. Was created Count in 
recognition of his services dur- 
ing the Japan-China war. Ad- 
dress: Nagatacho, Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 22.90 Shim- 

Kaburagi, Makoto Cli Tfc i^), 
Rear- Admiral (on the reserve), 
3id Order of the Rising. Sun; 
6. in 1857 at Kaburagi-mura 
in Chiba-prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Gen-etsu Shima of Ehitne-pre- 
fecture. Edtic. : studied at the 
Keio Univ. and grad. from 
the Naval School. Was char- 
ged with bringing out the C/ii- 
shima which was sunk in 
the Inland Sea by a P. & 0. 
steamer ; afterwards was atT 
tached to the Naval Staff 
Board ; . after^Vards on the 
Tokyo Fort Headquarters 
Staff; Naval Attache to "the 
Embassy at London during 


L .322 

the late war. Address : Iii- 
yamazu, Arai-mura, Ebara- 
gun, Tokyo. 

Kada, Kinzaburo (K ffl ^ H 
•SS)» representative member oi 
the Kwant5 Store-House Part- 
nership; Director of the Ensui- 
ico Salt Manufacturing Com- 
pany, the Japan Shoes Manu- 
facturing Company, the Hok- 
kaidS Colliery and Steamship 
Company, the Fuji Life Insur- 
ance Company, the Oriental 
Life Insurance Company, and 
ofthe Japan Leather Company; 
Auditor of the Taiwan Sugar 
Manufacturing Company, and 
of the Gas Industry Com- 
pany; 3. the 9th JM. of the 4th j/. 
of Ansei (i 859), in Ehime pre- 
fectui'e ; ist s. of Kyubei Ka- 
da; m. Michi, 1st d. of Senko 
Nakamura, a samurai of Ya- 
maguchi. Address : No. 44, 
Fiijimicho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 624 Shiba. 

Kadono, Ikunoshin (PI If ® 
? M), Pres. of the Chiyod? 
Mutual Life Insurance Co., 
Ltd., the 1st Engine and 
Locomotive Insurance Co., 
Ltd., Dir. of the Kyodo 
Fire Marine Transporting 
Co., Ltd., Aua. of Toyokuni 
Bank, Ltd.; 0. m 1856 at 
Toba in Shima ; e. s. of 
Watari Kadono, a retainer 
oi Toba clan; m. Shun, e. d. 
of Nozomu Watanabe of 
Tokyo. Educ: studied at 

the Keiogijuku (private Keio 
Univ.). Began his career^,as 
a teacher of the Keiogijuku 
at the age of seventeen; 
took part in democratic mov- 
ements; was elected a member^ 
of the House of Representa- 
tives for Mie prefecture ; trayelr 
led Europe and America, i8' 
98 ; Vice-Pres. of the institu- 
tion, 1902 ; organized the Chi- 
yoda Life Insurance Co., 19- 
04. Address : Kasumicho, A- 
zabu, Tokyo. Tei. : 2203 Shi- 

Kadowaki, Shigeo (PI f& M 
W, farmer, Pfes. of the Tot- 
tori Ag. Ind. -Bank; ex-Me- 
mber of the H. E. ; h. 1832 
in the province of Hold; s. 
of Shigeaj^a Kadowaki, an 
old and well known faniily. 
Educ. .' studied at the Shoto- 
kukan (a , clan school) . Ex- 
Pres. of the Tottori Prefectural 
Assembly ; has sat in the 
House three times ; has been 
successful in reclamation work. 
A member of the Seiyukai 
(Constitutional party). Ad- 
dress: Wataru-mura, Saiha- 
ku-gun, Tottori-ken. ''<^ 

Kafuku, Eikitaro GD la % 

;j; j(!). chief of the ocean 
section of the Osaka Mer- 
cantile S. S. Co., L+d.; 6. 1872 
in Tokyo.' Eduo.: graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School. Ad'hess: Kita- 

t 323 ] 


yaniaolio, Minami-ku, Osaka. 

Kadoya, Naoyuki CP1 45- 
^ jg). diicf S3cretary of Jaj):ui 

Cotton Merchants' Union ; 6. 
3 Jan. oPthe 11th y. of Meiji 
(1878) in Matsuyama, lyo 
■proi^incc ;. in, Ara, 1899. 
Educ. : studied at Tokyo 
Higher Oommercial 8chool 
(no gra.) Served at foreign 
charge of the Japan Cotton 
Co., Ltd. ; present post since 
1908. Reareaiimi: utai. Add- 
ress : 7 chome, Kusunokicho, 

Kagami, Chnhiehi CJb 'M. ^ 
*' -t), Managing Dir. of tlie 
J5mo Muslin Co., Ltd., Dir. 
of the Tatebayashi Savings 
Bank, Ltd., and the 40th 
Bank, Ltd.; ^. in 1849 in 
Gumma-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Cliuhichi Kagami ; m. To,- 
e. d. of Keijiro Takahashi of 
tlie same prefecture. Ad- 
dress: Tatebayashimachi, Gu- 

Kagami, Shigeko (in ;K * ^ 
^), attached to the Imperial 
1-Iou.sehold Dep't. 

Kagami, Toiehiro (*a % % 
% — MR), Representing . Part- 
ner of the Isliiwa Lidustrial 
Co., Dir. of the Kosho Bank, 
Ltd. ; ^. in 1853 in Yama- 
nashi-prefecture ; Sth s. of 
Tatewaki Yada; m. Kura, 
heiress of Izaemon Kagami. 

Succeeded his adopted fatlier 
in 1880. Address :\ M^m3.m\- 
Yashiro-niura, Fligashi-Yashi- 
ro-gun, Yamanashi-l^en. 

Kagawa, Keizo Cf|= ;il lit H), 
Count, Lord Steward of the. 
Empresses Household, Privy 
Councillor, ist Order of 
Merit; b. on the ijth of the 
ilth month in the 12th year 
of Tempo (1841) at Mito ; 
3rd. .r. of Takasada Hasuda 
of a famous old family ; in. 
Sumako, jc. d. of Ban-ei Fuji- 
sawa of Niigata. Played a 
distinguished part on thel 
side of the Fmperor in the 
Restoration. Isamu Kondo, 
a dauntless leader of the 
SJmisentai (Shogunate Picked 
Troops), was arrested by the 
Count. Began his career 
as an official of the Imp. 
Household Dep't. 1870; sent 

abroad, 1872 , Master of 

Ceremonies, 1876; Secreta- 
ry of the, Dep't. 1877; has 
been in the present post since 
1 890 Made Viscount for ser- 
I'ices and promoted to Couirt 
after the late war. Address : 
Kioicho, Kojimachiku, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 277 Bancho. 

Kagawa, Katsuhiro (# fl] 
W M). proj)er name: Koji 
ro, sculptor; 6. the 10th m. 
of thfc^eth ?/. of Kayei (1853) 
in Tokyo ; s. of Soshichi Ka- 
gawa. EduG. : studied sculp- 

Eag— Kai 

.[ 324 1 

ture from Katsumori Kaga- 
wa. Was appointed instructor 
at the Tokyo Fine Art 
Academy, 1898; afterwards re- 
sighed the post; is now member 
of the Imperial Art Society. 
Address: Is^o. 39 Sakurakl- 
clio, Sliitaya, Tokyo. 
"Kagawa, Ki (S= ;il MX_Gby-., 
prnor of Keiki-do in Chosen.. 
Address: Jinsen, Chosen. 

Kagawa, Tomitaro (# ,lil S 
:k p), I\Iajpr-General, Com- 
mander of the nth. Brigade 
of Infantiy; /;. in .1853 '" 
Hfroshima-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Yuzuru Kagawa, a saimirai ; 
m. Iku, y. d. of Ken Megata, 
a samiinn of Yaniaguchi 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Heigakuiyd: As a Mihtary 
Cadet fought for the Govern- 
ment against Saigo ; Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1877; Lieu- 
tenant, in' 1880; Captain in 
1884; Major in 1892 ; Lieut.- 
Colonel in 1898; Colonel in 
1901 ; Major-General in 1905. 
Adjutant to the ist Army 
Division ; tlien to the Tokyo 
Garrison ; Chief of the Lifan- 
try Section bf the War 
Office ; Commander of the 
35th Army Division; in the 
Chino-Japanese War took part 
as a commander of a battalion 
of the 1st Infantiy Regiment; 
and also in the late war as 
Commander of the 48th Re- 
giment 01 mlantry and the 

24th Bi-idige of Infantry ; was 
decorated with' 2nd Order, of 
the Rising Sun and 3rd! Class 
of the Golden Kite as a war 
reward. Address: Kumamoto. 

Kagaya, Chobei CJq % '4, fi. 
ft It), VicerPres. of the Akita. 
Bank, Ltd., High-tax-payer;; 
b. in 1858 in Akita-prefec- 
ture ; e. s. of Kyuemon Ka- 
gaya ; m. Taka, 3rd d. of 
Kiemon Minato of the same 
province. Address : Kami- 
kawaguchicho, Akita-city. 

Kageyama, Jin-emon (^ \^^ S 
* «i PI), Pres. oftheTadotsu 
Bank, Ltd., Dir. of the Sanu- 
ki Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank, Ltd., the Korean Bu- 
siness Co., Ltd., the Sanuki 
Electric Co., Ltd. ; (5. in 1855 
in Kagawa-prefecture ; m. Ka- 
ne, 2nd d. of Yohicht Shi- 
oda of the sani^ prefecture. 
Succeeded his father in 1873. 
Address: Tadotsumachi, Ka- 

Kagiwada, Sentaro (MM H 
% -k W)y Commander of the 
13th and 14th Destroyer Flo- 
tillas ; b. 1 868. Cadet in 1 886; 
Commander in 1907. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the R. S. 
and 4th Class of the G. K. 
Address : Naval Office. 

Kai, Orie C? ^ «S n\_ 
Trader; b. in 1850 2X. Yedo ; 
e. s. of Rihei Kai, a samurai 
of Okudaira clan. - Educ: 
graduated from the Keiogiju- 

[ 325 ] 

Kai— Kaj 

ku in 1872. Rendered services 
to the Mikado in the Restora- 
tion. Became Director of the 
Kobe Commercial School in 
1877 ; organized the Kobe 
Chamber of Commerce; found- 
ed a trading company at Yo- 
kohama and became Manager 
of its New York branch; 
established himself at. San 
Francisco in 1885. Address: 
Odawaracho, Kyobashi, To- 
Kaijima, Tasuke CM 1^ jk JKl), 

Proprietor of Kaijima Mining 
Co., Adviser to the Nogata 
Storage Co., Ltd., Executive 
Partner of the Saivvaibukuro 
Works; b. in 1844 at Nogata 
in the province of Chikuzen ; 
e. s. of Eishiro Kaijima ; m. 
Ino, e. 'd. of Risuke Naka- 
mura of the same province. 
Was born in a humble cot- 
tage. Sent to a blacksmith 
as an apprentice for seven 
years ; served in the Unshinji 
(a Buddhist temple) for a 
couple of years ; then entered 
a mine as a labourer at the 
age of seventeen ; when 
twenty was engaged by Tani 
Yahei, a cotton merchant at 
Nogata; when twenty two 
started a mining business at 
Yamabe which was a failure; 
aftei-wards became a gambler;_ 
when thirty nine years old 
cut all connections with gam- 
blers, and entei-ed the Nishi- 

yugeta mine as a leader of 
miners ; began mining the 
Itoda Colliery as an adviser to 
Itsuda Katayama who is its 
proprietor, 1 876 ; gained the 
sum of 2500_j'«2 in connection 
with Saigo's Rebellion ; again 
failed in business, 1 878 ; 
earned about %000 yen, 1885 ; 
after repeated failures finally 
•became successful owing to 
the Sino-Japanese and Russo- 
Japanese wars ; no^\' i-egarded 
as one of the, _coal kings of 
this country. Was awarded 
6th Order of Merit fox busi- 
ness services. Address: No- 
gata, Fukuoka-ken. 

Kaino, Kozo (t!t if ^ H), 
farmer, Mem. of the House 
of Representatives ; l>. in 
1857 at Shikama in the pro- 
vince of Harima ; e. s. of 
Shigegoro Kaino ; in. Yasue,' 
e. d. of Jinshichiro Tabi of 
Hyogo prefecture. Was ap- 
pointed Chief secretary at 
the Dep't. of Agriculture and 
Commerce in the 1st -Con- 
stitutional Cabinet. A leader 
of the Seiyukai (Constitutional 
party). Address : Toyooka- 
cho, Mita, Shiba, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 113 Shiba. 

Kaji, SuekicM CM in m % rf), 
ex-Mem. of the House of Re- 
Mem, of the House of Re- 
'^ presentatives. Representative 
Partner of the Tokyo Intel- 
ligence Agency, Director and 
Manager of the Yomzu Bank, 


[ 326 ] 

Ltd., was Dir. of t!ie Tokyo 
Bond Trust Co., Ltd., and 
the Patent Bean Milk Co., 
Ltd;, " Auditor of . the Tokyo 
Commercial Bank, Ltd. ; b 
in 1868 at Marugame in the 
province of Sanuki; 2nd s. 
of Shigekuni Kaji, a samurai 
of Kagawa-prefecture. Ad- 
dress : Marugame, Kagawa- 

Kaji, Teijiro CpJ, ^ % ^ 
S15), Vet.''"°'"Sm-ge6h - LietitT"- 
Col., Chief of the'Veterinarj-' 
Dep't of the isth Army Divi- 
sion ; ti. 1 867 at Tokyo. Vet. 
Surgeon-Sub-Lieut, in 1894; 
Vet. Surgeon-Lieut, in i8g6 : 
Vet. Surgeon-Capt. in 1899; 
Vet. Surgeon: ^ Major in 19- 
04; Vet. Surgeon - Lieut. - 
Col. in 1909.; 4th Order of 
the R. S. and 4th Class of 
the G.K. Address: Jugoshi- 
dan, Atsumi-gori, Aichi-ken. 

Kaji, Yosliihiko (Jaiffi't^^), 
Principal of the Numazu 
Commercial School; b. 1872 
in Wakayama; s. of Masa- 
sato Kaji. Educ: graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School. Was pro- 
fessor of the Niigata Com- 
mercial .School since 1901, 
of the Shizuoka Commercial 
school since 1905, and pro- 
moted to the present position 
in 1908. Address: No. 164, 
Soyeji, in the enclosure of 
the old Numazu castle, Nu- 

mazu, Shizuoka-ken. 
Sajikawa, On (it^ Ji| S),- 

Ex'pert to tl ;:. Marine Pro- 
ducts Bureau ol" the Agricult- 
ural aad Commercial Depart- 
ment. Address: No. 1 1, Shiba- 
Park, ShiUaku, JTokyo. ^ 

KajitsTifia, SBotaro (M ^ fil i:. 
^)>,.Payjniaster-Colonel, Chief 
of the Paymaster's Staff of the 
8th Army Division; b. 1866 
in Tokyo. Paymaster-Sub-Li- 
eutenant (Oct. 1889); Pay- 
master-Lieutenant (Nov., 18- 
93) ; Paymaster-Captain (May 
189s); Paymaster-Major (Dec. 
1903); Paymaster- Lieutenant- 
Colonel (Apr. 1905); Paymas- 
ter-Colonel (Dec. 1968). De- 
corations : 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Order of 
the Golden Kite and 3rd Glass 
of the Rising Sun. Address : 
the 8th Army Division, Hiro- . 
saki, Aomori-ken. 

Kajiura, Juzo CM ?i K M>, 
Civil Eng. of the Dep't of 
Communications; b. in 1855 
in Tottori-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Seizo Kajiura, a samurai ; 
m. Suzu, e. d. of Tsukasa 
Odani of the same prefecture. 
Educ. : grad. Engineering at 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1892. 
Entered the Com. Dep't as 
Electric Eng., 1892; sent 
abroad for engineering pur-^ 
pose, 1899—1900. Address: 
No. 22, Shinzaka-cho, Akasa- 
ka-ku, Tokyo. Tel. :■ 24.60 

[ 327 ] 

Kaj— Kak 


Kajiwara, Nakaji C^ I*- W 
?&), Dir. of London Agency of 
Nippon Bank ; 3.i^ 1871 at 
SHonai, in Yamagata-prefect- 
ure ; m. Umeko, d. of Jun-ichi 
Shimada. £d^{c. : grad. Eng- 
lish Law in the Tokyo, Imp. 
(Jhiv., 1897. Entered the bank, 
1897 ; sent abiroad for three 
years ; travelkd Manchuria- 
Northern China, and Korea 
during the 
late war ; 
post, 1906. 
Recreations : 
reading and 
Address : 
ma, Kitaku, 
Osaka. leL: 
465 Higashi . 

Kajiwara, Tatsuhiko (% JM 
M MX Director of the Moji 
Epidemic Hospital. Address : 

KakeM, Katsuhiko (:i;]/£;g), 

HdgaJ^uhakushiijyx. of Law), 
Prof, of; the Law College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ.; b. 
1872 in Nagano-ken; }. of 
Bokuro Kakehi. Edtic. : gra- 
duated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., further studied in 
Germany (Berlin Univ.), 
1898-1903. Assist. Prof of 

the Law College of „ the 
Tokyo Imp. .Unlv.J 190b;' 
present post, 1903. Ftib- 
lications : " Jurisprudence," 
" philosophy of Buddha," 
etc,, Recreation: study bf> 
religion. Address: No. 7. 
Kitamachi, Ushigomej To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2435 Bancho. 

Kakehi, Kisaburo CK « H 
IP), Pres. of the OwarJ 
Weaving Bank, Ltd., Re- 
presentative Partner .of Daiki 
& Co., Dir. of the Com- 
mercial Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 
1 862 in Aichi-prefedture ; e. 
s. of Gihei Kakehi ; m. Ki- 
mie, e. d: of Hidesuke Hat- 
tori of the same prefecture. 
Address : Okimachi, Naka- 
jima-gun, Aichi-ken. 

Kakehi, Takebumi CK ^ *), 
Chief Procurator of Niigata 
District Court. ; b. m 1850 in 
Okayama-prefecture ; 6th .f. 
of Koki Kakehi, a samurai; m. 
Chisa,j)/. s. of Kensaku Oshima 
of Aomori-prefecture. Began 
his career as an official of 
Osaka-fu, 1872 ; was appoint- ' 
ed Procurator, 1884; present 
post, 1906. Address : Gak- 
komachi, Niigata. 

Kakeshita, Jyujiro CS T S 
=* SFO, 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, Judges of the 
Supreme Court; b. in 1857 
in Saga-prefecture ; 2nd s. 
of Jyushu Kakeshita; m. Gie; 
y. sister of Kiichiro Hiranuma: 


l. 328 ] 

Educ. : graci Law at the 
Government Law School, 
1884. Was appointed Judge, 
1885; Sectional Chief of the 
Nagoya District Court ; then 
of the Osaka Appeal Court ; 
was promoted to present post, 
1898. Address: Nishi-Okubo, 

Kakihara, Takekuma (if M 
St ^1), Dir. of Osaka District 
Court; d. 1862 at Saga; s. 
of Haruhiko Kakihara, a sa- 
murai of the Nabeshima clan ; 
in. Chiyo-ko, 2nd d. of Ta- 
neaki Harada. Edttc. : grad. 
Law in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1888. Probationary Judge, 
1888 ; Judge of Sendai D> C, 
1890; J. of Miyagi Appeal 
Court, 1894; J,, of the Tokyo 
A. C, 1897 ; Dir. of the Mae- 
hashi D. C., 1899; Chief of 
Section of the Tokyo A. C, 
1900 ; J. of the Supreme 
Court, 1903; Dir. of the Kyoto 
D. C, 1905 ; present post, 
1904. Recreations : reading, 
physical exercises, pictures and 
writing. Address : Nishiku, O- 
saka. Qui>s : Hoso-club (Judis^- 
cial Club), Yukyu-club (Post 
Billiard Club), Kangoku-ten- 
gu-kai (Prison Archeiy Club). 
Tel. : 5 Nishi. 

Kakinuma, Tanizo C^f S # 
^), cotton - thread dealer, 
Special Mem. of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce, Pres. 
of the Shimozuke Cotton 

Yarn Co., Ltd., Dir. of the To:- 
kyo Woollen Textile Co., the 
Oriental Co., Ltd., the Ori- 
ental Flour Mill, Ltd., Aud. 
of the 1st Mutual Life In- 
surance Co., Ltd., and the 
Kaiiamachi Tile Mfg. Co., 
Ltd.;. b. in 1854 at Tate- 
bayashi ; 2nd s. of Seizo 
Masuyama and adopted by Ta- 
nizo Kakinuma; m. Hana, 2nd 
d. of his adopted father. Suc- 
ceeded his adopted father in 
i88r. Once sat in the 
House of Representatives ; a 
member of the Nihonbashi 
Ward Assembly ; was on 
the staff of the Mankan- 
kigyokyokai (Manchurian and 
Korean Development As- 
sociation). Address: Koami- 
cho, Nihonbashik'u, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 3632, 157. •/. d. Nani- 

Kakinuma, Takeo (tf Sita), 
Commissioner of Yamanashi- 
prefecture. Address : Kofu, 

Kakizaki, Tomisabnro CsR *t 

fantiy Brigade'; l>7'va. i%6x 
in Fukushima-prefecture ; 3rd 
s. of Seishi Kakizaki; in. Takeo, 
i. d. of Genzo Sakada; 
Educ. : grad. from the Mili- 
tary College and the Military 
Academy. Sub-Lieut., 1883 ; 
Lieutenant, 1887; Captain, 
1891; Major, 1896; Lieut- 

[ 329 ] 


Colonel, 1901 ; Colonel, 
1903; Major-General, 1909. 
Was attached to the General 
Staff for a time ; took part 
on the Staff of the 1st Army 
in the China- Japan war ; and 
d'stinguished himself in the 
late war as Chief of the 
Commissariat Staff of the 
4th Army. Was awarded 
3rd Class of the Rising Sun 
and the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : JSTo. 115 Harajuku. 

Kako, Momotsugu (M 'i< Ift 
^ ^>jKfl,hvf'''^kushi (ophthal mo- 
logie). Prof of the Aichi Pre- 
fectural College of Medicine. 
Address : Higashi-TJomachi, 
Higashi-ku, Nagoya. Tel.: 
2108. _ 

Kakii, Kumajiro CK M.%^ 
^), Prof of the 3rd High 
School ; /'. the 31-d m. of the 
1st J!/, of Manyen (1B64) in the 
province of Bungo ; 2nd s. of 
the late Magozo Kaku, a hei- 
min of Oita-ken; m. Tsune, 4th 
d. of Ichirobei Minami, also an 
Oita heimin. Educ. : Gradu- 
ated from the Meiji Hdritsu 
Gakko (present Meiji Univ.). 
An official in the Home De- 
partment (1884) ; Instructor to 
the former Higher Middle 
School (1888) and then pre- 
sent Address : Sakura- 
gicho, Tonodan, Kamikyoku, 

Kaku Sagataro Clio JR fe K 

:k eR), Secretary to the Com- 
munication Bureau of the Ebr- 
mosan Government, Chief ol 
its General Affairs' Section. 
Address: Official Residence, 
5 chome, Shoinmachi, Taiho- 
ku, Formosa. 

Kakuta, Kinicliiro (ft 15 fg] 

— I[|5)> Editor of the Tokyo 
Nichi Nichi and the Osaka 
Mainichi, his nam de phime 
being " Koko Kakaku;" b. 
September, 1869 at Omiya 
Shidzuoka Prefecture; s. of 
Kuwataro Kakuta; m. Moto, 
e. d. of Joji Kawakami, in 
1 901. Edtic: graduate-d from 
the Numazu Middle school 
and the Keio Universit\^, 
and .studied Chinese poetry 
and classics from Kenji 
Nawa, Choku Tanabe and 
Kozan Ono. Was editor of 
the Kok'uniin Shimhm and. 
the Koktimin no Tome, 1 897- ; 
1898; teacher in a Chinese 
college in Shanghai in 1898'; 
editor of the Osaka Asahi, 
T898-1905, and present 
position since 1905. Publica- 
tions: " ShiJ<oku Shokan" 
(S*B'>iS), " Shutsumon Issho" 
Cttt F5 - ^>, _" Rishu Jokei" 
(MmmWO, "Oshinroku" (Hl-fr 
^)> all of which are the 
collection, of his essays, and 
various other works. Ad- 
dress: No. 107, Omiya, 
Shidzuoka Prefecture or No. 
10 Nishikata-machi, Hongo, 


I 330 

Tokyo. ■; • 

Kamada, Eikichi CiK K ^ 
a), Pres. of tlie Private Keio 
University, Mem. of the House 
of Peers and the High Edu- 
cational Council; &. in 1857 
at '^Vakayanm in Kishia ; e. 
s. of. Shiizp Karnada, a sa- 
murai ; m. Hya^ku, e. d. oi 
Kakichi Asano .of Tokyo, 
Educ. : studied at the Keogi- 
fukti (Private Keio Univ.). 
Begaii his career as teacher 
of his alma mater ; was ap- 
pointed principal professor 
of the Zoskikati (the present 
7th High School}_i88i— 18- 
83 ; Dir. of the Oita Middle 
and Normal Schools; was elect- 
ed a member of the House 
of Representatives for Waka- 
yama, 1893; tra;yelled Eu- 
_rope, 1896— 1898; on return- 
ing- became Pres. of the Keio 
University. Publications: Do- 
kuritsu-Jison (Independence 
and self-respect^. Address: Mi- 
ta, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 418 
Sliiba. ■ 

Kamada, Fnsaji (it ffl B *), 

Pres. of the Takamatsu 114th 
Bant, Ltd., Dir. of the Taka- 
matsu Timber Co., Ltd. ; ^ 
in 1 840 in Kagawa-prefecture ; 
2nd s. of-Katsuya Ninomiya, 
a samurai; ni. Matsu, 2nd 
d. of Kyuklchi Fukliya of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Hatagocho, Takamatsu. 
Kaninva, Ciiudo (# m. S. it), 

Ohief Staff on Yokosulca Adm. 
Rear-Adm. ; b. in i86i at 
Yonezawa in ' the province 
of Ugo ; 3rd J. of Keisuke 
Kaniaya, a samurai. Educ. : 
grad. from the Naval Col., 
1884. 2nd Sub-Lieut., 1886; 
Lieut., 1889; Lieut.-Com., 
1897; Com., 1899; Capt., 
1905 ; Rear-Adm., 1910. Took 
part as a staff officer of the 
3rd Squadron in the Chino- 
Japanese war and also as 
Capt. of the warship Tatsuta 
in the^ late war. Was decorat- 
ed for his services with the 
3rd Order of Merit and 4ih 
Class of G, K. - Recreation : 
reading. Address: Zushi, Sa- 

Kanbe, Aya Cs^ P W)> Pianist, 
Prof of the Tokyo School of 
Music. ii¥«i-..- graduated from 
Wabutsu (French - Japanes:) 
Girls' School, the Tokyo 
School of Musics and, studied 
at.^Paris for,2 _years. Address : 
5uzukicho, Surugadai, Kanda, 

Kamaya, Eokuro i^M:^'-W), 
Naval Captain, Commander 
of the Aki (Battleship); /;. 
in 1870. Edtic.: Naval Aca- 
demy. Lieut. - Commander, 
Oct. 1888; Commander, 
July 1904; Captain, Oct. 
1909, Was Commander of 
the 0/V£7.y^ of War-ship; pre- 
sent post since Dee. X912. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of 

[ 331 ] 


R. S., 4th Order S. T. 4tli 
Class of G. K. 

Kambe, Masao Cii? ^ IE M), 
Hogakuhakushi, Prof, of Kyo- 
fo Imp. Univ. ; b. i %'J'J at 
Ichinomiya in the province 
of Owari. Educ. : grad. Poli- 
Lics in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1900 ; sent abroad for study, 
1904 — 1908., Prof on Eco- 
nomics and Finance at Wase- 
3a Univ. and the Gov. Tokyo 
Foreign Language School, 19- 
00; Assist. Prof, of Kyoto Imp. 
Univ., 1902; Prof of the Univ., 
1907. Publications : "Lectures 
on Political Economy; " "Out- 
lines on Finance ; " " Essays 
on Public Loans " " Essays 
on the Redemption of Na- 
tional Debt " ; " Essays on 
the Grain Tariff" ; " Essays 
on Agriculture Emigration 
to Korea " ; " Socialism and 
History of the Social Move- 
ment " ; ■' Der Russirch-Japa- 
nische Kreeg und Die Japa- 
nische Volkswirthschaft." Re- 
creation: travelling. Address: 
Okazakicho, Kyoto. 

Kamei, Chuiehi Cft -^\- S. -5, 
book-dealer (firm name San- 
shodo), Managing Director of 
the Nihon Book Co., Ltd., 
and Director of the loakoshi, 
Ltd.; (5. in 1856 at Tokyo; 
5th s. of Suido Nakagawa, a 
saimirai ; was adopted by Su- 
tehachiro Kamei ; m. 2hd d. 
of Yojuro Kamei, proprietor of 

the Sanseido (book - store); 
Published many books (text 
books, dictionaries and ency- 
clopaedia). Address: Urajim- 
bocho, Kanda, Tokyo. Tel. .- 
3316 ; 721^1749 Honkyoku. 
Kanietaka, Tokuliei (^ ^ ^ 

^)> Rigaktihaktishi, Prof, of 
the Tokyo Higher Normal 
Schcol; b. 1872 in Okaya- 
ma-ken; s. of Shinichiro 
Kametaka. Educ: graduat- 
ed from the College of 
Science of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1 897 ; studied in Eng- 
land and ^Germany, .-1907- 
1 9 1 o. Present post since 1 9 1 o. 
Publications: Text-book of 
Chemistry, etc. Address : No. 
no, Hakusan Goten-machi, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Eametani, Selkei (®,^^g), 

author and lecturer, and 
principal of the Meikyo 
Gakkai-, a society devoted 
to the moral training of the 
youth; his noni de plume is 
" Tenson" or " Kegon Gaku- 
jin;" b. 1861 in Kyoto; s. of 
Koretaka Katnetani; m. Naka- 
ko Nambu, aunt to Meibi 
Nambu, samtirai of Nagasaki 
Prefecture, in 1894. Edtic.: 
graduated from the: Normal 
school, studied philosophy in 
the Meirin Gijuku, and studied 
Buddhist classics in Todaiji 
Temple, Nara. Was school 
teacher or journalist for 20. 
years. Publications: " Wa- 


E 332 ] 

gakokutai to Shukyo" (Our 
National Character and Re- 
ligion), " Kyoiku Chokugo to 
Sliyukyo" (Imperial Rescript 
on Education and Religion), 
" Seishin Kowa " (Moral 
lectures) "' Koino Zettai to 
Nihon Minzoku" (S inctity of 
the Imperial Throne and 
Japanese) and others. Rec- 
reations: poetry, collection 
-of the writings and pictures, 
wrestling and travelling in 
regions of fine scenery. Ad- 
dress: No. 54, Sangenya, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel.: 3080 
Shiba. Clubs: m. of Philoso- 
i'^ical Association, Doki 
Club, Toakyokai, Nihon kyo- 
kai. Animal protect society, 
and director of Yomeigaku- 
kai. Jogukyokai. 

Kamiashi, Asasaburo (|^ JSg. 
■^ 3 EI5), Presiding Director 
of the Akashi Industrial 
Bank, Ltd., and Auditor of 
the Okubo Products Co., 
Ltd.; b. in 1861 in the pro- 
vince of Harima ; 2nd s. of 
Chojiro Kamiashi; m. Hisa, 
y. sister' of Denshiro Ito of 
Hyogo-prefecture. Address : 
Jlinzaki-mura, Akashi^gun, 

Kamiizumi, Tokuya C± %. 
^ m, .Rfiaf^duL, Com.-iii- 
Chief of the Ominato Second- 
ary Adm. ; b. on the 2Sth oP 
the 9th month in the ist year 
■of Keio (1865); e.s. ofSeijiro 

Kamiizumi of Yamagata-pre- 
fecture ; in. Kyu, d. of Ryoku- 
suke Igara.shi of the same 
prefecture. Educ. : the Naval 
College and the Naval Aca- 
demy. 2nd Sub-Lieut., 1888; 
piromoted to Rear- Adm., 1909. 
Capt. of the armored cruiser 
Ikoma and the battleship 
Satsiima. Fought on board 
the Tatsuta in the Sino-Japa- 
nese war, and also took part 
in the Boxer Trouble. At- 
tached to the Naval General 
Staff as a staff officer in the 
late war. Decorated with 3rd 
Class of R. S, and G^K. after 
the war. Address : Ominato, 
Shimokita, Aomori. 

Kamikawa, Shoichi C± W JE 
— ), Chief ProGurafor of the 
Matsuyama District Court ; b. 
1 86 1 in Choshii; pi. Haru, 2nd 
d. of Kichida Akita of the 
same province. Began his 
career as a small official in the 
Hiroshima Court, 1882; As- 
sist. - Proc, 1883 ; appointed 
Proc. of the Fukuolca D. C. ; 
Chief Proc. of the Oita D.C. ; 
then that of the Toyama D. 
C; and transfen-ed to the pre- 
sent post,' 1908. Address: 

Kamimura, Hikonojo C_ti ^ M 
Z. 3J)i Baron. A(?miral Sv- 

P^'eme Jinitaj;y UouiiclQot sm- 
ce Hov. 191 1, Mem. of the 
Flag Officers' Council, ; b. on 
the 1st of the Sth month iii 

[333 3 


the 2nd year of Kaei (1849) 
in Satsuma ; e. s. of Fujikazu 
Kamimura, a sanmrai ; m. 
Sadako, 2nd d. of Bengoro I- 
guchi of Tokyo. Eihic. : %X2.A. 
from the Naval College. Sail- 
ed to U. S. A. The Baron 
was on board the warship 
Denrai which protected port 
of Kobe in Saigo's Rebellion 
in iSjJ ; was appointed 2nd 
Sub-Lieut., 1877; Staff of the 
Yokosuka Admiralty ; Cap- 
tain, 1894; fought in theSino- 
Japanese war as Commander 

of the cruiser Akitsushima i 
Rear-Adm., 1899; Chief Staff 
of the Standing Squadron ; 
Vice - Admiral, 1903 ■ Com- 
mander-in-Chief of the Stand- 
ing Squadron ; promoted to be 
a full Admiral, Nov. 19 10. 
The Admiral rendered distin- 
guished services in the late 

war -as Commander-in-Chief 
of the 2nd Squadron; after re- 
peated disappointment he at 
last found and sank the Rurik- 
and seriously damaged the 
Gromoboi and the Rossia in 
an encounter, off the eastern 
coast of Korea on Aug. 14th 
in 1905 ; and humanely saved: 
the 613 Russian sailors who 
were struggling among the 
waves. He ordered his men, 
it is said, to exercise the ut- 
most care in rescueing them, 
together with some birds and 
other ci'eatures floating on the 
sea. When the transport Kin- 
shumaru with the soldiers of 
the 9th Company of the 37- 
th Regiment of Infantry was 
■ destroyed by the Rossia and 
the transport HitacJiimartt with - 
the men of the 2nd Body Guard 
Reserve ist Infantry Regi- . 
ment was sunk by the Ruiik 
off Okinoshima, causing the 
blood of the nation to ' rise to 
fever heat, such was the de- 
sire for revenge that some fa- 
natics even presented daggers 
to the Admiral to commit 
/laral'in for Bushido's sake, 
thinking that the sinking of 
the ships were due to the Ad- 
miral's failure to catch the 
Russian war-ships. But his 
final glorious victory over the 
Vladivostock squadron and 
magnanimous conduct towards 
the beaten enemy restored his 


i[ '334 J 

reputation. He also took an 
important part in the Battle 
of the Japan Sea. Reward 
ed with the title of Baron, and 
invested with Grand Cordon 
of Rising Sun and- ist Class 
of Golden Kite as a war ho- 
nour. After serving as Comma- 
nder-in-Chief of the Yoko- 
svika . Admiralty and of the 
ist Squadron was appointed 
present jjost; Address : . No . 
123, Kaniimeguro, Tokyo. 

Kaminrara, ^suke C± W ^ 
IS)> Commander of the Saga- 
mi ; Captain; b. in 1869. 
Ecluc. : graduated from the 
Naval College. Commander in 
1902 ; Captain in 1907. Took 
part in the late war and was 
decorated with 3rd Order of- 
the Rising Sun and 4th Class 
of the GoWen Kite as a war 
reward. Address: Naval Of- 

Kamio, Mitsupmi (M M: % 
E), Lieut. -General, Comman- 
der of theiSthArmy Division; 
b. in the i st month of the 2nd 
year of . Ansei (1855) in the 
province of Shinshu. Educ. : 
graduated from the Kyododan 
(defunct Military Non - Com- 
missioned Officers ' School) . 
Appointed Sub-Lieutenai)t in 
1879; Lieutenant in 1882; Cap- 
tain in 1885 ; Major in 1 891; 
Lieutenant aColonel in 1895 ; 
Colonel in 1897 ; Major-Gen- 
eral in 1902 ; Lieut - Gen-^ral 
in 1908.. Stayed in China for 

many, years as Military At- 
tache to' the Japanese Lega* 
tion atPeking; held the post 
of Chief of staff to the ist 
and loth Army ' Divisions, 
and the Kwantung Governor- 
General ■; Commander of the 
Japanese Troops in North Chi- 
na, then of the ist Infantry, 
Brigade of the Imperial Body 
Gaurd . Took part in the Sino- 
Japanese war on the staff of 
the 2iid Army and was_also 
a member of Marshal' Oya- 
ma's staff; as Commander of 
the 22nd Infantry Brigade in 
the late war he distinguished 
himself by his bravery in the 
besieging of Port Arthur. Af- 
ter tne war was uccoracea witn 
the 2nd Class of the Rising 

Sun' and the Golden Kite; was 
Commander of the 9th Army 
Division until Pec. 191 2I isnd 
Address: Kurume, Fukuoka. 

335 ] 


Kamitari, Shoki Qpf M,W sB). 
Expert to the Imperial Hou- 
sehold Forestry Bureau; d. the 
9th m. of the 2nd j. of Ansei 
(1855) ill Kumamoto, province 
of Higo ; e. s. of Asayemon 
Kamitari and adopted by the 
late Shinhichi Kamitari ; w. 
Taki, e. d. of Mototaka Moji, 
a samurai of Kagoshima-ken. 
Educ. : studied in the Engine- 
ering Coui'se of the former To- 
kyo Daigaku Nanko. Teacher 
to the Tolcyo Foreign Lan- 
guage School (1876); has been 
an official in the Department 
of the Interior and of Agri- 
-ulturc and Commerce, then 
Expert to the Imperial Estates 
Bureau and then present post. 
Address: No. 1514, Araijuku, 
[riarai-mura, Ebara-gun, To- 
kyo' ■ 

Kamiya, Dembei Cp # # J^ 
W)i a Partner of the Kamiya 
5ake Brewing Co., Dir. of 
:he Asahi Pharmaceutical Co., 
Ltd., Aud. of the "Tokyo R'ly 
C)o., Ltd., Adviser to the Kyii- 
shil Coal Mining Co, Ltd.; b. 
n 1 85 5 in the province of Mi- 
kawa ; 2nd. s. of Hyosuke Ka- 
■niya ; in. Chiyo, e. d. of Sen- 
suke Tahara of Tokyo. At the 
age of seventeen canie up to 
the capital and failed in busi- 
ness through speculation; was 
employed in a French wine 
store and studied the art 
of making wine ; started as a 

vintner at Hanakawado in To- 
kyo, 1889 ; has a vineyard of 
about 300,000 tsubo in Ibara- 
ki-prefecture, 1897 ; organized 
an alcohol distillery at Asahi- 
gawa in Hokkaido, 1899; went 
abroad for commercial pur- 
poses, 1910. Address : Hana- 
kawadocho, Asakusa-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 611 I. d. Shitaya. 

Kamiya, Sokichi (M ^ ?!". 
a), Representing Partner of 
Kameoka & Co., Pres. of 
the Nakaizumi Savings Bank, 
Ltd., Dir. of the Nakaizumi 
Ti-ansporting Co., Ltd., the 
Ryuto Timber Co., Ltd., the. 
Nakaizumi Bank, Ltd., and- 
the Nakaizumi R'ly Co., Ltd.; 
b. in 1863 in Shizuoka-pre- 
fecture ; 2nd .f. of Bunhichi 
Kamiya; m. Tada^ e. s. of Ta- 
kegoro Watarimizu ofthe same 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther ?n :900- Address : Naka- 
izumicho, Iwata-gun, Shizuo- 

Kamiya, Toyotaro (sl =S- S i: 
SIS), Prof of the Port Arthur 
Engineering College ; Chief of 
the School of Mining and Met- 
allurgy of the same College ; 
b. June, 1868; in Wakayama; 
m. Haru-ko, 3rd d. ofthe late 
Mitsu Kano, Secretary of the 
Board of Audit. Educ. : stud- 
ied in the Preparatory Course 
of the Tokyo University; gra- 
duated from the College of 
Science in the Tokyo Imperial 


[ 336 ] 

University, 1893; studied Met- 
allurgy in Gerrnany an3 Ame- 
fiCa by the order 'of the De- 
partrtient of Education 1963- 
1905. Lecturer of the Higher 

-Soin'riiercial School 1893-18- 
95 ; Prof, of the 2nd High 
School ; Prof of the 5 th High 
School 1 897-1909; present 
post, 1909. Rec7rations'. Music. 
Address: Official Residence, 
Nisshimmachi,, .Port Arthur. 
Tel. :■ -373 Port Arthur. 

Kamiya, Tsuzuku > C± # 
jg), director of the Honjjkong 
branch of the" Osaka Shosen 

"Kaisiia, Lt'd (Osaka Mercantile 
S. S. Co.) ; b, 1873 iu Hyogo- 
keu. Eduo. : studied at Do- 
shislia in Kyoto. Address ■ 

' hraneli of 0. S. K., Hongkong. 

Kamiyama, Jnnji CI* lU iii ^^ 

ex-Director of tlie Railway 
Board; !?. Oct. 1870; e. 5. of 
Jo Koyama Of Kumamoto- 
ken; m. Masa. Rdiic: gra- 
duated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1895. Counsellor 
of Aomori-ken, 1896; succes- 
sively appointed private 
secretary to Minister of 
Justice, secretary of the 
House of. Representatives and 
counsellor to the Home Dep't 
as additional post; niade an 
investigation tour of ".Europe 
, /and America, 1902; private 
secretary of Minister of Agx. 
and Com., and in addition 

secretary of the H. R. 1903; 
counsellor to the Agr- and 
Com. Dep't, 1904; director 
of the Marine Product Bureau 
of the Agr. and Com. Dep't, 
Nov. 1906; Governor of 
Gunma-ken afterward; last 
post, Dec. 19 1 2 — Mar. 1913; 
decorated with 4th Order of 
Merit. Address: 34, Schome, 
Shim-machi, Akasaka - ku, 
Tokyo. 7>/.: 21C9 Shimbashi. 
Kamiyama, Mannoshin ( Ji'Uj 
iS i. 'M), Governor of -Kuma- 
inoto-]?e 1 since Dec. 19 12; 
*. 1 869 in Choshu. Educ. : grad. 
Law in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1895. Councillor of Aomori- 
ken ; then of Yamaguchi-ken';' 
filled a similar at the 
I^egislation Bureau ; Judge of 
the Court of Administrative 
Litigation ; then transferred to 
director of the Forestry Bureau 
of the Agr. and Com. Dep't, 
IQ08. Address : Kumamoto. 
'Kamo, Idsmo (lin M B. tl), 
Rear-Admiral of. Engineering; 
d. in 1 869 in Tokyo ; s. of 
the late Kamo, Shinto Priest 
of the Yasukunijinsha{m\\ita.xy 
shinto shrine). Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Naval Engi- 
neering College in i88S- 2nd 
Commander of Elngineering in 
1897 ; Commander of the same 
in the same year ; Captain of 
the same in ^1904 ; Rear-Ad- 
miral in 191 1. Took part in the 
late war and was decorated 

[ 337 ] 

Kam— ^g|i 

with 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and 4th class of the Gold- 
en Kite. Address: Naval Office. 

Kamoi, Takeshi (f| g- S), 
Kogakukakuski{'DoCto\- of En- 
gineering), Prof of the Engi- 
neering College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (Chair - Applied 
Chemistry). ^^(/r^i'.y.' No. 153, 
Higashikataniachi, Komago- 
me, Hon go, Tokyo. 

Kamon, Keitaro CJn F5 p jSc 
Wd, Igakukakuski, Vi'of oi tht 
College of Medicine of the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ. Address: 
The Kyoto Imp. Univ., Kyoto. 

Kamoshita, Jinji C?| T i IS), 
Auditor of the Senju Bank. 
Addfess: 1493, Yagoroshin- 
den, Ayase-mura, Minami-ata- 
chi-gun, Tokyo. 

KamosMta, Matsujiro (?i| T 
*2 ^ SI?), Expert of the Ag- 
ricultural Experiment Farm; 
b. in 1 86 1 in Kochi-prefec- 
ture ; m. Masu, e._ d, of Ken 
Fukao of Kochi, Assist. -Ex- 
pert of the Agricultural and 
Commercial Dep't, 1890; Ex- 
pert, 189 1 ; sent abroad for 
agricultural -purposes, 1906 ; 
on returning was appointed 
present post. Address : Kita- 
Iga-cho, Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo. 

Kan, Seii Cf iE i^), Expert 
of the Shizuoka Prefecture ; 
& in 1864 in Kumamoto-ken ; 
e. s. of Masahide Kan, a sa- 
murai; m. Yukie, 2nd d. of 
Horin Cho of Saga - ken. 

Educ. : Nogakushi (bachelor 
of agriculture), 1892. 'Has 
held the post of Expert for 
the prefectures of Fukuoka; 
Nara, Hiroshima, Nagano, be- 
fore ' accepting present posty 
1908. Address : Nishi-fuka- 
kusamachi, Shizuoka. 

Kaaai, En {± * Si), Hoga- 
kuhakushi (economics and fi- 
nance). Prof, of the Tokyo 
Imperial University; ^. in 1865 
in Shizuoka-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Kaizo Kanai ; m. Kiyo, e. 
d. of Baron General Dkubo. 
Educ. : grad. from the Liter- 
ature College in the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1885; stu- 
died econornics and finance in 
Germany and England, 1 8.8,6- 
1890. On returning was ap- 
pointed present post. Is fa- 
mous as one of the seven 
professors who took a stand 
against the Katsura Cabinet 
in connection with the Ports- 
mouth treaty. Address: Ya- 
naka-Tennoji-machi, Shitaya- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Kananiaru, Kiyotsugu- (^ % 
?t IS), Commander, Aide-de- 
camp to H. I. H. Prinpe 
Yorihito ; b. in 1871. Cadet 
in 1889; Commander in 1909. 
Decorations : 4th Order of 
the R. S. and 4th Class of 
the G. K. Address: Naval 

Kanamori, Tsiiria Ciir # it 

fit), Social reformer. Educ. ': 


[ 338 ] 

ga-ad'uated from the Doshislia 

'.Kanaiaori, . Kwanyo C-fe ^ 
18, H), artist, Japanese pai- 
nter ; 6. the 15th y. of Meiji 
(I88i) ill Toyama-oity, Etchu 
province; s. of Jlatashichi Ka- 
namori; m. Yoneko, 1st d. 
of Shoshichi Takagi, 1907. 
Exhibited his masterpieces 
in various exhibitions and 
was awarded many prizes. 
jRecreaiions: music, travelling. 
Cluh: Taisho art society. 
Kanasugi, Eigoro C^ ;^ ^ E. 

pharyn). Proprietor of the 
Kanasugi Nose and Ear Hos- 
pital/Prof, of the Naval Med- 
ical College;^, in 1865 in Chi- 
ba-prefecture ; 2nd s. of Yoe- 
mon Kanasugi ;»«. Matsu, e. 
d. of Jun-ijchi Shimada of Cho- 
shu; Ediic. : .studied,.,in . Ger: 
many, 1881— 1891, On re- 
turiiihg fpuhded his hospital 
at "Koga-cho in Kanda ; re- 
presented the Empire at the 
international Otonasopharyn 
Conference .at Vienna 1908, 
to be elected its honorary 
president. Address: Koga-cho, 
Kanda, Tokyo. Tel.:' 2101 

Kanayama, Senjiro C^ |Ii =f 
^ ft©,Jaymastfxiteut,^ki;,^ 
nel, Chief of the I'ay 'Dep^i 
of the roth Army Division; 
b. in .1861 in Shimane-pre- 
fecture. Paymaster - Sub -. Li- 

eut, in 1891 ; Paymster-Li- 
eut. in 1894; Paymaster-Ca- 
ptain in 1897 ; Payniastei -Ma- 
jor in 1902 ; Paymaster-Lieut- 
Colonel in igo6. Decorations: 
4th Order of the~R S. and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address : 
Himeji-city, Hyogp-ken. 

Kanazawa, Matsaemon (^ Jf 
^S * It P'3), . high-tax-payer ; b. 
in 1856 in Aldta-prefecture ; 
e. s. of the deceased Matsue- 
mon Kanazawa; m. K6, 4th 
laT. -ofDenzaemon Kodama of 
the same prefecture. A large 
country landowner ; is a well 
known philanthropist. Ad- 
dress : Shimo-Araki-mura, Mi- 
nami-Akita-gun, Akita-ken. 
Kanazawa, Uihei (# Jf -f- ^ 
^), fertiliser merchant ; b. .in 
1878 at Osaka; e. s. of Nihei 
Kanazawa. Succeeded his 
father in 1899. . Address .-.U- 
tsubu-Kitadori, Nishi-ku, Osa- 
ka. Tel. : S02 I. d. Niskt. 

Kanazawa, Nlsaku c4S'£i#J' 
Dir. of the Settsu Spining Co.: 
1. 1861 in Osaka; 2na s. of Ue- 
mop Kanazawa; m. No'bu, e. d. 
of xauemon Hayami, Kyoto. 
Ouce was hedmari of the west 
district in Osaka. Address: No. 
213, Kyomachi-hori-dori, 0- 
saka. Tel. : 2006 Nishi. , 

Kanazawa, Risuke C^ Jf ^) 
IS), pawnbroker ; large .land- 
owner ; b. Sept. 1874,. in. D- 
saka; 2nd s. of . Eisuke Ka^ 
nazawa ; m. Shidzu> 4th d. 
of Genzo Takeshima. Educ: 

£ 339 ] 


studied Chinese Classics i stu- 
died in the Preparatory Course 
of the Higher Middle School. 
Once was Membei of the 
Dsaka.Chamber of Commerce ; 
Member of the Osaka City 
Assembly ; ete. Chii>. Seiyu- 
kwai. Recreations : Pictures 
and writing ; Joruri (ballad- 
drama). Address : No. 29, Sa- 
kamachi, Minami-ku, Osaka. 
Tel. : 38 Cho Minami, 438 
Cho Minami. 

Kauazawa, Shozaburo (^ 5? £E 
H Bl>), Bitngakuhakushi; Lin- 
guist ; Prof of the Tokyo For- 
eign Language School ; Lec- 
turer of the Tokyo Imperial 
University ; (5. May, 1872, in 
Osaka ; 1st i'. of Genzaburo 
Kanazawa ; m. Toki, 1st d. 
of Chikatomo Sawae. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Literature in the Tokyo 
Imperial University 1896 ; 
studied in Korea ; graduated 
from the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
Hall 1 90 1. Prof of the To- 
kyo Foreign Language School, 
1901 ; made a tour, of Europe 
and America. Publications : 
On the origin of the Japanese 
and Korean Languages ; Stud- 
ies in Japanese Language ; 
Japanese Dictionary ; etc. Ad- 
dress .-JSTo. 7_Komagome-Ake- 
bono-cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 
Recreations : Japanese and Eu- 
ropean musics. 

Kanda, Kikujiro (Sif" H ^ ^ 

M), Paymaste rrLieut . -Col one! , 
Chief oT the Pay iDep't, oftht;= 
5th Army Division ; b. in 
1 869"in Yamaguchi-Prefecture. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Infantry in 
1892; Lieutf,nant in 1894; 
Captain in 1898; Paym.aster- 
Major in 1903 ; Paymaster- 
Lieut. -Colonel in 1907. De- 
c&rations : 4th Order of the 
R. S. and 4th Class of the 
G. K. Address : Hiroshima- 

Kanda, H'aibu Clf ffl 7^ ^), 
Baron, A.M., .Prof on English 
in, the Peers' School and of 
the Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School ; b. on the 27l;h of the 
2nd month in the 4th year 
of Ansei (1857) at Tokyo; 
2nd s. of Nagayo Matsui, and 
adopted into the family of the 
late Baron Kohei Kanda, a 
well known Dutch scholar ; 
7n. Kumachiyo, e. d. of Hide- 
omi Takagi,.a Nabeshima sa- 
murai. Educ. .• grad. from tlie 
Amherst College., Mass, U- 
S. A. 1 87 1— 1884. On return- 
ing he was appointed Prof 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; 
transferred to the Tokyo Hi- 
gher Commercial School ; and 
then to the Peers' School ; 
was once Dir. of the Gov- 
ernment Foreign Language 
School 1888 — 1900; sent a- 
broad for educational purposes 
1900 — 1 90 1. The Baron is 
an acknowledged authority on 

[ 14° 1 

language teaching. Address: 
lida-machi, Kojimachiku, To- 
kyo. Tel. ; 1470 Bdncho. 

Kawda. Saizo CSt H 11 ^), 
stock-broker, mem. of Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. in 
I- 872 in Aichi-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Seizaburo Kanda. When 
very . young he started in the 
stock broking profession in his 
native province and then open- 
ed an office in Tokyo. His 
firm is known as the " Momi- 
fiya." A well known broker. 
Address : Sakamotocho, Ni- 
hombashiku, Tokyo (Office) ; 
Sadoharacho, Ichigaya, Ushi- 
gomeku, Tokyo. Tel: 306 1. 
d. Naniwa (Office), 803, 1. d. 

Kanda, Seiemon (if ffl ?S ^ 
it n). Pres. of the Kumano 
Joint Bank, Ltd., Dir. of the 
Kii Marine Products Co., Ltd. , 
the Kinokuni Bank, Ltd., Aud. 
of the Kushimoto Bank, Ltd. ; 
b. in 1853 in Wakayama-pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of Tsunehichi 
Yakura ; m. Kiku, e. d. of le- 
mon Tajima of the same pro- 
vince; Address : Kushimoto 
cho, Nishimuro-gun, Waka- 

Kaneda, Deiabei C^ B ff :R 
Iw), rice-nierchant ; ^. in 1852 
at Kanda in Tokyo ; e. s. qf 
Dembei Kaneda ; m. Taki, e. d. 
of Shobei Narasaki of Tqkyp. 
Was elected President of the 
Kanda Ward Assembly; Mepx. 

of. the Tokyo Municipal As- 
sembly. Address : ttatsueda- 
cho, Kanda, Tokyo. Tel. : 222 

Kaneda, Heigoro (% H ^ it 
W), high-tax-payer; b. in 1838 
in Kanagawa-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Heiemon Kaneda ; m. Hisa, 
niece of Jumpei Asano of the 
same prefecture. A large land- 
ower in the prefecture. Ad- 
dress : Minami Oumi - mura, 

Kaneda, Hidetaro (ik ffl 5? i; 
Sl^^' .-GAWmB4£C-a.ttached to 
the ffiaterM'nepT of the Na- 
val Office, Prof, of the Naval 
Gunnery School; b. in 1872. 
Cadet in 1 890 ; Commander- 
in 1909,. Decorations: 4th Order 
of the R. S. and 4th Class 
of the G. K. Address : Naval 

Kaneeda, Michizo (^ fe sS 
3), Pres. of the Kanemachi 
Gas Co., Ltd., Aud of the 
Teishaku Man Pushing R'ly 
Co., Ltd.; b, in 1857 at To- 
kyo ; e. s. of Tatsuru Kaneeda, 
a samurai ; m. Sute, ji/. s. of 
Seisho Suzuki of Ibaraki-pre- 
fecture. Address: Matsuyacho, 
Kyobashiku, Tolcyo. Tel. : 10- 
29 Shmbashi. 

Kaneko, Jiro Qk ^ iS W-iJS'-, 
of the'^a,nazawa Medical Col- 
lege ; b. in 1856, in, Ishika,wa- 
prefecture ; s. of lei Kane^Oj 
a samurai ; m. Kazu, e. d. ' of 

r 341 3 


Shingo Tanaka of the same 
prefecture. Edzic. : grad. from 
•the Kanazawa Medical College 
1879; spent two years in 
Germany in study. Was ap 
' pointed Assist. -Pi-of of the Ka- 
nazawa Medical College, Prof 
of the 4th High School ; and 
then present post. Address : 
Satomicho, Kanazawa. 

Kaneko, Kentaro C^ 7 S i< 
W), Viscount, LL. D. (Har- 
vard), Privy Councillor, ist Or- 
der of Rising Sun; b. in the 4th 
2nd month of _the 6th yeai 
of Kaei (1853) ; e. s. of Seize 
Kaneko, a Fukuoka samurai : 
, m. Yasu, 2nd d. of Shuten 
Yamada of Kumamoto. Educ: 
- graduated Law at the Harvard 
Univ., Class 1878. Began his 
career as- a professor of the 
Tokyo Yobimon (the defunct 
Government Preparatory Sch- 
ool), 1878; Secretary of the 
Senate, 1880; Private Secre- 
tary to the then Premier Ha- 
kubun Ito, 1885; sent abroad 
for the purpose of Investigat- 
ing constitutional systems ; 
on his return appointed Chiei 
Secretary of the House of Pe- 
ers, 1890; sent to Switzerland 
as a delegate to the Inter- 
national Law Conference, 18- 
91 ; Vice-Minister for Agri- 
culture and Commerce 1894 ; 
Minister of the .Dep't, :i898; 
and then Minister of Justice 19- 
DO; non-oilf^cially represented 

japar in M. S. A. during the 
Russo-Japan war. For distin- 
guished service created Bar- 
on, 1890, and promoted to Vis- 
count after the war. Address : 
Ichiban-cho, Koj imachiku, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 70 Bancho. 

Kaneko, Manki (^ ^ ffl ^), 
Commander, Chief of the Sur- 
veying Material Section in the 
Navai Office; ^.in 1868. Cadet 
in 1885 ; Commander in 1905. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of ths 
R. S. and 4th Class of the 
G. K. Address : Naval Office. 

Kaneko, Masakichi C^ t^ i^ 
a), raw silk dealer. Manag- 
ing director of the Yokohama 
Trade Bank ; auditor of the 
Yokohama Trade Store-House 
Company, etc.; b. the loth m. 
of the 1st f. of Ansa (18S4), 
Gumma prefecture ; s. of Ue- 
mon Sudzuki, and adopted by 
Gohei Kaneko ; m. Tetsu, j/. 
sister to Tangoro Kaneko, of 
Gumma prefecture. He was 
once elected Member of the 
Yokohama Chamber of Com- 
merce. Address : g, ichome, 
Otamachi, Yokohama. Tei. : 

Kaneko, Motosaburo C^ ^=• 76 
2. BP), marine-products merch- 
ant ; ex-Mem. of the House of 
Representatives, ex-Mayor of 
Otaru. One of the leading 
men of Otaru. Address: O- 
taru, Takagi-cho, Aoyama, 
Akasaka, Tokvo. 


[ 342 ] 

Kaueko, Eits'iC^ T :!), Com- 
mandei-of the Tatsiita ; b. in 
1868. Cadet in 1884; Com- 
mander in 1905. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the R. S. and 
4th Class of the G. K. Ad- 
dress : Naval Office. 

Kaneko, Seutaro (^ T II: x 
Ii5), Director of the 6th Higli 
School. Educ. : graduated 
Law at the Imperial University 
of Tokyo. Entered the Army 
as a one year volunteer and 
is now Captain on the 2nd 
reserve list. Director of the 
Osaka Dojima Middle School ; 
Prof of the Peers' School ; 
Educational Inspector of O- 
saka Prefectui'e ; then of the 
Army ; took part in the late 
war as a Lieutenant on the 
reserve. Director of tlie Kochi 
1st Middle School; and then 
promoted to present post. Ad- 
dress : Okayama-city. 

Kanekabo, Mankichi (.^ X 
i^ -T cf). Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 2x d Inf. 
Eegiment of the (uiard 
Division ; b'. in 1 865 in the 
province of Musashi; 2nd s. of 
Asaemon Kanekubo; ;«. Take, 
y. s. of Masasuke Hirano, a sa- 
*«/rrtzof Saitama-ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the Military 
Academy and the Military 
Staff College. Sub-Lieutenant 
in 1888 ; Lieutenant in 1892 ; 
Captain in 1897 ; Major in 
1902 ; Lieutenant Colonel ia 

1905; Colonel in 1908. On the 
Staff of the 4th Army Divi- 
sion , attache to the 2nd Regi- 
ment of Infantry ; in the Sino- War took nart as an 
officer of the 2nd Army and 
also in the late war as a mem- 
ber of the Staff of the 4th 
Army Division ; has been de- 
corated with 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and 3rd Class of 
the Gol(ien Kite as a war re- 
ward. Addres.s: The 2nd In- 
fantry Eegi. of the G. '^: 
Kanetsnne. Izo (.M 'M It H), 
Captain of Engineering. Chief 
Engineer of the Eeserve Squa- 
droj' )i Maizm-u; b. in 1871. 
Educ: graduated from thelSTa- 
val Engineering College. Seco- 
nd Commander of Engineering 
m 1 900; Commander of Eng. 
in 1904; Captain of Eng. in 
1909. Address: Maizuru. 

Kangawa, Siichi Cff ^H ^ — ), 
Proprietor of the Kangawa 
& Bros. ; 6. in Hiroshima- 
ken. Went to U. S. A. ia 
1894. Address: Fresno, U. 

S. A. 

Eanno, Monkichi (W Sf Sit 

a), Engineer of Yamaguclii- 
ken ; Principal of the Oshima 
Mercantile Marine School ; 6. 
Aug. 1866, in Iwaki Province; 
s. of Keisaku Kanno, a. samu- 
rai of Miharu clan ; w. Kiku- 
ko, 2nd d. of Roichi Onodera, 
a samurai of Miyagi-keo. 
Educ. : Senjin Oka's Chinese 
Classical School : Mita Eng- 

[ 343 ] 


lish School ; graduated from 
the Tokyo Marcantile Marine 
School, 1888. Served in 
Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japan 
Mail-ship Company), Depart- 
ment of Communications. Re- 
creations : reading ; Ybkyohi. 
Address : Komatsushima-mu- 
ra, Oshima - gun, Yamaguchi 

Kano, Heizaemoii (!f if ^ :£ 
?§ PI), farmer, high - tax -pa- 
yer ; ^. in 1 85 1 at Shitsuki- 
murj in Ibaraki - prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Shinsuke Okawa, and 
was adopted by Suketane Ka- 
no; in: Cho, e. d. of his adopt. 
f. A large landowner. Ad 
'dress r Shitsuki-mura, Niiha- 
ru-gUn, Ibaraki-ken. 

Kaao, HisayosM Ciin 'MiK S), 
Viscount, Mem. of the House 
of Peers, Pres. of the Nippon 
Physical Education Associa- 
tion, Chief of Committee of 
the Fertilizer Exchange and 
the Agricultural Association 
of Japan, Dir. of the 15 th 
Bank, Ltd., and the Nippon 
■Red Cross Society ; b. on the 
19th of the 3rd month in the 
1st year of Kaei (1848) ; 2nd 
s. of Tanemichi Tachibana, and 
adopted into the family by 
Hisatsune Kano ; in. Itsuko, 
2nd d. of^Sanin Hara. Was 
appointed Dir. of the Morioka 
Normal School in 1877; enter- 
ed legal service as Judge and 
then procurator ; was nomi- 

nated Mem. of the House of 
Peers, and then Procurator of 
the Tokyo Appeal Court ih 19- 
00; was again nominated Mem. 
of the House of Peera in 1900. 
A well known peer. Address : 
Iriarai-mura, Ebara-gun, To- 
kyo. Tel.: I y 60 Otsu Shiha.. - 
Kano, Jigoro CM B 5& ^-'^^% 
President of the Kodokan, a. 

private Judo Institute, and of 
the Tokyo Higher ' Normal 
School, 2iid' Order of Merit ;; ' 
b. on the 28th of the . 16th 
month in the -ist year of Man- 
en (i860), at Mikag'i, province 
of Settsu ; m. Sumako, 2nd 
d. of Shin-ichiro Takezoe, ex - 
Ministerat Seoul. ^S/z^^. ; grad- 
uated from the Government, 
Foreign Language School, 18- 
75, and from the Tokyo Imperi- 
al University, 1 88 1. Began his 
career as Lecturer of the Peers' 


[ 344 ] 

ScHbdl, 1882, Pfbfessdi- of the 
Mmilai- institution, 1885 ; Prin- 
cipal Prof., 188B ; sent Abrpaci 
hy the Imperial Hdusehdiid 
Dfep'l, 1889— 189 1 ; Councillor 
of tlie' Edue. .06^' t, iSgi ; 
Directdi- bf the 5th' High 
School; 1 89 1 ; Dir. of the ist 
H, S.,. 1893 • Pres. of the to- 
'Xyd Higher Normal School, 
1893 ; -Bih, bt" the Ordinary 
Educalibh Biireiu; 1898 ; re- 
sign'ed ilia wis agaiii appoint- 
ed jir&Seiit post, ipoi. Ebtinded 
th'e Kanqfu^u—K^a.nQ''^ JDor- 
rriitpiy^ the Jtpdokdh tBfe Zo- 
sfixk'ai (Edufcatiilg: MMliri:^^, as- 
sb.)i arid thfe Koln^d^ufn 
(^Mtz thstitute); -^MMo- 
,/^a^.is.the bfest WCa^^.JMo 
instiltitibii and was HglSBlisked 
in 1873-^ Its object ill tegive 
cultiiffe, io. ybtiHg iiifen both 
mentally irid physiciliy with 
a view tb festefirig genuine 
character, dauntiess spirit, and 
vigorous strength; It has some 
fifteen thousand followers who 
have formally enrolled them- 
selves as his disciples. Prof. 
Kano originally studied the 
Tenjin - Shiny oryu (Tenjin - 
Shinyo Schbbl) under Fuku- 
da, arid JVIasatonio Iso, next 
the Kiforyu (Kito School) un- 
der TsUhetoshi likubb ; and 
further proceeded tb master 
other sy.sterns as well. His 
cbniparative studies led hiril to 
the cbnclusibn that all thfe ex- 

isting systems oijudtts'u were 
too one-sided and too liarro^ 
tb be of rbal sei-vice as arts 3f 
self-defence ; and so he, after 
every experiment, restored thfe 
science under the mi:^ name 
ofy«^(? (art of pliancy). The 
object of the Kobungakuin 
was to educate Chinese young 
men to be able to regenerate 
the empire; of Chiria. Those 
who graduated from the school 
number 3860. Publications.: 
"Seineii Shuyo Kun " (Advice 
to Young Men). Clubs : Ho- 
norary Mem. of the Imp. 
Educ. Asso., Standing Com. 
of the Dai Nippon Phys. As- 
so., Pres. of the Middle School 
Educ. Investigating Assb. Ad- 
dress : Otsuka-Sakashitacho, 
Koishikawaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
61 1 Bancho. 

Kano, Jihei (^ IS ^ j^ «), 
Director of the Nada Com- 
mercial Bank, Ltd., Sake-hv'e- 
wer ; ^. in 1 862 in the pi-ovin- 
ce of Yamato ; 3rd s. of Gyo- 
en Nakamura ; was adopted 
by Jihei Kano; m. kei, e. d. of 
his foster father. A brewer of 
"Shiroshika!' Address: Mika- 
ge, Hyogo-keh. 

Kano, Jiroeinon CK IB J& IP 
/& % n), Sake-brewer, Man- 
aging Director of the Nada 
Commercial Bank, Ltd./ Re- 
presentative Partner of Hori- 
Kano & Co.; b. in i8~53 at Mi- 
kage in the province of Settsii; 

[ 345 ] 


3rd s. of Jiroembn Kario ; m. 
Tane, ^. s. of Yasutaro Yama- 
zawa of Osaka. Address.: Mi- 
leage, Hydgo-ken. 

Kano, B-aoki CW Sf E »), 
BufigakuJtakusKi (Doctor of 
Literature), Prof of the College 
of Literature of the Kyoto Inip. 
Univ. Address: The Kyoto 
Imp. Uiiiv., Kyoto. 

Kauo, Kyokichi C3f S? ¥ S), 
Bwiigakuliahuslii, hook collec-^ 
tor, recently most of the preci- 
ous books were contribiited 
to the .Toholm TJniyer«itv; 
^. in 1865 • 2nd s. of Ryochi 
Kano, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Edtlc.: graduated Science and 
Philosophy in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University. Prof of the 
4th High School in 1892; theii 
of the 5th High School; Dirfec- 
tdr of ±he ist High School ; 
and then Dean of the Litera- 
Sure Faculty in the Kyoto Im- 
perial University. ' Address : 
Zoshigaya , Koishikawa - kri , 
Tokyo. ■ _ 

kaiTo, .'''okusaburo CM- li^'^ — 
SiD.bii-ectprofthe Yokohania 
Custom House; 3. in Mukb- 
gun, Hyogd-prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from Law College 
d'f the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1895. . Transferred to present 
post since Dec. 1910 from the 
Nagasaki, Custom-house. ^^- 
dress : '^o. .1,^ Official resi- 
dtihCi:, Nishitobecho, Yoko-^ 

Kano Tomonosuke CM'MiCit 
iM-), Manager, of the Tokyo 
brahch df the Sumitomo Bank; 
d. May the 5th >. df'Meiji 
(1872) in Ibaraki-prefecture ; 
s. of Nadyuki Tachikawa, an 
Ibaraki samurai ;. adbpted by 
the late Zinzaburo Kan6, 
in 1893; »«. 'Yaxaa,, iiiece 
to his adopted father. Edited: 
graduated frdni the ^College 
of Law of the Tdkyd Imp. 
Univ., 1896. After gradiia-^ 
tioii was successively Secret- 
ary; to the House of R'epre- 
sehtativjes, Cbiihcilldr to the 
Dep'ibf Agi^i'culture and Com- 
merce; resigned official post 
and entered the service of 
the Hokkaido Cdldiiizatioii 
Baiik as Director, 1904 ; pre- 
spiit post siiic'e t'9b5. Ad- 
dress: N«. 2\ 2'chorile, Ka- 
gachd, I'chig'ay'ai Ushigdme, , 
Tokyo. Tel. : '74% Bahchb. 
; Kaiiokogi, Kogoro (^ ^- :^ /^ 

3L SO, Gbvbi-hoi- of Kagawa- 
prefecture ; 2.. in 1867 ; e. s. 
df Saihichi Kaiiokbg) ^a s'a- 
mtirai ; m. Haha, 'cduSin of Ba- 
rdh Shigeyoshi Mizuho. Was 
appointed Prdbatidnary Judge, 
1 888; eiitered the AgHculiural 
and Cdrhiiiercial Dejj't ; Dih 
of the Techiiical Bureau df the : 
Dep't, 1909; present pbst, kp- 
10. Address: TakamatsU, Ka- 
gawa-ken. ' . ' 

feahokogi, TakesMro XM f 

h fe W)\ Painter; b. Novem." 

Kan— Kar 

[ 346 ] 

■ber 7th j'. of -Meiji (1874) 
in Okayama-kcn ; 3rd s. of 
Os-uTiori Uji- and was adopted 
iiito; fthf;, Kanokogi family/ 
£(i?/V.:-,,- studied, '.in France. 
Is ., now. ', bnS. of the Comiti ittee 
fpr, the' fine Arts Livestiga- 
tion of the D.,E. President 
of the Kyoto Kaasai ■ Fine 
Arts Institution,. Lecturer -of 
the -Kyoto,, Higher Tech- 
nological School and;, of the 
Kagoya Higher- .,Techno- 
logical , ■ school. Recreation ; 
fiiie arts. Address-. ,Nq. . 6, 
3' chprne, Nal<aitachi-dori 
Shimrrnachi, Kamikyo-ku, 
Kyoto. ■ / ,,' ; ' ■ 

Kautoji, Yoshiiiaga ("H" S # 
K" S5,, Count , k- -in- 1852 at 
Kyoto J e.. s. ,Qf , Katsunaga 
Kanroji; m. Tachikoj aunt of 
Viscount • Kageyuchoji. , Ad- 
dress : Senjdagay'a, Tokyo. 

Karahasii Arimasa (^ IS ^ 
B),.- Viscount, Mem. of H. P.;. 
d.'.'m 1852 at Kyoto; ^. s. of 
Antsuna Karahashi; m. Ta-, 
kek'o,,5th </. of Viscount Ari- 
nag:a Ayanoshoji. £duc^ ■: sent 
JDO A,merica for study, ^i j^iS-P- 
.f8|S- ' ^'^ "returning entered 
the civil service as an admini- 
strativ.e official of the Ibaraki- 
prefecfure ; was thrice elected 
Mem , of ,H. P. Address : Im- 
adegawa, Kami-Kyoku, Kyo- 
to.' " ■" ".■■'■ 
• Earai, Eatsutara (MMB-ia 
BP). a large land-ownerj one of 

the highest tax-payers of Oita 
prefecture , b. the loth m. of 
the ist J/. of'Ansei (1854), in O- 
ita prefecture; ist s: of Mago- 
z6 Katai; m. Hitsu, ,2nd d. of 
Chiei Sato, of "Oita; Address .- 
Satomura, Usa-gun, Oita-ken. 
Karasawa, Michinori (jg J^ 

of K''''p'3'icnTe,)r chief of the 
dep't of " children diseases 
in the Mitsui' Charity Hos- 
pital; b. 1878 in Tokyo; e. 
s\- of Yomin Karasawa, a 
Chinese doctor of Tokyo, 
^"^/w^-.;- graduated from the 
Medical College of the To- 
kyo; Imp. ;Univ. in 1902. 
Was appointed - assistant in 
the Medical, College ' after 
his graduation; .sent tg,. Ger- 
many fpr stu,dy;,in, .,1908; on 
returniilg home was appoint- 
ed lecturer at the Imp. 
, Uni:v.; then ' present post; 
obtained the degree of Iga- 
ki(hakushi by presenting a 
thesis on cerebrum mollifica- 
tipn -hollow, Dec. 1912,- Ad- 
dress: ■ the Mitsui Charity 

Hospitary. No-' i Izumi-cho„ 

Kanda-ku, Tokyo. 

Karaskima, Kaku ($ g i^\ 
Mayor of Kumamoto ; b. in. 
1854 in Kumamoto - prefe - 
ctqre ; 2nd J.' of Takiji Kara- 
shirna, a samurai; m. Kame, 
e. ,d. of Sadanaga Higuchi of 
the same prefecture. Address : 
Shiriyashiki-machi, Kumamo- 

[ 347 ] 


Kasa,bara, Jitsutaro CS H K 
jfc IP), Superintenedent of. the 
Moji Customs. Address: Of- 
ficial Residence, No. I, Shoji, 
Moii-shi, Fukuoka-ken. 

Kasai, Aijiro (.^ # ^ * m, 
Pres. of the Tokyo Gum Co., 
Ltd., and the Tone Electric 
Power Co., Ltd., Adviser to 
the Yokohama Railway Co, 
Ltd.; d. in 1857 at Kozatomu- 
ra in the province of Mino ; 
2nd J. of Daigoro Kasai ; m. 
Umeno, e.s. of Enjiro Senoo of 
Tolcushinia-prefecture. Ediic: 
grad. from the. 'Kogakuryo 
(Eng. College), 1882. Appoint- 
ed Civil Engineer of the Toku- 
shima-prefecture, 1883 ; then 
of the Navy, 1886, and grea- 
tly helped in executing the. 
works ~ of, the Kure, Yokosu- 
ka, and Saseho Admiralties ; 
entered business as a director 
of the Osaka Branch of the 
Nippon Civil Engineering Co.; 
opened an office at Hongoku- 
cho in Tokyo ; founded' the 
Railway School; organized the 
Railway Association and was 
appointed its director; estab- 
lished the Tokyo Gum Co. with 
Baron Kanbi Kawamura and 
others, 1907, and was elected 
its president. Address: Kobi- 
nata-Myogadanicho,- Koishi- 
kawaku, Tokyo, Tel. : 190 

Igaktihakushi, Surgeon-Co- 
lonel. ■' Educ: graduated 
from the College of Medicine 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity; i^. 1869 in Nagano- 
ken. Surgeon - Sub - Lieut,, 
May 1894 ; Surgeon^Lieut., 
Nov. 1896; Surgeon- Captain, 
Nov. • 1899; Surgeon-Major, 
July 1904; Surgeon-Lieut.- 
Colonel, Dec. 1908; Surgeon- 
Colonel, Dec. 191 1. Decora- 
tions: 5th Order of S. T., 
4th Order of R. S., 4th 
Class of G. K. 

Kasai, Shin-ichi CS ^ ^ -), 
Gov. of the Iwate-prefecture; 
b. in 1864 in Shizuoka-prefe- 
cture; 3rd s. of Kanzaburo Ka- 
sai; m. Yoshi Enomoto, of To- 
kyo. . Educ. : grad. from the 
Law College in the Tokyo 
Inip. Univ., 1892. Appointed 
Councillor of the Yamagata- 
prefecture ; Chief of Police in 
the Iwate-prefecture ; Secreta- 
ry to the Kochi-prefecture; then 
to the Governor - General ia 
Formosa ; present post, 1907, 
Address : Takashoji, Morioka. 

Ease, Sliizutake (M 'li '® Wii, 
Colonel of Cavaliy, Command- 
er of the 2Sth Regiment of Cav- 
alry ; b. in 1868 in Chiba-pre- 
fecture. Sub-Lieutenant of Cav. 
in 1888; Lieutenant in 1891"; 
Captain in 189S ; Major in 
1900 ; Lieutenant-Colonel in 
1903; Colonel in 1906. Deco- 
rations: 3rd Order of the R. S 


aiid 3i-a Glass of the 'G. K./Ad- 
Bres's': Toyohasfij; Aichi-ken. 
Kas&, Kiit^ii cili '% «• S), 
Mem. of the House oi" Repre- 
^ritatives, Barrister; b. in 1873 
in Ghiba-prefecture ; 2nd s. di 
MaSkz'o Kase ; m. Kaku, 2n'd 
d. of Jubei Oeda of the sarne 
prfefeetur'e. Ed^ic. : graduated 
Law at the Hogakuin^ (private 
JaA^ school). 'Cail'ed to bar ; 
elected ]Mem. of the Hdiisfe of 
Represeiitatives for liis, native 
Jjrovince. Address : . Atago- 
machi, Shiba/ Tqkjfd, Tgl. : 
2 126 Shiba. ^ _, ;^ 

Kasliida, Kameichird (g ^ 

® — W)ylgd:kiiJta]idse, Court 
physiciahT b. May ''1870 in 
Yoshind-gun, Nara-ken; e. s. 
of Masatoku Kashlda. Editc: 
liiedical college of the Tokyo 
top. Univ. (gra. i8'9S). Was 
director of Kogatani and 
Ghimeidd hospitals in Niiga- 
ta-keh, physician of the 
Peers school, 1504-8.; obtairi- 
fed the degree of Igakiiha- 
kdse by presenting a thesis 
rfegarding enteric fever and 
t'etanie, 1908; present post 
since Feb. I0ob. PicbUtdtion; 
Clinic Bacteridlpgy. Address: 
Sliiriagawa Urakashi; Nihon- 
bashi-kiij Tokyo. Tel.: 1155 
Hdnkyokii. ■ - 

Kashikai-a, Baiizo (M -M % 
M), Pres. of the.Uzeh Nagasa- 
ki Bank, Ltd., Aud. of the Na- 
gasaki Rice Cleaning Cd., Ltd.* 

b., in. 1.853 i" Yamagata-pre- 
feqture ; e. s of the late Biinzo- 
Kashikura-; m. Tei", 2x{& d. 
of Ezaeiiibh Saiiiukawa of tlie 
same prtefecture; succeeded liis 
fatiier iij 18^0. Mem. of Hie 
Pjrefectural Assembly, Ad- 
dress :. Magasakicho, Higashi- 
murayama ,- gun,. Yamagata - 
ken.. . ._■ ^.. _. _ ^,_ ,, . . 
.; Kashim'a; ITusajiro Cft %M ^ 
W)x Mayor of Kobe; b. in 1868, 
in Hiroshima-prefecture ; y. b.. 
pf KozpTabe ; »/. Mika,^. oF 
Chuhichi Sarada of Hyogo- 
prefecture ; wa.s adopted into 
the family of Machi^ Kashima 
\i\ 1897. Was forrnerly IDeputy 
Mayor of the qity. Address ': 
M9ioiiiachi;,iCobe. , , „ ., 
KasMiii'a, Sfdewa^o C^ . S ^ 
^), ei-ilerii.bfH. E., 
the Harima Coa,l. M^'i^g, Co.; 
Ltd., the Kobe .Electric Rail- 
way Co., Ltd., the SeimUjRaii^ 
way Co., Ltd„ and the K.pbe 
Fish., Bird; and Vege'tajjjie Mar- 
ket ,Ltd . ; 3. in i 8 5 2 a^t^titlaku- 
chi in the province^ of Omi; 2nd 
s. of Suminaichi Omura,, a^ f«- 
7nurai;m. Yasu, ^rdd-.Q^ Mo- 
kichi Kawaguchi of Hyogo- 
prefectuce. .Was adppte^. into; 
the famiiy of Kohaku Kashi 
ina. -Educ,: grad. frorat the Gov. 
Foreign La,nguage .Scho.o'l at 
Tpkyo;.and ih.% , Keiftgijuku 
(iteio Univ.). " Founded the 
Ohangdkicsha, a. private middle 
school at Nagatacho in To- 



kyp, 1876; returped to hi^ 
native prpvince arid became 
l3jr. of tile SumptQ Micfjle 
School, 1879; established tKe 
Ki)l^e Sliimpo and acted as its 
chief editor ; was on the or- 
ganizing staff of the Kais/iiuip_ 
(defunct Pi-ogressive Party), 
1880; has been Mem, of H. 
R. foi' Hyogo-ken for many 
years ; awarded 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun in connection 
with the late War. Address : 

Yamamotodori, Kobe. 

■ '''KlsHltttira,' 'Se^.?'p \% # iE 

S)> Pioprietox of the Sanryu- 
dp Hospital ; b. 1876 ; e. s. of 
the. l-ate Seitoku Kasbimyra, a 
coiirt physician. Address : I^ 
idamacb.i, Kojiniachiku, To- 
kyo,. Tel. : 49, Bancho. 

■Kashj^yabark, iiago,zaemon 
C:^^ W- % i^ W H X foreign pai'er. 
merchant; b,. in 1.840 in M;ie- 
prefecture ; uncle of Kyudayu 
ICawakida; m. JjCen, e. sister of 
Baron Hachiroemon Mitsui. 
Wa.s adapted into the family 
oi Yuzacraon Kashiwabara in 
1S64. A Larsre, cotton cloth 
iriSrcbant. Address s ^0. \^^ 
I chome, Minamidenma- c''io ' 
I\yobaslr-ku, lokyo. Tel.: 106 

Kashiwabara, Yojiro (M M H 
^ I6)V Secretary to the Dep't. ■ 
of Justice; b. in 1871 in Toya- 
ma-prefeture ; and 5. bf^'su- 
zaqnon Kas.hiwabar^ ; in. Mu- 
ro, 'c. ^.'orMat.suyo.X^chtyama 

of the sarne prefecture. Educ,: 
grad. frppi the Law Cpljege' 
in ' the -Tokyo Imperial ' tj m- 
yersity_, 1890,' Was appoihted 
Councillpr of the .Tochigi-prer 
^ctnre,." 1897;; Secretary to 
the Home'' Dep't.^ Councillor 
o'f the pep't. of. Justice 1898; 
Secretary to the' .same r>ep't, 
1902'; Chief of the Finance 
and Private Documents Sec- 
tion: Address : NishirHibiya, 
Kojimacliiku, Tokyo. Tel : 
4009 Shimbashi. 

Kasttgai, Joemon C# ^ jt^ 
fft f^), dry goods merchant, 
Pres. of the' Nagoya Bank,. 
Ltd.,- and of the Nagoya Sav. 
Bank, Ltd., Dir. of the Gifu 
Silk Weavhig Co,., Ltd., the 
Imperial Twisted Thread W. 
Co., Lt^., the Tokai Storage 
Co., Ltd., Aud. oftheFukuju. 
Life Insurance Co., Ltd., arid 
of the Fulaiju Fire. Ins. Co., 
Ltd. ; b. 1 844 at Nagoya. E- 
lected M. of Nagoya Muni- 
cipal Assembly, 1888 — 1884; 
Mem. of the Nagoya Chamber 
of Com. 1 891— 1896. Ad- 
dress : Tamayachp, Nishiku, 
Nagoya. Tel.yiz^g, 107 /. d. 

^asuya, Gizo ' (^ i§- K S), 
member of the House of 
Representatives; b. in the 
3rd J/, of Keip (i8d7) in 
Saitaipa-ken;' ~y. ' pf Yosaku 
Hasiiimoto.; 7a. M;a\-ch, i$9r,. 
Ediie-y Si:?^"atQd "from Jg^ 
chigan Uniy„. ij. S. A 


[ 350 ] 

obtained the degrsg-;,of .. Ba- 
,.,ch2pi::,,of Lawg^, Since his 
fetiim froiii America, in 
1890, he starttd the Jij/u 
Shimbnii; elected as member 
of the Saitama Prefectural 
Assembly in 1892, elected 
as Member of the House of 
of Representatives in 1898; 
established the. Horai Life 
Insurance Co., in 19 10, of 
which he is the managing 
director. Belongs to Seiyu- 
kai. Address. No. -93, To- 
yooka, Iruma-gun, Saitama- 
ken. Decorations: 4th Order 
of' Merit, Address in Tokyo, 
No. 13, Higasl^i Enoki-cho, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Kasuya, Nuiemon Cff # S 
J& fif P5), Pres. of the Nishio 
Bank, Ltd., the Banzu Savings 
Bank, Ltd., and the Yoshida 
Salt Dealing Co., Ltd., Dir. 
of the Fukuju Life Insurance 
Co., Ltd., Aud. of the Meiji 
Bank Ltd. -y^.. in 1863 in Ai- 
chi-prefecture ; e. s. of Nuie- 
mon Kasuya -, in. Tazu, e. d. 
of Gorosaku Tajima of the 
same prefecture. Succeeded 
his father in- 1 87 1 . Address : 
Yokosuka-mura, Banzu-gun, 
Aichi-prefecture. , 

Katada',' Toyotaro C/i" H fi :fc 
W), Dir. of the Fukuoka Ag- 
ricultural Experiment Farm; 
^. in 1862 in Hiroshima-pre- 
fecture ; e. s: of Atsundo Ka- 
tada, a samurai; m.YiaXu, 2nd 

<f. of Seigoro Matsuura of the 
same prefecture. Educ. .' grad. 
Agriculture at the Koniaba 
No Gakko (defunct Gov. Agr. 
College), 1896. Appointed Civ- 
il Engineer of the Kagoshima- 
prefecture, 1895 ; transferred 
to present post, 1900. Ad- 
dress : Higashi, Nakashucho, 

Katakami, Nofeuru CH" -fc 

fi^)> Tengen by fen name, 
lecturer at,' the Literary 
College- of the Waseda Univ. 
(English and European Con- 
tinental literature); b. Feb. 
1884 in lyo; m. Asako-^ 
Educ: literary course of the 
Waseda Univ. Was editor of 
the Waseda bungaku. Pub- 
lications : translated Tenny- 
son's Poems, Don Quixote, 
The Home of the Dead, etc. 
besides is editing collection 
of reviews in Japanese. Ad- 
dress: 315, Nishiokubo, To- 
kyo. , . „i 
Katakura, Kentaro Cjt" it" ^ 
:k IP), silk-reeler, high -tax- 
payer; b. in 1 849 in Nagano-, 
prefecture ; e. s. of Ichisuke 
Katakura ; m. Masa, y. sister 
of Kumakichi Ilayashi of the 
same prefecture. Succeeded 
his father in 1876. He is one 
of the leadf'iig men in thisline 
of business, having a long ex-, 
perience behind him. Ad- 
dress .• Kawagishi-mura, Su- 
wa-gun, Nagano-ken. 

[ 351 ] 


Kataoka, Eitaro O'r n ^ :k 
SR), Comniandsr of the Chiha- 
ya and the Tsushima; b. in 
1868. Cadet in 1884 ; Com- 
mander in 1905 . Decorations : 
3rd Order of the R. S. and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address: 
Naval Office. 

Kataoka, Faoliaru CK" IKI it 
i^), Mem. of H. R., Pres. of 
the Nippon Life Insurance 
Co., Ltd.; b. in 1859 in Kochi- 
prefecture ; y.'.b.- of Naoteru 
Kataoka; m. Shuku, 2n.d d. 
of Tomozumi Matsubara of 
the same prefecture. jEduc. : the Toja Gakko (pub- 
lic Normal School). Was a 
teacher of his alma mater 
for many years ; then entered 
the civil service as a district 
administrative official ;• finally 
Chief of Police in the Shiga- 
prefecture, 1884; was elected 
Mem. of the House of Repre- 
sentatives for Kochi-prefecture, 
1892; afterwards resigned post 
and became Vice-Pres. of the 
Nippon Life Insurance Co., 
Ltd., to be elected present 
post in 1903. A delegate to 
the 5 th International Actuaries 
Conference in 1906 and was 
elected its vice-president. A 
leading business man in west- 
ern Japan. Address : Kawa 
bara-cho, Kami-Kyoku, Kyo- 

Kataoka, Uaoteru CK" St it 
*f), Chairman of B:)ard of Di- 

rectors of the Osaka Gas Co.', 
Ltd., Dir. of the Hanshin Elec- 
tric Railway Co., Ltd., the Na- 
niwa Bank, Ltd., the Oriental 
Wood Preserving Co., Ltd:, 
and of the Japanese Volcanic 
Ash Co., Ltd.; b. in 1 856 in Ko- 
chi-prefecture; e. s. of Magogo- 
ro Kataoka, a samurai; m- To- 
shie, y. sister of Shokichi Mori 
of the same prefecture. Ediic. : 
grad. from the Naval Paymas- 
ters' School, 1878. Began his 
career as a naval paymastisr jn 
1878 ; then was transferred to 
the civil service in 1892; ap- 
pointed Private Secretary to 
the Home Minister and then 
to the Educational Minister ; 
Secretary to. the Osaka -pre- 
fecture ; resigned and entered 
the Bank of Japan and wa.s 
appointed Dir. of its Osaka 
Branch in 1896; aftei three 
years' service in the bank be- 
came Dir. of the Kyushu Rail- • 
way. Regarded as one of the 
leading business men of Osaka. 
Address : Tanimachi, Higashi- 
ku, Osaka. TeL: 729 Hi^aski. 
Kataoka, Hidetaro (ft" IM ^ 
± IP)> Actor (Professional 
name : Kataoka Nizaemon 
frlSJt.ifeiTp'!); b. the iOth,7«. 
of the 4th y. of Ansei (l857) 
in Tokyo; s. of the ' late 
Nizaemon Kataoka, also a 
famous actor. Ed^tc. : studied 
under,, a private teacher. 
Became actor while young 


[ 352 ] 

under the name of jHidetaro 
Kataoka; assumed the name 
pJF Gato Ka.taoka in 1877; 
succeeided to the name of 
ilih Kataoka. iSIizaemon in 
1 905. Recreations : tea aiid 
wine. Address: 19 Akebime- 
chq, Shiba,-ku, Tokyo. TeL : 
" Kataoika, KoEuro (>{" IM 5^ 
W5> high-tax-payer; b. in 1867 
in Okayama - prefecture ; 3rd. 
J. pf Ta.enion Kataoka; m. K6, 
adpp. d. of Ciipbei Tsuchiya 
oF the Hiroshima - prefecture. 
Succeeded his elder brother 
Horikichi Kataoka. in 1883. 
Address- : Kojimamura, Yu- 
kyu-gun, Okayarna-ken. 
, 'Blataqka, Shiphiro fJT" pip -b 
Bit), '>?ftrog^^^^^^^^^ep 

cii sines No\ fori; b on the 

14th of the i2th month in the 
6th year of Kaei (1853) in 
Satsuma ; 2nd s. of Kitoda 

Kataoka, a samurai; in. Tama, . 
e. d. of Mayumi Kiyohara," a 
samurai of the same clan. 
jSfe^..* graduated from theNa- 
val College. 2nd Sub-Lieuten- 
ant in 1877 ; Lieutenant in 
1 881; 2nd Commander; went 
to Germany in the suite of 
H. I. H. Yamashina-no-miya 
in 1889; Captain in 1890; was 
appointed Legation attache ; 
was called back in the Chino- 
Japanese war; took part in 
the war as Commander of the 
Kongo and • Naniwa; Com- 
mander of the Hashidate and 
the Yashimtii, Chief of Staff 
to. the Standing Squadron ; 
Chief of the Personnel Bure- 
au in the Naval Dep't ; Re- 
ar - Admiral in 1 899 ; Com- 
naander-in-Chief of the Kure 
Admiralty; Chief of the Dep't 
pf Na,val Materials in the Navy, 
Cpmmandant of the Takeshiki 
Naval Establishment in 19- 
02 ; Vice-Admiral in 1903; 
in the late war distinguished 
himself as Commander of the 
3rd Squadron; the following 
is the translation of the of- 
ficial report from the then 
Vice-Admiral to the Imperial 
Headquarters :— " The enemy 
at Port Arthur, after having 
on the night of the ist Janu- 
ary proposed capitulation to 
,our Investing Army, caused 
his warships and other ves- 
sels in the harbour to be 

[ 35^ ] 


destroyed and the Sevastopol 
and Otvazny, which had been 
for several days lying out- 
side th& port, to be sunk. 
Further, six destroyers es- 
caped towards the offing un- 
der cover of night. Part of 
our blockading squadron gave 
chase, but they failed to 
overtake the vessels of the 
enemy. The Akitsustt (Com- 
mander F. Yamaya) with a 
destroyer flotilla (Commander 
H. Fujimoto) and a torpedo- 
boat flotilla (Commander C. 
Kasama), and Rear-Admiral 
Togo, Commander of the 
Third Squadron with the 
Chiyoda (Captain K. Mura- 
kami), the Tatsuta (Com- 
mander T. Kamaya) and a 
destroyer flotilla (Command- 
er K. Sudzuki) pursued the 
enemy's vessels to Chefoo 
and Kiaochow respectively, 
causing them to take refuge 
in those harbours, where 
they were dismantled. Thus 
the enemy's entire fleet has 
been destroyed — a - result, I 
am convinced, secured thro-' 
' ugh the August virtue of H. 
M. the Generalissimo and as- 
sisted in no small measure 
by the cooperation of our 
loyal and gallant army, whose 
bombardment compelled the 
hostile ships to take refuge.- 
I am therefore in a position 
to report that our warlike 

operations in this direction 
have now been most glori;^ 
ously brought to a conclu- 
sion. " Was created Baron; 
invested with ist order of 
the Rising Sun and 1st class 
of the Golden Kite as a war 
reward. Promoted full Ad- 
miral in 191 1. Address i 
Onden, Scndagaya, Tokyo. 

Kataoka, TaiicM Cjt ff"# —5, 
Procurator-in-Chief of the To- 
kushima District Court ; A. in 
1859 in Oita-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Ichiemon Kataoka, a sa~ 
murai ; in. Kiku, e. d. of Wa- 
saburo Miura of Tokyo. Pass- 
ed the Gov. Examination for 
Bench, 1887; Procurtor of the 
Fushimi District Court ; then 
of the Osaka District Court; 
Procurator of the Nagasaki 
Appeal Court; then of the 
Osaka Appeal Court ; Proc- 
urator-in-Chief of the Nara 
District Court ; present post, 
1906. Address : Tokushima. 
District Court. 

Katayama, Horin (>]■ III ^ #), 
court physician; b. in 1853 
fh'N'agilid-pfefeclure ; c. s. of 
Hannosuke Katayama, a sa- 
murai. Educ. : grad. Medicine 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 18- 
81. Assist.-Prof of the Uni- 
versity, 1883 ; resigned and 
appointed present post, 1888. 
Address : Yagembori, Nihom- 

bashi-ku, xokyo. 7'^/'. .• 1772 

I; m. I 

;, Katayama, Kin-icMro {it; Ulil 
-^,l|5), Technical Dir.. of Imp. 
Iron Foundry ;: <J. 186,8 in' the 
province: of TStomi. Educ: : 
grad< Electricity i'nthfe Tokyo 
Imp: U^if-y. 18.86. Appointed 
CivilEng.. oflmp; Iron Fotin'd- 
ry,'\i8"95. Revreatl&Hs .-.Travel 
•imd ;th6 game of Go. Club: 
Pres. of "Western Japan Elec- 
tric Asso." • Address: Yawa- 
taeho, Fukuoka-ken, 
. K;a;tayama, ZuniyosM C^ ill 
^ M>, Igakuhakushi (medical 
jwispff ^Rfffftof of the To- 
kyo Imperial University; b. in 
i8SS in Shiztioka-prefecture ; 
?jid s. of Ryoan Katayama ; 
m'. Kame, :2nd d. of Roki 
Yamakawa, of Kochi. Educ. : 
gr-ad." itiedi'cMe at the Tokyo 
frnp, Uniy.,i870, Assist.-Prof 
of thfe University, 1879; sent 
to Germany ' for study, 1882'; 
Prof of the University, i8'86. 
Address: Komagome Nishi- 
katamachi,' Hongoku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 99 Shitaya. 

Katayama, Masao C/i" Uj JE 
^), Rigakuhakushi (Doctor of 
Science); Prof of the Tokyo 
Higher Technological School. 
Address : No. 11, Maruyama- 
c]i(j.' E6ishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

featayama, Sen (fr Uu 5t),'B. 
A., B. D., M. A., Socialist ; 
b. in 1859 in the province of 
Mimasaka. Educ. .-studied in 
U. S. A. for twelv'e-yea^s, girad- 
uating Saciology and , Social 

Prpbtettis' at Yate- .' On re- . 
tffiffing professed to be; a .so- 
cialist and has' espoused the 
cause of labour. Address: 
Misakicho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
. Katayama, Tafo (it lU * 515), 
higli-tax-payer; l. in 1868- \n 
Nara-prefecture \e^s. of Tahei 
Katayama ; w^.Ko, 2nd d. of 
Jihtaro Shinnoofthe same pre- 
fecture.'. Succeeded his father 
iis -%888. A large land-owner 
tri' the prefecture.^ Address: 
Kawanishi-rmura, Isogi - gun, 

Katayama, Tpkuma" ill % 
W), Kogakuhakushi (architect- 
ure), Superintendant of the 
Construction Bureau in the Im- 
perial Household Dep't ; b. in 
1854 in Yamaguchirprefecture; 
4th s. of Bunza, a samurat ; in. 
Teru,.^. d. of Magojiro Tanabe. 
Educ. .- grad. at the Kobu Dai- 
gaku (defunct Gov. Technical 
College), 1889. Appointed 
Civil Engineer of the Industrial 
Dep't, 1889; sent to Europe 
in connection with the propos- 
ed residence of H. I. H. Prince 
Arisugawa, 1891 — 1894; on 
returning, was sent to China 
in charge of building the Le- 
gation at Peking, 1894; after- 
wards, dispatched to the Con- 
tinent on business ; returning, 
was appointed to present post, 
1 899. Address: Onden, Senda- 
gaya, Tokyo. Tel. : 103 Shi- 

E 355. } 


Katayasna, Yoshinari C)i" ill 
a !&')i i)ii-. of the Kagoshima 
Forestry Office; &• i860 at 
Kyoto. ■ £d2ic. : -grad. from the 
Tokyo Sanringakko (Defunct 
Agr; College), 1886-. Appoint- 
ed an official of Hokkai-Do ; 
that of the Bureau of Imp. 
Estates, and of the Forestry 
Office. Recreations : collector 
of old pictures, trees, and mu- 
sic. Address: Kagoshima -Fore- 
str\> Office. Tel: 242. 

k'ato, GencM (j)n M 3t ©). 
Bungak7ihakiishi, Prof of the 
Military College and lecturer 
of the College of Literature 
of the Tcskyo Imp. Univ.; b. 
June, the 6th;!'. of Mciji(i 872) 
in Tokyo; s. of Gencho Kato; 
m. Setsu, a gradu- 
ate from the Girls' Higher 
Normal School in iqoo. 
Educ; graduated from the 
College of Literature of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. Was 
lecturer on the science of 
religion in various Buddhist 
seminaries. He obtained his 
degree of Btmgaktihakushi, 
in 1908 by presenting his 
essay on the " Knowledge 
and Belief." Piiblications: 
Principles of Religion; Lec- 
tures on Religion; the Guid- 
ing Spirits of the the Founda- 
tion of the Country; of 
Science of Religion. Recrea- 
tions: reading and travelling. 
Address: No. 11, Maruyama- 

cho, Koishi-kawa, Tokyo. 
Kato, Gemmatsu (Jn^iJg/ja), 

Head of the Ako Office of 
Tobacco Monopoly Bureau; 
b. July, 1873, in„Yamagata- 
ken; 2nd $. of Gennai Kato; 
m. Hina, e._ -._ d. of Kiyoshi 
Kpndo, ex-Superintendent of 
Prison. Edtic.:- graduated 
from the Meiji Univ. Passed 
the Civil Service Examina- 
tion,. December, 1 896, ap- 
pointed Assistant tax-col- 
lector. May, 1897; head of 
the Camphor 0^c&, Fuku- 
oka, March, 1905, trans- 
ferred to present position, 
March, 1910. Was invested 
with the 6th Order of Merit, 
Api-il, 1906, and the 5th 
Order of Merit, December, 
191 1. Recreations: reading, 
go game, and ntai. Address: 
Ako, Hyogo ken. TeL. 3?. 

Kato, Hachiroemon (In M A 
BR^SPI), soy-manufacturer, 
Pres. of the Kanagawa Bank, 
Ltd., Dir. of the Kanagawa 
Savings Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 18- 
80 in Kanagawa-prefecture ; 
4th .f. of Hachiroemon Kato ; 
m. Waka, e.d. of Hanzo Hagi- 
hara of Tokyo. Succeeded his 
father in 1905. His store is 
named " Tsuruya" Address: 
Aokicho, Yokohama. Tel. ': 

Kato, Hacliitaxo (Ja ^ A i: 
BR), Inten^nt-^ General, Chief 
of the I'ayTSVpToTVhe'Yokd-: 


[ 356 ] 

suka Admiralty ; b. in 1864. 
Intendant-Cadet in 1886 ; In- 
tendant-Commander in 1898 ; 
Intendant - Captain in 1905. 
Decollations : 3rd Order of the 
R. S and 4th Class of the 
G. K. Address: Yokosuka. 

Kato, Haruhiko ( Jn si Bf ib 
'S'), Dir. of the Western Branch 
of the Nippon Bank ; !>. in 
1 870 at Tokyo ; 2nd s. .of 
Baron Hiroyuki Kato ; m.Yo- 
ne, 3rd d. of Shokichi Ikeda, 
of Tokyo. Address :- Moji. 

Kato, Heihachiro (in ^ ¥ A 
"HP), Pres. of the Minami-Saku- 
ma Bank, Ltd., Representing 
Partner of Kato & Co., And. 
of the Shiga Bank, Ltd., and 
the Kyosai Hospital, Ltd. ; 3. 
in 1882 in Nagano-prefecture; 
e. s. of Heihichi Kato ; m. 
Kakuji,"^.^. of Yaichiro Wa- 
tanabe of the same prefecture. 
Succeeded his father in 1 896. 
Address : Maeyama-mura, Mi- 
nami-Saku-gun, Nagano-ken. 
^ Kato, Heishiro CJn » ^p gg 

115), Mayor of Kofu •,b. in 1854 
in Okayama-pre. ; 4th s. of 
Hakaru Kato, a samurai. Ad- 
dress : Yanagimachi, Kofu. 

Kato, Hikobei (M M % ^ 
W), paper-merchant, Mem. of 
the Nagoya Chamber of Com- 
merce, Chairman of Board of 
Dir. of the Kuwana Storage 
Co., Ltd., Dir. of the Central 
Pap^r Mill Co., Ltd., the Na- 
goya Bank, Ltd., the Nagoya 

Sayings Bank, Ltd-, Aud. of 
the Nagoya Twisted Thread 
Co., Ltd. ; b.'m 1852 in Gifu- 
prefecture ; m Hana, e. d. of 
Hambei Yoshida of the same 
prefecture ; adop't. into the 
family of Hikobei Yoshida. 
Succeeded his father in 1872. 
Address: Horizumecho, Ni- 
shiku, Nagoya. J el. : 730. 

Kato, Hiroyuki (in M ?k Z), 
Baron (cr. 1900) ; Privy Coun- 
cillor ; Bungakuhaktishi; Ho- 
gakuhakushi ; Emeritus Prof 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity ,; Member of the House 
of Peers (since 1 890) ; b. June, 
1836, in Taj ima province; 1st 
s. of Shirobei Kato, a samurai 
of Izusti _ clan, Taj ima ; m. 
Sudzu, adopted d. of Kaneya- 
su Ic-hikawa, a samurai of O- 
saka. ^Educ: A2S\.icSxoo\, Is 
one of the pioneer scholars of 
Occidental learning, and by 
translation of original works 
has done much to introduce 
Occidental civilization into this 
country. President of the Im- 
perial University at Tokyo, 
1 88 1— 1893 ; Member of the 
Senate, 1 886 ; Bungakuhakii- 
shi, 1888; Member of the 
House of Peers, 1889; Lord- 
in-Waiting, 1883 ; decorated 
with 1st Order of Merit. Pub^. 
lications : Essays ;'On the Pro- 
gress of Molality and Law; 
On National JLaw ; etc. Ad- 
dress: N0.44, Kami-nibancho, 

[357 ] 


Kojimachiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
686 Bancho. 

Kato, Isamu Qn % S), En- 
gineer to the Nagoya Railway 
Construction Office. Address : 
No. 6,. Schome, Egawabata- 
cho, Nishiku, Nagoya. 

Kato, Jinsuke (la ^ S g3), 
grocer ; b.'vcs. \ 849 at Osaka ; 
e. s. of Jinsuke Kato ; w^.Ikue, 
d. of Kakujiro Honda of O- 
saka. One of the largest gro- 
cers in Osaka. Address : Hi- 
noecho, Kitaku, Osaka. Tel. : 
948 Higashi. 

Kato, Jo (jdH m 3t), CoIone]_ 
of Infantry, CommanHSTSftlie 
52na Regiment of Infantry ; 
3. in 1859 in the province of 
Tosa. Sub-Lieutenant in 1880; 
Lieutenant in 1885 ; Captain 
in 1892; Major in 1899; 
Lieutenant-Colonel in 1904 ; 
Colonel in 1907 ; 3rd Order 
-of the Rising Sun and 4th 
class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Hirosaki . 

Kato, Junjiro (iti al jg ^ 515), 

Chief of the Post and Tele- 
graph Bureau of the Kwang- 
tung Government. Address: 
No. 8, Kodamacho, Tairen. 

Kato, Jusaburo (An ^ S H 
IK), Mayor of Nagoya ; ^. in 
1^62 ill Aichi-prefecture ; 2nd 
s. of Tetsuzo Takagi, a samu- 
rai ; in. Sen, 2nd d. of Tada- 
rhitsu Morita of the same pre- 
fecture. Address .: Nagarega- 
wa-cho, Nagoya. Tel. : 610. 

J Kato, iCanjl CJU \A %. ttO, 
Captain, Head-instructor of 
'TKe-'IfavaT' Academy; h. in 
1871. Eduo. .• graduated from 
the Naval College in 1886. 
Lieutenant in 1897; 2nd 
Coinmander in 1901 ; Com- 
mander in 1906; Captain in 
191 1, the Naval Attache to 
the Embassy to St. James ; 
private sec. to Naval Mini.itor 
Address: Etajima, Hiroshima- 

Kato, Kanroknro (to M % >'^ 
W), Pres. of the Fukushima- 
ken Agricultural and Tech- 
nical Bank, Ltd.; 3. in 1849 
in Fukushima-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Sokichi Kato, a samurai; 
in. Iku, 2nd d. of Tadasuke 
Hongo of Aomoii-prefecture. 
Address. : Tanaka, Sonetama- 
chi, Fukushima. 
. Kato, Kenjiro (in ^ S ^ W), 
President of the Okazaki Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Okaza- 
ki Savings Bank, Ltd., Audi- 
tor of the Okazaki Electric 
Light Co., Ltd., Mem. of the 
Okazaki Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. in 1846 ^at Okaza- 
ki in the province of Mika- 
wa ; 6th .r. of Hachiemon Ka- 
to ; m. Kano, e. sister of Toju- 
ro Okada, a samurai of i\.ichi- 
ken. Address : Okazaki, Aichi 
ken. - ■ 

Kato, Kinzabaro (In M 'k H 
WX President of the • Okano 
Bank._ Address : Ryojinmu- 


I 358 ] 

: ra, Chichibu-guii, Saitama- 

Kato, Kumaichiro CtQ M lis 

^ ~M)^ Author and lecturer, 
known under the nam de 
phiim " Totsudo;" , (5. 1867 
in Kameoka, , Kyoto:/?^ ; s. 
of Teikoku Kato; m. Suye 
Suzuki in 1894. Ediic: 
studied in tlie Chuo Univer- 
sity, but not graduated from 
it, almost privately. Was a 
teacher, an editor, but since 
20 years ago had no fixed 
connection with any publish- 
ing house. Publications'. 
" Dai Shisei Kan" (Observa- 
tion on Life and Death),, 
" ShyuyoRon" (Self-Culture), 
" Setai Ninjo Ron" (Social 
Condition and Human Na- 
ture), "Bukkyo Yogi" (First 
Principles of Buddhism) 
"Nihon Minzoku Shi" (Ja- 
panese Manners and Cus- 
toms) and others. Address: 
No. 108, Yoyogi Sanya, in 
the Suburb of Tokyo. Clubs: 
Shim Bukkyo Doshi Kai 
(New Buddhist's Association) 
and Jogu Kyokai (a new 
Buddhist organization.) 
"'Kato, Kyujiro Ci&P Ife ^ ^ W), 
Pfes. of the Tajinai Bank, Ltd., 
Repiesenting Partner of. Ya- 
makyu &. Co., Dir. of the 
Kyodo Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1848 
in Gifu -prefecture: e.s. of Kyu- 
taro Kato ; m. Tomo, ,2nd d. 
of Seikaku Nakane of Aichi-^^; 

prefecture. Address : Tajimi- 
cho, Toki-gun, Gifu-ken. ' 

Kato, Masaharu CJn M IE ip), 
Hogakulmkushi (Doctor of 
Law), Prof, of the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(chair Civil Code). Address: 
No. 2, ichome, Motosonocho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo, 

Kato, Masanosuke CJD S j^ 
Z m, Mem. of H. R., cattle- 
breeder and cultivator ; b. in 
1854 ill Saitama-pre. ; m. Ya- 
su, 2nd d. of Kohichi Ya- 
maguchi of Osaka. Educ. 
studied at the Keiogijuku (kei- 
6 Univ.), 1875 — 1879. was 
for sometime editor of an Osa- 
ka newspaper, 1879; elected 
Mem. of the Saitama Prefect- 
ural Assembly, 1880; Pres. 
of the Assembly, 1 88 1 ; en- 
tered the Hochi, 1885; went, 
abroad, 1890 — 1801 ; elected 
Mem. of H. R.. 1892; a mem- 
ber of the Progressive Party. 
Publications : " Kaiten Kidan" 
(Strange Stories), "-Manshu 
Shinbun" (The Post-Bellum 
Programme of Manchuda), 
■ " -Kankokukeiei " (Admnistra- 
tion of Korea), " Seiyolujin 
Jotai " (Condition of Occiden- 
tal Women'j, Industial Policy. 
Address: No. 203, Komago- 
me-shimmei-cho, Hongo-ku, 
■ 'Kato, Masayoshi ClU M ^ «)» 

'*f 8S 7 in the province oFEchigo; 

359 ] 


. e.s. of Yugoro Ivvasaki;, was 
adopted by. Toshitame Kato; 
m. Sato, e. d. of Jiku Yoshi- 
oka, a samurai of Choshu. 
Editc. : graduated from the 
Military Academy. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Engineering in 1 8.- 
8 1 ; Major-General with Com- 
rnand of Saseho Fort in 19- 
09. Took part in both the Chi- 
na-Japanese and the Russo- 
Japanese wars and was de- 
corated with 3rd order of the 
Rising Sun and 3rd class of 
the Golden Kite as a war re- 
ward. Address: Kitaura. 87, 
-Naitoshinjuku, Tokyo. 

Kato, Masau Ctu M IE. ^), 
Dir. of the Kobe Commer- 
cial School ; ^. 1 865 at To- 
kyo ; e. s. of Junfu Kato, a 
samurai. Educ. : grad. from 
the Tokyo Gaikokugo Gakko 
(Tokyo Gov. Foreign Lan- 
guage, School). Instructor of 
the Osaka Com. School; Dir. 
of the Nagasaki Com. School 
then appointed to present post. 
Address : Ok uhirano - mura, 

Kato, Masayoshi (Jn M IE ft), 
Vice-President of the Nippon 
Yusen Kwaisha (Japan Mail 
Steamship Company) ; ^. Feb. 
1854, in Hoki Province; 2nd 
s. of Ryokichi Kato; m. Ki- 
kue, 1st d. of Masahira Ta- 
kerc. .Was for some time a 
"clerk in Local Offices, and 
'then Secretary of the Depart- 

ment of Agricnlture iirid Corn* 
merce 1885; thfe -same' year 
entered the newly formed (by 
amalgamation of the' -Mitsu^ 
bishi and Kyodo Uhyu)' Nip^ 
pon Yusen Kwaisha with the 
late Mr. Morioka; its first Pi^^ 
sident ; was elected a Director, 
1889, and Vice-President 18- 
93 ; as the result- of his iu'- 
spection tour in Korea,- North 
China and South China 1901, 
the Hunan Steamship Com- 
pany" was, founded by him be- 
coming himself, its President ; 
this Company was the forer- 
unner of the Present Japan and 
China Steamship Company; 
made a tour of Lidia, Euro- 
pe and America to inspect 
shipping business, 1906—19- 
oy ; once elected Special Mem- 
ber of Tokyo Chamber of Com- 
merce, etc. ; was decorated 
with 2nd Order of merit in 
reward of his services during 
the Russo-Japanese War 19- 
06. Recreation : Fine Arts. 
Club : Japan Club. Address •: 
No. 2, ichome, Motozonocho, 
Kojimacb.i. Tokyo. 71?/. •• 305 
Bancho. . ^ 

Kato, Mokuzaeinon Ciia M S 
^ #1 F5), Porcelain manufact- 
urer, Chairman of Board of 
Directors of the Seto Electric 
Railway Co., Lfd^, Represe- 
tative Partner of Seiei & Co., 
Managing Dir. of the Seto 
Bank, Ltd., Aud. of the O- 


riental Salt Co., Ltd. ; b. in 
■Aiehi-prefeGtilre ; y. b. of Kyu- 
zaburo Kate ; m. Karte, e. d-. 
of Mokubei Kato. Succeeded 
his adopted father in 1875. 
Address : Setocho., Higashi- 
Kasugai, Aichi-ken. 

Kato, Kinzaburo (M '% # H 
W)y cotten dealer, Dir. of 
the Tokai Cotton Ya.rn, Ltd. ; 
b. in 1 84 1 in Aichi-prefect- 
ure ; 2nd. s. of Takezo Kato ; 
in. Ume, e. d. 6f Ikachi Mo- 
rimoto of the same prefecture. 
Add^sss : Higashi - tamachi, 
.Nakaku, Nagoya. 

Kato, Hokuzo (jlin ^ % ^), 
;Soy-bre\^et, ex-Mem. of the 
House of Representatives ; b. 
in 1 858 in the province of Mi- 
kawa. Edue.: graduated from 
the Keiogijuku in 1879. Be- 
came Director of the Hoi Mid- 
dle School in 1 88 r ; organized 
the Hoi Bank ; was elected 
Mem. of the Aichi Prefectural 
Assembly ; then of the House 
of Representatives; was a mem- 
ber of the Shimfoto (Progres- 
sive Party). Address: Hoi- 
gun, Aichi-ken. 

Kato, Sadajiro (in R A ^ I|3), 
Mil. Intendant, Head of the 
Clothing and Subsistence Bu- 
reau at the War Office ; b. in 
ri!§63 in Qkayams-prefecture,; 
m..:,M.oii, e., d. of , Masasuke 
HaQ/asM^; -a , Satsuma samurai, 
BdM.r^t^A. .fr(3in -ihs. Kyo- 
d&flan: i(defunct; Mil , Npn-Com; 

360 ] 

Officers' School). 2nd Assist. 
Paymaster, 1891 ; Mil. Intend- 
ant, 1908. Took part in the 
Sino-Japanese war and the 
late war as well. Decorated 
with 4th Class of R. S. and 
G. K. Address: IcMgaya, 
UsHgome-ku, Tokyo. 

Siato, SaclaKic|d KMM:^a)i 

YigerAdm^j^^^icectQr of Y'o- 
"ffosuKa " Ifaval .A^rsenal: b 
1861 at Tokyo ; 3t« .y. of Ya- 
suyoshi Kato, a samurai ; m. 
ISTobu, 3rd d. of-'Yakichi Mita 
of Tokyo. 2nd Sub.-Lieut., i8:- 
B6; Captain, 1892; Rear-Adm., 
1907- Took part in the late 
war as Capt. of the cruiser 
Akitsushima. * Rewarded with 
3rd Class of R. S. and G. K. 
Vice-Adm. , Dec. 1^x2. Ad- 
dress : Yokdsuka. 

Kato, Seikei (io M JE M\ 
Mem. of H. P., high-tax- 
payer; b. in 1858 in'Ehime- 
pretecture ; e. s. of Seikichi 
Kato ; m. Sae, y. s. of Goro 
Sasakibara of the same pre- 
fecture. A large land-owner. 
Address: Takihama-mura, Ni- 
iori-gun, Ehime-ken. 

Kato, Akikado (Hn ^ ^ W), 
Director of the Osaka City 
Higher Comidercial School ; 
b.; in the province of lyo. 
Educ. : gi'aduated Philosophy 
at the Imperial University, of 
Toicyo. Address : Osaka-city. 

Ka;to, Tahei <in. M % [^% 
farmer, high -tax -payer; b.'m 

[ 36r ] 


1842 in Tochigi - prefecture ; 
4th s. of Bunzaemon Inaba ; 
m. Cho, e. d. of Goro Kato. 
Succeeded his adopted father 
in 1897, A large land-ov'mer 
in the prefecture. Address: 
Kita-takaaezawa-mura, In-ya- 
gun, Tochigi-ken. 

Kato, Taikyu (in li # ^), 

Majox-&£U*=!Cr«ti-ffi$J.I.;>,-. f>. in 
1854 at Shizuoka; 2nd s. 01 
Taikichi Kato, a samurai; 
m. Tsune, d. of Yukimitsu O- 
guraof Echigo. Educ. : stud- 
ied at the Heigakuryo (de- 
funct Mil. Col.). Sub-Lieut., 
1 879; afterwards sent to Fran- 
ce 1905 ; Dir. of the Osaka 
Mil. Arsenal, 1907 ; retired, 
1910. Took part in the Sino- 
Japanese war as Inspector of 
Stores of the Combined Bri- 
gade and that of the 1st Army; 
and also in the late war as 
Commander of the 3rd Regi- 
ment of Foot Art. and Chiei 
of the Infantry Corps of the 
Yalu Army. Decorated with 
2nd Class of Merit and G. K. 
v4<2y;rj.5-.' Akagishitamachi, U- 
shigomeku, Tokyo ^_ _^ 
Kato. '1 a-Kaaki \,/jli m S\ M),^ 

<^x-Min. of Foreign Affairs, ist 
Order of Merit, K. C. M. G. ; 
^. 3 Jan. 1859 at Saya-mura 
in the province of Owari ; 
adopted into the family' of 
Buhachiro Kato ; m. 1886 Ha- 
ruji, y. s. of Baron Hisaya I- 
wasakl. Educ. : grad. Lkw, 

Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1881. En- 
tered business as a clerk, of 
the Mitsubishi (Iwasaki & Co.), 
and then entered the Foreigli 
Office, 1887, and was appoint- 
ed Private Secretaiy to Count 
Okuma 1888; transferred to 
Fin. Dep't. to be promoted 
Dir. of the Banking Bureau; 
then of the Taxation Bureau; 
returned to the Foreign Of- 
fice and was sent to England 
as Minister Plenipotentiary, 
1894 — Ig99; Minister for F. 

Affairs, 1900 — 1901 ; sat twice 
in the Housr of Representa- 
tives ; appointed Minister for 
F. A.' in the Saionji cabinet, 
but obliged to leave the Mi- 
nistry owing to his opposi- 
tion to the Railway nationaliza- 
tion ; Ambassador to St. Ja- 
mes until., Dec. 1912 ; thefi, 
last post till February 19 13. 
Clubs : Tokyo club and Nip- 
pon club. Address: No.. 33, 
Shimonibun-cho, Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel : 268 Bancho. 


[ 362 ] 

_^ Kato, Taromatsu (in B ±m 
fX Deputy Mayc r. Address .■ 
Kyoto Municipal Office."" 

Kato, Terumaru CJn M M BX 
Igakuhakushi (pediatrics and 
yicciriatioii);' court physician : 
b- 1863; e.s. of Baron H. 
Kato. Educ. : studied at the 
Gaikokugo Gakko (defunct 
Gov. Foreign Language Sch- 
ool) and grad. Medicine in 
the Berlin Univ. Address : 
Gobancho,, ICojimachilcu, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 435 Bancho. 
n - Kato, Tokiiiro (MM # ^ W), 
Proprietor of Kato's Hospital, 
M. D,; ,5. in 1858 in Fuku- 
oka-prefecture ; e. s. oi Gen- 
kan Kato ; m. Saki y. s. of 
Yujiro Yanagiwara of Shizu- 
oka-ken. Educ. : studied a- 
broad Derinatologie. ' Is well 
known as a socialist. Ad- 
dress :' Kobikicho, Kyobashi, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 1 102 Shimba- 

Kato, Tomosaburo (M M H 
3; P),^.3y^ce-i\H|Tiii;J^„Com- 
mander-in-Ghief of the Kure 
Adm. ; b. on the 22nd of the 
2nd month in the ist year of 
Bunkyu (1859) in Hiroshima- 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Hichi- 
robei Kato, a samurai ; m. 
Kiyo, 2nd d. of Tetsuin Emi 
of the same prefecture, Educ. : 
grad. from the Naval College. 
Appointed Second Sub-Lieut., 
1884; Captain, 1899; "Proi. 
of. the Naval Academy ; Sec- 

tional Chief of the Naval Af- 
fairs Bureau of the Navy ; 
■Chief of Staff of the Standing 
•Squadron, 1902 ; Chief of Staff 
of the Kamimura Squadron ; 
transferred to that of the Com- 
bined Fleet during the war ; 
appointed Vice-Minister ; then 
present post, 1906 ; promoted 
to Vice- Adm., 1908. He was 
the Tight-hand officer of Adm. 
Tog5;and Kamimura in the 
late war. Decorated with the 
2nd Order of R. S. and 2nd 
Class of G K. as a- war 
tionoiir. Recreation: Reading. 
Address : Kure.. 

Kato, Tsunetada (Jin ,1? '|fi ,f,), 
Mem. of the House of Peers 
since 191 2, Direcor of the 
Kitahama Bank, Ltd., Pro- 
prietor of the Osaka Fhimpo ; 
b. in 1859 at Matsuyama ; 
3rd 5-. of Aritsune Ohara, a 
samurai of Matsuyama clan'; 
m. Hisa, y. s. of Shogoro 
Kashimura of Tokyo. Educ. : 
studied in the Goverriment 
Foreign Language School and 
the Law School of Dep't. of 
Justice ; graduated Politics at 
the Paris University. Was 
appointed Diplomatic Attache 
in 1886; Secretary of Lega- 
tion ; Councillor of the For- 
eign Office ; Private Secretary 
to the Foreign Minister ; Mi- 
nister Resident; Minister 
Plenipotentiary ; resigned the 
Dost in 1907 ; was elected' 

363; ] 


Mem. of the House of Re- 
presentatives for Matsuyama. 
Address: Nishinomiya, Setts u. 

Kato, TJliei (Jn m"^ ^ W), 
Mem. of H. R., high-tax- 
payer, Pres. of the Kuroishi 
Bank, Ltd., Dir. of the Ao- 
mori-ken Agricultural and Te- 
chnical Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 1861 
in Aomori-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Seinosuke Kato ; m. Ritsu, 
J/, s. of Bungo Imarzumi of 
the same prefecture. Twice 
sat in the House of Repre- 
sentatives ; Special Mem. of 
the Red Cross Society of 
Japan, Honorary Mem. of the 
Aomori-ken Agricultural As- 
sociation. Address : Kuroi- 
shicho, Minami-tsugaru-gun, 

Kato, Yasuaki Cin IS # fO, 
Viscount; <5. on the I2tli of 
the 8th month of the 3rd year 
of Koka (1864); in the pro- 
vince of lyo ; 4th .f. of Ya- 
sumiki Kato, Dsu Clan ; m. 
Fukuko,.j/. ^■..''of Marquis To- 
kudaiji. Address: Oka;chi- 
machi, Shitaya, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1925 Shitaya. 

Kato, Yasugoro (in Ji 3c £. 
W), Ironmonger, Dir. of the 
Tetsugyo Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 
1 848 in the capital ; e. s. of 
Denkichi Kato of Tokyo. Suc- 
ceeded to his father's business. 
His store is known as the 
" Kydya ". Address : Zaimo- 
kucho, Kanda, Tokyo. 7e/. : 

776, 2700, /. d. Honkyoku.' 
Kato, Yonokichi (Jii ^^ ;^ 
a),'* Expert to Niigata-prefe- 
cture and the, Southern Man- 
churian Railway Co., Ltd, ; b. 
in 1867 in the province of Mu- 
sashi ;_ s. of Rinnosuke Kato; 
m. Ko, .2nd d. of Junzo Lio- 
ue of the yame province. Edztc. : 
graduated Engineering at the 
Imperial University of Tokyo 
in 1894. Address : Nogicho, 

Kato, Yogoro (.MmmS. I15)r 
Rigakzi-hakiishi, Prof, of the 
Higher Technical School. 
Educr^ graduated from the 
College of Science of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. Address: 
Nippon, Nippori-mura, Kita- 
toshima-gun, Tokyo-fu. - 

Kato, Hachitaro (MMA-kW), 
Paymaster-Inspector, Chief of 
the Financial Dep't of the 
Yokosuka Admiralty; b. in 
1864, Was appointed Pay- 
master-Cadet in 1886; Staff- 
Paymaster in 1 897 ; Fleet- 
Paymaster in 1898; Paymast- 
er-Inspector in 1905. Ad- 
dress : Yokosuka. 

Kato, Yuchiyo /in ,* *i ^ 

Colonel, Chief of the Vete- 
rinary Medical Dep't of the. 
Garrison in Chosen ; b. in 
Gumma-prefecture. Vet. Sur- 
geon-Sub-Lieut, in 1894; 
Vet. Surgeon-Capt. • in 1 897 ;. 
Vet. Surgeon-Maj. in 1904;. 



Vet. Surgeon - Lieut.- Col. in 
1907 ; 4th Order of the R. S. 
and 4th Class of the G..-K. 
Address : Seoul. 

' Kato, Yujiro (jin M fM ?>i:B15), 
a Commander of the Navy, 
ProK of the Torpedo School ; 
b. in 1874. Cadet in 1888; 
Commander in 1909. Decora- 
tions .•4th Order of the R. S. 
and 4th Class of the G. K: 
Address : Naval Office. 

Jtatogi, Shigenori (M M^'A 
®)) Proprietor of the " Denyu- 
sha"y Mem. of the Tokyo 
. Chamber of Commerce ; b. in 
1857 at Taifa, Iwaki; 2nd s. of 
Naochika Katogi, a saimirai 
of Miharu ; in. Kame, e. d. of 
Tomizo Ishizaka of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Kogakuryo in 1877. Entered 
the Dep't of Communications; 
resigned the post in 1888 ; 
went to U. S. A. and studied 
Electricity ; became expert to 
the Mitsuyoshi Electric firm 
in 1896 ; founded the Dehyur 
ska in- 189,0 and became, its 
editor ; elected Pres. of the 
Tokyo Electrical Guild. ./?^- 
creations: Jujits'u, fencing, pho- 
togmphy and billiyards.- Ad- 
dress-: i\'tinami-'J.<.inroku-cho, 
Kyobashi- ku,' Tokyo. Tel. : 
24 ;• 2849 /. d. Shimbashi. 

' Katsuda, Magoya (© © ^ 

1!). President of the Seika 
Gjrls' School, Compile!- of the 
hrstorj- of tlVe Meiji Restora- ■ 

tion given charge by the 
Dep't of Education;'^, the 8th 
in. of the \i,ty. of Keio(ig65) 
in Kagoshirna-ken. Edtic.-.gra.- 
duated from the Kagoshima 
Normal school and then from 
the Meiji Horitsu-gakko (Now 
Meiji Daigaku, a privated 
law college). ^ Once was 
a writer of the Tokyo Asaki 
SJdmhun, a daily paper; 
given charge and engaged 
by the College of Literature 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univer- 
sity as compiler of Japanese 
history; then present p9sts. 
Publications: " On Imperial 
Parliament;" " Biography of 
Saigo Takamori;" Biography 
of Okubo Toshimitsu." Recre^ 
ations: chirography; garden-' 
ing. Address: No. 91, Ka- 
shiwagi, Yodobashi, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo-fu. ' / 

Katsujima, Sennosuke CU ft 
% ^ :^), .^rd Orde of the Ri- 
sing Sun, JuigahuhaliusTii, ve- 
terinary surgical and internal 
treatment), Prof, of the Agri^ 
cultural College in the To- 
kyo Imperial University ; b. 
in 1858 in Hiroshima - prefe- 
cture ; 2nd s. of S5bei Katsu- 
jima; 7/2. Chitose, e.d.oiYiyn- 
ichiro Ono of Okayama-pre- 
fecture. Educ. : grad. frorn the 
Government Agricultural and 
Forestry School, 1883 ; fur- 
ther stud igd in Europe. Was 
appointed Prof of the Tokyo 

[ 365 ] 


Agricultural and Forestry 
School, 1887 ; present post, 
1 89 1.. Address: Harajuku, 
Sendagaya, " Toyotama-gun, 

Tokyo. iTe?..- 3881 SHba. 

Katsiimata, Aijiro ( Jf X '^ ^ 
IP), Expert of Yamagata-pre- 
fecture. Address : Hatago - 
machi, Yamagata-city. 

Katsumoto, Kanzaiburo CSt * 
ill H Sl$), Hogahihakushi (cri- 
minal code), Prof, of the Kyo- 
to Imperial University ; ;5. in 
1866 at Osaka; s. of Chiiji- 
ro Shiono ; m. Tatsuko, e. d. 
of Shayo Tamba of Aichi-pre- 
fecture. Educ. : grad. Law in 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1893. Was appointed Pro- 
curator ; sent to Germany to 
study criminal law, 1899; on 
returning was appointed pre- 
sent post. Address : Shimo- 
shigi-mura, Atagogunj Kyo- 

Kats'ifa, Hidema (M ^ .©), 

Manager of the Imperial Phy- 
sicians' Bureau, court phy- 
sician; 3. in 1 86 1 in Niigata- 
prefecture ; 6th s. of Shingo 
Katsura, a saimCrai ; in. Iwao, 
y. s. of Etsuji _Sannomiya of 
Shiga -prefecture. Address: 
Otsukakubomachi, Koishika- 
waku, Tokyo. Tel. : 1669 

Katsura, Benzo <M P .H>, 

Prof (Metallurgy) of the To- 

• kyo Imperial University ; b. m 

1874 at Chofu in Yamaguchi 

Prefecture. Ediic. : graduated 
Metallurgy at the Tokyo Im- 
perial ^University in 1898 ; 
studied in Europe and Ame- 
rica, i 907 — 1 9 1 o. Address :■ 
No. 58, Sendagieho, Hongo- 
ku', Tokyo. 
. Katsura, Sentarp C^Jf icIP), 
Lord Steward to H. I. H. 
Higashi- Fushimi - no - Miya, 
Chief Guardian of H. I. H.' 
Yasu- no - Miya ; , 6. 1854 in . 
Choshu ; e. s. of .Risiike Sai- 
haku, a samurai ;. in. Hisa, 
.adop. d. of Toyozo Fukui of 
Tokyo. Manager of the Bureau 
of Decorations Assist. -Supfer- 
intendent of the Crown Prin- 
ce's Affairs Office ; and then 
present post. Address : IcK- 
beicho, Azabu, Tokyo. ' , 

Katsura, Taro (ft X SRX 
Prince, ex-Pre. ,Geii., Grand 
Order of the Chrysanthemum, 

Kat [ 366 ] 

3rd Class of the Golden Kite ; 
G.C.M.G.; b. on the 28th of 
the nth month in the 4th 
year of Kokwa (1847); e.s. of 
Yoichiemon Katsura, a Cho- 
shu samurai ; in. Kana, e. d. of 
Hamajiro Murakami of Na- 
goya. Educ. : studied in a 
Military School in Prussia at 
his own expense, 1869 — -iS- 
.^3, Appointed Captain, 1874; 
Military Attache to the Le- 
gation at iBerlin, 1 875— 1 878, 
recalled and attached to the 
General Staff with additional, 
post of Secretary to the Cabi- 
net; Colonel, 1882; went a- 
broad in the suite of Prince 
Oyama, 1884—1885 ; Chief of 
Mil. Affairs Bureau, 1884; 
Major-Gen., 1885 ; Vice-Mi- 
nister for War, 1886 — 1891 ; 
Lieut.-Gen. 1890; Coniman- 
der of the Nagoya Division ; 
Governor- Gen. of Formosa, 
1896.;, Commandant of the 
Tokyo Bay Defence, 1 896 — 
1898; War Minister, 1898— 
1900; then Premier, 1901 — 
1905. Premier again and Mi- 
nister of ITinanc&as additional 
post from, 1908' to Aug,,i9ii; 
Grand Chamberain to His 
Majesty, August 1912-Decem- 
b'er 1912; Premier in the third 
time after the 2nd Saionji Ca- 
binet collapsed in December 
1 9 1 2 ; resign ed, February ' i .^ . 
During the Japan-China war 
the Prince commanded th.- 

Third Division and was made 
Viscount ; invested with '.the 
3rd Class of Golden Kite." In 
recognition of service for bring- 
ing about the Anglo-japanese 
Alliance, the General was 
made Count. In the late war 
he was head of the admini- 
stration; made Mai-quis after 
the war and Prince after the 
annexation of Korea, iqti. 
He formed a new political 
party, Eikkendoshikai, Feb- 
ruary 19 1 2. Address ; Mita. 
Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 34, 
35 SMba. 

Katsura, YolcM (Qi'l^ — ). 
director of the Filjita-gumi 
& Co,; 6. the 5th m, of the 
15th y. of Meiji (1882) in 
Tokyo ; s. of Prince Tare 
Katsura ; m. -Tei, 2nd d. of 
Baron Tadazumi Nitta, May 
1906. Educ.: graduated the 
cours3 of mining and metall- 
urgy of the engineering col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. U- 
niv., 1905. Was appointed ex- 
pert of the Dep't of Agri. 
and Com. after his gradua- 
tion ; entered the present firm, 
March 1907. Address : No 3 
of 83 Tennojitsukahara, Hi- 
gnshi-nari-gun, Osaka-fu. Tel.: 
1274 Miaami. 

Katsurada, Fujiro (SHI 

and patfioipgyJ/PVof.'of 'the 
Okayama Medical College; 6. 
in 1867 in Ishikawa-prefect- 

[ 367 ] 

Kat— Eaw 

ure ; e: s. of Toyoyat Shoda ; 
m. Tatsu,^. d. of Yuri Shigfe- 
riori. £duc. :' passed the Gov- 
ernment medical examination, 
1887; studied as an elective 
student at the Tokyo Imperial 
University ; further investigat- 
ed anatomy and pathology in 
Germany, 1899 — 1902. Was" 
appointed Prof of the ^rd 
High School, 1893 ; and then 
piresent post, 1902. Address': 
Kami-nishikawacho, Okaya- 
ma. ■ 

Katsnta, Yomozo (lit H .ffl :t 
M), Lieutenant General on the 
reserve. Address : No. .2089, 
Fukiaimachi, Kobe. 

Katsuura, Tokujiro QB iS S 
— I!5), Judge of the Nagasaki 
Court of Appeal. Address : 
the^ Nagasaki Court of Ap- 
peal, Nagasaki-shi. 

Kawabara, Kesataro ()i\ J> 
^^:k S15)^Captain, attacie to 
the Imp. Embassy in Eussia 
3. in 1870, Cadet in 1905. 
Decorations : 3rd. Order of the 
R. S.. and 4th Class of the 
G. K. Address: St. Petersburg. 

Kawabata, Gyokusstsu C;il 
& 5 •)/ proper name: 
Torasaburo Kawabata, artist, 
Japanese painter; b. August 
of the 13th ij. of Meiji (1880) 
in Tokyo, 1st s, of the late 
■ Gyokusho Kawabata. Is secre- 
tary of the Terishinkwai. Ad- 
dress: No. 19 Shimotomizaka- 
cho, Koishikavva-ku, IJokyo. 

■Tel: 799 Bancho. . ; .•: 
Kawabata, Gyokusho OH m 

S ^), paiiitsr, ex-Prof, of the 
Tokyo Fine Art School; h. in 
1 84 1 at Kyoto ; e. s. of Sahei 
Kawabata ; m. Toshi, e''. d^ 
of Ryogen Sasaki, of Tokyo. 
Edtic. .• studied painting under 
Raish5 Nakajima. Had the 
honour of painting on the 
cryptomerifl, doors of the Im- 
perial Palace, 1888 ;. appoint- 
ed Prof of the Tokyo Fine 
Art School, 1890. He is re- 
puted to be one of the lead-- 
ing if not the best -painter 
of the Japanese School. Norn 
de Phime : Keitci (respecting 
compact house) and Tensltin- 
do (natural beautiful ^stodjo); - 
established Ka-wabata Pain- 
ting school; 1909; appointed' 
member of Art in the Imp. 
House since 1896; decorated 
with 4th Order of Merit and 
was promoted to the rank of 
Jushii. Address: Shimo-Tomi— 
saka, Koishiktiwa-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel^: 799 Bancho. 

Kawabata, Mosho C;il M 
« ^),^ artist, Japanese 

painter, teacher of the Ka- 
wabata Painting School ; b. 
March of the 16th y. of Meiji 
(1883) in Tokyo, 2ad s. of 
the late Gyokusho Kawaba- 
ta. Is secretary of the Teu- 
shinkwai. Deoordiion : 8th or-. 
der of merit. / Address : No. 


[ 368 ] 

$4 Minami-denchu SugamOr- 
cho, Kita-tosliima-gun, Tokyo- 
fu._ ,_ 

; E^wabe, Hironaga CM ^ 1f 
#), Baron (cr. 1884); Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers ; 
4. March, 1865, in Kyoto j 
brother of Count Michifusa 
Madenokoji, and adopted by 
Nagakadzu Kawabe ; pi. Ki- 
shie, 1st. d. of Hoyo Tomi- 
moto, a samurai of Tokyb. 
Eiiuc. : Peers' School ; Tokyo 
Chinese Classical School ; Qn.- 
chigakusha. Served in the 
Imperial Household Depart- 
mejit ; Lord-in- Waiting in the 
Meikyu Hall, 1886. Granted 
4th Order of Merit. Addressj- 
No, 417 Higashi - okubo, O- 
kubo - mura, Toyotama - gun, 
Tolcyo-fu.. Club ': Seiko Club. 
Tel.: 3 13 1 Bancho. 

Kawal^e, Seiran CM % vt 
^). lady painter (Japanese) ■ 
&, Jan. of the 1st y. Meiji 
(1868) in Osaka. JEduo. : stu- 
died painting under Seiko 
Hashimoto. Obtained^ many 
p:5iz:es in various exhibitions. 
Address : No. 28 Minaiiii- 
horie-Shita-rdori, Nishi-ku, 

Eawalbe!,, Masao Cfof ^ IE ^^i 

Toseki by nom de phmtei art- 
iat, (design, building and room 
decoration); b. June 1874 in 
Qkayama; ssdi Yoshimitsu 
Kawabe. Rdtic.,: ^adnated 
the building design course 

of the Tokyo Art school in 
1899. Professor at the Tokyo 
Highier Technical school, 
1899-19OO; employed by his 
nhna_ -mater, 19CO-J904; 
examiner of the -Nihon Art 
Asso., t(yiy, engaged in the 
office of the St. Louis Ex-' 
bibition under the Agr. and 
Com. Dep't, 1904; proceeded 
to America by the "order of 
the 'Dep't, March 1904; 
started ° his ow;!! business in 
New York, April 1905; 
made ah observation tour, 
through Europe, ,,4909;.; re- 
turned home-, 1912; designed 
the building decoration and- 
water spout of the 5th Home 
Industrial Exhibition in 190 1;" 
gained prize for his- design of 
Japanese building in the Paris 
Grand Exhibition in 1901. 
Address: 5 Uchisaiwai-cho, 
Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 

Ka-wabueW, Tatsuoki CJH M 11 
m, 3rd Order of Merit, Chief 
Procurator of tht -Hiroshima 
Appeal Court; b. in i860 in 
Toshii ; 2nd s. of Gyozo Ka- 
wabuchi; iti. Taki, e. d". of Jun- 
ten Hino of the Kochi-prefect- 
ure. Passed the Governmient 
Examination-, 1887. Appoint- 
ed Procurator ; Proc.. ^of the . 
Osaka District Court ; then of 
the Nagasaki Appeal Court ; 
Chief Procurator of Saga Dis- 
trict Court ; then of the To- 
kyo District Court ; then pre- 

[ 369] 


sent post. Address : Yanagi- 
machi, Hiroshima. 
. KawacM, IToTjuliiko CM W fs 

,#), Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 49th Re- 
giment of Infantry; b. 1868 
in Yamaguchi-ken. Sub- 
Lieut., July 1888; Lieut., 
Nov. 1892; Captain, Oct. 
1897; Major, March 1903; 
-Lieut., Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, March 1912. De- 
corations: 6th Order of S. 
T., 4th Order of R. S., 3rd 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Kofu, Yamanashi-ken. 
Kawaehi, Eeizo (rSfftil^). 
MajorTGeneral, Commande' 
of the 15th Brigade of In- 
' fantry; b. the 9th m. of the 
1st y. of- Gwunji (1864), 
Kagoshima-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
June ■ 1885; Lieut., Nov. 
1889; Captain, Oct. 1894; 
Major, Feb. 1900; Lieut. 
Colonel, Aug. 1 904; Colonel, 
Nov. 1807; Major-General, 
Sept. 191 1. Decoratio7is: ii^\ 
Order S, T., 3rd Order of 
R. S.. 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Shin-hotta- 
machi, Kitakanbara - gim, 

Kawada, Katsuji CMffl©?l&). 
Naval Captain, chief of the 
Torpedo Dep't of the Kure 
Naval Yard; b-iZjo. Ednc: 
the Naval Academy. Com- 
mander, May 1902; second - 
Captain, Sept. 1906; Cap- 

tain, April 1912. Was. i 
member of the Naval" -Ma- 
terial Office in the Dep't of 
the Navy. Decorations: Af^ 
Order of R. S., 4th Order 
of S. T, 4 class of G. K. 
Address: the Kure Naval 
Kawada, Ryokiclu C;ii H Ji 

ri), Baron,. Managing Dir. of 
the Hakodate Dock Yard Co., 
Ltd.; b. in 1856 in Toshii; 
e. s. of the late Baron Ko- 
ichiro Kawada wh(j was gov^ 
ernor of the Bank of Japan. 
ni. Harui, e. d. of Naritami: 
Kusanose, a samiird; of To- 
shii Clan. Address: Shin- 
Ogawacho, Ushigomeku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 85 Bancho. .' 

Kawada, Yo (ji| H !f ), Chair- 
man of Directors of tiie Keio 
Electric Railway Co , Ltd., 
Director of the Kokura Eail- 
way Co. , Ijtd. , Director 
of the Nippon Kyodo Tea 
Mfg. Co., Ltd', Auditor of 
the Celluloid Artificial .Silk 
Twisting Co., Ltd. ; b. ia 18- 
yo; e s. of the kte Dr. Ka- 
wada ; m. Tsunc, e. ^/. of Count 
Kuroki. Address : Wakam'- 
yacho.Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1300 Bancho. 

Kawada, Yosozaemon (M C5 

^ m ■&% Pi;,.ex-Me.mherof the 
House of Peers (representing 
the highest taxpayers of Aki-. 
ta prefecture). Director of the 
Akita Bank ; b. Feb. of the 


L 370 

Stliji/. of Meiji (1875), Akita 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Yosobet 
Kawada; m. 'Kisa., 3rd d: oi 
Shinzaburo Sato,- of Niigata 
prefecture. Address : Takasa- 
machi, Kita-akita-gun, Akita- 
Kawaguehi, Hidetake C)i.^ P 

Chiet of the ist Section of the 
Staff- Paymaster in 1899 
Fleet' Paymaster in 1963 
Paymaster-Inspector in 1909 
Address Kiwe. 
Kawaguclii, Hikoji (ji| p ;g 

?fe)) Commissioner of Oita- 
ken. Address: No. 363 
Tehjin-cho, Oita-Shi, Oita 

Kawaguehi, ElihicMro (ji| P 
-^ -b MID. Pres. of the Sanyo 
Soy Co.> Ltd., Dir. of the 
Shin-ei Co., Ltd., the Kobe 
Trust Co., Ltd., the 38th. 
Bank, Ltd., and the Kobe 
Fukiai Harbour Rewoirking 
Co., Ltd.; b.m iS/oinHyo- 
go- prefecture ; e. s. of the 
late Kaihichiro Kawaguehi; m. 
Toyo, e. d. of Jiiro Kako of 
the same prefecture. Succe- 
eded his father, 1881 ; Mem. 
of the County Assembly ; and 
of the Prefectui-al Assembly; 
Alderman ; Mem. of H. R. ; 
has travelled widely ; was 
on the Committee of the Paris" 
Exposition. Address: Sone- 
mufa, Shikama-gun, Hyogo- 


'Kawaguehi, Takesada , (|i1 . M 
^ S)) Baron, Naval Paymas- 
, tey5e^exaJ-(imhaIf pay), Mem. 
"of H. P.; ■^^. hri846 in Wa- 
kayama - prefecture ; e. s. of 
Buemon Kawaguehi,, a samu- 
rai ; m. Nao, aunt of Visco- 
unt Kageyushoji. Entered the 
Army as a paymaster, 1874; 
Dir. of the Military Paymas- 
ters' School ; Prof of the Mi- 
litary Academy ; Naval Pay- 
master General ; Vice-Minis- 
ter of the Imperial Hause- 
hold Dep't ; created Baron 
for services in the China - 
Japan war. Address : Sono- 
be, Kaiso-gwi, Wakayama- 
ken. - -■ 

Kawaguehi, Torao CJij XX' '^' 
Si), Prof of the Kumamoto 
Higher Technical School; b. in 
1871 in Fukuoka-prefecture ; 
e. s. of Tsukasa Kawaguehi ; 
nt. Hama, e. d. of Sen Ito of 
Hyogo - prefecture. ; Edvc. : 
grad. Civil. Eng. in the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 1 895 ; 
sent to U._ S. A._ and France 
for studyj ,i9Q5--:^i9o6. Civil 
Engineer oif the Kumamoto- 
prefecture, 1896; Prof of the 
5 th High School, 1900. Ad- 
dress : Kawakamimura, Ho- 
taku-gun, Kumamoto-ken. 

Kawaguehi, TJtaro (Ji| P ^ 
:k IP), chief engineer of the 
Tokyo Spinning Company. 

[ 371 ] 


Address- No, 113, HaramaGfei, 
Koisliik iwa-lai, Tokj^o. ^ 

' Kawai, . Chubei CM -^ ,■?< $i 
ft)i Ii'6n-monger ; i^. in 1873 
at Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Siikee- 
mon Wakizaka; m. Tetsu, e. d. 
of Chubei Kawai. Succeeded 
his adopt, f. in 1893. Ad- 
dress: Namikimachi, Asakusa- 
ku, Tokyo, Tel. : 10 16 Shita- 

Ka-wai, Gyokxido (Jl| •g- ^ |f), 
Yoshisaburo by proper name, 
artist, Japanese painting; /;. 
November 1873 in Aichi- 
ken; s. of Kanshichi Kawai; 
m. Tomiko, e. </. cf Yahei- 
mon Ohara. Edi/c. : priva.tely; 
studied painting under Gyc- 
kusen Mochizuki in Kyoto, 
under the late Bairei Kono 
afterward; besides studied 
by himself the schools of 
Okyo, Kano and Chinese; 
became one of the pupils of 
the late Gaho Hashimoto in 
189S. Obtained prize for his 
monkeys picture in the 3rd 
Flome Exhibition, 1890; very 
often received honourable 
medals in various exhibi- 
tions; appointed art examine! 
of the Dep't of Education 
since 1907. Address: 29 
Wakamiya-cho, Ushigome- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel,: 3440 

Bancho. , . ^ , ^ ,. „ 

Jlarfai, Hambei (M -^, ^ ^• 

»)," Metal Importer (Iron and 

Copper); ^. in 1853 at To- 

kyo; e. s. of Han-emon Kawai; 
m. Katsu, e. d.of Kihei 0.*-?,ii- 
be. Succeeded ' his fathe in 
1877; his store is knowi. as 
the "Isakaya." Address: Ifon- 
gincho, Nihombashiku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 3930, 3931 Honl<yoku. 

Kawai, Ichiro (jii -g- — IR), 
representative partner of Kin- 
ka & Co., director of the Kyo- 
to Horse Improvement Co., 
Ltd., timber-merchant; b. in 
1 85 5 in Kyoto-fu; e. s. of Chii- 
bei Kawai, a samurai of Kyo- 
to ; in. Yoshi, e. d. of Bunki- 
chi Takahashi of Tokyo. Ad- 
dress : Ivobikicho, ivyoba- 
shi-ku, Tokyo. 

Kawai, Itaro C)i| fs-'^X f!), 
president of the Nemuro Dis- 
trict Court. Address: the Ne- 
muro District Court, Hokkai-' 

Kawai, Jutaro (M -u- -]?' i: 
310, Rigakicliakushi (Ma3iem- 
atics). Prof of the l^yoto Imp. 
Univ.; b. in 1865 in Ishika- 
wa-pref ; e. s. of Doichi Ka- 
wai, a samurai; m. Misao, e. d. 
of Kokushi Yamamoto of the 
same-pref Educ. : grad. Sci- 
ence at the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1 8S9; studied a'lathematics in 
Germany,'-' 1 900 -?- 1 90 J . In- 
structor of the 3rd High 
School, 1889 ; Assist.-Prof. of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ., 1899 J 
Prof of the Univ., 1903. Ad- 
dress : Miyiiki-eho, Kami- 
kyoku, Kvoto. 


[ 372 .1 

Kawai, KozaTjixro CM # # S 
Sl>)> poet of new style, editor 
of the Joshi Bimdan, a 
literary magazine for women 
readers, and is better known 
as " Suimei" his noin de 
phime; b. May, 1874, in 
Sakai, Osaka^/, ^.- of Ma- 
tahei Kawai; m-. 1893. 
Edtic: studied in .the Wa- 
seda University. He had a 
special liking for poetry 
when he was young, and 
came to Tokyo in 1904. 
Pvblications: '' Toyei'' and 
" Kiri" both of which are 
collections of his poems. 
Address: No. 196, Haraju- 
ku, Aoyama, Tokyo. 
Kawn.'. Misao fW ^ %), 
lfeU2£;fl,8B->jiP^ief of the Perso- 
nnel Bureau at the War OflSce; 
b. in 1 864 in Dita -prefecture ; 
2nd i-. of Morimasu Kawai, a 
saifmrai; m. Yae, e. s. of Yoshi- 
y-asu Wada of Tokyo. Educ. : 
grad. from the Military Aca- 
demy 1885, and the Mil. Col- 
lege. Sub.-Lieut., 1886; Lieut., 
1889; Gapt., 1894; Major, 
1900; Lieut.-Colonel, 1904; 
Colonel, Nov. 1907. He was 
Prof of the Mil. Academy 
and sent twice to Germany 
for study^ Was oti the staff 
of the Gov.-Gen. of Formosa 
in the Sino-Japanese war and 
took part in the late war as 
a. Member of the Staff of the 

Manchurian army. Decorated 
with 3rd Class of R.JS. and. 

G-. K. ; present rank, Nov. 

1912! J.c?c?ress ;Naito"chg, Yo^ 

tsuya-ku, Tokyo. 

Kawai, Sahei CM -&• -fe ft S)> 
Director of the Iron Works 
Bank, Ltd., and the Tokyc. 
Copper L'on Co., Ltd., iron- 
monger ; b. \n 1 87 1 at To- 
kyo ; 2nd s. of Kinbei Keda , 
was adopted by Sao Kawai , 
m. Kiku, 2nd d. of his fostet 
father. His store is known 
as the " Izakaya. " Address ^ 
Hongokucho, Nihombashiku,. 

Tokyo. Tel.: 1 3 1 7 , 1376/. 

d. Honkyoku. 

Kawai, Shitaro Qf -^^jc 1!$), 

Ringakukakushi, Prof, of the. 

Imperial University of Tok^^o ; 

b. in 1865 in Aichi-prefecture 

c. s. of Kenzo Kawai, t- sa- 
murai; m. Yasu, e. d. of Katsu- 
goro Ogawa, of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the Agricul- 
tural College in the Imperial 
University of Tokyo in 1892; 
studied Forest Utilization in 
Germany and Austria, 1 899— 
1903. Assistant-Prof ofthe 
Agricultural College in 1896; 
full Prof, on returning from 
abroad ; was sent to America 
on business purposes in 19 10. 
Address: ' Harajuku, 'Senda- 
gaya, Tokyo. 

Kawai, Tamemi C.iii ^ .^B), 
Pres, of the Osaka Agricul- 
tural and IndustrialBank, Ltd., 


[ 373 ] 


and the 5 istBank, Ltd., Dir. of 
the Osaka Kizugawa Cement 
Co , Ltd., and the Kishiwada 
Cotton Yam, Ltd.; b. in i8- 
50 in Osaka ; 2nd s. of Ro- 
:^zan Okabe, a samurai; m. Yuki, 
.4th d. of Gembei Wada of 
Osaka. Succeeded hi.s adop. 
father in 1863. Address : Ki- 
shiwadacho, Osaka-fu. 

Kawai. Tatsutaro -M -pt- M 
k W), Pi-es. of the Totsnhan 
■Printing Co., Ltd.; b. in 1862 
in Isliikawa-prefectiire ; e. s. 
of Mnucnobu Miya, a samurai; 
ni. K'vo, e. d. of Denzo Miwa 
of the same pref Succeeded 
his adopted father in 1883. 
Address : Kaminegishi, Shi- 
tayaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 2270 

Zawaji, Tosbiyasa (;i| SS- M 
tS), Gov. of Kumamoto-pre- 
fecture, 3rd Order of R. S.; 
■b. in 1856 in Satsunia ; 5tli s. 
■of Kizaemon Godai, a sa- 
murai ; in. Mio, e. d. of tlie 
well known Toshiyoshi Ka- 
waji. Appointed Police - \\\- 
■spector, 1879 ; Police-Superin- 
tendent, 1883; Chief of Police 
of Shiga-ken ; .Secretary of 
Okinawa-ken, 1895 ; Gov. of 
Gifu-ken, 1900 ; then of Nara- 
ken, I906;^present post, 1908. 
Address : Kumanioto. 

Eawakami, Ghikaharu Cii h 
■|a nt), Insp. Gen. of the Mft- 
-tvopolitan Police Board; b. in 
i8s6in Satsuma; e. s. ofSho- 

bei Kawakami, a samurai; m. 
Nil^, e. s. of Fu^akichi Naka- 
iiim-a of 'Osaka. Began his. 
career as Assist.-Pollce-^Lnspe- 
ctor of the Police Board, |>88i ; 
Chief of Police of Tocliigi-pre- 
fecture; Secretary of Kumamo- 
to-i)refeoture; Governor of To- 
yania, Wakayania pres. 190- 
5-9; ¥ayor of Kyoto, 191 2; 
present post since Dec. 19 12. 
Address : Yilrakn-cho, Koji- 
machi-ku, Tokyo. 

Kawakami, Chikayiiki Cji| _h 
il ^--i Commander, Adjutant 
to the Kure Naval ilrsenal ; 
b. in 1869. Cadet in 1882; 
Commander in 1907. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the R.- S. 
and 4tli" Class of the G. K. 
Address : Kure. 

Kav/akami, Kojiro Cjil _h ^ 
Elt), KogaJcuhaJcusM, Dir. of Kee 
-'ung Civil 

ing Office 
san Gov.; 
b. 1873 • 
in the pro- 
vince of 
Educ. : 
from Civil 
Eng. in the Tolcyo Imp. Univ., 
1S98. Civil Eng. of Formosan 
Government,"' 1 899 ;■; sent ab- 
road for investigatioii of har- . 
hour works, 'ooo • on return- 


L 37.4 ] 

ing from Europe, 1902, ap- 
pointed present post. Rea'ea- 
tion : Haiku (Seventeen-sylla- 
bled verse) and . Waka (Japa- 
nese poetry). Address : Keel- 
ung, Formosa. 

Kawakami, Uaonosuke Cjil ± 
it Z U), Director of the Ni- 
hon Kangyo Ginko (Hypothec 
Bank of Japan) ; b. in 1865 
in Satsuma ; e. s. of Sukeshi- 
ehi Kawakami, a samurai; 
in. Hiroko, 2nd d. of Ma- 
sayoshi Matsukata, Marquis. 
Ecluc. : graduated from the 
Law Faculty in the Imperial 
University of Tokyo in 1889. 
Entered the Yokohama Specie 
Bank and the present post. 
Address ;• Higashimachi, Aza- 
bu, Tokyo. Tel. : 730 Shiba. 

Zawakami, Sashichiro OH ± 
* -h m, -Auditor of the Bank 
of Japan ; <5. in 1851 in Sa- 
tsuma ; e. s. of Sukehachiro 
' Kawakami, a samurai: wi. Ei, 
■ 2nd d. of Shirobei Kawakami, 
a samurai of Satsuma. Ad- 
dress : Mikage, Hyogo-ken. 

Kawakami, Joshitsune C^il ± 
■^ ^), Consul-Generalat -Har- 
bin ; b. in I §6 1 at Tokyo. 
Educ. .' graduated from the 
Tokyo School of Foreign Lan- 
guages in 1 884. Entered the 
Foreign Office as Chaacellor; 
was for a long time at Vla- 
diyostock as Commercial A- 
_^ent,';;' then present "post in 
1907. Took part in the late 

war as Interpreter and was 
decorated with 3rd Order of 
Rising Sun for services. .Ad- 
dress : Harbin. ~ 

Kawakami, Tsunero Cjil 1. % 
MR), Governor of South Chulla- 
do iiTCBo-sen. Address : Fusan . 

Kawakita,' Sihachiro (M^ib ^ 
A IR), Colonel of Art., Com- 
mander' of fhfe fSth Regiment 
of Field y\rt. ; b. in 1 865 in 
Ishikawa-prefecture. Sub -Li- 
eutenant of Art. in 1887 ;. 
Lieutenant of Art. in 1890;- 
Captain of Art. in 1894 ; Ma- 
jor of Art. in 1899 ; Lieut.- 
Colonel of Art. in 1904 ; Colo- 
nel of Art. in 1908 ; 3rd Order 
of the R. S. and 4th Clas.s 
of the G. K. Address : ,K6- 

nodai. . _^.. . 

Kawakita, Kaho pil*«**), 
Artist, Japanese painter, lec- 
turer of the !&yoto Munici- 
pal Art School ; b. Sept. 1881 
in Kyoto-city. Educ. : stu- 
died painting under the late 
Bairei Kono,. Hobun Kikuchi. 
Obtained thrice the third pri- 
zes in the ist, 2nd and 3rd. 
Art Exhibition of the Dep't 
of ]Educ.; diploma in the 5 th ; 
besides obtained often prizes 
in various, exhibitions. Ad- 
dress : Ogawa, Shimotachi.- 
Kami-kyo-kix, Kyoto. 

Kawakita, KiyoshiCJil*^), 
Prof of the 2nd High School ■; 
b. in 187s in Mie-prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Yoshitaku Kawa- 

[ 375 ] 


kita, a samurai ; in. Shige, e. 
s. of Goro Yamadaka, a sa- 
murai oi Tokyo. Educ.: grad- 
uated Science at the Imperial 
University of Tokyo iniSp/. 
Was appointed present post 
after graduation, jlddress : 
Doshin-machi, Sendai. 

Kawakita, Notatsu (M ^ ^ 
t6 ^)) Kdgakuhakushi{z.'^'^X\e.d 
chemistry), Prof of the Eng. 
Col. in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; 
b. in 1853 in Kumamoto ; ni. 
Matsu, e. d. of Tsunehisa Na- 
riai of Tokyo. Educ. : grad. 
Chemisty at the Kogaku Ryo 
(defunct Gov. Eng. School). 
Assist. -Prof of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1895. Address: 
Shinmeicho, Komagome, Hon- 
goku, Tokyo. 

Kawakita, Shirobei C;i| S ffl 
m 8P- :K «),^ Pres. of the Tsu 
Chamber of Commerce, the 
105th Bank, Ltd., and the 
Tsu Electric Co., Ltd., Dir. 
vf the Kansai Reeling Qo., 
Ltd ; Aud. of the Mie Cotton 
Yarn, Ltd.; /;. in 1854 in Mie- 
irefecture : m. Koto, e. d. of 
Noriaki Hirota of the same 
prefecture. Address: Tsuki- 
jicho, Tsu, Mie-ken. 

Kawamata, lehibei C;i| % H 7ti 
^ ^). Chairman of the Board 
of Directors of the Awa Kyo- 
do Steamship Co., Ltd.; b. in 
1 842 in Tokushima-prefecture; 
e. s. of Yasusuke Kawamata. 
A.ddress : Kamojimacho, To- 


Kawamata, Ichitaro C;jl^ h 
TU :fcl[5), high-tax-payer; -.(5: In 
1 86 1 in Tokushima-prefectui-e; 
3rd s. of Kajuro Kondo ; m. 
Take, heiress to Ichibei Ka- 
wamata. Succeeded his fatj;ier 
in 1902. Address : Kamoji- 
macho, Tokushima-ken. 

Kawamata, Tolcusaburo Cji! ft 
ffl ^ H IR), Mem. of H. . R., 
Pres. of the Awa Indigo Co., 
Ltd.; b. in i860 in Tokushi- 
ma-prefecture; e. s. of the late 
Tokusaburo Kawamata ; tn. 
Kayo, y. s. of Shozaburo Na- 
ka, of Tokushima-prefecture. 
Elected Mem. of the Tokushi- 
ma Prefectural Assembly; then 
of H. R. ; Pres. of the Toku- 
shima Chamber of Cominerce 
and the Tokushima Railway 
Co . , Ltd . Address : Kamoj i- 
macho', Tokushima-ken. 

Kawanioto, Jujiro (.Mi^%^ 
W), Igakuhakushi (-g^Aal- 
mology); Prof of the^^^jho 
Imp. Univ. ; b. in 1859 in J^ie 
province of Tajiraa ; m. Ka- 
me, adop. d. of Masanori 
ivato of Tokyo. Edtic.: grad. 
Medicine- at the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1883; studied in Ger- 
many and Austria, 1885 — 18- 
Z(^. Appointed Prof of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ., 1889. Ad- 
dress : Fujimicho; Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Kav/amura, Akira (;i| i^t #3, 
Mem. of H. R. ; b. in Mie- 


I 376 1 

prefecture ; e. s. of Yaemon 
: Kawamura ; m. Iku, jv. £. of 
Kunitaka Dgawa of Hyogo- 
prefecture. Address : Shin- 
boricho, Azabu, Tokyo. 

Kawamura, Jozaburo (M W 
g H IP), 8x- Vice-Minister for 
Justice, HogakuhakusJii; b. on 
the 20th of the 2nd month 
in the 6th year of Ansei (18- 
59) in Kyoto ; 3rd s. of Ka- 
-kuzo Fuha, a samurai; m. 
• Jun, e. d. 01 Yosho Ueda, of 
Tokyo. Educ. : grad. Law 
at the Shihosho Ho - Gakko . 
(defunct Gov. Law School), 
1884;. studied in Europe, 1 884 
— 1 888.' Appointed Couiiciilor 
bf 'the Dep't of Justice, 1888 ; 
Judge of the Tokyo Appeal 
Court ; Dir. of the Maebashi 
L. C; Proc. of the Court of 
Cassation ,; promoted to the 
"present post, .1906. Address : 
Minamimachi, Ushigomeku, 
Tokyo. Tr/. .• 855 Bancho. 
. JEtawainura Kageaki CJi! ^ ^ 
W;, Viscount, (iengxal,,. High 
Military Councillor, Conunan- 
der of tlie Tokyo Garrison ; 
t on tfie 26th of the 2nd 
month in the 3rd year of Ka- 
ei (1850) at Nakamura in the 
•province of Satsunia ; 3rd .f . 
of Kichibei Nozaki, a samu- 
rai ; m. Sd. At the age of 
seventeen, took part in the 
Restoration, fighting on the 
side :of the Emperor against 
the Shinsentai (Tokugawa's 

picked troops) under Isamu 
Kondo, who killed many of 
loyal samurai. Took part as 
a corporal in the Eto distur- 
bance, 1 87 1, and also as an 
acting commander of a bat- 
taiion of the 3rd Army ^Bri- 
gade in the Saigo rebellion. 
Was promoted Major, 1 877 ; 
Lieut.-Colonel, 1882; Colonel, 
1886; Major- General, 1891 ; 
took a distinguished part as 
Commander of the Body 
G\ia.rd Infantry ist Brigade 
under the late Prince Gener- 
al Yoshihisa ' in the expedi- 
tionary force sent to Formosa 
at the close of the Sino-Japa- 
nese War; was created Baron 
and invested with 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite for services 
in the war ; Lieut. -General, 
1900; General, 190S; render- 
ed signal service to the State 

[ 377 ] 


by his strategy in the late 
war. Landed at Takushan as 
Commander of the loth Army 
Division ; was Commander of 
an Indepandenl Division, fight- 
ing at Hsih - yen and Fen- 
Sui-hng; took part also in the 
battle of "^himu - chang ; at 
Liao-yang fought under the 
late Marshal Ncdzu as Coai- 
mander of the loth Division 
threatening by his movements 
the left of the late General 
Zarubaieff's powerful artille- 
ry^; at the battle of Shaho 
as part of the Central Army 
greatly helped Nodzu's suc- 
cess and at San-kwai-Shih- 
shan annihilated Alexander 
III Honorary Regiment of 
Guards by a night . attack ; 
at the battle of Mukden fougl^ 
as Commander - in - Chief 
of the Yalu-Army, on the 
extreme right flank, and suc- 
ceeded in a diverting move- 
ment; his occupation of Tsing- 
hocheng and attack on the 
left wing of the Russian army 
near Fushun gave signal suc- 
cess to our whole Manchurian 
Army. Was promoted to be 
Viscount, invested with Grand 
Cordon of the Paulownia and 
ist Class of the Golden Kite 
as a war reward. Address: 
Aoyama-kitamachi, Akasaka- 
ku, Tokyo.. Tel.: 158 Shiba. 
Kawamura, Kiiigoro (M ^•1" 
^ H S15), Vice-Minister for 

Imp. Household : b. the 8th 
month in the 2nd year of.Meiji 
(1869) ; e. s. of Hirosada Ka- 
wamura of Tokyo ; m) 3rd d. of 
Viscount Sugi. Edtic. : grad. 
Law in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1895. Has been Chief Sec. 
of the Privy Council for a long 
time. Address: Aoyama-mi- 
namimachi, Akasalca-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 2563 Shiba. 

Kawamura, Kiyoo (ji] ^sj- ^ 

^)> Takudo by penniame, 
artist (Western painting); b. 
1852 in Edo; s. of Kiyobei 
Kawamura, commander of 
guard of Shogun; grand i. of 
Kawamura Tsushimanokami, 
who was feudal commissioner 
in Niigata, Sakai,. Nagasaki 
and Osaka. Edtcc: studied 
Japanese painting under Nai-' 
ki Sumiyoshi . and Chokuiiyu; 
oil painting at Kaisei-sho of 
Shogunate. Proceeded to 
America, France and Italy 
for .study by Prince Toku- 
gawa's order in 1871; be- 
came student of public eji- 
pence in 1875; returned 
home and was appointed 
expert of the Printing 
Bureau, 1881; examiner of 
Tokyo Industrial Exhibition 
afterward. Recreations: curios, 
antiquities, wine. Address: 
100, Sendagaya-cho, Toyo- 
tamagun, Tokyo-fu. 

Ka 'amura, Manshu Oil ^ 5; 
^) Artist, Japanese painter, 


L 378 3. 

lecturer of the Kyoto Munici- 
pal Ai-fc School ; b. 9 July 
1880 in Kyoto. Educ. : stu- 
died painting under Shinkyo 
Yamamoto. Thrice obtained 
the third prizes in the 2nd, 
3rd and 4th Art Exhibitions 
of the Educational " Office. 
Address: Kamaza-uori, Ta- 
keya-agaru, Kyoto. 

Kawamura, SMiicM (M¥[^ 
— ), Major-GejL.j. Commander 
of tlili'jWr'CaV . Brigade; b. in i- 
864. in Aichi-prefe'cture; 2nd s. 
64 in Aichi-prefecture ; 2nd s 
of Kyushiro Kawamura, a sa- 
murai, m. Fiiku, adop. e. s. of 
Mankichi Yoshioka of Tokyo. 
. Educ.: the Mil. Col, and Mil. 
Acad. Sub-Lieut., 1886; Lieut. 
1889; Capt., 1894; Major, 
1899; Lieut. -Colonel, 1903; 
Col., Mar. 1906. Was on the 
Staff of the Body Gaurd Div. 
in the Sino-Japanese war, and 
was Cora, of the nth. Cav. 
Regiment and Chief of Staff 
of the i3th-*Div. in the late 
war. Decorated with 3rd Class 
of R. S. and G. K. Address : 
Hirosaki, Aomori--ken. 

Kawamura, Takeji (;i| iff Y! 
fn)> Governor of Wakayama 
Prefecture. Address: OfScial 
Residence, 2 b.incho, Waka- 
yama-.shi. W : kayama-ken. 

Kawamura, Tetsutaro (jij -f-J 
« X W), Count, Mem. of H. 
P.; b. in 1869; e. s. of the 
late Count KaWamura, one 

of the founders of the Meiji 
Government ; ?«. Yasy, 3rd 
d. of General Baron Okubo. 
Address : Shinsaka-machi, A- 
kasakaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 30 
38 Shirabashi. 

Kawamura, Sogoro CS W 5k 
% H[0? Lieut .-Gr§n era]. Com- 
mander of the 9th Army 
Division; b in 1858 in the 
pi-ovince of_Satsuma ; jF. 6- ot 
i'.okuroda Otsu, a samurai; 
was adopted by Zen-emdn Ka- 
wamura ; m Kiliutoku,, d. of 
his adopted father. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Infantry in 1 879 ; 
Lieutenant in 1885; Captain 
in 1891 ; Major in 189S ; 
Lieut. -Colonel in 1899; Colo- 
nel in 1902 ; Major-General 
in 1906. In the late war took 
part as Commander of the 
37th Regiment of Infantiy; 
was decorated with 3rd order 
of the Rising Sun and 3rd 
class of the Golden Kite as 
a war reward. Address : Hi- 

Kawamui STosliiko (foj ^ 

I L T)> Actress; iJ. [890 -ift 
Tokyo. • Educ. : graduated 
from a female language school 
and from the Actresses' 
School of Teikokuza. Is well 
known by her pr'jfessional 
name "Kikue;" made her first 
appearance on stage in the 
spring 1 9 1 1 . Recreations : 
reading, play, painting. Ad- 
dress: No. I, 3 cljome, Yu- 

[ 379 ] 


raku-cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Kawamnra, Zen-eki (M W # 
^), Chief Proc. of the Tokyo 
Court of Appeal , b. on the 
2 1 St of the ist month of the 
5th year of Ansei (1858) in 
Ishikawa-pref ; 3rd s. of Yo- 
cho Kawamura, a samurai; 
in. Roku, e. d. of Nagao Ku- 
romizu of Miyazaki. Edtic. : 
grad. Law at the Shihoslvj 
Ho Gakko (defunct Gov. Law 
School), 1884. Appointed 
Proc, 1886; Judge, 1890 ; 
Dir. of the Fukut Local Court; 
Sectional Chief of the Osaka 
Court of Appeal; Judge of the 
Court of Cassation; Dir. cflhe 
Osaka Loca.' Court ; sent to 
Europe, 1899 — 1900 ; Dir. of 
the Hakodate Court of Appeal 
1906; Proc. of the Court ot 
Cassation; present post since 
1907. Address: Nishi-Okubo', 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2033 Bancho. 
Kawanisai, Hirobumi CM Wi 
tf >C), Chief Proc. of the Fu- 
kushima Local Court ; b. in 
1855 in-Kumamoto; e. s. of 
Kumanosuke Kawanishi, a sa- 
murai ; m. Kame, e. s. of Ya- 
monji Hiratsuka of the same 
pref Entered the Dept. of 
Justice 1877; Proc. 1884; 
Chief Proc of L. C. at Miya- 
zaki, Kanazawa, Sapporo, Ma- 
ebashi ; and appointed present 
post, 1909. Address: Yoro- 
^z\ Fuki. i<?Tii'-na., asibei C;ii W ^- ^ 
5^)1 Warehouseman, Chaij-man 
of Board of Directors of the 
Nippon Wooileii P'abric Co., 
Ltd, the Hyogo Electric Rai- 
lway Co., Ltd, and the Hyogo 
Transporting Co., Ltd., Dir. 
of the Oriental Cement Co., 
Ltd.," the Kobe Electric Rail- 
way Co., Ltd., the Nippon 
Commercial Bank, Ltd., Audi- 
tor of the Kobe Sugar Manu- 
facturing Co., Ltd., and the 
Kobe Electric Light Co., Ltd.; 
b. in 1865 at Osaka ; y. b. 
of Sanjiro Tsukushi, a samu- 
rai ; m. Fuki, e. d. of Nao- 
goro Enokinami of Hyogo- 
prefecture. Succeeded his a- 
dopt. father Seibei Kawani- 
shi in 1890. Address: Ka- 
iS'asakicho, Hvogo. Tel.: 164.; 
Kawano, Sakinta CMS? fe#^)r 
- Naval Commander, Acting 
Chief of the ITarbour Bureau 
of Port Arthur Naval Admi- 
ralty ; b. 1868. iik/2/i:. .•'Naval 
Academy. Lieutenant, Sept. 
1895 ; 2nd Commander, June 
1898 ; present rank, July 19- 
04. Decorations: 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure. Ad- 
dress: Port. Arthur Admiralty. 
Kawasaki, Ikusaburo C;i| ^ 

^ H m.js Pres. of the Kochi 
Chamber of Commerce, the 
Tosa J^nV, Ltd., and of the 
Kochi Savings Bank, Ltd., 
Dir. of the Tosa Electric Rail- 


[ 380 ] 

way Co., Ltd., and of the Tosa 
Cement Co., Ltd.; <5, iti 1855 
-in Tosa ; e. s, of Iku.saburo 
.Kawasaki ; m. Matsu, 3id d. 
of Shobei Sento of the .same 
prefecture. Address : Kita- 
Hokonincho, Kochi. 

Kawasaki, Kinzaburo C;i| *t 
^ H ISFO, Pres. of the Kawa- 
saki Bank, Chairman of Board 
of .Directors of the Kawasaki 
Savings Bank, Ltd., Repre- 
sentative Partner of the Kawa- 
saki Storage Co.; b. in 1866 
at Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Hachi- 
emon Kawasaki ; in. Ko, ./ 
S. of the late Baron (jo. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1905. 
Was decorated with 5 th Order 
of Merit for services in the 
late war, Address : Chitose- 
inachi, Honjo-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 
1078 Nariiwa. 

Kawasaki, Kwanbi Oil AS % 
W), Baron ; 3. in 1863 at Ka- 
. gpshima ; e. s. of the late 
Baron Kawasaki j m.- Fujie, 
£. d. ofHiromu Sonoda, a sa,- 
nmrai of Tokyo. Entered the 
P'oreign Office in 1881 ; Sec- 
retary to the office in 1 892 ; 
travelled abroad -in the suite 
■of Marshal Yamagata ; after- 
wards became Director of the 
State-Treasury .Dep't of the 
Nippon Bank ; Director of the 
Bank of Formora in 1899 ; 
Managing Director ofthe Keifu 
Railway (!)o., Ltd.; is Proprie- 
tor of the Kawasaki Works ; 

was decorated with 4th Class of 
the Imperial Order of Merit 
after the late war. Address : 
Shimomeguro, Meguro-mura, 
'rok3^o. TeL: 1368 Shiba. 

Kawasaki, Torazo C ji) uf % 3), 
Colonel of Inf (ret.), Dir. of 
the Tokyo Asylum for Disa- 
bled soldiers; b. in 1854 in 
Hiroshima - prefecture ; adop. 
into the family by Magono- 
suke Kawasaki ; m. Sen, e. d. 
of Goyti Yoda of the same- 
prefecture. EduC: : studied at 
the Daigaku Nanko (defunct 
Imp.^Univ.) and the MiL Col- 
lege. Fought as a soldier in the 
Restoration; Sub-Lient., 1879; 
aftei'wai'ds promoted to Colo- 
nel. Decorated with 3rd Class 
of Merit and G. K. for service 
in the late war. Address : 
Nishi-Kata-machi, Komag9- 
'me, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 

Kawasaki, Yo^hitaro OH ^ 
W :fc II'), Executive Partner 
of the Kobe Kawasaki Bank, 
Ltd., Vice-President ofthe Ka- 
>^a.saki Dockyard, Ltd., Dir. 
wasaM Dockyard, Ltd., Dir. of 
the Arashiyama Electric Ely. 
Co., Ltd.; 'b'. in 1869 in Hyo- 
go-prefecture ; e. s. of Zem- 
bei Onizuka ; m. Chika, 2nd 
<^. of Shozp Kawasaki. Ediic.:. 
grad. at Poughkeepsie, in U. 
S. A. In Japan, ha,s been, 
siiice his return, engaged in 
assisting in his adopted fa- 
ther's shipbuilding business. 

[ 38i ] 


The present capftal of the 
Kawasaki Dockyard Co. is 
yen. 10,000,000. with branches 
at Hyogo, Dairen, and Shang- 
hai and is one of the great- 
est shipbuilding and iron foun- 
ders concerns in the Far East: 
Tlie company owns the riglits 
of manufacture of the marine 
tubular boilers, inveBted by 
Rear-Admiral Miyabara, and 
also the Curtis steam tur- 
bine, the Cantilever frame for 
steamers, the Eatonia Process, 
and Schmidt Superheaters. 
In the Russo-Japanese war, 
1.904 — 1905 rendered to the 
state signal services by repair- 
ing the ships of the Imperial 
Navy and executing its se- 
cret orders. Decorated with 
4th Order of Merit as a war 
reward. Address: Kanomachi, 
Kobe. . Tel. : 63 /. d. 

Kawase, Hayaharu CM M. ^ 
ip). Cpnirnander. of the ist 
Destroyer Flotillaj b. in 1867. 
Cadet in 1884; Commander 
in 1905. Decorations: 3rd Or- 
der of the R. S. and 4th Class 
of the G. K. Address : Naval 

Kawase, Hikosuke Oil IS ^ 
H), Lawyer, member of the 
Hyogo prefectural Assembly; h. 
in 1 863 in Gifu-prefectiire; y. h. 
of Byoichi Kawase; m. Kishie, 
adop. TO, of Cho Sasaki. Educ. : 
grad. Law in the Tokyo Im- 
pevial UniversitFf, 1890. Ad 

dress.' Kusunoki-cho, Kobe; 
Tel. : 1032. . ■ 

Kawase, Kisou Cjil M S). 
Chief of the Hakodate Branch 
of Nippon Bank; i>. in 1868 
in Nagano-prefecture; 3rd s. 
of Ippeiji Miyake, a samiwai; 
m. Kiyo, heiress of Kiyonao 
Kawase. Address: Sumiyoshi- . 
cho, Hakodate. 

Kawas3, Masataka CM %. .R 
#J, Viscount, Privy Council- 
lor ; b. on the 9th of the 2nd. 
month in the 2nd year of 
Koka (1845) in Choshii ; e. 
s. of Denzaempn Ishikawa, a 
samurai ; in. Hide, 2iid d. of 
Tarozaemon Egawa. Began 
his official career as a high, 
official of the Industrial Dep't,. 
1871; Minister Resident, 1873; 
promoted Min. Plenipotentiary ' 
at Rome, 1878; afterwards-- 
appoiiited Judge of the Court 
of Cassation ; Vice-Minister 
for Justice, 1883; Min. Pleni- 
potentiary to St. James, 18- 
84 ; created Baron for sei'vi- 
ces, 1887 ; Privy Councillor,. 
1893 Address: Hirakawacho, 
Kojimachiku, Tokyo. 

Kawase, Motokuro ()ll i| fXi. 
% IP), physician,., chief. medir- 
cal officer of the Tokyo 
branch of the New Yorlc 
Life Insurance Co. Bduc.: 
graduated from Boston Un- 
iversity-school of medicine, 
1899. Address: I'&ZZ-Z'^^'^o- 
Shibuya, Tokyo. Tel.: 892 


[ 382 ] 

Kawase.Zantaro C^il M # M. 
II5), . Ringakiihakushi (forestry 
administration), Prof, of the 
AgriculturaLXoltege in the 
Tokyo Imperial University; b. 
in 1862 in Wakaya ma-prefect- 
ure; e. s. of Narimoto, Kav/a- 
se, a samurai; m. Katsu, e. a. of 
Yoshitsugu -Naruto of Tokyo. 
Educ. : grad. from the To- 
kyo N3nn Gakko (Gov., Agr. 
School), 1 890; studied in Ger- 
many. 1892--— 1895. Onreturn- 
Tng appointed present post. 
Address : Aoyama Minami- 
machi, Aka<;akaku, Tokyo. . 

Kawashima, Bizaburo Q'A % 
^ H IK), Manager of the Ka- 
nazawa Branch of the Nippon 
Ginko (Bank of Japan). Ad- 
dress: Ls.hiuramachi, Kanaza- 
• wa-shi, Ishikawa-l<en. 

Kawashima, Junkan (JH % 16 
Wj, ex-Grovernor of Shiga- 
prefecture ; dismissed from 
Office iu Dec. 191 2. 

Kawashima, K3juru C;il % '^ 
+ fi©, sake-brewer, high-ta.K- 
payer ; b. in 1876 in ti-.e pro- 
vince of Tosa ; e. s. of Kojijro 
Kawashima; m. Kire, 3rd d. of 
Tange Nishino, a samurai of , 
Tosa. One of the highest- 
tax-payec in Kochi-prefectui'e. 
Address: Honmachi,' Kochi. 

Ka-washima, Matsujiro C^i! % 
*2 -=k m, President oi the Bir 
wajima Bank, Ltd.; b. in 18- 
.';4 ; e. s. of Rfnzo Kawashi- 

ma of Aichi-ken ; in. Jyo, e, 
d. of Kichibei Ito of the same 
prefecture. Has sat in the 
House of Representatives. Ad- 
dress : Biwajimacho, Aichi- 

Kawasaima, Esijiro (;i| % 4- 
^ gP), vice-Admir{iL_^ire- 
ctor of "-* the' " 'Hj'drdgTapliic 
Office in the Naval Dep't; 
b. in 1804 in Isbil<awa- pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Taku Kawa- 
shima, a samurai ; m. Sal<ae, ■ 
e. s. of Yu Otsube of Hyogo- 
prefecture. Educ. : grad. with 
honoui's at the Naval Acad- 
emy. 2nd Sub-Lieuti, 1886; 
Lieut. -Captain, 1898; Captain, 
1903 ; Rear- Admiral, 1907 ; 
appointed present post, 19 10 
Prof of the Naval Academy ; 
Aide-de-Camp; Legation At- 
tache ■; on the Staff of the 
.Standing Squadron ; 2nd Cap- 
tain of the battleship Asahi ; 
Commander of the armoured 
cxxAs^t Iwate ; Sectional Chief 
of the Naval Materials Dep't ; 
on the Staff to the Naval Staff 
Board ; Dir. of the Naval 
Academy. Decorated with 
3rd Class of R. S. and G. K. 
for services in the late war. 
Commander of the 3rd Squa- 
dron, 1 9 10; was despatched 
to China as Comma,nder of 
Japanese trooiw dxaring- the 
revolution of Ghinpy,, 191 1. 
Address : Takanawa-kitama- 
chifSh-baku. Tokyo. Tel.: 

[ 383 ] 


939 Bhiba. 

Kawashima, Sanrokif (jil ^ i£ 
ri^, draper (especially in em- 
broideries and drawn works) ; 
3. June the I2t]i j. of Mei- 
,ji (1879) in Hokkaido; Adopt. 
s. of the late Zimbei Kawa- 
shima, a famous silk embroid- 
erer of Kyoto ; m. Kinu, e. a. 
of his adopted father. Suc- 
ceeded his father's business 
as silk embroiderer last year; 
the Kawashima family having 
been engaged in this line of 
business for about 30G years. 
Address: No. 18, Kishiyacho, 
Higashi-iru, Todo-in, Sanjo- 
dori, Sliimokyoku, Kyoto, 
Id. : 629. 

Kawas'iiiaa, SeasM (ji| % -ff- 
H]), i^arrist r, Mem. of the 
Tokyo - Municipal Assembly, 
President of the Kqjimaclii 
Ward Assembly ; b. in 1876 
in Chiba-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Kotaro Kawashima ; in. Sada, 
e. s. of Masakatsu Kojima, 
a samurai of Tokyo. Editc. : 
graduated Law at the Hoga- 
kuin ' (a private law school) ; 
passed the Government E:;- 
amination for Bench in 1897. 
Was in the legal service for 
two years ; resigned and called 
to bar in 1899. Address: 
2chome, Kojimachiku, Tolc}"o, 
Tel. : gooBancho. 

Kawashima, Shoiehiro f)i| ,S 
ff! - 115), Dit. of the Sag;-- 

ken Normal' School ; b. 1870 
in Wakayama-prefectin"e - m. 
Shima, ^. c/. of Shoemon Ka- 
washima. Edtic. : grad. from 
the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School, 1894; finished the 
Graduate Course, 1899 — 19- 
01. Instructor of the Kyoto 
Normal School ; Prof of rhe 
Peers' School ; then present 
post. Recreations : Fishing 
and rural life. Clubs: Imperial 
Educational Asso., Meikeikai 
(Al- muni Asso. of Tokyo H. 
N. S.), Hojinkai{K. A. of P. 
S.), etc. Address : Matsuya 
cho. Saga. 

Kawashima, Shoz3 (M % IF, 
'^), Chief Procurator in the 
Sapporo District Court ; b. 
in 1 861 in the province of Hi- 
go ; s. of Reisaku Kawashi- 
ma, a samurai. * Was appoint- 
ed Clerk of the Law Court 
in 1882 ; passed the Govern- 
ment Examination for Bench 
in 1887; Procurator of the 
Mito District Court; Chief 
Procurator at Toyama, Na- 
gano, Matsuyama, Okayama., 
Fukuoka;present post in 19 10. 
Address : Sappoi-o-city. 

Kawasumi, Kwanshirb (ji| tt 
^ m II?), Civil Engineer of the 
Dep't of Communications ; b. 
in 1 866 in Aichi-prefecture ; 
3rd s. of Yulcinori Kawasu- 
mi ; 7K. Hatsue, e. d. of Jochg 
Kishimura ofWakayama-pre- 

Kaw— Kay 

• fecture. Educ. : sent to 
land for study, 1963^1905. 
Began his career as a official 
of the Dep't., 1884; promoted 
to present post, 1897. ^^~ 
dress: Fujimicho, Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Kawatani, CMshii C;i] ^ gc 
^), Major-General (retired ); 
3. in 1858 in the province, of 
Tosa ; e. s. of Kakichi Kawa- 
tani, a samurai; tu. Tome. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Artillery in 
1879 )■ Major - General with 
Command of the Hiroshima 
Bay Fort in 1909. Took part 
in the late war and was deco- 
rated with 3rd order of the 
Rising Sun and 3rd class of 
the Golden. Kite as a war 
re\^'ard. - Address. : Sagawa- 
cho, Tak-aoka, Kochi. 

Kawaura, Ken-ieM CMftlE— ), 
Proprietor of the " Yoshizawa 
Shoten," dealer in photogra- 
phic apparatus ; i>. Feb. the 
2nd 7.. of Meiji (1869) in To- 
yama -prefecture *; adopted s. 
of Kyuzaemon Kawaura ; m. 
Tami, 2nd d. of Yohei Mae- 
jima. of Osaka. Started his 
career as a stamp and picture 
dealer ; established as an im- 
porter of cinematograph and 
other photographic apparatus 
and has been very successful 
in itj has branches at London 
and a large studio at Meguro, 
Tokyo. Address : No. 1.3, Mi- 
namikinrokucho, Kyobashiku, 


Tokyo. Tel..- 378; 532 Shim- 

Kawazoe, Kameji CM g'l fe, 
^^ President of the I20):h 
Bank, Ltd. ; ^. in 1859; 2nd 
s. of Kambej Kawazoe of I- 
baraki-ken; m. Etsu, e. d. of 
Noboru Watanabe, a samurai 
of Ibaraki-ken, Address : Ko- 
ga, Ibaraki-ken. 

Kawazoe, Masamichi C;iJ M 
iE iS), Chief Physician of the 
Taihoku HB^pftf IjTtf ember of 
the Irivestigatioh'Cemmittee 
for Epidemic and Infectious 
Diseases in Formosa. Ad- 
dress : 0{(icia.l Residence, 7 
chome, Ushiro-machi, Taiho- 
ku, Formosa. 

Kawazu, Sen (faf' # i§), 

Hogakuhakiishi (Dr. of Law), 
Prof, of the Law College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (chair: 
economics); b.. 1876 in Tokyo; 
s. of Sukeyuki Kawazu; in. 
Eshiba-ko, e. d. of Baron 
Kanda. Edtic. : graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ.; further 
studied in Germany, 1901- 

1904. . Present post since 

1905. Publication : text- 
book of political economy. 
Address: Nakano-machi, To- 
yotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

' Kaya, EyiiMcM (S ,1. It S). 
Prof of the College .o_f Medi- 
cine of the Kyoto Imp. Univ. 
(Chair-Medicine); Igahuhor- 
husM. Address: The Kyoto 

[ 385 ] 


Imp. Univ., Kyoto. 

Kayalxara, Kentaro (,^ MM 
± g^D, Editor of the Yprozu 
Choho, known under/ the 
nom de plume "Kazan;" b. 
August, 1872, in Tokyo; m. 
Fujiko Yajima, 1894. Educ: 
seif-taught. He entered the 
journalistic life when he was 
19, and was in that occupation 
for about 21 years in Sendai, 
Yamagata and Tokyo. Tra- 
velled JnJEuropean, African 
and American countries in 
1905. • Publications: "Kaigai 
Bunsho" (Foreign Literature), 
" Kazan Bunsho" (Essays) 
'• William Pitt," " Tohoku 
Taisei Ron" (Future ot 
North-Eastern Provinces) and 
various other works. Ad- 
dress: .No. 9 Haraikata-cho, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Kazama, Haehizaemon S< Wi A 
S #i PI), soy manufacturer, Dlr. 
of the Kiyotakigawa Water 
Power Electric Co., Ltd., 
high'taxpayer ; b.'m. 1879 in 
Kyoto-prefecture; e. s. of the 
deceased Haehizaemon Kaza- 
ma ; m. Saku, e. d. ' of Ka- 
nnosuke Nakamichi of Kyoto. 
Succeeded his father in 1888. 
Address: Katsura-mura, Ka- 
dono-gun, Kyoto. 

Kazama, "Koemon (Jii f^ # 
M M f"3), farmer, Pres. of the 
Uzen Weaving Co., Ltd., Dir. 
of t>ie'67th Bank, Ltd., and 
the Uetsu Forfestry Co., Ltd., 

hlgh-tax-payer ; i5. in 1872. 
in Yamagata-prefectuxe ; e.s'. 
of Hirokichi Kazama ; m. Mo- 
to, f . d. of Izumi Abe of Ya- 
magata. Succeeded his father 
in 1894. Well known as a 
large landowner. Address : 
Tsurugaokacho, Nishi-Taga- 
wa-gun, Yamagata-ken. 

Kazama, Zenkuro CBi ^ # :fc 
SP). high - tax - payer ; ^. in 
1 849 in Fukushima-prefecture; 
e. s. of the deceased Zenkuro 
Kazama ; m. Yoshi, e. d. of 
Uhei Shinozaki of the same 
prefecture. A money-lender. 
Address : Kitakata-machi, Ya- 
ma-gun, Fukushima-ken. 

' Kazan-in, Chikaie (^ lU ^ ^ 
^), Marquis, Mem. of the 
House of Peers ; b. in 1878 
at Kyoto ; f. b. of Viscount 
Horikaiwa; was adopted by 
Tadasato Kazan-in ; m. Ma- 
sako, e. d. of Marquis Taka- 
maro Nakayama. Address : 
Hyakunincho, Okubo, Tokyo. 

Kazusaka, Shuntaro (.— M 
m. X SB, Mayor of Toku.shi- 
ma- Address : Tokushima- 
machi, Tokushima-city. 

Kibe, Koji (* ^ # M), 
Baron, Abbot of the Kinsho- 
ku Teniple in the province of 
Omi ; b. in i88i at Kyoto; 
7. b. of Kozui Otani, Count ; 
m. Shizuko, e. s. of Marquis 
Tadashige Daigo. Address : 
Nakazato-mura, Shiga-ken. 

Zida, Inosnke CtIc H #• ;t IS), 


L 386 1 

Colonelof Artillery since 19 lo, 
Cfo&saeiaM#6f We 24.tli Eegi- 
ment of l"^ield Artillery; 6. 18- 
68 in Miyagi-k^n. Sub-Lieute- 
Ih Miyagi-ken. . Sub-Lieute- 
nant (June 1889) ; Lieutenant 
(Nov. 1892); Captain (Juhe 
i895');'-Majon (Aug; ,1901); 
Lieutenant-Colonel (Mar. 19- 
o'^. Decorations : 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun, 5th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure and 
4th class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : %\.z& Office of 4:he 
8th Army Division, Kurume, 

Kida, Teikichi (^. ffl ^ g), 
Bungakuhaktishi Address: 
No. 10 ' Higashiyanagi-cho, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Kidera, KohacM C* # 'h A), 
pawn-broker; (5. the 3rd m. 
of the 6th jf. of Tempo (1835) 
in Osaka ; e. s. of the late 
Kohachi Kidera. Address : 
No. 80, Miuaminomachi, Ka- 
minamba, Higashiku, Osaka. 
Tel. : 4819 Higashi. 
' Kido, Takamasa C;*: ,P ^ jE.). 
Marquis, Mem. of H. P., Mas- 
ter of Ceremonies, ex-Chief 
Chamberlain to the Crown 
Prince ; d. in the 4th year of 
Ansei (1856) ; e. s._ of Ryozo 
Raihara of Chashu ; adopted 
into the family of the late 
Marquis Koin Kido, one of 
fouhders of the New Govern- 
inent. Sduc. : studied mining 
Tsi-t?: 5. ui.; 1876" 1874; after- 

^"■wards at the Tokjo- 4jn|vv" 
and the Osaka Technical 
School. Address : Shihsaka- 
niachi, Aka.saka-ku,. Tok/o. 
Tel..' 166 Shimbashi. 
. Kigav Kashiji CM « lUf- «), 
PreSi of the Imperial Hat 
Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Dir. 
of the Hamamatsu Iron Works, 
Ltd., Mem. of the Hamamatsu 
Chamber of Commerce ; d. in 
1867 in Shizuoka-prefecture ; 
e. s. of Hanjuro Kiga ; m. 
Setsu, d. of Kitsutaro Akino 
of the same prefecture. Ad- 
dress: Kigacho, Hikisa-gun, 

Kiga, Kanju («. K » *), 
Dr. Ph. (Leipzig), Prof of 
Keto Univ. ; d. 1873 in Shizuo- 
ka-prefecture. Educ. : gradu- ' 
ated from the Literature Course 
in the .ff"«'^ Univ., 1895 ; sent 
to Germany for study, 1 898^ — 
1 902 . Prof . of his al ma mater, 
1 895 . Publication: "Das Bank- 
wesen Japans ( 1 903, Leipzig)." 
Address: Shirogane Sanko- 
cho, Shibaku, Tokyo, Clubs : 
The Kojunsha; the Social Pro- 
blem Association. 

Kihara, Chubei C* W- % ^ 
W, high-tax-payer ; 2nd. s. 
of Kanzaemon Watanabe; was 
adopted by Tose Kihara ; m. 
Yu, e. d. of Chiizaburo Kiha- 
ra. Was proprietor of the 
Kihara Bank. ,, Address : A- 
zuchimachi, Higashiku, Osa- 
ka. Tel.: 742 Higashi. 

X 387 ] 


Kiiimoto, Bozo C* *: 19 S), 
HogakuJiakiishi, Prof, of the 
Law College of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. Address: The Kyo- 
to Imp. Univ., Kyoto. 
Kikkawa. ChokieM f^ ill 

ffi lai) Baron, Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. the 1 2th 
in. of the 6th y. of Ansei 
{1859) in Iwakuni, province 
of Suwo ; 3rd s. of the late 
Baron Tsunemoto '/oshika- 
'.VS. Educ. : studied in Ame- 
rica. Since 1884 has been 
successively Member of the 
Treaty Revision Investigation 
Committee of the Foreign 
Office, Councillor to the same 
Office, Secretary to the Lega- 
tion at Berlin ; is now sitting 
for the third time in the 
House of Peers. Address : 
No. 9, Higashikpbaicho, Su- 
rugadai, Kanda-ku, Tokyo. 
Kikoshi, Tasntsuna i-^-% '^ 

P), Baron, Lieut.-Gen., Mini- 
ster of War since Dec.' 191 2 

manderof the 6th Army Div. : 
b. on th-^; 2';t-h of th- 3rd. 
month in the 1st year of Ansei 
(1854); y- ^' °f Naotada 
Kato, a Kaga smmirai; m. Tei, 
2nd. d. of Naohira Yanagida 
of Shinshu. Educ.: entered the 
Kyododan (defunct Non-Com. 
School) and afterwards the 
Mil. College. Sub-Lieut., 18- 
J"]'; sent to Berlin for study, 
1882—1886 ; Cap., 1884; Ma- 
jor, 1888; Colonel, 1894; 

Major-Gen., 1898; Lieut-Gen., 
1905. The Baron was Chief 
of staff of the' 3rd Army Div. 
in the Sino-Japanese war and 
fought in the Boxer trouble, 
and also took a distinguished 
part in the late war as Com^ 
manderof a reserve Army Div. 
Then commander another di- 
vision ; mainly fought under 
General Kuroki ; was com- 
mander of the 5th Army Di- 
vision till 1909; Com. of the 
6th Div., 1909 — 12; Com. of 
the I st Div. 1912; invested 
with Grand Cordon of R. B. 
and Class of G,cK. as a war 
honour. Address t 2chome, 
Ichigaya, Kagamachi, TJshi- 
gome-ku, Tokyo. 

KikucH, Atsutada C^ » E 
*0 Surgeon-Major -General 
(Itet.)., Prop.^ of tlie Osaka 
Kwaisei Hospital ; S. iii JiMS 


[ 388 ] 

in Saga-i>refk!ture ; e. 0. of 
DiA-Tsunetaro Kikuchi ; m. 
Mina, 'e. d. of Tadanaga Te- 
itomo of the same prefecture. 
Entered tlie Army as St»*geon 
and at present is Surgeon- 
Major- G-eneral ; took part in 
the civil war of 1877; and 
in the Japan - China war 
as chief of surgeon dep't 
of the Sth Army Division ; 
afterwards retired and foun- 
ded the Kwaisei hospital in 
joint with his younger bro- 
ther Dr. Tsunetaro Kikuchi. 
Decorations : 3rd. Order of 
Merit and 4th Class of 
Golden Kite. Address : Ike- 
da- machi, Osaka-fu. Tel. : 
51 Ikeda. 

Kikuchi, Choshiro (M ^ &.' 
01 BP)» dry-goods wholesale 
merchant, president of the 
Tokai Bank, Ltd., director of 
the Forty First Bank, the Fuji 
Paper <;-, Manufacturing, Toa 
Flour ''Mfg., Toyo Muslin 
Cos., Ltd., auditor of the 
Yokohama Warehouse Go., 
Ltd.; b. 1852 in Tokyo; e- 
s. of Kobei Kikuchi; m. mina, 
e. d. of Sashichi Hayakawa. 
Took part in the- inaugura- 
tion of tlie Tokai Bank, 
1889; was elected member 
of the H. P., 1 8p7 ; resigned 
ft, August X^OJ. ^^ Address: 
29 T;ike-cho, Shitayaku, 
Tet.'. 95* Saitaya. 

Kikuchi, Dairoku (M ^ iz 
M), Baron, (created in 1902 ;) 
Senior Third Rank; second 
class of the orders of the 
Rising Sun and of the Sacred 
Treasure ; Rigakuhakushi (D. 
Sc, Japan); LL. D. (Glasgow, 
Manchester and Rudgers Col- 
lege) ; M, A, (Camdridge, En- 
gland) ; B. A, (London) ; Ho- 
norary Professor of the Im- 
perial University of Tokyo; 

Correspondmg member of the 
British Association for the 
Advancement of Science; Me- 
mber of the Privy -Council 
since May 191 2; President of 
the Imperial Academy ; Vice- 
president of the Committee for 
compilation of Text-books for 
Elementary Schools ; b. March 
17, 1855 at Yedo (now To- 
kyo) ; second son of Dr. S. 
Mjtsukuri (born Kikuchi, ado- 

[ 389 J 


pted into Mitsukuri famaly); 
married Tatsu, daughter of 
H. Fukuda, and has three 
sons and five daughters. Edtic: 
educated atrKaiserjo (Yedo, 
now Tokyo) ; University Col- 
lege School, London, 1867 — 
8, and 1871 — 3; and St. Jolin'.s 
College, Cambridge, England, 
.1873—7 (Wrangler, Mathe- 
matical Tripos, 1877). Pro- 
fessor of Mathematics, Im- 
perial University of Tokyo, 
1877 — 98; Dean of Science 
College in the same, 1881 — 
93 : President of the same, 
-1 90 1 ; President of Pe- 

ers' School 1904 — 5 ; Presi- 
dent of the Imperial Univer- 
-sity of Kyoto, 1908—12. 
Director of the Bureau of Spe- 
cial Education, Department of 
Education, 1897 ; Vice-minis- 
ter of Education, 1S97— 8; Mi- 
nister of Education, 1901 — 3; 
Life member of the House of 
Peers since 1 890 ; Member of 
the Imperial Academy (To- 
kyo) since I S89 ; seci-etary of 
the same, 1900 — 01, 1905 — 
6 ; president of the second 
.section (Science), 1906 — 9; 
president, 1909 ; Member of 
the Earthquake Investigation 
Committee, since 1892 ; se- 
cretary, 1 892 — 3 ; president, 
1S93 — 1901. Corresponding 
member of B. A. A. S., since 
1885. Has served on many 
committees on educatiorial and 

scientific matters; and as judge 
in national exhibitions. ' Pu- 
blications : Author of several 
books on Mathematics and 
educational and scientific mat- 
ters. Delegate to the Interna- 
tional Prime ' Meridian and 
Universal Time Congress, Wa- 
shington, 1884; delegate to the 
International Association of 
Academies, 1907. Gave cour- 
ses of lectures oa' Japanese 
Education during lent and sum- 
mer terms 1907 in the Uni- 
versity of London (the subs- 
tance of the above lectures 
published in English, by Mur- 
ray, London, under the title 
" Japanese Education. " Ad- 
dress : - No. 124, Takehaya- 
cho, Koishikawa, Tokyo ; or 
Imperial University Kyoto. 
Clubs: Nippon Club, Peers' 
Club. Tel.: 506, Bancho-; 
1400 (Kyoto). 

Kikuclii, Hobun (^5ifi,^5:). 

Tsunejiro by proper name, 
Japanese painter ; b. 1 862 in 
Osaka. Studied under Hoen 
Shigeno, Bairei Kono; is 
teacher of the Kyoto paint- 
ing school; com. member of 
Art Examining Society, 
member of Kyoto Art Asso. 
Address : 4 Tenjinyama-cho, 

Kikueh), Jujin (^ ifi * A), 
Prof of the First High Sch- 
ool. Address: No. 735, Sen- 
dagaya-machi, Toyotama-gun, 


c 390 1 

Tokyo-fu, , " 

KiKuciii Kanji (^ jffi «; ^), 

?w;;« de\ plume is Keigetsu, 
artist,; Japanese painter, 
teacher of the Kyoto Special 
Painting School; b. Nov. 
1879 :^t Nakano-machi in 
Nagano-ken. Educ. learned 
painting from Katei Koda- 
ma, Kichido Uchimi and 
Hobun Kikuchi. He ex- 
hibited his masterpieces in 
various exhibitions and ob- 
tained many prizes and dip- 
lomas. Address: Shimmachi 
Higashiiru, Nishikikoji, Shimo- 
kyo-ku, Kyoto. 
; Kikuchi, Kanji C^ it « -), 
Mem. of H. R., lawyer ; b. 
in 1850 at Kanazawa ; ^. .i". 
of Kuemon Kikuchi, a samu- 
rai; m. Jun, e. d. of Kaku- 
jun Takagi of the same pre- 
fecture. Called to bar at O- 
saka ; was elected Mem. of 
the Osaka Municipal Assem- 
bly ; then of the Osaka Fre- 
fectural Assembly ; then of 
the House of Representatives ; 
was once appointed Governor 
of Osaka - prefecture at the 
time of the Okuma-Itagaki 
Cabinet. One of the leading 
"politicians of Osaka ; a mem- 
ber of the Seiyukai (Consti- 
tutional party). Address : Ki- 
tahama, Higashiku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 3666 Hicrashi.; 

KiTsuclii, Kiichiro (^ Jffi, ^ 
— iP). Ndm ■ de plume Ichi- 

ryysai Hiroshige,; pointer 
Ittiiyoye)', b- 1849 in, Yedo 
(Tokyo); i. of Genbei Tana- 
ka and was adopted by the 
Kikuchi family; m. Hisa, i/. 
of his adopted father. Educ: 
studied Chinese classics under 
Tojo Kindai and painting hy 
the famous Ukiyoe-painter 
Hiroshige. Publications: ''Ye- 
do ho Hana," " Yedo no 
Urai," "Yedo Fookei," etc. 
Address: 17, Ichome, Hon- 
shirogane - cho, Nihonbashi- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Kikucnx, JKiyoshii C^ ^ jf -j 
novelist {Nbm de Plume " Yu- 
ho "), writer to the Osaka 
Mainichi Shimbun. Address : 
No. I, 2chome, Nakanoshi- 
ma, Kitaku, Osaka. 

Kikuchi, Kyozo C« ^ * H), 
Chairman of Board of Direct- 
ors of the Amagasaki Cotton 
Yarn, Ltd., Managing Dir. 
of the Settsu Cotton Yarn, 
Ltd., Dir. of ; the Nippon Cot- 
ton Yarn, Ltd. ; b. in 1859 
in Ehime-prefecture ; 3rd s, of - 
Yasunari Kikuchi:; m. Suma, 
2nd d. of Keiyu Shirae of the 
Nagasaki-prefecture. Edtic. .•■ 
grad. Mechanical Engineering 
at the KJbu Daig-aMo {de- 
funct Gov. Techincal College), 
1885 ; and further studied cot- 
ton spinning in England. Re- 
turning home, started in the 
same line of business and 
has greatly helped in the sue- ■■ 
cess of different cotton spinn- 

[ 391 

mg companies. Address ■: 
Uehon-machi, Higashi-ku, O- 
saka. Tel.:. 14 Minami. 

IQkuchi, Mam6ru C^ ii #), 
Civil Eng., Dir. of Iwate Agr- 
icultural "Experiment Farm ; 
d. 1870 in Iwate -prefecture. 
Educ. : grad. from the Sapporo 
Agr. School (To-Hoku Imp. 
Univ.), 1893. Instructor of 
Osaka "Agr. School ; Dir. of 
Shimoiria Exp. Farm in Na- 
gano-prefecture ; Dir. of the 
, Aomori Agr. School ; C. E. of 
Shimane-ken. Address: Hi- 
gashi, Nakano, Morioka, I- 

Sikuchi, Shinnosuke C^ ii 
tg Z ■WJ,,,Colonel of Infantry, 
Instructor at the Military 
Academy; 6. 1867 in. Tokyo 
Sub-Lieutenant (June 1889); 
Lieutenant (Nov. 1893) ; Cap- 
tain (Aug. 1895); Major (Apr. 
1901) ; Lieutenant - Colonel 
(Nov. 1904); Colonel (Nov. 
1907). Decorations: 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
and the 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite ; was Staff Office 
of the 1 6th Arniy Division . 
AMress ::^o) 

Kikutshi, iSiietaro C^' ifi M jn 
il5). Secretary to the Imperi- 
al Mews ; b. the 3rd m. 6l 
the 4th J/, of Ansei (1857) in 
Oita-keii; 3rd s. of T.0saku 
Kikuchi ; m. Isa, 2nd r d. ' of 
Juzo Seo. Addreh : l<io. 4; 

Banshumachi, Nait5shinj,uku, 
Toyotama - gun,;/ Tokycji^jfu. 
Tel.: 1602 Bancho, : : ; ;' 
Kikuehi, Tsuttesaburo C# Jfi 
^ .ri g|0; Suigooa-Jjieutena4 
nt-General (on the reserve), 
IgahuhahusM, Dir. of the 
Kwais^i Hospitals in Nishi- 
noniiya; b. 185 5 in Saga- 
prefecture ; y. h, of Atsuta- 
da Kikuchi; to. Yonechiyo, 
6. d. of Tsucho Mutaguchi 
of the same prefecture. Educ. : 
grad. Medicine at the Tokyo 
Imperial University, i88r. 
Entered the Army as a sur- 
geon after his graduation and 

was promoted to Surgeon- 
Lieutenant - General, 1907 .: 
took part in the Japan-Chi- 
na war as chief of ' surgeon 
dep't of the ist Army Divi- 
sion, and in the Kusso- Ja- 
panese war as chief of sur- 
geon dep't of the ist Army; 
in the Kwaisei hospitals va- 
rious hakases of speciality 
are employed as each sectio- 
nal chief. Eewarded with 
2nd Order of Eising Sun 
and 3rd Class of Golden Ki- 
te, after the late war. Publi- 
caiions : essays on gun-shod 
wonneds, on straw ashes ha- 
ndage, on artery, beutel of 
guns shodwound, etc. Becre- 
aiion : , horticulture. ■ Ad- 
dress : , Mshinomiya, Osaka. 
Tel..: 1437 Higashi Osaka ; 
121 Nishihomiya. Oliib: : O- 


1. 392 i 

&ka club. 

Kikuehi. Yuho (.^ ^ m ^)> 
Kiyoshi by proper name,' No- 
velist, vice-chief-editor of the 
Osaka Mainichi Shinbuu (a 
daily newspaper) ; b. in Mito, 
Hiflachi province, 1870 ; m. 
Tamae, 1897. Eduo,: studied in 
France, Jan. 19X0-May 1912. 
Publications: "Opogatsumi" 
(Her own offence), "Chichikyo- 
dai," "Geppaku" "Natsuko" 
"Sons Famille" "par Hector 
Mulof "(translation), etc. ReorB' 
ations: music, gardening. Add- 
ress Shukugawa,Nishinomiya-r 
eho, Hyogor-ken. TeL : 89 

Kikutei, Kimiosa C^#&S5. 
Marquis; l>. 1889 in Hokkai- 
do; s. of Shuki Kikutei; m. 
Aki-ko, niece of Takamaro 
Nakayama, Marquis. Edzic: 
graduated from the Peers' 
School. Recreations: Litera- 
ture and tobacco. Address: 
No. 14, 2 chome, Nakano- 
cho, Yotsuya, Tokyo^ 

Kikumoto, Naojiro (M * it 
^•- RID, director of the Osaka 
Branch of the Mitsui Bank ; 
i 12 September of the 3rd 
^. of Meiji (1870) in Ueno- 
maelii, Mie-ken ; s. of the 
late' Yasuari Eikumoto, who 
was president of the 83 bank; 
,)». Hisako, fZ, of Miyakavs^a, 
ai3i0^63. «. of Kynbei Araya- 

ma; m. Hideko, d of his 
adopted father, March 1892. 
Entered the pr^ent firm, 1878 
and promoted to present post. 
Address : No. '152, 2 chome, 
Koraibaslii, Higashi-ku, Osa- 
ka, m.: 1813 Honkyoku. 

Kagawa, Katsuhiro ' C# )'] 
W jKO. prefer name: Koji 
ro, sculptor; b. the 10th m. 
of the 6th y. of Kayei (1853) 
in Tokyo ; s. of Soshichi Ka- 
gawa. Eduo. : studied sculp- 
ture from Katsumori Kaga- 
wa. Was appointed instructor 
at the Tokyo Fine Art 
Academy, 1898; afterwards re- 
sighed the post; is now member 
of the Imperial Art So.;iety, 
Address: No, 39 Sakuraki- 
cho, Shitaya, Tokyo. 

Kikuya, tiojuro, C^ M 11],+ 
IB), high-tax-payer, Pres. of 
the Hagi Bank, Ltd., and of 
the Bocho Savings Bank, Ltd.; 
b. in 1857 in Yamaguchi -pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of Magotaro 
Kikuya ; m. Yasu, e. d. of Sei- 
hichiro Okabe of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther 1S86. Address: Hagi 

Kimata, Tami <M^ ^ .S.), 
Major-Gen., Prof at the Mil. 
Gunnery and Engineering Sch- 
ool, 3rd Order of Rising Sun; 
b. In the 4th year of Ansei 
(1857) at Okayama ; e.s. of 
Seishu Ktmata, a samurat of 
Okayama Qan. Sub-Lieut, of 

[ 393 ] 


Eng. 1877; sent to France 
for study, 1886; Captain, 18- 
83; Major, 1890; Lieut-Coi., 
1895 ; Col., 1901 ; Major - 
Gen., 1906. He was Instru- 
ctor of the Mil. College and 
on the Staff of the 4th. Army 
Division Address : Nakano- 
cho, Ushigomeku, Tokyo. 

Kimbara, Meizen (^ M ?9 
#). Executive Partner of the 
Kimbara Bank, scent and per- 
fume merchant; b. in 1822 
at Ammamura, Hamna-gori 
in the province of Totomi ; 
e. s. of Kyiibei Kinbara, a Dai- 
kan (censor) of Matsudaira 
Clan ; m. Ume, 2nd d. of 
Kichisaburo Watanabe of A- 
ichi -prefecture. His father ren- 
dered service to the cause of 
the Mikado at the most mo- 
mentous period of the history 
of Japan. Like his father, 
entered business with the view 
of helping his native countiy. 
Began sericulture and started 
a filature. Through his re- 
peated petitions to the Govern- 
ment and efforts after many 
years, brought about the im- 
provement of the River Ten- 
ryu under his own superin- 
tendance. Sacrificed the whole 
of his .property valued at yen 
61,500 in the work. Foun- 
ded the Suiri Gakko (Water 
Utilization School.) In con- 
nection with this enterprise, 
began with great success in 

forestration work. For over 
twenty years devoted himself 
to riparian work. Was grant- 
ed an audience by T. I. M. 
the Emperor and Empress in 
1878. Having been succes- 
sful in these public enterprises, 
came up to the capital and 
started a private bank at Ta- 
dokorocho ; and administered 
the Maruya Bank as well as 
Ono & Co. Contributed a large 
sum of money to the Govern- 
ment for coast-defence-expen- 
diture in 1887, and was de- 
corated with _/a Goi (Junior 
5th class) for services render- 
ed to the State. Afterwards 
surrendered the rank and was 
granted a sword by the Mi- 
kado. Is one of the promi- 
nent men of the Empire. Re- 
creation: calligraphy. Religion: 
A Buddhist, 4 follower of Ni- 
chiren (founder of the Nisshu 
Sect). Address: Kitasayacho, 
Nihonbashiku, Tokyo. Td. : 
SSI, 2008 Honkyoku. 

Kimihira, Tadayoshi C^> ^ 
% S), Colonel of Art., Com- 
mander of the 3rd Regiment 
of Heavy Artillery ; b. i86( 
in Yamagata-prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Art. in 1886. 
Lieutenant of Art. in 1888 
Captain of Art. in 1892; Ma- 
jor of Art. in 1897; Lieut.- 
Colonel of Art. in 1902; Co- 
lonel of Art. in 1905 ; 3rd 
Qass of the G. K. and 3rc 


C 394 ] 

Order, of the R. S. Address . 

Kinoshita, Magojiro <* T S 
^ fi©i. high- tax -payer. Pre- 
siding Director of the Kori- 
yama Bank, Ltd., and the 
Nara Bank,' Ltd., farmer ; A 
in 1846 at Nara in the pro- 
vince; ofYamato; ^: J. of Gen- 
jiro Kimoto; m. Nobu, 2nd 
d. of Genjiro Sugita. Great 
landowner. Address : Kiderai- 
machi, Nara. 

Kinoshita, Shinzal)uro (tK T 
St S Bi5), Managing Director 
of the; Taiwan Buildings Co., 
Ltd., Director -of the Taiwan 
Productive Industry Co,, Ltd., 
and of the Takasago Sugar 
Mfg. Co; Ltd., Auditor of 
the Oriental'Sugar Mfg. Co., 
Ltd. ; 3. the 5th m. of the 
3rd jy. of Bunkyu (1863) in 
Saga-prefecture ; J. d. of Shii- 
ichi Kinoshita, ex - Govern- 
or of Yamagata - prefecture. 
Educ. : studied at the Tokyo 
Daigaku YobUnon. Became 
an official in the House of 
Representatives, 1889 ; went 
over to Formosa in the suite 
of . Count . Kabayania, then 
Governor-General of the is- 
land, and served under him 
for a yeaj-, 1 895—1 896 ; chief 
editor of the Taiwan Shimp'o 
and then oif the Taiwan Ni- 
chinichi Shimpj; entered busi- 
ness in 1909 and^ holds the 
above- important posts. ^«/- 

dress : 'Yiixh.cMu. Taiwan.. ^ 
Kimotsnki, Kaneyuki (MM 
Wi ^), Baron, Vice-Admiral 
on -the reserve. Mayor of 0- 
saka since 1913, Dir. of tha 
Imperial Life Boat Associa- 
tion ;'^. in 1853 in Satsuma , 
e. s. of Kanetake Kimotsuki., 
a samurai; pi. mutsu, 2nd d 
of Kenshaku Kimotsuki. Sub- 
Lieut.^ 1872; promoted to Vice- 
Admiral, 1906. Chief of the 
Naval Sui-vey Section; Hydro- 
grapher of the Ilydrographic 
Office : Prof, of the Naval 
College ; Pres. of the Naval 
College ; was created Baron, 
for services ija the late war. 
Address : Shimonibancho, K6- 
jimachiku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1-363- 
Otsu Bancho. 

Kimnra, Aritsune., C* M * 
It), Lieutenant-General, Com- 
mander of the i8th Army 
Division ; b. on the 23rd of 
the 7th month in the 4th year 
of Kaei (1851) in the pro- 
vince of Awa ; e. s. of Hoshin 
Kimura, a samurai of Toku- 
shima clan ; m. Toyo, e. d. of 
Teisei Kanetsune, d. samurai 
of Choshii clan. "Educ. : gra-,: 
duated from the Heigakuryo- 
at Osaka. Sub-Lieutenant in 
1 872 ; Lieutenant i'n J 87 3 ; 
Captain in 1877. Fought for 
the government at the time; 
of the $aigo Rebellion ; Major ' 
in 1884; Lieutenant -Clonel 
in 1894; took paii: in the ■ 

[ 395 ] 


China- Japan war as Comman- 
der of the 3rd Regiment of 
Infantiy; Colonel in 1897; 
Major-General in 1901 ; took 
part in the Russia- Japan war 
as Commander of the 1st 
Infantry Brigade of Body Gu- 
ard and was decorated with 
2nd Order of the R. S. and 
3rd class of the G. K. as a 
war reward. Promoted Lieu- 
tenant-General with command 
of the 1 8th Army Division in 
1907. Address : Tokushima. 

Ijmiira, Go (.tjc ^ Rij), Naval 
Otiptam,, Examiner of tiife 
Tokosuka jSTaval Arsenal; b. 
1868. 2nd Commander, Sept. 
1899; Commander, July 1904; 
Captain, Sept. 1908. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun; 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite; was Chief Staff on the 
Takefshiki. Port. Address: Yo- 

Kimura, Jun (pj^ jfj j^j), 
Representative Partner of the 
Sanuki Industrial Co., Presi- 
dent of the Kotohira Bank, 
Ltd., Auditor of the Sanuki 
Cotton Yarn; 6. in 1869 in 
the province of Sanuki ; e. s 
of Tazo Kimura. Address: 
Okada - mura, Ayauta - gun, 

Kimura, Hisashi (;^ ^ ^;, 
Rigakuhakushi (astronomy) ; 
b. in 1867; a native of Ishi- 
ated from the College of Sci- 

ence in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1 892 ; further studied astrono- 
my in the University Hall. 
Attended in company with 
Dr. Tanakadate the Interna- 
tional Geodesic Conference 
held in London, 1898; on 
returning appointed Chief of 
the Government Astronomical 
Observatory at Mizusawa, I- 
wate-prefecture ; after persi- 
stent study for many years 
discovered the so - called Z 
term, or Z in the formula for 
the measurement of the changes 
in the movements of the earth's 
g^jjjs and was given the De- 
gree of Rigakuhakushi 1903; 
again attended ^:he Interna- 
tional Geodesic Conference in 
1906 and his report on his 
new discovery made all the 
astronomers in the world un- 
derstand that there were some 
mistakes on the old formula 
for the measurement of the 
changes in the movements of 
the earth's axis and his so- 
called Z term was unanimous- 
ly recognized as one»"of the 
greatest discoveries in astro- 
nomical science ; made mem- 
ber of the Royal Astronomical 
Society of England; was given 
a prize and a medal, together 
with a written acknowledge- 
ment of his service, by the 
Imp. Acadf ipy of Japan, July 
191 1. Recreations t: billiards 
and Utar (old Japahese songs). 


L 396 ] 

■Address: Mizusawamachi, I- 

Einiiira, Solachi CtK ft tp 
^>, Eear-Admiral ex-Chief of 
the Torpedo Division of the 
Maizuru Naval Station ; b. the 
;7th m. of the istj. of Bun- 
kyu (1861) in Tokyo ; e. s. of 
the late Kaishu - Kimuia, a 
1o\cyo sajnuari; in. Sen, sister 
of Bunkichi Ichikawa, also a 
' samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
Graduated from the Naval A- 
cademy (Nov. 1882). Second 
Sub-Lieutenant (Aug. 1885); 
Commander CDec. 1 897); Cap- 
tain (July 1904) ; Rear- Ad- 
miral (Dec. 1909). Present 
post since Dec. 19 10; Com- 
'manded the Volunteer ship 
Nikko-maru during the Rus- 
so-Japanese War and was de- 
corated with the 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun together with 
the 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite; was placed on -waiting 
list, Dec. 191 1. 
" Kimnra, Kozo (?(:## ij:), 
Ig{tkuhakushi,-Stoi.oi^& Osa- 
ka Higher Medical School, 
Member of the Examination 
Committee for Medical Practi- 
tioners. Address : No. 30, 1 
chome, Shiomachi, Minamiku, 

Kimnra, Kuranosnke Ct^: It 
j( Z 19), Managing Director 
of the Yokohama Commercial 
Bank, Ltd,, Director of the 
j[apan and China Flour Mfg 

Co., Ltd., the Oriental Gurh 
Co. Ltd., Auditor of the Ja- 
pan Chemical Industiy Co., 
Ltd., Director of the Yoko- 
hama Rice Exchange, Ltd., 
Mem. of the Ydkohama Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; ^. in 1871 
in Chiba - prefecture ; 2nd s. 
of Ichitaro Suzuki ; m. Nao, 
6th d. of Riemon Kimura of 
Yokohama. Address: Miya- 
gawacho, Yokohama. 

Kimura, Kusuyada C^ ^ X 
m m i:), Chief of the De'pt 
of General Affairs in Mitsu- 
bishi & Co., Manager of the 
Kobe Branch; 3. in 1865 at 
Kobe ; 2nd s. of Toru Tao- 
ka, a samurai of Tosa, m. 
Sumi, e. d. of Yahachi Ai- 
gawa, samurai of Choshii 
clan. Address: Nakayamate- 
dori, Kobe. Tel.: 515. 

Kimura, Kyabei 0?.^ % ^_ 
.%\ Director of the Tsuruga- 
oka Bank, Ltd., and the Sho- 
nai Products Co., Ltd., Audi- 
tor of the Tsurugaoka Water 
Electric Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1854 
in Yamagata-preficture j 4th 
s. of Tomomasa Ito ; m. To- 
yono, e. d. of Kyuichiro Ki- 
mura of the same prefecture. 
Address : Oizumi-mura, Ya- 

Kimura, Eiemon CtIc If f 4 * 
^ PI), President of the Yoko- 
hama Kyoao Electric Wire 
Mfg. Co., Ltd., and the Yoko- 
hama Trading Storage Co., 

[ 397 ] 


Ltd., Director of the" Yoko- 
hama Specie Bank, Mem. of 
the Yokohama Chamber of 
Commerce, . silk and foreign 
-textile dealer; b. in 1834 at 
Chiba; 4th s. of Shichibei 
Kimura. Was on the staff of 
the organization of the Yo- 
kohama Specie Bank and be- 
came its manager ; was elect- 
ed Mem. of the House of 
peers ; founded the Yokohama 
Rice Exchange and held the 
position of its President ; is 
reputed to be one of the lead- 
ing merchants of Yokohama. 
Address : Bentendori, Yoko- 
hama. TeL .-23. . 

Kimura, Kiyoshi Cic U iS), 
chief of the section of corre- 
spondence of the Osaka Mer- 
cantile S. S. Co, Ltd.; b. 
1878 in Tokyo. Mug. : gradu- 
ated from the law college of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Ad- 
dress : Terayama-cho, Tama- 
tsukuri, Hisashi-ku, Osaka. 

Kimura, Sakugoro (;* ^ f^ 
S fil5), money-lender ; 6. the 
2nd 7n. of the ist j/. of Ka- 
yei (1848) in Osaka ; e. s. of 
the late Sakugoro Kimura of 
Osaka; m..Ta.zu, '6th. d. of 
Kyiibei Minami'of Kyoto. Ad- 
dress : No. 112, '2chome, Hi- 
ranomachi, Higashiku, Osaka. 
Kimura, Seishiro C^f: i^f Jt M 
Mi5), Director of the Bank of 
Japan ; b. in 1861 in the pro- 
vince of Bitchu ; e. s. of Kan- 

kichi Kimura ; m. Tei, ad(?/>(. 
d. of Kane Kadomatsu of To- 
kyo. Educ. : graduated from 
the Keiogijiiku in 1883. En- 
tered the Chiugai Shogya 
Shimfio : then the Bank of 
Japan through the recommen- 
dation of the late Baron Iwa- 
.saki in 1896; Private Sec- 
retary in 1 897 ; Chief of the 
Business Dep't in 1901 ; Di- 
rector after the late war. Ad- 
dress : Minami - sakumacho, 
Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 413 Shiba. 

Kimura, Seitaro (tjc W g ic 
W), Member of the House of 
Peers (Representative of tlie 
highest tax-payers); b. Jan. 
1847, in Miye-ken ; s. of Sei- 
taro Kimura ; m. Tsugi, 2nd 
d. of Mosaburo Horiki. Educ: 
studied Chinese Classics un- 
der the famous Setsudo Sai- 
to. Member of the Miye Pre- 
fectural Assembly 1879 — 18- 
94; founded Kwansei Rail- 
way Company 1 887 ; Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives 1894; Member of 
the House of Peers 1904. 
Was imprisoned for resisting 
the tyranny of Government 
Officials over the land-tax re- 
vision in 1875. Recreations.' 
Reading, Chinese poetiy. Club. 
Doyokwai (Saturday Meet- 
ing). Address : Kitataisha, I- 
nabe-mura, Imbe-gun, Miye- 

Kimura, Seiyu, C* W fi? ^)» 


l m 3 

Executive farther, of Kyoshin 
Mining Co., I3ir; of the Osa- 
ka Alkali Co., Ltd;, Auditor 
of-ArtiiiGiai Manure Dealing 
Co., ttd., the Settsu Oil Re- 
fitting Co., Ltd., and the Mo- 
sljng Yarn, Ltd.; ^. in 1841 
in Aomori-prefecture; V/«. Kyoj 
and d. of Jiirofemon Toydda 
of the same prefecture. Adr 
dress .• ,, Funakoshicho, Higa- 
shiku, Osaka. 7>/. : 1439 Hi- 


Kimura, SMgeyuki (;1« :js]- 3 

1t)> Paymaster-Colonel, Chief 
of the Accountants Dept of 
the 1 6th Army- Division; i>. 
1869 in Aichi-ken. Sub- 
Lieut, of infantry, July 1889; 
Lieut., Dec. 1893; Captain, 
Oct. 1898; Paymaster-Major, 
Dec. 1903; Paymaster- Lieut.- 
Colonel, -Nov. 1907; Pay- 
master-Colonel, Nov. 19 10. 
JDecorations: 4th Order of 
S. T., 4th Order of R. S., 
4th Class of G. K. Address: 
the i6t.h Army Division, 
Fukakusa - maru, Kii-gun, 

Kimura, Shunkichi (* W W. 
H), 3rd order of the Rising 
Sun, Expert to the Imperial 
Navy, Prof; of the Naval Tor- 
pedo School, Attached to the 
Yokosuka Arsenal ; ^. in 1 866 
at Tokyo ; y. b. of Kokichi 
Kimura, a samurai oi'Xdk.yo •, 
m. Kame, 2nd d. of Tobei Ino- 
wi.,^. samurai oiYiyo^o. Was 

appointed Prof, of tEe Na\^ 
in 1901; was sent to England 
for study in 1902 ; on return- 
ing from abroad was appoint- 
ed Eispert to the Navy ; de- 
corated with 5th order of the 
Rising Sun for his services in 
founding the wireless tele- 
graph in 1905. Address: Na- 
kazato, Yokosuka. 

Kimura, Sosuke C* 4t Itfc ^), 
Inspector- General of Fleets 
and Hospitals, Chief of Naval 
Medical Bureau; b. i857atKa- 
goshima ; e. s. of Kyutaro Ki- 
mura, a Satsuma samurai. 
Granted 2nd Order of Ris- 
ing Sun and 3rd Class of Gol- 
den Kite for services in the 
late war. Address: Kasumi- 
cho, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. :■ 
2102 Shiba. 

Kimura, TosTiitake C* tt M 
S^). President of the Matsu- 
yama Commercial Bank ; b. 
the nth m. of the 3rd y. oi 
Kayei (1850) in Yehime-ken ; 
2nd s. of -the late Toshinaga 
Kimura,: a samurai of Yehi- 
me-ken ; m. Kane, e. d. oX 
.Shoitsu Tange, 2X^,6 di samu- 
rai of Yehime-ken. Address : 
Yanai-machi, Onsen-gun, Ye- 

Kimura, Yoji C* ^ FI 
-)/ director of the Fujita- 
gumi & Co., director of the 
Zmc Mining Co., auditor ot 
the Kitahama Bank ; 6. the 
10 th »». of the 4th y. of 

[ 399 J 


Ansei (1857) at Hagi-machi, 
the province of Yamaguclii ; 
190B. Educ. : graduated the 
course of mining and metall- 
urgy of the engineering col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. U- 
niv., 1905. Was appointed -ex- 
pert of the Dep't of Agri. 
and Com. after his gradua- 
tion ; entered the present firm, 
March 1907. Address : No 3 
of 88 Tennojitsukahara, Hi- 
gashi-nari-gun, Osaka-fu, TeL: 
1274 Minami. 

Kinase, Keisuke (t^ ^ M i§. 
Ift). Governor of the Tokyo 
Prison. Address : Official Re- 
sidence, No. 6o, Tomihisacho, 
Ichieava. U<:hisrome, Tokyo. 

Kinoslii, KaiKejIro (g #+ S|- 
®, ^ Bli), actoi-, (Professional 
name, Ichikawa Danshiro 
*Ji|g?glU); b. the 7th m. of 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855) 
in Tokyo; s. of Santaro 
Bando, also an actor. Educ: 
studied under a private-tutor. 
Appeared on the stage fiom 
an early age of six under 
the name of Utasaku Bando; 
became one of the disciples 
of the late Danjuro Ichikawa 
and assumed the professional 
name of Ennosuke Ichikawa; 
succeeded to the name of 
Danshiro Ichikawa in 1909. 
Recreation: handiwork of 
various kinds. Address^: 55, 
2chome, Senzoku-machi, Asa- 
kusa, Tokyo. Tel.: i860. 

Kmoshita Ciiuiiro CtK FA 
^ I!0, Presiding Director of 
the Marukin Soy Co., Ltd.; 
b. in 1870 in the province of 
Sanuki ; e, s. of Chujird Ki- 
noshita ; m. Sana, 3rd d. of 
Eizaburo Naganishi of the 
same prefecture. Address: Na- 
ehamura, Shozu-gori," Kaga- 

Kinoshita, Kenjiro CtJ: T ^ 
^ IR), Member of the House 
of Representatives ; Director 
of the Oriental Life Insurance 
Company ; b. Feb. 1 869, in 
Dita-ken ; 2nd .$■. of Yukichi 
Kinoshita. £duc. : studied iil 
the 3rd High School, and 
Tokyo Hogakuin, from which 
graduated 1892. Member of 
the House of Representatives 
1903 ; decorated with 4th Or- 
der of Merit. Address: No. 
29, Tansumachi, Azabuku, 
Tokyo. Chib : Kokuminto 
(National Party). Tel.: 494 

Kinoshita, Seichu CtSc T jE 
■t"). Igakiihakushi(^%yntco\o'gy 
and obstetrics), Prof of the 
Medical Col. in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ.; b. in 1867 in Kyo- 
to -p-efecture. EduC: grad. 
Medicine in the Tokyo Imp. 
^Univ., 1895. Appointed As- 
sist.-Prof. of his alma ■mater 
after graduation ; and after- 
wards promoted Prof Ad- 
dress .• Morikawacho, Hongo- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 728 Shi- 


[ 400 ] 


Kinoshit|«k^, Shioliijo (tIc T -b 
fiP), President of the Katsu- 
mada ^^ank, Ltd., the Tota- 
tsu Bank, Ltd . , and the Japan 
Mutual Tea Mfg. Co., Ltd., 
Auditor of the Japan Tea Mfg. 
Co., Ltd.; d. in 1854 in Shi- 
zuoka Prefecture ; j/. b. of Sa- 
kubei Shinha ; in. Hisa, y. s. 
of Giichi Yamada of the same 
prefectm-e. Address : Katsu- 
mada, Shizuoka-ken. 

Kinoshita, ShokiS C* T f^ iO, 
socialist, author, lawyer ; i>. 
in 1890 in the province of 
Shinano. Edzcc. : graduated 
Law at the Private Waseda 
University in 1891 ; passed 
the Government Examination 
for Bench. Called to bar for 
some time ; was converted to 
Socialism and became Editor 
of the To^yo Mainichi Shim- 
bun and as such attractea 
public notice ; was the right- 
hand man of Shozo Tanaka, 
the then distinguished Mem. 
of the House of Representa- 
tives and leader of the Kodo- 
kti Mondai (Ashio Copper 
Poisoning Question) j after- 
wards left the Mainichi and 
took up the cause of socialism 
for the sake of suffering hu- 
manity ; is recognized as the 
leading socialistic novel writer 
of modern Japan. Publications : 
" Ottono JiJtaku (Confessions 
of a Husband}," Hito no Am 

(Elder .Brotherhood)," " Ret 
ka Niku ka (Soul or Flesh ?),"> 
" Kyoka (Blazing Fire)," -etc. 
Address : MikaWaj ima - ntui-a, 
Kita-toshima-gun, Tokyo. 

Kinoshita, Tomosaburo. C;^ T 
1X. H IP),: Judge of the Ad- 
ministrative Litigation Court, 
3rd Order of Merit; b. in the 
I st year of Ganj i ( 1 864) in Wa- 
kayama-prefecture ; m. Suzu, 
3rd d. of Ekiken Kojima of 
the same prefecture. Educ. : 
grad. Law in th« Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1889. Address: Kita- 
machi, Aoyama, Akasakaku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2958 Shiba, 

Kinoshita, Tosaku -(Jk^ y % 

f^)' IgakukakiisM (Doctor of 
Medicirie)7Prof. of the Osaka 
Prefectural Medical College; 
b. 1878 in Kyoto. Edzic: 
graduated from the College 
of Medicine of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1899; entered 
the University hall to con- 
tinue his study, 1903. Was 
appointed teaclier of the 
Osaka Medical College, 
1906; was despatched to 
Austria in 1908, and studied 
physiology, physiology of 
five sense and anatomy at 
the Vienna University from 
May of the same year; re- 
turned home in 1910; granted 
the degree of Igaktihakiishi 
by presenting a thesis. Ad- 
dress : the Osaka Medical 
College, Jyoan-cho, . Osaka. 

[ 40I ] 


Kinoshita, Yoshio (Tfc T ^ 
tk), Traffic Manager, Imp. 
Gov. R'lys. ; d. 1874 i" the 
province of Tamba. £d?ic. : 
grad. Civil Eng. in the To]<yo 
Imp. Univ., 1898. Address: 
Shiodome-cho , Shiba-ku , 
Tokyo. 7>/. .• 4426 Shimbashi. - 

Kira, Talsujiro C^r S M ^ 
IP), Chief Public Procurator 
of the Kochi District Court. 
Address : The Kochi District 
Court, Kochi-shi, Kochi-ken. 

Kirishima, Zoichi (M §i H 
— ). Chief of the Land Dep't 
of the Mitsubishi & Co. ; 3. 
in 1864 in the province of 
Tosa ; e. s. of, Masachika Ki- 
rishima, a samurai ; m. Mi- 
tsu, y. s. of Denjiro Hagi, a 
samurai of Nagasaki. Educ. : 
grad. Law in the Imperial 
University of Tokyo. Ad- 
dress : Haramachi, Koishika- 
wa, Tokyo. Tel. : 957 Ban- 

Kiritani, Bumpei iM # % 
^). Principal of Fukushima 
Middle School ; Sub-Lieute- 
nant of Infantry ; b. June 
1869, in Chiba-ken ; .y. of Yo- 
hei Kiritani. Educ.-K gradu- 
ated from the Chiba Middle 
School, 1887 ; graduated from 
the Tokyo Flogakuin College 
1893. • A one year volunteer, 
1893 ; took part in the Japan 
China War, 1894 — 1895 ; In- 
structor in the Middle Schools 
of Ehime and Gumma pre- 

tectures ; took part in the 
Russo-Japanese War (1904'^ 
1905) in the Reserve Ai'my 
Brigade of Imperial Guards 
of the First Army ; present 
post since 1907 ; decorated 
with 6th Order of Merit and 
Sth Class of Golden Kite as 
a reward for his war services. 
Recreations : Ethics and phi- 
losophy. Address: No. 60, 
Nakamachi, Fukushima - shi, 
Fukushima-ken . 

Kishi, Keijiro ^ ^k - IR3, 
Managing Director and in 
addition Chief Engineer of the 
Shibaura Engineering Works, 
Ltd.; d. Mar. the 2nd y. of 
Meiji (1869) in Wakayama- 
prefecture ; s. of Shinsaku 
Kishi ; m. Mitsue, 2nd d. of 
Morinosuke Hayakawa, 1899. 
Ed7ic. : graduated Electro- 
Engineering at the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., July 1895. En- 
tered the service of the Shi- 
baura Engineering Works as 
Engineer immediately after 
graduation ; is famous for his 
various inventions and im- . 
provements made in the pro- 
cesses of electro-engineering 
works ; promoted present 
posts iis Sept. 1 9 1 1 . Address: 
No. I, Shinhamacho, Kana- 
sugi, Shibaku, Tokyo. Tel.. 
906 Shiba. 

' Kishi, Kinzaburo (^ ^ H El5), 
Engineer to the Railway Con- 
trol Bureau. Address: Of- 


[ 402 ] 

ficial Eesidence, 2 chome, Shi- 
odomej Shibaku, Tokyo, 
of business. Recreation : Eki 
(divination). Address : Ka- 
waramachi, Higashiku, Osa- 
ka. ■ 7>/. •• 706 Higashi. 

Kisbmoaye, Kenkichi (^ J: 
Wf- rj). Rigakuhakushi, Prof, 
of the Agricultural College 
in the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity (Chair of Fishery) ; b. 
in 1867 in Aichi - prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Konohachi Kishiao- 
uye •,jm. Cho, 4th. d. of Saku- 
jiro Oshimaof Mie-prefecture. 
Educ: grad. Science at the 
Tokyo Imp. University, 1889. 
Was appointed Expert of the 
Agricultural and Commercial 
Dep't, 1891 ; sent abroad, 18- 
97 ; on returning appointed 
Chief of the Marine Products 
Investigating Section; and then 
present post. Address : Ichi- 
bancho, Kojimachiku, Tokyo. 
Tel- : 2915 Bancho. 

Kita, Matazo (# #J 3C ^)> 
Managing Director of the 
Nippon Cotton Co., Ltd.; d. 
the 9th m. of the loth jj/. 
of Meiji (1878) in Nara-ken; 
3rd .y. of ChoMchiro Kita; 
m. Tei, e. d. of Bunnosuke 
Kainura, 1906. Educ: gra- 
duated . ffom the Osaka 
Higher Commercial School. 
Entered the Nippon Cotton 
Co. immediately after gradu- 
ation; served at its Bombay 
braiich, 1896; present post 
since igTi. Recreations: txz^- 

velling and chess. Address- 
No. 2, Hi^''ashihorikawa, Ktta- 
ku, Osaka._ . 7>/.: 4357 Higashi. 

Kita, Shintaro (.g ^ ft ;£ Wj, 
Lieuteoant-Colonel of Cavalry, 
Commander of" the 9th Re- 
giment of Cavalry ; b. 1 870 
in Nara-ken. Sub-Lieutenant 
(Mar. 1893); Lieutenant (Dec. 
1894) ; Captain (Oct. 1897) ; 
Major (Oct. 1904); Lieutenant- 
Colonel (Apr. 1909). Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the Ri- 
sing Sun, 5 th Order of the 
Sacred Ti'easure and 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
The 9th Regiment of Cavalry, 
Kanazawa, Ishikawa-ken. 

Kitagaki, Kuaimichi C^jfc il H 
M), Baron, Mem. of the House 
of Peers, TLord-in-Waitirig in, 
the Kinkei Hall ; b. on the 
7th of the 8th month in the 
7th year of Tempo (1836) in 
the province of Tajima; e. s. 
of Saburozaemon Kitagaki, a 
sccmurai of Tottori clan ; in. 
Taiie, e. s. of Haruo Kawada, 
Viscount. Rendered services 
to the Mikado at the Restora- 
tion. Entered the Govern- 
ment as an administrative 
official in 1 869 ; went over to 
Hokkaido for administrative 
purposes in 1870; was ap- 
pointed Secretary of Karafu- 
to (Saghalien) in 1874; then 
sent to Kumamoto-ken during 
the Saigo Rebellion ; Director 
of the Prefectural Bureau of 
the Home Dep't in 1878; Gov- 

[' 403 ] 


ernor of Kochi-ken in 1879; 
then of Kyoto-fu in i<S8i ; 
Senior Secretaiy to the Dep't 
oflmperial Householdin 1883; 
Governor of Hokkaido in 18- 
92 ; then Vice - minister of 
the Dep't of Colonization in 
1896; was created Baron for 
his meritorious services in the 
same year. Decoration : ist 
Order of merit. Address : Do- 
temachi, Kamikyoku, Kyo- 

Kitagawa, Nobuyori QJt ."1 ft 
JHO, Mazor of Nagasaki;^, in 
i860 in the province of To- 
sa ; 2nd s. of Nobumichi Ki- 
tagawa, a samurai; in. Koi- 
to, }'. s. of Fujie Tanaka of 
the Wakayama - prefecture. 
Has long been in the service 
of the Government before be- 
ing appointed to present post. 
Address: Nagas:iki. 

Kitakawa, Otojiro (i^ }\\ Zi ^ 
115), IgakuhakiLshi ; M. D. 
(Wertzburg University) ; Di- 
rector of the Koseikwan Ho- 
spital in Nagoya ; member of 
the Nagoya City Assembly ; 
President of the Nogoya city 
Doctor's Assembly ; b. June, 
1864, in Shiga-ken ; 3rd s. of 
Yadayu Kitagawa ; m. (for the 
second time, as his first wife 
was dead) Chiyo-ko, 1st d. 
of Viscount Hayato Fukuha. 
Educ. : studied in the College 
of Medicine in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. ; went to- Germany for 

study, and entered BerlinUni- 
ve'rsity in 1887, and then Wert- 
zbiirg University, from Avhich 
graduated in 1889. Director 
of the Wakayama Prefectisra! 
Hospital 1890 — 1891 ; present 
post 1892. Recreation: Rea- 
ding. Address : No. 211, 11- 
chome, Minami-sotobori-cho, 
Higashiku, Nagoyashi. Tel. : 
295 /. d. 

Kitakawa, Beihitsu (;|b ji! ffi 
i€), Managing Director of the 
Chiyoda Mutual Life Insurance 
Co., Ltd., Director of the Ta- 
magawa Electric R'ly Co., 
Ltd., Auditor of the Kyodo 
Fire and Marine Insurance Co., 
Ltd.; /;. in 1861 in Fukui-ken ; 
c. s. of Fujima Kitagawa. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Kciogijiuku with honours in 
1 88 1., Became a teacher in 
the Isebara English School 
in 1882; entered the Naval 
Dep't as a translator in 18- 
86; editor of the Kinjo Shin- 
po of Nagoya in 1889; then 
of the Jiji in 1891 ; entered 
the Keiogijuku as a teacher 
after., the late Fukuzawa's 
death ; organized the Chiyoda 
Life Insurance Co. in 1904 
and became its Director. Ad- 
dress : Mitatsunamachi, Shi- 
baku, Tokyo. Tel.: 767 Shiba. 
Kitagawa, Yasuzaemoa (;|t 'A 
%'^'M R), high-tax - payer, 
Managing Dir. of the Saha- 
ra Enterprise Bank, Ltd., Dir. 


L 404 

of the Sahara Storage Co., 
Ltd. ; d. in in 1873 in Chiba- 
prefecture ; e. s. of the de- 
ceased father Yasuzaemon Ki- 
tagavva; m. Seki, j/. s. of Sa- 
hei Mogi of the same-prefe- 
cture. Succeeded his father 
in 1885. Address: Sahara- 
niachi, Chiba-keri 

Kitajima, Sahachi C4b S -fe 
A), Sake brewer, high-tax- 
payer ; b. in 1837 in Saga- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Rokuemon 
Kitajima, a samurai; m. Yo- 
shi, aunt of Otsukichi Yamada 
of the same prefecture. Bre- 
wer of the well known " Shi- 
meuaiua " sake. Was elected 
Pres. of the Saga-ken Sake 
Brewering Guild. Address : 
Nishi-Uomachi, Saga. 

Kitajima, Shichibei Q-Jt I* -ir i?- 
t#), Pres. of the Nankai Blea- 
ching Powder Co., Ltd., Ma- 
naging Dir. of the Wakaya- 
ma Weaving Co., Ltd., Dir. 
of the Korean Agricultural 
Enterprise Co., Ltd., Auditoi 
of the Wakayama Water 
Power Electric Co., Ltd., and 
the 43rd Bank, Ltd.; b. in 18- 
5 1 in Wakayama-prefecture ; 
e. s. of Tohichi Fukami ; in. 
Tsuneno, 3rd d. of Jinzo Mo- 
rikawa of the same prefecture. 
Succeeded his father in 1878. 
Address : Uematsucho, Wa- 

Kitajima, Taiclii, (4blJ:— > 
To-akuhakusM, Chief of the 

First Section of the Institute 
of Infectious Diseases, and 
Chief of the Infectious 
Diseases Section of Home 
Office; /'. the 6th m. of the 
3rd y. o{ Meiji (1870) in 
Kanazawa, Ishikawa-ken ; s. 
of Nobuatsu Kitajima; m. 
Tei, e. d. of Masanao Koike, 
1896. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Medicine of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
joined the Institute of In- 
fectious Diseases, 1894; went 
to Germany and studied -oiv. 
the disinfection of epidemics 
of Dr. Berring, 1896- 1898. 
Has been invested with the 
Fourth Order Ot Merit. Ad- 
dress: No. 422, Nishi-okubo, 
suberb of Tokyo. Td.'. 3 161 


Kitamori, Masanao C:)h ^ K 

it), Mayor of Hakodate, 6th 
Order of Merit ; b. in 1858 
in Iwate-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Masatomo Kitamori, a samtc- 
rai ; m: Tsune, e. d. of Kik- 
kyo Hoshikawa of the same 
prefecture. Was appointed 
Deputy Mayor ; and then pre- 
sent post. Address: Taniji- 
domachi, Hakodate. 

Kitamura, Kyotaro C4b ^ M 
% 10, Managing Dir. of the 
Osaka Cement Co., Ltd.; L 
iu 1863 in Aichi-prefecture , 
e. s. of Shingo Kitamura ; m. 
Tane, ^. ^. of Yoshinao Ito ol 
the same prefecture. Edzic. : 

[ 405 ] 


grad. from the Engineering 
College in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1889. Civil Eng. of 
the Onoda Cement Mfg. Co., 
Ltd. ; then of the Osaka Ce- 
ment Co., Ltd., 1896; sent 
to Germany, 1897 — 1898; pre- 
sent post, 1899. Address. 
Kita-momodanicho, Minami- 
ku, Osaka. Tel. : 3833 Hi- 

Kitamura, Matazaemon C4b W 
3J. ^ t© P'!), farmer, high-tax- 
payer ; b. in 1873 in the pro- 
vince of Yamato ; e. s. of Ma- 
tasaburo Kitamura ; in. Kiku, 
4th d. of Ihei Kinoshita ot 
Wakayama - ken. A large 
landowner. Address: Kami- 
ichi, Yoshino-gun, Nara-ken. 

Kitamura, Shigemasa (^ It 
ffi W), Proprietor of the Sei- 
yoken. Hotel and the Seiyo- 
ken Restaurant; b. in 1872 
at Tokyo ; e. s. of Jurei Ki- 
tamura, a Hatamoto ; in. Tsu- 
ni, adopt, d. of Ryosaku Ma- 
tsuiofSaitama. ^^«i?..- gradu- 
ated from the Meijigakuin (a 
mission school) and further 
Studied at theMejji Law Col- 
lege. His ^./! Shigetake Ki- 
tamura rendered service to the 
State under the late Prince 
Tomomi Iwakura at the Rest- 
Oration ; in 1 87 1 established 
the Seiyoken assisted by the 
frince, the late Prince Sanjo, 
^d others; and in 1873 found- 
^ the Seiyoken Restaurant 

in Ueno Park ; the Seiyoken 
was the first foreign restaurant 
and hotel in the country. Re- 
creations: foreign and Japanese 
cookery ; fine arts. Address : 
Unemecho, Kyobashiku, To- 
l<:yo. Cliibs : Doki club and 
Japanese Trading Association. 
7>/. .• 462, 463, 464, 1563, 
648 Shimbashi. 

Kitario, Katsuya C* If St rfJ). 

Captain in the Navy, Direc- 
tor of Kiu-e naval po rt affairs 
gi;b. 1865. Lieutenant-Com- 
mander (Dec. 1 897) ; Com- 
mander (Sept. 1900) ; Cap- 
tain (Sept. 1906). Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 4th Order of the Sa- 
cred Treasure and 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Kure, HiroshiiTtn-Ve-n. 
Kitano, Tsonetomi C4h_l= It 
"S"), artist, Japanese painter; 
b. the 13th y. of Meiji(l880) in 
Kanazawa-city, Ishikawa-ken ; 
s. of Kaneyemon Kitano ; U- 
tako, 1st d. of Toshichi Fuji- 
mura, May 1888. Exhibited 
picture "Sudaku-mushi" (cry 
of insects) iu the ;irt exhibitior 
of the Dep't of Education, 
1910, and a picture Hideri-ame 
(rain after drought) in the 
same exhiijition in 1911 ; be- 
sides Gxliibited his masterpieces 
in irarious exhibitions and 
obtained many prises. Beore- 
ations : travelling, music, dr- 
ama. Address : "So. 27 Minami- 



\vataya-elio,Minami-ku, Osaka. 
Clubs : councillor of tlie Ta- 
tsuuii a.rt society, laisho art 
' Kitashiro, Katsii (4b fi St), 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
Judge of the Court of Cas- 
sation ; ^. in' 1859 in the pro- 
vince of Tosa ; e. s. of Kiichi 
Kitashiro, a samurai; in. K6, 
e. d'. of Sliigekiyo Ikegami of 
tlie same prefecture. Educ. : 
grad. Law at tlie Tokyo Ina- 
perial University, 1884. Judge 
of the Osaka Appeal Court ; 
Sectional Chief of the court ; 
and then present post, 1904. 
Address : Meguro-mura, Eba- 
ra-gun, Tokyo. 

Kitayama, Tanjiro C« 0- III 
^ -- IIS), Lieutfenant- Colonel 
of Commissariat, Commander 
of the 1 2th Battalion of Com- 
missariat Troops ; 3. 1867 in 
Ehime-ken. Sub - Lieutenant 
of Infantry (July 1887) ; Sub- 
Lieutenant of Commissariat 
(June 1890) ; Lieutenant of — 
(Nov. 1890); Captain of — 
(Nov. 1894) ; Major of— (Oct. 
1900) ; Lieutenant - Colonel 
(Feb. 1905). Decoi ations : yA 
Order of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
and 4th . Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address : The 12th Bat- 
talion of Commissariat Troops, 
Kokura, Fukuoka-ken. 

Kitazato, Sadayiilsi C4b 1. M. 
■^), President of the Dita 

Local Court: S in 1^57 m 
K .umamoto-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Ikkaku Kitazato, a samurai; 
m. y. s. of Kuniyada Akabc^- 
shi of the same, prefecturfe. 
Edttc. : passed tlie Govern- 
ment Examination for Bench, 
1887. Judge of the Fukii- 
shima District Court ; Sec- 
tional Chief of the court ; Dir. 
of the Miyazaki District Court; 
and theji present post. '■ Ad- 
dress : Oitamachi, Oita-ken. ' 
Kitazato, Shibasaburo (Jt E 
.^ H g|5), Bacteriologistj,-/^'"^- 

J-'vh/yhi<:Ij.i^, discoverer of the 
Kitazato Bacillus, President 
of the Infectious Disease In- 
vestigation Laboratory, Com- 
mitte of the Central Sanitary 
A.ssociation ; h. in ^852 at 
Kitazato-mura, Aso-guii; . in 
the province of Higo ; e'._$: 
of Korenobu Kitazato ; m. To- 

[ 407 ] 


ra 2iid d of Baron Mtusuu 
£duc. : graduated Medicine at 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity in 1882; further studied 
in Germany under the late Prof. 
Koch, 1884 — 1891.' Entered 
the Bureau of Sanitation after 
graduation ; was appointed 
present post on returning from 
abroad ; for medical research 
purposes went to Hong-kong 
then the centre of pestilentia ; 
went to Manchuria for the 
same purposes in 191 1; one 
of the leading personages in 
the medical world of this 
country. Address : Nakano- 
cho, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2709, 2710 /. d. Shiba. 

Kitsuki, Kokicjii Ct^: 1ft ^ 1?), 
Chief of the Sendai Post and 
Telegraph Control Bureau ; 
b. the -7th m. of the ist y. of 
Gwanji (1864) in Hyogo-ken ; 
e. s. of Rihachi Kitsuki, a 
heimin ; m. Momoyoshi, sister 
of Inujiro Taneda, a samurai 
of K5chi-ken. Educ. : Gradu- 
ated from the Law College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1890). 
After graduation was Secret- 
ary to the Department of 
Communications, Post-master 
in Kanazawa and Nagoya 
cities in succession ; present 
post since 19 10. Address: 
The Sendai Post and Tele- 
graph Control Bureau, Sen- 
dai, Miyagi-ken. 

Kiuchi. Jushiro CtIc ft !S PJ 

IP), Member of the House of 
Peers, ajipointed iuiiugust i— 
911, ex-Ufficial in the .Keside- 
ncy-General in Korea; 6. in 1 8- 
65 in Chiba-prefecture; 2nd s. 
of Jtirohei Kiuchi; w. Isoji, y. 
s. of Baron Hisaya Iwasaki. 
Educ: grad. from the Law 
College, in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1878. Appointed Sec- 
retary of the House of Peers; 
Councillor of the Agr. and 
Com. Dep't ; Secretary of the 
Home Dep't; Judge of, the 
Administrative Litigation 
Court ; Dir. of the Commerci- 
al Bureau in the Agr. and Com. 
Dep't , then of the Industrial 
Bureau in the same Dep't; 
Dir. of the Patent Bureau and 
of Agr." Com. Ind. Dep't in 
the Kesideucy-General; Ad- 
dress: No. 5, Yobancho, Koji- 
machi-kii, Tokyo. 

Kiyoie, Kumeichiro (^ ^ ^ 
-- MR), Dir. of the Matsuya- 
ma Electric R'ly Co., Ltd., 
Representing Partner of Nishi 
& Co.; b, in 1859 in Ehime- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Gunzo Ki- 
yoie-"' Succeeded his younger 
brother Hidejiro. Address: 
Jkata - mura, Nishiuwajima- 
gun, Ehime-ken. 

Kiyono, Isamu C^ If- R), 
Proprietor of the Kiyono Dis- 
pensary ; b. in 1852 in Shi- 
zuoka-prefecture ; e. s. of I- 
chigaku Kiyono ; m. Ren, 3rd 
d. of Noritaka Sakurai of the 


[ 408..]^ 

same prefecture. Educ.: grad. 
Medicine at the Tokyo Imp. 
University, 1879. Principal 
Prof, of the Okayama Medi- 
cal School ; Prof of the Medi- 
cal Dep't of the 3rd High 
School, 1887 ; Dir. of the O- 
saka Medical School, 1891 ; 
resigned post and started dis- 
pensary, 1900. Address : To- 
sabori, Nishiku, Osaka. Tel. : 
820 Nishi. 

Kiyosa, lyenori (M M % ^), 
ex-Gov. of the- Niigata-Pre., 
Count, Mem. of H. P.; h. in i- 
862 at Kyoto; 12th s. of H.I.H. 
Fushimi - no - miya Kunihiko ; 
m. Mitsuko, aunt of Viscount 
Kurahashi. 1 Superintendent 
priest of the Bukkoji, 1888 ; 
elected Mem. of H. P., 1890; 
appointed Gov. of Yamana- 
shi-prefecture, 1897 ; of Iba- 
raki-prefecture, 1 898 ; then ot 
Wakayama - prefecture; ^g'u^ 
post. Address : Shimo - Ro- 
kubancho, Kojimachiku, To- 
kyo. Te'. ." II /. d. Bancho. 

Kiyota, Kozue C:^ ffl ^), 

ex-Ohief of the Gynaecologia 
and Tocohgie Dep't of the Ya- 
maga Saisei Hospital. Ad- 
dress : Namika-machi, Yama- 

Kiyoura, Keigo (if Jt ^ W), 
Viscount, 1st Order of Merit, 
Privy Councillor; b. in 1850 
in Kumamoto-prefecture ; 5 th 
s. of Ryoon Okubo ; m. Ren. 
e. d. of his adqp. father Shu- 

tatsu Kiyoura. ^Began his .ca- 
reer as a small official of Sai- 
tama - prefecture ; afterwards 
entered the central Govern- 
ment ^ as public procurator, 
1877; appointed to the ex- 
amining committee on the draft 
of the Criminal code ; made 
lectures on the code for ad- 
ministrative officials and at- 
tracted public attention by his 
eminence as a debater; Sec- 

retary to the Dep't of Jus- 
tice J Dir. of the Police Bure- 
au ; sent abroad for legal pur- 
poses ; Vice-Minister of the 
Dep't of Justice under Count 
Yoshikawa ; was given the 
portfolio of the Dep't of Jus- 
tice in the Matsukata-Okuma 
Cabinet ; again held the same 
post in the Yamagata**Cabi- 
net; resigned the post and - 
travelled over China for poli- 
tical purposes ; was thrice ap- 
pointed Minister of Justice in 

[ 409 ] 

Kiz— Eofe 

the Katsura Cabinet. Was 
created Baron for his part in 
bringing about the Anglo- 
Japanese Alliance ; was pro- 
moted to Viscount as a war 
reward. As Minister of Jus- 
tice was reputed to be a typ- 
ical official of modern Japan. 
One of Prince Yamagata's 
lieutenants. Address : Iriarai- 
mura, Ehara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Kizaki, Aikichi Ofc mt k i?i), 
Member of the Office of the 
Osaka Asashi Shimbun. Ad- 
dress : No. 310, Higashiume- 
damachi, Kitaku, Osaka. 

Kizu, Tarobei (Jf. W % M 
^\ President of the Takaoka 
Chamber of Commerce, Di- 
rector of the Takaoka Kyo- 
ritsu Bank, Ltd., the Taka- 
oka Savings Bank, Ltd., the 
Takaoka Electric Light Co., 
Ltd., the Takaoka Shimposha 
(newspaper office), Ltd., and 
the Hokuriku Artificial Ferti- 
lizer Co., Ltd., Auditor of the 
Imperial Marine Products Co., 
Ltd.; b. in 1875 at Taka- 
oka in the province of Etchii ; 
e. s. of Tarobei Kizu ; m. 
Nobu, 3rd d. of Tahachiro 
Katsurai of the same province. 
Succeeded his father in 1903. 
Has served in the Army as a 
one year volunteer. Address : 
Kami-kawabaracho, Takaoka. 

Koba, Sadaaaga C* ;^ ^ fi), 
Hogakuhakushi, Dr. Phil, re- 
rum Politicarum, and Order 

of Mrit, Mem. of H. P.,.Lord- 
in-Waiting in Kinkei Hall ; b. 
1857 at Kagoshima. Edtic.: 
grad. Politics and Finance 
at Tokyo Imp.' Univ., 1881 ; 
studied in Germany and Aus- 
tria, 1882 — 1885. Appointed 
Private Secretary to Minister 
for Education, Secretary of 
Hyogo-ken ; Councillor of Le- 
gislative Bureau ; Dir. of Or- 
dinary Educ. Bureau ; Chief 
Councillor of Education Dep't; 
Vice - Minister of Educ. - A 
member of the Kenkyukai, (a 
political club in H. P.). Clubs: 
samurai Club ; Imp. Educ. 
Asso. Address : Sendagaya, 
Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 640 Shiba. 

Kobashi, lehita (/h S — Xj, 
Dir. of the Sanitary Bureau 
in the H^ome Dep't ; b. in 1 870 
in Kumamoto ; e. s. of Motoo 
Kobashi, a samurai; m. Hide, 
2nd d. of Koremasa Sugano 
of Tokyo. Educ. : grad. Law 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1 898. 
Councillor of Yamaguchi-ken; 
then of Nagasaki-ken ; enter- 
ed the central Gov. as Sec- 
retary of the Home Dep't ; 
then Councillor of the Dep't ; 
sent abroad, 1908 ; promoted 
to present posj^, 19 10. Ad- 
dress : Kami-Ozaki, Ebara- 
gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 1660 Shi- 

Kobayashi. Beika ('h # ^ 
MI), Lawyer, Dir. of the Nipr 
pen Mining Co., Ltd.; b.on 


[ 410 ] 

Dec. 7th in 1863 in Eng- 
land ; 3rd s. of Nicholas Dr. 
Beck; m. Suzu, adop. d. of 
Fujiichi Takegaki of Niigata- 
prefecture. Educ. : studied in 
England. He proceeded to 
U. S. A. 1886; arrived at 
Yokohama, 1887; began bu- 
siness at Yokohama ; became 
naturalized and took the na- 
me of Kobayashi, 1 892 ; com- 
menced the practice of law, 
1894. Mr. J. E. de Becker 
was engaged in the Dep't of 
Justice at the time of the 
treaty revision. He is now 
reputed to be one of the great 
lawyers in this country. Ptib- 
licatiotis: "Japanese Self-Tau- 
ght, "Kelly and Walsh's Hand- 
book of the Japanese Lan- 
guage " " The Code of Civil 
Procedure." "The Code of Cri- 
minal Procedure," " The Se- 
cured Debentures Trust Law," 
"The Railway Mortgage 
Law," " The Factory Mort- 
gage Law,"The Mining Law," 
" De E cker Japanese Law 
of Trading Companies and 
Partnerships," " Saved by the 
Judge," "Notes on the Mon- 
gol Invasion of Japan," "The 
Nightless City, a sociological 
Study," "The Annotated Ci- 
\dl Code of Japan." Address: 
No. 70, Yamashitacho, Yoko- 
hama. Tel.: 840 /. a. 

Kobayashi, Fasajiro C^h # ^ 
J9 ^), Expert to the Experi- 

mental Farm; b. in 1864 in 
Hiroshima-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Katsu Kobayashi ; m. e. d. of 
Shizuto' Nomura, a samurai 
of Hiroshima-prefecture. En- 
tered the Dep't of Agriculture 
and Commerce in 1888 ; Ex- 
pert to the Dep't in 1893. Ad- 
dress : Suidobatacho, Kobina- 
ta, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
Kobayashi, Genzo (/]> # jg Md- 

M. of the House of Eepresenta- 
iivea tor Yamagatr.-lceh,Ohi 

~ the Affairs Section and the Do- 
numpnt Section of its Superin- 
tending Dep't; b. in 1868 in 
Yamagata prefecture ; 2nd :. 
of Tokitada Akiyama ; m. Ta- 
ke, 2nd d. of Goro Kitaza^va 
of the same prefecture. Ednc. : 
graduated Law in the Tokyo 
Imperial University in 1894. 
Entered the Dep't of Com- 
munications in 1894; Secre- 
tary of the Dep't in 1 897 ; 
was sent abroad on business, 
1902 — 1903 ; was appointed 
Councillor of the Dep't ; then 
present post. Address: Shi- 
odomecho, Shiba, Tokyo. \Tel.: 
263 Shimbashi. 

kobayashi, 6in-emon C-'h # »^ 
^ Sf PI), Representative Mem- 
ber of the Kobayashi Partner- 
ship. Address: No. 2 Hori- 
domechS, Nihombashi, Tokyo. 

Kobayashi, Hachircemon C<I> 
^ A SJ * I P^), one of the 
highest taxpayers of Yama-' 
nashi-ken. Address: Hodzu- 

[411 ] 


mi-mura, Minami-koma-gun, 

Kobayashi, Jujiro Clif^filn 
W), President of the Ogori 
Bank; 5. 24 May 1839, Ya- 
maguchi prefecture j 2nd s. 
of Shinzo Akimoto, and adopt- 
ed into the Kobayashi family. 
Address : Ogori-mura, Yoshi- 
ki-gun, Yamaguchi prefect- 
ure, fc 

Kobayashi, Keikiohiro (/># 
1? S W>, Captain, M. of the 
Equipment in the Naval Con- 
struction Bureau; h, 1869. Lie- 
utenant, Dec. 1 897; 2nd Com- 
mander, Sept. 1899 ; Com- 
mander, Jan. 1907. Decora- 
tions : 4rd Order of the Rising 
Sun ; 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address : No". 2, E- 
chizembori, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 

Kobayashi, Keisuke (<!■« # S 
B). marine-products merchant, 
Mem. of the Yokohama Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; b. in 1 8- 
46 in the province of Kozu- 
ke ; 2nd s. of Goroemon I 
tagaki ; m. Fusa, e. d. of Ei 
kichi Umaori of Tokyo. Suc- 
ceeded his adopt, f. Gohei 
Kobayashi in 1 886. Address: 
Otamachi, Yokohama. Tel. : 
481 /. d. 

Kobayashi, Kenzo C>^ * ^ 
M), Commander in the Navy, 
2nd Commander of the Taia- 
chiho; b. in 1872. Cadet in 
1888 ;; Commander in 1909. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 

R. S. and 4th Class of' the 
G. K. Address : Naval Office. 

Kobayashi, Kikichi ('> # S 
a), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Tochigi prefecture. 
Address : Mibumachi, Shimo- 
tsuga-gun, Tochigi-ken. 

Kobayashi, Komataro ('h # 
l«I X BR, Vet. Surgeon-Major, 
Chief of the Vet. Medical 
Dep't of the l8th Army Di- 
vision ; b. in 1 869 in Ishika- 
wa-prefecture. Vet. Surgeon- 
Sub-Lieut, in 1897 ; Vet. 
Surgeon-Lieut, in 1900 ; Vet. 
Surgeon-Capt. in 1903 ; Vet. 
SurgeonrMaj. in 1909 ; 4th 
Order of Merit and 5 th Class 
of the G.K. Address: Kuni- 
wakemura, Mitsui-gori, Fu- 

Kobayashi, Kotaro C'h # il 
ic W), Surgeon - Commander, 
Vice - Director of the Port 
Arthur Hospital ; b. in 1868. 
Surgeon-Cadet in 1887;- Sur- 
geon-Lieut, in 1897 ; Surgeon- 
2nd Commander in 1899 ; 
Surgeon-Commander in 1905: 
3rd Order of the R. S. Ad- 
dress: Port Arthur. 

Kobayashi. Kyahichi C^h # 
X -t). Pres. of the Nagano 
Business Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 
1852 in Shinshii ; e. s. of He- 
ijiro Kobayashi ; m. Take, y. 
s. of Chojiro Fujisawa. Ad- 
dress : Shimmachi. Nasrano. 
Kobayashi Manzo Q\- ^ W, 
i«)> expert of the Tokyo 


[■412 ] 

prefectural office, 6th order 
of Merit; b. 1869 at Nakatsu, 
Oita-ken. Address: 167 Uku- 
bo-hyakunin-cho, Tokyo. 

EobayasM, Rinnosake C'h # 
M ^ ®3f confectioner, Dir. of 
the Aikoku Life Insurance Co., 
Ltd., the Osaka Alkali Co., 
Ltd., and of the Settsu Oil 
Refining Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1861 
in Osaka ; e. s. of the de 
ceased Rinnosuke Kobaya 
shi ; m. Ei, e. d. of lemon S5- 
ma of Osaka. Edtic.: studied 
Chinese classics under Atsu- 
shi Haruta, Japanese classics 
under Toshiharu Kunita, and 
English at the Ciov. Osaka 
English School. A maker of 
" Awaokoshi " a very popular 
cake in this country. He is 
reputed to be a typical busi- 
■Hcss man and has a large 
collection of books. Recrea- 
tion : Reading. Address : Ki- 
ta-horie,Nishiku, Osaka. Tel. : 
428 7. d. Nishi. 

EobayasM, Shigetake C't> # 
fi ^), Mayor of Shimonose- 
ki; b. i860 at Komoro, in 
Shinshii ; /«. Fusa, 2nd d. of 
Seizan Naito, a Ch5shu sa- 
murai. Educ. : grad. from the 
Nagano Normal School and at the SenskH- 
Gakko (Private Senshu Univ.). 
Councillor of Oita-ken, Fuku- 
oka-ken, Secretary of Kyoto- 
fuy Tokusbima-ken, Zenra-Do 
in' Korea, and then present 
t>ost. Recreation : Z/Ar/,' arche- 

ry, pictures, .it Address : Shi- 
inoiioseki.. Tel.: %io. 
Kobayashi, Shinpacliiro C'h ^ 
# A 15), Colonel of Cavaby, 
"sttache to the ordnance dep't 
of War Office; b. 1868 in 
Gumma-ken. Sub-Lieut., July 
1888; Lieut., Nov. 1891 ; Capt., 
June 1896; Major, June 1902; 
Lieut-Colonel,^ Aug. 1905; 
Colonel, Dec. 1912. Decora- 
tions: 5th Order of S. T.,„ 
4 Order of R. S., 5th Class : 
of G. K. Address: "Can Dep't - 
of War, 

Kobayashi, Shoji C'h W- IE — ), 
Civil Eng. of the Agr. and 
Com. Dep't; ^. in 1871 in 
Okayama- prefecture; 5th s. 
of Nobusada Konishi. Edtic. : 
grad. Engineering at the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ., 1897. Entered 
the Okayama Cotton Yarn Co. , 
as chief Eng. ; appointed the- 
present post, 1901 ; sent a- 
broad, 1906. Address : 7 cho- 
me, Aoyamakitamachi, Aka- 
sakaku, Tokyo. ■ ' 

Kobayashi, Shotaro C'J* # & 
:fc fil5), Pres. of the Sanp Coni- 
mercial Bank, Ltd., Reipre- 
sentative Partner of the Ko- 
bayashi Co., the Jomo Mos- 
ling Co., Ltd., and of the 
Tone Electricity Generating 
Co., Ltd.; b. in i8S5 in To- 
chigi-prefecture; e. s. of Sei-, 
hachi Kobayashi; »/. KotOj/ 
J/, s. of Kanjiro Hashimoto of 
the same pref. ' Address'y Sa.- 
noiTiachi, Tochigiken 

L 4t; 

Kobayashi, YashicM C'h # 5i 
-t), sugar dealer, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Gumma 
prefecture; b. Dec. of the 2 1st 
y. of Meiji (1888), Gumma 
prefecture ; ist ^. of the late 
Yashichi Kobayashi. Address: 
Honmachi, Takasaki, Gum- 

Kobayashi, Yoshiro (/!■> # 3? 
S15)) Chief Procurator of the 
Tokyo District Court ; b. in 
1857 in Saga-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Asamichi Kobayashi, a sa- 
murai ; in. Ritsu, y. s. of Ita- 
su Matsumuro of Fukuoka- 
pref. Educ: passed the Ex- 
amination for Bench, 1887 ; 
Judge of the Osaka D. C. ; 
then of the Tokyo D. C. ; 
Proc. of the Tokyo A. C. ; 
Chief Proc. of the Yokohama 
D. C. ; promoted to present 
post. Address: Nishihibiyacho, 
Koiimachiku, Tokyo. 
Kobayashi, Taizo C/h # # li)> 
Kogakuhakushi, Chief of the 
Water Works Section of the 
Osaka City Government ; b. in 
1 87 1 in Hyogo-prefecture ; ^. 
s. of Kenzo Kobayashi, a sa- 
murai ; m. Toshi, 3rd d. of 
Shiro Akiyama of Tokyo. 
Educ: graduated from the En- 
gineering College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University in 
1896. Was appointed Expert 
to the Navy after graduation ; 
then to the Osaka Harbour 
'Works in 1898; was .sent 

5 ] Kob Kod 

abroad ; present post in 1910. 
Address : Tempocho 0.saka. 

Kobayashi, Ushisaburo (/]- # 
lit S Si5). Hogakuhakushi (Sci- 
ence of Finance) , Director 
of the Nihon Steel Manii- 
factm-ing Co. Ltd. ; h. in 
1866 in the province of Ko- 
zuke. Educ. : graduated Poli- 
tics in the Imperial Univer- 
sity of Tokyo in 1884. Im- 
mediately after gi'aduation, 
entered Government service ; 
Councillor of the Bureau of 
Legislation ; then Secretary of 
the same Bureau ; Director of 
the Financial Bureau of the 
Formosan Government office ; 
Fublicattons : Eccuomics, Co- 
inpflrative science ef fiiiftnce. 
Address: Akebono-clio, Koma- 
gome. Hongo, Tokyo. Tel.i 
807 Shitaya. 

Kobori, Tomoue Oh S ^ '"s ). 
oiom de plume is Gennaishiii 
artist, Japanese painter (Tosa 
school), professor at the To- 
kyo Fine Arts School, comi- 
nittee member of the Fine 
Arts Examination Society ; 
h. on 19th. 2n(i moirth, 1st 
years of Gonji (1864) at Ha- 
takawa-mm-a, Aso-gun, Shi- 
mo/nke province. Address : 
No. 1037, Yanaka, Nippori- 
nmra, Kitatoshima-gvin, To- 

kyo-fu. „^ 

'Koda, Noba .(# ffl IS), pi- 
anist; b. in 1870 at Tokyo; 
■uobu Koda, a 


[ 414 1 

Hatauwto; y. s. of Rohan K6- 
da., Educ: Tokyo Musical 
School ; Musical School in 
Vienna for three years. Ap- 
pointed prof, of the Tokyo 
School of Music. Address: 
Omotemachi, Koishikawa, To- 

Soda, Keitaro C# H M i: 10, 
Commander, on the Staff 
■'^^a^rKSI^fve Ships of the 
Yokosuka Admiralty; d. in 
1871. Cadet in 1886; Com- 
mander in 1906. Decoration: 
4th Order of the R. S. Ad- 
dress: Yol<osuka. 

Koda, Minoru Cfi" ^ H K), 
Prof, at the Tokyo Fine Arts 
School. Address: No. 52, Ko- 
niagome, Sendagi, Hongo, To- 
"kyo. . 

. BLedg,, Nariyuki (# H ^ fi")* 
Rohan, by his pen-name, 
iauthorj novelist, Btmgakti- 
hakase; b. 7th month of 3rd 
year of Keio (1867); 3rd s. 
of Narinobu kota, a samurai 
of Tokugawa Shogunate; 
younger brother to Naritada 
Gunji. Was once lecturer 
at the college of Literature, 
Kyoto Imp. Univ., is regard- 
ed as one of the foremost 
literary mail of the present 
Japan. Publications: many 
novels, historical works and 
others. Address: 17 16 Te- 
rajimamura, Mtnamikatsushi- 
ka-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

' Kodama, Hideo C^i S # i®), ■ 
Count, Private Secretary to 
the Governor-General to Cho- 
sen, Chief of GeneralAffairs 
Bureau of the same office ; b. 
July of the 9th y. of Meiji 
(1876) ; 1st J. of the late cele- 
brated Count Gentaro Koda- 
ma ; m. Sawa, ist d. of Count 
Seiki Terauchi. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1900. 
Appointed Secretary of the 
Financial Department immedi- 
ately after his graduation ; 
and then present post, since 
191 2. Address.: No. 38 Ichi- 
gaya, Yakuoj imaemachi, Ushi- 
gome, Tokyo. Tel. : 390, 1939 

Kodama, Kenji CB S 1? 
»o^. Manager of the Bombay 
Branch of the Yokohama Spe- 
cie Bank ; b. in 1 87 1 at To- 
kyo ; 2nd s. of Koretoshi Ko- 
dama, a samurai ; in. Ito, e. 
d. of Mataroku Tomita of 
Tokyo. Entered the bank's 
Hei vice many years ago. Ad- 
dress : Bombay. 

Kjdama, Sanenori CJa S ^ 
^), Dir. of Sasebo Middle 
School, s. of Sanezumi Koda- 
ma, a samurai of Sendai clan; 
m. Aiko, d. of Shigeki Ueno, 
a Judge. Educ. : studied phi- 
losophy at the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1895 — 1898. Instructor 
of Matsue M. S. ; Dir. of 



Furukawa M. S. Address: 
Mantokucho, Sasebo, Naga- 

Kodaina, Toshizane (^1 5 M 

JK), Chief of Police in the 
Okayama-prefecture ; b. 1856 
in the province of Satsuma ; 
vi. Yae, 2nd d. of Shinsuke 
Aiko of the Kagoshima-pre- 
fecture. Entered the Metro- 
politan Police Board, 1878; 
Chief of Police in the Mie- 
prefecture ; then in the Nara- 
prefecture ; present post, 1906. 
Address : Okayania. 

Kodera, Kenkichi ('> # M 
1*1), a Kobe millionaire, pro- 
prietor of Kodera Yoko (a 
beancake firm at Inkow), Mem. 
ofH. R. ;^. in 1877 in Hyo- 
go-prefecture ; e. s. of Taijiro 
kodera, a samurai of Sauda^ 
c!an; m. Sadako, 5th d. of 
Viscount Nakamuta. Educ.: 
graduated from the Kobe Com- 
mercial School, the Yale, the 
Columbian and the J oh as 
Hopkin's Universities and far- 
ther studied Law and Politics 
at Universities in Germany, 
Austria, and Switzerland. He 
has twice travelled in Europe, 
America, China, and Korea. 
Took part as one-j'ear-volun- 
teer officer in the late war ; 
elected M. H. R. for Hyogo- 
prefecture in the last general 
election ; nationalist. Address: 
Nakayamatedori, Kobe ; and 

Aoyama-minamimachi, Aka- 
sakaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 383 Ko- 
be, 2928 Shiba. 

Kodera, Seizo i'\- # ^ li), 
Pres. of the Osaka Electric 
Copper Works, Ltd.; b. in 18- 
52 in the Gifu-piefecture ; e. 
s. of Naojiro Kodera, a sa- 
murai; m. Shige, e. s. of 
Chokuso Tani of the same 
prefecture. Address: Kumochi, 
!• ukiai-mura, Kobe. Tel.: I. 
d. 1806. 

Kodera, Shinsaku (® ;flr # iir 
fl=)> First Secretary of Lega- 
tion at present unattached ; 
b. in 1855 at Himeji ; e. s. of 
Makio Kodera of Tokyo; m. 
Mari. -^ Educ: grad. from the 
College of Literature in the 
Tokyo Imperial University 
in 1880; sent to England 
and Germany for study, 188 1. 
— 1886. Entered the Edu- 
cational Dep't after gradu- 
ation ; was appointed Prof. 
of the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School in 1886; entered the 
Foreign Office as Secretary 
Transiater in i8ot ; and Se- 
cretary of the Legation at 
London in 1894; at St. Pe- 
tersburg in 1896; at Peking 
in 1897 ; Secretary to the Fo- 
reign Office in 1903 ; Chiet 
of the ^Translation Bureau. 
Address: Myogizakashita, Ko- 
raagome, Toshima-gun, To- 

Ex) 3 


■ Eodera, Tomesaburo Oh # g 
H BP), Pres. of the Kanzaki 
Commeicial Bank, Ltd.; ^. in 
1 847 in Hyogo-prefecture; e. s. 
of Tazo Kodera; m. No, 2nd d. 
of Yaheiji Nakane of the same 
prefecture. ' Address: Seka- 
mura, Kanzaki-gun, Hyogo- 
ken. " 

*■ Koeznka, Ryo-.Ca U fl), ex- 
Vioe- j)residoiit of the House oj 

Representatives, Director of 
the Patriotic Life Lisurance 
Co., Ltd., Auditor^ of the 
ShGeisha, Ltd. ; b. in 1850 
in Ibo-gori of the province of 
Harima ; y. b. of Yazaemon 
Koezuka ; m. Ko, e. d. of Mi- 
tsunari Nogi, a samurai of To- 
kyo. >. Educ. : studied English 
at the Dojinsha (Prof. Keiu 
ifakamtira's institution). Was 
oil.tlie staff^of the organiza- 
T:uMi of the Omeisha ; as Edit- 
or • of the Tokyc~. Mainichi 
Skimbun attracted public 
notice ; was elected Mem. of 
the Kanagawa Prefectiiral As- 
sembly ; then at the j Tokyo 
Municipal Assembly ;. entered 
business and obtained the re- 
putation of an able business 
man ; and. then^vvas elected 
Mem. of the House of Re- 
presentatives for Tokyo ; was 
appointed Director^ of the Mi- 
ning Bureau of the Agricult- 
ural and Commercial Dep't 
in the Matsukata-Okuma Ca- 
binet ; was Governor of To- 

kyo during the Okuma-Ita- 
gaki Cabinet ; Mem. of the 
House of Representatives for 
his native province in 1900 ; 
a leader of the Kokuminto 
(National Party). ^ Address: 
Kitotsagi, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 2455 Shimbashi. 

Koga, Zeaibei (* « # ^ m). 
Pres. of the Saga Bank, Ltd., 
Dir. of the Saga Savings Bank, 
Ltd.; b. 1 88 1 in Saga Pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Zenbei Ko- 
ga, a samtirai ; m. Mild, 5tlj 
d. of Jiizo Oshima of the sam€ 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1907. f Was formerly 
known as Zentaro by name. 
Address: Hasuikecho, Saga. 
Koganei, Eyosei iA- ^ ^ 
H W).,,^Jgakulmktishi (anato- 
my). Prof, of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University; b. in 1858 
at Nagaoka in the province 
of Echigo ; 2nd s. of Nori Ko- 
ganei, a samurai ; m. Kimi, 
y. s. of Rintaro Mori, Surgeon 
Lt.-General. , Educ. : gradu- 
ated Medicine at the Tokyo 
Imperial University and fur- 
ther studied at the Berlin Uni- 
versity. On returning from 
Germany was appointed to 
present post ;" was Dean of 
the Medical College. Address: 
Akebonocho, Komagome, Ko- 
ngo, Tokyo. V 

Koga, Renzo (■& K * Jt),i7<7- 

\akuhakushi (Criminal Code), 

Director of tiie Police Bn- 


Kog— Koi 

reau of the Home Dep't ; b. 
in 1859 in Saga-ken ; e.s. of 
Gengo Koga, a samurai of 
Saga clan ; m. M!\\.Q,y.s. of 
Mitsusada Ijichi, a samurai of 
Kyoto ' Educ. : graduated 
Law at the Hogakko (Gov. 
Law School) in 1884. Be- 
came Procurator ; was sent 
abroad for legal purposes in 
1889 ;. Procurator of the Court 
of Cassation in 1898 ; then 
Judge of the same court in 
1902 ; Lecturer at the Law 
Faculty in the Imperial Uni- 
verisity^of Tokyo and sever- 
al private colleges ; Director 
of the Police Bureau of the 
Mome Dep't in the Saionji 
Cabinet. Decoration : 3rd Or- 
der of the R. S. Address : 
Yamabushicho, Ushigomeku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 264 Bancho. 

K5ga, YosMmasa Ctf H S it), 
Kogakuhakushi, Dir. of the 
Assaying Dep't of the Osa- 
ka Imperial Mint; b. i860 at 
Tokyo ; adopted by his uncle 
Gengo Koga, Commander of 
the Kaitenmaru, a warship of 
the Shogun. Edtic.: gradu 
Chemistry in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1880. Entered the Im- 
perial Mint, 1.880; sent abroad 
for inspection, 1886 — 1887. 
Recreation: Numismatics. Ad- 
dress ': 0.saka Mint. 

'Koide, Fusakichi Q^h ttS B ^), 
Ringakuhakushi, Prof of To- 
hoku Imp. Univ. ; b. 1869 at 

Ogaki in Gifu-prefecture ; m. 
Naka, ^nd d. of Yoichi Koi- 
de, an Ogaki samurai. %Eduqi : 
grad. from the Forestry Cou- 
rse, Agr. College, Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1894; studied in the 
Post Graduate Course ; sent 
to Germany and Austria I01 
study and inspection, 1900—- 
1903. Appointed Prof, of the 
Morioka Higher Agr. and 
For. School 1903 ; Prof, of the 
Tohoku Univ., 1907. Publica- 
tions: "Essays on Klemmen of 
Useful Trees in Japan " (in 
German) ; "Forestry Policy;" 
" Principles of ©Forestry E- 
conomy ; - " Climatology of 
Japan ; " " Relation Between 
Forestry Products of the World 
and Foreign Trading ; " etc. 
Recreation: Horticulture. Ad- 
dress : Kita Sanjo, Sapporb- 
ku, Hokkai-do. '*' 

Koide, Hachiroemon C'h {ft A 
115 « ^ F1), President of the 
Nagano Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank. Address : I- 
nariyama - machi, Sarashina- 
gun, Nagano-ken. 

Koide, Iseji (/h {ft # ^ ©), 
Director of the Fukui Hos- 
pital. Address : No. 16, Ho- 
ei-Nakamacbi, Fukui-shi. 

Koike, Chozo C^h *. M iS), 
Ooimcillor to the Imp. Em- 
bassy at London ; 6 .. in 
1873 at FukusMma in the 
province of Iwaki . ^c?«Ci. •• 
graduated from the Law Col- 



lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University in 1896. Passed 
the Diplomatic Examination 
and was appointed Attache in 
the Japanese tegation at Seuol 
in 1896; was transferred to 
Xohdoh in 1897 ; Private 
Secfetarj' to Minister for Fo- 
reign Affairs and Secretary 
to the Foreign Dep't in 1900 ; 
3rd Secretary of Legation at 
Peking ; was transferred to 
London in 1902; 2nd Secret- 
ary of the Legation in 1903 ; 
Consul-General at New York 
in 1906 ; then at San Fran- 
cisco in 1907 ; was transferred 
to Mukden in 1908. Address ■ 
Japanese Embassy at London. 

Koike, Jun (.^ ji, M), Colo- 
nel of Cavalry ; official of the 
Horse Administration Bureau; 
d. 1 868, Tokyo ; st of a sa- 
murai. Sub-Lieutenant, July 
1888 ; Lieutenant, Nov. 1891; 
Captain, May 1895 ; Major, 
May 1901 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Sept. 1904; Colonel, Sept. 
1909. Decorations: 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : the Horse Administra- 
tion Bureau, Nagatamachi, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Koiki,- Kunizo' C'h Ji, B S>, 
stock - broker, Representing 
Partner of Koike & Co., Mem. 
of Tokyo Chamber of Com- 
merce; b. in 1867 at Kofu ; 

^5th s. of Tomohachi Asaka-^ 
wa ; m. Teru, e. s. ot Utaro 
Horikoshi of Tokyo. When 
only twelve years of age was 
employed in Ippei Wakao's 
.store; left the store after seven- 
teen year's service ; came 
up to the capital, and in 18- 
98 opened an office as a 
stock broker at Kabutocho ; 
is reputed to be one of the 
largest stock-brokers at pre- 
sent. In 1907 he organised 
Koike & Co. Visited America 
in 1909 as one of the party 
of our business men invited 
by the Chambers of Com- 
merce there. Address:, Ka- 
buto-cho, Nihonbashi-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 288, 382, 1 88 1, 
3778 /. d. Naniwa. 

Koike, Sakuzo C'h & i^ H), 
Surgeon Colonel since lyi 1 , 
Chief of the medical dep't of 
the 14th Army Div.; b. 1864, 
Tokyo; s. of a samurai. Sur- 
geon Sub - Lieutenant, May 
1893 ; Surgeon Lieutenant, 
Feb. 1895 ; Surgeon Captain, 
Oct. 1897 ; ..^Surgeon Maj.or, 
Oct. 1898 ; Surgeon Lieiit- 
nant Colonel, Nov. 1907. De- 
corations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4th Class of the 

Golden Kite. Addresi> • 

Headquarter of the 14th Divi- 
* sion, Tochiki-ken. 

Jtoike, Seiichi Oh & m —'), 
Pres. of the Kanagawa Gas 

[ 419 ] 


Co., Ltd., Adviser of the Meiji 
'Commercial B^nk, Ltd. ; b. 
in 1853; ^^- Mitsu, d. of Mo- 
tonaga Nakagawa of Tokyo. 
Appointed Secretary'' of the 
House of Representatives, 18- 
90; was on the staff of the late 
Prince Ito, when the Prince 
established the Seiyukai (Con- 
stitutional party), 1903; after- 
wards entered business. Ad- 
dress : Yamabushicho, Ushi- 
gomeku, Tokyo. Tel. : 625 

Koike, Sukeharu (/> ^ fe |&), 
Vet. Surgeon^Maj., Chief of 
the Vet."' Medical Dep't of 
the lOth Army Division ; i. 
in 1867 in Hyogo-ken. Vet. 
.Surgeon-Sub-Lieut. in 1897 ; 
Vet. Surgeon-Lieut, in 1900; 
Vet. Surgeon-Capt. in 1903 ; 
Vet. Surgeon-Maj. in 1908; 
4U1 Order of the R. S. and 
5th Class of the G. K. Ad- 
dress : Himeji-city. 

Koike, Tomonori (.4- &M'£), 
Governor of Oshima Island. 
Decoration : 5 th Order of 
Merit. Address: the Oshima 
Island '■= Government Office, 
Oshima - motomachi, Oshima 

Koike, Yasuynki (/> Jlfc 3c it), 

^..jyjbajor-iifinerul .since 1911, 
Commander of the i2t'h Infa- 
ntry Brigade; b. in 1864 inl- 
baraki- prefecture; 2nd s. of 
Yasuzaemon Koike; m. Tomioi, 

2nd d. of Seihan Ichinose of 
Tosa. '• Educ. : graduatedfrom 
the Kyododan and the Mili- 
tary Staff College. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant in 1886; Lieutenant 
in 1889; Captain in 1894; 
Major in 1900; Lieut.-Colo- 
nel in 1904 ; Colonel in 19- 
07. In the China-Japan War 
took part as Adjutant to the 
1 2th Brigade of Infantry; in 
the late war was on the Staff 
of Marshal Oyama ; Wr.s de- 
corated with 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and 3rd Class of 
the Golden^Kite as' a war 
reward. Addorss: Kokura, Fu- 

Koizumi, Eitaro (/J-. Mk ^ k 
R15), _ y ice- Aclmiral^ Comman- 
der of the Yokosuka Reserve 
Fleet ; d. on the 14th of the 
2nd month in the 5 th year 
of Ansei/(i858_) at Tokyo; 
e. s. of Tokubei ; m. Machi, 
3rd d. of Yu Kaburagi of To- 
kyo. £diic. : grad. from the 
Naval College, 1881. 2nd 
Sub-Lieut, '1885 ; Comman- 
der, 1897; Captain, 1902; 
Rear-Adm., Aug. 1908. Chief 
Gunner of the cruiser Itsttku- 
shima ; Vice-Commandes- of 
the cruiser Akitsushima and 
the battleship Shik'.shima; sent 
to France as meiriber of the 
Committee charged to bring 
home the cruiger Azuma ; Ca- 
ptain of the warship Helen, 


C ^20 ] 

' tlie armoured cruiser Asama, 
the battleship Kashima; Chief 
of Staff to the Takeshiki Se- 
ndary Adm. and the Yo- 
kosuka Adm. Took part as 
Divisional Commander of the 
arm . - coast - def. - ship Matsu- 
shima in the Sino - Japanese 
war and also in the Russo- 
Japanese war. Decorated with 
3rd, Order of R, S. and 4th 
Class bf G. K. 

Eoizumi, Kokuemon C'h %. W- 
-^ » P^), President of the To- 
be Savings Bank, Ltd., Au- 
ditor of the Toyo Bank, Ltd., 
Mem.of the Yokohama Cham- 
ber of Commerce, pawnbro- 
ker ;' <5. in 1854; 2nd s. of 
Dembei Igarashi of Kanaga- 
wa-prefecture ; m. Yae, e. d. 
of Jimbei Koizumi of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his 
adapt:, father Kokuemon Ko- 
izumi in 1 884. Address : To- 
becho, Yokohama. Tel. : 14- 

Koizumi, Masayasu C-l* ^ IE 
i*), . Lieut-Gen • , Commander 
of the 8th Army Div.; b. on 
the I :?th "of the 2nd month in 
the 2nd year of Ansei (1855) 
m ibaraki-prcfecture ; e. s. of 
Seisei Koizumi, a samurai ; m. 
Katsu, y. s. of Tadamasa To- 
da. Educ. : entered the Hei- 
gakuryo (defunct Gov. Mil. 
School), 1874. Fought for 
the Government in Saigo's Re- 
bellion ; appointed Sub-Lieut., 

1877 ; sent to China, 1879 ; 
Lieutenant,'! 881; Captain, 18- 
84,; Colonial Captain, 1890 ; 
Majorof Colonial Infantry, 1 8- 
91 ; Lieut-Colonel of Colonial 
Infantry, 1895; Lieut.-Colonel 
of Infantry, 1896; Colonel, 
1897; Major-General, 1903; 
•Lieut. - General, Aug.*.i9io. 
MilitaryAUaeM to the Legation 
at Peking ; Colonial Adjutant; 
Chief of Staff , to the Sth Army 
Division. ; Commander of the 
24th Brigade of Infantry; Com- 

mander "of the Forraosan ist 
Garrison. Fought in the Chi- 
na-Japan war and also in the 
late war as Commander of 
the 24th and 6th Brigades of 
Infantry and Chief of Staff to 
the 3rd Army. , Wounded at 
the battle of Liao-yang and 
Shaho. Decorated with 2nd 
Class of the Rising Sun and_ 

C:42i ] 


the Golden Kite as a war re- 
ward. Address: Hirosald. 

Koizumi, Mataiehi C'> % 31 
-'), Government School In- 
spector, Prof, of the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School ; b. in 
1865 in Hyogo-prefecture ; e. 
s. of Yoshiharu. Educ. : grad. 
from the Tokyo Higher Nor- 
mal School, 1887. Instructor 
of the Okinawa Normal School; 
Dir. of the school ; Inst, of the 
Tokushima Middle School ; 
Dir. of the Fukuoka Normal 
School ; appointed Prof of the 
T. H. N. S., 1899 ; sent to 
Germany and America, 1900. 
Address : Hakuzan-Gotencho, 
Koishikawaku, Tokj^'o. 

Koizumi, Matajiro Qb ^X^ 
115), Mem. of H. E., Editor; 
d. in 1865 in Kariagawa-pre- 
fecture" ; 2nd s. of Yoshibei 
Koizumi; m. Nao, 2nd d. of 
Kokichi Ayabe of the same 
pref Took to editorial work 
as Editor of the Yokohama 
Boeki Shimbun (Foreign Trad- 
ing Newspaper); elected Mem. 
of the Kanagawa Prefectural 
Assembly. Address : Sanjuk- 
kenborij Kyobashiku, Tokyo. 
Te/. : 2156 Shimbashi. 

Koizumi, Sisuke Qh ^ M IS), 
Silk-crape ^Merchant ; b. in 
i860 at Kyoto; e. s. of Ri- 
suke Koizumi; m. Suka Ume- 
da of Shiga-prefecture. Ad- 
dress : Karasumaru, Nishiki- 
koji, Shimo-kyo - ku, Kyoto. 

Tel. : 484. 

Koizumi, ShinshicM i'h 3^ St, 
-b). Cloth-dealer ; b. in 1 842 ; 
2nd s. of Heishichi Kamiba- 
yashi of Shiga-prefecture ; m. 
Shizu, 2nd d. of Shirobei Ban 
of Kyoto. Address: Muro- 
machi-higashie-iru, Shij odori , 
Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto. Tel. : 
g$i I. d. 

Koizumi, TJnosuke i'h ^ ^[I ± 
M), Execuntive Partner of the 
Koizumi Shoten (a partner- 
ship).. Address: Tori-abura- 
cho, Nihonbashi, Tokyo. 

Kojima, Haehijiro (.S ^ A ^ 
W), Major-General (on the re- 
serve) ; b. in 1858 in the pro- 
vince of lyo ; 2nd s. of Gen- 
shiro Kojim^ ; ^n. Sada, e. d. 
of Yukishige Hashimoto of 
Tosa. Educ. : graduated from 
the Military Academy and the 
Military Staff College. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1882 ; attached 
to the General Staff Office ; 
Prof in the Military Staff Col- 
lege ; Commander of the 22- 
nd Infantry Regiment ; of the 
62nd Infantry Regiment ; and 
then of the 15 th Infantry Bri- 
gade ; in the, Sino-Japanese 
War took part as a Member 
of the Staff of the 3rd Army 
Division ; in the late war was 
Chief of Staff to the 6th Army 
Division ; was decorated with 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
and 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite as a war reward. Ad- 


L 422 ] 

dress: Tojincho, Matsuyama, 

Kojima, Yukichiro (51 S> ^ 
?i W), Frof. at the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School; b. 20th 
June' 1866, Okayama Prefec- 
ture ; 2nd s. of Adzuniao 
Kojima, m. Suga, e. sister 
to Naondo Iwashita, of Ku- 
mamoto. ^^/wc. / finished the 
Classics course of the College 
of Literature, Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo, 1888. Prof 
at the 5th High School, 18- 
98, transferred to the present 
post in Jan. 1909. Address : 
48, Kobinatadairokutenmachi, 
Koishikawa, To Ivy o. 

Kojima, ^ Kisaku O & 9 f1s), 
Expert of Oita - prefecture ; 
Director of the Prefectural 
Agricultural School. Address: 
Ishigaki - mura, Hayami-gori, 

Kojima, Uoriyuki C'> S W. Z), 
Prof of the ist High School; 
6. in 1855 at Tok>'o ; 2nd .?. 
of Nobutami Kojima ; m. To- 
shi. £duc. : grad. from the 
Cornell Univ., 1 873. Appoint- 
ed Prof of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1882 ; transferred to 
the ist High School, 1886. 
Address : Yumicho, Hongo, 
Tokyo. ■ 

Kojima, Sojiro CB S ^. * 115), 

.rCoipnel ,,of Iiifaatry, Sectional 

Chief of the General Staff 

Office ; b. in 1869 in Okaya- 

ma-prefecture ; 3rd s. of Ro- 

kusaburo Nagano ; was adopt. 
by Shigetane Kojima ; m. 
Mori, jr. s. of Taro Hagi- 
hara, a samurai of the same 
prefecture. Educ. : graduated 
from the Military Academy 
and the Military Staff College. 
Sub-Lieutenant in 1891 ; Lieu- 
tenant in 1894; Captain in 
1897; Major in 1902; Lieu- 
tenant-Major 1905 ; Colonel 
in 1908. Adjutant of the 8th 
Brigade of Infantry ; Adjutant 
to Marshal, Military Attache, 
to Legation at Berlin; Prof 
of the Military Staff College ; 
attached to the Bureau of 
Military affairs in the War 
Office. Address : Harajiku, 
Sendagaya, Tokyo. Tel. : 28- 
10 Shiba. 

Kojima, Yahei (/> % m -¥), 
Pres. of the Takasaki Cham- 
ber of Commerce, Dir. of the 
Gumma Tram R'ly Co., Ltd., 
and of the Takasaki Water 
Power Electric Co., Ltd. ; b. 
in 1853 in Gumma-prefecture ; 
^.i-. of Yahei Kobayashi. Ad- 
dress : Utagawacho, Takasa- 

Kokubo, KishicM i^ ;k '^ 
» -t), Mem. of H. R. ; ^. in 
1865 in Ibaraki - prefecture ; 
e. s. of Tohichi Kokubo ; m. 
Masa, 4th d. of Yonekichi 
Furuya of Saitama-prefecture. 
Entered politics wherr very 
young ; suffered a great deal 
for the cause of political free- 

[ 423 ] 


dom. Twice imprisoned in 
connection with the Kabasan 
and Osaka cases.- Narrow- 
ly escaped being assassinated 
by one of his enemies, being 
wounded in the face. Elect- 
ed Mem. of the Ibaraki Pre- 
fectural Assembly, 1892 : tra- 
velled the interior of China, 
1898 ; organized the Formo- 
sa Correspondence agency 
in Formosa, 1899; Mem. of 
H. R., 1908. A member of 
the Seiyu-kai party. Address: 
Ukyo - machi, Yotsuya-ku , 
Tokyo. Tel: 181 3 Bancho, 
Kokubo,^ Sadanosuke (/]> ^ 

1% S ^ U), Bachelor of phi- 
losophy (ph. B), Bachelor of 
SacreJ Theology (S. T. B), 
Prof of the Kobe Higher 
Commercial School; b. in 
1868 in Aichi-ken; s. of 
Sadamichi Kokubo, a Nago- 
ya saiintrai; m. Tsune Mo- 
rita in 1905. Ediic: studied 
in Denver Univ. and in 
North- Western Uiiiv. Present 
post since 1903. Recreation: 
archery. Address: No. 2092, 
Fukiai-ch'>, Kobe. 

Kokue, Seiichi C-rh A JI JS 
— ). Director of the Nisshin 
Printing Co. ; b. the 8th m. 
of the 1st J. of Gwanji (1864) 
in Tokyo ; e. s. of Seikei Ko- 
kue, a Tokyo samurai ; m. 
Yoshi, 2nd d. of Sueharu 
Wachi of Chiba-ken. Educ. : 
Tokyo Semmon Gakko f fore- 

ranher of the present Wase- 
da Univ.). Address: No. 4, 
Yaraich5, Ushigome. Tokyo. 
Kokuro Hideo (/> M ^ Wt 
Ng,val Captain, sectional 
chief of the Naval Material 
Office of the (Navy; b. in 
1870. Educ: the Naval En- 
gineering Academy. Lieut.- 
Commander, Dec. 1900. 
Commander, Jan. 19OS; 
Captain, Dec. 191 1. Once 
was attache to the Yoko- 
suka Naval Station. Decora- 
tions: 3i-d Order of R. S., 
4th Order of S. T., 4th 
Class of G. K. Address: No. 
1241 Oi, Ebara-gun, Tokyo. 
Komada, Tsunesabaro (M B 
'^ H I|5), Representative Part- 
ner of the Komada Shoten 
Address : Onoi-mura, Ishi- 
gun, Mie-ken. 

Komatsu, Kenjiro ('h IS It 
^ IR), 2nd Order of Merit. 
ex-Vice Min.- in the Dep't 01 
Comraunications (Aug. 1911- 
Dec. 1912);. h. in 1863 in 
Shinshu ; 2nd s. of Kaziima 
Y'okoda ; adopt, by Masaalci 
Komatsu; m. Isa, y. s. of Mi- 
noji Arakawa. Educ. : grad. 
Law in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1888. Entered the Dep't of 
Justice as Assist.-Councillor ; 
transferred to the Dep't of 
Com. as Councillor, 1891 ; 
Secretary of the Dep't ; Dir. 
of the Postal Savings Bank; 


1 424 ] 

sent abroad, 1 1 97 ; director 
of Post and Telegragli Bu- 
reau, i900. Address: Kobi- 
kicho, Kyobashiku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 320 Shimbashi. 

: Zomatsu, Midori (/]■> *2 Wj, 
L L. D., Dir. of the Foreign 
Affairs Bureau in tlie Gov.- 
Gen. of Korea; d. in 1865; 
e. s. of Tsunemasa Shikame 
of Tokyo ; m. Ju, 2nd d. of 
Kisai Takayama, a Court Phy- 
sician. Educ. : grad. Law at 
the Yale Univ. On returing 
home he took to editorial 
work and before long obtained 
the reputation of an able edi- 
tor, attracting public notice 
by his writing and eloquence ; 
entered the Foreign Office 
as Secretary Translator when 
the late Count Mutsu was its 
Minister;" appointed 3rd Se- 
cretary of the Japanese Lega- 
tion at Madrid ; Sec. of the 
Dep't. ; then transferred to 
Siam as 2nd Secretary of the 
Legation and Consul ; finally 
Sec; of the Residency-Gen. 
in Korea was promoted to 
pvesent post, in 191 o. Ad- 
dress : Seoul. ^ 

Komatsu, Yoshihisa (/J- M: a 

Jk), Governor of Girancho, 

Formosa r Address : Official 

House, Giranma;chi, Honjoho, 

Giran, Formosa. 

Komatsubara, Eitaro C/^ /fS 
M5t,±ir>), ex-Ministor of 
Ednc.; Mem. of H. P., 2nd Or- 
der of Kising Sun ; h. on the 

i6th of the 2nd month in the 
5th year of Kaei (1 852); e, s. of 
Soji Komatsubara of Okaya- 
ma. Sdiic. .' grad. from the 
Keiogijuku (Keio Univ.). Was 
Editor of the Akebonb and 
the Hyoron and was imprison- 
ed on account of his active 
democratic views. Began his 
official career as an official of 
Dep't of the Foreign Affairs, 
1886; Sec. of the Dep't. 1881; 
attached to the Legation at 
Berlin, 1884; Sec. of the L,, 
'886 ; Councillor of the Home 
908-11 1886; Private Sec. of 
the Home Minister, 1888; Gov. 
of Saitama-prefecture, 1889; 
Dir. of the Police Bureau, 
1891 ; Gov. of Shizuoka-pre:, 
1893 ; Gov. of Na'gasaki-pre., 
1898; Vice-Minister for Jus- 
tice, 1899 ; Vice-Minister for 
Home Affairs, 1900 ; Lord- 
in-Waiting in the Kinkei Hall, 
1903; lastly Minister forEdub.- 
1900 — 1 1 . Decorated with 3rd 
Order of R. S. in recognition 
of his services in the. lat^ war. 
Address : Nagatacbo, Kojima- 
chiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 710 Ban- 

Kometa, Torao (* ffl f^ St), 
Baron, ist order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, Superintendent of 
the Hunting Bureau, Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel ; l>. in 1839 in the 
province of Higo. His father 
Kammotsu Hosokawa render- 
ed splendid services to the 

[ 425 1 


State before the Restoration ; 
he was a Karo (principal re- 
tainer) of the Hosokawa clan 
and a leading personage in 
those daj''s. The Baron took 
a gallant part in the Restora- 
tion ; Senior Secretary to Ku- 
mamoto - prefecture ; then to 
the Dep't of Justice ; Cham- 
berlain to H. M. the Emperor 
in 1 87 1 ; took part as Lieut.- 
Colonel in the Saigo Rebel- 
lion; Court Councillor in 1 899; 
present post in 1899. Ad- 
dress: Minamikogacho, Kan- 
da, Tokyo. 2336 Honkyoku. 

Kometani, Hambei C* # ^^ 
■^D» Farmer, Banker, ex-Mem. 
of H. P., &. 1851 in the 
province of Kaga. Organized 
Kametani Bank at Komatsu, 
1891 ; opened a Storage 
Business at Kanazawa, 1902. 
Granted 4th Order of Rising 
Sun after the Russo-Japanese 
War. Address : Atakucho, 

Komori, Motoe (■& ^ # fe), 
Chief Procurator of Kofu 
District Court ; h. in 1868 at 
Yanagawa, Chikugo ; m. Mi- 
yako, e. d. of Procurator 
Takagi, an Aizu samurai. 
Educ. : grad. English Law in 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1899. 
Entered H. I. M.'s legal ser- 
^^ce as Procurator of Tokyo 
D. C, 1899 — 190S; transfered 
to Nagoya, Hakodate and 
then Morioka. Ee was prin- 

oipal pro. in the famous 
cases of Hoshi Iba. Text- 
book, Bribery case of officials 
of Agr. and Com. Dep't. Ad- 
dress : Kofu, Yamanashi-ken. 

Komori, TokuhacM ('h ^ ^ 
/V), Executive Member of the 
Hatano Electric Partnership 
Company, Standing Director 
of the Japan Electric Wire 
Company, Ltd. ; d. the 5th 
m. of the 3rd jf. of Bunkyu 
(1863) in Nagoya; adopt, s. 
of Shigeyuki, Komori, a sa- 
murai of the formef Nagoj^a 
clan \ m. Riki-ko, 3rd d. of 
Kamesaburo Minami. Educ.: 
studied Chinese classics while 
young. Has been engaged 
in the manufacture of electric 
wire since 1895, began his 
career without capital, and 
after many difficulties and 
hardships became one of the 
most conspicuous personages 
in electric business circles in 
Japan ; is also one of the 
largest shareholders of the 
Japan Electric Wire Co., of 
which he is Standing Direct- 
or ; is reputed to be the first 
one to begin the manufacture 
of electric wire in this coun- 
try. Address : No. 11, Suwa- 
machi, Asakusaku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 734 Siiitaya. 

Se-saura, Bunnosuke (§ H ^ 
2. SS), managing director of 
the Sanpei Co., Ltd., direc- 


L 426 

tor of the Osaka Alkali Co. ; 
h. Sept. 1849 in Tokjo-city, 
s. of the late Bunzo Komu- 
ra ; m. Sakiko. Served at the 
Sumitomo firm to 1892 from 
1867 as a staff of its Tokj'-o 
branch and then as director 
of its Kobe branch ; present 
post since 1893. Address : 
Mikage-cho, Hyogo-ken. Tel. : 
.315. Chib: Nisui-kwai. 

Komuro, Sankichi C'h M H 
'a}, Dir. of the Mitsui Bus- 
san Kaisha, Ltd., Councillor 
of the Mitsui Gomel Kaisha ; 
b. in 1863 at Kyoto; 2nd s. 
of Shinobu Komuro of Awa ; 
m. Mie, e. d. of Seichi Oka- 
mi of Tokyo. Educ. : grad. 
from the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School. Entered the 
Mitsui firm after his gradu- 
ation. He is one of the well 
known members of the firm. 
Address: Shinsakacho, Aka- 
sakaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 1667 

Komuro Suiun (/J> S S ffl)» 
painter of Japanese school; 
d. the 8th y. Meiji (1875) 
in Gumma prefecture; s. of 
Makisaburo Komuro; m. 
Shohei Noguchi, d. of the 
famous painter Shohin No- 
guchi. Edi/c: received com- 
mon education at a private 
school. Was juror of the 
Fine Arts Society, the Ta- 
tsumi-kai, and of the Tokyo 
Industrial Exhibition. Rec- 

reation: literature and curios. 
Address.: No. 6, 7chome, 
Shintomi-cho, Kyobashi, To- 
kyo. Tel: 1701 Kyobashi. 

Kon, Kagehiko C4- J: M"), 
.J -Dir. of the Tokyo-Fu Te- 
chnical School ; 6. in 1870 in 
Akita -prefecture ; s. of Gen- 
go Kon; m. Mitsu. Educ.: 
graduated from the Akita- 
ken Normal School and the To- 
kyo Higher Technical School 
in 1895. Assirt.-Prof of his 
alma mater ; organized the 
Iwatel<en Industrial School ; 
the Tokyo-Fu Technical Ap- 
prentice School, and the To- 
kyo-Fu Technical School. Pu- 
blication : " Kogyo Kyoiku " 
(Industrial Education). Ad- 
dress : No. 33 Yamamotocho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. - 

Kondo, Genkiehi CiS S M §), 
Pres. of the Yanagishiro Bank, 
Ltd., High -Tax- Payer ; b. in 
1853 in Hyogo - prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Genzaemon Haya- 
shi ; m. Tokue,2nd d. of Hei- 
shichi Kondo. Address : I- 
chibamura, Kaco-gun, Hyo- 

Kondo, Hisayoshi Q& % Ik 
W), Private Secretary to Mi- 
nister of the Imp. Household 
Dep't., Chief of the Minister's 
Secretariat and the Private Do- 
cuments Section ; ^. in 1852 
in Choshu ; g. s. of Yoshiki 
Kondo, a samurai; m. Uta, 
e. d. of Toyosuke Tanaka. 

[ 427 ] 


Entered the Imp. Household 
Dep't, 1879; promoted to Pri- 
vate Secretary to the Keeper 
of the Privy Seal, 1907 ; ap- 
pointed present post. Ad- 
dress : Nakamachi, Yotsuya- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 1509 Ban- 

Kondo, Kihachiro Cafi S # A 
B15), Iron-Manufacturer, High- 
Tax-Payer ; b. in 1838 in Tot- 
tori-prefecture ; e. s. of Jyu- 

Ichiro Kondo, a samurai ; ra. 
Sawa, e. d. of Ryushiro Shi- 
rane of Hiroshima. Reputed 
to be a good business man. 
Takes much interest in public 
questions. Decorated with 6th 
Order of Merit. Address: Hi- 
no-gun, Tottori-ken. 

Kondo, Kiroku (jE # S W), 
Iron-monger, Dir. of the Chii- 
goku R'ly, Ltd., and of the 
Nippon Marine Fire Insurance 
Co., Ltd., Mem. of the Osa- 
ka Chamber of Commerce ; 
b. in 1856 in the province of 
Hoki ; adop s. of Kansai Kon- 
do, a samurai; in. Uta, 2nd 
d. of Kinsuke Tomida of O- 
saka. Early employed in his 
adopted father's business and 
succeeded him in 1886. was 
Vice-Pres. of the Osaka Cham- 
ber of Commerce. Reputed 
to be equal to his deceased 
father in every way as a 
merchant. Recreation : Cha- 
noyu (tea ceremony). Address; 
Itachibori, Nishiku, Osaka. 

Tel. : 488 Nish!. 
. Kondo, Motoki CiS ^ |& ^t), 
2nd Order of R. ^S-, Inspeetpr- 
Gen. . of Naval Construction, 
Pres. of the Kogyoku-sha (Ci- 
vil Engineering School) ; b. 
in 1864 ; e. s. of Makoto Kon- 
do, a well known personage ; 
m. Tetsuko, e. d. of Danbu 
Okumura of Tokyo. Educ. : 
grad. Eng. in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1883. -Entered the 
Navy, 1884; Chief Naval Con- 
structor, 1 897 ; Inspector of 
Naval Constructor, 1901 ; pro- 
moted to present post, 1905. 
He is attached to the Naval 
Material Department. Ad - 
dress : Togit hi , Hiratsulca- 
mura, Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu, 
Kondo, Rempei ( jg af it ^), 
Baron (cr. 191 1), 2nd Order 
of Merit, President of the 
Nippon Yusen Kwaisha, Ltd., 
Director of the Kirin Beer 
Brewery Co., Ltd , the Sino- 
Japanese Stea-nship Co., Ltd., 
a^nd of the Yokohama Dock 
Co., Ltd.; b. the iithm. of 
the 1st f. of Kayei (1848) 
in Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Gensen 
Kondo ; m. Ju, j/. s. to Ryo- 
hei Toyokawa, a famous busi- 
ness-man. Educ. : studied at 
the Keiogijuku. Entering the 
service of the Mitsubishi firm 
he gained tlie confidence 01 
the late Yataro Iwasaki and 
served as Manager of tlie 
Head-Office of Tokyo and 


[428 1 

of the Branch-Office of Yo- 
Ifohama ; rendered great ser- 
vices in the amalgamation of 
the Mitsubishi firm with the 
Kyodo Unyu Kaisha and be- 
came Vice-President of the 
newly formed Nippon YQsen 
Kaisha ; when the war be- 
tween Japan and China broke 
out in 1894 he ably assisted 
the late Mr. Yoshikawa, pre- 
sident of the company, in the 
transportation of war materi- 
als and troops and was re- 
warded with the 4th Order 
■of Merit ; succeeded to the 
presidency of the company 
when Mr. Yoshikawa died ; 
was abroad several times on 
inspection purposes; created 
Baron and decorated with the 
2nd Order of ^ Merit in con- 
sideration of his long services 
rendered to the development 
of shipping industry of the 
country, Aug. 1911. Address: 
No. 21, Sanaizakamachi. I- 
chigaya, Ushigomeku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 472 Bancho. 

Eondo, Sentaro CSE S tiU i: 
SB), Civil Eng. ot Home De- 
p't, Dir. of Tokyo Civil Eng. 
Office of Home Dep't; b. 1859 
at Kanagawa. Educ. : grad. 
Civil Eng.- in the Tokyo Imp. 
iUniv., 1883. Assistant C. E. of 
Home Dep't, 1883; C.E., 1885; 
sent abroad on business, 1899. 
■Recreation: Utai, archery. Ad- 
dress : Tatsuokacho, Hongo- 

ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 9ZI Shi- 

Konio, Setsuzo CjE M iS M)y 
Engineer of the Wakayarna 
Prefectural Government. Ad-^ 
dress: ZogayachS, Wakaya- 

Kondo, Sueshiro (MM % 01 
115), Colon§I,, Commander, of 
the 8tK Kegiment of Infan- 
try; b. in 1863 in Tokyo. 
Sub - Lieutenant in 1883; 
Lieutenant in 1887 ; Captain 
in 1894; Major in 1901 ; 
Lieut.-Colonel in 1905 ; Co- 
lonel in 1909; 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun and 4th class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 

Kondo, Shundai CS M # W>. 
revenue superintendent of the 
Osaka Tax Administration 
Office ; 6. 5 Sept. 1 879 at Ko- 
sugi-machi, Shuso-gun, Ehi- 
me-ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the law College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., July 1906. 
Passed the Higher Civil Ser- 
vice Examination, Nov. 1906; 
was given a post in the reve- 
nue Bureau of the Dep't of 
Finance, July 1906; was 
appointed supervisor and 
secretary of customs, April 
1907 and became chief of the 
supervisive dep't of the Yo- 
kohama custom-house ; after- 
wards appointed revenue su- 
perintendent, July 1908 and 
having served in the Maru- 

[ 429 ] 


game revenue administration 
office, transferred to present 
post, July 19 lo. Address: 
No. 1548, Tamagawa-clio, i 
chome, Nishinoda, Kita-ku, 
Osaka. • 

Kondo, Toragoro CS ^ ^ S 
M\ Kogakuhakushi, engineer 
of the Department for Home 
Affairs, Acting chief of a sec- 
tion of the Public Works 
Bureau ; d. the 6th m. of the 
1st y. of Keio (1865), Nii- 
gata-ken ; \st s. of Kinya 
Kondo, a samurai of Niiga-r 
ta prefecture ; m. Ko-ko, 3rd 
d. of Baron Hiroyuki Kato. 
Ediic. : graduated from the 
Engineering College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University. 
Entered the Department for 
Home. Affairs immediately 
after his graduation, and re- 
ceived the degree of Koga- 
gakiihakushi some time ago. 
Decoration ■ 3rd Order of 
Merit. Address: No. 10, Ni- 
shikatamachi, Hongo^, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 12 SO Shitaya. 

Kondo, TsugushigeCJE j^ * ^), 
Igakuhqk)islti._ (Surgery), Prof 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; b. 
in 1865 in the province- of 
Shinano ; y. b. of Tsugimasa 
Tsurumt ; m. Okite, heiress 
of Tampei Kondo of A;chi- 
prefecture. EdiLc, : graduated 
Medicine in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ:, 1891 ; further sent to 
Germany, Austria, and France 

for study. Assist.-Prof of his 
alma matar; afterwards re- 
signed the post and opened 
a dispensary at Washizuka 
in Mikawa ; and then appoint- 
ed Prof of the University. 
Address : Maruyama-shim- 
machi, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 

Kondo, Tsnnematsu (.iS. M ^ 
(S); Captain, adiutant to- 
the Naval Staff Board; b. 
1868. 2nd Commander, June 
1900; Commander, Jan. 1905 ; 
Captain, Sept. 1908. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun; 4th Class of Gol- 
den Kite. Address: Hongo- 
Schome, Hongc-kn, Tokyo, 

KoaisM, Shimpachi (/> 13 •ft 
A), Dir. of the Gov. Deaf 
and Dumb School; b. in 1854 
at Nagaoka in the province 
of Echigo ; e. s. of Zenseki 
Konishi, di samurai; m. Ume,. 
e. d. of Tozen Toyobe of the 
same province. Educ.: grad. 
from the Nagaoka Eng - 
lish Language School, 1872 ;, 
the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School, 1879. Appointed In- 
structor of the Chiba-ken Mid- 
dle School ; Assist. -Instructor 
of the Tokyo Women's Higher 
Normal School ; Instructor of 
the school, 1885 ; entered the 
Educ. Dep't as an official,. 
1886; Dir. .of the Tokyo 
Blind and Dumb School, 1893; 
sent abroad for educational 
purpose, 1896— iS98- appoint- 


[ 430 ] 

ed Dir. of the Tokyo Deaf 
and Dumb School. One of 
his sons being dumb he be- 
-came interested in the educa- 
tion of the dumb and has 
since given all his attention 
to work amongst the blind, 
deaf and dumb in Japan. Ad- 
dress : Sasugayacho, Koishi- 
kawaku, Tokj'o. 

Konishi, Shin-emon C'h M ^ 
* S PI), millionaire, high- 
tax -payer. Sake rhx&wer ; b. 
in 1875 in the province of 
Settsu ; e. s. of the deceased 
Shinemon Konishi; m. Kan, 
y. s. of Viscount Seirin Oko- 
chi. A brewer of " Shirayu- 
M." The Konishi family is 
well known for its skill in 
the ancient art of swords- 
manship. Address: Itanii, Ka- 
wabe-gori, Hyogo-ken, 

Konishi, Shoji Q]> S jE —), 

Engineer of the Department 
of Agriculture and Commer- 
ce ; i5. 2 Jan. of the 4th y. 
of Meiji (1871) in Okayama 
prefecture ; 5 th s. of Nobu- 
sada Konishi ; m. Masayo, 
3rd d. of Hanshiro Itano, a 
samurai of Okayama. Ediic. : 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College of the Tolcyo 
Imperial University, 1897. En- 
tered the Okayama Spiifining 
Company as Chief Engineer 
immediately after his gradua- 
tion ; then appointed engineer 
of the Department of Agr. 

and Com. in May 1901 ; was 
ordered to proceed to Europe-, 
1906. Address .- No. 2, 7 cho- 
me, Aoyama Kitamachi, To- 
yotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Konishi, Sozaburo 0\- H Hjt 
H W), high -tax-payer, Pres. 
of the Iwamatsu Bank, Ltd., 
Dir. of the 29th Bank, Ltd.; 
d. in 1865 in Ehime-prefect- 
ure ; 2nd s: of Suisai Koni- 
shi; m. Shin, y. s. of Kisaburo 
Nagataki of the same pre- 
fecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1879. Address: Iwa- 
matsu - mura, Kita-Uwaj ima- 
gun, Ehime-ken. 

Konishi, Wa (.'h ® U), 
Kainan by nom de plume, 
newspaper-editor. Eduo. : ag- 
riculture college of Sapporo. 
Has been in the editorial staff 
of the ''Tohi/o Asahi" for 
many years ; was war-corre- 
spondent of the paper during 
the Russo Japanese war; was 
elected m, of the House of 
Represntatives for Kag^awa- 
ken, 1912 ; belongs to Koku- 
minto. PvMicaiion: "Seto-nai- 
kai." Address : 174 Harajiku, 

Koao,Tasuku(t!JSfSI), I^a.ia- 
hakushi (ophthalmolgg^), Pro- 
prietor of" Koiio Ophthalmic 
Dispensary, an Attendant to 
the Imperial Physicians Bureau; 
b. in 1855 in the province of 
Echigo; e. s. of Ryoetsu K6- 
no ; m. Taki, e. d. of Taro 

431 ] 


O^sukotsu ; a samurai of Shi- 
zuoka. Educ-: graduated Me- 
dicine in the Tokyo Imperial 
University in i88i ; was sent 
to Europe. Assistant Prof, of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity in 1883. Address: Yo- 
koderacho, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1 297 Bancho. 

Kono. Hironaka Jnf Bf FS cp), 
Mem. of H. R., Ex-Pres. of 
the. Representatives; h. on the 
7th of the 7th month of the 
2nd year of Kaei . ( 1 849) in 
Fukushima-pref ; 3rd f, of 
Senhichi Kono; m. Seki, y.' s. 
of Ichizo Muramatsu of Nii- 
gata. He played a distingui- 

shed part in the Restoiation, 
fighting on the side of the 
Emperoi against the Toku- 
gawa Shogun. At the age of 
fifteen he became one of the 

followers of Takeda and To- 
ko Fujita, pioneer founders of 
the Meiji Government.- He 
entered politics and joined in 
1 874 the Aikokusha (Patriotic 
Fraternity) founded by Eto, 
Count Itagaki, and the late 
Count Soejima. He, assistetJ 
3y others, organized the //- 
Muto (Liberal Party) in 1880. 
Through his actions in the 
cause of freedom, he suff red 
much from collisions with the 
authorities, once undergoing 
imprisonment for seven years in 
connection with the famous 
Fukushima trouble (1882). 
Elected Mem. of the House 
of Representatives for his na- 
tive province in 1890, and is 
one of the very few represen- 
tatives who have sat in the 
House from its beginning. He 
was an influential leader of 
the Liberal party and then be- 
came a leader of the Progres- 
sive party. As President of 
the House of Representatives, 
he made a record by inviting 
its dissolhtion by submitting 
an impeachment reply to the 
throne against the first Katsura 
Cabinet at a momentous period 
of the history of the country 
in 1903.* Was arrested with 
Tennan Yamada and some 
others on the charge of sedi- 
tion concerning the Anti-Pea- 
ce movement of Sept. 5th in 
1905, but was acquitted after 


[ 432 ] 

a long trial. Was leader 
of the hohumito (left, Jan. 
1913). Becreation : Zen 
(zen philo'sbphv') Address: 
No. 6, Higaslii-shinano-clio, 
Yotsiiya-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 656 

Kono, Takanobu CM SF ^ igi) 
Master of Engineering (Im- 
perial College :of Engineering 
Tokyo), consulting engineer 
for railway and hydraulic 
works; b. the 12th month, 
1858, at Hayashida-cho, 
Ibo-gun, Hyogo Prefecture; 
i'. of the late Ayao Kono, 
safnurai and master of 
Chinese classics in Hayashi- 
da, Hyogo Prefecture; m. 
Chiyoko, 2nd d. of Taisuke 
Hayama, a physician, Octo- 
ber, 1888. Educ: studied 
Chinese classics from Kaku- 
ryo Hayashi in his young 
age, entered the Imperial 
College of Engineering in 
1877 and graduated from 
it in 1883. Entered the 
[mperial Railway Bureau 
in 1883, and built iron- 
bridges of the Nippon Rail- 
way Company's line, resigned 
that post in 1886 and be- 
came consulting engineer to 
the Nippon Construction 
Works Company, and super- 
intended the building works 
of the Kure Admiralty, and 
since 1889, was consulting 
engineer to many railway 

companies in various parts 
of the Empire. In 1896 
opened office in Osaka. Ad- 
dress: office.-No. Kitahama, 
Shichome, .'Osaka. Tel. No. 
1 61 6 Honkyoku, long dis.] 
residence, — No. 78, Tomyo, 
Mikage, Hyogo Prefecture. 
TeU No. 268 Mikage. 

Kono, Tetsushi CM IF ft iS), 
M. B. (Osaka Higher Medi- 
cal Academy), M. D. (Univ. 
of Pennsylvania, U. S. A.), 
Gynecologist and Obstetrician, 
Dir. of Osaka Kono's Hospi- 
tal ; bfi^6s at'Kumizaki in 
Kagoshima-prefecture. Educ: 
grad. from the Osaka Higher 
Medical Academy, 1884 ; the 
Univ. of Pennsylvania, U. S. 
A., 1892 ; studied gynecology 
and obstetrics under Prof. 
Kelly of the Johns Hopkins 
Univ., 1892 — 1394; special 
study at the University of Vi- 
enna, 1893 — 1894. Head of 
Gynecological and Obstetric 
Dep't at Yoshida's Hospital, 
1893-^1899; Dir. of Kono 
Hospital. Elected Chairman 
of the Osaka Medical Asso. ; 
M. of the Japan Gynecologial 
and Obstetrics Asso. Re- 
creation : Study of foreign lan- 
guages. Address : Kitakyu- 
taromachi, Higashiku, Osaka. 
7>/. .-4181, 1955 Higashi. 

Kono, Torae CM S= '^ It), 
Paymastex-Inspector, Prof of 
the Naval College and the 

[ 433 ] 

Kon— 'Kos 

raymasters'»School, Attached 
to the Bureau of General Ac- 
counts and Supplies and the 
Bureau of Construction ; b. in 
1868. Staff-Paymaster in 18- 
98; Fleet-Paymaster „• in 19- 
01 • Paymaster - Inspector in 
1908. Address : Naval Office^. 

Koaoike, Zen-emon C?il ^ # 
/& n PI), millionaire, Presi- 
dent of the Osaka Storage 
Co., Ltd., and Executive Par- 
tner oftheKondke Bank, Ltd.; 
b. in 1 865 at Osaka ; e. s. of 
Kiemon Konoike ; m. Michi, 
e. d. of Takayasu Mitsui. A 
descendant of an old coun- 
try family. • Was decorated 
with 4th Order of the Rising 
tSun; created Baron in 19 
Address: Tmahashi, Higasiii- 
ku. Osaka'! Tel.: 15 Hoiikyokii. 

ta-onoshima, Okoku (tJ^ ^ ® 
^)> Bunjiro by proper name 
Japanese painter; b. 1877 in 
Kyoto. Studied under Keinen 
Imao; m. of Kyoto Art 
Asso.; gained prizes five 
times continuously in the Art 
Exhibition of the Dep't of 
Education. Address: Miike 
Ryogaye-cho kado, Kyoto. 

Kontaibo, Yoshizo (M^^^ 
5S:). Presiding Director of the 
Fukushima Cotton Yam Co., 
Ltd.. Auditor of the Korean 
Raw Cotton Co., Ltd., Mem. 
of the Osaka , Chamber of 
Commerce ; ^. in 1 868 in O- 
kayaraa - prefecture ; e. s. of 

Ihei Ota;" m. Kuma, 2\\d.d. 
of his adopt, father Masusa- 
buro Kontaibo. Began his 
career as a journalist. Ad- 
dress : Kawaramachi, Higa- 
shiku, Osaka. Tel. : 909 Hi- 

Kosaka, Kcmataro CS IS ll * 
W), 3rd Order of Merit, Judge 
of the Court of Cassation ; 
^. in 1858 at Yonezawa ; e. s. 
of Hichiro Kosaka, a satmi- 
rai; m. Rei, e. d. of Mitsu- 
kata Nakamura of Tokyo. 
Edtic. : grad. Law at the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 1884. 
Entered the Dep't of Justice 
as iudge and procurator ; 
Chief of the Legal Court at- 
tached to the Residency-Ge- 
neral in Korea, 1906; after- 
wards appointed present post. 
Address: Miyashitacho, Ko- 
ishikawaku, Tokyo.. 

Kosaki, Hiromichi (/•> jlif Ji 

5t)> Pastor of the Reinanzaka 
Christian Church; ^.ithe 4th 
7n. of the 3rd y. of Anset 
(1856) in Kumamoto-ken; j. 
of Jirozaemon Kosaki; ;;/. 
Chiyo-ko, sister of Yasokichi 
Iwamura. Educ. : studied 
Chinese Classics at the Ji- 
shijko (Clan School) of Ku- 
mamoto; graduated from the 
Kumamoto English school, 
1876 and from the Theolo- 
gical Course of the Kyoto 
Doshisha, 1880. Teacher of 
the Kumamoto Middle school, 

434- ] 

r&7S-i876; established the 
Reinanzaka Congregational 
Church, i8'8o; started the 
publication of the Rikugo 
Zasshi, a religious magazine, 
1880, and the Christian 
News, forerunner of the pre- 
sent Christian World, 1883; 
established the Bancho 
Church, Tokyo, 1886; Pre- 
sident of the, Kyoto Doshisha, 
1890- 1897; represented all 
the Japanese Christian 
Churches at the Interna- 
tional Congress of Religion 
held at Chicago, 1893; 
visited Hawaii with his wife 
for religious purposes, 1902; 
was in the pacific states of 
of the U. S. A. for the same 
purposes, 1905; President of 
the Japan Gospel Association, 
1901-1911; President of the 
Japan Sunday School As- 
sociation, since 1908; Vice- 
president of the Japan 
Christian Churches Associa- 
tion since Jan. I912; Pastor 
of the Reinanzaka Christian 
Church since 1899. Pvb- 
lications : " Essay on politics 
and Religion," " Essay on 
Christ," "Reason of Belief," 
" Religion and Morals of 
Japan," "Resurrection of 
Christ," " Christianity and 
our National Character," 
" Essence of Christianity," 
etc. Recreations: reading and 
fishing. Address: 14 Re- 

inanzaka-cho, j*kasaka-ku, 

Tokyo. Tel.: 493 Shiba. . 

Koshiba, Yasundo (/}> ^ % 

A), Kogaknhakushi (Doctor 
of Engineering), engineer of 
the public works bureau of 
the Home Dep't. Decorated 
with^ the 3rd of S. 1.. Ad- 
dress: No. 223 Tsurumaki- 
cho, Waseda, Usbigome-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 17 10 Bancho. 

Koshino, Kasuke C|i if ^ W), 
Director of the Yamaguchi 
Bank, the Nihon Life Insur- 
ance Co., Ltd., the Osaka IL- 
lectric Copper Works, and 
the Osaka Savings Bank, 
Ltd., Auditor of the K5be 
Pier Co. J Ltd., the Osaka 
Chemical Mfg. Co., Ltd; b. 
in 1846. at Osaka; e.s. of 
Gohei Koshino ; m. Tone, e. 
d. of Yahei Ashida of Osa- 
ka. Address .• Awajicho, Hi- 
gashiku, Osaka. Tel.: r^^fi 

Kosug'i, Tamezo (/> tJ;^ @ gj), 

Novelist and editor of the 
Hbchi Shimbtm, better 
known under the nom de 
plume " Tengai;" b. 1866, in 
Rokugo-machi, Sempoku-gun, 
Akita-ken; s. of Sojuro 
Kosugi; in. Yuki; d. of 
Masayoshi Morikawa, samu- 
rai of Tokyo, Septernber, 
1897. Educ: studied law 
in the H5gakuin (Predes- 
cessor of the Chuo Univ.) 
and English in the Kokumin 

[ 435 J 


'Eigakkai. Was editor of 
the Yomiiiri Shinibtin about 
1-907 and joined the editorial 
staff of the Hochi Shimbnn, 
in 19 10. Publications: Ha- 
tsu Sugata, Hajari Ufa, 
Makaze Koikaze, Yoritomo 
in Izu, Kob^ishi and others 
numbering over 100. Recre- 
ations: !iving in the woods, 
taking a walk, and dogs. 
Address : No. 19 Kimizuka- 
cho, Shiba, Tokyo. 

Koto, Bimjiro i^^h M-^'-k S|5), 
Rigahihakushi ; Ph. D. (Lei- 
pzig University) , Prof, at the 
College of Science of the To- 
kyo Imperial University (chair, 
geology and palaeontology) ; 
b. 4 Mar. 1856, Shimane-pre- 
fecture ; ist s. of Jisei Koto, 
a samnrai of Shimane ; m. 
Ume, 1st d. of Baron Shina- 
nojyo Ai'ichi. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the Department 
of Science, the Tokyo Uni- 
versity, 1878 ; further studied 
in Germany for about three 
years. Appointed Prof, at his 
alma mater, 1886; Rigahiha- 
kushi, 1888; ordered to proce- 
ed to Chosen, 1900— 1902 ; 
and then to China, July 1910. 
Decoration ; 2nd Order oi 
Merit. Address: No. 2, Ni- 
jikkicho, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Kotsumori, Kyo (.g- f^ jj), 

Governor of Chiba-prefecture; 
b. in 1853 iri Ehime-ken; e. 
s. cf Soho' Kotsumori, a sa- 
imtrai; m. Taka, e. d. of Ku- 

.nita Ishihara of (Jkayama- 

ken; Entered the Government 

service in 1873; Head of'U- 

v/ajima County in Ehime-ken, 

1887; Counsellor of Kyoto-fu ; 

then of Gifu-ken; Secretary 

of the prefectures of Saita- 

ma, Okayama, and FuUushi- 

ma; Governor of Tottori in 

1907,, then present post in 

1 9 10. Address: Chiba-machi, 


ii.a.rfainura., Masahiko (-/nj >fi 

it W); Colonel, Commander 01 
the 2nd Infantry Regiment of 
Body Guards; b. in 1869 in 
Yamaguchi - prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1889; Lieuten- 
ant in 1 894 ; Captain in 1 897; 
Major in 1903; Lieutenant - 
Colonel in 1905 ; Colonel in 
1908 ; 4th Order of the Eising 
Sun and 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : Ta- 

kcbashi, Kudan, Tokvo 
Uobayaslii, Toralcicni (■'h vie 

'si n), Representative Member 
of the Yamato Goshi Kaisha, 
President of the Tai.sei Sav- 
ings Bank ; b. the ist »i. of 
the 2nd j/. of Keio (1866) in 
Tokyo ; s. of Tobei Kobaya- 
shi ; m. Ko Kobayashi in 
1886. Edtic: studied Chinese 
classics while young. Found- 
ed in 1901 the Yamato Goshi 
Kaisha, a mortgage loan com- 
pany, and became its president. 
Addriss : No. 37, 2 chome, 
Kamejima-cho, Nihombashi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 4148 Na- 


[ 436 ]" 

Koyama, Kenzo C'h Ul ^ H), 
Pres of the 34th Bank, Ltd. ; 
b. in 1858 in Saitama-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Usaburo Ko- 
yawa, a samurai; m.' Yasu, 
3rd d. of Yaokichi Takenou- 
chi of Nagano-pref Entered 
the Dep't of Education ; ap- 
pointed Dir. of the Tokyo 
Higlier Commercial School ; 
then Dir. of the Technical 
Bureau of the Department of 
.Education : and oromoted Vi- 
" ce-Minister of the Dep't. On 
retiring from the Government 
service, he became Pres. of 
the 34th Bank, Ltd.; is reput- 
ed to be one of the most emi- 
nent bankers in the empire. 
Address : Dtecho, Higashiku, 
Osaka" Tel.: 2810 Higashi. 

Koyama, Kichiro (']■> Ui § 
RS)> Inspector -.General of 
Naval Construction, Chief of 
the Construction Dep't in the 
Yokosuka Naval Arsenal ; d. 
in 1 860 at Nagaoka in Echi- 
go , 2nd s. of Ryoun Koya- 
ma, a samurai ; m. Tane, y. 
s. of Tokujiro Oyama of To- 
chigi-prefecture. Educ: grad- 
uated Engineering in the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ., 1883; sent 
to Germany for stiudy, 1896 
— 1900. Entered thf^'' Imp. 
Navy, 18B8; 1st Class Chief 
Naval , Constructor, 1 897; In- 
spector of Naval Construc- 
tion", 1902; Ins. -Gen. of Naval 
Construction, 1908; present 

post, 191 1. Address: Yo- 

Koyama, Matsnkiohi C'h lU S 
a)> Chief Procurator of the Ko- 
be District Court; b. in 1869 
at Tokyo; 3rd s. of Giheiji 
Takase, a samurai ; m._ Ma- 
sao, e. d. of Takamitsu Ko- 
yama. Educ: passed the Ex- 
amination for Bench, 1893. 
Appointed Probationary Jud- 
ge, 1893; Proc, 1896; re- 
signed the post and called 
to the Bar, Mar. 1901 ; again 
appointed Judge of the Na- 
gasaki D. C, July 1901 ; 
then of the Nagasaki A. C. ; 
then Proc. of the Tokyo D. 
C. and A, C. ; promoted to 
present post. Address : Ku- 
sunokicho, Kobe. 

Koyama, On <i>V [Ii S), Ho- 

gakuhalcusM, Vice-Minister of 
Justice since Dec. 19 12, ex-Dir. 
of the Criminal Bm-eau at the 
Justice Dep't; b. in i865^in 
Aichi-prefecture ; e. s. of Te- 
tsutaro Koyama ; m. Ei, e. d. 
of Hirotoku Makita of To- 
kyo. Educ. : grad. Law in 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1890. 
Appointed Judge of the To- 
kyo District Court ; then J. 
of the Tokyo Appeal Court ; 
and promoted to be ProC of 
the Court of Cassation. Ad- 
dress : Haramachi, Koishika- 
waku, Tokyo. Tgl.: 540 Ba- 

Koyama, Ryutoku (/J> lij fl 

I 437 ] 


W), Igaktthakiishi (Doctor of 
Medicine), Prof, of the Fu- 
kuoka Medical College of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ. (Chair- 
Anatomy) ; b. the 3rd m. of 
the 1st y. of Man-en (i860) 
in Kumamoto-ken ; e. s. of 
Genryij Koyama, a Kuniamo- 
to samurai; m. Waka, 3rd 
d. of Rekiin Tozawa, a j<2- 
?««r(2;i of Nagono clan. Edtic. : 
graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1888); pursued his 
medical studies in Germany 
(1902—1904). Prof of the 
former Sth Higher Middle 
School (1890)"; present post 
since 1904 ; Igakuhakushi in 
1906. Address : Yio . A.'J , S\x- 
zakiuramachi, Fukuoka, Fu- 
ku oka-ken. 

Koyama, Shotaro C^h lU jE 
jb IP), Painter, Juror of the 
Fine Arts Association ; b. in 
1857 at Nagaoka ; e. s. of 
Yoshitsura Koyama, a samu- 
rai of Nagaoka clan ; m. Su- 
mi, 2nd d. of Sumiyoshi Ka- 
mura. Educ. : graduated Fine 
Arts at the Kogakuryo (de- 
funct Government Technical 
School);' Became Assistant- 
Prof, of his alma mater; resign- 
ed post and feunded the Fudo- 
sha (a private fine art school) 
1878 ; Juror of Exhibitions 
since. 1881 ; went to the front 
in the China-Japan war for 

artistic purposes and painted 
the panorama of the battles 
of Ping-yang, and Port A rthur; 
one of -the leading painters 
in the country. Address : O- 
iwakecho, Hongoku, Tokyo. 
Koyama, Taikd (->> (.li # ^), 
engineer of the Department 
of Agriculture and Commer- 
ce, sectional chief of the Iron- 
foundry. Address : Official 
House, Takamimachi, Onga- 
gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Koyano, Keizo C^h # If S H), 
Prof of the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School (C!iair- 
Enghsh language). No. 37, 
Toyokawacho, Takata, Ko- 
ishikawa, Tokyo. 

Kozai, Yoshinao ("S * Eti it), 
Nogakuhakushi ; , Dean and 
Prof, of the College of Agri- 
culture of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University ; b. 20 Dec_. 
1864, Kyoto ; ists. of Senzo 
Yagishita, and adopted by 
Unosuke Kozai, a samurai of 
Kyoto; m. Toyo, ist d. of Tei- 
kan Shimidzu, of Okayama. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Komaba Agricultural School, 
(predecessor of the present 
Agricultural College), 1886, 
and from the Leipzig Univer- 
sity. Prof at the Tokyo Agri- 
cultural and Dendrological 
School, 1889; Prof at the 
College of Agriculture, 1890; 
Nogakuhakushi, ZS99; Ex- 


[ 438 ] 

pert of the Agricultural Ex- 
periment Farm ii.i 1903, and 
afterwards its Director ; Dean 
of the Agricultural College, 
1 911; besides is chief of the 
Agricultural Experiment Fa- 
rm, Nishigahara, as additio- 
nal post. Address: Nishiga- 
hara, Tokyo. 

Kozu, Katsuya (fij! gR St 5H), 
Colonel of infantry, Com- 
rrtander ' 'oT"fhe Kochi dis- 
trict cf regiment; b. 1866 in 
Nagano. Sub-Lieut., March 
1892; Lieut., Nov. 1894; 
Captain, Dec. 1898; Major., 
Aug. 1904; Lieut. -Colonel, 
Dec. 1908; Colonel, Sept. 
1912. Decorations: 5th Or- 
der S. T., 4th Order of R. 
S., 3rd Class of G. K. Ad- 
dress: Office of the Kochi 
.regimental district, Ottesuji, 
Kochi-shi, Kochi-ken. 

Kozuka, Shoichiro (/h M. IE 
- EI>), Managing Director of 
the Kitahama Bank, Ltd. ; b. 
in 1869 in. the province of 
Owari ; e. j. of Masahiko Ko- 
zuka; m. Ume, 2nd d. of Ju- 
saku Toyoshima, a samurai 
of Tokyo. Edac. : graduated 
Finance at the Keio Univer- 
sity in 1892. Entered the 
IMitsui Bank and became Di- 
rector of its Dojima Branch'; 
took part as a private in the 
China-Japan war and was 
decorated with 8th Order of 
Merit for his servies ; became 

manager of the Kitahama 
Bank, Ltd., in 1897 ; was sent 
abroad m 1907; on , retur 
ning was elected present post. 
Puhlicaiion '. Diary of tour 
through Europ and America. 
Recreatiooi : billiard, reading, 
shop at Osaka ; then mana- 
ger of the Kitahama Banlc, 
Ltd., in 1897; was sent ab- 
road in 1907;, , on returning 
was elected to present post. 
Address: Matsuyamachi, Mi- 
hamiku, Osaka. Tel. : 520 

Kubo, Inokiohi (.^i^^Zis), 
Igakuhakiishly (Dr. of Me- 
dicine), Prof, of the College 
of Medicine in the Kyushu 
Imp. Univ. (Chair: otona- 
thopharyn and golaryngblog); 
b. the 1 2th ^n. of the 7th y. 
of Meiji (1874) in Fukushi- 
ma-ken; e. s. of Tsuneyasu 
Kubo; m. Yorie, e. d. 
of Masayoshi Miyamoto of 
Ehime-ken. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of 
Medicine of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1900); studied Otona- 
thopharyn and golaryngolog 
in Gerrnany, Austria, France 
and Holland, 1- 04-1908. 
Attended the international 
Congress for Medical Science 
held at Risbon, Portugal, 
while in Europe; recommend- 
ed as compiler of " Interna- 
tionales Centralblatt fiir 
ohrenheilkund" and " Se- 
mon's Centralbatt fiir Laryn- 

[ 439 


gologie;" Honorary President 
of the Japan Otonathopharyn 
and Golaryngology Society 
and of its Kyushu Local 
Branch; Prof, of the College 
of Medicine of the Kyushu 
Imp. Univ. since 1907. Pub- 
lications: (i) Ueber die vom 
N. acusticus ausgelosten Au- 
genbewegungen (besonders 
bei thermischen Reizungen). 
Archiv fur die ges. Physio- 
logie Bd. 114. 1906. (2) 
Ueber die vom N. acusticus 
ausgelosten Augenbewegun- 
gen II. Mitteilung: Versuche 
an Fischen. Archiv fur die 
ges. Physiologie Bd. 1 15. 
1906. (3) Die alte Ohren- 
heilkunde in Japan. Menats- 
schrift fur Ohrenheilkunde 
Nr. 9. -1906. (4) Zur Ges- 
chichte der alten Rhinologie 
in Japan. Archiv fiir Laryn- 
gologie Bd. 19. Heft i. (s) 
Beitrage zur Histologic dei 
unteren Nasenmuschel. 

Archiv fur Laryngologie. Bd 
19. Pleft 1. (6) Zur Fragt 
des normalen Zustandes dei 
unteren Nasenmuscheln def 
Menschen. (Histologischt 

Untersuchyngen an den 
Muscheln von Neugeboren 
en). Archiv fur Laryngologie. 
Bd. 19. Heft 2. (7) Ueber 
die Entstehung der sogen. 
" lappigen Hypertrophien" 
der Nasenmuscheln. Archiv 
fijr Laryngologie. Bd. 12. 

Heft 2. (8) Zur Behandlung 
von Celloidinserienschnitten. 
Archiv fiir mikroskopische 
Anatomie etc. Bd. 70. 1907. 
(9J Eine neue Methode zur 
Entlarvung der Simulation der 
totalen Taubheit. (Japanisch) 
1907. (10) Erfahrungen iiber 
die Radikaloperation (nach 
killian) der Sinusitis frontalis 
chronica. (Japanisch). 1908. 
(11) Einige Bemerkungen 
uber Conchotomia inferior. 
(Japanisch) 1907.. (12) Oeso- 
phagoskopische Mitteilungen. 
(Japanisch) 1907. (13) Zahn 
in der Kieferhohle. (Japanisch) 

1907. (14) Ueber die An- 
wendung der Lokalanasthesie 
bei deir Radikaloperation der 
Kieferhohleneiterung. (Japan- 
isch) 1907. (is) Ueber die 
eigentliche Ursprungsstelle 
und die Radikaloperation der 
solitaren Choanalpolypen. 
Archiv fiir Laryngologie. 
Bd. 21. Heft I. (16) Oeso- 
phagoskopische Behandlun- 
gen bei Oesophagusfremd- 
korpern. (Japanisch) 1908. 
(17) Ein Fall von Fremd- 
korper im linken Btonchus; 
Extraktion durch Broncho- 
scopia superior. (Japanisch) 

1908. (18) Ueber die Tra- 
chealtumoren. (Japanisch) 
1908. (19) Die, Reinigung 
und Desinfektion in der Oto- 
rhino-laryngologie.. (Japan- 
isch) igo8. (20) Did klini- 


C 440 ] 

schen - Bedeutungen , der 
d'irekten Untersuchu-ngsfrie- 
thoden. - (Japanisch) 1908. 
(2 1 ) - Traitement chirurgical 
des stenoses laryngo-trachea- 
les. Rapport du XVI congres 
international, de medecine 
a Budapest. (22) Eine neue 
Methode zur Nahtanlegung 
in tieferen Korperteilen mit 
einer- neuen Nadel. Medi- 
zinische Klinik Nr. 35. 1909. 
(23) Otogener Reflexhusten. 
(Japanisch) 1909. (24) No- 
chmals iiber die walire 
Urspriingsstelle der solitaren 
Choanalpolypen (Antrocho- 
analpolypen nacli Kubo) 
(Japanisch) 19O9. (25) Bron- 
choskopische und oesopha- 
goskopische Mitteilungen. 

(Japanisch) 1909. (26) Sto- 
rungen der "geistigen Thatig- 
keit bei Schiilkindern wegen 
der Ohren-Nasen-Halskrank- 
heiten. (Japanisch) 19O9. 
(27) Bemerkungen iiber die 
Behandlimgen der Fremd- 
korper in Speiseund Luftwe- 
gen. (Japanisch) 19 10. (28) 
Differentialdiagnose zwischen 
Tumoren und Entziindungen 
der Nasenhohle. (Japanisch) 
1910. (29) Ueber die Peri- 
tonsillitis lingualis. (Japa- 
nisch) 1910. (30) Mein neuer 
Gaumerihaken. Archiv fur 
Laryngologie. Bd. 23. Heft 
3. (31) Ueber die Lokalitat 
der objektiv horbaren Ohr- 

gerausche ■ insbesonder-e - in 
Verbindung mit Gaumense- 
gelkrampf. (Japanisch) (32) 
Lehrbuch der Rhinologie 
(Japanisch) i. Band 1909. 
2. Band 1910 3. Band 1912. 
Recreations: J2i-pa.ncse poems; 
flowers (especially become) 
study of old Medical books. 
Address : Higashikoen, Fu- 
kuoko, Fukuoka-ken. Tel. 
1247 Fukuoka. 

■Kubo, Eaifuku iX ^ ^ ^g). 
Naval Captain, Commander 
of the Chiyota (protected 
cruiser); b. in 1869. Ediic: 
Naval Engineering Academ}^. 
Lieut. -Cammander, Oct. 1902; 
Commander, Sept. 1906; Capt. 
Dec. 191 3. Was member of 
the Educational Head-Office; 
present post since Dec. 19 12. 
Decorations-. 4th Class of 
Golden Kite. 

Kubota, Hikohichi (^ ^ g 
^ "t^ ■»„^^J?fein, .ex-Comm. of 
Yokosuka ISfaval Barracks; 
b. 1867 at Tokyo. Educ: 
grad. from the Naval Aca- 
demy, 1880. Was Lieut, on 
board the Yaeyama in the 
China-Japan war ; Comman- 
der of the Izumi in the Boxer 
trouble ; Com. of the Naniwa, 
of the 6th Torpedo-boat Flo- 
tilla in the late war. Granted 
3rd Order of Merit. "'Club: 
the Stiikosha (Naval club). 
Address: Kamakura. 

[ 441 ] 


Kubota, Kanae (A f* H m, 
Dir. of the Nara and Kyo- 
to Imperial Museums ; 6. in 
1855 at Nakatsu in Buzen ; 
e. s. of Yasubei Kubota ; ?«. 
Ito f. s'. df Mitaro Yasuoka 
of Gumma-prefecture. Began 
his career as a teacher of 
the Sakuragawa Elementary 
School, 1873 ; entered the 
Educ. Dep't as a small offi- 
cial, 1 874 ; Manager of the 
Tokyo Technical School ; then 
Manager of the Imp. Museum, 
1889; sent to -U. S. A. for 
fine art investigations, 1895; 
appointed Prof, of the Govern- 
ment Fine Arts School, 1898; 
then promoted to be its Di- 
rector ; afterwards transferred 
to the Imp. Museum. Ad- 
dress : Nara. 

Kubota, Katsuyoshi CX "(* PI 
m W), Dir. of the South Man- 
churian R'ly Co., Ltd. ; I) 
in 1869 ia the province 01 
Satsuma ; 3rd s. of Denue- 
mon Higuchi, a samurai ; m. 
Kuni, 3rd d. of Toan Matsu- 
yama of Tokyo. Educ. : grad. 
Law in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1895. Entered the Bank o Ja- 
pan as Investigator of its State 
Treasury Department ; then 
transferred to present post. 
Address : Motomachi, Hon- 
goku, Tokyo. Tel. : 3095 

Kubota, Kenjiro C^ 1% P3 ^ 

^ ^15), Pres. of the Walara- 
se River Water Power Elect- 
ric Co., Ltd., Dir of the 40th 
Bank, Ltd., Representative 
Partner of the Kiryu E)lect- 
ric Co., Aud. of the Tateba- 
yashi Savings Bank, Ltd. ; b. 
in 1 860 in Gumma-prefecture ; 
e. s. of Heizaburo Kubota ; 
in. Chika, 2nd d. of Sengoro 
Abe of Tochigi-pref Ad- 
dress : Morita-mura, Yania- 
da-gun, Gumma-ken. 

Kuboto, Seishu C;X « 19 iS 
M\ Director '^■f Eng. Bureau of 
the Home Dep't since Dec. 1 91 2; 
(5. in 1 87 1 in Hokkai-do ; e. 
s. of Ssikyo Kubota ; m. Fu- 
ji, 2nd d. of Tsusoku Taka- 
yama of Choshii. Educ: grad. 
Law in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1894. Entered the Govern- 
ment service as Govs, of To- 
chigi and Miye pres. ; and then 
appointed present post. 1912. 
Address : Tairen. " 
• Kubotft, Seitaro CS ffl g? jk 
MP)/ 3rd Order of Merit, jud- 
ge of the Administrative Liti- 
gation Court; b. in 1865 in 
Okayama-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Yoshiyuki Kubota, a samurai; 
m. Kin, e. d. of Michitsuna 
Akabori of the same pre- 
fecture. Educ. : grad. from 
the Law College in the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. , 1 89 1 . Coun- 
cillor of the Saga-prefecture; 
that of the Home Dep't; 

Kail— Kar 

I 442 .] 

Secretary to the Dep't of 
Agriculture and Commerce ; 
Dir. of the Sanitary Bureau ; 
present post in 19 10. Ad- 
dress '■: Tameike - Reinanzalca, 
Akasaka,, Tokyo. 7>/. .-2585 

: Kubota, Setsujiro (g ffl iS 
,^ 115), Dir. of the Ithime No- 
ko .Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 1847 
in Ehime Prefecture ; e. s. of 
Moriichi Kubota ; in. Mine, 
e. d. of Tadashi Watanabe 
of ■ tlie' same province. Ad- 
dress :■ Okaka-mura, Igo-gun, 

Kubota, Yoshiro (^ 1% B ^ 
m 10, -Lawyer, es-M. of the 
House of Representatives ; (?. 
in 1863 at Nagase-mura, O- 
gata-gori, Shinshu ; 2nd .f. of 
Somehachi Takayanagi; was 
adopted by Zempachi Kubo- 
ta. -fii/ar. •■ graduated from the 
Nagano Normal School and 
studied at the Keiogijuku and ^ 
the Meiji Law School ; pas- 
sed the Government Exami- 
nation for Bench ; studied at 
London for three years. ' En- 
tered politics in 1885; was 
elected Mem. of the House 
of Representatives for his na- 
tive province ; a member of 
the Kokmninto (National par- 
ty). . Has stirred up public 
opinion by his references to 
the " Crisis of the Far East." 
Address : Akashicho, Kvo- 

bashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 902 

Kubota, Yuzuru (X I* ffl li), 
Baron, First Order of Merit, 
Mem. of H. P.; d. on the lOth 
of the Sth month in the 4th 
year of Koka (1847) at To- 
yooka in Hyogo-prefecture ; 
e. s. >of Shtisuke Kubota, a 
samurai ; m. Yae, e. d. of Ji- 
hei Yasui of Tokyo. Educ. : 
studied English at Keio Univ., 
1 8 7 1 — 1872. Before enterin g 
the Keiogijuku the Baron vi- 
sited Sontoku Ninomiya at 
Nikko and studied under this 
great teacher. Began his 
career first as a district of- 
ficial in Nikko (Now Tochi- 
gi - prefecture), 1869; Then 
became an official of the Edu- 
cational Dep't, 1872 ; then 
Secretary of the Dep't ; sent 
abroad for educational pur- 
poses, 1889; promoted Vice- 
Minister for Educ, 1892 ; re- 
signed the post owing to ill- 
ness, 1893 J* elected Mem. of 
H. R., 1894; given portfolio 
of Minister of Education, 1904 
— 1905. He has been an ac- 
knowledged authority on edu- 
cational question in the House 
of Peers for ten years; The 
resignation of Baron Kikuchi, 
then Min. of Education in the 
Katsura Cabinet in 1904, was 
due to him. Address : Ka- 
natomi - cho, Koishikawa - ku^ 
Tokyo. Tel.: 73 Bancho, 

443 ] 

Kuc Kud 

. Kuehiba, Takesaburo C u ^ S? 
H %r>)l L. C. of Bng., Com- 
mandei- of the 13th Battalion 
of Eng. ; ^. ir 1869 in Yama- 
guchi - prefecture. Sub - Lieu- 
tenant of Eng. in 1 894 ; Lieu- 
tenant of Eng. in 1897 ; Cap- 
tain of Eng. in 1900 ; Major 
of Eng, in 1905 ; 4th Order 
of the R. S. and 5th Class of 
the G.K. Address : Kochiya, 

Kuehiba, Seinosuke (0 ^ Yh 
2. Si), Colonel, Commander of 
the 41st Regiment of Infant- 
ry ; i>. in 1 864 in Hiroshima- 
prefecture. Sub-Lieutenant in 
1887; Lieutenant in 1892; 
Captain in 1895 ; Major in 
1902; Lieut. -Colonel in 1905; 
Colonel in 1909; 4th Order 
of the R. S. and 4th Class 
Df the G. K. Address: Fuku- 

Kuohiki, YoshiharuCIJ tI-c ^ 
#)» Chief procurator of the 
Tainan District Court. Ad- 
dress ': Official House in the 
Tainan Court,, 

Kudo, Eiichi CC M ^ -j. 
ex-Dir. of the Agr., Com., and 
Tech. Dep't in the Govern- 
ment-General in Korea; d. in 
1870 in Aomori-prefecture ; 
e. s. of Kinai Kudo, a Samu- 
rai; m. Mie, 4th d. of Kyukei 
Suekawa of Satsuma. 'Educ- : 
grad. from the Law College 
in the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 

versity, 1896. Mine-Inspect- 
01 , 1 897 ; Secretary to the 
Agricultural and Commercial 
Dep't ; Dir. of the Mining 
Bureau in the Gov.-General's 
office in Korea ; and then pre- 
sent post, 1910. Address. 
Seoul, Chosen. 

Kudo, G-ensuke (I H 51 W), 
high-tax-payer ; b. in I859 in 
the province of Awa ; 2nd s. 
of Wakida Kudo ; ni. Hatsu, 
e. s. of Tokusaburo Kawama- 
ta of the same province. Ad- 
dress : Nishio - mura, Mane- 
gun, Tokushima-ken. 

Kudo, Ikki (I ^ - IE), 
Manager ofthe Finance Inspec- 
tion Bureau in the Imperial 
Household Dep't ; ^. in 1853 
in Oita-prefecture ; 3rd s. of 
Kuroda ligura, a samurai; m. 
Ran, 5th 4- of Takumi Kudo. 
Began his career as Prof of 
the Peers' School ; entered the 
Bureau of Decoration^ as Ma- 
nager ; and then present post. 
Address : Naka-Shibuya, Shl- 
buyamachi, Tokyo. Td. ■' 1 5- 
70 Shiba. 

Kudo, Kantoku (_T Si % m, 
farmer, high - tax - payer ; 6. 
in 1848 in Iwate-prefecture ; 
e. s. of Orindo Kudo, a sa- 
murai. A large landowner. 
One of the organizers of the 
Iwate-ken Agricultural and 
Industrious Bank. Address.: 
Osara-mura, Iwate-gun, Iwa- 


[ 444 ] 

. Kudo, Sotosaburo QXMi^-Z 
Mj, Igakuhakushi, Member of 
the Committee* &ftHe Medi- 
cal License Examination. 

Kudo, Takuji (I H n. «), 
Mayor of Aomori. • Address: 
the Aomori City Hall, Shin- 
hamamachi, Aoniori-shi, Ao- 

Kudzu, Karaji (S M, rfi), 
engineer of the Department 
of Agriculture and Commeixe, 
sectional chief of the Iron- 
foundry. Address: Official 
House in the Iron-foundry, 
Takamimachi, Onga-gun, Fu- 

Zuga, Michihisa XX Ife %. X\ 
Marquis, 2nd Order of Merit, 
Lord-in-waiting at the Jako 
Hall, Mem: of H. P.; d. in 
1 84 1 at Kyoto ; e. s. of Tate- 
michi Kuga whose ancester 
is a prince of H. I. M. Mura- 
kami. Rendered brilliant ser- 
vices to the stati; as Com- 
mander-in-Chief of the Toho- 
ku Flying Army In the Re- 
storation ; entered the War 
Office ; was elected Senator, 
1885 ; Mem. of the House of 
Peers, 1890 ; Court Councill- 
or, 1893 ; Governor of To- 
kyo, 1 896.. Address : Shin- 
dgawamachi, Ushigome - ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 11 50 Bancho. 

Kuhara, Mitsuru iX W- 15 5±), 
Rigakuhakusht (Chemistry), 
Pre. of Kyoto Imp. Univ., Prof. 

and Dean of the Bng. College 
in the Kyoto Imp. Univ. ; h. in 
185s at Tsuyama ; e. s. of 
Shiiho Kuhara, a samurai; 
in. Aki, 2nd d. of Tadasu Su- 
zuki ofTokyo. Educ. : grad. 
Science in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1879; sent to U. S. A. 
for study, 1879— 188 1. Ap- 
pointed Prof, of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1884; Dir. of the 
First High School ; transfer- 
red to the Kyoto Imp. Univ.; 
sent to England to represent 
Japan in the International 
Applied Chemical Conference, 
1909; holds 3rd Order of M. 
Address : Shimokamo-mura , 

Kujo, Michizane CA- H si K), 
Prince, Vice-Chief of Ritual- 
ists, Mem. of House of Peers; 
d. on the 15th of the 12th 
month in the 2nd year of 
Meiji (1869) at Kyoto; e. s. 
of the late Prince Michitaka 
Kujo ; 7n. Keiko, 2nd d. of 
the late Count Otani, Abbot 
of the Hongan-temple.- The 
Kujo family are descended 
from Kamatari Fujiwara, one 
of the best known royal per- 
sonages of' oU Jkpaiii. The 
family is one of the Gosekke 
(five principal families). H. 
I. H. the Crown Princess is 
his yonnger sister. Address : 
Fukuyoshi-cho, Akasaka-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 742 Shimba- 

[ 445 

Knk— Kum 

Kuki, Monshichi CA ^ 14 

■t), rice and fertilizer mer- 
chant, Pres. of the Yokkaichi 
Electric Light Co.. Ltd., of 
the Mie Artificial Fertilizer 
Co., Ltd., of the Yokkaichi 
Storage Co., Ltd., Dir. oi the 
Yokkaichi Bank, Ltd., of the 
Mie Cotton Yarn, Ltd., Chair- 
man of the Yokkaichi Cham- 
ber of Commerce, high tax- 
payer; <5.' in 1866 at Yokka- 
ichi in the province of Ise ; 
e. s. of Moshichi Kuki ; m. 
Nobu, e. d. of Juichi Isogawa 
of Gifu-prefecture. Alderman 
of Yokkaichi city. Address : 
Nakanayachi, Yokkaichi, Ise. 
Kuki, Takakazu i%%W ^), 
Baron, B'irst Order of Merit, 
Privy Councillor, Pres. of Na- 
tional Treasures Preservation 
Asso.;^ b. in 1852 at Sanda, 
Settsu, adoft. s. of Takahane 
Kuki ; a samurai of Kuki 
Clan. Educ. ■ studied English 
under Yukichi Fukuzawa ; 
graduated the Daigaku Nanko 
(defunct Imp. Univ.). Began 
his career as a high official 
in the Educ. Dep't which post 
he held for twelve years ; next 
Minister Plenipotentiary at 
Washingcon,.i884 — 1888, and 
concluded the treaty of ex- 
tradition which attracted notice 
among diplomats of the Oc- 
cident J and then Dir. of Nara 
Imperial Museum ; Exhibition 
Commis.sioner ; sat in the H. 

P. Publications : " History of 
Fine Art in Japan," " Talks 
on the Russo-Japanese War," 
" The Secret of Success," 
" Advice to Young Men." Ad- 
dress: Nagatacho, Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 2242 Shiro- 

Kuki, Takateru (:;l % Ft W), 
Viscount, former Daiinyo of 
Sanda ; b. in 1 870 at Sanda 
in the province of Settsu ; e. 
s. of Takayoshi Kuki ; in. 
Nobuko, e. s. of Tsunasada 
Kuchigi, Viscount. Edttc : 
.studied in U. S. A. Address : 
Suma-mura, Muko-gun, Ilyo- 
go-prefecture. Tel. : 549, 

Kuma, Tokuzo (ES ® H), 
Mil. Intendant, Dir. of the 
Accoimtaut's. Dcp't of Kwan- 
tung Gov. ; h\ in 1862 at 
Yanagawa in the province of 
Chikugo ; e. s pf Kakumaro 
Kuma, a samurai; m. Kane, e. 
d. of Seicho Okazawa of Shin- 
shu. Educ: grad. from the 
Mil. College, '1884; the Mil'. 
Academy, 1887; the Mil. Pay- 
master's School, 1893. Ap- 
pointed Sub -Lieut., 1885; 
Lieut, t888; Assist. 3rd Class 
Sub-Intendant, 1898; .sent to 
Au!;tria for study, 1899 — 19- 
02 ; 2nd Sub-Intendant, 
1902 ; 1st Class Sub-Intend- 
ant, 1904; promoted., to Mil. 
Int., 1909. He took part as 
an officer of the 2nd Army Div, 
in the Sino-Japanese war and ' 



as Chief. of the Accountant's 
Dep't of the 2nd Army in 
the late war. Decorated with 
3rd Class of R. S. and G. K. 
for services. Address : Kita- 
ura, Nishi-okubo, Tokyo. Tel.: 
.2036 Bancho. 

KumaT3e, CMkanobu (|!p| ^ ^ 

Chief of the Gendarmery at 
present stationed in Chosen; 
b. in 1870 in Tokyo. Sub- 
Lieut, of Infantry, March 
1 891; Lieut, of Infantry, 
Dec. 1894; Captain of 
Infantry, Oct. 1897; Major, 
Oct. 1903 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 
Nov. 1907; Lieut. Colonel 
of Gendarms, June 1910; 
■Colonel of Gendarms, Nov. 
19 10. Was chief of the 
police Dep't of Chosen 
Government in 1910. Decora- 
tions: sth Order of S.T., 4th 
Order of R. S. 3rd Class of 
Golden Kite. Address: Of- 
ficial House of Chosen 
Kumabe, Suekuma CIS nS * 

^^^''£^^A^^£^M?^>. Chief 
of the Shirakawa Branch of the 
War-horse Recruiting Dep't; 
b. 1870 in Tokyo. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Cav: in 1891 ; Lieu- 
tenant of Cav. in 1893 ; Cap- 
tain of Cav. in 1895 ; Major 
of Cav. in 1902 ; Lieut. Colo- 
nel of Cav. in 1905 ; Colonel 
of Cav. in 1910; 4th .Order 
of the R. S. and 4th Class of 

the G. K. Address : Shiraka- 
wa, Fukushima-ken. , ." 

Kumada, Kantaro (M ffl Si 
X IP), chief public procurator 
of the Akita District Court. 
Address: the Akita District 
Court, Nishinekoyamachi, A- 
kita-shi, ' Akita-ken. 

Kumagae, KiicMro (fg # M 
- W), 3rd Order of Merit, 
Gov. of Yamanashi-prefect- . 
ure ; b. in 1866 at Tokyo; 
e. s. of Teizo Kumagae of 
Tokyo, tn. Yoshi, e. d. of 
Takakazu Kusakari of Ya- 
maguchi - prefecture. Educ. : 
grad. from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity in 1892. Entered the 
Home Dep't after gradua- 
tion ; Councillor of Hokkai- 
do ; Secretary to the Home 
Dep't ; has held the posts 
of Councillor in the Depart- 
ments of Agriculture and Com- 
merce, of Army, of Interior ; 
Chief of Civil J\.dministrators 
of Saghalien ; present post 
since 1908. Address : Kofu. 

Kumagae, Konosuke (11 4S # 
t. ffl), Director of the Aichi 
Medical School, and the Ai- 
chi Prefecturat Hospital. Ad- 
dress : being_.,.,a,broad. 

Kumagae, ilaoliikd CSs ^ i£ 

^)» painter, (pen name: To- 
kugd); b. 1828 in Kyoto; 
s. of Suekane Yamamoto; 
adopted into the Kumagai 
family of Aid clan. Educ: 

[ 447 ] 

Kum Kun 

studied painting from Shige- 
hiko Okamoto (Shijo school) 
when he was only 14 years 
old; three years after since 
his tutor died he studied 
himself Received many 
honorous prizes in exhibitions 
both domestic and foreign; 
especially it is notable that 
an honorous medal was con- 
ferred upon for his excellent- 
painting work of scenery in 
the Grand Exhibition in 
Paris, 1900; appointed mem- 
ber of the Imperial Art 
Society since 1904; is special 
member of the Nihon Fine 
Art Asso. and adviser to 
it. Address: 2 Yaoi-cho, 
Hongo-ku, Tokyo 

Kuniakura, Yosaku («! 1s |? 
#), Prof, of the Naval Engi- 
neering Academy, b. in 1858 
in Tokyo; e.s. ofYoshimasa 
■ Kuniakura ; in. Taki, e. d. of 
Sago Shibahara oi Hyogo 
Prefecture. Educ. : grad. from 
the Kohu Daigaku (defunct 
Technical College) in 1881. 
Assist.-Expert of the Indus- 
trial Dep't after graduation ; 
Assist. - Prof of his ahna 
mater; was. transferred as 
Prof to the Naval Engineer- 
ing Academy ; sent to U. S. 
A. and France, 190; — 1906; 
was granted 3rd Order of 
Merit after the late war. Ad- 
dress-: Kugyomachi, Yoko- 

Kurnanii, Ryotaro (M H S 
'k. SP), farmer, high - tax-pay- 
er; b. in 1865 in Hiroshima- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Kashichi 
Kumami ; m. Kotoyo, . 2nd d. 
of Kunzo Okuhara of the 
same prefecture. A large land- 
owner. Address : Yotsugu- 
mura, Sosan-gun, Hiroshima- 

Kumamoto, Kenjiro CM ^ M 
— Mi5), Prof of English in the 
Peers' School ; (5. in the 3rd 
year of Keio ( 1 867) at Osaka ; 
m. Mi}'o, /', d. of Teian Shi- 
mojo of Shinshu. Educ.; stud- 
ied Law in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1887 — 1889. Appoint- 
ed Instructor in .English in 
the Himeji Middle School, 
1889 ; then transferred to the 
Osaka Middle School ; pro- 
moted Prof of the 3rd High 
School ; then to that of the 
Tokyo Higher Normal School; 
and lastly present post. Ad- 
dress : Toyozawa, Shibuya, 

Kumamoto, Masatsugu (E^ 56 
J4 ^), Major-Genera!,. Com- 
mander of the Tokyo Bay 
Fort ; -b. in 1855 ; e. s. of Gon- 
nojyo Kumamoo, a Satsuma 
samurai ;m. Iwa,j>'. s. of Sbim- 
pai Kawakami of Satsuma. 
i'' saw .service as a, soldier 
of the guard in Saigas Re- 
bellion-; appointed Sub-Lieut., 
1877; Artillery Lieut., 1882; 
Art. Captain, 1886; Art. Ma- 


[448 ] 

jor, 1891 ; Art. Lieut.-Colo- 
nel, 1895 ; Art. Colonel, 1899; 
Major-General, Sept. 1903. 
Appointed Commander of the 
Body Guard Artillery Regi- 
ment; Com. of the Maizuru 
Fort; Com. of the 12th Bri- 
gade Art. ; present post, Nov. 
19 10. Took part in the late 
war. Decorated with 2nd Or- 
der of Merit and 3rd Class 
o( G. K. for service. Address: 

Kumamoto, Tsujun (Eg 7C S 
M5, Commander ojf.the, Navy, 
Vice-Commandant of the Kure 
Naval Barracks; b. in 1868. 
Cadet in 1884; Commander 
in 1906. Decoration: ii,ihOxi!iQ.x 
of the R. S. Address : Kure. 

Kumario, TushicM (Jg S"- ^ 

-fc)> Prof, and manager of the 
Meijigaktdn, a mission school 
in Tokyo; b. the 2nd, m. of 
the 5th jj'. of Kaei (1852) in 
the province of Hizen; s. 
of Okoru Kumano; in. Kiku- 
ko, 2nd d. of Kimiomi Ta- 
chibana, 1876. Edtic.-.stndx&d 
Chinese classics under Sokken 
Yasui the famous scholar; 
studied English at the Keio- 
gijuku and under I> Brown. 
Address: No. 43, Shirokane 
Imazato-machi, Shiba, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 820 Shiba. , 

Kume, licH K^X ^ ^ -), 
Lieutenant-^pJoneLpf Com- 
MisafiaC Coniniander of the 
13th '&XtBXion of Commis- 

sariat; A. in 187c in Saga- 
ken. Sub-Lieutenant of- Inf. 
in 1892 ; Lieutenant of Com. 
in 1894; Captain in 1897; 
Major in 1904 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel in 1907 ; 4th Order 
of the R. S.' Address : ,Ta- 
kada, Niigata-ken. 

Kume, Kunitake iiK ^ % 
^), Biingakuhakushi{]d^ 
History), Prof of Waseda Uni- 
versity. An acknowledged au- 
thority on the history of Japan. 
Was Prof of the Imperial 
University and Lecturer to 
H. I. M. the Emperor, but 
resigned the posts on account 
of his opinions regarding se- 
veral points of history. Ad- 
dress : Waseda University. 

Kume, Kyosaku C^:*H'f^), 
Vice-Pres of the Tokyo Gas 
Co., Ltd., Dir. of the Japan- 
Korea Gas Electric Co., Ltd./ 
Aud. of the Oriental Mos- ■ 
lings Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1868 
in Saitama-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Rokuemoh Kume. Edu-c. : 
grad. Law at the Hogakuin 
(private Chiio Univ.), 1891. 
Elected Dir. of the Nippon 
R'ly Co., Ltd., 1897 ; after- 
wards Vice-Pres. of the com- 
pany. Decorated with 5th 
Order of R. S. for services in 
the late war. Address: Ka- 
kigaracho, Nihombashiku, To- 

Kume, Tadatsugu iX * pE 
^), high - tax - payer ; b. iii 



1 841 in Ehime-prefecture ; f. 
s. of Yakichi Kume ; ;«. Tsu- 
ne, 2nd d. of Kumamoto Shi- 
raishi. Address ■' Tachibana- 
mura, Arai-guit," Ehkne-ken. 

Kunii, Hannojd CM ^ '^ Z 
S), farmer, high-tax-payer ; 
i>. in 1853 in the province 01 
Echigo ; e. s. of Hannojo Ku 
nil ; f/i. Saki, e. d. of Toyo- 
shiro Kunii of the same pro- 
vince. Address : Yashiuchi- 
mura, Iwabune-gori, Niigata- 

Kunieda, Motoharu (S tt 76- 
?a). Prof of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School; /'. in 1872; 
e. s. of Monjiro Kunieda, a 
samurai ; m. Hideno, 2nd d. 
of his father-in-law. Edjic. : 
grad. Science at the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1898. After his 
graduation, was appointed 
present post. Address: Hi- 
gashikatamachi, Komagome, 
Hongo, Tokyo. 

Kunika. Shichiro CH # -b II5), 
Expert to Oita-prefecture and 
Chief of the Surgery Dep't 
of the Prefectural Hospital. 
Address: Oltamachi, Oita-ken. 

Kunisawa, Shimbei (^ yf S? 
:R- IW), 3rd Order of Merit, 
Vice-President of the South- 
ern Manchurian Railway Co., 
Ltd.; <J. in-;, 1864 in the 
province of Tosa ; 3rd s. oi 
Shiroemon Kunisawa ; m. Sei, 
2nd d. of Kunimoto Nojiri, 
I samurai of Oita-prefecture^ 

Educ. : graduated Engineer- 
ing at the Iniperial Univ. 
of Tokyo in 1889. Expert 
to the Kyushii Railway Co., 
Ltd. ; entered the Govern- 
ment service as Expert to 
the R'ly Bureau in 1892; 
Director of the S. M. R. Co., 
Ltd., in 1906. Address. : Ka- 
damacho, Dairen ; Hyakunin- 
cho, Okubo, Tokyo. Tel.: 

1867 Bancho. 

Kunitomo, Kanae (gl ;^ 0), 

Igakuhaktishi (Doctor of 
Medicine), Prof, of the Na- 
gasaki Medical College; b^ 
1877 in Oita-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the Medical 
Dep't of the 5th High School 
in 1900. Was appointed 
assistant of the Medical 
College in the Kyoto Jmp, 
Univ., 1 901; then present 
post since 1904; granted th9 
degree of Igakuhakuski by 
presenting a thesis. Address: 
the Nagasaki Medical Col., 

Kuno, Tsukasa (^ tg §1), 
Major General since Nov. i9— 
id, Commander of the i9tli 
Infantry Brigade; h. in 1861 
in Fukui-prefecture; 2nd s. of 
Kenryo Kuno, a samurat ; m. 
Tsuru, 4th d. of Shinsuke K07 
ga. Educ. : grad. from the 
Military College, 1882. Sub- 
Lieut., 1882; Lieut., 1886' j 
Captain, 1894; Major, 189S'; 
Lieut.-Colonel, 1.903 ; Colo- 


L 4SO 

nel, 1906. Took part iii both 
the China-Japan and the Rus- 
so-Japanese wars. Decorated 
with ^rd Order of R. S. and 
4th Class of G. K. Address : 
Headquarter of the i9th In- 
fantry Brigade, Kyoto. 

Kurachij Self a (;#. ^ li ^), 
Director of the Kyodo Fire 
and Marine Insurance Co., 
Ltd. and the Taihei Lifj In- 
surance Co., Ltd. ; b. in i 866 
in Ishikawa-ken • e. s. of Shin- 
go Kurachi, a samurai; m. 
Tei, e. d. of Masatsune Naka- 
jo, a samurai of Hokkaido. 
Edtcc. : graduated from the 
Keiogijuku in 1890. Was at 
San Francisco for some time,; 
Oil returning became head 
derk of the Meiji Fire In- 
surance Co., Ltd.; entered the 
firm of Murai and became its 
director. Address : Nagata- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2745 Shimbashi. 

Kuraehi, Tetsukichi Ct" ^ ^ 
^). 3rd Older of the Merit- 
ex-Vice Min. of foreign affairs 
ffrom Deo. 1 91 2 to Jan. 1 913); 
h. in 1 870 at Kanazawa ; e. 
s. of Yukinori Kurachi, a sa- 
murai; m. Katsu, f. s. of Hei- 
hachi Tanaka. Educ: grad. 
Law at the Tolcyo Imperial 
University in 1894. Passed 
the higher civil service ex- 
amination in 1896; was ap- 
pointed Councillor of the For- 
eign Office in 1897 ; 3rd Sec- 

retary of the Legation at Ber- 
lin in 1899; promoted 2nd Sec- 
retary of the Legation in Mar. 
1 901; Councillor of the Forei- 
gn Dep'tin Oct. igor; Sec. o 
the Kesidency-General in 19- 
05 ; director of the Political 
Affairs Bureau of the Foreign 
Office, 1908. Address : Hara- 
jiku, Sendagaya, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2803 Shiba 
Karahara, Korehiro iM M i& 
m, Pk. D., Mem. of the House 
of Representatives; b. at Aso 
in the province of Higo ■ a 
samurai ; m. Shii, y. s. of Dr. 
Kitazato. Educ. : grad. from 
the Doshisha College ; and 
afterwards studied philosophy 
and economics in U. S. A. 
and England. On returning 
became Dir. of the Kuma- 
moto English School, his alma 
mater ; and then became Di- 
rector of the Gifu Middle 
School, a professor of Wase- 
da University and the Gov., 
Fine Art School ; was on the 
staff of the late Prince Ko- 
noe, a great statesman, and 
belonged to the Seiyukai (a 
Government party) ; but left 
the party after the death of 
the Prince ; was elected a Mem. 

of H. R. for TokvT) in 1908 ; 
lately left the Kokuminio ; 
was elected M. H. E. again, 
1912. Address : Kasumi-cho, 
Azahu-ku, Tokyo. 

Knrashifj-e, Tetsuzo CiS i| ^ 

I 451 ] 


— )j Expert to the Home Dep't; 
b. in 1870 in Yaniaguchi-pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of Gen-emon 
Kurashige ; m. Haru, e. d. of 
Korezumi Hirasa, a samurai 
of Choshu. Educ. : grad. from 
the Engineering College of the 
Tokyo- Imperial University in 
1895, Expert to the Shizu- 
oka-prefecture ; then to the 
Kobe Municipal Office ; sent 
to England for study, 1 897 — 
1 899 ; on his return was ap- 
pointed present post. Ad- 
dress : Nakanocho, Ichigaya, 
Ushigomeku, Tokyo. 

Kurata, ShinshicM (^ ffl S 
-b), .Colonel, .of .Infaixtiy,. Chi- 
ef Staff on the 13th Army 
IJiv'ision ; b. 1869 iu Mio- 
prefecture. Sub-Lieutenant in 
1 891 ; Lieutenant in 1894; Ca- 
ptain -i-n 1898 ; Major in 1903 ; 
Lieut. -Colonel in 1905 ; Co- 
lonel in igog ; 4th Onder of 
tlie H. S. and 4th Class of the 
G, K. Address : Takata. 

Kcrata, Torasnke C^ EH |S 
B). .Lieutenant on the seco- 
nd reserve since 15th July 
i9i2; b. the 7 th m. of 
the 1st /. of Ansei (1854), 
Tokj^o ; 3rd s. of Yozaemon 
Kurata, a samurai of Tokyo, 
and adopted by Akisuke Ku- 
rata ; r,t. Kikuo, y. sister to 
Den Ninomiya, a samurai of 
Miyagi-prefecture. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, Feb. 1879; 
■nant of Artillery, July 1883; 

Captain, Oct 1887 ; Major, 
Sept. 1893; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Feb. 1898; Colonel, Nov. 
1 90 1 ; Maj or - General , Feb. 
1907. Decorations: 3rd Or-, 
der of the Rising Sun ; 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 1 19, Yoyogi, Yo- 
yohata-miu-a, Toyotama-gun, 

Kuratomi, Y^saburo (# ^ R 
=■ %)- Hogakuhahishi, Chief 
of Judicial Dep't of the .Cho- 
sen Government - General ; b. 
1853 ill Fukuoka-prefecture ; 
m. Nobuko; e. d. of Hironobu 
Hirotsu. Educ. : grad. from 
the Shihdsho Ho Gakko (De- 
funct Lav.- College of the Dep't 
of Justice), 1879. Appointed 
Councillor of the Dep't of Jus- 
tice; Dir. of the Civil and Crim- 
inal Bureau; Proc. of the Court 
of Cassation; Chief Proc. of the 
Tokyo A. C. ; Vice-Minister 
for Justice in Korea, '1906. He 
prepared the Manu.sci'ipt of 
Ci-iminal Code. Recreations : 
Chinese poetry. Address : Ke- 
ijo, Chosen. Clubs : The 
Keijo Ciub and the Nanzan 
Club. Tel.: 877. 

Kure, Daigoro C^ :>c S. BR), 

Director of the Kano Mining 
Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1862 in Na- 
gasaki-prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Shigeru Shimada ; was adopt- 
ed by Seki Kure. At the 
age of fifteen went to China 
for study; on returning was 


[ 452 ] 

appointed Chancellor of the 
Consulate at Tien-tstn ; then 
transferred to the Legation 
at London ; Consul at Bom- 
bay ; entered the Mitsui Bus- 
•sau Kaish in 1 896. Address : 
Sendagaya-^i nnra, Toyotama- 
gua, Tokw. 

Knre, Bunso (^ X H), a 
statistician, Chief of the Sec- 
tion of Statistics in the Cabinet; 
d. the 1 1 th 7/1. of the 4th j. of 
Kaei (185 1 ), Yedo (Tokyo); 
2nd s. of Koseki Kure, a clan 
doctor;?;-/. 1875. - -£<:^«6\ .- pri- 
vate, and mostly' self taught. 
Entered the government ser- 
vice in 1875, and has been 
lecturing in several Colleges 
of Tokyo. Publications : se- 
veral works on statistics. Ad- 
dress : No. 4, 2 chome, Mo- 
tozonoclio, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
C/ub : Tokyo Statistic Asso- 

Kure, Hidezo C^ ^ H), /- 
gakiikakushi {alienist), Prof 
of^ffie' Tokyo Imperial Uni-' 
versity ; b. in J 865 ; 2nd s. 
of Koseki Kure, a samurai ; 
m. Mina, e. d. of Chiharu Mi- 
ura of the Gifu - prefecture. 
Educ. : gia.d. Medicine at the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
.1890. • Assist.-Prof: of the 
•University ; sent abroad for 
stud^^ 1897 — 1900; on re- 
turning was oppointed pre- 
sent post. Address: Seki- 
guChi-Daimachi, Koishikawa, 

Tokyo. Tel.: 1655 Bancho. 

Kurihara, Einosuke (lg Hi 7% 
^ ^), Prof, of the Sendai 
Medical College. Address r 
the Sendai Medical College, 
Katahiramachi, Sendai. 

Kurimoto, Tsunekatsu (H 7tf^ 
M St), Chief Police ^yrgeon. 

Chief of tiiS'"pj"sSft!»%r 

the Metropolitan Police Boards. 
Expert of the Imperial .R'ly 
Board, Manager of the Gov. 
Medical License Examina- 
tion ; b. in 1865 at Tokyo ;. 
2nd s. of Jinzo Hiraishi, a 
samurai ; m. Hana, 5th d. of 
Reishitsu Ajioka of Fukushi- 
ma-prefecture. Edzic. : grad. 
Medicine at the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1887. Ad- 
dress : Miyashita, Sugamo, 

Siirino, Shin-ichiro Cig if W 
— W), Viscoimt, ex-Amb. tov 
Paris, Grand Corden of Ris- 
ing Sun ; /;. on the 1 7th oi 
the nth month in the 4th 
year of Kaei (1852), in the 
province of Chikuzen ; e. s. 
of Koemon Kurino, a samu- 
rai ; VI. Hide, e. d. of lemon 
Okumura of Fukuoka. Educ.: 
grad. Law at Harvard Univ, 
Entered the .Foreign Office 
as Commissioner, 1881 ; Sec- 
retary, 1884; Vice-Chief of . 
the Investigation Bureau, 18- 
^6 ; Private Sec. to Buyo 
Enomoto, Minister for Agri- 
culture and Commerce ; sent 

[453 ] 


abroad as a aeiegate to the in- 
ternational Postal Conference ; 
returned to the Foreign' Of- 
fice ;.is Director of the Poli- 
tical Bureau ur.djr Minister 
Enomoto ; seiit to Korea in 
•connection witli the Tongkak 
disturbance ; appointed Mini- 
ster Plenipotentiary at Wa- 
shington, 1894; transferred to 
Rome, 1 896 ; then to Paris, 

1897 ; and to St. Petersburg, 
190 1 ; present post since 1906. 
Createde'r Baron for services 
after the Russo-Japanese War 
as a war honour. Address : 
Hinoki - machi, Akasaka - ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 464 Shimbashi. 
Kurita, Banzo (M ffl # ^), 
Managing Dir. of the Kura- 
te Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 1861 in 
Fukuoka - prefecture ; e. s. of 
Hanzo Kurita ; m. Iwa, e. d. 
of Tomoji Nakanishi of the 

same prefecture. Address : 
Tsurugi - mura, Kurate - gun, 
Fukuoka-ken. ' • 

Kurita, Kojiro Cm W ^ ^ W), 
Pres. of the Hokoishi Mining 
Co., Ltd., Dir. of the lyo 
Electric Weaving Co., Ltd., 
of the lyo Water Power Elec- 
tric Co., Ltd., of the Ma- 
tsuyama Cotton Yarn, Ltd., 
Aud. of the Matsuj^ama We- 
aving Co., Ltd ; l>. in 1869 
in the province of lyo ; e. s. 
of Yozo Kurita ; m. Nui, e. 
s. of Nakada of the same 
province. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in i?,2,s.,. Address : Ma- 
tsumaicho, Matsuyat.-.i. 

Kurita, Naohaehiro (Jg ffi iS 
7^ BR),, Maj,orri5eneral^ Com- 
mander of the 3StIi Brigade 
of Infantry ; 5. in 1863 in the 
province of Isc. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant in 1886; Lieutenant, 1889; 
Captain, 1894; Major, 1900 ; 
Lieutenant - Colonel, 1904 ; 
Colonel, Dec. 1906; Major- 
General in 591 1 ; 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Fukuoka. 

Kuriyama, Tdsaku (M |li W. 
■t^)> money-lender, high-tax- 
payer; b. in 1864, 2nd s. of 
Shiroemon Konishi of Hyo- 
go-prefecture ; m. Hiro, e. d. 
of his father-in-law. Address: 
Gojo, Uchi-gun, Nfira-ken. 

Kuriyama, Zembei C^ iJj # 
^ {^)> marine Products mer- 


[ 454 ] 

chant, money-lender, Mem. 
of Osaka Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. m 1 843 at Tana- 
be in the province of Kii ; s. 
of Hikonojo Kuriyama, a sa- 
tniirai. Educ. : Japanese clas- 
sics. Is President ot the D- 
saka Laminaria Guild. Re- 
creations: the tea ceremony 
and poetry. Address.: 4cho- 
me, Shiomachi, Minamiku, O- 
saka. Tel. : zZii^Z Minami. 

Kuroda, Bunnosuke CM H :^ 
i. li), President of the Kai- 
jima Bank, Ltd., Auditor of 
the Kaijima Savings Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. in 1849 in Aichi-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Bunnoemon 
Kuroda, a samurai of Aichi- 
precture. -. Address : Hakkai- 
mura, Aichi-ken. 

Kuroda, Kiyoteru (M H t§ S), 
painter in European style. 
Prof of the Fine Art Aca- 
demy ; b. the 6th m. of the 
2nd y. of Keio (1866); s. 
of Kiyotsuna Kuroda. Edtic: 
studied in France, 1884 — 
1893. He is well known for 
his painting works and was 
the Director of the Hakuba- 
kwai, an art association, which 
has lately been dissolved. Ad- 
dress: No. 14, 6 chome, Flira- 
kawacho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 987 Bancho. 

Kuroda, Kiyotsuna CS H ?t 
Wu, Vis-count, Privy Council- 
lor, the First Order of Me- 
rit; b. on the 21st of the 3rd 

month in the 1st year of Tem- 
po (1830) ; e. s. of Kiyonao 
Kuroda, a Satsuma samurai. 
Took an active part in the 
Restoration, fighting aganist 
the Tokugawa , Shogunate 
as a member of the staff of 
the Imp. Army. Began his 
official career in 1870 as 
Sec. of Tokyo-fu ; Sec. of 
Educ. ; Judge of the Court of 
Cassation ; Senator ; lastly 
Privy Councillor, 1900. Creat- 
ed Viscount for services, ,1887. 
Address : Kogaicho, Azabu- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 3430 Shim- 

Kuroda, Ifaganari (fc H fi 
M), Marquis, 2nd Order of 
Merit, Vice-pres. of the House 
of Peers, Lord-in-Waiting in 
i\\& Jako Hall ; b. in 1867 at 
Fukuoka in the" province of/ 
Chikuzeh ; e. s. of Nagatomo 
Kuroda, Daimyd of Chiku- 
zen ; m. 'Kiyo, e. s. of. Prince 
Tadashige Shimazti. Educ.f ' 

studied in the Keiogijuku and 
grad. from C.ambrige- 1701=- 
versity, England (M. A.). 
Was appointed Master of 
Ceremonies, 1889 ; Dir. of the 
Shuyukan (Fukuoka Middle 
School), 1892; was elected 
Mem. of the House of Pe^rs, 
1892 ; Vice-Pres. of the House 
1895. His father Nagatomo 
Kuroda rendered great ser- 
vices to the Mikado at the 
time of the Restoration and 

4SS J 


was granted ten thousand 
koku of rice as a reward. 
In the late war, Marquis vi- 
sited Manchuria and inspected 
the condition of the forces at 
the front as a representative 
of the peers. Recreations: tra- 
velling and reading. Clubs : 
Peers' club. Address : Fuku- 
yoshicho, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1319 Shimbashi. 

Kuroda, Sadaharu C|R. W % 
iS), Prof of the Tokyo Wo- 
men's Higher Nornal School ; 
b. in 1 863 at Takada ; e. 
s. of Sada Kuroda, a j«- 
murai ol'Y'aksAz. clan. Became 
instructor of the Tokyo Nor- 
mal School in 1 884 ; sent ab- 
road for study; 1890 — 1893; 
Prof, of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; then present 
post. Address : Tsurumaki- 
cho, Waseda, Ushigomeku, 

Kuroda, Terutaka CM EH RS 
^))_Major of Cavalry, and 
Commander of the loth jRegi- 
ment of Cavalry; b. 1 860, Ishi- 
kawa - prefecture. Sub - Lieu- 
tenant, Mar. 1894; Lieutea- 
ant, Nov. 1396; Captain, Nov. 
1 899 ; Major, Apr. 1905 . Ad- 
dress: the Headquarters oi 
the lOth Regiment of Caval- 
ry, Himeji. 

Kurogane, Yasuyoshi (M ^ # 
Wd> <3-x)vernor of Gunma-ken; 
&. in 1867 in Yamagata- 

prefecture ; e. s. of Taijo Ku- 
rogane, a samurai; in. Haya, 
adopt, d. of'Kyuji Abe of 
the same prefecture. Educ.:, 
graduated from the Law Facul- 
ty in the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity in 1896; Police-Super- 
intendent in 1898; Chief of 
Police - Inspector of Yamagu- 
chi-ken ; then of Tochigi-ken ; 
Com. of Hokkaido, i90'7-i2. 
Address: Mayebashi. 

Kuroi, T'erjiro CM * If * E15), 
Rear- Admiral ; b. 1,866 at 
Yonezawa in Yamagata-pre- 
fecture ; m. Shigeko, 3rd d. 
of Baron Hosokawa. Educ. : 
grad. from the Naval Acade- 
my, 1886. Attached to the 
Transportation and Communi- 
cations Dep't at Headquarters 
in the Sino - Japanese War ; 
despatched to England for 
Naval purposes, 1899 ; on the 
Staff of the Saseho Adm. and 
Commander of the Naval 
Heavy Gun Corps under Ge- 
neral Nogi in the late war j 
Naval Attache to St. Peter- 
sberg, 1906. Granted 3rd Order 
of Merit and 3rd Class of 
Grolden Kite, become Comma- 
nder of the Maidzm-u Reserve 
Squadron , 191 2 . Address f 

K'aroita, Katsumi Clft « # 

il)> Historian, Bungakuhaku- 
sJti Assistant Prof of the Col- 
lege of Literature of the To- 



kyo Imp. Univ. Publications: 
many works on history. Ad- 
dress : No. 202 Harajuku, 
Sendagaya, Tokyo-fu. 

Knroiwa, Shuroku CS ^ ^ 
A?), proprietor of the Yorodzu- 
ckdko, a daily newspaper ; b. 
in 1862 in Aki-gori of Tosa 
province ; 2nd s. of Ichiro 
Kuroiwa, a sainurai. Educ: 
studied at the Osaka English 
School. Entered the Eirijiyii 
(An illustrated Liberal News- 
paper) in 1886; was on the 
staff of the Miyako News- 
paper in 1889; founded the 
Yorozu Chohd in 1 892 ; suc- 
ceeded in bringing about the 
amalgamation of the Eirijiyu 
and the Yorozu in 1893. 
Writes under the nom de 
flume of J^uiio (scented tears). 
Is well known as a translator 
of English fiction. Publica- 
tions : " Tenjin," a work on 
philosophy, "Seiryoku Shugi" 
(Strenous Principles), " Aa 
Miijo" (Les Miserables), Ga- 
nkutsu O " (Monte Cristo) 
" Jinson Shiigi " (Principles 
of Personality). Recreations : 
calligraphy, pictures', poetry, 
billiards, checkers, horticul- 
ture, reading, music. Club : 
Doki Club. Address : K5- 
gaicho, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1558 Shiba. 

Kurokawa, Isakuma CH ji| % 
Wd, Kogakuhakushi, Inspec - 
tor-General of Naval Cons- 

truction (on the reserve list);. 
b. in 1852 in Yamaguchi- 
prefecture ; e. s. of 'Ghozo 
Kurokawa, a samurai of Cho- 
shu clan ; m. Take, e. d. of 
Takusuke Matsumura, a sa- 
murai of the same clan. Has 
served in the Navy for many 
years. Address: Sumiyoshi- 
mura, Hyogo-ken. 
* Kuroki, Kyokyu (M^^Sft), 

phy.sician; b. m i856 in 
Kagoshima; s. of Kyusuke 
Inoue, e. b. of the late Baron 
Ryochi Inouyc and ' was 
adopted by the Kuroki 
family. Educ. . studied Eng- 
lish, Chinese Classics and 
mathematics at the Kenmei- 
sha, a clan school. Ap- 
pointed police Inspector of 
the Kagoshima-ken, 1885; 
transferred as an officer of 
the Tobacco Monopoly 
Bureau of the Finance De- 
partment. Established a 
private hospital in 1911 in 
Tokyo. Address: No. 70, 
Higashikata-machi, Hongo, 

Kuroki, Tamesada CS tK S! 
S)> Count,^,General (on the 
second reser^T"^. on the. 
l6th of the 3rd month in the 
1st year of Koka (1844) at 
Kagoshima in the province 
of Satsuma ; 3rd .y. of Tame- 
emon Chosa, a^ samurai of 
Satsuma clan ; was adopted 
by Manemon Kuroki; m. Hya- 

[ 457 ] 


ku, s.-in-loiv of Count Kiyo- 
naka Kuroda. Was instruct- 
ed by the late Takamori Sa- 
igo (great Saigb). Took part 
in the Restoration and fought 
as head of a company at To- 
ba, Shirakawa, and Wakama- 
tsu. EnteredSthe Imperial 
Army as Captain in 1871 : 
Major, 1872; Lieut. - Golo' 

nel, 1875 ; fought in the Sai- 
go Rebellion as Command- 
er of the Marugamc Garrison 
and saved the Castle of Ku- 
mamoto by assaulting the 
enemies' rear ; «'as promoted 
to be Colonel after the Re- 
bellion; Major-General, 1885; 
Lieut. - General with Com- 
mand of the 6th Arm\' Di- 
vision, 1893 ; in the Si no- 
Japanese War rendered dis- 
tingiushed service at Wei- 
hai-wei under Marshal (then 

General) Dyama ; was made 
Baron and invested with 2,nd 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite 
as a war reward ; promoted 
General, 1903 ; on the out- 
break of the late war was 
appointed Commander of the 
1st Army which consisted of 
three divisions of the Imperi- 
al Guards, the 2nd and the 
1 2th, and landed at Ching- 
Nanpo ; fought the battles of 
the Yalu, Mo-tien-ling, Hsi- 
ho-yen, Yu-shu-lin-tzu, Yan- 
tzu - ling, Liao - yang, Shaho 
and Mukden. At the battle 
of Liao-yang, on the 25th 
Aug. broke camp, and, leav- 
ing behind him only a rear 
guard, advanced northwards, 
causing the retreat of Gene-, 
ral Keller; the General's cas- 
ualities amounted to about 
300 killed and wounded while 
General Keller put his losses 
at over looo. In the battle 
of Sha-ho Kuropatkin's plan 
was to attack the right wing 
of Kuroki's army and roll it 
back upon Liao-yang, while 
tlie Japanese left and centre 
were hekl in front ; then to 
shut up Oyama and his troops 
in Liao-yang, much as Sir 
George White was shut up 
in Ladysmith, while a rapid 
march southwards would be 
made to the relief of Port 
Arthur ; Rennenkanipff. fierce- 


[4S8 J 

ly assaulted the General's ex-, 
treme right at Pensilu, while 
a force of Cossacks some 
3,000 strong crossed the Tai- 
tse River and severed the 
General's communications in 
the rear ; the General's situa- 
tion seemed critical for the 
moment; but was reinforced 
on the loth, while a force of 
cavalry detached to operate 
against the Cossacks shouth 
of the Taitse-ho succeeded in 
driving the enemy off and in 
restoring the interrupted com- 
munications ; in the battle of 
Mukden acting on the right 
flank his army attacked the 
left wing of the enemy's for- 
ces under Lieut.-General Li- 
nevitch and General Ren- 
nenkampff at Tsinkhetchen 
and Da Pass fighting bravely 
and stubbornly ; they were 
rolle'd back by Kuroki who 
thus had no inconsiderable 
sliare in the victory over the 
Russian Army. After the 
war was appointed Member 
of the Supreme Military Coun- 
cil, promoted Count and in- 
vested with 1st class of the 
Order of Pmdownia and 1st 
Class of the Golden Kite Ad- 
dress : Aoyama, Akasakaku, 
Tokyo. Tel. ; 950 Shimbashi. 
Horomatsu, Seibei CH ^ it 
^ W), one of the highest 
tax-payers of Kagoshima pre- 
fecture. Address : Kananma- 

chi, Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshi- 

. Kurosaki, Ytikiehi CM *t ti 
S), Chief of the Kataoka 
Credit Association, and of the 
Yasuzawa Industrial Guild, 
President of the Kataoka 
Bank, Ltd., Representative 
Member of the Kataoka Part- 
nership; ^. in 1879 in Tochigi 
prefecture ; 3rd s. of Rihtei 
Kurosaki ; m. Yasu, y. sister 
to Shigehira Itakura, of To- 
chigi-ken. Address : Katao- 
ka-mura, Shioya-gun, Tochigi- 

Kurosawa, Geazaburo CM W 
M H BR), Major- General (on 

the resef\^e)*f'^'"''itr l^Si in 
the province of Rikuzen ; 
3rd s. of Narlmitsu Kurosa- 
wa, saimirai ; in. Miki, adopt, 
d. of Yasuhisa Ishiwara, a 
samurai of Tokyo. Educ: 
graduated from the Military 
Academy and the Military 
Staff College. Sub - Lieute- 
nant in 1882 ; Major-General 
in 1907. Was sent to Rus- 
sia, 1892 — 189s ; again sent 
to Europe and Central Asia, 
1 896—1 898. Attached to the 
General Staff Office,; then 
Adjutant ; after on the Head- 
quarters staff; then on the 
staff of the Governor - Gene- 
ral of Formosa ; Adjustant to 
Marshal ; went to England 
in the suite of H. I. H. Ko- 
matsu-no-miya in 1902. In 

[ 459 ] 


the late war took part as 
Chief of Staff to the loth 
Army Division and Com- 
mander of the 26th Regi- 
ment of Infantry ; was de- 
corated with 3rd order of the 
Rising Sun and 3rd class of 
the Golden Kite as a war 
reward. Address : Kimachi, 

Kurosawa, Kakusaburo CM- W 
^ 3 I», M. D., Director of 
the Nippon Hospital ; b. in 
1863 at Shimonida in the 
province of Kozuke. Ediic. : 
passed the Government Me- 
dical Examination ; studied 
in Germany. Went to U. S. 
A. in 1890. Address: Pine 
St., San Francisco, U. S. A. 

Kurosawa, Yojiro CM-. M ^ 
^ W)r President of the Ueda 
Store-house Com. the Kuro- 
.sawa Banjc, and of the 19th 
Bank, Director of the Shimo- 
suwa Store-house Co., and of 
the Suwa Store-liouse Co., Re- 
presentative Member of the 
Kurosawa Partnership, Chair- 
rhan of the Ueda Charnber 
of Commerce; b. nth m. of 
the 2nd y. of Kaei (1849), 
Nagano prefecture ; ist j. of 
Rizaemon Kurosawa ; m. Ma- 
su, of Nagano prefecture. 
Address: Hodzumi-mura, Mi- 
nami - Sakuma - gun, Nagano 

Kurose, Gimon Cm ^ « PI), 
Baron, Lieutenant-General (on 

the 2nd resei-ve) ; h. in 1846 
in Okayama-prefecture ; c. s. 
of Genrokuro Kurose, a sa- 
murai ; in. Tsuru, e. d. of 
Sokichi Kunimitsu of the same 
prefecture. Sub - Lieutenant 
of Artillery in 1871 ; Lieute^ 
nant - General in 1901. In 
the Sino-Japanese War -"ook 
part as Commander of the 
Artillery of the 2nd Army 
and in the late war was 
Commander of the 7th Army 
Division. Was created Baron; 
invested with ist Order of 
the Rising Sun as a war 
reward. Address : Nandocho, 
ILshiffome, Tokyo. 

Knru, Masamichi C;ft. g IE 
st). Civil Engineer of the Edu- 
cational Dep't, Chief of the 
Architectnr-^l Section : h. in 
1855 at Shizuoka ; e. s. of Sei- 
kyo Kuru, a samurai; in., Man, 
2nd d. of Ryosaku Watanabe 
of Tokyo. Educ. : grad. from 
the Kosanryo (Gov. Mining 
School) in 1881. Afcer his gra- 
duation entered the Technical 
Dep't as a civil engineer ; 
transferred to the Educational 
Dep't in 1 887 ; as additional 
posts holds the position of 
lecturer at the Tokyo Higher 
Technical School and the To- 
kyo Fine Art School. Ad- 
dress : Edogawach©, Kolshi- 
kawa, Tokyo. 7>/..- 1129 Ban- 

Kurushima, Tsukan C;X i? *&/ 


[460 1 

li 6S). Viscount, Mem. of the 
House of Peei-s, former Dai- 
myo of Mori clan in the pro- 
vince of Bungo ; b. in 1859 
in the province A)f Bungo ; 
2nd s. of Tsijin Kurushima ; 
m. Shinko, y. s. of Nobuzane 
Nakayama, Baron. Address : 
Shimo-shibuya, Shibuya-ma- 
•<;hi, Tokyo-fu. 

Kuryu, Buemon (SI ^ iR p& 
.fe P^), rice-merchant, ware- 
houseman. Director of the To- 
kyo Rice-Cleaning Co., Ltd., 
broker of the Tokyo Stock 
Exchange, Ltd., and the To- 
kyo Rice Exchange ; h. in 
1853 at Tokyo; e. s. of Bu- 
«mon Kuiyu ; m. Fuchino, £. 
d. of Sentaro. Okamoto of 
Tokyo. Was President of the 
Keihin Electric Railway Co., 
Ltd., and Mem. of the To- 
kyo Chamber of Commerce. 
■Address : Kabutocho, Nihon- 
tashi, Tokyo. Tel. : 1956, 
^17 I. d. 13 Naniwa. 

Kusaka, Yoshio (H T ft 41), 
Director of the Korean De- 
velopment Co., Ltd., the Shi- 
busawa Storage Co., Ltd., 
the ist Bank, Ltd. , Auditor of 
the Tokyo Savings Bank, Ltd., 
member -of the House of Rep- 
resentatives for Wakamatsu; b. 
in 1851 inFukushima-prefec- 
ture; e. s, of Mareo Ishida, a sa- 
TOMrat;TO.Ki jokOjd.of Naganori 
Okabej Viscount. Went abroad 

in 1876; on returning was 
appointed Senior Secrirtary to 
the Dep't of the Interior ; 
then to the Dep't of Agri- 
/Cnlture and Commerce ; Gov- 
ernor of Nagasaki-prefecture ; 
then of Fukushima-ken ; Mi- 
nister Resident ; retired from 
Government service and en- 
tered business. Address: Su- 
sakimachi, Mukojiijia, Honjo, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1867 Shitaya. 
Kusakabe, Benjiro (0 T bKP 
— BI5), Kogakuhakuski, Chief 
Expert of Tokyo-Fu; ^. 1861 
at Minakuchi in the province 
of Omi ; e. s. of Ichiroku Lva- 
ya ; m. Machio, e. d. of Mei- 
kaku Kusakabe. Educ. : grad. 
Civil Eng. in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1880. Entered the 
Home Dep't as Expert, 18- 

to — 1906 ; present post, 
1906. Address : Aoyama Mi- 
namimachi, Akasakaku, To- 
kyo. Chibs: The Naval Aichi- 
lecture Asso. and the Indus- 
trial Asso. 
Kusakabe, SanxLosuke (0 T 

SB 2 ± :fr), Editor of the 
Ni'ppon Shimbun, member of 
the Tokyo Municipal Council 
and Director of the Educa- 
tional Society, " Gakuto" 
being his nom de plume; b. 
the 1 2th month of 1856, in 
Fukushima Prefecture; s. of 
Sahei Kusakabe; in. Ritsuko, 
d. of Nobutada Oishi, samu- 
rai of the same nativity, 

[ 46i 3 


Oct. 1880. Educ: graduated 
from the Normal School of 
Fukushima Prefecture. Was 
common school teacher in 
1880, obtained a position in 
the Department of Education 
in i88i.( Was member of 
the Tokyo Prefectural Coun- 
cil, and Examiner in the 
Flome Industrial Exhibition. 
As an editor, he had con- 
nection \\'itli KyoikiL Hochi, 
an educational weekly, Mei- 
fi Shimbun, a daily journal, 
and Nippon Kyoikji., an 
educational weekly. Pub- 
lications: " Kokka Kyoiku- 
saku" (Policy of National 
Education), " Nihon Bukun" 
(military discipline in Ja- 
pan), " Kyoiku Tempan" 
Kusakabe;' Tosaku (9 T nB 
% f^), " calligraphist; b. in 18- 
38 at Hikone in the province 
of Omi ; adopt, s. of Saburo- 
emon Kusakabe, a samurai 
of Hikone Clan; ;«. Koso, e. 
d. of his father-in-law. His 
adopted father Avas killed by 
(educational laws and re- 
gulations), " Kokumin Kyoi- 
ku Jitsumu Zensho" (Com- 
plete series of Reference 
books for National Educa- 
tion) and \^arious text books. 
Recreations: Go game and 
wrestling. Address: No. 12, 
Niclionie, imagawakqji, Kan- 
da, Tokyo. Tei.: 2407 
Honkj'oku. Cliib: Seiyiikai. 

the Mito rdnin near the Sa- 
kurada gate. Rendered ser- 
vices to H. I. M. the Mikado 
at the Restoration. Entered 
the Meiji Government as Se- 
nior Secretaiy to the Cabi- 
net which post resigned in 
1879. Since that time has 
been roaming about remote 
mountain places with a Japa- 
nese pen and books. He is 
the best known calligraphist 
of modern days, His nam de 
plume is Meikaku. Address '■;■ 
Aoyama-minamimachi, Aka- 
saka, Tokyo. 

Kusama, Daijiro (M- ^ •ft ^ 
515), Pres. of the Matsumoto 
Bank, Ltd., Dir. of the Shi- 
nano Storage Co., Ltd. ; b. 
in 185 1 in the province oi 
Shinano ; e. s. of Kanzaenron 
Kusama ; ni. Itsu, 2nd c" . of 
Jizaemon Kamijo of the same 
prefecture. Address : Koto- 
buki-mura, Higashichikuma- 
gun, Nagano-ken. 

Kusano, Han (^ if 4^), Dir. 
of the Fukushima Electric 
Light Co., -Ltd.; 6th j. of 
Eisuke Yokogawa of Fuku- 
shima-prefecture;7«. Yasu, c. di 
of Kiemon Kusano, his adopt', 
fatlier. Address : Hon - ma - 
chi,' Fukushima city. 

Kusao", Kumaichi c^MS§— ). 
Dir. of the Uemachi Branch 
of the Konoike Bank in 0- 
saka city ; h. 1 878 in Osaka ;. 
8. of Kumasuke -Kusao : m. 


C 4^^ ] 

July 1907. Educ. : privately. 
Recreation : 'uaii. Address : 
No. 46, Uchikyuhoji-machi, 
4 chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 
Kusau, ^ffiasatsane Q^ ^ M 
H), Major-General since 1911, 
Cormmmffftlie loth Bri- 
gade of Infantry; &. in 1863 in 
Nara-prefecture;?/. b. of Kinsa- 
ku Kusau, samurai ; m. Kane, 
y. s. of Tokujiro Ataraya of 
the same province. Educ. : 
grad. from the Kyododan (Mi- 
litary Non-Commissioned O- 
fficers' SGhool), the MiHtary 
Academy, and theMilitary Staff 
College. Sub- Lieutenant, 1887; 
Lieutenant, 1891 ; Captain, 
189s ; Major, 1901 ; Lieut.- 
Colonel, 1904 ; Colonel, Nov. 
1907. Instructor of the Mi- 
litary College ; on the Staff 
of the General Staff Office ; 
then to the ist Army Divi- 
sion ; Attached to the Bureau 
of Persona;! Affairs ; took part 
in the China-Japan and Rus- 
sia-Japan wars, .Was deco- 
rated with 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and 4th Class ot 
the Golden Kite as war 
honours. Address: Minami- 
honours. Address: Sako-ma- 
chi, Toku«hima.-Rhi. 

Knsumoto, Chozabtiro (M % 
& .3 Jf!5), Igakuhakuihi, rnem- 
b3r of tfii Cbmmiftee of the 
Medical License Examination. 

Kraumoto, MasatcsM Cii ;4c iE 
#J, Baron, Mem. of the House 

of Peers, Proprietor of the 
Miyako Shimbun, a daily 
newspaper; b. in 1866 atOmu- 
ra in the province of Hizen ; 
e. s. of the late Baron Ma- 
sataka Kusumoto; m. Ai, 2nd 
d. of Toshimoto Nozawa of 
Nagasaki-prefecture. The Mi- 
yako was founded by his de- 
ceased father. Address : Rei- 
nanzakamachi, Akasaka, To- 
kyo. 7eL: £Sp Shiba. , 

Kusunoki, Hidetaro (^^;fcKI5), 
Managing Director of the Ta- 
ihei Life Insurance Co., Ltd. ; 
b. in 1 862 at Kyoto ; e. s. of 
Shichiro Kusunoki, a samu- 
rai of Kyoto ; m. Ise, y. s. of 
Genkichi Okada of Chiba- 
prefecture. Manager of the 
Teikoku Life Insurance Co., 
Ltd. ; entered the Govern- 
ment service as Comptroller 
of Insurance in 1901 ; Ma- 
naging Director of the Osa- 
ka Life Insurance Co., Ltd., 
in 1902 ; then present post. 
Address : Tsukiji, Kyobashi, 

Kusunoki, Kahei (MM ^ ®), 
stock-broker; b. in 1881 at 
Osaka ; e. s. of Kahei Kusu- 
noki ; in. Tani, 2nd d. To- 
kushichi Nomura of Osaka. 
Ediic. : graduated from the 
Osaka City Higher Commer- 
cial School. Address : Ima- 
bashi, Higashiku, Osaka. Tel.: 
34, 530 /. d. Higashi. 

Kusunoki, Tai C4i ■k'). Dr. 

[ 463 ] 

Kus Kuw 

and Chief of the Skui and 
Syphilis Department of the 
Aichi Prefectural Hospital. 
Address : Being abroad. 

Kusunose, Kumaji (M 31 Wf 
=^), Kogaktthakushi, Chief of 
the Powder Dep't of the Na- 
val Arsenal, Prof of the Na- 
val Staff College and the Im- 
perial University of Tokyo ; 
b. in 1866. Entered the Im- 
perial Navy_in_ i8S_7_;_ 4th 
No. 12, Hm-ainachi, Koishi- 
kawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Kusunose, Sachihiko (M M. 
^ ^), Lieiiten.ant-Genei-aJ , 
Chief <-)f the Military Te- 
chniquo Examining- Dep't ; 
h. in 1858 at Kochi ; e. 
s . of tSeishi Kusunose , a 
samurai. Ednc. : grad. from 
Military College, 1879 ; studi- 
ed in" France, 1881 — 1885, 
Artillery Sub-Lieut., 1879; 
went abroad in the suite of 
(j-oneral Kawakami and Nogi, 
1880; promoted Lieut. - Ge- 
neral, iQ07;_ appointed pre- 
sent post since June 191 1 
^vas In.^pector-General of E- 
tapes of 2nd Army ; Chief of 
Artillery Dep't of 4th Army 
in the late war ;,- Commander 
of the defence anny of Sag- 
halien., Tra-a fort; 2Tnd Or- 
der of Rising Sun, and 3rd 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Yoyogi, Tokyo-ln. 
Kutsumi, Masao (:>LVt£f6^), 
Captain of Navy, attache to 

the Yokosuka Naval Stiition; 
i. in .1868. Edt/c: Naval 
Academy. Lieut.-Commaiid- 
er, June 1900; Commander, 
Aug. 1905,* Captain, Dec. 
1912. Was Commander of 
the Saseho Construction 
Body; present post since 
Dec. 1912. Address: the 
Yokosuka Naval Station, 

Kuwaljara, Se'' fffe M ift). 
dealer in machinery, director 
of the Keihan Electric E'ly Co., 
the Keihan Electric Rly Co , 
Ltd., the Meiji Brick Mfg. 
Co., Ltd., b. ill io5t> at 
Ying - kaw Electric Water 
Worics Co., Ltd., and the 
Kyushil Coal Mining Steam- 
ship Co., Ltd.; 5. in 1856 at 
Mito in the province of Hi- 
tachi ; 2nd i-. of Jihei Kuwa- 
bara ; m. Naho, _)/. s. of Yo 
[vatogi, a Samurai of Ibara- 
'<i-prefecture. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
University. Was appointed 
Assistant-Prof of the. Tol<yo 
Imperial University ; was sent 
abroad twice ; travelled in the 
Interior of China on coal 
mining business'; was elected 
Mem. of the House of Repre- 
sentatives for the city at Mi- 
to ; was appointed a Juror ot 
the 4th and Sth National In- 
dustrial Exhibitions. Address: 
2 chome, Doiima - hama-dori. 


" [ 464 ] 

Kitaku, Osaka. 7>/..i34Hi- 

Kuwabara, Sokichi (ft iS'- JfE 
«), SiiFgeon- Inspector, Dir. 
of lCui-e:itfiiVaT H'ospital ; Chief 
Surgeon at , Kiire Adm. ; b. 
1 861 in Gifu-prefecture. Educ: 
grad. from Gifu-ken Medical 
School, 1882. Entered the 
Navy, 1884 ; travelled in En- 
gland, France, and Germany 
for inspection purposes, 18- 
96—1897; Sub-Dir. of Sa- 
seho N. H. in the late war. 
Recreation : The Game of Go 
and billiards. Chib : Suikosha 
(T. O.) (Naval club). Ad- 
dress : Kure. 

Knwahara, Tozo (^ Mi H Md, 

Prof of the College of Li- 
terature of the Kyoto Im- 
perial ^ University (Chair, Ori- 
ental History); b. the 1st m. 
of the 4th y. of Tempo (18- 
33), Tsuruga, province of E- 
chizen ; s. of Kyubei Kuwa- 
bara. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 1 8- 
96 ; studied in the Univer- 
sity Hall. Prof of the Tokyo 
Pligher Normal School ; and 
then present post. Publications: 
several -works on oriental his- 
toiy. Address : the College 
of Lit., Kyoto Imjb. Univ. 

Kuwajima, Shozo (ft J^ 'ft 3), 
Commander of tlTe__2nd_ Des- 
tWyef Elotiita^;- ^. 1 87or' Ca- 
det in 1889; Commander in 

1909. ^Decorations : 4th Order 
of the R. S.rand 4th Class of 
the G. K. Address : Naval 
Office.. ; 

Kuwaki, Genyokn (ftTh:^ 
Wj, Bungakuhakushi, Prof, of 
the College of Literature of 
the Kyoto Imperial Univer- 
sity ; b. June of the 7th m. 
of Meiji (1874), Kanazawa; 
s. of Aishin Kuwaki, a samu- 
rai of Kanazawa clan. Educ: 
graduated from the College of 
Literature of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1896; studied in the 
University Hall ; further stu- 
died philosophy in Germany. 
Lecturer of his alma mater ; 
Prof of the ist High School ; 
Lecturer of the Tokyo Sem- 
mon Gakko (predecessor of 
the present Waseda Univer- 
sity) : afterwards received the 
degree of Bungakuhakushi, 
and appointed Prof, of the 
Kyoto Imperial University. 
He is a well known young 
philosopher. Publications: On 
" Muirhead's Ethics ; " Princi- 
ples of Ethics ; Outlines of 
Philosoply, etc. ; and many 
essays on philosophy. Address: 
the College of Literature, 
Kyoto Imp Univ., Kyoto. 

Kuwata, Kumazo (ft H M ®), 

Hogakuhakushi, Mem. of the of Peers •;' b. in 1 868 
at Kurayoshimachi in Tottori- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Tojuro 
Kuwata, a well known rich 

[ 46s ,] 


man; m. Tatsu, a graduate 
of the Tokyo Female Higher 
Normal School . Educ. :■ grad . 
I^w in the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity in 1893 ; further studi- 
ed social problems .in Europe, 
1896—1899. His father Toju- 
ro Kuwatawas greatly inter- 
ested in social questions. The 
Seitoku Elementary School and 
the San-ingiju}cu were establi- 
shed through his efforts. Sat 
in the House of Peers. Dr. 
Kuwata is also interested in 
social problems. Is now re- 
garded as an authority on the 
subject. Once was a lecturer 
on the economics of industry 
at the Tokyo Impeiial Uni- 
versity. Mem. of the House 
of Peers. Publications : Osfm 

Kodo Mondai no laisei (Ge- 
neral Tendency of the Labour 
Question in Europe) " " Ko- ^ 
gyo Keizai (Economy of In- 
dustry), " etc. Address : SenT 
dagi Hayashi-cho, Kongo, To- 
kyo. Tel. J. 344.^ Shitaya. 
is.uwata,"SnozaDnro <.^ EH H 

H IP), Proprietor of Kuwata & 
Co., dealer in cameras etc., 
Director .of the Japan Dry 
Plate Co., Ltd.;^. in 1855; e. s. 
of Shosuke Koyama at Kyoto- 
prefecture ; . was adopted by 
Sato Kuwata ; w. Naka, e. s. 
of Kinzaburo Tonioda of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Andojibashi, Minamiku, Osa- 
ka. Tel. : 947 /. d. Higashi 




Machida, Chuji ^wr ffl ffi, i§), 
Member of the Osaka Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; Director of 
the Kyodo Fire and Marine 
Transit Insurance Company ; 
b. Mar. 1863 in Akita-ken ; 
brother of Nagahide Machida, 
a samurai of Akita ; in. K5, 
sister of Hironobu Watanabe, 
a samurai of Akita. Educ. : 
graduated from the Tokyo Im- 
perial University; studied in 
Europe and America. Inau- 
gurated the well known finan- 
cial Magazine, " The Oriental 
Economist," under the au- 
spices of Count Okuma and 
Mr. Inukai, M. P.; subse- 
quently he entered the Japan 
Bank ; after resigning his post, 
was , elected Member of the 
Osaka Chamber of Commerce; 
granted the 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: No. i, 2 chome, 
Bakurocho, Higashiku, Osaka. 
Tel..- 611. 

Maehida, Hikoji CUT B ^ — ), 
Colonel of Artillery, Com- 
mSMie:r of "the 15th Kegi- 
ment of the Field Artillery ; 
6. 197 1 in Kagoshima prefec- 
ture. Sub-Lieutenant of Ar- 
tillery, JVIar. 1891; Lieuten- 
ant, Nov. 1893 ; Captain, Jan. 
1897; Major, June 1902; 
Lieutenant Colonel, June 
1905. Decotations: 5th Or- 
der of Sacred Treasure ; 4th 

Order of the Rising Sun, and 
3rd Classof Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Konodai, Chiha-ken, 
Machida, Jubi" (WHS #), 
Chief ot the Accountants' 
Bureau of the Department 
of Communications ; b. Aug. 
1 86 1 in Tokyo; 2nd i. of 
Sadamoto Yokose, a samurai 
of Tokyo, and adopted by 
Kiku Machida ; m. Take, ist 
d. of his foster-father. Edtcc. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law, Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1888. Probationary 
Councillor at the Legislative 
Bureau of the Department of 
Justice ; Councillor and then 
Secretary to the Department 
of Communications; the Head 
of a 1st class Post and Tele- 
graph Office ; ordered "to pro- 
ceed to Europe and America, 
Feb. 1903 ; decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address: Official House of 
the Department of Communi- 
cations, No. I, 8 chome, Ko- 
bikicho, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 480 Shimbashi. 

Machida. KeiT CW m If #), 
Major G-eneral, Commander 
' of tfie'sotli Infantry Briga- 
de . b. 1866, Kagoshima-pre- 
lecture. Sub-Lieutenant, July 
1887 ; Lieutertant, Dec. 1890; 
Captain, May 1895 ; Major, 
Oct. 1900; Lieutenant Colo- 
nel, Nov. 1904 ; Colonel, Nov. 
1907. Decorations: 3rd Or- 

[467 J 


ier of the Risiug Sun ; 3rd 
■O.lass of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Headquarters of the 
30th Brigade, -Miye-lc^jv 

MacMda, Komajiro CBJ iH Ife 
^ W)., Qaptain smceDecember 
191 2, Captain of the battlesliip 
AsaM; b. 1871. Lieutenant, 
Dec. 1897 ; 2nd Commander, 
Sept. 1 899 ; Commander, Jan. 
1905. Decorations: 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun ; 4th Class 
of Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 9, Shiba Park, Tokyo, 

MacMda, Tokunosuke (lifr ffl 
W^ Z SO, Director of the Nis- 
shin Bank; Auditor of the 
Tokyo Agricultural and Com- 
mercial Bank, the Tokyo Sav- 
ings Bank, and of the Tobu 
Railway Company, etc.; Mem- 
ber of the Tokyo Chamber 
of Commerce ; wholesale silk 
and cotton thread merchant; 
/J. Apr. 1866 in Tokyo ;<^ 1st 
s. of Tokunosuke Machida ; 
m. Sei, 2nd d. of Genrokuro 
Uchida. He has introduced 
various improvements in yarns; 
went to America as one of the 
party of Japanese business men 
invitedt by the United States' 
Chambers- of the Commerce 
on the Pacific Coast, 1909. 
Address: No. 11, Kurofune- 
cho, Asakusa, Tokyo. Tel. : 
21 Shitaya. 

Machii, Heishiro CBT # ¥ K 
IP), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Shidzuoka-ken ; Di- 

rector of the Fujieda Bank ; 
l>. Nov. 1839 in Shidzuoka- 
ken ; 1st i-. of Heishiro Machii; 
m. Tada, ist d. of Shirozae- 
mon Katsuyama. Address : 
Rokugo - mura, Shida - gun, 

Machijiri, Kadzuhiro (BJ K. 
M. 5i.), Viscount, member of 
the Poetry Bureau ; ^. 5 Jan. 
1866, Kyoto ; 2nd s. of Vis- 
count Kadzuhira Machijiri ; m. 
Kagamio, 2nd d. of Seicho 
Osumi, a samurai of Kyoto. 
Address : No. 7, Teramachi- 
tori Shimono-kiritori-noboru 
Matsukagecho, Kamikyoku, 

Madenokoji, Masahide (^ Si 
'h SS IE 51), Baron (cr. 1884) ; 
Veneur ; Master of Ceremoni- 
es ; (5. Aug. 1858; grand 
uncle of Count Michifusa Ma- 
denokoji. Educ. : studied in 
Russia. Decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising 
Sun. Address : No. 48, I ban- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1502 Bancho. 

Madenokoji, Michifusa CM M 
'J>S^aM), Count (cr. 1884), 
Member of the House of Pe- . 
ers ; ^. 27 May 1848 ; 1st .y. 
of Hirofusa Madenokoji, a 
noble of the Mikado's Court. 
Educ. : studied in Europe, j 8- 
70—1874. M. H. P. since 18-. 
91 ; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress: Plojomachi, Awa-gun, 




Maebara, Yosaburo (0 M. M 
H SR), Naval Ca^ain of 
Eng. , cRigfengmeer of the 
Yakinno; b. in 187I. Edtic: 
the Naval Academy. Lieut.- 
Commander of Eng., Sept. 
1903; Connmander of Eng., 
Sept. 1908; Captain of Eng., 
Dec. 1912. Decorations: 4th 
Order of R. S., 4th Order 
of S. T., 4th Class of G. K. 
3rd Order of R. S., 4th 
Order of S. T., 3rd Class 
of G.K. Address: the Kure 
Naval Station. 

Maeda, 'Keiun Cfj H ^ ft), 
Bungahuhakushi"'; Lecturer at 
the College of Literature, To- 
kyo In>perial University ; Pre- 
sident of the Toyo University 
(i private institution) ; b. Jan. 
1857 at' Kuwana, Ise ; ist s. 
■ of Gakuryo Maeda ; m. Asa, 
1st d. of Mine Miyakawa. 
Ed,uc. .-' studied Chinese Clas- 
sics and Buddhism. Dean of 
Hongwanji Daigakurin (bud- 
dhist university)^ 1897; Lec- 
turer at the College of Litera- 
ture, Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
. sity, 1900 ; Bungakuhakushi, 
1903. Address: No. 10, Nishi- 
kata-machi , Hoiigo-ku,T6kyq. 

Maeda, MasasMro (:||, H ic 
01 fflO, ^urgeoj:i._Maj_or-Gene- 
ral on the retired list; b. 19 
May 1855, Wakayama pre- 
fecture ; 4th s. of Waraku 
Ohashi, a samnrai of Waka- 

yama clan, and adopted by 
Kichizaemon Maeda ; m. Ma- 
tsu, 2nd d. of Yoshinao Ta- 
niguchi, a samurai of Oka- 
yama. Entered military ser- 
vice in 1 879 ; took part in 
both the Japan-China and the 
Russo-Japanese Wars,; placed: 
on the retired list June 1907. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of 
Merit ; 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: No. 43, U- 
suyacho, Kitaku, Osaka. 

Maeda, Masana CM ffl IE :SJ, 
Member of the House of Peers; 
b. Mar. 1850 in Kagoshima j 
6th s. of Yensuke Maeda, a 
samnrai of Kagoshima ; m. 
Ichi, 2nd d. of Chikayoshi 
Ishihara. Educ. : .studied, in 
France. Chancellor at the 
Japanese Legation in Paris ; 
Consul General of Japan in 
Paris, 1 890 ; Secretary of the 
Financial Department, of the 
Agricultural and Commercial 
Department ; was ordered to 
proceed to Europe: and.Amer 
rica ; Governor of Yamana- 
shi-ken ; Head of the Tech- 
nical Bureau and then of the 
Agricultural Bureau of the 
Department of Agriculture 
and Corhmerce ; Principal of 
the Tokyo Agricultural and. 
Dendrological School ; Vice- 
Minister of the Agricultural 
and Commercial Department, 
1890; Member of the House 
of Peers, 1890 — -1897; again 

[ 469 ] 


nominated M. H. P., 1907; 
Once was earnest speaker for 
encouraging industry ; deco- 
rated with the 4th Order 
of merit. Address: No. 3, 
Kioicho, Kojimachi, Tolcyo. 
Tel.: 1701 ; 2144 Bancho. 

Maeda, Richo Cb!i K M 1), 
Viscount ; ex-Member of the 
House of Peers ; member of 
the Imperial Poetry Bureau ; 
Master of Festivals ; i. June, 
1841.; 7th 5. of Nariyasu Ma- 
eda, and adojpted by Toshi- 
haru Maeda ; ;«. Shichi-ko, 
aunt of Count Rido Maeda. 
Nominated member of the 
House of Peers Dec. 1897 ; 
has been decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address : No. 42, Omote- 
machi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1356 Bancho. 

Maeda, Eido CSfi H ^ij W), 
Count (cr. 1884); Master of 
Ceremonies; b. June, 1856; 
nth .y. of Nariyasu Maeda, 
and adopted by Risei Maeda ; 
in. Yoshi-ko, aunt of Vi.scount 
Kiko Okoji. Educ. : studied 
in England and France, 1871- 
1873. Decorated with the 3rd 
Order of Merit. Address: No. 
5, Shinsakamoto-cho, Shita- 
ya, Tokyo. Tel. : 2242 Shi- 

Maeda, TakesKiro (m H ^ 01 
Wj, Proprietor of "the Te- 
chnical Magazine " ; Auditor 
"of the Japan Electric Com- 

pany, etc. ; Member of th* 
Tokyo Chamber of Commerce; 
importer of electric machi- 
nes ; b. Apr. 1 867 in Niigata- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Takehira Mae- 
da ; m. Chika, sister of Kyii- 
jiro Wakui. Address: Shi- 
mbori - cho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Tel : 445 Shiba. 

Maeda, Toshisada Cfl HI M 
/S)) Viscount ; Member of the 
House of Peers ; Lieutenant 
of Infantry; b. Dec. 1874'* 
1st s. of Toshiaki Maeda ; 
m. Kiyo-ko, sister of Count 
Tadaoki Sakai. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of Law, 
Tokyo Imperial University^j 
1903. Took part in the Russ® 
Japanese War ; decorated with 
the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun. Address: No. 421, Ni- • 
shi5kubo Minamiura, Okubo- 
mura, Toyotama-gun, -Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1889 Bancho. 

Maeda, Toshitame (si) H M 

@). Marquis ;.,Lifiiiteiia0ii^.»iafi, 
Jiifantry ; b. June, 1885; 5th 
s. of Toshiaki Maeda, and 
adopted by Marquis Toshitsu- 
gu Maeda; in. Nami-ko, ist 
d. of his foster-father. Educ. : 
graduated from the Military 
Academy. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantry, 1905 : Lieutenant, 
1907. Address : No. 2, Moto-' 
fujicho, Hongo, Tokyo. Tel. : 
45 Shitaya. ^ 

Maeda, XJdzuhiko CSlI H g: 
H 'f)>. IgakuhakusJd ; Doctor 

[ 470 ] 

of Medicine ; an oculist ; Pre- 
sident of the Maeda Oph- 
tlialmological Hospital at Na- 
goya ; b. Apr. 1870 at Na- 
goya ; s. of Taketaka Maeda ; 
m. Sumi, 1st d. of Ukichird 
Nishikawa, a samuraioi hXcYiv- 
ken. Educ. : graduated from 
the Medical College, Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1 89 1 
studied at a German Univer 
sity, 1900 — 1903.. Igakuhakw 
'sAi, 1906. Address: No. i 
3 chome, Sonoicho, Nishiku 
Nagoya. Tel. : 1014. 

Maeda Yudzuru Cffi H li) 
Director of the Kumamoto 
Major Forest Office. Address, 
the Office, Kyomachi, Kuma- 

Maekawa, Ei Qwi )\\ ^), Sur- 
geon 'Malor^Qeheral; b. Aug. 
1881 ill Hyogo-6en; ist s. 
of Ken2ui Maekawa ; m. Ku- 
wa, 2nd </. of Ichiro Mochitsuki, 
a samurai oi Aichi-k&n. Sur- 
geon Sub-Lieutenant, Jan. 18- 
85;— Lieutenant, Nov.i887; — 
Captain, Nov. 1890; — Major, 
Mar. 1 897 ; — Lieutenant-Co- 
lonel, Nov. 1901 ; — Colonel, 
Sept. 1909; took part in the 
late war as the Chief of the 
Surgeons' Department of the 
8th Division, and was decor- 
ated with the ■ 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of Golden Kite ; placed 
on the retired list, Oct. 19 10. 
Address : Chitane-mura, Shi- 

so-gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Maekawa, Kamejiro Cff ii| ft 
-■k I!5), ex-Prof, of the 3rd. High 
School; b. Sept. 1859 in Ka- 
gawa-ken ; 2nd s. of Nobu- 
hachi Oda, a samurai of Ka- 
gawa-ken, and adopted by 
Haru Maekawa ; m. Naka, 
1st d. of Hiroji Yasumatsu, 
a saimirai of Kagawa-ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Literature, Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1883. 
Was teacher at several Mid- 
dle Schools before becoming 
Prof, at the 3rd High School 
in 1887. Address: Shin-e- 
mishimachi, Nakasuji-ishiya- 
kushi - kudaru, Kamikyoku, 

Maekawa, Kan-ichi (fi ;il ^ 
—J, Engineer to the Depart- 
ment of Home Affairs; 3. 
June, 1873 in Shiga-ken ; ist 
s. of Isao Maekawa, a samu- 
rai of Shiga-ken ; m. Kiku- 
noye, 2nd d. of Konroku Ta- 
naka, a samurai of Okinawa. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
Engineering College, Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1 897. En- 
gineer at the Public- works Ins- 
pection Office, 1 898 ; present 
post since 1 905. Address: 
No. 32, Hongo 5chome, Hon- 
go, Tokyo. 

Maekawa, Tahei (h? Ji| i: % 
'Mj, President of the ^Tokyo 
Bank, and of the Tokyo Mus- 
lin Company, etc. ; Director ol 

[ 471 


the Toyo Steamship Com- 
pany ; dealer in dry goods (0- 
miya) ; b. June, 1862 \\\ Yam- 
nashi-ken ; 2nd s'. of Ishichi 
Kayarna, and adopted by Ta- 
robei Maeda. Address ; No. 
19, Tomizawacho, Nihomba- 
shi, Tokyo. Tel.: 848 Ch5 Na- 

, Maekawa, Tarobei ChU ji| k. 515 
:R ®), a rich merchant ; Ad- 
visor tQ the Japan China Sp- 
inning Company ; dealer in 
cotton thread and calico ; b. 
Apr. 1851 in Shiga-ken ; 3rd 
s. of Zembei Maekawa, and 
adopted by Tarouemon Mae- 
kawa ; m. Etsu, ist d. of Chi- 
ko Kitano. Was decorated 
with the Sth Order of Merit 
in recognition of his service 
during the late war. Address : 
No. 8-, 2 Chome, Horidome- 
cho, Nihombashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
I554> 292 Cho Naniwa. 

Maekawa, Zenzaburo (M jij 
# H B!5), one of the highest 
taxpayers of Sh[ga-ken; Presi- 
dent of the Omi Bank ; b. 
Apr. 1848 in Shiga-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Saburouemon Kosugi. 
Address: Takamiya-mura, Inu- 
kami-gun, Shiga-ken. 

Maejima, Mitsu CI!] % 1&). 
Baron (cr. 1903); President of 
tlie Japan China Life Insuran- 
ce Company ; b. Jan. 1^835 in 
Takata, Echigo;. 2nd .y. of Su- 
keuemon Uyeno, a samurai 
of Takata c'an ; m.. Naka, ist 

d. of Yotchiro Shimidzu, a 
samurai of Shidzuoka. Had 
charge of postal affairs in the 
initial stages of his' service, 
and laid the foundation of its 
present greatness ; was order- 
ed to proceed to Europe and 
America for the inspection of 
postal affairs ; resigned his 
government post in 1 881 when 
Count Okuma, his great fri- 
end, left the government, and 
has ever since led a compara- 
tively retired life ; once was 
vice-Minister of Communi- 
cations in the Kuroda and 
Okuma Cabinet ; when the 
30th anniversary of the postal 
service was celebrated in 1903 
he, the " Father of the Japa- 
nese Post Service," was re- 
trospectively rewarded with,- 
grant of title of Baron : is 
an enthusiastic language re- 
former and an advocate of the 
Roman spelling system ; was 
decorated with the 2nd Order 
of Merit in recognition of ser- 
vices rendered to the Empire. 
Addf-ess: No. 207, Sekiguchi- 
cho, Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 
835 Bancho. 

Maetani, Kyutaro (ilj # Ik 
ic W), one of the highest 
taxpayers of Ehime-ken ; b. 
Feb. i860 in Ehime-ken; ist 
s. of Kyubei Maetani ; m. 
Kishino, ist d. of Tokutaro 
Igawa. Address : Mishima- 
machi, Uma-gun, Ehime-keif 


[ 472 

Mafuchi, Eitaro (.^ M '0. :k 
W), Governor of yaimguchi- 
ken;A.''Jan. 1867 in Gifu- 
ken ; ist s. ^ of Munemasa 
Mafuchi, a samurai of Gifu- 
ken ; m. Yoshi, 3rd d. of No- 
buyoshi Mori.. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the College of 
Law, Tokyo Imp. Univ., 18- 
93. Entered the Department^ 
of Home Affaii's ; Councillor 
of Hyogo-ken ; of Nara-ken ; 
ot Kyoto - fu ; ' Secretary of 
Yamaguchi-ker?i ; of Nagasa- 
ki-ken; Grovernor of Yama- 
gata-ken 1906; decorated with 
the 3rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress :_0&\cva\. House, Hatago- 

cho, Yamaguchi-ishi. 

Mafuchi, Kingo (.© m ^ ^\ 
President of the Hamamatsu 
Savings Bank ; ■ Director of 
the Japan Musical Instrument 
Manufacturing Company, and 
of the Shisan Bank, etc.; 
Member of the Hamamatsu 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. 
Mar. 1847 in Shizuoka-ken ; 
brother of Konoshin Mafu- 
chi ; in. Kimi, sister of Ma- 
gouemon Takeyama. Ad- 
dress : Kuro-mura, Hamana- 
gun, Shizuoka-ken. 

Magaki, Joeho Cffl tjx ^ fi), 
lawyer; b. Mar. 1857; 2nd 
s. of Jotoku Magaki, a sa- 
murai; m. Shimo, ist d. of 
Yoshitaro Yarnaguchi. Educ: 
studied in a government sc- 
hool; further studied in France 

and Italy. Chancellor at the 
Japanese Legation in Russia, 
1882 — 1883; Councillor of 
the Department of Justice ; 
Public Procurator of the To- 
kyo Court of Appeal ; Private 
Secretary to the Minister of 
Justice ; is now Member of 
the Tokyo Prefectural As- 
.sembly. Address: No. 17, 
Nishikubo Akefunecho, Shi- 
ba, Tokyo. Tel. .• 2 q =; 5 Shiba. 
Magi, Nagayoshi (S ;^c S ^), 
Baron (cr. 1887) ; Privy Coun- 
cillor ; Member of the House 
of Peers ; Vice-Admiral on 
the Reserve; b. May. 1836 
in Saga ; 1st j. of Nagazu- 
mi Magi, a samurai of Saga. 
After successive promotions, 
reached the rank of Vice- 
Admiral in 1885 ; Privy Coun- 
cillor since 1889; decorated 
with the 1st Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 488, Shiroga 
ne Sankocho, Shiba, Tokyo. 

Tel. : 1 q42 Shiba. 

Majima, Kensaburo (J(. J^ ^ 

S BP;, Engineer, chief of the 
Construction Section of the 
Accounts Dep't in the Sa- 
seho Naval station. Decora- 
tions: 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: the Saseho Naval 

Mano, Ganjiro (M. |F ,^ =5^ 115), 

Rear-admiral, chief of the 
Torpedo Board of the Kure 
Naval Station; b. 1S65. 
Lieutenant-Commander, DeC 

I 473 ] 

Mij MsLXi 

i897;Commander, July 1901; 
Capt., Sept. 1905; Rear-ad- 
miral, Dec. 1912. Once was 
Commander of the Katorl 
(battleship). Decorations : 

Manabe, Sakan CE ^ S). 
Baron (or. 1907), Lieutenant- 
General on the reserve ; b. 5 
Feb. iSSi.'Yamaguchi pre- 
fecture; 1st .$■. of Y isunobc 
Manabe, a samurai of Ya- 
maguchi clan. ~ Sub - lieute- 
nant of Infantiy, 1872, and 
by gradual promotion, was 
ultimately raised to the pre- 
sent rank in 1905 ; in the 
Boxer trouble he command- 
ed an Infantry Brigade of 
5th Army ; placed on the re- 
serve list in Nov. 1907 ; took 
part in the both Japan China 
and Rws,so - Japanese Wars, 
and has been decorated with 
the 1st Order of Merit to- 
gether with the 2nd Class 
of Golden Kite in recognition 
of his war services. Address : 
No. 236, 9 chome, Otemachi, 

Majima, Toshiyuki CR ^ f ] 
^t), Rigakuhakushi ; . Assist • 
ant-Prof of the College of 
Science, the Tokyo Imperial 
University. He is now ab-.. 
road for purptJSgs of study. 

Maki, Shinshiehi Cfjc ir -bj, 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Nagano-ken ; silk reeler ; 
b. 10 May. 1884; 1st s. of 
Sh'inhichi Maki ; in. Shige, y. 

sister to Mambei Miyazaki, of 
Nagano prefecture. Address :> 
Suzaka-mtira, Kamitajcai-gun, 

Makigudhi, Yoshinori Cft D 
^ ^), President of the Kashi- 
wazaki' Bank, and of the Ho- 
ko Oil Company ; Director o<" 
the 69th Bknk, the Ohi;-etau 
Savings Bank and of the Ho- 
kumei Brewing Company, etc ; 
b. Dec. 1 876 in Niigata-ken ; 
I st s. of Yoshikada Makigu- 
chi, a samurai of Niigata-ken. 
Address: Arahama-mura, Ka- 
riha-gun, Niigata-ken. 

Makino, Kikniibsake, Cft Sf 
1) Z ffl), Judge, Pre. of Tokyo 
District Court; h. Dec. 1866 m 
Tokyo ; 3rd s. of Kiyohisa 
Makino ; in. Iki, ist d. of Shi- 
getp Inutsuka, a samurai of . 
Tokyo. £duc. : graduated from 
the College of Law, Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1891. 
After serving as Judge at the 
Shizuoka and Yokohama Dis- 
trict Courts was transferred 
as the Chief Judge of the To- 
kyo Court of Appeal in 1903, 
Judge of the Court of Cassa- 
tion afterward; attended the 
Inteiuational Conference on 
the Law of Bills of Exchange 
held at the Hague as the Japa- 
nese representative. May 1 9 10; 
has beQK decorated with . the 
■;th Order of Merit. Address i 
To^ • District Court., 

aiakino, Kiyondo C45r W # 


[ 474 ] 

\y, Major-General ; Chief 
of ' iW E!iCT'~'*'Sarveying 
Office b. 1863 in Hiroshima. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Engineer- 
ing, Dec. 1883 ; Lieutenant 
of—, Apr. 1887; Captain of—, 
Aug. 1891 ; Major of—, Oct. 
1895 ; Lieutenant Colonel of 
— , Mai-: 1901 ; Colonel of—. 
■Miay' :il9o4 ;-;^;'Maj©r-General, 
X<^vi'.' : D'ecor'atians : 4th Or- 
der of the SaJcred Treasure ; 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun ; 
4th Class of (j-oIdenKite. Ad- 
driss:' the Keeiueg- Fortifica- 
tions, Formosa. 

atakino, Masaomi (45: if IE E), 
'Liei}|ena.nt-£olpjiel of Caval- 
ry/ Corninander of the 13th 
Regiment of Cavalry; b. 18- 
72, Ibaraki prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant, Mar. 1 894 ; Lieu^ 
, tenant^ Apr. 1895; Captain, 
• Oct. 1-897 ; Major, Mar. 1904; 
Lieutenant-Colonel Apr. 1909. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun ; Sth Class: of the 
Golden Kite. Address: 13th 
Regiment of Cavalry, Nara- 
shino, Chiba-ken. 

Makino, Motojiro Ctt If tc ^ 
SK); President of the Hypothec 
Debentures Company and of 
the Fudo Savings Bank ; ^. 
July, 1874 in Tokyo; 1st .f. 
6f Osamu Makino, a samurai 
ofTokyo;7«. Mitsu, sister of 
Katsutaro Kobori. Address : 
No. i6,- Nakanomachi, Aza- 
bii, Tokyo. Tel. : 2504 Shi- 


Makino, Nobuaki C4S: If i4 M), 
Baron (or. 1907); Miaistef ol 
iforeign Aifair.s ex-Minister 
of Agri. and Com. (191 1 — 12): 
b. Oct. 1 86 1 in Kagoshima; 
2nd s. of the late famous 
TosKimitsu Okubo and adop- 
ted by Kichinqjo Makino j 
a samurai of Tolcyo ; vt. Mi- 
ne, sisier of Viscount Yataro 
Mishima. £duc. : studied in 
Kaisei Gakko (government 
school) and Tokyo Univer- 
sity ; then in England and 
America. Chancellor of the 
Japanese Legation in' Lon- 
don,: 1879— 1883 ; -Secret- 
ary to the Privy Council, 
1883; Councillor of the Bu- 

reau of Legislation, I? 
Private Secretary to the then 
Premier Count Ito (the late 
Prince Ito), 1 888 ; Governor 
of Fukui-ken, and then of I- 
baraki-ken, 1 89 1—;! 892; Vice- 
Minister of Education, 1893; 
Minister at Rome, 1897; 

r. 475 ] 

transferred to a similar post 
at Vienna .which he resigned 
in Mar. iyo6 to take up post 
of Minister of Education ; re- 
signed the post, 1908 ; Privy 
CouaciUor,, . -1911; was 
granted the 1st Order of the 
Rising. Sun as a war reward. 
Recreation: Music. Address: 
No. 763, Sendagayamachi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. Club: 
Tokyo Chib. Tel. : 2910 Shi- 

BTakmo, Sadayasu (ft If '^ 
^), Viscount (cr. i884)j Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers ; 
b. June, 1857; i,st s. of Sa- 
danao Makino ; ni. Yoslii, 
sister to Viscount Tada-atsu 
Makino. Ednc. : the Keio- 
gijuku ; graduated from the 
Peers' School. M. H. P. since 
1900 ;. has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : No. 
I of 24, Isarago-cho, Shiba-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 2597 Sliiba, 
J Makino. Shiazuo Cft if & H), 
Lawyer ; b. Feb. the 8th y^ 

of Maiji(1857)in Nilgata Pre- 
fecture 3rd s. of Shin Ma- 
kino. Educ. : graduated from 
the Meiji Daigaku and 
tne Ckiio Daigahi (both the 
private law colleges), 1898. 
Passed the Sxamination for 
Bar and that of Bench 1898 ; 
received appointment as a 
Judge but declining it enter- 
ed the bar, practicing at 
Tokyo; among the various 

criminal cases defended by 
him were the famous " Robert 
Miller Murder Case " and 
" the Dai Nippon Sugar Co. 
Scandal Case," etc.; was legal 
adviser to the " Prostitutes' 
Unrestricted Retirement Mo- 
vement Case " initiated by 
the Niroku Shimpd (a dailj* 
paper). Recreation: reading. 
Address : (Residence) No. 38, 
Nichomachi." Sita5'aku, To- 
kyo ; (Office) No. 6, Kitama^ 
kicho, Kyobashiku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : (Residence) 948 Shita- 
ya ; (Office) 2260 Kyobashi^- 

Makiao, Tadaatsu Cft if 1& 
»), Viscount (cr. 1884); Me- 
mber of the House of Peers; 
b. Oct. 1870; sth s. of Chii- 
kyo Makino ; in. Shige-ko, 
3rd </.' of Marquis Naohiro- 
Nabeshima. M. H. P. since 
1897; has bean decorated with 
the 4th Order of merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 134, Kanasugi, 
Nippori, Kitatoshirta - gun, 
Tokvo. Tel.: 1195 Shitaya. 

iLaKise, Goiehiro (45: 31 Jt 
BR), Councillor at the Educa- 
tional Department; Prof at the 
Central Military Preparatory 
School; b. Nov. 1866 in Saga- 
ken ; 1st s. of Noritada Ma- 
kise, a sanmrai of Saga-ken ; 
m. Ko, sister of Shidzuo Se- 
ki, a samurai of Hyogo-ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Literature, Tokyo 
Imperial University. Council- 
lor of the Educational De- 



partment, and Private Secre- 
tary of the Educational Mi- 
fiister, Nov. 1893; and after 
serving as Prof, at the Ya- 
maguchi High School, Prin- 
cipal of the Yamaguchi Mid- 
dle School,' was transferred 
to the present post ; has been 
decorated with the 4th Or- 
der of Merit. Publications : 
the Ethics ; text Book of 
Psychology ; etc. Address : 
Mo., 1 5 27, , Araishuku, Iriarai- 
mura, Ebara-gun, Tokyo. 
Makise, Saburo Ctt M S. IP), 

-Engineer, and Director of the 
lildustrial Experiment Office, 
Shijdzuoka prefecture. Ad- 

. dress: the Office, Ottemachi, 

jMagoslii, Kojiro (S g # ^ 

il?>> (Doctor of Pharmacology), 
Chief of- the Brewery Dept 
of the Dainihon Beer Co. 
Address.: No. 1796 Shimb- 
shibuya, Shibuya-cho, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo fu. Te/.: 
1858 Shiba. 

Makoshi, Kyohei C.t » ^ ^). 
President of the Dai Nippon 
Brewery Company ; Auditor 
of the Southern Manchurian 
Railway Company ; President 
of the Nippon Acetic Acid 
Company; Member of the 
Tolcyo Chamber of Commer- 
ce; 6. Oct. 1844 in Okaya- 
rila-ken; 2nd J. of Gensen 
Makoshi; m. Kiku.^2nd d. 
of Hambei Kiirano. In 1 8- 

73, he came up to Tokyo, 
and entered the Mitsui Pro- 
ducts' Company, and shortly 
after was appointed Manager 
of its Yokohama Branch; Pre- 
sident of the Nippon Brewery 
Company, 1892 ; when, in 
1905, the Company was amal- 
gamated with the Sapporo and 
Osaka Beer Companies, un- 
der the name of the Dai 
Nippon Breweiy Company; 
he was elected President, 
which position he still holds; 
once was elected Member of 
the House of Representatives 
for Okayama-ken ; he is one 
of the leading businessmen of 
Tokyo ; has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Risii^g Sun. Clubs: Nippon 
Club; Tokyo Club; Doki Club; 
etc. Recreation: Cha-no-Yu 
(Tea Ceremony). Address : 
Is''o. 13, Nishikubosakuraga- 
waclio,- Shiba, Tokyo. Tel^. : 
280 Shiba. 

Mamada, Sosuke (FbT ■« H S 
IS), Director of the Shimo- 
date Corhmercial Bank ; b. 
June 1 867 in Ibaraki - ken ; 
1st s. of Sasuke Mamada ; m. 
Fuji, 2nd d. of Jiemon Ya- 
nagita Address : Shimodate, 
Makabe-gun, Ibaraki-ken. 

Mamia, Katsusabaro Cr^ '4* 
m H ao, President _^ of the Ja- 
pan Fruit Wine "^Company. 
Address : the Company, 5 
chome, Yokoamicho, Honjoj 

L 477 ] 

Mam— Mar 

Tokyo. ■ 

Mamiya, Yuzaemon (Fsl S H 
* ?t PI), Director of the Yoko- 
hama Industrial Bank, and of 
the Yokohama Industrial Sav- 
ings Bank ; b. Dec. 1845 in 
Yamanashi - ken ; brother 
of Tsuneemon Uchida, and 
adopted by Toku-uemon Ma- 
miya ; m. Saku, 1st d. of Ri- 
nzo Koike. Address : No. 9, 
2 chome, Kumoicho, Yoko- 
hama. Tel. : 2109. 

Manabe, Juzb" C* IS + ^), 
Judge, President of the To- 
yama District Court ; was 
president of Kwantung Gover- 
nment Court. Decoration: 
5th Order of Merit. Address: 

kano, Bunji (.% W % -), 
Kogakuhakushi ; Chief of the 
Technical School Affairs Bu- 
reau in the Educational De- 
partment ; Prof of the Engi- 
neering College at the Tokyo 
Imperial University (chair - 
mechanical Engineering) ; j. b. 
Nov. 1 86 1 in Fukuoka-ken ; 
1st s. of Hajime Mano, a sa^ 
murai of Fukuoka-ken ; in. 
Taka-ko, sister of Masakata 
Tomizawa, Educ: graduated 
from the Engineering College, 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1881 ; studied Mechanical 
Engineering at the Glasgow 
University ; studied the prac- 
t'.cal side of the science at 
Armstron^r Works. Assistant- 

Prof, at his alma mater, i f 
and then full Prof, 1890 ; 
Kogakuhahishi, 1891 ; Lec- 
turer at the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School, 1 892 ; 
Patent Examiner of the De- 
partment of Agriculture and 
Commerce, ,1897; sent to 
Paris on the occasion of the 
World's Fair, 1 899 ; elevated 
to the present post in 1901, 
still retaining his professor- 
ship ; has been decorated with 
the 3rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 33, Kamirokuban- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. .• 
525 Bancho. 

Mano, Hideo (E if ^ «), 
Paymaster-Inspectpr ; Chief of 
the Accountants' Bureau of 
the Port Arthur Naval Sta- 
tion; b. 1856. Staff-Paymaster, 
Dec. 1 897 ; Fleet-Paymaster 
June 1898, Paymaster-Inspe- 
ctor, Jan, 1905. Decorations : 
3rd Order of the Rising^ Sun; 
4th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure ; 4th Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address : the Port 
Arthur Naval Station. 

Marui, Masatsngu {%^WiSi.), 
Major-General on the second 
reserve. Took part in Russo- 
Japanese war as commander 
of the 20th Brigade of In- 
fantry ; landed at Takushan 
and fought at Hsiu-yen. Fen- 
shui-ling, Shimu-chang, Liao- 
yang and Shaho ; greatly 
distinguishing himself by the 



baitlfS fought by his brigade 
near-'-Liao-yang and at San- 
Kuai-Shih-Saiij^ where he was 
woiindf d. Decorations : Order 
of the R. S. in 2nd Rank and^ 
3rd4<>lass of Golden Kite. 
Aadress: Muromachi-Deniizu- 
Sagaru, Kamikyoku, Ky oto. 

Maruki, iliyo (_% :^ %\\ H), 
photographer, director of the 
Japan Dry-plate Mfg. Co.; 
b. the 4th m. of the 1st y. 
of Ansei (1SS4) i" Fukui; e. 
s. of Sojiiro Takeuchi and 
was adopted into the Maruki 
family. Opened a photo- 
graphic studio in 1880 and 
then despatched several of 
his disciples to Europe and 
America for the study of art; 
meanwhile liis studio has 
gained 3, very high reputa 
tion and had the honour 
of photographing the late 
Emperor and Empress Do- 
wager in 1887; among other 
distinguished personages who 
were photographed by him 
are T. M. the Emperor and 
Empress, other Imperial fami- 
lies, prince of Arther of 
Connaught of England, the 
Crown prince of Siam (now 
Emperor) and many other 
foreign Princes. Address: No. 
18, Shinsakurada-cho, Shiba, 
Tokyo. 7il.: 461 Shimbashi. 
Marumo, H'aotoshi (^sgg-fij)^ 
1st Secretary to,* he Japanese 
Embassy at Rome ; b. 9 Sept. 

1863, Tokyo; ist s. of Riken 
Marumo, a samurai <ii Tokyo, 
Entere(/ the Foreign Office. 
1883; translator, 1887; at- 
tache in Paris, 1888 ; then in 
Rome in 1891; pa.ssed the 
Diplomatic Service Examina- 
tion, 1897 ; 3rd Secretary of 
Legation, 1 897; 2nd Secre- 
tary of Legation, 1901 ; In the 
Japanese Legation in St. Peter- 
sburg, 1902 ; then in Sweden 
and Norway, 1904 ; again at 
St. Petersburg, i go6 ; then in 
Madrid, 1907 ; ist Secretary 
of Legation 1908; ist Secre- 
tary of Embassy, 19 10. Decor- 
ation /4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : the Japanese Embassy, 

BSaruyama, Banka (A lU ^ 
ffl)> proper name Kensaku, 
aquarelliste or water-colour 
painter; b. 1872 at Nezu- 
mura, Ogatagun, Shina^o- 
province ; m. Kuniye. 3rd 
d. of Toshizo Aibara, a 
samurai of Shinano. Educ: 
■studied painting from Kin- 
kichiro Honda, further in 
America. Proceeded to A- 
merica for study in Oct. 
1900 and returned home 
through Europe in P'ebruary 
1902; established Nihon 
water-colour society with 
Tqjiro Oshita, and has 1 00 
pupils; went to Europe again, 
1912; is member of Taiheiyo 
gakai (painting society). 

[ 479 ] 


Publications : " women and 
taste," "key of horticul- 
ture," inspiration of the West. 
Recreations : vegetables of 
horticulture. Address: 14 
Komagome Shinmei-cho, Hon- 
go-ku, Tokyo. 

Maruyania, Kumao(^ill!MM) 
Commibsionef of Okayama- 
ken ; d. Uec. 1865 in Nagano- 
ken; 1st 5. of Midzusada Ma- 
ruyania, a savnwai of Naga- 
noken ; m, Naka, sister of Y6- 
nia Yamadera, a samurai oi 
Nagano ken. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of law, 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1891. After serving as Prof, 
of the 2nd High School, 
Councillor of Miyazaki and 
Saitama prefectures, Commis- 
sioner of Shidzuoka-ken, was 
transferred to the present 
post in 1906 ; has been deco-" 
rated with the 5 th Order of 
Merit. Address : No. 272, Ko- 
raku-in, "Dkyo-machi, Okaya- 

Maruyama, Meisei (^|ll;gift), 
Lewyer ; Member of the 
Tokyo City Council ; b. Sept. 
1858 in Shinano province; 
1st Motomasa Maru- 
yama,. a samurai of Shinano ; 
m. Hana, 3rd d. of Chojiiro 
Nagano, a samurai of Sai- 
tama-ken. Edjic. : studied Chi- 
nese Classics, English, Law. 
Entered the Department *of 
Home Affairs, 1879; editor 

of several papers; law\er, 18- 
85 ; Member of the H<misc of 
Repn sentatives for Nagano- 
ken, 1892; .Member Chf the To- 
kyo City Council, 1899 ; De- 
puty-Mayor of Tokyo, 1Q03. 
Address: No. it, 3cb6me, 
Kakigara-cl o, Nihombash', 
Tokvo. Te/. : 1870 N.miwa. 

Maruyama, Mtichikazu (fe(Jj 
M— )> Prof, of the 1st High 
School; b. the 8th m. of the 
2nd J. of Meiji (1869) in 
Ehime-ken; s. of the late 
Michimoto Maruyama, a 
physician. Educ: graduated 
from the Deutsche Theologis^ 
die Akademie in Tokyo. 
Missionary of the Allge- 
ir,siner Evangelisch-Protes- 
tantischer Missions verein; 
1894; writer of the Osaka 
Mainichi Shinhm (a daily 
newspaper), 1896; Prof, of the 
Osaka Medical School, 1897; 
Prof, of the 5th Hi^h School, 
1899; Prof, of the 2nd High 
School, 1900; present post 
since 1901. P^iblications: 
Deutsche Aussprache, Deut- 
sches Reallesebuch, Auswabl 
deutscher Prosa und Poesie, 
etc. Recreations: walking, 
reading. Address: No. 12, 
Hara-machi, Koishikawa-ku, 
Tokyo. Clubs : Imperial Edu- 
cational Society, Society fpr 
the Propagation of Romanized 
Japanese letters; Oriental S6- 
cieti^; Deutsche Gesellschaft 

Mar— Mas 

[ 480 ] 

fur Natur- und V^olker kunde 
Ostasiens; Japanisch-Deutsch- 
er Verein, etc. 

Maruyama, Seize, (Atil^H) 
}udge ; President of the Nar.i 
District Court ; b. Oct. 1855 in 
Nagano^ken ; 2nd s. of Harii- 
hisa Shiobara, and adopted 
by Kit Maruyama ; in. Shidzu- 
yo, 2nd d. of Kei Negishi, 
a samurai of Nagano-ken. 
Passed the Government Ex- 
amination for Bench, 1887; 
after serving at severaldistrict 
courts, was finally transferred 
to the present post in Dec. 
1905 ; has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of merit. 
Address: the Nara District 
Court, Nara-shi. 

naruy^ma, Spmitaro (^UlK 
^ -k.W>> . Cioimnander, inst- 
ructor of the^Naval Academy. 
Address: Edajima-mura, Aki- 
gun, Hiroshima-ken. 

Masado, Hyonosuke {'S.^^'i 
t. Si), Engineer ot the Central 
Meteorological Observatory. 
Has been decorated with the 
4th Order of Merit. Address : 
45, 5 chome, Aoyama-Mina- 
mi-ch5, Akasaka, Tokyo. 

Masaki, Katsnjiro (iE?J:il^ 
IU)j^ M^jfajc^,Jiito.nd[aiit; ex- 
Gheif 01 the Accoantants* Ikv- 
reaii of the i st Army Division; 
6. Oct. 1855 in Fukuoka -ken ; 
xst s. of Ei-ichi Masaki a sa- 
murai of Fukuoka ; m. Tsu- 
ru, l@t d. of Tatsujiro Takeu- 

chi, a sanmrai of Fukuoka- 
kcn. Entered the Militaiy De- 
partment, 1876; by gradual 
promotion, was raised to the 
present rank in Aug. 1909; 
has been decorated with the 
4the Class of the Golden Kite 
and the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun in recognition ol 
his services during the Russo- 
Japanese war. Address : No. 
1363, Yoyoki, Yoyohata- 
mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2r4oBanch6. 

Masaki, Uaohiko (lETkifiS), 
Principal of the Tokyo" Fine. 
Arts School; d. Oct. 1862 in 
Osaka ; 2nd s. of Rinsaku 
Masaki ; m. Iku, 2nd d. of 
Gihi Wada, a..,saimirai of 
Fukui-ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Lavv, 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1892. Teacher at the Nara 
Middle School, 1893; Acting 
Principal of the Nara Normal 
School, 1895 ; Private Secre- 
tary to the Educational Mini- 
ster, Feb. 1897; School Ins- 
pector, Oct. the same year. 
Prof, at the ist High school 
as au additional post, 1898; 
then transferred to the present 
post ; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of Merit. 
<ddress: 24th of No. 4, 
Varai-cho, Ushi-gome, Tokyo. 
Tel. .'953 Bancho. 

Mlasamune Tadao (iE^.*5fe5. 



tioni de plume is Hakucho; 
h. the 3rd m. of I2th y. of 
Meiji ( 1 879) in the province 
of Bizen. Edtic.:, graduated 
from the course of literature 
of the Tokyo Semmon Gakko. 
Publications: "Kojin," Izukoe, 
" Hakucho Collection," "The 
setting sun," " Twilight," 
"Two families." Address: 
No. 75 Tenjin-cho, Ushigo- 
me, Tokyo. 

Masamnra. Yoshitaro ( '£M^ 
;fcII5), president of the Ghiietsu 
Railway Co.; b. 1854 in Toya- • 
ma pnf.cture;' e. s. of Heibei 
Masamnra ; in. Kikui, 5th d 
of Seijiio Kuchiki. Was direc- 
tor of several banks and com- 
panies in Toyama-ken. Ad- 
dress ; ,3himoseki, Imizugun, 

Masao, Tokichi Ci* % M 
g)^ Hcgaku-kakafe, adviser 
to the Siamese Government 
upon law ; b. in Ehime-ken ; 
m. Mitsu, adopted d. of Baron 
E-. Kuki. E('uc.: Michigan 
University. Was appointed 
-pl-esent post since 1897 and 
helped the Siam^e Govern- 
ment as member of the com- 
piling committee of codes ; 
granted a title of the highest 
Siamese- peerage for his il- 
kibtrious service. Address : 

Masuda, Chujun (itKK>J®)) 
President of the Iruma Bank, 
Director of the Kawagoe Ra- 

ilway Company, and'offtji© 
Saitama Agricultural and 
Commercial Bank ; Auditqf; 
of the Tpkorozawa Bank,;and, 
of the Kurosu Bank ; Member- 
of the Kav/agoe Chamber of 
Commerce; ^. Jan. 184910 
Saitama-ken ; 1st s. of Taistii' 
Masuda; in. Tsuya, 2nd df 
of Ippei Yonekura. Address. :, 
Kashiwabara - m.ura, Iruma- 
gun, Saitama-ken. . :' ,- 

Masuda, GiicM (1& H # -■:)*' 
Member of the House of Eep- 
resentatives for Niigata-kf^n* 
since 1 9 1 2, Proprietor aiid Edi- ' 
tor in Chief of the "Jitsugyono 
Mhon" (a commercial and in- 
dustrial magazine) ; Dii-ector/ 
of the Jy5etsu Elactric Oom'^' 
pany, and of the Nihon Tele- 
graphic News Agency; Auditor 
of the Japan China Life Insuri_ 
ance Company ; £>. Oct. 1 869 
in Niigata-ken ; 2iid s. of 
Seishiro Masuda; m. Namie, 
sister of Shidzuo Iwabashi, a 
samurai of Tokyo. Ediic: 
studied politics and economics 
at the Tokyo Semmon Gakko 
fthe predecessor of the present 
Waseda University), • gradua- 
ting in 1893 Ediior of the 
" Yomiuri Shimbun," : one of; 
the oldest and best known 
Tokyo dailies, 1895-1900; 
purchased the magazine 
" Jitsiigyo no Nihon," then 
conducted by one of his 
friends, and inaugurated a 


[ 482 

^tdblfshing business, 1900 ; as 
the result he has succeeded 
fn making the magazine one 
of the most poputer and 
widely read publications of 
the kind in Japan; "Fujin 
Sekai," (Womens' magazine) 
"Nihon Shonen," "Shojo no 
Tomo," etc., are also being 
published under his direction. 
Club:Kojunsha; Nihon club; 
Shuiyu Kwai; etc. Recrea- 
tion .•' ' Reading. Address : 
No. I, Kanasugi Shinhann- 
cho, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 75 i 

■ Masuda, Kahei (if H 1- ^), 
President of the Chuo (Cent- 
ral) Store-house Company ; 
Director of the 2nd Bank; 
Member of the Yokohama 
Chamber^ of Commerce; d. 
Aug. 1834 in Kanagawa-ken. 
Address : No, 28, 2 cliome, 
Gimatsu-cho, Yokahama. 

Masuda, Masuzo (if H if ii), 
Standing Director of the Yo- 
kohama Sugar Manufacturing 
Company ; Standing Member 
of the Yokohama Chamber 
of Commerce; 5. Aug 1863 
in Kanagawa-ken; 1st s. of 
Kahei Masuda ; tn. Iku, 2nd 
d. of Seizaemon Hoshino. 
Address : No, 68, 4 chome, 
Honcho, Yokohama. Tel. .' 

Masuda, Seisaku (M ffl 
M i¥^> KoyakuhahusM ; B. 
Se. C. E. (Glasgow), railway- 

enterpriser ; b. Dec. 1853 
in Oita-ken ; 1st s. of Hisa- 
nari Masuda, a samurai of 
Oita-ken ; m. Teru, 1st d. of 
Masanori Tsutsumi, died, m. 
again y. sister of K. Mizu- 
raaehi. Edue: studied Engi- 
neering ill England by govern- 
ment order, --1876-1881. En- 
tered the government service, 
May 1882 ; Kogakuhakushi, 
Aug. 1891 ; engineer of the 
Department of Communica- 
tions, Nov. 1893 ; chief eng. 
of R. B., 1896 ; has been 
decorated with 3rd Order of 
Merit, Address : No. 14, Re- 
inanzaka, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
lei: 484 Shiba, 

Masuda, shia-icbi (ifffl^—), 
Managing Director of fhe 

Masuda Bank, president of tKe 
Kansai Trust Co., Auditor of 
the Kinugawa Electric Co., 
Ltd. ; b. Aug. 1 881. in Awaji; 
I St 5. of NobuyuM Masuda, 
a samurai of Osaka-fu; m. 
Kiku, I St d of Eokabei Exi- 
kuda. Edicc. : studied at K^- 
iogijuku until 1905. -Engaged 
ill banking after his student 
life ; proceeded to Europe for 
observing banking business. 
Recreation: billiard. Address: 
^No, 18, 4 Cliome, Imahashi, 
Higashi-ku, Osaka. Tel.: 2266 
Honkyoku. Olui: Osaka club. 
Masnda, Eanzaemon (^fflil 
S®P1), President of the Oda- 
wara Bank, Ltd. Address : O' 

[483 ] 

davvara-machi, Ashigatashita- 
gun, Province ofSagami. 

Masuda, TakasM (S tg #), 
Adviser to the Mitsui Com- 
pany, and to the Formosan 
Sugar Manufacturing Com- 
pany ;.<5. Nov. 1847 i" Tokyo ; 
1st s. of Takayoshi Masuda; 
i/i. Ei, sister of Toji Tomi- 
naga, a samurai, of Tokyo. 
Started his business life at 
Yokohama ; afterwards took 
an active part in the forma- 
tion of the Ssnshu Kwaisha 
(predecessor of the Mitsui 
Co.), and became its vice-pre- 
sident; when the above Com- 
pany was liquidated, he pre- 
vailed upon the members of 
the Mitsui family to inaugu- 
rate the Mitsui Bussan Kwai- 
sha (Mitsui Products Co.), of 
which he was elected presi- 
dent ; when the company was 
organised into a^ partnership 
he became managing director ; 
in 1909, the organisation of 
Mitsui was remodelled, and he 
became the adviser to the new 
Co.; has been decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun. Address : No. w 3 1 2 , 
Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa, 
Ebara-gun, Tokyo. Tel: 251 

Masuda, Toru (if^ E JS), 
,. M§J9X,~ Senei-al.; Comman - 
der of the 24tli Brigade 
oflnfantry;^ ,5. 1859, "Naga- 
no prefecture. Sub-Lieutenant, 

Dec. 1882; Lieutenant, May 
1886; Captain, Nov, 1894; 
Major, Oct. 1900 ; Lieutenant 
Colonel, Nov. 1904 ; Colonel^ 
Nov. T907. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun,; 4th 
Class of the Goldexi .Jfite; 
"Present post since Doc:.;tii9i2; 
J*fo-ess : Kurtt&e; ■ ." '' ' 

Masujima, Rokilichiro \'^% 
j^_j;]i)j Hogakuhdkiishi ; Law- 
yer ; Barrister-at-Law (Middle 
Temple, London) ; Honorary 
Member of the New York 
State Bar Association, Albany, 
N.Y.; (5. June 1857 in Hikone, 
Omi province ; 2nd .f. of Dan- 
uemon Masujima a samiirai 
of Hikone clan, and adopted 
by Yohei Masujima; ni. Iso, 
sister of Chin-ichiro Isaha- 
ya a samurai of Nagasaki. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Tokyo University, 1879; stu- 
died at Middle Temple,- Lon-' 
don. Lecturer at the Tokyo 
University ; once established a 
law school, and taught in it; 
iJogahuhahishi, 1 89-? .• He is 
a very well known lawyer hy 
both Japanese and foreigners. 
Club: Yokohama United Club; 
Royal Societies' Club, . Lon- 
don ; Tokyo Club ; Nihon- 
Club. Recreations : Riding ; 
Travelling ; Boatmg, etc, Ad- 
dress : No. 37, Kitaliigakubo, 
Azabu, Tokyo: Office :\J^l- , 
saiwaicho, Kojimachiku. Tel.; 
189 Shiba, 137 Shimbashi 

Mas— Mat 

[ 484 T 

(office) . 

; Masumx)to, Kihei df^'^M^W, 
Managing Director . of the 
Central Savings Bank ; Re- 
f)resentative Member of the 
Kamibishi Company, Brewer ; 
^. Jan. 1849 in Tokyo; 3rd s. 
of Hyozo Matsumbto, and 
adopted by Kiraku Masumo- 
to; m. Ei, ist </. of his foster- 
father. Address : No. 4, Age- 
ba-cho, Ushigome, Tokyo, 
7>/..- 6?4 Baricho. 

Masuo, Kichitaro (S®§±R!5), 
One of the highest taxpayers 
of Tottoriken ; d. Feb. 1868 in 
Tottoriken ; ist s. of Naozo 
Masuo; m. Iseno, 1st d. of 
Jihei Masuo. Address: Yo- 
nfiko-machi, Seihaku-gun, To- 

. Masuya, Otozo (#t # # H), 
Managing Director of the Shi- 
monoseki Store-house Com- 
panry. Address: Tonambu, 
Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi pre- 

Masnyama, Kumetaro (ifiU^ 
iSB), Director of the Kalaha- 
ma Bank; (5. July 1871 in 
Shidzuoka-ken ; ist s. of K6- 
emon Masuyama ; m. Mishi, 
2nd d, of Rinzo Asada. Ad- 
dress : Katase-mura, Sunto- 
gun, Shldzuoka-ken. 

Masnyama Masanobn (^ihlE 
^),, President of the Osaka 
Municipal Momoyama Hos- 
pital; <5. Apr. 1868 in Osaka; 
1st .f. of Masanao Masuyama, 

a safnurai of Osaka; m. Na- 
mika, sister of S5ichi Yama- 
moto.LSf?^^:;.' graduated from 
the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University. 
Is now teaching in the O^aka 
Higher Medical School Ad- 
dress: No. 20, I chome, Hi- 
ranO-machi, Higashi-ku, Osa-^ 

ka. Tel. : 1674 Honkyoka. 

Mataga, Chisei (M H lie IE),. 
Military. Intendant ; Director 
of the Senju Woollen Factory. 
Decorations: 3rd' Order of 
Merit; 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address : 670, i Cho- 
me, Nakano, Nakano-inachi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Matano, Taku (JS if ;gc),. 
President of the Imperial Mu- 
seum; b. Aug. 1838 in Hari- 
ma province ; ist s. of Kage- 
kadzu Matano ; m. Toshi, 2nd 
d. of Kyosai Matsuo, & samu- 
rai of Hyogo. Edtic. : stu- 
died Chinese classics. Enter- 
ed the Department of Home 
Affairs, 1889; and ultimately 
raised to present post ,; is spe- 
cially famous for his knowledge 
of Chinese poetry. Address : . 
No. 5, Nakano-machi, Akasa- 
ka, Tokyo. TeL: 258 Cho- 

Matoba, chu (fl^ ^ i^i),. 
Kogakuhaktishi, ex-Pi of at 
the Engineering College of 
the Tokyo L~perial University 
(Chair : — Mining and Meta- 
llurgy) ; b. 12 Oct. 1856, Mie: 

[485 ] 


prefecture ; 1st s. of Koku 
Matoba ; m. Harue, 2nd d. of 
Kojuro Kato, of Mie-ken. 
Educ: graduated fiom the 
Engineering College, 1882; 
studied mining engineering in 
Germany, 1889- 1893. On his 
return home, was appointed 
Prof, at the Engineering Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University ; Kogakuhakushi, 
1899; has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: 12, Komagome 
Akebono-cho, Hongo, Tokyo. 

llatsubara, Saburo (ISSiSlR), 
Igaktihakuslii ; Vxol. at the 
Kan,<zavva Medical College. 
Address : the Kanazawa Med. 
Colic ge, Kanazawa-shi. 

Matsuda, Fujimatsu (1Sffl^± 
jlt), M^inaging Direcior of the 
Joban Petroleum Oil Com- 
pany. Address : Shimo-naka- 
jima, Nagaoka, Niigata pre- 

Matsnda, Genji (fe H ^ J^), 
lawtr, Member of the House 
X)f Representatives for Oita- 
ken ; b. 4 Oct. 1875, Oita 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Rokubei 
Matsuda; in. 1911 Hisako, 
1st d. of Makitaio Takase. 
jEduc. : graduated from Japan 
University (a private insitu- 
tion), 1896. Passed tlie Hi- 
gher Civil Service Examina- 
tion and the Examination for 
Bench, 1897; afier serving 
in several District Courts, 

and oi addition 
elected M. H. R. for his 
native place, May 1908 ; in 
the Diet he belongs to the 
Seiyukzvai, and is one of the 
principal speakers of the 
party. Recreations: reading, 
and walking. Address: 8 
Surugadai Fukuro-machi, Ka- 
iida, Tokyo. Tel. : 2439 Hon- 

Matsuda, Kyosuke (ISiHtSitt), 
Chief-Public Piocurator of the 
Nagoya District Court; h. 
Aug. 1862 in Yamaguchi-ken; 
1st s. of Gon-nosuke Matsu- 
da; m. Matsuko, 2nd d. of Sa- 

kiijiro Tani.Proljationarly Pub- 
lic Proculator, 1883; passed the 
Examination for Bench. Procu- 

' after serving as Public 1887; 
rator of the Hiroshima Dis- 
trict Court, the Hiroshima 
Court of /\ppeal, the Saga 
District Court, the Nagoya 
Court of Appeal, the Sendai 
District Court, the Nagasakf 
Court of Appeal, and of the 
Fukuoka District Court, fin- 
ally transferred to the present 
post in 1903 ; has been 
decorated with the '4th Order 
of Merit. Address; Official 
House, No. 13, I chome, Ta- 
kehira-cho, Higashi-ku, Na- 

Matsuda, Masahisa(!!SHiE;X), 
a Leader oi Seiyukwai, Mem. 
ber of the Flouse of Repre. 


[ 486 ] 

seutatives for Saga-ken, MIn. 
of Justice ; 5. Apr. 1^45 in 
Saga ; 2nd s. of Tadashichi 
Yokoo, a sanmrai of Saga, 
and adopted by Yushichi 
Matsuda; m. Shidzu, sister of 
Jinnosuke Samejima. Educ. : 
studied politics and law in 
France by government order. 
Served in the Military De- 

partment ; Instructor at the 
Kagoshima Higher Middle 
School ; Councillor to the De- 
partment of Education ; Chair- 
man of the Nagasaki Pre- 
fectural Assembly ; elected 
Member pf the House of 
Representatives for the ist 
session of tlie Diet, 1890; 
Minister of Finance, 1S97; 
again elected Member of the 
House of Representatives, 
1898; Minister of Education 
in the late Prince Ito's Ca- 
binet, 1 900; when the Katsu- 
ra Cabmet collapsed, 1906, 
he became Minister of Justice, 

became a lawyer in 1898; 
under the Saionji Ministry, 
resigning in July 1908 ; once 
was the Chairman of the Hou- 
se of Representatives; hasbeen 
decorated with the Grand Cor- 
don of the Eising Sun ; was 
minister of Justice again from 
'Aug. 1911 to Dec. IDl^^, pre- 
sent post since Jan. 1913 Ad- 
dress: No. 15, Kogai-niachi, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel.: 737 Shiba. 

Matsuda, Shimbei (^S ffl tr ^ 
®), Director of the Miyagi 
Commercial Bank, and of the 
Commercial Savings • Bank, 
etc. ; Member of the Sendai 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. 
Dec. 1857 in Miyagi-ken;7th 
s. of Seisaku Kikuta, and 
adopted by Shimbei Matsuda; 
m. Sada, 3rd d. of Inzo Suga- 
no. Address : No. 58, 3 cho- 
me, Omachi, Sendai. 

Matsuda, Shozaburo (IS H ^ 
^fiW, President of the i8th 
Bank; b. Jan. 1850 in Naga- 
saki ; 1st s. of Katsugoio Ma- 
tsuda ; m. Tora, ist d. of 
Nakajito Naito. Ediic. : stud- 
ied Japanese Classics. Chib : 
Naigwai Club. Recreation : 
Horticulture. Address : No. 
5, Sakaya-machi, Nagasaki- 

Matsuda, Tadashi (IS H jt?). 
One of tlie highest taxpayers 
of Kumamoto prefecture; b. 3 
Jan. 1874, Kumamoto prefec- 
ture ; 1st J.' of T.iheiji MUsu- 
da, a Samurai of Kumamoto ; 
m. Misa, ist d. of Kozaburo 

[ 487 J 


Shimoda. a samurai of Kuma- 
moto. Address : Nodzumura, 
Yatsushiro-gun, Kumanioto 

Matsudaira, Chikanoba [M^- 
Wtn), Viscount (cr. 1884) ; 
Member of the House of 
Peers ; 3 Dec. 1875 ; 1st s. of 
Shinki Matsudaira ; m. Taka- 
ko, sister of Count Raiju Ma- 
tsudaira. Has been decorated 
with the 4th Order oi the 
Rising Sun. Address : No. 
I, Kitamisujimachi, Asakusa, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1015 Shitaya. 

Matsudaira, Chokkei (;fS ^ r£ 
Ut) VisCOunt ; Member of the 
House of Peers ; Sub-Lieute- 
nant of Infantry ; ^. June 1870; 
1st s. of Naoya Matsudaira ; 
m. Tet-iu-ko, sister of Vis- 
count -Seiken Hotta ; has been 
decorated with tlie 4th Order 
of Merit. Address: 853, Sen- 
dagaya, Sendagaya-macM,To- 
yotama-gun, i'okyo. 

Matsudaira, Chutei (^ ¥ S. 
ji|) Viscuunt ; Member of the 
House of P.ers ; Sub-Lieute- 
nant of Infantry ; b. May 1869; 
grand uncle of Viscount Sen- 
sho Mabe, and adopted by 
Baron Cliujo Matsudaira ; m. 
Yuki-ko, d. of his foster father. 
Educ. : studied in the Peers' 
School. Hhs been decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : No. 92, 
Hayashi-cho, Koishi- kawa, 

Matsudaira, J yosho {i^^%. 
gc). Viscount (cr. [884)- 
Member of the House' of 
Peers ; Director of the Japan 
Red Cross Society ; b. l3ec. 
185 1 ; Sth s. of Raizen Matsu-^ 
daira, and adopted by Rai- 
chitsu Matsudaira. In the 
Civil trouble in 1877, he, to- 
gether with the late Tsune- 
tami Sano, and Tsune Ogyu, 
founded the Hakuaisha 
whicli is the forerunner of 
the present Japan Red Cross 
Society ; ordered to proceed 
to Europe and attended the 
International Conference of 
the Red Cross Society as the 
Japanese representative, Maj*" 
1887; returned home. Sept 
1888; elected Member of the 
House of Peers, July 1890; 
took part in the Japan China 
war ; again elected M. H. P.., 
July 1897; Director of ' the 
Japan Red Cross Society 
since 190 1 ; M. H. P. for the 
third time, July 1904; has 
been decorated with the 2nd 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: N0.4, 6ch5me, Fujimi- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
473 Bancho. 

Matsudaira, Komin (S¥^ 
^), Viscount ; Member of the 
H. -use of Peers ; b. Aug. 
1861 ; brother of Kbria Matsu- 
daira ; m. "y'aoko, sister of 
Count Naosuke Matsudaira. 
Has been decorated with tlie 


.4th, Order of Merit 

I. 488 ] 

Address : 
No. 8/Tatsuoka-cho/ Hongo, 
Tokyo. Tel. ; 5 yj Shitaya. 

Matsudaira, Koso (;)2 -^P ^ 
^3, Marquis; Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. Feb. 1867 ; 
.2nd s. of Marquis Shigeaki 
Matsudaira ; m. Setsu-ko, ado- 
pted d. of Count Raiju Ma- 
tsudaira. Ediic. : studied in 
Germany and England, 1884- 
1890. M. H. P. since 1892; 
has been decorated with the 
4th Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 3S, Suido-cho, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. 7el. : 332 Cho 

Matsudaira, Masanao (S: ^ 
jE il.), Baron (cr. 1900) ; Lord- 
in-waiting of the Kinkei Hall ; 

Privy Councinor, Direcror of 
the Japan Eed Cross Society; b. 
Feb. 1 844 at Fukui; 2nd s. of 
1844 ^^ Fukui; 2nd s. of 
Masayasu Matsudaira, a samu- 
rai of Fukui clan ; m. Suma- 
ko, I St d. of Kan Ogasawara, 
a samurai oS Fuku\.- Governor 
of Miyagi-ken, Kumamoto- 
ken and several other prefec- 
tures ; held twice the post of 
Vice-Minister of Home Af- 
fairs ; represented Japan at 
tjie St. Louis Exposition as 
Vice-Cliairraan ; Member of 
the House of Peers, 1898- 
1910; Privy Councillor since 
Oct. 1910; has been decorated 
with the 1st Order of Merit, 
Address : No. 4, 4 chome. 

Omotemachi, Akasaka, To- 
kyo. Te/.i 139 Shimbashi. 

Matsudaira, !ra,oMra (S -^ 

ilT-), Viscount (cr. 1884); 
Member of the House, of 
Peers ; Auditor of the Orien- 
tal Colonization Company ; 3. 
May 1889; brother of Count 
Naosuke Matsudaira, and 
adopted by Naomi Matsu- 
daira ; JM. Ko-ko, 3rd d. of 
Count Ujitomo Toda. M. H. 
P. since July 1897 ; has been 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of Blerit. Address: No. 21, 
2 chome, Ichigaya Kaga-cho, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel. : 734 

Matsudaira, Naonori (tS ^ 
iftM), Viscount (cr. 1884); 
Member of the -House of 
Peers ; b. 23rd July 1869 ; ist 
s, of Yoshinori Matsudaira, 
and adopted by Naomasa 
Matsudaira ; m. Sei-k6, ado- 
pled sister to Viscount Nori- 
naga Matsudaira. Has been, 
elected M. H.P. for the second 
time ; was decorated with the 
4th Order of Merit. Address: 
48 Takanawa Kitatnachi, Shi- 
ba, Tokyo. Tel. : 1 126 Shiba. 

Matsudaira, Raija (1S^®S), 
Count; ex-Mem. of the House 
of Peers; 3. Dec. 1874; 8th 
s. of Count Yoiisato Matsu- 
daira ; m. Aki-ko, aunt of 
Marquis Kokujun Tokugawa. 
Educ. : studied in the Peers' 
School; graduated from the 

[489 ] 


Law College of Waseda Uni- 
versitv Address:' No. i, 
Ichome, Motomachi, Hpngo, 
Tokyo, lei. : 784 Shitaya. 

■ Katsudaira, Yoshiro {Wi ^ % 
W), Prof, at the Hiroshima 
Higher Normal School. Ad- 
dress : the Hiroshima Higher 
Normal School, Hiroshimashi. 

Matsnhara, Koichi i'&JM.'n-'), 
Prof, (of Chemistry) at the 
College of Science, Tokyo 
Imperial University ; d. May 
1872 at Nagoya ; s. of Yaso- 
ichi Matsuhara ; m. Fumi 
Omuro. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Science, 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1896; Victoria University of 
Manchester, 1903-1905; Uni- 
versity' of Berlin, 1905-1906. 
Assistant-Prof, of his alma 
mater, 1899-1909; and then 
full Prof., since May, 1909. 
Address: No. 16, Akebono- 
cho, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Matsuhara, Yoshitaro (SM 

^ js. E15), one of the highest 
taxpayers of Gifu-ken ; Dire- 
ctor of the Nobi Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank, of the 
Dgaki Bank; b. Dec. i86r in 
Gifu-ken ; ist s. of Kitaro 
Matsuhara ; m. Tane, sister 
oflkusuke Takaki. Address : 
Kongo -mura, Ibi-gun, Gifu- 

Matsui, HirokieM (t2#^^), 
writer, C) ief of the Taiheiyo 
News Agency, noin de plume, 

" Hakuken" b. 1866, Mura- 
matsu-machi. Niigata prefec- 
ture ; s. of Masatsune Matsui. 
Ed2ic. : the Meiji Horitsu 
Gakko (a private law institu- 
tion and is the predecessor of 
the present Meiji College). 
Has been an editor to several 
newspapers. Publications : the 
Japanese History, etc. Ad- 
dress : 3 1 Maruyama-shim- 
machi, Hongo, Tokyo. Club : 
Sakurada Club. 

Matsui, Kanji (fe*ffi?l&), 
Prof, at the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; b. May, 1863 
in Chiba-ken ; 2hd s. of Kum- 
po Miyauchi, and adopted by 
Kiyoshi Matsui, a samurai; 
w. Yasu, ist^; ofYoshihisa 
Matsui Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Literature, 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1890. Prof, at the Peers' 
School, 1892; Lecturer at 
the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School, 1899 ; and then Prof., 
1901 ; decorated with the 5th 
O. der of Merit. Address : 
No. 2, Sekiguchi-Komai-cho, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Matsui, Eeishir.J m^WSSm), 
V^ce-Minister of foreign af- 
fairs since January 191 3 ; h. 
Mar. 1868 in Osaka; 2nd s. 
of Yasuzo Matsui ; m. Teru, 
sister of Shigezo Imamura. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of L?iw, Tokyo Im-. 
perial University, 1889. Once 


[ 490 ] 

sefved as Secretary of the 
Legation and Cbisncillor of 
the, Foreign Office, and was 
appointed the counsellor of the 
Japanese Embassy at Washi- 
ngton in Mar. 1906 ; has been 
decorated with the 2nd Order 
of Merit. ' Addrsss : 0. E. 
Kasumigaseki, Kojimachi-ku- 
Tokyo. Tel.: 84 Shiba. 

matsui, Kuranosuke (;f2 ^ 

J> ;£ Wt Colonel of Engineer- 
ing, InstnictoTof iBieTmliFaty 
Eng. arid Artillery Acade- 
my, Member of the Military 
Technical Committee; h. 
1869 in Akita-ken. Sub- 
Lieut., July 1888; Lieut., 
Nov. 1 891; Captain, Dec. 
1894; Major, Oct. 1900; 
Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 1904; 
Colonel,- Dec. 1908. Decora- 
tions: 4th Order of S. T., 
3rd Order of R. S., 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : No. 70 Yocho-machi, 
U.shigome-ku, Tokyo. 

Matsui, Shigeru (J^h ^^ M')> 
Hogakithakiishi, Governor of 
Aichi Prefecture. Was Gov- 
ernor of Shizuoka prefecture; 
then present j>ast since Mar. 
191 3. Address: Official Re- 
sidence, Minami Takehira- 
cho, Naka-ku, Nagoya. 

Matsui, ShirTi iMftntV), 

Procurator of the Formosan 

Government; Chief Procurator 

■ of the Taihoku District Court ; 

b. Jan. 1866 in Chiba-ken ; 

4th s. of Toshitsune Fukuda, 
a samurai of Chiba, and was 
adopted by Yoshi Matsui ; m. 
Yae, 5th d. of Morinari Fuji- 
eda, a samurai g( Nara. Ad- 
dress : Official Residence, No. 
29, 6 chome, Shoin-machi, 
Taihoku, Formosa. 

Matsui, Sumako m^M^ 
:f), Masako. Kobayashi by 
p. m., Actress ; b. matsushirp 
Shinano in 1889. Ediie. : a 
high girls school. Joined Dr. 
Tsubouchi's Bungei Kyokai, 
which is an institution for the 
practice of ^Western dramas, 
since May ]909; often played as 
heroine of notable dramas. Ad- 
dress : c/o Shimoyama, 19 Yo- 
chomaolii, Ushigomekn, Tokyo. 

Matsui, Toshiyuki (t2^ii:^X 
Baron (cr. 1892); one of the 
highest taxpayers of Kuma- 
moto-ken ; b. Sept. 1865 in 
Kumamoto ; ist s. of 'Mitsu- 
yuki Matsui, a samwai of 
Kumamoto clan ; m. Yayo, 
2nd d. of Eijir5 Mizufuchi, a 
samurai of Kumamoto. Ad- 
dress : Matsutaka-mura, Ya- 
tsushiro-gun, Kumamoto-ken. 

Matsui, Yasusabnro (© # ^ 
^»15), Prof, at the Peers' 
School; b. Dec. 1865 in Hok- 
kaido ; 3rd s. of Chikanaga 
Suzuki, a samurai of Hokkai^ 
do, and adopted by Kiyokage 
Matsui; m. Asa, 2nd ^. of 
his foster-father. Address : 
Official Residence at the 

[ 491 ] 


Peers' School, Takata-mura, 
Kitatoshima-giui, Tokyo. 

MatsTushi, Ysisiyi (tSH^iS), 
>raior-<i!eneraI; ex-Chief of the 
I St Section of the General 
Staff Office;-^. May 1859 
in Fukuoka-ken ; 4th s. ot 
Hyozo Matsuishi ; m. Naka, 
1st d. of Kane Kawa-ai. 
EJm. : graduated from the 
Military Academy. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, Dec. 
1S83 ; Lieutenant of — , Apr. 
1887; Captain of — , Nov. 
1893; Major of — , Nov. 
1 895 ; Lieutenant Colonel of 
— , Apr. igot ; Colonel of — , 
Nov. 1903; Major-General, 
Nov. 1907 ; took part in both 
Japan-China and Russo-Ja- 
panese war.s and was decor- 
ated with the 3rd Order of 
the Risinc; Sun and the 3rd 
Class of the Gulden Kite in 
recognition of his services 
•luring the late war; last 
post since May 1908. Ad- 
drtss: No. 65, t chome, 
Kobtnata - daimachi, Koishi- 
k4wa, Tokyo. Tel. : 733 

Mstsiikata, OorJ («S » 3i BB). 
iMunafrin-,' Director of tho To- 
kyo Steel Work-s Co., Presi- 
dent of the Tokyo Gas and 
Indnstrial Co., Dir. of the To- 
kai Life Ins. Co., the Formo- 
san Eed Sugar Co. , the Orien- 
tal Sugar Manufacturing Co., 
Auditor of the Ujikawa Elec- 

tric Go. ; holder of 6th Or- 
der of Merit ; b. Apr. 1871 ; 
5 th s. of Marquis Masayoshi. 
Matsulcata; m. Kame, 2nd d. of 
Chujiro Shibukavva. Educ. : 
graduated from the College of 
Law, Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1 896 ; studied in England 
and Germany, 1^97 — 1901. 
Clubs: Tokyo Club, Nippon 
Club Kojunsha. Address : No. 
12, Nishikubo, Sakuragawa- 
cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 

Matsukata, Iwao (S :& U), 
Vice-President of the 15 th 
Bank ; Director of the Tefyu 
Bank ; Special Member of the 
Tokyo Chamber of Com- 
merce ; 6. Apr. 1863; 1st s; 
of Marquis Masayoshi Matsu- 
kata ; m. Yasu, aunt of Baron 
Tachikiclii Nagayo. Once was 
a Diplomatic Probationer. Ad- 
dress : No. 4, 2 cliome Mina^ 
mi Sakumacho, Shiba, Tokyo. 
Te/. .-311 Shiba. 

Matsukata, Kojiro (fe :& ^ ^ 
BB), President of tiie Kawa- 
saki Ship building Yard, of the 
Kobe Gas Co., and the Kobe 
Shiinbim (a daily paper) ; 
Auditor of the Imperial Ma- 
rine Products Company, the 
Nada Conmiercial Bank, and 
of the Toa Cement Company ■ 
Director of the Minomo Ari- 
ma Railway Company, etc. ; 
Chairman 0/ the Kobe Cham- 
ber of Commerce; b. Dec. 
1865; 3rd s. of Marquis, 


[462 ] 

Masayoshi Matsukata ; m. 
Yoshi-ko, sister of Viscount 
Takateru Kuki. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Peeis' SchooL 
Elected member of the H. R., 
191 2 for Kobe. Address : No. 
15, 4chome, Tamamoto-dori, 

Kobe. Tel.: 6gg. 

Matsukata Otohiko (:f2 ^ Zj 

®)> standing director of the 
Japan Oil Co., director of 
the Hoshi pharmacy Co., of 
the Niigata Iron Works, 
auditor "of the Tokiwa Co.; 
<J. the 1st ;«. of the rsthj)/. 
of Meiji (1880) in Tokyo; 
6th s. of Marquis Masayoshi 
Matsukata. Educ: studied 
at Gakushiiin (peers* school), 
Harvard University. Estab- 
lished the Japan Oil Co. 
since his return home, and 
became its standing director. 
Address: No. 61 Nagasaka- 
cho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. TeL: 
3123 Shiba. 

Matsukata, Masayoshi iMi'^ 
ES). Marquis (Count, cr. 
,1884; promoted to present 
t-anV in t'^o'^^ ; Prwv, Coun- 
cillor; ex-President of the Ja- 
pan Eed Cross Society;' 6. Feb. 
1835 in Kagoshima ; 4th s. 
of Yenzo Matsukata, a samu- 
rai of Kagoshima ; m. Ma^-ako, 
1st dPoi Sadayu Kawakami, 
a samurai of Kagoshima. Is 
one of the '^elderstatesmen "; 
entered, the Treasury Dep't 
soon aftei: the commencement 

of the present era of Meiji, 
and in 1881 when the Minister 
of Finance Count Okuma, re- 
signed, he succeeded him as 
Vice-Minister, filling the post 
for more than ten years ; 
founded the Bank of Japan 
and did' much in restoring the 
credit of papar money which 
had fallen below par \x\ conse- 
quence of excessive issues 

during the civil troubles, 1 877; 
elected Member. of the House 
of Peers, 1890; in 1891, he 
undertook the task of form- 
ing a Cabinet and became the 
Premier with additional duty 
as Minister of Finance, but 
the Ministry fell the following 
year unable to withstand the 
united attacks of the Liberals 
and the Progressives ; Lord- 
in- Waiting of the Kinkei Hall, 
1892; was again Minister of 
Finance on the occassion oi 
the Japan-China war, but 
soon after he was obliged to 

[ 394 ] 


resign his post in consequence 
of differences of opinion with 
the late Prince Ito, then Pre- 
mier; His second Ministry, 
1S96-1897, was made memor- 
able by the establishment ot 
the gold standard system and 
also for the entente with the 
Progressives, but. this came 
abruptly to an end, and was 
followed by the collapse of 
the Cabinet; was Financial 
Minister in the Yamagata 
Ministry that followed 1898- 
1900; a Privy Councillor 
since July 1903 ; in 1902 he 
travelled through Europe and 
America and on the death 
of Count Sano, President of 
the Japan Red Cross Society, 
in 1903, he was appointed as 
his successor, and still holds 
the post ; has been decorated 
wftii.the Order of the Chry- 
santhemum and promoted to 
the rank of Marquis in recog- 
nition of his meritorious ser- 
vices during the late war. 
Address: No. 28, i chome, 
Mita, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 
41 Shiba. 

Matsukata, Shtsaku (fe^IEf^), 
ex-Envoy Kxtraorduiaiy and 
Minister Plenipotentiary ; b. 
Nov. 1S63 in Tokyo; 2nd s. 
of Marquis Masayoshi Matsu- 
kata^ m, Shige-ki, sii>t<er to 
Baron Koyata Iwasaki. Educ: 
studied at Brussels University 
at official expense, finiihing 

in 1888. Then became Chan- 
cellor in the Japanese Lega- 
tion at Paris and other places : 
Diplomatic Probationer^ 1893; 
3rd Secretary of the Japanese 
Legation at Amsterdam and 
Paris, 189S; Private Secretary 
to the Minister of Agriculture 
and Commerce, 31897 ; 2nd 
Secretary in London, 1S98 ; 
promoted to be ist Secretary, 
the same year at the same 
plac ; Secretary of the Fo- 
reign 0^Q&, 1902 ; has been 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of Merit. Address: No. r, 
Takeya-cho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 24s Shiba. 

Matsnkawa, Toshitane (M)\\ 
litisi). Lient.-GLncrai ; Com- 
mander of the lOth Armj 
Division ; h. Nov. 1859 in 
Miyagi-ken ; 1st s. of Yasusu- 
ke Ma'^'-kawa, a samurai of 
Miyagi-ken ; m. Tatsu, 1st d. 
of Keichoku Kafaoka, a samu- 
rai of Tokyo. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Infantry, Dec. 1 882 ; Lieu- 
tenant of — , May 1886 ; Cap- 
tain of — , Feb. 1890; Major 
of — , Apr. 1895 ; Lieutenant 
Colonel of — , Feb. 1899; Co- 
lonel, Nov. 1901 : Major-Ge- 
neraljan. 1905; once was Mi- 
litary Attache at the Japanese 
Legation in Berlin ; took part 
in both the Japan-China and 
the Russo-Japanese Wars, and 
has been decorated with the 
2nd Class of the Golden Kite 


[ 494 ] 

for his services. "V^as Com- 
mandei of the 6th Brigade of 
Infantry; Present rank, 191 1. 
Address: Himeji. 

Matsnki Kan-ichiro £:f2^#— 
lU) Chief of the Electric Bu- 
reau of the Tokyo city offi- 
ce; b. Feb. 1872 in Ehi- 
me-Ken ; ist s. of Sobei Ma- 
tsuki; ta. Shidzue, ist d. of 
Isuke Tanimura, a samurai of 
Yamaguchi-Ken. Educ: gra- 
duated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1896. Once held 
the post of Commissioner of 
the Department of Communi- 
cations, Secretary of the same 
Office then Head of a ist 
Class Post Office, Director of 
the Eailway Board, etc., atten- 
ded the 6th International 
Postal Conference held in 
Some; ordeired to proceed to 
Europe and America, Feb. 
1906; has been granted the 
4th Order of Merit; appointed 
present post, when the muni- 
cipalization of Tokyo Eail- 
■way was realized in 191 1. 
Address: No. 19, Minami- 
koga-cho, Surugadai, Kanda- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel : 1030 Hon- 
kyoku. " 

Matsuki, Munetaka (t2*^[t), 
Count (cr. 1884}, Member of 
the House of Peers; i>. June 
1868; 4ih J. of Muneari Ma- 
tsuki. Educ: Peers' School ; 
Meiji Law School (forerunner 

of the present Meiji University, 
a private institution). Has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of Merit. . Address: 
No. 6, ichome, Hirakawa- 
cho, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 

llatsiijd, Shigetoshi (tS Tfc ^ 
^). Governor of Tainan-cho. 
Decoration: 5th Order of Me- 
rit.^ .4a5j5r«j .• Official House, 
Kd 38, Tainan-shi, pormosa, 

Matsuki, Teisaburo .(fe ?jc gj 
HEi5). manager of the Kobe 
branch of the Mitsubishi 
Firm; b. 1868 in Ehime-ken; 
m. Fumiko. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from the College of Law 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
Entered the Mitsubishi Firm 
immediately after graduation 
and after serving at its 
various branches was pro- 
moted to the present post. 
Recreations: x&z.&xi^, music, 
athletic exercises. Address: 
No. IIS, 4chome, Yamamo- 
to-dori, Kobe. Tel: 313. 

Matsumae, Masayosni T*283jE 
g), Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 48th Regiment 
of Infantry ; b, 1 866, Kuma- 
moto prefecture. Sub-Lieute- 
nant, July 1887; Lieutenant, 
Dec. 1891 ; Captain, May 
1897; Maior, June 1903; 
Lieutenant Colonel, April, i- 
907 ; '^then 'Colonel. Decora- 
tions : 4th Class of the Rising 
Sun ; 3rd Order of the Golden 
Kite.. Address : the 48th Re- 
giment of Infantry, Kurume. 

495 ] 

Matsumaru, Matsusabnro (& 

of Artillery, Commander of 
the Ting Hai Bay Fortifica- 
tions, and of the Ting Hai 
Bay Heavy Artillery Batta- 
lion ; d. 1864. Sub-Lieutenant, 
July 1887; Lieutenant, Nov. 
1891 ; Captain, Sept. 1895; 
Major, Jan. 1902 ; Lieutenant 
Colonel, Aug. 1905. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun ; 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address: Headquarters 
of theTirg Hai Bay Fortifica 
tions, Chosen. 

Matsumoto, Arinobu {1tk%'M 
If )j Rear- Admiral on th.e le- 
serve ; b. Jan. i860 in Kana- 
zawa ; ist s. of Ryiian Matsu- 
moto, a j«;i>^Mrrt'«' of Kanazawa 
clan ; m. Fumi, 2nd d. of Vice- 
Admiral Shinken Sakamoto. 
Educ.: graduated from tlio 
Naval Academy, 1879. Lieute- 
nant, 1886; look part in the 
Japan-China War, 1894-1895; 
Lieutenant Commander, 1895; 
Captain, 1900; in the Russo- 
Japanese ^War he was Com- 
mander ot'tlie armoured crui- 
ser Yakumo, and at the end 
of the War was decorated with 
the 3rd Class of th^ Golden 
Kite and the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun in recognition of 
his services^ to the Empire ; 
after the restoration of peace, 
was appointed Chief of the 
General Staff of the Maidzu- 

ru Naval Station; afterwards 
placed on the reserve. -Ad- 
dress r 60th of Nakanomaru, 
No. 3, Yaraicho, Ushigome, 
Tokyo. Tel : 2435 Rancho." 
Matsumoto, Bunzaburo {fSi^"^ 
HSr>)» Bungakuhakushi ; Dean 
and Prof of the College of Li- 
terature, Kyoto Imperial Uni- 
versity ; i:5. May, 1869 in Ka- 
nazawa, Kaga Province; 3id 
s. of Joshin Matsumoto, a sa- 
murai of Kanazawa ; m. Yato, 
sister of Chise Igarashi. Educ.: 
graduated from the College of 
Literature of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1893 ; stu- 
died Epistemology and Meta- 
physics in the University Hall; 
studied Hindoo-Philosophy at 
the University of Berlin, Germ-, 
iny, by government order, 19- 
00 — 1902. Bungakuhakushi, 
Mar. 1899; Lecturer at the to-' 
Iv-yoSemmongakko (the prede- 
cessor of the present Waseda 
University), 1894; Prof at the 
1st High School, 1900 ; Prof 
at the College of Literature o! 
the Kyoto Imperial Univer- 
sity, since 1905 ; its Dean, 
since 1908 Publications : Prin- 
ciples of Epistemology ; His- 
tory of Chinese Philosophy; 
Religion and Education ; Re- 
ligion and Philosophy ; Thinsjs 
about India ; Goknraku-Jodo- 
Ron (on Paradise) ; etc. Ad- 
dress : No. 2 Jodoji-machi 
Kamikyoku, Kyoto. Jel.: 


1 496] 

2850 Kyoto. . 

Matsumoto, Ch jiro (<S*S.* 
IP), Mi.iiiDer of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commeice; Au- 
ditor of the Otaru Timber 
Company ; Director of the 
Tokyo Steel Manufacturing 
Office ;6. Mar. 1856 in Kana- 
gawa-ken ; ^rd s, of Chozae- 
mon Inomata, and adopted by 
ChGjiro Matsumoto; tn. Take, 
1st a^. of his foster-father. Ad- 
dress : No. 7, Kadzuya-cho, 
Fukagawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 939 
Cho Naniwa. 

Matsumoto, Fuko (S*li.JH), 
painter; d. 14 Sept. 1840 
Ibaraki-ken ; 4th s. of Soan 
Matsumoto, a doctor; m. Hisa, 
1st d. of Sangoro Nakamura, 
ofKanagavva. Early came up 
to Tokyo, and studied painting 
under several famous artists. 
Address : 31, 2 Chome, Kaya- 
cho, Asakusa, Tokyo. 

Matsumoto, Genshichi (M.'^M. 
-b), enginecrmg contractor ; 
b. Jan. 1853 in Hyogo-ken ; 
ist s. of Genibei Matsumoto ; 
m. Kino. Address : No. 3, i 
Oliome, Minami-Sakasegawa, 
Kobe. Tel.: 792 Cho. 

Matsumoto, Geataro (^2 ?K iHi 
±B), • F.of at the Peers, 

School'; Head of the Womens' 
Section of the same institu- 
tion ; b. Mar. 1859 in Fukui- 
ken ; ist .?. of B.uisui Matsu- 
moto, a samurai of Fukui-ken; 
in., Ai, sister of Kenzo Iwa- 

hara, a samurai of Ishikaw.a- 
ken. Educ: graduated from: 
the College of Literature of; 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer-: 
sity. Has been decorated' 
with the 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 6, i chome, 
Nagata - machi, Kojrmachi, 

Matsumoto, Giichiro (tS * ft 
— W), Managing Director of 
the Kakegawa Bank ; b, Aug. 
1877 in Shidzuoka-ken, 3rd 
s. of Gengor5 Kuroda, and 
adopted by Bunji Matsumoto; 
m. Shige, adopted sister to 
Eiji Matsumoto. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Kerogijuku 
College, 1 899. Address ': Xa- 
kegawa - machi, Ogasa - gun, 
.Matsumoto, Gokiehi {^% HS 
^), ex-Member of the House 
of Eepresentatives; Eepresent- 
ative Member of the Osawa 
Gold Mine Company ; Direc- 
tor of the Tokyo Railway 
Company ; and of the Keihin 
Bank; b. Aug. 1862 in Hyo- 
go-ken ; 4th s. of Genzaemon 
Imai, a samurai of Hydgo- 
ken, and adopted by jiSbei 
Matsumoto; m. K\ 5, adopted 
d. of Gensbiku Tsuchiya.' 
Educ. : studied Chinese clas- 
sics. Once served as Private. 
Secretary to the Minister of 
Communications, the same tb' 
the Financial Minister, etc.;; 
has been decorated with the' 

[ 497 ] 


4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address: No. 75, Hitotsugi- 
cho, Akasaka, Tokyo. Tel. : 
3083 Shimbashi. 

Matsumoto, Ikuro (*2?|:ff5ra), 
Judge of the Court of Admini- 
strative Litigation ; b. Dec. 
1866 in Tokyo; ist s. of 
Taijii5 Mori, and adopted by 
a certain Matsumoto ; m. 
Rucie (Rushu), sister of Ka- 
geaki Ueno, a samttrai of 
Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Tokyo Foreign Lan- 
guage School and the Doitsu 
Kyokzvai Semmon Gakko 
(German Association School). 
Passed the Higher Civil Ser- 
vice Examination ; entered 
the Department of Agricul- 
ture and Commerce ; after 
serving as Councillor of se- 
veral prefectures, and Com- 
missioner of several Depart- 
ments, was transferred to 
present post ; has been deco- 
rated with the 5th Order of 
Merit. Address : No. 29, shi- 
rogane-cho, Ushigome, To- 

Matsumato, Jui (/fS ;^ a ^), 
Section Chief of the Monopoly 
Bureau; b. Aug. 1873 in 
Fukushima-ken ; ist .f. ofjui 
Matsumoto, a samurai of 
Fukushima ; m. Toyo, sister 
of Midzutaka Okoshi. Educ: 
graduat<=d from the College 
of law, 'Tokyo Imperial U- 
ttiversity 1898- Passed the 

Higher Civil Service Examin- 
ation, 1898;. visited Europe, 
1 899-1901; Once was Sec- 
i^etary to the Financial De- 
partment. Address : No.' 346, 
Sen d agaya , Se ndagay a-machi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokio, Tel. : 
2892 Shiba. 

Matsumoto, Kametaro (K^ 
ii.*.S15), President of the 
Takasago Bank; b. Mar. i860 
in Hyogo-ken ; 1st s. of Mo- 
kubei Matsumoto; vi. Masa, 
adopted sister of Tanekichi 
Shimazawa. A^/dress : Taka.- 
sago-mura, Kako-gun, Hyogo- 

Matsumoto, Kanae (*S;^fi), 
Major-Gpneral ; Commander 
of the ist Brigade of Field 
Artillery; b. Jan. 1856 in 
Shimane-ken ; ist i-. of Reijiro 
Matsumoto, a samurai of 
Shimane-ken; m. Tei, 1st </. 
of his uncle, of the name of 
Miki. Educ. : graduated from 
the Military Academy. Sub- 
Lieutenant, Feb. 1 879; Lieute- 
nant of Artillery, Feb. 1883; 
Captain of — , Oct. 1887; 
Major of — , Aug. 1894; 
Lieutenant Colonel of — , 
Oct. 1899; Colonel of — , 
Nov. 1902 ; Major-Genera!, 
Nov. 1907 ; took part in the 
Russo-Japanese War as Com- 
mander of the Artillery of the 
ist Army, and after the end 
of war, was rewarded with 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 

498 ] 

•aad the 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite in recognition of his ser- 
vices. Address : Headquaj- 
ters of the 1st Brigade of the 
Field Artillery, "Tokyo.^ 

Matsumoto, Koshiro ctS ^ 
#ESIP, actor, proper name: 
Kinshiro Fujima ; e. s. of 
Kanyenion Fujima, famous 
tntoi of Odori (Japanese 
dance) ; 6. May 1870 in Ku- 
wana, Miye-ken ; m. Suzu, d. 
of Kichijun Aoki. Became 
pupil of Panjuro Ichikawa, 
the 9th Ichikawa ; succeeded 
the famous actor family Ko- 
shiro Matsumoto in 1911 ; 
merdber of the Tokyo Actors' 
Union. Address: 11 Nicbo- 
me, Hamacho, Nihonbashi-ku, 
Tokyo. Id.: 541 Naniwa, 

Matssumoto. Ky i (;fe * ^ M'), 
Procurator, ciuef procurator 
of the Kagoshima District 
Court; ^. 16 Jan. 1855, Aichi 
prefecture ; 1st s. of Otohachi 
Matsumoto; m. Toku, ist d. 
of Kurobei Chiga, a samurai of 
Aichi prefecture. Passed the 
Examination for Bench, 1887; 
Judge of the Kochi and Na- 
gasaki District Courts ; Pro- 
curator, 1896, Procurator of 
the Miyagi Court of Appeal ; 
Chief Procurator of the Akita 
District*- Court ; then present 
post since 1904. Decoration : 
4th Order of Merit. Address : 
The Kagoshima District Court. 
_ Matsumoto, Magouemon (ifS^js 

M^'mV, President of the 
Mitsuboshi Coal Co. ; Auditor 
of the i.Akai Railway Com- 
pany;' brewer; d. Jan. 1873 
in Fukushima-ken ; ist 5. of 
Senzo Matsumoto, a samurai 
of Fukushima-ken ; m. Ktsa, 
2nd d. of Kichigoro Izawa. 
Once elected Member of the 
House of Representatives ; 
has been decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address: No. 12, Yanaka 
Shimidzu-cho, Shitaya, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 1036 Shitaya. 

JSIatsumoto, Matataro it^;^^' 
:k.W), Bungakuhakushi ; Doc- 
tor of Philosophy (Yale Uni- 
versity) ; Prof, at the College 
of Literature of the Kyoto 
Imperial University ; Principal 
of the Kyoto Municipal Paint- 
ing School and Kyoto Muni- 
cipal Fine Arts and Technical 
School; b. Sept. 1865 i" 
Kotsuke province ; 2nd s. of 
Tasuku lino, a samurai of 
Takasaki clan, Kotsuke, and 
adopted by Kanjiro Matsu- 
moto ; in. Ren, 4th d, of 
Shichisaburo Sakamoto, a 
samurai of Kanagawa-ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Literature of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1893 ; studied psychology in 
the University Hall; studied 
Experimental Psychology in 
the Yale University, U. S. A., 
1 896- 1898; studied Psycho- 

[ 499 ] 


iQgy and Physiology in Lei- 
pzig University, Germany, b)' 
t1ie order of the Educational 
Department, 1 898-1900. As- 
sistant in the Yale Uaiversify; 
Prof, of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School and Tokyj 
Female Highcy Normal 
School ; Lecturer at the Col- 
lege of Literature of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, at Wase- 
da Universit)'-, and at the 
Japan Women's University ; 
Prof, of the College of Liter- 
ature of the Kyoto Imperial 
University, since July, 1906 ; 
while abroad, he made an 
inspection tour through Eng- 
land, Germany, France, Italy, 
Greece, Belgium, Austria, etc. 
Publications : Researches on 
Acoustic Space (written in 
English) ; On the Hour of 
Action' of Body and Mind ; 
etc. Recreations: Travelling; 
Fine Arts. Address : O^i^osxte. 
side of the North gate of the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ., loshida- 
machi, suburb of Kyoto. 

Matsumoto, Kyoshichi {kl% 
K-b), Director of Oriental 
Ink Manufacturing Co. Ad- 
dress : Hornminato-cbo, Kyo- 
baihi, Tokyo. 

Matsumoto, Kyotaro {'k'k':^'%. 
isM), President of the Nippon 
Ko^yo Kabushiki Kwaisha 
(the Japan Exploitation Com- 
pany), Hokkaido. Address : 
Tosabori-uramachi, Nishi-ku, 


_ Matsumoto, f-aburo (!s&_A<-S. 
EiPjSurgeon Major-Gcn. on the 
reserve; xe-Officer of the Sani- 
(ary Department of the Mili- 
tary Office; (5. Nov. 1861 in 
Mine province; 1st s. of Ke- 
ifuku Matsumoto, a samurai 
of Mino province ; m. Chiyo, 
.-lister of Sainosuke Yogo, a 
samurai of Tokyo. EdiLc. : 
studied in the Tokyo Foreign' 
Language School and the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University. Surgeon 
Second Lieutenant, Feb. 1884; 
— Lieutenant;, Apr. 1887 ; 
~ Captain, Dec 1889; — 
Major, Mar. 1897 ; — Lieute- 
nant-Colonel, Dec. 1899 ; was 
decorated by the President of 
France with the Legion de^ 
Notre in recognition of his 
services during the Boxer 
Trouble, 1900 ; Surgeon Co- 
lonel, Dec. 1903 ; Surgeon 
Inspector Major Gesieral, Nov. 
1907 ; took part in both the 
Japan-China and the Russo- 
Japmese wars; has been de- 
corated with the 2nd Order of 
tlic Sacred Treasure and th.e 
St!) Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address.' No. 552, Ochiaij 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Matsumoto, Seisuke (ifS*^ 
%), Director of the Hiro- 
shima Water-power Electric 
Company ; Auditor of the 
Hirosliima Bank; b. Nov. 


[ 5CO ] 

1849 in Hiroshima-ken ; ist 
J. of Cbubei Sasaki, and adop- 
ted by Mambel Matsumoto; 
m. Shima, ist d. of his foster- 
father. Address ; No. 35. 
Tsukamoto-machi, Hiroshima- 

Jffatsumoto, Seizaburo (IS* 
JiHS15), Managing, Director 
of the Kyushu Commercial 
Bank ; President of the Higo 
Steamship Company ; b. May 
1878 in Kumamoto-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Iwasaburo Matsumoto, a 
smfiurai of Kumaflioto-keti ; 
in. Toyo, 4th d. of Saburo 
Shimada. Address 7 Hinaku- 
machi, Ashiklta-gun, Kuma- 
■ moto-ken. 

Matusmoto, Shimanosuke (M 
*,^,iSS), one of the highest 
tax-payers of Fukushima-ken ; 
Representative Member of the 
Matsumoto Partnership ; d. 
28 July 1856, in Fukushima 
prefecture; ist j. of Hachiro- 
zaem.on Matsumoto ; m. Ko, 
y. sister to Jingohyoe Kondo, 
of Fukushima prefecture. Ad- 
dress : Ishii-mura, Higashi-' 
shirakawa - gun, Fukushim.a- 

, Matsumoto, Tokimasa (iSTKBj 
IE), Mayor of. Wakamatsu. 
Decoration : 4th Order of 
Merit. Address; the City 
Hall, Wakamatsu, Fukushima 

Matsumoto, Tomekichi {itt^ 
^%), Director of the Tokyo 

Electric Lamp Co., Represen- 
tative Member of the Fujiku- 
ra Electric Wire and Gum 
Company; b. Dec. 1868 in 
Tochigi-ken ; 5th s. of Kuma- 
kichi Fujikura, and adopted 
by Namiz5 Matsumoto; m. 
Ei, 1st d. of his foster-father. 
Address: No. 4 Samonch5, 
Yotsuya, Tokyo. Tel: 2321 

Matsumoto, Tsunenosuke (1£ 
*. fa ;i B), ex-Member of the 
House "6? Representatives ; 
Director of the Tsu Electric 
Light Co., and of the Daini- 
hon Railway Co.; Auditor of 
the Miye - ken Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank, of the 
Joint Publishing Company ; 
Special Member of the Tsu 
Chamber of Commerce ; <5. 
Feb. 1866 in Miye-ken ; ist s. 
of S5ichi Matsumoto, a samu- 
rai of Miye-ken ; m. Sue, 4th 
d. of Shokichi Mori, a samu- 
rai of Gifu-ken. Educ: Do- 
shisha College ; graduated 
from the Tokyo Semmon Gak- 
ko (predecessor of the present 
Waseda University), 1888. 
Elected member of the House 
of Representatives, 1904; has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : No. 3, Kotohira-cho, 
Shiba, Tokyo. (Country ad- 
dress : No. 42, Sendo-machi, 
Tsu-shi, Miye-ken). Tel.: 3268 
Shimbashi Cho. (Country ; 1 3 

[ 501 ] 


Ch5 Tsu). ' 

Matsumoto, Wa {U :^ IB), 
Vice-Admiral ; Chief of the 
Naval Construction Bureau ; 
^. Dec. 1859 in Tokyo; 2nd 
s. of Jia-uemon Matsumoto ; 
m. Seki, 2nd d. of Atsumi Ku- 
rosawa, a samurai of Miye- 
ken. Educ: graduated from 
the Naval Academy, 1880. 
Captain, Sept 1899; Rearr 
Admiral, Nov. 1905; Vice- 
Admiral, Dec. 1909 ; took 
part in the Russo-Japanese 
War as Captain of the battle- 
ship Fuji, and at the end of 
the War, was decorated with 
the 2nd Order of the Sacred 
Treasure and the 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite in recognition 
of his meritorious services dur- 
ing the War. Address : No. 7 
Hikawa-cho, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2861 Shimbashi. 

Matsumoto, Yasuzo (f2*Sis), 
Prof, of the Mercantile Marine 
School ; b. Feb. 1857 5" Hyo- 
go-ken ; 3rd s. of Uchii Tsuda, 
a samurai of Hyogo-ken ; and 
adopted by Nobu Matsumoto; 
m. Nao, 1st d. of Kan Matsuo. 
Entered the Department of 
Agriculture and Coinmerce, 
1882 ; present post since Dec. 
1888 ; lias been decorated 
with the 4th Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 26, 2 chome, 
Tsukiji, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 
Tel: 116 Shimbashi. 

Matsumura, Hambei i^W^-^ 
^), one of the highest' tax- 
payers of Tochigi-ken ; l>. July 
1864 in Tochigi-ken; 2nd s. 
of Yasubei( Matsumura, and 
adopted by Hambei Matsu- 
mura; m. Yone, ist d. of his 
foster - father. Address : Ho- 
kugo - Mura, Ashikaga - gun, 

Matsumura, Junictii (if2 ^ ^ 
— )> Naval Captain, attache 
to the Japanese Embassy in 
Paris; inspector of the naval 
ship building; l>. in ,1873. 
Ediic. : Naval Academy. 
Lieutenant-commander, Sep. 
1903; Commander, Sept. 
1906; Capt., Dec. 1912. De- 
corations : 4th Class of R. S., 
4th Order of G. K. Address-^ 
the Japanese Embassy in 

Matsumura, , Kaiseki (tS^t^fr 
5), christian preachef, theo- 
logian ; b. in Ibaraki prefec- 
ture. Editc: mission schools, 
but mostly self-taught. While 
young he went to Yokohama 
and became a Christian ; after 
engaging in mission work in 
several local churches, he be- 
came a writer to a Christian 
Magazine; and shortly after- 
wards engaged in educational 
work becoming, %ead-master 
of Hokuetsu Gakukwan, a 
private school in Niigata pre- 
fecture, and then Principal of 
the Yamagata English School; 


[. 5fc ] 

he was then engaged by the 
Tokyo Y. M. C. A. as its 
lecturer, and preached with 
much success and earnestness; 
resigning this post he publi- 
shed a religious magazine 
called " Keisei," and did much 
in social educational work ; 
after publishing the " Risshi- 
no-Ishidzue " (the Foundation 
of the Will), he had much in- 
fluence with young men, which 
work spread very widely and 
rapidly. Tublications: history 
of rise and fall of universal 
countries; several works on 
religion and culture. Address: 
No. 83, Sanbancho, Kojima- 
chi-ku, Tokyo. 

Matsumura, .Tsurnso (^MH 
if), Kogakuhakushi, Prof, of 
the Science and Engineering 
College of the Kyoto Imp. 
Univ., (Cliair-Machanical En- 
gineering). Address; The 
Kyoto Imp. Univ., Kyoto. 

Matsamura, Matsutoshi (ISM 
IJiji), Rigakuhakushi ; Prof, at 
the College of Agriculture o! 
the Tohoku Imperial Univer- 
sity; b. Mar. 1872 in Hyogo- 
ken ; 3rd i. of Johei Matsu- 
mura, a samurai of Hyogo- 
ken; m. Ito, sister ofTamaki 
Fujita. Educ: graduated from 
the Sapporo Agricultural Col- 
lege, 1895 ; studied in Ger- 
many by government order, 
May 1899-Oct. 1902. Assis- 
tant Prof, at his alma mater, 

1896; then full Prof. 1902; 
Rigakuhakushi, Dec. 1903 ; 
present post since Sept. 1907. 
Address : No. 2, 5 chonie, 
Kitahachijyo Nishi, Sapporo, 

Matsumura,Mosu!re {i^^%Wi, 
Director of one of the Bureaus 
in the Educational Depart- 
ment; b. Feb. 1869 in Shi- 
dzuoka-ken ; 1st s. of Genjiro 
Matsumura ; m. Toshi, 2nd d. 
of Eishichi Nozaki. Educ: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1894 An official 
of the Holckaido Prefectural 
Government, 1894; passed 
ilie Higher Civil Service Exa- 
mination, 1897 ; Councillor of 
Iwate prefecture, 1898 ; Coun- 
cillor of Nagasaki prefecture ; 
Councillor of the Educational 
Office, 1900 ; Director of the 
Ordinary Education Bureau 
since 1908 ; has been decorat- 
ed with the 4th Order of Me- 
rit. Address : No. lOi, Ha- 
yashicho, Koishii^awa-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 1223 Bancho. 

Matsumura, Nao-omi (Mfi^ 
E), ,Kea,r^Admiral, put on the 
waiting list since 'April 191 1; 
b. 1861. Educ. : graduated 
from the Naval Cadet School. 
2nd Commander, 11 Dec. 
1897 ; Commander, 27 Dec. 
1897; Captain, July 1904; 
Rear - Admiral, ' Apr. 191 1. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 

503 ] 


Rising Sun ; 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 4th Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address : 
the Saseho Naval Station. 

Matsnmnra, Ninzo (tSitfliH), 
Rigakiihakuski ; Prof, at the 
Science College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University (chair- 
Botany) ; Director of the Bo- 
tanical Garden ; b. Jan. 1856 
in Ibaraki-ken ; ist s. of Gifu 
Matsumura, a samurai of 
Ibaraki-ken ; m. Riu, ist d. ol 
Masayasu Yanianouchi, a i«- 
»«/t-/7z of Kyoto. Educ: stu- 
diec at the Tokyo Kaisei Gak- 
ko (a government school) ; 
studied in the Wurzburg and 
Heidelburg Universities. As- 
sistant-Prof, at the Tokyo 
University, 1.883 > the same at 
the Science College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1889; and then full Prof., 
1890; Rigakuhakushi, 1890; 
has been director of the Bota- 
nical Garden since June 1897 ; 
made an inspection tour in 
Europe and America by go- 
vernment order, 1906 ; has 
been decorated with the 3rd 
Order of Merit. A well-known 
botanist. Publications : many 
works on botany. Address : 
No. 16, Koniagome Akebono- 
cho, Hon go, Tokyo. 

Matsumura, Sadao {'^1;UM.M), 
Consul General at Hankow ; 
b. Sept 1868 in Kochi-ken ; 
2nd s. of Joran Matsumura, 

a samurai of Kochi ken, and 
adopted by Shozan Matsumu- 
ra ; m, Kikne, ist d. of Shiu 
Tamura. Educ. : graduated 
from the Wafutsu Horitsu 
Gakko (Japanese and French 
• Law School, a private institu- 
tion, the forerunner of the pre- 
sent Hosei College), passed 
the Examination for the Dip- 
lomatic Service, Sept. 1897; 
Eleve-Consul, 1897; 3rd Se- 
cretarj^ of the Japanese 
Legation in Belgium ; Consul 
at Antwerp and then at 
Chongshun ; has been deco- 
rated with the 5th Order of 
Merit. Address : the Japanese 
Consulate-Generalj Hankow, 

Matsumura, Seikichi (tSIt^ 
g), Apothecary; Managing! 
Director of the Yokohama 
Glass Manufacturing Com- 
pany, etc.; b. Jan. 1848 in 
Hyogo-ken ; ist j. of Heidayii 
Yasunaga ; m. Tomi, 2nd d. 
ofYohei Kinugawa. Started" 
business life as a trader in 
Yokohama, finally reaching 
his present successful position. 
Address : No. 6, i Chome, 
Otamachi, Yokohama. 7>/.: 
T5 Gbo. Tokyo_BranGh : Ad- 
dress : No. 1 2, Okubo-Yocho- 
machi, Ushigomeku, Tokyo. 

Matsumura, Sh hei (if2|Jlt^). 
ex-Member of thr. House of Pe- 
ers (representing iiighest tax- 
payers of Ibaraki-ken); b. Oct. 
1854 in Ibaraki-ken ; brother 


[ 504 ] 

ofHci-chiroOgawa, and adopt- 
ed by Shinzo Matsumura. Ad- 
dress : Sodo-mura, Yuki-gun, 

Matsmnnra, Tatsuo {W^W^), 
^ptainj chief instructor of 
Tfflel^^al College; b. 1864.1 
Educ.: graduated from the 
Naval Cadet School. Second 
Commander, June i8g8 ; 
Commander, Oct. 1902 ; Cap- 
tain, Sept. 1907. Decorations : 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun ; 
4th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure ; 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address: 51, 2ch6me, 
Shirogane - daimachi, Shiba, 

Matsumura, Tokij? (MM^'^'), 
ex-Member of the House of Pie- 
ers (representing highest tax- 
payers of Kumamoto-ken);Pre- 
sident of- the Tamana Batik ; 
Auditor of the Higo Agricul- 
tural and Commercial Bank, 
etc.; 6. Feb. 1855 in Kuma- 
moto ; 4th s. of Chunojyo Se- 
ki, a samurai of Kumanioto, 
and adopted by Gihei Matsu- 
mura ; m. Take, 4th d. of Zen- 
shi Yoshizawa, a samurai of 
Kumamoto. Member of the 
Kumamoto Prefectural As- 
sembly, 1892 ; Member of the 
House of Representatives, 
1903 ; Member of the House 
of Peers .since Nov. 1907. 
Address : Hara-aka-mura, Ta- 
inana-gun, Kumamoto-ken. 

Matsumura, Yasuo (*2*>fS^), 

Colonel pf Infantry , Comman- 
der oT the 39th Regiment of 
Infantry; b. 1865, Dita prefec- 
ture. Sub - Lieutenant, June 
1885 ; Lieutenant, Nov. 1888 ; 
Captain, July 1894; Major, 
Oct. 1900; Lieutenant-Colonel, 
Apr. 1905 ; Colonel, Sept. 
1908. Decorations : 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun ; 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
the 39th Regiment of Infantry, 

Matsumuro, Itasu (:K ^ Sfe), 
ex-jMinister of Justice ein- 
ce December 1913-February 

of the Court of Cassation ; 
b. Jan. 1852 in Fukuoka-ken ; 
ist s. of Shingo Matsumuro, a 
samurai of Fukuoka-ken; m. 
Koto, 1st d. of Tsuneyuki Yo- 
tsuya, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ: graduated from the To- 
kyo University in ,1884: pro- 
bationary Jud'ge, 1884 ; Judge, 
1885; Judge of the Tokyo 
Court of Appeal, the same 
year ; Public Procurator, and 
Procurator in Chief of the 
Nagasaki Court of Appeal, 
June 1898 ; President of the 
same Court, June 1901 ; pre- 
sent post since July 1904 ; in 
addition had held tlae post 

of President of the Administ- 
rative Litigation Court ; has 
been decorated with the 2nd, 
Order of Merit. Address : Noi 
22 Okuboyocho-machi, Ushi- 
gome, Tokyo. Tel.: 2409 

[ 505 ] 


BCatsunaga, Kiicliiro (^^2: :fe S 

— Ii5). Expert to the Rail- 
way Board as well , as to 
the Department of the Com- 
munications; i>. the 8th ;«. 
of the 5th J', of Meiji (1873) 
in Toyama-ken; s. of Toyo- 
kichi Matsunaga; m. Kiyoko, 
2nd d. of Nisaku Hori. 
Edttc: graduated from the 
Engineering College (mecha- 
nical course) of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (1899). Present 
post since 1869; sent to 
Europe and America on an 
official mission, 1906-07. Ad- 
dress: No. 2, Yayoi-cho, Kon- 
go, Tokyo. ?>/.: i357Shitaya. 
Matsunaga, Yuju [l^^j^f^)^), 
Rear-Admiral on the reserve ; 
b.\% Aug. 1849, Kochi pre- 
fecture ; 1st s. of Shinsai Ma- 
tsunaga ; m. Kin, adopted d. 
%i Yasuyuki Hashidzume, a 
samurai of Tokyo. Was made 
2nd Sub-L'eutenant in 1877, 
and by gradual promotion 
was ultimately raised to the 
rank of Rear-Admiral in 19- 
03 ; took part in both the 
Japan-China and the Russo- 
Japanese Wars ; placed on the 
retired list, 1907. Decorations : 
2nd Order of Merit ; 4th Class 
of Golden Kite. . Address : 
159 Kogai-machi, Azabu, To- 

Matsunaga, Yasuhiko (ISrjtS 
^), President of the Kashinia 

Bank ; Director of the Yoshi- 
wara Bank, and of the Fuji 
Transportation Company ; i. 
Mar. i860 in Shidzuoka-ken ; 
2nd J. of Suirei Naito, a samu- 
rai of Shidzuoka, adopted by 
Shoko Matsunaga', in. Kuni, 
2nd d. of his foster-father. 
Address : Kajima-mura, Fuji- 
gun, Shidzuoka-ken. 

Matsunaga, Yasuzayemon 
Cta^x^SftP^). proprietor of 
Fukumatsu firm (coal and 
cokes merchant), managing 
director of the Kyushu 
Electric Light and Railway 
Co. Ltd., director of the 
Nippon Gas Co., Ltd; b. 1876 
at Iki, Nagasaki prefecture; 
s. of the late Yasuzaemon; 
m. Itsuko Takeoka in March 
1905. graduated from Keio- 
gijuku in 1900. Entered the 
Nihon Bank, 1900; managed 
Marusan firm with Mr. Mo- 
mosuke Fukuzawa; after- 
wards established Fukumatsu 
firm and has carried on coal 
business in Kobe and Osaka 
over ii^en years; in 1809 
founded an electric railway 
at Fukuoka city and opened 
the foundation of the present 
Kyushu Electric Light and 
Railway Co.; besides he has 
connection with many com- 
panies. Recreations: picture 
and riding. Address : 7 
Nichome Matsushima-cho, 
Nishi-ku, Osaka. 7^/.: -3240: 


5c6 ] 

^95 S Nishi. Clubs: Tokyo- 
club. Kojunsha. 

iu..»(,6aaami, Hidezane (tSJfK^ 
f[), Expert of Dendrology in 

the Department of Agriculture 
and Commerce ; b. Mar. 1865 
in Iwate-ken ; 2nd s. of Tsu- 
nazo Hinote, a samurai .ot 
Iwate-ken, and adopted by 
Naozane Matsunami ; m. Yo- 
shi, 3rd d. of Takehira A^o, 
Educ: graduated from the 
Agricultural and Dendrologi- 
cal School. Entered the De- 
partment of Agriculture and 
Commerce and served as a 
Forest Official ; has been de- 
corated with the 4th Order o. 
Merit. Address: No. 180, 
Shimo-osaki Sakanoshita, O- 
saki-mura, Ebara-gun, Tokyo. 
Tel:. 1588 Shiba. 

Matsunami, Niiehiro (tS ?&.fc 
— fili), Hogakuhakushi ; Prof 
of the Law College, Tokyo 
Imperial University (chair- 
Commercial Law) ; b. Dec. 
1867 in Osaka; 1st s. of 
Niuemon Matsunami, a samu- 
rai of Osaka ; m. Tama, 4th 
d. of Idzuru Tsuda, a samurai 
of Chiba. JEduc. : graduated 
from the Doshisha College ; 
graduated from the College 
of Law, Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1893 ; further prose- 
cuted his studies in Europe. 
I'rof. at the iSTaval College ; 
attended the International 
Maritime Li w C o n f e r e n c.e 

held in London as the Ja- 
panese Representative, i 8^9 ; 
again attended the same 
Conference held in Paris next 
year; returned home, 190x3; 
Hogakuhakushi, 1901 ; has 
been decorated with the 5 th 
Order of Merit. Publications : 
Lectures on Maritime Law ; 
Naval Criminal Law ; Com- 
mercial Law ; etc. Address : 
No. 17, Nakamachi, Ushi- 
gome, Tokyo. 

Matsuno, Atsuyoshi (ISIfE 
S). Judge ; President of the 
Niigata District Court ; b. 
July 1849 in Saga-ken ; 3rd 
s. of Tadahira Tsuruda, a 
samurai of Saga, and adopted 
by Rui Matsuno ; m. Nao, 
sister of ShSken Sumiya, a 
samnrai of Ibaraki-ken ; En- 
tered the Department of 
Justice, 1876; Public procu- 
rator, 1881;- Judge, 1882; 
after serving as Judge of 
Hiroshima and Matsuyama 
District Courts, Chief Judge 
of the Tokyo District Court, 
President of the Utsunomiya 
District Court, was transferred 
to the present post in Apr. 
1899 ; has. been decorated 
with the 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address : Official House of 
the Niiga.ta District Couit, 
N iigata-shi. 

Matsuno, Senkatsu (j^ |f =^ 

fit")) expert of the Railway 
Board, .sectional chief of the 

[ S07 ] 


central railway superinten- 
dent office. Address: official 
residence, No. 30 Shiodome- 
cho, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 
i6g8 Shinbashi. 

Matsuo, Heijiro (:fSfS¥*IB, 
Representative Member of the 
Naigwai Products Catnpany ; 
Director of the Matsuzaka 
Water-power Electric Com- 
pany, and of the H5ko Oil 
Company, etc.; Inspector of 
the Osaka Laaip Lighting 
Company; 6. Oct. 1861 in Osa- 
ka; ists. of Katsuzo Matsuo; 
in. Koma, 2nd d. of Ushichi 
Takamatsu. Address : No. 
22, 2 chofi.e, Uchihiratso- 
machi, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 
Tel. : 3090 Higashi. 

Matsuo, Hisao (;f2 Wi X %^^ 
Director of the Mousseline 
de Laine Spinning and 
Weaving Co., Ltd.; b. the 
nth m. of the 3rd y. of 
Meiji (1871) in Mie-ken; 4th 
s. of Kazunao Matsuo; m. 
Matsuko, £. d. of Heisaku 
lida ■ of Oita-ken. Edicc:. 
graduated from the Economic 
Course of the Keiogijuku, 
1894. Entered the Jiji- 
Shimpo, a daily paper, as 
writer immediately after 
graduation; vi^as in China as 
the Peking correspondent of 
the paper, 1 896-1 898; ma- 
nager of the Osaka branch 
of the Jiji-Shimposka; ma- 
nager of the Murai Co., 

1899; present post since 
1908. Address: No. . 58, 
Funabashi-cho, Higashi-fcu, 
Osaka. - Tel.: 2697 Minami. 

Matsuo, Kanzo^^ f)Bb W,%'S.), 
Director of the Teikoku Gas 
pnd Electric Lamp Co. L'ted, 
inspector of the Japan Hypo- 
thec Bank, the Japan Soy Com- 
pany, the Japan Traffic Auto- 
mobile Company, and of the 
Toa Oil Company, etc.; 6. Sept. 
1 859 in Saga-ken; ist s. of To- 
km-o Matsuo; m. Chiyo, ist d. 
of Tasukichi Michiyama. Ad- 
dress : No. 2 of 5th of Shiba 
Park, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 122 
Cho Shiba. 

Matsuo, SWnzen (g®E#), 
Baron (cr. 1907); ex-Governor 
of the Japan IBank ; l>. Feb. 
1843 in Harima province ; ist 
s. of Saheiji Shimone, and 
adopted by Katanobu Matsuo, 
a samurai of Uwajima clan, 
lyo ; m. Hide, 2nd d. of Goro 
Matsuo. From the beginning 
of his ofScial career, has 
always been engaged in finan- 
cial matters either as Secre- 
tary of the Financial Office 
or as Chief of the National 
Loan Bureau, etc.; Member of 
the House of Peers since May 
1900; Governor of Bank of Ja- 
pan, 1 903- 19 1 1; was decorated 
with the 1st Order of Merit in 
recognition of service rend- 
ered to the Empire. Address:- 
No. 80. Shinsakft-machi, Aka- 


[508 ] 

saka, Tokyo. Tel : 55 Toku 
Cho Shimbashi. 

Matsuo, Toshio (,^ g -^ ±), 

Manager of the ■ Tokyo 
Branch of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank, Ltd.; 3. in 
1861 at Shimahara, Naga- 

, saki-ken; a. s. of Sawa 
Matsuo; m. in 1885. Educ: 

\ studied at Kogyokusha, Keio- 
gijiku, Mitsubishi Commercial 
school. Entered the Yoko- 
hama Specie Bank when it 
was inaugurated; served as 
a member of its New York 
Agency, 1886-1892; made a 
tour of inspection through 
Europe and America as one 
of the suite of Mr. Naga- 
tane Soma, president of the 
Yokohama Specie Bank, 
1893; opened the Bombay 
branch of the Bank and be- 
-came its Manager, 1895; again 
sent to Europe and America, 
1899; again Manager of the 
Bombay Branch; Manager 
-of the Osaka Branch, 1905; 
present post since 1907; is 
an authority of foreign 
exchange business. Chibs: 
Nihon Club; Kojyunsha; 
Bank Club. Address: No. 
30 Takanawa Minami-cho, 
Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 477 

Matsuo, Tsurutaro (KMSli: 
51?), Kogakuhakushi ; Inspec- 

.«l2££^Sg^^-*tJSra,yal Const- 
xuction on the reserve; Indepe- 

ndent business-man, 4th rank 
of Junior (Ju-shi-i); &. Aug. 
1864 in Saga, Hizen; ist s. 
64 in Saga, Hizen ; Tst s. 
of Kiyosbidzu Matsuo; m: 
Shina, 2nd d. of Sob^i Niwa, 
a .r«w«/;w of Saga-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing Department of the Tokyo 
University, 1885. Retiring 
from the 
in which 
'*^«* •«i«» ■ . A- 1 jj e was 

an Offii- 
cer for 

v? ■* .■■ "'-^' ag MK' twenty 

^^'^^ entered 

husiness; proceeded ahroad 4 
times ,and stayed there 8 
years in total; decorated with 
the 3rd Order of Merit and 
the 4th Class of Golden Kite. 
C/ud : Tokyo Club. Address • 
No. 169, Aoyama Harajuku, 
Sendagaya-machi, Toyotama- 
giin, Tokyo. Tel. : 295 1 Shiha; 

(Office) 3983 Honkyoku. 

Matsaoka, Hisashi (Is 1^ N)> 
Prof of the Tokyo Higher 
Technical School ; l>. Apr. 
1 862 in Okayama-fcen ; 2nd 
J. of Rin Matsuoka, a samurat 
of Okayama; m. Hana, ist d. 
of Kokun Kishimoto, a samu- 
rai of Okayama. Educ. : clan- 

i'-5«39 '] 


school ; Fine Arts School ; 
went over to Italy to continue 
his studies in 1880, graduatng 
at a Fine Art School there in 
1887. Military Prof. ; Inspec- 
tor ot' the Patent Bureau and 
then pressnt post 1899. Ad- 
dress: No. 122, Kitashinaga- 
wa, Tokyo-fu. 

Matsnoka, Kcki (IS m M Wf 
Member of the . House of 
Peers ; President of the Japan 
University (a private institu- 
tion) ; ex-Minister of Agricul- 
ture and Conimerce ; 6. June, 
1846 in Tdkushima clan ; 4th 
s. of Sazaemon Matsuoka, a 
samurai of Tokushima, Awa 
province; m. Mitsu, 1st d. of 
Kakuzd Komuro, a samurai 
of I^yoto. Entered the De- 
partment of Justice in 1871 ; 
Judge ; President of the Tokyo 
Court, and then of the Kobe 
Court ; made an inspection 
tjour in Europe by government 
order, 1 886-1 887 ; appointed 
President of the Tokyo Ap- 
peal Court, 1890; Public 
Procurator General, 1892; 
nominated Member of the 
House of Peers, 1891 ; was 
twice Vice-Minister for Home 
Affairs in 1894 and 1898; 
then became President of 
the Administrative Litigation 
Court till Jan. 1906 when he 
entered the Saionji Cabinet 
as Minister of Agriculture 
and Commerce ; resigned his 

Ministerial post in 1908 ; has 
been decorated with the ist 
Order of Merit, Address: 
No. 24, Zaimoku-ch5, Azabu, 
Tokyo. TeL: 153 Shiba. 

Matsuoka, Manjiro {fSMWK 
IR), public_auditor ; b. May. 
1863 in Osaka; 2nd s of 
Gohei Matsuoka ; w. Ito, 3rd 
d. of Shinzo Tsunekawa. Is 
now Chief of the 4th Section 
of the Board of Audit. Ad- 
dress : 78th of Yamasato, No. 
3, Yarai-machi, Ushigonie, 

Matsuoka, Michiharu (tSKil 
vS), Igakiihakushi ; Prof, at 
the Medical College of the 
Kyoto Imperial University 
(chair — Orthopedic Surgery); 
b. Oct 1871 in Yamaguchi- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Fujizo Ma- 
tsuoka, and adopted by 
Shinkichi Matsuoka. Ediic. : 
graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ.; studied in' Germany 
for three years by government 
order. Assistant to the Me- 
dical College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ ; Assistant Prof, 
of the Medical College of 
Kyoto Imp. Univ. ; and then 
its full Prof, Publications: 
Arbeiten aus der chirurgisch- 
orthopaedischen Universitaet- 
sklinik von Dr, M. Matsuoka. 
(Kioto, Japan. i)UeberdieV€r- 
sche Zeitschrift fuer Chirurgie. 


[ 510] 

Band 92. 2) Ueber Gewebs- 
veraenderungen der kuenstlich 
erzeugten Kyphose der Sch- 
wanzwirbelsaeule des Kanip- 
chens. Archiv fuer Entwicke- 
lungsmechanik der Organis- 
men. Band 18. Heft 2. 3) 
Ueber die Knochenresorption 
durch maligne Geschwuelste. 
Deutsche Zeitsclirift fuer Chi- 
rurgie. Band 73. 4) Beitrag 
zur Lehre von der foetalen 
Knochenerkrankung. Deuts- 
che Zeitschrift fuer Chirurgie. 
Band 72. 5) Die Regeneration 
des Kiiorpelgevvebes. Vir- 
chows Archiv fuer patholo- 
gische Anatomie und Physi- 
ologie und fuer klinische 
Medicin. Band 175. 6) Ein 
Beitrag zur Lehre von der 
idiopathischen Osteopsathy- 
rosis. Deutsche Zeitschrift 
fuer Chirurgie. Band 98. 7) 
Beitrag zur Lehre von dem 
Adainantinom. - Deutsche 
Zeitschrift fuer Chirurgie. 
Band 74. 8) Zur pathologi- 
schen Anatomie des Carci- 
noma papillosum ventrikuli. 
Beitraege zur kl.inischen Chi- 
rurgie. Band 46. 9) Ueber 
primaere Magensarkonie. Mit- 
teilungen der medicinischen 
Facultaet der Kaiserlich- 
Japanisclien Universitaet zu 
Tokyo. Band 7. 10) Ueber 
einen Fall von Nabelhernia 
verursacht durch eine Dot- 
tergangscyste. Deutsche Zeit- 

schrift fuer Chirurgie. 11) 
Ueber Geweb-weraenderungen 
des veilagerten Hodens, Ne- 
benhodens und Samenleiters. 
Virchows Archiv fuer patho- 
logische Anatomie und Pyh- 
siologie und fuer klinische 
Medicin. Band 180. 12) Die 
Bedeutung der Knorpelbil- 
dung nach Fraktur. Deutsche 
Zeitschrift fuer Chirurgie. 1 3) 
Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von 
osteoplastischen Careinom. 
Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer 
Chirurgie. Band "jj. 14) 
Ueber die Osteoarthritis de- 
formans chronika juvenilis. 
Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Chi- 
rurgie. Band 96. 15) Ueber 
die Radiumverbrennung der 
Haut. Deutsche Zeitschrift 
fuer Chirurgie. Band 92. 16) 
Ueber multiple Papillonie der 
harnfuehrenden und h^nbe- 
reitenden Wege der Niere. 
Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer 
Chirurgie. Band 68. 17) Ein 
Beitrag zur Roentgendiag- 
nostik der kindlichen Lungen- 
tuberculose bei Malum Pot- 
tii. Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer 
Chirurgie. Band 94. 18) Ana- 
tomische und radiologische 
Untersuchungen der ange- 
boren verrenkten Hueftge- 
lenke. 19) Ueber die Hae- 
mophilia spontanea. 20) Ue- 
ber einen Fall von chronisch 
deformierenden Knochenenf- 
zuendung- 21) Wismutvergif- 

[ 511 ] 


tung tiach Injektion. Kecrea- 
tion: Reading. Address' No. 
16, Yoshidiimachi Nakaoji, 

Matsuoka, shazj (S IS? li W)- 
QaptaJELjGom. of ToyolioMhiwA 
in addition of tbe 2nd Diving 
Flotilla; h. 1869., Commander, 
July 1904; Captain/ Oct. 1909. 
1869, 2nd Commander, Oct. 
1898 ; Commander, July 19- 
04; Captain, Oct 1909. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun ; 4th Class of 
tlie Golden Kite. 

Matsuoka, Shu {M. P3 #), 
Captain, Captain of the ar- 
mored cruiser Iwate. 

Matsushima, Go (S S ill). 
Author; b. Oct. 1854 in 
Tokyo. Education. : studied 
French, English and Chinese 
Classics in the clan-school; stu- 
died in theKeiogijuku. Teachei 
of the Ibaraki Middle School; 
Principal of the Saitama Mid- 
dle School; Prof, at the "Ayo- 
ma Gralmin" ; was Managing 
Director of the Imperial Belief 
Association for Soldiers' Fami- 
lies during the late war; is 
now its adviser; is one of the 
managers of the " Aoyama 
Gakuin," and Member of the 
Akasaka Ward Council. Pu- 
blications : Translation of H. 
Spencer's " Social Statics "; 
Mental Science; History of the 
World ; History of Education; 
Geography ; English Readers; 

etc. Address: No. 1826, 
Da'eato, Shimoshibuya, To- 
yotariM-gun, Tokyo. 

Matsushima, Kigoro (ifS % % 
£ HR), Mayor of Takaoka. 
Dec-oration : 5 th Order of 
Merit. Address: the City Hall, 
Nibanci 6, Takaoka, Toyama 

Matsushima. Sh"shiro (*2S® 
), Prof of the 3rd High 
School ; (5. Dec. i860 in Shi- 
dzuoka-ken ; ist s. of Masa- 

yoshi Mat.sushima, & sainurai 
of Shidzuoka-ken ; m. Kilcn, 
2nd d. of Baron Mitsu Mae- 
jima. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Science of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1888. Prof of the ist High 
School, Aug. J 888 ; presnt 
post since Oct. 1900; has 
been decorated with the 5th 
Order of Merit. Address : No. 
410, Nishisakuragi-cho, 5 
chome, Teramachi-dorl Ima- 
degawa-noboru, Kamikyo-ku, 

Matsushita, Gunji (ST^tS), 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives ; Proprietor of 
the Yamato news-paper ; b. 
May 1867 in Nagano-ken ; 
3rd s. of Shichizaemon Sa- 
gato, and adopted by Kaku- 
zaemon Matsushita ; vt. Masa. 
2nd d. of Yoshinao Fukuda, 
a samurai of Ishikawa-ken. 
Elected M. H. R, for Tokyo.' 
Addre&s : No. s, AkasM-cho, 


[ 51:2] 

Tsukijij^Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel : 708 Kyobashi. 

MatinsMta, Kyujiro (tlTXi^ 
W), dealer in fertilizers; d. 
Jan. 1867 in Aichi-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Sakubei Masa, and ado- 
pted by Bungo Matsushita ; 
m Ichi, 4th d. of Shinkichi 
Sakuma. Address: No. 3587 
Aokicho, Yokohama. Tel. : 
454 Toku cho, 

Matsushita, Teiji (t2 T M — ), 
IgakuhakusJd -, Prof of the 
Kyoto Imperial University 
(chair :— -Hygiene) Address : 
the Med. College, K. I. Univ. 

Matsu-ura, Chinjiro (Sli_^ 
^ gU), Chief of the Spec. 
Educ. Bur. and Councillor 
to the Educ. Dep't; 6. Jun. 
1872 in Ehime-ken ; 2nd s. 
of So Matsu-ura, a samurai of 
Ehime-ken ; m. Shima, sister 
of Haruo Yamasaki Educ. : 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1898. Passed the 
Higher Civil Service Examina- 
tion ; Councillor of Tokyo- 
fu ; Councillor of the Educa- 
tional Department ; Private 
Secretary to the Educational 
Minister ; was ordered to 
proceed to Germany, 1907 ; 
present post since 1912. Ad- 
dress : No. 49, I chome, 
Kobinatadsimachi, Koishika- 
wa, Tokyo. Tel. : 888 Ban- 

Matsu-ura, Hirotake (^S if %. 

^),. Colonel, oflufantry, Prin- 
cipat oiThe Central Military 
Preparatory School; b. 1867, 
Fukuoka prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant, July r888;- Lieute- 
nant, Dec. 1893; Captain, 
Oct. 1897, Major, Oct. 1903; 
Lieutenant Colonel, Nov. 
1907 ; then Colonel, Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun ; 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address', the Central 
Military Praparatory School, 

Matsu-ura, KamezS (© ft ft, 
WC), Judge ; President of the 
Sapporo District Court ; b. 
Aug. 1861 in Fukushima-ken; 
1st s. of Ichigoro Matsu-ura ; 
m. Kusu, 1st d. of Motonari 
Tpkuhisa, a samurai ofcTo- 
kyo. Passed the Examination 
for Bench, 1886; after serving 
as Judge of the Sendai Dis- 
trict Court, Chief Judge of the 
Miyagi Court of Appeal, and 
President of the Hakodate 
District Court, was ultimately 
transferred to the present post 
in Dec. 1906; has been' decora- 
ted with the 4th Order of 
M.&n'i. _ Address : No. i, Kita- 
sanjyo Nishi, Sapporo, Hok- 

Matsu-ura, If amine (fe rS il 
It), Director of Ihe.Matsu-ura 
Hospital; ^^ Jan, 1875, Chi- 
kugo province; s. of Genkyo 
Matsu-ura ; m. 1903, Tokiko, 
d. of the late Yoshiaki Haru- 

L 5.3 ] 


ki, M H. P. Educ. : gradu- 
ated irom the Medical College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity. Once was the En- 
gineer of Saitama-ken, and 
Chief Doctor of Tokyo Ciiy. 
Recreation : horticulture. Ad- 
dress: 3, 4 chome, Aoyama 
Minami-cho, Akasaka, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 2632 Shiba. 

Matsu-ura, Otoichiro {W^Za 
-'115), Major of Commissariat ; 
Commander of the 7th Bat- 
talion of Commissariat ; b. 
1866, Ehime prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, July 
1889 ; Sub-Lieutenant of Com- 
missariat, May 1890; Lieute- 
nant, Nov. 1892; Captain, May 
1895 ; Major, Dec. 1903. De- 
corations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address: the 
7th Battalion of Com., Asa- 
higawa, Hokkaido. 

Matsuura, Torasaburo (;i5J iS 

S H 115), President and Pro- 
fessor of the 5th High school; 
b. August, the 2nd y. of Keio 
(1866) in Nagasaki-ken; s. 
of Shukuzo Matsuura; m. over 
ten years ago. Educ: gra- 
duated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imperial 
Univ. Appointed successively 
President of the Toyohashi 
Middle Schoool, President of 
the Shonai Middle School, 
Professor of the Yamaguchi 
High School, Professor of the 
Yamaguchi Higher Com- 

mercial School, and was 
promoted to the present 
position; has been invested 
with the Fifth Order of 
Merit. Recreations: reading, 
travelling, and conversation 
with young men. Address: 
the 5th High School Kuma- 
moto-ken. Tel:: 610. 

Matsu-ura, Ushitaro (feri^W 
iSicBP), Igakuhakushi, Piof. 
of the Medical College of the 
Kyoto Imperial University 
(Chair-Dermatology and Sy- 
philis); b. Nov. 1865 in Kuma- 
moto-ken ; 3rd s. of Tetsuji 
Matsu-ura ; m. Kiku, 2nd d. 
of Gunta Oyama. Educ: 
graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
University ; further studied 
in Germany. Address : No. 
59, Tanaka, Tanaka - muia, 
Atago-gun, Kyoto. 

Matsu-ura, Wahei (ISif W^), 
Prof at the Tokyo Higher 
Technical School. Address.- 
Yoyogi, Toyotama-gLm, To- 
kyo- fu. 

_ Matsu-ura, Yoshiharu (tS iffi 
«^#). ex-Chief Judge of 
the Administrative Litigation 
Court; A Sept. 1851 in 
Tokyo; ist s, of Matsumori 
Matsu-ura ; m. Nobu, 2nd d. 
of Ryo7.6 Miura. Address: 
No, 13, Kita-machi, Ushi- 
gome, Tokyo. Tel: rij2 

Matsuura, Zensuke C^fg r§ ^ 


L 514 1 

Sectional Chief of tlie Tokyo 
Arsenal, Member of the 
Military Technical Com- 
mittee; d. 1868 in Hyogo. 
Sub-Lieut., July 1888; Lieut., 
Nov. 1891; Captain, June 
1895; Major, June 1903; 
Lieut.-Colonel, Feb. 1905; 
Colonel, July 1910. Decora- 
tions: 5th Order of S. T., 
4th Order of R. S., 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: No. I Minami-Iga-cho, 
Yotsuya, Tokyo. 

BXatsuzaki, Ichiro (;f2 ^ rti 
W)i nom de plnme: " Ten- 
min" or " Hakumenro," editor 
of the Tokyo AsaJii news- 
paper, (at the dep't of social 
affairs); h. i8th May 1878 
at Ochiai-machi, Maniwa- 
gun, Okayama prefecture; 
s. of Motogoro Matsuzaki 
(rnother Minako); in. Saku, 
2nd d. of Mitsutaro Wata- 
nabe in /goi. Educ: priva- 
tely selftaught. From his 
youth he studied hard under 
difificulties working in various 
labour field; after adult 
engaged in newspaper edi- 
torial work, successively 
entering the offices of Osaka 
Shinpo,' Osaka Asahi, Koku- 
min Shinbun and the Tokyo 
Asahi. Publications: women 
of Tokyo, practical experience 
of newspaper editor, informa- 
tion from Kosliii 

Kenbunki), ruined women, 
etc., (all in Japanese) Rec- 
reations: literary arts, billiard, 
stylographic pen, Address: 
5, 5chome, Aoyamaminami- 
cho, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. 

Matsuzaki, Juz.- (12; «t S 2), 
Director of marine Prodiict 
Bur. of the Dep't of Agri. and 
Com. ; h. Mar. 1 870 in Yama- 
guchi-ken; ist s. of Genza- 
emon Matsuzaki;m.Sugi,3rd d. 
of Yashiro Okafuji. Educ. 
graduated from the College oi 
Law, Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1895. Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination, 
1895; once was a counciller 
of the Department of Agricul- 
ture and Commerce ; has been 
decorated with the Sth Order" 
of Merit. Addrens : No. 68, 
Shimo-Osaki, Osaki-machi, 
Ebara-gmi, Tokyo-fu. 

Matsuzak', Kuranosnke (:W^ 
Wi.2.^)y Hogakuhakushi ; Prof, 
at the College of Law, Tokyo 
Imperial University ; b. Dec. 
1865 in Chiba-ken ; ist s. of 
Keisuke Matsuzaki'; m. Etsu, 
1st d. of Tsuna Nomura, a 
samurai of Miyazaki. Educ : 
graduated from the College 
of Law, Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1885 ; studied in 
France and Germany, 1892 — • 
1894. Assistant-Prcf of the 
Agricultural College, Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., and Prof, at the 
Naval Paymasters' School. 

[ 515 3 


1 890 ; Prof, both of the Agri- 
cultural College and the Law 
■College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1896; Hogakuhakushi , 
1897 ; Principal of the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School, 
1902 ; but was compelled to 
resign in igo8, owing to the 
students agitation to have the 
School raised to the status of 
a University, to which demand 
he was decidedly opposed ; 
subsequently Prof, at the Law 
College, Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, May 1909 ; decorated 
with the 3rd Order of Merit. 
I-ublications : Principles of Po- 
litical Economy ; and many 
other works on economics. 
Address: 425, Nakashibuya, 
Shibuya, Toyotama-gun, To- 
kyo. Tel- 789 Shiba. 

Mayahara, Akira (.a|JlM#). 
Member of the House of Peers ; 
Lord-in- Waiting of the Kin- 
kei Plall ; /; Feb, 1845 in Ya- 
maguchi-ken ; 2nd s. of Ryo- 
■10 Mayahara, a samurai of 
Yamaguchi-ken ; m. Hisa-ko, 
1st d. of Kiyohiko Awaya, 
a sainutai of Yamaguchi-Ken. 
Once served as Secretary to 
the Privy Council, Cpunciller 
of the Bureau of Legislation, 
Judge of the Couit of Admi- 
nistrative Litigation, etc.; M. 
H P. since 1891 ; Lord-in- 
VVaiting since 1897 ; decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : No., 6, 

Ichigaya Takajomachi, Ushi- 
gome, Tokyo. Tel.: 2470 Ban- 

Mayahara, Jiro (.1 M IS ~ 
g]!), Member of' the House 
of Peers ; b. Oct. 1847 '" Ya- 
maguchi-ken ; 3rd s. of R) 6- 
zo Mayaliara, a samurai of 
Yamagucht-ken ; in. Tsuru, 
1st d. of Kuniatsu Minowa, 
a samurai of Chiba-ken. Pre- 
sident of the Hakodate Courl; 
President of the Osaka Dist- 
rict Court ; Judge of the Court 
of Cassation ; appointed Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers in 
1 903 ; has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : No. 
71, 2Ch6me, Haraniachi, Ush- 
igome, Tokyo. 

Mayumi, Ton-nosuke {m'^^t. 
®), One of the higbcht tax- 
payers of Mie-ken ; b. in Mie- 
ken ; 4th s. of Tozaemon Shi- 
bay a ma, samurai of Mie-ken ; 
and adopted into the Mayumi 
family ; m. Iku. Address ; 193 
Tsukiji-machi Tsu-shi, 

Matsuzaka, Sadainu dS^^fe), 
Lieutenant ColoacI of Coip- 
inissariat, Commander of the 
lOth Battalion of Commissa- 
riat ; b. 1868, Ishik.iwa pre- 
fecture. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Commissariat, Nov. the same 
year; Lieutenant, Feb. 1895; 
Captain Oct. 1897; Major, 
Nov. 1904 J Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Nov. 1909 . Decoration: 


[ Si6 1 

4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address : the 8th Battalion of 
Commissariat, Himeji. 

Htifune, Kyuzo (H S5 A. ^). 
Teacher 'of the Military 
Paymasters school as well 
as of the 

of the 

kwan Jii- 
do De- 
^. in 1885 
)n Iwate-ken; 3rd s. of 
Kyunojo Mifune. Ediic. : 
studied politics and econo- 
mics at the Keidgijjihi. 
Completed the study of 
the art of Judo under Mr. 
J. Kano, famous Judo expert, 
1905-1906 and was once 
instructor of the art in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ.; is re- 
garded as genius of the 
Judo and now occupies the 
post of manager of the Ko- 
dokwan Judo Department. 
Recreations : education of 
yonth. Address: No. 18, 
Shimo-Tomizaka, Koishika- 
wa, Tokyo. 

. Mig.ta, Tanetaro (BSfflfi* 
115), liaroi! (cr. 1906) ; Mem- 
bei of the House of Peers ; b. 
July 1853; istx of Kosuke 

Mcgata, a. samurai; in. Itsu,. 
adopted;s"sister of Couiitf Sei 
Katsu. S^..of the late famous 
Kaishu Katsu. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Harvard Uni- 
versity. For aboyt 25 years 
after his return home, ' he was 
in the service of the l<"inancial 
Department as Secretary, 
Councillor, and Director of a 
Bureau, etc.; in 1904, he was 
engaged by the Corean Go- 
vernment a.s its Financial Ad- 
viser, holding the post till Oct. 
1907 when the new Japan- 
Corean agreement was con- 
cluded ; nominated Member 
of the House of Peers, 1904; 
has been decorated with the 
2nd Order of Merit. Address : 
No. 27, Haramachi, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. Tel.:g'^$ Ban- 

Migita, HansMro (* ffl ^ 29 
BIO, Ringakuhakushi ; Prof, 
of the College of Agriculture, 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity. Address : 20 Aoyania 
Takaki-cho, Akasaka, Tokyo. 

Mihara, Saburo (3 MB IB), 
.,CAiflasL-^,3l.0fantry, Com- 
'mander of ttie42nSL Regiment 
of Infantry; b. 1867, Fuku- 
oka prefecture. Sub-Lieute- 
nant, July 1 887 ; Lieutenant;: 
Jan. 1892; Captain, June 
1897; Major, July 1903; 
Lieutenant Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
then Colonel. Decorations .- 
4th Older of the Rising Sun ;, 

C5I7 1 

Mii Mik 

-id O.tier of the Sacred Trea- Mikami, Sanji (=±#^), 

sure • ->th Class of the Golden. Bmgakiihahiski; Prof, at the 

Kite' 'Address : the 42na College of Literature of the 

Raiment of Infantry- Yacia- -pokyo Imperial University; b. 

vnichi-kcn. Sept 1865 in Hyogo-ken; 3rd 

Miikc. Sadaichiro (=?.&A-- , of Sadasuke Koda, and 
55). E'lsincer of the Depart- 

ment of H0.1C Affairs ; Engf}- 
ncer of th= Niigata Public 
Works 0:T^cc; b. Aug. 1864 
in Fukuoka-ken ; 1st s. of 
Ghikavoshi Miike, a samurai 
of Fukuoka-ken ; jn. Sue, 
4th </. of Chisai Omura, a 
mmtirai of Fukuoka - ken. 
fuiuc: graduated from the 
College of Engineering of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1 896. Engineer of the Public 
Works Inspection Office, i- 
.V90; Engineer of the De- 
partment of Home Affiairs, 
Apr. 1905 ; made an inspect- 
ion tour in Europe and Ame- 
rica, Apr. 1907; has been 
decorated with the 5th Order 
of Merit. Address: Official 
Mouse of the Public Works 
Office, Niigata-shi. 

Mikami, Hyokichi (H±i^S), 
Captain of the Navy, (on the 
retired list); b. 1864. 2nd 
Commander, Dec. 1 897, Com- 
mander, Dec. 1898; Captain, 
Oct. 1906. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: 234 Hachimantori, 

adopted by Katsuaki Mikami, 
a samurai of Tokyo ; m- Haru, 
1st d. of Meiso Tanabe, a 
samurai of Tokyo. Ediic: 
graduated from the College of 
Literature, Tokyo Imperial 
University, "1889; studied in 
the University Hail. Lecturer 
at his alma mater, 1891 ; Prof, 
at the Tokyo Women's Higher 
Normal School and Assistant- 
Prof, at his alma mater, 1892; 
full Prof, at his alma mater, 
and Bungakuhakushi, 1 899 ; 
attended the Conference of 
the International Oriental So- 
ciety, held in Hamburg, as the 
Japanese representative, 1902; 
has been decorated with the 
3rd Order of Merit. Publica- 
tions : many works on hittory. 
Address: No. 169. Koma- 
gome Sendagi, Hayashi-cho, 
Hongo, Tokyo. Tel.: 1244 

Mikami, Tokuji (H ± S JS), 
Colonel on tne reserve ; b. 
1858. Chiba prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant, Dec. 1879; Lieute- 
nant, May 1885 ; Captain, 
Feb. 1893; Major, Oct. 1891 ; 
Lieutenant - Colonel, March, 



1904; Colonel, Dec. 1906. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. 

Miki, Ippei (H ^ - ^), 
Managing Director of the Mei- 
ji Tosho Kabushiki Kaisha 
.(Meiji Book Company); Stand- 
ing Director of the Tokyo 
Book Company ; publisher; b. 
May 1859 in Kanagawa-ken ; 
I St s. of Ainosuke Miki ; m. 
Sei, sister of Sehei Sakamoto. 
Address: No. 10, ichome, 
Nishiki-cho, Kanda-ku, To- 
kyo. Tell 2438 Honkyoku. 

Miki, Itaro (3 *«*!?), 
Procurator of the Tokyo Court 
of Appeal; d. June 1870 in 
Tokushima-ken ; 3rd s. of Ka- 
goro MikQ m. Jin, 1st d. ol 
Naosuke Omori. Edu£. : gra- 
duated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1896. Judge, 1898; 
Procurator, 1899; after ser- 
ving as procurator in' several 
District Courts, was transfer- 
red to the present post. Ad- 
dress: No. 34, Hommura- 
cho, Yotsuya, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2082 Bancho. 

Miki, Ey:taro (S*^*II5), 
Director ot the Miyagi Major 
Forest Oflfice. Address : the 
OfiSce, Kita-ichibancho, Sen- 

Miki, Sasuke (H ;*: ■& gf|), 
Book seller ; auditox' of the 

Dainihon Tosho Kabushiki 
Kwaisha (Japan Book Com- 
pany), etc.; 6. Feb. 1852 in 
Kyoto; ist s. of Kisaburo 
Matsuda, and adopted by 
Miki ; m. Mitsu, ist d. of 
•Tomisaburo Yamamoto. Ad- 
dress: No. io5, 4 chonie, Ki- 
ta-kyuhoji-machi, Higashi-ku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 807 Higashi. 

Miki, Sei (H * M), 
President of the 94th Bank ; 
d. Dec. 1834 in Hybgo-ken; 
1st s. of Shinzo Miki, a samu- 
rai of Hyogo-ken. Address: 
Tatsuno-machi, Ibo-gun, Hyo- 

Miki, Tomei (HTkaW), 
Judge; President of the Ya- 
maguchi District Court. Deco- 
ration: Sth Order of Merit. 
Address : the Yamaguchi Dis- 
trict Court. 

Miki, TokicMro (H*^gffl5), 
One of the highest taxpayers 
of Tokushima-ken ; Brewer ; 
b. Nov. 187s in Tokushima- 
ken ; 1st s. of Yokichiro Miki, 
a samurai of Tokushima ; m.. 
Tsuneka, sister of Kentaro 
Yoshida, a samurai of Toku- 
shima. Address: Matsushige 
mura, Itano-gun, Tokushima 

Mikimoto, EoMcM . (^;t:?^^ 
$)> Dealer iii pearls ; b. Jan, 
1859 at Toba, a town of Shi- 
ma province; ist j. ofOtokichi 
Mikimoto. Having early paid 

;i9 ] 


attention to the Marine In- 
dustry of Japan, he became a 
dealer in pearls, and establi- 
shed a propagation station in 
the Bay of Ago with a view 
to cultivating the pearl oyster; 
his first experiments were un- 
successful but by patient per- 
severance overcome his many 
difificulties ; has won- many 
prizes and medals at various 
home and foreign expositions. 
Address : No. 3, 4 chome, 
Ginza, Kyobashi, Tokyo. Tel : 
35 ; 36 ; 37 Kyobashi. 

Mima. Giichiro (^.1#— 815), 
Member of the House of Ee- 
pvesentatives for Tokushima- 
ken; Director of the Awa Com- 
mercial Bank; 6.iMar. 1867 
in Tokushima; 2nd s. of Goro- 
emon Kamihara, and adopted 
by Giichiro Mima; m. Shina, 
I si d. of his foster father. 
Address : Sakamachi, Toku- 

Mimatsu, Takeo (SlSSt^). 
Secretary to the Department 
of Agriculture and Commerce. 
Address : 96 Aizumi-cho, Yo- 
tsuya, Tokyo. 

Mimori, Mamoru (B ^ ^), 
Prof, at the Tokyo Higher 
Techinical School ; b, Apr. 
1859 i" Tokushima-ken ; 1st 
s. of Kan Mimori, a samurai 
of Tokushima-ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the College of 
Science ofthe Tokyolmperial 
University, \8So. Address- 'No. 

107, Yoyoki, Yoyobata-mura; 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Minami; Ch ko (ffi |g #), 
Director of the Naikoku Fire 
Insurance Company. Address: 
the Company, 6 chome, Yu- 
shima, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Minami,'^ Hikoshiehiro (1^ B 
-t gP), Fresidint of the Kuchi- 
notsu Bank ; Director of the 
Shimabara Manure Company; 
i>. Apr. 1847 in Nagasaki-ken; 

Miriami, Hiromu '(M 3i.), 
Chief Secretary of the Cabi- 
net. Address: No. 67, Ni- 
bancho, K5jimachiku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 938 Bancho. 

Minami, MitsutosM (S3fcfil)t 
Baron (cr. 1874); Member of. 
the House of Peers ; d. Dec. 
1866; uncle of Count Sane- 
mitsu Hirohashi, and adopted 
by Mitsunori Minami; m. Sada, 
3rd d. of Kuio Mizuno. M. H. 
P. since 1897 ; has been deco- 
rated with the 4th Order of 
Merit. Address: No. 15, Age- 
ba-cho. Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Minami, Shingo Cif ir W), 
Government Commercial A- 
gent at Shanghai ; b. Nov. 
the 6th f. of Meiji (1873) in 
Oita-prefecture ; 4th s. of I- 
chirobei Minariii, 3. samurai ; 
m. EmijjK- s. to Shunkichi Mi- 
nobe of Hyogo - prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law ofthe Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1897. Entered 
the service of the Mitsui firm^ 


L 520 ] 

and was Manager of its bran- 
ches at Hongkong and Tien- 
tsin ; Private Secretary at the 
Head Office of Tokyo, 1909.; 
then Director of the same ; 
received the appointment of 
the present post in July 19- 
lo. Address: c/o Japanese 
Consulate-General, Shanghai, 

Minami, Takajiro (MWkM), 
Nogakuhakushi ; Prof, at the 
College of Agriculture of the 
Tohoku Imp. Univ. ; b. 
1859 at Oiriura, province of 
Hizen ; 2nd s. of Nihei Mina- 
mi, a samurai of Hizen ; m. 
Taka, 1st d. of Shigenobu Na- 
gaya. Educ. : studied at the 
Nagasaki Kounkwan and the 
Nagasaki English School; gra- 
duated from the Sapporo Ag- 
ticulturalCollege, 188 1. Prof, 
at his alma mater, 1889; or- 
idered to proceed to America 
fis an inspector of theClumbus 
Jnternational Exhibition held 
thei'e, 1893; Nogakuhakushi, 
1898;^ again went over to A- 
merica, by government order, 
in company with the party of 
Japanese business men invited 
by the American Chambers 
of Commerce on the Pasific 
Coast; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dtess: Official House, Agricul- 
tural College of the Tohoku 
imp. Univ., Kitahachijo, Sap- 
poro, Hokkaido, 

Minami, Teizo (ffi S H), 
Piesident of the Shinsan Rail- 
way Company. Address : Shi- 
buya-machi, Toyotama-gun, 

Minami-Iwaknra) Tomotake, 

(ffl^#A^) Baron (cr. 1874); 
Member of the House of Peers, 
a branch of the Princely house 
of Iwakura ; brother to Vis- 
count Morimaro Horikawa, 
and adopted by Tomoyoshi, 
Minami-Iwakura ; m. lo-ko, 
aunt of Prince Tomoharu Iwa- 
kura. Educ. : Peers' School ; 
studied at Cambridge Univer- 
sity, 1 890- 1 89 5. Private Sec- 
retary to the Home Minister, 
1900 ; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress: No. 50, Nakarokuban- 
cho, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 80 r Bancho. 

_ Minamijima, Gisaburo (^^^ 
— IR), President of the Shim- 
minato Bank ; Director of the 
Shimminato Yebisu Fishery 
Company ; Auditor of the Shi- 
mminato Savings Bank ; b. 
Sept. 1 87 1 in Toyama-ken; 
2nd s. of Tokuzo Minamijima; 
m. Taki, sister of Heijiro Guto. 
Address : Shimminato-Machi, 
Imidzu-gun, Toyama-ken. 

Minari, Bun-ichiro (Hrfi^-* 
SR), Engineer of the Agricul- 
tural Experiment 'B&.xm/'^ De- 
coration : 5th Order of Merit. 
Address : 10. Nakarokuban- 
cho, K6jimachi-ku, Tokyo. ^ 

[521 3 


Minato, Yashichi (® 5i -fa), 
Auditor of the Akita Bank ; 
one of the liighest taxpayers 
of Akita-ken ; b. Dec. 1843 
in Akita-ken ; s. of Mataemon 
Minato, a samurai of Akita, 
m. Take, 3rd d. of Masakichi 
Otsuka, a samurai of Akita. 
Address : Tsukiji-shita-higa- 
shi-machi, Akita-shi. 

Mine, Umesaburo (^^HSP), 
representative member of the 
Saga Ice Manufacturing Com- 
pany ; b. May 1 860 in Saga- 
ken ; 3rd s. of Takichiro Mine: 
w. Tsune, ist</. of RiheijiOka- 
moto. Address: Karatsu-ma- 
chi, Higashi - matsuura - gun. 

Minegishi, Kisabur (^ # s 
H Bi5), Timber and coal deaJer; 
a ricli merchant ; b. Mar. 18- 
53 in Tokyo ; 1st j. of Bunshi- 
! 6 Minegishi ; vt. Tsuru, 2nd 
d. of Asagoro Nakajima. Ad- 
dress : No. 19, 2chome, Moto- 
zaemoku-ch5, Nihombashi-ku, 
Tokyo. Tei.: 453 Cho Hon- 

Minegishi, Yonezo (^#;*ia), 
Prof, at the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; b, Jan, 1870 
in Gumma-keri ; 4th s. of Ku- 
raz5 Minegishi ; m. Yasu, 2nd 
d. of Zenzo Sato, a samurai of 
Gumma-ken. Teacher at the 
Gumma Middle School. 1897; 
present post since 1909. Fub- 
lications : European History, 
etc. Address: No. 127 Haku- 

sangotemmachi, Koishikawa, 
Tokyo. Tel.: i6g6 Bancho. 

Minejima, Mohei imMM^m), 
Director of the Owariya Bank; 
pawnbroker ; b. 7 Nov. 1850, 
Saitama-ken ; j/. brother to 
Rokutaro Senoo, and adopted 
by Kiyo Minejima ; m. Ko, ist 
d. of Mohachi Mine, of Tokyo. 
Address: 4 Motohamacho, Ni- 
hombashi-ku, Tokyo. 

Mine, Kakichiro C2ifX§Ri5), 
Engineer of the Department of 
Communications; (5. June i8- 
60 in Kagawa-ken ; 6th s. of 
Raisuke Mino, a samurai of 
Kagawa ; m. Fusa, Ist d. of 
Sh5kur5 Masuda. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Engineering 
Course of the Mitsubishi Mer- 
cantile Marine School. Present 
post since 1897; has been de- 
corated with the 4th Order of 
Merit. Address :'^o. 12, 2ch6- 
me, Hanabusa- cho, Yokohama . 

Minobe, Shunkichi (glJiSft 
§), President of the Hokkai- 
do Colonization Bank, L'td.; 
b. 6 Dec. 1 869, Hyogo prefec- 
ture ; 1st 5. of Hideyoshi Mi- 
nobe ; m. Kitsu, 2nd d. of 
jYoshisaburS Sato, of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1893. En- 
tered the Department of. Ag- 
riculture and Commerce soon 
after his graduation ; ordered 
to proceed to Europe, li 


[ 522 ] 

held the post of private secre- 
tary, sectional chief, and of 
councillor both of the Depart- 
ment of Agr. and Com. and . 
the Treasury; elected to the 
present post 1903. Address: 
103 Nakanegishi-machi, Shi- 
taya, Tokyo. leL: 2137 Shi- 

Minobe, Tatsukiehi (iljI=gB^ 
*), Hogakuhakiishi ; Prof, at 
the Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial Univ., and at the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School ; b. May 1873 in Hyo- 
gro-ken ; 2nd s. of Hideyoshi 
Minobe ; m. Tami, 3rd d. of 
Baron Dairoku Kikuchi. Educ: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1897 ; studied com- 
parative-history of legislation 
in France, Germany, and Eng- 
land by government order. 
Entered the Home Office, 18- 
97 ; on his return from abroad, 
was appointed Prof, at his al- 
ma mater (chair : — Compara- 
tive History of Legislation) ; 
Hogakuhakiishi, Aug. 1903. 
Address: No. 1 24, Takehaya- 
cho, Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 

506 Bancho. 

Minoura, Katsundo (Kri^A), 
Chief of the International Jour- 
nalists' Association, ex-Vice- 
President of the House of Re- 
presentatives ; M. H. E. with 
of unbroken record ; president 

of the Hochi Shimbun, a popu- 
lar daily newspaper ; b: Feb. 
1854 at Usuki, Oita-ken ; 2nd 
s. o£Guzan Jissoji, a samurai 
of Oita-ken, and adopted by 
Matau Minoura; m. Fuji, 1st 
d. of his foster-father. Educ : 
graduated from Keiogijuku. 
Became editor of the' Hochi- 
shimbun soon after his gradua- 
tion ; after teaching in several 
district middle and normal 
schools, he entered politics un- 
der Count Okuma ; twice en- 
tered the government service, 
first as Director of the now 
abolished Commercial Bureau 
of the Department of Agricul- 
ture and Commerce in 1897, 
and in 1898 as Vice-Minister of 
Communications: has been de- 
corated with the 2nd Order of 
the Eising SSun. He was one of 
the leaders of the Koknm'intb 
(left, Jan. 1913). Address: No. 
47, Higashigoken-cho, Ushi- 
gome-kit, Tokyo. Tel: 538 

Misaki, Yoshinosuke (2*1^ 
^ jg) ) Representative Member 
of the Sakura Printing Ma- 
chine Manufacturing Com- 
pany ; dealer in copper and 
iron goods: (5. July 1865 in- 
Tokyo ; 1st j. of KicliisaburS 
Misaki; m. Toku, ist ^. of 
Shotaro Aoki. Address: No. 
18, Zaimoku-clio, Kanda, To- 
kyo. 7>/..-4i2i; 1017; 3455 ' 
Honkyoku Toku Cho 

[ 523] 


Misawa, Susumu (^ ^ -M), 
Principal of the Yokohama 
Commercial SchbbI ; 3. Nov. 
1849 'n Okayama-ken ; 1st s. 
of'Shigehachii 6 Misawa; m. 
Yone-e, ist d. of Senzaburo 
Tsuyama, a saimirai of Waka- 
yama. Address: No. 1635, Mi- 
nami Otamachi, Yokoliama. 

MisMma, Ki (H^^), Bunga- 
kuhakushi; founder of the Ni- 
shojfakusha (a private school 
of Chinese classics); tutor of 
Chinese classics to the Crown 
Prince; b. Dec. 1830 in Bit- 
chu ; 2nd s, of Masaaki Mishi- 
ma, asanntrai of Matsuyama 
clan, Bitchu province ; m. Sa- 
wa, sister of Yotaro Senoo. 
Ediic: studied Chinese classics 
under the famous Hokoku Ya- 
mada, and Setsudo Saito ; stu- 
died in the "Shohei-Ko." En- 
tered the Department of Jus- 
tice, 1872 ; Judge, 1875,; Prof, 
at the Tokyo University, 18- 
81 ; procurator of the Supreme 
Court, 1888; tutor to the 
Crown Prince, 1 896 ; Bunga- 
kuhakushi, 1900; has been de- 
corated with the 2nd Order 
of Merit. Publications : many 
works on Chinese classics. Ad- 
dress: No. 45, Ichibancho, K6- 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 2388 

Mishima, Tsnryo (H ^ M H). 
Dr.; Igahihakushi ; Honorary 
Fellow of the Royal Sanitary 

Institute (London) ; sanitary 
advisor togoverhment schools; 
Lecturer at the Hiroshima 
Higher Normal School ; Ins- 
pecteur General de I'Hygiene 
Scolaire,etc.; padiater ; b. June 
1866 in the province of Musa- 
shi ; 1st 5. of Tsukyo Mishi- 
ma ; ni. Chiyo, 2nd d. of Sei- 
gei Hirayama, Member of the 
House of Peers. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Medical Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1895; graduated from the Uni- 
versity Hall ; studied in Euro- 
pe and America, 1903- 1904. 
Prof, at the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School, 1895-1903,' 
Igakiihakushi, 1902 ; Lecturer 
at the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ.; Membre 
du Bureau permanent des Con- 
gresinternationauxd' Hygiene 
Scolaire (Paris). Publications : 
Halm no Tsutome (Duties of 
Mothers); On School Sanita- 
tion ; etc. Decreations : Read- 
ing ; Music ; Botany, etc. Ad- 
dress : the Mishima Hospital, 
No. 3, ichome, Uchisaiwai- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
4^4 Shimbashi. 

Mishima, Yataro (Hft!P^S|!), 
Viscount; .Member of the 
House of Peers; Piesidentof 
the Yokohama Specie Bank ; 
b. Apr. 1867. 1st .r. of Tsuyo 
Mishima ; -' /«. Kane-ko^ sister 
of Marquis Takanaru Shijyo- 
Educ: studied in an American 


[ 524. 1. 

luniversity, 1884-1888; repeatr 
e^ his visit, 1889-1892, Ap- 
pointed engineer, of Hokkaido, 
1888 ; Member of the House 
-of Peers since July 1897; has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: No. 762, Sendagaya, 
Sendagayainachi, Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo. Te/.: 1 81 Shiba. 

Misu, Sotaro (B M m :k IB), 
Baron (cr. 1907) ; Vice-Admi- 
ral ; Commander of the Mai- 
dzuru Naval Station ; d. Aug. 
1855 at Hikone ; 1st i. o Ku- 
maji Misu, a sainurai of Shi- 
, ga-ken ; 7n. Mine, 1st d. of To- 
yomi Yamanioto. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Naval Cadets 
School, Jan. 1878. Captain at 
the time of the Japan Chinji 
War; Rear- Admiral, 1901, and 
Director of the Bureau of Per- 
sonnel; during the Russo-Japa- 
nese War, he was Commander 
of the 2nd Squadron under 
Vice- Admiral Kamimura, and 
was slightly wounded in the 
nnemorable Battle of the Ja- 
pan Sea ; promoted Vice-Ad- 
iiiiral, and Commander of the 
Port Arther Naval Station, 
Feb. 1906 ; Deputy Chief of 
the Naval Staff, Nov., same 
year; and finally the present 
post, Jan, 1910; has been de- 
corated with the 2nd Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 2nd 
Class of the Golden Kite in 
recognition of his, services dur- 

ing the late War, Address: 
No. 45, Omotemachi, Koishi- 
k a w a , Tokyo ; o r, O fficial' 
House of the Commander of 
tlie Maidzuru Naval Station. 

Misumi, Makoto (H ft %), 
Engineer of the Kumamoto 
Prefectural Government, and 
sectional Chief-Dr. of the Ku- 
mamoto Hospital. Address : 
38 Higashi Kakai-machi, Ku- 

Mita, Chozaburo (^HSHli?), 
Director of the Yokohama Sa- 
vings Bank, and of the Yoko- 
hama 74th Bank ; dealer in 
fine arts objects ; b. Nov. 1875 
in Kanagawa-ken ; 1st s. of 
Chojiro Mita ; m. Toshi, 3rd 
d. of Baron Morimasa Take-i. 
Address: No. 14, ichome, Ho- 
ncho, Yokohama. Tel.: 123. 

Mita, Koshi (H pa ^ i]), 
Judge ; President of the Naga- 
no District Court ; b. May 18- 
65 in Saitama-ken ; ist s. of 
Seitard Mita ; m. Shori, ist d: 
of Giichi Kimiyama. Passed 
the Examination for Bench, 
1886; Judge, 1887; after serv- 
ing in several District Courts 
and in the Tokyo Court of Ap- 
peal, was transferred to the 
present post in Apr, 1910. Ad- 
dress : Hanasaki-machi, Na- 

Mita, Morizane (H H '3= E), 
Lecturer to H.I. H. the Crown 
Prince; b. Dec. 1856 in Tokyo; 

[ 525 ] 


1st s. of Masatake Hinata, and 
adopted by Moiimichi Mita ; 
a samurai ; m. Kumi-ko, i st d. 
of his foster-father. Educ: stu- 
died French in Daigaku Nan- 
ko, Foreign Language School, 
etc.; studied philosophy and 
literature under French tea- 
chers. Entered the Military 
Departrtient as interpreter ; in- 
structer in French at the Mi- 
litary College, 1882; Prof, at 
the Peers' School, 1886 ; tutor 
of French language and litera- 
ture to the Crown Prince since 
I Sq^ ; has been decorated with 
the 4th Older of the '•Rising 
Sun. Address: No 35, icho- 
me, Aoyamaminami-cho, A- 
kasaka, Tokyo. 

Mitsui, Hachiroemoa (H^A 
m-^mVi, ^aron (cr. 1896) ; 
millionaire ; President of the 
Mitsui firm ; main branch of 
the Mitsui family ; b. Jan. 18- 
57 in Kyoto ; 7th s. of Kofuku 
Mitsui, and adopted by Ko 6 
Mitsui ; m. Kane-ko, sister of 
Count Rido Maeda. Educ: stu- 
died at New Brunswick, and 
afterwards at Lowe, U. S. A., 
1 8 72- 1 874. He is noted for 
his philanthropy, having cont- 
ributed vast sums of money 
both for public and private 
charitable objects; -has been 
decorated with the 2nd Order 
of Merit in recognition of his 
valuable services rendered to 
the Empire. Address : No. 42, 

imai-cho, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel: 
2685 ; 2686 Shiba. 

Mitsui, Haciiirojiro (S^fABIi 
^B[S), President of the Mitsui: 

Products Co., Ltd., Baron, Di- 
rector of the 1st Bank ; b. Apr. 
1 849 in Kyoto ; 4th s. of Ko- 
fuku Mitsui, and adopted by 
Koii Mitsui ; m. Teru-ko, aunt 
of Marquis Munenobu Date, 
He is a member of a branch- 
of the well known Mitsui fami- 

ly. Director of the ist Bank, 



July 1879; Vice-chairman of 
the Kyoto Fine Arts Associa- 
tion, Mar. 1894; on the Jury 
of the Imperial Museum, Feb. 
1898; President of the Mitsui 
Co., July 1 90 1 ; has been de- 
corated with the 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun in recognition 
of his valuable services during 
the Russo-Japanese War, (A- 
pril 1906). Address: No. 7, 
Kita-jimbo-cho, Kanda, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 542 Honkyoku. 
Mitsui Morinosuke (= ^ ^ 

Z B!i)> Chief of directors of 
the Shibaura Engineering 
Works, director of the Mitsui 
Bank, councillor of the Mi- 
tsui & Co; d. the ist in. of 
the 8th J., of Meiji (1875) 
in Kyoto; 3rd s. of Takabu 
Mitsui, one of the 1 1 families 
of Mitsui, "succeeded the late 
Tokujiro Mitsui in 1881; m. 
Naramitsu, adopted d. of 
Kichizaemon Sumitomo, a 
millionaire. Edtcc. : studied 
at Yokohama Commercial 
school and some other 
schools. Entered the Mitsui 
Products Co., 1897, and 
served at its London branch 
for one year; upon his return 
home, Dec. 1898, was pro- 
moted to auditor of the 
Mitsui drygoods store; then 
present post. Address: No. 
6 Toriizaka, Azabu-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 1 120 Shiba. 
Mitsui, Takayasu (S#;i<*), 

President ot the Mitsui Bank ; 
one of the branch families of 
the Mitsuis; b. May^'^iSSQ in 
Kyoto ; 5th s. ol Kofuku Mi- 
tsui ; m. Tsu. Made an inspec- 
tion tour through Europe and 
America, 1887; was decorated 
with the 4th Order of the Sa- 
cred Treasure, 1907, in recog- 
nition of his meritorious ser- 
vices during the late War. Ad- 
dress: No. 47, Kaminiban- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2to Bancho. 
Mitsuki, Hikoji (#:*;g^), 

President of the Kanuma Bank; 
Director of the Toyoshima 
Special Products Co.; b. Dec. 
1847 in Tochigi-ken ; ist i. of 
Tatazo Mitsuki ; m. Ei,:2nd d. 
of Heihachiro Kurokawa. Ad- 
dress: Namma-mura, Kami- 
tsuga-gun, Tochigi-ken. 

Mitsukuri, Gempachi {%\'^% 
A), Dr. der Philosophie (Tu- 
bingen Univ.); historian ; i?a«-- 
gakulmkushi; Prof, at the Col- 
lege of Literature of the To- 
kyo Imperial University (cha- 
ir: History and Geography-) b. 
May 1862 in Mimasaka pro- 
vince ; s. of Shuhyo Mitsukuri, 
a samurai of Tsuyama clan, 
Mimasaka province ; m, Mi- 
tsu, 3rd d. Juroku Susumu, a 
sanmrai of Yamaguchi-ken. 
Educ: Tokyo English School; 
studied zoology at the Tokyo 
University, 1 88c-! 885 ; sent 
to Germany by government 

[ 527 ] 


order, l886, and studied zool- 
ogy at Freiburg University, 
history at Tiibingen Univer- 
sity, at Heiderberg University, 
at Berlin University ; returned 
home in 1892; again studied 
history in Germany, 1899- 
1901. Prof, at the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School, and 
I,ecturer at the College of Li- 
terature of the Tokyo Impe- 
rial University, 1892 ; Prof, at 
the College of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1901 ; 
Bungakuhakushi, 1903 ; has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of Merit. Publications : 
Epitome of European History, 
and many other works on his- 
tory. Address: No. 16, Ko- 
magome Akebono-cho, Hon- 
go, Tokyo. 

Mitsunaga, Hoshiro (3fe 7K M 
BlO, Managing Director of the 
Nippon Dempo Tsushinsha 
(Japan Telegraphic News A- 
gency), Ltd. ; b. the 7th m. 
of the 2nd y. of Keio (1866) 
in Kumamoto-prefecture ; e. 
s. of Yiiki Mitsunaga ; m. 
Tsugi, e. d. of Yasanji Ko- 
toki of the same prefecture. 
Educ. : private. Engaged in 
politics in his youth ; writer 
of the Osaka Asahi and was 
at the seat of war as cor- 
respondent during the Japan- 
China war ; an official of the 
Formosan Government ; after- 
wards established, in company 

with Mr. Shinji Gondo, the 
present Nippon Dempo TsTi- 
shinsha, Ltd., and became its 
Managing Director. Address: 
No. 29, Tansumachi, Azabu- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Mitsuoka, Masayuki (3fe|iS3!iE 
tf), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Saga-ken ; b. Aug. 
1865 in Saga-ken; 1st s. of 
Shobei Mitsuoka, a samurai 
of Saga-ken : m. Tatsu, sister 
of Ryotaio Taketa. Address: 
M katsuki-mura,Koshiro-gun, 

Mitsutani, lehiji (H S- — — ), 
Paymaster Captain on the se- 
cond reserve ; Manager of the 
Shanghai Branch of the Mi- 
tsubishi Company ; b. Oct. 18- 
71 in Hiroshima; 2nd s. of 
Kei-ichiro Mitsutani, m. Chi- 
yo, 1st d. of Junzo Fukuhara. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
.School, 1896. Address: 'S)\\zxi^- 
hai Branch of the Mitsubishi 
Company, Kantonro, English 
Settlement', Shanghai, China. 

Mitani, Kishu (H # fl ^), 
Auditor of the Osaka Joint 
Spinning Company, member of 
the House of Representatives 
for Osaka city; Special mem- 
ber of the Osaka Cnamber ot 
Comtnerce; notary; b. Jan. 
1859 in Kochi; 2nd s. of Iwa- 
saku Mitani ; m. Kaku, 3rd 
d. of Masayoshi Niimura, a 



samurai of Kochi. Ediic. : gra- 
duated from the Tokyo Law 
School, 1886. Notary, £889; 
Special Member of the Osaka 
Chamber of Commerce since 
1891. Address: No. 64, I cho- 
me, Utsubonakadori, Nishi- 
ku, Osaka. Tel.: no Nishi. 

Minra, GonsMro (Hrf iiaBR), 
one of tlie highest taxpayers 
of Yamagata-ken ; President 
of the Ryou Bank ; Director 
of the Uy o Savings Bank ; Au- 
ditor of the Yamagata Ware- 
house Company ; Chairman of 
the Yamagata Chamber of 
Commerce; b. Dec. 1854 in 
Yamagata ; ist s. of Gonshiro 
Miura ; m. Masu, 3rd d. of Ki- 
chibei Watanabe. Address : 
Yokkamachi, Yamagata-shi, 
Tel. . 3 Tol<u. 

T&vai&r Cforo (S if U W, 
Viscount (cr. 1884), Privy 
Councillor, Lteutenant-Gene- 
ral on the 2nd reserve ; b. 1$ 
Nov. 1846, Yamaguchi ; 2nd 
s. of Kichibei Isobe, a samurai 
of 'Yamaguchi clan, and adop- 
ted into the Miura family ; m. 
Ai-ko, 1st d. of Nakataro Oda- 
giri, of Tokyo. Early enter- 
ed the military service, and 
fought in the Civil War of 18- 
yj; promoted Lieutenant-Ge- 
neral, 1S78; Principal of the 
Military A.cademy, 1S82; made 
an inspection tour in the suite 
of Prince Dyama, the then War 
Minister ; afterwards Com- 

mander of the Tokyo Army 
Division, etc.; and retired from 
military service, 1888; Court 
Councillor and President of 
the Peers' School at the same 
time, the same year ; was ele- 
cted Member of the House df 
Peers, 1890. It was while he 
was at Seoul as Japanese Mi- 
nister in 1895 that the me- 
morable tragedy of the assas- 
sination of the Queen took 
place ; he was arrested on sus- 
picion of complicity, but was 
cleared on examination and 
soon set free ; placed on the 
2nd reserve, 1908; Privy Coun- 
cillor since Oct, 1910; he is 
an earnest votary of the Zen 
doctrine of Buddhism. Deco- 
ration: 1st Order of Merit. 
Address: 18 Nakatomizaka- 
cho, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Miura, Juntaro (HifliiSicll?), 
Judge ; President of the Akita 
District Court; b. Nov. 1869 
in Miye-ken ; Ist s. of S!io70 
Yamasaki, and adopted by Jin- 
jiro Miura ; m. Haru, 3rd d. of 
Takubei Kikuchi.'~' Passed the 
Examination for Bench, 1887; 
Judge, 1890; after serving in 
sjeveral district courts and the 
Osaka Court of Appeal, was 
transferred to the present post 
in May 1808. Address-'Tiistnct 
House of the Akita Official, 
Court, Akita-shi. 

Miura, Kaneyuki {::M^^), 
Bungaktihukushi ; Prof, of the 

5?9 ] 


College of Literature, the Kyo- 
to Imperial University, Ad- 
dress.' College of Literature, 
Kyoto ; Imp. Univ. Kyoto. 

Miura, Keimin (2 Jit ^ S), 
Standing D.rector of the Na- 
goya Electric Light Company; 
6. Nov. 1850 in Aichi-ken ; 1st 
s. of Jitsu Miura, a samurai of 
Aichi-ken r m. Saki, 3rd d. of 
Tokichi Yamada. Address : 
No. ir, Masaki-machi, Naka- 
ku, Nagoya. Tel. : 798 Cho. 

Miura, KinnosukeCHrfiS^ 
W), lgak.uJtakitshi\Vio\. at the, 
Medical College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University (chair: 
Medicine); b. Mar. 1864 in 
Tokyo, jst s. of Dosei Miura; 
ni. Kyo ; is'id. of Hiizu Miya- 
ks, Is^akukahushi s.nd M. of the 
Hovjse of Peers. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Medical Col- 
lege; of the Toltyo Imperial 
OniVersity/ 1888; studied in 
GerSiany, !Italy and America 
for about three years. Assist- 
ant-Prof, at the Medical Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
und then its full Prof, in 1895 ; 
Igaknhakushi, 1 894; has been 
invested with the ^rd Order of 
Merit ; diagnosed the Late 
Emperor Meiji's last illness; 
ordered to serve the Imperial 
House of medical affairs since 
1912. Puhulications: Psychi- 
atry, Pathologie, Information 
of physiology and medical che- 
mistry. J^d^ress: No. 15, Su- 

rugadai Fukuro-machi ; K in- 
da, Tokyo. Tel. : 3216 Honf 

Miura, Ko (H iS ^y> 
,Yice-rAdmiral on the reserve ; 

^. May 1850; istJ. ofHiko- 
goro Miura; ;«. Raku, ist d. 
of Sankuro Ishioka. Second 
Sub-Lieutenant, Oct. 1871, 
and by gradual promotion, 
was raised to the rank of Vice- 
Admiral, and placed on the 
reserve list, Feb. 1907; took 
part in both the Japan— China 
and the Russo-Japanese Wars, 
and has been decorated with 
the 2nd Order of Merit and 
the 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite in recognition of his 
valuable services during the 
War. He was the first Japa- 
nese to navigate a battleship 
through the Suez Cahal. Aid- 
dress: No. I, Shin-funeraachi, 
Kyobashi, Tokyo. 

Miura, Moriji (H *S '^ ?^&), 
Igdiiithakiishi ; ex- Prof, at the 
Medical College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University (chair: 
pathology); b. 30 Apr. 1857, 
Fukushima prefecture ; 2nd s. 
of Shichirobei Murata, and 
adopted by Yoshidzumi Miu- 
ra, of Tokyo; 111. Tsune, ist 
d. of his foster-father. Educ. : 
graduated from the Medical 
Depaitment of Tokyo Univer- 
sity, r88i ; studied in Leipzig 
and Berlin Universities, Feb, 
1882-Mai. 1887. Was ap- 



pointed Prof, at the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1887 ; Igakuhakii- 
sht, 1890; was ordered to pro- 
ceed to Europe, igo2-,^has 
been decorated with 2nd Or- 
der of Merit ; lately resigned 
his professorship. Publications: 
many works on medicine. Ad- 
dress : 27 Suehiro-cho, Kan- 
da, Tokyo. Tel.: 1348 Shi- 

Miura, Seikichi (H iS vt S), 
an official of the Stud Admi- 
nistrative Bureau; b. Mar. i8- 
60 in Gumma-ken ; 1st f. of 
Jin-nai Miura, a samurai of Ta- 
tebayashi clan, Kotsuke pro- 
vince ; 7/i. -Moto-ko, niece of 
Viscount Tateoki Hosokawa. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Kornaba Agricultural School 
(forerunner of the present Ag- 
ricultural College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ.). Was thrice 
sent abroad by government 
order; present post since 1906. 
Address : No. 48, Ichibancho, 
KoJ! niacin, Tokyo. 

Miura, Seitoka (S ?i ^ ^), 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives for Akita-ken ; 
b. Feb. i86Qin Akita; 3rd j. 
of Tomikichi Miura, a samu- 
rai of Akita, and adopted by 
Kyu-uemon Miura; m. Tsa, 
3rd d. of Tatsukado Koda- 
vs\-a.r'E'uc. : Keogijuku. Has 
been ofien elected Member of 
the House of Representatives 
since 1903 ; decorated with 

the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun. Address: Ugawa-mura, 
Yamainoto-gun, Akita-ken; 

M ura, Shoken (H vf % IF), 
court physician; b. June 1849 
in Fiikushirna-ken ; isf s. of 
Tsuneuemon Sakuma, and 
adopted by Ryptatsu Miura; 
m. Tome, sister of S^buro 
Matsumoto, a samurai nf Shi- 
dzwoVd.. Educ .: graduated from 
the Medical Department of 
the Tokyo University. After 
serving in several district hos- 
pitals, entered the Court Phy- 
sicians' Bureau, 1894; court 
physician since 1895. Address. 
No. 82, Takehaya-cho, Koi- 
shikawa, Tokyo, i^/./ 77 Ban- 

Sliiira, Taisnke (H jf % W)t 
President of the Keihin El-ot- 
no Railway Company; D re- 
ctor of Dainihon Bro\'ery 
Company Ltd. ; Director of 
the Oine Railway Company, 
Kawagoe Eailway Ooni- 
pany,Kawagoe Railway Com- 
pany, and of the Dai Nihon 
Beer Brewing Company ; b. 
Dec. 1856 in Tokyo ; brother 
of Viscount ShGzo Aoki, ^and 
adopted by Kurauemou Mi- 
ura ; m. Toki, ist d. of the 
Akira Mayahara. Address: No. 
52, Shimorokuban-cho, Koji- 
' machi, Tokyo. Tel.: 981 Ban- 

'''miura, TokaicMro (SJiil- 
tl), burgeon Majoi-General ; 
ex-Oliief of the Medical Staff of 

;3i J 


t},ie 3rd Army Division; 6. ?ilar. 
i8s6inMiyazaki-ken; ists. of 
Kenji Miura, a samurai of Mi- 
yazaki, and adopted by Tatsu 
Miura ; ;«. Misao, ist d. of 
Taro Ouchi, a saimirai of Mi- 
yazaki. Surgeoa Sub-Lieute- 
nant, May 1883; Surgeon 
Lieutenant, May 1886; Sur- 
geon Captain, Nov. 1889; 
Surgeon Major, Mar. 1897; 
Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel, 
July 1900; Surgeon Colonel, 
July 1904; Surgeon Major- 
General, Dec. 1907 ; has been 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite in 
recognition of his .services du- 
ring the Russo-Japanese War. 
was placed on the reserve list 

Miurg,, Toyoji (S it M — ), 
Au<iitor of. tlie Commercsai 
and Industrial Savings Bank ; 
Manager of the Osaka Brancii 
of the Kyoto Commercial and 
Industrial Bank ; b. Aug. 1863 
inGifu-ken; ist s. of Kanzo 
Miura, and adopted by W;t- 
saburo Miura; in. Setsu, cou- 
sin of Umekichi Fukui. Ad- 
dress : No. 387 Koyadomachi, 
Samegaidoii Shijosagaru. Shi- 
mokyoku, Kyoto. Tel. : 638. 

Miura, Wahei (S r§ W ^), 
Representative Member of the 
Miura Bank ; Director of the 
Yamagata Dry Goods Com- 
pany; Auditor of the Yama- 

gata Electric Cotnpany ; and 
of the Ryou Bank; Stand- 
ing Member oi' the Yamagata 
Ciianibiir of Commerce ; d. 
June 1873 in Yamagata; 2ad 
f. of Hikoroku Ito, and adoptd 
by Wahei Miura ; m. Kaku, 
2tid d. of Totaro Guto. Ad- 
dress : Hatago-machi, Yama- 

Miura, Yagoro (Hifl^SSl?), 
1st Secretaryof the Japanese 
EniTiassy at Paris; 6. 10 
Jan. 1872, Chiba prefecture ; 
1st s. of Hisashi Mitira, a sa- 
viiirai of Chiba prefecture ; in. 
Kiyo, 1st d. of Tomisaburo 
Satomi, a samurai of Chiba. 
Edtic: graduated, from the 
Law College of the Tokyo Im- 
peilal University, 1896. ist 
Sec. of Legation at Stockholm, 
19 TO. Decoration: 5th Order, 
of Merit. : the Japa- 
nese Embassy, Paris. 

Miwa, Kadzuo (H ^ -:* ^O, 
Public Auditor; Sectional Chief 
of the Board of Audit ; b. June 
1864 in Oita-ken ; ist s. of 
Noboru Miwa.-^a samurai of 
Oita-ken ; in. Fujiyo, 2nd d. 
of Morikichi Nishimi. Address: 
No. 29, Nakazato-cho, Usia- 
gome, Tokyo. 

Bliwa, Kahei (S *m % ^~%\ji 
merchant, wholesale dealer 
in rice and manure, Presidert 
of the Owari Watch Manu- 
facturing, Co. Ltd.; ^. Ma}', 
1 '&j6 in .Nagoya; s. of Kazo 


[ 532 ] 

Miwa; in. Kimi, d. of Taro 
Nawa. Educ: Nagoya- Com- 
mercial school. Engaged in 
business since graduation of 
the school; his house is well 
known as Moriokaya; some 
years ago founded the above 
mentioned Co. with some 
others and was recommended 
as its president. Recreations: 
reading, ^o-playing. Address: 
15 ichome, Funairi-cho, Ni- 
shi-ku, Nagoya. T.C.A. Mi- 
wa. Tel: 322: 2218. 

Miwa, Koiehiro (Him®— lit), 
Rigakuhakushi ; Prof, of the 
Co'.lege of Science and Engi- 
neering of the Kyoto Imperial 
University; b. Mar. 1861 in 
Tokyo; 2nd s. of Hikoichi Mi- 
wa, a saimtrai of Tokyo ; m. 
Fuki. Educ. : graduated from 
the. Department of Science of 
the Tokyo University, 1880; 
studied Mathematics in France 
and Germany, June 1903-July 
1905. Assistant-Prof, at his 
alma mater, 1880; Prof, at the 
College of Engineering and 
Science of the Kyoto Imperial 
University, May 1901 ; Riga-' 
kuhakushi, Dec. 1905 ; has 
been decorated with the 5th 
Order of Merit. Addr£ss: Sho- 
goin-machi, Kamikyo-ku, Ky- 

Miwa, ¥aosaku (S Sm 3i #)> 
Director of the Yokkaichi 
Bank; Auditor of the Miye 
Artificial Manure Co.; d. June 

S856 in Miye-ken ; ist s. of 
Kahei Miwa ; in. Zui, 3rd d. 
of Ihei Yoshida. Address: Ha- 
mada-machi, Yokkaichi, Mi- 

Miwa, Norihiro (H ^ ^ %), 
Igakuhakushi ; Prof, at the 
Chiba Medical College; Pre- 
sident of the Chiba Prefectural 
Hospital ; b. June, 18S9 in Ai- 
chi-ken ; brother of Shigehide 
Miwa ; m. Ei, ist d. of Ryoun 
Takamatsu, 2..samjirai of To- 
kyo. Educ.: graduated from 
the Medical College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 18- 
Z6; studied in the University 
Hall ; studied surgery in Ger- 
many, 1 898-1 899. Prof, of the 
Ist High School, 1889; Iga- 
kuhakushi, 1899 ; has been de- 
corated with the 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun. Address : No. 
575, Chiba-machi.. 

Miwa, Shing'oro (H^iijElI!),, 
President of the Yoshikawa 
Bank, Ltd. Address: Yoshi- 
kawa-mura, Haniana-gun, Shi- 
dzuoka prefecture. 

Miwa, Shinjiro ( S H -ft ^ W), 
Membir of the House of Re- 
presentatives for Tokyo ; b. 
Apr. 1854 in Ishikawa-ken ; 
2nd s. of Densaku Miwa, s^ sa- 
murai of Ishikawa-ken ; m. 
Hatsu, 1st d. of Jiazabuio Ka- 
wasaki. Once served in the Fi- 
nancial Office ; M. H. R. since 
1903; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of the Rising 

[ 533 ] 

Miw- Miy 

Sun, Address: No. i, Urasa- 
tugaku-cho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 936 Honkyoku. 

Hiwa, Shintaro (H^fticBP), 
Igakuhakushi : Assistant-Prof. 
at the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University ; b. 
Sept. 1869 in Tokyo; ist s. 
of Sei Miwa, a samurai of To- 
Icyo ; m. Yami, sister of Ryo- 
saku Kume. Edttc: graduated 
from the Medical College of 
the Tokyo Imperial University, 
1895. Address: No. s.Urasa- 
t-ugaku-chof Kanda. Tokyo. 
'/el.: 1800 Ch5 Honkyoku, 

Miwa, Shuzo (S 15 ii: H), 
KavaJ, Captaiii, Commander 
of the Stima (protected cruis- 
er); b. in 1869. Educ: Naval 
Engineering Academy. Lieu- 
tenant-Commander, Septem- 
ber 1903; Commander, Sept. 
1907; Captain, Dec. 1912. 
Was adjutant of the Naval 
College; present post since 
Dec. 1912. Decorations: 4th 
Order of R. S., 4th Order 
■of S. T., 4th Class of G, K. 

miwata, Masako (3 ft B M^ 

e^), lady educationist; b. 
1843 at Saga, Kyoto; d. of 
Utabuchi, a Chinese scholar; 
ill. the late Mototsuna Miwa- 
ta, a samurai of Matsuya- 
ma clan. Edttc: privately. 
After she was bereft of her 
husband by death in 1878, 
she resolved to devote her- 

self to the work of education 
and first opened a private 
school at Matsuyama. Be- 
came teacher of Yehime-ken 
Female Normal school, i883;' 
afterward came to Tokyo 
and opened a private board- 
uig school at Kanda; teacher 
at Tokyo-fu High Girls' 
school for about ten years; 
established the Miwata High 
Girls' School some years 
ago; has connection with 
various works of female 
education; decorated with 
6th Order of Merit, \(^\\. 
Address : Yoban-cho, Koji- 
machiku, Tokyo. TJ"/. : 1536 


Miwata, Motojciclii (H ^ gg 

7b if)! educationist; b. ,1872 
in Kagawa-ken; y. b. of 
Yuzo Yamashita and adopted 
by Masako Miwata; m. Hide, 
ad. d. of Kanzo Sawa. 
Ediic.: first studied law, but 
afterward studied at the 
College of Literature of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., further 
studied socialogy at the 
University Hall. Relieved 
his mother-in-law in establi- 
shing and managing tfse 
Miwata High Girls' school, 
at which he is the head 
master. Address: Yoban- 
cho, Kojim.achi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1536 Bancho. / 

Miyabe, Pumiomi (g'gn^tS). 
Assist. Forestory- Officer; b. 


[ 534 ] 

'1852- in Tokyo; s. of Nori- 
oini Miyabe: 7«. Natsuko, 
sister of Shigetada Funaya- 
ma of Nagano-ken. Echic. : 
studied Chinese Classics 
under the tuition of Zinyk 
Hasebci ' Recreation-: ■study 
■of religion. 'Address:' No. 
109, Hommura-chb, Azabu, 

Miyabe, Kingo it M '& W->. 
Rigakidiakushi ; S. D. (Har- 
vard Univ.) ; Prof, of Botany, 
and Director of the Botanical 
Garden, College of Agricul- 
ture, Tohoku Im^perial Univer- 
sity ; b. Apr. i860 in Tokyo; 
5th s. of Magohachiro Miyabe, 
z samurai -,111. Yasu-ko, istd. 
of MofitotYie Sakatsugu. Ediic: 
.Sapporo Agricultural College, 
1877-18.81 ; Tokyo University, 
1 8 8 1 - 1 8 83; stud ie d Botany at 
the Harvard University (Gra- 
duate Depaitment),'^i886-l8- 
89. Prof, at the Sapporo Agri- 
cultural College,' 1889 ; Riga- 
kuhakiishi, ligg ; present post 
sincii igoj. Publications : Fora 
of the Kurile Islands and seve- 
ral works on Fungi and Lami- 
nariaceal; Address: Ofificial 
House of the Tohoku Imp. 
Uniy., Kitanijo-Ni.shi-jitcho- 
me, Sapporo, Hokkaido. 

Miyachi.Twao ('i^ ^ M ^), 
Chief of the Musical Depart- 
rnent of the Ihiperial House- 
hold ; b. Sept 1S46 in' Kochi- 
ken; 3rd s. of Shunzo Teshl- 

nia, a samurai of Kochi-ken ' 
and adopted by Shigemine'Mi^ 
yachi; m. Chiyo, ist ^. of Ta- 
kato Baba, a samurai of Ko- 
chi-ken. ^^^^/;r^:fs.- No. 2,2cho- 
«ii,e,;K6iinnach.i, Tokyo, - Tehi 
2i;Q^i;Shimbashi; : o, ( '■ 

M.yaohi, Teishiji ('^ Ml ^Wi., 
,ClBtei**fiJWi-S^N*vy.' Directp): 
of the Kure Naval Port Af- 
fafrs ; b. \Z62.Educ.: graduat- 
ed from the Naval Cadet :§- 
chool." 2nd Commander. .Deo. 
1897; Commander, Dec. \?^- 
97; Captain, Jan. 1905. Dfr^ 
corations:: 3rd Order- of tlje 
Rising Sun ; 3rd Order gI tile 
Sacred Treasure; 4th Class, of 
the Golden Kite. Address : lije 
Kure Naval Station. 

Miyaehi, Tetsuji (g ifi jfe ^.), 
Engineer of the Agricultural 
Experiment Farm ; fi. Nov. 
1870 in Kochi-ken; 2nd s.pi 
Sadaka Miyaehi, a samurai oi 
Kochi-ken ;w. Shu, rst ^. of 
Masaharu Morimoto. Educ^. ■ 
graduated from the Agricultu- 
ral College of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1 896. Addr- 
ess : No. 456, Tabata, Takino- 
gawamura, Kitatoshima-gun,. 
Tokyo. : 

Miyagawa, Tsuneterii (g/illl 
%) Pastor of the Osaka Con- 
gregational Church ; b. on the 
1 8th of the 1st month of the 4th 
year of Ansel (1857) at Miya- 
ji-mura in the province of Hi- 

[ 535 ] 


go; J. of Tsunetsura Miyaga- 
wa ; m. Tsugiko, y. sisler ot 
Tsunakazu Kuchiki, a samnrai 
of Fukuchiyama clan. Educ: 
graduaied from theKrcmaiuoio- 
Yogakkp (Kumamoto Englisli 
School) and^ the Doshisha Si- 
niinary School. On graduating 
from i\i&^Dashiska in , 1 879 be- 
came instructor of the Doshi- 
sha Girls' School ; received the 
appointment of Pastor to the 
Osaka Church in 1881 ; tra- 
velled in Europe and America 
in 1 90 1. Was coriverted while 
studying at the Kumamoto 
English School and is now re- 
garded as one of the most elo- 
quent preachers in the Empire. 
Is the President of the Congr- 
egational Gospel Society. The 
Diaka Church is one of the 
largest churches in the count- 
rj'. Publications : " Commen- 
tary on the Romans," "Com- 
mentary on the Gospel of 
John " " The Teaching of Jes- 
us ChriSt/';'The' Culture of the 
Mind," etc. Writes under the 
nam de plume of Sokei. Rec- 
reations : reading and bicycl- 
ing. Club : Osaka V. M C. A. 
of which he' is Pres. Address : 
Hannyu-cho, Higashi-ku, O- 

Miyahara, Jiro (§■ M n 115), 
':?aron (tr, 1907) ; Kugakuha- 
hushi : Vice-Ad'miral of Engi- 
neering on the reserve; me- 

mher <3f the House of 
Peers; h. Aug. 1859 in Tokyo; 
1st s. of Bokuseki Miyahara, 
a samurai < A S\V\(\zvioM-A clan ;' 
m. Yoshi. ist d. of Hiroshi 
Ando, a samurai of Shidzuoka. 
Educ:: studied in the Naval 
School ; studied in England, 
and finished the Engineering 
Course of the Greenwich Na- 
val College, 1 875 -1 882. Re- 
turned home, [883; Sub-Lieu- 
tenant Engineer, 1883 ; lieu- 
tenant Engineer, May of the 
same year; was ordered to pro- 
ceed to England, and superint- 
end the Construction of the iVa- 
mwaa.nd Takachiho, which had 
been ordered to England by the 
government of Japan, 1883- 
1886; again ordered to Eng- 
land on the same business, 18- 
93-1897; Kogahthakushi, 18- 
98 ; present rank, 1906; on the 
waiting list, 1908; on there- 
serve, 1909; once held the 
post of Prof at the Engineer- 
ing College of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, Chief of the 
Engineering Department of 
the Naval Construction Bu- 
reau, *9and sectional chief of ' 
the Naval Educational Depart- 
ment, etc.; has been decorated 
with the 2nd Older of the 
Ri.sing Sun and the 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite in connec- 
tion wifli the late war. Chih .■ 
Nihon Club, Peers' Gkib. Jd- 



dress : Ho. 324, Iriyaiiiazu, Iri- 
arairiiiura, Ebara-gun, Tokyo. 

Miyahara, Ohiko CM W.±M\ 
Principal of the Sakai Higli 
school fjr Girls ; b. Sept 1864 
at Kurume, Chikuzen pro- 
vince ; s. of Shuzo Miyahara ; 
m. Umeno, 2nd d. < £ Jisuke 
Naganobii, 1 889. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Normal School, 
1889. Teacher at the Akita 
Normal School, Apr. 1989 ; 
teacher at the Hokkaido Nor- 
mal School, May 1891 ; tea- 
cher at the Kumamoto No(^- 
mal School, Oct. 1892 ; head 
teacher at the Shoko High 
School for Girls, a private 
school in Kumamoto, Apr. 18- 
99 ; present post since Apr. 
1902. Address: No. 33, Higa- 
shi 4chome, Ebisu-machi, Sa- 
kat-^hJ, O'l-ika-fu. 

Miyairi, Keinosuke <^AR;t 

Fukuoka Medical -College of 
the Kyoto Imperial Univ. Ad- 
dress : the Fukuoka Med. Col- 
lege, Fukuoka-ken. 
Hiyajima, Kannosuke CMA^ 
Z M\ /a«^&al;M«Ai^ Expert 
of the Inficttoas"T>rseases In- 
vestigation Laboratory. Ad- 
dress : 6 Surugadai-Suzuki- 
machi, Kanda. Tokyo. 

Miyakawa, Hyotarb (g ;il ^ 

tain, ex^chiefsurgeon of the 
Kure Torpedo Board; i/. in 
1870. Edtic: Naval Surgeon 

School. Surgeon Lieut.-Com 
mander, Oct. 1901; Surgeon 
Commander, Jan. 1905; Sur- 
geon-Captain, Dec. 1912. De- 
corations: 3rd Order of R.S., 
4th order of S.T. . 

Miyakawa. Kumasaburo (gjij 
figHBR), Prof, of the 5th High 
School. Decoration : Jth Or- 
der ofMerit.'^Address : the 4th 
High School, Kanazawa-shi. 

Miyakawa, Kuniki (^ jll PR 

£), ^M}^-£%S^.^9f Eng., 
a meiiiber of the' ordnance 
section in the Kure Arsenal; 
^'. in -1873. Educ: the 
Naval Engineer Academy. 
Lieut.-Commander of Eng., 
July 1904; Commander of 
Eng., Sept. 1908; Captain 
of Eng., Dec. 1912. Decora- 
tions: 4th Order of S. T- 
Address: the Kure Naval 

Miyakawa, Kyajiro (^Ji|^^ 
W), Chief of investigation 
Section of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank ; h. the 2nd 
m. of the 2nd y. of Bunkjrfi 
(i862)_, Tokyo; 3rd s. of Hi- 
kogoro Miyakawa, a samnrai 
of Tokyo ; w. Hisa, sister of 
Hidehiko Oha, of. Tochigi. 
Educ. : studied in the Comm- 
ercial Training Institute (pre- 
decessor of the present Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School) 
and, in the King's College 
(London). Has been long in 

;37 ] 


the diplomatic and consular 

services ; after holding the 
managership of the Kobe 
branch of the Yokoliania 
Specie Bank was transferred 
to present post in April 19 12. 
Address: No. 195, Sendagi- 
hayashi-cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1557 Shitaj-a. Clubs: 
Tokyo club, Nippon club. 

_ Miyakawa, Shigezo (g ;i! Jg 
— )i Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 35th Regiment 
of Infantry; b. i85i, Naga- 
no prefecture. Sub-Lieutenant, 
Tune 1886; Lieutenant, D c. 
1890; Captain,Feb. 1895; Mi- 
jor, June 1901 ; Lieutenani 
Colonel, May 1905 ; Colonel, 
Jan. 1909. Decorations: 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Clasis of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : the 35th Regiment of 
Infintry, Shidzuoka. 

Miyakawa, Tetsujiro {'^}\\Wi, 
*gl5), Deputy Mayor of To- 
kyo; b. 19 Feb. 1868, Shidzu- 
oka ; 1st s. of Ssihachiio M - 
yakawa, a j^j;«?^nn of Shidzu- 
oka clan; w^.'sYasu, 3rd <s^. of 
Hachiro Sayama, of Tokyo. 
Educ: graduated from the To- 
kyo Semmon Gakko (the pre- 
decessor of the present Wase- 
da University), 1888. Passed 
the Higher Civil Service Ex- 
amination 1889, and entered 
the Board of Audit ; resigned 
the post, and became a mem- 
:ber of the staff of the Chiio 

Shimbuu, a daily newspaper, 
1891 ; and then editor-inrcheif 
of the Miyako Shimbun ; ele- 
cted Vice-Chairman of tlie To- 
kyo City Council, 1905 ; and 
the Headman of Ushfgome 
ward; present post since igo8. 
Address: 15 Tenjin-cho, U 
shigome, Tokyo. 'Tel.: 2109 

Bliyagawa, Yoshitaka ('g ;i] 

i% #■), Colonel ^ of Artillery^ 
Instructor of the Military- 
Engineer and Artillery 
School, Member of the Mi- 
^itary Technical Committee; 
h. 1 868 in Yamanashi-ken. 
Sub-Lieut., July 1887; Lieut.> 
Nov. 1890; Captain, May 
1895; Major, May 19OI; 
Lieut. Colonel, March 1905; 
Colonel, Oct. 1911. DecorU' 
tions: i;th Order of S. T., 
4th Order of R. S., 4th ~ 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Harajiku, Sendagaya, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

reTiyaie, Chosaku CS^ft^), 
Judge, ex-Sectional Chief of 
the Seoul Coixrt of ylppeal; 6. 7 
Jan. 1865, Aichi 'prefecture ; 
2 ad s. of Tomisaburo Kato, . 
and adopted by Toyono Mij'a- 
ke ; m: Naka, 2nd. d. of'Ma- 
saaki Toku, of Tokyo. Educ. ': 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo vlmperisl 
University, 1887. Once served 
as Judge and sectional chief 
of the Tokyo Court of Appeal, 


[ 538 3 

MeWt: "'^^ ■.'?."■'',' ':" ' ^ ■■'. ' 
Miyake, GeimosuKe {B^U'C 
S)>, Commissioner of Sattama- 
ken -,.6. Eeb. 1874 m Kagawa- 
ken ; : 3rd s. of Gtoshiro Miya- 
ke; i»/.')FiUs.a,i-i,st d. of Taishi 
Ma.t>a-chl . Edtic. .-studied law. 
I^assed the Examination :for 
Bar 1895 ; passed the Hi- 
ghef 'Civil' Service Exami- 
nation.: t897s after serving in 
several' Prefectures as Com- 
cillor ; or Commissioner, was 
transferred to the present post 
in 1908. , , Address : ^ Official 
Housfi, Urav/a/'Saitama. 

. Miyake, Gogyo CS ig ^ 8S_), 
artist, Japanese painter (Shijo 
School); -&. March of the 1st 
i). of Gwanji (1864) in Kyoto. 
JEdnc: studied painting under 
^he Tate Sobun Morikawa. 
He obtained many , prizes in 
variou.S' exhibitions; is now jn. 
of Committee of the Koso soc- 
iety, member of the Kyoto 
art society. A(:dress: No. 704 
Karoaza-nijyosagaru, Kamik- 
yokii, Kyoto. 

#lteT:okyu Imperml Uni- 
versity; Member of the House 
of Peers ;■ Lord-in-Waiting m 
the KiRkei HVH ; Member of 
the Imperial Scholar's. Society; 
•)^' Nov. 1848 in .Tokyo:; I St, J. 
pfKonsai Miyake, 3.samuraj. 

of Kiatiazawa clan ; >«. Fuji, 
adoptpd sister of Baron . Su» 
sumu Sato. Educ. : .studied 
in France, 18^)3-1870. Ai>- 
"trended the internatiohai Mff- 
dical Conference held m Phi4 
ladelpiiia in 1876, and was its 
yice-Chairman ; made an insi 
pe'ction toyr _ih; Europe, 1885 ■; 
Dean and Prof of the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
Hliiversity,'! 88d; Igiikuhakilr, 
i'/??,, 1888; nominated Menibei! 
of.the House of Peers, 2891;! 
lias been decorated with the 
3rd Order, of. Merit. Publica- 
tions: several woiks on me- 
dicine. _Club : Siivvai Club. 
Address: No. 81, Takehaya- 
cho, Koishikswa, Tokyo. Tel.: 
■266 Bancho. ■ • ; ■ 

Miyake, Jiro CH % ^ 115),; 
Engineer , of the Railway, 
Board ; Chief of the Yoneko' 
Branch Office of the R.ailway 
Board,; b. Feb. 1868 in To- 
kyo ; , 2nd J. of Seishin Mi-: 
yake,,a samurai of Tokyo ;■ 
w. Taki, 1st d: of Yiinn 
Imamura. Educ. .-gTadtiated; 
from' the Engineering College! 
of .the Tokyo Imperial- Uhi ■ 
versity, ' 1896. Sub-Lieute-i 
nant of Infantry,, 1 892; Lieute-i 
nant, '1895:; Engineer; of ths 
Home Pepartment, 1895; pre- 
sent*!" post .since, 1903, e ;4^-; 
dress : Yoneko Branch Office 
of, the Railway Boai^,-,Nat 
5izane - mura, :,Seihak,u .-.gut-V, 

C 539 3 


•I'ottori-keu. _ • ■ 

Miyake, .Junsuke CH" ^ JS- 
llf), Prof, at the Tokyo Higher 
Technical School ; b. July 
J864 in Kyoto ; 3rd s. o\ 
Ren Miyake, a sunmrai of 
Kyoto ; m. Katsu, 3rd d. of 
Masahiko Hani, a samurap 
ofYamaguchi. Educ. : gi3idu.-> 
ated from the Engineering-; 
College of the Tokya Iva-^ 
perial University, 188.8. i Pre-- 
sent post since 1898. Ad- 
dress : No. 4, 3 chome, Ya- 
mamotocho, Kojiinachi, To- 

Miyake, Koichi CH^ ii -), 
Igakuhakusjti, Assistant-Prof, 
at the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; Vice-Pre- 
sident of the Sugamo Hos- 
pital ; b. Mar. 1876 in Tokyo ; 
s. of Hiidzu Miyake, Igaku- 
hakushi-; in. Midzue, 5th d. 
of Gohei Tsubota. Educ.-: 
graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University. Address: 
No. 81, Takehayacho, Koi- 
shikawa, Tokyo- Tel. : 266 
Bancbb. ' 

Miyake, Soku (H % M), 
Igakuhakushi, ' Prof, of the 
Fukuoka Medical College of 
tlie Kyoto Imperial Univer- 
sity. Address : the Fukuoka 
Med. College, Fukuoka-ken. 
^IMiyake,. Seii^Cn % je *), 
Directdr of the Nisshu Bank, 
aftci "of tlie Miya zaki , Agri- . 

cultural and Industrial Bank';^ 
b. Apr. 1845 in Miyaz.aki*-' 
ken; 1st .f. of Josetsu Mij^ate8>; 
a samurai' oi 'Miyazaki^keri:' 
Address : Tsunetomi - mura',' 
Hlgashiusuki-gun, Miyai-aM-' 

i^iiv"^ ---'^ ■' ■ \:)^-'>^or..H 

■ Miyake, Tokugyo t'ii- ^"^■ 
m, Judge of the AdmiriiStra--' 
tive \ Litigation 'Court.. Ad- 
dress : /chome, Aoyaina, ' El— 
ta-machi, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo^ 

Miyake, Yonekichi CH' % * ■ 
cJ), Bungakuhdkushi ; Prc>f\ 
at the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School ; President of the Ar- , 
chaeological Association"; b. 
May 1 860 in Wakayama-ken; 
1st s. of Eijn Miyake, a sa- 
murai of Wakayama; in. 
Sato, 1st . d. of Shidzuyuki 
Kairimachi, a samurai 6i 
Gumma. Has taught in ■ se- 
veral district Normal Schools; 
made an inspection tour in 
Europe and America, 1886-^ 
1888 ; Lecturer at the Tokyo" 
Higher Normal School, 1890; 
then its Prof. 1896; Bunga- 
kuhakushi. 1901. Address: 
No. 103, Haramachi, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. '■• 

Miyake, YiJjiro (S ^g Si ± 
W), Bungakuhdkusfd,''6.\x\hox ; 
editor-in-chief of Nihon Oyo- 
bi Nihonjin (Japan and the 
Japanese); b. May^i86o in_ 
Ishik,awa-ken ; . 2nd s. of the 
l&'ie Tsuhe Miyake, a skniu^ 
red of ' Ishikawa ; ;«. Tatsttv 

I St d. of TaichijTanabe, a satnu- 
rai of Shizuoka-ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Literature of the Tokyo 
Imperial Jniversity, 1883. 
Once lectured on logic and 
sociology in the Tokyo Sem- 
mon Gakko (forerunner of 
the present Waseda Univer- 
sity) ; editor of the Nippon, 
a daily Newspaper ; an able 
writer, well known by the 
name of Setsurei, his nom-de- 
plume. His wife -is also a 
^vell known writeress (fiom de 
Jilume, Kwaho). Publications : 
Uchu (the Cosmos), Ijin-no- 
■ato (Lives of Great Men), His- 
tory of Philosophy, Ethics, 
and many other philosophical 
works. Address: No. 82, 
Shinsakamachi, Akasaka, To- 

Miyako, Keizaburo Cg iSr ^ 
H IIO.j Member of the House 
•of Representatives ; Director 
■of the Tsuchiura 5th Bank, 
etc.; Lawyer; b. Apr. 1 8(5(5 
in Ibaraki-ken ; younger bro- 
ther of Gen-ichiro Imaidzumi, 
and adopted by Yonosuke 
Miyako, a samurai of. Tsu- 
■chiura clan; in. Kei, ist d. 
«f liis foster-father. Educ. : 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Jnip. Univ., 
1892. M. H. E." since 1902 ; 
has been decorated with the 
4tli Order of Merit ; made an 
inspection tour of Europe and 

540 1 

America from July 191 1 to 
Jan. 1912; attended the Goun- 
cilldrs ineeting of Interna- 
tional Parliamentary Union, 
held at Paris on. Oct. 191 1; 
belongs Seyukm. Puhlications; 
"Eisshi-bidan," translation oi 
economics. Recreation : rea-^ 
ding. Address: No. 28, 3cho- 
, me, Motozaimoku-cho, Kyo- 
bashi-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 121 1 
Oho Kyobashi. 

Miyama, Kisaburo CH Us ?f 
H I|5), Kdgakuhakushi ; Engi- 
neer, and sectional chief of the 
Industrial Experiment Labo- 
ratory. Address : No. 37, Ki- 
tamachi, Ushigome, Tokyo; 

Miyamoto, Jimbei C'^ y^^ 
^ M), one of the highest 
taxpayers of Aomori - ken ; 
Director of the Hirosaki E- 
lectric Light Company ; Au- 
ditor of the Hirosaki Savings 
Bank; b. Aug. 1848 in Ao- 
mori-ken; ist s. of Jimbet 
Miyamoto ; in. Hide, ist d. of 
Hanzo Imaidzumi. Address : 
Hyakkokumachi, Hirosakishi. 

Miyamoto, Jinshichi (g ?ic 
ifi -tr), President of the Nihon 
Katasome Kwarsha (the Ja- 
pan Pattern Dyeing Com- 
pany). Address : Hamama- 
tsu, Hamana-gun, Shidzuoka 

Miyamato, Kanemori (g -^ 
& ,B.'])» sword smith; b. 1830 
at O^akimura, Kawamura- 
gun, Hoki province; s. of So- 



yenion, brewer. When he 
was 22 year old he went to 
Osal.une, Bizen province, and 
studied sword-forgery from 
Sukekaue Yokoyama for 
seven years. He forged 
swords of Emperor Komei, 
of the iate Emperor Meiji, 
of H.I.M. the Emperor and 
ot some members of the 
Imperial family; besides he 
forged the sacred swords of 
some shrines, for instance 
Tse, Atsuta, and Yasukuni. 
Moreover he forged some 
swords ordered by British 
Ambassador and British 
Minister of War. He has 
been appointed a member 
of the Imperial Art Society 
in 1806. Address; 402 Ko- 
magome Shinmei-cho, Hongo- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Miyamoto, Kichiemon C^ ^ 
S * X P'5), Preddent of the 
43rd Bank ; Auditor of the 
Wakayama Spinning Com- 
pany, the Wakayama Water 
Power Electric Company, and 
of the Kiyo Savings Bank, 
etc.; b. Nov. 1852 in Wa- 
kayama-ken ; ist .y. of Kichi- 
emon Miyamoto ; m. Sho, 
d. of Rihachi Kono. Ad- 
dress : Shin-yaoyamachi, Wa- 

Miyamoto, Koiehi C^ if. -'> 
•— )j Member of the House of 
Peers ; Lord-in- Waiting in the 
Kinkei Hal!; b. Feb. 1836 •-; 

Sliidzuoka - ken ; 1st s. o.' 
Jun-an Miyamoto, a samurai. 
Has served in several De- 
partments ; M. H. P. since 
1 89 1 ; has'' been decorated 
witli the 2nd Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 26, 3 chome, 
Sugamomachi, Kitatoshinia- 
gun, Tokyo. 

Miyamoto, Masatsura (^ % 
It K), Principal of the Kure 
Middle School; 1^. June i860 
in the province of Aki ; i'. of 
Shijzo Miyamoto ; m. a si.ster 
'to Tetsuzo Suda, an oculist 
in Tokyo, 1900. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the College of 
Literature of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1894 ; studi- 
ed in the University Hall 
for about five years. Lec- 
turer at the Tokyo Female 
Higher Normal School, 1895 ; 
Principal of the Tadami Mid- 
dle School, Hiroshima - ten, 
1 898 ; Principal of the Hiro- 
shima Middle School, 1901 ; 
present post since 1907. Pu- 
blications : Oriental History ; ^ 
Text Book of Chinese Class- 
ics for Middle Schools, etc. 
Address: the Kure Middle 
School, Hiroshima-ken. 

Miyamoto, SMku (^ ?K i^), 
Igak'uhakushi; Assistant-Prof, 
of the Medical College, To- 
kyo Imperial University ; b. 
May 1867 ; 4th s. of Shinsu- 
ke Miyamoto, a samurai of 
Nagano prefecture ; m. Kiku, 

[ 542 ] 

1st d. of Otoji Taniba, ,a 
samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the Medical 
College, Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity. Has been: decorated 
witli the 4th Order of Merit; 
,^s director of Komagome hos- 
pital as additional post. Ad- 
dress : No. 9, 2ch6me, Awa- 
ji-cho, Kanda-ku, Tokyo. 
Mfyamoto, Tanizo {'g ;$; # 

M), ex-Mem. ■ of the House of 
Peers (representing the highest 
taxpayers of Tokushima-ken); 
President of the Awa Spin- 
ning Company ; d. Sept. 1845 
in Tokushima-ken ; ist s. of 
Motoemon Miyamoto ; m. Ta- 
ka, 2nd d. of Kyubei Naga- 
liama. Has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Siin. Address : Ko- 
matsushimamachi, Katsu-ura- 
gun, Tokushima-ken. 

Miyamoto, Ternaki Cg*.SIM), 
Maior-Gonejal. on the 2nd 
"^sef^6;^\^^'A.ugri8S4 in Iba- 
raki-ken; Xst 5. of Bokuzo 
Sakurai, a samurai of Ibara- 
ki-keri, and adopted by Ku- 
rotaka Miyamoto ; m: Itsu, 
1st d. of Shinkitsu Arata. 
Sub-Lieutenant, Feb. 1879 ; 
.Lieutenant of Artillery, Apr. 
1883 ; Captain of—, Oct. 
1887 ; Major of—, June 1893, 
Lieutenant Colonel of— , Nov. 
1897, Colortel of— ; Nov; 19- 
01 ;■ -Major - General, Aug. 
1906; once served as Com- 

mander of a Regiment and 
a Brigade, etc. ; took part 
in both the Japan-China and 
Russo - Japanese Wars ; has 
been decorated with the 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
the 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite in 'recognition of his 
meritorious services during 
the war. 

Miyapioto, Tobei C'g * E :S 
W), one of the highest tax- 
payers- of Ibaraki - ken ; b. 
Mar. 1 842 in Ibaraki-ken ; 
2st s: of Toemon Miyamoto; 
m. Kei, 2nd^. of Shosuke 
Oyama. Address: Tamatsu- 
kurimachi, Namekata-gun, I- 

Miyao, Shunji Cg M » ^). 
iieccional Chief of the Colo- 
nization Bureau ; b. Jan. 1868 
in Niigata-ken ; ist .f. of Gon- 
kur5 Miyao ; m. Toyo, ist 
d. of Yasusaburo Yamagairi. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1896. Entered 
the Financial Department, 
1 896; transferred to the Form- 
Osan Government, 1900 ; pre- 
sent post since 1910 ; has 
made several inspection tours 
through Europe, North and 
South America, Australia, and 
Asia; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 8, Yaraicho, U- 
shigome, Tokyo. Tel. :, 2 1 24 

L 543 


Miyaoka, Naoki ("M |53 ii SB), 
Reai;-Admiral on the waiting 
list; ^. 3 June 1859, Kana- 
zawa ; 2nd s. of Kisui Yo- 
-shida, a samurai of Kanaza- 
wa clan, and adopted by I- 
chiji Miyaoka. Commander, 
,Dec. 1897; Captain, Sept. 
'1 899 ; Rear - Admiral, May 
1906 ; took part in the Ru.sso- 
Japanese War, and has been 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
4th Class of the Golden Kite as 
war I'ewards ; placed on the 
waiting list, Nov. 19 10. Ad- 
dress : No. 14, Nakanomaclii, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. 

Miyaoka, Tsunejiro C;g (Si 'S 
^ 115), Lawyer ; ^. in 1865, 
at Osaka ; m. Yoshiko, 2nd 
d. of Mr. Ginsaku Masaki, 
a samurai. Educ. : grad. with 
honours Law in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1888. Entered 
Foreign Office ; Attache of 
the Legation assigned to duti- 
es in the Department ; Se- 
cretary of the Legation and 
Junior Councillor of the De- 
partment, 1889 ; Charge d' Af- 
faires at Washington, 1894; 
1st Secretary of the Legation 
at Berlin, 1894 — 190b; part of 
which time Charge d' Affaires; 
Minister ^Resident and Senior 
Councillor of the Dep't, 1900 
— 1906; Councillor of the Em- 
bassy at Washington, 1906: — 
1908 ; Minister Plenipotenti- 

ary and resigned, 1909. Re- 
creations : Pictures and horse- 
riding. Address: Shinsaka- 
cho, Akasakaku, Tokyo ; KaJ- 
gacho, Kyobashiku (office). 
Tel.: 1962; 1614 (office) 
Shimbashi. . v*\ 

MiyasMge, Hanjiro (k M # 
'-k 110, President of the Ichi- 
nomiya Commercial Bank ; 6. 
Mar. 1854 in Chiba-ken ; ist 
s. of Hanjiro Miyashige ; m. 
Tona, 2nd d. of Choemeii 
Kataoka. Address : Ichino- 
miyamachi, Chosei-gun, Chi- 

Miyashita, Eimpei (g T # 
^-), President of the Saitsma 
Savings Bank, and of the 
Honsho Industrial Bank ; Re- 
presentative Member of the 
Miyashita Partnership ; l>. Jaii. 
1868 in Saitama-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Buhei Miyashita", and 
adopted by Buemon Miya- 
shita ; m. Hisa. Address : 
Honshomachi, Kodama-gun, 

MiyasMt ., Sausake (gT:fe 

*' fi). Iga uhakushi (Doctor 
of Medici; i), doctor,' diretor 
of the M yashita ophthalmic 
hospital; b. 1882 in Tokyo. 
Educ.: graduated from the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imp Univ., 1906. Was 
appointed an assistant of the 
university hospital, 1907; 
studied bacteriology frc«i 
Prof. Collrc and the ophthal- 


[ 544 J 

moiogy from Frof. G. Chirist 
at the Hern Univ., Switzer- 
land, 1908; further studied 
ophtiialmology in Germany, 
1 909- tg 10; was engaged and 
given charge of medical 
affairs by the Railway Board, 
1909; present post since his 
returning home, Dec. 1910; 
obtained the degree of Iga- 
kukakiishi by presenting a 
thesis. Address: No. 7 Ina- 
ba-cho, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo 
Tel.: 658 Kyobashi. 

Miyata, Chitose.Clt ffl ^ ¥), 
Principal of the Tochigi Pre- 
fectural Commercial School ; 
b. Dec. 1875 in Kokura, Bu- 
r.Qw Province ; s. of Masao 
Matsuzaki, and adopted by 
Kobungo Miyata ; m. Fumi- 
ko, 1st d. of Nobuyoshi Chu- 
jyo. Ediic. : graduated from 
the Tokyo Higher Commer- 
cial School, 1898. Entered 
Mitsui Products Company ; 
Teacher at the Kyoto, and 
then Takaoka Commercial 
Schools ; an Agent of the 
Equitable Life Insurance Com- 
pany in Kyoto ; teacher at 
the Kofu Commercial School. 
Publications: Commercial His- 
tory of Japan ; Commercial 
Geograply of Japan ; Com- 
mercial History of Foreign 
Countries ; etc. Address : 2 
chome, Asahimachi, Utsuno- 
miya, Tochigi-ken. 

Miyata, Iwagoro (^ H ^ E 

BP), President of the .Shioza- 
wa Bank, Ltd. -Address : the 
Bank, Shiozawa-niura, Mina- 
mi-uonuma-gun, N:igata-ken. 

Miyata, Shin-ichiro CM EH It 
— M), Vice-President of the 
Bisan Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd. Address : 
Haguri - mura, Haguri - gun, 

Miyata, Shujaku (^ ffl *. 
^), editor of newspaper ; 6. 
1877 in Tokyo ; s. of Sonaj-e 
Miyata ; m. TMiru-ko, younger 
sisier of Teiji Ariraa, 1892. 
Was fditor of the Kyoto 
Shimbun for a years and 
afterwards served in the art 
dep't of the ' Osaka branch 
of the Mitsnkoshi Gofuku- 
ten. Becreaiion : literature. 
Address : No. 534 Koharaa- 
mura, Kishinari-gun, Osaka- 

Miyata, Tair^eyuki ('g H ® 

^)> Colonel of _ Infantry, 
Commander of the 40th In- 
fantry Regiment; b. 1871 in 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieut., March 
1891; Lieut., Jan. 1894;, 
Captain, Oct. 1897; Major, 
Nov. 1902 ; Lieut.-Colonel, 
July 1905; Colonel, Jan. 1909. 
'Decorations: 4th Order of 
R. S., 3rd Order S. T., 3rd 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Tottori-shi, Tottori- 

ice n • 
miyata, Taro C'S ffl ^ HI5)» 

Major-General Examiner and 

[ S4S ] 


Member of the Military 
Technical CoiTimittee; b. the 
3rd in. of the 1st y. of Keio 
(1865), Shizuoka-ken. Sub- 
Lieut, of Artillery, June 1886; 
Lieut, of Artillery, November 
1809; Captain, Nov. 1892; 
Major, Oct. 1897; Lieut. - 
Colonel, Dec. 1901; Colonel, 
March 1905; Major-General, 
April 191 2. Decorations: 
4th Order of S. T., 3rd 
Order of R. S.^ 4th Class 
of Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 5, Higashigolcen - cho, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Miyazaka, Sakunosuke C^ S 
ft=- 2i W), Managing Director 
of the Shinshu Bank ; Director 
of the Suvva Store-house Com- 
pany ; d. Dec. 1859 in Na- 
gano-ken; 1st s. of Sakue- 
mon Miyazaka ; in. Tomo, 
jst d. of Toyoshiro Kitaza- 
wa. Address : Kamisuwa - 
machi, Suvva - gun, Nagano- 

Miyazaki, Keisake (^ ^$ Sk 
^0, Director of the Hakuai 
Life Ins. Co., Kobe Gars Co., 
Auditor of the Osaka Dojim-i 
TJice . Exchange, the Naniwa 
Fixe Ins. Co.; sharebroker; b. 
Nov. 1866 in Osaka; 4th s. 
of Toyohira Tsunonaka, and 
adopted by Yutaro Miyazaki; 
in. Yvl, and d. of Soko Kuri- 
hara. Addrcbs: No. 2708, Ten- 
noji Chausuyama-machi, Mi- 

uami-ku, Osaka. TeJ. : 2210 
Hon ky Oku. 
Miyazaki, Kikutard Cg t * 

House of Peers (represen- 
ting the highest taxpayers of 
Shidzuoka - ken) ; Managing 
Director of the Shidzuoka 
Industrial Bank; Director of 
the Osada Savings Bank; d. 
Oct. 1869 in Shidzuoka-ken ; 
1st S. of Y5nosuke Miyazaki ; 
m. Mitsu, sister of Hachiro 
Yamada, a samurai of Ku- 
mamoto. Has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : (coun- 
try address) Osato-mura, A- 
be-gun, Shidzuoka-ken. To- 
icyo ; No. 29, Ikenohata-naka- 
machi, Shitaya, Tokyo. Tel. : 
3471 Cho Shitaya. 

Miyazaki, Miehisaburo (§ ftl 
ii 2 Bl>), HogakuhakzisJd, Prof, 
of the Law College , of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (chair- 
History of Legal Institutions); 
b. Sept. 1855 in Miye-ken ; 
4tli s. qi ToKusai Miyazaki, 
a samtirai of Miye-ken ; in. 
Yoshi, 1st d. of Seisei Koba, 
a samurai of Kagoshima. 
Educ. :• graduated, from the 
Law College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1880; studied in Gei'- 
many, 1884— 1888. Prof. at. 
his alma mater, 1888; Coun- 
<_:llor at the Administrative 

3»Eiy j' 546 

Bureau as an additional post, 
the same year ; Hogakuhaku- 
shi, 1891 ; has ?jeen decorated 
with the 2nd Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 13, Komagome- 
akebonocho, Hongfo, Tokyo. 
Miyazaki, Yasalburo ('^ ftf 51 

Hgl5)j liardware merchant; 
b- 1872 in Osaka; s. of 
Yasaburo Miyazaka m. Yuki, 
sister of Risuke Kawakami 
of Osaka, 1901. Educ: 
studied at the 3rd Higher 
School and Keiogijiiku. Is 
now one of the members of 
Osaka Educational Commit- 
tee, member of the Osaka 
Municipal Council, member of 
the Osaka Chamber of Com- 
merce, councillor of the 
Osaka Hardware Guild, 
director of the Japan Brick 
Co., Ltd. Recreation: Japa- 
nese old music. Address: 
No. 10, ichome, Karamono- 
cho, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 'UL% 
122 Higashi. 

Miyazaki, Yostiteru (M ^ 
ti S).-^Ql.oge,l__^^pf .^Majat^y ; 
sectionarciifef of tie Fa7son-^ 
nel Bureau of the Military 
Department; b. Dec. 1862 
in Toyama-ken; 3rd s. of 
Kichibei Miyazaki ; m. Tami, 
sister of Kaichi Miyazaki. 
Educ. : the Military Academy, 
i883~i886; Military Univer- 
sity, 1 89 1 — 1896. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Infantry, June 1886 ; 
Lietitenant of—, Dec. 1891 ; 

Captain of — , Apr. T895 ; 
Major of — , Apr. 1901; Lieu- 
tenant Colonel of—, Nov." 19- 
.04 ; Colonel, Nov, 1907 ; took 
part in the Russo - Japanese 
War, and has been decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun and the 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kile ; present post 
since 1906. Address : No. 96, 
Okubo-yochomachi, Lfshigo- 
me, Tokyo. 

Miyoslii, Aikichi (= *f ^ !§)> 
Principal, and Prof, of the 
2nd High School; b. Dec. 
1870 in Echigo ; 2nd s. of 
Yoshio Miyoshi, a samurai 
of Echigo ; m. Kyo, 2nd d. 
of Keimei Oka, a sanmrai of 
Niigata. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Litera- 
ture, Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1895. After serving as 
Principal of the Kitakambara 
Middle School, and of the 
Nagano Middle School, was 
transferred as the Prof, of the 
2nd High School in 1900, 
and then its Principal, Jan. 
191 1. Address: Shimidzu- 
koji, Sendai-shi. 

Miyoshi, Gaku CH © W^, 
botanist; Rigahihakushi; Prof, 
cf the College of Science of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity ; b. Dec. 1 861 in Gifu- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Tomoei Mi- 
yoshi, a samurai ; in. Mitsu, 
1st d. of_Fumio Yano, a sa- 
murai o{ Q\X.2.. £¥?/■(;,.• gradu- 

547 ] 


ated from the College o.t 
Science of the Tokyo, Imperi- 
al University, 1890; studied 
in the University Hall; studied 
botany in Germany, t8'.}I — 
1895. Prof at the College 
of Science of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, and Riga- 
kuhakushi, 1895 ; has been 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of Merit. Publications : Text 
Book on Botany ; Lectures 
on Botany ; Experimental 
Botany; etc. Address: 15th 
of Ni, No. 10, Komagome- 
Nishikatamachi, Hongo, To- 
Ijyo. Tel. : 3379 Shitaya. 

Miyoshi, Kyutaro (H M- A. ^ 
B!5), Engineer of the Iron- 
foundry, Department of Agri- 
culture and Commerce. De- 
coration : 5th Order of Merit. 
Address.: Official House of tlie 
Iron - foundry, Takamimachi, 
- Onga-gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Miyoshi, Ifariyuki CS Jf 1$. . 
tr), Baron (cr. 1 907) ; Lieute- 
nant-General on the reserve ; 
b. Get. 1 84s in Yamagucbi ; 
2nd s. of Jokichi Tanaka, a 
samurai of Yamaguchi clan ; 
and adopted by Yoshiyo Mi- 
yoshi, a saimirai of the same 
clan ; in. Matsu, ist d. of his 
foster-father. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Infantry, 1871, and by 
gradual promotion, reached 
the rank of Lieutenant-Gene- 
ral ; took part in both the 
lapan China and the Ru.sso- 

Japanese Wars, and at the 
end of the war, was decorated 
with the Grand Cordon of 
the Rising Sun and the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : Muromachicho, Ka- 
mikyoku, Kyoto. 

MiyosM, Umisabiiro (H i& S 

H litO, ex-SuperintPndfintnf tTae 
Nagasaki Customs ; b. Dec. 
1869 in Tokyo; 3rd s. of 
Nagamitsu Miyoshi, a samurai 
of Tokyo ; m. Kagi, 2nd d. 
of Chojiro Sasaki. Educ. : 
giaduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1896. Entered 
the Financial Department, 
1 896 ; passed the Higher Civil 
Service Examination, 1897 ; 
Superintendent of the Hako- 
date Customs, 1902 ; present 
post since Nov. 1910; has 
been decorated with the 5 th 
Order of Merit. _. 

Miyoshi, Yonekiima CS ^ 3fe 
B), Engineer of Nagano pre- 
fecture. Address .v Uedama- 
chi, Ogata-gun, Nagano pre- 

Mizukaaii, Chojiro (7K±ft=^: 
Iji), PiOCUiator, Chief Procu- 
rator of the Osaka Co'urt of 
Appeal ; b. 27 Dec. 1871, Shi- 
ga prefecture; 1st s. of Roku- 
robei ^Mizukami, a samiirat of 
Shiga prefecture ; m. Tomeo, 
sister to Yoshijiro Arai, a sa- 
murai of Shiga. Educ: gra- 
cfTtitec! from t!ie Tokyo Uni 


[ S48 J 

versity, 1884. Was made 
Judge, 1885 ; sectional Chief 
of the Osaka District Court ; 
Judge of the Osaka Court of 
Appeal ; sectional Chief of the 
Kyoto District Court ; Presi- 
dent of theoGifu District 
Court; Chief Procurator of the 
Osaka District Court, the Hi- 
roshima Court of Appeal, and 
of the Nagasaki Court of Ap- 
peal ; ordered to proceed to 
Europe and America, Mar. 
1908 ; present post since Sept. 
1908. Decoration : 3rd Order 
of Merit. Address : 4 Edobori 
Kitatori, Nishi-ku, Osaka. 

Miaukami K kyri (7)c±J§S3), 
ex-Mayor of Kobe ; 3. July 
1,861 in Kumatnoto-ken; 2iid 
s. of Shimpei Mizukami, a 
samurai of Kumamoto-ken ; 
m. Miwa, ist d. of Bunzo An» 
do. Edtic: graduated froo? 
the College of Law of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ., 1888. Pro- 
bationary Councillor at the 
Legislative Bureau; ordered to 
proceed to Europe and Ame- 
rica, 1889 ; on returning home, 
was appointed Secretary to 
the House of Representatives 
and Councillor of the Finan- 
cial Department'^ as an ad- 
ditional post ; Private Secre- 
tary to the Home Minister ; 
again'Councillor at the Finan- 
cial Department, Oct. 1897; 
having served as superinten- 
dent of the Kobe, Osaka, and 

Yokohama Customs, was ap- 
pointed Mayor of Kobe in 
1906, which post he resigned 
some time ago ; has been de- 
corated with the 3rd Order of 
Merit. Address: ist of No. 20, 
4 chome, Yamamotodori, Ko- . 

Mizumachi, gen (7jc BJ %), 
Captain, Commander of the 
arm. cruiser Kasuga; h. i8- 
68. Lieutenant, Oct. 1896; 
2nd Commander, Oct. 1898; 
Commander, July 1904 ; then 
Captain. Decorations'. 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 

Mizumachi, Kesaroka (*!Br 
M_^ y O , Hog ale u h a h m s h i ; 
Vice-Gorernor of the Bank 
of Japan since igii;h. Mar. 
1864 in Saga-ken: 2nd .y. or 
Kunizane Mizumachi, a samu- 
rai of Saga-ken ; m. Yu, 2nd 
d. of Yoshitake Motoshima, a - 
.samurai of Saga-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imperial U- 
niversity, 1889. Councillor of 
the Treasury, 1891 ; despatch- 
ed to Europe to investigate 
financial and economic matters 
in 1898 ; filled chair of civil 
code at his alma mater as an 
additional post, but resigned 
in 1901 ; Director of the Fi- 
nance Bureau, 1904 with an 
additional post in the Tem- 
porary Pension Adjustment 
Bureau ; Vice-minister of Fi- 

[549 ] 


yiance in 1906; ordered to pro- 
ceed to Europe and to change 
posts with Mr. Wakatsuki who 
represented the Treasury as Fi- 
nancial^ Agent; present post 
in June 191 1; has been de- 
corated with the 2nd Order of 
Merit. Address ', ■■■^ 1:^0. i, 2 
chome, Nagata-cho, Kojima- 
cm-ku, lykyo. Tel: 1840 

Mizumachi, Senri {;KI3IT-S), 
Lieutenant-Colonel of Gen- 
darmes ; Chief of the Formo- 
san Gendarmerie ; b. 1 866 in 
Ibaralci prefecture. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Infantry, July 1887 ; 
Lieutenant, Sept. 1892 ; Lieu- 
tenant of Gendarmes, Aug, 
1894; Captain, May 1895; 
• Major, Sept. 1904 ; Lieute- 
nant Colonel, Nov. 1909. De- 
corations; 5th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 4lh Order 
of the Rising Sun. Address : 
7 chome, Taikanohofukogai, 
Taihokucho, Taiwan. 

Mizumoto, Hyokiehi (7K;^S*J 
a)> J i^f^ge of the Court of Cas- 
sation : b. Oct. 1863 in Tokyo; 
younger brother of Kokuzo 
Kobashi, a samurai of Tokyo, 
and adopted by Seibei Mizu- 
moto ; m. Ko, 1st d. of his 
foster-father. Educ: graduat- 
ed from the Law College ot 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1888. Judge, and then 
Corea, Oct? i ig? ; Attache in 
Germany, May 1899; 3rd 

sectional chief at the Tokyo 
District Court ; the same at 
the Hakodate Court of Ap-. 
peal, and at the Miyagi Court 
of Appeal ; and then present 
post. Address: No. 13, Ko- 
magome Akebonocho Hongo, 

Mizuno. Ghoku (* gf- iL)' 
Viscount;- Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. Jan, 1879 ; 
5t]i s. of tiic late Baron Tada- 
miki Mizuno, and adopted 
by Tadanaru Mizuno, Vis- 
count ; m. Sada-ko, sister of 
Churyo Mizuno, Viscount. 
Has been decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address: No. 7, Otsuka-kubo- 
machi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1152 Bancho, 

Mizuno, Kin [tK Sf i-k), 
Di'., Director of the Fukushi- 
m;i Hospital. Address : th^ 
Jiospital, Sugisawa-machi, Fu- 

Mizuno, Kobi (7fc m ftf m\ 
actor : 6. 20 the 9tli m. of the 
3rd y.' Bunkyu (1863) at 
Akiishi^machi, Uarima pro- 
-.-ince ; s. of Kosei, a samurai 
of Akafchi clan. He is fond 
of pictures by nature and he 
early came to Tokyo, and 
called Koho, his pen-name, 
and issued a magazine called 
" Hanakago," and so was 
known as an oil-i)ainter in 
the artistic circle. But he en- 
tered stage circle since 1891, 


[ 5SO ] 

anfl ir.cide liis first appearsnce 
on the stage of Tokiwaza in 
Asakusa, Tokyo. Addrese.: No. 
1, Hanakawato-cho, Asaknoa- 

isfc Sec. of the Japanese Lega- 
tion at Peking; b. Dec. 1873 in 
the Island of Awaji ; only son 
of Hiroki Mizuno, deseased ; 
m. Mine Kamiya. Educ: gra- 
duated Politics, Faculty of 
Jurisprudence, Tokyo Imperi- 
al University, 1897. Passed 
the Diplomatic Service Exa- 
mination, Sept, 1897 ; Attache 
to the Japanese 'Ile'gation in 
Corea, Oct. 1 897 ;^ Attache in 
Gerrimny, May 1899; 3rd 
Secretary of Legation, June, 
1901 ; Consul, in Chefoo, Dec. 
1901 ; "and then in Hankow, 
Aug. 1905 ; 1st Secretary at 
the Japanese Embassy in 
Washington, Sept. 1907; Con- 
sul -General at New York, 19- 
70-1911 ; decorated with the 
5th Order of Merit. CUh&: Ni- 
ppon Glub (Tokyo) ; liawyers' 
Chih; Lotus Club; Nippon Club 
(New Yorlc); etc. Address: 
Japanese Legation at Peking. 
MizTino, Kunijiro {yKWf^^ 
BB^ Prfesident of the Shimidzu 
Soy Company ; ^. Feb. 1873 
in Kagawa-ken ; 2nd 5. of Ki- 
nohichi Mizuno ; m. Katsu, ist 
d. of Ishimatsu Muneyasu. 
Address-; Ntshilturfa, Shodzu- 

gun, Kagawa-ken. 

Misuno, Rentaro {y%M-M:k 
||5), Hogakuhakushi, ex-Dir. 
of the Civil Work's ii.ieau, 
Home Office ; A Jan. 1868 ia 
Tokyo ; 1st j. of Tachisahuio 
Mizuno, a samurai ,of Tokyo; 
m. Misu, 2 id d. of Shigerno- 
chi Tdkashima, a, samurat ot 
Hiroshima. Educ: graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1892. Offi- 
cial of the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce, 
1893; removed to Home 
Office, 1895. as Councillor 
and the Private Secretary ; 
sent abroad 1896 to invest! 
gate copy-right matters and 
attended as Japanese delegate 
the International J. Conference 
for the Protection, of Industrial 
Property Rights held at Bru.s- 
sels ; returned home 1898 and 
framed the draft of the Copy- 
right Law; lectured on bank- 
ruptcy law at the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imp. \5\xw.\.Ho~ 
gal'ithahusM, 1903; last post; 
Sept. 1910; additional post 
which was Dir. of the Local 
Affairs Bur., Aug. 191 1; resi- 
gned all his posts in Dec. 
191 2; decorated with the 3rd 
oeen decorated with the 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun.. Ad- 
dress: No. 61, Shirokanfe Saru- 
machi, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 

Mi2uno, Shigetaro (*lfS*. 

[ 551 ] 


|l{)j Prof, at the Tokyo Fo- 
reien Language School ; Lec- 
tm-er in German, at St. Pout's 
College; b.^ May 1868 in 
Okayama; 1st s. of i'omoki- 
chi Mizuno, a samurat o( Oka.- 
yama ; m. Shigeki, sistf'- of 
Okimaro Nakamura, a samu- 
rai of Okay aLma. Educ: stu- 
died German at the Foreign 
Language School ; afterwards 
sludied in America, 1 88C-1 892, 
and then in Germany, 1892- 
1896, Once taught at the 2nd 
High School, Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School, and at 
the Peers' School, etc. Publi- 
cations : Latin Grammar ; 
German Grammar ; German 
Selftanglit, Juvenile German 
literature note." 'Eecreationa : 
horse riding; music; painting. 
Address: No. r68, Nishiokubo, 
Okubo-mura, Toyotama-gun, 

Mizuno, Tatsuhiko (*gfMS) 
One of the highest taxpayers 
of Kumamoto-ken ; i>. Jan. 
1858 in Kumamoto-ken ; s. of 
a certain Yoshida, and adopted 
by Takushiro Mizuno, a sa- 
murai of Kumamoto ; m. Fu- 
yu, 1st d. of his foster-fa tlier. 
Address : Ikegami-mura, Ata- 
ku-gun, Kumamoto-ken. 

Mizuno, Toshinojfl (>MfS.t 
3&)> Rigakuhakushi ; Prof, at 
the College of Science and En- 
gineering of the Kyoto Im- 
.perial University ; (5, June 1862 

in Fukuoka-ken ; isti. cfMa- 
tazo Mizuno, a samurai oiYw- 
kuoka-ken ; m. Shige, ist d. 
of Seisei Tokotsugi, a samurai 
of Kagoshima. Educ : gra- 
duated from the College of 
Science of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1890; .studied phy- 
sics and electrical science in 
Germany by government or- 
der, 1 899-1901. Assistant- 
Prof, at the College of Science 
and Engineering of the Kyoto 
Imperial University, 1898; and 
then its full Prof., 1902 ; Ri- 
gakuhakushiy 1900. Address: 
T6nodan,Sakuragi-cho, Kami- 
kyoku, Kyoto. 

Mizunoe, Hiroshi ij^ZXt^), 
Oiie^of the highest taxpayers 
of Oita-ken ; Director of the 
Choshu Bank, and of the 
Ch5shu Savings Eank; b. 
May 1845 in Oita-ken; Jth 
s. of Rakuzan Saio, and adop- 
ted by Kyuiv- Mjzunoe; m. 
Cbu, .sister of Jinzo.Watanabe. 
Address: Fuko-mura, Usa-- 
gun, Oita-ken. 

Mizusawa, Masao (^Kifaf ti)» 
Colonel of Infantry, Com-- 
mander of the Kobe Regi- 
mental District; b. 1865 in 
Gumma-ken. Sub-Lieut., June 
1886; Lieut., Oct. 1890; 
. Captain, Jan. 189S; Major, 
Dec. 1 901; Lieut. Colonel, 
Sept. 1905; Colonel, 1910. 
Decorations: 5* Order of 
S.T., ,4th Order of R.S. Ad- 


L 552 } 

dress: 9 ehome, Nakamichi- 
dorl, ICobej ; 

Mizushima, ; Seido (:;^ S E 
ii). Colonel .qr<^om;tiiss?^^riat,^ 
ComnVanSer of. the 2nd Bat- 
talion of; Commissariat; b. 
i;866, ^ Nagano prefecture. 
S^b-Lieutenant of Cavalry, 
Jane 1886; Sub-Lieutenant 
of Commissariat, Mar.- 1887 ; 
Lieutenant, Nov. 1888; Cap- 
tain, Jan. 1893 ; Major, Oct. 
1-897 ; Lieutenant Colonel, 
Dec. 1902; Colonel, Aug. 
1905. Decorations : 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun ; 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
the 2ad Battalion of Commis- 
sariat, Sendaf. 

Mizashima, Tatsuo (7K S M 
i5), .Major - General ; Com- 
mander of the 22nd Army 
Brigade; b. 1863, Ishlkawa 
prefecture. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantry, Dec. 1882 , Lieute- 
nant of — -, May 1886 ; Captain 
>of — , Aug. 1892; Major of 
— , Oct. 1897 ; Lieutenant 
Colonel of — , June 1903; 
Colonel of — , May 1905 ; 
Major-General, Mar. 1910. 
Decorations : 5th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun ; 5th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
the Head-quarters of the 22nd 
Army Brigade, Zentsuji. 

, Mizusliima, Tetsuya (7M il 
•fe). ■ Principal ^oi- t.f>e Kobe 
Higher ComnierciaL School; 

Special Member of the Kobet 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. 
June 1864 at Nakatsu, pro- 
vince of Buzen;, ist s. of 
Hitoshi Mizushima, a samurai 
of Oita-ken ; in. Hana,.2nd di 
of Sononosuke Tani, a samu-, 
rai of Tokyo. JEdu. : gr adu- 
ated from the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School, 1887. 
Teacher at the Osaka Higher 
Commercial School, 1888- 
1889 ; Member of the Fujita- 
gumi, Osaka, 1889 -1891 ; 
Member of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank, 1891-1896, and 
during that period, he served 
for three years in the New 
York Branch of the same 
Bank ; Prof, at the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School, 
1896-1903 ;• present post since 
1903; made a tour through 
Europe and America, 1907, 
has been decorated with the 
4th Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 21 17, Kumochi, Fukiai- 
mura, Kobe-shi. 

Mizuta, Chikulio OK ffl 
-tS- K), Meikei by proper 
name, artist, Japanese painter 
CNanEo school); h. U Feb. 
1883 ; s. of Toyojiro Mizuta; 
m. Jan. 1913. £:'duc. . studied 
painting under Ohikiigai Hi- 
mefehima ; further learned po- 
etical composition from Kaiyu 
Ito, Exhibited his master- 
pieces in the 5th Ina:pstrial 
Exhibition and obtained prize; ; 

553 ] 

Miz— Moc 

received diploma in flic 6tli 
Art Exhibition of the Dep't 
of Education. BeereaiionH : 
music, painting and ealligra- 
plij^ curio. Address-: No. 38 
Junkeiclio 4 chomc, Minami- 
ku, QbtAvA.Clnbs: Yushin-ka.v. 
TaiisJio Art iSjoclet}'. 

Miura, Fabetaro'CHiifi^iclU), 
Prof. oftheKumamoto Higher 
Technical School. Address : 
the School, Kumamoto-ken. 

Mizuta, Masao {7K H iE ^), 
Director, of the Tosa Baiik, 
Kochi Savings Bank, and of 
the Daifo Fishery Company ; 
h. Aug. 1859 in K6;hi-ken ; 
1st i. ofYoshiei Horikawa, a 
saiHitrai of Koohi-ken, and 
adopted b}' Gun-enion Mizu- 
ta ; ta. Masu, ist d. of his 
'oster-father. Address: Hoii- 
chosuji, Koclii-jihi. 

Mizutani, Kojir i (;K# ?^ ?>: 
HI"), President of the Genjo 
Bank ; Director of tlie Yahata 
Water Pov/er Electric Com- 
pany, and of the Gt-njo Dry 
Goods Company, etc. ; Au- 
ditor of the Idatorigawa Ele- 
ctric Company; b. July 1859 
in Gifu-ken ; adopted s. of 
Kina Mizutani; ;/« Dai, 2ad 
d. of Saburoshi Masaki. . Ad- 
dress : Yahata-macbi, Genjo- 
^un, Gifu-ken. 

Mizutani;. Seibsi (;^# f*^ . 
«;, A.ricn mercliafit : tirinbei 

dealer; b. Oct 1845; 1st j. 
of Siib-'i Mizutani; ?«, Riku, 
2nd d. of Rihei Enokihara. 
Address: No. 68, 7 chonie, 
Yokofaori, Minami-machi, O- 
saka. Tel.: 1016 Cho Higa-^ 

Mizutani, Shikugen {i^'^-^ 
/t), Rear-Admiral of Engi- 
neering, placed on the waiting 
iisi; since June 1912; h. i)cc^ 
1866 in Aiclii-ken ; Ist j. of 
Sanekyo Mizutani ; a samit-r 
rai of Aiclii"ken ; m. Machi, 
sister of Gentaid OUde, a 
srmurai of Fukui. Educ. i 
ciraduated from the Naval 
Engineering School, July i- 
885 ; studied in England. 
Second Captain of Engineer- 
ing, Dec. 1897; Captain of 
Engineering, sectional chief ' 
of the Kure Navel Arsenal, 
and Prof, at the Naval Uni- 
versity, 1903; ordered" to 
proceed to England and Ame- 
rica, Apr. 1907; Rear-Ad- 
miral of Engineering, Dec. 
1909 ; has been decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 89, 3 chorrie, Wash5dqi'i, 

Mocliida, EinyaC^ 19 if fc). 
Managing Director of the Ho- 
kkaido. Bahitstt Shorei Ka- 
Dushiki Kwaisha (the. Hpk- 
Icaido Horse-breeding. ImproJ 


[ 554] 

vement Associotion). Address: 
No. lo, Kita-yojo-nishi, Sap- 
poro, Hokkaido. 

Mochihara, Heiji (if U ^ —), 
Baron (cr. I904),j^^^ji;£g;^^-, 
miral on the reseryej b. Dec. 
fg'^T '^in Kagosfiima ; 2nd s. 
of Hei-emon Mochihara, a 
samurai of Kagoshima ; m. 
Yoshi, adopted d. of Suenori 
Ijichi, a samurai of Kagoshi- 
ma. , Second Sub-Lieutenant, 
1878, and by gradual pro- 
motion, reached the rank of 
Vice - Admiral, Mar. 1907 ; 
took part in both the Jap in 
China and the Russo-Japan- 
ese Wars; has been decorated 
with the 2nd Order of Merit 
and the 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite in recognition of 
his services during the war. 
Address: Tagoe-mura, Miura- 
gun, Kanagawa-ken. 

Moehiji, Eokusaburo (^ SE 
aC =. li?);. ex-Commissioner of 
the Formosan Government; b. 
Aug. 186710 Fukushima-ken; 
3rd s. of Tomizo Moehiji, a 
samurai of Fukushsma-ken ; 
in. Ei, e. sister to Jiro Ina- 
sawa, a satnurai of Fukushi- 
ma-ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo. -Imp. Univ., 1893. 
Soon after gtaduation, enter- 
ed the government service 
and was given the post oi 
Comriiissionei of the Form- 
osan Government,' which he 

resigned in Dec. .1910,; has 
been decorated with the 4tli 
Order of Merit. Address: Fu- 
kushima-kitamachi, Fukushi- 

Mochizuki, Genjiro (M fi M. 
?n W>, Judge ; sectional chief 
of the Osaka Court of Ap- 
peal ; b. Jan. 1862 in Oka- 
yama-ken ; 2nd i'. of Yiizan 
Mochizuki; m. Yasu, ist d. 
of Torasaburo Watanabe, of 
Tokushima-ken. Early stud- 
ied law, and passed the Ex- 
amination for Bench in Mar. 
1887 ; having served as Judge 
at the Tokushima and the 
Tokyo District Courts, and 
as sectional chief of the lat- 
ter, and as Judge of the 
Tokyo Court of Appeal, was 
transferred to the present post 
in Dec. 1903. Address : 493 
Terayamamachi, Fligashiku, 

Mochizuki, Gyokusen (M 
H iE S), artist, Japanese 
painter ; b. June of the 5 th 
y. of Tempo (1834) in Kyoto. 
He obtained many prizes ia 
various exhibitions; is now 
member of the Imperial Art 
Society, special member of the 
Nihon art society. Address: 
Marutamachi-kudaru, Mnro- 
machi, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Mochiztiki, Jun-ichi (M .fl W- 

^"-'juISS^M^^&W-^'^* M. of th^ 
'co'ffimiffS'' ot'^the Examina- 
tion for,Medica! Practitioners-' 

;■ 555 J 


president of the Kyoto prefec- 
tural Medical Ooilege. Address: 
Takakura, Takeya, Kamikyo- 
ku, Kyoto. 

Mochizuki, Kotaro (S H 'h 
X Wj, ex - Member of the 
House of Representatives ; 
Barrister t at - Law (Middle 
Temple, England); Editor and 
Prop, of the Liberal News 
Agency, an English News- 
agency, and of a Financial 
and Economic Monthly; b. 
Nov. 1865, Yamanashi . pre- 
fecture. Edtic. : Keiogjjuku ; 
London University ; Middle 
Temple. Was in the suite 
of Prince Yamagata when he 
attended the coronation cere- 
mony of the Czar, 1896. Has 
been twice returned to the 
House, where he was con- 
spicuous on account of his 
eloquence. Publications : Ja- 
pan and America; Japan To- 
day (both in English). Ad- 
dress :_'Ho. 1 313, Kashima- 
tani, Oimachi, Tokyo-fu. 

Moehizuki, Takizo (H J il 
H), Director of the Serun 
Laboratory for Rinderpest of 
the Department of Agrical- 
ture and Commerce; b. Jun 
1 87 1 in Hiroshima-ken ; 1st 
s. of Kuroemon Moehizuki ; 
m. Konaga, 3rd d. of Atsun- 
do Saisho,' a samurai of Oka- 
yama. Educ. .• graduated from 
the College of Agriculture of 
the Tokyo Inljjerial Univer- 

sity, July 1897. Was ap- 
pointed Engineer of Kyoto- 
fu, Apr. 1898; then trans- 
ferred to present post in Dec. 
1903 ; was ordered to proceed 
to J Europe and America in 
Aor. 1906. Address: No. 
28, I chome, Kohinatadai- 
machi, Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 
Moehizuki UnaiT,M n * rt), 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives for Wakayama- 
ken ; General Manager of the 
Tokyo Electric Light Com- 
pany ; b. May 1858 in Wa- 
kayama-ken ; 1st s! of the 
late Kahachiro Moehizuki ; 
m. Kuni, 3rd d. of Tokubei 
Sakanaka, of Wakayama. 
Was elected Member of the 
Wakayama Prefectural Coun- 
cil, 1883 ; then it's chairman, 
1890 ; elected Member of the 
House of Repi-esentatives, 18- 
94 ; twice elected for the 
same, 1898 ; has been de- 
corated witli the 4th Order 
of the- Rising .Sun in connec- 
tion with the late war. Ad- , 
dress : No, 5, of Shiba Park, 
Tolcyo. Tel. : 2061 Shiba. 

Modzumi, Takami (.^ M M 
A), Bimgakuhakushi ; b. May 
1847 in Idzumo province ; ist 
s. of Takayo< Modzumi, a 
samurai of Izumo clan ; in. 
Ryii, y. sisier to Masataka 
Kawai, a samurai of Tol-ryo. 
Educ: Studied- Japanese and 
Chinese Classics, ' and En';f- 


556 ] 

lish. After serving in various 
Shrines, was appointed an 
Official in the. Home Depart- 
ment in Feb. 1886; Prof, at 
the College of Literature, To- 
kyo Imperial University, Mar. 
the same year; and then Coun- 
cillor and Secretary as ad- 
ditional posts ; -Prof of tte 
Peers' School in addition, 
June 1890; BjingakuJiakushi, 
Mar. 1899; retired from the 
government service in Apr. 
1899, and has since devoted 
his time to .writing books ; 
is. well known as a student 
of the Japanese Classics. Pu- 
blications : "Kotobano-izuini" 
'(a' Japanese dictionary) ; etc. 
Address : No. 209, Komago- 
me Sendagi Hayashicho, Kon- 
go, Tokyo. . Tel.: 3776 Shi- 

Mogami, Kohan (ft ± Jt W), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Akita prefecture ; President 
of the Hiraya Bank, Ltd. ; 
i. 9 Oct. 1847, Akita -ken; 
1st s. of Ky ijemon Mogami ; 
m. Kane, mother of Shigeyo- 
shi Hirai, of Tokyo. Once 
was Member of the House 
of. Peers. " Address : Tsuno- 
magawamachi, Hiraga - gun, 
Akita-ken.' © 

JSIogi, Fasagoro (M'^'B ^ 
SR). one of • the highest tax- 
payers of Chiba-ken ; Direct- 
dr of the Noda Commercial 
IBaiik ; soy manufacturer ; ' b. 

July, 1870 at Noda, Chiba- 
ken ; 1st J. of Hiroshi Mogi ; 
m. \\\A&, sister of Shichirou- 
emon Mogi. Educ: studied 
in the Tokyo Fligher Com- 
mercial School., Address.; No- 
da - machi, Higashi-Katsushi - 
kagun, Chiba-ken. 7>/. .• 18 
Noda ; 3 Noda, Ko-otsu. 

Mogi, Shichirouemon C/g if. 
•fa IR iaM n\ one of^fhc' 
highest taxpayers of Chiba- .' 
ken ; Director of the Noda 
Shoyii Bank ; soy maiiufact- 
urer ; b. Feb. ,1860 at Noda, . 
Chiba ; 1st s. of Kashie Mp- 
gi ; m. TSuya, sister of Ta- 
kujiro Yamamotb. Educ.:. 
studied Chinese Classics. . Ma- 
nufactures a well-known brand 
of soy named ." Kihaku" ; ■ 
has done much in improving 
the methods of manufacturing- 
soy. _ Address : Nodamachi, 
Higashi-katsushika-gun, Chi- 
ba-ken. Club: KojKnsha,'K.yo- ' 
bashi, Tokyo. Tel. : 9 ; 44. 

Mogi, Shunpacbiro (;J| -^ Wi 
A li?). Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the .64th 
Infantry Regiment; b. 1867 
in Gumma-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1887: Lieut,, Nov. 
1892; Captain, May, 1895; 
Major, 1904; Lieut. Colonel, 
Dec. 1907; Colonel, April 
1912. Decorations: 5th,Or- 
der of S/T., 4th Order of 
R. S-, 4th of Golden . 
¥^{\.%: Address; Tashiro, ,Iva- 

I 557 

goshima -ken. a certain Mu- 
Mogi, Sobei CJt * <B :R ^), 
Representative Member of the 
Mogi Bank, and of the Mogi 
Partnership; i. Dec. 1866 in 
Gumma-ken; ist s. of Cho- 
bei Mogi, and adopted by 
Yasuhei Mogi; m. So, is^t 
d. of his foster-father. Ad- 
dress : No. 30, 2 chome, Ben- 
tencho-dori, Yokohama. 
^ Mogi, Takesabiiro CM * i^ 
— «|5), one of the highest 
taxpayers of Tochigi-ken ; d. 
Sept. 1868 in Tochigi-ken; 
1st s. of Sakujiro Mogi ; 7fi. 
Shidzu, 1st d. of Chobei Mo- 
gi. Address : Hatakawa-mu- Tochisi-ken. 
Momose, Busaku CW M St M\ 
Judge ; President of the Ku- 
mamoto District Court ; 5. 
8 Aug. 1862, Nagano-ken; 
i2nd s. of Zenji Gomi, and 
adopted by • Nui Momose ; 
m. Hisa, 1st d. of Yoryo 
Nagata, a saifturai of Yama- 
guchi. Passed tl'j "'•Examina- 
tion for Bench, Dec. 1886; 
Judge, Dec. 1887; after ser- 
ving as Judge of the Hiro- 
shima District Court, Judge 
pf the Hiroshima Court 0} 
Appeal, and as the President 
of the Saga and Kagoshima 
District Courts, was trans- 
ferred to present post ; has 
been decorated with the 5th 
Order of Merit. Address : 
Official House, the Kuma- 

Mog— Mor 

moto District Court. 

Momoshima, Ichihaohi (W & 
— A), Judge ;-, President of 
the Takamatsu District Court. 
Decoration : 5th Order of 
Merit. Address : the Taka- 
matsu District Coiirt. 

Mori, Eihichi (M- ^ -b), 
dealer in dry goods, Auditor 
to the Gifu Silk Goods Com- 
pany ; b. Aug. 1882 in Ai- 
chi-ken ; 2nd s. of Eihichi 
Mori ; m. Sumilco, 1st d. 
of Matsubei Tomatsu, of 
Aichi-ken. Address : 8th of 
No. 5, Motoshigemachi, Ni- 
shiku, Nagoya. Tel. : 63 
Ch6. - 

Mori, Etsutaro (M-M X W). 
Naval Cop., Chief the Electric 
Ssctit)"ti" of the Naval Arsenal;^ 
d. 1868. 2nd Commander, 
Sept. 1899; Commander, July 
1904; Captain, Sept. 1908. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun ; 4th Class of 
the Golden "Kii^. ] Address : 
No. 44, Matsumotocho, Shi- 
ba, Tokyo. ' 

Mori, Goro (^ M 3L 110, ' 
Baron (cr. 1892); , Member 
of the House of iPeers ; ^■ 
20 Oct. 1871 ; :y. brother to 
Prince Motoaki Mori; m. 
Masa-ko, aunt to Marquis 
K5so Matsudaira. Educ. : 
studied in England, 1888— 
1896. M. H. P. since June 
1898 ; has been decorated 
\vith the Ath Order of the 



Rising Sun. ■ Address : JNo 
io6, Hommuracho, Azabu, 
Tokyo. 2>/..- 186 Shiba 
MQri,_ Heibei (M ^ ^ IK), 
pharmacist ; apothecary ; Ta- 
mpei-'Shdkzvai ; b. Feb. 1874 
in Osaka; 2nd s. of Kohei 
JVIatsui, 'and adopted by He- 
jbei Mori ; m. Nara-ei, 4th 
d. of Rihei Tahata. Educ: 
graduated from the School 
of Pharmacy. l^harmacist, 
1899 ? elected Merriber of the 
Osaka Prefectural Council in 
1907. Address: No. 13, 2 

chome, Shinsaibashi, Minami- 
ku, Osaka. Tel. : 902 ; 901 

Mori, Hiicozo (M ® H), 
Chief of the Rolling Stock 
and Machineiy Department, 
Central Divisional Superin- 
tendant Office, the Railway. 
Board ; b. Mar. 1867 in O- 
kayama prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Shozo Mori, a samurai of 
Okayama ; m. Kin, e. sister 
to Tsunetaro Aiga, of Oka- 
yama-ken." Educ. : graduated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
^ versity, 1891. After gradua- 
tion, he entered the Railway 
Board, and was made engi- 
neer of the Kobe Works ; 
then its Manager, 1 896 ; engi- 
neer of the Kobe Water 
Works, 1897 — 1903; was 
^dered to proceed to Eurogft 
aiid^^ America for thepurgose 
oF inspecting railway affairs. 

'903 — 1904; afterwards ap- 
"pointed Manager of the Shim- 
bashi Works of the Imperial 
Government Railways, 1904; 
appointed to the present post in 
1908, still holding the above 
as an additional post. Once 
lectured on locomotives in 
the College of Science and 
Engineering of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ., 1899 — 190J, 
and also in the Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Imp* 
Univ., 1904 — 1909. Decora- 
tion ; 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun. Publication : Locomotive 
Engineering. Address : 5 3rd 
of the Official House of the 
Railway Board, Shiodomecho, 
Shiba, Tokyo. Club: Imperial 
Railway Association, etc. 

Mori, Hirosaburo (^ ^ H 
SP), ex-Mem. of the House 
of Peers representing the high- 
est taxpayers of Fukui-ken ; 
b. Nov. 1870 in Fukui-ken ; 
1st s. of Hirosaburo, Mori ; 
m. Kumi,. ist d. of Ton Ka- 
tayama, a samurai of Hok- 
kaido Once was Member of 
the P'ukui Prefectural Coun- 
cil ; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun in connection with the 
late war. Address : Ktinita- 
ka-mura, Imatachi-gun, Fu- 

Mori, Hirotaro (^ * j6c SB), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Ehime-ken; b. Jan. 1858 



in Ehime-ken ; Tst s. of Shi- 
. njiro Mori. "* Address : Himi- 

machi. Arai-gun, E^hime-ken, 
Mori, Hirozo <M M M>> 
vice-manager of the Kobe 
Brtmcli of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank ; b. Feb. of the 
Gth y. of Meiji (1873)in Totto- 
rislii ; 3rd s. of Jinjuro Mori, 
m, Michiko, e. d. of tlie late 
Yaichi Okiida, Nov. 1904. 
Eduo. : griidnated from the 
Tokyo iiigher Commercial 
School, 1897. Entered the 
bank on his graduation and 
served at several branches of 
the same bank home and 
abroad ; then promoted to the 
present post, lieereations : read- 
ing, wandering in mountain- 
ous land. Address : 51 of 297, 
Okuhirano-mura, Kobe. Tel. : 


Mori, loMbei C^ ^iJ — ^ Ir), 

Rear-Admiral ; Commander 
of the Kure Reserve Squad- 
ron ; 3. 24 July 1858, Kago- 
shima prefecture; 1st s. of 
Kiheita Mori, a samurai of 
Kagoshima ; ' in. Tame, 2nd 
d. of Sumitaka Tamimurk, a 
' samurai oiW\yAZdi}id. Educ: 
graduated from the Naval 
Cadets School, 1 881. 2nd Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1885 ; reached 
the rank of Commander in 
Dec. 1897 ; Captain, Oct. 
1902 ; Rear - Admiral, Aug. 
1908 ; was appointed to the 
present post in Dec. 1909 ; 
took part in the Japan China 

War as Group Leader in the 
protected cruiser Itsukushima, 
and in the _^ Russo-Japanese 
War as Commander of the 
protected cruiser TakacJiiho, 
the armoured coast defense 
ship Chin-yen, and of the bat- 
tleship Fjiji; at the end of 
the war was decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and the 4th Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 17, Ichigaya Nakano- 
machi, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Mori, Kagetoshi C^ fe ^i]), 
Dr., Chief Paediatria of the 
Kobe Hospital. Address : the 
Hospital, Kusunokicho, Kobe. 

Mori, Kengo (M S ^), 
Secretaiy to the Financial 
Department stationed in Eng- 
land and France; d. Sept. 
1 876 in Saga ; s. of Tomo- 
hiro Mori, a samurai of Saga 
clan ; m. Fumi, ist. d. of 
Tadayuki Yoshitomi, a samji- 
raioi Tokyo. Educ. : grsidu- 
ated from the College of 
I^aw,* Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1900. Entered the , 
Financial Department, 1900. ' 
Passed the Higher Civil Ser- 
vice Examination ; stayed In 
England by gcswernment cru- 
der, Dec. 1900 — May 1902; 
Secretaiy to the Financial 
Department, 1902 — 1903 ; 
Private Secretary to the Finan- 
cial Minister, 1903 ;_jQr,dered. 
to proceed to England and 


L S6o 

Ameiica as the companion 
orFinancil Vice-Minister Wa- 
■katsuki, and afterwards re- 
maining there, May 1907 — 
1910 ; present post since 19- 
1 1 ; decorated with the 5th 
Order of Merit. Address: 
(in Japan) No. i, Tangoma- 
chi, Akasaka, Tokyo. English 
Address: No. 3, White hall 
Court, London, S. W. Tel. : 
(in Japan) 2200 Shimbashi, 

(in London) .^610 Victoria. 
Mori, Sinseki (^ -f^ :5;), 

artist, Japanese painter; b. 
March cf the 14th y. of 
Tenpo (1843) at Yuyama, 
province of Settsu, Educ: 
learned painting from Kinjyo 
Kanae, Jyoson Ninchoji. He 
exhibited his masterpieces in 
art exhibitions and Naikoku 
industrial exhibitions and ob- 
tained several times prizes; 
was awarded a set of gold 
cups by the bureau of de- 
coratipns; is now member 
of, committee and adviser to 
several societies. Address : 
No. 2434, Takagaki-cho, 
Kita-ku, Osaka. 

ISSrI, Kiyoshi C# rt), Vis- 
ctJunt, Member of the House 
of Pees;_//. Dec. 1875; ist 
J. *>f the late celebrated Vis- 
count Yurei Mori, who fell 
«nder the hand of an as- 
sassin on tlie day of the 
Proclamation of the Japanese 
Constitution in 1889 ; m. Yo- 

# '-k BR), 


Address : 


slii-ko, 1st d. of Viscount 
Yasutami Matsudaira.. Ad- 
dress; No. 103, 6chome, A- 
oyania Minamicho, Akasaka. 

Mori, Kojiro (;# 
President of the 
Mutual Bank, Ltd. 
gun, Kanagawa prefecture.' 

Mori, Kuaitake (M f^ ^>, 
Colonel of Infantry ; chief of 
tRg^'^^^^roff'ftSpartment of 
Military Education ; 5. Jan. 
1868 in Gumma-ken ; 2nd s. 
of Uliei Mori, and adopted 
by Chojiro Mori; m. Kimi, 
y. sieter to Kahichiro Seki- 
da, of Tochigi-ken. Educ: 
Military College. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Infantry, Mar. 1 89 1 ; 
Lieutenant of — , Apr. 1 894 ; ' 
took part in the Japan China 
War as adjutant to the 3rd 
Division and then was on the 
staff cf the 1st Army ; Cap- 
tain of—, Oct. 1897; Major 
of — , Nov. 1902 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel of — , May 1905 ; was 
ordered to proceed to Ger- 
many for the purpose of nii- 
iitary inspection, Feb. 1906 ; 
Colonel of — , Sept. 1908 ; 
I)articipated in the Russo- 
Japai -se War, and has been 
decorded with the 4tb Order 
of the Rising Siin and the 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : No. I9, Ichigaya 
Tomihisacho, Ushigome, To- 

[ 56i ] 


Kyo. _ 

Mori, Masataka Clfe iE W:\ 
Governor of Niigata-prefectm^. 
Decoration: 4th Order of 
Merit. y4^i/r^j-.y .• Official Hou- 
se, Eishodori, Niigata. 

Mori, MatahicMro (#. X -t: 
BI5). Rear- Admiral. Address: 
No. 355, Nakashibuya, Shi- 
buya - mura, Toyotama - gun, 

Mori, Mosei (^% ife), Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives for Mie - ken ; b. 
May 1865 in Mie-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Junjiro Mori ; m. Shizu, 
3rd d. of Buhei Tanaka, of 
Mie-ken. Educ. : studied in 
the Keiogijukii. Once was 
Member of the Mie Prefect- 
ural Council, and was its 
Vice - Chairman ; was once 
Member of the Kuwana Cham- 
ber of Cornmerce ; is now 
serving for the fourth time as 
a member of the House of 
Representatives ; has been de- 
corated with the 4th order 
of the Rising Sun. Address: 
No. 2, I chome, Atagoshi- 
tamachi, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel • 
lOOi Cho Shiba. 

Mori, Motoaki (^ fij % ng), 
Prince, Member of the House 
of Peers ; Lord-in- Waiting, of 
the Kinkei Hall ; b. 7 FeT). 
1865 ; 1st i-. of the late Prince 
Motonori Mori,-^ ex-Lord of 
Yamaguchi clan ; m. Misako 
e. sister to Printv Kimiyoshi 

Sanjo. Address : No. 27, Ta- 
kanawa Minamicho, Shiba, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 957 Shiba. 

Mori, Mdtosnkeih(# 7t S&), 
Chief Goaler of the Ichigaya 
Prison. Decoration : 5th Or- 
der of Merit. Address : Aral, 
Nogata-gun, Toyotama-gun, 

Mori, Mototada C^- M yt SO, 
Viscount (cr. 1884); Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers-; 
b. ly June 1865 ; 2nd s. of 
Motozumi Mori, ex-Lord of 
a clan in Choshii ; m. Kuni- 
ko, 2nd d. of Baron Sompu- 
ku Senge, ex-Mayor of To- 
kyo. Educ.: studied in Ger- 
many. Has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : No. 
16, riigashishiiiano-machr, 
Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo. 

' Mori, Eimpei C# # ^)i 

Dr., one of the highest tax- 
payers of Aichi-ken ; 3. Nov. 
1 86 1 in Aichi-ken; ist s. of 
Rimpei Mori, a samurai of 
Aichi-ken ; m. Saku, j. sister 
to Jinkichi Watanabe, of Gi- 
fu-ken. Address : Asaimachi, 
Flaguri-gun, Aichi-ken. 

Mori, Riiitaro (M- # ^ BP), 
Dr.. Igakuhakushi, Bungaku- 
kakusht, Surgeon-General and 
Director of Medical Affairs, 
War Office ; b, Jan x 860 at 
Tsuwano, Iwami province ; i st' 
5. of Shidzuo Mori, a clan 
doctor; m. Shige, d. of 


L 562 

Ifiro-omi Araki, a samurai of 
Tokyo, Educ. : studied Japa- 
nese and Chinese Classics, 
and German ; graduated from 
the Tokyo Medical School, 
1881 ; further studied in 
the Universities of Leipzig, 
Dresden, Miinchen, and Ber- 
lin, 1884— 1888. Surgeon- 
Sub-Lieutenant, Dec. 1 88 1 J 
Surgeon Lieutenant, May 18- 
'83 ; Surgeon Captain, May 
1885; Surgeon Lieutenant- 
Colonel, June 1890; Surgeon 
Colonel, Mar. 1897; Surgeon 
Major - General, June 1899; 
Surgeon General, Nov. 1907 ; 
Igakuhakushi, 1893 ; Bunga- 
kuhakushi, 19 10; took part 
in both the Japan China and 
the Russo - Japanese Wars ; 
has been decorated with the 
2nd Order of the Rising Sua 
and the 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite in recognition of 
his valuable services rendered 
to the Empire during the war. 
He is well known officially 
having been~- connected with 
military surgery since his re- 
turn from Germany ; but he 
is probably much more widely 
known as a literateur, both 
as a translator of manj' Ger- 
man Classics, and a writer 
with a highly finished style. 
Writes under the nom de 
flume of " OS^wai;" once lec- 
tured aesthetics at Keiogiju- 
ku, the Tokyo Fine Arts 

School and the Tokyo Sem- 
mon Gakko (predecessor ■ of 
the present Waseda Uni- 
versity). Publications : " Mi- 
nawashii " (a collection of his 
translations and' 01 iginal wri- 
tings) ; Maihime (Dancing 
Girl) ; Hitomakumono and 
Zoku - hitomakumono (One 
Aet Plays, being translations 
of several European drama- 
tists); Ogonhai (Golden Cup); 
Utanikki (Diary in Verse) ; 
Principles of Aesthetics, (trans- 
lation from the German) ; and 
many other short stories and 
translations contributed to va- 
rious magz.zines. 'Address: No. 
21, Komagome Sendagicho, 
Hongo, Tokyo, 7>/./ 946 

Mori, Ritsuko (^ # .^), 

Actress; d. 1 891 in Tokyo; 
d. of iHajime Mori, lawyer. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Atomi Girls' School, 1907; 
studied English under Miss 
Summer, 1908; graduated 
from the Actress* School 
attached to the Imp. Theatre 
(Teikokuza), 1910; has gone 
to Europe for observation, 
March 1913. Recreations: 
literature, gardenuig. Ad- 
dress'. No. 18, Kamiya-cho, 
Nishinokubo, Shiba, Tokyo. 


Mori, Rokaro; (^ /» BU), 
one of the highe'st taxpayers 
of Tokushitoa-ken '; Director 

[ 563 ] 


and President of the I'oku- 
shinm Bean-refuse Manufact- 
uring Company; b. Feb. 1872 
in Tokushima-ken ; 1st s. of 
Rokubei Mori ; ' in. Kei, y. 
sister of Yasugoro Koizumi, 
of Tokushima. Address : No. 
93, Torimachi, Tokushima- 

Mori, Sakutar" C# ■ft X I-IO, 
lawyer; 3. Mar. 1854 in "^O" 
kyo ; .y. of Morikatsu Mita, 
and adopted by Sadayoshi 
Mori. Has served as Judge 
in several Courts, 1876 — 1881; 
lawyer since 1881 ; Cliair- 
man of the Osaka City Coun- 
cil, 1892 — 1901 ; made an in- 
spection tour of European and 
American cities as the Chair- 
man of Osaka City Council in 
1900: Recreations: Music; Li- 
terature. Address : No. 29, 
I chome, Edobori - kita - dori , 
Nishiku, Osaka. Tel. : 360 

Mori, San-itsu (# # 5S), 
judge; President of the K5- 
chi District Court. Address : 
the Kochi District Court. 
) }ri, Sei C^ IE), ex-Mem. 
o. the House of Representa- 
tives for Nara-ken ; i>. -Apr. 
1867 in Nara-ken; ist s. of 
Goro Mori ; m. Shii, 3rd d. 
of Seiken Kasai, of Nara- 
ken. Elected M. H. P. in 
1908. Address : No. 45, Ta- 
kanawa Minamicho, Shiba, 
Tol<yo. Tel.: 163 1 Shiba. 

Mori, Ssi-emon (#|S ;6 &P^), 
engineering works contractor, 
chief of the Arima-gumi ; b. 
the 6th y. of Ansei (1859), 
Tokyo; ist s. of the late 
Sei-emon Mori; m. 1883, Fu- 
mi-ko, 1st d. of Zenkichi Ku- 
mai. Educ. : studied Chinese 
classics and English. Stand- 
ing Director of the Yokoha- 
ma Electric Railway, Presi- 
dent of the Oriental En^- 
neering Works Company and 
of the Japan Industrial Com- 
pany, member of tlie Cham- 
ber of Commerce, Member of 
the Tokyo Prefectural Coun- 
cil, etc. Recreations : Igo 
playing, Waka (Japanese-po- 
etry), Painting and Calli - 
graphy, Curios, etc. Address: 
No. 6, Sekiguchicho, Kanda, 
Tokyo. Clubs : Doki Club, 
Japanese Tradj Association, 
Imperial Railway Association. 
Tel.: 1170 Honkyoku. 

Mori, Shotaro (M'S.% %\ 
President of the 47th Bank, 
and of the Hokuetsu Arti- 
ficial Manure Co. ; Standing 
Director of the Iwase Steam- 
ship Company ; Auditor of the 
Iwase Bank, and of the Ta- 
kaoka Rice Exchange ; Mem- 
ber of the Toyama Chamber 
of Commerce; b. July 1859 
1 iii Toyama-ken ; ist .j. of Sen- 
enion Mori ; ni. Ju. Address : 
Higashi-iwase-mura, Kamia- 
rakawa-gun, Toyama-ken. 


[ 564 1 

Mori, STsakii (# ^* f^), 
President of the 40th Bank 
aind of the Tatebayashi Sav- 
ings Bank ; Representative 
Member of the Mori Partner- 
ship ; Director of the Gum- 
ma Agricultural and Indust- 
rial Bank, etc. ■, b. 13 Mar. 
1863, Tochigi prefecture ; 2nd 
s. of Yoshibei Shiriozaki, oj 

Tochigi, antS adopted by So- 
gbro Mori ; m. Koto, i st d. 
df his foster-fether. Address : 
RiiyQmachi, Yamada - gun, 

Mori, Tomoyuki (# % 2.'), 

ndander of the istllegiment of 
Infantry despatched in Chosen; 
b. i868,Ehime prefectvlre. Suh- 
Eieiitenaiit, July 1888; Lieiite- 
naht, July 1893; Captain, Oct. 
1 897; Major, Nov. 1 902; Lieute- 
nant-Colonel, Sept. 1905 : Co- 
lonel, "Sept. 1909 Decoration: 
3rd Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure. Address: ist Regi- 
ment of Infantry, Korea. 

Mori, Yasunosuke (# S ^ 
M), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Kagoshima-ken ; b. 
Oct. 1 849 in Kagoshim.a-ken; 
1st s. of Kiheiji Mori ; m. 
Ume, aunt to Seizo Iwashi- 
ge, of Kagoshima-ken. i Ad- 
dress : Nishikokubu-mura, D- 
ra-gun, Kagoshima-ken. ..:i-f' 

Mori, YosMomi C# ^ fe), 

Station; A 1869. 2nd Com- 
mander, June 1898 ; Com- 
mander, Sept, 1903; Captain, 
Sept. 1908. Decorations : 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : No. 25, NijikkichS,- 
Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Mori, Yoshitaro (M m. * 
BP), Rear-^Admiia;J : h. 1864. 
Eiduc.: graduatedlrom the Na- 
val Cadets School. 2nd Com- 
mander, Dec. r897; Com- 
mander, Oct. 1898; Captain, 
Jan. 1905 ; present post, 191 1. 
Decorations : 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite; 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun; 5th Order of 
the Sacred Treasure. Address: 
No. 12, Aoyama-Takakicho, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. 

Morikawa, Seigoro (5^ ;i| ?t 3l 
riat,Comniander of the 9thlBat- 
talion of Commissariat ; b.. 
1 870, Hyogo prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, June 
1 894; Sub-Lieutenant of Com- 
missariat, Sept. the sarhe year; 
Lieutenant, June 1895 ; Cap- 
tain, Jan. 1898 ; Major, Nov.. 
1904. Decorations : , 4th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun ; 5 th 
Class of the Golden- Kite. 
Address : the 9th Battalion of 
Com., Kanazawa. 

Morikawa, Shuzo Clfe )\\ % 
W), a large land owner of Hi- 
roshima-ken ; Member of the 
Hiroshima Chamber of Com- 

L S6S I 


merce, and of the Hiroshima 
Prefectural Assembly ; ij. May 
i86o in Hiroshima-ken; ist 
i. of Choemon Morikawa ; m. 
Tei, I St d. of Kan Takeuchi, 
of Hiroshima. At/dress : No. 
I, Tsukamotomachi, Hiroshi- 

Morikawa, Takeshi QB- JH^), 
Major-General ; Commander 
of the 26th Brigade of In- 
fantry; i. Mar. 1855 in Iba- 
raki-ken ; jf. brother to Gen- 
go Morikawa ; m. Yebi, ist 
d. of Kadzutoshi Endo, a sa- 
murai of Tokyo. EducJ grad- 
uated from the Military Acade- 
my, 1879. Sub - Lieutenant 
of Infantry, Dec. 1881 ; Lieu- 
tenant of—, May 188s ; Cap- 
tain of— , Nov. 1891; Major 
of — , Dec. 1896; Lieutenant- 
Colonel of — , Sept. 1902 ; 
Lolonel of — , Mar. 1905; 
Major - General, Dec. 1908 ; 
took part in the Japan China 
and the Russo-Japanese Wars 
as Commander of- tlie 32nd 
Regiment of Infantry ; at the 
pnd of the war, was decorat- 
ed with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
Head-quarters of the 26th 
Army Brigade of Infantry, Ta- 
■katamachi, ."^akakubiki r gun, 

i Morilcnbo. i^aknzo ^ A 1* 
i¥ it), Member of thei House of 
Representatives for. Tokyo-fu; 

Councillor of the Tokyo City 
Assembly; Director of the 
Enoshima Electric Railway 
Co., Hachioji Store - house 
Bank, and of the Shokusan 
Bank ; b. 27th June 1855 in 
Tokyo; 1st s. of Shogoro 
Morikubo; m. Sei, ist ^. iA 
Yahichi, Nakamura.of Tol<>'o. 
Early entered politico and be- 
came a niember of the Liberal 
Party, a then newly organ- 
ized political party; was e- 
lected Member of the Kana^ 
gawa Prefectural Assembly, 
1888; elected Member of the 
House of Representatives at 
the by-election of 1896; one 
of the founders of the Eno- ' 
shima Electric Railway Com- 
pany, 1890; Member of the 
Tokyo Cily Council, 1891 ; 
again elected Member of the 
. House of Repi-esentatives, 19- 
04 ; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun. Address : No. 6, 2 cho- 
me, Kagurazakacho, Ushigo- 
me. Tokj'o. Tel. : 281 Ban- 

Morimoto, Jinhei k% % ^ 
^ ^), President of the Ni- 
shinomiya Brewing Company; 
Standing Director of the Ni- 
shinpmiya Bank ; b. 22nd Jan. 
1864 in Hyogo-ken; ist s. 
of Jimbei Morimoto. Address: 
Hamakubocho, . Nishinomiya- 
machi, Miiko - gun, Hypgo- 




Morimoto, Kakuya C# ;^ ?i 
•ife). President of the Mie Agri- 
cultural and Industrial Bank ; 
Special Member of the* Tsu 
Chamber of Commerce; d. 
13th Apr. 1862 in Mie-ken; 
1st .f. of Sazaemon Morimo- 
to ; m. Chitsu, ist d. of Ko- 
saku Inagaki, a samtirat of 
Mie-ken. Elected M. H. R. 
for Mie prefecture. Address : 
Ugata-mura, Shima-gun, Mie- 
ken. ' 

Morimoto, Knnijiro C# *: ^R 
ia W), Councillor, and section- 
al chief of the Railway Board; 
l>. 4th Nov. 1866 in Okaya- 
ma-ken ; m. Tsuchino, y. sis- 
ter to Shin-ichi Sato, of Oka- 
yama. Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination 
Nov. 1895 ; entered.the Board 
of Audit, 1895 ; Probationary 
Public Auditor, and Secretary 
of the House of Representa- 
tives as an additional post, 
July 1896; then full Public 
Auditor, July 1902 ; was or- 
dered to pi'oceed to Man- 
churia, Sept. 1907 ; present 
post since Dec. 1908 ; has 
been decorated with the sth 
Order of Merit. Address .-No. 
20, Kikuicho, Ushigome, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 1874 Bancho. 
; Morimoto, Eokubei (M :^ f: 
*flf3, Executive Member of 
the Morimoto Partnership ; 
Auditor to the Naigwai Ma- 

rine Products Company; Mem- 
ber of the Kobe Chamber of 
Commerce ; 6. 4th Nov. 1 876 
in Osaka ; ist s. of Keimei 
Morimoto; in. Yuri, ist d. 
of Tayozo Majima, of Osaka. 
Address: 'i^io. 24, i chome,. 
Motomachi, Kobe. 7>/..-638. 
Morimoto, Zenshichi (^ ~M 
# -t)» Director of the T5kai 
Store - house Company, the 
Nagoya Bank, and of the 
Nagoya Savings Bank ; Au- 
ditor of the Nagoya Twisted- 
Thread Weaving Co. ; Mem- 
ber of the Nagoya Chamber 
of Commerce ; has a fancy 
goods store; 3. II Feb. 1855, 
Aichi-ken; 1st .f. of Sobei 
Hagiwara, and adopted by 
2^nhichi Morimoto. Address: 
No. 49, Teppocho, Nakaku, 
Nagoya. ^/. .-623 Cho. 
' Morimttra, Gyota C^ l^t 9k 
^)> President of the Isezaki 
Bank; Director of the Jyomo 
Bank, and of the Tone Canal 
Company ; 6. 15th Aug. 1863 
in Gumma-keri ; ist j. of Mo- 
mpei Morimura ; m. Miyo, 
1st d. of Bunkichiro Shiina, 
of Gumma - prefecture. Ad- 
dress : Miyago-mura, Saha- 
gun, Gumma-ken. 

Morimnra, Ichizaemon C^ ^ 
fli :fe S P5), Representative 
Member of the Morimura 
Bank; Advisor to the Fuji 
.Paper ..Manufacturing Gomr 
ipany, and to the Fuji Gas 

[ 567 ] 


Spinning Company ; President 
of Morimura & Co. ; trader ; 
b. Oct. 1839 in Tokyo; ist 
J. ot Ichizaemon Morimura ; 
m. Kiku, 1st d. of Motobei 
Yamashita, of Tokyo. Hav- 
ing early engaged in the ex- 
port and import trade after 
considerable hardship, amas- 
sed a large fortune ; when the 
Bank of Japan was founded 
in 1882 he became its Mana- 
ger, holding the post for 18 
years ; in 1900 was appointed 
a Director. Is the founder 
of the famous Morimura Co., 
which is engaged in the manu- 
facture and export of porce- 
lain a'nd Japanese curios ; has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of Merit in connection 
with the late war. Address : 
No. 33, Takanawa, Minami- 
machi, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 
333 Sliiba. 

Blorimtira, Kaisaku C^tf SM 

fis, . Trader; <5. 1873 in Tokyo; 
2nd s. of Ichizaemon Mori- 
mura, founder of the famous 
Morimura Co. Ediic,: studied 
at Keiogijuku University; on 
his graduation went to Ame- 
rica and studied at a Com- 
mercial school for nine years; 
is engaged iii export and 
import in the Morimuragumi 
since his return, 190J. Ad- 
dress: No. 33 Takanawa- 
minami-cho, Shiba-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2021 Shiba. 

Morinaga, Ikichi (M *• P' 
cf), Prof of the Nagasaki 
Medical College; b. 1st Apr. 
1857 in Saga-ken; ist s. of 
Zenroku Morinaga ; m. Yae, 
/. sister to Juhei Hirabaya- 
shi, of Nagasaki-ken. ~ Educ: 
studied medicine. Entered the 
Home Office, June 1877 ; then 
became Prof at the 5th High, 
School, and afterwards pre- 
sent position. Address : the 
Nagasaki Medical College, 

Morinaga, Yiiken (# 7Jt % 
M), court physician ; b. 1 7th 
May 1 849 in Saga-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Choz5 Morinaga, a sa- 
murai' of Saga-ken, and a- " 
dopted by Tomomatsu Mori- 
naga, a samurai of Tokyo; 
m. Shiga, 1st d. of the late 
Jihei Mizuno, a samurai of 
Saga. Educ. : graduated from 
the Medical College of the To+ 
kyo Imperial University, 18- , 
81. Entered the Department 
of Household Affairs, and was 
appointed court physician; has 
been decorated with the $& 
Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 14 Ryiidomachi, Azabu, 
Tokyo^ Tel. : 2270 Shiba. 
. Morinobu, Yasuiohi C#. is 3c 
— ), Managing Director of the 
Bingo Bank ; b. 4th Sept. 
i860 in Hiroshima -ken ; 2nd 
s. of Yorokuro Nakayama, and 
adopted by Kiemon Morino- 
bu; m. Yuka, 1st d. of his 


l. 568 ] 

foster - father. Address : Hi- 
royama - mura, Ashi - shina- 
gun, Hiroshima-ken. 

Morioka, Heiemon C# M ^ 
* I n), President of the To- 
mikura Bank ; Director of the 
Gopper and Iron Company ; 
Representative Member of the 
Imperial Trade Partnership ; 
dealer in copper and iron ; b. 
Dec. 1 87 1 in Tokyo ; 2nd s. 
of Heiemon Morioka; m. Yae, 
niece to Sukegoro Hirooka, 
of Tokyo. Address : No. 28, 
I chome, Honzaimokucho, Ni- 
hombashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
,660 ; 2914 /. (/. Honkyoku. 

Morioka, Morinari (SJi PB ^ 

Jffi)> Colonel of CaY^ry, Di- 
School; 3. 1871 in Yama- 
guchi-ken. Sub-Lieut., March 
1892; Lieut., Nov. 1894; 
Captain, Oct. 1899; Major, 
May 1903; Lieut. Colonel, 
April 1905; Colonel, Dec. 
1910. Decorations: 4th Or- 
der of S. T., x\A Order of 
R. S., 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Kamimeguro, 
Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Monoka. Shin (^ IM! R). 
Representative Member of the 
Togura Afforestation Com- 
pany, Member of the Morio- 
ka Partnership ; Dealer in e- 
lectric machinery ; b. Dec. 
1844 in Shiga-ken ; 2nd s. of 
^okuemon Morioka ; m. Ta- 
ka, 2nd d. of Rokusabliro 

Nishimura, of Tokyo. Early 
entered the Departments of 
Finance and Home Affairs, 
and afterwards served as Se- 
cretary of Iwate, Ishiicawa, 
Gumma and Kumamoto pre- 
fectures ; in 1894 retired from 
the government service, and 
entered business giving his 
attention to foreign trade and 
emigration with great success. 
Address: No. 4, Yamashiro- 
cho, Ivyobashi, Tokyo. Tel. .• 
31 12 Cho Shimbashi. 

Morishima, Kahei (M % % 
:R- %\ President of the Tei- 
ritsu Bank ; b. 21st Apr. 1845 
in Wakayama-ken ; ist s. of 
Yashiro Hirata, and adbptcd" 
by Kahei Morishima. Address: 
Kushimotomachi, Nishimuro- 
gun, Wakayama-ken. 

Morishima, Kurata (M % % 
:fc)> Igakukakushi ;. _ Prof of 
the Kyoto Medical College, 
Imperial University of Kyoto 
(chair : — pharmacology) ; b. 
7th Apr. 1868 in Gifu-ken ; 
1st s. of- Gensen Morishima ; 
m.. Teru.jj/. sister to Kan Fuji- 
nanii, Igakuhakushi. Ednc.: 
graduated from the Medical 
College, 1893 ; studied rnate- 
ria medica in Germany, 1896 
-— ;I900. Was appointed As- 
sistant Prof of the Medical 
College, Kyoto Imperial Univ., 
1900 ; then Igakuhakushi, and 
full Prof, Dec. the same year ; 
ordered to proceed to China, 

[ 569 

19 1 o. Address: Kamikamo- 
mura, Atago-gun, Kyoto. 

Morita, Ekizj C# H S si), 
Managing Director of the Ta- 
jumaru Bank ; Auditor to the 
lasumaru Savings . Bank ; b. 
14th Apr. 1 847 in Fukuoka ; 
ist5. of Sakujiro Morita. Ad- 
dress : Tasumaru, Ukiha-gun, 


' 'Morita, Kiheiji (^ ffl » -'P 

?1&), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Aomori prefecture; 
Director of the Hichinohe Com- 
modity Company, the Kami- 
kita Bank ; apothecary and 
d y-goods dealer ; b. 2 Aug. 
186,5, Aomori prefecture ; ^^t 
s. of Kiheiji Morita ; m. Tsu- 
ru, 1st d. of Shobei Morita, 
of Aomori prefecture. Ad- 
dress: Hichinohemachi, Ka- 
mikita-gun, Aomori-ken. 

Morita, Mokichi C# ffl Ife" a), 
Director and President of the 
Silk - thread Spinning Com- 
pany; b. 1 6th Aug. 1865 in 
Hyogo-ken ; 2!jd s. of Seiha- 
chi Morita ; m. Moto, ist d. 
of Naotane Ozaki, a samurai 
of Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imperial Univer.sity, 
1896. Soon after his gradu- 
ation,- he entered the Metro- 
politan Police Office ; then was 
transferred as Secretary to 
the Home Office ; then ap- 
pointed Chief of the Sanitaiy 
Bureau in 1 903 ; afterwards 

transferred as Chief of the 
Commercial and Industrial 
Bureau; retiring from the 
government service entered bu- 
siness; has been decorated with 
the 3rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : Okazakimachi, Kami- 
kyoku, Kyoto. 

Morita, Saburoemon (^ H H 
S15 *. X F1), one of the high- 
est taxpayers of Fukui-ken ; 
President of the Morita Bank, 
and of the Morita Savings 
Bank; soy brewer; b, i6th 
Jan. 1850 in Fukui - ken ; jc. 
brother to the late Saburoe- 
mon Morita ; m. Yii, mother 
of Kohaku Omori, of Fukui. 
Address : Mikuni - mura, Sa- 
kai-gun, Fukui-ken. 

Morita, Shobei C# H ffi J% ^), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Wakayama-ken ; Director 
and President of the Ito Bank; 
Director of the Wakayama- 
ken Agricultural and Indust- 
rial Bank ; brewer; b. Sept. 
1862 in Wakayama-«Ka; 1st 
s. of Masaharu Morita. Ad- 
dress : Myoji-mura, Ito^un, 

Morita, Suketaka Clfe H K 
#), Dr., chief of the second 
section of the Dep't for In- 
ternal Diseases, Aichi Hos- 
pital. Address : the hospital, 
Tennojimachi, Nakaku, Na- 

Morita, Tadao (# H & 
iS), Procurator, Chief Procura 



tor of the Takamatsu Dis- 
trict Court; d. May 1856 in 
Kumamoto-ken ; 3rd j. of Ga- 
nsui Morita, a samurai of Ku- 
mamoto ; w,. Kane, ist d. of 
Shoichi Hisano, a samurai of 
Kumamoto. Early entered 
the Department of Justice, and 
passed the Examination for 
Bench, Mar. 1887; Procurat- 
or, July, the same year ; after 
serving as procurator of the 
Oita and Nagaski District 
Courts, and as chief procurat- 
or of the Miyazaki District 
Court, was transferred to the 
present post in Jan'. 1906 ; 
has been decorated with the 
4th Order of Merit. Address: 
Tenjimmachi, Takamatsu-shi. 

Morita, Taijiro C# ffl ^ ^ 
S|5), Director and President 
of the Mikuri - Bank ; b. ist 
Aug. 1 868 in Skidzuoka-ken ; 
1st s. of Toyohachi Morita ; 
m. Ishi, y. sister to Ryuki- 
chi Nagakura, of Shidzuoka. 
Address : Yanagiwara-mura, 
Sunto-gun, Shidzuoka-ken. 

Morita, Takuji (^ H 4 «), 
lawyer; ex-Member of the 
House of Representatives ; b. 
May 1866 in Hiroshima-ken; 
2nd J. of Tsunesaburo Mori- 
ta ; m. Kiku, Sth d. of Ka- 
tasaburo Sahegi, a • samurai 
of Hiroshima - ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Semmon Gakko (the predeces- 
sor of the present Waseda 

University). Was thrice . e- 
lected Member of the House 
• of Representatives for his na- 
tive place; has been deco- 
rated with the 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun. Address: 
No. 17, Komachi, Hiroshima- 
shi. Tel.: 555. 

Morita, Tokutaro (M- ffl '^ 
± m, Lieut.-Col. of Eng. staff 
on the Port Arthur Fortress; 6. 
1872, Wakayama- prefecture. 
Sub-Lieutenant, Oct. 1894; 
Lieutenant, Oct. 1897; Captain. 
Golden Kite. Present rank, Nov. 
191 1. Address: Port Arthur. 

Morita, Toshito (=3= W M M), 
.Colonel of Infantry ; Com- 
mander oftihe 60th Regiment 
of Infantry; b. 1867 in Fu- 
kuoka-ken ; s. of Koroku Mo- 
rita ; m. Misao, 1st d. of 
Kametaro Dkami, a samurai 
of Fukuoka. Sub-Lieutenant. 
June 1 886 ; Lieutenant, Mar, 
1892; Captain, Dec. 1896; 
Major, Sept. 1902; Lieute- 
nant Colonel, Sept. 1905 ; 
Colonel, May 1909 ; was de- 
corated with the 3rd Order 
of the Sacred Treasure and 
the 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Publication : Geography 
of Manchuria. Recreation : 
Reading. Address: No. 39, of 
Hei, Higashi-Hachi, Toyoha- 
shi, Mikawa. TeL:^1\. 

Igakuhakushi, Physician to the 
Yojoen (a sanatorium for 



consumption patents) ; h. i8- 
"jo in Okayama-prefecture ; 
y. b. to Konosuke Moiiya, 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of 
Medicine of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. 1897 ; further studied 
in Germany for three years. 
Present post since his return 
home; Igakuhakushi in 1911. 
Address : The Yqjoen Hos- 
pital. Shiba, Tokvo, 
Moriya, Konosuke (^ S jlfc 

W), lawyer : Member of the 
House of Representatives ; 
Standing Director of the Ke- 
ihin Electric Company ; Di- 
rector of the Kyijshu Coal 
Co.; b. 6 May 1861, Oka- 
yama-ken ; 2nd s. of Naka- 
taro Moriya ; m. Chiyo, 2nd 
d. of Midzushige Tetsuka. 
Educ: Kqf J kwanjBitchu; grad- 
uated from the Tokyo Law 
School, 1883. Passed the Ex- 
amination for Bar, 1883 ; has 
been several times elected 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives since 1 894 ; has 
been invested with the 4tli 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: No. 5, Minami-Saga- 
ragicho, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 
Te/. : 730 Shimbashi. 

Moriyama, Keizaburo CM ih 
M H Bli), Captain of the Navy; 
adjutant to the Dep't of Navy; 
b. 1 871. Mduc: Naval School. 
Second Commander, Oct. 15 

01 ; Commander. Jan. 1905 ; 
Captain, Sept. 1908. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun ; 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 12, Aoyama-Takakicho, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. 

Moriyama, Shigeru C# ill ^), 
Member of the Plouse of 
Peers ; Lord - in - Waiting of 
the Kinkei Hall ; b. 2Sth 
Jan. 1 841 in Nara-ken ; 1st 
s. of Tsuneji Kayano, and 
adopted by Toji Moriyama, 
a samurai of Yamato clan. 
Entered the, government ser- 
vice in 1 869 ; once was Go- 
vernor of Tovama-ken ; four 
times dispatched to Corea; 
nominated Member of the 
House of Peers, 1894; has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: No. 53, Takanavva- 
minami-cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 3231 Shiba. 

Horiyama, Shbnojo CM Ui # 
^ S), publisher ; proprietor 
of the Dobunkwan, a book 
store ; Director of the Tokyo 
Publishing Company ; b. Dec. 
1 87 1, Matsue, Idzumo pro- 
vince. When young went to 
Osaka, and became an ap- 
prentice in a book-store ; then 
by strenuous industry became 
one of the largest publishers 
of Tokyo ; amongst the many 
books he has published are 


[ 572 1 

dictionaries of Philosophy, E- 
ducation. Commerce, law, and 
of Medicine, etc. Address : 
No. 2, Omote-jinbocho, Kan- 
da, Tokyo; 7>/. .• 1539, 437 

Moriyama, Matazo (^ lU SL 
H), M.H.R., Director of the 
Osa.ka Electric Light Bulb Co.; 
i. 1 869. in Kumamoto prefect- 
ure ; 2ad s. of Kaizo Ota, a 
.samurai of the piefecture; 
adopted by Katsu Monj-'ama. 
Educ. : the ToKyo Higher 
Cornmercial School Entered 
business and was airector of 
some Companies. Address: 
No 21, Fukitecho, Shibaku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 2394 Shiba. 

Mtjrizaue, HirosM C^ K 5^), 
■one of the highest taxpayers 
of Ehiine-ken ;, ^. 23rd June 
1850 in Ehime-ken; ist j. of 
Midzugoro Morizane ; m. Se- 
tsu, 4th d- of Daizen Suke- 
waki, a samzirai of Ehime- 
ken. Address : Shqhaku-mu- 
ra, Uma-gun, Ehime-ken.' 

Mqro, Shingi (]® S ^ «), 
Engineer of the Kumamoto 
Prefectural Government. Ad- 
dress : Kuhonji, Oi-mura, A- 
taku-gun, Kumamoto prefect- 

Moroi; Kokuro C^- ^ 5^ 8!?), 
1st Secretary of the Jaga- 
nese Embassy at Berlin since 
Marcli 1912: 6. Jan. 1872 
in Saitama-ken • 5th s. of 
Sen-ei Moroi ; m. Ayako, 2nd 

-d. of Ichiro Shidzutani, of ^,- 
hime prefecture! Educ. : grad- 
uated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imperial- Univ., 
July 1896, Passed. thpHighpr 
Civil Service Examination, 
Dec. the same year ; pass- 
ed, the Diplornatic Service 
Examination, Apr, 1899,; 
Eleve Consul, May, the 
same year ; and dispatched 
to Shanghai, SoocHow, and 
London successively ; Consul, 
'iune 1 901; (Secretary of the 
1 oreign Office since Aug. 1906. 
Address. ■_ Japanese Embassy 
at Berlin. 

Moroi, Shiro CIS # E3 KP), 
Managing Director of the Toa 
Flour Manufacturing Corn- 
pa ny ; d. Jan. 1869 in Saita- 
ma-ken ; 4th s. of Sei-.ei Mo- 
roi ; m. Seki, 1st d. of Ta- 
nizo Kakinuma, of Tokyo. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, July 18- 
90. Entered the Keifu Rail- 
way Company, Apr. 1891 ; 
Manager of the Shibusawa 
Store-house, Nov. 1895 ; pre- 
sent position since Sept. 1906. 
Address: No. 94, Yushima- 
Shinhanach5, Hohgo, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 2^79 Shitaya. 

Moroi, Tsunehira fit ^ "il ¥;, 
Managing Director of the Ja- 
pan Brick Manufacturing Co., 
Standing Director of the To- 
kyo Woollen goods Co. ; b. 

I m ] 

Mor— Mot 

May 1862 in Saitama-ken ; 
2nd s. of Sen-ei Moroi; ;«. 
Micht, J. sister to K6ichir5 
Takei , of Saitama . Address : 
No. 17, Masagocho, Hongo, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 54 Shitaya. 

Morooka, Yoriyuki C;« PI S« 
Z'), Vice-Admiral on the re- 
serve ; b. Mar. 1850 in To- 
kyo ; 2nd s. of Hikogoro O- 
kamoto, a samurai of Tokyo, 
and adapted by Hatsugoro 
Morooka, a sapmrai ; m. Ya- 
su, 1st d. of Heizo Makino, 
of Tokyo. Has been deco- 
rated with the 3rd Order of 
Merit and 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: No. 
I H.Nakanoniachi-HongOjTo- 
yotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Moroto, Hokuro (M P * BR), 
Assistant-Prof of the College 
of Agriculture, Tokyo Imperi- 
al University. Now abroad. 
Iffiorozuini, Saburo, (M % H 
Rl>)> Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 60th In- 
fantry Regiment; b. 1868 in 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieut., March 
1890; Lieut., April 1894; 
Captain, Oct. 1897; Major, 
Dec. 1903; Lieut. Colonel, 
Nov. 1907; Colonel., Feb. 
19 1 2. 'Decorations: 3rd Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R, S., sth Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Toyohashi, 

Motoda. Den Ctc Ptl fi), 
Prof, at the Tokyo Higher 

Normal School ; b. June 1867 
in Tokyo ; ist s. of Nao.Mo- 
toda, and brother in law to 
Hajime Motoda, M. P. ; m. 
Kaede, y. sister to Ryijsuke 
Rinoie, ' Governor of Ishika- 
wa. Edlic. : graduated from 
the College of Science of the 
Tokyo Imperial ' University, 
1889 ; studied in the Univer- 
sity Hall; further studied 
mathematics in England and 
Germany by government or- 
der, Dec. 1901 — Nov. 1966. 
Appointed to present post in 
Dec._ 1906. Address: No. 
26, Otsuka-nakamachi, Koi- 
shikawa. Tokyo. 

Motoda, Hajime i% Ttl ^ , 
Mem. of the House of Rep- 
reseutati ves. Minister of Com- 
munication Feb. 191 3 ; I. Jan. 
1858 in Dita-keh; s. of Eio 
Inomata, and adopted by Nao 
Motoda ; m Kiku, e. sister 
to Den Motoda, of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial Univ., 1880. Was 
a leader' of the National As- 
sociation which was Organi-, 
zed in 1892 by the late Mar- 
quis Saigo and Viscount Shi- 
nagawa as a society repre- 
sentative of the clan states- 
men ; was one of those <who' 
rallied ^round the standard 
raised by the late Prince Ito 
when he organized the Sei- 
yukai in 1899 ; was Vice-Pre- 



sident of the House of Re- 
presentatives, 1898 — 1902 ; 
made an inspection tour in 
Europe" and America, 1900 ; 
has been decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun 
in recoenition of his services 
during the late war; President 
of the Colonation Bureau, 
Sept. 191 i-Dec. 191 2. Address: 
No. 8, Kioicho, Kqjimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 890 Bancho. 

Motoda, Sakunoshin Ctc H # 
2.m\ A. B. (Kenyon College, 
1 891); M. A. (Kenyon Col- 
lege, 1894); Ph. D. (Univer- 
sity of Pennsylvania, 1895) ; 
Head Master, St. Paul's Col- 
lege (Rikkyo College) ; d. 
Feb. 22nd, 1862 at Kurume, 
Fukuoka-ken; ist s. oi Sai- 
chi Motoda, a samurai of Fu- 
kuoka-ken ; m.Te\, 1st d. of 
Shuhei Koide. Educ. : Ku- 
rume Normal School, 1876 
—1878; St. Timothy's School, 
Osaka, 1 882 — 1 884 ; Kenyon 
College, Ohio', U. S. A., 1887 
— 1891 ; Philadelphia Divini- 
ty School, 1 89 1 — 1893 ; Uni- 
versity of Pennsylvania, 1893 
— 1895 ; Columbia University, 
1895 — 1896. Made a. tour 
in India for lecturing pur- 
poses. Mar. — Apr. 1907 ; at- 
tended the Jubilee Conven- 
tion of Y. M. C. A.'s, in Bos- 
ton, 1901 ; visited the U. S. 
A., 19 10; Prof at the Toyo 
Kyokwai Semmon Gakko (O- 

riental Assocfa«^ton College) ; 
Head Master of 8t. Paul's Co- 
llege; Prof. of Miss Tsuda's girls' 
English school. Publications: 
various books and pamphlets 
on religious, ethical and philo- 
sophical subjects. Address: 
No. 4S8. Nishiokubo. Okubo- 
mura, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 
CMs: Imperial Educational 
Society; Peace Society; English 
.^peaking Society and other 
various religious organizations. 

~ Motono, Ichiro C*^ if — BR), 
Baron (cr. 1907) ; Hogahiha- 

kushi; Japanese Ambassador 
at St, Petersburg; b. Feb. 
1862 in Saga-ken; ist s. of 
Seikyo Motono, a sqtmurai of 
Saga clan; m. Hisa-ko, V. 
sister to Viscount Ikizo No- 
mura. Educ. : graduated from 
the University of Lyons, Fran- 

[ 575 ] 


ce. On his retui-n home was 
appointed translater in the 
Foreign Office, 1890; then 
Councillor, 1 893, and had con- 
ferred on htm the degree of 
Hogakuhakuihi ; Private Se- 
cretary to the Foreign Mini- 
ster and Councillor to the 
Administrative Bureau, 1895 ; 
transferred as ist Secretary 
of Legation at St. Petersburg, 
1896 ; appointed Minister Re- 
sident at Brussels, 1 898 ; was 
a junior Delegate of Japan 
to the Peace Conference held 
at the Hague, 1899 ; and then 
transferred to be Minister at 
Paris. 1 90 1 ; then to present 
post, Jan. 1906; has been 
decorated with the ist Order 
of the Grand Cordon of the 
Rising Sun. Address : Japa- 
nese Embassy, St. Petersburg, 
Russia, (in Japan) No. 2, 
Higashi-toriizakamachi, Aza- 
bu, Tokyo. Tel. : 363 Shiba. 
Moto-ori, Ho-ei (tIc ^ S ig), 
Bungakuhakushi ; tutor to the 
Crown Prince in Japanese 
Classics; b. Apr. 1838 in Kii; 
grandson of the celebrated 
Norinaga Moto-ori who flouri- 
shed towards the end of the 
1 8th century and was instru- 
mental in reviving national 
literature and awakening the 
spirit of loyalty ^nd patriot- 
ism to the Imperial Court. 
Studied Japanese Classics un- 
der private teachers and ob- 

tained a thorough knowledge- 
was priest of several Shinto 
Shrines ; afterwards appointed 
Lecturer at the Tokyo Fema- 
le Higher Normal School and 
the Tokyo Musical School, 
1892 ; then Prof at the To- 
kyo Higher Normal School, 
and Tokyo Female Higher 
Normal School, 1894; I-ect- 
urer at the College of Lite- 
rature of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, \%g^; Bungakuha- 
kushi, 1909 ; has been deco- 
rated with the 3rd Order of 
the Sacred Treasure. Public- 
ations : Lectures on the Koki- 
nsha ; Works oi Aginoya, etc. 
Address : No. 8, i chome, Shi- 
n-ogawacho, Ushigome, To- 

Motosaki, RiicMro U?.^M 

— BP), President of the Ama- 
gasaki Bank ; Director of the 
Amagasaki Savings Bank, and 
of the Amagasaki Spinning 
Company ; Nov. 1867 in Hyo- 
go-ken ; m. Tsuru, e. sister to 
Kamesaburo Tamori, of O- 
saka. Address: No. 2274, A- 
magasaki, Kawabe-gun, Hyo- 
go prefecture. 

Motoyama, Hakuun. (;$; iH 6 
ft)) proper name is Tatsu- 
kichi, sculptor; b. the 9th m. 
of the 4th y. of Meiji (1871) 
in Kochi-ken. Educ. : studied 
sculptures under Koun Taka- 
mura. His principal works 
are the late Count Goto's 


[ 576 ] 

bronze statue, the late vis- 
count Shinagawa's, the late 
Fleet Admiral Saigo's, the 
late Admiral Kawarriura's 
the late Lieut. General 
Nagayama's and the late 
Police Inspecter-General Ka- 
waji's, etc. Address: No. J9 
Ohara-cho, Koishikaiva-ku, 

Motoyama, Shikoichi <J^ lU 
^ —X President of the 
Osaka Mainichi-Shimbun Sha 
(office of an influential daily 
paper), director of the Nan- 
kai Railway Go., Lt'd., of the 
Meiji Life Insurance Co , Ltd; 
h. 1853 in Kumanioto-ken ; 
e. s. of SKirosaku Motoyama, 
i,&amurai. Ediic.: Keio Gijukii. 
Was an editor of the "Jiji"; 
afterward was director of tlie 
Fujita-gumi ; has been the 
president of the Osaka Mai- 
nichi Shimbun Co. since its 
foundation. Addt'ess: 80 Biin- 
go-cl,ip, Higasliikii, Osaka. Tel:. 
717 Higashi. 

Motoyama, Susumu C^ lU i«). 
Rear- Adrniral, retired; I'. Aug. 
1842 in Tokyo; 5. of Sanro- 
ku Motoyama, a samuraij m. 
Yoshiko, 6th d. of 'Chushm 
Iwase, a samirm of Shidzuo- 
ka 1868. £</m^-- studied medi- 
cine under the late famous 
K5an Ogata; studied ni the 
Kaigun Sorenjo (Naval Train- 
L School). After serymg as 
Commander of several ships 

and in the Naval Department, 
was raised to the rank of Cap- 
tain in Aug., 1 881; Vice-Pje i- 
dent of the Na'vat College; Bear- 
Admiral, and Principal of the 
Naval Cadets School, 1890; 
placed on the retired list, 1 893; 
member of the Azabu Ward 
Assembly since 1901; has been 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of Merit. Address: No. 64, 
Nagasakacho, Azabu. Tol<:y(j. 
Tel : 1322 Shiba. 

Motoyama, Tobei (76 lU 'M ^ 
Ifc). one of the highest tax- 
payers of Kagoshima-ken ; 6. 
Dec. 1844 in Kagoshima ; ist 
s. of Tosuke Motoyama ; ;«. 
Eda, 1st d. of Yusuke Ari- 
kawa, of Kagoshima. Ad- 
dress : Higashi - ichiki - nuira, 
Hegi-gun, Kagoshima-ken. 

jftudaguehi, Gengaku C=^ ffl 

n 7C *). Director of the 'Ja- 
pan China Life Lisurance 
Company, the Oriental Salt 
Manufacturing Compnny, and 
ol the Ishigari Coal Coni- 
pany, etc.; ^. Dec. 1844 in 
Saga, province of Hizen ; 1st 
s. of Rizaemon Mudaguchi, 
a samurai of Saga clan ; m. 
Kei, 3rd d. of Gen-uemon I- 
shii, a samurai of Saga clan. 
Became a civil official of the 
Department of Education and 
of the Department of Agri- 
culture and Commerce, re-- 
signing when Count Okum'a 
(then, Mr.) left the Govern- 

L 577 ] 


ment in 1881 ; from that time 
till 1893 he was engaged in 
various undertakings -ivith the 
Count's backing, and though 
at first he generally met with 
failure, at last fortune favoured 
him and he was appointed 
President of the then Tokyo 
Horse Tramway Company, 
which soon became prosper- 
ous under his management ; 
when the line was converted 
into an electric one and an 
amalgamation of the three 
Tokyo Street Electric lines 
took place, he was appointed 
President of the new concern 
in 1906 ; in 19O9 he resign- 
ed and became Director of 
the above mentioned compa- 
nies. Address : No, 609, Ka- 
miosaki, Osakimachi, Ebara- 
gun, Tokyo. Te!. : 1512 .Shi- 

Mukai, Yaichi (Iftj # * 
—'), Ca])tain of the I^favv, 
Commander of the buttle 
ship Tango; b. 1868. Lieu- 
tenant, ]3ec. 1 897 ; 2nd Com- 
mander, Sept. 1899; Com- 
mander, Jan. 1905., Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun ; 4tli of the 

Golden Kite. Ada 


6, Kasumicho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Mukai, Saisuke CfS] Jf ^ IS), 
Colonel of Infantry ; Com- 
mander of the 8th Regiment 
of Infantry; (5. t866, Miya- 
zaki prefecture. Sub-Lie»i*-e- 

nant, May 18864 Lieutenant, 
Nov. 1889 ; Captain, Oct. 
1894; Major, Oct. 1900; Lieu- 
tenant Colonel, Nov. 1904: 
Colonel, Nov. 1907. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun ; 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address : 8th Regiment 
of Infantry, 0.saka. 

Mukasa, Seitaro (st S It ^ 
K!0, Engineer, and .sectional 
chief of the Railway Board ; 
b. 14 Apr. 1862, Shiga pre- 
fecture ; i-. of Sukenori 
Mukasa, a samurai of Shiga 
prefecture ; in. Sato, 1st d. of 
Saima Nakamura, a samurai 
of Kumamoto. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Imperi- 
al University, 1886. Present 
post since 1908. Decoration: 
4th Order of Merit. Address : 
No. 20, Fujimicho, Azabu, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 997 .Shiba. 

Mukoyama, Koheiji (I"i lU 'h 
^ ^0, Managing Director of 
the Tokorozawa Bank ; Di- 
rector of the Kawagoe Rail- 
way Company ; Auditor of 
the Japan Cement Company ; 
b. May 1 8 50 in Saitama-ken ; 
1st s. of Terunari Mukoyama; 
m. Teru, 2nd d. of Kihei A- 
izav/a. Address : No. 30, 2 
chome, Odemmacho, Nihom- 
bashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 131 Clio 

Munekata, Masa ;ij<: %. ift). 
Governor of Tokyo-fu ; fe. 


L 578 

Jan. 1854 in Kumamoto- 
ken; 2nd s. of San-ei Mune- 
kata, a isamurat of Kumamo- 
to-ken. Elected Member of 
the House of Representatives, 
1894; afipointed Governor of 
Saitama-ken, 1897 ; and after 
holding the _same post in A- 
omori-ken, Miyagi-ken, Ko- 
cM-ken, Hiroshima-ken and 
Kumampto-ken, was trans- 
ferred to preseUt post in Dec. 
191 2.; has tesn decorated with 
the 3rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : Official House, Tokyo, 
Munesue Kikuma (M ^ ¥ 
% .«), Chief of the Tokyo Ad- 
ministrative Bureau of Com- 
muhications ; i>. Sept. 1 866 in 
Yamaguchi - ken ; 3rd s. of 
Yoshihiko Munesue, a samu- 
rai of Yamaguchi-ken ; m. 
Michi, sister of Shiizo Kaw^- 
to, a samurai of Yamaguchi- 
keri. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Law, Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1893. 
Councillor of Kumamoto-ken, 
1893, — of Osaka-fu, 1896; Di- 
rector of the Kobe Post and 
Telegraph Office, 1898 ; was 
ordered to proceed to Corea 
and Manchuria, 1900 ; Direct- 
or of Nagasaki Post and Te- 
legraph Office, 1900; Direct- 
or of the Yokohama^ Office 
1901 ; despatched to London 
by the government to_ at- 
tend the International Telegra- 

phic Conference as Japanese, 
representative, 1903 : upon 
his return, again appointed 
Director of the Yolcohama 
Office, Dec. 1903 ; Secretary 
of the Department of Com- 
munications, 1905 ; Councillor 
of— ^,since 1908 ; Chief of the 
Tokyo Administrative Bureau 
of Communications, since Apr. 
1910; decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : Official House of the 
Chief of the Tokyo Admini- 
strative Bureau of Communi- 
cations, 7th of No. 13, Shiba 
Park, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 
600 ; 230 Shiba. 

Murabayashi, Eisuke CfJ # 
^ W), a rich merchant ; dea- 
ler in fertilizers ; Auditor of 
the Soko (store house) Bank; 
b. Oct. 1847 in Tokyo ; ist 
s. of Wasuke Muraba.yashi ; 
in. Matsu, sister of Bunjiro 
Nakai. Address : No. 6, Ko- 
matsucho, Fukagawa, Tokyo. 
Tetl: 2057 Tohi c/io Naniwa.. 

Mural, Hannosuke CW ^ ^ 
it W), Engineer of Fukushi- 
ma-ken ; b. Dec. 1 860 in Fu- 
kushima-ken; 5th s. of Det*-' 
uemon Hashimoto, and adop- 
ted by a Mr. Murai; m. Ayaki, 
sister of Nobumasa Sanada. 
£duc. : graduated from the A- 
gricultural College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University (stu- 
died Veterinary Science), 18. 
82. Entered Militaiy Depart, 

[ 579 ] 


ment, 1882 ; and then present 
post; went to America, 1890 
— 1892; hj government order, 
went to England, France, and 
Oermany in 1902, and again to 
America in \goS. Publications: 
Works on pigs and horses. 
Address: Takagawa - mura, 
Shinioadachi - gun, Fukushi- 

Murai, Kichibei <M ^ -^ s. 

fS), President of the Murai 
Bank ; Director of the Hoden 
Petroleum Oil Company, the 
Ishikari Coal Co., and of the 
Toa Flour Manufacturing Co., 
etc. ; Auditor of the Imperi- 
al Theatre Company, and of 
the Oriental Glass Manufact- 
uring Co., etc. ; Special Mem- 
ber of the Tokyo Chamber of 
Commerce ; h. Jan. 1864 in 
Kyoto ■; 2nd s. of Yahei Mu- 
rai, and adopted by Kichie- 
mon Murai, his uncle; m. 
Uno, 1st d. of Heibei Naka- . 
ya. Havings gone over to 
Am.erica, he studied the ma- 
nufacture of cigarettes ; his 
brands of cigarettes first ap- 
l).'aring on the market, in 
1893 ; being extensively ad- 
vertised they soon .spread all 
over Japan, and by 1903, 
had practically stopped the 
import of foreign cigarattes, 
his brands with those of his 
imitators \vtx& also - exported 
to China and other countries 
in large quantities; in 1899, 

a combine was formed with 
the American Tobacco -Co- 
under the name Murai Bro- 
thers & Co., he being elected' 
its director and president ; 
this concern was purchased 
by Government when it laun- 
ched the tobacco monopoly 
a year or two after ; he after- 
wards started the Murai Bank, 
and has been devoting him- 
self to the management of this 
and other various companies 
and banks since ; recently he 
made a tour through Europe 
and America. Address: No. 
17, I chome, Nagatamachi, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 234 

Mural, Teinosuke (M t- M. 
-i W)> executive - member of 
the private Murai Bank, Di- 
rector of the Japan Artificial 
Manure Company, the Taihei 
Life Insurance Company, and 
of the Grand Hotel Company, 
etc. ; Auditor of the Kyoto 
Gas Company ; b. July 1 870 
in Wakayama-ken ; younger 
brother of Kozaburo Sakata, 
and adopted by a certain Mu- 
rai ; m. Mitsu, adopted sisUr 
of Kichibei Murai. Address j 
No. 14, Kamirokubancho, Ko- 
jimachi, Tokyo. 

Murai, TomoyosM C^ ^f- *9 
M), Prof of the Tokyo For- 
eign Language School ; b. 
Sept. 1 86 1 in Matsuyama, I- 
yo Province ; .s. of Kanzo Mu- 


[ 580 1 

rai; m. Y6shi-ko, 1st d. of Ta- 
da-aki Nagaya. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the Doshisha Col- 
lege, Kyoto, 1884; and from 
the Andover Seminary, U. S. 
A. On returning home from 
America, became pastor for 
a time and shortly afterwards 
went again to America mak- 
ing a tour through various 
parts of that country deliver- 
ing addresses on things Japn- 
nese; returned home in 1 8965 
Lecturer in English at the Ko- 
kwnin Eigakukwai, at the To- 
kyo Foreign Language School , 
at the Japan Women's Col- 
lege ; went for a 3rd time to 
America to attend the Inter- 
national Conference of Uni- 
terians held in Boston, as 
the Japanese representative of 
the sect, 1 897 ; is specially 
known for his thorough know- 
ledge of English. Address: 
No. 44, ichome, Kobinata-' 
daimachi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
Murai, Yahei (M^m^< m, 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Iwate-ken ; Director of the 
Morioka Bank, the Morioka 
Klectric Company, and of the 
Kitakami Company ; b. June 
1844 in Iwate-ken; ist s. of 
Dosen Murai. Once elected 
Member of the House of Peers, 
representing the highest tax- 
payers of Iwate-ken, 1904 — 
1907; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 

dress: No. .5, Kamicho, Mo- 
rioka-shi, Iwate-ken. 

Murakami, Buhachiro Ctt ± - 
^ A 1(5), Judge, and President 
of the Taichu District Court. 
Address : Official House, the 
Taichu District Court, Tai- 
chucho, Formosa. 

Murakami, Gitaro (M ± R 
ic IB), Director of the Kyu- 
shii Oil Manufacturing Com- 
pany ; b. Jan. 1 848 in Fuku- 
oka - ken ; ist j. of Kanju 
Murakami ; m. Moto, 3rd d. 
of Yuhyo Tanaka, a samurai 
of Fukuoka-ken. Address:- 
Keigo - mura, Chikushi - gun,. 

Murakami, Hantaro CI3" ± % 
■k 115), President of the lyo- 
Agricultural Bank ; b. Aug.. 
1869 in Ehime-ken ; ist s. 
of KyiJtaro Murakami ; m. Ta- 
keyo, sister to Shohachiro Ta- 
mura. ^<^^r^.f.j .• Kakiu-mura, 
Onsen-gun, Ehime-ken. 

Murakami, Haazd (M -t 4*" 
H), Director and President of" 
the Nagasaki Free Store - 
house Company; b. Nov. 1855 
in Nagasaki-ken ; ist i". of 
Hansuke Murakami;_?«. Shi- 
yo, 2nd d. of GijQro Uraka- 
wa. 'Address: Urakami Fu- 
chi-inasago, Nagasaki-shi. 

Murakami, KakuieMCW ± 
^ — :>, Yice-Admiral; chief of 
the Kure Naval Arsenal; h. Nov. 
1862 Tn Saga-ken; ist s. ot 
Aritake Murakami i a samu- 

[58i ] 


rai of Saga-ken. Ediic. : the 
Naval Cadets School. Com- 
mander, Oct. 1898; Captain, 
Sept. 1903 ; after serving as 
Commander of several ships, 
Instructor of the Naval Cadets 
School, and as the Private 
Secretary to the Naval Mini- 
ster, etc., was appointed as 
the sectional chief of the Naval 
Educationai Department in 
1908; Chief of the ist section of 
the Naval Const. Bur. in 1909; 
took part in the Russo-Japa- 
nese .War, and was decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun and the 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite; promoted to 
the present rank in Dec. i q 1 2. 
Murakami, Keijiro (-1^ Ji Wc 
=k irO, Baron (cr. 1907); Pay- 
master-General on the reserve; 
-5. Sept. 1853 in Hiroshima- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Shoseki Horio, 
a samurai of Kirosliima-ken, 
and adopted by Kunihiro Mu- 
raKauu ; m. isuru, sister of 
Taro Taguchi, a samurai of 
Hiroshima. Entered the iNavui 
Department in 1883, and by 
gradual promotion, I'cached 
the rank of Paymaster-Gene- 
ral in 1897 ; once served as 
Private Secretary to the .Naval 
Minister and as the Director of 
the Accountants' Bureau, etc.; 
placed on the reserve list, Aug. 
1908 ; has been decorated 
with the 1st Order of Merit 
and the 2nd Class of the 

Golden Kite in recognition 
of his valuable services dur- 
ing the Russo-Japanese War. 
Address : No. 57, Kobinata- 
myogadanimachi, Koishika - 
wa, Tokyo. Tel.: 481 Ban- 

Marakami, Keisaku (M ± ^^ 
%\ one of the highest tax- 
payers of Ehime-ken ; b. Mar. 
5 &5 1 in Ehime-ken ; 1st j. of 
Rv'Szaburo Murakami ; m. Se- 
tsu, 2nd d. of Han-uerjK/n 
Hata, of Ehime. Once was 
elected member of the House 
of Peers, representing the high- 
est taxpayers of Ehime-ken, 
1890. Address: Shingo-mura, 
Arai-gun, Ehime-ken. 

Murakami, Kiyoji CIJ ± # 
R ^O, dealer in pig-iron; if. 
Feb. 1879 in Tokyo; 1st s. 
of Kiyoji Murakamij_/«. Toku, 
sisfer to Kametaro Ota. Ad- 
dress : No. 3, 5 chome, Moto- 
hatchobori, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 
TeL : 726 ; 727 Cho Kyobii- 

Murakami, Kunihiko C^f „t 
?R S), Major-General on the 
retired list; />. 17 Feb. 1852, 
Hiroshima prefecture ; ist s. 
of Kanai Murayama, a samu- 
rai of Hiroshima ; m. Tsuru, 
adopted d. of Korekiyo Iza- 
wa, of Tokyo. Ediic. : Toya- 
ma Gakko (a military .school). 
Was made Sub-Lieutenant in 
1877, and by gradual pro- 
motion, was ultimately raised 


L 582 ] 

to the rank of Major -Gene- 
ral, 1904 ; placed on the re- 
tired . list. Decorations : 2nd 
Order of Merit ; 3rd Class oi 
Golden Kite. Address : Hya- 
kunimmachi, Okubo, Toyota- 
ma-<jun, Tokvo. 
JHurakami, Iffiasasuke, (tif ± 

iScK)) managing editor of 
the "Hochi Shinbun" (a 
daily newspa,per) ; b. the 1 2th 
m. of 6th J/, of Meiji (1875) 
at Morioka, Iwate-ken; s, of 
Gonshichi Murakami ; m. 
Eiko. Edvc. : graduated 
from the Hakodate com- 
merical school. Served at the 
Hokkai Shinbun for three 
years; entered the Hochi 
Shinbun since 1 896. Address: 
No. 326, 4chome, Hirakawa- 
cho, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 

MuraKami, 'Morizo (1^ ± ?li 
aa). straw dealer; b. Apr. 
1870 in Okayama - ken ; ist 
s. of Fudekichi Murakami ; 
in. Masa, 1st d. of Tamakichi 
Oshima. Address: No. 97,- 
4 chome, Yamamoto-tori, Ko- ~ 
be-shi. Tel. : 902. 

lEurakami, Namiroku (^ Ji 

® :P<)i novelist; proper name 
is Shin ; b. in the era of the 
Restoration, in the province 
of Izumt; s. of Ichisuke Mu- 
rakami; m. Kumako, Oct. 
1898. Ednc: privately. Ptib- 
lications: '' Mikatsiiki" " Td- 
sei - Gonin - Oioko " (Five 
men of present generation), 

" Hachiken Nagaya" (Eight;^ 
ken tenement house), etc. 
Address: No. 82 ShimoNe- 
gishi-cho, Shitayaku, Tokyo. 
Murakami, Naojiro (It ± it 
^ HO, Principal of the Tokyo 
Foreign Language School ; 
government compiler of the 
material. s_for histoiy; b. Feb. 
1869 in Oita-ken-; 2nd s. of 
Yoshihisa_ Murakami, a sa- 
f/mrai of Oita.-ken ; ?«. Shidzu,, 
2nd d. of Sojijro Ito. Ed^^e. : 
graduated from the College 
of Literature of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1895; stud- 
ied in Europe by government 
order, 1899 — 1902. Prof, at 
the Tokyo Foreign Language 
School, 1902 ; and then its 
President. Address: No. 35, 
Sekiguchi-Daimachi, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 2074 Ba- 

Murakami, Eei-ichi (M ± -^■ 
—'), one of the highest tax^ 
payers of Shidzuoka-ken ; Di- 
rector of the Fujieda Bank, 
the Shidzuoka Agricultural 
and Lidustrial Bank, and 
of the Ocean Fis^hery Com- 
pany ; b. Dec. 1861 in Shi- 
dzuoka-ken ; 1st .f. of Mago- 
juro Murakami ; m. Ai, 2nd 
d. of Tetsutaro Hoshino, a 
samurai of Shidzuoka. Ad- 
dress : Wada - mura, Shida- 
gun, Shidzuoka-ken. 

Murakami, Kyutaro- (1^ i. iH 
■k. 115), one of the highest tax- 

[ 583 ] 


payers of Hiroshima-ken ; Pre- 
sident of the Murakami Bank ; 
b. Jan. 1847 in Hiroshima; 
1st s. of Denzaburo Muraka- 
mi ; m: Tani, \st d. of Shu- 
suke Edamatsu. Address : 
Chigomae - mura, Saegi-gun, 

Murakami, Sadakichi (M ± 
& S), stock and sharebro- 
ker ; ^. Oct. 1854 in Tokyo ; 
1st s. of Kamezo Murakami; 
m. Tei, sisier of Toyotaro 
Tamakami. Address.: No. 7, 
2 chome, Yokoamicho, Honjo, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 3366 Shitaya. 

Murakami, Seisei Ctd" J: i* 
Ifi:^. Public Procurator ; chief 
pitjcurator of the Maebashi 
District Court; b. Feb. 1861 
in Ehime-ken ; 1st j. of Bu- 
nji Murakami, ..a samurai of 
Ehime-ken ; m. Koyo, sister 
to Kingoro Kano. Started 
hfe as a poHce - man, 1881 ; 
then clerk at a District Court, 
1883 ; passed the Examina- 
tion for Bench, 1887 ; Judge, 
1890; Procurator, 1895; af- 
ter serving as procurator at 
several District Courts and 
at the Miyagi Court of Ap- 
peal, was transferred to pre- 
sent in May 1909. Ad- 
dress : Official House, the Ma- 
ebashi District Court, Mae- 

Murakami, Sensho <M -t M- 
It), Bungakuhakushi ; Princi- 
pal of the Toyo (Orienta^^ 

High School for Girls. A 
well known student of bud^ 
dhism, was once a Prof, of 
Waseda University ; founded 
the above School, and is now 
it's Principal. Publications: 
many works on buddhism. 
Address: No. 30, Hayashicho, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2283 Bancho. 

Murakami, Susumu Ctf Ji ^\ 

ex-Mem. of the Hotise of Ke- 
presentatives (a member of the 
Seiyukwai) ,■ NAuditor of the 
Ensui Bay Sugar Manufactur- 
ing Company; b. Jan. 1863 
in Sendai ; m. Mochi, ist d. 
of Takisaburo Sato. Educ. : 
private.!.. Once was in the For- 
mosan Government service: 
elected MeB:iher of tha House of 
Eepresentatives for Iwate-ken 
in )9o8. PublicaHons: Educ— 
tional Eegulations; etc. Recre- 
ations : poetry; billiards. Ad- 
dress: No. 55, 3 chome, Ao- 
yamaminamicho, Akasaka-ku, 
Tokyo Tel: 330 Shiba, 

MuraRaiml, Taichi X^ ± % 
f ), Judge, President of Tottoij 
District Court; 6. Mar. 186 Tin 
Oita-Ien; 4th ,s. of Tei-ei Mura- 
kami, a samurat of Oita, and 
adopted by Ryoshin Mura- 
kami, a samurai ; m. Matsu, 
1st d. of his foster-father. 
Passed the Examination for 
Bench,, 1886; Judge, -1887 j 
after sei-ving as Judge of se- 


I. 584 ] 

veial District Courts of Kyii- 
shu, and of the Nagasaki court 
of Appeal; was appointed to 
present post in 19 11.; has 
been oecorated with the 4th 
Order of Merit. Address: Hi- 
eashi-machi, Tottori. 

Mura"kami, Tasaturo tt ± 
* H IK), Director of the O- 
taru Timber Co., tlie Japan 
Flour Manufacturing Co., and 
of the Japan Soy Manufactur- 
ing Co., etc. ; Auditor of the 
Eiko Waterg Power Electric 
Company ; Member of the To- 
kyo Chamber of Commerce ; 
stock and share broker; 3. 
Sept. 1857 in Shidzuoko ; 2nd 
s. of Kijird Murakami ; m. 
Kimi, 1st d. of Torakichi Ta- 
keda. Address: No. 34, Sa- 
kamotocho, Nihombashi, To- 
kyo. Tel. .■ 291 ; 1995 Cho 
• Naniwa. 

Mnrakami, MUiowaka QH ± 
IB fi *),S!|Ig.eSO, Lieutenant 
Colonel ; Director of the Hv- 
rosaki Garrison Hospital ; 
6. 1 87 1, Shimane-ken. Sur- 
geon Sub - Lieutenant, Nov. 
1893 ; Surgeon Lieutenant, 
Nov. 1 896 ; Surgeon Captain, 
Oct. 1898; Surgeon Major, 
Nov. 1903; present rank, Mar. 
1908. Decorations : 4th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun ; 3rd 
Order of the Sacred Treasure ; 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Addreta: Hirosaki Garrison 
Hospital, Hirosald, Aomori- 


Murakami, Yasuzo (M ± ^ 
W, Igakuhakushi ; Prof at 
the Nagasaki Medical Col- 
lege ; b. Aug. 1862 in Tot- 
tori-ken; 3rd s. of Naojuro 
Iwamoto, and adopted by a 
certain Murakami ; in. Haru, 
sister to Tahei Murakami. 
Educ. : graduated frorn the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imperial Universitj^, 1 887; stu- 
died ophthalmology in Ger- 
many aftd Austria, 1899 — 
190 1. Instructor at the 5th 
Higher Middle School, 1888 ; 
ProT. at the Nagasaki Medi- 
cal College, 1901 ; Igakuha- 
kushi, 1902 ; has been de- 
corated with the 4th Order 
of Merit. Address : No. 699, 
Sado-mura, Urakamiyamasa- 
to - mura, Nishikanoki - gun, 

Murakami, YosMo Ci^ ± H 
M)} Lord-in- Waiting in the 
Kinkei Hall ; 3. May 1845 
in &umamoto-ken ; 2nd s. o( 
Magoshiro Hiradzuka, a sa- 
nturai of Kumamoto-ken, and 
adopted by Kokei Murakami ; 
tn. Suma, 2nd d. of hisToster- 
father. After serving as Se- 
cretary in several prefectures, 
was appointed Governor of 
Tokushim. -.-ken in 1893, and 
then Governor of Taich5-ken; 
transferred as Governor of 
Ishikawa-ken in 1902; resign- 
ed the, 1910; Lord-in- 

[ 585 I M«r 

Waiting in the Kinkei Hall 
since Dec. 1910; has been 
decorated with the 2nd Order 
of Merit. Address: No. 14, 
Ta]<ata - oimatsucho, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. 

Muraki, Masayoshi (M ^ fi 
90, Baron (cr. 1907) ; Lieate- 
nant-General; ex-Ohief aide- 
de-camp to the Crown Prince ; 
b. Oct. 1856 in Kochi-ken; 
1st s. of Yasuji Muraki, a 
samurai of Kochi - ken ; m. 
Kikui, 1st d. of Sahei Shi- 
mamura, a samurai of Kochi. 
Educ. : the Military Academy; 
studied in I*" ranee. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Infantry, Feb, 1879 ; 
Lieutenant of — , Nov. i88i ; 
Captain of — , Sept. 1884; 
Major of— , Nov. 1889; Lieu- 
tenant Colonel of — ,Oct. 1894; 
Colonel of — , Oct. 1897 
Major General, Feb. 1901 
Lieutenant General, July 1 906 
once served as Private Se- 
cretary to the Minister of 
War, and as the Vice - Pre- 
sident of the Osaka Arsenal, 
etc. ; took part in both the 
Japan China and Russo-Japa- 
nese Wars, and has been de- 
corated with the 2nd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
4th Class of the Golden Kite 
in connection with the late 
iyar; was placed on the reserve 
list and nominated M. H. P., 
191 2. Address: No. i, Na- 
kano-machi, Ushigonie-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel..- 642 Bancho. 

Muraki, Masanori (^;^ciFM). 
^enei-al manager of the Uji- 
gawa Electric Company ; b. 
Apr. 1868 in Okayama ; 3rd 
s. of Shiigo Shind5, a samu- 
rai of Okayama, and adopted 
by Yoshimasa Muraki , in. 
Shigeki, 2nd d. of Chokuyo 

Vokoyama, a samurai of Ko- 
chi. Educ. ! graduated from 
the Law College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 1 89 1 , 
Entered the Financial Depart- 
ment soon after'. his gradua- 
tion from the Univ.; and after- 
wards served as Secretary and 
Councillor of the .same Office, 
etc. ; despatched to China 
and Corea, Apr. 1900 ; and 
then Director 'of the Osaka 
Pbst and Telegraph Office ; 
ordered to proceed to Europe 
and America, May 1902 ; on 
his return, was appointed as 
Chief of the Money Order 
and Savings Bank Dep't and 
then transferred as the Direct- 
or of the Nagoya Post Of- 
fice ; afterwards resigned go- 
vernment service ; has been 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun in connec- 
tion with the late war. Ad- 
dress : Muromachi-tori, Oshi- 
kojinoboru, Kamikyoku, Kyo- 
to Td. : 2889 Kami, 
aiurakosbi, Kaichiro (ff g 

M — SI5'» Master of the Ueno 
Railway Station; i>. the 8th 
m. of the 2nd y. of Bunkyu 


t 5.&6 

(1862) in Fukuoka-ken; j. of 
Yajuro Murakoshi; m.Tama.- 
ko, 1888. Ediic. : gi-admted 
from the Nakatsu Middle 
School. Was official of 
local governments and courts. 
Recreation: titai (old Japanese 
song). Address: Official Re- 
sidence No. 5, Yamashita-cho, 
Ueno, Shitaya-ku, Tokyo. 

Murano, Sanjiii (M Sf Ul A), 
President of the Kobe El'^ct-ric 
Railway Co., Director of the 
Keihan Electric Kiilway Co., 
the Nankai Eailway Co. and. of 
the ToyokawaEailwayCo., Spe- 
cial Member of the Kobe Cham- 
ber of Commerce; h. July 1848 
in Kagoshima ; s. of Den-nojo, 
a samurai of Kagoshima clan ; 
m. Sumi, 2nd d. of Toku- 
zaemon.Sakui. Educ: clan 
school., Police - Inspector of 
Hyogo-ken; Secretary of Hyo- 
go-ken ; Vice-President of the 
Sanyo Railway Company ; of- 
ten elected M. H. R. for Hyo- 
go prefecture. Recreation : 
Horticulture. Club: Sinko Club 
(Kobe); etc. Address : Wxga- 
shisuma, Muko-gun, Hyogo- 
ken. 7i'/. .• 22 Suma. 

Muraoka, Asaemon C1^ 153 ^ 
* % R), one of the highest 
tax-payers of Kyoto ; Vice- 
President of the Nishijin Sav- 
ings Bank; b. Apr. 1853 in 
Kyoto; 1st s. of Asaemon 
Muraoica. ;Onte was elected 
Member of the House ofPeers,, 

representing the highest tax- 
payers of his native place ; has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: Kamitoba-mura, Kii- 
gun, Kyoto-fu. 

Muraoka, Gakurya (^ pi^ ^ 
Jf), Artist (decorative art) ; 
chief of the de.«ign dep't of 
the Takashimaya, a famous 
dry-goods store ; h. 1 874 in 
Ky')to ; s. of Masakazu Ta- 
naka. Edw:. : graduated the 
design course of the Tokyo 
Higher Technical School. Was 
examiner and councillor of 
the Kyoto Design Society and 
the Nihon Design Associa- 
tion; since 1 901 ^exhibited 
his masterpieces in various 
exhibitions and obtained many 
prizes. Was honourably given 
an order by B. M. the Im- 
press Dowager for two kinds 
of design of her dress-clothes.- 
Recreations : uiai. Address : 
No. 41, tJnagidani-Higashi- 
nmchi, Minami-ku, Osaka. 
Chibs : the Design .Society 
and councillor of the Kyoto 
Design Society. 

Muraoka, Han-ichi (^t ^ IS 
M .%), Rigakuhakushi, Prof 
at the College of Science and 
Engineering of the Kyoto Im- 
perial University ; .b. Oct, 1 8- 
53 in Tottori-ken; ist .y. of 
Hidezo Muraoka, a samurai 
of Tottori-ken; m. Hisano, 2n.d 
d.oi Naotsuna Sasaki, a. sa- 

;87 ] 


murai of Ehime. Educ. : clan 
school and Daigaku Nanko ; 
graduated from a German Nor- 
mal school, and studied in the 
Straasburg University, Jan. 1 8- 
78— May 1 88 1. Prof, at the 
Tokyo University, Dec, 1882 ; 
and then Prof, at the ist High 
School ; ordered to proceed to 
Europe, Aug. 1888 — ^July 18- 
go ; head lecturer at the To- 
kyo Female Higher Normal 
School, 1 890 ; and then it's 
Prof., and then Principal of 
the Tokyo Musical School ; 
Rigakuhakushi, 1891; Prof at 
the 3rd High School, 1893; 
present post since July 1898 ; 
ordered to proceed to Eu- 
rope and Ameirca, May 
1901 — Mar. 1902 ; has been 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of Merit. Publications : On 
the Glow of the Firefly ; and 
various works on electricity. 
Address : Bishamon-cho, To- 
nodan, Kamikyo-ku, Kj'oto. 
Muraoka, Senjin C1^ iiSI =f- 
A). Dr., Chief Ac-couc/ieur and 
Gynecologist oi t\\c Kobe Hos- 
pital. Address : the hospital, 
Kusunokicho, Kobe-shi. 

Muraoka, Tsunetoshi (1^ i?g 
S ?'J}, Major-General; Chief 
Superintendent of the Osaka 
Ar.senal ; b. 1866 in Kyoto. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Artillery, 
June 1885 ; Lieutenant of-—, 
Nov. 1888; Captain of—, Nov. 
1891 ; Major of — , Nov. 1896; 

Lieutenant Colonel of — , Nov. 
1 901; Colonel of—, Nov. 1904. 
Major - General, Nov. 191 1. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun ; 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address: 
the 0.5aka Arsenal. 

Kurase, Gyokuden (fj j|| gg 

ffl)> artist, Japanese painter; 
b. the 5th J. of Kayei (1852). 
Edzic. : studied paintings 
under the late Soseki Mura- 
se. Obtained many prizes 
and diplomas in various ex- 
hibitions in which he exhibit- 
ed his masterpieces. Ad- 
dress: No. 22 Oka-cho, 
Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 

Murase, Haruo '>t m # it), 
Hogakuhakushi, L. S. C, L. 
L. D. ; Managing Director of 
the Imperial Marine, Trans- 
port, and Fire Insurance Co., 
Ltd., lecturer to the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School 
and the Marine School ; ^, in 
1871 in Tokyo ; 2nd .y. of Yo- 
riyoshi Sekido, a sarmirai oi 
Fukui ; m. Sei, 2nd d. of 
the late Kenpachi Nagatomi. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Kobe Commercial School, L'- 
Institut Superieur de Com- 
merce of Antwerp, and the 
University of Leipzig. Ap- 
pointed ■pi'of! of the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School, 
1893 — 189s ; Sub-Manager of 
the Imperial Marine Trans- 


[ 588 1 

port Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., 
1895 — 1899; promoted to ma- 
nager in 1 899 ; managing di- 
rector in 1905 ; appointed lec- 
turer on the science of insu- 
rance in the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School in 1896, 
and on marine insurance in 
the Nautical College of To- 
kyo in 1899 ; is a member of 
the Institute of Actuaries of 
Japan. Publications: "York 
Antwerp Rules " ; " A Manu- 
al of Marine Insurance " ; " A 
Treatise on General Aver- 
age " ; "A Treatise on Ma- 
rine Insurance " ; " Who's who 
in Insurance." Address : Hk- 
ruki-cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 
Clubs : Nippon Club, Beehi 
Club and Koj'uns/m, Tel:. 713 
1. d. Shitaya. 

Murase, Kobnn (tJ M # 'Xj, 
Judge; President of the To- 
kushima District Court. Deco- 
ration: 5th Order of Merit. 
Address ; the Tokushima Dis- 
trict Court. 

Murase, Kuroemon (M S % 
M *. ^ PI), President of the Bank; Director of the 
Murase Savings Bank; b. June 
1865 in Aichi-ken ; 1st s. of 
Kuroemon Murase ; m. Yoshi, 
1st d. of Seizaburo Yamada. 
Address: Hoteimachi, Niwa- 
gun, Aichi-ken. 

Murase, Shusuke (MW^Wi ffl), 
Stock and share broker; b. 
July 1857 in Aichi-ken; 1st 

y. of Jimbei Murase ; m. Kei, 
isid. of Jiemon Murase. Ad- 
dress : No. 2, I chome, Go- 
fukucho, Minamiku, Nagoya. 
TcL: 227; 238 Cho. 

Murase, Tokubei (M M M ^ 
*). Director of the Bizo -Ma- 
rine Products Company, and 
of the Oi Marine Products 
Company; b. Mar. 1866 in 
Aichi-ken; 2nd s. of Toku- 
zaemon Murai ; in. Raku, y. 
s. of Kyugoro. Address : No. 
105, Atsuta-osekomachi, Mi- 
namiku, Nagoya. Tel. .-2118. 

Murata, Chob?i (W ffl t^ ;^ 
Sr), dealer in dry goods ; b. 
June 1853 in Osaka; ist s. 
of Chobei Murata ; m. Haru, 
fst d. of Kumashichi Iguchi. 
Address: No. 31, 3 chome, 
Minamimoto-machi,- Higaslii- 
ku, Osaka. Tel. : 2474 /. d. 

Murata, Jiiji (fj pg » f§\ 
Ringakuhakushi ; Engineer of 
the Forest Bureau, Depart- 
ment of Agriculture and Com- 
merce ; b. Sept. 1 861 in Ishi- 
kawa-ken ; ist .r. of KyQemon 
Murata ; in. Ai, grand d. of 
Soji Wada. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Tokyo Agri- 
cultural and Dendrological 
School, 1887. Entered the 
Department of Agriculture 
and Commerce, 1 887 ; ap- 
pointed Forest Officer, 1891 ; 
after serving as Engineer of 
the Department of Agricult- 



lire and Commerce, and as 
S!i!>enntendeiit of Forestry 
etc., was transferred to the 
present post; RingakitJiakiishi, 
1 90S: lias been decorated with 
tiie 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 43, Takanawa Mi- 
iijinicho, S'liba, Tokyo. 

Murata. Jnn (H ffl WX 
Licutenant-General ; Chief of 
th-' Dcp't of Fortifications, 
War Office; ^. Oct. 1854 in 
Shizuoka ; 2nd s. of Kanshi- 
rO Takano, a samurai of To- 
k\'fi, and adopted by Masa 
.^Iurata, a samurai ; m. Chi- 
\-o, 2nd d. of his foster-father. 
luiiic. : studied tactics in Fran- 
ce and Italy, 1886— 1889. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Artillery, 
Feb. 1879; Lieutenant of—, 
Oct. 1S82; Captain of—, Sept. 
r886; Major of— , Nov. 1891; 
Lieutenant-Colonel of — , Mar. 
1895; Colonel of— , Oct. (8- 
97 ; Major-Gcncrai, May 19- 
o3 ; present rank, Aug. 1909 ; 
ijncc served as Militaiy At- 
tache to the Japanese lega- 
tion in .St. Petersburg, and as 
the same to the Residcnc)'- 
Gcneral, Seoul, etc., etc.; took 
part in both the Japan China 
and the Russo-Japanese Wars; 
lias Ijeeiv decorated with the 
3nd Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 3rd Class of the Gol- 
den Kite in recognition of his 
meritorious services during 
the War. Address: No. 12, 

2 chome, Nakamachi, Yotsu- 
ya, Tokyo. Tel. : ggo Ban- 
murata, Kakuko (W HI ^ :X 

^)' actress; ^. the 4th ;«. of 
the 26th y. of Meiji (1893) 
at Minamishinagawa in To- 
kyo. Educ: practiced at the 
actress trainning school for 
two years, and graduated 
from the actress school 
attached to the Teikokuza,. 
Sept. 1 9 10. Address: No. 
12, 1 chome, Tamachi, Shiba- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1988 Shiba. 
Murata, Kennosuke (It ® 
t. 91), Fleet - Paymaster ; b. 
1869. .fi/z/c. .• graduated from 
the Paymasters' School. Pay- 
master, Dec. 1896; Staff-Pay- 
master, July 1904 ; Fleet-Pay- 
master, Sept. 1907.. Decora- 
tions : 4th Class of the Gol- 
den Kite ; 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, and the Sacred 
Treasure. Address: No. 36,. 
Ichigaya Koracho, Ushigome. 

Murata, Tamotsii (M W ■(*), 
member of the House of Peers 
since 1890; Lord-in- Waiting 
in the Kinkei Hall ; b. Dec. 
1842 in Osaka; s. of a sa- 
murai of Karatsu clan. Early 
became an official of the De- 
partment of Justice, and was 
dispatched to England, 1870, 
to investigate criminal laws, 
and afterwards to Germany 
in 1880 for the purpose of 


k 590 ] 

law investigation ; returned 
home next year ; has been 
devoting himself to the pro- 
motion of fisheiy enterprise 
since 1890 when he left the 
Government service ; has been 
decorated with the 1st Class 
of -the Sacred Treasure in 
connection with the late war. 
Address: No. i, 6chome, Shi- 
ntomicho, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 

ITurata, Toyosa&u C^ 9 9 
f^). Surgeon Lieutenant Colo- 
nel, Sectional Chief of the 
Kagoshima Hospital. De- 
coratiotts : 4th Qrdcr of Merit ; 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address: the hospital, Yama- 
shitacho, Kagoshima-shi. 

Murata, Tsuneyoshi (M H & 
5^), Baron, (cr. 1896); Major- 
General on the reserve ; mem- 
ber of the House of Peers 
since 1890; inventor of the 
Murata rifle ; &. June 1842 in 
Kagoshima-keh ; istJ. ofTsu- 
nenori Murata. a samurai of 
Kagoshima-ken. Captain, 18- 
69 ; and, by gradual promo- 
tion, reached the rank of Ma- 
jor-General, and then placed 
oh the reserve list, ,1 890 ; he 
rendered valuable services to 
the Empire by the invention 
of the well known Murata 
rifle,; has been decorated with 
the 1st Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress: No. 13, Sambancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 1 1 53 

Murata, Toshihiiio C^H^g), 
Director of the Industrial 
Bank of Japan ; d. Aug. the 
4th y. of Meiji (i 871) in Hi- 
roshima - prefecture ; e. s. of 
Ryoho Murata, famous Japa- 
nese classical scholar ; m. 
Nao, y. s. of Hyoemon Su- 
dzuki of Saitama-prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law in the Tokyo 
Tmp. Univ., 1898 ; further 
.studied at the University Hall. 
Appointed Junior Councillor 
to the Treasury ; resigned 
and entered the Hirooka firm 
of Osaka, taking charge ot 
its Foreign Trade Dep't, 19- 
00; next became Adviser to 
the Kajima Bank and the 
Asahi Life Insurance Co., 
Osaka ; entered the service 
of the Industrial Bank of 
Japan and was assigned to 
the posts of Private Secretary 
to its Governor and Chief of 
its Eoreign Dep't. 1901 ; 
greatly helped Dr. J. Soeda, 
the Governor in the work 
of advancing loans to the 
Korean Government as well 
as of establishing the Bank's 
branch in Korea, 1906 ; made 
a tour of inspection through 
China and Korea for tJie 
purpose of enlarging the 
Bank's business in those coun- 
tries, the same year; sent 
to Europe on business con- 
nected with the raising of 

[ 591, } 


the Southern Manchurian 
Railway Loans ; present post 
since , 1909. Address: No. 
16, Igacho, Yotsuyaku, To- 
kyo. Chh: BankeVs' Club, 
Nippon Club. 7>/. .• 1121 

Murata, Tstttomu iU W Wl), 
M. A. (Yale- University for 
1902); Prof, of the Japan 
Women's University (Chair' 
European and American his- 
tory and English Language); i>, 
Feb. 23, i866inMat-suzaka, I-, 
se; s. of Kanshichi Murata; m.- 
Tomi Taketa. Edtic. : the 
Doshisha College, 1882 — 18- 
87; Yale University, 1901 — 
1903. Has mostly taught in 
schools of various grades ex- 
cept five years' spent in the 
Ministry at Kyoto, 1890— 
1895 ; ha.s published articles 
in the Japan Encyclopaedia, 
the Dictionary of Philosophy. 
Publications : Life of Martin 
Luther, 1 890 ; History of the 
Reformation, 1909; Florence 
Nightingale, 1910 ; Parents' 
Tears, 19 10; Translations of R. 
F. Horton's Teachings of Je- 
sus, and of Emil Reichrs Foun- 
dations of Modern Europe. 
Address: /No. 13, Zoshigaya- 
machi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Murata, Yuji Clt m m ?&), 
Prof of the 1st High School; 
6. Sept. 1864 in Chiba-ken ; 
2nd s. of Nizaemon Aoyagi, 
and adopted into a certai n Mu- 

rata family ; m. Nobu, 4th d. 
of Sadayasu Yasui. / Educ: 
finished the special course of 
the College of Literature, To- 
kyo Imperial Universitjy, 18- 
91. Prof at the Peers' School, 
1892 ; transferred a.s Pfof to 
the ;ist High School, 1895. 
Address: No. 103, ZosMgaya- 
machi, Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Murayama, Eeizo (# III •^ 
j^), president of the Knwahara 
Co., Ltd.; 6..V6 November of 
the l&ty. of Meiji(18G8)at&n- 
da-mathi, Arima-gun, ilyogo- 
ken ; s. of Masatoslii Mura- 
yama ; m. Sliigeru, d. of 
the late Masanaga Kiuvabara, 
1902. Edue. : graduated from 
the Doshisha in Kyoto. Enter- 
ed the head office of the jjresent 
firm in 1906 ; is now standing 
dir. of th(» Sanpci Co. and 
dir. of the motor manufactur- 
ing Co. Recreations : reading, 
hunting. Address : imasato, 
Kamitsu-mura, Nishinari-gun, 
Osaka-fu, Td.: 582 liigaslii. 
Club : Nisui-kai, 

Murayama, Kinjiiro CW tU ± 
+ SIO, President of the Mu- 
rakane Partnership. Address: 
Tsuchizaki-komachi, Minami- 
Akita-gun, Akita prefecture. 

Murayama, Ryuhei C1^ ± M 
^), proprietor of the Tokyo 
and Osaka Asahi newspapers; 
Director of the Sampei Com- 
pany ; b. Apr. 1850 in Wa- 


[ ^92 ] 

kayama ; 1st 5^. of Morio Mu- 
i-ayama ; iH. Mas'.i- ist d. of 
Takuzo Kobayasii.. He is 
the " Harmsworth " of Japan 
in a small way, and has by 
his shrewd business manage- 
ment raised the two Asahis 
to th^ present stage of pro- 
sperity and importance ; often 
sat in.'the House of Representa- 
tives for Osaka-fu. Address: 
No. 46/ 3 chome, Koraibashi. 
Higaishiku, Osaka. 

Marota, Keishin (^ ffl :i: M), 
volite. superintendent ; Direct- 
or of the Fire Brigade Head 
quarters, Metropolitan Police 
Office; 5. Apr. 1848 in Ka- 
goshima-ken ; ist s. of Risuke 
Murota, a samurai of Kago- 
shima ; m. Sei, /^th d. of Hei- 
uemon Ozaki, a sanucrai of 
Kagoshima. Has been de- 
corated with the 4th Order 
of Merit. Address : Official 
House, Metropolitan Police 
Office, Ivojimachi, Tokyo. 

Murota, YosMbumi (^ ffl K 
S;), Member of the House of 
Peers ; Lord-in-Waiting in the 
Kinkei Hall ; President of the 
iioth Bank and of the Hok- 
kai Coal Mine Railway Co., 
Ltd. ; Auditor of the Horai 
Life Insurance Mutual Com- 
pany ; b. Sept. 1847 ; 2nd s. 
of Heihachi Murota, a samu- 
rai of Mito clan ;. m. Kura, 
sister of Masakumi Nakane, 
a samurai of Tokyo. Early 

entered the P"oreign -Office, 
and was Minister to Mexico 
and Peru, having retired from 
the government service, enter- 
ed business ; nominated mem- 
ber of the House of Peers, 
1 901; has been decorated with 
the 2nd Oi'der of Merit. Ad- 
dress: No. 25, Fukitecho, Shi- 
ba, Tokyo. Tel. : 2797 Ch5 

Marotani. Toshichi C^ ^ m 
-bJ), ex-Auditor of the Nikkan 
Forestry Co. ; Director of the 
Japan Salt Co., and of the 
Kobe Fish, Bird, and Green 
Vegetable Market, etc. ; de- 
aler in bamboos ; b. ij Dec. 
1847, Hyogo-ken ; 3rd s. of 
Ichiemon Murotani ; m. Nobu, d. of Hanzaemon Matsu- 
oka, of Hyogo - ken. ^ Once 
Member of the Kobe Cham- 
ber of Comrnerce. Address: 
No. 8, Shimmachi, Kobe, 

Muto, Denzo (it 


Engineer of the Oita Prefect- 

ural Government. Address : 

No. 1259, Ditamachi, Oita- 

Muto, KiicWro (^^^-115). 

Juigakuhakushi, Veterinary 
Surgeon-Colonel, Chief of the 
Dep't of Veterinary Surgeons 
of the I St Army Division, 
Instructor of the Medical 
Academy; b. 1869 in Shizu- 
oka-ken. Veterinary Surgeon- 
Sub-Lieut., Dec. . 1892 ; Ve- 
terinary Surgeon-Lieut., Jan. 

[ 593 ] 


1895: Verterinary Surgeon- 
Captain, Oct. 1897; Veterii- 
nary Surgeon-Major, Nov. 
1902; Veterinary Siirgeon- 
Lieut. Colonel, Sept. 1905; 
Veterinary Surgeon-Colonel, 
Nov. 1 91 1. Decorations: 5th 
Order of S. T., 4th Order 
of R. S., 4tli Class of ,G. K. 
Address: No. 19 Minami Va- 
mabuslii-cho, Ushigome-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 3762 Banclio. 

Muto, No>)ttyoslii (^mWM\ 
Colonel of Infantry, Sec- 
tional Chief of the General 
Staff Office, Prof of the 
Military College; b. 1870 in 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieut., March 
1893; Lieut., March 1895; 
Captain, Dec. 1898; Major, 
March 1904; Lieut. Colonel, 
Nov. 1907; Colonel, Jan. 
191 1. 'Decorations: 5th Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S., 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: No. 410 
Nishiokubo, Toyotama-gun, 

Muto, Sanji (^ ^ Hi iS). 
managing director of the Ka- 
negafuchi Spinning Company ; 
b. the 3rd fn. of the 3rd y. 
of Keio (1867) in Gifu-pre- 
fecture ; ist. s. of Kunisaburo 
Sakuma, and adopted by Ma- 
tsuemon Muto ; m. Chise, d. 
of Setsusuke Fukuhara, a j«- 
murai oiYi-yolo. Edtic: gnd- 
uated from the Keiogijiku, 

1884. Went over to Ameri- 
ca, 1885— 1887; entered the 
Mitsui firm, 1890; and afterr 
wards was made manager of 
the Kaiiegafuchi Spinning 
Company ; on the resignation 
of Mr. Yeiji Asabuki, suc- 
ceeded him as managing di- 
rector' of the Company. The 
present success of the com- 
pany is largely due to the 
efforts of -Mr. Muto ; in re- 
cognition of his valuable ser- 
vices the Mitsui family, the 
founders of the Compajiy, pre- 
sented him with a large sum 
of money, part of this sum 
was given to the Library fund 
of the Keiogijuku, his alma 
mater, and the balance was 
used in the purchase oi for- 
eign books and periodicals 
for the benefit of the emplo- 
yees of the Company ; again, 
at the close of the late war, 
when he for a short time re- 
signed his post as manager, 
the shareholders presented him 
with the sum oi yen 250,000 
of which he contributed yen 
100,000 to the fund for the 
comfort and advancement of 
knowledge of the Company's 
employees. Address : Taru- 
mi-mura, Akashi-gun, Hyo- 

Muto, Torata C^ M }k kX 
Prof, of the 2nd High School. 
Address: the 2nd High School. 


L 594 

Mutst^, Hirokichi C^^jK^), 
Count ;; Councillor pfJErn- 
Ijassy, J Koine ; ■Barrist'ef-at 
Law ; \b. Mar. 1 869 in Osa- 
ka; is't s. of the late famous 
Count /Munemitsu Mutsu ; m. 
Iso, an English woman. Educ: 
Cambridge University ; grad- 
uated from the Inner Temple. 
liOridon, 1893. Translater, 
iPoreign Office, 1 894 ; passed 
the Diplomatic Service Ex- 
amiration, 1895, and Attache 
at. Peking; 3rd. Secretaiy of 
Legation, Washington, 1896; 

Consul at San Fransisco, 1898; 
2n<i" Secretary of Legation^ 
Rome, rgoo ; ist Secretary 
of LegatipnyWashington, 19- 
02 ; ist Secretaiy of Embassy, 
Xondort, 1904 ; Cofririiissioner 
to the Sriglo- Japanese Exhibi- 
tion, 1910; Councillor of Em- 
bassy, London, 19 10; present 
post since May 1912 ; IioHk 
4th Order of Merit. Address: 
Japanese Embassy, Italy ; No. 
(J.8, TakanawSj Kitamachi. 
Shiba, Tokyo. Tel..- 1890 

1595 ] 


Nabeshima, ChokoMn C£@ & Ifi 
•^;, Viscount, Lord-in-W;\it- 
ing in Ktnkei Hall, Mem. of 
the House of Peei's ; b. in 
i 843 at Kashima in the pro- 
vince of Hizen ;* m. Aiko, 
adopt, e. s. of Marquis Nabe- 
shima. Rendered services to 
the Mikado at the Restora- 
tion; went to U. S. A. in 
1872 ; on returning was ap- 
pointed Chamberlain to H. 
M. the Emperor; Governor 
of Okinawa in 1879; Senater 
in 1881 ; Mem. of the House 
of Peen? since 1890. Add- 
ress: Tsuna-machi, Mita, Shi- 
ba. Tokyo. Tel. : 1496 Shi- 

Nabeshiiaa, Kan (IS % W), 
Baron, Mem. of the House 
of Peers; b. in 1844 in the 
province' of Hizen ; 3rd s. of 
Sukemoto Ito, a samurai of 
Saga clan ; was adopted by 
Toin Nabeshima ; m. Tei. 
Governor of Moka in 1868 ; 
hsld the post of Governor of 
Tochigi-ken, Aomori-ken, Hi- 
roshima-ken ; was nominated 
Mem. of the House of Peers 
in 1896; Baron in 1895. 
Address: Shirogane-Imazato- 
cho, Shiba, Tokyo. 

Nabeshima, NaoMro C^ & g 

:fc), Marquis, Court Council- 
Jor, former Daiinyo of Saga, 

Mem. of the House of Peers, 
Standing Councillor of thfe 
Red Cross Society of Japan. 
Vice-President of the Nihon 
Naval Relief Association, Pre- 
sident of the Nihon Music 
Society, the Italian Associa- 
tion, and the Dai Nihon So- 
ciety for the P^ncouragement 
of Poetry, Honorary Council- 
lor of the Geographical As- 
sociation ; b. on the 17th of 
the loth month in the 3rd 
year of Koka (1846) at Sag:i 

in the province of Hizen ; 2nd 
s. of Naomasa Nabeshima ; 
m. Nakako, d. of Taneyasu 
Hiroshima, Count. , Ediic. : 
studied in England, 1871 — 
1878. Rendered distinguished 
service at the Restoration 
and was promoted to be Sa- 
kon-eshosho (Senior Major-Ge- 
neral of the Body Guard) in 
recognition of his meritorious 
services; was appointed ia?/- 
yo (States Councillor) apd 


[ 596 1 

Governor of Kanagawa-pre- 
fecture ; was transferred to 
the Foreign Office as Vice- 
Governor and concluded a 
comity treaty between Japan 
and Spain ; afterwards went 
back to his native province 
but returned to the capital in 
1 869 ; was granted an ann- 
ual pension of 20,oooo kohe 
of rice for services in the 
Restoration; became a high 
ofificial of the Foreign Ollfice 
in 1879; was appointed Mi- 
nister Plenipotentiary to Italy 
in 1880; Senator and Grand 
Master of Ceremonies in 18- 
82 ;. nominated Mem. of the 
House of Peers in 1 890 ; de- 
corated with 1st Order of 
Merit for services in the Chi- 
na-Japan Wai-. Marquise Na- 
beshima; rendered services to 
the State as President of the 
Volunteer Nursing Society 
and Director of the Ladies' 
Patriotic League in the late 
war arid is Pres. of the Ori- 
ental ' Women's Society and 
the Women's Co-opsrating Or- 
phanage Association, etc ; is 
"one of the leading ladies in 
the Empire. Address: Na- 
gata-cho, Kojimachiku, To- 
kyo.'! '-TV/. •• 825 Shimbashi. 
;' Nab^shima, Naotora CSS $> ffi 
'J^i, yis'count, Mem. of the 
•House', of ''Peers ; ^. in 1856 
•at Ogi ' iri the. province of lii- 
'len ;' y! ' V: ' bf Marquis ' N abe- 

shima ; in. Takashi, amit of 
Count Nambu. Address : Sa- 
doharacho, Ichigaya, Ushigo- 
me, Tolcyo. Tel.:- 1599 Ban- 

Nabeshima, Keijiro <M%^ 
"k BI5), Minister Plenipotenti- 
ary at Brmsels; b. in i860 
at Saga-mura, Saga-gori, Hi- 
zen; 2nd s. of Heizaemon 
Nabeshima, a samnrai of Na- 
gasaki ; m. Nariko, 3rd d. of 
Arimasa Karahashi, Visco- 
unt. Entered the Foreign 
Office in March 1886; Dip- 
lomatic Attaciie in July ; At- 
tache to the Legation at 
London in 18S7: Secretary 
of the Dep't of Foreign Aff- 
airs in 1892 ; Attache to the 
Imperial Headquarters in the 
Sino-Japanese war ; ist class 
Secretary of the Legation at 
Washington in 1 899 ; then 
of the Legation at Berlin, 19- 
00; and then of the Lega- 
tion at London, 1902; Secre- 
tary of the Dep't of Foreign 
Affairs in 1903 ; then of the 
Residency-General and Coun- 
cillor of the Dep't of Forei- 
gn Affairs in 1906; Clucf uf 
the Section of l-'oreign Aff- 
airs in the Residency-General 
a:t Seoul in 1907; present post 
in 1969. Address : Jap mese 
Legation at Brussels. 

Hade, Yoshibei « f; rfl % 

flF). .high - tax - p.iyof, 


chant; b. in 1873 in Wakaya- 

[ 597 ] 


ma-ken ; e. s. of Yoshibei 
Nade ; m. Nui, 3rd d. of So- 
bei Iwamoto of Wakayama- 
ken. Address : Kuroe - cho, 
Kais5-g6ri, Wakayama-ken. 
Nagai, Hikozo (.7% fr M ^)i 
President of the Himeji Ba- 
nk, Ltd., and Director of the 
Himeji Rice Exchange, Ltd. 
Address : Higashi-gofuku-ma- 

chi. Himeji. 

ifagai, jaisomu Qih )i- j^), 

Igakuhajiiishi {Y)x. of Me- 
dicine), Assist. Prof, of the 
Medical College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ.; b. 1877 in 
Hiroshima-ken; 5. of Keisuke 
Nagai; m. Takako, e. d. of 
the late Bunkai Tozuka, 
Inspector - General of Fleet 
Hospital. Ediic.i graduated 
from the College 01 Medicine 
of the Toicyo Imp. Univ. Pub- 
lications : " Medical science 
and philosophy. Recreations : 
literature and arts. Address \ 
No. 104, Komagome Doza- 
ka-machi, Hongo, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 4386 Shitaya. 

Fagai, Ikkwa Olt ^1^ — 
3^)^ artist, Jj.pane^e jiainter ; 
6. 1.SG9 in Echigo province ; 
m. Chiyoko, 1898. ..E<'uc,. : 
studied painting nndcr Kiniei 
Nakano, Suian Hirafuku and 
Shonen Suzuki , further con- 
tinued his study in the Tokyo 
Art Hall for three years. 
Made a tour through Eiiroj)e 
and Aniern,a, in iy03 and 

.stayed there for 5 year& ; 
when he was stayino; in A- 
merica opened an independent 
exhitition in San Francisco 
and also exhibited his work 
"a raven," which is produced 
after his study of many years, 
in the Portland Exhibition 
and was admired ; returned 
home from abroad in 1908 ; 
afterward exhibited his master- 
pieces in various exhiliitions 
and obtained many prizes ; 
lately exhibited a pair of a 
go'd-lea!ed screen oftheKorin 
stylo in tlie late Iti.lian Ex- 
bibi;ion for decoralion of a 
rccoiption room in tlie same 
exhibition. Beereatitnf! : utai, 
billiards. Adilrens: No. 27 
Sakuragi-cho 'Ueno, fchitaya- 
ku, Tokyo. 

JTa^jai, Kinjiro O^k ?!" & ^ 
UFO) Secretary of Toyama-pre- 
fecture ; b. in 1873 in the 
province of Echigo ; y. b. of 
Shokiehi Nagai, a samurai; 
m. Miya, e. d. of Saichiro 
Sugano of Miyagi-prefecture. 
Edzic. : graduated Law at the 
H'jgaku-in in 1 897 ; passed 
tlie Higher Civil E.xamina- 
tii.n in the .same year. Coun- 
cillor of the prefectures of 
Aomori and Chiba; Sc;cretaiy 
of 1 liroshima-pref.cture ; then 
present post. Address: To- 

Ua^ai, KyiiicMro (7^4 % !k — 
Wj, Director of the Yokoha- 


t 598 ] 

ma Branch of the N. Y. K., 
Special Mem. of the Yoko- 
hama Chamber of Commerce; 
3. in 1852 in Aichi-prefecture ; 
e. s. of Kyoi Nagai, a samu- 
rai ; ftt. Tsuwa, e. d. of Yo- 
shimitsu Washii of the same 
prefecture. Director of the 
Accounts Section of the Edu- 
cational Dep't ; Private Se- 
cretary to the Minister of 
Education ; entered the N. 
Y. K. and became Manager 
of its Slianghai Branch ; then 
present post. Address: O- 
kubo - Yocho-machi, Ushigo- 
meku, Tokyo. Tel.: iig Ban- 

Hagai, Masamitsu CS ^i^ i^ 
%"), Mayor of Matsuyama } 
b. in 1 86 1 in Ehime-prefect- 
ui-e ; e. s, of Teruhiro Semba, 
a sanmrai ; m. Ju, y. s. of 
Yoshiakira Shimizu of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Debuchimachi, Matsuyama. 

Kagai, ffiatsuemon Crjt # ^2 
* % P'i), Chairman of Board 
of Director of the Sanada 
Tiading Co., Ltd.; b. in 1853 
in Aichi-prefecture ; 2nd s. 
of Kyoi Nagai, a samurai ; 
m. Tsuna, niece of Kohachiro 
Kamiya of the same prefect- 
ure. Was Director of the 
Osaka Branch of the Yoko- 
hama Specie Bank ; President 
of the 8th National Bank, 
Ltd. ; Director of the Tokyo 

Rice Exchange and the Ai- 
chi-ken Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd. Address : 
Kasadera - mura, Aichi - gun, 
Aichi-ken.' __ 

Nagai, Matsuzo ^ ^ *& =.^, 
Consul-G-eneral at San Fra- 
liCiscS';' 6. in 1877 in A- 
ichi-prefecture. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1902; pas- 
sed the. Examination for Di- 
plomatic and Consular Ser- 
vices, in 1902. Was appointed 
• eleve-Consul of the Consulate 
at Tien-tsing in 1902 ; was 
transferred to New York in 
1903 ; 3rd class Secretary of 
the Embassy at Washington 
m 1907 ; acting C.G., in 1908. 
Address: San Francisco. 

Wagai, Wagayoshi (fl ^ fi 
®)t Rigakuhakuski, Yakuga- 
kuhakushi, Prof, of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, Director 
of the Doitsu Kyokai (German 
Association) Middle School; b. 
in 1845 in the province of 
Awa ; e. s. of Rinsho Nagai, 
a samurai ; m. Maria, a Ger- 
man. Educ. : Studied Phar- 
macologia in Germany and 
France,- 1870 — 1883. On 
returning from abroad was 
appointed Prof, of the Im- 
perial University of Tokyo; 
President of the Japan Phar- 
macopoea Investigation As- 
sociation. Address ; Aoya- 

[ 599 ] 


ma - Minamimachi, Shibiiya^ 
cho, Tokyo. Tel. : 2610 Shi- 

Fagai, Naoaki C*. ^ S M}, 
Viscount ; 3. in 1849 at Ta- 
katsuki ; tn. Fusako, f. s. of 
Sanekata Honda, Viscount. 
Address : Oicho, Tokyo. 

Hagai, Uaotoshi 0% ^ W WO, 
Viscount, Mem. of the House 
of Peers ; i>. in ^i 871 at Kano 
in the province of Mino ; e. s. 
of Naoaki Nagai, Daimyo of 
Kano clan ; m. Rokuko, y. 
s. of Hirotsuna Watanabe, Vis- 
count. Add7-ess : Kita-Yama- 
bushicho, Ushigomeku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 1 1 55 Bancho. 

Nagai, Eiemon (.& ^ f'l] ;& 
ft PI), Tea-dealer, Director 
of the 3rd Bank, Ltd., the 
Japan Tea Mfg. Co., Ltd., 
the Yblcohama 74th Bank, 
Ltd., and the Yokohama Sav- 
ings Bank, Ltd., Representa- 
tive Partner of Otani and Na- 
gai firm; d, in 1851 in Tokyo; 
e. s. of Seibei Sakakibara ; m. 
Toshi, 2nd d. of Hachiemon 
Hattori of Tokyo. Succeed- 
ed his adopt, f. Rihei Nagai 
in 1 90 1. Address: Odenma- 
cho, Nihonbashiku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 429 I. d. Naniwa. 

Nagai, Tamaki (Jk ^^ 3g), 
Mayor of Moji ; b. 1865 in 
Fukui-prefecture ; e. s. of Sei- 
ya Nagai, a samurai; in. 
Kane, 2nd d. of Mataza Ya- 
mada of the same prefecture. 

Edtic. : graduated Law at the 
Imperial University of Tokyo. 
Became Judge ; then Coun- 
cillor of Nagano-prefecture, 
Chief of Police of Gumma- 
pref ; Secretary of the pre- 
fectures of Shizuoka, Hyogo, 
Hokkai-Do ; Governor of Mi- 
yazaki ; present post in 1908. 
Address: Kj'otaki, Moji. 

Nagamatsu, Shonosuke CS *i 
n Z S)), Proprietor of the 
Nai'^amatsu Hospital. Ad- 
dress: Shuzeimachi, Higashi- 
ku, Nagoya. 

Nagamatsu, Toknhi (jS Wi 
.1 S), Baron, Mem. of the 
House of Peers, Managing" 
Director of the Tokyo Fire 
Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. ; 
b. in 1864 in Yamaguchi- 
prefecture ; 2nd j. of Kan 
Nagamatsu, Baron ; m. Suga, 
3rd d. of Ippei Yonekura of 
Tokyo. Edtic. : graduated 
from the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity. Prof, of the Peers' 
School in 1887; was elected 
Mem. of the House of Peers. 
Address : Aoyama - Minami^ 
machi, Akasakaku, Tolcyo. 
Tel. : 2741 Shiba. 

Nagami, Kaiji Otc % %. n), 
President of the Nagasaki E- 
lectric Light Co., Ltd. Ad- 
dress: Koj imago, Nagasaki. 
Nagami, Yoshiaki Lik Mi "a 
^), Managing Director of the 
Nippon Rice - Cleaning Co., 
Ltd, Address: Suma-muia, 


Mukorgun, HySgo-Jcen'. 

Wagamine, Kenko 0% ^ W 
3fc5i Rear - Admiral of Engi- 
neering (E/t desponsabilite'); b.: 
in 1857 i" Shizuoka-prefect- 
lire ; 2nd s. of Mitsumasa 
Nagamine ; m. Fushi, y. s. of 
Kaku Kato of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the Heigakn- 
ry5 (defunct Navar College). 
2nd Sub-Lieutenant of Engi- 
neering in 1883 ; Rear- Ad- 
miral of Engineering in 1908. 
Chief Engineer of the Mai- 
zuru Reserve Ships ; then of 
the ist Squadron ; 'and of the 
Combined Fleet ; Director of 
Naval Engineering College. 
Decoration : 3rd Order of the 
E. S. Address: Nakano-machi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 

iSTagamori, TokichirS Cft # 
M W W), Director of the Man- 
churian and Korean Salt Mfg. 
Co., Ltd. ; b. in i860 in Sa- 
ga-prefecture ; 2nd s. of So- 
hei Noda, a samurai: m. 
Kiyo, e. d. of Keihi Nagamo- 
rij his adopt, father. Educ. : 
graduated Law at the Im- 
perial University of Tokyo. 
Became Public Procurator ; 
Procurator - in - Chief of the 
Tokyo District Court ; Chief 
of the Secretariat of the Finan- 
cial Dep't ', went over to 
Korea for agricultural pur- 
poses several years ago. Ad- 
)iress : Naka - Shibuya, Shi- 
buyamachi, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 

600 I 

336 Shiba. , 
^ Ifagaao, Juajo Cfi if Ig ^j, 
Tgakultakiiski^ Director of the 
Taihoku Government Ho.spi- 
tal ; b. in 1870 in the pro- 
vince of Higo ; 3rd s. of Ke- 
nsaburo Nagano, a samurai; 
m. Tsuru, of Osaka. Rduc. : 
graduated Medicine at the 
Imperial University of Tokyo 
in 1896. Address: Taihoku, 

Nagano, Junshiro (ft gf i^ 

E9 Si5), Colonel of Artillery, 
Sectional Chief of the Osaka 
Arsenal; b. 1869 in Kyoto. 
Sub-Lieut., March 1891; 
Lieut., Nov. 1893; Captain, 
Nov. 1896; Major, May 
1903; Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 
1907; Colonel, Nov. 191 1. 
Decorations: sth Order ttf 
S. T., 4th Order of R. S., 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 8, i chome, 
Tenmabashi, Kita-ku, Osaka. 
Naganuma, Hidebumi hie. S 
^ 3;), - Major-General since 
191 2, Commander of the ist 
Brigade of Cavalry; h. in 1 867 
in Miyagi - prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1886; Colonel 
in 1905. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the R. S. and 3rd 
Class of the G. K. Address : 
Tf'-', Chiba-ken. 

Waganuma, Shukei (.& S 
^ Si). sculptor ; 6. the 9 
m. of the 4th y. of Ansei (1857) 
in Iwate-ken. Edue. : studied 

[6oi i 

Na|f . 

sculpture in Italy. Was prof. 
in the Tokyo Fine Art A- 
cademy after his return home; 
at present is well known in 
the art circles. Address: No. 
109 Omote-cho, KoiiShikawa- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Nagao, Hampei Cfi M 4= ^), 
Expert of the Imperial R'ly 
Board; <5. in 1865 in Niiga- 
ta-prefecture ; e. s. of Umon 
Nagao, a samurai ; m. Nao. 
Educ. : graduated Engineer- 
ing at the Tokyo Imperial 
University in 1891. Served 
in the Formosan Government 
for many years ; present post 
in 1 910. Address: Takanawa- 
minamicho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 949 Shiba. 

Hagao, Kaoru CS M ®>, 
Director of the Osaka Pre- 
fectural Technical School ; b. 
1873 at Arita-mura, Hida- 
gun, Oita - ken. Was Dir. 
of the Beppu Technical Ap- 
prentices' School in Oita-ken, ; 
1902 — 1907; then present 
post since 1908. Recreation: 
educating poor children. Ad- 
dress: Official residence, Nishi- 
noda, Kita-ku, Osaka. 

Nagao, Han (S * 4^). Sur- 
geon-Lieut-Colonel, Director 
of the- Kokura Garrison Hos- 
pital. Address : Kokura, Fu- 

kuoka-l<en. ^^ « mi 

ITasao, Shiroemon CA ® 1^ 

. IR 7& m Pi), High - tax-payer, 

. President of the Nobi Agri- 

cultural and Industrial Bank, 
Ltd. ; d. in 1855 in Gifu-ken; 
e. s. of Shinsliichiro Nagao ; 
m. Hisa, 3rd d. of Ryozo Fu- 
jimoto of Aichi-ken. Has sat 
in the House of Peers. Ad- 
dress: Sugadamachi, Gifu-ken. 
Uagaoka, Gaishi (ft Ijsg ^ ^), 

Lieuteaant-Gcneral, Comman- 
der of the 1 6th Army Divi- 
sion; d. in 1858 in Yamagu- 
chi-prefectuie ; 2nd s. of Sa- 
nzaemon Hori ; was adopted 
by Nanyo Nagaolta, a sa- 
murai ; m. Yo.shiko, y. s. of 
Kyusuke Shimizu of Osaka. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Military Acad^-my and the 
Military StaiT ColLge. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1879; Lieute-' 
nant in 1884; Captain in 1887; 
Major in 1891 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel in -'893; Colonel in 
1895 ; ATajor-G.incral in 1900; 
Lieutenant-G.:ncral in 1909. 

Served successively on the 
Staff of the 1st Army Divi-, 


[ 602 

sion, Chief of the Section of 
Military Affairs in the War 
Office, Commander of the 9th 
Brigade of Infantry, ' Chief 
Assistant of the General Staff 
Office, Commander of the 2nd 
B.igade of Infantry, Director 
of the Bureau of Military 
Affairs in the War Ofifice, 
General-Manager of the Su- 
preme Military Council. Took 
part in the Sino-Japanese war 
on the staff of tlie 5th Army 
Division and the Russo-Japa- 
nese war as Chief Assistant 
of the G. S. Office under 
Marshal Yamagata. Decora- 
tions: 2nd Order of the R. 
S. and 2nd Class nf the G. 
K. ; was Commander of the 
13th Army Divisi()n-i9io-i2. 
Address: Fukabnsa-mura, Ki- 
i-gun, Kyotu-iu. 

Nagao, Sanjuro CS ft H + 
li>). Representative Partner of 
the Nata Land Co., Director 
of the Nippon Gold Mining 
Co., Ltd.; d. in 1855 in the 
province of Kozuke ; a sa- 
murai ; m. K5, 2nd d. of Ji- 
ntaro Aoyama, a Samurai of 
the same prefecture. Ad- 
dress: 2 chome, lidamachi, 
Kojimacliiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 

147 Bancho. 
Uagaoka, Hantaro C& P3 4* 

in W>, Rigakuhakushi (The- 
oretical Physicfi), Prof of the 
Imperial University of Tokyo; 
b. in 1865 in • Nagasaki-pre- 

fecture ; e. s. of Jisaburo Na- 
gaoka, a samurai ; m. Toyo/ 
y. s. of Kane Hirakawa of 
Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
Physics at the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo in 1887 ; was 
sent abroad for study, 1893 
— 1896. A.ssist.-Prof of his 
alma mater in 1 890 ; on re- 
turning was made full Prof. 
Address : Komagome - Higa- 
shikatamachi, Hongoku, To- 

Nagaoka, Haruiehi (S P! # 
— )> Hogakuhakushi (Interna- 
tional Law), 2nd class Se- 
cretary of the Legation at 
Brussel; b. in 1877 i" Yama- 
guchi - prefecture ; m. d. of 
Viscount General Dshima. 
Educ. : graduated Law in the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1900 ; passed the Examina- 
tion for Diplomatic and Con- 
sular Services in 1900. Was 
appointed Councillor of the 
Dep't of Foreign Affairs in 
1900; Diplomatic Attache of 
the Legation at Paris in 1902; 
3rd class Secretary of Em- 
bassy in 1906; 3rd class 
Secretary of the Legation at 
Brussels in 1907 ;"' 2nd class 
Secretary of Legation in 1908; 
2nd class Secretary of the 
Embassy _^ at St. Petersburg 
in 1909; was transferred to 
Berlin in Nov. 1909. Publica- 
tion : History of diplomacy in 
modem times. Address : Btu- 

[6o3 ] 



Nagasaki, Seigo Cft aif # W3, 
1st Older of Merit Superin- 
tendent of the Provision Bu- 
reau of the Imperial House- 
hold Dep't, Court Councillor, 
Master of Ceremonies, Lord 
Steward to H. I. H. Prince 
Kan-in; 5. in 1852 at Kago- 
shima in the province of Sa- 
tsuma ; 4th s. of Sakuemon 
Nagasaki, a samurai ; in. Ta- 
ekc, e. d. of the late Count 
Munenori Terajima. Ediic. : 
studied in the Zjshikan (Clan 
School) ; the Tokyo SJuheikd 
(forerunner of the Imperial 
Uninersity), and the Mich'gan 
College. Entered the diplo- 
I matic service as Chancellor 
of the Japanese Legation at 
St. James ; on returning en- 
tered the Imperial Household 
Dep't and was promoted Pri- 
vate Secretary to its Minister; 
then Master of Ceremonies 
and Court Councillor ; and 
present post ; has been abroad 
several times. Publications: 
" The Empire of Japan," 
" An Outline of London So- 
ciety." Address : Shimo-Ro- 
kubancho, Kojimachiku, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 2060 Bancho. 

Nagasawa, Dearoku C& % % 
:^<^, Director of the Yama- 
nashi Prefectural Hospital. 
Address : Nishikimachi, Ko- 

fu, Yamanashi-ken. =;, 

H'agasawa, Kanae (^?f ®ii 
Proprietor of the Santa Rosa 
Vine-yard; l>. in 1853 in the 
province of Satsuma. Educ. : 
Was sent to England with 
the late Count Mori. Went 
over to U. S. A. in 1867. 
Address : Santa Rosa, U. S. ' 

A. .' 

Nagase, SMmpachi 0% M M 
A), Managing Director of the 
Motehara Commercial B.uik, 
Ltd. ; b. in 1847 in Chiba- 
prcfecture ; s. of Shichij iiro 
Nagase ; ;;/. Tama, 2nd d. of 
Wasaburo Watanabe of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Moteharamachi, Chiba-ken. 

Nagase, Toaiird (S M .a CP), 
soap manufacturer, maker of 
" Ka5 " soap; i>. in 1863 
in Gifu-prefc-cture ; 2nd s. of 
Eiz5 Nagase ; vi. Naka, j/. s. 
of San-emon Sekine of Tokyo. 
Address : Bakurocho, N.hon- 
bashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 3 /. d. 
N^niwa, 3002 I. d. 

Nagashima, KiyosH 0% g ft 
^ Bl), Mem. of the House of 
Representatives. Address: Do- 
rokame, Kanagawa-mura, Yo- 

Nagashima, Zennosuke C& i^ 
# Z IS).. Paymaster-Comman- 
der of the' Navy, Chief Pay- 
master of the Yokosuka Na- 
val Barracks ; k in i868. Pay- 


[ 604 1 

tnaster-Commander in 1906. 
Becorotions : 4th Order of the 
R. S. and 4th Class of the 
G. K. Address: Yokosuka. 
Nagashima, Washitaro CS ii 
5i :*: 515), Lawyer, Mem. of 
the House of Representatives; 
i. 1868 at Katsuyama in the 
province of Awa ; e. s. of Na- 
gatoyo Nagashima, a samu- 
rai ; m. Kuni, y. s. of Ya- 
subei Uchiyama of Tokyo. 
Educ. ■: graduated Law in the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1890. Entered the Dep't of 
Justice and has lectured in 
several private colleges ; re- 
signed post and opened a 
law and patent office in 1893; 
elected a member of the 
House of Representatives for 
his native prefecture in 1908; 
a member of the Seiyukai 

. (Constitutional party) ; travel- 
led abroad as a delegate to 

-the International Parliamenta- 
ry Conference in 1910. Ad- 
dress: 3chome, Tsukiji, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 1333 /. d. Kyo- 

' bashi (office); 754 Kyobashi. 
, Uagata, Hisashi (i H ®), 

_ Major-General (on the re- 

serve); ^. in 1856 in the 

province of Higo ; e. s. of 
Yasiishi Nagata, a samurai; 
in. Katsu, 2nd d. of Chuya 
Shimizu, a samurai of the 
r same province. ii/2<^. / grad- 
uated from the Military A- • 
cademy. Sub-Lieutenant of 

Artillery in 1879 ; Lieutenant 
in 1882; Captain in 1885; 
Major in 1891 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel in 1895 ; Colonel in 
1899 ; Major-General in 1904. 
Commander of the 3rd Bat- 
talion of the 5th Regiment 
of Field Artillery ; and of the 
2nd Brigade of Field Artillery. 
Took part in the China-Ja- 
pan, the Boxer, and the 
Russo - Japanese wars. De- 
corations : 2nd Order of the 
R. S. and 2nd Class of the 
G. K. Address: Kita-Sen- 
danbatake, Kumamoto. 

Nagata, Kanrokn C^it 13 Wl 
:^')> farmer, high-tax-payer; 
3. in 1869 in Saitama-ken ; 
e. s. of Kanroku Nagata ; m. 
Chiyo, y. s. . of Kikusaburo 
Tanaka of the same prefect- 
ure. Address: Kasukabema- 
chi, Saitama-ken. 

Nagata, Katsuyuki (7% P3 ^ 
<2-)> Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 2nd Regiment 
of Infantry; d. in 1867 >« 
Tokyo. Sub - Lieutenant in 
1889; Colonel in 1907. De- 
corations: 4th Order of the 
R. S. Address: Mito, Ibara- 

Nagata, Kieliizayertion Crit p] 
S :fe ft H), High - tax-payer. 
President of the Hida Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Hida 
Forestry Co., Ltd., and the 
Kobi Agricultural and Indus- 
trial Bank, Ltd., Auditor of 

[6=5 ] 


the 1 2th Bank, Ltd., the To- 
yama Electric Co., Ltd., the 
Hida Electric Co., Ltd. ; b. 
in 1873 in Gifu-ken ; e. s. of 
Kichiemon Nagata; ?«. Moto, 
e. d. of Hikohiro^ Naito of 
Aichi-keii._ Address : Taka- 
yamacho, Ono-gori, Gifu-ken. 
. Wagata, Kikutaro (:& fE| ^ 
^ X W>, Managing Director 
of the Honsho Storage Co., 
Ltd. Address : Honshocho, 

Nagata, Masakichi \f^ ta iE 
ri)> Director of the Aomori 
Forestry Oflfice ; b. in 1 865 
in Fukui-prefecture ; 3rd s. 
of Nikuro Sato, a satnurai ; 
m. Kin 2nd d. of Seiz5, Ma- 
kino of Tokyo. Blduc. : grad- 
uated from the Tokyo Agri- 
cultural and Forestry School 
in i88"6. Entered the Dcp't 
of Agr. and Com. Address : 
Takida-mura, Higashi-Tsug- 
nru, Aomori-ken. 

Nagata, Nisuke (*. W -f- fJ), 
President of the Naniwa Bank, 
Ltd.; l>. in 1863 in Osaka; 
e. s. of Nizaemon Nagata ; 
M. Chu, e. d. of Jijsuke Sa- 
kada of Osaka. Address : 
Yobancho, Kozu, Minamiku, 
Osaka.' Te/. : 550 Minami. 

Nagata, Sanjuro C*. ffl ^ + 
-BIO, Proprietor of the Fuji Na- 
gata Dockyard ; d. in 1834 
in Osaka ; m. Sei of Osaka. 
'Address .• Shin - Sumiyacho, 
Nishiku, Os;.ka. - Tel.: 1854 


Nagata, Taijiro (.^ SI # ^ 
M), Captain, Coinmander of 
the 2nd Destroyer Flotilla ; 
6. in 1868. Edtic. : gradijT 
ated from the Naval Engi- 
neering College in 1887. Com- 
mander in 1905 ; Captain in 
1909. Decorations: 3rd Or- 
der of the R. S. and 3rd 
Class of the G. K. Address.- 
Kaigunsho, (Naval Depart- 

Nagata, Tobei (m H M ?i ^)» 
President of the Yoshino Bank, 
Ltd. Address : Shimoicho, 
Yoshino-£r6ri, Nara-ken. 

Nagata, Yotaro (Jk W H 
ic filO iii«nager of the Ki- 
taliania Bank, Lt'd; h. Decem- 
ber of the 5th y. of Meiji 
(1S72) in Siikata-machi, Ya- 
miigata-ken ; s. of Jisuko 
Nagata ; m. Fumi, e. d. of 
Kosuke Yokoi, 1884. Eduo: 
graduated from the Toky<» 
Senshu Gakko, 1896. Simnl- 
taneously entered the bank 
on its establishment, 1897. IRe- 
creation: reading. Address: 
liama-Asliiya, Mnkdguii, liy- 
ogo-ken. Club : Ooaka Cbib. 

Nagaya, Junji C:fe B M ^)r 
Prof, of the Hiroshima Higher 
Normal School. Address: 

Nagayama, Arinori inf. lU '^ 
S), Chief of tl>e Paediatric 
Dep't of the. Kagoshima Pre- 
fectural ;Hos)Mtal Address,: 

Ifag— Nai 

Yaniashitacho, Kagoshima. ;, 
K'afiravima, Motoliiko (.?% Hi 
7b '^), Colonel of Cayalry, aid- 
de-camp - to'Triuce Sadanaru 
since . Dec. 19 12; b. in i86g 
in Saga-prefecture, Sub-Lieu- 
tenant in 1891 ; Colonel in 

1909. Decorations ; 3rd Or- 
der of the R. S. ®and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address : 

Nagayama, Tetsutaro {.ik Uj 
M "k. fi|5), Commander of Engi- 
neering, Chief Engineer of the 
Kure Torpedo Division ; b. in 
1869. Commander of Eng. in 
1905. Decoration: 3rd Order 
of the R. S. Address: Kure. 
jsTagura, Takejiro (iS 3|- -tt ^ 
M|5)> Councillor of the Im~ 
perial Railway Board, Chief 
of the Investigation Section 
of the same; b. the 9th m. 
of the 2nd y. of Keio (1866) 
in Tol<:yo. Edtic: graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School. Expert to 
the Imperial Railway, 1897- 
1899; Railway Commissioner 
since 1897; and then present 
post; attended the 6th In- 
ternational Railway Congress 
JEield at Paris as, Japanese 
delegate^ in 1901, Address: 
No. 31, Takanawakita-cho, 
Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tel.\ 3333 

Wai, Chuji C« ^t^ IS, \U% 
Mem. of the House of Rt- 
pre.sentatives ; b. in 1865 in 

606 ] 

Fukui-prefecture ; 6th s. of 
Soemon Fujita; m. Tani adopt. 

d. of Gohei Kumagae of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Mikunicho, Fukui-ken. 

Nai, KyfisHke i^ ^ % ^), 
Expert of the Dep't of the 
Interior and the Tokya 
Branch of the Bureau of Civil 
Engineering ; b. in 1869 in 
Yamaguchi - ken ; 2nd s. of 
Mori Sukenai, a samurai; m. 
Hisa, y. s. of Ichiro Nomu- 
ra of the same prefecture. 
Educ: graduated from the Col- 
lege of Engineering, Tokyo 
Imperial University, in 1892. 
Entered the Bureau of Civil 
Engineering. Address : Niji- 
kki-cho, Ushigome-ku, Tokyo. 

l^aiki, Seibei (ft ^ m ?c m'), 
Cloth-Merchant; b. in 1878 
in Kyoto ; e. s. of Jinzabur© 
Naiki, ex-Mayor of Kyoto ; 
m. Nao 2nd d. of Koshichi 
Ohashi of Kyoto. Address: 
Funaya - maclii, Kamikyoku, 
Kyoto. Tel. : 26, 126 /. d. 

H'aiki, Jinzaburo (ft K K H 
W), Director of the Kyoto 
Commercial and Industrial 
Bank, Ltd., the Com. and 
Ind. Savings Bank, Ltd., and 
the Kyoto Weaving Co., Ltd.; 
b. in 1848 in -Kyoto; e: s. 
of Sosaku Maiki ; m. Hisa 

e. d. of Yasutaro Uno of Shi- 
ga - prefecture. Was Mayor 
of Kyoto ; Mem. of the House 

[ 6o7 ] 


of Representatives; was grant- 
ed 4th Order of Merit as a 
■war reward. Address: Todo- 
in, Mukegami, Kamikyoku, 
Kyoto. Tel. : I. d. 24. 

Naito, Kyukan {HM X %), 
Presiding Manager of the Nip- 
pon Kerosene Co., Ltd., Di- 
rector of the Central Kero- 
sene Co., Ltd.; b. in 1859 
in the province of Niigata; 
e. s. of Hisayuki Naito ; m. 
Saga, y. s. of Shoji Hirokawa 
of the same province. Sat 
in the House of Represen- 
tatives ; went abroad in con- 
nection with the Kerosene 
business; organized the Nip- 
pon Kerosene Co., Ltd. Ad- 
dress: Ishijicho, Kariwa-gun, 


Uaito, MasaMde CP9 li & ^), 
Prof, of the 2nd High School; 
i. in 1864 in Yamanashi-ken ; 
2nd s. of Shingoemon Naito ; 
m. Ima, y. s. of Zempachi 
Yamadera of Yamanashi-ken. 
Educ. : studied medicine at the 
Imperial University. Present 
post since 1898. Address: ^zn- 

Naito, Masakiyo C?9 S J* 
W), Viscount;^, in 1872; 
e. s. of Masanori Naito ; m. 
Nobu, e. s. of Tadaaki Hon- 
da, Viscount. Address: I- 
wasaki-mura, Iwaki-gori, Fu- 


Naito, Masamitsu Cft^igt5fc)> 

Viscount; l>. the .^rd m. of 

24th _y. of Meiji (1889) in 
Tokyo; .y. Masatomo Naito, 
Viscount. Educ: Peers 
School. Recreation : litera- 
ture. Address: No. 365, 
Kashiwagi, Yodobashi-machi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Faito, Masayoshi Ci?3 Jl IE 
^), Presiding Director of the 
Higo Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd., Director 
of the Akuta Bank, Ltd. ; b. 
in 1863 in Kumamoto-ken ; 
e. s. of Sadayoshi Naito, a 
sajmirai; m. Juki 4th d. of 
Yoshitaka Tomoeda of the 
same prefecture. Address: Chi- 
karaawase-mura, Hdtakugun, 

Ifaito, Seikyo in M -0. W), 
Viscount, High-tax-payer ; b. 
in 1850 at Komagome in the 
province - of Musashi ; uncle 
of Suketoshi Ota, Viscount; 
m. Hideko annt of Viscount 
Horikawa. Was adopted by 
MasayosM Naito, Daimyo of 
Nobeoka. Has assisted in 
educational work. "^ Address : 
Okatomi-mura, Miyazaki-ken. 

Naito, Shin-ichiro C^ W, M 
— IP), Lieut. -General, Placed 
on the waiting list since 
Dec. 1912; b. in 1857 in 
Yamagata-prefecture ; 3rd s. 
of Hidemasu Naito, a samu- 
rai. Edttc.: graduated from 
the Heigakuryo (Military Sc- 
hool) . Sub - Lieutenant in 
1877; Lieutenant in 1880; 


[ 608 ] 

Captain in 1885 ; Major in: 
189 1 ; Lieutenant-Colonel in 
1898 ; Colonel in 1902 ; 
Major-General in 1905. - Ad- 
jutant to the 3rd Army Di- 
vision ; Commander of the 
38th Regiment of Infantry; 
then of the 26th Brigade of 
Infantry. In the Chino-Japa- 
ese War, was Commander of 
the 7th Infantry Battalion ; in 
the late war, was Commander 
of the 38th Infantry Regi- 
ment and the 26th. Brigade 
of Infantry ; was , decorated 
with 2nd Order of the R. S. 
and 3rd Class of the G. K. 
as a war reward; was Com- 
mander of the 14th Inf. Bri- 
gade and then Com. of the 
Shimonoseki Fortress. 

Naito, Shinnin (ft ^ -fs -&), 
Viscount; b. in 1 871 ; 2nd 
s. of Shinshi Naito ; m. Ta- 
mako, adopt, aunt of Count 
Sakai. Address: Sarugaku - 
dho, rKandaku, Tokyo. ; Tel.: 
3263 Honkyoku. 
• Naito, Torajiro (?9 ^ it ^ 
W), Bungakuhakiishi (Chinese 
History), ex - Editor of the 
Osaka Asahi, one of the most 
popular daily papers, Prof of 
the iKybto Imp^rial-XJiiiversity; 
^.' ir Akita-ken.^iias been on 
'St\.€'' Osaka AsaHi for ; many 
■jreatS'and is wellkhbwk under 
\as,'mom de'plume (A_ Kotiait; 
%n acknowledged authojifcj^ oh 
> G^itiese history. AddressiX^^- 

lege of Literature of the Kyo- 
to Imperial Universit>'. , 

Naito, ,Uhei (ft K ^ :R ^), , 
High-t_ax - payer, Director of 
the Yushin Baiik, Ltd. ; b. in 
1859 i" the province of Kai • 
e. s. of Shion Naito ; »«.Chiu, 
jK. s. of Shiiemon Makiuchi of 
Nagano-ken. A large land- 
ower. Address: Tokonaga-mu- 
ra, Naka-koma-gori, Yama- 

Najima, Kakiehiro C^ ^ 'M- 
$ SFO. Soy-brewer, sugar-dea- 
ler, high - tax - payer. Dire- 
ctor of the Chugoku Savings 
Bank, Ltd., and the Yonago. 
Bank, Ltd.; b. in 1877 in Tot- 
tori-ken ; e. s. of Kakiehiro 
Najima ; m. Nao, j/. s. of Kai- 
goro Goto of Tottori - ken. 
Address: Yonago-machi, ToJ:- 

Wakabayashi, Masami Ctf". # 
sE. B), Vice-Director of the 
Nippon Hospital at San Fran- 
cisco, Suirgeon-Lieutenant (2t 
nd reserve) '; ^. in 1875. at Su- 
wa in the province of Shinar 
no ; m. niece of Baron Dr. 
Sato. Educ': graduated frCm 
the Chiba Medical Technical 
College and studied Derma- 
tology at the Tokyo Imperial 
University ; graduated from 
the; Post -,(5radu9!te"Cburse (jff 
^%'" Caifofiiia /State-': B^edicS 
College;- '"'After |;g.r4dua.ti6h, 
:<=«ijved^ in the; Ariny'as a Oiife 
^year. Volunteer;., arrived., -at 



San Francisco in igoo ; took- 
part in the Russo - Japanese 
War as Surgeon-Lieutenant. 
Decorations : 6th Order of the 
R. S. and 5th Class of the G. 
K. Address : Pine St., San 
Francisco, U. S. A. 

Jfakabori, Matajiro (tp I® iO^ 
^ B|5), Paymaster-Commander, 
Chief of the Section of Ac- 
counts in the Yokosuka Na- 
val Arsenal ; b. in 1 87 1 . Pay- 
master-Commander in 1909. 
Decoration]: 4th Order of the 
R. S. Address: Yokosuka Kai- 

Uakachi, Tadataka (fil" Jfi n^ 
F£). DirectoroftheNaha Com- 
mercial Bank, Ltd. Address: 
Izumisaki, Naha, Okinawa - 

Hakada, Kinkichi (((i H H 

S), Director of the Sumito- 
mo General Head Office ; b. 
in 1864 in Akita-prefecture ; 
2nd J. of Torazo Nakada, a 
samurai; m. Chiyo, y. s. of 
Misao Matsuoka, a samurai 
of Tokyo, Has served in the 
firm for many years ; has been 
abroad. Address : Shimama- 
chi, Higashiku, Osaka. Tel. : 
604 Higashi. 

E'akada, Seibei ("^ H M J^ 
%\ Druggist, high-tax-payer; 
b. in 1 85 1 in Toyama-ken ; ^. 
J. of Soemon Nakada. Ad- 
dress : Tori 2 chome, Nihon- 
' bashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 1462 
/. d. Honlcyoku. 

Nakadai, JimJciehi (i? < )® 
S), Pa; m ister-Gencral, Ciiiet 

of the Pay Dep't of the Ka- 
ra Admira-lty ; b. in 1864. 
Paymaster - Captain in 1904. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
R. S. and 4th Class of the 
G. K. Address : Yokosuk^. 

Nakadani, Hikotaro (^ ^ ^ 
;fc S©, Managing Directoi?;Vf 
the Hokkai Cereals Co^rLtd.; 
b. in 1863 in WakafSltia-ken; 
2nd s. of Hidesttf^fe . Nakada- 
ni, a samurai,-^ .'fit. Fusa, 2nd 
d. of Shinshichi Nabemoto of 
Osaka. Address. : Sakaima - 
chi, Otaru, Hbkkai-Do. 

Hakadani,' Hirokiehi (tt^ ^ 
% a J, Director of the Elec- 
tric bureau of the Agr. and 
trie bureau of the Communi- 
cation Dep't ; 6. in 1 865 in 
Nisliida ; m. Yone, e. d. of Ya- 
suke Yasui of Kyoto. Educ. ': 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University in 1890. Entered 
the Dep't of Agr. and Com. 
and became its councillor ; , 
and then present post. Ad- 
dress: Haramachi, Koishika-. 
waku, Tokyo. Tel.: 645 Ban- 

HTakadani, Kiichiro C^ ^ M 
— W), Farmer, high-tax -pa- 
yer. Proprietor of the Nak?,-- 
dani Bank ;b. in 1 890 in Wa- 
kayama-ken ; e. s. of Riichirb" 
Nakayama. Address .• Shingu-" 


[ 6io ] 

machi, Wakayama-ken. 

Nakadate, Chozabaro CcfJ It 
fi H IP), Surgeon- Major-Gen- 
eral, Chief of the Medical 
Dep't of the 4th Army Divi- 
sion; d. in 1 86 1 in Iwate- 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Ch5ro- 
ku Oikawa ; m. Yd, 2nd d. of 
Tamenosuke Nishina, a sa- 
murai of Tokyo. Surgeon- 
Sub-Lieutenant in 1885 ; Sur- 
geon-Lieutenant in 1887; Sur- 
geon-Captain in 1891 ; Sur- 
geon-Major in 1896; Surgeon- 
Lieutenant-Colonel in 1904; 
Surgeon Colonel in 1904; 
Surgeon-Major-General in 19- 
08. Took part in the Sino- 
Japanese and the Russo-Japa- 
nese wars. Decorations : 3rd 
Order of the R. S. and 3rd 
Class of the G. K. Address : 
Kitanocho, Higashi-kozu, Hi- 
gashiku, Osaka. 

Nakagawa, Asanosuke Cf" 
;i| '^ ^ m. . chief of the 
accountants section of the 0- 
saka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka 
Mercantile S. S Co.); h. 1874 
in Niigata. Bduo. : graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher Cona- 
mercial School, Address : Hi- 
den-ia-cho, Tennoji, Osaka. 

Wakagawa, Gen (cf> W 7c\ 
Dir. of Sendai High Tech. 
School ; b. in 1851 in the pro- 
vince of Shinano ; e. s. of Is- 
sen Nakagawa, a samurai; 
m, Kiyo, adopt, d. of Chikan 

Hayakawa, a samurai of Fu- 
kiioka. Educ. : studied at the 
Daigaku Nanko and the Mei- 
horyo. Took part as a soldier 
in the Restoration ; entered 
the Dep't of Education in 
1 874 ; was sent to France for 
educational purposes, 1878 — 
1 88 1 ; Secretary of the Dep't 
in 1885 ; School Inspector of 
the Dep't ; Private Secretaiy ; 
Chief of the Financial Sec- 
tion ; Councillor of the Dep't ; 
Director of the 4th High 
School ; then' of the 5th Higii 
School ; and present post. Ad- 
dress : Sendai. 

Nakagawa, Heihachi (?(> jil 
^ A), Surgeon - Commander, 
attached to the Sasebo Na- 
val Hospital ; b. in 1869. Sur- 
geon - Commander in 1908. 
Decoration : 4th Order of. the 
R. S. Address: Sasebo. 

BTakagawa, Jihei (tf jlj 1^ 
^)i Director of the Kochi 
Bank, Ltd., the Tosa Electric 
Railway Co., Ltd., and the 
Tosa Cement Co., Ltd., Au- 
ditor of the Daito Fishery 
Co., Ltd. ; b. iii 1867 in K6- 
chi-ken ; e. s. of Tokichi Na- 
kagawa ; m. Shika, e. d. of 
Shosuke Mokudai of the same 
prefecture. Address : Torima- 
chi, Kochi-city. 

Nakagawa, Jnzen CP J'! + 
^). Surgeon - Colonel, Chief 
of the "Medical Dep't of the 
1 6th Army Division; b. in 

[ 6ii ] 


1866 in Hyogo-prefecture. 
Surgeon - Sub - Lieutenant in 
1 892 ; Surgeon - Colonel in 
1909. Decorations : 3rd Or- 
der of Merit and 4th Class of 
the G. K. Address: Fuka- 

kusa-mura, Kyoto-fu. 
, Nakagawa, Kenziro (tf ;il H 
^ SK) Director of the To- 
kyo Women's Higher Norma! 
School; b. in 1850 in the 
province of Tamba ; 2nd s. oi 
Iwa Nakagawa, a saimirai ; 
tn. Yu, 2nd d. of Yohachi 
Nakagawa of Kyoto. Educ. : 
graduated Engineering at the 
Tokyo Kaisei School (fore- 
runner of Imperial University) 
in 1874. Took part under 
Marquis Saionji in the Res- 
toration ; became Instructor 
of the Niigata School ; then of 
the Peers' School in 1879; 
was transferred to the Tokyo 
Women's Normal School ; 
Prof of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; entered the 
Dep't of Education in 1 894 ; 
Prof of the Tokyo Technical 
School in 1 898 ; Director of 
the Sendai Higher Technical 
School ; and the present post. 
Address : Komagome - Nishi- 
katamachi, Hongo, Tokyo. 
Tel: 2846 Shitaya. 

Nakagawa, Kisaburo C«|> }\\ 
^- H II5),Indigo-manufacturer, 
fertilizer - dealer, high - tax- 
payer; 3. in 1 85 1 in Toku- 
shima-ken ; e. s. of Naogoro 

Nakag3.\va.. ^Address : Ichijo- 
mura, Itano-gori, Tokushima- 

Jfakagawa, Kojuro (tf )i\ 
/j^ -}- gp)^ ^ vice-president of 
the Taiwan Bank ; b. 4 the 1st 
m, of the 2nd y. of Keio (1866) 
in Kyoto-prefecture ; 1st s. of 
Eokuzae-mon Nakagawa, a 
Heimin of Kyoto-fu and adopt- 
ed by Buheita Nakagawa ; m. 
Yosliie, 2nd d. of Sanai Ku- 
saki of Kyoto-fu. Eduo. : 
graduated from the law col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
July 1893. On his graduation 
was appointed officer of the 
Dep't of Education; and then 
held the post^ of counsellor 
of the same, secretary of the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ., private 
secretary to Minister of Educ. 
secretary of Cabinet and in 
addition private secretary to 
Premier; was appointed se- 
cretary of the Saghalien Go- 
vernment- July ^1908; then 
present post since 1912. Ad- 
dress: Taipeh, Formosa. 

Nakagawa, Kosuke Ct? JH # 
^'), Colonel since 191 2. Sec- 
tional Chief of the General 
Staff Office, Prof of the Mili- 
tary Staff ^College, member 
of Military '' Technical Com- 
mittee; b. in 1867 in Ta- 
magata-ken. Sub -Lieutenant 
in 1889; Lieutena«it-ColoneI 
in 1907 ^Decorations :\th,0'L- 
der of the R. S. and 3rd Class 


[612 ] 

of the G . K. Address: Shinio- 
sMbuya, Shibuyamiira; Tokyo. 

IJakagawa, Kotaro C^ jil # 
i^ W), Hogakuhakushi, Prof. 
of the Imperial University of 
Tokyo. Address : Kami-Ro- 
kubancho, Kojimachiku, To- 

Ifakagawa, Kyunm (^{j Ji! A 
15), Count, Director of the 
Kokko Life Insurance Mutual 
Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1871 ; cousin 
of Marquis Asano ; m. Taka- 
ko, adopt, grand aunt of Mar- 
quis. Address : Nakashibu- 
ya, Shibuya, Tokyo, Tel. : 
3386 Shiba. 

Hakagawa, Okinaga (tf" )^\ 
m fi), Baron, Mem. of the 
House of Peers; b. in 1853 
at Kyoto ; y. b. of Count Kan- 
rqji ; in. Iwako, adopt, e. s. of 
Count Shigenori. Abbot ot 
the Godairi at Nara ; Shinto- 
priest of the Kasuga-Jinja. 
Address : Aizumicho, Yotsu- 
yaku, Tokyo. 

Hakagawa, Rogetsu C* ^'1 
M .9), Japanese painter of 
Shijo School ; h. the 6th years 
of Ansei (1859). Address: 
ToMwa-dori, Tennoji, Osaka. 

iS'akagawa, Sahei (J? )\\ ff 
^< ffi), Ice-dealer, Presiding" 
Director of the Nippon Ice 
Mfg., Co., Ltd.; b. in 1855 
in Aichi-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Kahei Nakagawa ; m. El, e. 
d. of Kifuku Tsuji of Tokyo. 
Address >• Echizenbori, Kyo- 

bashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 626 

Nakagawa, iSenkichi (tp )A 
ik W, Assist.-Prof. of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ., Bigahuha- 
liusM . Address: Higashi- 
Katamachi, liongo-ku, Tokyo. 

KTakagawa, Shigeushi (tfi }\\ 
^ i), Commander, on the 
staff of the Naval Staff Board 
and Prof of the Naval Col- 
lege ; b. in 1869.- Educ: 
graduated from the Naval Col- 
lege in 1888. Commander in 
1908. Decorations: 4th Or- 
der of the R. S. and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address: 
Kaigungunreibu, Tokyo. 

Uakagawa, Shoji ( tf iil ^E WJ), 
Director of the Rikuu Branch 
of the Experimental Farm. 
Address: Hanakata-mura, Se- 
nhoku-gun, Akita-ken. 

Nakagawa, TetsuyaCtfr Jil ^ 
m\ Expert of the Naval Of- 
fice and Chief of the Bureau 
of Construction in the Pay 
Dep't of the Maizuru Admi- 
ralty. Address : Maizuru. 

Nakagawa, Tomojiro (if )!} 
S ^ SC Councillor of the Bu- 
reau of Legislation and Judge 
of the Court of. Administra- 
tive Litigation; b. in 1873 in 
Ishikawa prefecture ; y. b. of 
Yoshinao Seki, a samurai ; m. 
Tei. Educ: graduated Law in 
the Imperial University of To- 
kyo in 1897. Secretary to the 
Home Dep't in 1S98 ; Coun- 

[ 6i3 


cillor of the same Dep't in 
1 899 ; Secretary to Kochi- 
prefecture in 1903 ; Inspector 
of Forests in 1905 ; Coun- 
cillor of the Dep't of Agri- 
culture and Commerce ; Chief 
of the Forestry Bureau of the 
same Dep't in 1907 ; Coun- 
cillor of the Bureau of Le- 
• gislation ; has travelled thro- 
ugh Southern China, Ad- 
dress : Moto-samegahashicho, 
Yotsuyaku, Tokyo. 

Ifal^gawa, Wado C* ^il W 
g), artist, Japanese paint- 
er ; b. 1881 in Osaka; ad- 
opie I s. of Shisen Nakagawa ; 
Bi, Yone, d. of his adopted 
father. Eduo. : learned paint- 
ings from Naoki Fukada ; 
studied under liobun Kikuchi, 
1899. He obtained many prizes 
in various exhibitions. Ite- 
. creations : vfai, travelling. 
Address: No. 13 Dojima- 
hama-dori 1 chome, Kita-ku, 
Osaka. Clubs : Tsukushi-kai, 
Osaka Art Society. 

Nakahara, Iwasaburo (.^ W- 
g = B15), Chief Expert of the 
Tokyo Electric Light Co., 
Ltd. ; i5. in 1869 in Yama- 
guchi-prefecture ; 3rd s. of 
Morito Nakahara, a samurai; 
m. Michiyo, e. d. of Roku- 
ro Munakata of Yamaguchi. 
Educ. : graduated Engineer- 
ing at the Tokyo Imperial 
University in 1892. Imme- 
diately, after graduation, be- 

came Expert of the company; 
was sent to Berlin on elect- 
ric light business ; present post 
in 1905. Address : lch.\ga.ya.- 
Tanimachi Ushigomeku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 1330 Bancho. 

Nakahara, Zvmzo (.^ M jf, 
M), KogahuIiakusM, ex-Dir. 
of the Kumamoto Higher Te- 
chnical School , (5. in 1856 in 
Kumamoto-prefectui-e ; e. s. of 
Sashichiro Nakahara, a samu- 
rai ; ill. Ume, 3rd d. of Nonin 
Hirayama of Fukuoka-prefect- 
ure. Educ. : graduated Me- 
tallurgy at Imperial Univer- 
sity of Tokyo in 1882 ; was 
sent abroac** for study. In- 
structor of the Sth High School 
in 1888 ; Prof, of the Tokyo 
Higher Technical School; last 
post in 1906. Address: Ku- 
mamoto-city. - 

S'akahara, Masanjichi C'i' M 
jE ii), Engineer ; Head-mas- 
ter of the Aomori Technical 
School ; d. Oct. 1 872 in Mo- 
rioka, prefecture of Iwate ; 
son of Masanao Nakahara ; 
m. Ayako, d. of Motochi So- 
tooka. Educ.: graduated from 
the Architectural course of the 
Tokyo Higher Industrial Sc- 
hool in 1900. Appointed a 
Lecturer of the Normal School 
and the Technical School. 
Recreations : Walking ; gar- 
dening. Address: No. 18, 
Arifumachi, Shirosaki, Aomo- 


L 614 1 

Nakahara, On Qtp M jg), 
Chief Otonai,opharyn of the 
Kobe Prefectural Hospital. 
Address : Kusunokicho, Kob.e. 

ST akahara, Teishichi i'i? W^ 
A -t), Head-Master of the O- 
saka Yao Middle School ; 
b. the loth m. of the 4th y. 
of Ansei (1867); son of Ka- 
tsuya Nakahara ; m. Choke, 
d. of Hidezo Aoki. Educ. : 
graduated from the Miyagi 
Foreign Language School ; 
the "Daigaku Yobimon" (pre- 
sent High School) ; College 
of Literature of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1883. He be- 
came Head-Master of the 
"Seiritsu-Gakusha" (a private 
school) and established a 
Girls' department of the same 
school, 1887 ; became the 
Head Master of the Yama- 
gata and Shimane Middle 
Schools ; present post since 
1903. Address : Yao-machi, 
Kawachi, Osaka-fu. 

Kakahashi, Tokugoro C^'KS 
SSfO, President of the Osaka 
Shosen Kaisha, Ltd., (Osaka 
Mercantile S. S. Co.), Presi- 
dent of ^ the Uji-River t'le- 
ctric Co. Ltd., President of 
the Japan Lime Nitrogen Co. 
Ltd., Auditor of the South 
Manchurian Railway Co. Ltd., 
Director of the Nisshin Ki- 
sen Kaisha Ltd., (Japan-China 
S. S. Co.) and Special Mem- 
ber of the Osaka Chamber 

of Commerce*; d, 1 864 in Ka- 
nazawa ; 5th s. of Soichi Sai- 
to, a samurai of Kanazawa; 
adopted into the Nakahashi 
family: m. Etsu, adpt. d. oi 
Demzaburo Fujita. Ediic: 
studied law, politics, and politi- 
cal economy at the Tokyo Im- 
perial Univei'sity. When he 
graduated from the Universi- 
ty in 1886, he became Judge, 
but soon after he was transfer- 
red to administrative service 
and contributed to the deve- 
lopment of industry as Coun- 
cillor of the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce. 
In 1889 he was appointed 
Councillor of the Bureau of 
Legislation and visited En- 
gland, France, Germany, Au- 
stria, Italy, Russia and Nor- 
th America as the Commis- 
sioner engaged in the inves- 
tigation of the Parliamentaiy 
system in Europe and Ame- 
rica. When he returned t6 
Japan in the following year 
after investigating the condi- 
tions of the constitutional gov- 
ernment of the above men- 
tioned countries, the First 
Parliament of the Empire wa;S 
about to be opened and he 
was appointed Secretary 
of the House of Represent- 
atives and contributed not a 
little to the work. In 1891 
he was transferred to the De- 
partment of Communications 

[ 6i5 J 


and after serving as the Di- 
rector of Accounts Bureau and 
the Director of Inspection 
Bureau, at last was advanced 
to the Directorship of Rail- 
way Bureau. In 1898 he be- 
came the President of the O- 
saka Shosen Kaisha at the re- 
quest of the businessmen ofO- 
saka. At that time the economic 
circles of the empire were panic 
stricken as the consef[uence 
of the Japan-China War and 
various industrial companies 
were brought to the brink of 
ruin. Especially was the car- 
lying trade badly depressed. 
Hereupon he carried out va- 
rious reforms -in the admini- 
stration of the company and 
also endeavoured to increase 
its income. As the i-esult the 
business of the company gradu- 
ally thrived. He also regulat- 
ed the old service lines and 
at the same time opened new 
lines. Thus reforming the 
administration of business on 
the one hand and amalgama- 
ting on the other, with others 
also engaged in coast naviga- 
tion, the business of the com- 
pany was almost doubled. 
Since passing through the Ru- 
sso-Japanese War, the founda- 
tion of the company has be- 
come more solid and business 
has gone on expanding. At 
present the company's capital 
amounts to 16,500,000 yen, 

besides debentures for 5,800, 
000 yen. Steamship services 
include, Japan, Formosa, Sou- 
thern China, North - China, 
Manchuria, Corea,"^ Vladivo- 
stock, Saghalien and America. 
The fleet of the company con- 
sists of 125 ships aggregating 
to_ 171,798 tons. When the 
Uji-River Electric Conipany 
was established in 1906, he 
was chosen President. The 
object of the company is to 
generate 60,000 horse power, 
utilizing the water of Biwa, 
the largest lake of Japan, and 
to supply electric power to 
Osaka, Kyoto and other large 
towns in the vicinity. The 
capital of the company is 12, 
500,000 yen. The plans for 
the work are the largest of 
their kind in Japan. 'Publica- 
tions : is known as a most 
influential political writer. A- 
mong his recent essays may 
be mentioned: the Removal 
of the Imperial Capital to 
Osaka; Osaka as a Free Port; 
Administration of Osaka; Di- 
sposal of Manchuria; Claim 

of Niuchang-Wiju Railway, 
Manchuria and Siberia ; Du- 
rability of Japan's Nationa^ 
Wealth; Against Second War; 
Construction of Osaka" Port 
as a National Enterprise; Ma- 
nagement of Finances; Future 
of the Chinese Empire; and 
Conclusion of Peace. Address : 


[ 6i6 ] 

No. 3847, Hideii-in-cho, Ten- 
iioji, Minamiku> Osaka. 7>/. .• 
66 Minami. ^ 

Nakahara, Tokutaro C* 
W- '^ ^ ]j|5), Igahuhakushi 
(Doctor of Medicioe), — Vice- 
President of the Gakuzando 
Hospital, Address : No. 4 
Shichiken-chQ, Asakusa-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel: 1485 Shitaya. 

Nakahama, Toiehiro Qip 'MM 
— IP), Igakuhakushi, Propriet- 
or of tKeTSe/i^iii^i' Hospital ; 
^. in 1857 in the province of 
Tosa ; e. s. of Manjiro Naka- 
hama, a samurai of Tosa 
clan ; m. Yoshi, e. d. of No^ 
boru Ogawa, a samurai of 
Fukuoka-prefecture. Educ. ': 
graduated Medicine at the 
■Imperial University in 1881. 
Held the posts of Director 
of the hospitals at Okayama, 
Kanazawa, and some otliers ; 
Expert to the Dep't of the 
Interior on returning from 
abroad in 1889; Director of 
the Tokyo Hygienic Labora- 
tory in 1890; resigned post 
and established a hospital. 
Address : Shimo - niban - cho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo, Tel. : 75 

, iTakai, Hyakusnke (tjj ^ ^ 
■to), Fancy-goods dealer, Ma- 
naging -Director of the Nis- 
•shin Ba_nk, Ltd., Auditor oi 
the, .Kyoei Storage Go., Ltd., 
l^em. . of the Tokyo Ghamber 
of,, Commerce ; iJ. in 1873 in. 

Tokyo ; e. s. of Hyakusuke 
Nakai; m. Mine, 2nd ^. "of 
Genzaburo Kobayashi of To- 
kyo. Address : Komagata- 
cho, Asakusaku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
388 Shitaya. 

Nakai, Kenzo (tjJ jg M Wd, 
President of the Tokyo Kyo-, 
ritsu Bank, Ltd., Mem. of the 
Tokyo Prefectural Assembly ; 
b. in 1839 in Saitama-prefect- 
ure ; 2nd s. of Yasuzaemon 
Nakai -jm. Toku, e. d. of Ka- 
magoro Katsuda of Tokyo. At 
the early age of 1 2, came up 
to the capital and entered 
business. Address: Imadocho, 
Asakusa, Tokyo. Tel. : 607 

Hakai, Eihei C* ^ fij :R Wj, 
E'ire - netting - dealer ; b. in 
1887 in Osaka; 2nd s. of 
Ritoku Nakai. Address : An- 
dojibashi, Minamiku, Osaka. 
Tel. : 146 1 Higashi. 

Nakai, Sannosuke Ct* ^ H 
-i U)), Representative Partner' 
of Nakai & Go., paper-mer- 
chant, 6th Order of the Ei- 
sing Sun; h. ir. 1875 at Kyo- 
to; s. of Sahurohei Nakai ; m. 
Tsuruko, d. of Mohei Kino- 
shita of Kyoto. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Kyoto Gity 
Gommercial School and stud- 
ied English at the Government 
Foreign Language School. 
Went abroad for business purr 
posesin i960 when' the lii- 
te>natio,nai, Exposition" was 

L 617 ] 


held at Paris ; succeeded his 
father on returning home ; 
holds the posts of Auditor of 
the Yokkaichi and Central 
Paper Mills ; branches at Kyo- 
to, Osaka, Nagoya, and Shan- 
ghai. Took part in the late 
war as a military officer on 
the reserve. Address : Hori- 
gokucho, Nihonbashi, Tokyo 
(office) ; Shimo-negishi, Shi- 
taya, Tokyo. Tel. : 257, 354, 
2396 Honkyoku. 2456 Shi- 

KTakai, Shia-emon C^!' ^ Sf * 
fTj, Saie-htewer, Represen - 
tative Partner of the Nakai 
Bank ; d. in 1864 in Tokyo ; 
e. s. of Shin-emon Nakai ; m. 
Kane, e. s. of Chobei Oguri 
of Tokyo. Decoration : 5th 
Order,. of Merit as a war re- 
ward. Address: Kanebukicho, 
Nihonbashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1 5 31, 2088 /. d. Honkyoku. 

Nakai, Toyosaburo (.<¥ S M 
H W), Grocer, Dii'ector of the 
6sth Bank, Ltd.; 3. in 1861 
in Hyogo-prefecture ; 2nd s. 
of Jyohei Nakai, a samurai ; 
m. Shin, e. d. of Yasubei Tanji 
of the same prefecture. Ad- 
dress : Sakaemachi, Kobe. , 
Tel. : 1 29 /. d. 

Nakajima, Eiji (({> ^ la fS), 
KogakufiakusPd (Civil Engi- 
neering), Prof of the Tokyo 
Imperial University and Ex- 
pert to the Home Dep't ; b. 
in 1 85 8 in , Miyagi-prefecture ; 

s. of Chil Nakajima ; in. Nat 
ka, e. d. of Kazutoshi Tagui 
chi of Tokyo Educ. : gradu- 
ated Civil Engineering at the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1883 ; sent abroad for study; 
After graduation was appoint- 
ed Assistant-Professor of the 
Imperial University ; on re- 
turning from abroad Expert; 
to the Dep't of the Interior ; 
Prof in 1896; again sent ab- 
road on business in connec- 
tion witL the water works. 
Address: Nishikatamachi, Ko- 
magome, Hongo, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1094 Shitaya. 

M'akajima, Ichiemon (tp & tIi 
* tft P^), Captain of Engineer- 
ing, Chief Engineer of the " 
2nd Squadron ; h. in 1868. 
Captain of Engineering in 19- . 
06. Decorations : 3rd Order 
of the R. S. and 4th Class of 
theG. K. ..... 

Hakajima, Ichitaro (tf S 'iIj 
■jt W)x Captain, Commander 
of the battleship ' KaivacM ; 
b. in 1869. Educ: graduated 
from the Naval College in 
1887. Commander in 1904;. 
Captain in 1908. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the R. S. and 
4th Class of the G. K. Ad- 
dress: Sasebo. 

Nakajima, Ihei (.^ h.W :^>, 
Silk-dealer, Chairman of Bo- 
ard of Directors of the Taka- 
saki Bank, Ltd., Auditor of the 
Imperial Commercial Bank, 


[ 6i8 J 

Ltd.; b, in 1865 in Saitama- 
prefecture ; y. s. of Kaheiji 
Miikoyama ; m. Ume, e. d. 
of Ihei Nakajima. Address: 
Shinzaimokucho, Nihonbashi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 42 1 /. d. 

Nakajima, Kazuharu (i<p ,& 
— vS), Proprietor of the Naka- 
jima Iron Works ; 5. in 1838 
in Osaka ; e. s. of Ichiemon 
Nakajima; m. Tomi, d. of Zen- 
zaemon Yoshida of Osaka. 
Address: Kujomachi, Nishiku,. 
Osaka. TeL : 239, 478 Nishi. 

Nakajima, Kiyoshlge (tl» A ?g 
M), Maiiager of the Kobe 
branch of the Tajd Kisen 
Kwaisha (Oriental Steamship 
Co,) ; a native 01 Ibaraki-ken. 
Has long sei'ved in the com- 
^"^z.iiy. Address: No. 95, 4cho- 
me, Yamamotodori, Kobe, 
TeL: 3008. Club: Shinko Club. 

Wakamura, Tokujaro C'i'H'^ 
aSR), Lawyer, Adviser to the 
Japan Red Cross Society, 
Auditor of the Naikoku Life 
Insurance Co., Ltd. ; b. Jan. 
the 7th y. of Meiji (1874) in 
Miyagi-prefecture ; e. s. of the 
late JQsaku Nakamura ; in. 
Yae, e. d. of Toshisada Ta- 
keuchi, of the same prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ., 1900. Im- 
mediately after graduation be- 
caitie lawyer, practicing at 
Tokyo. Address : No. 5, Ki- 

tajinbocho, Kandaku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1379 Honkyoku, 

Nakajima, Koyii («!' E 5^ ^). 
Mayor of Shizuoka. Address: 
Oitemachi, Shizuoka. 

Nakajima, KumakieM (tp ^ 
X % §), Baron, Member of 
the House of Peers, Pre- 
sident of the Yokohama Ele- 
ctric Wire Co., Ltd. ; b. in 
1873 at Yokohama; e. s. of 
the late Baron Nobuyuki Na- 
kajima, 1st President of the 
House of Representatives ; 7n 
Hachiko, y. s. of Tomoaki 
Iwakura, Viscount. Ediic. : 
graduated from the Keidgij'ih 
ku and the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School. After gra- 
duation entered the Tokyo 
Stock Exchange ; then the 
Mitsui Bussan KaisJia ; on the 
staff of the organization of the 
Kei-fu R'ly Co. ; began poli- 
tics as Private Secretary to 
Premier Katsura in 1898 ; was 
elected Mem. of the House 
of Representatives in 1904 ; 
resigned the post of Private 
Secretary in 1905 ; entered 
the Furukawa Mining Co. as 
Director of its Business Dep't 
in 1905 ; travelled abroad in 
1905 ; resigned post in 191 1. 
Was decorated with 4th Or - 
der of the Rising Sun as a 
war reward. Recreation: rea- 
ding. Address : Aoyamaki - 
tamachi, Akasakaku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2703 Shiba. Clubs : Ni- 
hoh club and Kojunsha. . 

ffi6i9 ] 


ifakajima, Masatake (cf it IE 
^)> Colonel of Infantry, At- 
tached to the Legation at St. 
Petersburg ; d. in 1870 in the 
province of Tosa. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant in 1891 ; Colonel in 
1909. Decorations : 4th Or^ 
cler of the R. S. and 3rd Class 
of the G. K. Address : St. 

Fakajima, Masayuki (^'^ %W. 
^), Colonel of Infantry, Sec- 
tional' Chief of the Geiieral 
Staff Office ; b. in 1865 in 
Okayama - prefecture. Sub - 
Lieutenant in 1888; Colonel 
in 1908. Decoratiojts: 3rd Or- 
der of the R. S. and 3rd Class 
of the G. K. Address : 4 cho- 
me, Kitamachi, Aoyama, A- 
kasaka, Tokyo. 

Nakajima, Misao (({» E ^), 
Lieuteiiant-Colonel of Caval- 
ry, Commander of the 20th 
Regiment of Cavalry ", b. in 
1 87 1 in Saga-prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1893; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel in 1909. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the R. S. 
and 5 th Class of the G. K. 
Address : Fukakusa - mura, 

Nakajima, Nagamoto C* i>7Tt 
76), Mem. of the Hodse of Pe- 
ers, Lord-in-Waiting of Kin- 
kei Hall ; b. in 1844 in Saga- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Nagato 
'Haka.]\m&,a. sairmrai ; m. Shi- 
dzu, e. d. of Atsur5 Tanaka of 
Tokyo. Edtic. : stu<iied at the 

Daigaku-Nanko. Director of 
the Osaka Yo Gakko ; entered 
the Dep't of Education ; was 
sent abroad for educational 
purposes ; Secretary of the 
Dep't; Director of the 3rd 
High School ; Councillor of 
the Dep't ; Senator ; then pre- 
sent post. Address : Nishiku- 
bo-Shiroyama, . Shibaku, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 2304 Shiba„ 

ITakajima, E.ikizo C tf ,§ ^ ''S.X 
Btmgaktchakuski, Ph. D. (Ya- 
le), Prof of the Literature 
College of the Tokyo Impe- 
rial University ; b. in 1858 at 
Fukuchiyama in the province 
of Tamba; s. of Kan-emon Na- 
kajima; m. Koharu, e. s. of To- 
yoda Ono of Kumamoto-pre- 
fecture. Educ. : studied at the 
Doshisha College and gradua- 
ted from the Yale University. 
On returning -was appointed 
a lecturer (Psychology, Lo- 
gic, and Ethics) in the To- 
kyo Imperial University in 1 8- 
90 ; Prof of the Institution in 
1892 ; then of the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School 
(Commercial Morality) and 
the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School ; sent to Europe, A- 
merica, and China, 1909 — 19- 
10. Address : Yoyogi, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo. 

Nakajima, Seikei (<¥ ^tk W,_ 
President of the Sukiya Bank- 
Ltd. Address: Minatomachi, 


[ 620'] 

ken. , , 

ITakajima, Shinji (4 \fe # 
fa}, Partnei- of the Fire Ex- 
tinguisher Mfg. Co., Unltd. ; 
3. in 1 87 1 at Akakura in the 
province of Echigo. Edtic.: 
graduated Law at the Hoga- 
Tiuin. Became Police-Inspect- 
or ; organized the above busi- 
ness company in 1907. Ad- 
dress : '^o. 12,, Aizumicho, 
Yotsuya, Tokyo. 

ITakajima, ShdsM (tfi & IE 
b1), Judge, Sectional Chief of 
the Tolcyo Appeal Court ; b. 
in 1862 in Hyogo-prefecture; 
£. s. of Masami Nakajima, a 
samurai; m. Yaso, e. d. of 
Shizuro Watanabe, a samurai 
of the same prefecture. Edtic.: 
studied at the Government 
Law School ; passed the Ex- 
amination for Bench in 1887. 
Judge of the Sendai Prefect- 
ural Court; then of the To- 
kyo Appeal Court ; held the 
posts of President of the Pre- 
f^ictural Courts at Akita, Kofu, 
and Shizuoka; present post 
in 1907. Address: Minami- 
machi, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Nakajima, Shoshiro C^ & IE 
El IP), Expert of the Imperi- 
al Monopoly Bureau 
and Director of its 3rd Factory 
in Tokyo. Address : 3 cho- 
me, Yaraicho, Ushigomeku, 

: Sakajima, Taizo (If ^^ p),; 
IX,;. Ph. : (Harvard), PsycholOr 

gist. . Edue. : graduated psy- 
chology .atHa(var4,Hnivei:sity. 
Fa&ijima, TamaMc£r Ctp ^ 

S 'a), HogakiLhakushi, Pr-of 
of the Kyoto Imperial Uni- 
versity. Address: Kyoto. . 

Nakajima, Tokuzo ((p A M 
^)> Bungakuhakiishi (Ethics), 
Prof of the Private Toyo 
University. Edtic. : studied 
as elective student at the Im- 
perial University of Tokyo. Ad- 
dress : Toyo Daigaku, Tokyo. 

Nakajima, Yasunosuke (t^ ft 
# i. ^), Iron-monger ; b. in 
1874 in Hyogo-prefecture: e. 
s, of Kisuke Matsubara ; m. 
Yaso, adopted, of Sadashichi 
Sawano of Osaka. Succeed- 
ed his adopt, f. Yasunosuke 
Nakajima. Address .'■ Sakae- 
machi, Kobe. Tel. : 18. 

Nakajima, YasuyosH <y? %, . 
1% SI), Toyoji by proper name, 
sculptor ; &. 1 877 in Tottori- 
city, Tottori-ken ; s. of Ya- 
aumichi Nakajima, a famaus 
sculptor; m. Kptsuko, 1901. 
Educ. : privately. Exhibited 
Ms masterpieces in the vic- 
tory commemoration exhibi- 
tion in Tieling and obtained 
the ist prize; aftei-wards ex- 
hibited his work "a flower- 
vase" in an exhibition in the, 
Mie prefecture and obtained 
a silver medal ; had honour 
of engraving a god Daikoku 
over Prince Arisugawa's short 
swor^. ■ itecreaiio'ns : traiye- 

[ 621 

lling, music, archerj. Ad- 
dress: Matsugahara-cho, Ten- 
noji, Minami-ku, Osaka. Clubss 
mein"ber of the charcoal-dra- 
wiirig studying society and 
Osaka Seikba-kai. 

Makajima, Yoshiro (tf" ^ S 
M), Managing Director of the 
Tsu Agricultural and Com- 
mercial Bank, Ltd. Address : 
Tsu-city., Miye-ken.' 

Hakaiima, YosohacM m> -^ 
^ ^ AJ, Eear-Admira] of En- 
of the Naval Arsenal of Kure 
Naval Station; h. in 1868. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Naval Engineei'ing College in 
1886. Commander of Engi- 
neering in 1 899 ; Captain of 
Eng. in 1905. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the \R. S. and 
4th Class of the G. K. Ad- 
dress : No. 185, Hommura- 
cho, Azabu, Tokyo. 

Nakajima, Yuhaehi (tfi % 
i& A), Mem. of the House of 
Representatives; b. in 1854 
in Gumma-ken ; e. s. of Yii- 
hachi Nakajima. Organized 
the Kosuke Shimbun (newspa- 
per) in 1883. Address : hXz-a.-' 
bori-mura, Gumma-ken. 

Hakajisia, Yukitaka (4" & ^t 
#). President of the Agricul- 
tural and Industrial Savings 
Bank, Ltd., and the Maeba- 
shi Tram Car Co., Ltd., Di- 
rector of the Tokyo-fu Agri- 
cultural and Industrial Bank, 


Ltd., Auditor of the Imperial 
Commercial Bank, Ltd., Di- 
rector of the Tokyo Stock 
Exchange, Ltd. , member of 
H. K.; h. 1834 at^ Kiriti 
in the province of Kozuke ; 
e. s. of Gihei Kiriu, a samicrai; 
fn. Saku, 2nd d. of Zenjuro Ya- 
mamoto of A-ichi- prefecture. 
.Entered the Dep't of Finance 
in 1 869 ; then the Tokyo St- 
ock Exchange in 1882. Ad- 
dress : Minami -Yamabushi- 
cho, Ushigome - ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. 199 Bancho. 

Fakakuma, Keizo (45 1® Si 
H), Chief of the.<,2nd Dep't 
of the Imperial Board of Au- 
ditors ; b. in 1857 Shimane- 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Takeyo- 
shi Naka-Kuma, a samurai; 
in. Teru, y. s. of'Shigeakira 
Hibe, Governor of Okinawa. 
£diie. •■ graduated Literature 
at the Imperial University of 
Tokyo in 1 890. Served in the 
Foreign and Financial Dep'ts ; 
then was appointed Auditor 
of the Board of Audit. Ad- 
dress ; Nishinokubp-Shiro-Ya- 
macho, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1816 Shiba. 

Nakakura, Manjiro (.'^ :^ W^ < 
^ W), Farmer, Mem of the 
House of Representatives ; b. 
in 1849 in Nagasaki-ken ; e. s. 
of Mitsuomi Nakakura. A 
member of the Seiyujiai (Con- 
stitutional Party). Address : 
Sechiharamura, Kita-Matsu- 


[ 62 

ura-gun, Nagasaki-ken. 

ITakamatsu, Morio (tfi ;1S S 
My, Director of the Patent 
Bureau of the Dep't of Agri- 
culture and Commerce ; d. in 
Wakayama-prefecture ; 2nd s. 
of Katsumasa Nakamatsu, a 
samurai; m. Hide, e. d. of 
Hiroshi Kato of the same 
prefecture. _ Educ. : graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tok)'^o Imperial University in 
1 89 1. Entered the Dep't of 
Agr. and Com. and was ap- 
pointed Comptroller of Patents 
in 189s ; Councillor in 1899 ; 
then present post. . Address : 
Araijiku, Iriaraimura, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1740 Shiba. 

Uakamikado, Tsunetaka (fp 
m f^ IS It), Baron, Lieutenant 
(retired); d. in 1852 in Kyoto; 
3rd s. of -Tsuneyuki Nakami- 
kado; m.Yvkiko, aunt oiVnnce 
Iwakura. Educ. : studied in 
England. Director of the Go- 
vernment Mercantile Marine 
School ; Mem. of the House 
of Peers. Address: Haraju- 
ku, Sendagaya, Tokyo. 

NakamizG, Tokutaro Ctf S^ ^ 
:*: 515), Baron^,^,3^ice?A4inlral 
{En desponsabilite^ ; b. in 18- 
57 in Saga-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Kocho Nakamrzo, a sa- 
murai: ml Kame, 4th d. of^-- 
Shinsuke Koga, a samurai 
of the same prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from, the Heigaku- 
rjio (defunct Naval College). 

Captain in 1897; Rear- Ad- 
miral in 1902; Vice-Admiralin 
1905. 2nd Commander of the 
Yaeyama and the ' Chiyoda ; 
Commander of the Atago; Di- 
rector of the Maizuru Torpedo 
Division ; Chief of Staff of 
the Maizuru and Kure Ad- 
miralties ; Director of the Bu- 
reau of Naval Affairs in the 
Naval Dep't, Took part in 
the China-Japan war as 2nd 
Commander of the Akitsushi- 
ma and in late war as Chief 
of Staff of the Kure Admi- 
ralty ; was created Baron and 
invested with the 2nd Order 
of the R. S. and 3rd Class 
of the G. K. as a war I'eward. 
Address: Hiraoka, Shimo-D- 
zaki, Tokyo-fu. 

Nakamoto, Hidebikb Ciji ;$; 

^ j^)» Superintendent of the 
Sado mine;'^. 1874 in Mita 
village, Abu-gun, Yamaguchi- 
ken; s. of Shyu Nakamoto; 
m.. 1908. Educ: graduated 
from the College of Engineer- 
ing of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
After graduation, joined the 
Sado Mine and promot<^d to 
present position. Address: 
Aikawa Sado. Tel. 14. 

Wafeamura, Aizo (H> ^ ^ H), 

Mgjor-General, Commander 
iFlhe' Tort Arthur Fort; b. 
the 4th m. of the. 1st y. of 
Manyen (i860), Mie-ken. 
Sub-Lieut, of Engineering, 
Dec. 1882; Lieut, of Engi- 

[ 623 ] 


neering, June 1886; Captain, 
Nov. 1890; Major, Jan. 1895; 
Lieut. Colonel, Oct. 1898; 
Colonel, June 1902; Major- 
General, Oct. J 905. Decora- 
tions: 31'd Order of R. S., 
2nd Order of S. T., 4tli 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Headquarters of Port 
Arthur Fort. 

Nakamura, Bunji (tf t>t 'X ?n), 
Maunfacturef and exporter 
of iron and copper utensils 
and machinery ; b. in 1 862 
at Tokyo ; m. Ei. Travelled 
abi'oad in 1885 ; on returning 
established the -trading firm 
oi" Nakamuraya" ; with bran- 
ches at Osaka, Tairen, Naga- 
oka, and Kashiwazaki ; and 
agencies at London and New- 
York. Address: 3 cho-me, Gi- 
nza, Kyobashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
761, ^oogl.d. Shimbashi. 

Kakamura, Eisuke (4" It ^ 
^\ Dried Bonito - dealer. 
Address: 2 chomo, Gojo, Shi- 
mo-Kyoku, Kyoto. 

Nakamura, Fusetsu i'^ 1^ ^ 
^). Painter ; b. at Hatcho- 
bori, Kyobashiku, Tokyo; was 
brought up at Takato in the 
province of Shinano Educ. : 
no regular schooling ; studied 
Mathematics by means of a 
correspondence course; studi- 
ed painting while teaching in 
the Takato Grammer School; 
went to Tokyo and studied 
Dainting under Shotaro Koya- 

ma, Chu Asai, and Kinkichi 
Honda, 1887— 1894 ; studied 
painting in France, 1901— 
1905 . Entered the Nilion news- 
paper in 1894 and went to 
the front in the Chino-Japa- 
nese war ; a leading painter 
in the Empire. 

Nakamura, Ganjiro C* ^t IB 
?S BP)> actor, proper name'. 
Hayasbi Tamataro; b. 3rd 
month, 1st year of Manyen 
(i860) in Osaka; s. of Kwan- 
jakii Nakamura, actor. When 
he was 15 years old he 
entered the first stage. Now 
he is one of the formost 
actors of Japan. Is auditor 
of the Osaka Actors Union 
and special m. of theatrical 
committee of Tokyo Kabu- 
ki-za. Address: 7 Tamaya- 
cho, Minami-ku, Osaka. 

Nakamura, Jihei (il' It ^ ^ 
®), high-tax-payer. Director 
of the Morioka Bank, Ltd., 
dry-goods and second hand 
clothes dealer; b. in 1845 at 
Morioka in Iwate-prefecture ; 
6th s. of Hambei Nagaoka ; 
was adopted by Jirobei Naka- 
mura. Address: Shinkoku-ma- 
chi, Morioka. 

Nakamura, Jajiro ( 4> It S ^ 
SB), Director of the Awaji 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 1865 atSu- 
moto; e. s. of Jujira Naka- 
mura ; m. Yone, 2nd d: of Ki- 
heij i Doi. Address : S.\x m pto, 


[ 624 ] 

Hakamura, Jiinkuro ( tjil^^:^ 

115), Governor of HirosM- 
ma-ken; h. in 1853 in Saga- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Kisada 
Nakamura, a samurai; m, Chi- 
yo, e. s. of Man-ichiro Sakabe- 
a samurai of the same prefec, 
ture. Secretary Translater oj 
the Naval Dep't in 1886; Prof 
of the Navy; Councillor of the 
Givil Affairs Bui-eau of the Go- 
vernment-General of Formosa; 
then of the Dep't of Colonial 
Affairs ; Secretary of the For- 
mosan Business Bureau ; then 
of the Dep't cf the Interior ; 
Director of th® Tansui and 
Keelung Customs; Secretary of 
the Dep't of Communications; 
Director of a 1st Class Post 
Office; Gov. of Fukui-ken. 
Address: Hii-oshima. 

JKTakain'iira, Kichizo ( tj^ 1^ g 
^), nam de plume, Shun-u, 
novelist, author ; b. li, May 
1877, Xsuwano, Iwami pro- 
vince ; s. of Tadaji Nakamu- 
ra ; m. Ko Yasui, a lady mu- 
sician. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Literature of 
the Waseda Univ., 1903 ; stu- 
died in the Princeton and 
Columbia Universities, and 
in Germany, I9.o$-I909. He 
started his 1 f j as , a novelist, 
and afterwards, when he came 
back home after studying ab- 
road, he became fi play writer. 
^blicatiotts : novels, " Ichiji- 
ku" (the Fig), "'Shoyo " (the 

little lamb), "" Mikkofu " (tHe 
Female Stowaway), " Hina- 
hato " (A Young Pigeon), 
"KuronuriBasha"(The Black 
Painted Carriage), " Hitono 
Inochi" (Life of Man), " Hi- 
mekomatsu " {Pinus Parvif- 
lord), etc. ; plays, " Bokushi- 
nole " (the Pastor's Family), 
" Nami," (Waves) ; " Obei In- 
shoki " (My Impressions in 
Europe and America), "Shin- 
Kyu-yaku Monogatari " (the 
Story of the New and Old 
Testaments). Recreations: dra- 
ma, travelling, reading. Ad- 
dress: 5 Yarai-cho, Ushigome, 

Nakamura, Kiyohiko (l^^jt' 
M), Presdent of the Tokyo 
Local Mining Inspection Of- 
fice ; b. the 8th m. of the 2nd 
y. of Gwanji (1864) in Ise, 
the prefecture of Mie ; s. of 
Hirofu Nakamura ; m. Keiko. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1889. Ap- 
pointed Judge; and then Coun- 
cillor of the Dep't of Agr. and 
Com.; Commissioner of the I- 
ron Foundry ; President of the 
Fukuoka and Osaka Local Mi- 
ning Inspection Offices ; then 
secretary of the Dep't. ofAgr. 
aiid Com. Address: Shiroka- 
nesanko-cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1039 Shiba. 

m^amura, Ko C*»^), Maj> 
€reneral on reserve, Com- 

[625 ] 


mander of the Commissariat 
Battalion of Body Guards ; b. 
in 1S62 in Nagasaki-prefec- 
ture. Sub-Lieutenant of Caval- 
ry in 1 887 ; then of Commis- 
sariatin 1889; Colonel in 19- 
05. Decorations : 3rd Order of 
the R. S. and 4th Class of the 
G. K Address: Tokyo. 

ITakamura, Muichi ( i4'|?|ffi— }, 
Major-General, Commander of 
the 3rd Brigade of Infantry; 
b. in 1857 'II Nagasaki-prefec- 
ture ; e. jS of Kimiyo Naka- 
mura, a sanwrai; m. Yasu, e. 
d. of Haruhide Yamaguchi, a 
samurai of the same prefec- 
ture. Educ. : graduated from 
the Military Academy. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1 879 ; Lieute- 
nant in 1883; Captain in if<87; 
Major in 1895 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel in 1902; Colonel in 
1905 ; Major-General in 1909; 
Adjutant to the 9th Brigade 
of Infantry ; Commander of 
the 9th Regiment of Infantry ; 
then of the 6ist and 12th Re- 
giments of Infantry. Took part 
in the Chino-Japanese and the 
Russo-Japanese wars. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the R. S- 
and 3rd Class of the G. K. 

Address : Sendai. 

Tfakamura, Saknjiro (il'j^j'f1s=5? 
SO, old-furniture-dea'er, Ma- 
naging Director of the Tomi- 
kuni Bank, Ltd.,- Auditor of the 
Tokyo Fine Arts Club, Ltd. ; 
b. in 1858 ill Toyama-prefec- 
ture ; 2nd s. of Mataroku Na- 

kamuraj m. Yoshi, adopt, d. 
of Heizaburo Mizukuchi of the 
same prefecture. Address: Na- 
kabashi^Irumi-cho, Kyobashi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel: 527 /. d. 

IJakamura, Satoru ( tf tJ %), 
Baron, Lieutenant - General, 
Grand Aide-de-Camp to H. 1? 
M. the Emperor ; ^. on the 
20th of the 2nd month in the 
1st year of Ansei (1854) _at 
Hikone in the province of O- 
mi ; 2nd s. of Sendayii Naka- 
mina, a samurai of Hikone 
clan ; m. Tochiyo, y. sister of 
Matsutaro Kobayashi, a samu- 
rai of Osaka. Sub-Lieutenant 
in 1875 ; Lieutenant in 1877; 
fought for the Government in 
the Saigo Rebellion and took 
part in the fierce battle of Taha- 
razaka as an officer of the Bat- 
totai (trained troop of swor- 
dsmen) ; Captain in 1881 ; 
Major in 1886; Lieutenant- 
Colonel in 1892; Colonel in 
1894 ; Major-General. in 1899; 
took part in the siege of Port 
Arthur under General Nogi 
as Commander of the 2nd 
Brigade of Infantry and dis- 
tinguished himself as Com- 
mander of the famous Shirota- 
sukitai (trained body of swor- 
dsmen who tied up their slee- 
ves with white cords), assau- 
lting the great forts of Ur- 
lungshan, Sungshiishan arid 
East - Keekwanshan ; I Jeute- 


[ 626 ] 

nant-General in July 1905. 
Staff to, the ist Army Divi- 
sion ; Aide-de-Camp to H. I. 
H. the Crown Prince ; then to 
H I. M. the Emperor; Com- 
mander of the 46th Regiment 
of Infantry ; Chief of the Mili- 
tary Staff to the Government- 
General of Formosa ; Chief of 
Staff of the Inspection Dep't 
of Military Education ; Direc- 
tor of the Toyama. Military 
School ; Commander of the 
•15th Army Division; and then 
present post. Was created Ba- 
ron and decorated with the 
1st Order of the Rising Sun 
and 2nd Class of the Golden 
Kite as a war reward. Ad- 
dress: Kashiwagi, Yodobashi- 
machi, Tokyo. Tel.: 2 1 10 Ban- 

Nakamura, Seiji ( tfi ^s)- ?f| — ), 
Rigakuhakushi (Physics), As- 
sist.-Prof. of the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo. Educ. : gra- 
duated 'Physics at the Imperial 
University of Tokyo; has been 
sent abroad for study. Ad- 
dress: Sasugaya-cho, Koishi- 
kawaku, Tokyo. 

Nakamura, Seinan (1>1^tt^), 
Director and Expert to the 
Central Meteorological Obser- 
vatory, Director of the Tokyo 
Private Physics School, Mem. 
of the Higher Educational 
Council ; b. in 1855 in Yama- 
g'lichi-prefecture ; t. s. of Ku- 

mekichi Nakamura, ^samurai^ 
m. Tomi, jrd d. of Kanesuke 
Katsutsu, a samurai of the 
same prefecture. Educ. : gra- 
duated Science at the Tokyo 
Imperial University in 1879; 
studied in Europe, 1886- 1889. 
On returning from abroad 
was appointed Expert to the 
Central Meteorological Obser- 
vatory; sent abroad in 1 899 ;. 
Director of the Observatory 
upon his return ; was granted 
the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun Minami-machi, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel. 1590 

Nakamura, Seizo ( l^ # ?t M.)v 
Chairman of the Board of Di- 
rectors of the Nakaka Savings 
Bank, Ltd , President of the 
Storage Bank, Ltd., Director 
of the Dai Nippon Sugar Co., 
Ltd., the Kinjo Savings Bank,. 
Ltd., the Meiji Commercial 
Bank, .Ltd., and the Tokyo 
Shirting Mfg. Co., Ltd ; b. in 
i860 at Tokyo; e. s. ofYa- 
shichi Nakamura; m. Sei, e. d. 
of Matayuki Sakamoto, a .y^- 
murai of Shizudkn. Was elect- 
ed Mem. of the Tokyo Muni- 
cipal Assembly; was decora- 
ted with 5 th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun for services in the late 
war. Address: Zaimoku-cho, 
Fukagawai Tokyo. Tel: $26, 
59 /. d. Naniwa. 

Nakamura, Shin C«!' # E)« 
Chief Otonasopharyn, golaryn— 

[ 627 ] 


gdog of the Nagasaki Pre- 
fectural Hospital, Address: the 
Nagasaki. Hospital. 

Nakamura, Shingo {^WM'^), 
Hogakuhakushi (International 
Law), Prdf. of the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School ; b. 
in iS/oatTakata in the pro- 
vince of Echigo ; 3rd s: of Ku- 
rd Nakamura, a.samtiraiofT-d.- 
kata clan ; m. Shige, y. sister 
of Viscount Mishima. Educ : 
graduated Law in the Tokyo 
Imperial University in 1894; 
sent abroad for study, 1895- 
1900. Was appointed Prof, in 
the Peers' School in 1895; then 
present post ; is a lecturer' at 
the Wasedatj Keio and Meiji 
private universities; before the 
outbreak of the late war took 
a stand against the Katsura 
Cabinet. Publications : " Inter- 
national Law," " Essays on 
New Treaties," etc. Address: 
iShimototsuka, Toyotama-gim, 

Kakamnra, Shizuyoshi {^ ^ 
i# W)' President of the Taihei- 
yo Life Insurance Co , Ltd., 
Rear- Admiral (on the reserve); 
b. in i860 at Kanaka wa in the 
province of Kaga; 5th s. of Hi- 
kodayu Nakamura, a samurai; 
w. Waka ,;V- sister of Reij iro Ka- 
washima, Rear-Admiral In 
the Chino-Japanese War took 
part on the Staff of the Stand- 
ing Squadron at Port Arthiir ; 
in the Russo-Japanese War as 

Chief of Staff to the 3rd Squaa* 
ron ; Legation Naval AtMchi 
at Peking ; Chief of the SaS^^ 
ho Torpedo Division ; was sent 
to Siam and Mexico. Address: 
No. 154, Hommura-cho, Azaf 
bu-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 1754 Shi- 

Ifakamura, Takashi (tpH'^), 
Consul-General at Ottawa ; b. 
in 1873 at Yuwasa-machi in 
the province of Kii ; 3rd s. of 
Yashichi Shimeno ; m. Mitsue^ 
e. d. of Kunijiro Miwa, a samu- 
rai of Kishu. Educ.: studied at 
the Tokyo Higher Commerci» 
al School. Passed the Govern^ 
ment Examination "for Dip-^ 
lomatic Service in 1897. Be*- 
carne Chancellor in 1895 ; was 
appointed Eleve Consul at Fu- 
san in 1895 ; then Chief of the 
Branch Consulate at Masan in 
1 897 ; Diplomatic Attache in 
1898; 3i-d class Secretaty of 
the Legation at Washington 
in 1 899 ; C<H53ul at Fuchow in' 
1 90 1 ; Chief of the ist Section 
of the Bureau of Political Af- 
fairs in 1908 ; present post ill 
1909. Address: Japanese Con- 
sulate-General, Ottawa. i 

Nakamura, Tatsutaro Ctt>W^. 
i:Bt!)( Kogakuhakuihi, Prof at; 
the Engineering College of 
the Tokyo Imperial University 
(chair: .Architecture^; b. the, 
nth nir^oi the istjc. of Man-' 
yen (i860), Tokyo; 1st s. of 
the late Hajime Nakamura, a 


[ 628 

samurai of Nagoya elan ; m. 
Sen, 1st d. of Chotstl Kurasa- 
wa, a samurai of Chiha prefec- 
ture. Editc:^ graduated from 
the now defunct Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
Untv,, 1882 ; studied architec- 
ture in Europe and America, 
^§92-1893. Was assistant ar- 
chitect in the work of building 
the Imperial Palace, 1883-18- 
86 ; appointed Assist-Prof of 
the Engineering College in 
Dec, 1887 ; then its full Prof., 
Jan. 1894, besides holding a 
post in the Home Office ; re- 
ceived the degree of Kogaku- 
hakuski, 1899; sent in 1897 to 
Assam, India, to study archi- 
tecture in reference to its resis- 
tance of earthquakes, and also 
to America in 1906 and to 
Naples in 1909 on a similar 
mission ; has been decorated 
with the 3rd Order of Merit. 
Publications: Dictionary of Ar- 
chitecture, and several other 
architectural works. Address : 
13,, Haramachi, Koishikawa, 
Tokyo. TeL: 2618 Bancho. 

K'akamitra, lokiefii ( "jJltWS), 
Chairman of the Board of Di- 
tectors of the Tokai Brick 
Mfg. Co. ..Ltd., Director of the 
Shizu^ka Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd., the Ha- 
mamatsu Savings Bank, Ltd., 
the Nippon Musical Instru- 
ments^ M%. Co., Ltd, and the 

5Sth Bank,Iitd.,Auditorof the 
Nippon Pattern Dyeing Co., 
Ltd., Chairman of the Hama- 
matsu Chamber of Commerce ; 
b, m 1854 at Hamamatsu in 
the province of Totomi ; e. 
sister of Joan Nakamura ;, m. 
Hana, y. sister of Jutaro Ma- 
buchi of Shizuoka-prefecture. 
Address : Hamamatsu-machi, 

Nakamura, Tomeji (tpi^f®— ), 
Expert of the Dep't of Agri- 
culture and Commerce. Ad- 
dress: No. 57, Sasugaya-cho, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Nakamura, Tom' ji (tfltS?!?), 
high-tax-payer ; b. m 1 862 in 
Kagawa-ken ; y. b. of Tsune- 
taro Terajima ; m. Yao, e. d. of 
Seii Taki, of the same prefect- 
ure. Succeeded his adopt, f. 
Kanzaburo Nakamura in iS- 
94. Address :,- 
kamatsu-city, Kagawa-ken. 

Fakamura, ToraBesnke (tt># 
J^-^gS), Commander of theNa- 
vay,Difecfoi- ofthePort Office 
of the Takeshiki Naval Estab- 
lishment ; b.'m 1 867. Educ. : 
graduated from the Naval Col- 
lege in 1887. Commander in 
1905. Decoration :' 3rd Order 
of the i?. 5. Address: Take- 
shiki, Nagasaki ken. 

Nakamtira, Toyo ( tf # It), 
Chief Otonasopharyn of tlitf A- 
ichi Prefectural KosBJtal. Ad~ 
chess: Shimochoja-maeM, Ni- 
shikii, ISagoytv:: Tek: 1796. 

i 929 ] 


Ifakamura, Toyojiro (tf=1^S^^ 
MK), colonel-farmer, ex-Mem. of' 
the House of Representatives, 
Director of the Nippon Busi- 
ness Development Co., Ltd.; 
6. in 1871 at Kuwana in the 
province of Ise ; e. s. of Tasa- 
buro Nakamura.«^jSife(?./ stu- 
died at Waseda University. 
Was engaged in colonial culti- 
vation in Hokkaido ; Director 
of the Kyoto Electric R'ly Co., 
Ltd ; was elected Mem. of the 
House of Representatives for 
Mie-prefecture. Address: ISTo., 
61, Yamashiro-cho, Kyobashi- 
ku, Tokyo. TeL : 1544 Shim- 

S'akamura, Tsiiaatsngu (ipM 
fl^ ). President of the Sancho 
Bank, Ltd ; 3. in 1868 in Fu- 
kuuka ; 2nd s. of Gombei Ima- 
mura ; m. Takeyo, e. d. of Ari- 
nobu Mitani of the same pre- 
fecture. Succeeded his adopt./. 
Tahei Nakamura. Address: O- 
gawa-Mura, Sancho-gun, Fu- 

Nakamuraj Utaemon (t^ ^ 

©c * Sf n), f. m. Yamamo- 
to Eijiro, Actor, President of 
the Tokyo Actors' Associ- 
ation, Chief of the Art Depart- 
ment of the Kabuki Theatre; 
b. the 1 2th m. of the ist y. 
of Keio (1865) in Tokyo; 
adopt, s. of Shikan Nakamura, 
a famous actor; m. Tamako, 
e. d. of Jokichi Takakuwa. 
Edtic: studied under a pri- 

vate tutor. Began his actor 
career when 9 years old; 
succeeded the late Shikan 
Nakamura in 1901 and was 
elected president of the To- 
kyo Actor Association in 
the following year; Chief 
of the Art Department of 
the Kabuki Theatre in 1907. 
Recreations: travelling; bil- 
liard: literature; gardening. 
Address: No. 15 Tsukiji 3 
chome, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1294 Kyobashi. Gbib: 
Tokyo Doki Club. 

Fakamura, Yahei f ^ f^m '.?®), 
pawn-broker ; b. vc. 1 868 at 
Kobe in the province of Settsu; 
e. s. of Yahei Nakamura ; m. 
Mitsu, _/. sister of SanzaemOn 
Yamaji, of Hyogo-prefecture. 
Address: Edogawa-machi, Ko- 

Nakamura.. Yaroku i'^^M:^), 
liiyuuiihaiiuski; ex-M. of the 
House of Representatives, Di- 
rector of the Ina Electric 
Tramway Co., Ltd., mine-ow- 
ner; b in i854inthe province of 
Shinano ; 2nd s. of Genki Na- 
kamura, a samurai; m. Yuki, 
e. d. of Nagaaki Kiyota, of Na- 
gasaki-prefecture. Ediic. : stu- 
died at 'Cas.'''''Daigahi Nank'6 
(defunctUniversity Preparatory 
School); studied in Germany 
for five years. On returning 
became a teacher in the Ger- 
man Language School ; Di- 
rector of the Osaka Normali 


630 ] 

School; Secretary of the Dep't 
of Agriculture and Commerce; 
Prof of the Tokyo Forestry 
School ; then of the Tokyo 
Agricultural School; Inspec- 
tor of State Forests ; Expert 
to the Dep't of Agriculture 
and Cornmerce ; was elected 
Mem. of the House of Repre- 
sentatives in 1890; was ap- 
pointed Vice-Minister of Jus^ 
tice in the Constitutional -Ca- 
binet in 1 898 ; entered busi- 
ness as a timber-dealer and 
miner. Address: Shinzaka-cho, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. Tel. : i486 

Nakamura. Yoemon ( * #^;6- 
WV, President of the Kinjo 
Bank, Ltd., Director of the 
Kinjo Savings Bank, Ltd., and 
the Horikawa Savings Bank, 
Ltd., soy-hierchant ; b. >ln 18- 
56 at Nagoya \3rds. of Seibei 
Nakamura ; m, Suzu, e. d^ of 
Shdzaburo Nakamura, of the 
same prefecture. His store is 
known as the " Sanoya." Ad- 
dress: k Kaya-machi, Higashi- 
ku, Nagoya. 7el.: 767. 

Nakamura, Ynjiro (tf ^^^IB) 
Baroii, Lieijteoaat-;Gengml (on 
the reserve), Director of the 
Government Iron Foundry, 
Mem. of tjie House of Peers; 
b. in 1852 in Mie-prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Kazunuki Nakamura, 
», samurai ; m. Kuni, adopt, d. 
qi Toyoktchr Harada, a ja- 
timrai oi Okayama-prefecture, 

Sub-Lieutenant in 1874; Lieii- 
tenanl-General in 1902 ; Vice- 
Minister of the War Office; 
then present post ; was nomi- 
nated Mem. of the House of 
Peers in 1904 ; created Baron 
and decorated with the i st Or- 
der of the Rising Sun as a war 
reward. Address: Yaata, Fu- 
kuoka-ken; Nakano-cho, Yo- 
tsuya, Tokyo- Tel.: 2087 Bah- 

Nakamura, Zeko (y^ Id"^ <2r), 
President <rf" the South Man- 
churianR'ly Co.,Ltd.; b. in 18- 
dj in Hiroshima-prefecture ;/. 
b. of Sohachi. Shibano; in. Chi- 
yo,a(/i9/At/.of Masazo Hirose of 
Yarnaguchi-prefeeture. Educ: 
graduated : from the Law Fa- 
culty in the Tokyo Imperial 
University in 1893. Entered 
the Government service-; was 
promoted high official in the, 
Govi-rnor General's Office of 
Forinosa ;' Chief of the Civil 
Affairs Bureau of the Kungtu- 
ng Government ; then present 
post,' Address: Shiba park, 
Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 1013 Shi- 
ba. ,, 

Nakamuta, Kuranosuke C*^' 

ffl#.2:l8>, Viscount, ist Orcier 
of the Rising Sun, Vice- Ad- 
miral, Privy Councillor; U. on 
the ~24th of the 2nd month in 
the 8th year of Tempo (1857) 
at Saga in the province of Hi- 
zen ; 2nds. of MagoshichiKa- 
riamaru, A.samiirai, of Nabeski- ■ 

[631 J 


^na clan; was adopted . into the 
Nakamuda family. Educ: Stu- 
died Dutch and Naval Science 
at Nagasaki for four years. 
Fought against the Shogun 
for the Mtkado at the Resto- 
ration on board the warships 
Moshun and Choyo; was seve- 
rely wounded at the battle of 
Goryokaku ; was granted 150 
Jioku of rice for his services. 
Appointed Commander in 18- 
7c; Vice-Dir. oithe Heigakurjo 
(Naval Academy) in 1881 ; 
Captain, in Aug. i88r ; Rear- 
Admiral and Dir. of the Heiga- 
A;«ryi5i, in Nov. 1881; was sent 
to the Austrian Exhibition in 
1883; distinguished himself by 
■assisting the -Naval Vice-Mi- 
nister Sumiyoshi Kawamura 
in the ..Saigo rebellion ; was 
decorated with the 2«d Order 
of Merit for service in the war; 
Dir. of the Naval College as 
an additional post in Oct.; Dir. 
of the Yokosuka Dockyard in 
1878 ; Vice-Admiral in Nov. 
1878; Commander-in-Chief of 
the Tokai Admiralty in 1880; 
Vice-Minister for the Navy in 
1 88 1 ; was created Viscount 
in 1884; Commander-in-Chief 
of the Yokosuka Admiralty in 
1886; granted ^ 1st Order of 
the Rising Sun in 1888 •, was 
transferred to Kure^in 1889; 
Pres. of the Naval Academy 
and Chief of the Naval Staff 

Board in 1892 ; present post 
in 1894. Address: Aoyama:- 
Minamimachi, Akasaka - ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.; 2645 Shiba. 

Nakanau, Fumiharu («[>« 
&.%^~) Surgeon -Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Director of the Seir- 
dai Garrison Hospital ; b. in 
1869 in Miyagi - prefecture. 
Surgeon-Sub-Lieutenant in i- 
891 ; Surgeon-Lieut. -Colonel 
in igoS. '^Decorations : 4th Or- 
der of the R. S. and 4th Class 
of the G. K. Address: Sendai. 
Ifakane. Torashiro C* !(S ;:t H 
1!5), Director of the Odavvara 
Electric Co. ; Ogui-a Railway 
Co.; Tokyo and Yokohama 
Electric Railway Co.; Auditor 
of Bbso White Clay Co. Prop- 
i-ietor of the Nakane Colliery 
Office ; h. the 7th m. of the 2nd 
2/. of Keiwo (1866) in Tokyo,; ' 
adopted into the Nakane fami- 
ly ; m. d. of Koremoto Oka- 
zaki. Entered the Yasuda Bank 
in 1878 and resigned in J 906. 
Address : TSio. i. Sanchome, 
Te/.: 3004 Naniwa. C/ttb : Do» 
ki Club. 

Ifakanishi, Kametaro d^Ilft, 
Prof of the Kyoto Imperial' 
JJniversityyAddress : Kyoto.- 

Fakanishi, Seiichi (tf"®-^-^), 
Councillor and Secretary . ,df 
the Bureau of Legislation.;;^, 
in J 874 in Tokyo;;:/. J. ofSei>- 
hachi Nakanishi ; m. Yosbi/jfr. 


I 632 ] 

sister of Sataro Kumazaki, a 
samurai of Hiroshima. Educ: 
graduated Law at the Tokyo 
Imperial University in 1899. 
Entered the Grovernment ser- 
vice after graduation. Address: 
7chome, Kitamachi, Aoyama, 
Tokyo. Tel: 2881 Shiba. ^ 

Nakano, Buei ("* 1= ^ ^), 
Chairman of the Tokyo Cham- 
ber of Commerce, Managing 
Director of the Tokyo Stock 
Exchange,' Ltd., Director of 
the Ishigari ColHery Co.. Ltd., 
Auditor of 
the Hako- 
date Wa- 
ter Povv'er 
Co., Ltd , 
M. H. R ; 
b. in 1843 
at Taka- 
matsu in 
the provi- 
nce of Sa- 
nuki; e. s. of Kaichi Nakano, 
a samurai; m. Sen, y. sister, of 
Nagayuki Shimozu, a samu- 
rai(ypi Kagawaken. Entered 
the Kagawa Prefectural Office 
in 1872; an administrative of- 
ficial of the Kumamoto Pre- 
fectural Office at the time of 
the Saigo Rebellion ; then of 
the Yamaguchi - Prefectural 
Office ; entered the -» central 
Government as Junior Secre- 
tary to the Dep't of Agricul- 
ture and Commerce in 188 1 ; 

resigned at the same time as 
Count Dkuma and played . a 
distinguished^ part under the 
banner of the Kaishinto (Pro- 
gressive Party) in 1888; "was 
elected Mem. of the Prefectur- 
al Assembly of Kagawa, his 
native place, and was after- 
wards appointed its chairman ; 
began his business career as 
Vice-President of the Tokyo 
Stock Exchange^ Ltd. ; then 
Pres. of the Kansai R'ly Co , 
Ltd.; was elected Mem. of the 
House of Representatives in 
1890; visited U. S. A. Cham- 
bers of Commerce in 1909. Ad- 
dress: Moto-inachi, Hongo-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1525 Shitaya. 

Wakano, Chimei Ct^ If Sc M), 
President of the io6th Bank, 
Ltd., and the Saga Savings 
Bank, Ltd., Director of the 
Hirotaki Water Power Elect- 
ric Co,, Ltd., and the Saga Ce- 
ment Co., Ltd.; b. in 1848 in 
Saga-ken ; e. s. of Hyoji Na- 
kano ; m. Katsu, e. d. of Kazu- 
yuki Naritomi of the same 
prefecture. Address: Akama- 
tsu-cho. Saga-city. 

Fakano, Han-yemon CtCIF#'/& 
^fg), Chairman of the Board of 
Directors of the Handa Stor- 
age Co., Ltd. Address : Han- 
da-machi, Aichi-ken. 

Nakano, Hatsune (4>If^^) 
Kogakuhakushi (Electricity), 
Prof, of the Engineering Col- 
lege of the Imperial Universi- 

633 ] 


ty of Tokyo ; b. in 1859 in Fu- 
kuoka-prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Bokusai Nakano ; m. Kiyo, f. 
sister of Kosaku Kutnakura, of 
Niigata-ken. Educ: graduated 
Engineering in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 188 1 ; sent 
to England and America, "18- 
88-1891, Beca,me Assist.-Prof 
of the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity ; on returning from abroad 
was made full Prof Address.: 
Hisakatacho, Koishikawa-ku, 

Nakano,. HirosM C* m *), 
Colonel of Infantry ; Member 
of the Head Office of the 
Dep't of Special Military Con- 
struction ; b. in 1859 in Fuku- 
shima-prefecture. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant in 1886; Colonel 4n 1907. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Ji. S. and 4th class of the G. 
K. Address: Higashi-Okubo, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

ITakano, Kaa-icM Cfi'1fl!-')> 
President of the Central Kero- 
sene Oil Co., Ltd , Director of 
the Niigata Weaving Co., 
Ltd., the Hoko Kerosene Oil 
Co., Ltd , and the Niigata 
Business Co , Ltd., Auditor of 
the Hoden K<rosene Oil Co., 
Ltd , the Nippon Kerosene 
Oil Co., I-td., and tlie Niigata 
Water Power Electric Co., 
Ltd.; b. in 1 847 in the provin- 
ce of Echigo ; e. s. of J rozae- 
mon Nakano ; m. Fun, adopt. 
e. sister, of Teiichiro Homma, 

of the same prefecture. Ad- 
dress: Kanatsu-mura, Naka- 
Kambara-gun, Niigata-ken. - 

Uakano, Kinkaro [^Wik^lW-), 
contractor, brick and cement- 
dealer ; b. in 1863 in Fukui- 
prefecture; 6th s. of Seika To- 
go, a samurai ; m. Aya, e. d. 
of Toan Taken ouchi of Naga. 
saki-prefecture. Address: No- 
5 ! , Hikawa-Ch5, Akasaka-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1246 Shimbashi. 

Fakano. Naoe C>f ff S W), 
Captain of Navy, mmander 
of the cruiser 'Kb%o since 19- 
12; 6. in 1886. jSiiMC.: graduated 
from the Naval College in 
1-888. Commander in 1904 ; 
Captain in 1908 .Decorations: 
3rd Order of the R. 8. and 
^i\\ Class of the K. G. Ad- 
Tress : Shibuya, Tokyo. 

Hakano, Yozo C4>. ^ M ' Wr 
Proprieior of Nakano firm, 
embroiderer and trader ; b. in 
1870 at Tokyo ; s. of Masaka- 
ta Nakano ; m. Sakiko, e. d. of 
Nei Hitomi, a samurai of To- 
kyo. Educ: graduated from 
the Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School in 1892. Address : Go- 
fuku-machi, Nihombashi, To- 
'kyo. Tel.: i2or, 2589 Hon- 

Ifakanuma. Shin-iehiro C*® 
m-W), ex-M. of the House of 
Representatives, Lawyer ; b in 
i87^,"'Kyoto-ftr; e.s. of S:iza 
Nakanuma ; m. Kan, y. sister 
of Daisuke Kusakabe of Kyo- 



to ^(!/«c.;' graduated German 
Law at the Imperial University 
of Kyoto in 1903. Fntered the 
legal service; Deputy Mayor 
of Yokohama; called to the 
bar; elected Mem. of the House 
of Representatives in igo8. Ad- 
dress : Minami-Dtamachi, Yo- 
kohama. 7>/,.- 1352. 

_, BTakao, Taichiro CcfiSik-IR), 
.SwgeQiiECapam, Head-inst- 
' ructor of the Naval Medical 
College; b.m 18^3. Surgeon- 
Captain in 1907. 'Decoration : 
3rd Order of the M. 8. and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address : 
Zaimoku - oho, Azabu - ku, 

. Ifakao, Yu i«? M W). Vice- 
rii^dmiraj, . placed on the wai- 
ting list since December 
of 19111 h. in 1856 in 
Hiroshima-prefecture ; 3rd s. 
of Hisatsugu Mitobe ; m. Fu- 
ji, e. d. of Shinjiro Talceda, of 
the same prefecture. Educ. : 
graduated from the Heigaku- 
ryo (defunct naval school) 2nd 
Sub-Lieutenant in 1878; Com- 
mander in 1 897 ; Captain in 
1898 ; Rear- Admiral in 1905 ; 
Vice-Admiral in 1910; Prof. of. 
the Naval College ; Aide-de- 
Camp to the Commander-in- 
Chief of the Yokosuka Admi- 
ralty ; on the® Staff of the 
Kure Admiralty ; then on the 
Imperial Head-quarters Staff; 
2nd Commander of the Yoshi- 

no '■;'■ Commander of the Heien^.. 
the Takachihq,tht Chitose, the. 
Asama,2xy'\ the Hatstise; Chief 
of Staff to the Yokosuka Ad- 
miralty ; Commander of the, 
7th Squadron ;T Chief of the 
Port Office of the Saseho Ad- 
miralty and Commander of the: 
Reserve Ships on the same na-; 
val station. Took part in both 
the Chino-Japanese and Russo- 
Japanese wars ; was decorated 
with 2nd Order of the Rising 
Sun and 3rd class of the Gold- 
en Kite as a war reward. Ad- 
dress : Nagasaka-cho, Azabu, 
Tokyo.;, 7>/..' i7goShiba. 

Fakaoka, Moku (t}i R tl), 
Lieutenant-General _ (on the 
reserve) ; h. in 1 843 in Okaya- 
ma-prefecture ; s^-^of Shin- 
so Nakaoka, a samurai t iH. 
Nao, e. d. of Den-emon Dncf of 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieutenant in 18- 
75 ; Major-General in 1900 ; 
Lieytenant-General in 1905. 
Decorations : 2nd Order of the 
R. S. and 4th Class of the G. 
K. Address: MotozoHo-cho, 
K6jimachi-ku, Tokyo. \ Tel". : 
1396 Bancho. 

Wakarai, Retsu (4^ fr PJ),; 

Journalist and NoveUst, better, 
known as " Tosui" his nom 
de plume; b. the T2th m. of 
the 1st y. of Manyen (i860) 
in Itsuhara, Island Province 
of Tsushima; e^s- of Kikuan 
Nakar?^i, court-physician to 
the Lord of Tsushima: Edtic: 

[ 635 


when young, devoted him- 
self to the practice of fencing 
"by sword and spear, horse- 
manship, and bow-shooting; 
went to Fusan with his father 
and studied the Korean 
language, about 1872; came 
out to Tokyo, 1875, and 
studied in the Kyoritsu Ga- 
kusha, Honjo (now defunct). 
Was in the service of the 
Imperial Foreign Office and 
Dep't of Finance. Later be- 
came a journalist, which 
orofession he held for over 30 
years. He wrote over 300 
novels and composed many 
popular songs. Address: ^j, 
Wakamiyacho, Ushigome-ku, 
.^ Hakasiioji, Ken (tj» /j% ?t ^). 

2nd Ordei- of Merit, ex-Min. of 
Agriculture & Commerce ; h. 
in 1806 in Yamaguchi-prefec- 
ture ; 2nd s, of Kyuryo Naka- 
shoji, a samurai ; m. Yae, jrd 
d. of Asazo Shimamoto, of 
Hoygo-prefecture. Educ: gra- 
duated from the English Law 
School in 1882. Passed the 
Government Examination for 
Bench in 1887; clerk of Law 
Court; Public Procurator in 
1890; Procurator of the Yo-, 
kohama" District Court ; then 
of the Tokyo Court of Ap- 
peal ; Councillor of the Dep't 
of Justice J sent to England in 
1900; Chief Secretary to the 
Dep't of Communications, 19- 

01 ; Director of the Bureau 
of Civil i^Engineering in the 
Home Dep't in 1904 ; then of 
the Police Bureau in the same 
year ; Yice-Min. of Commu.; 
last post, Dec. 19 12. Ad- 
dress : Hiroo-cho, Azabu-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 410 SHba. 

BTakatani, Hayami (tf#ig7]t;. 
Judge, President of the Kara- 
futo District Court; ^. in 1855 
in th:^ prevince of^Tosa ; e. s. 
of Shokichi Nakatani, a samu- 
rai; in. Ushio, 1st d. of Yobu 
Kaneko, a samurai of the same 
clan Pa'^sed the Government 
ICxamiriation for Bench in 18- 
87; Judge of the Hiroshima 
District Court ; then of the 
Hiroshima Appeal Court ; 
President of the Yamaguchi 
District Court; Sectional Chief 
of the Hiroshima Appeal 
Court ; present post in 1907. 
Address : Karaf uto. District 

Uakayama, Heijiro (((> Ml ^ 

^ SB), Igakuhakttshi, Prof, of 
the Medical College of the 
Kyushu Imperial University. 
Address : Kyushu Univ. '•'^ 

Nakayama, Hidesaburo (tfJiIt 
^::i%^), Kogakuhakushi (Elec- 
tricity), Pruf. of the Engineer- , 
ing .^College of the ^Imperial 
University of Tokyo; b, in 1 8- 
64 in Aichi-prefecture ; 3rd s. 
of Zennoshin Nakayama, a 
samurai; iW.Yoshi, 2nd d^ of 
Koki^ Nakayarna of Tokyo. 



Educ: graduated Engineering 
at the Imperial University of 
Tokyo in 1888. Assist -Prof. 
of his alma mater after gradu- 
ation ; was sent abroad for 
sWdy, 1806-1898; full Prof, 
tipon returning. Address: Ko- 
magome - Mshikata - machi / 
Hong5, Tokyo. • 

Nakayama, Hojo ((jitlj^i^'), 
Buddhist priest; d. 1882 in 
Tochigi-ken. Edtcc: graduat- 
ed from the course of philo- 
sophy of the Waseda Univ. 
Was schiool teacher, magazine 
editor and propagator accom- 
panying Nun Princess Mura- 
kumo; is now abbot of the 
Shusei-in, a Buddist temple 
of Nichiren sect at Nippori, 
near Tokyo. -Address: Nip- 
pori-mnra, Kitatoshima - gun, 

^akayama, Kahei ( tf" JU K :R 
i®)> farmer.** high-tax-payer ; 
b. in 1877 in Kagoshima-ken ; 
e. s. of Kahei Nakayama ; m 
Fuchiyo, jr(^</. ofTogoro Ya- 
suda of the same prefecture. 
Address : Iwakawa-mura, Ka- 

Nakayama, Eianrokuro (tfiU 
'M.-PM), Auditor of the Board 
of Audit; b.^'va. 1853 in 
Chiba-prefecture ; sth s. of 
. Denzo Nakayama. Has served 
on the Board of Audit for 
many years. Recreation : Utai. 
Address : Hayabusa-cho, K6- 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 57 Ban- 


Nakayama, Masao (tptUiftll), 
Igakuhakushi, Director of the 
Oita Prefecturai Hospital. Ad 
dress: Oita-machi, 

Nakayama, Ijuta ( tp iIJIf#-t*Jk ), 
Lie.iiten;ijt-_ColGnel^ of Caval- 

■ ly; Coinmander of the 17th 
Regiment of Cavalry ; b. in 
1 870 in Hokkaido. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1 894 ; Lieute- 
nant-Colonel in 19 to. Decorjx- 
tian : 4td Order of the R. S. 
Address: Takata. Niigata-ken. 
.„gakay^ma, Miyozo (tfi lU E 
v<m.), Governor- of Tochigi- 
prefecture ; b. in 1867 in Oka- 
yama-prefecture;^, s. of Soza- 
emon Nakayama, a saimiriti; 
m. Yumi, 2nd d. of Seisuke 
Ichiki of Kagoshima Educ. : 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
Univesity in 1889. Councillor 
of Nagasaki-prefecture; Se- 
cretary of the Dep't of the In- 
terior ; then of Kyoto-fu ; pre- 
sent post in 1906. Address: 

Nakayama, Morihiko {^\\i^ 
^^'j£&kMkakuAiii,.Sxc& of the 
College" of Medicine at the 
Kyushu Imperial Univeimty; 
Surgeon-Colonel Address : 
Kyushu, Imp. Univ. 

Nakayima, Onokiehi (_<^Jl!S 
S), Director of the Kago- 
shima Forestry Office. J-rfcTTOss.- 
Nagata-choj KagosMni'i,. 

[ 637 ] 


- Nakayama, Saichi ((fJUifeit), 
Managing Director of the Ag- 
ricultural and Industrial Sav- 
ings Bank, Ltd., Auditor of 
the Chiyoda Gas Co., Ltd., 
Manager of the Tokyo Agri- 
cultural and Industrial Bank, 
Ltd. ; 3. in 1 864 in Chiba-pre- 
fecture; 2nd s. of Sankuro Na- 
kayama ; m. Kei,^2nd d. of 
Kensai Maeda of Chiba-ken. 
Address: Imai-cho,Azabu, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2865 Shiba. 

If akayama, SeiicM ( tf> ill IS 

— ); President of the Harna- 
matsu Bank, Ltd., and the T- 
enryu Tran.sporting Co., Ltd., 
Director of the Gotemba Bank, 
Ltd., and the Hamamatsu 
Storage Co., Ltd., Mem. of 
the Hamamatsu Chamber of 
Commerce ; b. in 1849 in Shi- 
zuoka-ken; e. s. of Kaichi Na- 
kayama. Address : Shirowaki- 
mura, Hamana-gun, Shizuoka- 

lTai:ayaina Taiehi (41 flj^fc — ), 

proprietor of " Nakayama 
Taiyodo"; b. Nov. in 1881 
in Yamaguchi-ken; s. of 
Kosaburo Nakayama, farmer; 
m. Hiroko, d. of Mitsiiaki 
Isaka, m. of H. R., July 19 10. 
Carried on retail trade of 
imported groceries of toilet 
articles, 1901 ; , commenced 
wholesale of same goods, 
1903; started manufacturing 
industry of the- same; since 
that is engaged in the sale 

and manufactuire of complete 
set of Kurabu toilet articles. 
Recreations : reading. Ad- 
dress: No. 104, 4chome, Ki- 
ta-kyutaro-machi, Higashi-ku, 
Osaka. Tel: 165, i66Higashi. 
Club. Osaka Club. 

Hakayama, Takakazu (cfi ilj 
# —). Barrister and . Patent 
Agent;. (5. in 1867 at Tamiya- 
ma-mura, Tsukuba-gun. Iba- 
raki-prefecture ; s. of Jimbei 
Nakayama ; m. Tsuruko, d. of 
Kyusuke Shimizu. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Law Faculty 
in the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity in 1883. Entered the legal 
service after graduation ; then 
the Dep't of Finance in 18S4; 
became Manager of the Chiba- 
ken Agricultural and Indust- 
rial Bank in 1897 ; called to 
the bar in 1 899. Recreations : 
reading, and horticulture. Ad- 
dress : 2 chome, Hama-cho, 
Nihombashi-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2959 Naniwa. 

Nakayama, Takamaro ( "^ lU 
#^\ Marquis, Court Coun- 
cillor, Mem. of the House of 
Peers; b. on the 3rd of the 1 2th 
month in the 5th year of Knei 
( 1 85 2) at Ky5to ; znds of Ta- 
dayoshi Nakayama ; in. Michi- 
yo, y. sister of Masao Naru- 
se. Viscount. Secretary of the 
Imperial 4j, Household Dep't ; 
Grand Chamberlain to H. I. 
H. the Crown Prince ; Mem. 
of the House of Representa- 


[638 ] 

tives ; Superintendent of the 
Crown Prince's f. Office. Ad- 
dress: Aoyama^minami-machi, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. Tel. ': 2776 


- Nakayama, Tamisaburo (_^ 

Uj S 3 IP), Colonel of Caval- 
ry, Commander of' the 26th 
KegHnent of Cavalry; ir. 1 864 
in Shizuoka-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
March 1891 ; Lieutenant, Nov., 
1893; Captain, June. 189S; 
Lieut. Colonel, March 1905; 
Colonel, Dec. igio. Deco- 
rations: 4th Order of R. S., 
3rd Class of Golden Kite. 
^,^(/r^.f^:. Toyohashi, Aichi- 

HTakayama, Tatsuji (tj] [I] || 
^), Expert of the Dep't of 
Communications, Director of 
the Tokyo Central Telephone 
Office ; b.'va. \ 87-4 in Niigata- 
prefecture ; e. s,. of Seikichi 
Nakayama ; np- Tsune, e. d. of 
Aigoro Kizawa of Fulcui-pre- 
fecture. Educ: graduated, from 
the Tokyo Post and Telegraph 
School in 1890; was sent 
abroad for study and inspec- 
tion. Entered the Dep't as 
Assist.-Engiheer ; Prof of his 
alma mater and Expert of the 
Dep't on returning from ab- 
road ; was sent absoad in .19- 
05 ; present post upon his re- 
turn in 1906. Address : Shin- 
bori-cho, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 
510 Shiba. 

Wakayoshi, Asasuke (jt ^ SI 

SI,), President of the Okinawa- _- 
ken Agricultural -and Indus1>' 
rial Bank, Ltd. ; i. in 1867 in' 
Okinawa-ken ; e. s. of Asato- 
shi Nakayoshi, a samurai •; m. 
Matsu, 2nd d. of Seiki Yama- ■ 
nouchi of the same prefectiire.^ 
Address: ' Yamakawa, Shuri, 

Nakazato, Shigeji (if'SS?*:), ; 
Commander of the Natvy, now 
in England ; &. in 1 87 1 . Educ. : 
graduated from the. Naval Col- ' 
lege in 1889. Commander in 
1908. Decorations : 4th Order 
of the R. S: arid 4th class of 
the G. K. Address: Kaigung- 
urireibu, Tokyo. 

Nakazawa, Iwata ( >1'}i:^;fe.), , 
Kogakuhakiishi, Director • of ; 
the Kyoto Higher Technical ^ 
School ; b. in 1858 in the pro- j 
vince of Echizen ; a samurai . 
of Fukui clan £i!/z<6-; .• gradu-r 
ated Chemistry .^X. the Kaisei 
Gakko (forerunner of Imperial 
Univ.). Becarne Assist. -Prof of 
his alma /mater ,: jyas, sent 
Gtermany for study in 1883 ; 
on returning was made full 
Prof in 1887; Dean of the 
College^ of Science and Engi- 
neering in 1897 ; and then, 
present post.; "as emeritus Pro. 
of Kyoto Impi Univ. Address: 
Teramachi, Kamikyoku, Kyo- 
to.- '/ ■ ■ -. -" ■ .'' , ■ 

Hikazawa, Seihachi f^-'M ?t 
A), -Director of Ibaraki AgriH , 
cultural arid Industriali'Barik;:' 
Ltd. Address :\. Bizeiuniachi-J- 

[ 639 ] 


Kaiichi, Mito. 

Nakura, Takejiro i^lt^^ 
w), Councillor of the Imperi- 
al R'ly Board and Chief of the 
Section of Examination. Ad- 
dress: No. 31, Kita, Takana- 
va, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 

Namae, Takayuki (-tjl^^), 
Social reformer, employe of 
the Dep. of the Home 
Affairs; 3. the nth m. of 
the 3rd J/, of .Keio_ (1867) 
in Miyagi-ken; s. of Moto- 
yoshi Namae; m. Shigeko, 
e. d. of Takezo Hata in igo6. 
Educ: graduated successively 
from the Aoyama-Gakuin, 
Theological Course of the 
above, and from the Boston 
Univ. in America (sociology). 
Was Christian pastor from 
1892 till 1898; became an 
officer of the Kobe Municipal 
Government and was engag- 
ed chiefly in the work of 
assisting helpless families of 
the soldiers on the front; has 
been employed by the Home 
Dep. as expert on the sal- 
vation work as well as on 
the local system improve 
merit work. Has been twice 
in the West in connection with 
his special line of investiga- 
tion. Publications: "The 
poor people and their sal- 
vation." Address: No. no, 
Zoshigaya-machi, Koishika- 
wa-ku, Tokyo. Clubs: Cha.xi- 
ty Organization Society of Ja- 

pan; Hotokukwai; Y.M.C.A. 
Namba, Muaeyoshi (ISiiiC^^), 
Viscount, Captain of Commis- 
sariat (on the, reserve) ; b. in 
1866 in Kyoto ; 2nd s. of Mu- 
nekata Nambal Address: Ima- 
degav/a, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 

Hamba, TadasM (li iS^JE), 
Kogakuhakushi (Electricity) , , 
Prof of the Kyoto Imperial 
University; b. in 1859 in Oka- 
yama-prefecture ; m. Tsune, e. 
d. of Fuka Wadachi, a samurai 
of Shizuoka. ^'.^wc..- graduated 
Science in the Tokyo Imperial 
University in, ,1879; studied 
Physics in France, 1880- 1884; 
studied Electricity in Frarice 
and America, 1 896-1898. On 
returning from abroad in 1884, 
was appointed Prof, of the 
University Preparatory School; 
then of the First High School; 
Principal Prof, of the 2nd 
High School ; on returning 
from abroad in 1898. was 
appointed present post. Ad- 
dress: Okazaki-cho, Kamikyo- 
ku, Kyoto. Tel.: 4631 Kami. 

Nambu, Kameo (li fB ffi ^), 
Baron, Privy Councillor \ b. \\\ 
1 845 in the province of Tosa; e. 
s. of Jiigo Nanibu, a samurai; 
in. Kuma, y. sister of Waka- 
mitsu Nikaido of Kanagawa. 
Rendered service to the Mika- 
do in the Restoration ; entered 
the Government as an official 
of the. War 'Dep't in 1869; 
Secretary of Tokyo-fu in 18- 


[ 640 3 

70 ; Judge in 1872 ; Director 
of the Courts at Osaka, Naga- 
saki, Kumamoto, Kobe, and 
ibaraki; Senior Secretary of 
the Dep't of Justice in 1 88 r ; 
Director of the Civil and Cri- 
minal Affairs Bureau ; Chief 
of the 1st Civil Bureau of the 
Court of Cassatian ; Judge of 
the Court of Administrative 
Litigation; President of the 
Court of Cassation ; was cre- 
ated Baron for services in 1 S- 
g6. Address ; Hommura-cho, 
Azabu, Tokyo ; Tel. : 2084 

BTambu, Koichi Cif S[! # 
_), Igahuhakushi. (Doctor of 
MedKiSe'). 'ittfdress : No. 13 
Yanokura-clio, Nihonbashi-ku, 

Namfen,.Kyogo ( ^§B;S^), 
Kagakuhakushi, Chief of the 
Mining Dep't of the Mitsubi- 
shi Co. ; b. m 1855 in Fukui- 
prefecture ; .y. of Kobo Nam- 
bu, a samurni; m. Yasu, e. d. 
of Chrkayuki Fujfi of Niigata- 
prefecture. Educ. : graduated 
Cliemistry at the Daigaku 
Natiko; was sent to U. S. A, 
for study. Entered the Mitsu- 
bishi Co. in i88r; General - 
Manager and Chief Expert of 
the TaksCshima Coal Mine ; 
then present post . Address : 
Benten-cb6> Ushigome-ku, To- 
kyo; Tel.: S 46 Bancho. 

Hanbu, Minaji CIS *B,^ ?S)> 
Lawyer and patent agent; 

d. 1872 in Iwate-ken; s. of 
Gisufce Seki and was adopted 
by H-arukage Nanbii; m. 
Kiyoko, d. of his adopted 
father. Educ: graduated from 
the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. Address: 
No. 3, Hinoki-cho, Akasaka- 
ku, Tokyo. Opce Address-. 
No. s, leliome,. Yuraku-cho, 
KoiimaeM; Tolcvo. 
M-amBu, SMmpeijiSSM ra4« 
Liei^rGren. since igrii, Com- 
mander of GfCndarmes ; 6,, in 
1856 in Ish ika wa -prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Mankyu Nambu^ a 
sa-murai; m. Tsurii^ 2nd- d.oi 
Shoshiro Matsubara, a samu- 
rai of the same prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from I^a- 
dodan (Non— Commissioned- 
Officers' School) and the Mi- 
litary Academy ; was sent to 
Germany fo' study. Sub-Lieu; 
tenant in 1877; Lieut in l8-. 
8-2 ; Captain in 1885 ; Major 
in 1892; Lfeut.-Colonel in iS- 
95; Colonel, 1899; Maj. -Gen- 
eral in July 1904. Took part 
in the China-Japan and .the 
Russo-Japanese wai's; achiev- 
ed distinction for resisting the 
enemy at Likai-^ao on March 
8th in the battle of Mukden; 
was decorated with 2nd Order 
of the R. S. and 2nd Cla^ of 
the G. K. as a. war reward. 
JiC&ess ; Ote-maehij, Kojiiaa- 
ehi-ku, Tokyo. 

64! ] 

iNam— Nan 

Wambu, Toshiatsu ( if ggf ij?f ), 
Count ; b. in 1884 at Tokyo ; 
2nd s. of Toshiyasu Nambu, 
Daimyo of Morioka ; in. Itsu- 
ko, adopt, y. sister of Marquis 
Ikeda. Educ. ': graduated from 
the Law College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University. In 
1905, succeeded his elder bro- 
ther who was killed in the late 
war as Lieutenant of Cavalry. 
Address: Fujimi-cho, Koji- 
machi, Tokyo. TeL: 261 Ban- 

Famikawa, Eijiro (iiftM^S — 
Hl5)i silk-thread-manufacturer, 
President of the Yasuki Bank, 
Ltd , and the United Steam- 
ship Co., Ltd., Auditor of the 
Matsue Bank, Ltd., and the 
San-in-do Industrial Co., Ltd.; 
b. in i860 in Shimane-prefec- 
ture ; 2nd s. of Saburobei Na- 
mikawa ; m. Kane, y. sister of 
Nichiro Yoshioka of the same 
prefecture. Has Twice sat in 
the House of Representatives. 
Address : Yasuki-cho, Shima- 

■ Namiki, ¥/aichi (31 ;<c «] -), 
ex-high-tax.-pa5/er, Mem. of 
the House of Peers, farmer ; b. 
in 1 865 in the province of 
Shinano ; e. s, of Eishichi ; m., e. d. of Sobei Namiki of 
Nagano-ken. A large land- 
owner.- Address: Nozawa-ma- 
chi, Minami-Saku-gun, Naga- 

S'ancjima, Tokutaro (-t.!!; 

*Wjr Managing Director of 
the Nihommatsu Bank, Ltd. ; 
d. in 1866 in Fukushinia-pre- 
Sicture ; e. s. of Gembet Na- 
najima ; m, Oshie, of the .same 
prefecture. '^.^fl^i/r^.f.f." Nihom- 
matsu-machi, Fukushima-ken. 

XJanaumi, Hyokichi ( -b'M^ 
a), Chief of the Financial 
Dep't of the Mitsui Mining 
Co. Educ. : graduated from 
the Tokyo Higher Commer- 
cial School with honours. Ad- 
dress : Mikumi-cho, Hongo- 
ku,. Tokyo. 

Jfanje, Bunvii (.jf ^ ^ ;^), 
LujjgCikuhahisIii, M. A; (DX- 
ON^, ox-Superintendent of the 
I 849 it Dgaki in the province 
Private Shinshu College ; b. in 
of Mine; s. of Ei jun Taini; acfopi. . 

by Jingo Nartjo; m. Aiko, e. 
d. of Moshin Wait. -% Educ: 
studied at the Taka.kuragakur-' 
yd (Hongwan-temple school) 
and graduated English and 
Sanskrit at Oxford, 1 876- 1 884. 
Served- in fhe office of the 
Otani Hongwan-temple, \%']2- 
1 876 ; was Prof of the Otani 
Hongwan-temple School, the 
Tokyo Irhperial University, P- 
eers' School, tlie Nagoya Fa- 
ts5 Gakko, and the Shinshii i .st 
Middle School. Ahm de plume: 
Seldkwa. Ptihlicaticms : "Sii- 
kharatuafiha, "■ " Catalogvie - 
of the Buddhi.?t Tripitakaor 


[ 642 ] 

Eecrecdion : Reading. Ad- 
dress : Shimo- Niban-cho, 
Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 

Fanjo, Kaneo C® 1* # 
^)., director of the Osaka 
branch of the Mitsui ]]n&san 
Kaisha (Mitsui products Co.); 
6,; the 7th m. of the 6th y.. 
ofMeiji (1873), province of 
Kodzuke : s. : of Shinrokuro 
Nanjo, president of the Gum- 
ma Agri. and Com. Bank ; 
■ m. Kei, d. of, Eisei Saito, 
president of the Tosa Electi-ic 
Railway Co. Eduo. : graduat- 
ed from the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School. 189'i. Ad- 
dress: No. 225 Uyeloimachi 
8 chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 
Td. : 3340 Minami. . 

Hansai, Kokiehi (^^^Sfj, 
Elxpert of the Dep't of the In- 
terior and of the Osaka Brands 
of the Bureau of Civil Engi 
neeriug. Address: Tosabori , 
Nishi-ku,, Osaka, 

Naoi, Ichisuke (it ^ It ^). 
Expert of Nagano -prefecture; 
b. in 1 867 in Chiba-prefecture; 
e. s. of Tsune Naoi, a samurai; 
?;t Haru, e.\d. ofRyonosuke 
Tatawa of the same prefec- 
ture. Educ. : graduated Agri- 
culture at the Tokyo Imperial 
University in 1892. Address: 
No. "140, Motoki-cho, Nagano. 

Naoki,' Kynbei (i:*^:Rft). 
cereal and fertilizer- dealer. 

Director of the Manchuria 
Commercial Co., Ltd , the 
Myogo Storage Co ," Ltd , the 
Amagasaki Kyoritsu Bank, 
Ltd., the Nippon Cereal's Co., 
Ltd , Auditor of the Hyogo 
Electric R'ly Co., Ltd., and 
the 6sth Bank-, Ltd.; b. m 
1 87 1 in "'Hyogp-prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Kytibei Kaji ; ni. Ai, 
e. d. of Genzaburo Watanabe 
of Hyogo-prefecture Address: 
Hyogo-shimakami-cho, Hyo- 
go, Kobe. Tel. : 384. 

Ifaoki, Hasaiiosake (jl*Sfe^ 
£^), Chairman of the Board 
of Directors of the Nippon 
Match Mfg. Co., Ltd., Diiec- 
tor of tlie Inland Marine Tran- 
sporting Co., Ltd., and the 
65th Bank, Ltd., Viee-Chair- 
man of the Kobe Chamber 
of -Comrrerce ; Alderman of 
Kobe; d. in t8Si in Hyogo- 
p.refecture ; e. s.. of Katsujiro 
Kanda; m. K6, e. d. of E>emb£r- 
Nadki, of Hyogo-ken Mem.; 
of the Hyogo Prefectural As.-, 
sembly; Juror of the 5 th Na^' 
tional Industrial Exhibition. 
Decoration : 6th Order of Me- ' 
rit. Address : Kusunoki-cho, 
Kobe. Tel. 1041. 

Farahara, Shigera (^ K ig 
W)i Baron, , Lord-in-Waiting 
in Kiukei Hall, Mem. of the; 
House of Peers; b. in 1834 i» 
Satsuma ; ^.th s. of Sukezae- 
mon Narnhara, a samurai;, m. 
Suga, e. d. of Kiheida -Mort, a 



savn/rai of ihe same clan. Re- 
ndered servives to the Mikado 
at the Restoration ; Secretary 
of the Home Dep't ; then of 
the Dep't of Agricalture and 
Commerce ; Senator ;€ Gover- 
nor of Snizuoka ; Court Coun- 
cillor; Governor af Okinawa ; 
created Baron for his merito- 
rious services in 189/. Ad- 
dress: Shi-machi, Yotsuya, To- 
kyo. Tel. 43 Banch5. 

Iffaraoka, KinjirodtPg^B^BK), 
Colonel of Artillery; Mem. of 
the Military Technical Com- 
mittee ; d. in 1864 in Yama- 
gata-prefecture. Sub-Lieute- 
nant in 1907. Decorations: 4th 
Order of the R. S. and 4tli 
Class of the G. K. Address : 
Koishikawo-cho, Koisbikawa- 
ku, Tokyo. ; . 

. Karikawa, Eijiro (;SJJi#JitSS)f 
Member of the Yokohama 
S|iecie .Bank since Ai)i:il 19- 
12 ; h. in 1872 in Tokyo; 
f. b. of Gitaro Narikawa ; m. 
Shin, ^rd d^ of Yasuoki Shoda 
of Tokyo,.' Was Manager of 
the Tairen and Tientsin Bra- 
nches of the Bank. Address : 

Narikawa, p Crtc ;i| m\ 
Rear- Admiral (on the reserve); 
b in 1859; 2nd s. of Kanan- 
do Nirikawa, a samurai ; m. 
Taka, 2nd', d. of Akiyoshi Ha- 
shimoto, of Tokyo. 2nd Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1882; took part 
in the late war. Decorations : 

3rd Order of the R. S. and 4th- 
Class of the G. K. Address: 
Okubo - Hyakun'n - Cho/ To- 

¥arishima, Kikujiro Cag^U^ 
gjj), Proprietor of " Imasei " 
(restaurant); b. in 1857 in 
Chiba-prefecture ; e. s. of T®- 
kuzo Narishima. At the age 
of 19 came up to the capital 
and entered the service of a 
wholesale-poulterer at Senjii ; 
then .started a restaurant styled, 
" Imasei" at Moto-Osaka-cho; 
afterwards elected Mem. of the 
Tokyo Prefectural Assembly. 
Address: Moto-Osaka-cho, Ni- 
hombashi-ku,'Tokyo. TeU ip- 
34 Naniwa, 

Narita, Katsuro (|g ta WW), 
Rear- Admiral (on the reserve); 
b. in i860; e. s. of Yoshifusa 
'Hs.x\X2l.^^. samurai', m. Ichi, 2hd 
d. of Denko Nakana, a samu- 
rai of Tokyo. 2nd Sub-Lieute- 
nant in 1883; Rear- Admiral 
in 1907. Decorations : 3rd Or- 
der of the R. S. and 5th Class 
of the G. K. Address : Kita- 
ura-machi, Naito- Shinjuku, 

Narita., Jlasataka C^piIESt), 
Major - General , Comman- 
der x)f the 3,rd Brigade of 
Field Artillery; (5.1ti'i86s in 
the province of Satsuma. Subr 
Lieutenant in 1886;' Colonel 
in 1905. Decorations: 3rd Or-, 
der of the R. S. and 3rd Class 
of the G. K. Address : Chi- 


[ 644 ] 

yoda-mura, Imlsa-guii, Chiba- 

Narami, Kyubei (q|^;X^«, 
farmer, high-tax- paySf, Re- 
Ipresentative Partner 6f Naru- 
loii & Co.; & in 1865 in Aomo- 
Iri-Ken ; e. s. cf Sadanori Na- 
Wumi ; m. Asa, e. d. of Ukichi 
•Miyagawa, 4A Aomori-ken. 
Address : Asaseishi-Mura, Mi- 
nami-tsugaru - gun, Aomori- 

Naruse, Masao C^ ^1 E Si), 
Viscount, President of the Inu- 
ya-ma Bank, Ltd ; l>. in 1869 
at Inuyama in the province of 
Owari; s. of Seihi Naruse, 
Daiuiyo of Inuyama clan ; m. 
Kurako, 4th d, of Suketo- 
shi Ota," Viscount. Address : 
Shimo-Rokuban-cho, Kojima- 
chi-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 396 
Bancho. . 

IJariise, Masayasu C;&?iE^), 
M. L., Auditor of the Imperial 
Storage Co.'fLtd., Manager of 
the isth Bank, Ltd.; ^. in 18- 
6g in Kagawa-prefecture ; 2nd 
s. oflwataro Naruse; in. Mine, 
/. ;s^j&r6fTetsu6Takenouchi, 
of the same prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from the Keio-giju- 
ku ; graduated Law at Cornel 
yniversity. On returning from 
America fcntered the Yokoha- 
ma, Specie Bank • Manager of 
the Japan Trading Bank, then 
of the 1 5th Bank. Address ;. 
Shirogane-Sanko-cho, Shiba- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: ii6'j Shiba. 

Naruse, Ninzo (JS M ■& ^). 
Presiderit of the Japan Wo- 
men's University ; b. in 1858 
ill Yamaguchi-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Koemon Naruse, a samu- 
rai. Educ: graduated from the 
Yamaguchi Normal School. 
Founded the Osaka' Baika 
Girls' School in 1878, and be- 
came its Director ; was on the 
staff of the organization of the 
Niigata Girls' School in 1886; 
went to U. S. A. for educatio- 
nal purposes ; organized the 
Japan Women's University in 
1 90 1 . Address: Toyokawa-cho, 
Takata, Koishikawa Tokyo, 
Tel.: 770 Bancho. 

Naruse, Hyuzo im M 11 M), 
Chief of the Section of Private 
Documents in the MitsuiT^'a- 
mily Association, Chief of the 
Dep't of Education in the same 
association ; b. in 1854 in Shi-' 
zuoka-prefecture; 2nd s. of 
Junjiro Kawamura, a samurai; 
was adopted by Tetsugoro Na- 
ruse ; m. Sato, e. d. of Kisuke 
Sato, a samurai of Tokyo. 
j5i^z/c..-"studied at the Keiogiju- 
ku and graduated from the To- 
kyo Shohokoskusho (defunct 
commercial school). Became 
Principal Prof, of the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School ^ 
sent abroad for educational 
purposes in 1889; accepted an . 
appointment from the late Co- 
unt Mori and became Director 
of the Osaka-city Commercial. 

[ 645 ] 

Nas— Ifaw 

School ; General-Manager of 
the Shang-hai. Cotton Yarn, in 
1895 ; afterwards entered the 
Mitsui family association. Ad- 
dress : Nakano-cho, Ushigo- 
me-lm, Tokyo. Tel: 771 Ban- 

Uarutaki, YukiyasuCilitt^?^). 
President of the Hyogo-Ken 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank, Ltd. Address: Okuhi- 
rano-mura, Kobe. Td: 1343. 

Nasiiha, Tokioki (M^^ S), 
Baron, Vice-Admiral (on the 
reserve), Pres. of the Fuji Life 
Insurance Co., Ltd.; 3 in 1850 
in Yamaguchi-prefecture ; 2}id 
s. of Toma Arichi, a samurai; 
m. Tetsu, e. d. Jujiro Fushimi- 
ya, of Kyoto. Sub-Lieutenant 
in 1880 ; took pait in the Si- 
no-Japanese War as -and Com- 
mander of the Ckiyoda; in the 
Boxer trouble as Commander 
of the Hatstise ; in the late 
war as Commander of the 1st 
Squadron ; was created Baron 
and decorated with 2nd Order 
of the R. S. and 3rd Class of 
the G. K. as a war reward. Ad- 
dress : Shirogane-Saru-Machi, 
Shiba, Tokyo. TeL- \f2i Shi- 

Fatsume, Kinnosuke (SBife: 
ttW)j Bungakuhakushi, nove- 
list, editor of the Tokyo Asa- 
hi : b. in 1867 in Tokyo \y. s. 
of Naonori Natsume; ;«.,Kiyo, 
e. d. of Shigekazu Nakane of 
, Hirosbima-ken. £dtec. : gra- 

duated English Literature at 
the Imperial University of To- 
kyo in 1893; was sent to Eng- 
land for study. Instructor of 
the Ehime Prefectural Middle' 
School ; Prof of the 5th High 
Schoql; Lecturer of the Tokyo 
Imperial University. Publica- 
tions: . '' Wagahai wa Neko 
de aru " (I am a cat), etc. Ad- 
dress : Waseda-Minami-Ma- 
chi, Ushigome-ku, Tokyo. 

Nawa, Matahachiro OSUXA . 
||5), Eear-Admiral, Comman 
der of the 3rd Squadron ; 

d. in 1 863 in Fukui-prefecture; 

e. s. of Shofu Takehisa, a^sa- ■ 
nitirai ; tn. Koto, y. sister of 
Tomokazu Takikawa, a samu- 
rai of ^ Shizuoka - prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Naval College. Cornmander in 
1898; Captain in 1904; Rear- 
Admiral in 1908. Took part in 
the China- Japan War as Sec- 
tion Commander of the Maisu- 
shima, in the Boxer trouble as 
2nd Commander of the Hatsu- 
se, and in the Russo-Japanese 
War as Commander of the Isu- 
mo. Decorations : 3rd Order of 
the R. S. and 4th Class of G. 
K. Address : Kure. 

Nawa, Uaganori C^S M fi S). 
Baron, Colonel of Cavalry, 
Commander of the Cavalry 
Regiment of the Body Guards!). 
Military Aide-de-Camp to IJ. 
I. H. the Crown Prince ; b. in 
1864 at Yanagawa in the pro- 

Sag— H'ez 

L 646 ,] 

vinee of Chikugo ; 2nd s. Sa- 
daliaru Tomokiyo, a samurai- 
of Yanagawa clan ; was adopt- 
ed into the family of Baron 
Nawa ; -m. Onko, e. d, of Sei- 
chi Okubo, a samurai o'i Kyo- 
to Educ: graduated from the 
Military Academy in 1888, and 
the Cavalry Academy. ^Was 
appointed Sub^Lieutenant in 
1888; Lieutenant in 1891; Cap- 
tain in 1894; Major in 1900; 
Lieutenant-Colonel in 1904 ; 
ColoHei in 1909. Aide-de- 
Caffip to H. I. H. the Crown 
Prince ; Prof, of the Military 
Academy and the Cavalry Aca- 
demy; then present post. Took 
l)art in the Sino- Japanese War 
as head of a cavalry company 
and in the late war as Com- 
man-der of the ist Regiment of 
Cavalry. Was decorated with 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
and 4th Class of the GDlden 
Kite as a war reward Recrea- 
tion : Riding. Address : Shi- 
buya-Machi, Tokyo. Tel: 988 

Negishi, Iwao (« W %X 
President of the 139th Bank, 
Ltd., Auditor of the Takada 
Reeling Co., Ltd ; b. ifl the 
province x)f Echigo ; 3rd s of 
Ka.zuz6 Yamanouchii a samu- 
rai ; was adopted by Yasoe- 
mon Negishi. Address :'Y^k.^.- 
ta, Niigata-K-en. 

Fegoro, Siik^hsru C#*fe#), 
Surgeon - Commander, Chief 

Surgeon of the Aso; b. in 1867. 
Surgeon- Commander in 1906. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
R. S. and 4th Class of the G. 
K. Address : Kaigunsho. 

ITemoto, Sho Cm*E),'B. Ph., 
Mem. of the Flouse of Repre- 
sentatives, farmer ; ^. in 1851 
in the province of Hitachi ; s. 
of Tokutaka Nemoto ; m. To- 
kuko, d. of Chiijiro Ogawa. 
^^//A.* studied in I/. S A., 18- 
79-1889. Has travellfed round 
the xvorld ; Mem. of the Sii- 
yukai (Constitutional Party), 
PuMic-atid?ts : " Hibi no Chika- 
ra " " Bunmei Shimpo Tanken-- 
ki." etc. Recreations : painting 
and calligraphy, curios, and 
cultivation. Address: Shikoku- 
machi, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tet.: 
710 Shiba. 

STeo, SosMro CIS S ^ 1155, 
farmer, high-tax-payer, Di- 
rector of the Chiietsu Bank' 
Ltd ; .b. ill 1874 in Ishikawa- 
pfefecture ; e. s-. of Jiibti Iwai ; 
m. Matsu, f. sister, of Mitsu 
Nakayania of Toyama-Ken. 
Succeeded h's adopt, f. So- 
shiio Neo ill 1892. Address: 
Shoka^inura, Higashi - Tona- 
mi-gun, Toyama-ken. 

Sfezn, Hajime (M. W — ), 
Major of Artillery (on the re- 
serve). Manager of the T&a 
Ddbun Kai (the iEa.stern Asia- 
tic Same Script Association) ; 
b. in i860 in the pfoyince of 
Kai; ends-, of Katstisl-'ichi Ne-' 

[ 647 1 


zu; in. FA, f. sister, of Taichiro 
Fujii of S:iga-prefecture. Fo- 
unded the China- japan Trade 
Investigation Association with 
the late Sei Arao. Address: 
Ta-Machi, Akasaka, Tol<yo. 

HezH, KaicMro CiSvtg-IlJ), 
_Me'->v of the 'House of Repre- 
sentatives, Chairman of Board 
of Dii-ectors of the Tobu R'Jy 
Co, Ltd., the Kabuto Beer 
Co , Ltd , and the Dai Nippon 
Flour Co., Ltd., Director of 
the To!<yo Electric Light Co., 
Ltd, -the Nissin Flour Co., 
Ltd., the Imperial Fertilizer 
Co., Ltd., the Buzen Coal Mi- 
ning Co., Ltd. , the Nippon Che- 
mical Industrial Co , Ltd., the 
Tokyo Sack Weaving Co., 
Ivtd., the Yamanashi News- 
paper Co., Ltd., and the Bosoi 
Chalk Co., Ltd., Auditor of 
'the Nippon Fire Brick Co., 
Ltd., a Member of the Stand- 
ing Committee of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. in 
1 86o in the province of Kai ; 
2nd s of Toemon NCzu ; m. 
Kura, y. sister of Tomoatsu 
Murakami, of Tokyo. Was im- 
prisened for a political offence 
in 1 88o; organized Kyoaisha (a 
political party); has assisted in 
the organization of many com- 
panies ; founded the Nogyo Za- 
ssM (Agricultural Magazine) 
and the Yamanashi English 
Schooi. Nom de Plume " Teki- 
sei" (voice of flute). Address : \ 

Aoyama-Minami-machi, A'<a- 
saka-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 2560 

Ifezu, KeiMeM («#§=§), 
high-tax-payer ; b. in 1874 in 
the province of Kai ; 4ih s. of 
Shion Naito; m. Taka, e. d. of 
Kazuhide Nezu., his adopt, f. 
A large landowner. Address : 
Hirato-Mura, Higashi-Yama- 
nashi-gun, Yamanashi-ken. 

Hidaliara, ShigeyukiCt:Hif-a 

fr), Lieut. -General, Comman- 
der of the 2nd Army Di'vi- 
'sion; h. in 1861 in Fukuoka 
Prefecture ; jrif 5. of ShiJzo' 
Nidahara ; m. Tora, e. d. of To- 
kei Uemura, of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the Military 
Staff College in 1888.^' Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1883 ; Major- 
General in 1905. Staff to the 
2nd Army Division ; Prof at 
the Military Staff Cdllege ; at- 
tached to the" General Staff 
Office ; on the Staff to the ■ 
Etape Dep't of the 5th Army 
Division ; Commander of the 
7th Army Brigade ; in the Chi- 
na-Japan War, took part on 
the Staff of the 2nd Army Di- 
vision ; in the late war was at- 
tached to the Head-Quarters 
of the Sth Army Division ; was 
decorated with the 2nd Order 
of the Rising Sun and 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite; was 
Com. 4? of the Ind. S-arrieon 
and then present post in Feb. 
191 2. Address: Sendai. 

Hei— Ifid 

[ 648 1 

Nihei, Masazo (— Si IE M)> 
Procurator of the Hakodate 
Appeal Couit; d. in 1863 at 
Wals-amatsu in the province of 
Iwashiro ; s. of Kishiro Nihei ; 
TO. Kane, e. sister of Seiichi Na- 
kanishi, of Tokyo. Educ. : gra^ 
duated Law at the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in iS'gi. Pro- 
bationary Judge in 1893 ; Pro- 
curator in 1896 ; Procurator 
of the Shizuoka District Court 
in 1898 ; then of the Kobe 
District Court; was transferred 
to the Tokyo District Court ; 
Procurator of the Nagasaki 
Appeal Court ; present post in 
1908. Recreations : Sumo {yit^- 
stling) and archer. Address: 
Hakodate Appeal Court. 
■ Niho, Kyuko C-t « ;X a), 
Judge and Director of the Ka- 
goshima District Court ; b. in 
1 854 in Yamaguchi-prefecture; 
e. s. of Gensuke Niho, a samu- 
rai ; m. Hide, e. d. of Tei Oha- 
shi of the same prefecture. Be- 
came official of Hamada-pre- 
fecture in 1872 ; was appoint- 
ed Judge in 1886 ; Director 
of the district courts of Kuma- 
moto, Naha, and Saga ; then 
present post. Addrrss : Kago- 
shima District Court. 

Mho, Kamematsu (t:1f fefS), 
Hogakuhakushi (Jurispruden- 
ce), Prof of the Kyoto Impe- 
rial Univ.; b. in 1868 in Mie- 
prefecture ; jrd s. of Kinai Ni- 

ho ; m. Fumi, 2nd d. of Sabu- 
robei Nakai. Educ: graduated 
Law at the Tokyo Imp, Univ, 
in 1893; further studied in 
Germany, 1 897- 1 900. Oh re- 
turning was appointed present 
post. Address : Shikadani-ma- 
chi, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 

Mida, Masutaro C-t^H^jk 
Eg), HogakuhakusM{CN\\'2Y-o- 
cedure). Prof of the Tokyo 
Imperial University; b. in 18- 
68 in Fukushima-prefecture; e. 
s. of Onjia Niida, a samurai; m. 
Ai, 2nd d. of Masayoshi Oku- 
yama, member -of the House 
of Peers. £^?^^..*graduated Law 
at the Tokyo Imperial Univ. 
in 1893 ; sent to Germany, for. 
study, 1 897-1900. Probationa-! 
ry Procurator after graduation; 
was appointed Judge in 1894; 
on returning from Germany, 
Prof, of the Kyoto Imperial 
University; and then present 
post in 1908. Address: Kobi- 
natadai-Machi, Koishikawa, 

Niigi, Shinzo ($f « ir li\ ' 
Rigakuhakusln, I'rof of the 
Kyoto Imperial University. 
Address : Koyto Univ. 

mijiaa, Yoshinao (ira#i:), 
Ringakukakushi, Prof, of the 
Tohoku Imperial University. 
Educ: graduated from the Sa- 
pporfc Agricultural School; 
was sent abroad for study. Ad- 
dress : the Univ., Sapporo. 

Miinoto. Shikanosuke (SStcIS. 


;2SS}» Chief of the Construc- 
tion Bureau of the R'ly^Dep't 
of the Formosan Government ; 
b. in 1870 in the province of 
Satsuma ; snds. of Ichibei Fu- 
kuzaki; m. Shin, jrd d. ofYa- 
suori Shigeno, of the same pro- 
vince. Educ: graduated Civil 
Engineering at the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1895. -Ad- 
dress : Taihoku. 

Niirnura, Idzuru Cfr ¥^ ffl), 
Btmgakuhakushi, Prof of the 
Faculty of Literature in the 
Kyoto Imperial University. 
Address: Kyoto. Unvi. 

Uiiyama, Sosuke CSr ill SE IS), 
Expert of the Horse Admini- 
stration Bureau and Director of 
the Shimosa Imperial Pasture; 
b. in 1859 in Yamaguchi- 
prefecture. Educ: graduated 
Mulomedicin at the Komaba 
Agricultural College in 1880. 
Became Assist,- Prof of his 
alma zvater in 1880; then 
entered the Imperial House- 
hold Dep't. Address: Kamime- 
guro, Meguro-Mura, Tokyo. 

Niiyama, Yoshitomo C^ III S 
^a), Major-General, ex-Comm. 

tantry ; <5. in i854in Yamagu- 
chi-prefecture ; e. s. of Ikuno- 
shin Niiyama, a samurai ; in. 
Masa, e. d. pi Issaku Tokuna- 
ga, a samurai oi ChoshOclan. 
Was appointed'-Sub-Lieuten- 
ant in 1877 ; Lieutenant in i8- 
83.; Captain in 1887; Major 



ill 1894; Lieut.-Colonel in 19- 
00 ; Colonel in 1903 ; Major- 
General in 1907, In the Chino- 
Japanese War took' part^as 
Adjutant to the ist Army Di- 
vision ; in the late war distin- 
guished himself as Comman- 
der of the 1 2th Regiment of 
Infantry ; Dir. of the Rewards 
Office in the War Office after 
the war ; was decorated with 
the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and 3rd Class of the Gold- 
en Kite as a war i-eward. Ad- 
dress .".^Toyohashi, Aichi-ken. 

Mizeki, Zempachi (^^#A), , 
Mayor of Yamagata. Address: 
Hatago-machi, Yamagata. 

Niizuma, Gosuke (SjS^|5;)t 
Colonel of Artillery, Coro- . 
. mander of the 23rd Regi-," 
ment of the Field-artillery; 
b. 1868 in Miyagi-ken. Sub- 
Lieut., July 1889; Lieut., 
Nov. 1892; Captain, January 
1896; Major, January 1902; 
Lieut.-Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, Nov. 191 1. Decora- 
tions: 5th Order of S. T., 
4th Order of R. S., 4tli 
Class of Golden -Kite. Ad- 
dress: Okayama, Okayama- 

Mizuma, Komagoro («tS®]S 
IP) JChief of Police in Miyagi- 
pre'fecture; b. in 1855 in Fuku- 
shima-prefecture ; e. s, of Ichi- 
ro Niizuma, z.- samurai-,'^ mr 
Toku, e. s. of Rinkichi Miura 
of Shimane-ken. Began his 


C 6S0 ] 

career as Policeman in 1 874 ; 
Ciiief of: Police in the prefec- 
:tures of Okayama, Hiroshima, 
'Niigata, and_Ghiba; present 
post in 1906.; Address : Naka- 

Kjo, Masanmi-o C- ^ IE ®), 
Baron, Mem. of the HouSe oi , 
Peers ; 6. 1872 ; pk s. of Na- 
tiyoshi Nijo ; m. Tsuruko, d. 
of Tadamichi Sakai, Count. 
Address: Totsukamura, Toyo- 
tama-guft, Tokyo. Tel.: 2460 

Wijo, Motohiro (- m 'M Si), 
Piince, Mem. of the House of 
Peers, Court Councillor ; ^. on 
the 25th of the lOth month in 
the 5th year of Ansei (1859) 
at Kyoto ; y. b. of Michitaka 
Kujo,, Prince ; 'in. Aiko, aunt . 
of Toshitame Tvlaeda, Marquis. 
Ed.uc: s"tudied at Cambridge 
yniversity, England. Address: 
WakamatsH-cho, Ushigome- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 6y Bancho. 

Mki, Keiizo (n ^..W, 3). 
Igakukakase, director of the 
Komagome Hospital. Ednc: 
graduated from the , College. 
of Medicine of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University. Address: 
No. 60 Ogawa-cho, Kanda- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Knoiiiiya, Kojun (r: g ^JiM% 
farmer, high-tax-payer ; b. m 
'•857«|in Niigata-ken ; e. s. of 
Kojuri Ninomiyafa. samurai; 
fn. Mita. e. d. of Shinsakti Hora^ 

ma, of the same prefecture; A, 
large landowner. Address: Ha- 
suno - inura, Kita - Kambara-' 
gun, Niigata-ken. 

_ Kinomiya, Tetsuzo ( — S ^ 
^). Mayor of Fukushima. Ad- 
dress ':■' Sugitsuma-roachi, Fu- 
kushima.- ;• .' 

, :^io, Koreshige (fc m '^1M)- 
2nd Order of Merit, Mem. oi 
the House of Peers; b. in 1851 
in the province of Tosa ; e. s. 
of Munehao Nio, a samurai oi 
Toshu clan ; m. Shigeru, 2nd 
d. of Katsumi Shiga, a samu- 
rai of the same prefecture. 
Became official of the Kuma- 
moto-prefecture in 1872; was 
transferred , to the Fukuoka- 
prefectu 1 e ^ Superintendent of 
the Fukuoka Revenue Inspct- 
ion Bureau in 1^84 ; entered 
the Central Government as 
Revenue Controlleif and Coun- 
cillor of the Financial Pep't ; 
Financial Adviser to the Ko- 
i-ean Governnnent, 1895-1896; 
was appoirited Dir. of the To- 
bacco Monopoly Bureau in 
1S98; resigned the post in 19- 
OIJ ; Was nominated Mem. of 
the House of Peers in 1907. 
Address: Naka-machi, Ushii* 
gome, Tokyo. 7I'/,.* 439 Han- 

'Nishi, Eitaro (ffi ^ ic W), 
President of the Saga-ken A'g-: 
ricultural and Industrial Bank,' 
Ltd. ; b. in i'854 in Saga-ken; 
s. of Hiroyeslii Nishi, a s .mU- 

L 651 J 

Mj— Uis 

rat; m. Isii, e. d of Santei Se- 
toguchi of Yamaguchi - ken. 
■Address: Taku-raura, Ogi-gun, 

Uisiii, Gensliirq (H" Jisrajp}, 
Counsellor to the Embassy at 
Vienna; h. in 1 860 at Toyoura 
in Yamaguchi Prefecture; 2nd 
s. of Fusanari Nishi, a samurai; 
m. Asa-ko, d. of the late Prince 
Ito.' Educ, : studied in China 
and giaduated Politics and So- 
ciology at the Brussels Uni- 
|Versity. Was appointed Attache 
' Deplomatiqiie in 1893 ;' Coun- 
cillor of the Foreign Office in 
■Nov.:, ^as in the suite of Vis- 
count- Ito when he went to 
Chefoo tb exchange the ratifi- 
cation of the peace treaty bet- 
ween Japan and China in 1 89 5 ; 
3,rd Class Secretary to . the 
Legation at Berlin; 2nd Class 
• Secretary to the Legation at 
Vienna and Brussels; 1st Class 
Secretary to the Legation at 
Vienna ; recalled home -^ 19- 
05 ; Acting Chief of the^ 2nd 
and 3rd Sections of the Poli- 
,tical Bureau. Rome Address: 
Oi-machi, Ehara-gun, Tokyo. 

WsM. HirokicM (Ei }$. S), 
Vice-Director of the Kobe 
iPrefecturaL Hospital. Ad-dress: 
Kusunoki-cho, Kobe. 

Mshi, Isao CB S_ Mil, 
S-oi'geon-Captain, Vice-Ohief- 
Surgeon of the Sasehv JSfaval 
Hospital; b. in 1 869. Surgeon- 

Commander in ! 906. Decora-^ 
^/r?« .• 4th Order of the R. S. 

-'^ Address : Paseho. 

ffishi, MorinosMn CM ^ 
'Z. si), Igakuhahuslii, Doctor; 
h. in Kagoshima. IS due : gra- 
duated from the College of 
Medicine of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. Served as assistant for 
a year at the Miura Hospital ; 
after returning to his native 
country, commenced medical 
practice ; went to Germany for 
the study of medicine, 1907; 
returned home from abroad, 
1910 ; received the degree of 
IgahuhakiisM, Dec'. 1912. Ad- 
dress ; KagOshima-shi, Kagc 

Slisiii, Shinrokuro (IS ^fi^MX 
Baron, Rear- Admiral, y^z'iff-a^^- 
Camp, 3rd Order of Merit \ 
b. in 1 860 at Yedo ; y. b. oi 
Count Hayashi, ex-Minister foi 
Foreign Affairs ; was adopted 
by the late Baron Shu Nishi ; 
in. Kiyoko, 2nd d. of Shiiset&u 
Oka, a samurai of Choshu. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Naval College. Was appointed 
2nd Sub-Lieutenant in 1885 ; 
took part in the China-Japan 

■ War as Lieutenant on board 
the gun-boat Musashi ; stayed 
in U. S K. as Legation Naval 
Attache; Captain in 1902; 
afterwards promoted _Rear- 
Admiral. Address •: Omori- 
machi Ebara-gim, Tokyo. 
Mshigori. Kan (H HS #). 


[ 652 ] 

Secretary of Shimane-prefec- 
ture. Address : Matsue-city. 

Nishigotsuji, Fuminaka (H 35; 
aXf-f), Baron, Mem. of the 
House of Feers; 2nd s. of Taka- 
naka Gotsuji ; m. Tame-ko,_;'. 
j?ly/^^ of Yoshimitsu Uramatsu, 
Viscount. When young be- 
came Abbot of the Kofukuji at 
Nara; entered the Imperial 
Household Dep't in 1873; was 
elected Mem. of the House of 
Peers in 1890. Address: Yo- 
ban-ch5, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel. : IS 74 Banch5. 

Wishihara, Shigetaro (MM 
jS;ft:filO, Lieut.-Ool. of Eng. 
Commander of the 14th Bat- 
talion of Engineers; ^. in 1870 
in Fukuoka-prefecture. Sub- , 
Lieutenant in 1 894 ; Major in 
1904. Decorations : 4th Order 
of the R S. and 4th Class of 
the G. K. Address: Mito. 

Uishijima, Sukeyoshi (H,&|() 
ft)> Baron, Lieutenant Gene- 
ralf 2nd reserve); b. in 1847 
in Yamaguchi-prefecture; e.s. 
of Jiemon Nishijima, a samu- 
rai; in. Sato, adopt, d. of Jilki- 
chi Yasuno of NagasaKi. Was 
appointed Sub-Lieutenant in 
1873 ; Major General in 1898; 
Lieutenant Genaral in 1904. 
Commander of the nth and 
44th Regiments of Infantry; 
Director of Mie Kyododan (Mi- 
litary Non-Commissioned Offi- 
cers' School) ; Commander of 
the 27th and 7th Infantry Bri- 

gades ; and then Commander 
of the 2nd Army Divisioii. 
Took part in the China- Japan 
War as a regimental com- 
mander of the sth Army Di- 
vision; in the late war as Com- 
mander of thd- 2nd Army 
Division under General Oku; 
Commander of the Japanese 
troops in Korea ; created Ba- 
ron and decorated with the 
1st Order of the Rising Sun 
and 2nd Class of the Golden 
Kite as a war reward. Ad- 
dress: Kami-Nagasaki-mura, 

STisliikata, Asazo (JfH"l8H)r 
Doctor of Medicine; b. t%TJ 
in the province of Echigo;' s. 
of Yotaro Nishikata; m. Ta- 
ma Shibuya, Dec. 2Sth 1906. 
Educ: studied at a medical 
college of San Francisco, 
and at the branch school of 
the Medical College of the 
California University, U. S. 
A.; received the M. D. de- 
grees from the above institu- 
tions in 1905 and 1908. 
Address: No. 21 Suda-cho, 
Kanda, Tokyo. Chib: Bei- 
yukyokai. , 

Ifisiiikawa, Buzaemoa (M/H 
^£SP^), high-tax-payer ; ^. 
in 1837 in Saitama-prefecture; 
jrd s. of Takuemon Hatchi ; 
was adopted by Tadaoshi 
Nishikawa. Succeeded his ad^ 
opted father in 1883. A large 
landowner. Address : Shigf- 

[ 653 I 


machi, Kita-adachi-gun, Saifa- 

Nishikawa, Jingoro- (M jil i£ 
E B|5), M. of House of Peers, 
President of the Yaata Silk 
Twisting Co., Ltd., and the 
Yaata. Bank, Ltd., Director oi 
tlie Omi Sail Co.,- Ltd., the 
Shiga prefectural Agricultuarl 
and Industrial Bank ; (5. in 1 8- 
70 in Shiga-prefecture; e. s. of 
Shigetake Nishikawa ; m. Ta- 
me, of the same prefecture. 
Address : . Yaata-cho, Gamo- 
gun, Shiga-ken ; Tori Itcho- 
me, Nihombashi, Tokyo. Tel.' 
948 /. d. Honkyoku. 

Mshikawa, Magohei (Mjil^ 
J^fS), iron-m.onger; 6. in 1871 
at Osaka ; e. s. of Magoichiro 
Nishikawa ; ?«. Nao, 27td d. of 
Rihei Yamada of the same 
prefecture.; Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1883. A well known 
iron-monger in the city. Add- 
^.j.?.- Tenjimbashi-suji, Kitaku, 
Osaka." Tel.: 1812 Higashi. 

Jfishikawa, Masnjiro (El;ilit 
^BR), Pres. of the. Matsuzaka 
Bank, Ltd. ; ij. in 1869 in the 
province of Ise ; 2nd s. of Hei- 
emon Nishikawa ; in. Koma, 
2nd d. of Tsunejt Takahashi 
of the same province. Ad- 
dress : Matsuzaka-machi, Mie- 

Nishikawa, Riii'icliiro CSjiltic 
—515)) high-tax-payer ; i. in 
1846 in the province of Ya- 
mato ; 2nd s. of Kyubei Asai ; 

was adopted into the Nishika- 
wa family ; m. Sei. A large 
landowner. Address : Iwaki- 
mura, Kita-katsuragi-gun,Na- 


Jfis'flikawa, Tetsujiro [W^IM 
""' Judge and President of 
the Nagasaki Court of Appeal; 
b. in 1853 at Aizu; y. b. of 
Hikotaro Nishikawa, a samu- 
rai; m. Fumi, y. sister of Yoshi- 
nosuke }r{diSCga.wA, Kogahika^ 
kusM.Educ: graduated Law at 
the Imperial University of To- 
kyo in 1878. Became Chancel- 
lor of the Legation at London; 
Secretary of the Dep't of Edu- 
cation ; then Judge in 1886; 
Director of the Mito District 
Court ; Sectional Chief of the 
Nagasaki Court of Appeal ; 
Judge of the Court of Cassa- 
tion ; President of the Hako- 
date Court of Appeal ; present 
post in 1906, Address; Yao- 
ya-machi, Nagasaki, 

Nishikawa, Torajiro (IS ji| 
* ^ HSJ, Colonel of Infantry, 
Chief of Staff to the 3rd Army 
Division ; b. in 1867 in Fuku-' 
oka-prefecture ; y. b. of Ka- 
tsutaro Nishikawa, a samurai;, 
m. Shige,;;/. s. of Yojiro Naka- 
mura, a samurai of the satne 
prefecture. Edut. : graduated 
from the Military Acaderay. 
Sub-Lieutenant in 1889; Lieu- 
tenant in 1893 ;^. Captain in 
1895 ; Major in 1901 ; Lieut.-. 
Colonel in 1904; Colonel in. 


[ 654 ] 

Secretary, of the pEefectures 
Qf-Yamanashi, Shizuoka, and 
Ibaraki ; Poliee - Superinten- 
dent ; Secijetary ef the prefec- 
tures of Shiga and Ehime ; 
then present post- Recreation : 
Fencing. Address: Fukushima- 

Nishikawa, Tore! (BVH ^*-', 
Artist, Japanese painter (Na- 
nbokii union school) ; h. the 
3Ed y. of Keio (1867) in Kyo- 
to ; s. of Seishichi Nishikawa ; 
m. Harxxko, - 1900. Educ. : 
privately. Recreation : literary 
arts. Address : No. 5, Jnn- 
kei-cho, "1 chome, Minami- 
fcu, Osaka. Glub : the Osaka 
Art Society. 

jS^ishikikoji, Arilikira (iS<i-'^ 
^W). Viscount, Manager of 
the Crown Prince's Household 
Office ; 6. in 1869; at Kyoto ; 
)>. d. oi Aritnasa Karahashi, 
Viscount. Address: Harajuku, 
Sendagaya, Tokyo. Tel. : 2,5- 
28 Sbiba. 

Sishikajbo, Hirwnichi (S;^ 
it?il ). Governor of Fukushi- 
maTprefecture ; d. in 1863 at 
Saga in the province of Hizen; 
e. s, of Klrin. Nishikub.o, a sa- 
murai-, in. Misa. Educ.. : gra- 
duated. La\y at the Shikdshb 
Hq Qdkko. (Gorvernrnent law 
school); in 1895 ; passed the 
Higher Civil Service Exami- 
nation in 1897. Cliief of Po- 
lice in Ishikawa - prefecture ; 

I9Q7- Prof at the Military 
Staff College; sent to England 
in 1902 ; in the late war took 
part on the Staff to the Etape 
Head-Quarters and then to the 
Yalu, Arpiy ;_ was decorated 
with 3td Order of the Rising 
Sun and 3rd Class of the G0I-; 
den Kite for his services. 

UishlKiTine, Motojiro C0 ^ 76 
^ W)., high-tax-payer, Chair- 
man of Board of Directors of 
the Toyoda Bank, Ltd., Dire- 
ctor of the Hiroshima-ken Ag- 
ricaltural and Industrial Bank, 
Ltd,, President of the Bingo 
Dockyard Co.y Ltd. ; b. in 
1854 in Hiroshirna-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Yasubei Uematsu; m. Shi- 
ge, jrd d. Uhei Sanada of Hi- 
roshima-ken. Succeeded his_ 
adopt. ./• Zenshiro Nishimune 
in 1891. Address: Tadami- 
machi Hiroshima-ken. 

Wishimiar*, ChukieM (Hlf ,@. 
oX President of the-Hokuyo 
Siteam,ship Co., Ltd. ; h. in 18- 
7 1 in Ishikawa-prefecture ; e, 
s. of Chuzaemon Nishimura ; 
m. Hatsu, e. d. of Chozaburo 
Nishimura, of the same prefec- 
ture. Address: Ichinomiya-mu- 
ra, Ishikawa-ken. 

Nishimttra, Eisaburo, CBtJS 
^Bl!.)> Representntive Partner 
.of Kanamarii & Co., silk-tra- 
di?r ; b. 1876. at Yokoharna ; 
e. s. of the deceased Kisaburp 
Nishimura ; m. Kiyo, adopt d. 
of Baron Susumu Sato. Edjic: 
graduated from the Govern- 

[ 655 ] 


ment. Foreign Language S- 
chool... SucceectecJ his father in 
19 lo. Address : Minami-aaka- 
dori,, Yekohama Tel: 135. 

Mshimura, Koielii (®tJ'>"iU), 
deakr in canKed goods. Pre- 
sident of the, Manse i Bank, 
litd.. Director of the Yamada 
Transport Co., Ltd., Auditor 
of the Imperial Cold Storage 
Co., Ltd., Mem. of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce ; d in 
1849 'II Tokyo ; e. s. of Ko- 
heiji Nibhimura. Address: ,.. 
Suda-choj Eanda-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1604 Honkyoku. 

KisJiiniiira, Konosnfce iM -ff 
K Z -ffl), Colonel of Infantry, 
Chief of the Sendai Branch of 
the Special Military Dep't of 
Constructions i b. ia 1856 in 
the province of Shinano.. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 188,3 ; Colonel 
in 1905. Decorations; 3rd Or- 
der of the R. S. and 4th Class 
of the G. K. Address : Sendai. 

_ HisMmura, Masszo CH # ^ 
^)i Mayor of Onomichi, Ad- 
dress : Kubomaehi, Onomichi. 

MsMmura, Mikijiro (M W % 
6^ 31! > Chief of the Ophthal- 
njqlogical Dep't of the Kobe 
Frefectural Hospital. Address: 
KusmMJci-cho, Kobe. 

Mshimura, Mitsiiya (M W % 
5^.), Head-Master of the Ya- 
manashi Normal School ; b. 
the 1 2th m of the 2nd y. of 
Keio (1866) in Kitanoka- 
rairaura, Magagun, prefecture 

of Wakayama ; s, of Ya'tarq 
Nishirnura. Ediic. : graduated 
from the -Wakayama Normal 
School in 1887 ; the Literature 
Course, of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School in 1891. Be- 
came a teacher of the Kanaga-. 
waken Normal School in iS- 
91; the Gifuken Normal School 
in 1 893 ; the Okinawa Normal 
School in 1899; the Okinawa 
Higher Girls' School in 1 899 ; 
Head-Master of the Okinawa 
Normal School ;. the Okinawa 
Higher Girls' School in 1904 ; 
present post since 1910. Add- 
ress : tie Yamanashi Normal 

31 isMmura, RyokicM (5I U ^ 
"n). J Lord -in- Waiting in the 
KMei Hall, Mem. of the Ho- 
use of Peers ; 6. in 1839 in the 
province of Tosa ; e. s. of Yu- 
nushin Nishimura, a samurai ; 
■m. Ai, 2ndd. of Jin-etaon Sasa- 
ki of Kyoto. Governor of the 
prefectures of Osaka, Tottori, 
etc. Address : Shirokane-cho, 
Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 

Fisliimnra, SeiicH (Si^lt— ), 
Baron, Lieutenant - Gen;;ral 

(retired) ; .5. in 1855 in Yama- 
guchi prefecture ; e. s. of Ma- 
sayuki Nishimura ; m. Chitori, 
e. d. of Tokuzo Fukunaga, a 
samurai of the same prefect- 
ure. Educ: graduated from the 
Heigakuryo. .^ Sub - I^ieutenant 
of Artillery in 1877 ; Lieute- 
nant in 1S80 ; Captain in 1883; 


[ 6S6 ] 

Major in 1887; Lieutenant-Co- 
lonel in 1895 ; Major-General 
in 1900 ; - Lieutenant-General 
in 1906. Prof, of the Military- 
Academy ; Commander of the 
1st Battalion of Field Artil- 
lery ; then of the loth Regi- 
ment of Field. Artilleiy ; Di- 
rector of the Military Arsenal 
of Tokyo ; was created Baron 
in recognition of his ^rvices 
in the -late war. Decorations: 
2nd Order of the R. S. and 
2nd Class of the G. K. Address: 
Suidobata - cho^ Koishikawa, 
Tokyo. Tel: 58 Bancho. 

Mshimura, SMgeaosuke CStf 
%Z.W), President of the Kita- 
yama ]3ank, Ltd.; b. in 1859 
in Mi&=ken ; e. s. of Sakujiro 
Nishimura ; m. Fusayo, of Wa- 
kayama-ken.. Address : Kimo- 
to-machi", Mie-Ken. 

Nishimura, Snkezo (®#^H), 
Dentist, Mem. of the Govern- 
ment Medical Examination 
Committee ; <5. in 1854 'ii Hyo- 
go-ken ; m. Gin, adopt, d. of 
YohachijiTsutsui of Tokyo. 
Address: Imabashi, Higashi- 
ku, Osaka, . 2>/..- 89 Higashi. 

!K'ishimura, Tanjiro (MtJ:^® 
MIO, Meni. of the House of Re- 
presentatives ; b. in 1 866 in 
Okayama-ken ; ;y. b. of Tomo- 
taro Itano ; was adopted by 
Tsurutaro Nishimura. Educ. : 
graduated Politics at the Wa- 
seda University ; further stu- 
died in U. S: A. On returning 

from abroad became an, editor. 
./4^</^m.- Takahiashi-machi, O- 

MsMmnra, Tokihiko (ES^^ 
®). Chief editor of the Osaka 
Asahi (daily paper); b. the 7th 
m. of the 1st y. of Keio (18- 
65) in Kagoshima-prefecture; 
e. s. of the late Shironosuke 
Nishimura, a, Satsuma samu- 
rai ; VI. Sachi, e. d. of Kei- 
rin Mihara of the same pre- 
fecture. Edtic: studied Chinese 
classics under his uncle An- 
yeki Shigeno, a famous scho- 
lan Has long experience as 
ajournahstand is well known 
by his pen-name " Tenshu." 
Address: No, 213, Matsuga- 
echo, Kitaku, Osaka. 

ITishino, Kaemon m^M^% 
pg), Indigo-dealer, high-tax- 
payer; ^. in 1878 in the pro- 
vince of Awa ; 2nd s. of Ya- 
sutaro Nishino, a wealthy 
riian ;, 2ndd. ofKen- 
shiro Nishino of the same pro- 
vince. Has a branch at Tokyo. 
A highest - tax - payer in the 
prefecture, Address: Koma- 
tsubara-machi, Katsuura-gun, 
Tokushima-ken ; Mina mi-hat- 
chobori, Kyobashiku, Tokyo ; 
Tel: 4042 /. d. Shimbashi. 

Hishio, Keijiro m mm^k m\ 
Lngmeer of the Bureau of Mi- 
nes ; b. in 1 87 1 at Shizuoka ; 
s. of Kichiemon Nishio ; m. 
Yetsu, e.d.ofR. Adachi. Educ. ; 
graduated Mining and Metal- 
lurgy at the Tokyo Imperial 


University in 1898. Was ap- 
pointed Engineer of the Fuku- 
oka Mine Inspection Office in 
1898; Chief Engineer of the 
Sapporo M. I. O. in 1899; 
then of the Tokyo M. I, O. in 
1902), was transferred to the 
Osaka M. I. O. in 1906 ; and 
then present post in 1909. Ad- 
dress : Kobikicho, Kyobashi, 
Tokyo. C7«^.f : Member of the 
American Institute of Mining 
Engineers, the Mining Society 
of Japan, and the Tokyo Geo- 
graphical Society. 

Nishic, Tadao CS M M ^), 
Major of Engineers^ Comman- 
der of the 4th Battalion of En- 
gineers ; ^. in 1869 in the pro- 
vince of Shinano. Sub-Lieute- 
nant in 1894 ; Major in 1905. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
R. S. and 4th_Class of the G. 
K. Address : Osaka. 

Kishio, Takejiro (®lit^IB), 
President of the Gosho Bank, 
Ltd. Address : Gosh5-machi, 
Minami-Katsuragi-gun, Nara- 

NisMoka, Tokusuke mW&Wj 
farmer, high-tax-payer, Au- 
ditor of the Imaii Bank, Ltd.; 
b. in 1S52 in Saga-ken; 2nd 
s of KobeiNishioka. .^(^(/r^5.r: 
Nishi-mura, Nishi-Matsuura- 
gun, Saga-ken. 

NisHsanjo, Saneyoshi (M 3 
^ K ffi). Count, Master of 
Ceremonies; b. in i866 at Kyo- 
to ; e. 3. of Viscount Kazaha- 

ya ; m. Hamako, adopt, d. of 
the late Count Nishisanjo. Ad- 
dress : Nishikubo-Shiroyama- 
cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
661 Shiba. 

K^ishitakatsuji, Nobuwaka (M 
MH-iMB^, Baron, Shinto Priest 
of the Dazaifu-Shrine ; b. in 
1 877 ; jrd. s. of Shingen Ta- 
katsuji ; m. Haruko, j/. sister 
of Count Tachibana. Address : 
Dazaifu-machi, Fukuoka-Ken. 

NisMwakf.-Kanzo (.m&%m.'). 
President of the Ojiya Bank, 
Ltd. Address: Ojiya-machi, Ki- 
ta-Uonuma-gun, Niigata-Ken-. 

Nishiyama, Saneciika (ESiIjK 
H), Captain, Chief of the Na- 
val Staff of the Formosan Go- 
vernment; 6. in 1862. Educ.^ 
graduated from the Naval Col- 
lege in 1878. 2nd Commander 
in 1S97 ; Commander in 1898; 
Captain 1905. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the R. S. and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address : 
Taihoku, Formosa. 

Mshiyama, Yasukiehi Oil]^* 
§), Captain, Mem. of the E- 
quipment Committee of the 
Yokosuka Naval Arsenal ; b. 
in 1864. Educ: graduated from 
the Naval College in 1880. 
2nd Commander in 1897; Com- 
mander in 1898 ; Captain in 
1905 . Decorations : 3rd Order 
of the R. S. and 4th Class of 
the G. K. Address : Yokosu- 

Jfishizawa Heihachi (M vf ^ 


£ 65:8 ] 

y^). President of the Kyukei- 
sha Bank/ Ltd., Director of -the 
Shinano Electric Go./ Ltd.; b. 
in 1863 in Nagano-prefecture; 
e. s. of Heihachi Nishizawa ; 
■m. Hisa, 2nd d. of San-emon 
Shichizawa of the same pre- 
fecture. /J^</r«.f:Nakano-ma- 
chi, Shimo-Takai-gun, Naga- 

Nishizawa, Kichiro (IS#$S15) 
President of the Sanuki 13ank,_ 
Ltd., and Representative Part- 
ner of the Sanuki Soy Brewer- 
ing Co.; b. in 187 1 in Chiba- 
prefecture-; e. s. of Yusuke Ni- 
shizawa, a Samurai ; in. Niii, 
_;'.. sister of Banz5 Suzuki of the 
same prefecture. Address: Sa- 
nuki-machi, Kimitsii-gun, Clii- 

irishizawa, Kimio (Mvf feSi), 
Chief Expert to the Tayeh 
Iron Mining Works of the Ag- 
ricultural and Commercial De- 
p't, F. R. S. A.,wF. R. Y. S., 
F. R. B, A; b. in i868 in the 
province of Aki ; s. of Kiyohei 
Nishizawa, a samurai of Fu- 
kuyuma clan ; m. Yoshi, ^th d. 
of Shinjuro Sugiyama. Educ. : 
graduated from the Private To- 
kyo Physics School and the 
Science College of Tokyo Im- 
perial University. Began his 
career as Prof, of the Military 
Academy ; Expert to business 
companies ;. then entered the 
Governmen.; service as expert 
to the Imperial Iron Foundry. 

Was business , adviser to the 
Ghiiiese Government. Travelr 
led over China and is well in- 
forified on things Ciiinese. Pub- 
lications : several works on 
chemistry. Recreations:, shoot- 
ing and horticulture. Address: 
Komazawa, Ebara-gure, To- 
kyo ; Tayeh, China. 

Mshizawo,, Sadakichi iMW& 
to, ex-Mem.of the House of Re- 
presentatives ; b. in 1 87 1 in 
Yamagata-ken ; 2fid s. of Sei- 
suke Suzuki ; m. Sei, e. d, ol 
Chuemon Nishizawa, his ado- 
pt, f. Educ.: graduated from 
the Miyagi Agricultural School 
and the Senshii School. Ad- 
di-ess : Nanuka-Cho, Yamaga- 
ta-cily. '• 

Nishizawa, ZensMcM (Srf # 
-I"), cloth-dealer, Director of 
the Shunzu Electric R'ly Co., 
Ltd., and the Mishima Dyeing 
Co., Ltd., Auditor of the To- 
kyo Bank,'^ Ltd., the Steel 
Works, Ltd., the Nissin Dye- 
ing Cloth Co., Ltd., and the 
Toakoshi, Ltd., Mem. of the 
Tokyo Chamber of Commerce; 
b. in 1858 in Tokyo,; e. s. of 
Yasokichi Kobayashi ; was a- 
dopted into the family of Ni- 
shizawa ; m. Fushif 2udd. of 
Zenshichi Nishizawa. Educ.: 
graduated from the Kyododan 
(Military Non-Commissioned 
officers' School). Address: 
Shin-Zaimoku-cho; JSiihomba- 
shi-ku, Tokyo. 7>/,: 2804'Na- 

[659 ] 



. Nita, Naoshi C-tHiiL), Jy^^- 
gakiikakushi (Dr. of Veterina- 
ry science), Assist -Prof, of 
the Faculty of Agriculture in 
the Tokyo Imperial University. 
■Address : Takehaya-cho, Koi- 
shikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Fitobe Inazo m^l^ M jt), 
Nogakuhakuslii (Agricultural 
Economics), Hogakuhakuslii 
tion), Ph. 
D., B. A. 
(Johns Ho- 
pkins), Di- 
rector of 
the First 
Prof, in the 
Law Facu- 
lty of the 
Imperial University of To- 
kyo ; b. in 1 862 at Morloka ; 
s. of Jiujiro Nitobe ; was adop- 
ted by Shichiro Nitobe, a sa- 
murai; m. Mary P. Elkinton 
of Philadelphia, Educ: gra- 
duated at the Sapporo Agricul- 
tural College in 1881 ; studied 
for about a year in the Tokyo 
Imperial University ; went to 
U. S. A. and graduated from 
the Johns Hopkins University; 
further studied in Bonn, Halle, 
and Berlin. Assistant Prof of 
the Sapporo Agricultural Col- 
lege ; on returning from Ger- 
many was appointed Prof of 

the same institutioA ; Expert 
to the Governor-General of 
Formosa ; Prof of the Kyoto 
Imperial University in 1903; 
Director of the First National 
College in 1907. Publications ; 
" History of Intercourse be- 
tween U. S. and Japan," " Bu- 
skido" (in English), "Thoughts 
and Essays," "Nogyohonrpn" 
(on agriculture), " Kigan-no- 
ashi," " Zuisoroku," " Faust," 
etc. Recreations : little child- 
ren and old books. Address : 
Kobinata - daimachi Itchome 
75) Koishikawa, Tokyo. Te/.: 
1075 Bancho.- 

Hitta, Sadagoro (trfflS-EIIO, 
Managing Director of the'I-^ 
mamachi Bank, Ltd. Address: 
Imamachi, Nishi - Kambara - 
gun, Niigata-ken. 

Nitta, Tadazumi (ij H .% 18% 
Baron, Mem. of the House of 
Peers, former Daimyo of Nitta 
clan ; (5. in 1856 at Nitta in the 
province of Kotsuke ; 2nds. of 
Toshizunii*- Nitta ; m. Iso, y. 
sister of Mototada Mori, Vis- 
count. Has travelled abroad 
twice. Address: Nakano-cho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel.: 27 2^, Shi- 
iriwa,Go(:fJ^P!iJ),Maj.-Gen., , 

Commander of the 6th Bri- 
gade of Infantry: b. in 1859 
in Aichi-prefectufe. Sub-Lieu-' 
tenant in 1884 ; Colonel in 19- 

07 . Decoi'atioiis : 3rd Order of 

Niw— Fob 

J ..-». 

[ 65o .] 

R. .'S". and 4th; Class of the 
G. K. ; present " rank, Sept. 
191 1. Address: Kanazawa. 

Hiwa, Faganori (^ ^ A Wdt 
Viscount, former Daimyo of 
Nihommatsu clan ; b. in 1873 \ 
6th s. of MiJ^enyri Date, Dai- 
myo of Sendai clan ; m. Kumi- 
ko, d. of his adopt, f. Nagakuni 
Niwa. Succeeded his father in 
1904. Address : Roppongi, A- 
zabu, Tokyo. 2^/.: iSgSShiba. 

Hiwa, If oritada W ^ ^ ,^), 
Captain {e7i desponsabilite) ; b. 
in i860. Captain in 1903. De- 
corations : 3rd Order of the R. 
S. Address: No. 16, Kogai- 
cho. Azabu, Tokyo. 

Hiwa, Kyunosiike j^'^tlZW, ■ 
3rd Order of Merit, Master of 
Ceremonies ; A in 1 847, Saga- 
prefecture ; e, s. of Zoshin Ni- 
wa, a s'amurai ; tti. Yasu, e. d. 

of Tadayasu Ishii, z. samurai oi 
the same prefecture. Address : 
Hirakawa-cho, Kojimachi, To- 
kyo Tel.: 1605 Bancho. ' 

Kwa, Sukehiko i^MpiM'), 
Expert of the Dep't of Finance 
'.nd Director of the Yokoha- 
ma Branch of the Special Con- 
struction Office of the Dep't. 
Address: Aokl-cho, Yokoha- 

Uiwa, Ujiatsu (Jf ^ A W), 
Viscount; b. in 1862; 3rd s. 
of Ujinaki*Niwa ^'-m. Chiyo, 
e. d. of Koretomo Matsuzaki 
of Kyoto. Address : Minami- 
iga-choj Yot£iiiya-ku, Tokyo.' 

Niwada, Shigeyaki (^ K M 
=iT), Count; b. in 1891 ; e.s. 
of ShigenaotNiwada,. kuge. 
Address: Sayama - Mimami- 
machi, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. 

Hiwayama, Koen (M Ul 
ff ifj), artist, Japanese paint^ 
er (Maruyama school); b. Jan. 
of the 2nd y. of Meiji (1869) 
at Watamachi, Himeji-eity, 
Hyogo-prefceture ; s. of Tsune- 
saburo Niwayama; m. Chiyo- 
ko, d. of Heishichi Kiuoshita, 
Axignst 1896. Edue.: Pri- 
vately. Exhibited his master- 
pieces in various exhibitions 
and very often was awarded 
prizes; had honour of draw- 
ing before their Majesties .and 
some other Imp. princes ; the 
room decoration of late Shozo 
Kawasaki's villa, at which H. 
M. Empress Dowager stopped, 
was drawn by him ; once was / 
prof, at the Naniwa art school, 
1884: — . Secreaticii ; travell- 
ing. Address: No. 37 Kita- 
hama 4 ehome, Higashi-ku, 
Osaka. Clubs. Osaka Art 
Society, Taisho Art Society. 

Notioru, Shomu (^ g ^), 
Lecturer at the Nicholai 
Theological Academy and of 
the Central ~ Preparatory 
School of the Army; b. 1878 
in Kagoshima-ken; 5. of 
Naokoshi Noboru; in. Fuji- 
ko, sister of Shintaro Tohei. 
■Educ: studied at Nicholai 
Theological Academy (Rus- 

[ 66i ] 


sian language, philosophy 
of religion, literature) and at 
the German Language School. 
Lectured Modern Russian 
Literature at the Waseda 
Univ., 1 910- 191 1. Publica- 
tions : " Count Tolstoi", 
" Goliky ", " Hakuyashu ", 
" study of the Russian litera- 
ture" and many other ^yorks 
on Russian languages and 
literature. Recreations: music; 
dancing; travelling; theatre. 
Address: No. 308, Sadohara- 
cho, Usliigome. Tokyo. 

Noda, GiicMro CSf H ® — 
115)^ luanager of the Saiga 
Electric & Co.; h. Jan. of 
the 8th y. of Meiji (1875) in 
f^akai, fc'ettsu province ; ]sfc 
s. of Gensaburo Noda ; m. 
Tei, 2nd d. of Sosliin Blaki, 
1911. 3duc. : studied at the 
3rd High Sch'ool. Was engaged- 
in an oil enterprise in the 
province of Echigo for three 
years ; eiitered tljc present 
firm, 190i ; held posts of 
auditor and director of very 
many electric cos., in vari- 
ous countrys of Japan ; is 
now auditor of the Electric 
Trust Co. Reoreation : reading. 
Addreps: Terachi-machi, Sakai- 
city ; Mikage-machi, Muko- 
gun, Hyogo-ken. Club : Sumi- 
yoslri club. 

l^oda, isaniu CSf 111 S), 
Chief of the Fukuoka Mine In- 
.«;pection Oflice ; <5. in 1864 in 

Fukuoka Prefecture ; e. s. of 
Matataro Noda, a samurai ;. m. 
Moe, e. d of Shiakuro Naka- 
gawa, a samurai of Kishu. 
Educ: graduated from the To- 
kyo Imperial University in 18- 
92. Entered the Dep't of Edu- 
cation ; was appointed Inspec- 
tor ofMines in 1896; Secre- 
tary to the Dep't of Agricul- 
ture and Commerce ; Inspec- 
tor of Forests ; Chief of the 
Tokyo Mine Inspection. Office 
in 1900; then present post. Ad- 
dress : Fukuoka-city. 

Fodas _ Xjruho (gj- h A 
v§), artist, Japanese painter, 
member of the O.'jaka Maini- 
chi Sliinbun-shu (a daily nev\;s- 
paper); h. December J 870 sit 
Kami-uegislu, Shitaya, Tok-yo. 
.Eduo. : studied paintings un- 
der Kogyo Terasaki. He re- 
ceived second jjrize in the 
first fiue art exhibition of 
Educ. Dept., Oct. 1!:08. Ad- 
dress : Tsurunochaja, iNisiu- 
gougen-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. 

Jicda, Matao CB tti X ihJ, 
non de plume Jonn, artist 
(Japanese painting) ; b. 1877 
at Ktimamoto. Studied pai- 
nting under Chou Koyama, 
Seiho Takeuchi and Hobun 
Kikuclii ; graduated from the 
Kyoto Arts School in_ 1900; 
received copper medal in Shi- 
nko Arts Exhibition, 1898; 
took part in the late war 
and decorated witli 6th Or- 


f 662 ] 

der of Merit and 5tli class 
of Grolden Kite. Address : 
Terahara-cho, Kumamoto. 

Hoda, Minejiro (|fffl^.^II5), 
fdrmer ; d. in 1 861 in Ehime- 
ken ; n'l. Sada, e. d. of his ado- 
pt./. A large landowner. Ad- 
dress: Nakagawa-mura, Ehi- 

:Foda, Otosabnro CS=fflig^HS!5), 
Maniger of the Yamato Col- 
ony in the U. S. A. ; b. in the 
province of Hizen. Went to U. 
A. S. in 1889. Address : San 
Francisco, U. S. A. 

IJoda, Roknji (M H >"^ ?>J). 
Expert to the Nagano-prefec- 
ture; b. in 1866 in Fukuoka- 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Yosabu- 
ro Noda, a^ samurai ; _m. Ku- 
ma, 2nd d. oi ¥j&.xi)\ Oishi, a 
saviurai ofKochi. Educ.-.gxa.- 
duated Engineering in the To- 
kyo Imperi 1 University in 1 8- 
92. After graduation enterd 
the Civil Engineering Bureau 
of the Home Dep't ; Expert to 
the prefectures '"of Fukuoka, 
Ibaraki, and Yamagata ; Rail- 
way Engineer of the Commu- 
nications Dep't ; present post 
in 1 90 1. Address: Nagano- 
city. , 

Mods, Sadamu (5? H A). 
Prof of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; b, in 1866 in 
Fukuoka Prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Matataro Noda}- a samurai; 
M. Chiyo, 2nd d. of Kanya 
Naka of Tokyo. Educ. : crra- 

duited Science in the Tokyo 
Imperial University in ,1893. 
Prof of the 4th High School 
in 1894; present post in 1903; 
sent- to Germany to study 
Physics, 1902-1905. Address- 
Kobinata, Dairokuten - cho^ 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

_ Ifoda, Sanzo (W H H M), 
high - tax - payer, sake-hvc-w&Y , 
b. in 1848 at Nishinomiya in 
the province of Settsu ; 2nd s. 
of Shin-emon Noda. Brewer of 
" Tsugaizuru!' Recreation: Tea- 
ceremony. Address : Nishino- 
miya, Hyogo-ken. 

Noda, Tadahiro (m H % ^~), 
Expert to the Home Dep't 
and the Dep't of Agriculture 
and Commerce, Extra Sanit- 
ary Inspector; (5. in 1867 in 
Shizuoka Prefecture ; e. s. of 
Tadayoshi Noda, a samurai \ 
m. Ei, e. d. of Tsunetaro Ko- 
sugi of Wakayama Prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated Medicine in 
the Tokyo Imperial University 
in 1891. Was appointed Dir. 
of the Kagbshima Hospital ; 
Prof of the 4th High School 
in 1 895 ; Expert to the Home 
Dep't ; Extra Sanitary Inspe- 
ctor ; was sent abroad in 19- 
00 ;-^ Chief of the Extra Sani- 
tary Inspection Bureau. Ad- 
dress : Kanasugi Shinhama- 
cho, Shiba, Tokyo. 734 Shi- 

Noda, Toma Cif H M. W)y 
Examiner of the B.irik of Ja- 
pan ; b. in 186? in Ehime-ken; 

[ 663 i 


e. s. of Hikokuro Nodi, a sa- 
murai; m. Kiyo, of Tokyo. 
Ediic. : graduated; Politics at 
the Imperial University of To- 
kyo in 1894.'^ Director' of tlie 
Ishikawa Prefectural IWiddle 
School ; Educational Inspec- 
tor of the prefectures of Nii- 
gata, Miyagi, . and Yamagu- 
chi ; afterwards entered the 
Bank of Japan. Address : Ha- 
rajuku, Sendagaya, Tokyo. 

Noda, Utjiro (If H ^ ic M), 
Mem. of the House of Repre- 
sentatives; d. in 1853 at Iwata- 
mura in the province of Chi- 
'kugo ; e. s. of Ishiclii Noda ; 
adopt, by Moriemon Noda. 
Took to politics in 1 890 ; has- 
been elected Mem.' of the 
"House of Representatives six 
times ;,.a member of the Sei- 
yukai (Constitutional p -rty) ; 
'has travelle ^aurodd. Address: 
Zaimoku-cho, Azahu, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 2315 Shiba. 

Nogami, iSataro CSf±fei:P), 
High-tax-payer,. Director of 
the 73th Bank, Ltd. ; l>. in 
1871 in Kago-shima-ken ; e. 
s. of Sataro Nogarai. Address : 
Shiomi - machi, Kagoshima - 

Ifogachi. Kokoktt (if mm), 
Commander of Eng., Prof, of 
the Naval Eng. College ; 6. 
1 87 1. Commander of Eng. in 
1908. Decorations: 4th Order 
of the R. S. and 4th Class of 
the G. K. Address: Yokosuka. 

Nogruehi, Kunijiro CS' P ^ jfe 

RR). Director -of the' -Iztro Co., 
Lt^: Address: Klta-Hi?rie • Ni- 
sKiku, Osaka. . ■ ■ 

■ Fogiiclii, Sentai-o CSf P '*&% 
r<i>v' Sijrgeoii-Lieutenant-Cold-^ 
ne],: Chief of the Sur. Dep't of 
the 13th ArmyDiv.; 1870 
in Toyama-pi-e'ectui-e. Surgti- 
on-Sub-Lieutenant in 189 1; 
Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel, 
in igoj.. Decorations: 4th Or- 
der of the R, S. and 4th Clas- 
of the G.K. Address i'lsksAA, 

Nognchi, Shohin CSf p 'Vm)x 
Painter; ^, in 181; I at Osaka; 
wife of Masaaki ' Noguchi. 
Educ. : studied Nanga 
(Nan School of painting) 
under Taizaii Hineno.Was ap- 
pinted a teacher at the Peeress' 
School ; Mem. of the Imperial 
Board of Artists. Address : U- 
chisaiwai-cho, Kojimachi - ku, 
Tokyo. Tel .-3317 Shimhashi. 

Nogttchi, KonshiCl' H ** t.): 
Maj.-Gen. , placed on the wai- 
ting list since Dec. 19 12; b. in 
1 860 in Fukushima-prefecture; 
2nd s. of Tatsuyuki Noguchi, 
a samurai ;'m. Toshi, adopt, d. 
of Keishin Sugita of Tokyo. 
Educ, : graduated from the 
Military College in 1882. Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1883 ; Lieutenant, 
1887; Captain, 1892; Major, 
1897; Lieut-Colonel, 1902; 
Colonel, 1904; Major-(jene- 
rah 1907. Staff of the 1st Di- 
vision ; then of the Military 

ITog— Hoj 

[ €6^ ] 

Educational Board ; Chief of 
Staff of the 4th Division; Dir. 
of the Military Central Prepa- 
ratory School ; Commander of 
the Infantry nth "brigade ; 
then of the Infantry 35th Bri- 
gade; of the ist Inf. Brigade, 
1910. Took park in the Shino- 
Japanese and the Ensso-Japa- 
nese wars; was decorated with 
3rd Order of the Kising Sun 
and of the Golden Kite; was 
Directoi- of the Military Aca- 
demy until 191 2. Address: 
Higashishinano-cho, Yotsuya- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Noguchi, Torajiro (MWM.^ 
B)5), Silk-thread-dealer ; d. in 
1866 at Maebashi, Kozuke. 
Ediic: graduated from the Ke- 
iogijuku in 1890. Entered the 
Jiji; then the Mitsui Bank as 
one of the late Nakamigawa's 
assistants in 1892 ; went ab- 
road to investigate reeling etc. 
started a firm at Osaka in 19- 
05 . Address : Yokkaichi, Mie- 

Noguchi, Yonejiro (if p ^ 

^ B15), Lecturer of the Keio 
Univ. and prose and verse 
writer in English, known as 
yo7te Noguchi in literary 
circle in both America and 
England; b. December, the 
8th 7. of Meiji (1875) in 
Tsushima, Aichi-ken; 4th s. 
of Dembei Noguchi; m. 
Matsu Takeda. Bduc. : 
studied in the Keio Univ., 

but mostly self-taught as far 
as his literary ability, is con- 
cerned. Publications: from 
the Eastern. Sea, Pilgr- 
image, Lflfcadio Ham in 
Japan, and American Diary 
of a Japanese girl. Recrea- 
tions: collecting of old 
ukiyoe pictures and walking. 
Address: c/o Yenkaku Tem- 
ple, Sagami province. 

BTohara, SMehiro (if M -fc 815), 
Farmer, high-tax-payer ; b. in 
1855 in Gifu-Ken ; e. s. of Shi- 
chirohei Nohara ; m. Fusano, 
e. s. of Matsujiro Kubota of 
Gifu-Ken. A large landowner. 
Address : Ikeda-Mura, Ibi-go- 
ri, Gifu-Ken. \ 

Hoisshiki, Masukichi (Sf — ■£ 
^ §), Lieut-Colonel of Erfgi- 
neers, Commander of the 4t1i 
Battalion of Engineers ; b. in 
1868 in Tottori - prefecture. 
Sub-Lieutenantin 1 892; Lieut.- 
Colonel in 1908. Decoration : 
4th Order of the R^ S. Ad- 
dress : Takatsuki, Osaka-fu. 

Nojima, Tadataka ''i?,i|.ffi>*"), 
Major-General, Commander 
'of the ist Garrison of For- 
mosa ; 6. in 1 863 in Shimane- 
i886; Colonel m 1905. Deco- 
rations : ^rd Order of the R. S. 
and 4th Cliss of ihe G. K. Ad- 
dress: Taihoku, Taiwan. ^ 

Nojiri, SeiicM m % ^ -)• . 
Dii-. of the Nara Higher Fe- 
male School; b. in i860 at Hi- 
meji ; e. s. of Choku Nojiri, 9. 

L ^65 


Samurai; m. Naka, e. d. of To- 
su Atsumi, a Samurai of the 
same province. Editc. : gra- 
duated from the Tokyo Shihan 
Gakko (the present Higher 
Normal School) in 1882 ; stu- 
died in Germany, 1 886-1890. 
Was appointed Instructor of 
the Yamagata Normal School; 
Dir. of the above school ; on 
returning from abroad was ap- 
pointed Prof, of the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School ; Lec- 
turer on Pedagogy in the To- 
kyo Imperial University ; Dir. 
of the Tokyo Normal School 
in 1890; Educational Inspec- 
tor of the Dep't of Educatian 
in 1895 ; then present post. 
Address : Nara. 

Ifoma, Masaichi CSf Tsl gSc — :, 
2nd class Secretary of Lega- 
tion and Consul in Siam ; d. in 
1864 in the province of Satsu- 
ma. Edtic: graduated Law at 
the Columbia University. En- 
tered the Foreign Office in 1 8- 
84; Chancellor of the Lega- 
tion at Washington in 1884; 
Chancellor of the Consulate at 
New York in 1891; was trans- 
feri'ed to Mexico, 1894; then 
to Bombay in 1898 ;■ Consul 
in 1 898 ; Consul at Hongkong 
in 1901; then to Manila in 19- 
06 ; was called back in 1907 ; 
present post in 1909. Address: 
Bangkok, Siam. 
_ H'omaguchi, Kaneo CiF PI tJ 
^ m), Rear-Admiral, Chief of 

Staff of the Kure, AdjiJiralty; 
b. in 1866 in the province of 
Satsuma ; 3rd. s. of Yosuke 
Nomaguchi, a samurai of Sa- 
tsuma ; m. Moto, e. s. of Haha 
Nomura of Tokyo. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Naval Col- 
lege in 1 886.' Commander in 
1900 ; Captain in 1905 ; Rear- 
Admiral in 1909. Commander 
of the Takachiho, the Matsu- 
shima, the Asama ; Adjutant 
to the Naval Dep't and Private 
■ Secretary to the Naval Minis- 
ter. Took part in the Chino- 
Japanese and Russo-Japanese 
wars. Decorations : 3rd 
of the R. S. and 3rd O.ber of 
the G. K. Address: Knre* .^ 
Fomoto, Gyo (gr-7ca)> Direc- 
tor of the iSIippon Volcanic 
Ashes Co., Ltd., the 
ki jDockyard, Ltd., the Ha- 
nghin -Electric Kail way Co. , 
Ltd., Auditor of the Toyoka- 
wa R'ly Co., Ltd., and the 
Oriental Timber Preservation 
Co., Ltd; b. in 1853 in the 
province of Satsuma ; 2nd s. 
of Gorozaemon Yamamoto, a 
samurai; (?'(/<7/z;. by Gembei No- 
moto ; m, Haya, 2nd d. of his 
adopt f. Was Managing Dii'ec 
tor of the Naniwa Bank, Ltd., 
for some time and was recog- 
nized 8S ona of the leadi g 
bankers in Western Japan; 
resigned the post and has beet 
instrumental for bringing ab- 
out the afforestration of Prince 


[ 666 j 

Tadashige Shimazu's estates ; 
was decorated with 4th Order 
of Merit for services in the late 
war. Address : Itachibori-Mi- 
namidori, Nishiku Osaka. Tel.: 

Ifomoto, Tsunaaki Cif * i! 
!H), Vice-Admiral, Com. of Ta- 
Iteshiki Seeo. Naval Station; 5. 
1858 at Kagoshima ; 3rd s. 
of Kaneyoshi Ijuin, a great 
samurai of Shimazu clan ; in. 
Tei, e. d. of Kojuro Hayashi, 
a samurai of Satsuma. Educ. : 
graduated from the Naval Col- 
lege in 1 88 1. Was appoint- 
ed 2nd Sub-Lieutenant in i8- 
83 ; was sent to Russia for 
study in 1892 ; Commander 
in 1897; Captain in 1900; 
Rear- Admiral in 1907. At- 
tached to the Naval Staff Bo- 
ard ; Naval Attache to the 
Japanese Legation at .St. Pe- 
terburg ; 2nd Captain of the 
battle-ship Fuji ; Commander 
of the battle-ship AsaJii; Chief 
of the Kure Naval Barracks; 
Chief of the Torpedo Divi- 
sion of the Yokosuka Naval 
Station ; Commander of the 
Reserve Ships of the Kure 
Naval Station ; then of the 
Resei-ve Ships of the Yoko- 
suka Naval Station ; and then 
present post. Took a disting- 
uished part as Commander 
of the battle-ship Asahi in 
the late war ; was decorated 
with 3rd Class of the Rising 

Sun and of the Golden Kite 

as a war reward. Address ." 


Hommura, Azabu," Tokyo. 

Nomura, Fusajko (i? 1^ M ^ 
BP), Captain of the Navy, on the 
Staff of the Naval Staff Board 
and Prof of the Naval Col- 
lege ; b. in 1869 at Shimono- 
seki in ChoshiS ; s. of Noki- 
mitsu Yamagata, a samttrai 
of Hagi ; was adopted by Zen- 
shichi Nomura ; ni. Miyo-ko, 
e. d.. of Ryosuke Suzuki of 
Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Naval College in 
1890. Sub-Lieutenant in 18^ 
92 ; took part in the Chino- 
Japanese War on board the; 
cruiser Chiyoda ; Lieutenant 
in 1 896 ; on the Staff of the 
Kure Admiralty ; 2nd Com- 
mander in 1 90 1 ; took part 
in the late war on board the 
ai'mourd cruiser Iwate ; Com- 
mander in 1905 ; was attach- 
ed to the Naval Educational 
Bureau ; decorated with the 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
^nd 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite as a war reward ; 2nd 
Captain of the battle-ship I- 
wami in 1908 ,- on the Staff 
of the 2nd Squadron in Dec; 
was promoted Captain in 19- 
10. Address : Shiba-kuruma- 
machi, Shibaku, Tokyo. 

Nomura, IcMro (M.¥i — SR)i 
ex-Expert to the Governor- 
General's Office of Formosa; b. 

C ^^7 J 


in 1868 in yamaguclii-profec- 
ture; e. s. of Munetomo Nomura, 
a samurai; m. Fusako, e. d. of 
Kyosuke Tani, of the same 
prefecture. Educ. : graduated 
Engineering at the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1895. En- 
tered the Government service 
after graduation ; Chief of the 
Section of Repairs in the Bu- 
reau of Public Works. Ad- 
dress : Taihoku. 

Fomura, Jnnji (if l^j- ^ j§, 

Prof of the Imperial Univer- 
sity of Tokyo. Address : Ya- 
ata, Iriyamazu, Iriarai, To- 
kyo -fu. 

, Fomura, Kotaro (gf 13" # jk 
115), Chief of the Dep't of 
Gynaecologia and Obstetrics of 
the Kurume Municipal Hos- 
pital. Address : Kyomachi, 

Nomura, Kyiiji Cm ^ X *), 
merchant, high-tax-payer; b. 
in 1857 in Fukuoka-prefect- 
ure ; 5th i\ of Kyujyii No- 
mura ; m. Taka, 3rd d. of 
Sozaburo Kasa. Address : 
Chugencho, Fukuoka. 

Fomura, Motonobu (If # * 
■fe), Consul at the Consulate- 
General at Vladivostock ; ^. 
in 1859 at Toyama. Chan- 
cellor - of the Consulate at 
Vladivostock in 1892 ; Vice- 
Consul in igoi ; Consul in, 
1904; Commercial Agent at 
Vladivostock in 1907 ; Con- 
sul in Sept. 1907. Address .' 

Consulate General of Japan, 
Vladivostock. . 

Fomura, Seijiro Clf ^ H^ 
II5), high-tax-payer, farmer ; 
b. in 1848 in Oita-prefecture; 
e. s. of Hyakutaro Yato ; m. 
Mite, e. d. of Reigoro Nomu- 
ra, his foster-father. Address r 
Takadamachi, Oita-ken. 

Fomura, Kihei (if W M ^ 
^), cotton - cloth - dealer ; b. 
in 1859 in Osaka; e. s. of 
Rihei Nomura ; vi. Tama., e, 
d. of Kiihei Shimamoto of 
Osaka. Address : Hommachi, 
Higashiku, Osaka. Tel.: 1835 

Fomura, Ryiitaro CM- MM, 
ic 115), KdgakuJmkushi, Chief 
Expert to the Imperial Rail- 
way Board, 2nd Order of 
Merit; b. 1859 at Ogaki in 
the province of Mino ; e. s. 
of Kan Nomura, a samurai ^ 
m. Tetsu, e. s. of Baron Sen- 
kichi Ohara. Educ. : gradu- 
ated Civil Engineering in the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1 88 1. Served in the Tokya 
Prefectural Office, 1881— 18- 
86 ; was transferred to the 
Imperial ' Railway Bureau ; 
sent abroad for inspection pur- 
poses, 1896 — 1898; Kogaku- 
kakushi, 1899 ; Chief of the 
Construction Bureau of the 
Imperial Railway Board, 1907;^ 
Chief of the Traffic arid Con- 
struction Bureau; Chief Ex- 
pert to the Boad and Din' 

Ifom— Nod. 

L 65-8 

of the Construction Bureau. 
Address : Shinsakamachi, A- 
kasaka, Tokyo. Tel.: i^'j'j 

Ifomura, TokushicM (if ^ S 
^)) stock-broker, Auditor of 
the Naruo Horse Improving 
Co., Ltd., and the Alminium 
Co., Ltd.; b. m 1878 at Osa- 
ka ; e. s. of Joko Nomura ; in. 
Kiku, y. s. of Jihei Yamada 
of Osaka. Address : Hom- 
machi, Higashiku, Osako. Tel.: 
510 Higashi. 

Nomura, Tsunezo (if It fi 
iS), high-tax-payer; b. in 18- 
50 in Yamaguchi - prefecture ; 
2nd 5. of Unshun Nomura, 
samurai; m. Asa, aunt of Kiyo 
Tamura, a samurai of the 
same prefecture. Was elect- 
ed Mem. of the Prefectural 
Assembly", and then of the 
House of Representatives and 
the House of Peers. Address: 
Tokuyama, Yamaguchi-ken. 

Nomura, Yasaburo (if ^51 
H IR), Dir. of the Imperial 
Railway Board, Dir. of the 
Hokkaidc Railway Control 
Office ; b. in 1 868 in the pro- 
vince of Tango ; 2nd s. of 
Kenji Nomura, a samurai; m. 
Katsu, J/, s. of Taketoshi Na- 
gayama, -Baron. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity in 1890. Was ap- 
pointed ■ Prof, of the Zoshikan 
(the 7th High School) in 18- 

91 ; Dir. of a middle school 
in Kagawa-prefecture ; Prof 
of the 3rd High School ; Ad- 
ministrative official in the 
Home Dep't in 1897; Sec- 
retary to Okayama - prefect- 
ure ; then of the Forestry 
Bureau ; was sent to Europe 
and Siberia in 1902 ; resign- 
ed the post and practiced law 
in 1904; was appointed Dir. 
of the Hiroshima Post Office 
in 1905 ; Secretary to the 
Extra Railway Preparation 
Bureau in 1906 ; Dir. of the 
Sapporo Branch of the Im- 
perial Railway Bureau in June 
1906 ; present post in 1907. 
Address: Sapporo, Hokkaido. 

Ifomura Yozo (!f « # H), 
Proprietor of the samurui firm, 
Mem. of the Yokohama Cham- 
ber of Commerce; b. in 1870 
in Gifu Prefecture ; e. s. of 
Heisaku Nomura ; m. Michi, 
jf. s. of Gisaburo Kawabe of 
Kanagawa-Prefecture. A fine 
art dealer well known as 
the preprietor of the Samu- 
rai firm. Address : Honcho, 
Yokohama. Tel. : 915 I. d. 

Nonaka, Katsuaki (M ^ 9 
§g), Maj.-Gen., Commander 
of the 2xA Brigade of Heavy 
Artillery; 6. in 1864 in Oka- 
yama. Sub-Lieutenant in 1 886; 
Colonel in 1904. Decorations : 
,3rd Order of the R. S. and 
3rd Class of the G. K.; pre- 
sent rank since rgii. A^ 

[ ()69 

If en 

dress : Shimonoseki. 

Jfonaka, Kiyoshi CSF tp ?S), 
Councillor to the Financial 
Dep't, Assistant Customs 
Commissioner; d. in 1872 in 
Fukuoka-prefecture ; 2nd s. 
of Katsuyoshi Nonaka, a sa- 
murai; m. Nami, 3rd d. of Ku- 
niko Arimura, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1897. Was appointed Assist- 
ant Customs Commissioner in 
1899 ; Councillor and Secre- 
tary of the Financial Dep't 
1908 ; sent abroad as a dele- 
gate to the International Con- 
ference for the Unification of 
the Law of Bills held at the 
Hague and to the Interna- 
tional Conference for Com- 
merciail Statistics and Free 
Trade in 1910. Address : No. 
10, Komagome - Nishikata - 
machi, Hongoku, Tokyo. 

Nonaka, Ko (if iji ?fi), Mem. 
of the Tokyo Chamber of 
Commerce, Presiding Direct- 
or of the Nippon Slate Co., 
Ltd., Director of the Hyak- 
ko Shokai, Ltd. ; b. in 1 862 
at Kurume ; 2nd 5. of Den- 
jiro Nonaka, a samurai ; in. 
Katsuo, e. d. of Nobumori Ka- 
ge of the Fukuoka prefect- 
ure. Edrtc. :. graduated from 
the FukUoka Normal School 
. in 1 878. Began his career as 
a teacher of an elementary 

school ; police-inspector ; edit- 
or ; then entered business. 
Address : Takanawa-Minami- 
machi, Shibaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2920 Shimbashi. '<-- 

Nonaka, Teijiro (if tf A ^ 
W), Engineer of the Dep't 
of Communications, Captain 
of the steamer Okinazva Ma- 
ru; b. in 1871 in the provin- 
ce of Shinano ; y. b. of Ka- 
netaro Nakajima, a samurai ; 
m. Waka, y. sister of Toshio 
Akazawa, a samurai of Shin- 
shii. Educ. : graduated from 
the Gov. Mercantile Naviga- 
tion School. Took part in^ 
the Sino-Japanese war as a 
reserve Naval Officer ; after- 
wards entered the Dep't as 
an assistant engineer ; then 
present post in 1899. Ad- 
dress : Hatsunecho, Yokoha- . 

Nonaka, Tsunehiko (g= ^ IS 
M), Commander, Commander 
of the 1 6th and 17th Torpedo 
Flotillas; b. in 1869. Educ: 
graduated from the Naval Col- 
lege in 1886. Commander in 
1908. Decorations : 4th Or- 
der of the R. S. and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address: 
Kaigunsho, Tokyo. 

If onomura, K^mjiro Clf •« 4f 
^ ^ W), Proprietor of the 
Nonomura Bank ; b. in 1 846 
in the province of Minoj'j. 
of SatarS Nonomura ; mr. Ta- 
ka, e. sister, of Nuiemon Ka- 

Non Koz 

[ 670] 

suya ; was adopt, by his uncle 
Sahei Nomura. Address : Sai- 
go-mura, Gifu-ken. 

Wonomura, Naotaro (S= -* W 
M. X 115), Prof, of the 3rd High 
School. Address : Yoshida- 
cho, Kyoto, 

Nonomura, Kingoro (if f # 
^ 2 W), Dir. of the Southern 
Manchurian Railway Co., 
Ltd. ; b. in 1868 in Oita-pre- 
fecture ; 3rd s. of Masatada 
Nonomura ; m. Jun, 2nd d. 
of Shintaro Akizuki, a samu- 
rai of Tokyo. Began his 
career as editor ; entered the 
Industrial Bank of Japan and 
became Director ; was trans- 
ferred to present post. Ad- 
dress : Dairen (Dalny). 

Honoyama, Shigeru C®= ■* iD 
%), Chief Procurator of the 
Wakayama District Court ; 
b. in 1858 in Ibaraki-prefect- 
ui'e ; e. s. of Seiken Nonoya- 
ma, a samurai; m. Kei, e. sister 
of Tsugio Kato, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Educ. : grad. from 
the Tokyo Senshii School. 
Became a police-man ; passed 
the Gov. Examination for 
Bench in 1 887 ; was appoint- 
ed Procurator ; Procurator of 
the District Courts in Mito, 
Nagano, .Maebashi, and To- 
kyo ; Chief Procui'ator of the 
Saga District Court ; pi'esent 
post In 1908. Address : Wa- 

Noro. Shuazo Cif S W. S). 

Pres. of the Tobi Bank, Ltd., 
Dir. of the HoH Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank, Ltd., 
Aud. of the Central Paper 
Mill Co., Ltd., and the Kiso 
Development Co., Ltd. ; b. in 
1865 in the province of Mi- 
no ; 3rd s. of Kyuzo Sugai ; 
tn. Kin. Address: Kaji-gun, 

Nose, Man (M W W), Judge 
and Director of the Sendai 
District Court ; ^. in 1 863 in 
Okayama-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Dosen Nose, a samurai: m. 
Chika, e. d. of Genchu Habu- 
chi of the same prefecture, 
Educ. : passed the Examina- 
tion for Bench in 1887. Judge 
of the Nagoya District Court;- 
then of the Courts of Appeal 
at Sendai and Nagoya; pre- 
sent post in 1 90 1. Address: 

Nozaki, BukicMro (if flf ^ 
c? W), high-tax-payer ; b. in 
1848 in Okayama Prefecture ; 
2nd, .y. of Buzaemon Nozaki, 
a samttrai ; m. Riku, e. d. of 
Taro Mori of the same pre- 
fecture. His father succeeded 
in establishing large salt pans 
at Nozakihama after encoun- 
tering many ., difficulties and 
hardships for some years. Sue-r 
ceeded his father at the ag'e 
of sixteen ; in recognition of 
his services for the welfare of 
the public was given a title 
of samurai of the Bizen c'.an ; ' 

[671 ] 


after the Restoration served 
in the Okayama Prefectural 
Government as a civil official ; 
was elected Mem. of the Pre- 
fectural Assembly; contributed 
many street lamps to the city 
of Okayama and made many 
othei charitable works; was 
electred Mem. of the House 
of Peers ; a well known mil- 
lionaire in the Empire. Ad- 
dress : Gobancho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel. : I. d. S6. 
Fozaki, Sikozaemon C^ ^ M 

■& m ri), Pres. of the Shizuoka 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 1872 at 
Shizuoka ; e. s.- of Hilcozae- 
mon Nozaki ; m. Naoko, e. s. 
of Baron Takaharu Kuki. 
One of the richest men in the 
city. Address : Abecho, Shi- 

Nozaki, Hirota CSf at K i:), 
Proprietor of the Cliugivai Sha- 
gyo newspaper, Director of the 
Mitsukoshi Dry Goods De- 
partment Store and the Seto 
Mining Co.', Ltd., Auditor of 
the Kanegafuchi Cotton Yarn, 
Ltd. ; b. in 1864 at Niwase 
in the province of Bingo; e. 
s. of Michitane Nozaki ; m. 
Sei, e. c?.-oi ShiunsM Kawa- 
mura, a samurai of Ibarald- 
prefecture., Educ. : studied at 
th.Q.Meijigijukuiounded by the 
late Tatsui Baba and graduat- 
ed from the Keiogijukii in 1886. 
Entered the Chugwai Shdgyo 
Newspaper after graduation ; 

purchased the paper' from the 
late ShGichirS Saito in 19C4; 
gained the reputation one of the 
most able news paper men at 
the time of the Boxer Ti^ouble ; 
the paper is one of the leading 
journals in silk business Re- 
creations : reading and tea- 
ceremonies. Chid: Nihon club. 
Address: No. 15, Nakanoma- 
chi, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 28- 
30 Shiba. 

Nozaki, Jun Cif *t ?*), Di- 
rector of the Tokyo Central 
Post Office. Address: No. 
12, Takagicho, Aoyama, To- 
kyo. _ 

Nozawa, Taijiro ClF jf #^ ' 
S!^), Dir. of the Nishizawa 
Gold Mine Prospecting Co., 
Ltd., Aud. of the Kanamachi 
Tile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; 
b. in 1844 in the province of 
Shimotsuke; e. s. of Kyuichiro 
Nozawa ; m. Sei. Address .• 
Kakigaracho, Nihombashiku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 765 NaniwaJ 

Nozoe, Sozo (If ^ ^ ,H), 
Lawyer, Mem. of the House 
of Representatives; b. in ,1870 
at Wada-mura, Hikami-guri, 
the province of Tamba; 2nd $. 
of Heisaku Nozoe ; in. Hana, 
e. d. of Narinaga Nose,, a sa- 
murai of Kyoto. Educ.: gra- 
duated Law in the Private 
Meiji University. Was in the 
legal service for some time; 
called to bar ; was elected 
Mem. of the House of Re- 

ITum— Wya 


presentatives for Kobe city in 
1 9 10; a member of the Ko- 
kuminto (National Party). Ad- 
dress: Shimoyamatedfflri, Ko- 
be. ' 

K^unanii, Takeo (fS ift iS i^c)) 

Writer, 7iom de plume Keion; 
6. the 1 0th m. of the loth 
y. of Meiji (1877) in Nago- 
ya' .y. of Etsunosuke Nuna- 
mi; m. Takiko, d. of Junzo 
Murata. Edtic. : graduated 
from the College of Litera- 
ture of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
Teacher of the Mie-ken 
Middle School, 1902-1903; 
Employe of the Department 
of Education ; writer the 
Yoroziichoho, a daily paper, 
1908-1911; started the 
publication of the Haimi, a 
magazine devoted to litera- 
ture. P.ublications: "Haikai- 
onchoron" ; "Saezuri," "Moku- 
sono-tenchi", etc. Address: 
No. 10, Nishikata-machi, 
Hongo, Tokyo. 

"S'Tiir.-fl.Tio. Yasutaro C?g ^'h X 
gp). Acting Consul-Gen.; h. in 
1878 at Tokyo. lEduc.: gradua- 
ted from the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School in 1 903; pa- 
ssed the Exainination for Di- 
plomatic and Consular Ser- 
vices m 1904. Was appo- 
inted Diplomatic Attache of 

Legation in 

904 ; served 
in "the Korean Governriieiif 
under the late W. Stevens ; 
was transferred to London as 
Eteve-ConsM] in 1905; ^Con- 
sul at Portland in 1907. Ad- 
dress : Japanese Consulate 
General.. New York, 

Hyakuoji, Ayatake C^STS , 
M:), Baron, 4th Order ef Merit, 
Member of the House of Pe- 
ers, > Councillor of the Japan 
Grand Exhibition to be held 
in 1917, Auditor oi the Shin- 
koku Life Insurance Co., Ltd.; 
b. Oct. the 6th j. of Meiji 
(1873) in Kyoto ; e. s. of Fu- 
kaaya Nyakuqji, a former no- 
ble at the Mikado's court ; ?«. 
Tei, 2nd d. of Jijgoro Yoshi- 
da of Tokyo. Educ. : gradu- 
ated Politics at the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1900-. Nominated Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers in 
1904 ; Principal of the Nip- 
pon Kogei Gakkd (Japan Te- 
chnical School) since 1909 ; 
appointed Councillor of the 
Japan Grand Exhibition, Aug. 
191 1. Recreations: billiards, 
checkers, etc. Address: No. 
I, Naitomachi,Yotsuyaku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2803 Bancho. Clubs: 
Saiwai Club, Doki Club. 

[ 673 ] 

Oak Oba 


Oaki, Keizo m M #: iS), 
shipping agent, ship-builder 
and mine-owner ; d. the 6th 
m of tlie 3rd J. of Keio (1867) 
in Shiz\xok.z.-kexi; younger bro- 
ther of Seiichi Adachi and 
adopted by the late Kikusa- 
buro Oaki ; m. Naka, e. d. of 
his adopted father. Address: 
No. 223, Kitashinagawa, Shi- 
nagawamachi, Ebara-gun, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 677 Shiba. 

6ba, Chohei iX m ft ¥), 
ai.anaging Director of the Sa- 
nuki Agricultural and Indus- 
trial Bank, Ltd., Auditor of 
the Kankoku Business Deve- 
lopment Co.; b. the 12th ni. 
of the 5th J/, of Ansei (1858) 
in Kagawa-ken_; 2nd s. of the 
late Yoshijiro Oba ; w.JTomo, 
3rd d. of Chushiro Okubo. 
Succeeded his father in' 1889. 
Address : Hayashi-mura, Ki- 
da-gun, Kagawa-ken. 

Oba, Jiro (iit U ~ W), 
Major - (xeTieral . - Fresideiit 
of the Toyama Gakko (mili- 
tary technical school) ; b. the 
6th in. of the 1st j/. of Gwanji 
(1864) in Yamaguchi-ken; e. 
s. of the late Konorao Oba, 
a -" Yamaguchi samurai ; m. 
Sume,2nd</. of Rinnosuke Ko- 
mainu, a Gifu heimin. Educ: 
graduated from the. Military 
Academy, and then- from the 

Military Gpllege. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, 1886 ; Lieutenant, 18- 
89 ; Captain, 1894 ; sent tC) 
Germany for military study; 
189s ; Major, 1899 ; Lieu- 
tenant - Colonel, 1904 ; has 
been Instructor to the Mi- 
litary College, Adjutant to 
the Board of Marshals, Com- 
mander of the 2nd Infantry 
Regiment of the Imperial 
Guards Division ; Colonel, 19- 
06. Took part in the Rus- 
so-Japanese War as Second- 
in-command of the 3rd Army 
Staff and then as Staff officer 
to Imperial Headquarters; 
decorated with 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun and 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite as 
a >war reward. Address : No. 
73, Yakuojimachi, Ichigaya, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. 7>/..- 252,1, 

Obata, Bunzaburo ('h ^ % 
=. W), Inspector - General pi 
Naval Construction, ex-Chief 
of Yokosuka Ship- huiidihg 
Yard; (5. the 9th m. of the 
3rd y. of Bunkyu (1863) in 
Ishikawa-ken ; e. s. of Wahei, 
Obata, a Ishikawa sanmriii";'^ 
nt. Toki, e. s. of Masaki Ao-' 
ki. Educ: studied naval ar-; 
chitecture in France, Apr. 18-' 
86 — Nov. 1889. Commander 
of Naval Construction, , Deib;^ 
1897 ; Captain of—, Oct, 19- 
02; inspector-General of Naval 
Construction, Dec. 1908 ; prfei 



sent post since Mar 1908. 
decorations : 3Td Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure and the 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dresf: No. 573, Yuldaoshita, 

' Otiata, Geimosuke C>h iW 
If -i Wy chief of 'the busi- 
ness dep't at the Osaka works 
of the Nihon Paint Go. ; b. 
22 the 12th m. of the 8th 
if. of Meiji (1875) at Fuji- 
ji;amori, Tzushi-gun, Tajima 
province ; s. Sakuemon Obala; 
m. Shidzue, 1900. Waspres. 
of the Obata silk fabric Co^ 
managing dir. of the Tajima 
Textile Co., manager of the 
Kyoto Textile and Warehouse 
Co., general manager of the 
Kwansai Warehouse Co. and 
auditor of the Omiya & 
Co. Publicalion: "silk textile 
business in the 2-fu and 9 
ken," Recreations: ■. poetry, 
pictures, ulai. Address : No. 
137 Urae, Sagisu-machi, Ni- 
diinari-guD, Osaka. 

Obata, Yukichi f^h m W S), 
Consul-General at Tientsin ; 
■b. Apr. the 6th j/. of Meiji 
(1873) in Ishikawa-ken. Edtcc.: 
Graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
July 1897. Clerk to the Me- 
tropolitan Police Board, Jan. 
1898 ; passed the Diplomatic 
and Consular Services Exami- 
nation, Sept. 1 898; Eleve-Con- 

sul at Tientsin, Oct. 1898.;— 
at Singapore, Apr. 1899 ; At- 
tache to the Legation at Vien- 
na, Sept. 1899 ; — to the Lega- 
tion at London, May 1901 ; 
3rd Class Secretary, Oct. 19- 
62 ; 3rd class Secretaiy to the 
Legation at Peking, Jan. 1905; 
Consul at Chefoo, Aug. 1 905 ; 
— atTientsin, Sept. 1907; pre- 
sent post since Mar. 1909. 
Address : Consulate - General 
at Tientsin, China. 

Obayaslii, Yoshigoro C:^ # 3f 
S W), Engineering contract- 
or, .on§ of the highest tax- 
payers of Osaka-fu ; b. the 
9tli M, of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864) in Osaka; 2nd j. of 
Tokuhichi Obayashi, a heimin 
of Osaka-fu ; m. Miki, 2nd d. 
of Ika Inoue. Address: No. 
T18, 2chome; Kitahama, Hi- 
gashiku, Osaka. Tel. :■ 680 
and 502 Honkyoku. 

OcMai, Kentarb CM- ^ M js. 
515), Consul-General at Mu- 
kden since January 191 2; b. 
Feb, the 3rd;>/. of Meiji- (18- 
70) in Shiga-ken; e. s. of 
Kohei Ochiai ;■ m. Taka, e. d. 
of Ryu Kurokawa. Educ. .• 
Graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
. 1 895 '. Passed the Diplomatic 
and Consular Services-Exami-' 
nation, 1895 ; Eleve-Consulat 
Seoul, Oct. 1895— Feb. 1896; 
— atKungchow, China, Feb. 

[675 ] 


1896 — Feb; 1897 ; Attache to 
the Legation at St. Petersburg, 
Feb. 1897 — May 1899; 3rd 
Class Secretary to-^, May 1 8- 
99 — Jun 1901 ; 2nd Class Sec- 
retary to the Legation at Paris, 
Oct. 1903 — ^Jan. 1966 ; ist 
Class Secretary to the Lega- 
tion at St. Petersburg, Jan. 19- 
06 — May 1908; 1st Class Sec- 
retary to the Embassy at St. 
Petersburg, May 1908 — ^June. 
1909; Councillor to Embassy 
in Russia, June 191 1. Decora- 
tion: 3rd Order of the Eising 
Sun. Address : Japanese Con- 
sulate-General, Mukden. 

Ochiai, Taizo (M ^ -^ W, 
ex-Inspector Surgeon-Major- 
General, member of the stand- 
ing Committee of the Japan 
Red Cross Society ; 3. the 
7th m. of the 3rd f. of Kaei 
(1850) in Yamaguchi - ken ; 
2nd s. of Shiin-6 Nakahara 
and adopted by the late Shu- 
tetsu Ochiai ; m. Nobu, 2nd 
d. of Sukejiro Fukushima of 
Tokyo. Educ. : studied me- 
dicine at the Koseido, a clan 
medical school and then un- 
der foreigners at Nagasaki. 
Passed the examination for mi- 
litary Surgeons and was ap- 
pointed 3urgeon-Sub-Lieute- 
nant in 1872, attaining, after 
due promotion, the rank of 
Inspector Surgeon-Major-Ge- 
neral in 1907, when, he was 

placed on the reserve list; 
has occupied various import- 
ant posts in the former Head- 
quarters of Army Surgeons 
and later in the Medical Bu- 
reau of the Department of 
War ; held the post of Chief 
of the Medical Staff, of the 
3rd Army during the Russo- 
Japanese war and was de- 
corated with the 2nd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite 
for his services. Address: No. 
1500, Shimoshibuya, Shibu- 
yamachi, Toyotama-gun, To- 

Ochiai, Toyosaburo C^ -^ g 
H S15), Lieutenant-General, In- 
spector-General of Engineers; 
b. the 2nd m. of the ist _y.. 
of BunkyQ (1861) iii Shinia- 
ne-ken ; 3rd s. of Kuwazo 
Ochiai, a samurai ; m. Yone- 
tsuru, 2nd d. of Yukiteru A- 
yabe, a samurai of Saga clan. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Military Academy, 1879. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Engineers, Dec. 
1879; Lieutenant,' July 1884; 
Captain. June 1887 ; Major, 
Sept. 1892 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Apr. 1895; Colonel, Nov. 
1 897 ; Major - General, May 

1903 ; Lieutenant- General, 
Mar. 1910.- I-Ias been Mili- 
tary Attache to the Legations > 
at Berlin and, E,ome,^ Aide-de- 
Camp to the Crown Prince, " 
etc. Took part both in flie 


[ 676 1 

Japan- China and Russo-Japa- 
nese Wars, especially disting- 
uishing himself in- the latter 
as an able tactician in the 
capacity of Chief of Staff to the 
3nd -Army^ commanded by 
General Oku. Decorations: 2nd 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
2nd Class of the Goldeii Kite. 
Address: No. 283, Okubo,, 
Toyotama - gun, Tokyo - fu. 
Tel. : 292, Bancho. 

Oda, Hajime CM H .^% 
Councillor of the Agricultural 
and Conimercral Department ; 
^. the 4th »?. of the 1st y. 
of Gwanji (1864) in Aiehi- 
ken ; 2nd s. of the late Bun- 
suke Oda ; m. Toyo, e. d. of 
Hidekata Toyozumi of Mie- 
ken. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Law of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1889). 
Has been Secretary to the 
House of Peers, Judge of the 
Court , of the Administrative 
Litigation, Director of the 
Patent Bureau and the Agri- 
cultural Affairs Bureau of the 
Agricultural and Commercial 
Department; present post sin- 
ce 1907. ( Decoration : 4th Or- 
der of Merit: Address ': Sasu.- 
gaya-che^^Koishikawa-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel'.: 2626 Bariclio. Club: 
Kojutisha club. 

Oda, Katsuma C» H ^ *)> 
Principal 'of the Kokura Nor- 
mal -School, / Fukuoka-ken •, 
^, . Decv the:4tb - -J'- of -:Meiji 

(1871) in the province of To- 
sa ; s. of Umanojo Oda, a: 
samurai of Kochi clan. Edtic. .• 
graduated .from the Kochi 
Normal School (1892) and 
then from the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ( 1 899). Tea- 
cher of the Fukushima Nor- 
mal School, 1899 — 1 90 1 and 
of the Fukuoka Normal Sch- 
ool. Present post since 19- 
08. Address: Adachi-mura,, 
Kiku-gun, Fukuoka-ken. Club: 

. Oda, Kiyozo i'V ffl ^ -R ^), 
Rear-Admiral, Chief of the 
Shimose Gunpo.wder Factory, 
Instructor of tlie Naval Col- 
lege ; b. 1866. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Naval Acade- 
my, Sept. 1880. Lieutenant- 
Commander, Dec. 1897; Com-^ 
mander, Dec. 1898; Cap^ 
tain, Jan. 1905; Rear-Ad- 
miral, Apr. 191 1. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure and 3rd Class, 
of the Golden ' Kite. Ad-^ 
dress : No. 993^ Sendagaya- 
machi, Toyotamai - gun, To- 
kyo-fu. TeL: g3S Bancho. 
Oda, Kotaro (/> EB I? * 515); 
b. the 9th in. of the 6th j^ ^ 
of Meiji (1873) in Niigat^- 
ken; e. s. of Kyiigo Oda.; m.. 
Shizu-ko. Educi : graduated' 
from the Meijigakutn. Tea- 
cher of the . Kyoto- Middle 
School,' 1902; tiiemb^r of the 

[ 677 ] 


Nippon Vusen Kwaisha, 
1906; chief writer of the 
Hakodate Hokkai Shiinbun, 
a daily paper, 1907; writeir 
of the Tokyo Asahi Shiinbun, 
1908. Address: No, 30, 
Naka-cho, Otsuka, Koishi- 
kawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 3780 

Oda, Wobuchika (« H -g m, 
Viscount, Master of Hunting; 
b. the 1 2th m. of the 3rd y. 
of Kayei (1850) in Tokyo; 
2nd J. of Flarumasa Yamasa- 
ki and adopted by the late 
Nobutami Oda, former lord 
-of Kashiwabara clan ; in. Sen, 
aunt of Viscount Naonobu 
Shinjo. Governor of the for- 
mer Kashiwabara-ken (1869); 
afterwards entered the Depart- 
rhent of the Imperial House- 
hold and has been in the pre- 
sent post since 1890 ; cre- 
ate i Viscount in 1 884. Ad- 
dress : No. 26, Nagasakacho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Te/.: i528 

Cda, Tokugoro Ob B ^ 2. 
5P), 1st Class Secretary to 
the Embassy at St. Peters- 
burg ; b. Feb. the 8th y. of 
Meiji (1875) in Ehime-ken ; 
e. s. of. Kihachiro Oda ; m. 
Mitsu, ' e. d. of Kanzaemon 
Fujioka of Ehime-ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of .'Law of the Tokyo Imp, 
Univ. (1899). Passed the Ex- 
amination for Diplomatic and 

Consular Services and was 
appointed Attache to the Le- 
gation at Peking in the same 
year ; - has been successively 
Secretary to the Legations 
at Berlin, Paris and Peking; 
present post since Oct. 1909. 
Address: Japanese Embassy 
at St. Petersburg. 

Oda, Yorozu C^ ffl K),, Ho- 
gakiihakushi (Doctor of Law), 
Prof of the Law College of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ. (Chairs 
— Law of Administration and 
International Law) ; b. July 
1st y. of-Meiji (1868) in Sa- 
ga-ken ; e.s. of Hanji Qda, 
a samurai of the former Sa- 
ga clan ; in. KiyoJ 3rd d. of 
Yusaburo Endo of Fukushi- 
ma-ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1892; 
studied -further in England, 
France and Germany, 1896 
— 1899. Prof, ^of the Law 
College of the Kyoto Irnp^ 
Univ., 1899 ; afterwards De- 
an of the same College ; re- 
signed the above but, again 
accepted present post in 19- 
10. 'Publications : Science of 
Law ; Japanese Administra- 
tion Law ; Lecture on Mining 
Law. -• Address : Sakuragicho,- 
Imadegawanishi-iru,, Teralna- 
chi, Kamikyoku,, Kyoto. Tel.; 
'1996. . , ■ • ■ 

Odagaki, Sutejiro C'> H $P ^ 
^ I|5), Chief of the Business 


[ m ] 

Department of the Mitsui 
Bussan Kwaisha ; i5. the nth 
■m. of the ist;?'. of Keio (i8- 
6s) in Shiga-ken; 3rd s. of 
the late Hikonai Odagaki, sa- 
murai of Shiga-ken ; m. Ki- 
nu, e. d. of Katsunori Masu- 
da, a /^^^Wwof Tokyo. Educ: 
Graduated from the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School 
(1891). Entered the Mitsui 
Bussan Kwaisha after gradu- 
ation and after serving as 
manager of the Seoul Branch 
of the Company was finally 
placed in the present post. 
Address: No. 53, Takanawa- 
minamimachi, Shibaku, To- 
kyo. Tel.:\7^\ Shiba. 

0(ia?f}ri, Ban tar i'V EEl id ^ 
is. W), Governor of Yamaga- 
ta-prefecture ; b. Oct. the 2nd 
/. of Meiji (1869) in Naga- 
no-ken ; e. s. of Toyotaro Oda- 
giri ; in. Moto, 2nd d. of Ka- 
metaro Miyazaki. Educ: Gra- 
duated from the College of 
Law of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1895. Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination the 
same year; appointed Coun- 
cillor to the Fukushima pre- 
fecture in 1 896 ; afterward in 
succession was Councillor to 
the Yamagata-ken ; Secretary 
to the same prefecture and 
then to the Tochigi-ken, etc.; 
present post since 1912. Ad- 
dress: Hatago-cho, Yamaia- 

ta 45:en. 

Odagiri, Chiishifo (/> B fj % 
E3Ii5), iixpert to the Kana- 
gawa-ken ; ^. Aug. the 4th ^. 
of Meiji ( 1 871) in Kanaga wa- 
ken; 2nd.?, of Gorobei Odagiri; 
m. Toyo, 2nd <^. of Kanye 
Kujirai of Saitama-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1896. Entered the 
service of the Hokuetsu Rail- 
way Co. as its expert im- 
mediately after graduation ; 
resigned and was appointed 
to the present post in 1897, 
Address: No. 434, Shimodai, 
Aokicho, Yokohama. 

Odagiri, Enju (/> H -tB M «), 
Engineer Commander in the 
Navy, Instructor to the Na- 
val College; b. 1877. Edttc: 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing Department of the Naval 
Academy (1891). Lieuten- 
ant Engineering, Oct. 18- 
98; Lieutenant-Commander — , 
Sept. 1903; Commander — , 
Sept. 1906. Decorations : 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
5 th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure. Address: No. 267,Iriara- 
i-mura, Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Odagiri, Masnnosuk'e C-rh K 
m W, m^ m, Director of the 
Yokohama Specie Bank ; b. 
Jan. the 1st y. of Meiji (18- 
68) in Tokyo ; e. s. of the 
late Morinori Odagiri, a To- 

[ 679 ] 

kyo samurai ; in. Kei, 2nd d. 
of Joji Nakayama, a heijiiin 
of Kanagawa-ken. Sent, in 
1886, by the government, as. 
a resident student to Tientsin, 
China and appointed Chan- 
cellor of the Consulate at 
Tientsin in 1 887 ; transferred 
as Chancellor of the Lega- 
tion at Peking the same year ; 
promoted to be the Consul at 
Kochu, China in 1896 ; Con- 
sul-General at Shanghai from 
1902 till 1905 ; resigned his 
official post in 1905 and en- 
tered the service of the Yo- 
kohama Specie Bank; at pre- 
sent resides mostly in China 
as the superintendent of se- 
veral branches of the bank in 
that country; was chiefly in- 
strumental in bringing abont 
the speedy conclusion of the 
recent Chinese loan of yen 
10,000,000 advanced by the 
Ba.nk. Address : No. 733 Ki- 
tashinagawa, Shinagawama- 
chi, Ebara-gun, Tokyo -fu. 
Te/. : 709 Shiba. 

Odagiri, Yahei Oh miJiW^ 
ffi). President of the Nakano 
Bank; d. the Sth »^. of the 
1st f. of Kokwa (1844) in 
Nagano-ken ; e. s. of the late 
Yahei Odagiri. Succeeded his 
father in 1873. Address.- Na- 
kanomachi, Shimotakai-gun, 

Odaka, Jiro CM ft ?ic I5>, 
Managing director of the Ch5^ 
sen Industrial Development 
Co., Director of the Chosen 
Colonization Co., of the Orien- 
tal Life Insurance Co., Audi-^ 
tor of the First Bank and of 
the Jungi Stock Farming Co.; 
d. the 2nd m. of the 2nd jr. . 
of Keio (1866) in Saitama- 
ken ; e. s. of Kogoro Odaka, 
a heimin of Saitama-ken ; m. 
Fumi, 3rd d. of Baron Shi- 
busawa. Educ. : Graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School in 1891. En^ 
tered the service of the First 
Bank the same year and after 
having served as clerk of the 
Akita and the Nagoya bran- 

. ches and as manager of the 
Yokkaichi, Fusan and Che- 
mulpo branches of the Bank, 
was transferred as Chief of 
the Examination Section of 
the Tokyo Plead-Office and 
then elected its Auditor in 19- 
03 ; inaugurated the Chosen 
Industrial Development Go. 

. the same year and became 
'ts managing director ; was 
once president of the Fusan 
and the Chemulpo Chambera 
of Commerce while in ^ho* 
sen. Recreations: Ballad-dra-: 
ma ; horticulture. Addresi ^ 
No. 98, Nakanegishi - macW, 
Shitaya, Tokyo. Tel. : 1647. 
Shitaya. , : 

Odate, Geataro C:^ It iS jfc Wh 


l. 680 J 

Gaptain of Naval Ordnance, 
Chief of the Torpedo Section 
hi Yokbsuka Naval Arsenal ; 
d. 1867. Educ: The Naval 
Engineering: School. Lieute- 
niant - Commander of Naval 
Ordnance, Feb. 1898 ; Com- 
mander of — , Sept. 1899 ; Ca- 
ptain of — , Aug. 1905. De- 
corations: 3rd Order of the 
^Rising Sun and Sth Order of 
the Sacred Tseasure. Address.: 
Yokosuba Naval Station, Yo- 
kosuka. , 

Sfuji, Takahiko i%%~m it), 
Kogakuhakushi (Doctor of En- 
gineering), Prof, of the Sci- 
ence and Engineering College 
of tlie Kyoto Imperial Univ. 
(Chair-Civil Engineering) ; b. 
tile nth m. of the 3rd jj*. of 
Keio (1867) in Kyoto ; 2nd 
s. of Yajiro Takata and adopt- 
ed by the late Takatoshi O- 
fuji of Osaka; m. Shizu, e. 
df. of his adopted father. Educ: 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College of the Tokyo 
Imperial Univ., 1894; pur- 
sued his studies in Germany, ■ 
1899-^1901. Prof of the 
3rd High School, 1896 ; As- 
sistant-Prof, of the Science 
and Engineering College of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ., 1897; 
present post since 1901 ; Ko- 
gdkuJtakiishi'va. 1903. Address: 
Sakaemachi, Imadegawa, Mi- 
kurumamichi-dori, Kamikyo- 
tel,' Kyoto. 

. Ofuji,,Tomokatsu i% % % #),. 
Colonel and Comftiander ' of 
the 69th Regiment of Infant- 
ry ; b. 1872 in Kumamotp: 
Sub-Lieutenant, Mar. 1892:; 
Lieutenant, Nov. 1894 J Ca- 
ptain, Oct. 1 898 ; Major, Dec. 
1903 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Nov. 1907; Colonel, 19 10. 
Decorations : 5th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun and 5th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : The 69th Regiment of 
Infantry, Toyama-shi, Toya- 

Ogasawara, Chosei C'h S M A 
:t). Viscount, Captain of the 
Navy> member of the Naval 
. Staff Office ; b. Nov. the 3rd 
y. of Keio (1867), in Ka.ratsu, 
province of Hizen ; e. s. of 
Nagayuki Ogasawara, former 
lord of Karatsu clan ; m. Hi- 
de, niece of Count Naoyuki 
Matsudaira. £i:/?/^. .• The Na- 
val Academy. Mid.shipman, 
1887 ; Lieutenant-Command- 
er, Sept. 1899; Command- 
er, July 1904; Captain, Sept. 
1908. Succeeded his father 
in 1873 and ci'eated Viscount 
in 1884 ; is a man of rare lit- 
erary talent, being well known 
by his pen-name " Kinparo- 
sliujin " under which he has 
written many works and es' 
says. Decorations : No. 9, 
Hatagaya, Yoyohata - muni, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

[681 ] 


;, Ogasawara,: Eijii-o C'3^ S M H 
Jn~'SI5), Director of the.i7lh 
Bank, Chief of the General 
Affairs Section of the Yasu- 
da Bank; b. the 1st ni. of the 
ist^. of Man-en (1865) in Ya- 
raagata-ken ; e. s. of the late 
Noboru . Ogasawara, a Ya- 
magata samurai ; m. Haru, 
elder sister of Hisashi Onoga- 
iwa, a Tochigi samurai. Ad::, 
dress: No. 30, Minamimachi, 
Takanawa, Shibaku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1 02 1 Shiba. 

Ogasawara, Kenkichi C'h S ii 
M'a), Colonel of Commis- 
sariat, Commander of the 14th 
Battalion of Commissariat 
Troops; b. i867inYamaguchi- 
ken. Sub-Lieutenant of Cav- 
alry, July 1887; Sub -Lieu- 
tenant -of Commissariat, Nov. 
1888 ; Lieutenant, Nov. 18- 
90; Captain, Nov. 1894; 
Major, Nov. 1899 ; Lieu - 
tenant - Colonel, June 1904.; 
Colonel, 19 10. Decorations : 
4th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure, 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and 4th Class of the Gold- 
en Kite. Address: Th» 14th 
Battalion of Commissariat , 

Ogasawara, Shinbei (^'\, % jg. 
Sf:atg)» manager of Kabu- 
-ki-za (theatre); b. 1853 in 
Tokyo; adopted s. ot Kanya 
Morita. Entered the Shintb- 
miza theatre, 1876; after- 

wards entered the Kabukiza 

theatre. Address: No. J; 4; 

I chome, Kobiki-cho, Kyo- 

bashi-ku, Tokyo. 

Ogasawara, TakeMde (/h ^ fe 
St %), Court Councillor; b. the 
4th m. of the 3rd y. of K6- 
kwa (1846) in Yamaguchi- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Toranosuke 
Fukuhara, a samurai of Ya- 
maguchi-ken, and adopted by 
the late Gosuke Ogasawara; 
m. Fuji, mother of Tsunesu- 

ke Naito, a samurai of Ya- 
maguchi-ken. Once was Chief 
of the Lnperial Palace Police , 
as , well as president of the 
Palace Keepers Bureau. Ad- 
dress: No. 494, Nishi-Okubo, 
Okubo-mura, Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo-fu. Tel.: 1833 Ban- 
cho. , '' 

Ogata, Gekko (« 5f5 ^ »), 

artist, Japanese painter; b. 
the 9th m. of the 6th y. 
of Ansei (1859) at Yazae- 
mon-cho, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 
Ediic. : privately. Obtained 
over twent}' diplomas and 
prizes in home and foreign 
exhibitions. Address: No. 
14 Shinogawa-cho, Ushigome, 
Tokyo. I \: 

Ogata, Hyotaro i% "B ^i^ 
SB), lawyer; b. the \0'€a. in. 
of the 4th y. of Kayei (185 1) 
in Osaka ; e. s. of the late 
Tokuz5 Ogata, a samurat oi 
Osaka; m. Tsune, adopt, d. of 


[ 682 ] 

Tsunejiro Sugie of Oliayama- ■> 
ken.' Has been a member of 
the House of Representatives. 
Address: No. 58, i chome, 
Kokucho, Higashiku, Osaka, 
Tel.: 1340 Higashi. 

Ogata, Jnemon (ft :§ + ^ 
?§ P^)» Igakuhakushi (Doctor 
of Medicine), Member of the 
Examination Committee for 
Medical Practitioners, Prof of 
the Osaka Higher Medical 
School. Address: 4 chome, 
Minami-Horie, Nishi-ku, 0- 
saka. Tel. : 1 349 Nishi. 

•Ogata, Igaku (3^-)i %m. 
Journalist, better known 
under the nom de plume 
"Ryusui"; b. 1874, «n Ka- 
gami-machi, Yatsushiro-gun, 
Kumamoto-k«n; s. of Gimon 
Ogata; ?;«. 1899. Ediic.:%x2i- 
duated from the Doshisha 
Univ., Kyoto. Was associate 
editor of Sekai-no-Nihon, a 
Japanese political magazine 
started by Yosaburo Take- 
goshi; later joined the editor- 
ial staff of the Yorodzu 
Choho which position he 
occupied for over ten years 
up to the present. Publica- 
tions: Schiller, Jin-yei-roku, 
Thoughts on Literature (in 
Japanese). Address: No. 62, 
Sanchome, Kobinata-Dai- 
machi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
, Ogata, Keijiro (^ 3S P. ^ 
SP), doctor, chief of the In- 
ternal Diseases Section of the 

Ogata Hospital; <5. Dec. .the 
4th J', of Meiji (i 871) in O- 
saka; £nd s. of the late Ko- 
renori Ogata, Igakuhakushi.; 
m. Tomoka, 3rd d. of Yasu- 
shi Miura, M. H. P. Educ. : 
studied medicine in Germany 
(Freiburg and Miinchen Uni- 
versities). Address : No. 128, 
I chome; Kitashinmachi, Hi' 
gashiku, Osaka. Tel. : 2419 

Ogata, KoreyosM CM Jf^ ti #), 
Rear-Admiral on the Reserve. 
Address : No. 1 39, Koume- 
machi, Mukojimamachi, Honr 
jo, Tokyo. 

Ogata, Masakiyo C^ 3^ .IE 
•if). I^akuliakushi, M. D., Pre-r 
sident of the Ogata Lying-in 
Hospital, member of the Comr 
mittee for the Examination 
for Medical Pi-actitioners, Pre- 
sident of the Osaka- Physi- 
cians' Association ; b. the 7th 
m. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864) in Kagawa-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Tsunezo Nakamura and 
adopted by the late Sessai 
Ogata, a physician of Osaka,; 
m. Chie, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Educ.: graduated froin 
Takamatsu Medical Schodl 
and then from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1887; studied ob- 
stetrics at the Universities d 
Jena.'^^Treiburg, Straasburg, 
Berlin and at the Vienna Uni- 
versity (1889 — 1892); became 

[ 683] 


chief of the Obstetrical De- 
partment of the Ogata Hos- 
pital, then conducted by his 
adopted father (1892) ; ap- 
pointed Member of the Com- 
tnJttee for the Examination 
for Medical Practitioners in 
1893 and member of the Com- 
mittee for the Examination 
for Midvvives the following- 
year; opened the Ogata Ly- 
ing-in Hospital in 1902 and 
became its president ; granted 
the degree of Igakiihaktishi 
(1905) ; was sent to Hungary 
to represent Japan at the In- 
ternational Medical Confer- 
ence held at Budapest in 1909; 
elected President of the Osaka 
Physicians Association (19 10); 
A few years ago was a mem- 
ber of the Osaka Municipal 
Council for a time. Publica- 
tions : " Obstetrical Opera- 
tions " ; •' Household Sanita- 
tion " ; " Obstertics " ; " Mid- 
wifery." Address : 3 chome, 
Imabashi, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 
TeL: 1984; 1985 ; 1986 Ho- 

Ogata, Masanori CIt 3& ili 
MX Igakuhaktishi (Doctor of 
Medicine), Prof of the Medi- 
cal^ College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (Chair-Hygiene) ; 
b. the nth in. of the 6th ^. 
of Kayei (1853) in Kumamo- 
to-ken ; e. s. of Genshun O- 
gata, a samurai of Kumamo- 

to ; m. Etsu, 2nd d. of To- 
yonuki Ishihara, a Tokyo, sa- 
inurai. Ediic: graduated from 
the Medical Course of the 
former Tolcyo Univ.€(i879); 
continued his medical studies 
(especialiy Phisiology and Hy- 
giene) in Germany (Univer- 
sities of Leiptig and Miinchen 
(1880— 1884). Prof, of the 
Medical College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. (1886); Iga- 
kukakushi (1888); later Prof, 
of the Naval Medical School 
and of the Naval College in 
addition ; attended the Inter- 
national Medical Conference 
held at „- Moscow in , 1 897 ; 
Dean of the Medical College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. the 
same year ; Present post 
since 1898 ; is reputed to be 
one of the leading patholo- 
gists at present in Japan. De- 
coration : 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address: No. 
160, Higashikata-machi, Ko- 
magome, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Ogata, MicMhei CIt ^ M ¥ji. 
Chairman of the Board of 
Directors of the Fukuoka Ag- 
ricultural and Industrial Bank; 
6. the 5th m. of the 3rd /. 
of Kokwa (1846) in Okaya- 
ma-ken ; 3rd s. of Masujiro 
Mio, an Okay3iXm.sa7meraia.nd 
adopted by Ikuzo Ogata; m. 
Hisae, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Address : Keigo-niu- 
ra, Chikushi-gun, Fukuoka- 


[ 684 ] 


Ogata, Saburo C«t ;» H W), 
Kogakuhakushi, Expert to the 
Nippon Ginko (Bank of Ja- 
pan). Address: No. 2, Ka- 
minibancho, Kojimachi, To- 

Ogata, Senuosuke (/]% "^ %-^ 

W), D. D., President of the 
Aoyama Gakuin; b. 1853 in 
Tokyo; .s. of Ichigoro Ogata; 
■Mi. Fukiko, ^d. of Yoshimasa 
Sugano, June, 1886. Educ: 
graduated from American 
Universities. Returned to 
Japan in 1885, and engaged 
in the Methodist Mission 
work, both as preacher and 
professor since then. Address : 
No. 1, 7 chome Minamt-cho, 
Aoyama, Tokyo. 

Ogata,. Shujiro (M ')i ^ '^ 
BR), doctor, President of the 
Ogata Hospital ; b. the 2nd 
m. of the 4th y. of Ansei 
(1857) in Osaka; 4th s. oi 
the late famous doctor K6- 
an Ogata ; m. Tamae, 2nd 
d. of Kenji Yamamoto, a .ra- 
mtirai o^FLyogo-'ken. Educ.: 
graduated from the former 
Tokyo' Medical School in 18- 
81. Appointed physician to 
tiie Tokyo University Hos- 
, pital soon after gi-aduation; 
resigned the post and became 
yice-president of the Ogata 
tlospital in 1887.; went to 
Germany and Austria for me- 
dical studies (1889—^1892); 

present post since 1892; is a 
specialist in Ophthalmology 
and Surgery. Address : No. 
100, 3 chome, Kitahama^ Hi-, 
gashiku, Osaka. Tel. : 206' 

Ogata, Takao (^f :;)J ^ S Si). 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 4th Infantry 
Regiment; d. 1870 in Kuma- 
moto-ken. Sub-Lieut., March 
189I; Lieut., October, 1894; 
Captain, Jan. 1898; Major, 
Dec. 1903; Lieut. Colonel, 
Nov. 1907; Colonel, Nov/ 
191 1. Decorations: 4th Ordei: 
of S. T.;. 4th Order of R. S., 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address: 4th Infantry Regi- 
ment, Tokyo. 

Ogata, Tokubei (S ?f$ ® :J^ 
^), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Ibaraki-ken ; b. Mar. 
the 4th y. of Meiji (i88i) in 
Ibaraki-ken ; e. .s of tlie late 
Tokubei Ogata; in. Sui, 6th d. 
of Takebei Okubo. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1893. Ad- 
dress : Tsuchiur^machi, ' Nii- 
hari-gun, Ibaraki-ken. - ./'- 

Ogawa, Chogmon C'h ^il i p& 
ffi PI), a large landowner, one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Akita-ken, President of Yu- 
zawa Bank ; b. the 6th m. of 
the 6th jj*. of Ansei (1859) in 
Akita-ken ; e. s. of ChSemon 
Ogawa ; m. Tatsu,, 5th d. oj 
Kyiibei Chiba. Succeeded, his 
father in 1904. Address : Yu- 

[685 ] 


zawamachi, Ofcachi-gun, A- 

Ogawa, Heikichi (/> ;il ^ g), 
Lawyer, ex-Member of the 
House of Eepresentatives; b. 
I)ec. the 2nd y. of Meiji 
(■1869) in Shinano pro- 
vince; 3rds. of Kinzo Ogawa, a 
Nagano heimin ; m. Kin, e. 
d. of Yukiyasu Kanai, mem- 
ber of the House of Peers. 
Educ: : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University (1892). 
Entered the bar and began 
practice in Tokyo immediate- 
ly after graduation ; later or- 
ganized with others the Toa- 
Dobun - kwai (East -Asian 
Same Script Association) and 
then the Chosen Kyokwai 
(Korea Association) being e- 
lected Director of both ; was 
imprisoned in 1905 on the 
charge of his being one of 
the ringleaders of ' the riots 
directed against the govern- 
ment on the conclusion of 
peace 'negotiations with Rus' 
sia in connection with the 
late war ; was sent to Korea 
in 1907 by the Yuko-kwai, 
political party to which he 
then belonged, to make in- 
vestigations concerning the 
so-called Hague Emissary 
Case otiginated by ex-Emper- 
or of Korea; made an in- 
spection tour through Europe 
and America in 19 it), mean- 

while attending - the . Interna-^ 
tional Parliamentary Confer-' 
ence held, at Berlin as one of; 
Japanese Commissioners; has 
been thrice elected member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives since 1903 ; decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun (1907). Publica- 
tion : the Diplomatic history 
of the Meiji Era. Address .•: 
No. 5) I chome, Uchisaiwai- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. :, 
552 Shimbashi. 

Ogawa, Isshin Qh Jil — R),i 
photographer, member oftlie 
Imperial Board of Artists^ 
Managing director of the Ja- 
pan Dry - plate Mfg. Co. ; k 
the 1st m. of the ist f: of 
Man-yen (i860) in the pro- 
vince of Musashi ; 2nd s. of 
Shoemon Harada and adopted 
into the Ogawa family. Educ.:. 
studied the English language 
at the Arima School, a private- 
institution in Tokyo. Studied - 
photography under a foreigner 
afterwards ;, went to Am_erica 
to study the. art of portrait- 
painting, permanent colour" 
photography and copper-platc 
printing in Boston ; returning 
home in 1885 started a pho- 
tographic studio in Tokyo ; 
was photographic gupplier and 
advisor to the Army General 
Staff; successfully photograph- 
ed a full eclipse of the Sun 
in 1886 for Prof Todd, Ame- 



rican astronomer, who came 
to Japan specially in connec- 
tion with the eclipse; the Juror 
of the Photographic Depart- 
ment of the Tokyo Industrial 
Exhibition held in 1887 (ist 
class medal) ; started in com- 
pany with Baron Kuki and 
Prof Fenolosa the publication 
of the Kokka, the largest ar- 
tistic magazine at present in 
Japan, and then the Skashin 
Shimpo, a photographic ma- 
gazine ; juror of the photo- 
graphic Division of the 3rd 
Domestic Industrial Exhibi- 
tion ; exhibited specimens of 
his work at the American 
International Exhibition held 
in 1893 and was awarded a 
1st class gold medal; lately 
established the Japan Dry- 
plate Mfg. Co., in which he 
now holds the post of mana- 
ging director. Recreation : U- 
tai (old Japanese songs). ^ Ad- 
dress : ]No. 13, Hiyoshi-cho, 
Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo. Oluh : 
Nippon Club. Tel. ; 392 Shi- 

Ogawa, Kensaburo (/> ;i| gij 

H W)t Jgakuhdktishi (Dr. of 
,5. 1 87 1 in Shizuoka-ken; s. 
of Seisai: Ogawa. Educ. 
graduated from the College 
of Medicine in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ.; sent to Germany 
for study/IJ9Ps'ii9b7. "Cliief 
Ophthalmologist at the Gifu 

Prefectural Hospital, 1899; 
opened his own dispensaiy 
at Shizuoka, 1900; Prof of 
the Okayama Medical Col- 
lege and in addition Chief 
Ophthalmologist of the Oka- 
yama Prefectural Hospital, 
1903-12. Publications: "Mo 
dern Opthalmology", " Oph- 
thalmic Surgery", and many 
other similar works. Recre- 
ations: literature, history. 
Address: No. i, Idzumi-cho,_ 
Kanda-ku, Tokyo. Tel.'. 
4588 Shitaya. 

Ogawa, Masaharu (•'h JH E 
'&), Public Procurator of the 
Nagasaki Court of Appeal. 
Address: Nagasaki Court of 
Appeal, Nagasaki. 

Ogawa, Masataka ('h Ji| IE 
#), Rigakuhakushi (Doctor of 
Seience), ex-Prof, of the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School (Chair- 
Biology) ; b. the i ith m. of 
the 1st y. of Keio (1865) in 
Ehime-ken; e. s. of the late 
Hiromasa Ogawa, an Ehime 
samurai ;_jn. Kunio, 3rd dT. 
of Sh5 Odate of Fukui-ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Science of the To - 
kyo Imp. Univ. (1889). Tea- 
cher of the Shizuoka Middle 
School (1890) ; Prof of the 
First High School (1899) and 
then present post ; Rigakuha- 
kushi ya. 1910. Address: 'Nor 
70, Hayashicho, Koishikawa, 

16S7 ] 



Ogawa, Nario C'h )i\ 59 *i), 
Paymaster Lieutenant-Com- 
mander, Chief Paymaster of 
the Hashidate ; b. 1873. Pay- 
master Sub-Lieutenant (Sept. 
1899) ; Paymaster Lieutenant 
(Oct. 1901); Paymaster Lieu- 
tenant-Commander (Sept. 19- 
06). Decoration: Sth Order 
of the Rising Sun. Address . 
No. 27, ichome, Motozono- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Ogawa, Sagoro (>■> )i\ ^ S 
m, Prof, of the Medical 
School, attached to the Na- 
gasald Hospital. Address: 
Nagasaki Medical School, Na- 

Ogawa, SancM ('> Jll =^ *B)' 
planner and maker of staint 
glass; h. 1867 in Shizuoka- 
ken; s. of Seisai Ogawa, 
physician and scholar. Editc: 
studied German language at 
the former First Higher 
Middle School; entered the 
Tokyo Fine Arts School 
(course of Japanese painting) 
1890, graduating from it in 
1898; studied the art of 
planning at the Chicago Fine 
Arts Academy for about 
three years. Teacher in the 
Yamanashi Middle School 
and in the Hyogo Normal 
School successively; went 
to the U. S. A. as busi- 
ness training student < f the 
Dep't of Agriculture and 

Commerce, meanwhile stay- 
ing at Chicago, St. LOuis, 
New York, Boston, Philadel- 
phia, Cincinnati, etc. where 
lie mainly inspected the con- 
dition of tlie imported Japan- 
ese lacquered wares, 1905- 
1909; while in America he 
especially studied the art 
of manufacturing staint-glass 
for that purpose he was in 
the actual service with 
Messrs Gorham Mfg. Co.j 
New Yorl< (for a year and 
a half), Willet Studio, 
Pittsburg (for nine months), 
Von Gerichten Art Glass 
Co., Columbus city (for six 
month); is now reputed as 
an unique authority in the 
art of staint glass making in 
Japan. Address: No. 490, 
Higashidai-dori, Tabata, To- 
kyo-fu. Clubs: special mem- 
ber of the Architectural 
Society; Member of the| 
Japan Fine Art Society; 
Member of the Goraku-kwai. 
Ogaiva, Shigejiro C'h Ji! "& ^ 
SR), Hogakiihakushi (Doctor 
of Law) ; b. the 1 2th m. of 
the 3rd y. of Bunkytl (1863) 
in Nagano-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Munetomo Kanelco, a Naga- 
no samzirai, and adopted by 
the late Naoyuki Ogawa ; m. 
Shizu, adop. d. of Viscount 
Keigo Kiyoura. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the former To- 
kyo Semmon Gakko (forerun- 


[ 688 ] 

ner :. of. the present Waseda' 
Univ.) ; studied further in Eu- 
rope. Governor of Kanagawa 
Prison ; Chief of the Section 
of Prison Management of the 
Dep't of Justice ; engaged by 
the Chinese Government as 
Legal Adviser; Hogakuhaku- 
ski in 1906; represented Japan 
at the International Prison 
Congress held at Washington 
in 1910 ; resigned his official 
post in 19 10. Publications : 
many works on Prison mana- 
gernent. Address : No. 31, 
Hachimancho, Tsukudo, U- 

shigome,: Tokyo. 
' Ogawa, Taicbiro ('•j^;ll#— 1|5). 

editor of the Yamdto, better 
known as " Yenson ", his 
nom de plume; b. in 1877 
in: Kyoto; 5. of Tazaemon 
Ogaiwa; m. Ito in 1900. 
Educ. self-taught. Was an 
editor of the Kyoto Shimbun. 
He published several novels, 
dramas and essays. Address: 
No. 35, Yuraku-cho, Koji- 
machi, Tokyo. 

Ogawa, Takuji C>]> ^H ac ^\ 
Rigakuhakushi (Doctor of Sci- 
ence), ^rProf. of the C&llege 
of Literature of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (Chair-Historical 
Geogra:phy); b. May the ,3rd 
J/, of Meiji (1870) in Waka- 
yama-kbi ; 2nd s of Atushi 
Asai, a Wakayama samtirai ; 
adopted by Komakitsu Oga- 
wa of Tokyo in 1891 ; m, 

Koyuki, e. d. of his adopted' 
father. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of' Science of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1896) ; 
studied Geology in France 
(1900). Expert to the De- 
partment of Agriculture and 
Commerce (1898) ; present 
post since his return home. 
Address: No. \'j^, Terama- 
chi, Kamikyoku, Kyoto, 
kyoku, Kyoto. 

Ogawa, Teiichi C'h ;i| M. —\ 
Managing director of the Teiyti 
Bank ; b. July the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1871) in Nagasaki; e\ 
s. of Sadamasa Ogawa, a sa- 
murai of Nagasaki-ken ; m. 
Chima, 2nd d. of Narioki Shi- 
bata, a samurai of Nagasaki. 
Address : Takanawa-minami-. 
cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tel:: 
304s SMha. 

Ogawa, TJinesabTiro C^ M H 
H I|5), KdgakuJtakushi, Prof 
of the Science and Engineer- 
ing College of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (Chair- Civil Engi- 
neering) ; b. the 9th m. ' of 
the '2nd y. of Bunkyu (1862) 
in Nagoya ; 3rd s. of Shohi- 

chi Ogawa, 2. heiinin of Ai-t 
chi-ken ; m. Shima, e. d. of 
Kiyoomi Ozawa, a samurai 
of Tokyo. EduC. : Grad; ated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo Imp; Unlv; (18 
36) ; studied at the University 
Hall ( 1 886— 1 888)'. Appoint- 
ed Assistanf-Prof of the same 

689 ] 

Oga— Qgi 

College (1888); was sent to 
Germany, England and A- 
•ijicrica to pursue his studies 
(1896 — 1898); made Prof, of 
tlie Science and Engineering 
College of the Kyot6 Univer- 
sity (1898); had conferred on 
him the degree of Kogaku- 
hahishi (1899); was again 
ordered to proceed to Europe 
and America on scientific in- 
vestigation (1907 — 1908). Ad- 
dress : Seiwain - machi, Shi- 
mochojamachi - nishiiru, Mu - 
romachi - dori, Kamikyo - ku, 

Ogawa, Zenkiehi (/h'jil SS a), 

ex-Dir. of the Nippon Yusen 
Kaisha (Japan Mail Steam- 
ship Co.), President of the 
Board of Directors of the 
Meiji Sugar Mfg. Co., Auditor 
of the Tokyo Marine Insurance 
Co., etc.; b. the 12th m. ot 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855) 
in Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Tatsuzo 
Ogawa, a samurai of Nagoya. 
Educ: studied at the Osaka 
Kaisei Gakko, the Nagoya 
English Language School and 
at the former - Tokyo Univ. 

(1868— 1 871); graduated from 
Rutzers College, New Jersy, 
U.S.A. (1873). Became tea- 
cher to, the Nagoya Foreign 
Language School and then 
to the Osaka Semmon Gakko; 
afterward entered the service 
of the Mitsubishi Steamship 
Co., becoming Sub-Manager ' 

or Manager of its branch of- 
fices at Yokohama, Nagasaki, 
Osaka and Kobe ; was elect- 
ed one of the directors of the 
Nippon Yusen Kaishu when 
it was formed as the result 
of the amalgamation of the 
Mitsubishi Steamship Co. with 
the Kyodo Unyu Steamship 
Co. in 1885 ; was sent in 
1905 to England on business 
connected with the opening 
of the European line of the 
Company and after having 
successfully completed his mis- 
sion remained in London as 
the first Manager -of that 
branch of the company; was 
awarded the 6th Order of 
the Rising Sun for services 
rendered during thf Russo- 
Japanese war as superintend- 
ent of the transport depart- 
ment of the Company ; ha-S 
wide connections v/ith business 
circles and in addition to the 
posts hefore stated was Di- 
rector of the Taiwan Ware- 
house Co. as well as Auditor 
of the Kobe Electric Railway 
Co., etc. Address: No. 34, 

Higashigokencho, Ushigome,' 
Tokyo. Tel. : 10 17 Bancho. 
Chids ; Tokyo Club ; Nippon ' 
Club, etc. 

OgimaoM, Sanemasa CIE H BJ , 
ft'jE), Count, President of the; 
Board of Decorations, Member ' 
of the House of Peers ; b 
the 6th 7«. of the 2nd _y. of 

f gi Ogn 

[ 690 ] 

Ansei ( .1 8 5 S ) ■ in Kyoto ; e.s. 
of; the , late , Kimitada Ogima- 
chi,; a former noble at the 
Mikado's Court,; /«. Tomi, 
aunt of 'Marquis Takamaro 
Nakayama. : Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1882 and was created 
Count two years later; after 
successively occupying the 
posts of Chamberlain to the 
Eniperor, member of the Court 
Physicians Bureau, Governor 
of Saitamia-ken was finally 
appointed to the present post; 
has been thrice elected mem- 
ber of the House of Peers; 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun in connec- 
tion with the late war. Ad- 
dress: No. 12, 5 chome, Fu- 
jimicho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 231 Bancho. 

Ogino, Mantaro (M W M :k. 
115), President of the Ashikaga 
Bank, Director of the Wata- 
rase Water Power Electric 
Co., Auditor of the Tochigi 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank ; d. June the Sth f. of 
Meiji (1872) in Tochigi-ken; 
2nd s. of Minehachi Ogino 

and adopted by the late Yo- 
shibei Ogino in 1885 Ad- 
dress:, Ashi- 
kaga-gun, Tochigi-ken. 

Ogura, HyMehiro ('> M ^ -^ 
liO.. Rear- Admiral on the Re- 
serve. Address: No. 38, San- 
genya, Azabu, Tokyo. 

Ogura, Kohei C^h j|- -& ^j, 

Prof, of the Science and En- 
gineering College of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. Address: Kyoto" 
Imp. Univ., Kyoto. 

Ogura, Eotaro (''> ^^ic 115), 
Assistant'- Prof of the Agri- 
cultural College of the To- 
hoku Imp. Univ. Address : 
Tohoku Imperial University, 
Sapporo, Hokkaido. 

Ogura, Eyubei OV ''k X^ IS), 
Rigging import merchant (firm- 
name "Idzumiya"), Director of 
the 3rd Bank, Member of the 
Tokyo Chamber of Commer- 
ce ; b. Jan. the istj/. of Meiji 
( 1 868) in Tokyo ; 2nd y. of 
the late Kyubei Ogura, a hei- 
min ; m. Taka, sister of To- 
kundsuke Ito. Address : No. 
2, I chome, Koami-cho, Ni - 
liombashi, Tokyo. Tol. : 141 
and 581 Naniwa. 

Ogura, Misao C'h # il fe H), 
Paymaster -Major - General, 
Chief of the Paymasters' De- 
partment of the Chosen Gar^ 
rison ; ^. the 7th m. of the 
3rd jf. of Ansei (1856) in I- 
shikawa-ken ; e. s. of Kichi- 
bei Doi and adopted by the 
late Nario Ogura ; m. Nobu, 
d. of Rokuro Tajima. Educ. : 
graduated from the Payma- 
sters' School. Paymaster- Sub- 
Lieytenant, Aug. 1883 ; Pay- 
master-Lieutenant, Nov. 18- 
88; Paymaster-Captain, Nov. 
1893; Paymaster-Major, Nov. 
1902; Paymaster-Lieutenant- 

[ 691 ] 


Colonel, De«. 1903 j Paymas- 
ter-Colonel, Apr. 1905 ; Pay- 
xnaster-Major-General, Aug. 
1909. In succession was a 
member of the Commissariat 
Departm.ent of the Imperial 
Guards Division, o*^ the Im- 
perial Headquarters; Chief of 
the Paymasters Staff of the 2nd 
and the 4th Army D-ivisions. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Paymasters Department 
of the Chosen Garrison, RyO- 
zan, Chosen. 

Ogura, Shotaro i'Y 'k 1S. -k. 
BIO, dealer in fancy-matting, 
Member of the Standing Com- 
mittee of the Kobe^ Chamber 
of Commerce ; b. the 9th m. 
of the 1st y. of Keio (.1865) 
in Gifu-ken ; e. s. of Shuchi 
Ogura; m. d. of a certain 
G;rman. Addres"! : No. 5, 
4 chome, Yam.amotodori, Ko- 
be. Tel. : 908 /. d. 

Oguri, Kozaburo (']■• M # j:^ 
gl5). Captain, sectional Chief of, 
the Naval lUonstruction Bu- 
reau; 6. 1 869. Educ. : graduated 
from the Naval Academy, Dec. 
1885. Lieutenant-Commander, 
Sept. 1S99; Commander, Sept. 
1903); Captain, Sept, 1907. 
Decorations -• 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 5 th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure and 5 th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
2 chom'-, Ura-kasumigaseki, 

Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 

'Oguri, Saburo (/h Si H e|5), 
Director of the Handa Ware- 
house Co. ; b. the 4th in. of 
the 4th y. of Ansei (1857) 
in Aichi-ken ; e. s. of Saburo- 
bei Oguri ; m. To, 2nd d. of 
Gensuke Ito of Aichi-ken. 
Succeeded his father in 1880. 
Address : Handamachi, Chi- 
ta-'guh, Aichi-ken. 

Oguri, Tomijiro {/■h M 1 m 
SR), Director of the Oiiental 
Salt Co.; b. the nth in. of 
the 3rd y. of Keio (1867) in 
Aichi-ken ; e. s. of the late 
Tomiichi Oguri ; m. Shige, 
2nd d. of Shimzaburo Yoshi- 
da. Succeeded his father in 
1877. Address : Handama- 
chi, Chita-gun, Aichi-ken. 

Ogyii, Eokuzo (#c !9£. H it), 
Igakuhakushi (Doctor of Me- 
dicine), President of the Chi- 
ba Special School of Medi- 
cine ; b. ^the 7th ni. of the 
6th y. of'Ansei (1859) in To- 
kyo ; 3rd s. of Ssizaemen Fu- , 
kunaga of Tokyo ; in. Tomi, 
aunt of Kitaro Watanabe of 
Shizuoka-ken. Educ: gra- 
duated from the College of 
Medicine of the Tokvo Imp. 
Univ; (1884); studied Oph- 
thalmology in Germany (19- 
03 — 1904). Physician to the 
Hospital, attached to the Chi- 
ba Special School^ of Medi- 
cine ; Prof of the 1st High 


[ '392 ] 

School ; present post since 
1902 J Igakuhakushi in 1907. 
Address: Nishi-ihana, Cliiba- 
machi, Chiba-ken. . 

Ohama, CMzaburo ii<. 9 .* 
S Bl5), Presiding Director of 
the Dai Nippon Union Trans- 
portation Co., President of the 
Kanto Brick Co., of the For- 
eign Thread and Cloth Trans- 
action , Guild, Director of the 
Yokohama Life Insurance Co., 
the Yokohama Elect-ic Rail- 
way Co., the Yokohama Ware- 
house Co., Manager of the 
Yokohama Silk and Tea Ex- 
change, Member of the Yo- 
kohama Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. Apr. the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1871) in Kanagawa- 
ken ; e. s. of the late Chuza- 
buro Ohama ; in. Fuku, e. d. 
of Baron. Shigetoshi Okauchi. 
Address : No. 42, 3 chome, 
Minami - naka - dori, Yokoha- 
ma. Tel. : 223. 

Ohama, Matsujiro (/J^ ^ ti 
^ 11^), Police Inspector, Chief 
of the 2nd Section of the Me- 
tropolitan Police Board. Ad- 
dress : Official Residence, No. 
2, I chome, Yiirakucho, Ko- 

jimachi, Tokyo. 

Ghana, SankicM (^ ;fe H S). 
K"ai-val Oaptaiii,, placed on 
the" yaiting list since De'ce- 
mhev 191 2; b. 1867.. Educ. : 
.graduated from the Naval A- 
cademy, Sept. 1880. Lieuten- 

ant-Commander, Dec. 1897; 
Commander, Sept. 1899; Cap- 
tain, Feb. 1905. Decorations : 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
and 4th of th_ Golden 
Kite. Address : No. 7, Kita- 
machi, Aoyama, Shibuyamu- 
ra, Toyotama-guh, Tokyo-fu. 
^ Ohara,DenC/J> M fl¥), Major- 
Gere:al, Pre. of the Arti. and 
Engi. School; b. the 12th 
m. of the 1st f, of Bunkyu 
(1861) in Ehime-ken; Sth s. 
of the latv^Yoshitsugu Oha- 
ra, a samurai ; in. Tama, sis- 
ter of Shin Kajiyama of Fuku- 
oka-ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the Military Academy 
(1882) and then from the Mili- 
tary College. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Artillery, Dec. 1882 ; Lieu- 
tenant, June 1 886 ; Captain, 
Nov. 1889; Major, Apr. 18- 
95 ; Lieytenant-ColGnel, Oct. 
1899 ; Colonel, Dec. 1902 ■ 
Major - General, Dec. 1908, 
Has been in succession In- 
structor to the Military Col- 
t lege, Military Attache to the 
Legations at Vienna and Ber- 
Kn, Adjutant to the Board of 
Marshals, Chief of Stalf of 
the 1 2th Army Division, Com- 
mander of the 3rd Regiment of 
Field Artillery, etc.; took part 
in the Russo-Japanese War as 
Chief of Staff of the 12th Army 
Division. Decorations: 3rd Or- 
der of tlie Rising Sun, 4th 

693 } 


"Order of thi Sacred Treasure 
and the 3rd Clas-^ of the Gol- 
den Kite ; was Com. of the 
Tsushima Garrison before pre- 
sent post. J.dc?ress .- Artillery 
and . Enginsering School , 

Shara, Magosabnrd C;^; /it ??? 
H M'), President of the Ku- 
rashiki Bank, Managing Di- 
rector of the Kurashiki Spin- 
ning Co.; i>. July the 13th 
y. of Meiji (1880) in Okaya- 
ma-ken ; 2nd i- of Koshiro 
Ohara ; tn. Sue, y. sister of 

Teinosuke Ishii of Hiroaiiima- 
ken. Succeeded his father in 
1904. Address : Kurasliiki- 
.machi, Tsukubo-gun, Okaya- 

Sliara, Shotar'o iiz W- M. ±. 
liO, Revenue - Officei' of the 
Osaka City Office ; i>. the 9th 
m. of the 3rd f. of Bunkyu 
(1863) in Okayama-ken; e. s. 
of Masahisa Ohara, a samu- 
rai ; m. Koto, 2nd d. of Mo- 
mozo Namba Is now Chief 
of the Account Section of the 
Osaka Cit^^ Office. Address : 
No. 232, 6chome, Hirano- 
machi, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 

Ohara, Masatsune C'> iS IE 
ffi)) Major - General on the 
Reserve, Address : No. 377, 
Sendagaya, Sendagaya-mura, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Ohara, Faojir? i'V iS il ^ 
Wj, draper. Director of the 

Kyoto Commercial and In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd. ; b: the 
8 th m. of the 1st y. of Man- 
en ( i860 ) in , Shiga - ken ; 
e. s. of the late Juemon Oha- 
I'a ; in. Kinu, 2nd d. of Ro- 
kubei Okumura of Kyoto. 
Once was a member of , the 
Kyoto Chamber of Commer- 
ce. Address : No. 46, Moto- 
takeda - machi, Takoyakushi, 
Todoin, Shimokyoku, Kyoto. 
Tel. : 149 /. d, 

Ohara, Senkichi i'V W. W ■§), 
Baron, Director of the Peer- 
age Affairs Bureau and Se- 
cretary of the Imperial House- 
hold Department ; b. Jan. the 
4th y. of Meiji (1871) in the 
province of Mino ; e. s. of 
the late Baron Kanau Oha- 
ra, member of the House of 
Peers ; in. Hide, e. d. of Ryu- 
nosuke Niwa, a samurat of 
Saga clan. Educ. : graduated . 
from the College of Law of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Ap- 
pointed Secretary to the House 
of Representatives after gradu- 
ation ; transferred to the pre- 
sent posts in 1 9 10. Decora- 
tion: 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun. Address: No. 18, 
Nakarokubancho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 539 Bancho. 

Sliara, Shigetomo i% M S 
13), Count, Member of the 
-House of Peers ;" b. the 5 th 
in. of the 1st y. of Kaei (18- 
48) in Kyoto ; e. s. of the late 


[ 694 ] 

Shigezane Ohara ; m. Ima, 
sister of Viscount Yoshimitsu 
Uramatsu. Created Count in 
£888 f- for his grandfather's 
ir»oritorious services '»- to the 
state ; member of the House 
of Peers since 1890 ; decorat- 
ed with tlie 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address .-'^oi'Tii, 
Yakuojimachi, Ushia;ome-ku,^ 

Ohara, Shinto (/> M M H), 
Chief of the Provincial Affairs 
Bureau of the Chosen Gov- 
ernment ; b. Mar. the 6th y. 
of Meiji (1873) in Tokyo ; e. 
s. of Minoru Ohara, a sa- 
murai ; m. Nui, younger sis- 
ter of Yoshitomo Nagao of 
Chiba-ken. Educ. : College 
of Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. ( r897) • Secretary to the 
House of Peers and in addition 
Councillor to the Home De- 
partment in 1898 ; transferred 
as Secretary to Aomori-ken 
and then to Nara-ken ; pre- 
sent post since Oct. 19 10. 
Address : Official Residence, 
Chosen Government, Seoul, 

»• Ohara, Tatsumei (/h M si K), 
Chief of the Agricultural and 
Industrial section of the Ja- 
pan Hypothec Bank ; b. Dec. 
the 7th ■J}', of Meiji (1874) in 
Kumamoto ;. 2nd .y. of Dai- 
saku Ohara, a samurai of 
Kumamoto clan ; m. Yasu, 
4th d. of Fukusaburo Wata- 

nabe, a heimin of Kanagawa^-, 
ken. Educ. : graduated from- 
the Law College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. (1900). En- 
tered the service of the Ja- 
pan Hypothec Bank the same 
year and after occupying the 
posts of Chief of its Docu- 
ments Bureau as well as Sec- 
retary to its president was 
finally installed in 1908 in the; 
present post ; has been in Eu- 
rope and America for the in- 
vestigation of banking sys- 
tems (1906 — 1908). Address: 
No. I, 231, Araijuku, Iriarai- 

mura, Ebara-gjtn, Tokyo-fu. 
Ohara, YosMjiro Oh M ^ ^ 
II5), Major-Gcneral on. the 
Reserve ; ^. the 3rd iu. of the 
Sth y. of Kayei (1852) in 
Ehime-ken; 2nd s. of Yoshi- 
tsugu Ohara, a samurai of 
Ehime ; m. Masaiio, e. d. of 
Hachiya Tamai, also an Ehiv 
me samurai. Educ. : graduar 
ted from the former Heigakur- 
176 (a government military 
school) in 1877. Sub-Lieur 
tenant in 1877; Colonel qf 
Infantry in 1900 ; Major-Gen- 
eral in 1905 ; gtook part in 
the China- Japan War as Com- 
mander of an Infantry Batta- 
lion and also in the Russo- 
Japanese War as Commander 
of the 23rd Infantry- Brigade 
and then of the iSth Infantry- 
Brigade ; Commander of the 
30th Infantry Brigade in 1907; 

695 ] 


placed on the Reserve list in ■ 
19 lo. Decorations: 2nd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun and 
the 2nd Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address : Imaharuma- 
chi, Ochi-gun, Ehime-ken. 

Ohashi, Heiemon C:fe ^ ¥ ^ 
® F^), a large landowner, one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Okayama-ken ; (5. the 8th m. 
of the 2ndf. of Kayei (1849) 
in Okayama-ken ; e. s. of the 
late Heizo Ohashi ; m. Sawa, 
2nd d. of Kyijichiro Kame- 
yama, an Okayama samu- 
rai. Address: Kurashikimachi, 
Tsukubo-gun, Okayama-ken. 

Dhashi, Seikichi C;fc M ?t q), 
President of the Karasuyama 
Industrial Bank, Representa- 
tive Member of- the Sakai & 
Co. and of the Nasu Govern- 
ment Wholesale Tobacco Co., 
Director of the Karasuyama 
Fertilizer Co., Auditor of the 
Kuroha Timber Co. and of 
the Karasuyama Bank ; b. 
Apr. the 8th j. of Meiji (1875) 
in Tochigi-ken ; e. s. of the 
late Seikichi Ohashi ; m. Ine, 
e. d. of Ichizaemon Nishida 
of Ibaraki-ken. . Succeeded his 
father in 1 898. Address : Sa- 
kai-mura, Nasu-gun, Tochi- 

?5liaslii, Shintaro C::^ :^ ff i: 
W), Proprietor of the Haku- 
bunkan, printers ana publi- 
shers; President of the Unit- 
ed National Text Book Pu- 

blishing Co., Director of the- 
Toa Flour Mfg. Co., The To- 
kyo Gas Co., Dai-Nippon Beer; 
Brewery, Thef Korean Deve- 
lopment, and the Koreian Colo- 
nization Cos., etc., and Vice- 
President of the Tokyo Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; b. the 7th 
m. of the 3rd y. of Bunkyii 
(1863) in Nagaoka, province 
of Echigo ; e. s. of the late. 
Sahei Ohashi ; m. Suma, e. d. 
of Eizaburo Nakamura, a kei- 
min of Tokyo. Edtic. : stud- 
ied at the Doninsha, a private 
institution under the manage- , 
ment of the late famous scho- 
lar Keiu Nakamura. In 18- 
93, took an active part, under 
his father, in the inaugura- 
tion of theHakubunkan, which 
has since become very pro- 
sperous and is one of the lar- 
gest printing and publishing 
concerns in Japan; established, 
in 1 892, a public library at 
his own expense in com- 
pliances with the wishes of 
his deceased father and has 
thus conferred a great bene- 
fit on the reading public ;'was 
once member of the -House 
of Peers in 1902. Address :_ 
No. 43, Kami - rokubancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 422 


DhasM, Sko QK g f ), Capt- 
ain of Engineering of the Navy, 
examiner of the Yokosu- 
ka Naval Arsenary; b. 

Oha— Oi 


1871. Tel. : Naval Academy. 
Lieutenant-Commander ofEn- 
gineerihg, Oct. 1901 ; Com- 
mandei' of — , Jan. 1905 ; Cap- 
tain" of — , Oct. 1909. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun and 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure. Address : 
No. 29, Mikawadai, Azabu, 
Tokyo. > 

Ohashi, Shotarff C^ g IE i; 
115), President of the Ono Bank, 
Vice - President of the Bi - ' 
san Agricultural and Indus- 
trial Bank, Director of the 
Bisan Savings Bank and oi 
the Tenryii Timber Co. ; b. 
the 1 2th in. of the ist j^. oi 
Keio (1865) in Aichi-ken ; e. 
s. of Mozaemon Ohashi ; in. 
Katsu, 2nd d. of Mankichi 
Horiuchi. of Shizuoka - ken. 
Succeeded _his father in 1883. 
Address : Onomachi, Hachi- 
na-gun, Aichi-ken. 

OliasW, Toyonosuke (^ ;(f 

ft Z fl!l)» Colonel of Cavalry, 
officer in the Horse Admi- 
nistration Bureau; b. Sub- 
Lieut., March 1891; Lieut., 
Nov. 1893; Captain, June 
■1895; Major, Nov. 1901; 
Lieut. Colonel, March 1905; 
Colonel, Dec. 19 10. Decora- 
tions: 4th Order of S. T., 
4th Order of R. S, Address: 
No. 21 Funa-cho, Yotsuya- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 2273 Bancho. 
' ShasM, Yoichi C:^ S ^ *), 
Representative member of the. 

Ohashi Bank; ^. the 6tli .?«. 
of the 2nd ^. of Keio (1866) 
in Gifu-ken; younger brother 
to Senroku Furui and adopted 
by the late Saburosuke O- 
hashi ; m. Tsune, d. of his 
adopted father. Address : D- 
gakimachi, Yasuhachi - gun, 

Bi, Bokushin C:;^ * b ir), 
druggist,Memberofthe House 
of Representatives, Presiding 
Dierector of the Tokyo Sul- 
phuric Acid Co., Director of 
the Japan Carpet Mfg. Co., 
Auditor of the Osaka Elec- 
tric I^ight Co., etc. ; b. the 
3rd m. of the 5th y.. of Tem- 
po (1834) in Wakayama-ken; 
e. s. of the late Genshiro Oi; 
a widower. Address: No. 92, 
4chome, Hiranomachi, Higa- 
shiku, Osaka. Tel. : 545 Ho- 

6i, Inokiehi (:>c*-_f- ^ ibO. 
Proprietor of the Oi Iron 
works; b. the 7th m. of the 
2nd y. of Meiji (1869) _in 
Nagasaki; .?. of Gonjiro Oi, 
pioneer of the Boiler manu- 
facturing in Japan. Succeeded 
his father's business; is famous 
as the best boiler and Iron 
plate manufacturer of Japan,, 
having four kinds of patent 
on his water-tube-boiler. Re^ 
creation: painting. Address: 
No. I, 2 chome, Ajikawa 
Kita-dorl, Kita-ku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 6^- Tosabori. 

L 697] 


Oi, Kazuhisa CX ^ m 'X), 
Prof, of the 3rel High School; 
b. the 6th m. of the 3rd y. 
of Bunkyu (1863) in^Tokyo; 
Micle of Hiromitsu Oi of To- 
kyo ; m. Sonoo, 2nd d. of I- 
sei Takashima, a samurm of 
Tokyo. Educ: graduated the 
German Language Course of 
the Tokyo Foreign Language 
School (1883). Appointed su- 
bordinate official of the Home 
Department and then pre - 
sent post since \Z()\. ^ Ad- 
dress : No. 48, Hokodama- 
cht, Ebisugawa-agaru, Dote- 
machi, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 

Oi, Kikutaro Cic * ^ ic B|5), 
Major-Q-eneral , president of 
the Military College ; b. 
the 9th m. of the 3rd y. of 
Bunkyij (1863) in Yamagu- 
chi-ken ; _3rd s. of the late 
Matahei Oi ; m. Suzu, 2nd d. 
of Sanshiro Watanabe of Ku- 
mamoto-ken, Edtic: gradua- 
ted from the Military Acade- 
my (1883) and the Military 
College (1888); further stud- 
ied, in Germany, 1890 — 1895. 
Sub - Lieutenant of Infantry, 
Dec. 1883; Lieutenant, Apr. 
1 887; Captain, Dec. 1893; Ma- 
jor, Oct. 1898; Lieutenant-Co- 
lonel, Feb. 1903; Colonel, Mar. 
1905; Major-General, Jan. 19- 
09. Has been a member of the 
General Staff, staff officer tp^ 
; the Second Army in the China- 

Japan War, Insuructor to the 
Military College, Private Sec- 
retary to the Minister of 
War, Military Attache to the 
Legation at Berlin, Sectional 
Chief of the Militaty Affairs 
Bureau of the War Depart- 
ment, etc. Decorations : 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun, 4th. 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
and the 3rd Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address: No. 175,^ 
Kogai-cho, Azabu-kn, Tokyo.' 

Oi, Saitaro (.X ff- ^ ic W), 
Kogakuhakushi (Doctor of En- 
gineering), Expert to the De- 
partment of Communications ;" 
b. the nth m. of the 3rd y. 
of Ansei (1856) iji Mie-ken ; 
e. s. of Ryohei Oi; m. Ko- 
tsuru, e. d. of Jiizaburo Ni- 
shimura. Mduc. : graduated 
from the College of Engineer- 
ing of the Tokyo Imp. Univ> 
(1882). Entered the service 
of the former Department of 
Industry as its Assistant-Ex- 
pert ; afterwards in succession 
was Prof, of the Tokyo Post 
and Telegraph School, Ex- 
pert to the Communications' 
Dep't and to the Metropolitan 
Police Board, Expert to the 
Formosan Telegraphic Con- 
struction Department and then 
appointed present Office as ■ 
Acting Chief of the Engine- 
ering Section of the Depart- 
ment of Communications; sent 


to Europe and Amerisa on an 
_.ofEcial mission (1898); Ko- 
gakuhakushi ( 1 899) . Address: 
No 26, Zaimoku-ch5, Azabu- 
ku, Tokyo. Id.: 310 Shiba. 

Oi, . Seiiehi C:fe # ^ ->. 
Kogahuhahmhi (Doctor of 
EngO, Prof, in the College 
of Science and Eng. of the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ. ; b. 1877 
in Aichi-ken. Eduo : gaduated 
from the courfee of civil 
eng. at the Eng, College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., July 
1900. After graduation, was 
appointed assit. Prof, in the 
College of Science and Eng. 
of the Kyoto Imp. Univ, ; 
sent abroad for the study of 
Civil Eng., Nov. 1908 ; upon 
returning July 1911, was 
appointed" the present post ; 
received the degree of Kqga- 
kuhakushi, Dec. 1912. Ad- 
dt-ess: the Kyoto Imp. Univ. 
'di, Shichiro Q^ ^ -^ m, 
Chief Public Procurator of the 
Naha District Court. - Ad- 
dress : Naha District Court, 

Oimikado, Ikainaro C^ jk tP 
Fl m g), Marquis, Member of 
the House of Peers : ^. April 
the 8th f. of Meiji (1875) 
in Kyoto ; 4th s. oj^ the late 
Marquis lyenobu Oimikado. 
Member of the House of Peers 
since 1900 ; decorated with 
the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun.- ' Address : No. 459, Shi- 

mmeicho, Komagome, Ho,n- 
gb, Tokyo. 

Biit&iit,"Hisamaro Cic ^ ± 
X ®), Reai'-Adrhiral on the 
reserve. Address: No. 171, 
Kogaimachi, Azabu,* Tokyo.' 

Oishi, Hirokichi (X^MaX' 
Manager of the Moji 
Branch of Mitsubishi & Co.'; 
d. Aug. the 6th j/. of Meiji 
(1873) in Tokyo ; e. s. of Ta- 
mijuro Oishi; m. Take,.adop-, 
ted d. of Kiyomatsu Tomio- 
ka of Tokyo. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of Law 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1898. Address: Moji Branch 
of the Mitsubishi <& Co. ,. 

Oishi, Kasaku C:*; 5 W #), 
Chairman of the Board of Di- 
rectors of the Date Electric 
Co. ; (5. the 3rd m. of the 1st 
/. of Keiwo (1865) in. Fuku- 
shima-ken •,^e. s. of Gisaburo 
Oishi ; m. Masa, 3rd d. of 
ChSemon Okuyama. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1879. Ad- 
dress : Yasuharamachi, Date- 
gun, Fukushima-ken. 

Oishi, Masami Qiz ^ ^E B), 
. Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives, es-.eader of the 
Kokuminto (National Party) ; . 
5. the 4th m. of the 2nd f-. 
of Ansei (1855) in Kochi,. 
pi'ovince of Tosa ; 2nd s. of 
Yoshinori Oishi, a samurai ■ 
of Kochi clan. £d»c. : studied 
English in Tokyo while young. 

[ 699 } 


Became teacher to the Mitsu- 
bishi Commercial School and 
then private tutor to the*xwa- 
saki family ; joined the Libe- 
ral party when it was formed 
in 1 88 1 under the auspices 
of Count Itagaki and Becarne 
one of its directors ; left the 
Liberal party, owing to a 
difference of opinions with 
Count Itagaki, its president, 
and formed, in company with 
the late Tatsui Baba and Tet- 
ch5 Suyehiro the Koktunin- 
kai (National Society), which. 

however, soon came to an 
end ; rendered great services 
in the amalgamation of the 
Mitsubishi Steamship Co. with 
the Kyodo Trassportation Co., 
then the two largest concerns 
of their kind in Japan ; was 
arrested with the late Tatsui 
Baba in connection with the 
so - called ' " Dynamite Pur- 
chase case " in 1885 and was 
sentenced to imprisonment 

fpr a year ; afterwards travel- 
led in America and returning 
home in 1886 started the pub- 
lication of the Seixon, a poli- 
tical magazine ; next went to 
England both for study and 
inspection purposes ; return- 
ing home in 1892 was ap- 
pointed Minister Resident to, 
Seoul and greatly enhanced, 
his fame as an able diplo- 
mat by successfully settling 
the so-called Bokoku Case (an 
.action taken by the Korean 
government in preventing the 
exportation of Korean cereals 
to Japan without previous 
notice to the government — 
which was a breach of the 
treaty then in force between 
the two countries) ; resigned 
office and entered the Pro- 
gressive party ni 1 894 ; was 
appointed Vice-Minister and 
then Minister for Agriculture 
and Commerce when the Ita- 
gaki Okuma Coalition Cabi- 
net was formed in 1 897 ; re- 
signed and was elected mem- 
ber of the House .of Repre- 
sentatives for Miye - ken in 
1901 ; has remained in the 
house ever since; -was a pi-o- 
minent memlier of the Kolcu- 
mirdo (left, Jan. 191 3); one 
of the most eloquent speakers 
in the Parliament ; has been 
decorated with the 4th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun. -Rec- 
reations: Zen philosophy. Ad- 

Ois— Oiw 

t 700 ] 

dress: No. 45, ich'ome, Dem- 
macho, Yotsuya, X'okyo. Tel.: 
400 Bancho. 

Oislii, Sliigekichi (ic5||g), 
Surgeoix -Captain of the ,Navy, 
v-ice-chief of the Yokosuka 
Naval Hospital; d. in 1870. 
Edtic: l\\ie Naval Surgeon 
School. Surgeon-2nd Com- 
mander, Sept. 1903; Surgeon- 
Commander, Sept. 1906; 
Surgeon-Captain, Dec. 191 1. 
Decorations: 4th Order of 
R. S., 4th Order of S. T. 
Address: the Yokosuka 
Naval Hospital, Yokosuka, 

Oislii, Taiuotsu (:fe ;j!j -(Jj^), 
business man manager and 
director of the Kankai Fish- 
ing Co., director ot the Kaio 
Fishing Co.; b. 1867 in K6- 
chi-ken; 2nd s. of Yoshizane 
Oishi, saimirai of Kochi; m. 
Kiyoko, d. of Hanbei Mori. 
Edtic.: studied at Meiji 
Gakuin. After graduation 
entered the religious circle 
being engaged for four years; 
afterwards retired from the 
religious circle, and invented 
an artificial hemp-cloth which 
is very excellent; is engaged 
in the sales and manufactures 
of the same goods. Address : 
No, 4, Minami Futaba-cho, 
Ffonjo, To]f}^o. Tel.; 159 
.;.-, Oisai, Taro K'X ~4i :k Il'O, 

one of the highest -taxpayers 
of Saga-gen, President of the 
Oishi Bank and of the Hi- 
zen Rice Cleansing Co., Au- 
ditor of the Hirotaki Water 
Power , Electric Co. ; d. the 
1 2th m. of the srdjj/. of An- 
sel (1856) in Saga -ken ; 3rd 
s. of Seiichi Kanemochi and 
adopted by the late Matasu- 
ke Oishi ; m. Saku, aunt of 
Sukekichi Yamamoto, a Sa- 
ga samurai. Address: Kan- 
zakimachi, Kanzaki-gun, Sa- 

Oishi, Wasaburo C;:^ H fH H 
W), Expert to the Central 
Meteorological Observatory ; 
b. Mar. the 7th y. of Meiji (18- 
74) in Saga-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Tokichi Oishi ; m. 3rd d. ofv 
Suketaka Ito, a Tokyo samu- 
rai. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Science of the 
Tol<yo Imp. Univ. (1898). 
Present post since 1900. Ad- 
dress : No. 13, 2chome, Ka- 
gacho, Ichigaya, Ushigome, 

Oiwa, Kinjiro Ci: ^ & ^ 115), 
Chief Public Procurator of 
Moriokii District Court ; h. 
the 4th m. of the Sth y. of 
Ansel (1858) in Aichi-ken; 
2nd s. of Kahachiro Tanabe, 
a samurai of Aichi-ken^ aiM 
adopted by Kidayu Oiwa; 
m. Shuku, e. d. of Sho Shi-; 
moyama of Gifu-ken. Educ.j, 
studied at the former Law, 

[ /OI 

Ciw- Oka 

School of the Department of 
Justice. In succession . was 
Pubhc Procurator of the Dis- 
trict Courts of Nemuro, To- 
yama, Naha and Kochi chief 
pi'ocurator of Urawa District 
court, 1907. Address: Uchi- 
mura, Morioka. 

Siwa, Kohei X:k ^ SA ^), 
Expert to the Osaka Post and 
Telegraph Control Bureau,, 
Chief of the Engineering . Sec- 
tion of the same. Address : 
Osaka Post and Telegraph 
Control Bureau, Imabashi, Hi- 
gashiku, Osaka. 

Oiwa, Tetsuo C± ^ M MX 
Major, Commander of the 
15th Battalion of Engineers ; 
d. 1872 in Aichi-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant, Sept. 1894; Li- 
eutenant, , Oct. 1897 ; Cap- 
tain, Nov. 1900; Major, Oct. 
1905. Decorations: Sth Or- 
der of the Sacred Treasure 
and 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun. Address: the 15th Bat- 
talion of Engineers, Toyoha- 

Oka,- Asajiro (fi -^ ^ 115), 
Rigakuhakuski (Doctor of Sci- 
ence), Prof of the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School (Chair- 
Zoology) ; b. Nov. the 1st J. 
of Meiji (1868) in Shizuoka- 
ken ; ni. Tsuki, 3rd d. of Baron 
Michitoshi Iwamura. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Science of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1886); studied further 

in Germany (Ph. D.) -1891. 
Rigakuhakuski and Prof of 
the Yama^uchi High School 
in 189s ; present post in the 
same year. Publications : Ani- 
mal Evolution," besides many 
other works on Zoology. Ad- 
dress : No. 44, ichome, Ko- 
binatadaimachi, Koi.shikawa, 

Oka, Genky" (M ^ ii). 
Baron, Igahihakushi (Doctor 
- of Medicine), court councillor, 
ex-Chief of the Court Physi- 
cian' Bureau ; b. the 7th m. of 
the Sth y. of Kayei (1852) 
in the province of-Mimasa- 
ka ; 2nd s. of Yoshizo Oka., 
a samurai of Tsuyama clan ; 
m. Fuji, e. d. of Munekichi 
Kato. Edtic: graduated from 
the Medical Course of the 
former Tokyo Univ. (1876); 
continued his medical studies 
in Germany afterwards. Was 
first appointed Assistant-Prof 
of the Tokyo Univ. and then 
transferred to the last post ; 
granted the degree of Iga- 
kuhakushi (1899); created 
Baron and decorated with t-he 
2nd Order of Merit (1907). 
Address: No. 3, ichome, li- 
damachi, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 117 Bancho. 

Oka, Ichinosuke (M Tti 2. W), 
-Lieut.-General since February 
191 2, Vice-Minister -0^' war 
since August 191 1, ex-director 
of Army Affairs Bureau of 


[ 702 ] 

W. D.; h. the 3rd m. of the 
1st J/, of Hansen (i860) in 
Kyoto ; e, s'. of the late Yo- 
shiharu Oka, a samurai ; m. 
Tomo/ 2nd d. of Jirohachi 
Mori. Educ. : graduated from 
the Military Academy (1881) 
and the'Mihtary College (18- 
S8). Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, Dec. 1 88 1 ,; Lieuten- 
ant, May 1885; Captain, Mar. 
1892; Major, May 1895; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel, June 1899; 
Colonel, May 1902 ; Major- 
General, Mar, 1905. Was suc- 
cessively a Staff Officer to the 
1st Army Division, member of 
the General Staff Office, Com- 
mander of the 22nd and the 
29th Infantry Brigades, etc. ; 
took part in the Russo-Japan- 
ese War as Commander of 
the 2nd. Infantry Brigade. De- 
corations : 3rd Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 2nd Order 
of the Rising Sun and 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address /No. 53, Nakanocho, 
Ichigaya, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Tel. .-938 Banch5. 

Oka, Kishichiro C|^ » -tt I|5), 
Governor of Tottori prefectu- 
re ; b. Apr. the ist jj'. of Meiji 
(1868) in Okayama-ken ; e. s. 
of Kisaburo Itami and adopted 
by Keiko Oka of Tokyo; m. 
YQ, 2nd d. -of his adopted 
father. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Law of--the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (189 1). En- 

tered the service of the Home 
Department after -graduation; 
transferred to the Tottori pre- 
fecture as its Councillor in 
1893; later was Secretary to 
the Hiroshima Military Wa^ 
ter Works Office, Aomo^^i pre- 
fecture, the Home Depart- 
ment, and to Osaka-fu, and 
then Governor of Akita pre- 
fecture, etc. ; Chief of the • 
Police Department of the Re- 
sidensy - General in 1905 ; 
Councillor to the Residency- 
General ; Vice-Minister for A- 
griculture. Industry and Com- 
merce and then for Home 
Affairs of the Korean Gov- 
ernment ; resigned the last 
mentioned office and was ap- 
pointed to the present post in 
1910. Address : No. 68, Hort 
cho, Tottori, Tottori-ken. 

Oka, Masayo (M i ift), a lar- 
ge landowner and one of the 
highest taxpayers of Kochi- 
ken ; b. Sept. the 9th y. of 
Meiji (1876) in Kochi-ken ; 
e. s. of Yoshikazu Oka, a 
samurai ; m. Shigei, e. d. of 
Motozumi Fukase. Succeeded 
his father in 1904. Address: 
Dkawasuji,'' Enokuchi-machi, 
Kochi, Kochi-ken. 

Oka, Mmoru CK.K), Director 
of the Industrial Bureau and in 
addition of the Commercial 
Bureau of the Agri. and Com. 
Dep'f; h. Sept. the 6th y. of 
Meiji (1873) in Nara-ken; 

[ 703 ] 


e. s. of Gisho Oka ; m. Masa. 
e. d. of Yunosuke Sasaki of 
Tokyo. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Law of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1898). Pas- 
sed the Higher Civil Servi- 
ce Examination and appoint 
ed Councillor to the Legis- 
lative Bureau in 1898 ; then 
Councillor to the Agricultural 
and Commercial Department; 
sent to Europe and America 
on an official mission (1905- — ■ 
1906) ; visited Mexico and 
South America for the inves- 
tigation of industry and com- 
merce, making again a tour 
of Europe on his way home 
(1909) ; Chief of the Insurance 
section of the Agricultural 
and Commercial Department 
as well as member of the -Pre- 
paratory Committee for the 
Revision of Treaties ; present 
post since 1910. Address : 
No. 276, Sankocho, Shiroka- 
ne, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 19- 
90 Shiba. 

Oka, Tanenobu (M hsl -fs), Kd- 
gakuhakiiski \ (5. the 12th m. 
of the 6th y. of Ansei (18- 
59) in Tokyo ; 2nd .y. of Ta- 
neatsu' Asao and adopted by 
the late Shorin Oka of Tokyo; 
m. Moto, e. d. of Mori-ichi 
Sato, a samurat of Yamagu- 

chi-ken. Educ. .• Graduated 
from the Civil Engineering 
Course oV the former Tokyo 
Daigaku (1880). Entered the 

service of the Home Depart- 
ment as its Engineer after 
graduation ; sent to Europe 
and America in 1894 on an 
official mission ; afterwards 
became Engineer to the Osa- 
ka Harbour Improvement 
Office. Address: No. 32, Chi- 
shitamachi, Kitaku, Osaka. 

Oka,Tsuyoshi CpSl m\ Presi- 
dent of the Horin Bank ; b. 
the 3rd m. of the 12th 7. of 
Tempo (1841) in Hyogo-ken; 
e. s. of Unai Oka, a samurai; 
m. Sae, aunt of Rokuro Ko- 
ezuka. Address : Toyooka- 
machi, Kinosaki - gun, Hyo- 

Oka, Zen-icM (|«! # "rtf), ship- 
ping agent, one of the highest 
taxpayers of Miyazaki-ken ;• 
d. the 7th m. of the 2nd j/. 
of Ansei (1855) in Mi3^azaki- 
ken ; e. s. of the late Zen-ichi 
OkgL ; m. Harui, 2nd d. of 
Miori Goya, a samurai of 
Miyazaki. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1886. Address :- Abi- 
machi, Minaminaka-gun, Mi- 

Okahashi. Jisuke (M M ?n W), 
cotton cloth dealer, Direct 
tor of Okabashi Company 
Ltd.; h. Mar. the 3rd y. of 
Meiji (1870) in Osaka ; e. s. 
of Kyubei Okabashi and ado- 
pted by the late Seizaemon 
Okabashi ; m. Raku, e. d. of 
Ihei Amano, an Osaka «,^«- 
min. Succeeded his adopted 


[ 704 ] 

father in 1908. Address : No.. 
104, 2chome, Funakoshima- 
chi, Higashiku, Osaka. Tel. : 
3343 Higashi. 

Okabaslii, Seizaemon (153 ^ iS 
:£ M f\), a large landowner, 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Nara-ken ; b. June the 4th 
y. of Meiji (1871) in Nara- 
ken ; e. s. of Chiabei Shimo- 
muia and adopted by the late 
Seizo Okabashi in 1900. Suc- 
ceeded his adopted father the 
same year. Address: Masu- 
ge-mura, Takaichi-gun, Na- 

- : Okabe, Ghoslioku C|53 |[f5,ft ^), 
Viscount, ex--Men. of Justice, 

Member of the House of Peers; 
'b. the nth iii. of the ist y. 
of Ansei (1854) in Kishiwada, 
province 'of Settsu ; e. s. of 
Ghohatsu Okabe, former lord 
of Kishiwada clan; m. Oka-ko, 
aunt, of Marquis, Toshitame 
Mayeda. Edjic. : Graduated 
fi'om the Y.ale University, U. 

S. A. (187s— 1882) and after- 
wards studied at the -Ca,m-. 
bridge University, England (18 
82 — 1883)! Created Viscount 
in 1884 ; appointed Councillor 
to the Japanese Legation at 
London (1886 — 1889); pro- 
moted Vice-Minister for For- 
eign Affairs in 1889 and was 
elected member of the House of 
Peers the following year; En- 
voy-Extraordinary and Minis-, 
ter Plenipotentiary (1891) ; 
Governor of Tokyo-fu (1897); 
member ofthe Treaty- Revision 
Committee as well as of the 
Railway Commission; Minis- 
ter of Justice when^ the 2nd ' 
Katsura Cabinet was formed 
in 1908, a post which he now. 
holds. Recreations : Chinese 
Poetry and fine arts. Ad^. 
dress •' No; 5^ Chitose-machi, 
Takata, Kitatoshima-gun, To- 
kyo-fu. Tel.: 123 Bancho. 

Okabe, CMtaro C^-SB ,S ic II5), 
one ofthe highest taxpayers of 
Nagasaki-ken, Representative 
member ofthe Okabe & Co. ; 
b. May the 3rd ''j^. of Meiji. 
(1870) in Nagasaki-ken ; bro- 
ther of Masataro Tokushima 
and adopted by Jihei Okabe. 
Address : Higashihamamachi, 

Nagasaki. - - 

Okafee, Kakuya (HfB^Ji), 

metal sculptor;- :b, Jan..-:ot 
the 6th y. of Meiji (1873) . in 
Fukuoka-shi, . Fukuoka-ken; 
adopted s.. of Yoso Okabe, 

1 705 ] 


Educ.:- graduated from, the 
Tokyo Fine Art School; fur- 
ther studied lh€ sculpture at 
the municipal night school in 
Boston, France and England. 
After' he was engaged by the 
Japanese dep't of the Boston 
museum, accomplished the ad- 
justing work at the Metropoli- 
tan Art Museum, New York; 
thereupon received a letter 
of thanks from the mayor of 
Bostdril ■ Ptiblicaiion: Japa- 
nese sword-guards which, was 
issued from the Boston mu- 
seum. Recreations : side-arms, 
decorating „ curios of sword 
of ancient times. Address: 
No. 22 Yurugizaka-cho, Ko- 
magome, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 
Clubs: japan Kinko Associ- 
ation, Japan Sculpture So- 
ciety, the Art Association. 

Okabe, Kikutaro CH ?B ^ jsL 
BR), Silk export merchant. Di- 
rector of the Takata Habutae 
Co. and the Japan. Silk Cloth 
P'inishing Co., Auditor of the 
Tsurugaoka Textile Industry 
Co., member of the Yokoha- 
ma Chamber of Commerce ; 
b. Sept. the 4th y. of Meiji 
(1871) in Tochigi-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Nakazo Okabe and a- 
dopted by the late Masahichi 
Okabe; in. Toyo, si-ster of Sei- 
ichi Toyoda, a. heimin oi Ks.- 
nagawa;-ken. Addrecz: l^o. 
26, 2 chome, Minami-Naka- 
dori, Yokohama, Tel.: 372. 

Okabe, KyushirS ,«:fB ^m 
W>, brie: of: the highest tax-; 
payers of Tochigi-ken; (5;. the 
3rd ni. of the arid _/- of Kayei 
(1849) in Tachigi-ken ; ; ejis. 
of 'Shohej Okabe ; :.»i. -Haora', 
aunt of . Kiin-Jchi Yano . r Slat- 
ceeded his father in'i894.''j4iar- 
dress ': Moka -machi, Halgar 
gun, Tochigi-ken. ; ' :: ':J -. 

Okabe, Saburo (M SB 3 .IK), 
2nd Secretary of the Imperial 
Embassy at' Washington ; ; 6. 
1873 in Nakatsu-machi, pro- 
vince of Buzen. Educ. : stu- 
died at the Yamaguchi Highi^r ' 
Commercial^ School. Passed 
the Examination for ,Chan7 
cellor. Mar. 1897; Chancellor 
of the Consulate at Seoul, June 
1895 — Oct. 1899 ;— at New- 
chuang, Oct. 1899— rMay 19- 
00 ; — at Chefoo,-May 1900— 

May 1901 ; passed, the Di- 
plomatic" and Consular Serv- 
ice Examination, May 190 1 ; 
Elevie- Consul at Honolulu, 
May 1901 — ^July 1903 ; At- 
tache to the Legation at Pekr 
ing and in addition Eleve 
Consul at Tientsin; July:i9-- 
03-^Feb. 1904 ; Attache to 
the ; Legation at Seoul, Feb. 
1904— Mar. 1904; Attache to 
the Legation at Peking, Mar. 
1904—- Apr. : 1904 ; - Eleve. 
Consul as Chief of the Nank- 
ing branch office of the Con- 
sulate at, Shanghai, Apr. 19 
04 — 1907; Consul at An- 


C 706 ] 

fuiig, 1907 — 1910; Resident 
at Wiju, Korea in addition, 
Aug. 1907 — May 1909; also 
in addition Secretary to the 
Kangtung Government, Jan. 
.1908 — Sept. ,1909 I Member 
of the Joint Committee for the 
drafting of the Japan - China 
Yalu Timber Company Regu- 
lations, June 1908; Secretary 
of Foreign Office, 1908. Ad- 
dress : Japanese Embassy at 

Okabe, Tame'saku m ^ S f^), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Guinma-ken, Director of 
the Ora Bank ; 3. the 6th m. 
of the 3rd J/, of Kayei (18 
50) in Gumma-ken; 2nd s. 
of Mohei Aikawa and adopt- 
ed by the late Eitaro Okabe; 
m. Natsu, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Address : Nioi-mura, 
Kitaora-£run, Gumma-ken. 

, Okada, Asataro Clffl H 19 it 
15)i Hogakuhakushi (Doctor 
of law), Prof of the Law 
College of the" Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (Chair - Criminal law), 
now in the service of the Chi- 
nese Government as Prof in 
the Law School of Peking 
and Member of the Kimmei 
Skiutei Horitsukwan (Chinese 
Law Revision Committee) ; 
b. May the ist y. of Meiji 
(1868) in the province of Mino; 
e. s. of Heihachi Okada, a 
samurai of Ogaki clan ; m. 

Nobu, e. d. of Sadao Ishiwa- 
tari of Tokyo. Educ: griadu- 
ated from the Law College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1891); 
took Post Graduate Course 
on Criminal law. ; studied 
further in France and Ger- 
many (1899 — 1900). Appoint- 
ed Prof of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1900; has been Lectur- 
er on Criminal law in several 
private law institutions ; was 
afterwards engaged by the 
Chinese Government as Prof 
in the Law School at Peking 
and is now in China. • Ad- 
dress : Seijo Hontsugakudo, 
Peking, China. 

Okada Banji CM ^ % ^j, 
Governor of Tochiki prefec- 
tute since July 191 1 ; h. Jan. 
Yaniagata-ken ; e. s. of Cho- 
nosuke Hamada, a samurai; 
and adopted by Gishitsu Oka- 
da ; m. Shu, 2nd d. of his 
adopted father. Address^ Of- 
ficial Residence, No. 5, Otsu, 
Utsunomiya, Tochigi-ken. 
. Okada; Eikichi (li^ H ^ ^), 
IgakuJifikusJii, Dir. of Okada 
Hospital, Member of the Ex- 
amination Committee for Me- 
dical Practitioners. Address: 
No. 12, ^ichome, Ham.acho, 
Nihonbashi, Tokyo. ., 

Okada, Inesaburo; (153 H Jg 3 
W), Paymaster-Colonel, Chief 
of the Paymasters' Staff of 
the 3rd Army Division ; d. 

[ 707 


1858 in Wakayama-ken, Pay- 
Tnaster Sub-Lieutenant, July 
1887; Paymaster Lieutenant, 
Nov. i 89 1 ; Paymaster Cap - 
tain, Dec. 1894; Paymaster 
Major, Dec. 1903; Paymaster 
Lieutenant-Golonel, July 19- 
04; Paymaster-Colonel, Nov. 
1907. Decorations: 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure and 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: Headquarters of the 
3rd Army Division, Nago- 

Okada, Iwao (153 H m). 
Mayor of Okayama City; d. 
the 5th m. of the 6th y. of 
Kayei (1853) in Okayama- 
ken ; e. s. of Orie Okada ; nt. 
Kinu, e. d. of Yoshimatsu 
Kasawara, Succeeded his fa- 
ther in" 1895. Address: Hi- 
gashinakasange, Okayama. 

Okada, Juuyu CISI H 5f I&), 
President of the Kamo Bank ; 
b. the 2nd m. of the 5th y. 
of Ansei (1858) in Hiroshima- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Shinzo Oka- 
da ; m. Ai, 2nd d. of Gunbei 
Awaya. Address : Uchimima- 
chi, Kamo-gun, Hiroshima- 

. Okada, KantarS (|iSI H IS ;fo 
W), Managing Director of the 
Harima Bank. Address : No- 
guchi-mura, Kako-gun, Hyo- 

Okada, Keisuke (M ^ ^ 'k^), 
Oa,ptain, Oommander of Ka- 

shima ( ist c. Battleship) ; 
b. 1868.. Educ:: The Naval 
Academy. Lieutenant-Com- 
mander, Sep, 1899; Com- 
mander, July 1904; Captain, 
Sept. 1908. Decorations: 3rd 
Order ot the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasui:e 
and the 4th Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address: Nishi-: 
Okuho-mura, Toyotama-gun, 

Okada, Kosaburo~CI33 H )?l H 
W), Expert to the Kinai Ag- 
ricultural Experiment Farm. 
Address : Ichimura, Kashiwa- 
bara-mura, Minam'i-kawachi- 
gun, Osaka-fu. 

Okada, Masajiro (H H jE ^ 
W>, draper. President of the 
Nisshin Cloth Dyeing Co., 
Director of the Nisshin Spin- 
ning Co. Address: No. 4, 
Tomizawacho, Uihonbashiku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 875 /. d. Nani- 

Okada, Eaikiehi (isg ffl ^ §), 
Paper merchant. President of 
the Japan Foreign Paper Mfg. 
Co., Representative ntember 
of the Union. Foreign Paper 
Co., Member of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Comiherce ;. b. 
the loth m. of the 5th y. of 
Kaei (1852) in Tokyo; ^. j. 
of the late Yosuke Okada ; 
m. Toyb, s. of Hikorokuro 
Ichikawa, a heimin of Kana- 
gawa-ken. Address : No. 12, 
Schome, Kakigaracho, Nihon- 



bashi, Tokyo,,, Tel.: 237 Na- 

nivva. , - ■ __ .;, 

■ Olfcada, Ryohei mm ^^). 

ex-Vicfe-Minister of Education, 
Member of the House of Peer; 
^. the 5th m' of ,the 1st y. 
of Gwahji ,(1864) in the pro- 
vmce of Totomi ; e. s. of Ry5- 
ichiro Okada, a samurai of 
Kakegawa ' clan ; ' m. Misao, 
2nd d. of Tsutomu Ishiguro, 
a jawwraVofShiga-ken. Bduc: 
graduated from the College 
of Literature of the Tokyo 
Imp, Univ., (1887).^ Prof of 
the former First Higher Mid- 
dle School ; School Inspector 
of the Department of Educa- 
tion ; Councillor to the same ; 
President .of the Yamaguchi 
Higher Middle School; Secre- 
tary to the Department of Edu- 
cation ; Member of the High- 
er Educational Council; High 
Councillor to the Department 
of Education ; Director of the 
Technical Education Bureau 
of the . same ; Secretary-Gen- 
eral of the same ; Lord - in- 
Waiting iti .^0.' kirikei Hall ; 
represented Japan at the In- 
ternational Population and Sa- 
nitation Conference held at 
Paris, 1900; member of the 
House of Peers, 1904; Presi- 
dent of the. Kyoto Imp. Univ. 
1907; present post since 1908. 
Address: l<Sd. 125, Haraniachi, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. .: 
9S5 Banchov ' ,. 

1 ■ ■ 

' . Okada, Ryumatsu (155: H, :tl 
^S), President of the Toka- 
machi Bank, Director of the 
Hokuetsu Twisted Thread Co.; 
3. the loth fit. of the loth 
y. of Tempo (1839) i" Nii- 
gata-ken ; e. s. Of Eizo Oka- 
da ; m. Kane, 3rd d. of Itsu- 
toda Isohe.' Address : Naka- 
jo-mura, Nakauonuma - gun,, 

Okada, Saburosuke (IJiBHSP^ 
IS). Artist, Western painter, 
professor in the Tokyo Art 
School; 3. January 1869 in 
Saga. Studied painting from 
the late Sachihiko Ono, Ma- 
saaki Horiye, Kiyoteru Ku- 
roda, Keiichiro Kume and a 
French painter; gained prizes 
in some exhibitions; is com- 
mittee-member of the Art 
Examining Society and mem- 
ber of "Hakubakai," " Go- 
rakukai" and special member 
of Architecture Society. Ad- 
dress: 1838 Shimoshibuya, 
Shibuya-cho, Tokyo-fu. 

Okada, Sanzen (_M W H #)> 
Naval Captain, attache to 
the Yokosuka Naval station; 
(5. in 1 87 1. Educ: Naval 
Engineering A'^ademy. Lieut. 
Commander, Jan. 1901; 
Commander, Aug. 1905; 
Captain, Dec. 1912. Was 
chief of the Personnel Dep't 
of the Yokosuka Naval 
Station ; , present post - since 
Dec. igi2. Decorations'. 4th 

[ 709 ] 


Order of R. S., 5* Qrder 
S. T. Address: the- Yoko- 
suka Naval Station. ." 
Okamoto, Seisaku (|^' * ^ 

•f^), Colonel of Grendarm'erie 
■ since 1910, Commander of 
the Tokyo Gendarmerie ; b: 
1 86 1 in Tokyo. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant of Infantry, Apr. 18S6; 
Lieutenant of — , Sept. 1891 ; 
Captain of^ — , July 1895 } Cap- 
tain of Gendarmerie, Dec. 
1895 ; Major of — , Nov. 1903; 
Lieutenant-Colonel of-^, Nov. 
1907. Decorations : 4th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun ; 3rd 
Order of the Sacred Treasure. 
Address: Official Residence, 
No. I, I chome, Otemachi, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Okada, Shinbei (153 H ij ft 
^SJi silk-broker, Director of 
the Yokohama Transportation 
Co. Ltd. ; b. the 3rd m. of 
the 1st J/, of Kayei (1848) in 
Yamanashi-ken.; adopt, s. of 
the late Kanhichi Okada of 
Kanagawa-ken ; jn. Aka, e. 
d. of Motojiro Tsuji of Ya- 
manashi-ken. Succeeded his 
adopted father in 1900 ; his 
firm is known by the name 
of Izumiya. Address : No. 
62, 4chome, Minaminakadori, 
Yokohama. Tel. .-75. 

Okada, Taheiji Cl^ ffl ;*: ^ 
^), a large . landowner, one 
•of the highest taxpayers of 
Nara-ken ; b. the ythm. of 
the 1st jf. of Keio (1865) in 

Nara-ken ; e. s. of the ; late 
Taheiji Okada ; m. Nbbu, 
yonnger sister of Teita:ro Te- 
rada of Osaka ; Succeeded his 
father in 1 876; has been once 
meniber of the Nara prefect- 
ural Assenibly and of the 
House, of Peers (1898),, Ad-, 
dress : Anto-mura, ; Ikoiiia- 
gun, Nara-ken. •: , >-. 

Okada, Taizo (M B '% si), 
Lawyer, LL.B. (Yale), D-C: 
L. (Catholic Univercity ;of 
America), Member, bf the' 
House of Representatives ; A: 
Oct. the I St J/, of Meiji(;i868) 
in Ukawa-mura, Tango pro- 
vince ; 2nd d. of Shintaro 
Okada ; iii, Yoshie, 3rd. d. of 
Kayemon Hamuro, a keimin 
of Kyoto. \£'^af. .• graduated 
from the Chiio Daigaku (Cen- 
tral Univ.) in 1891 and then ' 
from the Yale Univ. in "1896; 
attended the Catholic Unj- ' 
versity of America, Washirig- 
ton^ receiving the degree of 
D.C.L. (1897). Deputy-Ma- 
yor of Kobe, 1904 — 1906; 
Member of the House ;of Re- 
presentatives since 1908 ; at 
present is Chairman V of the 
Disciplinary. Committee Of the. 
House. Publication,; "Nation- 
al Ideas." ' Address ; l^Q;, z, 
Sojiirochd, Kyobashi, I"pkya. 
Tel. : 243Q Shimbashi. Club:: 
Seiyiikai. -. - "';-,.; ^ 

Okada, Takegoro (IsgfflitSsSJ,, 
Engineer to the Imperial Rail- 


f 710 ] 

way Board ; b. the 8th in. of 
the 3rd y. of Keio (1867) in 
Ttskyo ; 5 th 5. of the late Ono- 
goro Okada, a Tokyo samu- 
rai ; in. Sada, e. d. of Hage- 
mu Taneda, a samzcrai of 0- 
gaki clan. Edicc. .: Graduated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. En- 
gineer to Tokyo-fu (1900); 
successively transferred as En- 
gineer to Saitama-ken, Rail- 
way Engineer to the Depart- 
ment of Communications and 
Engineer to the Imp. Rail- 
way Board where he holds 
the post of chief of the En- 
gineering Section. Address: 
No. 48, Official Residence, 
3 chome, Shiodorae, Shiba, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 4105 Shimba- 

Okada, Tokueaon mm '& /& 
#11), hemp and paper mer- 
chant (fitm name "Okiya"); 
b. July the i/th 7. of Meiji 
(i 884) in- Nagoya ; e. s. of the 
late Tokuemon Okada; m. 
Sue, sister of Ryoemon Oka- 
da. Address : t^o. 135, Ise- 
cho, Higashiku, Nagoya;. 

Okada, Tsurayuki iM ^ S 
^)i Major-Generaron the Re- 
serve ; \^. the iit'h in. of the 
6th J/, of Kayei ( 1 853) in Tot- 
tori-ken ; 2nd s. of Yosuke 
Oka4a, a samurai of the for- 
mer Tottori clan ; m. Michi, 
2Hd d. of Kohitsu Nishida, a 
samurai of yamaguchi. Educ: 

graduated from the Military 
Academy. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Artillery in 1875 ; Lieutenant 
of Cortimissariat in the fol- 
lowing year ; took part in the 
Satsuma Rebellion ; Comman- 
der of the transport Fushigi- 
maru -and then Commander 
of the 3rd Battalion of Com- 
missariat of the -Srd- Army 
Division in the Japan-China 
war ; Superintendent of Com- 
missariat in 1899 ; Ma}or-Ge- 
neral in 1904 ; placed on the 
Reserve list in 1906 ; Deco- 
rations : 2nd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun and 4th class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: No,. 
36, Nakanocho, Ichigaya, U- 

shigome, Tokyo. 

Okada, TJnpsuke m PJ ^ i: 
IS), Governor of Ibaragi- ken 
since 1912 ; b. Dec. the 5th 
IS), Secretary to the Ehime- 
prefecture ; b. Dec. the 5th, 
y. of Meiji (1872) in Hyogo- 
ken ; Younger brother to Jo- 
nosuke Hara and adopted by 
Shintaro Olcada ; m. Tomi, d. 
of his adopted father. Educ.: 
graduated from the former 
Tokyo Hogakko (a private 
law institution) in 1896. Pas- 
sed in the following yeat th& 
Examination for. Bench as 
well as the Examination for 
Higher Civil Service; appoint- 
ed Probationary Judge the 
same year ; on resigning be- 
came in: succession Council-; 

[ 711 J 

lor to the prefectures of Shi- 
mane and Nagano, and then 
Secretary to the Nagano pre- 
fecture ; and Bhime pref. , 
1905, Address: Kamiichi , 
Omachi, Mito, Ibaraki-ken. 

Okada, WaicMro Cl^ 68 m - 
BI5), Igakuhakmhi (Doctor of 
Medicine), Prof, of the Medic;; i 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (Chair - Otology, Rhi- 
nology and Laryngology) ; b. 
the 1st m. of the ist y. of 
Gwanji (1864) in Ehime-ken; 
e. s. of the late Kasoda Oka- 
da ; m. Toku, y. sister of 
Junjiro Sakaki, Igakulmkushi . 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Medical College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. (1889) ; stu- 
died further in Austria (18- 
95 — 1898). Assistaut-Prof of 
his alma mater (1895); Iga- 
kuhakushi (1899); present post 
since 1902. Address : No. 36, 
Sanbancho, Kojimachiku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 976 Bancho. 

Okai, T. nojo (M^Mi. 3^), 
ex-Mem. of the House of Ke- 
presentatives ; b. 1866 in the 
province of Mino. Educ. : 
Graduated from the former 
Tokyo Hogakko, a private law 
institution. Formerly mem - 
ber and Vice-president of the 
Gifu Prefecttiral Assembly; 
has been thrice elected mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives ; decomted with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 

Address : No. 63, 5 chome, 
Minamimachi, Aoyama, Aka- 
sakaku, Tokyo. 

Okagura, Shusui (MM^Mi-) 
Painter of Japanese school, 
prof, in the Peers' school; b. 
1867 in Fukui-ken; nephew 
of Mr. Kakuzo Okagura, 
president of the Japan Fine 
Art Institute. Learned paint- 
ing from the famous painter 
Hogai Kano; afterward gra- 
duated from the Tokyo Fine 
Arts School. Professor in the 
Womens' Higher Normal 
School; professor in the 
Peers' School; drew the 
diagram of the copper image 
of the famous Nanko which 
is now erected in front of 
the palace, 1891; a beautiful 
picture showing Japanese 
maple tree which was sent 
to thejdng of Roumania by 
the late General Nogi in 
return to the warm recepj 
tion which was extended 
to him when he was in that 
country was also painted by 
Mr. Okagura. Address: No. 
I, Awaji-cho, Kanda, Tokyo. 

Okakura> Yoshisabnro (ISO -^ 
lii H 115), Prof, of the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School (Chair- 
English language). Publico^ 
tions : many works on . the 
English language and pho- 
netics. Address : No. 37, Zo- 
shigaya - machi, Koishikawa; 


Okairaatsu,^ Santaro CH fe;# :k 
W)\- JHogakuhiikushi (Doctor 
of Law), Professor of' the 
Law College" of the Kyoto 
rmperial University (Chairs- 
civil .law and Private Interna- 
tionaL law), : DifeCtor- of , the 
Southern Mancliurian Rail- 
way Co.; i^.-Aug. the4thj'.; 
of Meiji (1871) in iCumame-: 
to-ken ; 3rd s. of Yofcoku 'O- 
kaniatsu, a Kurnamoto sdrnu- 
rdi-, »«.„Tamiy 3rd d. of Kinii 
Hayashi, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ, : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Ithp. Univ. (1894) ; studied 
law -in -Germanyj France and 
Italy (1896-^1899). ■ Pi-of. of 
the' College of Law of -the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ. (1899) ; in 
addition .Dirgttor of the Sou- 
thern Manchurian Railway Co. 
(1907) J nominated- '^eniber 
of the Imperial Academy (19- 
08).. ; Address: No,- 58-,. Na- 
kanocho/ Ichigayaj^ Ushigci- 
me, Tokyo. Tel..: .21^ Ban- 

cho. _ . 

.Okamoto, Chiizo CIS3 * ffi. M), 
Director of the Hakodate Dock 
Co. and of the Hakodate Wa- 
ter Power Electric Co., Pre- 
sidentof the Hakodate Cham- 
ber of Cornmerce ; b. the 5th 
m. of the 4th J', of Ansei (18- 
57) in ;^hiba-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Keizo Ota wa and adopted into 
the Okarnoto family ; m. Fuji, 
aunt of Kurataro Okamoto. 

712 ] 

Address : No. 2, SuehirochoJ 
Hakodate, Hokkaido. ' 

Okamoto,, Eitaro <M * ^ ifc 
m), Director of the Forestry 
Bm\ of Agr. and Commer-^ 
cial, Dep't, Sec. to the Ooming 
Japan Grand Exhibition ; 6. 
Sept. the 4th jV. of Meiji (18- 
71) in Osaka; e. s.oi Jota- 
ro Okamoto ; m. Toshi, 3rd 
d. of Maisaburo Watanabe of 
Tochigi-ken. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of Law 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (18- 
98). Passed: the Highef Ci- 
vil Service Examination and 
appointed a Forestry Officer 
the same year ; afterwards in 
succession was Assistant-In- 
pector of the Forest Admin- 
istration Bureau, full Ins - 
pector and then Secretary of 
the sanie ; present posts since 
1912; has been Secretary to 
the Anglorjapanese Exhibi- 
tion since 1909 ; sent to Ita4 
ly, Gerrnany and Belgium on 
an official mis.son in 19 10. Ad- 
dress :■_ No. 161, . Araij-uku, 
Iriarai-mura, Ebara-gun, To- 
kyo-fu. Tel: 173 1 SMba.- 

■ Okamoto, Gihei Cpsg *■ ^ J£ 
^). Representative , member 
of the Nippon. Soy Sale Co., 
Director of the Onahama Salt 
Mfg. Co., 'the: Ibaraki Coat 
Mining Co., the Tokyo -Ga^^ 
Coke Co. and "fef the Rail-' 
way Transportation Co., Au- 
ditor of the Nippon Gum Co;' 

[ m ] 


and of the Tsuchiura ■ Agri- 
cultural and Commercial Bank"; 
b. Dec. the 6th j/. of Meiji 
(1873) in Ibaraki-keii ; e.s. 
of the late Gihei Okamoto ; 
m. Kuni, 3rd d. of Heishiro 
Ushioda of Ibaraki-ken. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1889. 
Address: Tsuchiuramachi, Nii- 
hari-gun, Ibaraki-ken. 

Okamoto, Jisuke (153* <1& W), 
dealer in silk, President of the 
Nishijin Savings Bank ; b. the 
5th m. of the 4th y. of An- 
sel (1857) in Kyoto; e. s. of 
the late Jisaku Okamoto ; m. 
Tsuru, f. s. of Asaemon Mu- 
raoka of Kyoto. Succeeded 
his father in 1877. Once was 
a member of the Kyoto Cham- 
ber of Commerce arid the 
Kyoto Municipal Council. Ad- 
dress ; "Dmiyamachi, Naka- 
sujidori, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 
Tel. : 20 Kami. 

Okamoto, Kan-ichi (R! * S 
— ). Manager and Director of 
the Mining Dep't of the Mi- 
tsui firm ; b. in October of 
the Sthj?/. of Ansei (1858) in 
Shidzuoka-ken ; Younger bro- 
ther of Gdrozaemon Nakaya- 
ma, a samurai oi Shidzuoka, 
and adopted by Tomotada O- 
kamoto of Chiba-ken ; m. Iku, 
e. d. of Mikichi Seki, a' 5'«wzm- 
ra:2 of Shidzuoka-ken. '>Educ.: 
graduated from the Kyododan 
(Mil. Non-Com. School) '.and^ 
the Hogdkuin (present Chiio 

Univ). Began his career as a 
militar/ officer; then entered 
the central Government ; and 
present post. Address : No. 
18, Minamimachi, Akasaka, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2972 Shiba.../ 
Okamoto, Sei?iO C|iSI *. tS H), 
Managing Director of the. Na- 

goya Electric Railway Co.,' 
Director of the Bisei Railway 
Co.; b. the 6th m. of the 4th 
y. of Ansei (1857) in ;Aichi- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Kqjuro Hira- 
no and adopted by the late 
Seibei Okamoto ; m. Nao, e. 
d. of his adopted father. Ad- 
dress : Tsushimamachi, Kai- 
to-£un, Aichi-ken. - - 

Okamoto, Shigewaka (|^ 4.; 

IS ^)) Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 7_ist In- 
fantry Regiment; b. 1869 in 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieut., Mafch 
1891; Lieut., Nov.. ,1894; 
Captain, Oct. 1898;: Major, 
April 1904; Lieut. Colonel, 
Nov. .1907; , Colonel, Sept. 
191 1. Decorations: 5tb: Or- 
der of .S.T., 4th Order; of 
R. S., 3Td '. Glass of Golden 
Kite. Address-.Y^d^wi'Si, Fu- 
kuokarken. - r 

Okamoto, Taiko CIS3 *:* 
g), Naomichi by proper 
name, artist; 6.;. 12tli ;,§[.' .of 
Meiji ( 18 7 9 ) at . Nawari-riiachi, 
Iga province ;• s, of TafetSka- 
moto, m.. in 19Q5.. .EJiiiMC. : 
graduated froni' . the Ejioto 



Art Scliool. Obtained many 
prizes in various exhibitions. 
^Recreation : mnsic. Address '■ 
No. 32 Nonin-bashi 2 cbome, 
Higashi-ku, Osata. Olubs : w». 
of Tokyo Tatsumi Art Society 
and of the Osaka Taisho Art 
Society. - 

Okamotd, Takeji CP^ * ^ ^ ), 
, Doctor, President of the Ni- 
honbashi Hospital ; d. the 
nth if;«; of the 5th j>'. of Ansel 
{1858) in Wakayama - ken ; 
adopted s. of the Lite Bunz© 
Okamoto ; m: Kusue, d. of 
Hobu; Okamoto. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the College of 
Medicine of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1891; Inaugurated 
the Nihonbashi Hospital and 
became its President; has been 
once member of the Exami- 
nation "Committee for Medi- 
cal Practitioners. Address: 
No. 31, Aomonochoi Nihoii- . 
bashi^ Tokyo. Te^,: 448 Hoii- 
kyokui :. , : i " ' 

Okamato^ teikyS (|5| # A m, 
DirectQ-r of the Kanegafuehi 
Spinning Co;,. the Union: Print- 
ing Co., the -Ghiyoda -Life 
Insurance Co., the Oriental 
Printing Co., the Kahuki Thea- 
tre Co., and'of the:TQy©tani.. 
Bank,; -Auditor of the. Former-, 
san Sugar M%. C<y^\i): the i ith 
m. of the 6th^. of Kaei(i853), 
in Odawafa, province of Sa- 
gami ; ^..j.; of Kats^ji Oka- 
■moto:, 3,'Mimin of Tokyo ;. m. 

Sen, 2nd d. of YQji Imaizu- 
mi, a samurai of Kanagawa. 
Educ.: Graduated from the 
Kei5gijukuin 1874. Has been 
in government service for 
some time after graduation ; 
next entered the Jiji Shimpo 
as Chief of its printing depart- 
. ment in 1882 ; in 1892 was 
elected member of the inaugu--' 
ration Committee of the Tei- 
koku Marine Insurance Co., 
being subsequently appointed 
its manager ;. also took part 
in the establishment of the 
Formosan Sugar Mfg. Co. in 
1900, and of the Tokyo City 
Railway Co. in 1901 in both 
of which Companies he was- 
elected auditor ; subsequently 
participated in the Manage- 
ment of the business of the 
Chiyoda Life Insurance Co, 
and of the Oriental Printing 
Co. ; is also advisor to the 

Mitsui family. Address: No. 
14, Takeyacho, Azabu, To- 
kyo. Tel. :■ 86o« Shiba. 

OkaHiotQ,;YanaittatstiCI^ :^M 
&), Jgakuhakushi (Doctor of 
Medicine), Prof of the Me- 
dical College of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (Chair - Forensic 
Medicine) ; b. the 5 th in. of 
the 3fd jr. of Biinkyu (1863) 
in. Hy5go-fcen; 3rd s'. of Hi- 
koso Shimomura and adopted 
by the late Buugo Okanioto; 
/«. Sata, 3rdi/. of ZendayixSeto 
of Byogo-ke;ii. I Kim. : gra- 

[ 7IS } 

duated from the Medical Col- 
lege of the Toikyo Ihip. Univ. 
(1889); studied, further in 
Germany (1899 — 1902). As- 
sistant Prof, of his alma mater 
(1891); the same of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (1899); Prof, of the 
same Unvi. (1902); Igakuha- 
kushi (1904). Address: No. 
29, Kamikoji, Yoshidamachi, 
Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Okamoto, Yoshijiro CH * ^ - - 
BP), Chief of Geiieral affair sec- 
tion of the Tokyo hranch of the 
South Manchuria .Railway Co.; 
6. .lune the ist y. of Meiji (18- 
68) in Okayama-ken ; 2nd s. 
of Chohei Okamoto. ; m. Yo, 
y. m^^r of Tatsunosuke Kato 
of Tokyo.. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from the Doitsu Kyokwai 
Gakko "(a School attached 
to the German Association); 
studied law in Germany (18- 
89-— 1893). Prof, of the First 
High School in 1896; after- 
wards employed by the South 
Manchurian Railway Co. as 
its Examinor, retaining the 
post of professorship of the 
First High School. Address: 
No. 2, I chome, lida-machi, 
Kdji-machi,'- Tokyo. 

Okamotoi Zenshiehi (Pt *" # 
-b). President of the Okamoto 
Bank, Directof of the Tone 
Canal Co., Auditor of the 
Ibarakt Anthracite Co. and 
of the Kushiro . Colliery. Co., 
Councillor to the Inland Trans- 

portation Co., etc. ; b. the 3rd 
m: of the 1 2th y. of Tempo 
(1841) in Chiba-ken ; 4th s. 
of the late Genzaburo Oka- 
moto ; m. Mine,' adop. d. of 
Bunji Nakazawa. Opened an 
Exchange in Nihonbashi, To- 
kyo in 1 872 ; inaugurated the 
Okamoto Bank and became 
its president in 1890. Address: 
No. 46, Hayashicho, Sendagi, 
Komagome, Hongoy Tokyo. 
Tet. : 513 Shitaya. 

Okamura, Katsusaburo (^ 

W )^ H gi5), Colonel of In- 
fantry, Commander of the 
56th Regiment of Infantry; 
b. 1866 in Fukuoka-ken. 
Sub.-Lieut., July 1887; Sub- 
Lieut, of Colonial troops, Jan. 
1890; Lieut, of Colonial 
Troops, Dec. 1891; Captain, 
Oct. 1894; Major of In- 
fantry, May 1901; Lieut. 
Colonel, March, 1907; Colo- 
nel, Sept. 191 1. Decorations-. 
5th Order of S. T., 4th 
Order of. R. S., 4th class G. 
K. Address: Kurunte. 

Okamura, Kimata (MMM% 
iv), a large .landowner, one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Kuniamoto-ken ; b. the 8th 
m. of the 1st y. of Mah-en 
(i860) in ■ Kumamoto-ken ; e. 
si of Kitoda, Okamura, a sa- 
murai; ?«. , Bfina, 2nd d. of 
Kakutoku Ichinose, a Kuma- 
moto samurai. Once was elect^ 
ed a member of the House 


t ;ti6 

cf Peers. Address: Haraaka- 

mura, . Tamana - gun, Kuma- 


bkamura, Kintaro (|iS3 isj- ^ ;fc 

SR). Rigakuhakushi (Doctor of 
Science); Prof, of the Fishe- 
ries Institute; (5. in Tokyo. 
Educ. : Graduated from the 
College of Science of the To- 
kyo Imp, Univ. (1889). Was 
formerly Prof of the 4th High 
School: Publications : various 
works on botany. Address: 
No- 4, i2 chome, Shinogawa- 
machi, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Okamnra, Setsuo C'^HBM), 
importer of machinery,. Agent 
for the Spinning Machine Co.; 
(5. the Sth. ?«. of -,the 6th. j. 
of Kayei {1853) hi Yamagu- 
chi-ken ; e,, s. of the late Tsu- 
nekichi Okamura ; ?«. Hiro, 
sister of Mitsutaki_,Shiina, a 
samurai of Tokyo. Address : 
No. 21, 3 chome, Ginza, Kyq- 
bashi, Tokyo... Tel. : 546 and 
321 Kyohashi. 

Okamura, Tatsuhiko (M W 
^)> Igakuhakushi, (Doctor of 
Medicine-Skin diseases), Pre- 
sident of the Okamura Hos- 
pital ; b. July the 3rd y. of 
Meiji (1870) in^okyo; 2nd 
:y. of Yoshimasa Okamura, a 
samurai of Tokyo ; m. Kyu, 
3rd d. of Jitsuei Hirose of 
Tokyo. Educ. : Graduated 
from ihe Medical College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. '(1898); 
continued his special .studies 

oh skin-diseases in Germany, 
and Austria (1898 —- 1962). 
Established the Okamura Hos- 
pital, becoming its president^ 
granted the degree of the 
Igakuhakiishi '. (1902). Ad- 
dress: No. 8, I chome, Ni- 
shiogawa-machi; Kanda, . To- 
kyo. 7>/. : 2930 Honkyoku. . 

Okamura, Teruhiko CJlId" iSf 
j^), HdgakuJiakushi, Lawyer; 
b. the 1 2th in. of the 2nd y. 
of Ansei' (1855) 'in Mai- 
dzuru, province of Tango ; 
e.s. of Yoshimasa Okamura, 
a samurai of Maidzuru clan ; 
OT. Yoshi, 4th d. of Baron 
Seigi Tsutsumi. Educ. ': stu- 
died law at the former Kai- 
seigakko, a government sch- 
ool; was- sent to. England, 
where he graduated froni the 
Kings College, receiving the 
title of Barrister-at-law in the 
Middle Temple (1876— 1.881). 
Appointed Judge of the To- 
kyo ' Court of Appeal, the 
Court, of Cassation and Pre- 
sident of the Yokohama Dis- 
trict Court in succession ; has 
been iri. addition Lecturer of 
Commercial law at the Imperi- 
al Univ. 'as well as at various 
private law institutions; re- 
tired from the Bench and began 
practice as a lawyer in 1891 
in Tokyo, "'./^.f^r^.y.j.- No. 173, 
Sendagaya-cho, Toyotama - 
-gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel.: 32 Shi- 

c m ] 


Okamura, Tsukasa (IS? It il), 
Hogakuhakushi, Prof, of the 
Law College o'f the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. (civil . code) ; b. 
the 1 2th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Keio (1.866) in the province 
of Shimopsa ; 3rd s. of Chue- 
nion Okamura, a samurai of 
Koga clan ; m. Toshi, sister 
of Keikichi Ishii, a heimin of 
Ibaraki-ken. Educ: Graduat- 
ed from the Law College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1892); 
continued his studies in Gei-- 
many (1899 — 1902). After 
occupying the posts of Proba- 
tionary Judge, Instructor to 
the Military College and As- 
sitant-Prof of his alma mater 
was appointed to his present 
post in igo2 ; Hdgakukaku- 
shi'm 1904. PuMicatioti.: Prin- 
ciple of "law. Address. : Hi- 
gashisambongi, Kamikyo-ku, 

OkaNojlJoshiaki CISiF If ^ W), 
Colonel of Infantry, Comman- 
der of the 33rd Infantry Regi- 
ment ; 3} 1863 in Okayama- 
ken. Sub - Lieutenant, July 
1887 ; Lieutenant Mar. 18 
92 ; Captain, Aug. 189S ; 
Major, May 1902 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, July i90'5;7Colo- 
nel, Nov. 1909. Deeorations : 
4th Order of the Rising Sun, 
Sth Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure -and 4th Class of the 
GQlden Kite. Address : ^h& 
33rd Infantry Regiment, Na-. 


Okano, rujii9atsu (M^%± 
Md, Naval Captain, . Attache 
to the Yokosuka Naval Sta- 
tion; (5. 1869.. Educ: The 
Naval Academy. Lieuten- 
ant-Commander, Dec. 1899 f 
Commander, Jan. 1905 , Cap- 
tain, Oct. 1909. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
4th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure and 4th Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address : Yoko- 
suka Naval Station. 

Okano, Keijiro CpBI Sf Sc ^ 
BR), Hogakuhakushi (Doctor 
of law), Prof, of the Law Col-, 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, Member of thp 
House of Peers ; b. the 9th 
m. of the istjj'. of Keio (1865) 
in Tokyo ; 2nd s. of the late 
Chikayoshi Okano, a Tokyo 
samurai ; in. Taka, 2nd d. of 
Tagoro Fujibayashi, a heimin, 
of Tokyo. Educ. :_ graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Unjy. (1886); con- 
tinued his studies (especially 
of commercial law) in Ger- 
many, 1893 — 1895. Appoint- 
ed Prof of his Alma, mater 
in 1895 ; Councillor to the 
Department of Agriculture 
and Commerce in additian (18- 
98); Councillor and then Chief 
of the Bureau of Legislation ; . 
granted the degree of Hoga- 
kuhakushi ^ in 1 898 ; has been 
member of the Law Investi-x 

[ 7J^ 3 

gation Committtee ; appointed 
director of tlie Cabinet Pen- 
sion Bureau until Dec. ¥912. 
Becordfion : the 4th Order of 
the Eising Sun. Address : Isfo. 
70, I chome, Tenjincho, Yu- 
sbima, Hoftgo, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1235 Shitaya. 

Okano, Kitaro (M ® If J: 
SI5\ Managing Director of the 
Shunto' Business Bank, Di- 
rector of the ShuKfid Savings 
Bank and of the Aiyo Ferti- 
lizer Co. ; (5. the 4th m. of 
the 1st y. of Gwanji (1864) ' 
in Shizuoka-ken ; e. i. of ^Ya- 
heita Okano ; in. Tai, younger 
sister to Urataro Sekimoto. 
Succeeded his father in 1883. 
Address: Takane-mura, Sunto- 
gun, Shizuoka-ken. 

Okano, Koreyasu (Mt% M ^), 
farmer, ' one of the highest 
taxpayers of Ishikawa-ken ; 
b. the 2nd m. of the ist /. 
of Ansei (1854) i"^ Ishikawa- 
ken ; e. s. of Ikuhei Okano ; 
m. Taka, 4th d. of Takezo 
Nishina. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1878. Address: Ka- 
shiwazaki-mura, Hakumi-gun, 

Okano, Rihei i^^M^ «), 
tea and marine products mer- 
chant, President of the Yo- 
kohama Fish Incubation Co., 
Director of the Iwaki Cement 
Co., Auditor of the Yokolia- 
ma 74tli Bank and the Yo- 
kohama Savings Bank, Mem- 

ber of the Yokohama Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; b. the' 6th 
m. of the 2nd y: of Bunlcyu 
(t Z62^ ixt Yokohama ; 3rd s. 
o£ the late Rihei Okano ; m. 
sister of Kanao Shinjoof Shi- 
zuoka-ken. Address : No. 29, 
2 chome, Honcho, Yokohama. 
Tel. : 378. 

Okano, Teiji (M if » -), 
Manager ofthe NagoyaBranch 
of the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, 
Director of the Nagoya Sheet 
Mfg. Co; ; A Sept. the 3rd 
f. oi Meiji (1870) in the pro- 
vince of Omi ; 2nd s. of Shi- 
gai Okano, a samurai of Hi- 
kone clan ; m. Tsuya, e. s. 
of Hyoichiro Ogura, Vice- 
Admiral. Educ. : graduated 
from the Osaka Higher Com- 
mercial School (1888). En- 
tered the semce of the Mi- 
tsui Bussan Kaisha and after 
serving in the Osaka and Lon- 
don Branches of the firm was 
transferrred to the present post. 
Address : No. 'iS, 2 chome, 
Higashisotoborimachi, Higa- 
shiku, Nag-oya. Tel.: S38. 

Okano, Tomojiro (MWK'^ 

IB). Colonel of Eng., Com- 
mander of the lOth Battalion; 
b. 1864 in Nagano-ken. 
Sub-Lieut., March 1894; 
Lieut., May 1895; Captain, 
Oct. 1897; Major, May 1904; 
Lieut. Colonel, March 1908; 
Colonel, Dec. 191 1. Decora- 
tions'. Sth Order of S. T.,/ 

[ 7 '9 ]■ 


tth Order of R. S., 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Fukuchiyama, Ama- 
dagun, Kyoto-fu. 

Okatani, Sosnke iM # ig! m, 
hardware merchant, Director 
of the Aichi Bank and of the 
Maruhachi Savings Bank, Au- 
ditor of the Mikawa Cement 
Co. and of the'Nagoya Gas 
Co., Vice - President of the 
Nagoya Chamber of Com- 
merce ; l>. the 2nd m. of the 
4th jj/. of Kayei (1851) in 
Nagoya ; 2nd s. of the . late 
Sosei Okatani; m. Hana, 2nd 
d. of Buhei Kondo. Succee- ^ 
ded his father in 1867. Ad- 
dress : No. 7, Teppocho, Na- 
kaku, Nagoya. Tel.: .212 
Long distance. 

Okauchi, ShigetosM C^ P^M 
^), Baron, Lord-in- Waiting in 
the Kinkei Hall, Member of 
the House of Peers ; b. the 4th 
m. of the 13th y. of Tempo 
( 1 842) in the province of To- 
sa ; e. s. of the late Kiyotane 
Okauchi, a famous samtirai 
of Tosa clan. An earnest sup- 
porter of the Mikado's cause 
at the Restoi-ation ; entered 
the service of the Department 
of Justice (1869)-; was sent 
to Europe for the inspection 
of judicial systems of the west 
(1873); appointed Public Proc- 
urator, Acting - President of 
the Nagasaki Court of Appeal 
and the Judge of the Court 

of Cassation in succession 
and finally member of the 
Senate ; was made member 
of the House of Peers by im- 
perial nomination in 1890 ; 
created Baron and appoint- 
ed Lord-in-Waiting ofthej^m- 
kei Hall in 1900; decorated 
with the 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun in connection with 
the late war. Address: Maru- 
yama-Shimmachi, Komago- 
me, Hongo Tokyo. 

dkawa, Heisaburo C:^ )\\ ^ 
H fi|5), President of the Board 
of Directors of the Kiso In- 
dustrial Development Co., of 
the Ryuto Timber Co., Ma- 
naging director of the Cen- 
tral Paper Mfg. Co., the Ori- 
ental Glass Mfg. Co., the 

Oriental Gum Co., the Japan 
Acetic Acid Mfg. Co. and 
of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha 
(Oriental Steamship Co.), etc.; 
b. the loth m. of the ist y. 
of Bunkyu (1861) in^ Tokyo ; 
2nd s. of Shijzo Okawa, a 
samurai of Tokyo ; m. Teru, 
4th d. of Baron Eiichi Shibu- 
sawa. Address : No. 1 16, Ko- 
umemachi, Mukojirna, Honjo, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 886 Shitaya. 

Okazaki, BunkicM (M^% 
a}, Expert to the Hokkaido 
Government. Address : No. 
13 chome, Kitasanjo, Sappo- 
ro, Hokkaido. 

• Okazaki, Kenji (H «t K ^), 
Managing Director of the To- 


[ 720 ] 

sa -Bank, Director of the: Dai- 
td- FisHing • Co. ; b: the "ist 
m. orthe, 2nd J/. o'f®Bunkyu 
(1862)- in the province of Tb- 
sa ; e. s. of Kenhrchi Okaza- 
ki, a Kochi samurai ; m. Ko- 
ma> e. d. of Haruma Kubo, 
also a Y^okii samurai. Educ. : 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Seminon Gakko (forerunner of 
the present Waseda Univf) in 
1885. Passed the Examina- 
tions for Bar and Notary Pub- 
He in 1887; began practice 
as lawyer and then as notary 
public; afterwards entered bus- 
iness and, became managing 
director and then president of 
the Teikoku Mercantile Ma- 
rine Co. ; resigning this post 
became managing director of 
the Tosa Bank and then Di- 
rector of the Daito Fishing • 
Co.,; has "been several times 
member of the Kochi !Pie- 
fectural Assembly and chair- 
man of the E^ochi Municipal 
Council; Mem. of the House 
of Eepresentatives for the city 
of Kochi in 1903. Address : 
Ob!ya-cho, Kochi, Kochi-ken. 

Okazaki, Kmiistike C|5|«t?i? 
||>, Member of the House of 
Eepresentatives, Director of 
the Furukawa Miniug Co. and 
of the Keihan Electric Eail- 
way Co.; h- the 3rd m. of 
the ist y. of Ansei (1854) in 
Wakayama-ken ; _ 2nd s. of 
Gakuya Nagasaka and adop- 

ted into the Okazaki; family ; 
m. ^. Fusa>}.^2stef "of ', thte- Masa9 
jiro Hayashi of Osaka; Mduc. :-. 
studied law and politics, ini 
the United States. "Once was 
chiet of Police", of Wakaya- 
nia-ken ; was favoured by the 
late Count Mut&u and Torn 
Hoshi and when the latter 
became Minister of Commu- 
nications was appointed his 
private Secretary; was advi- 
ser to the late Ichibei. Furu- 
kawa, .a large mine-owner, 
and has been Director of the 
Furukawa Mining Co. ever 
since his death ; has been 
elected member of the House 
of Eepresentatives in 191 2 
for the fifth time ; is a pro- 
minent member of the Seiu- 
club at present. Address : No. 
62, Akashi-cho, Kyobashi-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.riSii Kyobashi. 
Okazaki, Kuniyoshi m^M 
^, Viscount, Master of Hu-. 
nting ; b. Aug. the 6th y. oi 
Meiji (1873) in Kyoto; e. s.; 
of Kuiiiari Okazaki, formerly 
a noble at the Mikado's co- 
urt; 'm.. Ishi, e. s. of Baron 
Shozo Yabuki. Created Vis- 
count in 1884; ■w'a.s Court 
Chamberlain for some time 
and then appointed to pre- 
sent post. Address: No, 33,' 
Naka-machi, Ushigome-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel : 2457 Bancho. : 
Okazaki, Kyujiro (153 «# X ^ 

[ 721 ] 


SI5)> Exporter and Importer 
(bicycles, automobiles and 
other machines); <J. January, 
the 7th y. of Meiji (1874) in 
Yokohama; s. of Yasunosuke 
Okazaki. Educ. : graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School. Was 
elected member of the House 
of Representatives for Gifu- 
ken; at present auditor of 
" the Minami Nihon Sugar 
Refining Co. and of the Im- 
perial Fire Insurance Co. 
Address: No. 188, Sanai- 
cho, Nihombashi, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 331 1 Honkyoku, (Re- 
sidence): 2527 Shimbashi, 

Okazaki, Masaya (ISliiit iE-di), 
lawyer ; b. the 8th m. of the 
I St y. of G-wanji (1864) in 
Mie-ken.; e. s. of Genjxuo 
Okazaki ; m. Kiyo, 2nd d. 
of Seikichi Ueki of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tok3'-o 
Imperial University (1890). 
Became a lawyer immedia- 
tely after graduation and 
practiced in Tokyo ; once was 
Lecturer on civil code at the 
Tokyo Hogakuin and the 
Tokyo Semmon Gakko. Ad- 
dress : No. X74, Hommm-a- 
cho, Azahu-ku, Tokyo. Tel : 
48 Shiha. 

Okazaki, Sajiro Cisg if fe ^ 
I|5), farmer, ex-Mem. of the 
House of Kepresentatives ; b. 

the 9 th m. ot the 1st y. of 
Bunkyu (1861) in Toyama- 
ken ; e. s. of the late Tojuro 
Okazaki ; m. Kiyo, 2nd d. of 
Toyoji Takayasu. Succeeded 
his father in i«89 ; elected 
member of the House of Ee- 
presentatives in 1907. _ Ad- 
dress : Usaka-mura, Nei-gun, 

Okazaki, Sessei CiiBI it « 
^), sculptor ; 6. at Fushimi- 
machi, Yamashiro province. 
He exhibited his masterpieces 
at various exhibitions home 
and foreign, and obtained very 
often prizes and diplomas: 
went frequently abroad to 
study ; the bronze statue of 
Nanko which situated in the 
front of the Imperial palace, 
Marquis Inoue's bronze statue 
and some others were made 
by him ; is a distinguished 
sculptor of Japan. Address : 
No. 22, Hatsune-cho 4 chome, 
Yauaka, Shitaya, Tokyo. 

Okazaki, TokicM Ci5 


Chairman of the Board of 
Directors of the Kobe Marine 
Transportation and Fire In- 
surance Co. ; b. the 3rd m. 
of the 3rd y. of Ansei (1856) 
in Hyogo-ken ; 2nd s. ofEb-, 
kudayu Ishimura and adop ^ 
ted into the Okazaki family ; 
TO. Tsuya, e. d. of Eiemon 
Okada. Address : No. 146, 4 
chome, Yamamoto-dori, Ko- 
be. Tel: 46 I. d. 


[ 722 J 

Okazaki, YosHki Cil«t ^ M), 
Chief of the Nagoya Office 
of the Public Works of the 
Home Office; b. the 1st y. of 
Keio (1865) in Yamaguchi- 
keh ; s. of Ooto Okazaki ; m. 
Tei, e. d. of Euro Kumano, 
1 889 ; JEduc. : graduated from 
the College of Engineering 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1889. Appointed assistant en- 
gineer of the Home Office, 
1889 ; professor of the 2nd 
High School in 1 892 ; engi- 
neer of the Kumamoto--ken, 
1893, and engineer of the 
Home Office in 1 897 ; super- 
vised the harhor improvement 
of Tsuruga and the embank- 
ment of Yodogawa has been 
invested with the 4th Order 
of Merit. Recreations ; photo- 
graphy,- g-o game, Japanese 
poetry, and fencing and juji- 
tsu. Address: Tatesugino-cho, 
Nagoya, Aichi-ken. Tel.:\6oi^ 
Okazawa, Keisaburo (ISJ if 
R H SP,, Colonel of Inf ntry, 
Commander of the 5 3rd In- 
fantry Begiment ; h. 1 869 in 
Ibaraki— ken. Sub-Lieutenant, 
June 1889; Lieutenant, Dec. 
1892 ; Captain, Oct. 1897 ; 
Major, Nov. 1907 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, July 1905 ; Co- 
lonel Jan. 1909 Decorations: 
4th Order of the Eising Sun. 
5 th Order of the Sacred Tre- 
asure and 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : The 

S3rd Infantry Eegiment, Na- 

Oki, EnkicM C:*: * ^ S), 
Count, Member of the House 
of Peers ; h. Aug. the 4th y. 
of Meiji (1871) in Saga, pro- 
vince of Hizen ; s. of the late- 
Count Takato Oki ; m. Sa- 
chi, e. d. of Baron Muneatsu 
Date. Succeeded his father 
in 1899. Address: No. 24, 
Fukide - cho, Nishinokubo, 
Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1201 

Oki, Isssi ( W -I*). Chief 
Engineer to the Tokyo-fu 
Government ; h. the 3rd m. 
of the I St y. of Man~en (i860) 
in Kagoshima-ken ; 3rd s. 01 
Jinbei Tamari, a Kagoshima 
samurai and adopted by the 
late Masaemon Oki ; m. Yo— 
ne, y. s. of Shigeshiro Yama- 
guchi, also a Kagoshima sa- 
murai. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Enginee- 
ring of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1888). Was successively Ex- 
pert to the prefectures of M- 
yazaki, Nagasaki, Saga and 
Gumma ; present post since 
Nov. 1 9 10. Address : No. 2 
7 chome, Aoyama-Kitamachi, 

Oki, Jikiehi (:k7^m^X In- 
spector-General of Naval Con- 
struction, placed on the re- 
serve list since April 191 2; 

[ 723 ] 


h. the 5th m. of the 5th y. 
of Ansei (1858) in Tokyo ; e. 
s. of Michiharu Oki, a sa- 
murai ; m. Kotaki, y. s. of 
Kyoen Niimiya, a Tokyo sa- 
murai. Educ. : graduated 
from the former Kaigun Hei- 
gakmyo (a government naval 
school). Commander of Naval 
Construction, Dec, 1897; Cap- 
tain of—, Oct. 1898; Inspec- 
toi-General of—, Nov. 1906. 
Has heen successively Inst- 
ructor to the Naval Engi- 
neering School, Member of 
the Department of Materials 
of the Navy, member of the 
Imperial Headquarters during 
the late War ; chief of Eng- 
ine SectioD. of Saseho Naval 
Arsenal, 1905. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the Eising Sun 
and 4th Order of the Sacred 

Oki, Kinbei, iiz :^ ^. ^ '§0, 
Soy manufacturer; b. in 1872 
in Tokyo-fu; s. of the Yasu- 
taka Oki; m. Ume-ko, ci. of 
of Takeaki Tanaka. Ednc: 
studied at the Aoyama Gaku- 
in and the Meiji Daigaku. 
Member of the Tokyo-fu 
Assembly since 1904; head- 
man of the Shimonerima- 
mura, his" native place, since 
1902; elected member of the 
Tokyo-fu. Council, 191 1. 
Address: No.' 310, Shimo- 
nerima, Tokyo-fu. 

Oki, Kotetsa Ci: tIc p ^), 

Druggist and dealer in toilet 
articles, President of the Ki- 
gyo Bank, Director of the 
Tokyo Salt Mfg. Co., Audi- 
tor of the Licensed Medicine 
Co. ; b. the 6th m. of the 2nd' 
y. of Kayei (1849) in the prov- 
ince of Shinano ; 2nd .y. of- 
Tokkhi Mori and adopted into 
the Oki family. 'Address : No. 
7, I chome, Yonezawa-cho, 
Nihonbashi, Tokyo. 7>/..- 723 

Oki, Muneyasu Cfc Tfc ^ <%), 
medal - manufacturer, Presi - 
dent of the Board of Direc- 
tors of the Chodo Bank, Au- 
ditor of the Tosei Bank, mem- 
ber of the Tokyo Chamber 
of Commerce, Member of the 
Tokyo Municipal Council ; b. 
the nth m. of the Sth j/. of 
Ansei (i_8s8) in Tokyo ; 2nd 
s. of Shuunsai Yoshioka and 
adopted by the late Muneya- 
su Oki ; m. Hisa, e. d. of Gi- 
kei Yamamoto, a sanmrai of 
Tokyo. He is the sole medal 
manufacturer to the Govern- 
ment in Japan. Address : No. 
24, I chome, Kayacho, Shi- 
taya, Tokyo. Tel.: 813, 23,- 
05 Shitaya. 

Okino, Tadao (M If .§< *), /^o- 
gakuhakusM, Engineer of the 
Public Works Control Bu- 
reau. Address : Minami-Eno- 
kicho, Ushigome-ku, Tokyo. 


b 724 ] 

Okita, Toranosnke C::fc S ^ S 
^ IS), lawyer, President of 
the Nagoya Lawyers'® As- 
sociation, Special member of 
the Nagoya Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. the iith m. of the 
2ndj>'. of Keio (1866) in Gi- 
fu-kenj Sth s. of the late Ji- 
.suke Okita, a samurai; m. 
Michi, adopt, s. of Keijn A- 
rio of Gifu-ken. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Law College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (i8 
88). Began practice as lawyer 
in Nagoya the same year ; 
inaugurated the Aichi Law 
School and became its presid- 
ent ( 1 894); later was engaged 
by the Kinjo Shimpo, a daily 
paper in Nagoya, as Superin- 
tendent of its editorial Staff; 
elected President of the Na- 
goya Lawyers' Association 
(1896). Address : No. 43, 2- 
chome, Minamikajiyacho, Na- 
kaku, Nagoya. Tel: 17. 

Oko, Hatsuichiro CM "& 10 — 
BI5), Judge of the Court of 
Cassation ; d. the 7th m. of 
the 2nd J. of Bunkyu (1862) 
in Yamaguchi-ken ; e. s. of 
Shigenao Oko, a Yamaguchi 
samurai ; m. Mitsu, e. sister 
of Yasumichi Momma, 2, sa- 
murai of Shiga-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1890). Appointed Probation- 
ary Judge immediately after 

graduation ; has been Judge 
of the Osak? District Court, 
and of the Osaka Appeal 
Court; present post since 19- 
08. Address: No. 35, Zoshi- 
gaya, Takata-mura, Tokyo, 
^koehi, Masatoslii C:fc M ft 
IE IS:), Yiscount, Proiessor of 
the Engineering College 3f 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ.; b, Dec, 
the -nth >• of Meiji (1878) 
in Toyohashi, province of Mi- 
kawaj_.f. of Viscount Masa- 
suke Okochi ; m, Kazu, e. d. 
of Viscount Nobuyoshi Oko- 
chi. Edtic. : Graduated from 
the Engineering College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Ad- 
dress : No. I, Shimidzucho, 
Yanaka, Shitaya, Tokyo. Tel.: 
437 Shitaya. 

Oku, Hanzaburo CA ^ H I©, 
lawyer. Member of the House 
of Representatives ; b. the 6th 
m. of the 1st y. of Bunkyii 
(1861) in Kyoto; e. s. of 
Sueji Oku, a Kyoto samurai; 
m. Jo, younger sister of Komei 
Hayashi of Shimane - ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Kyoto Normal School in 18- 
8 1 . Has been teacher of sever- 
al Common schools for many 
years ; afterwards passed the 
Examination for the Bar and 
began practice at Kyoto; was 
elected Member of the House , 
of Representatives in 1907 

[ 725 J 


for the 6tii time; is a memoer 
of the Seiyukai (a political 
party). Address: Yamamoto- 
cho, Miyukicho-Nijo-Sagaru, 
Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. Tel.: 
252 I. d. 

OM, Kenzo (^^^), Expert 
to the Monopoly Bureau of 
the Department of Finance 
and to the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce ; 
b. the 8th m. of the 6th y. 
of Ansei (1859) in the prefect- 
ure of Saga ; 2nd s. of Kan- 
su]<e Makino and adopted by 
the late Seisuke Oku; ?7Z. Sad? . 
e. d. oT his adopted father. 
Entered the service of the De- 
partment of Agriculture and 
Commerce in 1885 as an As- 
sistant Expert ; full Expert 
in 1893 ; in addition Expert 
to the Marine Products Investi- 
gation Office in 1895 ; Ex- 
pert to the Salt Industry 
Investigition Office in 1898 ; 
made subsequently a , tour 
through Europe and Ameri- 
ca on an official mission, re- 
turning home in 1902; pre- 
sent posts since 1902. Ad- 
dress: No. 87", 6 ch.ome, A- 
oyam Vminarai -cho , Akas ika- 
Ini, Tokyo. Tel. : 2805 Shiba. 

Oku, Yasrikata C^ (% S)' 
Count (cr. Baron 1895, Couit 
in 1907), ilirshal, ex-Chief 
General Staff and Me;!ib r ot 
the Saj)rem3 Mllit-iry Coun- 

cil ; b. the 1 1 th m. of, the 
.3rd y. of Kokwa (i84'>) in 
province of Ohikuzen, Fuku- 
/ka prefecture ; e. s. of Rie- 
mon Oku, a samurai of Ko- 
kura clan, and dopted by 
the late Juro Oku ; m. Shl- 
geru, e, d. of Hyonojo Kara, 
a Fukuoka samurai. Entered 
the Army 1871 ; Major in 
the Imperial Forces during 
the Satsnm'i Rebellion (1877) 
and greatly distinguished 
himself by cutting his way 
through the besieging lines 

of the rebels laid round Ku- 
mamoto Castle and thus esta- 
blished connection with the 
reinforcements that were co- 
ming to its rescue ; Lieute- 
nant-Colonel, Nov. 1878; 
Colonel, Feb. 1882; Major- 
General, May 1885 ; Lieute- 
nant - General, Nov. 1 894 ; 
commanded the Fifth Army 
Division in the war with 
China and played a very im- 
portant part in the battle of 


L 726] 

Nevvchwang, Tiemg rewurded 
with the title of Baron for 
his meritorious service ; Oom- 
mmder of the Tokyo Bay 
Defence, of the 1st Aimy Di- 
vision, Imperial Body Guards 
and of the Eastern Military 
Districts in succession, mean- 
while attaining the rank of 
full General, Nov, 1903 ; com- 
manded the Second Array 
during the Russo-Japanese 
war (1904 — 5) ; his general 
movements in the war being 
as follows '. - landed on the 
Liao— tung peninsula early in 
May, 1904 and promptly had 
the railway cut, thus severing 
communication' between the 
fortress and the Eussian main 
army ; towards the end of the 
month " captured Kinchau, 
which lies nearly forty miles 
from Port Arthur ; then 
came the terrible struggle 
on the heights of- Nau- 
shan ; for sixteen hours the 
garrison stood firm agaitlst 
Oku's army, and then a des- 
perate infantry assault com- 
- pelled the Russians to retreat, 
with the loss of over 80 guns; 
meanwhile the Russian Gene- 
ral Stackelberg was on the 
way to relieve Port Arthur, 
but OIcu, marching north, on 
June 14 routed him atTelissu 
after** fighting a sanguinary 
battle ; next on July 9th he 
occupied Kaiping which fore -d 

the Russians to clear out of 
Newchwang ; marching still 
northwards won the brilliant 
, victory of Ta-shih-chao over 
the Russian army under Gene- 
ral Kuropatkin's direct com- 
' mand ; at the battle of Liao- 

" yang General Oku's army in 
co-operation with General No- 
dzu's army advanced from 
the direction of Haicheng on 
Aug. 26th, occupied Anshan- 
tien on the 27th, seized Shou- 
shanpao on September ist and 
finally repulsed the enemy 
from Liaoyang on the 4th ; 
fought at Shaho commanding 
the left flank of our army and 
also won a brilliant victory; 
at the battle ' of Mukden 
Oku's army marched between 
the Han and Sha rivers, while 
to the west General Nogi 
pushed rapidly north to out- 

. flank the Russians and en- 
countering the Russian army 
at Kiusan, east of Muk- 
den, utterly defeated them on 
March 9, entering the city 
itself on the following morn- 
ing ; granted the ist Class 
of the Golden kite and Grand 
Cordon of the Rising Siin 
with Paulownia ; . appointed 
Chief of General Staff, Nov. 
1906-Jan. 1912 ; promoted to 
marshal, Nov! 191 1. Address: 
No. 26, Haraikata - machi, 
Ushigome-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 

760 Bancho. 

X 727 1 


ttkubo Senryo (JzX^m ID, 
l)entist; b. 3 August 1871 in 
Ivajimuva, Kanbara-gun, Nii- 
gata'-ken; grand son of Hos- 
I10 Okubo. Edtic: studied at the 
Ifiwa Dentists'' College. U. S. 
A.., and then at some colle- 
ges in Germany and Engla- 
nd. Passed the dentist exaini- 
'nation in 1896 and since th- 
at j)racticed in Tokyo; retxi- 
rned home in 1905; establi- 
shed Nihon Dentists' School 
in 1907; afterwards founded 
Tokyo Girls' Dental School 
tind is now its Principal. Ad- 
dress: 2 Sarugakucho, Kan— 
■da-ku, Tokyo. Tel^' 2350 Ho- 

bkubo, Tanzo (i^X^i^ iS), 
lawyer; b. 1858; e. s. of Ha- 
chirobei Okubo, a heimin of 
Ibaraki-ken; m. Yoshi, 2nd 
d. of Shin Narii, a samnrai 
«f Ibaraki-ken. Edua studied 
Chinese literature under Ban- 
sei Saito of Mito, and Sizan 
Igarashi of Tsuchiura; came to 
Tokyo for studying law in 
1 877. Was admitted to the liar 
and practiced in Tokyo since 
1 88 1 ; elected member of the 
House of Representati ves for I- 
barakiken in 1 894. His 2nd son 
SusUmu is graduate of the law 
college of Tokyo Imp. Unit, 
and became lawj-er. Address: 
9 Nishikonya-cho, Kyobas- 
hiku Tokyo. Tel.: 2306 K^^o- 

Skubo, Chujua ii^,X t* !S> I®), 
ViscdUnt, Member of the 
House of Peers; b. the 4th m. of 
the 4th. J. of Ansei{i857) ir 
Karasuyama, province of Shi- 
motsuke ; e. s. of the late Vis- 
count Tadayoshi Okubo, feud- 
al lord of Karasuyama clan ; 
■m. Etsu, s. of Viscount Na- 
g^ayoshi Inagaki. Has been 
in the service of the Imperial 
Estate Bureau; elected mem- 
ber of the House of Peers in 
1 890 ; decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : 45, Kojimacho, Asa- 
kusa, Tokyo. Tel. : 3956 Shi- 

Skubo, Chukei (:fc X 1* .t> ik)> 
Prof of the Nagoya Higher 
Technological School. Ad- 
dress: Gokisho^mura, Aichi- 
gun, Aichi-ken. 

Okubo, Haruno QX_Ik ^ # 
if), Baron, General, on the 
second reserve since 19 12; 
i. the 8th m. of the 3rd j. 
of Kokwa (1846) in Shizu- 
oka-ken ; e. s. of the late Ta- 
danao Okubo. . Edtic. : gradu- 
ated from the Military Pre- 
paratory School and later stu- 
died military tactics in Prance. 
Major of Infantry, Apr. 1877 ; 
Lieutenant-Colonel, May 18- 
85 ; Colonel, May 1889 ; 
Major-General, Nov. 1894 ■ 
Lieutenant-General, Apr. 19- 
00 ; General, Aug 1908. 
Has oeen in succession in the 


[ 728 J 

posts of President of the To- 
yama Gakko (a military^ te- 
chnical school), of the Mili- 
tary Academy, Chief of Staff 
of the 2nd Army Division, 
Commander of the 7th In- 
fantry Brigade and of the ist 
Infantry Brigade of the Im- 
pwial Guards, Chief of Staff 
of the Inspection Department 
of Military Education, Com- 
mander of the 6th and 3rd 
Army Divisions, etc. ; took 

part in the Russo-Japanese 
War as Commander of the 6th 
Army; Division and fojght 
bravely at Liao-Yang, Sha- 
ho and Mukden .; his divi- 
sion gained a specially high 
reputation by a frontal at- 
tack on the enemy at Liao- 
yang ; created Baron and in- 
vested witlAhe 1st Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 2nd 
Olass of the Golden Kitcj ; 
Commander of Clir«en Garri- 
son until Aug. igii. Addra-x! 

No. 178, Shimoshibuya, Tcr 
kyo. Tel: 2466 Shiba. 

5kti&o, Kizo C:^ ^ 1Sf # it)^ 
Rear- Admiral on the Reserve: 

.3. the 8ih m. 

the 1st 

y. of Aiisei,(i854) in -Kana- 
gawa-keii ;: 2nd s. of the late 
KyOemon Okubo ; m. Teru,. 
e.. d. of Yagoro" Kaneko of 
Kanagawa-lsien. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the former Kaigiin- 
Heigakuryo (a naval academy). 
Appointed 2nd Sub ■ Lieuten- 
ant in I S81 and after due pro- 
motion attained the raik of 
Rear-Admiral in 1905 ; has 
been successively in the posts 
of member of the Naval Ge- 
neral Staff", Commander of the 
Warship Tatsuta, Chief of the 
Torpedo Section of the Kure 
and then of the Maizuru Naval 
Station, Comn.ander of the 
Hakkdlio (in Korea) Fortress, 
.and then of the Ominato 
Fortress, Chief of the Tor- 
[jedo Section of the Yokosu- 
ka Naval Station, etc.; placed 

on the Reserve list in 1909. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : Ogiga- 
va, Kamakura-gun, Kana:ga- 

Skuho, Noriaki Cic A %^ 
ft)j), liii'iU.-General, Coiiiuuiu- 
elcT of Fort Arthur Fortress 
rtiiice Dec. 191 2; b. the 8 th m. 
of the Tst J. of Mnn-}^en (t8- 
65) in Kochi, prov.nce oi To- 

[ 729 j 


sa ; 3rd .f. of Kosaku Dkubo, a 
samurai of Kochi clan ; m. 
Sen, sister of Ryutaro Mochi- 
zuki, a Tokyo samurai. Educ.: 
Graduated from the Military 
Academy, Dec. 1879. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Engineers, Dec. 
1879; Lieutenant, Feb. iS- 
83 ; Captain, Oct. 1886; 
Major, Mar. 1895 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Oct. 1898 ; Co- 
lonel, June 1902 ; Major- 
General, July 1906. Was 
Chief of the Military Trans- 
portation Department and in 

addition Commander of the 
Ujina Commissariat Depot du- 
ring the Russo-Japanese War. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 3rd Order 
of the ,. Golden Kite ; present 
rank since December 191 2 
Address: Yakumo-ch5, Old 
Street, Port Arthur. 

Okutoo, T9,te (;^ ;X •(% j£)> 
Inspector of Naval Construc- 
tion; 6. 1873. 2nd -Class 
chief Naval Constructon, 
Aug. 190S; 1st Class Chief 
Naval Construction, Oct. 
1909; Inspector of Naval 
Construction, Dec. 1912. 
Once was a member of the 
Shipbuilding Dep't of the 
Yakosuka Naval Arsenal. 
Decorations: 4th Order of 
R. S., 5th. Class of G. K. 

©kubo, Tessaku {.% !k ^ Wk 

f^), Mayor of the City of A- 
kita ; b. the nth m, of the 
3rd y. of Kayei (1850) in A- 
kita-ken ; e. s. of Sanemori 
Dkubo, a samurai of Akita ; 
in. Tsuya, e. d. ofMasanao 
Shimoyamabe, also an Aki- 
ta samurai. Once was a mem- 
ber , of the House of Repre- 
sentatives for the city of A- 
kita. Address : Akita City 
Office, Akita-ken. 

Dkubo, Toshikadzu (.^ !k 1% 
H'h M), Marquis, Member of 
the House of Peers ; b. the 
7th m. of the 6th y. of An- 
sel (1859) in Kagoshima ; e. 
s. of the late Prince Toshi- 
michi Okubo; »«. Sho, adopt, d. 
of the late famous scholar An- 
yeki Shigeno; Created Mar- 
quis in 1878 for his father's 
illustrious services to, the State 
during the Restoration ; ha:s 
been junior Secretary to the 
Treasury and after having 
been transferred as Revenue 
Officer resigned the office to 
become a member of the 

House of Peers in 1 890 ; de- 
corated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun. Address : 
No. 3, Nishimachi, Nihonye- 
noki, Shiba, Tokyo. 

Okubo, Toshitake_C:fe X -1% 
f ij ^:), Governor of Osaka Pre- 
fecture since Dec. 191 2 ; h. 
April the 2nd y. of Keio 
(i 866) in Kagoshima; 3rd s. of 


[ 730 ] 

the late famous ToshimicHi D- 
kubo, one of the founders of the 
new government ; m. Ei, e. d. 
of Rempei Kondo, President 
of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha. 
Edtic. : after graduating from- 
the former ist Higher Mid- 
dle School, studied at Yale 
(LL. B.) and then at.the Hal- 
le University (Ph. D.). Ap- 
pointed Councillor to the For- 
mosan Government on his 
return home in 1895 ; trans- 
ferred as Chief of the Tam- 
sui Local Government Officej 
Private Secretary to the For- 
moson Government, Apr. 18- 
96 ; Private Secretary to the 
Minister for Home Affairs, 
Sept. 1896 ; Director of the 
Pi-ison Affairs Bureau of the 

Home -Department ; 1 899 ; . 
Governor of Tottori-ken, 19- 
00 ; sent to Europe and A- 
merica by the Home Depart- 
ment to investigate local Ad- 
ministration systems of vari- 
ous countrieSj_ 1900 — 1901 ; 
Governor of Oita-ken on his 
return home and then Gover- 
nor of Saitama - ken, 1906; 
Dh-ector of Commercial Affau's 
Bureau of the Agr. and Com. 
Dep't, 1908. Address : Official 
residence, 2 chome, Dojima- 
Hamaddri, Kitaku, Osaka. 
, Oku'chi, Kiroku Qic U M :^\ 
pharmacist. Mayor of Toyo- 
hashi ; <5. May the 3rd ji. of 

Meiji (1871) in Toyohashi, 
province of Mikawa ; s. of 
Kiroku Okuehi ; m. K'l, sister 
of SakichiTakahashi. Educ: 
studied at the Tokyo Eigo 
Gakko (Tokyo English Lan- 
guage School),'" the Tokya 
Pharmaceutical School and 
then at the Pharmaceutical 
Course of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. Is at present Mayor 
of Toyohashi, President of the 
Toyohashi Educational As- 
sociation and of the Toyo- 
hashi Agricultural Society and 
Special Member of the Toyo- 
hashi Chamber of Commerce, 
etc. Publication : is now com- 
piling the histoiy of Toyo- 
hashi city. Recreations : his- 
torical research ; collector of 
old books ; Utai (old Japa- 
nese songs). Address : No.. 
89, Funaoto, Toyohashi, Ai- 
chi-ken. Chib : Minsei club. 
Tel. : 343 Toyohashi. 

Okuda, Einoshin C^ ffl §^ Z 
M), Member of the House of 
Representatives; b. the 2nd m. 
of the 1st jf. of Gwanji (1864) 
in Kagoshima-ken ; 2nd s. of 
the late Seizo Okuda, a sa- , 
mural of Kagoshima ; m. Te- 
ru, younger sister of Ju Mi- 
yanohara, also a Kagoshima 
samurai.^ Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1881 ; was once a- 
Member, Vice-president and 
then President of the Kago- 
shima Prefectural Assembly ;' 

[ 731 ] 


elected member of the House 
of Representatives in 1908. 
Address ■• Kushilcino - mura, 
Hiki-gun, •'Xagoshima-ken. /■■ 
Okuda, Gijin (M. H ^ A), 
HogahuJiahush, Minister of 
Educ: b. the 6th m. of the 
1st J. of Manyen (1865) in 
Tottori-ken ; 3rd s. of Tetsu- 
z6 Olcuda, a samurai of Tot- 
tori clan ; m. Yae, 2nd d. of 
Shohei Takei, a samurai of 
Hyogo-ken. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity (1884). Entered the 
service of the Dajokwan (State 
ministers' office) the same 
year ; Assistant Prof of the 
former Tokyo Forestry School 
in 1885 ; in succession was 
Councillor of the Agricultural 
and Commercial Department, 
Private Seci-etary to the Min- 
ister for Agriculture - and 
Commerce, Chief of the Pa- 
tent Bureau, member of the 
Tokyo Streets improvement 
Committee, Judge of the Court 
of Administrative Litigation, 
Councillor of the Tokyo High- 
er Commercial School, Chief 
of the Official Gazette Bureau, 
member of the I^aw Investi- 
gation Committee, Secretary 
to the Cabinet, Chief Secreta- 
ry to the House of Repre- 
sentatives, Vice-minister for 
Colonization Affairs, Vice - 
minister for Agriculture and 

Commerce and the same for 
Education, Chief of th^Leg- 
islative Bureau (1887 — 19- 
02) ; resigned government of- 
fice and - was twice elected 
member of the House of Re- 
presentatives, present post si- 
nce Feb. 191 3 and resigned co- 
urt council recently. Address : 
Nakarokubancho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 145 Bancho. 
Okuda, Kaku (* H m. 
Managing Director of the Ja- 
pan Ham Curing Co. Ad- 
dress .-l^o. IS, Fukuyamacho, 
Hongoku, Tokyo. 

Okuda, Masaka (It H jE #),. , 
President of the Nagoya E- 
lectric Co., the Nagoya Gas 
Co., the Ichinomiya Gas Co., 
the Toyohashi Gas Co. and 
of the Nippon Wheel Mfg. 
Co., Director of the Nagoya 

Stock Exchange, the, Miye 
Spinning Co., the Tsushima 
Gas Co., President of the Na- 
goya Chamber of Commerce, 
etc. ; i5. the 3rd m. of the 4th 
y. of Kokwa (1847) in Aichi- 
ken ; e. s. of Gorohachi Oku- 
da ; m. Tolii, sister of Suzu- 
kichi Achiba. In addition to 
the posts above-mentioned he- 
is Dii-ector of the Kyoto Gas- 
Co., the Sendai Gas Co. and 
of the Chiyoda Gas Co. Ad- 
dress : No. 6, Aoicho, Higa- 
shiku, Nagoya. Tel. : 268. 

■ Okuda, Haoji (^ H it ^).- 
coal dealer, dir. of the Osaka 


732 i 

Tbtanch of the Ya&ukawa Ma- 
tsumoto Co.; 6. the 8th m. of 
the 2nd y. of Eeio (1866) ift 
Saitama-ken, adopted s. of 
ISTaoi Okuda ; m.Matsu, 1893, 
Served at Japanese consulate 
in Shanghai, 1887 ; transferred 
to Kynshu Kailway Co., 1892; 
entered the Dep't of Com- 
munications in 1893 ; became 
a member of the Kabnto Beer 
Co., 1896 ; transferred to the 
head office of the co. since 
1909 ; is continuously engag- 
-ed coal bussiness. Address : 
No. 7 Edobori Kita-dori 4 
chome, Nishi-kn, Osaka. Tel. : 
■994 Tosabori. 

Okuda, Sadakiclii (|%B^i?i), 

Naval Captain, attache to 
the Yokosuka Naval station; 
b. 1869. Educ: Naval 
Academy.' Commander, Sept. 
1900; Second-captain, Aug. 
1905; Captain, Dec. 191 1. 
Once was Commander of 
the Manchuria, Yodo (des- 
patch boat) ; present post since 
Dec. 19 J?,. Decorations'. 3rd 
Order of R.S., 4th Order of 
S. T., 4th Class of Golden 

Okufuji, Kenzo (M H ff it), 
sake-brewer, one of the high- 
est taxpayers of Hyogo-ken, 
President of the Naha Barik, 
and of tlie Okufuji Bank, Di- 
rector of tlie Tatsuno Soy 
Mfg. Co., etc. ; h. the 7th m. 
of the 4th y. of Ansei (1857) 

in Hyogc-ken; 3rd 5. ofShi^ 
ngo Miki and adopted by the 
late Yosaburo Okufuji ; m. 
Wase, 4th d. of Toshikiyo 
Okufuji. Address : Sakago- 
shi-mura, Ako-gun, Hyogo- 

Okuma, ITobutsune Ciz ^ 1M 
^), Principal of the Waseda 
Middle School, Prof of the 
Waseda Univ. (Chair-Com- 
merciai law and Economics); 
i>. Sept. the 4th f. of Meiji 
(1871) in the province of Hi- 
zen ; s. of the late Count 
Akira Matsuura, feudal lord 
of Hirato clan, and adopted 
by Count Okuma in 1902 ; 
7/1. Mitsu, d. of his adopted 
father Jidt^c. : graduated from' 
the La:w College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. (1899); stud- 
ied at Trinity College; Cam- 
bridge Univ. (Fellow - Com- 
moner), 1900 — 1902. Present 
posts since his return home. 
Recreations : Old Japanese , 
songs ; riding. Address : No. 
yo, Tozuka-mura, Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo-fu. C/ttd.: Tokyo 
Club. Tel. : 177 Bancho. 

Skuma, Shigenobu Ciz ^M 
fs), Count, born Feb. 1838 
in Saga, province of Hizen ; 
son of Nobuyasu Okuma, a 
samurai of Saga clan ; married 
d. of Shichishiro Saegusa. He 
is one of the foremost living - 
statesmen of Japan and well 
known throughout the world. 

L 733 1 


He was brought up by a wise 
and virtuous mother who be- 
came a widow when he was 
eight years old® and eiitered 
the Kodo-kwan, a clan-school, 
where Chinese classics were 
taught.- Subsequently he stud- 
ied Dutch, English and Math- 
ematics from Englishmen at 
Nagasaki. During the Res- 
toration he advocated the 
abolition of the feudal system 
and establishment, of constitu- 
tional government. On the 

reorganization of the govern- 
ment under the Mikadq he 
became chief assistant in the 
'department of foreign affairs, 
and subsequently secretary for 
the interioi- and finance, and 
president of the Japanese com- 
mission at the Vienna Ex- 
hibition. For about ten years, 
i.c., 1873 — 1881 he had charge 
of the Treasury, first as Vice- 
Minister and then as full Min- 
ister ; this post he had to 

i-esign because his memorial 
urging the Government to. 
introduce representative gov- 
ernment was rejected by liis 
colleagues.' He then formed 
the Progressive Party, the fore- 
runner of the present National 
Party {Kokuminto), and was 
himself its president until a few 
years ago. In 1888, the year 
preceding the promulgation of 
the Constitution, he wa'? ap- 
pointed Foreign Minister in 
the Kuroda Cabinet and un- 
dertook the important task of 
revising old- treaties conclud- 
ed with the powers before the 
Restoration, in order to regain 
the rights then conceded by 
Japan. Some of his measures, 
however, caused great objec- 
tion among partisans and a. 
certain Tsuneki Kurushima 
threw a bomb at his carriage. 
This outrage inflicted a severe 
injury on his leg, which was 
consequently amputated. He 
joined the 2nd Matsukata 
Cabinet as Foreign Minister 
and Minister of Agriculture 
and Commerce in 1896, but 
resigned shortly afterwards,. 
In June 1898 the.Okuma-Ita- 
gaki Coalition Ministry, in 
which the Count assumed the 
Pi'emiership with additional 
duty as Minister of Foreign 
Affairs, was formed. But this 
alliance broke up after some 
months. Though he has re- 


[ 734] 

signed the Leadership of his 
party he still continues to take 
an active interest in politics 
and other affairs, for he is a 
many-sided man and can boast 
of his success as an education- 
ist, especially in the found- 
ing of the Waseda University, 
the largest university under 
private management in the 
Empire, and he is now its 
president. He is also the pa- . 
tron of the Women's Univer- 
sity at Mejiro. He is a per- 
:son amongst Japanese public 
men who is well acquainted 
with things Japanese, so that 
•distinguished foreign visitors 
to Japan are in the habit of 
•calling on the Count for in- 
formation. His opinion often 
represents the public opinion 
■of Japan. 'Publication : " Fifty 
years of New Japan" (Eng- 
lish). Recreation: horticulture 
is his hobby and his collec- 
tion of tropical plants, chiefly 
orchids, is perhaps the best 
in Japan. Address : Waseda, 
Tokyo. Tel:: 177 Bancho. 
Okuma, Ujihiro C:;^ % ik ^), 

Sculptor and Engraver; b. 
1856 at Hatogaya, Musashi 
province^ Educ: Kobu Art 
School (gra. '82), Rome Art 
School (gra. Oct. '88), chief 
engraver of the Prince Ari- 
sugawa's palace (1882); 
engraver of the copper 
images of Princes Ito and 
Yamagata, Marquis Inouye, 

Count Goto, the late Yukichi 
Fukuzawa, and many other 
coppei monuments erected in 
memory of the two great 
wars; some of his master- 
pieces has pleased the Em- 
peror to accept their pre- 
sentation; copper .^image of 
Prof. Billings, Dean of the 
Vermont Univ., U. S. A. is 
also of his work and it is 
now erected on the premises 
of the said Univ: besides 
the bronze statues of the 
late Omura Masujiro, Prince 
Komatsu are of his work. 
He often obtained prizes in 
exhibitions home and foreign. 
Address: No. lOi Takehaya- 
cho, Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 848 Bancho. 

Okumiya, IKasaharu (H § IE 
ip), Public Procurator, Chief 
Public Procurator of the Miya- 
gi Appeal Court ;'^(5. the nth 
m. of the 4th jj/. of Kayei (18- 
5 1 ) in Kochi-ken ; e. s. of M'a- 
sayoshi Okumiya, a Kochi sa- 
-murai; m. Sei, adopt, d. of No- 
bunao Takayama, a samurai 
of Hiroshima-ken. Early en- 
tered the service of the De- 
partment of Justice ; appointed 
Public Procurator in 1881 : in 
succession was Chief Public- 
Procurator of the Hiroshima, 
Kobe and Yokohama District 
Courts ; Secretary to the De- 
partment of Justice in 1896; 
Public Procurator of the Court 
of (Cassation in 1899 and then 

L 735 J 

- 1 


present post. Address : Ofifici- 
ai House, Court of Appeal, 


Okumiya, Manioru (H; g ^), 
Eear- Admiral, placed on the re- 
tired list since Dec. I9i2;6. i8- 
62. Educ: graduated from the 
Naval Academy (Jan. 1877). 
Lieutenant-Commander (Dec. 
1897); Commander (Oct. 18- 
98) ; Captain (Dec. 1903) ; 
Rear -Admiral (Apr. 19 11). 
Decorations: 3rd Order of Ris- 
ing Sun, 5th Order of Sacred 
Treasure and,' 4th Class of 
Golden Kite. Address : Hori- 
nouchi, Yokosuka. 

Okumura, Chosaku (^fiffifis), 
Engineer to the Home Depart- 
ment ; i. Aug. the ist y. of 
Meiji (1868) in Niigata-ken; 
2nd s. of the late Yahei Oku- 
mura ; m. Naka, sister of Tora- 
matsu Nakamura, a samurai 
of Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo- Imp. Univ. (18- 
97). Assistant-Expert to the 
Public Works Control Office 
the same year ; full Expert (18- 
98) ; present post since 1905. 
Address: No. no, Hakusan- 
gotemmachi, Koishikawa, To- 
kyo. , 

Okumura, Eisaku (^fj'^fis), 

Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 19th Regi- 
ment; b. 1871 in Mie-ken. 
Sub-Lieut., Mar. 1892; Lieut., 

Dec. 1894; Captain, Oct. 
1898; Major, March 1904; 
Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, Jan. 191 1. Decora- 
tions: sth Order of S. T., 
4th Order of R. S., 4th Class 
of Golden Kite. Address: 
Tsuruga, Fukui-ken. 

Okuiuura, Jirokiohi (M^W^ 
S15 a)) Naval Captain, ex- 
chief engineer of the Kashi- 
ma (battleship); a. in 1871. 
Educ: the Naval Engineer- 
ing School. Lteut.-Command- 
er of Engineering, Oct. 1901; 
Commander of Engineeririg, * 
Sept. 1906; Captain of En- 
gineering, Dec. 191 2. De- 
corations: 4th Order of R. 
S., 4th Order of S. T. 

Okumura, Junshiro ( A # M 
115), Prof, of the Tokyo Higher 
Technological School, Expert 
to the Agricultural Experi- 
ment Farm ; b. Aug. the rst 
y. of Meiji ( 1 868) in Fukui-ken; 
e. s. of Shin-ichi Okumura, a 
samurai of Fukui clan ; m. Sa- 
to, adopt, .fw/^z-of Masatane U- 
yeda, a Tokyo samurai. Educ: 
graduated from the Agiicul- 
tural College of the Tokyo. 
Imp. Univ. (1894) ; studied at 
the University Hall after gra- 
duation; " serit to Gergnaay, 
France and England for further 
study (1900). Prof, of the 
Tokyo Higher TechnoJogical 
School (1-896) ; Expert to the 


[ 736 ] 

Agricultural ExperimentFarm 
in "addition (1900)/ Address : 
No. 551, Tabata, Takinoga- 
wa - mura, Kitatoshima - gun, 

Okumura, Fobutake (.%^ ^ 
S), Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the ist Infantry Re- 
giment of the Formosan Gar- 
rison ; b. 1 862 in Ishika war-ken. 
Sub-Lieutenant (June 1885); 
Lieutenant (Nov. 1889) ; Cap- 
tain (Mar. 1895) ; Major (Oct. 
1901); Lieutenant - Colonel 
(May 1905) ; Colonel (Jan. 19- 
09). Decorations : 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure and 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: The ist Formosan 
Gafrison, Formosa. 

Okumtfra, Yasxishi (H l^j- ^), 
Chief Public Procurator of the 
Utsunomiya District Court ; 
^. Aug. the ist^. ofMeiji(i8- 
68) in Nara-ken ; e. s. of Gisa- 
buro Okumura ; m. Ei, 3rd d. 
of Tsunetatni Hitomi, a Kyo- 
to samurai. Passed the Exa- 
mination for Bench in 1888; 
Judge of the Wakamatsu Lo- 
cal Court in 1890; afterwards 
was successively transferred 
as Public Procurator of the 
Fukushima and the Sendai 
District: Courts, the Nagoya 
Appeal Court, Chief Public 
Procurator of the District Co- 
urts of Matsue and Kanazawa; 

present post since 1908. Ad- 
dress :0^c\sS. Residence, the 
Utsunomiya District Court, U- 
tsunomiya, Tocliigi-ken. 

Okuno, KokicM {.% if '^ S), 
Lieutenant-Colonel of Caval- 
ly. Commander of the 22nd 
Cavalry Regiment; b. 1872 
in Hyogo-ken. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant, Mar. 1894; Lieutenant, 
June 1895 ; Captain, Apr. 18- 
98 ; Major, Nov. 1904 ; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel, Feb. 19 10. De- 
corations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, 5th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure and 5th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
The 22nd Cavalry Regiment, 
Kurume, Fukuoka-ken. 

Skura, Iheiji Ci: ^ f ¥ r.), 
Managing Director of the Hi- 
da Savings Bank, President 
of the Hida Water Power E- 
lectric Co. and of the Hida 
Co., etc. ; b. the 2nd m. of 
the_3rd y. of Kokwa (184^) 
in Oita-ken ; e. s. of Iheiji O- 
kuira ; m. Toyo, e. d. of Ki- 
shichi-Ohashi. Succeeded his 
father in 1878. Address: Asa- 
hi-mura, Hida-gun, Dita-ken. 
_ ffkura, Kihaehiro C;fc # ^ A 
^), a millionaire, President 
of "the Okura Co., Director of 
the Fusan Land Reclamation 
Co., the Japan Leather Mfg. 
Co., the Japan Chemical In- 
dustry Go.,the; Oriental Steam- 
ship Co., the Narita Railway; 

[ liT- 


Co., the Ishihari Colliery Co., 
the Tokyo Electric Light Co., 
the 'Japan Industrial • Bank, 
the Formosan Bank, etc. ; b. 
the- 9th m. of the 8th y. 
of Tempo (1837) in Shibata, 

province of Echigo ; 2nd s. 
of Sennosuke Dkura ; m. To- 
ku, e. d. of Tome Mochida. 
Grew up under the j^arental 
roof, but when seventeen years 
old lost his parents and the 
next year removed to Edo 
(Tokyo), first being employed 
by a druggist ; after five years 
started business independent- 
ly and at the time of the Res- 
toration was clever enough 
to begin selling arms and 
ammunition, from ,which he 
derived a large profit ; sub- 
sequently imported Western 
arms and later founded a for- 
eign tailor's shop the first in 
Japan ; in 1872 travelled 
through Europe and America 
to observe commerce and in- 

dustry in the West, and open- 
ed a branch office in London, 
ever since running an export. 
and import business ; in the 
Formosan Expedition 1874 
and the Civil War 1877 rend- 
ered great services to the 
Government by supplying 
provisions and other neces- 
saires to the Imperial forces; 
in 1880 went to America in 
order to regain the market 
for Japanese tea there and to 
encourage its export, as our 
tea export to America was 
then decreasing owing to dis- 
creditable actions on the part 
of traders, and was success- 
ful in the attempt ; ' again 
travelled through Europe and 
America for commercial and 
industrial observation in 1 884; 
established on his return home 
the Okura Engineering firm 
and was contractor to the 
Army in this line of work on 
the occasion of the Japan- 
China and Russo - Japanese 
wars ; is one of the founders 
of the Present Tokyo Cham- 
ber of Commerce,, in which 
he held the post -of Vice- 
President for many years; con- 
tributed in 1888 a large sum 
of money towards the Coast 
Defence Expenses and was 
granted the Court rank of 
Junior Fifth grade j made a 
donation of yen 500,000 to- 
wards the establishment of the 


[ 738 ] 

Okura Commercial School 
and also rendered great finan- 
cial aid in the inauguration 
of the Osaka and the Seoul 
Commercial Schools ; lately 
offered yen 1,000,000 to the 
Government as a relief fund 
for poor people* following the 
example of His Majesty's re- 
cent gracious donation of the 
kind; was decorated with the 
.~2nd 'Order of the Rising Sun 
in recognition of his meritori- 
ous service both in the Japan 
China and the Russo-Japa- 
nese wars; is reputed one of the 
most public-spirited business 
men at present in Japan. Re- 
creation :• collecting of art ob- 
jects. Address: No. 3, Aoi- 
cho, Akasaka, Tokyo. Tel. : 
159 Shiba. 

Okura, KiMcM C:k :^ V- -tr), 
Diiector of Okura & Co.; 3. 
June the 15th f. of Meiji (18- 
82) m Tokyo ; e. s. of Kihachi- 
ro Okura, a millionaire ; m. 
Kumi, 2nd d. of Count Nao- 
masa Mizoguchi. Address : 3 
chome, Aoi-cho, Akasaka, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 2895 Shiba. 

Oktira, Kinmoelii (::Jc#&^), 
Baron, expert to the Im- 
perial Railway Board; b. 
1882 in Tokyo; 5. of Heizo 
okura. Edicc. : graduated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
Investigated the . railway 
system of the United States 

for four years after gradua- 
tion; has been in present 
post since 1909. Address: 
No. 2, Shiodome, Shiba, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 925 Shimbashi. 
Okura, Kisaburo (:^:#S2I|5), 
Director of the Hinode Life 
Insurance Co. and, of the 
Hoden Petroleum Co.; b. June 
the 1st y. of Meiji (1868) iri 
Tokyo; 4th s. of Sidahichi 

Dkura ; m. Fumi, e. d. of Sei- 
ichi Umeura of Tokyo. Ad- 
dress : No. 1 340, Magome- 
mura, Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Okura, Kumema (iz -M ^ .©), 
Director of the Okura Co., the 
Okura Lumber Co., and of the 
Tokyo Building Co., Auditor 
of the Japan-China Bean Cake 
Mfg. Co.; b. the 3rd m. of the 
2nd y. oi Keio (1866) in the 
province of lyo ; 2nd s. of Ha- 
ruo Ito^and adopted by Kiha- 
chiro Okura, a millionaire of 
Tokyo '; in. Toki, 4th d. of his 
adopted father. Ednc. : Gra- 
duated from the Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Imp, 
Univ. (1888). Address : No. 3, 
Aoicho, Akasaka,Tokyo. Tel.: 
372 Shiba. 

Skura, Hatsumi C*; # ^ ^ ), 
Director of the Okura-gumi, 
and . of the Tokai Paper Ma- 
terial Co.; b. 1874 in Naga- 
no prefecture ; adopt, s. of ^^'i- 
hachiro Dkura, a millionaire. 
Ednc. : graduated from the 

[ 739 ] 


College of Literature of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1900. Man- 
ager of the New York bran- 
ch of the Dkura-gumi, 1904 — 
1906; present posts since 19- 
06. Address : Sekiguchidaima- 
chi, - Koishikawaku, Tokyo. 
Cbibs : Nippon Club and K5- 

Okura, Ninzo C:^ * U. WO, 
Judge of the Court of Cassa- 
tion; b. the 1st ?«, of the ist 
•y. of Kei6.(i86s; in Mie-ken; 
2nd s. of the late Zendayii D- 
kura, a samurai ; in. Mltsu, e. 
d. of Yusuke Takatsu, a j«;««- 
r«? of Yamaguchi-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University (1888). Was suc- 
cessively Judge of the Otsu 
District Court, of the Osaka 
Appeal Court and Sectional 
Chief of the Kobe District 
Court ; present post since 1903. 
Address: No. 24, Nijikki-ma- 
chi, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Okuni, Juro C:*: H S W), 
Tomonosuke by proper name ; 
metallic sculptor (4th genera- 
tion) ; h. in Osaka ; s. of Ha- 
Imsai Okuni, sculptor ; m. Mi- 
chiko, 1907 ; d. of Iwai, a 
merchant. Educ. : graduated 
from the Kyoto Art School. 
Exhibited his masterpieces in 
industrial exhibitions, Osaka, 
Kyoto, N'ara, Tokyo, Gifu, 
Nagoya, Hokuriku and other 

prefecture art exhibitions 
and was awarded many prize's. 
Address: 'So. 7, Kita-horie- 
Kami-dori, 3 chome, ifishi- 
ku, Osaka. Olubs : adviser of 
Naniwa Youngmen Art Soci- 
ety,_ in. of the Tatsumi Art 
Society and committee of the 
Osaka Ai-t Society. 

Okuro, Yasusaburo (;feMSc3 
gI5), President of the Saga Pre- 
fectural Hospital. Address : 
Matsubara, Matsubara-machi, 
Saga, Saga-ken. 

Okushi, Katsuji (iz^B ^), 
mine-owner, Proprietor of the 
Okushi Bank ; i>. the 3rd m. 
of the 1st f. of Kayei (1848) 
in Saga-ken ; e. s. of Matazae- 
mon Okushi, a Saga samurai; 
in. Noshi, 2nd d. of Takeyasu 
Miyazaki, also a Saga samu- 
rai. He is a pioneer in the 
mining industry of Saga-ken. 
Address: Omachi-mura, Ktne- 
jima-gun. Saga-ken. 

Okushi, Ryutaro (ic$nEi:BI5),. 
Chairman of the Board of 
Directors of the Tokushima 
Bank, ex-Pres. of the Tolm- 
shima Electric Light Co., Au- 
ditor of the Awa Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank ; b. the 3rd 
m. of the 2nd y. of Kokwa 
(1845) in Tokushima-ken; 2nd 
s. of Kanjiro Okushi ; m. Ka- 
no, elder sister oiT&koichxMz.- 
Isuo, a. samurai oiTbknshxma.. 
Address: Ichijo-mura, Itano- 
gun, Tokushima-ken. 

Oktt— Oma 

[ 740 ] ' 

Okuto, Jennosuke (|fc ;3 ^ ;j^ 

BS)' Lawyer and patent 
agent; ^. the 9th m. of the 
3rd >'. of Meiji (1871) in 
Osaka; s. of Enkaku Okuto, 
a priest; m. Namie. Edicc: 
graduated from the Meiji 
Daigaku (a law institution). 
Passed the Examination for 
the Higher Civil Service in 
1 891; was Judge and public 
procurator for 10 years; then 
became lawyer; made a 
■ tour of inspection in Ameri- 
ca during the Russo-Japanese 
War. Publications: " Tobei 
Nikki"; "Horitsu Jiho", etc. 
Recreations : photography, 
Japanese poetry, music, tra- 
velling. Address: No. 29, 
Masago-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. 
71'/.: 2399 Higashi. Clud: 
Osaka Lawyers Club. 

Okuyama, Genzo (^ lU iS St), 
farmer, one of the highest-tax- 
payers of Yanianashi-ken ; d. 
the 5 th m. of the 4th j/. of K6- 
kwa(i847) in Yamanashi-ken; 
e. s. of the late Kiyii Okuya- 
ma ; m. Rika, sister of the 
Jiemori Uchida' of Yamanashi- 
ken. Succeeded his father in 
1873. Address: Kasugai-mu- 
la, Higashiyaraanashi - gun, 

Okuyama, Seikei (mmxm< 
Judge (retired), Member of 
the House of Peers, President 
of the Tagawa Colliery Co.; 
^. the 3rd m. of the 2nd >. of 

Kokwa (1845) in Kagoshima; 
brother of Tokuro Okuyama, 
a samurai of Kagoshima clan; 
m. Tome, 2nd d. of Kanayasu 
Ichikawa, a samurai of Tokyo. 
First entered <he, service of 
the Department of Education, 
becoming principal of the O- 
saka Normal School ; subse- 
quently appointed in succes- 
sion judge of the Tokyo 
Court, President of the Matsu- 
yama Civil Court and of the 
Matsuyama Criminal Court, 
judge of the Court of Cassa- 
tion, President of the Nagoya 
Court of First Instance, the 
Osaka District Court and oi 
the Hiroshima Court of Ap- 
peal ; transferred as Chief Pu- 
blic Procuratoi of the Hako- 
date, and Hiroshima Courts 
of Appeal and then as Public 
Procurator of the Court of Ca- 
sation; retired from the Bench 
and was appointed Member 
of the House of Peers by im- 
perial nomination in 1901. Ad- 
dress :_ No. 48, Samban-ch5, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Omachi, ToycgDro OcRT^il 
W>, Paymaster-Colone], Atta- 
ched to the Army Accountants 
Inspection Pep't; b. 1869 
BB). Faymaster-uoionel, Chief 
of the Paymasters' Staff of the 
9th Arm.y Division ; 5. 1869 
in Kyoto. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantry (July 1889) ; Lieuten- 
ant (Nov. 1892); Captain 

i 741 

Om — Cmo 

(Oct. 1897); Paymaster-Major 
(Dec. 1903); Paymaster-Lievi- 
tenant-CoIonel (Apr." 1905) ; 
Paymaster-Colonel (Nov. 19- 
09). Decorations : 3rd Order 
of the Rising S"'n and the 4!h 
Order of the Sacred Treasure. 
Address : 2 cliome, Aoyama- 
minami - cho, Akasaka - ku, 

Omi, Genbei (iSHL'^^m), 
pawn-broker ; d. July the 3rd 
J. of Meiji (1870) in Osaka; 
e. s.oi the late Genbei Omi, 
an Osaka heimin ; m. Wasa, 
2nd d. of Shimbei Kawashi- 
ma. Succeeded his father in 
iZZl^Address : No. 350, Yo-, 
bancho, Kozu, Minami-ku, O- 
saka. iel. : 1059 Minami. 

Omiya, Eiji (S }!#«*), 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives, Auditor of the 
Akita Tarumaru Co. ; b. Jan. 
the 1st J/, of Meiji (1868) in 
Akita-ken ; 7th j. of Gennojo 
Hatakeyama and adopted by 
the late Eiji Omiya ; ni. Sano, 
e. d. of his adopted father.' 
Once was member of the Aki- 
ta Prefectural Assembly ; be- 
came successively Director of 
the Akita Bank, the Tsuchi- 
saki Rice and Soy Exchange, 
the 48t-h Bank and of the Aki- 
ta Agricultural andslndustri- 
rial Bank ; is one of the pro- 
motors of the Tsuchisaki Elec- 
tric Light Co. ; has been 
twice elected member of the 

Flouse of Representatives; de- 
corated witli the 4t"l,i Order 
of the Rising Sun, Address : 
No. 47, Kami - rokubancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Omiya, Mochisue (::fc g £1 
^), Viscount, Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. the 2nd 
m. of the 5th jF- of Ansei (18- 
5S) in Kyoto ; e. s. of the late 
Kiminori Omiya, a former 
noble to the Mikado's Court. 
Created Viscount in 1884; 
Lord Steward to the Crown 
Prince in 1887; Chamberlain 
in 1890; Member of the House 
of Peers in 1 897. Address : I- 
raadegawa - noboru, Shimma- 
chi-dori, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Oinori, EusakicH {-M^Mis), 
Rigakuhakushi (Doctor of Sci- ■ 
ence), Prof, of the College of 
Science of the Tokyo Imp. 
UniVi (Chair-Seismology) ; b. 
Sept. the 1st y. of Meiji (18- 
68) in the province of Echi- 
zen ; 5th s. of Fujisuke Omo- 
ri; a samurai of the former 
Fukui clan. Educ: graduated 
from the Science College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1887); 
then studied at the University 
Hall. Lecturer to his alma 
mater ; sent to Italy and Ger- 
many for study ((894); Ri- 
gakuhakushi; present post 
since his return home ; is an 
acknowledged authority on 
seismological science. Ad- 


i. 742 

dress: No. 27, Otsuka-Naka- 
machi, Koishikawa, TokyOj 
Tel. : 2412 Bancho, 

Omori, Junzo (iv # Jig jl), 
NdgakuJiakiishi (Doctor of A- 
gricultural Science),ex-Prof. of 
the. Morioka Higher Agricul- 
tural and__ Dendrological 
School ; Prof. .Nagano SDk 
Filature School. Address : 

Omori, Keijiro (:fc^R^I15), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Yamanashi-ken, President 
bf the Omori Bank ; i. Oct. 
ths 4th J/, of Meiji (iS/i) in 
Yamanashi-ken ; e. s. of the 
late Kashiro Omori ; m. Kd, 
3>d d. of Shinzo Iwama. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1896.^*4^- 
^!ess : Minamiyashiro - mura, 
Higashiyashiro-gun, Yamana- 

Omori, Kennosuke (:Jc fft 5B 
2. JjS),. Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 27th In- 
fantry Regiment; 3. 1868 in 
Hiroshima-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1889; Lieut., Sept. 
1894; Captain, Nov. 1897; 
Major, Dec. 1903; Lieut. 
Colonel, Nov. 1907; Colonel, 
Feb. 19 1 2. Decorations: <,'^ 
Order of S.T., 4th Order of 
R. S., 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Asahi-kawa, 

Omori, Kingoro {-k^-k^W), 
Prof of the Peers' School ; b. 

the 4th m. of the 3rd _y. df 
Keio (1867) in Chiba-l<en; e. s. 
of Chusaburo Dmori, a kei- 
min ; m. Yoshio, e. d.^ of Yo- 
shitomo Kimura, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Literature in 
the Tokyo Imp. univ. (Histo- 
ry) in 1884. Lecturer at the ■ 
First High School (1897— 19- 
05)-; present post since 1899; 
has served several times as a 
Member of the Committee for 
the Teachers' License Exami- 
nation of the Department of 
Education ; organized the Ja- 
pan Historical Geographical 
Society some ten years ago 
and has published its maga- 
zine " Historical Geography " 
ever since. Publications: Chro- 
nological Index to JapMigse 
History; General view of Jiis- 
torical Geography ; Historical 
Reader ; Kamakura,^A histori- 
cal essay ; Outlines oi Japan- 
nese History. Address :. Offi- 
cial Residence, Takata-mura, 
Kitatoshima-gun, Tokyo-fu. i 

Omori, Shoichi (;fc ^ ^ ^)f 
Governor of Kyoto-fu ; b. the 
5th m. of the 3rd y. of Ansei 
(1856) in Shizuoka-ken ; e. s. 
of Naomasa Omori, a Shizu- 
oka samurai; m. Rei, elder 
sister of Jukichi Cho, a Tokyo 
samurai. Served successively 
in the Military Arsenalf De^ 
partment of War and Depart- 
ment of Justice ; Junior-Secre- 

'[ 743 ] 

Omc— Omii 

tary to the Dajokwan (State 
Ministers' Office) in i8i?o; 
afterwards was successively a 
Member of the Senate, Junior 
Secretary to the Home De- 
partment, Private Secretary to 
the Home Minister, Senior- 
Secretary to the Home De- 
pavtraenf. Chief of the Prefec- 
tural Affairs Bureau of the 
same Department, Governor 
of Nagasaki and Hyogo pre- 
fectures, Vice-Minister for 
Home Affairs, etc. ; present 
post since 1902. Decoration: ist 
Order of Rising Sun. Address: 
Official Residence, Higashi- 
iru, Karnaza, Shimoitachi-bori- 
dori, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Omori, Toyosaku (:k#^f^3, 
money-lender, one of the high- 
est taxpayers of Kumamo- 
to-ken ; b. the ist m. of the 
1st y. of Man-en (i860) in 
Kum;imoto-ken ; e. s. of Gun- 
pei Omori, a Kumamoto ja- 
murai ; m. Saku, e. d. of Gen- 
go Araki, also a Kumamoto 
samurai. Succeeded his father 
in 1875. Address : Yamaka- 
machi, Shikariioto - gun, Ku- 

Omoto, Chido (M * ^ si), 
Vice- Admiral on thie reserve ; 
b. the lOth m. of the 2nd y. 
■ of Kayei (1849) in Shidzuoka- 
ken ; e. s. of the late Toemon 
Orinoto. Second-Sub-lieutenant 
in 1872 and after due promo- 
tion attained the rank of Vice- 

Admiral when he was placed 
on the reserve list ; has suc- 
cessively occupied' the posts 
of Captain of the Amaki] Kai- 
mon, Takao and the Chiyodd, 
Chief of Staff of the Saseho 
and the Yokosuka Naval Sta- 
tions, Chief of the Naval 
Training School of the Saseho: 
Station, etc. Decorations : snd' 
Order of the Rising Sun and: 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 12, Takaki-cho, 
Aoyama, Akasaka, Tokyo. 

Omura, Gozaemon {%^^-^ 
ffifl), dealer in rigging ; b. 
the I ith m. of the 6th y. of 
Ansel (1859) in Tokyo ;_2nd 
s. of the late Gozaemon Omu- 
ra ; in. Kiku, adopted sister of 
Kichizaemon Hamaguchi of 
Tokyo. Succeeded his father 
in 1 898. His firm is known by 
the name of Onoya. Address\: 
No. 10, Ichome, Higashimi- 
nato-machi, Kyobashi-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 824 Naniwa. 

Omura, Hikotaro {:k^MiM), 
draper (firm name " Shiroki- 
ya "), President of the Japan 
Cloth Mfg. Co. ; B. Mar. the 
2nd y. of Meiji ( 1 869) in Kyo- 
to ; e. s. of the late Hikotaio 
Omura ; m. Dai, sister of Zen- 
yemon K6noike,an Osaka mil- 
lionaire. Educ: Tokyo Com- 
mercial School ; Cheltenham 
College, Gloucestershire, En- 
gland. Succeeded his father in 
1895 and his business as dra- 


L 744 J 

'per has since become so pros- 
perous as to rival the faijious 
Mitsukoshi itself; took part 
in the inauguration of the Ja- 
pan Cloth Mfg. Co., iind was 
elected its president; has been 
also Auditor of the Tokyo 
Bank. Decomtiofis : billiards, 
reading, fine art and Utai (old 
Japanese song). Address: No. 
\ I chome. Tori, Nihombashi, 
Tokyo, Td.: 81,62, 83,84, 
475. ^7Q, 930 Honkyokw. 

Omufa, Mitsuru (jk # S), 
Chief of the Paediatrik Depart- 
ment of the Yania,guchi Hos- 
pital. Address : Yamaguchi 
Hospital, Yamagiichi. 

OHmra, Wobuyuki iiMWcx), 
Colonel of Infantry, Chief of 
Staff of the %ih Army Divi- 
sion ; b. .the 1 2th m. of the 
ist^. of Gwanji (1864)111 Ya- 
maguchi-ken ; 2-nd s. of ICyu- 
bei Omura ; w. Kiini, £. d. of 
Hikoichi Kunihiro. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Military Aca- 
demy (July 1 8 89) and the Mili- 
tary College (Dec. 1898). 
Sub-Lieutenant (July 1889); 
Lieutenant (Mar. 1 893) ; Cap- 
tain (Aug. 1897); Major (Nov. 
1902); Lieutenant-Colonel (Ju- 
ly 1905); Colonel (Dec. 1908). 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun,, 5th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure and the 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: Staff OfiSce of the 
8th Arrny Division, Hirosaki. 

Omura, Snmio (>(< td" M #), 
Count, Member ot the Hou'se 
of Peers , 3. the 4th m. of the 
4th J. of Kaei_(i85i) in the 
province of Hyiiga ; s. of the 
late Count Tadahiro Shima- 
dzu, feudal lord of Sadohara. 
clan, and adopted by the late 
Sumihiro Omura, feudal lord 
of Omura clan. Created Vis- 
count in 1884 ; appointed Mas- 
ter of Ceremonies (i888)j e- 
lected Member of the House of 
Peers (1890); created Count 
(1891); decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 16, i chome, 
Ichibei-cho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 2S4t. Shiba. 

Omura, YoshiM (j)<:#^-^), 
Principal of the Osaka Female 
Normal School ; 3. the 2nd m. 
of the 2nd y. of BunkyiJ (18- 
62) in the province of Suruga; 
s. of Keio, a samurai of Shi- 
dzuoka-ken; ?%. Kadzuko, 2nd 
d, of Rinshaku Shinozaki, phy- 
sician of Iwatsuki clan. Educ.: 
studied English, arithmetic and 
Chinese classics at the D6- 
ninsha, a private school con- 
ducted by the late famous 
scholar Keiu Nakamura, 18- 
77—1^79; then entered the 
Tokyo Nornial School, gradu- 
ating from it in 1 884. Appoint- . 
ed Junior Instructor of the 
Tokyo Normal School the. 
same year; thfen transferred 
successively as Instructor of the 



Tokyo, Tochigi, Osaka and 
Kochi Normal Schools and ■d( 
the Kishiwada Middle School; 
present post since looo ; be- 
came president of the Osaka 
Hoikukai, a charitable society 
•maintained by the O^aka Mu- 
nicipal Government (1900), a 
post which he still holds; is 
the pioneer of the system of 
the so called Kakikoshul^ai (a 
summer lecture-class) in Ja- 
pan. Publications : " Guide to 
Music"; "Text-book of Japan- 
ese ITistory for the use of 
Elementary School "; " Text- 
book of Geography"; " Art of 
Teaching "; etc. Recreations : 
music, Japanese poetry, fish- 
ing. Address : Official Resi- 
dence, Kitayama-cho, Tenno- 
ji, Minamiku, Osaka. Chih : 

Onawa, ilisao {-XM, X 4i)i 

ex-Mem. of the House of Eep- 
resentiveg, Director of the Ke- 
ihin Electric Kailway Co., To- 
kyo Eice and Goods Exchange, 
the Kokko Mutual Life Insu- 
rance Co., Auditor of the Ja- 
pan Warehouse Co. ; b. the 
2nd m. of the 2nd y. of Bun- 
kyu (1862) in Akita-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Ichisaburo Yana, a samu- 
rai of Akita-clan, and adopted 
by the late Orie Onawa; in. 
Tami, grand daughter of 1^&- 
onaga Akiyama, a sammai of 
Akita. Educ: studied Chinese 
classics at the Clan School. 

Once was in the service of 
the Department of Communi- 
cations.; resigned and entered 
business ; is connected with the 
above mentioned Companies ; 
has been twice elected mem- 
be r of the House of Representa- 
tives ; decorated with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun 
in connection with the Russo- 
Japanese War. Address : No. 
31,1 chome, Fujimi-cho, K6- 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tet. i 2587 

OncM, Tetsu (E ifi W), 
Master of Ceremonies ; b. the 
1 2th m. of the 2nd y. of Kaei 
(1849) in Tokyo; e. s. of Hyo- 
ma OncM, a samurai of To- 
kyo; in, Rai, sister of Sotaro 
Ino, a heimin of Kyoto. Took 
part witli his father in the 
Restoration; entered the Army 
in 1893 and was on the staff 
of the 2!5d Brigade of the Fly- 
ing Column during the Satsu- 
ma Rebellion; was judge of 
Court Martial, Public I'locu- 
rator of the Judiciary, Steward 
to Prince Kitashirakawa, Pri- 
vate Secretary to the Lord 
Keeper of the Privy Seal and 
Chamberlain to the Emperor 
in succession ; present post 
since 1899. Decoratton : ,iix\\ 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : No. 5., 2 chome, Moto- 
zono-cho, Kojima^chi, Tokyo. 

Onda, Tetsuya CS IB m m% 
Expert to the Agricultural 


:[ 746 I 

Experiment Far'rti; b. the i Ith 
m- of the 1st jr. of Gwanji 
( i 864) in' Ibarakt-keh ; e. s. of 
Keigo Orida, ari Ibaraki saum- 
rai , in. Tokie, 2'iid </. of Shi.- 
gekiyo Ikegami, a sammrai of 
Kochi-ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the fprmer Komaba Ag- 
ricultural Collfege(i8S5). Was 
in .succession teacher to the 
Fukiioka , Middle School, to 
the Saitama Normal School, 
Expert to the Iwate Agricul- 
tural Institute, and then to the 
Iwate - Prefectural Govern- 
ment ; present post since 1896 
and is now serving at the Ag- 
ricultural Experiment Farm 
in Qkitsu, Shizuoka-ken, - Ad- 
dress : Agricultural 'Experi- 
ment Farm, Okitsu, Shizuoka- 

Onishi, Eisnke (iklS ^ m, 
fancy-goods dealer ; 3. Dec. 
the 7th jy. of Meiji (1884) in 
Tokyo ; e. s. of the late Eisu- 
ke Onishi ,- ;;«. Tsiine, 3rd d. 
of Sobei Mori of Tokyo. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1893 ; his 
firm is well; known by the 
name of Onishi- Hakubotan. 
Address: No. 12, 2 chome, 
Minami Demma-cho, Kyoba- 
?^i-ku,. Tokyo. Tel.: 30 Kyo- 

Onishi, GoicMro {%Wa.-'W>, 
Member of the House of Re- 
gresentatives, Fi-esident of the 
Onishi Bank ; b. the 8th m. oi 

the 5th 7. of Aiisei (1858) ia 
Osaka; e. s. of the late Goichi- 
ro Onishi; m. Kofusa, young- 
er sister of Yoshimatsii Oni- 
shi. Has been Mayor ^df the 
City of Sakai, Member of 
the Sakoi Municipal Council, 
Vice - President pi the Sakai 
Chamber of Commerce; Mem- , 
bar of the House of Represent- 
atives since 1907. Address .• 
No. 17, 4chome, Kai-maclii, 
Sakai, Dsak-^-fu. 

Onishi, Kamejiro \-)<^WkW) 
Surgeon Major-General, Chief 
of the Medical Staff of tlfe 
Chosen Garrison; b. the nth 
'm. of the 3rd y, of Bunkyu 
(1863) in Hyogo-ken; 2nd .r. 
of Yasuyemon Higashi and- 
adopted by the late Gonbei O- 
flishi. Surgeon Stib^Lieutenant 
(Apr. 1 885); Surgeon Lieuten- 
ant (Nov. 1887) ; Surgeon- 
Captain (Apr. 1 892); Surgeon- 
Major (Mir. 1897) ; Surgeon 
Lieutenant-Colonel (Mar. 19- 
03) ; Surgeon-Colonel (Mar. 
1905); Surgeon Major-Gene'- 
ral (19 10). Has been Chief of 
the Sanitary Bureau of the De- 
partment of War and in addi- 
tion President of the Beri-Beri 
Investigation Committee be- 
fore occupying present post in 
Oct. 19 10. Decorations: 3r(3 
Oirdei of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite.\^^- 
dress : The Medical Staff of 
the Chdsen Garrison,' Seoul^ 

[ 747 ] 


Chosen. , 

Onishi, Katsutomo {:kW!^M), 
IgakuhakushifYtoi. of the Pu- 
kuoka Medical College of the 
Kyoto Imperial University, 
Chief of the Kyoto University 
Hospital ; b.. the ist /«. of the 
istj!'. of Keio (1865) in Ehi- 
me-ken ; 2nd s. of Katsuyosiii 
Onishi, a samurai ; in. Taka- 
yo,^. sister of Torao Kan. of 
Fukuoka-ken. Educ: graduat- 
ed from the former Tokyo. Da- 
igakuiiZZiiC)} studied medicine 
in Germany (1885-1890), Prof. 
of the former 3rd r Higher 
Middle School (1890) ; Igaku- 
hakushi (1899); Present post 
since 1905. Address: Chiyo- 
mura, Chikusln-gun,Fukuoka. 

Onkhi, Korei (;»c J@ '^ i§), 
farmer, one of the highest tax- 
payers of Kagawa-ken ; b. Se- 
pt. the 3rd y. of Meiji (187 1) 
in Kagawa-ken ; e. s. of the 
late Tadaichi Onishi ; m. Ta- 
tsu, J. sister of Kichib'ei Ha- 
shimoto of Hiroshima, Suc- 
ceeded his father in 18^4.' Ad- 
dress : Higami-mura, Kida- 
gun, Kaga^va-ken. 

Onishi, Masao (ic S IE ^), 
Managing Director of the Yo- 
kohama Electric Wire M'^. 
Co., Director of the Oriental 
Gum Co. and of the Oriental 
Confectionary Co.; b. the 9th 
m. of the iitlijj', of Tempo 
( 1 84x5) in Yokohama; £. s. of 
Ai Onishi; w. Sato, y. sister: 

of Inosuke Yamasaki of Guni- 
ma-keh.. Succeeided his father 
in 1869. Address : No. 33, Mi- 
yazaki-cho, Yokohama. Te!..' 

. Ono, DembeiC::^ m IS ^M), 
Executive Member of the Ono 
Bank, Director > of the Chiba- 
ken Agricultural and Industri- , 
al Bank ; b. the ibth m:' of 
the I St J*, of Man-en (1865) in 
Chiba-ken ; f. brother of the 
Shunkar Sato, a Chiba samu- 
rai, and adopted by the late 
Dembei Ono ; m, Tane, d. of 
his adopted father. Address: 
Togane - machi, Sanbu - gun, 

Ono, Eitaro ('J> W m icM),^ 
President of the Tamashima 
Bank ; b. the 8th ni. of 3rd f-. 
of Bunkyu (1863) in Hiroshi- 
ma-ken ; e. s. of Zentaro Ho-i 
ribe, a Hirpshima heimin and 
aclBpted ^Y the late Yozaburo 
Ono of Gkayaina-ken. .^^- 
</r^.f.f.* Nagao-mura, Asaguchi- 
gin, Okayama-ken. 
__Ou.o, li?amoniJ>|ifmfefffl), 
ex-Pres. of the Uyeda Elect- 
ric Kght Co., Director of the 
Uyeda Bank, th'e*Eizoku Bank, 
tlie Tanaka Warehouse Co. 
and of the Komoro.Bank, Au-r 
ditor of the KaciiiZawa Hotel 
Co. and of the Toshin Fertili- 
zer Co.,' representative mem- 
ber of the Ono & Co.; b. the 
ilth in. of the ist jj'. of Keio 
(1865) in Nagano-ken ; e. s. of 



the late Eizaemon Ono ; m. 
■Yoshi, 2nd d. of Kabpi Kuro- 
zawa. Succeeded his faither in 
1 901. Address: Agata-mura, 
Koagata-gun, Nagano-ken. 

Ono, Genroku {%mM^{K), 
Managing Director of the Mi- 
tsuke Bank) -President of the 
Mitsuke Native Products Co.; 
i. the I ith m. of the ist 'y. of 
Keiwo(i865) in Niigata^en; 
^. s. of the late Genroku Ono ; 
m. Ren, 2nd d. of Kazu Aka- 
numa. Educ: graduated from 
the' former Tokyo Hogakuin 
(a private law School). Ad- 
dress: Mitsuke-machi, Mina- 
mikambara-gun, Niigata-ken. 

Ono, GonsHro ('> gf !! E3 W), 
sake-brewer, Director of the 
Inland Transportation Co., Au- 
ditor of Kobe Gas Co. and of 
the Kobe Trust Co., Member 
of the Kobe Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. the ist w. of the 3rd 
jC. of Kayei (1850) in Hyogo- 
ken ; e. s. of Yasagoro Ono ; 
m. Emi, 2nd d, of Mobei, Ka- 
jiwara. Address: No. 51, 2- 
chome, Aioi-cho, Kobe. Tel. : 

Ono,. Ic|ibei (/h W 1^ ^ W, 
druggist. Auditor of the Japan 
Licensed Medicine Co., Mem- 
ber of the Osaka Chamber of 
Commerce ; 3. the 12th m. of 
the 3rd jc. of Kaei (1850) in 
Osaka ; e. s. of Ichibei Ono. 
Succeeded his father in 187$. 
Address: No. 34, 2chome, i)o- 

shu-machi, Higashi-ku, Osa- 

Ono, Eamesaburo (:;'ciF®H 
W), Member of the House of 
Representatives, Auditor of 
the Soto Bank, Ltd., the Hok- 
kaido Horse Rearing Encour- 
agement Co. and of the Fusan 
Reclamation Co., Ltd. ; b, the 
8th ?^. ^f the istjv. of Bunkyu 
(1861) in Gifu-ken ; e. s. of the 
late Hachizaemon |Dno ; m. 
Jo, e. d. of Zinsuke Shimpno. 
Has been elected Member of 
the House of Representatives 
in 191 2 for the lOth time. 
Addriss : No. 24, Dairo"kuten- 
machi, Kdshrkawa, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1029 Bancbo. 

Ono, Kansho QY if g jE), 
Kogakuhakushi (Doctor of 
Engineering), Prof, of the 
College of Engineering of 
the Kyushu Imp. Univ.; b. 
■ in Fukuoka-ken. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the College' of 
Eng. of the Kyoto Imp. 
Univ. in 1906. After his 
graduation was appointed 
prof of -the Kyushu "Imp. 
Univ.; received the degree 
of ^Kogakuhakushi, Dec. 
19 12. Address: the Kyushu 
Imp. Univ., Fukuoka-ken. 

Ono, Keizo (>> ^ R WC). 
President of the Iwate Bank, 
Ltd. and of the Ono & Co., 
Ltd., Director of the Morioka 
Bank, Ltd,, the Murai Sake 
Co., Ltd. and ofthe 90th Bank," 



Ltd., Auditor of the Horai 
Mutual Life Insurance Co. and 
of tlie Morioka Electric Co., 
Ltd. ; b. the 6th m. of the 1st 
;;'. of Ansei (i 8-54) ill Iwate-ken; 
e. s. of Yuzo Ono ; in. Kane, 
niece to Garo Nakahara, an 
Iwate samurai. Address : No. 
42, Gofuku-cho, Morioka, I- 

Ono, Ken-iehirw (i;S=K-KI5), 
Payniaster Major- General, 
Chief of the Paymasters' Staff 
of the 4th Army Division ; d. 
the 3rd m. of the 2ndj/. of 
Bunkyu_(i862) in Tokyo ; e. s. 
of Tai Ono, a samurai; m. To- 
ma, 4th d. of Suminori Arima, 
a Tokyo samurai. Educ. : the 
Military Academy, the Mili- 
tary College and the Military 
Paymasters' School. Sub-Lieti- 
tenant'of Infantry (Dec. 1883); 
Lieutenant (Apr. 1887); Pay- 
master Captain (Oct. 1898); 
Paymaster-Major (Nov. 1902); 
Paymaster - Lieutenant - Colo- 
nel (Dec, 1903) ; Paymaster- 
Colonel and president of the 
Military Payinasters' School 
(Apr. 1905) ; took part in the 
Russo-Japanese War as Chief 
of the Paymasters' Staff of the 
1st Army Division; Paymas- 
ter Major-General and the 
present post since Aug. 1909. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
iTo. 20, Hirokoji-maclii, Hi- 

gashi-i<u, Osaka, 

Ono, Kiaroka (/h if ^ -i^X 
Representative Member of the 
Koshiro Mining Co,, President • 
of the Tokyo Discount Bank, 
the Fuji Paper Mfg. Co., the 
Tokyo Machine Mfg. Go., Di- 
rector of the Japan Briquette 
Co., the Teikoku Gomrhereial 
Bank, the _ Tokyo Electric 
Light Co., etc. ; b. the 8th m. 
of the 5th y. Kaei (1852) in 
Yamanashi-ken, 2nd s. of the 
late Denkichi Ono ; m. Yoshi, 
sister of Tamemoto Misawa, a 
heimin of Yamanashi-ken. Is 
one of the organizers of the 
former Taiwan Railway Co. 
( 1 896) and of the Seoul-Fusan 
Railway Go. (1899). Address: 
No. 2, 3chome, lida-machi, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 253 

Ono, Kintaro {'V Sf ^ ± I|5), 
President of the Kanada Indus- 
trial Bank ; b, the 8th in. of 
the zxiA'y. of Ansel (1855) in 
Kanagawa-ken ; e. s. of the 
late Kanzaemon Ono; rn.Jy&n, 
2ad d. of Chiibei Yamasaki. 
Succeeded his father in 1882. 
Once was a member of the 
Kanagawa Local Forestry 
Council and of the Kanagawa 
Prefectuwl Assembly. Ad- 
dress : No. 1 1 60, Kanada- 
mura, Asigara-gun, Kanaga- 

Ono, masaharu (/^ 1= gc »1&), 

Colonel of Infantry, Com- 



tnander of the Kochi Re- 
gimental District; b. 1869 in 
Nara-ken. Sub-Lieut., July 
1887; Lieut., Nov. ^1893, • 
Captain, Oct. 1897; Major, 
Oct. 1903; Lieut. Golonel, 
Nov. 1907; Golonel, April 
19 1 2. Decorations: 4th Order 
of R. S., 3rd Order of S. T., 
4th Class of Golden JCite. 
Address : Kpchi-shi, Kochi- 

Ono, Masakiahi (/J-* gf gr S), 
Manager of the Lyons Branch 
of the Yokohama Specie Bank; 
b. the I2th 7n. of the ist y. of 
Gwanji (1864) in Tokyo \ e. s. 
ofNiheiTawa of Tokyo and 
adopted by Zenyemon Ono of 
Kyoto; m. Ume, j/. sister of 
Chuzaburo Cikumura of To- 
kyo, Ediic. : graduated from 
the Paris Higher Commercial 
School (1881) and then from 
the Tokyo Semmon Gakko {(ort- 
I'unner of the present Waseda 
Univ.), Entered the service of 
the Yokohama; Specie Bank in 
1887; member, of the Lyons 
Branch of the Bank in 1885 ; 
Promoted to the post of its 
Manager in 1899. Address: 
Lyons Branch of the Yoko- 
hama Specie Bank,v Lyons, 

Ono, Mitsukage (/> Bf % *), 
silk and cocoon export mer- 
chant, member .of the Yoko- 
hama Chamber of Commerce, 

of the Yokohama Silk Traders 
Guild, Director of the Yokor, 
hama Life Insurance Co., of 
the Yokohama Electric Rail- 
way Co., etc. ; b. the 3rd m. qi 
the 2ndj'. of Kokwa (1845) in 
the province of Shinano ; e. s. 
of Hyoemen Ono ; m. Yama, 
e. d. of Atsusuye Tsunekawa, 
a samurai of Kanagawa-ken, 
Once was President of the 
Yokohama Specie Bank; is 
member of the House of Peers ; 
is the founder of the Yokoha- 
ma Commercial School ; is at 
present chiefly engaged in the 
conduct of his own business, 
and is one of the most influen- 
tial merchants in Yokohama. 
Address: ichome, Minaminar 
kadori, Yokohama. Tel: S3 
Club : Saiwai Club. 

Ono, Riemon {/> gf f ij * # P^ ), 
President of the Nagano Sav- 
ings Bank, Director of the T6- 
shin Fertilizer Co., the Shiga 
Bank, the Shinano Aforesta- 
tion Co., the Karuizawa Hotel 
Co. ; the Kiso Development 
Co., and of the Minato Rail- 
way Co., Auditor of the Ko- 
moro Warehouse Co., etc. ; b. 
the 8th m. of the \sty. of Man- 
en (i860) in Nagano-ken ; 2nd 
s, ofZen-emon Takano and 
adopted by Yoemon Ono. Ad- 
dress : Agata-muri, Koagata- 
gun, Nagano-ken. 

Ono, Risaburo (/MfSIHlU), 
draper of Osaka ; b. the I2tb^ 

C 7Si ] 


m. of the 2nd J)/, of Keio (i86S) 
in Osaka ; e. s. of Rihei Ono ; 
M, Yoshie,j'. sister ofKishizo 
Yoshida of Nara-ken. Ad- 
dress : No. 12; 3.chome, Mina- 
mimoto-niachi-, Higashi-ku, O- 
saka. 7K : 2444 1. d. Higashi. 
Ono, Sanenobu (jl If K ^), 
Major-G-eneral since 19 12, Go- 
mmander of the 8th Infantry 
Brigade: b. 1867 in Fukuoka- 
ken. Sub-Lieutenant (July 18- 
88) ; Lieutenant (Mar. 1892); 
Captain (Dec. 1896); Major 
(May 1902); Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel (Mar. 190s), Colonel (Nov. 
1907). Decorations : 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun; 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure; 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: The gth. Infantry 
Brigade, Himeji. 

OnorSeiiku {% m & S5), 
Deputy Mayor of Kyoto, Chief 
of the 2nd Sectian and Water 
Works Department of the 
Kyoto City Office ; b. the 4th 
m. of the 2ndj!/. ofKeiwo(i8- 
66) in Kagoshima ; e. s. of the 
late Seiki Ono, a Kagoshima 
samurai; m. Nobu, e. d. of 
Sadanaga Matsunaga, also a 
Kagoshima samnrai. Address: 
Shogoin-machi, Kamikyo-ku, 
Kyoto. . 

Ono, Tadashi (::fe if IE), in- 
ventor; b. 1872 in Niigata- 
ken; s. of Shidan Ono, a 
physician. Invented various 
machines and apparatuses 

which are . extensively - used 
in the buildings and ra;ilways 
those inventions were all a- 
warded with patent; among 
them the fire proof funnel, 
the surveying machine of re- 
sistance to revolving axle, au- 
tomatic oiler and some others 
are most excellent; recently 
a firm called the Ono-model 
Patented Machines Sale Co. 
was organized under the aus- 
pices of Baron Shibusawa, 
Messrs Toranosuke Furukawa, 
Heizaburo Okawa, Manno- 
suke Shimidzu and general 
sale of Mr. Ono's patented 
machine was commenced. 
Address: 21 ichome, Yumi- 
cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 

Ono, Seikichi (/> if it ^), 
ship-builder ; b. the 12th m. of 
the irA y. of Kokvva (1946)10 
Osaka ; e. s. of Tsuruzo Ono ; 
m. Mitsu, 4th d. of the late 
MasasukeWatanabe. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1855. Add- 
ress: NakagucH-cho, Nishi- 
ku, Osaka Td.: 2./s^6 1, d. Nishi. 

"bno, Tokusaburo C;kif^HIP), 
President of the Japan As-. 
bestos Co., Ltd. Address: No.'. 
15, 3 chome, Ts ukij i, Kyoba- 
shiku, Tokyo. Tei.: S4S l.d. 
Toku Kyobashi. . ' . 

Ono, Tomojir ( 'h ^- K * W>y 
Auditor of the Mitsui Bank ; b. 
the istm. ofthe istj)/- ofGwan- 
ji (1864) in Dita-kenfandj. of 
Tpzo Mori, a /««;«/« of Oita- 


[753 ]■ 

ken , a.wi a^^opted by Uhei Ono, 
a Kyoi& /ieiinm;- m. Fumie, e. d. 
<>fFamk&mb Yamada. Educ. : 
graduated- fern the Keiogiju- 
fcii 'in 1886. Has been for 
sCMTie time editor to t^ie Kojun- 
zassM, a monthly niagazrae, 
and thefl t© ih&Jijiskmtpv; sent 
to Europe b-y the Tokyo 
StocR Exchange to investigate 
the Exchange Systems of va- 
rious Ciottntries (18S9); enter- 
ed the service^ Bf the Mitsui 
Bank on his return and after 
holding the post of Manager 
of its Kobe Branch was finally 
elected its Auditor. Address : 
No. 30. Takanawa-Minami- 
machi, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2631 Shilja. 

buo, Toyoihi, C^ © ^ H), 

CplQiiel of Infantry, Com- 
mander oT the 15th Infantry 
Regiment; i>. iZ6y in Saga- 
ken. Sub- Lieut, March 1893; 
Lieut., 189s; Captain, Oct. 
1898; Major, July 1904; 
Lieut. Colonel, Dec. 1908; 
Colonel, March 19 12. De- 
coratio7is:: 5th Order of S.T., 
4th Order of R.S., 4th Class 
of Golden. Kite. Address: 

Okodav Motoh: ro ( 'h^^TtW: ), 
Member of the House of Peers, 
Lieutenant of Infantry on the 
leserve; 6. the 2nd m. of the 
ist y. of Kayei (1848) in the 
province of Kozuke ; 2nd j. of 
Ippei Kanno, a samurai of tlie 

farmer Tatebayashi clan, and; 
adopted by the late Sangoro 
Onods ; m. Yasu, y. sister of 
Kfnzo Yamaguchi of Tokyo. 
Took part in the war of Res- 
toration; entered afterwards 
tke service of the Metropolitan 
Police Office, becoming in suc- 
cession Police sergeant; jun- 
ior-Police Inspector, and then 
Police Inspector ; took part in 
the Satsuma ' Rebellion and 
was made Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, still remaining in the 
police service ; went to Europe 
in the suite of the late Pptrce 
Inspector-General T. Kawaji; 
appointed junior Secretary to 
the Home Department on his 
return home; was successive- 
ly sii«:e 1886 Governor of the 
Ogasaw.ara Islands, Seeratary 
to the prefectures of Nagano 
and Hyogo, Director of the 
Police Bureau of the Home 
Department; also'since 1897 
was Governor of the prefectures 
of Ibaraki, Yamanashi, Shizu- 
oka, Miyagi and Kagawa in 
succession ; appointed member 
of the House of Peers by Im- 
perial nomination in 1910. De- 
corations : 1st Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 5, Yocho-machi, 
Okubo, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Tel: r39o Ranch o.- 

Qnodiera, Jutar.o ('Mf^ai: 
Iil)> Colonel -of Artillery since 
1911^ Section Chief of the 
General Stafif Office, InstraetoF 

I 7S3 ] 


of the Military Colkgg yd, i8- 
73 in Tokyo- . Sub-Lieutenant 
(Mar. 1892) ; Lreufenant i(Oct. 
1894); Captain (Oct 1897); 
Major (May 1903) ; Lieuten- 
atlt-Gofenel (Ndv. 1907), De- 
corations : 4th Order ef the 
Rising Sun ; 5 th Order of the 
Sacred Treasur ; 3rd Class of 
the Golderf Kite. Address: JTo. 
208, Harajuku, &ndagaya, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Onde, Baiko (M -h M ^^^ 
proper name: Terashima, 
Einosul<e, actor, known as 
Onoe JBdiko; b. 1871 in 
Nagoya; adopt, s. of Kiiiu- 
gofo Onoe, fa:mous actor of 
modern Japan; in. Fuji-ko, 
adopt, d. of Teitarb Tomo- 
zuna, one of the managers 
of the . Japai> WrestHrig 
Society. Began his actor 
career when 12 years old; 
under the direction of the 
late famous actor Danju-fo 
Ichikawa he entered the 
Kabuki Theatre in 1904 and 
became a member of the 
Committee for its Art Depart- 
ment ; when the Teikokti 
Gekijo (Imperial theatre) was 
opened in 191 1 he was in- 
vited to be chief of its Ma- 
naging Department; is now 
vice-president of the Tokyo 
Actors Association. Recrea- 
tions: literatures; arts. Ad- 
dress: ISTo. 3, Nakaho-cho, 
Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 

2905 Kyobasht. 

OiH)6, Kik«gorb (^.h^Slfe 
propername: Tetajim'a Kozo, 
Atftor, well kiiowri by his 
professional name of Kikii- 
goro Onoe; b. 1885 in To- 
kyo'; 5. of the late Kiyoshi 
Terashima, a fa,mous actot; 
m. Yasu-ko, e. d. of Jirokichi 
Kurashige of Tokyo. Is one 
of the promising youthful 
aetors of present Japan. 
i?^^r^«^/£'K.f: fishing; shooting; . 
chirography; painting; curios; 
athletic sports; billiard; chess; 
photography, etc. Address: 
No. 5* I chome, tJchisaiwai- 
cho, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. 357 Shimbashi. 

Oaoe, Seibel (ft ± it :^ ^), 
President ot the Futami Bank, 
Director of the 65th Bank, 
Auditor of the Eigashima Sa- 
ke Brewery Co. ; b. the 2nd 
m. of the 4th ji/. of Ansei (18- 
57) in Hyogo-ken ; e. s. of the 
late Masasuke Onoe ; m. Yu- 
ki-, sister of Saijiro Kaijuma. 
Succeeded his father in t873. 
Address: Futomi-mura, Kako- 
gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Onoe, trsaburo (JS ± flp S BP>» 
Actor, Usabufo Kinoshita 
by proper name; b. the 2nd 
m. of the 1st y. of Man-en 
(i860) in Gifu-ken; s. di 
Torazo Ichikawa. Educ. : 
studied under a private tutor. 
Appeared on the Osaka 
stage from an early age of 

Ono— Onu 

[ 754 1 

thirteen under the namfe of 
Onoe Utaichij succeeded the 
i^me of Second Onoe Usa- 
baro at the age of seventeen. 
Recreations : riding, fencing, 
wrestling. Address: No. 47, 
Kuruma - cho, Takanawa, 
Shiba, Tokyo. 

Onozawa, Eyoliichi ('Mflifl 
nj, Chicl Public Procurator 
6f:tlie Nemuifo District Court 
Address : Nemuro-niachi, Ho- 

Onozuka, Kiieiji J'hif^S^ 
^)> HogakuL:-'kuski, Prof. 6f 
she L-'w College of the Tokyo 
Imp, Univ. (Chair-Politics) ; b. 
Dec. the 3rd_j>. ofMeiji(i87i) 
in the province of Echigo ; e. 
s, of Heikichi Onozuka, a Aei-. 
mitt of Niigata-ken ■, 'm. K5, e 
d. of Baron Tadanori Ishiguro. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Law College of the^Tokyo 
Inip.^ Univ. (1895); studied 
p litics at the Universities of 
Heidelberg and Berlin and then 
at the Paris Political School 
{1897-190.1). Appointed Prof, 
of th« Law College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. in 190 1. He 
Is one of those famous "Seven 
Professors," who, previous to 
the b. ginning of the Russp 
Japanese War, presented me- 
morial to the Government to 
take a strongf diplomatic policy 
towards Russia. Publications: 
'^Outline of Politics "@ and 
"The Present Condition ol the 

Constitutional Governments in 
modern 'Emxo^&." Address: 36, 
2cli6me, Kobinatadai-machi, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo; 

Onuki, Fusakichi iX^W^), 
lumber merchant (firm name 
" Oshimaya "), Director of the 
Yokohama Central Bank, and 
of the Yokohama Centra! Sav- 
ings Bank, Member of the 
Yokohama Chamber of Com- 
merce; b. the 8th m. of the 
nth y, of Tempo (1840) in 
Kanagawa-ken ; s. of Eitaro 
Onuki. Address:'^o. 34, icho- 
me, Ogi-machi, Yokohama. 

Ooka, IkuzJ (:;»; K W st), 
President of the House of Ee- 
presentatives since 19 12; 6. the 
6th m. of the 3rd y. oiK nsei(i 8- 
56) in^Yamaguchi-ken ; ^. .s of 
lori Ooka, a samurai of Ya- 
maguchi-ken ; m. Yosbi, 2nd 
d. oi Matabei Yamamoto, a 
Jieimin oiTd^yoJ^Educ : stu- 
died German at the Medical 
School at Nagasaki ; entered 
the Law School of the Depart- 
ment of Justice, graduating 
from it in 1880. Became law- 
yer the same year, and has 
practised in Tokyo ever since ; 
started the publication of the 
Yoron .SM/?/^, a poHtical ma- 
gazine ; made an inspection 
tour through Europe and A- 
mericaln 18^9 ; was elected on . 
his return homeChief difector 
of the 5«3'«/^««, a political party 
under the presidency of the 

to— Osa 

I 7S6 ] 

the Sarme Department j Presi- 
dent of the Jrd High School 
(1890); resigned and was no- 
minated Member of the House 
of Peers in 19 10, Addres: No. 
of Peers in 19 10. Address: 
Hirokoji-sagaru, Teramachi- 
ddri, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Orita, Kenshi (5f ffl » M), 
President of the Kagoshima 
Agricultural and industrial 
Bank; ^. the 1st m. of the Sth 
)/. of Ansei (1858) in Kagoshi- 
ma-ken; e. s. of Tanko Orjta, 
a Kagoshima samurai; m. Hi- 
day sister of the Naoji Miya- 
bara, also a Kagoshima sdiini- 
rai. Succeeded his father in 
1882. OAddress : Yamashita- 
cho, Kagoshima. 

Osada, Tokiyuki C;^ H ajfi"- , 
Pastor of the Ternma Church, 
Osaka ; 6. the 6th m. of the 
ist^. of Manyen (i860) in O- 
kayama ; m. Shin, sister of 
Yiijiro Motora, Ph. D. Educ: 
studied at the theological 
School of the Meiji Gakuin, of 
the Doshisha and at the Chi- 
cago Divinity School. © Has 
been President of the Japan 
Missionary Society for many 
years ; at present is Principal 
of the Baika Girls' School as 
well as President of the Japan 
United :^ Mission Encourage- 
ment Society. y2^i^;^^jj.- No. 50, 
ichome, Taniniachi, Higasht- 
ku, Osaka. Tel : aflo% K6. fli- 

Osaka, Yukiehi <:X ^ M ^)'^ 
He^-ahJiitkus/ii (Doctor of Sci- 
ence), Pr6f. of the Science and 
Eitgirieefing College of the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ. (Chair-Phys- 
ical Chemistry); 3. the i2th 
m. of the 2ndjf. of Keio (18- 
66) irt the province of Kaga ; 
adopt, s. erf" Nagashi Osaka ;: 
/«.Toifie, sister of Hidehisa 
Shimoyama. Educ: graduated 
from the Science College of" 
the Tokyo Imp. Unifr. (1892)1 
studied Physical Chemistry ai 
the Urtive"fsiti€S of Leiptig an^ 
Goftiftgen, Germany (1899II 
1902). IVof. of the Fifth High 
School (1892- 1 896); Prof of 
the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School (1896- 1903); present 
post since \^0%^ Publications r 
Text-book of Moderi Chemis- 
try, Lecture on Physical Chem- 
istry, besides many other es- 
says and articles on Chemis- 
try and Physics. Address : 
182, Shimokaftio-mura, Ata- 
go-gun,'Kyoto-fu. (See Daiko,. 
1^'ukichi, page 61). 

Osaaai, Tetsnya C'jMhftiSW).. 
ex-Mayor of City of Hirosaki,. 
ex-Mem. i)f the House ofEep- 
resentatives ; b. the 7th M. 
of the 6th y. of Kayei (1853) 
in Aomori-ken; e. s. of the late 
Unshi Osanai, a samurai of 
Aomor! ; m. Nao, e. d. of Ki- 
chijiro Tsushima, also a samu- 
of Aomori. Has been 


Chairman of the Aomori Pre- 

[ 755. 1 


late Prince Ito ; inaugurated 
the Chuo, Shimhcn and b.ecanie 
its president which post, how- 
ever, he soon resigned ; elect- 
ed Chairman- of the Tokyo 
Municipal Council in 1903 ; 
has been eight times member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives since 1890. Address yl^o. 
ii. Yamashiro-cho, Kyoba- 
shi, Tokyo.. Tel. : 602 Shimba- 

Ori, Baiei ('Iv M M.rh'), 
Mayor of the City of. Matsu- 
moto ; d. the Sth^m. of the 
2nd^. of Ansei (1855) in To- 
kyo; s. of Shingobei Ori, a 
samurai of Matsumoto clan. 
Educ: graduated from the Na- 
gano Normal School. Became 
successively teacher of the 
Nagano Elementary School 
and of the Nagano Middle 
School; elected Member of 
the Pi-efectural Assembly (18- 
84-1890) and then of the 
House of Representatives for 
Nagano-ken (1890); appointed 
Chief of a local office of the 
Hokkaido Government (18- 
gZ) , resigned office the same 
year and was elected Mayor 
of the C'ty of^ Matsumoto, a 
post which he still holds. Rec- 
reations: Readiug, checkers;, 
billiards, etc. Address: 1224, 
Tamachi, Kitasawashi, Matsu- 
moto, Nagano-ken. Tel.: 170. 
Club : Seiyukai. 

Orihara, Miiehiro CffliiB— 

W)y Secretary, to the.vHyogo- 
prefecture; 6.. Aug. the ■ 2nd 
y. of Meiji (1869) in Gumiiia- 
ken ; e, j. of Itsufaio Orihara; 
111. K^iku, j/0Hn^£^er sister- of Yo- 
shizo Ochiai of.Tokyo.-Bdiic-.: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1896). Passed, the Higher, 
Civil Service Examination the 
same year. Appointed in suc- 
cession Councillor to the. pre- 
fectures of Shizuoka aud Wa- 
kayama. Secretary to the; O- 
saka-fu and Shrga-prefecture • 
Com. of Fukuoka pre.; 1908. 
Address : No. 28, 5 chome, 
Shimoyamate-dori, Kohc. 

Orita, Hikoiehi (M m M tIj). 
Member of the House of Peers; 
d. the 7th w. of the jrd f.oi 
Kayei (1850) in Kagoshima; 
3rd s. of Hikozaemoh Orita,'a 
samurai of the former Kago- 
shima clan ; mf Sato, 4th d. 
of Kinosuke Onoe, also a Ka- 
goshima samurai. Ednc.: stud- 
ied in Anierica, having gone 
there in the suite of the late 
Prince Iwakura (1870-1876). 
Received an appointment as a 
Chancellor of the. Foreign Of- 
fice (ija^6) ; Principal of the 
Osaka Middle School (iSgi); 
afterwards was Principal of 
the Branch establishment oi 
the former Tokyo . Daigahi, 
Director pf the School Bureau 
of the Department of Educa- 
tion and then Councillor of 

[ 757 J 

fectural Assembly for a long 
tjiiie ; afterguards elected Ma- 
yor of Hirosaki City; Member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives since 1908. Address: To- 
mita-cho, Hirosaki, Aoniori- 

Ose, Jintars C:fe M. 4 ^ Wi, 
Prof, of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School (Chair-Peda- 
gogy) ; b. the 12th m. of the 
1st y. of Keio (1865) in the 
province of Kaga ; e. s. of the 
late Chokuon Ose, a samurai 
of Kaga-clan ; m. Koume, 3rd 
d, of Tadatake Sekiba of Ao- 
mori-ken. Educ: graduated 
Philosophy in the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1889; stu- 
died Ethics, Pedagogy and 
Psychology at the Universities 
of Berlin, Leiptiz, Paris and 
Cambridge (i 893-1 897), Prof, 
of the Sth High School (1891); 
present post since i897> Pub- 
lications : many works on Pep- 
agogy, Ethics_ and Psycholo- 
gy. Address: No. 2212, Mi- 
jana, Sugamo, Tokyo. 

_ Oseko, lir.iomiehi (:fe Ji ^ it), 
/jieutenant-General, Comman- 
der of the 4th Axmj Division; h. 
the 7th in. of the 1st;?', of An- 
sei (1854) in Kagoshima; 4th 
s. of the late Shinzo Oseko, a 
samurai of Kogoshima clan, 
and younger brother of_the 
retired General Naotoshi Ose- 
ko, Viscount; m. Taka, e. d. 

oiMorihide Yamamoto, also 
a Kagoshima samurai. Sub^ 

Lieutenant, Feb. 1879; Lieu- 
tenant of Artillery (Mar. 18- 
83; Captain of — June 1886; 
Major of — , Sept. 1891; Lieu- 
tenant - Colonel of — Dec. 
1894); Colonel of—, Oct. 18- 
97 ; Major-General June 19- 
01 ; Lieutenant-General Nov. 
1907. Has occupied in suc- 
cession the posts of Military 
Attache to the Legation at 
Berlin, Commander of the ist 
and 3rd Regiments of Field 
Artillery, C:hief of Staff of the 
5th and 4th Army Divisoins, 
Commander of the 2nd Bri- 
gade of Field Artillery, etc. 
Decorations: 2nd Order of 
the Rising Sun and 2nd Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
Baba-cho, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 

Dseko, Ifaotoshi C;^ it # St),. 
Vitcount ;_ Genera! on the Re- 
serve; Pres. of the Peers School 
since Oct. 19 12; 6. 1844 in Ka- 


gosliima;^. .r. of the late Shin- 
z6 Oseko, a: Ka-goihima. sa- 
murai; w. Tolii, e. d. of Mo- 
kudayu Hirata, also a Kago- 
shima samurai. Took^part in 
the Wir®of Restoration ; en- 
tered the Imperial Army as a 
Lieutenant in 187 1 ; fought at 
various places in the Satsuma 
Rebellion and in recognition 
of his splended services was 
promoted 'Major in 1 877; Com- 
mander of the 1st infantry 
Regiment of the Imperial 
Guards (1885); Chief of Staff of 
the 4tK Army Division ('1890); 
Major-General and Command- 

er of the 5th, Infantry Bri- 
gade (1892) ; took part in the 
China -Japan War as Com- 
mander, of the 5the' Infantiy 
Brigade and also in the Russo- 
Japanese War as Commander 
of thev 7th Army Division, 
rendering distinguished servi- 
ces at the occupation of the 
203 meter Hill at Port Authur; 

7S§3 ^ . •: 

created Ba'roii in 1.895 '^"^ 
Viscount- in 1^07 ; decorafed 
vvith the;ist-0rder of the Ris- 
ing Sun and the 2nd Class of 
the Golden Kite as a war re- 
ward. Address: No. 6, 2ch6- 
me, Nakano-cho, Yotsuya-ku, 

Oseko, Sadatake (i: S M Wi)t 
Viscount, Master of Hunting; 
b. the I St m. of the 2nd y. of 
Ansei (1855) in Kagoshima ,* 
1st J. ofthe late Viscount Sa- 
dakiyo Oseko. Educ. : studied 
in Germany. Once was Cham- 
•berlaih to tlie Crown Prince . 
Address: .N6, 416, Tsunohazu, 
■Yodobashi, Toyotama - gun, 

Oshikawa, NoriyosM (W;i!iJ 
ff), Vice-Minister for Home 
Affairs since Dec. 19 12; h. the 
1 2th m. of the 2nd j'. of Bun- 
kyu (1862) in Kagoshima; e. s. 
of the Jate Otogoro Oshikawa, 
a. sa7nurai of the former Ka- 
goshima clan ; m. A\,youuger 
sister to Kiyoshi Kuroda, also 
a Kagoshimai samurai. En- 
tered the Service of the De- 
partment of Agriculture and 
Commerce as< a subordinate 
official in 1883; Expert to the 
same Dep't in 1896; after- 
wai-ds in succession was Sec- 
retary to the Civil Administ- 
ration Bureau of the Formosan 
Government, Governor of Yar 
magata, Oita,. Nagano, Iwate 

[ 759 ] 


and Kumamoto; Vice-Minister 
of Agr. and Com., 1908; 3rd 
magata, Oita, "Nragann, Twate 
Order o? the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : No. 45", 5 chome, Mi- 
nami-cho, Aoyama, Akasaka, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 132 Shiba. 

Oshiage, Morizo (tfp.± ft sK)i 
Li enten ant -G en eral , ex-Com- 
mander of the Port Arthur 
Fortress ; 3. the 12th m. of the 
3nd_j'. of Ansei(i855)inTaka- 
yama-machi, Province of Hi- 
da; 3rd s. of Kichibei Oshiage, 
a heimin of Gifu-ken; m. Yatsu, 
e. d. of Matabei Ide, a heimin of 
Kanagawa-ken. jE'd'a^./ , grad- 
uated from the Military Acad- 
emy in 1875. *Sub-Lieutenant 
of Artillery, Feb. 1879; Lieu- 
tenant, Oct. 1882; Captain 
Apr. 1887; Major, June 18- 
93 ; Lieutenant Colonel, May 
189s; Co- 
lonel, Oct. 
ral. May 
1903 f Li- 
Mar. 19- 
10 ;®wa.s 
^,^1^ ■ Chief of 

^^^ the Manu- 

facturing Department of the 
Tokyo Arsenal, Chief of Staff 
of the 1st .Mixed Brigade of the 
'Formosan"' Garrison and Di- 
rector of tkie Artilleiy Depot. 

the latter of which posts ^Ije 
held during^the Russo-Japa- 
nesfe War ; was awarded the 
2nd Order of the Rising Sgn 
and the 31 d Class of the Golden 
Kite in connection with his 
services in the War. Recreaiicm: 
historical works. Address: N6. 
60, 3 chome, Kobinatadai-ma- 
chi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. TeL: 
1604 Bancho. 

Oshikawa, Shunrp (^ ;i| # 
?S). Manager of the Bukyo- 
sekai, a magazine, director 
of the Nippon Athletic Club; 
b. 1877 in Ehime-ken; s. of 
Hogi Oshikawa; m. Kame- 
ko. Educ: graduated from 
the Waseda Univ. Publica- 
tions: " Chivalric Japan", 
" Submarine War-ship" and 
many other works of interest. 
Recreations: out door sports. 
Address: Sangen-cho, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 2281 
Bancho. Club. Tengu Club. 
Oshima, Arata {% ft Sr). 
CoioneL.oi Infantry, Corn- 
mander of the 65th Regiment; 
b. 1867 in Kumamoto-ken. 
Sub-Lieutenant, July 1887,; 
Lieutenant, Nov. 1891 ; Cap- 
tain May 1895 ; Major, Ndv. 
1901 ; Lieutenant-Ctilonel, 
May 1905 Colonel Dec. 190^. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of tl^e 
Rising Sun, 4th Order of the 
Saqred Treasure and 3rd Clafe 
of the Golden Kil:e, Address}; 
the 6sth Regiment of Infatit- 


7§9 ] 

ly, Wak9,Baatsu, Fufcushima- 

g.3, Visceiuit, General, Mem. 
of the Higii Military Goun- 
cil; 6. tlie 9th m. of the ist 
7r:-i0f Kayei (1848) in Akita- 
ken ; 2nd s. of the late Genji 
Dshima, a samurai of Akita 
clan ; m, Tei, sister of Genyo 
Akamatsu, an Ibaraki samu- 
4ai. Educ. : studied military 

tactics ill Yedo (Tokyo). Be- 
fore the Restoration entered 
the Akita clan army as Sub- 
Lieutenant of its 3rd Battal- 
ion ; enlisted as Lieutenant in 
the Imperial army in sS/l ; 
Captain, Nov. 1871 ; Major 
Nov. 1 874 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Feb. 188 1 ; Majpr-Ge- 
neral, Feb. 1S92 ; Lieutenant- 
General, Oct. J898; General 
IVfay 1906; has successively 
b^sn in the posts of Vice-presr 
ident of the General K^dSxs 
iBureau of the War Depart- 

mginf, P.'^dsflt cif tbg Military 
College, Comnvander of tlie 
5th Brigade, Chief of Staff 
.of the Army Superintendenpp 
Departnjent ; was on the Fpr- 
mosan Government General's 
Staif ; Commander of the 9th 
Army Division and of tlie Im- 
peiial'^Guar.ds Division, etc. 
Took part as Commander of 
the 5th Brigade of Infantry 
in the Japan-China War and 
fought i^ the battles of Tomuh- 
Ching, Haiching. Kangwasae, 
Kwanten-Shwen, Ne\ych\yang 
and Tienchwangtai,; was Com- 
mander of th>i pth Army Di- 
vision in the Russo-Japanese 
War and fojight very gallant- 
ly at the dreadful engagement 
of Port Authur ; created Vis- 
CQunt^and invested "^with ist 
Order of the Rising Sun to- 
gether with the 2nd Class of the 
Golden Kite in 1907 ais a war 
re^rard. Address; No. 7, Kjoi- 
cho, Kojimachj - ku, Tokyo. 
Tel: 840 Banehp. 

Oshima, Hy \m^{%%^%W)^ 
epal and export merchant ; b. 
the 6th m. of the 2nd jf. of 
Kayei (1849) in Hyogo^ken; 
3rd s. of Sashiehirp Hara and 
adopted by the late Kyoshun 
Oshima ; m. Kise, e. d. of his 
adopted father. Address : No. 
12, 4 ehome, Yamamoto-dori, 
Kobe. Tel: 137, 

Oshima, Ken-ichi C^S@^), 

[ 7^1 ] 


l^ajor - Geaeral, ¥iee - Chief 
of the General Staf Office 
mee Septewber 191 2 ; h. the 
5tb m.oi$%\i3f. of Ansei (liS- 
58) in Gifurjjenj e_. s. of the 
late :ICeinoshin Oshima, a sa- 
murai of Gifu-ken ; m. Isoyu, 
e. d. of Yu Shimidzu, a samu- 
rai of Aichi-ken. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Military Acad- 
emy ; continued his military 
studies in Germany and 
France. Sub - Lieutenant of 
Artillery, Dec. 1881 Lieute 
nant, May 1885; Captain, Dec. 
1S89; Major, Dec. 1894; Lieu- 
tenant Colonel (Oct. 1899); 
Colonel (Dec. 1902) ; Major- 
General, Nov. 1907. Was 
Cliief of Staff of the General 
Communications Department 
and later Chief of the Kara- 
futo Delimitation Com.mittee 
in the Russo-Japanese War. 
Decorations : 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address: No, 
31, Wakaraiya-cho, Ushigo- 
me, Tokyo. Tel.: 653 Bancho 

Oshima, Kintarl {i^ % ■^ X 
Kr>), Nogakithakushi, Prof of 
the Agricultural College of the 
Tohoku Imp. Univ., Director 
of the Hokkaido Agricultural 
Experiment Station ; b. Sept. 
the 4th 2/. of Meiji(i87i)inthe 
province of Shinano; JW.Ryo, 2- 
nd d. of Bunkyu Haraza"wa,phy 
sician. Educ. : graduated from 

the former Sapppjo Agricul- 
tural College (1893) ; took the 
ppst graduate course on ag- 
ricultural chemistry (1893- 
189s). Appointed Assist. Prof 
of the same College (1895); 
was sent tP Gernjany and 
then to Amerjica to study 
agricultural chemistry (Uni- 
versities of Halle, Gottingen 
and Berlin, Germany; Wes- 
leyan University, U. S. A. ; 
(1898-1903); was Agent and 
Expert for Nutrition Investi- 
gation in the Office of the Ex- 
periment Stations, Dep't of 
Agriculture, U, S. A, (1902- 
1903) ; appointed Prof of ihe 
former Sappro Agricultural 
College in 1903 and then Prof 
of the Agricultural College of 
the Tohoku Imp. Univ. in 19- 
oy. Address: No. i, 5 chome, 
Kitahachijo, Sapporo, Hokkai- 

OsMma, Kotaro (:^ft^iclP), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Ishikawa-ken, President of 
the Yoshikawa Bank ; ^. the 
7th m. of the 6th j/. of Ka- 
yei (1853) injlshikawa-ken; e. s. 
of Ilyotaip Oshima. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1877. ■^<^" 
dress: Toriya-mura, Kashima- 
gun, Ishikawa-ken. 

" Oshima, Kotaro {:k&4-^i:M}, 
President of the Karatsu Bank 
and of the Karatsu Fish Co., 
Director of the Karatsu Sav- 
ings Bank, Auditor of the Sa- 



gaCetnent Co. ; b. the 8th m. 
of the 6th y.oi Ansei (1859) 
in Saga-ken ; e. s. of the late 
Okiyoshi Oshima ; m. Koma, 
e. sister of Tsuneyo Shima.of 
Fukuoka-ken. Succeeded his 
father in 1883. Address : Ka- 
ratsu-machi, Higashi - matsu- 
ura-gun. Saga-ken. 

Oshima, Krnnaji K^%fKM^), 
GoTerrior of Kanagawa prefec- 
ture since Jan. X912; 6. the 10- 
th m. of the ist y. of Keio (18- 
65 ) in Aichi-ten; 5 th 5. of Kyoi 
Nagai, an Aichi samtirai, and 
adopted by Masando Oshima, 
a Tokyo samurai , m. Tomi, 
younger sister oi Kii^t.-u 6 Hem- 
mi, also a Tokyo samurai. 
Educ: graduated from the Col- 
lege of Law of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1888. Has been 
successively Secretary to the 
House of'' Representatives) 
Councillor to the Legislative 
Bureau, and then to the Formo- 
san Government ; Superinten- 
dent of theFormosan Police 
in igbiand then Chief of the 
Formosan Civil Administra- 
tion Office; resfgned the office 
iu 1910. Address.' No. 18, 
Isfezaki-cho/ Yokohama. Tel.t 

Oshima, Masatara (:^ S Si :fc 
BR), Auditor of the Shibauia 
Engineering Works, Ltd.; 6 
Jan, the ist f. of Meiji (1868) 
in Tokyo ; e. s. of the late Ka- 
geyasu Oshima ; m. Mitsu, e.d. 

of Yanagi Ryutaro of Tokyo: 
Succeeded his father in 1898; 
Address i Hyakunin- machi, 

Nishi-Okubo-imai'a, Toyota-' 
ma-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Oshima, Matahiko [-k^XM), 
Lieutenant^Colonel of Caval- 
ry, Commander of the 4*1 
Cavalry Regiment ; d. 1874 
in Saga-ken. Sub-Lieutenant 
(Mar. 1893); Lieutenant (Dec. 
1894); Captain (Oct. 1897); 
Major (Sept. 1903) ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel (Dec. 1908). De- 
corations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, 5th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure and 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 18, Esashi-machi, Higa- 

shi-ku, Osaka. 

Oshima, Miehitar j {■X&^'M.X 
JP), Kogakuhakushi (Doctor 
of Engineering), Prof, of the 
Engineering College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. (Chair-Metal- 
lurgy) ; e. s. of Takato Oshi- 
rHa, a samurai of Morio'kA clan; 
m. Fusa, 2Tid d. of Rin Toko- 
naga, a Sa:gSi-sa7fiurai. Educ. : 
studied at the Daigaku Nanko 
and at the Science Department 
of the former Tokyo Daigaku; 
Freiburg University, Germa- 
ny; Trota 1879 till 1882. Ex- 
pursued Ws studies iu Germa- 
ny from 1879 till 1882. Ex- 
pert to, the^Imperial Estate 
Bjjreau (1890) ; Kogakuhaku- 
sAi{i8gi); Inspector-Geneiral 
of the Government Iron Found- 

.[ ■7&^ 3 


ry (1896) ; Chief Engineer d! 
the same (1899); sent to Eu- 
rope and America on ah offi- 
cial mission (1900-190^); Prof. 
of the Engineering College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1908). 
Address: No. 19, Oivvake-cho, 
Komagome, Hongo,''' Tokyo. 
Tel. : No. 3262 Shitaya, 

Oshima, Rokuro i:kB>:^ l|5). 
Director of the Sapporo Engi- 
neering Co./ Auditor of the 
Hokkaido Colliery Steamship 
Co. and the Hokkaido Horse 
Rearing Encouragement Co. ; 
(?. the 7th m. of the 2ad ;y. of 
Ansei (i^Si) in Tokyo.; 6th s. 
of Teikun Oshima ; m. Nobu, 
e. d. of Koliei Kuwada. Add- 
ress ; No. 121, Yoyoki, Yoyo- 
hata-mura, Toyotama - gun. 
ToVvo. Tel : 1639 Bancho. 

Oshima, Seiji (i: % W. ^\ 
Auditor of^Public Accounts, 
Chief of the 2ad Section of the 
2nd Department of the Board 
of Auditors ; b. the list in. of 
the 3rd y. of Ansei (2856) in 
Tokyo ; e. s. of the late Hyoc 
Oshima, a Tokyo samurai ; m. 
Haru, e. d. of Hideaki Takagi 
of Shizuoka-ken. In succession 
was President of the 4th High 
School, Judge of the Disciplin- 
ary Court of Public Auditors, 
etc.; then present post. Add- 
ress ; No. 23, Kasumi-cho, A- 
zabu-ku, Tokyo. 

„ Oshima, Seiki {±. % 'B Wi), 
ISiaval Captain, Commander 
of. the $tli Destroyer flotilla 

since June 1912; 6. 18 
67. Educ. : The Naval Acade- 
my. Lieutenant Commander 
(Dec. 1897); Commander (Dec. 
1899); Captain (Jan. 1905). 
Decorations : 3rd "Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure and 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 40, Hikawa-cho, Akasa- 
ka, Tokyo. 

Oshima, Toratake C^feSl^S), 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 34th Regi- 
ment of Infantry; b. 1869 in 
Kumamoto-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
March 1891; Lieut., April 
1894; Captain, Oct. 1897; 
Major, Nov. 1904; Lieut. 
Colonel, Nov. 1907; Colonel, 
April 1 9 12. Decorations: 5th 
Order of S. T., 4th Order 
of R. S., 3rd Order ot Golden 
Kite. Address: Shizucka- 
shi,, Shizuoka-ken. 

Oshima TosMmasa (:fcirfi^). 
Viscount, General, Supreme 
military councillor; h. the 
Q&n&x^X oi Kwantung : b. the 
8ch in. of the 3rd 7. of Kayei 
(1850) in Yamaguchi-ken ; e. 
s. of Keizaburo D:.hima, a sa- 
murai of Yamaguchi clan ; m. 
Hatsu. e. d. of Sasuke Saku- 
ma, a samurai of the same 
clan. Earlj'-^entered the army 
of the clan and fought at the 
battles of Toba and Fushimi 
in the Restoration; entered 
the Osaka Military School in 
1870, and after graduation ap- 


[ 764 ] 

pointed Sub-Lieutenant in 18- 
71 ; Major in .1875 ;took patt 
in the Satsnrna Rebellion, as 
Commander of the Battalion 
of the 8th Rcginieht of the 
Osaka Garxisoir;-. "Colonel in 
1 882 ;, Majpr - General and 
Coinmanderof the 9th Brigade 
in.189 1 !;, Commander of the 

Mixed Brigade-in ihe japan- 
-Ciiina War arid landing first 
in Korea defeated the Chinese 
troops at Asan and Pingyang. 
and -then mafcliing North fi- 
nally took Kuhiiencheng, Fe- 
rrgliung'chirig' and Newchang; 
at the battle ofPh-yongyahg dis- 
tinguished himself-by % frc ' 
&] attack where fighting brave- 
ly was wounded ; created Ua- 
ron after the war and Lieuten- 
ant-General in' 1898; took 
part in the Japan-Russia War 
a.s commander of the third Di- 
vision of the 2nd Army under 
General Oku and- fought suc- 
cessively at Nangsang, Telis- 

su, Tashihchiati, Liaoyang, 
Shaho and Af ukden ; at Liao- 
yang the Division under him 
had a- very hard time in an at- 
tack upon .-Shoushanpao and 
in the defence of it. Promoted 
General and decorated with 
the 1st Older of the Rising 
Sun ; created Viscount in 19- 
07;* Governor-Gren. of Kwan- 
tiing, 1906-1^. Address: No. 
16, Kitaura-ma'chi, Shinjuku 
Kitatama-gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel: 
71 Bancho. ' 

Oshima, Yoshinaga (^S@^), 
President- of the 8th High 
School'; 3. Aug. 1871 in the 
province of Tamba ; brother of 
Yozo Ashida of Hyogo-ken 
and adopted by the late Sada- 
toshi Dshima of.Tokyo;?«. 
Midori, e. d. of his adopted fa- 
ther. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1894);. 
afterwards studied at the Uni- 
versity^^Hail (Philosophy and 
Ethics jl : Prof., pf the 4th High 
School (i 897- 1 899); School In- 
spectorO of the Educational 
Dep't (1899-1908); Examiner 
of Text-books of the same 
Dtept (1500-IQ01); President 

of the Tokyo Scliool of MusFc 
(1901.-1903); present post since 
1908. He is a Lieutenant in 
the Army on the 2nd Reserve 
and was a Commissioner of 
the War Prisoners' Report 
Dep't during the Russo Japan- 

[ 765 ] 

Osh— 039 

ese War. Publicatians : Text- 
book on Ethics for the use of 
Middle Schools ; the same for 
the use of Industrial Schools. 
Address : No. 9, 2chome, Shu- 
iHoku-cho, Nagoya. Tel.: 19- 
20. ^. 

Oshiifia, Yrlzo {% % W H), 
Chairman of the Board of Di- 
rectors of the Aizu Electric 
Power Co., Director of the 
Fukashima Seiichi Co., the 
Fukushinia Afforestation Co., 
the Nakoso Colliery Co., the 
Japan Rail Co., and of the Se- 
ricuitural Apparatus Co., Aud- 
itor of the Fukushima Habu- 
tae Co., the Fukushima Trust 
Co., the Fukushima Electric 
Light Co., and of the Kawa- 
mata Electric Co.; i>. the 2nd 
m. of the 6th _j/. of Ansei (18- 
59) in Saitama-ken ; e.s. of the 
late Shotaro Oshima; m. Ki- 
sa, 4th <:^.*of Ivvajiro Hasega- 
wa of Saitama-ken. Succeeded 
his father in 1893. Address: 
Sugitsuma-niacht, Fukushima, 
Fukushima-ken . 
__ Oshiro, Genzaburp (:^ J^ g H 
||5), Eear - Admiral, placed 
on the reserve list, Dpcember 
191 1 ; b. the loth ml of the 
SrdjK.'of Bunkyu (1863) in Sa- 
ga-ken ; 2nd s. of Shizuoki^O- 
shiro, a Saga samurai ; m?Sh\- 
na, e. d. of Takasada Sakamo- 
to, a samurai of Miyagi-ken. 
Educ.: The N'aval Academy 

and tl;e Naval College. Com- 
mander (June 1898);, Captain 
(Jan. qI904) ; Rear - AdmiratI 
(Dec. 1909). Has held in suc- 
cession the posts of Chief Gun- 
ner of the Battleship Fuji, At- 
de-de-Camp to His Majesty 
the Emperor, Commander of 
\\\t^Fuji and ef the Katati, 
CJiief of Staff of the Saseho 
Naval Station; of th« Pott Ar- 
thur Adin., igog: Decorations: 
3rd Order of the Eising Sun , 
4th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure and the 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : Official 
Residence, Port Arthur Na;val 

Osone, Kiicliiro (<J-W'is-'Ii!), 
grocer, Director of the Kobe 
Rice Exchange, President of 
the Japan Habutae Co., Chair- 
man of Board of Directors of 
the Teikoku Marine Products 
Co., Director of the Hanshin 
Electric Railway Co., the Kyu- 
shu Electric Railway Co., the 
Japan Woollen Cloth Co. and 
of the Oriental Whale-Fishing 
Co.; 3. the 8th m. of the Stdf. 
of Bunsei (1820) in Hyogo- 
ken ; e. s, of the late ShiitarO' 
Matsumoto and adopted by 
Kiichiro Osone ; 7;/. Shige, e, 
d. of his adopted fither. In ad- 
dition to the posts above-men- 
tioned, he is Auditor of the 
Kobe Marine Transportation 
and Fire Insurance Co. and ( f 
the Minatogawa Improvement 



Co. Address .•^No. 284, iclio- 
me, Minato-machi, Hyogo.Ko-; 
be, Tel. : 160 Long distance. 

. Osuzu, Hirotake (± ^ 31. 8t), 
Lieutenant-Colonel, Comman- 
mf of - tlie 3rd Battalion of 
Comniissariat ; d. 1874 in Fu- 
kui-ken. Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry (Mar. 1893) ; Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Commissariat (IVTay 
1 894); Lieutenant (Mar. 1 895); 
Captain (Oct. 1897) ; Major 
(June 1904); Sub-Lieutenant 
(Nov, 1907). Decorations : 5tli 
Order of the Sacred Treasure,' 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Higashi-ku, Nagoya. 

.,6ta, 5ijiro (i:_Fa ^ ^.115),, 
Major - General, on the re- 
'M've since April 1912 ; h. 
tlie 9th lit. of the 4th jj/. of An-^ 
sei (1857) in- Shizupka-ken ; 
2nd J. of RyCiji Komori and 
adopted by ,Natsu Ota of To- 
kyo ; in. Michi, adopt, sister of 
the late^ManjiroInagaki. Educ. 
graduated from the Military. 
Acadeiny (Dec. 1877). . Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry (Dec. 
1877); Lieutenant (Apr. 1882); 
Captain (May 1885); Major 
(Nov, 1893); Lieutenant- 
Colonel (May 1901) ; Colonel 
(Dec. i902,); Major-General 
(Nov. 1907): Took part in the 
llussb- Japanese War as Com- 
inander of the 45th Infantry 
Regiment. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun and 

th^ 3r,d Class of the :@oldeh 
Kite ; was Commander ©ftHb 
i5>tli Infantry Brigade" until 
,4pril 1912. ' ■: 

Ota, Jihei (ic .H- IS 'Wm), 
pawn-broker, Member of the 
Yokohama Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b, the 1st Hi. of the 4th 
y. ofKokwa (1847) in Tokyo; 
e. s. of Nihei Ota; w. Efsu, 
sister of Bunzaemon Morita 
of Ibai'aki-ken. Address: No. 
56, 2chome, Sugatami-cho, 
Yokohama. Tel. .•81 

Ota, KL;jiro (^ m ff ^ Jj!), 
Director of tlie Cliikugo K.ail 
Co. , Auditor of the Funakoshi 
Bank ; l>. the 9th m. of the 6th 
y. Kayei (1853) in Fuku oka- 
ken ; 2nd s, of Heinoshin Ota, 
a Fukuoka samurai ; in. Tsu- 
ne, e. sister of Taro Nagashi- 
ma,- also a Fukuoka safnurai. 
Succieecjed his father in 1889. 
Address : Mizuwake-mura, U- 
kiha-gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Ota, Eosaburo (i: H 'h H M), 
.President of the Ise Eiectric 
Railway Co. and of the. Yama- 
da Bank, Director of the Fu- 
kuju Life- Insurance Co. and 
; of the Mie Savings Bank, Au- 
ditor of the Dai Nippon Hotel 
Co.; <5. the 1st in. of the 2nd 
y. of Kokwa (1845) in Fukuo- 
ka-ken ; 3rd s. of Juichiro Ta- 
kaha ; m. Kuni, 2nd d. of Sa- 
daemon Nishikawa ofMie-ken, 
Succeeded his father in 1892. 
Address: Furuichi-machi, Ya- 

1 767 ] 


nia<ia, Uji, Mie-kei) 

Ota, Masahiro (ia. H . gc. %), 
Director of the Police Bureau 
of the Home Gflfice since 
December 19 12, -6. Get. the 

jtdj. of Meiji (1870) Jn'"'Ya- 
tnagata-ken ; e. s. of MaSami- 
chi Dta, a samurai Eciuci-gta.- 
duated from-the College of 
I>aw of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1898). Address: Official resi- 
dence, Daikan-cho, Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. 

_Ota,M asan ori(jk H iE. %.\ 
Lieutenant- General on the 
reserve since Aug. 191,1 ; l>- the 
6th m. of the 4th y. of Ansei 
(1857) in Kagawa-ken : e. s. 
of Naoshi Dta, a samurai; m. 
Ko, e. d. of Fuyue Nakagawa, 
a Shizuoka samurai. Educ. : 
graduated from the Military 
Academy. Lieutenant of Engi- 
neers (Dec. 1879); Lieutenant 
(Mar. 1883); Captain (Oct. 
1 886) ; sent to Germany and 
France fjr Military study (18- 
90-1893) ; Major (Mar. 1895); 
was a StaiT Officer of the Im- 
perial Headquarters and then 
a Member of the Southern 
Commissariat Headquarters in 
the Japan-China War ; Com- 
mander of the Ho-ho to For- 
tress ; Commander <. f the 
Communication Brigade (Jan. 
1909) ; Commander of Sasehb 
Fortress, ■ 1910. 

Ota. Minesabur.j (;iktfl^SI!5), 
Chief Secretary to the House 

'if Peers, ex- Judge of the Court - 
of Administrative LittgatiGn ; 
d. the 3rd m. of the ist /. of 
Bunkyu (1861) in Fukuoka, 
l.rovince of Chikuzen ; 3rd j.-' 
of Raisaku Ota, a samurai of 
Fukuoka clan ; m,. Misao, e: d. 
of Hiroyoshi Hagivvara, a sa- 
murai of Kochi clan. Educ. .• 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ.- 
(1888). Appointed Probation- 
ary Judge the same year ; sub- 
sequently junior Councillor of 
the Legislative Bureau ; sent 
to Europe and America on an 
ofificial mission (1S89-1890); 
Secretary to the House of 
Peers and in addition the same 
to the Home Department (i- 
890) ; Chief of the Agricultur- 
al Bureau of the Department 
of Agriculture and Conimerce 
(1890); present post (1,898); 
again travelled through Eu- 
rope and America on official 
business (1908); decorated 
with the 2nd Order of Merit. 
Address: Official Residence, 
Hibiya-Park, Kojimachi-ku, 

Ota, Eo Cjk H K), Major- 
General. Commander of the 
1 8th lufentry Brigade ; h. 
49th Infantry Regiment;, ~b. 
1866 in Aichi-ken, SubrLieu- 
tenant. (June 1886) ; Lieuten- 
ant (Nov. 1.889) ; Captain (rS- 
94) ; Major (Oct.*' 1900); Lieu-. 
tenant-Colonel (Sept. 1904) ; 


[ m ] 

Csloifel (Oet. f907\, Be-eora- 
tipns: 3rd Order of tlie Rising 
Sun^ 4tli. Or^ef of tW- Sa^rfed" 
Treasure and 3fd Ciiss of the 
Golden Kite. Address: t^e 
1 8th Ijifantry Brigade, Awa- 
ne-mura, Ts«H-Hga-gmn, Fu^ 

Ota, Sadao C;fc ffl A ^) 
Ph. p,, ex-President of the Sa- 
kai Bank; b. Feb.jthe lath y. 
of Meiji (.i8;79) Iti^Osaka^uj j. 
of the late Heiji Gta, Member 
of thd House of Peers; m. KEa- 
ru, e. d. of Hampei Yonetani, 
ex-Member of the House of 
Peers. Bdnc-.: graduated from 
the Osaka Higher Commerci- 
al School (i%8); studied at 
the Universities of Yafe ahd 
Infliana, Xi. % A- and tlien at 
©xford Umversitjr, England 
(1903- If©S)- Was elected 
nreti^er of the Sakai Munici- 
pal Council (1909) and also 
Chairirian of the Sakai Per- 
manent Committee for the Pre- 
vention of Infectious Diseases 
(19 10). Recreations: Hunting ; 
Keeping of smail birds and 
anitnafs. ^4i^^r^j.f.- Ohama, Sa- 
kai, Osaka-fu. Tel:: 440 Sakai. 

Ota, Sanjiro "Cfc H H,^ BP)j 
Captain of the Navy ; 6. 1867 
in the jjvovince of Owari ; s. 
ofKoheiji Ota; iw. Viyb, sister 
of Sfiimpu Otsuki of Kyoto, a 
samurai of Kyoto. £duc.: gra- 
duated' from the Naval Acad- 
emy (r886). Lieutenant "Com- 

mander (Dec. i'^97)';- Gomi^ 
rnander (Sept. 1900); Captain 
0aa.. 1905.) ; wa^ Succesivel^^- 
Section Coniman'der on feoard: 
the Takackihe, Banjo mini Ma- 
tsushima-f lastructor at t-be 
Gunnery School (1895) ;- serv- 
ed on board the Maisuifdma 
and Hashidate as an attaebS 
to Prince Arisugawa in the 
Jstpani-Chfiiik- War^ Member of 
the B«reSu of Na>val Affairs 
and Instructor to the Ifav^f 
College (1897); has b.en to 
England, Fra'nce and Germa- 
ny on official riiissibns (1899- 
i^^i ;" ycidge, of the .Saseho 
P?!^e' Court as \!irell as Attache 
to the Imperial Pleadquarters 
in the Kussb- Japanese War ; 
was again iii Germany (1968- 
:r9i6^; put oil the reserve 
since 1911. Recreation: rea- 
ding. Address: No. 10, Kana- 
tomi-cho, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

6ta, Seihei \k H * ^), 
farmer, one of the highest tax- 
payers of Tochigi-ken ; b. tbe 
loth m. of the 4th y. of Ko^ 
kwa (1847) in Tochigi-ken; 
e. s. qI the late Seih^i Ota ; m. 
Asa, sister of Karazo Kawa- 
shima. of Saitama-ken Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1875..^^- 
dress : Sano-machi, Aso-gun, 
^' ' ' ji-ken. 

. Ota, Seizo Ci: B ?i. Wdi 

ex-Meni. of the Bouse of Ee-^, 
preseHtatives for ithe Fiikul ' 



City, Chairman of the Board 
of Directors of the Fukuoka 
Savings Bank, Jjaector of the 
17th Bank, Auditor of the Ja- 
pan Aihphalt Co. ; b. the 8th 
m. of the 3rd y, of Bunkyu 
(1863) in Fukuoka-keiTjjtf?/??^- 
ir brother' of Gihei Ota and 
adopted by the late Seizo Ota; 
m. Shina, e. d. of his apopted 
father. Has been successively 
Member of the Fukuoka Mu- 
nicipal Council, President of 
the Hakata Chamber of Com- 
merce, President of the Chi- 
kushi Bank, . Auditor of the 
Tagawa Colliery Co., Director 
of the Okayama Spinning Co., 
President of the HakataEIect- 
ric Light Co., Auditor of the 
Kyiishu Railway Co. and Au- 
ditor of the Kanegafuchi Spin- 
ning Co,, etc. ; Member of the 
House ofRepresentatives since 
1908. Address: No. 50, Ku 
ramoto-cho, Fukuoka, Fukuo- 

Ota, Tamesaburo (.-h V^ % 
^ l|5)_ librarian, attached 
to the Imperial Library, com- 
piler of the Imperial Gazet- 
teer c# a ^i « 11 ft); &•. 1865. 

Served in the Library over 
twenty years and compiled 
the excellent and voluminou- 
geographical dictionary durs 
ing the spare hours of his 
public bnsiness. AMrz^z'-^^ H 
Komagome-akebonochSs Hoa- 
go-ku, Tokyo. 

Ota, Tokukuro ( jfc W H ;'t 115), 
Lumber merchant, Auditor of 
the Konoike Bank and of the 
Osaka Warehouse Co.; b. Jan. 
the 5t!i ■ y. of Meiji {1872) in 
Tokyo ; brother of Seizaemon 
Kashima and adopted by the 
late Tokukuro Otaj m. Hanae, 
e. d. of Sahei Ota, a heimin of 
Aichi-ken. Address: No. 5, 
Shimazaki - cho, Fukagawa, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 'jo'i, , Honjio. 

Ota, Uhei (:fo Ea ^ :K g), 
footgear - merchant ; b. the 
1 2th m. of the i_st y. of Bun- 
kyij (1861) in Osaka, e. s. of 
the late Uhei Ota ; m. Hiro, 
.3rd d. of Mokubei Tanaka, an 
Osaka heimin. Address .• No. 
4, Mmamihon-machi, Higashi- 
ku, Osaka. Tel. : 1392 Higa- 

Ota, Yasutaro Ci: ffl 1* ± I|5), 
lawyer, Member of the Ko- 
be Municipal Council, Special 
Member of the Kobe Cham- 
ber of Commerce, Auditor of 
the Nippon Habutae Co., etc.; 
b. the 3rd m. of the 6th y. of 
Ansei (1859) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of the late Tamaki Ota; tn. 
Miya, e. d. of Kageharu Asa- 
kura, a samurai of Kagoshi- 
ma-clan. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Law of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Has 
been Public Procurator, Chair- 
man of the Kobe Municipal 
Council, Advisor to the Nip- 
pon Yusen Kaisha andto the 



'Kawasaki Dockyard, Auditor 
of the Hyogo Electric Rail- 
way Co., etc. Recreations: Clii- 
rography and pictures. -Ad- 
dress : YiQ. 28, "ecliome, Na- 
ka\'amate-dori, Kobe. Tel.: 66. 

Ota/' 'Tobei (ic H H i% 'M), 
shipping agent, timber and 

marine products dealer, one of 
the highest taxpayers of Mi- 
yazaki-ken ; 3. the 3rd m. of 
the istjj). of Manren (i860) in 
Miyazaki-ken ; g. s. of the late 
Yoheiji Ota; m. Masa, e. d. of 
Kaheiji Murakami. Succeeded 
his father in iSgi. Address : 
Akae - mura, Miyazaki - gun, 

gtagawa, Masayuki (/> H n\ 
^ ■^)i civil and mining engi- 
neer, Manager of the Mining 
and Engineering Department 
of the Furukawa Mining Co.; 
b. the 2nd 7n. of the ist y. of 
Bunkyu (1861) in Tokyo; s. of 
Hikoichi Otagawa. Educ: en- 
tered the Kobu-Dai-Gakko 
(former Engineering College) 
and studied civil engineering', 
graduating from it in 1883.' 
Pi-acticed civil engineering 
both for government services 
and on his own account (1883 - 
1891); Assistant General Ma- 
nager and then Chief of the 
Engineering Department -of 
the Ashio Copper Mines{i 891- 
1903); Director off the Furu- 
kawa Mining Co., Tokyo (19- 
03) > Manager of the Mining 

and Engineering Department 
of the same Co. since 1908 ; 
several tim{. .-. ent to Europe 
and America for investigations 
of Engineering and .'Mining 
industries; Juror of Universal 
Exposition^ St. Louis, U.S. A. 
for mines and nietallurgy and 
a'so for varied industries (19- 
04); Juror of Jamestown Ter- 
centennial Exposition, U.S.A. 
(1907). Publications; Author 
of various papers on mining 
metallurgy both in English 
and Japanese. Address : No. 
57, I chome, Haramachi, U- 
snigome, Tokyo. Tel :. 1730 
Bancho. C'liibs : American So- 
ciety of Civil Engineers ; Ame- 
rican" Institute of Mining En- 
gineers; Institution of Elect- 
rical Engineers, London ; In- 
stitute of Civil Engineers, Lon- 
don, etc. 

Otagaro, Eiki (;k fli M 3€iE), 
Cint.f Public Procurator ot the 

Yokohama District Court. A- 
ddress : No. 10, i chome, Ise- 
cho, Yokohama'. Tel: 148. 

Otaguro, Jngoro iX H mM£. 
115), ex-Man. director of the 
Shibaura Engineering Works, 
President of the Joetsu Elect- 
ric Co., Director of the Banzai 
Life Insurance Co., the Yoko- 
hama Electric Co., the^Kinu- 
gawa xVVater Power Electric 
Co., Auditor of the Japan Tel*, 
egraphic Correspondence So- 
ciety ; b. the 6th m. of the 2nd 

C 771 ] 


y. of Keio (1866) in Tokyo ; 
2nd s. of Tatsuo Komaki, a 
samurai of Sliidzuoka-ken, and 
adopted by the late Koienobu 
Otaguro of Tokyo ; jh. Raku, 
2nd d. of his adopted father 
Ediic. : first studied the Rus- 
sian language at the Foreign 
Language School and then en- 
tered the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School, graduating 
from it in 1890. Was appoint- 
ed Manager of the Osaka Com- 
mercial Museum immediately 
after graduation ; next enterd 
the service of Mitsui & Co. and 
was appointed manager of its 
Miike branch in 1899; trans- 
ferred the same year as Mana- 
ger of the Shibaura Engineer- 
ing Works, then under Mitsui 
& Co.'s management; was 
elected its managing director 
when the concern was organ- 
ized into a Joint-stock Com- 
pany ; has wide connections 
with various other Companies. 
Address: Iriarai-mura, Eba- 
ra-gun, Tokyo- fu. 

Otagnro, Eyusuke (;&. ffl M SI 
%), L. Ooi. of CaTalry, Com- 
mander of the 8th 'Cavalry 
Regiment-, 3. 1876 in Tokyo. 
Sub-Lieutenant (May 1895); 
Lieutenant (Oct. 1897); Cap- 
tain (Nov. 1 900) ; Major (July 
1905). Decorations: 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun, 9th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure and 4th 

Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : The 8th Cavalry Regi- 
ment, Hirosakij'Aomori-ken. 

Otake, Chikuha (jg it i1" ^fe)* 
proper n. is Somekichi, 
artist Japanese painter; b. 
Sept. 1878 in Niigata. Educ- 
studied painting the figure 
of man under Tomone Ko- 
hori, scenery painting under 
Gyokusho Kawabata, and 
drawing flowers and birds 
under Hanko Kajida. He 
exhibited his masterpieces in 
various exhibitions home and 
abroad and was av/arded 
many prizes. Address: No. 
87' Nakanegishi-machi, Shi- 
taya-ku, Tokyo. Chtbs: "Ja- 
pan fine art society," "Ta- 
tsumigakai," " Futabakai. 

Otake, Clioju (:*: fi S •), 
Public Procurator of the Osa- 
ka Court of Appeal ; b. the 
loth m. of the 2ndj^ of Ansei 
(1855) inJ^Tokyo ; <?. s. of the 
late Soj! Otake, direct retainer 
to the Shogunate ; in. Sumi, 
y. sister of Takeo Kikuchi, Ho- 
gakuhnkvski. Has been suc- 
cessively Public Procurator of 
the District Courts of Sapporo, 
Kobe and Miyagi, Chief Pub- 
lic Procurator of the District 
Courts of Saga, Mito and Kyo- 
to ; present post since 1904. 
Address : No. 60, Nishiiio- 
machi, Morinomiya, Higashi- 
ku, Osaka. 

Otake, Kan-ichi (;fe 'it S -'), 


[ 7/^ J 

a large landowner, Member of 
the House of Representatives; 
b. the S2th m. of the ist y. of 
Manyen (i86o)mNiigata-ken; 
6lh s. of Hoha Otake, a heimin 
of Niigata-ken ; in, Tsune, 
cousin of Hidesaburo Kusumi. 
Has been twice elected mem- 
ber of the H.R, ; decorated 
with the 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun. Address: Nakano- 
shima-mura, Minamikambara- 
gun, Niigata-ken. 

Otake, Kokukvran (g 4f g 
iS)> Painter of Japanese 
school; h. the 13th y. of 
Meiji (1880) in Niigata-ken; 
4th s. of Kuramatsu Otake. 
Educ: self-education. Learn- 
ed painting itora Messrs. 
Taika Takahashi and Otone 
Kobori,. beginning it at an 
early age of nine; has been 
engaged in the compilation 
of the primary school text- 
books; as a painter he ex- 
hibited his masterpieces in 
various painting exhibitions 
and was awarded many 
prizes and diplomas. Ad- 
dress: No. 66, Kaminegishi, 
Shitaya, Tokyo. Tel.: 2051 
Shitaya. Cbibs: Doki club, 
m. of Nihon Art Ass., Tatsu- 

Otake, Sobei {% % ^ ^ tf), 
Managing Director of the lOi- 
st Bank ; b. the 6th m. of the 
1st J', of Keiwo (1865) in Fu- 
kushima-ken; y. brother to 

Kosuke Watanabs and adopt- 
ed by the late Sobei Otake. 
Address : Yanagawa - machi. 
Date-gun, Fukushima-ken. 

Otake, Take {-k it . # «,), 
Kogakuhakushi, Acting - Di- 
rector of the Yonezawa High- 
er Technological School, Prof 
of the Agricultural College of 
the Tohoku Imp. Univ. and 
Expert to the Patent Bureau 
of the Agricultural and Com- 
mercial Department^ etc. ; b. 
the loth m. of the 2nd y. of 
Bunkyu (1862) in Hokkaido; 
adop. s. of Sakuemon Otake, 
a samurai of Aizu clan ; m. 
Yoshi, and d. of Ginzo Harada 
of Toky5. Educ: graduated 
from the Mechanical Engi- 
neering Course of the former 
Tokyo Univ. (1883). .Entered 
the service of the Government 
Woollen Factory at Senjii as 
its Engineer immediately after 
graduation ; was sent to Eng- 
land to study Dyeing and 
Weaving in 1885 (Leeds Uni- 
versity); received the degree 
oiKdgakuhahishi{ 1 90 1 ) ; made 
Chief of the Senju Goverftnent 
Woollen P'actory (1902) ; Ex- 
pert to the Patent Bureau of 
the Department of Agriculture 
and Commerce in addition (19- 
04) ; was sent to Australia 
and then to Europe on ofificial 
missions (1905-1906); has been 
Lecturer on Weaving at the 
Engineering College of the 

[ 773 ] 


Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; resigned 
presidentship of~ the Senju 
Woollen Factory on account 
of illness last year and was 
then appointed to present 
posts. Recreations: Reading. 
Address : Bakuro-hiachi, Yo- 

Otake, Taro Ci; it i: IR)> 
Kogakufiakushi (Doctor of 
Engineering), Prof, at the 
Engineering College of the 
Kyushu Imp. Univ. ; b. in 
1881 in Tokyo. Edue.: gradu- 
. ated from the College of 
Science and Enghieering of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ., July 
of design of her dress-clothes. 
Recreations : uiai. Address : 
No.. 41, Unagidani-Higashi- 
machi, Minami-ku, Osaka. 
Clubs : the Design Society 
and councillor of the Kyoto 
Design Society. 

Otaki, Eyuzo {-X Ml 81 M), 
President of the 125th Bank; 
i. the 1st m. of the 3rd y. of 
Kokwa ( 1 846-) in Yamagata- 
ken ; e. s. of Tinbei Ocaki, a 
Yamagata samurai ; m. Naka, 
e. d. of Gumbei Sakonji also a 
Yamagata samurai. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1877. Address: 
Shitano-cho, Yashiro-machi, 
Yonezawa, Yaniagata-ken. 

Otaki, Saburoemon (icHHIlt 
'SiSR), a large landowner, one 
of the highest-tax-payers of 
Yamagata -ken ; b. the i oth 
m, o{ the 3rd y. of Kayei (18- 

50) in Yamagata-ken; ej_s, of 
the late Saburoemon, Otaki. 
Succeeded his father in 1865. 
Address : Togo-mura, Nishita- 
gawa-gu 11 , Yamagata-ken. 

Otani, Gohei (i: @ M ^), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Fukushima-ken, Director 
' f tlie Shlrakawa Trust Co.; b. 
the loth m. of the ist y. of 
Kayei (1848) in Fukushima- 
ken ; 2nd 5. of Chohei Hazu- 
mi and adopted by the late 
Gohei Dtani ; m. Sen, e, d. of 
his adopted father. Address: 
' Goka-mura, Nishishirakawa- 
o-un, Fukushima-ken. 

Otani, 5iisi«kii (::fe # 1® f"^), 
Secretary to the Government 
Iron Foundry. Address : Ha- 
chiman-machj. Onga-gun, Fu- 

Otani, Kahei {%'^M ^ %), 
tea, silk and cocoon export 
merchant, ex-Mem. of the 
House of Peers, President ofthe 
Yokohama Chamber of Com- 
merce, Member of the Yoko- 
hama Municipal Council, Pres- 
ident of the Yokohama Wa- 
ter Works Bureau, the Yoko- 
hama 74th Bank, the Yoko- 
hama'>- Savings Bank and of 
the Japan Tea Mfg. Co., etc.; 
b. the 12th m. ofthe istj'. of 
Kokwa (1844) in Mie prefec- 
ture ; 4th s. of Ichtbei Otani. 
Went to Yokohama in 1862 
and engaged chiefly in the tea 
export business ; inaugurated 


[ 7/4 ] 

in 1873 a tea manufacturing 
company and greatly contribut- 
ed to the improvement and 
development of the industry ; 
in 1 88 1 rendered good service 
in the readjustment of the fi- 
nancial difficulties of the 74th 
Bank and being elected its 
president finally placed the bus- 
iness of the Bank on a sound 
basis; organized in 1884 the 
Yokohama Tea Merchants 
Guild of which he became pre ■ 
sident; was afterwards elected 
chairman of the Central Asso- 
ciation of the United Tea Mer- 
chants' Guilds, which post he 
still occupies J elected Mem- 
ber and afterwards Chairman 
of the Yokohama Municipal 
Council ; President of the Yo- 
kohama Educational Society 
in 1893 ; organized the Japan 
Tea Mfg. Co., the following 
year, becoming its president ; 
appointed Councillor of the 
Japanese Exhibits Business 
Bureau at the time of the Paris 
International Grand Exhibi- 
tion in 1896; elected after- 
wards President of the Yoko- 
hama Chamber of Commerce, 
the Yokohama Conscription 
Encouragement Society and 
Member of the Yokohama 
Harbous Investigation Com- 
mittee ; in 1898, when the U- 
nited States' Government de- 
cided to levy heavy duties on 
Japanese tea, was elected, with 

the unanimous approval ot the 
tea marchants in Japan, as 
their representative to proceed 
to America to make represen- 
tations to President M'kinley. 
the mission proving successful 
the obnoxious high, tariff was 
abolished the following year ; 
during his stay in America he 
also attended the International 
Commercial Congress held in 
Philadelphia, representing the 
Tokyo and Yokohama Cham- 
bers of Commerce, and sub:_ 
mitted a proposition for the 
rapid Construction of the di- 
rect submarine cable between 
Japan and America across the 
Paciiic Ocean, the propdsar 
having been eventually adopt- 
ed the Pacific Commercial Ca- 
ble Co. was formed ; returned 
home in the following year, 
after having made a tour 
through Europe ; received the 
3rd Order of Merit in 1907 ; 
was a Member of the party 
invited by the United Cham- 
bers of Commerce of the Pasi- 
fic Coast in 1909: Address: 
No. 1$, 2 chome, Motohama- 
cho, Yokohama. Tel: 155 and 

Otani, Kikuzo iX^Ml^M), 
Lieutenant-General, Comman- 
der of the 5^th Army Division; 
b. the 1 2th m. of the 2nd y. 
of Ansei (1855) in Fvikui-ken; 
7th s. of Masanori Otani ; m. 
Npbu, e. d. of Tomogoro Imai 

1. 775 ] 


of M!ye-ken. Siib-Licutenant 

of Infantry, Feb. 1879; Lieu- 
tenant, Feb. 1883; Captain, 
May 1886; Major Nov. 18- 
87 ; Lieutenant-Colonel , Apr. 
1S92 ; Colonel, Oct. 1897; 
Major - General, June 1902; 
Lieuteiirlnt-General Aug. 19- 
09 . Has been Chief of Staff of 
the 6th Army Division, of the 
4th Army Division and of the 
Imperial Guards Division, In- 
spector - General of Military 
Education, -President of the 
Toyama Gakko (a military 
technical school) etc. Took 
part as Staff Officer to the 
Imperial Headquarters at Hi- 
roshima in the Japan-China 
War and as Coinmander of 
the 8th Infantry -Brigade of 
the 4th Army in the Russo- 
Japanese War ; was decorated 
with the and Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun and the 2nd Class of 
the Golden Kite for services 
in the war. Address: Head- 

quaiters of the 5th Army Di- 
vision, Hiroshima. 

O'ani, Koyei 'k% '^ % ■;!), 
Count, Abbot of the Higoshi- 
Ilonganji (buddhist temple in 
Kyoto), Superintendent of the 
Otani Denomination, of the 
Shinshu Sect ; b. the 7th in. 
of the 5th y. of Kayei (1852) 
in Kyoto;- '4th s. of the late ■ 
Kosho Otani ;; m. Tsune-]<o, 
adopted, d. of Count Kozui O- 
tani. Archbishopin 1863; trav- 
elled in Europe (1872-1873); 
present posts since 1889 ; cre- 
ated Count in 1896. Address : 
No. 1. Tokivva-cho, Shichijo- 
agaru, Karasumaru-dori, Shi- 
mokyo-ku, Kyoto. Tel. : 204 
Long distance. 

Otani, Sei (X 43- tf), 
Secretaiy to the Home De- 
partment; 6. the 9th in. of the 
I St J/, of Kok IV a ( 1 844) i n Ya - 
maguchi-ken ; e. s of Gonza- 
emon Otani, a saiimrai ; in. 
Mitsu, 3rd d. of Yiifu Haya- 
shi, a. Sizmurm of Tokyo. Jun- 
ior Secretary to the Treasury 
and to the Dajokivan (Privy 
Council), Senior Secretary td 
the Home Department, CInef 
of Accounts Bureau and of 
the General Affairs Bureau of 
the Home Department in suc- 
cession ; present post since 
May 1898. Address: No. 62, 
Otsuka - machi, Koishikawa, 
Tokyo. Tel: 431 Bancho. 

Otani, Kozui (:te ^ 3fe ^), 


[ 17(^ ] 

Count, A.bbot of the. Nishi- 
Honganji (buddhist temple in 
Kyoto), Superintendent of the 
Honpa-Hongwanji Denomina- 
tion of ^he Shinshu Sect ; b. 
Dec. the 9th j'. o? Meiji (i8;6) 
in Kyoto; s. of the late Count 

Koson Otani. m. Kazu-ko, sis- 
ter of Prince Michizane Kuj5 
(she died last year). Has trav- 
elled several limes in Europe 
and India ; present posts after 
his father's death. Address: 
Hongwanji-Monzen-cho, Ha- 
naya-machi - sagaru, Horika- 
wa-dori, Shimokyo-ku, Kyo- 

Otawa, Shinsulie (;/c 0' W M' 
UOt Colonel .of Infantry, 
Commander of the 22ncl Re- 
giment of Infantry; d. 1871 
in Yamaguchi - ken. Sub - 
Lieut., March 1891; Lieut., 
Jan. 1894; Captain, April 
1898; Major, Dec. 1903; 
Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, 191 6. Decorations'. 

4th Order of R. S., 3rd 
Order of S. T., 3rd Class 
of Golden Kite. Address-. 
Matsuyama, Ehime-ken. 

Otobe, Toru (Ju ^ m 
vice-director of the Osaka 
branch of the Mitsubishi & 
Co. ; 6. 1874 in Tokyo ; s, 
of Kanae Otobe ; m. Matsu, 
d of Masaynki Inone, April 
1904. EduG. : graduated from 
the Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1899. Address: 
Goban-yashiki Kita-horie-Ura 
dori 2 chome, Nishi-ku, 0- 
saka. Tel: 727 Bishi. Clubs: 
Bank Club, Gakushi-kai, Lect- 
ure Society. 

Otori, Fujitaro f:>cggrlri:S15), 
Secretary of the Foreign Office; 
b. the 12th m. of the ist 
y. ofKeio (1B65) iti Tokyo; e.j. 
of the late Baron Keisuke 0- 
tori, Privy Councillor;?^. Yoshi, 
e. d. of Yoshitomo Saito, a sa- 
murai of Tokyo. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (July 
1890). Secretary to Taihoku- 
ken, Formosa'' (Apr. 1896); 
Councillor of the Civil Admin- 
istration Bureau of the For- 
mosan Government and in ad- 
dition Chief of the Branch Of- 
fice of Taihoku-ken (Sept, \%- 
96) ; Private Secretary to the 
Governor Genei'al of Formosa 
as well as Councillor of the 
Civil Administration Bureau 
of the Forniosan Government 

L 717 1 


(May 1897); passed the Diplo-. 
matic and Consular Service 
Exatn.inatior and was ap- 
pointed Attache to the Lega- 
tion at Seoul (Nov. 1901); 3'"d 
class Secretary to the Lega- 
tion at Amsterdam (June 19- 
03);— .at Brussels (Feb. 19- 
05) ; promoted 2nd class Sec- 
retary (July 1906); Attache to 
the Japanese Commissioner to 
the 2nd Hague International 
Peace Conference (July 1907); 
Consul-General at Vladivos- 
tock, Oct. 1909. Address: 
No. 25, Mikawadai-machi, 
Azabu-kuj Tokyo. Tel. : 2761 

_ Otsn, Jun-iobiro (;'5;?$:J$--B|5), 
ex-Mem. of "the House of Eep- 
resentatives ; b. the 12 th m. 
of the 3rd y. of Ansei (1856) 
in Ibarajci-ken ; 2nd s. of Ma- 
sanori Otsu, a samurai; m. 
Moyo, 7th d. of Naoyoshi Ku- 
nitomo, a samurai of Miio 
clan. Educ: privately educat- 
ted. Early advocated the peo- 
ple's rights and liberty under 
Count Itagaki's political ban- 
ner, being one of those who 
presented a petition to the 
Crovernment concerning the es- 
tablishment of the Constitu 
tional form of Government ; 
started the publication of the 
Ibaraki Nichinichi Shimbnn in 
1877 ; elected Member of the 
Prefectural Assembly and then 
of the House of Representatives 

in 1890; is now Member of the 
House of Representatives for 
the ninth time. Recreation : 
Poetry. Publicatsons: Remi- 
niscence of Constitutional Go- 
vernment ; Reizan Shibun Ko 
(a collection of his poetical 
works), etc. Address: 532, 
Sendagaya — machi, Tokyo. 
Club: Kokumin-to (Nationalist 

Otsu, Eimpei (:^ vt R ^), 
Chief " of" the Native Affairs '' 
Bureau of the Formosan Go-- 
vernment ; b. the lotli in. of 
the 1st y. of Keiwo (1865) ih: 
Kumamoto-ken; e. s. of_Shun-' 
taro Otsu, a samurai oi Oszkz.\\ 
in. Maki, d. of Fumio Yuchi,: 
a Kumamoto samurai. Educ.:' 
graduated* from the College of' 
Law of the Tokyo Imp. Univ.;, 
(1890). After filling various' 
ofiRces in the Government serv- 
ice, was finally appointed pres- 
ent post. Recreation : Jiido, 
horse - riding, reading. Ad- 
dress : Official Residence, 5 
chome, Fuchii-gai, Taihoku, 
Formosa. Tell.: 128. 

Otsnka, Iwajiro {^M^^t^), 
grocer and shoe merchant ; 
b. the 2nd m. of the 6t.h y. of 
Ansei (1857) in the province 
of Shimoesa; 2nd s. of Taino- 
30 Otsuka, a samtcrai oi Sa.k\x- 
ra clan ; m. Ume, d. of a cer- 
tain Hamashima of Tokyo/ 
Address : 24, Rogetsu - cho, 
Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 113 Shi- 




Otsuka J zen (:k M M #), 
President of the Toshima Nor- 
mal School. Address : Ikebu- 
kuro, Sugamo, Kitatoshima- 
gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Otsuka- Kaname {% M ^), 
Kogakiihakushi^, Prof, of the 
Science and Engineering Col- 
lege of the Kyoto Imp. Univ. 
(Chair -Mechanical Engineer- 
ing), Techinical Advisor to the 
Osaka Arsenal, Special Mem- 
ber of the Kyoto Chamber of 
Commerce, Honorary Adviser 
to the Kyoto Industrial Asso- 
ciation, etc. ; b. Sept. the 2nd 
y. of Meiji (1869) in Osaka; 
e. s. of Kansai otsuka; m. Uta, 
2nd d. of Kanzo Taguchi, a 
samurai of Shizuoka. Educ: 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1893). Engineer to the 
Hirano Spinning Co. (1893- 
1894); Assistant Prof, of the 
Engineering College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1894- 
1896) ; Engineer and Chief of 
the Car Section of the Rail- 
way Bureau of the Hokkaido 
Government (1896- 1 897); Prof. 
of the Third High School and 
Lecturer to the Kyoto Imp. 
Univ. (1897-1898); Prof, of 
the Science and Engineering 
of the Kyoto Irnp. Univ. since 
1898; Kogakuhakushi (1901) ; 
made an inspection tour 
thraugh Europe and America 

(1898-1900) ; ^granted the 3rd 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
(1906) ; at present is Adviser 
and Councillor to various in- 
dustrial companies, besides 
holding the posts before men- 
tioned. Address: 2, Okama- 
tsu-cho, Nishi-iru, Imadega- 
wa-agaru, Karasumaru, Ka- 
mikyo-ku, Kyoto. Tel.: 1256. 

Otsuka, Kimhei (icSl&^fi), 
President of the Tochigi Corii>- 
mercial Bank, of the Kamaya 
Bank, Auditor of the Shimo- 
tsukeShimbunCo.,Ltd.; Mem- 
ber of the Tochigi Chamber 
of Commerce ; b. Nov. the 4th 
y. of Meiji (1871) in Tochigi- 
ken; e. s. of the late Kimbei 
Otsuka; /«. Y^ksz, sister ofjun- 
suke Hashimoto of Saitama- 
ken. Succeeded his father in 
1895. Address: Tocjiigi-ma- 
chi, Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi- 

Otsuka, Koreaki Cic :g ft 
M). Managing Director of the 
Nankai Railway Co., Director 
of the Osaka Electric Lamp 
Co.; b. the 4th m. of the x^ty. 
of Gwanji (1864) in Kumamo- 
to ; e. s. oi the late Migaku 
Otsuka, a samurai of Kuma- 
moto-ken ; m. Tsune, e. d. of 
Kanemasa Tateishi, a samnrai 
of Osaka. Ediic: studied at 
the Preparatory Course of the 
former Tokyo Univ. Inaugu- 
rated the Osake St.' John's 
Church and became its pastor; 

[ 7.79, J 


entered later the service of the 
Sanyo Railway Co. , present 
posts since igos. Address: No. 
9, 5 chonie, Koraibashi, Higa- 
shi-ku, Osaka. Tel. : 2277 

Otsnka, Kyuemon {^WX^'M 
ri), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Gumma-ken, Direct- 
or of the Nitta Bank,- Audit- 
or of the Yabutsuka Building 
Stone Co ; b. the ist in. of the 
1st y. of Bunkyia (1861) in 
Gumma-ken ; e. s. of Kanzo 
otsuka and adopted by the 
late Kyiaemon Otsuka; nt. Tsu- 
ge, e. d. of Gozaemon Omura 
of Tokyo. Succeeded hisadopt- 
e_d father in 1887. Address: 
Ota-machi, Nitta-gun, Gum- 

Otsuka, Masuro^ (:^ S & 115), 
druggist and sake-brewer. Di- 
rector of the Nagaoka Bank, 
Ltd. , the Hokuetsu Water 
Power Electric Co., Ltd., the 
Central Petroleum Co., Ltd. 
and of the Niigata Commer- 
cial Bank, Ltd.; b. the 3rd in. 
of the istjr- ofKaei(i848) in 
Niigata-ken ; 2nd s. of Heiza- 
buro Yamaguchi and a^dopted 
by the late Kozaburo Otsuka ; 
in. Katsu, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Once was a Member 
of the Niigata Prefectural As- 
sembly. Address: Katagai-mu- 
ra, Mishima-gun, Niigata-ken. 

Otsuka, Norisato {-kMWW), 
Section Chief of the Hiroshi- 

ma Hospital. Address: The 
Hiroshima Hospital, Hiroshi-' 

Otsuka, Eihei i^K % M ^), 
farmer, one of the highest^ 
taxpayers of Tochigi-ken ; b.^ 
the 8th m. of the 2nd y. cfi 
Kokwa (1845) in Tochigi-ken; 
e. s. of the late Ichizo Otsuka. 
Succeeded his father in 1883. 
Address: Tochigi-machi, Shi- 
motsuga-gun, Tochigi-ken. 

OtsHka, Rikutaro {'X Jl|^ ;^ 
BR), Sjjrg^on Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, . Chief of tiie 2ncl Tokyo 
Garrison Hospital ; b. \ 8"67''ih" 
Hyogo-keh'. Surgeon ""■ Sub- 
Lieutenant Dec. 1892 ; Sur-. 
geon Lieutenant May 1895 ; 
Surgeon Captain Nov. 1899; 
Surgeon Major Mar. 1905 ; 
Surgeon Lieutenant - Colonel 
(Nov. 1909). Decorations: 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun, 5th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
and 5th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address: No. 167, Ha- 
rajiuku, , Tokyo. Tel. : 2997 

Otsuka, Sen-iehi (j<iM M — ), 
Engineer to the Japan Petro- 
leum Co. Edue. : graduated 
from the Science College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ.; Bi- 
gahuhahusU. Address : No. 
9 J 6 chome, Takehaya-cho, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel. .- 
3520 Bancho. 

Otsuka, Yasuji (:k W. ^ -<^)i 
Biinirakuhakushi (Doctor oi 


[ 780] 

Is,iterature), Prof, of the Col- 
lege of Literature of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. (^Chair-^sthe- 
tics) ; b. Dec. the isty. of Me- 
iji (1868) in Gumma-ken ; bro- 
ther of Migiemon Koya and 
adopted by Masao ' Otsuka ; 
m. Kusuo, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imperial Universi- 
ty ; studied further in Ger- 
many, France and Italy (1896 
-1900). Present post since 19- 
00. Address: No. 10, Nishi- 
kata-machi, Komagome, Kon- 
go, Tokyo, 

Otsuka, 3£oshinari_(;k^fi^), 
Expert to the Kyushu Agri- 
cultural Experiment Farm. 
Address: Demizu-mura, Ho- 
taku-gun, KumamotQ-ken. 

Otsuki, Chisato (:^ H ^ S), 
Kogakuhakushi (Dr. of Engi- 
neering), Prof, of the College 
■of Science and Engineering in 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ. (chair- 
Applied Chemistry); b. 1873 
in Tokyo ; 3rd s. of the late ^ 
^Lieutenant-General Shoshi O- 
tsuki. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Engineering in 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. ;' made 
special study of photographic 
chemistry - at Berlin Univ., 
i9o6-'d6. On returning home 
Lecturer at the Tokyo Fine 
Arts School and at the Kyofo 
Imp. Univ. ; present post since 
5ept. 19 10. Address : ,H^& 

Kyoto Imp. Univ., Kyoto. 

Otsnki, Fumihiko {%^%M\ 
Nom de Plume " Fuku-ken," 
Btingakiihahushi (Japanese 
classics) ; b. the nth m. of the 
4th J. of Kokwa (1847) in To- 
kyo ; s. of Heiji Otsuki, a fa- 
mous scholar of the Sendai 
clan ; m. Fuku, d. of Michita- 
ka Ogura, ex - Paymaster- 
Captain of the Navy. Educ. : 
studied Chinese classics from 
Hayashi Daigakunokami, 
English at the former Kaiseisho 
and from an American resid- 
ent of Yokohama, Japanese 
classics by self-instruction. 
Assistant Instructor at the Y5- 
kendo, a clan school of Sendai 
(1863) ; Official in the Depart- 
ment of Education (1872); 
Principal of the Miyagi Nor- 
mal School (1873) ; again en- 
tered the service of the De- 
partment of Education (1880); 
teacher of the former First 
Higher Middle School (1896); 
President of the Miyagi Libra- 
ry (same year) ; Lecturer on 
Japanese classics at the High- 
er Normal School (1897); 
Examining Commissioner of 
the Tokyo Imp. Museum (19- 
01) ; Member of the Com- 
mittee for the Investigation of 
the National Language of the 
Department of Education (i8- 
92). Publications • Genkai, a 
dictionary! of the Japanese 
language: Japanese Gram- 

L 781 ] 

OJs— Oar 

mer ; History of Date Fukito- 
mo; Japanese History, etc. 
Recreations: Reading and col- 
lecting curios. Address : 258, 
Kanasugi, Nippori-mura. Ki- 
tatoshima-gun, Tpkyo-fu. 

■ Otsnki, Eyuji {-Jc M 11 iS), 
Superintendent of the Osaka 
Customs; 5. the nth m. of 
■the 3rd J/, of Bunkyu (1863) 
in Miyagi-keji ; 2nd s. of the 
Jate Takeji Otsiiki ; m. Soto, 
sisUr of Chosaku Ishioka, a 
-heimin of Aomori-ken. Ediic: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(i8go). Councillor of the Ag- 
ricultural and Commercial De- 
partment (1902) ; in succession 
Councillor of Kanagawa, Kyo- 
to and Tottori prefectures, Re- 
venue 'OfScer of the Treasury, 
Secretary to the Agricultural 
and Commercial Department, 
Private Secretary to the Minis- 
ter for Agriculture and Com- 
merce and Superintendent of 
the Nagasaki Customs ; pres- 
ent post since 1905. Address: 
Official Residence, Custom 
House, Tomishima-cho, Kita- 
ku, Osaka. Tel.: 930 Mslii 
OueH, Chozo {% f^ % H) 
Member of the House of Rep- 
resentatives ; h. Mar. the 7th 
f. of Meiji (1874) in Fukuoka- 
ken ; e.~s. of the late Seiichiro 
<auclii, a sarmirai '^iYx^xxok's.; 
m. Kosue, y. sister of Ryutaro 
Dno, also a Fukuoka satnurai. 

Educ. : graduated from "the To- 
kyo Semmon Gaggo (forerun- 
ner of ^ the present Waseda 
Univ.)andthen studied Politics 
and Law at Columbia Univer- 
sity, U. S. A. Has been in 
Europe and America in the 
suite of the late Prince Konoe; 
elected Member of the House 
of Representatives in 1908. 
Address: Shiraki-mura, Ha- 
chime-gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Ouchi, TIsMnoscke {%f^^2. 
19), Chief of the Foreign Af- 
fairs Bureau of the Kwantung 
Governm.ent. Address .•_Offici- 
al Residence, No. 9, Oseko- 
machi, Shinshigai, Port Ar- 

Owada, ShosliicM(;^iJHsl£ b), 
shipping agent,,,President of 
the Owada Bank, the Kyuni 
Savings Bank, the Tsuruga 
Taihoku Co. and of the Owa- 
da Colliery Co., President of 
the Tsuruga Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. the 2nd m. of the 
4tli_;j'. of Ansei (1857) in Fu- 
kui-ken ; y. b. of Kuroemon 
Yamamoto and adapted by 
the late Toyokata Owada; m. 
Masu, e. d, of his adopted 
father. Address : Tsuruga-ma- 
chi, Tsuruga-gun, Fukui-ken. 

Owaki, Seijun {%"&!£. ?t), 
Expert to Aomori prefecture, 
to the Aomori Agricultural 
Experiment Farm and to the 
Aomori Agricultural Iiistitute.- 
Address : Ofncial Residence, 



Aomon'-prefettural Office,~A- 

_ Oara, Kanetake X^K !fl 9&_j^}< 
Visuount, ex-Min. for Mouse 
Affairs (Dec. i9i2-Feb/i3)M. 
of the House of Peers, Vice- 
President of the Japan Grand 
Exhibition (1917); ^. the 5th 
m. of the 3rd J/, of Kayei (18- 
50) in Kagoshima ; e. s. of 
Gendayu Oura, a -samurai of 
Kagosliima clan; m. K6. e, d. 
of NaokaUi Yamaguchi, a To- 
kyo samurai. Began his offici- 
al career as Sergeant in thcM-e- 
. tropoh'tais Police Office when 
the modern- police system was 
inaugurated in Tokyo in 18- 
71 ; was shortly afterwards 
transferred as Junior Police 

Inspector to the Department 
of Justice ; resigned 'the post 
and joining the Arm v took 
part as its Section Command- 
er in the "Formosan Expedi- 
tion in 1874; again entered 
the service of the Metropolitan 

Police Office becoming Police 
Inspector the following year ; 
at the time of the Saigo Rebel- 
lion was ordered to proceed 
to the scene of action and aft- 
er fighting bravely at various 
places was made Sub-Lieuten- 
ant and then Lieutenant of the 
Array in addition to his post 
as police officer ; at the con- 
clusion of the war was apoint- 
ed in succession Secretary to 
Toyama-ken, Vice-Chief of the 
Police Bureau of .the Depart- 
ment of the Interior, Secretary 
to Osaka-fu and then Governor 
to Miyagi and Yamaguchi pre- 
fectures; made Superintend- 
dent-General of Police (1899) 
and appointed member of the 
House of Peers by Imperial 
nomination in 1900 ; resigned 
the post when the late Prince 
Ito organized X\i& Seiyukai {zi 
political party) in 1900 and 
the following year was again 
appointed Superintendent- 
General of the Police and after- 
wards Minister of Communi- 
cations in the then newly form- 
ed Katsura Cabinet ; resigned 
in 1906 and meanwhile accept- . 
ed Presidentship of the Buto- 
X'/z/Jzwrt/ (An ' Association for- 
the Encouragement of Mili- 
tary Exercises) ; again entered 
the Cabinet as Minister for 
Agriculture and Commerce 
(resig.Aug.191 1) wlien the 2nd 
Katsura Ministiy was formed 



in 1908 ; liad been Japanese 
President of tlie Anglo-Japa- 
nese Exhibition in 1910 and 
was in England for th^at pur- 
pose, returning home "at the 
end of last year ; was created 
Baron and decorated with the 
1st Order of the Rising Sun 
(Crrand Cordon) in 1907 ; was 
created Viscount in August 
19 1 1. Address: ISTo. gy, Saku- 

rada-=h"o, Azabu7Tokyo.~7>Z.' 
S4 Shiba 

Oya, GonbeiC;^ M S ^), 
Kogakuhahishi, Chief of the 
Railway Bureau of the Chosen 
Government ; b. the 2nd in. of 
the 1st J)/, of Bunkyii(i86i)in 
the province of Suwo ; e. s. of 
Sadayasu Oya, a samurai of 
Iwakuni clan ; in. Atsu, 3rd d. 
of the late Major-General Ka- 
netoshi Imai. Ediic. ; graduat- 
ed from the Science Course of 
the former Tokyo University 
(1883). Entered the service of 
the Departm.ent of War as its 
Engineer immediately 'after 
graduation ; transferred as En- 
gineer to the Department of 
Communications and engaged 
in the construction of the To- 
kaido Railway ; subsequently 
made Chief of the Nagoya 
branch of the Railway Con- 
struction and Traffic Bureau of 
the Department of Commuica- 
tions ; Chief 'of the Engineer- 
ing Section "of the head office 
at Tokyo of the same Bureau 

(1895); was sent to Europe 
and America on an official 
mission (1901-1902) ; granted 
the degree of Kogakuhakushi 
(1901) ; resigned his govern- 
ment post and accepted the 
post of Chief of the Engineer- 
ing Section of the Seoul and 
Fusan Railway Co. (1903); 
transferred as Engineer to the 
Railway Control Bureau of 
the Residency-General of Ko- 
rea and was appointed Chief 
of its ^'Engineering Section 
(1906) ; afterwards promoted 
Chief of the same Bureau and 
then transferred as President 
of the Railway Bureau of Ihe 
Chosen. Government as the re- 
sult of the annexation of Ko- 
rea to Japan (1909). Decora- 
tion : the 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : Official 
Residence, Furuichi-machi, 
Seoul, Chosen. 

Oya, Shiehihei iX W^ -h ¥), 
shipping ageat, dealer in ma- 
rine products, ex-Mem. of the 
House of Peers for Ishikawa- 
ken ; b. the lOth in, of the isf 
y. of Keio (1865) in Ishika wa- 
ken ; y. brother of Nisaburo 
Miroumi, a large ship-owner 
and adopted by the late Shi- 
chihei Dya of Osaka ; m. To- 
VV3, adopted d. of Shich'igorr 
Shimizu of Fukui-ken. Ad- 
drss: No. 36, 2cliome, Tera- 
machi-dori, Nishi-ku, Osa- 
ka. Te!.: 690 Nishi and 333 

Oya [ ;84 ] 


Oya, Uinatarw (-}i^mic W), 
Mayor of Morioka ; (^. June 
the 3rd jf. of Meiji (1870) in. 
Iwate-ken ; 7mc/i; of Shuntato 
Nakamura, a samurai of Iwa- 
te-ken and adopted by Gozo 
Oya; m. lQm\, 2nd d. of his 
adopted father. -Address : No. 
7, Kagano-cho, Morioka, Iwa- 

"Oya, YasohaeMro (:fcMAi'A 
Bi5), Principal of the 3rd Mid- 
dle School, ^ Kanagawa - pre- 
fecture ; b. 26, Mar. 1864 in 
Tokyo ; s. of Kazuya Oya^ a 
samurai of Okazaki. Educ. : 
stutiled naval architecture in 
the Engineering College, To- 
kyo, Address : Atsugi, Ka- 

Oyaidzu, Knando ( 'KPit^A). 
Managfng Director of the Ma- 
ruzen Co., Director of the Dai- 
Nippon Book and Chart Co., 
Auditoi of the Tokyo Book 
Co.; b. the 2nd m. of the 1st 
J-, of Kokwa (1844) in Okaza- 
ki, province of Mikawa ; s. of 
-Munekadzu Oyaidzu ; m.Fu- 
mi, e. d. of Shigetake Shibata, 
samurai of Aichi-ken. .^S^^w^-" 
studied at the Daigaku-Nanko 
(forerunner of the present To- 
kyo Imp. Univ.) and then at 
the Kdogij_uku. Fought in the 
Battles of Ou and Hakodate, 
siding with the Tokugawa 
Force, in, 5867; entered the 
service of the Maruzen firm, 

Yokohama in 1873 and after- 
wards became manager of its 

"Osaka bi-anch; when the head 
ofRce of the firm was removed 
to Tokyo was made its mana- 
ger in 1882 and then its ma- 
naging Director, a post which 
he still hoidsr;l.'is>also-ipresi- 
dent of:th_e /Ilokyo.Bobk Publi- 
shers Guild til. addition -to the 
posts befofii mentioned. Ad- 
dress : 113- Sendagi-hayashi- 
cho, Komagome, Hbngo, To- 
kyo. 7>/..' 1344 Shitaya. 

Oyama, Iwao (S.\^M), Prince, 
Field-Marshal, Supreme Mili- 
tary Councillor, Member of 
the House of Peers; b. the 
lothm. of the 13th jr. of Tem- 
po (1842) in Kagoshima ; 2nd 
s, of Hikohachi Oyama, a sa- 
murai of the Satsuma clan ; 
m. Sutematsu,, voungef sister 
of tire late Baron Ko Yama- 
gawa. Fought at various pla- 
ces under the late Takaniori 
Saigo at the time of the Res- 
toration ; in 1 869 was sent to 
Europe to observe the prog- 
ress of the Franco-Prussian 
War and after witnessing the 
Siege of Paris returned home 
the following year; made Gap- 
tain and then Major Gezieral 

-in 1871 ;.^went a;gain to Eu- 
rope and studied military tac- 
tics in France .and Switzer- 
land ; Was . appointed j^Coni- 
mander of Kumambto Gar- 
rison in 1876 and then Vice- 

L 785 ] 


Mil), of war and C^mmaiul- 

er of the Tokyo Garrison in 
succession; took a prominent 
part in ths Saigo Rebellion 
as Commander of the Flying 
Column of the Imperial For- 
ces in 1 877 ; promoted Lieu- 
tenant-General and was ap- 
pointed Second Chief of the 
General staff tlie following 
year; Minister of War (1880); 
Chief of the General staff(i8- 
82) ; went to Europe for the . 
third time on an official mis- 
sion (1883 — 1885) ; created 
Count in 1884; again Minis- 
ter of War in 1885, having 
also tempoi-arily portfolio of 
the Minister of the Navy and 
then that of Minister, for Edu- 
cation; promoted General and 
was appointed Privy , Coun- 
cillor in' 1 89 1 ; commanded 
the and Army during the 
China-Japan war, 1895 and 
after severe fighting occupied 
Kin-chow, Port Arthur and 

Wei-ilai-Wei, the most im- 
portant strongholds of China ; 
created Marquis and awarded 
Grand Cordon of the Rising 
Sun with the Paulownia Flow- 
er ; Field Marshal (1898); 
Commander - in ~ Chief of the 
Manchurian Army during the 
Russo - Japanese War ; the 
great success achieved by the 
whole Japanese army in Man- 
churia was mainly due to his 
excellent tactics ; was made 
Prince and decorated with the 
Grand Order of the Chrysan- 
themum after the war. Ad- 
dress^ No. 9, Onden, Sen- 
dagaya, Toyotama-gun, To- 
kyo-fu. Te/.: 125 Shiba. 
^ Oyama, Kikujiro C:fc lU M rft 
SC President of the Kani 
Bank. Address : Yaotsuma- 
chi, Kamo-gun, Gifu-ken. 

Oyama, Kyojiro Oz \ii ^ ^ 
B|5), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Miyazaki-ken, Di- 
' i-ector of the Hyuga Bank, 
Ltd ; d. the 8th m. of the ist 
y. of Kokwa (1844) in Miya- 
zai<t-ken ; adopted son of the 
late Kyiihei Oyama. Address: 
Takanabemachi, Koyu - gun, 

ffyama, Tsunamasa (:feili^ia ), 
Governor of Okayanm-ken, 
Captain of Infantry on the 
reserve ; d. Che nth in. of the 
6th J. of Kayei (1853) in Ka- 
goshinia-ken ; e. s. of Tanken 
Oyama, a Kagoshima samu- 


[ 786 ] 

rai; m. Toku, younger sister 
of Keijiro Yamashita, also a 
Kasfoshima samurai. Enter- 
ed the service of the Metro- 
politan Police Board in 1875; 
took part for the Gov't in the 
Satsuma Rebellion as Lieu- 
tenant in the Army; Assistant- 
Police Inspector ; Captain of 
Iniantry ; aftei'wards in suc- 
cession was Secretary, Coun- 
cillor, Vice-Chief of the In- 
dustrial Bureau, and then of 
the Commercial and Indus- 
trial Bureau of the Agricultu- 
ral and Commerial Depart- 
ment ; Governor of Saga-ken 
in 1896 ; then Governor of 
Yamanashi-ken ; present post 
since 1905. Decoration: 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : Official Residence, No. 
146, Yuminocho, Okayama, 
Okayama-ken. ^ 

Ctyama. Tsunasuke (J<. lU ^ 
■k'), ex-Envoy Extraordinary 
and Minister Plenipotentiary; 
b. the 1st m. of the 6th y. 
of Kayei (1853) in Kagoslii- 
ma ; e. s. of the late Koki 0- 
yama, a Kagoshima samurai ; 

in. Hisa, e. d. of Baron So- 
suke Nomura. Entered ,the 
diplomatic service as Assist- 
ant Translator in 1875; Chan- 
cellor of the Legation at Ro- 
me, Apr. 1 878 ; Chancellor 
of the^ Legation at Paris ; 
Secretary to the Legation at 
London, Feb. 1 884 ; Pri\'ate 

Secretary to the Minister for 
Foreign Affairs, Oct. 1886; 
Secretaiy to the Department 
of Foreign Affairs, Feb. 18- 
&S ; Secretary to the Lega- 
tion at Paris, Nov. 1888 ; 
Seci'etaiy to the Legation at 
the Hague, Mar. 1 892 ; Sec- 
retary to the Legation at 
Vienna, Sept. 1 892 ; promot- 
ed Minister Resident, May 
1 896 ; Envoy Extraordinary 
and Minister Plenipotentiary 
to Rome, May 1 899 ; placed 
on the retired list in 19 10. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising ^un and many other 
orders from the courts of 
Spain, France, Portugal, Bel- 
gium and Italy. Address : 
No. II, Fujimicho, Azabuku, 

Tokyo. Tel. : 394 Shiba. 
Oyamada, ITakanojyo Ql-^ [Ii 

ffl -ft ^ S5> Captain of Navy, 
Commander of the Akashi 
(protected cruiser); b. in 1871. 
Educ: the Naval Engineer- 
ing School. Lieut.-Command- 
er, Oct.' 1899; Commander, 
Aug. 1905; Captain, Dec. 
1911. Once was an aide- 
de-camp and adjutant to H. 
I.H. Prince Takehito. De- 
coratiotts: 3rd Order of R.S., 
4th Order of S.T., 4th Class 
of G. K. 

Oyamada, Shmzo C'h Uj B ^ 
M), Member of the House of 
Representatives ; b. Oct. the 
3rd y. of Meiji (1870) in Mi- 

[787 ] 

Oye— O^a 

to, province of Hitachi ; e. s, 
of Katsusada Oyamada, a sa-. 
inurai of Mito clan ; m. Yo- 
ne/ 31-d d. of Viscount Yori- 
tomo Dogi. Educ. : studied 
economics at a private in- 
stitution. Early entered busi- 
ness and started the Osaka 
Electric Light Co. ; gained 
great profit as a large share- 
holder of the Osaka Railway 
Co. ; rendered services in re- 
adjusting the financial emba- 
rassments of the Japan Text- 
ile Fabric Co.; later became 
Director of the Hokkaido Col,r 
liery Co. ; has been often 
elected member of the House 
of Representatives ; member 
of the Seiyukai ; decorated 
with the 4th Order of Rising 
Sun. Address: Kawasakicho, 
Shimoicbi, Mito, Ibaraki-ken. 
Oye, Sumitoshi (± Jl }g *), 

Paymaster - Colonel, sectional 
Chief of the Accountants 
Bureau of War; b. 1862 in 
Gifu-ken. Paymaster - Sub- 
Lieut., Aug. 1890; Paymas- 
ter-Lieut., Nov. 1894; Pay- 
master-Lieut., No. 1894; 
Paymaster - Captain, Oct. 
1897; Paymaster-Major, Dec. 
1903; Paymaster - Lieut.- 
Colonel, April 1905 • Pay- 
master-Colonel, Dec. igo8. 
Decorations: 4th Order of 
S. T., 3rd Order of R. S., 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 
Address: No. lOg Tomihisa- 

cho, Ichigaya, Ushigome-ku, 

Oyobibe, Moritane UX % S 
ft), Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 28th Regiment 
of Infantry; b. 1867 in Naga- 
no-ken. Sub-Lieutenant,*^ July 
1887; Lieutenant, Nov. 1890; 
Captain, Sept. 1895 ; Major, 
Apr. 1901 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Nov. 1904; Colonel, Nov. 
igoy }^ Decorations : 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, Sth Order 
of the Sacred Treasure and 
3rd Class of the Golden. Kite. 
Address: Asahikawa, Hok- 
kaido. \ 

Ozaki, Pusataro CM*IMi:IiO, 
shipping-agent, importer and 
exporter, Director of theChuo 
Warehouse Co., Ltd. ; b. the . 
Sth m. of the Sth y. of Ka- 
yei (1852) in Shidzuoka-pre- 
fecture ; e. s.^ of Sanshichiro 
Ozaki; m. M.oto, younger sister 
of Inohei Ema of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1873. Address: No. 
14, I chome, Kitanakadori, 
Yokohama. Tel.: 114,9. 

Ozaki, ihei CM «t C* i^ ^)i 
President of the 35th Bank, 
Representative Member of the 
Ozaki Native Products Co., the 
Fuji Co., and of the Hotoku 
Co., Director of the Shizuoka 
Electric Light Co. and of the 
Shizuoka Fancy Matting Co., 
Auditor of the Shizuoka Rice 
Exchange and of the Japan 


[ 78« j. 

Musical Instrument Mfg. Co., 

President of the Shizuoka 

Chamber of Commerce ; d. 

the 8th m. of the 4th f. of 

Kokwa (1847) in' Shizuoka- 

ken ; e. s. of Sukeo Ozaki ; 

m. Katsu, 3rcl d. of Senji Tsu- 

ji. Succeeded his father in 

1882. Address: No. 58, 3 

chomej x\nzaicho, Shizuoka. 

Ozaki, Kyuji (^ if ^ 9:;, 

Director of the Banzu Savings^ 

Bank and of the Nishio Bank; 

^. Feb. the ist j/. of Meiji 

(1868) in Aichi-ken; e. s. of 

Kyuhei Ozaki ; in. Mitsu, 

Yoimg-er sisi^r of Ota. 

Succeeded his father in 1895. 

Address: Nishio-machi, Ban- 

zu-gua, Aichi-ken. 

Ozaki, Saburo (S *5f H K), 
Baron, Court Councillor, Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers; 5. 
the 1st ;u. of the 13th f. of 
Tempo (1842) in the province 
of Yamashiro ; 3rd s. of the 
late Daishin Ozaki, a sainurai 
of Kyoto ; m. Yae, d. of Ta- 
]<usho Fujiyama, a famous 
Buddhist priest. Ediic: studied 
in England. Early embraced 
the cause of the Mikado, as 
.1 follower of the late Prince 
Sanjo, at the end of the To- 
k'ugawa -regime and rendered 
great service in the work ot 
Restoration ; then studied in 
England and after returning 
home in 1873 entered the 
service of the Dajokan (States 

Ministers' Office); in succes- 
sion was transferred as Direct- 
or of the Legislative Bureau, 
Chief Librarian and Senior- 
Secretary to the Home De- 
partment, the- same to the 
Imperial Household Depart- 
ment, 1st Secretary to the 
Department of Foreign Af- 
fairs, Councillor to the Legi- 
slative Bureau, Member of the 
Senate, Chief of the Legisla- 
tive Bureau and was final- 
ly appointed Member of the 
House of Peers by Imperial 
nomination in 1890 ; created 
Baron and appointed Court 
Councillor in 1896 ; has been 
decorated with the ist Order 
of the Rising Sun in connec- 
. tion with the Russo - Japa- 
nese war. Recreations: Check- 
ers and old Japanese Songs. 
Address: 31, Roppongicho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 313 
Shiba. Clubs : Saiwai Club ; 
Doki Club. 

Ozaki, Sakujiro CS "t f^ ^ 
115), President of the Ozaki 
Bank, of the Kumano Fish - 
ing Co., Managing Director 
of the Nachi Bank, Director 
of the Toei Fishing Co., Rep- 
resentative member of the 
Ozaki Lime Co. ; b. the 4th 
m. of the 3rd y. of Kokwa 
(i846)inWakayama-ken; 3rd 
.5. of Sakubei Ozaki ; m. Ta- 
,me, e. d. of Izaemon Ito. Ad- 
dress : Shingumachi, Higashi- 

[ 7H9 


muro-gun, Wakayama-ken. 
' Ozaki, Seizo (M *? 4 3)", 
Managing Director of the Ku- 
rashiki Commercial Bank ; b. 
May the 2nd j/. of Meiji (1869) 
in Okayama-ken ; younger b. 
of Eizaburo Takado and adopt- 
ed by the late Hisayoshi O- 
zakl ; m. .Tome, 4th d. ot 
Shinzo Inoue. Early entered 
the army and after attaining 
the rank of Captain of Artil- 
lery was transferred to the re- 
serve list ; since then has en- 
gaged in business. Address : 
Obie-mura, Tsukubo-giui, O- 

, Ozaki, Yujiro c^m^P^-- HP). 
Secretary to the Karafuto 
^^Government and in addition 
Manager of the Monopoly Bu- 
reau of Agricultural and Com- 
mercial Department ; b: Mar. 
the 6th f. of Meiji (1873) in 
Hyogo-ken ; 2nd s. of Shin- 
zaburo Katsuyama and adopt- 
ed by Bunhichi Ozaki ; 7U. 
Shizu, e. d. of Yoshiharu Mi- 
yaji of Yamagata-ken. Edtcc: 
graduated from the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (1899). Passed the 
Higher Civil Service Exami- 
nation the same year; appoint- 
ed Councillor to Waka^na- 
ken (1900) ; afterwerds i^uc- 
cession was Councillor to Mi- 
yagi-ken,i Chief of Police of 
Fukushima and Kagawa pre- 
fectural Offices, Secretary to 

the Civil Affairs Bureau of 
the Karafuto Governnierit ; 
present posts since 1907 ; was 
in Europe and Anicrica on 
an official mission in 1909. 
Address : Official Residence, 
No. 9,''Higashigoj6, Toyoha- 
ra-gun, Karafuto (Saghalien). 
Ozaki, Yukio im ^ 'n «»)> 
ex-Mayer of Tokyo, Mem. of 

the H. R. and a prominent 
member of the Heiyu club (a 
political party); b' the nth 
m. J»of the 6th r. oi Ansei 
(1859) in Matano'-mur/, Tsu- 
kui-gun, Kanagawa-kcn ; e. s 
of Yukimasa Ozaki, a samih 
rat of Mie-ken ; m. Ei, d. of 
Baron Saburo Ozaki. Editc. ; 
studied at the Keiogijuku and 
then at the^Kogakuryo (for- 
mer Engineering College of the 
Tokyo University). Became 
successively ^vriter to the Kyo- 
chu Shimpo, the Tokyo Hocld 
Shimbun and chief editor to 
the Ntigata - Shimbun ; was 


[ 790 ] 

appointed junior Secretary to 
the Board of Statistics on the 
recommendation of Count O- 
kuma, then Minister of Fi- 
nance; left the government ser- 
vice in 1 88 1 when Count 
Okuma resigned his post and 
with latter's assistance found- 
ed the Kaishinto (a powerful 
progressive political -party) in 
which he was one of the 
leaders; was compelled to 
leave Tokyo by the enforce- 
ment of the Peace Preserva- 
tion Regulation in 1887 when 
he in company with the late 
Count Goto and some others 
attacked the proposed govern- 
ment's intention of revising the 
then existing treaties with for- 
eign powers and availing him- 
self of this apportunity made a 
tour of Europe and America 
returning home in ^89 ; was 
elected member of the House of 
Representatives when it was 
i naugurated the fol lowing year; 
again entered government serv- 
ice as Councillor to the De- 
partment of Fon;iirn Affairs 
in 1897 ; appointed Minister 
of Education when the Con- 
stitutional party Cabinet was 
formed under the premiership 
of Count Okuma the following 
year, '^ which post, "* however, 
he had to resign soon after- 
wards owing to some trivial 
circumstance; next joined the 
Seiyukai, a new political party 

under the presidenc;,- of the 
late Prince Ito and' became 
its leader in the House ; left 
the Seiyukai and was elected 
Mayor of Tokyo in 1903; 
againbecame member of the 
.Seiyxihai last year; resigned the 
mayorship in'^1912. Mr. Ozaki, 
as a writer, is well Icnown 
under his nonie de phciiie of 
" Gakudo " ; is also a man of 
eloquence. Publications: "Ga- 
kudS Shij " (a volume con- 
taining his essays and miscel- 
laneous works) ; " Learning 
and Human ; Life " among 
many others. Rccreatioits t 
reading ; hunting, etc. Ad- 
dress : 225 Shinagawamachi, 
Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. Te!. : 
39s Shiba. 

Ozaki, Fusataro (.j^^^BJaW, 
shipping-agent, importer and 
exporter. Director of the Chuo 
Warehouse Co., Ltd. ; d. the 
8th m. of the 5 th f. of Ka- 
yei (1852) in Shidzuoka-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Sanshichiro 
Ozaki; vi. M.oto, yoimger sister 
of Inohei Ema of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1873. Address: No. 
14, I chome, Kitanakadori, 
Yokohama. Tel.: 1149. 

6^wa, Gakutaro C:fc ?f S ic 
W)^gakuhaktishi (Doctor of 
Medicine), Prof, of the Medir- 
cal College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ.'- (chair - Anatomy) ; b. 
the 6tli m. of the 3i"d y- of 

[ 791 j 


Biinkyu (1863) in_Aichi-ken ; 
e. s, of Kenryu Ohash:. and 
adopted by Kenji Dzawa, 
Igakuhakiishi ; ftt. Julia Mey- 
er, e. d. of August Meyer, a 
iGerman. Edtic. .• graduated 
from the Medical College of . 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1887); 
studied further in Germany 
(1893 — 1898). Assistant-Prof, 
of the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (1890) ; 
Igakuhakushi (1898) ; present 
post since 1900. Address : 
No. 16, AkebOnocho, Koma- 
gome, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. ' ; 

Ozawa, Geppo (:Jc ?f ^ «$)', 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 2 1st Regi- 
ment of Infantry; b. 1869 in 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieut., March 
1892; Lieut., Nov., 1894; 
Captain, Oct. 1898; Major, 
March 1904; Lieut. Colonel, 
Nov. 1907; Colonel, Jan, 
1912: Decorations: S^y^ ^^- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S., 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address'. Hamada, 

Ozawa, Jin-ichi C'h P S ifeO, 
President of the Mito District 
Court. Address: Nakamachi, 
Kami-ichi, Mito, Ibaraki-ken. _ 

Ozawa, Kaiyu C:*; W W ^^' 
LientenantrGeneral since Jan. 
19 1 2, placed on tlje waiting 
list since September 19 12; 
1). the 9th TO. of the 
^th y. 01 i-i.opi i i<^syj in At 

ichi - ken ; 2nd s. of Tamao 
Ozawa ; m. Hisa, 2nd d. of 
Nagatomi Nakamichi, a samu- 
r«2 of Chiba-ken. Edtic.: Gradu- 
ated from the Military Aca? 
demy and then from the Mili- 
tary College; continued his 
studies in Germany (1893 — 
189s). Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, Dec. 1 88 1 ; Lieuten- 
ant — , May 1885 ; Lieutenant., 
of Commissariat, Nov. 1889; 
Captain — , Nov. 1890; Majoi- 
— , Apr. 1895 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel— •, Oct. 1898 ; Colo- 
nel — , Nov. 1901; Major-Gen- 
eral, Jan. 1905 ; was Super- 
intendent of the Communica- 
tions and Transportations dur- 
ing the Russo-Japanese War ; 
was chief of 3rd section of 
the General Staff Office and 
instructor of Military Calle- 
ge ; transferred to Com. of Yu- 
ra Fortress in Dee. 1 9 1 1 . De- 
cof-ations : the 2nd Order of 
the Rising Sun, the 3rd Or-r 
der of the Sacred Treasure 
and the 3rd Class of theGold- 
en Kite. Address : No. 8, Hi- 
gashi - Dkubo, Dkubo - mura, 
Toyotama - gun, Tokyo - fu. 
. Tel. : 297 Bancho. 

fizawa, Kenji (.it M M ^), 
Igakuhakushi, M. D., Prof, of 
the.Medicfil College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. (Chair-Physi- 
ology), member, of the House 
of Peers, etc. ; d. the 7th tn. 
of the 5th J', of Kaei (1852) 


[ 79^ ] 

in the province of Mikawa ; 
3rd s. of Saburo Dbayashi 
and adopted by the late Gen- 
rvu Ozawa, a samufai of To- 
yohashi clan ; m. Saku, 2nd 
d. of KyCibei Kasawara of A- 
ichi-ken. Educ: studied medi- 
cine at the Igakiisho (a Gov- 
ernment medical school) and 
then at the Medical College 
of the former Tokyo Univ. (i 8- 
66 — 1871); was sent to Ger- 
many to continue his situdies 
(Berlin Univ., 1872— 1875 
Straasburg Univ;, 1879 — 18- 
83). Prof, of the Tokyo Medi- 
cal .School ( 1 876 — 1 879) ; 
Prof, of the Medical College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (18- 
83) ; granted the degree of 
Igakiihakushi (1887) ; Chief 
Prof of the Medical College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (18- 
87 — 1890) ; Dean of the same 
College (1891— 1893); mem- 
ber of the Imperial Academy 
since 1890 ; membei of the 
House of Peers since 1891 ; 
has been twice in Europe on 
official missions. Publications: 
" Essay on the improvement 
of the constitution of the body;" 
" The duty of Women;" "New 
opinions on Marriage," besides 
many other similar works. 
Recreations: Hunting and fish- 
ing. Address: No. 131, Hi- 
gashikatamachi, Komagome, 
Hongo, ' Tokyo. Club. : Ki- 
zokuin Chawakai. Tel. : 27- 

04 Shitaya. 

Ozawa, Kishichiro Ci: yf -% 
-b W), Captain of the Navy, 
Commander of the ist battle- 
ship MUcasa; b. i%6g.Educ.: 
Graduated .from the Naval 
Academy, Sept. 1884. Lieu- 
tenant-Commander, June 18- 
98 ; Commander, Oct. 1902 ; 
Captain, Sept. 1907. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Class of 
the Golden Kite and many 
other foreign decorations ; was 
attache to the Yokosuka Naval 

Ozawa, Kohei C:^ vf ^ ^), 
President of the Ashigara 
Bank;;^. the sth m. of the 
2nd y. of Kokwa (1845). in 
Kanagawa-ken ; e. s. of Zen- 
zaburd Ozawa ; m. Kuwa, 2nd 
d. of Tsunaga Kawamura, a 
samtiraioi Shizudka.-'kcn. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1857 ; has 
been for a long time head man 
of his native village; member 
of the Prefectural Assembly 
in 1892 and on three oc- 
casions since ; has been de- 
corated with the Commenda- 
tory Medal of the Yellow 
Riband in 1 881 for public serv- 
ices rendered to his native 
province. Address : Tomina- 
ga-mura, Ashigarashita-gun, 

Ozawa, Kozo C'h M # H), 
a rich farmer, one of the 

I I9i. 1 


highest taxpayers of Shizuoka- 
ken; b. July the iith_y. of 
Meiji (1878) in Shizuoka-ken; 
ird s. of Katsuzaemon Ozawa 
And adopted by the late Zenzo 
Ozawa, succeeding him in 19- 
oi ; M.Kd, e. d. of his adopt- 
ed father, Addi-ess : Harada- 
rnura, Fuji-gun, Shidzuoka- 

- Ozawa, San-emon C'h ?? H * 
^ H), sake-brewer, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Shiga- 
ken ; b. the 5 th ;//. of the ist 
y. of Keio (1865) in Shiga- 
ken; e. s. of Yasuroji Ozawa; 
m. Kinu, younger sister of Shi- 
chibei Ozawa. Address : Ka- 
gamiyama-mura, Ganio-gun, 

Ozawa, Shichibei (<!■« ^ As ^ 
*). President of Koto Agri- 
cultural Bank, Ltd., ex-Dir. 
6? the Shiga-ken Agricultur- 
al and Industrial Bank, Ltd., 
Auditor of the Omi Sail Cloth 
Mfg. Co., Ltd. and of the 
Teikoku Hemp Mfg. Co. ; b. 
the 1st m. of the 3rd y. ol 
Bunkyu (1863) in Shiga-ken; 
e. s. of the late Shichibei Oza- 
wa ; m. Miyo, yoimger sister 
of Shirobei Nakamura. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1893. Ad- 
dress: Shinohara-mui-a, Yasu- 
gun, Shiga-ken. 

Ozawa, Shozo C:^ ?f ^ H), 
Vice-President of the Japan 
[Leather Co., President of the 
Japan Shoes Mfg. Co.; b. the 

5 th ;;/. of the sndjv. of Kayei 
(1849) iri Tokyo; 3rd s. of 
Ruiemon Ozawa, a Tokyo sa- 
imirai ; in. Moyo, e. d. of 
Hirozo Shindo, a samurai of 
Chiba-ken. Address: No. 35, 
2 chome, Tsukiji, Kyobashi, 
Tokjo. Tel. : 1930 Kyobashi. 
Ozawa, Takeo C'h M St W), 
Baron, Lieutenant-General on 
the Second Reserve, Lord-in- 
Waiting of the Kinkei Hall, 
Member of the House of Peers, 
Vice-President of the Japan 
Red Cross Society, President 
of the Conscription Insurance 
Co., Councillor to the Japan 
Grand Exhibition in 1917;^, 
the nth m. of the \st y. of 
Kokwa (1844) in Kokura, pro- 
vince of Buzen ; e. s. of Shobei 
Ozawa, a samurai of Kokura 
clan; vi. Kuwa, 2nd d. of Tsu- 
nayoshi Kawamura, a sainurai 
of Shidzuoka. Early entered 
the Ai'my and after due pro- 
motion attained the rank of 
Lieutenant-General when he 
was placed on the reserve list; 
was a Staff ofificer of the Mili- 
tary force despatcehd against 
Saigo in the Rebellion; mem- 
ber of the Investigation Com- 
mittee of Martial law. Chief 
of tlie Military Affairs Bureau 
of the Department of War, 
President of the Militaiy A- 
cademy, Second Chief of the 
General Staff, Chief of the 
same, Chief of the Fortress 

[ 794 ] 

Construction Department of 
the -Army; created in 1887 
and nominated member of the 
House of Peers in 1890 ; is 
one of the founders of the Ja- 
pan Red Cross . Societjv? in 
which he now holds the post 
of Vice-President after having 
been one of its Directors for a 
long time. Decoration: ist Or- 
der of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress t Ifo. 70, Shimoniban- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
36 Banclio. 

Ozawa, Tatsujiro C;>;r?SruBrOi 
Director of the Shinano Com- 
mercial Savings Bank, the 
Shinano Afforestation Co., and 
of the Shinano Commercial 
Bank, Managing director of 
the Kiso Development Co.; b. 
Oct. the .3rd y. of Meiji (1870) 
in Nagano-ken ; e. s. of the late 
Mon-ichiro Ozawa ; in. Kane, 
2nd (t. of Chikuzen Hattori, 
a samurai of Nagano-clan. 

Succeeded his father in 1904. 
Address : Fukushirna-machi, 
Nishichikuma-gun, Nagano- 

Ozawa, Zensnke C:^cif#Sl)), 
dealer in watches and clocks, 
president of the Kyoto Indust- 
rial and Commei'cial Co., Kyo- 
to Electric Light Co., and of 
the Taami Hotel Co., director 
of the 92nd Bank and Shiki- 
shin Co.', auditor of the Kyoto 
Exchange, Vice-President of 
the Kyoto Chamber of Com- 
merce; 6. the 2nd m. of the ist 
y. of Ansei( 1 8 5 4)in Kyoto; 2nd 
s. of Otomatsu Matsuo and 
adopted by Nui Ozawa ; m. 
Mitsu, e. d. of Teisuke Ishi- 
bashi of Kyoto. Address: No. 
5, Nakajimacho, Sanjo, Ka- 
waramachi-dori, Shimokyoku, 
Kyoto. Tel.: 295 and 1991 

[795 1 

Ein— Rck 


. Einoie, llasata C$ SK sS iO, 
Inspector General of Naval 
Ordnance on the waiting list; 
&. 28 Sept. 1857, Yamagu- 
chi ; 2nd s. of Tamon Rino- 
ie, a samurai of Yamaguchi; 
m. Yoshi, d. of Wasasuke O- 
ta, a samz/rai o{ Yamaguchi. 
Educ. : finished the Course of 
Medicine of the Tokyo Uni- 
versity, 1 88 1. Was appoint- 
ed Engineer of the Naval 
Department, 1886; Chief Na- 
val Ordnance Officer, 2nd 
class, Dec. 1897 ; Chief Na- 
val Ordnance Officer, 1st 
class, Oct. 1902 ; present 
rank, Dec. 1908 ; placed on 
the waiting list. Mar. 1909 ; 
has been decorated with the 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
in consideration of his servi- 
ces during the late war. Ad- 
dress : No. 12, Aoyama Ta- 
kakicho, Akasaka, Tokyo. 

Einoie, Eyfisuke C^ ^ K :^), 
Governor of Nagasaki prefect- 
ure ; S. 22 Aug. 1866, Hagi, 
Yamaguchi ; ist .y. of Ryugen 
Rinoie ; m. Fuji, ist d. of 
Ka Abe, a samurai of Ehime 
prefecture. Edtic. : graduated 
from the Law College, the 
Imperial University of Tokyo, 
1890. '- After serving as sec- 
retary, councillor, and gover- 
nor to various prefectures ,was 

appointed to the Gov, of Islii- 
kawa-ken, 1910; present post 
since Dec. 191 2 ; 3rd Order of 
Merit Address: JSTo. i, Iwa- 
hara-go, Nagasaki-ken! 

Eokkaku, Kenkiehi (>■; % M 
S). Dr., Director of Rokka- 
ku Hospital. Address: No. 
36, 2 chome, Sakaimachi, Yo- 

Bokkaku, Shisui (,^%^i]0, 

inventor of colored lacquer; 
b. 1867 in Hiroshima-ken; s. 
of Hanyemon Fujika and 
adopted into the Rokkaku 
family. Ediic. : graduated 
from the Tokyo Fine Arts 
Academy. Prof, in the To- 
kyo Fine Arts Academy; 
established with others the 
Japan Fine Arts Institute, 
1899; entrusted with the 
work of investigating the 
State Treasures of the country 
by the Home Dep't; went 
over to the U. S. A. as a 
business training student of 
the Dep't of Commerce and 
Agriculture; entrusted with 
the work of adjusting the 
exhibits of the .Oriental 
Dep't of the Boston Five 
Arts Museum and also of 
adjusting the Oriental lac- 
quered wares exhibited at 
the New York Municipal 
Museum; ordered to go to 
Germany by the Dep't of 
Commerce and Agriculture 

Rok - I 796 ] 

to inspect the coiiBition of of the colored lacquer for 

manufacture of lacquered which he is patented. Ad- 

wares in that countr}'-, 1901; dress: No. 20, Nakacho, Ko- 

went to China to investigate ishikawa, Tokyo. Tel: 2948 

the lacquer industry of that Bancho. 
country; he is the inventor 

[ 797 ] 


Saburi, IssM Ci&^M-'M), 
Kogakuliakushi, Director of 
the Yokosuka Electric Light 
and Gas Company, and of tlie 
Keihan Electric Railway Com- 
pany ; b. the 3rd m. of the 
ist'j!'- of Gwanji (1864); ist 
s. of the late Yoshinao Sa^ 
buri, a samurai of Fukuya- 
ma clan, Bingo province ; in. 
Mitsu, 3rd d. of Magoroku A- 
dachi, of Shidzuoka. Educ: 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1886. He 
did much as the Chief En- 
gineer in constructing the 
Narita Railway. Address : 
No. 10, Minamicho, Ushigo- 
me, Totyo. Tel.: 700 Ban- 

Sada, Seiji Cfe S tf ^), En- 
gineer, and sectional chief of 
the Printing Bureau ; b. the 
8th 111. of the loth y. of Tem- 
po (1839), Yamaguchi pre- 
fecture ; 1st J. of Shin-ichiro 
Sada, a samurai of Yamagu- 
chi ; m. Ume, 2nd d. of Han- 
emon Fukui, a saimirai of 
Yamaguchi. Decoration : 3rd 
Order of Merit. Address: 
Official House, No. i, Mo- 
toei-cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1581 Honkyoku. 

Sadanaga, Kangoro CA 7lt Si 

£1Q. Naval-Captain of En- 
gineering, examiner of the 

Naval Arsenal in the ilai- 
dzuru Naval Station; b. in 
1 87 1. Edtic: the Naval 
Academy. Lieut.-Commarider 
of Engineering, Dec. 1901 ; 
Commander of Engineering, 
Aug. 1905 ; Captain of En- 
gineering, Dec. 191 1. Was 
chief Engineer of the Kadori 
and Settsti (battleships). Dt.- 
corations: 3rd Order of R. 
S., 4th Order of S. T. Ad- 
dress: the Maidzuru Naval 

Saegi, Ichitaro (-feffiTljicSK, 
Managing Director of the JMie 
Cement Company, Director of 
the Ise Brick Company ; b. 
the 1 2th 7/1. of the 3rd y. of 
Bunkyu (1863), Mie prefect- 
ure ; 1st s. of Icliiroji Saegi; 
in. Tsune, e. sister to Kuni 
Yamashita, of Mie prefecture. 
Address: Tokiwa-machi, Uji- 
yamada, Mie prefecture. 

Sae^, Katsutaro C-effi0±lli>), 
Engineer of the Printing Bu- 
reau ; b. Dec. of the 3rd y. of 
Meiji (1870), Yamaguchi pre- 
fecture; 1st s. of the Narikoto 
Saegi, a samurai of Yamagu- 
chi ; m. Suma, niece to Su- 
ke-ichi Miyada, a samurai of 
Kagoshima, Educ. : graduat- 
ed from the Engineering Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1895. Appointed 
engineer of the Printing Bu- 
reau immediately after his 
graduation, and now holds 



the post of sectional chief 
there. Addrcs£ : the 2iKi Of- 
ficial House, Ojinuira, Kita- 
toshima-gim, Tblcyo. 

Saeki, Yoshio Cfe fS Sf Wi, 
B. A., L. L. B., lecturer 
in the Waseda University ; h. 
the 8th TO. of the 4.tli y. of 
Mciji (1871) in liiroshirati- 
ken : s.- of Tomoichi Saeki ; 
m- Tonami liayashi in 1803. 
EduG_ : fctudied at Waseda 
University, lioseidaigaku ; 
graduated from Healdsburg 
College, U. S. A. and received 
the degree of B. A., LL. B. 
from the same Univ. Once 
was prof, in the Higher jSTo- 
rmal School and Chief of the 
preparatory course of the Ho- 
sei-daigaku in Tokvo :travell- 
ed Europe in 1908. FiibUoa- 
tians : "On the study of the 
Nestorian Monument in Chi- 
na. Address : No. 13, Shin- 
ogawa-machi, 2 chome, Ushi- 
gome-ku, Tokyo. 

Saegusa, Daisaburd (H ft ft 
— SP)) dealer in fancy goods. " 
Address: No. 7, 3 chome, 
Kiflza, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 

Saegusa, Moritomi CH ft ^ 
^y, Director of the Yaku- 
mant-Kinzan_ Co. and of tl)o 
Japan Crucible Company, Au- 
ditor of the Fuji Water-power . 
Electric Company, and of the 
Tokyo Share and Stock Ex- 
change, and of the" Chiyoda 
Gas Company; 3. the ist;/«. 

of the I St J. of Kok \va ( i S44), 
Tokyo ; 1st j. of the late Shi- 
chishiro Saegusa, a Shogunatc 
samurai; in. Ryii, 2nd d. of 
the late Tak'^saburo Aoyagi, 
a Shogunate samurai. Enter- 
ed the Treasury, 1870 ; retired 
from the government services 
1885, and entered business 
He is famous for- his skill in 
calligraphy. Address: No. 67, 
Shimototsuka, Totsuka-mura, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. Tel. : 
780 Bancho. 

Saga, Kinto C(i i»S & It), 
Marquis (cr. Count, 1884, 
Marquis, 1888), Member of 
the House of Peers ; b. the 
6th 111. of the 3rd y. of Bun- 
kyia (1863), Kyoto ; 2nd s. of 
the late Sanemaru Saga ; in. 
1883, Naka-ko, d. of the Ta- 
damitsu Nakayama. Educ. : 
private. Lord-in-Waiting in 
the ftkyu Hall, 1881 ; and 
then ill the Meikyii Hall ; 
Member of the House of Peers, 
1 890. Decoration : 4th Oi'der 
of Merit. Recreations : horti- 
culture, hunting, fisheing. Ad- 
dress : No. 52, Nichomachi, 
Shitaya, Tokyo. Tel.: 1572 

Sagaraj Cho C+i K ?1), 
Payinaster Inspector, Chief of 
the Accountants' Department 
of the Maizrau Naval Arsenal; 
h. 1868. Staff Paymaster, Oct. 
1898; Fleet Paymaster, Oct. 
1902 ; Paymaster- Inspector, 

[ 799 ] 

Sa?— Sai 

Oct. igoa. Becoration: 3i-(i 
Ordei- of the Kisiiig Sun. Ad- 
dress : Maizuru IsTaval Station, 
Kyoto-fu. "' 

Sagara, Ho (ffl K i^), Com- 
missioner of the Wakayama 
Prefecturai Government. Dec- 
oration : 5 th Order of Merit. 
Address: Official House, Ni- 
shi - Migiwacho, Wakayama- 

Sagara, Yoritsugu (M S^M. 
H), Viscount (cr. 1884), Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers ; 
<5..tlie 1 2th 111. of the 6th j. 
of Kaei (1753) ; ist s. of the 
late ChSfuku Sagara, Daitnyo 
of Hitoyoshi clan, Higo prov- 
ince ; in. Naka-ko, y. sister 
to Prince Sanenori Tokudaiji. 
Lord-in-Waiting, 1876; made 
an inspection tour of Europe, 
1882 — 1 88 3; was elected Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers, 
1890 ; again elected the same, 
1897. Decoration: the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. Rec- 
reations : hunting, sculpture, 
Utai (a kind of song), etc. 
Address : No. 6, likurakata- 
machi, Azabu, Tokj'o. Tel. : 
1298 Shiba. 

Saida, Kotaro (MU^js. E|5), 
botanist, Rigaknliakiishi, Prof, 
of the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School ; b. the I2th in. of 
the 6th y. of Ansei (1859), 
Matsushiro, province of Shi- 
nano ; ist .y. of Torao Saida, 
a sanmiri; of Matsushiro clani 

m. 1 89 1, Aka-ko; ist d. of 
Baron Shinji Tsuji. Educ.: 
graduated from the Depart- 
ment of Science of the former 
Tokyo University ; studied 
in the University Hall ; fur- 
ther studied botany in Ger- 
many, 1896 — 1 90 1. Instructor 
at the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School, 1887 ; then its Prof 
1890; Lecturer at the Im- 
perial Univei'sity of Tokyo, 
1 89 1. Received the degree 
oi Rigahihakusld'va. 1 891 (he 
was the first to receive the 
degree of HakusJn through 
examination at the University 
Hall), Decoration : 5th Or- 
der of Merit. Publications: 
"the Plants of Japan," "the 
Plants of Japan and Foreign 
Countries," " Practical Bota- 
ny," " Dictionary of Botany," 
" Botany " (written in Eng- 
lish), and several other text 
books on botany for middle 
grade schools. Address: No. 
43, Hinode, Zojigaya, Taka- 
ta-mura, Kita-Toshima-gun, 
Tokvo. - 

Saiga, Tokichi (M'S.M g), 
ex-Mem. of the Rouse of Rep- 
resentatives ~ for Ehime pre- 
fecture, dealer in electrical 
machineiy, contractor of elect- 
rical work (firm name, -the 
Saiga Electrical Machine 
Finn), President of the lyo 
Water Power Electric Com- 
pan3-, the Oj i Electric Railway 

I 800 ] 

Co., the Matsuzaka Water 
Power Electric Company, the 
Hyuga Water Power Electric 
Company, the Ant5 Electric 
Company, the Miuo Electric 
Railway Company, the Oki- 
nawa Electric Company, the 
Shinoyama * Electric Light 
Company, the Nanao Electric 
Company, the Saegi Electric 
Company, the Usa Electric 
Company, the Miyatsu Elect- 
ric Company, and of the Set- 
tsu Electric Company, Direct- 
or of the Wakayama Water 
Power Electric Company, the 
Akashi Electric Light Com- 
pany, the Niigata Water Power 
Electric Company, the Iwa- 
mura Electric Railway Com- 
pany, the Isyo Electric Power 
Weaving Company, and of 
the Arima Electric Company, 
Auditor of the lyo Railway 
Company, and of the Seiso 
Electric Railway Company ; 
^.11 July, the 3rd y. of Mei- 
ji (1870), Osaka; ist j. of 
Jusuke Saiga ; in. Taka, 3rd 
d. of Giichi Mori, a samurai 
of Ehime prefecture. Early 
entered an electrical company, 
and since then has been con- 
nected with electric work. Was 
elected.M. H. P., May 1908. 
Address: No. 13, 4 chome, 
Imahashi, Higashiku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 1 87 1 Cho Honkyoku. 

Saigo, KicMgi CM m 'B ^). 
court-phys.cian, Surgeon-Ma- 

jor-Gineral (ret.) ; b. the i ith 
m. of the 2nd y. of Ansei 
(i855). Nagano prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Saneaki Saigo, a 
jaw«ra/ of Nagano, and a- 
dopted by • Motoyoshi Saigo ; 
VI. Fumi, adopt, d. of Yoshi- 
yuki Ito, a samurai of To- 
kyo. Educ^: studied Medi- 
cinei Early entered the Mil- 
itary Guards Division, and was 
Vice-President of the Military 
Medical College ; was finally 
promoted to Surgeon Major- 
General, and then placed 
on the retii-ed list ; subse- 
quently appointed to present 
post, and promoted Chief of 
the Court Physicians' Bureau 
in 1910. Decoration: 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite, 2nd Or- 
der of Merit. Address: No. 
12, 4 chome, lidamachi, Ko- 
■jimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 1 160 

Saigo, Kikujiro (E3 M "•!) -^ 
15), ex-Mayor of Kyoto ; b. 
the 1st m. of the ist y. of 
Bunkyu (1861) ; s. of the late 
Great Saigo, and e. brother 
to Marquis Torataro Saigo ; 
m. Hisa, 1st d. of Minora Na- 
gayoshi, a samurai of Kago- 
shima. Decoration : the 4th 
Order of Merit. Address : Yia.- 

Saigo, Torataro (ES M % i: 
IS), Marqnis (cr. 1902).. Lictit.- 
Colonel of Infantry and Com. 
of a Battalion in the ist Reg-. 

i 8oi ] 


iment of Infantry; Member 
of the House of Peers ; h. the 
7th m. of the 2nd y. of Keic 
(1866), Satsuma province ,'i:. 
of the late Great Saigfo who 
was one of the most conspicu- 
ous figures before and after 
the Restoration and whose 
numerous followers raised in 
his name a rebellion in Satsu- 
ma, 1877; m, Nobu, 1st d. 
of Saneaori Sonoda, a samu- 
rai of Kagoshima. Educ. : 
graduated from Military A- 
cademy in Prussia, Germany; 
the Toyama Gakko (a mililary 
training school). Sub-Lieuten- 
ant of Infantry, Nov. 1892 ; 
Lieutenant, Mar. 1895 ; Cap- 
tain, June 1898; Major, Mar. 
1905 ; took part in the Japan 
China War. Decorations ; the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun, 
the Sth' Class of the Golden 
Kite, and several other foreign 
orders. Address : No. 88, 
2 chome, Ichibeicho, Azabu, 
Tokyo. Tei.: 138 Shiba. 

Saigo, Tsunaki mMM ^), 
Judge, and President of the 
Okayama District Court ; 6. 
the 5th m. of the 3rd j/. of 
Ansei (1856), Fukuoka pre- 
fecture ; 1st y. of Yasaku Sai- 
go, a samurai of Fukuoka ; 
m. Teru, 2nd d. of Tamotsu 
Sawa, a samurai of Tottori. 
Entered the Department of 
Justice,. 1876 ; passed the Ex- 
amination for Bench, 1887; 

Judge, and then sectional chief 
of the Tokyo District Court; 
President of the Tottori and 
then of theOtsu District Courts; 
transferred to present post in 
Apr. 1904. Decoration : 4th 
Order of Merit.'^^</;v.rj." No. 
16, Monden-yashiki, Okaya- 
ma city. 

Saiga, Yorinori CM M & Wi% 
Marquis, Captain of Infantry, 
and Company Commander in 
the 4th Regiment of Infant- 
ry, Member of the House of 
Peers ;. 3. 21 Oct. the i ith y. 
of Meiji (1878) ; 2nd s. of the 
late Marquis Yorimichi Sai- 
go {d. 1902), a saumrai of 
Elagoshima clan, and one of 
the notables associated with 
the Restoration ; m. Toyo-ko, 
y. sister to Prince Tomoharu I- 
wakura. Edtu;. : graduated 
from the Military Acadamy. 
Sub - Lieutenant of Infantry, 
June 1900 ; Lieutenant, Nov. 
1902; Captain, Oct, 1904. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun the 4th Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address: No. 
298 Kamimeguro, Meguro - 
mura, Ebara - gun, Tokyo. 
Telr: S77 Shiba. 

Saihara, Itaro Q^W-^-k W), 
dealer in foreign wine and 
foreign imitated articles ; (5, 
the Sth m. of the 6th y. of 
Kaei (1853), Osaka; ist s. 
of Kumakichi Yamatoya, and 

adopted . by Motosuke Saiha- ' 

[ 802 I 

ra; m. Saku, ist d. of Ma-' 
tabei Harada, of Osaka. Ad- 
dress: No. 122, 4choine, A- 
dzuchimachi, Higashiku, O- 
saka. Tel. : 393 Higashi. 

Saeki, KTori (e(fl*g).y^a/&Mt 
hakushi, (Doctor of Medicine); 
b, in Matsuyama. Educ. : 
graduated from the Okayama 
medical college; further stu- 
died medicine as an assistant 
of the Kyoto Imp. Univ. Hos- 
pital. Afterwards became ex- 
pert of the infectious diseases 
investigation laboratory and 
had charge of medicine; went 
to America to study few years 
ago; returned home in 1912; 
received the degree of Jgaku- 
Itakushi, Dec. 191 2. Ad- 
dress. : the Kyoto Imp; Univ; 

Saionji, Kimmochi CS @ # -& 
3), Marquis (cr. 1884), for 

merly courtier, ex - Premier 
and President of the Seiyukwai, 
a political party, Member of 
the House of Peers ; b. the 

lOth in. in the 2ndjy. ofKa- 
ei (1849), Kyoto ; J. brother 
to Prince Tokudaiji ( Lord 
Chamberlain), and adopted as 
heir into the Saionji family. 
Edttc. : studied in France, 18- 
70 — 1880. Early attracted 
notice by his gjnius, having 
taken part in the great Coun- 
cils of the Restoration while 
in his teens; at 19 he was 
Commander - in - Chief of an 
Imperial Army ; Governor of 
Niigata prefecture for a few 
months in 1868 ; after return- 
ing from studying abroad, in- 
troduced democratic notions 
into the Empire which start- 
led his seniors very much; 
then he organized .a political 
club and issued a democratic 
paper with the late Mr. Na- 
kaye and Mr. Matsuda, (M.P. 
and ex-Min. of Finance) which 
he had to discontinue owing 
to the strong objections of 
senior Peers of conservative 
ideas ; his official career com- 
menced as Vice-Senator, 18- 
81 ; went over to England 
and America in company with 
the late Prince ltd for the 
purpose of investigatirig Par- 
liamentary systems, 1882; Sen- 
ator, 1883 ; Minister to Aus- 
tria, 1885 ; then moved to a 
similar post at Berlin, 1888; 
President of the Board of Dec- 
oration,®! 891 ; Vice-President 
of the Code Investigation Com- 

[803 ] 


mittee, and then the same of 
the House of Peers, 1893; 
Privy Councillor, 1894.; Min- 
ister of Education, in the 
2nd Ito Cabinet 1894— 1896, 
temporarily acting as Minister 
of Foreign Affairs in conse- 
quence of the late Count Mu- 
tsu's illness ; again Minister , 
of Education in the 3rd Ito 
Cabinet, 1898; was nominated 
President of the Privy Council 
on the death of Count Ku- 
roda, 1900, and as President 
occupied the post of Prime 
Minister ad interim no less 
than three times during the 
interval between the resigna- 
tion of one Ministry and the 
formation of another ; when 
the late Prince Ito entered 
the Privy Council, July 1903, 
he exchanged posts with him 
and became President of the 
Seiyukwai; on the fall of the 
Katsura Ministiy, the Marquis 
formed, his Cabinet in Jan. 
1 910, lasting till 1908. When 
the 2nd Katsura cabinet colla- 
psed in August 1911, he for- 
med the 2nd Saionji cabinet 
which continued till December 
191 2, Decm-ation : ist Or- 
der of Merit. Address.: No. 
5, Surugadai-Minami - koga- 
cho, Kanda,. Tokyo. Tel.: 13- 
84, 2480 Honkyoku. 

Saito, Agu (M m M A),. 
Prof, of the ist High School; 
d: Jan. the j>. of Meiji 

(1868), Saitama prefecture; 
2nd J. of Kisuke Saito ; m. 
Yae, y. sister to Setsutaro 
Shinohara, of Saitama. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Literature of the Tokyo 
Imperial University (Course of 
History), 1893 ;. studied in the 
University Hall; further stud- 
ied history at Heidelberg, Ber- 
lin and at the Hague (Royal 
Archives), Jan, 1903^-Dec. 

1905. Was appointed Prof, 
of the 2nd High School, 18- 
97 ; present post since Dec, 

1906. Publication : Seiryoku 
Toshin - shi (Invasion of the 
East by Western Powers). Ad- 
dress : No. 57, Sendagicho, 
Hongo, Tokyo. 

Saito, Akira (^ M S), 
President of the Ibaraki Agrir 
cultural and Industrial Bank ; 
b,^ the 5th . m. of the 2nd y. 
of Ansei (1855), Ibaraki pi'e- 
fecture ; ist .y. of Tokusa Sai- 
to ; .m. Uta, 1st ^..;of Buse- 
goro Yanagihashi. Educ. : 
graduated from the Keiogi- 
juku. Was elected Member 
of the Ibaraki Prefectural As- 
sembly, 1882; was, elected 
Member of the House of Rep- 
resentatives, 1891 ; present 
post since 1897. Address: 
No. 30, Elaml-ichi, Omachi, 
Mito, Ibaraki prefecture. 

Saito, Sunken (.S- M 3!c Jf), 
Paymaster Colonel, Chief of 
the Accountants' Department 


[ 804 1 

of the 15th Ai'my Division; 
b. 1 860, Tochigi ; ^. of a sa~ 
nmrai. Paymaster Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, July 1 89 1 ; — Lieuten- 
ant, Dec. 1894 ; — Captain, 
Oct. 1897; — Major, Dec. 19- 
03 ; — Lieutenant Colonel, 
Apr. 1905 ; — Colonel, Nov. 
1909. Decorations : 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Headquarters of the 
15th Army Division, Atsumi- 
gun, Aichi-ken. 

Saito, Chiitaro C^ M S. i: W), 
Representative Member of the 
Oriental Emigration Com- 
pany, and of the Azuma Part- 
nership, Member of Yokoha- 
ma Chamber of Commerce, 
Councilor of the Kanagawa 
Prefectural Assembly, pawn- 
broker ; b. the 4th 7U. of the 
6th J/, of Ansei (1859), Ka- 
nagawa prefecture ; ist j. of 
Seizaburo Aoyama, of Kana- 
zawa. Address: No. 5, i 
chome, Kumoicho, Yokoha- 
ma. Tel. : 716. 

Saito, Daikichi C® B. it ^}, 
KogakuJiakushi, Prof of the 
College of Science and Engi- 
neering of the Kyoto ' Impe- 
rial University (c\i-3Xx, mining); 
b.2i, Nov. the 5th jT- of Mei- 
ji- (1872), Okayama prefect- 
ure; 3rd s. of Ikutaro Namba, 
and adopted by Midechika 
'Bf'sx'ib; ■3, samurai; ;;/. Kishi, 
^/.'of Kyuzo Nagai, &- samurai 

of Okayama prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1898 ; 
further studied mining in Ger- 
many, Sept. 1901 — Apr. 19- 
05. On his graduation, was 
appointed Assistant-Prof of 
the College of Science and 
Engineering of the Kyeto 
Imperial University ; then 
full Prof, Mar. 1906 ; received 
the degree of Kogakuhakushi, 
1906. Address: 5 chome, Ya- 
nagibaba-Takeyacho Sagaru, 

Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 

Saito, Hanroku {% M 4= iO, 

Captain of Navy, attache ta 
the Japanese Embassy in 
Rome; h. in 1871. Ediic.\ 
the Naval Academy. Lieut.- 
Comnaander, Oct. 1902 ;; 
Commander, Aug. 1905; 
Captain, Dec. 191 1; present 
post since 1909. Decora- 
tions: 3rd Order oi R. S.,. 
4th Order of S. T., 4th 
Class of G. K. Address: the 
Japanese Embassy in Ropie^ 


Saito,, HidesaburS (M M W: 
H. IR), educationist and En- 
glish scholar. Principal of the 
Seisoku- Eigof Gakko, a pri- 
vate English languEige school 
in, Tokyo ; b. the tst m. of 
the 2nd y. of Keio (1866),^ 
Seijdai in the province of Ri- 
kiizen ; ist .y. of Nagayori 
Saito, a samurai of Sendai 

[SOS ] 


■clan ; in. Tora, ist d. of Yo- 
shitaka Maejima, a samurai 
of Miyagi prefecture. Educ: 
studied in the Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Impe- 
rial University, but left be- 
fore completing the course 
1880 — 1883 ; studied English 
- literature under an English 
man. Taught English at the 
Miyagi Middle School, 1887; 
lecturer at the 2nd High 
School, 1888; Prof at the 
1st High School ; on resign- 
ing the post, he founded the 
present English language 
school in 1 896. Publications : 
over 120, mostly on English 
gra,mmer.Becreatton: yachting, 
model of warship. : 
No. 2, Gobancho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1524 Bancho. 
Club: the International Lan- 
:guage Association. 

Saito, Hikotard (MMM-kW), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Niigata prefecture ; b. 5 
Oct. the 7th y of Meiji (18- 
73)> Niigata prefecture; 1st 
s. of the late Bisei Saito ; m. 
Sada, 1st d of Usaku Sato, 
■of Niigata. Edtcc. : studied 
in the Keiogijuku. Address : 
Yasuda-mura, Kita-kambara- 
gun, Niigata-ken. 

Saito, Hislio (^ jff ^- #), 

Prof, of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; b. the 2nd 
m. of the 3rd year of Keio 
(1867) in Iwate-ken; e. s. of 

Yonoshin Saito; in. Fusa-ko, 
Ito, 1892. Edtcc: graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher Nor- 
mal School, 1900; studied in 
Germany, France, England,' 
and America, 19 10. Teacher 
of the Tokyo - fu Normal 
School, 1 880- 1 883; Prof of 
the Tokyo Higher Normal 
School, since 1883. Publica- 
tions : " Gesch'chte Japans " 
and many other educational 
works in Japanese. Recrea- 
tions: theatre, walking, etc. 
Address: No. 107, Hakusan- 
goten - cho, Koishi - kawa, 

Sait~, ~Jiro (^ ji - i|S), 
lawyer, ex-Mem. of the Houe 
of Representatives for Miyagi 
prefecture; b. 10 Nov. of the' 
i%ty. of Meiji (1868), Miyagi- 
prefecture; 2nd s. of Yoshi- 
tomo Saito, a samurai of Mi- 
yagi ; m. Shin, cousin to Bun- 
saku Tanabe, of Miyagi. 
Educ. : graduated from a pri- 
vate law school, 1889. Be- 
came lawyer, 1890; once he 
established a law school; was 
appointed Private Secretary 
to the Minister of Communi- 
cations, the late famous Toru 
Hoshi, 1900; elected M. H. 
R., 1908 ; is now one of the 
directors of the Seiyukwai, a 
political party in the House of 
Representatives. Address : 
No. 14. 2 chome, Atagocho, 
Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: SooShiba." 


[ 806 ]: 

Saito, Jiiichiro (^ (i -f- — MP), 

HogakuhahusM, Chief of the 
Bm'. of civil Aifairs of the 
Bep't of Jxxstice, Procurator of 
the.Goiirt of Cassation; b. the 
8th. m. of the srdj/. of Keio 
(a 2,6y)j Dewa province; 2nd s. 
ofTa Saito; m. Take, adopted 
y. sister to Sobei Ota^ of Shi- 
dzuoka. Bduc. : graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1891. Procurator, 1893 ; then 
-Judge of the Tokyo District 
Court, 1 894 ; was appointed 
Lecturer on civil law, the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1 898 ; Judge of 
the Tokyo Court of Appeal; 
was ordered to proceed to 
Germany and Austria, 1899; 
Prof of the Peers' School, 
and Lecturer of the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School, 
1900 J sectional chief of the 
Tokyo Court of Appeal, 19^ 

01 ; Councillor of the Law 
Office, and Procurator of the 
Tokyo Court of Appeal, 19- 

02 ; again Prof of the Peers' 
School, 1903 ; Procurator of 
the Court of .Cassation, 1904. 
Decoration : 4th Order of Sa- 
cred Treasure. Address : No. 
109, Hakusan - gotemmachi, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1750 Bmcho. 

.Saito, Jiin (^ m W), Direct- 
or of the Nippon Kogyo Gin- 

ko, the Frnpoo-Japane.^ie Bank: 
b. 24 Nov. the 3rd jf. of Meiji 
(1870), Saitama prefecture; 
1st s. of Tokusaburo Saito ; 
m. Toshi^2nd d. of Rokuro- 
zaemon Ogaki,~of Saitama. 
Edtic. : the Aoyama Eiwa 
Gakko, the Doitsu Kyokwai 
Gakko (the German Associa- 
tion School), graduating from 
the latter. Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination, 
1(896; Probational at the 
Treasury, 1894; promoted to 
be the Secretary of the same 
Office, and Private Secretary 
to the Minister at the same 
time, Aug. the next year; 
member of the J: m- Indus- 
trial Bank, 1900; was ap- 
pointed to present post in Mar. 
1902. Address: No. 2, 6chome, 
Fujimicho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 308 Bancho. 

Saito, Keiji (» ^ « ^), 
Member of the House of Rep- 
resentatives for Saitama Pre- 
fecture ; b. the 3rd m. of the 
istjj/. of Man-en (i860), Sai- 
tama ; 1st s. of Kiemon Saito ; 
widower. Educ. : Keiogijuku,. 
Preparatory Course of the 
Medical College, Imp. Univ. 
of Tokyo. Once was Private 
Secretary to the Home Minis- 
ter; has sat five times in. ' 
the House. AdAress: No. 26> 
Minamiina^i-maehi, Shitaya,, 

Tolryo. Td. : 3150" Shitaya. 

[ 807 ] 


Saito Kiichi (^ S IE —), 
Doctor of Medicine, Director 
of the Teikoku Cerebral Dis- 
ease Hospital and of the Ao- 
yama Hospital ; b. the 8th m. 
of the 1st J. of Bunkyu (1861), 
Yamagata prefecture; ist j. 
of Bunzaburo- Saito; m. 1890, 
Hisa, e. sister toSadahachi Ao- 
ki, of Saitama. Educ. : finish- 
ed the Elective Course of the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 

Imperial University, 1894 ; 
further studied in Paris Uni- 
versity and Berlin Univ. and 
graduated from the latter in 19- 
03 (M- D.) ; specially studied 
science of cerebral nerve dif3e- 
ases and the treatment of the 
insane under several French 
and German doctors, 1900 — 
1904 On returning" home in 
1^04, he founded the Cerebral 
Disease Hospital, and then 
the Aoyama Hospital ; again 
went abroad, and investigated 
the medical affairs of various 
countries of Europe and Amer- 
ica, "1968 — 1910. Address :■ 
No. 82, Aoyama-minamicho, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. Tel. .•'2665, 
2745, Shiba respectively. 

Saito, Kiiuro C» il » + Jf|5), 
President of the Essa Steam- 
ship Company, Managing Di- 
rector of the Niigata Com- 
mercial Bank, Director of the 
Niigata Sulphuric Acid Com- 
pany, and of the Niigata Sav- 

ings Bank, Auditor of the 
Niigata Water Power Elect- 
ric Company, Member of the 
Niigata Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. the 7th m. of the ist 

y. of Gwanji (1864), Niigata 
prefecture ; ist .y. of Kojiro 
Saito, and adopted by the late 
KijiJro Saito; m. Raku, 2nd. 
d. of Bunkichi Ito, of Niigata. 
Is one of the highest tax-payers 
of Niigata-ken. Address : No. 
1017, Higashihoritori-shichi- 
bancho, Niigata-shi. 

Saito, Koji (« (i # «), 
notary, member of the Tokyo 
Prefectural Assembly; b. the 
2nd tn. of the 3rd j/. of An- 
sel (1856), Tokyo; ist s. of 
Sambei Saito, of Koga, the 
province of Shimosa ; m. 1891, 
Nami, _j'. sister to Tsunekichi 
Morino, of K nagawa pi-efect- 
ure. Edtic. : studied Chinese 
classics and law. He took active 
part in the Civil War of 1 877 
as a police surgeant; passed 
the Examination for Bar, 1882; 
was elected member of the 
Tokyo I'refectural Assembly, 
1899; again elected member 
and Chairinan of the same 
Assembly, 1905. He was a 
tru>ted follower of the late 
wellknown Mr. Hoshi and is 
a liberal politician of long 
standing. Publication: Lect- 
ures on Criminal and Com- 
mercial Law, a joint work 
with Mr. Ohara, Hogakusht. 


! 808 ] 

Recreation ■ Yokyokii, a kind 
of song. Address : No. 4, 
Urajimbocho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
Clud: the Kandaku Kosei- 
kwai. Tel. : 347 Honkyoku. 

Saito, MankicM C^MJj aX 
Engineer of the Agricultural 
Experimental Farm, the De- 
part, of Agriculture and Com- 
merce ; d. the 3rd w. of the 
2nd J/, of Bunkyu (1862), B'u- 
kushima pref_cture; ist s. of 
Chokuon Saito ; m. Misa, ist 
d. of Fukumatsu Kondo, of 
Niigata-ken. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from the Komaba Agri- 
cultural School (foi-erunner of 
the present Agricultural Col- 
lege), 1879. Was appointed 
Prof of the Agricultural Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1892; the present 
post 1899. Decoration: 5th 
Order of Merit. Address : No. 
16, Komagome-akebonocho, 
Hongo, Tokyo. 

Saito, Matsuzo (^ M I^S H), 
Deputy-Mayor of Yokohama; 
l>. the I ith m. of the 6th j/. 
of Kaei (1843), Kanagawa 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Manzo 
Saito ; m. Ume, 2nd d. of 
Hidekichi Tada, of Tokyo. 
Address : No. 8, ichome, Hi- 
ranuma, Yokohama. 

Saito, Miki m M W), Con- 
sul General at Sydney ; b. the 
6th m. of the 4th f. of An- 
sei (1857), Nagato province : 

Chancellor, at Hongkong, 
Feb. 1886; at Singapore, Apr. 
1890 ; Consul, Dec. 1893 ; 
Consul at Tacoma, Oct. 18- 
95 ; transferred to Honolulu, 
Aug. 1898 ; Consul General, 
Oct. 1902; served at the Fore- 
ig-u Office 1908. Decoratioti : 
4th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure. Address : ConBulate-Ge- 
neral at Sydney. 

Saito, Muioru C^' M K)i 
Baron (cr. 1907), Admiral, 
Minister of the Navy; b. 
the loth m. of the 5 th y. 

of Ansei (1858), the province 
of Rikuchij ; 1st J. of Kohei 
Saito, a <;aimirai of the Sen- 
dai clan; in. Haruko,;?'. ststerto 
Keisuke Nire, Viscount. Educ: 
the Kaigun Heigakuryo ( a 
naval school). 2nd Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, 1882 ; Sub-Lieuten- 
ant, and Naval attache to the 
Japanese Legation at Wash- 
ington 1884 — 1886, recalled. 

[ 809 ] 


home to be attached to the 
Naval Staff Board as Lieuten- 
ant, 1886; staff officer of the 
Standing Squadron 1890, to 
be attached again soon after 
to the said Board; acting Com- 
mander of the Takao, 1892 ; 
promoted to the rank of 2nd 
Commander and was attached 
to the Personnel Bureau of 
the Naval Department ; at the 
outbreak of the Japan-China 
War, he held the post of 
naval aide - de - camp to His 
Majesty ; transferred to be 
Vice-Commander of the Izu- 
mi and then to be Chief Staff 
Officer in charge of the Stand- 
ing Squadron ; was rewarded 
with the 4th Class of Golden 
Kite for his sei'vices in the 
War, 1896 ; underto. k as sec- 
ond in command the task of 
bringing home from England 
the battleship Fuji 1 896, and 
was made her Captain ; Com- 
mander 1897, and Captain 18- 
98 in Command first of the 
Akitsushima on which he 
cruised to Manila the same 
year, and next of the Itsu- 
kuskima ; was appointed the 
same year Vice-Minister of the 
Navy under Admiral Count 
Yamamoto ; Rear - Admiral, 
1900 ; and Vice-Admiral, 19- 
04 ; recommended as his suc^ 
cesser when the Count ceased 
to be minister Jan. 1906 ; has 
been granted 2nd Class Gold- 

en Kite and Grand Cordon of 
the Rising Sun for his meri- 
torious services during the late 
War. Address: Ofificial House, 
No. I, 2 chome, Kasumiga- 
seki. Kojimachi, Tokyo ; Pri- 
vate Residence, No. 44, 3 cho- 
me, Nakamachi, Yotsuya, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 2332 Shimbashi; 
Residence, 600 Bancho. 

Saito, Momotaro (MM^X 
W), Chief Auditor to the Im- 
perial House-hold Treasury ; 
h. the 2nd m. of the 6th y. 
of Kaei (1853), Tokyo; ist 
s. of Sakae Saito, a samurai 
of Tokyo. Early entered the 
service of the Imperial Court 
in which he was steadily pro- 
moted till raised to the pres- 
ent post ; frequently travelled 
abroad in the suite of one or 
other of the Imperial Princes, 
the last occasion being the 
Wedding Ceremony of the 
Crown Prince of Germany, 
when he was in the suite of 
T. H. Piince and Princess A- 
risugawa. Decoration: the ist 
Order of Merit. Address : No. 
910 Kashiwagi, Yodobashi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2120 Bancho. 

Saito, Otosaku QM:M s 11^)- 

Engineer, Chief of the Forest 
Section of the Agr. Com. Dep't 
of the Chosen Govemnaent, 
Lieutenitnt of Infantry; after 
serving as engineer of the Ho-, 
kkaido prefectural ofl&ce was 

[ 8io ] 

transfeifed to present post .in 
191 1. Becoration : 5tli Order 
of Merit. Address: Seoul, 

Saito, Eikisaburo (^MiiB. 
S5), Major-Generai, and Com- 
mandef of the i s t Brigade 
of Infantry ; b. the 9th m. of 
the 1st y. of Bunkyu (1861), 
Chiba prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Matajiro Koike, a samurai of 
Chiba, and adopted by Ta- 
kesaburo Saito ; m. Kichi, y. 
sister to Kensei Ijuin, a sa- 
murai of Kagoshima. Educ. : 
Mihtary Academy, grad. in 
1881 ; the Military Toyama- 
Gakko, grad. in 1886 ; the 
Military College, grad. 1889. 
Sub - Lieutenant of Infantry, 
Dec. 1881 ; Lieutenant, May 
1 885 • Captain, Nov. 1893; 
Major, Oct. 1898; Lieuten- 
ant Colonel, Feb. 1903; Colo- 
nel, Mar. 1905 ; Major-Gen- 
eral, Jan. 1909; an adjutant 
to the 1st Army-Division ; 
Commander of the Soldiers 
stationed in Korea ; Chief of 
Staff of the nth Army Divis- 
ion; Commander of- the 9th 
Eegiment of Infantry; Com. 
of 25 th Bri.; took part in the 

Japan-China Wa;r on the Gen- 
eral Staff and in the Russo- 
Japanese' War as the chief of 
Staff of the nth Army Divis- 
ion. Decorations: 3rd Order 
of the Rising Stm, 3rd Class of 

the Golden" Kite. Address : 
xNu. ibo, i\ogai-cho, Azah«- 
ku, Tokyo. 

SaitoTShigetaka (.^MM S), 
Superintendent of the Kobe 
Custom house; (5. the roth m. of 
the 3td y. of Bunkyu (1863), 
Miyazaki prefecture ; 3rd s. 
of Kumbo Nozaki, a samurai' 
of Miyazaki, and adopted by 
Sa^aemon Saito, a samurai ; 
m. Fuji, 2nd d. of Tohichiro 
Motohara, a samurai of To- 
kyo. Educ. : graduated from 
the Law College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 18- 
89. On his graduation, was 
appointed an official to the 
Financial Department ; trans- 
ferred as Councillor of the 
Saiga Prefectural Govern- 
ment, the next year ; then 
having served as the Secreta- 
ry of the Home Office, of 
Mie and Tokushima Prefect- 
ural Governments, made the 
Revenue OfScer of the Treas- 
ury, as Director of the Yoko- 
hama Revenue Superintend- 
ing Office; was transferred 
to present post in Jan. 1906. 
Decoration: 4th Order of Merit. ' 
Address : the .Official Resi- 
dence, Nakavamate-dori, Ko- 

Saito, Shinkiclii (^ ^ 1b a>. 

manager of the Mikimoto 
Pearl Store ; b. February 1877 
in Toba, Miye-ken; younger. 

[ 8ii ] 


brother of Kokichi Mikimoto. 
Since his brother first estab- 
lished the jrearl store in To- 
kyo he has been its manager 
and relieved his brother in 
developing the work ; pro- 
ceeded to America for ob- 
serving commercial condition 
in the country in March 1904 
and returned home in Dec. 
of the same year ; went to 
Europe for the business pur- 
pose, July 19 10 — January 
191 1 Address: 3, i chome, 
Uchisaiwaicho, Kojimachi-ku, 

Saito, Sozo <^ M %■ M), 
a large land-owner, one of 
the highest tax-payers of Mi- 
yagi prefecture ; b. 29 Oct. 
the 3rd y. of Meiji (1870), 
Miyagi-ken ; 2nd s. of Rengo 
Saito ; m. Katsu, 2nd d. of 
Tateji Omachi, a samurai of 
Miyagi. Address : Ono-mura, 
Momou-gun, Miyagi-ken. 

Saito, Suejiro (^ si ^ ?S IP), 
Colonel of Infantry, chief 
staff on the 1 8th Army Divis- 
ion ; b. 1868, Osaka. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, July 
1889; Lieutenant, Mar. 1893; 
Captain, May 1897; Major, 
Nov. 1902 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, May 1905 ; Colonel, Nov. 
1907, Decorations: 3rd Or- 
der of tne Rising Sun, 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : Seadauarters of the 

iSth Division, Fukuoka. 

Saito, Tetsutaro (M B S. ±. 
Si5), 2nd Class Secretary of 
Legation (Eu deJ>onsabdite) ; 
b. the 3rd «z. of the ist jf. 
of Man-en (i860). Saga, Hi- 
zen province ; ist .f. of Risu- 
ke Saito, a samurai of Saga ;. 
m. Yasu, 3rd d. of Munehide 
Mitsuoka, a samurat of Saga. 
Entered the Department of 
Communications, Jan. 1886; 
transferred to the Department 
of Agriculture and Commerce, 
Apr. 1889 ; then to the For- 
eign Office, Dec. 1892 ; trans- 
lator in the same office, Oct. 
1893 ; 2nd Class Secretary of 
Legation, Oct. iSo^ ; des-. 
patched to Germany, Oct. 
1901 ; recalled home, Apr. 
1904; En desponsabilite Mar. 
1908. Decorations : 4th Or- 
der of Sacred Treasure, and 
a few foreign orders. Ad- 
dress : No. 37, Nandomachi, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. ., ,;,_ 

Saito, Tetsutaro (^ E S i: 
IB), Director of the Fukaga- 
wa Bank, and of the Uraga 
Dock Company, Auditor of 
the Soko (Warehouse) Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. the 3rd m. of the 
ist j>. of Man-en (i860) ; ist 
s. of the late Gensuke Saito, 
of Fukui prefecture ; m. Chi- 
yo, adopted d. of Sutez5 A- 
ihara, of Tokyo. Has been 
elected member of the Tokyo 


[ 812 ] 

Prefectural Council. Address: 
No. 9, Mifunekuramaecho, Fu- 
liagawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 792 

Saitff, tTicMro C»«^-I15),, 
Member of the of Rep- 
resentatives for Akita pre- 
fecture ; i. the 5th m. of the 
andjj/. of Keio (1866), Akita; 
1st s. of Mosuke SaitS ; m. 
Chie, 1st d. of Sh5ichi Tanaka, 
of Saga prefecture. - Educ. : 
graduated at Tokyo Agricult- 
ural and Dendrological School. 
Became a one year volunteer 
and appointed Colonel ; took 
part in the Japan China War; 
was elected Member of the 
House of Representatives in 
1902 pecomtian : 4th. Or- 
der of Merit. Address : Hi- 
rasawa-machi, Yu-i-gun, Aki- 

^ Saito, Yahisa C» M * A), 
representative member of the 
Saito Shoji (commercial af- 
fairs) Partnership, Auditor of 
the_::Meiji Commercial Bank, 
and'" member of the Kana- 
gawa Chamber of Commerce; 
i. the 6th 7ft. of the 5th jy. 
of Ansei (1858), Ishikawa pre- 
fecture ; 1st i'. of Fuzen Sai- 
to ; m. En, 2nd d. of Kin- 
nori 'Shinoi, a satnurai of I- 
shikawa-ken. Address : Ta- 
kaokamachi, Kanazawa. 

Salts, Yasuo mB'S: 48), 
President of the Fukaya Bank, 
Director of the Omiya Com- 

mercial Bank, the Saitama 
Electric Light Company, and 
of the Saitama Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank, Auditor 
of the Fukaya Commercial 
Bank ; d. the 6th in. of the 
. 1st jf: of Keio (1865), Saita- 
ma prefecture; 1st J. of Yii- 
noshin Saito ; m. . Tsune, f. 
sister to Kishi Arai, of Sai- 
tama. Address: Nakase-mura, 
Osato-gun, Saitama-ken. 

Saito, Yojiro mM%~ BR),. 
a large land-owner, one of 
the highest tax-payers of Fu- 
kui prefecture, Director of the 
Echizen Commercial Bank ; b 
the 8th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Kaei (1849), Fukui-ken ; ist 
s. of Yoliei Saito ; m. Riyo, 
1st d. of Jimbei Nishioka, oi 
Fukui. Address: Funatsu- 
mura, Imatate-gun, Fukui- 

Saito, Yfiki (M M ^ W, 
Inspector General of Fleet 
and Hospital, ex-Dir. of the 
Saseho Nava.l Hospital; d. 18- 
58. Staff Surgeon, Oct. 1897 ; 
Fleet Surgeon, Dec. the same 
year ; Surgeon Inspector, July 
1904; then present rank. Dec- 
orations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite ; he was put on 
the reserve, .'-■inco Dec. 1912. 

Saito, Zen-emon C^ ^: # >& 
I P^), a large land - owner, 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Miyagi prefecture. Director 



of the Saito Kabushiki Kwa- 
sha (the Saito Company) ; b. 
the istw. of the istjj/. of Ansei 
(1854), Miyagi prefecture; ist 
s. of the late Zen-emon Saito; 
m. lyo, 3rd y. of Kiyosada 
Neriugawa, a samurai of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Maetanichi - mura, Momou - 
gun, Miyagi-ken. 

Saka, Chnsnke CS & H), 
Governor of Ishikawa pre- 
fecture ; d. 2g Jan. the 3rd 
of Meiji (1870) ; ist s. of the 
late Chusuke Saka, a samurai 
of Yamaguchi prefecture ; m. 
Tatsu, 1st d. of Kuwasuke 
Nakao, of the same prefecture. 
Educ. : studied law. Pa.';'^'ed 
the Higher Civil Service Ex- , 
amination, 1895 ; Secretary of 
the Boai-d of Audit ; Private 
Secretary to the Home Minis- 
ter, and' Councillor of the 
Home Office at the same time; 
Commissioner of the Aichi, 
and then of the Kanagawa 
prefectural Governments; then 
Governor of Ibaragi pre. in 
Oct. 1908. Decorations : 4th 
Order of Merit. Address: the 
Official House, Kanazawa. 

Saka. Tan C« W>, Kogaku- 
Jtakushi, Chief Suprintendent 
of the Machine Manufactur- 
ing Section of the Kawasaki 
Dock Yard; b. the 12th w. 
of the 2nd y. of Ansei (18- 
54),. Shizuoka ; y. brother to 

Osamu Saka, a samurai of 
Shizuoka ; m. Maki, 3rd d. 
of Heiki Nagai,.a samurai o^ 
Hyogo-ken. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from the Engineering Col- 
lege of the; Tokj'o Imperial 
University, 1880. Address v* 
No. 47, 6 chome, Nakayama- 
te-tori, Kobe. Tel.: 13 16. 

Sakabe, Masatstme CK SK JE 
It), Colonel of Artillery, since 
191 1, Chief of the Atsuta Arms 
manufactory of Tokyo Arsenal; 
b. 1.866, Hyogo prefecture; 
s. of a samurai. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Artillery, July 18- 
88; Lieutenant, Nov. 1891 ; 
Captain, Apr. 1895 ; Majxir, 
Apr. 190 1 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Feb. 1905. Decoration:, 
the 3rd Order of the Rising . 
Sun. Was commander of the 
7th Piegiment of Field Arti- 
llery? Address : Atsuta, Aichi- 

Sakaguehi, Heibei CU ^ 
^ ^), President of the Yo- 
neko Bank, the Yoneko Fish. 
Company, the San-yen Elect- 
ric Company, Dir. of the Yo- 
neko Reeling Partnership, Au- 
ditor to the Chugoku Savings. 
Bank; b. the 6th m. of the 
1st y. of Ansei (1854), Yo- 
neko, province of Tottori; ist 
s. of the late Heikichiro Sa- 
kaguehi ; m. Moto, ist d. of 
Kumataro Inoue, of Tottori. 
Address : No. 124, Yoneko- 


otaka - maclii, Seihaku - gun, 

SakagncM, Kaitaro CM U M 

:k. IK- Igakuhakushi, Prof, of 

the Okayama Medical College 
Decoration, 5th Order of Merit. 
Address : the Okayama Med- 
ical College, Okayama. 

Sakaguchi, Kd QM P fli), 
Professor of the College of 
Literature of the Kyoto Imperi- 
al University f' (chair : his- 
tory of the West) ; b. Osawa- 
mura, Arima-gun, Settsu prov- 
ince ; J. b. of Hyu Sakagu- 
chi. £(/?/,;..■ College of Litera- 
ture of the Tokyo Imperial 
University ; in France and 
Germany . vVas teacher of 
history at a middle school 
in Wakayama- prefecture and 
then Professor of the 3rd High 
School. Address : Kamibata^ 
ke, Seigoin-cho, KamikyokU; 

Sakaguchi, Miehiro (^ P f- 
— W), Member of the House 
■of Representatives for Niigata 
prefecture, Proprietor of the 
-Niigata Shimbun, Director of 
the Niigata Rice Exchange; 
b. the 1st m. of the 6th y. 
of Ansei (1859), Niigata ; 1st 
J. of Tokushichi Sakaguchi ; 
m. Asa, 2nd d. of Kyubei Yo- 
shida, of Niigata. Has sat five 
times in the Yiow^^.'iDecora,- 
tion : 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : Akaura - mura, Naka- 

kambara-gun, Niigata-ken. 

Sakaguchi, Susumu (:® p ^\ 
Director of the Tokyo Beri- 
beri Hospital. Address : No. 
13, Shimomiyabicho, Ushigo- 
me, Tokyo. 

Sakai, BunkicM CM ^ % "a ), 
Chairman of Board of Dii'ect- 
ors of the Koide Bank, and 
of the Horinouchi Bank, Di- 
rector of the Koide Cocoon 
Drying Co. etc., Auditor of 
the Ochiya Bank ; b. the 7th 
m. of the 6th y. of Kaei (18- 
53); 1st J. of the late Kihi- 
chiro Sakai ; widower. Ad- 
dress : Hirose-mura, Kitauo- 
numa-gun, Niigata-ken. 

Sakai, Chukyo (jM ft S> g), 
Viscount ; b. the 1 2th /«. of 
the 3rd y. of Ansei (1859); 
1st s. of the late Chiiryo Sa- 
kai, Daimyo of Matsumine 
clan; widower. Address: No. 
37> Komagome Sendagicho, 
Hongo, Tokyo. Tel. : 1270 

Sakai, Chusei CM ^ -ft IS), 
President of the 25th Bank ; 
b. 16 Nov. the isty. of Meiji 
(1868) ; UKc/e to Viscount 
Yasunaka Jikoji, and adopted 
into the Sakai family ; m. Ta- 
tsu-ko, niece to Count Tada- 
michi Sakai. Address : Ku- 
mohama-mura, Toshiki-gun, 

Sakai, Eeitaro Cm^^^ ?<F-), 
Prof, of the College of Science 
of the Tolcyo Imperial Uni- 

I 8iS ] 

versity (chair : mathematics) ; 
b. I Apr. the 4th y. of Mei- 
ji (187 1), province of Shinano; 
1st s. of the late Hikoya Sa- 
kai, a samurai oi Takato clan, 
. Shinano province; m. Fumi, 
y. sister to Kinya Tamaru, 
a samurai of Iwate prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Science of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 18- 
95 ; further studied mathema- 
tics and physics in the Uni- 
versity Hall. Appointed first 
a Prof, of the Yamaguchi 
High School ; and then As- 
sist.-Prof of the College of 
Science of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. ; then full Prof, in 19- 
04. Address : 3rd of Ni, lo 
Komagome - Nishikatamachi, 
Hongo, Tokyo. 

Sakai, GisaTjuro C® ^ R H 
S), Publisher of •" Fine Arts 
Magazine; b. M^r. the 4th v, 
of Meiji (1871) in Ishika wa- 
ken; 3rd s. of Terukuni Ueno 
and was adopted by the Sakai 
family; tn. Mii, d. of Tosuke 
Kuramochi of Ibaraki - ken. 
Educ. : mostly 'self- taught. 
Assistant Engineer to the 
Imp. Museum, 1893- 1897; 
juror of the Goni Exhibition 
which was held at Tokyo in 
memory of war victory in 
1906; editor of the " Doku- 
ritsu," a magazine published 
by Kanzo Uchimura, 1899- 
190 :; manager of Household 

School, 1 903- 1 904; editor of 
the " Sketch," a magazine 
devoted to fine arts and 
literature, 19O5; editor of the 
Fine Arts Magazine since 
1909. Publication: La Fsel, 
a saint painter. Address : 'No. 
60, 2 chome, Motomachi, 
Hongo, Tokyo. C/mi?: Haku- 

Sakai, Harnzo IfS ^ # M), 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 31st Regiment 
of Infantry; i>. 1865, Aichi,, 
prefecture. Sub-Lieutenant of- 
Infantry, July 1887 ; Lieuten-. 
ant, Nov. 1891 ; Captain, May 
1895; Major, Dec. 1901; Lieu- 
tenant - Colonel, July 1905 j 
Colonel, Jan. 1908. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : the 
31st Regiment oi Infantry, 

Sakai Kicliijiro (« S ^ II5), 
a large land - owner, one of 
the highest-tax-payers <5f Fu- 
kuoka prefecture; b. S Oct, 
the 20th y. of Meiji (1887), 
Fukuoka prefecture; ist s. 
of the late Kichijiro Sakai ; 
m. Tei, 2nd d. of Yokichiro 
Matsumoto, of Fukuoka-ken. 
Address: Dodan-mura, On- 
ga-gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Sakai, Saho CM ^ fe #), 
Principal of the 3rd High 
School. Decoration : 3rd Or- 


[ 8i6 ] 

der of Merit. Address : the 
3rd High School, Kyoto. 
" SakaiT Shigesue CH"* S ^), 
Baron (cr. 1907), Lieutenant- 
Geaerai on the 2nd reserve ; 
Advisor to the Fuji Life In- 
surance Company; b. nth 
m. of the 3rd y. of Kokwa 
(1846), Kochi, Tosa province; 
1st s. of Shugoro Sakai, a 
samurai of Kochi clan ; m. 
Haru, 1st d. of Hyoichi Ito, 
a samurai of the same clan. 
Took part in both the Japan 
China and Russo ^ Japanese 
wars, and has been decorated 
with the 3rd class of the 
Golden Kite and the ist Or- 
der of Merit. Address : No. 
9, Ichigaya-nakanomachi, U- 
shigome, Tokyo. Tel.: 1525 

-Sakai, Tadaatsu OS ^ & M}, 
Count (cT. 1884) ; b. the 2nd 
m. of the 6th J/. of.Kaei (18- 
53), Shonai, province of De- 
wa ; Sth s. of the late Chu- 
hatsu Sakai, Daimyo of Tsuru- 
gaoka clan ; vt. Shizuko, y. s. 
to lesato Tokugawa, Prince. ; 
Address: linakashimmachi, 
Nishitagawa-gun, . Yamagata- 

Sakai, Tadakadzu CS # % 
— ), Viscount; b. 2 Dec. the 
20th y. of Meiji (1887); s. 
of the late Tadaaki Sakai, Dai- 
»«>'(7 of Isezaki-clan. Address: 
No. 24, Omotemachi, Honjo, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 760 

Sakai, Tadaaki m * %%):, 
Vicount (cr. 1884), Member 
,, of the House of Peers, Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry on the 
2nd reserve ; b. 2 Oct. the 3rd 
y. of Meiji (1870) ; ist s. o\ 
the late Tadatsune Sakai, Dai- 
myo of Tsuruga clan ; m-. Ryu- 
ko, y. sister-\n-\AVf to viscount 
Yasuyoshi Matsui. Educ: the' 
Peers' School; the Law Col- 
lege of Tokyo Imperial Uiii- 
versity. One year's volunteer, 
1898 ; Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, 1901 ; was elected 
Member of the House of Peers, 
the same year. Decoration : • 
the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun. Address : No. 3. Yarai- 
cho; Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel. : 

662 Bancho. 

Sakai, Yoshi CfB * ^), 
a large land-owner, onexaf the 
highest tax-payers of Ishika- 
wa prefecture, Auditor to the 
Ishikawa-ken Agricultural and 
Industrial Bank ; b. the 9th 
m. of the 5th y. of Ansei 
(1858), Ishikawa-ken ; ist s. 
of the late Yojiroemon Sakai ; 
;«. Yuki, 1st ^. of the late 
Eisuke Yamakami, of Ishika- 
wa-ken. Address: Terai-mura, 
Nomi-gun, Ishikawa-ken. 

Sakaino, Takenoshin CS W ■ft 
i:. 'M)i Lieutenant-Colonel of 
Gendarmes. Commander of 
the Kokura Gendarmerie ; 
b. 1868, Miyagi; s. of a sa- 



murm of Miyagi. Sub-Ijieli- 
tenant of Infantry, Mar. 1894; 
Lieutenant, June, 189S ; Cap- 
tain of Gendarme, Oct. 1898; 
Major, Jan. 1905 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Nov. 1909. Dec- 
orations : 5tli Class of the 
Golden Kite, 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun. 

Sakaki, Junjiro (t# * ^ BIO, 
Dr., Igakuhakushi [Gyjiaecolo- 
gia), Director and ProiJiietor 
of the Sakaki Ilospital for 
Women's Diseases ; b. the 6tli 
in. of the 6th y. of Ansei 
(1859), Tokyo; 2nd s. of Yu- 

taka Sakaki, a samurai oi 
Tokyo ; m. Mino, ist d. of 
Keiren Kuwajima, of Kana- 
gawa. Edtic. : graduated from 
the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University ; 
and then studied his speciality 
at Berlin. Afterwards received 
the degree oi ' Igakuhakushi ; 
founded the present hospital 
besides is the ]iriiici|)iil ol" 
/J private Japan iuidvvif(j!-_v 
school. Address : No. 33 
SambancTio, Kojimachi, To- 
kyo. 7>/..- 3032, 3033 Bancho. 
Sakaki, Ryosaburo CfH % 3 
M}, BuiigaJcuhakusM , profe- 
fe'sor of the College of Liter- 
ature of Kyoto Imjjerial Uni- 
versity. ReceVed degree < f 
Bungakuhakushi, June 191 1. 

^Address: Yoshida-machi, Ka- 

"roikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Sakaki, Yasusaburo Cj# fS g 
Rl>), Dr., Igakuhakushi, i?rof. 
of the Medical College of the 
Kyushu Imperial University, 
chair, Psychonosologie (Irren- 
heit kunde) ; b. 24 Apr. the 
3rd jc. of Meiji (1870), To-. 
kyo ; s. of Utaka Sakaki, , and 
adopted by the late Hajime 
Sakaki, Igakuhakushi ; m. 18-, 
99, Ume-ko, 4th d. of Baron 
Hiroyuki fCato. iw'//^. .• gradu- 
ated from the Medical CoU 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1 899 ; further stu- 
died in Euro[)e and America, 
by government order, 1903 — 
1906. Was appointed Assist- 
ant of his aima mater, 1900 ; 
then it's, Assist.-Prof , 1902 ; 
attended, as Japanese repre- 
sentative, the 1st Internation- ' 
al School Hygienic Conference 
held in Nijrnberg, 1904, and 
was elected its Cliaii'man; also " 
attended, the 3rd Internation- 
al P.sychological Conference 
held in Rome, 1905, and was 
elected its Vice - Chairman ; . 
was appointed Pi'of of the 
Fukuoka Medical College, 19- 
06, the predecessor of the- 
I^resent Medical College of 
the Kyushu Imp. Univ. Pub- 
lications : Kydik'u Byori Jiryo- 
gakti (Die Pedagogische Pa-' 
thologie und Therapie, 2 vols);" 
and several essays and reports ' 
on medical affairs. Recreations:: 
European music, painting; Aii-' 


[ 818] 

dre:ss : , Haruyoshi - gobancho, 
Fuliuoka , city, . -Fukuoka-ken. 
Club ,• 'life me.tnber of the In- 
ternational School, Hygiene 
, Association: Tel. .• 91 Fuku- 

Saka^ibara, Chuzaburo (fif JH 
% =. SP), Coniiiiander of the 
Navy, Commander, of the A- 
so; h. if] I. Lieutenant, Dec. 
1897; 2nd Commander, Oct. 
1901 ; Commander; Aug. 19- 
o^. Decorations : 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun, 4th Glass of 
tlie Golden Kite. Address: 
Yokosuka, Kanagawa-ken, 

Sakakibara, Kiknwaka (HI U 
% K ^>. Judge of the Court 
of Cassation ; b. the 9th m. 
of the 3rd jf , of- Bunkyu (18- 
62), Aichi prefecture; y, broth- 
er to, \ Mitsujiro . Sakakibara ; 
m. NaOj 1st (f. of .Minoru O- 
hara,' a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educl : graduated from the 
Law \College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University,' 1886; 
studied in the University Hall. 
Was appointed Judge of the 
Tokyo District Court in 18- 
86; then having filled the 
posts of Judge of the Tokyo 
Appeal Court, Director of the 
Utsunomiya District Court, 
and of the Section Chief of 
the Tokyo Appeal-' Cqirrt, 
w^as finally appointed to pres- 
ent post,- IsTov. 1908. Decora- 
tion : 4th Order- qf Merit. Ad- 
dress: No. 5 2, ,Nishimarucho, 

Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Sakakibara, Sei-ei Ct# W. ?t 
S), President of the Itako 
Bank, J soy-manufacturer ; b. 
9 Apr. the 7th j/. of Meiji (18- 
74), Ibaraki ; s. of Shikiya 
Sakakibara, a- samurai of Mi- 
to clan ; m. Toipi, 2nd d. of 
Toya Namegawa, of Chiba. 
Address : Tsuwa t mura, Na- .. 
megata-gun, Ibaraki-ken. 

Sakakibara, Shozo Ci# iS # 
'^') Lieut.-GeneraJ, Comma- 
nder of the Yiira Fortress 
b. the loth m. of- the 6th 
y. of Ansei (1859), Tok>o; 
1st ,.<?. of the. late Fulcuki 
Sakakibara ; «?. Sato, 2nd 
d- of Koki Ayabe, a ' samu- 
rai of ■ Saga prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant .. of Engineering, 
Dec. 1879; Lieutenant of En- 
gineering, Feb. 1883; Captain, ' 
Nov. ,1889; Major, Mar. 18- 
95 ; Lieutenant.Colonel, Oct. 
1898 ; Colonel, June 1902 ; 
Major - General, Nov. 1905 ; 
took part in both the Ja:pan 
China and the Russo-Japanese 
Wars. Decorations: 3rd "Or- 
der of tne Rising Sun, 3rd 
Class of . thA G K.: was 
Commander of the Hiroshima 
Bay Fort ; present rank and 
post since ,1912., Address: 
Ym-a, Awaji. ;, 

J Sakakibara, Yosaku (Wl W.-^ 
#), Expert of >the Miyagi' 
Pi'efectural Government, and 

[ 819 ] 

Principal of the Miyagi' Ma- 
rine Products School. Address: 
No. 4, Minainimachi, Wata- 
namimachi, Ojika-gun, Miya- 

Sakamoto, Hajime <M. *■ -'). 
.Vice-Admiral. Commander of 
the Port Arthur Adm.; h. the 
loth m. of the 6th y. of An- 
sel (1859), Kochi-ken ; 1st .J. 
of the late Soku Sakamoto, 
a samurai of Kochi ; m. Ko- 
maki, ist d. of Shokun Na- 
gasawa, a samurai of Kochi. 
Midshipman in 1883, and by 
gradual promotion, was ulti- 
mately raised to present rank 
in 1907, having filled in the 
meanv/hile the posts of Vice- 
Commander of the Katsiiragi, 
Navigating-Lieut. of the Fit- 
fi, Commander of the Yashhna, 
Chiyoda and ToyoJiashi, Chief 
of the Hydrographical Bureau, 
etc.; was. "appointed Chief of 
the Maidzuru Naval Yard, 19- 
08 ; then Chief of Yokohama 
Naval Yard. Deer-rations: 2nd 
Order of Merit, 4th Order of 
Golden Kite. Address: Official 
.iuuse. Port Arthur. 

Sakamoto, IcMmatsu CM 
^ fU %1'j, master of Osaka 
station, secondary councillor 
of the Railway Board ; b. 15 
the 11th m. of the 3rd y. of 
Bunkyu (1863) in Hiroshima- 
ken ; 8. of Ilaruzo Murata 
and adopted by his uncle Ihei 
Sakamoto.; m. Shimo, Feb. 

1905. EduG. : studied Englisli 
from Dr. Fulton, American. 
Entered the Tetsndoryp ■ and 
served as officer of govern- 
ment railway ; beoan?e station 
master eight times in local 
countries, 1887 ; was promoted 
to present post ; was despatch- 
ed as cheif of the southern 
director traffic business of the; 
Kei-fu railway before the war 
with Eussia. Decoration -Gth 
Order of Merit. Reorealion: go 
game. Address : Official Ee- 
fiideiicf^ Uinedi'-nho, Kita-i-ku. 

Sakamoto, Kinya C^ ;|: ^ 31), 
Member of the House of Re- . 
presentatives for Okayama - 
ken ; one of the highest tax- 
payers of Okayama-ken, rep- 
resentative jnember of the 
Sakamoto Partnership, miner ; 
b-. the 2nd m. of the ist y. 
of Keio (1865), Okayamaic 
prefecture ; ist .y. of Yashiro 
Sakamoto, a Samurai of O- 
kayama ; m. Sada, 1st d. of 
Genzaburo Plarima, of Oka- 
yama. This is the Sth time hfe 
has been elected a member of 
the House of Representatives. 
Decoration : the 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun. Address : Ko- 
kyocho, Okayama. 

Sakamoto, Mozaemon (IE 
'%'&% P^), a large land-owner^ 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Ibaraki prefecture ; b. _ the 
i,2th m. of the 6th y_. of Ka- 


[ 820 ] 

' , (1853), ibafaki prefecture; 
ist s. of Mozaemoa Sakamo- 
to; m. An, 1st d. of Yusu- 
ke Kuroda, of Ibaraki pre- 
fecture. Address : Furuwata- 
ri-mura, Inashiki-gun, Ibara- 
ki prefecture. 

Sakamoto, Saburo CIS*Sfi©. 
Dr. Juris, Judge of the Ad- 
ministrative Litigation Court. 

■ Ediic. : Tolcyo Semmon Gak- 

■ ko and a German University. 
Address: No. 15, Minami-eno- 

. kicho; Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Sakamoto,' Sanuosuke (M *• 
^ 2. W), Mayor of Nagoya, 
member of the House of Peers ; 
6. the 6th m. oftlie4th y. of 
Aiisei( i8S7),Aicln prefecture; 

. 3rd s. of Kyozo Nagai, a samu- 
rai of Aichi prefecture, and 
adopted by the late Seikin 
Sakamoto, a samurai of To- 
kyo ; m. -Kyij, y. sister to 
Harukichi Kase, a saimcrai 
of Yamagata prefecture. En- 
tered the Home Department, 
1879 ; Secretary of the To- 
kyo Court of Appeal ; trans- 
ferred as Secreta.ry of the 
Siga Prefectural Governnient, 
1889; then having served as 
Councillor of Nara . prefect- 
ure, . Secretary of Okayama 
prefecture, Secretary of the 
House of Peers, Secretary of 
the Home Office, and as Sec- 
retary of Tokyo prefecture, 
was . ultimate 1)' promoted as 
Govei-nor of Fukui and Ka- 

goshima prefecture.'? then pre- 
sent post in 1911. Becoration: 
iiie 3rd Ordei- of .Merit. Ad- 
drss: 3chome, Shu-akabe-cho, 
Higashi-ku, Nagoya. Tel : 

Sakamoto, Senji (.^ *. fill ^), 
President of the Yoshino Ya- 
emoku Bank; <5. 19 Mar. the" 
2nd J/, of Meiji (i869),<- Osa- 
ka ; 1st s. of Tojiro Sakamo- 
to, and adopted by the late 
Gihei Sakamoto ; m. Noe, ist 
d. of his foster-father. Ad- 
dress : Ryijinon-mura, Yoshi- 
no-gun, Nara-ken. 

Sakamota, Shunken (§1-:^ ^ 
W, Director of the Imperi- 
al Treasury Bureau ; d. the, 
9th m. of the 2nd f. of Kaei 
(1849), Nagano, prefecture; 
1st s. of the late Daizo Saka-' 
moto, a samurai of Nagano; 
and y. brother to Baron To- 
shiatsu Sakamoto ;, in. Taki, ■ 
y. sister to Masashirp Koza- 
wa, a samurai of Nagano- 
ken. Early entered the Im- 
perial Household Department, 
and was ultimately raised to 
present post. Address: No. 
23, W-akamiyacho, Ushigome, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 556 Bancho. 

Sakamoto, Sokubi CR *^ BJ 
^), Fi-esideiit of the Yilbari 
Coal Company, and of the 
Kyoto Partnership ; b. the 
nth in. of the 4th y. of Ko- 
kwa (1847), Kochi ; 3rd s. 
of the- late Kakuji Sakamoto, 



ci samurai of Kochi ; m. Shi- 
ge-e, 1st d. of Ko Kitamura, 
a samurai of the $ame pre- 
fecture. Was elected Mem-: 
ber, and Vice-Ghairrnan of 
the Kochi Prefectural Assem- 
bly, 1 879 ; Councillor of the 
Kyoto Municipal Assembly, 
1889 ; Member of the House 
of Representatives, 1 892; pres- 
ident of the Sobu Railway 
Company, the same year ; 
managing direc';or of the Hok- 
kaido Railway, 1898. Ad- 
dress: No. 30, Nakarokuban- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
151 Bancho. 

Sakamoto, Takeshige (.g ;$: 
St .'JcDj . Surgeon-CoJonel,. chief 
of the Medical Dep't " of the 
8th Army Division; l>. 1866 
in Hiroshima-ken. Surgeon- 
Sub-Lieut., Aug., 1886; 
Surgeon-Lieut., April 1-892; 
Surgeon-Captain, May 1895; 
Surgeon-Major, Nov. 1901; 
Surgeon-Lieut. -Colonel, Nov. 
1907;. Surgeon-Colonel, Dec. 
191 1. Decorations: 5th Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S., 4th Class of G. K. 
Address: Tomita-cho, Hiro- 

Sakamoto, Toshiatsu (M * 
1^ .1). Baron (cr. 1907), Vice- 
Admiral, ex-Chief of the Naval 
Education Board, ex-Mem. ot 
the Board of Admirals; b. 
the loth m. of the Sth >. of 
Ansei (1858), in Tokyo ; 2nd 

s. of the late Daizo Sakamoto, 
a saniurat of Nagano pre- 
fecture, and adopted by Shun- 
sliii Sakamoto ; ni Ko, a- 
dopted d. of Sei-ichi Irokawa, 
of Ibaraki prefecture. Educ. : 
the Naval Cadet School. Mid- 
shipman, 1879; Captain, 18- 
97; Rear- Admiral, 1902; Vice-' 
Admiral, 1905 ; commanded 
the Hiyei in the Japan-China 
War ; attended the Corona- 
tion Ceremony of the Czar 
1896, and the 5th Peace Con- 
ference at tile Hague 1899; 
President of the Naval Staff 
College, 1902 — 1908 ; attend- 
ed the International Maritime 
Law Conference at London, 
1908. Decorations: the 2nd, Or- 
der of the Rising Sun, the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite, 
and several other foreign or- 
ders. Address : No. 32, I- 
chigaya Koracho, Ushigome, 
Tokyo. C/nd: the Peers' Club. 
Tei. : 2087 Bancho. 

Sakane, Sciichi CM tS ?t 
_)^ inventor; 6. the 3rd b. 
of'Keio (1867) at Shitsuji- 
mura, Yosha-gun, Tango pro- 
vince ; s. of Eizc kSakane. 
.Eduo. : privately. Invented 
silk spinning and 90me others. 
Address: No. 370 Motosbin- 
gyodo, Shinmaehi-nishi-iru, 
Nijo-dori, Kamikyo-ku, Kyo- 
to. TeL : 4776 Kami. Clnbs : 
Invention Societv. 

Sakano, Tetsujiro (.M if- ^; 


[ 822 I 

* SI5), Director of the Osaka 
Post and Telegraph ContrcJl 
Bureau ; b. 14 Nov . the 6th 
y^ of Meiji (1873), Okayama- 
ken ; ist s. of Hanshiro Sa- 
kano, a samurai of Okayama 
prefecture ; in. Kiyono, 1st 
d. of Shukichi Takami, of O- 
kayama. Edtic. : graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1S98. Passed the Higher Civil 
Service Examination, the same 
year, was appointed Commis- 
sioner of the Communications 
Department, 1899; then its 
Secretarj, 1902 ; director of 
a field post office as an addi- 
tional post J 1904; Director 
of the Tokyo Post Office, 1908; 
then transferred to present 
post in' 19 10 ; delegate to the 
2nd International Conference 
of wireless telegraph, held at 
London, March 191 2 ; procee- 
ded to Germany and France. 
Decoration: 3rd Order of the 
Eising Sun. Address : .Higa- 
shi-Noda-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. 

Sakaoka, ; Ipliitaro C* 153 tU 

* Bj, Prof of the College 
of Engineering of the Toho- 
ku Imperial University. Is 
now stijdying abi'oad. 

Sakata, Jujiro (S IB * ^ B|5), 
Dir. of Commercial Biu'cau ; 
d. Nov. the 2nd j>. of Meiji (18- 
6g), Idzumo province. Edtic. : 
graduated from the Tokyo 

Higher Commercial School, 
1894. Passed the Diplomatic 
and Consular Service Exami- 
nation ; ~ was eleve - Consul, 
Pusan, 1896 ; attache, at New 
York, 1897; eleve-ConsuI, at 
af.Mokpo, 1899; transferred 
to Fusan,' the same year;. 
promoted full Consul, at Ma- 
sampo, 1900 ; Councillor of 
the Foreign Office, 1903 ; 2nd 
Secretary of Legation, 1905 ; 
2nd' Secretary of Embassy, 
London, .1906 ; Consul Gene- 
lal, London, the same year; 
1st Secretary of Embassy as 
an additional post, 1908. Dec- 
oration : 5 th Order of the 
Eising Stm. Address : 6 cho^ 
me, Aoyama-minamioho, A- 
kasaka, Tokyo. 

Sakata, Kbsetsu (K H H 
g), artist, Japanese painter ; 
b. 1871 in Kanazawa-City, 
Ishikawa-ken ; s. of Mansuke 
Sakata ; m. Otowa, younger 
sister of Fukunosuke Tokuda, 
1898. JEduo.: privately; studied 
painting under Gekko Ogata. 
Was a writer of the art dep't 
of the Osaka Mainichi Shin- 
bun for 14tl) years ; exhibited 
his masterpieceB in a pro- 
ducts exhibition, Tokyo Jitsu- 
getsukai, Tokyo Kyogi society 
and othei" societies and ob- 
tained many prizes. Meerea 
iions : travelling', utai. Ad- 
dress: No. 8 Masago-cho, Kita- 
ku, Osaka. Club : Taisho Art; 

■[ 523 ] 


Sakata, Kinoru (Jg EB W)» 
Doctor of Medicine; b. 1875 
in Aichi-ken ; s. of Bunji 
Sakata; m. Aki-ko in 1897. 
Edtic: graduated from the 
Saiseigakusha, now defunct 
medical school at Tokyo ; 
further studied in Germany. 
Address:- No. r, Miyanaga- 
clio, Nezu, Hongo, Tokyo. 
Tel.-. 2187 Shitaya. 

Sakata, Tei-ieM (S H A 
~*)> Kogakuhakushi, Prof, of 
the Tokyo Higher Technical 
School, and Comptroller of the 
Patent Bureau ; b. the 8th in. 
of the 4th _y. of Ansei (1857), 
Tokyo ; . 2nd s. of the late 
Chojuro Sakata, a saumrai 
of Tokyo ; m. Tsuru, 2nd d. 
of Masanobu Ban, a samurai 
of Tokyo, iiifa^. .• graduated 
from the Engineering Depart-* 
ment of ' the former Tokyo 
University, 1880; further stud- 
ied in Germany, England, 
France, America, etc., 1890 
■ — 1892. Entered the Print- 
ing Bureau as an engineer, 18- 
■80; Assist. -Prof of the Engi- 
neering College, 1887 ; Prof 
of the Tokyo Higher Technic- 
al School, the same year ; 
was appointed Comptrol'er of 
the Patent Bureau, 1892 ; Di- 
rector of the Tokyo Higher 
Technical School, 1898 — 19- 
00; attended the Paris' World's ' 
Fair in- 1900 as member of 
the International Committee 

of Science; received "degree 
of Kogakuhakushi, 1 898 ; .or- 
dered to proceed to Elurope 
and America, . 1900-^— .1901; 
Dfcoration : the 3rd' Order of 
Merit. Address.: No. 24,, Na- 
kaniachi, ■ Ushigome; Tokyo-. 

Tel. : 213 Bancho.. 

Sakatani,- Yoshiio (R # ^ 
Si?), Baron (or. igo^),Hoga7cu- 
haitushi, Mayor of Tokj'o since 
1912; b. the ist in.-'oi the 
3rd jj-'. of Bunkyu (1893), in 
the province of Bitchu ; -..4-th 
s, of -the late Shiroshi Saka- 
tani, a famous scholar of Chi- 
nese classics ; in. 1888, Koto- 
ko, 2fld d. of Baron Ei-ichi 
Shibusiiwa. Ediic: graduated 

from the Tokyo University 
with honours, 1884. On his 
graduation, he entered ' the 
Financial Department, with 
whicii he has been connected 
without a break, having been 
successively Councillor, Ac- 
countant, Director of Account- 


ants' Bureau, Vice-Minister, 
1901 ; full Minister, 1906, 
which he resigned early 1908, 
and then undertook a tour a- 
round the world ; he did much 
in helping the adoption of the 
gold standard system; besides 

the services mentioned above, 
he has assisted in educational 
work ; in earlier days, he 
taught Political econoihy and 
Finance in the Senshia Gak- 
ko (a private college), the 
Marine *" Paymasters' School 
and the Keiogijuku College, 
and the growth of the first- 
named school owes much to 
him ; he has endeavoured to 
diffuse the knowledge of e- 
conomic and financial science 
by means of magazine arti- 
cles and-public speeches. Dec- 
orations : Grand Cordon of 
the Rising Sun, the ist Or- 
der of Merit, and various other 
foreign orders. Publications : 
the Life and Work of Baron 
Shibusawa, the Financial His- 
tory of the Meiji era, etc. 
Recreations ■: gardening, 0^0. 
Address : No. 126, Harama- 
chi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. Club: 
.the Nihon Club. Tel.: 120 

Sakaushi, Yoshito (.^ ^ ^ 
.■ffi)i Engineer 'of the Okayama 
Construction Office, Railway 
Board. Address : Okayama- 
shi. ., 

Sakaya Akira (1 ^ W), 

Governor of Dita prefecture j 
3. 13 Jan. the 3rd y. of Meiji 
(1870), Tokyo; ist s. of Senri 
Sakaya, a samurai of To^ 
kyo ; in. Tsuchi, ist d of 
Junzo Yamane, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Educ: graduated from 
the Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University. . On his 
graduation, was given a post jn 
the Home Office ; then trans- 
ferred as Councillor of Miyagi 
prefecture in 1 897 ; and after 
serving as Councillor of Mi- 
e and Kanagawa prefectures, 
Secrectary of Shiga and Fukui 
prefectures, and as Commis- 
sioner of Fukui, Shizuoka and 
Kyoto, prefectures, was ap- 
pointed Commissioner of To- 
kyo-fu, Oct. 1910; transferred 
to present post in July 191 1. 
Decoration: 5 th Order of Merit. 
Address: Oita prefectural Of- 

Sakazaki, Shun CIS if f|). 

Judge, sectional chief of the 
Tokyo Court of Appeal; b. 
the nth m. of the 3rd _)'. of 
Ansei (1856), Kumamoto; 3rd 
s. of the late Umu Sawamura, 
a samurai of Kumamoto clan, 
and adopted by the late Ki- 
yoshi Sakazaki ; in. Tsuru, 
4th d. of the late his foster- 
father. Educ. : studied Chi- 
nese classics, and Law. Served 
. in the Kumamoto Prefectural 
Government, 1 879; transferred 
to ,the Department of Justice, 

L 825 1 


the next year ; passed the 
Examination for Bench, 1886; 
was appointed Judge of the U- 
tsunomiya Court of First In- 
stance 1887; then 5 sectional 
chief of the Anotsu District 
Court, 1890; Judge of the To- 
kyo Court of Appeal, 1891 ; 
Judge of the Nagoya District 
Court, 1895 ; President of the 
Kofu District Court, 1897; 
President of the Chiba Dis- 
trict Court, ^1898; President 
of the Niigata District Court, 
the same year; Secretary and 
sectional chief of the Head Of- 
fice, 1899; again Judge, and 
sectional chief of tbe Tokyo 
Court of Appeal, 1902. Dec- 
oration: 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address : Minami-Enoki-cho, 
Ushigome-lni, Tokyo. 

SakikaiWa, SaisMro Ct JH ^ 
H 515), Director of the Local 
Mining Inspection Office of 
Osaka; <5. 15 Mar. the 2nd 
jf. of Meiji (1869), Saga-ken ; 
1st J. of Yukichika Sakikawa, 
a samurai of Saga-prefecture; 
m. Tsuru, y. sister to Wataru 
Majima, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1896. 
Passed the Higher Civil Serv- 
ice Examination, the same 
year, and entered the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture and Com- 
merce ; Councillor of the same 
Office ; June 1897; and after 

serving as Secretary accepted 
the same post in the Forestry 
Bureau, Director of the Local 
■ Mining - Inspection ' Office of 
Fukuoka, then transferred to 
present post. Address: the 
Official House of the Local 
Mining Inspection Office, TJe- 
honmachi, Higashi-ku, O- 

Sakuda, Mideo Cf^ ffl * ?• m). 

Procurator of, the Nagasaki 
Appeal Court; ^. the 1st /«. 
of the 2nd j/. of Keio (1866), 
Yamaguchi prefecture ; ist .f. 
of Sokichi Okamura, a samu- 
rai of Yamaguchi-ken, and 
adopted by the late Yasuyo- 
shi Sakuda; m. Hisa, ist d. 
of Mataemon Kataoka, of Ya- 
maguchi. - Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination, 1 8- 
90 ; appointed procurator, 18- 
92; after serving as procurator 
of the Akamagaseki, Kokura 
and Onomichi Local Courts, 
and of the Kochi, Osaka Dis- 
trict Courts, was ultimately 
transferred to present post in 
1904. Address : Vrocm-atoTs' 
Office of the Nagasaki Ap- 
peal Court, Nagasaki. 

Sakuma, GisaburS C-fe X U ffi 
H WO, Expert of Wakayii- 
.m;i Prefectural Government , 
i. the loth m. of the 2ndjj'. 
of Ansei (1855), Ishikawa pre- 
fecture ; ^2nd s. of Ototetsu 
Sakuma, a saiimrai of Ishi- 
kawa ; m. K6, 2nd d. of Ta- 


i 826 

datomo Takeda, a samurai 
of Ishikawa, Edtic. : studied 
the science of agriculture. Ad- 
dress : Kaga-cho, Deguchij 

Sakuma, Kotaro Cfe ^ IM i! * 
W>, Sub-Lieutenant of Infant- 
ry, Engineer of the Railway 
Board ; b. the 9th m. of the 
2nd y. of Keio (1866), Nara 
prefecture ; i st s. of Yusai 
Sakuma ; m. Fusae, 2nd d. 
of Kokei Kiyonaga, of. To- 
kyo. Educ. :. graduated fi-om 
the Engineering College of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1892. Became engineer 
of the Kyushu Railway Com- 
pany Mar. 1894; made an 
inspection tour in Europe and 
America, May, the same year; 
then present post, Apr. 1908. 
Address: the Official House, 
45 Kamikurumazaka, Shita- 
ya, Tol<yo. Tel. : 26$ 7 Shi- 

Sakuma, Nobuyasu Cfe X. Pel 
iM #), English scholar. Lect- 
urer of the Tokyo Higher Nor- 
mal School. Publicatmis : 
several works on English. 
Address: 2.7\!a. of Ho, 10 Ni- 
shikatamachi, Hongo Tokyo. 
- Sakama, Samata (& :X ^1 ;& 
.S %\ Count (cr. Viscount, 
1895, Count 1907), General, 
Governor-General of Formosa; 
& the ibth ;/?. of the ist y. 
of Kokwa (1844), Choshii ; 
2nd '-s. of Magoshichi Oka- 

mura, a sanmrai of Yama- 
guchi clan, and adopted by 
Takenojo Sakuma, a sanmrat 
of the same clan ; widower. 
Took part in the Civil War 
of the Restoration ; Captain, 
April 1872; Major, Nov. the 
same year ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, April 1874 ; took part 
in the Saga Rebellion, 1874, 
and in the Civil War of 18- 
77 ; participated in the Puni- 
tive Expedition to Formosa 
in Mar. 1878; Colonel, Nov. 
1878; Major General Feb. 
1881 ; Lieutenant - General, 
Dec. 1886 and Comniander 
of the 2nd Army Division 
(Sendai) ,' did splendid serv- 
ice in the Japan China War 
especially in the battle of 
Wei - hei - wei fiebtine under 
General Dyama; Commander 
of the Guards Division, 1896; 
promoted full General, 1 898 ; 
was Commander of Tokyo 
Garrison during the anti-peace 
agitation ; present post since 
1906. Decoration: Grand Cor- 
don of the Rising Sun with 
the Paulownia Flower. Ad- 
dress : the Official House, 
Schome, Shin-hokunion-gwai, 
Taihoku, Formosa. 

Sakuma, Sei-icM Cfe ^ PS igl 
— ), Member of the Kojimachi 
ward assembIy,Managing Dire- 
ctor of the Iwaki Mining Co., 
Director of the Naikoku^T?u- 
un Company, the Iharaki 
Mining Company, the Chu- 

[ 827] 


gwai Asphalt Company, and 
of the Nippon Tsusho Bank ; 
b. the 3rd in. of the ist y. 
of Ansei (1854), Ibaraki pre- 
fecture; 1st s. of Yasunori 
Sakuma ; m. Kaya, e. sister to 
ShSzo Sasaki, of Tolcyo. Educ: 
studied Chinese classics. En- 
tered the Naikoku Tsu - un 
Company, as branch manager, 
1882, and ultimately became 
its director; was elected Mem- 
ber of the Kojimachi Ward 
Assembly, 1906. Address : 
No. 73, Shimonibancho, Ko- 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 438 

Sakuma, Tetsuen (-g X fH ^ 

H)' artist, Japanese painter; 
b. the ilth 7n. of the 3rd y. 
of Kayei (1850) in Sendai. 
His ancestral family were for 
generations artists in Sendai 
clan and he ha.s succeeded 
its occupation. Address: No. 
II Kashi, Kobai-cho, Suru- 
gadai, Kanda-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 221 1 Honkyoku. 

Sakura, KotarS (ti # ± W), 
Paymaster-Inspector, Chief of ^ 
the Section of Accounts, De- 
partment of Materials of Na- 
vay; b. 1868. Educ: the 
Paymasters School. Staff Pay- 
master,'" Feb. '1898 ; Fleet- 
paymaster, Sept. 1 899 ; Pay- 
master-Inspector, Sept. 1906. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 5th class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: No. 

74, Shida, Shirogane, Shiba, 

Sakuragi, Kaemon (M^M 
« fi PI), ex-Member of the of Peers (representing 
the highest tax-payers of Ko- 
chi prefecture), Auditor of the 
Tosa Bank, and of the K6- 
chi Savings Bank ; b. the 7th 
m. of the 9th y. of Tempo 
(1838), Kochi prefecture ; ist 
s. of Yoshie Sakuragi ; wid- 
ower. Address : Tanesakicho, 

Sakurai, Genshiro (M fr ?S 
EI 10, Chairman of the To- 
chigi Chamber of Commerce. 
Address: Tochigimachi, Shi- 
motsuga-gun, Tochigi-ken. 

Sakurai, lehisaku Cli ^ iff 
f^). Member of the Niigata 
Chamber of Commerce, Di- 
rector of the Mujinsen Petro- 
lium Oil Company, the Oriental 
Fishery Company, and of the 
Niigata Bank, Managing Di- 
rector of the Niigata Savings 
Bank; b. 12 June, the i?thj)'. 
of Meiji (1872J, Niigata-ken; 
2nd s of the late Ihachiro 
Sakurai ; m. Ume, grand a. 
of Kiyoshi Nakano, of Niiga- 
ta. Educ: studied Japanese 
and Chinese classics, and ari- 
thmetic in the Hokuyetsu Gak- 
kan. Was Member of the Nii- 
gata, aldermen's Council, and 
Niigata Avater-works Commi- 
ttee. He'^presides, beside the 
pi-esent positions, the Niigata 

.828 j 

Home for ex -convicts, the 
Migata Orphanage and vari- 
ons other philanthlopic bodies. 
Was imprisoned % acting 
contrary to the act of exposire 
compound for 7 j-ears ; belongs 
to Seiyukai and is its director 
of Niigata branch. Fublica- 
tions : the History of the Mi- 
gata port and others. Recrea- 
tions : i-eading, Western wine. 
Address : Kokuban-cho, Hon- 
cho-dori, S'iigata. Tel. : No. 
62 I d. 

Sakurai, Ikujiro Cil ^ f 5 — 
510) Dr., Directer of the Sa- 
kurai Hospital for Women's 
diseases ; b. the 9th m. of the 
5th jC. of Kaei (1852), Tokyo; 
2nd s. of the late Hajime Sa- 
kurai ; m. Fuji, ist d. of Ta- 
ka Nobuta, of Tokyo. Educ: 
graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imperi- 
al University. Address: Saku- 
rai Hospital, 12 Yanokura- 
ciio, Nihombashi, Tokyo; Resi- 
dence, 26 Nishikubo - fukite- 
cho, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 
Hospital, 219, 4573 Naniwa ; 
Residence, 769 Shiba. 

Sakurai, Joji (® # ^ n), 
Rigakuhakuski, F. C. S.. (Lon- 
don), LL. D. (Glasgow Uni- 
versity), Dean and Prof of 
the College of Science of the 
Tokyo Imperial University 
(chair: chemistry) ; b. the 8th 
m. of the sth y. of Ansei (18- 
58), -Kanazawa: 4th s. of Jin- 

taro Bakurai, a samurai of Ka- 
ga; m. San, 2nd d. of Naro Oka- 
da, saOTw>;a2"ofIshikawaprefe. 
cture. Educ. .- graduated from 
the Tokyo Kaisei Gakko (de- 
funct government school), 18- 
76 ; studied chemistry at Uni- 
versity College in England, 
1876— 1 88 1. 'On his return' 
entered the Department of 
Educatian, and was appointed 
Prof of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, the ^next year; 
Prof of the Science College 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., f8- 
86; received the degree of Hi- 
gaknliakiishi ; afterwards was 
made Dean of the Science 
College. Decoration; 2nd Order 
of the S. T. Delegate to the 
International Association of 
Academies, 19 10; delegate to 
the International Congress of 
the International, Catalogue 
of Scientific Literature, 1907 
and 1 9 10. \i member of the 
Imperial Academy and Chair- 
man of the Jax)anese Com- 
mittee of the International 
Catalogue of Scientific Litera- 
ture. Author of several chemi- 
cal i^apers, and of "Mathema- 
tical and Physical' Sciences" 
in Count Okuma's Fifty Years 
of NewJapian. Addresst^o. 16, 
Komagome Akebonocho, Ho-"- 
ngo, Tokyo. TeL- 75 1 Shifcaya . 
Sakurai, SaTbiiroemon CM^B. 
m ^m P^), a large land-owe^, 
one of the highest tax-payers 

[ 839 


of Shimane prefecture ; <^. 15 
Apr. the 14th y. of Meiji 
(188 1), Shimane - prefec tui-e ; 
1st s. of the late Saburoenion 
Sakurai ; widower. Address : 
Ai-mura, ta-gun, Skimane- 

Sakurai, San-emon C^ ^ H * 
% ("3), pawn-broker, President 
of <:hf^ Nippon Lamn Lisjlit- 
ing Company ; b. the 6th m. 
of the 2nd y. of Ansei (18- 
55), Tokyo; 2nd s. of the 
late San-emon Sakurai ; m. 
Kinu, 1st d. of Senzo Ino, 
of Tokyo. Address : No. 7, 
I chome, Taharachb, Asaku- 
sa, Tokyo. 7>/..' 518 Shitaya. 
Sakurai, San-nosuke (M fc =. 
t. W), Prof, of Nagasaki Med- 
ical College. Address : the 
College, Nagasaki-shi. 

Sakurai* Shozo (M ^ # H>, 
Kogakuhakiishi. Educs gradu- 
ated from the College of 
Science of the Tokyo Imperi- 
al University. Address: No. 
10, Nishikata-machi,. Hongo, 
Toliyo. Tel. : . io8o Shitaya. 
Sakurai, Soichird (M ^ ^ ~ 
MX - President' of the Kyotsii 
Bank; ^. the 8th m. of the 
3rd y *o{ Kokwa (1846), To- 
yama prefecture ; ist . j-. of 
Iwao Sakurai; m. Sei, y. sister 
to. Tamaki Sekiguchi, a .yi?- 
mttrai of Toyama. Address : 
Aburada-mura, Higashi-tona- 
mi-gun, Toyama-ken, 

Sakurai, Tetsutaro ''M^W.^ 
M), Director of the Custom's 

Bureau of the Financial De- 
partment ; d. the 8th m.. of 
the 1st y. of Keio (1865), in 
the province of Mikawa ; ist 
s. of the late Noritaka Sakurai, 
. a samurai of Shidzuoka-ken ; 
in. Mitsu, 1st d. of Kijuro 
Mamiya, of Shidzuoka. Educ: 
graduated from the Laiv Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1890. Was given 
a post in the Department of Fi- 
nance, 1890 ; then transferred 
to the Home Office; Coun- 
cillor of Nagano-ken, 1 892 ; 
the same of Ishikawa-ken, 18- 
94; Chief of Police of Okaya- 
ma-ken, 1896 ; Secretary of 
Jbaraki-ken, 1897; Chief of the 
Tokyp Revenue Superintend- 
ing Office, 1898 ; Chief of 
the Kobe Custom House, 19- 
00 ; made an inspection tour 
in America, Feb. 1904 — ^July 
1904; Director of the Revenue 
Bureau, 1906 ; present post, 
1909. Decoration : the 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : No. 4, Miyashita-cho, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 18- 
34 Bancho. 

Sakurai, Tsunejiro C® ji^ ia 
^ E!5), Dr., Igakuhakushi, Prof, 
of the Medical College of the 
Kyushii Imperial University 
(chair: Science of Anatomy); 
b. 17 Mar. the 5th y. of Mei- 
ji (1872), Tokyo ; s. of Tsu- 
tomu Sakurai, Lord-in-Wait- 
ing in the Kinkei Hall. Educ: 
graduated from the Medical 

Sak— Sam 


College of the Tokyo Impe- 
rial University ; further stud- 
ied in eF German University. 
Assistant of the Tokyo Uni- 
versity ; Prof, of the Fukuoka 
Medical College, predecessor 
of the present Medical Col- 
lege of the Kyushu Imperial 
University. Address : Higashi 

Koen, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka- 

Sakurai, Tsutomu C® jH^ M), 
Lord-in-Waiting in the Kin- 
kei Hall, President of the 
Shinchiku Camphor Manufact- 
uring Company, councillor 
of the Lifeboat Association ; 
b. the 9th m. of the 14th y. 
of Tempo ( 1 843), Hyogo pre- 
fecture ; 1st J. of the late I- 
chitaro Sakurai, a samurai of 
Idzushi clan ; in. Tsuya, y. 
sister to Gorobei Saegi, of 
Hyogo, Educ. : clan school; 
studied English, economics 
and palitics in Tokyo. Early 
concerned with newspapers; 
was appointed Private Sec- 
retary to the Financial Min- 
ister, 1898 ; made an inspec- 
tion tour in Europe and A- 
merica; .sat twice in the House 
of Representatives ; Lord-in- 
Waiting in the Kinkei Hall, 
1907. Decoration : 3rd Or- 
der of Merit. Address : No. 
212, Dkubo - Hyakunimma - 
chi, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 

Saknrane, KonosMn Cii ^S # 
2. ji), IgakuJiakushi, Prof, of 

the Osaka Higher Medical 
School, and Chief of the De- 
partment of Skin Diseases 
in the School Hospital. Ad- 
dress : the School, Osaka. 

Samejima, Shigeo CSS ^ 4 
1^, "Baron (cr. 1907), Ge- 
neral , promoted and put on 
the 2ud reserve, Aug. 191 1 • 

b. the 9th m. of the 2nd y. 
of Kaei ( 1 849), Kagoshima ; 
2nd .s. of Tobei Samejima, a 
samurai of Kagoshima clan ; 
m. Fusa, y. sister to Uhei 
Matsuda, of Tokyo. Educ: 
the Military Academy. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Engineering, 
Mar. 187s ; Lieutenant, Apr. 
1877; -Captain, Apr. 1881 ; 
Major, May 1886 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Oct. \ZZg; Colo- 
nel, June 1894; Major-Gen- 
eral, Sept. 1897; Lieutenant- 
General, Sept. 1904 ; took 
part in the late war, and has 
been decorated with the 2nd 
Order of the Golden Kite and 

C 831 ] 

Sam— Sail 

the 1st Order of the Rising; - 
Sun. Was Commander of the 
14th Army Division until Aug.. 

Samejima, Takenosuke (K & 
:^ 1^ W), Member of the House 
of Peers, Inspector of the Bank 
of Japan ; b. the i ith m, of 
the 1st y. of Kaei (1848), 
Kagoshima ; 3rd s. of the 
late Jungen Samejima, a sa- 
murai of, Kagoshima clan; in. 
Tsuru. ii^feij, .- studied in U. 
S. A. On his return home, was 
appointed a teacher at the 
Foreign Language School, 18- 
74; Principal of the Tokyo 
Prefectural Middle School, 18- 
81; Chancellor, 1882 ; Private 
Secretary to the Foreign Min- 
ister; Secretaiy of the Legation 
at Rome ; Councillor of the 
Foreign Office, and -Private 
Secretary to the late Prince 
Ito when Premier ; then Chief 
Secretary of the Cabinet ; no- 
minated Member of the House 
of Peers, 1896; has been 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun in connec- 
tion with the late War; Ad- 
dress : No. 151, Kogaicho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. .-57 Shi- 

Sanada, HidekicH CE H S 
a)> Engineer of the Home 
Office ; b. 5 May, the efh y. 
of Meiji (1873), Hiroshima 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Kahei 
Sanada ; m. Tsuru, ist d. of 

Hikorokui'6 Yoshida, of Hi- 
roshima. Educ. : graduated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1898. Was appoint- 
ed Engineer of the Civil Woi'ks 
Superintending Office, i960 ; 
then transferred to present 
post, 1905. Address: No. 2i- 
9 1 , Araijuku, Iriarai-mura> 
Efeara-gim, Tokyo-fu. ■ 

Sanada, Tsurumatsti (K H *| 
IS), ^Cap.tain, Attached to the 
Naval Office ; b. ,1 899. 2nd 
Commander, Sept. 1899; Con\- 
mander, Jan. 1905 ; Captain, 
Oct. 1909. Decorations : '3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : 24th of Ho, 10 Ni- 
shikatamachi, Hongd, Tokyo. 

Sanada, Yukiyo (E ffl # W), 
Baron (cr. 1896), Member ot 
the House of Peers ; b. 26 
Feb, the 3rd.j'. of Meiji (18- 
70) ; 4th s. of the late Yuki- 
nori Sanada ; m. Aya-ko, aunt 
to Viscount Masamoto Abe. 
His house is a branch of Count 
Sanada's family. Decoration : 
4th Order of Merit. Address : 
157 Komagome Sendagi-Ha- 
yashicho, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Saneyoshi, Yasuzumi CR S 
S M)i Viscount (cr. Baron, 
1900, Viscount, ,i9o7),.Dr.,/^ . 
.^a^uhaMnshi, , Inspector-Gen 
eral Vf Fleets and Hospitals 
on the retired list, Member 
of the House. of Peers ; b. the 


[ 832 j 

3td m, of the i st y. of Kaei 
(184S), Kagoshima; 2nd s. of 
the late Ampuku Saneyoshi, 
a samurai of Kagoshima clan; 
m. Reiij 2nd 1^. of Ken Ftiruya, 
a samurai of Gifu prefecture. 
Educ. :. Medical College of 
the Tokyo University,, and fur- 
ther -.studied, fnedicine in .Eng- 
land for several years. En- 
tered the Department of War, 
1871 ; Lieutenant-Surgeon of 
the Navy, 1874 ; was steadily 
promoted until he reached his 
present rank in 1 892 ; received 
the degree of Igakuhakushi, 
and was appointed Director 
of the Medical Bureau of the 
Navy tlie same year ; placed 
on the retired list in 1907 ; 
took part in both the Japan 
China and the Russo-Japa- 
nese Wars, rendering great 
service to the Empire. Dec- 
orations : 2nd Class Golden 
Kite, I st order of Grand Cor- 
don of Rising Sun . Address : 
No. 9. Higashi-toriizaka, A- 
zabu, Tokyo. Tel .-215 Shi- 

. Sanjos Kin-yoshi C^ If <£■ ife), 
Prince, Jde-Oiber of the House 
of Peers, formerly a courtier, 
and one of the seven SeiM 
(next-to-G^(7J.y^/^^, which are one 
of the five privileged houses 
entitled to furnish candidate:, 
for the posts of " Chief" and 
^'Left" and " Right Mini- 
sters"). Lord-in-Waiting in 

Jyako Hall; d. 8 May, the 
Sthf. of Meiji(i875), Koji- 
raachi, Tokyo ; 2nd s. of the 
late Saneyoshi Sanjo (1837 — 
1891), one of the .Host dis- 
tinguished participators in the 
grand work of the Restora- 
tion, for which he was raised 
to the rank of Prince ; m. 18- 
97, Ghiyo-ko, atmt to Mar- 
quis Koso Matsudaira. Educ: 
Peers' School. Is the des- 
cendant of the famous Kama- 
tari Fujiwara, the family being 
founded by Saneyoshi (1080 
—1 160 A. D.). Member of 
the House of Peers, Apr. 19- 
00 ; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of Rising Sun 
in connection with the late 
War. Address: No. i, To- 
riizakamachi, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 219 Shiba. 

Sano, Katsttjiro (fe if 1*,^ 
W), Major-Gegejal..on the re- 
servf;'' "??"" 1 855," ' 'Chlba . pre- 
fecture ; i'. of a samurai. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Artillery, Dec. 
1881 ; Lieutenant, May 18- 
85; Captain, Apr. 1889;. Ma- 
jor, Apr.' 1895 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Dec. 1900; Colonel, 
Mar. 1904 ; then present rank. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Class of the 
' Golden Kite. 

Sano, Kyutaro Cfe Sf ^ :*: 
8!S), one of the highest^ tax- 
payers of Ishikawa prefecture; 
b. 19 March, the 7th y. of 

[ 833] 


Meiji (1874), Ishikawa pre- 
fecture ; 4th s. of the late 
Kyutaro Sano ; m. Etsu,- 2nd 
d. of Kyubei Sano, of Ishi- 
kaWa. Address.' Shimokaki- 
nokihata, Kanazawa. 
Sano, Nobukatsu (-fe » S St), 

Baron (cr. 1 8g6), Member of 
the House of Peers, Lieuten- 
ant-General on the 2nd re- 
serve ; ^- the 9th m. of the 
2nd y. of Kaei { 1 849), Tokyo; ' 
1st s. of the late Nobukata 
Sano, a Shogunate retainer ; 
m. Kise, 2nd d. of Tsuneki 
Shishimichi, a samurai of Ya- 
magucbi. Was elected M. FI. 
P., 1904. Decoration : 2nd 
Order of Merit. Address : No. 
16, Komagome Akebonocho, 
Hongo; Tokyo. Tel.: 1881 

Sano, Eeizo C-fe if ^ H), 
import and export merchant ; 
d. the 7th m. of the 4th f. 
of Ansei (1857), Kitsuki, Bun- 
go province; 2nd s. of Kun- 
sen Sano, a clan doctor j m. 
1886, Sei-ko, 1st d. of Kyo- 
hei Okamoto, a samurai of 
Shidzuoka. Educ. : the For- 
eign Language School and 
the Commercial School. En- 
tered the Maruzen Company, 
1877 i went over to England, 
1879 — 1882; took to present 
business in 1885 ; once had 
branch stores in China and 
Corea, 1896 — 1899. Address: 
Office 20, 2 chome, Ginza, 

Kyobashi, Tokyo ; Residence, 
6chottie, Aoyama-Kitamaclii, 
Akasaka, Tokyo.® Tel.: Stoi'e, 
?88 Kyobashi; Residence, 27 

Sano, Ei'saburo C-g if M 5 
Bl5), Director of the Koshimi 
Bank ; d. the 2iid m. of the 
3rd J. of Ansei (1856), Nii- 
gata prefecture ; ist s. of Ri- 
soji Sano ; m. Ritsu, 3rd d. 
ofGenhachi Sano, of Niigata. 
Address : Mitsukemachi, Mi- 
nami-kanibara-gun, Niigata. , 

Sano, Shizuo (fe if 8f 4i), 
E ig ale u h a h u s h i ., Professar 
of the College of Science of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity (chair. Physics). Address: 
No. 202,Sendagi-Hayashicho, 
Hongo, Tokyo. 

Sano, Shungo Cfe if # g^), 
lawyer ; b. the i ith m. of the 
1st y.f of Man-yen (1870), 
Hyogo prefecture; 1st s. of 
Tomonori Sano; m. 1877, K6, 
1st d. of lichiro Tamura, of 
the same prefecture. Educ. :■ 
studied in the Keiogijuku, the 
Tokyo Semmon Gakko, and 
the English Law School. Mem- 
ber of the Hyogo Frefectural 
Assembly, 1887; Member of 
the House of Representatives, 
1908. Address: No. /<% 5 
chome, Shitnoyamate - 5ri, 
Kobe, TeL: 1062. 

Sano, Torata (t£ if ^ isCit 

Igakuhaktishi (Dr. of Medi- 
cine), physician; b. 1876 in 


L 834] 

Oita-ken; s. of Shuntatstt 
Sano. Edac. : graduated from 
the College of .Medicine of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., the 
Vienna Univ., and from thfe 
Berlii; .Univ., Assistant phy- 
sician of the Daigakii-byoin 
(Univ. Hospital), 1902-1903; 
President of the Japan Kyo- 
ritsu- Hospital in Peking, 
China, 1903-1907; studied in 
Austria ^nd Germany, 1907- 
1909; opened his own dis- 
pensary in Tokyo in 1910. 
Publication : " On Neuras- 
thenia." Address: No. 17, 
Minami-koga-cho, Surugadai, 
Karidaj Tokyo. Tel. ; . 3560 

, Sano, Tsuneha {mW ^ M), 
Count : Commander of Navy, 
naval-attache to the Imp. Em- 
Mssy at Berlin; 6. 3 July, the 
4th y. of Meiji (1871), Saga; 
■3rd s. of the late famous, Tsu- 
petami, who' did much in or- 
ganizing the Japan Red Cross 
Society ; m. Nao-ko, e. sister 
to Viscount Masaaki Hoshi- 
na. Educ. : graduated from 
the Naval Cadet School, 18- 
^ I. 2nd Sub-Lieutenant, 18- 
94; Sub-Lieutenant, 1897 ; 
Lieutenant, Dec. the same 
yeaiF J 2nd Commander, July 
1904; Commander, Sept. 19- 
08. Took part in * both the 
J^pan China and the Russo- 
Jkpaiiese Wars. ^ DecofdtiohsS: 
4th Order of the Rising Siih, 

4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: 1^0.-45, Takariawa- 
Minamicho, Shiba,' Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1824 Shiba. 

Sano, Zensaku Cfe If # #), 
Prof of the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School; b. zg 
Aug. the" 6th J/, of Meiji 
(1873), Tokyo ; 1st s. of Chu- 
jiro Sano ; m. Kimi, grand 
d. of Yuki Kusano, of Osaka. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School, 1889 ; further st^died 
commercial .economics .in Co- 
lumbia University, 1897—19- 
00. On retUring home, was 
appointed Prof, of his alma 
mater. Publications : " Bank- 
ing," and several other works 
on commercial subjects. . Ad- 
dress : No. 824, Sendagaya, 
Sehdagayacho, Toyotamagun, 

Saruwatari, Eomanosuke (M 
mmz. W), Judge of the Ad- 
ministrative Litigation Court. 
Decotation: 5 th Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 42, Kami-roku- 
bancho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Sasada, Denzaemon C1£ 9 @ 
y£ I F5), su (Vinegar) Brewer; 
b. 3 Oct. the 13'th y. of Me- 
iji (1880), Chiba prefecture; 
y. brother to ShichizaemonMo- 
gi, of Chiba-ken, and adopted 
into the Sasada family; tn. 
Hana, 2nd d.^oi his foster 
father. His firm is known as 
" Marukan.". Address: No. 

[ 835 ] 

8, 2 chome, Eukurohiachi, Ni- 
shiku, Nagoya. Tel. : 275 

, Sasada, Susumi Cfe -* H S), 
m. H. P., one of the 
highest tax -payers of Shi- 
mane prefecture ; Audit - 
or of the Tokyo Fire Marine 
Trainsportation Insurance Com- 
pany; i>. the I ith m. of the 
2nd X- of -Ansei (18-55), Shi- 
mahe prefecture ; 1st s. of the 
late Susumi Sasada, a samu-.. 
rai of Shimane . Educ. : stud- 
ied .Japanese and.. Chinese- 
classics in the clan, school, 
Chairman of the Shirnane Pre- 
fectural Council, 1 880-1 890; 
Mem. of the House of Eeprese- . 
ntatives for Shimane prefect- 
urie, 1890-^894; and since then 
has participated . in banking 
and business companies, Mec- 
reation: ^o-playing. Address:' 
Kida-mura, Naka-gun, -Shi- 
mane-ken. (in Tokyo, 37, 
2 chome, Tsukiji, Kyobashij 
Tokyo). clubs : Kojunsha, 
Doki Club. Tel.: 145 Koy- 
bashi. (Elected M.H.P. 191 1). 

Sasagawa, KiyoshiCS n\ W), 
Chief editor of the Yomiurt 
newspaper; h. 1872, Tokyo; 
2nd's. of Yoshikio Sasagawa; ifn. 
1890. Tovf-Vo Akivpma.F<^wc:; 
gfaduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
Uriversity (Course of Politics), 
1898. Has been chief editor 

of several news papers. Pub- 
lications : the Science of Fi- 
nance, the History of Modern 
Education, Future of Japan. 
Address: No. 10, Komagbme 
Nishikatamachi, Kongo, To- 
kyo. Clubs : Jiji. Kyjkwai, 
Shokumin Gakukai, Shinju- 
kai. Tel.: 4433 'Shitaya; '.. 
Sasaki, Bun-icM (-fe ^ 7k 3: 
-^)) lawyer. Member of .'the 
House of Representatives for 
Gifu-prefecture, director .,of the 
ITaigai Decoration Co;, the. 'J'o- 
kyo National Loan Co. Ltd. , 

etc. ;■ <5. 15 Dec. the ist j/- 
of Meiji (1868), Gifu-prefect- 
ure ; 1st 5. of Kizaemon Sa- 
saki ; in. Maki,-2nd d. of 
Tokichi Nishimura, of Tokyo; ' 
Educ. r graduated from the 
Nihon Daigaku (a private law 
college). Passed the Exami-" 
nation for Bar, and becamfe 
a lawyer; elected M. H. R:, 
1908. Address : No. 6, Ha- 
chikancho, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1033 Shimbashi. ' 

Sasaki, Chujiro (-fe -* tJc %; 
^ 5P), Rigakuhakushi, Prof of 
the College ^ of Agriculture 
of the Tokyo Imperial. Uni-; 
verslty; <5. the 8th>«. of the 
4th jf. of Ansei (1857), Fii- 
kui- 1st, J. of Chojun Sasaki, 
a samurai of the Fukiii clanj 
m. Tama, 2nd d. of Masayoshi 
Tsutsumi, Baron; .£/«.<;..• grad-j 
uated from the ' College of 


[ 836 1 

Science of the Tokyo Impe- 
rial University, 1881 ; further 
studied in Europe and Amer- 
ica. Assistant - Prof, of tlie 
Agricultural College, and Prof, 
of the I, St High School, 18- 
70 ; Rigakuhakushi, and Prof, 
of the Agricultural College, 
1891, and has the chair of 
zoology, entomology, and ser- 
iculture; ordered to proceed 
to Europe and America, 19- 
10. Address: No. 1 20, 6 
chome, Aoyama-Minamicho, 
Tokvo. TcL: 2^_7 Shiba. 

Sasaki, Masakichi C-fe ^ tK 
^ ")' Igakuhakiishi, Direct- 
or of the Toundo Hospital ; 
b. the nth m. of the 3rd y. 
of Ansei (1856), Tokyo ; ist 
s. of Toyo Sasaki, Igakuha- 
kushi, and a samurai of To- 
kyo ; m: Yoshi, y. sister to 
Tetsuzo Suda, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Educ. : finished the 
Course of Medicine at the To- 
kyo University, 1878 ; further 
studied in Germany, 1 879 — 1 8- 
84. Was appointed Prof, of the 
Medical College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 18- 
86 ; received the degree of 
Igakuhakushi, 1888 ; was or- 
dered to proceed to Russia, 
1 89 1 — 1892 ; then was made 
Director of the University 
Hospital, but shortly after- 
wards resigned the post. Ad- 
dress: No. II, Surugadai-Ki- 
takogacho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 2950 Flonkyoku. 

Sasaki, Nobittstma ifi. 1 /fe 
tS SI), BungahthaknsJd, Lect- 
urer at the College of Litera- 
ture of the Tokyo Imperial 
University (chair,^/^/^//^^^^/^- 
erattire) ; b. June the Sth y. 
of Meiji (1872), in the prov- 
ince of Ise ; 1st s. of Hiro- 
tsuna Sasaki, a famous scholar 
of Japanese classics. Educ. r 
finished the Course of Japa- 
nese Classics of the Imperial 
University of Tokyo, 1888. 
Is well known as a charming 
versifier. Publications: A Col- 
lections of Japanese Poems> 
and many other works on 
Japanese poetry. Address r 
No. I, Ogawamachi, Kanda, 

Sasaki, Rintaro (fe ■* tK # i:; 
IR). Engineer of the Ehime 
Prefectural Government, and 
Director of the Agricultural 
Experimental Farm of Ehi- 
me-ken: Address : Minami- 
horibatacho, Matsuyama. 

Sasaki, Takaoki ("Ks^^kPifS)* 
Igakuhakushi (Doctor of Med- 
icine); b. in Tokyo; a. s. of 
Masakichi Sasaki, director of 
the Sasaki Hospital. Educ: 
graduated from the College of 
Medicine of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. Assistant of the same 
University for a year after his ■ 
graduation; went to Germany 
to study, 1905 ; returned home 
in 1 9 10; received the degree 
of Igakuhakushi, Dec. 1912. 

[ 837 J 

Address: No. ii Kita-Koga- 
•cho, Surugadai, Kanda-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 3534 Hbnkyoku. 
" Sasaki, Tatsu (•& * * ^X 
Prof, of the Kanazawa Medic- 
al College ; b. the 4th m. 
of the 1st y. of Bunkyu (18- 
61), Gifu prefecture ;j)/. broth- 
.er to K6 Sasaki, a samurai 
•<d Gifu prefecture; m.'Ycm, 
1st d. of Naokichi Fiinai, ot 
Kanagawa. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from the Medical College 
•of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1888 ; further studied 
in Europe. Present post since 
1898. Address : ShimoisM- 
hikimachi, Kanazawa. 

Sasaki, Tetsutaro (-fe -^ tK 
M ± W.'), ex-Fern, of the Honse 
of Representatives for Fuku- 
shima prefecture, one of the 
highest tax-payers of Fuku- 
shima-ken. President of the 
Hongu Reeling Partnership, 
Director of the Nakoso Coal 
Company, etc , Auditor of the 
Sukagawa Bank, and of the 
Mitsuhishi Coal Company, 
brewer, reeler; b. the 8th m. 
of the 1st jf. of Man-en (i8- 
60), Fukushima prefecture ; 
1st s. of Ichini Sasaki ; m. 
Noyo, 4th d. of Kyuji Endo, 
•of Fukushima. Was elected 
M. H. P., 1908. Address : 
' Sasaki, TiyoCfe «*«#■), 

Dr., Ig'ikuhakushi, Director 

of the Sasaki Hospital ; b. the 
7th m. of the loth^. of Tem- 
po (1839), ToI<yo; ist..f. of 
Shintaliu Sasaki, a samurai 
of Tokyo,' in. Mine, y. sister 
to Mataichi Miyabe, a samu- 
rai of [shikawa iirefecture. 
He is one of the highest au- 
thorities on internal diseases, 
having succeeded to the fami- 
ly profession ; and was one 
of the first' doctors of West- 
ern medicine; has his own hos- 
pital named To-undo or Sasa- 
ki Hospital. Address : No. 
II, Surugadai - Kitakogacho, 
Kanda, Tokyo. Te/. : 2950 

Sasaki, Utaro Cfe -■-( 7(c 9|1 i: 
SR, President of the 90th Bank, 
Director of the Morioka Bank; 
b. the 2nd m. of the 4th y. 
of Kaci (1851), Iwate pre- 
fecture ; e. brother to Hanji 
Yamaya, and adopted by U- 
taro Sasaki ; vt. Kura,, ist d. 
of his foster-father. Address: 
No. 71, Sakanamachi, Mori- 

Sasaki, Yiinosuke Cfe -* /I? 

M t. Ift), Director and Gene- 
ral Manager of the ist Bank, 
Director of the Tokyo Sav- 
ings Bank; b. the 8th m. of 
the 1st y. of Ansei (1854), 
Tokyo; 2nd s. of Naoemon 
Sasaki; m. Fusa, ist d. of Mi- 
tsunori Nomura, a samurai 
of Tokyo. Decoration : 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure. 

C 838 ] 

Address:. No. 19, 2 chome, 
Hoiigo, Tokyo: Z>/. r 899 
Shifcaya. : ■■•' 

. .Sasaki, ;Yataro (•& ■* tJ^ I& 
;fc-M),-.Pror: of the Tokyo 
Highef Nor tnal School ; b. 
1 7. Dec. ;the' 3rd >'. of Meiji 
(1870), Yamagata prefecture; 
I St s: of Sentaro Sasaki, a 
-samurai of Yamagata ; m. 
Sada,. y. sister to Raitar5 A- 
sanuma, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Agricultural College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
.J895 ;, studied science of soil 
and meteorology in the Uni- 
versity Hall. Was appointed 
to the present post in 1900, 
Publications : " Soil and Cli- 
mate," and many other works 
of the, same kind. Address: 
No. 48( Kobinata-dairokuteil- 
cho,. Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

SasaM, Zenjird (-fe •* tIc # 
^ B|5), Engineer and Section- 
al Chief of the Monopoly 
Bureau ; b. the 8th m. of the 
2nd J. of Bunkyu (1862), E- 
hime prefecture ; Sth s. of 
Naotsuna Sasaki, a samurai 
of fihime prefecture ; m. U- 
me, e. sister to Katiji Oya- 
mada, a samurai of Tokyo. 
j5i^^. .• graduated from the 
Komaba Agricultural School 
(forerunner of the present 
Agricultural College), 1880. 
Gil his graduation, entered 
the'T)'epartment of Agricult- 

ure and Commerce ; was ap- 
pointed engineer of the Agri- 
cultural Experiment Farm, 
1833 ; and then present post. 
Decoration: 3rd Order of Mer- 
it., Address : No.- 1, 4 chome, 
Fujjmicho, Kojimachi; Tokyo. 
Tel. : , 499 Bancho. ' 

Sasakura, Shinji (IE # if Jo), 
Principal of the Sendai 2nd' 
Middle School; b. the lOth 
m. of the 1st y. of Bunkyo 
(1861), Tokushima, in the 
province of Awa ; s. of Toji 
Sasakura, a samurai of To- 
kushima prefecture ; m. 1 895 ,. 
Asa-ko, d. of Masukichi Ku- 
saka, a samurai of the same 
prefecture. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Literature 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1892. Present post 
since 1902. Publications: Lect- 
ures on the Imperial Rescript, 
and several other ethical works 
and essays. Recreation : Yd- 
kyoku (song). • Tel. : 41, Ki- 
tanibancho, Sendai. 

Sasano,- OtojirS (^ if Zj ^ 
Mj, 1st Secretary of Embassy, 
attached to the Imperial Em- 
bassy at Eome; 6. the iitt 
m. of "the 2nd_y. of Keio (18- 
66), Odawara, Sagami prov- 
ince. , Appointed .Prof of the 
1st High School, Oct. 1890 ;: 
Translator of the Foreign Of^ 
fice, Nov. 1895;, 1st Inter/ 
preter : of .Legation, Siatp.,. 
Ma.f. 1900; transferred to Hot- 

[ ^39 ] 

lajid, June, ipoi ; then to 'Ger- 
many/ Nov. 1902 ; 2nd Sec- 
retary of Embassy, Jan. 1906; 
then 1st Secretary, Nov.- the 
same year ; Private Secretary 
to the iForeign Ministef , Sept. 
1908. Decor ation : 4th Order 
of the Rising^ Sun Address : 
Japanese Embassy at Eome, 

■' Sasa, Kumataro C-fe ■* ^| jk 
BK>i President of the Toa To- 
bacco Company ; d. the 2nd 
m. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864), Gifu prefecture; ist 
s. of Senhachir5 Sasa, a sa- 
murai of Gifu ; «. 1 888, I- 
chi, e. sister to Yoshihiko Na- 
kajima, a samtirai of Kago- 
shima. Ediic. : studied in the 
Tokyo Higher Normal School. 
Entered the Financial Depart- 
ment, 1885 ; after serving as 
revenue-officer and police in^ 
spector in several prefectural 
governments, was again called 
to the head office and made 
Director of the . ist Tobacco 
Monopoly Office in Sept. 18- 
97 ; sectional chief of the 
Monopoly Bureau, 1 899 ; the 
Director of the Tokyo 1st To- 
bacco Manufacturing Works, 
May 1904 ; retired from the 
government service and en- 
tered the present company, 
Oct.- 1906, Decoration: 5th 
Order of the Double Rayed 
Rising Sun.- Address: No. 
140, Harajuku, Sendagaya, 

Toyotama-gun, Tokvo. TeL-: 
2889 Shiba. . .' . '. • 

Sasa, Masakazu (fe, « g; — )■ 
Prof, of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School, BungalmliOr- 
kmhi; b. May 1872, Kyo- 
to; s. of Naomasa Sasa, a 
samurai of Nagoya clan ; m. 
1904, Yae, 2nd d. of Toku- 

saburo Yamanouchi. Educl: 
graduated from the College 
of Literature (Course of Japa- 
nese Classics) of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1 896. 
Once was Prof of the .2nd 
High School, and of the Yat 
maguchi High School, Lect- 
urer at the College of Lit- 
erature of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., and of Waseda Uni- 
versity. Publications : History 
of Modern Japanese I^iterature; 
A Short History of Renhed 
(a kind of sonnet), Commenta- 
tion of Zokkyoku (a kind of 
musical song), etc. Recrea- 
tions : literary works of the 
Heian and Tokugawa eras. 
Address: No. 8, Otsuka-ku- 
bomachi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 
Sasakawa, Taneo C® jlj fl fg), 

noni de plume Rimpoo, writer, 
Lectuier at the Meiji Dai- 
gaku, Hosel Datgaku, and 
th.Q Senshu-gakkp; b. the 8th 
m. of the 3rd year of Megi 
(1870) in Tokyo; e. s. dE 
Yosliikiyb Sasakawa , m. To^ 
yo, 2nd d. of Ariyoshi Shi* 
bata. Jutuc. : graduated from 

Sas— Sat 

[ 840 ] 

the Ccllege of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Com- 
piled tlie history of the Meiji 
Restoration on behalf of the 
Prince Mori; president of the 
Tochigi Middle Scliool; and 
is now engagi d in the com- 
pilation of the Encyclopaedia 
Japonica to. be puLlished by 
the Sanseido, t' e booksellers. 
Publications: ' History oi the 
Japanese Empire," " History 
of the Chinese Literature;" 
and many otlier literary works. 
Recreation : fine arts. Ad- 
dress : No. 10, Nishikata- 
inachi, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Sasuda, Yo'ihio •'» m m W), 
lawyer, auditor of the Nagoya 
Sugar Co. and of the Dai- 
Nippon Sugar Manufacturing 
Co. , director of Eice and 
Goods Exchange, member of 
the House of Eepresentatives. 
Address: 3 chome, Naka-oka- 
chi-machi, Shitaya-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 811 Shitaya. 

Sata, Yoshihiko C-fe ^ S MX 
Dr., Igakuhakushi, Principal 
of the Osaka Prefectural High- 
er Medical School, and Di- 
rector of its' Hospital; b. 17 
Sept., the 4th ^. of Meiji (18- 
71), Kagoshiiiia prefecture ; y. 
brother to Naomasa Sata, a sa- 
murai of Kagoshima ; m. Shi- 
dzuko, 1st // of Ikujiro Sa- 
kurai, of Tokyo. Educ. -: the 
-Kagoshima Medical School; 
finished the Elective Course 

of the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1890 ; further studied in Ger- 
many, 1898 — 1900. Received 
the degree of Igakuhakushi, 
Dec. 1 90c ; pressenlpost since 
1 902 . Address : g, chome. I- 
_tachibori-Kitadori, Kisbi-ku, 
Osaka. Tel. .- 3535 Nishi. 

Satake," Girl Cte It ^ m. 
Viscount ; b. the 9th m. of 
the Sth jc of Ansei (1858); 
brother to Viscount Sadatane 
Soma, and adopted by Gitan 
Satake, Marquis. Was once 
elected Member of the House 
of Peers, 1890. Address: No. 
48, Bambacho, Honjo, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1 68 1 Honjo. 

Satake, Gisei (fe It ^ &\ 
Marquis,Member of the House 
of Peers ; b. the 7th m. of 
the 3rd y. of Keio (1867); 
2nd s. of the late Gigyo Sa- 
take, Marquis ; m. Toshi-ko, 
2nd d. of Prince Sanenori 
Tokudaiji. Was nominated 
M. H. P. in June 1892. Dec- 
oration: 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address: No. 
31, I chome, Fujimicho, K6- 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 408 

Satake, Eai^sen i^'fi'%. J'D. 
.Artist (Nans6 School); 6. 10 
March 1878 at Aisono-mura, 
Tokushima-ken. Wmc. : stu- 
died painting gander Chiku- 
gai Himejima. Address : No. 

[ 841 ] 


314 (out of no.), Kaiiii-fuku- 
■ sliiina, JSFaka 4 chome, Kita- 
ku, Osaka. Cliib : m. of the 
Tatsumi Art Society. 

Satake, Sakutaro Cfe Vt i^ 
ic 10, Member of the House 
of Representatives for Kofu 
city. President of the Tokyo 
Electric Light Company, and 
of the To)o Salt Manufa- 
cturing Ci.mpany, president 
of the loth Bank, Director 
of the KaLuto Beer Brewing 
Compan}', und of the Ya- 
manashi fchimbun Co.; Spe- 
cial Member of the Kofu 
Chamber of Commerce ; d. the 
3rd m. of the 2nd j/. of Ka- 
ei (1849). Kyoto; 1st s. of 
Uemon Satake, a samurai of 
Kyoto ; m. Matsue, y. sister 
to Eitard ihinkai, of Yama- 
nashi. Once was Member of 
the Yamanashi Prefectural 
Council ; was elected M. fi, 
E.; since 1912. Becoraiion: ^'iki 

Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: Ko. 31, Kouncho, Mita, 
Shiha-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1521 
Satake, Tatsu' (fe It Jt), 

Surgeon Inspector (on the 
waiting list), ex-Director of 
the Maizuru Naval Hospital; 
b. 1 86?. Staff-Surgeon, Dec. 
1897 ; Fleet - Surgeon, Oct. 
1901; Surgeon Inspector, Sept 
1906. Decoration :■ 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 

Sato, Aimaro C-fe M ft W, 

Envoy Extraordinary and Min- 
ister Plenipotentiary to Hol- 
land ; d. the 3rd m. of the 
4X.h j>. of Ansei, (1857), Ao- 
mori prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Itsuro Yamanaka, a samurai 
of Aomori, and adopted by 
Kiyoei Sat5 ; m. Yuki, ist d. 
of Tsunao Tsushima, a sanm- 
rai of Aomori-ken. Educ: 
graduated from an American 
University, 1 88 1. Appointed 
a clerk of the Foreign Office 
the same year ; Legation Sec- 
retary unattached, 1886, and 
Chief of the Telegraph Sec- 
tion ; Secretaiy to the Lega- 
tion at Washington, 1888 ; 
transferred to London, 1 89 1; 
recalled home and appointed 
Chief of Telegraph and Trans- 
lation Section, 1893; 1st Class 
Secretary to the Legation at 
Paris, 1896 ; and next at Ber- 
lin, 1898 ; Minister Resident, 
19OQ, accredited to Mexico ; 
recalled home in 1902 to be 
relieved of his post and or- 
dei'ed to attend duty at the 
Head Ofifice; had charge of the 
special correspondence bus- 
iness during the late War 
and was in the suite of the 
Peace Plenipotentiary at Ports- 
mouth, 1905 ; Envoy Extra- 
ordinary and Minister Preni- 
potentiary to HoIlandii^i9o6; 
attended the 2nd International 
Peace Conference h^Id at the 
Hague, 1907. Decorations : 


I 842 ] 

1st Order of Sacred Treasure, 
and many other foreign orders. 
Address : the Japanese Lega- 
tion in. Holland. 
, Sato;- Bunya <fe S 3: W), 
Director of the Toyo Timber 
Company, Tokyo. Address : 
Nakamuramachi, Soma-gun, 
Fukushima-ken . 

Sato, Chieko Cfe HS =P tt =fi> 
Actress: h. 1*^94 in Tofcyo ; 
d.of Shigenobu Sato. JEduo: 
graduated from the girls 
foreign language school and 
the actrfess f.chbol attached to 
the Iniperial Theatre (Teiko- 
kuzaj. Meoreaiion: literature. 
Address: jSlo. 3, 1 chome, 
Yufaku-cho, Kojimachi, To- 
kyo. Te?.,: 549, 642 bhinba- 

; -Sato,. ChStaro (fe^ & ± gI5), 
JEngirieer of the Hyogo Pre- 
fectural Government ; d. 28 
Sept. of the 3rd J. of Meiji 
(1870), Niigata prefecture; 1st 
s: Masasuke Sato, a samurai 
of, Niigatarken ; m. Shin, ist 
la^. of Shimbei Uno, a samurai 
of Ishikawa. , Educ. : gradu- 
ated fromi.the Engineering 
College of :the Tokyo Impe- 
rial trniY6rsity>,r896. Present 
p,03t isince; Mar. 1897.. De£- 
waiioH.- 4th. Order of Merit. 
Address : 'No'^ By, 5 chome, 
:Bjta,^^'afja.'3a-dori, Kobe. 

.. ;Sato,:;Cliujl c&'m'n «), 

/one of ^the highest tax-payers 
of Miyagi prefecture ; d. Apr. 

of the 4th f: of Meiji (1871), 
TVTiyagi prefecture ; 2nd i. of 
Katsuji Sato ; _^- Shin, ist 
d. of Shimbei Onuma. Ad- 
dress .• Masudamachi, Natori- 
gun, Miyagi-prefecture. 

SatS, bembei (.^BW--^ «). 
one of the highest tax-payera 
of Fukushima prefecture ; Au-. 
ditor of the Koriyama Car- 
bide Company ; d. the I2th 
m. of the 6th f. of Kaei (18- 
53), Fukushima prefecture; 
3rd f . of Zen-emon Sugano, 
and adopted by Kiichiro Sa- 
to ; 7n. Hatsu, 1st d. of Den- 
kichi Sato, of Fukushima. 
Address : Koriyamamachi, A- 
tsumi-gun, Fukushima-ken. • 

Sat^', Denkichi Cfe 


one of the highest tax-payers 
of Fukushima prefrcture ; b. 
the 7th m. oi the 9th y. of 
Terhpo (1838),' Fukushima; 
1st s. of Uhei Horiiichi, and 
adopted by Gehsuke Sato; 
widower. . .(4^(/rm; Koriya- 
maniachij Atsumi-gun, Fukur 
shimarken:. . . 

Sato, Denzo' Cfe M IS M), 
geologist. Prof of the Tokyo 
Higher ^Normal School ; b. i 
Apr. -the 3rd j(/. of Meiji (18- 
70), Kumamoto prefecture'; 
Ist^.y., of Genji Sato, z samu^ 
rai of Kumamoto ; m.' Ume, 
2nd di of Ki Shojj, a iamu- 
n?j-c^ Akita^ Educ,: gra<i- 
uated from the. College <jf 
Science of the Tokyo Imperi- 

[ §43 1 


al University, 1895. On his 
graduation, was appointed As- 
sistant of his alma mater; 
then Prof, of the Peers' School^ 
1897 ; present post since 1898. 
.Publicatiotis : Geology, Japa- 
nese Geogl-aphy, Earth Geog- 
raphy, Mineralogy, and many 
others of the same nature. 
Address :' No. 107, Hakusanr 
gotemmachi, Koishikawa, To- 

Sato, Fusataka (.■^MB Pt)> 

Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the Hakodate 
Regimental District; /'. 1871 
in Fukushima-ken. Sub- 
Lieut., July 1889; Lieut., 
Nov. i8»93; Captain, June 
1898; Major, March 1904; 
Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, March 19 12. De- 
corations: 5th Order of S. 
T., 4th Order of R. S., 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Hakodate, Hokkaido. 

Sato, Genzo (fe Mt iS S«), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Aomori-prefecture, Direct- 
or of the Kuroishi Bank; b. 
the lOth m. of the 4th y. of 
Ansei (1857), Aomori pre- 
fecture ; 1st s. of Jirozaemon 
Sata ; m. Miira, ist d. of 
Chiisuke Midzuki, of Aomori. 
Address: Inakada:te-mura, Mi- 
namitsugaru - gun, Aomori - 

Sato, Haruki Qfe.^ # «), 
Captain of Ittfahtry on the re- 

serve. Procurator, Chief Proc- 
urator of the Nagasaki Dis- 
trict Court ; h. the 9th m, of 
the 3rd _y. of Keio (1867), 
Kochi prefecture; ist s. oi 
Tai, Sato, a samurai of Ko- 
chi ; m. Shina, 2nd d. of Ma- 
samoto Morioka, of Kocht. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1891. Became a 
one year volunteer, the same 
year ; Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry. .1 893 ; Lieutenant 1 8- 
95 ; Captain, 1904 ; after serv- 
ing as procurator and chief 
procurator of several District 
CourtSj he was ultimately 
transferred to present post in- 
1908. He took part in both - 
the Japan China War and 
the Russo-Japanese War, and 
has been decorated, with the 
4th Order of the Rising Sun 
in recognition of his services 
during the Wars. Address : 
the Procurators' Office of the 
Nagasaki District Court, Na- 
gasaki. -' 
'- Sato, Hei-emon C-fe E ^ *f 
"ffi P^), a large land-owner, 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Kagoshima prefecture ; b. 
the 1st m. oi the' 1st y. of 
Ansei (1854), Kagoshima; 3rd 
s. of the late Hei-emon $at5^ 
m. Seki, 2nd d. of Keikichi 
Yokoyama, of Kagoshjmar. 
Address: Kajiki-mura,- Orar 
gun, Kagoshima:-keh. 


[ 844 ] 

Sato,' Heitaro (&M^:k W), 
Mayor of Fukuoka ; 3. the 
3rd m. of the 1st J/, of Bun- 
kyO (1861), Fukuoka pre- 
fecture"; 1st s. of the late 
Busaku Talcashima, a samurai 
of Fukuoka, and adopted by 
Tosaku Sato; in. Hana, ist 
d. of the late D Hida, a sa- 
murai of Fukuoka. Address ■ 
Shindaikucho, Fukuoka - shi, 

Sato, Hidezo Cfe ii ^ Bd, 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Iwate preL'cture, Director 
of the Ypkoya Company ; d. 
the 3rd m. of the 4th j/. of 
Kaei (185 1), Iwate prefecture; 
1st s. of Hidezo Sato ; m. 
En, 3rd d. of Yotayu Endo, 
of Iwate. Address : Sunzdwa.- 
mura, Higashi-Iwai-gun, Iwa- 
te-ken. * 

Sato, Isuke Q& M W" Sft), 
President of the Murakami 
Baiili, Managing Director of 
the Murakami Savings Bank, 
and the Hagoshi Afforestation 
Company, Executive Member 
of the Sato Bank, Director 
of the Niigata Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank, Auditor 
of the Tokyo Petroleum Oil 
Company ; 3. the ist m. of 
the 3rd- f. of Keio (1867), 
Niigata-ken ; ist s. of I-ichi- 
ro Sato ; m. Ura, 2nd d. of 
Moheiji Taki uchi, of the same 
prefecture. Address : Mura- 
kamimachi, Iwafune-gun, Nii- 


Sato, Kenki (ik M M m 
Colonel of Infantry, Chi^f of 
Stafif of the 6th Army Divis- 
ion ; d. the loth ;// of the 
2nd J. of Bunkyu ( 1 862), Ya- 
magata prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Kaemon Asama, a satnurai 
of Yamagata, and adopted by 
the late Kinji Sato ; 7n. Mo- 
yo, 1st d. of Satazo Mesaki, 
a samurai of Ya.mRga.ta.. Educ: 
graduated from the M.Iitary 
College, 1896. Sub- Lieuten- 
ant of Infantry, June 1886; 
Lieutenant, July 1891; Cap-' 
tain, July 1895 J Major, Apr. . 
1900 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Nov. 1904 ; Colonel, Nov. 19- 
07 ;. took part in the Russo- 
Japanese War, and has been . 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite in 
consideration of his meritori- 
ous services during the war. 
Address : the Headquaters of 
the 6th Army Division, Ku- 

Sato, KentarS Cfe ji « ;fc BI5), 
Governor of Ako prefecture. 
Address : the Official House, 
Kosei-churi-akogai, Taiwan. 

Sato, Kihaohira (feSWAIU), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Shimane Prefecture ; 3. the 
7th m. of the 2nd j'. of Ko- 
kwa (184s), Shimane prefect- 
ure ; ist s, of Heinosuke Sa- 
to ; a widower. Once was e- 

[ 845 ] 


lected Member of the House 
of Peers as the representative 
of the highest tax-payers of 
his native place, 1 897 — 1900 ; 
and then was Member of the 
MatsueChamber of Commerce . 
Address : Shiragata-homma- 
chi, Matsue-shi, Shimane-ken. 

Sato, Kinya C-& M Wi -&), 
Dr., Igakuhakushi, Vice-Di- 
rector of the Koseikwan Hos- 
pital, at Nagoya ; b. the 8th 
in. df the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864), Aichi prefecture ; ist 
s. of Teiki Sato • m. Ko, 1st 
d. of Nobuyuki Yokoi, of Ai- 
chi. Edtic. : graduated from 
the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1890. Received the degree 
oi Igakuhahishi, 1907. Pub- 
lications : Practical Obstetrics, 
Gynaecologie (issued 16 editi- 
on),etc. Recreation: Ghme&e po- 
etry. Address : Minami-soto- 
boricho, Higashiku, Nagoya. 
Tel. : ggy. Club. Nagoya club. 

Sato, Kiyokiehi (-fe ^ W -ft n), 
Deputy Mayor of Moji. Ad- 
dress: the City Hall, Hiro- 
ishi, Moji. 

Sato, Kojirj Cfe ji P ^ W), 
llajor — General , Comman - 
der of the Japanese troops 
at North China; b. 1863, 
Yamaguchi prefecture ; s. of 
a samurai. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Artilleiy, June 1 886 ; Lieu- 
tenant, Nov. 1 889 ; Captain, 
Nov. 1892; Major, Oct. 18- 

97 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Dec. 
1901 ; Colonel, Nov. 1904. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite ; once was the 
Commander of the 5 th Eegi- 
ment of Heavy Artillerv. 

Sato, Koki'Cfe M il W), 
Manager of the Kurume City 
Hospital. Address: the Ku- 
rume Hospital, Kyomachi, Ku- 

Sato, Masagbro C-fe ® ift S B|5), 

importer of iron and copper ; 
Chief-Manager of the Yoko- 
hama Rice Exchange, Di- 
rector of the Yokohama Com- 
mercial Bank, and of the Yo- 
kohama Trade , Warehouse 
Company, Auditor of the I- 
shikawajima Ship Yard, Ltd., ' 
Councillor of the Kanagawa 
Prefectural Government ; b. 
the 3rd m. of the 4th y. of 
An.sei (1857), Kanagawa pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of Jiibei Sato ; 
m. Yoshi, y. sister to Yasnsa- 
buro Hoshino, of Tokyo, Ad- 
dress : OfSce, No. 15, I cho- 
me, Sakai- machi, Yokoha - 
ma ; Residence, No. 52, i cho- 
me, Minami-Otamachi, Yoko- 
hama. C7«i5.- Shako Club. Tei.:. 
Office, 70 ; Residence, 711. 

Sato, Masatake C-fe^ IE g^), 
Colonel of Eng. since Nov. 19- 
10, Com. of the Battalion of 
Eng. of the Guard Div.; b. 18- 
70, Tokyo ; .y. of a samurai. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Engineers, 


[ M^i \ 

July 1889; Lieutenant, Apr., 
1893; Captain, Sept. 1895, 
IVTajor, Dec. 1901 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Apr. 1905. . Z*^- 
cor'atwns: 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Later was of the 
1 6th Eegiment of Battalion, 

Sato, Mo.hei C-fe M M :R tt), 
one of the. highest tax-payers 
of Yamagata prefecture, Pre- 
sident of the Oishida Bank, 
Director of the Ohanazawa 
Commercial Bank ; 3. the 8th 
m. of the 1st jr. of Keio (18- 
65), Yamagata prefecture ; ist 
s. of M'ohei Sato ; m. Sono, 
1st d. of Risuke Horigome, 
of Yamagata, Address : Oi- 
shidamachi, Kita-Murayama- 
gun, Yamagata-ken. 

Sato, Mosaburo C-fe MM^ W), 
Managing Director of the A- 
dzuma Bank, Ltd. Address: 
No. I, Irifunecho, Kyobashi,; 

Sato, Saburotaro C-fe S H gi5 
ic W), President of the Chu- 
j6 Kyoritsu Bank; b. the iSt 
m. of the ^th y. of Kokwa. 
(1847), Niigata prefecture; 
ist s. of Sabui'ozaemon Sa- 
to ; to 1 866, Kimi, 6th d. 
of Shirozaemon Takeuchi, of 
Niigata. Educ. : Private. -Be- 
creations : Yokyoku (a kind of 
song), fencing, writing Chinese 
poetry, etc. Address: Nakamu- 
rahama, Tsukiji-mura, Kita- 

Kambara-gun, Niigata-ken. 

SatOj Sankiehi f-fe % H §), 
M. D., Igakuhakushi, Prof. 
of the Medical College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
and Director of the Univer- 
sity Hospital; b. the Jith 
m. of the 4th ^. of Ansei 
(1857), Gifu prefecture; 3rd 
s. of Matagoro Sato, a sa- 
murai of Gifu; m. Shige, 1st 
d. of Rijun Ono, a samurai 
of Gifu. Educ: at first he 
learned Mineralogy at. the To- 
kyo Kaisei Gakko, but after- 
wards took to Medicine which 
he finished in 1882; studied s 
surgery at the Berlin Uni- 
versity, 1 883— 1887. On his 
return home, was appointed 
Prof, at his alma mater ; re- 
ceived the degree of Igakulta-' 
kushim 1891 ; was appointed 
Dean of the Medical College, 
1893; made Director of the 
University Hospital, I90i;has 
been decorated with the 2nd 
Order of Merit. He holds 
the chair of surgery in the 
University. Address ':- No. 25, 
Sarugakucho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 630 Horikyoku. 

Sato, Sei Cfe % jE), Major- 
General on the reserve; Court 
Councillor; b. the 6th m. of, 
the 2nd _;'. of Kaei (1849), 
Hiroshima prefecture; ist s. 
of the late ShingorS Sato ; 
m:,_ Nap, \%t d. of Kiyoshi 
Nakamura, a samurai of Ishi- 

1 847 ] 


kawa-ken. He took part in 
the Japan-China War com^ 
manding the i8th Infantry 
Regiment and as the result 
of his gallant service in many- 
battles he suddenly became 
famous and wid ;lv known bv 
the name of " Oni Taisa" 
which means " Oni-like Co- 
• lonel" (as he was then a Colo- 
nel) ; once was Mayor of Hi- 
roshima. Had his one leg cut 
off on account of the wound 
incurred on the war. Decora- 
tions : the 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun, the 4th Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address:: 
the 41st of Ha, No. 2, Muko- 
gaoka-Yayoicho, Hongo, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 1325 Shitaya. 

Sato, Sei-emon C-fe 11 ^ :©tf 
P?). Director of the Morioka 
Bank, and of the KFtayama 
Company ; b. the 5 th m. of 
the 3rd jj/. of Kokwa (1846), 
Morioka ; ist s. of Tokujiro 
Sato ; a widower. Address :■ 
Motomiya-mura, Iwate - gun, 

Sato, Shin Cfe M it), Judge, 
Director of the Matsue Dis- 
trict Court. Decoration : . 5th 
Order of Merit. Address : the 
Matsue District Court, Shi- 
mane prefecture. 

Sato, Shosuke C-fe ^ g ^), 
Nogakuhakushi, Ph. D., Prof, 
and Dean of the Agricultural 
College of the Tohoku (North- 
eastern) University b. the i ith 

m. of the 1x6, y^ of.Ansei (18- 
56), Hanamaki, Iwate prefect- 
ure; ist s. of ShSzo Sato, a 
samurai of Iwate ; m.. Y6, y. 
.s. totiBaron Kuniue Inada. 
Educ. : graduated; from the 
Sapporo Agricultural College, 
1880; further studied agricult- 
ural economy at John Hopkins', 
University and' in. Germany, 
1882— 1886. .^On his return- 
ing home, was appointed Prof 
at his alme mater, 1 886 ; then 
its Dean, 1894 ; has received 
the degree of Nogakuhakushi. 
Decoration: 3rd Order of 
Merit. Address: No. i, Nai- 
hocho, Sapporo, Hokkaido. 

Sato, Soemon C-fe M%'^ % 
F5), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Yamagata . prefect- 
ure ; Director of the Tendo 
Bank, the Tendd Transporta-' 
tion Company, arid of the U- 
rushiyama Warehouse Com- 
pany ; Auditor of the Shorei 
Company; b. the 12th m. of 
the 1st ^. of Man-en (i860), 
Yamagata prefecture ; \st s. 
of Yaheiji Okazaki, and a- 
dopted by Soemon Sato ; m. 
Yoshi, 1st d. of his foster- 
father. Address : Takakushi- 
mura, Higashi - murayama - 
gun, Yamagata-ken. 

Sato, Stikeji (-fe M jS ^), 
Colonel of Infantry, Chief Staff 
of the 14th Army Division; b. 
the loth m. of the 3rd y., of 
Bunkyii (1861), Yamagaia- 

[ 848 ] 

ken J 2nd s. of Eisliiro Sato, 
a safnurai of Yonezawa claii ; 
m. Misa, 2nd d. of Shotet 
Inomata, a samurai of Ya- 
magata-ken. Educ : gradu - 
ated from the Military Staff 
College, 1898. Sub- Lieutenant 

of Infantry, July 1887 ; Lieu- 
tenant, Feb. 1 892 ; Captain, 
Aug. 1895; Major, Jan. 1902; 
Lieutenant-Colonel, Mar. 19- 
05 > Colonel, Nov. 1907. Took 
part in the Russo - Japanese 
War on the Staff of the 8th 
Army Division. Decorations : 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
4th class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : Headquarters of the 
14th Army Division, Kawa- 
chi-gun, Tochigi-ken. 

Sat", Siikekuro (fe ^ 19 % 
IP), Member of the House of 
Peers for Toyama prefecture. 
Director of the Chuetsu Bank, 
Auditor of the Toyama Agri- 
cultural and' Industrial Bank, 
engineering wOrk- contructor ; 
b. 27 Aug. the ydy. of Meiji 
(1870), Toyama^; adopted s. 
of Sukekuro Sato; in. Matsue, 
1st d. of his foster-father. 
Address: Yanase-mura, Higa- 
shi-tonami-gun, Toyama-ken. 

Sato, Susumu (-fe M Ji), Baron 
(cr. 1907), IgakuJmkushi, Di- 
rector of the Juiitendo Hos- 
pital ; ^. the 1 1 til m. of the 
2nd J)/, of Kokwa (1845), in 
the province of Hitachi ; s. of 
Sei - emon Takawa, and a- 

dopted by the late Shocbu 
Sato, a doctor of Sakxrraclan; 
m. Shizu-k-0, ist d. of his 
foster-father. Ednc. :. studied 
medicine at the University of 
Berlin, and in Vienna, 1869— 
1875. Was appointed Lect- 
urer at the Medical Dep't of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1884; received the de- 
gree of Igakuhakuski, 1888; 
was the Presiding Surgeon of 
the Hiroshima Military Hos- 
pital at the time of the Japan- 
China War and undertook the 
surgical operation on Li-Hang- 
Chang, the late world-famed 
Chinese statesman, when he 
was shot by a fanatic while 
staying at Shimonoseki as 
peace Envoy; supervised the 
Hiroshima Militaiy Hospital 
in the late War. The Jun- 
tendo Hospital is well^konwn - 
as one of the largest hospitals 
in the Empire. Decoration: 
2nd Order of Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: No. loi, Scheme, Yu- 
shima, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
Z77 Shiteya. 

Sata, TadaydsM Cfe % ^ «), 
Maior-Gren., ex- Commander 
of the Maizuru Fortress ; St. 
1859, Tokyo; s. of a samu- 
rai. Sub-Lieutenant of Ar- 
tillery ; Dec. 1879; Lieuten- 
ant, July 1884 ; Captain, Apr. 
1891 ; Major, Apr. 1895; 
Lieutenant Colonel, June 19- 
01 ; Colonel, Nov. 1904; once 

[•-849 J 


was militaiy attache to the 
Japanese Embassy at Rome. 
Sato, Tetsutaro C-fe S ^ i: W-\ 
Kear-Admiral, instnictor of 
the Naval College ; 6. i^ 
2nd Commander, June i1 
Commander, Oct. 1902; Cap- 
tain, Sept. 1907., Decorations: 
3rd Order of the Rising Siin, 
3rd class of the Golden Kite. 

, Address: No. 232, Komago- 
medozaka, Hongd, Tokyo. 

Sato, Tomoemon (fe K S: * 
ffi f1), Member of the House of_ 
Peers for Niigata prefecture ; 
Director of the Midzuhara 
Reeling Company, and of the 
Shibata Savings Bank ; b. the 
7th m. of the 3rd y., of An- 
sei (1856), Niigata prefecture; 
7th s. of Shichibei .Yamagiwa, 
and adopted by the late To- 
moemon Sato ; m. Kiyo, ist 
d. of his foster-father. Ad- 
dress . Midzuharaniachi, Ki* 
ta-Kambara-gun, Niigata-ken. 
Sato, Tomokuma (feJiSII), 
Chief of the Police Section, 
Civil A'Jmininistration Depart- 
ment, Kwaritung Government 
General, JDecoration : 4th Or- 
der of Merit. Address: i Chin- 
en^machi, Shin -Shigai, Port 
Sato, Tisuneji - (fe » fi -), 

IgdkuJmkushi' (Dr; Df Medi- 
cine), Vice-President of the 
Sakura Juntendo Hospital ; 

%adopi. 5. of Shunkai Sato, a 
doctor, Edtic.: graduated Ironi 

the e'l"-''-^ Special School of: 
Medicine, 1900,; studied pa^ 
thologie in Germany, 1901 — ^^ 
1904. Present post since his 
return home ; Igakuhakushi, 
191 1. Recreations: sculpture 
and billiards. Address:' Saku- 
ramachi, Chiba-ken. 

Sato, ITshichiro (fe j^ ^' -b 
Df!), Director of the Yotsukura 
Transportation . Company ; b. 
the nth m. of the 3rd y. of 
Kaei (1850), Okayama prefect- 
ure ; 4th s- of the late Kame- 
taro Asano, a: samuraioi Oka- 
yama - ken, and adopted by 

Kumezo Sato ; m. Yone, 3rd 
d. of Umanosuke Naito, of 
Okayama. Address : Hayashi- 
ma-machi, Tsukubo-gun,Oka- 
yama-ken. ■ ' 

Sato, Yoshinaga CfeJi.^fi). 
President, an'd Prof. ' of the 
Moripka . Agricultural and 
DendrologicalColiegfe.; b. the 
Sth 7«. of the 2nd y. of Keio 
{ 1 866) , AVakamatsu ; I'st s. of 
Daihachiro Sat'o,,;a samurai.oi:. 
-Aidzu clan; on.. Rui,' istvc^.-pf- 
Denzaburo iia.ra, a. samtirai'-oi 
Kuwana clan. Edtic: gradu- 
ated from the Agricultural and- 
Dendifologicul College, 1888; 
further -■studied Agricultural 
Chemistry in :Fraace, Germa- : 
ny, and America, Dec. 1904- ' 
jTxne .1909. After successiyelj-; 
f-erving as' ''.gvi. expert " of Iba-^ 
ragi, Tochigi and Kyoto pre- 
fectm-es and president of the* 



' Kyoto-fii Agriculture school 
wa^ transferred to prof, of 
the' Morioka . Norin Grakko ; 
present post since 1909; was 
one of the examiners of the 
4th and 5th Home Industrial 
Exhibitions. Recreation: Utai 
(Japanese classical song) . Ad- 
dress : - Yorikikoji, Morioka- 
shi. Td. : 126. 

Sato, YosMtaro (feji^*IR) 
manufacturer of weights and 

measures ; b. Oct. of the 7th 
y. of Meiji (1874), Tol^yo; ist 
s. of Yoshisaburo Sato; m, 
1899, Tami, ist d. of Taneno- 
ri Harada, of Saga pfefecture. 
Educ.-.\hQ Tokyo English and 
Commercial Schools. Address: 
I Mina.rai-norimono-cho, Kan- 
da, Tokyo. Tel.:'gyi & 1784 
Honkyoku; 1383 Shitaya. Tel- 
eg. Code_ Address : " Sayo." 

Sato, Zen-emon CfeK#*fi 
P^)' a large land-owner, one 
of, the Wghest tax-payers of 
Fukushima prefecture; b. the 
4i:h m. ofthe 12th _;*. of Tem- 
po (1841); Fukushima prefect- 
ure ; jst s. of Zen-emon Sato; 
m. Ine, ist d. of Ziemon Hiki- 
chi, of Fukushima. Address : 
Koza:ka"-mura, Date-gun, Fu- 

kyo Correspondent of the Re- 
nter News Agency and of the 

Satoii, H6iiry (.-^ M M S), 
a famous English scholar, To- 
kyo Correspondent of the Ee- 
uter News Agency and of the 

Associated Press of U. S,; A 
the nth m. ofthe 6th 7. of 
Ansei (1859) in Tokyo. Edtic.: 
studied Englissh under the late 
famous scholar Keiu Nalcam^i- 
ra. Teacher'' 4^-- the Shidzu- 
oka Normal School, 1878; 
an official in the Dep't of Agr. 
and Com., 1882; since 1894 
was successively Prof of En- . 
glish in the Toyo Eiwa Gak- 
ko, the Peers' School and the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School ; was in U. S. A. 
while tlie Chicago World Fair 
was in session ; in the time 
of the Japan-China War was 
in the service of the Imperial 
Headquarters at Hiroshima 
and afterwards went to Chefoo 
in the suite of Special Envoy 
Miyoji Ito (now- YJScount| 
whose mission was'to exchan- 
ge the peace treaty then con- 
cllided with China, 1 895 ; Di- 
rector of the government Coni- 
mercial Museum, 1898; then 
present posts. Publicaiions' : 
" Lord Li "; the translation 
of Mr. Shimada's " Kaikok'u 
Shimatsu" (annals of the open- 
ing up ofthe country to foreign 
intercourse) ; " Lord Hotta " 
both in Japanese and En- 
glish, etc. Address: (Office) 
Hiyoshicho, Kyobashiku, To- 
kyo; (Residence) No. 14, tcho- 
me, Shin-amicho, Azaibu, To- 
Icyo. Tel.: (Office) 1605 Shim- 
bashi. (Residence) 1303 Shi- 

[851 ] 


ba. . 

Satsuma,^ Jihei_ (KS!?6:SJt). 
Director of' the Oniiya IBank, 
dealer in cotton cloth ; b. 4 
Dec. the 14th jr. of Meiji (18- 
81), Tokyo; ist .y. of the. late 
Jihei Satsuma ; m. Masa, ist 
d. of Jimbei Sugimura, of To- 
kyo. Decoration: the 5 th Or- 
der of the Sacred Treasure. 
Address: 21 Surugadai-Sudzu- 
ki-clio, Kanda, Tokyo. Tel.: 
870 Cho Honkyoku. 

Sawa> Kan-iiojo (•}$■ it ;2. S), 
Inspector - General of Naval 
Ordnance, put on the waiting 
list since Jan. i q 1 2; 6. the i st m. 
of the 1st J.', of Man-en (i860); 
1st s. of the late Tarozaemon 
Sawa, a samurai of Shidzuoka 
prefecture ; m. Yoshi, 2nd d. 
of Sei Nara, a samurai of To- 
kyo. .SflTi^^. .'graduated from 
the Naval Cadet School, 1881. 
1st Class Chief Naval Ord-. 
nance, Dec. 1898; Inspector of 
Naval Ordnance, Sept. 1899; 
Inspector - General of Naval 
Ordnance, Nov. 1906. Took 
part in the Russo - Japanese 
War, and has been decorated 
vvitli the 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun and the 4th Class of 
Golden Kite in consideration 
of his services during the war. 
Address : 23, 4 chome, Yushi- 
ma, Hongo, Tokyo. TeL: 376 

Sawa, Ry:kwan (?f K J^). 
Rear-Admiral on the reserve; 

b. the loth m. of the 6th y. of 
Kaei (1853), Tokyo; 2nd s. of 
the late Kantoku Sawa ; m. 
Kami, y. sister to Seitaro Su- 
zuki, a samitrai of Tokyo. 
Took part in the Russo-Japa- 
nese War. Decorations: the 4th 
Order of Merit, 4th Class of 
Golden .Kite. Address: 1261 
Shirnoshibuya, Shibuyamachi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Sawada, Goichi (vf H ^ — ), 
Prof, of the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School; b. the 9th 
m. of the 1st y. of Bunlcyu 
(1861), Gifu prefecture; 2nd i'. 
of Kyubei Sawada; vi. Sacbi, 
2nd d. of Chijivaku K inura, a 
saimirai of Gifu prefecture. 
Educ. : the' College of Science 
of the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1891. Entered the Mili- 
tary Department, 1882; Teach- 
er, at the ist High School, 
1887; Prof, of the 4th High 
School, 1892 ; Prof, at a Mili- 
tary School, 1896; and then 
transferred to present post. 
Address: 28 Daimon-oho, Ko- 
ishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 4037 

Sawa, SeiicM (ji *t -), 
Standing Director of the Sa- 
wahara Bank.tPresident of the 
Kure Electric^ Railway Com- 
pany, and of the Goyo Store- 
House Company, Vice-presi- 
dent of the Kure Kyoritsu 
Company, Director of the Hi- 
roshima Electric Light Com- 


[ 852 ] 

pany ; b. 4 Aug. the 4th ^. 
of Aleiji (1871); 2nd s. ofjisu- 
ke Toyaj and adopted by the 
late Toyozaemon Sawahara ; 
m. Uta, 1st d. of his foster 
fatlier. Address: 5630 Soya- 
mada-mura, Kure, Hiroshima- 

Sawahara, Toshio CtflSft^), 
ex-Mem. of the House of Peers 
(representing the highest tax- 
payers of Hiroshima prefect- 
ure), President of the Sawa- 
hara^^^Bank, Ltd, ; b. the 4th 
m. of the 1st y. of Keio (18- 
65), Kure, province of Aki ; 
ist s. of Tametsuna Sawaha- 
ra; in. Nami, ist d. of Sataro 
Kurata, of Hiroshima prefect- 
ure. Decoration : the 4th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: 5661 Soyamada - mura, 
Kure, Hiroshima-ken. 

Sawamnra, Shin (jf ^ Wl> 
Nogakuhakushi, Prof, of the 
College of Agriculture of 
the Tokyo Imperial University 
(chair : Agricultural Chemist- 
ry). Address: 178, Harajuku, 
Sendagaya, Toyotama - gun, 

Sawano, Ippei f'if if — ^), 
Procurator, and Chief Proc- 
urator of the Saga District 
Court ; b. the- 2nd m. of the 
yd, y. of Kokwa' (1846), Ishi- 
kawa prefecture; 1st .y. of Sei- 
shin Takeuchi, a samurai, and 
adopted into the Sawano fam- 
ily ; m. Hatsu, i^t d. of Shu- 

z6 ltd, a .ffl';««r«?of Ishikawa- 
ken. Early became Police-In- 
spector of Ishikawa prefect- 
ure ; passed the Examination 
for Bench, 1887; after serving 
as procurator and chief procu- 
rator of several District Courts, 
was ultimately tranferred to 
present post, Jan. 1906. Deco- 
ration: 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: Official House of 
the Saga District Court, Saga- 

Sawaao, SadashicM (if if S 
-ti)) rice merchant. President 
of the Kobe Theatre Company, 
Managing Director of the Nip- 
pon Rice Exchange, Director 
of the Hyogo Store - House 
Company, and of the Kobe 
Electric Light Co., Auditor of 
the Nippon Commercial Bank; 
b. the 8th m. of the 12th y. of 
Tempo (1841), Hyogo pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of the Kyubei 
Sawano ; widov/er. Address : 
43 Isono-macht, Kobe. Tel. : 
502 Cho. 

Sawayanagi, !Kasataro (jfiP 
i^X^y, President of the lo- 
hoku Imperial University; b, 
the 4th m. of the ist y. of 
Keio (i865),Matsumote, prov- 
ince of Shinano ; ist i'. of the 
late Nobutaka Sawayanagi, a 
samurai of Matsumoto clan ; 
m. Hatsu, 1st d. of Tei-un Ya- 
manouchi," of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Literature of the Tokyo 

[ 853 ] 

Say— Sed 

imperial University, 1888. Sec- 
retary of the Department of 
Education, 1890; Private Sec- 
retary to the Minister as an 
additional post, 1891 ; Princi- 
pal of the Hongwan-ji Middle 
School, 1893-1895 ; next that 
of Gumma Middle School ; 
promoted to be the Director 
of the 2nd (Sendai) High 
School, '1897 ; transferred to 
the post of Director of the ist 
(Tokyo) High School the next 
year ; then to be Director of 
the Ordinary Education Bu- 
reau the same year ; and held 
the posts of Principal of the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School and the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School in addition, 
1898-1901 ; attended the 13th 
World's Oriental Conference 
held at ,Berlin, 1902, as the 
Japanese representative ; then 
he proceeded to England Apr. 
1906 to deliver a course of 
lectures on Japanese education 
at the London University, but 
had to hurriedly return home 
before commencing the lect- 
ures in order to take up the 
post of Vice-Minister of Edu- 
cation ; resigned on the fall 
of the Saionji Cabinet, 1908 ; 
was appointed to succeed, as 
'principal of the Takyo Higher 
Commercial School,'^'Dr. K. 
Matsuzaki.who was compelled 
to resign the post owing to a 
students' agitation, 1910; ap- 

pointed to present post, Apr. 
1911- Decoration: 3rd Order 
of Merit. PiiMicaiwns:"Books," 
" the Spirit of Education," 
" Elementary Psychology," 
" Political Ethics," " Kodo " 
(Principls of J^3), and many 
others of educational works. 
Address: Zoshigaya, Kitato- 
yosliima-gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel. • 
284 Bancho. 

_ Sayanagi, T:ta (■&. W M ±), 
Gov. of Shiga-prefecture since 
19 1 2; 6. 20 Sept., the 3rd y. of 
Meiji (1870), Kagawa prefect- 
ure; I st s. of the late Masaemon 
Sayanagi; m. Chiyo, ist d. of 
Kakunoshin Sato, of Fukushi- 
ma. Educ: graduated from the 
^Hogakuiii (a piivate lav/ insti- 
tution), 1892. Passed the 
Higher Civil Service Examina- 
tion, 1895; entered the Home 
Office, 1896,^ after serving as 
councillor and commissioner 
of several Ptefectural Govern- 
ments, transferred to Com. of 
Fukuoka-pre. in i9i_i. Ad- 
dress: Higashiura, Otsu. 

Sedo, Kikujiro (W p ^^ IE), 
Insp.-Gen. of Naval Ordnance, 
d. 1868. Educ: Naval Engi- 
neering School. 2nd -^Com- 
mander of Naval Ordnance, 
Feb. 1896; Commander of 
Naval Ordnance, Sept. "1899 ; 
Inspector of Naval Ordnance, 
Sept. 1906. Is now Sectiotial 
Cliief of the Kure Naval Gr- 


[ 854 ] 

dnance. Decoration: 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Class 
of Golden Kite. Address : the 
Kure Naval Station, Hiroshi- 

Sedo, Toraki m. ^ f^ IE), 
Government School-Inspector, 
Pi-es. of the ist High School , 
^. 16 Dec. the 2nd jr. of Meij- 
(1869), Kochi; 1st s. of Nao- 
■ michi Sedo, a samurai af Koi 
chi; m. Fuku, 3rd d. of Shigek; 
Tokuyama, a samurai oi'Pv^m 
prefecture. Educ: graduated 
from the College of Science of 
theTokyo ImperialUniversity, 
1896. Address: i4Kitamachi, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Segawa, Asanoshin {M}\\^t. 
ji), Consul General at Kwan- 
tuiig ; iJ." the 6th m. of the 2nd 

f. of Bunkyij (1862), Bitchu 
province; ist s. ofKwan-no- 
suke Ssgawa, a samurai of 
Okayama ; m. Iku, ist d. of 
Michinaga Matsui, of Shiga 
prefecture. Educ. : studied in 
China, 1883. Appointed Chan- 
cellor, at Tientsin, Oct. 1887 ; 
at Fusan, Feb. 189!; at San 
Francisco, Nov. 1895; Consul, 
at Hankow, Aug. 1898 ; at 
Wonsan, June 1901 ; at New- 
chwang. May 1902; at Amoy, 
Apr. '1907; at Kwantung, May 
1908; Consul, General 19(1, 
Decoration: Sth Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address: Japahess 
Consulate Gen&ral, Kwantung, 

Segawa, Hideo [Wx }\] 3? Wh 
historian , ■Butigakiihiiktcshi, 
Prof ot the Peers' School, In-. 
•str'uctor of the Military Staff 
College ; b. 22 Aug. the 6th 
y. of Meiji (1873), Iwakuni, 
Yamaguchi-ken ; s. of Seiki 
Segawa; m. 1897, Kuka-ko, 
ibtd. of the late Baron Mitsu. 
Inoui, General. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the College of Lit- 
erature (Course of History) 
of the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1896; graduated fom 
the University Hall, 1896-19- 
02. Has received the degree of 
Biingakuhakushi. Appointed 
Prof of the Peers' School, 19- 
01 ; Instructor of the Military 
Staff College, 1902 ; went over 
to Europe, Mar. 1906 - Mar. 
1907. Recreation : reading. 
Publications : General History 
of Europe, Text Book of Eu- 
ropean History (written in Chi- 
nese), Maps of European His- 
tory, etc. Address: Zo Kita- 
yotania-gun, Tokyo, 

Segawa, MasatosM (M.)\\%,%\. 
Dr., Igakuhakushi, Director 
of the Koto Hospital and of 
the Tokyo Hospit'al for Child- 
ren; ^. the 4th »«. of the ydi y. 
of Ansei (1856), Tokyo ; ist s. 
of the late Masayoshi Segawa, 
a clan doctor to Takatsuki 
clan; »s!,' 1882, Suzu/jj'. sister, 
to Totsuheiji Atsuki, z samu- 
rai of Shidzuoka clan . Edtic: 

[855 ] 


graduated from the Medical 
Department of Tokyo Uni- 
vei'sity, 1882; further specially 
studied Internal Diseases and 
Children's Diseases in Ger- 
many, 1888-1S91. Instructor, 
and then Principal of the Mi- 
yagi Medical School, 1882-18- 
88; Prof of the Chiba Medical 
College, 1888-1898; received 
the degree of Igakuhakushi 
in 1900 ; resigning his pro- 
fessorship of the Chiba Med- 
ical College in 1898, found- 
ed tlie Koto Hospital, and then 
the Tokyo Hospital for Child- 
ren's Diseases in 1902, he him- 
self becoming the Director. 
Publications : several treatises 
on children's diseases. - Rec- 
reations : tea-ceremony, Chi- 
nese poetry, painting and cal- 
ligi-aphy. Address: 16 m\^\x\- 
k6baich6,Kaoda, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1955 Honkyoku. 

Segawa, Ryotaro (SIJHS^t'cBW, 
Sui geoii Lieutenaat-Coionel on 
the reserve; b. 1871, Chiba 
prefecture ; .y. of a samurai. 
Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant, July 
1894; Surgeon Lieutenant, 
Nov. 1895 ; Surgeon Captain, 
Oct. 1898; Surgeon Major, 
Nov. 1903 ; Surgeon Lieuten- 
ant Colonel, Dec. 1908 ; late 
Chief of the Zentsuji Garisson 
Hospital. Decorations; 4th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Class of the Golden Kiie. vi^ifr- 
' drAss.j'\&(^_- too, Kirigaya, Osa-, 

ki-nmra, Ebara-gun, Tokyo. 
Segawa, Yaemon (8| )\\ M M 
ff pij), one of the highest., ax- 
payers of Iwate prefecture. Di- 
rector of the Hanam'aki Bank, 
and of the Morioka Bank, Au- 
ditor of the Hanamaki Store- 
house Company, Representa- 
tive Member of the Matsuya 
Partnership ; b. the 3rd m. of 
the 1st f. of Man-en (i860), 
Iwate ; 1st .f. Yaemon Segawa; 
m. Koma, e. sister to Hideya- 
su Yamaguchi, a. samurai of 
Iwate. Address: Hanamaki- 
machi, H!inuki-gun,lwate-ken. 

Sei> Gintaro (it S i: SI5), 
Member of the House of Rep- 
resentatives for Shidzuoka pre- 
fecture; b. Mar. the 7th _;^. of 
Meiji (1874), Shidzuoka; 4th 

s. of Sonai Set, and adopted 
by Tobei Sei ; m. Isa, ist ^. 
of Jiisaku Ide, of Shidzuoka. 
Educ.: Tokyo Semmon Gakko 
(predecessor of the present 
Waseda University). Once was 
private secietary to the May- 
or of Tokyo ; elected Member 
of the House of Representa- 
tives, 1908. Address: 28, i- 
chome, Shiba-morimoto-cho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 2068 
Shiba. Native Address ': Ka- 
mi-Chiiya-mura, Fuji-gun, Shi- 

Seikanji, Tsunefusa (?S^#fI 
M), Count, Member of the 
Hoiise of Peers; b. the ist7«., 
of the 1st J/. Keid (1865) ; I'st 

Sei— Sek 


s. of Morifusa Seikanji, a court- 
ier ; m. Shuko, e. sister to 
Count MotoyoshiMibu. Educ: 
Military Cadet School. Elect- 
ed M. H. P., 1900. Address: 
No. 498, HigasHi-Okubo, Oku- 
bomura, Toyotama-gun, To- 

Seino, Chotaro (^ if S i; Ili), 
Director of the South Manchu- 
ria Railway Company (since 
1908); b. I Apr. the 2ndjj/. of 
Meiji (1869), Kagawa ; ist s. 
of Hikosaburo Seino, a i'aw^a- 
rai oiK.&g^.^ws^■, m. Kuni, adopt. 
d. of Misao Ogawa, of Kana- 
gawa, Educ: graduated from 
the Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1895. On 
his graduation, was given a 
post in the Home Office ; then 
having served as Councillor of 
Toyamai and Kanagawa pre- 
fectures, was transferred to the 
same post in the Home Office ; 
attended the International Cen- 
sus Conference held in Brus- 
sels 1903; was appointed Gov- 
ernor of Akita prefecture, Jan. 
1906, and then to the present 
semi-official post, Nov. the 
same year. Decoration : 3rd 
Order of Merit Address: 7, 
5ch6me, Fujimi-cho, Kojima- 
chi, Tokyo, Tel.: 322 Bancho. 

Seino, Kiheiji (^ Sf S ^ ?S), 
President of the Miyagi Com- 
mercial Bank, Auditor of the 
Miyagi Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, the Shogyo Sav- 

ings Bank, the Miyagi Spin- 
ning Electric Light Company, 
and of the Sendai Gas Com- 
pany, etc.. Vice- Chairman of 
the Sendai Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. the Sth m. of the 5- 
thj'. of Ansei(i8s8), Miyagi; 
3rd s. of Yasutomo Seino; m. 
Wakuri, 3rd d, of Katsuncbu 
Sado, a samnrai of Miyagi. 
Address: 51 Higashi-niban- 
cho, Sendai. 

Seki, Gen-emon (ISiS^SF?), 
President of the Katsuyama 
Bank, Director of the Fukui 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank ; b. the 4th m. of the 4- 
thjj'. of Ansei (1857), Fukui; 
1st s; of Mitsuyoshi Seki, a sa- 
murai of Fukui prefecture ; in. 
Sei, 1st d. of j'i'nsuke Mori, of 

the .same prefecture. Address; 
Katsuyama-machi, Ono-gun, 

Seki, Hei-emon (BS^^^H), 
President of the Nippon Indus- 
trial Bank, Ltd. ; (5. the 3rd m. 
of the ■2w6.y. of Kokwa(!845), 
Kanagawa; ist .y. of Kojilro 
Seki ; m. Naka, 3rd d. of Hei- 
shir6Mori,ofKanagav.'a. Once 
was a Shinto priest. Address: 
Kamakura - machi Komachi, 
Kamakura-gun Kanagawa - 

Seki, Hidesaburo (R^HIK), 
Dr. Phil., ex-Prof of the To- 
kyo Foreign Language School, 
head-teacher at Shimbu Gakko 
(a military school for Chinese 

L 857] 


students); b. the 3 id in. of the 
2nd J/, of Bunkyu (1862), Koi- 
shikawa, Tokyo ; s. of a cer- 
tain Soga, a i>amnrai of Ishio- 
ka clan, Hitachi, and adopted 
by Shimpachi Seki; m. 1S94, 
En-ko, 1st d. of Naoshige Ya- 
maraoto. Director of the 15 th 
Bank. Educ. : Tokyo Nonrial 
.School ; Leipzig University, 
Germany. Once was Prof of 
the Peers' School ; Govern- 
ment School Inspecfor; School 
Inspector of Nara prefecture ; 
Prof of the Tokyo Fine Arts 
School ; Prof of the Tokyo 
Foreign Language School ; 
Acting-Principal 01 the same 
school, etc. Decoration : 4th 
Order of Merit. Publications : 
Confucious as an Education.^1- 
ist, Practical Pedagogy, His- 
torical Pedagogy, Children , In- 
fluence of Education, Princi- 
ples of Education, and several 
other text-books. Recreations: 
No (a kind of drama), wrestl- 
ing, novel reading. Address: 
23 Kitayamabushi-cho, Ushi- 
gome, Tokyo. Tel. : 348 Ban- 

Seki, Hironao (IS . tS it)' 
Viscount (cr. 1884), Member 
of the House of Peers ; b. 6th 
m. of the ist_;j'. cf Ansei (18- 
54), in the province of Bitchu; 
2nd s. of Count Hirofusa Ma- 
denokoji, and adopted by Cho- 
koku Seki, ex-Lord cf the Chi- 
kami clan of Bitchu ; widower. 

A dxlress : Ichigaya, Honmura, 
cho, Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel: 
2585 Bancho. 

Seki, Kiyohide (H ^ ^), 

Member of the House of Peers, 

President of the Chuwo Sugar 
Manufacturing Company ; b. 
the 5th m. of the 4th J. ofKa- 
ei (185 1), Saga; 2nd s. of Uo 
Seki, a samtirai of Saga clan ; 
m. Taka, adopt, d. of Ryosuke 
Fujino, a ja;««r«2 of Kagoshi- 
ma. Educ. : clan school ; stud- 
ied English and Law. Entered 
the Department of Justice, 
1876; Chief Procurator of the 
Kagoshima ( 1 877}, Sendai ( r 8- 
93) and of Nagoya (1896) Dis- 
trict Courts J Governo;' of Sa- 
ga, 1897; the same of Gum- 
ma, 1901 ; the same of Naga- 
no, 1902 ; elected Member of 
the House of Representatives 
for his native place, 1902; In- 
spector General of the Metro- 
politan Police Office, 1905, but 
resigned the post on the col- 
lapse of Katsura Cabinet in the 
later part of 1905 ; nominated 
M.H.P., Jan. 1906. Decora- 
tion : 2nd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : loth of Ho, 10 Koma- 
gonie-nishikata-machi, Kon- 
go, Tokyo. Tel. : 2767 Shita- 
.ya. . 

Seki, Ifaohiko (IB iE *), 

lawyer, Member of the House 

_!"'f Representatives for Tokyo 

city, and its Vice - Presi - 

dent , since August 1 9 2 


[858 J 

Director of the Meiji Oil 
Comipany; 6. the 7tli m. of 
the 4th J)/, "of Ansei (1857).- 
Wakayama ; 2nd s. of Heibei 
Seki, a SMnurai'ofWa.'k&yam^ 
clan ; m. Tatsui, 2nd d. of Sa- 
noemon Saiga, a sa7!iurat of the 
same clan.- Educ: graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 1 8- 
83. For a short while after 
graduation, was a writer on 
the staff of the Tokyo Nichi-Ni- 
chi Shimbiin; 'afterwards elect- 
ed Member of the Tokyo City 
Council, and then Member of 
the House of Representatives, 
1890 ; a member of the Koku- 
minto. Decoration : 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun. Address: 
12 Minami-kinroku-cho, Kyo- 

bashi,Tpkyo. Tc/.: 1047 Shim- 

Seki, Nyorai (fg j«j ?R), pro- 
per name is Gaiijiro, chief 
of the art dep't of "Yorhiuri 
Shinbun" (a daily news 
paper); b. the nth m. of 
the 2nd \y. of Keio (1866) in 
the province of Yamato. He 
entered the " Yomiuri Shin- 
bunsha," Pec. 1893; is well 
known as an able art critics; 
is member of the art associa- 
tion. Pnblication's: criticism 
collection, expression and 
forms. Address: "No. 27 
Ueiio-sakuragi-cho, Shitaya, 

Seki, Shigetada (M M %), 
Naval Captain of Engineering, 
Chief Ehgiheei- of the Maiznrn 
Naval Station ; b. 1865. 2nd 
Commander of Engineering, 
Apr. 1897 ; Commander of En- 
gineering, Dec. the same year ; 
Captain of Engineering, Jan. 
1905. Decorations : 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
the Maizuru ITaTal Station, 

Seki, Shigstaka (|g g ^), 
Captain of the Navy, Com- 
mander of the lOth of the 
flotilla; b. in 1871. Edi/c:: 
Naval Engineering School. 
Lieut. - Commander, Sept. 
1899; Commander, Jan. 1905; 
Captain, Dec. .1912. He 
was Commander of the 
Mnsashi (protected cruiser), 
present post since Dec. 19 12. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of 
R. S., 4th Order of S. T., 
4th Class of Golden Kite. 

Seki, Shingo (Jg i; W), Pro- 
prietor of the Okayama Shim- 
po, and chief of the Business 
Dep't. of the Headquarters 
of the Kurozuki Sect (Shinto); 
b. the 5th in. of the ist v. 
of Ansel (1854) in Okayama; 
e. s. of Shozo Seki, sanmrai 
of Okayama; m. Yaye, 2nd 
d. of Ryotciku Ono, samiirdi 
of the same feudal lord, i ?>7g. 
"Ediic: Entered the common 
rchool in Okayama maintain- 

[ 859 


ed by the feudal lord, at the 
age of nine, and after the 
Restoration studied foreign 
languages. In 1874, he came 
up to Tokyo and studied 
there for three years. About 
this time, he contributed es- 
says to various newspapers, 
and' was engaged as editor of 
the Akebono Shimbtin, Hyo- 
ro7t Shimbtm and Osaka Nip- 
fio (Predecessor of the Osaka 
Mainichi Shimbun). Was 
appointed the Secretary of 
the Genroin, or the Senate, 
and transferred to the 

Dajokan and thejHome Office. 
After serving in Oita, Niigata, 
and Hiroshima Prefectures as 
Secretary, was promoted to 
be the Governor of Fukui- 
ken, in 1896, was elected 
Director of the Dojima Rice 
Exchange, Osaka, 1899. Re- 
turned to Okayama, 1905, 
Has been invested with the 
.4th Order of Merit. Recrea- 
tions : reading and fine arts. 
Address : Uchiyama-shita, 

Seki, Yoshiomi (IS ft E). 
Baron, Lord-in-Waiting in the 
Kinkei Hall," Member of the 
House of Peers; b. the nth k\. 
of the \(jX\\ y, of Tempo (18- 
39), Fukui prefecture; 2nd s. 
of Gorobei Yamamoto, a sa- 
murai of Fukui, and founded 
the Seki family ; m. Mura,;^. 
sister to Yutca Kume, a samu- 

rai ol Ibaraki. Afcer serving 
as Chief Procurator oftheMi^ 
yagi* Appeal Court, Procura- 
tor of the Court of Cassation 
and as Governor of Tokushi- 
ma and Yamagata prefectures, 
was nominated Member ot the 
House of Peers in 1897, ^""^ 
afterwards created Baron. Dec- 
oration : 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address : Ippommatsu-machi, 
Azabu, Tokyo. 

■ Seki, Y«ichiro 'M m - W), 
Lieutenant-Colonel of Com- 
missariat, Commander of the 
l6tli Battalion of Commissari- 
at; b. 1870, Kagoshima. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, Mar. 
1893; the same ofCommis- 
.sariat/ Jan. 1894 ; Lieutenant, 
Jan. 1895 ; Captain, Oct. 18- 
97; Major, Nov. 1904 ; Lieu- 
tenant Colonel. Decoration : 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address: the l6th Battaljon 
i' IJommissariat, Kyoto. 
Sekiba, Shigeki ' (M & 7M 
^IJ), engineer in chief of the 
Yokogawa Bridge Manufncto- 
ry ; b. 1881 in Fukushima- 
ken ; .s. of Tadatake Sekiba ; 
m. Tsjuriiko, d. of Shigeuari 
Kitashiro, an insurance bro- 
icer, November, 1S08. JiJd'iie : 
graduated from the engineer- 
ing college of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. ; after his graduation 
studied at TTniversity hall for 
one year ; then went to A- 
merica and served at A- 



merlcan Bridge Co. for one 
jear, as construction engineer 
at West Verginia Bridge Co, 
for one year, as assistant 
engineer at Perun Bridge Co. 
about one year ; afterwards 
stayed in Europe and America 
to study practical business for 
bridge building ; entered the 
present firm after his return 
home, Oct. 1908. Reereatimis: 
music, reading. Address : Nan- 
wa-in Abe«o, Tennoji-mura, 
Iligashinari-gun, Osaka-fu, 
Clvb: Assoc, M. A. S, C. E. 

Sekiguchi, Ken-ichiro (^0^ 
— |j5), Judge of the Administ- 
rative .Litigation Conri.-' Ad- 
dress : 27, 2ch5me, Ichigaya 
Kagamachi, -Ushigome, To- 
kvo. Tel.: 21 16 Bancho. 

Sekine, Seiehoku (M ig IE it), 
Jiungakuliakushi, Prof, of the 
Tokyo Female Higher'* Nor- 
mal School (chair : Japanese 
Classics). Is well known as a 
scholar of Japanese classics. 
Decoration : Sth Order of Me- 
rit. Publication : several works 
on Japanese dussics. Address: 
I Morikawa-cho, Hongo, To- 

Sekino, Eenkiehi (ggif^f ), 
•Captain, aide-de-camp, io the 
Crown Prince; b. 1866. Educ.: 
Naval Cadet Sch06]. 2nd Com- 
mander, Dec. , 1897 ; '■ Com- 
mander, Sept. 1900 ; Captain, 
Sept. 1906. Once was Navaj 

Aide-de-Camp to His Mejesty, 
Decoration ; 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address: 66 Za- 
imoku-ch6,Azabu, Tokyo. 

Sekino, TadasM (m if M.), 
Kdgakuhakushi, Assist-Prof. of 
the Engineering College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University 
(chair: Architecture), Engineer 
of the Home Office ; b. 9 Jan. 
the ist^. of Meiji (1868), Ta- 
kata, in the province of Echi- 
go ; s. of Takatoki Sekino, a 
safmirai ofTakata clan ; m. 19- 
08, Kiyo-ko, 4th d. of Taka- 
yoshi Nakaniura, ex-Chicf of 
the Engineering Bureau. Edtic: 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College (Course of Archi- 
tecture) of the Tokyo Imperi-; 
al University, 1895. Superin- 
tendent of the .engineering 
works of Nara prefecture, 18- 
96 ; Engineer, of Nara prefect- 
ure, 1897; appointed Assist.- 
Prbf. of his alma-mater, Sept, ■ 
1901, and Engineer of ^ the 
Home Office as an additional 
post, Mar. 1903. Publications: 
Reports on Investigations of 
Chosen Architecture. Ad- 
dress: 7th of Ro, 10 Nishika- 
tamachi, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Sekita, Yasuemoja (iiaS'&^ 
P?), Managing Director of 
the Tokorozawa Commercial 
Bank ; b. 28 Nov. the 2nd y. 
of Meiji (1869), Tokyo ; iiit s. 
of Yasuerhon Sslcita ; in. Kuhi, 

[ 86i ] 


e. j«/^r to Rihei Miyadera, of 
Tokyo. Address: Siyania- 
niuia, Kita-tama-gun, Tokyo. 

. :,Sekito, Morihiko(iS f^ '^ M), 
President of the Maruhachi 
Savings Bank, Proprietor of 
the S:kito Bank ; d. 2 Aug. the 
2nd J/, of Meiji (1869), Aichi ; 

'I'St .y.-of Jiro Srfcito^ V«.:Ryu, 
3rd d. of Mojuro Konishi, of 
Hyogo. Address : 1^ Hofitsu- 

'm'/rcho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya. 
7>(v .• 1006. 

Sekiya, Fukutaro (ll#lsi:l|5) 
Director of the Bakwan Com- 
mercial Bank, Auditor of the 
Bakwan Electric Light Com- 
pany, and of the Kwammon 
Steamship Company ; d. the 
8th 7n. of the 4th _y. of Ansei 
(1857), Yamaguchi; ist s. of 
Seikichi Sekiya; m. Iwa, 2nd 
d. of Seizo Shimada, of Yama- 
guchi. Address: Irie-machi, 

Sekiyar Gembei iM'^M^M), 
President of the Hachioji 78th 
Bank. Address: the 78th Bank, 
Hachioji, Minami-tama - gun, 

Sekiya, Tadamasa (^MSM), 
Engineer of the Hokkaido Pre- 
fectural Government ; ^. 22 
Aug. the 2nd J)/, of Meiji (18- 
69), Gifu prefecture ; 1st 5. of 
Sadamu Sekiya, a samurai of 
Gifu ; m. Mayo, 2nd d. of No- 
butsuna Utunomiya, of the 
same prefecture. Educ : grad- 

Oated from the Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Imperi- 
al Uniyersify, 189 1. Oa his 
graduation, was given a post 
in the Home Office ; then hav- 
ing served as Engineer of 1- 
baraki and Tochigi prefectures, 
Was transferred to present post 
in May 1904". Decoration : sth 
Order of Merit. Address: Har- 
bour-works Office of Kushiro, 

Sekiya, Teizaburo (Si Jl ^ H 
BR), Director of the EducattcJn- 
al Bureau of the Chosen Gov- 
ernment ; b. 4 May, the 8th m. 
of Meiji (1875), Tochigi pre- 
fecture ; 1st s. of Yoshizumi 
Sekiya; m. Kinu, y. sister to 
Chiiichi Osada, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Educ: graduated from 
the Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1899. En- 
tered the Home Office, and 
passed the Higher Civil Serv- 
ice Examination, the same 
year; appointed Councillor of 
the Formosan' Government; 
then having served as Council- 
lor of the Treasury, Private 
Secretary to the Home Minis- 
ter, Commisioner of the Kwan- 
tung Governinent, Director of 
the Civil Administration Office 
of the Kwantung Government, 
and as Commissioner of Saga 
prefecture, was transferred as 
the same to Kagoshima pre- 
fecture in 1908; then to present 
post in Oct. 1910. Decoration: 

€ia— Sen 

[ 862] 

5 th Order of Merit. Address : 
Official House, Chosea Gov- 
ernment General. 

^ Semba, Taro (fill ^ ±. %), 
Lieutenant-General, Com- 
mander of the lytli Army 
Division; h. tlie 4th. m. of the 
2nd J. of Ansei (1855), Ehime; 
1st s. of Sachio Semba; m. Ta- 
ma, 2nd d. ofKajSro Yano, of 
Gifu prefecture. Educ: ^Xhe 
Military St.afif College; studied 
in Germany, 1890-1893. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, Feb. 
1879 ; Lieutenant, Feb. 1883 ; 
Captain, May, 1886; Major, 
Apr. i893;Lieutenant-Colone], 
May,' 1895; Colonel, Oct. .18- 
97 ; Major General, July, 19- 
03 ;, Lieutenant-General, Nov. 
1910; took part in both the 
Japan China War. on the Stafif 
of tlie 2nd Army Division and 
the Russp-Japartese War as 
Commauder, of the 31st Bri- 
gade aflnfantry. Decoraitons: 
2nd Order of Rising Sun; 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress .; Hefidquarters of the 
17th. Army Division, Ishima- ^ 
mm-a, Mitgu-gun, Okayama-' 
prefecture. • 

Sembon, YosMtaka (=P * l§ 
m), Prof, of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; b. the 5th m. 
of the eth"^- of A"set (1857), 
in the province of Mino; s. of 
a. certain Sembon, d samurai 
of Mino. Educ: gradnated from 
the Department of Science of 

the Tokyo Imperial University, 
1878; Europe about 
three years beginning in 1885. 
Once naught in the Military 
Staff College, etc. ; appointed, 
to present post, 1889. Decord- 
tion : 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 1 10, Dtsuka-Saka- 
sluta,-machi, Koisliikawa-ku, 

Sena, YosMtoshi (M^m ^i), 
Major-General on the reserve, 
Director of the Yushiikwanf(a 
military museum) ; i>. the ilth 
m. of the Sth y. of Kaei (18- 
52), Shidzuoka ; 2nd s. of the 
late Sada-aki Sena, a samurai 
of Shidzuoka; w. Nobu, ist 
d. of Michiaki I'^nomoto,'a sa-- 
murai of the same prefecture-. , 
Early entered: the army and 
was made Subr^Lieutenant in 
1874, and by gradual promc;- 
tion, was raised tp the rank 
of Major -General in 1905; 
fought against Saigo's Rebel- 
lion in -1877; ^'so took part in, 
both the Japan China War is. 
Commander of the nth Reg-, 
iment of Field Artillery^ and 
the Russo ,- Japanese War as. 
Commander of the Transport 
Depot and Inspector of Etapss 
of the 2nd Army Division of 
the 2nd reserve; placed on the 
retired list in 1907.' Decora- 
tions: 3rd Order of the Rising, 
Sun. 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite', t Address: 31 Minami-- 
m&chi, CJshigome, Tokyo. 

[ 863 ] 


, Sendzu, Buwj (fill M-^ ■*). 
Rear-AxJiniral, Commander of 
the Chinkai Bay; Defence 
• Corps; ^. 1865. 2nd Command- 
er, Dec; 1897; Commander, 
Oct. 1898; Captain, Jan. 1905; 
then present rank. Decora' 
tions.'yi Order of the' Rising 
Sun^ 4th Class of the Golden 
K'te. Address: 8 4ch6nie, Yu- 
shima, Hongo, Tokyo. / . 

Senga, Tsurutaro Qf%mi.W), 
Hogakuhakushi, Prof, ot the 
Law College of the Kyoto 
Imperial University (chair : in- 
ternationaliaw); b. the 2adm. 
ofthe4thy of Ansei (1857), 
Okayama ; 1st s. of Tokushi- 
ro Senga, a samurai of Oka- 
yama; m. Sata, ist d. of Koji- 
ro Takahashi. cf Tokyo. .5'ii/w^,.', 
studied in the University of 
Berlin, i884ri899 On his re- 
turn hoijie, was appointed to 
present post ; was. ordered to 
proceed to Europe jatvd Amer- 
ica,- May " 1909; - Publication T 
International law. Address: 9.1. 
Shimokamo - muraiit Atago - 
gun; Kyoto.: "iv.vij^ir-'.. 

Senge, Takatomi (V ^ % )@), 
Baron (cr. 1884), member of 
the House of Peers, ex-Minis- 
ter of Justice, ex-President of 
tlie Tokyo Eailway Co., ex-spe- 
cial memter of: the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce;^. 8th 
m. of the 2nd y. of Kokwa (iS- 
45), Kitsuki, Izumb;, . ist .f. of 
Takasumi Senge, of an ancient 

fdinlly which acted as heredi- 
tary Grand Custodiaris to the 
Great Shrine oflzuitip; m.'Yo- 
shi-ko, y. sister to Viscount 
Nobutari Fiishihara, Meniber 
. of the Senate, 1888;' Membqr 
of the House of. Peers, i89PJ 
appointed Director of the Pri- 
mary Education Bureau, 189^ 
Governor of Saitama-ken, 18?- 
94; theri cf Shkuoka - ken-; 
agaiii elected Member of the 
House of Peer^, 1897; Govern- 
or of Toicyo^fu, 1 898-1908 "• 
elected Memii)er;of the Housfe 
of. Peers, 1904, for the thiT.d 
time; appointed to a Ministerial 
post in Mar. 1908 (the Saionji 
Cabinet), but resigned a few 
months later> when the Mih^ 
istery frU; appointed. President 
of the Tokyo Railway Com- 
pany, 1909. Was made Baron 
1890 in consideration of the 
honourable position the famify 
occupied froni ancient times, 
being considered as almost 
rivalling the Inipsrial Hous^ 
in respect of hoary antiquity. 
Decoration : ist Order of the 
Grand Coi don of the Rising 
Zwa. Address: 31, 3ch6me. 
Shin-pgawa machi, Ushigome, 
Tokyo. ' . . \ 

Sengokn, Masakata (fBl S 1^ 
®), "Viscpunt (cr. 1884)^ Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers, 
Director of the Japanese Paper 
Manufacturing Company; b. 


t 854 ] 

the 1 2th m. of the 14th y. of 
Tempo (1843), Idzushi, in the 
province of Tajitna ; s. of Ma- 
sakata Ssngoku, ex-Lord of I- 
dzushi clan, and adopted by 
Hisatoshi Sengoku ; m. 1867, 
Yoshi-ko, aunt to Viscount 
Toshisato Kinoshita. Was 
made Chamberlain, 1875; Sec- 
retary of the Home Office, 
1882 ; elected Member of the 
House of Peers, iSpo ; has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of Merit. Address : iS 
Kamiya-cho, Shiba, Tokyo. 
Tel: 2097 Shiba. Club: Doyo- 

. Sengokn, STasayoshi Cflll S Sit 
Si). Secretary of the House 
of Peers ; b. Apr. the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1871), Tokyo; 4th j. of 
Viscount Masakata Sengoku ; 
in. Moto-ko, y. sisier to Prince 
Kuni. Educ: graduated from 
the Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1898. 
Decoration: 5th Order of Merit. 
Address: 18 Kamiya-cho, Shi- 
ba, Tokyo. Tel.: 15 81 Shiba. 
^engoku, Mitstigi (fill T\ "K)^ 
Kogakuiiaktmhi, ex-Mem. of 
tiie House of Representatives 
for Kochi prefecture ; b. the 
6th m. of the 4th j/. of Ansei 
Ci857), Kochi ; 2nd s. of Ya- 
jiina Sengoku, a samurai of 
Kochi; m. Toku, motker to 
Ichir5 Matsumoto. of Tokyo. 
Edtic.: graduated from the En- 
gineering Department of the 

Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1878. Was 
long connected with the Gov- 
ernment Railway as its sec- 
tional chief; President of the 
Kyiishu Kailway Company 
from 1900 to the time when 
it was nationalized some years 
ago; elected M. H. R., May 
1908. Decoration: 3rd Order 
of Merit. Address: 21 Fujimi- 
cho, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel: 2004 

Seno, Kazo (M Sf M S«). 
Director of the Hokkaido 

Rice-cleaning Company. Ad- 
dress: Maho, Otaru, Hokkai- 

Seno-o, Kihei mn^M^ tf."). 
cotton dealer, Director of the 
v.mii Bank, Ltd.; b. the 4th m. 
of the 5th ^. of Ansei (1858), 
Osaka; 2nd s. of Rihei Yama- 
da, and adopted by Kihei Se- 
no-o ; m. Tsuru, ist d. of his 
footer father. Address: 91, 4 
chome, Shipmachi-tori, Mina- 
mi-kii, Osaka. Tel. : 2089 

Seno-o, K taro (MMi^± Wd, 
a large land-owner, one of the 
highest tax-payers ofKagawa 
prefecture; b. the 9th m. of the 
istjj'.. of Bunkyu (1891), Ka-. 
gawa ; ist .r. of Keigen Seno- 
o; m. Hisa, d. of Chutaro 
Takeshita, of Kagawa. ^t/- 
dW.fx.'Hataoka-mura, Ayauta- 
gun, Kagawarken. 

Senc-o, Tetsuji mm ^ iS),. 
President of the Hiro Bank ; 

[86s ] 

Sen— Ser 

li. 9 Oct. the 4th y. of Meiji 
(1871), Hyogoj 1st J. of Ma- 
gojirS Seno o ; m. Yuku, 4th 
d. of Sobei Sato, of Hyogo. 
^r/f/z-rj^.- Hiro-mura.Shikama- 
guu, Hyogo-ken, ' 

Sensho, Snetaka C^ ^ ^ W3t 
Baron (cr. 1884), Member of 
the House of Peers; b. ro 
Oct. the Slh ji;. of Meiji (t8752; 
2nd s. of Hideyoshi &nshu, 
ex-courtier and Shinto ^ntsX ; 
widower. Elected Member oif 
the House of Peers, 1901, 
Decoration : 4th Order df the 
Rising Sun. Addnss : 4 Va- 
ra i-cho, Ushigoine, Tokyo. 

Sera, Sei-ichi Cift S ^ -), 
e.v-.\l«'!ii. of the House of Eep^ 
resentativcs for Hiroshima 
prefecture, lawyer ; 5. 6 July, 
the loth y. of MeiJi {1&77), 
Hiroshima ; ist s. of Masao 
Sera ; w, Masu. Educ: grad- 
uated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
ver.sity. Once served in the 
Depirtnient of Justice; elected 
Member of the of Bep- 
resentatives, 1908/ Address: 
Shimo-nagaregawa-maehi, Hi- 

Sera, Tpkuju (ffi S IS *), 
President of the Bocho Agri- 
cultural and Industrial. Bank ; 
b. the 5 th m. of the 3rd y. of 
Ansei (i856),yamaguchi pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of Hachiroe- 
mon Nakatsukasa, and adopt- 

ed by the late Umesabn'o 
Sera; m. Tami, ist d. ofKi- 
kuzo Kidant, of Yamaguchi. 
Address: Kabano-mura, Osht- 
ma-gun, Yamaguchi-ken. 

Serizawa,K6taro C???S#i:iO. 
lawyer ; b. the 4th m. of the 
znAy. of Ke-o (1966), Yone- 
. zawa, Yamagata-k^n ; ist s, 
of the late Masahani Seriza- 
vra. Judge of the Court of 
Cisssation ; to. 1892, Miyuki, 
y. sister to Toshio Irisawa, 
Naval Captain of Engineering. 
.£/«^..'graduated from the Law 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1890. Immediately 
after his graduation, became a 
lawyer, opend the "Japan Pa- 
tent Agency Bureau " for ma- 
naging patent and trade marks 
for foreigners, Aug, 1908. Rec- 
reation: philosophical studies. 
Address : KcsidzncQ, iioHa- 
rajuku, Aoyama, Tokyo ; Of- 
fice, 3,. 3 chome, Sanjikkem- 
bori, Kyobashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1509 Shimbashi. lelegraphic 
code address : " Seritoku." 
Club: Doki club. 

Serikawa, Toknichi ^ JH f§ 
— 5» Presidenr of the 59th 
Bank; b. the 12th m. of the 
4th y. of Ansei (1857), Aorao- 
ri ; 1st s. of Takamasa Serika- 
wa, a samurai of Aoraori ; m. 
Tomo, y. sister to Shiijiro Sa- 
wa, a samurai of the same 
prefecture. Once was Mayor 
of Aoraori. Decoration: Sth 


E ^^^} 

Order of Merit. Addressc-i'W.St- 
kito-machi, Hirosaki. 

^:SMhimo, KiyomicM C?BT?f 
»)» 'awyer ; S. the 3rd mi of 
the 3rd^. of Keio (-r867), Ni- 
igata ; ist s. of Yahei Seshi- 
mo ; m. Tetsu, adopt, d. of 
Mura Tamatsukuri, a samurai 
ofFiikushima. £(</«<:..• studied 
in the Tokyo Daigaku, Tokyo 
Semmon Gakko, etc. ; grad- 
uated from the EngUsh La\y 
School, 1888 ; graduated from 
the Columbia and Catholic 
Universities, U. S. A., and has 
received the degress of Dr. of 
Law and Dr.' of Civil Law, 
1^64. Passed the Examinati<>n 
for the Bar, 1888; became 
lawyer, iZ^Z. Address : 16,2 
chome, Imagawa-koji, Kanda, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1 464 Honkyoku. 
; Sfeto, Eungo c^>3::#), 

-nianaj^cr of the Yokqgawa 
Bridge Manufactory and Ai- 
recotr of the Osaka branch 
of the Yokogawa Public 
Works - Office ; b. January 
the 1st y. of Meiji (1868) in 
Miyagi-ken ; s. of Yoshihiro, 
Seto, Eduo. : graduated the 
mechanical course of the To- 
kyo Assist. Eng. School ; 
further studied at- Tokyo 
Higher Technical School.: On 
his graduation entered the 
building section of the Mitsui 
firm, 1895; resigned the same 
firm, 1904; established the 
ei^neering work and build- 

ing Komu-Sho joining witl. 
•Str. Tamisuke Yokogawa. 
1904 ; having continu^ its 
business it has been changed 
to. the present Yokogawa Ko 
musho. Addresss: No. 537£ 
ISTishinomiya-cfao, Hyogo-ken. 
Seto, Toraki mPl^k), edu- 
, catidnist, government school 
inspector, ; pi-es. of the ist 
High School; b. 1870, at Ko- 
chi, Tosa province ; e. s. of 
Naomichi Seto, clan samurai 
of Kochi. Educ. : studied 
physics at the College of 
Science, Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
Appointed successively teach- 
ers of the Morioka Middle 
School, of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School, and principal 
of the Nagasaki Higher Com- 
mercial School. Address: 14 
Kita - machi, Ushigorne - ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2418 Brmcho. 
• Settai, Hatsuro Cli # U W), 
Member of the IVletji Sugar 
Manufacturing Company ; d, 
26 Feb. the 6th _;'. of Meiji 
(1873), Morioka, Iwate pre- 
fecture; J. of Yoshiharu Setfai; 
m. 1 90 1, Shima-ko, ist d. of 
Chojiro Kanazawa, a large 
land-owner. Educ: graduated 
from the Sapporo Agricultural 
College, 1899. Served in the 
Hoklaido Prefectural Govern- 
ment, 4hen having served as 
Director of the Iwate Agricult- 
ural Experimental Farm, Ag- 
ricultural Engineer of the 



(lita pref cture^and Director 
f"J the Glfu Agricultural Ex- 
perimental Farm, retired from 
"the government service to en- 
ter the present Company in 
19 lo; has made^ inspection 
tour cf Hawai and Chosen. 
Wrote several articles to mag- 
azines and newspapers. Rec- 
fcatio7is : reading, travelling 
and military exercises. Ad- 
dress : the Meiji Sugar Manu- 
facturing Company, Shoro, 
Tainan, Taiwan. C^uis: Tokyo 
Agricultural Association, Cen- 
tral Society of the Dai-Nippon 
Industrial Association, etc. 

Shiba. Chrzaburo (W jdt S, H 
KB), Ijaron, Kugakuhakushi, 
M, I. N. A. (London), Prcf cf 
the Engineering College ( f 
the Tokyo Imperial University 
(chair: Marine Engineering); 
b. 8 Mar. the Sth y. of Meiji. 
(1872), Kaga province ; ist s. 
of the late Baron Ban Shiba; 
in, Kuma, 4th d. of Juroku 
Susumu, a samurai of Ya- 
ma!,'uciii prefecture, Educ: 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College of the Tokyo Im- 
prial University, 1894; stud- 
ied at the University Hall, 
and at the Central Technical 
College, London, Tand also 
at Humphrey and Tennant's 
Works and finally at Berlin, 
Was appointed Assist.-Prof. cf 
his alma mater, 1895, arid on 
his return from abroad,, was 

made fall Prof ; received the 
degree ci Kdgakuhakuski, 19- 
02; Prof of the Naval College, 
1906 ; undertook the design- 
ing of the Toyo Kisen Kai- 
sha's sister ships the Tenyo 
and Chiyo Maru. Address: 16 
Komagome Akebono - cho, 
Ilongo, Tokyo. Tel. : 4040 

Shiba, Gontairo (fffiSffijfcSW, 
Engineer, and sectional chief 
of the Railway Board ; b: the 
1 2th m. of the ycAy of Ke'o 
(i867),Saitama-prefecture; ist 
s. of Kiichi Shiba, a samtirai 
of Saitaima ; in. Sstsu, ist d. 
of Shofun Takebashi, a samu- 
rai of Ishikawa prefecture. 
Edtcc. : graduated from the 
Engineering College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 1891. 
Was appointed Railway engi- 
neer of thet Department^ of 
Communications, 1893 ; rt-ji 
signed the government service, 
and entered the Nippon Rail- 
way Company as a Councillor, 
1903; despatched to Europe 
and America by the Company, 
1903-1904 ; -appointed to pres- 
ent post, Apr. 1907.^ Decora- 
tion : sth Order of Merit. Ad- 
dre.s.s: No.. 9, Higashi-Kuro- 
mon-(?ho, Shitava-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel: 656.Bancho. . ' 

' Shiba, Goro (Sl5l|t), Major- 
Gf neral, anc.;., Commander of 
the ist Brigade of Heavy Ar- 
tillery; b. the sth m. of thd 


[ 868 ] 

5t6 jf . of Ansei (1858), Fuku- 
shima-ken ; 5 th s. of the late 
Satazo Shiba, a samurai o{Fn- 
kushima prefecture, and j/. 
drotkerX.QSh.ubShib&, M.H.R.; 
m. Hana, y. sister to Hanha- 
chiio Nabeshima, of Saga. 
Educ. ; the Military Academy. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Artillery, 
1879 ; Lieutenant, 1884; Cap- 
tain, 1889 ; Major, i894;.Lfeu- 
tenant-Colonel, 1 899 ; Colonel, 
1902; Major-General, 1907; 
once was attache to the Lega- 
tion at London, and then at 
Peking ; took part as Major 
(Art.), in the Japan China War 
for which he was rewarded 
with the 4th Class of the Gold- 
en Kite ; but it was during the 
memorable siege at Peking by 
the Boxers in 1900 that his 
name began to be widely cel- 
ebrated ; appointed attache as 
Colonel and then Major-Gene- 
ral for the second time at Lon- 
don ; attended the Coronation 
Ceremony of the late King 
Edward VII in the suite of 
the late Prince Komatsu, 1902; 
took part in the Russo-Japa- 
nese War ; present post since 
191 2. JDecorations : 2nd Class 
of Golden Kite and Order of 
Eising Sun. Address: 6 cliome, 
Aoyama-minami -oho, Aka - 
salca-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 2561 

Shiba, Junrokuro (J5rSlt?tA«g|5) 
Director of the Religious Bu 

reau of the Home Depaitnieni,-; 
b. the 2nd m. of the ist /. of 
Bunkyu (1861), Kanazawa, 
Kaga ; 3rd s. of the late Ku- 
ranosuke Shiba, and uncle to 
Baron Chiizaburo Shiba. Educ: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1883 ; studied at 
the Berlin University, 1884- 
1888. On his return home, 
was appointed Prof, of his alma 
mater; then Councillor to the 
LegislativeBureau, 1 889; trans- 
ferred to present post, 1898. 
Decvration: 3rd Order of Mer- 
it. Address : 43, 3 Chome, 
Shic-cho, Yotsuya, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1567 Bancho. 

Shiba, Katsusaburo (^ H 
IP), Major-General, Chief of 
the Military Affairs Bureau 
of the War Office since Dec. 
.1912; h. 1864, Ibarald pre- 
fecture : Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, June 1885 ; Lieutenant, 
Nov. 1888; Captain Sept. 18- 
94; Major, Nov. 1 899; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Mar. 1904 ; Colo- 
nel, Dec. 1906; then present 
rank. Later "was cMef staff 
on the troops stationed in Cho- 
sen and then^Ohief staff on 
the Kwantung Government- 
General. Address: Tokyo. ' 

Shiba, Shiro (^HII?),ex-Mem. 
of the House of Eepresent- 
atives; b. the r2th m. of the 
Sthjf. of Kaei (1852), Aidzu ; 
s, of the late Satazo Shiba, a 

[ 869 j 


samurai of Aidzu, and e. bro- 
ther to Baron Maj.-Gen. G 
Shiba ; m. Kiku, 3rd d. of Sa 
kuya Nakamura, of Tokyo. 
Educ. : studied English and 
Chinese classics ; further stud- 
Jed in America. Was appoint- 
ed Private Secretary to the 
Minister of Agr. and Com. 
(the late Viscount Tani) with 
whom he travelled through 
Eui'ope and America on offi- 
cial business, 1886-1887; re- 
signed office next year with 
his chief and published a polit- 
ical novel written in highly 
polished Sinico-Japanese, and 
which had a wide circulation ; 
arrested on the charge of Com- 
plicity in the Korean Queen 
assassination affair in 1895, 
but was acquitted on exami- 
nation ; Vice-Minister of Agr. 
and Com., 1898, in the Dku- 
ma-Itagaki Cabinet ; has fre- 
quently sat in the .House of 
Representatives as Mem. for 
his native district. Decoration: 
4th Order of Merit. Publica- 
tion: " Kajin - no -Kigu " 
(Strange Encounter of a Lady 
and a Gentleman). Address: 
28, 2 chome, Nagatamachi, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 2829 

Shiba, Teikiehi (St it J. S), 
chief editor of the Yorodzii 
Choho ; b. Aug. the 2nd y. of 
Meiji (1869), Fukui ; J. ofYO- 
z6 Shiba; m. 1898, Educ: 

the Peers' School ; Cambridge 
University ; finished Elective 
Course (English Literature) of 
the College of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imperial Universi- 
ty, 1892-1896. Teacher of the 
Morioka Middle School, Lect- 
urer of the Takanawa Bud- 
dhist College, became journal- 
ist and entered the Choho-Sha,, 
1 897. Publications : several 
works on the English lan- 
guage, and Kokkateki Shakai- 
ron (National Society). Ad- 
dress : 26 Higashi - takecho, 
Hongo, Tokyo. 

Shiba, Toyobiko (^ ■%_ ^), 
Colonel of Infantry, chief staff 
of the 1 8th Army Division; 
b. 1872 in Hiroshima. Sub- 
Lieut., March 1893: Lieut., 
Feb., 1895; Captain, Dec. 
1898; Major, May 1904; 
Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, June 191 1. De- 
corations: 4tli Order of R. 
S., 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. 'Address: the Head- 
quarters of the 1 8th Army 
Division, Fukuoka-Pirefecture. 

Shibagaki, Teitoro (^ S 
M J: irO, chief of the archi- 
tectural Ecction of the Dep't 
of Education ; h. 1877 ' in 
Chiba-keu ; s. of liisamichi 
Shibagaki ; m. A. of Keijiro 
Okano, *®Feb. 1907. Edno:. 
graduated from sthe archi- 
tectural course; at -.the- col- 
lege of engineer" of the , To- 


[ 870] 

kyo Imp. Univ. Address : 
No. 3, 1 chonie, Motomaclii, 
Ilongo-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1698 

Siiibakawa, Mataemon (S )l\ 
X^ifti'9), one_of the highest 
tax-payers of Osaka-fu ; mem- 
ber in charge ^f the Shibaka- 
wa Lacquer-ware Partnership, 
and of the Osaka Afforesta- 
tion Company, pawn-broker, 
lacquey-ware name 
" Mukadeya " ; <5. the lOth m. 
of the 6th f. of Kaei (1853), 
Tokyo ; ist .f. of matabei Shi- 
bakawa ; ;«. Riku, aufii to Ki- 
chirobei Yamaguchi, of Kyo- 
to. He has contributed large 
sums of Money to public char- 
ities, and has been decorated 
with 5th Order of Sacred 
Treasure in connection with 
the late war. Address : 49, 
4chome, Fushimi-cho, Higa- 
shiku, Osaka. Tel. : 1 36 Cho 

Shitoata, Choun, (^ H fi iS)' 
Iggkijhahishi . (Doctor of 
Midicine); b. 1868 in Hyo- 
go-ken. Ediic: graduated 
from the preparatory class 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
I 8qo. Commenced medical 
practice ' at Kobe, 1891; 
served as expert of Ibaraki 
and Tochiki prefectural go- 
vernments; decorated with 
the sth Order of S. T.; is 
studying at the Medical Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 

since 1909; obtained the 
degree of Igakjihakiishi by 
presenting a thesis, Dec. 
1912. Address: the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 

Shibata, Genshichi (SgWii-tr), 
dry goods dealer, shop name 
"Maruta"; b. the 5th in. of 
the 2nd y. of Keio (1866), Shi- 
ga prefecture ; ist s. of the late 
Kuho Shibata; m. Shu, e. sister 
to Torakichi Nakamura, of 
Shiga. Has a branch shop in 
Tokyo. Address: Rokuso-mu- 
ra, Sakata-gun, Shiga -ken; 
Branch shop, 9 Fukuya-cho, 
Nihombashi, Tokyo. Tel. .'31- 
98 Naniwa.' 

Shibata, Jinshiro (^SJ^'SIP) 
President of the Komatsu Bank, 
Director of the Kyoeisha, Ltd.; 
b. the 1 2th m. of the ist y, of 
Ansei (1854), Ishikawa ; 2nd 
s. of Kichiji Hamao, and 
adopted by Jin-ichi Shibata ; 
m. Mitsu, 1st d. of his foster- 
father. Address: Komatsu- 
machi, Nomi-gun, Ishikawa- 

Shibata, Kamon (^ ES ^ W), 
Member of the House of Peers, 

^'X-Iiiin. of.Educ. (Dec- '12- 
Feb. '13); I. the 12th to. of the 
2nd y. of B mkyu (1862), Ya-^ 
maguchi prefecture; ist s. of 1 
the late Eisa Shibata, a samu- 
rai of Yamaguchi , m. Yoshi, 
3rd d. of Sidao Hasegawa, of 
Shidzuoka. Educ: graduated 

[ 871 ] 


from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1885 : Appointed Councillor, 
Home Office, 1886; Secretary 
of the Cabinet, 1889 ; Council- 
lor of the Legislation Bureau; 
Director of the Local Admin- 
istrative Bureau, Home Office, 
^895; Judge of the Administra- 
tive Litigation Court as an ad- 
ditional post ; appointed Chief 
Secretary of the Cabinet in the 
Katsura Ministry, 1901, which 
he resigned with the change 

of the Cabinet in 1905 ; reap- 
pointed to the same post, 19 
08-1911; pre of the Colo. Bur. 
191 1. Decoration: 2nd Order 
of Merit. Address .•37 Naka- 
rokubancho, Kojimachi, To- 
kyo. Tel. : I 5 1 1 Bancho. 

Shibata, Keisaku (m H ftfi^), 
Kogakuhakushi, Assist. -Prof, 
of the Engineering College of 
the Tokyo Imperial University; 
b. July the 6th y. of Meiji (18- 
73), Okayama ; s. of Isaku 
Shibata. Educ. : graduated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1896. Once lectured in 
several High Schools and Kyo- 
to Imp. Univ. Is now abroad 
for the purpose of studying 
Civil Engineering and Applied 
Mechanics. AMress: No. 9, 
Higashigoken-cho, Ushigo- 
me ku, Tokyo. 

_ Shibata, Komasaburo (^ffll*! 

~W>, Sec. to the Civil Bno- 
Bureau- h. 18 Nov. the 3rd 
y. of Meiji(i87o), Nara prefect- 
ure ; 3rd s. of Keisai Shibata, 
a doctor ; 7n. Ume-ko,,;'. sister 
to Morioki Nagayama, Baron. 
Educ.: graduated from the Law 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1896. On his grad- 
uation, -was given a post in 
the Home Office ; passed the 
Higher Civil Ssrvice Exami- 
nation, and appointed Coun- 
cillor of Gumma prefecture in 
Oct. 1 898 ; secretary to the Pri- 
vy Council, Apr. 1 899. Decora- 
tion : 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : 10 Kamirokubancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. •' 315 

Shibata, Sai-ichiro (^ H ;j* — 
fiW, Engineer ot the Aichi Pre- 
fectural Government, and Prin- 
cipal of the Aichi Technical 
School. Address: No. 10, 4cho- 
me, Matsumoto-cho, Nakaku, 

Shibata, Seinosnke (^H^^ 
S8), Director of tlie Nippon 
Gum Company, the Tokyo 
Sulphuric Acid Company, the 
Daido Indigo Company, and 
of the Toyo Tanning Company, 
etc., Representative Member of 
the Shibata Dyestuff Partner- 
ship, and of the Nippon Indigo 
Partnership, shop name " Ka- 
tsuraya " ; 3. the lOth m. of the 
1st J/, of K;ei5 (1865), Tokyo; 
e. brother to Yasugoro Yuge, 


872 ] 

and adopted by the late Tobei 
Shibata ; widower. Address .• 
8 Setomonocho, Nihornbashi, 
Tokyo.' Tel.: 65, 988 Toku 
Cho Honkyoku. 

Shibata, Yonosuke {^m^Z 
SS), a large landowner, one of 
the highest tax-payers of Aki- 
ta prefecture, Director of the 
Yusawa Bank ; b. the 4th m. 
of the gi\ij/. of Tempo (1838), 
Akita-ken ; 1st J. of the late 
Yotaro Shibata ; m. Matsu, y. 
sister to Densuke Takahashi, 
of Akita. Address: Nishima- 
otouchi - niachi, Okachi - gun, 

Shibatani, Takejiro (*i#^^ 
El>), President of the Sakai 
Spinning Company, Director 
of the Onishi Bank, and of the 
Shibaya Partnership ; b. in O- 
saka prefecture; 1st .j. of Ken- 
jiro Tomiya, and adopted into 
the family of Shibaya ; m. Ma- 
su, 1st d. of Tarokichi Kagada, 
of Osaka. Address : 50 Higa- 
shi-itcho, Kuken-machi, Sa- 
kai-shi, Osaka-fu. 

Shibau, Saichiro (g^felUIR), 
L: C, of Engineers, instructor 
of the Military^ Academy and 
Mil. College; b. i8;4, Toku- 

shima. Sub-Lieutenant of En- 
gineers, May 189s ; Lieuten- 
iant, Oct. 1897 ; Captain, Nov. 
1900; Major, Mar. 1905.- Dec- 
drations: 4th Order of the 
Hising Sun, 4th Class of the 

Golden Kite ; Was Comman- 
der of the Engineers until 
later year. 

Shibayama, Gorosaku (Sim 5 
IW^). M. D., Igahnhakushi, 
Member of the Infectious Dis- 
eases Institute and of Medical 
Inspection Staff; b. \\ Aug. 
the 4th y. of Meiji (1871), To- 
chigi ; 4th s. of Shiro Shibaya- 
ma ; in. Shidzu-ko, 6th d. of 
Baron Shinzen Matsuo. Educ: 
graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1898. Was made 
an assistant at the Infectious 
Diseases Investigation Labo- 
ratory in the same year ; qua- 
rantine officer, 1900 ; and fin- 
ally present post ; received the 
degree of doctor by writing a 
thesis in 1908. Decoration : 
Sth Order of Merit. Address : 
80 Shinsaka-machi, Akasaka, 

Shibayama, Yahaehi (^ Ui ^ 
A), Baron (cr. 1907), Admiral 
(ret.); b. the 7th m. of the 4th 
y. of Kaei (1851), Kagoshima; 
2nd s. of the late Ryoan Shi- 
bayama, a samurai of Kago- 
shima clan ; m. Koto, e. sister 
to Baron Shinsei Honda. Sub- 
Lieutenant of the Navy, 1874; 
Rear-Admiral, and Command- 
er of the Saseho Admiralty 
at the time of the Japan-China 
War; ©Vice -Admiral, 1897, 
and was Commander of the 
Kure Admiralty during the 

[ 873 ] 


late War ; transferred to be 
Cotnmander of Port Arthur 
Naval Station, 1905 ; raised to 
full Admiral, the same year ; 
placed on the reserve list, 
1907. Has been granted the 
2nd Class of the Golden Kite 
and Grand Cordon of the Ris- 
ing Sun for his services during 
the late war. Address .•19 Ka- 
mirokuban-cho, Kojimachi, 

SMbazaki, Yukijiro (^*tS^ 
Wi, Principal of the Nagasa- 
ki Higher Commercial School. 
Address : Kami-nagasaki-mu- 
ra, Nishi-kanokl-gun, Nagasa- 

Shibukawa, Ryujiro (g| ;i| j5P 
^ 115)) editor of the Tokyo 
Asahi Shimbun, a daily pa- 
per; b., the 4th m. of the 5th 
y. of Meiji (1872) in Saga- 
ken; s. of the Ryuzaemon 
Shibukawa. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Chtio Daigaku, 
a. private law college. Ap- 
pointed military judge and 
was attached to the Military 
Judges' Departments of the ■ 
6th and the 1st Army Divi- 
sions successively ; retired 
from the service on account 
of illness and became a writer 
of the. Tokyo Asahi Shimbun; 
was in. Manchuria during the 
Russo-Japanese War as one 
of the military judges of the 
6th Arniy Division. Publica- 
tions: "I'hree years on tHe 

front," " Japanese gods " and 
many other short works. 
Recreations : poetry and en- 
gravings. Address: No. 45, 
Oimatsu-cho, Takata, Koishi- 
kawa," Tokyo. 7>/. : 3734 

Shibnsawa, EHcM (ftjf ^-), 
Baron (cr. 1900), millionaire, 
President of the 1st Bank, the 
Tokyo Savings Bank, and of 
the Imperial Theatre Compa- 
ny, Chairman of the Tokyo 
Bankers' Association, Director 
of the Tokyo Aims-House ; b. 
ihe 2nd m. of the nth y. of 
Tempo (1840), Saitama pre- 
fecture; 1st s. of Ichizaemon 

Shibusawa ; m. Kane, ist d. of 
Hachibei Ito, of Tokyo. £duc.: 
private. He early went to Kyo- 
to, taking service under the 
Tokugawa Shogunate-in its 
declining days ; visited Europe, 
1867-1868, as cotnpanion to 
one of the Tokugawa Princes ; 
appointed a high official in the 



Treasury on the establishment 
of the 'Imperial Government, 
1769 ; but left it with the then 
Vice-Minister of the Treasury 
(now Marquis Inouye) in con- 
Kequence of a difference of 
opinion with the Minister on 
the fixing of the expenditure 
of the Governnient iDepart- 
ments, 1873; from that time 
until now he has Consistently 
kept aloof from government 
service, though frequently the 
Portfolio of Finance has been 
offered to him; founded the 1st 
Bank, the first national bank, 
to be established 1873; as he 
felt keenly the need of com- 
mercial education for the people 
he established a commercial 
training institution, which was 
the forerunner of the present 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School ; consulting with Count 
Okuma and the late Prince Ito, 
then the Minister of the Treas- 
ury and Home Affairs respect- 
ively, he inaugurated the To- 
kyo Chamber of Commerce, 
1878, and was its chairman till 
the spring of 1905, when he 
resigned on acount of ill-health; 
through his instrumentality an 
alms-house was established by 
the Tokyo Municipal Council, 
and shortly afterwards, when 
the Municipal Assembly de- 
cided to close it he continued 
it as a private undertaking 
for several years ; but in i8- 

8g, it again came under the 
care of the Municipality, and 
he was appointed its Director ; 
before the outbreak of the late 
War he became seriously ill 
and severed his connection 
with a large number of busi- 
ness establishments; these con- 
nections were restored again'' 
on the reviving of business aft- 
er the War ; but recently has 
again resigned most of these 
posts ; travelled through Eu- 
rope and America in 1902 ; 
visited U.S.A. as the Head of 
the Japanese businessmen who 
were invited* by the U.S. 
Chambers of Commerce, 1909. 
His elevation to the Peerage 
was in consideration of the 
immense services he has rend- 
ered to the cause of public 
well-being. He is supreme in 
our business circles. Decora- 
tion : 2nd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : Nishigahara, Takino- 
gawa. Kita-toshima-gun, To- 
kyo. Tel: 1649, 2941 Shitaya. 
Nihom-crab, Renmdn-crab. 

Shibusawa, Kinzo (Svft:^), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Gumma prefecture. Direct- 
or of the Nitta Bank ; b. the 
7th m. of the 3rd y. of Ansei 
(1856), Gumma; ist j. of the 
late Kinzo Shibusawa; m. Ha- 
ru, e. sister to Toshizo Had^zu- 
mi, of Gumma. Address: Ota- 
machi, Nitta-gun, Gummaken. 
- SMbuya, Ariaki Ci&#^*W), 

[ m ] 


Lieutenant-lieneral, Inspector 
of Commissariat; 3. the 6th 
fu. of the Srcij)/. of Ansei (i8- 
56), Wakayama ; ist s. of the 
late Aritada Shibuya, a samu- 
rai of Wakayama clan ; m. 
Chiwa, e. sister to Fujishige 
Okamoto, a samurai of Miya- 
zaki prefecture. Appointed 
Sub - Lieutenant of Cavalry, 
Feb. 1879; Lieutenant, Feb. 
1883; entered Military Staff 
College in 1884; Captain, June 
1886; Major, Nov. 1891 ; 
Lieutenant - Colonel, Oct. 18- 
97 ; served for years as Aide- 
de-Camp to the Crown Prince, 
Adjutant to the Inspector of 
Cavalry and Commander of 
the 15th Regiment of Cavalry, 
etc.; Major-General, Nov. 19- 
01 ; Lieutenant-Genera!, Dec. 
1908; present post since 1906. 
Decorations : the 2nd Order of 
the Rising Sun, 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address: 180 
Harajuku, Sendagaya, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo-fu, Tel.: 273 

SMbuya, Easuke (J& # MS^), 
Director of the Formosan 
Ice manufacturing Company, 
Taihoku Sugar manufactu - 
ring Company ; dealer in 
timber, gun and. gun -pow- 
der, trades under the store 
name " Shibuya Shoten "; b. 
the 7th m. of the 2nd y. of Ka- 
ei (1855), Chiba ; y. brother 
to Hirosaburo Shibuya, and 

adopted by the late' Cimbei 
Shibuya ; -in. Kiku, y. sister to 
Masutaro Kawasaki, of To- 
kyo. Address '< 24, Ichome, 
Hongokuch5,Nihombashi, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 1424 Cho Honlcyo- 

Shibuya, Btasatsugu (^ i^ 

& ^)) Paymaster Inspector 
of Navy; b. 1869. . Ediic: 
the Naval Paymasters' 
School. Staff-Paymaster, Dec. 
1901; Fleet -Paymaster, Sept. 
1906; Paymaster Inspector^ 
Dec. 191 1. Once was chief 
Paymaster of the Mlkasa 
of War-ship. Decorations : 
4th Order of R. S., 4th 
Order of S. T. 
^Shibuya,' ShokicM iM # lE 
a)> President of the Kyoeki 
Store-house Company, Stand- 
ing Member of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce, dealer 
in European goods; b. the 2nd 
m. of the 3rd_j'. of Ansei (18- 
56), Tokyo; 2nd s. of Cbutaro 
Shibuya ; m. Shige, ist <^. of 
Daihei Taya, Chiba. Educ. : 
studied in theSenshu Gakko(a 
private law economic school). 
Became a dealer in European 
good in 1887. Address: 9 
Tori-shiomachi, Nihomba^lii, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 381 Naniwa. 

Shibuya, Sh'^j ro(^#iE-MB), 
President of the Ehime Spin- 
ning Company, Director ol 
the Korean Cotton Company, 
Representative Member of the 


[ 876 ] 

Arima Mineral Spring Com- 
pany, Executive Member of 
the Shibuya Partnership, Au- 
ditor of the Osaka Spinning 
Company ; b. the 6th' in. of 
the 4th J', of Ansei(l857), O- 
saka ; 2nd s. of the late Sh5- 
jijro Shibuya ; in: Etsu, 5th d. 
of Shozaburo Shibuya. Ad- 
dress : No. 41, 4chome, Kita- 
hama, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Tel: 
272 Honkyoku. 

Shichiri, Seisuke {-b a ^ ^), 
President of the Osaka Canal 
Company, Director of the Q- 
saka Electric Eailway Com- 
pany, Auditor of the Minomo- 
Arima Electric Railway Com- 
pany; 5. the 7th 7;2._of the 5th 
y. of Ansei (i858;,0.-;aka; ist 
s. of the Jate Kahei. Yashiro, 
and adopted into the Shichiri 
family; m. Koto. Address: 30, 
4 chome, TJtsubo - Minami- 
d5ri, Mshi-ku, Osaka. Tel.: 
928 Mshi. 

Shida, K taro (jg H If ;fc IP)-, 
Hogakuhakushi, Prof, of the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
school, and of the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University (chair : Commercial 
Law); b. 20 Aug. the istjf. 
of Meiji (1868),, Chiba prefect- 
ure; 1st s. of Tpnioyoshi Shi- 
da, a samurai of Chiba ; m. 
Ryo, 1st d. of Yasaburo Ha- 
tanaka, a samurai of Wakaya- 
ma. Educ: graduated from 
the Law College of the Tokyo 

Imperial University, 1 894 ; 
studied in the University Hall; 
further studied Commercial 
Law iff Germany, 1 898-1902. 
Appointed Prof, of the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School, 
1897 ; Prof . of the Peers' 
School, 1902; received the 
degree of Hogakuhakushi, 19- 
03 ; Prof of the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imp. University, 
1904; attended the Interna- 
tional Underwriters Confe- 
rence held in America, 1904, 
as Japanese representative ; is 
now being engaged by Chi- 
nese Government with the 
view of compiling commercial 
and c\v\\\ci.^s.' Decoration: 5th 
Order of Merit. Address : \ 3, 
3 chome, Kobinata-dai-machi, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. 7^/..- 30- 
"jo Bancho, (in China : Oiificial 
Residence, Seijo-horitsu-gaku- 
do, Peking, China). 

SMdate, Tetsntaro CS fi is 
^ B|$), president of the 
Japan Industrial Bank ; 6. the 
6th m. of the 1st y. of Keio 
(1865) in Shimane-ken ; youn- 
ger brother of Kinya Shidate, 
samurai of Shimane-ken ; m. 
Taki, y. sister of Ichitaro 
Fukuzawa. Edue. : graduated 
the polifical and eeonomioal 
course at the College of law 
of the Tokyo Imp. IJniv., 
1889. On his graduation en- 
tered the Bank of Japan; was 
ordered by -the same bank to 

[ 877 ] 


go to Europe and America to 
study and made inspection of 
economic condition there for 
three years ; served at the busi- 
ness bureau of the same bank 
on his return, Oct J- 189 3; was 
appointed director of the west- 
ern branch of the same, Cec. 
1897; resigned the post, 1899; 
afterwards was engaged by the 
Kyushu Eailway Oo. and be- 
came chief of the accounts bu- 
reau of the same Oo. ; entered 
the Sumitomo bank, 1901 ; 
after serving for three years, 
was appointed director of the 
Kobe branch; then promoted 
to manager of the head-office ; 
resigned his post, 1910 ; pre- 
sent post since Feb. 1913. 
Address : Tokyo. 

Shidate, Tomimatsu (;S i S 
-fS), Igakzihakushi, a member 
of the Committee of the Ex- 
amination for Medical Practi- 
tioners. Address: 131, Koma- 
gome Higashikatamachi, Kon- 
go, Tokyo. 

Shiaetiitrak Kijuro (^Jf, WS 
W>, Counsellor of the Japanese 
Embassy at Yf ashington since 
May 1912; h. 11 Aug, the 
5 thjy .of Meij i{ 1 862) ,i n the prov- 
ince of Kawachi; "2nd.f. of Shin- 
jiro Shidehara ; m. Masa-ko,^. 
iister to Baron Kyuya Iwasaki. 
£if2^c..- graduated from the Law 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1895. Entered the 

Department of Agr. and Com., 
the same year; passed the Dip- 
lomatic Service Examination; 
then eleve-Consul, Chemulpo, 
1899; the same, London, 18- 
99; full Consul, Anvers;, 1900; 
the same.'^Fusan, 1901; called 
to head Office, 1904; appointed 
sec. of Office, ign. Deco- 
rations: 3rd Order of Rising- 
Sun, and several other foreign 
orders. Address: Japanese Em- 
bassy at Washington, U. S. A. 

Shiga, Ghoku-on (ig X it S), 
Director of the Tokyo Rice 
Exchange, the Nippon Acetic 
Acid Manufacturing Coinpa- 
ny, the Sapporo Timber Com- 
pany, and of the Teikoku Life 
Insurance Company, Auditor 
of the Buzen Coal Mining 
Company, and of the Tokyo 
Steel Works; b. the 2nd m. of 
the 6th J/, of Kaei (1853), To- 
kyo; 1st s, of the late Choku- 
do Shiga, z samurai oiTQ\iy<i; 
m. Ko, y. sister to Toyoo Ta- 
kahashi, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Keiogijiku. Is well known in 
his line of business. Address .* 
27 MikawadaiTmachi, Azabu,. 
Toky.o.' Tel:. 184 Shiba. 

Shiga, .Kiyeshi. (iS Sf it), 
Dr., Igahuhahushi, Expert of 
the. Infections Disease Inve- 
stigation Office. Address : 
14 Aoyama-takaki-cho, Aka- 
saka, Tokyo. 

Shiga, JCretsu (M S * 5!i)r 


[ m ] 

Prof, of the Tokyo Higher 
Technical School, and Engi- 
oeertothe Department of Edu- 
cation ; (5. the'' 6th »^. of the 
and^;/, of Keio (1866), Tokyo; 
ist s. of the late Shigemi Shi- 
ga, a samurai of Tokyo ; m. 
Haru, 2nd d. of Seikei Kino- 
ko, ajaw2«r«2of Tokyo. Educ: 
graduated ixom the Illinois 
University (Master of Archi- 
tecture). Was appointed Prof, 
of the Tokyo Higher Technic- 
al School, 1894, Address: 16- 
th of No. X, Idzumicho, Kan- 
da, Tokyo. 

Shiga, Shigetaka (^KS^), 
ex-M. P., journalist, traveller, 
author, Prof, of Waseda Uni- 
versity; b. the 9th /«. of the 
3rd y. of Bunkyu (1863), Oka- 
zaki, Mikawa province ; s. of 
Kumata Shiga, a samurai of 
Okazaki clan ; m. Tetsuchiyo, 
1st d. of Atsuyoshi Matsuno, 
a samurai of Saga. Educ.:%xs.A-' 
uated from the Sapporo Ag- 
ricultural -'College, 1884. Was 
once a, teacher of the Nagano 

Middle School ; and then visit- 
ed the South Seas 1886 on 
board a naval training ship ; 
joined the progressives, 1895; 
appointed Director of the For- 
estry Bureau, 1897,* Chief 
Councillor of the Foreign Of- 
fice, 1898; left the Progress- 
ives in 1900 and entered the 
Seiyukai; was one of the few 
civilians who were allowed to 

join the Port Arthur investing 
army in the late War.^nd was 
on the SaghaEen delimita^ 
tion commission ; yi.#ed, jEto- 
st of iniporta,nt t places of 
the world. PuhUcd;im& i Af- 
fairs vd tlie South Seas (was 
widely known for its charming 
style), Japanese Scenery, Lect- 
ures on Geography, Rivers 
and Lakes, Universal History 
(written in English), My 
Piary during the Busso - 
Japanese War, Sceneries of 
the world and many other 
works and essays chiefly 
geographical. Nome de plunie^ 
"lastn." Address: 14 'R.t'm&nzs.- 
ka-machi, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
TeJ. : 224. Shiba. 

Shiga, Taizan Ci^ R m Hi). 
Ringakuhdkushi (Dr. of Den- 
drology) ; b. the 8th m. of the, 
1st 7. of Ansei (1854), Uwaji- 
ma, lyo province; 2nd s. of 
Temnain Shiga, a samurai of 
Uwajiima clan ; m. Yae, ist d. 
of Moriyuki Nishina, a samu- 
rai of the same province. 
Educ. : studied in Germany, 
1886-1888. Once was Prof, at 
the College of Agriculture of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. and 
Engineer of the Department of 

Agriculture and Commerce, 
etc. ; received the degree of 
Ringakuhakushi, 189.9. -^^ 
dress : 13 Takehaya-cho, Koi- 
shikawa, Tokyo. 

[ 879] 


ShigeMsa, Atsnynki (M X IS 
W, Rear-Admiral of Engi- 
neering (on the , reserve) ; 
i>. the 1st m. of the 6th j, of 
Kaei (1859), Kagoshima; ist 
s. of Ihachiro Shigehisa, a sa- 
murai of Kagoshima clan ; m 
Seki, 7th d, of Uhachiro Kai 
a samurai of the same clan 
Once served as chief engineei 
of the Kure and Yokosuka- 
Naval Stations. Decoration : 
2nd Order of Merit. Address : 
g^6 Udagawa, Nakashibuya, 
Shibuya-machi, Toyota ma- 
gui', Tokyo. 

Shigaki Kazuo CM is. — m)> 
one ot the highest tax-payers 
of Kumamoto- prefecture. 
Member of the House of Rep- 
resentatives for Kumamoto; 
3. the 6th m. of the ist j/, of 
Keio (1865), Kumamoto J ist 
s. of Hanzo Shigaki a samurai 
of Kumamoto ; m. Natsu, 2nd 
d. of Dokusei-an Matsuoka, a 
samurai of Kumamoto. Ad- 
dress : Moritomimura, Shimo- 
masliiki-gun, Kumamoto-ken. 

Shigematsu, Tatsuichiro CStS 
^.^lij), Prof, of the Kagoshi- 
ma Higher Agricultural and 
Dendrological School ; b. 25 
Mar. the ist>'. of Meiji (1868), 
Ehinie prefecture ; ist s. of the 
late Ryuken Shigematsu, a sa-^ 
murai of Khime prefecture ; m. 
Yonei y. sister to Kurazo Ha- 
sebe, a samurai of the same 
prefecture. Edtic: graduated 

from the College of Agricult" 
ure of tht-sTokyo Imperial 
University, 1892. After teach- 
ing in the Miyagi Middle 
School, and in the Tottori Agri- 
cultural School, was appointed 
engineer of the Gifu prefecture 
in 1898; transferred as presi- 
dent of the Gifu-ken Agricult- 
ural School, 1900 ; then hav- 
ing filled the post of engineer 
of Yamanashi prefecture and 
of Prof, of the Hiroshima 
Higher Normal School, was 
finally transferred to present 
post in 1909. Address: the 
Kagoshima Higher Agricult- 
ural and Dendrological 
School, Kagoshima. 

Shigemi, Kumao ^a % SS W), 
Major-General, Chief ol the 
4th section of the General 
Stafif Office ; b. the m. of 
the 1st y. of Bunkii (1861), 
Yamaguchi; ist s. of Sanhichi- 
ro Shigemi, a samurai of Ya- 
inaguchi; m,. Kku, y. sister to 
Kyuzo Kurnano, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Educ: graduated from 
the Military College, 1890. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Artillery, 
Dec. 1883 ; Lieutenant. Apr. 
1887; Captain, June 1890; 
Major, Dec. 1894; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Dec. 1899; Colonel, 
May, 1903; Major-General, 
Jan. 1909, Took part in the 
Japa n-China War asCommand^ 
er of the ist Battalioti of the 
Regiment of Temporary Artil- 


[ 880 ] 

lery, and in the late War as 
Chief of Staff of the Imperial 
Guards Division, rendering 
splendidservices to theEmpire. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Class o£ Gold- 
en Kite. Address: 50 Okubo- 
yocho machi, Ushigome, To- 
kyo. Tel: 992 Bancho. 

Shigeno, Kiyotake (^ Sf ?t 
ff^)> aviator, Licence De Pilote 
Aviateur, teacher at the Mil- 
itary Balloon Investigation 
Society, Baron; b. Oct. 6th 
1882 in Nagoya; s. of the 
late Baron Kiyohiko Shigeno, 
Lieut. General, samurai of 
Yamaguchi-ken ; m. Wakako 
(deceased), sister of Ryo Kiyo- 
oka, Viscount, in 1908. Educ. : 
the Tokyo Academy of Music; 
studied^ in France. Studied 
of aeroplane and aeronautics, 
in France, 191 1- 12; invented 
and manufactured a new 
styled aviator called " Waka- 
tori" in France; besides he 
is known as a skillful musi- 
i'ian. Recreations; literature, 
music, picture, aviator, motor- 
ing, etc. Address: /^2S Naka- 
shibuya, Tokyn-fu. 

Shij , Takahira CBS 1« It ^), 
Baron (cr 1898), Member of 
the House of Peers, Lord-in- 
Waiting in the Kinkei Hall, 
formerly a courtier; h the 4th 
tn. of the I2thj^. ofTemp5(i8- 
41); 1st J. of the. late Marquis 
Ryuka Shijo, and e. brother to 

Marquis Ryuai Shijo ; widow- 
er. Is the descendant of the 
famous( Kamatari Fujiwara; 
fought in the Boshin Campaign 
on the side of the Imperial 
Army; was elected Member 
of the House of Peers, 1904; 
has been decorated with the 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun 
in connection with the late 
War. Address: 315 Sendaga- 
ya, Sendagaya-machi, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo. Tel: 1780 

Shijo, Takaehika (a ^ g ^), 
Marquis, Meinber of the 
House of Peers, Lieutenant of 
Cavalry, descended from a for- 
mer court family in direct des- 
cent from the famous Kama- 
tari Fujiwara; b. the 
the 13th J/, of Meiji (1880):; 
yth s. of the late Marquis Ryu- 
ka Shijo, who did much at the- 
time of the Restoration for the 
Imperial House; m. Ito-ko, 
loth d. of Keiki Tokugawa. 
Address: 42, 2 chome, Fujf- 
micho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel: 1475 Bancho. 

Shikata, Kitau (jg :§ i^),; 
Judge of the Court of Cassa- 
tion ; b. the 5 th m. of the 4 th 
.y. of Ansei (1857), Saitama;' 
2nd s. of Rokuro Shikata, a 
samurai ofSaltamn; m: Waka, 
1st d. of Akio Nishi, a Sa- 
murai of Ibaraki- prefect- 
ure. Educ: Shiho-sho" H5- 
ritsu Gakko (government law- 

[ 881 ] 


college), 1884, Judge, 1885; 
and after serving as sectional 
chief of the Toyama District 
Court, Judge of the Osaka and 
Tokyo Appeal Courts, and as 
Director of the Kofu and Chi- 
ba District Courts, was trans- 
ferred to present post. Ad- 
dress: 74 Hisakata-machijKoi- 
shikawa, Tokyo. 

Shikata, Seishiehi (.'M'^W'-b':), 
President of the Settsu Oil 
Manufacturing Company, Man- 
aging Director of the Japan 
Cotton Company, Director of 
the Toyodashiki Weaving 
Machine Company, the Kan- 
sai Horse Breeding Improve- 
ment Company, the Nippon 
Fire Insurance Company, and 
of the Artificial Manure Deal- 
ing. Company, etc., Auditor 
of the Osaka Cement Compa- 
ny, and of the Banzai Life 
Insurance Company, dealer in 
manure ; b. the 9th in. of the 
1st jy. of Manyen(i86o), Hyo- 
go prefecture; ist.y. of Soshichi 
Miyoshi, and adopted by the 
late Seishiehi Shikata ; m. No- 
bu.V- sister to Hambei Wada, 
of Osaka. Address: 13, 3cho- 
me, UtSLibominami-tori, Nishi- 
ku, Osaka. Tel.: 353 Cho Ni- 

Shiki, Moriharu C© iS 'f ?&). 
Colonel of Infantry, Chief 
staff on the 4tli Army^Di- 
visioiL,- b. 1872, Kagoshima; 

s. oi a samurai. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Infantry, Mar. 1891 ; Lieu- 
tenant, June 1 894 ; Captain, 
Oct. 1897; Major, Nov. 1902 ; 
Lieutenant-Colonel, Oct. 19- 
05 ; Colonel, Nov, 1909. Dec- 
orations .• 4th Order of the 
Risiug Sun, 3rd Class of the 
GroidenKite. Address: Head- 
quarters of the 4th Army Di- 

Shiki, SMntarJ (MtiSMl^), 
public works contractor, Di- 
rector of the Korean Coloni- 
zation Company ; <5.- 23 Mar. 
the 2nd;)/. of M^iji(i86Q); 
s. of the late Jinzaburo Shiki ; 
PI. Masayo, e. sister to Fuji 
Urakami, of Tokyo. Editc: 
graduated from the Koshi 
Gakko (a private technical 
school) . Address s Ifo. 6, Ta- 
meike-cho, Akasaka-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel, : 169 Shimbashi. ' - 

Shima, Bunjiro (^ S: ^ 15), 
Chief Librarian. of the Kyot'> 
University Library, asist. prof. 
of the University. Address: 
the Kyoto Imperial Univer- 
sity, Kyoto. 

Shima, Genjiro Cig ?® ^ Si?), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Tokushinia prefecture-; 6. 
the 6th m. of the 4th y. of Ko- 
kvva (1847), Tokushima-ken ; 
1st s. of the late Genjiro Shi- 
ma; m. Matsu, e. sister to Aki- 
chi Okamoto, of Tokushima. 
Address: Kawauchi-mura, Ita- 
no-gun, Tokushima-ken. 


[. 882 ]; 

:. Shima, Ikntaro d f|5-:*:IR>,- 
ChieJ yfthe Bureau of Corre- 
spondence of the Bank of Ja- 
pan ; ^..the 3rd m. o£the 2nd 
y. of Ansei (1855), Oiia pre- 
fecture; 2nd s. of Masatada 
Nonomura, a samurai ol Dita, 
and adopted by Korekiyo Shi- 
ma ; m. Tora, ist d, of Noii- 
michi Anan, a samurai of the 
same prefecture. Address :'\- 
63, Negahara, Kongo, Naka- 
no-machi, Toyotama-gun, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 1795 Bancho. 

^ Shima, Kosuke CS R ®), 
Deputy Mayor of. Nagasaki ;. 
b. the 1 2th m. r'f the 2nd y. of 
Keio (1866), Yamaguchi pre- 
fecture ; 1st J. of Yurizo lida, 
and adopted into the family of 
Shima ; m. Otomi, 2nd d. of 
Yoshimori Kokushi, a samurai 
of Yamaguchi. Address: the 
Nagasaki city Hall, Nagasaki. 

Shima, Takeru {M%m.^ Com- 
. njander, Captain of Toltiwa; 
b. 1869. Lieutenant, Dec. 18- 
97; 2nd Commender, Dec. 18- 
99; Commander, Jan. 1905. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 5th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: 22 Ka- 
sumi-cho, Azabu, Tokyo. 

■^ Shima, Yasiyiro CB 35 ^ IK), 
Engineer of the Railway 
Board, Prof of the Engineering- 
College of the ToJcyo Imp. 
Univ.; b. 7 Aug. the 3rd y, of 
Meiji (1870), Wakayama pre- 
fecture; 2nd s. of Kichibei Shi- 

mi;m Jun,. 2nd -i/. qf , Ktn-- 
nosuke Harada, of Shiga pre-^ 
fe'ctiure. Educ: graduated from 
the Engineering College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1894.. Ap- 
pointed Engineer of the De- 
parment of- Agriculture and 
Commerce, 1901; entered the 
Nihon Railway Company, 19- 
03 ; went oyer to Europe and 
America, 1903-1964; Appoint- 
ted Engineer of the Railway 
Board, 1908; Prof, of his alma 
mater, Aug. 1909. Decoration: 
6th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Addfess : i Kanasugi-shinha- 
ma-machi, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 
975 Shiba. 

•Shima, Shigezo Cjg ® 2 3), 
President of the Awa Agricull-. 
Ural and Industrial Bank ; b. 
the 9th m. of the lO'Ca.y. of 
Tempo (1839), Tokushima 
prefecture ; 5th s. of Taminq- 
suke Goshima, and adopted by 
the late Gyoei Shin a, a samtt- 
rcti of Tokushima ; m. Uno, 
1st d. of his foster father. Once 
was Vice-Chairman of the 
Awa Chamber of Comaierce, 
and Member of the Awa Pre- 
fectural Council. Address: Ai- 
hada-mura, Nanishi-gun. To- 
kushima prefecture. 

, Shimada, Gotaro CSpiiJitllO, 
Governor of Saitama prefect- 
ure ; b. the 9th m. of the 3rd 
y. of Keio (1866), Fukui ; ist 
■s. of Seisho Shimada, a samu- 
rai of Fukui ; ni. Sai, 6th d. of 

[ 883 J 


Idzuru Tsuda, a samurai of 
Ghiba. Educ: graduated from 
the Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1890. On 
his graduation, was given a 
post in -the Department of Ag- 
riculture and Commerce ; 
then Councillor of the same 
Office, 1892; and after serving 
as Secretary, Councillor, and 
Commissioner in several pre- 
fectural governments was final- 
ly transferred to present post 
in Dec 1907. Decoration: 4th 
Order of Merit. Address : the 
Official House, 110, Urawa- 
machf, Kita-adachi-gun, Sai- 

Shimada, IcMbei CSfflnJJ^^), 
a wealthy grocer, shop name 
" Dai-icM"; b. the 4th m. of 
the 3rd>. of Keio (1867), Osa- 
ka ; 3rd s. of Kajisabuio Shi- 
mada, and adopted by the late 
Ichibei Shimada; m. Ai, ist d. 
of Risabur5 Mano^ of Hyogo 
prefecture. Address:' 1 3 Ichi- 
nomachi, Kita-ku Osaka. Tel.: 
674 Higashi. 

Shimada, Kamekichi (.% ffl ft 
^), Naval Captain, of Engi- 
neering, in the Saseho Naval 
Station; b. 1868. £'if«c..* the 
NavalEngineeringSchcol. 2nd 
Commander of Engineering, 
Sept. i 899, Commander of 
Engineering, Sept. 1903 ; Cap- 
tain of Engineering, Oct, 1909. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of Ris- 

ing Sun, 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address:X\\^ Saseho Na^ 
val Station. 

Shimada, Kin-icM CftW#— ). 
Piof. of the I st High School ; 
/'. the 7th W2. of .2nd J/, of Keio 
(1866), Tokyo; ist j. of the 
late Jurei Shimada, ^K^/^^^i.v- 
hakushi, a samurai oiM\xxzkd.^ ■ 
mi clan, Echigo province ; m. 
lto,j/. sister to Yo Kawada, a 
sammaioiToXiyo.Educ: fin- 
ished the Course of Chinese 
Classics of the College of Lit- 
erature of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1 899. - Was ap- 
pointed Prof, of the ist High 
School, 1894, Publications: 
many works on Chinese clas- 
sics. Address No. 306, . Shi- 
mo-Osaki, Osakicho, Ebara- 
gun, Tokyo-fu, 

Shimada, Kuehi (E ffl Wt --). 
Yakugakuhakushi (Dr. of 
Pharmacology), Prof, of the 
Nagasaki Medical College ; b: 
the 2nd m. of the istjc. of An- 
sel (1854), Nagasaki; ist s. of 
Aikichi Shimada ; m. Kama, 
1st d. "of Setsudo Fujino, of 
Nagasaki. Entered the Plome ■ 
Office in 1879 ; Engineer of the 
Hygienic Laboratory, 1889 ; 
present post since 1903 ; has 
received the degree of Yakn- 
gakuhahishi, 1907. Decora-, 
tion.: 4th Order of Merit.' Ad-' , 
dress: II Higashikami-machi;. 
Nagasaki. : 



Shimada, Kijuro (,ftfflS+Bl5>, 
Chief of Judicial Section of the 
Military Law Department of 
the FoiMOsan Government- 
General. Address: the Military 
Department, Taihoku, Taiwan. 

Shimada, Saburo (^ H H W)> 
Member of the House of Rep- 
resentatives for Yokohama 
City; b. the nth m. of the 
5th y. of Kaei (1852), To- 
kyo; 3rd s. of the late Chiei 
Sudzuki, a samurai oi Shldzn- 
oka, and adopted by the late 
Hokan Shimada, of Kanaga- 
wa ; m. Nobu, y. sister to Ki- 
saburo Nishimura, of Kanaga- 
wa. Educ: Shohei-ko, clan 
scliool, Daigaku Nonko. Held 
the post of Secretary in the 
Department of Education, 
which he resigned in I 881 
when Count Okuma left the 
government ; was long one of 


' 1; 


the ablest lieutenants of the 
Count an{5 a prominent mem- 
ber of his p arty, bat afterwards 

completely severed all connec- 
tion with it in 1894; made an 
inspection tour in Europe and 
America, 1889-1890; he is 
one of those M.H.R. who have 
sat in the House since its forma- 
tion and one of the most fluent 
speakers among contemporary 
publicists; in 1909, he sold a 
daily {Tokyo Mainichi) which 
he had run for ni^uiy years to 
Count Okuma ; his pen name 
is ".S/25«««", and he is well- 
known as one of the able writ- 
ers of to-day ; has been deco- 
rated with the 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun in connec- 
tion with the late war. Publi- 
cations; Eikoku-kempo-shi 
(History of the English Con- 
stitution), Kaikoku - shimaisu 
(how Japan was opend to for- 
eign intercourse), _y5'^j'''^'^^'^'^^" 
sei-ron (On the Revision of 
Treaties), and several other 
works of historical interest. 
Address: 31 Nakarokubancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 91 

Shimada, Takehisa Cftffl^^), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Kochi prefecture. Address: 
Mishima-mura, Koyoshi-gun, 

Shimada Yoshinosuke, CSHt? 
;^IS), Director of the Ishioka 
Bank. Address: Ishioka-machi, 
Niiharu-gun, Ibarakl-ken. 

Shimakawa, Biinhachiro C% 
JH^SCASIOk Major-General, Chief 

[885 ] 


of the Bureau of Ordnance, 
the Military Department ; d. 
the 3rd m.. of the ist y. of 
Gwanji (1864), Mie ; 8th j. of 
Sozo Shinnakawa, a samurai 
of Mie ; m. Kinu, yf sister "to 
K6 Konishi, a samurai of Mie. 
Educ: the Military Academy; 
studied in France and Belgi- 
um, Sub-Lieutenant of Artil- 
lery, June 1885 ; Lieutenant, 
July 1887; Captain, Nov. i8- 
90 ; Major, Apr. '' 1895 ; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel, Dec. 1 899 ; 
Colonel, May 1903 ; Major- 
General, Jan. 1909. Decora- 
tions: the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, the 3rd Class Gold- 
en Kite, and foreign ordei-s. 
Address: 6y Wakamatsu-cho, 
Ushigorae, Tokyo. Tel.: 1608 

Shimamura, Hatahiko C& 
ift m M^, chi®f of the 

general affairs section of the 
Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Osaka 
mercantile steam-ship Co.); b. 
1875 in Kochi-shi. Edue: 
graduated from the law col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Uniy. 
Was counsellor of the Kwan- 
tung Government General. 
.Deeoraiion : 6th Order of 
Merit. Address: Uye-Miya-cho, 
Minanii-ku, Osaka, 

Shimamura, HayaoCS^ii*!), 
Vice-Admirai, Comniunder of 
Baseho Admiralty; b. the gtii 
m. of the 5th j;/. of Ansei (18-, 
58), Kochi ; 2nd s. ^i the late 

Sagohei Shimamura, a samu- 
rai oi Kochj ; m. Kudao, 1st 
d. of Masahide Kondo, of K5- 
chi. Educ.: graduated from the 
Naval Cadet School, 1880; 
studied in England and Italy, 
1888-1890. 2nd Sub-Lieuten- 
ant, Nov. 1883; Lieutenant, 
July 1886; 2nd Commander, 
Dec. 1894; was staff officer on 
board the flag-ship Matsushi- 
ma in the Japan-China War, 
being slightly wounded on the 
left leg in the battle of the Yel- 
low Sea; Commander soon after 
and attached to the Naval 
Board ; Prof, at the Naval Staff 
College, 1896, and in the same 
year attached to the Japanese 
Legation at Rome ; Captain, 
1 899 ; was Commander of the 
Suma and Chief of Staff to the 
Standing Squadron in the 
Boxer Trouble, 1900; attached 
to the Naval Board and also 
Prof, at the College on return- 
ing home ; Rear-Admiral, 19- 
04 ; took part io the late War 
as Commandeer of the 2ad 
Squadron and 4th^Squadron, 
and was Chief oi Staff to Ad- 
miral Togo; Director of the 
Naval Cadet School, 1906 : 
Vice-Admiral, and President 
of the Naval Staff College, 
1908 ; Commander in Chief 
of the 2nd Squadron, Dece- 
mber 1909. He attended the 
( Hague Peace Conference held 
in 1907. Has been granted and 


[ 886 ■] 

Class Golden Kite and 2nd 
Order of the Double Rayed 
Rising Sun for his service in 
the late war. Address: 1 5 Mi- 
ta-shikoku-cho, Shiba, Tokyo. 

Shimamura, HisasM (.%mK'), 
Manager of the Konoike Bank, 
Director of the Osaka Store- 
house Cornpany ; b. the 2nd 
m. of the 3rd y. of Kaei (18- 
50), Okayama prefecture ; ist 
s. of Bungo Shimamura, a sa- 
murai of Okayama ; m. Yone- 
ko,/y. sister to Shinsei Honda, 
Baron. Entered Government 
service, and finally attained 
the position of Consul Gene- 
ral, t)ut afterwards retired from 
official service, andentered bus- 
iness. Decoration: 3rd Order 
uf Merit. Address: 1255, Hon- 
johigashigohgen, Kitaku, O- 
Baka. Tel.: 4012 Cho Mshi. 

Shimamura, Shnn-iehi, Cfe tf 
f^-'), Igakuhaktishi; ex-?resi- 
dent of the Medical College. 
Address : Shimokiritori-shin- 
karasumaru Higashi-iru, Ka- 
mikyoku, Kyoto. 

Shimamura, Takitaro ( g # il 
-kW), Prof, of Waseda Univer- 
sity (chair: English Literature, 
Aesthetics) ; (5. 10 Jan. the 4th 
y. of Meiji (1871), Shimane 
prefecture ; ist s. of Ippei Sa- 
sayama, andadopted by Bunk5 
-Shimamura, of Kanagawa pre- 
fecture ; married. Educ: grad- 
uated from the Department 
of Literature of the Tokyo Sem- 

mon Gakl<b (predecessor of 
the : present Waseda Univer-- 
sity), 1894; further studied in 
Germany and England. Is well 
known as a literary critic and 
scholar of English literature; 
has written a |^few novels and 
dra mas ; nam de plume: " Hd- 
getsu". Publications : New-, 
Rhetoric ; Studies in Modern 
Literature; Translation of 
Ibsen's " Doll's House " ; Prin- 
ciples of Aesthetics; aud many 
other essays. Address: Wase- 
da Uuniv., Tokyo. 

.Shimamura, Tasaburo ( ftM'fi& 
^&\-), Uounsellor of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture and Com- 
merce, and Section Chief of 
the Ins. Bureau of the same 
Department. Address: 116 
Bentencho, Ushlgome, Tokyo. 

Shimamura, Tomijiro {%^% 
^IP)) a large merchant; d. ist 
m. of the sthj.ofKaei (1852), 
Wakayama ; 2nd s. of Hachi- 
robei Shimamura ; m, Yoshie, 
aunt to Gorobei Doi, ol Wa- 
kayama. Address : 17, 4 cho-' 
me, Shin-tori, Wakayama-shi. , 

Shimamuraj Yasujiro (^BS 
^HW, President of the Waka- 
yama water Power Electric 
Company, Director of the 43rd 
Bank; b. the 5th m. of the 4th 
y. of Ansei (1857), Wakaya- 
ma ; ist J. of Zembei Ota, and 
adopted into the family of Shi- 
mamura ; m. Iku, 2nd d. of To- 
mijiio Shimamura, of Wftka- 

[ 88/ 


yama. Address: 6, 7 chome, 
Honcho. Wakayama-shi. 

Shimanuki, Hyodayu {MiKM 
ii:k), pastor and author, Chief 
of the Rikko-kai ; b. the 8th 
111. of the 2ni\y. of Keio(i866), 
Iwanuma-machi, Miyagi pre- 
fecture ; o. of Ryoji Shimanu- 
ki ; m. 1896, Mika-ko, ist ^. 
of Masami I. Educ: graduated 
from the Tohoku Gakuin 1886 
— 1894; after that went to 
America thrice to observe 
''charitable work; tlien founded 
the " Rilchohai " Nichibei 
Business School, Kikkyo Girls 
School and liikkyo Church 
with the purpose of givi- 
ing:_ to geniwa ^mfortunate 
youths^ahd gTrls a way of earn- 
ing their school expenses by 
suitable and of educating 
them on the principle of inde- 
pendence; thus the members oi ■ 
Rtkkokai number about seven 
thousands, <ind ars spread al- 
most all over tbe world ; he 
writes as chief editor on a 
iiiagazine "Bihhyo Sekai" and 
several other magazines. Publi- 
cations : Seikono-hiketsu (Key 
to Success), Gunjin-to-Kirisu- 
cokyo (Soldiers and Christian- 
ity), Tobei-annai (a Guide to 
America), new way of hard 
study " Shin.tobeiho, " What 
is Eikkyoka'i, Eecord of strug- 
gling ; they are widely read. 
Address: 51 Kago-cho, Koi- 
shikawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 1248 

Bancho. eahle address: "Rik- 
kokai Tokyo. 

SMmauehi, Takeliisa {% n^ 
Ml a large land-owner one 
of the highest tax-payeri of 
Kochi prefecture ; b. the rst ;«. 
of the 2ndj>/. of Bunkyu(i862). 
Kochi prefc'cture ; 2nd s. of . 
Takekane Shimauchi, a smKU- 
mofKoclii; ;«. Kogane, ist 
d. of Iwago Takata, of Kochi. 
Address: Mishima-mura, Ko- 
mi-gun, Kochi-ken. 

Sliimazaki, Xienpei (!> Ji^ ME 
¥■)! Paymaster Inspector of 
Navy; b. in 1871.- Educ: the 
Naval Paymasters' School. 
Staff-Paymaster, Oct. 1901; 
Fleet-Paymaster, Sept. 1906; 
Paymaster Inspector, Dec. 
1912. Once was chief of 
the 2nd Section of the Ac- 
. counts Dep't in the Kure 
Naval Station. Decorations: 
4th Order of R.S., 4th Order 
of S. T. 

Shimazaki Haruki <S *§ # 

1S)> iwm de plum is Toson, 
author; b. in Nagano-ken. 
Educ: studied at Mita Eng- 
lish School, Kyoritsu School 
and Meiji Gakuin. Edited a 
magazine called " Bungak- 
kai" in 1893. Ptiblications: 
"Hakai" (Breaking of Bud- 
dhist laws), "Rokuyoshu", 
" Haru " (Spring), " Toson 
Shishu " (Poetical works). 
Address: No. i Shinkata- 
machi, Asakusaku, Tokyo. 



Shimazw, Chukin (S vP S- ic), 
Baron (cr. 1896), Member of 
the House of Peers, Director 
of the Kagoshima Savings 
Bank ; one of the branch 
faniUies of the Princely House 
of Shimazu; b. the nth in. of 
the 2nd y. of Kokwa (1845), 
Kagoshima ; 4th s. of the late 
Hisamitsu .Shimazu, and y. 
brother to Prince Chusai Shi- 
mazu ; widower. Decoration : 
4th Order of Merit. Address : 
60 Karai-takuo-cho, Kagoshi- 

Shimazu, Tadanari_(g#j;,^), 
Prince, Member of the House 
of Peers, Lord-in- Waiting in 
the Jako Hal! ; b. the 3rd m. of 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855); 
6tli s. of Prince Hisamitsu (d. 
1887), scion of the House, and 
in recognition of his distin- 
guished services in consum- 
mating the work of the Restora- 
tion, received the title of Prince 
in 1884; m. Taozu-ko, aunt to 
Koreharu Takeuchi, Viscount. 
Address: 4 San-ncncho, Koji- 
machi, Tokyo. Tel: l64Shim- 
bashi. ■ 

Shimazu, Genzo (^ # 5S ^J, 
a large dealer in scientiflc 
machines; b. ij June, the 2ndy. 
of Meiji (1869), Kyoto; 1st j. 
of the late Genzo Shimazu ; m. 
Tsuru, 2nd d. of Hisajird Inui, 
of Kyoto. ^iii^ri?i.s.' Nishikiya- 
cho-nijosagaru, Kamikyo-ku, 
Kyoto. 7e/.: 488 Kami. 

Shimazu, Tad-ashige ( !> # & 
M.), Prince, 2nd Sub Lieutenant 
of Navy; b. 20 Oct, the ipth 
y. of Meiji (1886) ; 4th s. of 
the late Prince Shigehisa. The 
House was formerly the great 
house of Satsuma with a fief 
of 700,000 ^oht, the late 
Prince was the 29tli head of 
the line which was fonnded in 
the 1 2th century ; his pre- 
decessor Seihin and uncle Hi- 
samitsu did much to restore 
the Imperial power. Address: 
234 Shimo-osaki, Osaki, Eba-, 
ra-gun, Tokyo. 7el. 378, 379 
Cho Shiba. 

Shimazu, Tadamaro {%'^% 
M), Count ; b. 4 May, the loth 
/. of Meiji (1877); I'st s. of the 
late Count Tadasuke {d. 19- 
09),_ex-Lord ofSadoharaclan, 
Hyiiga province; m. Matsu-ko, 
y. sister to Kosei Sanada, 
Count. Address : 1 Nagasaka- 
cho, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel,: ' 6 " 

_ Shimazu, Tadasuke {.% W% 
^)> Count, Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. the 5th m, 
of tiie 2t\d y. of Kaei (1849), 
Miyazaki-ken ; ist s. of Tada- 
hiro Shimazu, ex-Lord of Sa- 
dohara clan. .S/a^r..- studied in 
A^merica. Decoration: 4th Or- 
der of M-erit. Address : i Na- 
gasaka - cho, Azabu, Tokyo. 
7>/.." 610 Shimbashi. 

Shimidzu, Cho (^ 7^ jg), 
Hogakuhakuski, judge of the 

[ 889 } 


Administrative Litigation 
Court, and Prof, of the Peers' 
School ; 3. 12 Aug. the ist jj/. 
of Meiji (i868), Kanazawa, 
Kaga province; 1st ^. of Kichi- 
saburo Shimidzu; m. Tatsu, ist 
d. of the late Taizo Miyoshi, 
M. H. P. Ediic: graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imp. University, 1894; 
studied national law and ad- 
ministrative law in France" 
and Germany. On his gradua- 
tion, was given a post in the 
Home Office ; passed the 
Higher Civil Service Exami- 
nation, 1896; was appointed 
Councillor of the Tokyo Pre- 
fectural Government, Mar. iS- 
97 ; transferred as the same to 
the Home Office, Aug. the 
same year ; Prof, of the Peers' 
School,- 1898; again appointed 
the same, 1900 ; Secretary of 
the Home Office as an ad- 
ditional post, 1 901; Lecturer of 
the Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1904; received the 
degree of Hogakuhakushi, 19- 
05 ; Judge of the Administra- 
tive Litigation Court, 1906 ; 
Secretary to the Privy Council, 
1908, an additional post; Lect- 
urer of the College of Agri- 
culture of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., the same year. Fub- 
Ucations " The Constitution " 
and several other works on 
^law. Address: No. 410, NisM- 
Okubo, Okubo-mura, Toyota- 

ma-gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 2070 

Shimidzu, Hei-iehiro (jg 7jt y- 
— Bi5), President of the Shiso- 
Yamazaki Bank ; 3. the loth 
m. of the iith f. of Tempo 
(1840), Hyogo prefecture ; ist 
s. of the late Heibei Shimidzu; 
widower. Address : Yamaza- 
ki-mura, Shiso-gun, Hyogo- 

Shimidzu, Hikogoro {\%i^M^- 
fil5)i Secretary of the Tokyo 
Imperial University ; b. the 
nth m. of the ist y. of Ansei 
(1854), Fukuoka-ken ; ^nd s. 
of the late Toichi Shimidzu, a 
samurai of Fukuoka prefect- 
ure ; m. Shin, ist d. of Shinju 
Tsunoda, of Shimane prefect- 
ure. Entered the Department 
of Education, 1875 ; clerk of 
the Law College, 1886; present 
post since 1 892. Decoration : 
4th Order of Merit. Address : 
29th of No. 109 Omote-machi, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 80 

Shimidzu, Ichiro (?t 7}; — 115), 
Judge, and Director of the Mi- 
yagi Appeal Court ; d. the 5th 
m. of the 4th jr. of Ansei (1857), 
Ishikawa prefecture; ist s. of 
the late Magobei Shimidzu, a 
saimirai of ishikawa prefect- 
ure ; in. Tame, d, of Chu 
Ichimura, a samurai of the 
same prefecture. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the government law 
school, 1884. Judge, 1885 ; 


[ 890 ] 

dnce ".served as Judge, and 
sectional chief of the Hiroshi- 
ma Appeal Court, and as Judge 
of the Court of Cassation ; was 
ordered to proceed to France, 
Italy and Belgium, Mar. 1899- 
Janl 1900; on his return home, 
was appointed Director of the 
Kobe District Court; and after- 
wards having held the post of 
the Judge of the Court of Cas- 
sation-, the Public Auditor, and 
of the Judge of the Disciplin- 
ary Trial Court, has been 
transferred to present post. 
Decoration: 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address : the Official House of 
the Miyagi Appeal Court, Sen- 

SMmidzu, Ichitaro (?g 7lc t)] i: 
115), lawyer, Member of the 
House of Representatives ; b, 
the <^'Ca.m. of the ist^j'. ofKeio 
■(1865), Owari province ; ist s. 
of Jihei Shimidzu, a samurai of 
Owari clan. Educ: graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 18- 
^g, and from the Middle Tem- 
ple, London, 1890-1893. Once 
was Lecturer at the Naval 
Staff College, Lecturer at the 
Law College of Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., and Councillor of the 
Bureau -of Legislation, etc.; 
made an inspection tour in 
Europe and America, 1899- 
1900; became lawyer, 1901. 
Address: 11, 3 chome, Tsuki- 
ji, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 

Shimidzu, Ittoku (fg 7jc — ^), 
Engineer of the Civil Engineer^ 
ing Departmc?nt, in the Form- 
osan Government-General. Ad- 
dress: the Official House, t 
chome, Nammengai, Taihoku, 
Taiwan. " 

Shimidzu, nJjiro (?g7h.-t-— IR), 
Director of the industrial Ex- 
perimental Office, the Kagawa 
Prefectural Government. Ad- 
dress: the Office, Naiha-miira, 
Shozu-gun, Kagawa-ken. 

Shimidzu, KoicMro (^7l<'h-' 
BIO, Director of the Judge 
Advocates' Bureau in tlie De- 
partment of War. Decoration : 
3rd Order of Merit. Address: 
21, I chome, Kobinatadaima- 
chi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Shimidzu, Komataro (^ 7fc 

1% ic MR), Colonel of artillery; 
Commander of the 6th Re- 
giment of the heavy Artillery; 
b. 1867 in Aichi-ken. Sub- 
Lieut., June 1886; Lieut., 
Nov. ■■* 1888; Captain, July 
189s; Major, Nov. 190 r; 
Lieut. Colonel, May 1905; 
Colonel, Feb- 19 12. De- 
corations: 4th Order of S. 
T., 3rd Order of R.S., 4th, 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Shimonoseki, Yama- 

Shimidzu, Man-nosuke (M vY 
SS-2tSS), public works contract- 
or; ^.9 Oct." the rith^y. of 
Meiji (1878), Tokyo ; rst s. ot. 
the late Man-nosuk" Shimi-; 

L %i 3 


dzu. Is well-known under the 
name of Shimidsu-gumi. Ad- 
dress : 14 Minami-saya-cho, 
Kyobashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 153 
Cho Kyobashi. 

SMmidzu, Syutoku (}# 7K Ft 
if.), Dhector of ti.e Ebime 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank, aqd of the lyo Water 
Power Electric Company ; b. 
the 8th m. of the 2nd j/. of Bun- 
kyu (1862), Ehime prefecture; 
y. brother to Ryo Kokumori, 
a samurai of Ehime, and a- 
dopted by Ichiro Shimidzu ; m. 
Tsugu, 1st d. of Hanzo Shimi- 
dzu, of Ehhne. Address : Hi- 
tsuchi-mura, Nishi-uwa-gun, 

Shimizu,' Sannan (y^^Jc^H), 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 20th Infantry 
Regiment; d. 1867 in To- 
chigi-ken. Sub-Lieut., July 
1887; Lieut., Nov. 1891; 
Captain, May 1897; Major, 
Dec. 1903; Lieut. Colonel, 
Nov., 1907; Colonel, March 
1912. Decorations: 4th Or- 
der S. T., 4th Order R. S., 
4th- Class of Golden Kite. 
Address : Fukuchi-yama. 

Shimidzu, Seijuro (M^K^i* 
IP), President of the Shusei 
Company ; b. the 3rd iti. of the 
4th J. of, Kokwa (1847), Ehi- 
me; 1st J. of Shoichi Shimidzu, 
and adopted by Tanio Shimi- 
dzu. Address: Uwa-machi, Hi- 
.gashi-uwa-gun, Ehime-ken. . 

Shimidzu, Seizaburo (jS^KJtH 
Bl>), Secretary, and Chief ofthe 
Section of Accounts of the De- 
partment of Foreign Affairs ; 
b. the loth m'. ofthe ist y. of 
Man-en (i860), in the province 
of Musashi ; 2nd s. of Keijiro 
Shibuichi, and adopted by 
Kenryo Shimidzu ; m. Miyo, 
1st d. of Yoshi Tanaka, of To- 
kyo. Zii/aiT..* studied law. Pas.sed 
the Higher Civil Service 
Examination, 1890; Probation- 
er in the Foreign Office, 1891 ; 
Chancellor of Consulate, Van- 
couver, 1892; Eleve-Consul, 
Honolulu, 1 894; then at Hong- 
kong 1895; Cousul, 1896; 
transferred to Vancouver, 18- 
97-1902; Consul at Chicago, 
1903 ; Consul-General, at Ot- 
tawa, 1908 ; Secretary and 
sectional chief of the Head 
Office, 1909. Decoration : 5th 
order of Sacred Treasure. Ad- 
dress : 8 Kami-rokuban-cho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. 7>/..- 2143 

Shimidzu Sukeharu (?t 7K ^ 
©), Baron (cr. 1900), Member 
of the House of Peers ; b. the 
6th m. of the ist jj/. of Man-en 
(i860), Yartiaguchi ; 2nd s. of 
Taroemon Kumagai, a samu- 
rai of Yamaguchi clan, and 
adopted by Chikaharu Shimi- 
dzu, a samurai ol the same 
clan; in. Sumi, 3rd V^. of iiis 
foster-father. Decoration : 4th 
Order of Merit. Address: 


C 892 

2^,; .Takanawa, Minami-cho, 
ShilgaTjcu, Tokyo. . 

Shimidzn, Shogo \m * f W), 
iLngtnaer of the Geological 
Laboratory of the Mfriing- 
Bureau, Department of Agv. 
and Com. Address: No. 3 114, 
Oicho, Ebara-gun, Tokjo-fu. 

Shiraidzn, Toraiiosuke_(jt7lcit 
Z^), Director of the Oshima 
Hospital, Address : Nase-mu- 
ra, Oshima-gun, Kagoshima- 
ken. ■ 

Shimidzu, Usuke (?t 7h^W), 
Pavrnaster Inspector, Chief of 
the Accountants' Departmentf 
of the Naval Material Office ; 
of the Saseho Naval Arsenal ; 
3. 1 863. Staff-Paymaster, Sept. 
1899 ; Fleet-Paymaster, July 
1904 ; Paymaster Inspector, 
Sept. 1908. Decorations :. "i^xA 
Order of the Rising Sun, 4lli 
Class of the Golden Kile. Ad- 
dress: No. 851, Sendagaya- 
mura, Tokyo-fn. 

SMmidzu, YasTikichi {^ 7Jc i^ 
n), Engineer of the Shiga Pre- 
fectural _ Governnnent. Deco- 
ration : 4th Order of Merit. 
Address.' 31 Ryoshi- machi. 
Dtsu-shi, Shiga-ken. 

Shimidzudani, Sanehide (it7K 
#K^), Count, Lieutenant- 
Colonel of Infantry, Lord 
Chamberlain; 3. the 4th jn. 
of the 2nd J', of Keio (I866),• 
Ist s. of Koko Shimidzudani, 
ex-courtier; m. Hide-ko, jf. 
sister to Jitsu-ei Hashimoto, 

Count. Decoration : 4 Class of 
Golden Kite, 4th Order of.Ris- 
\\\g'S>\xx\.' Address: 53 Kashi- 
wagi, Yodobashi, Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo. 

Shimmen, Gyotaro (ir^lric 
m, Colonel of Artillery, Chief 
ot jtaff to the rst Army Divi- 
sion; b. in 1866 in Okayama- 
prefecture Sub-Lieutenant of 
Artillery in 1880; Colonel in 
1908. Decorations : 4th Order 
ofthd-i?. S. and 4th Class of 
the (P. is:; Address: ' Tokyo. 

Shimo, Keisjike (T ^ B), 
Director of the Fisheries In- 
stitute ; b. the 5th ?«. ofthe 
4th j(/. of Ansei (1857), Tokyo; 
1st s. of Nagayoshi Shimo, a' 
samurai of Tokyo; m. 1882, 
Yasu-ko, ist d. of the late An- 
eki Shigeno, Bungakuhakushi. 
Entered the Department of 
Agr. and Com., 1884; man- 
ager of the Fisheries Institute, 
1897; Engineer of the Depart- 
ment of Agr. and Com., 1898; 
was ordered to proceed to 
France, 1900 ; present po,t 
-ihce 190 i. Decoration: i,\\\ 
Order of Merit. Addi-e.sss No. 
Ochiai-mura. Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo. Te?. .• 228 Bancho. 

Shimoda, Koiehi (T !5 # -), 
a large land-owner, one of the 
highest tax-payers of Kuma- 
moto prefecture; ^.16 Aug. 
the 7th jK. of Meiji (1874), Ku-! 
mamoto ; ist j. of Kozaburol 
Shiraoda> a samurai of Kuma- 

[ 893 ] 


mo to ; m. Masa, ist d. of Hi- 
roshige Akaboshi, a samurai 
of the same prefecture Ad- 
dress : Kumasho-machi. Shi- 
ino-masuki-gun, Kumamoto- 

Shimoda, Jiro (T tB ^ SI5), 
Pi of. of the Tokyo Female 
Higher Normal School ; b. 6 
Mai: the Sthjy. of MeijI (1872), 
Hiroshima ; adopt, s. of Tame- 
zoShimoda; m. iSgg.Bdue.:. 
graduated from the College 
of Literature (Course of Philo- 
sophy) of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1896; stud- 
ied in the University Hall ; 
further studied Pedagogy and 
science of female education 
in Germany, England and 
America, 1899-1902. Oa his 
return home, was appointed to 
present post. Publications: Fe- 
male Education, New Instruc- 
tions for Women, Duties of 
Women, Culture of Women, 
etc. Recreations : reading, mu- 
sic, physical exercise, etc. Ad- 
dress : loth of /, Nishikata- 
machi, Hon go, Tokyo. 

SMmoda, Uta-ko (T H fC TO. 
alady-educationalist. Principal 
of the Jissen Girls School, ex- 
Director of the Womeii's De- 
partment of the Peers' School; 
d. the 8th ?«. of the 3rd jf. 
of Ansei (1856), in the prov- 
ince of Mino; ist d, of Juzo 
Hirao, a samurai of Iwamura 
clan, Mino; widow- Was ap- 

pointed a Court maid of ho- 
nour when about 16 years 
old, and again after the death 
of her husband, to whom she 
had been betrothed. Her a- 
bility in composing uta poetry 
attracted the notice of Her 
Majesty and it was at her 
suggestion that her original 
name was changed to " Uta " 
which means poe'try. On the 
founding of the Peeress' School 
she was appointed an instruct- 
or, and subsequently its Dean 
in 1886; resigned the post 
in 1907,^ when the school 
system was reorganized, and 
has since devoted herself chief- _ 
ly to the managing of a 
private school founded about 
1 899 ; was ordered to proceed 
to Europe and America for 
the purpose of inspecting fe- 
inale education 1893 — 1895; 
is perhaps the only Japanese 
lady who has been received 
by the Queen of England weai-- 
ing Japanese costume. She 
is one of the foremost lady- 
educationalists of Japan, and 
has a good reputation and ma- 
ny followers among the fair 
sex. Publications: "House- 
hold Management, " " The 
Family Libraiy" etc. Address: 
No. 53, 6 chome, Aoyama- 
kitamachi, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2666 Shiba. 

Shimog'o, Bembei CT M 1® ^>, 
ex-Member of the House of 


[ 894 ] 

Peers (repres eating the highest 
tax-paj:ers of Shiga prefect- 
urej,; ex-rres. of the Nakano- 
shima Paper Manufacturing' 
Company, the Omi Reehng 
Company, pres' of ^ the Ninju 
Life Insurance Partnership; l\ 
16 Mar. the 5th j(^_of Meiji ( 1 8- 
f 3), Nagahama, Omi province; 
1st s. of Dembei Shimogo 
{d. 1898) ; W. 1894, Tai, ist 
d: of Teikan Chiba, Governor - 
of Gita. , Educ. : studied in 
the Keiogijuku, Made an in- 
spection tour in Europe and 
America, 1900; elected Mem- 
ber of the House of Peei's, 
■1904; has interests in many 
companies ; has done much 
for the philanthropic causes 
contributing large sums of 
money, towards the funds of 
undertakings of this kind. Ad- 
dress.: No. 37, Mita-koya- 
macho, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1 108; Shiba. C/^^Ar .'Nippon 
club, Kojiinsha. 
■ ShimogQ, Kasuturo CT M & i: 
1>), a large land-owner, oiie of 
the> highest tax-payers of Ai- 
ehi prefecture ; b. 15 May, 
the 4th y. of Meiji (1971), 
Aichi;. 1st s. of the late Jiro- 
hachi' Shimamura ; in. Nobu, 
3rd d. "of Kyuzaemon Morita, 
of Aichi. Address : Narumi- 
ma,chi,. Aichi-gun, Aichi-ken. 
Shimohira, Yosai (T^fflS^)? 
Igakiihakushi (Doctor of Med- 
icine), chief of the ist section 

of the surgery and of the 
section of skin and ven- 
ereal disease in the Kana- 
zawa Hospital; b. the Sth m. 
of the 3rd>. of'Bunkyu (-1863) 
in Kanazawa city. Edttc: 
graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1891. Became direct- 
or of the Yamanashi prefec- 
tural hospital, 18925 was ap- 
pointed prof, of the 4th high 
school and director of the 
Kanazawa prefectural hospit- 
al, Oct. 1897; sent to. Ger- 
many and Switzerland to 
prosecute his studies of ven- 
erismus and dermatology for, 
two -years, 1906; returned 
home' from'abroad, Oct. 1 9 1 o ; 
was appointed to present 
post, Nov. 19 10; obtained 
the degree of Igakiihakushi 
by presenting a thesis. Dee. . 
19 12. Address: the 4th high 
school; Kanazawa, Ishikawa- 
ken. - ■ - 

Sliiniomura, Eitaro (T ^ 5£ 
:*: SI!). ._Na^^__.C3.j)tain,!^^,. exa- 
miner of the Maizuru Naval 
Ordnance; b. 1870. Edtic: 
the Naval Academy. Com- 
mander, May 1902; Second- 
Captain, Sept. 1906; Captain, 
April 1912. Once was a 
staff of the Maizuru Naval 
station; Commander of the 
Xstishima and TakachiJio 
(proitected cruiser). Decora- 
tions: 4th Order of R.S., 4th 

[ 89S 


Order of S. T., 4th Class of 
G.K. Address: the Maizuru 
Naval Station. 

Shimoniura, Entaro Q-' |f jg 

:*: Bi>)> Naval 'Captain, head- 
prof, of the Naval College; 
b. 1869. Educ: Naval Aca- 
demy. Lieut. - Commander, 
Sept. 1903; Commander, 
Sept. 1905; Captain, Dec. 
19 1 2. Once was instructor 
of the Naval College; present 
post since 1912. Decorations: 
4th Order of R. S., :4th 
Order of S. T., 4th Class 
of G. K. 

Shimomura, Hiroslii CT ^ S), 
Director of the Postal Savings 
Bureau ; b. 11 May, the 8th 
y. of^Meiji (1875), Waka- 
yama ; 1st 5. of Fusajiro Shi- 

momura, a samurai of Waka- 
yama; m. Fumi, ist d. of 
Shinshiro Sasaki, of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1 898 ; 
studied in Berlin. Was ap- 
pointed Secretary of the De- 
partment of Communications 
after his graduation ; appoint- 
ed Director of the Postal 
Money - order and Savings 
Controlling Bureau, still hold- 
ing the above as an addition- 
al post, 1904; present post, 
19 10. He also lectures on the 
Science of Finance at Chiio, 
Hosei and Waseda Univer- 
sities. Publications : the Sci- 

ence of Finance, Principles of 
Postal Law, etc. Decoration: 
5th Order of Merit.. Address: 
No. ii92,>..Tosayama, Oima- 
chi, Ebara-gun, Tokyo. Tel. .- 
590 Shiba. 

Shimomura ICanzan (T %ii Sg 

111), proper name is Seisabu- 
ro, Artist, Japanese painter; 
b. April 1873. Edtic. : studied 
painting from artist Gaho 
Flashimoto (late); graduated 
from the Fine Art xA.cade- 
my, 1894; went abroad for 
his study, 1903; returned 
home from abroad, 1905. 
At present is adviser to the 
Kokuga Gyokuseikai and 
director of the Futabakai. 
Address: Goura, Otsu-maclii, 
Taga-gun, Ibaraki-ken. 

Sliimosimra, KotarS (T # # 
± W)i Director and Chief 
Engineer of the Osaka Chemic- 
al Industrial Company, Chief 
Engineer of the Osaka Gas 
Company ; b. the 9th in. of 
tlie 1st y. of Bunkyu (1861), 
Kyoto ; 1st i'. of Gohei Shi- 
momura, a samurai of Kyoto; 
VI. Toku, adopt, d. of Baron • 
Kunimichi Kitagaki. Educ: 
studied Chemical Industry. 
Address : Kashiramachi, Ko- 
jinguchi-sagaru, Shinkarasu- 
maru, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 

Shimomura, Tatsuemon (T If 
^ ^ ft P'3), ex- Member of the 
House of Peers (representing 
highest fax-payei's of Saga 



prefecture), Director of the 
Hirotaki Water Power Elect- 
ric Company,' the Saga Sake 
Brewing Investigation Com- 
pany, and of the Saga Tramway 
Company, Auditor of the Saga 
Rice Exchange, the Saga Sav- 
ings Bank, and of the Saga 
1 06th Bank, Standing Mem- 
ber of the Saga Chamber 
of Commerce ; b. 8 Feb. the 
6th y. of Meiji (1873), Saga; 
2nd .y. of Mozaemon Tafuchi, 
and adopted by Tatsuemoh 
Shimomura, a samurai of 
Saga ; m. Hatsukesa, ist d. 
of his foster father. Decoration: 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address : No. 3, Ushijimama- 
chi, Saga-shi. , 

Shimono, Waotaro CT IF ifi i: 
SI?), Prof of the Tokyo High- 
er Commercial School ; b. 
the loth m. of the 2nd jj*. of 
Keio (1866), Gifu; ist s. of 
Jinsuke Shimono ; m. Sei, 3rd 
d. of Shigesaburo Minemoto, 
a saimirai of Okayama. Educ: 
graduated from the Higher 
Commercial School, 1888 ; 
studied commercial science in 
England, 1900 — 19.03. Was 
appointed Prof of his alma 
mater, 1 894; but shortly after- 
wards resigned the post, and 
entered the Tokyo Marine 
Insurance Company; again ap- 
pointed Prof of the School. 
Address: No. i, 2 chome,-^u- 
jimicho, Kojimachi, Tokyo, 

Tel.: 1787 Ban^ho. 

Shimo-oka, Chnji (T li^ ,S, j§), . 
Vice- Minister of Agriculture 
and Commerce since Dece^ 
niLer 19 12 ; h. 2 Oct. the 3rd 
y. of Meiji (1870), Settsu prov- 
ince ; 2nd s. of Naoichi Shi- 
mo-oka ; m. Ai, 2nd d. of 
Katsujiro Shirane, a samu-^ 
rai of Yamaguchi. Educ. : 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1895. On his grad- 
uation was given a post in 
the Home Office ; Councillor 
of Kumamoto prefecture, 18- 
96 ; then transferred to Kyoto 
prefecture, and then Commis- 
sioner of Ibaraki prefecture ; 
afterwards appointed a Coun- 
cillor of the Legislation Bu- 
reau 1899; appointed Gover- 
nor of Aldta, 1 906; chief of the 
-Agricnltural Bureau, Oct. 19 - 
08. Decoration : 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun. Address: 
No. I, Nakarokubancho, Ko- 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 2103 

Shimoyama, Hidegoro CTilJ^ 
3il!0, Judge, and Director 
of the Kofu District Court ; 
b. 3 Aug. the 2nd y. of Mei- 
ji (1869), at Takahira-mura, 
Arima-gun, the province of 
Settsu ; adopt, s. of Kuheiji 
Shimoyama ; m. En, ist d. 
of Choshiro Kojima. Educ. : . 
graduated from the Law Col- 



lege of the Tokyo Imp, Univ., 
1895. After serving as Judge 
in the Kbhe District Court, the 
Osalia Appeal Court, Kyoto 
District Court, and president 
of Ghiba District Court, was 
appointed present post in Aug. 
1912; onCe lectured on- law, in 
the Kwansai College (Osaka) , 
Kobe Commercial: School, and 
in the Osaka Higher Com- 
mercial School ; decorated 5 th 
Order of S. T. - Becreation .• 
Ch.ivogx3.phy. Addt^ess : Kofu, 
Yamanashi-ken. ; ;: ■ 

Shimoyama, Matajiyo (;t lU 
3t * 8B), Engineer of theFu- 
kushima Prefecturai Govern- 
ment, and Principal of the 
Eukushima Technical School: 
Address : Nagoyacho, Waka- 
matsu-shr, Fukushima-ken . 

SMmura, GeatarS (iS 4d" if> 
:fc W^, President of the Ja- 
pan Hypothec Bank, Special 
Member of the Tokyo Cham- 
ber of Commerce; (5. the 3 id 
m. of the -3rd y. of Keio (18- 
67), Yamanashi ; ist s.. of 
the late Uhei Shimura; m. 
Kumao, J/, sister to Masano- 
bu Fujioka, & samurai of- O- 
saka. Educ. : graduated from 
the Law Cpllege " of; the : To- 
kyo Imperial University. 1889. 
Councillor of the .Department 
qf Agriculture and-Commerce, 
I §90 j; ■ Priyat^e - Secretary to 
tl;ip jytinister, 1 892; then-Comp- 
trpHorof Patent Bureau, and 

afterwards- sectional chief of 
the" Department of Ao-r.jand 
Gomi ; again Counfcillor of the 
same Office, 1893 ; C&Uncill61f 
of the Legislation Biireaii,. as 
ah aditiohai post; 1895 ; was 
ordfered to- proceed to China, 
Sept. 189$ j Director of th^ 
Public Works Bureau ol the . 
sanie Officig^ 1897 ; retired 
from the government service', 
1 898-, and entered the Japati 
Hypothec Bank as an advisfip; 
left the bank and entered tlie 
Yokohama Specie Bank- as 
an auditor ; went abrdid aiid 
inspected the branch officers 
of the same bank ; returning 
home in 190 1, became seC'- 
tibnal chief of the B^nk"; 
shortly after left and ' agiih 
entered the Japan- Hypothec 
Bank. Decoration, : 4th Or- 
der of Merit. Address : No. ' 
,147, Sasugayachp, Koishika- 
wa, Tokyo. Tel.-: 158 Ban- 
cho. - . ■ • • ■•" •' 

Shin, Keita (ji M k)i Koga- 
kuhakushi. Educ. : graduated 
from the Engineering: College 
(Course of Mechanical Engi^ 
neering) of the Tokyo- Irh- 
perial University,. 188 i. ^ jid- 
dre'ss-f' .No". '26 ,- -2 chonie , A- 
oyama-'Minamieho, A.kasaka', 
Tokyo. ' Tel.: 2301 Shimba- 
shi.' -■ '■ ■-■ " ■'-'-' ■ ■'■ ;; :-': 
. SMuAq, Hidemateu (MM W 

*2)^ Paymaster -r of Gdlorial, 
chief of the Accoimtantsrifcif 



tlie 6tb Army Diyjsion; ^. 
J 86s in Akita-keji. Pay- 
niaster-Sub-LJeut.^ July ,i%i; 
Payrtjaster-Lieut., Feb. i8i95; 
Payi33;asley ^ Captain, Oct, 
1 898 J Paynjaster-Major, Dec, 
.19P3.; Paynjaster - Lieut.- 
Colonel, Hqv- 1907; Pay- 
njaster-C0l<?.ael, Nov. igji. 
Decorations: 4tb Order f^ 
S, T,, 4th Order of R. S., 
4th Class of C K. Address: 
the 6th Army Division, Ku- 

Shindp, Kanjijro (^ % SJ -f 
U?), President of th& Ichishi 
Bank, and of the Takaoka 
lieeling Connipany, Director 
of the Rokken Rice and Ma- 
nure Company ; b. the 5 th m. 
of the 1 2th y. of Tempo (18- 
41), Mie ; 2nd s. of Zenshiro 
Tsunjsyasu, and adopted by 
the late KanjOro Shindo, a 
samurai of Mie ; m. IpTra, ist 
//.ofTobei Konishi, of Mie. Ad- 
dress: Hon-mura, Ichishi-gun, 

Shinjd, UaDaobu Cif % % K), 
Viscount (cr. 1884), Member 
of the-House of Peers, Djrect- 
pr of the Ibaraki Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank, and of 
the Yiisei Slate Company ; b. 
the i-ith 'fh of the 3rd y- of 
Ansei (1856), Ifitachi prov- 
ince; 1st J. of Takukitsu Shinjo, 
a samurai of Hitachi, and 
adopted by ths late Kpmasa 
Shinjo, fix-lord^ Qf Asq clan; 

m. Mio, «««/ to Marquis Tsu- 
Hgyasu Maljamikado. Enter' 
ed the Department of Justice 
and was made Judge ; elected , 
Member of the House of Peers, 
1890 ; he founded the above 
jnentioned Companies and 
became their Director. Dec- 
oration : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : No. 
406, Miyajjiae, Nakanomachi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. Tel. : 
17 1 2 Bancho. 

Shinjo, SeiieM Cif$S-5, 
director of the ChenwJpho 
brancn of <3i« Osaka Mer- 
cantile S. S. Co. ; b. 1877 in 
Buzen province. Edue: gradn- 
ated from the law college of 
the Tokyo Imp. Uniy. Ad- 
dress : Ghemulpho, Korea. 

SMno, -GorosakuC^ S.Mi¥), 
Member of the Tokyo - fu 
Council, President of the 
Takata Agricultural and Com- 
mercial Bank, Director of the 
Manure Cp., Auditor of the 
Musashino Railway Co., mem- 
ber of the Tokyo-fu Agricul- 
tural Association, etc.; i>. in 
Tokyo-fu; s. of Gorosaku 
Sbino; m. Chika-ko, sister of 
r-ataro Shinozaki. Educ. : 
studied Chinese classics under 
Bunan Morita, a famc«s schol- 
ar. Received many medals 
for his meritorious services 
rendered in the development 
of Agriculture. -" Address'. No. 
1667, Nakaarai-mura, Tokyo- 

[ 899 ] 



Shinoda, ©igoxo (^ H ^ 5. 
MR), proprietor of the Shino- 
da Shokwai, Director of the 
Shinoda Industrial Office ; b. 
the 6th m. of the 3rd /. of 
Keio ( 1 867), Yodo, pfovirice 
of Yamashiro ; 5th s. of No- 
buyasu Shinoda; pi. 1 892, 
Tdyo-ko, 4th d. of KichijOro 
Noguchi, of Aichi. Educ. : 
graduated from the Engi - 
fleering College (Course of 
Applied Chemistry) of the 
Tokyo Imperial Univeraity, • 
1 89 1. Chief Engineer of the 
Aichi Cement Company, 18- 
91 — 1 898 ; the same and man- 
ager of the Saga Cement Com- 
pany, 1898 — 1906; opened 
an industrial office in O- 
saka, 1906, and became chief 
engineer and director of the 
Sakura and Toa Cement Com- 
panies, and controUor of the 
Yoshikawa Cement Works, 
Okayama ; but afterwards re- 
signed the posts to devote 
himself wholely to the pres- 
ent occupation. Recreations : 
field exercises. Address : No. 
26, Sanbancho, Hohden, Ni- 
,shi-ku, Osaka. Tel. : 2542 
Oho Nishi. 

SHiiioda, Kogattie (^ H ^). 

Colonel of Eng., chief of the 
Configuration Section of the 
Land Survey Dep't; d. 1867 
in Aichi-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1887; Lieut., Nov. 

189 1 ; Captain, July 1895; 
Major, Nov. 1901; Lieut. 
Colonel, April 1905; Colonel, 
Nov. 19C9. - Decorations: 5th 
Ofder of the S. T., 4th Or- 
der of R. S. Address: No. 
88, Minaihi-cho, Yotsuya- 
kii, Tokyo. 

Shinoda, TosMhrdie k\4: H M 
3I)( Prof, of the Tokyo Female 
Higher Normal School ; b. 
the 1st 111. of the 4th y. 
of Ansei (1857), Matsurribto, 
Shinano ; 2nd j. of Seihah 
Shinoda, a samttrai of Matsti- 
moto clan ; in. Sada, 2nd d. 
of Minoru Onuki, of the same 
province. Educ. ■: graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher Nor- 
mal School, 1 882; further stud- 
ied in, American universities 
for about three years. Once 
was Prof of the Tokyo High- 
er Normal School, and Gov- 
ernment School - Ins:pector, 
etc. Decoration: 5th Order 
of Merit. Address: No. 11, 
Waseda-Minamicho, Ushigo- 
me, Tokyo. 

Shinozaki, MasatarS (fi *S 
Ji i; BP), Veterinary Surgeon 
Colonel since 19 10, Chief of 
the Department of Vetei'ihary ' 
Surgeons of the 12th Army 
Division ; b. 1862, Tokyo. 
Veterinary Surgeon Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, Jan. i886;-^Lieuten- 
aicit, : Nov. 1 8S9 ; -- Captain, 
Dge. 1893 ; — Major} July 19- 
02; — Lieutenant-CoIoneI,Apr. 


[ 9<X) H 

1905. Decorations : 4.\h Qr- 
de'r; -,of • the Rising, Sun, ^th 
0fas$ ,oir the Golden Kite; 

Shioda, ChSzaemon (M.'m & 
^ I ;n), ■.one, ,of ..the highest 
t^x-f)ayers. of Kagawa pre- 
fecture^ b. the '1st m. of the 
I4tht J. of Tempo (1843), Ka- 
gawa ; 1st J, of the late Chu- 
zaemon Shioda'; »«. Kata, 2nd 
d. ;of Motoharti Ono, of Ka- 
ga\yk- ''Address-:- Nio-mura, 
Mits'iitoyo-gunj -Kagawa-ken. 
_ SModa, Hirosliige CM H i^ 
S),'. Dr., Igahihakushi, As- 
sist.-Prof of the Medical Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(surgery); ^.1874, at Miya- 
zu, Tango province. Educ. : 
graduated from the Medical 
College of tlae Tokyo Im- 
perial University, ,1 899 ; . went 
over to ' Austria,. 1907,, ; arid 
studied surgery at the Uni- 
versity of Vienna . Address : 
Kg. 33, 2 cilome, Yumi-cho, 
Hongo-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 3522 

SSioda, Yoshichi m 0,1^ -fa), 
one. of the highet tax-payers 
of Kagawa prefecture ; b. the 
lOth m. of the 14th y. of 
Tempo ( 1 843), Ka gawa ; i st 
s. of the late Senji Shioda ; 
m. Miwa, 3rd d. of Kaichi 
Okuni, of Kagawa. Address : 
Tadotsumachi, Tadotsu-gun, 

SMoliara, JSEatasaku (H S X 

9J)> Procurator of the Sankyo 

& Co., and President of the 
Tokyo Seiyaku Co., ■ Ltd . ; ^. 
1886, in Yokohama; s. pi, 
Mataichi Shiohara. Educ: 
studied in the , Yokohama 
Coiftmercial Schoql, arid .the 
Yokohama Eiwa Gakko. 
Started drug hubiness, 1899; 
Went; to' America and stiidied 
the business. After " return 
from America, was ' engaged 
in importing drugs, chemicals, 
andother new remedies. The 
present Organization of the 
Sankyo Goshi Kaisha origin- 
ated in 1907, and its success 
was largely due to being 
appointed the sole agent Tor 
Park, Davis & Co., of Ame- 
rica. Address: No. 28, -If- 
gura Katamachi, Azabu; -To- 
kyo. Tel.: 988, Shiba. Club'. 
Nihombashi Club. 

" Shioi, Masao CH ^ JE BX 
scholar Of Japanese classics, 
Lecturer at the 'Japan Wo- 
rnen's University ; b. Jan. the 
2nd J. of Meiji (1869), Ta- 
jima, province ;-i-. Of Kensuke 
Shioi, a. samurai- 6i Toyooka 
clan, Tajirha province. 'Educ. : 
graduated frdni the College 
of Literature (Course of Japa- 
nese Literature) of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1895 > 
studied irt the University Hall. 
Publications : Japanese Clas- 
sics, Japanese Gramrner, Lect- 
ures on , Shin-kokinrshu, etc.. 
Address .•. No. 108, Zojigaya, 

[901 ] 


Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

-Shioiri, TaSnke fll X i:'«g). 
lawyer, AnHitdr df the tna 
Electric Railway 'Compjttiy, 
{iiia of the 'T3ka Eitiik ; 
b. the '6th -fn. of "thfe. ifet ?/. 
ofBurikyu (i26v), N'.lgixrio 

iprefecture ; ^. brother ''to Ha- 
tsuji Nakamura, and adopted 
by Seizaburo Shioiri; -w. r€- 
^5, Matsu-ko, .^y.' j/j/^r to 
Kichiemon 'Nanjo, of Naga- 
no. Ednc. : Nagano Nprmal 
School, the J^Beiji -Law School. 
Passed the Examination for 
^enoh, and appointed Judge 
of the Kawagoe Local Coart; 
resigned the post, and became 
lawyer, 1890,; oirce wrote on 
the staff -of i}A^ JTo^kyo Mai- 
mclii, -a daily. Publications : 
principles of Politics, Lectures 
on Prison Administration. 7?^^:- 
rcation : Paintii^. -Address : 
ife. 14, 2 chome,Tsuki3i, Kyo- 
Ijashi, Tol<yo. Tel.: 804 Kyo- 

"Shiokatifa, KajirS Cli ;H # ^ 
Wh a large land-owner, one 
of the highest tax-payers of 
Nagano prefecture-, Audrtor 
of the Saku Ba«k ; i. the 
6th m: of the 2nd ^. of Kaei 
(1849), Nagano; ist s. of the 
late Kozaemon Shiokawa :,jn. 
Masa, 1st d. of Mango'ro Shi- 
okawa. Address: Mitsuoka- 
mura, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano- 

Sliioxawa, SaMshh^-^ )l| 3 
ra Ife, 'Dii-ectbr'bflhe^Nago-. 
•ya Branch 
Bank Qi 
Japkn; b. 
12 K^x. 
the 6th ^y. 
of Meiji 

.(1B73), in 
the prov- 
ince of 
iie 'Shiol<aWk'; %. -1966, Chi- 
natsu, 2nd d. 6f 'Cetifit Chi- 
aki Watanabe, Minister for 
Imperial Household Affahis. 
Ediu. : gradiialted 'frofft tlie 
^Law Colldge -of "the Tokyo 
Ifflpdrikl tJhiversity, \Z<)g ; 
studied at Oxford University, 
r9b2=^t9o3. Was appointed 
Private Sscretaryio the Finan- 
cial Minister, 'Oct. 1966;— 
May 1901 ; inside an inspec- 
tion to'ur in tetfrope as the 
companion 6i Viscotint Su'gi 
(tiifen Financial Miiiister), I9- 
oi ; Btudie'd 'banking iii a 
London baitk 1902 ; entered 
the Bank of japa'n, July 19- 
03, • and was made its Secret- 
ary in Nov. the same year; 
then Private Secretary, Feb. 
1964; iagain Secretiry, Oct. 
1966; Sub-Manager of the O- 
saka Branch, Dec. the sanfe 
year ; Director of the Kyoto 
Branch, May 1908; transferr^ 


.[:9^2 ] 

to r present post in June 19- 
IQ. Decoration: 6th Order of 
thifc. Rising Sun. Recreations : 
travelling, reading. Address : 
No. I, 3 chome, Chikarama- 
chi, Higashiku, Nagoya. Tel.: 
341 . Club: Japan Society, Brit- 
ish Society, the Nagoya Bank- 
ing Club. 

Shiono, Kichibei (M^a^ 
^X apothecary ; b. the 6th m. 
or the 2nd y. of Kokwa (18- 
45), Osaka ; ist .5. of the late 
Kichizaemon Shiono. Address: 
No. 31, 3 chome, Doshucho, 
Higashiku, Osaka. 
. Shionoya, Jibin (H^ B#^ ii), 
Prof, of the ist High School; 
h- the 1st m. of the . 2nd 7. 
of Ansei (1855); ist s. ofSei- 
shi Shionoya, a samurai of 
Shizuoka prefecture ; m. No- 
' bu,, y. s. to Kanroku Yamai, 
a. samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
studied Chinese classics. Was 
appointed Secretary to the 
Iniperial University, 1888 ; 
then present post, 1890 ; once 
was a lecturer in the College 
ofLiterature. Decoration : Sth 
Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 74, Hisakatamachi, Ko- 
ishikawa, Tokyo. 

SMonoya, Tsunetaro CS # ta 

:foPl5), lawyer; b. the Sth m. 
of thfc 1st jj/. of Gwanji (18- 
64), Tatebayashi, Gumma; ist 
s.oi Ryokan Shionoya, a sa- 
murai of Tatebayashi clan ; 
#«. 189.7, Masu-ko, 1st d. of 

Yoshikoto Fujii, Secretary of 
the Bureau of Decoration. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1888; stud- 

. ied in the University Hall 
about one year. Was appoint- 
ed Probationaiy Judge of the 
Yokohama District Court, July 
1 889 ; then full Judge ; trans- 
ferred to be Judge of the To- 
kyo District Court, Sept. 18- 
90 ; resigned the post, and 
became lawyer, May 1892 ; 
out of sympathy for the suf- 
ferers from copper poisoning, 
he earnestly supported the side 
of the suffering people, mak- 
ing his name widely known 
in connection with the famous 
Copper Poisoning Trouble;dur- 

■ ing the late war, he did much 
to encaurage the government 
"and people ; once was Vice- 
Chairman of the Tokyo Law- 
yers' Association, 1900. Pub- 
lication: Juri-sprudence. Rec- 
reations: walkin-j, gardening. 
Address: 2r.d of No. 5, Shi- 
ba Park, Shiba, Tokyo. Clubs: 
Sakurada club, Nippon club. 
TeL: 1750 £h ba. 

Shiozawa, Shdtei (® M i *), 
Hogakuhakushi, Prof, of Wa- 
seda University (chair: Econo- 
mics) ; b. at Mito, Ibaraki 
prefecture. Educ. : graduated 
from the Tokyo Semmon Gak- 
ko (predecessor of the present 
Waseda University), 1871 ; 

[ 903 ] 


studied' iff America; and Ger- 
mafly. Address : No. 28', Yo- 
koteramaiGM,. Usfe'goflae, To- 

Shiraiiaina, Cho CS M ®i>, 
Prof, of the Tokyo Fine Arts 
Academy;.^, the I2th m. of 
the 1st y. of Keio (i86s>)V 
Nagasaki. Educ- .- graduated 
from the Tokyo Fine Art 
Academy, 1894; studied in A- 
merica, 1904-^1907," Ap- 
pointed Prof, of his alma mat- 
er , 1901. Address: No. 52, 
Komagome Sendagi,. Hongo, 

Shirai, Empei CS * ^ ^5* 
President of the Yoshima Coal 
Company, Director of the To^ 
yo Timber Company, and of 
the Industrial. Savings Bank, 
Aiaditor of the Nippon Cold 
Storage Com.pany, etc. ; b. 
the 4th m. of the 3rd y. of 
Kokwa {11846),, Fukushima 
prefecture ; 2nd j', of the late 
Kosuke Shirai ; m. Kisa,- 2nd 
d. of Yasujiemon Sugan'ami,. 
of Fukushima. Edtic : stud- 
ied Chinese classics. Onee wa« 
elected Member of th^ Fuku- 
shima Prefectural Assembly 
and of the Homse of Repre- 
senfatJf es. Addv'e^ : Ifoi 2'3.2r, 
Eomagome, Sendagi— muchi, 
Hongo^tu, Tokjso. '£&l. t t^g 

Shiiiai, Jiro. (& ^ ± IP), 
Ccsfong:! of Infantry, Gom'- 
iwander of the 27th Regiment 

of Infantry; d. 1868, Yama- 
guchi ; .s. of a samurai. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, Jtily 
.r&87 ; Lieutenant, Dec. 189I; 
Captain, Mar. 1895 ; Major, 
Nov. 1900; Lieutenant Colo- 
nel, Oct. 1904 ; Colonel, Nov. 
1 907 ; once was- military at- 
tache to the Japanese Eni- " 
bassy in Paris, pecorations : 
, 3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: the 27th Regiment 
of Infantry,- Asahigawa, Hok- 

Shirai, Kotar^ Cfl' ^ 5% * PX 
Prof, of the" College of Agri- 
culture of the Tokyo Imperial 
University (chair } Vegetable 
Pathobgy) ; b. the 6th m. of 
the 3rd y.oi Bunkyu (1863), 
Tokyo ; 1st J. Of the late 
Hisando Shirai, a samurai Of 
Tokyo ; fit. Kin, ist d. of 
Nao' Seki, a samnrai of Iba+ 
raki. Educ. .• graduated from 
the Coltege of Science of the 
Tokyo Impi Univ.,. 1%%S;^ ^Wt 
ther studied Vegetable Par 
thology in- Germany,- 1899-- 
1901. Was appointed to pres- 
ent post, 1907, Decoration: 1 
5 th Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 67, 6 chom^,- A^yam^ 
MinamimaeH, Akasaka, Tt*- 

kyo. "* 

SMraii Ma;tsanosuke Cff * 

*ii Z id), dealer' iff medics* 
instruments-, Director of tft« 
Ni^pon Cows= Breeding QMF 


[ 904 ] 

pany > v5. 1 2 Decthe 9th y. 
of Meiji (1876), Osaka ; 'ist 
s, of the late Matsunosuke 
Shirai. Address : No. 1, 4- 
chom'e, rmabaslii, Higashi-ku,' 
Osaka. Tel: : 1564 Iligashi. 
. Shirai, Shikafaro (.& ^ M 
X 115). President of the Toa 
Electric Railway Company. 
Address : Tonezaki, Kochi- 
city. & 

Shirai, Teizo (g^- M. W,' 
Managing Director of the I- 
waki Bank, president of the 
Sakura Smokeless Coal Com- 
pany ; d. 18 Dec. the 2nd f. 
of Meiji (1869), Fukushima; 
1st s. of ©Empei Shirai ; m. 
Masano, ist d. of Seijun Ku- 
sano, of Fukushima. Address: 
Kamiogawa-mura, Ishiki-gun, 

SWrai, XTzan' (S ^ H lU). 
proper name is Yasujiro, prof. 
cH the T<,kyo.Art School; 
. b. the 3rd in. of the ist _y. 
erf Gwanji (1864) at Uwa- 
Jima,; s. of Gohei 
Shirai; m, Nui, y. sister of 
Giichi ; Sato of the same 
prefecture. Educ: complet- 
ed, the Uwajima Middle 
school and Ehime prefectural 
Normal School; graduated 
from the engraving course of 
the Tokyo Art School. Was 
teach?r in the technical 
school of Ishikawa-ken, 1893- 
Aag. ;:, 1896; present post 
since 1897; was exaniiner of 

the Tokyo Carving Society 
in 1 899 and of , the. Tokyo 
ludustrial Exhibition in 1907; 
appointed Committee m. of 
inspection by the Dep't of 
Agri. and Com. for art at the 
International Exhibition in 
Italy, 1910; pxdered. tq pro- 
ceed to France, Germany and 
Italy to study sculpture, Sept. 
JLgoi: returned home from, 
abroad, Feb. 1906; then has 
been recorrimended as ex^ 
aminer of the Art Exhibition 
since 1908. Address: No. 
185 Sendagi-cho, Hongo-ku, 

Shirai, Yorikichi (fi ^h ffi S), 
Inspector of Naval Construc- 
tion, Chief of the Shipbuild- 
ing Department of the Sase- 
ho Naval Arsenal ; b. 1873. 
2nd class Chief Naval Con- 
structor, Sept. 1903; 1st Class 
Chief Naval Constructor, Sept. 
1906; Inspector of Naval Con- 
structioii, Oct. 1909.. Decora- 
tion : 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun.. Address : the Sa- 
seho Naval Arsenal, Naga- 
saki-ken. ; 

ShiraisM, H^nsnke Cfi S 4* 
Dl)f Director .of the Nagoya 
Storehouse Company, the Na- 
goya;, Electric Railway Com^ 
pany, the Nippon, Vehicles 
Manufacturing Co., the Na- 
goya Electric- Power Co., the 
Nagoya Ice Manufacturing 
Cprnpany, and of the EhaiB-- 

[ 905 ]' 


elled Ironware Company, Au- 
ditor of the Atsuta Savings 
Bank, and of the Meiji Bank; 
b. the 1st in. of the ist y. 
of Kokwa (1844), Aichi pre- 
fecture ; 6th J. of Tokuemon 
Hirano ; m. Ko, ist d. of 
•Zembei Matsuno. Address..:. 
No. 6, 4chome, FushiniichQJ 
Nishiku, Nagoya. 
' SMraishi, Jiitaro (6 :S ilic 
IP). Chief Secretary of the 
Tokyo Chamber of Commerce; 
b. 16 Jan. the 3rd r. of Mei- 
ji (1870), Ehime pretecture ; 
5th s. of Tomojird Shiraishi, 
a sanmrai of Ehime prefect- 
ure ; m. Masa, e. sister to 
Takeru Ono, a samurai of 
Tokyo. Address : No. 96, 
Shirogane-Imazatocho, Shiba, 
Tokyo... Tel: : 1640 Shiba. 

Shiraishi, K'zo (fl H ^ M), 
President of the Sendai E- 
lectric Power Company. Ad- 
dress : Urato-mura, Miyagi- 
gun, Miyagi-ken. 

Shiraishi, Motojiro (^ S tc 
«n IP), Director and manager 
of the Toyo Steamship Com- 
pany, Director of the Hinode 
Life Insurance Company, the 
Ibaraki Electric , Co. , Ltd., 
President of the Japan Steel 
Pipe Company, Ltd. ; h. the 
7th m. of the 3rd f. of Keio 
(1867), Fukushima prefecture; 
y. brotker to Yasutaro Maeda, 
a samurai pi Takata clan, E- 
"chigo, and adopted by the 

late Buhei Shiraishi ; 'lit. Mad, 
2nd d. • of Soichiro Asaino.. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1892. En^ 
tered the Asano firm, 18- 
92 ; when' Mr. Asano found- 
ed the Toyo Steamship Com- 
pany in 1896, he \yas made 
its Manager; made an in- 
spection tour in Europe and 
America, 1898 ; was in the 
service of the'^ New York 
Branch of the same compaity, 
1899 — 1902: travelled through 
Europe and South and North 
America, 1904 — 1905. Ad- 
dress: No. 25, 2 chome, Ni- 
hon-enoki, Shiba-ku, TolcyOi 
Tel.: 720 Shiha,.. Clubs: Tokyo> 
Nippon, Doki, Japan Trade 
Asso., Latin American Asso. 
Shiraishi, JJiaohara CQ S ii 
Ha), KogakulialiusM, m. 13^ E. 
for Kochi-keh, Engi. and Pre. 
of the Wakaniatsu Hartor Im- 
provement Company; b. the 
loth m. ot the 4th y. of An- 
sel (1857), 'Tosa; 1st i. of 
the late Tanehira Kuga, a 
samurai of Tosa, and adopted 
by the late Ei Shirai, a sa- 
tnurai of the same province ; 
m. Kiku, y. sister to Meitaro 
Takeuchi, a samurai of the 
same pi-ovince. Edtic. : gradti- 
ated from the Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Imperi- 
al L^niversity, 1 880 ; - studied 
in America and Europe, 18- 


I 906 ] 

83 — 1886. Appointed Prof, 
at his alma mater; afrer- 
Avards President of the Kwa- 
nsai Railway Company ; tlieii 
present post. Address : No. 
32, 4chome, likuramachi, A- 
zahn TnTc\'o. Tel : 852 Shilia. 

Shiraishi,Sfaozo(& :B ^ M), 
a large land-owner, one oi 
the highest tax-payers of To- 
chigl prefecture ; 1st j. of 
Sei-ichiro Shiraislii ; m. Cho, 
f. sister to Heisuke Nonaka, 
of Saitama prefecture. Ad- 
dress : Toyama-mura,. Shimo- 
tsuga-gun, Tochigi-ken. 

ShiraisM, Toknjiro ( fl :ji S 
^ SPX one of the highest tax- 
payers of Kagosliima prefect- 
ure ; b. the 6th m. of tlie 2nd 
y. of Ansei (1855), Kagoshi- 
ma ; ist s. of Tokubei Shira- 
ishi ; nt. Kikuno, 2nd d. of 
Kihei Ikeda, of Kagoshima. 
Address : Akune-mura, De- 
midzu-gun, Kagoshima-ken. 

Shirakami, Shun-iohi (S ± 

^ — .\ Mayor of Shimono-seki. 
Decoration: 4th Orderof Merit. 
Address : tlie City Hall, ^\\\- 

SHrakawaj Kenjiro Cfi Jil M 
^ SR).- Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the i Ith Regi- 
ment of Infantry ; b. 1862, 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantiy,. July 1887; Lieuten- 
ant, June 1 89 1 ; Captain, Oct. 
1895; Major, May 1902; Lieu- 
tenant Colonel, July 190S ; 

Colonel, Nov. 1909. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun,' 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: the 
nth Regiment of Infantry, 

Shirakawa- Yoshinori (& )il 
mmy, Oolonel of Tnf., Chief 
staff on the 1 1 f h Army Divi- 
sion;, b. 1 870, Ehime prefecture; 
s. of a samurai. Sub-Lieut, of 
Infantry, Mar. 1891; Lieu- 
tenant, Aug. 1894; Captain, 
Feb. 1898; Major, June 19- 
02 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Mar. 
1907; Colonel, Dec. 1909. 
Decorations: 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: the 
litli Anij> iJivision. Zo-"t,<^ftii. 

Shiramizur Tan Cfi i^ 'M)r 
Major-Gen. since Dec. 191 2, 
Com. of the 12th Brigade 
of Infantry ; b. 1 864," Hok- 
kaido. Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, July, 1887; Lieuten- 
ant, Dee. 1891; Captain,- Apr. 
1895 ; Major, Jan. 1901; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel, Nov. 1904; 
Colonel, Nov. 1907. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 3rd Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address: the I2tli 
Brifjade of Infantry, Ivana- 

Shirani, Takesto Cfi fc 3*)* 
Chief of the Civil Administra- 
tive Department of the Kvvan- 
tung Goverment-General ; b. 
the loth m. of the S'd J^- of 

[ 907 ] 


Bunkyu (1863), Fukuoka; ist 
i;of Seiko'Shirani, a sanmrai of 
Yanaga wa clan, Fukuoka-ken; 
m. Masa, J/, sister to Kanibei 
Kawasaki^ Baron. Educ. : 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1890. Entered the 
Home Office, and appointed 
Councillor in 1891; then Coun- 
cillor to the Flokkaido Go- 
vernment ; Secretary of the 
Educational Department ; the 
same of the Home Office ; 
then Director of the Temple 
and Shrine Affairs Bureau in 
1902:;. transferred as Gover- 
nor of Tochigi-ken, 1903 ; Di- 
rector of ths Ordinary Educa- 
tion Bureau, 1906— 1908; ap- 
pointed to present post in 
May 1908. Deaoration : 3rd 
Order of Merit. Address : 
Official House of the Kwan- 
tung Government General, 
New Street, Port Arthur. 

Shirasawa, Yasuyoshi CQ J? 
^.sfe)* Ringakuhahishi, . (Dr. 
of Dendrology), Engineer of 
the Forestry Bureau of the 
Department of Agriculture 
and Commerce, Chief of the 
Forestiy Elxperiment Labora- 
tory. Address^: No. 397, Shi- 
momeguro, Meguromura.Eba- 
ra-STm, Tokyo. Te^j; 719 Shiba, 

Shirase; CHael C6 #:ft '^\y. 
a large land-owner, one of 
the highest tax-payers of Ni- 
igata prefecture ; b. 23 June, 

the 1st X. of Meiji (1868), 
Niigata prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
the late Choei ; m. 
Rin, d. of Taizo Kaburagi, 
of Niigata. Address : Kana- 
tsuka-mura, Kita^Kambara- 
gun, Niigata-ken, 

Shirase* Choku (fi W. St). 
Lieut, of Coramissariat on the 
reserve, Pioneer Antarctic 
explorer of Japan. Graduating 
from the former Kyododan^ 
(Mih'tary Non-Commissioned 
Officers' School) was appointed- 
.Sergeant of the Army ; took 
part both in the Japan-China 
and the Russo-Japanese wars 
and was promoted Lieutena-nt 
of Commissarit for his services; 
recently, stimulated by many 
brilliant successes achieved by 
the foreign Arctic and Ant- 
arctic explorers, undertook the 
plan of reaching the South 
pole and forming a body of 
men necessary for the expedi- 
tion and backed by the zealous 
assistance of sortie of om- peo- 
ple headed by Count Okuma 
finally set off on. his voyage 
on board the Kainanmaru 
toward th" en^^ of I910 
but on reaching within; two 
or three days' .^teaming to his 
destination and finding it im- 
possible to further continue his 
voyage on account: of bad 
weathers then prevailing, was 
compelled- to return, as far. as, 
Sydney whence renewing: the 


C. 9P8 ] 

exfiedition Ms body reached 
near the Antarctic pole and 
returned home 1912. Publica- 
tion ; Aatarctic exploration. 
Siiirase, Haruzo CS ^# H), 
Chairman ofthe Niigata Cham- 
ber of Commerce, Managing 
Director of tlie Niigata Bank, 
Director of the Niigata Sav- 
ings Bank.tlie Hokuetsu Store- 
house Company, the Niigata 
Ocean Fishing Company, and 
ofthe Niigata Storehouse Com- 
pany ; (5. tlie 1 2th in. ofthe 
2nd f. of Bunkyu (1862), 
Niigata ; ist s. of Hikoiiro 
Shirase; /«. Hana, 4th d. oi 
Kyotoku Hatakeyama, of Nii- 
gata. Address : No. 10, fiTa- 
chibancho, Honchodori, Nii- 

SMrashoji, Yoshiaosuke <& 
jS S|.5f .>; W). flifector of the 
Keelung branch of the Osaka 
Mercantile f^'team Ship Go.; 6. 
in Osaka. Address: Osaka Sho- 
senKaisha, Keelung, Formosa. 
Siirasugi, Kamezo Cfl ^ © 
3t)> Manager of the Obayashi 
Building and Engineering 
Firm; b. the 8th m. of the 
9th 7. of Meiji 1:1876) at Mi- 
yazu; s. of Kosuke Shirasugi. 
£^2^^. : graduated from a mid- 
dle school. -^ Entered the 
Obayashi Firm in 1898; on 
consideration of his long ser- 
vice in tbe fii'm he was sup- 
plied Avith fund by Mr. Yoshi- 
goro Obayashi and himself 

becoming one of the; capital f 
ists of the iirm was appoint- . 
ed the present post. Recrea- 
tion : travelling. Address : No. 
27, I chome, Tsuboya-ch©, 
Kit \ku, Osaka. 7el.: 3370 
Higashi. ■ 

Sbiratori, Kurakichi CS .% il 
u), historian, Bimgahihakur 
ski, Prof ofthe Peers' School 
and of the College of Liter- 
atui'e of the Tokyo Imperial 
University ( Chinese philosophy, 
Chinese History, Chinese Liter- 
ature) ; b. the 2nd in. of the 
1st y. of Keio (1865), Chiba; 
s. of Kaichird Shiratori ; m. 
Shigerir, 2nd d. of Chobei O- 
mura, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Literature of the 
Tolcyo Imperial University, 
1890; further studied in Ger- 
many and Hungary, 1900 — 
1905. Has received the degree 
of Bungakuhakushi, 1897; he 
is an authority on the Mon- 
golian dynasties and allied 
subjects. Decoration : 4th Or- 
der of Merit. Address : No. 
451, Shimo-Ochiai-nmra, Tq- 
yotama-gun, Tokyo-fu.' ' . 
- Shirayama, Zeagoro Cfl Hi # 
S. irO, a wealthy man of O- 
saka; b. the 8th ?;^. of the 
2nd y. of Bunkyii (1862), O- 
saka ; ist J. of Zen-emon Shi- 
rayama ; »«. Gin, 2ad d. of 
Gombei Okumura, of Osaka. 
Address .• No. 86, i chome, 

[ 909 J 


Kavy?Lracho, Higashiku, Osa- 
ka.:-; 7>/;.- ;;23 Hiffashi. 
^ Shfrayana^i, Takeslii ( |S ^ 
i^^!^'/ Prose - writer, better 
known- under the n<?m de 
ff.ltime "Shyuko;": ^. Jamiary, 
1884,:,,, in Kega, .I§ana - gun 
ShidzUoka-Jfen; .^. .f. of Kenji 
Shirayanagi; in. Kuni, sister 
of Ichitaro Eliara. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Literature and Philosophy 
of the .Waseda-; Uiiiv. PiLbr 
lie at ions : Riskytc, Tekka Sek- 
lia, Tasggare, - Shinshyu, 
^hyuko Shohin, Chomin no 
T^nka, Oyabun Kobnn 3 vols, 
i^o. 42, Isarago-cho, Shiba, 

Shisa, Katsu C* .-fe W), Pay- 
master-General of the Navv 
h. the 2nd m. of the. ist 
y. of Ganji (1864), Nagasa- 
ki prefecture ; ist s. of Mei- 
sei Shisa, a samurai of Na- 
gasaki ; m. Nobu, 1st d. of 
Naokuni Watanabe, a samti- 
rai of Kanagawa prefecture. 
Once was Director of the 
Naval Paymasters' School, and 
Director of the Accountants' 
Department; of the Saseho 
Naval Station, etc. ; promoted 
to Paymaster-General in Dec. 
igo8., now is director of the 
Accountants' Bureau of the 
Naval Otece. Becoraiions : 3rd 
Order of ,the Rising Sim, 4th 
class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: No. ;2,29g, Araijiku. 

IriaTai-mura, Ebara-gun, To- 
kyo-fu,. Tel. : 241 Omori. - . 

Shisiiido, Ichiro (^ P — JJt), 
Prof, of the 3fd High School 
(Kyoto); b. the nth ?«. of 
the istje. of Keio (1865), To- 
kyo; 1st s. of the late Sho 
Shishido ; m. Hatsu, 2nd d. 
of Tokuji Otsuka, a samurai 
of Kyoto. Edtic: graduated 
from the College of Science 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1888. Was appoint- 
ed Prof, of the 2nd High 
School, 1890; tran-sferred to 
present post in July 1899. 
Address : Kajiimachi, iVliku- 
ruma-michi Seiwanguchi-aga- 
ru, Kamikyoku Kyoto. 

Shishido, Otoknina (^ \P Zx 

M), Assist-ProJ". of the. Col- 
lege of Agriculture of the T6- 
hoku Imperial University. Is 
now abroad for the. study of 

Shishido, ' Shozo (.^ p ^ S)^ 
Counsellor to the Communica- 
tion Department; b. the nth 
m. . of the 3rd y. of Keio ( 1 8- 
67), Tokyo ; 3rd s. of Kinzo 
Shishido ; ^a., Sada, 3rd d. of 
Morimichi Sugl, a samurai of 
Yamaguchi. Edtic. : gradu- 
ated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1894. On his gradu- 
ation, was given a post in the 
Cornmunicationb' Department^ 
then made Prof, of thje' Tokyo 
Post and Telegraph School ; 


[ 9*0 3 

and after serving as Com- 
missioner of Communications, 
Director of the Kobe, Hiro- 
shima and Kyoto Post Office 
was tran--ferred to present post 
in 19 1 2 D£C0ratio7z : ^th Or- 
der of Merit. Address : No. 
3g, Sangenj'a-clid, Azabn-ku, 

Shito, Akira C^ M #), 
Commercial Agent in New 
York ; i>. the 2nd m. of the 
ist;>'. of Manyen (i860), Ku- 
mamoto ; s. of the late Kan- 
ji Shito, a smnurai of Kuma- 
moto, and y. 'brother to Ta- 
keshi Shito ; in. Sal^i, ist d. 
of Kanzo Takano, a samurai 
of the same prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from the Komaba 
Agricultural School (prede- 
cessor, of the present Agri- 
cultural College of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ.), 1885. ' On 
his graduation was given a 
post in the Depaitment of 
Agriculture and Commerce ; 
and after serving as engineer 
in several prefectural govern- 
ments and in the Department 
of Agr. and Com. has been 
appointed to ' present post ; 
was ordered to proceed to 
America. Decoration : 5th 
Order of Merit. Address : 
New York, U S.A. 

Shito, Takeshi C^ ij S), 
pir. of the Higo Keeling 
Company, the Higo Wax 
Manutacturing Co., and of the 

Kumamoto Electric Company; 
b. the loth m. of the Sth 7. 
of Kaei (1852), Kumamoto; 
I St s. of the latfe Kanji Shi- 
t5, a samurai of Kumamotoj 
m. Tama, ist d. of Yukisada- 
Soma, a samurai of the Saifle 
prefecture. Addr^ss : Saku- 
raimachi, Kumaftioto-shi. 

Shizukawa, Bunzo (^J )i| ^ 
^)» President of the Keikwa- 
sha, and of the Kyoto News 
Agency; b. 1868 in Hyogo- 
ken; s. of Yohei Ide and wais 
adopted by the Shizukawa 
family. Edtic. : studied at the 
Keiogijiikti. Was member 
of the Kyoto Chamber of 
Commerce, Director of the 
Maizuru Gas Company, coun- 
cillor of the Kyoto Club. 
Recreations: shooting, travel- 
ling. Address : Minami-Iru, 
Nakaitachi-bori, Karasu-maru 
dori, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto-shi. 
Tel.: 2505 Kami. Clubs : 
Tokyo Kojunsha, Kyoto Club. 
Sho, Jun (jt m. Baron (cr. 
1 896), Member of the House 
of Peers ; President of the 
Okinawa Provision Company; 
b. 6 Apr. the 6th f. of Meiji 
(1873), ShuH, Okinawa pre- 
fecture ; s. of the late Mar- 
quis Tai Sho, and jf. brother 
to Marquis Ten Sho ; m. Sa- 
ne-ko, ist d. of Choboku I- 
zena, a samurai of Okinawa. 
Is a member of a branch family 
of the House of Marquis Sho, 

[ 911 ] 


form&rly lord of Luchu. De- 
coration : 4th Order of Merit. 
Address : rl>io. 82, Togeii,. 
Shuli, Okinawa prefeeture. 

Sho, Tea (.^ #1), Marquis, 
Member of the House of 
Peers; d. the 8th m. of the 
1st y. of Gwanji (1864), Shu- 
li, Okinawa prefecture ; ist 
s. of the late Tai Sho, and 
e. brother to Jun Sho ; m. 
1885, .Sho'ko, 1st d. of Cho- 
on Kin, a samurai of Okina- 
wa prefecture. Is the des- 
cendant of the famous Chin- 
zei-hachifd, Tametomo Mina- 
moto, and of "princely house" 
of Luchu that used to pay 
regular tribute to the Court 
at Kyoto and the Shogunate; 
the Kingdom: of Luchu was 
formally incorporated into the 
dominion of Japan in 1872, 

and the late Tai Sho (father 
of the subject of this sketch) 
was made Lord of the Luchu 
clan; and the the clan was 
converted into Okinawa pre- 
fecture in 1879; M. H. P. 
since 1901 ; has been decorat- 
ed with the 4th Order of 
Grand Cordon of Rising Sun 
in connection with the late 
war. Address : No. 8, 2 cho- 
me, Fujimicho, K5jimachi,To- 
kyo. _ Te/. : 897 Bancho. 

SJioda, K-azuye Cat ffl ±. Bt), 
Vice-Minister of Finance; &. 15 
Sept. the 2nd y. of Meiji (i 869), 

Matauyama, lyo province; 5th 
s. of KyQren Shoda, a sam- 
urai of Ehime ; m. lyo, 1st 
d. of Teijiro Watanabe, of F"u- 
kui. Educ: graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1 89S . Pas- 
sed the Higher Civil Service 
Examination the following 
year ; was appointed Inspect- 
or of Taxation Affairs, 1897; 
promoted to present post in 
1907, after having been in 
the meanwhile Chief of Ha- 
kodate Customs, Secretary at 
the head office, etc. Decora- 
tions 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 383, Nakashi- 
buya, 'Shibuyamachi, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 2045 

• Shoda, Heigoro (^ H ^ .=S 
IFO, Director of the Meiji Fire 
Insurance Company, the Mei- 
ji Life Insurance Company, 
the Tokyo Marine Insurance 
Co., the Tokyo Store-house Co., 
the Tomei Fire Marine Insura- 
nce Co.; h. the loth m. of 
the 4th y. of Kokwa (1847), 
Kitsuki, Chikuzen province ; 
1st s. of Emmei Shoda, a 
samurai of Kitsuki clan ; in. 
Tadzu, ist d. of Masatoshi • 
Fujioka, a samurai of Osaka. 
Educ. : Keiogijuku. He was 
one of the most trusted . con- 
fidants of the late Mr. Fuk- 
uzawa, Japan's greatest ed- 
ucationalist, and one- of his 


[ 912 ] 

assist, ^teachers in: the incgp- 
tipn stage of his -famous in- 
stitution, the Keiogijuku; then 
he entered the Mitsubishi 
Firm soon after its establish- 
ment, and has perhaps dorie 
n:iore thgn any other em- 
ployee in jcan-ying the es- 
tablishment to its present state 
of prosperity, especially; when 
the Firm was engaged in what 
seemed a life-and-death sturg- 
gle 'With thei, Kyodo Unyu 
Steamship Company, before 
the amalgamation of the two 
steamship companies ; was 
the first to introduce the use 
of Western book-keeping into 
Japanese companies. Decora- 
tion : 4th Ordef' of the Ris- 
ing Sun. Address : No. 50, 
Hayashicho, Koishikawa, To- 
kyo; \Te/.:_462 Bancho. 

Shoda, Yomozo C^ K"ra :^ ^), 
Baron (cr, 1907), Lieutenant- 
General oh the' 2nd reserve ; 
iJ.'the nth m. of the 2nd f. 
of Kokwa (1845), Hyogo pre- 
fecture ; 3rd s. of Shichisabvi- 
ro Sh5da, a samurai of Hyo- 
go ; W2. Kume, 1st ^. oX Ya- 
sus'uke Yamagata, a samurai 
•of Yamaguchi. Lieuteharit- 
General, Apr. ,1 960, and placed 
onthe, and.reserve in 1907. 
D.ecordtions :.; rst C^'der of 
IVTerit,. 3rd, Class of Golden 
Kite, ^^^r^xy .: Eukiaimaclii, 
K5be, , 

■ Shoji, Keisiabur J C^ S) ¥ 4 
IP), Colonel of Infantry,-. Conij- 
mander of the Wakarnatsy 
Regimental District ; 1$. 186?;, 
Tokyo ; .f. of a samurai of 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieutenant, Dec. 
1 88 1 J Lieutenant, May 1885-; 
Captain, Dec. 1893; Majoy, 
Jan. . 1900 1 Lieutenant Colo>- 
nel, Nov. 1904; Colonel, Nov. 
1907. Decorations ': 3rd Orde.r 
of the Rising Sun,, Sth Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
Headquarters of the Waka,- 
matsu Regiment Distiict, Wa- 
kamatsu, Fukushima-ken. , 

Shoji, Hyoza (;£ S] :R H)', 
a large land-owner, one qt 
the highest tax-payers of A- 
kita prefecture; b. the 5,tli 
nt. of the 1st J)/, of Bunkyu 
(1861), Akita ; ist .y. of Ko- 
kei Shoji, z. samurai oi ^\}&\- 
ta ; m. Riya, 1st d. of Hei- 
nosUke Shoji, a samurai oi 
the same prefecture. Address: 
Maeda-mura, Kita-Akita-gun, 
Akita -ken. 

Shoji, Otokichi C^ % ti aX 
Standing Director of the ,Ka- 
nkoku (Chosen) Cotton Com- 
pany ; 6. 18 May, the 6th 
>». of Meiji (1.873), Aldta pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of the '.late 
Tomogpro ■Shoji ; m, -Ya.e, 
adopted ^. ofCfOzo Kitabata- 
ke, of Tokyo. 'Address^.: Ki- 
tpi-jytouioya^ - Minamiku,-- Osa-- 
•^^■■^•.' '■;■:■ '::^'[^'r [^]'':'[ V'J. 

Shoji; Yoshiriroto f j&S) m%t 


Sod— Soi 

-Eear- Admiral, on the waiting 
since Dec. 191 2; h. 1865. 2nd 
Commander, Dec. 1897; Com- 
.niander, Dec. 1898; Captain, 
Jan. 1905 ; then present rank. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: No. 
1806, Dateato, Shimoshibuya, 
Toyotama-^un, Tokyo. 

Soda, Kinsaku (;fe *" B ^ f^), 
President of the Soda Banlc, 
and of the Soda Savings Bank, 
Representative Member of the 
YokohamaMerchandise Store- 
House Co., Director of the 
Tone Canal Company, Stand- 
ing Member of the Yokoha- 
ma Chamber of Commerce ; 
b. the loth m. of the 2ndy. of 
Kaei (1849), Gumma prefect- 
ure ; 2nd s. of the late Kim- 
bei Soda ; m. Toyo, 3rd d. 
of Tsuneemon Tajima, of Ka- 
nagawa. Going to Yokoha- 
ma at the early age of thir- 
teen, he entered the service 
of Mr. Nakazato, an import 
merchant ; afterwards he es- 
tablished a business on his 
own account as broker of 
Mexican dollars, by which he 
succeeded in arriassing a consi- 
derable fortune ; in 1873, with 
the co-operation of some of 
his friends he established an 
exchange for Mexican dollars 
in Yokohama, and; at the 
same time, opened a siiafe bro- 
ker's ofiBce in Tokyo; found- 

ed the Silk-thread Spinning 
Works at Hodogaya, and 
became its president, 1 892 ; 
established the Soda Bank 
in 1895 and the Soda Savings 
Bank in 1 899, he himself be- 
coming president; in company 
with Mr. Kisaburo Nishimu- 
ra, he established the Yo- 
kohama Merchandise Ware- 
house Co., 1905 ; was elect- 
ed member of the House of 
Peers, 1906 — 1907. Decora- 
tion :'Ath Order of the Sacred 
Treasure. Address : No. 3, 
I chome, Tsukioka-cho, Yo- 
kohama. Tel. : 1 303. 

Soda, Mosaburo (ffi ffl "^ H 
M), Manager of the Otaru 
Branch of the Bank of Japan. 
Address: the Otaru Branch 
of the Bank of Japan, Shiki- 
naimachi, Otaru, Hokkaido. 
Te/. : 309 Cho. 

Soijima, Koretoki CIlJ^gtM). 

Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
inander of the Okayama 
Regimental District; 6. 1B65 
in Saga-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1887; Lieut., June 1891; 
Captain, May 1895; Major, 
Jan. 1902; Lieut. Colonel, 
March 1907; Colonel, Oct. 
1911. Decorations: 5th Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S. Address: Ijima-mura, 
Mi*'su-gun. Okayama-kon. 

Sowa, Kaicliiro (W*!^— gP)» 
silk dealer, *. proprietor of 
Sowa Shoten; b. the. 8th m. 

[ 914] 

df the 1st y. of Gwanji (1864) 
ih Kyoto; s. of Jinnoshin 
Tsuchida and adopted by 
Kahei Sowa; m. Sute, y. 
sister of Toratairo Toda, 
samurai' oi Ehime-ken. He 
set out' a branch from his 
adopted family, Oct. 1892, 
and called it " Sowiya." 
Address: No. 9. Ginza 2 
ehome, KyObashi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 650 Shimbashi. 
- SoyiBda, Jiiiehi (^ E9 S ^), 
HogahuhAuslii, ex-Pres. of 
the Industrial Bank of Japan, 
Special Member of the To- 
kyo Chamber of Commerce ; 
b. the 8th m. of the ist y. 
of Gwanji (1864), Fukuoka 
prefecture ; 3rd s. of Shinza- 
buro Soyeda ; m. Hide, 2nd 
d. of Shogo Hara, of Tokyo. 
Ediic. : ' graduated from, the 
College of Literature, Tokyo 
Irnji. Univ. (Gourse of Political 
Economy), 1884 ; further pro- 
secuted his sttidies at Cam- 
bridge and Heidelberg Uni- 
versities, returning home in 
1887. Appointed Councillor 
of the Treasury, 1887; then 
served as Private Secretary, 
Secretaty, and Director of the 
Supefintendehce Bureau in 
the same •affice till he was 
appointed Vice - Minister at 
the time of the Okuma-Ita- 
gaki Cabinet, iS<^%; on the 
fall of this Cabinet he retired 
from the government service, 

and lectured 'On economics 
and science ojf finanefe in Ihfe 
Tokyo Imperial University and . 
se\'eral other public and pri- 
vate colleges; appointed Presi- 
dent of the Formosan Bank 
in 1899 when that bank was 
.inaugurated ; then became 
Chairman of the Organization 
Committee of the Japan In- ■ 
dustrial Bank and appointed 
its President on its being form- 
ally started in 1902 ; he took 
an active part in monetary 
reform work with relation to 
the introduction of foreign 
capital ; has been decorated 
with the 2nd Order of Merit 
in consideration of his meri- 
torious services rendered to 
the Empire. He resigned his 
post on account of illness-, Jan. 
1 9 1 3 . Recreation : Jyoruri fa 
kind of ballad-drama). Ad- 
dress : No. I, ichome, Fuji- 
mi cho , Kojimachi ,Toky o . Tel. : 
366 Bancho. ' 

Soeda, Kei-iehiro (M H St — 
Ii5), Commissioner of the Shi- 
ga Prefectural Government ; 
d. 28 Aug. 1 87 1, Fukui pre- 
fecture ; 1st s. of Ryohei So- 
eda, a sarnurai of Eukui pre- 
fecture ; m. Tei, y. sister ±0 
Chuki Kojima, of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law, the Imperi- 
al University of Tokyo, 1898. 
Passed the Higher Civil Sery- 
ice Examination, the same 

[915 ] 

Sog— Som 

year, and appointed Council- 
lor of Hyogo prefecture ; aft- 
er serving as Commissioner 
of Oita, Kumamoto, and of 
Yamanashi was transferred to 
present post in 1908. Ad- 
flrei^s:, Otsu, Shiga. 

Soga, Sukenori (f- S ft Jp), 
Viscount (cr. 1884), Lieutcn- 
.ant-General (retired), ex-Pres- 
ident of the lately nation- 
alized Nippon, Railwa)' Com- 
pany, Member of the ITonse 
of Peers; d. 2$ Dec. 1843,' 
Yanagawa, Fukuoka-ken; 2nd 
.$. of the late Sukeoki Soga, a 
samurai of Yanagawa clan ; 
7H. Aki-ko, e. sister to Baroii 
Takusho Hanazono. He early 
entered the Imperial Army, 
and was made Colonel, Sept. 
1871 ; promoted to Major- 
General, Feb. 1873 ; and was 
appointed President of the Mil- 
itary Academy, Oct. 1874; 
took a distinguished part as 
Commander of brigade on the 
occasion of the Civil War of 
1877; was subsequently Di- 
visional Commander at vari- 
ous places ; appointed Vice- 
Chief of the General Staff, 
Feb. 1882 ; raised to the rank 
of Lieutenant-General, Feb. 
1883; retired from active serv- 
ice, Sept. 1886; was once 
chief military tutor and aid- 
de-camp to the Crown Prince; 
was appointed Court Coun- 

ciilor,June 1891 ; and elected. 

Member of the House of Peers, 
Dec. of the same year ; has 
been decorated with ist Or- 
der of Merit in consideration 
of his distinguished services 
rendered to the Empire. He 
is one of the strongest mem- 
bers in the Upper House. 
Address: No. 14, Surugaciai 
Sudzukicho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
TeL: 735 Honkyoku. 

Sojima, Kumaroku (^i is M 
>'0, P^ngineer of the Kyushii 
Branch Office of the Agri- 
cultural Experiment Farm. 
Address :■ the Farm, Hotaku- 
gun^ Ku{namoto-ken. 

Soga, Yuichi (-^ f^ ^ — ), 

Inventor; b. 1876 in Hiro- 
shima. Educ: self-taught. 
Invented various apparatus 
for the preservation of fish. 
Address: No. 19. Nishiedo- 
gawa-machi, Koishikawa-ku, 

Soma, Jun-in (M .1 JS W), 
Viscount, ex-Lord of the Na- 
kamura clan, Iwaki province ; 
b. 29 Sept. 1863; 3rd s. of 
the late JGin Soma ; in. se- 
ki-ko, y. sister to Viscount 
Sumibumi Arima. Address : 
No. 6, I chorae, Uchisaiwai- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokj'o. Tel. : 
158 Shimbashi. 

Soma, Fagatane (ti .% ^ JbI), 
Director of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank ; President of the 
Senshu Gakko (a piivate law 

ku -Oma 


college); b. 22 Nov. 1850, 
Shiga prefecture; ist s. of 
Uheiji Soma, a samurai of 
Hikone clan ; m. Mitsu, foster- 
mother of Dairokuro Saguchi, 
a. sanmrai of Tokyo. Educ: 
studied Law and Economics 
at Yale and Columbia Uni- 
versities, 1 87 1 — 1879. He 
established the Senshii Gak- 
ko (now College) in conjunc- 
tion with Dr. I. Tajiri and Bar- 
on T. Megata in 1879 ; after- 
%yards entered Yokohama Spe- 
cie Bank, of which he has 
been President for about ten 
years ; has been decorated 
with the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun in consideration 
of his services during the late 
war, 1907. Address: No. 
376, Shimototsuka, Toyota- 
ina-gun; Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 380 

S6ina, Shoji CfflMlvS)> Lec- 
turer of the Waseda Univ., 
and editor of the Waseda 
Btcngaku, a literary maga- 
zine, better known as " Gyo- 
fu," his nom de plume; b. July, 
1883, in Niigata prefecture; 
s. of Tokujiro Soma; m. Teru- 
ko, d. of the late Mokichi 
Fujita, M. P. . in December, 
1907. Educ: graduated from 
the Waseda Univ. in 1906. 
Editor of the Waseda ^ Bun- 
j^aku since 1906 and lecturer 
of the Waseda Univ. since 
1 9 1 1 . Publications : Poems, 

— "Suiren" (8i ^), and the 
collections of his poecps ; 
Novels, — " Toge " C*^) , and 
the collections of his novels; 
and he published various 
essays and translated the 
works of Turgeniev, Gorky 
and Count Tolstoi. Address: 
No. 28, Takata Toyokawa- 
cho, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Somekawa, Gonsuke {% )\\ 
S tit), Director of the Kago- 
shima Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd., and of 
'the Kagoshima Electric Com- 
pany ; b. I Aug. 1853, Ka- 
goshima prefecture ; ist .?. of 
Ihei Somekawa, a samurai of 
Kagoshima ; m. Shige, 3rd 
d. of Jin-emon Kamezawa, a 
samurai of Kagoshima. Ad- 
dress : No. 58, Reisuicho, Ka- 

Sone, KioMya Ct" » ^ §1), 
Director of the Tainan Post- 
and Telegraph Office. Dec- 
oration: 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: the Official House, 
Tainan, Taiwan. 

Sone, Masanori CW « IE ^), 
President at the 6sth Bank, 
Ltd. ; Director of the Kobe 
Electric Light Company ; b. 
8 June 1858; 2nd J. of Kyo 
Fujieda, a samurai of 
prefecture, and adopted by 
Shozo Sone ; m. Yuka, ist d. 
of Asuto Tokuno, a saifmrat 
of Ehime. Address : No. 16, 
3 chome, Higashi-Minato-ma 

[ 917 ] 


chi, Kobe. Tel.: SaS. 

Sone, Tatsuzo (^ H ^ ig), 
Architect, Kogakuhakushi; b. 
the 2nd y. of Bunkyu (1862) 
in Saga-ken Educ: graduat- 
1 ed from the former Kobu Dai- 
gaku (Engineering College) 
in 1 87 1. After his gradua- 
tion, was appointed assit.- 
prof. of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ.; entered the Dep't of 
Navy, 1886; and then ap- 
])ointed m. of Committee of 
the harbour-construction of 
Kure and Saseho became 
adviser to Mitsubishi & Co.; 
established the Sone and 
Chujyo Industry Office with 
Mr. Seiichiro Chujyo; is 
respected as an old scholar in 
the architecture circle. Ad- 
dress: No. 309 Nakashibuya, 
Shibuya-machi, Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel.: 2^55 

Sonoda, 'Kokichi C!l H # S), 
President of the iSth Bank, 
kohama Specie Bank, and of 
the Nippon Yusen Kwaisha 
(the JapanMailSteamship Co.); 
Director of Yokohama Specie 
Bank, and of the Nippon Yu- 
sen Kwaisha (the Japan Mail 
•Steamship Co.); 'Miglo -Japa- 
nese Hydro-Electric Co., Ad- 
viser to the Shinshu Bank 
-». 19 Jan. 1848, Kagoshima; 
1st .s. of Kenkichi „Miyauchi, 
a samurai oi Kagoshima, and 
adopted by Sawaemon Sono- 

da ; m. Kei, 3rd d. of Hatsu- 
shiku Tominaga, a samurai 
of Chiba prefecture. Ediic.:- 
studied in the clan school and 
Kaisei Gakko (forerunner of 
the present Tokyo Imperial 
Univ.). Entered Foreign Of- 
fice. 1 871; dispatched to Eng- 
land, 1 874, as Japanese Exhi- 
bition Commissioner and sub- 
sequently appointed attache 
to the Legation there; Private 
Secretary to the Foreign Mi- 
nister (then Marquis Inouye) 
1878; Japanese Consul in 
London, 1882 — 1890, and was 
allowed to attend the Bank 
of England as apprentice for 
about six months; was elected 
President of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank, 1890, which was 
then in difficult circumstances 
owing to adverse conditions of 
Exchange; dispatched to Lon- 
don to bring home the indem- 
nity from China, 1896 ;. trans- 
ferred to the post of President 
of the 15th Bank, 1899 ; has 
been decorated with the 2nd 
Order of Sacred Treasure in 
recognition of -his valuable 
service rendered to the Em- 
pire. Address: No. 504, Shi- 
rogane Sankocho, Shiba, To- 
kyo. TcL: 555 Shiba. 

Sonoda, Sanenori O H W S>, 
President of the Hokkaido 
Bank, and of the Hakodate 
Water Power Electric Co. , 
Dir. of the Otaru Electric Li- 

gofl— Sow 

L 918 ] 

ght Co., the Hoivkaido Gas 
Co., Kankai Fishing Co., the 
Japan Briquette Co., the Orien- 
tal Sugar Manufacturing Co. , 
Auditor of*-Musashi Electric 
Co., b. 12th m. of the ist y. of 
Kaei (1848), Kagoshima Pre- 
fecture ; 1st J. of Hikoemon 
Sonoda, a samurai of Kago- 
.shima-ken ; in. Kin.- In the 
Satsuma Rebellion of 1877, he 
served in the Imperial forces 
and was slightly wounded ; 
when, in 1872, the late Count 
Kuroda was appointed first 
Vice-president of the Hok- 
kaido Development Office, he 
sei'ved under him as a sub- 
ordinate official ; retiring from 
the government service in 18- 
81, he inaugurated the Hok- 
Icaido Union Transportation 
Company ; this ■ was subse- 
quently incorporated with the 
Nippon Union Transporta- 
tion Company, and he was 
appointed Manager of the 
Hokkaido Branch of the amal- 
gamated Company ; he took 
part in organizing the Hok- 
kaido Colliery and Steam- 
ship Co., and the Hakodate 
Dock Co., and was director 
of the former and president 
of the" latter for some years. 
Address: No. 29, Nishinokubo- 
Tomoech6,Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 
612 Shiba. 

Sonoda, Yasutake CH ffl ^ KX 
Ba;ron (or. 1897), ex-Governor 

of Hokkaido, Court Council- 
lor, Member of the House of 
Peers; d. i Sept. 1850, Ka- 
goshima ; 1st .f. of Ryoemon 
Sonoda, a samurai of Kago- 
shima. Was long connected 
with police affairs, having held 
the post of Police-Inspector 
of Tokyo twice ; made an in- , 
spection tour in Europe by 
government order ; was e- 
lected Member of the House 
of Peers, 1 897; appointed Gov- 
ernor of Hokkaido, 1898 — 
1906 ; has been decorated 
with the 1st Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 23, Daimachi, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. Tel.: 152 

Sowa, Shinjiiro (f- m M + BfO, • 
■Managing Director of the Na- 
ka Bank; b. 10 Feb. 1852, 
Wakayama prefecture; 3rd s. 
of Keisuke Hayashi, a sa- 
murai of Wakayama, and 
adopted by Nuinosuke Sowa;, 
m. Mine-e, 1st d. of his foster- 
father. Address : Osadamu- 
ra, Naka-gun, Wakayama pre- 

Suda, Toshinobu CH EH M ^ 
fe), _ Kogakidiakushi ^(Dr. of 
Engineering), Managing Di- 
rector of the Nippon Yti- 
sen Kaisha (the Japan Mail 
Steamship Co.); I), the 2nd m. 
of the 3rdjr. of Ansei (1856), 
Miyazaki; 3rd s. of Toshiniasa 
Suda, a samurai of Miyazaki; 

[ ©J9 ] 


m. Aki, 1886, 1st d. of Mo- 
rikumi Takarabe, samurai of 
Miyazaki. Educ. : graduated 
from the Engineeing College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1 88 1. After serving 
in a government office, entered 
the Japan Steamship Com- 
pany, and went oyer to Eng- 
land, 1887 — "^^9'2 ; received 
the doctor's degree 1899.' Ad- 
dress: No. 30, I chome, Shio- 
cho, Yotsuya, Tokyo. Tel. : 
929 Bancho. 

Saehiro, Chiisuke (M M -^ :fr). 
Kogahuliahushi;eK.~VYoi. of the 
Engineering College of the 
Tolcyo Imperial University 
(chair : Mining and Metal- 
lurgy). Address: No. 3, Mu- 
koga-oka, Yayoicho, Hongo, 

Suehiro, Ikashi C* Si. M S), 
Judge of the Court of Cassa- 
tion ; b. the 1 2th m. of the 
4th y. of Ansei (1857), Oita; 
1st s. of Cliitaru Itonaga, a 
samurai oi Oita, and adopted 
by the late Bingo Suehiro, 
a saimirai of the same pre- 
fecture ; m. Yoshi, ist d. of 
Tsugu Olcunami, a samurai 
■ of Gita, £duc. : graduated 
from the government law 
school, 1884. After serving 
as Judge in several District 
Courts of First Instance, was 
appointed Section Chief of the 
Utsunomiya Pi.strict Court in 
1 890 ; transferred as the same 

of the Tokyo District Covirt, 
1 893 ; was appointed Judge 
of the Tokyo Appeal Court 
in 1894, and afterwards its 
Section Chief; then present 
post. Decoration : 3rd Order 
of Merit. Address : No. 3, 
Mukcgaoka, Yayoi-cho, Ho- 
ngo-kuj Tokyo. 

Suetiro, Kyoji (* ^ & —3. 
Kogakuhakushi, Assist.-Prof. 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
A'^ersity ; expert of the Tokyo 
Municipality. Address : No. 
10, Nishikata-machi, Hongo- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Sue?iiro, Uaokata CtK 3i H :^), 
Mayor of Kokura; b. the 1 2th 
m. of the 4th y. of Kokwa 
(1847), Kagoshima ; 1st s'., 
of Nao-omi 'i>\x<iS\vco,'A. samurai 
of Kagoshima ; m. Ito, ist d. of 
Rokuemon KashiWa, a sa- 
murai of Kagoshinia. Once 
was Governor of Iwate. De- 
coration : 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: No. i35,Umakari- 
cho, Kokura - shi, Fukuoka - 

Suehiro, Shigeo (M. M M. M), 
l^'ogakuhakushi, Prof of the 
Law College of the Kyoto 
Irnperial University. Address: 
■Hirokoji-sagarn, Tera-macli|, 
Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Suematsu, Eencho (M fe P 
it), Viscount (ci. Baron '95 
and Vise. '07), Bjingakiihaku- 
ski, Privy Councillor ; k. the 
8th m. of the 2nd y. of 'Angel 


L 920 J 

(1855), in the province of 
Buzen ; 4th s. of Gaun Sue- 
matsu, a sanmrai of Ful<uoka 
clan ; w. Iku-ko; adopt, e. 
sister to Prince Hirokuni Ito, 
and 1st d. of the late Prince 
Ito. Educ. : studied in the 
Kaisei Gakko; graduated from 
the Cambridge University, . 
1882 — 1884; studied in Ger- 
many. Began his public career 
as a writer on the staff of the 

Nichi Nichi ; went over to 
Korea in company with the 
late Kiyotaka Kuroda, the 
then Envoy , Extraordinary 
and Minister plenipotentiary ; 
was given a post in the Mi- 
litary Department, and par- 
ticipated in the suppression 
of the Saigo's -Rebellion, 
1877; appointed 'Chancellor 
of the Legation at London, 
1880, where he turned his 
leisure to advantage by at- 
tending lectures ; Councillor 
di the Department of Educa- 

tion, 1886 ; then the same of 
the Home Office ; has receiv- 
ed the degree of Bungaku- 
hakushi, 1888; returned M. 
If. R. from his district, 18- 
90 — 1895 ; Director of the 
Legislative Bureau, 1892 — 18- 
96 ; during the Japan-China 
War went to Seoul on an 
important diplomatic mission 
which procured for him the 
portfolio of Communications 
in the Ito Cabinet, 1898 ; 
elected Member of the House 
of Peers, 1896; Minister of 
the Home Office, 1900 — 19- 
01, in the Seiyukai Ministry; 
non-official agent in England 
during the late war ; was ap- 
pointed Privy Councillor, 19- 
06 ; had for a time charge 
of the education of the Crown 
Prince of Korea who arrived 
in Tokyo in 1907 ; resigned 
the post in 1909. Is a writer 
of Chinese poems under the 
name of Sei/iyo, his nom de 
plume. Publications: An Eng- 
lish transtation of the famous 
" Genji - monogatari" ; Tani- 
iHa-iio-himeyiiri (Lily of the 
Valley, a transtation . of an 
P^nglish novel); The Empire- 
of the Rising Sun (English). 
Japanese Phantasies (English); 
etc. Recreations : Curios, Chi- 
nese [joctry. Address : No. 
4, Shiroyaniamachi, Shiba, 
Tolcyo. Tel.: 93 Shiba. 
S'len"""". .Tnhi'ii CM ik — 

I 92 f ] 

fae— Suf 

3), chief of tlie Formosau 
section of the Osaka mer- 
cantile S(eam Ship Go. ; b. in 
1868 in Fukuoka. Educ. : 
studied at Genyosha. Address: 
Abeno, Tennoji, Osaka-fu. 

Suenaga, KokbC^ ?!; ^ ^\ 
Chief Procurator of the Shi- 
zuoka District Court. Ad- 
dress : Ottemachi, Shizuoka- 

Suenobn, Michinari C^ Si -M 
;S), President of the Toyol<a- 
wa Kaiiway Co., the Tokyo 
Marine Insurance Co., the To- 
mei Marine Fire Insurance 
Co., Director of the Meiji Life 
Insurance Co. ; h. the loth 
m. of the 2nd y. of Ansei 
(1855), Kochi; ist s. of Ris- 
sei Suenobu ; ?«. Tatsu, e. 
sister to Yasuma Ishikawa, 
a samurai of Kochi. Educ. : 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1879. Entered the 
Mitsubishi Firm^and served as 
manager or branch manager 
for many years, meanwhile 
making an inspection tour in 
Europe, America and India, 
etc.; director of the Meiji 
Life Insurance Company, 18- 
91 then of the Meiji Fire 'In- 
surance Co. , director of the 
Hokuetsu Railway Company, 
189s ; president of the To- 
yokawa Railway Co., 1902 ; 
Vice-President of the Imperi- 
al Railway Association, 1907. 

] decoration : 5 th Order of the 
liising Sun. Address: No. 
^, Toriizaka, Azabu, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 887 Shiba. 

Sufu, Kimihira Cii M 'li ^), 
Baron (cr. 1908), ex-Gover- 
nor of Kanagawa prefectiive, 
Privy Councillor since 191 2; 
b. the 1 2th m. of the 3rd y. 
of Kaei (1850), Yamaguchi; 
2nd s. of Masanosuke Sufu, 
a samurai of Yamaguchi clan; 
m. Sada-ko, 1st d. of Eisei 
Iwasaki, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Entered the Department of 
Justice, 1876; appointed to 
present post in 1900, mean- 
while serving as Councillor 
of the Legislation Bureau, the 
same of Legation at R,ome, the • 
same of Foreign Office, Chief 
Secretary of the Cabinet, Gov- 
ernor of Hyogo-ken, and as 
Director of the Administra- 
tive Litigation Court, etc. ;- 
nominated Member of the 
House of Peei's, 1890. De- 
coration: 1st Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 10, 4 chome, 
Hirakawa-oho, Kojimachi-ku,^ 
Tokyo. Tel. : 592 Bancho. 

Suga, Tatehiko (f ® m, 
artibt, Japanese painter ; 6. 
1878 in Tottori-shi; s. of 
Seinan Suga, Edxio. : private- 
ly ; studied painting from his 
father. Address: No. 68 No- 
uinbashi 2 chome, Minami-ku, 

Sugahara, Den (f M W), 

Member of the House of Re- 


[923 } 

prensentatives for Miyagi pre- 
fecture ; d. the 8th pi. of the 
3rd J/, of Butakyu (1863), Mi- 
yagi ; 2nd s. of the -late O- 
suke Sugahara, a samurai of 
Sendai clan; m. Ryu, ist d. 
of the late Kyoichi Kawame, 
procurator of the Court of 
Cassation. Educ. : studied in 
the Tokyo University, and 
in the Pacific University, U. 
S., about two years. Once 
published several papers; a- 
gain went over to America, 
1893 ; elected Member of the 
House of Eepresentatives since 
1897. Decoration: 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun. Publica- 
tions : several political works. 
Address : No. 6g, Nagasaka- 
machi, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1009 Cho Shiba, 

Sugahara, Koran (1= M U M), 
Chief of Dirs. of the Railway 
Industry & Co. ; b. the 7th m. 
of the 6th f. of Ansei (1859), 
Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Bun-nojo 
Sugahara, a samurai of To- 
kyo ; m. Sada, e. sister to 
Seikai Bando, of Tokyo. Educ: 
graduated at the Engineering 
College of the Tokyo Imperi- 
al University, 1886: Once 
concerned with several rail- 
way companies ; rna,de an in- 
spection tour in Europe and 
America, 1898." Address : No. 
858, Kashiwagi, Yodobashi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. Tel. : 
I2Q Bancho. 

Sugahara, Tsnkei QW M M Wc\ 
Director of the Revenue Bu- 
reau of the Treasury, Chief 
of the Brewing Experiment 
Office ; 6. 6 Jan. the 2nd jf. 
of Meiji (1869), in the prov- 
ince of Rikuzen; 1st s. of 
Tsijjutsu, a samurai of Sen- 
dai clan ; in. Yoshi, niece to, 
Sozaburo Atami, of Miyagi. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1895. 
On his graduation, was given 
a post in the Financial De- 
partment ; passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination, 
and was made a revenue of- 
ficer of Okinawa prefecture in 
1896; appointed Director of 
the Hakodate Revenue Su- 
perintending Office, 1897 ; Di- 
rector of the Hakodate Cus- 
toms, 1898 ; Director of the 
Kobe Revenue Superintend- 
ing Office, 1902 ; entered the 
head Office in 1904 ; Coun- 
cillor of the Office, 1907 ; then 
promoted to present post. De- 
coration : 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 49, Hatagocho, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 
769 Bancho. 
• Sugakawa, Kiyoshi (Ir ;i| ?t), 
proprietpr of the Sugakawa 
firm, exporter of silks and 
groceries ; 3. the 9th m, of 
the 2nd j. of Bunkyu (1862) 
in Gifu-prefecture ; e. s. of Gi- 
zp Sugakawa ; m. Hide, 3rd 

[ 92,3 ] 


d, of Rijuu Ozaki of the same 
prefecture. Educ: graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School! Address: O- 
morimachi, Ebara - gun, To- 

Sugano, Seijiro' C'^ if ® *v 
SR), Director ,of the Tokyo 
Revenue Superintending Of- 
fice. Address : No. 49, Sa- 
sugayacho, Koishikawa, To- 
iiyo. Tel. : 869 Bancho. 

Sugano, Shoichi (ir Iff f* -), 
Colonel oflnfantry, Chief ofthe 
Section of Infantry, War Of- 
fice ; i>. 1872, Yamaguchi ; s. 
of a samurai. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant of Infantry, Mar. 1892; 
Lieutenant, Dec. 1894; Cap- 
tain, Oct. 1898; Major, Dec. 
1903 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Nov. 1907 ; then present rank. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite, and several 
other foreign orders. Address : 
No. 40, Suga-cho, Totsuya-ku, 

Sugano, Yushichi ("i^lfll-b)! 
Captain of Navy, Com- 
mander of the 6th 'of the 
flotilla; d: in 1871. Educ: 
Naval Engineering. Acade- 
my. Lieut.-Commander, Oct, 
1902; Commander, Sept. 
1906; Captain, Dec. 191 2. 
Was Commander of the loth 
and nth of flotilla; present 
post since Dec. 191 2. Be- 

corations: 4th Order of R. 
S., 4th Order of S. T., 4^1 
Class of G. K. 

Sugano, Zenzaburo Cf? if # 

S Wy, Chief Procurator of the 
Nagoya District Court. Ad- 
dress : the Procurators' Office 
of the Nagoya District Court, 


Suganuma, Toyojiro (-&■ M fi 
^ Bl?), lawyer, Advisor to the 
Yokohama Specie Banlc, the 
Konoike Bank, the 43rd Bank, 
and ofthe Kobe Marine Trans- 
portation Fire Insurance Com- 
pany, etc. ; d. I Aug. the ist 
,y. of Meiji (1868), in the 
province of Buzen ; s. q{ Shi- 
geru Suganuma, a samurai of 
Oita-ken; m. 1898, Kozue, 
d. of RyotaroYamamoto,a.s^- 
/«Mr«^ of Wakayania . Educ: 
graduated from the Law Coir 
lege (Coui'se of English Law) 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1893. Probationer, 18- 
94; Judge, 1 896. ; served in 
the Nara District Court and 
Osaka District Court; resigned 
the government sei-vice in 18- 
97,- and became a lawyer, the 
next year. Address: No. 152, 
2 chome, Kitahania - niachi, 
Higashi-ku, Osaka. Tel.: 
416 Honkyoku. 

Sugaya, Masaki <^'^% %), 
Judge of the Administrative 
Litigation Court; i5. the^^th ?«. 
of the 4th J', of Ansei (1857), 


L 924 ] 

Tokyo; ist s. of the late Shei- 
en, a samurai of Tokyo ; wid- 
ower. Address: No. i, Ka- 
sumicho, Azabu, Tokyo. 

Sugaya, Motojiro (^ ^ 7c ^ 
1!5), Managing Director of the 
Shiba Bank, Ltd. Address : 
No. II, 3 chome, Shibaguchi, 
Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 2198 

Sugaya, Shozaburo C^ # Si H 
I|5), Director of the Tsuchiura 
Agricultural and Commercial 
Bank. Address : Tsuchiura, 
Niiharu-gun, Ibaraki-ken. 

Sugi, Magoshiohir^ C#^-bJi5), 

Viscount (cr. 1887), Privy 
Councillor, Giteikan (Council- 
lor of state); b. the ist m. of the 
6th y. of Temp5 (1835), Ya- 
maguchi,; 2nd s. of the late 
Goroemon Uekj, a samurai 
of Yamaguchi clan, and adopt- 
ed by the late Hikonoshin 
Sugi, a samurai of the same 
clan ; widower. Went over to 
Europe in company with the 
Minister who was despatched 
there by the Shogunate Gov- 
ernment, 1862— 1863; took 
active part in the work of 
the Restoration, but has sub- 
sequently pursued a quieter 
career chiefly connected with 
the Imperial Court, Lord Ste- 
ward to the late Empress 
Dowager's Household; then 
the treasurer of the Imperial 
Household; appointed Privy 
Councillor, 1897. Decoration: 

1st Order of Merit. Address : 
No. 22, S chome, Hirakawa- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
6^ Bancho. 

Sugi, Seizo (i?^ ?t S), Di-- 
rector of the Nagoya Post 
and Telegraph Superintending 
Bureau. Decorations: 5th Or- 
der of Merit. Address : the 
Office, No. 14, 2chome, Na-, 
kano-cho, Nakaku, Nagoya. 
Td. : 2500. 

Sugi, Takejiro C#' ^ -- W), 
Private Secretary to the Pre- 
mier ; <5. 1 5 May, the 3rd y. 
of Meiji (1870); 2nd s. of 
Viscount Magoshichiro Sugi ; 
m. Kuni, J', sistet to Viscount 
Hiken Tamura. Decoration : 
5th Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 286 Shimoshibuya, Shi- 
buya, Toyotam.a-gnn, Tokyo. 

Sugie, Katsnjiro (:l^ ?I ^ 
BI5)> Major of Commissariat, 
Commander of the 6th Battal- 
ion of Commissariat ; b. 18- 
(>J, Ishikawa prefecture. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry, July 
1887; the same; of Commis- 
sariat, Feb. 1890; Captain, 
Feb. 1895; Major, Nov. 1904. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: the 
6th Battalion of Commissariat, 

Sugihara, Eizaburo C# K ^ 
S W), Director of the Choni- 
chi Bank, and of the K>'oeki 
Store-house Companj', Mem- 

[ 925 ] 


ber of the Tokyo Chamber 
of Commerce, and of the To- 
kyo Prefectural and Municipal 
AssembHes, grocer., (shop 
name " Sugikara Skokai"); 
b. the 5th m. of the ist y. Keio 
(1865), Tokyo ; 2nd s of Yo- 
nekiclii Sugihara ; m. Sono, 
y. sister to Kamataro Ishii, 
of Tokyo. Early entered the 
Hokkaid5 Government .serv- 
ice but retiring entered busi- 
ness. Address: No. ii, Kita- 
inaricho, Shitaya, Tokyo. Tel.: 
642 Shitaya. 

Sug'ihara, Yasuo (M^ M M iWj, 
Manager of the Newchwang 
Bi-anch of the Yokohama Spe- 
cie Bank ; b. the ist V2. of 
the 3rd f. of Keio (1867), 
Wakayma; i-st s. of Yasuhiro 
Sugihara, a samurai of Waka- 
yamaj-OT. Masa, e. sister to 
Gi-ichi Maruyama, of Ibaraki- 
ken. Address: the Newch- 
wang Branch of the Yokoha- 
ma Specie Bank, Newchwang, 

Sugimoto, Gengo <M--^M W), 
Engineer of the Fukuoka pre- 
fectural Government, and Prin- 
cipal of the Fukuoka Tech- 
nical School. Address :~ No. 
1 1, Higashi - minato - machi, 

Sugimoto, Tsurugoro C# i^ SI 
i 15). direct importer of Eu- 
ropean wine and provision, 
shop name " Kanieya " ; b. 27 
t>ec. the 3rd y. of Meiji (18- 

70), Chiba ; 3rd s. of Chozo 
Sakamaki, andv adopted by 
the late Tsurugor5 Sugimoto ; 
111. Nobu, 2nd d. of his foster- 
father. Address : No. 12, Ta- 
kekawacho, Kyobashi, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 773 Gho Shimhashi. 

Sugimoto, Ukiohi C# * # S), 
Director of the Shinkoku Life 
Insurance Co., Ltd. ; d. the 
4th in. of the 3rd y. of Keio 
(1867) in Tokyo; 3rd s. of 
Zen-ichi Sugimoto, a direct 
retainer to the Shogunate ; m. 
3rd daughter of Takahiro No- 
ma, a physician to the Shoguna- 
te. Educ: graduated from the 
Meijt Horitsugakko (present 
Meiji Univ.). Was engaged in 
afforestation business, 1897 — > 
1902 ; took td journalism and 
was Director arid Chief Editor 
of the Tokai Nichinichi Shim- 
bun, 1902 — 1909. Address:'No. 
13, Mikaivadaimachi, Azabu, 
Tokvo. Tel. : No. 1044 Shi- 
ba. " 

Sugimura, Jimbei (.-^^'^ ^ 
#j). President of the Tokyo 
Muslin Spinning Co., Chief of 
Directors of the Tokyo CaKco 
Weaving Company, dealer in 
European cloth ; b. the 3rd 
m. of the 6th y. of Kaei (18- 
53), Kj'5to; 4th s. of Jimbei 
Sugimura, and adopted by 
Nanyii Sugimura; ni. Kishi, 
1st d. of Kashiro Sudzuki,. 
of Kyoto. Address: No. i,. 
Shin-zaimokucho, Nihomba- 

[ 926 ] 

Shi, Tokyo-. Te/. .- 198, 1 285 
Naniwa Cfto. 

Sugiiftiara, Koichi C^ ifi J^ 
"), Ambassador to G-ermany 
since Novelaber, 191 i , h. the 
5th' m. of the 4th jr. of An- 
sei (1857), Kanazawa, Kaga 
provinee ; 2nd s. of Sei-ichi 
Sugimura, a samurai of Ishi- 
kawa-fcen ; in. Ko-ko, 2nd d. 
of Viscount Yoritsugu Sagara. 
Early entered the Department 
of Justice, 1876 ; removed to 
Foreign Office, 1884; attache, 
and Councillor of the Foreign 
Office as an additional post, 
1 886 ; attache of the Lega- 
tion at Rome, 1887 ; then its 
Secretary, 1 890 ; removed to 
Paris, , 1 891 ; Councillor of 
the Head Office, ]\lar. 1S92; 
Secretjiiy of .Legation at St. 
Petersburg, Sept. the same 
year ; removed to Vienna, 18- 
94.-:ri898> again to St. Peters- 
burg, 1898— 1902; to Mexico, 
-first as minister Resident and 
afterwards as Minister Pleni- 
potentiary, 1 902- 1 906;, to Swe- 
den and Norway, 1907. Decora- 
tions:^ 3rd Order of "the Sacred 
Treasure, and several other 
foreign Orders. Address : Ja- 
panese Embassy, Berlin. - 

Sugimura, Kotaro C:^ W JR i: 
SrO, editor of the Tokyo Asahi; 
6.2$ July, the 5th jj/. of Meiji 
(1872), Wakayama, «- in the 
province ofKii; married. Educ: 
English Law School (prede- 

cessor of the present Chup 
College), the Unitarian School, 
Chief editor of the Waka- 
yania Shimpo (a local news 
paper), Sept. 1892 — June 18- 
93 ; editor of the Kokmnin 
Shinibun, 1894 — 1895; taught, 
in the Literary Department of 
the Hongwanji Temple, Kyo- 
to, Sept. 1896— May 1898; 
served in the Translation Bu- 
reau of the American Lega- 
tion in Tokyo, July 1899— 
Nov. 1903; became one of the 
editors of the Tokyo Asahi 
Shimhun, Dec. 19045 travelled 
through the world, 1908. His 
noni de ptunie is " Sojinkwan." 
Publications : Shichikahachire- 
tstt, Travel in Great Britain, 
Round the Western Hem- 
isphere, Reijin-Reigo, etc. Rec . 
reation: Yatchiiig. : Address : 
Omori, suburb of the Capital. 
Tel. : 62 Omori. Glubs: Kojun- 
sha. International News-paper . 
Association, New Buddhists' 
Society, Shunju-kwai. 

Sugimura, Seiken_C# % IE #5, 
Director of the Toyama Cer- 
ebral Disease Hospital. Ad- 
dress : No. 102, Wakamatsu- 
cho, Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel. : 
365 Bancno. . 

Sugimura, Shotaro C# iff j£ 

Jc IP), And. of the Osaka 
Sliosen Co. (Osaka Mercantile 
S. S. Co.). Member of the 
city counciller, Chief of iHe 
Electric Railway Dep't of 

c 92f i 


the City Office, Auditor of the 
Japan and China Steamship 
Co.; warehonsing ; 6. (> Feb. 
thes'4th y. of Meiji -(i8- 
74), Osaka : ist s. of the 
late Shotaro Sugimura ; m. 
Hisa, adopt, y. sister to Ryu- 
saku Godai, of Osaka. Ad- 
dress : No. 2, Minamikyuta- 
romachi, fligashiku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 1 178 Hig-ashi. 

Sugimura, Yujiro (jj;^ ^' B ^ 

W)i Colonel of Gendarmes, 
Chief of the Pieng-yang 
Gendarmery at present 
stationed in Chosen; b. in 
1873, Tokyo. Sub-Lieut, of 
Infantry, March 1892; Lieut, 
of Infantry, Oct. 1894; Cap- 
tain of Infantry, Nov. 1897; 
Major of Infantry, Jan. 1904; 
Lieut-Colonel of . Infantry, 
Nov. 1907; Lieut.-Colonel of 
Gendarmes, June 1910; Co- 
lonel of Gendarmes, Nov. 
1 9 10. Was chief of the 
Police Dep't -of Chosen 
Government. Decorations: 
Sth Order of S. T., 4th Or- 
der of R. S,, 4th Class of 
Golden Kite. Address: 
Pieng-Yang, Korea. 

Sugino, MokicM mm, % S), 
Engineer of the Miyagi Pre- 
fectural Government; b. 9 June, 
the 3rd y. of Meiji (1870), 
Ogaki, in the province of 
Mino ; 1st .y. of Jinshichi Su- 
gino, a samurai of Ogaki clan; 
m. 1898, Nobu-ko, 2nd d. 

of Kazuyoshi Taguchi, Igakii- 
hahishi. Educ. : graduated 
from the Engineering College 
(course of civil engineering) 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1893. Was a one 
year volunteer, Dec. 1893; 
entered the Japan Railway 
Company as engineer, 1895; 
appointed to present post in' 
1898; the Hirose Bridge and 
the Miyagi Hospital in Seudai 
have been constructed under 
his superintendance. Decora- 
tion: 5 th Order of Merit. Rec- 
reations: reading, cycling, etc. 
Address : No. 74, Motoyagi- 
cho, Sendai. Tel.: 410. 

Sugisaka, Miaoru (*$ Wl K), 

Chief Procurator of the Gifu 

District Court. Address : the 

Procurators' Office of the Gifu 

District Court, Gifu-shi. 

Sugishita, Taroemoa (M T ik 
% -^ % f"3), ex-Member of the • 
Plouse of Peers (representing 
the highest tax-payers of Gi- 
fu prefecture). Representative. 
Mernber of the Sugishita Part- 
nership ; b. the pth m. of the 
3rd\y. of keio (1867), Gifu;, 
1st s. oi the late Tar6em.on 
.Sugishita ; m. Yoshi, 1st d. 
of Noritada Wakai, a samurat 
of Kyoto. Sat twice -in the 
House of Representatives.. ^(Z- 
dress : Kokufu-mura, Yoshiki- 
gun, Gifu-ken. 

Sugita, Tei-iehi C^ JH. % 
— ), Member of the House 


[ 928 ] 

of Peers since 19 12, leader 
of Seiyukwai ; h. the 6tli 
m. of the 4th y. of the 
(185 1 ), Fukui prefecture ; 1st 
s. of Senjuro Sugita ; m. Su- 
zy, 2nd d. of Ryuzo Fujita, 
a samurai of Mie prefecture. 
Is one of the ' dwindling clas? 
of old Liberals who struggled 
for the cause of freedom by 
sacrificing personal interest 
and comfort ; made a tour in 
China, . 1884; went over to 
Europe and America, 1886 — 
1888 ; elected Member of the 
House of Representatives, 18- 
90 ; appointed Governor oi 
Hokkaido, in the Okuma-Ita- 
gaki Cabinet, 1898 ; again 
proceeded to Europe and A- 
merica, 1900; elected Pres- 
ident of the House_ of Repre- 
sentatives, 1906 — 1908. Dec- 
oration: 4th Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 377, Shimoshi- 
buya, Shibuyamachi, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo. Tel. : 22- 
60 Shiba. 

Sugitani, Taizan C# # # lU), 
Prof of the 2nd High School 
(Sendai) ; 6. the 6th fn, of the 
3rd J. ofKeio (1897), Mie; 
1st .y.of Taijun Sugitani; m. 
Tae, 1st d. of Ryosuke Su- 
dzuki, of Tokyo. jEduc. : fin- 
ished the elective course (Chi- 
nese classics) of the College 
of Literature of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1900. On 
his graduation was given pi"es- 

ent post. Publications: " Sho- 
sei-tetsugaku " (Philosophy of 
Worldly Wisdom), &\.c: Ad- 
dress : No. 28, Kita-nibancho, 

Sugitani, Tokinaga C# \% # 
^), Baron (cr.' 1884), Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers ; 
b. the 5th 111. of the ist y. 
of Keio (1865), Kyoto ; 3rd 
s. of Count Gerijo Yamashi- 
na, and afterwards became 
founder of the Sugitani fami- 
ly ; m. Shige-ko, adopt, d. of 
Juro Odagiri, of Tokyo. Dec- 
orations : 4th Order of Me- 
rit. Address: No. 12, Shin- 
lyudomachi . - ■ ,. To1c\-n 
Tel. : 345/ Shiba. 

Sugiura, Ginzo (M W M ill)- 
Director of the Okazaki E- 
lectric Light Company ; b. 
the 3rd m. of the 2nd j. of 
Bunkyu ( 1 862), Aicki;_y. broth- 
er to Sahei Sakuki, and 
adopted by the late Ginzo 
Sugiura ; m. Cho, i st d. of 
his foster-father. Address : 
Okazaki-machi, Nugata-gun, 

Sugiura, Hisui d^ M # 7J<). 
proper name is Tsutomu, chief 
of the design dep't of the 
Mitsuijoshi Gofukuten in To- 
kyo, artist (decorative paint- 
ing and book binding); b. the 
5th m. of the 9th y. of Meiji 
(1876) at Mati?i!yama, Ehi- 
me-ken ;s. of .Asatada Sliirai- 
shi and adopted by Sukould 

[ 929 ] 


Sugiura ; m. Sui, younger sister 
of Momosuke Fukuzawa. E- 
duc. : graduated fi-om the To- 
kyo Fine Art Academy studi- 
ed from Gyokusho Kawabata 
and Kiyoterii Kuroda. Once 
was a member of the Chiio 
Shinbun (a daily newspajier). 
\ PuhKoation: "Sketch of Mount 
! Fuji." Eeereations : collection 
of antique toys, primitive de- 
sign. Address: No. 1855 
Datemae, Shimoshibuya, To- 
kyo-fu. Clubs: Kofukai, Ga- 

Sugiura, Jiigo (# i§ M. WD, 
educationalist, Principal of the 
Nihon Middle Sehool ; d. the 
3rd m. of the 2nd f. of An- ~ 
sei (1855), Zeze, in the prov- 
ince of Omi ; 2nd s.^of the 
late Jiibun Sugiura, a samu- 
rai of Zeze clan; in. Kusue, 
d. of Kiyosu Chikami, a samu- 
rai of Kochi prefecture. Ed- 
uc. : studied Chinese classics 
in clan school, and in the 
Daigaku Nanko; studied che- 
mistry in England, July 18- 
76— May 1880. Started a 
magazine named " Iqyo Ga- 
kicgei Zasshi," 1881; Direct- 
or of the Preparatory Coui'se 
of the Tokyo University, 1 882; 
founded the Tokyo English 
School (predecessor of the 
present Nihon Middle School), 
1883 ; Councillor and Direc- 
tor of the Bureau of Techni- 
cal Education Affairs, De- 

partment of Education, 1888; 
Member of the House of Rep- 
resentatives, July 1890-Mar. 
1891 ; Member of the' Higher 
Educational Council, June 18- 
97— Dec. 1900 ; Dh-ector of 
the Tokyo Dobun Shoin and 
the Shanghai Toa Dobun Sho- 
in, 1902 — 1903 :- went over to 
China, the same year. Ad- 
dress : No. ^52, Myogadan? 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Sugiura, Kohachi, (jj^ jK /J-. 
A), Colonel of Eng., In- 
structor of the Military 
Eng. and Artillery School; 
b. 1869 in Fukushima-ken. 
Sub-Lieut.,- March 1891; 
Lieut., Nov. 1893; Captain, 
Nov. 1896; Major, Jan. 1904; 
Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, May 191 2. De- 
corations: 5tli Order of S. 
T., 4th Order of R. S. Ad- 
dress: No, "J "J Tomihisa-cho, 
Ichigaya, Ushigome-ku, To- 

Sugiura, Saburobei C'tj^ fi H 
P ^ W), rich draper ; b. 22 
July, the 9th y. of Meiji (18- 
76), Kyoto; ist s"^ of Fuku- 
suice Sugiura ; m. Hiro, 1st 
d. of Komanosuke Shimo- 
mura, of Kyoto. Address: 
No. 29, Sanjp - Yanagibaba- 
higashi - iru - Nakano - machi, 
Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto. Tel. : 
216 Kami 

Sugiura, Sadajiro (,^r^ M.^ 
IP), Senior Sixth Rank CIE 7^ 


[ 930 } 

■a); Fifth Class of the Order 
of the Rising Sun, M.A., B.; 
D., Ph. D., Professor pf the 
Imperial Military Staff Col- 
lege, and Lecturer on Philo- 
sophy in Rikkyo Col., Tokyo; 
Member of the Philosophical 
Sptiety, . Japan; Member df 
the Imperial Educational So- 
ciety, Japan ; Member of the 
Standing Committee of the 
Diocese of Tokyo; Author of 
"Hindu Logic," etc.; Editor 
of " The Theological Study;" 
^. in December, 1870, at 
Obama, Fukui-ken ; second 
.son of Senzo Sugiura, a samu- 
rai; m. Chika-ko Takagi ■ of 
Tokyo, now Senior „ Eighth 
Rank' being Tutor of Music 
to Princess Yasu. Educ.:%t\x- 
died at Rikkyo College, To- 
kyo, 1886-92; at University 
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 
1893-^98; at Episcopal Divin- 
ity School, Philadelphia, 1894- 
98 ; at Oxford University, 
England, 1898 j sometime 
Scholar at the College and 
at the Graduate School of 
University of Pennsylvania; 
Fellow of Episcopal Divinity 
School, Philadelphia. Instruc- 
tor in English in Ri!<kyo 
Gakuih; Lecturer on Logic 
to the Imperial Educational 
Society; Lecturer on Old 
Testament Tlieolog) in Shin- 
gakusha Theologii^al Semin- 
ary (Presbyterian) "'of Tokyo; 

on General Kuroki's Staff in 
the Rosso- Japanese War of 
1904-05 and engaged in the 
battles of Yala, Maotien- 
lieng, Liao - Yang, Sha - ho, 
Mukden, etc.; on the editori- 
al staff of "The Church 
Weekly " or the Kirisutokyo 
Shuho. Recreations music; 
also takes interest \x\. garden- 
ing and floriculture. Address: 
74 Azabu-Hiroo, Tokyo. Tel. 
4499, Shiba. 

Sugiura, Sozaburd (7^ if ^ 
3 lit), Engineer of the Rail- 
way Board, Section Chief of 
the Eastern Railway Superin- 
tending 'Bureau ; ^. 1 3 Dec. 
- the 3rd y. of Meiji- (1870), 
Tokyo ; 3rd s. of Munema- 
su Amemori, and adopted 
by Ine Sugiura; m. Toshi, 
1st d: of Ryo Suto, of To- 
kyo. Educ. : graduated from, 
the Engineering College of 
the Tokyo imperial Univer- 
sity, 1894. Address: No. 
28, 5 chome lida-machi, Ko- 
jimachi-ku, Tokyo. 

'Sugirura, i'^jtiijuro (t^ ?§ if 
3 IP)^Maj.-G-gn. on the reserve 
siiice'Spr. 191 i'."f&. the loth m. 
of the 1st /. of^Bunkyu, Shi- 
dzuoka ; y. brother to Katsu- 
yuki Sugiura, a samurai of 
Shidzuoka ; m. Yo, 1st d: of 
Rin-ai Irie, a samurai of the 
same prefecture. Educ. :' the 
Military Cadet School. Sub' 
Lieutenant of Cavalry, Dec. 

[ 931 ] 


i883; Lieutenant; Mar. 1887; 
Captain, Dec. 1889; Major, 
May 1896 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Jan. 1900 ; Colonel, May 
1904; Major- General, Sept. 
1909 ; took part in both the 
Japan - China and the Rus- 
so - Japanese Wars as the 
Commander of the 15th Reg- 
iment of Cavalry. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris-- 
ing Sun, 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : No. 
10, Kita-machi, Ushigome, 

Sugiyama, Gensaku (^ |lj J^ 

i¥), Dr., of Medicine; I: the 
2nd m. of the 1st y. of Bun- 
kyu (1861) in Shizuoka-ken; 
s. of Genzaemon Sugiyama; 
m. e. d. of Yoshiyuki Suzuki, 
in 1888. Educ. : graduated 
from the Medical College of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. and 
completed his medical studies 
in Germany. Made explora- 
tion trip to the Oceanic ar- 
chipelago, (1894- 1 896); was 
in Australia from 1896 till 
1903; studied in Germany, 
(1904- 1 907). Address: No. 
I, Awaji-cho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2465 Hongo-ku.. 

Sugiyama, Iwasab"uro (# ilj 
^ H 115), Prof of the Sth High 
School ; b. the nth m. of the 
2nd y. of Bunkyu (1862), E- 
hime ; 3rd s. of Matahachi 
Morikawa, and adopted by 
the late Yoshimitsu Sugiya- 

ma, a samurai of Ehime- ;. ;«i 
Ko, ist,^. of Masayuki Ka- 
to, a samurai oi'S.)ximz. Educ: 
graduated^ from thcu College 
of Science of the Imperial 
University, 1890. Appointed 
to present post in Feb. 189^. 

Decoration :. 5th Order of Me- 
rit. ^ Address : No. 150, Mi- 
nami-sendanbata-cho, Kuma:- 

Sugiyama, Shigeypshi (#iiiB: 
®, Prof, of Waseda, Univer- 
sity; 6. 1857 at Matsuyama, 
lyo Province. Educ. : Keio- 
gijuku, School of Sociologj', 
Com., Hartford, College, U., S, 
Once was engaged in mission 
work; now is managing editor 
of DainihoD Bunmei Kyokai, 
beside the above mentioned 
post. Address : No. 156, Ni- 
shi-Okubo, Okubo-mura, jTo- 
yotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Sugiyama, Masaixori Q^ lU 
JE fj), Colonel of Artillery, 
Commander of the xst Reg- 
iment of Field Artillery; b. 
1 87 1 , Saga prefecture ; s. of 
a samurai. Sub - Lieutenant 
of Artillery, July 1889; Lieu- 
tenant, Nov. 1892; Captain, 
June 1895 ; Major, Nov. 19- 
01; Lieutenant-Colonel,^ Apr. 
1905; then present rank. Ad- 
dress: No. 27, Kita-iga-machi, 
Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo. 

Sugiyama, Eisuk-; C^iljifiJ^^h), 
Auditor of the Kobe Rice and 
Stock Exchange, and of the 


[ 932 ] 

Ko^be Gas Coiapatiy, etc., dra- 
per ; (5\ the 9th m. of the 2nd 
J. of Kaei_(i849), Aichi; 3rd 
s. of Kozo Yamaguchi, and 
adopted by the late Risuke 
Sugiyama ; " widower. Ad- 
dress: No. 172, 6 chome, Mo- 
tomachi-tori, Kobe. Tel: 757. 

Sugiyama, Seijiro C?|>? Ui ^ n 
IK), Kogakuhakushi, Section 
Chief of the Hankai Electric 
Railway Company. Address: 
No. 200, Kawasaki-cho, Ki- 
ta-ku, Osaka. 

Sngiyama, Shigehiro C*^ ill % 
1^), Majorof Engineers, Com- 
mander of the 8th Battalion 
of Engineers ; b. 1871, Ya- 
maguchi prefecture. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Engineers, May 18- 
95; Lieutenant, Oct. 1897; 
Captain, Nov. 1900 ; Major, 
Dec. 1904. Decorations : 4th 
'Order oi the Rising Sun, 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : the 8th Battalion of 

Engineers, Hirosaki. 

Sugiyama, Yogoro (li^ Ul 09 

3E. II?), Governor of Kochi 
Prefecture. ^Address: Official 
Residence, Eikoji-cho, Kochi- 
shi, Kochi- ken. 
- Sugiyama, Totaro C;i^ Ui :^ i: 

115), a large land-owner, one 
of the- highest tax-payers of 
Shizuoka prefecture ; b. 15 
. Mar. the, 4th y. of Meiji (18- 
71), Shizuoka ; ist j. of Han- 
zo Sugiyama ; m. Sei, e. sister 
to Tqjiro Ohashi, of Shizuoka. 

Address : _ Kudomura, Iwa.ta- 
gun, Shizuoka-keil. 

Sumi, Risuke m f 'I Bl), Pres- 
ident of the Japan Deep-Sea 
Fishery Company, Director of 
theToba & Co.; h. the 12th 
in. of the 6th y. of Kaei (18- 
53), Utsumi, in the province 
of Owari ; 2nd^ s. of Sagoe- 
mon Sumi ; >m. 1879, Kei; 
1st d. of Zenzaemon Kano, 
of Mie. Educ.: Keiogijuku. 
Early became editor of the Ise 
Shimbun (a local r^wspaper) ;. 
afterwards was elected Mem- 
ber of the Mie ,Prefectural 
-Council, 1 882, serving" for about 
ten years ; Member of the 
House of Representatives, 18- 
91 ; again elected M. H. R., 
1892 — 1893; Principal of 
the Toba Mercantile Marine 
School, 1900 — 1905 ; founded 
the Japan Deep-Sea Fishery 
Company, 1907. In July 1908, 
with the Miemaru (the Com- 
pany's seal hunting schooner) 
was captured by a Russian war- 
ship on the suspicion of poach- 
ing near the Commander Isl- 
ands, and six men of the crew 
were sentenced to death by the 
Russian authorities ; he, after 
thorough investigation into the 
matter, persuaded our authori- 
ties to make. objection to the 
Russian Government for its 
unlawfull action. The two gov- 
ernments entered into nego- 
tiation and it was finally de- 

[ 933 ] 


cided that all the crew should 
be set free and to compensate 
the Company. Publications: the 
Seal Hunting Question in the 
North Pacific; Sea Fmpire; On 
the - Reassessment of . Land, 
etc. Recreation : reading. Ad- 
dress: No. 2, Mita-sliikokucho 
Shiba, Tokyo, (native address: 
Tobamachi, Shima-gun, Mie- 
ken). Tel. : 3292 Shiba. 

Snmi. Senjiro (M li "f * 110, 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Tokushima prefecture ; b. 
the 1 2th of the 3rd y. of 
Kdkwa (i%\6); -adopt, s. of 
the late Tobei Sumi ; m. Ku- 
suno, 1st d. of his foster-fa- 
ther. Address : Nishio-mura, 
Asaue-gun, Tokushima-ken. 
Sumikawa, Toku (it JH ^), 
Engineer "'of the Hiroshima 
Prefectural Government, and 
ex-Director of the Hiroshima 
Hospital; Address: 9 chome, 
Dtemachi, Hiroshima. 

Sumikura, Hirosnke C:^ ;fi" 
t? ■&), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Hiroshima prefect- 
ure ; b. July of the 23 rd y. 
of Meiji (1890), Hiroshima 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Jiisaku 
Sumikura. Address: Jogemar 
chi, Konu - gun, Hiroshima- 

Siiminokura, Yoshimichi ifi 
M M it), Dr., Vaccine manu- 
fecturer, dairy, cattle^ bree- 
der; h the 3rd TO. "of the 
4th y. of Ansei {i%7\\ Aichi 

prefecture; ist s. of the late 
Mochitomo Suminokura ; m. 
1883, Saki-ko, 4th d._ of 
Risobei Takehara, of Oita. 
Educ. : graduated from tiie 
Kyoto Medical School'; studi- 
*'d bacteriology in the Infec- 
tious Diseases Investigation 
Laboratory under Dr. Kita- ■ 
zato. Went Over to Ameri- 
ca threp times with the pur- 
pose of inspecting cattle-bree- 
<?i"g» 1903, 1907 and 1908, 
and imported many milch- 
cows; once was elected Mem- 
ber of the Kanda Ward Coun- 
cil, Tokyo, and of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce. Shop 
name " Aikosha". Publica- 
tions : On Vaccinia ; On In- 
uculation. Recreation: Char- 
ity. Address : No. 6, i cho- 
me, Misakicho, Kanda, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 1303 Honkyo- 
ku. Clubs: Tokyo Y.M.C.A., 
the Japan Baptist Denomina- 

Sumitcmo, Kiehizaemon (ff 
S a :& a P?), proprietor of the 
Sumitomo firm, a well-known 
millionaire in" Japan ; b. the 
rath m. of the istjj'. of Gwanji 
(1864), Xyoto; 6th s. of the 
late Kinzumi Tokudaiji, and 
y. brother to Prince Tokudaiji 
and Marquis Saionji ; adopted 
into the Sumitomo family, 
1893; m. 1892, Masu, ist</. 
S>f Torttochika Sumitomo, his 


f 934 ] 

foster-father. Educ. : the Pe- 
ers School ; studied law. Made 
a commercial inspection tour 
in Europe and America, i8- 
97 ; on his return home, was 
elected member of the House 
of Peers' (representative for 
the highest tax-payers of O- 
saka), 1897 — 1909 ; has been 
decorated with the 2nd Order 
of Sacred Treasure in con- 
nection with . the late War, 
1906. The family run the 
Sumitomo Bank (Cap. J^ i,- 
000,000 and Res. f. 2,500,- 
000), are copper rniners and 
smelters, and also^possess se- 
veral collieries. Addi'ess: No. 
36, Unagitani - higashinoma- 
chi, Mihamiku, Osaka. Tel. : 
3 Cho Minami. 

Sunaga, Takeyoshi C^^jtSt^), 
Lieutenant- General ou the re- 
•iserve Sept.' 1911; h. the 8tli 
nt. pf the 2nd y. of Ansei 
(1855), Saitama ; ist'j. of 
S5shi Sunaga, a Shogunafe 

jamurai ; in. lyo, 1st d. of 
Bun-shichi Honkai, of Chiba, 
Sub-Lieutenant, Apr. 1877;, 
Lieutenant of Infantry, May 
1880; Captain, July, 1882; 
Major, Nov. 1889; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Aug. 1 89s; Colo- 
nel, Aug. i899;.Major-Gener- 
al, Sept. 1904; 'once held the. 
post of Commander of the 2nd 
Regiment of Infantiy Guards, 
Chief of Staff of the 9th Army 
Division, Commander of the 
7th Brigade of Infantiy, Com- 
mander of the 22nd Brigade 
of Infantry, and. of the 36th 
Regiment of Infantry, etc. De- 
corations : 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Class of the 
Grolden Kite. Address: No. 
628, Tsunohazu, Yodobashi,. 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. ■ 

Sunakawa, Katsutaka Tsj; )\\ 
^' 1^), lawyer, ex-Pres. of the 
Osaka Lawyers Asso; b. i8- 
60 at Himeji ; 2nd s. of 
Kan-ichiro ; m. Shina, e. d. of 
j^tsushi Wada. 'Educ. : Fo- 
reign Language School and • 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. One of the most 
influential lawyers in Osaka ,•: 
once elected member of the 
House of Representatives for 
Ilimeji-city ; has filled many 
honourable posts in connection 
with the public gervice ; once' 

was chairman of Osaka pre^ 
fectufal Council ; legal aidvi- 
ser to the Nihon Bank ; tb 

[ 935 J 


osaka Stock Exchange, the 
Osaka Three Goods jExohange, 
the 130th Bank. Fiihlicaticm: 
Lecture ^on English Law of 
Contract. liecreaiionb : riding, 
music, photography. Address : 
No. 31, 2 chonie,_ Kitajjiama- 
cho, Higashi-ku, Osaka. Tel : 
6 Honkyoku Oho. Clubs : the 
Osaka club, the Nisui-kai. . 
' Snrizawa, Shidzno CH ff fi-f 
^), Lieut.-Gen. on the re- 
serre Aug.'fiQii; b. the nth 
m. of 6th y. of Kaei (1853), 
Miyagi; ist s. of Yukiyasu 
SurizawEj a samurai qf Mi- 
yagi-ken; in. Take, 2nd </. 
of Seinoshin Sugano, df Mi- 
yagi. Educ. r Heigaku-ryo, 
a government military schooi. 
Sub - Lieutenant of Infantrj', 
Apr. 1877 ; Lieutenant, May 
1880; Captain, May, 1884 ; 
Major, Feb. 1892 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Oct. 1897; Co- 
lonel, Oct. 1900; Major Gene- 
ral, Oct. 1904 ; took part in 
both the Japan-China and the 
Russo-Japanese Wars. De- 
corations : 2nd Order of the 
Ri.sing Sun, 3rd Class of the 
Galdeh Kite. Address: Head- 
quarters of the 15 th Brigade 
of Infantry, Shibata, Kitaka- 
mbara-gun, Niigata-ken. 
Siisaki, Yos^isaburo (p (if ^ 

3gr>). article vyriter and chief 
editor of the -" Hochi " (daily 
paper), nom de phime Moku- 
do ; b. I ith month, 3rd year 

Cf Bunky'u {li^l) at Sunk- 
gawa - mura, Kitatama - gun, 
Tokyo-fu. Educ: graduated 
from the law college of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ in 1890. 
Edited and published " Kl- 
kokuzasshi," a magazine, 1890; 
and then was principal of a 
middle school in Okayama . 
for three years; became ar- 
ticle writer of the "Osaka 
Asahi," 1900, proceeded to 
Europe and America, 1901; 
Editor of the " Nihon Shini- 
btm " (daily paper) from Aug. 
1 901 till July 1908; present 
post since July 1908. Publi- 
cations: Modern history of 
diplomacy. Address: yj Y^ax- 
machi, Akasaka-ku, Tolcyo. 

Snsaki, Rikichiro k% *t M 
a BI5), Standing Director of 
the Shoji (commercial affairs) 
Company, Auditor of the Sa- 
kata Koun-gumi Co., and of 
the Kwansai Salt Company; 
b. 21 Oct. the \2\h.y. of Meiji 
(1879) ; 1st .r. of Rikizo Su- 
saki ; m. Tatsu, e. sister tct 
Kichiji Kamiya, of Kagawa. ,, 
Address : Sakademachi, Aya- 
uta-gun, Kagawa-ken. 

Susuki, Sadakichi CSS ^ fiX 
Governor of Gifu prefecture; 
b: the ist m. of the 2nd /. 
of Bunkyu (1862), Okayama; 
2nd s. of ChQsaku Susuki, a 
samurai of Okayama ; m. Fu- 
mi-ko, ist </. of Shuzo Tsu- 
kahara, of Tokyo. Educ.^ 


930 ] 

graduated from th? Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1888. On his grad- 
uation was appointed Prof of 
the 4th High School ; then 
ti-ansferred as Councillor of 
Kagoshima prefecture in Aug. 
1891 ; afterwards having filled 
the posts of Councillor of Na- 
gasaki prefecture, of Secretary 
of Gumma, Yamanashi, Nara, 
Tottori* and Miyagi prefect- 
ures, and of Commissioner of 
the last prefecture, was pro- 
moted to present post in Nov. 
1906. Decorations : 3rd Order 
of Merit. Address,: Official 
Residence, ichome, Kyoma- 
chi.. Gifu-shi. 

Sato. Denjiro (S 1^ If ^ W), 
Prof of the ist High School; 
b. 4 Mar. the 3rd y. of Meiji 
(1870) ; 2nd s. of Tahei Su- 
do; m. Shigeo, rst d. of Moji 
Nomura, of Kochi. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Science of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1895. Was 
appointed Prof of the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School, 1 899; 
then transferred to present post. 
Address: No. 50, Komagome- 
sendagicho, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Suto, Giemon Ca si « » P^), 
Juigakuhakushi (Dr. of Veteri- 
na:ry Medicine), Prof of the 
College of Agriculture of the 
Tokyo Imperial University ; 
b. the 2nd 7n. of the ist y. 
of Bunkyii. (1861), Miyagi; 

1st s. of Sei-ei, a samurai of 
Miyagi ; a widower. Educ, : 
graduated from the Komaba 
Agricultural School (prede- 
cessor of the present College 
of Agr.), 1882. Entered the 
Department of Agr. and Com. 
soon after his graduation ; was 
appointed Prof of the Col -. 
lege of Agricultural 1891; 
received the doctor's degree 
1899. Address: No. 8, Mi- 
nami-igacho, Yotsuya, Tokyo. 

Suto, Kakichi (M B M §), 
Member of the House of Re- 
.presentatives for Gumma pre- 
fectuj-e. Director of the Gum- 
ma Agricultural and Industri- 
al Bank ; b. the 4th ni. of 
the 5th jv. of Ansei (1858), 
Gumma ; ist i'. of Nakazo Su- 
to ; in. Yasu, 2nd d. of Ham- 
bei Masago, of the same pre- 
fecture. Once was Councillor 
to the Gumma Prefectural 
Council ; has been thrice 
elected M. H. R. Decoration: 
4th Order of Merit. Address: 
Mine-mura, Hara-ichimachi, 
Usui-gun, Gumma-keii. 

Suto, Kenji (.^ M M ;g)i 
Dr., Prof of the Nagasaki 
Medical College, and -Section 
Chief of the Nagasaki Hospi- 
tal. Address: the Nagasaki 
Hospital; Nagasaki. 

Suto, Kenzo (M.M'B. H)> 
Jgakuhakase (Doctor of Med- 
icine);. assit.-Prof of the Med- 
ical; College of the Tokyo 

[ 937 ] 


Imp. Univ. Address : No. 
Akebono - cho, Komagome, 
Hoiigo-ku, Tokyo. 

Suto, Naokata CM M ^ ::&)» 
President of the Sasebo Bank; 
d. the 2nd m. of the 5th j. 
of Ansei (1858), Nagasaki; 
1st s. of Shokuro Suto, a sa- 
murai of Nagasaki prefecture ; 
m. Chie ; 3rd d. of Yoshio 
Fukuda, of Nagasaki.. Ad- 
dress: Haigi-mura, Higashi- 
kanoki-gun, Nagasaki-ken. 

Suto, Kikuzo m m n H), 

ex-Mem. of the House of Ee- 
presentatives ; h. the 3rd m. 
of the 4th _y. of Kaei (1851), 
Miyagi prefecture ; 1st j. of 
Kyujun*'Suto ; in. Ine, 2nd d. 
of Seihaku Takata, a samu- 
rai of Miyagi. Once was 
Vice-President of the Miyagi 
Prefectural Council : elected 
M.H. R., 1893. Decoration: 
4th Order of Merit. Address : 
No. 25, Fukuromachi, Ushi- 
gome, Tokyo. 

Suto, Eyo (M M la), ex- 
Manager of the Bank ot Ja- 
pan ; b. the 2nd in. of the 
Sth y. of Kaei (185.2) To- 
kyo ; 1st s. of Heinai Suto ; 
m. Hama, 2nd d. of Yoshi- 
chi Suto, of Kanagawa. Ad- 
dress : No. 41, Wakamiya- 
cho, Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel. : 
64 Bancho. 

Sudo, Sei-shichi (iR M ft -fc), 
President of the Gumma Tram- 
car Company, and the Taka- 


saki Water Power Electric 
Company, Director of the Ha- 
kosliima Water Power Elect- 
ric Company; b. the 1st m. 
of the 6th y. of Tempo (18- 
3S), Gumma ; 3rd s. of Yo- 
hichi Fukabori, and adopted 
by Iwagoro ZwAbym. Teru, 
3rd d. of- his foster-father. 
■ Address .•- No. 106, . Ku-zoina- 
chi, Takasaki, gumma-ken. 
Suto, SoieMro(IR^'a-fi», 
Dir. of the Japan card paper 
joint sale £*>.op, Dir. of the 
Tokyo Card-board Coiiipa'n" ; 
b. the pth W2. of the, ist J'. 
of Gwanji (1864), Tokyo ; ist 
s. of Toki-ichiro Sudo ; m. 
Tsuya, adopt, d. of Shozo 
Kitakaze, of Hyogo. Once 
was Member of the Tokyo 
Municipal Council. Address: 

No. 10, Kita-Tomizakacho, 
Asakusa, Tokyo. 

Suto, Takima ("t ii ^ * W), 
Colonel of Infantry, Section- 
al Chief of the General Staff 
Office, Instructor in the Mili- 
tary Staff College ; b. 27 Mar. 
the 3rd y. oi Meiji ( 1 870); 
Tokyo ; Sth s. of Soemon O- 
giu, descendant of the famous 
Sorai Ogiu, scholar of Chi- 
nese clas-sics, and adopted by 
the late Raiko Suto ; in. Mo- 
to, 1st d. of his foster-father. 
Educ. : the Military Staff Col- 
lege ; went over to Germany 
twice for study. 2nd Sub- 
Lieutenant, Mar. 1891 ; Lieu- 



tenant, Apr. 1894; Captain, 
Nov. 1897; Major, Jan. 19- 
03 ; Lieutenant-Coloiiel, Oct. 
1905 ; Colonel, Nov. 1909.; 
tooik part in both the Japan- 
China and the Russo-Japa- 
nese Wars. Decorations : 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun, the 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : No. 77, Daibancho, 
Yotsuyaku, Tokyo. . . 

Su-uchi, Jitsnsabiiro <A _?^ 
% H IK, President of the O- 
su Comniercial Bank; b. the 
lith /«;: of the 6th y. of An- 
sei (1859), Ehime ; 2nd s. of 
Uhei Su-uchi ; »2^hika, 2nd 
d. of Tokuhichi Ojio, of E- 
hime. Address: Osumachi, 
Kita-gun, Ehime-ken. 

Snzuki, Ainosu^e Cl^ ?k S; -J, 
W), court physician ; b. the 
6th in. of the ist y. of Bun- 
kyii (1861), Kanagawa ; ist 
f. of Ryos'uke Suzuki ; nt. 
Hama, ist 4- of Hosei Ito, 
a samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from . the Medical 
Coillege of the Tokyo Imperi- 
al University, 1886; studied 
in Germany and Austria, 18-. 
87 — 1890.' Once was assist- 
ant in. his <?//«« m««'^r.- ap- 
pointed court physician in 18- 
91. Decoration : 4th Order 
of Merit. Address : No. 2, 
1 chome, Nishikicho, Kanda, 
Tokyo . Tel. ':' 1 80 1 Honkj'o- 
ku.: -■ ■ -.-:'^^ -■■ '-■■ ■ 

Suzuki, Boku (.^ ;+: ^), 
Chief of the Taxation Bur- 
eau of the Financial Depart- 
ment of Chosen Government- 
General. Address : the Cho- 
sen Government-General. 

Suzuki, Snntaritt (i& ;ic 3C i: 
SIO, Igakuhakushi, Prof ol 
the Medical College of the' 
Kyoto Imperial University' 
(chair, Anatomy).; b. the r2th 
m. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864), Ishikawa ; Ist s. of 
• Girpku Suzuki, a samurai of 
Ishikawa ; m. Ren, y. sister 
to Baron Chiizaburo Shiba 
.Edu£,.: graduated froni the 
Medical College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 18- 
88 ; studied in the University. 
Hall; studied anatomy in Ger- 
many, 1896— 1899. Was ap- 
pointed Prof of the 4th High 
School, 1893 ; on returning 
home, was appointed to pre- 
sent post, in Oct. 1899; re- 
ceived thfe degree of Igaku- 
hakushi, 1 90 1. Decoration .. 
5th Order of Merit. Address 
Kojinguchi^sagaru, Kawara*^ 
machi, Kainikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Suzuki, ChbhacH CI&*A A), 
Chief Manager of the Niigata 
Rice Exchange, President of ■ 
the Niigata Ware-house Com- 
pany, and of the Niigata Wa- 
ter Power Electric Co., Di- 
rector of the Niigata Bank.; 
b. ■ the 5th m. of the" rst y. 
Of Kokwa (1844),' Niigata; 

[ 939 ] 


2nd s. of Ichiemon Kawai, 
and adopted by the late Cho- 
hachi Suzuki-; m. Sayo, ist 
d. of his foster father. Ad- 
dress:'' 'No. 9, Kami-oka wa- 
mae-tori, Niigata. 
i Suzuki, Choshi CIS- * 18 ^), 
Colonel of Infaiitrv, Chief 
Statf of the !5th Army 
Division ; 6. 1870, Hokkaido ; 
s. of a samurai. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, Mar. 1 89 1 ; Lieutenant, 
Nov. 1894; Captain, Jan. 18- 
98 ; Major, Feb. 1903 ; Lieu- 
tenant - Colpnel, Oct. 1905 ; 
Colonel , May 1 909 . Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 3rd Cis...s of the 
Golden Kite, and s- ne other 
foreign orders. Addreas : the 
Headquarters of the 15th Army 

Suzuki, Chu-emon CiS^ tIc 1& 
>& S P'3), sake-brewer, one of 
the highest tax-payers of Shi- 
ga pi'efecture ; d. the ist m. 
of the 6th /. of KaeKi8S3), 
Shiga; ist s. of Chushi Su- 
zuki; m. Rino, 4th d. of 
Chuemon Yano. Address : 
Klita-hitosa-mura, Gamo-gun, 

. Suzuki, Ekiji (^ i\i M *), 
miner ; 3. the 8th m. of the 
4tli >. of Kaei (1851), Mika- 
wa province ; 2nd .y. of the 
late.Hakuju Sugimpto, a sa- 
murai 6f Toyohashi clan, Mi- 
ka'wa, arid adopted by ,Cho- 
ktinoshin Suzuki ; in. Hide, 

1st d. of Jakusui Tomida, a 
samurai of Aichi. Address t 
No. 24, 3 chome, Kita-kyu- 
taromachi, Higashiku, Osaka! 
Tel.: 1708 Higashi. 

Suzuki, Eitaro (i^ 7k ^ * W)i 
Judge, and Section Chief of 
the Tokyo AppealCourt. Ad- 
dress : No. 24, 6 chome, lida-. 
machi, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Suzuki, Fukumatsu Qk t^ IS 
;&), ex-Mayor of Yokosuka. Ad- 
dress: "the City Hall, Yoko- 

Suzuki, Hidegoro i^-^%^ 

W)t Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the Osaka 
Regimental District; b. 1865 
in Chiba-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1887; Lieut, March 
1892; Captain, Nov. 1895; 
Major, April 1903; Lieut. 
Colonel, March 1907; Colonel, 
March 1912. Decorations: 
Sth Order of S.T., :4th Order 
of R.S., 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: i. temaeno- 
cho, I-Iigashi-ku, Osaka. 

Suzuki, Hyo-emo'' (|^ ?k :ft 7& 
^ P^% one of the r ighest taj^- 
payers of Saitaina prefecture, 
Representative Member of the 
Suzuki Bank ; b. 26 Auj.; the 
6th y. of Meiji (1873), Saita- 
ma ; i st s. of the late Shogord 

Suzuki; wz. Ya-su, 3rd d. of 
Kisabuio Satsukime, of To- 
chigi. Address : Yukimatsu- 
mura, Kita- Katsushika- gun, 

[ 940 

Suzuki, Jin-kichi (^ tK^ S), 
one of the highest tax- payers 
of Miyagi prefecture, Dh-ect- 
or of the Shogyo Chokin (Gom- 
mercial savings) Bank, reeler; 
b. the loth m. of the ist y. 
of Keio (1865), Miyagi; ist 
s. of Miyajiro Suzuki ;' 7«. 
Hisano, y. sister to Jitsuhin 
Uji-ie, of.Miyagi.''- Address: 
Furukawaraachi, Shida-gun, 
Miyagi-ken . ' 

Suzuki, Jiro ^^ -^ ^ STO.. 

:Surge.on, inspector of Navy; 
b. in 1867. i?^?/^.: Naval Sur- 
geon School. Staff-Surgeon, 
Oct, 1902; "■ Fleet-Surgeon, 
Sept. 1906; Surgeon-Inspect- 
or, Dec. 1912. Onee was 
Chief Surgeon of Kure Mari- 
ner's Division. Decorations: 
4th 0/rfer of R.S., 4th Order 
of S. r., 4th Class of G. K. 
Suzuki, Jyubi C4S- * % ^). 
lawyer. Auditor of the Ku- 
shiro Bank ; b^. the 6th m. of 
the 1st y. of /Ansei (1854), 
in the province "of Ise ; 2nd 
s. of the late Ranka Kimura, 
a samurai of Mie-ken, and 
adopted by Kojyii Suzuki; 
m. 1877,-Teru, ist d. of his 
foster-father. ; Ediic. ': studied 
in the Keiogijuktc ; graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, i- 
881 . Prof, ofthe Peers' School, 
1 88 1 --- 1S85 ; transferred to 
the Foreign Office and was 
Consul at Chemulpo ^^^id 

Hongkong, 1885— 1890; ope- 
ned a law office, in Tokyo, 
1890; also connected^ with 
business ; joined the Liberals, 
and was returned from hi§ 
aative place in the 7th. and 
8th general elections and held 
the post of, Vice-Minister of 
Home Office at the' time of 
the Okuma Itagaki Coalition 
Cabinet in 1898 ; resigned the 
post, and again practised law 
Address: No. 63, Zaimoku- 
cho,. Azabu, Tokyo. Recrea- 
tions : gardening, go, (a kind 
of chess), etc. Td.: 2200 Shiba. 

Suzuki, Jyurei (^ * S H), 
Nogakuhakushi, Assist.-Prof 
of the College of Agriculture 
of the Tohoku Imperial Uni-, 
versity. Is now abroad for the 
purpose of study. 

Snsuki, Jyiisaku Cl^ i^ S f^), 
President ofthe Totomi Kyo- 
do Bank ; b. the loth m. of 
the 6th J', of Kaei (1853), 
Shizuoka ; 1st s. oi the late 
Kahei Suzuki; m. Naka, ^. 
sister to Bunzaburo Asaha, 
of Shidzuoka. Address :■ Ki- 
bara, Yamanamachi, Iwata- 
gun, Shidzuoka-ken. 

Suzuki, Kantarp (i$^ ;fc S; i: 
S)> Captaio of Nayv. Com- 
mander *^of the Shikishima 
(battleship) ; b. ,in 1869. . 
Educ. : Navy Academy. Lie- 
ut.-Commander, July 1898; 
Commander, "^ Sept. . 1903;. 
Captain, Sept. ig08. Once 

[ 941 ] 


was Director of the Torpedo 
School and Commander of 
Soj/a. Decorations: 3rd Or- 
der of R. S., 4th Order of 
S. T., 3rd Class of G. -K. 
Suzuki, KasonC^,;^^ if|^), 

proper name is Sotaro, artist, 
Japanese painter; (5. the 
2nd m. of 1st y. Manyen 
(i860). Studied painting from 
Ryosai Nakajima (deceased). 
Often obtained prizes from 
various society. Address : 
No. 15 Hatago-chp i chome, 
Asakusa-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 
721 Shitaya. Clubs: "Koku- 
hogyokuseikai," " Bijutsuken 
seikai," " Tatsumigakai," 

"Kokka Club." 
Suzuki, Kazuye (In tJc ^ ft), 

Director of the Suzuki Stom- 
ach and Intestinal Disease 
Hospital. Address : No. 25, 
Unemecho, Kyobashi, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1847 Shimbashi. 

Suzuki, Kisaburo (IS; 7k S H 
BP), Hogakuhakushi, Judge, 
and Director of the Tokyo 
District Court ; b. the lOth 
m. of the 3rd s. of Keio (18- 
67), Kanagawa ; 3rd s. of 
Tomiemon Kawashima, and 
adopted by Jiko Suzuki ; m. 
Kadzu, 1st d. of Kadzuo Hato- 
yama, Hogaknhaknshi -Educ: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 189 1. Has been 
sitting on the bench since 
1893; has been sectional chief 

of the Tokyo Appeal Court, 
and then Judge of the Court 
of Cassation when he was ap- _ 
pointed to present post in 19- 
08 ; dispatched abroad on a: 
tour of inspection, 1907 — 19- 
08 ; has received the degree 
of Hogakuhakushi. in 191a. 
Also lectures on civil law m 
Waseda University. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order • of Merit. 
Address: Official House, i,. 
6chome, Fujimicho, Kojima- 
chi, Tokyo. Tel. : 2032 Bah- . 
cho. _ 

Suzuki, Koriosuke <M ^ # .^ 
W), Igakiihakiishi, Inspector- 
General of Fleets and Hospi- 
tals on the reserve ; b. the 7th 
m. of the 1st y. of Ansei 
(1854); 3rd 5. of Hokyu Su- 
zuki, a samurai of Tahara 
clan ; in. Shin, adopt, d. of 
Naosaburo Noguchi, of To- 
kyo. Educ.: studied medicine.. 
Entered the Navy as surgeon,.: 
and by gradual promotio»- ' 
reached the present rank ia 
1900 ; has received the de 
gree of Tgakuhakushi, 1902 ;: 
took part in the Russo-Japa- 
nese War as Director of the: 
Medical Department of the 
Port Arthur Naval Station ; 
placeG on ■iki. reserve list ia 
1906. Decoration .•'2nd Order 
of Merit. Address: No. 5,, 
likurakatamachi, Azabu, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 108s Shiba. 

Suzuki, Kuniyoshi CI^TfcfBil?). 


[ 942 3 

•ComniissiGner of Hirosliima 
p/efeCture ; b. 2 May, the 4th 
>'. of Meiji (1871), Mie; 2nd 
s. pfrShirobei Ishii, -a samu- 
rai of Mie, and adopted by 
the late Kuro Suzuki, a j«- 
■muraipi^}a& same prefecture ; 
ni. Suma, 3rd d. of Kakuza- 
emon Yokota, a samurai of 
Mie. Educ. : graduated from 
the. Law College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 18- 
^. On his graduation, was 
given a post in the Home 
Office ; passed the Higher Civil 
Service Examination, the same 
year; then having filled the 
posts of Councillor of Saga, 
Nagasaki, Tokyo prefectures, 
of Secretaiy of Gifu prefect- 
ure, and of Commissioner of 
Ohiba, Shiga and Miyagi-Pre- 
fectures" was transferred to 
present post in igi2. Address: 

Suzuki, KyHgoro (.^ :^ X ^ 
M), Member of the of 
Representatives for Gumma 
prefecture, Director of the Nip- 
pon Crucible Company; (5. 22 
Aug. the loth J/, of Meiji (18- 
y^), Saitama; 2nd j. ofShogor5 
Suzuki; m. Toyo, ist d. of Ri- 
'kichi Ichikawa, of Tokyo. 
Educ: studied in the Tokyo 
Semmon Gakko. He is well 
known as a successful spe- 
culator. Address : No. 2, San- 
nencho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

^^/•••,335i Shimbashi, 

Suzuki, Kynzo (^ ;+: X m% 
President of the Niigata Sul- 
phuric Acid Company, Man- 
aging Director of the Niiga- 
ta Savings Bank, Member of 
the Niigata Chamber of Com- 
merce ; d. 5 Nov. the 4th f: 
of Meiji (1871), Niigata; 1st ^ 
s. of Chohachi Suzuki, m. 
Shidzu, 2nd d. of Ichiro So- 
ma, of Niigata. Address: Ku-^ 
bancho, Kami-Okawa-maedo- 
ri,^' Niigata. 

Suzuki, Manjiro \^ tK % ^ 
SW, Dr., President of the Ai- 
koku Life Insurance Com- 
pany; 'b. the 3rd m. of the 
1st y. of Man-en (i860), Fu- 
Icushima prefecture; 2nd s. 
of Toshiyasu Suzuki ; m. To- - 
ra, 1st d. of Kyushichi Suzu- 
ki. ^Ediic. : studied medicine. 
Once was elected M. H. R., 
for his native place. Ad- 
dress: No. 1862, Sugamo- 
miyashita, kita - toshima - gun, 
Tokyo. Td.: 991 Bancho. 

Suzuki, Masaaki (S^ ^k IE a)5), 
Director of the Building and 
Goods Fire insurance Com- 
pany, Tokyo. Address : No. 
S, Hatsijnecho, Yokohama. 

Suzuki, Masiya (|^ i^ S M. 
iiL), General Manager of the 
Sumitomo family, and Special 
Member of the Osaka Cham- 
ber of Commerce , b. the 2nd 
in. o{ the 1st V- of Bunkyu 

[ 943 ] 


(1891), in the province of 
Hyiiga ; 4th s. of the late 
Tanero Akitsuki, a samurai 
of Hyuga, and j/. brotJur to 
Satsuo Akitsuki, Ambassador 
to Austria ; adopted by the 
late Raisuke Suzuki; m. 18- 
89, Yasu-ko, 1st ^. of Major- 
General Ujiaki Shiriagawa, of 
Yamaguchi. £/?^(:. .• gradu- 
ated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Univ., 
1887. On his graduation, was 
given a post in the Home 
Office ; then having filled 
the post of Councillor of the 
Department of Agr. and Com., 
and of Secretary and Coun- 
cillor of several Prefectural 
Governments, retired from of- 
ficial service in 1896, and 
entered the Sumitomo firm ; 
made an inspection tour in 
Europe and America, 1896 — 
1 897;was made General Mana- 
ger, 1904. Address: No. 5, 
I chome, Kokurnachi, Higa- 
shiku, Osaka ; and Gunge, 
Mikagemachi, Hyogo - ken. 
Tel.: 3000! (Osaka) ; 
300 Mikagc (Mikage), Cbtbs: 
Tokyo club, Nippon club. 

Suzuki, Masusada (S&?KS ^), 
Engineer; and ex-section chief ^ 
of the 'Monopoly Bureau of 
the Formosan Government- 
General. Decoration : 5th Or- 
der of Merit. Address : ~ Of- 
ficial House, Ryukokosho.Ta- 
ihoku, Taiwan. 

Suzuki, Munekoto (SS'M^^S'.). 
Procurator of the Court o* 
Cassation ; d. the 2nd m. of 
the 3rd J/, of Bunkyii (1863), 
Hiroshima ; j/. brother to So- 
hachi Shibano, and adopted 
by Masakoto Suzuki ; in. Fu- 
sa, 1st d. of his foster father. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University. Appointed 
Judge, Oct. 1890; and after 
.serving as Judge and Section 
chief of the Yokohama Dis- 
trict Court, the same of the 
Tokyo Appeal Court, and Di- 
rector of the Nagoj'a Dis- 
trict Court, etc., was made 
Procurator in Aug. 1907 and 
appointed to present post. Dee- 
oration : 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address: No. Zojigayamachi, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 18- 
43 Bancho. 

Suzuki, On {^ * S), Chief 
Procurator of the Osaka L6- 
Z&S. Court,-, Decoration : 5th 
Order 'of Merit. Address : 
No. 2, 3 chosae; UcMkyuho- 
ji-machi, Hig&shi-ku^ Osaka. 
Tel. : 2704 Minami, 

Suzki, Otohei (IS- * mM. ^}, 
Prof of the Tokyo Foieign 
Language School; d. the isf 
y. of Bunkyu (1861), Kanda, 
Tokyo; 1st s. of Kiheiji Suzuki, 
a .shogunate samurai. Early 
studied Russian and went over 
t?? ^^ussia several times for 
business purpose*; appointed 


C944 ] 

Lecturer at the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School and Tokyo 
Forfeign Language School, i8- 
98; made an inspection tour 
through Russia, 1897— 1900. 
Decoration : 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure. - Address : 
No. 641 , Shimoshibuya Ha- 
shido, Shibuya, Toyotama - 
gun, Tokyo. _ 

Suzuki, Byosuke CIp Tfc .a ffi), 
President, and managing Di- 
rector of the ShQeisha (a 
printing company). Standing 
Director of the Tokyo Card 
Board Company; d. the ist 
m. of the 4th f. of Kokwa 
(1847), Yamaguchi ; »«. Wa- 
kae, 1st d. of Yoshijiro Oka, 
a sanmrai of Yamaguchi. Ad- 
dress : No. 15, Tori-Shimma- 
chi, Shiba, Tokyo. 

Suzuki, Seinosuke Ci& tIc ft 
^ W), President of the Shi- 
raishi Bank, and the Shiraishi 
Reeling Machine Company, 
Director of the 77*^ Bank, 
Auditor of the Miyagi Sav- 
ings Bank, Representative 
Member of the Oaji Partner- 
ship; b. the nth m, of the 
3rd y. of Keio (1867), Miya- 
gi ; 1st s. of the Ajiemon 
Suzuki; m. Sue, 2nd d. of 
the late Gizo Watanabe, of 
Miyagi. Address : Shiraishi- 
machi, Karita-gun, Miyagi- 

Suzuki, Seizo Ci^ * ^ H), 

President of the Kururi Bank, 

Diretor of the- Makita Bank, 
and of the Chiba Agricultural 
and Industrial Batik ; (5. the 
iith-;«. of the 1st y. of Ka- 
ei (1848), Chiba; 2nd s. of 
Ichizaemon Ogura, and adopt- 
ed by the late Seizo Suzuki;' 
m. Nobu, 1st d. of his foster-' 
father. Address :■ Tomioka- 
mura-shimogori, Kimitsu-gun, 

Suzuki, Shigemichi (ig-Tfcfiit), 
Inspector - General of Fleets 
and Hospitals, put on the 
waiting list since April 19 12,"' 
b. the 7th m. of the- 4th y. 
of Ansei (1857), Shiga; ist 
s. of Shigenao Suzuki, a sa- 
murai of Shiga • m. Ine, y. 
sister to Yunosuke Sasaki, of 
Tokyo. Fleet-Surgeon, Oct. 
1 896; Surgeon Inspector, Dec. 
the same year ; present rank, 
Jan. 1905. Decorations: 2nd, 
Order of the Rising Sun, 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : J^o. 268, Hyakunin- 
machi, Okubo, Toyotama-gun, 

Suzuki, Shigeomi Cl^ ^ 
a E), manager and director 
of the Osaka works of the 
Dainihon Sugar Manufactur- 
ing Co.; 6. 15 the 12th m. 
of the 4th y. of Meiji (1871) 
at Uliari-mura, Shizuoka-ken ; 
s. of Katsuzaburo ■* Suzuki; 
m. Drako, 1st d of Toshihiro 
Kubota, July 1897. Edna. : 
graduated from the Keio U- 

[ 94S } 


niv., 1896. On graduation 
entered the ji Paper-Mill 

. Co. , March Ife 97 ; ' ^ becanie 
maijaging director of the Mine 
Paper-Mill Co., April 1907 ; 
was engaged by Mr. Fujiya- 
ma Eaita^ president of the 
Dainihon Sugar Mantifaclur- 
ing- Co;, May 1S09 and be- 
came director of the. ^saka 
Worts of the same. CO., at 
present is engaged in the 
business in Osaka. Eecrea- 
tioni: reading, utai. Address: 
Toniijima, Kita-ku, Osaka. 
Tel. : 3826 Higashi. Clubs : 
Kojynnsha, Tokyo club. 
Suzuki, Shimakiehi Cl^ *: Mi 

■ §), Manager of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank ; b.^ 6th m. of 
the 2nd J)/, of Keio. (i866) ; 
1st s. of Takizo Suzuki ; m. 
Kikue, 3rd d. of Genseii Ha- 
yashi, a samurai of Waka- 
yama. Educ: graduated from 
the Keiogijuku, 1889. En- 
tered the Yokohama Specie 
Bank, 1892 ; Sub-Manager of 
the New York Branch of the 
Bank, 1895 ; then Manager 
of the Tientsin, Peking "and 
Shanghai Branches; promoted 
to present post,"' 1912-. Ad- 
dress: the Yokohama Specie 
Bank, Yokohama. 

Suzuki, Shiti CSp **)» Pho- 
tographer; h. the 7th m. of 
the 6th y. of Tempo (1837) 
in Iwaji-village, Tagata-gun, 
Shidzuoka-ken; 3rd s. of Bun- 

zaemon, Takahashi; in. Miwo, 
d. of Hoshina, samurai '" cX 
Aidzu. Came out to Yokcf- 
hama in 1868, and studied 
the art of photography from 
Renjo Shimooka, later estab- 
lished a photographic studies 
in Yokohama and Tokyo. 
■Recreations : drawing and 
sculpture. Address: No. 93, 
Sanchome, Kqbinata Dai- 
machi, Koishikawaku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 3927, Bancho. 

Suzuki, Shin-ichi C^ ;* H — ), 
Dii-ector of the Hamamatsu 
Savings Bank, the .Tenryii 
Transportation Company, and 
of the Tenryu Timber. Com- 
pany, Auditor of the En-yo 
Bank, and of the Shisan Bank; 
b. the 1 2th m. of the ist y. 
of Keio (1865), Shidzuoka-; 
adopt, s. of the late Chiitaro 
Suzuki; m. Shin, ist d. of, 
his foster-father. Educ: grad- 
uated from the Senshu Gak- 
ko (a private College for the 
study of law and economics), 
1890. Address: Shindhara- 
mura, Hamana-gun, Shidzuo- 
ka-ken. . 

Suzuki, Shonen (i^ * IS 
ip), artist, Japanese, painter ; 
&. in Kyoto. 3dvXi. : studied 
painting under the lat« Mo- 
inptoshi Suzuki. Is now special 
m~ember of the ]S[ihon Art 
Society, m. of the Kyoto Art 
Society. Address: No. 12 TodS- 
in-nishiki-shoji -kitairu -moto- 





KjOtO. ; 

: Suzuki^ Shuzaburo Q^ :^ JM 
H 815), a large land-owner, one 
of the highest tax'-payers of 
Fukushima-ken, Member • of 
the House of Peers ; d. 2 Sept. 
the 9th y. of Meiji (1876) ; 
.1st J. of the late Seijiro Su- 
zuki ; m. Hana, ist d. of 
Choroku Heiji, of Fukushima. 
Address : Sugitsuraa - niura, 
Shinobu-gun, Fukushima-ken. 
Suzuki, Sobei (i^ * ^ :R- Si), 
Auditor of the Japan Weight 
■and MeasuresCompany, Mem- 
ber pf the Tokyo Chambei 
of Gommerce, grocer ; 6. the 
2nd m. of the 5th j. of' An- 
sel (1858), Yamaguchi ; 4th 
J. of .Hambei Ishikawa, and 
adopted by the late Sobci 
Suzuki; m. Kura, ist d. of 
his foster-father. Shop name 
" Suzul<igumi - shokai." Ad- 
dress : Motodaikucho, Nihom- 
bashi, Tokyo. 7>/. .• 761 Hon- 

- Suzuki, Sobei (i^ * « :E% It J, 
ex- Mem. of the House of Ee- 
presentatives. President of tlie 
-Aichi Clock and Watch Ma- 
nufacturing Co., Director of 
the Meiji Bank, the Nagoya 
Warehouse Company, and of 
the Nagoya Gas Company, 
Auditor of the Kyoto Gas 
Company, Member of the Na- 
goya ChaiEiber of Commerce, 
timber dealer ; 3. the 2nd m. 

of the. 3xd_y. of Ansei (1856), 
Aichi ;, ist s. of Gihei Hibino, 
and adopted by the late Sai- 
zo Suzuki ; ;«. Nobu, 2nd d. 
of Shinshiro Aoki, of -^Aichi. 
This is the Sth, time to be 
elected a Memberof the House 
of Representatives.; has been 
decorated with the 4th Or-, 
der of the Rising Sun in 
connection with the late war. 
Address: No. 58, Kobikicho, 
Nishiku, Na,goya. . TeL : 350 

Suzuki, Soroku C# ^ 1l£ >'^), 
Colonel of Cavalry, Instruct- 
or in tactics at the Militaiy 
Staff College ; ^, the 2nd ?«. 
of the ist J/, of Keio (1865),' 
Niigata ; 3rd .s. of Takaji 
.Suzulii ; m. Take, 1st d. of 
A'lasamoto Moriolca, a samu- 
rai of Koclii. Educ. : grad- 
uated from tne Military Staff 
College, 1898. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant, Mar. 1 89 1. Lieutenant, 
Nov. 1 893 ; Captain, Nov. 
1895; Major, Nov. 1901 ; 
Lieutenant-Colonel, Mar. 19- 
05 ; was ordered to proce- 
ed to America in Mar. 1907 ; 
and to Europe in Feb. 1909; 
Colonel, Apr. 1909 ; took part 
in the Russo-Japanese War on 
the Staff of the 2nd Army ; 
present post since Dec. 19 10. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Class of the 
Golden -'Kite, and several 
other foreign orders. Address: 

[ 947 ] 

No. 1 86, Harajuku, Senda- 
gaya, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 
Tel.; 2468 Shiba. 

Suzuki, Takao, (i^ tJc # W)i 
colonel of artillery, command- 
er of the 2 1st regiment of 
field artillery; ^.1870 in Clvi- 
ba. Sub-lieut., March 1892; 
lieut., Oct. 1894; captain, Oct. 
1897; major, Aug. 1903; lieut. 
colonel, Nov. 1907; colonel, 
Aug. 1912. Decorations: 5th 
order of S. T., 4th order of 
K. S., 3rd class of G. R.. Ad- 
dress: Headquarters of the 
2 1st regiment of field artillery, 
Toyohashi, Aichi-ken. 

Suzuki, Takashi (M tK H), 
Governor of North Chung- 
chongdo, Chosen Government- 
General ; b. the 4th m. of the 
2nd >. of Kaei (1849), Chiba; 
ist s. of Nan-yo Suzuki ; m. 
Miki, 2nd d. of Tazaemon 
Kawashima, of Mie. Enter- 
ed the government service in 
1872 ; appointed Councillor 
of Mie' prefecture, 1891 ; then 
having served as Secratary or 

"Commissioner of Tokushima, 
Tottori, Toyama and Aichi 
prefectures, was appointed 
Commissioner of Tokyo pre- 
fecture in 1909 ; transferred 

-to present post, Oct. 1910. 
Decoration: 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: Official House, North 

'Chungchong Prefectural Go- 
vernment, Chosen. 

V Suzuki, Tokuko (§& 7k ^ ^)i 

proper name is Tokuko Su- 
giura, actre-ss; b. the nth 
m. of the 26th y. of Meiji 
(1893) at Kongo, Tokyo; V. 
of Kintaro Sugiura. Ediic: 
studied at Rensetsu primary 
school, graduated from the 
actress school attached to 
the Teikokuza (Imperial 
theatre), Oct. 1910. Recrea- 
tions: literature, utai, painting 
and calligraphy. Address-: 
No. 107, Kurumazaka-cho, 
Shitaya, Tokyo, 

Suzuki, Tokuo CS§- ;1c ^ B), 
Dr., Director and Chief Sur- 
geon of the Kobe Hospital, 
one of Members of the Commit- 
tee for the Examination for 
Medical Practitioners ; b. the 
I ith;«. of the 3i'dj/. of Bunkyu 
(1863), Hokkaido; ist.y.ofChi- 
kanaga Suzuki, 2^ samurai' o{ 
Hokkaido; m. Kin, adopt, d.. 
of Toshiyuki Suzuki,, a 5^- 
miirai of Saitama. Ediic. : 
graduated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1890. On his grad- 
uation, was given a post as 
Assistant in his alma mater; 
transferred to the Himeji Hos- 
pital in 1892 ; then present 
post, 1898. Address: No. 38, 
Nakayamate-dori, 4 chome, 
Bangwai, Kobe. 

Suzuki, Tomizo (S^ tK ^ H), 
Naval Captain of Engineering, 
examiner of the Maidzuru 
Ordnance ; 6. 1 896. Educ. : 


[ 94§ ] 

tlie Naval Engiiieering School. 
•2nd Commander of Engineer- 
ing, Sept. .1899.; Commander 
of Engineering, Septfc 1963,; 
Captain of Engineering, Sept. 
i,9o8.{ Decoration .* 3rd Or- 
des of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: MaidziJru. 

rSmatiki, Tnrahi-ko (4^ * ^^ S) , 
Member of the House of -Re- 

- presentatives""for " Fukushima 
prefecture, Director of the Na- 
rita Railway Company; b. 23 
Mar. the 6th y. of Meiji (18- 
73), Fukushima-ken ; ist s. 
of Toyojiro Kunii, and> adopt- 
ed into the Suzuki family in 
1882 ; m. Shidzu, y. sister to 
Koitsu Sakakibara, a samurai 
of Osaka. £'^?<^..-Waseda Uni- 
versity ,theNihon Uninversity. 
Was elected M. H. R., 1908. 
Address: No. 22, ^Komago- 

• me -oiwakecho, Hongo, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 20 Shitaya. 

Suzuki, Tdzalraro (IS- tK IS S 
liJ), machine manufacturer ; 
h. the nth in. of the 
2nd y. of Ansei (1855), Shi- 
dzuoka ; 2nd s. oi^ Bunshiro 
Ota, and adopted by the late 
Isaburo Sudzuki ; w/. Koto, 
2nd d. of Kyuzaburo Hina- 
chi, of Shidzuoka. Early took 
up the sugar rnanufacturing 
business, and made inspec- 
tion tour in Europe aixd A- 
.merica, 1896—1897; in 1902 

•has invetited -a candy 'manu- 
facturing machine, a-lemonade 
manufacturing 'process and a 
sugar 'refining machine, etc. ; 
started a sugar irefirtery in. 
189.5 which ;is now one of 
the best ;paying concerns iim 
Tolcyo:; "heads the list of .in- 
ventors of Japan as. to number 
of patents, of which he holds; 
aboiit forty ; once was a-e- 
turned from Shidzuoka-Icen to 
the House of Representatives, 
1903; has been decorated with 
the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun m connection with the 
late War, 19:07.' He has at- 
tained his present position 
dirough sheer diligence and 
perseverance. Address: No. 
:12, Simamura-moto — jihei- 
shindeii, Minami-Katsushika- 
gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 1873 Cho 

Susiuki, Uhei (S^ ^n ^ €), 
Managing Director of the Yo- 
kohama Plantation Company. 
Address: No. 2, Nakam.ura- 
cho, Yokohama. Tel.: 509 

Suzuki, XJmeshiro i^ *_» 
n 115), Director of the Oji 
Paper Manufacturing Com- 
pany, Representative Meml)er 
of the Nippon Colonization 
Partnership, Auditor of the 
Mitsukoshi \Gofukuten, the 
Toyo Printing Company, 
the Toa Flour Manufacturing 

E 949, ] 

Company, and of the Sedo 
Mining Company, etc. ; b. the 
4th m.. of the 2nd y. of Bun - 
kyu (1862), Nagano ; 2nd s. 
of Ryuzo Suzuki; m. Hide, 
1st d. of Shinka Kawahara, 
of Okayama; been elected M.. 
of the House of E., 1912. Ad- 
dress : No. "3, Yohancho, Ko- 
jimacM-ku, Tokyo. Tal.t 10 
33 Bancho. 

Suzuki, ITmeiaro Q^ :^Wfjs. 
115), Nogokuhakushi, Prof, of 
the College of Agriculture of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity (chair Chemistry and Agri- 
cultural Chemistry~). Address : 
No. 141, Kamishibuya, Shi- 
buya - mura, Toyotama - gun, 

Suzuki, Yahei (!§• Jf. ii J% #j), ' 
Director -of the Nippon Ko- 
shinsha, Ltd., the Tokyo But- 
ton Manufacturing Company, 
etc.- dealer in ship's fittings ; 
/^. the Sth in. of the 4th y. 
of Kokwa (1847), Nagano ; 
4th s. of Shichiroemon Koji- 
ma, and adopted by Yahei 
Suzuki ; m. Take, y. sister to 
Torakichi Hasegawa, of To- 
kyo. He is now also engaged 
in the oil manufacturing biisi- 
ness. Address : No. 8, i cho- 
me, Matsuyacho, Kyobashi, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 581, 580 To- 
ku Cho Kyobashi. 

Suzuki, Yone (i§- * i ia), 
Executive Member of the Su- 
zuki Partnership. She is a well 

known sugar merchant. Ad- 
dress : No. 3, Sakae-machi, 

Suzuki, Yozabum (4$- Tfc 3? 
H I|5), Pa5-master Inspector, 
Chief of the Account's De- 
partment of the Sasebo Na-. 
val Station ; b. 1866. Staff- 
Paymaster, Dee. 189,7 ; Fleet- 
Paymaster, Sept. 1 899 ; Pay- 
master Inspector. Decorations: 
4th Oi'der of the Rising Sun. 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: the Sasebo Naval 
Station, Nagasaki-ken. 

Suzuki, Yuzo Cjt tK « it). 

Managing Dii^ector of the Ki- 

mitsu Bank, Ltd. ; b. 20 May, 

the 5th y. of Meiji (1872), 

Chiba prefecture ; 1st i". of 

Toyozo Suzuki ; in. Shidzu, 

3rd d. of Sanzaemon Mori, 

of Chiba. ^<^/^r^jj; Nakamu- 

ra-shirakoma, Kiraitsu-gun, 


Suzuki, Yuzo Q^ i^ Ifi 2), 

Surgeon-Inspector, _ chief of 
the . 2nd Section of the Naval 
Hospital in the Maidzuru 
Station; b. in 1870. Educ: 
the Naval Surgeon School. 
Staff- Surgeon, Nov. 1902; 
Fleet-Surgeon, Jan. 1905; 
Surgeon-Inspector, Dec. 191 1. 
Once v/as a member of the 
Surgeon Bureau of Navy. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of 
R. S., 4th Order of S. T., 
4th Class of G. K. Address'. 
the Maidzuru Naval Sta'tion- 

[ 950 ] 

Suzuki, Zembei CiS'./f: # ^ 'Mj, 
dealer in shoyu; sake and im- 
so ; b. the 4th m. of the 1st 
r. of Kaei (1848), Fukui pre- ^ 
fecture ; adopt, s. of Zembei 
Suzuki; m. 1869, Kato-ko, d. 
of his foster-father. Member 
of the Kanagawa Prefectural 
Assembly, Auditor of the Yo- 
kohama Central Bank, and 
of the Yokohama Central Sav- 
ings Bank, Director of the 
Yokohama Sanitaiy Company, 
Auditor of the Yokohama Rice 
Exchange, etc. Address : No. 
19, 2 chome, Okinamichi, Yo- 
kohama. Tel. : 629, and 8464, 

Snzuoki, Kurajiro (& S M' -X 
SiO. Member of the House of. 
Representatives for Aichi pre- 
fecture ; b. the 3rd w.,of the 
3rd f. of Keio (1867), Aichi 
prefecture ; j. brother to Zem- 
bei Suzuki ; in. Koto, 4th .'/. 
of Shinsaburo Nakamura, of 
Osaka. Educ: graduated from- 
the Law College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 18- 
90. Appointed Public Audi- 
tor, 1890— 1898; elected M. 
H. R. 1902. Address: 4 cho- 
me, KyOyacho, Minami, Na- 

!: 951 3 

Tabara, Jun (EEf M ?$ ), ; ^^. 
kuhakushi, Prof, of the Fukuo- 
ka College of Medicine. Ad- 
dress :- Chiyo-mura, TsukUshi- 
gun, Fukuoki-ken; 

Tabara, Toichi Cffl M Ir — ), 
Rfce knd Cereal dealer. Ma- 
naging Director of the Yoko- 
hama Fertilizer Mfg.iCc, Ltd., 
Director of the Gaikokushokai, 
Ltd.; ^. in 1871 in Kanagawa- 
keu : jfd s. of Kojuro Tabara ; 
m. Kane, 2nd d. of Toyohb 
Yamashita of Hiroshima-ken. 
Address : Ota-cho, Yokoha- 
nia. Tel:: 577 /. ^. _ 

Tabaia, Yoshizumi (HJiSM)) 
Yakiigakuhakushi, Director of 
the Tokyo Sanitary Experi- 
mental Establishment ; b. in 
1855 in Siga-ken;^. s. of 
Ugenji Tabara, a samurai ; 
m. Mi no, e. d. of Tokujiro Ao- 
ki of Okinawa-ken. Educ. : 
graduated Medicine at the To- 
kyo IiTiperial University in 18- 
8 1 . Entered, t he Dep't of the 
Interior and became an Ex- 
pert of the Department. Ad- 
dress: Echizenbori, Kyobashi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel: 1601 Kyo- 

Tabe, .ChiFemon ( H SKfi*^P1 )> 
Miner, one of the highest tax- 
payers of Shimane prefecture ; 
i. the 9th m. of the*^ 3rd f, of 
Kaei (1850), Shimane prefect- 
ure ;,jy. brotJur to S-izaemon 

.Uyama, and adopted b)(. the 
late Kaneshige Tabe; m'.jZM- 
ka,, 1st d. oi his fosWr -unele: 
Addriss-: Yoshida - murajlj- 
ishi-guri, Shimane-ken. ", 

Tabe, Seis5 (ffl % £ jtfcK 
Lieutenant-General on the 2nd 
reserve ;^. the Itth m. of_the' 
2nd y. of Kaei ( 1 849), HitO^hl^ 
ma; ist .y. of Shizo"' Tabe, a 
y. sister IQ Honoshin Jviarika-' 
wa, a j«m/^«?ofthesame prerj 
fecture. Early entered the Mk 
litary service, and finally pror 
moted to the present rank; toolc 
part in both' Ae Japan-China 
and the Russo-Japanese Warsj 
and has been decorated with 
the 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kiteand the 2nd Order of the 
Double Rayed Rising Sun J, 
placed on the 2nd reserve in 
Nov. 1907. Address: . 69 Dan- 
haramuta, Hiroshima?shi. 

Tabe, YosM m%m, Hoga- 
kuhakushi. Sectional Chief of 
the Court of Cassation \ b'va. 
i860 in Shiga-ken ; e.s. of Mi- 
tsu Tabe ; ni, Shina, e. d. of 
Hideharu Kawase of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated Law at the 
Imperial University in 1884; 
was sent abroad for study. 
On returning was appointed 
Judge of the Tokyo Court of 
Appeal ; Councillor of the De- 
p't of Justice"; /Procurator of 
the Court of Cassati oil ;. then 
Mnr preseM- -pbst. ' JJrfrfr^^s.- 


[ 952 ] 

j, 6chome, Fujimi-cho, Ko- 
jimacM-ku, Tokyo. 

Tachibana, Hy^sMro (a^23 
W), Engineer of the Yamagu- 
chi Prefectural Government, 
Principal of the Yamaguchi 
Agricultural School. Address: 
Ogori - rnachi, Yoshiki - gun, 
Yamaguchi-ken . 

Tachibana. Kanji i'^VcWla), 
Count (or. 1884), ^■a.-Daimyd 
of Yanagawa clan ; d. the gih 
m. of the 4th y, of Ansei (18- 
57) ; 2nd s. of Kankan Tachi- 
bana, Dainiyo of Yanagawa 
clan, Chikugo province ; in. 
Ei-ko, y. sister to ChQsei Sa- 
kai, Baron. Elected M. H. P. 
in 1890. Decoration : 4th Or- 
der of Merit. Address: Joitai- 
mura, Samtnon-gun, Fukuoka- 

Taehibana, KoieMro (;£ ^ 'h 
-S5), M -General, Chief 
of the ^ staff on the Imp. 
Troops stationed in Chosen ; 
h:. the 2nd m. of the 
ist* / of Bunkyu (1861), Fu- 
kuoka prefecture ; ist .f. of Se- 
ki Tachibana, a samurai oi¥\i- 
kuoka; m. Kan, 5th' d. pi¥\x- 
tniya Izawa, a samurai of Na- 
gano prefecture. Educ: gra- 
duated- from the Military Col- 
lege, 1889; studied in Austria:, 
1895-1899. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantry,. Dec. ;x883; Lieuten^ 
a«otUApr^;388.7: ; Captain, Apr. 
,i§g^4;;\ Majorj,;pcti 1.898; LieU^l 

tenant-Colonel, July 1903; Co- 
lonel, Mar. 1905 ; Major-Ge- ' 
neral, Aug. .^1909. Took part 
in both the Japan-China and 
the Russo-Japanese Wars; in 
the latter war was vice-chief 
of the staff of the 4th Army. 
Once was Military Attache 
and Adjutant at the Military 
Department, etc. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite, 
and several other foreign or- 
ders. AMresa : Seoul, Chosen , 
Tachika, CMkuson CW jS 
/fj- i5[5)^ artist, Nanso school ; 
6. the' 4th m. of the 1st y. 
of Gwanji (1864) at Takeda, 
Bungo province. JEduo. : studi- 
ed paintings under the late 
Chokunyu Tanomur^.; gradu- 
ated Nanso course of the 
Kyoto Prefectural Art School. 
Obtained diplomas in the 4th 
and 5th national industrial 
exhibition ; received the third 
prize in the second fine art 
exliibition, Oct. 1908. Ad- 
dress: 'So. 358 Tomisboji, 
Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Tada, Gakusaburo(^HSHSK) 

Igakuhakushi, Prof, of the Ai- 
chi Special School of Medicine. 
Address: No. 1031, Higashi- 
Kataha-machi, Higashi - ku , 
NagiOya. Tel: 268 ■;. 

Tada, Isatau (•* B; ^), 
Chaijroan .C!f:the Board ;ofD.;.r 
reetors of ..the . Am^gi Baak, 
Ltd., and the Asakura Rail 

[ 953 ] 


Co., Ltd., Auditor of the Fu- 
kuoka-ken Agricultural and 
Industrial Bank, Ltd.; b. in i8- 
57 in Fukuoka-ken ; ^. .f. of 
Shichisaburo Tada ; m. Tsuki, 
2nd d. of Hanzo Tashiro, Ad- 
dress : Miura-mura, Asakura- 
gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Tada, Komon (# H $f P4), 
attached to the Dep't of Impe- 
rial Household ; ^. in 1 845 at 
Kyoto ; e. s. of Kosei Tada, a 
court official ;_OT. Furuyo,j/.j. 
ofKazumitsu Odani of Tokyo. 
At the Restoration went up to 
Yedo ^under the late Prince 
Tomosada Iwakura; entei'ed 
the Meiji Government in 18- 
69 ; Secretary of the Cabinet 
in 1888; resigned the post in 
1907. Address : No. 1347 
Shimoshibuya, Toyotama-gun, 

Tada, Minora (# [B , i|^), 
Dir. of the Hiroshima Post 
and Telegraph Control Bureau. 
Address : Saiku-cho, Hiroshi- 
, ma-shi, Hiroshima-ken. 

Tada, Shobei (^ H ffi #| ^), 
President of the Hokuso Bank, 
Ltd.; ^. in 1858 in Chiba-ken; 
e. s. of Tadayoshi Tada ; m. 
Chika, ^a d. of Sago Sasame- 
.hara of Ibaraki-ken. Address: 
Sasakawa-mura, Katori-guri, 
Chiba-ken. ,: 

Tada^Yasufnsa (# H «^), 
Major-Geaeral on the^reserve; 
^.. the 3rd„«.Tof: the! Sth .y, of 

Kaei (1852), Ishikawa prefect^ 
ure ; ist s. of the late Yojuro 
Tada, 3 samurai of Ishikawa ; 
m. Tsuya, 3rd d. of Naohiro 
Hirone, a samurai oi the same 
prefecture. Ediic: the Milita- 
ry Cadet School. Appointed 
Sub-Lieutenant in 1877, and, 
by gradual promotion^ was fi- 
nally raised to the rank of 
Maj.-Gen. in 190S; once served 
as Adjutant to the Guards Re- 
giment of Artillery and Com- 
mander of the Field Artillery 
Regiment, etc. ; took part in 
both the Japan-China and the 
Russo-Japanese Wars, and has 
been decorated with the 2nd 
Order of Merit* and the 4th 
Class of Golden Kite ; placed 
on the reserve list in Mar. 19- 
08. Address: No. 59, Moto- 
machi, Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo! 

Tadokoro, Hiroumi ( H fr ^ 
m), Captain, Com', of the 
SJiihisJiima; b. in iSeg.Educ: 
Naval Academy. 2J!id Com- 
maner, 1901; Commander, 19- 
05 ; Captain, 1907. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the R.S. 
and 4th Class of the G. K. 
Address: No. 16, Takald-cho, 
Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. - 

Tadokoro, Yoshiharafm mm. 
«i>, Chief of" the Ordinary ' 
Educational Bureau of the 
Department of Education; 
6.- 17 Apr; the ^tii y.'[6£ 
Meii'i (187 1 ), Kochl ; isc i; i)f 


9S4 ] 

Yoshijr'uki Tadokoro, a- samu- 
rai of Kochi c'an ; m. Yuki, 
3rd;^;j'of Seikei Okuyama, a 
samurai of Kagoshima, Ediu: : 
gTkduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
Uni's^ersity, 1895 ; studied in 
Europe, ''-1903- r905." On his 
ifraduatfon, was given a post 
in the Home Office ; passed 
the Higher Civil Service Exa- 
mination, and appointed Coun- 
cillor of theEhime Prefectural 
Government, Dec. 1895; trans- 
ferred to the same po^t at Mi- 
yagi and Tokyo Prefectures ; 
appointed Councillor and Sec- 
retary of the Educational De- 
partinent (the then Minister 
being Count Kabayama), 18- 
99; then Private Secretary to 
the Minister in the same Office 
(then Baron Kikuchi); present 
post since 1905 ; was ordered 
to proceed to Europe and A- 
merica, Igio. Address: 31 Do- 
tesambancho, Kojimachi, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 2038 Bancho. 

Tafuchi, Seiichi (_H H If -), 
Engineer and Section Chief o! 
the Western Railway Control 
Bmeaa, Railway Board. Ad- 
ddress : Noda-mura, Muko- 
gun, Hyogo--ken. 

, Tagai ITarakiehi ( HK^KS), 
Engineer of the Os-aka Branch 
Office of the: fuWic Works, 
Home Office, :'k Address:- the 
Office, Osaka. 

Tagami, Gentaro {^jiM^M), 
Director, and Manager of the 
Saga Cement Conripany, Di- 
rector of the Saga Tramway 
Company,' Auditor of the Sa- 
kae Bank ; 3. 28 Mar. the 4th 
y; of Meiji(i 87 1 )-, Saga p'refect^ 
ure ; ist 5, of Tokujuro Taga- 
mi, a samurai oi Sa.g3.;M. Iwa, 
3rd d. of Bun-emon Itani, a .ya- 
murai of -the same prefecture. 
Address : Honsh6-ma$hi, Sa- 
ga-shi. ■. 

Tagami, Sli5zo (ffl ± t H), 
Judge of the Court of Cassa- 
tion ; b. in 1854 in Okayama- 
keh : 2nd s. of San-emon Ishi- 
wara, a samurai. Educ: gra- 
duated Eaw at the Imperial 
University in 1882. Judge of 
the;,"Nagasf ki Coiirt of Appeal; 
Director of the district couits 
of Urawa and Nagoya ; then 
present post. Addreifi y 'Eo. 
23, Kamitomisaka-eho, Koi-r 
sMkawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Taffami, Tajiro ' ( H.h^-Ii?), 
Colonel; Com. of the 2nd Ee- 
ginient stationed in Chosen; 6. 
in 1862 in Ishi,k.iwa-ken..SL.b- 
Lieutenant in 1886; Colonel 
in 1907. Decoration's: 3rd Or- 
df>r of the. R.S:. and 4:th Class 
of the ft Z: Address: 2nd 
Eegiment of Infantry, Chosen. 

Tagawa, DaikicMro (HJil:*;^ 

15), Deputy-Mayor of Tokyo, 

Mem. of the House of Repre- 

, sentatiVes for Nagasaki pre- 

[955 ] 


fecture, chief editor of the Mi- 
fako Shimbun ; b. 26 Oct. the 
sndj'. of Meij,i.(i869), Naga- 
saki ;. ist s. of Setsuzo Taga- 
wa, a j4»/^;'«? of Nagasaki; m. 
Kise^ 1st d. of Noboru Sakurai, 
a samurai ofHydgo prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the To- 
kyo Semmpn Gakko (the pre- 
sent Waseda Univ.), 1890. 
Was editor of the ffocM (dai- 
ly paper) ; took part in both 
the Japan-China and Russo- 
Japanese wars as Chinese in- 
terpreter ; once was Chief of 
the waterworks department for 
Tokyo city. Elected M. H. R. 
for his native place, 1908. Pab- 
licaiions: "Culture and will for 
young men," " women's cul- 
ture, etc. ' AcUress: JSo. 25, 
2 chome, Kobinata-daimachi, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2125 Bancho. 

Tagawa, Mausuke (i^jil^BS), 
one of the h ghest tax-payers 
of Hiroshima prefecture ; b. 
the 3rd m. of the 2ndjf. of Ko- 
kwa (1845), Hiro hima ; 1st 5. 
of Jintaro Hara, and adopted 
by the late Mansuke Tajima ; 
m. Riki, ist d., of Motosuke 
Tagawa, of the same prefect- 
ure. Address: Pika.'Vfva.chlj'K.s.- 
rnp-gmi, Hiroshima-ken. 

. Tagawa, JRy-snke (HiHWK)). 
Sugar-dealer, Director of the 
Mankan Salt Co., ;Lta;;. Di- 
rector of the Toyo Sugar, Mfg. 

Co. , Ltd. , Auditor of the 
Toyo Salt ' Industry Co., 
Ltd. . Memljer of the Tokyo 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. in 
i^dy at Nagoya ; s. of Ryiia- 
mon Tagawa. Educ. : studied 
. at the Keiogijukii. Recreations: 
pictures, calligraphy, reading, 
and tobacco. Address : Tori, 
Nihonbashi-ku, Tokyo.; Tel. : 
1029 /.a?. Hooky ok u. 

TagncM, Iwazo ( H :§ ^), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Akita prefecture. Addrsss: 

Taguehi, Kyojiro' ( H p M-XIB), 
novelist and playwright. Edi- 
tor of the Osaka Maini'chi;b. in 
1875 at Kakudate-machi, Aki- 
ta-prefecture; s. of Kyilbei Ta-^ 
gucM. Educ: studied French 
in the Special Course of the 
Government FfSreign Language 
School, Editor of the Yo^ , 
rozu ; th=?n of the Osaki Mai- 
nichi. Publications: "Shin Sko- 
s;ai': (New Life), " Hito no 
Tsumi" (Man's Sin), " Haku- 
shaku Fujin " (The Countess), 
etc. JVom de plume: "Kikutei." 
Address : Araijuku, Iriarai- 
mara, Ebara-gun,T'Qikyp; '-Tel.: 
28 Omori: Club: Omori Club. 
TagucM, MoicMro (ffi a :® 

'- Si5)> Chirographist and fine 
arts reviewer (Pen ^ nairie 
Beiho) Vb^' the aird >. -of Keio 

[ 9S6 ] 

(186^) in TochigiTken; s, iA 
the late Wabi Tagachi, Pfof. 
, of the College of Medicine of 
the Tokyo Imperial Univ. 
Edtcc. : received common edu- 
cation ; studied chirography 
and , letter engraving in China 
for three years. Is the or- 
ganizer of the Hosho-kwai, 
and Dansho-kvvai, the object 
of which IS to investigate the 
Japanese and Chinese chiro- 
graphy; now hold the posi- 
tion (k chief manager of the 
Japan metal sclupture Soc, 
member of the Committee of 
the Japan Sculptural Society, 
manager of the Kokka Club, 
etc.; once was chief juror of 
the Fine Arts Department of 
the ToJiyo Industrial Exhibi- 
tion. PMblications : several 
books on chirography. Re- 
ereation-, painting and curio. 
Address: No. 44, Kago-cho, 
Koishikawa, Tgkyo. 

Taguehi, Sozaemon (HOii* 
itP"!), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Akita prefecture, 
Auditor of the Omagari Bank; 
b. loth w, of the- 1st J/, of 
Man-en (ipoS), Akita ; ist s. 
of the late Sozaemon Taguehi, 
and adopted by Iwazo Tagu- 
ehi ; m. Kato, ist </. of his fos- 
ter father Address : Omagari, 
;Sen-hoku~gun, Akila-ljen. 

. Tagura, Taii^l <pg J-© W), 
aae 61 .the highest tax-payers 
.'oT Pokushima -p/:efact«i:erj.v.#. 

the 6th m, of the 12th f. oi 
Tempo^ (1841), Fukushima; 
2nd s. of Shinzaemon ^a«ii- 
^ori ; m. Kuwa, 2nd d. &f ICi- 
ehigoro Midzugaki, &f Tokyo. 
Address : M ihommatsai Ada- . 
.chi-gan, Fukusfeima-ken. 

Tajima, AkitosMf'B g «^)i 
Expert of Nagasafci - prefect- 
ure. Chief of the Marine Pro- 
d*!cts» Ejcperimental CWfice. 
Address: No. 2, Myotogawa, 
Naoiasaki-shi, Magasaki-ken. 

Tajima,KiDJi(H S ^ t&L 
Ho^-aAukaiuski {2olitic3.l Eco- 
nomy and Finance),,. Dean and 
Prof, of the^Colle^e. of Law, 
Kyoto Imperial UHJversity ; 3. 
in 1867 in Kyoto-fu,; e. s. of 
Yoshichi Tajima ; m. Masaki, 
sndd. of-Sei Kysunofci of To- 
kyo-fu Mduc: graduated from 
the Law College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University in 1894.; 
was sent tQ^GermaHy for study. 
0\\ returning from Germany 
was appointed present post' 
Publications: Works on econo- 
mics and science . of finance. 
Address? Seigoin-cho, Kami- 
Ivjo-ku, Kyoto. Td.: 2575. 

Tajima, Kinjiro Cffl % ik'^ > 
SP5» Colonel of Artillery, ex- 
aminer of the ordnance dep't. 
of war; If, 1868 in^^Yama- 
guchi. Sub-lieutenant, March 
1891; Eeut., Nov. 189J; cap- 
tain, Dec. 1S96; major, June 
. 1903; lieutenant-colonel, Nov. 
#507; colc^i,:' August. ,1912. 

I 957 ] 


Deccraticms: 5th order of S 
T., 4th order of R. S., 4 class 
of G. K. Address: the mil- 
itary ordnance dep't., Haya- 
busa - cho, Kojimaclii - kii, 

Tajima, Shiichi ( W ^ ig — ), 
Director of the Shimbi Shoin, 
Ltd,; b. in 1 869 in th« province 
of Sbinano; s. of Kichibei Fu- 
kuyama. Organized the Skhn- 
bi Shoin in 1900 ,and was elect- 
ed its Director, -Publications : 
" Selected Relics of Japanese 
Art," "Masterpieces of Far 
Eastern Fine Art," " Master- 
pieces of the Koriii Scliool," 
etc. Recreation: Fine Arts. 
AddTi.&8: No. 20, Suzuki-cho, 
Sunigaclai, Kanda-ku, Tokj-o. 
Tel. : 1959 Honkyoku. 

Tajima, Takenosuke (fflllt^ 
8!l),Memberof the HouseofFe- 
e!s (representing the highest 
tax-payers ofSaitama prefect- 
ure), President of the Shinobu 
Commercial Bank ; b. the 12th 
in. of the 2ndj)/. of Keio(t866), 
Saitama ; 1st s. of Shin-nosuke 
Tajima, a 5'«;««ra/ of Saitama ; 
■;;«. Sawa, ist d ofHidezane 
Suwa, of the same prefecture. 
Once was Master of Hunting 
of the Dep't of Imp. House- 
hold, 1896 ; has been decorat- 
ed with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun in connection with 
the late War. Address: Ota- 

tsara, Kita-saitarna-gun, Sai» 

Tajiri, laajiro ( ffl 91 m ^ i?.V 
Viscoaat, JJdgahtkahis/d, Pre- 
sident of the Board of Audi- 
tors ; b. on the 29th of 6th 
month in the srdyearofKaev 
(1850) in the province of Sa- 
tsuma ; jrd s. of Jihei Tajiri, 
a samurai ; in. Yoshi, e. d. of 
Moritomi Saegusa of Tokyo, 
Educ. : studied English at the 
Keio-gijuku ; graduated Eco- 
nomics, Finance, Politics, and 
History at the Yale University.. 
Upon returning from U. S. A. 
was appointed Secretary of the 
Dep't of Financcand Prof of 
the Imperial University; Direc- 
tor of the bureaus of National 
Debt, Banks and Revenue 

ui succession; Member of the 
House of Peers; Vice-Minister 
of Finance; ivas nominated 
Baron after the Sino-Japanese 
War ; then present post ; was 
created Viscount as a war re~ 


I 958 ] 

vt'arrd; is an acknowledged au- 
thority on finance ; is a lectur- 
er at the, Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity and other, inst'tutions ; 
a famous scientist and'exeeu- 
tive official: as well.. Heisi-well; 
kriown for his hig-h virtue and 
[Tiain conducts. Noin-de'y.Biume: 
Hokiirai (North thunder).; i?^.- 
coration ; Grand Gordon, of 'hs 
Rising Sun. Publicatidns:" Zdi-' 
iei to Kinyu" (Finance arid 
Money Market), and some 
other works on economics; 
Recreations : Reading and 
walking. Address : Kanatomi- 
cho, Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo, 
Tel.: 156 Bancho. 
; ' Takajbayashi, Ihei ( ffi W M :^ 
M), President of the Shidzuo- 
ka-keti Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd., Director 
. of the Sekishi Ixink, Ltd., 
and Auditor ofi tlie Hama- 
jnatsu Savings Bank,. Ltd.; 
b. \\\ 1865 in ShidzLioka-pre- 
ft'ccure ; e. s. cf Iwao Takaba- 
y.a.=hi; m. IchirJnd d. of Ha ru- 
ni Homma of the same prefec- 
ture. Address: Sekishi-mura, 
Ilamana-gun, Shidzuoka-ken. 
Takabe, Gontaro <i% ■(§ %. i: 

S!5), lawyer; b. 25th May of 
J 869. Educ. : graduated from 
the. college of law ^ of the 
-Tokyo Imperial Univ. Was 
judge for a while. Address: 
:No; 26, Shimo-yamate-dori 
-5 chome, Kobe. Clubs: Kobe 
Foreign Club, Kobe Regatta 

k Athletic Club, Kobe For- 
eign Board of . Trade, Kobe 
Golf Club, Association of For- 
eign .Straw' & Chip Braiid 
Merchants of 
__ Takachi, Yasusaburo (ft J^ ^ 
H BW, rublicProcurator ofthe 
Miyagi Court oi\ Appeal, ..gth 
Oi der of Merit ; t. the 1 2th m. 
of the ist^.' Ansei (1854) in 
Tokyo ; 3rd s: of Shunzo Ta- 
kachi, a samurai'; m. Ren, 
^//^(f.ofNaoyasu Koidzumi'of 
fckyo. Passed the Examiria- 
tion for Bench; 1 88 1 ; Public 
Procurator ofthe Sandai Dist- 
r ct Court, ofthe Appeal Courts 
of Miyagi, Tokyo and Naga- 
saki ; present post since 1908. 
Address: The Miyagi Court 
of Appeal, Sendai. - '•-'- 

Takaeiiiho, ITobumaro ( if l^fi 
^S), Baron (cr. 1884), Meia- 
Lier of the House of Pee is; /;.the 
1 2th vt. (jf the ist^. of Gv/an- 
]i (1864); 2nd $. of Sanenor; 
Tokudaiji, Prince,^ and adopt- 
ed by Aritsuna Takachiho ; m. 
Ypshi-ko, aunt to Kinfuji,Mu- 
romachi, Count. Address •• No. 
444, Tabata, Takinogawa- 
mura, Kitatoshima-gun, To- 

Takagi, Jintaro CS ;fc -3: 
:k m, B. D.;-D. D., theologi- 
an ; b. 18t)4 in Shizuoka-ken. 
Educ. : Shiztipka :Normal 
School, Toyo Eiwagakko a;nd 
Victoria University, Toronto, 
Canada, 1895—98. Prof, of 

[ 959 ] 


theology in the Toyo Eiwa- 
gakko, pastor of the Central 
Tabernacle and chief editor of 
"Grokyo," & Methodist maga- 
ziae,'. 1899 ; prof, of- theology 
at ' the 'Aayaniagakuin since 
1904 ; travelled through Eu- 
rope and America,-1906--0'7. 
Publioations: Christian diction- 
ary {a very excellent, and vo- 
luminous dictionary) ; some 
pamphlets on religion. Ad- 
dress: 69, Nichome, Aoyama- 
minamimachi, Akasaka-ku, 
Takagi, KeBJi (^ Ht S -), 

Igakuhakushi (Dr. of Medi- 
cine), M.' R: C. S., L. R. C. P. 
in the reserve ; Prof, in the 
Tokyo Jikeikwai In Medical 
School, (chair: pathologic), 
chief of the innere depart- 
ment of the Tokyo Hospital; 
b, 1882, in Tokyo; 5.; of Baron 
Kenkan Takagi ; m. Yuri, 
and d. of Baron Naibu Kanda 
in June, 1909. Educ: St, 
Thomas's Hospital, London, 
Vienna, Strasburg and Berlin 
Universities. Gained Trea- 
surer's Gold and Mead's 
Silver ' medals at Thomas's 
Hospital. Recreations: athle- 
ticism, music. Address: 14 
Higashi Toriizaka, Azabu-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.\ 1335 Shiba. 
Clubs'. Tokyo Club, Kojunsha, 
Nihon Club, Nichiyeikyokwai 
{Anglo- Japanese Asso.), Ni- 

chidokukyokwai (Japan-Ger^ ■ 
man 'Asso.).- '■..'-■■ ;■■ i: ;• 
Takagi. Keakwan..f^*S|^), 
Biroii (cr. 1905), Igakuhaku- 
shi (Dr; of. Medicinepfi)^ Sc" 
hon. (Columbia, and P^nn), L 
L. D.(v (Durham, Eng.), Ins- 
pjctp;.tGs3eia,lj;.g£,._Flfietj and 
Ho'spltaik (on tlie 2nd' reserve), 
M :mber ofthe Housq of Peers, 
Principal of the Jikei-in Medi- 
cal College .j i^.the 9tl) 'm. of 
the 2ndj/.: of J<aei(.i849), Ka- 
goshinii; 1st 5'. of Kenji Ta- 
Icagi, a samurai of K igoshima 
clan ; ;«. Tomi-ko, istd. ofHi- 
sando Sewaki, a samurdi of 
Chiba prefecture. Educ: studr 
ied Medicine in', England, 18- 
75-1 880.. Early connected: with 
the Navy and was ultimately 
raisedto the rank of Inspector- 
General of Fleets and HpspiT 
tals in 1885 ; placed on the re- 
serve list in 1892, and on the 
2nd reserve in 1909 ; had con- 
f-'rred on him the degree of 
Igakuhakushi in 1 887 ; ilomi- 
nated Member of the House 
of Peers, 1892. It was during 
his tenure of office; that he 
adopted a mixed barley and 
rice ration in place of rice alone 
for the Navy as a preventive 
against beri-beri, which had 
extensivelyj, prevailed among 
men and officers of the fleet, 
and suceeded -in putting a stop 
to this annoying disease.. On 


I 960 ] 

retertidng feorate 3ie, witii tbe 
help of some others organized 
the 'fokyo Chant j?( Hospital, 
one oftlie-nMst perfectly ar- 
ranged Hiedieail institutions in 
Japan ; opened several years 
ago the Tokyo Hospital as 
his own private enterprise. ¥i- 
■sited Europe aiid 'U . S. A; an<i 
lectured thefe' on Japanese mi- 
litary sa~nitation in conivectiion 
with the late War, 1905-1906. 
Decoration: 2nd Order oif 

Merit. Address-; No. 131, Hi- 
gashi - Toriizaka, Azabu-lcu, 
Tokyo. Tel.-. 3555 ShiTba. 894 

Takagi, iffiasatosM (^TklE^), 
Member of the House of Rep- 
resentatives for lokyo-ffi ; b. 
the 12th m. of the 3rd y. of 
Ansei (i856)f Tokyo ; 3rd\y. 
of Hanjbd Hosokawa, and 
adopKed by Imi Takagi ; m. 
Kiku, niece to Iwanosuke Ki- 
mura^ of Tokyo. Elected M.H. 
R., 1890; is welI-know,n as 
the blind Member of the House. 
Belongs to Kokumintd{ihe¥o^- 
ular Early) in the Diet. Ad- 
dress: Minami-Shinagawa, Shi- 
nagawa - machi; Ebara - gun, 
Tokyo. 7>/..- 3iioShiba, 

Takagi, Masayoshi (A7fcil-#), 
Viscount (cr. 1884), Member 
of the House of Peers ; h. 9th 
in. of the 6th J/, of Kaei (1853); 
2nd. s. of JVIoritsune Takagi, a 
samurai of .Siiigs^ prefecture, 
and adopted by Masahiro Ta- 
kagi, ex-Lord^^ of Tannan clan: 

m. Sen-kOj aunt to KikoQko- 
chi. Viscount. .Edtfc. .•■ studied 
in K5gyokusha, -etc. Twice 
efccted M. H. R. since I'Sgy. 
Dec&raMon,- 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address : 14 Aor 
yaiina - Takaki-cha, Akasaika, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 2985 Sh-iba. : 

Takagi, Masu%ard(rt7KSjfc'Str) 
Lawyer, Mctnber of the House 
•of Representatives for the city 
of Toky0„ Director of the Bi^ 
sei iRailway •Go,,, Ltd. ; b. Jan. 
the :2nd f. of Meiji (1869) in 
Tokyo ; e. s. of the late Masu- 
ki Takagi] m, YL<>, younger 
sister of Masaya Okazaki, law- 
yer. Educ. : graduated from 
the foriiner Tokyo Hogakko (a 
law institution) with honours; 
After gra-diuati'OH passed the 
Exa<niin:sttion for Bench and 
then that for Bar ; began his 
practice as lawyer at Tokyo 
in 1893 ; in 1898 started -the 
publication of the Horitsu Shi- 
mbun (The ..Law Journal), 
wliich was then the only one 
of its kind in Japan and is now 
enjoying a wide circulation ; 
tnadeat^gur of inspection round 
the world in , 1907 ; has been 
For sometime Auditor of the 
Owariya Bank, Ltd., Tokvo : 
elected Member of the House 
of Representatives for Tokyo 
at tlie last general election, 
1908 ; is connected with miany 
institutions for the ;public wel- 
fare and his generous contri- 



butions to that purpose have 
'been many ; is also an indefat- 
igable defender of the citizens 
rights and. liberties, having 
had several Bills of his own 
passed almost unanimously in 
the House of Representatives; 
is reputed to be one of the 
liipst noted personages both 
as a lawyer and a politician in 
Japan. Is a Member of Kolcu- 
minto, the national party. Rec- 
reation : photography. Ad- 
dress : No. 9, . 4chome, I-f on- 
gin-cho, Nihombashi-ku, To- 
kyo. 7>/,.- Si7l.d.Honkyoku. 
Clubs : Lawyers' Association ; 
Bankers' Club, etc. 

Takagi, Bobutake (^*^^), 
chiefeditorofthe YamatoSht- 
mbttn (daily paper), nom-de- 
pliime '• Yodo " ; 3. Oct 1872 
in tlie prefecture of Shidzuoka- 
e. s.^ of the late Shingero Ta- 
kagi ; m: Yuki, younger sis- 
ter of Yokichi Sato, a samurai 
of Tokyo, president of the 
Shihata Higher Girls' School. 
Sdtic. : studied Chinese cla- 
ssics, English, French and 
afterwards jurisprudence. Tea- 
cEer of common school ; writer 
to, the KolcuTnin STiimhim ; 
nlan. editor of Kohiimin no 
Tomq, writer to , the Tokyo 
SMmhim; chief editor of 8M- 
zuoJca SMmpo; of the Dai- 
Nippon (a magazine) ; of the 
Kenseiio-Toho (magazine) and 
of the Tokyo NicJiirdcM ; then 

present post; haiv been Mein- 
ber of the Government Populai 
Education Investigation Com- 
mittee. Publications: "Goethe"- 
"Pitt"; etc. Recreations: Read; 
iilg and natural scenery. Ad- 
dress: No. 18, Nijikki-cho, 
Ushigome-ku, Tokyo. Td: 
3620 B.ancho. 

Takagi, aenkiehi (ft*^§), 
Colonel, Commander of the 
-■:nd ^ .Regiment of Ijifantry 
despatched to Chosen ; &. in 
1867 in Tokyo. Sub-Lieute- 
nant, 1 892 ;" Colonel 1910. 
Decorcdions : 4th Order of 
the E; S. and 4tl). Class of 
tlie G. K. Address: Chosen. 

Takagi, Eikiiro (^ Tfc H M), 
Japanese Representative of the 
Han Yeh Ping Iron and Cop- 
per Company; b. 19 Oct. the 
1 3th jr. of Meiji (1880), in the 
province of Rikuzen ; s. ofKo- 
renori Takagi; m. 1909, 31 d 
d. of Tsunatsune Hashimoto. 
Entered the Mitsui Products 
Company, and was despatched 
to China by the Company ; 
retired from ^ the Company 
in Jan. 1911; present post, 
since Aug. 1910. Address:- 
1235 O.-machi, suburb of To- 
kyo. {Office : 3, ichome, Uchi-' 
saiwai-cho, Kojimachi, To- 
kyo) Tel. : (Office) 29, 83 

Takagi, Sadae (M -^ %. W>, 
advertising agent; 6. 18.57 at 
Tokubhima, Awa province ; s.' 


[ 962, J 

of Shinzo Takaki_; Ki. Hani, 
d. of Tsurukiclii Omi. Edue. : 
studied at Ch5kyukap of To- 
kushima clan, the Tokushima 
branch, school of Keiogijuku. 
Served at the Senate and the 
army ; afterwards enj^-aged by 
•'Taito Nippo" and in other 
newspaper enterprises, and was 
recommenced as secretary ■ of 
the Osaka Y. M. 0. A. and 
holds its post since 1894 ; is 
now one of the directors of 
Kyoto Doshisha Univ. ; com- 
menced advertising agent, 
June 1890; his office named 
"Mannensha.^' Beorealions : 
music, travelling. AddrSss: 
Dbga-shibacho, Tennoji, Osa- 
ka. Tel : 2219 Minami. Ch(b: 
Osaka Y. M. O.A. 
TakagivShichitaro (^ tIc -t; :fc 
KP2) Caj)t,,j^attache to, the Yoko - 
suE^aval station; '6. in 1869. 
Cadet, 1885 ; Captain, 1909. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of ub-: 
R.S. and 4th class of the G.K 
Address : Naval Office, Tokyo. 
Takagi, Sukeichi (A'i^il-'). 
Eeai-;-Admiral, placed on the 
reserve list since December 
191 2; h. the 7th m. of the 3rd 
y. of Bunkyu (1863), Shidzuo- 
ka ; 1st J. of Hideaki Takagi, 
a samurai of Shidzuoka, and 
adopted by Ichisuke Takagi, 
a Kagoshima samurai ; m. Ko- 
to, 2nd ^. of Sumikata-^Saka- 
mote, a samurai of Kagoshi- 
ma. Educ. : graduated from 

the Naval Staff College. 1897; 
by gradual promotion was 
finally raised to present post; 
took part in the Russo-Japa- 
nese War, and has been deco- 
rated with the 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: I, ichome, Mita-tsuna- 
niachi, Shiba, Tokyo, 

Takagi, Teiji Vm * A iS), 
Prof, of the College of Science, 
Tokyo Imperial University; b. 
in 1875 in Gifu-ken; e. s. of 
Kansuke Takagi, m. Toshi, 
4th d, of Kuninosuke Tani of 
Tokyo-fu. Educ. : graduated 
Science at the Tokyo Imperial 
University in 1897; was sent 
to Germany far study. Assist.- 
Prbf. of the Tokyo Imperial 
University on returning from- 
abroad ; then present post. 
Address : Akebono-cho, Hon- 
go-ku, Tokyo. 

Takagi, Tomoe (^ * ^ ft), 
,DirectQFGi,,the Taiwan Medi- 
cal .Technical School, Chief 
Physician of the Taihoku Hos- 
pifeil; l>. in 1858 in Fukushi- 
ma-ken ; 2nd s. of Zembei Ta- 
kagi ; ftt a German lady. 
Educ. : graduated Medicine at 
the Imperial University in' 18 
85 ; studied in Germany. Ad- 
driss : Taihoku, Taiwan. 

Takagi, Toyozo (S ;t: S H), 
lawyer, Hogakuhakushi, Mem- 



ber of the House of Peers, 
Auditor oftheKirin Beer Com- 
pany, and the Hinode Life In- 
surance Company ; b. the 5th 
m. of the 5th jf. of Kaei (1852), 
Tamba province ; 4th s. of 
Bun-emon Takagi ; m. Ko, i- 
st d. of Nagamasu Sekiguchi, 
of Tokyo, £(/Ki7..- studied Law 
at Skihosko ; studied in Ger- 
many four years by govern- 
ment order; Appointed Judge, 
1884; Director of the Fuku- 
shima District Court ; Judge 
of the Court of Cassation ; Di- 
rector of the Bureau of Civil 
and Criminal Affairs ; Vice- 
Minister of Justice; Lecturer of 
the Law College of the Tolcyo 
Imperial University ; retired 
from the government service, 
and became a lawyer, 1897; 
nominated M.H.P. 1909 ; re- 
ceived the degree' of Hogaku- 
hakushi, 3901. Decoration : 3- 
r.d Order of the Rising Sun. 
Publication: Criminal Law, the 
Code of Civil Procedure, etc. 
Address : Sadowara-cho, U- 
shigome-ku, Tokyo. 

Takagi, Yohei (M^^M^'M), 
apothecary. Director of the 
Nippon Patent Medicine Com- 
pany yb. the nth m. of the i- 
st J/, of Man-yea (i860), To- 
kyo ; 1st J. of Mosuke Naga- 
tsuka, and adopted by Ssiju 
Takaki ; m. Kane, ist </. of 
his foster father. Is manufact.- 

ufer of a well-known patent 
medicine named "Seishintan." 
Shop name '.' Osakaya." Once 
was Member of the Tokyo Pre- 
fectural Assembly, etc. Ad- 
dress: 8 Moto-osakicho, Ni- 
hombashi, Tokyo. 7e/. : 670 
Cho Naniwa. 

Takagi, Yotaro Cift 7i« ^, 
:k %fO> director of the Fu- 
jita-gumi & Co., auditor of 
the Osaka Zinc Mining Co. ; 
b. December of the 1st y. of 
Gwanji (1864) at Hagi, Ya- 
maguchi province ; m. Naka 
Kimura, Sept. 1893. Entered , 
the present firm, Feb. 1879 
and gradually promoted to 
the pi-eseiit post. Address^: No. 
320 Niemou-cho, liigashi-ku, 
Osaka. Id.: 2402 Minami. 

Takahama, Siyoshi (j^ -^ jg 

7-)> novelist, poet; b. 187410 
Matsuyama. Started the pub-" 
lication of the Hototogisti, a 
literary, magazine and the 
oldest one of its kind in Japan, 
in which all of his writings 
are contained, 1898 ; among 
the novels he wrote recently 
there are the " Chosen " 
and the " Otei-to," first of 
wliicli depicts the conditions 
of Korea and the latter of 
jealousy of women; is one 
of the most popular novelists 
of Japan of the present day. 
Address: Sakuma-cho, Shiba, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 1 332 Shimbashi. 
Xalcaliasfii AKiom; (^Wf^S^- 


[ 954 ] 

Prof, of the NaiaFetnaleHigher 
Normal School; b. in 1865 in 
Miyagi-ken ; e. s, of Wakichi 
Takahashi ; vi. Ura, 2nd d. of 
Denkichi Imaizumi of Miyagi- 
ken. £duc. : graduated from 
the Tokyo ^Higher Normal 
School in 1900 ; was sent to 
Germany, Immediately after 
graduation was appointed As- 
sist.-Prof. of his alpta-mater ; 
present post in 1909. Address: 
Higashi-kido-cho, Nara-city. 
Takahashi, Naoto CiSISi'F'l). 
RjnJ'eruj Colonel . »ince 1911, 
CTiief of the Medical Dep't 
of the ISth Army Division; 
b. in 1865 in Hiroshima-ken. 
Surgeon-SubLieutenant in 18- 
86 ; Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel in 1 905 . :.. Decorations : 4th 
Order of the Ji.S. and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address : 
i'rikainiiro, Aichi-ken. 

Takahashi, Choshu ( iSISfi^), 
Vice-President of the 530th 
Bank, Director of the Higo 
Bank, and the Toyokawa Rail- 
way Company ; b. the 9th m. 
of the 5th f. of Ansei (1858), 
Kumamoto ; ist s. of Chokan 
Takahashi, a samurai of Ku- 
mamoto ; widower. ^Address : 
631 ofNishi, Morinomiya,Hi- 
gashi, Osaka. Tel. : 1923. 

Takahashi, Sikiehi (*^^S), 
President of th6 Seien Bank, 
Ltd., and the Kidzuki Indus- 
trial Bank, Ltd.; b. in 184 1 in 

Oita-ken ; 2nd s. of Bizen Ito; 
m. Kima, e. d. of Kazo Toku- 
maru. Succeeded his adopt f. 
Heiji Takahashi in 1876. Ad- 
dress : Kidzuk'-cho, Hayami- 
gun, Oita-ken. 

Takahashi, Fuminosuke (MM 
2fc^SiI), Secretary of the Dep't 
of Justice, Chief of the Section, 
of Personnel, Procurator of 
the Tokyo Appeal Court; il» 
in 1864 in Tokyo; 2nd. s. of 
Hanjir5 Takahashi, a samurai; 
m. Ichi, e. d. of Chokuon Kon- 
do of Tokyo. Educ: graduat- 
ed from the Senshia Gakko ; 
passed the Examination for 
Bench in 1887. Judge of the 
district courts of Tokyc( and 
Yokohama ; then of the Tokyo 
Appeal Court ; Secretary of 
the Dep't of Justice in 1900. 
Address : Nisbi-kofiya-machi, 
Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo, let. .' 
412 TCyo'bashi. 

Takahashi, Gentaro (MWMi^ 
I!5), Prof, of the 3rd High 
School ; b. in i860 in Osaka ; 
e. s. of Atsuyoshi Takahashi ; 
m. Kayo, aunt of Shinto Nina- 
gawa of Shiga-ken.''^ Ediic. : 
graduated Science at the Im- 
perial University^in 188 1. In-i 
structor of the Osaka Middle 
School-; then of the 3rd High 
School .; Director of the Kaga- 
wa-ken Middle School; then 
present post. Address : Ima- 
degawa - sagaru - Omiya - ch5^ 

[ 96s ] 


Kanii-ky5-kii, Kyoto. 

Takahashi. Hidematsu (gM^ 
fSJ, Yakugahihakushi, (Dr. of 
Pharmacology), ■ Naval Com- 
mander Pharmacist on the 2nd 
reserve, Advisor to the Teiko- 
ku Life Insurance Company ; 
the Japan Preventing Putre- 
faction Tir^tev Company ; h. 
the 8th m,' of the ist y. of 
Ansei (1854), Tokyo; 2nd s. 
■of Hakukei Sancho, a samurai 
of Tokyo and adopted by the 
]ate Junzo Takahashi, a sanin- 
rai ; m, Tsuyaf j'. sister toBi- 
st\ Sakurai, a samurai of Ya- 
magata. Educ. : graduated 
from the Medical Department 
(Course of Medicine) of the 
Tokyo University, 1879, Dec- 
-oration : Sth Order of Merit. 
Address: 28 Tameike-reinan- 
zaka-cho, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
Td. : 2702 Shiba. 

Takahashi. Ikuji ( Iti li II5 ?§ ) , 
Prof, of the 4th High School. 
Address: 4th High School, 
Kanazawa, Ishikiwa-ken^ 

Takahashi, Katsuhiro (Si <i 
)g| 3i), Examiner of the Bu- 
reau of Statistics, Manager 
of the Census Taking Pre- 
paration Committee; h. the 
nth m. of the 5th y. of 
Kaei (1852) in Ohiba-ken; 
snd. s. oi Katsiishige-Takaha- 
shi, samurai of Kururi clan ; 
vt. Taki, e\^d. of Gihi Muraka- 
mi, also a samurai of Kururi 

clan. Edtic. : studied Chinese 
classics under^Kido Washizu, 
a clan scholar; afterwards stud- 
ied foreign languages at the 
Daigaku-Nanko (forerunner of 
the present Tokyo Imp. Univ.) 
and statistics and economics 
privately. An official in the 
Dep't of Justice, 1873-1875 ; • 
in Dajokwan (State JVfinisters' 
Office), and in the former 
Board of Statistics ; then pres- 
ent post ; has been Prof, of the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School as an additional post, 
1 891 1904 ; Lecturer of Statis- 
tics at the former Police and 
Prison Administration School 
and at the Institute of Statis- 
tics ; taught French at the 
Central Military Preparatory 
School. Translcdioiis : Eesume 
Statistique de I'Empire du Ja- 
pon "; " Mouvement de la po- 
pulation de^FEmpire du Ja- 
pon "; Etat de la population 
de I'Empire du Japon"; Causes 
de Deces de TEmpire du Ja- 
pon " (all of which have been 
annually distributed among 
the various countries hr fhe 
world) ; " Guide to Sfatistics "; 
" Census Taking Methods " ; 
" History of France " and ma- ' 
ny other translations of Statis- 
tical works of foreign autfiors. 
Decorations : 4th Order of Me- 
rit ; Officier de I'lnstruction 
publique. Address : No. J^ 3- 
chome, Sadohara-cbo, Ushiso- 


[ 956 1 

me, Tokyo. Clubs ; Tokyo 
Stati§.^ical Association ; For- 
mosan Statistical Association 
(Special Member), etc 

TakahasM, Juntaro (MWM^ 
M), Ig:g_^t^kakushi{Dt. of med- 
icine); ' Prof. "of "Piianiacology 
at the College of Medicine in 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 3rd 
Order of Merit ; b. the 3rd m. 
of the 3rd J/, of Ansei (1856) 
in Kanazawa, province of Ka- 
ga ; e. s. of the late Sakuki Ta- 
- kahashi, a samurai; m. Loise 
' Heinrich, ph d. of Jacob Hein- 
rich, a German. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the College of 
Medicine in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1881 ; studied in Phar- 
macology and Forensic medi- 
cine at the University of Ber- 
Ha, i8,82-i88s.p Present post 
since 1886. Address : No. 24, 
Nakarokuban-cho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1688 Bancho. 

Takahashi, Kadzutomo (sM— 
^), L.L.B., Editor of the Ja- 
pan Times, Prof, of the Keio 
University; b. in 1863 at Ta- 
nagura, Fukushima-ken ; s. of 
Kinzaemon Takahashi; m. Uta 
Yamada, 1887. Educ: studied 
at the Imperial . University ; 
graduated Law at the Michi- 
gan University. Joined Japan 
Times in 1897. 'Recreations : 
Horticulture and fishing. Ad- 
dress: Tsunohazu, Yodobashi, 
Tokyo-fu. C7?^^. .-Kojun-Sha. 

^ Takahashi, Kamejiro (##a 
^B!5), Director of the Bukkyo i> 
Life Insurance Company,Kyo- 
to. Address : 2 Nishi-doton< 
bori, Nishiku, Osaka. 

Takahashi Katsuchika (^:SI 
^H), Directory of the Matsu- 
yama District Court ; b. in 18- 
57. in Aichi-ken ; jrd s. of Ka- 
tsutaku Takahashi, a samurai; 
m. Sada, jj/. sister of Kiyoteru 
Hatori of the same prefecture. 
Educ: passed the Examina- 
tion for Bench in 1887. Prin- 
cipal Judge of the local courts 
of Kumagae and Tokyo ; then 
present post in 1906. Address: 

TakahasM, Katsushichi {^M 
K-b), Director of the Uraga 
Bank, Ltd., and the Kanto 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 1868 in Ka-; 
nagawa - prefecture ; e. s. of 
Katsushichi Takahashi ; m. 
Kaku, e. d. of Tokuzaemon 
Komura of the same prefec- 
ture. Address: Uraga-raachi, 

Takahashi, Kin-ichiro (^S^ 
—W), Prof, of the Okayama 
Medidal' College'; b. the "5tli 
in. of the 2ndf. of Keio (1866), 
Gumma prefecture ; 1st s. of 
Shiitei Takahashi ; m. Unieno,i 
2nd d. of Chutan Kawasaki, 
a samurai of Okayama. Educ: 
graduated from the Medical 
College of Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1890. Was assistant 
oi\i)s- alma mater., 1890; ap- 

[967 ] 


pointed Prof, of the 3rd High 
School, 1893 ; then present 
post Address. / 10 Uchiyania- 
diita-cho, Okayama* 

TakahasM, Kishichiro (i^^S 
-bSP). Lieutenant -Colonel of 
Cavalry, Commandei of the 
24th Regiment of Cavalry ; d. 
in 1868 in Fukuoka-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1891; Lieut.-Colo- 
nel, 1907. Decoration: 4th 
Order of X\x& R.S. Address: 
Morioka, Iwate-ken. 

TakahasM, Koi (^.^ 3te 18), 
Member of the House of Rep- 
resentatives for. Niigataprefjct- 
ure, Director of the Horai Mu- 
tual Life Insurance Commany; 
b, the I2th in. of the Keio (18- 
67), Niigata prefecture ; 4th s. 
of Ikuemon Takahashi ; in. Ki- 
kuyo, adopt, d. of a certain Aka- 
gawa, a ^ainurai of yamagu- 
chi. iii/ac." graduated from the 
Keiogijuku, 1893 ; studied in 
England and America. Was 
chief editor of the Pukuoka 
Nichinichi Shimbun for eight 
years ; went over to Europe 
and America ; on his return 
home, again entered the Fu- 
kiwka Nichinichi Shimbun; Pri- 
vate Secretary^ to the Home 
Minister (Mr. Haia), 1906; 
elected Member of the House 
of Representatives for his na- 
tive place, 1907 ; became pri- 
vate secretary to Home mini- 
ster in Aug. 191 1 and i-esi^ 

gaed it in Dec. 1912. Address: 
shiba Park, Tokyo. 'let.: ij- 
99 Shiba. 
TakahasM, Korekiyo (ii ®^ 
j#), Baron (or. 1907), Min.' 
of Finance since Feb. 1913; 
Mem. of the House of Peers, 
<>'• the 7th m. of the ist j>. of 
Ansei (1854), Sendai; ist s. 
of Koretada Takahashi, a. sa-- 
murai of Sendai clan ; m. Shi- 
na, 1st d. of Kinzaemon Hara- 
da, a sanmrai of Ka.gQshima.. 
Educ: studied English ; sent 
to America for study, 1867, 
and was for several months 
treated as a slave through the ' 
treachery of his knavish Ame- 
rican '' guardian "; returned 
home the following year. .-Prin- 
cipal of the Osaka English 
School, 1875 ; appointed an 
official of the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce, 
1881 ; ultimately resigned to . 
become Director of the Patent 
Bureau, but he had to abandon 
the post owing to being victi- 
mized over a " silver mine " 
in Peru, he and his friends 
who formed a company to 
exploit the mine being de- 
frauded by a German swindler; 
going over to Peru, peaceful 
solution was found to the mat- 
ter, Nov.. 1893- Apr. 1891; 
soon he found a post in the 
Bank of Japan 1892 ; promot- 
ed a Director having charge 


[ 968 ] 

-of the western sectio'n of* the 
Bank, 1893 ; entered the Yo- 
kohama Specie Bank as its 
Manager, 1895 ; Director, 18- 
96; then its Vice-President, 
1897 ; elected Vice-Governor 
of the Bank of Japan to re- 
turn as President again to 
the Yokohama Specie Bank, 
1906, retaining the former post; 
was financial Agent for raising 
foreign loans in England and 
America, and was dispatched 
there twice on an important 
mission, 1904-1906; Gover- 
nor of the Bank of Japan 
till February 1913- Decora- 
tion: 1st Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : 10, 3ch5me, Akasaka, 
Tokyo.. Tel.: 1720 Shimbashi. 

TakahasM, Kuraemoa (S^# 
/fe"®??)! one of the highest tax- 
payers of Fukushima prefect- 
ure. Director of the Kitagata 
Water. Power Electric Compa- 
ny ; b. the 3rd m. of the 2nd 
y. ofAnsei(i85S); Fukushima; 
1st s. of Kurakichi Takahashi; 
in. Roku, 2nd d. of Kichizae- 
mpn Takahashi. Address ; At- 
kawa mura, Yama-gun, Fuku- 

Takahashi, Kyuzo {M^WM), 
sake brewer, one of the high- 
. est tax-payers of Nagano pre- 
fecture, Director of the Naga- 
no Commercial Bank , d. I Ju- 
ne the 5th y. of Meiji (1872), 
Nagano ; 1st .y. of the late 
Kyiizo Takahashi ; m. Nobu, 

y.' sister to Hikohachi Kawa- 
.shima, of Niigata prefecture. 
Address: Furuma-mura Ka- 
mi-midzu-uchi-gun, Nagano - 

Takahashi, Masaemon (i^Mi^ 
^MV; ex-Mem. of the House 
of Representatives for Shiga 
prefecture, draper ; b. the 8th , 
m. of the isty. of Bunkyu (i- 
861), Shiga; ist .f. of Ryosho 
Takahashi ; m. Ai, y. sister to 
Momotaro Momo, of the same 
prefecture. Once made an ins- 
pection tour in Manchuria; 
elected M.H.R. in 1908. Ad- - 
dress: Motohama-cho, Niho- 
nhaslii-ku, Tokyo. Tel : 918 

Takahashi, Masujiro (^ISif 
^IP)'Mem. of the Examina- 
ti onCommittee forPharmacists, 
Address: No. 17, Nakasaru- 
gaku-cho, Kanda, Tokyo. 

Takahashi, Moritar (iti B 
ijs ^ 115)^ director of the 
Osaka branch and director of 
the 18th Bank, Ltd. ; 25 Janu- 
ary of the 2nd y. of Ansei 
(1855) in Nagasaki ; s. of the 
late Juemou Takahashi, a 
samurai; m. Kishi, 2nd d. of 
Tokujuro Nagami. Served as 
superintendent of governor 
of Nagasaki before the resto- 
ration; afterwards commenced 
trading ousmess ; entered the 
present bank, 1894 and pro- 
moted to the present post. 
. Beorealion : .Qo game. Ad- 

[ 969 j 


<Ire<is: Edobori-Shimo-dori 3 
chomo, Nishi-ku, Osaka. Tel.: 
1291 Tosabori. Club: Bank 

Takahashi, Rynichi C^ W i^ 
-')' a large landowner, one of 
the highebt tax-payers of Shi- 
mane prefecture, Director of 
the Hikawa Bank; 3. 31 Oct. 
the Sthj/, ofMeiji (1875), Shi- 
mane prefecture ; 1st 5. of Shu- 
ei Takahashi ; m. Fuyu, 4th 
d. of Kaemon Endo, of Shi- 
mane, Address: Hibara-mu- 
ra, Higawa-guri,Shimane-ken. 

Takahashi, Saburo (ft1i2I15), 
Yakug-akukakushi{T>v. oi?hdiV- 
macology). Pharmacist Cap- 
tain of the Navy, an officer in 
the Medical Bureau of the Na- 
vy; d. i860. Pharmacist 2nd 
Commander of the Navy, Oct. 
1897 ; Pharmacist Commander 
of tlie Navy, Dec. the same 
year ; present rank, July 1904. 
Decorations ; 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : 145 
Kogai-cho, Azabu, Tokyo. 

Takahashi, Sakan (ift If 1), 
Chief Expert of the Tagi Fer- 
tilizer Mfg. Co.; 3. 1862 at 
Kochi, province of Tbsa ; s. of 
ShobeiTakahashi. JIduc.:gra.- 
duated from the former Tokyo 
Komaba Agricultural School 
in 188c. An official in the 
Geological Laboratory, 1880- 
1885; Instructor of tlie Saga 

Middle School, 1885-1887; 
Instructor of the Niiguta Ag- 
ricultural school, "1887-1888; 
started the publication of the 
Nogyo Soshi (an Agricultural 
Magazine), i888 ; Lecturer to 
the Female Higher Normal 
School, 1890-1892; has been 
in .Australia and in the New- 
Hebrides islands for scientific: 
purposes (government order), 
1892-1893 ; engaged in Indus- 
trial investigations in North 
China, 1894-1895 ; Expert to 
the Civil Administration Bu- 
reau of the Forroosan Govern- 
ment, acting as Chief of its' 
.Agricultural and Commercial 
•Section, 1896-1900; Advisor 
to the Shizuoka Agricultural 
Association, 1902-1905 ; .Ex- 
pert to the Agricultural Ex- 
perimerst Farm of the Agricul^ 
tural and Commercial Dep't 
and in addition Industrtii 
Advisor to the Chinese go- 
vernment, 1905-1907 ; Expert 
to Tottori-ken, acting succes- 
sively as Chief of the Indust- 
rial Section, of the Agricultu- 
ral Experiment Farm, of the 
Cattle Farm and of the Pro- 
ducts Museum, etc, since 19- 
07 ; present post in 19 10. Ad- 
dress ; Beppumura, Kako-gun, 

Takahashi. Sakue (Si S fi^ 
iff), Hogakuhakiishilj^Qz^ox of 
Law), Prof of International 
Law at the College of Law in 


[ 970 ] 

the Tokyo Imp. Univ.; b. the 
lo li m. of the 3rd jy. of Keio 
(1867) in the province of Shi- 
nano ; e. s. of the late Flaku- 
zan Takahashi, a famous scho- 
lar of Takato olan ; m. Miya, 
e. d. of Tokkei Anzai of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1893; made a" 
special study of International 
law in England, France and 
Germany, Prof of Interna- 
tional law at the Naval Col- 
lege ; took part in the Japan- 
China War iirst as Legal Ad- 
visor to the Comrnander ot 
the Standing Squadron and 
then as Translater to the Fort 
Arthur Naval Base ; Hogaku- 
hahishi, 1899; present pos.t 
since 1901. Publications : " In- 
ternational Law in connectio 
with the Japan-China War 
(in English) and many, other 
works on international law. 
Address: Akebono-cho, Ko- 
raagome, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 
Takaliashi, Shinbi (g ^ flf 

3I)> Surgeon Inspector of the 
Navy, chief of the ist Sec- 
tion of the Kure Naval 
Hospital; b. in 1868. • Edt/c: 
the Naval Surgeon School. 
Staff-Surgeon, Sept. 1899; 
Fleet- Surgeon, Sept. 1 903 ; 
Surgeon Inspector, Oct. 1909. 
Decorations: 4th Order ofR. 
S., Sth Order of S. T. Ad- 
dress: the Kure Naval Hos- 

pital, Hiroshima-ken. 

Takahashi, Shinkiclii.fiS^^S), 
Member of the House of Peers, 
ex-President of the Hypothec 
Bank of Japan; b. the 3rd m. 
of the 14th ;;'. of Tempo (18- 
43), Kagoshima ; 2nd s, of 
Shichito Takahashi, a $amurai 
of Kagoshima ; m. Suzu, ist 
d. of Masahichi Nakagawa, of ' 
Tokyo. Early studied Wes- 
tern languages at Nagasaki 
and compiled an Anglo-Japa- 
nese dictionary which brought 
him enough money to study 
in America for some yeai-s. 
Returning home, appointed an 
official of the Taxation Bureau 
in the Finance Office in 1875 ; 
Head of the Nagasaki, Osaka 
and Kobe Customs ; Consul 
in New York, 1881 ; Secretary 
of the Financial Department, 
1886; the Director of the 
Commercial .Affairs Bureau in 
the same Office ; resigned the. 
post and became President of 
the now nationalized Kyiishij 
Railway Company, 1887-18- 
98.; nominated M.H.F., (897; 
President of the Japan Hypo- 
thec Bink, 1 899- 1 909. Deco- 
ration: 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun. Address : 2%'? ai\m\- , 
cho, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel.: 930 

Takabasiii, Sokiclii (jg ^ H 

cf)'-Captaiii:of Navy, chief of 
the Ordnance Section of the 
Naval Arsenal in the Mai- 



dzuru Naval Station; /;. in 
1870. Ednc: the Naval 
Academy. Lieut.-Command- 
er, May 1902; Commander, 
Sept. 1906; Captain, Dec. 
1911. 'Decorations: 4th Or- 
der of R. S., 5tli Order 
of S. T., 4th Class of G. K. 
Addi^ess: the Maidzuru 
Naval Station. 

Takahashij Suetaro (1^ ^ ^" 
is. MR). President of the 92ad 
Bank, Ltd. Address : Minato- 
kami-machi, Fukiii-shi, Fu- 

Takahashi, Snkeshiclii ( MW 
fl-i;), Member of the Stand- 
ing Committee of the Naoetsu 
Chamber of Commerce, Ma- 
naging Director of the Niiga- 
ta Mining Company, Ltd., Pre- 
sident of the Takasuke and 
Co., and the Niigata Tug-boat 
Co., Ltd., Auditor of the Mei- 
ji Transportation Co,, Ltd., 
Director of the Niigata Ken- 
kosha; d. in 1854 in Niigata- 
prefecture ; s. -"^f Sukeshichi 
Takahashi ; m. Mio, y. sister 
of Michijiro Okada of the same 
prefecture. Address: Naoetsu- 
machi, Niigata-ken. 

TakasVashi, Taijirq (iffi^^^ 
SI5), Managin.^ Director of the 
Omigavva Agricultural and 
Commercial IJank, Ltd.; b. in 
1862 ia Chiba-prefecture ; 2nd 
s. of Toan Sakuma ; in. Take, 
y. sister of Shobei Takahashi of 
the same prefecture. Address : 

Omigavva-machi, Katori-gun, 

TakahasM, Taro (iS ® i: 
SW, Director of the Numadare 
Bank, Ltd.;^. in 185 1 in Niiga- 
ta-prefecture; e.s. of Jinzaemon 
Takahashi; m. Aya, aunt of 
Chu 1-Iara of the same prefec- 
ture. Address: Numadare-ma- 
chi, Naka-kambara-gun, Nii- 

Takahashi, Tatsujiro Cift S 
^ i^ 1?). Acting Chief of the 
Public Works in the Taiwan 
Government; b. in 1868 in 
Gifu-ken ; e. s. of Wataru Ta- 
kahashi, a samurai; m. Mitsu, 
2nd d. ot the late Viscount 
Buyo Enomoto of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Engineering, To- 
kyo Imperial University, in 
1 89 1. ^,^(/r^.f.y.' Taihoku, For- 

Takahashi, Teizo {M^^W), 
Nogakiihukushi, Assist. -Prof 
of the College of Agriculture, 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (Chair : A- 
gricultural Chemistry); b. Sept. 
1875 in. the prefecture of Na- 
gano; s. of Moemon Taka- 
hashi. Ediic. : graduated from 
the College of Agriculture i;i 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1900. 
Present post since 1906 ; Nd- 
gakuhakiishi, 1907. Publica- 
tion : Many works and essays 
on agricultural science. Ad- 


L 972 ] 

dress: No. 356, Dozaka-ma- 
chi, Komagome, Hongo - ku, 

TakahasM, Tobei (^If^:^ 
%), Pawn-broker, President 
of the Asahi Savings Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Industrial 
Savings Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 18' 
63 in Tokyo ; in. Yone, e. 
daughter of Risabur5 Mitsu- 
hashi of Kasiagawa-ken. Ad- 
dress : Aoyama - Minami-ma- 
chi, Akasaku-ku, Tokyo, Tel.. 
2804 Shiba. 

Takahashi, Toyoo (rSHa^). 
Prof, of the Hiroshifna Higher 
Normal School. Address: The 
Hiroshima Higher Normal 
School, Hiroshima-shi, Hiro- 

Takahashi, Yajihei {.%WiWK 
3i_), Director of the Tochigi- 
ken Agricultural and Indust- 
rial Bank, Pres. of Imaiclii 
Bank, Director of the Awanb 
Bank, the Shimotsuke Electric 
Power Company and the Nik- 
l<o Electric Railway Compa- 
ny, Auditor of the Nikko 
Commercia) Bank, and the 
Shimotsuke Shimbun Compa- 
ny ; b. the 2nd in. of the ist 
y. ofGwanji (1864); ist s. of 
Yajir5- Takahashi ; m. Masa, 
niece to Tokishiro Inaba, of 
Ibaraki prefecture. Address : 
Imaichi -machi, Kami-tsuga- 
^un, Tochigi-ken. 

Takahashi, Yasujiro \%^^ 

■^%), Colone] of Artillery since 
Aug. 1912, Commander of the 
2nd Regiment of Heavy Guns- 
^. in 1869 in Tokyo, Educ.) 
bub - Lieutenant of Artillery, 
1892; Lieutenant-Colonel, 19- 
07. Aide-de-Camp to H. I. H. 
the Crown Prince; then present 
^o^V Address : Yokosuka, Ka- 

Takahashi, ^Kojiro (SUMffi 
^15). Commissioner of Kuma- 
moto - ken b. in 1872 in Shi- 
ga-prefecture ; s. of Taitsu Ta- 
kahashi. Educ: graduated 
Law at the Imperial Univer- 
sity of Tokyo in 1896; passed 
the Higher Civil Service Exa- 
mination in the same year. 
Councillor of Chiba-prefect- 
ure ; and after serving in se- 
veral prefectures was finally 
appointed to the present post 
inigii. Address: Official re- 
sidence of the prefeture, Ku- 
mamoto-city, Kumamoto-ken. 
. Takahashi, Yoshiaki (wiiS^ 
j¥),.iViajor-(jieneral since Sejit. 
J9_i I, Gommaruler of the 14th 
Brigade of Infantry; h. in 18- 
12 in Hiroshima -ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1887; Colonel, 19- 
07. Decorations.-^ydO'iAtx oi 
the R. S. and 4th Class of the 
G. K. Address: No. 150, Ha^' 
ramachi, U.shigome, Tokyo. 
Takahashi, Yoshikazu \% ff 

# — )> Railway Officer; <5. the 
8th m. of the 4th y. of Ansel 
(1857) in Tokyo. Entered 

L 973 ] 


the Imperial Railway in 1 873 ; 
now is the master of Shin- 
bashi Station. Address: No. 
I, 2 chome, Shiodome-machi, 

Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 2,074. 

Takahashi, YosMo (iiili8*i), 
Managing Director of the Oji 
Paper Manufacturing Compa- 
i\y. Auditor of the Kuraya 
Mining Company; b. the 8th 
m. of the 1st y. of Bunkyia 
(l86i), Ibaraki prefecture; 4th 
s. of Tsunehiko Takahashi ; 
vt. Yo, 2nd d. of Ki Hii-aoka, 
a samurai of Tokj^o. Once 
served in the Mitsui Company- 
Address: 55 Ichibancho, K6- 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 84 Cho 


Takahata, Shinkichi (ia^ir 
"a)' rich rice merchant; b. the 
3rd m. of the 2nd y. of Kaei 
( 1 849), ■ Tokyo ; J/, sister to 
Kenzo Shibuya, and adopted 
into the family of Takahata ; 
in. Tama, 1st d. of Kin Kiku- 
ma, of Saitama prefecture. Ad- 
dress .• r I Renjyakucho, Kan- 
da, Tokyo. Tel. : 1935 Hon- 

Takahata. Teizo (^ te( IS 3], 
Igakuhakushi, Mem. of the Ex- 
amination Committee, for Me- 
dical Practitioners. Address : 

Takahira, Kogoro (S^'J^E 

M), Baron, Ambassador (En 

desponsabilite^ ; b. in 1 854 at 

Ichinoseki, Rikuchu ; ;^rd s. 

of Santetsu Tazaki, a samu- 

rai; was adopted by Mafuji 
Takaliira ; m. Kiyo^ 2nd d. ' 
of Shinpei Nishiyama of To- 
kyo. Entered the Dep't of 

Foreign Affans m^t876; Chan- 
cellor at Washington in 1870; 
3rd Class Secretary in r§St ; 
JuRior Secretary of the Dep't 
of Foreign Affairs in 1883; 
Secretary of the Dep't in 1885; 
then of Legation in 1886; Cdn- 
sul-General at New York in 
1887; Minister Resident in 
1888 ; Minister Plenipotenti- 
ary at Rome in 1890; was 
transferred to Vienna in 1891; 
Vice-Minister of Foreign Af- 
fairs in 1899; Minister Pleni- 
potentiary at Washington in 
1900 ; Peace-Delegate in 19- 
05 ; Mem. of the House of 
Peers in 1906; Ambassador 
at Rome in 1905; nominated 
Baron in the same year ; was 
transferred to Washington in 
1906; recalled in 1907. Ad- 
dress: Shimo-Shibuya, Tokyo- 


974 J 

fu ; Tel.: 966 Shiba. 

TakaMro, Jihei {%M'-k^)y 
Sedge-hat dealer,,, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Toyama- 
ken ; President of the Taka- 
oka Kyoritsi! Bank, Ltd., and 
of the Fukuoka Domei Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Hokuri- 
ku Artificial Fertih'zers Co. 
Ltd., the Chuyetsu Railway 
Co, Ltd., and of theToyama- 
ken Agricultural and Indust- 
rial Bank, Ltd. ; b. the ist in. 
of the 6tli _y. of Ansei (1854) 
in Toyama-ken ; e. s. of Hiko- 
hachi Takahiro ; m. Satsu, ^. 
daughter of Isenaga Futami of 
Toyama - ken. Succeeded his 
father in 1889. Address: Fu- 
kuoka- machi, Nishitonamii 
gun, Toyama-ken. 

Takai.HiroyosH ( ^ ^m a), 
Lieutenant-General on the 2ad 
feserve'j'X'tTie 8th 1«. of. the 
1st y. of Kokwa (1844), Toku- 
shiiiia prefecture; 2nd s. of 
•Gorotayil Takai, a samurai of 
Tokushima ; m. Masa, e. sister 
to Toshimasa Shiratori,' of To- 
kyo. Early entered the Mili- 
tary service, and after succes- 
sive promotion, was finally 
raised to present rank in 1906; 
once served as Commander of 
the 4tb Infantry Guards Re- 
giment, and Commander of the 
15th and 24th Brigades of In- 
fanbry, etc; took part in the 
Japan-China War. Decoration: 
2nd Order of the Double Rayed 

Rising Sun. Address : (5kma.- 
ya - mura, Akashimachi - no ■- 
uchi, Akashi-gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Takai, Rigoro (ift ^i^ fij r 115), 
Director of the Kagawa Te- 
chnical School, Expert to Ka- 
gawa-prefecture. Y4^^/r^.y.y.- Ta- 
kamatsu-city, Kagawa-ken. 

Takaku.; Kaoru CM X W), 
"Vice-Chief of the Business De- 
partment of the Okura firm. 
Director of the Japan Natural 
Gas Co., Ltd., Auditor of the 
Dai Nippon Deep-Sea Fishery 
Co., Ltd., Lecturer of the 
Keiogijuku Univ. ; d. Sept. 
the 7th f. of Meiji (1874) in 
Mayebashi, Gumma - preftct- 
ure; s. of Issho Takaku. Ediic :- 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School, 
1897. Enterd the service of 
the Okura-gumi immediately 
after graduation ; made an in- 
spection toiir of Europein the 
suite of Mr. Kihachiro Okura, 
1900; served at the London 
branch of the fimi ; Manager 
of the Yokohama branch, 19- 
02 ; present post in addition 
to Chief of the Export Dep't 
since igos . ^ddress : No. 26- 
85, Sanno, Omori^Ebara-gun,' 
Tokyo-fu. 7>/..-8-Omori. Chi 6s: 
Kojunsha, Japan Trading As- 
sociation, Omori Club. 

Takakura, tTsamaro (ig * 
■W S Ig), Prof, of the Tokyo 
li'gher Normal School ;. d. in 

1867; y. brother oi Naganori 
Takakura, Viscount; in, Tsuna, 
3rd daughter of Shin-ichi Arai 
of Tokyo-fu. Edtic: graduated 
Science at the Tokyo Impsria! 
University in 1894. Was ap- 
pointed present post in ipoo 
Address : Nishi - kata - machij 
Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 
Takakusagi, Shigetsura (®:? 

;^.ffi9!])>C'Olonel, Cominander of 

the i^th Regiment of Infantry; 

i. in i860 in Gumma-ken. 

Sub-Lieutenant, 1886; Colonel 
1907. Decorations : 3rd Order 

of the G. K. Address: Akita, 


Takakusu, Junjiro (;ift IB WB ^ 
!|5), Bungdkuhakushi, M. A. 
(Oxford Univ.), Magister Ar- 
tium Bonarum, Doctor Philo- 
sophiae (Leipzig Univ.), Prof, 
of the College of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imperial University 
(chair : Sanskrit) ; h. the 5th 
m. of the 2nd_j'. of Keio (18- 
66), Bingo province ; ist s. oi 
Kvvanzo Sawa, a samurai of 
Tsu clan, Ise, and adopted by 
Magosaburo Takakusu ; m. 
Shimo, ist d. of his foster fa- 
ther. Educ: studied Buddhism 
at Kyoto; graduated from Ox- 
ford University, 1890- 1894; 
studied in the Kiel, Berlin, 
and Leipzig Universities ; re- 
turned home in 1897. Appo- 
inted Lecturer of the College 
of Literature of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1897; 

[975] 2:ak 

private Secretary to the Mini- 
ster of Communications (Vis- 
count Suyematsu); and then 
present post ; received the de- 
gree of Bungakukakuski^ 19- 
00 ; was for some years Presi- 
dent of the Tokyo Foreign 
language School, resigding 
the post in 1908. Has trans- 
lated several Sanslcrit and 
Pali works ; stayed in London 
under Viscount Suyematsu 
during the late War endeavor- 
ing to make tiie real standing 
of Japan clear to foreigners 
and prevent misunderstanding 
of the Empire of Japan. Pu- 
blication : besides above men- 
tioned. Text Book of Sanskrit 
Literature, Pali Buddhistic Li- 
terature, Cochin China and 
many others. iAddress : 1 902 
Sendagaya, Toyotama - gun, 
Tokyo. Tel: 788 Bancho. 

Takamatsn, Ckozaemon (ft 12 
S:fe^P^), face-powder manu- 
facturer, a rich merchant ; b. 
the sth m. of_the 2hdy. of 
Ansei (1855), Osaka; 2nd s. 
of Jiemon Nakai, and adopted 
by the late Chozaemon Taka- 
matsu ; in. Michi, 1st d. of his 
foster father. Address: loi, 
I chome, Kita-kyutaro-mach\, 
Higashi-ku, Osaka. 7>/,.' 866. 

Cho Higashi. 

Takamatsu, Sadaichi (^S^ 
— )» rice and manure dealer. 
Director of the Horikawa Sav- 
ings Bank ; (5. the 1st in. ot 


[9/6 1 

tbe jrdjj'. of Keio (1867), Ai- 
chi ; Sth s. of Kyuiuke Suzu- 
ki, and adopted by Sadasuke 
Takamatsu ; ;«. Toshif 3rd d: 
of Nue-emon Kasuya of Aichi. 
Address : 21 Nayamachi, Na- 
kaku, Nagoya. T^el. : 795. 

Takamatsu, Toyokichi (Sfe 
So), Kdgakuhakuski, Hono- 
rary Prof of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, Chairman of 
Board of Directors of the To- 
kyo Gas Co., Ltd, and of the 
Japan-Korea Gas and Electric 
Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1852 at To- 
kyo ; s. of Kihei Takamatsu; 
■m. Tatsuko, 2nd d. of Kyiibei 
Mizumachi. Educ: graduated 
Chemistry at the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1878. Prcf 
of the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sityj then of the Tokyo Higher 
TechnicaF School ;. Comptrol- 
ler of the Patent Bureau of 
the Dep't of Agriculture and 
Commerce ; Director of the 
Tolcyo Gas Co., Ltd., Special 
Mem. of the Tokyo Chamber 
of Commerce ; Vice-President 
of the Dai-Nippon Weaving, 
Association; Councillor of the 
Japan Grand Exhibition in 19- 
17 .(4^r^5.s.- Nishi-kata-ma- 
chi, Hongo, Tokyo ; Tel.:- 10- 

Takami, Hisashi (S^M, <|), 
Chief editor of the Osaka fiji 
Shimpo {d&Wy paper); d. in 18- 
72 in Okayama-ken; j. ofMt- 
tsusane Takami ; fn. Matsu, e. 

d. of Chiajiro KawasJiima ,of 
Tochigi-ken. Educ: studied 
at the Keiogijikih Entered the 
Jiji-shimpo \n 1891 ; was spe- 
cial correspondent in Seoul of 
th&Jiji at the commencement 
of the Japan-China war; after- 
wards sent to the front as \va- 
correspondent and after rer 
porting the battles of Asan, 
Pingyang and Yalu again re- 
turned to Seoul ; was recom- 
mended by the then Count 
Inouye as Advisor to the Ko- 
rean Government which post 
he accepted and remained in 
that capacity for four years ;, 
again entered the Jij'i in 1899; 
then present post. Address :. 
Mileage - machi, Muko - gun, 

Taiamine, Asanori, (ffi # |ij 
iS;), Pi-esident of the Okinawa 
Bank, Ltd., and the Okinawa 
Prefectural Assembly ; 3. in 
1868 in Okinawa-ken ; e. s. of 
Asanaga Takamlne, a. samu- 
rai) m. Kame, 2nd d. of Asa- 
tada Tokuyasan. Educ: stud- ' 
ied at the Peers' School and 
the Keiogijukti. Founded the 
Ryukyu Shimpo,, a daily paper, 
in 1892 and became its editor; 
organized the Okinawa Bank, 
Ltd." ; was on the organizing 
committee of the Okinawa-ken 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank, Ltd. . Address : Shurt, 
Okinawa-ken._ . , 

Takamlne. ChoshiB ( ift ^ i|a 

L 917 ] 


^), Director and Manager of 
the Okinawa Bank, ^Auditor 
of the Okinawa Manure Com- 
pany, etc. ; b. the nth wi. of 
the 2nd J/, of Bunkyu (1862), 
Oidnawa ;c ist i'. of Chdsei 
Takamine, a samurai of Oki- 
nawa prefecture ; m. Oto, Jst 
d. of Asakore Watahisayama, 
also an Okinawa samurai. Ad- 
dress : Daichu, Shuri, Okina- 

Takamine, Jflkichi (ftSlia /, 
Kogakuhakushi (Dr. of En- 
gineering), Yakugakuhakushi 
(Dr. of Pharmacology), Dr. 
Sc, inventor of " Taka Dias- 
tase," "Adorenalin" and other 
patented medicines; b. the 9th 
m. of the istjf. of Ansei (18- 
S4), Kanazawa, Kaga provincej 
1st s. of Sii-ichi Takamine, a 
samurai of Kanazawa clan; m. 
a daughter of .1 well-known 
druggist in Chicago and a 
relative of Henry George. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Engineering College (applied 
chemistry) of the Tokyo Uni- 
versity, 1879; further studied 
in England. Returning home 
in 1 88 1 was appointed Che- 
mist of the Department of 
Agr. and Com. where he did 
much in the improvement of 
sake brewing and indigo mak- 
ing ; attended the World's 
Faif at New Orleans in 1884 
as Japanese Commissioner, and_ 
since then he has settled in 

U. S. A. ; he invented a pow-' 
erful , alcoholic ferment and 
established the Takamine Fer- 
ment Company in Chicago. 
Address: c/o Japan Club, New 
York. .. 

Takamura, Koun (ifi^ijfcft), 
Prof, of the Tokyo Fine Art 
Academy; b. the 2nd in. of 
the 5th;!/. of Kaei (18.52), To- ' 
kyo ; 2nd s. of Kenkichi Na- 
kajima, and adopted by Etsu 
Takamura; w. Waka, adopt, 
d. of Seikichi Kaneya, of To- 
kyo. Educ: fctudied sculpture 
under the famous Toan Taka- 
mura. So a well-known sculp- 
tor. Decoration: 5 th Order of 
Merit. Address: 155 Koma- 
gome, Kita-machi, Hongo-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel: 4164 Shitaya. 

Takane, Yoshihito (ftffiRA), 
lawyer, Hogakuhakushi, ex- 
Prof.-^of the Law College of 
the Kyoto Imperial University 
(chair : Commercial Law and 
English Law) ; b. the 7th m. 
of the 3rd y. of Keio (1867), 
Fukuoka prefecture; 2nd i', of 
Masaya Takane, a samurai of 
Fukuoka ; m. Yuki, 5th d. of 
Giho Tomida, a samurai of 
Gumma prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from the Waseda 
Semmon Gakko and the Law 
College of the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo, 1892; stud- 
ied' Commercial Law in. Eng- 
land and Germany, 1 896-1900: 
Appointed Prof, of the Law 


[ 978 ] 

College of the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Kyoto, 1900 ; re- 
ceived the degree of Hogaku- 
hakushi,. 1901 ; resigned the 
professorship, and became a 
lawyer, Feb. 1907. Address : 
I, I chome, Yaesucbo, Koji- 
machi, Tokyo. Td. : 69 Cho 

Takano, Iwasaburo dMM^S. 
M), Hogakuhakushi, Prof of 
Statistics in tUc Tokyo Impe- 
rial University. Address : No. 
13, Akebono-cho, Eomagome, 
Hongo-ku> Tokyo. 

Takano, Kaneshige (ft gf # 
fi)i Lawyer, Patent-agent; d. 
in i872atMatsuyama, Ehime- 
ken; s. of Kanemitsu Takano; 
WfcSatoko, jr^. d. of Naoyoshi 
Okuda, Viscount.'^^i/«<r..- gra- 
duated Law at the Private 
Chiio University in 1896. Has 
been successively a teacher, 
newspaper writer, member of 
the H. R. for Matsuyama. Rec- 
reations: travelling and Utai. 
Address : Wis\\\k{-chb, Kanda- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 605 Hon- 
kyoku. Clud : Tori club, Ha- 
tachikwai (a lawyers' society); 
Takano, Mataichi (ft ^ i^ 

— )' manager of Shirokiya 
Gofukuten, which is one of 
the famous draper of Tolcyo. 
Educ: graduated from the 
Tokyo higher commercial 
school. Once held the post 
as principal of commercial 
schtx)l : afterwards entered 

the present department store. 
Address: No.. 19 Sakuragi- 
cho,. Shitaya, Tokyo. 

Takano, Takeshi (.ft if SJ), 

Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 67th Infantry 
Regiment; b. r868 Niigata- 
ken. Sub-Lieut,, June 1886; 
Lieut., Nov. 1890; Captain, 
Feb. i8g6; Major, July 1903; 
Lieut.-Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, Sept. 191 1. De- 
corations: 4th Order of R. 
S., 3rd Order of S. T., 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Hamamatsu, Shizuoka- 

Takaao, Yoshiya (ftifffi^), 
P.i-of of the and High School; 
b. Sept. the 5th y. of Meiji 
(1872) in Sendai ; 2nd s. of 
Naosuke Takano, ■a^ samurai; 
m. Michie, e. d. of Sadao Ka- 
geyama of Miyagi-ken. Educ.: 
graduated from the College of 
Science in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1899. Present post since 
graduation. Address: No. no, 
Kitasamban-cho, Sendai, Mi- 

Takaoka, Kumao (M M 
W. ^)» HogakuhahusM. (Dr. 
of Law), Prof of the Tohoku 
Imp. XJniv, (chairs : agrioal- 
tural politics and coloniza- 
tion); 6. the 8th m. of the 
4th y. of Meiji (1871) in 
Shimane-ken ; s. of Michitaka 
Takaoka ; m. Chika, - 3rd d. 
of Hiroe Hagiwara. Edua. : 

[ 979 


graduated from the Sapporo 
Agricultural Schcol in 1896 ; 
studied agricultural politics 
"arid colonization in Germany, 
1902— 1S05 ; Assist. Prof, in 
the Sapporo Agricultural 
School, 1898 ; Prof, in the 
same, 1906 ; present post since 
1908 ; completed the work of 
census of Sapporo district, 
1910. Publiealiom: "Inner 
Colonization of Japans"; Agri- 
calture in Hokkaido"; "The 
Sapporo Census"; "Agricul- 
tural politics." Address : Sa- 
ppro, Hokkaido. 

Takaoka, NaokicM ( ^!S3 i:S ), 
Grovernor of iShimane-pr efec 
ture ; 3. in 1 86b in Shimane- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Michiyoshi 
Takaoka, a samurai; m. Ume, 
adopted, y. s. of Masasuke Ko- 
shiba- of- the same prefecture. 
£'(/«^..* graduated from the Sap- 
poro Agricultural School in 
1882. Councillor of Hokkaido 
Government; Chief of a Sec- 
tion; then secretary; then pre- 
sent post. Address : Matsue- 
shi, Shimane-ken. 

Takarabe, Hyo (Bf ^ M), 
Rear-Admiral, vice - Minister 
of the Navy ; <5. the 4th m. of 
the 3rd J/. ofKeio (1867), Ms- 
yazaki prefecture ; 2ad s^of 
Taneaki Takarabe, a samurai,. 
of Miyazaki; tn, Ine, ist d. of 
Count Gombei Yamamoto. 
Admiral. Educ. : graduated 
from the Naval Staff Collegej 

1 892 ; studied in England. 
Commander, Sept. 1902; Cap- 
tain, Jan. 1905 ; llear-Admi- 
ral, Dec* 1909; once served 
as Commander of the battle- 
ship Fuji, Chief of Staff of the 
ist Squadron, and Director of 
the Temporary Naval Const- 
ruction Department, etc.; took 
part in both the Japan - China 
War and the Russo - Japanese 
War. Decorations : 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite, 3rd Order 
of Merit with the Cordon of 
the Rising Sun, and many 
other foreign orders. Address: 
5 19 Shirogane-sank6ch5, Shi- 
ba, Tokyo. 'Tel. : 1090 Shiba. 

Takarayama, Miyukielii (ffiUl 
sfeMa)> President of the Kami- 
oka Bank, Ltd., and the Ban- 
shu Buckwheat Co., Ltd., Di- 
rector of the Banyo Civil En- 
gineering Co., Ltd., the Nip- 
pon Maruten Soy Co., Ltd., 
the Improved Farming Tools 
Mfg. Co., Ltd., and the Ta- 
tsuno Tailor Co., Ltd., Audi- 
tor of the Tatsuno Electric 
R'ly Co., Ltd.; b. iti 1857 '" 
Hy5go-ken; e. s. of Yusuke 
Takarayama ; m. Yone, e. sis- 
ter of Toyozo Nakayama of 
the same prefecture. Address: 
Kamioka-mura, Ibo-gun, Hyo- 

Takasaka, Mambei (^ =K ^ :R 
®), President of the Nisshm 
Match Company ; maltch ma- 
nufacturer; b, the 3rd m. of 


[980 ] 

the isty. of Gwanji (1864), 
Hiroshima; ist s. of Sanesuke 
Takasaka ; iw. Teru, e. sister 
to Teikichi Watabe, of the 
same prefecture. Address : 61 
Saiku-machi, Hiroshima-shi. 

Takasaki, Chikaaki (iaj# iffi 
%% w. of the House of Peers; 5. 
in 1853 in Kagoshima-ken; e. 
s. of Chikahiro Takasaki, a 
samurai; m. Ei, e. d. of Ham- 
bei Takasaki- of the same pre- 
fecture. Entered the Police 
service in 1875 ; Police-Inspe- 
ctor in 1879 ; Police-Superint- 
endent ; Chief of Police in the 
prefectures of Mi3'9^i and 0- 
saka ; Secretary of Osaka-pre- 
fecture; Director of the Bureau 
of Police ;^ Governor of the 
prefectures of Ibaraki, Naga- 
nOj Gkayania, Miyagi, and 
Kyoto-fu; then of Osalsa-fu. 
Address: Tennoji-Katsuyama- 
dori, Osaka. 

Takasaki, Miero (ift^SSIS), 
one of the liiohest tax-payers 
of Ibaraki prefecture, Director 
of the Sahara Kogyo ; . 
b, 4 Sept. the' icthy. of Mei- 
ji (1877), Ibaraki; j. of 
Shiuzo Takasaki; m. Isa, 2nd 
d. ol Yahei Miyauchi, of the 
same prefecture. Address: A- 
so - niachi, Nanickata - gun, 
Takasaki, Yasnshiko ( ft it ^ 
__ ^J, Baron, Member of the 
House of Peers; !>/ 15 Mar. 
the 2nd j/. of Meiji ( i 2,6j\ \ si 

s. of Baron Goroku Takasaki^ 
a sauiiirai of Kagoshima clan. 
Educ. : studied _ in Arnerica. 
Appointed Master ofCererno- 
nies, 1891; M. H. P., 1897.'-! 
Decoration : 4ih Order of tiie- 
Ri-sing Sun. Address: 20 Sin-- 
genya - cho, Azabu, Tokyo,. 
Tel.: S48 Toku cho Shiba." 

Takazawa, Kimbei ['MW'k^' 
^), one of the highest tax- 
payer of Chiba prefecture, 
Director of the Marata Bank, 
Auditor of the Kisarazu Bank; 
b. the 1st m. of the Sth y. of 
Kaei (1852), Chiba; ist s. of 
Kichibei Takasawa; m. Kichi, ' 
2nd d. of Shintaro Izawa, of 
the same prefecture. Address: 
Kururi - machi, Kimitsu-gun, 

Takase, Seijiro (iS^ ?f ~ 
BR), Colonel of Artillery, Coni- 
mander of the ' Keeluug For t ;i, 
6. ia 1863 in Ibaraki-ken. 
Sulj-Lieutenant. 1885 ; Colo- 
nel, 1807. Decorations: 3rd- 
Order of the li. S. and 31 d 
Class of the G. K. Address r 
Keelung, Formosa. 

Takase, Takejiro (ig il S^ ^ 
SI5)i Bungakuhakuslii, Prof of classics at the College 
of Literature, Kyoto Imperiil 
"Iniversity. Address: Kyoto 
Daigaku, (now abroad for 
study) . 

Takase, TJmekiehi ^_ C® ii> 
i)§ *5^ manager of the Osaka 
branch of the Gh5sen bank : 

[981 ] 


*. tlie 9th m. of the 6th i/. 
of Meiji (1873) at Mito, Iba- 
raki-ken ; w. Hafil, 1902. 
Eduo. : graduated from the 
law college of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1899. On his gradua- 
tion Eerved at T5kai bank ; 
then present post since 1910. 
JRecreation : fishing with rod 
and line. Address: No. 1, 1 
■chome, Funakoshi-clio, lliga- 
shi-ku, Osaka. Tel:: 1309 
Higashi. Club^- : Ginko club, 
Osaka club. 

'.fakasliima, Hokkai (iffi ^ :|h 

W)r artist, Japanese painter; 

3. the 9th m. of the 3rd f: 

of Kayei (1850) at Hagi- 

machi in the province of 

Nagato. Ediic. : learned 

paintings from his father. He 

exhibited his masteroieces at 
several exhibitions and was 

awarded several times prizes 
and diploma; was expert of 
the Dep't. of Agri. and Com. 
until 1897. Address: No. 6 
Motozono-cho, Kojimachi-ku, 

Takashima, Kaemon (iliS^ 
^'M^)> millionaire; d. the nth 
/«. of the 6th >. of Tempo ( J 8- 
35), Tokyo ; ist s. of the late 
Kahei Takashima, a samurai 
of Kauagawa; m. Kura, 2nd d. 
of Bunkichi Shimada, of Ka- 
nagawa. Early carried on an 
import business and had the 
misfortune to be thrown into 
prison on the charge of hav- 
ing transacted business with 

foreigners without permission; 
studied Eki, the art of fortune- 
telling ; resumed business on 
being released ; reclaimed se- 
veral hundreds of acres of land 
bttween Yokohama arul i^" 
nagawa to adopt it for the 
construction of the railway; 
and afterwards presented it to ■ 
the Government, which land 
now bears the nam.e of "Taka- 
shima Street"; one of the 
founders of the Yokohama Gas 
Works, and once held the 
chair of President of the Hok- 
kaido Colliery and Steamship 
Company ; also , engaged in 
several other enterprises, and 
as all of these proved success- 
ful he amassed a considerable 
fortune. Address: 1780 Aoki- 
ch5, Yokohama. Tel.: 430. 

Takashima, Kahei (^1^:R. 
^), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Kanagawa prefec- 
ture, President^af the Aichi 
Cement Company, Auditor of 
the Yokohama Telegraphic 
Wire Manufacturing Compa- 
ny, engineering v/orks cont- 
ractor; b. the 6th m. of the 
2nd>', of Kaei(i849), Ibaraki 
prefecture ; 4th i-. of Kyubei 
Yakushiji, and adopted by 
Kaemon Takashima in : 868 ; 
^\Ao\vz.x'/ Address: 81, 5 cho- 
me, ,Qgami-ch6, Yokohama. 
Tel.: 105 Cho. ' . 

Takashima, Kanetaka(i^^# 



#)' Director of the Saijo Ag- 
ricultural School, Expert to 
the Hiroshima Agricultural 
•Experiment Farm. Address: 
Saijo - machi, Kamo-gun, Hi- 

Takashima, KokiiijiC^^<I>^ 
?p)» Vice-President of the D- 
kura Firm, Director of the 
Nippon Shoes Manufacturing 
Company, " the Nisshin Bean 
•Cake Manufacturing Compa- 
ny, the Nippon Leather Com- 
pany, and the Otaru Timber 
Company, Auditor of the Te- 
tsugyo Bank ; b. the 4th in. of 
the 1st jy. otBunkyu (i860) ; 
1st s. of Y.uhachi Takashima, 
a samurai of Kawagoe clan ; 
m. Tsuru, 3rd d. of Kihachiro 
Okvira, a millionaire of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Keiogijuku, 1879. Taught in 
his alma mater for a.bout five 
• years ; vyent over to America 
for the purpose of business 
inspection, 1886- 1888 ; on his 
i-eturn home, entered the D- 
kura Firm, and became its 
Vice-President in 1S97. Ad- 
dress: 7, 2 chome, Nagata-cho, 
Kqjimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 80 

Takashima, Mantaro C^ES, 
■kW>, Capt, of the Navy,'(Jom. 
of the battleship JH/, 'V; > t 866. 
Educ: the Naval Cadet School. 
2nd Commander, June 1898 ; 
Commander, Sept 1903; Cap- 
tain, Sept. 1908. Decorations ■ 

3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
Sth Class of the Golden Kite' 
Address : 5 1 Komagome Sen- 
dagi-cho, Hongo, Tokyo. 
_ Takashima, Tokuzo (Ig ^ # 
— ), pamter, Mem. of the Fine 
Arts Examination Committee. 
Address: 2 chome, Motozono-. 
cho, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 

Takashima, Tomonosnke (iti,& 
^2;SI), Viscount,- Privy Coun- 
cillor, Lieutenant-General (in 
the 2nd reserve); d. on the 9th 
of I ith month of the ist yeai- 
of Koka ( 1 844) in Kagoshima- 
ken ; pjt s. of Kahei Takashi- 
ma, a retainer of Shimazu 
clan. Played a distinguished 
part under the late Takamori 
Saigo at the Restoration. ■ Co- 
lonel in 1874; Director of the 
Kyo-do-dan (defunct Military 
Non - Commissioned Officers' 
School) in 1875,; was Major- 
General in the time of Saigo 
Rebellion ; sent to France in 
1879; Lieutenant-General in 
1 883 • created Viscount in j8- 
84 ; War Minister in 1891 ; 
Privy Councillor in 1892; Co- 
lonial Minister in 1897. Ad- 
dress : Kioi-cho, JCojimachi, 
Tokyo ; Tel.: 288 BanchS. 

Takashima, To-motake .(S& 
SK)> Colonel, .Commander of 
the ^Ucl Infantry Regimeat of 
the Body guards ; b. 1 n 1 867 
in Kagoshima-ken. Sub-Lieu- 
tensint, 1888 ; Colonel, 1908. 
Decorations : ■ 3rd Order of the 

[ 9S3 J 


R. S. and 31-d Class of the G. 
K. Address: No. 162, Seki- 
guchi-cho, Koishikawa-ku, 

Takasu, Kea-ichiro (jgjiNj^— 
lU), Igakuhakuski (Paediatrik), 

Prof, of the Osaka Medical 
College. Address: JS'o. 10, 4cho- 
me, Sueyoshi-dori, Minamiku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 2195 Minami. 

Takasugi, Einsaku C^^^f^), 
President of the 59th Bank, 
Auditor of the Hirosaki Bank; 
i>. the loth m. of the ist j/. of 
Man-yen (i860), Aomori pre- 
fecture ; 1st .y. of Fukumatsu 
Takasugi ; widower. Address: 
Takasugi-mura, Nakatsugaru- 
gun, Aomori-ken. 

Takasugi, Takizo (M^mM), 
A. B., A. M., Ph. D., Lecturer 
at Waseda University ; 6. in 
1 87 1 at Hirosaki, Aomori- 
ken ; s. of Eizo Takasugi, a 
samurai; m. Ayako, iph d. of 
the late judge Tsunet.imi Hi- 
romi. Educ. : graduated Li- 
terature at the Northwestern 
University. U. S. A. Has been 
Lecturer at Ms alma mater, 
Aoyama Gakuin and the To- 
kyo Higher Normal School in 
succession. Recreations: wrest- 
ling, baseball a,nd Utai (old 
Japanese songs ) . Club: Tokyo 
English Speaking Society and 
A (? (Phi Delta Theta). Ad- 
dress: Kobinata - Dai - machi, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Takata, KOan (M EB # %^, 
Physician, President of the 
Toyo Naikwa (Internal di- 
seases) Hospital, and-of the 
Nanko Hospital ; b. the 8th m. 
of the istjj/. ofBunkyu(i860, 
in Kyoto-fu ; 2nd s. of Mori- 
masa Mashiyama; »«.Teru-ko, 
e. d. of MasayosH Hikida, of 
Tokyo. Educ. : studied at the 
Kyoto Medical Preparatory 
School (1876-5879) and at the 
Kyoto Medicel School (1879- 
1884); graduated from the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imp Univ., 1899. Assist.-Phy- ' 
sician (of Internal Diseases) of 
the University Hospital and 
Lecturer of Nursery in the Uni- 
versity, 1890-1896; operator 
of physical, treatment and cli- 
nical lecture of the internal di- 
seases at the now defunct Sai- 
seigdkusha, a medical institu- 
tion then under management 
of Dr. T. Hasegawa, 1893- 
1903; in 1894 went over to 
Hongkong as representative of 
the Tokyo Medical Associa- 
tion, the Gakushtkaiin (Impe- 
rial Academy) an 1 of the Na- 
tional Medical Science Insti- 
tute to present words of con- 
dolence to Doctors Aoyama 
and Ishigami who were unfor- 
tunately attacked by Pest while 
engaged in investigation of 
that epidemic in that port and 
returned "^kome in company 
with them after their reco- 


[ 984 .1 

veries two months later. Fiid- 
lication: ""Auscultation of Oral 
cavity," " Special Treatment 
of Tuberculosis " and many- 
other medical works. Address: 
I, 3 chome, Kanda, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 898, 888 Honkyoku. 

Takata,' Minoru CK H K). 
actor;- h. 187 1 ; lotk s.; of 
Takayoshi Takata> a samurai 
oi the Shogunate, and fen- 
cing master. Educ. : private- 
ly. Made his first appearance 
on stage at Miyatoza ; once 
entfred the Kabukit theatre ; 
afterwards joined theHongoza 
and has remarkably been suc- 
cssful ; is -well known as or of 
the foremost actors of the new 
scbool Address: No. 31, M- 
shiedogawa, Koishikawa-ku, 
Tokyo.. - ' V : : . :;. 

Takatar Motojiro Cifc ffl tc in 
3), Director of the Industrial 
Bureau of the Fprmosan Go- 
vernment-General ; ^. the 7tb 
7ri.~ of the ist f. of Gwanji 
(1.864), Niigata prefecture; 3rd 
5. .of Zenzaemon Takata, a 
samurai of Niigata ; m. Yone, 
I. St d. of Masanari Terada, 
also a Wnga.t3^sa7m{rai. Educ: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1893. Appointed 
Commissioner of the Depart- 
ment of Communications, 18- 
95; Councillor of the Railway 
Board, Apr.- 1907 ; ordered to 
prQC;eed-'tp". Europe and Ame- 

rica, June 1907 - Apr. igio8 ; 
teKsferred to present post in 
Sept. 19 10 Decoration: Jth 
Order of Merit. Address : the 
Formosan Government Office. 

Takata, Sauae (i^ P9 f- S). 
Hagakuhakushi, Dean of Wa- 
seda University, Mem. of the 
Higher Educational Council ; 1 
b. the 3rd m. of the ist y. of 
Man-yen '(.i860)", Tokyo; 3rd 
.y. of the late Kohei Takata, of 
Saitama; ih. Fuji, ist d. of 
Mitsu Maejima, Baron. Educ: 
graduated from theDepartment 
of Literature of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, 1882. Since 
1882, when Waseda Univer- 
sity was founded by Count 
Okuma, he has been con- 
nected with the institution, 
the present prosperity of the 
school owes m.uch to the ven- 
erable Count, and his intimate 
friends Doctors Amano and 
Tsubouchi and himself ; has 
been elected member of the H, 
R. several times for Saitama- 
ken ; was once one of the lead- 
ing members of the Progres- 
sive Party, but has for years 
past kept aloof from active 
politics devoting himself en- 
tirely to affairs of the Univer- 
sity; was Director of the 
Comrnercial Bureau, Foreign 
Office, 1 896- 1 897; and Senior 
CounciUor of Education 1 898; 
received the degree of Hoga- 
kiihakusht, 190 r ; Chairnian of 

[ 985 


the Higher Educational Gom- 
mittee. Recreation: Utai (Japa- 
nese classical songs).. Public- 
ations: History of the English 
Constitution, Outlines of Poli- 
tics, Rhetoric, On Taxation, 
History of the English Parlia- 
ment, Modern History of Eng- 
land, etc. Address : 200 Seki- 
guchi - cho, Koishikawa, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 345 Banch5. 

Takata, Shinzc (^ H tS ^). 
Proprietor of the well-known 
Takata Shokai, a machine 
export firm ; b. the 2nd m. of 
the Jthj'. of Kaei (1852), Ai- 
kawa, Sado ; Jst s. of Rokuro 
Takata ; m. Tami, e. sister to 
Hidematsu Ikeda, of Tokyo. 
Early became student - inter- 
preter at the Ebisu Custom 
House,' 1 869 ; came up to To- 
kyo in 1870 to seek a fortune; 
entered the Allen's Firm, Yo- 
kohama, the following year ; 
started business on his own 
account 1882 which, by his 
untiring perseverance and ex- 
treme prudence, has been car- 
ried to its present state of pro- 
sperity ; made an inspection 
tour in Europe and America, 
1887; on his return in the 
following year, founded Taka- 
ta Shokai Has been decoi'ated 
with the 3rd Order of Merit 
in connection with the late 
war. Address: 58 Yushima- 
mikumi-cho, Kongo, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1227 Shitaya. 

Takata Taijiro (ig ffl ® ^S15),' 
Executive Partner, of Takata" 
& Co. ; ^. in 1866 in Kyoto; 
c.s. of^Kyushichi Takata', in. 
Kuni, _^rd d. of Kyiibei Ta- 
kata of Kyoto-fu. Address : 
Yakugyojya-machi) Muro-ma- 
chi-Dori, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto, 

Takata, Tomizo (ii ffl S M), 
Judge, Sectional Chief of the 
Taiwan Supreme Court: Ad- 
dress : Taihoku, Formosa. 

Takata, Toyoichi (K ffl M —), 
a large land-owner, one of the 
higliest tax-payers of Oita pre- 
fecture ; b. the lOth m. ofjhe 
5th J. of Kaei (1852), Oita 
prefecture; 2nd s. of Mohei 
Jjima, and adopted by Koro- 
ku Takata; m. Rui, ist d. of 
Kenshi Kenki of Oita. Ad- 
dress : Usa-machi, Usa-gun, 

Takatsuji, KTarazo (fli it ^ 5 
it), ex-Presiding Engi. and 
]3irector of "the Kanegafuchi 
Spintjing Company ; b. the 
5tH m. jof the 1st y._ of Keio 
(1865), Osaka; 2nd .j. ofNa- 
rasaku Takatsuji ; m.. Mine, 
1st d. of Heizo Hashimoto, of 
Nara prefecture. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Engineering 
College of the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo, 1889. Ad- 
dress :^o. 24, Kumochi, Kobe. 
Takatsuji, iShacho (iiJfcf^ft), 
Viscount, Court Counciltor ; 
b. in 1840 in Kyoto j 
(court official). Was Grand 


[ 986 ] 

Chamberlain to H. I, H the 
Crown Prince. Address : Fuji- 
tni-cfao, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel: 528 Bancho. 

Takatsukasa, HiromicM (!1B] 
WM), Prince, Major-General, 
Grraad Chamberlain to his 
Majesty, Mem. of the House 
of Peers ; 3. in the i6th of 2nd 
month of the 2nd year of An- 
sei{i8s5) in Kyoto; f. b. of 
Sukemasa Takatsukasa, Kuge; 
tn. Junko, e. d. of Prince To- 
kudaiji. Educ: studied in Ger- 
many. Sub-Lieutenant in xZ- 
'79 ; created Prince in 1884 
and afterwards attached to the 
Board of Chamberlain was 
p-omoted to present post, Dec. 
191 2._ Address: Kami-Niba- 
n-eho, Kojimaclii-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. .• 3 1,9 Bancho. 

Taknymq,. Hiromiehi (iSiUSr 
a), Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 2nd Eegi- 
ment of Infantry siace 19- 
iz; h. in 1867 in Kagoshi- 
ma-ken ; jrd s. pf Tobel Na- 
gai, a samurai ; was adopted 
by Shinsuke Takayama; m, 
Sumi, %rd d. of Ichinojo O- 
shikawa of Kagoshima-ken. 
Educ: graduated from the Mi- 
litary AoadetBy and the Mili- 
tary Staff College. Sub-lieu- 
tenant in 1889; Geloaelin ig- 
08. jlrf(C&¥.ss." Toky©. 

f akayasoa, Jistaro (SUiS*: 
115), Kogakuhakusthi, Director 
of the Industr al Experimen- 

tal Gffice; b. in 1857 in Ishi- 
kawa-ken ; e. s. of Jigo Taka- 
yama, a samurai; m. Saki, 
2nd d, of Kammotsxi Maeda of 
Ishikawa-ken Educ: gradua- 
ted Chemistry at the Imperial 
University in 1878; studied 
Geology in Germany. Assist.- 
Prof of his alma mater; Expert 
of the Dep't of Agr. and Com.; 
Chief of the Section of Analy- 
tics ; Expert of the Imperial 
Iron Foundry ; then present 
post. Address : Nando - cho, 
Ush'gome-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
4?9 Bancho. 

Takayama, Masao (SlIiJE*i), 
Igakuhakushi, Prof of the Fu- 
Icuoka College of Medicine. 
Address : Chiyo-mura, Tsuku- 
shi-gun, Fukuoka-ken. 
. TaKayama, Nagayuki (^fllS 
s^~) , ex-Mem. of tne uouse of 
Representatives for Ehime 
prefecture, Dir. of the Nagoya 
Sugar Manufacturing Co. , 
Standing Dir. of the Dai Nip- 
pon Sugar Manufacturing Co., 
Director of the Horai Mutual 
Life Insurance Company, and 
the Meiji Petroleum Oil Com- 
pany ; b. the 7th m. of the 3rd 
y. of Keio (1867), Ehime pre- 
fecture ; 1st s. of Bumpei Ta- 
kayama, a samurai of Ehime ; 
m. Yoshi, 2nd d. of Soroku E- 
bara, M.H.R. Educ: graduat- 
ed from the Keiogijuku, 1889. 
Entered the Mitsui Bank, 18- 
93 ; and having served as Di- 

[987 ] 


rector of several of its Bran- 
ches retired from its service ; 
elected M H.R for his native 
place, 1908. Address .• i Mita- 
tsuna-machi, Shiba, Tokyo. 
7>/..--!84i Shiba. 

TaKayama, Shobei (imilif%¥), 
Igakuhakushi, Prof of the Col- 
lege of Medicine, Kyoto Im- 
perial University, Address : 
KojinkucM-sagaru, Tera-ma- 
chi, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 
. Takayama, TakasM, (;^ jtj 
ffi)> Paymaster-Colonel, chief 
of the Accounts Dep't of the 
14th Army Division; 6. i8yo 
in Tokyo. Sub-Lieut, of In- 
fantry, March 180;; Sub- 
Lieut, of Commissariat, Nov. 
1893; Lieut., June 189S; Cap- 
tain, Aug. 1898; Paymaster- 
Major,'Dec. 1903; Paymaster- 
Lieut.-Colonel, Sept. 1907; 
Paymaster - Colonel, Nov. 
1910. Decorations: 5th Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R.S., 4th Class of G.K. Ad- 
dress : the 14th Army Divi- 

Takayama, TosMaki (jg [li 

iS 59); Colonel of Gendarmes, 
cliief of^the Hirosaki Gen- 
darmery; a. in 1870, Tokyo. 
Sub-Lieut, of Infantry, July 
1889; Sub-Lieut, of Transport, 
June 1890; Lieut, of Transport, 
Nov. 1893; Captain, June 
189S; Captain of Gendarmes, 
March 1897; Major of 
Gendarmes, April 1904; 

Lieut.-Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, Nov. 1910., /?<?- 
corations: 5th Order of S. 
T., 4th Order of R. S. Ad- 
dress: Tomita-machi, Hiro- 
saki-shi, Aomori-ken. 

Takayama, Tasutstina CS lU 

(* il)> Agent of a foreign 
engineering firm ; b. the 6thi 
V. of Ansei (1859) in Kyoto; 
J. of Yasunori Takayama; 
m. 1883. Edtic.: graduated 
from the College of Engineer- 
ing of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
and the Naval College of 
Shipbuilding in France. After 
his return from abroad, was 
appointed Engineer of the 
Imperial Navy, 1883; chief 
of Shipbuilding Yards at Sa- 
sebo, Yokosuka, and Kure, 
1 897- 1 902; retired, 1903; has 
been invested with the third 
Old er of Merit. Address : No. 
I. Oyama-cho, Mita, Shiba, 
Tokyo. Club.: Nihon Club. 
Tel.: 1 1 34 Shiba (Residence): 
y^Z Shiba (Office). 

Takayasu, Gekko (M ^ % 

W' author; b. 1869 in Osaka; 
e. s. of Michizumi Takayasu; 
m. Azuma, d. of Kozo Matsui 
in 1890. Educ: privately. 
In 1893 initially made known 
the Ibsen drama in Japan; 
from 1896 published some 
dramas, novels and poetical 
works, for example "Shige- 
mori," Shunsetsiishtc, etc. In 
1902 put his production 


[ 988 

"Gessho" in play at the 
Minami theatre, Kyoto and 
simultaneously first adapted 
Shakespear's "King Lear;" 
besides issued a Japanese 
Opera ^^ Atom Hagorotrid' ; 
in 1903 his work Edojo-ake- 
watashi" aroused collision 
between new and old plays; 
in 1906 published a new 
drama " Sakura - shignre " 
which was played in -Osaka; 
in 1910 wrote a new styled 
novel " Mano-kyoku." Re- 
creation: arts. Address: 10 
Nishikata-machi, Flongo-ku, 

Takayanagi, Kunijiro {%WM 
*IR), Prof, of the Tokyo Mer- 
cantile Marine- School Ad- 
dress : No. 3288, Oi-mura, E- 
bara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Takayasu, MioMshige (ia^ii 
)&)> Igakuhakiishi (surgery), 
M. D. (Breslau), M. R. C. S 
(Eng.), L R. C. P. (London). 
Surgeon to Takayasu Hospital 
and Osaka Charity I-Iospit^l, 
Examiner in Surgery for Edu- 
cational Dep't ; b. 6 July 18; 
72 ; s. of Dr. Michizumi Taka- 
yasu ; m. Yasu, 2nd d. of Dr. 
Isamu Kiyqno. Educ: gra- 
duated Medicine at St. Thomas' 
Hospital Medical CoUege.Lon" 
don, and University of Breslau, 
Germany. After finishing 5 
years' study of medical and 
surgical practice in London 
went to Breslau, Germany 

where he became resident as- 
sistant to the well known, sur- 
geon Prof. Mikulicz ; since - 1 - 
899 has practiced in Osaka as 
a Consulting Surgeon. Pub- 
lications : Surgery of the pan- 
creas and over 50 other cont- 
ributions to periodicals, foreign 
and Japanese. Recreations: Li- ' 
terature, [/tai, and go Tcheck- 
er). C/ub : Mem. of Surgical 
Associatiori, etc. Address: Do- . 
sho-machi, Osaka ; 2>/. .•• 144 

Takayasu, Migito (MS^A), 
Igakuhakushi, Director of the 
Kanazawa Medical College ; 
b. in 1 860 in Saga-prefecture ; 
s. of Iwane Takeoka, a samu- 
rai. Educ: graduated Medi- 
cine at the Tokyo Imperial 
University in '1887; further 
studied in Germany, 1899-19- 
01. Assistant in the Medical 
College, 1887 ; Prof, of the 4th 
High School, 1888 ; then pre- 
sent post, 1 90 1. Publications: 
" A Complete Series on Oph- 
thalmology." Address: Dodo- 
meki, Kanazawa, Ishikawa- 
ken. 7el: 719. 

Takebe, Kishiro, (^fK^gR), 
Naval Captain, Commander 
of the Takachiho (protected 
cruiser); b. in 1870. Educ: 
Naval Engineering Academy. 
Lieut. Commander, Sept. 
1900. Commander, Aug. 
1905; Captain, Dec. 1912. 
Was Instructor of the 



Torpedo School in 1905- 
1912; ^ present post since 
Dec. 1912. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of R. S., 4th Order 
of S. T. 

Takebe, BTaomatsu (g;SBi£®), 
Secretary of the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo; b. in 185 1 in 
Ishikawa-ken ; e. s. of Moriei 
Takebe, a samurai; m Hisa, 
y.s. of Masatoku Fujisawa of 
Ishikawa-ken. Director of the 
Ishikawa College ; Prof, of the 
Kanazawa High School; Edu- 
cational Inspector of the Dep't 
of Education ; then present 
post. Address : Yarai-cho, U- 
shigome-ku, Tokyo. 7el.:682 

Takebe, Tongo (E U M^ "§), 
BuHgakuhakushi, Associe de 
r Institut internationel de So- 
ciologie. Prof of Sociology at 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ.; b. Mar. 
the 4th y, of Meiji (1871) in 
the province of Echigo ; 5 th 
s. of Sadao Takebe ; a widow- 
er. Educ: graduated from the 
College of Literature of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1896; fur- 
ther studied sociology in Eu- 
rope, 1 898- 190 (. Lecturer at 
his alma mater, 1 897 ; present 
post since 1901"; Brmgakuha- 
kiishi,- 1902 ; again went to 
Europe and America for ins- 
pection purposes, 1909. Pub- 
lications : " Common Sociolo- 
gy," " Essay on War," "Com- 
mentaries on the Imperial Res- 

cript on Education,'"' etc. Rec- 
reation : Rural life (especially 
of his native yillage). Ad- 
dress: No. 902, Sendagaya, 

^ Takechi, NaomiehK^gilii), 
Standing Director of the For- 
mosan Sugar Manufacturing 
Company, Member of the To-^ 
kyo City Council ; i^. 13 Apr. 
the 3rd y. of Meiji ( 1 870), To- 
kyo ; 3rd 5, of Masamicbi Ha- 
yashi, and adopted by Iki Ta- 
kechi ; m. Kii<u, ado/>t. d. of 
his foster mother. Ediic : stu- 
died in the Keiogijuku. Found- 
ed the Formosan Sugar Ma- 
nufacturing Company, 1900. 
Address : No. 36, Zaimoku- 
clio, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. Tel .- 
2570 Sbiba. 

Takeda, Chiyosaburo (^ 03 T' 
f^— BI5), Governor of Aomori- 
prefecture ; b. in 1867 in Fu- 
kuoka-ken ; 2fid. s. of Michio 
Takeda ; m. Hama, ^t/i d. oi 
Atsushi Tamba of Tokyo. 
Educ: graduated fromtheCol- 
lege of Law, Imperial Univer- 
sity of Tokyo, in 1889. Coun- 
cillor of the Bureau of Legis- 
lation ; then of Hiroshima:pre- 
fecture ; Chief of Police in Na- 
gano-prefecture ; Secretary of 
the prefectures of Gumma and 
Hyogo ; Governor of the pre- 
fectures of Akita, Yamanashi, 
and Yamaguchi ; then present 
post in 1908. Address: Ao- 
mori-shi, Aomori-ken. , 


[ 990 

Takeda, Chobei Cmw&^m:), 
a rich apothecary (shop name 
" Amiya ") ; d. 27 Nov. the 
Srdj;/. of Meiji(i87o), Osaka, 
1st s. of Choshiro Takeda; 
m. Narakiku, j/. sister to Ta- 
re Hirai, of Nara. Address : 
No. 27, 2 chome, Doshucho, 
Higashi-Icn, Osaka. Tef. : 1 14 
Higashi I. d. 

Takeda, GoioM ® H 2 
— ), arcMted Profesor at 
the Kyoto Higner Techi- 
nical School and in ad- 
dition to engineer at the spe- 
cial construction bureau of 
the Dep't of Finance ; b. in 
1 872 Hiroshima -ken ; e. s. of 
Naoyuki Takeda, a samurai; 
in. YasUj e. d. of Teiichi 
Sakada of Tokyo. JEduc. : 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imperial Uuiversity in 1 897 ; • 
was sent abroad for study. 
Assist. - Prof, at his alma 
mater; on returning from ab- 
road was appointed present 
post ; proceeded again to Eu- 
rope and America, 1608 ; du- 
ring his student in England 
he exhibited 16 pieces of de- 
coratixe design in a public 
artistic society and obtaind 
prizes, 1904. Address : 'No. 
lo, Nishikata-machi, Hongo- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Takeda, Hideo (.^ ffl 5f m), 
Rear-Adrniral of Engineers, 
Chief of the 3rd Section of 
the Department lof Naval 

Education ; l>. the iith m. of 

the 3rd f. of Bunkyu (1863), 

Kochi : ist st of Saeshi^ Ta^ 
keda, a samwat ot Kochi ; 

m. Mitsugi, 1st d. of Klmi- 
tada Kiyo-oka, a samurai of 
the same prefecture. Edtic. : 
graduated from the Naval 
Engineering School, 1883 ; 
studied in France, Mar. 1 891-1 
June 1892. Naval Command- 
er of Engineering, Dec. 1897; 
Naval Captain of Eng., Sept. 
1903; present rank Dec. 1909. 
Despatched to France, 1901- 
1902 ; took part in both the 
Japan China and the Russo- 
Japanese Wars, and has been 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 5 th 
Order of Golden Kite as war 
rewards; appointed to present 
post in Dec. 1910. Address : 
No. 10, Tango-cho, Akasaka- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 970 Shim- 
Takeda, Nlshiki CK H iS), 

Prof, of the Tokyo Women's 
Higher Normal School ; b. in 
1 86 1 in Tokyo-fu ; e. d. of 
Kiyoto Kato, a samurai; wife 
of Eiichi Takeda, Prof, of the 
Military Gunnery School. 
Educ. :. graduated from the 
Tokyo Women's Higher Nor- 
mal School, and the Wesley 
Women's University. Upon 
returning from America was 
appointed present post in 18- 
89. Address : Edogawa-cho, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 

[ 99r ] 


Takeda, Eyosakn i^^HSf I'p), 
Proprietor of the Takeda Min- 
ing Office, Chairman of Board 
of Directors of the Kano Min- 
ing Co., Ltd.; b. in 1867 in 
Yamaguchi-prefecture ; 3rd s. 
of Shozo Isobe; was adopted 
by Toyo Takeda ; m. Ichi, 
e. d. of Shikataro Fujita of 
Osaka. _ Educ. : graduated 
Mining and Metallurgy at the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1893. Entered the Fujita 
firm and became Chief Ex- 
pert of the Omori and the 
Kosaka Mines; and then pres- 
ent posts. Address: Daiban- 
cho, Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
940 Bancho. 

Takeda, Masamori (A ffl JF. 
^). Surgeon Inspector, an of- 
ficer in the' Medical Bureau 
of the Navy; b. 1865. Stai? 
Surgeon, Dec. 1897 ; Fleet 
Surgeon, Sept. 1899; Surgeon 
Inspector, Sept. 1906. De- 
corations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Order of 
the Sacred Treasure. Ad- 
dress : No. 16, Ichigaya, Ka- 
ga-cho, XJshigome-ku, Tokyo. 

Takeda, Otojiro (S; ffl 2j ^ 
li?); Chief Procurator of the 
Nagaraki District Court; b. the 
1859 in Dita-ken; 3rd s. of 
Yasuei Nomura, a samurai; 
m. Hisa, y. s. of Yujiro Ma- 
tsuura of Kyoto-fu. , Educ. : 
passed -the Examination' for 
Bench in 1887. Procurator 
of the Kyoto District Court; 

then of the Hakodate Court 
^i Appeal ; Chief Procurator 
of the Nara District Court ; 
Procurator of the Miyagi 
Court of Appeal; then pre- 
sent post. Address : S"ae:aRald. 
Takeda, Ryogo (^ pg K ^), 
lawyer ; b. 20 Jan. the 3rd 
y. of Meiji (1870), Kochi pre- 
fecture ; s. of Nobutsura Ta- 
keda, a samurai of Kochi ; 
m. i903,_Matsu, 8th d. of 
Toemon Ota, a samurai of 
Nagano. Educ: Leipzig Uni- 
versity. Address : No. 7, Su- 
rugadai-fukuromachi, Kanda, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 2193 Honkyo- 

Takeda, Saburb (Si pa H SR), 
Major-General, Member of the 
Military Technical Investiga- 
tion Committee; b. in 1863 
in Nagano-ken. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant of Artillery, June 1886 ; 
Lieutenant of — , Nov. 1888; 
Captain of -r- , Nov. 189 1 ; 
Major of — , Nov. 1896; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel of — , Nov. 19- 
01; Colonel of — , Nov. 1904; 
Major-General, 191 1. Deco- 
rations ."' 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Order of tiie 
Sacred Treasure, 5th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 41, Kita-yamabushi-cho, 
Ushigome-ku,, Tokyo. 1 

Takeda, Sadajiro C^ ffl S =^ 
BR), ofte of the" highest tax- 
payers of Kagawa prefecture ; 
b. the 1 2th m. of the Sth y. 


[992 ] 

Ansel (1858), Kagawa ; 
1st s, of Sokichi Takeda,; m. 
Moto, f. sister to^ Kumaz5 
Takeda, of the same prefect- 
ure. Address : Tadotsumachi, 
Nakatado-gun, Kagawa-ken. 
Takeda, Shin-ichi c^ g •^— ), 

Vice-director of the Osaka 
branch of the Mitsui Bank; 
b. Nov. of the gth year of 
Meiji (1872) at Iwamura- 
machi, Enagun, Gifu-ken; s. 
of Nobutoki Takeda; m. Take, 
1902. ^^z^i-. : graduated from 
the Tokyo Higher Commer- 
cial School; 1892. Entered 
the Mitsui Bank, Sept. 1897 
and promoted to present post. 
Recreation : billiards. Ad- 
dress: No. 18 Ima^iashi 5 
chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 

Takeda, Soshiohiro CS^ H IS, 
-fa W), Expert to the Agri- 
cultural Experiment F'arm. of 
the Agricultural and Com- 
mercial Dep't. Address : Ka- 
shiwara-rnura, Minami-Kawa- 
chi-gun, Osaka-fu. - 

Takeda, Takekatsu ('it BI ^ 
1®). Chief Procurator of the 
Urawa District Court. Ad- 
dress : Urawa, Saitama-ken. 

-Sigikeda. Teinosuke CS^ ffl ft 
t. m'), lawyer, ex-Mem. of the 
House of Representatives for 
Shiga- prefecture ; (5. 15 Apr. 
the 1st J/, of Meiji* (1868), 
Shiga ; i st s. of Tokichi Ta- 
keda ; m. Yaeno, y. sister to 
Noritaka Koide, of the same 

prefecture. Educ: Shiga Nor- 
mal School, Kwaiisai Law 
School.^ Passed the Exami- 
nation for Bar; elected M. 
H. R., 1908. Address: Na 
7, 5 chome, Imahashi, Higa- 
shiku, Osaka. Tel. : 2146 

Takeda, Tozaburo (St H ^ 
H 5|5), President of the Owa- 
ri Savings Bank, Ltd.^ Ma- 
naging Director of the Owa- 
ri Bank, Ltd.; i>. in 1866 in 
Aichi-prefecture;^. s. of Toza- 
buro Takeda ; fn. Tsii, e. d. of 
Kihei Sato of the same pre- 
fecture. Address : Monzen- 
cho, Nakaku, Nagoya. 

Takehara, Tomosabnro (it JS 
ii H MR), money-changer ; d. 
the 6th 7n. of the 2nd >. of 
Kaei (1849), Osaka; 2nd s. 
of Genshichi Takehara; m.To- 
ku, 1st d. of Kaemon Uyeda, 
of Osaka! Address : No . 1 6, 

4 chome, Hiranomachi, Higa- 
shi - kn . Osaka. Tel. : 420, 
Oho Honkyoktt. 

Takehiro, YosMmichi (it %. 

5 S§), Chairman of the Board 
of Directors of the Kinen Fer- 
tilizer Co., Ltd., Director of 
the iioth Bank, Ltd., and the 
Oriental Fishery .Co.,. Ltd., 
Pi-esident of the Kud?imatsu 
Bank,. Ltd:,; ■;^.; in 1848 - in 
Yamaguehi-ken;..",'^-- ••J- of To 
Takehjro;-.a sann<rai ; m. Na- 
otoshi Yamampto of the., sarrje 
prefecture: , Address :. Suetaije- 

[ 993 i 


Kita-mura, Tone-gun, Yama- 

Takei, Morimasa (^ ^ ^ JE), 
Baron (cr. 1907), Member of 
tke House of Peers, Director 
of the MeijiCcMTimercial Bank, 
Auditor of the Meiji Sugar 
Refining Company, Director 
of the Nippon Commercial 
Bank and the Tokyo Build- 
ings (Jompany, director of 

the Teikoku Marine Trans- 
portation Fire Insurance Com- 
pany, and the Tol^'o Jari 
Railway Company, etc. ; 6. 
the 3rd m. of the 1 3th _y. of 
Tempo (1842), Himeji ; 2nd 
s. of Ryohachi Takei, a sa- 
murai of Himeji clan ; in 
Fuji, 1st d, of Kisaburo 
Sumitomo. Educ. : Japanese 
and Chinese Classics. While 
young, was imprisoned for 
five years by the Shoguriate 
Government for holding dan- 
getous-political opinions; Sec- 
retary, and then Director of 
the Forestry Bureau of the 
Department of Agr. and Com., 
188 1 ; was ordered to pro- 
ceed to Europe and America, 
1884; Governor of Tottori 
prefecture, 1893 ; nominated 
M. H. P., 1 89 1. Decoration: 
3rd Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 59, Yushiraa-Mikumicho, 
Hongo, Tokyo. Tel. : 334 

Takei, Tomosada i'^ft'KK), 
Governor of Kankyohoku-do 

in Chosen ; b. in 1863 in To- 
kyo ; e. s. of Tomoyoshi Ta- 
kei, a. samurai; m.Ks.i, e. d. 
of Jomei Yamashita of To- 
kyo. Educ.: graduated from 
the College of Law, Tokyo 
Imperial University, in 1888. 
Director of the Ibaraki Mid- 
dle School; Councillor of To- 
kushima-prefecture ; Chief of 
Police in Miyazaki-prefecture; 
Secretary of the prefectures 
of Shiga, Nara, Iwate, and 
Hokkaido ; Director of a ist 
class post office ; Secretary of 
Miyazaki-prefecture; then pre- 
sent post in 19 10. Address: 
Kankyohoku-do, Chosen. 

Takeishi, EitsujK^ S ^ *), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Dita prefecture, Director 
of the Dita-ken Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank; l>. the 
2nd m. of the 6th y. of Kaei 
(1853), Oita; ist s. of Gisa- 
ku Takeishi ; m. Riki, y. sister" 
to Gyoko Asayama, a samu- 
rai of the same prefecture!. 
Address .;_Mannen-mura, Ku- 
su-gun, Oita-ken. 

Takekoshi, Yosaburo (it IS irt 
H Bi5), nom de plwn " Sansa," 
author and Journalist, Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives for Gvmma. prefect- 
ure ; b. the loth Iff, of the 
1st y. of Keio (186s), Honjo- 
machi, Saitama-ken ; 4th ;s. 
of'SenshiroKiyono, and adopt- 
ed by Tobei Takekoshi ;) m. 


C 994 3 

^o,e, sister to Okiraaro 
Nakamura, a samtiraiof Oka- 
yama prefecture. Educ,: stvi'di- 
ed'at the Doninsha aiid Keio- 
gyuku, and also under mis- 
sionaries. Began his jOurnalis- 
tip!: career ■. about 1.888 as a 
^Wteron the staffof th^ C,y«- 
ka Kpron' and Ko^umin, then 
tjhat ofthsjiji 1895 ; started 
his own paper the Sekai-no- 
N'ifipon-iS96 in Tokyo, which, 
hpwever, had to be abaodoh- 
edjafterafew years' existence. 
Won - the , confidence of Mar- 
quis Saionji and was'.appoint- 
pd hi.s- Private Secretary when 
he held the portfolio of: Edu- 
cation- 1898;; but soon ^fter 
resigned the post,, and entered 
the," iWw/fea / has sat:, four 
tiniies in the House of Repre- 
.sentatives since 1902 ; visit- 
gd.: iiyrope . twice, , 1 899 arid 
_I9_^. Decoration :■ 4th/0rder 
.of the Rising Sun. Publtca- 
tfbns : History of 2500 years 
of. Japan, .New History of 
Japan, .. On " China, etc. Ad- 
dress .• No. 14, . Higashi-.oku- 
bo, Okubo, Toyotama - gun, 
-Tokyo;. .Tel. : 459 Bancho. 
. . fakamiehi, Takep fSittit^), 
Manager of the Hong-kong 
Branch of the YokohamaSpe- 
cie Bank. Address : Charter 
,Eoad, Hongkong. 
;. Takemura, Motogoro "(It. # ^ 
JS.W), .'.ist class .Secretary. of 
•Legation '(v£>i!, desponsabilite) ; 

_b. in- 185 1 at Tokyo ; ,2nd .f. 
of Mag'osHiro Takemura '; m. 
Nui, 2nd d. of Kontoku Ka- 
yama. Expert of the Dep't 
^of- Cornmunications in 1887 ; 
Secretary Translator of the 
Dep't of Foreign Affairs in 
1888 ; 2nd Secretary oi 
Legation in 1898 ; "ist class 
.Secretary of Legation in 
11903. . Address: Harajuku, 
Sendagaya, Tok-yo-fu. ' 

Takemura, Yoemoa (it ^ % 
•^ M R), member of the House 
of * Peers for Kochi prefect- 
ure ; b. the -I2tb m. : of the 
1st jf. of Bunkyu (1861), Ko- 
chi; 1st .y. of Yosau Take- 
mura; w. Kametcshi, ist d. 
of Kiktima Yoshjmoto, a sa- 
murai . of Kochi. Address : 
Saienmachi, Koehi-slii. . : 

Takemura, YosMsada (It ^ % 
M.X I)r.,_President of the Tei- 
koku Tsushin-Coinpany; 'b, the 
nth m. of the istj. of Bun- 
kyvi (1861), Niigata; 1st s. of 
Tahei Takemura, a samurai 
of Niigata ; z;^. Chiku, e. sister 
to Kazo Egawa, a samurai of 
the same pi-efecture,, Once 
was a Member of the Tokyo 
City Council, and sat in the 
House of Representatives for 
his native place/ Decoration: 
4th Order of Merit,;. Address : 
No. 17, 5 chome, Fujimfeho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. TeL:i2^g 

Takena,ka, Teizaburo (-it tf SI 

I 995. ] 


=. IP), President of the Name- 
kawa Bank ;- b. the 2n4 m. 
of the isty. of Kaei '(1848), 
Toyama' ; 3rd s. ■ of Chudayu 
Nakayama; and adqpted by 
Gonzacmon Takenafca ; m. 
Muto, 1st d. of Waichi Iga- 
i'ashi, of the same prefect- 
ure. Address : Namekawa- 
machi, Naka - araka wa - gun , 

Takenouehi, Buichiro Cit ft 
5^ — P), one of the highest 
tax-payers of . Gifu prefecture, 
Director of the Kagamijirha 
Bank; 6. the lith in. of the 
istjf. of Gwanji (1861), Gifu; 
ist\f. of Yoichiro Takeuchi, 
a samurai of Gifu ; m. Shina, 
3rd d. of Mokuro Koza,wa, 
of Aichi. Address ': Akane- 
mufa, Inaba-guhj Gifu-ken.. 

Takewouchi, Heitaro CIT ft ¥ 
:fc W), Rear-Admiral on the 
Kure Naval Station ; b. the 
1 2th m: of the 2nd y,- of Bun- 
kyu (1862); s. of Yunoshin 
Takenouchi, a samurai of Shi- 
mane ; m. Nui-kb, 3rd d. of 
Hiroomi Murai, a Wakaya- 
ma samurai. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from the Naval Cadets 
School, 1884 ; further studied 
in France. Commander, Dec. 
1897 ; Captain, July 190 1 ; 
Rear - Admiral, Dec. 1907 ; 
,once served as Vice - Com- 
mander of the Akashi and 
• Yashima, Commander of the 
-Atago, Nisshiii, Asahi and 

L'suhudaj seetian .ra^mlaer of 
the Naval- Departmeht, 'and 
Chief of Staff of the Kure 
Naval Station, etc. ; took part 
in' the ;late war as Commander 
of the ,. ■ Nisskin ; placed on 
the waiting list in 1910. De- 
corations : 3rdi- Order of the 
Rising Siin, 3rd Class of the ^ 
Golden Kite, and many other 
foreign orders. Address: the 
Kure Naval' Station. 

Takenouchl, Hosan (■tt ft C& 

Ill)> Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 26th 
Infantry: Regiment; l>. 1864 
in Hyogo-ken.' Siib-Lieut., 
July i'889; Lieut., No'v. 
1892; Captain, March 1897; 
Major, April 1903; Lieut. 
Colonel, Nov. 1907; Colonel, 
Sept. 191 1. Decorations: 
4th Order of S. T., 4th Or- 
der" of R. S., 3rd Class of 
Golden Kite. Address: Asa- 
higawa, Hokkaido. 

Takenouehi, Jiro (it ft^ IB), 
Naval Captain, ex-Command- 
er of the Suma, Commande*- 
of the 6th Destroyer-Flotilla ; 
b. 1867. Lieutenant Oct. 18- 
96 ; 2nd Command er Oct. 
1 898 ; Commanded, July 19- 
04; Captain, I9[ I. Decora- 
tions. 3rd.; Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 4th Class .of the 
Golden Kite. Address_ .'No. 
427, Shioirichof Yokosuka. , 

Takenouehi, Jtinji (It ft Iffi 
^)> Lieutenant - Colonek of 


C 996 3 

•Artti'leiy, Cammander of the 
2Bd , 'Bafctafejii of Mountain 
Artfllejy;; >k. m. 3:865. in Ya- 
BaagHchi-ken. :SLiib - Lieuten- 
,aM, i^Si .; Xieutenant-:C©lo' 
■ael,. i#.oS. \Escar.ati(ms-: 4th 
Qcder of tke R. :S. and 4th 
Class of tlie G. K. Ad- 
■dness : Okayanja-shi, Okaya- 

T^feeH,ofl:(4i, KenMBM C-it P? 
Wi a), pawn-troker, Director 
of the Magoya Timber Com- 
pany, the Agricultural and 
Commerdal Savings Bank, 
<'ind the Otaka Bank,, Mana- 
ger of the Aidhi Agricultural 
Bank, Metriber of the Nago- 
ya Chamber of Commerce, 
and of the Nagoya City Coun- 
cil 5 :b. 2p J,uly the ist y. of 
Meiji '(a:868), Aiehi ; 3rd s. 
of Heizaburo Kaiya, and a- 
dopted 'by Risaburo Takeu- 
•ehi ; : m. " Yu, 1st d. of \^5 
foster-father. Address : No. 
12, Shiratori-machi, Atsuta- 
-machi, Minaniiku, Nagoya. 
Tel.: 1498. 

Taibnouelu, Jasabnro <* ft 
# S Si5), Copper and iron- 
monger. Managing Director 
of the Tokyo Copper and 
Iron Co., Ijtd.,- Auditor of 
the- Tetsugyo Baiikj Ltd. ; &■ 
m i-86i ; >. s. of Kisaburo 
Takeuehi ; m. Kiii. adopt, in. 
of-Riki>^akairaui-a of Tokyo. 
'%eMreis .i-'MkoMio, Kodem- 
' -mal- -Mhdmbashiku, ' Tokyo. 

Tel.: 106,8 I. d. Nanivva..'. 

Takenouchi, Ko C^t ft Si), 
Chairman of the Board of 
Directors of the Tokyo Sakai 
Bank, Bit. of the lakeuchi 
Mining Co., Adviser to the 
EjTOhu Colliery Co..; b. the 
1 2th m. of the loth y. of 
Tempo (1839), Kochi ; Jst j. 
of Yoshikuda Takenouchl, a 
samurai of Kochi clan; in. Ki- 
nu, I St d. of Ko Keuke, ,a 
samurai of Fukui prefect'jrc. 
Once was a Member of the 
House of Representatives. Ad- 
dress: No. 27., likura-kata- 
machii, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 
276 ShibP 

TaienoucM, Kyul'u, . (if ^ 

m %\ Colonel of Eng., 
Commander of the Telegrapli 
Corps, Member of the 
Military Technical Com- 
mittee; b. 1868 in Kyoto. 
Sub-Lieut., March 1891; 
Lieut., Nov. 1894; Captain, 
Oct. 1897; Major, Dec. 
1903; Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 
1907; Colonel, Nov. 1910. 
Decorations: 5th Order of 
S. T., 4th Order of R. S-, 
3rd Class of Golden Kit6. 
Address: No. i6Ukyo-machi, 
Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2381 Banclio. 

Takeiw>u<!;hi, KyffieM Cit ft 

iK —X Sculptory. Prof oi the 
Tokyo School of Fine Arts; 
^. in 1857 at Tokyo ; e. s. of 
TToken Takenbuchi ; m. Saki,- 

I 997 } 


■e. d. of Mitate Kawabe of 
Tokyo. Educ. : studied Ivory 
Sculpture undei^Ryusen Hot- 
ta, and some others. Became 
Instructor in tlie Toliyo Scliool 
of Fine Arts in 1888 ; art m. 
•of the Imp. House, to. of vari- 
oxis art societies • has been a- 
warded Medals for works ex- 
hibited at various Expositions 
and Fairs; decorated with 5th 
order of Merit. 
me : Kyuen. Address : ITa- 
gazurai-cho, Asakusa-ku, To- 

Takeuc'ni, Naoya (if l?-j f; a). 
Managing Director of the 
Nisshin Steamship Co. Ltd.; 
^. Shimsho, Toyama prefec- 
ture in 1867. Educ: Law 
College of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (graduated in 1894). 
Entered the Dep't. of Com- 
munications, 1894; resigned 
the official position and join- 
ed the Osaka Shosen Kwai- 
sha, Ltd. (Osaka Mercantile 
Steamship Co.), 1896 ; ap- 
pointed chief of the traffic 
section of the company, 1899; 
proceeded to Europe and 
America for observing traffic 
business in 1904 ; took part 
in founding the Nisshin S. S. 
Co. and has become its man- 
aging director. Address: 34 
Shmorokuban-cho, Koji-ma- 
chi-ku, Tokyo. 

TakenoucH, Seiho C'tt ft 
ffl MD. projper name: Tsu- 

nekichi Takenouehi, artist, 
Japanese paintier, teacher in 
the Municipal Art school of 
Kyoto ; b. the 11th m. of the 
1st y. of Gwanji (186-4)- in 
Kyoto. JJJdue : studied paint- 
ings under Eirin Uyeda, Ba- 
irei Kono. Was- examiner of 
the various exhibitions ; wa.s 
ordered by the government 
to go to France for inspect- 
ing art objects at the. Interna- 
tional exhibition in Parice. 
AddresS' : Miike-doriT-abura?"" 
shoji-nishi-iru, Kyoto. (Jvis ; 
various art societies. 

Taken©;E<&l, SelsaSu (fjT h 
jE W), Lieutenant-General on 
the reserve ;. 3. the 4th w. of 
the 4th J', of Kaei (1857), 
Kochi; 2nd s. of Yorisuke 
Takenouchi, a samurai of Ko- 
chi ; m. Haru, ist d. of Gen- 
suke Kifuji, of Tokyo. Ap- 
pointed Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry in 1 875,,, and by gradual 
promotion was finally raised 
to the rank 'of Lieutenant- 
General in Feb. 1907 ; once, 
served as military aide-de- 
camp to H. H. Crown Prince, 
Commander of the 34th Regi- 
ment of Infantry, etc. ; took 
part in both the Japan China 
and the Russo. Japanese wars 
as Commander of the 15 th 
Brigade of Infantry. Decora- 
tions : 2nd Order of Merit, 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. i^S Nishi-Kn- 


[ 998- ] 

saftika-maehi,' Shiziiokal-sHi. 
TaiSmoucM, Takep Ctt-ft it 

^•)> 'Lieutenant; - Colonel '<>£ 
Engineers, Gbhimander of Te- 
IegraJ)h Corps-; dl 1866, Kyo- 
to ;' s'. of a Kyoto iaHiufai. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Eng., Mar. 
1891 ; Lieutenant, Nov'. 1894; 
Captain, dct. 1897; Major,' 

Dec. 1903 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Nov. 1907. Decorations: 
4th Order of the Rising Sun, 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: the Telegraph Corps, 
Nakano, Tokyo. 

TakenoiJcT-i. TakesM (W ft 
S^), MajorrGenetal, CommaR- 
ciev'of the .17th Brigade of 
Infantry.; h. in 1 863 in Tot- 
tori-ken. Suh-Lieutenant, 1 8- 
87; Colonel, 1907; Major-(3e- 
neral,:i9ii. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the B. S. and 3rd 
Class of -the' G. K. Address , 
Toyohashi, Aichi-ken. 

Takenouffhi, Tetsu C^ >9 tSt), 
Majo.r-Genera], Chief of the 
" 3rd Section in. the. Gene- 
-ral Staff Office ;^&. in 1867 
in Fukui-ken. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant, 1887; Colonel, 1907. De- 
corations: 3rd Order of the 
R. S.' and 3rd Class of the 
6r. K Address: No. 14, Ya- 
kuoji-machi, Ichigaya, Ushi-- 
gome^ka, Tokyo. 

.Takeshima, Geazo (MhW&s, 
ipy- brewer; b. the 12th m. 
of the^4th y. of Kokwa (18- 
47), Osaka ; ist j. of Yasu- 

bei Takeshima • m. Kiku, 2nd 
d, of Yasubei Kinoshita. of 
Osak*. Address : No. 158, 
2 chome,. Nilionlbashi- suji, 
• Minamiku, Osaka.' Tel.: di 
Cho Minami. 

■ Takeshima, Matafiro (^ S X 
^^\ ex^Prof. nf the Tokyo 
Musical Academy, nom : de 
plume "'Hagoronid' \ b. 2 Dec. 
the*5th J/, of Meiji (1872), 
Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Ihei Take- 
shima ; m. Tona^ 5th d. of 
Katsutaro Shirai, of Niigata.. 
Ednc. : graduated from the 
College of Literature ( 
of Japanese Literature) of the 
Imperial p^niversity of Tokyo, 
1896; studied the literature 
of the Tokugawa era in the 
University Flail. , Appointed 
Prof of the Tokyo Musical 
Academy, 1 899 ; Prof, of the 
Tokyo Higher Normal School 
in addition ; lecturer of the 
Peers' School. Address: '^o. 
i&) Haramachi, Koishikawa, 
Tokyo. , ' . 

■Xakeshim!?. Otiiiro C'tt ^ "a 
^ IR)^ Major-General since 
1912, Commander of the i6th 
Brigade of Infantry; b. 1864, 
Yamaguchi ; s. oi "a- samurai 
of Ya;niagufchi. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant of Infantry, June 1885.; 
Lieutenant, Nov. 1888; Cap- 
tain, Feb. 1895 ; Major, Nov. 
1900 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Nov. 1 904.; "Colonel, Nov. ig- 
07. Decorations :- 3rd Order 

( 999 ] 


of the/ Rising Stin, sfd Class 
of the Gplden Kite/ Address: 
the 6oth Regiment of Infant- 
ry/ Toyohashi, Aichi-ken. 

Takeshita, Heisaku (# T -^ 
ff=), Major-General; Comman- 
der of the" 27th Brio-ade of 
Infantiy; ^. in 1864 in Ku- 
m.amoto-ken. Sub - Lieuten- 
acHt, 1885 ; Colonc-1, 1907, De- 
corations: ;3rd Order of the 
R. S: and; 31-d e!a;ss of the 
cr. K. Address : Watari- 
mra-a, Ibaragi-gunj ILaragi- 
Prefcctiire. ■ ' ' 

Takeshita, Hiromn Clt T 52.), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Shimane prefecture ; b. the 
nth m. of the 2nd j. of 
Kaei (1848), Shimane; ist ^. 
of Kokichiro Takeshita ; m. 
Hyaku, s. sister to Takano- 
suke Oiobe.a samurai of Shi- 
inane. Address : Haheishi- 
mura, Ano-gun, Shiinane-ken. , 

Takeshita, Isamu C4t T S). 
Captain, Chief Staff of the 
I St squadron; h. 1869. Com- 
mander in 1907 ; Captain 
in.iyu. Decoration : 3rd Or- 
der of theR. S. Address: 
No. 35, Kurumjicho, Shiba, 

Taketani, Kanekicbi Cit.&ig 
ai), President of the Kawa- 
goe Commercial Bank,. Ltd., 
Krectpr of the Kawagoe .Sav- 
ings Bank, Ltd., Special Mem. 
of, .the Kawagoe C|ia}Jiber o\ 
Commerce ; b.^ in 1844 In Sai- 
tama-ken ; m. Nui, 2nd d. d 

Yakuzozaemon Deyuwa ofSfc 
itama-ken; Address: Rawa;- 
gpemachi, Iruma-gun, Saita- 
liia-ken. " 

, Taketomi, Hotei (M%f^^\ 
Vice- Admiral (on the reserve); 
k the nth m. of the 5th /. 
of Kaei (1852), Saga pre; 
fecture ; 2nd s. Of. Eihojo Ta- 
ketomi, 3. samurai . of Saga; 
in. ToniQ, 1st d. of Tatsuno- 
jo S^\iz\, a.' samufai of the 
same prefecture. . ,Vice- Ad- 
miral in 1909 ; once served as 
Commander of the 3rd and 
4th Squadrons, Director oJ 
the Naval Affairs Bureau, and 
Commander of the Ominato 
Fortress, etc. ;. took part in 
tlie late war; placed on the 
reserve list, 1909. Decora- 
tions ': the 2nd Order of Merit, 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 82, 6 cbome, Ao- 
yama-Minami-rnachi, Akasa^- 
. ka, Tokyo. Tel:: 137 Shiba; 
Taketomi, Makitaro C^ % ^ 

jb 10, Colonel of Artillerj 
Commander of the , Imp. Gre- 
neral Eeglmeat of Field Ar- 
tillery ; I. in .: 1868 in Ya- 
maguchi-ken. Sub-Lieutena- 
nt 1889; Lieut. Colonel, 190S; 
Colonel, 191 1. Address: Now 
214, Harnjuloi, Tokyo. 

Taketomi, Tokitoshi C^ ^ # 
Sr), Member of the House of 
Representatives for Saga pre- " 
fecture ; d.. the , x±t\x m. " of^ 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855), 


[ lOOO ] 

Saga prefecture •, ist f.- of 
Eyokitau Taketomi, a samu- 
rai of Saga ; m. Nui, ist d. 
of Tadami Ishri, a samurai 
of the same prefecture. ^From 
an obscure politician of local 
reputation her«guddenly came 
to the form as soon as he 
began to sit in the. House 
.where he has been returned 
alfnost without a bredk from 
the first session, 1890; Di- 
rector of the Commercial and 
Industrial Bureau of the De- 
partment of Agr. and Com., 
in the Matsukata-Okuma Mi- 
nistry, 1896 — 1897; Chief Sec- 
retarv of the Cabinet in the 
Okuma-Itagakt Ministry; is a 
man of acute iilsight and great 
power of decision, and is 
moreover reputed as possess- 
ing the greatest financial talent 
among politicians of pre - 
sent .Tiipan ; was one of the 
headers of the now defunct 
frogressive Party; once Was 
President of the Tokyo Mai- 
nichi Shimhm ;. lias been de- 
corated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun. Publica- 
tion: A commentary on the, 
Budget Address :■ lAo. 13, 
2 chome, Ichigaya-Kagach^, 
iJshigome, Tokyo. Tel.:. 2696 

Takejj'a, HirOkichi (^ # j^ 

$)' Professor at the Medical 

,.-^«3ilege. of KyB[?M, Imperial 

¥niv. (ctek Patfeoiogie), Iga- 

ktihakiishi (Dr. of Medicme); 
b. May, 1875 in Fukuoka; 
adop: s. of Midsuki Takeya, 
Surgeon Major-General on the 
second reserve; m. Sayeko, 
e. d, of bis father-in-law. 
EdticA Medi<:al College of the 
Tokyo Injp. Univ, (graduat- 
ed in 1903) and TtiMngefi 
Univ. Assistant in the Me- 
dical College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. and .studied An- 
atomia pathologica under 
Prof. Yamagiwa and thes 
Pathologie under Prof Mi- 
uf a ; Assist. Prof, of the Fuku- 
oka Medical College, 1S05; 
ordered to proceed to Ge¥-* 
many for study of pathologia, 
1806; returned home, 1S09; 
appointed the present, 
18 10. Pttblications: gevefal 
essays on Tuberculosis, Vis- 
eeral Syphilis and disease of 
Nervous Sy.stem. Address : 
No. 2/1, Sbo, Keikb-mura, 
Suburbs of Fukuoka City. 
Tel: 1228. 

Taseyama, Kenzo C-M" ill S 

3>ii Standing Mem. of the 
Hamamatsu Chamber of Com- 
mefde, President of the Pro- 
perty Bank, Ltd., Director of 
the Ichino Bank, Ltd., and 
the Ichino Savings Bank, 
Ltd,, Auditor of the Hama- 
matsu Consignment Co.,- Ltd., 
and the Hamamatsu Electfk 
Light Co., Ltd.,' b, in igjd 
in Shid2;uoka'ken ; e. i. of 

[ lOOI ] 


• Yasubei Tacbiofca, of Toftyo. 
Addtess : Tennoroura, Harria- 
na-guil, Shidziaoka-ken. 

• Takezoe, Shinriehiro W ^ ^ 
— W>* ex-Prof, (of Ghin-esc 
Classics) of the College of. 
Literature of the Tokyo Im- 
fierial University ; b. the 3rd 

im. of the t3th y.- of Tempo 
(1832), K-umamoto ; s. of a 
■ samurai of KumamotO' elan. 
Secretary of the Financial 
Department 1879 ; Consul at 
Tientsin ; Minister Resident at 
Seoul; resigned the post in 18- 
93, and was appointed Prof. 
,of the College of Literature 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Ad- 
dress : No. 24, Dtsuka-saka- 
machi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

TaMj Hyoemon (M^-^'m^X 
draper, Auditor of the South 
Manchurian Railway Com- 
pany, Chairman of the Board 
of Directors of the Teikoku 
Twisted Silk Cloth Company, 
Director of the Nagoya Sav- 
ings Bank, Auditor of the 
Nisshin Spinning Company, 
Member of the Nagoya Cham- 
ber of Commerce; b. the 5th 
m. of the 14th y. of Temp5 
.(1843"), Nagoya ; ist s. of the 
late Hyoemon Takij widower. 
Address : No. 9, 4 chome, 
Honcho, Nishiku, Nagoya. 
Te/.: 573 Cho. 

Taki, Sadasuke (SI S. W, 
Standing Director of the Na- 
;g:oya Bank, and the Nagoya 

Savings Bank, Managing Di- 
rector of the Teikoku Twisted 
Siik Coffiipany, Auditor of the 
Takai StQrag€f Company, Re- 
presentative Member of the 
Takisada Industrial Company; 
3'. 15. Jafl. the 2n'd.j'. of Meiji 
(1869), Nagoya;. ist y. ©i 
the latfe Sadasuke Taki; .m, 
Sada, y. sister to Gin^emon 
Kobayashi, of Shiga prefect- 
ijre. Address : No. 3,, 3 eho- 
me, Tomammachi, Nishiku, 
Nagoya. Tel. : 720. 

Takf, ShinsMro (S tg H SR), 
draper. Representative Mem- 
ber of the Aichi Cloth Part- 
nership; b. 15 July the 1st 
y. of Meiji (1868), Nagoya; 
4th s. of Hyoemon Taki ; m. 
Haru,, aunt to Riemon Ina- 
moto, of Shimane prefectare.- 
Address : No. 9, 4 chome, 
Honcho. Nishiku, Nagoya. 
Tel.: 206 Ch5. 

Taki, Takezo (ift -it m, a 
large land-owner, one of the 
highest tax-payers of Hyogo 
prefecture; b. Feb. the 12th 
y. of Tempo (1841), Hyogo ; 
1st s. of Zenji Taki ; m. Fis- 
sa, e. sister to Mitsuji Shiroto, 
of the same prefecture. Ad- 
dress : Hirasho-mura, In-nan- 
gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Takikawa, Benzo Cil ;iHI S), 
President of the Kobe Gas 
Company, Director of the 
Japan Commercial Bank, the 
Toa Cement Company, the 

Tak [ too3 ] 

Kobe Trust Company, the Te- 
ikoku Marine Products Com- 
pany, the Hyogo Stoier^house 
Company, « and the: ; , Hyogo 
Electric Railway Company, 
Auditor of the Kobe Electric 
Eailway Co., Special Member 

, .of the Kobe Chamber of Com- 

. merce, match - manufacturer ; 

i <5. the I ith m: of the 4th j/. 
of : Kaei. (1851), Kobe ; '2nd 
....of; Kiyoshi Tokikawa ; fn. 

■Kichi, 2nd d. of Tonzo Ino- 
ue, a. samurai of Yamaguchi 

'jjfefecture. Address : No. 179, 
4 ehorne, Kusunokimachi, Ko- 
be. Tel.i III. 

Takigawa, Gisaku XSl YA ^ 

■#), niatchrmanufacturer, Ex- 
ecutive Partrfer of the Ryo- 
sui Joint Stock §«Co., Coun- 
cillor of the Japan Match 
Manufacturers' Guild; b. in 
1874 in Nara-preficture ;, 3rd 

s. of Gen-emon Takigawa ; 
in. Toyo, e. d. of his adopt, 
f. Benzo Takigawa^ Educ. : 
graduated from the Osaka City 
Higher Commercial School. 
Recreations : travelling and 
reading. Address : 2 chome, 
Mizuki - dori, Kob2.. Chi3 : 
Kobe Industrial Club. Tel. : 
59 Suma, 3,100 Kobe.'' 

Takigawa, Karaetaro (M )i\ 
mpi^V Prof of the 2nd 
High School; ^. the iithw. 
of the- 1st jf*. of Keio (1865.) 
in Shimane-ken ; e. s.jcif Mo- 
kunojo Takikawa, a samurai. 

Educ: graduated from tlie 
College of Literature in the 
Tokyo.Imp. Univ., 1887. Pre- 
sent post since 1897; '-Ad- 
dress: No. 197, Dohiinachi, 
Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken. 

Takigawa, Naganori (it JH 
.^ SX Chief Procurator of the 
Kyoto District Court ; b. in ^ 
-1858 in Kochi-ken ; e. s. of 
Nagayoshi Takigawa, a sa- 
murai ; m. Take, y. s. of Ta- 
rietsugu Kawarhura of Tokyo. 
EdiLC. : passed the Examina- 
tion for Bench in 1887. Judge 
of the Tokyo District Court; 
then of the Tokyo Court of 
Appeal ; Procurator of the 
Chiba District Court ; then, 
present post in 1908. Ad- 
dress : Yoancho, Kami-kyoku, 

Taki*uehi, Kichiryo (iffi 
a S), President of the Boc.h6 
Savings Bank, Adviser to the 
Hogi Bank ; b. the 1 oth m. 
of the Sthj/. of Ansei (1858), 
Yamaguchi ; ist j. of Jizo 
Takiguchi ; m. Fusa, 1st d. 
of Teizo Sakamoto, of the 
same prefecture. Educ.: grad- 
uated from the Keiogijuku, 
1886. Elected Member of the 
Yamagiichi Prefectural As- 
sembly, 1888; elected Mem-, 
ber of the House of Peers 
as representative of the high- 
est tax-payers of his native 
place> 1890; visited . Europe 
and America, 1900 J elected 

[ I003 ] 


Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives, 1904. Decora- 
tion: 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun. Address : Akeki- 
mura, Abu-gun, Yamaguchi- 

ken. ' _ 

Takiguchi, Kyutaro Ciil n ^ 

i: 115), President of the Eisei 
BarJ<, Ltd. ; b. in 1844 in 
Shidzuoka - ken ; 3rd s. of 
Bunkichi Hayashi; /«. Kiku, 
e. d. of Togora Takigachi. 
Address : Kita - Hama - mura, 
Hamana-gun, Shidzuoka-ken. 
Takihana, Einos'ike 'M «■■ 1 
^ 155, Managing Dir. of the 
Tokyo L. D. Co., Dn-. of the 
Tokai Cement Co., Fuji sa- 
vings Bank, Aud. of the Tokyo 
Spinning Co. ; 6. in 1 864 in 
Gifu-ken ; and s. of Gihei'O- 
goshi; m. Cho, 3rd d. of 
Chuzaemon Shirai of Kana- 
gawa - ken. Succeeded his 
adop. f. Katsusuke Takihana 
in 1897. Address: Hamacho, 
Nihombashiku, Tokyo. TeL : 
4741 Naniwa. 

Takizawa, Inao Cil W- IS W), 
President of the Ikeda Com- 
mercial Bank. Address: E- 
zome-mura, Kita-Azumi-gun, 

Takizawa, Kiheiji CM vf S 
^_?&),^Mem. of the Utsuno- 
miya Chamber of Commerce, 
President oi the Tochigi-ken 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank, Ltd., and the 41st Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Yaita 

Bank, Ltd., and the Shimo- 
zuke Cotton Cloth Co., Ltd.,. 
Auditor of the Kanamachi 
Tile Mfg: Co., Ltd., the To- 
kai Bank, Ltd., the Kanuma 
Bank, Ltd., the Kuroba Bank, 
Ltd., and the Utsunomiya 
Enterprise Co. Ltd..; b. in 
1846 in Tochigi-ken ; e. s. of 
Buhei Takizawa. Sat in the 
House of Peers. Address: Uji- 
ienjachi, Shioya-gun, Tochigi- 

Takizawa, Kikutaro (M M M 
± W'}; Principal of the Ao- 
yama Normal School; S. the 
loth m. of the ist _;'. of An- 
sei (1854), Nagano-ken; 1st 
s. of the late Jimbei Takiza- 
wa; m. Mitsu. Educ: finished 
the Classical Course of the 
Imperial University of Tokyo, 
1887. Appointed Prof of the 
2nd High School, 1897 ; then 
present post. Decoration: Sth 
Order of Merit. Address-: 
Ko. 43, Arahide- ZSshigaya, 
Takata-mm-a, Kita-Toshima- 
gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Takizawu, Suke-emon Cil % 
f 1 5& fS n), President of the 
Ueda Bank, Ltd.; b. in 1844 
in Nagano-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Sukeemon Takizawa ; m. Su- 
zu, 2nd d. of Genjiro Naka- 
da of the same prefecture. 
Address: Uedamachi, Nagano- 
ken. , 

Taku, Tokuhei C^ S ^), 
Sake - brewer, Alderman of 


[ 1004 1 

Sakai, Representative Partner 
of Taku & Co., Director of 
the Naniwa Bank, Ltd., Au- 
ditor of the Osaka Savings 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 1848 in O- 
saka-fu ; e. s. of Tokuhei Ta- 
ku. Nom-de-Plume : Joshun- 
ken-Kyudo. Recreatian : Hat- 
kai (poetiy). Address ; Ku- 
kencho, Sakai, Osaka-fu. 

TamaeW, Yosatstiro Ce3 BT M 
S I|5), Director of the Sap- 
poro Branch of the imperial 
Forestry Bureau. Address : 
Sapporoku, Hokkaido. 

Tamaki, Bentaro CS*P;k 
I!5), Expert to the Imp. Rail- 
way Board (chief of its E- 
lectric Section); 6. the iith 
m. of the 1st f. of Man-yen 
(i860) in Kyoto ; e. s. of Ma- 
saoki Tamaki ;- m. Yasu, e. d, 
of Katsuemon Shibata of Shi- 
dzuoka-ken. £duc. : gradu- 
ated from the Engineering 
Course of the Tokyo Univ., 
1883. Assist.-Expert to the 
former Industrial Dep't, 1883 
—1888 ; Expert to the Dep't 
of Communications and in ad- 
dition Prof, of the former To- 
kyo Telegraph School, 1888; 
Expert to the Tokyo Electric 
Light Co,, Ltd. ) present post 
since 1907. Address: No. 
36, Shimomeguro, Meguro- 
mura, Ebara-gun, Tokyo*fu. 

Tel. : 1066 Shiba. 
-Tamamura, Tusuke CB W 5l 

%~)> designer of construction. 

Address: No. 28 Edogawa- 
cho, Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2170 Baneho. 

. Xamana, Teizo (S ^ ® S), 
Prof, of the Kyoto Imp. TJniv.; 
b. in 1 861 in Kumamoto-ken; 
3rd s. of Saburoda Tamaria, 
a samurai ; m. Shin, e, d. pf 
Soroku Wada of Tokyo-fu., 
Edue. :■ graduated Science at 
the Imperial University in i S- 
So. Prof of the Tokyo For- 
eign Language School ; then 
of the 1st High School ; pre- 
sent post in 1900. Address: 
Imadegawa, Kami - kyoku, 

Taaistnawa, Shigeyoshi CS gp 
M S. #), President of the O- 
kinawa Industrial Bank, and' 
Director of the Okinawa-ken 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank ; b. 29 Sept. the 4th y. 
of Meiji (1871), Okinawa; 
I St s. of Shig-emoto Tama- 
nawa ; m. Uto, ist d. of Gen- 
taro Kureya, of the same pre- 
fecture. Address : Nishihara- 
mura, Chuto-gun, Okiimwa- 

Tamaoki, Haayemen (M ^ # 

'^ it f1)r former christian name 
Nabetaro ; B. C. S. (Bachelor 
of Commercial Science); part- 
ner of Messrs Taraaoki cfe . 
Co;, dealer of' tropical propi- - 
cal products and. manufact- 
mer of sugar;, &. 1 5 Ma-. 
rch 1876 at Tokyo; e. s. 
Mar, 1876 at Tokyo', e._i. 
of the late Hanyemoft Ts-' 

[ I005 ] 


maoki, King of Todshiina; 
ni. Hideko, d. of the late 
Shozo Nakao. Educ: studied 
ill U. S. A. for II years. 
Is now engaged in the manu- 
facture of sugar in Borodino 
South and North Islands and 
in the collection of feathers 
in tropical islands Recrea- 
tions : music, travelling, and 
trees. Address : Yamashita- 
chd, Kyohashi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1S73 Kyobashi (Office); 
2248 5himbashi. 

Tamaoki, Baganori CS W. S 
^). President of the Waka- 
yama District Court. Ad- 
dress : Nibancho, Wakayama. 

Tamari, Kizo (S 'M ^ 5S), 
NdgdkuhakusJti^ Director oi 
the Kagoshima Higher Agri- 
cultural arad Forestry School ; 
t. in 'i;856 in Kagoshiima-pre- 
fectuTe;_^A of Shinken Tamari, 
a sdmurcd ; mi. Waka, y. s. of 
Amosuke Tanimoara of the 
same prefecture. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Komaba Agri- 
cultural School in 1 8.80 ; was 
sent to America for studv. 
Prof of the Tokyo Agricultur- 
al and Forestry Scliool ; then 
Assist. -Prof of the College 
oi Agriculture, Tokyo Im- 
perial University ; full Prof 
in I'Sgi ; present post in 19- 
03. Address : Kagoshima. 

2&mari, Shinken C3E f J M K), 
Vice-Adniiral on the waiting 
list ; b. the loth m. of tlie 

6th y. of Kaei (1853), Kago- 
shima; 1st s. of Jimbei Ta- 
mari/ a samurai o{ Kagoshi- 
ma, and e. brother to Kizo 
Tamari, Nogaktchakushi ; m. 
Nobu, e. sister to Kahei Sen- 
da, Baron. Appointed 2nd 
Sub-Lieutenant of the Navy 
in 1 88 1, and by gradua.l pro- 
motion, finally raised to the 
rank of Vice- Admiral in 19- 
09. Once was Commander of 
the Akagi and Akitsushimay 
of the South Chinese Squad- 
ron, and of the Ominato and 
Macon Fortresses, etc. ; took 
part in both the Japan China 
and the Russo-Japanese wars 
as Chief Naval Staff Officer 
of the Port Arthur Nava:! 
Station, and has been decorat- 
ed Avith the 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 4th Class 
of the -Golden Kite as war 
rewards ; placed on the wait- 
ing list in Dec. 1910. Ad- 
dress : No. 48, 3 chome, A- 
oyama-Kitamachi, Akasaka, 

Tamaru, Takuro CB % # BP)' 

Rigdkuhahishi (Dr. of Sci- 
ence), Prof of the College .of 
Science of the Imp. Univ. 
(chair: pTjysics); b. the .9th 
ik. of the 5 til year of Meiji 
(1872), in Iwate-:ken; s. of 
Juro Tamura, 2. satmirai; m. 
Yori, d. of Hyakuni Kubo, a 
samurai of Ishikawa - ken. 
Educ: graduated from the 


[ 100$ J 

Tokyo Imp. Univ., and then 
feoiti the Leipzig and .Gotir 
ingen Universities, . 1902-5. 
iProf. in the 5th High SchooL 
1897; Assist. Prof, in the 
, Kyoto Imp. Univ., 1900; As- 
sist. Prof, in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1901 ; Prof, of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1908 ; 
established the Nippon - no- 
Romazi-sha, a society for the 
propagation of the Romanized 
Japanese, and started the 
publication of the Romaji- 
Sekai, a monthly magazine 
devoted to the above object. 
Publications: "Text book of 
physics for the use of rniddle 
school students," ," Romazi- 
bun no Kakikata," etc. Ad- 
dress: No. II, Akebono-cho, 
Komagomci Hongo-ku, To- 
kyo. . - 

Tamaru, "Zeiiifin (H A g£ ^), 
Judge, President of the Kobe 
District Court, 3rd Order of 
Merit ; b. the 5th m. of the 
ycA y. of Kayei (1850) in 
Mie-ken ; 3rd s. of Ryozo 
Tarnaru, a samura ; in. Ch5, 
e. d. of Kyobiih Kawase, an 
Ibaraki samurai. Probation- 
ary Judge, 1872; Judge, 18- 
79 ; was successively Section- 
al Chief of the Osaka Dis- 
trict Court, President of the 
Fukui and Tokushima Dis- 
-trict Courts," Sectional -Chief 
of -the Osaka Appeal Court, 
President of the Okayama and 

Hiroshima District Cou^rt ; 
then present post. Address, ': 
No. 191,'' 5 chome, Kusuno- 
kicho, Kobe, Tel, : 920. . 

Tamba, Keisuke (.jf ^ ^:^,), 
Director of the Kyoto Com- 
mercial Museum. Address : 
Kita-Moftzen-minami-iru, T6- 
fukuji, Honcho-tori; Shimo- 
kyoku, Kyoto. 

Tamba, Keizp (fl-' •}& S5c S), 
Yaku'gakuhakushi, Apotheca- 
ly-Captain, Prof of the Medi- 
cal College of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University ; b. in 1 854 
in Hyogo-prefecture ; 2nd s. 
of Genrei Tamba; w. Sada, e.s. 
of Fujimatsu Shibata of the 
same prefecture. Educ: gradu- 
ated Pharmacology at the 
Imperial University; studied in 
Germany. ' On returning was 
appointed Prof of the Imperi- 
al University. ' Address : Ka- 
mikomagome-My6gizaka7 Su- 
gamo-machi, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 
1612 Shitaya. 

Tamura, Bnnshiro (.m H '^ 
m W), Standing Mem. of the 
Nagaoka Charnber of Com- 
merce, Managing Director of 
the Hokuetsu Paper Mill Co., 
Ltd., Auditor of the Nagao- 
ka Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 1854 in 
Niigata-ken ; 3rd s. of Jihei 
Sakai ; m. Hama, ■. e. d. of 
Bunshiro Tamura., his adopt. 
f. Address ; Kanda-Ichiiio- 
cho,' Nagaoka. 

Tamura, Eambei CE3 ^ © :R 

X 1007 ] 


ffi)> President of the Tamura 
Bank, Director of the Ikuiio 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. in 1853 in 
Hyogo-ken ; m. Ume, e. d. of 
Takezo Hayase. Address : 
Ikunomachi, Hyogo-ken. 
iamura, Miyata (Hftgi:), 

Naval Captain of Eng.; b. 
in 1871. Ediic: the Naval 
Academy. Lieut.-Commander 
of Eng., Sept. 1903; Com- 
mander of Eng., Sept. 1906; 
Captain of Eng., Dec 19 12. 
Once was a member of the 
educational head-office of 
Navy. Decorations'. 4th 
Order of R. S., 4th Order 
of S. T., 4th Class of G. K. 
Tamara, Kaoomi ( W U if E), 

pastor of Sukiyabashi Church, 
Kyobashiku, Tokyj, as Con- 
gregationalist. .Address : Su- 
gamo; Kitatoshima-gun, To- 

Tamura, SHnkicM Cffl tt ^ 
S), Proprietor of the Tamura 
Trading, firm. Chairman of 
the Board of Directors of 
the Japan Rice Cleaning and 
Flour Manufacturing Co., 
Ltd., President of the Nikka 
(Japan-Canadian) Union Sav- 
ings Bank, Ltd., Councillor 
of the Kobe Business Associa- 
tion, Special Member of the 
Kobe Chamber of Commer- 
ce ; b. the 1 2th m. of the 
3rd y. of Bunkyu. (1863) in 
Osaka ; 2nd s. of the late 
Tahel Tamura; m. Sute, 2nd 

d. of Zinsakli Akiyama of 
Ishikawa-prefecture. Educ. : 
studied science and literature 
in America. Started his career 
as an apprentice of a" trading 
firm; went over to Canada 
and started trading business' 
with that country, 1888; en- 
trusted by the Canadian Go- 
vernment, with the business 
of installing the CanadianEx- 
hibits Department in the 5 th- 
in dustrial Exhibition held at- 
Osaka in 1903 ; during the 
Russo-Japanese War rendered 
valuable services in supplying 
pur army with provisions and 
was awarded for it ; establi- 
shed the'^ Nikka Union Sav- 
ings Bank at Vancouver and 
became its Managing' Direct- 
or, 1907; visited the United 
States in company with other 
famous business men of Japan 
invited by the Chambers of 
Commerce of the Pacific coast 
of that country, 1909. Ad- 
dress : No. II, 5 chome, Na- 
kayamate-dori, Kobe. Tel. : 

Tamura, Sbinzo CH ^tt ^ m, 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Saitama prefecture ; Direct- 
or of the Sugito Bank, Manag- 
ing Directoi of the Kasuka- 
be Bankj the Meiji Savings 
Bank; b. the Sth m. of the 
5th y. of Ansei -(i8S7),'Sai- 
tama; ist s. of Kozaemph 
Tamura J m: loyo, grand' d. 


[ icoS J 

of KicliiJHrd Mara, of the 
saoae prefecture. Address : 
Kacsukaheniachi MJaaoai-Sai- 
tama-gun, Saitama-iaa. 

Tanaic, ■apWCH^^ac^iffiX 
apothecaiy, Managing Direct- 
or .of tite Japan Cattle Breed- 
iijg Gcwpany, Director of the 
Dai'Nihou TeaCoimpany.,.ete.; 
b. tiie 6th in. of the 2nd y. 
of Ka«i (:iS49), Osaka; ist 
s. of Gofiobei Taaabe ; wid- 
ower. Address- No. 63, 3 
chome, D^oshicko, HigaslSku 
Oteaka, Tel. ; -601 Bojikyofai. 
Tanabe, ^ii&M (pa ^ # — ), 
Lawyer; d>. 188 1 in Aomori- 
prefecture ; s. of Jonoshin Ta- 
nabe. Educ. ■: graduated fronj 
the Private Ghiio University 
in 1904 ; passed the Govern- 
ment Exainiflation for Bench 
in 1905. Became Judge and 
was afterwards .called to the 
bar. Address : Minami-Saku- 
■maeho, Shibaku, Tokyo. Tel: 
2670 Shinjbashi. 

Tanabe, Kumaiehi Qm -AM 
^). Mem. of the House of 
.Representatives for^ N.i^ata 
prefecture. Manager of the 
Japan-OWna Spj^^i^g Co., 
Director of the Tojbij. Bank; i. 
25 Jan. the 7th y.- of ^eiji 
(.1874), Niigata prefecture j 
1st s. of Makichi Tanabej 
m, Yaj, jst d, of Hanji Yo- 
sliikawa, of the same pre- 
fecture. £^u<:. : graduated 
from tke Chuo College. Once 

was Mem. of the Prefeetural 
Caufflcil J .elected M. H. R. for 
Ms TOitive T)lace siaee 1907. 
Address.- Mo. 55, 4 .ehome, 
Mimami-Odawara-iCho, Kyo— 
bashi-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 720 

Tanabe, SadaM<iM C^'^0.'S% 
President of the Kyodo Fire 
and Marine Transportatioin In-' 
sura«ce Co., Ltd., and t&e Sa- 
kura Cement Co., Ltd., Audi- 
tor of the Car Mfg. Co., I^td., 
the Imperial Mineral Spring 
Co., Ltd., *heKeihan Electric 
R'ly Co., Ltd., the Nippon 
Celluloid Artificial Silk Thread 
Co., Ltd., the Kyushu Colliery 
Steamship Co., Ltd. ; 3. in 
1847 at Numazu, Shizuoka- 
ken ; e. s. of Shiyu Tanabe, 
a samurai ; m. Tsune, Z'od 
d. of Shokichi Motooka of 
Chiba-ken. Director of the 
Tokyo Normal School in 1 8- 
yy ; entered the Sumitomo 
firm and was on the staff of 
organization of the Sumitomo 
Bank and became its Gene- 
ral-Manager; a well known 
business man in Osaka. Ad- 
dress ;• Sumiyoshi-mura, Hi- 
gash inari-gun, Osaka. Td.: 
32 Toku Mikage. 

Tanabe, Sakuro Cffl ^ mW), 
Kogakuhakushi, Prof of Civil 
Engineering at the College 
of Science an^ Engineering 
in the Syoto Imperial Univer- 
sity, Honorary Adviser to the 

I 1009 I 


Kyoto City Office, Councillor 
to the Construction' Bureau 
of the Imperial Household 
Dep't; b. the iith»«. of the 
ist >. of Bunkj'u (1:861) in 
Yedo (Tokyo) ; e. s. of Ma- 
gojiro Tanabe, a Shizuoka 
samurai; »«. Shidzu," ^. V- of 
Baron Kunimichi Kitagaki. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
former Kobu Daigakko ■. (pi'e- 
sent College of Engineering 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ.), 
1883. Civil Engineer to the 
Kyoto prefectural government, 
1883 — 1890; sent to Ame- 
rica, 1888; Prof of the Col- 
lege of Engineering in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1890— 
1896 ; Kdgakuhdkushi, 1891 ; 
Chief of the Railway Con- 
struction Dep't of the Hok- 
kaido Government, r896' — 19- 
00; present post since^ 1900; 
again sent to Europe on an 
official mission, i960. He is 
the first one to introduce the 
construction of watel- power 
electric work in Japan ; has 
completed the Biwa Lake 
drainage works, for^ Kyoto 
prefectural government while 
-holding the post of ([^ivil Engi- 
neer to that local govern- 
ment. Publications :~ " Engi- 
neering formula," *' Water- 
power," etc. Recreation: old 
Japahese- music, Japanese 
paiMiilg, Chinese poetry. Ad- 
•iiressl:. - Shinnyodo-mae; Jodo- 

jimachi, Kyoto, Tel. : 4120 

Kyoto; , " - _;■ 

Tanabe,. Teruzane CE8 SH 
K), Member of the House of 
Peers, Lord-in- Waiting in.the 
Kinkei'Ha.ll} b. the iitli m. 
of -the I2th >. of Tempo (18- 
41), Kashiwara, Tamba pro- 
vince ; 1st J. of Yo Tanal^e, 
a samuml of Kashiwara clan; 
m. Fusa, 2nd d. of Sai'?o 
Wada, a samurai of Hyogb 
prefecture. Once was Senior 
Secretary of the Home Office, 
Director 6f the Forestry and 
Public Works Bureaus, and 
Governor of Kochi, Miyazaki, 
Saga, Mie and Miyagi pre- 
fectures, etc. ; nominated -M, 
H. P. in 1905. Decoration: 
1st Order of Merit. Address : 
Odawara, Ashigara - shimo - 
gun, Kanagawa-ken. 

Tan?ibe, Yaemon (© ^ ji.j^ 
% fl)/ Director of the Nishi- 
uchi Company, and the Oga- 
mi Bank ; b. the 6th m. oi 
the 1st y. of Kaei (1848)^ A- 
omori prefecture ; 5th s. of 
Inosuke Yabuya, and adopted 
by the late Yaemon Tanabe; 
m.. Taki, y, sister to Kihachi- 
ro Hirano, of the same pre- 
fecture. Address: Ogami-mu- 
ra, Minarftitsugaru-gun, Aq- 
mori-ken. : ;iv; 

Tanahashi, Aishichi (M'^.% 
-t), Judge of the Court /of 
Cassation; b. the ,10th ■^?^. 
of the 1st J/, of Gwanji (18- 

T ii 

[ loio ] 

60), Tokyo ; 2nd s: of Untei 
Tanahashi, a samurai of To- 
kyo ; m. Waka, 2nd d. . of 
Yoshizane Fukao, also a To- 
kyo samurai. Educ.: gradu- 
ated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1 888. Appointed Judge 
in 1890, and served as Judge 
of the Tokyo Court of Ap- 
peal, Councillpr of the De- 
partment of Justice, and Pro- 
curator of the Tokyo Court 
of Appeal ; was ordered to 
proceed to Germahy and Au- 
stria, 1899— 1900; appointed 
Procurator of the Tokyo Court 
of Cassation, Sept. 1907. De- 
coratioti: 4th. Order of the 
Rising Sun. Address: No. 
l'4-,_ I chome, . Motozonocho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. 

Tanahashi, Aya (tJI ^. »), 
lady educationist; ^.1839 in 
Osaka; e. d. of Shoyemon 
Ushfoda; m. the late Daisaku 
Tanahashi, who was a Chinese 
scholar and became blind be- 
fore the marriage. Educ: 
studied Chinese classics from 
Ozan Oyama. When she 
was 17 years old she was 
married and since that strug- 
gling with poverty and other 
difficulties she relieved her 
blind husband, beside being 
engaged in educational works. 
Became teacher of Nagoya 
Girls' School, 1872; teacher 
of Tokyo Normal School. 

1875; teacher of the Peeress 
School, 1878; afterward found- 
ed Kinsei Elementary School 
and became principal of pri- 
vate Seiritsu - gakusha girls 
dep't,; was engaged by the 
Nagoya municipal office for 
opening and managing a high 
girls' school, 1 899-1 901; es- 
tablished a private High 
Girls' School at Mita, Tokyo, 
1902; decorated with 6i.h 
Order of Merit, 19 ti. Ad- 
dress: 17 Maruyama Shiiii- 
fnachi, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Tanahashi, Ichiro (W # — 
W)t author. Principal of the 
Ikubunkwan Middle School: 
Mem. of the Tokyo City Coun- 
cil; &. the i2thm. of theand^. 
of Bunkyu (1862], Mino pro- 
vince ; s. of Daisaku Tana- 
hashi, a samurai of Nihom- 
matsu clan. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of Lit- 
erature of the Tokyo Imperi- 
al University^ 1884. Found- 
ed the Ikubunkwan Middle 
School in 1889. His mother, 
Aya - ko, is a well known 
lady educationist. Publications: 
Universal History, History of 
Ethics, Oriental History, and 
many other works. , Address : 
No. 17, Maruyama-shinma- 
chi, Hongo, .Tokyo. 

Tanaka, Akamaro (H tf 1^ 
m M), Viscount ; b. 26 Sept. 
the 2nd y. of Meiji (1869); 
J St s. of the late Viscount- 

[ loii ] 


Fujimaro Tanaka ■ m. Take- 
ko, 2nd d of Sjifu Takasaki, 
Baron. Edzic. : studied in 
Switzerland ; studied geology 
and geography at the Brus- 
sels University, 1884 — 1895. 
Once taught in Waseda Uni- 
versity, the Tokvo Hi<rlier 
Normal School, and several 
other piivate colleges ; chief 
of the Tokyo Geographical 
As'^ociatio.., 1900 — 1905.^^- 
kress : No. 43, 2 chome, Su- 
idobata-cho, Koishikaw£i-ku, 
Tokvo. Te7. : 1512 Bancho. 

Tanaka, Akira CH "l^ #), Pre- 
sident of the Nara-ken Agri- 
cultural and Industrial Bank, 
Ltd.; 3. in 1847 in Nara- 
ken ; e. s. of Kanosuke Ta- 
naka, a samurai; m. Shin, 
e: d. of Yoshinori Mike of 
Kanagawa - ken. . Address : 
Hanashibamachi, Nara-shi. 

Tauaka, Buhei CB 4" ^ :R W, 
Executive Member of the Ta- 
naka Bank, Managing Direct- 
or of Tanaka Savings Bank, 
President of the Kqjimachi 
Bank, tea dealer ; b. the 1 2th 
m. of the 5th y. of Kaei (18- 
52), Tokyo ; ist s. of the late 
Buhei Tanaka ; m. Sato, 2nd 
d. of Tozo Kato, of Tokyo. 
Address : No. 10, 5 chome, 
Hirakawacho, Kqjimachi, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 880 Bancho. 

Tanaka, Chblei (ffl ^^^ 
W), Miner; b. in 1858 at 
Tokyo ; s. of Chobei Tanaka; 

m. Yoki, adopt. d._ of San-' 
shiro Nomura. Owner of the 
Kamaishi Iron-ore Mine and 
a gold mine in Formosa. Re- 
credtions : archery and riding. 
Address : Kita - Konyacho, 
Kyobashilcu, Tokyo. " Tel. : 
457, 458 Kyobashi, 

Tanaka, EihacMro Q& t^ S^ 
A W}, President of the O-I- 
ental Glass Co., Ltd., Chair- 
man of the Board of Direct- 
ors of the Ibaraki Coal Min- 
ing Co., Ltd., Managing Di- 
rector of the Kanto Oxygen 
Co., Ltd., Director of the 
Ryiiko Timber Co., Ltd., the 
Central Paper Mill, Ltd., the 
Oriental Gum Co., and the 
Kiso Business Development 
Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1863 in_To- 
kyo ; J. b. of Heizabur5 Oka- 
wa, a samtirai ; m. Ume, e. 
d. of Heiemon Tanaka. Ad- 
dress : Miyanagacho, Nezu, 
Hongoku, Tokyo. Tel. : 341 

Tanaka, Eujita ( ffl il> 'g -t ja}, 
chief of the Traffic Section 
in the Imperial R'ly Board ; 
b. in 1 868 at Saga, Hizen ; 
s. of his adopt./. Koi Tana- 
ka ; m. Misu, e. d. of Tomi- 
jird Tashiro. Edzic. : gradu- 
ated Engineering at the To- 
Icyo Imperial University in 
1 891. Expert of the Dep't 
of Agriculture and Commer- , 
ce .1891 — 1896; member of 
the Osaka Toka Spinning Co., 


[ IQI2 I 

1896 — 1897; Expert of the 
H'ly Construction Bureau 
since 1 898 ; then present post; 
"v^as sent abroad^ -ipQa— 1903. 
Address ':[ '^ chdirie, Shiodome.- 
fchp; Shibaku: - Tef. :. 2663 
Shiinbashi. . • , 

Tanafca, Gamba CH "l^'S W\ 
soy-manufacturer, one of the 
highest tax-payers of Chiba 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Ikue 
T ariaka ; widowfer. Address : 
Moto - choshimachi, Kaijo - 
gun, Chiba-ken. . 

Tanak«, Gentaro (H tf ii jSi 
MR), a large land-owner, one 
of the highest tax-payers of 
Saitama prefecture ; 3. the 
1 2th m. of the 5th j|/. of An- 
sei (1858), Saitama; 1st s. 
of Tafnejiro Tanaka ; m. Sa- 
no, J/.' sister. to Sei-ichir5 Na- 
gase," of tlie same prefecture. 
Address : Yuldniatsu - mura, 
Kita-Katsushika-gun, Saita- 

Tanaka, Gentaro (H >i> j® ± 
BI5), M. H. P., President of the 
Kyoto Commercial and In- 
dustrial Bank, and the Kyoto 
Woven Goods Company, Di- 
rector of the Teikoku Hemp 
Manufacturing Company, Au- 
ditor of the Ujigawia., Elec- 
ti^ic Company, and the Kei- 
liah Electric Railway Corii- 
pany, Member of the Kyoto 
Chamber of CommercCj Chief 
Director of the Kyoto.. Stock 
Exchangei ; one of. the' high- 

est tax-payer of Kyoto-fu, a 
large land-owner ; b. the "ist 
m. of the 6th y. of Kaei (18- 
53), Kyoto-fu; ist jr. of the 
late Kuraichi Tanaka ; nt. Ma- 
sa, 1st d. ol Kurozaemon Ta- 
rumi, of Kyoto. , Edtic. :- stud- 
ied Chinese Classics. Thrice 
sat in the House of Repre- 
sentatives ; was elected Meni- 
ber of the House of Peers 
as representative of the high- 
est tax-payers of Kyoto, 18- 
97. Address: Shtmmachi-do- 
ri-Nishikikoji-noboru, Shimo- 
kyoku, Kyoto. Tel. .•311. 

Tanaka, Giiohi CH * tt -r^X 
!^ajor - General, Commander: 
of the 2nB Brigade of Infantry; 
b. in 1863 in Yamaguchi-ken; 
3rd s. of Nobusuke Tanaka, 
a samurai ; m. Sute, 6th d. 
of Shoshi Otsuka. Educ. -: 
graduated from the Kyododan 
(Military Non- Commissioned. 
Oiificers' School), the Mili- 
tary Academy, and the Mili- 
tary Staff College. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant in 1883 ; Coloiiel in 
1907; Major-General in 191 1. 
Adjutant to the ist Army 
Division; attached to the Mili- 
tary General Staff Office ; was 
on the staff of the Japanese 
Manchurian Armies ;• Chief 
of ' the ■ Section of Military 
Affairs -in ths War Dep't in 
1909 ; chief of the Bureau of 
Military Affairs qf the Dep't 
of War itt: 191-1 ; then pre- 

fioiS j 


sent post siace Dec. IQ12. 
Decoratio7ts : 3rd Order of the 
R. S. and 3rd Class of the 
■G. K. AddT&88 1 Gobancho, 
Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. Tel.:, 
2057 Bancho. 

'fanaka, HeihacM CB (}i ^ 
A), President of the Teikoku 
Savings Bank, and- the Ta- 
naka Bank, Director of the 
Tokyo Electric Light Com- 
pany ; h. the 7 th m. of 
the 2nd y. of Keio (1866), 
Kanagawa prefecture; -istjr. 
of the late Heihachi Tana- 
of OKayania. Address: No. 
noru Fukunaga, s. Tokyo sa- 
murai. Address: No. 4,_ i 
chome, Uchisaiwaicho, Koji- 
machi, Tokyo. Tel.: 153 To- 
ku Cho Shimbashi. 

Tanaka, Hideo CW * S^ ^). 
Chief Procurator of the Ohi- 
ba District Court, .4th Or- 
der of Merit; d. the 8th m. 
of the 2nd jc. of BunkyO (18- 
62) in Saga-ken ; e. s. of Kan- 
taro Tanaka,, a samurai; m. 
Kii, e. d. of Hachiro limori. 
Passed the Examination for 
Bench and appointed Public 
Procurator, 1887; Judge, 18- 
■92 ; Judge of the Nagoya 
District and Appeal Courts; 
,again a:ppointed Public Pro- 
;,Curator and was assigned to 
•the Nagoya Appeal Court, 
1897 ; Chief Public Procurator 
■.of the Matsue District Court, 
1899 ; then was' Successively 

Chief Public Procurator; 6) 
the District Courts of CftcaJf 
yama, Niigata and Fukuoka ; 
present post since igio. 'Ad- 
ddress : /The Ohiba DistrrGt 
Court, Chiba. 

Tanaka, Hirotaro CH t}» §2. 
X W), Colonel of Artillery, 
Sectional Chief of the ffili- 
tary Arsenal ; h, in 1 865 in 
Kyoto - fu. Sub - Lieutenant, 
1887 ; Lieutenant, 1890 ; Cap- 
tain, 1894; Major,. 1 899; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel, 1904 ; Colo- 
nel, 1907. Decorations : 4th 
Order of the R. S,' and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address : 
Osaka Hohei Kosho. 

Tanaka, Hodzumi (H t|i ^ 
ft)) Hogahihakushi, M. A., 
Prof of Waseda. University 
(chair. Politics and Finance) ; 
b. the lOth y. of Meiji (18- 
Jj'), Nagmo prefecture ;.?. of 
Shiinosuke Tanaka; m. 1903. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Tokyo Semmon Gakko (pre- 
decessor of the present Wa- 
seda University), 1896; fur- 
ther studied in Europe and 
America. Once was a wiriter 
on the staff of a newspaper. 
Ptiblications : " A Study of 
Finance," " Opinions on the 
Japanese Policy' against Co- 
rea," etc.- Address: No. 170, 
Bentencho, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Tel: 988 Bancho. . 

Tanaka, Inaki CH^t^ f§ tS), 
President of the Imperial - Li- 
brary ; b. in 1857 in Yama- 


I fQH'I 

guchi-prefecture ; was adopt- 
ed by Chuza Tanaka ; m. 
Michi, d. of his adi?/>t. f. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Literature, Tokyo 
Imperial University, in 1882. 
Lecturer of his alma mater: 
Secretary of the Educational 
Dep't ; thsn present post. Pu- 
blicahon: " TosJiokan Kanri- 
Jp" (How to control a Li^ 
brary). Address :■ Komago- 
me-Afcebono-cho, Hongo-ku, 

Tanaka^ Isuke Cffl ti" # Id), 
timber dealer ; d. the 2nd m. 
of the 3rd J/, of Ansei (1856), 
Kyoto ; ist s. of Isuke Tana- 
ka ; m: Kimi, 2nd d. of Shi- 
gesuke Eito, of the same pre- 
fecture. Address: No. 14, 
iri-ayazaimokucho, Shimokyo- 
ku, Kj'-olo. Tel. : 407 Kami. 
Tanaka, Jiiro (S . cfj ;^ jij)^ 
Chief o£ the Bureau of Posts 
and Telegraphs of the Depart - 
nient of Comraunicationg ; b. 
in 1873 at Ogi, province of 
Hizen ; 2nd s. of Mankuro 
Soejima, a samurai of Ogi 
clan ; adopted by . Yoshimichi 
Tanaka ; m. Sadayo, e d. oi 
his adopted father. \Educ.: 
graduated English Law at 
the Tokyc> Imperial Univer- 
sity in 1898. Passsd the. High- 
er Civil Service Examinatibii, 
the same -year j" entered- the 
"service - pf •■ tli& Comr.kjniea- 

tions' Dep't as commissioner 
of the Tokyo Post Office, 18- 
98 ; Prof of thi former Tokyo 
Post and Telegraph School 
and Secretary of the Com- 
munications' Dep't ; Director 
of the Seoul Post Office, 19- 
00 — 1906 ; represented Japan 
at the International Wireles^ 
Telegi-aphic Conference held 
at Bjrlin, 1906— ■ 1908 ; on 
returning was appointed to 
present posts. Pttblications : 
"Commentaries on Law of 
Communications," " On the 
Japanese Constitution," etc. 
Recreations: walking, billiards, 
checkers, and Utai\o\6i Japan-' classical songs). Address: 
No. 273, Sankocho, Shiroka- 
ne. Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 3200 

Tanaka, Jiro CB I" ^ i^X 
manager of the Nakanoshima. 
branch of the Sumitomo Bank 
in Osika; 6. Feb. 1870 ia 
B^ukuoka-city ; 2ad s. of Yu- 
ki Tan ka, a -samurai of 
Fukuoka-prefecture ; m. Yfl- 
hei 190 1, i'dwc. .• graduated 
from the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School. Was appo- 
inted a po.'st in the banking 
bureau of the Dep t of Finance 
on his^ graduation ; after su- 
ccessively having served at th» 
N ihon 'Industrial Bank, th& 
Yokohama Specie Bank, and 
the, Hokkaido Coloniiil Bank, 
■entered toj the .heEid-roffice of 

[ 10I5 ] 


present bank and promoted 
to present post, 19 n. Reo- 
reations ,• utai, ' gardeniuw. 
Address: Hiden-in-c'uo, Te^ 
nnoji, Osaka. Glub : the Ban- 
kers' club. 

Tanaka, Katsujiro CB "J* 
=*: 115), Director, and Mana- 
ger of the Utsunomiya Bank 
and the Utsunomiya Sholcai, 
Director of the Utsunomiya 
Stone and Rail Company, the 
Shimotsuke Paper Manufact- 
uring Company, and the Shi- 
motsuke Electric Power Com- 
pany, Vice-President of the 
Utsunomiya Chamber of Com- 
merce ; d. the ist m. of the 
6th y. of Ansei (1859), To- 
chigi prefecture ; 1st j. of 
Shoshichi Tanaka ; m. Fusa, 
f. sister to Tokuhei Nozawa, 
of the same prefecture. Ad- 
dress : No. 1 1 , Zaimokucho, 

Tanaka, Kazunosuke Cffl ^ 
m t. W), President of the Kyo- 
to-fu Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd., Auditor 
of tlie Tamba Isinglass Co., 
Ltd. ; b. in 1 848 in Kyoto- 
fu : 2nd s. of Hachiroku Ha- 
rada ; in. Koma, e. d. of Z6- 
ichi Tanaka, his adopt, f. 
Address: Senibpnhigashie-iru, 
Sanjo, ShimO-kyoku, Kyoto. 

Tanaka, Keiichi (IB it> Sfc — ), 
President of the Nihombashi 
Girls* High School ; ^. 18-. 
j;7 in Katsuyama-machi, pro- 

vhice of Mimasaka ; s. of 
Tokkei lijima, a samurai of 
Miura clan; was adopted by 
Yasuhei Tanaka; /«. 2nd d. 
of the late Shibajiro Baba, a 
samurai of the same clan. 
Educ. : studica English at the 
Dpninsha and the Keiogij'uku; 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School, 18- • 
82. Teacher at the Nagasa- 
ki Middle and Normal Schools, 
1886 — 1889; President and 
Chief teacher of the Gifu 
Normal School, 1889 — 1892; 
President of the Miyagi Nor- 
mal School, 1892 — 1893; Prof, 
of the Female Higher Normal 
School, 1893 — 1897; Presi- 
dent of the Tokyo Normal 
School, 1897 — 1900; Pre- 
sident of the Japanese Lang- 
uage School at Formosa, 19- 
00 — 1906. Publications- "Pe- 
dagogy ", " School Manage- 
ment ", etc. Address: No. 
106, Haramachi, Koishikawa- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Tanaka, KicMtaro CH t> S 
:fc W), pawn-broker. Address: 
No. 160, Kitasumiyacho, Ml^ 

namiku. Osaka. Tel. : Sgo 

Tanaka, Kiiehi (H (fi # —>, 
Ph. D., Prof, of the To- 
kyo Higher Technical School. 
Educ: studied inU. S.A. i&- 
creation : Labour que.stions. 
Address : Yism'a.s\x%\, Nippon, 


[ 1016 ] 

Taaaka, Klyobumi (pg tp^^), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of, Toyama prefecture, Presi- 
dent of the fanaka Bank, 
and the Tanaka Savings Bank; 
d. 24 Oct. the Sth 7. of Meiji 
(1872), Toyama'" prefecture ; 
2nd y. of Junzo Arikawa, and 
adopted by the , Seizo Tana- 
ka; M. Seki, 1st d. of his 
foster father. Address: Fu- 
kuno-mura, Higashi-tonami- 
gun, Toyama-keri. 

Tanaka, Kiyoji (H * :g -f^ *), 
Expert of the Dep't of Agri- 
culture and Commerce, Chief 
of the Business Section of the 
Foi-estry Bureau; 3. in 18- 
65 in Fukuoka - ken ; e. s. 
of Kisaburo Tanaka ; m. Ta- 
zuo, f. s. of Den Tamura of 
Fukuoka-ken. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the Tokyo School 
of Agriculture and Forestry 
in 1888. Entered the Dep't 
of Agriculture and Commer- 
ce. Address : No. 27, i cho- 
me, Morimoto-cho, Azabu-kii, 

Tanaka,' KoCH tj^ ^.i Juigd- 
kuhakuski (Veterinary Ana- 
tomy), Prof of the College 
of Agriculture, Tokyo, Imperi- 
al University ; b. in 1859 in 
iCagoshima-ken; e. s. of Teisu- 
ke Tanaka, a samurai. Educ: 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Komaba Agricultural School 
in'i883. Prof of the Tokyo 
Agricultural and Forestry 

School in 1887; then present 
p,q8t:in 1 860. .Address': Na- 
kashibuya, Toyotama - gun. 

Tanaka, Kotaro (ffltf^icBP), 
Naval Captain, a studeiits 
of the electric course of the 
Naval College; ^. 1870. 
Educ: the Naval Engineer- 
ing Academy. Commander, 
Jan. 1901; Second-Captain, 
Aug. 1 90s; Captain, Dec. 
191 1. Once was attache to 
the Japanese Embassy in 
St. Petersburg; a staff of the 
Naval General Staff Board. 
Decorations: 4th Order of 
R.S., Sth Order of S.T., 4* 
Class of G. K. Address: :No. 
26 Wakamiya - cho, Ushi- 
gome, Tokyo- 

Tanaka, Kunisaburo CH t|» M 
H 115), Judge of the Court of 
Administrative Litigation; 3. in 
1 86 1 in Gifu-prefecture; e. s. of 
Kimbei Tanaka; m. Kano, e. d. 
of Hyozaemon Nakajima of 
the same prefecture. Educ. •• 
graduated English Law at the' 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1895. Director of the Akita 
Tax Control Office in 1898; 
then of the Tax Control Offices 
of- Kanagawa, Tokyo, and 
Kyoto; then present post. Ad- 
dress : Kita-igacho, Yotsuya, 

Tauaka, Masaaki Cffl if" j^ 0, 
Paymaster r Major -r Qpneralj 
CM6f'.6f'the"Paym£istefs Dep't 

[ ioi7 J 


;of the Chosen Garrison ; b. in 
/1 864 in Tokyo - prefecture. 
Sub-Lieutenant in 1885 ; Li- 
eutenant in 1889; faymaster- 
Major in 1901 ; Paymaster- 
Colonel in 1907 ; Paymaster- 
Major-General in 191 2. De- 
coratios : 3rd Order of the K.S. 
and 4th Class of the G. K. 
Address : Paymasters Dep't 
of the Chosen Garrison. 

Tanaka, Masatomo CH (p jE 
jfji), Colonel of Inf., ex-Di- 
rector of the Osaka Branch 
of the Military Construction 
Bureau; d. in 1857 in Tot- 
tori-ken. Sub-Lieutenant, 18- 
84; Lieutenant, 1887; Cap- 
tain, 1894; Major, 1900; Li- 
eutenant-Colonel, 1904; Colo- 
nel, 1907. -Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the R. S. and 4th 
Class of the G. K. Address: 

Tanaka, Mitsuaki CH if> 36 i^), 
Count, ex-Minister of the Im- 
perial Household, Major-Gen- 
eral, Supreme" Councillor ; b: 
in 1843 in the province of 
Tosa ; e. s. of Atsutoshi Ta- 
naka, a samurai. Served on 
the side of the Mikado in 
" the Restoration. Governor of 
Hyogo - prefecture ; entered 
the Dep't of Finance ; Chief 
faf the Bureau' of Census Reg- 
istration; was sent abroad; 
Chief of the Pay Dep't of the 
Expeditionary Army in the 

Saigo Rebellion ; Paymaster - 
General ; Major-General ; Sbt 
nator ; Chief Commissioner of 
Metropolitan Police ; , Presi-. 
dent of the Peers' Schoo} ; 
Vice-Minister of the Imperial 
Household Dep!t ; Minister of 
the Dep't; Privy Councillor. 
Was nominated Viscount in 
1887; promoted Count as a 
war reward. Address : Seki- 
guchi-daimachi, Koishikawa- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 664 Ban- 

Tanaka, Morihide CH tf ® 
^),Eear-Adm., Sectional Chief 
of the Saseho Naval Arsenal ; 
6. in 1867. Cadet, 1883; Cap- 
tain, 1906; Rear-Adm., Dec. 
191 2. Decorations: 3rd Order 
of the R. S. and 4th Class 
of the G. K J.c?(lress.- Sase- 
ho Naval Station. 

Tanaka, ITamie CPB I" S OD. 
Auditor of the Board of Au- 
ditors, Chief of the 3rd Sec- 
tion of the 1st Dep't; b. in 
1865 in Niigata-prefecture ; e. 
s. of Yozo Tanaka ; m. Teru, . 
e. d. of Sada Nomura of the 
same prefecture. Address: Ni- 
shihara-machi, Koishikawaku, 

Tanaka, Eikizo (H '^ M S 
IS), Architectural and Ship 
Fittings dealer, Mem. of the 
Yokohama Chamber of Com- 
merce, Representative Part- 
ner of the Yokohama Busi- 
ness "Bank, Ltd., and the 


[ 1018 1 

Yokohama Business Savings 
Bank, Ltd. ;. <5 in i86oin.Ka- 
iiagawa-ken; m. Yonz, y. s. 
of Toyozo Kobayashi of Na- 
gano-ken. Was elected Mem. 
of the Kanagawa Prefectural 
AssemblyV Address: Moto- 
maulii, Yokohama. Tel.: 697. 

Tanaia, Rinzo (W tp # St), 
tea-djaler; ~ Director of the 
Yokohama Jitsugyo Bank, and 
the Yokohama Trade Storage 
Company, Auditor of the Yo- 
kckania Commercial Bank, 
and the Yol<oliama Jitsugyo 
Savings Bank ; 3. the .6th fft. 
of the 2nd J/, of Kaei (1849), 
Kanagawa ; 2nd s. of Gihei 
Yamada, and adopted by Rin- 
zo Tanaka ; /m. Yoshi, 1st d. 
of Rinji Otomo, a samurai 
of Nagano. Address: No. 3. 
I chomc, Yoshidamachi, Yo- 
kohama. 7W. : 387. 

Tanaka, ■ilinzi_ K (f Fl S), 
Director of the Osaka Shosen 
Kaisha ; b. the loth to. of 
the ist y. of Gwanji (1864), 
Ugo province ; ist s. of 
liyti^ei Tanaka, a samurai 
of Kiibotaclan, Ugo province; 
m. Kama, 2nd d. of Kei Shi- 
ga, a sa?uurai ofTokyo. Edtec: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tulcyo Imperial 
University, 1889. Appointed 
Vtci-Director of the Mining 
Bureau of the Department of 
Agr. and Com., 1890; then 
Councillor of the same De- 

partment; resigned the post, 
and became lawyer, 1892; 
appointed Secretary of the 
House of Representatives, 18- 
95; then having held the posts 
of Councillor <->f the Legisla- 
tive Bureau, Secretary of the 
Nagasaki Prefectural Govern- 
ment, Director of the Mining 
Bureau of the Department of 
Agr. and Com., and Judge 
of the Administrative Liti- 
ira.tion Court, retired .rom go- 
vernment service and entered 
the Ftcjita-gumi; resigned 
the post and became Dir. ot 
the Kosaka Kailway Co., 1910; 
then present post. Has been 
decorated" with the 3rd Order 
of the' Rising Sun. Address: - 
No. 12, Naltanomachi, Aza- 
bu, Tokyo. 7>/. .• 3150 Shi- 

Tanaka, Sabur" (H (p S J|5), 
PaymasLcr- Ui.ionel on the 
Helef vi5, ex-CKicroTthe Pay- 
masters' Department of the 
2nd Array Division ; b. in 18- 
55 in Nagano-ken. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant in 1882 ; Lieutenant in 
1886; Paymaster- Major in 19- 
00; Paymaster-Colonel in ig- 
08. Decorations: 3rd Order of 
the R. S , 4th Order of the 
S. T. Address : Sendai, Mi- ' 

Tanaka, SMgefu CB * |g), 

direct importor of iron and 
copper machines, Director of 
the Ishikawajima Dock Yard, 

[ ioi9 ] 


Auditor of the Yokosuka Com- 
mercial Bank. Menibar of the 
Yokohama Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. the 7th ni: of the 
5th J/, of Kaei (1852), Kana- 
gawa; rst s. of Tadinori Ta- 
naka, a samurai of Kanaga- 
wa; m.. Ryu, ist d. of Kisa- 
fauro Kojima, of Tokyo, Ad- 
dress : No. II, I chome, Sa- 
kaimachi, Yokohoma. Tel: : 
118 Cho. 

Tanaka, Sfainnosuke CES tjj ^ 
^: fl), President of the Shin- 
yo Bank, LM., Auditor of the 
Nagano Commercial Bank, 
Ltd.;iJ, in 1875 in Nagano-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Shiiizo Tana- 
ka; m. Hoyo, grand d. of Wa- 
kabayashi nf the same prefect- 
ure. Address : Suzakamachi, 
Kamitakai-gun, Nagano-ken. 

Tanaka, ShinsMchi CEQ tp tr 
-fc)« Silk-merchant, Represent- 
ative Partner of the Tanfba 
& Co., Director of the Hok- 
kaido Coal Mining Co., Ltd., 
and the Kyoto Electric R'ly 
and the Kyoto ELctric Ra- 
ilway Co., Ltd., South Sea 
Electric Railway Co., the 
Aichi. Electric Railway Com- 
pany; b. in. 1844 in Ka- 
bei Tanaka ; m. Mie, e. d. of 
Seiemon Suzuki of A'.chi-ken. 
Address :. Oimatsucho, Yoko- 
hama. yTel.: 562 /. d. 

Tanali.a, Shoemon ( ffl tf IE ^' 
?S P5), Shipping Agent, Presi- 
dent of the 1 13& Bank, Ltd., 

and the Hakodate Savings 
Bank, Ltd.; <5. in 1840 in Fu- 
kui-ken ; 2nd s. of Kanzabu- 
ro Nagatani ; m. Ise, e. d. of 
Montaro Sakai of Hokkaid5. 
Succeeded \i\&^adopt. f. Shoe- 
mon Tanaka in 1876. Address: 
Tenjincho, Hakodate, ' 

. , Tanaka, Sh~hei C H * IE ^), 
Rigakuhakushif Expert of the 
Imperial R'ly Board; b. in 
1802 m ixvogu-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Saiji Tanaka, a samu- 
rai ; in. Take, 4th d. of Jyozo 
Yamanaka of Tokyo-fu. Educ: 
grsduatec'r Physics at the Im- 
perial University; pursued the 
study of physics and music 
in Germany for fifteen years. 
Upon returning from Germany 
entered the Nihon R'ly Co., 
Ltd. ; then present post. Ad- 
dress :_ Higashi - Naka - L)5ri, 
Tsukijima, Kyobashiku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 105 Kyob.ashi. 

Tanaka, Shotaro Cffl tji je jk 
SfO, Commissioner of Iwate- 
prefecture. Address : Mori- 
oka, Iwate-ken. 

Tanaka, Shoun (B ^ if 8), 
Eijiro by proper name, woo- 
den sculptor ; b. 1868 in 
Osaka ; s. of Shusui Ta- 
naka, sculptor of the 31st 
generation ; m. younger sister 
of Naganobu Kano. JEdtic. ': 
privately." Was assistant Prof, 
of the Tokyo Fine Art School, 
1890 ; exhibited his work 
"General Haira's" image, : one 


[ I020 3 

of twelve generals of "Yakiishi 
gods," and obtained a silver 
medal and it was honouraMy 
purchased by tbe Impress Do- 
wager ; afterwards exhibited 
his work "a dog" in the 
Tokyo engraving society and 
obtained a copper medal; besi- 
des exhibited his works in va- 
rious exhibitions and obtained 
many prizes. -Recreations : 
reading, toy. Address : 'No. 
5 47 3, Matsuga - Hana - cho, 
Minami-ku, Osaka. Olubs : 
chief of the dep't of sculp- 
ture in the society of alunmi 
of the Kwansai Art School 
Tanaka, Shosd (H tf jE It), 

ex-Mem. of the House of Re- 
presentatives ; 3. iri 1 841 in 
Tochigi-ken. He was for - 
tnerly a.,]VanusAi {he3.d) of a 
village in his native province 
but was banished on accqunt of 
political offences^; was ap- 
pointed an administrative of- 
ficial of Tochigi-prefecture in 
1869; severely criticized Gov- 
ernor Mishima's civil engineer- 
ing works and was imprison- 
ed for some months ; elected 
Mem. of the House of Repre- 
sentatives in 1 890 ; fought a- 
gainst the Government in con- 
nection with the Ashio Mi- 
neral Poisoning Question oyer 
ten years ; at last resigned 
the post and presented a direct 
appeal on the matter to the 
Mikado on the ©pen road. Rec- 

reatton: promotion of public 
welfare. Address : Shimot'su- 
ga:gun, Tochigi-ken. , 

Tan^ia, Suiichiro (0 t^; 2^ 

-" IP)> Professor of history at 
the Keio _Univ.; b. March, 
1873, ill Odake, Sliidzubka- 
ken; 5. of Torio Tanaka | 'm. 
Satsuki, 3rd d. of Saiehiro 
Yoshimoto, January, " i 896. 
Educ. : graduated from' thti 
College of Literature of the 
Keio Univ., studied in Lon- 
don Univ. and Leipzig Univ. 
Was made the professor of 
the Keio Univ. 1899; Pzib- 
lications: Modern History of 
Oriental Countries, 2 vol., (in 
Japanese), translation of De- 
molins A-t. on interet a 
s'emparer dii Pouvoirf and 
D'Ohsson's Histoire des Mon- 
gols. Address: No. 28, Ni-' 
chome Ichibeicho, AzabU, 


Tanaka, Susmnu (© tji ■#)» 

retired lawyer; b. 1853 ih 
Tokyo; s. of Shunrei Tanaka; 
■m. Ume-ko Tanaka, 1869. 
Educ. .'Studied Chinese classics 
while, young and afterwards 
studied law. Profession of 
lawyer from 1 88 3 . to ; 1 9 t r. 
Address: Sendagaya, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo-fu. ■ 

I'anaia, Tadatehird Cffl ff nt 
~ IR), Member of the Board 
of Trustees and manager of 
Waseda University, Director 
of the Nisshin Life Insuraifde 

[ I02l ] 


Co., Ltd., Auditor of the Nis- 
shiaPrmting Company, Ltd. ; 
_&..iii.i867 in Saitania-prefec 
tiire;, «. of Toichiro Tanaka; 
m. Tomo, e. d. of Soichiro I- 
manari. Educ: graduated Po- 
litics and Economics at the 
Waseda University in 1889. 
After graduation 'was on the 
staff of the Compiling Bureau 
of his cdma mater ; then Ma- 
nager of the same institution. 
Recreation: Utai. . Club: Wa- 
seda University Almuni As- 
sociation. Address: Yaraicho, 
Ushigonieku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2283 Bancho. 

' Tanaka, Takaki (ffl tf it iS), 
Chairman of the Board ol 
Directors of the Mivako Bank, 
Ltd., Dir. of the Tokyo Soy 
Co., Ltd., And. of the Shiobara 
Railway Co.; &. in 1851 in Sa- 
Ka, a samurat ; m Ritsu, e. 
d. of Chitate Haraguchi of To- 
kyo. Enteri>;d the Dep't of 
Finance in 1875; was trans- 
/erred to the Bank of Japan 
in 1^82 ; became Director of 
the Aichi Bank in 1 897 ; then 
President of the Hokkaido 
Bank in 1903. Address : Dai- 
machi, Akasaka - ku; Tokyo. 
T>/. :• 2666'Shimbashi. 

Tanaka, Takeo CH >? jet M:).. 
Dir. of the Kumamoto Post 
and Telegraph Superintending 
Bni^l; h'. in>: 1871 in Tokyo-fu; e, 
s. of Ytizo Tanaka; m. Mura, e. 
d. of Sanji lida of Tokyo-fu. 

Educ: passed the Higher Civft 
Examination in i8g6;. Entered 
the Dep't of Communications 
in 1 896; Secretary of the Dep't 
of Communicatioas ; Director 
of a I St class Post Office, Sec- 
retary of the Dep't of Com- 
munications, then present post. 
Address: Kumamoto. 

Tanaka, Tamio CH tf S ^), 
Prof, of the Nagasaki Medical 
School, sth Order of Merit ;, 
b. the 2nd m. of the 3rd y^ 
of Keio (1867) in Tottori-ken; 
e. s. of Junzen Tanaka, a sa- 
murai ; m. Tami, 2nd d. of 
Ritsujiro Kitagawa. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Medicine of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1890; studied Patho- 
logic in Germany, 1909-^19- 
II. Assistant to the Univer- 
sity Hospital, 1890; Prof of 
the 5 th High School, and in 
addition Quarantine Experts 
1 896 ; then present post. Ad- 
dress • the Nagasaki Medical 
School, Nagasaki. 

Tanaka, Tan (B It" Si), form- 
er head-rhan of Kitatoshima- 
gun, Tokyo-fu; b. 1863 in 
Niigata - ken ; s. of . Sanbei 
Tanaka; »«; Tomi-ko, d. of 
Rokusaburo Ichihara. Bdttc : 
graduated from the Hosei 
Daigaku, a private law in-" 
stitution. An official of the 
Tokyo-fu; head-man of Kita- 
toshirna-gun'; resigned the 
post, 191 1. Address-.' No^ 


[ 102^ j 

1450, Itabashi, Kitatoshima 
gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Tanaka, Taro Cffl * * W), 
Superintendent of chanty 
vwork^^ the city of Tokyo ; 
*. 1 8^ in Tokyo- s. of Ta- 
naka -Bhigeto ; m. to Miss 
K. OIkawa, 5. of Colonel Oi- 
kawa, in 1910./ Educ. : stti- 
died at Aoyama G-akuin col- 
lege and at Waseda Univer- 
sity, Appointed the govern- 
ment statistician in 1 894, re- 
signed in 1907. Present ap- 
pointment in 191 1. Studied 
the social works in Europe 
and Amerisa for nearly two 
years since 1908. Publica- 
tions ; Many works, hut the 
latest one is "My social sur- 
vey in the West. " Recrea- 
tion : speach. Address : No. 
13, 2 chome, Oniote-machi, 
Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. Club : 
Tokyo Statistic Asso. 

Tanaka, Tobei C W i? ^ :^ #).' 
pawn-broker; d. the nth m. 
of the 2nd j. of Ansei (18- 
55), Osaka; ist s. of Tosu- 
ke Tanaka; m. Ume, ist d. 
of Nihei Shimomura, of Osa- 
ka. Address : No. yj, Izumio- 
cho, Nishiku, Osaka. 

Tanaka, TokuyosM Cp- tf ^ 
^). Managing Director of the 
Shoei Bank, Ltd.; d. in 18- 
64 in Tokyo-fu ; e. s. of To- 
kuhon Tanaka, a samurai; 
m. Roku, y. s. of Tetsutairo 
Hagi wara of Tokyo . Address: 

Kaga-cho, UshigoiBe -ku,' 
Tolgro. Tel. : 4192 Bancho. 

Taaaka, Tonioharu CfH tf»'-^ 
^'), Igalci^haJcusM, Prof, of the. 
Medical College of the^lYkyo 
Imp^ Univ., Member of the 
Examination Committee for 
Medical Practitioners. Ad- 
dress : 2 chome, Sarugaku- 
cho, Kanda, Tokyo. - 

Tanaka, Tomokuai CE9 (? *p 
^). Director of the Hamada 
Bank, Ltd.; b. in 1847 in 
Shiga-ken ; e. s. of Tomotari 
Tanaka ; m. Shika, sister of 
Saiki Iwase, a Mie samurai. 
An official of the Court of 
Cassation ; headman of count- 
ies in the prefectures of Fu- 
kui and Shiga ; Councillor to 
Shimane prefecture ; President 
of the Shimane brancli of the- 
Japan Sanitary Association ; 
Chairma:n of a county Council.; 
President of county a'gri - 
cultural and educational so- 
cieties ; president o* the 5 ya 
Bank ; then Present post. Pu- 
blications : many works on 
national education. Address: 
Hamada - machi, Shimane ■ 

Tanaka, Tsuneichiro CH t{j |^ 
— IP), Hotel proprietor, Pres- 
ident of the Koshin Bank, 
Director of the Tokyo Elec- 
tric Light Company, the Oh- 
taru Oil Manufacturing Com- 
pany, : the- Sapporo Timber' 

[ .I023 j 


Co., Auditor of the Imperial 
Hotel, Ltd., the Kotmke tlail- 
war On.. lleT)ref or af i vr M( m. 
of the Tanaka Partnership ; 
b. the 4th m. of the 3rd y. 
of Kokvva (1845), Tokyo; 
1st s. of Yoemon Tanaka ; 
widower. Address: No. i 
Sojiiromachi, Kyobashi, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2213 Shimbashi. 

Tanaka, Yataro CPa ^^ KiclP), 
Surgeon -Colonel on the re- 
tired liPt pii.ce Dec. 19,12; 
b. 1864, Tokyo. Surgeon-Sub- 
Lieutenant, Jan. 1885 ; Sur- 
geon-Lieutenant, Nov. 1887 ; 
Surgeon-Captain, Jan 1891 ; 
Surgeon-Major, Mar. 1897 ; 
Surgeon - Lieutenant -Colonel, 
Apr. 1904; Surgeon-Colonei , 
June. 1908 Decorations : 4\.h. 
Class of the Golden Kite; 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad - 
dress: Formosan Government- 

Tanaka, Yoshinari (H tf K 
Jft), Bungakuhaktishi (Histo- 
ry), Prof of the College of 
' Literature of the Tokyo Im- 
perial University, Compiler of 
History; b. in i860 in To- 
kyo ',6. s. of Sandayu Tana- 
ka, a samurai ; in. Sue, e. d. 
of Nobuaki Murata of Shizu- 
oka-ken. Educ: studied pri- 
vately. Address: Aizumicho, 
Yotsuya, Tol<yo. 

Tanaka, YosMo Cffl * ^ |&), 
Lord-in- Waiting of the Kin- 
^^/ Hall, Member of the House 
of Peers ; b. the "^th m. of 

the 9th jj/. of Tempo (1838), 
Kasamatsu, province of Mino; 
2nd s. of Josui Tanaka, a 
samurai of Kasamatsu clan ; 
m. Ei, y. sister to Motohira 
Mitsuzawa, a samurai of Na- 
gano prefjcture. Secretary 
of the Departments of Agr. 
and Com. and the Home ■ 
Affairs ; Senator ; was order- 
ed to proceed to France, Aus- 
tria and America ; nominated 
Mem. of the House of Peers, 
1890. Decoration: ist Order 
of Merit. Address : No. 72, 
Kin'^ukecho, Hongo, Tokyo. 

Tanaka, Yoshio CH * ^ 
H), Kogakuh tkusfii (Doctor 
of Engineering), assit. prof, 
in the college of enginoerig 
of the Tokyo Im)). Univ. 
Address: No. 10 N isJiikata- 
machi, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 

Tanaka, Yoshitatsu CEB 4> 8 
^\ Governor of the Osaka 
Prison. Address: No. 18, g^ii- 
ehirc-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. 

Tanaka, Zempachi CH-f'#A), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Kyoto-fu ; b. 26 Sept. the 
Sthy. of Meiji (1872), Kyoto; 
1st s. of Ichirpemen Tanaka; 
m. Kimi, ist d. of Shichiro- 
bei Hirota, of Kyoto. Ad- 
dress : Aburakoji, Shimokyo- 
Ini, Kyoto. TeJ. : 671 Shiroo. 

Tanaka, Zensnke CB 4" # BO), 
import and export nsefchant. 
Director of the Yokohama 
Electric Railway Company, 


[ 1024 ] 

the Yokohama . Sugar Refin- 
irig Company, and of the Dai- 
Nippon Kyodo Transportation 
Cornpany, Auditor of the Nis" 
shin Spinning Company, the 
ShirotoCoal Company, and of 
the Nippon Fire-proof Brick 
Company, etc. ; b. the 5th m. 
of the ixA y. of Kdkwa (18- 
46), Yokohama; m, Raku, ist 
^. of the late Ichigoro Tana- 
ka, of Kariagawa. Address: 
No. 65 Miyazaki-cho, Yokoha- 
ma. Tel. : 555. 

Tanakadate, Aikitsu (ffl >f t^ 
^ iS), Rigakuhakushi (phy - 
sics), Prof of the College of 
Science, Imperial University 
of Tokyo ; b. in 1856 in Iwa- 
te-ken : e, s. of Inaz5 Tana- 
kadate, a samurai. Educ. . 
graduated Physics at the Im- 
perial " University in 1882 ; 
was sent abroad for study. 
Assistant-Prof of his almama- 
Ur in i883.;6n returning was 
appointed of its Prof Reaea- 
tion: Aviation. Decoration: 2nd 
Order of Merit. Address: Ya- 
yoicho, Hongoku, Tokyo. 

Tanda, Kasaku if: B pI f^), 
President of the Akashi Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Akashi 
J^yoshin Co-i. Ltd.; b. in .18- 
46 in Hyogo-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Hambei Tanda ; in. Yae> ^■ 
d. of Chiizaemon Naito' of 
the same prefecture. Address: 
Ikawatani-mura, Akashi-gun, 

Taneda, Hidezane, (:g H ^ 
S). colonel of infantry^ Com- 
mander of the Utsunomiya 
regimental district ; b. 1869 
in Kagoshima. Sub - lieut., 
March 1893; lieut., March 
1895; captain, March 1899; 
major, August 1904 ; lieut.- 
colonel, Dec. 1908 ; colonel, 
Sept. 1 91 2. Decorations: 5th 
order of S. T., 4th order of 
R. S., sth class of G., K. 
Address: Utsunomiya. ' 

Tanwlft, ■Phachiro CS ^ PB /& 
A II5), Inspector - General of 
Naval Construction ; h. in 
1865 in Kagoshima-prefec- 
ture ; e. s... of Ichibei Ta- 
neda, a samurai ; to. Nak^ 
Tanimura of the same pre- 
fecture. E,'/«c..' graduated from 
the Naval Engineering Col- 
lege. Commander of Engi- 
neering in 1 898 ; Inspector 
of Naval Ordnance in 1903; 
present rank in 1909. Deco- ^ 
rations : 3rd Order of the R. 
S. and 4th Class of the G. 
K. Address: Kure, Hiroshi- 
, ma-ken; , ■ 

Tange, Kenkichi Cfl- T ^ a ;, 
an official in the Horse Admin- 
istration Bureau ; b. the I2th 
m. of the 4th y. of Ansei 
(1857), Imaharu, lyo province; 
2nd s. of itsuo Tange, a samu- 
rai of Imaharu clan ; m. Mie, 
ist d. of Sukeyoshi Tadzu, 
a samurai of Iwate. Educ. : 
veterinary science. Once was 

I02j J 


Engineer of the Department 
of Agriculture and Commerce; 
thrice ordered to proceed to 
Europe and America. Deco- 
ration : 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 69, Sambancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. . 

Tani, Gunjiro (# V ?S BIO, 
Surgeon - Lieutenant - Colonel , 
Director of the Port Arthur 
Garrison Ho.spital ; b. 1 868, 
Kumamoto ; .?. of a samurai 
of Kumamoto. Surgeon-Sub- 
Lieutenant, Dec, 1 892 ; Sur- 
geon-Lieutenant, Mar. 189s ; 
Surgeon-Captain, Oct. 1897; 
Surgeon-Major, Mar. 1903 ; 
Surgeon-Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Dec. 1907. Decorations : 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun ; 
4th Class of, the Golden Kite. 
Address : the Hospital, Port 

Tani, Izumi (# ^), Physi- 
cian, Proprietor of the Tokyo 
Anus Hospital ; d. Nov. the 
4th J. of Meiji (1870) in Ko- 
chi-prefecture; younger brother 
of Ichitar5 Tani; /«. Hisayo, 
e. d. of Chokusei Yamanaka 
of the same prefecture. Suc- 
ceeded his elder brother I- 
chitarc -^ Tani in Feb 1887. 
Address : No. 3, Sakuragawa- 
cho, Nishinokubo, Shiba, To- 
kv'^. Tel : 2768 Shiba. 

Tani, Nakakichi (# -ft ^0, 
a large land-owner, one of the 
highest tax-payers of Miya- 
zaki prefecture, timber-ex- 

porter, grocer ; ^. 23 Mar. 
the 3rd y. of Meiji (1870), 
Miyazaki prefecture ; ist J. 
of Naka Tani; m. Nara, 1st 
d. of Gohei Tani, of the same 
prefecture. Address: Okato- 
mi-mura, Higashi-usuki-gun, 

Tani, Shichitaro (^ -t *: W), 
Managing Director of the Sap- 
poro Timber Company, Di- 
rector of the Sapporo Store- 
house Company, Auditor of 
the Hokkaido Development 
Company ; b. the 5th m. of 
the 1st y. of Keio (1865), 
Ishikawa prefecture ; 7th s. 
of Masayori Tani, and adopt- 
ed by Kichizo Tani ; m. Ku- 
ni, 3rd d. of Chobei Haya- 
shi, of Hokkaido. Address : 
No. 9, 3 chome, Kitanijo-hi- 
gashi, Sapporo. Tel. : 28. 

Tani, Shinsuke (S- Iff B , 
ex-Member of the House of 
Peers (representing the high- 
est tax-payers of Osaka-fu), 
apothecary ; b. the 7th m. of 
the 4th y. of Kokwa (1847), 
Osaka; ist s. of Uhei Tani; 
m. Ishi, 1st d. of Masaemon 
Matsumoto, of Osaka. Once 
was a Member of the Pi-e- 
fectural Assembly and of the 
Osaka Chamber of Commerce, 
etc. ; elected M. H. P. in Dec, ; 
1906. Address: No. 49, 2 cho- 
me, Fushimicho, Higashiku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 458 Cho Hon-; 


1026 ■ 

" Tanida-'Fumie C^ EH ^ ^), 

Liexit.-General on the reserve, 

ex-Com. of Gendarmes ; h. the 
8th m. of the 2nd y. of An- 

sei (1855), Tokushima ; ist 
s. of Uhei Tanida ; m. Tori, 
y. sister to Juro Suzuki, of 
Kumamoto.'- Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the MiHtary Staff 
College. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantry, July 1877 ; Lieuten- 
ant, Apr. 1881 ; Captain, Jan. 
1885 ; Major, Feb. 1891 ; 
Lieutenant-Colonel, Apr. 18- 
95 ; Colonel, Oct. 1897; Maj- 
or-General, May 1902 ; Lieu- 
tenant-General, Aug. 1909 ; 
once wa.s Commander of the 
4th Regiment of Guards In- 
fantry, Chief of Staff of the 
2nd Army Division, and Com- 
mander of the 20th Brigade 
of Infantry and then of the 
loth Brigade of Infantry, etc.; 
took part in both the Japan- 
China and the Russo-Japa- 
nese wars. Decorations : 2nd 
Order of the Rising Sun, 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 28, Koga,i-cho, 
Azabu-ku, Tokyo. • 

Tanida, Saburo C^ ffl H'lR), 
Director of the Prison Bu- 
reau - of the Justice, Procu- 
rator of the Tokyo Court 
of Appeal; 3. in 1871 in 
Kyoto-fu ; 3rd s. of Taizo 
Tanida ; m. Tamano, e.^d. of 
Shigeo Nishioka.. £duc. : pas- 
sed the Examination for Bench 

in 1894. Judge of the Dis- 
trict Courts of Osaka and Kyo- 
to; Procurator of the Osaka 
Appeal ,Court ; Councillor of 
the Dep't of Justice ; was sent 
abroad in 1909 ; then present 
post. Addrebs : So. 396, JSfi- 
shi— Okubo, Toyotama-gun, 

Tanida, Shigetaro (# B ^ 
± SP), Colonel of Eng., 
Instructor of the Military 
Eng. and Artillery School, 
Member of the Military 
Technical Committee; i. 
1873 in Osaka. Sub-Lieut., 
March 1894; Lieut., April 
1895; Captain, Oct. 1897; 
Major, July 1904; Lieut. 
Colonel., Dec. 1908; Colonel, 
Feb. 1 9 12. Decorations: 5th 
Ordor of S. T., 4th Order 
ofR. S. Address: No. Na- 
gazumlt-cho, Yotsuya, Tokyo. 

Taniguchi, Fusazo (^ n ^^ 
M), Managing Director of the 
Osaka Godo Spinning" Com- 
pany, Director of the Nagoya 
Sheets Company, and the Co- 
rean Cotton Company, Mem- 
ber of the Osaka Chamber 
of Commerce ; b. the 5th m. 
of the 1st y. of Bunkyu^iS- 
61), Osaka; 2nd s. of Sata- 
ro Taniguchi ; m. Etsu, 4th 
d. of Koma Dogi, of Osaka. 
Address : No. 20, 2 chome, 
Kita - Kyiitaromachi, Higashi 
ku, Osaka. Tel.: 115 5 Hi- 

[ I027 ] 



Taniguchi, Ken (^ P M), 
Igakiiliakiishi (Dr. of Med.), 
Surgeon - Major - General on 
the reserve; b. the ist w. of 
the 3rd y. of Ansei (1856), 
Tokyo ; ist s.. of Aritoshi 
Taniguchi, a saimirai of To- 
kyo ; widower. Educ. : stud- 
ied medicine in Germany, 18- 
86. Received the degree of 
Igakuhahishi, 1 89 1 ; by gradu- 
al promotion, finally attained 
the rank of Surgeon -Major- 
General in 1901, and placed 
on the reserve in Nov. 1907. 
Once was Chief Surgeon of 
the 3rd, 4th and Guards Army 
Divisions, Director of the Mi- 
litary Surgeons' School and 
of the Nagoya Garrison- Hos- 
pital, etc. ; took part in both 
the Japan-China and Russo- 
Japanese wars, and has been 
decorated with the 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite and 2nd 
Order of Merit as a war honor. 
Address: 2nd of No. 5, Shi- 
ba Park, Shiba, Tokyo. 

Xaniguehi, Kokyo C# p 
§ «t), artist, Japanese paint- 
er, teacher in the municipal 
sirt school of Kyoto ; h. 16 
the 8th m. of the 1st y, of 
Gwanji (1864) in Kj^oto. 
JEdiic: studied paintings un- 
der the late Bairei Kono. 
Exhibited his masterpieces in 
yarious exhibitions home and 
foreign and was awarded 

very often prizes and diplo- 
mas ; is nor; member of the 
art examination tociety. Ad- 
dress : Nijo-minami, Fuya- 
cho, Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

TanigueM, Nagao C^ P fi 
i&\ Igakuhahishi, Director oi 
the Kumamoto Prefectural 
Hospital and the Private Ku- 
mamoto Medica) Technical 
School ; b. in 1865 in Ehime- 
ken ; y. b. of Yoshi Tsuge- 
mori. Governor of Chiba-ken; 
111. Plisa, e. d. of Taian Tani- 
guchi,- his adopt, f. Educ. : 
graduated Medicine at the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
1890. After graduation be- 
came Director of the Matsu- 
yama Hospital ; then of the 
Kumamoto Prefectural Hos- 
pital ; went abroad for study. '. 
Address i ^ Honjyo-mura, Ho- 
taku-gun, Kumamoto. 

TanigueM, Waosada (^ P 
^ M.}, Kdgakuhakushi (Dr. 
of Engineering), President of 
the Osaka Artificial Manure 
Company; b. the iith?^. oi" 
the 1st y. of Ansei (1854), 
Nara prefecture; 1st s. of 
Naomitsu Taniguchi, a satmc- 
rai of Nara ; in. Kiy.o, 2nd 
d. of Takayoshi Fxikai, a sa- 
murai of Osaka. Appointed' 
Prof, of the Engineering Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Univer- 
sity, 1 886 ; Engineer of the 
Department of Agr. and Com. 
as an additional post; received 


[ io28 ] 

the degree of Kogakuhakiishi, 
1887 ; afterwards retired from 
the government service and 
entered business. Address : 
No. 18, Kita-kogacho, Kan- 
da, Tokyo. Tel.: i2i9 Cho 

Taniguehi, Shidzuaki (# P 
if ^A one of the highest tax- 
payers of Tottori prefecture ; 
b. the 6th m. of the 2nd y. 
of Bunkyu (1862), Tottori; 
1st .f. of the late Genjuro 
Taniguehi ; in. Shie, ist d. of 
Shin-ichiro Kumagai, of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Dji-mura, Iwami-gun, Totto- 

Taniguehi, Tomegoro (# P 
@ 5. 'B!>), Governor of Kago- 
shima-prefecture ; b. in 1867 
in Nara-ken ; 5th s. of Nao- 
mitsu Taniguehi, a samurai ; 
m. Miyo, y. s. of Ritaro Hi- 
rota of Hiroshima. ^ Educ. : 
graduated from tlie College 
of Law, Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1890. Councillor of 
the prefectures of Tottori, Na- 
gasaki, and Tokyo ; Secretary 
Df the prefectures of Akita, 
Fukuoka, and Kanagawa ; 
Governor of Tokushima-pre- 
fecture; present post in 1908. 
fecture,' Okayama-prefec-ture, 
1908. Address: Kago.shima. 

Tanii, Kanzo C# # «» ID, 
President of the Wakayama- 
ken Agricultural and Indust- 
rial Bank, Ltd. ^ Address: 

Saiga-mina, Kaiso-gun, Wa- 

Tani, Kenjiro (# « =^ gjJ), 

A rich merchant, dealer in 
foreign clothes ; b. the 1 2th 
m. of the 6th y. of Kaei (18- 
5 3), Aichi prefecture ; 2nd s, 
of Hambei Tani ; m. Ume, 
2nd d. of Gembei Uyematsu, 
of the same prefecture. Ad- 
dress : No. 69, Honcho, Ni- 
shiku, Nagoya. Tel.: 685. 

Tanimori, Saneo <J^ %%%'), 
Lord-in-Waiting of the Kin- 
keiWdW, Member of the House . 
of Peers ; b. the 5th m. of 
the 4th y. of Kokwa (1847), 
Tokyo; ist s. of Yoshiomi Ta- 
nimori, a samurai of Tokyo; 
widower. Once was Secret- ; 
ary to the Cabinet, and Go- 
vernor of Kagawa prefect- 
ure, etc. ; nominated M. H. 
P. in 1898. Has been de- 
corated with 2nd Order of 
Merit. Address : No. 8, Su- 
rugadai - Suzukicho, Kanda, 

Tanimqto, Tomeri (#. 4^ %'), 
BungakuJiakiishi (Pedagogy), 
Prof of the Kyot^ Imperial 
University ; b. in 1 866 at Ta- 
kamatsu in- the province -of 
Saniiki ; s. of Kozo Tanimo- 
to, a samurai ; m. Nobu, d: 
of Naokichi . Jimbo of the 
same province. Educ: gradu- 
ated Philo.sophy at the Tokyo 
Imperial LTniversity in 1 890 ; 
was twice sent abroad for 

[ IC29 ] 


study. Prof, of the Yama- 
guchi High School ; then of 
the Tokyo Highei- Normal 
School; present post since 19- 
06. Publications : " Gunshu 
Shinrino Kenkyu" (Psycholo- 
gy of the Multitude) " Kobo 
Daishi" (St. Kobo), "New 
Pedagogy," etc. Address: 
Pedagogy, etc. Address : Shi- 
nmachi, Kami-Kyoku, Kyoto. 
Tanino, Kaku C# if ^), 
Procurator of the Tokyo Court 
of Appeal, Meni. of the hs-w 
Investigation Committee; was 
Lecturer of criminal law at 
Waseda University.. Address: 
Higashi-Okubo, Tokyo. 

Tanizaki, Kyubei (4S *S ^ i^ 
Iw), rice-broker, Member of 
the Tokyo Chamber of Com- 
merce ; d. the 7th m. of the 
3rd J. of Ansei (1856), To- 
kyo ; 2nd s. of Umanosuke 
Izawa, and adopted into the 
family of Tanizaki. Address: 
No. 2, I chome, Kakigaracho, 
Nihombashi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
6s6, 1900 Toku Cho Naniwa. 
Tanizaki, Shingoro (# 'if M 
a 15), Shipping-agent, Stan- 
ding Manager of the Osaka 
Type.Foundry, Ltd.,Pres.of the 
Osaka Pharmaceutical Co., 
Ltd., Mem. of the Osaka 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. in 
1869 in Osaka; 2nd s. of 
Shingoro Tanizaki ; m. Kiku, 
2nd d. of Mokujiro Tanigu- 
chi of Osaka-fu. Address: 

Katsuma - imira, 'ISiishinaiT- 
gun, Osaka -fii. Tel. : 423 

Tanji, Hiroo (.^ m % MJ, 
Rear-Admiral (on the 2nd 
reserve) ; b. the 6th m. of 
the 6th f. of Kaei (1853), 
Chiba ; 2nd s. of the late 
Chuzo Tanji, a samurai of 
Chiba prefecture ; m. Yoshi, 
1st d. of Akira Yoshimi, a 
samurat of Tokyo. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of Merit, 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 135, 6 chome, 
Aoyama-Minamicho, Akasa- 
ka, Tokyo. 

Tanokura, Tsunezo (H Sf t" 
% W^^ Vice-President of the 
36th Bank, Director of the 
Hachioji Savings Bank, and 
the Itsukaichi Bank, Mem- 
ber of the Standing Com- 
mittee of the Hachioji Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; b. the 9th 
m. of the 6th y. of Ansei 
(1858), Tokyo; 2nd s. of ^em- 
bei Shimada, and adopted by 

the late Junzo Tanokura, 18- 
81 ; in. Take, 2nd d. of the 
late Tokubei Kojima, of To- 
kyo. Address : Oyoko, Ha- 
chiojimachi, Minami - Taiiia 
gun, Tokj'o. 

Taoka, Chujiro CH H S, ^15), 

electric machine manufacturer; 
b. the 1st m. of the 4th y. 
of Ansei (1857), Tokushima 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of the late 
Eitaro Taoka ; m. Kin, y\ 


[ 1030 

stster to Takeyoshi Iwata, a 
samurai of Shig;a. Address : 
No. 26, I chome, Honshiba- 
cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1. 5 71 Sliiba. 

Taoka, Norimasa (H iKi iH!-#), 
Managing Director of the O- 
riental Cement Co., Ltd.; b. in 
1 863 in Kochi-prefecture; e. s. 
of Kyoichi Taoka, a samurai; 
m. Toshi, y. s. of Meiki O- 
kuda of the same j^refecture. 
Address : Asahi-mura, Tosa- 
s.un, Kochi-ken. ^ 

Tarao, Gensabwo C^ESil 
H 10, chief of the section of 
supplies of the Osaka Shosen 
Kaihha, Lt'd (Osaka Mercan- 
tile S, S. Co.): h. 1805 in 
OkiiyaiHH. EduG, : graduated 
from the Mercantile Marine 
Soliool; Deoorcdion : 6th Order 
of Merit. Address : Shuknka- 
wa-mura, Hyogo-ken. 

TasMro, Kyosuke (B •t^ ^ 
•&•)> Director of the Donm 
Kai," a benevolent medical 
association ; b. in 1866 in 
Niigata; ad. s. of Tasuke 
Tashiro; m. Choko, d. of his 
adopted father. Edztc: gra- 
duated from the Niigata Med- 
ical College in 1888, and 
studied political sciences and 
foreign languages in Tokyo. 
In 1891, opened a hospital 
in Niigata, and contributed 
to the development of Nii- 
gata in many ways. Recom- 
mended to present honorary 

position in 1895, and since 
ttien worked for the associa- 
tion, living in Manchuria oc 
Korea for many years. In 
191 1, went to China at the 
head of relief columns for 
those who fell in the Revolu- 
tionary war and won hearty 
appreciation of his work 
among many Chinese and 
foreigners. Address: No. S- 
Sekiguchi Daimachi, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. 

' TasMro, Tadashi CH ^\ IE), 
Dir. of the Nagasaki Medical 
^Technica] School, Dir. of the^ 
Nagasaki Pref. Hospital; h^ 
in 1 860 in Fukui ; e. s. ot 
Hiroshi Tashiro, a samurai; 
m. Yuka, 2nd d. of Yasu- 
yuki Yuguchi of Nagasaki- 
ken. Educ. : graduated Medi- 
cine at the Imperial Univer- 
sity in 1 882 ; was sent to 
Germany for study. After 
graduation was appointed. In- 
structor of the Nagasaki Te- 
chnical School ; and then pre- 
sent post. Address : Bungo- 
machi, Nagasaki. 

TasMro Toyosuke (paf^gfj). 

Prof .of the Nagasaki Medi- 
cal School ; b. Dec. the- 8tli 
;'. of Meiji (1875) in Kago-' 
shima ; 2nd s. of Kakuta Ya- 
manouchi, a samurai : was 
adopted by Sonoemon Tashi- 
ro, also a Kagoshima samu- 
rai. Educ. : graduated from 
the Medical Course of the 

[ 103 1 ] 


5th High School, 1895. As- 
sistant to the Infectious Di- 
seases In.vestigation Labora- 
tory of the Home Dep't, 1 8- 
99 ; Prof of tlie Jth High 
School in addition to the 
Quarantine Commissioner and 
Expert to Nagasaki-ken ; pre- 
sent post since 1 909. Address: 
Nagasaki Medical School, Na- 

Tashiro, Yasayjiki CH « % 
Z}, a large land-owner, one 
of the highest tax-payers of 
Kumamoto prefecture. Presi- 
dent of the Yokoshima Bei- 
ken Storage Company, Au- 
ditor of the Tamana Bank ; 
<5. the 2nd m. of the 2nd j/. 
of Keio (1866), Kumamoto; 
1st s. of Iwahiko Tashiro, a. 
samurai of Kumamoto ; m. 
Sae, 4th d. of Tamon Hiro- 
se, of the same prefecture. 
Was elected Member of the 
House of Peers as represen- 
tative of the,r highest tax- 
payers of his native place, 
June 1904; decorated with 
the 4th Order of the Rising 
Sun in connection with the 
late war. Address :, Yoko- 
shima -.mura, Tamana - gun, 

Tashiro, Yoshinori (ffl -ft *fe 
SI), IgakuJiakushi (Formative 
Surgery), Prof of the Medi- 
cal College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, Propriet- 
or of the Tokyo Tashiro Hos- 

pital ; b. in 12^64 in Tochigi- 
ken ; 3rd s. of. Morihei Ta- 
bei ; in. Haru, e. d. of his 
adopt, f. Motonori Tashiro. 
Educ. : graduated Medicine at 
the Tokyo Irnperial Univer- 
sity in 1889. Address : M&x\- 
beicho, Shitaya, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1 142 Shitaya. 

Tate, Sakiitaro Ci: f^ ,i: SR), 
HogakuhakusJii, Prof of in- 
ternational law at the Tokyo' 
Imp. Univ. Bduc: graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; was sent 
abroad for study. Attended 
the International Maritime 
Law Conference held at Lon- 
don as one of the Japanese 
delegates. Publications : a few 
works on internatioiml law. 
Osaki-machi, Ebara-gun To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2508 

TateisM, Kijiro (^ 5 K — 
15), Chief of Police in Ni- 
igata -prefecture ; b. in 1850 
in Kumamoto-ken ; e. s. of 
Buhachiro Tateishi, a samu- 
rai ; m. Ume, e. d. of Denta 
Tagami of the same prefect- 
ure. Entered the Police ser- 
vice in 1874; Police-Super- 
intendent in 1 890 ; Chief of 
Police in various prefectures; 
then present post. Address : 
.Eisho-dori, Niigata. ^ 

Tateishi, Sanzo CM S H M), 
cotton-cloth dealer. Auditor 
of the Tokyo Bank ; b. the 
loth m. of the 3rd _y. of 
Keio (1867), Tokyo; ist s 


[ 1032 3 

of the late Sanzd Tateishi ; 
m. Kitsu, y. sister to I-ichi 
Aoki, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Address: No. 6, Hasegawa- 
cho, Nihombashi, Tolcyo. Tel.: 
901, 1619 Naniwa. 

Tatsui, Raizo CH ^ ^ H), 
Chief Private Secretary to the 
South Manchurian Railway 
Co. ; b. the 9th m. of the 3rd 
y. of Ansei (1856), Tokyo; 1st 
, s. of Yasubei Tatsui ; m. Ai, 
1st d. of Tsunehichi Okuda, 
of Osaka. ' Early served in 
the Cabinet ; then on the staff 
of the Tokyo Nichi-Nichi Shi- 
mbun ; appointed Private Se- 
cretary to the Minister of 
Agriculture and Commerce 
(Viscount Miyoji Ito), 1898 ; 
again entered the Nichi-Nichi} 
then present post. Address : 
No. 7,tGhibaiicho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. TeL: 1371 Bancho. 

Tatsuke, Masajiro Cffl Fft ift ^ 
BB), Director of the Osaka 
Spinning Co., the Kyoto Elec- 
tric Railway Co.j. Aud. of the 
Osaka Sanpin Exchange, cot- 
ton cloth dealer; h. the lathm. 
of the 3rd y. of Bunkyu (18- 
63), Shiga prefecture ; adopt, 
y. brother to Jingoro Tatsuke; 
m. Tomo, 3rd d. of Jiemon 
Tsukamoto, of the same pre- 
fecture. Address: No. 44,. 
I chome, Honcho, Higashiku, 
Osaka 7>/..' 673 Cho Hi- 
gashi.- - - ' 

■ Tatsukei Shichita- (B'ft^jkW 
Counsellor- ofa^tlie- Ja-pandse 

Embassy in St. Petersburg; 
&. in 1 867 at Hagi, Cho- 
shu ; 2nd s. of Soichi Tsu- 
boi, a samurai; m. K6, c. 
d. of his adop:,. f. Kagelca- 
ta Tatsuke. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Law College, 
Imperial University of Tokyo, 
in 1 896 ; passed the Diploma- 
tic and Consular Services Ex- 
amination in the same year. 
Eleve - Consul at Chemulpo 
in 1 896 ; Diplomatic Attache 
at Paris in 1897; 3rd class 
Secretary of Legation in 19- 
01 ; 2nd class Secretary of 
Legation in 1906; ist class 
Secretary of Legation in the 
same year. Secretary of the, 
Dep't of Foreign Affairs, 1909 ; 
present post in 1911. A^d- 
dress: Japanese Embassy in 
St. Petersbm-g. 

Tatsuma, 'Han-emon CM .B 4* 
^ Wi P'3), sake brewer. Presi- 
dent of the Tatsuma Firm, 
Director of the Higashitatsu- 
ma Sake Brewing Company, 
Auditor of the'Hanshin E- 
lectric Railway Company ; <5. 
II Aug. the lOth y. of Mei- 
ji (1877), Hyogo prefecture; 
2nd s. of Han-emon Tatsuma; 
;«, Kiyo-ko, aunt to "Viscount- 
Chukan Mizuno. Is a famous 
large sake - brewer in the 
Empire ; also engages in min- 
ing and marine transportation 
business. Address : Naruo- 
rriura, Muko-gun, Hyogo-ken^ , 

L IQ33 ] 


Teh: 55 Cho Nishinomiya. 

Tatsuma, KicMzaemon CM -^ 
is :£ ® H). brewer, one of the 
highest tax-payers of Hyogo 
prefecture ; b. 5 May the ist 
year of Meiji (1868), Hyo- 
go; 1st s. of Eizo Tatsuma, 
and adopted by Taki Tatsu- 
ma ; m. Nina-ko, , niece to 
Viscount Naonori Matsudaira: 
elected in. of the House of 
Peers in 19 12. Address: Ni- 
shinomiya, Miiko-gun, Hyo- 


Tatsuini, Konojo CH # ^-t 

S). Manager of the Ipndon 
Branch of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank ; d. in 1 864 in 
Wakayama-ken ; e. s. of Sa- 
danoshin Yoshikawa, a sa- 
murai ; m. Shige, e. s. of 
Tani Tsujiof Kumamoto-ken. 
Educ. : studied at the Keio- 
gijiku. Address : Yokohama 
Specie Bank Agency, Lon- 

TatsTimJ, Narataro CM B # 
;fc BI5}, a large land-owner, 
one of the highast tax-payers 
of Nara prefecture ; b. the 
2i7d m. of the 1st y. of Keio 
(1865), Nara ; ist s. of Hei- 
shiro Tatsumi ; m. Kikue, 1st 
d. of Zentaro Hashimoto of 
the same prefecture. Address; 
Horyiaji - mura, Ikoma - gun, 

Tatsuno, Kingo CM i? ^ 
S^). Architect, Kogakuhakushi 
(Doctor of Engineering), Ho- 

norary Prof of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., Advisor to the 
Bank of Japan ; b. the 8th 
m. of the 1st y. of Ansei 
(1854) in Karatsu, province 
of Hizeri; 2nd s. of Kurae- 
mon Himematsu, a samurai 
of Karatsu clan ; adopted by 
Scan Tatsuno ; tn. Hide, y: s., 
of Kanzaburo Toba of Na- 
gasaki. Edtic: graduated froift 
the former Kobu Daigaku 
(Engineering College) in 18- 
79 ; further studied in Europe, 
1879^^1883. On returning 
from abroad entered the form- 
er Dep't of Industries as an 
Expert ; Prof of the College 
of Engineering in the Tokyo ■ 
Imp. Univ., 1886; Kogaku- 
hakushi, 1888; Dean and in 
addition Prof of the same, 
1 898; recommended as Hono- 
rary Prof of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. ; has been Auditor of 
the Meiji Fire Insurance Co. 
p7iblieations : Examples of 
House Building, Recreation : 
gardening and checkers. Ad- 
dress : Shinzakacho, Akasa- 
kaku, Tokyo. Clubs : Koga- 
kukai (Society of the Science 
of Engineering), Kenchikuga- 
kukai (Architectural Society), . 
Eiseikai (Sanitary Associa- 
tion), Engeikai (Horticultural 
Association). Tel.: 1800 Shi- 
mbashi. ■' -' ■ 

Xatsuoka, Nobukuma Cfl -iS 

^ Si), ek-Mayor of Otaru. Ad-^ 


[ 1034 J 

dress: Hanazonocho, Otaru- 
ku, Hokkaido. 

Tatsuoka, Tokukyo C«l g9 % 
Wii ex-Chief of Police in Shi- 
zuoka-ken; b. in 1854 in Mi- 
yagi-ken ; 2nd s. of Seizae- 
mon Oyamada, a samurai; 
m. Kuni, 2nd d. of Shinji 
Tatsuoka. Educ. : graduated 
from the Kyododan (Military 
non - Commissioned Officers' 
School) in 1873. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant in 1886; Police -in- 
spector in 1888 ; Chief of Poli- 
ce in the prefectures of Ya- 
magata, Gifu, Nara, Saga, I- 
baraki, and Chiba 5 then pre- 
sent post. Address: Otte- 
machi, Shizuoka. 

TaueM, Sakae CH ft ^\ 
manager of the Nihon Alu- 
minium Manufactory; 6. the 
5th wJ.'of the 8th y. of Meiji 
(1875) in Matsuyama, Ehime- 
ken ; s. of Hayao Tauchi ; m. 
Aki, 1906. EduG. : graduated 
the mechanical course of the 
Tokyo Technical School, 1895. 
Entered the Kawasaki dock- 
yard on, his graduation ; then 
present post since 1908, Ad- 
ress: No. 445 Kita-Umeda- 
cho, Kita-ku, Osaka, Clubs'. 
Tokyo Electric Association, 

Tauchi, Sankiehi (H 1^ H ^), 
Major - General (on the re- 
serve),CourtCouncillor, Cham- 
berlain to H. I. H. Ae Crown 
Prince yd. in 1856 in Kochi- 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Meigo 

lauchi, a samurai ; m. Ryo, 
2nd d. of Morima Fujii of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Moto-Samegahashi, Yotsuya- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Tawara; Kuniichi (M S — )» 
Kogakuhakushi (Marine Engi- 
neering),' Baron, Prof of the 
Tokyo Imperial University y, 
b. in 1872 in Ishikawa-ken ; 
5 th s. of Sukenobu Tawara ; 
m. Hisa, 8th d. of Baron Hi- 
royuki Kato. Educ. : grad- 
uated Engineering at the To- 
kyo Imperial University in 
1897; was sent abroad for 
study. Assist.-Prof of the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1897; upon returning appoint- 
ed full Prof Address: No. 
5, Kamifujimaecho, Hongo, 

Tawara, Magoichi (M if — ), 
Governor _ of the Mie Pre-' 
fecture since Deceaiber, 19- , 
12; 5. in 1869 in Shimane- 
ken ; 4th s. of Sukenobu Ta- 
wara ; m.z Matsu, e. d. of 
Kumpei Mimura of Tokyo-fu, 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law, Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo, in 1895. 
High Councillor of the Cho- 
sen Government; then present 
^post. Address: Naka-chaya- 
oho, Tsu-shi, Mie-ken. 

Tawara, Yutaka CP % S). 

Government Commercial A- 

gent at London, Lieutenant 

. of Infantiy on the 2nd re- 

[ I03S ] 

Tay— Taz 

serve ; b. Mar. the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1871) in Hyogo pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of the late Sei- 
sai Tawara, a savitcrai ; m. 
Tatsu, 2nd d. of Sashichiro 
Yamaguchi of Kanagawa pre- 
fecture. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of I.-a\v of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1895. 
Entered ■ the service of the 
Mitsui firm immediately after 
graduation and served in its 
branches at London, Hong- 
kong, and Nagasaki in suc- 
cession, finally becoming Ma- 
nager of the Nagasaki branch; 
then Manager of the" Kobe 
branch of the Tokyo Ware- 
house Co., Ltd., 1908 ; re- 
ceived appointment of the pre 
sent post in 19 10. Address 
c/o Japanese Embassy, Lon 

don, Ensrland. 

Tayama, Kokuya (H llj ^4 

!i)) nom de plum is Katai, 
editor of " Bunsho - sekai " 
(composition world); b. Dec. 
of 1 89 1 at Tatebayashi in 
the prov. of Kozuke. Edtic. : 
privately. Publications: "Sei" 
(Life), "Tsuma" (Wife), 
"Midori" ''(Green), "Inaka 
Kyoshi" (Teacher in coun- 
try), "Kami" (Hair), besides 
several pamphlets of short 
stories, etc. Address: No. 
133 Yoyogi, Toyotama-gun, 

Tazaki, Enjiro (H «t S ^ !©> 
painting teacher; b. 1861 in 

Tokyo; m. May 1897, ist a. 
of Konyo Takaki, a judge. 
Ediic.i studied drawing at a 
fine art school. Was teacher 
of the military preparatory 
school. Recreations : music, 
etc. Address: No. 43, Ka- 
shiwagi, Toyotama-gun, To- 

Tazawa, Keiyo CH W ftJ^O, 
Court-physician; b. in 1853 
in Hokkaido ; 2rid s. of Shun- 
d5 Tazawa, a samurai; m. 
Mine, e. d. of Wataru Maji- 
ma of Tokyo ._ Was sent 
abroad in 1909. Address.' 
Kamejimacho, Nihombashi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 259 Naniwa. 

Tazawa, Shusuke Cffl '^ )i 
g), Director of the Tsuscanx 
Bank, Ltd.; ^. in 1868 in 
Aomori-ken ; 2nd s. of Ko- 
saburo Tazawa ; m. Nao, e.. 
d. of Kosaku Yamaguchi of 
Aomori-ken. Address : Ina- 
kadate-mura, Minami-Tsuga- 
ru-gun, Aomori-ken. 

Tejima, Hyojiro Q§- ^ ^i ^ 
flP), Procurator-in Chief of the 
Taiwan Supreme Court. Ad- 
dress : Taihoku, Taiwan. 

Tejima, Motojiro (^ M, tu 
^ 5P), a large land-owner,. 
one of the highest tax-payers, 
of Saitama prefecture ; b. the 

3rd m. of the 4th y. of Tem- 
po (1833), Saitama ; 3rd j. 
of Jiibei Takemura, and a- 
dopted.into the present fami- 


IC36 J 

ly ; m. Sui, 3rd d. of Ryoe- 
mon Koma, of the same pre- 
fecture Address : Kasahara- 
mura, Kita-SaitaJSia-gun, Sai- 

Tejima, SeiicM C# E ^ — ), 
Director of the Tokyo High- 
er Technical School, Special 
Mem. of the Tokyo Chamber 
of Com&erce; d. in 1849 at To- 
kyo ( Yido) ; y. b. of Sadakichi 
Tanaebe . of Osaka ; ni. Haru, 
2nd d. of Ryqji Sugi of Shi- 
zuoka-ken. Educ. : studied 
at PhiladelpMa, U. S. A., fbr 
five years. Entered the Dep't 
of Education ; went to Ame- 
,rica in the suite of the. late 
•Fujimaro Tanaka ; then visi- 
ted France: in tlife suite of 
Viscount Kuki ; Junio.r Se- 
cretafy of the Dep't of Edu- 
cation; Councillor of the Dep't; 
Director of the Tokyo Techni- 
cal School ; Secretary to the 
Dep't of Agriculture and com- 
merce ; Director of the Bu- 
reaus of Ordinary and Indus- 
trial Education of the Dep't 
■oi Education ; then preisent 
post. Decoration: 2nd Order 
of Merit. Address : Nishi- 
Katamachi, HongokUj Tokyo. 
Te/. : 90 Shitaya. 

:T$xaAa, Chuzaburo C# H £, 
H IP), Director of the Yu- 
shin Bank, Member of the 
Standing Committee of the 
Kpfu, Chamber, of Commerce ; 
3. the 1st m. of the 1st j/. of 

Kaei (1848), Yamanashl pre- 
fecture ; in. Mitsu, ist d. of 
Seizaemon Yokozawa, of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Wadahiramachi, Kofu-shi. 

Teracla, Jinyomo C# FEI S i* 
>"§), President of the Izumi 
Savings Bank, Ltd., Director 
of the 51st Bank, Ltd., and 
the Osaka Kizugawa Cement ' 
Co., Ltd., president of the 
Kishiwada Cotton Yarn Com. 
Ltd. and of the Ko3''a Ascen- 
ding Eailway Co., Ltd., and 
the Kishiwada Brick Co., Ltd., 
Standing Auditor of the O- 
saka Electric Light Company, 
Ltd., .and the Nankai Eail-^ 
way Co., Ltd., Adviser to 
the Sehshu Weaving Co., 
Ltd.; (5. in 1853 in Osaka- 
fu ; e. s. of Jin-emon Terada ; 
»i. Haru, e. d. of Kyubei-Yo- 
shida. of Osaka-fu. One of 
the richest nien in the pro- 
vince of Izi^inii. Address : Ki- 
shiwada, Osaka-fu. 

Terada, Koichi (# m ^ —), 
President of the ChiJgai Asp- 
halt Company, Ltd., Direc- 
tor of the Mpjon Natur- 
al Gas Co., Ltd. ; d. in 1870 
in Tokushima-ken ; e. s. of 
ICikuzo Fujii; m. Yslsu, d. ' 
of Soichiro As?ho of Tokyo. 
Succeeded his adopt, f. Chu- 
bei Terada in 1905. Address: 
Kamejimacho, Nihombkshi- 
ku, Tokyo. 7>/..- 37-83 Nani- 

[ io.; 1 



Terada, MotokicM (# H 70 
pr"), Chairman of the Board 
of Directors of the Izludi 
Paper Mill Co., Ltd., and the 
Osaka Kizugawa Cement Co., 
Ltd., Director of the 51st 
Bank, Ltd., the Izumi Sav- 
ings Bank, Ltd., the Koya 
Ascending R'ly Co., Ltd., the 
Kishiwada Briclc Co., Ltd., 
and the Kobe Electric Liglit^ 
Co., Ltd., Auditor of tlie 
Senshii Weaving Co., Ltd. ; 
b. in 1855 In Osaka-fu ; y. b. 
of Jinyomo Terada ; m. Yuri, 
e. d. of Hanjuro Hayashi of 
Osal<a-fu. Address : Kishi- 
wada, Osaka-fu. 

Terada, Rikiehi (# H M "i^O, 
Managing Director of tiae Te- 
rada Bank, Ltd., Director of 
the Koya Ascending R'ly Co., 
Ltd., and the Kishiwada Cot- 
ton Mill, Ltd.; b.m 1857 in 
Osaka; 4th s. of Jinyomo Te- 
rada ; m. Tsune, 2nd d. of 
Kajisaburo Oda of Osaka-fu. 
Address : Kishiwada, Osaka- 

Terada, Sakae (# H ^), 
Secretary of the House of 
Representatives;, d, m 1859 
in Fukuoka-ken ; e. s. of Ka- 
gashi Terada. Address .' Dai- 
machi, Akasakaku, Tokyo. 
Tel. :■ 4670 Shimbashi. 

Terada, Soemon C# B Si 3& 

M P9), President of the Tan- 
go Commercial and Industri- 

al Bank, Ltd.; 6. in 1861 in- 
Kyoto-fu ; y. b. of T5taro I- 
Vv'ata ; nv. Tomo,^. d. of Sei- 
jiro Terada of the "same pre- 
fecture. Succeeded his «^(?//f. 
f. HikohachirS Terada in 1 8- 
89. Address : Mineyamacho, 
Naka-kyoku, Kyoto. 

Terada, Suieyuki (#Hlfe-i), 
Governor of Miyagi ; b. in 
1850 in Nagano-ken; e. s. of 
Kaku Terada ; m. Haru, e. 
d. of Kambei Terada. Enter- 
ed the Dep't of Justice; Police- 
Superintendent; Chief of Poh- 
cc. in the prefectures of Hyo- 
go, Yanianashi, Kagawa, and 
Hiroshima ; Secretary' of the 
prefectures of Kumamoto, Na- 
gasaki, and Niigata ; Gover- 
nor of Tottori and Okayama ;. 
tlien present post. Address: 

Tei-ada, Toraliiko (# FB ^ jt),. 
Rtgctkuhakushi, Assist. - Prof, 
of the College of Science, 
. Tokyo Imperial University 
(Chair - Pliysics). Address .- 
now abroad for study. 

Terada, Tsiinetaro C# FflS 
jk 1?), Procurator of the Seoul 
District Com-t. Address: Seoul, 
Chosen. ' 

Teragaki, Izo (# M ^ h). 
Vice-Admiral, on the reserve 
since Septemher 191 2 ; b. 
in 1857 at Kanazawa, Ishi- 
kawa-prefecture ; s. of Juko 
Teragaki, a samurai; m. 
Ryu, .^nd d.. of Keiten Miyabi 


[ 1038 ] 

of the same prefecture, "iii/z^^.." 
graduated from the Naval Col- 
lege in 1880. 2nd Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, * 1 8 82 ; Vice- Admiral , 
1909. Prof, of the Naval Staff 
College; Chief of the ist sec- 
tion of the Bureau of Naval 
Affairs; Adjutant to the Naval 
Office ; Commander of the 
Matsushima, the Yoskino, the 
Chitose, the Asama, and the 
Shikishima ; Chief Staff^of the 
Yokosuka Admiralty ; ' Com- 
mander of the 2nd, Third, and 
South China Squadrons Com. 
of the Takeshiki Naral Estab- 
lishment 1910, in 1912. Took 
part in the Japan-China, Boxer, 
and Japan-Russia wars. De- 
■corations: 2nd Order of the R. 
S. and 3rd Class of the G. K. 
Address: Takeshiki. 

Terahara, Choki C# U f- » 

■ex-Grav. of Fukuoka-prefect. 
ure; iJ. in 1855 in Kagoshima- 
prefecture ; 3rd s. of Yoemon 
Terahara, a samurai ; m. Ma- 
tsu* 2nd ^. of Shin Kato of 
the same prefecture. Entered 
the War Office in 1874; Police- 
Inspector in 1879 ; Police-Su- 
perintendent in 1881-, Vice- 
Chief of the Bureau of Police ; 
Councillor of the Dep't for the 
Interior ; Secretary of Shiga- 
prefecture ; Director of the 
Bureau pf Police ; then of the 
Bureau'^of Prison ; •■ Governor 
of the prefectures of Nara and 

Ibaraki** tJien was appointed 
Governor of Fukuoka prefec- 
tm-e, 1906. Address: Fsskuoka. 
Tera1ima7 Sisamatsu C# ^ 
X Wi), PuUic Procurator of 
the Osaka Court of Appeal, 
b. S Apr. the ist y. of Mei- 
ji (1868), Yamagata ; y. brp- 
tlter to Heiya Sakai of Ya- 
magataj and adopted by Yo-" 
shisato Terajima ; m. Kuma, 
2nd d. of Yasuemon Uchiya, 
of the same prefecture. Pas- 
sed the Higher Civil Service 
Examination, 1890; appointed 
Pi-ocurator, 1892; after serv- 
ing as Procurator of the Sen- 
dai, Nagoya, Shidzuoka, and 
Osaka District Courts, Chief 
Procurator of the Tottori and 
Anotsu District Courts, and 
Procurator of the Osaka Ap- 
peal, Court, was transferred 
co present post. Decoration : 
5 th Order of Merit. Address: 
the Procurators' Bureau of the 
_5saka Court of Appeal. Osaka.. 

Terajima, Kogoro C# A <h 
E W), Judge, and Director of 
the Nagoya District Coiirt; h. 

the 9th m: of the ist y. of 
Gwanjl (1864), Tokyo ; 3rd^.; 
of Kotei Nambu, a samtirat 
of Tokyo, and refounded m 
1879 the present family which 
had become extinct fore lack 
of an heir ; m. Tsuna, 2nd d. 

[ I039 ] 


■of Chihiro Sasaki, 21. samurai 
of Fukui-prefecture. Educ. : 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1 889. On his grad- 
uation, was appointed Judge, 
and after serving as Director 
of the Taihoku, Kochi, Waka- 
yama, Kyoto District Courts^" 
was transferred to present post. 
Decoration: Sth Order ofMerit. 
Address .- Official House of 
the Kyoto District Court JSfa- 

Terajima, Sei-ichiro (# % 
^ -115), Count, Member of 
the House of Peers, Director of 
the Hokkaido Coliierv Steam- 
ship Company ; b. 9 Sept. the 
3rd y. of Meiji (1870), To- 
kyo ; 1st s. of. the late Mu- 
nenori Terajima, ex-Minister 
for Foreign Affairs; m. Kyo,_y. 
sister to Gen-emon Mitsui, 
of Kyoto. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from an American Uni- 
versity, 1887—1895; studied 
in Pans, 1895— 1904. Was 
ordered to proceed to Ame- 
rica in the suite of Prince Fu- 
shimi, Sept. 1904; appointed 
Private Secretaiy to the For- 
eign Minister, (Count Haya- 
shi), 1905. Address: No. 7, 
6 chome, Hirakawacho, Ko- ^ 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 340 

Teranishi, Hidetake (;#M 3t 
St), Colonel of Infantry, 
attache to the General Staff 
Office; b. 1871 in Ishikawa- 
ken. Sub-Lieut., March 1891; 
Lieut., Sept. 1894; Captain, 
Oct. 1898; Major, Aug. 
1905; Lieut. Colonel, Dec. 
' 1908; Colonel, May, 19 12. 
Decorations: 5th Order of 
R. S., 4th Order of S. T., 
5th Class of Golden Kite 
Address: Tokyo. 

Teranishi, Kosaku, (^ jg ^ 
f^)> Surgeon-Colonel, chief 
of the Medical Dep't of the' 
14th Army Division; b. 
1868 in Ishikawa-ken. Sur- 
geon-Sub-Lieut., March 1886; 
Surgeon-Lieut, Dec. 1892; 
Surgeon-Captain, May 1895; 
Surgeon-Major, Feb. 1900; 
Surgeon-Lieut.-Colonel, Aug. 
1904; Surgeon-Colonel, Dec. 
1910. Decorations: 5th Or- 
der of S. T., 3rd Order ef 
R. S. Address: Kunirhoto- 
mura, Kawachi-gun, Tochigi- 

Terano, Sei-icM (# if m —X 
Kogakukakushi (Naval Archi- 
tecture), Prof, of the Tokyo 
Imperial University ; (5. in 18- 
68 in Kyoto-fu ; e. s. of Mo- 
toyoshi Terano, a samurai; 
m. Fuji, 5th d. of Shinjiro Na- 
gata of Tokyo - fu. Educ. : 
graduated Engineering at the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 


[ 1040 ] 

liSgo; 7.Tas sent to England 
for stody. AssfetaHt-Prof. of 
Ms^itl77^d mater in 1892; pre- 
sent post 1899. Address : Hi- 
sakatamichi, Koishikavyaku,. 
Tokyo. Te/-. ; 10301 Bancko.^ 
Terao, Hisashi C# ^ ^i), j^t- 

gakuhdkusM, Licenc'ie h sci-_ 
des science de Paris), Prof, of 
Astronomy at the College of 
Science iii the Tokyo Imp. 

. Univ., President of the To- 
kyo Asti:onomical Observato- 
ry; 2nd Order of Merit; d. 
the 9th ?;«. of the 2nd _y. of 
Ansei(i855) Wi Fukuoka-ken; 
e. s, of Kiheida Terao, a sa- 
itmrai and e. b. of Torn Te- 
rao, Hogakuhakushi ; in. Ki- 
ku, e. d. of Tsukanu Gno of 
Kumamoto-ken. Educ,: grad- 
uated from the Science Course 
of the former Tokyo Daiga- 
ku (present Tokyo Imp. Univ.) 
in, 1879; studied. astronQmy 
and mathematics in France 

' 1 879— i 883. P'rof. of the Col- 
lege of Science in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1884 ; President 
of the Tokyo Astronomical 
Observatory, 1 888 ; represent- 
ed, Japan at the International 
Geodetic Confece.nce held ; at 
Paris, 1889^; ,§en,t td India to 
observe the full eclipse of the 
sun, 1897 ; Meniber of the 
Meridian Investigation Com- 
mittee. Publications :■ Text- 
book of Arithmetic. Text 

hook of Algebra, both fo.t the 
use oT Middle clas.s students,, 
and many othsr mathematical 
works and essays. Address :- 
No: 421, Kashiwagi, Yodo- 
bashimachi, Toyotama - gun, 
Tokyo-fu. Tel..- 1716 l^ancho;, 
Terao, Toru (# M ¥), I/og-a- 
^u/iahis/ii {Doctor of Law), , 
Prof of International law at the 
Tpkyo, Imp. Univ., Vice-Pre- 
sident of the Japan Peace So- 
ciety ; /5. in 1858 in the prov- 
ince of Chikuzen ; 2nd ,s. of 
Kiheida Terao, a samurai ; m. 
Hide, e. d. of Hikaru O- 
dabe of the same province. 
'Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law in the form- 
er Tokyo Univ., 18,84 I studied 
further in Fraiice, England, 
and U- S. A* Judge of the Yo- 
kohama Judicial Court, 18 - 
84 — 1890; then Prof of the 
Imperial University of Tokyo; 
Councillor of the Dep't of 
Foreign Affairs on his return 
from studying abroad ; Mem. 
of the La\y Investigation Com- 
mittee, 1898. D'ecoration : 3rd' 
Order of merit. Nomde Plume: 
Hokuyo and Na?ikai. Publica- 
tion: Private International law. 
Clubs_ : Japan International- 
Law Society, Pacific Associa- 
tion and Japan Peace Society.. 
Address : Reinanzakamachi, 
Akasakaku, Tokyo. Tel.: 28- 
02 Shiba. Clubs: Do&i a.nd 

[ I04I ] 


Terao, Umetaro (# * *| jfc 
M), A large land-owner, one 
ofthe highest tax-payers of 
Kochi prefecture, President of 
the Akaoka Bank ; (5. the I2th 
m. of the 1st _;/. of Bunkyii 
(1871), Kochi; ist \s-. of Ta- 
shiro Terao ; m. Tetsu, 1st d. 
of Terao, of the same 
prefecture. Address ': ' Akao- 
kamachi, Kami -gun, Kochi- 
ken. : 

I'erashima, IToboru (^ ^ ^), 

inventor; b. 1859 in Waka- 
yama; s. of Saburoemon Tera- 
shima; m. Kiyo-ko, e. d. of 
Sojiro Taniguchi. Educ: re- 
ceived common education. 
Entered the Mitsui -Firm in 
[881 and was successively 
manager of its head-office at 
Tokj'o and of its branch office 
at Nagoya. He is of the most 
inventive turn of . mind and 
after retiring frorn the service 
of the Mitsui-firm he devoted 
himself to the invention of a 
weaving machine in which he 
was successful; the. object of 
this machine is to weave mat- 
ting and blind especially, and 
the advantage of using it can 
be shown, by the fast that the 
product manufactured by it far 
exce.ll that manufactured by 
hitherto used ones; mattii^ 
under the name of " Koto- 
buldsri " manufactured by this 
new .nTaehin'e;:is very fanious 
for the reason that the mat- 

erial of it can be obtained 
from weed or some grass; Mri. 
Terashima i§ also devoting 
himself to. the 'improvemeht 
of Japanese, rope .arid proba- 
bly the' corripiete ■machine . of 
manufacturing "it will be in- 
vented "in nea;r' future ;;he was 
awarded with many ^prizes 
and diplomas from ' various 
Exhibrtioni for his new inven- 
tions. He has a factory at 
Osaki ahd'.sales sh6p:at Kyor 
bashi. He jscm^rtagef of the 
Invention Encouragement .So- 
ciety and also of the Weav- 
ing Society. Address: 1456, 
Asamadai, Minaihishinagawa, 
Tokyo-fu. Tel.: 153S Shiba. 
Terauchi, Seiki. C# i*? IE ^), 
Count, Gen., Gov.-Gen. oi 
Chosen; &. on the Sth.of 2na 
month of the 5th year of Ka- 
yei. (1852) in Yamaguchi pre- 

fecture; 2nd s. of Shobei Udai- 
ta, i. saffiurai; m. Taki, 1?.^ 
d. of Sadao Hasegawa of 


[ 1042 ] 

Shizuoka-prefecture ; adopted 
bj'Kan-emonTerauchi. Educ: 
studied military science in 
France.' Sub - Lieutenant in 
August 1871 ; Lieutenant in 
Nov. 1 87 1 ; Captain in 1872 ; 
Major in 1879; Lieutenant- 
Colonel in 1884; Colonel in 
1887 ; Major -General in 18- 
94 ; Lieutenant - General in 
1898 ; General in 1906. Mi- 
litary ^^to^^e to the Legation 
si Paris 1882-— 1885J Adjutant 
and Private Secretary to the 
War Minister in 1886; Direct- 
or of the Military Academy 
in 1887; Chief of Staff of the 
1st Arm^ Division in 1891 ; 
Director of the ist Bureau of 
the General Staff Office in 18- 
92 5 was send: abroad in i_896 ; 
Commander of the 3rd Army 
Brigade in 1896; Superinten- 
dent of Military Education in 
1898; Vice-Chief of the Gen- 
eral Staff Office in 1900 ; War 
Minister in 1902 ; Resident- 
General of Korea in 1910. Took 
part in the Saigo Retellion as 
head of a company of the Im- 
perial Forces and was wounded 
in the right arm in the battle 
of Tawarazaka ; in the China- 
Jaoan war Supervisor of trans- 
port as Maj .-General ; in the 
late war achieved distinction 
as War Minister which he held 
till Aug. 191 1. Was nomi- 
nated Viscount and invested 
with 1st Order of Paulownia 

and 1st Class of the G. K. as a 
war reward ; has been pro- 
moted Count in recognition 
of his services in connection 
with tlie annexation of_ Korea 
Address: Seoul, Chosen. 

Teranchi, Shin-icM C# ?3 H 
—'), Sculptor, Director and 
teacher of the Arita Techni- 
cal School; A in 1863 in 
Yamaguchi-prefecture ; s. of 
. Jinzo Terauchi ; m Take Fu- 
jii of the same prefecture. 
Educ. : studied marble scul- 
pture under Ragusa Vincinzo, 
an Italian at the A'oiu Dai 
Gakko (former Tokyo Univ.) 
in 1882. Member of the Im- 
perial Palace Construction Of- 
fice, acting as sculpitor ; has 
been employed by a porcelain 
manufacturer at Tokoname, 
Aichi - prefecture, as an ex- 
pert ; afterwards an expert to 
Gifu-ken ; present posF since 
1898. Recreations : Utai (old 
Japanese songs), Japanese 
poetry, sake, etc. Address : 
Shirakawa, AritamacM, Saga- 

Terazaki, Kogyo (# i»t ^ Wd, 
Painter, Prof of the Tokyo 
School of Fine Arts ; b. in 
1866 in Akita-ken ; e.s. of 
Hirotomo Terazaki, a prin- 
cipal retainer of Satake-clan; 
m. Suga, e. d. of Naokage 
Murata of Tokyo. Educ. : 
studied the Kano school of 
painting under Hidetoshi Ko- 

[ I043 ] 

Tes— Tez 

muro ; then Myruvam^. sdior.l 
under Zuian Hirafuku; was 
often examiner of exhibitions; 
frequently was conferred with 
prizes ; Nom de flwme, : To- 
JcugO'Sosan or Tenrai-Sanjin- 
Toryoken. Becreations : An- 
tiqtxe fine works, seal mate- 
rial. Address: No. i8o, Be- 
kignchi-cho, Koishikawa-ku 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2619 Bancho. 

Teshigawara, Kennosuke (M 
it M P- ® -i Sl^> Director of 
the KoshO District Court' 
Address : Koshu. Chusei~Nan- 
do. Chosen. 

Tezttka, Gorohei C^ » 31 IB 
^), Standing Mem. of the 
Utsunomiya Chamber of Com- 
merce, President of the Utsu- 
nomiya Bank, Ltd., Director 
of the Tochigi-ken Agricul- 
tural and Industrial Bank, 
Ltd., the Shimozuke Cotton 
Cloth Co., Ltd., the Shimo- 
zuke Newspaper Co., Ltd., 
the Nishizawa Gold Mine 
Searching Co., Ltd., the Shi- 
mozuke Electric Power Co., 
Ltd., and the Teshima Pro- 
ducts Co., Ltd., Auditor of 
the Shimozuke Cotton Yarn 
Co., Ltd., the Karasuyama 
Industrial Bank, Ltd., the U- 
tsunomiya Business Develop- 
ment Co., Ltd., and the Dai 
Nippon Flour Mfg. Co., Ltd. ; 
d. in 1852 in Tocliigi-ken ; jc. 
b. of Sotaro Ojima ; m. Yo- 
shi, e. d. of Gorobei Tezuka. 

his adopt./.. Address; Sugi- 
haracho, Utsunomiya-slii. 

Teauka, Heizaburo (#• » ¥ 
S BR), Farmer and merchant ; 
b. in 1863 in Tokushima-pre- 
fecture ; s. of Heibei Tezuka. 
Recreation: Reading. Address: 
Kakihara-mura , Awa-gun, To - 

Tezuka, Hikotaro i^ U It 
X M), Principal Judge of the 
Tokyo Local Court. Address : 
Shin-os-awa-machi, Ushis'onie- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Tezuka, Shigeji Q^ U m ?&), 
President of the Horei Bank ; 
3. the nth m. of the ist> 
of Kaei (1848), Yamanashi; 
1st s. of Shigesato Tedzuka ; 
widower. Address : Imasu- 
wa-mura, Nakakoma-gun, Ya- 
manashi-ken . 

Tezuka, Takemasa i^^&Md, 
Book-dealer, President of the 
Toys Printing Company, Ltd., 
Managing Director of Impe- 
rial Theatre Company, Ltd. • 
Imperial Theatre Co., Ltd. ; 
3. in 1853 in Yamaguchi-ken ; 
2nd s. of Morihide Okabe, a 
samurai ; m. Kame, adopt, d. 
. of Masaatsu Tezuka.^ Ad- 
dress : Yariyacho, Kyobashi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.': 1004 Kyo- 

Tezuka, Taro (^ « ic W>, 
Procurator-in-Chief of the Na- 
goya Court of Appeal ; b. in 
1862 in Tokyo-fu; e. s. of 
Ryosen Tezuka, a samiirai r 


[ 1044 ] 

PI. Masu, 2nd d. of Asayuki 
Kobayashi of Tokyo. Educ. y 
graduated Law at the Im- 
perial University in 1884. Pro- 
curator of the Osaka District 
Court ; Chief Procurator ot 
the District Courts of Otsu and 
Hakodate; Director of the Sen- 
dai District Court ; Chief Pro- 
curator of the Osaka District 
Court ; then present post. Ad- 
dress: Minamisotoboricho, Ni- 
shiku, Nagoya. Tel. : 98. 

Tobari, S^hin-ichiro CJ3 jg ff 

-^ 115), writer, author, nom de 
iflumc " Chikufu " ; i>. 2 Oct. 
the 6th _y. of Meiji (1873); 
Hiroshima prefecture ; ist J 
of Zen-ichiro, Tobari; in. Ka- 
zu, 1st d. of Shimbei Miura, 
of the same prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Literature (Course of Ger- 
man Literature) of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1 896. Ap- 
pointed Prof of the Yamagu- 
chi High School, 1899 ; trans- 
ferred as the same to the 
Tokyo Higher Normal School, 
1900 ; resigned the post Oct. 
1906. Is known as a scholar 
of German Literature, and 
earnest adherent of Niestsche. 
Publications : several transla- 
tions of German literature. Ad- 
dress : Omori , Ebara-gun, To- 

. : Tobimatsu, Kango !,?ll *S E ^ ), 
Colonel^ of ; Artillery, Com- 
mancier of the" 1 gth. Regiment 

of Aitillery ; d. 1863, Hyo- 
go prefecture. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Art., July 1887; Lieuten- 
ant, Nov. 1890 ; Captain. Apr. 
1895 ; Major, May 1901 ; Li- 
eutenant-Colonel, Feb. 1905 ; 
Colonel, Mar. 1910, Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 4th Class of the Gold- 
en Kite. Address : the 19th 
Regiment of Artillery, Taka- 
ta, Niigata-ken. ( 

Tochiuchi, Jingoro (M f% ^ 
a W), Expert of the Kabafu- 
to-Government, Chief of the 
Section of Colonization. Ad- 
dress : Toyohara, Kabafuto, 

Tochiuchi, Sojiro (M ^ #■ ^ 
W), Rear-Admiral, Director of , 
the Bureau of Naval Affairs ; 
d. in 1866 in Iwate-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Rihei Tochiuchi, a sa- 
murai ; in. Shige, 2nd d. of 
Kyujiro Abe of Tochigi-ken. 
2nd Sub-Lieutenant in 1 888 ; 
Rear- Admiral in 1909. Ad- 
jutant to the Naval Dep't ;. 
Private Secretary to the Naval 
Minister ; Commander of the 
Azuina ; then present post. 
Address : Nagasakacho, Aza- 
bu, Tokyo. 

Toda, Einosnke_C.P HISPID), 
Chairman oftheOgaki Cham- 
ber of Commerce. President 
of the Ogaki _Savings Bank,. 
Ltd., and the Ogaki Ky5ritsu 
Bank, Ltd., Director of the 
Nobi Agricultural and Indus- ' 
trial Bank, Ltd., the Ogaki 

[ I045 J 


Weaving Co., Ltd., and the 
Ogaki Land and Building Co., 
Ltd. ; (^. in 1857 in Gifu-ken; 
e. s. of Jirozaemon Toda ; m. 
Hiro, Tokunaga Nomura of 
Gifu-ken. Address : Ogakima.- 
chi, Gifu-ken. 

Toda, Kaiiehi (.F m U rff), 
H'dgakuhakushi, Prof, of the 
College of Law, Kyoto Im^- 
perial University. Address : 
Naka - Oji, Yoshida - machi, 
Kami-kyoku; Kyoto. 

"Toda, Keiiehiro Cja ffl ifc — 
SI>). Director of the Yamaga- 
ta District Court ; b. in i860 
ia Okayama-ken ; 4th j. of 
Magoshiro Toda, a samurai ; 
in. Taki, adopt, d. of Choku- 
shin Washiyama of Kyoto-fu. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Private. Chuo University in 18- 
79 ; passed the Examination 
for Bench in 1887. Judge 01 
the Okayama District Court ; 
then of the Miyagi Court 01 
Appeal ; Director of the Ya- 
magata District Court. Ad- 
dress : Yamagata-shi. 

Toda, ¥aoshielii QP H m -b), 
Foreign drapery-dealer, Di- 
rector of the Osaka Electric 
Light Co., Ltd., president of 
the Sulphuric Acid Fertilizer 
Co., Ltd., the Temnia Wea- 
ving Company, Ltd., director 
of the Settsu Cotton Yam 
Company, Ltd., president of 
the Spinning Apparatus Co., 
Ltd. ; b. in 1850 in Aichi-ken; 

3rd s. of Kyusuke Toda ; m. 
Tsuru, e. d. of Magobei Sa- 
kuda of Osaka-fu. .Address: 
Atsuchi-cho, Higashi-ku, Osa- 
Hommachi, Higashiku, Osa- 
ka. Tel.: 1056 Higashi. 

Toda, Tadayuki CP IB & ff), 
Viscount (cr. 1884), Member 
of the Hpuse of Peersj b. the-, 
9th m. of the 4th f. of K6- 
kwa (1848), Tokyo ; 4th s. of 
Tadayoshi Toda, ex-Daimyo 
of Ashikaga clan, Kotsukej 
m. Tokiko, y. sister to Kenro 
Kameda, a samurai of Chiba 
prefecture. Decoration : 4th 
Order of Merit. Address : No. 
3, Mukogaokayayoicho, Kon- 
go, Tokj'o. Tel. : 2729 Shita- 

Toda, Tsunetaro C.P H 'ifi i: 
115), Judge of the Court of Ad- 
ministrative Litigation ; b. in 
1864 in Yamaguchi-prefect- 
ure ; e. s. of Masataka To- 
da, a samutai ; m. Matsu, 3rd 
d. of Hidetomo Kobayashi of 
the same prefecture. Educ. : 
graduated Literature at the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1 886. After graduation enter- 
ed the Government service. 
Address: Araijuku, Iriarai-mu- 
ra, Tokyo-fu. 

Toda, Ujitomo (^ H ifc *),- 
Count, Grand Master of Cere- 
monies, ex-Daiymd of Ogaki; 
b. on the 29th of 6th month of 
She_ist year of Ansei (1854) 
at Ogaki, Mino; 5th s. of Uji- 
masa Toda; w?._Kiwako, grand 


[ 1046 ] 

atmif of TrinCQ Iwakura. Edttc: 
studied iri U. S. A. Upon re- 
tui-nihg entered the Dep*t of 
Education in 1879; Councill- 
or of Legation in 1886; 
Minister Resident in 1887; 
Minister - Plenipbtentiaiy at 
Vienna in the same year; Presi- 
dent of the Imperial Tomb- 
Keepers' Bureau ; Master of 
Ceremonies; then present post. 
Address : Surugadai-minami- 
kogacho, Kandaku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 211, 424 Honkyoku. 

T'doKd-Cli'E m, Judge, 
and Director of the Utsiino- 
miya District Court ; b. the 
2nd m. of the \%\.y. of Gwanji 
(1864), Fukuoka prefecture ; 
y. brother to Yii Oto, and 
Ohanged his name into Todo 
in 1 89.6 ; m. Kino, adopt, d. 
of Kanzo Iwasaki, a samurai 
of Fukuoka prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1888. Appointed 
Judge, Oct. 1 890 ; served suc- 
cessively as Judge of the 
Nagoya and Tokyo District 
Courts, and then Sectional 
Chief of the Nagasaki Appeal 
Court ; then present post. 
Address: Official House of the 
Court, Utsunomiya. 

Tddo, Takatsugu CH t. % W), 
Count; b. 27 July, the 17th 
/. of Meiji (1884), Tokyo ; s. 
of the late Takakiyo Todo, 
ex-Daimyo of Tsu clan ; m. 

Nobuko, y. sister to Yukima- 
sa Saiiada, Count. Educ: grad- 
uated from the Peers' School ; 
studied about three years at 
Cambridge University; return- 
ed home in 1907. Address : 
No. 5, I chome, Yokoamicho, 
Honjo, Tokyo. Tel.: 1580 Na- 

Todoroki, Osamu iM -« li ?&), 
President of the Hotaka Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. the 7th m. of the ist 
y. of Kayei (1848) in Naga- 
no-ken ; 2nd s. of Naokado 
Usui ; adopted by Ri Todo- 
roki ; ni. Moyo, e. d. of his 
adopted father. Address : Ho- 
daka - mura, Minami-adzumi- 
guft, Nagano-ken. 

Toganii, Komanosuke (^ _fc, 
J® ;i |S)i Physician and mem- 
ber of Examination Com- 
mittee for the Practioners ; 
b. June, 1870 in Yanagawa, 
Fukuoka-ken; .s. of Shunko 
Adachi; -m. Hatsuse, d. of 
Junan Togami, to whose 
family he was adopted. Educ.: 
graduated from the College 
of Medicine of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1900. Was as- 
sistant to Drs. Belz and Kin- 
nosuke Miura; appointed Head 
of the Kokura Hospital, 1901- 
1904, appointed Member of 
Examir;at:on Committee for 
the Medical Practioners; went 
to Berlin and studied in the 
Berlin Univ.; returned hoftife 
1908. Publications : Notiz 

[ I047 ] 


zur Kenntnis des Phosphor- 
stoffwechsels. — Medizinische 
Klinik, Zur Wirkung von 
Superoxyden auf die Verdau- 
ungsorgane — Berliiier'' kli- 
nische Wochensckrift. Uber 
den Einfluss einiger Genuss- 
mittel auf die Wirksamkeit 
der Verdauungsenzyme,-5/()- 
chemische Zeitschrift Experi- 
mentelle Untersuchung liber 
den Einfluss einiger Nah- 
rungs- und Genust-mittel auf 
die Pankreassekretion, — Zeit- 
schrift fiXr physikalische ti. 
didtetischi; Therapie. Recre- 
ations : rending. Address : l>Io. 
1 72', Higashi Nakasu-machi, 
Fukuoka. Tel. 565 Fukuoka. 

Togo, Hachir zaemon (^ M 
Am:&m n), Major-General, 
Commander of the 32nd Bri- 
gade of Infantry; iJ. in 1856 
in Kagoshima-ken ; e. s. of Ji- 
rohachi T5g6, a samurai ; m. 
Fumi, 3rd d. of Kosuke Shii- 
hara of Kagoshima-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1879; Major- 
General in 1909, Decoration: 
3rd Ord— of the R. S. Ad- 
dress : Wakayama. 

Togo, Heihaehiro (MM^ A 
115), Count, Admiral, Member 
of the Supreme Military and 
Naval Council ; b. the I2th 
m. of the ■«.*•'' y. of K5kwa 
{1846) in Kagoshima, provin- 
ce of Satsuma ; 3rd s. of Ki- 
chizaemon Togo, samurai; m. 
Tetsu, elder sister of Viscount 

Kokichi Kaieda. Educ. : stud- 
ied at the Thames Naval Col- 
lege, Greenwich, England, arid 
then finished training on board 
Her British Majesty's Ship 
" Worcester," 1 87 1 — 1 878. 
Began his naval career as a 

cadet in the Satsuma navy and 
in that capacity took part in 
the battle of Sakurajima (June 
1863), the immediate cause of 
which was the bombardment 
of Kagoshima city by the 
seven Biitish warships whose 
demand in connection with 
the famous Namamugi Murder 
Case (in which an Englishman 
named Richardson was killed 
by a reckless band of Satsu- 
ma samurai) having been re- 
jected by the Satsuma clan ; 
when the civil war of the 
Restoration broke out was 
-ordered to join the war- 
ship Kasuga by his clan gov- 
ernment and on his way to 
Hyogo from Kagoshima eri- 


1048 ] 

countered the Shogunate ship 
Kaiyo-maru off the island of 
Ijima, in the strait of Kii and 
exchanged broadsides with 
her, Jan. 1 868 ; then took part 
in the battle of Hakodate on 
board the Kasuga and rend- 
ered great service in the com- 
plete annihilation of the Sho- 
gunate Navy, 1867 ; when 
peace was restored and new 
government formed was. seat . 
to England for study and 
when his course of training on 
board H.B.M'.S. " Worcester" 
was finished in 1876 was or- 
dered to remain further in 
England to watch the con- 
sfifuctioii of the new Japanese 
"ship Hi'ei, which was finished 
iti Jan. 1878 and returned to 
Japan in the following May ; 
made 2nd Lieutenant on board 
the Fuso, July 1878 ; ist Li- 
eutenant, Dec. the same year ; 
2nd Commander, Dec. 1 879 ; 
Vice-Captain of the Zingei, 
Jan. 18.80 ; the same of Ama- 
gi, Dec. 1 88 1 ; Captain of the 
Teiu, Mar. 1883; the same 
on the Amagi, making a cruise 
round the Chinese and Kore- 
an coasts^ 1884 ; Commander, 
June 1888 ; promoted Captain 
and appointed Chief of Stafil 
of the Kure Naval Station, 
May 1890; Captain of the 
ITaniwa, 1891 ;^made a voya- 
,ge to Hawaii, Vladivostock, 
^tc, 1893; Chief of the Na- 

val Barracks of the Kure Na- 
val Station, Apr. 1 894 ; again 
Captain of the Naniwa when 
the China-Japan war broke 
out and was ordered to make 
a cruise off the Korean coast 
with Takachilio, Yoshino, and 
Akitsu, all of which together 
with. Naniwa belonged to the 
Flying Squadron and were 
commanded by Rear-Admi- 
ral Tsuboi ; then occurred that 
famous " Sinking of Kow- 
shing Case " in which Togo 
had his first opportunity of 
putting into practice the les- 
sons of naval warfare which 
he had learned in England ; 
in this connection a few lines 
would be necessary to ex- 
plain his situation at that 
time : " At 6 - a. m. " on the 
25th July 1894, the first divi- 
sion of the Japanese Squad- 
ron, to which Togo's ship Na- 
niwa belonged, saw two Chi- 
nese men-of-war near the is- 
land of Phung-do (or Round 
Island) in Koi'ean waters. At 
7.5 the fleets approached each 
other^ within 3000 metres and 
began to open fire. The en- 
counter raged fiercely for a- 
bout an hour and a half. One 
of the Chinese ships, being 
severely damaged, went a- 
shore, while the other fled to 
Chelung Bay, to find her way 
back to China. While the 
Japanese fleet was chasing the 

[ I049 ] 


enemy two other steamers had 
appeared in the offing and it 
was soon seen that one was 
the Tsao-kaing, the Chinese 
gunboat," and the other the 
Kowshing which had left Ta- 
ku on the 23rd, and had now 
arrived on the scene. At 8.30 
a.m. the Japanese fleet saw 
the Kowshing passing on the 
starboard in the distance. At 
9.15, the Naniwa drew near 
the British ship, signalled her 
to stop and fired two blank 
■ cartridges. Next she ordered 
her to anchor by the signal 
L. P. Prize officers were soon 
sent to her, and it was dis- 
covered that she carried the 
enemy's troops. Thereupon the 
Naniwa ordered Kowshing to 
follow her, but Captain Gals- 
worthy; commanding the ves- 
sel, replied that the Chinese 
on board prevented him and 
were for returning to Taku 
from whence they had come. 
The Captain and the crew 
were threatened with death 
by the Chinese if they left 
the vessel. AH attempts to 
take the ship were therefore 
useless as the Chinese refus- 
ed to surrender ; and the Na- 
niwa therefore signalled to the 
captain that his crew should 
jump into the sea as soon as 
a red flag was hoisted on the 
warship. On seeing the red 
flag, therefore, the crew jump' 

ed into the sea, and were fired 
upon by the Chinese. They 
were all killed except the- Cap- 
tain, the first officer, and 
the quartermaster who were 
picked up by the Naniwa's 
boats. The Naniwa then sank 
the Kowshing with a shot 
which struck her Engine- 
room. Only a few Chinese 
escaped by swirhming to an 
island. Major Von Hannec- 
ken, who was also on board, 
having been ordered by the 
Chinese Gevernment to fortify 
Asan, also swam ashore. " 
He was promoted Rear-Ad- 
miral and Commander' of the 
Standing Squadron, May 1 898; 
then transferred as Comman- 
der of the Maizuru Naval Sta- 
tion ; Admiral, June 1904 ; in 
the Russo-Japanese war as 
Commander - in - Chief of the 
Combined Fleet gained com- 
plete victory over the Rus- 
sian navy which was totally 
annihilated by the two great 
naval engagements at Port 
Arthur and the Japan Sea, 
his principal exploits having 
been the bombardment of Port 
Arthur, the "-heroic attempt 
to blockade the entrance of 
the port by means of sunken 
ships, the pursuit and defeat 
of the Port Arthur fleet, the 
sinking of two of the enemy's 
ships, and finally the com- 
plete destruction of Rozhdest- 


[ 1050 ] 

vensky's fleet at the battle of 
Tsushima in the Sea of Ja- 
pan (May 27, 1905) ; a minute 
detail of the movements taken 
by Togo in the war being as 
follows .' " At Port Arthur, on 
13 April 1904, Togo sent 
boats inshore to "sow" the 
outer roadstead with mines, 
the flotilla which accompanied 
them having instructions to 
draw the Russians out to sea. 
Falling into the trap, Admiral- 
Makharov's squadron steam- 
ed out after the decoys, only 
to find, when ten miles out, 
that they were under Togo's 
big guns. The Russian ves- 
sels straggled bade, headed by 
the Petropavlmsk. This big 
battleship struck one of the 
mines and sank, with 750 of 
her crew and Admiral Mak- 
harov himself lost his life. The 
Pobieda and several of the 
smaller ships were badly in- 
jured. On August loth the 
Russians made a desperate 
sortie under Admiral Vitoft; 
but the admiral was killed 
and the fleet scattered. Five 
battleships, the ctms&x Pallada^ 
and three destroyers returned 
to the harbour. The battleship 
Tsarevitch and three destroy- 
ers gained Tsin - tao, where 
they were interned. The tor- 
pedo-boat Retckitelni sought 
refuge at Chefoo, where she 
saw "cut out" by the Japanese 

and towed away. The cruiser 
Askold and a 'destroyer were 
dismantled at Shanghai, as 
was the Dtana at Saigon, 
and a destroyer was blown 
up on the rocks at Sh.-'.ntung. 
The Navik had gone with the 
four other ships to Tsin-tao, 
where she took coal on board, 
and then she made a daring 
attempt to reach Vladivostock. 
The Vladiv istock squadron, 
four days after the sortie, was 
making its way south to help 
the Port Arthur fleet, when . 
it was caught by Admiral 
Kamimura, who sank the Ru' 
rik, and all but crippled the 
Rossta and the Gromoboi. The 
Novik was sighted near Sa- 
ghalien by two Japanese cruis- 
ers, and ran herself ashore. 
In the middle of October 
(1904) Admiral Rozhdestven- 
sky took command of a Rus- 
sian fleet in the Baltic, and 
began his voyage half-way 
round the world. The Rus- 
sian fleet continued its voyage. 
Early in May 1905, after Ad- 
miral Nebogatov, who had 
left Libau on February 15, 
in chai'ge of a third Russian 
squadron, had joined Rpzh- 
destvensky, the great fleet of 
nearly forty vessels made for 
Vladivostock. Admiral Togc 
allowed the Russian vessels 
a free passage until, on May 
27, they reached the straits 

[ losi] 


of Tsushima, between Korea 
and Japan. There the Japa- 
nese fleet formed a circle round 
the hapless armada. Five 
Russian warships sank before 
nightfall. A torpedo attack 
was made on Saturday night, 
the general engagement being 
resumed on Sunday morning. 
A halt was not called till 
Admiral Togo had sunk, cap- 
tured, or disabled eight battle- 
ships,.nine cruisers, three coast 
defence ships, nine des.troyers, 
one auxiliary cruiser, six spe- 
cial service steamers, and two 
hospital ships. Japan's losses 
in this the greatest of her sea 
battles were three torpedo 
boats, and Ii6men killed and 
538 wounded. Russia lost 
4,000 killed, and among her 
7,300 sailers taken prisoners 
were Admirals Rozhdestven- 
sky and Nebogatov. This 
finally broke the Russian re- 
sistance." He was promoted 
Admiral when the war was 
still in progress and subsequ- 
ently created Count with the 
decorations of the Grand Or- 
der of the Chrysanthemum 
and the ist Class of the Gold- 
en Kite; also received the Or- 
der of Merit at the hands of 
Prince Arthur of Connaught 
in Feb. 1906 ; Chief of the 
Naval General Staff for a 
short time after the war and 
then present post; was its 

the suite ofH.I.H. Prince Hi- 
gashi - Fushimi - no - Miya who 
attended the Coronation Cere- 
momy of H.B.M. King Geor- 
ge and came on his way 
home via America Address : 
No. 37, Kamirokubancho, Ko- 
jimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 1545 

Togo, Kichitaro (MM'myc W), 
Eear-Admiral ; h. in 1867. 
Cadet, 1883; Captain, 1987, 
Eear-Admiral, Dec. 191 2. Z>e- 
corcdions : 3rd Order of the B^ 
S. and 4th Class of the G. K. 
Address : Zushi, Kanaga wa- 
ken. ' , . 

Togo, Seinosuke CSC Ji Sf 2. 
^), Eear-Admiral, Chief Staff 
on the Maizuru Naval Station ; 
f>. in 1866. Educ. : graduat- 
ed from the Naval Academy. 
2nd Commander, Feb. 1898 ; 
Commander, Dec. 1901; Cap- 
tain, Sept. 1906; Rear-Admi-. 
ral, Dec. 1912. Decoration.-, : 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
4th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure, 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. JdHresa : Maiznrn. 

Togo, Tatsujiro (jK«®^Si5), 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 14th Regi- 
ment of Infantry; <5 1870 
in Fukui-lcen. Sub-Lieut., 
March 1892; Lieut., Nov. 
1894; Captain, Oct. 1898; 
M ijor, Dec. 1903; Lieut. 
Colonel, Dec. 1907; Colonel, 


[ I 0^2 ] 

Nov. 1 910. Decorations: 5th 
Order of S. T., 4tli Order 
of R. S„ 5th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Fukuoka, 

Tojo, Chujiro (:$ 1f S, ^ 

W), Director of the Wakaya- 
ma Agricultural and Forestry 
School, Expert of Wakaya- 
ma-prefecture. Address: Hon- 
cho, Wakayama. 

Tojo, Hidenori (« W ^ m), 
Lieutenant - General on the 
reserve ; b. the 1 1 th m. of 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855), 
Tokyo - fu ; 1st s. of Hi- 
detoshi Tojo, a samurai of 
Nambu clan ; m. Chitose, y. 
sister to ReikS Tokunaga, of 
Fukuoka. Educ. : graduated 
from the Military Staff Col- 
lege; studied in Germany, 18- 
88 — 1 89 1 .Took part in the Sa- 
igo's Rebellion; Sub-Lieuten- 
ant of Infantry, 1878; Lieuten- 
ant, 1882; Captain, 1884; Prof 
of the Military Staff College, 
1885; Major, 1 89 1 ; on the 
General Staff Office,' 1892; 
took part in the Japan-China 
war, and was made Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel ; Colonel, 1897; 
Section Chief of the General 
Staff Office, 1899; Major-Ge- 
neral and took part in the 
late war under Lieut.-General 
Kawamura aS Commmander 
of the 8th Brigade of Infantry; 
Commander of the 30th Briga- 
de of Infantry; promoted to the 

present rank, and placed on 
the reserve list. Decorations:. 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite, 
2nd Order of the Rising Sun/ 
Address: No. 448, Nishioku- 
bo, Okubo, Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo. Tel.; 585 Bancho. 

Tojo, Katsutomo CJRltE*:), 
Expert of the Miyagi Pre- , 
fectural Government, and Di- 
rector of the Miyagi Agi-i- 
cultural Experiment Farm 
and the Miyagi Agricultural 
School. Decorations : 5th O- : 
rder of Merit. Address: 'Ho. , 
.3, Sekiba, Sendai. ' 

Tojio, Shotaro C^ M i£ i: 
g.|5), artist, European paint- 
ey ; 6. 11 the 3rd m. of tfee 
1st y. of Keio (1865) at Ko- 
ishikawa, Tokyo ; s. of Kagc 
yuki Tojo, a samurai ; to. Tsn- 
ruko. Eduo. : learned West- 
ern-paintings from Kiyoo Ka- 
wamura. When he' was twenty 
years old, became expert of 
the Printing Bureau of Cabin- 
et ; resigned it in 1890, and 
he devoted himself to the 
study of painting; afterwards 
be exhibited his masterpieces 
to various exhibitions and was 
awarded many prizes ; made 
a tour of inspection through 
various European countries, 
Jan. 19.10 ; at present he . is 
drawing picture of naval battle 
for the request from the Naval 
Office. AMres&\ No. 118 Z6- 
shigaya, Takata-mursi, " Kita- 

[ I0S3 ] 


toyashima-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Toki, Kahei (:!-. g;^ M ■¥)> 
Secretary of the Home Dep't, 
Sth Order of Merit; d. 1875 
in Wakayama prefecture; m. 
d. of Yoshimura. r. Educ: 
studied politics at the law 
College, Imp. Univ. Proba- 
tionary Judge in 1898; ad- 
mitted to bar in Tokyo, 1899; 
entered the Home Depart- 
ment, 190 1; appointea coun- 
sellor of the Yamanashi-pre- 
fecture, 1903; re-entered the 
Home Dep't., 1904; made an 
official tour through Europe 
and America, 1907- 1908. 
Address : 146 Bentencho, 
Ushigome-ku, I'okyo. Tel.: 
1081 Bancho. 

Tokieda, Motoyuki (B^ ^ 1^ 

^)> Sub-manager of the New 
York Agency of the Yokoha- 
ma Specie Bank; b. in 1870 
in the province o^ Chikuzen, 
prefecture of Fukuoka. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1898. Entered the Yo- 
kohama Specie Bank in 1899 
and after having served at its 
branches at Bombay, Tokyo, 
New Yox-k, and Honolulu was 
transferred to the present post 
in 1910. Address: c/o The 
Yokohama Specie Bank, Ltd., 
New York Agency, No. 55, 
Wall Street, New York. 

Tokishige, Hatsukuma Caj a 
I?/ W), Juigahihakushi (Veter- 

inary Medicine and Surgery)^ 
Pi'of. of the College of Agri- 
culture, Tokyo Imperial Univ- 
ersity ; b. in 1 859 in Yama- 
guchi-ken ; e. s. of OtojiroTo- 
kishige, a samurai; m. Fu- 
mi, 3rd V. of Ichizo Harada 
of Yamaguchi-lcen. Educ. .• 
graduated from the Komaba 
Agricultural School in 1885 ; 
was sent to Germany for study. 
Afler graduation became Prof. 
of the Tokj'o Agricultural and 
Forestry School; Assist.-Prdf. 
of the College of Agriculture;, 
then present post in 1902. 
Address: Harajuku, Sendaga- 
ya, Tokyo. 

Tokito.KazuhikoCBlFtt- jt 
Prof, of the College of Agri- 
culture in the Tohoku Imp. 
Univ. Address : Sapporo-l<n, 
Hokkaido. 97 

Tofconami, Takejiro (IS '-^ Vl 
^ BP, Pres. of the Imp. Eail- 
way Board; b. the 12th m. 
of the 2nd f. of Keio (18- 
96), Kagoshima ; ist .s. oi 
the late Seisei Tokonami, a. 
samurai of Kagoshima; m,. 
Kiyo, 1st d. of Tsunenorr 
Hashimoto, a samurai of the 
same prefecture. Educ: grad- 
uated from the Law College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity.- After serving as Sec- 
retary of the Financial De- 
partment, Secretary of Ya- 
magata and Niigata prefect- 
ures, and Governor of To- 


[ 1054 ] 

ku.shima and Akita prefect- 
xire,?, '^tc, was finally transfer-^ 
red to Vice-Min. of H.O. in 19- 
c6 ; made an inspection tour 
in Europe and Amei-ica a 
few years ago. Decoration : 
3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun. Publication : Obei Sho- 
kan (Glimpse-s of Europe and 
America). Address : No. 45 
Yakuojiraaemachi, Ushigome, 
'i-'okyc. let. .1201 Bancho. 
, Tokuta, Koshi C'^ IB f^ B])> 
novelist, literary critic; ^. in 
1 877 in Okayama-ken; s. of 
Keita Tokuta. Edtic: gra- 
duated from the Literary 
Course of the Waseda Univ. 
Recreations: reading, fine arts, 
conversation. Address: No. 
47, Yarai-cho, Ushigome, 

Tok'tidaiji, Sanenori C# :^ ^ 
% m, Prince, Grand Cord- 
on of the Chrysanthemum. 
.-,x-Grand Chamberlain to the 
late Emperor _ Meiji ex~Lord 

Keeper of the Pri^ Seal, 
Mem. of the House of Peers; 
l>. on the 6th of 12th month 
of the lOth year of Tempo 
(1839), at Kyoto -y-e. s. of Ki- 
mizumi Tokudaiji, Kuge. FI4S 
served in the Imperial Court 
for many years ; once Minister 
of the Imperial Hoiisehold 
Dep't; Grandchamberlain; no- 
minated Marquis in 1884 ; 
granted Grand Cordon of the 
Chrysanthemum after the Rus- 
so-Japanese war ; promoted 
Prince in recognition of his 
meritorious services for many 
years. Address : Serjdagaya, 
Tokyo-fu. Tel. : I'J'J^ Shibs.. 

Tokugawa, Atsushi (M )'\ i¥), 
Baron (or. 1882), Member of 
the House of Peers ; b. 7,1 
July the 7th y: of Meiji (18- 
74); 4th s. of Prince. Keiki 
Tokugawa ; m. Sato-ko, aunt 
to Marquis Koso Matsudaira. 
Educ: the Peers' School. Has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : No. 384 Sendagaya, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2748 Shiba. 

Tokugawa, lyesatp C^ jtl ^ 
jS)» Prince, Lord-in-Waiting 
in Jakd Hall, President of tlie 
House of Peers ; ' b. the 7th 
in. of the 3rd J/, of Bunkyu 
(1863) at Yedd ; 3rd s. of 
Yoshiyori Tokugawa; m. Ya- 
suko, d. of the late Prince 
Tadafusa Konde. Educ: stud- 

[ 1055 ] 


ied in England, 1877—1882. 
His father Yoriy.oshi Tokuga- 
wa was of the Tayasu branch 

of the Tokugawa family ; the 
Prince was adopted as heir 
in 1868 by the last of the 
Shoguns ; after the Restora- 
tion becanie Governor of Shi- 
zuoka-clan; on returning from 
abroad was appointed Lord' 
in - Waiting in Jako Hall ; 
Mem. of the House of Peers 
in 1900 ; went abroad for 
inspection in 19 lo; President 
of the Peers' club and the To- 
kyo Charitable Society. JVom 
de plume : Seigaku. Recrea- 
tions: Yokyokii. (old Japanese 
Classical songs) and wrestling. 
Clubs : Peers' Club and Nip- 
pon Chib. Address : Senda- 
gaya, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 1002 

Tokugawa, Keiki (IS ;il R S), 
Prince, Lord-in- Waiting in the 
Kinkei-Hall, Member of the 
House of Peers, ex-Shogun 

(the last and 15 th of the 
.Shoguns) ; ^ on the 29th of 
the 9th m. of the Btli j/. of 
Tempo ( 1837), Yedo (Tokyo); 
7th s. of Nariaki Tokugawa, 
the late famous Daiinyo of 
Mito clan, and one of the 
three main branches of the 
great house of Tokugawa ; 
widower. Was installed in 1 8- 
66 (succeeding lyeshige, r4th 
Shogun) as the last of the 
illustrious line founded by 
lyeyasu (about two hundred 
years ago) and of the occu- 
pants of the Military Regency 
started by Yoritpmo (about 
seven hundred years ago). He 
was confronted soon aft^r his 
succession to the exalted an- 
cestral seat with the national 
revolt that had originated sev- 
eral years before with the ai*m 
of pulling down the Regency 
and reinstating the Imperial 
House to its rightful position. 
But for his conviction that the 
time had finally come for the 
restoration of the Imperial 
monarchy the work of the 
Restoration could not have 
been easily accomplished at 
such a time. Since the Restora- 
tion he has altogether kept 
aloof from active politics and 
has spent his time in shoot- 
ing and other manly sports. 
Lord-in-Waiting in the Kinkei 
Hall, 1900 ; created Prince, 
and nominated M. H. P.^ 19- 


[. m^ 3 

02; on resigning the title of 
Prince to his adopted son 
(Prince lyesato Tokugawa) in 

the same year, was by special 
grace granted independently 
the same title, and in future, 
therefore, the great house of 
Tokugawa will have two prin- 
ces. Address: No. 54, Kobina- 
t£k-dairokutemmachi, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. Tel. .-157 Ban- 

Tokugawa, YorimieM C^ i'l « 
®). Marquis, Member of the 
House of Peers ; b. 27 June 
the Sth y. . of. Meiji . ( 1 872) ; 
§th s. of Yoshiyori Tokuga- 
wa of Tayasu branch, and y. 
brother to Prince lyesato To- 
kugawa ; adopted into _ the 
pre.sent family; m. Hisa, 1st 
d. of his foster-father. tEduc,-: 
studied several years in Eli- 
gland. Was formerly one of 
the three great branches of the 
Tokugawa house enjoying at 
Kishu a fief ofSSSi^oo koku 
of rice, founded by Yorinobu, 

loth s. of the great lyeyasu. ' 
Address : No. 14, 6 chome, 
likura, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 
339 Shiba. ' 

Tokugawa, Satotaka Cli )\\ ^ 
m, Count (cr. 1884), Mem- 
ber of the House of Peers ; 
b. the 5 th m. of the ist y. 
of Keio (1865), Tokyo; 4th 
5. of the late Yoshiyori To- 
kugawa of the Tayasu branch 
of the Tokugawas' and e. 
brother to Marquis Rairin To- 
kugawa ; m.. Tomo-ko, e. sis- 
ter to Tadashige Shimazu, 
Prince. Made an inspection 
tour in Europe and America, 
June 1889— Mar. 1890; elected 
M. H, P., 189S. Decoration': 
4th Order of Merit. Address / 
No. I, Mitatsuna-machi, Shl^ 
ba, Tokyo. Tel.; 238. 339 

Tokugawa, YosMcMka C# Ji| 
« «.), Marquis ; b. 5 Oct. the 
19th J/, of Meiji (1886); aunt; 
to Marquis Koso Matsudaira; 
and adopted by the late Girei 
Tokugawa,. ex - Daimyo of 
Owari clan, and of one of the 
Three Branches of Tokugawa 
family ; m. Yone-ko, ist d. 
of his foster-father. Address : 
No. 42, 2 chome, Kobinatan 
suidocho, Koishikawa, Tokyd; 
Tel. : 894 Cho Bancho. . * 

Tokugawa, YoshitosM (li 
;i| ^ gjj)^ aviator, ; captain 
of engineer, attache > to the 
Balloon Corps, member <£ 

[:,io57 J 


the Special Military Balloon 
Investigatiou Committee ; b. 
1S85 ill Tokip. Sab-lieutenant, 
Dec. 1904 ; lieutenant, June 
1905 ;. captain, Dec. 1909 ; 
decorated with 6th Order of 
R. S., 5th Class of G. K. Ad- 
dress: 844 Sendagaya Senda- 
gayamachi,Toyotama-gun, To- 

Tokumi, Tsuiieo (® ^l'M m), 
Expert of the Dep't, of Civil 
Engineering in the Formosan 
Government; <?' in 1873 in 
Nagasaki-ken; e. s. of Tsuneto 
Tokumi ; m. Hide, ado^t. d. 
of Eiicliir5 Kumamoto of To- 
kyo-fu. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Engineering, 
Tokyo Imperial Univefstiy, in 
1897.- Address: Taihoku, For- 

Tokunaga, Kiimao (Mn^%W), 

Lieut.-Gplonel of Engineering, 
Chief of the Militarj' Balloon 
Corps, Mem. of the Mih'tary 

Balloon Investigation Commi- 
ttee; 5. 1872 ait Tokyo. Suh- 
Lieut., Sept. 1894; Lieuten- 
ant, Oct. 1897; Captain, Nov, 
1900; Major,. July 1905. De- 
'corations : 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Order 
of tlie Rising Sun. Address : 
Military Balloon Corps, Na- 
kano-machi, Toyotama - gun, 

Tokuno, iffiicMmasa C#t6 M 
§)> Lord-in-Waiting of the 
Kinkei Hall, Member of the 

House of Peers ; b. the 1st 
m. of the 5th y. of Kaei (18- 
52), Kagoshima ; 1st s. of 
Ryosuke Tokuno, a samurai 
of Kagoshima clan; m. Yo- 
shi, 2nd d. of Jiiroku Susu- 
mu, ^samurai of Yarnaguchi. 
Educ: studied English at To- 
kyo. "Entered the War Office, 
1874; Junior Secretary of the 
Financial Department, 1 882 ; 
3rd Engineer of the same Of- 
fice, 1885; ordered to proceed 
to Europe and America for 
the purpose of inspecting print- 
ing affairs, 1885 — 1886; again 
despatched abroad, 1887; apT 
Dointed Director of the print- 
ing Bureau, 1889 — 1908 ; no- 
minated Member of the House 
of Peers, 1906. Plas been de- 
corated with the 2nd Order 
of Merit. J.J(?ress.*.Mikawa- 
dai-machi, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 

Tokushima, Isao CM % % ^), 
President of the Oshiro Bank, 
Ltd.; b. in 1864 in Saga-ken ; 
2nd s. of Torn Aiura, a sa- 
murai; m. Tsuya, e. s. of Iclii' 
goro Aihara. His adopt, f. 
Tanetsugu Tokushima fought 
against the Government as 
VicerChief of the Etd's Re- 
bellion. A well known rich. 
family. Address: Oshirdmachi, 

Proprietor and Chief editor^oi 
ih,Q Kokumin Shimbun (a dai-. 
ly paper)VMem. of the H.P.; b. 


[ f0S8] 

Xh6 i&tm. of the 3rdjf. of Bun- 
kyu (1863) in Kumamoto; e. s. 
of Ikkei Tokutomi, a samurai; 
m. Shidzu-ko, 6. d. of Matazo 
Kmrasono. Educ. : studied at 
the Doshisha, Kyoto, 1876 — 
18S0. Editor of the Tonicki 
. Shimpo ; founder and presi- 
dent of the degijuku (a pri- 
vate school) ; then was suc- 
cessively Editor of the Ko- 
kuminnotomo (Nation's Friend, 
a magazine), the Far East 
(English), the Katei ZassM 
(Household magazine), etc.; 
has been Councillor to the 
Home Dep't in 1898; after- 
wards made a tour of inspec- 
tion through Europe and A- 
nierica ; the Kokuininshimbun 
of which he is now chiel 
editor was founded by him 
some 'twenty years ago and 
is one of the most popular 
newspapers at present in Ja- 
pan. He was nominated Mem. 
of the House of Peers, Aug. 
191 1. Publications: " Shorai 
no Nippon" (Japan in the 
future); "Life of .Yoshida 
Shoin, a great loyal patriot 
at the time of the Restora- . 
tion" ; ^' Shin Nippon no Sei- 
nen" (the Younger Genera- 
tion of New Japan) and many 
others, all of which were writ- 
ten under iis pen-name of 
" Soho." Recreations : Read- ' 
'ing, collecting old books, 
sticks, etc. Address: Aoya- 
ma-Minami-machi, Akasaka, 

rj i""- -.J'^--' '°4 Shiba.- 
Uubs : Nippon club, Kyushu 
club, Higo jclub. 

Tokutomi, Kenjiro (li ',f M^ 
W), novelist, {pen-name: "Ro- 
ka ") ; b. at Kumamoto ; 
yoii7iger brother oiVvMro To- 
kutomi, famous journalist. 
Wrote in 1899 " Namiko," 
a tragic novel intended to 
depict the collision between 
old and modern ideas of Japan, 
and which has enjoyed an 
immense popularity, having 
gone through more than 100 
editions and has been trans- 
lated and published in Ame- 
rica by a Japanese a few 
years ago ; next" followed 
" Omoideno - ki ", somewhat 
autobiographical, and " Ku- 
roshio." (Black Tide), incom- 
plete and socialistic in ten- 
dency ; recently has written 
" Yadorigi " ; undertook a 
pilgrimage to Jerusalem and 
visited count Tolstoy in 19- 
06. ^^^r^.f.f .• Kasuya, near 

Tomatsu, Magotaro <i^1&M ■ 
^ BI53> Baron (cr. 1.907), Mili-. 
tary Intendant - Greneral oh 
the reserve; M. H. .P. ; ly. 
the 8th m. of the"* 4th y. 
of Kokwa (1847), Wakaya- 
ma prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Taemon Dbori, a samurai of 
Wskayama clan, and adopted 
by Magozaemon Tomatou, a 
samurai of the same clan ; 

t 1059 ] 


m. Maki, ist if. of Hikoshir5 
Namikiri. Followed his lord's 
contingent in the expedition 
of Choshn by the Tokugawa 
Shogunate and had a bitter 
experience owing to the defeat 
of the expedition ; studied for 
a short while at Kobe and 
Tolcyo, but soon returned 
home and took to farming ,; 
a local school inspector, 18- 
75 ; clerk of Military Store 
Headquarters at Kobe in the 
Civil War, 1877; and has 
since been connected with the 
Supply branch of the Army ; 
once held the post of Dii^ect- 
or of the Military Accounts' 
Bureau. Decorations: 2tiAQX'&.s,^ 
of the Golden Kite, 2nd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : No. 472, Kamiochiai, 
Ochiai'-mura, Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 6g$ Bancho. 

Tomatsari, Bunsd CJ3 ^ 5: it), 
Surgeon Gr.eneral; of the Navy, 
Chief of the Yokosiika Ho.S]_ii- 
tal and in addition Chief Sur- 
geon to the Maizuru Naval 
Station; d. i860. Surgeon- 
2nd Commander, Dec. 1897 ; 
Surgeon - Commander, Sept. 
1899; Surgeon-Captain, Jan. 
1904. Decorations : 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun,- 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure. 
Address: Yokosuka Naval Sta- 
tion, Yokosuk^. 

Tomeoka, Kosuke i^m^MX 
(Social reformer; b. 1164 in 

Okayama-ken ; e. s. of Ivin- 
suke Tomeoka ; m. Kilm ; e. 
«. of Shige Terao of Bhime- 
ken. Saccessivelj Kerved as 
Christian pastor, college lec- 
turer and prison chapeain ; 
besides has connected with 
various charitable and edu- 
cational works ; has establi- 
shed •'■ Katei-Gakko " (home 
school) and is managing it; 
given chage and is engaging 
in investigation, works of so- 
cial reforming question by the 
Home office. Address : No. 
2617, Sugamo, Tokyo, 
' ToKiidzu, Miroto CF 7J< % A), 
Lawyer, 2nd grade of 4th 
Rank, 4di Order of Merit, Hd- 
gakuhakushi (Dr. of Daw), 
Barrister - at - Law (Middle 
Temple), Member of the House 
of Representatives for Kana- 
zawa town ; b. the 6th in. of 
the 1st y. of Bunkyii (1861), 
Kanazawa in the province of 
Kaga ; 1st s. of Sliingi To- 
midzu, a samurai of Kana- 
zawa clan ; ni- Waki-ko, 2nd 
d, of Naokazu Yamamoto, a 
samurai of Ishikawa prefect- 
ure. Educ: graduated from 
the Law College of the To--' 
kyo Imperial ,University, 18- 
86 ; further studied law and 
political science at London, 
Berlin and Paris, "1889 — 1894. 
On his return home was ap- 
pointed Prof of the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 

Toni^r Ton 

[ io6o ] 

University (chair; Roman La%v 
furisprude7tce, Civil Law), 1 8- 
94; received the degree of 
HogakuJiahishi in 1899 ; was 
one of the most pronounced 
of the " Seven University Jin- 
goes," and surprised the pub- 
lic by his daring denunciation 
of the situation (severely op- 
posing the shameful peace 
treaty with Russia). His com- 
pulsory resignation caused the 
resignation of President Ya- 
iTiakawa as well as the Mi- 
nister of Education (Baron 
Kubota) ; the- agitation was 
finally settled by his reinstate- 
ment to his former post; re- 
turned from his native place 
as M. H.. R. in 1908; re- 
signed his professorship and 
opened a law office in Tokyo. 
Address .- No. 2, 4chome, li- 
damachi, Kojimachiku.Tokyo; 
(Office, I Kagacho, Kyoba- 
shiku, Tokyo). Tel.: 838 Ban- 
cho Cho ; (Office), 2090 Toku 
Cho Shimbashi. 

Tomii, Masaakl (S )\- iSk 
#), Hogakuhakiishi, Honorary 
Prof, of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, Mem. of the House 
of Peers; b. in 1858. in Kyo- 
to-fu ; e. s. of Masatsune To- 
mii, a- samurai ; m. Masuyo, 
e. d. of Kan Shibuya of Ko- 
chi-ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the Tokyo Foreign Lang- 
uage School and the Lyons 
L^'niversity with honours. Prof 

of the ImpenaJ. University. in 
1885; Principal Prof of the 
Law College, Imperial Uni- 
versity ; Mem. of the House 
of Peers in 1 89 1 ; Mem. of 
the Law Investigation Com- 
mittee in 1-894 ; Dean of the 
Lav/ College ; resigned post 
in 1903 ; Fellow of the Im- 
perial Academy, 1906 ; again' 
Mem. of the Law Investiga- 
tion Committee in 1907 ; is 
an acknowledged authority on 
civil law. Decorationrznd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress:, lidamachi, Kojimachi- 
kii, Tokyo. Tel. : 21 12 Ban- 
cho. _ 

Tominaga, Saiijiiro C% ^ — 

i* IP), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Kumamoto prefect- 
ure ; d. the 7th ;«. of the 
I2th jy. of Bunsel (1829), Ku- 
mamoto ; 4th s. of the late 
Hachiroemon Tominaga, a sa- 
murai of Kumamoto ; wid- 
ower. Address; Shirahata-mu- 
ra, Kami-masuki-gun, Kuma- 
moto-ken. , 

Tomioka, Sadayasu (^ iiSI ^ 
#), Baron, Vice-Admiral {En 
desponsabilite) ; b. in 1854 at 
Matsushiro, Shinano ; e. s. of ^ 
Sozaburo Tomioka, a samu- 
rai; in. Kofumi, e. d. of Ka- 
tsunaga Kawabata of Fuku- 
oka-ken. 2nd Sub-Lieuten- 
ant in 1876; Prof of the 
Naval College ; then of the 
Naval Staff College ; Com- 

[ io6j: ] 


mander of the TtsuMushima, 
the Tatsuta, the Yakumo, the 
Shikishima ; Director of the 
1st Bureau of the Naval Ge- 
neral Staff Office; then of 
the Naval College; Command- 
er of the Training Squadron 
and of the Takeshiki Na- 
val Establishment ; Comman- 
der-in-Chief of the Port Ar- 
thur Admiralty. Took part 
in the Chino-Japanese war 
as Commander of the Itsuku- 
skima. Was nominated Baron 
in recognition of his services 
in the Russo-Japanese war. 
Decorations : 2nd Order of the 
R. S. and 4th Class of the 
G. K. Address : No. 75, Na- 
ka-Shibuya, Shibuya-cho, To» 
yotama-gui), Tokyo-fu. Tel : 
3850 Shiba. ^ ^ 

Tomioka, Tessai « IM ^ 
g) artist, painter of ISTanso 
school; b. December of the 
7th y. of Tempo (1836) iu 
Kyoto. Address: Nakaitachi- 
noboru, Muro-macUi, Kami- 
kyoku, Kyoto. 

Tomita, Jusuke CS H S W, 
Directors of the Nagoya E- 
lectric Railway Compan}'" 
Managing Director of the Fu- 
kuju Life Insurance Company, 
Member of the Nagoya Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; i>. IS Mar. ' 
the 5th y. of Meiji (1872), 
Nagoya; ist s. of the late 
Jusuke Tomita-; m. Asako, 

4th d. of Kinnosuke Kamino, 
of the same city. Succeeded 
his father, 1876. Address : 
No. 81,2 chome, Teppo-ma- 
chi, Nakaku, Nagoya. Tel. : 
303 Otsu. 

Tomita, Shokichi (g B IE iif ), 
ex-Director of the Yokosuka 
Bank, Ltd. Address : Osu- 
ga-mura, Ogasawara-gun, Shi- 

Tomita, Tadaaori Ci 


a), Prof, of the Port Arthur 
Technical School ; 3. in 1 872 
in the province of Tamba ; 
2nd .y. of Naganori Tomita, a 
samurai; m. Kyo, 2nd d. 
of Mataroku Tom.ita. Editc. : 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering, Tokyo Im- 
perial University, in 1896. 
Comptroller of the Patent 
Bureau ; Expert of the same 
office ; then present post in 
1910. Address: Nisshinmachi, 
Port Arthur. Tel. : 369. 

Tomita, Tetsunosuke CS H 
Wu 1. 19), Member of the rTo'!«e 
of Peers, ^ President of the 
Yokohama Fire and Marine 
Ti'ansportation Insurance Co., 
Ltd.; b. the 12th ^i. of the 6th , 
y. of Tempo (1855), Sendai : 
4th s. of Saneyasu Tomita, 
a samurai of Sendai clan ; 
m. Nui, adopt, m. of Sei Sn- 
gita, a samurai of Tokyo. 
Educ. : studied at a New 
Brunswick School, 1867. Was 
appointed Vice-Consu! at New 


C 10^2 ] 

York, 1873; afterwards Sec- 
retary to the Legation at 
Eondon ; Secretary of the 
Financial Department, 1881 ; 
Vice-Governor oi'" the Bank 
of Japan, 1883 ; and pro- 
moted its Governor, 1887, 
which post he resigned in 
1-889; nominated Member of 
the House of Peers, 1890; 
appointed Governor of To- 
kyo Prefecture, 1891 — 1893. 
Decoration : 4th Order of 
the Rising Sun! Address : 
No. 17, Daimoncho, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. Tel: 663 Ban- 


Tomita, YasuieMro C^ H « 
— WO, Expert of the Imperi- 
al R'ly Board, Director _ of 
the Wakamatsu Construction 
Office; d. in 1868 in Ehirne- 
ken : e. s. of Tsuneichi To- 
mita, a samurai ; m. Tsuru_. 
.3rd d. of Kunimoto Nojiri of 
Oita-ken. Educ. : graduated 
Engineering at the Tokyo Im- 
perial University in 1894. En- 
tered the Dep't of Communi- 
cations ; afterwards present 
post. Address : Machikita- 
mura, Kita-Aizu-gun, Fuku- 

Tomita, Yoshinori (% HKM'J), 
Governor _of Oshima Island. 
Address : Oshima-gun, Kago- 

Tomiva, Shotaro CS # St :;*: 
My, HogahuhahusM, Chief 
of the Tokyo Coiu-t of Ap- 

peal;' 6; in 1856 in Tochigi- 
ken ; e. s. of Toyoyoshi To- 
miya, a samurai ; m. Yasu, 
2nd d. of Mitsu Tabe of O- 
saka. " Educ: graduated Law 
at the Imperial University in 
1884; was eight years in 
Europe for study. Upon re- 
turning was appointed Judge 
of the Tokyo District Court; 
Sectional Chief of the Tokyo 
Appeal Court and then of the 
Court of Cassation until Dec. 
19 1 2. Address i No. 12, Ki- 
ta-machi, Ushigome-kn,. To- 

Tomiyasu, SRigeyuM CK ffi 
fi fir), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Fukuoka prefect- 
ure ; Director of the 6ist 
Bank; b. the ist m. of the 
1st y. of Gwanji (1864), Fu- 
kuoka ; 1st .J. of Ichitaro To- 
miyasu, a samurai of Fu- 
kuoka ; m. Fukiyo, 3rd d. of 
Gosaburo Hirata, a samurai 
of the same prefectui-e. Ad- 
dress: Shiroshima-maclii, San- 
cho-gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Tomoda, Yasufumu (:S B -fife 
W), cx-Dii-. of the Yairiaga- 

ta Prefectural Hospital, Chief 
of its Surgery Dep't. Address: 
Nanuka - machi, Yamagata- 

TomoHaga, ShoziS (M ik IE H), 
KagakuhakiisJii, (Dr. of Eng.), 
Prof of the College of Science 
and Engineering of the Kyoto 

[ 1063 ] 


Imperial University (chair; 
mechanical engineering) ; b. 
the 1 2th m. of the 2nd y. 
of Keio (1866), Nagasaki pre- 
fecture ; 1st s. of Jinjiro To- 
monaga, a samurai of Naga- 
saki ; m. Hata, y. sister to 
Takeo Takimura, a samurai 
of Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Engineering College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1887 ; studied Me- 
chanical Engineering in Eu- 
rope and America, 1896 — 
1898. On his return home was 
appointed to present post ; 
received the degree Oi Koga- 
kuhakushi, 1 899 ; has been 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun ir\ connection 
with the late war. Address : 
Hirokoji-tori-Tera-machi, Hi- 
gashi-iru, Kamikyoku, Kyo- 
to. ^ 

Tomura, Uhei C^U^^ fx), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Shiga prefecture. Director 
of the Omi Commercial Bank, 
and the Tomura Shoten, Ltd.; 
b. 23 Jan. the 8th y. of Meiji 
(187s), Shiga; 1st s. of the 
late Uhei Tomura ; m. Kiku, 
y. sister to Hachibei ' Iwai, of 
Kyoto. Address: Minami- 
Gokanosho - mura, Kanzaki- 
gun, Shiga-ken. 

Tonami, KurakicM (^^A "Wi f^ 
M §), Rear- Admiral, Attache 
on the waiting list- since June 
1912; &. in 1864. Educ. s 

graduated from the Naval 
Academy. 2nd Commander, 
Dec. 1 897; Commander, Sept. 
1899; Captain; Jan. 1905; 
Rear- Admiral, 1911, Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
Seoul, Chosen or No. 29, Mi- 
kawadai, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 
Tonami, Tatsiisaburo (^ ^ 
M H 115), Naval Captain of 
Engineering, ex-Chief Engi- 
ner of the Mikasa ; b. 1868. 
Lieutenant of Engineering, 
Dec. 1 897 ; 2nd Commander 
of Eng., Oct. " 1902 ; Com- 
mander of Eng., Jan. 1905 ; 
Captain of Eng. 191 1. De- 
corationsj 3rd Order of the 
Rising S~^un ; 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : the 
Kure Naval Station. 

Tonegawa, Morisaburo C^i] % 
«! * H S|5), Expert to theDep' 1 
of Communications ; b. in 1 8- 
73 in Hiroshima-ken; 2nd j. 
of Ryozo Okamoto, a samu- 
rai; adopted byKoTonegavi^a, 
1892; m. Haru,j/. s. of Saku- 
ro Ueno of Tokyo-fu. Edztc. : / 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering, Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo ; was sent 
abroad for study. After gradu- 
ation entered the Dep't of 
Communications ; Prof of the 
Tokyo Post and Telegraph 
School : then present post. 


'[ 1064 ] 

Address: Maruyama-Shin- 
machi, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. Teli 
3080 Shitaya. 

Tono. Sliyujiro QP W M ^ 
glO, Chief of the Educational 
Section of the Tokyo' City 
Office; ^. in 1867; 5. of Shyu- 
taro Tono; m. Michiko, prin- 
cipal of the Nakamura Girls' 
High School. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School in 1 89 1. Was 
Principal of the Aomori Nor- 
mal School, Educational In- 
spector at Nagano prefecture, 
Professor in the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School. In 1902, 
was engaged by the Chinese 
Government as Principal of 
the Normal School of Wu- 
chung. Returned home in 
1904 and was appointed the 
present position. Address : 
No. 13, Doshin - machi, Ko- 
ishikawa, Tokyo. 

Toiiomura, HeiemonC^ 1^ ^ 
^ % PI), Director of the 34- 
th Bank; b. 4 Nov. the 6th 
y. of Meiji (1873), Kyoto; s. of 
Takatatsu Mitsui, and adopted 
by ptsu Tonomura ; widower. 
Address : No 97, 2 chome, 
Hiranomachi, Higashiku, O- 
saka. Tel. : 788 Higashi. 

TorH, Makoto C.ft ^Ut), Prof 
of the Tokyo School of Music; 
i>. in 1853 in Tochigi - ken ;. 
2nd s. of Shima Torii, a sa- 
murai ; in. Kameo, e.d. of 
Motoaki Takasaka of Tokyo.- 

Edtic.; studied at the Z'^z;^''^- 
ku Nanko ; graduated music, 
under Mason. Present _ post 
since 1 89 1. Address: No. 3©, 
Hara-machi, Koishikawa-ka, 

Tori-i, Siioemon (,fe ^ ^ * ^ 
P'3). earthenware manufacturer; 
President of the Tokyo Brick 
Company ; b. the 2nd m. of 
the 2nd y. of Kaei (1849), 
Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Yukimatsu 
Ito, and adopted by Goro To- 
rii ; m. Ei, mother to Tomo- 
taro Kawamoto, of Kanaga- 
wa. Address: No. 52, Mu- 
kojima-Koumemachi, Honjo, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 2458 Shitaya. 

TorH, Tadabumi C% m % ^), 
Viscount, Member of the Hou- 
, se of Peers ; b. the 9th m. of 
the 4th y. of Kokwa (1847); 
4th s. of Tada-agu Tori-i, ex- 
Daimyo of Mibu clan ; m. Mi- 
neko, adopt. s^d. of Viscount 
Atsumaro Yabu. Appointed 
Governor of Mibu prefecture, 
1 870 ; afterwards served suc- 
cessively as Chancellor, Consul 
at Honolulu, Secretary of Le^ 
gation; the same of Foreign 
Office, etc. ; elected M. H. P., , 
1 890. Decorated with the 4th 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress : No. II, Nakarokubari- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. .• 
368 Bancho. 

Tori-i, Tpkubei Cft m ^. 9i 
®)i a rich apothecary. Member 

[- io65 ]. 


of the YokoHeima Chamber oi 
Commerce , Director of the 
Yokohama Artificial Manure 
Company; b. the 4th m. of 
the ist^. ot'Keio (1865), Ka- 
nagawa prefecture ; 2nd j. ol 
the late Tokubei Tori-i ; m. 
Hana, adop^. s. of Tsunesa- 
buro Takagi, of same pre - 
fecture. Address: No. 28, 2 
chome, Sakaimachi, Yokoha- 
ma- shi. Ikl: 1 59 Cho. 

Torikata, TJicM (Jfe 5^ * — )> 
Engineer of the Dep't. of 
Communications ; 6. June, 
1883, in Akita-ken; *. of a 
farmer; m. Kume, e. d. of 
Tamio Uruma, a banker in 
Toyama - ken, April, 1907. 
Edtic: graduated from the 
College of Engineering of the 
Tokyo. Imp. Univ., 1906. 
After the graduation from the 
Univ. joined the Electrical 
Experimental Station of the 
Dep't of Communications; is 
engaged in the study of wire- 
less telegraph and wireless 
telephone ; as chief expert 
engineer of that station; be- 
sides, lecturer at the Tokyo 
Commercial and Engineering 
College since 1906. invented 
the Tantalum Detector, Ko- 
seki Detector, Enameled Con- 
denser, J. Y. K. Oscillation 
Gap., and has been invested 
with the 5th Order of Merit 
on account of the invention 

of the Koseki Detector. By 
the J. Y. K. Oscillation Gap, 
the wireless telephone was 
founded to be practicable. 
He was also awarded prices 
in money afid medals froni 
various institutes and associa- 
tions. Address : No. 2600, 
Arai, Iriarai village, Ebara- 
gun, Tokyo. 

Torikoe, SadatosM iMBM.Wl'), 
ex- Mem. of the House of Peers, 
high-tax-payer. President of 
the Yoshii Bank, Ltd., and 
the Asahi Flour Mfg. Co., 
Ltd., Auditoi-'of the Taisei 
Bank, Ltd. ; d. in 1867 in Fu- 
kuoka-ken ; e. s. of Sadazo 
Torikoe. Address : Yoshiima- 
chi,Ukiha-gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Toriyaaia, Koyata C% III it -tfc 
^j, Director of the Fusan 
District Court; 3. in 1862 in 
Tokyo ; <?. s. of Sappei Tori- 
yama ; m. Kita, e. d. of Shin- 
go Hyddo of Kyoto. Judge, 
1887; Judge of the Nagasa- 
ki District Court ; then of the 
Nagasaki Court of Appeal ; 
Director of the District Courts 
of Kago.shima, Otsu, Yama- 
guchi, and Taikii ; then pre- 
sent post. Addrrss : Fusan, 
Chosen. ' 

Toshimitsn, Hirao C^tt^*), 
E^xpert to the Dep't of Com- 
munications ; b. in 1873 in 
Wakayama-pi'efecture: e. s. of 
Jiiro Toshimitsu; m. Shizu,j/. ir. 
of Toshio Hirata of the same 


[ 10.66 ] 

prefecture. Educ. : graduated 
Engineering at the Imperial 
University in 1899. Was sent 
to U. S. A. and England for 
study. Immediately after gra- 
duation appointed to present 
post. Address : ligura-manii- 
anacho, Azabu, Tokyo. 

TosMmitsn, Yataro kM ^ Si 
:fc II5), President of the Cho- 
y& Bank, Ltd. Address : Hi- 
nodemachi, Hayami-gun, O- 

Totsuka, Fumio (.P S 5: Si), 
M. D., Physician; l>. in 18- 
78 at Tokyo ; s. of Bunkai 
Totsuka. Educ. : graduated 
medicine at the Greifswald 
University 1898 — 1908. Re- 
ceived the degree of M. D. 
from the Minister of Educa- 
tion of Prussia, 1908; returned 
home, the same year ; opened 
his own hospital at Tokyo, 
1910. Recreation: Music. Ad- 
dress : Honzaimokucho, Kyo- 
bashiku, Tokyo. 7>/..-9i2Kyo- 

Totsuka, Ewankai k'^W^M), 
Inspector - General of Fleets 
and Hospitals on the I'eserve ; 
b. the 9th m. of the 1st j)/ 
of Ansei (1854), Aichi prefect- 
ure; 1st s. of Kyuichiro Ha- 
yashi,'and adopted by Bun- 
kai Totsulca; ia. Hana, 2nd 
d. of On Watanabe, a samu- 
rai oi Tokyo. Appointed 2:nd' 
Assistant- Surgeon in 1881, 
and by successive pi'omotioh, 

has attained the present rank in 
I9Q2 ; once served as Prin- 
cipal of the Medical School 
of the Navy, Chief Surgeon 
of the Kure Naval Station, 
Prof of the Naval Staff Col- 
lege,, and Section Chief of the 
Medical Bureau of the Naval 
Department, etc.; was Direct- 
or of the Saseho Hospital 
during the late war; on be- 
ing placed on the reserve list, 
founded the Totsuka Surgical 
Hospital. Decorations : 2nd 
Order of Merit, 3rd Class of 
•the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 70, Klinami - shinagawa, 
Ebara-gun, Tokyo. Tel.: 16- 
16 Shiba. 

Soya, Banzan (,% 4$. jif jlj), 

painter of Japanese school; 
b. the gth m. of Meiji (1876) 
in the Aomori prefecture; de. 
scended from the feudal lord 
of Toyozaki, in the- province 
of Rikuchii; m. Suzu-ko, sister 
of Toyosaku Ishido. - Educ, 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Fine Arts School and further 
studied painting (Hokushu- 
school) under Mr. Gaho Ha- 
shimoto. Organized the Bi- 
jutsukensei-kwai (Fine Arts'' 
Encouragement Society) in 
1901 and is now publishing 
a monthly magazine as its 
organ; attached 10 this society 
there is the Painting Exhibi- 
tion which is to be held once 
a year under the presidency 

L 1067 3 


of Count Hijikata; had once 
the honour of painting in the 
presence of BTis Majesty the 
Emperor. , Recreations : old 
famous painting; music, etc. 
. Address : No. 82, Kami-ne- 
gishi, Shitaya, Tokyo. Clubs : 
Fine Arts Encouragement 
Society : Takenodai Tea 


Toya, Inazo CP ^ ^ ^ ^), 

Expert of Gifu-ken. Address: 
Gifu-shi, Gifu-ken. 

Toyama, ChinkicM CiS llJ |# 
~-a), Igakultakushi (Dr. of Me- 
dicine), Expert to the Tokyo 
Municipal Office, Chief of the 
Tokyo City Sanitary Labora- 
tory, and of the Tokyo Mi- 
croscopic Establishment; b. in 
1857 '^'^ Yamabemachi, Ya- 
magata - prefecture ; e. s. of 
Gencho Toyama ; m. Yasu, 
2nd d. of Naomasa Kawa- 
hara of the same prefecture. 
Educ: graduated Medicine at 
the Imp. Univ. of Tokyo in 
1883. Has been Chief Phy- 
sician of the Yamagata Pre- 
fectural Hospital (Saiseikwan) 
and Director of the Yamagata 
Prefectural Medical School. 
Publications : " Applied Bac- 
teriology " ; " New Bacterio- 
logy " ; " On Examination oi 
Bacteria " ; " Outlines of Sani- 
tation," etc. Recreations : po- 
etry, horticulture, flower ar- 
rangement, etc. Address: Tsu- 
namacti, Mita, Shibaku, To- 

kyo. Tel. : 2622 Shiba. 

Toyama, Kametaro C^ lU ft 
-k. M), Nogakuhakushi, Assist.- 
Prof of the College of Ag- 
riculture, Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity (Chair-Zoological Lab- 
oratory work). Address : Ao- 
yama-Takagicho, Akasakaku, 

Toyama, Masatsuna C ^ tU ]E 
'^)> Judge, President of the 
Gifu District Court; h. the 8th 
m. of the 2nd y. of Ansei ( 1 8- 
55) in the province of Shimo- 
tsuke ; 2nd j'. of Hirotsuna 
Sassa, a samurai of Fukiage 
clan ; adopted by Asahi To- 
yama of Kyoto ; -m. Kei, e. d. 
of his adopted father. Educ; : 
studied at the Keiogijuku. Pas- 
sed the Examination for Bench 
and appointed j Judge 18- 
87; afterwards was succes- 
sively President of the Yama- 
gata Criminal Court, Sectional 
Chief of the Saga and Gifu 
District Courts, Judge of the 
Osaka District Court, and 
of the Osaka Appeal Court, 
President of the Toyama Di- 
sti^ict Court; then present post. 
Decoration : 4th Order of 
Merit. Address: Imasawa-cbo, 
Gifu-shi, Gifu-ken, 

Toyama, Misao (|tjj ^ ^.), 
Colonel of Infantry, an aide- 
de-camp to the Prince Kuni- 
yoshi; b. 1864 in Niigata- 
ken. Sub-Lieut., July 1887; 


[ 1068 J 

Uout, Jan. 1891; Captain, 
April 189s; Major, Oct. 
1901; Lieut. Colonel, Sept, 
IQOS; Colonel, 1910. De- 
corations: 4th Order S. T., 
4tli Order of R.. S., 4th 
■Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Tokyo. 

Toyama, Mitsuru CM ill W), 
political boss, ex-president oi 
the Genyo - sha (a political 
club") ; l>. the 4th in of the 
2nd _;?'. of Ansei (1855), Fu- 
kuoka prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Tosaku Tsutsui, a samurai of 
Fukuoka, and adopted by the 
late Genrokuro Toyama ; m. 
Mine, 1st d. of Wachu To- 
yama, a samurai of the same 
prefecture. Was imprisoned 
for having aided with the rebels 
in the civil war of 1 877 ; on 
his release played an ac- 
tive part in democratic move- 
ments but has lately stood 
aloof from politics. Recrea- 
tion: Collecting swords. Ad- 
dress: No. 26, Tameike-Rei- 
nanzaka, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 2536- Shiba. 

Toyama, Shiizo W ^ '^ Ja), 
President of the Shogyo Koshi- 
njo (Commercial Inquiry As- 
sociation), Managing Director 
of the Osaka Savings Bank ; 
b. the nth m. "of the 'i 3th >. 
of Tempo (1842), Niigata pre- 
fecture ; ist .s-.'of Den Toya- 
ma. of Niigata; ?« Masa, 7th 

d. of Chonosuke Shiga, ot the 
same prefecture. Has been 
decorated with the Sth Order 
of Merit in connection with 
the late war. Address : No. 
II, 2 chome Nakanoshima, 
Kitaku, Osaka. Tel. : Cho 

Toyobe, Shinsaku QM. 5t if f^), 
. Major - Gen. , Superintendent 
of Cavalry since Dec. 191 2; 
b. the 5th m. of the 2nd j. oi 
Bunkyu (1862), Niigata pre- 
fecture ; 1st s. of Nobuyoshi 
Toyobe, a samurai of Niigata; 
m. Suku, 2nd d. of Yoshito- 
mo Yano, a samurai of Mi^ 
yazaki prefecture. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Cavalry, Dec, 18- 
82 ; Lieutenant, Nov. 1885 ; 
Captain, Nov. i8go; Major, 
Apr. 1895 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Oct. 1898; Colonel, Apr. 
1902 : Major-General, Apr. 
1908 5 took part in the late 
war as Commander of the 
14th Regiment of Cavalry; 
Commander of the 4th Bri- 
gade of Cavalry f then pre- 
sent post since Dec. 191 2. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Risinsr Sun, 3rd Class of tha , 
Golden Kite. Addre&s : Tokyo. 
Toyoda, Tasaburo CM ffl # S 
11^), Procurator-in-Chief of the 
OitEV District Court ; b. in 18- 
72 ; s. of Jisaburo Toyoda; 
m. Toshiko , e...d. of Chono; 
suke Yokoyama of Niigata- 

[ io69 ] 


ken. Educ. : graduated Law 
at tht Meiji University in 
1S97 ; passed the Government 
Examination for Bench in the 
same year. Judge in 1899; 
afterwards appointed Public 
Procurator ; has been Pro- 
curator of the District Courts 
of Kyoto, Kobe, and Sendai 
then present post. Recreations. 
reading and checker. Address: 
Niagecho,Oita,Oita-ken. Tel.: 

Toyoda, Toranoshin O H )% 
^ m, Chief of the Ophthal- 
mic Dep't of the Kumamoto 
Prefectural Hospital. Address: 
Honjo - mura, Hotaku - gun, 
Kumamoto-ken . 
■ Toyofukii, Taizo (M 13 # it), 
a large land - owner, one of 
the highest tax-payers of O- 
kayama prefecture. President 
of the Shoei Bank ; b. i Dec. 
the 2nd y. of Meiji (1869), 
Gkayama prefecture ; 1st .r. 
of Toshio Toyofuku ; ;«. To- 
yo, y., sister to Hidetaro Na- 
ohara, of the same prefecture. 
Address: Awahiro-mura, Eita- 
gun, Okayama-ken. 

Toyofuku, Toshio CS IS j^ m, ' 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Okayama prefecture. Ad- 
dress : . Awahiro-raura, Eita- 
gun, Okayama-ken. 

Toyohara, Moto-omi <<&M% 
S), lawyer, Director of the 
Keio Electric Railway Com- 
pany; b. the 1st in. of the 

1st y. of Kaei (1848), Tokyo; 
1st s. of Soemon Ichikawa, 
a sanmrai of Tokyo ; changed 
his name to the present one ; 
in. Masa, e. sister to Kichi- 
jiro .Sdkashita, of Tokyo. Ad- 
drcss : No. 2, Kamirokuban-- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
399 Bancho. 

Toyokawa, RyoheiCS^iiS-f-),' 
Vice-Chairman of the Tokyo 
Bankers' Association, Chair- 
man of the Committee of the 
Tokyo Clearing House, Di- 
rector of the Banking Depart- 
ment of the Mitsubishi Partner- ' 
ship, Chairman of the Boai^d of 
Directors of the Tokyo Store- 
house Company, Special MemT 
her of the Tokyo Chamber of 
Commerce ; b. the 1st m. of 
the 5th y. of Kaei (1852), 
Koclii ; 1st .J. of Tokuji Ono, 
and adopted by Junkichi To- 
yokawa ; m. Yasu, niece to 
the late Tatsui Baba, of the 
same prefecture. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Keiogijuku. In 
compliance with the will of 
the late Yataro Iwasaki, he 
founded the Mitsubishi Mer- 
cantile Marine School in 18-, 
75 ; became President of the-' 
119th National Bank on its 
inauguration in 1889 ; and 
afterwards when its nasXie 
was changed into the Mi- 
tsubishi Bank, was elected its 
Director. Has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 


•[ .1070 ] 

Rising Sun in connection witli 
the late war. He is one of 
the • prominent business men 
of Tokyo. Address: No. 37, 
Suidocho, Koishikawa, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 20A Bancho. 

Toyonaga, Masasato C:S ^ M- 
M), Nogakuhakushi (Dr. of 
Agricultural Science), Engi- 
neer of the Industrial Ex- 
perimental Office at Suwon, 
Chosen, Instructor of the Cho- 
sen Government Agricultural 
and Dendrological School ; 
b. the 6th m. of the ist y. 
of Bunkyii (1861), Yamagu- 
chi prefecture ; 3rd s. of Shi- 
domi Kaneko, and adopted 
by Chokichi Toyonaga ; m. 
Chiyokuma, niece to Tame 
Shigematsu, a smmirai of Sa- 
ga. Educ. : graduated from 
the Kotnaba Agricultural Col- 
lege, 1 887 ; studied in Ger- 
many, 1888 — 189 1 ; again 
studied in Europe, 1900 — 
J90 1 . A.ppointed Assist. -Prof. 
of the College of Agriculture 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity, 1 893 ; then full Prof, 
in 1901 ; received the degree 
of Ndgaku'kaJiuski in 1907 ; 
transferred to present post, 
Apr. 19 10. Address: Offici- 
al Residence, Industrial Ex- 
periment Office, Suwon, Cho- 

Toyoshima, Buajiro <iM.%% 
^ f,), Director of the Muika- 
machi B.?.nk, Ltd. Director 

of the Shiozawa Bank, Ltd., 
Representative Partner of Shi- 
ozawa's Firm; ^. in 1853 in 
Niigata -prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Ichitaro Mizumaki,^ adopted 
by Katsuzo Toyoshima, 1873; 
m. Toyo, e. s. of Tsunematsu 
Yamamoto of the same pre- 
fecture. Address: Shiozawa.-.^ 
machi, Minami-Uonuma-gun, 

Toyoshima, Kyushielii (-^ Mj 
X -tr), Cotton and paper mer- 
chant ; b. the 7th m. of the 
4th y.^oi Kokwa (1847) in 
Aichi-ken ; m. Tomoye, e. d. 
of Ise Kaga of Glfu-ken. Ad- 
dress : 2 chome, Minamihon- 
cho, Higashiku, Osaka. Tel. : 
2777 Hiiyashi Cho. 

ToyosBima, Uaomichi (3: % 
S M), Public Procurator of 
the Court of Cassation, and 
Councillor of the Department 
of Justice; d. 18 Dec. the 4th 
y. of Meiji (1871), Tokyo ; 
s. of Yutaka Toyoshima,, and 
adopted by Aritsune Toyo- 
shima, a samurai oS Tokyo ; 
m. Kiyo, 1st d. of Toru Den, 
a samurai of Fukui prefect- 
ure. Educ: graduated from/ 
the Law College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 18- 
95 . Appointed to present post 
in Jan, 1 907. Decoration: 5th 
Order of Merit. Address: No. 
1 1 , Wakamiyacho, Ushigome, 
Tokyo. Tel. : io8q Bancho. 
Toyoshima^ Teiim (II % 

C 1071 ] 


f^ ^), ar'tist, Japaaese paint- 
er ; b. 1878 at Mnrakamimo 
to-cho,- Iwaf ime-gun, ■' Niigata- 
ken ; s. of Teikokii Toyoshi- 
ma ; m. Takiko, e. d. of Na- 
mie Wakida, 1903. Edtio. : 
graduated from the Kyoto 
Art School ; studied painting 
raider Kako Tsuji and Gokyo 
Miyake., After his graduation 
was appointed assistant-pro- 
fessor in alma matar and after- 
ward was prof, in the Hilione 
Art School for three years ; 
lie exhibited his masterpieces 
in various exhibitions and was 
awarded many prizes. Seorea- 
lions: travelling, haikai, tea- 
ceremony. Address: Sakurano- 
niiya Yodogawa-bashi-Higashi- 
tsume Minami-iru, Kitaku, 
Osaka. Clubs: m. of Taisho 
Art Society and of the Tatsu- 
mi Art Society. 

Toyosliima, Yiizo C-|& ft m m% 

Lieut. - Gen. on the waiting 
list Sept. 19 12. ex-Inspector 
of Heavy Artillery ; 5. the 
9th in. of the 5th j/. of Kae! 
(1852), Hiroshima prefecture; 
m. Fumi, j/. sister to Kwan- 
zaburo Tsuji, of the same pre- 
fecture. Sub-Lieutenant, Feb. 
1879 ; Lieutenant of Artillery, 
May 1882 ; Captain, June 
1885 ; Major, May 1890 ; 
Lieutenant - Colonel , Dec . 
1894 ; Colonel, Oct. 1897 ; 
Major - General, May 19 - 
02 ; Lieutenant-General, Dec. 

1908 ; took part in both the 
Japan-China and the Russo- 
Japanese wars as Chief of 
the Artillery Department of 
the 3rd Army, and has been 
decorated with the 2nd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun and the 
2nd Class of the Golden Kite 
as war rewards. Address: 
No. 18, Kasumiga-oka, Yo- 
tsuya, Tokyo. 

Tsubaki, Ben (M 1.). Colo- 
nel of Infantry on the re- 
serve, ex-Commander of the 
Hongo Regimental District 
in Tokyo ; h. i860, Tokyo. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Infantry^' 
Dec. 1879; Lieutenant, May 
1882; Captain, Oct. 1894; 
Major, Mar. 1900 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Nov. 1904; Colo- 
nel, Nov, 1907. Decoration : 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
Address: No. 10, Higashi- 
shinanomachi, Yotsuya, To- 

Tsuboi, Hayami (:^ ^ =^ /K), 
Igakuha%ushi, Proprietor of 
the Tsuboi Dispensary; b. 
in 1 862inGifu-prefecture; e.s. of 
Inosuke Tsuboi; in. Ko, 2nd d. 
of Yasunosuke Shibuya of the 
same prefecture. Educ: gradu- 
ated Medicine at the Imperi- 
al University in 1890. After 
graduation was appointed In- 
structor of the Osaka Medical 
Technical School, afterwards 
resigning the post. Address : 
Bungqinachi, Higashiku, Osa- 


[ 1072 

ka, Tel. :_ 3082 Higashi. 

Tsnboi, Kumaz'6 C*P # :ft, M, 
Dean and Prof of the Col- 
lege of Literature, Tokyo Im- 
perial Univei'sity ; b. in 1858 
at Osaka ; 2nd s. of Yosaku 
Tsubpi ; m. Kyo, y. s. of Tsu- 
nanori Uchimura of Saitama- 
ken. Educ: graduated Liter- 
ature and Science at the Lii- 
perial University ; was sent 
to Germany and Austria for. 
study. After graduation was 
appbintedLecturer of his alma 
mater ; Prof of the ist High 
School ; then present post in 
1S91 ; is an acknowledged 
authority on history. Decora- 
tion: 3rd Order of Merit. Pub- 
hcation : " Geographical His- 
tory." and many other works 
and essays on history. Ad- 
dress : Yayoicho, Hongoku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 480 Shitaya. 

Tsutoi, Sentaro Cif^-fl!ii;irO. 
Prof, of the Osaka Higher 
Technical School .; b. in 1861 
in Gifu-prefecture ; s. of Sa- 
shichi Tsuboi ; m. Hisa, y. 
s. of Buichiro Nagasaki, a 
samurai. Educ. : graduated 
Science at the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo in 1888. 
Chief Expert • of the Japan 
Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. ; 
then present post in 1896. 
Address: No. 5541, Kaneike, 
Fudegasaki - machi, Tennoji, 
Minamiku, Osaka. 

Tsuboi, Shogoro (Jf^JiEifLBB), 
Rigakuhahishi, Prof, of an- 
thropology at the College of 
Science in the Tolq^o Imp. 
Univ., 3rd Order of Merit ; 
b. the 1st m. of the 3rd y. 
of Bunkyil (1863) in Shidzu- 
oka-ken ; s. of Yqjun Sado, 
a samurai ; adopted by No- 
buyoshi Tsuboi ; m. Nao, aicnt 
of Baron Toshio Mitsukuri. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Science in the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ., 1886 ; stud- 
ied anthropology in England 
and France, returning home 
in 1892. Prof of his alma 
mater since 1 892 ; Rigakuha- 
kushi, 1899 ; Is the highest 
authority on anthropology in 
Japan, and his researches into 
the history of the Ainu and 
Kuropoguru races have awak- 
end a wide interest among 
scientific circles ; attended the 
9th International Conference 
of Oriental Science held at 
London and received medal 
for his speeches and essays ; 
inaugurated Japan Anthropo- 
logical Association in 1884 
and afterwards was made 
honorary member of the An- 
thropological societies both 
of London and Berlin. He 
is now touring in .Europe. 
Add7^ess: No. 10, Nishikata- 
machi, Komagonie, Kongo, 

Tsubcao, Heitaro C^W^ :k 

[ 1073 ] 


W), Director of the Tokxp 
Higher Commercial School^'' 
^. ii\ .l895_ in Tokyo ; £. s, of 
Heisaku . Tsubono ; in Sada," 
^. s. of Gontaro Horio of To- 
kyo - fu. Bduc. : graduated 
Law at the Imperial Univer-' 
sity in 1885. Entered fhfe 
Dep't of Foreign Affairs ; 
Diplomatic Attache in 1886; 
Vice - Consul ; Councillor of 
the Dep't of Communications; 
Private Secretary to the Mi- 
nister of Communications ; 
Director of the Kobe Post 
Ofifice ; entered the Japan 
Trading Bank as General - 
Manager; Director of the Ko- 
be Commercial School ; then 
Mayor of Kobe ; Director . of 
the Yamaguchi Higher Corn- 
mercial School ; then present 
post in 191 1. Address,: 
Np. 35, Sugamo, Sugamo-cho,. 
TsuboucM, Yiizo (M'fi %%. W), 
Buugakuhakushi (Dr. of Li- ^ 
terature), a:uthor, Prof of Wa- 
seda University (chair ; Eng- 
lish Literature); b. the Sth m. 
of the fCsxy. of Ansei (1859), 
in the province of Mino ; 3rd 
s. of the late Kiraku Tsubo- 
uchi; «. 1886, Seki Ukai. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Literature of the 
Tokyo University, 1883, He 
has - always been connected 
with Waseda University from 
its establishment by Count' 

Okuma in 1882. He is widely 
known as the first contem- 
porary novelist, and when. 
"■Students' Life "-, his V, first 
book, was published . abQut 
twenty seven years ago, /siid- 
denly became very fanious ; 
thus " Students' Life, "by its 
unconventional treatment of- 
characters, led to a new style 
of writing novels. He has a 
thorough knowledge of Eng- 
lish literature, and especiall}^ 
his profound studies of Shaltes- 
peare has no rivals in the Em-^ 
pire. He is one of the fore- 
most men of letters in Japan. 
Besides lecturing at Waseda 
University, he is earnestly de- 
voting himself to the work 
of reforming the Japanese 
drama. Received the degree 
of Bungahi-hakushi, 1 899. 
Nom de plume, " Skoyo" and 
" Harunoya" Recreations: au- 
tumn plants . Pti6lications:htsi- 
des mentioned above, "The 
Real Meaning of Novels," 
" Miscellaneous Writings of 
Harunoya", " On Literature", 
" Kiri Hitoha ", '^ Historylof 
English Literature ", transla- 
tions of " Hamlet ","0-f hel- 
lo " and " Romeo and Juliefj 
and many other works on 
literature and ethics. Address: 
No. 112, Yochomachi, Ushi^ 
gome, Tokyo. ,;. 

Tsuboya, Zenshiro (#p S- # M 
M), Director- of the Hakurt^ 


[ 1074 j 

bunkwan (a large publishing 
firm) and of the Ohashi Li- 
brary, Member of the fo - 
kyo Municipal Council; b. in 
1862 at Kamo-machi, province 
of Echigb ; s. of Jinzo Tsu- 
boya ; ni. Mineko, e. d. of 
Kichisaburo Yamazaki of the 
same province. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Tokyo Sejmnon- 
gakko (present Waseda Univ.) 
in 1888. Entered the Haku- 
hiiikwan immediately after 
graduation ; made a tour of 
inspection through Europe and 
America a few years ago. 
Publications: " History of the 
Meiji lira "; " Tourists' Guide 
of Japan, " etc. Recreatiotn : 
travelling a:nd photography. 
Address :■ Kitayaniabushicho, 
l.^shigoine, Tokyo.. Tel: : 1 5 59 


Tsuciifeasiii, TakeSW C±# ^). 

Colonel .of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the Hongo Regi- 
mental District in Tokyo; b. 
1869 in Wakayama-ken. 
Sub-Lieut.j March 1891; 
Lieut., July 1894; Captain, 
Dec. 1897; Major, Dec. 
1903; Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 
1907; Colonel, March 1912. 
Decorations: 5th Order of 
S. T^, 4th Order of R. S. 
4th Glass of Golden Kite. 
Address: Masago-cho, Hori- 
go-ku, Tokyo. 

Tsuchida, Maiisuke C± H ;"? 
®), a^ large land-owner- one 

of the highest tax-payers of 
Akita prefecture; b. 6 Jan. the 
2nd y. of Meiji (1869), Akita; 
1st J. of the late Kichiji Yo- 
shida, and adopted by the 
late Hikohichi Tsuchida ; in. 
Umeya, 2nd d. of Jiemon 
Terui, of the same prefecture. 
Address: Tateai-mura, Hira=^ 
ga-gun, Akita-ken. 

Tsuchida, Tetsuo C± H ^ St), 
Expert of Ehime-ken. Ad- 
dress: Matsuyama-shi, Ehime- 
ken : 

Tsuchida, Usaburo C± H W 
H 15), IgahuhakusM, Chief of 
the JJep't uf EncepJialopaiMa 
iind Spondylopatliia of Iwasa- 
hospital, Mem. of the Exami- 
nation Committee for Medical 
Practitioners. Address .-No' 
18, Sakuragi-machi, Shitaya, 
Tokyo. Tel: 3570 Shitaya. 

Tsuchii, Einkichi (j; ^ j^ 

«)» nom de plume: " Ban- 
sui," author, educator, prof, 
of the 2nd High school; b. 
1 87 1 at Sendai; J. of-Shichi- 
robei Tsuchii; m. Yaye, 
sister of Nataiki Hayashi, 
of Kochi-ken in 1899. Educ: 
College (f Literature of the 
Tokyo Imp. Uiiiv. (graduated 
in 1 897). Teacher of tlie 
2nd High school, 1966; 
proceeded to England, Ger- ^ 
many aftd France, arid studied 
thefe, 1901-64; appointed a- 
gaih pfbfesSOr c)f the 2nd High 
school since igCf.?. pTibtica- 

[ I075 


tions: (Poetical works) Te?i- 

.chi Yitjyd, Gyosho, Jokai- 

Yushi-kin ; (translations into 

Japanese) Carlyle's "Heroes 

arid Hero Worship," and 

some others. Recreations. 

pictures, chess, reading, etc. 

Address: 21 Motoaramachi, 

Sendai. „ , . , . , ^ . 

TsucMkawa, Yashichiro C± 

)i| m -b W\ President of the 
Ichinomiya Bank. Ltd., the 
Ichinomiya Savings Bank, 
Ltd., and the Ichinomiya. Gas 
•Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1865 in Aichi- 
ken; e. s. of YashichirSTsuchi- 
kawa ; m. Tomi.j'. s. of Gitaro 
Komiyama of Gifu-ken. Ad- 
dress: Ichindmiyamachi, Ai- 

Tsii-hiko, Kinshiro (± -T ^ 
E W), Sogdlcuhahushi, Mana- 
ging Dm of the Yokohama Life 
insurance Co., Special Mem. of 
the Yokohama Chamber ot 
Commerce, Vice-Prcsidesit of 
the Yokohama Fire, Marine 
Transportation and Trust Insu- 
rance Company ; i. the 4th /«. 
of the isty. of Gwanji (1864), 
Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Toyonori 
Tsuchiko, a samurai of To- 
kyo ; m. Toku-ko, 2nd d. of 
Baron .Noriyoshi Akamatsu. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Tokyo University, 1884. Ad- 
dress : No. 26, r ehome, Yu- 
micho, Hongo, Tokyo. Tei. : 
•605 Shitaya. . ' 

Tsnehimikado, Sei-ei C± fj PI 

"I m), Viscount (cr. 1884), 
Member of the HouSe of Peers; 
/>. the 6th m. of the 6th j. of 
Ansei (1856) ; uncle to Eikyu 
Nishigori, Viscount, and a- 
dopted by Seiyii Tsuehirhika- 
do, cx-courtier ; ot. Hide-ko, 
e. sister to Viscount Tame- 
toshi Reizei. Educ. : Daiga- 
ku-Nanko and Tokyo Foreign 
Language School. Elected M. 
11. P. in 1900 ; has been de- 
corated with the 4th Order 
of Mei'it. Address j_ No. 236, 
Hyakunin-machi, ()kubo-mu- 
ra. Tovotama-£un, Tokvo. 
Tsuchiya, Mitsuharn (di M % 

#)> Baron (cr. 1907), General 


on the 2nd reserve ; t>. tlic 
8th m'oi the ist y. of Kaei 
(1854), in the province of O- 
wari ; 4th s. of Denzaemon 
Watari, a samurai, of Bishu 
clan, and -adopted by Jinsulce 
Tsuchiya, also a samuhii.'oi 
the same clan ; in. Kane, ,2hd 
d. of his foster father. Appoint 


[ 1076 ] 

ed Sub - Lieutenant in 1 872, 
and by gradual promotion, 
was finally raised to the rank 
of , General in Ajag. .1910. 
Has served supcessively as 
Commander of the 17th Bri- 
gade, of Infantry, the ist Bri- 
gade of Infantry Guards and 
of the 14th and 4tli Army 
Divisions, etc. ;. took part in 
the Japan - China<|,war as a 
Staff Officer to the Imperial 
Headquarters,' and in the Rus- 
so-Japanese war as Command- 
er of the nth Army Division, 
ajj.d was wounded at Port Ar- 
thur; has been decorated with 
the I St Order of the Grand 
Cordon of the Rising Sun and 
the 2nd Class of the Golden 
Kite in4ecognition of his ser- 
vices during the war; placed 
on the 2nd reserve in Aug. 
19 10. Address : No. 394, Ni- 
shiokubo, Okubo - mura, To- 
yotama-sun, Tokyo. 
- Tsucliiya, Kiiiosuke (.i: )g ^ 

^ W)> Colonel of "Engineer- 
ing, Secretary of the Bureau 
of the Extraordinary Land 
Investigatidn in the Chosen 
Government General; b. 1866 
in Yamanashi-ken. Sub-Lieut, 
of Eng., July 1887; Lieut. 
of Eng., Nov. 1890; Cap- 
tain, Dec. 1894; Major, Jan. 
1900; ^ Lieut.-Colonel, March 
1 904 ; Colonel, No v . 1 907 . 
Present post siiice 0_ct.. 1 9 1 o. 
Decorations: 4th Order oi 

S. T., 3rd Order of R,,,5., 
.4th : Class of Golden Kite 
Address: the Chosen Govern- 
ment General. ' . L". .■ 

Ts^chiya, Miitsukane Ci M * 
^),Eeai;- Admiral, Commandei 
of the - Torpedo^ Division in 
Maidzuru Kaval Station ; h. 
in 1865. Educ: Naval' Ac- 
ademy; 2nd Commander, 18- 
82 ; Commander, 1900 ; Cap- 
tain, 1905, Decoration: 3rd 
Order of the R. S. and 3rd 
class of the G. K. Address : 
No. 510, Umoncho, Yotsuya 
ku, Tokyo. 

TsnoMya, Tamotsu C± M ^, 
Vice-Admira;!, Com. of the 0- 
minato secondary port ; h. in 
1859; in Tokyo; 2nd s. of Ma- 
tiaharu Tsuchiya, a samttrat ; 
m. Ryo, e. d. of Kiyonao Ka- 
mada of Tokyo.' 2nd Sub- 
Lieutenant in 1885 ; Rear- 
Admiral in 1908. Attached 
to the Naval General Staff 
Office ; Chief of the Section 
of Military Affairs ; Director 
of the Bureau of Personnel ; 
Commander of the Suma, 1- 
tsukushima, and the Asahi. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
R. S. and 4th Class of the G. 
K. Address : Ichigaya-Naka- 
nocho, Ushigomeku, Tokyo.. 
Tel.: 2091, Bancho. 

TsueMya, Tatsutaro C± g ^ 
% ^|5)i Chief Procurator of the 
Taichu District Court. Ad~. 
dress ."- Taichii. Taiwan. 

[ I077 ] 


■isueniyama, Tt,Jsaz3 C± Ui ® 
S), Kear-Admiral, Chief of 
tlie Saseho Naval ^Arsenal; 
d^. in 1865. Educ: Naval 
Academy. 3nd. Commander, 
Oct. 1 898 ; Commander, Oct. 
1901 ; Captain, Sept. i$o6. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
R. S. andsth Order of the 
S. T. Address: Saseho KaVal 

Tsuda,' Eitaro Qt H ^ i: W), 
JSfishijin - weaver, _ Auditor of 
the Kyoto Weaving Co., Ltd., 
and the Kyoto Gas Co., Ltd ; 
h. in 1 87 1 at Kyoto; e. s. 
of Torakichi Tsuda ; m. 
Yana, 5th d. of Ihei Yagi of 
Kyoto. Address: Sammonji- 
cho, Sanjosagaru, Sliimo-kyo- 
ku, Kyoto. Tel.: 209 and 1924. 

Tsuda, Kaoru (?^ H «), Pres- 
ident of tlie Idzu Bank, Ltd.; <5. 
in 1866 in Shidzuoka-prefect- 
isre: e. s. of Rokuro Tsuda; m. 
Yoshi, y. s. of Kinnosuke Ishi- 
watari of the same prefecture 
Address: Ema-mura, Tagata- 
gun, Shidzuoka-ken. 
■ Tsuda, Kiiehi (^ m ^ — ), 
Governor of the Kagi Dis- 
trict. - Address : Kagi, Form- 

Tsuda, Koji C-Jt H M -), 
Managing Director of the Ta- 
magawa Electric R'ly Co., 
Ltd., Director of the Tokyo 
Trust Co., the Tokyo Ribbon 
WeavingXp., Ltd., Chairman 
of the Board of Directors of 
the Kyoeisha, a purchasing 

guild; b. in 1852 in Oita-ken; 
2nd J. of Koen, Tsuda, a ia- 
murai ; in. Toshi, e. d. of Yo- 
shimichi Ryo of Oita-ken. Ad- 
dress : Takanawa-minamima- 
chi, Shibaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
792 Shiba. 

, Tsuda, TJme-ko «*'« « T), 
lady educationalist, proprietor 
of the Girls' English School ; 
(5, the 1 2th m. of the ist /. 
of Gvvanji (1864), Tokyo ; d. ' 
of the late Sen Tsuda> a sa- 
murai of Tayasu clan and a 
famous agriculturist. Educ.: 
studied in U. S. A. by gov- 
ernment order, 1 87 1-^-1882; 
again studied in an American 
college, 1889 — 1892. On her 
return home, was appointed 
Prof, of the Peeresses School 
1886, combining with the 
post that of Interpreter to 
Her Majesty ; appointed Prof 
of the Tokyo Higher Fe- 
male Normal School; 1898 ; 
attended the General, Meeting 
of Womens' Clubs held at Den- 
vei-, U, S' A. in .1898; re- 
signed the post of Prof of the 
above two female Institutions ^ 
and founded the Girls' English 
School at Kojiinachi, Tokyo 
about 1 90 1, which now en- 
joys great popularity ; start- 
ed about "the same time an 
English students' magazine in 
conjunction with others, biit 
which is now discontinued. 
She is well-known as an Eng-' 


1078 ] 

lish Scholar. Publications: many 
works on English. Address : 
No. 16, Gobancho, Kojiriia- 
chi, Tokyo. 7>/. .• 196 Ban- 

Tsagawa, Kenko C» )\\ U 3fc), 
Major- General on the reser- 
ve;' ?>. the I tit m. of the ist 
y. of Bunkyu. (1861), Tottori ; 
3rd s. of Orio Sassa, a samu- 
rai of Tottori prefecture, and 
adopted by the late Taian 
Tsuga\Ya, also a Tottori ^ sa- 
murai ; in. Yukiko. „ Sub-Li- 
eutenant of Infantry, Dec. 
1879 ; Lieutenant, June 1883 ; 
Captain, Dec. 1890 ; Major, , 
Dec. 1 894 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Dec. 1899; Colonel,; Jan: 
1903; Major-Generai, Juiy'ig- 
'.Vi Syi-.,(-'' 

06; once served as., Acfjut- 
ant of the Army Divi^sihn and 
Comniauder of the 5t^i Re- 
giment of Infantry, etc. ; took 
part in both the Japan-Chma 
and the Russo-Japanese wars. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Class of the 
Gplden Kite. Address: the 
Headquarters ai the 8th Re- 
g^inient of Infantry, Ilimeii, 

' Tsuji, Chnzaburo Ca: Sf, :? K!5), 
President of the Japan Cottton 
Cjotli Manufacturing Com- 
pany ; b. the. 5th m. of the 
2,nd J/, of Kaei (1849), Kyo- 
to. ; 2;rid s. of the late Chu- 
Zfiburd Tsuji ; nt- Sen, 3rd d. 
of B.unsuke Tsuji, of the same 
prefecture. Addfes-s : ISSo. 24, 

Karasumaru-dori, Gojyo-kita- 
iru-Akuojimachi, Shimokyo- 
ku, Kyoto. Tel. : 39 Otsu. 

Tsuji, Hyokiehi Ca ^ g), 
one of the highest tax-payets 
of Akita prefecture, President 
of the Akita Bank, Director 
of the Akita Agricultural and 
Industrial Bank; b. the 9th 
m. of the Sth J/, of Kaei (.18- 
52), Akita; 5th J. ofSabu- 
robei Yamanouchi, .and a,dopt-* 
ed by the late Hyokichi Tsuji ; 
pi. Eli 1 1st d-rM-^is Toster- 
faiiitvy'A/fy^e:^ : Oma.ciii, A- 
IdtkisMD !••;=" J '-;■>■; ~-l ■"■;'■ 
.n Tsuji, .CK^giko C^ |$ m ;#). 
.artist, J^fp'fiese painter, "teach- 
Cj" . of - the painting .course, of 
the. : KyolQ. Te<;hnical Sphool ■ 
6,:;ne,Qemfer of the 3rd y. 
ot; 'Meiji (1870) in Kyoto.' 
pdue. : studied painting un- 
der the late Bairei " Kono. 
Obtained many prizes in vari- 
ous exhibitions ; is member 
of the various art society in 
Kyoto. Address : Okura-cho, 
chi-sagaru, Kyoto. 

Tsuji, Sjtiigetada Cit M *0f 
Director of the Kochi Agri- - 
cultural and Forestry Schools 
Expert to Kochi-prefecture. 
Address: Takajomachi, Ko- 
chi-shi, Kochi-ken. 

Tsuji, Shinji (xtK*), Baron, 
Lord-in-Waiting in th& Kin^ei 
Halt, Mem. of the Higher 
EducatEoiial Council, Presi- 

[ 1 079 j 


dent of the Imperial Educa- 
tional Association , Adviser 
to the Ninju Ijii^ Insurance 
Company, Ltd., J-'res. of the 
Bu^va Electric Company, Ltd., 
b. in X 842 in the prpvince 1 ■ 
Shinano ; 2nd s. of Zen Tsuji, 
a samurai; in.. Sato, 3rd d. 
of Kozaemon Iwanahu of To- 
)vyo. Became a tea,cher in the 
Kaiseisko in 1866; entered the 
Dep't of Education in 1871 ; 
afterwards Director of the To- 
kyo Foreign Language School; 
Secretary of the Dep't of Edu- 
cation; Vice-Minister of Edu- 
cation in 1886; was nominated 
Mem. of the House of Peers in 
1896; created Baron in recog- 
nition of his meritorious serv- 
ices in 1908. Decoration: 1st 
Order of merit. Address: Yu- 
micho, Hongoku Tokyo. Tel.: 
770 Shitaya. 

Tsuji, Zennosuke Cst # ;:i: fj), 
llungakuhakushi ( History ), 
Government Compiler of His- 
tory. Address: Komagonie- 
Akebonocho, Hongoku, To- 
kyo.' . 

. Tstijimura, Kssuzo CaffffliS), 
Military Intendant, Directbr 
of the Account and Supply 
Bureau of the Army ; b. the 
1st m. of the 2nd y, of Ivaei 
(1849), Kochi p'efecture ; ist 
s. of Mitsumori Tsujimuraj 
a ^awurai of Kochi ; m. Sa^ 
da-ko. Educ. : graduate^ 
from the Military Payma,sters' 

School, 1893. Sub-Lieutenant 
of Infantry, May. 1885 ; Lieu- 
tenant, Nov. 1888; Paymaster- 
Colonel, Dec. 1903 ; Military 
Intendant, Sept. 1907 ; once 
served as Section Chief of the 
Accountants' Bureau of the 
Army, Instructor of the Mi- 
litary Staiff College, Director 
of the Military Paymasters' 
School, and Chief Paymaster 
of the Kwantung Govern- 
ment-General and of the Gua- 
rds Division, etc. ; appoin- 
ted to present post in Aug. 
1909. Decorations : 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite, 2nd Or- 
der of the Sacred Treasure, 
3rd Order of the Rising Sua. 
Address : No. 39, Ichigaya- 
nakarnachi, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 530 Bancho. 

TstikagncM, CIMknka C:^ U 
tt §), ijtist, Japanese pain- 
ter (Nanso School); h. the 
17th y. of Meiji (1884), Mi- 
nami-shin'^machi, Higashi-ku, 
Osaka ; s. -of Kyuldchi Tstt^ 
kaguchi ; m, Tane-ko, Feb. 
1907. Educ. ; privately ; stu- 
died painting (of Nansp School) 
under Ghikugai Himejinja, 
Exhibited Ms work " ^evea 
sage's in bamboo forest " ia 
the Nan-ga exhibition, i902i 
and obtained Jst prize; ,obrr 
tained 3rd class Copper nied»l 
for his work "cfeysanthenium 
under: wind" in •4903 , begiv 
des exhihited his : masterpie^ 
in various exhibitions and 


[ 1080 ] 

obtained rrianj prizes ; lately 
exMbited.- Ms work -" aiitum- 
uaiiapdscape" in the Teikolcu 
Nanga-kai and obtained 3rd 
prize. Reereaiion: travelling. 
'Mdresat No. _42, Masago- 
eho, Kita-ku, Osaka. Clubs: 
Committee m. of. the Osaka 
Yushinkai, w,. of Tatsumikai. 
Rising Sun ; 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: No^ 
no, Homnaura - cho, Azabu, 
Tokyo. . 

•Tsukajima, Tomisaburo (M, % 
S 2 IRj), one of the highest 
tiix-payers of Nagasaki pre- 
fecture, . President of Shima- 
bara Bank, Director of the 
Shimabara Railway Company, 
pavvn-broker ; d. the 9th m. 

of the 5th jj-. of Kaei (1852), 
Nagasaki ; 3rd s. of the late 
Sobei Tsukajima ;* m. Sada, 
■3rd d. of Soji Kai, of the 
same prefecture. Address: Shi- 
mabara-machi, Minanii-taka- 
ki-guri, Nagasaki-ken. 

y- Tsukahara, Shuza C^ If:^ iti); 
Auditor of the T6y<5 Steam-^ 
ship Company: h. the 4th 
vtk. of the 4th y. of Kokwa 
(■1847), Ibaraki prefecture; 
1st s. of the late Chuzo Tsu- 
kahara ;;«. Irfia-ko, 2nd d. 
of Viscount Kuranosuke Na- 
kamuda; Educ. : Kaisei Gak~ 
ka; Keidgijuku- Entered the 
Financial Department in -18- 
72 ; Junior - Secretary of the' 

Home Office; Director of the 
Mercantile Marine Bureau, 18- 
81 ; was ordered to America 
for the purpose of attending 
the International Conference 
of Maritime Affairs, 1889, re- 
tired from the GovernmeiAt 
service and entered business. 
Address: No. 92, Myogada- 
ni, Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel.: 
24 Bancho. , 

Tsukamoto, KatsuyosM (M % 
^ S), Baron, Lieutenant Ge- 
neral (retired); b. the nth 
m-. of the 4th _y. of Ko- 
kwa (1847), Gifu; 3rd s. of 
Sumiemon Imichi, a samurai 
of Qgakr clan, and adopted by 
Kaisai Tsukamoto ; m. Kichi, 
e.iiister to Inazo Nohara, of 
Kumamoto. Appointed Sub- 
Lieutenanf of Infantry in 18- 
^2, and after successive pro- 
motion, has finally readied 
the .present rank in' 1904; 
served successively as Corh- 
mander of the 6th Regiment 
of Infantry, Director of the 
Military Staff College, Chief 
of Staff of the 6th' Afmy^ 
Division, Commander of the 
2 1st Brigade of Infentry, and 
of the 9th Army Division, etc.; 
took part both in thd Japan- 
China and the '^Russo ^ Japa- 
nese wars, and has been de- 
corated withthe Grand Cordon 
;0f the Rising SUn and the 
2nd Clafes 6f the Golden Kite. 

[ io8i ] 


Address : No. 14, Furutera - 
machi, Kanazawa-shi. 

Tsukamoto, Sadaemon CSt if. 
S « « F^), Mem. of the Tsu- 
kamoto Partnership, draper. 
Address: Ise-cho, Nihomba- 
shiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 1640 and 
460 Honkyoku. 

Tsukamoto, Yasushi C»*4f), 
Prof, of the Tokyo Imperial 
University ; ^. in 1 869 in Kyo- 
to-fu ; 2hd s. of Gisuke Tsu- 
kamoto ; in. Nami, 2nd d. of 
Buhei Imbo. Educ: graduat- 
ed Architecture at the Tokyo 
Imperial University in 1893; 
was sent abroad for study. 
Assist.-Prof of his alma mater 
in 1899; full Prof in 1902. 
Address: Hisakatamachi, Koi- 
shikawaku, Tokyo. 

Tsukata, Tatsujiro C^ ffl a- ^ 
W), ex-Director of the National 
Loan Bureau of the Fin - 
ancial Department; b. 25 Nov. 
the isty. of Meiji (1868), Na- 
gano ; 2nd s. of Zensaku Tsu- 
kada ; m. Miwa, 1st d. of To- 
rataro Yoshimura, a samurai 
of Ishikawa. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Law, College 
of the Tokyo Imperial Uni- 
versity., 1895. On his gradu- 
ation, was given a post in the 
Financial Department;, then 
served successively as Coun- 
cillor and then Secretaiy of 
the Financial Department , 
Commissioner of the Tem- 

porary Tobacco Manufactur- 
ing Bureau, and Director of 
the Temporary National Loan 
Adjustment Bureau, Vtc; ap- 
pointed Director of the Na- 
tional Loan Bureau, Nov. 19- 
10. Decoration : 4th Order of 
Merit. Address: No. 61, 6 cho- 
me, Aoyamaminamicho, Aka- 
saka, Tokyo. Tel.: 2922 Shi- 

Tsukayama, Chinton Q# m IJJ 

^ .fO, ex-Managing Director of 
the Okinawa Kyoritsu Bank; 
d. 5 Feb. the 2nd y. of Meiji 
(1869), Okinawa; 3rd s. of 
Chinsho Tsukayama, a samu- 
rai of Okinawa prefecture; m. 
Matsuru, y. sister to Ushi Fu- 
kumura. also an Okinawa sa- 
murai. P Address : Nishi - ku, 
Naha, Okinawa-ken. 

Tsukita, Tozaburo CJ3 W E H 
W), Expert of the Dep't of 
Agriculture and Commerce , 
Chief of the Section of Land- 
Adjustment ; 5. in 1870 in 
Gumma-ken; e. s. of Tar5 Tsu- 
kida ; m. Taka, y. s. of Hi- 
rotaro Yoshioka of Tokyo-fu. 
Educ: graduated Agriculture' 
at the Tokyo . Imperial Uni- 
versity in 1896.' - Entered the 
Dep't of Agriculture and Com- 
merce ; waJs^ sent abroad on 
an officiar riiissibn-' iii .1910, 
Address:' No. 135^ 6 chome, 
Aoyama-Minami-chis,- Aka- 
sakii-kii, Tokye. -"■'■'' - 


[ 1082 

I'sukiyama, KiicM CH lU m 
—), Director of the Keelung 
Hospital. Addresf : Keelung, 

Tsukiyama, SeicM <;iiilj?t©), 
Captain of the Navjf, Com- 
" mander of the Tsukuba, Ex- 
aminer of the Yokosuka Ar- 
senal ; b. in 1865. Edfic. : 
Naval Academy. 2nd Com- 
' niander, Dec. 1897 ; Com- 
mander, Sept. 1899; Captain, 
Sept. 1906. Decorations : 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure, 
Jth Class of the Golden_Kite. 
Address : Araijuku, Omori, 
E^bara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Tsukuda, Ichiyo Cffl - %\ 
Vice-President of the Industri- 
al Bank of Japan ; b. the 7th 
in. of. the ist^. of Gwanji 
(1864), Ehirae prefecture; 3rd 
.y. of Ka^utomi Yamaj i, a samu- 
rai of Ehime and a.dopted by 
Jushin Tsukuda, also an Elii- 
me samtirai; m. Nami, ist 
d. of his foster-father. Educ. : 
graduated from the Law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1890. Entered the 
Financial Department, and 
after serving as Councillor, 
Secretary and Private Secretji- 
ry to the Minister, and Di- 
rector of the Kobe and ; Osa.- 
ka Customs, w^s transferred 
as Councillor of the War 
Department in 1901 ; after- 

wards jeijgaged by the Chinese 
Government as financial ad- 
viser and stayed^ there about 
four years; on his return home, 
was elected to the present 
post. Address : No. 181, 
Harajuku, Sendagaya-maehi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. TeL : 
2781 Shiba. 

Tsukuda, Issei (M — W)f 
Departmental chief of the Mo- 
nopoly Bureau ; /5. 25 Sept. 
the 3rd jr. of Meiji (l87o)> 
Ishikawa prefecture ; ist s. Qi 
Matashiro Tsukuda; m. Kama, 
1st d. of K6 Yasui, a samurai 
of Tokyo.' Educ: graduated 
from the Law College of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 

1898. Immediately after his 
graduation, entered the Fin- 
ancial Department; passed the 
Higher Civil Service Exami- 
nation, the same year ; ap- 
pointed a Revenue officer in 

1899, and after serving as 

Commissioner and Inspector 

of Customs, and Director of 

the Matsue, Marugame and 

Kobe Revenue Superintending 

Offices, was finally promot-? 

ed to present post in Dec. 

1897. Decoration : Sth Order 

o^ M.&ai.' Address : No. 4.1, 

Ichigaya, Nakaao-cho, Ushi- 

gome-rku, Tokyo. Tel:: 114% 

Bancho. , . , . ,.i, 1 -^ _ 

Tsnkui, ffikoshielii £» ^ * # 

-b), DJrectorA)f tiieSano Ban|?^ 

Ltd.,, -the Shimodzuke Cotto^ 

[ io83 ]. 


Yam Co., Ltd., and the Sano 
ll'Iy Co., Ltd. ; b. in 1854 in 
Tochigi-ken ; m. Ko, 2nd d. 
of Heizo Tsukui, his adopt./. 
Address: Sanomachi, Aso-gun, 

Tsukui, Shigeru (# X * 1&), 
Chief of the Stocks and 
Shares Bureau of the Bank 
of Japan ; b. r869 at Kxaa.- 
gasakimachi, province of Set- 
ts 11 1 e.s. of Shigehide Tsu- 
itui ; m,. .Rei, 3rd d. of Ma- 
sayasu Kanazawa, a Hyogo 
samurai. EdUc. : graduated 
from the College of Law in 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1893. 
Probationary Judge, 1893 ; 
practiced as a lawyer, 1894 — 
1 898 ; then present post. Ad- 
drcss : No. 13, 2 chome, Ka- 
gacho, Ichigaj'a. ' Ushigome, 
Tokyo. 7>/. .■ 2591 Bancho. 

Tsukushi, Kulnasliiclii (H 

% m. -ii), Colonel of Artillery, 
Director of the Heavy-artil- 
lery Gunnery School, Mem- 
ber of the Military Technical 
Committee; b. 1864 in Ku- 
mamoto - ken. Sub - Lieut., 
July 1887; Lieut., Nov. 
1890; Captain, Nov. 1894; 
Major, Oct. 1.899; Lieut. 
Colonel, May 1904; Colonel, 
Nov. 1907. Decorations: 4th 
Order of S. T., 3rd Order 
of R. S., 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Uraga-cho, 
Miura-gim, Kanagawa-ken. 

Tsumagi, B,aio (M ^ Wl ^), 
iyogakuJiakushi {J^x . of Eug.), 
Director-General of the Cort- 
struction Bureau .pf /the, Firr ■ 
nancial Department,- Engine^i- 
of the Home Office ; .b. the' 
,ist m, of the ,6th j. of Aot 
.sei (1859), , Tokyo ; ist..?. of 
the late Genzaburo Tsuniagi,a, 
Sh5gunate.y«;«2^ra:/and a Mag- 
istrate of Nagasaki ; ?«. Mina, 
1st d. of Hajime, Asahina, a 
samurai of Tokyo. Educ: 
graduated from the Engineer- 
ing College (Course of Ar- 
chitecture) of the Tokyo Unir 
versity, 1878 — 1882, and from 
the Cornhill University, U. S. 
A., 1884. Appointed archi- 
tect to the Tokyo prefectural 
Office, 1885; transferred to 
the Home Office, next year ; 
sent to Germany for study and . 
to investigate along his spe- 
cial line. 1886 — 1889; resumed 
duty at the Home Office on 
returnirtg home ; transferred 
to the Financial Department 
as Engineer to take charge 
of building affairs .1896; a- 
gain orderecl to proceed to .Ey - 
rope and America, 1901 ; re- 
ceived the degree of Kogaku- 
hakushi, the same year ; he 
built the Industrial Bank of 
Japan, the Yokohama Specie 
Bank (plan of which won a, 
gold medal at the Brussels 
World's Fair), Tokyo Cham- 
ber of Comnierce, Tokyo City 


[ 1084: } 

Office and many others. Has 
been decorated with 3rd Or- 
der of Merit. Address, : No. 
'^y, Daimachi, Akasaka, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2550 Shimbashi. 

Tsumura, Hidematsu (# # ^ 
m, Prof, of the Kobe Higher 
ComnierciaL School. Educ: 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial. School ; 
was sent abroad for .study. 
Publication : " Saikifi Keizai 
Genron " (New Principle of 
Political Economy). Address: 
Kobe Higher Commercial 
School, Kobe. 

Tsumura, Jiisha (# # M. =§•), 
Proprietor of the Tsumura Jun- 
tendo (a patent medicine firm). 
Director of the Toakoshi, Au- 
ditor of the Japan Drug Co.; 
b: in '1871 in Nara-ken ; s' 
of Yasujiro Yamamoto ; m. 
Sho, e. d. oi his odopi. f. Iso- 
jiro Tsumura: ^'i^^^^.- studied 
at the Waseda University. 
The maker of "Chujdtd," a 
well known patent medicine. 
Has been Mem. of the Tokyo 
City XtovincW. Recreations: pict- 
ures, caligraphy, arid checker. 
Address : 4 chome, Tori, Ni- 
Itornbashiku, Tokyo. Tel.: 62, 
63 Hpnkyoku. Club : Koyu- 
icai. , 

Tsumura, Kiryo C#~« m ^), 
Director of the Wakayama 
Water Power Electric Com- 
pany; i5, the 2ndm: of the 3rd 
>*: of Bunkyii (1863), Waka- 

yama ; fst s. of Jiibei Tsu- 
mura ;■ m, Tami, ^nd d. of 
Kichizaemon Eukui, of the 
same prefecture. Address]: 
Yamasaki - mura, iSIaka-gun, 
Wakayama-ken . 

Tsunei, Seiiehiro C^ * it — 
M), Procurator^ Chief Procu- 
rator of the Mito District 
Court; b. the loth /;«. of the 
3rd ji/. of Ansei ,{i8s6}, Na- 
gasaki; ist s, of Kuhie' Tsu- 
nei, a samurai of Nagasaki ; 
vt. Chika, adopt, d. of Barpn 
Masanao Matsudaira. Passed 
the Examination for Bench, 
1887, and appointed Procu- 
rator ; after, serving succes - 
sively as Procurator of the 
Kumamoto, Oita, Saga, Ono- 
michi and Hiroshima District 
Courts, and as Chief Procu- 
rator of the Saga and Anb- District Courts, was final- 
ly transferred to present post 
in . Dec, .1904. Decorntion: 
4th Order of Merit, Address : 
Official House of the Mito 
District Court, Mito. 

Tsunematsu, Daitaro -Cil IS M 
M M\ a large land-owner, one 
of the highest tax-payers of 
Shimane prefecture ; b. the ist 
m. of the 4th J/, of Ansei (18- 
57), Shimane; ist s. of Yo- 
kichiro Tsunematsu, of the 
same prefecture.^ Address : D" 
tamachi,. Ano.-g.i'ri, Shimaner 
ken. --l : . ;- ; : 

Tsunematsu, kikichi C^ ti 

[ 1085 ] 


^ a), Judge of the Court of 
Cassation ; b, the 7th m. of 
the 1st ^. of Gwanji (1864), 
Gifu prefecture ; 2nd s. of Ban- 
z6 Yamarriura, -a Gifu samu- 
rai, and adopted by the late 
Nukio Tsutriematsu, also a 
saniura ; m. K.iku,j/. sister to 
Tokutaro Fukushirna, of To- 
kyo. Ediic.; graduated from 
the Law College of the To- 
kyo Imperial University, 1890. 
After serving as Judge of the 
Maebashi District Court and 
Judge and then Sectional 
Chief of the Tokyo Appeal 
Court, was transferred to pre- 
sent post in ,1907. Decora- 
tion : 4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 18, Gembei, To- 
tsuka - mura',i Toyotarha - gun, 

Tsunematsu, Takayoshi Ctl fe 
PIM), Member of the House 
of Representatives for Shima- 
ne prefecture. Director of the 
Shimane-ken Agricultural and 
Industrial Bank ; b. the Sth 
m. of the 6th jf . of Kaei (i8- 
5 3), Shimane ; 3rd s. of Jun- 
kichiro Kajino, and adopted 
by Rokuempn Tsunematsu ; 
m. Yae, v. sister to Daitar5 
Tsunernatsli, of the same pre- 
fecture. Once was elected 
Chairrnan of the Prefectural 
Assembly; has-been elected 
M. H, E. nine times. Decora- 
;/w;.' 4th -Order-: of the Ris- 
ing .San;. - -.Address f,- No. 1 5, 

Nishinokubotomoecho, Shiba- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Tsuneto, Noritaka CIS M M. 
^'jt Nogakuhakushi ; b. in 18- 
57. at Nakatsu prefecture of 
Oita p s. of Hanshiro Tsune- 
to; m. Sumi, 3rd d. of Yu- 
zui-u Katsuda. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Komaba Agri- 
cultural School in 1 88 1. Ex- 
pert to the Dep't of Agricul- 
ture and Commerce ; Chief ol 
the Soil Section of the Ge- 
ological Laboratory ; Direct- 
or of the Fertilizer Research 
Laboratory ; Prof of the Mo- 
rioka Higher Agricultural and 
Forestry School ; Lecturer at 
the Kagoshima Higher Agri- 
cultural and Forestry School; 
Expert to the Formosan Gov- 
ernment ; represented Japan 
at the International Geolog- 
ical Conference held in Russia 
in 1896; was again , sent a- 
broad on business connected 
with fertilizers in \<^oi.- Publi- 
cations : " Nippon Dojo .Ron " 
(Essay on Japanese Soil), and 
" Minami.. Nthon no- Fiigen " 
(Resources _ of Southern Ja- 
pan) ; Qtc. Address : Waka- 
miyacho.'Ushigbmeku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1490, Bancho. Clab : 

Tsuneyoshi, TadamicM CH S 
% M), Major -General, Com- 
mander of the . 1 2th Brigade 
of Infantry; (5. the 6th 7/i.~ of 


[ ibBS ] 

the 1st j;/. of Man-en (i860), 
Ehime prefecture; ist s. of 
the lajte Tadatsugu ,Tsilne}^o- 
shi, a samurai ofEhiiriepre- 
fectute; w. Hisa, jj/. sister to 
Heitaro Takeuchi, a samurai 
of SHiiiiane prefecture. Edu'c: 
graduated from the Militaiy 
Staff " College, 1 887 ; studied 
in. Germany by gbveiTiment 
order. Siib-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, Dec. 1882 ; Lieuten- 
ant, May 1886; Captain, Mar." 
1892; Major, Npv. 1896; Li- 
eutenant-Colonel, Nov. 1901 ; 
Colonel, July 1904 ; Majdr- 
Genefal, Nov. 1907 ; once 
served as Adjutant of the 4th 
Army Division, Sta.ff member 
of the ' same Division ,and . 
Chief Staff of the loth Army 
Division-, etc.; took part in. 
the Russo-Japanese war as 
Commander of the 2nd Regi- 
ment of Infantry and as Chiei 
of Staff of the 8th Army Di- 
vision of the rear,- and' has 
been decorated with the 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
the 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite as a war honor. Ad- 
dress : the Headquarters of 
the 1 2th Brigade of Infantry, 

^ Tsuno, Keitaro Q^ W M :k 
W);JuigakuhakusJd (Doctor of 
Veterinary Science), Prof of 
the College of Agriculture in 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. (Chair- 
Veterinary Hygriene and Ve- 

terinary pharmacology) ; b. 
the 6th >«. of the 3rd >*. ol 
Bunkyu (1863) in Fukiibka ; ; 
2nd s. of Soshin Kiifafiari, a' 
samurai of Fukuoka clan ; 
adopted by Iheiji Tsuno ; in. 
Tsuneyo, e. d. of Toyosaburb 
It5, also a Fukuoka samurai. 
Educ. : graduated frorii the ':■ 
former Tokyo Agricultural 
and Dendrological School, i8- ; 
86. Assist.-Prof. of his alma 
mater, 1887 ;full Prof of the 
saine, 1 889 ; Assist.-Prof of 
the College of Agriculture iii 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., the 
same year ; sent to Arnerica 
to attend the Veterinary cbii- 
ference held at ' St: Louis as " 
Japanese delegate, 1894 ; br- 
defed to proceed to Europe 
to make investigations <%n Ve- 
terinary phafma'coiogy, Hy- 
giene, and Veterinary Police 
Administration, 1901.-1904 ; 
juigakiitidkUshi, 1905; and 
then present post. Address : 
No. 146, Imazato-machi, Shi- 
rokane, Shiba, Tokyo. 

Tsunoda, Rimbei (^ H ^ ^■ 
ft), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Fukushima prefect- 
ure ; b. the ist m. of the 2rid 
/.of Ansel (1855), Fukushi- 
ma ; ist .J. of the late Riiri- 
bei Tsunoda ; in. Kin, 4th d: 
of Yosobei Ito, of the .same 
prefecture. Once was a Mem- 
ber of the House: of PeetS.- 
Address: Kuwaori-macM, Da- 

[ I087 ] 


te-guh, Fukushima-ken. 

Tsunoda, Shimpei CfHSR^), 
lawyer, ex-Mem. of the House 
of Representatives for I'o- 
fcyo. Councillor of the Tokyo 
City Assembly, Director of 
the 39th Bank; b. the 7th 
m. of the 4th J/, of Ansei (18- 
57), Shidzuoka prefecture; 
2nd s. of Hikoemon Isunoda, 
of Shidzuoka ; m. Ei, y. sister 
to Chubei Ikeda, of the same 
prefecture. Studied law, and 
passed the Examination for 
Bar, 1889 ; elected M. H. R., 
1892 ; again elected the same 
in 1902 ; has been decorated 
with the 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun in connection with 
the late war. Recreation: 
Haikat (a kind of sonnet). 
Address _: No. 13, Higashigo- 
ken-cho, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Ttl.: 276 Bancho. 

Tsuru, Joichiro C«| 5: — SP), 
Judge of the Court of Cassa- 
tion; b. the nth m. of the 
5th J. of Ansei (1858), Saga ; 
2nd s. of Senzai Tsuru, a sa- 
murai of Saga; m. Tei, y. sister 
to Shoshi Yotsuya, a samurai 
of Tokyo. Educ. : graduated 
from the Government Law 
School, 1884. Appointed Pro 
curator, and then Judge in 18- 
90 ; after serving as> Judge ot 
the Hiroshima Court of ap- 
peal, Director of the Tottori 
District Court, and Sectional 
Chief of the Osaka Court of 

Appeal, was finally transfer- 
red to present post in 1898. 
Decoration: 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 62, Yamazato- 
otsu, Yaraicho, Ushigome, 

Tsurnda, Kenji C@ ffl g ^), 
RigakulidTcushi (Pliysicp), ftx- 
Professor of the College of 
Science, Imp. TJniv. of Tokyo : 
b. in 1868 in Tokyo-fu; 7th 
s. of Intoku" Tsuruda ; /«._Nui, 
e. d. of Tosen Yasuda of Oita- 
ken. Educ. : graduated Sci- 
ence at the Tok\'o Imperial 
University in 1890 ; was sent 
to Germany for study. Assist.- 
Prof of his alma mater in 
1 883 ; Prof in 1903. Ad- 
dress : Horaicho, Hongoku, 

Tsurnda, Sliikakichj (SI K !S 
l?_)i inspcctpr-general ot Fleets 
and .Hospitals oa the reserve list 
wince Nov. 191 if?;, the 12th m. 
of the 4th J-, of Ansei (1857), 
Fukuoka prefecture ; 4th s. 
of Hachizd Tsuruda, a samu- 
rai of YanagaWa clan, and a- 
dopted by Hatsuji T.'juruda;;^. 
Hisa,2nd ^. of Cho Matsumo- 
to, a samurai of Tochigi. Ap- 
pointed Second Assistant- Sur- 
geon iti 1 88 1, and by gradu- 
al prottiotion was finally rais- 
ed to the present rank in 1 8- 
97 ; orice served as Director - 
of the Medical School of the 
Navy, Section Chief of the 
Medical Bureau of the Naval 


.[ 1088 ] 

Department, Director of the 
Yokosuka Naval Hospital, and 
of the Medical Dep't of the 
Saseho Nava!" Station, etc. ; 
has been decorated with the 
3rd Order of Rising Sun and 
of the Sacred Treasure in 
connection with the late war. 

Tsnruda, Yoshitsugu CS| Wl -K 
M.) Paymaster - Colonel, Di- 
rector of the Account. Con- 
trol Section, '-Military Offi - 
ce; (5. 1858, Saga prefecture, 
Paymaster-Major, Dec. 1903 ; 
Paymaster - Lieutenant - Colo- 
nel," July. 1904; present rank, 
Nov, 1907. Decorntion : 3rd 
Order, of the Rising Sun ; 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: No: i6, Onden, Sen- 
dagaya-cho,*^ Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo-fu. TeZ..--2;s8 Shiba. 

Tsumhara, Sadakichi (H M 

^S), M.H.E for Fukaoka 
since 1912, Pre.^of the Dai-Ni- 
.ppon Artificial Manure Com- 
pon Artificial Manure Com- 
pany, the Clwo Shimbun, and 
of the Horai Mutual .Life Insu- 
rance Company ; b, the 12th 
m. of the 3rd ji'. of Ansei (18- 
56); . Fukupka; 2nd s. of Mi- 
chiipuro Tsuruhara, Ksamufjui 
of Fukuoka prefecture; ff^. Ma-, 
koto, 1st V. of Yoden. Nomu;^^! 
ra, a .r«M?/r«? of ; ther^^ame 
prefecture. Educ. ; grad§ated 
Law at the Tokyo Imperial 
University, 1883.^ ;Entered the 

Foreign Office where he was, 
rapidly promoted and was ap- 
pointed^ Consul at Shanghai 
and also at London j resigri;^" 
ed'the post, and entered the' 
Bank of Japan where he filled 
the post of Director of the' 
Banking Bureau; left the Bank, 
1898, and became . president 
of the 'Kansai Railway Com- 
pany; Mayor of Osaka, 190 1— 
1905 ; Dit.-Gen. of the Resi-' 
dency General of Korea. 19- 
05 — 1908. . Decoration .• •4th 
Order of Merit. Address r No. 
I, Fukuydshicho, .Akasaka, 
Tokyo. Tel. : ,2077 .Shimba-, 
shi. ,.':,• ' \ ^-: . ■ 

Tsnrumi, Kazuma C*lAft.^)V 

Major - General, Director of 
the Artillery Depot ; ^.1861, 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieutenant of Ar- 
tillery, Dec. 1879; Lieutenant, 
July 1884 ; Captain, Nov. 18- 
89 ; Major, Mar. 1895 ; Lieu- 
tenant - Colonel, Jan. 1900 ; 
Colonel, Nov: 1903 ; Major- 
General, 191 1. Decoration:' 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite ; 
3rd Order of the Rising Suft: 
Address :'^d 1627, Nakaiio, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu.'- 

Tsurumi, MoriyosM <i%'%% - 
ft),! Judgvj ,of the Court of 
Cassation; <J. the 3rd >/i. of 
the 5th y. of Ansei. (i8s8iij 
Tochigi ; y.. brother-'., t<>'^o^i~ 
ichi Tsuruihi, a sdmurc4'_'6i 
Tochigi prefecture. ; '/«..' Toshi- 
chi.yo,,,3rd ^d.,, of .Tekkan Mi^ 

[ J < ii9 


yaztiki, a samurai of Osaka. 
Ed^ic. : graduated from the 
.former Law School of the 
Dep't of Justice, 1884. Ap- 
pointed Judge of the Osa- 
ka District Court, 1881 ; then 
having held the posts of Sec- 
tion Chief of the same Court 
and that of the Nagasaki Ap- 
peal Court, was transferred 
to present post in Apr. 1899. 

Decoration : 3rd Order of 
Merit. Address: No. 144, Ben- 
tencho, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Tsurumi, Sakio (j^ ^ ;fe v!f 
Si)) Secretary of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture and Com- 
merce, and of the Depart- 
ment for Foreign' Affairs, 
President of the Commercial 
Museum" of the Department 
of Agriculture and Ca-omerce; 
a native of Ishikawa-ken; m. 
Kiyo-ko, e. d. of Kageyuki 
Yamamoto. In.spector-General 
of Fleets and liospitals. 
Educ.: graduated from the 
College of Law in the Tok)'o 
Trnperial University. Was 
Seciet.. of FArate-ker.',. Ilyogo 
ken, Miye-ken successively; 
then present post; sent to 
Rome to attend the Interna- 
ti<.)nal Exhibition held there, 
-: 9 10-19,12; was decorated by 
the Italian Government with 
the 3rd Order of Merit; re- 
commended as a member of 
the French Academy. Ad- 
dreis: No. 12, Takaki-machi, 

Aoyama, Akasaka-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2,916 Shiba. 

Tsurumi, Xorata C^H,fi£i:)» 
Colonel .of Infantry, Com- 
mander of tile 46th Regiment, 
of Infantry; ^). 1866 in Fu- 
kuoka-ken. Sub-Lieut., July 
Lieut., Nov., 1892; 

Captain, Dec. 1894; Major, 
Feb.' 1903; -Lieut. Colonel, 
March 1907; Colonel, July 
1 9 1 o. Decorations : 5 th . Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order oi 
R. S., 4th Class_of Golden 
.Kite. Add7'ess: Omura, Na- 

Tsuruta, Teijiro (^ [£)' |g - 

Ri^)) Surgeon Major-General, 
President of the Japan Red 
Cross Society Hospital; b. 
Sept. 1867 in Tokyo. Sur- 
geon Sub-Lieut., March 1890; 
Surgeon Lieut., Dec. 1893; 
Surgeon Captain, May 1895; 
Surgeon Major, Oct. 1899; 
Surgeon Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 
1903; Surgeon" Colonel, 
March 1905; Surgeon Major- 
Colonel, 1910. Decoratio72s: . 
4tli Order of S. T., 3rd 
Order of R. S., 4th Class of 
Golden Kite. Address: No. 
Sendagaya-cho, Toyotama- 
gnn, Tokyo-fu. Te-L: t=;30 

Tsutsui, Hidejiro CIS # ^ — 
SO, Prof of the Chiba Special 
School of Medicine ; b. the; 
5th m. of the 2nd 7. of Keio. 
(1866) in Kyoto; 2nd s. of 


- [ i 090 ] 

adopted into the Tsutsui fa- 
mily ; in, Sada, e. d. -. of Mei- 
shun ^Tsutsui of Yatnagata. 
EJuc. : graduated from the 
College of Medicine in the 
Tokyo, Imp. Univ., 1896; 
further studied in Germany, 
1 888— 1 890, ■ Prof of the form- 
er ist Higlier Middle: School, 
189b; then present post. Z?^- 
coration : ^"Cci Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 581, Chibama- 
chi, Chiba-ken. 

. Tsutsui, Yaoju (W * A W ^), 

'" aiTrd\S^l2??l),Trof. of the Chi- 
ba Medical Technical School; 
b. 1863 in Mie-ken ; e. s. of 
Shimbei Tsutsui, a samurai ; 
m. Haru, e. d. of Hikoshiro 
Fukuda of Tochigi-ken. Edur..- 
graduated Medicine at the Im- 
perial University in 1 889 ; 
was;sent to Germany for study. 
Pirof. of the ist High School 
in .1 890 ; then . present post. 
Address: Chibamachi, Chiba- 
ken. . 

Tsutsumi, ClioliatsuC:^:^!?), 

President- of the Miyazaki 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank, Ltd. ; ^. in 1849 in 
Miyazafci-prefecture; '3rd s. of 
Momosuke Sudzuki, a samurai 
of Takanabe Clan; adopted 
by ChSzen Tsutsumi ; m. Ta- 
nly.e, ■</. ofMinato Yano of 
the saine prefecture. Address;. 
Miyazaki -mach', Miyazaki - 

ken. , . 

Tsutsumi, Katsujiro.CiiB^ 
RIO,- one of the highest tax- 
payers of Saga prefecture ; d. 
the ^th m. of the 3rd y.. ol 
Kaei ,(1850), Saga; 2nd s.. 
of Yasubei Tsutsumi, a sa- 
murai of Saga prefecture ; , m. , 
Tomi, 5th d. of Yasuzaemon" 
Morinaga, a saimirai of the 
same prefecture. Address-: 
Kubota-mura, Saga^gun, Sa- 

Tsutsumi, Koeho (i^ '1^ ^S), 
Viscount (cr. 1884), Member 
of. the House of *Peers ; b. 
the 5th m. of the 2nd j/., of 
Kokwa (1845), Kyoto; 1st 
s. of Tetcho Tsutsumi, ex- 
courtier ; m. K.en-ko, e. sisfer 
to Teikvvan Nagasawa, a 
Buddhist priest. Thrice e- 
lected M. H. P; Decoration ': 
4th Order of Merit. Address; 
No. 106, 4chome, Aoyama- 
kitamachi, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
Tel.[: 2779 Shiba. 

Tsutsumi, Masayoshi (if jE 
W), Baroii (cr. 1900), Court 
Councillor ; b. the i ith , fn. 
of the 5 th J/, of Tempo (18- 
34),- Fukui ; 1st s. of Jimbei 
Tsutsumi, a samurai of Fu- 
kui clan ; widower. Took 
part in the Boshun Campaign 
at the time of Meiji Restora- 
tion ; Chamberlain, 1871; 
Senior Secretary of the Home 
Office, and then Vice-Minister 
for. Home Affairs. Decoration: ■ 

[ I09I ] 


vKuniyasu Matsui, 3. sainurat ; 
No. 57 Onden, Sendagaya- 
machi, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 234 Shiba. 

Tsutsuini, Sadajiro QM ^ ^ 
W), Commissioner of Kaga- 
wa-ken ; l>. in 1868 in Iba- 
raki-lien ; s. of Keijiro Tsu- 
tsumi ; ^w^Masako, 2hd d. of 
Yosliialii Ota. Edtic: gradu- 
ated Frencli Law at the Im- 
perial University of Tokyo in 
1892. Procurator of tlie Dis- 
trict Courts of Tokyo and 
Yol<ohama; then of the Courts 
of Appeal of Tokyo and Mi- 
yagi ; Chief Procurator of the 
Hakodate District Court; Sec- 
retary of Kumamoto-ken; then 
pi'esent post, Publkatians : 
" Outlines of Japanese Law 
on Commercial Bills " ; " Out- 
lines of Japanese Company 
Law ". Recreations : Poetry, 
pictures, caligraphy, and Utai 
(Japanese classical songs), yi^- 
dress : Takamatsu, Kagawa- 

Tsutsuini, Yoshihiro (M^^'j, 

Colonel of Engineers, a mem- 
ber of the Military Technical 
Committee ; b. 1867, Miya- 
zalci ; s. of Miyazaki sajmirai. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Eng., July 
1888; Lieutenant, Nov. 18- 
91 ; ■ Captaiil, May, 1895 ; 
Major, Aug. 1901 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Apr. 1905; Colo- 
nel, Apr. 19 10. Address: 
No. 306, Nishi-Okubo, To- 

yotama-o-un. Tokyo. 

Tsutsumi, Zentaro (If #:fcli5), 
one of the highest tax-payers 
of Saga prefecture ; b. . the 
6th m. of the 4th y. of K6- 
kwa (1847), Saga ; 1st i'. of 
Yasubei Tsutsumi, a santurai 
of Saga; in. Chiyo, ist d. 
of Hyoemon Tsurumaru, also 
a Saga - samurai. Address : 
Kubota-mura, Saga-gun, Sa- 

Tsuzuki, Jinnosuke (SliUJfi;?; 

W' Surgeon-Colonel, attaclie 
to Army Medical Academy; 
b. 1 87 1 in Tokyo. Surgeon- 
Sub-Lieut., Nov. 1 891; Sur- 
geon-Lieut., Nov. i^"94; 
Surgeon-Captain, Oct. 1897; 
Surgeon- Major, Nov. 1902; 
Surgeon-Lieut.-Colonel, Nov. 
1907; Surgeon- Colonel, June 
1911; once proceeded to Ger- 
many for medical inve:stiga- 
tion; invented an anti-beriberi 
medicine. Decorixtioits: sth 
Order of S. T., 4tli Order 
of R. S. Address: No. 53, 
Rokuban-cho, Yotsuya-ku, 

Tsuzuki, Keiroku ffi!|IS>'s). 
Hogaktiliahishi (Dr. of Law), 
Baron (or. 1908), Privy Coun- 
cillor ; b. the 2nd 111. of the 
1st y. of Bunkyu (1861), To- 
kyo ; I st s. of the late Ka- 
dzutada Tsuzuki, a Shogu- 
nate sainnrai ; m. Mitsu-l<o, 
adopt, d. of Marquis Kaoru 
Inoue. Edzic: graduated from 


[■ 1092 ] 

the Tokyo University, ,1881; 
studied^, politics _ §t,^i]ie_ Uni- 
versity of Serliu, ', i88^— 18- 
"S'S";' appointed Secretaiy of 
ITegatiori, and Councillor of 
the. Foreign Office as an ad- 
ditional post, and then Private 
Secretary to the Minister for 
Foreign Affairs, 1 886 ;,.Ji'a- 
velled abroad in the suite of 
Prince' Yaniagata , 1 889 ; ap- 
pointed Private Secretary to 
the Premier, and Councillor 
of the Home Office as an ad- 
ditional post, "1890; Director 
of the Public Works Bureau, 
Home Office, -and Private Sec- 
retary to the Home Minister, 
1894 ; again travelled with 
Prince ~ Yamagata ivhen the 
latter was dispatched to Mos- 
- cow to "attend Tzar Nicholas' 
Coronation ceremony ; Vice- 

Minister of Education, 1897; 
EEnvoy Extraordinary a.nd Mi- 
nister Plenipotentiary, 1 898 ; 
Vice-Minister for Foreign Af- 
fairs under Viscount Aoki, 18- 
99, but shortly afterwards 
resigned the post owing to 
some disagreement of opinion 
with his chief ; nominated 
Member of the House of Peers, 
1 899 ; and then Chief Sec- 
retary of the Privy Council ; 
was in the suite of the late 
Prince Ito when he visited 
Europe, 1901 — 1902 ; ap - 
pointed Special BZnvoy to at- 
tend the Hague Peace Con- 
ference of 1907. Decoration:- 
isf Order of Merit. Address :■ 
No." 2, ligura - mamiana-cho, 
Azabu, Tokyo. Tel.: 750 

[ I093 ] 



ITchida, Ginzo (R H 45 M), 
Bungakuliakushi (Doctor of 
Literature), Prof, of the Col- 
lege of Literature of the Kyo- 
to Imp. Univ. (Chair-histoiy); 
b. Jan. the 5th y. of Meiji 
(i872)inSenju,Tokyo. Edttc: 
Waseda Univ. and the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. Publication : His- 
tory of Japan in Modern 
Tinies. Address : No. 26, Ka- 
mi-Oji,'Yoshidamaclii, Kyoto. 

UcMda, Hironori (p^ffljiS^O) 
Colonel of Cavalry, Crm- 
niande-r of the 23rd Kegi- 
ment of Cavalry; b. 1868 in 
Kumamoto-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1888; Lieut, of Cavalry 
in Colonial Troops, Nov. 
1891; Captain, Oct. 1894; 
Captain of ' Cavalry, May 
!8c6; Major, Dec. .^899; 
Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 1903; 
Colonel, Aug. 1905. De- 
corations: 4th Order of S..^ 
T., 3rd 'Order of R. S., 3rd' 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Hirc^aki. Aomori-ken. 
" TJchida, Ikusnke CW IB ^ Sft), 
Iron-monger; b. the iith^i^. 
of the 3rd y. of Kaei (1850) 
in Tokyo', e. s. of Hachisa- 
buro Uchida and adopted by 
the late Kyuzo Uchida ; in. 
Waka, e. d. of Tomigoro U- 
chida of Tokyo. Address : 
No. 16, Yoshidamachi, Hon- 
jo, Tokyo. Tel.: 11 28 Shi- 

Uchida, Kakiciii CR B ^ I'i), 
Chict oi the Civil Admini- 
stration Office of the Form- 
osan Government ; b. the loth 
m. of the 2nd y. of Keio 
(1866) in Tokyo ; e. s. of 
Shohachi Uchida ; m Rin, 
sister of Juhei Ishikawa, a 
samurai of Chiba-ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1 88 1. After gradu- 
ation successively was Sec-, 
retary to the Communications' 
Department, Inspector of the 
Mercantile Marines, Council- 
lor to the Conimunications' 
Department, Judge -^of the 
Highei Marine Court, Pri- 
vate Secretary to the Mini- , 
ster of Communications ; sent' 
to Europe and America on 
an official mission, 1898 — ' 
1899 ; Chief of the Mercantile 
Marine .Bureau, 190 1 ; in ad- 
dition President of the Higher 
Marine Court, 1904 ; again 
sent to Europe and America 
on oiHcial business, 1908 ; 
transferred to the present post 
in 1910. Address: Formosan 
Government Office, Taihoku, 

IJchida, Keizo Cm EH R H), 
President of the Mihara Fem- 
ale Normal School (Hiroshi- 
ma-prefecture) ; b. the 1st «2. 
of the 3rd y. of Keio (1867) 
in Yonezawa, prefecture of 
Yamagata ; s. of Miyakichi 
Uchida ; m. Saki, younger 


[ ^094 1 

sister of Toyoshichiro Ishii, 
Judge of the Miyagi Couit of 
Appeal. Rduc. : graduated 
from the Yonezawa Middle 
School and the Yamagata 
Normal School; then studied 
at the Tokyo Higher Nor- 
mal School. Was teacher to 
common .schools (1888 — 18- 
93); to middle schools (1893 
— 1898); afterwards succes- 
sively was teacher to the Nor- 
mal Schools of Miyagi and 
Nagano,- to the Female Nor- 
mal School of Nagaoka of 
Niigata-ken; present post since 
1 9 10. Publications: Izayoi- 
nikki-kyoJwn (a text book of 
Japanese classics), Hohietsii- 
Kigyoshi (History of textile 
industry of the province of 
Echigo), etc. Recreations: 
CDliector of 'old historical 
books, pictures and curios ; 
travelling ; horticulture. .Ad- 
dress : Mihai'amachi, Mitsuki- 
liun, Hiroshima-ken. 
" UciaMa, Kojiro (jH'^'V'-^W). 

.Pa3^ma5ter Naval Captain, 
chief o( . the i st Section ol 
of the Accounts Dep't in the 
Maidzuru Naval Station; b. 
in 1 87 1. Educ: the Pay- 
master's School. Paymaster 
Lieut. - Commander, Sept. 
1903; Paymaster-Command- 
er, Sept. 1906; Paymaster- 
Captain, Dec. 1 91 1. De- 
corations: 4th Order of R. 
S., Sth Order of S. T. Ad- 

dress: the iviaidzuru Naval 

Station. ,. .. 

Ucliida, Masaji (ft H g5: i§), 

President of the Totomi Bank; 
b. the 3rd m. of the ist 
yl of Ansei (1854) in Shizu- 
oka-ken ; e. s. of Kisaburo 
Uchida ; m. Yone, widow of 
certain Nakamura of Sliizuo- 
ka. Succeeded his father in 
1884. Address: No. 69, Kon- 
yacho, Hamamatsu, Hama- 
na-gun, Shizuoka-ken. 

IJoh.ida, Masatoshi (i>^f£|jlit5:), 
Baron; Vice-Admiral on the 
Keserve,M.Df the"Hou?eofPee- " 
rs; h. the4thy, ofKaei(i85t)in 
Kochi-ken ; ' e. s. of the late 
Mosuke Uchida, s.- samurai 
of the former Kochi-clan ; m. 
Chiyoi, 2nd d. of Masakichi 
Kadota, also a Kochi saimi- 
rai. Entered the naval ser- 
vice in 1 878 'as 2nd Sub- 
Lieutenant and after due pro- 
motions attained the rank ol 
Vice-Admiral ; was succes- 
■ sively Vice -Captain ofthe Tsu- 
kiiba, Kongo, Hiei and Fuso, 
Captain of Takasago and Ya- 
, sMma, Chief of the Naval Bar- 
racks of the Kure Naval Sta- 
tion, Chief of the Naval Ports. 
Section and then ofthe Reser- 
ve Ships Section of the Sasebo 
Naval Station, Commander of 
the Standing Squadron, etc.; 
took part in the China-Japan 
war as Captain ofthe Chiyoda; _ 
created Baron in 1907. De- 

[ 1095 ] 


coratians : 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun and 4th Class oi 
the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 505, Shimoshibuya, Shi- 
buya-machi, Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 1 562 Shiba. 

Uehida, Mori-icM CftH^-), 
Igakuhakushi (Doctor of Me- 
dicine), Prof, of the Sendai 
Special School of Medicine. 
Address: Sendai Special Sch- 
ool of Medicine, Sendai, Mi- 

Uehida, K'aozo Cp^ EH it S), 
Director of the Iriyama Coal 
Mining Ct\, the Banzai Life 
Insurance Co. and of the To- 
kyo Carpet Mfg. Co., Audi- 
tor of the Keiseisha <k. Co. ; 
b. the 8th m. of the 1st y. 
of Keio (1865) in Kagawa- 
ken ; e. s. of Naozaemon U- 
chida"; 111. Tame, e. d. of Ri- 
s'dkc Hirano of Kanagawa. 
Succeeded liis father in 18- 
93. Address: No. 10, Suga- 
ciio, Nezu, Hongo, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 1377 Shitaya. 

Ueliida, H'obuyasii Ci?5H-(g-(*-). 
iVIayor of the City of Taka- 
saki ; b. the 5th m. of the 
rst y. of Gwanji (1864) in 
Nagasaki-ken ; e. s.- of Shim- 
pachi Uehida, a samurai of 
Nagasaki ; vi. Kuri, 3rd d. of 
Mokubei Memo of Shiga-ken. 
Succeeded hisfather in 1878. 
Removed to the city of Ta- 
kasaki and was elected its 
Mayor. Address : City Office, 

Takasaki, Gumma-ken. ' 

IJcMda, Sadazuchi (?9HSflX 

Envoy Bxtraordinarj- and Ple- 
nipotentiary to Norway and 
Sweden ; h. the ist m. of the 

1 s£ '</. of Keio (i 865) in Fukixo- 
ka-ken; e. s. of the late Zinzo 
Uehida, a Fukuoka samurai;' , 
m. Y6. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Law of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 1889. 
Vice-Consul at Shanghai, i&- 
90 ; Consul at Seoul, 1893 i 
Consul at New York, 1896; 
promoted Consul-General, 19- 

02 ; Minister Resident to Bra- 
zil and in addition Consul- 
General at Rip-de- - Janeiro, 
1906; j)romoted to Minister 
at the same office, 1907 ; tran- 
sferred to present post, 191 1, 
Address : Japanese Legation, 
Stockholm, Sweden. 

Uehida, Shibahiko Cft ffl mM 
S), Chief Public Procurator 
of the Matsue District Court. 
Address : Matsue District 
Court, Matsue, Shimane-ken. 

Uehida, Shigenari (ftBa/S,), 
Judge of the Naval Court- 
Martial, Member of the Bureau 
of Justice of the Naval De - 
partment; b'. Jan. the first jj'. 
of Meiji (1868) in Yamagu- 
chi-ken; 2nd s. of Kozo Hirai, 
a samurai of Yamaguchi, and 
adopted by Mamoru Uehida;, 
m. K6, e. d. of. his adopted 
father. Passed the Higher Civil 
Service Examination in 18^0. . 
Appointed Public Procurator, 


[ 1096 ] 

1892; then Judge; transfer- 
re<i, to the present posts in .1 8- 
.97. Address : No. 30, 2 cho- 
me, Kagacho, IchigayA, U- 
shigome, Tokyo. 

tfchida, Yasuya Ci^ H Lt tfe), 
ex-Mi n. for Foi-eigti Affairs ; 
■6. the 8th w/. of the 1st j. oi 
Keio (1865) m Kumamoto ; 
e. s. of the late ' Gen-hhi U- 
chida, a samurai of the for- 
^ler Kumamoto clan ; m. Ma- 
sa, .2;''d d. of Shozaburo Do- 
gura of Nara-ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1887. Entered the 
diplomatic service as Attache 


- > the L<="^T-' ■' at Washing- 
ton; transferred as Private Sec- 
retary to the Minister for Ag- 
riculture and Commerce in 1 8- 
90 ; called back to the Foreign 
•Office as its Secretary, 1892; 
Secretary to the Legation at 
London, 1893; to the Lega- 
tion at Feting,. , 1895 ; .pro- 
moted Minister Resident and 

in addition Secretary to the 
Foreign Office ; appointed Di- 
rector of the Commercial Bu- 
reau of the Foreign Office, 
1 897 ; Director of the Poli- 
tical Affairs Bureau, 1898 ; 
promoted Envoy Extraordi - 
nary and Minister Plenipo - 
tentiary, still 'remaining in 
the office of Director of the 
Political Affairs Bureau, 18- 
99 ; Vice-Minister of Foreign 
Affairs, 1900 ; Minister to Pe- 
king, 1901 ; elevated Ambas- 
sador to Vienna, 1907 ; creat- 
ed Baron in the same 3'ear ; 
transferred to Washington in 
the sam.e capacity in 1909; 
was mad'e Min. for Foreign 
Affairs in Saionji Cabinet 
m Aug. 191 1 and resigned 
it in Dec. 1912; decorated 
with . the ist Order of Merit ; 
Addvtss : created viscount, 
1 91 2. Tokj^o. 

Uciiig'asBki, Sakusaburo (f^ 
- I't fi3 = IR). Prof, at <-he ' 
Waseda Univ., Paster of To- 
kyo Unitarian Church, chief 
editor of the Rikugo Zasshi, 
a religious magazine ; i?. the 
4th m. of the 1 0th j^. of Meiji 
(1877) '" Mi3'agi-l«n; s. of 
Sakutaro Uchigasaki ; m. 
Kiyo-ko, d. of Yoshiyasu 
Hiraiwa, superintendent of 
the Japan Methodist Church. 
Educ: graduated from the 
College of Literature of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. and from 

[ iC97 ] 


the Maiic'h<-ster Colk^-e, Ox- 
ford, England, 1908-11. Was 
lecturer of the Ikuhin-kwan, 
chief editor of The Teikokii. 
Btcngakic, assisted Paster 
Ebina's preachings at the 
Hongo Church; visited U.S. 
A. on his way home from 
England and preached ex- 
tensively on that side of the 
Pacific. PtLblications: "Hu- 
man Life and Literature," 
" From England to Japan," 
etc. Recreations : ■ walking, 
book-collecting. Address: 'No. 
1 1 . Maruynma-cho, Koishi- 

kawa, Tokyo. 

Utsumi, Santei (_pq ^^ 3 ^), 

Director and Chief Engineer 
of the Chuo Cement Co., Ltd. 
and Auditor of the Mii<awa 
Cement Co., Ltd.; d. the 4th 
m. of the 1st _y, Meiji (1868) 
in Osaka; 3rd s. of Ritei 
Utsumi; m. Kiku; d. of Shi- 
midzu, 1900. Ediic. : gra- 
duated from, the College of 
Engineering of the Tokyo 
Imperial Univ., 1889. Was 
made Chief Engineer of the 
Hokkaido Cement Co. Ltd., 
1890-94. Examiner of the 
Patent Bureau of the Dep't. 
of Agriculture and Commerce, 
1894-95, Examiner in the 
Fourth Industrial Exhibition, 
1895, Manager of the Mikawa 
Cement Co., Ltd., 1895-98, 
President of the same, 1898- 
191 1, and Director and Chief- 
Engineer of the Chuo Cement 

Co., Ltd., J902-12. PuUica- 
ho?is: Ariyicial Coloring of 
Bronge Wares, 1889, PorU 
land Cement Industry in 
Japan, 19 12. Address: .No. 
49, Kami Negishi-michi. Shi- 
taya, Tokyo. Tel: (Long. 
tTcliimi, Sentaro (fX] %%, % ±^ 

BFO; Surgeoh-Coldriel, chief of 
the Medical Dep't of th^ 
nth Army Division; b 
1866 in Kagawa-ken. Sur- 
geon-Sub-Lieut., Dec. 1885: 
.Surgeon-Lieut., Nov. 1889 
Surgeon-Captain, April 1893 
Surgeon-Major, Oct. 1898 
.Surgeon-Lieut.-Colonel, Nov 
1907; Surgeon-Colonel, Aug 
191 1. Decorations: 4th Or- 
der of R. S., 3rd Order of 
S. T., 4th Cla_ss of G, K. 
Address: Zentsuji, Kagawa- 

Uchlmura, Hyozo CftfJJ^K), 

VoLeriaary-Surgeon -Lieuten- 
ant-Colonei, Ciiief of the Ve- 
terinary Department of the 
4th Army Division ; b. 1 870 
in Fukushima-ken. Veterin- 
ary Surgeon-Sub-Lieutenant, 
May 1894; Lieutenant, Nov. 
1896; Captain, Nov. 1899; 
Major, July 1904; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Dec. 1908. Decora- 
tions : Sth Order of the Sacred 
Treasure and 4th Order of 
the Golden Kite. Address : 
Headquarters of the 4th Army 
Division, Osaka. 

¥chimura, Zanzo Cft 1^ M 
3), iclu,ious man. thinker J 


.[ 1098 ] 

b. ill Siiiuauo. Educ: Sapporo 
Agricultural College-; studied 
English literature under Dr. 
Clark and became fervent 
Christian ; went to America 
and engaged in idiot educa- 
tion in tlie public idiot home 
,/'of Peunsylbania, .^..ajid, „ aftftrr 
'warrd studied at a college for 
four years ; returned home in 
1888 ; was prof, in a high 
school and some other schools ; 
edited Dohurlisu Zassi (inde- 
pendent magazine); was prin- 
cipal of Seika Girls School ; 
now is engaged in editing and 
publishing a magazine called 
Seishono-kenkyu (Bible study). 
Publioatlons : "essays of warn- 
ing the world" (Japanese), 
How have I become Christian '? 
(Englisli), Japan and Japanese 
(English). Address : Tsunoha- 
zu, Tokyo. 

Uchimura, Faotoshi C^J tt it 
M), President of the Kobe - 
Electric Light Co.; i>. 1861 
in Aizu, province of Iwashi- 
ro ; adoj)}. s. of Naoyoshi U- 
chimura. Entered the service 
of the Metropolitan Police 
Board as Police Sergeant 
in 1 881; then in siicces- 
ion was Chief of Police of pre- 
fectures of Yamagata, Shiga 
and Flyogo, Secretary to the 
Hyogo-prefecture, etc.; left the 
government service in ipioand 
accepted present post ; elect- 
ed Member of the Kobe Cham- 

ber of Commerce, Mar. 191 i; 
is also Vice-president of the 
Kobe branch of the Butokii- 
kwai (an association 'for the 
encouragement of military ex- 
ercises). Address : No. 40, 
6 chome, Nakayamate-dori, 
Kobe. Tel.: 3325. Clubs: 
Electric Association ; Kobe 
Club ; Shinko Club ; Konwa- 
kwai ; Society of tlie Preven- 
tion of Cruelty to Animals ; 
Kobe International Associa- 
tion, etc. 

UcMmura, Tatsujiro (ft Id* ^ 
- Bl?), Patent-Attorney; b. in 
Tokyo, 1867. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Tokyo High- 
er Technical College in 1 890. 
Was Examiner of the Govern- 
ment Patent Office till 1906, 
when he resigned to become 
chief expert' of the Imperial 
Refrigerating Company ; tra- 
velled through Europe and 
Anierica to inspect cold.sto-,, 
rage business in 1907 ; is the 
first introducer and erector of 
cold storage and refrigerating 
plants in Japan, and. has also 
done much for Japanese fi- 
sheries by applying Western 
modes and systems. He is, 
advisory engineer to the Sag- 
halien Government, Director 
of the Industrial Improve- 
ment Association. Recreation: 
Caligraphical arts. Address: 
No.' lo, Yariyacho, Kyoba- 
shiku, Tokyo. Tel.: iy6 Kyo- . 

[ 1099 ] 


bashi Telegrapliic Address : 
" Uchi " (Home) ; " Uchita- 
tsu " (Abroad). Club : K6- 

OTciimo, Gorozo J.iHWIiS:\iZ), 
Director of the Taihei Life 
luRiirance Co., the Totsuhan 
Printing Co., and of the Tokyo 
■Prodnots Indxxstrial Bank, Au- 
ditor of the Meiji Tannine 
Co.; b. Feb. the 6th_^. of Meijl 
(1873) in Chiba-ken ; brother 
of Tobei Namekav/a and a- 
dopted by Kisuke Uchino of 
Tolcyo ; m. Koto, e. d. of his 
adopted fatlier. Address : No. 
4, I cliome, Kakigaraclio, Ni- 
hombashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 1196 

Uchino, KosMcM CwSf^-tr), 
President of tlie Odawara 
Commercial Bank ; b. tlie 5tli 
711. of- the Sthjr. of Kaei (18- 
52) in Kanagawa-ken ; e. s. 
of Kozaemon Uchino ; m. Ta- 
ma, 2nd d. oi Yabei Yanaga- 
wa of Kanagawa-lcen. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1 879. Ad- 
dress : . Otsubo-mura, Ashiga- 
rashita-gun, Kanagawa-ken. 

Unhino, Shin-ichi Cpj gf^ -), 
one of tlie highest tax-payers 
of Toyama-ken, President of 
the Ucliino Bank« Ltd., Di- 
rector of the Toyama Tex- 
tile Fabric Model Factory, 
Auditor of the 47th Bank ; 
b. Dec. the 7th y. of Meiji in 
Toyama-ken ; e. s. of Kenji- 
ro Uchino and adopted by 

the late Shin-ichi Uchino ; 
w.^Tsuya, 4th d. of Saburo- 
emon Sanshaku. Succeeded 
his adopted father in 1901. 
Address : No. 6, Toyolcawa- 
cho. Toyama, Tovama-ken. 
Ueliino, Tatsujiro (_^ ^f ^ 

'X IR)j Colonel, of Infantry, 
Chief of the Staff of the 
Imperial Guard Division; 
Member of the Military 
Technical Committee; b. 
1 870 in Fukuoka-ken. Sub- 
Lieut., March 1891; Lieut., 
Oct. 1894; Captain, Oct. 
1897'; Major, Dec. 1903; 
Lieut,. Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, Nov. 1910. Decora- 
tions: 5th Order of S.T., 4th 
Order of R. S., 3rd Class of 
G. K. Address: 9 Daiban- 
cho, Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo. 

tTfihiyama', Keizaburo C?3lU|!c 
HII$), Import and export mer- 
chant, Chairman of the Board 
of Directors of the Totsuka 
Bank and of the Yokosuka 
Commercial ■ Bank, Managing 
Director of the Yokosuka Ele- 
ctric and" Gas Co. ; b. the Stb 
in. of the 3rd y. of Buakyii 
(1863) in Kanagawa-ken; 2nd 
s. of the late-Ichihei Uchi-. 
yama ; m. Kiyo, 2nd d. of 
Tetsuzo Nagasaka of Kana- 
gawa-ken. , Ediic. : graduated 
from the Mitsubishi Com- 
mercial School and then from 
the Shoho Koshujo (forerun- 
ner of the present Tokyo 


I lOO J 

Higher Commercial Sciiool). 
.Has been thrice elected mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives. Address .;^o. 107, 
6 chome, Aioicho, Yokohama. 
Td.: 62. 

Cchiyaraa, Kojiro (1% iLi /> ZL 
W), Licu< euant-Genera 1 , Com- 

mander of the T2th Army 
Division; b. the 10th m. of 
•the 6th jf. of Ansei (1859) in 
Tokyo ; 2nd s. of the late Ka- 
ktiji Uchiyama, M Tokyo' sa- 
murai ; «<-Kun, 3rd d. of 
Amitsune Tanaka, a Fukushi- 
m'a. sam7irai. Educ: gi'aduat- 
ed fi'om the Military Academy 
(1879) and the Military Col- 
lege (1888). Sub-Lieutenant of 
Artillery, Dec. 1S79 '> Lieu- 
tenant, Feb. 1883 ; Captain, 
June 1886; Major, Sept. 18- 
91 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Dec. 
.1894; Colonel, Oct. 1897; 
Major - General, June 1901 ; 
Lieutenant-General, Nov. 19 • 
•07. Occupied successively the 

posts of Staif officer to th«" 
6th Army Division, Military- 
Attache to the -Legations at 
St. Petersfeurg and Paris, Com- 
mander oi the Yura and then 
Tolcyo Bay Fortresses, etc. ; 
took part in the Japan-China 
war as staff officer to the 1st 
Array Division ; in the Rus- 
so-Japanese war as Comman- 
der of the 1st Field Artillery 
Brigade of the 2iid Army and 
played a splendid part in the 
battles of Nansan and Telissu 
by his well managed direction 
of tire Artillery. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure, 2nd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun and 2nd Class of 
the Golden Kite ; was Com- 
mander of the 15 th Army Di- 
vision and then present post 
.since Dec. 1912, Jddress •• 


Uchiyama, Matsnyo CAl \li *2 

t&), President of the Toyama- 
ken Agricultural and Indust- 
rial Bank> Director of the 
Hokuriku Artificial Fertilizer 
Co. ; d. the 2nd 7k. of the 
1st J. of Gwanji (1S64) m 
Toyama-ken; e. s. of Ha- 
ruka Koike and adopted by 
Che late Toshihiko Uchiyama; 
!n. Taka, 3rd d. of his adopted 
father. Address : Hyakutsu- 
Ica-mura, Nei-gun, Toyama- 

Uehiyariia, Teiichi (ftlUi^-), 
Expert to the Agricultural 

[ iioi ] 


Experiment Farm ; d. Dec. 
the 1st y. of Meiji (1868) in 
Saitama-ken ; e. s. of Onsai 
Uchiyama ; m. Sono, <?. d. of 
Keisuke Hasegawa of Saita- 
ma - ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Agricult- 
ure of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
in 1 89 1. Present post since 
1897. Address.- No. 15, Mi- 
yashitacho, Koishikawa, To- 

TTda, TomosMro (^ H Si E3 MR), 
President of the Tosa Electric 
Railway Co. ;. b. the 3rd m. 
of the 1st y. of Man-en (18- 
65) in Kochi-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Chozo Uda ; m. Kane, sister 
of Hikokichi Matsumoto. Has 
been formerly member of the 
Takashima-gumi Transporta- 
tion firm, Osaka. Address-: 
No. 8, 4chome, Nishinaga- 
bori, Nishiku, Osaka. 

XFda, Yogord C^ H W 3S. I|5), 
Chief of the Tokyo Central 
Telegraph Office." Address : 
No. 3,257, Karoeido, Minami- 
katsusbika - gun, Tokyo-fu. 
Tel.: i88 Shitaya. 

Uda, Yonetara (^ H *J: 10, 
Presideiit of the Yokohama 
Banji Hospital. Address: Mi- 
namiyoshidaroachi, Yokoha- 

Veba, Hei m ^ ¥), farmer. 
Member of the House of Repre- 
sentatives; ^. the 3rd m. of the 
2nd jf. of Aiisei (1856) in Ka- 
gawa-ken ; 3rd s. of Sokichi 

Takahashi ; adopted by the 
late Soji Ueba of Osaka; m. 
Kozue, 3rd d. of his adopted 
father. '■ Has been in the ser- 
vice of the Osaka Police and 
then Member of the Osaka 
Prefectural Assembly; elected 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives for the fifth timej 
member of the Seiyuhai (a' 
political party). Address : Da- 
ikan-mura, Mishima-gun, 0- 

TTeda", Bin C± H ii), Btin- 

gakuhakushi (Doctor of Li- 
terature), Prof, of the Col- 
lege of Literature of the Kyc 
to Imp. Univ. (Chair-English 
Literature); b. Oct the 7th 
/. of Meiji (1874) in Tokyo; 
e. s. of Keiji Ueda, a Shizu-. 
oka samurai; m. YAsVi, younger ^ 
sister of Mataemon Saito of 
Hokkaido. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Literature 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1 897. Appointed Prof of the 
Tokyo Higher Normal School 
in 1 899 ; afterwards transfer- 
red to the present post ; made- 
a tour of Europe from 1968 
to 1 909;. received the degree of 
Bungakuhakushim 1910. Pu- 
blications : " Jesus Christ " , 
"A. Collection of Literary 
Essays " , " The yictorian 
Lyre (1899) ", " Miotsukushi" . 
(a translation), " Western Li- 
terature of Modern Times ", 
" Specimens of English Pro- 


D 1 102 j 

se", "Dante, the poet", "Kai- 
choon " (a translated poem), 
" Lectures on Literature and 
Art ", etc. Address : No. 36, 
Irie, Okazakimachi, Kyoto. 

Ueda, EijiroC± H ^.^ II?), 
Expert to the Agricultural 
Experiment Farm ; b. Aug. 
the 5th J*, of Meiji (1872) in 
Oita-ken ; 2nd s. of Yoemon 
Ueda ; m. Yae, e. d. of Ko- 
kuho Ogura of Tokyo. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Agriculture of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1897. Has 
been teacher to the Agri- 
cultural School of Ishikawa- 
' ken and then of Kyoto-fu, . 
I S97; present post since ,1 897; 
sent , to . Korea, -on, .an ,o,fficiai 
mission 1908 ; is an expert on 
plSilt tacteiiology . Address: 
No. 80, Shimmeimachi, Ko- 
magome, Hongo,; Tolcyo. 

¥eda, Geiisuke (Ji H 'MWj, 
farmer, one, of the highest 
taxpayers of Kochi-ken ; b. 
the 4th m. of the" 2nd j/. ol 
Bunkyu (18.62) in Kochi-ken; 
£. s. of the, late Tomeji Ueda; 
m. Kayi, e. d. of Itsu Kurose, 
saimirai 6il^<:&.. . Succeeded 
his father in 1881. Address: 
Yasu-mura, Kami-gun, Ko- 

TTeda, Hyokichi (± ffl :^ ^), 

;^Cpl, pL InfeRfefyr ^^ aide- 
"de-eamp to His Majesty; b. 
I870 in Tokushima-ken. Sub- 
Lieut., March 1892; Lieut., 

Sept. 1894;, Captain. Dec; 
1897; Major, Sept. 1904; 
Lieut. Colonel, Dec. 1908; 
Colonel, March 1912. De- 
corations: 4th Order of S.T., 
4th Order of R.S., 4th Class 
of Golden Kite. Address: No. 
823 Sendagaya, Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo-fu. 

TJeda, Kazutoshi Ch H it; ^jj), 
Bungakuhakuski (Doctor of 
Literature), Prof, and Dean of 
the College of Literature of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (chair-Japa- 
nese Language and Literat- 
ure); <5. the 1st m. of the.. 
3rd y. of Keio (1867)- in 
'^ok^'o ; e. 5. of the late 
Toranosuke Ueda, a former 
samurai of Owari clan ; in. 
Tsuru, e. d. of Tateasa Mu- 
rakami, a Tokyo sanmrai. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Literature of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 1888; 
studied philology in Germany 
arid France. Prof of his alma 
iMter'on his return home ; 
successively in addition was 
Chief of the Bureau of Speci- 
al School Affairs and then 
Councillor of the Departrnent 
for Education, Acting Pre- 
sident of the Tokyo Foreign 
Language School, etc. ; re- 
ceived the degree of Bunga- 
kuhakuski, . 1 900. Publica - 
tions : "History of Japan ", 
"Japanese Classical Reader"; 
"Universal History ", " His- 

L 1 103 


tory of Japanese Literature-, 
and many other similar works. 
Address: No. 17, Shimizucho, 
Yanaka, Shitaya, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1285 Shitaya. 

ITeia, Kimbei C± B ^ :R- W), 
a large land owner, one of 
the highest taxpayers of Wa- 
kayama-ken j b. Nov. the ist 
V. of Meiji (1867) in Waka- 
yama-ken ; e. s. of the" late 
Kimbei Ueda ; m. Sone, 4th 
4. of Kosuke Yumori. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1902. Ad- 
dress : Mibomachi, Hidaka- 
gun, Wakayama-ken. 

TJeda, Heiji C± H ^ "-), a 
large landowner, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Yama- 
guchi-ken ; b. Aug. the 3rd 
y. of Meiji (1870) in Ya- 
maguchi-ken ; 2nd s. of Kan- 
ichi Yoshitomi, a sauiiirai, 
and adopted by the late Sho- 
z6 Ueda ; . in. Michi, e. d. of 
his adopted father. Address : 
Daidomura, Yoshiki-gun, Ya- 

TJeda, Saknjiro C±fflfl3^Ii53, . 
draper; b. Feb. the istj;/. of 
Meiji (1868) in Kyoto; 3rd 
s. of Seizo Ueda ; m. Masa, 
4th d. of Ichirobei Kumagai 
of Kyoto. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1895, Address :Yo- 
shinagacho, Karasu-maruddri, 
Shimokyoku, Kyoto. - Tel. : ' 

40 lyd. . 

TJeda, Seiforo (M HI ?# 351 1|5), 
a large landowner, one of the 

highest taxpayers of Ibaraki- 
ken ; Director of the Mizu- 
kaido Bank, Ltd. ; b. Oct. the 
Zrdy. of Meiji (1870) in Chi- 
ba-ken ; e. s. of Seiemon Ue- 
da and adopted by the late 
Seigoro Ueda of Ibaraki-ken ; 
m. Michi, e. d. of Seihichi. 
Address: Mizukaidomachi,Yu- . 
ki;gun, Ibaraki-ken. 

TJeda, Taro (Jh B ± IP), 

, Colonel of Infantry, Comman- 
der of the 72nd Infantry Re- 
giment; b. 1 87 1 in Gifu-ken. 
Sub-Lieut., Mar, 2893; Lieut., 
Feb. 1895; Captain, Oct. 
1898; Major, July 1 904; Lieut. ' 
Colonel, Dec. 1908; Colonel, 
May 1902. Decorations: 4th 
Order of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S., 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Oita, Oita- 
Ueda, Yutaku (± ffl ;t ^), 

Baron, Gen., on the 2ad Ee- 
serve since Feb. 19 12; h. the, 
2nd m. of the 3rd y. of Ka3'ei 
(1850) in Tokiishima-ken; 2nd 
s. of Yoshinojo Ueda, a sa- 
murai of the former Tolcu- 
shima clan ; m. Towa, 2nd 
d. of Toa Tsubouchi, also 
a Tokushima samurais Enter- 
ed the Army as C iptain 
of Infantry in 1 872 ; took 
part in . the Satsuma Re- 
bellion as a company com- 
mander of the Hiroshima Gar- 
rison and was wounded at 
Tawarazaka Major, Sept. 

[ iic4 1 

18&1 ; Lieutenant — Colonel, 
Nov. 1889 ; Colonel,. Nov, 18- 
93 : w^.s Chief of Staff to. the 
5.tii! Army Divisio<a dliring the 
Japan -China war; Major- 
Gejaeral and President of the 
Mllitaiy College, Se,p.t. 189.7 ; 
then Commander of the 'J2nd 
Infenhy Brigade ; Lieiitenant- 
General and Chief of Staff t9 
the Military Educati©n Inspec- 
tion Office, May 1902.; took 
part in the Russo-Japanese 
wa-r as Comriiander of the 
Anrny Division and fought at 
Telissu, Tashih-Chiao,. Shimu- 
cheng, Liaoyaug and Shaho.' ; 
created Baron in 1907 ; Com- 
mander of the 7th Ai-my Divis- 
ion ; Commaudor of the Im- 
perial Guard Division and 

then Com. of. Chosen Ga- 
rrison, 191 1 Decorations : 2ncl 
(Drder of the Sacred, Treasure , 
1st Order of the Rising Sun 
and the and Class-efthe Gol- 
den Kite. Address :'Eo. 102, 
Yoyohata - mura, Toj-otama- 
gun, ToTvjro-fu. Tel: 2037 


ITeliara, ffonzo C± W-mM), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Yamaguchi-ken, Represen- 
tative Member of the Kuda- 
matsu Bank ; b. the 12th m. 
of the 3rd/. of Kayei (1850) 
in Yamaguchi-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Katsuhei Uehara ; m. Sliika, 
2nd d. of Motobei Fukuya, a 
samurai of Yamaguchi-ken. 

Address .• Mabii'.d-mura, T.^.u-- 
iio-gnn, famaguchi-ken. 

ITehara, Shikazo Ci W, H ^),- 
la.xvyer,. Auditor of the Ban- 
zai Life Insurance Co., Ltdv;- 
b: the 1 2th in. of the_2nd 
y. of Keio (1866) in Oita- 
ken;. m. Toyo,, adopted d. of 
Kazuo- Hatbyama-, Hogaktiha- ■ 
kushi. Educ. : graduated from: 
the Dita Normal School and 
then from the Law and Eco- 
nomics Course ..of the Tokyo 
Semmo-n Gakbo (forerunner of 
the present Waseda Univ.). Pa- 
ssed the Exa-Hiination for Bar 
and began .practice in. Tokyo ; ' 
has been GouneiHor <fc Chief of 
the Editorial Staff of the Japan' 
Lawyers' Association for many 
years rendering good service 
to the improvement of judicial 
business ; was a ^ member of 
the House of Representatives, 
in 1902,. He. is' widely con- 
nected- with business and in 
addition, to- the , post -before- 
mentioned' is at present legal 
adviser to-- the Tokyo Rail- 
way,. Tolcyo' Electric Light 
and many other companies^ 

_ Address ;■ ISSo. T, Sarugaku- 
cho, Kandaku, Tokyo. 2ei. : 
737 Honkyoku. 
TTehara, Shinjiro C±®#M1?), 

. Rear- AdojitaLon. tie re;.serve ; 
6. tlie s'th m.. of the. ist j?. 
of Man-en (1864) in Nagano- 
ken; 2nd: .y. of Soichii-o; IJe-- 
hara, a Nagano saimir-ai';:, 



m. Kogiku, sister of Chika- 
nari Honda, Baron. Entered 
-the navy as 2nd Sub-lieuten- 
ant in 188 J and after due 
promotion attained tlie ranl< 
of Rear- Admiral when he was 
placed on the reserve; was 
successively Vice-Captain of 
the Takasago and Tsiikuba, 
Staff Officer of the Sasebo 
Naval Station, Captain of the 
..Akagi, Suma, Akitsu and A- 
kashi, Chief of the ist Section 
of Naval B^ducation Board, 
etc.- Address: No. 72, Na- 
kashibuya, Shibuyamachi, To- 
yotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Uehara, Yiisakn C± )ii % W), 
.Baron, Leatenant - General, 

the 3rd Amiy Di\^ since Mar- 
ch '13 h. the nth m. (f 
the 3rd y. of Ansei (1856) in 
Miyazaki-ken '; 2nd s. of Sei- 
zanTatsuoka, a Miyazaki sa- 
imirai, and adopted by Naoza- 
ne Uehara; ni: Maki, d. of 
:the late General Marquis No~ 

zu." Etiuc. : studied military 
tactics in PVance, 1881.- Sub- 
Lieutenant of Engineers, Dec. 
1879 ; Lieutenant, Sept. 1882; 
Captian, June 1885; Major, 
May 1 890 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Sept. 1894; Colonel, Oct. 
1897; Major-General, July 19- 
00 ; Lieutenant-General, July 
1906. Occupied successively 
the posts of Instructor of the 
Military Academy, Chief of 
the 5th Section of the Gen- 
eral Staff Office, Inspector - 
General of Military Educa - 
tion, Superintendent of En- 
gineers, etc. ; took part in the 
Japan - China war as . Staff 
Officer to the ist Army -and 
was Chief of Staff to the 4th 
Army undei General Nbzu 
during the. Russo - Japanese 
war ; created Baron and in- 
vested with the 1st Oi'der of 
the Rising Sun and the 2nd 
Class of the Golden .Kite for 
his services in .the war ; was 
Qommaiider of the 7th Army 
Division-, of the 14th Army 
Division until April 19 12 aiid 
then War Min. till De?.. '12. 
Ueki, Gisaljuro (M ?!« tt H 

Rl^)) Iiepresentative member 
of the Korean Merchant Ship- 
ping Firm; b. the 12th nt. of 
the 3rd y. of Ansei (1856) in 
Yamaguc}ii-ken; s. of Sanzo 
Kashibe;, a' Tokuyama samu- 
rai, and was adopted by the 
Ueki family; m. Ritsu, d. of 


[ iio6]' 

his adopted father. Ediic. : 
studied, Chinese classics while 
young. Entered the Osaka 
Shosen Kwaisha in 1884 and 
■was successively manager of 
•its branches at Matajiri, Fu- 
sari, Anping, Taku, Nagasaki, 
Moji; retired from the Com- 
pany and organized the Ko- 
rean Merchant Shipping Firm, 
of "which he is representative 
member. Recreations : ,music, 
painting, chirography, chess. 
Address: No. 776, Ashiya- 
. mura, Muko-gun, Hyogo-ken. 
Tel: 468 and 1031 Nishi. 

TIelnatsu, liobi <M :tS fe il), 
Ftfro/ai hy anoihcr nom de 
ptime, Yafaio by proper na- 
Bie ; artist, raised It cquer ma- 
ker; I. Kov. ist in 1872 in To- 
l;yG. Ecuc: Elndicd the ait un- 
der his father and K( ku Kifhi. 
Obfamed gold medal in the 
GiardEshib! lion at Paris and 
many }iiz€s in other various 
cshibiticn, co.uncdlfor of Nihon 
Lacquer- Fcciety, ccmmittee m. 
of Eihon Arts Asfcciation and 
of Nihon Ycungm( u'sLacquer 
fccief}'. Addins : Kc. 1 3, Izu- 
mc-cho, Kycl af^hi-ku, Tokyo. 

TJematsu, Bansho CM1S##), 
Lawyer, Junior Grade of 6th 
Rank; 6th Order of Merit ; l>. 
June the 6th y. of Meiji (18- 
73) in Chiba-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Kimbei Uematsu, famous 
Chinese classical scholar; ;«. 
• Ei, y., sister of Suku-u Saeki o( 

the same prefecture. Educ. : 
graduated first from the Do- 
ninska, an institution under 
the management of the late 
famous scholar Keiu Naka- 
mura, 1890 and then from 
the Nippon Daigalcu (a law 
college), 1896. Passed Simul- 
taneously the Examinations 
for Bench and the Higher Civil 
Service, 1898; appointed Judge 
of the IvOcal. 'Courts of To- 
kyo and Tsuchiura in suc- 
cession ; entered civil service 
and was made Councillor 
to the Tokushima Prefectural 
Governrnent. and then trans- 
ferred as Chief of Police in 
Tochigi prefecture ; while in 
the latter post he attracted 
public notice by successfully 
appeasing and thus prevent- , 
ing thousands of tumultous 
mob from acting violently in 
connection with the Ashio 
Copper Mine Poisoning Case ; 
afterwards retired from Gov- 
ernment service and opsned 
law office at Tokyo. Publica- 
tions : ." Five Hundred ques- 
tions on civil law", " Text 
Book of Law of Police", "Com- . 
plete work on Police Admi- 
nistration", etc. Recreation : 
Reading'. Address: No.'i, i 
chome, Misakicho, Kandaku, 
Tokyo. Tel: 3675 Honkyoku. 
XTematsu, Shinj tiro CH IS fr + 
BI5). timber merchant, Manag- 
ing Director of the Shingu 



Bank, Ltd., Director of the 
•Xoei Fishing- Co, Ltd. ; b. the 
4th ;/?, of the 2nd y. of K6- 
kwa (1845) in Mie-ken ; 3rd 
s. of Kiiheiji Nakamori and 
adopted by -Shin-emon Ue- 
matsu of Wakayama-ken ; m. 
Tami, elder s. of Tomimatsu 
Qkada, a saimirai of Waka- 
yama-ken. Has been presi - 
dent of the Shingu Timber 
Merchants Guild, director of 
the Kitayama Bank, of the 
Kumano Fishing Co, head- 
man of the town of Shingu, 
member of the Income-Tax 
Investigation-Committee and 
of the Succession-Duty In- 
vestigation Committee, etc. 
Recreatidns.'horticvlturt, chess. 
Address: No. 138, Shingiima- 
chi, Higashimuro-gun, Wa- 
kayama-ken. Tel. : I 1. d. 

.. tlematsu, YOemon CtiHSU*^ 
H), farmer, one of the highest 
taxpayers of Shizuolca - ken ; 
(5. tlie nth m. of tlie i^thj. 
of Temp5 (1842) in Shizuor 
ka-ken ; e. S: of Yomoshichi 
Ueniatsu ; m. En, 2nd d. of 
Yuku Okawa. Succeeded his 
father in 1 886. Address : Ha- 
, ramachi, Shuntorgun, Shizu- 

TJemura, Eiru (ffiW^K^), Vice- 
Admiral on the reserve; d. 
the 6th in. of the 5rd y. of 
Kaei (1850) in Gifu - ken ; e. 
s. of the late Yaheida Uemura, 

a Gifu samurai ; m. Ren, 2nd' 

d. of Takesada Sudo, a Ku- 
mamoto samurai. Entered the 
Navy as 2nd Sub-lieutenant 
in 1877 and after due pro- 
motion attained the rank of 
Vice- Admiral in 1907 when 
he was placed on the reserve; 
was successively Captain of 
the Atago, Oshima, Akitsu, 
Takackiho, Hiei, Yoshino, Chin- 
en and Hatsuse, Chief of Staff 
of the Sasebo Naval Station,' 
Chief of the Naval Port Sec- 
tion of the Yokosuka Naval 
Station, and then of the Port 
Arthur Naval Station, Com- 
mander of the Mako Fortress; 
took part in the Japan-China 
war as Chief of Staff of the 
Port Arthur Naval Base. De- ' 
corations : 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun and '4th Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address : 
iS'<\ 37,. fc)angenva, Azabu-ku, 
Tokyo. , 

Uemura, Ishitarl'dS ^ j^ -k. 
RR), Member of the Hiroshima 
Chamber of Commerce, Pre- 
sident of the Ujina Business 
Association ; b. the Lst in. of 
the 1st y. of Gwanji (1864) 
in Hiroshima ; e. s. of Ku- 
makichi Uemura; m. Kaku, 

e. d: of Sampei Urano of Hyo- 
go-ken. Address : No. 2, Ka- 
igandori, - Ujina, Hiroshima - 
shi, Hiroshima - ken. Tel. : 


Uemura, Naokiyo CW^^^), 


Chief physician of the Sapporo 
Hospital. Address: 8 chome, 
Nishi, Kitaichijo, Sapporo, 

Uemura, Shumpei CM W M ^), 
ex-Mayor of Osaka; h. the loth 
m. of the 3rd y'. of Bunkyu 
( 1 863) in Yamaguchi - ken ; 
2nd Jf. of Shimanojo Uemura, 
a sainuari ; m. Tae, 4th d. 
of Yoshiinasa Okamura of To- 
kyo. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Law of the 
Tokyo Imp, Univ. in 1886; 
then from the Middle Temple, 
I-ondon, with the degree of 
Barrister-at-law in 1896. Ap- 
pointed Assistant-Prof, of the 
Tokyo Imperial University in 
1886; next became lawyer, 
practicing at Osaka and then 
at Toltyo ; then Chief of the 
Bureau of Documents of the 
Bank of Japan ; entered the 
Sumitomo firm in Osaka as 
its Director and Manager; 
next Director of the Kyii- 
shii Railway Co. and then 
Chief of the Kyushu Railway 
Control Bureau after the rail- 
way nationalization scheme 
came into force ; was elected 
Mayor of Osaka, 19 10- 12. Ad- 
dress-: No. 42, Wakamatsu- 
cho, Kitakuy Osaka. Tel. : 
1770. Chi6 : Tokyo Club. 

Uemura, Sumisabnro Cit W iS 
S 115) Managing Director of 
the Dai Nippon Beei Co., 
Director of Nippon Acetic 

T108] , 

Acid Mfg. Co., the Meiji Bi^g- 
ar Mfg. Co.. ex-Dir. of tlie To- 
yo Glass Co., Auditor of the 
Dai Nippon Artificial Fertili- 
zer Co., ex-Aud. of the Hokkai- 
do Colliery and Steamship 
Co., Representative member 
of the Tokachi Cultivation 
Co.; d. the loth m. of the 
2nd f. of Bunkyii (1862) in 
Tol<yo ; e. s. of Kojiiro Ue- 
mura, direct retainer of the 
Shogunate ; m. Sei, sisfer of 
Shinjiro Nakajima, a Waka- 
yama samurai. Became an 
official of the Colonization 
Board in 1879; transferred 
successively to the Treasury, 
Department for Agriculture 
and Commerce and Depart- 
ment of Communications; re- 
signed his official post in 1 8- 
89 and engaged in business, 
in which he now holds the 
above fnjportant posts. Ad- 
dress: No. 5, Shinsaka-maChi, 
Akasaka-ku, Tokyo* Tel. ,;.28- 
46 Shimbashi. . 

Uemura. Tsimekiehi (iltM 
fr),_ Nayal Captain, Com, of 
OkinosMma, protected cruiser 
Chief of the Saseho .Marine 
Division; b. 1870. Edue, : 
graduated from the Naval 
Academy in 1884. Lieuten- 
ant-Commander, June 1898 ; 
Commander, Oct. 1902 ; Cap- 
tain, Sept. 1907. DeecraUons} 
3rd Order of the Rising 'Sun, 
3rd Order of the Sacred Trea- 



sure anci ^th Class of the 
G. K. Address : Saseho Na- 
val Station. 

Uenaka, Chokusai CM 'i^ 
jg ^), artist, Japanese paint- 
er ; b. 1885 in Yamabe-gim. 
Nara-ken ; s. of Genpachi U- 
enaka ; m. Kikuko Nisliiguchi, 
1909. Eduo.: privately; studi- 
ed painting under Gaho Ha- 
shimoto, Chokujo Fukada. 
Exhibited his work "Empress 
Komei" in the Tokio Indus- 
trial Exhibition of 1907 and 
obtaiued 2n(.l prize ; 3rd prize 
in the 1st art exh. of B, D: 
for ''setting sun"; 1 ad honour 
of his picture of armour being 
bought by the Imp. House in 
the 5th Ind. Exhibition. Ad- 
dress : 44, Nichome, Dojima- 
nakamachi, Kita-ku, Osaka, 
Clubs". Dohitsukai. 
'XJeno, Eizaburo C-h IF ^ H 
BR), Manager of the Teikoku 
Hemp Mfg. Co., Auditor of 
the Shimbi Shoin a (publish- 
ing concern) ; i>. the 9th m. 
of the 4th f. of Ansei (18- 
57) in Kyoto; 3rd s. of Ju- 
suke Ueno ; m. Koto, e. d. 
of Gempachi Tsuda of Tokyo. 
Was formerly Director of the 
Japan Soap Co. and of the 
Oriental Printing Co. Ad- 
dress : No. S3, Takanawa- 
Minami-machi, Shiba, Tokyo. 

TJeno, Kikuro i±'mm% m, 
farmer, one of the highest 

tax-payers of Kagawa-ken, 
Director of the Korea Busi- 
ness Co.; b. Nov. the ist j. 
of Meiji (1868) in Kagawa- 
ken ; yoimger brother of Ko- 
taro Hamazaki and, adopted 
by Tsune Ueno ; m.- Aya, e. 
d. of his adopted mother. 
Address : Tsudamachi, Oka- 
wa-gun, Kagawa-keUx 

TJeno, Kintaro C± IF ^ ± BR), ' 
Yakugakuhakushi (Doctor of 
Pharmacology), Chief of the 
Meguro Brewery of the Dai Ni- 
ppon Beer Co.; h. the loth m. 
of the 2nd y. of Keio (1866) 
in Tokyo ; 3rd s. of the late 
Kagisaburo Ueno, a Tokyo 
samurai; m. Sen, sister, of 
Kurakichi Tonami of Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from tlie 
College of Medicine of the 
Tokyo Univ. in 1891, Ad- 
dress : No. 218, Meguro-mu- 
ra, Ebara-gun, Tokyo. 

Ueno, KisaburS CiiF^HBIO, 
Master of Ceremonies and 
Private Secretary to the Mi- 
nister of the Imperial Hou- 
sehold ; b. the 3rd m. of 
the 1st y. of Gwanji (18- 
64) in Akita - ken ; younger 
brother of Naoji Nakata, a 
samurai of Akita, and adopted 
by Yahei Ueno ; m. Toku, 
niece of his adopted father. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial ■ 
School in 1890. Appointed 
Chancellor to the Consulate 

Ben— Ties 

[ I no] 

at -San Francisco, i Sgzj.Clian- 
cellor to the Legation at Ber- 
lin, 1895; Consul at Hong- 
kong, 1 897 ; Consul at San 
Francisco, 1900 ; promoted 
Consul - General at Sydney, 
1967 • transferred to the pre- 
sent posts, 191 o. .Address: 
No 45, 5 chome, Minami- 
machi, Aoyama, Akasakaku, 
Tokyo. Tel: 1070 Shiba. 

XJeno, Matsujiro (± if ^fS ^ 
115), Director of the Shinio- 
zuke Bank, the Utsunomiya 
Bank, the Shimozuke Paper 
Mfg. Co. and of the Utsuno- 
miya Business Enterprising 
Co., Member of the Ut'-'iino- 
miya Chamber of Commerce; 
b. the 3rd m. of the 1st y. 
of Man-en (1865) in Tochi- 
gi-ken ; e. s. of Kyuhichi Li- 
no of Chiba-ken arid adopted 
by the late Matsujiro Ueno 
of Tochigi-ken; m. Tami, e. 
d. of his adopted father. Ad- 
dress : Hongocho, Utsunonii- 
ya, Tochigi-ken. 

Ueno, RiicM (± if S. — ), 
Auditor of the Osaka Asahi 
Shimbun Co. ; b. the loth 
m. of the 1st j/. of Kaye^ 
( 1 848) in Hyogo-ken ; e. s. 
of the late Yasubei Ueno ; 
11%. Sada, sister of Jirobei Ka- 
no of Hyogo-ken. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1870. Ad- 
dress : No. 5, I chome, Hi- 
ranomachi, Higashiku, Osaka. 

Ueno, Sen-ichi (J: Sf % -). 

Consiil-Genferal, at . /.Qhieu.tao ; 
b. the 9th in. of the 3rd y: 
of Ansei (1856) in Nagasaki- 
ken. Chancellor to the Con- 
sulate at Shanghai, i88i,to 
tlie Consulate at Chefoo, 18- 
83; Acting* yice-Consul at 
Foochovv, 1887 ; Vice-Consul 
at Wonsan, 1893 ; promoted 
Con.sul, the same year; Con-, 
sul at Amoy, 1896.; Consul 
at Kantoii, 1906; present post 
at Kanton, 1906 ; Consul Ge- 
neral at Hawaii, 1908 ; pre- 
sent post since 19 12. Address: 
•Japainese Consulate, Chientao, 

Ueoka, Hiro-o C_h IM % W), 
Lieut. -Coloriel of Commissn- 
riat, Com. of the i ith Battalior 
of Commissariat Troops ; b. 
1 871. Sub-Lieutenant bf In- 
fantry, Mar. 1894; Sub-Lie u- 
tenent of Commissariat, May 
1894; Lieutenant, Apr. 18- 
95; Captain, Oct. 1897; Major, 
Nov. 1907-. Decorations : 5th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
and 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address : iith.Ba.ttzU 
ion of Commissariat, Zentsuji, 
Kagawa-ken. ' . 

Uesaka, Kumakatsu C_fc ^ ]|| 
Bt), IgakitJiakushi, Prof of the 
Okayama- Special School of 
Medicine. Address : Okaya- 
ma Special School of Medi- 
cine, Okayama, Okayama- 

Uesugi, Shigenori Cii^Jglt), 



Count, Lord-in-Waiting of the 
Kinkei Hall, Chief Director 
of the Yonezawa Educational 
Society ; b. the 2nd m. of the 
1st y. of Kokwa (1844) in 
Yonezawa, f)rovince of Ugo; 
e. s. of Narinori Uesugi, former 
lord of Yonezawa clan ; in. 
Kane, e. d. of Kiyohisa Ito, 
a samurai of Tokyo. Educ. : 
studied in England, 1872 — 
1.873. Appointed Public Pro- 
curator, 1882 ; then merriber 
of the Senate ; created Count 
in 1 884; member of the House 
of Peers ; Lord-in-Waiting of 
the Kinkei-KiAX, 1890. Ad- 
dress: No. 7, I chome, Mo- 
tomachi, Hongo, Tokyo. Tel.: 
2030 Shitaya.- /. d. 

Uetake, San-emon Ctfi it H ^ 
#f PI), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Tochigi-ken, Presi- 
dent of the Kuroha Bank, Dir. 
of the Ujiie Bank" Director of 
the Nasu Commercial Bank, 
the Shimozuke Shimbun Co., 
the Nishizawa Gold Mine Co., 
the Tochigi-ken Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank and of 
the 4th Bank, Auditor of the 
S'htmozuke Bank, member of 
the House of Peers ; b. the 
2nd m. of the ist y. of Ansei 
(1854) in Tochigi-ken; 2nd s. 
of the late Sanjiiro Uetake ; 
m. Matsu, 2nd d. of Goro 
Kimijima. Address : Kawa- 
nishimachi, Nasu-gun, Tochi- 

Uewada, Kisnke (± W B i: 
W)i Auditor of the Takasaki 
Bank. Address: Yoriai, Ta- 
kasaki, Gumma-ken. 

TJeyanagi, Kiemon (±Bl S^^ 
^ PI), ex-Mem. of the House 
of Representatives, President 
of the 117th Bank and of the 
lida Savings Bank, Director 
of the Ina Electric Railway 
Co. ; b. the 9th vt. of the 2nd 
y. of Kaei (1849) in Naga - 
no-ken ; s. of the late Kiemon 
Ueyanagi and adopted by Ki- 
ichi Ueyanagi ; m. Michi, 2nd . 
d. of Toshitaro Sekijima of 
Nagano-ken . Member of the 
House of Representatives since 
1907. Address : lida-ma.chi, 
Shi_moina-gun, Nagano-ken;. 

tJgaki, KazusTiige C^Jg— JtS), 
Colonel of Inf. since Nov. 1910, 
Chief of the 1st Section of the 
Military Education Inspection 
Office ; b. 1 869 in Okayama- 
ken. Sub - Lieutenant, Mar. 
1891 ; Lieutenant, Sept. 18- 
93 ; Captain, Oct. 1898 ; Ma- 
jor, January 1904 ; Lieute- 
nant-Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Ooloriel, Nov. 19 10. Decora- 
tions: 5th Order of the Sacred 
Treasure, 4th "Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 39, Aisumi-cho, YotSu- 
ya-ku, Tokyo. 

Uji, Shobei i^ m B ^ S), 
pawn-broker ; b. the I2th m. 
of the 5th y. of Ansei (1858) 


[II 12] 

ill Osaka ; 2nd s. of Risabu- 
ro Dshima and adopted by 
the late Ibei Uji; >«. Ume, 
2nd d. of Shirobei. Ogiwara 
of Osaka. Succeeded his adop- 
ted father in 1873 Address: 
No. 36, Kyuzaemoncho, Mi- 
namiku, Osaka. 

Ujiie, Jokichi Cit^A:^), one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Miyagi-ken ; d. the 8th m. of 
the 2nd f. of Keio (1866) ill 
Miyagi-ken ; 2nd s. of Rolcu- 
emon Togashi and adopted 
by the late Jokichi Ujiie ; m. 
Iwa, e. d. of his adopted father. 
Address: Tsunodamachi, Igu- 
gun, Miyagi-ken. 

Ujita, Rokuzaemon (^ v§ ffl 5^ 
/feli'P'!), Sake-brewer, one of 
the highest taxpayers of Wa- 
kayama-ken ; b. Aug. the 6th 
y. of Meiji (1873) in Waka- 
yama-ken ; 2nd s. of Yoso- 
shichi Ujita ; m. Taka, sister 
of Zinkichi Nakayama of Wa- 
kayama-ken. Succeeded his 
father in 1894. Address ; No. 
I, Yoriai - cho, Wakayama, 

Ukai, Takes]3i (1^ tSj S),-A, 
B., minister of the Japan Me- 
thodist Church ; b. 1 865, at 
Matsuye, Tzumo province; m. 
Taye-ko, d. of Kaji-ko Ya- 
jima, principal of the Joshi- 
gakuin, in 1899; Educ: the 
1st Middle School of Tokyo- 
fu, Meiji-gizuku. Simoson Col- 
lege. Towa, U.S.A. Engaged 

as princii;al ■ f ;ui English 
School, Secretary of Japan 
Sunday School Association, 
Secretary of Japan Temper- 
ance Union, etc. Address : 
20 Nishikonya-cho, Kyobashi- 
ku, Tokyo. 

ITki, Sekitaro (^ tIc Jl jfe IR), 
Sm-geoH-Maj.-Gen., Chief of 
the MeSicail'Depaf tment of the 
3rd Army Division ; b. 18- 
64. in Saga-ken. Surgeon-Sub- 
lieutenant, Aug. 1886; Sur- 
geon-Lieutenant, Dee. 1889 ; 
Surgeon-Captain, Dec. 1892 ; 
Surgeon - Major; Oct. 1898 ; 
Surgeon - Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Apr. 1904; Surgeon-Colonel, 
June 1908; Surgeon-Maj.Gen., 
Sept. 1912. Decoratimis: the 
4th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure, the 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun and the 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
Headquarters of the 3i'd Ar- 
my Division, Nagoya, Aichi- 

Ukita. lyeo C^ W ^ W), 
Lieut. -Gplonel of Cavalry, Co- 
mmander of the X ith Cavalry 
Eegiment; h. 1872 in Kuma- 
moto-lcen. Sub-Lieut., June 
1894; Lieutenant, Aug. 1895; 
Captain, Oct. 1898; Major, 
Mar. 1905'. Decorations : 5th 
Order of the Sacred Trea-. 
sure, 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun and 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address :i™' 
Cavalry Eegiment, Zentsur', 

[II 13 


Ukita, Katsujiro (?i?fflll»teIIO, 
a large landowner, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Kaga- 
wa-ken ; b. the 8th m. of the 
1st y. of Kokwa (1844) m 
Kagawa-ken ; e. s.- of Mago- 
juro Ukita and adopted by 
Tsunezo Ukita ; m. Taki, e. d. 
of Kanshiro Goto. Succeeded 
his adopted father in 1867. 
Address : Kan-onj imachi, Mi- 
toyo-gun, Kagawa-ken. 

TJkita, Kaeutami C# HI in 5), 
Hogakufiakiishi (Doctor of 
Law), Prof of the Waseda 
Univ. (Chairs-Sociology and 
History); b. the,, 12th m. of 
the 6th/, of Ans'ei (1859) in 
Kumamoto-ken ; 31 d s. of Juta 
Ukita, a K^umamoto sanmrai; 
m. daughter of Gohei Shimo- 
miira. -Edtic. : graduated from 
^& Dosfusha, Kyoto in 1879. 
For some time was a Chris- 
tian pastor after graduation ; 
Prof of his alma mater, 18- 
86 ; went to the U. S. A. in 
1892 and studied theology, 
history and politics at Yale 
Univ. for a few years ; Chief 
Prof of the DosMsha on his 
return home ; next became 
Prof of the former Tokyo 
Semmon Gakko (present Wa- 
seda Univ.),. and then install- 
ed in his present post. Ptcb- 
lications : " Character and Di- 
gnity ", " Sociology ", " Philo- 
sophy of Histor>' ", " Ancient 


Histo)7 ", etc. Address : No. 
17, Wakaba, Takata-mura, 
Kitatoshima-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Ukita, Keizo (t? IB tt it), 
druggist. President of the O- 
saka Chemical Industry Co., 
Ltd., Auditor of the Union 
Fire and Marine Transporta- 
tion Insurance Co., Ltd., the 
Wakayama Spinning Co., Ltd; 
Dir. Kansai Water Power E- 
lectric Co., Ltd., the Kita- 
hama Bank, Ltd., the Nani- 
wa Bank, Ltd., etc. ; 3. the 
2nd 7«. of the 3rd j>. of Ko- 
kwa (1846) in Nara-ken ; 2nd 
i'. of Zsnroku Umesaki and 
adopted by the late Keizo 
Ukita . 7«. Yone, e. d. of his 
adopted father. Has been 
thrice elected Member of the 
Oiaka Municipal Council \ 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives in 1890 and in 
1892 ; is at present one 01 
the leading business men in 
Osaka. Address : No. 245, 4 
chome, Andojibashi, Minami- 
ku, Osaka. Tel. : 260 Minami. 

XJkon, Gonzaemon (M '■&%.'& 
^ PI), a large ship - owner, 
President of the Japan Marine 
Transportation and Fire In- 
surance Co. ; b. the 9th m. 
of the 6th y. of Kayei (18- 
53) in Fukui-ken ; e. s. of 
the late Takahiro, Ukon ; ni. 
Haya, e. d. of Heizaemon U- 
kon. Succeeded his father in 
1882 ; is one of the leading 

trko— Ume 


business men of Osaka. Ad- 
dress : No. 14, 5 chome, Ki- 
ta-dori, Nishinagabori, Nishi- 
ku, Osaka. Tel.: 299 Ni- 
shi, /. d, 

XJkon, Wasaku (/& i£ m f^), 

Managing Director of the 
Japan Marine Transportation 
and Fire Insurance Co. ; ^. 
Mar. the 9th y. of. Meiji (18- 
76). in Fukui-lcen ; 3rd .f. of 
Gproemon Yasojima and a- 
dopted by Gonzaemon Ukon, 
a large shipowner of Osaka; 
m. Tama, e. d. of his adopt- 
ed father. .Address : 'No. 144, 
2 chome, Edoboi-i, Nishi-ku, 

TJmeaM, Yonosuke (it Jffl IS 
Z m, MajovrGen.. cx-^Tein- 
ber of tlie Army Construc- 
tion Department ; ^. the 1 2th 
m. of. the 4th f. of Kayei 
(1851) in Yamaguchi - ken ; 
e. s. of O Umechi, a Yama- 
guchi samurai. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant, May 1 874 ; Lieutenant, 
July 1877; Captain, May 18- 
86 ; Major, Apr. 1895 ; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel, Dec 1899; 
Colonel, Jan. 1903 ; Major- 
General, May 1907. Was 
Adjutant to the 3rd Infantry 
Battalion of the Flying Co- 
lumn in the Satsuma Rebel- 
lion ; ' took part in the late 
war as Commander of the 
3rd Infantry Regiment of the 
2nd Reserve. Decorations : 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 

3rd Order of the Sacred 
Treasure and 4th Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 493, Sendagaya,. Toyo- 

tama-gun, Tokyo-fu Tel. : 

2793 Shiba. 

IJmeliara, Kameshichi CH M 
fe -b), Eice-Broker, President 
of the Japan Cold Storage Co., 
Dir. of the Ise Electric Kail-. 
way Co., Dir. of the Kiosei 
Electric Kailway Co., the 0- 
saka Commercial and Indus- 
trial Bank, the Naniwa Eire 
Insm-anse Co. , the Imperial 
News Co., Member of the 0- 
saka Chamber of Commerce; 
b. Nov. the 3rd y. of Meiji 
(1870) in Osaka ; e. s. of the 
late Kameshichi Umehara; in. 
Riu, 3rd d. of Yoshitsugu 
Mat'suura, a sannir'ai of Ehi- 
me-ken. Succeeded his father 
in 1883. Address: No. 31, 
3 chome, Kitahama, Higashi- 
ku, Osaka. Td. : 2293 Hon- 

TTmemura, Kichijiro (^ 1^ o 
^ S|5), building contractor, ex- 
porter of porcelain ; b. the 
1st m. of the ist_y. of Gwan- 
ji (1864) in Aichi-ken ; e. s. 
of Sobei Umemura ; m. Sa- 
dayo, e. d. of Isokichi Shira- 
tori. Address : No. 33, SW- 
mokucho, Higashiku, Nago- 
/a. Tel. : 1280 I. d. 

TJmenmra, Sadaaki (M tf M. 
W), Chief of the Marine Af- 
fairs Section of the Tokyo 



Post and Telegraph Control 
Bureau and Judge of the Lo- 
cal Marine Court ; b. Apr. the 
I sty. of Meiji (1868) in To- 
kyo ; e. s. of Sadatomo Ume- 
mura, a Tokyo samurai ; in. 
Tane, -younger sister of Haru 
Maekawa of Tokyo. Educ. ■: 
graduated from the College 
of .Law of Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(1892). Appointed Judge of 
the Local Marine Court and 
in addition Inspector of Mer- 
cantile Marines in 1897; after- 
wards in succession was Tudee 
of the Higher Marine Court, 
Chief of the Marine Affairs 
Bureau of the Department of 
.Communications and of Presi- 
dent of the. Local Marine 
Court ; then present post ; was 
in Europe and America on 
an official mi-ssion (1908). Re- 
creation: Music. Address: No. 
2164, Isehara, Araijuku, Iri- 
arai-mura, Ebara-gun, Tokvo- 

trmeno, Shinkichi {^ |f fp 
n)> Juigaktthakiishi (Doctor 
• of veterinary science), Expert 
of the infectious diseases in 
vestigation laboratory. Ad- 
dress: No. 534 Shirogane 
Sanko-cho, Shiba, Tokyo. 

TTmenokoji, Sadayuki (M'V'^ 
^ fif\ Viscount, Member of 
the House of Peers ; Director 
of the Oi Bank; h. the nth 
m. of the ist y. of Keio 

(1865) in Kyoto; e. s. of Sada- 
aki Umenokoji, former noble 
of the Mikado's Court ; 7«. 
Sho, 7iiece of -Viscount Mu- 
neyoshi Namba. Created Vis- 
count in 1 884 ; has been thrice 
elected Member of the House 
of Peers since 1891. Address: 
No. 25, Dainiachi, Akasaka- 
ku, Tokyo. 

XTmeoka, Heishichi CH jiBI ^ 
-b), iron-monger, representa- 
tive member of the Umeoka 
& Co., Auditor of the Tokyo 
Iron and Copper Co. ; b. the 
loth in. of the 2nd .y. of 
Bunkyu (1862) in Tokyo; e. 
s. of the late Heishichi Umc 
oka ; m. Uta, 5th d. of Ma- 
gobei Matsumura of Tokyo. 
Succeeded his father in 18- 
79. Address: No.- 9, Kpya- 
nagicho, Kanda - ku, Tokyo. 

Tel.: iw Honkvoku. 
TJmeivaka, Seitari (# ^ 1^ 

ic Si5), Lecturer . of Waseda 
Univ. Educ. : College of 
Literature of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. Address: No. 60, Mi- 
nami-Enoki-cho, Ushigonie- 
ku, Tokyo. 

tJmezawa Michiharu CfS W 
it fn), Lieut.-General, Com- 
mander of the 6th Army 
Division since September 
191 1; b. the loth m. of the 
6th y. of Kayei (1853) in 
-Miyagi-ken; 2nd j. of Mi- 
chisada Umezawa, a samurai, 
V«. Matsu, 3rd d. of Kinshi- 

Ueim— TJno 


chi Ono of Tokyo. Sub- 
Lieutenant, June 1872 ; Lieu- 
tenant, Apr. 1874; Captain 
of Infantry, Sept. 1881 ; Maj- 
or, Apr. 1887; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Apr. 189s ; Colonel, 
Feb. 1899: Major-General, 
July 1904. Was Command- 
er of the Communication 
troop of the 2nd Army in 
the Japan-China war; after- 
wards Commander of the 4th 
Infantry Regiment of the Im- 
perial Guards ; took part in 
the Russo-Japanese war as 
Commander of the 2nd Re- 
serve Brigade afid is famous 
for his repulse of the Ru.'s'an 
troops when they made a 
fierce counter-^attack on Pen- 
hsi-hu. Decoration: : 3rd Or- 
der of the Sacred Treasure, 
2nd Order of the Rising Sun 
and 2nd Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address: Head-quarters 
of the 6th Army Division, Ku- 

mamoto-shi, Kumamoto-ken. 
TJmezawa, Bikinosuke (^ ^ 

A ;^ fid), cotton manufacturer; 
d. 1885, at Shimonibancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Opened 
a business of the cotton 
manufacture, -April 19 12; he 
possess the cotton. manufac- 
turing works at Omori. Ad- 
dress: No. .20, 4 chome, lida- 
raachi, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel,: 2237 Bancho. 

TTaho, Shomin CiS if » W, 
Sculptor, (Nom-de - plume — 

Hoshu), Prof of the Tokyo 
Fine Art School, Member of 
the Fine Art Committee, at- 
tached to the Imperial House- 
hold ; b. the 1 0th m. of the 
1st "y. of Kokwa (1844) 
in Ibaraki - ken ; 2nd s. of 
Den-emon Unno, a samurai 
of Mito clan. Since 1897 
several times has been a- 
warded medals in various 
domestic and foreign Exhi- 
bitions ; appointed Assistant- 
Prof of the Tokyo Fine Art 
School, 1891 ; full Prof, 18- 
94 ; then nominated Mem- 
ber of the Fine Art Com- 
mittee of the Impei'ial House- 
hold. Address .'No. 38, Ban- 
bacho, Honjoku, Tokyo. 

TTno, Hogara (^ Sf M), Iga- 
ktdiakushi (Doctor of Medi- 
cine), Emeritus Prof of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., President 
of the Gakiizando Hospital ; 
b. the loth m. of the 3rd y. 
of Kayei (1850) in Shizuoka- 
ken ; e. s. of Suetami Uno ; 
m. Ishi, 2nd d. of Kiemon 
Kawabe of Shizuoka. Edjic. : 
graduated from the former 
Tokyo Medical School (fore- 
runner of the present College 
of Medicine of the. Tokyo 
Imp. tjniv.) -in 1876. As- 
sistant-Prof of the Tokyo 
Daigaku, 1882; then full Prof 
and Chief of the Daigaku 
Hospital (Univeisity Hospi- 
tal) ; sent to Pvurppe tp in- 



. vestigate Hospital Admini- 
stration systems in 1889; ap- 
pointed to study the Blood 
Serum method of Dr. Koch 
in 1 89 1 ; received tiie degree 
of Igakuhakushi and appoint- 
ed Prof, of the College of 
Medicine of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (chairs-Skin disease and 
Bacteriology), the same year; 
Councillor of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1 893 ; was ordered to 
.the ffont in the Japan-China 
War on a medical mission ; 
resigned his ofificial post and 
-e^stabjished the Rakuzando 
Hospital, becoming its presi- 
dent in 1897; was made E- 
meritus Prof of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. the same year. 
Address: No. 14, i chonie, 
Yumicho, Hongoku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 18 12 .Shitaya. 

TJno, Seizaemon (^ If ?t tL 
^ f^), farmer, one of the high- 
est tax-payers of Aomori-ken, 
President of the Aomori-ken 
Agri. and Industrial Bank, Di- 
rector of the Kuroishi Bank, 
and of the Onoe Bank, Mem 
ber of the Aomori Chamber 
of Commerce ; b. the 5 th m. 
of the 2nd y. of Kaei (1849) 
in Aomori-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Mozaemon Sasaki ai\d adop- 
ted by Seizaemon Uno ; in. 
Kuni, sister of Uichiro Mori. 
Address : Rokugo-mura, Mi- 
namitsugaru - gun, Aomori - 

Urabe, Hyakutar" C MfK "3 * 
HR.% Prof of the Keiogijuku 
Univ. (chair-Modern history), 
Chief editor of the Keiogij uku 
Journal ; d. June the 2nd y. 
of Meiji (1869) in Fukuoka- 
ken. £duc. : studied English 
language at the former Tokyo 
English Language School, 
1887 — 1890 ; graduated from 
the Keiogijuku Univ. in 18- 
95. Entei;ed the Editorial 
Stafif of the /zji Shimpo, \%- 
96; teacher of the Commercial 
School of the Keiogijuku, 18- 
99 ; Prof, of the Keiogijuku 
Univ., 1906 ; Chief editor of 
the Nippon, the same year; 
again Prof of the Keiogijuku 
Univ. and in addition chief 
editor of the Keiogijuku Journ- 
al since Sep. 1907. \ Publica- 
tions : translated Prof Ha- 
merton's " Human Inter - 
course " ; " Modern Russia ", 
" Rise and fall of the Roman 
Empire ", etc. Recreation : 
reading. Address: No. 302, 
Sankocho, Shirokane, Shiba, 

TJrabe, Kitaro ( b Si5Si:l!5), 
lawyer, member of the House 
of Representatives ; b. Oct. 
the 1st y. of Meiji (1868) in 
Saitama-ken ; e. s. of Kihei 
Urabe and adopted by the 
late Kin Urabe ; m. Kichi, 
sister of Eigoro Uchida. Edtic: 
graduated from the former 



Igirisu Horitsu Gakko (pri- 
vate law institution) in 1890. 
Passed the Examination for 
Bar the same year and be- 
gan practice ir Tokyo ; start- 
ed in company with Mr. C. 
Egi, Hogakuhakushi, the pu- 
blication of the Hogaku Shi- 
mpo (a law magazine) in 18- 
83 ; elected member of the 
House of Representatives in 
1908.- Address: No. 3, Dai- 
dokoro - cho, Kanda, Tokyo. 
■ Tel. : 672 Shitaya. 

IJrai, Koichiro (m^m-B), 
Prof of the 4th High School; 
^, Aug. the 1st r. of Meiji 
(1868) in Tokyo; e. s. oi 
Shin Ural, a Tokyo samurai; 
in. Hae, e. d. of Shozaburo 
Ando of Chiba-ken. £duc. : 
graduated from the College 
of Literature of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1894. Pi-eseiit 
post since graduation. Ad- 
dress .■ No.- 93,- Tate-machi, 
Kanazawa, Ishikawa-ken. 

TJramatsu, Yoshimitsu QM ^Z 
K 3fc), Viscount, Member of 
the House of Peers, .Major 
of Infantry on the resei-ve ; d. 
the 4th /«. of the 3rd J)/, of Ka- 
yei (1850) in Kyoto ; ^. jr. of 
Kunko Uramatsu, former no- 
ble at' the Mikado's Court; 
m. Chiyo, sister of Count Mi- 
chifusa Matenokoji. Educ. : 
studied in Germany. Enter- 
ed the army as Sub-Lieuten- 
ant in 1876 and after due 

promotion attained the rank 
of Major in 1898 when he 
was placed on the reserve 
list ; member of the House 
of Peers since 1902. Address : 
No. 71, Sambancho, Kojima- 
chiku, Tokyo. Tel.: 924 Ban- 

TIrano, Fumihiko (fSif^^), 
President of the Kokura Ho- 
spital. Address : Umakari- 
cho, Kokura, Fukuoka-ken. 

TJrano, Kisaburo (?i5f#SIP), 
Lieutenant-Commander of En- 
gineering of the Navy, Prof 
of the Tokyo Mercantile Ma- 
rine School, Judge of the 
Higher Marine Court; (5. the 
9th nt. of the 4th y. of An- 
sel (1857) hi 'Yo^syo ; young- 
er brother of Mototaka Ura- 
no, a Tokyo samurai; m.\- 
ku, 3rd d. of the late Den- 
hichi Katayama of Saga-ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
former Kaigan Heigahiryo (a 
government naval school) in 
1878 ; afterwards went ■ to 
England to study PZngine- 
ering. AppointedSub-Lieuten- 
ant of Engineering in 1881 
and after due ' promotion at- 
tained the rank of Lieuten- 
ant-Commander of Engineer- 
ing ; was foi-merly Instructor 
to the Naval Academy and 
then to the Naval Engineer- 
ing School. Address: No. 
43, Suidocho; Ushigome, To- 



tTrashima, Kenkichi Cri,ftS 
w). physician, President of 
the Urashima Hospital ; b- 
the 6th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Arisei (1855) dn Nagasaki- 
ken; e.s. of Josen Urashima, 
a Nagasal<i samuari, and 
adopted by the late Doun 
Urashima; m. Tei, <?. d. of his 
adopted father. Once was 
member of the Examination 
Committee for Medical Prac- 
titioners. Address : No. 26, 
Unemecho, Kyobashiku, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 735, Shimbashi. 

Uriu, Shin (JH 4 K), Direc- 
tor of the Kirin Beer Co., 
Auditor of the Tokyo Mari- 
ne Insurance Co. and of the 
Locomotive Mfg. Co.; d. the 
6th ;«. of the 6th y. of Ka- 
ei (1853) in Tokyo ; 3rd s> 
of the ■ late Goroemon Tabe ; 
M. Taka, e. d. of Jirobei Fu- 
ji! .of Kyoto.' Entered the 
service of the Railway Bu- 
reau of the former Industrial 
Department in 1871 ; went 
to Europe and America in the 
suite of the late Prince Iwa- 
kura, Ambassador, the same 
year and returned home in 
1874 ; resigned his official 
post and accepted the post 
of manager of the Sales and 
Transportation Department of 
the Takashima Colliery in 
1877; when the above Co- 
lliery was purchased by the 
Iwasaki house became Ma7 

nager of its Nagasaki branch, 
Manager and then Chief of 
its Tokyo Head Office in su- 
ccession ; afterwards resigned 
and became connected with 
the above-mentioned compa- 
nies. Address : No. 45 , Ka- 
mirokubancho, Kojimachiku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 391 Bancho. 
TTria, Sotokichi ClK 4: ^ S), 
Baron, Admiral, .on the awai 
ting list since Dec. T9T2 
Mem. of the Board of Admirals; 
i>. the I St m. of the 4th y. 
of Ansei (1857) »» Ishikawa- 
ken; 2nd s. of .Ginya Unu, 
a samurai of the former Da.i; 
shoji clan ; m. Shige, yoim^er 
sister of Takashi Masuda, a 
famous business men of -To- 

kyo. Educ. : graduated from 
the former Kaigun-Heigahi- 
ryo (a naval academy) and 
then from Anna-Polis Naval 
College (U. S. A.) in 1881. 
Sublieutenant, 1881; Lieuten- 
ant, 1882; Lieutenant-Corn- 


m'ander, 1887; Captain, 18- 
92 ;'- Rear - Admiral, 1906 ; 
Vice- Admiral, 1904. In suc- 
cession was' "Section ^ Com - 
mander of the Seitsu and the 
Fuso, member of the ist sec- 
tion of the Naval General 
Staff, 2nd Captain of the Na- 
niwa, Captain of Akagi, Chief 
of the Torpedo Division of 
' the Yokosuka Naval Station, 
Nayal, Attache to- the Lega-' 
tion at Paris (during the Japan- 
X^hina war). Cap; 1 of the 
Fuso, Chief of the Naval Port 
Section of the Sasebo Naval 
Station; Captain of the Matsji- 
shima and then of the Ya - 
shinta, Commander of the Stan- 
ding Squadron and of the 2nd 
Squadron, etc. ; was in com- 
mand of the 2nd Squadron 
in the Russo-Japahese war 
and blockading the port of 
Chemulpo caused the two Rus- 
sian warships KoreetZAwA. Var- 
yag to be sunk in that port, 
the following few lines show- 
ing the general movements 
taken by him on the occasion: 
" It was about , 3 p. m. on 
the 8th of February 1904 that 
the Detached Squadron 
the command of Rear-Ad - 
miral Uriu arrived off Chem- 
ulpo escorting Japanese trans- 
ports. Shortly after their ar- 
rival, the Chiyoda came out 
to meet the Squadron and 
reported the possibilityof land- 


ing the- troops at that port 
in; spite of the presence" of the 
two :Ru ssian warships . There- 
upon, the Squadron approa-: 
ched the entrance, on which 
the Russian gunboat Kore-- 
etz carhe out and fired on the: 
Japanese torpedo flotilla which 
in turn fired two torpedoes 
against the gunboat but both 
mis.sed. The Russian ship then 
put back apparently in great 
alarm. She was in.stantly fol- 
lowed by the- torpedo-boats 
which took up positions all 
round the two Russian ships 
in "such a way as to be able 
to blow them up at any mo- 
ment. At 8 pm., all the 
transports began to land their 
troops. There was no mo- 
lestation from the Russians, 
and the task was successful^ 
ly accomplished in the ap- 
pointed time. There were in. 
the harbour at the time the 
British cruiser Talbot, Ah.t Ij.. 
S. cruiser Vicksburg, the 
French cruiser Pascal, the 
Italian cruiser Elba, with the 
two Russian vessels already, 
mentioned. On the morning 
of the 9th, -.Rear Admiral 
Uriu sent an official note to 
the commander of the Russian 
Squadron requesting him to 
withdraw from the harbour 
by I p.m., and at the same 
time signalled" to- ;the foreign 
warships in the harbour to 

[ II2I. j mi 

change' their moorings. Rear- The ' Russian casualties were 
Admiral Uriu also took steps over lOO. 28 injiared manwere 
toissu'; a circular among taken on board the French 
the 'fo'eign coiisuls in: that cruiser Pascal and about 30 
port through the Japanese on the;Briti;sh warship Taldof, 
Consul; informing them that and: the :':est on^ the Italian 
a. :naval • fight would take warship. Some escaped to the 
place in and about the har- shore where they were talceii 
bour after 4 p.m. the same pnsoners. T-^o Russian joffi: 
day.. At about noon, the cers were among the injured;. 
Russian warships came out Captain Behr of .thjs, cruiser 
of the harbour and were soon Varyag- was killed by a piece 
encountered by the Japanese of. shell which hit qne of hei- 
Squadron. A fierce engaga- bridges."; Decorated wijh the 
m'ent ensued for about 35 ist Order of the R,ising Suij 
miAutes. . A shot from the and the 2nd Class ■ of th§ 
Japanese ships carried away Golden Kite in 1906 • created 
the. mast and destroyed the Baron in 1907 for his meri- 
-foirebridge : of the Varyag; torious services in the; war, 
causing much injury and many Address: Yokosuka Naval 
casilalties. The Z'<7/r^2f.s', which Station, Ydkosuka. ;. ." -: 
had been badly injured, blew UrusM, Shogan.;(^^ li .^>. 
up, and the Varva^ finding Memhej of the^House-of .,E«- 
herself outnumbered, made an presentatives .Director of the 
■attempt to. escape by Yuen- ^^P% ^^^ f% ^o.. . and . of 
tad Island, where she was -*'^, ^i Bank ; /-the- ist^ - /«. 
•set on .{ire and s-unk. It is °f th^ .3rd ^. of Kayei (1850^ 
-supposed by many that the ' '" Mie-ken ; 2nd .-. of Taker 
-Kareets 'also' was purposely ^^Z"" ^ato. .^Was_ fornierly 
blown up to prevent her from '}°^°^ ^^ "f Hojenji (a-Budr 
falling into the hands of the ?^f^ l^"'P^^ in Shinagawa-, 
Japanese, this was :also the Tokyo) ; resigned and became 
-fate of the transport .Sw^^-^W connected with the abov^ 
which was, canying f a cargo mentioned companies j _ A 
of coal and other contraband member of .the' House of R^ 
-of war and which was sunk presentatives^smce 1902.- ^Adr 
by her own crew. The Japa- ^''^-^-^ •" .^o- 82, Kitashinaga- 
nese ships .sustained no da- wa, ShinagaWa--madii, F-ba- 
mage, and there was 'not; a ra-gun, Tokyo-fu: TV/. .•155.4 
single casualty of any. kind. ^"'°^' ..' ' ";:i 

[ 1122 1 

¥irusMaia, Taiaio (-^WSIfeX 
Fi=esiaent of the B<ucM Bank, 
iC^ifec'tor of the Dsho Bank; 
b. the 6th m. of the jrd y. 
■di Bunkyu (i'863) in Shizuo- 
ka-ken ; ^. s. of Jiroemon U- 
nBhima ; m. Tsune, e. d. di 
Kichiroemon Nozaki of Shi- 
ziieka ~ kefl. Succeeded his 
father in 1883; Member of the 
Ht)use Qfi Represerftatives in 
1-894 ', has several times con- 
tributed large sum of money 
for charitaMe and public 
cease's. Address: Ikuchi-ma- 
chi, Shimoshrnkawa-gun, To- 

©sagsOT-a, KazHmasa (^ fe ji\ 
— !£>, Baa-on, Lieiitenant Qe- 
rterail, on the Eeserve, Pre- 
sident of the '©rientai Deve- 
lopment Co.; b. the nth 
m. of the 2nd y. of Kaei '( 1 849) 
in YaHta'gncbi-ken '; 4th ^ of 
Taroemon Fujirn'ora, 'a samu- 
rai of 'Choshu clan, and adopt- 
ed tiy Kyuhei Usagawa, also 
a Choshi] sainurar, fn. Tane, 
e. d. of 'His adapted father. 
Sdb-Lieutenaht, July 1874-; 
Liettteiiarfrt, Mar. l'S79; Capt- 
ain 'of 'Mantry, Apr. f S87 ; 
Major, Jan. i'892 ; lieuten- 
atnt-Golofldj Bee. '1^894.; Co- 
lonel, Odt. fSg^; Major-iGe- 
nefal, Apr. T9or; 'Lieutenrarit- 
General, Jtily r9o6. Recent- 
ly has ^been suecessively ap- 
pointed 'Chief of Staff '<M the 
loth Army Division, Com- 

cK'^nderofjfhe zobh Brigade 6jf 
In&ati-y and Djpector of the 
MilitaTy x\dfriinistration ' Bu- 
reau (during the Russo-Ja:pa- 
nese war), etc.; since the iii- 
atiguration of the Oriental De- 
velopment Co. in 1908, has 
held the post of its presi- 
dent ; in 1906 was creat-ed 
Baron and invested with and 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
the 2nd Class of the Golden 
Kite ill recognition of -meriteri^ 
Gus services rendered to the 
state during the late war. Ad- 
dress : iSTansan, Seoul, Cho- 

JUsami, KeizalbmS C^ -fe H 
I& H B), President ©f the CM- 
ba-ken Agricultural and in- 
dustrial Bank, Oiiredtor of the 
Chiba -Electric Light Co., :amd 
,of the Toa Mutual Fire Im- 
surance Co.; Audiitor of the 
Sapporo Timber Co.; b. the 
lOt'h m. c^f the 3rd y.oi Ke- 
io (1867) ill Chiba-ken; 2ad 
;?. of Yomokidhi CJsami. E- 
dtic. : graduated from tlte Co- 
llege of Law of the Tokyd 
Imp. Univ., i894- Has been 
an dfificial of the Treasury,; 
next entered the Japan Hy- 
pothec Bank aS Chief of its 
Documents Bureau ; was s\h- 
sequeiitly Director of the Ho- 
kkaido Colom-zati©n Bank. 
Address: Mohara-raachi, Cho- 
sei-gun, Chrba-ken. 

irsami, Kstsuo (^ -fe# M ^). 

[ 1 1 23 ] 

ITra— TJsli 

Chief of the Internal Affau's 
Section of the Choseii Go- 
vei'nment ; b. May the 2ncl 
J. of Meiji (1869) in Yama- 
gata-ken ; 2nd s. of Katsusaku 
Usami ; m. Yoshi, 4th d. of 
Nariaki Ikeda, a samurai of 
Yamagata. Educ: graduated 
from the College of Law of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 18- 
96. Has been successively 
Councillor of Tokushima-ken, 
and of Kyoto-fu, Secretary 
and then Councillor to the 
Home Department, Governor 
of Toyama-ken (1908), High 
Councillor to the Residency- 
General, 191 ; and then pre- 
sent post Oct. 1910. Ad- 
dress : Official Residence of 
the Chosen Government, Se- 
oul, Chosen. 

TIsami, Tatsujiro (^ -fe .E M 
^ SI5), Foreign cloth dealer, 
Member of the Osaka Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; 3. the 12th 
m. of the 1st j/. of Ansei 
(1854) in Osaka ; e. s. of T6- 
bei Usami ; m. Tai, 3rd d. 
of Kinhichi Sakaida of Ai- 
chi-ken. Succeeded his father 
in 1889. Address : 1^0. 163, 
2 chome, Tanimachi, Higa- 
shiku, Osaka. Tel. : 2582 
Higashi, /- d. 

UsHba, Takuzo (-¥»#«), 
Director of the Teikoku Bnish 
Mfg. Co.,; i>. the I2th.«. of 
the 3rd y. of Kayei (1850) 
in Mie-ken ; 3rd i'. of Heijiiro 

Ibaya and adopted by thp 
late Keijiro Ushiba ; m. Mi- 
chi, 3rd d. of his adopted 
father. Educ. : Keiogijuku. 
Was an .inofficial of Hyogo 
prefecture and then of the 
Financial Department ; elec- 
ted M. H. R. for his native 
province ; entered the Sanyo 
Railway Co. and became its 
chief Manager, 1894; its chief 
Director, 1898 ; its President, 
1902 ; made the Railway a 
model one by introducing 
many improvements. Recrea- 
tion: reading. Address : Ta- 
rumi-mura, Akashi-gun. Hyo- 

TJshiba, Tetsaro C^i^ ^ U Wj\ 
Managing Director of the Tei- 
koku Brush Mfg. Co. ; , b. 
June the 4th y. of Meiji (i8- 
71) in Mie-ken ; e. s. of Ta- 
kuzo Ushiba ; m. Toyo, 3rd 
d.. of Fumitomo Yamada of 
Kyoto. Address: No. 21,2 
chome, Kanomachi, Kobe. 
Tel : 477 /. d. 

Ushida, Jiizaburo C^m^^^ 
S|5), Naval C|ij)tain on the 
awaiting list sinccrSec. 1 9 1 2 ; 
b. 1867. Educ. : graduated 
from the Naval Academy in 
1882. Lieutenant-Command- 
er, Dec. 1897 ; Commander, 
Sept. 1899; Captain, Jan. 19- 
05. Decorations: 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Or- 
der of the Sacred Treasure 
and 4th Class of the Golden 

TTsu— Ush 

[ 1124 ] 

Kite. Address:' No. i, O- 

iCLibo, Toyotama-gim, Tokyo- 


Ushijima Homban C-'h^*!!), 

..Majp^^^ral^^ifte reserve. 

yu, Shibuva, Toyotama-gun, 

Ushijima, Kiiiji (^- % li S), 
potato - planter, President of 
the Japanese-KesiSents' ' S"o- 

' dety'af Sari-!FBancisco,_ tj. S. 

"AV; '/J. iii 1865 at Kurume, 
province of Chikugo. Educ: 
studied at the Keiogijuku. 
Went „ oyer to the United 

'"States in 1886; after making 

. two years' agricultural . in- 
vestigation in the State of 
California began planting po- 

■ tatoes on a farm situated near 
the , River Sacraraent in 1 890; 
■St first suffered, -many hard- 
ships and difficulties but owing, 
to the sudden rise in the 
price of potatoes' as the re- 
sult of the outbreak of the 
Spanish- American war in 18- 
98' he was enabled to realize 

"~a large profit from, his under- 
taking ; is now reputed to 
be the " potato-kisig " of the 
state of California, owning 
17,000 chp.of potato farms ; 
has made many, contributions 
toward public causes, Recrea- 
iims'; wall-ring and reading. 
Address.: Barclay, San Fran- 
cisco, U. S. A.- 
-TJshiyama, Bnhei (.'\' 'M g^ ^), 

draper. Auditor of the Kyo*| 
eki Warehouse Co., Member 
of the Chamber of Com - 
merce; b. the 9th m. of the 
Sth y. of Kaei (1852) in 
Yamanashi - ken; 2nd s. of 
Yoshinaga Ushiyama ; m. Ta- 
keyo, sister of Masazumi Mi- 
yahara of Tokyo. He is pro- 
prietor 'of the Matsuya Dra-' 
peiy store, one of the largest 
of its kind in Tokyo. Ad- 
dress : No. II, 4chome, To- 
ri, Nihombashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 
608 and 716 Honkyoku. 

Ushiyama, Matsuzo {^ [II *£ 
M), Judge, President of the 
Kanazawa District Court ; 
6.. the 8tli m. of the ist 
y. of Gwanji (1864) in Na- 
gano-ken ; 2nd s. of Inosuke 
Ushiyama ; m. Shizu, sister 
of Heihachiro Ryokaku. E- 
duc. : graduated from the for- 
mer Meiji Horitsu Gakko (pre- 
sent Meiji Univ., a law ins- 
titution). Passed the Exami- 
nation for Bench, 1886; was 
in succession Judge of the 
Nagoya District Court, of the 
Nagoya Court of Appeal, 
President of the Matsue Dist- 
rict Court, etc. and then pre- 
sent post. Address : Kanaza- 
wa District Court, Kanazawa. 

Usiii, Kanzo (S # # M), 
Naval r.^ajptain. Commander 
of ilie cruiser Toiie, Member 
of the Ship Equipment Com- 
mittee of the Sa.sebo Arsenal; 

[ II 25 ] 


b. 1867. Lieutenant - Com - 
mander, Dec. 1 897 ; Com- 
mander, Oct. 1901 ; Captain, 
Sept. 1907. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
and 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address: Sasebo Ar- 
senal, Sasebo, Nagasaki-ken. 

T3;sui, Ko CB ^ ^), Sur- 
geon Inspector, a member of 
t:he"*^SiftfeMT8yrSitr''iof ' the 
Navy; b. in 1864. Ediic: 
the Naval Medical College. 
Surgeon-Major, Sept. 1899; 
Surgeon Lieut.-Colonel, Oct. 
1902; Surgeon - inspector, 
Sept. 1908. Was attache 
to the 1st squadron. De- 
corations: 3rd Order of R. 
S., 4th Order of S. T., 4th 
Class of G. K. Address: 
No. 36' Sangenya, Azabu, 

Usui, Shikataro CB^f^jklR), 
rice merchant, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Kochi- 
ken, President of the Tosa 
Cement Co.; b. the 3rd m. of 
the 6th y. of Kayei (1853) 
in Kochi-ken ; e. s. of the 
late Umataro Usui ; ni. Ichi, 
^. </. of Nagayoshi Uda. Was 
formerly Director of the Tosa 
Electric Railway Co., and of 
the TDaito Fishing Co. Ad- 
dress : No. 146, Tanezaki- 
naachi, Kochi, Kochi-ken; 
,; .Usui, Tetsuji (0 ^h m. vS), 
^/■jglrjjresi^i:^^... ,o|',_.j^^ 

Prefectural Hospital. Ad- 
dress: Saga Hospital, Saga, 

Usui, Yosliihisa Qi ^ ft A), 
Director of the Meiji Sugar 
Mfg. Co. ; b. the 4th m. of 
the 5th y. of Ansei (1858) 
in Tokyo ; e. s. of Tamesa- 
buro Usui, a Tokyo samu- 
rai-, m. Tei, e. d. of Chiahi- 
chi Yoshida, a samurai of 
Gifu-ken. Rendered valuable 
service in the inauguration of 
the Korea-Manchurian Salt 
Mfg. Co.; is now Director of 
the Meiji Sugar Mfg. Co. 
Address: Sanno, Iriarai-mura, 
Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Usuku, Tukusuke (=ji ^^' ;ff 

fl)> Major-General, Com- 
of Infantry; b. March of the 
3rd -y. of Bunkyu (1863), 
Kagoshitna-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
June 1885; Lieut., Oct. 
1889; Captain, Oct. 1894; 
Major, Jan. 1900; Lieut. 
Colonel, March 1904; Colonel, 
Dec. 1906; Major-General, 
Oct. 1910. Decorations; 4th 
Order of S. T., 3rd Order 
of R. S., 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Asahikawa- . 
machi, Kamikawa-gun, Hok- 

Utsnnomiya, Kanae (^ t!5 Ig 
Wt), Paymaster - Inspector of 
the "Navy,;>TnSti'uctdr'"t6 " tlie 
Naval Paymasters' School and 
to the Naval College, mem- 


[ 1 1 26 y 

ber of the Bureau of General 
Accounts and Supplies of the 
Naval Department ; d. in 1 8- 
66. Paymaster - Lieutenant- 
Commander, Oct? 1902; Pay- 
master-Commander, Jan. 19- 
05 ; Paymaster- Captain, Sept. 
1907. Decorations: 4th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun, 6th 
Order of the Sacred Treasu- 
re and 4th Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address: No. -38, 
1 chome, Mita, Shiba, To- 

Utsunomiya, Kinnojo (^S|Ȥ^ 
^^^), proprietor of the U- 
tsunomiya Shipping Agency; 
b. the 1st m. of the 2nd y. 
of Bunkyil (1862) in Tokyo; 
4th s. of Chozaemon Utsuno- 
miya; m. Tsuru, e. d. of Hi- 
rokicht Morita of Tokyo. The 
Utsunomiya Shipping Agen- 
cy is one of the largest of its 
kind in Tokyo. Address: No. 
7. Minamikinroku-cho, Kyo- 
bashiku, Tokyo. Tel.: 29 

litsonoKiiya, Taro C^Sii'gjk 
B|^^^Q3^Ǥflae8j*j,Chief of 
the 2rid Section of the Ge- 
neral Staff Office ; b. the 3rd 
' m. of the 1st y. of Bunkyu 
(1861) in Saga-ken ; 2nd s. 
of Jubei Utsunomiya, a Saga 
samurai; vi. Suma,'4th d. of 
Baron Kwan Nabeshima. E- 
dnc: graduated from the Mi- 
litary Academy, 1885 and the 
Military College, 1889. Sub- 

Lieutenant of Infantry, June 
i88S; Lieutenant, Nov. 18- 
88 ; Captain, Nov. 1893 ; Ma- 
jor, Oct. 1 898 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Jan. 1903 ; Colonel, 
Mar. 1905 ; Major-General, 
Jan. 1909. Was successively 
staff officer to the Imperial 
Headquarters, member of the 
3rd Section of the General 
Staff Office, Military Attache 
to the Legation, at ioMpn, 
instructor to the Militaiy Col- 
lege and Commander of the 
1st Infantiy Regiment ; took 
part in the late war and was 
decorated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite 
for services. Address: No. 
115, Harajuku, Sendagaya, 
Toyotama - gun, Tokyo - fu. 
Tel.: 27 1 1 Shiba. 
Tlyama, Doseki (^ |lj 5I ffi), 

191 1 ; Chief of the Military 
Surgeon Department in Kwa- 
ngtung fxovei'nment General ; 
6. 1894 in Tokyo. Surgeon- 
Sub-Lieutenant, June 1888 ; 
Snrgeon - Lieutenant , Nov. 
1 890 ; Surgeon-Captain, Dec. 
1894; Surgeon - Major, Oct. 
1 899 ; Surgeon - Lieutenant 
Colonel, Mar. 1902 ; Surgeoa 
Colonel, Apr. 1905 ; Surgeon- 
Major-General, 191 1. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the Sacred 
Treasure and 3rd Class of the 
Golden Eite. Addrers : Isew 

[ II27 ] 

. Street, Jr'ort Arthur. 
. -TJyemura, Masahisa (IS fj IE 
^, Prof, of the Meiji Gakuin, 
pastor ; h. 1 867 in Tokyo. Is 
one of the few remaining 
faithful followers of the late 
Dr. Niijima, founder of the 
Doshisha and father of Japa- 
nese Christianity. Address - 
No. 55, Nakarokuban-cho, 
Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2392 Bancho. 

Uzawa, Somei (11 M It W), 
Hogaktthakushi (Doctor of 
Law), lawyer, Member of the 
House of Representatives ; b. 
Aug. the 5thj/. of Meiji (1872) 
in Chiba-ken; e. s. of Mino- 
matsu Uzawa ; m. Ichf, 4th 
d. of Sozaburo Imai of Kana- 
gawa-ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Law oi 

the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 1899. 
Entered the Bar immediately 
after graduation, practicing in 
Tokyo '; received the degree 
of Hogakiihakushi upon pre- 
sentation of his. famous essay 
on Pliilosophy of law entitled 
" Eeiation betueen Low and 
Moral" was elected Member 
of the HouKe of Eepresenta- 
tives in 1908 and in 191 2; 
was appointed Law Gommu- 
5sioner is a lawyer of repute 
in Tokyo. Publications: "Pri- 
nciples of law" "Philosophy of 
Law Essays on Criminal Ad- 
ministrative policy, "History 
of Comparative Legislation", 
etc. Address: No. 15, 3chome, 
Tsukiji, Kyobashiku, Tokyo 
TeL : 543 Kyobashi. 


I 1:123. ] 

^'■Wada, Dentaro CWBISicIU), 
I'resident of the Numatsu 
J3afik and o{ the Numatsu 
Warehouse Co., Director of 
the Gotenba Bank; 3. the 
3rd m.- of the 4th J/, of Ko- 
kwa (1847) in Shizuoka-ken; 
e. s. of the late Dentaro Wa- 
da ; .m. Yoshi, e. d. of Sho- 
ih Konishi of Kanagawa-ken. 
Succeeded his father in 1870. 
Address ' : Numatsu - machi, 
Shunto-gun, Shizuoka-ken. 
Tel.: 13.7. 

Wada, Eisaku CW H ^ 'm, 
painter ia Western style, Prof, 
in the Tokyo Fine Art Aca- 
demy; b. 1874 in Kagoshi- 
ma-keii. Educ. : graduated 
from the Tokyo Fine Art 
Academy in 1896. After hav- 
ing served as Assist.-Prof. at 
his alnia mater for some years 
was sent to France where He 
studied oil painting under the 
famous painter Colin ; present 
post since his retui'n home. 
Address: No. 26, Kasumi- 
cho, Azabuku, Tokyo. 

Wada, Hikojiro (faffl^t^IK), 
ex-Chief Commissioner of the 
Japan Grand Exhibition to 
be held in 18 17, Mem. of the 
House of Peers ; b. the 6th 
w. of the Sth y. oi Ansei 
(1858) in Hiroshima-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Tohei Sera and adopted 
by Ryojiro Wada ; m. Suma, 

sister of Waichiro Arai o{ 
Gumma^ken. Took an active 
part in the democratic move- 
ment under Count Itagaki 
about 1880 ; Visited ^Europe 
and America, 1889 — 1890; 
occupied the post of Direct- 
or of the Nationalist Associ- 
ation for some time ; was , 
appointed Director of the A- 
gricultural Bureau of the Agr. 
and Com. Dep't, 1898; trans- 
ferred to the Com. and Ind. 
Bureau and then raised to 
be Vice-Minister, 1903 ; Japa- 
nese Chief Commissioner of 
the Anglo-Japanese Exhibi- 
tion, 1909 ; Chief Commis- 
sioner of the Japan Granifi 
Exhibition to be held in 18- 
17 ; resigned the above post 
June 191 1 ; nominated Mem; 
of the House of Peers, Aug. 
191 1. Address: No. 13, 2 
chome, Kobikicho, Kyobashi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : .266 Shim- 

Wada, licM (.fn B 1ft —), 
Director of the Hokkaido 
Cement Co., and of the Ha- 
kodate Tramway Co., Vice- 
President of the Hakodate 
Chamber of Commerce, Mem- 
ber of the Hakodate Town 
As.sembly and of the Busi- 
ness Tax Investigation Com- 
mittee ; b. the 6th m. of the 
14th. J/, of Tempo (1843) in 
Tokyo . 2nd s. of Chikara 
Wada ; a direct retainer to 

[ 1.129 ] 


the Shogunate ; m. A\, sister. 
of the Enkuro Tsuda, a To- 
kyo samurai. Succeeded his 
father in 1862. Is one of the 
leading business men of Ha- 
kodate. Address: No. i, Mi- 
gashi - Hamacho, Hakodate, 

Wada, Isamu Cffl H ^)j 
Commissioner and Chief of 
.Police of Okinawa-ken ; b. 
Kdkvva (1846) in Miyazaki- 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Yahei 
Wada, a samurai ; m. Shige, 
sister of Toyota Matsumotp, 
a Chiba samurai. Appointed 
Police Sergeant of Fukushi- 
ma - prefecture, Dec. 1882; 
transferred to the Metropo- 
litan Police Board ; then in 
succession was Chief of Police 
in the prefectures of Ibaraki, 
Kochi,' Hiroshima, and Nii- 
gata ; Chief of Police of Oki- 
nawa prefecture, Mar. igooartd 
Secretary to the same, Apr, 
1905. Address : No. 1682 
Higashi, Naha, Okinawa-ken. 

Wada, Kensuke (ffl H g SS), 
Rear- Admiral on the wai- 
ting list since December 19- 
12 ; b. the ioth_ m. of the 
1st y. of BunkyS (1861) in 
Kagoshima ; e. s. of Hikobei 
Wada,. a samurai of Kago- 
shima ; 111. .Ei, 2nd d. of .A- 
tsutaka Saislio, also a Y>.z.^o- 
shima^sa^nurai. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Kaigim Heiga- 
kuryo (a government na.val 

schot>l) and the Naval Col- 
lege. 2nd - Sub - Lieutenant, 
June 1885 ; Commander, Dec; 
1897; Captain, Oct. 1902; 
Rear-Admii'al, Aug. 190.8 ; 
was successively Section ~ 
Commander of the Fuso and 
Chiyoda, Chief Gunner of the 
Yashima, Vice-Chief of the 
Yokosukar Naval Barracks, 
2nd Captain of the Chin-en, 
Tokiwa, and Yashima, Cap- 
tain bjf the Atago,.Izumi, Na- 
niwa, Minoshima, Tokiwa and 
Shikishima, Chief of the Yo- 
kosuka Naval Arsenal; and 
then present post. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 3rd Order of the 
Sacred Treasure and 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address.: 
Maizuru Naval Station, Mai- 

Wada, Koreshiro CW BI iS H 
W), Rigakuhakushi (Doctor 
of Science), President of the 
Japan Mining Association ; 
b. the 3rd m. of the 3rd y. 
of Ansei (1856) in Fukui ; 
2nd J. of Unsuke Wada; m.. 
Saki, s. d. of Naokiyo Ma- 
tsuoka, a Tokyo samtirai. 
■Educ.: graduated Science in 
the former Tokyo Daigahi. 
Was in succession Chief of 
the Geographical Bureau of 
the Home Dep't, Pi-of. of the 
College of Science in the 
Tokyo Imp; Univ., Councill- 
or of the Agricultural and 


[ 1130 ] 

Commercial Dep't, Chief oi 
the Bureau of Geology and 
then of the Bureau of Mining, 
President of. the Government 
Iron Foundiy, etc.; resigned 
his official post in 1902 and 
became President of the Japan 
Mining Association. Address: 
No. 36, Sanaizakamachi, U- 
shigome, Tokyo. Tel. : 201 

Wada, Kiuiijiro CWfflS^IR), 
Expert to the Imperial Fore- 
st and Field Administration 
Bureau ; (5. the 4th m. of the 
2nd f. of Keio (1866) in 
Fukuoka-ken ; 2nd S. of the 
late Hanjiro Wada. Educ. : 
graduated from the former 
Tokyo Agricultural and Den- 
drological School in 1888. 
Prof of his ahna mater 18- 
895 Assistant Prof of the 
College of Agriculture of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1890; 
Expert to the Local P'orest- 
ly Office, 1 89 1; Inspector oi 
State Forests, 1893; Expert 
to the Department of Agri- 
culture and Commerce, 1896; 
Expert to the Imperial Est- 
ates Bureau, 1 898 ; sent to 
Europe to inspect- forestry 
works, 1903 ; present post 
since his return home. Ad- 
dress : No. 6f, Shirokane- 
sarumachi, Shiba, Tolcyo. 

Wada, Man-emon (WHIS7&® 
R), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Hirosliima-prefectur.'i 

2nd' s. of Sohei Wada; m. 
Tora ; e. d. of Heiichiro Tsu- 
miyama of the same prefect- 
ure. Succeeded his father in 
1 88 1. Address : Hara-mura, 
Sosangun, Hiroshima-ken. 

Wada, Otogoro CfflH^SBl?), 
Colonel of infantry, Comman- 
der of the 64th Infantiy Re- 
giment; b. 1862 in Mie-ken. 
Sub-Lieutenant, June 1887;. 
Lieutenant, Nov. 1890 ; Cap- 
tain, Nov. 1896 ; Major, Aug. 
1902 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
May 1905 ; Colonel, Dec. 
1908. Decorations: 4th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure 
and 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address: Miyakono-jo, 

Wada, Seimin (W B # K), 
Commissioner to Kochi-ken; 
d. the 9th in. of the 2nd y. of 
Keio (1866) in Kago.shima- 
ken ; e. s. of the late Tono- 
shin Wada, a Kagoshima 
samurai; m. K6, sister of 
Kotaro Noguchi, a samurai 
of Mito. Bduc. : graduated 
Law and Economics at the 
Chuo Univ. Passed the Hi- 
gher Civil Service Examina- 
tion in 1897. Appointed an 
official of the Dep't of Jus- 
tice the same year; tratisfen- 
ed to the Home Dep't ; 
Councillor and then Chief of 
Police of Tot orJt-ken ; pres- 
ent post sin e 1907. Ad' 

ii 1131 1 


dress : Nishiirbkoji, Kochi-shi. 
Kochf-kerii ■'"■' ' ■ 

Wada, Shinb (M_ IB Sf jg), 
lieut. -colonel of artillery on 
the reserve, standing -tlirector 
of the Nihon Alumininin Man- 
ufactory ; &. 3 the 5fch'to. of 
the 1st y. of Gwanji (1864) 
in Osaka ; s. of Jin-emon Wa- 
da ; jft. Misao, April ISOl. 
Edne.: graduated from the 
military academy, .1888. En- 
gaged in the military service 
since his graduation ; was put 
on the reserve list, 1909 ; en- 
tered the present business after 
his cousin Tsuruniatjsu Takagi 
died, and is now engaged in 
aluminium manufactures, help- 
ing his ncpliew Mr. Kiyoshi. 
Decoraiicn: 4th Order of Merit. 
Address : No. 437 Bessho-mu- 
ra, xiraagasaki-machi, Hyogo- 

Wada, Tadao CW ffl g ^4), 
Expert to Wakayaaia-ke;^ 
Address : Kitachugen-machi, 
Wakayama-shi, Wakayama- 

Wada, Takayoshi kWRWW), 
ex-Mem. of the House of Ke- 
presentatives, Managing Di- 
rector of the Tosa Agricultu- 
ral and Industrial IBank ; b. 
Aug. the 9th y. of Meiji (i8- 
76) in Kochi-ken ; e. s. of Yo- 
shinao Wada, a Kochi samu- 
rai; a widower. Educ: gradu- 
ated fromtlie 3rd High School. 
Has been for some tinie tea- 

cher to the Kochi ist Middte- 
School : afterwards ent'ereid 
business and was elected Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives in 1908. 'Address' 
Okatoyo-mura, Nagaoka-gun,: 

Wada,. Toyoji (ffl H! S ?&),. 
Managing Director of the Fu- 
ji Gassed Spinning Co. ; i. 
the nth m. of the ^st _y. of 
Bunkyu (1861) in Oita-ken ; 
e. s. ot the late Kunroku Wa- 
da, a sajntirai ; m. Orie, ,sis- 
ter of Chijuro Kawabata, an, 
O'Az. samurai. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the Keiogijukii Uni- 
versity in 1885 ; studied fur- 
ther in America. After re- 
turning to Japan was employed 
at the Nippon Yuscn Kai-' 
sha (Japan Mail - Steamship 
Co.); then accepted a position 
in the Mitsui Bank being- ap- 
pointed Sub-Manager of the 
Yokohama - Branch ; at the 
time of the readjustment ol 
the Kanegafucbi Spinning 
Company was elected its 
Manager ; some time after 
was transferred to the Fuji 
Spinning Co. as Managing 
Director, in which post he - 
had ample opportunities for 
displaying his rare business 
abilities. He is one of the 
best informed business men 
at present in Japanese spin- 
ning circles. Address: No. 
1208, Shimoshibuya, Shibo- 


[ 1 1 32 J- 

ya-rclio, 'ilokjo. Tel. : 2131 


• Wada, Toyotane (ffl ffl g^). 

jffqkukakushi (Doctor of Med 
icine), chief of the neuropathia 
section of the Hospital in the 
Osaka Medical College ; b. 
1880 in Osaka. Ednc: gra- 
duated from the Osaka Med- 
ical College, 1899. Received 
the medical license, 1900; 
was appointed an assistant 
in the Osaka Medical Col- 
lege, 1901;' became surgeon- 
sub-lieut., 1902 ; after he 
was dismissed from his post, 
1908, appointed teacher of 
the Osaka Medical College; 
sent to Germany for study 
in 1909 and studied neurol- 
ogy, and physiology of p sy- 
cosis at Vienna, University; 
further studied pliysiology and 
scieiice of ahatonry i.i Muh- 
cten University till October 
from Jlily of igi-o; was ap- 
pointed the present post after 
his returning home from ab- 
road, 1910; obtamed : the 
degree of Igakuhaku'shi by 
presenting a thesis on the 
discrimination of bones of a 
beast from that of man, Dec. 
1912. Address: No. ijj^ 
Minamimori-cho, Kita-ku, 

•^ Wadagaki, Kenzo Cffl H a ^ 

"— );- Hogakuhakushi (Doctor of 

I^w), Prof r-of the College of 

-Agdo'ultUre, Tokyo Imperial 

University (Chair .of ' Agn 
Politics and Economics), Di- 
rector of the Japan Girls' 
Commercial School and the 
Tokyo Commercial School ; 
b. in July of the ist y. of 
Man-en (i860) in Hyogo-ken ; 
2nd s. of Yuzuru Wadagaki, 
a saimiral of Toyooka clan ; 
m. Tsuna, e. d. of K. Ito, a 
samurai of Gifu-ken. Educ. : 
studied English and German 
at the Tokyo School ofForeign 
Languages ..and the Kai'sei 
Gakko ; entered the former 
Tokyo Daigaku (Tokyo Im- 
perial University) in 1S78 and 
graduated Literature and E- 
conofuics with honours in 18- j 
80; sent to England and studi- 
ed Economics and Literat- . 
ure first at Londori and then 
at Cariibridge ; next went to- 
Germany arid studied at Ber- ; 
lin for three years. Upon 
returning from abroad was ap- 

pointed Prof of the , College.- 
of Literature, Tokyo Imperi- 

i .1133 ] 


al University ; Lecturer at the 
Tokyo Technological School ; 
Prof, of the College of Law 
(Chair of Economics), Tokyo 
Imp. Univ.- in 1886; Mem. 
of the Diplomatic and Con- 
sular Services Examination 
Committee and of the Ex- 
amining Committee for Mid- 
dle Class Teachers' Licenses ; 
Secretary of the Imp. Univ. ; 
Mem. of the Board of Coun- 
cillors of the Imp. Univ. and 
the Tokyo Higher Commer- 
cial ' School ; then present 
post; made an investigation 
tour of Em-ope; 191 1: — 12. 
Is one of the best known pro- 
fessors and accomplished sc- 
holar of English literature in 
Japan. Publications : " Out- 
lines of Political Economy," 
"Advice to Young Men," 
"History of Commerce," "St- 
ray Leaves. " Recreations : 
UtaiQapanese classical songs), 
riding, archery, Chinese poe- 
try, curios, English literature, 
etc' Address: 2 chome, Ko- 
binatadaimachi, Koishikawac 

- Wadagaki, Yasuzo CWfflSil: 
Jl), Captain of the naval 
construction ; Member of the 
Dep't- of Materials of the 
Navy, Instructor at the Naval 
College; 1^. 1867. 2nd-Com- 
mander pf the naval construc- 
tion, Sept. 1903 ; Command- 
der of the naval construction 

Sept. 1906; Captain of the 
same Oct. 1909. Decorations : 
4th Order of the Rising Sun 
and 5th Order of the Sacred 
Treasure. Address: No. 116, 
Hommura-cho, Azabu, To- 

Wadaki, Kanshicii CWHTfcffll 
-t;)« dealer in sugar and cereals 
(firm-name "Matsukan"); h: 
the 1 2th in. of the Sth j. of 
Kayei (1853) in Tokyo ; e. s. 
of the late Kanshichi Wada- 
ki ; m. Chiyo, sister of Yasu- 
bei Suzuki of Tokyo. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1877. ^<'*'- 
dress : No. 9, i chome, Ma- 
tsusliiro-cho, Honjo, Tokyo 
Tel.: 2431 Naniwa. 

Wakabayashi, Raizo (^#$ 
si), Governor of Nara-ken ; 
b. the nth m. of the ist y. 
of Kei5 (1865) in Niigata- 
ken ; e.s. of Ansei Wakaba-, 
vashi, a samurai : m. Tsune, 
adopted sister of Toshimura 
Kirino, a Tokyo samurai. 
Educ: : graduated from the 
College of Law in the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. in 1893. Se- 
cretary to Yamagata-ken af- 
ter graduation ; has been in 
the employment of the Ko- - 
rean government; present post 
since June igio. ' Address : 
Nara-shi, Nara-ken. 

Wakabayashi, Shichigoro (^ 
$(t -fcr S |ii5), tirnber merchant, 
Auditor of the Tokyo Carpet 
Mfg. Co. and of the Tokyo ' 


[ ii34 ] 

Savings Bank ; b. 5th m. oi 
the I St y- ©f Kayei (1898) 
in Tokyo; -adopt, s. of Shi- 
dhiroemon Wakabayashi ; in. 
Take, sistet of Kilcujuro Ko- 
saka, a Tokyo sanmtai. Ad- 
dress.: No. 18, I chome, Ki- 
k'Hgawaeho, Honjo, Tokyo, 
Td.: ii42 ■Na»Hwa. 

WakabayaShl, Wafcajiro ^^ 

*|:"^^IP>, Paymaster-Colonel, 
attache f 6' the' Hfea'cftjuartei-s 
of the Japanese Army station- 
ed in China; 'i>. 1869 in Nii- 
gaia-ken. Sub-Lieut. <Sf In- 
fantry, March 1894; Lieut., 
Ji'me 1895;, Captain, Jan- 
£899; 'Paymaster-Major, Dec, 
1903; Paymaster - Lieut.- 
Oolonel, Nov. 1907; Pay- 
inasteT-Colonei, Nov. 1911. 
Becbrations: 4th Order of 
R. S., '3rd Order of S. T., 
4th Class df Golden Kite. 
Address: the 'Headquarters 
of ttie Japanese - Army 
stationed in China. 

Wakabayashi, Shofeei (M ** 
^ ^3, Artist, Japanese pain- 
ter;!. 24 Dec. of the eth 
«/; of Ansei {i-859) at Fufcu- 
jama -cbo, Bingo proviirGe. 
Edfic.:: .studied painting imder 
Sharin Fnjii .and Sho»en Su- 
zuki. iExhibi-ted his master- 
pieces in the 5th Domestic Ex- 
Hbitiou, the Tokyo-eagraving . 
socieity, the "Tokyo art society, 
tbe 'Tokyo Indsstriai ExkiM-- 
tit>ti and various: exhibitions 

and obtained many |irizes, and 
some ■exhibits were purcha«ed 
by Zenzaburo Yasuda, Baron 
Sumitomo, Jiroemon Kano,- 
Marg^uis Inoue, Mataemen'^ 
Shibakawaj -etc. Mecr-eations : 
traveliing, pattern, reading. 
Address: No. 488, Kokubu- 
cho, Tennoji, Minami - feu, 

'Wikami, Toraji (MM.^ ©5, 
,. Colonel of Infantiy , Command- 
er of the '4th' In£ Segiinenf 
of I. G . ; h. 1 867 in Nagasa- 
ki-ken. Sub-Lieutenamt> JuJy 
1887; Lieutenant, Jan. 1891; 
Captain, Apr. 1895 ; Major, 
Jan. 1 901; Lifiutenant-Colo- - 
nel, Nov. 1904. Colonel, Now.. 
1907. Decorations: ./^th.'0!^&r . 
of the Sacred Treasure, 3rd 
Order of :fhe Rising Sun and 
4th Class of the Goldaa Kite. 
Address: Riudomachij Aza-' 
buk«, Tokyo. 

Wakamiya, Sa#ao i1^$ix% 

Secretary to the Department 
of Communications, CMef of 
the Superintendence Section 
of its MarcantLle Marine Bti- 
reau. Address : No. i, 4 cho- 
me, Oimotecho, Akasaka-ku, 

"Wakaamya, SeionC^ ^ jE #3, 

PresideiA of the Commercial 
Warehousing Cq., Auditor <3< 
the Iriyama Coffiery Go. ; #. 
1st in. of the ist 3/. of Aa - 
sei (1854) in KuinaiHGi^to-keri; 
e. s. of the late Seikai Wa - 

[ II35 ] 


Icamiya ; m. Yorae, e. s. of Hi- 
deo Katsuno, on Aichi sa- 
murai. Advocated the cause 
of Freedom' under Count Ita- 
gaki for many years ; is now 
chiefly engaged in business. 
Address: No. i,-4chome, O- 
motemachi, Akasakaku, To- 
kyo. 7>/. .• 249 Shitnbashi. 

Wakao, Ikuzo C ^ B m M), 
silk -exporter, Tepresentative 
member of the Wal-cao firm, 
Chief Director of the Yoko- 
hama Silk and Four Other 
Articles Exchange, Director 
of the Yokohama Warehouse 
'Go., the Imperial Hotel Co., 
the Teiko'ku Cold Storage Co., 
the Yokohama Electric Co., 
the Nisshin Spinning Co, the 
Yokohama Fire and Maj-ine 
Transportation Insurance Co., 
the Yokohama Electric Wire 
Mfg. Co., the Oriental Mus- 
lin Co., and of th« Yokoha- 
ma Railway Co., Auditor of 
the Tokyo Electric Light Co., 
the Toa Flour Mfg. Co., and 
of :the Yokohama Life In- 
surance Co., Representative 
Member of the Wakao'Bamk, 
etc.; 3. the 1:2th m. of the 
4th jj/. of Ansei (1857) in Ya- 
manashi-ken ; :e. s. of the tete 
Ikuzo Wakao and nephew of 
Ippei Wakao, a Yotdhama 
millionaire ; -in. Sen, atmt ol 
Keiichi Oga.sawara, Viscount. 
Succeeded his father in 1 896 ; 
has been for a long time man- 

ager of the Cloth "Sales Dep't 
of Wakao & Co. which was 
established in Yokohama by 
his uncle Ippei Wakao ; after- 
wards-engaged in the foreign 
trade, chiefly exporting silk; 
is at present Member of the 
Yokohama City Council and 
of the Yokohama Chamber 
of Commerce, besides holding 
the above nientioned business 
posts. Address: No. -63., ,4 
;chome, Hommachi, Yokoha- 
ma. .Te/.: 18. 

Wakao, Ippei (^ m iS ^), 
Director of the Tokyo Elec^ 
trie Light Co., and of the W-a- 
kao Savings Banic ; 3. the 
i-2th m.. .of the 3rd >'. of 
Bun-sei (1:820) in Yamanashi- 
ken ; 2nd s. of the deceas- 
ed Rin - emon Wakao. Early 
came to Tokyo, intending to 
follow a business career; when 
Yokohama was first opened 
to foreign trade, hastened to 
the newly opened port anil 
made a large fortune by trad- 
ing with foreign merchants ; 
opened in 1877 the rOth Na- 
tional Bank of which toe 
became director ; was once 
a Member ef the Yamana- - 
shi Prefectural Assembly, the 
Government Railway Council, 
and of the House of Peers, 
Mayor of Kofu city, etc. Ad- 
dress: No. 6, 4 chome, Hom- 
niachi, Yokohama. Tel.: 1 142 


['1136 ] 

■ "Wakao, Sliohaciii (^ Jg ^ 
A)» banker; b. 37 July 1873; 
y. b. of Hisamasa Hirose, ex- 
M. P. for Yama.nashi-ken ; 
adopted into the Wakao 
family in 1896; m. Kiyono, 
d. oi Tamizo Wakao. Educ: 
Chuo Daigaku, a private. law 
college. Relieved his father- 
in-law in founding the Wakac 
Bank, which he is managing 
since its beginnings besides 
has become president of the 
Wakao Savings Bank. Ad- 
dress.: 34, I chome, -Mita- 
machi, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
912 Shiba. ■ ■ 

Wakao, TamizS (^ M K at), 
President of the Wakao Bank, 
Auditor of the Yokohama 
Specie Bank, Adviser to the 
Yokohama Warehouse Co., 
and to" the Kofu Rice Ex - 
change, President of the Ko- 
fu Chamber of Commerce ; b. 
the I2th /;/. of the 6th->i. of 
Kaei (1853) in Yamanashi- 
ken; 3rd s. of Rihei Hosoda 
an<i adopted by Ippei Wakao ; 
in. Kiku, g.^ d of Rin-emon 
Wakao. The present pros - 
. perous state of his adopted 
father Ippei Wakao's business- 
is'chiefly due to him; has inade 
tlijnations of large sums of , 
money to various public causes 
and also contributed a large 
piecfe of land to the govern- 
irieht as a site for the use of 
the Kofu Regiment; was a- 

\i!.ared 4th Order of Mei'it for 
the above acts.- Address: Ya^ 
jnadamachi, Kofu. 

Wakatake, Nuinosuke (^ -tt 
S >2. SO), match - manufactiirer; 
k- th"e;4;th.>«; of tke 3rd y.. 
of. Kayei (1850) in '.Hj^ogo - 
ken ; e, s.. of Tozaemon Wa- 
katake. ''_ Succeeded his father 
in 1888; is well known by his' 
firm name " Wakatake - ya." 
Address:, No. 4, .5 chome, Ki- 
tanagasa - dori, Kobe. _ Tel.: 
1905 l. d. 

Wakatsuki, Naosaku (^ IS iS 
il^), President of the Fujikawa 
Bank, Director of the Ejiri 
Savings Bank, the Fuji Trans- 
portation Co., the OmiyaBank, 
ahdof theTomizu Co., Auditor 
of the Yokkaichi Paper Mfg. 
Co., and of the Yoshiwara 
Bank; b. the lOth m. of the 
3rd y. of Kayei (1850) in 
Shizuoka-ken ; 2nd s. of Go-i 
saku Ito and adopted by the 
late Takeki Wakatsuki; m. Sa- 
rne, e. d. of his adopted father. 
Address: Nakanogo; Fujika- 
wamachi, . Anbara-gun, Shi - 

Wakatsuki, Eeijiro (MM&Z 
W):, Min. of Finance since Dec. 
1912, Mem. of the HouRe of 
_Peers;-i5. the Sth m. of the 2nd"' 
,^'. of Kei5( 1 866) in Shimane^ 
:ken; 2nd.s. ofSenzaburo O^ 
kimuira arid adopted by the 
late Kei Wakatsuki ; ;«; To- 
ki'.; e. d, -of his adopted father: 

[ II37 J 


^duc, • graduated from the 
College of Law of the To - 
kj/o Imp. Univ. m 1892. -Chief 
Revenue Officer of Ehime-ken, 
1 894 ; afterwards successively 
Secretai-y and then Councillor 
to the Department of Finance, 
Judge of the Court of Admi- 
nistrative Litigation, Chief of 
the Revenue: .Bureau of the 
Financial Department ; Vice- 
Minister of Finance, 1906; 
then appointed Japanese Fi- 
nancial Agent in London and 
rendered distinguished service 
to the post-bellum financial 
administration of Japan; on re- 
turning again appointed Vice- 
Minister of Fiijance ; resigned 
post owing to the Change of 
Cabinet, Aug 191 1 ; Deco - 
rated with' ist Order of Merit. 
Address-: No. 40, Nakaroku- 
bancho, K5jimachiku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : I03 Bancho. 
. Wake, Tatsukiyo CW*.3iit), 

Pharmacist Inspector of the 
Navy; ^. in 1867. Staff-Phar- 
macist of the Navy, Sept.- 
190.3; Fleet-Pharmacist of the 
Navy, tSept. 1906; Pharma- 
cist ' Inspector of the Navy, 
Dec. 19 1 2. Decorations: 4th 
Order of R. S., 5th Order of 

S, T. 
Wakimidzu, Tetsugoro CK 7K 

^S.SP), Assistant-Prof of the 
College- of Agriculture in the 
Tokyo Imp.' Univ. (Chairs- 
Geology and SoilsV Address: 

College of Agriculture of the 
Tokyo Imperial University, 
Komaba, Meguro-mura, To- 

¥/akushima, Ch~jiiro Ctiftfi+ 
W), farmer, one of the higehst 
taxpayers of Tottori-ken ; b. 
the 6th in. of the 6th 7. of Ka- 
yei ( 1 8 5 3) in Tottori prefecture; 
3rd s. of the late Choerhon 
Wakushima ; m. lyo, 2nd d, 
of Rokujiro Tsubaki of the 
same prefecture. In 1872 he 
started Shdkeisha, an associa- 
tion for the relief of poor far- 
mers and orphans, and also 
has done much for charitable 
causes. . Address: Saigo-mura, 
Tohaku-gim, Tottori-ken. 

Wakiisliima, Izd (vi % 5f IS), 
farmer, one of the . highest 
taxpayers of Tottori-ken ; b. 
the 3rd m. Of the 5th y. of 
Ansei (1858) in Tottori-ken-,^ 
.3rd s of Bunshichiro Toz^kr , 
and adopted by Masayasu Wa- 
kushima ; a widower. Sue - 
ceeded his adopted father in 
1885. Address: Kurayoshi- 
machi, Tohaku-gun, Tottori- 
ken . 

Wanami, Kotaro CWJSIiicfllO, 
farmer, landowner, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Miye -^ 
ken. Director of the Ihbe Bank, 
Auditor of the Miye -ken 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank ; b. the 4th m. of the: 
\sty. of Keio (1865), in Miye 
prefecture ; e. s. of Kyuichiro 


I tisS } 

Wanami ; m. Masa, sistet of 
Shigeo Mori of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1 88 3. Address : Yiai- 
sada-mura, Inbe-gun, Miye- 

Wani, Teikichl (W t A S), 
Judge of the Court of Cas- 
sation ; b. May the 3rd y: of 
Meiji (1870) in Tokyo ; 3rd 
5. of Mototoshi Wani, a To- 
kyo samurai ; m. Tsugi, sister 
of Keigo Harada, also a To- 
kyo- samurai. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of Law 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1894. Was in succession Judge 
of the Local Courts of Wa- 
kayama, Osaka and Sakai, 
Judge and Section Chief of 
the Tokyo District Court; pre- 
sent post since July 191 1; 
has been several times mem- 
ber of the Examination Com- 
mittee for Bench and Bar. 
Address: No. 43", Kita-ia- 
mabushi-chci, Ushigome-ku, 

KS^araya, Toghixane (M « ¥ 
K). Comrnander of the Naval 
Eh'fiheerihg, Chief Engineer 
of the warship Ikoma, Instruct- 
or to the Naval College ; b. 
1872. Ediic. : graduated from 
the Naval Academy in 1888. 
Lieutenant of Engineering, 
Dec. 1897; Lieutenant-Com- 
mander of Engineering, Sept. 
1903 ;• Commander of En - 
gineering, Sept. IQ06. Deco- 

rations : 4th' Order of the 
Rising Sun; 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure. Address.; 
No. I, Amishirocho, Azabu, 

Wasaki, Kycsuke CW «t JH 
355), Colonel of Comtnissariaty 
Meiiiber of the Military Tech- 
nical Committee; b. 1863 in 
Yamaguchi-ken. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant of Infantry, July 1887"; 
Sub-Lieutenant of Commissa- 
riat, Nov. 1888; Lieutenant, 
Nov. 1890 ; Captain,. Nov. 18- 
93; Major, Oct. 1899; Lieu- 
tenant - Colonel, June 1904 ; 
Colonel, Nov. 1907. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the Sa- 
ci-ed Treasure, -' 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun and 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
Higashishinanomachi, Yotsu^ 
yaku, Tokyo. 

Watanabe, Akira (J* #), 
Bn ron . TJgut^Bant:: General , 
put OQ the^'secohS. f^gi^e 
since March 191 3, ex~CSm- 
mander of the 3rd Army 
Division ; b. the 2nd in. of 
the 4th y. of Kayei (185 1) in 
Yamaguchi - ken ; 2nd s. of 
Kiiishi Murakami and adopted 
by the late Yoemon Wata- ' 
nabe, a samurai oi Yamagu- 
chi ; m. Tomi, 2nd.(f. of Shi- 
zuma Shida, a Fukuoka sa- 
umrai. Sub - Lieutenant of 
Infantry, Aug. 1 87 1 ; Lieu- 
tenant, Feb. 187s ; took part 

[ II39 ] 


ill the Satsuma Insurrection ; 
Captain, Mar. 1879; Major, 
-Sept. 1885 ; was on the Staff 
of the 1st Army_ and then 
Commander of the i8th In- 
fantiy Regiment -in the Ja- 
pan-China war; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Nov. 1894; Colonel, 
Oct 1897 ; Major - General, 
Apr. 1901 ; took part in the 
Russo-Japanese war first as 
Commander of the 2nd In- 
fantry Brigade of Imperial 
Comniander of the 3rd Araiy 
Division ; d. the- 2nd ;«, of 
the 4th f. of Kayei (1851) in 
Yamaguchi - ken ; 2nd s.. of 
Kinshi Murakami and adopted, 
by the late Yoemon Wata- 
nabe, a samurai of Yamagu- 
chi ; m. Tomi, 2nd d. of Shi- 
zuma Shida, a Fukuoka sa~ 
umrai. ' Sub - Lieutenant of 
Guards and then Commander 
nf the 5th Mixed Brigade ; 
Commander of the 19th In-' 
fantry Brigade after the war ; 
Lieutenant-General, July 19- 
aj ; Commander of the 8th 
Army Division and then la- 
st post. Created Baron and 
decorated with the 2nd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
2nd Class of the Golden Kite 
as a war reward. Address: 
No. 18, Higashi-Shirakabe- 
cho, Higashiku, Nagoya. 

Watanabe, Bunshiehi'Cjf^;^ 
-b), silk dealer, Director, 01 
the Yokohama Life Insuran- 

ce Co., the Kanto Brick 
Mfg. Co., and of the Yoko- 
hama Electric Railway Co., 
Auditor of the Yokohama 
Silk and Four Other Artic- 
les Exchange ; b. Aug. the 
4th y. of Meiji (1871) in Ya- 
manashi-ken ; adopted s. of 
the late Bunshichi Watana- 
be ; m. Tane, e. d. of Hiso- 
mu Hara of Yamanashi - 
ken. Succeeded his adopted 
father in 1 896 ; is at present 
a member of the Standing 
Committee of the Yokohama 
Chamber of Commerce. Ad- 
dress : No. 38, 2 cliome, 
Benten-dori, Yokohama. Tel.: 

Watanabe, Bunsabnro (;t '■& 

X H 10, Manager of the Hi- 
roshima Branch of the Banl< 
of Japan j b. Apr. the 3rd y. 
of Bunkyii (1 863) in Gifu-ken; 
e. s. of Kakuzo Watanabe, a 
Gifu samurai; m. Sada, adopt. 

d. of JQzo Shimizu, also a 
Gifu samurai. Succeeded his 
father in 1880. Address : 'Ro. 
39, Mondocho, Hiroshima. 

Watanabe, Chiaki (.Wk=ffC), 
Count, Minister of the Imp. 
Household ; b. the 5th m. of 
the 14th y. of Tempo (1843.) 
in the province of Shinano ; 

e. s. of the late Masanori 
Watanabe, a samurai of the 
former Takashima clan, pro- 
vince of Shinano ; m. Toshi, 
elder sister of Ken-ichiro Ito, . 


[ 1140 ] 

a samurai of the same clan. 
Educ. : studied Cliinese clas- 
sics at the. Cliozenkwan, a clan 
school. Entered the service of 
the clan at the end t)f the 
Ansei era ; took an^ active 
part ill the Restoration ; after- 
wards was successively Junior- 
Councillor and Judge to the* 
prefectures of Ina and Chi- 
Icuma, Senior - Secretary to 
Kagoshima-prefecture, Gover- 
nor to the same, Judge of 
the Court of Administrative 
Litigation, Governor of Saga 
prefecture, the same of the 
Hokkaido, Vice-Minister for 
Home Affairs,Lord-in-Wait- 
ing of the Kinkei Hall, Gover- 
nor of Kyoto-fu ; Director of 
the Bureau of Imp. Treasury, 
1895 ; the Vice-Minister of 
Imp. Household and finally 
Minister of the same in 1909. 
Created Baron, 1900 ; Vis- 
count, 1907; Count, 1910; 
decorated with the 1st Order 
of Merit. Address: No. 7, 
Takanawa-Minamicho, Shiba, 
Tokyo. Tel.-: 1 304 Shiba. 

Watanabe, CMfuyu (M. 'A. "^ 
=^),. Dir. and manager of Ni- 
chifiitsu (Franco-Japan)Bank, 
Managing Dir of the Hok- 
naging' Director of the Hok- 
kaido Colliery and Steamship 
Co., Adviser to the Fuii Paper 
Mfg. Co. ; b. May the" 9th y. 
of Meiji (1867) in Matsumoto; 
'3rd s. of Count Watanabe, 

Minister for Imperial House-- 
hold ; m. Yoshi, 2nd d. of 
Keizabuio Motoo of Tokyo. 
Edtic. : graduated from the 
College of Law in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1900 ;, further^; 
studied in France, Germany 
and America.' Suh-Mahager 
of the Japan Industrial Bank 
after graduation; then dire^ 
ctor of Japan Steel .Works, 
Armstrong and Vickers asso- 
ciated ; elected Memher of the 
House of Eepresentatives in 
1908. Address: No. 22, Ni- 
shi-machi, Azabu-ku, Tokyo 
Tel : 1670 Shiba. 

Watanate, CMharu (Jtsft-r 
#), Manager of the Bank of 
Japan ; i. Sept the Sth f. of 
Meiji (1872) in Tokyo; /leir 
to Count Watanabe, Minister 
for Imperial Household ; m. 
Tome, '3rd d. of Prince O- 
yama. Educ: graduated from 
"che ^.College of Literature 'A 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 18- 
95. Entered the service of 
the Bank of Japan immedi- 
ately alter graduation first as 
Chief of the Accounts Bureau 
and then Private Secretary 
to its President ; present post 
since Aug. 19 10. Address: 
No. 7, Minamicho, Takanawa, 
Shiba, Tokyo. Tel.: 1304 

Watanabe, CMyosaburo CjS 
a ^ « S. m, Director of the 
Union Fire and Marine Trans- 

[ II4I ] 


portation Insurance Co., and 
-of the Osaka Gas Co., Auditor 
of the Toyo Timber Antiseptic 
Go, ; b. the 8th m. of the 1st 
y. of Keio (1865) in Gifu- 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Shinjiro 
Watanabe ; in. Gin, adopt, d. 
of Chojiro Yamada of Tol<yo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law in the Tolcyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1889. Has been 
in the service of the Banlc of 
Japan for many years. Ad- 
drss : No. I, I chome, Tani- 
machi, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 
Tel. : 1500 Higashi. 

Watanabe, Clio (It S li), 
Judge of the. Supreme Court 
at Seoul; i>. the 4th m. of 
the 5th :y: of Ansei (1858) 
in Chiba-ken ; e. s. of Sahei 
Watanabe, a Chiba saimi7'ai; 
in. Tatsu, 2nd d. of Kiheida 
Terao, a Fukuoka sanmrau 
Educ. : graduated from the 
.former SAi/idsko Hugakkd (a 
law school of the Dep't or 
Justice) in 1884. Has been 
siiice in succession Judge of 
the Chiba Criminal Court, the 
Chiba District Court, and of 
the Tokyo Appeal Court, 
President of the Chiba, Sendai, 
Yokohama and Tokyo Dis- 
trict Courts ;_ was, engaged., 
by the. Korean Governmefit 
and accepted the post of Pre- 
sident of the Supreme Court, 
1908 ; present post since an- 
mexation of Korea by Japan 

in. 19 10. Address: Yoneku- 
racho, Seoul, Chosen. 

Watanabe, Chiisaburo CjS 3I 
jI!. H 11?), Major - General on 
the reserve ; ' (5.' ' the " I st in. 
of the I St y. of Man-en ( 1 860)' 
in Fukui-ken ; 3rd s. of Hi- 
toshi Watanabe, a Fukui sa- 
murai ; ;«.^ Kosen, e. d. of 
KakusaburS Kakehi, a Tokyo 
samurai, Educ. : graduated 
from the Military Academy ; 
further studied in France. 
Sub-Lieutenant of Artiilery, 
Dec. 1879 ; sent to America, 
1889 — 1890; Major-Geheral, 
Oct. 1907 ; then was placed 
on the reserve ; has been in 
succession Chief of the Works 
Department of the - Osaka 
Arsenal, Attache to the I..ega- 
tion at Washington, Member^ 
of the Tokyo Arsenal, Com- 
mander of the Hakodate For- 
tresSj etc. ; was chief of the 
Arms and Ammunition Uepot 
at Moji during the Russo- 
Japanese war. Decoration : 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address^ No. 109, Yocho- 
machi, Okubo, Ushigomeku, 

Watanabe, Daijiro QB.B.k'^ 
815), dealer in marine products. 
Auditor of the Teikoku Cold 
Storage Co., and of the 27th 
Bank; d. the 12th m. of the 
4th y. of -Kokwa (1847) in 
Tokyo; 3rd s. of Rokurobei 
Komaki, and adopted by Ji: 


[ 1 142 1 

rozaemon Watanabe ; in. Ine, 
sister of Hikoshiro Morita: of 
Tokyo. Address : No. 16, 
Aomonocho, Nihombashiku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 1368 Honkyo- 

Watanabe, Dempaehi CS^IS 
A), draper (firm-name " Izu- 
ya ") ; i'. the 6th m. of the 
6th 7. of Kayei (1853) in 
Shizuoka-ken ; e. s. of Rim- 
pachi Watanabe ; 7». Taka, 
ststef of Yutaro Aochi of Shi- 
zuoka-ken. Succeeded hi.s fa- 
ther in 1 876 ;. is one of the 
largest landowners of Shizu- 
oka-ken. Address : No. 15, 
ichome, -Riogaecho, Shizuo- 
ka, Shizuoka-ken^ 

Watanal)e, Eitaro (M'M^X 
IP), Expert to the Railway 
■ Department of the Formosaa 
Government/ Chief of its Ta~ 
ku Branch Office; i>. Apr, the 
4th J. of Meiji (1871) in Ishi- 
kawa-ken; e. s. of Kimpachiro 

Watanabe, a samurai of Ishi- 
kawa-ken ; m. ' Shizue, sister 
of Naokazu Niina, an Ehime j«- 
niurai. Edtic. : graduated from 
the College of Engineering in 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 1894. 
Address : Taku, Formosa. 

Watanabe, Enzo Qk'AMM), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Shizuoka-ken, Director of 
the Miyako Gilding Go. ; b. 
the 8th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Kokwa (1845) in Shizuoka- 
prefecture; e. s. of Ichiro Wata- 

nabe 'fjtn. Kuni, 2nd d. of Ko- 
saiji Okawa of the same pre- 
fecture. Succeeded his father 
in 1883. Address: Tanaka- 
mura, Tagata-gun, Shizuoka- 

Watanabe, Fukusaburo CjJt^ 
JilHI|5), dealer . in , marine pro- 
ducts. Chairman of the Board 
of Directors of the Teikoku 
Cold Storage Co., President 
of the Yokosuka Electric and 
Gas Co., Director of the To- 
kyo Gas Co., the Oriental 
Muslin Co., the Yokohama, 
Electric Wire Mfg. Co., the 
Yokohama Electric Co., and 
of the Narita Railway Co.,, 
Councillor to the Tokyo Fire 
and Marine Transportation 
Insurance Co. ; b. the 1st in. 
of the andjj'. of Ansei (1855) 
in Tokyo ; younger brother of 
the late Jiemon Watanabe ; 
in Tama, sistet of Shinshichi 
Ogawara of Gummci-ken. Is 

one of the most influential 
business men in Yokohama 
and • besides Jiolding the im- 
portant posts above mention- 
ed is also a member of the 
Yokohama Chamber of Com- 
merce. Address : No. i, i 
chome, Motohamamachi, Yo- 
kohama. Tel.: yg Bancho. ' 
Watanabe, Genjiro (M 'A M 
■■* W): Director of the 27th 
Bank. Address : No. 7, i 
chome, Honzaimokucho, ■ Ni- 
horabashi-ku,. Tokyo.' 

[ II43 ] 


"Watanabe, Giro_(jt ^ K W), 
Director of the Osaka Eeve- 
nue Administration Bureau; 
i. the 8th m. of the third y. 
of Kokwa (1846) in Nagano- 
ken ; e. s. of the late Icliiyo 
Watanabe, a samurai of the 
former Suwa clan; in. Maka, 
?. d. of Daihachi Momoi of 
Nagano-ken. Educ. : studied 
[apanese and Chinese classi- 
cs at the Chozenkwdn, a clan 
school, and English under the 
late Rinsho Mitsukuri. Ad- 
vocated the cause of the Mi- 
kado early in the Restoration 
era and after fighting as a 
staff officer of the Mikado's 
army against the Shogunate 
force at Katsunuma was made 
Commander of the clan in- 
fantry troop ; appointed an 
official in the Land Tax Re- 
gulation Office in l8735 Chief 
Revenue Officer of Niigata- 
ken, 1883 J Director of the 
Hiroshima Revenue Adminis- 
tration Bureau, 1896; present 
post since 1899; decorated 
with the 2nd Order of the 
sacred Ti-easure. Address: No. 
I, Shinkawasakicho, Kitaku, 
Osaka. Tel.: iZj'S Higashi. 

Watanabe, Hachiro ( ?il ^ A 
W), Chief Public Procurator 
of the Yamaguchi District Co- 
m-t. Addre:s : Yamaguchi 
District Court, Yamaguchi, 

Watanabe, Hajime (M'&W), 
Auditor of the Tolcyo Gas 
Co. Address : No. 29, Shi- 
rokanecho, Uskigomeku, To- 

Watanabe, Inosuke (jS ^ F 

Z fJ), Nishijin Cloth dealer, 
Managing Director of the 
Kyoto Textile Fabric Co,, 
Director of the Kyoto Indust- 
rial and Commercial Co., Au- 
ditor of the Kyoto Commer- 
cial and Industrial Bank, and 
of the Kyoto Commercial and- 
Industrial Savings Bank, Mem- 
ber of the Kyoto Chamber of 
Commerce ; <5. the 6th m- of 
the Sth jr. of Ansei (1858) 
in Kyoto; adopt, s. of Ihei Wa- 
tanabe ; m. Yori, e. d. of Cho- 
bei Yano of Kyoto. Succeed- . 
ed his adopted father in 18- 
84. Address: Nalanoclro, Chi- 
keikoin, Motoseiganji - dori, 
Kamikyoku, Kyoto. Tel. : 

Watanabe, Iwanosuke 0$. ^ 

g Z f J), Colonel of Artillery, 
Commander of the 1st Heavy 
Artillery Regiment; b. i868 
in Yamaguchi - ken. Sub - 
Lieutenant, July 1888 ; Lieu- 
tenant, Nov. 1891 ; Captain, - 
May 1895 ; iVlajor, Apr. 19- 
01 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Nov. 
1904; Colonel, Dec. 1908. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 3i-d Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 


[ U44 ] 


, Watanabe, Ji«mon (it '3 in >& 
Mh), President of .the 27th 
Bank/ Director of the Tokyo- 
wan Steamship Co.; /'. Dec. 
the 4th j>. of Meiji (1871) in 
. Tolcyo ; 2nd s. of the late 
JieiTion Watanabe ; m. Setsu, 
e. d. of Tanjiro Yoshida of 
Tokyo. Address: No. 7, i 
chome, Honzaimokucho, Ni- 
hombashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1994 Hon]<yoku. 
. Watanabe, Jinkichi (jS 3I S 
"n), President of the Gifu Sav- 
ings Bank and of the i6th 
Bank, Director of the Nohi 
Agricultural and Industrial 
.Bmk, and of the Plokkaido 
Colliery and Steamship Co., 
Auditor of the Nagoya Elec- 
tric Power Co., and of the 
Chosen"Development Co., Pre- 
sident of the Gifu Chamber 
of Commerce ; 3. the I Ith m. 
of the 3rd f. of Ansei (1856) 
in Gifu-ken ; e. s. of Joi Wa- 
tanabe ; w. Toshio, 3rd d. of 
K06 Uematsu of Gifu-ken. 
Has been Member and Pre- 
sident of the Tokyo City As- 
sembly, Member of the In- 
come-Tax Investigation Com- 
mittee; was once elected Mem- 
ber of . the House of Peers. 
Address : No. 24, Shimmel- 
machi, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1369 Shiba. 

Watanabe, Kaichi CilS ^ ^ 
— .). : Kogakuhakushi (Doctoir 

of Engineering), ManagingDi- 
rector of the Keihan Electric 
Railway Co., Director of the 
Tokyo Electric Co., the Ina E- 
lectric Railway Co., and of the 
Sakura Cement Co., Auditor 
of the Dai Nippon Salt Co.; 
b. the 2nd m. of the 5th y. of 
Ansei (1858) in Nagano-ken; , 
2nd J. of the late Seliachi 
Ujihashi and adopted by Kin- 
z6 Watanabe, Rear- Admiral' 
on the 2nd reserve; m. Yoshi, e. 
d. of his adopted father. Educ: 
graduated with honours from 
the former Kobu Daigaku 
(College of Engineering in 
the Tokyo University) in 18- 
83 ; further studied, at the 
Glasgow University, graduat- 
ing from it with the degree of 
B. Sc, and C. E. in 1886, 

^ei-ved an apprenticeship with 
Hesffs Sir Jpljii Fowler and Sir' 
Benjamin Baker's Engineering 

^Wqrks . ..aft5r.,.-g''Aduation ^'on 
returning home in i§S'8 aT- 
ter investigating the condi- 
tions of industry in France, 
Germany, Holland, and ..Bel- 
gium was appointed Chief 
Engineer of the defunct Ja- 
pan Civil Engineering Co., 
and as such superintended the 
Construction of the Kyiishu, 
Sanyo, Kansai, Osaka and 
government railways; in 18- 
92 accepted the post of Chief 
Engineer and then that of 
President of the Sangii Rail- 

11 M45 ] 


way Co. ; next became ChL-f 
Engineer and in addition Ma- 
naging Director of the Hoku- 
etSLi Railway Co., and was 
also elected one of the Council- 
ors of the Imperial Railway 
Association in 1897 ; granted 
tlie degree of Kogakuhafmshi 
in 1 899 ; subsequently after 
occupying in succession the 
posts of Director of tiic Narita 
Railway Co. 5 the Tokyo Elec- 
tric Railawy Co., and of the 
Keihan Electric Railway Co., 
Auditor of the Kyoto Enter- 
prise Bank, was finally elected 
to present posts. Address: 
No.- 1 3, 3 chome, Omote-ma- 
chi, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
52 Shimbashi. Clubs: Tokyo 
Ckib ; Doki Club. 

Watanaba, Kanjuro CiS iS fii 
"Y W), "ex-Moni. of the Hoti«o 
of Representatives, Treasurer 
of the Tokyo Municipal Go- 
vernment, Auditor of the Kei- 
sei Electric Railv/ay Co. ; b. 
the loth m. of the jst y. of 
Gwanji (1864) in Oita-ken ; 
4th s. of Mompei Imai and 
adopted by Sakuro Watana- 
be of Kochi-ken ; m. Torao, 
sister of Yosaburo • Seki, a 
Tokyo samurai. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the formei' Iglristt 
Horitsu Gakko (a private in- 
stitution of English law) in 
1889 ; further studied in A- 
merica Inaugurated an emi- 
gration company, after his 

return irom America ; entered 
the Liberal party and was 
3ne of the rigUthand nien of 
the late Toru Hoshi, its lea- 
der ; became Deputy Mayor 
Df Tokyo ; next elected mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives ; Treasurer of the 
Tokyo City Government since 
Oct. 19 10. Becreaiions : wre- 
stling. Club : Kdjunsha. : Ad- 
dress : No. 116, 6 chome, Ao- 
yama, Minami-machi, Akasa- 
ka-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 278 Shiba. 
Watanaiie, Katei (M ^ jj- ^), 

Journalist; b. the ist j/. of 
Keio (1865) in Nagoya, s. of 
GengoWatanabe. Self-taught; 
thirty years in the present 
profession.; He wrote ■ 250 
novels or dramas, his his- 
torical romance " Watanabe 
Kazan " and other works had 
the lionor of being read by 
the late Emperor Meiji. Re- 
creations : travelling in au- 
tumn, curious and old books 
and documents. Address : 
Kaiai - machi, Tamatsukuri, 
Osaka. Tel.: 2920 south, 

"Watanabe, Katsusaburo Cjt 

a St ^ W), Governor of To- 
kushima-ken ; b. Jan. the 5th 
y. of Meiji (1872) in Hokkai- 
do ; 3rd .f. of Tokuichiro Wa- 
tanabe ; m. Misao, e. d. ot 
Saburo Matsumoto, a Shizu- 
oka samurai. Educ. : gradu- 
a:ted from the College of Law 


[ II46 ] 

in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1896. Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination the 
same year ; Councillor to Na- 
ra-pi-efecture, Apr. 1897 ; af- 
terwards in succession was 
Councillor to Hiroshima-pre- 
fecture, Secretaiy to the pre- 
fectures of Fukushima, Wa- 
kayama, Kagawa and Kyoto; 
present post since July 1907. 
Address :' Tokushima Prefect- 
ural Office, Tokushima. 

Watanabe, Kenji CWt S ^Pi ~0, 
Lieutenant-Colonel of Engi- 
neers, Commander of the 
Railway Regiment ; ^. 1 867 
in Tokyo. Sub - Lieutenant, 
Mar. 1 89 1 ; Lieutenant, Nov. 
Major, Dec. 1901 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Apr. 1905. De- 
coration's : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure and 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Chibamachi, Chiba - 
ken. , 

Watanabe, Kijiiro -(ft ^ iffi 
+ I|5),^:.Major-Genex'al on the 
Reserve ; i. the ist m. of 
the 6th f. of Ansei (1859) 
in Fukushima-ken ; e. s. of 
Masataka Watanabe, a Fu- 
kushima saniurm ; m. Ichi, 
sister' oi Kiyoshi Sugagawa 
of Gifu-ken. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the former Heiga- 
kuryo (a government military 
school) in 1875. Sub -Lieu- 
tenant of Infantry, May 18- 

^^ and took part in the Sa- 
tsuma Insurrection ; Lieuten- 
ant, May 1880 ; Captain, May 
1886; Major, Nov, 1893"; 
Commander of the 2nd Bat- 
talion of the Formosan Gar- 
rison ; was Commander of 
the 2nd Battlion of the Sth 
Infantry Regiment in the 
Japan-China war; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Dec. 1899; Colonel, 
Nov. 1902 ; President of the 
Toyama Gakko (a militaiy 

. technical school) ; took part 
in the late war as Commander 
of the 2nd Infantry Regiment; 
Major-General, July 1906; 
Commander of the 31st and 
then of the 34th Infantry Bri- 
gades ; was placed on the Re- 
serve in 1910. Decorations : 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
and 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address : Nakamura- 
machi, Soma-gun, Fukushi- 

Watanabe, Kinzo (S^tfT.ii), 

..Rear; Admiral of Engineering 
on the reserve. Director of 
the Uraga Dock Co. ; b. the 
Tith m. of the lOth y. of 
Tempo (1839) in Tokyo; 3rd 
s. of the deceased Gonjuro 
Asahi, a direct retainer to the 
Shogunate, and adopted by 
the late Sosuke Watanabe ; 
a widower, PLarly entered the 
Navy as a Sub-Lieutenant of 
Engineering finally attaining 
the i-ank of Rear-Admiral of 

[ "47 1 


Enginpedng some years ago 
when he, was placed on the 
reserve Hst ; at present is con- 
nected with the Uraga Dock- 
yard. Address: No. 13, 3 
chome, Oniotemachi, Akasa- 
ka, Tokyo, 

Watanabe, Kisiike "OjS^Sf J), 
Director of the Tateoka Bank, 
one' of the highest taxpayers 
of Yamagata-ken ; b. the 3rd 
m. of the loth y. of Tempo 
(1839) in Yamagata-ken ; e. 
s. of the deceased Kisuke 
VVatatabe. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1853. Address: Di- 
shidamachi, Kitamurayama - 
gun, Yamagata-ken. 

Watanabe, Kohei (iSifts^^/, 
Managing Director of the 
Hokuetsu Commercial Bank, 
Director of the Sanjo Sav- 
ing Bank and the Sanjo We- 
aving Co.; b. the nth m. of 
the 4th y. of Kokwa (1847) 
in Niigata-lcen ; >. s. of the 
late Kohei Watanabe; in. Yo- 
.shi, adopt, d. of Usaburo Ko- 
yanagi of Niigata-ken. Ad- 
dress : Sanjomachi, Minarai- 
kambara-sun, Niigata-ken. 

Watanabe, Kumash'iro (?!£ •■& 

51 n SrO, Director of the 'i i- 
3th Bank and of the Hako- 
date Savings Bank, l^epre- 
sentative Member of Wata- 
nabe & Co.; b. the I St m. of 
the , 4th y. of Kokwa (1847) 
in Nagasaki-ken ; 5th s. of 
JOkichi Watanabe and adopt- 

ed by Kohei Watanabi?. Su- 
cceeded his adopted father in 
1896. Address: No. 104, 
Suehirocho, Hakodate, Ho- 

Watanabe, Kunitake (M. 'A 
H 5t), Viscount, ex-Ministet 
of Finance ; b. the Sth m. o ' 
the _ 3rd J/, of Kokwa (1846) 
in the province of Shinano; 
3rd s. of Masanori Watana- 
be, a samurai of the former 
Suwa clan and younger bro- 
ther of Count Chiaki Wata- 
nabe, present Minister for 
Imperial Flouseliold; a wide-" 
Imp. Household ; a -widower. 
Educ. :• studied French at Ei- 

sliuu Juku, and privately. W-^ ' 
up to Kyoto in the suite of his 
feudal lord and was appoint- 
ed one of the Imperial Body 
Guards in 1868; afterwards 
became an official of the , I- 
na-prefecture and was then 
transferred to the Dep't of 
Justice and to the Dep't of 


[ 1148 1 

Finance in succession; next 
Govei-nor of Kochi-prefecture 
and^ then that of Fukuoka- 
prefecture ; transferred to the 
post of Senior" Secretary to 
the Dep't of Finance and 
afterwards to that of Direct- 
or of its Accounts Bureau in 
1886; promoted Vice-Minist- 
er and then given the port- 
folio of the Minister of Fina- 
nce in^the Ito Cabinet in 
1892; Minister of Communi- 
cations in 189S; resigned and 
organized with the late Prince 
Ito the Seiyukxvai (Constitu- 
tionalist party) and became its 
Vice-President in 1896; aga- 
in Minister of Finance, 19- 
00; afterwards resigned and 
retired to his country villa 
at Diso, devoting his time 
mainly to the study of phi- 
losophy and religion. He 
was created Viscount for his 
meritorious services as Mini- 
ster of Plnance in the succe- 
ssful administration of posj 

bellum. finance after the Ja- 
pan-China war. Publications: 
" Indian philosophy " and a 
few^ other works on religious 
subjects. Recreations : Zen (a 
•^t of Buddhistic philoso- 
phy); Chinese poetry; reading. 
Address: No. 35, Hommura- 

■S?'shiS"' ^°^-°- T^^-- 

^ Watanabe, Maasuke nmm 
«'^.,. President of the Mishima 

Cloth Dyeing Co., Managing^ 
Director of the Shunzu Elec- 
tric Railway Co., Director ot 
the Mishima Transportation 
Co. ; b. Api . the 7th y. of 
Meiji (1874), in Shizuoka-ken; 
e. s. of the late Mampei Wa- 
tanabe ; m. Tomi, e. d. of 
Yasuhei Kikuchi of Shiznoka. 
Succeeded his father in 1882. 
Address : Nakago-mura, Ta- 
srata-sfun, Shizuoka-ken. 

Watanatie, MCantaro (i!g j§ SI 
* SI5). Colonel of. Artillery, 
military " attache ' to the 
Japanese Embassy in Paris; 
b. 1869 in Tokyo. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1888; Lieut., Nov. 
1891; Captain, May 1896; 
Major, June 1902, Lieut. 
Colonel, Feb. 1905; Colonel, 
July 1 910. Decorations: 4th 
Order of S. T., 3rd Order 
of R. S., 4 Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Japanese 
Embassy in Paris, French. 

Watanabe, Matajiro (^ Jg ^ 
~^ W), President of the Hi- 
biya Library ; b. the i ith m. 
of the 2nd J. of Keio (1866) 
in Kawagoe, province of Mu- 
.sashi. \Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Literature in" 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1893 ; 
studied further at the Univer- 
sity Ilall. Has been in suc- 
cession Lecturer to the Chuo 
Univ. and the Toyo Univ., 
Chief {Secretary to the Imp. 
Library, Prof of the 2nd High 

[ "49 ] 


. School, etc. PtMicatioHS : 
" Modern Ethics". " History 
of Japan", etc. Recreations : 
Checkers, cycling, etc. Ad- 
dress : No. 1832, Shimoshi- 
buya, Shibuyamachi, Toyota- 
ma-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Watanabe, Matasaburo QSiM 
XS,SR), Mayor of Hiroshima. 
Address : Nakajima-shimma- 
chi, Hiroshima. 

Watanabe, K"agao CifS ^ fi 
=©)> Sculptor; b. April 1S74, 
at Takeda-cbo, uita-prefec- 
ture; m. d. of Sessei Okazaki, 
a, well known sculptor. Educ: 
studied sciilntiire from the 
late Kisai Yamada, and in 
the Tokyo Fine Arts Aca 
demy (gra. in 1899). Was 
conferred honorous prizes in 
Tokyo Sculpture Society, Ni- 
hon Fine Art Asso., Tokyo 
Cast Society, Tokyo Fine 
Art Exhibition, etc.; among 
his works the bronze statues 
of the late Commander Hi- 
rose, of Minister Naosuke li, 
and of Marquis Inouye are 
best known; is m. of examing 
committee of the Tokyo Cast 
Society and member of the 
Tokyo Fine Art Association. 
Address: No. iioo Nippori, 
Kitatoshima-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Watanabe, If oboru Cz)t ^ W), 
Viscount, 1st Order of Merit, 
Member of the House of 
Peei"s ; iJ. the 4th m. of the 
gth y. of Tempo (1838) in 

the province of Hizen ; 2nd 
s. of the late Iwao Watana- 
be ; w/^Iku, 3rd d. of -Yataro- 
emon Okuro of Kyoto. Educ: 
studied Chinese classics un- 
der the late famous scholar 
Sokken Yasui. ' Fought for 
the Mikado during the Res- 
toration era ; has been suc- 
cessively 'Judge, Vice-Govern-" 
or of Morioka-ken, Senior 
Councillor and then Governor 
of Osaka-fu, Member of the 
Senate, Pi-esident of the Board. 
of Auditors/ etc. ; afterward 
elected Member of the House 
of Peers ; created Viscount 
for his meritorious services to 
the state in i888. Address: 
No. 13, Nakanocho, Azabu, 
Tokvo. Tel.: 91 Shiba. 

¥7atanab8, Osamu (it 'A fS5, 
Member of the House of. Re- 
presentatives, Dii-ector of the 
Osaka - Electric Light - Bulb 
Mfg. Co., and of the Osaka ' 
Rice and Other Exchanges ; 
h. tJie 1 2th m. of the 6th 
y. of Ansei (1859) ip Ehi- 
me - ken ; 2nd s. of the late 
Uheida Watanabe ; m. So- 
no. Educ. : graduated from 
the Keiogijiiku in 1881. Be- 
came an official in the Dep't 
of Agriculture and Commer- 
ce, 1 882 ; transferred to the 
Dep't of Foreign Affairs and ■ 
appointed its Councillor, 18- 
84 ; Vice-Consul at Wonsan, 
Korea, the same year ; Com- 


[ 1 150 ] 

ptroller of the Patent Bureau 
of the Agricultural and Com- 
mercial- Dep't, 1 889 ; -when 
the late Count Goto became 
Minister of Communications- 
in 1890 -was appointed Sec- 
retary to the Dep't and. then 
Private Secretary to the Mi- 
nister ; Director of the Naga- 
saki Post and Telegraph Offi- 
ce ,1891; Administrative Offi- 
■ cial of the Formosan Tele- 
graphic Construction Depart- 
"iiieht, 1895; Secretary to^ 
Ehime-I<en and tlien to Ka- 
gawa-ken, 1900 ; resigned the 
latter oost in ,1901 and has 
teen four times elected Mem^ 
'ber of the House ot Repre- 
sentatives ; Mayor of Sasebo 
City. 1902 — 1906 ; afterwards 
entered business in which he 
occupies' the above-mentioned 
positions. Address : .'No. 11, 
Hayafusacho, Kojimachi, To- 
kyo. Te/. : 2349 Bancho. 

W^tanabe, Reakiehi (j^ 5! M 
a), ^Hogakuhahushi (Doctor 
of Law), Judge of the Court 
of Administrative Litigation; 
b. the 1st m. of the 1st y. of 
Ansei (1854) in Tokyo ; 3rd 
s. of Rozaemon Watanabe, a 
Tokyo samtirai ; in. Kuni, 
sister of Shozo Asahina, a 
.s'rt/;««/'(^?'of Shizuoka-ken. Has 
been successively Secretary to 
the pi'efectures of Chiba and 
Mie; then present post. A- 
■warded the degree of Hoga- 

kuka^ushi in igio. Address: 
No. I, Daimachi, Akasalca, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2304 Shimba- 

Watanabe, B-skuro Cit^A^ JP), 
Expert to the Osaka bianch 
of the Public Works Office of 
the Home Department ; b. the 
6th in. of the ist j/. of Keio 
(1865) in Osaka; 2nd J. of 
Minosuke Fujii and adopted 
by Viseount Nobbru Wata - 
nabe ; in. Same, sister of I - 
wataro Fujiyoshi of Fukuo - 
ka - ken. ■ Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Engine- 
ering of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
in 1889.. Address: No. 46, 
Matsugaecho, Kitaku, Osaka. 

Watanabs, Kokuzo (^ ft aC 
gID, Managing Director of the 
Tokyo Bay Steamship Co. , 
the Iwaki Cclliery Co., and 
of the 27th Bank ; b. Mar. 
4th y. of Meiji (1871) in Sai- 
tama ; 2nd s. of the late Ro- 
Ifuemon Kume and adopted 
by the late Jiemon Watana- 
be; in. Mio, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Elngineering in 
1896. Address: No. 5, Ha- 
nazonocho, Ueno, Shitayaku, 
Tokyo. Jel. : 404 Shitaya. 

Watanabe, Saiehiro (jSJlfe-^ 
Bro, President of the Yoshiwara 
Bank; b. nth ;«. of the 5tli' 
y. of Tempo (1834) in Shi - 
zuoka-ken ; e. s. of the late 
Hanzaemon Watanabe; m. To- 

[tiSi ] 


me, sister of Chozaburo Wa- 
da of Shizuoka-ken. Address : 
Yoshinaga-mura, Fuji - gun, 

Watanabe, SakicM CiSafea), 
Representative member of Wa- 
tanabe & Co., Persident of the 
Shiraishi Commercial Bank, 
the Shiraishi Warehouse Co., 
and of the Shiraishi Industrial 
Development Co., Director of 
the Miyagi-ken ^Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank and of the 
Fukushima Electric Light Co., 
Auditor of the Shiraishi Ele- 
ctric Power Co., the Shiraishi 
Sake Brewefy Co., and of the 
Miyagi Spinning Co. ; 5. the 
5th iu. of the 2nd y. of Ka- 
ei (1849) in Miyagi-ken; 2nd 
.T. of Hilvosulce Akojima and 
adopted by Gikei Watanabe; 
m. Toyo, sister of Gisuke Ko- 
nishi of the same prefecture. 
Succeeded his adopted father 
in 1879. Address: Shiraishi- 
machi, Karita-gun, Miyagi- 

Watanabe Sansaku Ci£ S H 
f^). Representative Member 
of the Kanamori Partnership; 
b. May the 9th y. of Meiji 
(1876) in Hokkaid5; 31-d s. 
of Hikosaburo Furugori and 
adopted by Kohei Watanabe. 
Address: No. 10, Motoma- 
chi, Malvodate, Hokkaido. 

Watanabe, Seisaku (it 5§ ^ 
f^), soy-brewer, ' President of 
the Kojima Bank ;. d: the 

I ith 7>i. of the Sth y. of Kayei 
(1852) in Tochigi prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Yahei lizuka and 
adopted by the late Seisaku 
Watanabe; in. Koto, adopt. 
d. of Asanoshin Watanabe 
of the same prefecture. Su- 
cceeded his adopted father in 
1898. Address : 'K.o]im3.-mM- 
ra, Sashima - gun, Ibaraki - 

Watanabe, Senjiro (it ^ W 
'k W), Managing Director of 
the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha ; 
b. the Sth m. of the ist y. 
of Manyen (i860) in Kana- 
eawa-ken ; 2nd s. of Gensui 
Watanabe; m. Mari, an En- 
glish lady. Entered the ser- 
vice of the Mitsui firm as a 
clerjc, and after years of de- 
voted service, was proniot- 
ed Managing Director ; was 
in charge of the London 
bi'anch of the firm for many 
years, and when, in 1909, the 
organization of the Mitsui 
Co. was changed into a jo- 
int-stock company was also 
appointed Managing Direc- 
01*, and is now using his 
mark«d' abilities in the de- 
velopment ot the- Company'.s 
business. Address: No. 43, 
Shinsakamachi, Akasaka-ku, 

Watanalie, Shizuo (M ^ W 

4(l)> nom de plum is Kwaseld, 
Artist, Japanese painter; b. 
the lOth m. of the 5th y. of 


[ "52 ] 

Kayei (1852) in Nagoya; s. 
of Ichikiyo Ogawa, samurai 
of Nagoya clan. His ancestor 
in art was Slioka Watanabe 
whose father was the famous 
Kwazan Watanabe. Recrea- 
tions : poetry, pictures and 
calligraphy. Address : No. 
19 Shimizu-cho, Shitaya-ku, 
Watanabe, Shosake (it ^ i£ 

Sl)> President of the Ehime 
Spinning Co., Director of the 
Osaka Chemical Industry Co.; 
Ik the ist m. of the 13th y. 
of Tempo (1842) in Osaka ; 
e. s. of the late Shosuke Wa- 
tanabe ; m. Sato, 2nd d. ol 

Tarobei Kumagae of Osaka. 
Succeeded his father in 1864. 
Address: No. 4, i chome, 
Otemachi, Higashiku, Osaka. 
Te/. : 1098 Higashi. 

Watanabe, Suisai CJS^7Knfe), 
Major - General on the 2nd 
Reserve; 6: the ilth,?«. of 
the Sth y. of Kaei (1852) in 
Fukuoka-ken ; 3rd s. of Ki- 
ichiro Watanabe, a Fukuoka 
luimin ; ni. Tami, 2nd d. ol 
Tetsuji Iwanaga, a samurai 
of HokkaidS. Edtic: gradu- 
ated from the Rikugun Kyo- 
dodan (a non - commissioned 
officers, school) in 1 876. Took 
part in the Satsuma Rebellion 
as a Sergeant of the Imp. 
Army; promoted Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, Aug. 1875 ; Lieuten- 
ant of Infantry, Apr. i88r; 

graduated from the Toya- 
ma Gakko (Military Technical 
School) in 1886, Captain of 
Colonial Militia, Nov. 1888; 
Major, Oct. 1894; in succes- 
sion was Commander of the 
3rd. and 1st Battalions of the 
Colonial Militia, Commander 
of the Sth Battalion of the 
Formosan Garrison; was Com- 
mander of a battalion of the 
7th Army Division in the 
China- Japan war ; Major of 
Infantry, May 1896; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Nov. 1899; Co- 
lonel, Nov. . 1902 ; took part 
in the Russo - Japanese war 
as Commander of the 25th 
Infantry Regiment of the 3rd 
Army and fought bravely at 
Port Arthur, Mul^den 'and 
many other places near the 
Mongolian frontier ; promoted 
Major - General and made 
Commander of the 27th In- 
fantiy Brigade, July 1900 ; 
then Commander of the Tem- 
porary Chosen Garrison, Mar. 
1909 . was placed on the 2nd 
Reserve in 19 10. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
2nd Order of the Sacred Ti'eas- 
ure and 2nd Class of the 
Golden Kite. Addres: : D- 
nojima-mura, Mitsui-gun, Fu- 

Watanabe, Susumu CjSai^). 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 15th Infantry 
Repment; h. '862 fn Korhi- 

L 1153 ] 


ken. Sub - Lieutenant, Dec. 
1S82 ; Lieutenant, May 1SS6; 
Captain, Dec. 1894; Major, 
Feb. 1900: Lieutenant - Co - 
ioneJ, Aug. 1904 ; Colonel, 
Nov. J 907. Decorations: 4tii 
Order of the Sacred Treas- 
ure, 3rd Order of tiie Risr 
ing Sun and 4tli Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : x^ixx 
Infantry Regiment, Takasaki, 

Wotanabe, Taizo Qk 'A 3i H>, 
stock-broker, Chairman of the 
Tokyo Stock-brokers Associa- 
tion, Auditor of the Tokyo 
Stock Exchange, Member of 
the Tokyo Chamber of Com- 
merce; b. the 6th m. of the 
3rd y. of Bunkyu (1863) in 
Toch:gi-ken ; . 3rd d. of Ta- 
kusei Kikuchi. and adopted 
by Ihachi Watanabe; m. 
Rin, 2iid d. of Seizaemon 
Makita of Tokyo. Educ..: 
Tokyo Shofw Koshusho (fore- 
runner of the present Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School). 
Address: No: 2. Kabutocho, 
Nihombashiku, Tokyo. Tel: 
194 and 344 Naniwa. 

Watanabe, Tatsiro Cilfe^M^), 
Chief physician of tlie Wa- 
tanabe Lying-in Hospital. Ad- 
dress : Yamashitacho, Kago- 
shima. . 

Watanabe, Tokichi (jg^ S 
*)> Managing Director of 
the Hoden Petroleum Co., 
Director of the Niigata Wa- 

ter Power Electric Co., the 
Hokuetsu Paper Mfg. Co., 
the Native Petroleum Sales 
Co., and of the Japan Gold 
Mine Co., Auditor, of the 
Chiigai Asphalt Co., Presi- 
dent of the Nagaoka Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; d. the 2nd 
m. of the 6th y. of Ansei 
(1S59). in Niigata-ken ; 3rd 
s. of Yoneshichi Dtsuka and 
adopted by Kiyomatsu Wa- 
tanabe ; w. Tatsu, grand- 
daughter <ii his adopted father. 
Address: No. 940, Kankoiur 
machi, Nagaoka, Niigata - 

Watanabe, Touosuke CiS '& 
M 2.W), Secretary and Coun- 
cillor to the Department of 
Education, Chief of the Sec- 
tion of Text-Books and Charts 
Examination; b. the 5th in. 
of the 4th y. of Meiji (1871) 
in Gifu^ken ; ^.'j. of Sadajiro 
Watanabe, a samurai of Gifu; 
m. Saku, sister of Seisuke 
Yoshida, a Tokyo samurai. 
Educ. : graduated Philosophy 
at the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1889. School-Inspector of the 
Department of Education, 1 8- 
91 ; then present posts. Adr 
dress : Mo. 61, 3 chome, Ya- 
raicho Ushigome, Tokyo. .. 

Watanabe, Toshio QM.^Wk\ 
Prof of the College of Science 
and Engineering in the Kyoto 
Imp., Univ. .; Address : Kyoto 
Impl Univ., Ky ^o. 


[ 1 154 

Watana^je, Watar'o CiS H W 
:fc 115), Director of the 27th 
Bank; i June the iithj>'. of 
Meiji (1878) in Kanaga wa- 
ken ; e. s. of Fukusaburo Wa- 
tanabe ; m. Yoshi, 3rd d. of 
Taijiro Nozawa of Tochigi- 
ken. Address: No. i, i cho- 
me, Motohama-machi, Yoko- 

Wataaabe, Wataru QSMW), 
Kogahiltakushi ( Doctor of 
Engineering), Dean and Prof 
of the College of Engineering 
in the Tokyo Imp. (Jniv.; b. 
the 7th m. of the 4th y. of 
Ansei (i8S7)in Tokyo ; e. s. 
1893; Captain, Nov. 1896; 
of Makoto Watanabe ; tn. 
Sumi, sisier of Togo Fukuda, 
a Tokyo samurai. Edtic. : 
graduated from the College 
of Science in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1879; further studied 
In Germany, 1881 ; was .suc- 
cessively Prof of the College 
of Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. and Expert to 
the Sado Gold Mining Bureau; 
KogakuhakusJd, 1891 ; Chief 
of the Mining Bureau of the 
Department of Commerce and 
Agriculture, 1897; sent to 
Europe and America on of- 
ficial business, 1899 ; present 
post since his return home. 
Address: Hayashicho, Sen- 
dagi, Komagome, Hongo, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 1364 Shitaya. 

"Watanabe, Yo aSSJi ), Prof. 

of the 3rd High School ; b 
July the 5th /. of Meiji (18- 
72) in Ishikawa - ken ; e. s 
of the late Ban Wdtanabe. 
a samurai ; m. Hiru, 2nd d. 
of Tobun Sinda, an Ishi- 
kawa samurai. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the College of 
Science in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1896. Prof, of the 
Navy, Dec. 1897; present post 
since Mar. 1900. Address: 
ShoEjoiamachi, Kamikyo-ku. 

Watanabe, Yoshiro (j,t S S 
aO, President of the Aichi 
Bank, Manager of the Nagoya 
branch of the Nakai firm, 
Tokyo, Special Member of the 
Nagoya Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. Sept. the 5 th y. of 
Meiji (1872) in Hokkaido ; e. 
J. of Zinzaemon Watanabe ; 
nt. Tsuruji, e. d. of Nobunaga 
Fujioka of Osaka. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1896. Address : No. 
Shirakabecho, Higashi-ku, 
Nagoya. Tel. : 1417. 

Watanabe, YosMtaro (i® ^ 5f 

is.W)i Kogaktihakushi, com- 
mittee in. of the Investigation 
Board for medical pollution. 
Educ: graduated from the 
College of Engineering of tile 
Tokyo Imperial University. 
Address: No. 13 Akebono- 
cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 

Watanabe, . Toshiyuki (ilj£ -J; 
a. fi"). Surgeon-Colonel, Chief 

[ "55] 


Watanabe, Yu m^9M), ex- 
Gover. of Yamaguchi-ken ; b. 
the 9th m. of the ist :)>. of 
K5kwa (1844) in Kumamo- 
to-ken; e. s. of Tota Wata- 
nabe, a samurai; in. Ruki, 
3rd d. of Binzo Takano, also 
a Ktimamoto samurai. Be- 
came an official in Kuma- 
moto-ken, 1872 ; afterwards 
in succession was Judge of 
Kumamoto and Nakatsu Lo- 
cal Courts, Procurator of the 
Kochi, Gifu and Nagoya 
District Courts, Chief Procura- 
tor of the Anotsu, Nagoya 
and Yokohama District Co- 
urts; transferred to the De- 
partment of Agriculture and 
Commerce as Director of its 
Forestry Bureau, 1897 ; Go- 
vernor, of Kochi-ken, 1900; 
then last post. Decoraiion: 
2tid Order of Merit. Addre- 
ss : Yamaguchi - machi, Ya- 

Watanabe, Yuzuru Cl^iftrlS), 
KogakuhakushUjHoQiox of En- 
of the Medical Dep't of the 
5th Army Division; b. 1866 
in Ehime-ken. Surgeon-Sub- 
Lieut., Jan. 1 88,5; Surgeon- 
. Lieut., Nov. 1887; Surgeon- 
• Captain, Nov. 1891; Sur- 
geon-Lieut. Colonel, Dec. 
1904; Surgeon-Colonel, Dec. 
1908. Decorations: sth Or- 
der of S. T.j 3rd Order of 
R. S., 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Hiroshima. 

gineering), former-Expert to 
the Navy and Inspector of the 
Naval Construction Depart- 
ment; b. the loth m. of the 2nd 
J/, of Ansei (1855) in Tokyo; 
e, s. of Sho Watanabe, a To- 
kyo samurai ; m. Ko, e. d. of 
Shigeha Suzuki of Tokyo. , 
Educ. : graduated from the ; 
Kogakuryd (forerunner of the 
present College of Engineer 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ). 
Entered the service of the 
Department of Industry as 
Assistant-Engineer; transferr- 
ed to the Home Department 
as the same; then Engineer to 
the Construction Bureau of the 
same Department; sent to Ger- 
many, Austria, Italy, France 
and England for study in 1888; 
again appointed Expert to 
the Home Department on his 
return home ; Expert to the 
Navy and Inspector of the 
Naval Construction Depart- 
ment, 1 894. Kogahihakuski . 
in 1898 ; resigned the posts, 
1911. Address : '^o. ii.Iio- 
zaka, Komagome, Hongo, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 1999 Shitaya. 

Watarase, Sliozaburo (it^^ 
SIR), Rigakuhakushi (Doctor 
of Science), Prof, of the Col- 
lege of Science in the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. (Chair - Zo- 
ology) ; b. the i Ith m. of 
the 2nd j/. of BunkyO (1862) 
at Numadzu, province of Su- 
ruga ; 3rd s. of the late Gen- 


[ 1156 ] 

shiro Watarase, a Tokyo 
samurai ; in. Shige, sister of 
Monoshin Nakai of Yama- 
guchi-ken. Educ: graduated 
from the Sapporo Agricul- 
tural College in 1884; and 
after studying for a short time 
his special subject of zoology 
at the Tokyo Imp. Univ., was 
sent to. JoJiiiSj, JJpgkins Uniy ;, 
U; S^ A. by the government, 
graduating from it with i:he 
degree'of Th.' D.; then Fur- 
ther studied in Gerniany. Rep- 
resented Japan at the In- 
terna.tibhal 'Zoological Assem- 
bly ^held at Canibridgej^^ 'En- 
gland, in 1 898; was Lecturer 
to the Chicago .JJhiv.., U. S, 
A. till. 1900, when he return- 
ed home and was appointed 
to the present post. -Address: 
No. 9. MinamicTio, Ushigo- 
me, Tokyo. 

Watease, Torajir (it ?i K ^ 
W), Proprietor of the Konoen 
(&n Agricultural farm) ; b. the 
6th m. of the 6th y. of Ansei 
(1859) in Tokyo ; 2nd s. of 
the late Genshiro Watarase, 
a Tokyo samurai ; m. Kame, 
sister of Masanobu Aida, also 
a Tokyo samurai. ■ Educ. : 
graduated from the Sapporo 
Agricultural College in 1880 
Was appointed in 1886 princi- 
pal of the Ibaraki Middle 
School, but resigned a year 
later ;. in 1893 started a farm 
named the " Konoen " in 

Tokyo and engaged in the 
sale of plants and seeds; went 
to the U. S. A. for the' pur- 
pose ; ■ of ' investigating agri- 
cultural industries ; since his 
return to Japan has been 
elected to many honorary 
posts ; at present is a mem- 
ber of the Tokyo Municipal, 
Council ; again went to the 
U. S. A. in 1909,' in company 
with other business men being 
invited by the IJ.S.A. Cham- 
bers of Commerce of the Paci- 
fic coast ; is a devoted Chris- 
tian. Address: No. 5. T»" 
meikecho, Akasaka, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2421 Shimbashi. 

Watari, Masamoto Cjlt lE tc), 
Lord-in-Waiting of the Kinkei 
Hall, Member of the House 
of Peers ; b. the 1st jn. of 
the loth jj/. of Tempo :(j 8 39) 
in Hiroshima; 3rd j. of Zerrtpei 
Tanaka and adopted into 
Watari family; m. Setsu, si-ster 
of Gonroku Matsuae, an Ehi- 
me samurai. Educ. r .studied 
.(0 iErance..,.Early in the Meiji 
era became an official of the 
Foreign Affairs .Office; after- 
wards entered the Army, at- 
taining the rank of Major ; 
retired from the array and 
was in succession appointed. 
Legislator, Junior Secretary 
to the Dajokwan (State Mi- 
nisters' Office), Senior Sec- 
retary to the same, meniber 
of the Senate, etc, ; appointed 

[ 1 157 J Wat 

Member of the House of Peers Igakuhakushi (Doctor of Me- 

by imperial nomination, i8- dicine), Prof, of the College 

90. Address : No, 16,. i cho- of Medicine in the Kyoto 

me, Nagatamaehi, Kojimachi- imp. Univ. (Chairs— Otology, 

■'^"i-^'^'^J'*^- and Laryngology). Address: 

Watsuji, Haruji (M^±m ^0, Kyoto Imp. Univ., Kyoto. 


[ II58 ] 

Yabashi, Keikichi C^MWc^X 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Gifu-ken, Director of the 
Ogaki Bank, Ltd., and of the 
Akasaka Bank, Ltd.; 6. the 
loth m. of the 6th y. of An- 
sei (1859) in Gifu-ken; e. s. 
of Sotaro Yabashi ; a wido- 
wer. Succeeded his father in 
1883. Address: Akasakama- 
chi, Fuwa-gun, Gifu-ken. 

' Yabashi, KenkicM C^MKS), 
Engineer and Chief of the 
1st Section of the Construc- 
tion Office -in the Dep't oi 
Finance ; ^. Sept. the 2nd j. 

of Meiji (1869) in Gifu-ken; 
3rd s. of TojSro Yabashi ; 
fft. Sute, 2nd d. of Itaru Wa- 
tanabe, a samurai oi Ehime- 
ken. Edtic. : graduated from 
the College of Engineering 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1894. Became an official of 
the Nagasaki Customs im- 
mediately after graduation ; 
Engineer to the Construction 
Dep't of the Tobacco Mono- 
poly Bureau, 1896; then pre- 
sent post. Address : No. 6, 
I chome, Aoyama-Minamima- 
chi, Akasaka, Tokyo. 

Yabashi RyokicM C^g^§), 
Director of the Akasaka Bank, 
Ltd., Manager of the Nohi 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. the 9th ni. of 

the 3rd y. of Keio (1867) in 
Gifu-prefecture ; 3rd s. of So-" 
taro Yabashi ; m. Tomi, e. d. 
of Yoshi Takahashi of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
Akasakamachi, Fuwa - gun, 

Yabashi Sotaro (^ S ^ jSc SR), 
President of the Akasaka;- 
Bank, Ltd.; i>. the I2th m. 
of the 9th f. of Tempo (18- 
38) in the prefecture of Gifu; 
e. s. of the late S5tar6 Yaba- 
shi ; widower. Address : A- 
kasakamachi, Fuwa-gun, Gi- 

Yabashi, Tokujiro (^ # 51 ^ 
115). a large landowner, one 
of tlie highest taxpayers of 
Gifu-ken ; Director of the Av 
kasaka Bank, Ltd., and of 
the Dgaki Bank, Ltd. ; b. 
the 4th m. of the 5th f. of 
Ansei (1857) i" Gifu-ken; e. 
s. of the late Tojur5 Yaba- 
shi ; m. Ju, 2nd d. of Ushi- 
emon Asano of Gifu-ken. 
Succeeded his father in 1878. 
Address : Akasakamachi, Fu- 
wa-gun, Gifu-ken. 

Yabe, Kikuji (^ SB S ^ ^), 
Expert to the Customs Bur- 
eau of the Department of 
Finance. Address: No. 45, 
5 chome, Aoyama-Minamicho, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. 

Yabe, Ren (^ SK *), Law- 
)'er. Patent- Agent ; 3. Sept. 
the 5th 7.. of Meiji (1872) in 
Okayama-prefecture ; adopted 

r 11.^9 ] 


s. of Osamu Yabe ; m. Tsu- 
ya, 4th d. of his adopted fa- 
ther. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Law of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., July ,i8- 
97. Passed the Higher Civil 
Service Examination, Nov. 
1897. Comptroller of the 
Patent Bureau and in addi- 
tion Councillor to the A- 
gricultural and Commercial 
Dep't, June 1 899 ; sent to 
France and India on official 
business, Jan. 1901 ; in ad- 
dition Secretary to the Dep't, 
Feb. 1903 ; resigned official 
posts and became lawyer, 
practicing at Tokyo. Ad- 
dress: No. 18,'Kagacho, Kyo- 
bashi, Tokyo (Office). Tel. : 
2235 SJlimbashi (Office). 

Yabe, Tatsusaburo C^bB^S 
W, Surgeon-Inspector in the 
Navyi Head-IhstrucT6F5f the 
Naval Medical College ; b. 
1856. Surgeon - 2nd Com- 
mander, Feb. 1898; Surgeon- 
Commander, Sept. 1899; Sur- 
geon-Captain, Jan. 1905. De- 
corations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun; 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure; 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: No. 4, Onden, Sendaga- 
ya, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fa. 

Yabu, Atsumaro (K S ^), 
Viscount, Master of Hunting; 
b. Feb, the 13th j. of.Mei-' 
ji (1880) in Kyoto; and s: oi 
Saneyoshi Yabu, former noble 

at the Mikado's Court; »*. 
Atsu-ko, y. s. to Prince Ki^ 
miyoshi Sanjo. Succeeded his 
father in 188? ; created Vis- 
count in 1884; present post 
since 1898. Address: No. 8, 
Daibancho, Yotsuyaku, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 2805 Bancho. 

Yabu, Kozaburd C^# HSR); s 
Managing JDirector of the 
Asahi Fertilizer Co., Ltd.; 
5. Jan. the 3rd f. of Meiji 
(i87o)in Kyoto; 3rd s. of Na- 
okadzu Yamashita, a Kyoto 
samurai; adopted by Seiki3 
Yabu in 1875 ; m. Kpsue;^; 
s. to Sue Funamoto ofKyoi^ 
to. Educ: gradua,ted froM 

the Keiogijuku. First enter-^ 
ed the Mitsui firm, serving^. 
at its branch at Hakodate for, 
some years; next-beCaiiie 
Manager of the Fertilizer 
Dep't of the firm ; next ope- 
ned the Asahi Shokai on his 
own account and since it was 
transformed into the Asahi 
Fertilizer Co., Ltd. in ,1906 
has been its Director. Ad- 
dress : No. 18, 2chome, Sa-; 
gacho, Fukagawaku, Tokyo. 
TeL: 2568 Naniwa. 

Yabu, Sohichi (.m.%-^'), ex- 
President of the Sapporo Builrr 
ding Stone Traa'^pgrtatioh Tra- 
mway, Co., Ltd.; 6. theiafc 
m. of the 4th y. of Kokwa 
(i 847) in Fukui-prefecture ; 
Sth s. of Shiroemon;. Atjada'; 
adopted by the late GoTf-embh 


3163 ] 

Yabu of Hokkaido; m. Yae, 
id. of Hitsu Fukuda of Kyo- 
to. Address: No. 32-3, Ya- 
mahanacho, Sapporo, Hokkai- 

Yabuta, Iwamatsu (IK H^ 
^y. Standing Director of 
rhe Tokyo Building Co., Ltd., 
QouBciUor to the Yasuda Bank, 
IJnltd.j ex- Auditor of the 
Yokohima Ele trie Eailway 
Go.,, Ltd. ; b. the ist m. of 
the 3rd y. oi Ansei (1856) in 
Mie-prefecture;. 3i-d s. of Ki- 
n-emon Yabuta; adopted by 
the late Kisaburo' Yabuta; 
m. Hyo, e. d. of Senzo Na- 
kanishi of Mie-prefecture. Su- 
cceeded his adopted father 
in 1902. Address-. No. 62, 
Y'anakasakamachi, Shitaya - 
ku., Tokyo. Tel. :. 331 1 Shi- 

Yahttta, Kanegoro <M H SI 

at lU), Director of the 68th 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. the loth m. 
of the 6th y. of Kayei (18- 
5;3)! in Nara-prefecture; 2nd 
.ft of Hiroma TJchikoshi, a 
samurai; adoptad by the late 
Chueraon Yabuta in i868; 
in. Sh5, 3rd d. of Rakusui 
Miki, alsa a Nai'a samurai'. 
Address : Takamaichi-machi, 
Na-ra-shi, Nara-ken. 

Ya,buta, Kuniji (® H W ^), 
Director of the Japan Tea 
JExport Co-:,; Ltd.; &, the 
izilxm. of the ist y. of Bun- 
kyu 86-1). in , Hyogo-prefect- 

ure; 4th s. of Heisuke Hira- 
yama, a samurai; adopted 
by Sueji Yabuta' in 589 r. 
Address: No. 86, Oliuhirano- 
mura, Kobe. 

Ya;da, Chonosuke (.jik^ A Z 
J©>) Consul at Vancouver ;; <5. 
Septr the. 4th 7. of Meijt (18- 
71:) in Shimane- prefecture i 
Edtic. : graduated' from the 
T-okyo. Higher Commercial 
School, July 1895. An official 
in- the Foreign Office-,, Feb. 
1896; Teacher at the Kago- 
shima Commercial School, 
Jan. 1 899 ; passed the Diplo- 
matic and Consular Servi- 
ces Examination, Novl r899 ; 

Chancellor of the Cohslate at 
Ftisan, Apr. 1906; Eleve- 
Consul at Tsientin, Oct. 1900; 
the same at Hankowy Dec. 
1903-; Attache of the Lega- 
tion at Mexico,. Mar. 1905; 
3rd class Secretary of the 
same,' Apr. 1906; 2nd class 
Secretaiy of the same, Mar. 
1907 ; Consul at Voucouver, 
Nov. 1907. Decoration : 5th 
Order of Merit. Address':- 
Japanese Consulate, Vancou- 
ver,. Canada. 

Yada, Gentaro (^ fH i€ i: Bit), 
Director of Ogori Fish Sales 
Co., Ltd;, Manager of the 
Ogpri Bank, Ltd.; b. the 7th 
m. of the 2nd y. of Keio 
(1866) in Yamaguchi-prefect- 
ure ; e.s. of Iwakichi Yada; 
m, Shio, e., d. of Chozaerrion 

[ ii6i ] 


Kunitnori of the same pre- 
fecture. Succeeded Ms father 
ifl 189s. Address: Ogorima- 
chi, Yoshiki - gun, Yamagu- 

Yada, Tomoyuki C^ H IB Z'), 
a large landowner, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Ishika- 
wa-ken, President of the Tsu- 
bata Bank^ and of the Ishi- 
Icawa-ken Agricultural Com- 
pany, Ltd. ; (>. Mar. the 3rd 
/. of Meiji (1870) in Lshika- 
wa-ken ; e. s. of Yogoro Ya- 
da ; m. Sui, younger sister of 
Masaku Nishijima of Toya- 
ma-ken. Succeeded his father 
in 1895. Address: Tsubata- 

ittacKi, Kawagita - gun, Isht- 

Yada, Tsumuga (^ PE| ft), 
Manager of the Nagoya 
Branch of the Mitsui Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. July- the 19th y. of 
Meiji (1886) in Wakayama- 
ken ; brother of Tamotsu Ta^ 
nii ; adopted into the Yada 
. family ; m. Sode, sister of 
Kenzaburd Hayashi of Hyo- 
go: 'Educ. : graduated from 
the Keidgijiiku, i88i. Entered 
the Jijishimpjsha (a newspa- 
per office) as writer; 1882 ; 
next became chief editor df 
the Kobe Yushih Nipfj,_ 1884; 
an official in the Hyogo-pre- 
fecture, 1886;, Chief of • the 
Traffic Siction of the- Sanyo 
Railway Co., Ltd%, 1887; 
Director of the Kobe Electric 

Light Co., 1891 ; entered the 
Mitsui Bank first as Chief 
Secretary and then as Chief 
of the General Affairs Sec- 
tion, 189s ; then present post. 
Address: No. i, Shinyanagi- 
cho, Nakaku, Nagoya. 

Yagi, Fttkumatstt CA;1c|g;jS5, 

dealer in knitted goods, Re- 
presentative Member of tlie 
Yagi Co., Unltd., Director of 
the Osaka Hosiery and Blaii- 
ket Co., Ltd., the Osaka Ho- 
siery Auction Co., Ltd., and 
of the Japan Looking Glass 
Co., Ltd., Auditor of tlie Bi- 
shii Bank,*" Ltd., Member of 
the- Osaka Chamber of Com- 
nierte ; b. the 4th m. of the 
2nd _;'. of Bunkyu (1862); in 
Osaka ; 3rd s. of Rihei Ta - 
kasaki ; adopted by Yasujiro 
Yagi in 1879-; in. Chu, e. d. of 
Sadsshichi Nishimura of Shi- 
ga-prefectUre. Succeeded his 
adopted father in 1S81. Ad- 
dress .-No. 84, Ura-machi, To- 
sabori, Nishiku, Osaka. Tel.: 
756 Nishi. 

Yagi, Itsiiro CA tjc jI SISJ, 
Physician, Member of the Hoii- 
se of Representatives for Na- 
ra -prefecture; b. the 9th m. 
of the 3rd jj/. of Bunkyu (18- 
63) in Nara-prefecture ; e. s. 
of the late Shigeyoshi Yagi ; 
;«. Natsu, 3rd d. of Suezo I- 
sliikawa of Hyogo-prefecture. 
Educ: finished the Elective 
Course of the College of Me- 


[ Ii62 1 

dicine in the Tokyo Imp: Univ . ; 
furtlier . studied m Germany, 
ifcelying 'tKe"3egf ee of M . D : 
Ha'sTjeerSlember of the Na~ 
ra Prefectural Assembly, Pre- 
sident of the Nara - ken Me- 
dical A-Ssociation, and of the 
Nara Physicians' Society; ele- 
cted Member of the House of 
Bepresentatives since 1908 ; 
belongs to the Seiyukai (a po- 
litical party). Address: Nara- 
shi, Nara-ken! , ' . 

Yagi, Kamesaburo (A it: S S 
BI?), President of the Imaha - 
fu Commercial Bank, Ltd., 
Representative Menaber of the 
Hatohama Salt Co., Unltd. ; 
^. the 1 2th m. of the 3rd /. 
of Bankyu,(i863) in Ehime- 
prefecture ; e. s., of Toniozo 
Yagi ; m. Yoshie, 2nd d. of 
Kakichi Yano of the .same 
prefectiire. Address : Hato- 
harna-rnura, Ochi-gun, Ehi - 

, Yagi, Kyubei CA Tfc iX-^'^), 
dealer in cotton; j^thread and 
toilet articles, President of the 
Miyagi Sayings Bank, Re - 
presentative Member of the 
Sendai Miso Mfg. Co., Unltd., 
President of the- Sendai Gas 
Co.; Ltd., and of the _ 77th 
Bank, Ltd., Chairman of the 
Sendai Chamber of Commerce; 
h. the 3rd, ?«. of the 2nd y. 
of Kayei (1849) in Sendai; 
2nd; .?;; of . Kyuhei Yagi, ^ sa- 
mumt;, -m. Sal<;u, ,e. d. of- Kin - 

suke Shoji of Sendai. Ad^ 
dress : No. 40, 4chome, D - 
machi, Sendai-shi, Miyagi-kenL 
Tel. : 237. 

Yagi, Mataemon ( A ;tc 51 /& if 
fV> money-exchanger. Sake- 
brewer, one ot the highest 
taxpayers of Ishikawa - pre t 
fecture, Director of the Noto. 
Steamship Co., Ltd., and of 
the Ishikawa-ken Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank, Ltd.; 6. 
the 2nd fn. of the 2nd y. of 
AnSei (1855) in Ishikawa - 
prefecture; e. s. of tlie late 
Matasaku Yagi ; ;«. Hina, 4th 
d. of Yasoji Nishimura of the 
same prefecture. Succeeded 
his father in f 887. Address: 
lidamachi, Tamasu-gun, Ishi- 

Yagi, Motozo (A * Tb 3.\ 
Representative Member of the' 
Yagi Partnersliip Go. ; ^. Dec; 
the .8th >. .of Meiji (i875>in 
Aichi-ken ;' e. s. of the ■ late 
Heibei Yagi;,7«. Kimi, 5th 
d. of Kozaemon Toyama of . 
Mie-ken. Succ#;eded his fa- 
ther in 1910, Address : No. 
5, 2 chome, Minamikajiya- 
cho, Nakaku, Nagoya. _^ 
■ Yagi, Siobef (A * J£ :R «j, 
Sake and soy merchant; -^. 
the 4th m. of the 2nd jc. of 
Kayei (1849) in Kanaga wa- 
ken; e.s. of Shobei Yagi; 
^, Filku, 3rd d. of Heikuro 
Uchida of Kanaga wa - ken. 
Siicceeded his father in 1862. 

t II63 ] 


Address: No. 49, 4chome, 
Sumiyoshicho, Yokohama. 

Yagi, Yosaburo <^Ai^^=.W), 
dealer in cotton thread, Di- 
rector of the Ehime Spinning 
Co., Ltd ; b. the ist m. of 
the 1st y. of Keio (1865) in 
Kyoto ; 3rd s. of jQsuke Ya- 
gi ; adopted by the late Bun- 
nojo Yagi in 1882; m. Fu- 
sa, e. s. of Eitaro Shimazawa 
©fHyogo-ken. Succeeded his 
adopted father in 1883. Ad- 
dress : No. 27, 2 chome, Mi- 
namikyiitarocho, Higashiku, 
Osaka. Tel, : 615 and 1433 

Yagii, Sahei (1g ^ fe II ^), 
a large landowner ; 3. the 
8th m. of the 5th j/. of Ka- 
yei (1852) in Osaka; e. s. 
of the .late Sahei Yagii ; a 
widower. Has been President 
of the Yagii Bank ; retired 
when the above bank became 
incorporated with the 58th 
and 130th Banks in 1908. 
Address : No. 2701, 2 chome, 
Namba-Motomachi, Minami- 
ku, Osaka. Tel.: 10 Mina- 

Yaginuma, TsanehacM (gP Wt 
^ Aj, Managing Director of 
the' Koriyama Silk Thread 
Spinning Co., Ltd., Director 
of the Koriyama Carbide Co., 
Ltd; b. the 5th m. of the \sty. 
of BunkyQ (1861) in Tokushi- 
nia-prefecture; ^..y. of Tangoro 
Yaginuma ; m. Hide, y. s. to 

Heitaro Yaniada of Fukushi- 
ma. Address : Koriyamama- 
chi, Adzumi-gun, Fukushima- 
ken. ' 

YagisMta, Jun (A tIc T >6), 
Major-General on the Re- 
serve; b. 1 860 in Ibaraki- 
ken. Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, Dec. 1878; Lieuten- 
ant, May, 1885 ; Captain, 
Dec. 1892; Major, Oct. 18- 
98; Lieutenant-Colonel, Mar. 
1904; Colonel, Dec. 1906; 
Major- General, 191 1. Deco- 
llations : 4th .Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. 

Yagishita, Shigekatsu CW T 
M Vf)< Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 5 ist In- 
fantry Regiment ; ^.18- 
66 in Tokj'o. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant, June 1886; Lieutenant, 
Jan. 1890; Captain, Mar. 18- 
95; Major, Sept. 1901; Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel, Apr. 1905; 
Colonel, Nov. 1907. Deco- 
rations : 5th Oi'der of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun; 4th Class 

of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Tsu, Mie-ken. 

Yagishita, Tatsuzo (iPTsili), 
Hardware dealer, iron mon- 
ger; b. the 9th in. of the 2nd 
y. of Koka (1845) in Kana- 
gawa ; brother of Shohachiro 
Hiramoto; adopted by Heiji- 
ro Yagishita of Kahagawa ; 


[ "64 

a widower. His firm name 
is. " Kamoiya". Address : No. 
6, I chome, Sumiyoshicho, 
Yokohama. Tel.: 516. 

Yagiia, Eazuyoshi (»4-K), 
President of the Bank of Tai- 
wan, Ltd.; (5. the 1 2 th ni. of the 
1st y. of Gwanji (1S64) in 
Nagoya ; ^.' j. of Fusayoshi 
Yagiia, a samurai ; m. Kane, 
adopt, d. of Juichi Soeda, 
Ho'gakuhakushi. Educ. : grad- 
uated from the College of 
Law in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1 891; Address: No. 2, 4cho- 
me, Jonaigai, Taihoku, Tai- 
wan (Formosa). 

YagiicM, Nuitaro C^ ti iJ :J: 
M), President of the Hok- 
kiji Bank, Ltd., Councillor 
to the Waseda Univ.; 3. the 
6th m. of the 3rd f. of Ke- 
io (18-67) '*^ Tochigi-ken ; e. 
s. of Choemon Yaguchi, one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Tochigi-ken; ?«. Nobu, e. d. of 
Shichirobei MLsawa. jEduc. : 
graduated from Waseda Un- 
iv., 1887; aferwards studied 
Economics at Elective Course 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Esta 
blished the Hasekiji Bank in 
1900, becomihg its president; 
Was a Member of the Income 
Tax Investigation Committee, 
1904. Address: No. 6, 2 cho- 
me, Kayacho, Ikenohata,. Shi- 
taya-, Tokyo. Tel./ 695 Shi- 
taya. . 

Yagura, Gembei C^tMSW, 

President of the Marine Pro- 
ducts- Sales Co., Ltd., Ma- 
naging Director of the Ku- 
shimoto Bank, Ltd., Directqr 
of the Kinokuni Bank, Ltd., 
and of the Nankai Marine 
Products Co., Ltd., Auditor 
of the Yuya Kyodo Bank, 
Ltd.; l>. the ist m of the 
5th J. of Ansei (iSS-S) in" 
Wakayama-prefecture ;-^. .y. of 
Yukitaka Yagura ; m. Han, /. 
s. of Ktmiahachi Yagura of 
the same prefecture. Address: 
Kushimotomachi, Nishimuro- 
gun, Wakayama-ken. 

Yagura, ZimbBi \^ :t S J^- 
#), President of the Yagura 
Marine Products Co., Ualtd., 
and of the Kushimoto Bank, 
Ltd., Auditor of the Yuya 
Bank, Ltd., the Yuya Kyo- 
do Bank, Ltd., the Kinokuni 
Bank, Ltd.,. and of the Marine 
Products Sales Co., Ltd. ; b. 
Jan. the 6th y. of Meiji (18- 
73) in Wakayania-prefecture ; 
e. s. of the late Kankei Yagura; 
m. Tsuta, e. d. of Juheiji Taya 
of the same prefecture. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1883. 
Address : Kushimoto-machi, 
Nishimuro-gun.,- Wakayama- 

Yahagi, Eiz5 (^ fis ^ «), 
HogakakaMnshi, (Doctor; of 
Law:),; Prof of the CoUegfe 
df Agriculture in the Tokyo 
Imp. UtiiV. (Chair— Agricultu- 
ral Politics and Political Eco- 

[ ii65 ] 

Yai— Yaj 

nomy) ; now is in Europe on 
investigation purpose. Publica- 
tion : Essay on Real Estate 
Banks. Address : No. 54, 
Higashigokencho, Ushigome, 

Yai, Kanzo (# ^ |ft i<), 
a large landowner, ex-Mem- 
ber of the House of. Peers 
(representing highest taxpa- 
yers of Wakayama prefect- 
ure), 4th Order of Merit, 
President of the Wakayama- 
ken Agricuhural and Industri- 
al Bank, Ltd., Auditor of the 
Kiy© Savings Bank, Ltd.; ^. 
the 1st 7n. of the 6th ^. of Kaei 
(1853) in Wakayama-prefect- 
ure ; 2nd s. of the late Heiki- 
chi Yai; adopted by Kanenion- 
Yai ; a widower. Has been 
elected Member of the Wa- 
kayama Prefectural . Assem- 
bly and then of the House 
of Peers. Address : Saiga- 
mura, Kaiso - gun, Wakaya- 

Yai, Tamotsu C^^-<*) Dir. 
of the Nippon Yusen Kwaisha; 
h. the Sch m. of the 5 th y. of 
the 8th in. of the Sth y. of 
Ansei (1:858) in Wakayama- 
prefecture; e. s. of Kiyoo Yai, 
a samurai ; m. Masu ; e. d. 
of Kyoshi Naito, also a Wa- 
kayama samurai. Address : 
Nippon Yusen Kwaisha, To 
live. Td. : 467. 

Yalta, TaKeslii' (^ M ^3, 
President of the Shimozuke 

Bank, Ltd., and of the Yaita 
Bank, Ltd., Dir-^ctor of the 
Ujiive Bank, Ltd., and of the 
Shimozuke Shimbun Co., Ltd., 
Special Mem. of the TJtsuno- 
raiya Chamber of Commerce ; 
6. the I ith TO. of the 2nd y. of 
Kaei (1849) in Tochigi-ken; 
s. of Goemon Yaita; m. Hama,. ; 
2nd d. of Shichiro Kurosaki 
of Tochigi-ken. Address.' 
Yaita-machi, Shioya-gun, To- 

Yajima, Chu (^ ^ '¥), ex- 
Mem, of the House of Kepre- 
sentatives, Special Member 
of the Utsunomiya Chamber 
of Commerce, 4tli Order of 
Merit ; i>. the 7th m. of the 
4th jr. of Kayei (1851) in To- 
chigi-ken ; e. s. of Masatsune 
Yajima ; pi. Ren, e. d. of 
Nobuyasu Yokoyama, a sa- 
murai of Tochigi-ken. Form- 
erly Major of Utsunomiya 
and Member of the Tochigi- 
Prefectural Assembly ; has 
four times sat in the House 
of Representatives. Address : 
Tomatsurimachi, Utsunomi - 
ya, Tochigi-ken. 

Yajima, Eisuke ijk. % ^ H), 
silk and cocoon dealer, one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Yamanashi - ken, representa- 
tive Member of the Yajima 
Partnership Co., Auditor of 
the Yamanashi Shimbun Kai- 
sha, Ltd., and of the loth 
Bank, Ltd., Member of the 


[ 1166 J 

Standing Committee of the 
Kpfu Chamber of Commerce ; 
b. Feb. the 2nd y. of Mfeiji 
(1869) in Yamanashi-ken ; e. 
s. of the late Eisuke Yajima ; 
m. Kimi, e. d. of Yahei Ya- 
mada of Yamanashi-ken. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1899. 
Address :, No.- 35, Midoricho, 
Kofu, Yamanashi-ken. 

Yajima, JunkicM C^SHS), 
Bear- Admiral in the Navy 
Since Nov. 191 1, Director of 
the Naval Torpedo School ; 
b. 1867. Educ. : graduated 
from the Naval Academy. 2nd- 
Commander, Feb. 1898; Com- 
mander, June 1900 ; Captain, 
Jan. 1905. Decorations : 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun ; 
4th Ordej- of the Sacred Trea- 
sure ; 3rd Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address: Tam-a, 
Urasato - mura, Miura - gun, 

Yashima, Kajiko C^ & Jl TO, 
lady educationalist ; b. April, 
1834, at Kiyama-mm-a, Ku- 
mamoto-prefecture ; 7th d. of 
Naoaki Yashima. Has be- 
come principal of Joshi Ga- 
kuin (Girls' School) which was 
founded in Tokyo about 18- 
95 ; is a strong advocate of 
betterment of conditions of 
women in Japan ; was instru- 
mental in establishing local 
society for suppression of vice 
and now is president of Japan 
Women's Betterment Society ; 

represented Japan at the Inter- ■ 
national Congress of Women's 
Betterment Associations held 
in the United States^ of A- 
merica, 1906. Address: No. 
33, Kaminibancho, Kojima- 
chiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 1093 

Yajima, KisMtaro C^ ft'# ;fc 
W), Coloiigl ..glArli nery.,,Com- 
ma'iTSe'r' of tSe'i Stff'Fietd Ar- 
tillery Regiment ; b. 1 8.69 in 
Nagano - ken. Sub - Lieuten- 
ant, July 1887; Lieutenant, 
Nov. 1890; Captain, Nov. 
1894; Major, Oct. 1899; Lieu- 
tenant - Colonel, Sept;. 1904; 
Colonel, July 1908. Decora- 
tions : 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 5th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
the 1 8th Field Artillery Regi- 
ment, Shimoshizu, Chiba-ken. 

Yajima, Sj^uzaburo (^feff H 

on tie Beserve ; h. 1864 in 
Shiga -ken; 2nd s. of Yo- 
ta Yajima, a samurai;, w,. 
Hisa, 2nd d. of Yoshinori 
Kakihara, a samurai of Saga- 
ken. Surgeon Sub-Lieutenant, 
Dec. . 1 885 ; Surgeon - Lieu- 
tenant, Nov. 1890; Surgeon- 
Captain, Nov. 1894; Surgeon- 
Major, Oct. 1900; Surgeon 
Lieutenant'Colonel, : Mar. 19- 
05 ; took part in the Russo- 
Japanese war as Chief of the 
1st Field Hospital of the 2nd 

[ 116/ ] 

Yaj— Yam 

Army Division ; subsequently 
Chief of the Kokura Garrison 
Hospital, of the Medical De- 
partment of the 17th Army 
Division, etc.; present post 
since Dec. 1908 ; promoted 
Surgeon-Colonel, Feb. 1909 
and Surgeon Major-General, 
1911. Decorations: 4th Or- 
der of the Sacred Treasure ; 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun ; 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Addressj No. 212, Nishio- 
kubo, Okubo-mura, Toyotar 
ma-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Yajima, SakurU C^ ft -f^ I!5), 
ex-Pres. of the Shiljo Bank, 
Ltd.; b. the ist m. of the 
loth y. of Tempo (1839) in 
Yamaguchi - prefecture ; 2nd 
s. of Saburoji Yajima, a sa- 
murai; in. Tane, 2nd d. of 
Shironosuke Oka, a Tokyo 
samurai. Address : Kudama- 
tsumachi, Tsuno-gun, Yama- 

Yajima, Uratar? C^S^ijfcllS), 
Lawyer, Member of the House 
of Representatives, 4th Order 
of Merit, Director of the Mi- 
nato Railway Co., Ltd., the 
Industrial Bank, Ltd., and 
of the Tokyo Life Insurance 
Co., Ltd. ; b. the 2nd m. of 
the istjj'. of Man-en (i860) 
in the prefecture of Yamagu- 
chi ; e. s. of Shiin Yajima'; 
m. Tayo, 2nd d. of Chusuke 
Ichimura, of Nagano -prefect- 
ure. Has tririce sat in tlio 

House of Eepresentativei?. . J.c?t 

dress: No. 18,, Iwaishicho, 
Nagano-shi, Nagano-ken. 

Yakuwa, GisMchiro CAIftK'tr 
W), ex-Assiiaiaui-i-Tof. of the 
College of Agriculture in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; now in 
study abroad. 

Yamaha, Kurobei Clll "^ \ 
BI5 ^ W, a large landowner, 
money - lender, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Mie-ken; 
b. the loth ;«. of the ist j. 
of Ansei (1854) in Mie-ken; 
e. s. of Rokurobei Yamaba ; 
m. Maki, 2nd d. of Seiroku 
Nishijo, a samurai of Mie- 
ken. Succeeded his fatheir in 
1873. ■. Address: No. 97, I- 
chinokimachi, Yamada, Uji - 
gun, Mie-ken. 

Yamaba, Torakusu C|ll^!gli). 
President of the Japan Music- 
al Instrument Mfg. Co., Ltd., 
Director of the Japan Pat- 
tern Dying Company, Ltd., the 
Japan Weaving Machine Ma- 
nufacturing Company, Ltd., 
and of the Tokal Brick Co., 
Ltd., Auditor of the Tenryu 
Timber Co., Ltd., and of the 
Hamamatsu Warehouse Co., 
Ltd., Member of the Stand- 
ing Committee of the Hama- 
matsu Chamber of Commerce; 
b. the 4th m: of the 4th y. 
of Kayei (185 1) in Wakaya- 
ma-ken ; younger brother of 
Yoshitaka Yamaba, z. samurai; 
m. Nobu. Inventor of the 


[ 1168 ] 

Yamaba Organ. Address ': 
Itaya-clio, Hataamatsu, Shi- 

Yamabe, Ja£u CtU ^ st ^), 
President of the Osaka Spinn- 
ifig Co., Ltd.; i^. the 12th 
m. of the 4th J)/, of Kaei {18- 
51) m Osaka; 2nd .y. of Ka- 
kuryo Shimidzu ; adopted by 
Bunkyo Yamabe ; 7n. Sada, 
e. d. of Moku Aizawa of Ai- 
chinken. Was once Member of 
the Osaka Chamber of Com- 
merce. Address: : No. 5620, 
Dogashibamachi, Tennoji, Mi- 
namUku, Osaka. Td. : 877 

Yamada, Buntaro CiH H .^ jfo 
BfO, Kogakuhdkushi (Dr. of 
Engineering), Chief Manager 
of tlie Kaniioka Mine owned 
by the Mitsui Co.; b. the gtli 
in. of the 1st y. of Bunlcyu 
(1861) in Fukui - prefecture ; 
3rd s. of Junai Taguchi a sa- 
murai ; adopted by Shin Ya- 

_ mada in 1875; m. Fusa, adopt, 
d. of Takashi Hasegawa, a 
judge. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Engineering 
in the Tokyo Imp Univ., 18- 
86 ;^ further studied in Ger- 
n:^any, 1889 — 1891.' On re- 

\ turning appointed Expert to 
the Imperial Estates Bureau ; 
Expert to the Ikuno Mine, 
1 896 ; then present post ; Ko- 
g-aktthahcski, 1901. Address: 
No. I 10, Hakusangotemma- 
clii, Koishikawaku, Tokyo. 

Yamada, JeiiikabuiH) Ciij ^ x 
S BP>, Keutenant - General 
of the 14th Army Division ; 
b. the 8th m. of the 4th y. 
of Ansei (1857) .in Kyoto; 
3rd s. of Naorni Yamada, a 
samurai ; ni. Shima, e. d. of 
Sato Yamaraura of Osaka.. 
Educ. :. graduated from the 
Military Academy in 1875. 
Sub-Lieutenant, Feb. 1-879 '> 
Lieutenant, Apr. 1882; Cap- 
tain," June r8-87 ; Major, Dec. 
1893 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Aug. 1899; Colonel, Nov.' 
1902 ; Major - General, July 
1905 ; in succession has been 
Principal of the Sendai Mil- 
itary Preparatory School, on 
the Statf of the loth Army 
Division,' Commander of the 
nth Infantry Regiment, the 
1st Infantry Regiment of the 
Body Guards, and of the lOth 
Infantry Brigade, President of 
the Toyam.a Gakko (a mil- 
itary technical school), etc.; 
took part in the Russo-Japa- 
nese war as a Regimental 
Commander and was. deco- 
rated with the 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite for 
services. Address : Kunimo- 
to-mura, Kawachi -gun, To- 

Yamada, Daigoro (ill ffl i; Sl 
m, Member of the Fukui 
Chamber of Commerce ; b. 

L ii69 J 


Dec. the jihf. of Meiji (1871) 
in Fukui ; e. s. of . the late 
Daigoro Yamada ; jn. Sho, e. 
d. of Setsusaburo Sugita, a 
Fukui samurai. Succeeded 
his father in 1885. Address : 
Nishikishitamachi, Fukui-shi, 

Yamada, Einosuke Clh ffl 5t ^ 
mX Capt. of the Naval Engi- 
neerffigrMenWer of ■ the'B'ep't 
of Material of the Navy; b. 18- 
69, Educ. : graduated from tlie 
Naval Engineering School . 
2nd Commander, Feb. 1898; 
Commander, Sept. 1 899; Cap- 
tain, Aug. 1905. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun ; 
4th Order of the , Sacred 
Treasure ; 5th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : No. 
56; Aisumi-cho, Yotsuya-ku, 
Tokyo. " 

Yamada, Eitaro Clll PJ^icIlO, 
Manager of the Iwakura Rail- 
way School, Councillor of 
Waseda Univ., Director of 
the Nisshin Life Insui'ance 
Co., Ltd., Auditor of the 
Narita Railway Co., Ltd. ; 
i>. the I ith m. of the 2nd j/. 
of Bunkyu (1862) in Aichi- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Chilshin 
Yamada, a samtirai ; m. Ryo, 
yotmger sister of Etsunojo O- 
hashi of the same prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Aichi Normal School, 1879; 
afterwards came up to Tokyo 
and studied politics and eco- 

nomics at the Tokyo Senuiion 
Gakko (forerunner of the pre- 
sent Waseda Univ.), graduat- 
ing from it in 1885. Took 
to journalism and was suc- 
cessively writer to the Choya, 
the Minipd and the HocJd ; 
Member of the Aichi Pre- 
fectural Assembly ; head-tea- 
cher to the Shinshu Otani-ha 
Gakko (a buddhist school) ; 
entered business in 1892 and 
participated in the construc- 
tion of the Tokyo Electric 
Railway, the Narita Railway, 
and the Kinki Railway, etc.; 
accepted in 1898 the post 
of Chief of the General Af- 
fairs Section of the Nippon 
Railway Co., Ltd., and in- 
troduced many improvements 
on the -company's business ; 
afterwards elected Standing 
Director of the same com- 
pany ; appointed Official Re- 
ceiver of the company when 
it was nationalized; then pres- 
ent posts. Address : No. 51, 
Nakai-okubancho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 1654 Bancho. 
Yamada, Fukusaburo CtU pg 
lis s SK), Lawyer, Special 
Member of the Yokohama 
Chamber of Commerce ; I?. 
Oct. the ist y. of Meiji (18- 
68) in Saitama-ken ; brother 
of Motosaburo Yamada ; in. 
Shu, e. d. of Taizo Urano of 
Gumma-ken.' ' .Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the former Govern- 


[1170 j 

ment Telegraph School; later 
studied law at the Tokyo 
Hdritsugakk'j and graduated 

froni it in 1894. Was Tele- 
graph operator for three years 
in Hokkaido ; passed the Ex- 
amination for Bench and was 
appointed Probationary Judge 
in 1 894 ; Judge of the Yoko- 
hama Local Court, 1 896— '99; 
resigned and went to the U. 
S, A. where he further studied 
law and received the degree 
of L L. D. ; then sailed to 
England arid after making 
an inspection tour of various 
European countries returned 
hoine in 1902 ; began practice 
as a lawyer at Yokohama. 
Address : No. 78, 5 chome, 
Onoecho, Yokohama. Tel. : 

Yain'ada, Gentaro ClIJ . H 2 
:k 115), Prof, of the Morioka 
Higher Agricultural and Den- 
drological School. Address : 
Morioka, Iwate-ken. 

Yamada, G-isaburo (Hi ffl tt 
S B|5), Thread - manufacturer, 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Miyagi-prefecture ; d. the 
1st ;«. of the istj/. ofBunkyu 
(1861) in Miyagi-prefecture; 
e. s. of the late Tojuro Ya- 
mada ; m. Shige, e. d. of 
Urisai Adachi, a samurai of 
the same prefecture. Succe- 
eded his father in 1893. Ad- 
dress: Tomemachi, Tome-gun, 

Yamada, Haruzo (ill H # ri), 
^Member of the Ho^S£.^il£s,ers, 
2nd Order, of Merit; b. the 
6th m. of the 3rd y. of Ko- 
kwa (1846) in Yamaguchi ; 
2nd s. of Chiiji Muraoka, a 
samurai; adopted by Kyuin 
Yamada ; m. Take, e. d. of 
SamOn Awaya, a Yamaguchi 
samurai. Started his official 
career as Police Sergeant in 
Yamaguchi-ken, 1877; after- 
wards in succession was Chief 
of Police in the prefectures of 
Yamaguchi and Iwate, Junior 
Secretary to Iwate-prefecture, 
Secretary to the prefectures 
of Yamanashi, Nara, Aichi, 
Saga and Kyoto, Governor 
of the prefectures of Fuku- 
shima, Saitama, Shidzuoka 
. and Hiroshima ; nominated 
Member of the House of Peers, 
1906. Address: No. 350, 
Sendagayamachi, Toyotama- 
gun, Tolcyo. Tel. : 3378 Shiba. 

Yamada, Heitaro CiU ffl ¥ :fc 
ir>), farmer, one of the highest 
taxpayers of Niigata-ken ; d. 
the Sth m. oi the 1st y. of 
Bunkyu (i 861) in Niigata-ken; 
e. .s of the late Magoichi Ya- 
mada ; m: Kii, 2nd d. of Sa- 
heiji Tanaka of Niigata. Suc- 
ceeded his fafeher in 1889. Ad- 
dress: Koyoshi-mura, Nishi- 
kambara-gun, Niigata-ken. 

Yamada, Hikohachi (OJ m M 
A), -YicerAdmiral, Com. m- 
Chlef of the Yokosuka- Naval 

[ "71 ] 


Yamada, Iken iili m M tf), 
Member of the House of 
Peers, 3rd Order of Merit; 
i>. the irth ;«. of the 13th 
y. of Tempo (1842) in Ka- 
goshima; 4th d. of the late 
Yasoemon Soiioda, a samu- 
rai ; _ adopted into the Ya-- 
Station since Dec. 1912; &. the 
2ndwj. of the 2\i^y. of Ansei 
(1855) ill Kagoshima; e.s. 
of the late Aritsune Yamada, 
a samurai ; m. Mine, 2nd d. 
of Rokuro Tanekojima, also 
a Kagoshima samurai. Educ: 
graduated from the Naval A- 
cademy, 1878. 2nd Sub-Lieu- 
tenant, 1878 ; Lieutenant 18- 
86; 2nd Commander, 1891 ; 
Captain, 1897; Rear- Admiral, 
1903 ; Vice - Admiral, 1908- 
Has been successively Cap- 
tain 0/ the Amagi and Tenryu. 
Chief of the Naval Barracks 
at the Kure Naval Station, 
Captain of the hvate and A- 
sahi, Commander of the 3rd 
Squadron, and of the Take- 
shiki Naval Depot, etc.; took 
part in the Japan-China war 
as Vice-Captain of the Yo- 
shino and in the Russo-Japa- 
nese war first as Captain of the 
Asahi and then as Command- 
er of the 3rd Squadron. De- 
corations : 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Order of the 
Sacred Ti-easure, 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
Yokosuka Naval station. 

mada lamily ; m. Nao, 2nd 
d. of Tahei Oda, a Tokyo 
samurai. Took part in the 
Formosan Expedition in 18- 
74 ; afterwards was in suc- 
cession Chief of Police in 
Kochi - prefecture, Secretary 
to the same prefecture, In- 
spector of Police in the Met- 
ropolitan Police Board, _Gq- 
vernor of Fukuoka and Oita 
prefectures, Superintendent - 
General of Police ; elected 
Member of the House of 
Peers in 1904. Address : No. 
32, Yamamotocho, Azabu, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 1 2 1 2 Shiba. 

Yamada, Isabaro Clh [tlftiHIR), 
President of the Balloon and 
Airship Factory ; a native of 
Wakayama prefecture. Re- 
ceiving orders from our mili- 
tary authorities, he devoted 
himself to the work of in-" 
venting new type of balloon 
and after persistent efforts of 
some six years finally suc- 
ceeded in the manufacture of 
a balloon which may be called 
purely of Japanese model. 
Balllons of this kind were 
largely- used in the -late war 
and rendered much help in 
our reconnaissance of the ene- 
my's condition especially In 
Port Arthur. He is now un- 
dertaking the manufacture of 
airships and has already been 
successful in flying on two 
of them which are also enti- 


[ 1172 ] 

rely of his own , invention. 
His fame as the pioneer a- 
viator in Japan is quite uni- 
que. Address: (Residence) 
No. S3, Takanawa-Kitama- 
clii, Siiiba, Tolcyo. (Factory) 
No. 420, Orilcibashi, Osaki- 
maclii, Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 
Tel. : (Residence) 1471 Shi- 
ba (Factory) 1844 Shiba. 

Yamada, Jotaro CllJ ffl5ti:Hl5), 
Director and Manager of the 
84th Bank, Ltd.; d. the 3rd 
m. of the 1st y. of Man-en 
(i860) in Ishikawa-prefecture; 
e. s. of the late Heizo Yama- 
da, a saimirai ; m. Tsuru, 
e. d. of Nobukata Arai, also 
an Ishikawa samurai. Edzic. : 
studied at the former Mitsu- 
bishi Commercial School, 18- 
81. Immediately after gradu- 
ation entered the 84th Bank, 
Ltd., and assisted greatly in 
the readjustment of the busi- 
ness of the bank which was 
then disorganized, owing to 
the complete destruction of 
the bank's premises by fire ; 
afterwards elected Director 
and Manager of the bank. 
Address: No. 4, i chome, Ka- 
kigaracho, Nihombashi, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 4232 Naniwa. 

Yamada, Jiin-iohi ClUHliK-^), 
Chief Manager of the Kashi- 
wazaki Rice Exchange, Ltd., 
Director of the 139th Bank, 
Ltd., Auditor of the 77th 
Bank, Ltd. and of the Ishiji 

Bank, Ltd.; b. the 8th m. 
of the 3rd y. of Ansei (1856) 
in Niigata-prefecture; adopted 
s. of Rokutoji Yamada ; m. 
Yone, adopted d. of Gisuke 
Yamada of the same prefect- 
ure. Succeeded his adopted 
father in 1879. Address : Ta- 
jiri-mura, Kariha-gun, Niiga- 

Yaaiada, Kanematsu (jli H W: 
'fS)! merchant ; d. the 3rd m. 
of the 13th y. of Tempo (18- 
42) in Hyogo-prefecture ; e. 
s. of Ichizo Yamada ; m. Sue, 
2nd d. of Mohei Fuji of the 
same prefecture. Address : 
No. 33, 3 chome, Tachibana- 
dori, Kobe. 

Yamada, Katsutaro ((ii H Jf 
ic SI5), President of the Sen- 
dai Rice Wai^ehouse Co., Ltd., 
Chief-Manager of the Sendai 
Rice Exchange, Ltd., Audi- 
tor of the Shiogama Marine 
Products Co., Ltd., Vice-Pi-e- 
sident of the Sendai Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; d. the nth 
;«. of the 5 th y. of Kayei 
(1852) in Fukushima ; e. s. 
of Tsunetaro Aratani, a sa- 
inurai ; adopted by Kakutaro 
Yamada ; ni. Tsune, e. d. of 
Ryohei Miura of Miyagi-pre- 
fecture. Was once elected 
President of the Miyagi-ken 
Rice Merchants Guild ' and 
awarded the Commendatory 
Medal of the Yellow Riband 
for services rendered in improv- 

[ II73 ] 


iiig rice, Feb, 1909. Address: 
No. %%, Mototerakoji, Sendai--' 
shi, Miyagi-ken. 

Yamaaa, Keisuke ClU H W W), 
Ice-manufacturer, one of the 
high taxpayers of Kyoto -fu ; 
b. the 3rd m. of the ist y. 
of K5ka (1844) in Shiga- 
ken ; 5th s. of the late Hei- 
dayu Miyamura ; adopted by 
Teru Yamada of Kyoto ; m. 
Masuei, sister of the late 
Yoshio Kawarabayashi. His 
Ice-manufacturing firm is well 
known by the name of Ryu- 
mon ; is also engaged in a 
warehousing business and has 
over 20 branch - offices in 
various parts of the country. 
Address: No. 5, Myomanji- 
maemachi, Nij5 sagaru, Tera- 
machi, " Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 
Tel.: 810. 

Yamada, Kiichi (ilj ffl ^ — ), 
Commissioner of the Hokkai- 
do Government ; b. the 1 2th 
m. of the 1st y. of Kaei (18- 
48) in Iwate-ken ; 4th 5-. of 
Yorizumi Hosekiin ; adopted 
by Toshisuke Yamada ; in. 
Saku, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Chief Revenue Offi- 
cer of Miyagi-ken, 1885; af- 
terwards was successively 
Chief Revenue Officer of I- 
shikawa-ken, Director of the 
Tax Control Bureaus of Ka- 
• -goshima and Kumamoto, ' Se- 
cretary to the prefectures of 
Miyagi, Shiga and Fulcushi- 

,yna;^ present post since Feb. 
1 90S. Decoration : 3rd Ci- 
der of Merit. Address: No. 
I, Nishi, 6 chome, Kitaichi- 
jo, Sapporo, Hokkaido. 

Yamada, Kinjiro ClUH:4:?^BIi), 
farmer, one of the highest 
taxpayers of Kyoto-fu ; b. 
May the 2nd y , of Meiji' 
(1869) in Kyoto-fu; e. s. of 
Kyiazaemon Yamada ; ;«. 
Jun,' 3rd d. of Yasusaburo 
Tsuji of Osaka. Address: 
Takedaniura, Kii-gun, Kyo- 

Yamada, Kisuke Cl-!!HS:ji;j), 
Timber - merchant. Director 
of the Tanaka Savings Bank, 
Ltd., and of the Kiba Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. Sept-, the 12th y. of 
Meiji (1879) in Tokyo; 2nd 
s. of Buhei Tanaka; adopted 
by the late Kisuke Yamada 
in 1900 ; m. Ko, y. s. to Sa- 
kichi litsuka of Tokyo. Su- 
cceeded his adopted father 
in 1907. Address: No, 13, 
Yamatocho, Fukagawa - ku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 1629 Tokucho, 

Yamada, Kuniliiko C(li H fl 
S), Kogakukaktishi (Dr. of 
Engineering); b. Feb. the 4th 
y. of Meiji (1871) in Fuku- 
oka-ken ; , 3rd s. of Seishu 
Yamada; in. Aid, and d. of 
Tomitaro Kagawa, a Hiro- 
shima samurai. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the College -of 
Engineering in the Tokyo 


[ 1174 1 

Imp. Univ., 1896; further 
studied- in Germany, 1897 — 
1899. Prof, of the College 
of Science and Engineering 
in the Kyoto Imperial Uni- 
ver.sity, 1899; Kogakukakushi, 
1902 ; placed on. the retired 
list, Oct. 1909. Address: 
Sumamura, Muko-gun, Hyo- 

Yamada, Masaknni (ilj IB |i 

W), _ Managing Director of 
the Tokyo Rope Mfg. Co., 
Ltd. ; /;. the 5th m. of the 
1st y. of Kayei (1848) in 
Tokyo; 3rd s. of Chugoro 
Yamada, a samurai; m. Shu, 
e. d. of Rihei Okada, also a 
Tokyo samurai. Succeeded 
his -brother Tamotsu Yama- 
da in 1870. Address: No. 
144, Hommura-cho, Azabu- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 408 Shi- 

Yamada, Matajiro (Ui H X 
'k HIi), President of the Kei- 
san Transportation Co.; Ltd., 
Representative member of 
Yamada Partnership Co.; b. 
the 1 2th 111. of the 1st y. of 
Gwanji (1864) in Kyoto; 2nd 
s. of Kyubei Yasukawa ; ad- 
opted by Sadabei Yamada ; 
m. Kiku, d. of his adopted 
father. Address: No. 634, 
Kannoncho, Karasumaru-do- 
ri, Shimok5'6-ku, Kyoto. 

Yamada, Matashichi (Ui [n 
X -tr^j ex-Mem. of the House 
of Representatives. President 

of tlie Hoden Petroleum Co.. 
Ltd., the Hozan Lumber Co., 
Ltd., and of the Petroleum 
Union Sales Co., Ltd., Au- 
ditor of the Hokuetsu Paper 
Mfg. Co., Ltd., and of the 
Chuetsu Bank, Ltd., Member 
of the Nagaoka Chamber of, 
Commerce; b. the 8th m. of 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855) 
in Niigata-ken; 7th s. of Hi- , 
koemon Yamada; m. Iiie, e. 
d. of Kokichi Taniuchida of 
Niigata-ken. Has twice sat 
in the House of Representa- 
tives. Address : No. 63, Na- 
gamachi, Nagaoka, Niigata- 

Yamada, Momosaku CiU H 
^ f1^;, ex- Mem. of the House 
of Representatives for Yama- " 
guchi - prefecture. Managing 
Director of the Daikan Kan- 
no (Chosen Agricultural En- 
coui'agement) Co., Ltd., Di- 
rector of the Hagi Bank, 
Ltd., and of the Toyo Fish- 
ery Co., Ltd.; b. the 3rd 
m. of the 4th y. of Ansei 
(1857) '" Yamaguchi-prefect- 
ure ; e. s. of Yosaburo Ya- 
mada; a widower. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1896; was 
formerly a Member of the 
Yamaguchi Prefectural Asse- 
mbly; elected Member of the 
House of Representatives in 
1908. Address: Misumimu- ' 
ra, Otsu - gun, Yaniaguchi- 

[ "75 ] 


Yamada, Mosuke (\imMW)\ 
raw silk merchant ; ^. Mar. 
the 'Hth jj/. of Meiji (1881) 
in Kyoto ; 3rd s. of Bunzo 
Hattori ; adopted by Moichi 
Yamada in 1881 ; m. Taka, 
e. d. of Magoshichi Hirao of 
Kyoto. Succeeded his adopt- 
ed father in 1904. Address^: 
Kanzemachi, Gojo-sagaru, O- 
miyadori, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 
Tel. : 17 I. d. 

Yamada, Mumajiro CiUH,®^ 
W), Member of the Okura- 
gumi, Director of the Hoshu 
Gas Co., Ltd.; b. 1870 in 
Walcayama-prefecture; adopt. 
s. of Masanobu Yamada. 
Educ. ; graduated from the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School, 1894. Entered the 
Okura-gunii immediately after 
graduation and served in its 
branches at I^ondon, New 
York, and Shanghai in suc- 
cession ; now occupies an im- 
portant post at the Head Of- 
fice at Tokyo. Address : No. 
54, 3 chome, Aoyama-Mina- 
micho, Akasaka, Tokyo. Tel.: 
336s Shiba. 

. Yamada, Naonosuke COj H « 
ZWj, Naval Captain, Exa- 
miner of the Yokosuka Ar- 
senal; Chief of the Naval Port 
Dep't of the Sasebo Naval 
Station ; d. 1868. Educ. : Na- 
val Academy. 2nd Comman- 
der, June 1898 ; Commander, 
May 1902 ; Captain, Oct. 

1906. ^)ecorations : 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure, 4th 
Class- of the Golden Kite. 
Address r the Yokosuka Ar- 
senal, Yokosuka, Kanaga wa- 

Yamada, Naoya (P4 EB il ^), 
Kogakiihakiishi (Dr. of Engi- 
neei-iiig), Director of the Mi- 
ning Dep't of the Mitsui Co. ; 
b. the 3rd in. of the ist y. 
of Man-en (i860) in Tokyo; 
y. l>. to Vice-Admiral Hiko- 
hachi Yamada ; 111. Hisa, d. 
of Takato Oshima. Ediic. : 
graduated Mining and Metal- 
lurgy at the College of Engi- 
neering in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1885. Address: No. 
23, Nakarokubancho, Kojt- 
machiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 2711 

Yamada, ifobumasa (ill H ff 
q5, Director of the Toyama 
Electric Co., Ltd., the Kana- 
zawa Electric and Gas Co., 
Ltd., and of the 12th Bank, 
Ltd. ; d. the 4th m. of the ist 
y. of Ansel (1854) in Toya- 
ma-prefecture ; e. s. of Heibei 
Yamada, a samurai ; 111. Ri- 
tsu, y. s. to Yoshitaro Inaba 
of, the same prefecture. Suc- 
ceeded . his father in 1S70. 
Address : No. 10, Niemoncho, 
Toyama-shi, Toyama-ken. 

Yamada, Osamu ClU B ISt), 
farmer and large landowner, 
one of the nighest tax- 


[ 1176] 

payers of Fukui-ken, Vice- 
president of the Ifukui In- 
dustrial Guild ; h. the 8th 
m. of the 1st jj'. of Keio (18- 
65) in Fukui-ken ; e. s. of 
Yutaka Yamada, ex-Mem. of 
the House of Peers ; m. Ta- 
ma, 2nd d. of Koten Sakai, 
a samurai oi Aichx-'ken. Ediic: 
studied Chinese classics un- 
der Yusaku Shiga, a famous 
scholar of the Fukui clan ; 
graduated from the Fukui 
Normal School and then from 
the Tokyo Meiji Horitsu Gak- 
ko (forerunner of the present 
Meiji Law Univ.) in 1888. 
Has been Vice-President of 
the Fukui - ken Agricultural 
Association and afterwards 
Member and Councillor of the 
Imperial Agricultural Society; 
has rendered great service to 
the agricultural development 
of his native prefecture. Pub- 
lications: " Agricultural Deve- 
lopment " and " Thrift and 
Savings." ' Reci eations : Chi- 
nese literature, horticulture, 
photography. Address: Ippon- 
da, Takamuku-mura, Sakai- 
gun, Fukui-ken. 

Yamada, Kessei ClU ffl SI ®)» 

Manager ^of the Donin Kat, 
a benevolent medical associa- 
tion; ^. in 1863 in Chiba pre- 
fecture ; s. oi Keizo; m. Ki- 
chio, d. of Yemon Koriki of 
Yamagata prefecture, in 1887. 
Was editor- of the Nippon 

Skimbtm, and manager of the 
Progressive Party. Recrea- 
tions: reading. Address '.'No. 
, 37, Nakanegishi-cho, Shitaya, 

Yamada, Eikutsuchi (ill H & 
^)> Colonel of Engineering, 
Sectional Chief of the General 
Staff Office, Instructor to the 
Military College, Member of 
the Militaiy Technical Com- 
mittee; b. 1870 in Fukuoka- 
ken. Sub - Lieutenant, Mar. 
1891 ; Lieutenant, Nov. 1893; 
Captain, Nov. 1896; Major, 
Jan. 1902; Lieutenant-Colonel, 
Apr. 1905 ; Colonel, 19 10. 
Decorations : 5 th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun ; 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
Harajiku, IScndagaya, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Yamada, Ryosui Cilj H S 7K). 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander ; o? the 44th Infantry 
Regiment; b. 1863 in Kochi- 
ken. Sub - Lieutenant, June 
1886; Lieutenant, Nov. 18- 
90; Captain, Mar. 1895; Ma- 
jor, Dec. 1900; Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Nov. 1904 ; Colo- 
nel, Nov. 1907. Decorations: 
3rd Order of the Rising Sun, 
4th Order of the Sacred _ 
Treasure, 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: The 
44th Infantiy Regiment, K6- 

Yamada. Ryuichi CUiHS-), 

[ ii;7 ] 


Major-General, Commander of 
the r I tir Infantry Brigade; b. 
1 869 in Yamaguchi-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant, July 1888; Lieu- 
tenant, Mar. 1892; Captain, 
May 189s ; Major, Oct. 19- 
00 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Sep. 
1904; Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Mejor - General and present 
post, Sept. 19 n. Decorations: 
4th Order of the Sacred Treas- 
ure ; 3rd Order of the Rising- 
Sun ; 3rd class of the Golden 
Kite. Address : Kumamoto- 
shi, Kumamoto-ken. 

Yamada, Saburp C|ll H H BIO, 
Managing Director of the Dai- 
■shichi Bank, Ltd. ; b. the nth 
m. of the 3rd y. of Keio (18- 
6'j\ in Fukui-prefecture ; e. s. 
of Gisaburo Yamada; m. Uma, 
}'. s. to Jirobei Ishida of the 
same prefecture. Succeeded 
his father in I9£2. Address: 
Kamisho-mura, Ono-gun, Fu- 

Yamada, Saburo Ciij HI H K), 
Hogakithaktishi, Prof of the 
College of Law in the To - 
kyo Imperial University; b. 
Nov. the 2nd J. of Meiji (18- 
69) in Nara-ken ; 3rd s. of 
Heizaburo Yamada ; .111. Shi- 
ge, e. d. of Hidetake Egawa, 
a Shizuoka samtcrai. Educ.: 
graduated from the College of 
Law in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
in 1 896 ; studied internation- 
al private law in Germany, 
France, England and the Unit- 

ed States, 1896 — 1901. App- 
ointed Prof of his ahna viater, 
1901 ; Hogakiihakuski, 1902; 
Chief Editor of the Hogaku- 
kyokai Zasshi (The Law As- 
sociation Journal) since 1903. 
Address: No. 172, Benten- 
cho, Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1592 Bancho. 

Yamada, SMu-ichiroCiUtElit— 
flP)i Councillor to the Formo- 
sa n Government. Decoration: 
4th Order of Merit. Address: 
Official House, 5 chome, Na- 
kamachi, Taihoku-fu, Formo- 

Yamada, Sliojyu (ill K b w). 

Paymaster Inspector of Navy, 
Ciiief of the Accounts Sec- 
tion of the Naval Arsenal 
in the Saseho Naval Station; 
h. in 1869. Editc.: the Pay- 
masters' School. Staff-Pay- 
master, Sept. 1899; Fleet- 
Paymaster, May, 1902; Pay- 
master-Inspector, Aug. 1908. 
Once was chief of the ist 
Section of the Accounts Dep't 
of the Yokosuka Naval Sta- 
tion; present post since 1907. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of 
R.S„ 4th Order S.T. Ad- 
dress: the Saseho Naval 


Yamada, Shoknsaku (ilj ffl'® 

Pn, importer of foreign goods.;, 
b. the 1 0th ;/«. of the 5th y. 
of Kayei (1852) in Hiroshima; 
e. s. of ShiJhei Yamada, a Hi- 
roshima sajmirai; m. Sei, adopt, 
d. of Rinnosuke Yamanaka 


■[ 1 178 ] 

of Tokyo; Succeeded his father 
m i2,yg. Address: No. 6 and 
7, 2 chome, Mita - daimachi, 
Shibaku, Tokyo. Tel. .• 12 - 
09 Shiba. 

Yamada, Shotaro (111 HIE^SK, 
Doctor, Chief of the Oph- 
thalmic Dep'tofthe Yamagu- 
chi Hospital. Address: Ya- 
maguchi Hospital, Yamagu - 

Yamada, Shnliei Clll S f( 
jp), artist, Nanshu School; 
b. 1875 at Nakatsn, Bnzen 
province ; s. of Shukei Yama- 
da ; m. Namiye, d. of Goshu 
Yano, 1902. Edtio.: privately. 
He exhibited his masterpieces 
in various exhibitions and wa.s 
awarded many prizes. JRearea- 
iions: old painting and calli- 
graphy. Address: No 9, 5 
chome', Korai-bashi-dori, Higa- 
shi-kii, Osaka. Gluh : Yfishi- 

Yamada, Shuichi ClllHl^— ), 
Member of the House; of 
Representatives for the city 
of Kumamoto, Proprietor of 
the Kyushu Nichinichi SJiiin- 
bun (a daily paper), Member 
of the Kumamoto Chamber 
of Commerce; b. the ist in. 
of the 1st y. of Keio (1865) 
in Kumamoto ; e. s. of Mo- 
kyijro Yamada ; m. Saka, 
2nd d. of Kanji Yamada of 
Oita-ken. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1883; has been for- 
merly Member and Chairman 

of the Kumamoto City Coun- 
cil, Member and Vice-Presi- 
dent of the Kumamoto Pre-, 
fectural Assembly ; afterwards 
thrice sat in the House of 
Representatives. Address : 
ChoanjichS, Kumamoto - shi, 

Yamada, Sukehisa (ihffife^X), 
Captain- of Naval Construc- 
tion, -Chief of the Shipbuild- 
ing Yard of the Kure Arsen- 
al ; b. 1868. 2nd-Command- 
er of the Naval Construction, 
Sept. 1903 ; Commander of — , 
Sept. 1906; Captain of — , Oct. 
1909. Decorations : 4th Or- 
der of the Rising Sun ; 5tli 
Order of the Sacred Treasure. 
Address : Kure Arsenal, Ku- 
re, Hiroshima-ken. 

Yamada, Tadasu ()l! H M), 
Yakugakuhakushi (Dr. of Ph- 
armacology) ; Chief Pharma- 
cist of the Imperial House- 
hold. Address : No. 11, Ha- 
. raikata-machi, Ushigomfeku, 

Yamada, Tadasumi CtU H.Sil), 
Translater of the Department 
of Foreign Affairs : h. the 
nth m. of the 2nd y. of 
Ansei.(i855) in Nagasaki. 
Chancellor of the Consulate 
at Lyons, Sept. 1886; Con- 
sul at Lyons, June 18.95. Ad- 
dress : No. 453, Shirokane- 
sanko-cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo^ 

Yamada, Teisaburo (|li p %%, 

S IP). Member of the H.R., 

[ 1 179 ] 


electric manufacturer; b. 1870 
at Nagaji-mura, Suwa-gun, 
Nagano prefecture ; j-. of 
Kanezo Yamada. Edicc. : 
Higher Normal School. Suc- 
cessively held the following 
posts: — Principal of the Iba- 
raki-ken Normal School; pre- 
sident of Fukyusha, a pub- 
lishing house ; director of 
Teikoku Book Co., Ltd. Stay^ 
ed in Europe, 1902-5. Pub- 
tications : pedagogy, psych- 
ology. Address: 24 Nichome 
Yumicho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel: iiQ)\ Bancho. 

Yamada, Tetsujiro (Uj H ^ IS 
II5)» machine manufacturer, 
Director of the Gifu E'ectric 
Co., Ltd., Auditor of the 
Nagoya Box Mfg. Co., Ltd.; 
i^. Feb. .the 5th y. of Meiji 
(1872) in Aichi-prefecture ; . 
7th s. of Matsubei Kawai ; 
adopted by Matsu Yamada 
in 1888 ; Hi. Hiro, e. d. of 
Sakichi Toyania of the same 
prefecture. Addr&ss : l^o.i'^, 
Kyomachi, Higashiku, Nago- 
ya. Tel. : 711 /. d. 

Yamada, Tetsuzo C|li E3 M ^), 
Igaktihakiishi (Dr. of Medi- 
cine), Pi^esident of the Yama- 
da Hospital ; b. the 5th in. 
of the 3rd y. of Bunkyu (18-. 
63) in Yamagata-prefecture ; 
e. s. of Gento Yamada, a sa- 
murai ; m. Masa, e. d. of Sei- 
kun Kawashima of , Tokyo. 
Educ. : graduated from the 

■College of Medicine in the 
Tokyo Imp' Univ., 1 888. Ad- 
dress: No. 349, Kashiwagi, 
Yodobashimachi, Toyotama- 
gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 1682 

Yaiizada, Torao, ([li 1% ^< ■ 
Colonel ot Infantry, Com- 
mander of 25th Infantry . 
Regiment; b. 1871 in Aichi- 
ken. Sub-Lieut., March 1892; 
Lieut., Sept. 1894; Captain, 
Dec. 1897; Major, Dec. 1903; 
Lieut. Colonel; Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, Dec. 191 1. De- 
corations: 5th Order of S. 
T., 4th Order of R. S., 5th 
Class of Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress: Sapporo, Hokkaido. 

Yamada, Toshiro CUlEimiR), 
Doctor, Chief of the Surgi- 
cal Dep't of the Kurume 
Hospital. Address: The Ku- 
rume Hospital, Kurume-shi,. 

Yamada, Totaro ClIJHK^klP), 
Member of the Yorodzu Cho- 
hosha (a newspaper office). 
Address : No. 1 2, Shinryudo- 
machi, Azabuku, Tokyo. 

Yamada, Toyosaku (ill H ff 
^)> Judge, President of the 
Anotsu District Court ; h. the 
5tli m. -of the ist y. of Man- 
en (i860) in Ishikawa-ken; 
2nd s. of Kc.-3ai Yamada; in. 
Aki, e. d. of Hakusai Ito. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
former Law School of the 
Dep't of Justice. Passed the 


[ 1180 ] 

Examination for Bench, 18- 
87; was Judge of the Nago- 
ya District Court and of the 
Miyagi Court of Appeal; then 
present post. Decoration : 
4th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress: Official Residence of" 
Anotsu District Court, Tone- 
machi, Marunouchi, Tsu-shi. 
Yamada, Toyotaxo CUj h ^ 

-f^ ;fc IP), Expert to the Kyoto 
prefecture. Address : Katsu- 
ra-mura, Katsuno-gun, Kyo- 

Yamada, Yasunaga C(Il ffl ■(* 
77«.), Lieut.-General on the 
Reserve ; <5. the 8th m. of 
the 3rd j. of Kayei (1850) 
in Wakayama ; e, s. of Zin- 
goemon Yamada, a samurai; 
m. Ei, e. d. of T020 Matsui 
of Wakayama. Entered the 
Imperial Army in 1872 as 
.Sub-Lieutenant and after due 
promotion attained the rank 
of Lieut.-General in 1906 ; 
placed on the reserve in 
1908; took part both in the 
Japan-China and the Russo- 
Japanese, wars; has been de- 
corated with the 2nd Order' 
of the Rising Sun and the 
3rd Class of the' Golden 
Kite. Address: ^o. i,"] yYiyvit- 
moncho, Wakayama-shi, Wa- 

Yamada, Zennosuke (ili B # 
^ W), Lawyer; b. 1877; s. 
of an Osaka merchant. Educ- 
first entered a commercial 

school at Osaka, but left it 
for the Kansai Law School 
(present -.Kansai Univ.) from 
which he graduated in 1896. 
Became an official of the Dep't 
of Communications and then 
of the Treasury ; passed the 
Examination for Bench and 
appointed Probationary Judge,, 
1904 ; Judge of the Xoyama 
District Court ; but resigned 
the post shortly afterwads and 
began practice as lawyer in 
Tokyo ; was elected Member 
of the Kyobashi Ward As - 
sembly, 1911. Address : 'Ho . 
3, 3 chome, Irifunecho, Kyo- 
bashiku, Tokyo. Tel.: 1334 

Yamagami, Masao (|lJ±IE;^), 
Expert to Fukushima pre - 
fecture ; b. the 2nd m. of the 
1st J. of Keio (1865) in O- 
kayama ; 3rd s. of Doan Ya- 
magami, a samurai ; m. Riiij 
sister of Tsuguaki Fujita, a 
Chiba samurai. EdtCc: gradu- 
ated from the College of En- 
gineering ill the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1888. Assistant -Ex- 
pert to the Home Dep't im- 
mediately after graduation ; 
Sth class : Expert to the Wa- 
kayama-prefecture, 1 890; then 
Engineer to the Naval Dep-t 
and to the Nara-prefecture-; 
present post since June 1902. 
Decoration: 5th Order of Merit. 
A^ddress : No. i., Funabacho,, 
Fukushima, Fukushima-ken. 

[ ii8i ] 


Yamagami, Raiji COl J: ® r&), 
farmer, one of the highest 
taxpayers of Okayama - ken; 
b. the 4th m. of the ist y. 
of Man-en (i86o) in Okaya- 
ma-prefecture ; adopted, s. of 
the Tameaki Yamagami ; m. 
Hisa, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Address .• Futsukai - 
chimachi, Okayama, Okaya- 

Yainagata, Aritoim© C[l! i5 ^ 
%), Prince, Field Marshal, 
Supreme Military Councillor, 
Pi'esident of the Privy Council, 
Member ofthe House of Peers, 
holder '^of the Grand Cordon 
and the ist class ofthe Gold- 
en Kite ; b. on the 22nd of 
the 4th in. in the 9th y. of 
Tempo (1838) at Hagi in Cho- 
shu ; e. s. oi Saburo Yama - 




i.,'ata, a samurai of Choshu 
clan; a widower. Wg-J well 
known by his early name 
Kyosuke /educated by the late 
famous patriot Shoiii Yoshi - 

da ; fought against the Sho- 
gunate army at the head of 
the cavalry battalion and ut- 
terly defeated them ; later as 
Commander of the -Echigo 
Division of the Imperial forces 
took, the castle of Nagaoka 
and further marching north 
subjtigated entire districts in 
ithe Ou provinces ; on the 
restoration of peace was or- 
dered to proceed to Europe 
for inspection purposes, 18 - 
69 — 1870; Junior and then 
Senior- Vice-Minister of War, 
1 871; Lieutenant-General and 
Minister of War, 1872; chief of 
Staff of the Imperial Army 
during the Civil- War, 1877; 
Chief of General Staff, 1878; 
Minister of " Home Affairs, 
X882 ; created Viscount, i8-- 
84 ; Member of the Coast- 
Defence Committee, 1885 ; 
again Minister of War, 18- 
85 ; Minister for Agriculture 
and Commerce in addition, 
1886; Chief of the Fortress 
Construction Dep't, 1886 ; 
Chairman of the Local Admi- 
nistration Investigation Com- 
mittee, . 1887 ; again ordered 
to proceed to Europe, 1888; 
Prime Minister and in ad- . 
dition Minister for Home Af- 
fairs, 1889; General, 1890; 
Minister of Justice, 1892; Pre- 
sident of the Privy Council, 
1893 ; commanded the first 
Army Corps iii the war with 


[ 1182 ] 

China and obtained decisive 
victories at Pingyang and 
Chin - lien - Cheng, and was 
about to march on Mulcden, 
when he had to return to 
Hiroshima on account of ill 
health, Minister of War for 
the tliird time, 1895 ; attend- 
ed Coronation Ceremony of 
Czar Nicholas, and brought 
home the Yamagata-Lobanow 
Convention in regard to Ko- 
rea, 1896; Marquis, and Field 
Marshal, the same year; again 
Prmie Minister, 1898 ; grant- 
ed the Grand Cordon, 1900; 
Chief of General Staff during 
the Russo-Japanese war; Pre- 
sident of the Privy Council, 
1905 ; Prince and the ist 
class of Golden Kite, 1907. 
Recreations: Japanese: poetry; 
chirography. Address : No. 
147, Sekiguchimachi, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 39 and 
44 Bancho. 

Yamagata, Bunzo CUll^S:!!), 
Eear- Admiral, Attache to the 
'Chosen Government Gren. ; h. 
1864. Educ: graduated from, 
the Naval Academy. 2nd Com. 
Dec. 1897; Commander, Sept. 
1899; Captain, Aug. 1905. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Chosen Government 
General. ! 

Yamagata, Chiigei C(U m # 

®), Igakuliakushi (Dr. of 

iJedicine), ex-President of the 

Sendai Special Medical Sch-- 

ool ; b. the i rth ;;/. of the 

4th y. of Ansei (1857) i" 

Fukui-ken ; 2nd s. of the late 

Shintaro Yamagata; m. Yukie, 

e. d. of Yuzuru Yasui, a sa- 

muari of Aichi-ken. Educ: 

graduated from the College 

of Medicine in the Tokyo 

Imp. Univ., 188 1 ; afterwai-ds 

studied surgery in Germany, 

1897— 1899. Prof, of the O- 

]<:ayania Medical School ; 

Prof of the Second High 

School, 1888; present post 

.■since 1901; Igakuhakushi, 19- 

05 . Decollation : 3rd Order 

of Merit, Address : No. 33, 

Kitaichiban-cho, Sendai, Mi- 


Yamagata, Isaburo CUJiSf^H 
BP), Director of General Ad- 
ministration Affairs of the 
Chosen Government, ex-Mi- 
nister of Communications, 
Member of the House of 
Peers ; b. the 1 2th in. of the 
4th y. of Ansei (1857) in 
Yamaguchi-ken; 2nd s. of 
Kanesuke Katsutsu, a sanm- 
rai ; adopted by the Prince 
Aritomo Yamagata ; nt. Ta- 
ka-ko, e. d. of Baron Iliro- 
yuki Kato. Educ. : studied 
in France. On returning ap- 
pointed Secretary to Aichi-pre- 
ffecture ; Secretary to Tolcyo- 
fu ; - Governoi" of Tokushima- 

[ -ii83 ] 


prefecture • - Director of the 
Mercantile Marine Bureau of 
the Comniunications Dep't, 
1899;- President of the Ma- 
rine Court of Appeal as an 
additional post ; Director of 
the Local Affairs Bureau in 
the Home Dep't, 1902 ; Vi- 
ce-Minister of Home Affairs, 
the same year ; Minister of 
Communications, 1906 ; re- 
signed the post and was no- 
minated Member of the House 
of Peers, 1908 ; Vice-Resi- 
dent-General of Chosen, 19- 
10 ; present post since Oct. 
19 10. Decoration : 2nd Or- 
der of Merit. _ Address : 0- 
fficial Address : Seoul, Cho- 
sen. Tokyo Address-: No. 
14, 6 chome, Fujimicho, Ko- 
jimachi-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 47 

Tamagata, Isoli (|lj |f 5. + 

M)' editor and proprietor c( 
the Seoul Press, the only 
English daily paper in Chosen 
(Korea); <J. March of 1869 
at Minaguchi, Omi province; 
youngest of the five sons, 
born to a middle class samu- 
rai. Edtic.: studied at the 
College of Literature, . Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. Left without gra- 
duating,- and joined Yorodzu 
Choho, Tokyo, in '1907, ult- 
imately rising to chief editor- 
ship. Left the Tokyo paper 
in March, 1909, to work on 
the Scail Press. Pvblica- 

tions : A History of Japan 
(English) in collaboration with 
Mr. James Murdoch, besides 
some books in Japanese on 
english 'literature. , Address : 
Seoul, Chosen. 

Yamagata, Minojiro (ill jfj 13 
^ ^ SP)> engineering contract- 
or; b. July 1869, at Nakoso- 
noseki, Iwaki-gun, Fukushima 
prefecture; 2nd s. of Gonjii 
Yamagata. Came to Tokyo 
when he was twenty five 
years old and began his busi- 
ness. Through great persev- 
erance he attained the pre- 
sent prosperity. Address: 13 
Gorobei - cho, Kyobashi - ku, 
Tokyo. 7>/.: 1688 Kyobashi. 

famagata, Osamu (ill IS f$), 
Expert to the Osaka Mint,, 
Chief of its Coining Dsp't ; 
/;. the 2nd vi. of the ist y. 
of Man-en (i860) in Yama- 
guchi-ken ; 3rd s. of Issai 
Imada, a samumi: adopted 
by Blinzan Yamagata ; -m. 
Maki, sister of Eikichi Oba- 
ta of Kyoto. -' Ediic. : gradu- 
ated from the Course of Min- 
ing and Metallurgy in the 
Tokyo University in 1883. 
Present post since 1887- Ad- 
dress : Official House, No. 10, 
Shinkawasaki, Kitaku, Osa- 

Yamagata, Takesuke (Ui (K 

5^ SD), A rich merchant of 
Osaka ; i. the i ith m. of 


[ ii£4 ] 

the 6th y. of Ansei (1859) 
in Osaka ; e. s. of the late 
Takesuke Yamagata ; w. Ta- 
ne, 2nd d. of Eijiro Inaba of 
Osaka. Address: No. 120, 
4chome, Junkeimachi, Mina- 
miku, Osaka. 

Yamagawa, Gitaro C|li }\\ ^ 
;fc Ml>)i KogakuhakusJd (Doc- 
tor of Engineering-), Prof of 
the College of'' Engineering 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(Chair - Electrical Engineer - 
ing) ; b. the 3rd m. of the 
1st y. of Man-en (1S60) in 
Saitama-ken ; e. s. of the la- 
te Tatsuzo Yamagawa ; ;«. 
Nami, sister of Eitaro Mu- 
ragata of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imp. ijniv. in 1882 ; further 
studied in England, Germa- 
ny and the United States, 
1 896 — 1 899. Engineer to the 
former Department of Indust- 
ry ; Director and Prof of the 
defunct Telegraphic Operat- 
ors' School ; Prof of the To- 
kyo Technological School : 
Member of the Standard E- 
lectric Power Investigation 
Committee, \ 896 ; Pi-esent 
post and KogakuhakiisJii, 18- 
99. Decoration : 4th Order 
of Merit. Address : No. 46, 
Kagomachi, Koishikawa-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 30 30 Bancho. 
Yamagawa, Kenjiro (Hi )\\ ® 
^ MX Rigakuhakiishi (Doctor 

of Science), President of ^the 
Kyushu Imp. Univ., Emeritus 
Prof of the. Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
Member of the House of Peers 
and of the Higher Educational 
Council; b. the 7th m. of the ist 
/. of Ansej (1854) in Aizu, 
Fukushima - ken ; 2nd s. of 
Shoko Yamagav/a, a samicrai^^ 
of Aizu clan, and brother to 
Princess Oyama ; in. Ryu, 
e. d. of^ Shin Tanba of To- 
kyo. Educ. : studied Chine- 
se classics at the Nissldn- 
kwan (a clan school) and 
afterward English at Tokyo ; 
ordered to study Engineering 
first in Russia and then- in 
the United States where he 
graduated from Yale Univer- 
sity. (Physics), receiving the 
degree of Bachelor of Philo- 
sophy, 1870 — 1873. Ap- 
pointed Assistant-Prof, of the 

Tokyo Kaisei Gakko (forerun- 
ner of the present Tokyo Imp. 
Univ.), 1876; Prof of. the 

L ii8s ] 


Science College of the To- 
kyo Univ., 1881 ; Rigakitlia- 
kushi, 1888; Councillor of the 
Imp. Univ., 1892 ; then Dean 
of the College, of Science in 
the Imp. Univ. ; represented 
Japan at the . International 
Conference for Compilation of 
a Scientific Work.s' Catalogues 
held in 1897 ; Member of the 
Higher Educational Council ; 
President of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 190 1 ; resigned the post 
and was appoined Member 
of the House of Peers by 
Imperial nomination, 1904; 
has had charge of the Tech- 
nical College founded near 
Wakamatsu, by Mr. Yasuka- 
wa, a large coal-mine owner; 
accepted Presidency of the 
Kyiishu _ Imp. Univ., 191 1. 
Address : Kyushu Imp. Univ., 

Yamagawa, Tokuji (ilj )\\ ® 
?&)> Public Procurator, Chief 
Public Procurator of the Na- 
gasaki ^ Court of Appeal ; b. 
the ,3rd in. of the 4th y. of 
Kaei (185 1) in Fukushima- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Kiyoji Toku- 
riki, a samurai ; adopted into 
the Yamagawa family ; ;;/.. 
Tokiwa, aunt of the late Baron 
Yamagawa. An Official of 
the Dep't of Justice, 1875 ; 
was successively public Proc- 
ura.tor of the District Courts 
of Y'amagata and Tokyo, 
Judge fof the Tokyo District 

Court and of the Miyagi Ap- 
peal Court, Chief Public Proc- 
urator of the Distiict Courts 
of Akita, Nagano, Utsuno- 
iriiya, Sapporo, Sendai, ICyo- 
to and Yokohama ; . present 
post since 1908; Decoratioh: 
3rd Order of Merit.' Address: 
Official Residence of the' Na- 
gasiaki Court of Appeal, Na- 
Yamagawa, Yuki (iU ji| ^ tK^ 

Director and General Mana- ' 
ger of the Yokohama Specie 
Ba;nk, Member of the Yoko- 
hama Chamber of Commerce;. 
b. the 3rd m. of the 2nd y. 
of Ansei (1855) in Ishikawa-; 
ken ; e. s. of Zenraku Yama- 
gawa, 2i samurai ; in, Tazu, 
2nd d. of Jizen Nojiri, also 
an Ishikawa samurai. Ad- 
dress : No. 137, Nishitobe- 
machi, Yokahama. Tel.: 381. 

Yamagawa, Yukio CUljil^ffi), 
Prof of the First High School. 
Address:. No. 69, Otsuka- 
cho, Koishikawa," Tokyo. 

Yamagishi, Jimbei (ill ^ S :R 
W), a rich merchant ; b. the 
lOth /«. of the 3rd y. of Bun- 
kyu (1863) in Aichi-ken; e. 
s. of the late Jimbei Yama- ■ 
gishi; m. Yone, 2nd d. of -K6- ' 
shiro Kodama of Aichi-ken. 
Succeeded his father in 1895. 
Address : No. 37, Shinonorne, 
Higashifuruwatari-machi, Nk- - 
kaku, Nagoya. 

[ riM j. 

Yamagishi, J^ast Clll, If, U;),, 
Prqf: of theKaiiazawa Speci- 
""ali Mexiica-l Sehool;,. Ftesidejit 
of the Kanazawa Hospital;;. 
d. the 1st ^;«'. of the ist p. 
of Bunkyu (1861) in Aichi^ 
ken ; e. s. of Naokata Yamar 
zaki, a samurai of Aichi-kens 
ni. Kazu, e. d. of Kaneaki; 
Tani. Educ: graduated- from- 
the College of Medicine in- 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1887 ; 
studied pathology in Ger- 
many, 1901 — '04. President 
of the Matsuyama Hospital-, 
1887 ;, Prof of the 4th Higb 
Sqhool, 1.896 ; present posts 
since 1-904. Decoration : 5th 
Order of Merit. Address: No. 
29, Kubancho, Sakurabatake- 
machi, Kanazawa.,.. I'shikawa- 

TamagisM, Kitoda (.(1| WMM 
:k.% President of the Yama- 
gishi- Partnership Co., Mana- 
ging- Director of tlie Union 
Petroleum Sales Cb;, Ltd., 
ex-Dir.. of the Hozan- Iium- 
ber Co., Ltd., the Hokuetsu 
Bank, Ltd., and. of tile Ishij4 
Bank, Ltd.,. Auditor of the 
Hoko Peti-ole.ura; Coi,. Ltd.; 
&. the; 6th- ffii . of the; 5th j/,.. 
of Ansei- (;i,8;S8) in Niigata y 
e. s. of Sannosuke Yamagii- 
shi ;. fm. Shi, sister of Yaau=- 
hei: Misfiui of Niigata-;- ken. 
SueGeeded his; father in. 1884. 
Address: Miljata^-choj Nii- 
gata-slii, Migata-ken. 

Yamagiwa, Katsusaburo. 0U> 

tiStH||5)„ Igakuhakushi (i.Doc- 
tor of Medicine)'-, Prof of the 
College of M,edicine- in the 
Tokyo Imp; Univ:,w(Chairsr 
Pathology aud Pathological. 
Anatomy) ;. B. the 2nd 111. of 
the 3rd y. of Bunkyu (.1.863), 
in. Nagano-ken, ; 2nd. s. of Sei- 
saku Yamamoto. and adoptedi 
by the*' late Kichiya Yama- 
gi-wa ; m. Kane, e. d. of his^ 
iidopted' father. Educ. : g.rad- 
uated from- the College of 
Medicine in the Tokyo Imps 
Univ. in 1888; further studied 
in Germany, 1891 — '04. Pre- 
sent post since 1-89.4 '>. Igahu- 
/iak7jshi,..iS>^$; Chief editor 
of medical magazine named- 
" Gan," devoted- t-o^the study 
of cancer. Address: No. 10, 
Nishikatamachi; Komagome, 
Hongo, T®kyo. 

YaanaguoMj, Bjiko- (Ih-B^^), 
J^idg.ei, President of. the Na- 
gasaki^ Dist-rict- Court ; d. the m. of the 4th-. jM- of An- 
sei (.185.7)- in- Kumamoto.-; 3r<i 
s. of Tajiroilnoue, d^.saimirai; 
adopted by the late Chpgo. 
Yamag.uehi ;, m. Chizu, 2nd- 
d,. of Koichii Watana-be, a' Yar 
raaguehi samurai. Became an- 
Official of the Dfep't of Justice, 
1 88-6-; pas-sedi th®- Examina- 
tion for Bench' and: was- ap^ 
IDointe.d Xudge,,' 1887; ha-s 
been i successively Judge. of the- 
Yamaguchi. DistriGt Court., , 

E 1 1 87 


Hiroshima Court of Appeal 
and of the Formosan Court 
of Cassation, Chief Civil Ad- 
ministrator of the Formosan 
Government, President of the 
Formosan Court of Cassation, 
President of the ''Fukui and 
Nagasaki District Courts, Jud- 
ge of the Prize Court, etc. ; 
tiien present post. Decora- 
tion: 3rd Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun. Address : Nagasa- 
ki District Court, Nagasaki- 

YamagucM, Benjaro (|lj P 
n a I!5), Pre-sident of the Ta- 
wara Bank, Ltd., Director of 
the PIoj'o Bank, Ltd., Audi- 
tor of the. Sanyo Soy Co., 
Ltd. ; 3. the 3rd 7/1. of the 
4th f. of Kokwa ( 1 847) in 
Hyogo-ken ; e. s. of the late 
Denj uro Yamaguehi ; ;«. No- 
bu, e. 'd. of Jiirouemon Ha- 
yashi of Hyogo-ken. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1882. 
Address: Yamada-mura, Kan- 
zaki-gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Yamaguehi, Einosuke (|Jj 
IS; ^ fJ),- Rigakuhakushi (Doc- 
tor of Science), Chief of the 
Ii'Operial Court Library and 
of the Imperial Tombkeepers' 
Bureau, 3rd Order of Merit ; 
b. the 2nd-'/«. of the 2nd y. 
of Bunkyii (1862) in Matsue, 
province of Izumo ; 3rd .f . of 
Gumbei Yamaguehi, a samu- 
rai of Matsue clan ; m. So- 
no, 3rd d. of Chikayuki Fu- 
jieawa, a saimirai of Niigata- 

ken. Educ. : gi-aduated from 
the College of Science in the 

Tokyo Univ., 1884; further 
studied in France and Ger- 
many, 1898 — 1900. Prof, of 
the 1st Higher Middle School, 
1886; Prof, of the College 
of Science and Engineering 
inthe Kyoto Imp. Univ. (chair 
of Physics), 1 897 ; Vice-Pre-' 
sident of the*;- Peers' School, 
1905 ; President of the same* 
on the resignation of Baron 
Kikuchi, his predecessor, ig- 
06 ; present posts since 1908. 
Recreations : has special inter- 
est in the work of improving 
the national,, language, both 
written and spoken. Address: 
No. 15, 6 chome. lidamachi, 
Kojimachiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1.666 Bancho. 

Yamaguehi, Gendo CUj P:^?ll), 
Foreign cloth- dealer ; Repre- 
sentative Member of the Ya- 
maguehi Cotton firm", Direct- 
or of the 34th Bank, Auditor 
of the Union Fire and Marine 
Transportation Insurance Co.; 

d. the loth m-. of the 3rd _y. 
of Bunkyij (1-863) in Osaka; 

e. s: of the late Geiido Ya- 
maguehi ; m. Masa, e. d. of^ 
Gorobei Iwamuro of Kyoto. 
Address : No. 24,. 3 chome,. 
Hommachi, Higashiku, Osa^ 
ka. Teh : 283 Hig^shL 

Yamaguehi, HanshJbhi Clil X\ 
4= -b), President of the Ho- 
chu Eeeling Co., Ltd./Pres, 

[ ii88 ]. 

of tJic Oita-ken-.Agricultura] 
and Industrial Bank, Ltd., 
ex-Director of the Nakatsu"" 
Savings Bank, Ltd., Auditor 
of the Nakatsu^ Bank, Ltd., 
and of the Nakatsu Kyoritsu 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. ist in., of the 
6th . J. of Kayei (1853) in 
Oita-prefecture ; e. s. of the 
late Hiroe Yamaguchi, a sa- 
nmrai ; m. Tsuru, e. d. of 
Rihachi Tojo, also an Oita 
samurai. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1 88 1. Address: Na- 
katsumachi, Shimoge-gun, O- 

Yamagviehi, Heikiclii, ([Jj [3 

^ i§)j Colonel of Infantry, 
ComnTafider of the 36th In- 
fantry Regiment; b. 1869 in 
Kagoshima-ke'n. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1889; Lieut., Dec. 
1893; Captain, 1897; Major, 
June 1903; Lieut. Colonel, 
April 1907; Colonel, Dec. 
1910. Decorations: Sth Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S., 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address : . Sawae, Fu- 

Yamaguchi Hidetaka Cih t1 
^ ra), Igakuhaktishi (Dr. of 
Medicine), Member of the 
Committee for Examination 
of Medical Practitioners. Ad 
dress : ' No. i, 3 chome, Ni- 
shikicho, Kanda. 

YamaguoM, Hiroo (|l!P3i>.^), 
Mtgeon'-Gplonel since Dec. 19- 
12,' ex-Pres."of tlie Tokyo ist 

Garrison Hospital, Instructor 
to the Military Medical Sc- 
hool ; b. 1869 in Tokyo. 
Surgeon-Sub-Lieutenant, Dec. 
1 894 ; Surgeon - Lieutenant, 
Oct. 1897 ; Sui-geon-Captain, 
Nov. 1900 ; Surgeon-Major, 
Dec. 1904 ; Surgeon Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Dec. 1908. De- 
corations : 6th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 44, Sugacho, Yotsuyaku, 

Yamaguchi, Hirosato Citi % 
a'i), Viscount.JVIember of the 
House of Peers, former lord 
of "Ushiku-clan ; b. the 3rd 
m. of the 1st y. of Man-en 
(i860) in the province of Hi- 
tachi ; e. s. of Kosho Yama- 
guchi, former lord of Ushi- 
ku-clan ; m. Tani-ko, aupJ to 
Viscount Toshiyoshi Doi. Sue-, 
ceeded his father as feudal 

lord in 1861 ; but on the 
abolition of the feudal system 
in 1869 was appointed Go- 
vernor of Ushiku-prefecture 
by the New Government 
created Viscount in 1884 
Prof of the Peers' School 
elected Memder of the House 
of Peers in 1890. Address: 
No. 80, Shimoshibuya, Shi- 
buyamacbi. Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo-lu. Tel. : 2123 Stiioa. 

L "89 ] 


ITamaguchi, Inokichi (lii p 
^ :t a), Surgeon Inspector of 
Navy; 6- in 1870. Educ .; the 
Naval Surgeon School. Staff 
Surgeon, Oct. 1902; Fleet 
Surgeon, Aug. 1905; Surgeon- 
Inspector, Dec. 1 91 2. Once 
was chief surgeon of the 
Yokosuka Naval Arsenal. 
Decorations: 4th Order ofR. 
S,, sth Order of S. T., 4th 
Class of G. K. 

Yamagiicfli, Juunosuke (p.! 
3p 2. W), Chief of the Eastern 
District of the "Railway Admi- 
nistration Bur,/ h. the 4th m. 
of the 1st y. of Bunkyu (1861) 
in Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Katsunao 
Yarnaguchi ; m. Tsuya, sister 
of Seijiro Hirai, Vice-Pi-esi- 
dent of the Imp. Railway 
Board. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Law in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 1883. 
Assistant-Prof of his alma 
mater, 1886; entered the San- 
yo Railway Co. as P2ngineer, 
18S8; present post since 19- 
07. Address : Ishihara-machi, 
Honj6-kU; Tokyo. Tel. : 1 1 87 
Honjo. _ 

Yamagiichi, Kamezo.CllI n ft, 
it), Managing Director of the 
Kanuma Commercial ■ Bank ; 
i>. the 9th w«. of the 3rd j/. 
of Bunkyu (1863) in Tochigi- 
ken ; 3rd s. ' of Jiemou Ya- 
nagida ; adopted by the late 
Shirozaemon YaniPffucbi; ;«, 

Kiyo, e: d. of his adopted fa- 
ther. Address: Kanumama- 
chi, Kamitsuga-gun, Tochigi- 

YamagucM, Katsu Clll n )it), 
Maj.-Gen., Inspector of Heavy 
Artillery ; h. ' the i st " m. of 
the 2nd j. of Bunkyu (1862) 
in Shizuoka-ken ; 2nd s. of ' 
the late Senzo Yarnaguchi, 
a Shizuoka saitmrai; m. Ai, 
2nd d. of Nozomu Watana- 
be, a Tokyo samurai. Educ: 
graduated from the Militaiy 
Academy in 1 879 ; further 
studied in Italy, 1889. Sub- 
Lieutenant, Dec. 1881 ; Lieu- 
tenant, May 1885 ; Captain, 
Apr. 1889; Major, Sept. 
1894; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Oct. 1899; Colonel, Nov. 19- 
02 ; Major-General, Nov. 19- 
■ 07 ; . took part in both the 
China-Japan and Russo-Ja- 
panese wars ; recently was' 
President of-- the Field Art- 
illery Gunnery School and then 
Chief of the Artilley Section 
of the Military Affairs Bure- 
ati in the War Dep't; Com- 
mander of the Tst -Heavy 
Artillery Brigade and then 
present post, Nov. 1912. Deco- 
rations : 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun; 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite, Address: 
No. 148, Harajuku, Senda- 
gaya-rnachi, Toyotama - gun, 

'2am [ I 

Yamaguehi, Kazo Ctlin^H), 

■Representative Member of 

the y,amag.ucM Anthracite 
Colliery Co., Unltd., and of 
the Yamaguehi Mining Co., 
Unltd., Auditor of the Tokyo 
Gas Corks Co., Ltd.; b. the 
7th m. of the- Sth y. of An- 
sel (1858) in Saitama-prefect- 
ure ; e. s. of Shinzo Yamag'u- 
chi ; m.. Yone, e. d. of Ya- 
soji Aoki of the same pre- 

. feature. Address: No. 7, Ho- 
mminato-cho, Kyobashi, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 102 1 Kyobashi. 
Yamag-uehi, Keizo Cilsn^^), 

-.Major-General' on the Reser- 
ve ; 3. the loth m. of the 
J St f. of Bunkyu (1861) in 
Kyoto ; e. s. of Seisei Yama- 
guehi, a samurai ; in. To- 
mie, 3rd d. of Eiritsu AyanOj 
also a Kyoto sapmrai. Educ: 
graduated from the Military 
Academy, 1877 and then 
from the Military College, 
1885.J sent to Germany for 
further study, .1885 — 1890. 
Appointed Sub-Lieutenant of 
Lifantry in 1879 ^'^^ after 
due promotion attained the 
rank of Major- General iu 
1902 ; placed on the reserve 
in 1907.; took part in the 
Japan - China war first as 
Commander of the 2nd Bat- 
talion of the 2 1st Infantry 
Regiment and then was on 
the staff of the 5 th iVrmy 
Division; in the Russo-Japan- 

190 ] 

.ese war was Commander of 
the" Sth Infantry Brigade,"" and 
of the 2 1st Infantry "Brigade. 
Decorations: 2nd Order .of 
the Rising Sun, 4th Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 348, Harajuku, Senda-, 
gaya.machi, Toyotama - gun, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 2988 Shiba. , 

Yamagaclii, Ken (ilt P W), 
lav/yer; b. 1862 in Fukui- 
prefecture ; i'. of Yodayu Ya- 
maguehi ; m. daughter of Ki- 
tsujiro Hasegawa. Educ. : 
graduated from the former 
Meiji Horitsu Gakko (pres- 
ent Meiji Univ.), a law insti- 
tution, 1882. Passed the 
Examination for the Bar and 
began practice as lawyer in 
Tokyo ; Vice-President of the 
Tokyo Lawyers' Association,. 
1 907 ; Member of the Tokyo 
City Council, 1908. Recrea- 
tions : Reading ; Utai (old 
Japanese classical songs). 
Address : No. 14, Shinkoku- 
cho, Kandaku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1 80 Honkyoku. 

Yamaguehi, Kokichi Ctl! U # 
cj), Engineer to the Tokyo 
Imperial University. Address: 
No. II, 6 chome, lidamachi, 
Kojimachiku, Tokyo, 

"yamagaehi, Kujuro (ill P % 
ir 115), Naval Caotain, Com- 
vap.ndeY of the Safumaj 5: 19- 
67. EdiLC. : The Naval.Aca- 
demy. 2nd Commander, |nne 
■ 1898; Commander, Oct. S902; 

[ iM9[ ] 


Captain, Sept. 1:907. Deco 
mtions: 31-d Order of -the 
(Rising Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Class 
of .the Golden Kite. Address: 
31, I dhome, Aoyama-mina- 
mi-cho, Akasaka-ku, '.Ftikyo. 

■?ainagiicM, Kiehirolbei Cili 
§BP^'fj), President of the Ya- 
maguchi Bank, Director of 
the Osaka Savings Bank, Ltd.; 
b. Apr. 1883 in Osaka; 2nd s. 
ofthelateKichirobei; ?«..Chika, 
3rd d. of Yoemon Nishio of O- 
.vaka. Ediic. : studied at the 
Keiogijuku. Addness : No. 41, 
2chome, Tobutsumachi, Hi- 
gashiku, Csaka. Tel. : 5019 

YamagHchi, ZieMzaemoii (ili 
t-1"S:£SfP'j), rice-merchant ; <$. 
the 1st 7M. of the 4th j. oi' 
Kokwa (1847) in Hyogo-pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of Tozaemon 
Karasumaru ; adopted by the 
late Kichizaemon Yamaguchi; 
in. Tsune, 2nd d. of Shingoro 
Nakamura of Osaka. Suc- 
ceeded his adopted father in 
1886. Address: No. 61, 4 
chome, Motomachi, Kobe. 
Tel.: 1022. 

YamagucM, ICSjiro- (LUn#^ 
S[5), fancy-goods dealer (firm 
name ^ " Ovvariya ") ; 5. the 
2nd m. of tlie i ith y. oi 
Tempo ( 1 84 1 ) in Gumma -pre- 
fecture.; e. s. of Tosaburo Yo- 
shida ; adopted by the late 
Kojiro Yaroaguclii of Tokyo ; 

m. Uta, 4th ./. of Maki .Hi- 
raoka of Tokyo. Succeeded 
his adopted father in 1890. 
Address : No. 2, 2chome, 
^Ginza, Kyobashiku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 389 Shiinbashi. 

Yamagnchi, Kosaku (ill # 
W), a large landowner, one 
■of the highest taxpayers of 
Miyazaki-prefecture ; 6. July 
the 2nd f. of Meiji (1869) in 
Miyazaki-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Wakasaburo Yamaguchi ; m. 
Tosbi, e. d. of Jitaro O.saki, 
of the same .prefecture. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1904. 
Address : Okatomi-mura, Hi- 
gashiusuki - gun, Miyazaki- 

Yamaguchi. Kotaro (lU P ^-h 
ic 110, Prof of German at the 
Tokyo Foreign Language 
School ; 3. the 2nd m. of the 
2,1-dj'. of Keio (1867) in To- 
kyo; e. s. of the late Yasui Ya- 
maguchi, a Tokyo samurai.; 
m. Kiku, e. d. of Masayo- 
shi Mita of Yamaguchi-ken. 
EdtLc: graduated German at 
the former Foreign Language 
School, 1884; further studied 
in Germany, 1900 — 1902.. Tea- 
cher at the Yamaguchi Mid- 
dle School and Prof of the 
F.kst .High School ; .Prof, of 
the Peers' School, 1892, :and 
lof .the Foreign Language 
School, ithen attached .to the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School, 1898; pre.sent post 


i 1192 ] 

since the School became an 
I independent histitution in 18- 

97. Address r No, 19, 3cho- 
me, Shinogawamachi, Ushi- 
gonieku, Tokyo. .7>/. .• 2833 

Yamagaclii, Masaharu (ilj P 
,,jti^>, Director of the Hoku- 
•etsu Paper Mfg. Go., Ltd., 
'the Hokuetsu Water Power 
Electric Co., Ltd., and of the 
Nagaoka Habutae Co., Ltd., 
Auditor of the Japan Petro- 
leum Oil Co., Ltd., Special 
Member of the Nagaoka 
Chamber of Commerce ; 3. 
the 8th m. of the , 1st 7. of 
Man-en (i860) in Niigata- 
prefecture , 7*^^ s. of Heiza- 
buro Yamaguchi ; -;«, Sei, 2nd 
,d. of Shinzaburo Taiiaka of 
the same prefecture. Ad- 
dress: Gyokuzoinmachi, Na- 
gaoka- shi, Niigata-ken. 

Yamaguchi, Miki CiUOIS?!), 
A. B., A. M., Litt. D., Prof, 
of English and German in 
the Kobe Commercial Col - 
-lege ; ^. the 3rd m. of the 
; I stjf. of Keio ( 1 86s) at Mikka- 
machi, province of Shinano ; 
3rd s: of Tadayasu, Karaza- 
vva and adopted by Kumeta 
Yamaguchi of Nagano ; m. 
Rinu, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Edtic. : graduated Ger- 
man at the - Tokyo Foreign . 
Language School, 1879^7^18- 
83: } '.©verK'torthe U.S.A", 

where he studied^ first at the 
Western University of Pennsyl- 
vania aiid'th'eii'graduated from ' 
Wabash College, Indiana, with 
'the "degrees 'of ^ A; B'., A. M. 
"Appointed Prof, of the Sen- 
dai Tohoku Gakuin, a mission 
school, on his return home in 
1 890 ; Prof, of the Peeresses' 
School, 1895 ; then Pi'of of 
the Military Staff College ; 
during the Russo-Japanese war 
was Censor and Chief-Inter- 
preter in the staff of General 
Nogi's Army and did much 
towards the cordial reception 
of the foreign military attaches 
and war correspondents; Pi'of. 
of the Peers' School after the ■ 
war and then present post. 
Publications : " A Practical 
English Letter Writer", "En- 
glish without a master", "Deu- 
tsch Ohue Lehrer", "A New 
Text Book of English Com- 
position", "An Intermediate 
English Japanese Dictionary", 
etc., besides many contribu - 
tions to magazines. Address : 
No„ 28, 2 chome, Ninomiya- 
machi> Kobe. Cbi.b : Tokyo 
English Speaking Society. 

Yamaguchi, Muneyoshi (ill p 
^ ft), Director of the Bank 
of Japan, 4th Order of Merit; 
b. the 9th in. of the 4th y. 
ofKayei (1851) in the .pro- 
vince ofldzumo; e. s. of Gum- 
bei Yamaguchi, a former sa- 
mzirai • of the Matsue^'cla'n'; wi . 

[ II93 


Tei, y. s: to Yutatsu . Yasu ;- 
kawa, a saimirai of Nagasa 
ki. Educ: graduated from the 
Daigaku Nanko, forerunner of 
the present Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1 874. Immediately after gradu- 
ation entered the Dep't of 
Finance and served succes- 
sively in the Tax, National 
Loan, and Accounts Bureaus, 
rendering valuable service in 
tlie adjustment of the natio- 
nal finances ; when the Im - 
perial Diet was convened for 
the first time in 1890 was 
employed in parliamentary 
business connected with fi- 
nance in the dual capacity 
of Secreraiy and Accountant 
of the Dep't of Finance; after- 
wards appointed Chief of the 
Financial Dep't of the For- 
mosan "Government - General 
but resigned in 1 898 ; then 
accepted a post in the Hy- 
pothec Bank, being subse- 
quently transferred to the 
present post. Address : No. 
9, Haraikatamachi, Ushigo - 
me, Tokyo. Tel.: 536 Ban- 

Yamaguchi, Haganobu (lU 
S'ft), Public Procurator, Chief 
Public Procurator of the Otsu 
District Court. Addras :-0- 
tsu District Court, Otsu, Shi- 
ga-ken.. ^ . - - " 

Yamaguchi, Shokichi CiUnffi 
"o ), , Director and . Manager- of 
the 30th, Bank, Ltd! ; A the 

5 th m. of the 3rd y.. of Bun- 
kyu (1863) in Osaka; 2nd.?, 
of the late Shosuke Yama- 
guchi ; m. Toku, y. sister to 
Viscount Juei Tani. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Imo. 
Univ., 1887. Entei-ed the ist 
Bank and served at its O.^a- 
ka branch for some time after ' 
graduation; then accepted pre- 
sent posts. Address: No, 53, 
2 chome, Suidobata - machi, 
Kobinata, Koishikawaku, To- 
kyo_. Tel.: 1520 Bancho. 

Yamaguelii, Shuiohi (|l4 P %■ 
■— )> Kogakuhakushi (Doctor 
of Eng.), Prof, of the College 
of Science of the Kyu.shu 
Imp. Univ.; b. in Hyogo-ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Eng. at the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ.; after graduation 
studied specially the course 
of mechanics; granted the 
degree of ^Kogakuhakushi, 
Dec. 191 2. Address : the 
Kyushu Imp. Univ. 

Yamaguchi, Tatsutaro Ci-U n 
it -k H|5), ex-Member of the 
House of Representatitives, 
President of the Nagaoka 
Bank, Ltd., and of the Ho- 
kuetsu Water Power Electric 
Co., Ltd., Director of the 
Japan Petroleum Oil Co., Ltd., 
the Kashiwazaki Bank, Ltd., 
and of the 139th Bank, Ltd., 
Auditor of the Niigata-ken 
Agaicultural „ arid "Indasti-ial 


:m94 ] 

Barik, 'Ltd. ; /?. the 6th m. of 
the 5th ^. of Ansei '(i'8s8) in 
Niigata-ken ; e. s. af Gonza- 
buro YamagiLchi ; in. Kishi, 
•Srd -d. of KLcliivoemon Nishi- 
waki of Niigata-ken. Suc- 
ceeded Ills father in 1 902. 
Member of the House of 'Re- 
presentatives in 1904. Deco- 
ration : 4th Order of Merit. 
Address : Yokozawa - mura, 
ICariha-gmi, Niigata-kcii. 

Yamaguchi, Tatsuya (iJj 
M W), KdgakiiJiaklishi (Dr. 
of Engineering), Inspector - 
General of Naval Gonstruc- 
fioh '0)^ the reserve list ; " i. 
•the 1 2th ni. of the 3rd y. of 
Ansei (1856) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of the late Katsunao Yama- 
guchi, a Tokyo saimirai; vi.- 
Shidzu, e. sister to Seiichi 
Aoki,' a Fukui samurai. Ear- 
ly studied Engineering and 
entered the Navy, attaining 
the rank of Inspector - Gene- 
ral of Naval Construction, 
when he was placed on tlie 
reserve ; granted the degree 
of Kogakuhakushi. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun and the 4th Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 2172, Araijuku, Iriarai- 
niura; Ebara-gun, Tok^^o-fu. 

Yamaguchi, Toyosttfce Ctii 
-& '16), sake-dealer ; ^. -the 9fh 
my of. the ^. of Kayei 
(1852) in Tokyo; e. s. of 
Tetsugoco Yamaguchi ; . m. 

Kin, J. s. to Shichigoro Ue- 
take of Chiba-prefecture. Suc- 
ceeded & his father in 1887. 
Address.: No. 58, .Susakicho, 
-Mukojima, Honjoku, Tokyo. 

YamagucM, Tsunetaro CiU n 
n±m, President .of ;the Ha- 
kata Electric Light Co., Ltd., 
Director of the Hakata Cold 
Storage Co., Ltd., Dir. of the 
Kyushu Electric Railway Co., 
Ltd. ; d. Feb. the 6th y. 
of Meiji (1873) in Fuku- 
oka-prefecture ; e. s. of Hyo- 
zaburo Yamaguchi; m. Tsugi, 
younger sister-- of Nenol-:ichi 
Koda of Kiimamoto-prefect- 
ure. Succeeded his father in 
1890. Address: Hashiguchi- 
machi, Fukuol<;a-shi, Fukii- 
oka-ken. ' - 

Yamaguchi, Ynya (OiaMif), 
ex-Mem. of tlie House of Eep- 
resentatives,4th Orderof Mer- 
it ; b. the iith m. of .the ist 
y. of Gwanji (1864) in Wa- 
Icayamarken ; e. s. of TosW- 
michi Yamaguchi ; m. Yu, 
younger sister of Munesuke 
Kasuya, a Fukui samurai. 

Edtic. : studied at Wakaya- 
ma Medical School and then 
at the Tokyo Foreign Lan- 
guage School. Engaged in 
■politics, joining the Liberal 
party and published in 18-85 
a political magazine strongly 
criticising the Government for 
which he was sentenced to 
imprisonment for a year; nfext 

[ 1 195 '] 


jWeiit .,pKex..,,tD AmeriGa. and 
piiblished tliete the ShijiNip- 
fon.,z. daily paper in Japanese, 
•fofwKich he was again sen- 
tenced 'to imprisonment on 
his return home in 1888, but 
•was afterwards released; Mem- 
■ber of the Wakayama pre- 
ifectural Assembly, 1893 ; be- 
came engaged in the "emigr-a- 
itian business and ' travelled 
to Siberia and the Hawaiin 
Islands, finally establishing the 
Kumamoto Emigration Co. ; 
■Member .of the House of Rep- 
resentatives since I'Sg/. Ad- 
dress. : No. 35, Hiroo-cho, 
Azahu-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 3855 

Yamaji, Iciuzen (ilJ — #), 
Captain in the Navy, Staff of 
tlie Naval Staff Board; 5. 1866. 
Educ: the Naval Academy, 2nd 
Commander, Oct. 1901; Com- 
mander, Jan.^ 1905 ; Captain, 
Sept. 1908. ^Decorations: 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure, 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. y-.g, Sanko- 
cho, Shibaku, 'I'okyo. 

Yamaji, Kaitaro ClUS&licsl5j, 
Chief Eug. to the Kangtung 
Governor - General's Office, 
Acting- Chief of its Public 
Works Section. Address: Tai- 
ren, Kangtung, China. 

Yamakawa, TTraji (|li ;i| }f 

S§)> Mita Ghiye by f. n., Ac- 
tress; b. 1887, in Tokyo; d. 

of Morikadzu Mita; m. Kami- 
yama Sojin, an actor, 1905. 
Educ. : graduated from , the 
Peeress' School, studied play 
-in -the Bvngei Kyokai, or As- 
sociation of Arts and Litera- 
ture, started and maintained 
by Prof. Tsubouchi. Was 
actress of the Bimgei Kyo- 
ktvai, operatic actress of the 
Imperial Theatre, and is act- 
ress of the Asso. of Modern 
Plays. Obtained popularity 
by her successful acting as 
the qtieen of the " Hamlet," 
Asagao of the " Yuya " and 
Hedda of " Hedda Kabler." 
.Recreations : collection of 
porcelain wares, music. Ad- 
dress: No. I, Itchome, Hi- 
kage-cho, Shiba, Tokyo. 

Yamamori, Takashi' C[l! ^ 
W), . Mayor of the Kanazawa 
city ; b. the 9th v-i. of the 
Sth y. of Ansei (1858) in. 
Ishikawa-ken; e. s. of Nobu- 
yuki Yamamori, a sanmrai ; 
in. Koto, sister of Shotaro 
Kawarata, also an Ishikawa 
samurai. Teacher of common, 
schools:; Member and chair- 
man of the Town Council ; 
Commissioner of Education ; 
Member of the City Council 
and then of the Prefectural . 
Assembly; has been settled 
for some time at Vladivostock 
where ~he started the pub- 
lication of a newspaper ; was 
twice elected Member of the- 


1 1 96 J 

House of Representatives in 
1902 and T904 ; present post 
since Dec. 1909. Decorations: 
4th Order of Merit. Address: 
Kanazawa City Office, Ishi- 
Yamamoto, Baisho (lU tK M 

!£)> artist, (Nan-sciiool), b. 
the 8tli m. of the 3rd y. of 
Kokwa (1846). EdiLc: learn- 
ed painting."^ from Setsuan 
Mitani. Was awarded many 
prizes and diplomas from sev- 
eral associations. Address '. 
No. 572 Shimohanda, Handa- 
•machi, Chita-gun, Aicbi-ken. 
Yamatnoto; Goinbei (il! ?li ffi 
:ft tr), Count, Admiral, Mem- 
ber of 'the^ 'Supreme' SliTitary, 
Premier since Feb. 1 9 1 3 ; 6. the 

lOth m. of the Sth j/. of Kayei 
(1852)' in Kagoshima ; 3rd 
s. of Iwosuke Yamamotp, a 
samurai; in. Toki, .^rd d. of 
ShikasLike Tsuzawa of Nii^ 
gata. Edtic. :■ studied^ 

SlwJieikd and Kaiseijo, both 
government schools, in 1869; 
graduated from the Naval 
Academy i« 1877. Fought 
in the war of the Restoration 
on the Imperial . side ; was 
on' board the cruiser Tsukuba 
during the Formosan expedi- 
tion as a cadet ; appointed 
Sub-Lieutenant after the ex-' 
pedition ; made a voyage 
round the wiprld on board a 
German warship ;. Instructor 
to the Naval Academy and 
the Gunnery School ; promot- 
ed Lieutenant and appointed ^ 
Vice-Commander of the crui- 
ser Asania, 1880; was. one 
of the Commissioners sent to 
England to bring home, the 
ci-uiser Naniwa built there, 
1885 ; Commander of the 
gunboat Amagi and promoted 
to the rank of Lieutenant- 
Commander, 1886; despatched 
to Europe and America in 
the suite of the then Vice- 
Minister of the Navy (Adm. 
Kabayama) in 1887 ; Captain 
in 1 890 and Commander of 
the Takao and then of the 
TakachiJio ; was next trans- 
ferred to the Naval Office 
as Private' Secretary to the-' 
Minister ; attached to the Im-.. 
perial Headquarters at Hiro- 
shima as Adjutant to. the. 
?^inister of the Navy' during 
the China-Japan' .war," 1894; 
— 1895; Rear-Admiral, 1,895,;:' 

[ 11-97 ] 


Director of the Bureau of 
Naval Affairs and in addi- 
tion Member of the Board 
.of Admirals'; Vice-Minister 
of the Navy and Vice-Admiral 
1 896 ; Minister of the Navy, 
1898 — 1896 ; Admiral, 1904; 
despatched to .England and 
America ill ..the suite of Prince 
Fii'shimi, 1907 aad was de- 
corated with G. C. M. G. by 
King Edward ; created Count 
and invested with the 1st 
Order of the Rising Sun and 
the 1st Class of the Golden 
Kite for his service in the 
late war ; formed the Yama- 
moto Cabinet in Feb. 191 3. 
Address : No. 32, Takanawa- 
daimachi, Shiba-, Tokyo. Tel. : 
83 Shiba. 

, Yamamoto, Isoki (ilj ^ g| JJi), 
Colonel of -Artillery since Nov. 
T91 1, Commander bT'the 5th 
Field Artillery Regiment ; l^. 
t866 in Kochi-ken. Sub" 
Lieutenant, July 1 888 ; I lieu- 
tenant, Nov. 1891 ; Captain, 
Jan. 189s ; Major, Oct. .19- 
00 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, May 
1905. -Decorations: 4th Or- 
der oi the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Saci-ed Treasu- 
re, 4th Class of the Golden ' 
Kite. Address : The 5th Field 
Artillery Kegiment, Hiroshi- 
ma, Hiroshinia-kdn. 

Yamamoto, Jihei (|Ii*?p :S^). 
Engineer to the Kyoto Imp.' 
Univ., 5th Order of Merit : 

b. the 3rd in. of fhe.istjj'. 
of Ansei (1854) in Tokyo; 
e. s. of Jirobei Yamamoto ; a 
widower. Formerly Engineer 
to the Tokyo Prefectural Gov- 
ernment, 1 878 and after sei'v- 
ing successively in the Dep'ts 
of Industries and Education 
was finally appointed to . the 
present post. Address : No. 
36, Kawabata-higashiiru, Hi- 
gashitakeyacho, Kamikyo-ku, 

Yamamoto, Jotaro CiU *• ^ 
:fc S|5)-, Executive Director of 
the Mitsui Products Co., D'- 
rector of the Toa Industrial 
Development Co., and of the 
Sakac Ceiiuloid ■ Co. ; l>. the 
lOth ;//. of the-3rd j/. of Ke- 
io (1867) in P'ukui, province 
of Echizen ; e. s. of Takeshi ' 
Yamamoto ; 7U. Misao, 3rd 
d. of Ryozaburo Hara of To- 
kyo. Edttc. : mostly private. 
Entered the service of the 
Mitsui Products , Co. in, 188.2 
as an office boy ; . purser of 
the Company's steamship Yo- 
ritoino maru, in 1886; Ma- 
nager of the Shaiighai bran- 
ch of the Company, 1901 — 
1907 ; then present.- posts ; as 
a result of his inspection of 
the Kaiping Colliery, China • 
ill 1887 tried exportation of 
railway sleepers on ?, large 
scale to that country, great- 
ly to his gain; in 1891 coni- 


[ M-98 I 

menced the importation of 
Manchurian beans from Yin- 
k®w to Japan; in 1894 and 
1895 exported Japanese cot- 
ton yarn from Osaka to 
Shanghai, in both of which 
he was emineiltly successful; 
made a.tour .of inspection 
-throughi Europe and Aineri- 
^ca.' in igob. Recreation: hunt- 
ing. Address : No. 43-, Shinr 
sakamachi, Akasalca, Tokyo.. 
Cliib^ : Nippon club ; Yoko- 
h?.ma United club ; Nippon 
Automobile club, Tel. : 2104 

Yamamoto, Juiyi: C iU; % JiR W) , 
Director of the Otaru Oil 
Mfg. Co., Ltd., and of the 
Otaru Estates Co., Ltd. ; ^. 
July the 5 th f,. of Meijt 
(1872)- ill HyogO'-pr^fecture ;. 
■ younger brother of Keiz-5 Ike- 
gucki, YakugakuJiakushi (Dr. 
of pharmaGology) ; adopted' 
by Kyuemon Yamamoto of 
Hokkaido; .in. Nui,. e.d. of 
his adopted father. Address,:' 
Sakaimachi, Otaru,, Hokkaido. 
Yamamoto, KageyaM CUJ- * 

J: ^4s..Jl!igEi|6|Q'i'-x i3eh?i'3^l of 
Fleets and- Hospitals on the 
reserve ; b. the 8th in. of the 
1st y. of Ansei (1854) in 
Wakayama-pcefecture ; e. s. 
of Genboku Yaniaraote, a sa-' 
nmrai of the former Waka- 
yama cla^i-; m. Mitsu,, jOTW^g- 
e.r sister to Hisao Sewaki, a; 
Tolq^o samurai. Entered the 

Imperial Navj'^ as Surgeon- 
2nd Sub-Lieutenanfe in rSSi 
and: after dtie promotion at- 
tained the rank of Inspector- 
General of Fleets and Hos- 
pitals, when^ he was placed 
on the reserve list ; was suc- 
cessively Instructor to the 
Naval Medical School, Chief 
Surgeon" of the Tokyo Naval 
Hospital, the Matsushimaz.viA 
the Hashidate (during th^ 
Japan-China war), and of the 
Yokosuka Admiralty, Bist- 
ructor to the Naval College, 
President of the Yokosuka" 
Admiralty Hospital, Chief 
Surgeon of the Standing Squ- 
adron of the Saseho Admi- 
ralty and of the Kai'.e. Ad~- 
miralty. President of the Kw- 
re Naval- Hospital, Chief of 
the 1st Section of the- Medi- 
cal Affairs Bureau in the 
Naval Dep't. Decorations : 
2nd Order of the Rising Sun 
and the 4th Class-of the Gol'- 
den Kite. Address: No. 107,. 
Onden, Sendagayamachi,, To- 
yotama-gua , »Tokyo-fu. 

Yamamoto, Kahei QtU % # $i 
fff), tearmerehant (firm name- 
" Yamamoto ")'; b. the 9th 
m, of the 6th y. of Kayei- 
(1853). in Tokyo; 2nd' s. of 
Sanshiro Yamamoto ; m. Yo- 
shi-, e. d. of Heizo Kawamu- 
ra of Tokyo. -Address : No. 
10, 2 chome, Tori, Nihomba- 
shi, Tokyo . Tel. : 1 5 04; 29 1; 

[ LI99 ] 


1132 HonkyelcLi,, 
Yama-moto, KametaTa CUj ;^ 
" » M ir.D, 6th. Order of Merit 
exporter of tea, ex-Managing 

JJireeto.r of the Kobe Wood. 
Wonk Co., Ltd;, ex-Audit/or of 
, the Teil'Coku Wa.r-me Pl-oducts 
Co., Ltdi, ex-Special Memfeei- 
of the Kobe Chamber of Com- 
merce ; 3. the nth m. of the 

1st f.. of Bunkyti (i-86r) in 
Hyogo - prefecture ; yoiiuger 
brother to Manzo Yamamoto; 
m. Kuma, e. d. df Matsuki- 
chi Kodama of Hiroshima- 
prefecture. Has- Engaged in 
the expert tea business since 

1866 and amassed' a large 
fortune ; established the Kobe 
Tea Improvement Co.,, be- 
coming himself its Vice-Pre- 
sident, .i88r ; elected Mem- 
ber of the Examination Com- 
mittee for the Japan Tea 
Competitive Exhibition, i88-3; 
since 1884 has been succes- 
sively Adviser to the Central 
Head Office of the. Japan 
Tea-Manufacturer's Guild,.Pre- 
sident of the Hyogo^ken Tea 
Ekporters' Guild, Director of 
the Kobe- Traders Guild, Pre- 
sident of the Kobe Chamber 
of Commerce, etc. ; has- been 
decorated with; the Commen- 
datory Medal: of Indigp- Ri-- 
band for his services- in; the' 
advaiicement of Japan's tea- 
export business, i8C).o-; re- 
presented the Kobe C-hamber;_ 

of Commerce at the I-nterr 
national Congress of Comt- 
merce held- at Washington:,. 
U.. S. A., in 1899. Address,: 
No. 28, 4 chome, Kaigan- 
dori,, Kobe. Tel. : 132. 

Yamamoto, Kuninosiike CiJj Tic^ 
?i? ^. S).), General- Secretary o:f 
the Tokyo Y.. M. C. A. ;, d.. 
in 1 869 in Shimane-ken ;, ;«. 
Rieko, d. of Sanetsura Kai- 
wada, Shinto-priest of KyotOi 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial- 
School in- 18-92.. Immediate- 
ly after graduation,, entere(£ 
the Mitsui Bank ; went"- a- 
Eound the world ; entered the 
N. Y. K. and became: chief 
of the Section, of Statistics.;: 
then Secretary of the Y. M. . 
C. A. of Tokyo in 1.90,5, ;. 
ti'avelled the; world, for reli- 
gious p.urposes- in 19.07. A 
devotfed and able Y. M. C. 
A. worker. Publication: -'S/id^ 
gyo'B^ki " (Commercial! bookf- 
keeping)". Recreations : Read- 
ing and physical exercises. Ad^- 
dress : No. 26, i chonje, Yu- 
miclio, HongOj Tokyo. 

Yamamoto,: EyoBJt (fij ;$: 
^- !i), sculptor ; (in wood- 
andfivacy)';, 6, xmii in. ©h&ha. ; 
m-., Milsiifco, laM;. MMb.v. 
studied aft the middle school 
(n gradiaationi) ; . studiied. sc-ul|)- 
ture under his unclee Toln? 
Morikawa and- Eyoen'Morii- 
kftwa^ Was. prof, at tJic Nura 


[ 1 200 ] 

Normal School in' 1892 ;■ given 
charge of the work to be pre- 
sented to His Majesty (then 
Grown - Prince) for ■* congra- 
turation upon his matrimony 
by the Nara city ; a sculp- 
ture which was presented to 
the Kussian Crown Prince ia 
of his ^' oik. Itecreaiipn: liter- 
ature, utai. Address : 5280- 
Shichichome, Uyehonmachi 
Minami-ku, Osaka. Clubs : is 
director of Osaka Sculpture 
Society of Seiyukai, etc. 
Yamamoto, Kyuemoii (:\ls:^'Jh 

^ 'M fl), Representative Mem- 
ber of the Matsumae Affore-^ 
station Co., Unltd., Manag- 
ing Director of the Otaru 
Warehouse Co., Ltd., Direct- 
or of the Sapporo Water 
Power Electric Co., Ltd., 
Member of the Otaru Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; b. the 9th 
fn. of the'^ 3rd y. of Ansei 
(1856) in Niigata-prefecture ; 
f. b. to Yasusaburo Watana- 
be ; adopted by the late Sei- 
rin Yamamoto of Hokkaido 
in 1884; /;«. Yuki, e. d. of 
his adopted father. Address: 
Fukuyama- machi, Matsuma- 
e^-gun, Hokkaido. 

Yamamoto, Kyiihaehiro Clll % 
% A IB), Sake-dealer, Mana- 
ger of the Nageya Rice Ex- 
change, Ltd., Director of tlie 
Nagoya Sugar Refining Co., 
Ltd., Member of the Nago- 
ya Chamber of Commerce ; 

b. the 7th m. in the 3rd ->. 
of Bunkyu (1863) in Aichi- 
prefecture ; e.s. .of( Shihjiro 
Yamamoto ; in. Hisa, e. d. of 
Jimbei Miwa of the same pre- 
fecture: Succeeded hia father 
in 1883. 'Address: No.. 156, 
Demmacho, Nishiku, Nago- 
ya, Tel.: 2852 I. d. - 
. Yamamoto, Morihide (il-i ^' 
S, ^), Steward to the House 
of Prince Shimadzu, Director 
of the /Naiiiwa Bank. Ltd.,. 
Aud. of the Kawasaki Dock- 
yard Company, Ltd. ; b. 
the nth m. of the 3rd. y. - 
of Kokwa (1846) in Kago- 
shima ; . e. s. of Goroenlou 
Yamamoto, a savmrai;, m. 
Suga, e. d. of Magohachi Ya- 
mamoto of Kagoshima. Su- 
cceeded his .father in 1.888. 
Address :_'Ho. 234,'' Sliimo- 
Osaki, .Osakimachi, Ebara- 
gun, Tokyo-fa. Tel.: 1161, 

Yamamoto, Moriaobu (itj :^ 
IS fS;,. Director of the Ma-- 
tsuyama Soy Co., Ltd., Ma- 
naging Director of ■ the Eki- 
me SJdvtpo Ska (a daiiy. 
newspaper office), Ltd., exrDi- 
rector of the Matsuyama Corh^^ 
mercial Bank, Ltd., Manager 
of the Matsuyama Rice Ex- 
change, Ltd. ; b. the 3rd m. 
of the 1st y. of Ansei (1&S4) 
in Ehime-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Saichiro Yamamoto" ; m. Shi- 
nayo, e. d. of^Shigetake Ni- 

i 1201 3 


shiyama, an Osaka samurai. 
Address: No. ii, Enokicho, 
Matsuyama, Ehiiiie-ken. 

Yamamoto, Uaonari Clli i^^ 
/S), Managing Director of the 
Teiyu Bank, Ltd.; b. the 9th 
m. of the 9th y. of Tempo 
(1838) in the province of 
Wakasa ; e. s,^ of Naoyuki 
Yamamoto, a, samnrai; in. 
Tsuru, e. d. of the late Nao- 
tsugu Shirai of Kyoto. Ad- 
dress : Sakawamur^, Ashiga- 
rashita-gun, Kanagawa-ken. 

Yamamoto, ITaonori (iij ^f: g 
#.), Rear-Admiral of Engi- 
neering on the' reserve ; b. 
the 3rd m. of the ist y. 
of Man-en (i860) in Tokyo; 
e. s. of the late Atsunori 
Yamamoto, a samurai ; m. 
Iku, aunt to Matsu Sakurai 
of Shidzuoka prefecture. En- 
tered the Imperial Navy as 
Sub-Lieutenant of Engineer- 
ing in 1882 and after due 
promotion attained the rank 
of Rear- Admiral of Engine- 
ering when he was placed 
on the reserve list ; was su- 
ccessively Instructor to the 
Naval Academy, Chief En- 
gineer of the Naniwa (dur- 
ing the Japan-China war), 
Hashidate, Yashima, etc. De- 
coratiotis : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address : No. 
64, Tajimacho, Asakusa-ku, 
Tokyo. . 

Yamamoto, STaoyosM Ciij ^ 
it H), Apditor of the i 5th 
Bank, Ltd., and of the Mei- 
ji, Sugar Mfg. Co., Ltd.; b, 
Feb. the 3rdj/. of'Meiji (i8r 
70) in Tokyo ; 2nd s. . of Na- 
onari Yamamoto, a sainurai 
of the former Ohaiiia clan, 
province of Wakasa ; m. Ai, 
e.d. of Takeshi Arishima, a 
samurai of Kagoshima pre- 
fecture. Educ. : studied at 
Peers School for some time; 
later graduated from the Co- 
llege of Agricultui-e of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ." Was in 
the government service for 
some years ; afterwards resi- 
gned and accepted present 
posts. Address: No. 3, Ki- 
©icho, Kojimachiku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 206 Bancho. 

Yamamoto, Nobumi CUi ?^^ 
5)» Major -General on the 
I'eserve ; b. the 12th '?«. of ' 
the 3rd y. of Bunkyn (1863) 
in Kochi-ken ; e. s. of Uma- 
noshin Yamamoto, a samu- 
rai ; m. Kofuji, e. d. of Izup. 
Miyaji, also a Kochi samu- 
rai. Educ. : graduated from 
the iVEilitary Academy in 
1883 ; further studied in Ger- 
many bptii in 1893 and in 
1895. Sub-Lieutenant of In- 
fantry, Dec. 1883 ; Lieuten- 
ant, Apr. 1887; Captain, 
Aug. 1893; Major, Oct. 18- 
97 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Apr. 
1903 ; Colonel, May 190S,; 


I 1202 ] 

Major-Geiieral, Jan. 1910; 
was in succession Command- 
er of the Reservist Battalion 
of the 2Sth Infantry Regi- 
ment, of the 28th Infantry 
Regiment, and of the 13th 
Infantry Brigade ; was placed 
on the Reserve list in 1910. 
Decorations: 4th Order of 
the Sacred Treasure; 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun. Ad- 
dress: Yamadamachi, Kochi, 

Yamamoto, Hobuyoshl (|lj -^ 

it K)» dentist; b. 1873 in 
Niigata-ken; s. of Tsuruji 
Yamamoto. Educ: received 
common education. Address: 
No. I Nakatomi-cho, Koishi- 
kawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 3670 

Yamamoto, Sanetsune CUi;^K 
I'), Viscount, Member of. the 
House of Peers ; b. the 9th 
m. of the 4th y. of Ansei 
(1857) in Kyoto ; 2nd s. of 
the late Sanemasa Yamamo- 
to, former noble at the Mi- 
kado's court ; a widower. 
Lord-keeper of the Kyoto 
Pialace, 1882; created Vis- 
count, 1884; member of the 
House of Peers for the second 
time. since 1904. Decorations: 
4th Order of the Rising Sun. 
Address: No. 21, Karasu- 
marudori, Kamikyoku, Kyoto. 

Yamamoto, Shichikaro Q^i$. 
-bAiRI5), sake-brewer, one of 
the highest taxpayers of Na- 

ra-prefecture ; b. the 8th m. 
of the 4th J/, of Kayei (1852) 
in Nara-prefecture ; 4th d. of 
Gorobei Yoshikawa ; adopted 
by the late Shichikuro Yama- 
moto ; m. Jitsu, e. d. of Hei- 
jiirS Morimotoof the sanie pre- 
fecture. Succeeded his adopt- 
ed father in 1872. Address: 
Gojomachi, Uchi-gun, Nara- 

Yamamoto, Shikataro (Ul^^tcffi 
;fcS3, Director and Manager 
of the Iga Ueno Bank, Ltd.; 
b. Dec. the»2nd y. of Meiji 
(1869) in Mie-prefecture ; e. s. 
of the late Shojiro Yamamo- 
to ; M. Takeno, e. d. of Shin- 
suke Maezawa of Mie-prefect- 
ure. Succeeded his father in 
1896. Address : Tomoumura, 
Ayama-gun, Mie-ken. 

Yamamoto, Shonosuke Clll i^ 
U it m. Judge, President of 
the Saga District Court ; b. 
the 7th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Keio (1866) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of Sadanobu Yamamoto, a 
samurai; m. Kasu, e. d. of 
Shoshi Katsura, a Tokyo sa- 
murai. Educ.: graduated from 
the College of Law in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., i888. Ap- 
pointed Judge, 1 890; has been 
Judge of the Mito and Yokor 
hama District Courts, Tokyo 
Appeal Court, President of 
the Kofu and Chiba District 
Courts ; then present post. 
Decorations : 5 th Order of 

[ 1203 ] 


Merit. Address: No. 128^ 
Matsubaracho, Saga-shi, Sa- 

Yamamoto, Shunkyo C|lj Jc 
# #); proper name is Kin- 
emon, artist, Japanese painter 
(Maruyama School), teacher 
of the Kaiga Semmon Gakko 
and in addition teacher of 
the industrial art school jii 
Kyoto; b. Jan. 187 1 at O- 
tsu city, Shiga -ken. Educ: 
learned painting from Kansai 
Mori (deceased). He ex- 
hibited his masterpieces at 
various exhibitions and was 
awarded many prizes and 
diplomas. Address: No. Ma- 
rutamachi - agaru, Takakura, 

Yomaraoto, Tadahide CUi;*;®. 
^). one of the highest tax- 
payers of Kochi - prefectui-e, 
President of the Tosa Agri- 
cultural and Industrial Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Tosa 
Savings Bank, Ltd., Manag- 
ing Director of the Naikoku 
Life Insurance Co., Ltd., 
Auditor of the Ibaraki An- 
thracite Colliery Co., Ltd., 
the Kinkazan Fishery Co., 
Ltd., the Tokyo Sakae Bank, 
Ltd., of the Totsuban Print- 
ing (raised type printing) Co., 
Ltd.; b. the nth m. of the 
2nd y. of Bunkyii (1862) in 
Kochi - prefecture ; e. s. of 
Ken-ichiro Yamamoto, a sa- 
murai : m. Ko, 4th d. of. 

Kanso Yokoyama, also a Ko- 
chi saiimrai. Educ.,- graduat- 
ed from the Meiji Horitsu 
Gakko (the present Meij i U niv. , 
a private law institution). Has 
been twice elected Member 
of the Kochi Prefectural As- 
sembly; Member of the House 
of Peers in 1897. Address: 
Iwa-mura, KoW-gun, Kochi- 

Yamamoto, Ta'kesaburo CHi;*: 
it-BU), Captain of. the Navy, 
Commander of the Asama ; 
b. 1868. Educ.:1\-iQ Naval 
Academy. 2iid Commander, 
Oct. 1901 ; Captain, Sept. 
1907. Decorations : 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure, 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ai^ 
dress: The Naval Office, To- 
kyo. • ■ 

Yamamoto, Tamezo CiU * ^ 
W)i glass-manufacturer; b. the 
8th m. of the ist _^. of Man- 
en (i860) in Osaka; 2nd s. 
of Kyubei Hagiwara; adopted 
by Shinsuke Yamamoto ; m. . 
Yone, 2nd d. of his adopted 
father. Founded his business 
in 1889. Address : No.. 4.80, 
2 chome, Yorikicho, Kita-ku, 
Osaka. 7>/. .• 1958 Higashi. 
Yamamoto, Taro ClU ^ i: BI5), 
farmer, - one of the highest 
taxpayers of Yamaguchi-pre- 
fecture ; b. the 8th m. of the 
2nd y. of Bunkyii (1862) in 
Yamaguchi - prefecture ; e. s.: 


[ 1204 ] 

of Shichiemon Yamamoto, a 
samurai ; m. Sue, e. d. of Ro- 
kuemon Izeki of the same, 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in, -1 897^ Address: Mi- 
sumi-myra, Otsu-gun, Yama- 
. guchi-ken. 

Yamamoto, Tatsno C|l!**4|), 
Min. of Agr; and Com., Mem. 
of the House of Peers, 3rd 
13rder of Merit ; b. the 3rd 
Til. of the 3£d y. of Ansei 
( 1856) in Oita - prefecture ; 
2nd s. of Katashi Yamamo- 
to, a samurai of the former 
Usuki clan ; m. Taoko, e. d. 
of Shokichi Shibata of Na- 
gasaki-prefecture. Educ: stud- 
ied English at the Keiogi- 
juku and afterwards gradu- 
ated from the now defunct 
MitsubishiCommercial School. 
Was head Instructor at the 
Okayama Commercial Institu- 
te and then at the Osaka 
Commercial School ; entered 
the service of the Mitsubishi 
Co. in 1 88 3-; on the amalga- 
mation of the two steamship 
companies of the Mitsubishi 
and the Kyodo Unyu he re- 
mained at his post and served 
for a number of years in va- 
rious branch offices of the 
newly formed Nippon' Yiisejt 
Kivaisha ; in 1889 when the 
late IBaron Kawada became 
president of the Bank of japan 
he was, appointed. Chief of 
the Business Department of 

the Bank, occupying at the 
same time the post of Director 
of the Yokohama Specie Bank; 
when, in 1896, Baron Yano- 
suke Iwasaki succeeded to the 
presidency of the Bank of 
Japan at the death of Baron 
Kawada he was its Director 
and when the former resigned 
he was raised to the respon- 
sible post of its president; 
elected a Member of the House 
of Peers, 1903 ; then became 
President of the Hypothec 
Bank of Japan, 1909 ; was 
given a portfolio of the Mi-" 
nister of Finance when the 
Saionji Cabinet was formed 
in Aug. 191 1 , hut , resigned 
it in Dec. 191 2: present post 
since Feb. 19 13. Address : 
No. 38, Kaminibaricho, Ko - 
jimachiku, To\<yo. Tel.: 79 

Yamamoto, Tatsutaro Cil!*..g 
icIlO, Public Procurator, Chief 
Public Procurator of the O- 
saka District .Court ; d, the 
5th m. of the 3rd y. of An- 
sei (1856) in Gifu-ken ; 3rd s. 
of Hideyuki Yamamoto, a 
samurai ; _:m. Saku, e. d. of 
Keigi Motoki, a Tokyo sa - 
mtirai. Passed the Examina- 
tion: for Bench, 1.887 ! was 
scccessively Public Procurator 
of the Tokyo District Court, 
Chief P ublic Procurator of the 
District Courts of Utsunomi- 
ya, Fukuoka, Nagasaki and 

[ i205 j 


Kobe; present post since Mar. 
1908. Decoration : 3rd Or- 
der of Merit. Address : No. 
8, Wakamatsucho, Kita-ku, 

Yamamoto, Teisaburi) (ill ^ 
% H SR3, Maj.-Gen. on the re- 
serve since Aug. 191 1 ; T>. i860 
in Tokusliinaa-ken ; s. of Jubei 
Yamamoto, a samurai; m. Ma- 
su, e. d. of Kazuharu Asa- 
kawa of Sendai. , Educ: stu- 
died Chinese classics under 
Soan Ikeda, 1870 — 1872; 
English at the Tokyo Forei- 
gn Language School, 1874- 
1877; graduated from the Mi- 
litary Academy, 1879. Ap- 
pointed Sub-Lieutenant, Dec. 
1 879 ; Lieutenant, May 1 8- 
84 ; Captain, Sept. 1891 ; 
Major, Oct. 1897; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Sept. 1904; Co- 
lonel, Nov. 1907 ; was in su- 
ccession President of the Na- 
goya Military Preparatory 
School, Commander of the 
Regimental District, etc.; took 
part in the late war as Com- 
mander first of the 4th In- 
fantry Regiment of 2nd re- 
serve and then of the 24th 
Infantry Regiment. Recrea- 
tions : Fencing, riding, wi'est- 
ling, hunting, painting. Ad- 
dress : No. 109, Kayadocho, 
Fukuoka-shi. Tel.: 29. 

Yamamoto Tokiji COJ ^ic g « 
^). Major-General on the 2nd 
reserve; S. the 3rd m. oi the 

2nd y. of Ansei (1855) in 
Tottori-prefecture ; e. s. of T6- 
zo Okamura, a samurai; a- 
dopted by Rokuro Yamamo- 
to in 1870; ;«. Koto, e. d. of 
Nagayoshi Niwa, also a Tot- 
tori samicrai. Entered the 
Tokyo Garrison 1871 ; took 
part in the Satsuma Rebellion 
as Sub-Lieutenant, 1887 and 
after due promotion attained 
the rank of Major-General in 
1907 when he was placed on 
the reserve list ; took part in 
the Japan-China war as Com- 
mander of the Ammunition 
Corps of the 6th Army Divi- 
sion and in the Russo-Japa- 
nese War as Commander of 
the 6th Battalion of Commis-^ 
sariat. Decorations i 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : Oemura, Hotaku- 
gun, Kumamoto-ken. 

Yamamoto, Tokujiro CUi * ^, 
Y§ I!5), dealer ia marine, pro- 
ducts ; (5. the 3rd m. of the 
3rd f. of Ansei (1856) of 
Saitama-pi'efecture ;_ e. s. of 
Bunzo Otsuka ; adopted by 
the late Tokujiro Yamamoto 
in 1877 ; m. Roku, f. s. to 
Sataro Kato' of Kariagawa- 
prefecture. Address-: No. 5, 
I chome, Muromachi, Nihom- 
bashi, Tokyo. Tel. : 261 and 
995 H ikyoku. 

Yamamoto, Tomeji COJ^H^)* 
stationer, proprietor of the 


[ 1266 ] 

"Bun-undo" stationery store, 
Managing Director of the Ha- 
kushinsha Paper firm, Direct- 
or of the Toa Koshi, Aud. of 
Hokuetsn Paper Mfg Co., M- 
hon Paste-board Selling Uni- 
on ; b. Sept. the sth y. of Meiji 
(1872) at Nagaoka, province 
of Echigo ; 2nd s. of Risaku 
Yamamoto ; m. Suzu, e. d. of 
Sinzo Ota, of Tokyo. Mana- 
ger of the Hakubunkwan a 
large publishing firm, since 
its inauguration in 1887 till 
1 897 ; organized, ija company 
with Mr. Shintaro Ohashi, the 
Hahishinsha, a paper store, 
in 1897 and himself establi- 
shed the Bun-undo, a station- 
ery store, of which he is now 
proprietor ; travelled through 
Europe and America for the 
inspection of commerce and 
industry, 1910. Address: No. 
3, Kitakogacho, Surugadai. 
Ka.nda-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 18 
Honkyoku; 603 and 780 Hon- 
kj^ku (Office). 

Yamamoto, Tosuke (lij^Kilf)), 
Iron-monger ; b. June the 7th 
;'. of Meiji (1874) in Tottori- 
ken ; e. s. of Yorizane Yama- 
da, a samtirai ; adopted by 
the late Tosuke Yamamoto 
of Osaka ; m. Toshi, e. d. of 
his adopted father. Address: 
No. 122, I chome, Andoji- 
bashi-dori, Minamiku, Osaka. 
. Tel. : 840 /. d. Higashi. . 

Yamamoto, Yasujiro CUl * ^ 

. '^ fi!!), VicerAdmiral of Engi- 
neering on the reserve ; b. 
the 9th m. of the ist y. of 
Bunkyu (186.1) in Tokyo ; 
2nd s. of Kinjiro Yamamoto, 
a samurai ; m. Hisa, e. d. of 
Jun Mitsuhashi. Edtic.: gxz.AM- 
ated fromthe Naval Academy. 
2nd Sub-Lieutenant of Engi- ; 
neering, 1882; was Chief 
Engineer of the Musashi, Kon- 
go, Fusq and HasJddate; pro- 
moted Commander of Engi- 
neering, Oct. 1897; Captain 
of Engineering, Dec. 1897 J 
in succession was Chief Engi- 
neer of the Ist Squadron, and 
of the Combined Squadron 
(during the Russo-Japanese 
war), President of the Naval 
Engineering School ; Rear- 
Admiral of P2ngineering, Sept. 
1904; Chief of the 4th Sec- 
tion of the Naval Materials 
Dep't, 1908 ; promoted Vice- 
Admiral of Engineering, Sept. 
1 9 10 when he was placed on 
the retired list. Decorations : 
2nd Order of the Rising Sun; 
3rd Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure ; 31-d Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address: No. 3, 
Kioicho, Kqjimachiku, Tokyo. 
Yamamura, Naota CU)td"iSi:)> 
President of the Saikai Com- 
mercial Bank, Ltd. ; b. the 
9th 7;z. of the 2nd y. of Bun- 
kyii (1862) in Saga -prefecture; 
e. s. of the late Masataro Ya- 

• mamura ; m. Shise, e. d. of 

[ I207 J 


Hachiro Torisu of the same, 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1899. Address: Ha- 
ga-mura, Higashimatstiura- 
gan. Saga-ken. 

Yamamuro, Gumpei Crt ^ # 
2p), Acting-Colonfel of the Sal- 
vation Army; i>. 1871 in Oka- 
yama-prefecture ; s. of Saha- 
chiYamamuro ; m. Kie Sato, 
1899. Educ: studied at the 
Doshisha, Kyoto, 1889 — 1894. 
Entered the Salvation Army 
in Nov. 1895. Publications: 
"Gospel of common people"; 
"Biography of General Boo- 
tli " ; " General Booth in 
Japan " ; " On the abolition 
of public prostitution", etc. 
Address: No. 11, 2 chome, 
Ginza, Ky5bashiku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 749 Kyobashi. 
Yamana, Jiro CUj :S ^^ Ii5)» 
, Director of Teikoloi Mineral 
Spring Co., Ltd. ; 5. the nth 
m. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864) in Kagoshima-prefect- 
ure ; 2nd s. of Hannojo Ya- 
mana, a samurai ; in. Kiwa, 
e. d. of Sojo Kamitsuma, also 
a Kagoshima samurai. Ad- 
dress: No. \Z, Nishinokubo- 
Kamiyamachi, Shiba-ku, To- 
kvo. Td. : 1733 Shiba. 
" Yamanaka, Chiyuki CtU «f> =P 
^), Consul at Anvers ; d. 
Jan. the lOth m. of Meiji 
(1877) in Aomori-prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the Course of the 

Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School, July 1902. Passed 
the Diplomatic and Consular 
Services Examination and was 
appointed Eleve - Consul ^at 
Amoy; Oct. 1902 ; Eleve- 
Consul at Honolulu, Mar. 19- 
03 ; Attache of the Legation 
at Paris, Mar. 190S ; 3rdclass 
Secretary of Embassy, Mar. 
1907; Consul at Anvers, Nov. 
1908. Decoration: 5th Or- 
der of the Sacred Treasure. 
Address: Japanese Consulate, 
No. 3, rue Burla, Anvers, 

Yamanaka, Heibei CUi 4" ^ :R 
W)> tortoise-shell dealer ; b. 
Jan. the 3rd y. of Meiji (18- 
"JO) in Osaka ; e. s. of the 
late Heibei Yamanaka ; m. 
Tome, y. s. to Kihei Seo of 
Osaka. Succeeded. his father 
in 1880. Address: No. 133, 
2 chome, Junkei-machi, Mina- 
miku, Osaka. Tel. : 1778 

Yamanaka, Hikobei (ill tf" ^ 

^ S), one of the high tax- 
payers of Ibaragi-ken, Presi- 
dent of the Mizukaid5 Bank, 
Director of the Ibaraki Agri- 
cultural and Industrial Bank; ^. 
the 1 2th m. of the i st y. of 
Keio (1865) in Ibaraki-ken; 
4th j.of Rihei Gokida, adopted _ 
by the late Hikobei Yamana- 
ka; in. Taki, e'.d. of his adopted 
father. Addr.ess : Mizukaido- 
machi, Yuki-gun, Ibaragi-ken. 


[ r2o8 ]. 

; Yaiuanalsa, Kisaburo (ill tfj 
^ H BIO, Managing Director 
of the Sawahara Bank, Ltd., 
Director of tlu Kure Ice Mfg. 
Go., Ltd. ; b Oct. tiie Stll^. 
of Meiji (187s) in Hiroshima- 
prefecture ; 3rd J. of Yasu- 
taro Kawahara ; adopted by 
the late' Tadatoshi Yamana- 
ka in 1897 ; m. Fusano, e. d. 
of his adopt 'd father. Ad- 
dress : No. 1852, Washoma- 
chi, Kure-shi, Hiroshima-ken. 

Yamanaka, Naoshiehi Ctll 4" 
it -tr), hardware . dealer ; , b. 
the 2nd m. of the_l2th y. of 
Tempo (1841) in Osaka ; 2nd 
s. of Chohichi Kometani ; m. 
Kasu, 2nd d. of Kenzo Ka- 
wame, a samurai of Nara. 
Address : No. 94, ,. 2 chome, 
Andojibashi-dori, Minamiku, 
Osaka. 7>/. .• 634 Minami. 

Yamauaka, Riniiosiike (lU if 
m Z m, Director of the To- 
kyo Paper-Eoard Co., Ltd., 
the Fuji Paper Mfg. Co., 
Ltd., the Toyokawa Railway 
Co., Ltd., the Tokai Paper 
Material Co., Ltd., and of 
the Naniwa Banlc, Ltd., Audi- 
tor of the Ishikari Coal Co., 
Ltd., the Tokyo Woollen 
Cloth Co., Ltd., and of the 
Toyo Steamship Co., Ltd., 
Manager of the Tokyo Cast 
Steel Co., unlimited. Member 
of the Tokyo' Chamber of 
Commerce ; 3. the 7th m. of 
the nth j>. of Tempo (1840) 

in Saitama - prefecture ; e. s. 
of Chujiro Yamanaka ; tn. 
Kura, younger sister of Baron 
Mamoru Fuiiakoshi. Early 
went to Tokyo where estab- 
lished himself in business and 
amassed a large fortune in. 
foreign trade; in 1890 was 
returned to the first Imperial 
Diet as the representative of 
his native prefecture ; resigned 
at the next session and has 
since devoted himself to busi- 
ness. Address: No. 47, Na- 
karokubancho, Kojimachiku, 
Tokyo. TV/. .• 1972 Baiicho. 

Yamanaka, Hyoji CUj 1" S 
?fe)> Expert to the Ishikawa- 
prefecture, President of the 
I.shikawa Agricultural School; 
b. the 1 2th m. of the i?X y.. of 
Man-en (i86o) in Hyogo-ken;- 
e. s. of the late Yoshichika 
Yamanaka; a widower. jS^z/^./ 
graduated from the former 
Komaba Agricultural School, 
1885. President of the Saga 
Normal . School ; Expert to 
Tokushima-prefecture, 1891 ; 
afterwards was successively 
Expert to the prefectures of 
Yamagata, Okayama, Yaraa- 
guchi, Miyazaki and Aichi; 
present posts since 1907. De- 
coration : 5th Order of Merit. 
Address .■ Matsutomachi, Ishi- 
kawa-guii. Ishikawa-ken. . 

Yamanaka, Sahei (ilitfife^), 
President of the Nakatsuga- 
wa Bank, Ltd., Director of 

[ I209 ] 


the Fukushitna Electric Co., 
Ltd. ;. b. the 2nd- m. of the 
1st jc. of Keio (1865) in Gi- 
fu-prefecture ; e. s. of the late 
Sahei Yamanaka ; m. Matsu, 
2nd d. of Eisuke Nakane of 
the same prefecture. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1896. Ad- 
dress : Nakatsumachi, Ena- 
gnn, Gifu-ken. 

Yamanaka, jSeibei (ill tfi jf j£ 
if)> money - exchanger (firm 
name " Kamesei "), stock - 
broker ; b. the 9th 111. of tlie 
2nd y. of J^unkyu (1892) in 
Tokyo,; e. s. of Seiemon Ya- 
manalca ; in. Kame, e. d. of 
Seikichi Matsubara of Tokyo. 
Address: No. 10, i chome, 
Honzaimokucho, Nihonibaslii- 
tu, Tokyo. Tel. : 434, 616 

YamaHaka, Shibakichi ClU ^ 
^ d), Naval Captain, Coixl 
of the Seiisu; b.\%y2. Educ. ■ 
the Naval Academy. 2nd 
Commander, Sept. 1899; Com- 
mander, Jan. 1905 ; Captain, 
Sept. 1908. Decorations : 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure, 7th Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. 

Yamanaka, S'hingi Clljcp-fSft),- 
Baron, .Lieuteftant..- General 
on the 2nd reserve since Dec. 
1912; h. th§, ist m. of the 
4th y. of Kdei (1851) in Ya- 
maguchi-ken; d'.j. of Arito-. 
shi ' Yamanaka, -a scxmurai ; 

m. Sato, , 6th d. of Kiehie- 
mon Tashibu of Tokyo. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantry; Dec. 
1871 ; Lieutenant, Feb. 18- 
72; Captain, Feb. 1873; 
Major, Apr. 1880 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Sept. 1889; Colo- 
nel, Dec. 1864; Major-Gene- 
ral, Aug. 1869; Lieutenant- 
General, July 1905 ; was suc- 
cessively Commander of the 
1 9th Infantry Regiment, Pre- 
sident of the Kyododan (non- 
commissioned Officers' Sc- 
hool), Commander of the 21st 
and 37th Infantry Regiments, 
of the Mixed Brigade of the 

Formosan Gauison, and of 
the loth infantiy Brigade ; 
took part in the Russo-Ja- 
panese war as Commander 
of the loth Infantry Brigade 
of the 3rd Army and rendered 
splendid service in the Port 
Arthur Investing Army; creat- 
ed Baron in 1907. Decorations: 
2nd Order of the Rising Sun; 


[ I2IO ] 

1st Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure ; 2nd Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Was Commander 
of the 1 6th Army Division 
until Dec. 191 2. 

Yamanaka, Tahei (pj * i: :^ 
S). farmer. Proprietor of the 
Yamanaka Bank, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Nara- 
ken ; b. Nov. the 3rd y. of 
Meiji (1870) in Nara-ken ; 
e. s. of Narasaburo Yamana- 
ka ; adopted by the late Ta- 
hei Yamanaka ; m. Emi, sis- 
ter of Kaname Tani of Osa- 
ka. Succeeded his adopted 
father in 1885. Address: 
Meiji-mura, Soyegami - gun, 

Yamanaka, Yoshio (lAj tf ^ 
^)) one of the highest tax- 
payers <?f Ehime - prefecture, 
President of the lyo Mishi- 
ma Bank, Ltd., Auditor of 
the Toyo Cotton Yarn Co., 
Ltd. ;^. the 9th in. of the 
5th y: of Kayei (1852) in 
Ehime-prefecture ; 3rd j. of 
Jimbei Shinonaga; adopted by 
YohachirS Yamanaka ; a wid- 
ower. Address: Doi-mura, 
Uma-gun, Ehime-ken. 

Yamanaka, Zempei (ilj tf % 
¥), Director and Manager 
of the Toy5 Glass Mfg. Co., 
Ltd.; b. the 12th m. of the 
3rd y. of Bunkyii- (1863) in 
Tocliigi-prefecture ; adopt, s, 
of Seisho Yamanaka of Saita- 
ma-prefecture ; m. Suzu, y. s. 

to Kurataro Suzuki of To- 
kyo. Address: No. 30, Na- 
kanogohachikencho, Honjoku, 
Tokyo, r^/. .• 5D Shitaya. 

Yamanari, Kydroku ClU ;iR ^ 
iO, Manager of the Tokyo 
branch of the Bank of For- 
mosa, Ltd; b. Jan. the 5th 
y. of Meiji (1872) in Okaya- 
rpa-prefecture ; e. s. of the 
late GenshirS Yamanarj ; in. 
Oken, y. s. to Yentaro Ya- 
manari of the same prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Accountants' School, former- 
ly attached to the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School. 
Immediately after graduation 
entered the service of the 
34th Bank, Ltd., as Mana- 
ger of its Kelung branch ; 
next entered the Bank of 
Formosa, Ltd., and after hav- 
ing occupied the posts of 
Manager of its Osaka branch 
and then Assistant-Chief of 
the General Affairs Dep*t of 
its Head Office was finally 
installed in the present post. 
Address: No. 48, 2 chome, 
Minamicho, Aoyama, Aka- 
sakaku, Tokyo. Tel.: 2891 

Yamanashi, Hanzo C\ii ^ ^ 
it), Major-Gen., Chief of the 
Geneva! Affairs Section of the 
Gen. Staff Office; b. 1865 in 
Yamanashi-ken. Sub-Lieuten- 
ant, June, 1886 ; Lieutenant, 
Dec. 1891 : Captain, Feb. 

[ I2II ] 


1895; Major, Oct. 1900; 
Lieutenant-Colonel, Sept. 19- 
03 ; Colonel, Nov. 1907. Has 
been Instructor to the Milit- 
ary College and to the Na- 
val College before occupying 
the present post. Decora- 
tions: 4th Order of the Sac- 
red Treasure, 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun, 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 43, Minami-Iga-machi, 
Yotsuya— ku, Tokyo. 

Yamane, Bunsaku CtlliSiscK), 
Doctor, President of the Yo- 
kohama Juzen Hospital ; 3. 
the 1st m.. of the 2nd j/. of 
An.sei (1855) in Yamaguchi- 
ken ; brother of Kensuke Ka- 
mishiro, a samurai ; adopted 
by Ume Yamane; m. Ay a, 
2nd d. of Motoyoshi Naka- 
mura, an Osaka samurai. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Medicine in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. 1883. Ad- 
dress: No. II, Tameike-cho, 
Akasakaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
739 Shimbashi. 

Yamane, Buryo (|li ^ ^ ^}, 
Baron, Lieutenant - General, 
Com. of the Guard Army 
Division ; b. the 2nd m. of 
the 6th y. of Kaei (1853) in 
Hagi, province of Nagato ; 
2nd s. of Shiihei Yamane, a 
samtirai of Hagi clan ; m. 
Taka, 2nd d. of Tokuemon 
Takashima of Tokyo. Educ: 
graduated from the Military 

Academy in 1877. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Engineering, 
July 1877; Lieutenant, May 
1881 ; ^ Captain, Mar. 1884; 
Major," May 1890; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Sept. 1894; Co- 
lonel, Nov. 1895; Major - 
General, Apr. 1901; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, July 1906 ; was, 
in succession Chief of Staff 
.of the 6th and r2th Army Divi^ 
sions. Commander of the Sa- 

sebo Fortress, the Sliinionoseki 
Fortress (during the late war) 
and Commander - of the 8th 
Army Division ; ; then pre- 
sent post^ December 19 12. 
Decorations : 2nd Order of 
the Rising Sun ; 1st Order 
of the Sacred Treasure; 2nd 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : Headquarter of the 
Div. of Imp. Body Guards, 

Yaiaaue, Kazutsura CiU ^ — 
g), Baron, Colonel of Infantry, 
Aide-de-Camp to H. H. the 
Crown Prince and in addi- 


[ 131 2 ] 

tion Manager cf the High 
Military Council ; b. Mar. the 
.2nd y. of Meiji (1869) in 
Yamaguchi-ken ; e. s. of Fu- 
sakichi Hashimoto ; adopted 
by the late Baron Nobunari 
Yamane in 1895 ; in. Mitsu, 
2nd d. of his adopted father. 
Educ. : the Military Aca- 
demy. Sub-Lieutenant, Mar. 
1892 ; Lieutenant, Oct. 1894;. 
Captain, Oct. 1898; Major, 
Jan. 1904 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Nov. 1907 ; took part in 
the Russo - Japanese War. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, the 5th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure, 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite, and 
some other foreign decora- 
tions. Address: No. 2, Suga- 
cho, Yoisuyaku, Tokyo. 

Yamane, Seiji (ill ^ IE ^), 
■ex-Mem. of the House of Ee- 
presentatives, President of the 
Japan Medical FrcHool. (private., 
ihstitution), ex-Director of the 
Edomizaki Fish Incubation 
Co., Medical Adviser to the 
Kokko Mutual Life Insur- 
ance Co.; b. the 1 2th m. 
of the 4th J. of An.sei (1857) 
in Yamaguchi-ken ; 2hd s. of 
Kochii Yamane, a , samurai 
of . Yamaguchi ; m. Sue, 3rd 
</. of Ryotai Shimada, also a 
Yamaguchi samurai. Educ. : 
graduated from the Medical 
Dep't of the former Tokyo 
Univ., in' 1882; studied foren- 

sic medicine at Vienna. On 
returning appointed Prof of 
the Nagasaki Medical School 
and afterwards was in suc- 
cession Chief of the 3rd Sec- 
tion of the Metropolitan Police 
Board, Commissioner of Qua- 
rantine Bureau of the Home 
Department, Chief Quarantine 
Commissioner of the Metro 

politan Police Board, Medical 
Referee to Tokyo District 
Court, Medical AdvLser to 
the Pension Bureau and the 
Printing Bureau of the Cabi- 
net, Member of the Commit- 
tee of the Centi-al Sanitary 
Society ; resigned all his gov- 
ernment posts and was elected 
Member of the House of 
Representatives in 1902 ; has 
been decorated with the 4th 
Order of Merit for his services 
rendered in connection with 
the late war; at present is 
connected with business enter- 
prises. Address : No. 3, Scho- 
me, Fujimicho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 405 Bancho. 

Yamanouehi, Chojia (llj l^ fi 
A), Baron,.J[v!eutenant - Gen- 
eral on. the reserve; b. tiie, 
9th vt. of the 3rd y. of Ka- 
yei (1850) in Tokyo; e. s. of 
the late Chobin Yamanouehi, 
a Tokyo samurai ; m. Masu, 
e. d. of Hisashi Takahashi, 
also a Tokyo samurai^ Educ: 
the Toyama Gakk3 (a mili- , 
tary technical school)-. Sub- 

[ I2I3 ] 


Lieutenant, 1872 and after 
due promotion attained the 
ranlc of Lieutenant - General 
in 1905 ; placed on the re- 
serve list in 1907 ; took part 
in the Japan - China War ; 
nominated m. of H. P. Deco- 
rations : 1st order of Merit, 
. 4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address ^No. 25, Hyakunin- 
ma'chi, Dkubo-mura, Toyota- 
ma-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Yamanoiichi, Yurnsu Cih 
ffr, Ha-) director of the 

Takao hrancli of the Osaka 
Mercantile Steam Ship Co.; 
h. 1876 in Okayarca. Educ.: 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Commercial School. Address : 
Takao, Formosa. 

Tamanouclii, Hansaku (ili t. 

P^ 4= f-p)) Igakuhakushi (Doc. 
of Medicine), Prof in the 
Okayama Medical College ; 
b. in Tokushima-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Medicine of the Kyoto 
Imp. Univ. After his gra- 
duation, was appointed assist., 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
I-Iospital; promoted to assist, 
prof in the same Univ. ; then 
transferred to present post in 
1910, received the degree of 
Igakuhakushi, Dec. 1912. 
Address: the Okayama Med- 
ical College, Okayama -shi, 

Yamanouchi, Katsuaki CtU l^ 
J& M), Master of Ceremonies. 

Court Councillor ; b. the 3rd 
m. of the 4th jj'. of Koka (18- 
47) in Tokyo ; s. of Totaro- 
Kawaif a samurai of Tol<yo 
and adopted into the Yama- 
nouchi family ; m. Ko, sister 
of Viscount Yukinori Fujii. 
Was once in the service of 
the Foreign Office ; transfer- 
red to the Imperial Household 
Department and promoted to 
the present post; Court Coun - 
ciller in 1910. Address: No." 
53, Suidomachi, Koishikawa, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 2 Bancho; 

Yamanonchi, Eazutsng^a (Ul 
ft'-.f:)) Chief Secretaiy of the 
Cabinet since February 1913 ; 
b. tlie nth m. of the 2nd,j!/. 
of Keio (1866) in Kagoshi - 
ma f e. s. of the late Jishii 
Yamanouchi, a samurai ; m. 
Seki, e. d. of Shinkichi Ta]<a- 
hashi, also a Kagoshiriia sa- 
murai. Educ: graduated from 
the College ot Law in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., in 1890. 
• Since 1891 was successively- 
Councillor to Kumamoto-pre- 
fecture, Secretary to the Home 
Dep't, Chief of Police and then 
Secretary to Kumamoto-pre- 
fectui'e, Councillor to the 
Home Dep't, Secretary to Hi- 
roshima-prefecture, Councillor 
of the Legislative Bureau ; 
represented Japan at the In- 
ternational Conference for the 
Prevention of Venereal Di- 
seases held at Brussels in 18- 


C 1214 J 

99 ; Governor of Aomori-pre- 
fecture, 1901 ; President of 
the Railway Bureau of the 
Communications' Dep't, 1904; 
Director of the Eailway Board 
for some years ; Governor- of 
Hokkaido, December 1912 : 
then present post. Decoration: 
2nd order of Merit. Address: 
2 ciiome, Nagata-cho, Koji- 
machi-ku, Tokyo. 

Yamanouehi, Masayoshi (lU 
'1^ ift S), Director- and Ma - 
nagerof the Shinagawa White 
Brick Co., Ltd., Director of 
the Akai Rail Co., Ltd. ; b. 
the 8th m. of the 2nd y. of 
Ansei (1855) in Tokyo ; e. s. 
of the late Eiryo Yamanou - 
•chi ; m. Hisa, f. s. -to Nao - 
uta Sudo, a Tokyo samurai. 
Succeeded his father in 18 - 
70; started the fire-proof brick 
manufacturing business in 18- 
87 and is now Director of 
the Shinagawa White Brick 
Co.,- Ltd. Address: No. 535, 
Orikibashi, Osakimachi, E - 
bara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Yamanottchi, Masuji (|lj W H 
ft ^n), Baron, Vice-Admiral 
on the Reserve, Member of 
the" House of Peers ; V. the 
^3rd m. of the ist y. of Man- 
en (i860) in Hiroshima ; 2nd 
s. of the late Niemon Yama- 
nouehi ; m. En, y. s. to Mo- 
toki Kondo, a Tokyo samu- 
rai. Educ. : graduated from 
> the Naval Academy, 1877; 

further studied in France and 
Germany, 1 8 84. Midshipman, 
1879 ; Sub-Lieut., 1884 ; on 
commission to bring home 
the Matsushima built in Fran- 
ce, 1890; rewarded in 1892 
for his invention of safety 
device for gun and gun-frame; 
twice sent to England on of- 
ficial missions, 1893-^1894 
and 1894 — 189s ; Superinten- 
dent of the Naval Construc- 
tion Dep't, 1897; Captain, 
1898; Rear- Admiral, 1902; 
his labours in the founding 
of the steel foundry and the 
making of the Kure type 
plug were officially commend- 
ed in 1903 ; Chief of the Ku- 
re Arsenal, 1903 ; Vice- Ad- 
miral, 1903; Commander of 
the Kure Admiralty, 1906 ; 
placed on the reserve list 
in 1910 ; created Baron and 
decorated with the ist Order 

of the Sacred Treasure and 
the 2nd Class of the Golden 
Kite in recognitions of his me,r- 
' itorious services in the late 
war, 1907. Address: No. 22- 
8 1, Hakkeizaka, Iriarai-mura, 
Ebara- gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel: 
835 Shiba. 

Yamanouehi, Motohei i^fi% 
^), President of the Yama- 
nouehi ^Partnership Co., the 
TaAvara Commercial and in- 
dustrial Bank, and of the To- 
san Soy- Brewers Guild, Chair- 
man of the Board of Dii-ect- 

[i^iS ] 


ors of the Tawara Hospital, 
Ltd., Headman of the town 
of Tawara (province of Mi- 
kawa) ; b. Jan. the 8th y. of 
Meiji (1875) -in Tawarama- 
chi, Aichi prefecture; j. of 
Sosuke Yamanouchi; m. Mine, 
e. d. of Matsuemon Nagai. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Tokyo Commercial School in 
1904. Recteations : Horti- 
culture and building plann- 
ing. Address: Tawaramachi; 
Atsumi-gun, Aichi-ken. Tel. : 
5 Tawara. 

S'amanoxichijMasayoslii ({Wfy 
sEM)> Lieutenant-Oolonel of 
Artillery, Commander of the 
3rd Mountain Artillery Bat- 
talion ; i>. 1 87 1 in Ehime- 
ken. Sub - Lieutenant, Mar. 
1 89 1 ; Lieutenant, Nov. 18- 
93 ; Captain, Nov. 1896 ; 
Major, June 1903 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Mar. 1908. De- 
corations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
the 3rd Mountain Artillery 
Battalion, Kurume, Fukuoka- 

Yamanouchi, SMnkyp ClU ft 
m M), Prof of the Third High 
School. Address : Shimokamo- 
mura, Atago-gun, Kyoto--fu. 

YamanoucM, Teihei (|lj ft A 
^), President of ,the Yama- 
nouchi Bank, the Iwada Sav- 
ings Bank, Ltd., and of the 

Mitsuke Warehouse Co., Ltd.; 
Auditor of the 35th Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. June the 5th f. of 
Meiji (1872) in Shizuoka-ken> 
3rd s. of Seikichi Yamanou- 
chi ; m. Tane, e. d. of Ichi- 
saburo Takata of Aichi-ken. 
Succeeded his father in 1903. 
Address : Mitsukemachi, Iwa- 
da-gun, Shizuoka-keii. 
YamanoucM, TosTiu CllJ ?9 tP 

•10 > proper name is Tamon, 
artist, Japanese painter; b. 
April 1878 at Toshiro-machi 
in Miyagi-ken. Educ.: stu- 
died painting from Gaho 
Hashimoto (deceased), Nan- 
kei HashinrK>to (deceased), 
Gyokudo Kaai. He exhibit- 
ed his masterpieces in various 
exhibitions home and abroad 
and was awarded thrice sil- 
ver medals, thrice copper 
medals and many prizes and 
letter of thanks. Address : 
No. 2, I chome, Ichigaya Ka- 
ga-cho, Ushigome-ku, Tokyo. 
Yamanouchi, Toyokage Ctli ft 
§L *), Marquis, Major of In- 
fantry, Member of the House 
of Peers -^J). Sept. the 8th y. 
of Meiji (187s) in Tokyo; 
e. s. of the late Marquis To- 
yonori Yamanouchi, former 
lord of the Kochi cl'an ; in. 
Tei-ko, e. d. of H. I. H. Prin- 
ce Fushimi. ' Educ. : The Mi- 
litary Academy and studied 
in France. Sub-Lieutenant, 
June, 1900 i Lieutenant, Nov. 


{ i2l6 ] 

. 1902 ; Captain, Oct. " 1904 ; 
Major, Dec. 1910 ; took part 
in the Russo-Japanese war. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 5 th Class 
of the Golden Kite and many 
other foreign decorations. Ad- 
dress : No. 20, 7.chome, Ko- 
jimachi, Kojimachiku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1 85 Baricho. 

Yamanouchi, Toyomasa (ill ft 
^ j^). Baron, Sub-Lieutenant 
of the Army oil the 2nd re- 
"■^efve," .Member of the House 
of Peers, 4th Order of Merit; 
^.' Apr. the 4th f. of Meiji 
(1871) in Tokyo ; e. s. of the 
late Baron Toyozumi Yama- 
nouchi; m. Ai, 2nd d. of Baron 
Nagayoshi Maki. Succeeded 
his father and title, etc. in 
189s ; served as a one year 
volunteer in the Army, 1896 
and was appointed Sub-Lieu- 
tenant ; then Member of the 
House of Peers^ Address: 
No. 469, Kami-Osaki, Osaki- 
machi, Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 
Tel.: 781 Shiba. 

Yamanouchi, ITnosuke (111 ft 
n i. W), stock-broker, Au-' 
ditor of the Osaka Stock 
Exchange, Ltd.; b. the loth 
ni. of 4he 1st y. of Bunkyii 
(1861) in Osaka ; e. s. of Ri- 
saburo Yamamoto ; m. Kane, 
2nd d. of Mohei Ishida of 
Toyama-prefecture. Addressj 
No. 15, Oojinia-Kita-machi, 

[vita-ku, Osaka. Td.-: 193. . 
Yamanouchi, Gusen (ill ± ft 

%. M^, Artist (oil painting), 
a member of the Osaka Asahi 
Shinbunshri, " (a daily news- 
paper) ; lecturer of the Osaka 
Municipal Higher Commercial 
School. Educ. : learned pain- 
tings from the late YoshiicM 
Takahashi '; afterward from 
Bunsaburo Watanabe ; weiit 
to France for study. Address: 
No. 21, Shinsaibashi - Suji, 
I chome, Minami-ku, Osaka. 
Glvh : councillor of, the Kwa- 
nsai Art Society. 

Yamao, Yozb (|li ft MS), 
Viscount, 1st Order of Me- 
rit ; 6. the loth jn. of the 
8th _y. of Tempo (1837) in 
Yamaguchi ; 2nd s. of Chu- 
jiro Yamao, a samurai of the 
former Yamaguchi clan ; a 
widower. Visited Europe, 
1868 — 1876; on returning ap- 
pointed Senior Secretary to 
the Dep't of Industry; Mi- 
nister for Industries, 1880; 
Member and Vice-Chairman 
of the Sangi-in (State Coun- 
cil) ; Chief of the Legislative 
Bureau ; Intendant to Prince 
Arisugawa and then to Prin- 
ce Kitashii-akawa ; President 
of the Government Temporr 
ary Building- Bureau,. 1888 ;: 
resigned the ' post in 1898; 
in 18S7, created Viscount iri 
reccigriition of his meritorious 
services rended to the deve-r 

[ I2I7 ] 


lopment of Japan's industries. 
Recreations: Rearing. of gold- 
fish. Address : No. 5', Higa- 
shitoriizaka-machi, Azabulcu, 
Tokyo. 1996 ko Shiba. 
Yamaoka, Beikwa (|Ij |J^ :^- 

W)-> painter; 6. the nth m. of 
the I St y. of Meiji (1868) at 
K5chi in Kochi-ken. Edtic*. 
learned paintings from Ippo 
Nagusa. He' exhibited his 
masterpieces in various ex- 
liibitions horne and abroad 
and was awarded many prizes 
and diplomas. Address: No. 
79 Yanaka-saka-machi, Shita- 
ya-ku, Tokyo 

Yamaoka, Jnntaro CUj P3 )iR jk 
BR), Director and Manager 
of the Osaka Shosen Kwai- 
sha (Osaka Mercantile Marine 
Co.), Ltd.; b. in 1866 in 
Kanazawa. An official in the 
Dep't of Communications ; 
1892 — 1898 ; entered the .ser- 
vice of the Osaka Shosen 
Kwaisha as Acting Chief of 
its Documents, Section, Sept. 
1 898 ; promoted to be Chief 
of the same, Jan. the follow- 
ing year ; Chief of the Ac- 
count Section in addition, 
Sept. 1900; Chief of • the In- 
land Coast Navigation Section, 
Aug. 1907 ; Manager, Oct. 
1908 ; present post, Jan. 191 1. 
Address: No. 1941, Tenno- 
ji, Tennoji-mura, Higashinari- 
gun, Osaka-fu, Tel. : 570 

Yamaoka, Kunikiehi CiU p 

Wk ^>, L-ciwyer, ex-Mem> of 
the House of. Representatives 
for Kagoshima-prefecture ; b. 
the 9th m. of the 3rd f. of 
Ansei (1856) in Nagasaki- 
prefecture; 6th J. of Matae- 
mon Shisamatsu; m. En, 2nd 
d. of Chichibei Nagasaki, a 
samurai of Nagasaki. Educ.: 
graduated from the Nagasa- 
ki Normal School and after- 
wards studied Law in Tokyo. 
Passed, the Examination for 
the Bar and began practice 
as a lawyer in Kagoshima ; 
also was in succession Mem- 
ber of the Kagoshima City- 
Council, Special Member qf 
the Kagoshima Chamber of 
Commerce, Superintendent of 
the Kagoshima' Shimbun (a 
daily paper), President of the 
Hosatsu Gold Mine Co., 
Ltd., Director of the Soki 
Electric Co., Ltd.; then elect- 
ed. Member of the House of 
Representatives for Kagoshi- 
ma City ; belongs to the Sei-, 
yiikai (a political party). Ad- 
dress : Nagata, Kagoshima- 
shi, Kagoshima-ken. 

Yamaoka, Kunisaburo (ll! P3 
^15 S li?), Managing Director 
of the Kishiwada Brick Co., 
Ltd.; b. the nth m. of the 
1st y. of Bunkyii (1861) in 
Osaka; e. s. of Impo Yama- 
oka, a sa?mirai ; m. Haru,. 
adopt, d. of Jun-ichi Mae- 


[ I2li 

garni of Ehime-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the Dpshisha, 
Kyoto, in 1884. Was a 
Christian pastor for some 
time ; entered, the Japan Ma- 
rine Insurance Co., Ltd., in 
1896 as Chief of its Acco- 
unts Bureau ; present post 
since 1909. Address: No. 
437, Kishiwada-mura, Sen- 
nan-gun, Osaka-fu. 

Yamaoka, Toyoichi ({Ij ^ ^ 

— >) Naval Captain, Com- 
mander of Yahagi, war ship; 
h. in 1870. Edtic: Naval 
Academy. Commander, Jan. 
1901; second Captain, Aug. 
1905; Captain, Dec. 191 1. 
Was-Commander of the Cki- 
yoda (protected cruiser); pre- 
sent post since Dec. 1912. 
Decor atiofts: 3rd Order of R. 
S., 4th Order of S. T., 4th 
Class of Golden Kite. 

Yamazaki, EnkicM Cllj mj M 

a), Expert to Aichi-keii, 
President of the Aichi Agri- 
ctiltural and Dendrological 
School. Address : Anj6-ma- 
chi, Aomi-guji, Aichi-ken. 
Yamazaki, HikonosMn ({ij 

i^M i. m, Paymaster In- 
spector of the Navy, chief of 
the 1st Section of the Ac- 
coiuits Dep't in the Yoko- 
suka Naval Station; b. 1870. 
Staff-Paymaster, Sept. 1900; 
Fleet-Paymaster, Sept. 1906; 
Paymaster Inspector, Dec. 
191 1. Decorations: 4t\i Ox6q\- 

of R. S., sth Order of S. T. 
Address'. the Yokosuka 
Naval Station. 

Yamazaki, I (Hj i^ ^), p^y, 

master Inspector of Navy ; b. 
' in 1872. Educ: the Naval 
Paymasters' School. Staff- 
Paymaster, Sept. 1903; Fleet- 
Paymaster, Sept. 1906; Fay- 
master Inspector, Dec. 191 2. 
Once was sectional chief of 
the Accounts Dep't in the 
Maidzuru Naval- Station. De- 
corations: 4th Order of R. 
S., 4th Order of S. T., 4th 
Class of G. K. 

Yamazaki, Kataro CUi inf ^ i: 
BR), dealer in patent medicine 
and toilet articles (firm name 
" TeikokudS "), President of 
the Japan Patent Medicine 
Co., Ltd., ex-Dir. of the Ja- 
pan Printing Co., Ltd., Mem- 
ber of the Tokyo Chamber 
of Commerce;^, the 12th »?. 
of the 2ndy. of Keio (1866) 
in- Nagano-ken; e. s, of Rim- 
pei Yamazaki ; m. Kesa, sister 
of Saisaku Nait5 of Nagano- 
ken. Succeeded his father in 
1884. -Address: No. 2, Ha- 
nafusacho, Kandaku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 403 Shitaya. 

Yamazaki, Kakujiro (Ui *t S 
-k l|5), Hogakuhakushi (Doct- - 
or of Law), Prof of the Col- 
lege of Law in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. (Chair - political 
economy). Educ. : gi-aduated 
from the College of Law in 

[ I2I9 ] 


the Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; fur- 
ther studied abroad. Address: 
No. 75, Sashigaya-cho, Koi- 
shikawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: i8- 
93 Bancho. 

Yamazaki, Keiichi CfliitS— ), 
Consul at Chicago ; b. Feb. 
1882 in Yokohama. Educ. : 
. finished the Post-Graduate 
Course of the Tokyo Higher 
Commercial School, July 19- 
05. Passed the Diplomatic 
and Consular Services Exa- 
mination, Oct. 1905 ; Eleve- 
Consul a*t Hankow, Nov. 
1905 ; Eleve-Consul at New 
York, i\.pr. 1908 ; Consul 
at Chicago, Dec. 1909. Ad- 
dress : Japanese Consulate, 
Chicago, U.S. .A.. 

Yamazaki, Kisei ([li iiit S IS), 
a large landowner, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Naga- 
saki-prefecture ; b. Aug. tlic 
19th y. of Meiji (1886) in 
Nagasaki-prefecture ; e. s. of 
the late Kiheiji Yamazaki ; 
m. Masae, y. s to Tsunezo 
Tsurumi of Okayama - pre - 
fecture. Succeeded his father 
in 1905. Address: Sasa-mu- 
ra, Kitamatsuura-gun, Naga- 

M t.W)> Engineering-Cap tai 1 1 
in the Navy, ex -Chief E-ngi-- 
ne&r oi the Mikasa ; b. 1871. 
Educ : Naval Academy. En- 
gineering-Captain, Dec. 1897 ; 
Engineering 2nd Commander, 

May 1902'; Commander, Sept, 
1906; Captain, Dec. 1912. 
Decorations: 4th Order of the 
Eising Bun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure. 

Yamazaki, Naokata" (ill ^ it 
:*■), Prof of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; b. Mar. the 
3rd y. of Meiji (1870) in Hok- 
kaido ;*■ j. of Kessui Yama- 
zaki, a samurai; m. Yoslii- 
yij, sister of Yoshibaru Tado- 
koro of Tokyo. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the College of Scien- 
ce in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
in 1895 ; studied geology iii 
Germany, 1898 — 1 901. Prof. 
of the High School, 1897;, 
present post since 1902. Ad- 
dress : No. 126, Haranaachi, 
Koishikawa, Tokyo. 

Yamazaki, Rintaro (lUiilflivic 
E'!0, ex-Deputy-Mayor of To- 
kyo ; b. Apr. the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1871) in Hyogo-pre- . 
fecture ; e. s. of Kamekichi 
Yamazaki ; m. Asa, e. d. of 
Hikoshichi Mori of Tokyo. 
Educ.: graduated from the To- 
kyo Hogakuin (present Chiio 
Univ.) in 1893. Became writer 
to thsijdmd Shimbun (a daily 
paper) immediately after grad- 
uation ;-was employed by the 
Dep't of Justice of the Ko - 
rean Government^ of which 
the late Mr. Torn Hoshi was 
the Adviser, 189S ; elected 
member of the Maebashi City 
Council, 1 897; private Secreta- 


[ 1220 ] 

ry to Mr. Torn Hoshi, then 
the President of the Tokyo 
City Council, 1901 ; Chief of 
the Street Improvement Sec- 
.tion of the Tokyo City Of- 
fice, 1903 ; Chief of the Ge- 
neral Affairs Section of the 
same as an additional post, 
• 1904 ; Deputy-Mayor, 1907 ; 
resigned the post and made 
a tour of inspection of city 
administration 1909. Address: 
No. 61, 2 chonie, lidamachi, 
Kojimachiku, Tokyo. 

Yamazaki, Sakujiro (lIl«Sf^^ 
Wh dealer in cloth (firm name 
' ' Mikawaya"),, Director of the 
Tokyo Muslin Weaving Co., 
Ltd., and of the Tokyo Calico 
Weaving Co., Ltd.; ^. the Sth 
m. of the » 4th y. of Kayei 
(1851), in Tokyo ; e. s. ofSei- 
saku Yamazaki; in. Sae, elder 
sister of Tozaburo Saiga of 
Tokyo. Address : No. 28, Ta- 
dokorocho, Nihombashi - ku, 
Tokyo. Tel : 65 3 Naniwa. 

Yamazaki, Shinaroku (lUintH 
15;^). Director of the National 
Loan, Bureau of the, Finance 
Depj^rtment ;■ &. Sept," 1st j. 
of ,Meiji ,(i 868)' in, Saga-ken ; 
brother. ■ of .Namijiro Ishii, a 
saimi-rai; adopted, by tlie late 
Minejiro Yamasaki; vi. Hi- 
de,^ 4th d. of Ankyo Shige - 
no of JCagoshima-ken . Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of I)^"aw in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. 'in '.1896. Passed the 

Higher Civil Service Ex - 
amination, the same year. , Re- 
ceived an appointment first 
as Revenue officer in 1897 ; 
afterwards was in succession 
Treasury Paymaster, Com - 
missioner of Customs, Secre- 
tary to the Treasuiy, Private 
Secretary to the Minister of 
Finance, Councillor to the 
Treasury ; Chief Commission- 
er of the Yokohama Customs 
as well as Secretary- to the 
Treasury,- 1907 ; present post 
since Nov. 19 10. 'Address: 
Mitatsuna-machi, Shiba-ku, 

Yamazaki, Shinzo CUUiHttlS), 
a large landower, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Ibaraki- • 
prefecture ; b. the 3rd in. of 
the ist y'yoi Ansei (1854) in 
Ibaralii-prefecture ; e. s. of the 
late Moemon Yamazaki ; in. , 
Tei, e. d. of Genzabur5 Ki- 
mura of the same prefecture. - 
Succeeded his" father in 18- 
JJ .. Addi'ess : Nai'eshiba-mu- 
ra, Inashiki-gun, Ibaraki-ken. 

Yamazaki, Tsunezo CiU int ^ 
Wd, ex-Eepre.';entative Mem., 
of the Seihi Fertilizer Co., 
Unltd., Director of the Ka- 
ratsu Bank, Ltd., and of the 
Karatsu Savings Bank, Ltd. ; 
b. the'pth in. of the 14th y. 
of Tempo (1843) in Saga- 
prefecture ; 4th .y. of Zinsaku. 
Sakurai ; adopted by the late ■ 
Jikichi Yamazaki in 1861; 

[ I22I ] 


111. Sato, 2nd d. of Taichiro 
Kinoslnta of Nagasaki-pre- 
fecture. Succeeded his adopt- 
ed father in 1877. Address: 
Mitsujima-mura, Higashima- 
tsu-ura-gun, Saga-ken. 

Yamazaki, Tsurunpsuke CUjiii^ 
il^S)), Rear- Admiral of tlie 
Naval "Itlngirieer, ex -Chief 
Engineer of the Yokosuka 
Naval Station (now awaiting 
orders) ; h. the 4th in. of the 
1st y. of Man-en (i366) in 
Saga-prefecture; 3rd s. of Kin- 
gor5 Yamazalci ; in. Ito, e. d. 
of Sakae Uyeyama of Mie- 
prefecture. Educ. : graduated 
from the former Engineering 
Course of the Naval Acade- 
my. 2nd Sub-Lieutenant of 
Engineers, Aug. 1885 ; Com- 
mander of — , Dec. 1897 ; 
Captain of — , Oct. 1901 ; Re- 
ar- Admiral of — , Aug. 1908 ; 
has been in succession In- 
structor to Naval Acadeni}', 
Chief Engineer (of the 2nd 
Squadron, Chief of the 3rd 
Section in the Naval Education 
Dep't, President of the Naval 
Engineering School, Chief 
Engineer to the Yokosuka 
Naval Station ; took part both 
in the. Japan-China and the 
Russo-Japanese Wars. Deco- 
rations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 3rd Class of 
the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 18. Kamiya-cho, Nishi- 

nokubo, Shihii-kn. Tcjlcvo. 

Yainazaki, Yonesaburo (|l|ili^= 
^ H m, Naval-Captain, _ Com- 
mander of ihs'CJiitose (pro- 
tected cruiser); b. in 1870. 
Educ.:. the Naval Academy. 
Lieutenant-Commander, Dec. 
1 899 ; Commander, Jan. 1 905 ; 
Captain, Dec. 191 1. Decora-', 
tions: 3rd Order R. S., 4tli 
Order of S.T., 4th Class of 
G. K. 

Yamazaki, Washichi ClU 4| SJ 
-b), Dyer, ex-President of the 
japan Gum Co., Ltd., ex-Ma- 
naging Director of the Japan 
Carpet Dyeing Co., Ltd., Au- 
ditor of the Oriental Leather 
Mfg. Co., Ltd.; b. the 12th 
m. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864) in Tokyo ; e. s. of T6- 
goro Yamazaki ; in. Saku, 
' sistei of Minosuke Akimoto 
of Tokyo. Address: No. S3,. 
Yamanoshulcumachi, Asaku- 
saku, Tokyo. 

Yamasaki, Watarn (lit i^M), 
Colonel of Commissariat since 
Nov; 191 1, Commander of the 
ist Commissariat Battalion; 
b. 1862 in Ehime-ken. Sub- 
Lieutenant of Infantiy, July 
1887; Sub-Lieutenant ofCom- 
missariat, Nov. 1887 ; Lieu- 
tenant of — , Nov. 1890 ; Cap- 
tain of — , Nov. 1 894 ; Major 
of — , May 1900 ; Lieutenant- 
Colonel of—, July 19Q4.. De- 
corations: yd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Order of the 


[ 2221 ] 

Sacred Treasure, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
the ist Commissariat Bat- 
talion, Tokyo. 

Yamasaki, Yoshie CUl *t 
15 't). Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 45th In- 
fantry Regiment; b. 1867 in 
Kdchi. Sub-Lieutenant, July 
1887; Lieutenant, June 18- 
91 ; Captain, Dec. 1896, 
Major, Sept. 1902 ; Lieuten- 
ant-Colonel, Aug. 1905 ; Co- 
lonel, Sept. 1909. Decora- 
tiotts : 4th Order of the Ris- 
ing Sun, 5th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : the 45th Infantry Re- 
giment, Kagoshima. 

Yamasaki, Yutaka (ill liif S), 
President of the 8sth Bank, 
Ltd., and of the Kawagoye, 
Savings Bank, Ltd., ex-Special 
MemUer of the Kawagoye 
Chamber of Commerce ; d. the 
I jth m. of the 2nd f. of Tem- 
po (1831) in Saitama - ken ; 
a widower. Address : No, 10- 
10, Kawagoyemachi, Iruma- 
gun, Saitama-ken. 
'_ YamasMna, Mikizo Clll ?4- ^ 
— ), Director of the ■ Hiroshi- 
ma Savings Bank, Ltd., Chief 
Manager of the Hiroshima 
Rice Exchange, Ltd. ; d. the 
loth m. of the 5th y. of K6- 
kwa (1847) in Hiroshima-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Tomoichi Ya- 
mashina, a samurai ; m. To- 
yO, y. s. to Tosaku Okamu- 

ra, also a Hiroshima samurai 
Address: No. 150, Horikawa- 
cho, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshi- 

Yamashina, Reizo Caj^liii), 
dealer ni divmg apparatus, 
Member of the Tokyo Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; b. the 1st 
m. of the 1st y. of Gwanji 
(1864) in Hiroshima -prefect- 
ure ; e. s. of Tsune-emon Ya- 
mashina ; m. Hatsu, e. d. of 
Mosabur5 Okuno of Shiga- 
prefecture. Came up to To- 
kyo in 1884 and opened the 
Kibi firm, dealing mainly in 
the products of his native 
prefecture ; afterwards started 
a Marine Engineering Office 
which is now ■ famous for 
its extensive execution of 
harbour works, bridge and 
dock construction, removal 
of rocks, refloatation of wreck- , 
cd ships, reclamation works,, 
etc. ; once sat in the House 
of Representatives, 1902. Ad- 
dess: No. 13, 2 chome, Ko- 
bilvi-cho, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 95 1 kyobashi. 

Yamashina, Suteroku (|1| iS j^ 
il), Mayor of the City of 
Fukui ; b. the 12th m. of the 
3rd yroi Keio (1867) in Fu- 
kui ; 3rd s. of Rokuhei Shi- 
mada ; adopted by Kiheiji 
Yamashina ; m. Teri, 3rd d. 
of Moshichi Onishi of Fukui. 
Address: No. 88, Terutena- 
kamachi, Fukui, Fukui-ken. 
Yamashina, Tokitsune ClU ^ 

[ 1223 

n JDi Count, Kyoto Palace 
Keeper; d. the 6th in" ol the 
6th y. of Tempo (1835) in 
Kyoto ; e. s. of Tokinari Ya- 
mashina, former noble of the 
Mikado's Court ; ni. Sh5-ko, 
adopt, s. of Teikoku " Nomi- 
ya, Viscount. Present post 
since 1883 ; created Viscount, 
1884. Addr ess: Yio.%o,M\- 
yagakicho, Kojinguchi-agaru, 
Kawara-machi, Kamikyo-ku, 

Yamashircf, Takaoki Cfll ^ iS 
Wi, Managing Director of the 
Naha Commercial Bank, Ltd.; 
b. the 3rd m. of -the 5th y. 
of Ansei (1858) in Kagoshi- 
ma-prefecture ; s. of the late 
Takayasu Aramaki and found- 
ed the Yamashiro house inde- 
pendently in 1877; '^- Mau- 
shi, (/. of Cho-on Kanetake, 
a samurai of Okinawa-pre- 
fecture. Address : Higashi, 
Naha, Okinawa-ken. 

Yamashita, CHushicMro CUj F 
^> 't 51>), draper (firm-name 
" Kamechu ") ; <?. the 8th m. 
of the 1st y. ot Ansei (1854) 
in Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Chue- 
mon Yamashita ; m. Waka, 
2nd d. of Zimbei Hashimoto 
of Tokyo. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in' 1880. Address : 1^0. 
14, Hasegawacho, Nihomba- 
shiku, Tokyo. Tel.: 177 and 
2787 Naniwa. 

Yamashita, Gentaro CiU T ?E 
k B'), Yice- Admiral, Presi- 


dent of the Naval Academy; 
^. the 7th m. of "the 3rd y. 
of Bunkyii (1863) in Yama.- 
gata-ken; 2nd s. of Shin-e- 
mon -Yamashita, a samurai 
of Yonezawa clan ; m. To- 
ku, 3rd d. of Seiichiro Miya- 
jima M. H. P. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the Naval Acade- 
my, Oct. 1883. 2nd Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1886 ; Command- 
er, June 1 898 ; Captain, Sept. 
1903 ; Rear-Admiral, Aug. 
1908 ; Vice - Admiral, Dec. 
191 2. Was in succession Sec- 
tion-Commander of the Fus5 
and the Atago, Chief Gunner 
of the Kongo, Section-Com- 
mander of the Akitsu, Vice- 
Commander of the Iz7/mi and 
theKasagi.Mtmherofthe Na- 
val General Staff, on the Staff 
of the Imperial Headquarters, 
Chief of Staff to the ist Squ- 
adron and then to the Sasebo 
Naval Station, Chief of the 
2nd Section- of the Naval 
Materials Dep't, etc. ; present 
post since Dec. 19 lO. Took 
part in the Russo-Japanese 
war and was decorated with 

the 3rd Order of the Rising 
Sun and the 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: Naval 
Academy, Yetajima, Hiroshi- 

Yamashita, Goemou CUJTg^5& 
#W), President of the Tsuru- 
ga Bank, Ltd., Director of 
the Tsuruga Warehouse Co., 


[ 1224 j 

Ltd., Auditor of the Tsuruga 
■Taihoku Co.-^- Ltd., Member of 
the Tsuruga Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. the 3rd ?«. of the 
4th y.- of Ansei (1857) . in 
Fukui-pi-efecture ; 2nd s. of 
Magojiro Yamashita; adopted 
by the late Goemon Yama- 
shita; m. Taki, elder sister of 
Yasubei Uyemae of the same 
prefecture. '■- Succeeded his 
adopted father in i^Ji^. Ad- 
dress ." Tsurugamachi, Tsuru- 
ga-gun, Fukui-ken. 

Yamashita, Hidezane CihT^ 
X), 4th Order of Merit, Presi- 
dent of the Taiwan Elciden- 
sha, President of the Taiwan 
Commercial and Industrial 
Bank, Ltd., Director of the 
Taiwan Savings Bank, Ltd. ; 
b. the 4th m. of the 4th y. 
of Kokwa (1849) in Kago- 
shima ; e. s. of the late Han- 
emon Yamashita ; m. Roku, 
3rd d. of Jounsai Midzuno, 
a samurai . of Shizuoka-pre- entered the 
army and. then became a 
civil official, occupying succ- 
essively the posts of Police 
Inspettor of Kumamoto and 
Osaka prefectures ; resigning 
in 1893 went over to For- 
mosa where he established 
the Taiwan Ekidensha (a 
communication and transpor- 
tatioji' firm) of which he is 
inow proprietor; afterwards 
.started the publication of the 

Taiwan Ntchinichi Shimbim ; 
is now engaged in the esta- 
blishing of the Teikoku Sugar 
Mfg. Co. Address: No. 2540, 
Araijuku, Iriarai-mura,Ebara- 
gun, Tokyo - fu. Tel. : ko 
1 396 Shiba. 

Yamashita, Heijiro CUlT^* 
W), Director of the Kagoshi- • 
ma Ice Mfg. Co., Ltd., and 
of the Ushio Gold Mine Co., 
Ltd.; b. the 8th m. of the 
4th y. of Kayei "(1851) in 
Kagoshima-prefecture ; e. s. 
of the late Tobei Yamashita; 
m. Yuwa, e. d. of Kin-emon 
Kono of the same prefecture. 
Succeeded his father in 18- 
89. Address: Higashisengo- 
kucho, Kago.shima-shi, Ka- 

Yamashita, Keijiro CUlT'^^^ 
IP), Engineer to the Dep't 
of Justice, Acting Chief of- 
its Section of Architectural - 
Works ; b. the I2th m. of 
the 3rd y of Keio (1867) in 
Kagoshima ; 2nd s. of Fusa- 
chika Yamashita, a samurai; 
in. Nao, e. d. of a certain 
Suehiro, a samurai. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ in 1892. Engi- 
neer to the Metropolitan Po- 
lice Board, 1893 ; the same to 
the Dep't of Justice, 1897 ; 
in addition Engineer to the 
Dep't of Home Affairs, which 
he resigned in 1900, remain- 

I 1225 j 


ing only in. the. present post. 
Decorations : 5 th Order of 
Merit. Address : No. .9, Na- 
kanocho, Azal)u-ku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 2750 Shiba. 

Tamashita, Kicliisaburo (ill 
TtfHBR), dealer in machine- 
oil, cloth, and dry -goods ; b. 
Sept. the 1 6th y. of Meiji 
(1883) in Tokyo; e. s. of the 
late Kichisaburo Yamashita ; 
m. Ai, 4th d. of Jujin Sa- 
moto, a retired Lieutenant-Co- 
• lonel. Educ. ; graduated from 
the Economic Course of the 
Keiogijuku, 1905. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1901. Ad^ 
dress : No. 15, 2 chome, Gi- 
nza, Kyobashi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
429 Kyobashi. 

Yamashita, Kihei CtiJ T S :R 
Wj, Member of the House 
of Peers, a merchant, one 
of the highest taxpayer^ of 
Kagoshima-ken ; i>. the 1st 
m. of the 3rd J/, of Keio 
(1867) in Kagoshima-ken; s. of 
the late Jimbci Yamashita ; 
m. Tsnne, e. d. of Jirozae- 
mon Hayashi of Kagoshima. 
Succeeded his father in 18- 
93. Address: Horie-machi, 
Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima- 

Yamashita, Shigetake CUlTS 
IS), ex-Mayor of Osaka ; d. 
the 2nd m. of the 4th f. of 
Kokwa (1847) in Kochi-ken ; 
3rd s. of Kanzaburo Oi; adopt* 
ed by Magobei Yamashita of 

Osaka ; 7/1. Haru, adopted d, 
of Kozo Yan^gi of Kagawa- 
ken. Early studied law arid 
began practice as lawyer, i-8- 
T^; elected Vice-Presiclent and 
then President of the Osaka 
Lawyers' Association; entered 
the Jiyuto (Liberal party), 18- 
87 ; Member of the Osaka 
Prefectural Assembly and (rben 
its Vice-President, 1888; Mem- 
ber of the Osaka City Council, 
1 894 ; then Mayor of Osaka; 
resigned the post in Aug. 19- 
09 ; decorated with 4th Or- 
der of Merit. Address : No. 
501, Terayamacho Higashi- 
ku, Osaka. Tel: 1780 Hi- 

Yamashita, Wakindo ClUTSS 
K)y Expert to the Agricultural 
Experiment Farm of the A- 
gricultural and Commercial 
Dep't; b. the 12th m. of the 2nd 
;;'. of Keio (1866) in Ishika wa- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Yosahachi 
Hayashi, a samurai ; adopted 
by the late Tsuya Yamashi- 
ta ; m.. Maki, e. d. of Sh5 
Ishikawa of Toyama - ken. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Agriculture in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1894. Pre- 
sentpostsince graduation. De- 
coration : 6th Order of Merit. - 
AMrtss: No. 344, Komago- 
me, Shimmei-cho, Hongo-ku 
Tokyo. _ 

Yamashita, Yoshitaro ClllT^ 
•kW), Manager of the Sumi- 


I 1226 ] 

tomo Copper Sales Dep't and 
the Kobe-branch of the Su- 
mitomo Bank ; b. Nov. the 
4th y. of Meiji (1871) in E- 
hime-prefecture ; e. s. of Ko- 
saku Yamashita, a samurai ; 
m. Chiyo, e. d. of Vice-Ad- 
miral Sotokichi Uryii. Educ. : 
gradiiated from the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School, 
1892. Entered the army as 
a one year volunteer, 1892 — 
1893 ; Chancellor of the Con- 
sulates at Bombay, Lyons and 
London successively, 1894 — 
1 901; Sub -manager of the Ko- 
be branch of the Sumitomo 
firm, 1901 — 1904; took part 
in the Russo-Japanese War, 
1904 — 1905 ; Private Secreta- 
ry to Marquis Saionji, then 
premier, 1906 — 1908 ; pre- 
sent posts since 1908. Decora- 
tion : 6th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 46, I chome, Na- 
kayamate - dori, Kobe. Tel. .' 

YamasMta, (Yutaro (iliT^ic 
BR), lawyer; b. 1859 in K6- 
chi, province of Tosa; s. of the 
late Umasaburo Yamashita ; 
a widower. Educ.: graduated 
from the Law Course of the 
former Tokyo Daigaku (fore- 
runner of the present Tokyo 
Imp. Vmv.). Recreatioh: r:ea,d- 
mg. Address : 'No. 109, Oku- 
no-mura, Kobe. Tel. : 2695. 
Club : Kobe club. 

Yamawaki, Gen (.(Ul&tD, Ho- 

gakuhakushi (Dr. of Law), 
President of the Court of Ad- 
ministrative Litigation, Mem^ 
ber of the House of Peers ; 
b. the 3rd m, of the 2nd y. 
of Kaei (1849) in Fukui ; e. 
s. of Tateki Yamawaki, a sa- 
murai ; m. Fusa, sister of 
Sansh5 Kokura, a samurai of 
Shimane - ken. Educ. : first 
studied medicine at the clan 
school and then studied 
Dutch at Nagasaki; afterwards 
sent to Germany to study 
law by governnient order, r8- 
70. On returning appointed 
Junior Secretary to the Da- 
jokwan (State Ministers' Of- 
fice) ; again went to Germany 
on an ofScial mission ; then 
in succession Member of the 
State Council, Councillor to 
the Legislative Bureau, Judge 
of the Court of Administra- 
tiveTitigation, Sectional Chief" 
of the Legislative Bureau; 
and then present post. Was 
appointed Member of the 
House of Peers by Imperial 
nomination. Decoration : 2nd 
Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 3, Hinokicho, Akasaka, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 241 5 Shimba- 

Yamawaki, Haruki (tU S # 
®X Commissioner of the 
Japan Grand Exhibition to be 
held in 1917 ; b. May the 
4th y. of Meiji (1871) in 
Kyoto ; 4th d. of Seihei Ha- 

[ 1227 ] 


tada; adopted by Gen Yama- 
waki, a Tokyo samurai, in 
1897; in. Haru, e. d. of his 
adopted father. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the College of 
Law in the Kyoto Imp. Univ. 
1899. Passed the Higher 
Civil Service Examination the 
same year; Tax Comptroller, 
1900 ; Private Secretary to 
the Agricultural and Com- 
mercial Dep't and in addi- 
tion Councillor to the Tre- 
asury, 1901-; afterwards in 
succession was Secretary to 
the Agricultural and Com- 
mercial Dep't, Chief of the 
Commercial Section of the 
Bureau of Commerce and In- 
dustry, President of the Com- 
mercial Museum, Commissi- 
oner of the Anglo-Japanese 
Exhibition ; sent to England, 
Italy, Germany and Belgium 
on an ofiBcial mission, 1910; 
then present post. Decora- 
tion : 5th Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 16, 2 chome, 
Hirakawacho, Kojimachi-ku, 
Tokyo. TeL: 1250 Bancho. 
Yamaya, Shinzaburo (lU^ff 
HSR), Director of the Sulp- 
huric Acid Fertilizer Co., 
Ltd. ; d. the 4th m. of the 
2nd J/, of Ansei (1855) in 
Osaka ; 2nd s. of Gohei Ya- 
maya ; m. Ei, e. d. of Yosuke 
Okita of Nara-ken. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1875. Ad- 
dress : Teraji-machi, Sakai- 

shi, Osaka-fu. 

Yamaya, Tajin CH/ JS ^ A). 
Bear-Admiral. Hliifif of the 
Bureau of Personnel of the 
Department of Navy, Presi- 
dent of the Naval College; 
b. the 3rd m. of the 2nd">. 
of Kei5 (1866) in Tokyo; e. 
s. of Shoju Yamaya, a sa- 
murai ; m. Sada, sistet of 
Kyochii Niwa, a Tokyo sa- 
mUrai. Educ: graduated from 
the Naval Academy (1886) 
and the Naval College (18- 
97). 2nd Sub-Lieutenant, 18- 
88 ; afterwards was succes- 
sively Navigating-Lieutenant 
of the transport Saikyomani 
(during the Japan-China war). 
Chief Torpedo-Discharger of 
the cruiser Takachiho, 2nd 
Captain of the cruiser Kdsagi; 
promoted Commander, Sept. 
1899; Captain, Jan. 1905; 
Chief of Staff to the 4th S- 
quadron during, the Russo- 
Japanese war ; Rear- Admiral, 
Dec. 1909; then present posts. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun; 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure; 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address : 
No. 116, Honmura, Azahu-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 161 3 Shiba. 

Yamaza, EnjirS COiffiH^SK, 
diplomat ; h. the loth m. of 
the 2nd y. of Kei5 (1866) 
in Fukuoka-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Shogo Yamaza, a Fukuoka 
samurai ; m. Shizuka, e. d. 


[ 1228 1 

of the late Tomotsune K5- 
muchi of Kyoto-fu. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
«f Law in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1892. Appointed 
"Chancellor _to the Legation 
•at Fusan, Korea, July 1893; 
■the same to the Consulate at 
Shanghai, Sept. 1893; pro- 
moted Eleve-Consul, Nov, 1 8- 
93 ; transferred to Fusan, 18- 
94 and then to Chemulpo, 
1895 .in. the same capacity ; 
3rd class Secretary to the 
Legation at London, 1895 ; 
promoted 2nd class Secret- 
ary, 1897 ; transferred to 
Seoul, Korea as ist Class 
Secretary with additional 
post of Consul, 1899; Secret- 
ary to the Department of 
Foreign Affairs, 1901 ; Di- 
rector of its Political Affairs 
Bureau, Dec. 190 1 ; Judge of 
the High Prize Court as an ad- 
ditional post, 1904; ordered to 
proceed to America as an 
attache to then Baron Komu- 
xa, Peace Envoy, 1905 ; Coun- 
sellor to Embassy at London, 
1 908 ; represented Japan at the 
Internaiional ^Maritime Law 
Conference held at London in 
1908 ; appointed Counciller 
to .the ■ Anglo-Japanese Ex- 
liibition, 1909 ; relieved of his 
liast post in 191 2 and now is 
waiting the' further order. 

Yamazawa, Ghoturo CUlW A 
% W)y President of the Uo- 

tsu Bank, Ltd. ; b. the 2nd 
■in. of the 13th jc. of Tempo 
(1842) in Toyama-prefecture; 
brother' to Ichirobei Yamaza- 
wa ; adopted by the late I- 
chibei Yamazawa ; m. Soto, 
e. d. of his adopted father. 
Address .• Uotsumachi, Shi- 
moshinkawa - gun, Toyama- , 

Yamazoe, Toshio C|.U ^f^4i), 
President of the Awaji In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd. ; b. the 
1st OT. of the 1st y. of G.wan- 
ji (1864) in Hyogo-prefect- 
ure ; e. s. of Shuichiro Yama- 
zoe ; m. Kameno, e. d. of 
Tei Katayama of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1 889 ; was mainly , 
instrumental in the establish- 
ment of the Awaji Industrial 
Bank, Ltd., of which he is 
the president. Address : Na- 
kakawabara - mura, Tsuna - 
gun, Hyogo-kea. 

Yamazumi, Tarozo CUl it :fc Bl5 
S), Eear-Admiral since Dec. 
1912 ; h. 1S67. E(Jtt,c. : gradu- 
ated from the Naval Acade^ 
my. 2nd Commander, Dec. 
1897 ; Commander, Sept. 18- 
99 ; Captain, Aug. 1905. De- 
coration : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4th Order of 
the Sacred Treasure ; 4th 
Class of the .Golden Kite. 
Address- : No. ' 40, r chome, 
Shirokanedai -, machi, Shiba, 
Tokyo. , 

[ 1229 ] 


Yamura, Hachishiro CA ^^J- /\ 
29 KIO, one of the highest tax- 
payers of Tottori-prefecture ; 
b. May. the 6th y. of Meiji 
(1873) in Tottori-ken ; e. s. 
of the late Hachishiro Ya- 
mura ; a widower. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1900. Ad- 
dress : Motouwomachi, Tot- 

Yanagawa, Katsnji (.W )H B 
— ). Judge, Sectional Chief of 
the Tokyo Court of Appeal; 
b. Sept. 1868 in Saga-ken; 
e. s. of the late Yasunao Ya- 
nagawa,,a samurai ; m. Ma- 
koto, e. d. of the Mayori 
Kurokawa, Bungakuhakushi. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law in the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. in 1891. 
Probationary Judge of the 
Anotsu District Court, 1891; 
Public Procurator of the Gi- 
fu Local Court, 1893; trans- 
ferred Judge of the same 
Court, 1893 ; afterwards in 
succession was Judge oi the 
Tokyo Local Court, of the 
Tokyo and Nagasaki District 
Courts ; Judge of the Tokyo 
Court of Appeal, 1900 ; Sec- 
tional Chief of the same Court 
since 1906. Decoration : 5th 
Order of Merit. Address-: 
No. 7, Nishimisujicho, Asa- 
kusa, Tokyo. 

Yanagawa, Shunyo CSP )^\ # 

M')^. proper name is Senshi ; 
author; b. the 3rd m. of the 

loth y. of Meiji (1877) at No. 
36 Nicho-machi, Shitaya, To- 
kyo. He was pupil of the 
late Koyo Ozaki. Piiblica- 
tions: "Isasagawa," "Haha- 
no-kokoro," (heart of mother), 
" Fuchin, " " Shunyoshu, " 
" Onna-no-nozomi " (women's 
ambition), "Misao " chastity, 
etc. Address: No. 37 Kita- 
machi, Ushigome-ku, Tokyo. 

Yanagi, Hirpzo (8P S Wdt 
Stock - broker. Chairman of 
the Board of Directors of the 
Fujimoto Bill Brokers' Bank, 
Director of the Ehime Spin- 
ning Co., ex- And. of the H.'i- 
kuai Life Insurance Co.; b. 
Mar. 1875 in Wakayama-pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of the late 
Nihei Yanagi ; m. Sumi, e: d. 
of Gensuke Hashizume of Wa- 
kayama. Address: Ncf.7]. 
2 chqme, Kitahama, Higashi- 
ku, Osaka. Tel. : 449 Hon- 

Yanagi, KanicM, (;gli K — )^ 
Colonel of Artillery, Com- 
mander of the 14th Regiment 
of the Field-artillery; b. 
1868 in Oita-ken. Sub-Lieut., 
July 1888; Lieut., Nov. 1892;: 
Captain, June 189S; Major, 
Nov. 1,901; Lieut. Colonel, 
April 1905; Colonel, Nov. 
1 910. Decorations: 6th Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S. Address: Tokyo.. 

Yanagi, Shotaro (MMX BI5), 
Chief of the Estates Section 


[ 1230 ] 

of the Mitsui Bank, Ltd.; 
b. the 9th m. of the 2nd y. 
■ of BunkyQ (1862) -in Naga- 
saki-prefecture ; e. s. of Ya- 
soki Yanagi, a samurai ; m. 
Suwa, 7th d. of the late 
Baron Lieut.-General Shoshi 
Otsuki. Educ. : graduated 
from the Keiogijuku. Has 
been writer to the Jiji for 
several years after graduation; 
Managing Director of the 
Mayebashi Spinning Co.; Ma- 
nager in succession of the 
branches of the Mitsui Bank 
at Shinionoseki, Hirosliima 
and Nagasaki ; then present 
post. Address : No. 37. Hon-- 
mura-cho, Azabu-kii. Tokyo. 
Tel. : 3567 Shiba. . 

Yanagijita, Shigekatsu Q^T 

a^)> _ Cplonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 5 1st In- 
fantry Regiment; d. 1866. in 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieut., June 
1886; Lieut., Jan. 1890; 
Captain, March 189S; 
Major, Sept. 1901; Lieut.- 
C.olonel, April 1905; Colonel, 
1907. Decorations: Sth Or- 
der "of S. T., 3rd Order of 
R. S., 4th Class of Golden 
Kite. Address : Tsu-shi, Mie- 

Yanagiwara, Saburo (M M H 
515), druggist; /;. Dec. the 
i6th J/, of Meiji_(i883) in 
Osaka ; e. s. of Isohachi Su- 
ga ; adopted by Haru Yana- 
giwara in 1893 ; ;«. Ito, 2nd 

<f. of Tosaku Yaniamoto of 
Osaka. Address: No. 52, 
2 chome, Doshuniachi, Higa- 
shiku, Osaka. 

Yanagiwara, Yoshimitsu (if 
M m %\ Count, Member of 
the House of Peer.=i; Pres. of the 
the Japan Life Ins. Co.; h. Sept. 
the 7th J/, of Meiji (1874) in 
Kyoto; 2nd s. of the late 
Count Maemitsu Yanagiwara, 
a former courtier ; ;«. Hana, 
younger sister of Count Te- 
tsutaro Kawamura. Decora- 
tion : 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 38, Sakurada- 
machi, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2032 Shiba. 

Yanagiya, Kentaro <M '-& M 
ic II!), Lord-in-Waiting of the 
Kinkci Hall, President of the 
lianzai Life Insurance ,Co., 
Ltd. ; b. the 4th m. of the 
4th y. of Kokwa (1847) in 
Nagasaki-ken; 2nd s. of Juha- 
chiro Nakao; adopted by Chii- 
shiro Yanagiya ; in. Cliiyo. 
Since 1868, was successively 
Interpreter to Nagasaki-ken, 
an official of Kanagawa-kcn, 
and of the Foreign Office, 
Chief Commissioner of Yoko- 
liama Customs, Consul to the 
United States, '^Secretary to 
the Foreign Office and then to 
tlie Agricultural and Comiher- 
ciai Djp't, Private Secretary 
to the Minister for Agricult- 
ure and Commerce, Acting 
Chief of the Marine Bureau 

I33I ] 


and of the Commercial Bur- 
eau, Councillor to the A- 
gricultural and Commercial 
Dep't, then its Secretary, Di- 
rector of its Patent Bureau ; 
then Lord-in-Waiting of the 
Kinkei Hall ; is engaged in 
business as Pi-esident of the 
Banzai Life Insurance Co., 
Ltd. Decoration : 3rd Order 
of Merit. Address : No. 23, 
I cliome, Shiocho, Yotsuya, 
Tokyo. ?>/..• 234 Bancho. 

Yanagiya, TJsaburo (W ^ JP 
H M), Paymaster-Lieutenant 
on the 2nd Koserve, Direc-. 
tor of the Japan Hypothec 
Bank ;3. the 2nd m. of the 3rd 
f. of Keio ( 1 867) in Nagasaki- 
ken ; e. s. of Kentaro Yanagi- 
ya, a samurai ; m. Toyo, y. s.^ 
to Kadzuma .Shirasaki, a To- 
kyo samurai. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of Law 
ofthe Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1890. 
Entered the Bank of Japan im- 
mediately after graduation ,; 
went to Europe in 1896 in the 
suite of Mr. Tatsuo Yamamo- 
to, then Chief ofthe Business 
Bureau of the Bank; after- 
wards was Chief ofthe Issue 
Dep't, Auditor to the New^ 
York Agency, Chief of' the 
National- Loan Bureau in suc- 
cession; resigned and accepted 
the present post in June 19 10. 
Address : No. 23, i chome, 
Shiomachi, Yotsuyaku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 234 Bancho. 

Yanagizawa, Giazo (M W M 

M), Juigakuhakushi (Doctor 
of veterinary science), Veter- 
inary-Surgeon-Colonei, Pres. 
of the Military Veterinary 
School, Chief of the Veter-. 
inary Dep't of the ist Army , 
Division ; b. i860 in Niigata- 
ken. Veterinary-Surgeon-Sub- 
Lieutenant, Jan 1 886 ; — Lieii- 
tenant, Nov. 1888 ; — Capta(n, 
Nov. 1891 ; — Major, July 
1902 ; — Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Sept. 1904 ; — Colonel, Nov. 
1907. . Decorations : 5 th Or- 
der of the Sacred Treasure ; 
4th Order of the Rising Sun; 
4th Class of the^ Golden 
Kite. Address : No. 373, 
Shibuya, Toyotama-gun, To- 
kyo-fu. TeZ.,- 958 Shiba. 

Yanagfizawa, Shigekata (M% 
S@), Judge, President of the 
Fukushima District Court ; 
b. 4th m. of the 1st y. df 
Man-en (i860) in, Yamagata- 
ken; 3rd s. of Sadamichi Ka~ 
miya and adopted by Shigeto 
Yanagizawa ; m. Taka, e. d. 
of Kyosaku Kuroike. Passed 
the Examination for Bench, 
Dec. 1886; has been Sectional 
Chief of the Aomori District 
Court, Judge and then Sec- 
tional Chief of the ,Miyagi 
Court of Appeal ; then pre- 
sent post. Decoration: 5th 
Order of Merit. Address : Of- 
ficial house of Fukushima Dis- 
trict Court, Fukushima-ken. 


[ 1232 ]. 

^ Yanagizawa, Teizo (BP P jlK 
—X farmer, one of the high- 
est taxpayers of Nagano-keii, 
Managing Director of the Ko- 
moro Bank, Ltd., Director of 
the Tohi Fertih'zer Go., Ltd., 
the Tanaka Warehouse Co., 
Ltd., and of the Sakashiro 
Warehouse Co., Ltd., Audi- 
tor of the Japan Peach Plan- 
tation Co., Ltd.; b.- the 1st 
m. of the 6th y. of Kayei 
(1853) in Nagano-ken; iw. 
Tsugu, e. d. of Ichibei Koba- 
yashi , of Nagano-ken. Ad- 
dress: Kawabe-mura, Kitasa- 
ku-gun, Nagano-ken. 

Yanagisawa, Yasutoshi (gp jf 
•f^S), Count, Honorary Fel- 
low of the Royal v/Statistical 
Society (London), Membre de 
r Institat internationel de Sta- 
tistique- (La Hage), Mem. of 

.the House of Peers, and of 
the Census Preparation Com- 
mittee, President r of the i st 
Mutual Life Insurance Co. ; 
b. Dec. 1870 in the province 
of Echigo ; brother of Mitsu- 
kuni Yanagizawa and adop- 
ted by the late Yasunobu 
Yanagizawa, Count and ex- 
Daimyo of .Koriyama.; a wid- 
ower. Educ. :■ graduated from 
the P-eers' School ; stud- 
ied politics, sociology and 
- statistics at the Universities 
of Berlin, Sti-asburg and 
Vienna. • Elected Honorary 
Fellow of the Royal Statisti- 

cal Society (London), 1895 ; 
represented Japan at the 
International Statistical Con- 
ference held at Christiana., 
Norway, in Sept. 18971 has 
been Statistical Adviser to 
the cities of Tokyo and Ko- 
be, Chairman of the Tokyo 
City Census Committee, Sta- 
tistician to ■ the government 
Bureau of Statistics and Lect' 
urer to Waseda Univ. ; or- 
ganized the 1st Mutual Life 
Insurance Co. and became 
its president ; ta veiled Eu- 
rope on official mission '12. 
Publtcations .• several works 
on statistics in English, Ger- 
man and French. Recreations: 
statistical investigation; chess. 
Address : No. 1,8 chome, 
Tamachi, Shibaku, Tokyo. 
Clubs : Tokyo club, Nippon 
club, Doki club and Kojun- 
sha. Tel:: 1487 /. d. Shiba. 

Yanai, Shigenobu C^^a^), . 
President of the 86th Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Okaya- 
ma-ken Agricultural and In- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd. ; b. the 
2nd m. of the 3rd y. of Ka- 
yei (1850) in Okayama-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Shigetake 
Yanai ; m. Shun, e. d. of Shi- 
genaga Kadota, a saviurai of 
Hiroshima. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1883. Address: Ma- 
tsuyama-mura; Kamifusa-gun„ 

Yano, Funiio (^ If -^m. 

[ 1233 ] 


ex-Minister to Peking, Presi- 
dent of the Kinjo Middle 
School, 3rd Order of Merit ; 
b. the 1 2th 111. of the 3rd y. 
of Kayei (1850) in Qita-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of Kogi Yano, 
an Oita samurai ; m. Retsu, 
2nd d. of Mamoru Sakuma, 
also an Oita samurai. Edttc: 
graduated from the Keiogiju- 
ku, 1870. Assist.-Pi-of of tlie 
Keiogij'uku ; Director of the 
Osaka Keiogijuku : teacher to 
the Tokushima English Lang- 
uage School ; entered the 
central Government as Sec- 
retary to the Treasury, 1878; 
junior-Secretary to the I?a- 
jokwan ; Manager of the Bo- 
ard of Statistics, i88t; Seni- 
or-Secretary to the Dajokwan 
(recommended by Count O- 
kuma, then Minister of Finan- 
ce) ; I'esigned the official post 
with Count Okuma when 
changes were made in the 
Cabinet in June the same 
year and took charge of the 
Hochi Shimbun in company 
with the late Mokichi Fuji- 
ta ; next rendered service in 
the formation of tl^e Kaishin- 
to (Progressive party) ;' made 
al tour of inspection through 
Europe and America, ^85 — 
i886 ; helped Count Okuma 
ik his, famous undertakings of 
the Revision of Treaties as 
Minister for Foreign Affairs, 
1889; in the following year 

by the recommendation of- 
the late Prince Ito was ap- , 
pointed Master of Ceremonies; 
Chief of the Bureau of Im- 
perial Tombs, 1896; Envoy 
Extraordinary and Ministei 
Plenipotentiary to China, iS- 
97 ; placed on the .retired 
list in 1899.; is now engaged 
in the education of the young- 
er generation. Publications^: 
" Keikoku Bidan " (some ex- 
tracts from the ancient his- 
tory of Greece) ; " Ukishiro 
Monogatari " (a nautical no- 
vel) ; " New Society ", all of 
which were written under his 
well known penname " Ryn- 
kei". Address: No. 201, 
Harajuku, Sendagayamachi, 
Toyotama-gun, Tokyo-fu. ~ 

Yano, Gitetsu (^|f, 
Surgeon-Captain in the Navy 
on the 2nd Reserve, Direct- 
or of the Odawara Electric 
Railway Co., Ltd., and of 
the Teikoku Life Insurance 
Co., Ltd. ; b. the Sth jn: of 
the 3rd y. of Kokwa (i 846) 
in Tochigi-prefecture ; 2nd -5-. 
of Choshiro lizuka ;' adopted 
by the late Yoshimoto Ya- 
no, a Tokyo samurai; m. I- 
shi. Early entered the Im- 
perial Navy as surgeon and; 
after due promotion attained, 
the rank of Surgeon-Captain; 
in 1886; placed on the re- 
serve list in 1893; is now. 
engaged in business. Deco- 


[ t 234 J 

rations ': 4th Order of Merit. ' 
Address : No. 24, Tomoecho, 
Nishinokubo, .. Shib.a-lcu, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 2162 Shiba/ 

Yano, Masami (^ IF IH ^5), 
Paymaster-Colonel, Chief of 
the Military Clothing Depart- 
ment; b. 1862 in Oita- 
ken. Paymaster-Sublieutenant, 
Aug. 1891 ; Paymaster-Lieu- 
tenant, Nov. 1 894 ; Paymas- 
ter-Captain, Oct. 1897; Pay- 
master-Major, Dec. 1903 ; 
Paymaster -Lieutenant- Colo- 
nel, Apr. 1905 ; Paymaster- 
Colonel, Dec. 1908. Decora- 
tions : 4th Order of the Sac- 
red Treasure ; 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun ; 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 79, ISotote-machi, Hon- 
jo-ku, Tokyo. 

Yano,' Ryoiclii C^ S? '-% -), 
Commissioner of the Lnperi- 
al Railway Board ; b. Jan. 
the isf y. of Meiji (1868) in 
Ehime-prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Kamenosuke Abe ; adopted 
by Toyosuke Yano in 1881; 
m: Tomoyo, y. s. of Tsune- 
taro Yano of the same pre- 
fecture. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Law of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 1894. 
Entered the Railway Office 
of the Communications' Dep't 
in 1897 ; present post since 
1909 ; made a tour of Euro- 
pe and America on official 
missions. . Decoration : Sth 

Order of Merit. Address: . 
Official House, Shiodomecho, 
Shibaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 1427 
Otsu Shimbashi. 

Yano, Seishi, C^c Sf ?t *>. 
Surgeon Inspector of Navy; 
/;$'. in i858.' Editc.^^^k Naval 
Surgeon School. Staff- Sur- 
geon of Navy, July 1901;, 
Fleet-Surgeon, Aug. 1905; 
Surgeon-Inspector, Dec. 1912. 
Once was chief surgeon of the . 
Yokosuka Mariners' Division. 
Decorations: 3rd Order of R. 
S., 4tli Order of S..T., 4th 
Class of G. K. 

Yano, Shigeru (^ if W), 
Public Procurator of the Court 
of. Cassation ; b. the 6th m. ^ 
of the 6th y. of Kayei (18- 
53) in Kumamoto-prefecture; 
e. s. of Hikozo Yano, a sa- 
murai ; adopted by th6 late 
Kichizo Yano; in. Mie, e. d. 
of Daishichi Shimidzu, also a 
Kumamoto samurai. Educ: 
graduated from the former 
Law School of the Dep't of 
Justice. Judge of the'Tokyo 
Distrist Court and of the O- 
saka Court of Appeal ; Pres- 
ident of the Koclii and Na- 
gasaki District Courts ; Pu- 
blic Procurator of the Appeal 
Courts of Nagasaki and Hi- 
roshima ; then present post. 
Decoration : 3rd Order of 
Merit. Address: No. 530, 
Zoshigaya, Takatamura, Ki- 
tatoshima-gun, Tokyo. ' 

[ 1235 ] 


Yano, Siiozaburo (^ Sf ffi H 
K153, Director of the 29th 
Banlc, Ltd.; b. the 8th 111. of 
the 3rd y. of Keio (1867) in 
Ehime-ken; y. b. of Kojuro 
Yano. Address : Kawanoishi- 
mura, Nishiuwa-gun, Ehime- 

Yano, Tsuneta <i^ Sf 'H ;fc), 

Managing Director of the ist 
Mutual Life Insurance Co., 
Ltd. ; b. the I2th m. of the 
1st y. of Kei5 (1865) in Oka- 
yama-ken ; ef s. of San-eki 
Yano ; in. Toshi, e. d. of No- 
riyoshi Yano, a Tokyo samu- 
rai. Educ. : studied at the 
Okayama Medical School ; 
graduated from the Medical 
Dep't of the former 3rd Higher 
Middle School, 1889. Became 
Medical. Inspector to the Ja- 
pan Life Insurance Co., Ltd., 
immediately after graduation; 
rendered service in the inau- 
guration of the Kyosai Life 
Insurance Co., Ltd., and be- 
came one of its Managers ; 
went to Europe for the in- 
spection of insurance business 
and attended the 1st Inter- 
national Conference for ' the 
Science of Insurance held in 
Belgium, 1895 — 1897.; ap- 
pointed Insurance Commis- 
sioner of the Agricultural and 
Commercial Dep't, J898 ; in 
addition Inspector of Statistics 
in the Cabinet, 1 900 ; after- 
wards resigned the govern- 

ment ' service. FuUicaiions : 
"Pocket Eongo/' "Geisliaron" 
and some others. Address: No. 
1337, Araijitku, Iriarai-nmra, 
Ehara-giin, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 

7 Omori. 

~ Yanoaie^ Magoichi Q-^W UM 
—'), Colonel of Engineerins, 
Com. of the 14th Battalion of 
Engineer; 6. 1 870 in Oita-keu, 
Sub-Lieutenant, Mar. 1892; 
Lieutenant, Oct. 1894; Cap- 
tain, Oct. 1897 ; Major, May 
1903 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
June 1905 ; Colonel,. 1910 ; 
took part in the late war 
on the staff of the 4th 
Army. Decorations: 5th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure; 4th 
Order of the Golden Kite. 
Address : TJtsunomiya. 

Yasaka,' JimpacM (A:KSA), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Saga-ken, President of the 
Yasaka Bank, Ltd., Director 
of the Saga-ken Agricultural 
and Industrial Bank, Ltd. ; b. 
the loth m. of the .6th y. of 
Kayei (1853) in Saga-ken ; e. 
s. of the late Jimbei Yasaka; 
m. Yasu, sisfer of Shitau U- 
sui, a Fukuoka 'samurai. Ad- 
dress: Torisumachi, Saga-ken. 

Yasaka, Kimpei (A m ^ ^). 
Director of the Fushiki Bank, 
Ltd., the San-etsu Cement 
Co., Ltd., and of the Eushiki 
New Warehouse Co., Ltd.; 
b. the 7th m. of the 4th y. 
of Kokwa (1847) in Toyama- 


L 1.236 ] 

prefecture ; 2nd s. of Zen- 
yemon Hotta ; adopted by 
the late Kimpei Yasaka in 
1 862 ; m. Tsugi, e. d. of his 
- adopted father. Address : Fu- 
s}iikimachi, Imidzu-gun, To- 

Yasaki, Mitsugu C^ isf R), 
President of the Ishiwa Bank, 
Ltd.; i>. the 3rd m. of the ist 
■ J. of Gwanji (1864) in Ya- 
manashi-ken ; e. s. of Hozen 
Yasaki ; adopted by the late 
Mataemon Yasaki ; m. Fuku, 
3rd d. of Den-emon Kobaya- 
slii of Yamanashi-ken. Suc- 
ceeded his adopted father in 
1S83. Address: Minato-mura, 
Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi- 

• YasMro, Mhei i^mz^mX 
draper, Auditor of the Kyo- 
san. Tra'nsportatiou Co., Ltd. ; 
/a Dec. the 8th 7. of Meiji 
(1875) in Kyoto; 2nd J. of 
Shptaro Yashiro ; adopted by 
the . late Nihei Yashiro in 
1884 ;■;!«._ P"umi, ^. d. of Ju- 
suke Fuk'uda of Kyoto. Ad- 
dress: No. S, TakoyakusHi- 
machi, Nijominami-iru, Muro- 
machi-dori, Kamikyol<:u, Kyo- 
to, TeL: 3235- 

Yashiro, JforiMko CAiWlM'), 
Sub-M-anager and in addition 
Chief of the Business Section 
of the Sumitorpo Banlt ; ^. 
Sept,, the 5th j. of Meiji (18- 
ya) in Tokj-'o ; e. s. of Tadasu 
Yashiro, s. savntrai i in. Sho, 

e. d. of Saishi Amaao of Chi- 
ba-prefecture. Educ. : gradu- 
ated from the College of Law 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1896. Manager of the London 
Branch of the Nippon Yuseh 
Kwaisha (Japan Mail-Steam- 
ship Co.), 1897— 1904; pre- 
sent posts since I904' Ad- 
dress: Tennoji-mm-a, Higa- 
shinari-gun, Osaka- fu. Td. : 
13s Minami. 

Yashiro Rokuro CA -ft ;^=: M\ 
Viec.r Admiral, -Director of 
the Is'aval College ; b. the 
ist m. of the ist y. of 
Man-en (i860) in Aichi- 
prefectuie; 2nd s. of Shoshi- 
chi Matsuyama ; adopted by , 
Ippei Yashiro in 1869; m.. 
So, e.d. of Hosho Ono, a sa- 
murai of Shidzuoka - prefect- 
ure. £due. : the Naval A- 
cademy. 3rd Sub - Lieuten- 
ant, June 1885 ; Commander, 
Dec. 1897; Captain, Oct! 
1 90 1 ; Kear-Aclmirai, JDece- 
mber 1907 ; Vice -Admiral, 
191 1. Was successively Ad- 
iucant to the Naval Acade- 
my, Member of the Naval 
General Staff, Section Com- 
mander of the Yoslmio, Atta- 
che to Lhe Legation , at St. 
Petersburg, Vice-Commander 
of the Yaslwna, Commander 
of the Miyako and the Asa- 
ma, Attache to. the Legation 
(afterwards Embassy) at Ber- 
lin, Commander of the Yo- 

[ 12-37 


kosuka Reserve Fleet Squa- 
dron, and of the ist Squad- 
ron, Attache to the Kure 
Naval Station; took part in 
the Russo-Japanese war as 
Commander of the Yashima 
belonging to the 2nd Squad- 
ron under Vice-Admiral U- 
ryu. Decoratoins : 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun, 3rd Order 
of the Sacred Treasure, 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: No. 5, Enokizaka, 
Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
161 3 Shiba. 

Yashiro, Shobei C^ftj£J^-^), 
draper; d. the 1st 7/1. of the 
1st jy. of Man-en (i860) in 
Kyoto ; i?nd .?. of the late 
.Shobei Yashiro ; ?«. Kura, 
2nd d. of Seibei Mori of 
Kyoto. Succeeded his father 
in 1 89 1 ; dealer in " Nishijin", 
Address : Reizeimachi, Nijo- 
agaru, Muromachi-dori, Ka- 
mik>'oku, Kyoto. Tel. : 234. 

Yasoshima, Chikanori (A-th 
Hg), Managing Dir. of the 
Shibusawa Warehouse Co., 
Ltd.. Director of the Shina- 
gawa ■B'ire Brick Co., Ltd., 
and of the Tokyo Hat Co., 
Ltd., Auditor of the Japan 
Leather Co., I.-td., and of the 
Susaki Fish Feeding Co., 
Ltd., Manager of the Shibu- 
sawa Estates ; <J; Apr. the 6th 
y. of Meiji (1873) in the pre- 
fecture of Ehime ; 2nd s. of 
Kozo Yasoshima, a samurai of 

the former Uwajima clan ; m. 
Toku, 2nd d. of Katsuz5 Ni- 
shimura of Tokyo. Educ. .• 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School, 
1894. After graduation was 
taken into the service of Baron 
Shibusawa as his private sec- 
retary being subsequently ap- 
pointed Manager of the Shi- 
busawa house ; when, in 1 8- 
97, Baron Shibusawa purchas- 
ed the Seoul-Chemulpo Rail- 
way from Mr. Morse, an A- 
merican, was chiefly in.stru- 
mental in devising the plans; 
in 190^ made a tour of in- 
spection through Europe and 
America in the suite of the 
Baron ; on his return home 
was appointed to the above 
mentioned posts. Address : 
Inc. 71, I chome, Dai-machi, 
Shirokane, Shiba-kn, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 918 Shiba. 

Yasuba, Sueki C^ -t * $9, 
Baron, Member of the House 
of Peers, i.tli Order oi 
Merit; 0. die 5th m. of the 
Sth J/, of Ansel (1858) in 
Kumamoto ; Sth .?. of Shi- 
niotsu Kyuya, a Kumamoto 
samurai ; adopted by the late 
Baron Yasukazu Yasuba ; m. 
Tomo. Educ. : studied at the 
Keiogijiiku ; ' studject " paper 
manufacturing in the U. S. 
A. Expert to the Govern- 
ment Printing Bureau, i886j, 
despatched to the U. S. ' A.; 


[ 1238 

to inspect the paper industry, 
1890 — 1892 ; Chief Expert 
to the Tohi Paper Mfg. Co., 
Ltd. ; again went to the U. 

5. A. to purchase the Com- 
pany's machines, 1897; en- 
gaged by the Formosan go- 
vernment as superintendent 
of its Paper Manufacturing 
Department and established 
the Taiwan Model Paper Fac- 
tory ; Director of the Sakai 
Celluloid Co., Ltd., 1908. Re- 
creation : hunting. " Address : 
No. 24, Ippommatsumachi, 
Azabu-lm, Tokyo. Tel. : 2 1- 
5 1 Shiba. 

Yasuda, Atsushi C^ IB ,1), 
Prof of the 2nd High School; 

6. Sept. the 1st jf. of Meiji- 
(1868) in Tokyo; e. s. of Ju- 
rin Yasuda, a samurai: m. 
Moto, e. d. of San Isono of 
Tokyo. Educ .; graduated 
from the College of Science 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
189S ; further studied at the 
University Hall. Present post 
since 1897. Address : No. i, 
Fukuromachi, Sendai, Miya- 

Yasuda, Genzo C3c ffl U M), 
draper and cotten cloth dealer 
(firm name " Nakaya "), Dir- 
ector of the Tokyo Bank, 
Ltd., Auditor of the Oriental 
Muslin Co., Ltd.; b. the 1st 
m. of the 3rd f. o^ Bunkyu 
(1863) in Tochigi-prefecture ; 
e. s, of Saemon Yasuda ; m. 

Toki, e. d. of Shakuzo Hattort 
of the same prefecture. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1878. 
Address : No. 6, i chome, 
Tachibanacho, Nihombashiku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 9 Naniwa. 

Yasuda, Kyiizaburo ({* ffl X 
2 515), Judge, President of thfe 
Chiba District Court ; 3. the-. 
8th m. of the 2nd f. of Keio - 
(1866) in Kyoto; 2nd s. ,of 
late Michiaki Yasuda ; m. 
Kuri, e. d. of Ishisuke Ito, a 
Yamaguchi samurai. Edicc.: 
graduated • from the College 
of Law of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1 890. Was successive- 
ly Judge of the Kyoto and 
K5fu District Courts, Sec- 
tional Chief of the Mito and . 
Tokyo District Courts, Judge 
of the Tokyo Court of Ap- 
peal, Sectional Chief of the 
Yokohama ■ District Court ;: ' 
President of the Kofu Dis- ' 
trict Court; present post since 
July 191 1. ""' Decoration : 5th 
Order of Merit. Address : 
Official Residence of the Chi- 
ba District Court, Chiba, Chi- 
bskea. , . 

Yasuda; Saisuke CSffl^fj), 
one of the highest taxpayei's 
of Aomori-prefecture, Direc- 
tor of the Itayanagi Miso 
Mfg. Co., Ltd., and of the 
Itayanagi Bank, I^td. ; b. the 
9th in. of the 1st j of An- 
sel (1854) in Aomori-prefect- 
ure ; e.s. of Kisuke Yasuda; 
in. Maki, sister of Yosaburo 

[ 1239 ] 


Yasuda of the same prefect- 
ure. Address : Itayanagi-mu- 
ra, Kitatsugaru-gun, Aomori- 

Yasnda, Tasaburo ('5 i.n ^ H 

IB), merchant, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Nara- 
ken ; b. Feb. the 7th y. of 
Meiji (1874) '" Nara-ken; e. 
s. of the late Tashiro Yasu- 
da; in. Kimi, 2nd d. of Ta- 
Shichi Yasuda of Kyoto. Su- 
cceeded his father iix 1895. 
Address: Yagimachi, Takai- 
chi-gun, Nara-ken. 

Yasuda, Tota (^ H ;^ ^). ^ 
Prof, of the First High Sch- 
ool ; d. the 8th m. of the 
3rd y. of Ansei (1856) in 
Oita-ken ; adopt, s. of Tosen 
Yasuda ; a widower" Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Scifence in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. in 1880 Appointed 
an official of the Dep't of 
Education, 1883 ; Assistant- 
Prof, of the Tokyo Daigaku 
Yobimon (a preparatory course 
of the former Tokyo Univ.), 
1874; present post since 18- 
86. Decoration : 4th Order 
of Merit. Address: No. 25, 
6 chome, Udamachi, Kojima- 
chi, Tokyo. 

YasHda, YagorS C^H§12IB), 
Pres. of the Mito Eailway Co., 
Ltd. ; 6. the 5th m. of the 9th y. 
of Tempo (1838) in Tokyo; e. 
.y. of the late' Yagoro Yasu- 
da; a . widower. Address : 

No. 9, 2 chome, Yokoami- 
cho, Honjo, Tokyo. 

Yasuda, YasokicM C-f^HA^' 
cj), President of the Hiro- 
shima Bank, Ltd., Vice-Pre- 
sident of the Pliroshiraa Sav- 
ings Bank, Ltd., Manager of 
the Hiroshima Rice Exchan- 
ge, Ltd., Director of the Hi-r 
roshima Pier Co., Ltd., Au-, 
ditor of the Hiroshima-ken 
Agricultural and Industrial 
Bank, Ltd.; b. the 9th fu. of 
the 14th y. of Tempo. (18- 
43) in Hiroshima ; e. s. of 
Shichibei Yasuda ; m. Mitsu, 
2nd d. of Shosuke Kimura 
of Ehime-prefecture. Address: 
No. 107, Kyobashi, Hiroshi- 

Yasuda, Zembei C^iB#4^ff), - 
Director of the 98th Bank, 
Ltd., and of the Mito Railway 
Co., Ltd., Managing Director 
of the Kyoto Bank, Ltd ; b: 
Oct. the 8th 7. of Meiji (1875) 
in Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Hyozo 
Yasuda ; m. Fuji, y. s. to 
Genzaburo Fujita of Tokyo. 
Address : No. 7, 2chome, Yo- 
koamicho, Honjoku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 4561 Shitaya. 

Yasuda, ZempacMro (S ffl # 
A W), Chief of the Business 
Dep't . and of the Bond and 
Stock Section of the Yasuda 
. Bank, Unltd., President of 
the 22nd Bank, Ltd, Direct- 
-oi" of the -Higo Bank, Ltd., 
"the Nemuro Bank, Ltd., th6 

[ 1240 ] 

, Shinano Bank, Ltd, and of 
the Dgaki Kyoritsu Bank, 

' Ltd. ; ?. Nov. the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1871) in Dita-prefect- 
ure-; 4th i' ofIchir5 Toyoda; 
adopted by the Yasuda family 

; in 1 897 ; in. Chiyo, y. s. to 

„Zen-e' Yasuda,. Entered the 
Ya.sud;a Bank in 1893 and 
was subsequently promoted 
to his present post. Address : 
No. 18, Shiba-koen, Shibaku, 
Tokyo, Tel. : 1541 Shiba. 

Yasuda, Zen-e C^ H # ^), 
President of the Yasuda' Com- 
mercial Co., Unltd., the Gum- 
ma Commercial Bank, Ltd., 

. and of the Kyoto Bank, Ltd., 
Director of the 3rd Bank, 
Ltd., and of the Yasuda Bank, 
Unltd.; b. Feb. the ist y. of 
Meiji (1868) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of Chijbei Yasuda ; ;«. Teru, 
e. d. of the retired Lieuten- 
ant-General Hdkoku Shiono- 
ya. Succeeded his father in 
.1896. Address': No. 6, 2cho- 
me, Yokoamicho, Honjoku, 

Yasuda, Zengen (3c W # i^), 
Director of the 84th Bank, 
Ltd., Auditor of the Kyosai 
Life Insurance Co., Ltd., and 
of the Mito Railway Co., 
Ltd. ; b.- Apr. the 3rd y. of 
Meiji (1870) in Tokyo; e. s. 

•of Hyozo Yasuda ; m. Moto, 
adopt, d. of Ikujiro Aochi of 
Tokyo. Address : No. 7,_ 2 
fihome, Yokoami-cho, Honjo- 

ku, Tokyo. 

"Yasuda. Zengoro CSffl^^if;?'^-. 
PreM. of the Nemuro Bank, 
and of the Imperial Marine 
Transportation Fire Ins. Co., 
Ltd., Director of the Katsu- 
ragaw'a Electric Power Co., 
Ltd., Co., Ltd., Auditor of the 
Yasuda Bank; b. June the . 
19th y. of Meiji (1886) m 
Tokyo ; 3rd s. of Zenjiro Ya- 
suda, a millionaire. Address: 
No. 7, 2chome, Yokoamicho, 
Honjoku, Tokyo.' 

Yasuda, ZenjirS CSH#^Slt), 
a millionaire, 2nd Order of 
Merit, Superintendent of the 
Yasuda Bank, Unltd., and of 
the 130th Bank, Ltd., Adviser 
to the Mito Railway Co., the 
Kyosai Life Insurance Co., 
the I7tli Bank, the Kiujyo 
Savings Bank ; b. the loth 
m. of the 9th y. of Tempo 
(1838) in Toyama-prefecture; 
e. s. of Zenretsu Yasuda ; Jn. 
Fusa, 4th d. of Yabei Fuji- 
ta of Tokyo. Came up to 
Yedo (Tokyo) at the age of 
twenty- five and opened in 1 8- 
64 a money exchange busi- 
ness under the firm name of 
Yasuda Shoten, which was 
converted into the Yasuda 
Bank in 1880; inaugurated 
'in 1879 the 3rd National 
' Bank, of which he was ele- 
cted President; subsequently 
took part in the establish- 
ment of the Yokohama Specie 

! I 24 1 


Bank ; in 1883 was elected a 
member of the inauguration 
committee of the Bank of 
Japan, being appointed one 
of the Directors after the 
establishment of the Bank ; 
during this period was ele- 
cted, on several occasions, a 
member of the Tokyo Pre- 
fectural Assembly and City 
Assembly; in 1892 establish- 
ed the Yasuda Warehouse 
Co., in Hokkaido, and con- 
structed a line of railway to 
Kushiro-; in 1893 inaugurated 
the Teikoku Marine Insurance 
Co., Ltd. ; was appointed in 
1879 a member of the in- 
auguration comhiittee of the 
Holdcaido Colonial Bank, 
Ltd., and in 1897 of the For- 
mosan Bank, Ltd.; is one of 
the most influential bankers 
in Japan. Address: No. 10,' . 
2 chome, Yokoamicho, Hon- 
joku, Tokyo. Tel.: 30 Shi- 

Yasuda, Zennosuke C3cffl#;<: 
W), President of the Yasu- 
da Bank, Unltd., Director of 
the Teikoku Marine Trans- 
portation P'ire Insurance Co., 
Ltd., the 3rd Bank, Ltd., the 
Kyosai Life Insurance Co., 
Ltd., and of the Yasuda Com- 
mercial Co., Unltd., Auditor 
of the Mito Railway Co., Ltd.; 
b. Mar. the \2\h y. of Meiji 
(1879) in Tokyo; 2nd s. of 
Zenjiro Yasuda, a millionaire; 

m. Sen-ko, niece to Count 
Tadaatsu Sakai. Address: 
Yokoami-cho, Honjo-ku, To- 
kyo. Td.: 1575 Honjo. 

Yasuda.'ZeiisMro (^ ffl # 
Si>), President of the 3rd Bank 
Ltd., Director of the Yasu- 
da Bank, Unltd., the Kyosai 
Life Insurance Co., Ltd., the 
Kyoto Bank, Ltd., the Meiji 
Commercial Bank, Ltd', the 
Kinjo Savings Bank, Ltd., 
and of the Yasuda Commer- 
cial Bank, Unltd. ; b. June 
the I'oth y. of Meiji (1877) 
in Tokyo ; e. s. of the late 
Zenshiro Yasuda ; m. Mine, 
3rd d. of Zenjiro Yasuda, a 
millionaire. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1897. Address : No. 
8, 4 chome, Koaniicho, Ni- 
hombashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2420 Naniwa. 

Yasuda, Zensuke (3c K # SiJ), 
Pi-esident of the Meiji Com- 
mercial Bank, Ltd., the Kin- 
jo Savings Bank, Ltd., and 
of the Kydsai Life Insurance 
Co., Ltd., Director of the Hi- 
go Bank, Ltd., the Kyoto 
Bank, Ltd.,. and of the Tokyo 
Fire and Marine Transporta- 
tion Insurance Co., Ltd. ; b. 
July the 5th y. o[ Meiji (18- 
72) in Tokyo ; 2nd .J. of Ya- 
goro Yasuda ; adopted by the 
late Zensuke Yasuda ; m. 
Tora, 5th d. of Baron Kwait 
Nabeshima. Address : No. g, 
4chomo, Koamicho, Niliom- 


1242 ] 

bashiku, Tokyo. 7J'/. .•4611 

Yasuda, Zeaya (3c fH # 5i), 
Director of the Mitb Railway 
Co., Ltd. ; b. Nov. the i6th 
y. of Meiji (1883) ia Tokyo; 
2nd s. of Chubei Yasuda and 
brother to Zen-e Yasuda ; 
adopted by tlie late Zenya 
Yasuda in ' 1907." Address : 
No. 9, 2 chome, Yokoamicho, 
Honjokii, Tokyo. Tel. :iSoo 
Shitaya. ■ 

Yasuda, ZenzaburS (SEE|#H 
SR)> Superintendent . of the 
Meiji Commercial Bank, the 
Kyoto Bank, the Yasuda Com- 
mercial Firm, the Yasuda 
Bank, 'and of the_ 3rd Bank, 
President of the Ogaki Kyo- 
ritsu Bank, the Teikoku Hemp 
Mfg. Co,, the Japan Com- 
mercial Bank .and of the 
,130th Bank, Chairman of the 
Board of Directors of the Shi-, 
nano Bank, Director of the 
Tokyo Fire Marine Transpor- 
tation Insurance C"o., the Tei- 
koku 'Marine Transportation 
and Fire Insurance Co., the 
Tokyo Buildings Co., and of 
the Yokohama Electric Rail- 
way Co., Auditor of the Ka- 
iiegafuchi Spinning Co., the 
Kyosai' Life Insurance Co., 
the Mito Railway Co,, and of 
the Higo Bank; ^. Oct the 
3rd j;/. of Meiji (1870) in E- 
hime-ken ; (?. s. of Chuichi 
iomi, a sanmrai and adopted 

by Zenjiro Yasuda, a million- 
aire ; in. Teru, 2nd d. of his 
adopted father. Edtic: gradu- 
ated from the College of Law 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 18- 
92. Address : No. 7, 2chome, 
Yokoamicho, Honjoku, To- 
kyo: Tel. : 173 Shitaya: 

Yasiigi, Sadatoshi (A#Af'l)) 
Prof, of the Tokyo Foreign 
Language School. Address: 
No." (>i, 5 chome, Aoyama- 
Minami-maohi, Akasaba-ku, 

Ya'sugochi, Asakichi (gfMi^lK 
"a), Secretary and Councill- 
or to the Home Dep't ; b. 
Apr. 1873 in Fukuoka -pre- 
fecture; 2nd s. of Zimpei Ya- 
sugSchi ; in. Yumi, e. d. of 
the, late Misao Yashiro of 
Tokyo. Edtic. . graduated 
from the College of Law in 
the Tokyo Imperial Univ,, 
1897. Councillor to Kuma- 
moto-ken, 1898 ; afterwards 
in succession was Councillor 
to Wakayama and Osaka . 
prefectures, Chief of Police in 
Tottori and Shidzuoka pre- 
fectures. Secretary to Aicht 
and Saga prefectures. Com- 
missioner of the Japan Grand 
Exhibition ; Secretary to the 
Agricultural and Commercial 
Dep't, 1909; present posts 
since Dec. 1910. Decoration : 
5th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 195, Harajuku,. 
Sendagaya, Toyotama - gun, 

[ 1243 


Tokyo-fu. Tel. .■ 2904 Shiba. 

Yasuhara, Kinji (S M ^ ^), 
Rear- Admiral on the reserve; 
/;. the nth m. of the ^th jf. 
of Kayei (1852) m Tokyo; 
e. s. of Tomojiro Yasuhara, 
direct retainer to the Sho- 
gunate ; m. Fumi, e. s. to 
Kinta Kokura, a Tokyo sa- 
murai.- Educ: graduated from 
the former Kaigun Heigakti- 
ryo i^Naval Academy), 18- 
78. Appointed 2nd sub-Lieu- 
tenant in 1878 and after due 
■promotion attained the rank 
of Rear-Admiral when he 
was placed on the reserve 
list ; took part both in the 
Japan-China and the Russo- 
Japanese wars and was de- 
corated with the 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun and the 
4th Class of the Golden Kite 
for services. Address : No. 
178, Todzuka-mura, Toyota- 
ma-gun, Tokyo-fu. 

Yasuhu'o, Tomoiehiro CS^# 
-^ Ki?), Member of the House of 
Peers, ex-Chief of the Legisla- 
tive Bureau and of the Pen- 
sion Bureau of the Cabinet, 
1st Order of Merit; ^. the 
lOth m. of the 6th y. of An- 
sei (1859) in Fukuoka-ken ; 
e. s. of Ichiro Yasuhiro ; m. 
Ai, 3rd d. of Ryuhei Ishika- 
wa of Yamaguchi-lcen. Educ: 
studied first at the Keiogipi- 
ku and then graduated from 
Cambridge Univ., England. 

Prof, of the former Third Hi- 
gher Middle School, 1889; 
since then in succession was 
Councillor of the Legislative 
Bureau, Chief of the Ordinary 
Education Bureau of the Ed u- 
cational Dep't, Director of the 
Postal Affairs Bureau of the 
Communications' Dep't, Chief 
Secretary of the Cabinet ; ap- ■ 
pointed Member of the House 
of Peers by Imperial nomina- 
tion, 1900 ; made Vice-Mini- 
ster for Agriculture and Com- 
merce and in addition Pi'e- 
sident of the Government Iron 
Foundiy, 1901 ; Chief of the 
Legislative Bureau and of the 
Pension Bureau of the Cabi- 
net; resigned the post in Aug: 
191 1. Address: No. 2, 2 cho- 
me, Sadowaracho, Ichigaya, 
Ushigome-kVi, Tokyo. . Tel. .• 
1678 Bancho. 

Yasui, Jihei (3c * I& :R W), 
Pawn-broker (firm name "O- 
miya"); b. the 12th m. of 
the 1st y. of Gwanji (1864) 
in Tokyo ; e. s. of the late 
Jihei Yasui ; m. Kiyo, Yotrn- 
ger sister of Seitaro Suzumu- 
ra of Tokyo. Succeeded his- 
father in 1904. Address : No, 
3, Fukutomicho, Asakusaku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 1481 Shitaya. 

Yasui, Juz" CS^fiH), Judge, 
President of the Hakodate- 
District Court ; b. the loth 
m. of the 6th y. of Ansei 
(1859) in Okayama-ken: srd- 


1244 J 

s. of Genzo Yasui ; m. Yo- 
shino, e. d. of Bungo Naka- 
gami, a samurai of Nara-ken. 
Passed'the Examination for 
Bench and Was appointed 
Judge, 1887; has been Sec- 
tional chief of the Nagoya and 
Matsuyama District Cour- 
ts, Judge of the Hiroshima 
Court of Appeal, President 
of the Utsunomiya District 
Court ; and then present post. 
Decoration: 4th Order of Merit. 
Address : Official house of the 
Hakodate District Court, Hok- 

Yasui, Katsuji CS ^It ^), 
Judge, President of the Tai- 
hoku Local Court ; b. the 9th 
ni. of the 2nd y. of Keio (18- 
66) in Hyogo-ken ; 2nd s. of 
Gohei Tatsunq ; adopted by 
Kaizo Yasui, a ' Hyogo sa- 
murai, m. Kan,- 3rd d. of 
Kobun Kishimoto, an Oka- 
yama samurai ; Decoration : 
5th Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No; 6, 3-chonie, Bun- 
bu-gai, Taihoku, Formosa. 

Yasui, Sakazo C5g ^. W ^}, 
■dealer in foreign papers ; b. 
the nth m. of the 2nd y. of 
Keio (1866) in Osaka.; 2nd 
s. of Eisaku Yasui ; in. Shi- 
dzu, e. s.- to Eizo Yamamoto 
of Nara-pretecture. Founded 
his own house in 1894. Ad- 
dress : No. 3, .2 chonie, Hi- 
ranomachi, Hig-ashiku, Osa- 
ka. Td.: 211 1 Honkyokn. 

Yasiikawa, Keiiehiro C3cJil§S[ 
-^115). Mine-owner, one of the 
Highest tixpayers of Fuku- 
oka-ken. Representative Mem- 
ber of the Meiji Mining Co., 
Director of the Wakamatsu 
Harbour Construction Co., 
Ltd., Representative Member 
of the Meiji Spinning Co., 
Auditor of the Wakamatsu 
Savings Bank, Ltd.; b. the 
4th m. of the 2nd y. of Ka- 
yei (1849) in the province ol 
Chikuzen ; 4th s. of Sadashi- 
chi Tokunaga, a sainurai of 
Chikuzen clan; adopted by the 
late Okayemon Yasukawa; m. 
Mine, e. d. of his adopted 
father. Educ: studied Chinese 
classics under Katatake Mo- 
chizuki, a famous scholar of 
Shizuoka, 1870; entered the 
Keiogijuku in 1872, but left 
it without ■ graduating. He 
succeeded his elder brother 
Mr. Ikushima as mine owner 
when the latter died at the 
battle of the Saga Insurrec- 
tion in 1 874 ; but owing to 
the dull condition of coal trade 
at that time failed, undergo- 
ing at one time such straitened 
circumstances that he him- 
self had to work hard, in one 
of his mines for a while ; in 
1883, however, conditions of 
the trade having recoveredf 
was enabled to engage a min- 
ing expert and work the- 
mines on a -more extensive 

L 1245 1 


scale, having leased several 
thousand acres of mining clai- 
ms ; made at last the port of 
Wakamatsu his headquarters 
and devoted himself assiduous- 
ly to the extension of his 
business; meanwhile again en- 
countered great difficulties, but 
being enabled to continue 
through financial assistance 
obtained from the late Baron 
Iwasaki, gradually rose to his 
present powerful position ; is 
now devoting his surplus 
energy to educational work, 
having established a technical 
school, called Meiji Indust- 
lial School, at his own ex- 
pense of yen 3,000,000 for 
which he was lately decorat- 
ed with 3rd Order of Merit. 
Recreations: Utai'(old Japa- 
nese songs) ; wrestling. Ad- 
dress : Wakamatsu, Onga- 
gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Yasunaga, YosMaki (3c n> K 
#), Kogakiihakushi (Dr. of 
Engineering), President of the 
Osaka Higher Technological' 
School ; b. the nth m. of the 
2nd y. of Ansei (1855) in 
Saga-ken ; brother of Yoshi- 
yuki Yasunaga, a samurai ; 
nt. Kiku, e. d. of Seiyemon 
Kanamaru, also a Saga sa- 
nmrai. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Engineer- 
ing in the former Tokj'o Dai- 
gaku, 1880. An official of 
the Dep't of Industries after 

graduation ; then Assistant- 
Engineer to the War Dep't, 
1887 ; Engineer to the Osaka 
Iron Foundry, 1896; made a 
tour of inspection through 
Europe and America, - the 
same year ; Kogakiihakushi, 
1899; Prof of the Osaka 
Higher Technological School; 
then its President, 1904. Ad-' 
dress: No. 12, ichome, Ta- 
maecho, Kitaku, Osaka. 

Yasutake, Zinzaburo CS^ff^t- 
HI15), Managing Director of 
the Ikuyoshi Bank, Ltd. ; b. 
the 5th m. of the 3rd y. of 
Bunkyia (1863) in Fukuoka- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Zin-ichi 
Yasutake ; m. Waku, 2nd d. 
of the late Mioii Nagasawa 
of the same prefecture. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1879. 
Address : Ybshiimachi, Uki- 
ha-gun, Fukuoka-ken, 

Yasutomi, Shusuke CS^J^tiE) , 
Chief of thelnvestigation Sec- 
tion of the Mitsui Bank, Ltd.; 
b. the 2nd -m. of the 2nd y. 
of Bunkyii (1862) in Yama- 
guchi-prefecture ; e. s. of Tai- 
zo Okada, a samurai of Ya- 
maguchi ; adopted by the late 
Hansuke Yasutomi ; 7n. Fuyu, 
Sth d. of Kytiemon Oda of 
the same prefecture, Educ. : 
graduated from the Keiogi- 
fuku in 1885. Prof of his 

ahna mater immediatelj' after 
graduation; entered ihe Mi- 
tsui Banlf by the recommen- 


[ 1246 ] 

dation of Mr. S. Hatano; 
Manager of the Nagasaki 
branch ; then" present post. 
Recreation : Horticulture. Ad- 
dress : No. I, Shinhamaclio, 
Kanasugi, Shibaku, Tol<y6. 
Tel. : 1973 Shiba. 

Yatomi, ChilzaburS, C^^.f.H 
110, Director and Manager of 
the Tomo Muslin Co., Ltd. ; 
b. the 6th m. of the Sth y. 
of Ansei (1858) in Gumrna- 
prefecture ; e. s.' of Kunigoro 
Yatomi ; m. Kiri, 2nd d. of 
Heijiiro Haga of the same 
prefecture. Address : Shimo- 
hayagawada, Watarase-mura, 
C5ra-gun, Gumma-ken, 

Yatomi, Kwan-iehi C?ig^— ), 
a merchant, one of the highest 
taxpayers of Saga-ken ; b. 
July the i/thjK- of Meiji (18- 
84) in Saga-ken; f. s. of To- 
misuke Kume, a Saga samu- 
rai ; adopted by the late Mo- 
totaro Yatomi; in. Moto, e.d. 
•of his adopted father. Ad- 
dress : Nakagawasoe - mura, 
Sagk-gun, Saga -ken, 

Yatsu, Naohide C^ #; i: ^), 
Ph. D. (1905, Columbia 
University), Rigakuhakushi 
(1911), Assist.-Prof. on Zo- 
olog}'' at the Tokyo- Imp. 
Univ.; b, Sept. 8, 1877 in 
Tokyo ; j. of Naotaka Yatsu; 
■m. Ai, d. of Kichibei Inoma- 
ta,importer. Educ: graduated 
from^the Tokyo Imp. ■'Univ. 
(1897 — 1900)-; studied abroad 

(1901 — 1907), New York, Na- 
ples, Leiptig. Publications .' 
several Zoblogjical papers. Ad- 
dress: No. I, Hakusanmaema- 
chi, Koishikawa, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2815 Bancho. ^ 67?/fo .• Mem- 
ber of the Tokyo Zoological 
Society, Anthropological So- 
ciety, Fellow of American As- 
sociation of Advancement of 
Science ; Member of Society 
for Experimental Biology and 
Medicine; Member of Sigma 
Zi Society (Kappa Chapter), 

Yatsugami, Kosuke (A If ^ 
fJ)) dealer in surgical instru- 
ments ; b. the 5th m.. of the 
5th J/, of Kayei (1852) in 
Aichi-1-cen ; 2nd .$■. of Mitsue- 
mon Yatsugami ; ?«. Tatsu, 
e. d. of Hanshichi Tanaha- 
shi of Aichi-ken., His firm 
name is " Isutsuko:' Address: 
No. 89, Kyomachi, Nagoya. 
Tel. : 207 I. d: 

Yatsuka, Yoshimi (.AM^W), 
L'lwver, ex- Mem. of the Hoxise 
of Representatives for Shizu- 
oka-prefecture ; b. Mar the 
5th y. of Meiji (1872) in E- 
hime-prefecture ; 2nd .f. of Ya- 
sohachi Yatsuka ; in. Kin, e. 
s. of Unkichi Tsukamoto of 
Tokyo. Educ: graduated from 
the Nippon Horitsugakkd (pre- 
sent Nippon Univ., a law in- 
stitution), July 1893. Passed 
the Examination for the Bar, 
Oct. the same year; beganpra- 
ctice as lawyer first at Ha- 

[ 1247 J 


mamatsu (1894) and then re- 
moved to Tokyo (1900) ; ele- 
cted Membtr of the House of 
Representatives in 1908. Ad- 
dress: No. 9, 3 chome, Tsu- 
kiji, Kyobasliiku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
420 Kyobashi. 

Yauma, Kanesake CA,SSI:Jh), 
shipping agent, President of 
the Nishinomiya Bank, Ltd., 
Director of the Nishinomiya 
Savings Bank, Ltd.; b. the 
7th in. of the loth y. of 
Tempo (1839) in Hyogo- pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of-Katsuzo Ya- 
uma ; m. Toki, 2nd d. of 
Mambei Fujii of Hyogo-pre- 
fecture. Address: No. 49, Ha- 
makubo, Nislainomiyamachi, 
Muko-gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Yoda, Hirotaro C^ffl^icB), 
Lieutenant - General, Com- 
mander of tl>c nth Army 
Division; b. the 9th lit. of 
the 6th y. of Kaei (1853) in 
Kyoto ; e. s. of Banzo Yoda, 
a samurai ; in. Kuni, e. d. of 
Tsutomu KajiofTolcyo. Edtic: 
studied military tactics in 
France. Sub - Lieutenant of 
Infantry, Dec. 1877 ; Lieuten- 
ant, Feb. 1883; Captain, 
May 1886; Major, Jan. 18- 
92 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Apr. 
1895; Colonel, Oct. 1898; 
Major-General, Dec. 1903 ; 
Lieutenant-General, Nov. 19- 
10 ; recently was in succession 
©n- the Staff of the Mi- 
litary Superintendence Dep't, 

President of the Toyatnit 
Gakko (a military technical 
school). Commander of the 
47th Infantry Regiment, of 
the 4th, I2th and 1st Infant- 
ry Brigades, etc. ; took part 
both in the China- Japan and 
Russo-Japanese wars and was 
decorated with the 2nd Oi-- 
der of the Rising Sun, 3rd 
Order of the Sacred Treasu-r 
re, 3rd Class of the Golden 
Kite for'' services. Address: 
Zentsiijimachij Kagawa-ken. 
Yoda? Koji (iSHat— ), Kearr- 
Admiral, on the waiting Ust 
since Dec. 19 12, Commander 
of the battleship Hizen ; b. 18- 
6^. Educ: graduated from the 
Naval Academy. 2nd Com- 
mander, Dec. 1897 ; Com- 
mander, June 1900 ; Captain, 
Jan. 1905. Decorations : 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun, 4th 
Order of the Sacred Treasure, 
4th Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : No. 172, Suid5ba- 
tamach'I, Kobinata, Koishika- 
waku, Tokyo. 

Yoda, Sen-emon (IS H fill * * 
f1), a farmar and a large 
landowner, one of the high- 
est taxpayers of Nagano-pre- 
fecture, member of the House 
of Peers ; b. the 6th m. of 
tiie.2nd y. of Ansei (1855) 
in Nagano-prefectui e ; e. s. of 
Shichir5bei Yoda ; in. Hatsu, 
e. d. of Seihatsu Maldno, a 
samurai of .the .same pi-efect- 


1248 1 

ure. Succeeded his father in 
1874. Elected M. H. P. in 
191 1, Address: Minamigoten- 
mura, Kitasaku-gun, Naga- 

Yoda, Shokei C1S EB 1 ^), 
MaJOT - General, on the re- 
serve list since December 
191,2; b. 1863. in Kumamo- 
to. Sub-Lieutenant, Dec. 1 8- 
83 ; Lieutenant, Apr. 1 887 ; 
Captain, July 1894; Major, 
Oct. 1899 ; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Mar. 1904 ; Colonel, 
Dec. 1906 ; Major-General, 
1910. Decorations : 3rd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun, 4tli 
Order of the Saci-ed Trea- 
sure, 3rd Glass of the Gol- 
den Kite. Was Commander 
of the 36th Infantry Brigade 
tintil 1912. 

Yoda, Tsunesaburo (X ffl if 
SIP), Sake-brewer; ^.~ the 1 2th 
in. of the 4th y. of Kokwa 
(1847) in Osaka; e.s. of the 
late Kahei Yoda ; a widovver. 
Succeeded his father in 1859. 
Address: No. 42, ichome, 
Saiwaicho, Nishiku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 912 Nishi. 

Yogo, Asataro C^ S 15 ic IP) , 
Stock-broker ; b. the I2th m. 
of the 1st y. of Bunkyu (18- 
61) in Aichi-prefecture ; e^ s. 
of TajQro Yogo ; adopted by 
the late Yo Yogo in 18- 
95 ; m. Mitsuji, y. s. to Hi- 
sahiko Hirose, an Aichi sa^ 
mitrai. Address : No. 4, 4 

chome, Sakaemachi, NakakUj 
Nagoya. Tel.: 150. 

YOgura, Kihei (M t" W- ¥), 
Colonel of Infantry, Com. of 
the despaclied Army in North 
China; h. 1867 in Kago- 
shima. Sub-Lieutenant, July 
1888; Lieutenant, Nov, 1892; 
Captain, Nov. 1895; Major, 
Feb, 1902; Lieutenant-Colo- 
nel, Mar. 1905; Colonel, Nov. 
1907. Decorations : 4th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure, 3rd 
Oi'der of the Rising Sun, 
3rd Class of the Golden Kite. 
Addr£.ss : Tientsliiii, China. 

Yogura, TSryu CH- M M Ff ), 
Dr. of Veterinary Medicine- 
(New York College of Ve- 
terinary Science), President 
of the Azabii Jui Gakko (A- 
zabu School of Veterinary 
Medicine); b. the gtli ;«. of 
the 1st jy. of Bunkyu (1861) 
in Kagoshima ; e. s. of Mori- 
ndo Yogura, a samurai) m. 
vSaku, y. s. to Muneo Kuma- 
kavva of Tokyo. Edtic. : 
graduated first from the Ve- 
terinary Course of' the for- 
mer Komaba Agricultural 
School (1882) and then from 
the New York College of 
Veterinary Science, ,- 1884. 
On his return was successi- 
vely appointed Prof of the 
Komaba Agricultural School, 
the Tokyo Agricultural and 
Dendrologicai School and of 
the College of Agriculture 

[ 12.9 ] 


in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; 
in 1890 inaugurated the A- 
zabu School of Veterinary 
Medicine, becoming president 
of it; has several times been 
appointed Juror arid Coun- 
cillor to the Industrial Ex- 
hibition and Member of the 
Committee for the Prevention 
of Cattle-disease (rindei'pest). 
Address: No. 452, Shiroka- 
nesanlcocho, Shibaku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 1694 Shiba. 

Yokobori, Jisaburo CSMfi&H 
S15), Kogakuhaktcshi (Dr. of 
Engineering), Prof, of the Col- 
lege of Science and Engineer- 
ing in the Kyoto Imp. Univ. 
(chair-Metallurgy); b._ Mar. 
the 4th y. of Meiji (1871) in 
Chiba-ken ; 2nd J. of Gen- 
ichiro Yokobori ; m. Tsuna, 
e. d. of Wataru Watanabe of 
Tokyo. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Engineering 
in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1 894 ; further studied in Ger- 
many, 1897 — 1899. Entered 
the Mitsubishi firm- as Engi- 
neer to its Takashima Col- 
liery ; Assistant-Prof of his 
ahna mater, 1 896 ; full Prof 
of the same, 1899; Kogaku- 
hakushi, 1901. Address: O- 
kazakicho, Kamikyoku, Kyo- 

Yokobori, Tatsuo (S M 11 %\ 

Chief Physician of the Oph- 
tiialmic Dep't of the Toya- 
ma Red Cross Hospital ; b. 

Aug. the 13th y. of Meiji 
(1880) in Tochigi-prefecture ; 
y. b. to Kanae Tsuchiya ; a- 
dopted by Sanshi Vokoljori 
in 1907 ; m. Kiku, y. s. to 
Meiji Hasegawa of the same 
prefecture. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Medicine 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 19- 
06. Present post since gradu- 
ation. Address : No. 78, I- 
narimachi, Toyama-shi, Toya- 

Yokoelii, Cbokan 'M ii fi #)> 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of' the 24th Infantry 
Regiment; b. 1869 in Tokyo. 
Sub-Lieutenant, July 1889 ; 
Lieutenant, Feb. 1894; Cap- 
tain, Nov. 1897; Major, Sept. 
1902 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Aug. 1905 ; Colonel, Apr.. 
1909. Decorations: 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun, 5th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure, 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: The 24th Infantiy 
Regiment, Fukuoka, Fukuo- 

Yokoehi, Ishitaro (^ ^ S i: 
fi|5J), Dir. of the Yamaguchi 
Higher Commercial School ; 
b. the 1st m, of the ist y. 
of Man-en (i860) in Kanaza- ; 
wa, province of Kaga ; e. s: 
of the late Daijiiro Yokoehi ; 
m. Teru, 2nd d. of Gyoei Na- 
gaoka, a judge, ^l^?^^..- stud- 
ied at the Tokyo English ' 


I 1250 j 

Language School, 1877; grad- 
uated from the College of 
Science in the Tokyo Univ., 
1884. Teacher to the Ko- 
be Normal School, 1884; to 
the Kyoto Middle School, 
1885; Prof, of the Kagoshi- 
ma Higher Middle School, 
1887; Principal of the Fu- 
kushima Middle School, 18- 
93 ; of the Matsuyama Mid- 
dle School, 1 896 ; Prof of 
the Yamaguchi High School. 
1900 ; present post since 19- 
ir, , Recreations : collector 
of old books and historical 
relics. Address : No. 188, Ki-. 
macH, Yamaguchi - machi, 
Yamaguchi-ken. Tel.: 161. 
Club: Tokyo Chemical Insti- 

Yokogawa, Tamisuke (M. M 
Si-W, Architect, Proprietor 
of the Yokogawa Building 
Co.; ^. the 9th m. of the 
1st _y. of Ganji (1864) in 
Hyogo-prefecture ; 4th s. of 
Shuto Yokogawa ; ;«. Sliizue, 
younger sister of Ichiro Ta- 
nahashi of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1890. Addresi : 
No. 43, Takanawa-Minami- 
machi, Shiba, Tokyo. Tel. : 
1258 Shiba. 

Yokoi, Bennosuke Ctl^p;t 
|iJ)> President of the San-in- 
do Industrial Co., Ltd., ex- 
Mahag. Director of the ITiro- 

shirtia-ken Agricultural and 
Industrial Bank ; i>. the 2nd 
?«. of the 1st J. of Bunkyii 
(1861) in Shimane-ken ; 6th 
s. of Rpkuroemon . Yokoi ; 
adopted by Tatsusaburo Yor^ 
koi ; m. Tadzu, aunt of To- 
shizo Hashimoto of Shima- 
ne-ken. Address : Hokichi- 
mura, Yatsuka-gun, Shimane- 

Yokoi, Jitsuro (IS ^ K W), 
Engineer to the Railway Con- 
trol Bureau of the Chosen 
Government ; l>. Nov. the 2nd 
f. of Meiji (1869) in Toku- 
shima-prefecture ; e. s. of the 
late Ryozo Yokoi, a sainurai; 
m. Tsugi, e. d. of Tatsu Naka- 
nishi, a samnrai of Kanaga- 
wa-prefecture. Educ: gradu- 
ated from the College of Engi- 
neering of the Tokyo Inlp. 
Univ. in 1896. . Now holds 
the posts of Chief of the Engi- 
neering Works Section as well 
as of the Traffic Section. Ad- 
dress: Official House, No. 32, 
Ryiizan, Chosen. 

Yokoi, Shnnzo (^ ^ ^ si), 
Surgeoii - Majbi"- General on 
the reserve ; b. the i ith m. 
of the 5th jj/. of Kayei (18- 
52) in Aichi-prefecture ; uncle _ 
of Tatsumaru Yolioi ; a wid- 
ower. Appointed Surgeon- 
Captain in 1884 and after 
due promotion attained the 
rank of Surgeon-Major-Ge- 
neral ,in 1904; was in sue- 

[ 125 I ] 


cession President of the Ao- 
mori and Nagoya Garrison 
Hospitals, Chief of the Medi- 
cal Dep't of the 3rd Army 
Division; took part both in 
tlie Japan - China and the 
Russo-Japanese wai-s and was 
decorated with 2nd Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite; 
placed on the reserve list in 
1907. Address: Anjo-mura, 
Hekikai-gun, Aichi-ken. 

Yokoi, Taro (M 9r ^ Ml?), 
Managing Director of the 
Japan Safety Oil Co, ; b. Feb. 
the 1 6th y. of Meiji (1883) 
in Tokyo ; e. s. of Shichibei 
Yokoi ; m. Hisa, e. d. of Ta- 
motsu Hiroshima, a Tolcyo 
samurai. Address: No. 56, 
3 chome.-Dtamachi, Yokoha- 

Yokoi, Taro <m ft % SI?), 
Fleet-Surgeon (Surgeon-Com- 
mander), Chief Surgeon to 
the Kure Naval Barracks ; b. 
1867. Lieutenant, Dec. 18- 
(^J ; 2nd Commander, May 
1902; Commander, Sept. 1906. 
Decorations : 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun, 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 258, Hyakunincho, Dku- 
bo-mura, Toyotama-gun, To- 

Yokoi, Tokio Cit t- ^ m\ 
ex-Member of the House of 
Representatives, author ; b. 

the loth m. of the 4th y. of 
Ansei (1857) in Kumamoto : 
e. s. of the late famous pat- 
riot Shonan Yokoi; m. Toyo, 
5th d. of Yoshitonii Yanase 
of Ehime -prefecture. Educ. : 
studied English at Nagasa- 
ki while young; graduated 
from the Doshisha, Kyoto; 
studied Philosophy and His- 
tory at Yale Univ., U. S. 
A. On returning became 
President of the Doshisha ; 
resigning the post was ap- 
pointed Chief Secretary of the 
Dep't of Communications, 18- 
99 ; afterwards elected Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives for Okayama-ken. 
Publication: Modern history 
of Europe. Addre'is i "So. 902, 
Sendagaya, Toyotama-gun, 
Tokyo-fu. Tel: 1171 Baacho. 
Yokoi, TokiyosM, (II^^Bf|i), 
Ndgakuhakushi(Jioctov of A- 
griculture), Prof, of the Col- 
lege of Agriculture in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (chair- A- 
griculture) ; b. the ist m. of 
the 1st jr. of Man-en (i860) 
in Kumamoto ; 3rd s. of Kyii- 
emon Yokoi, a Kumamoto 
samurai; m. Kiyo, 2nd d. 
of Taneo Hara of Fukuoka- 
ken. "- Edtic. : graduated from 
the former Sapporo Agricult- 
ural College, 1883; further- 
studied in Germany, 1899. 
Assistant-Expert to the De- 
partment of Commerce and 


L 1252 ] 

Agriculture ; Assistant-Prof, 
of the College of Agriculture 
in the Tokyo ^ Imp. Univ., 
1894; Nogahihakushi, 1899; 
Present post since 1 90 1. De- 
coration : 4th Order of Merit. 
Addresi : No. 12, 6 chome, 
Aoyama Minamimachi, Aka- 
saka-ka, Tokyo. Tel. : 2740 

YokomaSu, Naoyoshi CWMWi. 
'&'), Paymaster-Major-General 
on the reserve ; i. the 2nd m. 
of the 4th J/. ,of Kayei (18- 
51) in Gifu-prefecture ; g. s. 
of Kiemon Yokomaku, a sa- 
murai ol Gifu-prefecture ; m. 
Tsune, e. d. of Toyosuke Na- 
wa of the same prefecture. 
Entered the Imperial army as 
Sub, - Lieutenant in 1874; 
transferred as Paymaster Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1875 ; Paymaster- 
Colonel, i903;Paymaster-Ma- 
jor-Generel, 1906 ; was suc- 
cessively Chief of the 1st Sec- 
tion of the Paymasters' Staff 
in the Guards Division, in the 
1 2th Army Division, and Chief 
of the Paymasters' Depart- 
ment of the 1st Army Divi- 
sion, etc. ; then placed on re- 
serve list. Decoration: 3rd Or- 
der of Merit. Address ; No. . 
36, Kitamomotanimachi, Mi- 
namiku, Osaka, v 

Yoko-o, Juhei GI M R ^), a 
farmer and a large landowner, 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Gumma-prefecture ; d. the 

1 2th m. of the 3rd y. of Ka- 
yei (1850) in Gumma-prefectu- 
re; 3rd s. of the late San-e 
Yoko-o ; 771. Hatsu, e.. d. of 
Teijir5 Tabei of the same pre- 
fecture. Address: Takata-mu- 
ra, Kitaora-gun, Gumma-ken. 
Yoko-o, Katsuemon (MMB'^M 
P1)> President of the Awano 
Bank, Ltd., and of the Fer- 
tilizer Sales Co., Ltd.; b. the 
8th m. of the 3rd y. of Ka- 
yei (1850) in JLochigi - ken ; 
. e. s. of Gihei Otani ; adopted 
by Hambei Yoko-o ; in. Ki- 
chi, sister of Kihei Yoshino 
of Tochigi-ken. Address: A- 
wanomachi, Kamitsuga - gun, 

Yokoo, Eonosiike (M'MA-ZW), 
JMamager of the Tata Sons 
Co., JDir. of the Japan Cotton 
Merchant Union ; 6. 16 Sept. 
of the ist y. of Meiji (1868) 
Hikami-gun, Tanba province ; 
m. Kikue, 1891. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Osaka Higlier 
Commercial School, 1 899. En- 
tered the Japan India Tra- 
ding Co. on his graduation ; 
aftei-wards transferred to the 
Naigai Cotton Co. and he- 
came manager;then entered tlip 
present finn, Jan. 1912; went 
to America and India to ins- 
pect ihe condition of com- 
merce. Becreaiions : Go game, ' 
billiard. Address : Ishiga - 
Tsuji-machi, Tennoji, Mina- 
mi~ku, Osaka. Tel : 45 3 Mi- 

[ 1253 1 



Yoko-o, Matsunosuke CIS M *fi 
^ fJ). a farmer and a large 
landowner, one_of the highest 
taxpayers of Oita-prefecture; 
(5. June the i8th f. of Meiji 
(i88s) in Oita-prefecture ; 3rd 
s. of the late Chijeman Yo- 
ko-o ; unmarried. Succeeded 
his father in 1909. Address^: 
Mihana-mura, Hida-gun, O- 

Yokota, Goto (M H 3£ I!5), 
Public Procurator of the To- 
kyo Court of Appeal, Coun- 
cillor to the Dep't of Justice; 
/}. Oct. 1869 in Oita-ken; 
brother of Kuniomi Yokota, 
President of the Court of Cas- 
sation ; m. Chiyo, 2nd d. oi 
Sadashird Hamano of Oita- 
ken. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Law of the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 1898. 
Probationary Judge, 1898 ; 
Judge and then Sectional Chief 
of the Tokyo District Court; 
1900 — 1906; Councillor to 
the Department of Justice and 
in addition Public Procurator 
of the Tokyo District Court, 
1906 ; then present posts. Ad- 
dress : No. 8, Esashi-machi, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2401 Bancho. 

Yokota, Hideo QM H Jf ii'), 
Hogaktihakushi (Doctor of 
Law), Judge 01 the Court of 
Cassation; b. Aug. 1862 in 
Nagano-ken ; e. s of Kazu- 

ma Yokota, a samurai; m. 
Hideno, j/j/^rof Seiichiro Shi- 
moyama, a samurai of Oka- 
yama. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Law in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 1888. 
Appointed Judge in 1890; in 
succession was Judge of the 
Tokyo District Court, Sec- 
tional Chief of the Chiba Dis- 
trict Court, Judge of the To- 
kyo and the Hakodate Dis- 
trict Courts, Sectional Chief 
of the Hakodate and the To- 
kyo Courts of Appeal ; pre- 
sent post since 1901 ; Hoga- 
kuhakusJd, 1908 ; sent to Eu- 
rope aud America on an of- 
ficial iuission, 1909. Decora- 
lion : 3rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 1565, Kotaki, Na- 
kanomachi, Toyotama - gun, 

Yokota, Koslii CM H # A), 
Druggist, Adviser to the Hyo- 
go Electric Railway Co., Ltd., 
Member of the Kobe Cham- 
ber of Commerce, and of the 
Kobe Municipal Council ; b. 
the 7th m. of the 3rd y. of 
Ansei (1856) in Hyogo-'ken ; 
2nd s. of Kunijiro Yokota ; 
m. Kame, e. d. of Isaburo 
Kasuya of Hyogo-ken. Ad- 
dress : No. 6, i chome, Iku- 
.amachi, Kobe. Tel. : 38 Cho. 

Yokota, Kuniomi (tlEUaE), 
HogakuhakusJd (D(;ctor of 
Law), Judge, President of the 
Court of Cassation ; b. the 8 th 


[ 1254 ] 

VI. of the 3rd y. of Kayei 
(1850) in Oita-ken ; e. s. of 
the Muneo Yokota, a samu- 
rai of the Shimabara clan ; 
VI. Tei, e^d. of San-emon Hi- 
rose, an Oita samurai. Educ: 
mostly private. Became first 
an official of Saitama - ken ; 
transferred to the Dep't of 
Justice, 1 876; afterwards made 
Probationary Procurator and 
was attached to the Civil Code 
Draft Committee ; then ap- 
pointed successively Public 
Procurator, Junior Secretary 
to the Dep't of Justice, Sta- 
tistical Commissioner, Senior 
Secretar}' to the Dep't of 
Justice ; sent to Europe to in- 
vestigate the judicial systems 
of the various countries, 18- 
86 — 1887 ; appointed Pro- 
curator of the Tokyo Court 
of Appeal, 1887; again sent 
to Iturojje on an official mis- 
sion, i890-'^i89i; then Coun- 
cillor to the Dep't of Justice, 
Chief of its Civil and Crimi- 
nal Affairs Bureau, Member 
of the Law Investigation Com- 
mittee, Vice-Minister of Jus- 
tice, Chief Procuratar of the 
Tokyo Coiu't of Appeal, etc.; 
Attome5'-General twice, 18- 
98 and 1904; present post 
since June 1906. Publications: 
many works on Criminal Law 
and Criminal Procedure. Re- 
creations : philosophy and lit- 
erature. Decoration : 2nd Or- 

der of Merit. Address : No. 
20, 2 chome, Kaguracho, U- 
shigome; Tokyo. Tel. : 235 

Yokota, Seibei (tl mm 9^ Si), 
Director of the Nisshin Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Kyoeki 
Warehouse Co., Ltd.; b. the 
5 th in. of the 2nd y. of Keio 
(1866) in "^ Tokyo ; e. s. of 
Shige Yokota ; adopted by 
Iku Y'okota ; in. Ito, sister of 
Jubei Ouchi of Tokyo. Ad- 
dress :' No. 2, I chome, Mo- 
tokyiiemoncho, Kandaku, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 828 Shitaya. 

Yokota, Seijitsu CtS H iS, !K), 
President of the 88th Bank, 
Ltd., Director of the Ichino- 
seki Savings Bank ; b. the 
lOth ni. of the 2nd y. of An- 
sel (1855) in Lvate-prefecture; 
e. s. of Kisaburo Yokota ; m. 
Kosue, 3rd d. of Zen-emon 
Chiba, a samurai of the same 
prefecture. Address : Ichino- 
sekimachi, Nishiiwai-gun, I- 

Yokota, Seiaen (M F-EI ^ ¥), 
KogakiiJiakiisId (Doctor of 

Engineering), Prof of the Col- 
lege of Engineering in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (chairs- 
naval architecture and dy- 
namics). Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Engi- 
neering in the Tokyo Imp. 
University ; further studied 
abroad. Address: No. $0^ 
Sendagi, Komagome, Hongo 

[ 1255 ] 



Yokota, Sennosuke (II f£l ^ 2. 
I&), Lawyer, Managing Di- 
rector of the Japan Timber 
Fxport Co., Ltd. ; b. Aug. 
the 3rd y. of Meiji (1870) in 
Tochigi-prefecture ; 2nd j, of 
Ichitaro Yokota ; m. Nui, 
younger sister of Takichi Ha- 
shimoto of Hiroshima. Ediic: 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Hogakuin (present Chuo. 
Univ.). Passed the Exami- 
nation for the Bar and began 
practice as lawyer in Tokyo. 
Address: No. i, 2chame, I- 
chibeicho, Azabuku, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 90 Shiba. 

Yokota, YosMo (tg B ^ ^), 

Director of the Fujimoto Bill 
Broker Bank; b. the 7th y, 
of Meiji (1874) in Oita-ken; 
s. of Maomi Yokota, a sanm- 
rai of Oita clan; m. Setsu, 
Zushi ; in. Sayoko, d. of T6- 
kai Hayashi in 1884. Edtic; 

Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School. Formerly served as 
director of Statistic section of 
the defunct Department of 
Industry and then chief of 
Accountant Department of 
the Imperial Railway Boa'd. 
Publications : Institution of 
book - keeping, Treatise on 
goods-account (both in Japa- 
nese).- Address: 1060 Shimo- 
ochiai, Ochiai - mura, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo- fu. Tel.: 
'Zoys Bancho. Cbib. Teikokti- 

Tets7(do-kyokwai (Imp. Rail- 
way Asso.i Kyushu club, 
Tokyo Statistic Asso. 

Yokote, Chiyonosuke (M ?■ =P 
1^ .i Ift), IgaJmhakushi (Doc- 
tor 01 Medicine), Prof, of the 
College of Medicine in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. (chair - 
Hygiene). Address: No. 230, 
I chome, Naitomachi, Yotsu- 
ya, Tokyo. 

Yokoyama, Hikoroku CIS |li 
-^ -X), Colonel of Artillery 
suiuo 191 1, Commaiicler of the 
6th Heavy Artillery Regi- 
ment j h. 1868 in Tokyo. 
Sub-Lieutenant, July 1889; 
Lieutenant, Nov. 1892 ; Cap- 
tain, June 1896 ; Major, June 
1903 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
June 1905. Decorations : ^th. 
Order of the Rising Sun, 
Sth Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure, 4th Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address : Sotoha- 
clio, Nagasaki-shi. 

Yokoyama, Ippei (IS |Ii — ¥), 
4th Order of Merit, Ex-Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives, Managing' Direct- 
or of the Dai Nippon Whale 
Fishery Co., Ltd. ; b. the 5th 
m. of the 3rd y. of Bunkyii 
(1863) in Ishikawa-prefecture; 
2nd i'. of Ryu Yokoyama; a- 
doptedbythe late Kosaku Yo- 
koyama of Tokyo; m. Minori, 
3rd d. of Tamotsu Osatake of 
Ishikawa-prefecture. Has been 
connected with mining busi- 


[ 1256] 

ness for some years; purchased 
a large lot of land at Ma- 
sampo, Chosen and is now 
undertaking its cultivation ; 
satin the House of Representa- 
tives, 1907. Address: No. 
15, Kasumigaokamachi, Yo- 
tsuyaku, Tokyox Tel. : 161 

Yokoyama, Iwajiro (tSllJ^^ 
SO, Director of the Ushio 
Gold Mine Co., Ltd., and of 
the Satsuho Gold Mine Co., 
Ltd. ; b. the 7th m. of the 
3rd y. of Keio (1867) in Ka- 
goshiina-prefecture ; e., s. of 
the late Jiaemon Yokoyama ; 
m. Ai, e. sister to Shinnosuke 
Sakamoto of the same pre- 
fecture. Succeeded his grand- 
father Ihei Yokoyama in 18- 
82. ^(/i:/r^w .• Yamashitacho, 

Yokoyama, Kintaro (fitlJ^± 
IP), lawyer, ex-Mem. of the 
House of Representatives for 
Hiroshima-prefecture ; b. Nov., 
the 1st y. of Meiji (1868) in< 
Hiroshima-prefecture ; e. s. of 
the late Yohei Yokoyama ; 
m. Toyo, .^. d. of Matasabu- 
ro Watanabe, Mayor of Hi- 
roshim.a. Educ. : graduated 
from the Tokyo Hogakuin 
(present Chuo Univ., a pri- 
vate law institution), 1890. 
Appointed Judge of the Form- 
osan Court of Justice, of the 
Taihoku District Court, and 
of the Formosan Court of 

Cassation successively ; after- 
wards resigned the post and 
became lawyer at Hiroshima ; 
since 1903 has been in suc- 
cession Member and Vice- 
President of the Hiroshima 
City Council, etc. ; has been 
elected Member of the House 
of Represeutatives in 1907. 
Address : No. 100, Horikawa- 
cho, Hiroshima-shi. 

Yokoyama, Kyutarb (II Uj !k 
'k. W), stock-broker (firm-name 
" Sud5 Shoten ") ; b. the 6th 
m. of the 3rd y. of Bunkyij 
(1863) i" Tokyo ; e. s. of Ki- 
chiuemon Yokoyama ; in. Hi- 
sa, e. d. of Tomokichi Tsu- 
kamoto of Tokyo. Address: 
No. 3, Kabuto-cho, Nihon- 
bashi-lm, Tokyo. Tel.: 218 

Yokoyama, Kyiitaro (II [Ij ^ 
is. W), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Iwate - prefecture. 
President ofthe Sanriku Steam- 
ship Co., Ltd.; b. the 10th m. 
of the 3rd y. of Ansei (18- 
56) in Iwate-prefectiire ; 5 th 
s. of Genshichir5 Yokoyama; 
m. Moto, 2nd d. of Chobei 
Tanaka of Tokyo. Address: 
Kamaishimachi, Iwate-ken. 

Yokoyama, Ma'sayasu (S Ul 
jE ^), Rear- Admiral of Engi- 
neering on the reserve ; b. 
the lOth m. of the 6th y. 
of Ansei (1859) in Tokyo; 
2nd s. of the late Zen Yo- 
Icoyama, a samurai of Tokyo; 

[ 1257 


m. Kino, 2nd d. of Seinoshin 
Taniaoki of Tokyo, Educ. : 
graduated from the Kaigtin 
Heigakuryb (present Naval A- 
cademy). 2nd Sub - Lieuten- 
ant of Engineering, 1883; 
Commander of Engineering, 
Dec. 1897 ; Captain of Engi- 
neering, Oct. 190 1 ; Rear- 
Admiral of Engineering, Aug. 
1908 ; took part in the Japan- 
Cliina war as Chief Engineer 
of the Akitstc ; was engaged 
in the i-efloatation work of 
sunken ships as Chief Engi- 
neer of the Port Arthur Ad- 
miralty and also elected mem- 
berofthe Committee forthe Re- 
gulation of war prizes after the 
Russo-Japanese war ; placed 
on the reserve list in 1910. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun, 4th Oi'der 
of the Sacred . Ti-easure, 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address : No. 5 7, Kaminegi- 
glii-machi, Shitaya-ku, Tokyo. 
Yokoyama, Matajiro (tSiliX* 
IP). Rigakuhakushi (Doctor of 
Science), Prof of the College 
of Science in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ. (Chairs-Geology, Palae- 
ontology, and Mineralogy) ; 
b. the 4th m. of the 1st jr. of 
Man-en (i860) in Nagasaki; 
2nd J', of Tokusai Yokoyama; 
a widower. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Science 
in the Tokyo Univ. in 1882; 
further studied Palaeontology 

in Germany, 1886 — 1889; 
Present post since 1889; Ri- 
ga he/tahis/ii, 1 89 1. Publica- 
tions: Lectures on Astronomy; 
Outline of Geology, etc. De- 
coration : 3rd Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 12, Higashi- 
gokencho, Ushigome, Tokyo. 
Yokoyama, Miehihide (tiillJl 
^)> Director of the Miyaza- 
ki-ken Agricultural and Li- 
dustrial Bank, Ltd. ; b. the 
4th m. of the 6th y. of Ansei 
(1859) in Miyazaki-prefecture; 
e. s. of the late Michiaki Yo- 
koyama, a samurai ; m. Mi- 
ya, e. d. of Tsuno 'Akagi, a 
samurai of the same prefect- 
ure. Succeeded his father in 
1889. Address: Kobayashi- 

mura, Nishimorogata-gun, Mi- 

Yokoyaiaa, Saburo ClffilllHlR), 
Commissioner of the Kyoto- 
prefecture. Decoration : 4th 
Order of Merit, Address: Ofifi- 
oi:il Honse, Kyoto. 

Yakoyama, Saburoemon (II (ll 
HSRz&fSP'D, farmer, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Mie-ken, 
Director of the Ise Agricul- 
ture Co!, Ltd. ; b. Nov. the 
6th J. of Meiji (1873) in Mie- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Kozaemon 
Toyama ; adopted by the late 
Saburoemon Yokoyama ; a 
widower. Succeeded his a- 
dopted father in 1894. Ad- 
dress : Kanbe - mura, linan - 
gun, Mie-ken. 


[ 1358 ] 

Yokoyama, Taikwan (fg m 

'k. iS); proper name is Hide- 
ma; artist, Japanese painter; 
b. August 1868 at Mito pro- 
vince of Hidachi. Educ. : 
graduated from the Japanese 
painting course of the Kyoto 
Fine Art Academy. Went to 
India to study painting, 1903; 
went to Europe and America, 
1904; again travelled in China, 
1910; is now committee-mem- 
ber of the art examination 
society. Address: No. 19, 2 
chome, Kaya-cho, Ikenohata, 
Shitaya - ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
5082 Shitaya., 

Yokoyama, Takaoki CM lii Fl 
K), Director of the Kanaza- 
wa Electric and Gas Co., 
Ltd., Adviser to the Yoko- 
yama Mining Office, Special 
Member of the Kanazawa 
. Chamber of Commerce ; b. 
the 5 th m. of the ist y. of 
Kayei (1848) in Ishikawa -pre- 
fecture ; 3rd^. s. of the late 
Takaaki Yokoyama, chief re- 
tainer of the former Daimyo 
of Kanazawa clan ; m. Tama, 
e. d. of Kisei Nakaya, a 
samurai of the same prefect- 
ure. Educ. : first studied Ja- 
panese and Chinese classics at 
Meirindo, a clan school and 
then educated at the Osaka 
Kdisei Gakko. Since 1868 
has been engaged in mining 
business, assisting his brother 
Takahira Yokoyama; later was 

elected Director of the Kana- 
zawa Electric and Gas Co., 
Ltd., and a Special Member 
of the Kanazawa Chamber of 
Commerce. Address : Kami- 
kakibatake, Kanazawa-shi, I- 

Yokoyama, Takatoshi (limH 
f^), Baron, President of the 
Kashij Ban]-:, Ltd. ; b. Sept. 
the gtYiy. of Meiji (1876) in 
Kanazawa, province of Kaga ; 
e. s. of the late Baron Taka- 
hira Yokoyama, chief retainer 
of the feudal lord of Kaga 
clan ; in. Sho, e. d. of Tame- 
nori Fuwa of the same pro- 
vince. Educ. : graduated from, 
the Economic Course of the 
Senshu Gakko, 1897. Is eng- 
aged in mining business beside 
holding the post of President 
of the Kashij Bank, Ltd. Ad- 
dress : Kanazawa, Ishikawa- 

Yokoyama, Toraiehiro C^IfllR 
—IP), Marine prpducts dealer. 
Member of the House of Re- 
presentatives for Nagasaki- 
pi'efecture ; b. the 6tii m. of 
the 1st y. of Man-en (i860) 
in Nagasaki-prefecture ; 2nd 
s. of the late YGzaemon Yo- 
koyama, a samurai ; in. Mi- 
chi, aunt to Count Sumio O- 
mura. Educ.: graduated from 
the Nagasaki Middle School; 
afterwards studied English and 
Chinese classics at^ Omura 
Gakkan, a private institution 

[ 1259 ] 


in his native prefecture. Be- 
came Police sergeant of Na- 
. gasalci-prefecture ; then estab- 
lished the Omura Middle Sch- 
ool, becoming its president; 
Member and Vice-President 
of the Nagasaki Prefectural 
Assembly and Mayor of Na- 
gasaki, in succession ; has- 
thrice sat in the House of 
Representatives ; Member of 
the Seiyukai (a pro-govern- 
ment political party). Ad- 
dress :, Omura, Higashi-Ka- 
noki-gun, Nagasaki -ken. 

Yokozawa, Motoye C&M:^9i), 
President of the Hokushin^ 
Savings Bank, Ltd., ex-Manag- 
ing Director of the Shinyo 
Warehouse Co., Ltd., Director 
of the Hokuan_Bank, Ltd., 
Auditor of the Omachi Com- 
mercial Bank; Ltd., and of 
the Nagano Agricultui'al and 
Industrial Bank ; d. the 1st 
m. of the 6th jf. of Kayei 
(1853) in Nagano-prefecture ; 
e. s. of Motoemon Yokozawa ; 
adopted by the late Motoye 
Yokozawa ; m. Ai, e. d. of 
Seibei Takahashi of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his a- 
dopted father in 1882. Ad- 
dress : Kitashiro-mura, Kita- 
azumi-gun, Nagano-ken. 

Yokozawa, Yonetaro (tl if ^ 
•k 5i). a large landowner, one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Yamanashi-ken, Auditor of 
the Yamanashi Shimbun Co., 

Ltd., and of the Keiseisha, 
Ltd.; d. Mar. the 1st y. of 
Meiji (1868) in Yamanashi- 
ken ; e. s. of the late Matsu- 
bei Yokozawa ; m. Tatsu, 2nd 
d. of Shin Oki of Yamana- 
shi-ken. Succeeded his father 
in iSgy , '^' Address : Nishiao- 
jimachi, Kofu, Yamanashi- 

Yoneda, Jo (^fflS), import 
and export merchant. Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives for Ishikawa-ken ; 
b. the 1st m. of the ist y. 
of Gwanji(i864) in Ishikawa- 
ken ; e. s. of Yazaemon Yo- 
neda ; 1/1. Katsu, 2ncl d. of 
Tobei Ishida. Member of the 
House of Representatives since 
1908. Address: No. 18, 3 cho- 
me. Sanjikkenbori, Kyobashi,. 
Tokyo. Tel.: 188 Shimbashi. 

Yoneda, Minora (^ H K),. 
Lawyer, Patent - Agent, 4tb 
Order of Merit; b. the 7th 
m. of the 3rd y. of Bunkyii 
(1863) in Nara-prefecture ; e. 
s. of Shimpachi Yoneda ; m. 
Kikue, yoanget sister of I- 
chitaro Kobashi of Osaka. 
Edzic. : studied law. Began 
practice as lawyer at Tokyo; 
has been once member of the 
House of Representatives for 
Nara-prefecture, 1904. Ad- 
dress : No. 1 3, Nakasaruga- 
kucho, Kandaku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
3180 Honkyoku. 

Yonei, Genjiro C* jff iS ^ B),- 


I 1260 J 

Proprietor of Yonei Firm, 
President of Meiji Rubber Mfg. 
Co., Managing Director of 
Kirin Beer Brewery Co., Ltd., 
Directing Partner of Meidi-ya 
Partnership Co. ; b. the 9th 
m. of the 1st y. of BunkyiJ 
(1861)' in Okayama-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Nakahei Yonei ; m. 
Tsurumatsu, also a native 
of Okayama-ken. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Keiogijuku 
in 1887. After graduation 
entered the firm of Meidi ya, 
grocer and spirit merchant, 
the proprietor of which was 
the late Mr. H. Isono, his 
relative ; during the time he 
was with Meidi-ya inaugurat- 
ed, in partnership with Mr. 
H. Isono, a separate import 
and export business under the 
firm name of Isono-Shokwai 
dealing in machinery, steel 
and iron materials and sundries; 
on the death of Mr. Isono 
in 1 897 took the management 
of the Isono - Shokwai into 
his own hands and it is nov/ 
known as Yonei-sh5ten ; in 
the following year started the 
Meiji Rubber Mfg. Co. of 
which he became president ; 
when Meidi-ya was changed 
into a partnership in 1903 
"vvas elected its representative 
member and again when the 
partnership was transformed 
into a joint-stock firm became 
finally its president; purcha- 

sed in 1906 the Kirin Beer 
Brewery Co., which was then 
owned by foreigners, and also 
became its president, the 
Company now brewing 10- 
00,000 koku of beer annual- 
ly. Address: No. 18, Ka- 
minibancho, Kojimachi, To- 
kyo. Tel. : 8324 Bancho. 
Club : Nippon club. 

Yonekizu, Itsuzo (i^WM^')t 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 15th Regi- 
ment of Infantry; b. 1864 in 
Aichi-ken. Sub-Lieut., June 
1886; Lieut., Nov. 1890; 
Lieut, of Infantry in Colonial 
Troops, Aug. 1893; Cap- 
tain, April 1894; Captain of 
Infantry, May 1896; Major, 
Oct. 1900; Lieut. Colonel, 
March 1907; Colonel, Sept. 
1911. Decorations: 5th Or- 
der of S. T., 4th Order of 
R. S., 4th Order of Golden 
Kite. Address: the 15th 
Regiment of Infantry, Taka- 
saki, Gumma-ken. 

Yonemura, Sosen (^I^Stla), 
Judge ; Judge of the Court 
of Cassation ; b. the 8th m. 
of the 1st y. of Ansei (1854) 
in Fukui ; e. s. of the late 
Ippei Yonemura, a samurai; 
a widower. Educ. : graduated 
from the former Law School 
of the Dep't of Justice in 18- 
84. Has been for many years 
Judge of the Nagoya Court 
of Appeal ; then present posf. 

L 1261 ] 


Decoration: 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 53, Takanawa- 
minami-machi, Shiba, Tokyo, 

Yonetani, Hampei (Jk'^'¥-T), 
4th Order of Merit, ex-Mem- 
ber of the House »of Peers, 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Ishilcawa-prefecture, Pre- 
sident of the Yonetani Bank, 
Unltd., Director of tlie Ishi- 
kawa - ken Agricultural and 
Industrial Bank, Ltd., and of 
the Hokuriku Business De- 
velopment Co., Ltd. ; b. the 
1 2th 7H. of the 4th y. of Ka- 
yei (1851) in Ishikawa - pre- 
fecture ; younger brother to 
the late Hampei Yonetani ; 
in. Hareka , elder sister to Y6 
Watanabe, an Ishikawa sa- 
murai. Elected Member of the 
House of Peers representing 
the highest taxpayers of Ishi- 
kawa - prefectui'e, 1904; re- 
commended as Special Mem- 
ber of the Japan Red Cross 
Society and Avas decorated 
with its medal for merit ; con- 
tributed a large sum of money 
to the Japan Volunteer Fleet 
Construction Fund and was 
awai'ded a certificate of me- 
rit for it. Address : Atakama- 
chi, Nomi-gun, Ishikawa-ken. 

Yoneyama, Einosuke C^|li:fiJ 
icW), Representative Member 
ofthe Kanayama Bank, Unltd., 
Member ofthe Tokyo Cham- 
ber of Commerce ; b. the 7th 
m. of the 1st y. of Man - en 

(i860) in Nagano-prefecture; 
e. s. of the late Ilan-uemon 
Yoneyama ; m. . Chiyo, e. d. 
of Shuhei Takahashi of the 
same prefecture. Has been for 
many years Manager of the 
Imamura Bank, to the esta- 
blishment of which he has 
rendered valuable service as- 
sisting its President the late 
Mr. Seinosuke Imamura, his 
cousin; afterwards inaugurated 
the Sunamura Fish Incubation 
Co., becoming one of its Di- 
rectors ; is now Representative 
Member of the Kanagawa 
Bank. Address :Yko. i, i cho- 
me, Echizemborimachi, Kyo- 
bashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 294 

Yoneyama, XJmekicM C* (Ij # 
a), Managing Director of the 
Mitsui Bank, Ltd.; b. Feb. 
the 2nd y. of Meiji (1869) in 
Tokyo ; 3rd s. of the late Ta- 
kezo Wada, a samurai; a- 
dopted by Tozaburo Yone- 
yama of Shidzuoka-prefecture; 
m. Haru, 2nd d. of his adopted 
father. ~ Educ.: studied in the 
United States, Returning to 
Japan in 1895 was taken into 
the service ofthe Mitsui Bank; 
in 189S was sent to Europe, 
in company with Mr. Ikeda, 
the then Managing Director 
of the Bank ; on his return 
was appointed Manager of its 
Yokohama branch, being aft- 
erwards transferred as Mana- 


[ 1262 ] 

ger of the Osaka branch ; in 
1909 when the Mitsui -Bank 
was feorganized into a joint- 
stock-company was elected to 
his present post. Address : 
Il^fo, 63, 6 chome, Aoyama- 
Minami-choj Akasaka-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel. .-315 Shiba. 

Yonezawa, Kichijiro C;^ ff S 
^ Si5), Soy-brewer, dealer in 
fertilizers, rice, etc., President 
of the 5 6th Bank ; b. the 6th 
7n. of the Sthj//. of Ansei (18- 
58) in the province of Hari- 
ma ; 2nd s. of Choe Yoneza- 
wa ; in. Ryo, e. d. of Seizo 
Hamano. Educ: studied Chin- 
ese classicsC under Ryiitaro 
Miyazaki and Kimpei Tsuda, 
the clan scholars. Dii-ector of 
the 56th Bank, 1878 — 1902; 
present post since 1902 ; ren- 
dered service to the organiza- 
tion of the Hankaku Railway 
Co. in 1896 and was Director 
and Auditor in turn till 19- 
■07 ; also Director and Auditor 
of the Japan Commercial 
Bank, the Japan Woollen Tex- 
tile Co., the Suma Milk Co., 
the Leather Mfg. Co., and of 
the Minato -river Improvement 
Co. Recreations: chir.ography,' 
painting, curios, reading. Ad- 
dress; No.' 61, Zaimokucho, 
Akashi - machi, Hyogo - ken. 
Tel.: 35. 

Yonezawa, MonzalburS (^ W- 
^ H W), farmer, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Toyama- 

prefecture, ex- Member of the 
House of Representatives ; b. 
the 3rd /«yof the 4th y. of 
Ansei (1857) in Toyama-pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of Yoshiro 
Yonezawa ; m. Torao, .4th d. 
of Tsuneo Takashima of the 
same prefecture. Ediic: studied 
Chinese classics under Goyo 
Okada, a famous Toyamaclan 
scholar. Member of the To- 
yama Prefectural Assembly, 
1885; then its President; twice 
elected Member of the House 
of Representatives in 1903 
and 1904 ; has been for many 
years President of the Niu- 
zen Bank, Ltd.', and of the 
Hoktcrikuseilio (political ne^vs- 
paper office) ; has been de- 
corated with the 4th Order 
of Merit. Address : Niuzen 
machi, Shimoniikawa - gun, 

Yonezav/a, Yosaji C:Jfe vf ^ H 
?^), a large landowner, one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Toyama-prefecture, President 
of the Tomari Bank, Ltd., the 
Niuzen Bank, Ltd., and of the 
Niiazen Co., Ltd. 
Director of the Ikuchi, Bank, 
Ltd., Auditor of the Toyama 
Model Textile Factory ; b. 
Feb. the .5th y. of Meiji (18- 
73) in Toyama - prefecture ; 
adopted s. of the late Mino- 
ru Yonezawa ; m. Hatsune, 
3rd .d. of his adopted father. 
Address : Niuzenmachi, Shi- 

[ 1263 ] 


iTioniikawa-gun, Toyama-ken. 

Yoshida, Aritoshi (.fj H ^ Ap), 
Manager of. the 'Japan Ship- 
owners' Association, Chief of 
the Osaka Ship Inspection 
Office of the Japan Marine 
Affairs Society, etc. ; 6. the 
7th 7n. of the 4th f. of Ka- 
yei (185 1 ) in the province of 
Kii; e. s. of Gihei Yoshida, 
a saviurai ; in. Nanii, 2nd d. 
of Minematsii Kondo of Shi- 
zuoka-ken. Educ. : graduated 
from the Mercantile Marine 
School. Made a voyage to 
England, 1877— 1878 ; Presi- 
dent of the Osaka Mercantile 
Marine School, 1879; Captain 
and chief mate of various 
steamships and sailing - ves- 
sels, 188 1 — 1 887 ; afterwards 
was successively Mercantile 
Marine Inspector, Director of 
the Marine .^Affairs Bureau, 
and then Expert of the Com- 
munications' Dep't; resigned 
his official post and accepted 
the present situation. Deco- 
ration: 5th Order of Merit. 
Address: No. 9, 7 chome, Na- 
kanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 293 Nishi. 

Yoshida, Chokei (§ B S lie), 
lawyer, Standing Dir. of the 
Kobe Marine Transportation 
Fire Ins. Co., Ltd.; 6. the i st m. 
of the 2nd y. of Keio (i 866) in 
Osaka ; 2nd s. of late Shin- 
"•goemon Yoshida, a samurai; 
%i. Chika, y. s. to Harunosu- 

ke Shindo of Kyoto. Succe- 
eded his brother Chosho Yo- 
shida in 1 89 1 . Address : No. 
128, 2 chome, Kyomachi-bori- 
dori, Nishiku, Osaka. Tel. : 
255 Nishi. 

Yoshida, CliuenioiiCSffl,^,*^ 
P'3), pawn-broker, President of 
the 36th Bank, Ltd., Manag- 
ing Director of the Hachioji 
Savings Bank, Ltd., Member 
of the Hachioji Chamber of 
Commerce; h. the 1st m. of 
the 3rd y. of Kayei (1850) in 
Tokyo-fu ; brother of Heishi- 
chi Yamagawa ; adopted by 
Kodo Yoshida ; ' a widower. 
Address : Yokoyama, Flachi- 
ojimachi, Minamitama - gun, 

Yoshida, Kenzo (T^ tn P H), 
Surgeon-Captain of the Navy 
(retired). President of the Yo- 
shida Hospital (Osaka) ; b. 
the 4th m. of the ist y. oi 
Kayei (1848) in Fliroshima- 
ken ; 3rd s. of Tou Yoshida; 
m. Kei, 2nd d. of Sakae Sai- 
to of Tokyo. Educ. : studied 
medicine at Osaka and Kyo- 
to while young; further studied 
hygiene in England, 1872 — 
1878. Surgeon-2nd-Comman- 
der, 1878 and after gradual 
promotion attained the rank 
of Surgeoii - Captain ; Presi- 
dent of the Osaka-fu Hospi- 
tal and the Osaka Medical 
School, 1881 ; established the 
Yoshida Hospital in 1890, 


L 1264 

becoming its President ; twice 
elected Member of the House 
of Representatives in 1902 
and 1903. Address : No. 118, 
2 chome, Imabashi, Higashi- 
ku, Osaka. Tel.: 2635 Higa- 

YosMda, Heitaro CgfB Midi's;, 
Major-General since 1911, 
Commander of the 2n(l Bri- 
gade of Cavalry, Attache to 
the Military Technical Com- 
mittee ; b. 1869 in Dita-ken. 
Sub - Lieutenant, July 1888; 
Lieutenant, Nov. 1891 ; Cap- 
tain, Nov. 1 894 ; Major, Dec. 
1899 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Nov. 1903 ; Colonel, Apr. 19- 
05. Decorations : 4th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure ; 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun ; 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : ■ I'gudanuma - machi , 
Chiba-gun, Chiba-ken. 

Yo'shida, Hikorokuro ifj&M'f^ 
Wd, Rigakuhakushi (Doctor 
of Science), Prof of the Col- 
lege of Science and Engine- 
ering in the Kyoto Imp. Univ. 
(Chair-Chemistry); b. the 1st 
m. of the 6th J. of Ansei (18- 
59) in Hiroshima ; 4th s. of 
Toyotatsu Yoshida, a. samu- 
rai ; m. Kiku, e. d. of KyQ- 
bei Mizumachi of Tokyo. 
Ednc. : graduated from the 
College of Science in the To- 
kyo Univ. in 1 880 ; studied 
Chemistry in Germany, 1900. 
Assistant - Prof, of his alma 

mater, 1 886 ; RigakuJiakushi, 
1891 ; Prof of the Peers' Sch- 
ool and of the Third High 
School in succession ; pre- 
sent post since 1900. Decora- 
tion : 3rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : Kita-iru, Seiwain, Tc- 
ra-maclii-dori, Kamikyo-ku, 

Toshida, Homei (=«f (g ^ gg), 

Sculptor, Juror of the Tokyo 
Industrial Exhibition, the Ja- 
panFine Arts Exhibition and 
of the Tokyo Sculptor's Soc; 
b. the 8th jr. of Meiji(i87S) in 
Tokyo; s. of JiJikichi Yoshida. 
Educ: studied Chinese clas- 
sics at a private school. Has 
been awarded many prizes 
and diplomas at the vari- 
ous exhibitions both domestic 
and foreign for his works ex- 
hibited there; had once the 
honour of engraving the figure 
of cat in the presence of Her 
Majesty the Empress (now 
Empress Dowager). Address: 
Matsuzaka-cho, Honjo, Tokyo. 
Yoshida, Jun-icii CSEEIjf— ),, 
.Deputy Mayor of Yokoha- 
ma, 6th Order of Merit ; b. 
the 9th m. of the ist y. of 
Man-en (i860) in Hyogo- 
prefecture ; y. b. to Junnen 
Yagawa ; adopted by Ham- 
mo Yoshida ; m. Asa, y. s. 
to Nobutard Iwasaki of Ka- 
nagawa-prefecture. Address : 
No. 467, Aokicho, Yokoha- 
ma. Tel. : 135. 



Yoshida, Jun-ichi C^ifflSl— ), 
Manager of the Imperial 
Treasuiy (now in charge 
of its Acting President) ; b. 
the 3rd 111. of the 2nd y. of 
Koka (184s), in Ishikawa- 
ken ; e. s. of Jiro Yoshida ; 
in. Masu, sister of Bunzo 
Aoki, a Saga samurai. Ad- 
dress : No. 30, Shimoniban- 
cho, K6jimachi-ku, Tokyo, 
Tel. : 1 501 Bancho. 

Yoshida, Jusaburo Ci'ifflBH 
BI5), Director and Manager of 
the Hakata Doi Bank, T^td., 
ex-Dir. of the Hakata Eleot- 
ric Light Co., Ltd. ; /?. the 
5th m. of the 2nd f. of 
Bunkyu (1862) in Fukushi- 
ma-prefecture ; 2nd s. of Is- 
saku Yoshida ; 7H. Kimiyo, 
motlier of Juyo Hirai, a sa- 
murai of Ful<:uoka-prefecture. 
Address : Nakadoizumi, Fu- 
kuoka-shi, Fukuoka-ken. 

Yoshida, KasuKe CaiUMW, 
paper merchant (firm name 
" Kashimaya ") ; 3. Apr. the 
23rd J', of Meiji (1890) in 
Tokyo ; 2nd s. of Kahei Yo- 
shida ; unmarried. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1909. Ad- 
dress : No. 4, 2 chome, Mo- 
tosukiyacho, Kyobashi - ku, 
Tokyo. 7 el. : 697 ' Shimba- 
shi. 5 

Yoshida, Ki-ichiro ("«©#— 
115), Director of the Kobe 
Pier Co., Ltd.; l>. the 1st m. 
of the 1st y. of Gwanji (18- 

64) in Hyogo-prefecture ; e. 
s. of Fiji Yoshida ; m. Ma- 
ki, 7iiece to Tokubci Koiido 
of O.saka. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1882. Address: No. 
259, 7 chome, Shimoyamate- 
dori, Kohe. Tel: 533. 

Yoshida, Kinji (.fi ffl li W, 
President of the Tokai Fish- 
ing Co., Ltd., managing Dir. 
of the Awa Bank, Ltd., Dir. 
of tlie Chiba-ken Agri. and 
Industrial Bank, Ltd. ; 6. the 
2nd m. of the 3rd jr. of Ka- 
yei (1850) in Chiba-ken ; e. 
s. of Goroku Yoshida ; a wid- 
ower. Was formerly a head- 
man of several counties in 
Chiba-ken ; resigning office 
entered business in 1895. Ad- 
dress.- Hojonxachi, Awa-gun, 

Yoshida, Korekiyo CiS Eg Itvt), 
ex-May. of the citj' of Kurume; 
l>. the 6th m. of the i st j. of 
Ansei ( 1854) in Fulcuoka-ken ; 
e. s. of Kosaburo Yoshida, a 
samurai ; m. No, 2nd d. of 
Shigetaro Nakamui-a, a sa- 
murai. Address : Shojimacho, 

Kurume-shi, Fukuoka-ken. 

Yoshida, Kosaku CS H ^ fl-0, 
pawn-broker (firm name " Sa- 
noya "), Managing Director 
of the Teikoku Commercial 
Bank, Ltd., Director of the 
Japan Cement Co., Ltd., the 
41st Bank, Ltd., the Japan 
Lamp Lighting Co., Ltd., the 



Auditor of the Keio Electric 
Railway Co., Ltd., Dir. of the 
Kinugawa Water Power Ele- 
ctric Co., Ltd., Airditor of 
the Bansei Bank, Ltd., the 
Central Sugar Mfg. Co. ; h. 
the 7th in. of the 2nd y. of 
Ansel (1855) in Tokyo"; e. s. ^ 
of Masubei Yoshida ; m. Ka- 
me, e. d. of Tan-ichiro Yo- 
shida of Tochigi - ken. Ad- 
dress: No. II, Dobocho, Kan- 
da, Tokyo. Tel.: 1297 Shi- 

Yoshida, Kumaji (^ H ja 

^)) Btmgakuhakushi (Dr. of 
Literature), Prof in the To- 
kyo Female Higher Normal 
School and in the College of 
Literature of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ.; b. the 2nd -m. of the 
7th y. of Meiji (1874) in Ya- 
magata-ken; s. of Eijiro Yo- 
shida ; m. Yuki- ko, Inoue, 
1903. Educ: graduated from 
the College of Literature of 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ.; fur- 
■ ther studied in Europe and 
America, 1905-1908. Piib- 
lications: " Systematic Sci- 
ence of Education," " Edu- 
cational Ethics," " On Train- 
ing," "Progress of the ex- 
perimental education," etc. 
Recreations : reading and 
walking. Address: No. no, 
Hakusangoten - cho, Koishi- 
kawa, Tokyo. 

Yoshida, Kyuhei CS H ^ ^), 
farmer, one of the highest tax- 

payers of Niigata-ken ; b. the 
4th m. of the 2nd y. of An- 
sei (1857) in Niigata-ken; e. 
s. of the late. Kyuhei Yoshi- 
da ; m. Kisono, Sth d. of Sa- 
burojiro Tamaki of Niigata. 
A large landowner. Address: 
gun, Niigata-ken. 

Yoshida, Kyiitaro (S H ;^ i: 
Si5), Director and Manager of 
the Saga io6th Bank, Ltd. ; 
b. the^ 5th m. of the 3rd y. 
of Keio (1867) in Saga-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of late Giheida 
Yoshida, a samurai of Saga- 
prefecture ; m. Tsumo, y. s. 
to Seiichiro Nishiinura, also 
a Saga sanmrai. Succeeded 
his father in 1 894. Address : 
Matsubaracho, Saga-shi, Sa- 

Yoshida, Magoiehiro C§ffli^ 
—W), Director of the Yana- 
gawa Bank, Ltd.; b. the 3rd 
in. of the 14th y. of Tempo 
( 1 843) in Fukuoka-prefecture; 
e. s. of late Kan-en Yoshida, 
a samurai of Fukuoka-pre- 
fecture; a Vv-idower. Succeed- 
ed his father in 1869. Ad- 
dress : Jonai-mura, Sammon- 
gun, Fukuoka-ken. 

Yoshida, Mohei (S W |g ^), 
Proprietor of Matsuto Yoshi- 
da Bank, Director of the 
Hoyijsha, Ltd.; b. the ist in. 
of the 2nd y. of Keio (1866) 
in Ishikawa-ken ; e.s. of Ha- 
chirouemon Yoshida; a wid- 



ower. Succeeded, his father 
in 1899. Address: Yamaji- 
ma-mura, Ishikawa-gun, Ishi- 

Yoshida, Rokuzai CltEElll'ife), 
President of the Aichi Rn- , 
siness Bank, Ltd., Chief Di- 
rector of the Nagoya Eico 
Exchange, Ltd., Auditor of 
the Bisan Savings Bank* 
Ltd. ; b. 9th m. of the 9th 
y. of Tempo (1838) in Ai- 
chi-ken ; e. s. oi Yahei Yo- 
shida, a samurai; in. Shizu, 
e. d. of Koisaburo Nishika- 
wa of Aichi-lcen. Succeeded 
his father in 1858. Address: 
Minami-takehira-machi, Na- 
ka-kii, Nagoya. Tel. : 143. 

Yoshida, Ryojiro'C#fflKySI|5), 
Sth Order of Merit, Mayor 
of Niigata ; i. the loth m. 
of the 2nd J/, of Ansei (i8- 
55) in Tokyo ;. 2nd s. of Ko- 
ji Yoshida ; ;«. Kin, f. s. to 
Kanelciclii Kamejima of To- 
kyo. Succeeded his father in 
1872. Address: The City 
Office, Niigata. 

Yoshida, Saburoemon (SHH 
liJ^^PI), marine products dea- 
ler, shipping agent, Pres. 
of Shohei Bank, ' Ltd ; b. 
the 7th m. of the ist y. 
of Gwanji (1864) in Hokkai- 
do ; e. s. of Zen-emon Yoshi- 
da. Contributed a large sum 
of money td the waV fund 
both at the time of Japan- 
China and the Russo-Japan- 

ese wars and was decorated 
with 3rd Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress : No. 49, Ichibancho, 
Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel.: 311 

Yoshida, Sajiro (SH*^II5), 
Expart to Tolcushima-prefect- 
ure, President of tlie Toku- 
sliima-l<:en Technological Sch- 
ool. Address: Maekawa-cho, 

Yoshida, Saknya (i*f IS f^ 31), 
Envoy Extraordinary f.nd Mi- 
nister Plenipotentiary to Siam; 
b. May 1859 "1 the province 
of Higo. Appointed Chancel- 
lor to the Legation at Vien- 
na, Mar. 1885 ; promoted At- 
tache, Mar. 1886; transferred 
to the Hague, i888andthento 
St. Petersburg, 1889 ; appoint- 
ed Private Secretary to the 
Minister for Education, May 
1893 ; Councillor to the Dep't 
of Education and Prof of the 
former 3rd Higher Middle 
School as additional posts, 
Nov. 1893 ; again entered the 
diplomatic service and appoint- 
ed 2nd class Secretary to the 
Legation at Vienna, Apr. 1 8- 
98 ; transferred to the Hague, 
1900; again to Vienna, 19- 
01 ; promoted to the present 
post in June 1908. Address: 
Japanese Legation, Bangkok. 

Yoshida, Seichi CS H f? gc), 
Prof of the Tokyo Fligher 
Normal School (Chair- Ethics). 
Address : No. 70, Hayashi- 
cho, Koishikawa, Tokyo. 


[ T268] 

Yoshida, Seifu (* ffl fg S,). 
Naval Captain, chief of the 
staff of the 2nd squadron; 
b. 1873. Ednc: Naval 
Academy. Commander, Sept. 
ipoo; second-captain. Sept. 
1^5; Captain, Dec. 191 1. 
Was Commander of' the 
Shikishima (battleship), Oto- 
wa{cxvi\s>tx)\ present post since 
Dec. 191 2. Decorations: 4th 
Order of R. S., 4th Order 
of S. T., 4th Class of G. K. 
Address: No. 13 Akebono- 
cho, Hongo-ku, Tokyo. 

YosMda, Seiichi Cg H ft —'), 
Lieutenant - General on the 
reserve ; h. the ist in. of the 
2nd jr. of Kayei (1849) in Ka- 
goshirna-prefecture ; e. s. of 
Kiyotake Yoshida, a samurai; 
a wido.wer. Entered the Im- 
perial army as Lieutenant 01 
Infantry in 1S71 and after 
due promotion attained the 
rank of Lieutenant-General in 
1907 when he was placed on 
the reserve list ; took part in 
the Japan-China war as Com- 
mander of the 24th Infantry 
Regiment and in the Russo- 
Japanese war as Commander 
of the 13th Infantry Brigade. 
Decorations : 2nd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 3rd Class of the 
Golden Kite. 'Address : No. 
55, Shimidzu - cho,. Kagoshi- 

Yoshida, Senkuro ( j^' H 1=- A 
115), Director of the yokkaichi 

Bank, Ltd ; b. the Sth m. of 
the 1st y. of Ansei (1854) in 
Mie-prefecture ; 2nd s. of Su- 
keji Yamaguchi ; adopted by 
late Senkuro Yoshida in 18- 
■ ']'] ; in. Isa, 2nd d. of Shim- 
bei Takekawa of the same 
prefecture. Address: Kura- 
niachi, Yokkaichi, Mie-ken. 

Yoshida, Takeji CS IB ^ ^), 
Expert to the Knmamoto- 
jirefccture. Address: Shinya- 
shiki, Kumamoto-shi, Kunia- 

Yoshida, Tanjibei (."S^^^^ 
ftj), President of the Hihode 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. Apr. the nth 
/. of Meiji (1878) in Tokyo; 
e. s. of the late Tanjibei Yo- 
shida ; m. Izu, -e. d. of Sosa- 
ku Yokogawa of Saitama-ken. 
Succeeded his father in 18- 
88. Address: No. 24, i clio- 
me, Odenma- oho, Nihonba- 
shi, Tokyo. Tel: 11.57 Bancho. 

Yoshida, Tanzaemon Qfl m fi 
1x. 'M n), pawn -broker. Auditor 
of the Tokai Bank, Ltd. ; b. 
Feb. the 4th y. of Meiji (18- 
71) in Tokyo ; grandson of 
Tomoyo-shi Yoshida ; m. Yo, 
2 lid d. of Tanjiro Yoshida of 
Tokyo. Address .-No. 49, Ku- 
lumazaka-machi, Shitaya-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 632 Shitaya. 

Yoshida, TeiioM (.fs m M. -), 
Vice- Admiral of luigineering 
on the reserve.; b. the 8th m. 
of the 5th :>». oif Kayei (1852) 
at Hikone in the province of 



Oiiii ; c. s. of Chojiro Yoshi- 
da, a saiHtirai of the former 
Hikone clan ; ni. Pumi, y. s. 
to Eiichi Takeda, a samurai 
of Shidzuoka. EdiLc: graduat- 
ed from the Kaigun Heiga- 
kmyo (present Naval Acade- 
my), 1875. Appointed 2nd 
Sub-Lieutenant of Engineer- 
ing, 1877 and after due pro- 
motion attained the rank of 
Vice- Admiral of Engineering 
in 1907 when he was placed 
on the reserve list ; was dur- 
ing the interval successively 
Chief Engineer of the Chiyo- 
da, Itsiikushimd and Tsukti- 
ba, Membei of the Naval Con- 
struction Council, Instructor 
at the Naval Engineering Sch- 
ool and the Naval College, 
Chief Engineer to the Stand- 
ing Squadron and to the Sa- 
sebo Admiralty, etc. Decora- 
tion : 2nd Order of Merit. 
Address : 1^0. 11, Zaimoku- 
cho. Azabuku, Tokyo. 

Yoshida, Teijun CS B ^ ip), 
Inspector-General of Fleets 
and Hospitals on the reserve; 
d. the 9th ;«. of the 4th y. 
of Kayei (185 1) in Fukui- 
prefecture ; e. s. of Teian Yo- 
shida, a samurai of the former 
Fukui-clan ; m. Sho, 2nd d. 
of Bun Owaki, a samurai of 
Nagano prefecture. Edtic. : 
graduated from the Medical 
Dep't of the Tokyo Daigaku 
(present Tokyo Imp. Univ.), 

1876. Appointed Surgeon- 
2nd Commander in 1 886 e nd 
after due promotion attained 
the rank of Inspector-Gener- 
al of Fleets and Hospitals 
in 1 90 1 when he was placed 
on the reserve list ; was suc- 
cessively Chief Surgeon to 
the Naval Barracks of the 
Kure Admiralty, President of 
the Sasebo Admiralty Hos- 
pital, Chief Surgeon to the 
Yokosuka Admiralty, and to 
the Standing Squadron, Chief 
of the Medical Dep't of the 
Kure Admiralty, Principal of 
the Naval School of Medicine, 
Chief of the ist Section of 
the Medical Bureau in the 
Naval Dep't, and of the Med- 
ical Dep't of the Sasebo aiid 
Kure Admiralties, President 
of the Kure Naval Hospital. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun and the 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: Nakayokocho, Do- 
tenagamachi, Akita-shi, Aki- 

Yoshida, Togo CS H M ffi), 
Bungakuhahishi, Lecturer of 
History at Waseda Univ.; b. 
the 4th m. of the ist y. oi 
Gwanji (1864) in Niigata- 
prefecture ; 3rd s. of Kishichi 
Hatano ; adopted by Kojirc 
Yoshida; m. Katsumi. Educ. 
privately. Once was writei 
to the Yamiuri Shimbun, a 
daily Tokyo paper ; is ar 


[ 1270 ] 

acKiiov/ledged authority or 
Jajjanese history. 'Publication: history compiled in 
contrary order. Address: No. 
74, Yamazato; 3 clunne, Ya~ 
rai-cho, Ushigpme-ku, Tokyo, 

Yoshida, Tomokichi (S H Ji 
a), Chief Engineer of the 
Sudzuki Iron Works ; b. the 
4th ;«. of the 1st y. of An- 
sei (1854) in Ishikawa-prefect- 
ure ; 3rd s. of Seihei Yoshi- 
da, a samurai ; m. Ko, e. d. 
oi Gen-ichi Endo, a Tokyo 
samurai. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Engineer- 
ing in the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1 88 1. Chief Engineer to the 
Kanegafuchi Spinning Co., 
Ltd.; then present post. Ad- 
dress: No. 114, Terashima- 
mura, Minamikatsushika-gun, 
Tokyo-fu. Tel. ; 1476 Shi- 

Yoshida, Toranosuke C§ BI jif 
i. W), Member of the House 
of Representatives for Shiga 
prefecture; b. Aug. the rst 
;', of Meiji (1868) in Shiga- 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Han- 
goro Yoshida ; m Miki, e. d. 
of Shoshin Uno, of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1888; once was a 
Member of the Shiga prefect- 
ural Assembly; elected Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatl^*es since 1908. Address: 
Tokiwa - mura, Kurita - gun, 
Shiga -ken. 

Yoshida, Tsunekichi C§ H ^ 
ft), Oliief Director of the 
Yokkaichi Rice Exchange, 
Ltd., Member of the Stand-. 
ing Committee of the Yok- 
kaichi Chamber of Commerce; 
b. the 1 2th ;«., of the 3rd j. 
of Keio (1867) in Mie-ken ; 
e. s. of late Tsunekichi Yo- 
shida ; /«. Masa, e. d. of Mo- 
kichi Yoshida of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1878. Address: No. 
5 , Kuramachi, Yokkaichi, Mie- 
ken. Tel. : 130 Toku. 

Yoshida, Yahei (S ifl 51 ^), 
Prof of the Tokyo Higher 
Normal School ; b. Jan. the 
2nd y. of Meiji (1869) in 
Ibaraki-ken ; e. s. of Seishichi 
Machida and was adopted by 
Taki Yoshida ; m. Shizuko, 
sister of Nao.shi Sekiguchi of 
Kyoto. Educ.: graduated Li- 
terature Course of the Tokyo 
Higher Normal School, 1894; 
pre.sent post since 1898. Ad- 
dress: No. 52, Oimatsucho, 
Tal^ata, Koishil<awa, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 41 1 Bancho. 

Yoshida, Yojiro (g H #: ?§ W), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Shiga-prefecture, Auditor 
of the Omi Commercial Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. Feb. the 4th y. of 
Meiji (1861) in Shiga-prefec- 
ture ; 2nd s. of late Yosahei 
Yoshida ; m. Moto, e. d. of 
Gen.shichi Hikida of the same 
prefecture. Succeeded his fa- 



ther in 1899. Address: Ta- 
kanaiya-iiiura, Inukami-gun, 

Yoshida, Yosaku (.^ IB -5? m. 
Private Secretary to the Min- 
ister for Foreign Affairs ; b. 
tlie 1 2th ni. of the 3rd y. of 
Kayei (1850) in Tokyo; 2nd 
o. of Ikyo Kano and adopted 
by Monosuke Yoshida ; m. 
Roku, e. d. of Shigemasa 
Nal^amura, a Shizuoka sa- 
murai. Entered the diplmatic 
service as Chancellor to the 
Legation at Brussels, 1880; 
Chanceller to the Legation 
at Seoul, Korea, 1882; ap- 
pointed Diplomatic Proba - 
tioner, i887;Secretary-Trans- 
later, 1891 ; Vice-Consul at 
Manila, and then Diploma- 
tic Attache to the Legation 
at Berlin, 1892; promoted 3rd 
class Secretary to the Lega- 
tion, 1893 ; present post since 
1 896; was once Pi ivate Secret- 
ary to the Prime Minister as 
an additional post in 1898. 
Address : Official House of 
Foreign Office, Kasumigase- 
ki, Kojimachi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2359 Shimbashi. 

Yoshie, Ishinosvike C>H }I Tx 

i: afi). Colonel of Infantry, 
Staff-officer/ of. the Army 
Dep't of Kwantung Govern- 
ment General; I>. 1868 in 
Tokyo. Sub-Lieut., March 
1892; Lieut., Oct. 1894; 
Ctiptain, Jan. 1898; Major, 

Aug. 1904; Lieut, Colonel, 
Dec. 1908; Colonel, April 
1 91 2. Decorations: 4th Order 
of R. S., 3rd Order of S. T., 
4th Class of 'Golden Kite. 
Address: Hatsune-cho, New 
Street, Port Arthur. 

Yoshie, Takayuki (^jXi^^f), 
Public Procurator, Chief Public 
Procurator of the Nara Dis- 
trict Court ; b. the 6th 111. of 
the 2nd y. of Ansei (1855) 
in Nara-ken ; e. s. of Sei Yo- 
shie ; m. Mika, e. d. o£Shin- 
zaemon Nakanishi of Osaka. . 
An official of the Dep't of 
Justice, 1879; appointed Public 
Procurator, 1882; was in suc- 
cession Chief Public Procurat- 
or of the District' Courts of 
Sapporo, Gifu, Fukuoka and 
Tokushima; then present post. 
Decoration: 4th Order of Merit. 
y^ir/i/r^i'.s'.-Kasuganomachi, Na- 

Yoshie, Takuji Cn }1 ^ ^), 
Prof of the College of Scien- 
ce in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. 
(Chair-Mathematics). Edtic: 
graduated from the College 
of Science in t^e Tokyo Imp, 
Univ. Address : No. 8, 3 cho- 
me, Sadowaracho, Ichigaya, 

Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Yosliiliashi, Tokusaburo (i§ 

^ ^, 3 HIO ! Colonel of Cavalry, 
Chief of the Staff on the 7tli 
Army Division; b. 1871 in 
Saitama - ken. Sub - Lieut., 
March 1892; Lieut., Oct. 



1894; Captain, Oct. 1897; 
Major, June 1903; Lieut. 
Colonel, Nov. 1907; Colonel, 
Nov. 191 2. Decorations: 5th 
Order of S. T., 4th Order 
of R. S., 3rd Class of Golden 
Kite. Address: Asaliikawa, 

Yoshii, KozD (S * # M\ 
Count, 2nd Commander of the 
Navy (retired), Member of the 
House of Peers, President of 
the Japan Marine Accident 
Relief Association; b. the loth 
in. of the 2'aAy. of Ansei (18- 
55) in Kagoshinia ; e. s. of 
the late Count Tomozaue Yo- 
shii ; m. Shizuko, 2nd d. of 
Wo Ikai, a- Kagoshima sa- 
murai. Educ. : studied in En- 
gland ; on returning home en- 
tered the Naval Cadets Sch- 
ool, graduating from it in 18- 
80. 2nd .Sub-Lieutenant, 18- 
80; 2nd Commander, 1894; 
placed on the reserve list in 
1 897 ; elected Member of the 
House of Peers, the same 
year ; afterwards accepted the 
President.shipof the Japan Ma- 
rine Accident Relief Associa- 
tion. Decoration: 4th Order 
of Merit, 5th Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address: J^o. 2 of 
I o, Kaslii, Saga-cho, Fukagawr; - 
i;u. Tokyo. 

Yoshii, Shigenori CS^^-BJ), 
Expert to the Communications, 
Dep't, Chiet of its Section of 
Building and Repairs ; b. the 

8th ;//. of the 4th 7. of An- 
sei (1857) ill Kochi-ken ; 2nd 
s. of S'ligeki Okabayashi, a 
samurai ; adopted by the late 
Kiyozumi Yoshii of Tokyo ; 
a widower. Edjtc. : graduated 
from the College of Engineer- 
ing in the Tokyo Univ., 18- 
%l. Entered the Dep't of Com- 
munications soon aftergradua- 
tion and was promoted to the 
present post. Decoration: 3rd 
Order of Merit. Address : No. 
10, I chome, Kagacho, Ichi- 
gaya, Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel.: 
1830 B.incho. 

Yoshii, Toyozo (ilj * 'h jS), 
Nogahuhaliuslii, Prof, of tlie 
College of Agriculture in 
the Tohoku Trnprr'al Uni- 
versity (Chair-agriculture pro- 
ducts) ; b. the 1st iu. of thi 
1st /. of Bunkyu (1861) in 
Hyogo-ken ; 4th s. of the late 
Shomon Yoshii ; m. RyO, e. 
d. of Yasujiro Aihara, a To- 
kyo samurai. Educ: graduat- 
ed from the former Komaba 
Agricultural College in 1885; 
further studied in Germany, 
1906 — 1908. After gradua- 
tion an official of the iDep't 
of Agriculture and Commer- 
ce ; Assistant - Prof of his 
alma mater ; Prof of the Sap- 
poro Agricultural College, 18- 
89 ; present post since Sept. 
■ 1907. Address S No. 3, i cho- 
me, Kitarokujo, ' Sapporo. 

Yoshii, Tsuneya CS * '^ -ffi,), 



ex-Gonimissioiier of tlic Toku- 
shima prefecture ; b. the 8tli 
in. of the 1st y. of Kayei 
(1848) ill Gifu-ken ; e. s. of 
Nakaemon Yoshii, a samu- 
rai ; 111. ItsLi, sister of Moto- 
masu Tomita, a Tokyo sa- 
murai. An official of the A- 
gricultural and Commercial 
Dep'tj 1883; Headman of a 
county in Fukui-prefecture ; 
Chief of Police and then Se- 
cretary of Wakayama-prefect- 
Lire ; Commissioner of Toku- 
shima-prefecture sinci 1905. 
Decoration : 5th Order of 
Merit. Address : Tokushima, 

Yoshii, Yakei (S ^ K ft), 
Director of the Banl< of Japan; 
■6. the 6th ?«. of the 3rd y. 
of Bunkyu (1863) in Kago- 
shima-prefecture ; e. s. of To- 
mohei Yoshii, a samurai of 
Kagoshima ; 7/1. Chika, 2nd 
d. of Genjiro Tanaka, a sa- 
murai of Miyazaki-prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1890, Entered 
the Bank of Japan immediate- 
ly after graduation and was 
promoted to the present post; 
has been in Germany, France 
and the United States for the 
inspection of banking busi- 
ness, 1 9 1 o — 1 9 1 1 . Address : 
No. 22, Kitaigamachi, Yo- 
tsuyaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 1665 

Yoshijima, Jdtaro (S % : 


B15), Captain in tlie Navj', 
Uonuuander of the Tsugaru: 
^.1869. 7i/?/'f..- Naval Acade- 
my. 2nd Commander, Oct. 
189S; Commander, July 19- 
04; Captain, Oct. 1909. De- 
corations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Order of the 
Sacred Treasure, 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 80, I chome, Shirokane- 
daimachi, Shibaku, Tokyo. 

Yoshikawa, Akimasa (^' ji| ® 
'£), Vice-Pres. of ,the Privy 
Council since 191 2, President , 
of the Kokugakiiiu (Uuiver- 
sit.y for the Japanese classiyal 
literature); d. tlie 12th ?«. of 
the 1 2th y. of Tempo (1841) 
in Tokushima, province of 
Awa ; 4th s. of Minbu Yo- 
shikawa, a clan doctor of To- 
kushima ; m. Sada, sister 
of Hisanobu Kawai, a Tokyo 
samurai. Entei'ed the civil 
service in 1870 as an official 
in the Ti-easury ; sent to A- 
merica in the suite, of the 
late prince Ito in 1871 ; on 
i-eturning was successively ap- 
pointed Sliiheinokami (Paper 
Currency Comptroller), Den- 
sJdnnokami (Chief of.- the Go- 
vernment Telegraph -Dep't), 
Senior Secretary to the Engi- 
neering Dep't; in 1878 re- 
presented Japan at the In- 
ternational Telegraphic Con- 
ference held at London; after 



returning home in tlie follow- 
ing year became in succes- 
sion Secretary to the Foreign 
Office, the Dep't of Engi- 
neering, and to ' the Home 
Office, Governor of Tokyo- 
fu and then Vice-Minister of 
Home Affairs ; then began 
his ministerial career first ^s 
Minister of Education, 1890; 
Minister of Justice, ,1891 — 
1896 ; Minister for Home 
Affairs, 1893 — 1896 ; Minister 
of Communications, twice 18- 
98 — 1900 and 1901 — 1903; 
again Minister for Home Af- 
fairs, 1904 — 1905, which post 
he had to resign in connec- 
tion with the famous anti- 
Peace Agitation in Tokyo on 
5th Sept. 1905 ; created Vis- 
count in 1896 and Count in 
1907. Recreations : Chinese 
poetry ; game of chess, etc. 
Address : No. 62, Mi)'amura- 
cho, Azabu, Tokyo. Tel. : 
64 Shiba, 

Yoshikawa, Kamejiro (S^Ufi, 
^ IB)) Kogakuliakushi (Dr. of 
Engineering), Prof, of the Col- 
lege of Science and Engi- 
neering in the Kyotp Imp. 
Univ. (chair-Electro-Chemist- 
ry) ; (5.. Dec. the 2nd y. of 
Meiji (1869) in Nara-ken ; 
2nd s. of the late Gompei 
Yoshikawa ; m. Hiro, 4th d. 
of Zensho Mihama of Nara-. 
ken. Educ. : graduated from 
the College of Engineering 

in the Tokyo Imp. Univ. in 
1895; made a special study 
of Electro-Chemistry in Ger- 
many, 1901—1905. Assist- 
ant-Prof of- his a/ma mater, 
I ^97 ; the same of the Col- 
lege of Science and P^ngi- 
neering in the Kyoto Imp. 
Univ., 1898 ; full Prof of the 
same and Kogahihakiishi, 19- 
06. Address: Otsumachi, Ta- 
keyamachi-sagaru, Kamikyo- 
Ivu, Kyoto. 

YcsMkawa, Koji (^;i|^^?&), 
Naval Captain, Chief of the 
lersoniiel Dep't of the Yo- 
kosuka Naval Station; b. 
1869. Educ: Naval En- 
gineering Academy. Lieut. - 
Commander, Sept. 1899; 
Commander, Aug. 1905; 
Captain, Dec. 1912. Was 
Member of the Personnel 
Bureau of the Yokosuka 
Adm.; pre'jent post since 
Dec. 1 91 2. Decorations: 3rd 
Order of R. S., 4th Order 
of S. T., 5th Class of 
Golden Kite. Address: the 
Yokosuka Naval Station. 

Yoshikawa, Kyiishichi CS )\\ 
^ -fa)» Cement-manufacturer, 
coal dealer, Managing Di- 
rector of the Dai- Nippon Salt 
Co., Ltd., Director of the 
Kobe Sugar Refining Co., 
Ltd., Auditor of the lyo Rail- 
way Co., Ltd. and of the 
Japan Habutae Co., Ltd. ; 
b. Sept, the 5th j/. of Meiji 

[ 1275 ] 


(1872) in Hyogo-ken ; 2nd 
i. of Gempei Uyematsu ; a- 
dopted by the late Kyushichi 
Yoshikawa ; m. Iku, e. d. of 
his adopted father. Educ. : 
graduated from the Keiogijn- 
ku. Is the proprietor of the 
Yoshikawa Cement Factory. 
Address : No. 34, Hanakuma- 
cho, Kobe. Tel. : 695 /. d. 
Yoshikawa, Sentar'o (g ;il (ili 
;*: Bi5), clock and watch dealer, 
Member of the Tokyo Muni- 
cipal Council.. Address: No.. 
14, Ogawaniachi, Kanda, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 13.94 Honkyoku. 
Yoshikawa, Suketeru Cg )A 
i^M'), Assistant-Prof of the 
College of Agriculture in the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. ; now in 
study abroad. 

. Yoshikawa, Tohei C^'jiimTO, 
Managing Director of the Shi- 
midzu Bank, Ltd., Director 
of the Yejiri Savings Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. the 9th ;«. of the 
1st y. of Gwanji (1864) in 
Shidzuoka-ken ; e. s. of the 
late Nobuhide Yoshikawa ; 
m. Aya, 2nd d. of Gihei Ya- 
maguchi of Shidzuoka-ken. 
Succeeded his father in 1879. 
Address: lidamura, Anbara- 
gun, Shidzuoka-ken. 

Yoshimatsu, Komazo (^ M: M] 
it), Dir. of the Yosliimatsu Ho- 
spital, Court Pliysiciau: h. th?. 
/Lh ;;/. of the 5th y. of Ansei 
(1858) in Kokura, province 
of Buzen ; brother of Kaizo 

Koado and adopted by the 
late Bunji Yoshimatsu; m. 
Kiyo, e. d. of Teruzane Ta- 
nabe, Member of the House 
of Peers. Educ. : graduated 
from the College of Medicine 
in the Tokyo ' Imp. Univ. 
in 1 388; further studied in 
Germany, 18S9 — '03. Opened 
the Yoshimatsu Hospital for 
Children after his return home, 
becoming its president ; ap- 
pointed to the present 
in 1906 and is now Medical 
attendant to T. H, Imperial 
Grandsons. Address : 'Ho. i, 
I chome, Hamacho, Nihom- 
bashi, Tokyo. Tel.: 2360 Na- 

Yoshimatsu, Shigetaro CSIS^" 
ic 110, .Vice -Admiral, Com- 
mander of the Takeshiki 
Naval Port; b. the 1st in. 
of the 6th _y. of Ansei (18- 
59) in Kochi- - ken ; e. s. 
of the late Manya Yoshima- 
tsu, a samurai of Kochi clan; 
m. Kusu, e. d. of Tamenao 
Koto, also a Kochi samurai. 
Ediic. : graduated from the 
former Heigakuryo (naval aca- 
demy) ; further studied in 
France, 1888 — '93. 2nd Sub- 
Lieutenant, 1883; Captain, 
Sept. 1899 ; Rear- Admiral, 
Nov. 1905 ; Vice - Admiral, 
Dec. 1909 ; was .successively 
Inspector of the- Naval Ord- 
nance, on the Staff of the 
Western Sea Squadron, and 



of the Kure Naval Station, 
Chief of tlie, 1st Section of 
the Naval General Staff Of- 
fice.. Chief of Staff to the 
Standing Squadron, Com - 
mander of the Naniwa and 
the Takasago, Chief of Staff 
to the Sasebo Naval Station, 
Commander of the ist Squ- 
adron, President of the Naval 
Academy ; President of the 
Naval College, Dec. 1910 ; 
present since Sept. 19- 
1 1 . Took part in the Russo- 
Japanese war first as Com- 
mander of the Tokiwa and 
then that of the Shikishinia. 
Decorations : 2nd Order of the 
Sacred Treasure ; 3rd Order 
of the Rising Sun ; 3rd Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
No. 159, Kogai-cho, Azabu- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 1 5 1 3 Shiba. 
YosMmi, Kknkai CeV £ i% 
r'§) , Hear-ad i ai ral , si nee 1911; 
Ediic. ■• graduated from the 
Naval Academy. 2nd-Com- 
mander, Dec. 1 897 ; Cot- 
mander, Sept. 1900 ; Captaih. 
Aug. 1905. Decorations : 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun ; 
5th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure ; 4rh Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address : 4 chomej Tsu' 
kiji, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo. 

Yoshimoto, Hikotaro (."^y^Mk 
HiO, Member of the Osaka 
City Council ; (J. the 6th m. 
of the 3rd J. of Keio (1867) 

in 0.saka ; 3rd s. of Goroemoii 
Yoshimoto ; adopted by Koto 
Yoshimoto ; m. Hana, e. .d 
of Yagoro Fujito -of Osaka. 
Has done much for public 
causes and charity. Address :■ 
No! 193, 2 chome, Sonezaki, 
Kitaku, Osaka. Tel. : 476 

Yoshimoto, Tensho iti ^ ^i 
np, ex-Dir. of the Kankoku 
(Korean) Gas Co., Ltd. ; b. 
the 1 2 th m. of the 2Jid y. of 
Bmikvn (1862) at Kochi, pre- 
fecture of Kochi. Edtic. : re- 
ceived common education at 
his native place ; graduated 
law at the Osaka Futsuga- 
kujuku. Practiced law from 
1886 till , 1897 and at the 
same time engaged in active 
politics as a member of the 
Liberal party ; then entered 
business and after' many hard- 
sliips reached to the present 
state of affluence and prosperi- 
ty. Recreation.-Yokyoku (Japa- 
nese classical songs). Address: 
No. 471, Kamiosaki, Osaki- 
machi, Ebara-gun, Tokyo-fu. 
7>/. .• 840 Shiba. 

Yoshimoto, Tokutaro (§ -^ 

W.itW>)i Igakuhaktishi (Dr. 
of Mediciiie) ; • physician to 
the Japan Red Cross Society 
Ilo.^nital; b. 1874 in Fuku- 
oka-ken; s. of Wasaku Yoshi- 
moto; m. daughter of Kogoro 
Sugita. Edti.c. : graduated 
from the College of Medicine 


of the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Ad- 
dress: Sakurada-machi, Aza- 
bii, Tokyo. Tel.: 1505 Shiba. 

Yoshimura, Chosaku ('^- ^J ^ 
^^. Engineer to the Imperi- 
al Navy, 3rd Order of Merit; 
b. tlie 3rd in. oi" tlie ist y. 
of Man-en (i860) in Osaka; 
2nd s. of Naohiko Nishio ; 
;//. Toki, e. d. of Yahei Mine 
of Nagasaki-prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering ol the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1885 Assistant- 
Prof of his alma mater ; 
Engineer to Naga.saki pre- 
fecture ; present post (Chief 
of the Construction Dep't of 
the Sasjbo Admiralty) since 
1899. Address: No. 5, Na- 
kadori, Sasebo, Nagasaki-ken. 

YosKimura, Gentaro Co W iS 
^ W), Ohief General of the 
Foreign Affairs Section to the 
Kantung G-overnor-General's 
Office. Addre&s : Official Re- 
sidence, No. 4 New Street, 
Port Arthur. 

Yos&im-ara, Goro-o Cg ^f li. If! 
M^'; a large landowner, one 
of th; highest taxpayers oi 
Eukuoka-ken ; I?, the 9th ;«. 
of the 1 2th J', of Bun.sei (18- 
29) in Fuktioka-ken ; e. d. of 
Jozo Yoshimura ; m. Michie, 
Sth d. of Sadanao Takama- 
tsu, a Fukuoka samUrai. Ad- 
dress : Takeno-mura, Ukiha- 
gun, Fukuoka-ken. 


Yosliimura, Masamocni (c^ W 
£ S), 6th grade of Junior 
Order, Superintendent of the 
Shinshukyo (a Shinto-sect); h. 
the 9th m. of the loth y. of 
Tempo (i839)in Okayama pre- 
fecture ; 2nd s. of Taiji Yoshi- 
mura. Educ: studied Japanese 
classics under Gizo Marukawa 
of Bitchu province and then 
Chinese classics under Tekko 
Kono of Harima province and 
some others. Participated in 
the Restoration in company 
with famous Tesseki Fuji- 
moto and Keido Matsumoto ; 
entered the service of the Grand 
Shrine of Ise (a shrine dedi- 
cated to the Ancestor of our 
Imperial family) and travelled 
over the country in preaching 
the principle of the Shinto 
.sect ; afterwards established 
a branch office of the Ise 
Shrine in ' Hibiya, Tokyo ; 
founded the Shinshiikyo sect 
which vows to uphold the 
divine precepts and national 
polity, worships the Three 
Deities of creation and minor 
deities, and is especially zeal- 
ous to minister divination, 
exercising, and similar prac- 
tices ; erected at Imagawako- 
ji, Kanda, Tokyo, the Mitakc 
Shrine which is dedicated to 
three of the Deities and tenet 
of which aims at .cleanliness 
of mind and body, the votaries 
of this sect making it a 



regular practice to visit high 
mountains and by this hardy 
process of devotion trying to 
propitiate the divine favor and 
to secure prosperity and long 
life. Address: No. 5, 2 cho- 
me, Imagavva-koji, Kandaku, 
Tokyo . 

Yoshimura, Tetsugero (^ W 
m, H 115), Manufacturer and 
importer of iron and copper 
machines. Address : No. 3, 
3 choijie, Honzaimokucho, 
Kyobashiku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
884 and 631 Honkyoku. 

Yoshimura, TetsunosuKe ("i*j W 
is^fJ), Manufacturer of elec- 
tric machines, President of the 
Tsuchim-a Electric Co., Ltd., 
Dir. of the Taihoku Sugar 
Maniifactm-ing Co., Nihon 
Kogyo Asso. and of the Yfiko- 
sha, Ltd (Paper Manufactur- 
ing and Sales Co.), Member 
of the Standing Committee 
of the Tokyo Chamber of 
Commerce ; b. the 8th ni. of 
the Sth y. of Ansei (1858) 
in Shiga-ken ; e. s. of Gen- 
roku Yoshimura ; m. Mine, 
e. d. of Sashiba Tsutsui of 
Nara-ken. Address : No. 68, 
2 chome, Shirokanedaimachi, 
Shibaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 2002 
Shiba. . 

Yoshimura, Tokuhei (a ti H 
^), a large landowner, one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Shimane - pref. cture ; i>. the 
1st m. of the 14th y. of Tem- 

po ( 1 843) in Tottori-prefecture; 
e. s. of Jinzo- Yoshimura ; a 
widower. Succeeded his father, 
1886. Address: Tachikawa- 
machi, Tottori - shi, Toitori- 


Yoshimura, Tomonoshin (SW 

MZ-M'), one of the highest tax- 
payers of Wakayama - pre- 
fecture ; d. Feb. the 6th y. of 
Meiji (1873) in Wakayama- 
prefecture ; 2nd s. of Kaku- 
jiro Yoshimura ; 7». Ichi, e. 
d. of Gonnosuke Hirano of the 
same" prefecture. Succeeded his 
father in 1902. Address: Ya- 
masaki-mura, Naka-gun, Wa- 

Yoshimura, Torataro CSWX 
i:SP), ex-President of the 4th 
High School, 3rd Older of 
Merit, b. the 2nd in. of the 
1st y. of Kayei (1848) at To- 
yooka in the province of Ta- 
jima ; 2nd s. of late Hachi- 
dayii Yoshimura, a samurai 
of the former Toyooi<a clan; m. 
Mine, 5th d. of Kaneyasu 1- 
chikawa, a Tokyo samurai. 
F.duc. : graduated from the 
Keiogijuku. Entered the Dep't 
of Education, 1873; afterwards 
in succession ' was President 
of the Hiroshima English Lan- 
guage School, Junior Secreta- 
ry to the Dep't of Education, 
School Inspector and then 
Councillor to the same Dep't, 
President of the 2nd High 
School, again 'Counciller to 

the Dep't ; President of the 
4th High School, 1901. Ad- 
dress : No. 2, Kitanagano- 
machi, Kanazawa-shi, Ishika- 

Yoshimura, Yasozo CSW/V+ 
H), <ix-Secretary to the Horse 
.'\;!-"Lnistration Bureau and 
Counseller to the War Depart- 
ment. Address: No. 102, Sa- 
moncho, Yotsuya, Tokyo. 

Yoshimura, Zimbei C^ I^J ffi :S 
?#), President of the Inland 
Transportation Co., Ltd.;' b. 
Oct. the 1st y. of Meiji (18- 
68) in Tokyo ; e. s. of the 
late Zimbei Yoshimura ; m. 
Yoshi, e. d. of Saheiji Mogi 
of Chiba-ken. Address: No. 
3, I chome, Sadovvaracho, U- 
shigome, Tokyo. Tel. : 352 

Yoshinaga, Takeyoshi Ccjric 
t£.W, Colonel of Inf., Com. 
of the 61 St Infantry Eegi- 
ment; b. 1866 in Nagasaki. 
Sub-Lieutenant, July 1887; 
Lieutenant, Mar. 1892; Cap- 
tain, Oct. 1897; Major, Sept. 
1903 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Nov. 1907; Colonel, 191 1. 
^Was Adjutant to the Kwan- 
tung Govcr.ior-General before 
he came to occupy the present 
post. Decorations : 4th Order 
of the Rising Sun ; 4th Order 
of the Sacred Treasure : 4th 
Class of the Golden Kite. 
Address: the 6 1st Infantry 
Regiment, Wakayama - shi. 

[1279] YOF 


Yosiiinaga, Ninzo (§ ;^ fr M), 
Tea and marine products 
dealer. President of the Iwa- 
ki Cement Co,, Ltd., Direct- 
or of the Yokohama Fish 
Oil Co., Ltd;-, and of the 
Yokohama Fertilizer Mfg. 
Co., Ltd., Auditor of the Yo- 
kohama Trade Warehousing 
Co., Ltd. ; d. the 6th m. 
of the 4th y. of Ansei 
(1857) in Shizuoka-ken ; 2nd 
s. of Gonroku Yoshinaga; m. 
Tomi, sister of Bumpei Nomu- 
ra of Shizuoka-ken. His firm 
is well known by the name 
of " Akashiya." Address : 
No. 13, 2 chome, Motohama- 
machi, Yokohama. 7>/.-3i3. 

Yostiino, Bunsliiro (§ if ^ 

03 ErO> Colonel of Infantry, 
Commander of the 2nd In- 
fantry Reg. in Formosa; b. 
1868 ill Ishikawa-ken. Sub- 
Lieut., July 1888; Lieut., 
Dec. 1892; Captain, Oct. 
1897; Major, Dec. 1903; 
Lieut. Colonel, Nov. 1907; 
Colonel, 191 1. Decorations: 
Sth Order of S.T., 4fh Order 
of R. S. Address: the 2iid 
Infantry Regiment, Taipeh, 

Yoshino, Kazukiyo (Sif — ?S), 
Director of the 52nd Bank, 
Ltd. ; b. the 2nd in. of the 
3rd y. of Kayei (1858) in 
hLhime-prefecture ; 2nd s. of 
Yoshinori Nagai, a samurai ; 


[ ! 280 ] 

adopted by Giiclii Yoshino ; 
m. Iku. Address : No. i, Mi- 
natomaclii, Matsuyama, Ehi- 

Yoshino, Shutaro C^ff ffi! jkSl!}, 
a large landowner, one of the 
highest taxpayers of Fuku- 
ehima-prefecture, ex-Mem. of 
the House of Peei's, Dii-ec- 
tor of the 107th Bank, Ltd. ; 
b. the 1 2th 111. of the 4th j/. 
of Kayei (1851) in Fuku- 
shima - prefecture ; 4th s. ot 
Yasubei Yoshino ; in. Masa, 
2nd d. of JJihachi Watanabe 
of the sam"e prefecture. De- 
coration: 4th Order of Merit. 
Address: Nodamura, Shinobu- 
gun, Fukushima-ken. 

fosMno, Yozo Cg I? 3? H), 
Director of the Fuknshima 
Bank, Ltd. ; b. Apr. the 4th 
y. of Meiji (1871) in Fuku- 
shima-ken ; younger brother 
of Shin-emon Ito ; adopted 
by Shiltaro Yoshino ; m. To- 
rn!, e. d. of his adopted father. 
Address: Noda-mura, Shino- 
bu-gun, Fukushima-ken. 

Yoshioka, Heisuke (THI^'fSl), 
book-seller, proprietor of the 
Yoshioka Hobiinkwan, a book 
store ; b. May the 26th y. of 
Meiji (1893) in Osaka; e. s. 
of the late Heisuke Yoshioka; 
unmarried. Succeeded his fa- 
ther in 1908. Address : No. 
78, 4.chome; Bingomachi, Hi- 
gashiku, Osaka. Tel. : 43 ; 
2268 Higashi. 

Yoshioka, Norisaku (§ PSJ tS 
itV.t Naval Captain, sectional 
chief of the Naval Education 
Board; /;. 1871. Ediic.: the 
Naval Academy. Lieut. - 
Commander, July 1904; 
C<.mmander, Sept. 1907; 
Captain, Dec 191 1. De- 
corations: 4th Order of R. 
S., 4th Class of G. K. Ad- 
dress: No.' 3 Sadowara-cho, 
Ichigaya, Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Ycshioka, Sounsai Cg |i^ ^ g 
5^), Sculptor. Address: No. 
36, I chome, Kamezawacho, 
Honjo-ku, Tokyo. Td. : 5330 

Yoshioka, Takejiro i^nVs^. 
W)'), Major-General, Com- 
mander of the 2 1st Infantry 
Brigade ; b. the 1st m. of 
the 2nd y. of Bunkyu (1862) 
in Chiba-ken ; 2nd s. of Hi- 
kozaemon Yoshioka ; in. No- 
bu, adopt.' d. of Eizo Haru- 
bayashi of Cliiba-ken. Educ: 
graduated from the Kyodo- 
dan (Non-Commissioned Of- 
ficers' School), the Military 
Academy, and the Military 
College. Sub-Lieutenant of 
Infantry, Dec. 1882; Lieut- 
en mt. May 1886; Captain, 
Dec. 1893; took part in the 
Japan - China war first as 
Commander of a company in 
the 4th Infantry Regiment 
and then as a staff-officer to 
the 2nd Army Division ; 
Major, Oct. 1898; Lieuten- 

[ I28l ] 


ant-Colonel, Api'. 1903; Co- 
lonel, Apr. 1905 ; was Com- 
mander of the 3rd Battalion 
of the Formosan- Garrison 
and of the 45th Infantry Re- 
giment during the Russo-Ja- 
panese war ; Major-General, 
Sept. 1909. Decorations : 
Sth Order of the Sacred 
Treasure and 3rd Order of 
the Rising Sun. Address: 
Yamaguchi-machi. Yamagu- 

Yoshioka, Tetsutard (.ti^m<. 
El>), Expert to the Marine 
Products Institute of the De- 
partment of Agriculture and 
Commerce ; b. the 9th m. of 
the 1st y. of Man-en (i860) 
in Tokyo ; e. s. of Masanao 
Yoshioka of Tolcyo ; ;«. Ha- 
ru, 2nd d. of Ilatsu Shibu- 
ya also of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Science of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ.,'»'l883. Has long been 
in the service of the Treasu- 
ry ; Expert to the Marine 
Products Laboratory of the 
Dep't of Agriculture and 
Commerce, 1 896 ; sent to 
Italy on an official mission, 
1906 ; present post since 19- 
08. Address: No. 122, Otsu- 
ka, i^akashita-machi, Koi- 
shikawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 35- 
36 Baucho. 

Yoshioka, Yayoi (.^^Mfi.), 
Lady doctor. Principal of the 
Tokyo Female Medical Sch- 

ool, President of Tokyo Shi- 
sei Hospital ; d. Mar. the 4th 
y. of Meiji (1871) in Shizu- 
oka-ken ; . 2nd d. of Yosai 
Washiyama ; m. Arata Yo- 
shioka of Saga -ken, Sept. 
1895. Educ.: graduated from 
the former Saisei Gagusha (a 
medical school which was un- 
der the management of Dr. Ha- 
segawain 1892). Passed Gov- 
ernment Examination for med- 
ical practitioners in 1892 and 
at once began practice at 
Tokyo ; established the To- 
kyo Female Medical School 
in 1904 and became its prin- 
cipal ; opened the Tokyo 
Shisei Hospital in 1909, be- 
coming its president. She is 
one of the most famous lady 
doctors at present in Japan 
and is now devoting herself 
to the education of ladies in- 
tending to be doctors Ad- 
dress : No. 31, 4 chome, li- 
damachi, Kojimachiku, Tokyo. 
Tel.: 2257 Bancho. 

Yoshitake, EinosMn (Si'c^ 
-2:ii), ®Prof of the Tok.vo 
Higher Technological School, 
School Inspector of the De- 
partment for Education ; b. 
the 6th m. of the 1st j- of Gwa- 
nji (1864) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of Clio Yoshitake ; m. Sho, 
sister of a certain Hayashi 
of Nagano. Educ. : gradua- 
ted from the College of Sc- 
ience in the Tokyo Univ., 


[ 1282 ] 

1884; further studied in En- 
gland and Germany, 1899. 
Teacher at the Tokyo Midd- 
le School and the 2nd High- 
er Middle School ; Prof, of 
the Tokyo Higher Technical 
School since 1895; after- 
wards School Inspector of 
the Dep't of Education as 
an additional post. Address : 
No. 18, Tatsuokacho, Kon- 
go, Tokyo. 

Yoshitake, Kitsujiro (g s^ )ffi 
^ BP). Expert to Nagano-ken, 
President of the Ina Agricult- 
ural School. Address : Ina- 
machi, Kamiina - gun, Naga- 

Yoshitomi, Kan-icM (S 1 ffl 
— ). a large landowner, one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Yamaguchi-prefecture ; d. the 
1st mroi the 9th y. of Tem- 
po (1838) in Yamaguchi-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of the late Soe- 
mon Yoshitomi, a samurai; 
m. Suma, 2nd d. of Chuemon 
Fujimura, also a Yamaguchi 
samurai. Member and Pre- 
sident of Yamaguchi Pre- 
fectural Assembly ; sat eleven 
times in the*-*House of Re- 
. presentatives since its. inaugu- 
ration in 1890 ; has been suc- 
cessively Manager of the Bo- 
cho Educational Association, 
Vice-president of the Yama- 
guchi branch of the Japan 
Red Cross Society, Director 
of the Sany5 Railway Co., 

Ltd. ; contributed a large sum 
of money to the Coast De- 
fence Fund in 1888 and was 
decorated with the Commen- 
datory Medal of the Yellow- 
Riband for it. Address: O- 
toshi-mura, Yoshiki-gun, Ya- 

Yoshiue, Shoichiro C^lt^S-SR),, 
Dir. of the Ohuo-Shinbunsha 
(a newspaper office). Mem- 
ber of the House of Repre- 
sentatives, 4th Order of Merit; 
b. the 9th in. of the ist y. 
of Keio (1865) in Chiba-pre- 
fecture ; e. s. of late Shono- 
suke Yoshiue ; in. Toku, 2nd 
d. of Tokuzaemon Iwata of 
the same prefecture. Educ: 
graduated from the Chiba Mid- 
dle School. Engaged in culti- 
vation work in Hokkaido ;: 
President and Chief editor of 
Hokkai Jiji Shimpd (a daily 
paper) and Representative 
Member of the Hokkai Ti- ' 
mes Co.; went to Chile to in- 
vestigate immigration affairs 
by order of^the Foreign Of- 
fice and the Hokkaido _ Gov- 
ernment ; has sat thrice in the 
the House of Representatives 
where he belongs to the Sei- 
yukat (a pro-government par- 
ty). Address : No. 10, Ya- 
mashiro-cho, Kyobashi-ku, 

Yoshiwara, Saburo CSMHBU), 
Vice-President of the Orien- 
tal Development Co., Ltd. ; 

[ 1283 ] 


b. the 3i-d in. of the ist y. 
of Ansei (1854) in Chiba- pre- 
fecture ; 3rd s. of Juro Yo- 
shiwara ; ni. Miyo, 2nd d. of 
Saichi Sugitani, a Tokyo sa- 
murai. Educ. : studied at the 
former Law School of the 
Dep't of Justice, 1876 — 1885; 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1889. Secretary to the 
House of Representatives, 1 8- 
^O; afterwards in succession 
was Secretary to the prefe- 
ctures of Saitama, Osaka and 
Aichi ; Governor of Kagawa 
and Toyama prefectures, Di- 
rector of the Local Admin- 
isti-ation Bureau of the Home 
.Office; Vice-Minister of Home 
Affairs, 1906; then present 
post. Decoration : 2nd Order 
of Merit. Address: No. i, 
Nanzan-cho, Seoul, Chosen. 
Tokyo Address: No. 15, I- 
chibancho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. 
Tel. : 265 Bancho. 

Yoshizawa, Jorvo (T^'/fiSJC). 
a large landowner, Pi-esident 

of the Naoetsu Bank, Ltd. ; 
b. the 1 2th in. of the 2nd y. 
of Kokwa (1845) in Niigata- 
kea ; e. s. of the late lyemon 
Yoshizawa ; ;;/. Suga, 2nd 
d. of Yasujiro Aizawa of Nii- 
gata-ken. Address : Suwa-mu- 
ra, Nakakubiki-gun, Niigata- 

Yoshizawa, Kenkichi (^??^ 
^), Consul-fteneral at Ha- 

nkow ; b. 'January the 7th 
y. of Meiji (1874) iu Niiga- 
ta - ken. FAuc. : graduated 
from the College_ of Li- 
terature of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., July 1899. Passed the 
Diplomatic and Consular Ser- 
vices Examination, Oct. 18- 
gg ; Attache to the Legation 
at Seoul, Nov.'"i899; Eievc- 
Consul at Amoy, Feb. 1 900; 
Eleve - Consul at Shanghai, 
May 1902 ; Eleve-Consul at 
Newchang, Aug. 1904 ; Ele- 
ve-Consul at London, Feb. 

1905 ; Consul at Hongkong, 
Feb. 1906 ; Councillor to the 
Foreign Office, Aug. 1906 ; 
Secretary to the same, Nov. 

1906 ; Chief of the- 1st Section 
of the Political Affairs Bureau. 
Dec. 1908; then ist Sec. of 
Embass}^ London. Decora- 
tion : 4th Order of the Sac- 
r(;d Treasure. Address : Ja- 
panese Coufiulate-Gen., Ha- 
nkow. ' 

'Yoshizawa, Yosfiinori C,^ ?i 
SI RiJ), Assistant-Prof, of the 
College of Literature in the 
Kyoto Imp. Univ. Address: 
Ichijyo-kita-iru, Muro-machi, 
Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Yuasa, Gitaro Cmm^ic SO, 
Payma.ster Lieutenant - Colo- 
nel, Chief of the Paymasters' 
-StafT of the Fonnosan Gar- 
rison ; <5. 1862 in. Okaya- 
ma. Paymaster - Sublieuten- 
ant, Aug. 1891 ; Paymaster- 


( 1284 ] 

Lieutenant, Nov. 1894; Pay- 
master-Captain, Dec. 1897 ; 
Paymaster-Major, Dec. 1903; 
Paymaster Lieutenant - Colo- 
nel, Nov. 1907. "Decorations^ 
4th Order of the Rising Sun; 
5th Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure ; 4th Class of the Gol- 
den Kite. Address : Taihoku, 

Yuasa, Kichiro (^ ^ ^ IK). 
President of the Kyoto Pub- 
lic Library ; m. yoiinger sister 
of Junzo Komoto, a doctor at 
Kobe. Educ: Doshisha Col- 
lege and Yale University. 
Was once a Christian pastor 
and lecturer of Doshisha and 
of the Kyoto Imperial \ivA- 
xev^iM >, Address : Muvo-ma- 
fhi. Kamikyo-ku, Kyoto. 

Ynasa, Kurahei (^'^ J-^;. 
Dir. of the Prefectural Bm-eau 
of the Home Office, 5 th Or- 
der of Merit ; b. Feb. the 
/th y. of Meiji (1874) in Fu- 
kushima-prefecture ; 2nd s. oi 
the late Koan Yuasa, a sa- 
murai of Fukushima ; in. Sa- 
kie, 2nd d. of Koreka Sae- 
gi of Yamaguchi-prefecture. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Law of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1898. Commis- 
sioner of Shiga-prefecture, 1 8- 
99 ; afterwards was succes- 
sively Councillor of Hyogo- 
prefegture, Chief of Police in 
the prefectures of Tottori, 
Ehime, and Nagasaki; Com- 

missioner of Kaiiagawa-pre- 
fecture ; counseller of the Ho- 
me Office ; present post since 
Dec. 191 2. Address: No. 28, 
Kaka-cho, Ushigome-ku, To- 
kyo. Tel.: 1 158 Bancho. 

Yuasa, ShicMzaemon (ft J$ fcr 
* ^ PI), dealer, in iron and 
copper; b. Mar. the loth y. 
of Meiji (1877) in Ishikawa- 
prefecture ; y. b. to Senkichi- 
ro Hayakawa, an Ishikawa 
samurai ; adopted by Kume 
Yuasa of Kyoto ; ni. Take, 
e. d. of his adopted mother. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Tokyo Imp. Univ. Address : 
Shiogamacho, Takakura-Hi- 
gashi-iru, Gojodori, Shinio- 
kyoku, Kyoto. Tel. : 7^7 

Yuasa, Takenosuke C^ratt.?. 
W)i General export and im- 
port merchant; President of 
the Kobe Sugar Kefining Co- 
mpany, Ltd., Special Member 
of the Kobe Chamber of Com- 
merce ; b. Feb. the gnrl y. of 
Meiji (1869) in Wakayama- 
ken ; 4th s. of Jiroemon Yu- ; adopted by Kusu Yuasa; 
m. Nami,^ sister of Sokichi 
UrnedaofKanagawa-ken. Ad- 
dress : No. 12, 3 chome, Sa- 
kaemachi, Kobe. Tel. .• 40 ; 
838; 703. 

Yuasa, Toichiro (^ySSirliB©, 
Expert and Comptroller of 
the Patent Bureau of the Py- 
gricultural and Commercial 

[ 128s J 


Ucp't ; b. Oct. the .2nd y. of 
Meiji_(i869) in Tokyo; e. s. 
of Tozo Yuasa, a samurai ; 
m. Rei, e. d. of Michimori 
Tachibana of Tokyo. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Engineering in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1895. Chief En- 
gineer to the Japan Silk and 
Cotton Spinning Co. after 
graduation ; Engineeer to the 
Government Iron Foundry, 
1896; then present posts. Ad- 
dress : U«no - Sakui-agi - cho, 
Shitaya-ku, Tokyo. 

Yuasa TTsaburo (W. Bonger), 
Merchant; 6. Meiji 14th Jan. 
20; s. M. C. Bonger, m. Sa- 
chiyo Yuasa. Address : gg[ 10 
Yamamoto-dori, 4 chome, 

Yuasa, YosMo (^ -S ^ H), 

Judge ; President of the Fu- 
kuoka District Court ; i. 
the 9th 7n. of the 4th y. of 
Kokwa (1847) at Tokushima, 
province of Awa ; 2nd i'. of 
Sadataro Yuasa ; m. Ei, 2nd 
d. of Sohei Inoue. Became an 
official in the Dep't of Jus- 
tice, 1872 ; meanwhile trans- 
ferred to the Dep't of Educa- 
tion ; again entered the ser- 
vice_ of the Dep't of Justice, 
1875 ; appointed Judge, 1885; 
was in succession Judge of 
the Tokyo District Court, 
President of the Kochi and 
Kanazawa District Courts ; 
present post since 1906 ; was 

presiding Judge at the trials 
of the famous S5ma and the 
Tokyo Water Works scan- 
dal cases. Recreations: hunt- 
ing, Utai (Japanese old songs), 
archery, checkers, etc. Ad- 
dress : No. 36, Funaniachi, 
Fukuoka-ken. Tel.: 775. 

Yuehi, Hikoji CS ii jt ->, 
Expert to the Dep't of Agri- 
culture and Commerce, Chief 
of Live-Stock Section of the 
Agricultural Affairs Bureau ; 
b. Oct. the 2nd y. of Meiji 
(1869) in Kagoshima-ken; 2nd 
s. of Zenshiro Uehara, a sa- 
murai and adopted by the 
late Sukeyuki Yuchi ; m. Sa- 
da, e. d. of his adopted father. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
College of Agriculture (Ve- 
terinary Course) in the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ. in 1895. In suc- 
cession was Expert to Miya- 
zaki-ken, Aomori - ken, and 
to the Horse Administration 
Bureau ; present post since 
Nov. 1907. Address : No. 
38, 2 chome, Aoyamakitama- 
chi, Akasakaku, Tokyo. 

YueM, Sadamoto (^-^ Ji S S), 
Member of the House of Peers, 
3rd Order of Meri ; b. the 
9th m. of the 14th jj/. of Tempo 
(1843) in Kagoshma ; e. s. 
of Rakusei Yuchi, a samurai 
of Kagoshiraa, and e. b. to 
Teikan Yuchi, Vice-Admiral 
of Engineering (retired) ; m. 
Fuku, e. d. of Kbzue Yama- 


[ 1286 ] 

saki, also a Kagoshima sa- 
murai. Educ. : studied agri- 
cultural administration in the 
U.S.A., 1870. On returning 
appointed successively an of- 
ficial of the Hokkaido Colo- 
nization Board, Junior Sec- 
retary to the Dep't of Agri- 
cHlture and .Commerce, Go- 
vernor of the former Nemuro- 
ken, Commissioner of the 
Hokkaido Government ; no- 
minated Member of the House 
of Peers in 1 890. Address : 
No. 13, Shiba-Koenchi, Shi- 
baku, Tokyo. 

Yuchi, Teikan (M M 'm. H), 
Vice- Admiral of Engineering 
on the reserve, Member of 
the House of Peers ; 3. the 
loth m. of the 2nd j'. of 
Kayei (1849) ^"- Kagoshima; 
3rd s. of Rakusei*" Yuchi, a 
Kagoshima samurai; m. Te- 
ru, e. d. of Tohei Aoyagi, a 
Kanagawa samurai. Entered 
the Imperial navy as 2nd 
Lieutenant of Engineering in 
1 88 1 and after due promo- 
tion attained . the rank of 
,Vice- Admiral of Engineering 
in 1 897 ; was successively 
Chief Engineer of the Tsu- 
,kushi, Ftcso, Naniwa, Taka- 
chiho, and of the K'ure Ad- 
■.HJiralty, Chief of the Engi- 
, neering Section of the Naval 
Affairs Bureau in the Naval 
Dep't, President of the Naval 
Engineering School, etc; took 

part in the Japan- China war 
as Chief Engineer to the 
Standing Squadron ; placed 
on the reserve list immediate- 
ly after his promotion to pre- 
sent post and was nominated 
Member of the House of 
Peers. Decorations : 2nd Or- 
der of the Rising Sun and 
the 4th Class of the Golden 
Kite. Address: Nikaido, Ka- 
makuramachi, Miura-gun, Ka- 

Yuchi, Tokichiro e^M^glU), 
Colonel of Infantry, Com- 
mander of the 1st Regiment 
of the Chosen Garrison ; b. 
1869 in Kagoshima. Sub- 
Lieutenant, July 1889 ; Lieu- 
tenant, July 1894; Captain, 
Aug. 1897 ; Major, Sept. 19- 
03 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Nov. 
1907; Colonel, 191 1. De- 
corations: 4th Order of the 
Rising Sun, 4th Class of the 
Golden Kite. Address: Seoul, 

Yufu, Takesaburo Cft * S H 
SisJ, Lawyer, ex- Judge of the 
Court of Administrative Li- 
tigation ; b. the 2nd m. of 
the. 2nd y. of Bunkyii (1862) 
in Fukuoka-ken ; 3rd s. of 
Gorodayu Yufu, a samurai ; 
m. Fuku, e. d. of Kanekichi 
Nakao of Tokyo. Ed-uc. : 
-graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1881. In succession 
Judge of the Court of Firet In- 

[ 1287 ] 


stance, Criminal Court, Court 
of Appeal, and of the Dis- 
trict Court, Councillor and 
then School Inspector of the 
Dep't for Education, President 
of the Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School ; Judge of the 
Court of Administrative Li- 
tigation, 1897 ; resigned the 
post and became lawyer in 
Dec. 19 10. Decoration: 3rd 
Order of Merit. Address : 
No. 8, 3 chome, Sadowara- 
cho, Ichigaya, Ushigomeku, 
Tokyo. Te/. : 2890 Bancho. 

Yuge, Wazo C^ M ^ 3), 
one of the highest taxpayers 
of Kumamoto-ken ; member 
of the House of Peers ; d. 
May the 4th jf. of Meiji ( 1 87 1) 
in Kumamoto-ken ; e. s. of 
the late Tokutaro Yuge, a 
Kumamoto samurai; m. Kaju, 
e. d. of Wahei Wata of Ku- 
mamoto. Elected M. H. P. 
in 191 1 for Kumamoto-ken. 
Address : Yatsushiro - machi, 
Yatsushiro-gun, Kumamoto- 

Yuhara, Motoichi C?§jl?c— ), 
President of the Tokyo School 
of Music ; b. the 8th m. of 
the 3rd y. of Bunkyii (1863) 
in Saga-ken ; e. s. of Han- 
ichi Yuhara, a samurai; in. 
Toku, e. d. of Motosaburo 
Kaneko of Hokkaido. Ediic.: 
first studied medicine at the 
Tokyo Imp. *Univ., but left it 
shortly before graduation. 

Teacher of the Fukuoka Mid- 
dle School ; Prof, of the 
Yamaguchi Higher Middle 
School, 1891 ; afterwards in 
succession was Prof, of the 
5th High School, President 
of the Miyazaki and Niigata 
Middle Schools, School In- 
spector of Niigata-ken, Se- 
cretary to the Hokkaido Go- 
vernment ; present post since 
June 1907. Decoration: 5th 
Order of Merit. Address: 
No. 12, Takakicho, Aoyama, 
Akasakaku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
2931 Shiba. 

Yuhi, Koei (ft Jfc 3t ft), 
Major-Gen., Chief of the ist 
iSection of the Gen. Staff Office; 
b. the loth m. of the ist y. 
of Man-en (i860) in Kochi, 
province of Tosa ; e. s. of 
Kosaku Yuhi, a samtirai of 
Tosa clan ; m. Tome, 2nd 
d. of Seigen Nishimura, a 
Tokyo samurai. Educ.: gradu- 
ated from the Military Aca- 
demy in 1882; further stud- 
ied in England. Sub-Lieu- 
tenant of Infantry, Dec. 1 882; 
Lieutenant, May 1886; Cap- 
tain, Nov. 1893; Major, Oct. 
1898 ; Lieutenant - Colonel, 
Apr. 1903 ; Colonel, Mar. 
1905 ; Major - General,- May 
1909 ; was successively mem- 
ber of the General Staff Of- 
fice, Chief of Staff of the 8th 
Army Division, Commander 
of the 1st infantry Regiment 


[ 1288 

of the Body Guards ; then 
present post; took part in the 
Eiisso-Japanese^war as Vice- 
Chief of Staff on the 2nd 
Army. Address : No. 24, Iga- 
cho, Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo. 

Yui, Hikotaro CA ^ ^ i: Ei5). 
Dyer, Proprietor of the Ebisu 
Dyeing Works/ Managing 
Director of the rokyo Rib- 
bon Co., Ltd., Manager of 
the Kyoeisha (a purchasing 
guild) ; b. Nov. the 4th 
y. of Meiji (1871) in Tottori- 
]<:en ; 3rd s. of Tatsuzo Yui ; 
in. Cho, e. d. of Toshitsune 
Adachi of Okayama. Ad- 
dress : No. 19, Yanagijima- 
cho, Honjoku, Tokyo. 7>/. .♦ 
S27 Shitaya. 

Yukawa, Kankichi (.^)WK^), 
Chief Manager of the Main 
OflSce of the Sumitomo Firm, 
Manager of the Sumitomo 
Copper Works ; d. May the 
1st y. of Meiji (1868) in Wa- 
Icayama-ken ; e. s. of the late 
Kansai Yukawa, a samurai; 
m. Noriyo, e. d. of Ko Ki- 
kuchi of Miyagi-ken. Educ. : 
graduated from the College 
of Law in the Tokyo Imperial 
University in 1890.- Was in 
succession Secretary to the 
Dep't of Communications and 
to the Telegraph Construc- 
tion Dep't of the Formosan 
Government, President of the 
Tokyo Post"*and Telegraph 
School ; represented . Japan at 

the International Postal Con- 
ference heJd,.at_JWa^ington, 
U. S. AT in 1 896TTKen~Bi" 
rector~of the Tokyo Com- 
munications Control Bureau, 
Councillor to the Department 
of Communications as well 
as to the Department for Fp- 
reign Affairs ; resigned his 
official post in 1905 and en- 
tered the Sumitomo Firm to 
hold the present situation. 
While in government service 
was the pioneer organizer of 
the Field Postal System of 
Japan during the Ch'jia-Japan 
War and rendered great ser- 
vice to the state as Field 
Post-Master, attached to the 
Imperial Headquarters at Hi- 
roshima. Address: No. 5684, 
Dogatsuji -cho, Minami - ku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 800 Minami. 
Ohib : Osaka Bankers' club. 
Yukawa, Motoomi C^MtcE), 
Director of the Mercantile 
Marine Bureau of the Com- 
munications' Dep't; (5. xithm. 
of the 1st y. of Keio (1865) 
in Shizuoka-ken ; brother of 
Fomiya Goto, a samurai ; 
adopted by Hama Yukawa ; 
m. Sada, 2nd d. of Tadaoki 
Kaneko, a Tokyo samurai. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
former Law School of the 
Dep't of Justice. Secretary 
to the Communications' Dep't, 
1897 ; then'Judge of the Su- 
preme Marine Court as an 

[ t289 ] 


additional post ; sent abroad 
on an ofificial mission, 1901 — 
1902 ; Councillor to the Com- 
munications' Dep't ; Director 
of the Local Marine Bureau ; 
President of the Local Marine 
Court ; Judge of the Marine 
Court of Appeal ; present post 
since Sept. 1910. Decoration : 
Sth -^ Order of Merit. Ad- 
dress: No. 9, Nakarokuban- 
cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo. TV/. .• 
1052 Bancho. 

Yukawa, Sentaro(^;ii$icBlt), 
a farmer and a large land- 
owner, one of the highest 
taxpayers of Wakayama-pre- 
fecture ; d. Nov. the 4th f. 
of Meiji (1871) in Wakaya- 
ma-prefecture ; e. s. of Sen- 
emon Yukawa ; m. Oharu, 
3rd d. of Kichizaemon Fulcui 
of the same prefecture. Suc- 
ceeded his father in 1 896. Ad- 
dress : Kamegawa-mura, Kai- 
so-gun, Wakayama-ken. 
• Yukawa, SLodo (M h\ *2 
^) artist, Japanese painter ; 
b. the 1st y.M Meiji (1868) 
at Inami-cho, flidaka-gun, Kii 
province ; s. of Gansui Yuka- 
wa; m. Koume, sister of To- 
kuzo Okazaki, March 1894. 
Edue.": entered the pupil of 
Shonen Suzuki when he was 
twenty-two years old.' Had 
honour of drawing before the 
late Prince Koraatsu and was 
enc'aged iii drawing decorative 
pictures of the prince's villa 

"iJakujuden" for 7 months 
and was conferred with a pen 
name Rakuju, 1£01 ; drew 
a very large picture of dragon 
in tlie belfry of the Osaka 
Tennoji, ^15^06 ; painted the 
pictures of the late prince 
Iwakura's career, which a- 
mounts to 25 rolls and 560 
feet by order of the Imperial 
Household Dep't, 1907—12; 
is member of the Osaka Paint- 
ing School. Address : 35 U- 
nagitani-nishinomachi, Mina- 
mi-ku, Osaka. 

Yuki, Manzo" Clt-WcS^), one 
of the highest taxpayers of 
Ibaraki-ken, Auditor of the 
Hokuso' Soy Brewing Co. ; 
d. the 3rd ;«. of the ist j. 
of Man-en (i860) in Ibaraki- 
kenj e. s. of the late Tetsu- 
goro Yuki ; m. Suwa, sister 
of Saburozaemon Tanaka of 
Saitama-ken. Succeeded his 
father in 1892. Address: Ta- 
niida-mura, Tsukuba-gun, I- 

Yukishita, Yo (« T ^), 
Public Procurator, Chief Pub- 
lic Procurator of the Anotsu 
District Court ; <5. the 4th m.. 
of the I St J. of Gwanji (18- 
64) in F"ukushima ; 2nd s. of 
Zempei Yukishita ; m. Tomi, 
adoJ>t. d. of Enroku Dno of 
Ishikawa-ken. Passed the Ex- 
amination for Bench, 1887; 
appointed Public Procurator, 
1888; was successively Pub- 


[ 1290 1 

lie Procurator of the District 
Courts of Aomori, Osaka, Fu- 
kui and Matsue, Public Pro- 
curator of the Local Courts 
of Onomichi and Hamamatsu; 
Public Procurator of the Shi- 
zuoka pistrict Court, Chief 
Public Procurator of the Na- 
ha District Court ; then pre- 
sent post. Decoration: 4th Or- 
der of Merit. Addre&s : Ano- 
tsu District Court, Tsu-shi, 

Yumoto, Takehiko (^ ;^ St ib 
■S), President of the Kaiha- 
tsusha (a publishing office) 
b. the 1 2th m. of the 2nd>'. 
of Ansei (1855) in Nagano- 
prefecture ; e. s. of the late 
Karoku Yumoto; a widower. 
Educ: graduated from the To- 
kyo Normal School (present 
Tokyo Higher Normal Sch- 
ool), 1883. Assist. -Prof of 
his alma mater ; an official 
of the Dep't of Education ; 
Chief tutor to the Crown Prin- 
ce; sent to Germany in connec- 
tion with matters concerning 
the education of the Imperial 
family, 1889— 1893 ; Prof of 
the Peers' School ; present 
post since 1896; appointed 
Member of the Higher Educa- 
tional Council, 1898. Address.: 
No. 23, 3 chome, Sadohara- 
cho, Ushigome, Tokyo. Tel. : 
753 Bancho. 

- Yumoto, Zentaro Clr*#*BP). 
Paymaster Inspector-General, 

Chief of the Paymasters' Staff 
of the Kangtung Garrison ; 
b. the 8th m. of the 2nd y. 
of Ansei. (185 5) in Hyogo- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Ichiji Yumo- 
to, a samurai ; m. Chizu, e. 
d. of Genkichi Takezawa of 
Kumamoto. Paymaster - Sub- 
lieutenant, Sept. 1883; Pay- 
master-Lieutenant, Apr. 18- 
87 ; Paymaster-Captain, Nov. 
1 891; Paymaster-Major, Nov. 
1901 ; Paymaster-Lieutenant- 
Colonel, Dec. 1903; Paymas- 
ter-Colonel, July 1904; Pay- 
master - Major-General, June 
1908. Decorations : 4th Order 
of the Sacred Ti'easure ; 3rd 
Order of the Rising Sun; 3rd 
Class of the Golden Kite. Ad- 
dress : Official House, Kang- 
tung Governor-General's Of- 
fice, Port Avth.m?' Tokyo Ad- 
dress : No. 88, Minamimachi, 
Motosamega-hashi, Yotsuya, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 92 Bancho. 

Yuzawa, Gensuke (MMMW), 
Director of the Matsumoto 
Savings Bank, Ltd., and of 
the Miyada Warehouse Co., 
Ltd., Director of the Oriental 
Petroleum Co., Ltd.,"^the Ka- 
miina Bank, Ltd., the Matsu-- 
moto Warehouse Co., Ltd., 
and of the Izumi firm, Ltd.; 
b. Mar.sthe 5th y. of Meiji 
(1872) in Nagano-ken; e. s. 
of Motohiko Yuzawa -yin. Ki- 
no, 2nd d. of Kin-ichiro Ka- 
mijo of Nagano-ken. Succe- 

[ I29I ] 


eded his father in 1893. ^'^- 
dress : Miyada-mura, Kami- 
ina-gun, Nagano-ken. 

Yuzawa, Teitaro C?iif Ai:I!5), 
Paymaster Captain of the Navy, 
Chief of the Accounts Section 
of the Naval Arsenal in the 
Kure Naval Station ; d. 18- 
67. Paymaster 2nd-Comman- 

der, Oct. 1898; Paymaster- 
Commander, Sept. 1900 ; Pay- 
master-Captain, Sept. 1907. 
Decorations : 3rd Order of the 
Rising Sun ; 4th Order of the 
Sacredi Treasure ; 4th Class 
of the Golden Kite. Address: 
Kure Naval Station, Kure, Hi- 


[ 1292 ]. 

Zen, Shojiro CJJf M ^ BlJj, 
Chief Procurator of the Dist- 
rict Court at Fusan, 6th 
Order of Merit; d. the 3rd 
m. of the 2nd j/. of Keio (18- 
66) in Hiroshima-prefecture ; 
7. i>. to Kamesaburo Zen; 
m. Tama, e. d. of Tomonaga 
Yokoyama, a samurai of Chi- 
ba-prefecture. ^</«^<?..- gradu- 
ated from the College of Law 
of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 18- 
92. Was successively Judge 
of the Kyoto District Court, 
of the Osaka Appeal Court, 
Sectional Chief of the Kobe 
District Court, and _of the 
Hiroshima Appeal Court; pre- 
-sent post since 1 9 1 o. Address: 
Official House of tlie District 
Coui-tj Fusan, Chosen. 

Zenidaka, Zenzo C^ a # iS), 
civil engineering contractor; 
b. the^ist m. of the ist y. 
of Man-en (i860) in Osaka; 
2nd s. of Yaero Chimoto ; a- 
dopted by the late Sakuji 
Zenidaka in 1888 ; m. Hisa, 
2nd d. of Ibei Iwata of Osa- 
ka. Succeeded his adopted 
father in 1 894. Address: No 
21, 5 chome, Yokobori, Hi- 
gashiku, Osaka. Tel.: 3208 

Zumoto, Motosada (aS^t^TcA)) 
Proprietor and Director of the 
Japan Times ; b. in 1864 at 
Kurosaka, Hino-gun, Tottori- 

ken; j. of Yasugoro Zumo- 
to ; m. Kuni, g. (/. of Taimei 
Kitagawa, Secretary, of the 
Council of State (Dajokan), 
July 1889. Educ: Univer- 
sity Preparatory School, To- 
kyo, 1 878— 1 880 ; Sapporo 
Agricultural College;' 1880— 
1884. Was long oh the staff 
of the Japan Mail ; twice 
appointed Private Secretary 
to the late Prince Ito when 
he was Premier; started in 
1897 the Japan Times, an 
only English paper edited by 
Japanese ; has frequently tra- 
velled through Europe and 
America and is a special cor- 
respondent of the London 
Standard ; went to Seoul in 
the suite of the late Prince 
Ito as non-official member d 
the Residency-General, and 
took ^ over the Seoul Press 
formerly owned by some forei- 
gners, Jan. 1906 ; established 
the Oriental Information Bur- 
eau in New York and was 
President of it for some time. 
Recreation: reading. Address: 
No. 118, Hommura.v Azabu, 
Tokyo. Chibs : Tokyo club, 
Nippon club. Tel. : lOOi 

Zushi, Tamiyoslii (H Jf K 

^)! President of Asahi Gum 
Co., Ltd.; director of Taiwan 
Sugar Mfg. Co., Ltd.; 3rd 
Order of Merit; b. 1854 in 
Kagoshima ; s. of Daisuke 

[ 1293 ] 


Zushi ; m.. Sayoko, d. of To- 
kai Hayashi in 1884. Educ; 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School. Formerly served as 
director of Statistic section of 
the defunct Department of 
Industry and then chief of 
Accountant Department of 
the Imperial Railway Boa d. 
Publications : Institution of 

book-keeping, Treatise on 
goods-account (both in Japa- 
nese). Address-. 1060 Shimo- 
ochiai, Ochial - mura, Toyo- 
tama-gun, Tokyo-fu. Tel. : 
2073 Bancho. C/nb. Teikoku- 
Tetsudo-kyokwai (Imp. Rail- 
way Asso.) Kyushu club, 
Tokyo Statistic Asso. 


Akatsuka. Toranosuke (# M 
m Z Kl), D. M. , Vice-Presi- 
dent of the Yamagata Opti- 
cal Hospital; h. Dec. 1878 
in Fukushima-ken ; ist s. 
of Jinjiro Abatsnka ; m. Mi- 
clii, 1899. Educ. : !j;vaduatecl 
from the Saisei medical Col- 
lege, Tokyo, in 1899. Joined 
the medical staff of the Ino- 
uj'e Optical Hospital of Tokyo, 
the Tokyo Imp. Univ. Hos- 
pital and Juuten Hospital 
successively. Went to Ger- 
many and Austria for study 
in 1 9 10 and returned home 
Nov. 1 91 2, and assumed the 
present j)osition. FtMications: 
Essays on " rare sarcom \ of 
ciliary body " and on " the 
cause of corneal opacity. " 
Addreis : 3 chome, Kitalia- 
ma^clio, Higashi-kuj Osaka. 

Aoki, Xikuo C# Tic 


director of tlie Osaka hrancli 
<if the Mitsubishi <& Co. ; b. 
2 1 March f)f the 3rd y. of Kc- 
io (1867) in Koriyania, Nara- 
Icen ; s. of Sakyo Aoki ; m. 

Toraiko, y. s. of the late To- 
raichiro Yokoyaiua, April 18- 
97. Educ. : graduated from 
the law college of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., July 1892. En- 
tered the present iirm on his 
graduatiou and afterwards 
successively held post of vice- 
director of the Moji and Ko- 
be branches, director of the 
Nagasaki and Moji Iwanches in 
the same firm, and then tra- 
nsferred to the present post. 
Address: Nishi-nagahori Mi- 
nami-dori, 5 chome, Nishi- 
ku, Osaka. 3K. .• 5580 Ni- 
shi Cho. 

Arioka, Naoji C^ H E ?S), 
chief secretary of the Osaka 
Baidcers' Association, and ma- 
nager of the Osaka -Bankers' 
Club and of the Osaka Eco- 
nomic Association; 6. 1872 in 
Okayama-ken. Educ: gradu- 
ated from tlielveio University. 
He is also the editor in charge 
of tne Osaka Bankers' Maga- 
zine Address: Imazu inura, 
Muko-gun, Hyogo-lten. 

[ 1296 ] 

Asai, Kenkichi (vS ^|^ fet p), 

IgahihaJcnshi (Dr. of Medici- 
ne), chief of the otonasopha- 
ryn, golaryngolog at the Osa- 
]ca Kwai,?ei Hospital; h. 1872 
at Otsii, fShiga-keii; s. of Tc- 
taro Asai; m. Yaeko Fukiii, 
Hiranogo, Higashinari -gun, 
Osalca-fu. Educ: graduated 
from the College of medicine 
of the Tokj'o Imperial Unive- 
rsity, 1900. After graduation 
was appointed assistant of 
the otonasopharyn and gola- 
ryngolog in the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ.Hospita]; when the oton- 
asoplmryn, golaryngolog class 
was opened in Kyoto Uni- 
versity he became its chief- 
i:)rofessor; went to Germany, 
Switzerland, Austria and 
France for study, 1905, and 
after return homo from ab- 
road, 1908 ; is serving in the 
Kwaisei Hospital since that; 
is the pioneer and propagator 
of training mutes' pronun- 
ciation in Japan ; piiblished 
of the disease of dysphonia. 
Ihiblications : many works of 
otonasopharyn, golaryngolog. 
Recreaiion: fine arts. Ad- 
dress : 92 Shichome, Azuehi- 
machi, Higashiku, Osaka. 
Tel.: 3387 Honkj^oku. 

Fukushima, Kizo (M A S^ 
JS), proprietor of the Iziimi- 
ya Motor & Co., money lender, 
importer and exporter of 
motors; b. 1878 in O.'aka ; 

adopted s. of Kizo Fukushima; 
m. JSei, 2nd <:/. of Jir. hii Ald- 
raura, an iron lino business, 
December 1 906. Fxluc. : gra- 
dxiated from the Os;;ka Com- 
mercial School, 1897. Once 
was meniber-of the Osaka 
prefectural assembly and the 
district assembly in Osaka 
c;ity. Took part in the Kusso- 
Japanese War. Recreation : 
travelling. Address : No. 26 
Toyosaki-cho, Higashi-ku, 0- 
saka. Tel: 3530 Higashi. 

Funahashi, Kiiehi C^^i^-), 
manager of theOsaka branch 
of the Hunter & Co.; b. 
August 1872 at Nakatsu- 
machi, Buzen province ; m. 
Tsuji, 1 90 1. Served at the 
Dep't of Home Affairs, 1891 ; 
went to America for study, 
1903 ; afterwards served 
at a railway co. in Nev/ 
York ; made a tour through 
Europe and retiirned home, 
1907; director of the Talien 
branch of the present co., 
1909 ; then present post. 
Address : Nakanoshima 7 
chome, Osaka. Tel.: 1161 
Tosabori. Glubs : m. of Ar- 
chitectural Society. 

Furukawa, Hanjiro (^ ;ij K? 
^ 115), railway engineer ; b. 
1858; 2nd s. of Kichijuro 
Yaniaguchi, of Ehime-ken ; 
ad()i)tcd by his uncle Shohachi 
Furukawa ; m. Machi, 3rd. d. 
of Eikio Takeya of Tokyo. 

[ 1297 ] 

Early entered the Railway 
Board and promoted to its 
engineer ; serving as director 
of the central railway control 
bureau for years has been 
appointed the technical super- 
intendent of the Eailway 
Board and in addition to 
director of technic depart- 
ment of the ■ Board in May 
191 3. Address: 26 Hikawa- 
cho, Akasaka-ku, Tolcyo. 
Tel : 835 Shinbashi. 

Fusbida, Seijiro (-Kffljtc:!©, 
proprietor of the Fnshida Iron 
Works, (Suction gas and oil 
engine) manufacturer ; b. 
May 7th 1857 in Kyoto ; s. 
of Naozo Jfushida ; to. Yuki, 
1880. Educ. : stixdied at the 
Telegraph School of the Tele- 
graph Bureau^ 1874. On his 
graduation was appointed 
engineer of telegraph erection; 
resigned the post, 1888, and 
entered the Naniwa Spinning 
Co. ; commenced present biisi- 
ness, 1890, and manufactured 
various manchines for spin- 
ning, but begaii the manu- 
facture of motor since 1897, 
and is now well known 
among th6 manufacturers in 
Osaka ; obtained the ist 
medal in the 5 th national 
industrial exhibition, and 27 
medals from various institu- 
tions ; went to Europe and 
America for his business 
purpose, 1893 and also made 

a tour round the world to 
inspect the motor manufactto- 
ing business, 19 10. Becrea- 
iion: uiai. Address : Kita 2 
chome Kami-Fukusliima, Ki- 
ta-ku, Osaka. Tel. :- 932 

Hamada, Chosaku (Mffl&tft), 
Director of the Osaka branch 
of the Chiyoda Life Ins. Co. ; 
b. Oct. 2nd 1872 at Mihara- 
gun, Hyogo-ken ; e. s. of Gi- 
ichiro Hamada, ex-member of 
the House of Eepresentatives ; 
m. Shigeko, 19 12. Educ. .-- 
graduated the course of poli- 
tical economy of the Keio 
Univ., 1893. Became chief 
editor Of the then Kobe In- 
dustrial Newspaper (now Kobe 
jSTewspaper) ; afterward served 
as. manager at the Japan 
Camphor Co., 1900 ; then 
entered the present co when 
it was established and. has 
held the present post. Ee- 
creations : riding, hunting. 
Address : Mikage-cho, Hyogo- 
ken. Tel. : 325 Mikage. 
Clubs : Seiyu-kwai, Osaka 
Economical Society and Osaka 
Club. c. 

Harada, Jujiro Ciiffl+-:^I15), 
Eepresentative member of the 
Harada Shoko, Unlt'd., ship- 
ping, shipbuilding and trans- 
portation .business; b. 1849 
in Kagoshima-city ; e. s. of 
Masaemon Harada ;, m. Ycshi. 
Was marine engineer untir 

[ 1298 ] 

1894; opened the present 
business, 1 894 ; is well known 
as shipowner in the Western 
district ; beside the above is 
auditor of the Kobe Marine 
Transport Fire Insurance Co., 
the Nisshin Fire Ins. Co. and 
of the Talco Steamship Co. 
Address : No. 64 Awabiri 5 
chome, Nislii-ku, Osaka. Tel. : 
47, 48 Nishi. Chibs : m. of 
Osaka Club, Kwansai Union 
Steamship Club and director 
of Japan Shipowner Union 

Harada, Komanosnke (.M. 9 
M 2. 89), manager of the 
Osaka Branch Office of the 
Nisshin Life Insurance Com- 
pany ; b. June 1870 in Akita- 
ken ; 2nd s. of Keinosuke 
Suzuki. Eduo : gradxrated 
from the Administration 
Department of the AVaseda 
University in 1892. Was on 
the editorial staff of the Ori- 
ental Economist soon after 
graduating from school, and 
later joined the T^kyo Cham- 
ber of Commerce in 1900. 
Was in the service of the 
Fusan Chamber of Commerce, 
Korea .1903-1904, and later 
joined the Chosen Eailway. 
Assumed the present position 
February 191 3. Becrcaiion: 
billiard. Address: No. i. 
Itchome Utsubo Minami-dori, 
Nishi-ku, Osaka. Te?. ; 189 
Tosabori, Osaka. 

Hasegawa, Seiji C&SJil^lS), 

President of the Hasegawa 
Hospital ; b. 1 864 in Waka- 
matsu, Fuku4uma-ken ; 2iul 
*-. of Katsutaro Hasegawa, 
samurai of that province ; 
m. 1 891. Educ. : graduated 
from tlie Aomori Medical 
School in 1881 and from the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University in 1890. 
WiXfi ajjpaiuted as Professor 
at the Aomori Medical School, 
and Vice-President at the 
Aomori Government Hospital; 
Passing through different 
positions in Tokyo and Osaka, 
opened the Hasegawa Hos- 
pital in 1897. liecreation : 
hunting. Address : No. 720, 
Tosabori Kanii-dori, Itchome, 
Ajikawa, Kita-ku, Osaka. 
TeL: 784 Nishi,' Ovka. 

Hashimoto, Shigeyuki (If ^K 
a ^), director of the Nihon 
Life Ins. Co. ; b. August ist 
1870 at Isaliaya, Nagasaki- 
lien ; e. s. of Kahei Hashi- 
moto ; m. Hiro, e. d. of Shin- 
ichi Yamaguchi, 1 896, Educ: 
graduated from the law Col- 
lege of the Tokyo Imp. Univ., 
1895. On his graduation 
became director of the Inves- 
tigating Bureau of the same 
Co. ; promoted to present 
post, 1907. JSecreafe'oK ; read- 
ing. Address : Sumiyoshi- 
mura, Mukogun, Hyogo-ken. 
Tel : 229 Mikage. Oluh i 

[ 1299 ] 

Osaka Club. 

Hayami, Taro (ai M 5k BIv), 
Proprietor of the B.ailway 
Consulting Engineer's OfBce, 
President of the Harima 
Water-power Electric Com- 
pany, Director of tlie Osaka 
Electric Tram-way Company, 
of the Minonio - Arima 
Electric Company, and of the 
Electric Trust Company ; h. 
April 1864 in Miye-ken. J.(i- 
dress : No. r. Nichome, Tem- 
mahashi-suji, Kita-ku, Osaka 
Tel.: 1568 Higashi Osaka. 
(Long Dis.). 

Hayashi, Otokichi (^ -|f §), 
hardware importer ; b. Oct. 
1884 in Osaka ; 2nd s. of 
Otokichi Hayashi ; m. Hide, 
6th d.. of Aizawa, Osaka, 
191 1. Educ. : studied at 
Taisei School in Osaka. He 
has succeeded his father's 
business and keeps a branch 
in Kodenma-cho, Nihonbashi, 
Tokyo, and at No. 19 Ume- 
moto-cho, Higashi-ku, Osaka ; 
is now m. of the Kita ward 
assembly. Recreations : paint- 
ing, calligraphy, billiard. Ad- 
dress : Dojima Haniadori 2 
chome, Osaka. Tel : 182, 
183, 184 Higashi. Telegraphic 
code address : " Hayashi." 

Hidaka, Sutekichi ( [] Sjittf), 
President of the Hidaka Skin- 
disease Hospital ; I>. March 
1 88 1 ill Miyazaki-ken ; adop. 
s. of Sangoro Hidaka ; m. 

Kiyo, d. of the adopted 
father 1902. Edtcc. : graduat- 
ed from the Kumanioto 
Medical School in 1902, 
studied in Tokyo Foreign 
Language School, 1902-1903. 
Appointed as assistant of the 
Tokyo Foreign Language 
School 1902-1903, appointed 
as assistant of the Tokyo 
Epidemics Institute, 1904- 
1908, went to Germany and 
studied the dermatology in 
the Preslau Univ. 1908- 
191 2, and settled in the pre- 
sent place, April 19 13. PuUi- 
cations : " On the number of 
bacillus of the healthy body 
as well as those suffering 
from skin diseases and the 
experiments as to the effects 
oi some physical and chemic- 
al treatments on them." " On 
the , experiments as to the 
comparative effects of soluble 
and insoluble mercurial medi- 
cines applied to the African 
febris recurrens spirochaete." 
and some essays on the study 
of dermatology as. viewed 
from the bacteriology and 
from the science of blood 
serum. Address : No. 6. 
Nichome, Nishinagabori, Ki- 
ta-dori, Nishi-ku, Osaka. Tel. : 
974 Nishi. 

Hirose, Koji (M M m I&), 
manager of tlie Kwansai 
business dep't of the Kyodo 
Fire Ins. Co. ; b. Feb. 23rd 

[ noo ] 

1873 at Kishiwada, Izuiui 
province ; adopted s. of Sa- 
toshi Hirose; m. Sada, 1905. 
Educ. : graduated the Wase- 
da Semmon GaJcJco, 1892. 
On hi« graduation engaged 
in an insurance business ; 
present post since 19 10. Re- 
creations : tctai, liistory, bio- 
graph}^ rea-iing. Address : 
Hiden-in-clio Tenuoji, Mina- 
nii, Osaka. 

Hokiyama, Shizue (ff ^ lU 
I? ^■), nsanager of the Fuji 
Life Ins. Co. and director of 
the Osaka branch of the 
same Co. ; b. ISTov. 3rd 1875 
in Tokyo; s. of Kageo Hoki- 
yama, a journalist ; m. Mine, 
1 901. After his school-life, 
engaged . iu the insurance 
btxsiness ; was teacher of the 
commercial dep't of the Keio 
Univ., 1 893- 1 894; afterward 
went to Osaka, Nov. 191 1 
and assumed the present post. 
PuhUcafion : " Outline of 
Commerce." Address : No. 
320 Umeda-cho, Kita-ku, 
Osaka. Tel : 4192 Higashi. 

Ishikawa, Shin-ichi CH JH 
fS — ), director of the Osaka 
Branch of the Takata & Co. ; 
h. November nth, 1866 in 
Fukui-city ; e. s. of Takenao 
Ishikawa ; m. Koharu, d. of 
Naoyuki Matsuda, 1 894. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
former Shoho Koshusho now 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 

School, 1885. After gradim- 
tion entered the Nihon Yusen 
Kaisha (Japan Mail S. S. Co., 
Ltd.); afterwards resigned it 
and eatered the present firm, 
1886; served at London 
Branch of the same firm for 
seven years ; returned home 
from abroad, 1893 and pro- 
moted to- present post Nov. 
1 89 5'; docoi-a ted with the 6th 
Oi'der of Merit for his service 
in connection with the lite 
war. Address : Uosaki-mura, 
Noda, Muko-guu, Hyogo-ken-. - 
Tel. : 6 Mi]cage._ Olubs : 0- 
saka Club, Nisuikwai. 

Ito, Keizaburo C^M^^W, 
Manager of the Kailway Con- 
sulting Engineer's Office, and' 
Director of the Motor Engine 
Manufacturing Company; I>, 
April 1876 in Tokyo; s. of 
K^enkichi Ito ; in. Fusa 1906^ 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Engineering College , of the 
Kyoto Imperial University in 
1900. On^e joined ths Kail- 
way Car Manufacturing Com- 
pany as engineer. Joined the 
Railway Consulting Engineers' 
Office in 1907. Address : 
No. 48, Shichome, Kitaliania 
Osaka. Tel. : 286 Honkyoku. 

Iwanaka, Mafsunosuke C-H 
fi> *2 J: JSD), IMauager of the 
shipbuilding de'pt of Ihc 
Harada Shoko, Unltd. ^ b. 
July 2ist 1863 in Fukuoka- 
ken; m. Eideko, 1885. For- 

[ I30I ] 

nicrly he was engaged iu 
ninrino transportation Imsi- 
ne«; tlKn entered the present 
firm, 1903, and is now en- 
gaged in the marine trans- 
portation hueines.?. Address : 
3 cluinic Kidziikawa-cho, Mi- 
■naiui-kii, Osaka. 

Kalehashi, Kojiro (Mi#— 10, 
director of tlie Osaka branch 
of the Mitsiikoshi Drj'goods 
Store, Ltd. ; I. January 27th 
1874 in Fnkni-cit)', Echizen 
province ; adopted s. of Ta- 
miya Kaicehaslii ; . m. Haru, 
ifit d. I if Shixnju Miyakawa 
of Hyogo-ken, 1899. After 
liis icliool life, entered the 
Mitsvd bank, 1891 ; after 
serving as vice-director of 
the branches of the same 
bank in Hiroshima, Nagoya 
and Hakodate, entered the 
Jf tmkoshi-gofidcuten (Mitsu- 
koshi department store), 1908 
and became chief of the in- 
vestigation section of its 
headotHce ; was {rauf-ferrtd 
vice-direct; r of the Osaka 
branch iu 191 1 and then 
promoted to present post. 
Becnations : biJliards. ^dai, 
■ go game. Address : Tolfiwa- 
dori, Tennnji-mura, Osalai-fu. 
Tel.: 3574 MJnami. Vhds : 
ni. of the Mita Society and 
the Osaka Econom'cal Society. 

Easai, Kan-ichiro CM K W. 
- WO, B. C. S. (New York 
Univ., 1903), director of the 

Kyoto Kosho Kaisha ; h. July 
19th 1876 in Yarcanashi-ken; 
•s. of Hyoichiro Kasai ; in. 
Moto-ko, d. of Bimzo Ichi- 
kawa, March 20th 1911. 
L'duc. : gi-aduatcd fronr t lie 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
School and New York Univ. 
On Jiis graduation entered 
the Kyoto Mfg. and Trading 
Co., and became its director 
and in addition to director of 
the Osaka branch of the same 
Co., March 191 1. Recreations: 
billiard, ba^t^ball, wrestling. 
Adelress : Nnrno-niura, Mxrko- 
gun, Hyogo-ken. Ghihs : N. 
Y. U., Japanese Club, Mem- 
ber of Japan Societ)-. 

Katase, Awashi 0\ ;i -M), 
Assistant Professor at the 
Osaka Higher Medical School; 
J). July 1884 in Kumamo to- 
ken ; ist s. of Toj'oki ; ra. 
Yoshiko, 1st d. of Tameji 
Takeda of Yamaguchi-ken, 
Augixst, 191 2. Educ: gra- 
duated from the Osaka Higher 
Medical School, and after 
graduation, was appointed as 
assistant professor on experi- 
mental pathology of that 
school. Recreation : Athletic 
sports. Address : Shijo-dori, 
Chikko, Nishi-ku, Osaka. 

Kato, Akikado (tn li 15 K), 
President of the Osaka Higher 
Commercial School; h. Decem- 
ber 1 86 1 in Tokyo; Adop. s. 
of Akira Kato. Bdnc. : gra- 

[ I302 ] 

duated from the Literary 
college of tlie Tokyo Imperial 
University in 1884. Was 
first appointed as Professor 
at the Yamaguchi High 
School, and later transferred 
as Principal of the Kagoshima 
Middle School 1 893 ; promot- 
ed to the present position in 
1 896. Address : Dogashiba- 
machi, Tennoji, Minami-ku, 
Osaka. Tel : No. 3840 Mi- 

Kato, Takematsu QnW,Vf&'), 
auditor and director of the 
Osaka Branch of the Kana- 
gawa Electric Co. ; b. Oct. 
1878 lyo pi'ovince; adopted s. 
of Yonosiike Kato, m. Uta, 
1903. Educ. : studied at the 
Santa Glaus Business College, 
U. S. A. After his returning 
home from America, 1903, 
entered theKanagawa Electric 
Light Co. which was changed 
its name to present firm in 
1907; afterwards served as 
director of Saseho Agency of 
the Co. for three years ; then 
promoted to present post, 
1910. Recreaiion : billiard, 
reading. Address : No. 26 
Korai-bashi-dori, Higashi-ku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 3 1 5 3 Honk3-oku. 

Kato, Toru Om M ^), Pro- 
fessor iu the Osaka Highcn- 
Medical School, Chief physi- 
cian of otonasopharyn, golo- 
ryngolog in the Osaka pre- 
fectural hospital ; h. August 

187s in Osaka; ist s. of 
Kenzf) Kato. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Medical 
College of the Tokyo Imperial 
University and was appointed 
as a^^sistant to that Univer- 
sity in 1893 and transferred 
to the present position, April 
1906. Went to Europe for 
study in 1910 and returned 
homo, November 19 12. Be- 
crentions : music and garden- 
ing. Address: 543, Tama- 
tsukmi-machi, Higashi-ku, 

Kawada, Kenji Oil H M H), 
sale agency of the New York 
Life Ins. Co. in Osaka; h. 
January 1866 in Kagoshima- 
keu ; s. of Hikoemon Kawada, 
a Confucian scholar attached 
to the Shimadzu family ; on. 
Asa. Educ. : graduated from 
the former Dojin-sh i (now 
Chud Daigaku). Engaged as 
government purveyor in China 
during the Japan-China 
. War ; then engaged in the 
present business, 1912. JRe^ 
creations: Chinese literature, 
Chinese poeti-y, curios. Ad- 
dress : Mikage-cho, Muko- 
gun, Hvogo-ken. Tel. : 501 

Kxmura, Kozo C;^ t& ^- M), 
IgakuhalcusM, teacher at the 
Osaka Higher _ Medical School 
and in addition chief of the 
surgeon of the Osaka prefec- 
tui'al hospital; b. Nov. i860 

[ I303 ] 

at Sawae-cho, Ecliizen pro- 
vince ; s. of Rikken Kimura ; 
m. younger sister of Barou 
Maeda Ko, Kanazawa-city, 
iFhikawa-ken, i8''*4. Educ. : 
graduated from the medical 
coilege of the Tokyo Imp. 
Univ., 1883. Was director 
and teacher of the Ishikawa- 
ken medical school of A class 
and director of the Kanazawa 
Hospital ; his copper image 
was elected by some Kana- 
zawa-men thanking for his 
services rendered to the city. 
Fuhlications : pathology of 
bone disease, sergical tuber- 
cirlosis, treatment by iodine 
aether, etc. Address : No. 49, 
Shiomachi-dori, Minami-ku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 1 544 Minami. 

Kinoshita, Tosaku C^tcT^fls), 
IgaJcuhaktcsM, professor of 
physiology at the Osaka 
Higher Medical School ; h. 
June 1878 in Kyoto; 2nd s. 
of Hiromu Kinoshita ; m. 
Namiko, younger sister of 
Shizuo Sano, November 1905. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imperial University, 1903. 
Appointed as assistant in the 
Tokyo Imperial University 
after graduation, and pro- 
moted to the present position 
in 1906; went abroad for 
study, April 1908 and came 
home, November 19 10. Con- 
ferred the degrre of Igalcu- 

hakusUi, Uecember 19 12 by 
presenting an essay. Eecrea- 
lions : travelling on foot, 
studying physiology. Ad- 
dress : Tennoji-mura, Osaka- 

Kitagawa, Yohei (^bJHII^), 
Ke]3resentative member of the 
Kosho Co., Unlt'd., importer 
and exporter; h. 1856 in 
Shiga-ken ; s. of the former 
Yohei Kitagawa, auditor of 
the Omi Bank and of the 
Sanyo Cotton Spinning Co. ; 
m. Ko, At first engaged in 
dry-goods business in Hokkai- 
do ; afterwards engaged in 
the business of cotton import 
in Kobe ; founded the present 
firm, 1905. Address: No. i 
Ote-dori, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 

Kitano, Kinsaku (tf^if^ij), 
member of the surgeon dep't 
of the 4th Army Division 
and attache of the Osaka 
Garrison Hospital ; b. May 
1 8th 1863 at Kami-ina-gun, 
Nagano-ken ; m. Saki, e. d. 
of Einnosuke Takeuchi, April 
1897. -Erftjc. ; studied medi- 
cine at the ist dispensary, 
Tokyo Imp. Medical College, 
March 1887; graduated from 
the Military Surgeon School, 
1 893. After graduation served 
as military pharmacist ; be- 
came military surgeon. May 
1897 and was appointed 
teacher at the Military Sur- 

[ 1304 

. geoii Hclioo] ; was decorated 
with 0. L. dii C. from the 
French Re] iul)lic for his dis- 
tingiii^^hed service in the 
Boxers Troxiljle ; transferred 
to the ])resent post, Septem- 
ber 191 2 and pi'omoted to 
]")harmaciKt]ieut. -colonel, Nov. 
30th, the same year. Recrea- 
tion: billiard. AJdresa : No. 
1 Kvfibashi Maeno-cho, Hi- 
ji;ashi-ku. Osa'va. Tel. : 204 

kitazato, Takeshi (;lb M fi), 
Pli. D., Professor at the Osaka 
Higher medical School ; b. Ma- 
rch 1870 in Kiimamoto-ken ; s. 
of Yoshimasa Kitazato. Educ: 
graduated from the middle 
kcIkioI department of the 
Doshisba University, 1891, 
li'om the Tokyo Kokugakuin, 
1896; went to Germany in 
1897 and studied literature 
and philosophy in Munchen 
University, and Leipzig Uni- 
versity. Eeturned home in 
1902 and was appointed as 
professor at tlie Peers' School, 
transferred to the present 
position, 1905. Puhlicaiions : 
several essays on di-amas both 
in Japanese and txtjrman. 
Recreation : travelling. Jd- 
dress : ■ Suwanomori, Hama- 
dera, Osaka. 

Kotake, Yashiro (iS-fftiiHIR), 
IgakuhahusM, professor at 
the Osaka Higher Medical 
School (taking charge of phy- 

siology and chemistry)';, h. 
July''2nd 1879 at Honjo-nm- 
ra, Okayama-ken ; s. of 
Yatsuji Kotake; m. d. of 
Yahachi Kondu, 1903. Ednc: 
graduated from the Osalia 
Higher Medical School, 1902. 
After his graduation bacimo 
an assistani, of tiie Kyoto Univ. ; next trans- 
ferred to pi-esent post. Went. 
to Germany for study and 
after his studying for two- 
half years, returned homo ; 
obtained the degree of Igal'u- 
hakushi by presenting a thesis, 
Jan. i6th 1913. Recreation: 
Chemistiy. Address : No. 
12 Bbisu-jima, Sakai-city. 

Kusumoto, Chozaburo (1ft *. 
S H W', IgakuhaleusM , pro- 
fessor at the Osaka Higher 
Medical School and in addi- 
tion chief of the Iun:a-e 
Medicine Dep't of the school 
hospital; b. Nagasaki. Educ.: 
graduated from the medicil 
college of the Tolcyo Imp. 
Univ. After his graduation 
became an assistant of the 
University Ho32)ital ; then 
appointed present past; went 
to Europe for his study, 
April 1906, returned home 
from abroad, November 1908. 
Decorated with the 6th Order 
of Merit. Address: No. 65 Oi 
matsu-cho, i chome, Kita-ku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 759 Htgashi. 

Mashida, Masaiori, (HI rg 

[ I305 ] 

IE M), chief engineer of the 
shipbuilding dep't of the 
H-arada Shoko ; b. Feb. 21st, 
1 866 in Wakayama-ken ; on. 
jSCobu. Entered tlie Onohama 
Shipbuilding Yard of Navy 
as draughtsman and studied 
shipbuildiTig irnder Mr. Pen- 
ney, an Englishman, but 
retired from it, 1 894 ; after- 
wards served as engineer in 
the Nagata Shipbuilding 
Yard for 4 years ; entered 
present Arm in 1904 and 
promoted to ]:>resent post. 
Address ; 3 chonie Kidukawa- 
cho, Minami— kn, Osaka. 

Maeda, Matsunae (nil HISS), 
IgahuhalcusM, chief of the 
inuera medicine of the Osaka 
branch of the Japan Red 
Cross Society hospital ; b. 
November 1877 in Fukni-ken; 
ist s. of Shokaku Maeda ; m. 
Akilco Hiroolca, Tenuoji-cho, 
1909. Educ. : graduated 
from the ii3edical college of 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ., 1904. 
After graduition served as 
assistant of the innere medi- 
cine in Kyoto Qniv. hospital ; 
went to Gei-raauy for study, 
1906, and returned liome, 
March 1909 ; then present 
post ; obtained the degree of 
IgaJeiihakushi by presenting a 
thesis, 191 1. Publications: 
U(d)er Amyloid].)rotei\r ; Ueber 
Autolyso der pneumonischer 
Lunge ; Uebar die Harnfor- 

mente, besonders liarunu''. - 
lease, etc. Hecrecdion : g u' - 
dening, painting and calli- 
graphy. Tel.: 3701. Clid) : 
Osaka Club and Osaka Kyo- 
rin Club. 

Matsnkata, Masao C^HilEW, 
president and director of the 
Naniwa Bank, Ltd. ; b. M ly 
7fch, 1868 at Shiino-arata- 
machi, Kagoshima-city ; 4t}i 
s. of Marquis Masayoslii 
Matsukata ; in. Masu, c. d. of 
Yoichi Kawahara, Vice-Ad- 
miral (retired). Educ. : stu- 
died at Pennsylvania Uni- 
versity, U. S. A. Since the 
Kobe Branch of the ])resent 
bank was started, had baen 
director of it ; Avas a|,)pointecl 
standing director of the same 
bank, July 1906 ; then the 
present post, 1913. AYa;,; 
director of the Kyodo Pire> 
Ins. Co. and auditor of the 
Toyokawa Railway C.>. Ad- 
dress : No. 37 Nalcayamatc- - 
dori 6 chome, Kobe. Tel. : 
4333 Kobe. Address : the 
Bankei-3 Club, Nisuikwii, 
Tokyo Club. 

Midzukuehi, Koji ^;'KaffS), 
Vice-dir. of the Ogata Gyiia"- 
colocjia hospital ; b. Feb. 1 880 
in Kyoto-fu ; 2nd s. of Shun- 
suke Midzukuehi ; ra. Hani, 
e. d. of Saijiro Shibu,ya, 191 1. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
medical college of tha Kyoto 
Imp. .Univ., 1905. Has held 

[ i3o6 ] 

present post since his gradua- 
tion ; went to Europe for 
study, 191 1 and returned 
home, March 191 3. Publica- 
tion : essays on gynaecologia 
Address: Yokobori i chome, 
Higashi-ku, Osaka. 

E"agano, Jiuishiro (:& if tp 
m IP, Colonel of Artillery, 
chief of the gun factory of 
the Osaka Arsenal ; h. March 
1869 at Koume Narihira-cho, 
Houjo, Tokyo ; s. of Kiu'o 
Nagano. Educ. : graduated fr- 
on the military academy,July 
1890. After graduation was 
fippointed attache to the 4th 
regiment of field-artillery ; took 
part iji the Japan-China war, 
1 895 ; became member of the 
' giin factory of the Osaka 
Arsenal,. Dec. 1896; made a 
tour through Europe and 
America, January 1900 ; re- 
tirrned home from abroad, 
March 191 2 ; transferred to 
present post, 1904 ; was or- 
dered to proceed South China 
and North China to inspect 
the condition of affairs, 1905 ; 
was decorated with the 4th 
Order of Merit and 4th Class 
Golden Kite for his service 
in the late War, Address : 
No. 3 Usiiya-chv, Kita-ku, 
Osaka, (see p. 600). 

Nagano, Juiizo (A Sf ^ W, 

IgakuhaMisM, director and 
chief surgeon of the Osaka 

bi'anch hospital of tlio Ja])an 
Eed Cross Society : l>. Aug. 
6th, 1870 in Kumamoto-city ; 
4th 8. of Kenzaburo Nagano ; 
m. Tsuru-ko Yoshifusa, 1898. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Medical College of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1906. After 
graduation Avas appointed as- 
sistant of the University 
hospital; afterwards had been 
Vice-director of the Kobe 
prefectural hospital and head 
of the dispensary of Formosan 
Government General; present 
post since July 191 1. Sent 
to Europe, 19CO, and returned 
home, 1903 ; again was in 
Em-oj)e from 19 10 to May 
191 1. Address: i chome 
Sueyoshi-bashi, Minami-ku, 
Osaka. Tel. : 1530 Minami. 
Chib : Osaka club. 

Naito, ToruCft^^), D.M., 
ophthalmologist, president of 
the Naito Optical Hospital ; 
I). October 1 876 in Tokushima- 
ken ; adop. s. of Shusai Nai- 
to ; in. Clio, Younger sister 
of Tahei Okubo of Toku- 
shima-ken in 1 896. Educ. : 
graduated from the Medical 
course of the Okayama Third 
High School in 1893, and 
joined the medical staff of 
the Inouye Optical Hospital, 
Tokyo. Studied in Europe 
1900-1901, and returned 
home and appointed as pre- 
sident of the Inouye Optical 

[ '307 

H(>:;.])ital ill 1901 ; cstahlislind 
in the present place in 1903. 
Publications : " On the nse of 
ophthalnioscop " " On the 
diseases of the refractive and 
adjusting organs " and others. 
Address : No. 27, Nichome, 
Nishinagabori, Kitadori, Ni- 
shi-ku, Osaka ; Tel : 680 
Nishi ; liecreaiion : reading. 

Nakajima, Tetsuzo (l^ft^jt;, 
director of the Osaka branch 
of the Yonei 8hoten ; . &. 
1877 at Morioka-city, Iwate- 
ken ; s. of Yosliiinori Naka- 
jima; m. Kasa, e. d. of T,su- 
chida family, a Rake-hrower 
of lyo jirovince, IMarch 1900. 
Educ. : graduated from the 
Tokyo Higher Commercial 
Hchool. Entered the Meijiya, 
importer and exporter, 1900; 
.■■erved as inanager of the 
Yoshikawa Cement AVorks, 
Okaj'ama-ken, till Oct. 1909 
from April 1908 ; then pre- 
sent post since Oct. (909. 
Fublicatiom : " Nacacinia's 
English Commercial Corres- 
pondence," " Commercial Dic- 
tionary," etc. Recreation: 
reading. AdAress : No. 5481 
Matsugahana l''ennoji, Mina— 
mi-ku, Osaka. Chib : Kwan- 
sai Electric Club. 

NisMkawa, Tamanosuke CFJ 
IW S ^ m, M. A. (Central 
College) Ph. 15. (Vanderbilt 
TJniversity). Principal of the 
Middle Schoc)] ]}epartment of 

the Kwansai (irikuin ; l>. 
September 1864 in Taniba 
Province ; ist ,s. of Kenyeki 
Nishikawa, medicstl practitio- 
ner ; m. Etsu. TJd'tic. studied 
in the Third- High School 
about 1887 and then went 
to America and graduated 
from the Central College iiud 
the Vanderbilt tJniversity. 
Was appointed as military 
interpreter in the war with 
Eussia and went to the front, 
and was subse(piently decorat- 
ed with the sixth Order of 
Jlerit. liecrentioii : <jo game. 
Address : Yawata, Rokko- 
naura, Muko-gun, Hyogo-kcti. 
Chib : Director of the Ivol) ' 
Y. M. C. A. 

Mshizaki, Den-iehiro, C?M 
m Pi - SrO, Manaifcr of tiu'. 

Sumitomo Electric 


Manufactory; Feb. 2nd 1873 
at Kanaz.xwa-city, Ishikaw.i- 
ken; e. .?. of Kanekatsn Nishi- 
zaki ; m. Kiyoshi, 1900. 
Educ. : graduated the mecha- 
nical course of the engineer- 
ing college at tlie Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1897. After his 
graduation held a post as 
engineer of tlie Shibaura 
Engincerino" Works until 
191 1 ; erLtered the present 
firm and promoted to present 
post. Address : No. 444 of 
I (Otsu), ,Kat'-uyama-dori, 
Tennoji, Minami-ku, Osalca. 
Tel. : 133 Miuami. 

1 308 

.¥ose, Sliichirobei (M- 31 -tr 

Iil> i'< #f), iiian;ig(!r of tlie Ko- 
fIio & Co., Ltd.; b. 1870 in 
Shigu-keii ; s. of Shicliiro'bei 
IS'ciKc ; m. Sute, 1897. Edtic: 
giiiduated from the 3rd Higli 
Wchoo], 1 89 1. After his gra- 
duation entered a cotton yarn 
f]i:i]i in Yokohama, which 
w;-;,, managed by Mr. Kita- 
gawa; since that continuou- 
f-ly sawed in the 'firm. Ad- 
dret^e : 4 chome, Yamaraoto- 
dori, Kolse. 

Oka, Juro C|53 + SiO, Pres. 
(.■f Toyd AVhaling Co. Ltd. ; 
b. 1870 in Yamaguclii-keu ; 
111. MutKiiko. Educ. : gradua- 
ted from Keid Univ. Foun- 
ded Nihon Ocean Fishing Co. 
witli i^oine others in 1899 and 




by the 

Dep't of Agriculture and Com- 
merce proceeded to Norway 
t ins|«et wliahngR there and 
in tlic Arctic Circle ; after 
much i)er?everance the com- 
]>an3' has been enlarged and 
its luiHie was changed to tlie 
Toyo Whaling Co. in 1904 ; 
since that he has become its 
])reRident ; Aveut to Mexico 
and Chile from August 191 2 
to observe iishing there. Ad- 
drens : Nlshihama, Koroj'en, 
JS'ishinomiva. Hyogo - ken. 
Tel.: 185.' 

^ Otaka, Toshinosuke (;fc ^ ft 
:t li), Chief secretary of the 
Japan Cotton Spinner's Asso- 

ciation ; h. I892 at Ogaki, 
Mino province. As first served 
at the Nihon Yusen Ivaisha ; 
entered the Japan Spinner's 
Association, 1907 and staj'ed 
as its agent in Bombay for 
six years ; returned home in 
19 1 2 and promoted to pre- 
sent post. Address : Ilvcda- 
cho, H5no-gun, Settu, pro- 

Otsuka, Yeitaro CkM^:kW, 
genaral-iiranager of the Yu- 
asa Shichizaeraon A co. and 
in addition to dir. of the Osaka 
branch of the same co. ; h. 
May 28th 1 87 1 at Idzushi- 
gun, Tajima province : s. of 
Shigenari Otsuka ; m. Mika, 
3rd d. of Masayoshi Fukuda, 
Kyoto, 1900. Ediic : gi-adua- 
ted from the Kyoto Doshisha 
Univ. ; further entered the 
Yale Univ. in America to 
continue his study, 1903. Af- 
ter left the school, 1904, en- 
tered the JSTew York branch 
of the Yokohama Specie Bank; 
then became nfember of the 
Mitsui Bank ; entered the 
road extension dej/t of Kj'oto 
city, as secretary of the same 
city 1 9 10 and endeavored to 
construct electric railways ; 
present post since 19 12. lie- 
creation : travelling. Address : 
Shi n-machi, Higashi-^iru, Na- 
kaita-dori, Kyoto. C'hib. 0- 
saka Economical Societj'. 

Saigo, Kiehiya CK » ^ ^5, 

L 1309 ] 

JgaJciiJtalvfJii (Doctor of Me- 
dicine) , diroctor of tjie Otaka 
Garrifon Hos^pital ; b. Jan. 5tli 
1872 in Tokyo; 4tli s. of 
0?ainii Saigo ; on. Hani, yo- 
unger sister of Genbei Saka- 
inura of KanagaAva-ken, Dec. 
1899. Echic. : graduated from 
the medical college of the To- 
kyo Imp. Univ., Dec 1899. 
Ednc. : graduated from the 
medical college of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., Dec. 1897. After 
graduation hecame an army 
surgeon a.nd v.'a8 given charge 
and eugagcd in a duty at 
Tainan Hospital, 1901 — 3; 
entered the University Hall(po 
st graduate clas-) t<.) continue 
his study, 1903 ; attaclie to 
Osaka Base hospital, 1904-6 ; 
reentered the Univ. Hall of 
Kyoto. 1906 ; was conferred 
TgahuJialcushi , 1907 ; in addi- 
tion to chief physician of the 
i;-outh Manchurian Eailway 
Co., 1908 ; proceeded to Ger- 
many, Au-tria and America 
for study, 1909-12; pre^ent 
post since b'ept. 191 2; pro- 
moted to suigeon colonel, Jan. 
1913. Jiecreation : horticul- 
ture. Address : No. 42, Ko- 
bashi-moto-machi, Higashi- 
ku, Osaka. Tel. : 2580 .Mina- 

Sakurane, Konoshin Cffi Ift # 
^ ji)j IgalciiJicdmshi, profe- 
ssor in the Osaka Higher 
Medical it'choo], nnd chief of 

the dep't of skin diseases in 
the school hospital; h. Sept. 
1870 in Waka\ama-keu ; s. 
ofYoshibei; m. Takako, Hi- 
sao Handa <~)f I'ukuoka City, 
191 2. Educ. : graduated from 
the Osaka Higlier Medical 
School, 1890. After gi-adua- 
tion became surgical assis- 
tant at the Osaka prefectiu'al 
hospital ; the dep't of sltiu 
diseases has been opened in 
Jan. 1903. liecreations : stu- 
dying roman letters question. 
Address : No. 46, Kitahama, 
4 chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka. 
Tel. : [9i4Hi>nkyoku. 

Sawada, Ushimaro Cff EB^Ig), 
senior deputy-mayor of the 
Osaka-city; b- Jan. 6th 18- 
74 in Kochi-ken ; s. of Sei- 
ichi Sawada ; m. Shidzue, 19- 
05. Educ: graduated fioni 
the law college of the Tokyo 
Imp. Univ., 1899. After gra- 
duation held the posts of 
councillor of the War Office 
an.d in addition to Coimsellor 
of the Home Affairs and the 
police and prison school till 
1 903 ; next conn- ellor of the 
Tokyo-fu, 1 904- 1 907; secre- 
tary, police - superintendent, 
chief of the commercial and 
industrial bureau of Chosen 
Government General, 1907 — 
1910; chief of the dep't of 
home affairs in Kagoshima- 
ken, 191 0-19 1 2; then pi-esent 
post since March 1913. Hec- 

r 1310 ] 

reatlon : picture. Address : No. 
5665, Dogashimi-cho, Ten- 
noji, Minami-lm, Osaka. 

Shidehara, Taira C» M S), 
BimgdhuhalcusM, educatio- 
nist. Educ. : graduated from 
the college of literature, To- 
kyo Imp. Univ. Once lectu- 
red Korean history at his 
alma mater and then was 
promoted to its professor ; in 
addition to was appointed edu- 
cational inspector of the Dep't 
of Education ; Pres. the Hi- 
roshima Higher Normal School 
since 15 May 191 3. Address: 
Kokutaiji-mura, Hiroshima. 

ShimokocM, Tonizo CT M l^ 
i* n M'), Dean of tlie Osaka 
Higher Commercial School ; 
7). Dec. 1869 in Hiroshima- 
-ken; isfc.s. of Toyotaro Shi- 
mokochi ; m. Yasu. Educ. : 
graduated from the Tokyo 
Higher Commercial School in 
1893. entered the Nippon 
Yusen Kaisha and remained 
there for 6 years. Was appo- 
inted as professor of the Shi- 
ga-ken Commercial School, 
1897 ; after serving in 
the Onomichi Comm3rcial 
School as Principal, assiimetl 
the present position, March 
1907. Recreations: garde- 
ning, tennis. Address : No. 
401, Higashino-machi, Mori- 
nomiya, Higashi- ku, O-aka. 

SMrokane, Yutaka (& M ^), 
doctor. Address : No. "5 , Ko- 

raibashi, 5 chome, Higashi- 
ku_, Osaka. 

Shoji, OtokicM (ffi Rl Zi S), 

manager of the Osaka Cotton 
Spinning Co., managing di- 
rector of the Chosen Men- 
gyo Kabushiki - Kaisha ; b. 
May 13th, 1873 in Akita- 
ken ; m. Yas. Educ. : gra- 
duated from the Toljyo Hi- 
gher Commercial School, 18- 
97. After his graduation en- 
tered the Japan Cotton Spi- 
nners Association and stayed 
at India for 3 years, after- 
wards soon became chief sec- 
retary of the same Asso. ; 
was ordered to proceed to 
Europe to inspect the spin- 
ning business, 19 10, and at- 
tended the International Spi- 
nning Union Association in 
Manchester-, England. PMi- 
caiion^ : " The condition of 
cotton industry in India, " 
Cotton spinning industry in 
Japan. Address : Sumiyoshi- 
mura, Muko-gun, Hj'ogo-kMi. 
Tel. .-531 Mikage. 

TakahasH, Yuji Ci*_Mft&?o) 
D. M, ophthalmologist. Pre- 
sident of the Takahashi Op- 
tical Hospital; 6. March 18- 
70 in Niigata-ken ; m. Asa, 
ist d. of the adopted father 
Koshun Takahashi of Osaka, 
Oct. 1 898. Educ. : gradua-ted 
from the; Tokyo Igakuin 
(Tokyo Medical College), June 

I3H ] 

1891, and- at tlie same time 
was appointed as lecturer at 
that college and })hysician to 
the Hakuaikwan Hospital, 
belonging to the college. 
Later settled in Tokj'o 
as practitioner ; military phy- 
sician, September 1894 and 
went to the front in the war 
with Eussia ; put to the re- 
tired list in 1901 ; moi-cover 
he studied in the Tokyo Epi- 
demics Institute, Tokyo Fo- 
reign Language School, and 
the Kyoto Imp. Univ. ; went 
to Germany Dec. 1906 for 
study and got the degree of 
M. 1). in the Munchen ; was 
decorated with the 4th Order 
of merit. Address : i chome, 
Shima-machi, Higashi - ku, 
O^aka. Tel. : 742 Higashi. 

Takeuehi, Tsunekichi C'rtf ^ 
ta §), chief of the business 
dep't of the Imp. Mineral 
Spinning Co. ; Ltd. ; Z>. June 
26th 1880 in Tokj'o-city; 5th 
8. of Taikichi Takenouchi; m. 
Mine, d. of Tokusaburo Fu- 
jii, 19 1 2. Educ. : graduated 
from the Keio Univ., 1907. 
After graduation became lec- 
ture at the alma mater, sub- 
se(][uently transferred to chief 
of business of the ist engine 
^insurance Co., served as chief 
of the industrial and com- 
mercial deji't of the Yoko- 
hama municipality till June 
191 2 from 1910; after-ward 

became chief secretary of the 
Japanese Businessmen's , As-+ 
sociation and the Japanese 
Eesident, Corporation in Sha- 
nghai ; then present post since 
March ist 191 3. Recreation: 
literature. Address: No. 5699 
Karasuga-tsuji, Tenuoji, Mi- 
nami-ku, Osaka. 

Tanaka, Yukichi m^^ai, 
]irof. at the Osaka Higher 
Medical School and in addi- 
tion to chief of the dep't <if 
ctnoiomia patliologica in the 
school hosi)ital ; b. April 1 8- 
74 at No. 13 Yokobori i 
chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka ; 
.9. of Yuzo Tanaka. Educ.: 
gi-aduated from the Osaka 
Higher Medical School, 1894. 
Was appointed professor at 
the medical college of the 
Fukuoka Univ., 1902 ;. went 
to Grcrmany for sducly, ,1909, 
and returned home, ,1910; 
took part as surgeon-lieute- 
nant in the late war. Deco- 
rated with the 6th Order of 
Merit. Fublications : "Insti- 
tutes of Pathology, " Outline 
of Anatoniia Pathologica, etc. 
liecreaiions : literature, wri- 
ting books. Address : Itami- 
cho, Kawabe-gun, Hyogo-ken. 

Wada, Toyotane, (WfUfill), 
Igahnliakushi, Protessor in the 
Osaka Higiier IVledical School, 
and. Physician oi' the Osaka- 
fu-Ho5pital in cliarge of ner- 

112 ] 

voiy: (lif:ca«>:; 6. August 18- 
80 in Ofaka ; 2ud s. of Gcii- 
ji Wada ; m . Hwa, 1 st (/. of 
jiiizo fc:'apaki of Kj-oto August 
1908. Ednc. : graduated from 
the 0?aka Higher Medical 
School in 1900, was apjioiu- 
ted as assistant profesror to 
that rcliool. Studied' in the 
Tokyo aiid Kyolo Imp. Univ. 
1906-1908. Was sent to Ger- 
many iuid Austria for stud}' 
in 1906 and came liome in 
1 910. Conferred tl.e degree 
of /gainliahiski Dec. 191 2 
by presenting an essny. De- 
corated witli tlie 6th Order 
of l^Ierit for tiie service as 
military plivsician during 
the war with Russia. Ilcc- 
reation : athletic sports. Ad- 
dress : - No. 175, Miuami- 
moii-uiachi, Kita— ku., Osaka. 

Watanate, Toyozo (jlt^glg) 
filaiuling director eif the Ehi- 
ine Spinning Co. ; h. June 
iitii 1881 in Osaka: adop- 
ted ,s'. of Hl'.osuke Watanahe ; 
«?. Narae, .2nd d. of adopted 
I'atlier, 1-903. Early engaged 
in banlcing Ini'iness and ser- 
ved at the 34th bank ; en- 
tered ilie present co., July 
1909 and promoted to pre- 
Fent jio^t, Nov. 19 10. Bec- 
reafivm: travelling. Jddress : 
I chome, Ote-doii, Higashi- 
ku, O'aka. Tc/. : 1C98 Higa- 

Yaroaguchi, Tsutomu (lU ri 

:h'), manager of the Osaka 
Iron Works; h. Jan. i5tli, 
1870 in Fukui-ci:y ; ,s. of 
Naoshi Yamaguchi ; on. Yo- 
shie. Entered the present firm, 
1897, afterward served in Fo- 
rmo;-a for 10 3ears and ma- 
naged a l)UFiuess of tlie Hu- 
nter Co. and the Osaka Iron 
Works ; returned lo Ofalva 
1912 and promoted to pie- 
sent post. Recreation: resi- 
ding. Address : Yamamoto- 
doti, 6 chome, Kolie. 

Yoshioka, Yoshikuni (is M 

SI WO. D. D., })re-ident o^ 
the Kwansai Gakuin (]>rivat*-' 
scliool) : l>. '1862 in Kyoto; 
s. of Yoshitano Yoshioka, 
vassti] of the Shogmi ; vi., e. d. of Ilyumin 
Okajinia, a sa^jwirai of Kago- 
shima-ken, Dec. 1888. Educ: 
graduated from the Kyoto 
middle school (one of tlio ist 
graduate from the school), 
afterwards studied tlieology at 
Vanderhilt Univ., U. S." A. 
Was teaclicr at tlie Kyoto 
Middle School for 5 years 
from 1881 ; engaged in tran- 
slation for a Kohc Englisli 
newspeper Office for 3 years 
from 1 886 ; hesides opened 
an euglish private school ; 
cstehlishecl the Kwansai Ga - . 
kuin jointly with some forei- ' 
gn missionaries, 1S89. Ad— 

[ I3I3 "J 

dress: the comijouud of the mura, Mukc-gun, Hygo-ken. 
Kwansai Gaknin, Nishinada- Tel. : 1710 Sannomiya. 


Gary, Frank, B, A. (Amherst.), 

Teaclier ; 5. July i8, 1888. 
Foxlxiro, Blassaclnisetts, TJ. 
B. A.; 11. American; s. Otis 
Gary, B. D., iiiissioiiary ; 
Educ: Ainlicrst College. (Am- 
lierst, Maspacliusetts). Teacher 
of Englisli ill Tennoji and 
Kitano Middle Scliools, Osa- 
ka. 191 1. T. r. J. 1889-1898, 
1899— 1902, 1911 — - Rec- 
reations : football, baseball, 
track, tennis, swimming. Ad- 
dress : No. 31, Kawaguclii- 
cho, Osaka. Club .• K ; K. 
E. A. C. ; K. C. 0. 

Chapman Geoge, M. A. of 
Durban! University Missio- 
nary; 6. i860,. Etlierley Dene, 
England ; n. English ; m. 
1902 to Tulia Ada Jane 
Warren. From 1889 

was tutor and since 1902 
Principal of High Trinity 
College, Osaka, liecrealions : 
walking. Fublicaiions : Com- 
luentariea on Hosea, ist Book 
of ])salniH, ]>astoi-al theology. 
AddresH : K"o. 4, Kawagnclii- 
clio, Osaka. 

Crosse, Charles Uevile, M. A. 

barrister at law and patent 
agent; h. London, No v. 19th 
i860; n. British; s. ot E. 
W. Crosse, proctor, m. 1904, 
Kura, d. of y. Takagi. Educ: 
Eton and Trinity College 
Cambridge. Called to the Bar 
(Inae temple) 1885 ; prac- 
tised in Japan since 1892. 
Lived in Japan since 1892. 
liecrcations : gardening, rea- 
diiiii". Address : 8umi)-oshi, 
Kobe. Tel. : 303 Mikagc. CMk 
United University club, Lo- 
ndon ; Yokohama United and 
Kobe clubs. 

Dittmer, Clarence G., Ph. B. 

Hamline University, English 
teacher at the Osaka Higher 
Commercial School ; h. May 
30, 1885, August, Wisconsin, 
U. B. A. n. American ; s. of 
Gus Dittmer, manufacturer. 
Educ. : August High Bchool, 
1904 ; Baker University, Ha- 
mline Univ., 1 9 10. Was 
teacher at Toyoura Middle 
Bchool, Chof'u, Naga'io , then 
Osaka-citv Higher Cominer- 

[ i3i6] 

cial Sshool. Rj-^idetl in Ja- 
pan sinoj August 1910. Ad- 
dress: No. 19, K'lwaguchi- 
cho, 0,-;aka. OUti : Phi. Alpha. 

Erskine, Hugh W. M., Be- 
thany College A. B., A. M., 
Chicago University Phi. B. ; 
h. Pittsburgh, Pa. U. S. A., 
Feb. 2. 1 879 ; n. American ; 
s. of Hugh Er.skine, mercha- 
nt ; m. Mers Verginia Ste- 
nasfc Erskirie, 1904 August, 
1 902- 1 904, Professor of Ma- 
thematics at Bethany College. 
Arrived in Japan, Oct. 7, 
1904. Address : No. 14, Ka- 
waguchi-cho, Osaka. C'hih : 
Sigma JSTu Fraternity. 

Hill, George W., B. A., M. A., 
missionary; b. 1861, Ashland, 
Oregon, IT. S. A., n. Ameri- 
can ; s, of Stering Hill, mi- 
nister ; m. Miss Mary E. Hovt. 
July 24th 1888. Educ. : Uni- 
versity ot Oregon, Eoohester 
Theological Seminary, 1889. 
Paster of Baptest Churches, 
Portland, Oregon and Albany, 
Oregon, 1887- 1893 ; missio- 
nary to China, 1893-1895 ; 
Arrived in Japan in Dgc. 
1895. liecreations : mountain 
climbing, tennis. Address : 
Rokumantai-cVio, Tenn)ji, 0- 

Madden, M. B., M. A., mi- 
ssionary (Churches of Christ 
Mission) ; b. Coshocton, Ohio, 
U. S. A., July 20, 1869. n. 
American ; s. of S. B. Mad- 

dm, merchiut; m. Feb. i, 
1894. Mis? Maude Whitmore. 
.Educ. : Topeka Bussiness Col- 
lege ; Bethany College and 
Chicago Univ. Resided in 
Japan since Sept. 19, 1895. 
Address: No. 2395, Minami, 
Kawahori-cho, Minami -ku, 
Tennoji, Osaka. 
Purinton, Robert E., Jnecha- 
nist and instructor of machine- 
shop 2)ractic3 at Osaka Koto, 
Kogyo Grakko, Osaka; b. Hart- 
ford, Conn., U. S. A. 1880; 
n. American ; s. Oscae B. Pu- 
rinton, machine^ho].) foreman ; 
married and have 2 children. 
Eduo. : Hartford Public High 
School, Morse Business Col- 
lege Hartford and Pratt In- 
stitute, Brooklyn, N.Y. machi- 
nist and tool maker at Sigo- 
irrney Tool Co., Underwood 
Typewriter Co. and Pratt and 
Whitney Co., all of Hartford. 
Conn., U. S. A. for eleven 
years. Instructor of machine- 
shop practice at Osaka Koto 
G-akko 3 years. liecreations: 
tennis and photography. Ad- 
dress : No. K'lwaguchi-cho, 
Osaka. Ghcb : Osaka H ;crea- 
tion club, member Osaka 
Young-men's Christian Asso- 

Show, Glenn, W. A. B., (Co- 
lorado College, 1910.) ; b. 
Nov. 19, 1886, Los Angeles, 
California ; n. American ; s. 
of W. Gr. Shaw, travelling 

[ I3J7 

ruproseutativo of Colordclu,' 
Business G;iz3tte3r. Educ. : 
Public Solioo] of L)3 Angeles, 
Uenvei- and Calorado Springs. 
For 2 year.^ instruct n- in Mid- 
Pacific Iustitut3, Honolulu ; 
teacher of English at Higher 
(Jommsrcial School, Osaka ; 
teacher of English at Ichi- 
oka and Imamiya Middle 
School. Jtecreaiions : foD:ball, 
track, basketball, tennis, swi- 
mming. Address : No. 22, 
Kawaguchi-cho, Osalca. 

Steimaann. Hoans, (Jotton 
merchant. Agent for Volkart 
Brothers; b. 1871, Switzer- 
land; n. Swiss; married 1901. 
Director of the Japan Cotton 
mercliauts Union ; resided in 
Japan since igo^.'Recreaiions: 
wallcing and excursions. Ad- 
dress: No. 372, Umeda-cho, 
Osaka - Ashiya near Kobe. 
Tel. : 3097 Higashi, 0=aka, 
141 Otsu Nishinoniiya. C'lab : 
Kobe club, Concordia, Ko- 
be G-olf club, Shanghp.i club. 

Westcott, TiaoMii Daanis. 
manager of Rising Sun Pe- 
troleum Co., Ltd., Kobe; b. 
High Wj'coniba, England, ia 
1886; n. British; s. of T. 
Westcott, Beaconsiield, Eng- 
land. Educ. : High Wycombe 
Grammar School. Lived in 
Japan since 1907. Address: 
Ko. 53, Harima-machi, Kobe. 
Tel.: 831. Clubs: K.b3 and 
Nagasaki club. 

Woodruff, G3or?8 G lild, 3. A., 
vice-manager of Rising Sua 
Petroleum Co., Ltd, ; b. July 
31 1886, London; n. Bri- 
tish ; s. of William H, Wo- 
odruff Educ. : Rossull School 
and Cueis College Cambridge. 
Lived in Japan since Oct. 
19 10. Recreations: football, 
golf, tennis, shooting. Ad- 
dress : No. 53, Hirinix-raachi, 
Kobe. Glid)s : Public Schools 
club, London U. ; Queen club , 
London U. ; Universities and 
Public Schools club, London 
U, ; Kobe club ; Yokohama 
United club, etc. 

[ I ] 

.*all, e&*o. U. Bv, Proprietor 
of Aali & Co^, Yokohama and 
Tokyo ; b. Vadsoe, Kor\vay, 
19th August, 1865 ; n. 
Norwegian ; s. of Nieis 
Anthon Aall, clergyman. 
EdticA Graduate of the Com- 
mercial Academy of Christi- 
ania; 23 years stay in France, 
England, Relgrum, South- 
Afrtca, Canary Islan'ds, China 
and Japan. Pcrmer Consul 
for Norway and Sweden in 
Jdhannesbu^rg, Transvaal, and 
has twice beien representative 
of the Trade i[nte%enee 
Bureau of Norway at Christi- 
ania ; T. r. J. Ten years. 
Recreatifffi : Interested in 
many social qwestions. Ad-^ 
dress : '74, Yamashita-Cho, 
Yokohama. Tel.: 2362. Chibs: 
Yokohama United Club. 

Abily, iGi&1i»tei, Agent of 
the Compagnie des Message- 
rfes Maritimes-, Kobe. Entered 
the eomjsany's service in 1885 
and has been in Japan^- Yoko- 
hama and Kobe — since the 
begining of 1894 ; at ^present 
is the company's agent at 
Kobe. Address:M...M.,'i-^, 
Nanitvamachi, Kobe. 

Abre^, FilMto ^feio Biod- 
ri^ueis Vianna de, Consul 
general. Captain of a man of 
war; b. Rio-de Janeiro, May 
8th 1868; n. Brazilian. 

Secretary of congula-te, 
January 5th 1 895— Hamburg, 
vice-consul, May i8th 1901,, 
Hamburg; consul. May 14th 
1904, La Plata;, consul, Feb- 
ruary 28th 1906, Bremen; ccsa- 
sul general, April 23th 1907, 
Rotterdam; consul general, 
July 29th 19 10, Napoli; consul 
general, October 17th 1911, 
Yokohama ; came to Japan 
on the 26th December 191 1. 
Recreations : music. PtibU-. 
cation : musical. Address : 
74 Yamashitacho, Yokohama. 

Alkifi, Bicliiara Ley, En- 
gineer ; «. English, m. 1909. 
Edtic. Leeds University. T. 
r. J. five years. Address. 86 
Yedo-miachi, Kobe. Tel. %igo. 

AUekin, Rev. George, Mis- 
sioKary, from American Board 
of Commissioners for Foreign 
Missions, Came to Japan in 
1882. Address: 31 Kawa- 
gtichi-cho, Osaka. 

AlfeD, Maxwell H-, Dodfeor 
of niedicine, Medical Director 
of Equitable Life Assvrance 
society of U. S. A,; b. State of 
OMo, U. S. A, 1869; n. Ameri- 
can; 5. Ktigh. H. AJkn, Doctor 
of MedrcHie ; not maTried. 
Educ^ Graduate ctf Coluwibia 
University of New York; 
College of Physicians Sur- 
geons. Late Physicians in 
charge of Lying In Hospital 
of City of New York, Pw 
past 15 years have made a 

[ 2 ] 

Speciality of medical selection 
for life insurance. Have for 
several years been engaged in 
organizing Foreign Medical 
Services of Equitable Life. 
Recreations: golf, tennis, hor- 
seback riding. Address : Im- 
perial Ilotel, Tokyo. Culbs : 
Yokohama United Club, 
Nippon Race Club. 

■ Altsciiiiler, August, Mer- 
chant, manager of J. R. 
Simon & Co. New York; 
^. i886inNeustadt; «.German; 
jf; D. Alluhuler. Ediic. : College 
in Neustadt. Served inia banlc, 
Frankford, then Z. R. L. k 
Co. Yokohama. Arrived 
in Japan in 1906. Add7-ess:2.^/^ 
Yokohama Settlement. Tel. : 
688, P. O. B. 83. Chl's : Y. 
United Club, Y. Rowing Club. 

: Anderson, Larz, Diplomat ; 
i>. at Paris, France, Aug. 1.5, 
1866 ; s. of Gen. Nicholas 
Longworth and Elizabeth 
Coles (Kilgour) A. ; m. Isabel, 
d. of Commodore George Per- 
kins, U.S. N.. of Boston, June 
10, 1897. EdiLC.: abroad and 
at Phillips Exeter Acad. ; 
A. B., Harvard, 1888 ; spent 
'2 year in travel around the 
world. Second sec. U. S. 
Legation and . Embassy at 
London, 1891-3 ; 1st sec. and 
charge d'affaires, U. S. Em- 
bassy, Rome, 1893-7; capt. 
arid asst. adj. -gen. U. S. A., 
during Spanish-y\m. War, 

1898, acting as adj.-gen. 2d. 
Div. 2d Army ' Corps. E. E. 
and M. P. to Belgium, Aug., 
191 1; Ambassador to Japan, 
1912. Comdr. Order of St. 
Maurice and St. Lazare 
(Italy), Grand Ofificer of the 
Crown of Italy. Mem. Soc. 
of the Cincinnati, Loyal 
Legion Order of the Spanish- 
Am. War. Republican. Epis- 
copalian. Mem. of clubs in 
Washington, Boston, New 
York, London, Paris. Comtry 
House : ' Weld." Brookline, 
Mass. Home: 2 118 Mass. 
Av., Washington. Address : 
Am. Embassy, Tokyo. 

Andrew, Henry William, 
Merchant ; b. in i8S3-Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio, U. S. A. ; n. 
American. Ediic. Educated 
at Easthampton, Mass., 
U. S. A. Established the 
present firm of Andrews & 
George in partnership with 
Mr. Ernest Watson George, 
in the year 1894. The firm 
does a very large and grow- 
ing business in high class 
machinery and machine tools, 
automobiles, etc., and repre- 
sents a large number of lead- 
ing American and 1 British 
manufacturer.^. Branches at 
Tokyo and Osaka. Also part- 
ner in the firm of Andrews 
von Fischerz & George Ld., 
Shanghai, China. 7. r. J. 9 
years. Addtess : Residence, 

3 ] 

I05C Hlu!T, Business offices, 
242 Settlement. Tel: 943. 
P. O. Jfcx 66. 

Andrews, The Right Rev. 
Walter, D. D., Bishop of the 
Nippon Seikokvvai, Bishop of 
the English Church ' in Hok- 
kaido since 1909 ; b. Hert- 
ford, Great Britain in 1852; 
n. British. Ediic: St. Sohio 
■College, Cambridge, 1878, A. 
B.; 1882, M. i\.;\c,o(), D. D. 
Ordained, 1 877 ; Curate at 
Branchley Kent, 1877 ; C. M. 
S. Missionary at Nagasaki, 
Japan, 1878-82 ; Hakodate, 
Japan, 1882-1903 ; Examin- 
ing Chaplain to Bishop of 
HokkaidJ, 1896-1903; Rector 
of Middeton St. George, Dur- 
ham, 1903-1909; Chaplain 
to. Middleton Hall, 1904-9. 
T r. J. Arrived iZjZ. Publi- 
cations : Sermons, Lectures 
Address : Bishops-court, Ha- 

Arthur, John. Percy, Mana- 
ging Director of Cameron & 
Co , Ltd; b. Sydney, Australia. 
Career in business — with 
George Martin the Agent of 
Butterfield & Swire, Mel- 
bourne ;-Resigned to join 
Bank of Australasia in queens- 
land, victoria and western 
Australian, goldfields ; re- 
signed to join then Brabant 
(fe Co of Brisbane because of 
illhealth ; took one years 
holiday & eventually came to 

Japan for climate. T. r. J, 
4 years. Publications : when 
in Brobants he was sporting 
writer of the Sun Newspaper, 
Bresbaul. Address : No 93 
Kobe & Yoko. Clubs : Kobe 

Auslen, Williain Thomas, 
Clerk in Holy Orders- (Church 
of England) ; b. 1 3th Sep- 
tember 1846, Ramsgate, Eng- 
land ; n. English ; s. John 
Austen, house builder ; in. 
to Leila Ada Shapcott, 
daugher of Henry Shapcott, 
Torquay, Devon. Chaplain of 
•'The Missions to Seamen," 
England Chaplain of " The 
American Seamen's Friend 
Society. T. r. J. From 23rd 
June 1873. Continuous- Yoko- 
hama. Address : Seamen's 
Chaplaincy, 60c Bluff, Yoko- 

Axling, "William, Mission- 
ary, holder of Silver Cere- 
monial Wine Set of three 
pieces from Bureau of Deco- 
ration; Bachelor of Arts; b. 
Aug. 9th 1873, Omaha, 
Nebraska, U.S.A. ; n. Ame- 
rican ; s. N. E. Axling, 
retired clergyman ; m. May 
2 1st 1 90 1, Miss Lucinda 
Burrows. Educ. : University 
of Nebraska, 1 898 ; Rochester 
Theological Seminary, 1901. 
Five years spent in North- 
western Japan. At present 
in charge ' of the Baptist 

[ 4 ] 

Central Tabernacle, Tokyo. Japanese Magazine. Address i 

T.r.J. Nine years. Recrea- 12 Suzuki-Clio, Surugadai, 

tions : tennis. PiiMicdtions : Kanda, Tokyo. Clulis : The 

" The Religious World "-a Asiatic Society. 

[ 5 ] 


Babbitt, Ellwood GarfieW, 
American Consular Service ; 
i. Columbus, Ohio, U. S. A. 
1872; 11. American; s. of 
Henry Smitli ]?abbltt, Physi- 
cian; nt. in 1900 to Miss 
Aunie Walker. Educ: U. S. 
Public schools ; Worcester 
Academy; M. A.C., Amherst. 
In railroad business in Bos- 
ton, Mass. until 1898; with 
War Department until 19Q6 
when transferred to consular 
service; Vice «& Deputy Con- 
sul General at, 
Japan, since 1906. Address: 
234 Yamashitacho, Yoko- 
hama, Japan. Til.: 2533. 
Club: Yokohama United 
Club. • 

Bagnall, Albert JJawrrence, 
Merchant, Senior partner of 
the Bagnal & Hilles, Yoko- 
hama ; b. 1863 at Cleveland, 
Ohio, U. S. A.; n. American; 
s. of Thomas Bagnall, mer- 
chant. Travelled through 
Texas, "^Arizona, and New 
Mexico, in the interest of 
Brush Electric Co., 1887-89. 
Came to Japan in 1889 and 
flstablished the firm with 
Mr. Hills to engage in e- 
lectrical & mechanical en- 
gineering business in Tokfo, 
Shidzuoka, I^jagoya, Kioto, O- 
saka, Moji, Dairen (branches). 
Recreation: travelling. Ad- 

dress: No. 242 Bluff: Office 
No. 42 Yamashitacho, Yoko- 
hama. Tel. 2777. Clubs : 
United Club, Social Club. 

Ballagb, J. G., Missionary, 
teacher at Meiji Gakuin, be- 
longs to Presbyterian Church; 
younger brother of Rev. J. 
H. Ballagh. Came to Japan 
in 1875. Address: M*iji- 
Gakuin, Shirokane, Shibaku, 

Ballagh, James H9.uiiltoii, 
Missionary of the Reformed 
Church in America, 1857 
A.B., i860 N.M., 1906 D. D., 
conferred by Rutger's Col- 
lege, New Brunswick N. J.; 
b. September 7th 1832 at 
Hobart, N. Y. headwater of Riv. ; n. American 
citizen; 5. of John H. Ballagh, 
a farmer; ;«. May 15th 1861. 
Educ. Common Schools in 
Delaware & Rockland, N. Y. 
and Rutger's College and 
Theological Seminary, New 
Brunswick, N. J. Store clerk 
till 21 years of age, student 
till i860, missionary from 
1861 ; first arrived in Yoho- 
hama on Nov. 11, 1861 ; this 
was two years later than 
the arrival of the earliest 
Protestant missionaries here ; 
thus he has witnessed prac- 
tically the entire history of 
missions in this I^nd. He 
was the first pastor in charge 
of the " Kaigan " Church at 

[ 6 ] 

Yokohama, the first organ- 
ized church in Japan. His 
initial work greatly contri- 
buted to the present deve- 
lopment of the Christianity 
in Japan. His early Bible 
class made some of the 
foremost preachers of Japan. 
He has strongly supp'>rted 
the policy of the Reformed 
Mission in the East to estab- 
lished Independent Cktirckes, 
and also to emphasize the 
importance of the union work. 
T. r. J. fifty one years. Pub- 
lications : numerous letters, 
memorial sermons, and news 
paper articles. Address : No. 
48c Bluff, Yokohama. 

Barakatullah, Kaulavie Mu- 
hammad, Teacher .of Hin- 
dustani, school of Foreign 
Languages, Tokyo, third 
grade (sonin), diplomo of 
honour in Arabic philosophy, 
literature, etc.; d. City of 
Bhopal, Central India, 1868; 
«. Indian ; s. Sho-ja atullah, 
government official. Educ; 
Arabic Persian and Hin- 
dustani literatures at Bhopal ; 
and English in Bombay, 
London and New York. 
Taught Oriental languages 
for eleven years in England ; 
lecturer and writer for six 
years in America. T. r. J. 
Three years. Publications : 
Monthly magazine — " The 
Islamic Fraternity." Address : 

40, Daimachi, Akasaka, To- 
kyo, ch^b : English speaking 

Barmont, T. licon, Silk 

Merchant, partner of L. 
Mottet Barmont ; holder of 
ojfficier de I'lnstruction pub- 
lique ; b. 4th September 1 8} O 
in Lyons ; «. French ; /«. 
in June, 1903. Came to Can- 
ton (China) in October 1897, 
and came to Yokohama in 
December 1899. T. r. J. 
since 1899 (14 years). P.O. 
Box yd. Address : Office 183 
Yamashitacho, 32b Bluff : 
Tel. Office 1 193, private 129 . 
Clubs : Yokohama United 

Barlett, Sam.uel Colcord, 
Missionary; b. Sept. 21, 1865; 
m. Fanny Slater Gordon, 
July II, 1894, at Andover, 
Mass., U.S.A. Educ. Dart- 
mouth Coll. (A. B. 1889, A. 
M. 1891); graduated at An- 
dover Theological Seminary 
1894. Publications: Occa- 
sional newspaper and maga- 
zine articles. Address: 35, 
Shi<jmidai-cho, Otaru, Hok- 

Bates, Cornelius John Lig-lit- 
haXl, m:. a., Christian Minister 
and Educationist ; b. May 
26, 1877 L'Original, Ontario 
Canada ; n. British ; s. of J. 
L. Bates, president of British 
Canadian Industrial Co., 
Ottawa, Canada ; ra. Hauriet 

[ 7 ] 

Edua Philp, August 6. 1902. 
Ediic: at McGill and Queens 
Universities, Canada. Was or- 
dained to the Christian mi- 
nistry in Nov. 1901 ; served 
for five years in the Me- 
thodist Cliurch of Canada. 
Came to Japan in Oct. 1902, 
lived in Tokyo and Kofu, 
Yamanashi-ken, and in Sept. 
19 10, came to Kobe and 
was appointed Dean of the 
C(jllcge Department of 
Kwansei Gakuin. Has re- 
sided ten years in Japan. 
Adderess : Kwansei Gakuin, 

Beaunzout, Jolin William, 
Principal of the Salvation 
Army Officers Training School, 
Ichigaya, Tokyo ; rank Bri- 
gadier; I'. Stamford Luicolu- 
shire; n. English. Entered the 
Salvation army as an officer 
Sep. 1889, after holding 
various appointment on the 
British field, appointed to 
staff duties 1901 as sec. for 
the Glasgow Division, in the 
following year placed in charge 
of the South Scottish Division 
with the rank of Staff Capt., 
later transferred in the same 
capacity to Mid Lancashire 
with llqtrs. at Bolton; this was 
followed by a term as Chancel- 
lor of the North West Province; 
Oct. 1905 appointed to the 
International Training College, 
Clapton, London; 1906, pro- 

moted Major ; remained at 
Clapton until appt. to Japanj 
arrived Dec 19O9; promoted 
.Brigadier Sep. 191 1. Address: 
1 3, Honmura-cho, Ichigaya, 
Ushigome, Tokyo. 

Becker, JoliB, Tea Buyer, 
M. J. Brandenstein & Co., 
Tea-Exporters, main officeat 
San Francisco; n. American.' 
Address: 258 Yamashita-chb 
Yokohama. 1'. O. Box. 267., Harry B'xter, 

A. M. Chicago; Prof in 
Department of Philosophy, 
Waseda University ; *. April 
8, 1874, Near Titus ville, Pa, 
U. S. A. ; n. American ; s. 
Louis N. Benninghoff, cont- 
ractor ; m. March 14, 1901, 
Miss T.M. Merrel, Rohomo 
Ind. Educ: Franklin CoUegei 
Franklin, Ind., 1901, Ph. B.; 
Valparaiso University, 1907, 

B. S.; University of Chicago, 
1906. Ed. B.; University bf 
Chicago, 1907, A. M. Inst- 
ructor in Chemistry and 
Physics, Rangoon, 190 1-4, 
Graduate School University of 
Chicago, 1904-07; Missionary 
of American Baptist Foreign 
Mission Society, 1901 ; Inst- 
ructor in Waseda University, 
1908 ; Founder of Yu Ai 
Gakusha Waseda, 1908. Ad- 
dress : 9 1 Bentencho, Ushi- 
gome, Tokyo. 

Berry, Artliur Daniel A. B.,i 
B.D., Missionary ; n Ame- 

;[ « ] 

rican. Educ: AB, Syra.ewae 
University., B. J), Drew 
Theol. Seminary. Pastor, 
Maplewood, N.J., U. S. A.. 
1899-1902. Missionary in 
Japan 1902, Fiikuoka, Moji, 
Tokyo, Dean Theological 
School of Aoyama Gakuin, 
1908 to date. T.r. J. ig02, 
to date. Address : Aoyaina 
Gakuin, Tokyo. 

Bhimji H. M., Manager of 
the firm of E. Pabaney, 
Kobe; b. in 1865. Educ in 
Ifembay. Began liis career in 
tlie Sasoon Mills where he 
was engaged for fifteen years ; 
after his departure took service 
at the Currimbhoy Mills of 
Messrs. Currimbhoy Ebrahim 
<fe Co. ; was transferred to 
Hongkong and from thence 
was made manager of the 
firm of E. Pabaney in Kobe ; 
this firm is the branch of 
Messrs, Currimbhoy Ebrahim 
h Co. at Bombay, who do a 
business in cotton, etc. and 
are the agents of mills in Bom- 
hay. Address: E. Pabaney, 
43, Nishi machi and 98, Ya- 
njamoto-dori, Nichome., Kobe. 

Bickart, I.,. Merchant, trade 
name " Qppenheimer & Cie," 
Consul f(-iir the United States 
erf Venezuela, Member of the 
"Comite National des Con- 
seillers du Commerce; Ex- 
tearieur de la France," b. 
I^ris, January 1871 ; n. 

French; m. 1896, to Rosine 
Bernheim, Paris. Editc. : Ecoie 
Commercjale, Paris. Came to 
Japan 1 891; in 1898 appointed 
Chief Manager of the Qp- 
penheimer Branches; in 1910 
started business on his own 
account under the trade 
name of Oppenheimer &■ Cie. 
Recreation; Automobile. Ad- 
dress: No. 263 Yamatecho 
and 13 Yamashitacho. Tel.: 
No. 418. P.O.Box 46. Branch 
in Kobe: Harimamachi No. 
28. P. O. Box 64. Clubs: 
Yokohama United Club. Nip- 
pon Automobile Club. 

Bickel, Capt. L. W., Mission- 
ary of American Baptist 
Foreign Mission Society. 
Has come to Japan in 1898. 
Address : Shimoteramachi, 

Eirnia, c. IMC., Senior part- 
ner of Browne & Co., Kobe. 
b. Melborne, in 1868. Arrived 
in Nagasaki in May. 1889 ; 
having resigned the manager- 
ship of a branch of the Bank 
of Australiasia, he joined the 
staff of Messrs. Browne _& Co., 
a liritish firm of merchants, 
insurance, shipping, and finan- 
cial agents, founded by the 
late Hurry St. John Browne, 
in Kobe, 1868 ; served in 
most branches of the firm and 
was appointed manager ol 
the Nagasaki Branch in 1896; 
serving for two years as 

[ 9 ] 

Toky« manager of the Equi- 
table Life Assurance Society, 
resigned to become manager 
for Japan of the New York 
Life Insurance Co. ; after- 
wards acted as manager of 
the financial department of 
Messrs., Pollak Bros ; rejoin 
Messrs,, Browne & Co. as 
partner when the firm was 
created a partnership compay 
in 19,06, and on the death of 
Mr. Eugene H. Gill, he 
became senior partner in 
19Q9, Address: Browne & 
Co. 26, Naniwa-machi, and 
lOl Kitano-cho, Kobe. 

Blake, w. H., General 
manager of American Trading 
Co,, Yokohama ; b. at Scar^ 
sport, Maine, U.S^A, in 1868, 
Hdiic. ; -studied at the Univer- 
sity of j'acifie, California, 
(graduated in 189O). Came 
to Japan in 1 890, after having 
been in the service of the 
of the China and Japan 
Trading Co for about six 
year, he joined the American 
Trading Co. ; was made 
sub-agent of the company at 
Yohohama, , 1 899 ; became 
agent, 1901 ; was appointed 
general manager of the com- 
pany for Japan and China, 
which position he now holds ; 
is associated with many 
companies and social organi- 
sations in Yokohama ; is the 
vice chairman of the Yoko- 

hama Foreign Board of Trade 
and the president of the 
Yokohama Cricket and Athle- 
tic Club, Address : American 
Trading Co., 28, and 17, 

Biagley, (Jeorge Althoff, 
Teacher in " Chugakko " 
(Imamiya <fc Ichioka) in 
Osaka ; 6. Nov. 12th,. 1888 ; 
M. America ; s. of John 
Bringley, mechanical engine- 
er ; Juizie, : graduated from 
Princeton Univ. at Princeton, 
N. J., U.S.A., 1910. Have 
taught in above-mentioned 
Middle Schools since his 
arrival in Japan. Connected 
with Y.M.C.A. (Seinenkai) 
of Osaka- T. r. J. : since 
Aug., 1910. Recreations : 
music {piano]. Address: 32, 
Kawaguchi-cho, Osaka. 

Bleifus, Priedricli Robert, 
Import & Export Marchant, 
Proprietor of the firm (Import 
principally Aniline Dyes, 
Export principally Jap- Wall- 
paper, formerly H. Grauert, 
established since 1870) ; b. 
33 Nov., 1853 at Herzogen- 
maurach, Bavaria, Germany; 
N. German ; .y, of Karl 
Bleifus, Medical Doctor (died 
in 1866) ; Married to Mrs. 
Maria Louis Bleifus (nee : 
Shjguchi Hama) ; Children: 
I sonFritz Bleifus, i daughter 
Anna Bleifus T. r.J. : 38 
years. Address : of Office, 

[ lo ] 

92 Yamashita-cho, Yoko- 
hama ; Residence, 150, Bluff, 
Yamate-cho, Yokohama, P. 
O. Box No. 236, Yokohama. 
Tel. : 770. Clui>s : Club 

Bliss, Theodore, M. T>. 
Physician ; d. Troy, New 
York, U. S. A. ; w. U. S. A. ; 
s. William Bliss, Troy, N. 
Y. manufacturer ; ?«. Miss 
Helen B. Cory, in 1906. 
Ediic. : A.B. (Cornell Uni- 
versity), M.D. (Cornell Uni- 
versity Medical College 
House Surgeon at the M. E. 
Hospital, Brooklyn ; private 
practice at Schenectady, N. 
Y. Term, r. J. since Jan. 
19 10. Address : St. Luke's 
liospital, 37 Tsukiji, Tokyo. 
Residence 48 Minami-cho 
Itchome, Aoyama. Tel. : 2975 

Bloekliuys, Edward Joseph., 
Professor, Higher Commercial 
School, Tokyo ; Chokunin- 
kan ; Holder of Chevalier de 
rOrdre de Leopold, 4th 
Class Sacred Treasure, 5th 
Class Rising Sun ; Licencie 
en Sciences Commerciales, 
Antwerp; i>. Brussels, 6 Dec, 
1862 ; 11 : Belgian; .s. of Jo- 
seph Blockhuys ; Widower. 
Edtic. : Athenee Royal and 
Institut Superieur de Com- 
merce, 'Antwerp. Connected 
with .Tokyo Higher Com- 
mercial School since 1892. 

In charge of the chairs of 
Bank Accounting and Busi- 
ness Management in the 
Commercial Course of the 
Law College, Tokyo Im- 
perial University. T. r.J. : 
20 years. Recreations : 
reading. Publications: Lec- 
tures on Commercial Geo- 
graphy, Vade Mecum of 
Modern Metrical Units, The 
Technique of Foreign Trade. 
Address : 13, Hara-machi, 
Koisliikawa-ku, Tokyo. Tel : 
Bancho, 3674. Chtbs : Tokyo 

BoMke, Rudolf, Manager 
of Carl Rhode & Co., Yoko- 
hama ; b. Prussia, Germany, 
in 1 87 1. Educ. : the gym- 
nasium at Osterode. Went to 
Hamburg where he was emp- 
loyed by several large com- 
mercial houses ; came to 
Japan, 1895 ; is the manager 
of the well-known firm of 
Carl Rohde & Co. Address: 
Carl Rohde & Co., 70-a, 
Yohohama. ■ 

Bonar, Henry Alfred Cons- 
tant, H. B. M. Consul- 
General ; i>. Jnne, 1861 ; 2nd 
s. of Henry Bonar, of Paris. 
Educ. : Private Tutor. Ap- 
pointed stuJent Interpreter in 
Japan, March lo, 1880 ; 
acting Consul ' at Nagasaki, 
1882 and 1883 ; at Hyogo, 

1885 ;: 1st class assistant, 

1886 ; assistant Japanese Se- 

[ II ] 

cretary Tokyo, Sept. 2o, 1889; 
acting consul at Hakodate, 
from June, 1888, to Sept., 
1889 ; reverted to rank of 
1st Assistant, April, 1891; 
acting consul at Hyogo, 1891 
and 1892 ; called to Bar at 
Middle Temple, June 6, 
1894 ; acting Register to 
court for Japan, from Oct., 
1895, to March, 1896; 
promoted to consul at Hako- 
date and Niigata, Feb. 4, 
1896 ; transferred to Tainan 
(Formosa), August 21, 1896 ; 
to Tamsui, Dec. 28, 1896; 
to Yokohama, as consul for 
consular di.btrict of Kana- 
gawa and City of Tokyo, 
and also appointed assistant 
judge of H. M. Court for 
Japan, ' August 4, 1898 ; 
acting Judge, Yokohama, 
Feb. to May, 1900 ; employ- 
ed on s],ecial service in 
connection with preparation 
of the case and counter case 
of British, French and 
German Governments in 
Japan Perpetual Leases 
Arbitration before Hagiie 
Tribunal from Oct.,, 1902, 
until Jan., 1904 ; prepared 
case of the three Foreign 
Governments at Tokyo, and 
proceeded to Europe and 
attended meeting of British, 
French, and German re- 
presentatives for revision of 
case, held in Paris in Aug. 

and Sept., 1903, being fur- 
ther emplyed in connection 
with preparation of the 
counter case until Jan. 15, 
1894 ; transferred to Kobe, 
may 21, 1 903, Publication: 
Articles in Asiatic Societies 
Publications. Recreations : 
shooting, motorning. Club : 
St. James. Address : Bri- 
tish Consulate-General, Seoul, 
Booth, Eugene S., Mission- 
ary ; b. Aug. i6th,> 1850. 
Trumbull, Fairfield co., 
Connecticut, U.S. A ; n. 
American ; s. Samuel L. 
Booth ; Hotel clerk ; m. 
Emily Stelle, d. James M. 
Stelle, New Brunswick, N. 
J., U. S. A. Edtic. : Fort 
Edward Institute, 1872 ; 
Rutgers College, 1876 ; New 
Brunswick Theological Sem- 
'y, 1879. A.M., Rutgers 
College, 1879. In May 1879 
received appointment and 
later was commissioned to 
Japan by the Board of 
Foreign Mission of the Ref'd 
Church in America. Arrived 
in Japan Oct. 21, 1879, 
accredited to the Japan 
Mission of the Ref'd Ch. in 
America. Was stationed at 
Nagasaki for two years. 
Was appointed Principal of 
Ferris " Seminary-Ferris Wa- 
Ei JoGakko, Yokohama 1882. 
Pastor of Union Church, Yo- 
kolrama 1885 & 1898- 1907. 

[ 12 ] 

T.r.J. since 1879. Recre- 
ations: physical science and 
philosophy. Address : 178, 
Yamate-cho, Yokohama, tel: 

Booth, Williai;ii Melland, 
Electrical Engineer ; Joint 
' Representative in Japan for 
Messrs. Dick, Kerr & Co., 
London ; d. England, 1880 ; 
n. British; 5. of W.H. Booth, 
Engineer Educ. : Educated 
as an engineer in mechanical 
and hydraulic engineering 
workshop; also at Kine's 
College, London, and at the 
Works of Dick, Kerr & Co., 
T.r.J.: 9 years. • Address: 
Uchisaiwai-cho, Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: Shimbashi, 
1 192. Clubs: Tokyo Club. 

Buldin, George Washington, 
Christian missionary; b. Jack- 
son County, Alabama, U. S. 
A., Sept. 28, 1881; 71. Ame- 
rican; s. of John Bouldin, 
planter; m. to Margaret A. 
Lee, June 14, 1906, Educ: 
Common Schools, Winchester 
College, Southern Baptist 
Theol. Seminary. Teaching 
and missionary work. T.r.J.: 
since Sept., 1905. Recre- 
ations: tennis. Address: 63, 
Hayashi-cho, KoishikawQrku, 
Tokyo. Clnbs: Asiatic So- 
ciety of Japan. 

Boutflower, Cecil Henry, 
(*' Bishop Cecil"), M. A. & 
D.D. of Oxford, Bishop, as 

" Lord Bishop " in England 
only; b. Aug. 15 1863, Wind- 
mere, England; 11. British; s. 
of the Ven. S.P. Boutflower, 
Archdeacon of Carlisle. 
Educ. : Uppingham School, 
1 875-1 882; Christ Church, 
Oxford, 1 882-87. Ordained, 
1887; Cliaplain to Bishop 
Wertwer of Durham, 1890; 
Archdeacon of Furness and 
Vicar of Barrow, 1901 ;■ Bi- 
shop of Dorking, 1905; o{ 
South Tokyo (Nippon Seiko- 
kwai), 1909. T. r.J.: since 
Febr., 1909, Address: 11, 
Sakae-cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 

Bowden, Herbert, Merchant; 
b- 1870, Queensland, Aust- 
ralia; n. British; .y. of Thomas 
Bowden. Manager director 
in Australia for Bowden Bros. 
<fe Co., Ltd., Import and Ex- 
port Eastern Marchants. 
Address: 56, Naniwa-machi, 
Kobe. Tel.: 458. Clubs: 
New South Wales Club, 

Bowden, Vivian Kothwell, 
Managing director of Bowden 
Bros. & Co., Ltd., Yokohama. 
b. at Sydney, Australia in 
1855. Edtic. : Collegiate 
School, Rockhampton. Joined 
the Australian firm Burn.s 
Pliilp. <fe Co., Ltd.,, taking 
charge of their Torres Straits 
Branch business at Thursday 
Island, 1 8.81; the first steam 
mail service between Aust- 

[ 13 i 

ralia and British New Guinea 
was also established witii 
head Quarters at Thursday 
Island under his management; 
visited the Far East, especi- 
ally China and Japan for the 
business, 1892-1893; in con- 
junction with some Australian 
houses interested in the 
ern trade, founded the present 
firm of Bowden Bros. & Co., 
for the purpose of develop- 
ing Australian trade with 
Japan, 1896; is a justice of 
the Peace for the state of 
Queensland; has been a 
member cX the committee of 
the Yokohama Foreign Board 
of Trade for many years and 
served as chairman of that 
Body, 1 909 -8; was chair- 
man of the Asso. of Foreign 
Silk Piece Goods Merchants 
of Yokohama, 19O9-IO; pre- 
sident of the Yokohama 
Amateur Rowing Club, 1909- 
10; menaber of committee of 
the Yokohama General Hos- 
pital, and Royal Society of 
St. George, etc. Address: 
Bowden Bros. & Co., Ltd., 
SS, and 103, Bluff. 
" Bowles, Gfiibert, K.A., ]y[Js. 

sionary; l>. Stuart, Iowa, 
1 869; n. American ; s. of 
Ephraim Bowles, farmer; m. 
to Miss Minnie M. JPiekett 
in 1898. Educ: Penn Col- 
lege, University of Chicago, 
School of Philanthropy affili- 

ated with Coluinbia Univ. 
Brought up on farm in Kan- 
sas, graduated at North- 
Branch Academy; taught one 
year at Industrial School for 
Indians in Western New 
York, after graduation at 
Penn College, Oskaloosa, Io- 
wa, with special work at 
University of Cbieago; taught 
two years in that institution; 
came to Japan as a mission- 
ary in 1901. Specially in- 
terested in social questions. 
Helped found Japan Peace 
Society in igiOd-. Secretary 
Board of Directors Akasaka 
Hospital. Secretary Ameri- 
can Peace Society of Japan. 
Councillor Japan WMte Cross 
(Anti-tuberclosis Socfety). T.. 
r.J.\ ir years. Address: 30, 
Koun-cho, Mita, Shiba-ku, 
Tokyo. T£l.: Shifea, 3743. 

Bridel, iicitti^, Prof of Law, 
Chokunin {lOfS'j), refused to 
accept the decoration offered 
to (1907); b. Paris-, Jufy 6, 
1852; n. Switzerland (Lau- 
sanne ahd Geneva); s. o( 
Louis Bridel, pastor at Paris 
and at Lausanne (1813-66), 
mother Louise Koster(i8i4- 
1877) from Frankfort; m. 
1879, to Ida Meissner, from 
Basel. 5 children and several 
graM-ehildr€n. Ed«c.\ in 
Lausanne; Tubingen (Wiri 
temberg), Paris. M Lausatffte 
until 1887; prof. Law Coltege 

[ J4 

Univ. Geneva, 1 887-1 900; 
prof, of French Law, Imp. 
University, of Tokyo from 
Oct 1900; provisory prof, of 
German Law, 1910-1913. In 
autumn, 1893, examined the 
first draft of the Swiss Civil 
Code concerning the effects 
of marriage; participated in 
the work of the AboHtionist 
Federation started by Joseph- 
ine Butler; was rnember of 
the Grand Conseil (legislative 
assembly) of the Canton of 

Geneva, 1 896-1 898. Mem- 
ber of the Association of Ge- 
neva for the reform of legal 
condition of women, and 
was one of the founders of 
the Revue de morale sociale. 
Publications : La puissance 
maritale. These de licence 
en droit. Lausanne, 1879. 
La fentme et le droit. Etude 
historique sur la condition 
des femmes. (Annexe: Ta- 
bleau genealogique ances- 
tral). Paris, Lausanne,, 1884. 

Brochures et articles divers 
concernant: les sciences so- 
ciales et leur methode; I'en- 
seignement superieur a Lau- 
sanne et en Suisse (a propos 
du legs de Rumine); la con- 
dition des femmes, en droit 
compare; la question des 
moeurs et la reglemehtationj 
les deux morales (homme et 
femme); le futur droit matri- 
monial Suisse, (i 885-1 896). 
Le droit^ de la femme mariee 
sur le prodtdt de son travail. 
Geneve,. 1893. Le droit des 
femmes et le mariage. Etu- 
des critiques de legislation 
comparee. Paris, 1893. Trad, 
espagnole, Madrid, 1 894. — 
Trad, polonaise, Varsovie, 
1895. Melanges feministes. 
Questions de droit et de so- 
ciologie. Paris, 1897. Trois 
etudes sociales et piridiques: 
La reforme de la condition 
des femmes ; droit matrimonial 
compare; I'iniluence du Code 
civil fran9ais. Tokio, 1905. 
Encyclopedic juridique. Paris, 
Lausanne, 1907. — 2e ed. To- 
kyo, 1908. Trad., portu- 
gaise, Eelam (Brazil), 1912. 
Geographic juridique. Tokio, 
1 90S., Lett res dujapon, a la 
Gazette de Lausanne, 1908. 
Siiccession legale coptparee. 
Tokio, Paris, Lausanne, 1909. 
Droit des personnes^ et de 
famille. Code civil Suisse 
et Code franijais cc'mpares. 

[ 15 ] 

Paris, Tokvo, Geneve, 1910. 
Articles piiblies dans la Revue 
juridique de Tokyo, concer- 
nant: le nouveau Code civil 
Suisse; la reformation du Code 
civil fran^ais; les regimes ma- 
trimoniaux, etude critique de 
droit compare. (1907-1911). 
Le Code civil Suisse mi Japan 
et en Chine. Lettre a la 
Gazette de Lausanne, de- 
cern bre 191 1 ). Membre de 
la Societe des Juristes suisses, 
de la Federation abolition- 
niste Internationale (Geneve), 
de la Societe de legislation 
comparee (Paris), de 1' As- 
sociation internationale pour 
la philosophie du droit (Ber- 
lin), de la Societe de geo- 
graphic (Tokyo). Address : 
Sg, Oimatsu-cho, Koishikawa- 
ku, Tokyo. 

Biigel, Joseph, Silk Inspect- 
or & Manager of Sieber & 
Co., Zuerich, and also of E. 
Zellweger & Co., A.G. Basle; 
i>. 5th. March 1879, Zuerich 
(Switzerland) ; n. Swiss; s. 
Franz Brigel; m. Marie nee 
Bachmann. 2".rJ'. since 1907 
Address: Yamashita-cho 90 b. 
P.O.B. 168: Tel.: ^x^j.. Clubs: 
Yokohanid United Club. 

Brokaw, Harvey, Clergyman 
and missionary; B- A., Park 
College, 1893; Rev. Presby- 
terian Church in U. S. A., 
b. April 20th, 1869; Middle- 

bush, New Jersey, U. S. A.; 
n. American; s. Peter Stry- 
ker Brokaw, Merchant; in. 
to Olivia Belle Forster, at 
Williamsport, Penna., Aug. 
31st, 1893. Edtic: Classical 
Course Park College; Theo- 
logical Course, two years at 
Western Theo. Sem., Pitts- 
burg, and one year at Au- 
burn Theo. Sem., Auburn, 
N.Y. graduated Theo. Sem., 
May, 1896; Sailed for Japan, 
Sept. 3rd, 1896, arrived Yo- 
kohama, Sept., 22nd, 1896; 
Three years at Kanazawa, 
Kaga; five years at Hiro- 
shima; after furlough of one 
year, served in Kure till 
present. T. r.J. See above. 
Address : Kure, Inari-machi, 
4 Ban, Tsugi 3 Banko. 

Brown, Charles, L., Master 
of Arts, Doctor of Divinity, 
Missionary and Educator; b. 
State of North California, U. 
S.A., Dec. 3, 1874; ;;. Ame- 
rican ; s. of R. H. Brown, 
Business and Agriculture; in. 
Virginia Frantz, daughter of 
M.P. Frantz, Business-man, 
Salem (town), (state) Virgi- 
nia, U.S.A. Educ: graduate 
of Roareake College, Salem, 
Virginia, Mt. Airy Theologi- 
cal Seminary, Philadelphia, 
pa., U.S.A.; Entire life since 
graduation given to mission- 
ary work and education in 
Island of Kyushu. Founded 

[ i6 ] 

Kyushu Gakuin, Kufflamoto, 
in "1911, of which institution 
is Dean. T.r.J.: 14 years. 
P'ublicatidn^: Newspape'r ar- 
ticles and pamphlets bearing 
on education and refigioifs 
work in Japan. Address: 
Kyushu Gakuin, Kurhaittoto, 

Brawnrigg, Sir, D. Capt., 
Bart. R.N.; b. July 25, 186.7,; 
4th Baronet. Entered R.N., 
1881. Naval Attache, China 
and Japan. Married. Ad- 
dress'. British Embassy. 

Bnisewitz, i4eiinart, Mer- 
chant, partner aiid managing 
director of Messrs J.A. Kjall- 
berg & Sons, Lt^-., Tokyo; 
b. Gbthenberg, Sweden, July 
28th, 1884; 11. Swedish; s. of 
Volrat Brusewitz, merchant; 
m. September 28th, 1911, to 
Signe Sundblad. Ediic: gra- 
duate from Higher Govern' 
ment School and Higher 
Commercial School at Ga- 
thenbe-rg. -After several years 
business experiences in Swe- 
den, Germany and England, 
came to Japan in 1906 and 
established the first Swedish 
firm ill japan. Address; 8, 
Fajii*ir''€iho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 
Td. : Shiba, '685 . Clubs : ' Y. 

Bryte, Bev. A.. V;, MisSicyfi- 
ary of Presbytefriah Churfch 
in the U.S.A. Arrived in 

Japan in 1882. Address: Port 
Arthur, Manchuria. 

Btyan, John Ingi'ain, S. A., 
Bat. A., M. liitt., te. » , JPh. t)., 
Teacher, clergyman; b. Al' 
bany, N. Y.; s. of Arthur 
Bryan; m. Lucy Silver Bry- 
an. Edtic: The University 
of Toronto, University and 
King's College, University of 
California and Univer^y df 
Pennsylvania. Rector Ch&rch 
of the Advent, Philadelphia, 
Teacher in Tokyo Univer- 
sities and Colleges, Editor of 
the Japan Magazine. T.r.J.: 
7 years. Re-creation: band 
work. -Publications: A Geo- 
graphy of Commerce, Volume 
of Poems, Articles in British 
and American Papers and 
Magazines. Address: 6\'J 
Shimo-shibuya, Tokyo. 

Brylinski, Roger, IS aval 
Officer, Sacred Treasure 4th 
Rank; b. Vosges (France), 
Jan., 1873; n. French; s. of 
Brylihski, civil engineer; in. 
to Jenny Scheurer. Educ: 
Entered Naval School, 1889. 
Promoted to Lieut-enant, Jan. 
1901. T.r.J. 3 years. Ad- 
dress: to, Hrnokr-cho, Aka- 
saka-ku, Tokyo. 

Buglrfid, F. H. Manager of 
Jardine, MathesOn & Co., L*d. 
l/dkohama;, b. in 1862 and 
joined the firm of Messrs 
Thos, Docwra '« Son, En- 
gteering CohtraletOts to 1879 

C E7 ] 

remaining with them until 
1885 when he came to Japan 
in the service of the Kana- 
gawa Kencho being employ- 
ed on the Water Works and 
the Harbour Works at Yo- 
kohama. On the completion 
of these Works in 1893 he 
was engaged by Messrs Jar- 
dine, Matheson & Co., to 
conduct their engineering 
business and was appointed 
in 1 910 representative of the 
firm of Jardine, Matheson <fe 
Co. Ltd., in Japan. Address: 
No. I. Yamashita-cho, Yoko- 
hama, F.O.B. No. 286. 7>/. 
No. 246. Long Dist. 785. 
Branches at 83, Kyo-machi, 
Kobe. 5. Oura, Nagasaki. 
Kaigandori, Shimonoseki. 

Bull, Illiss Leila, Mission- 
ary, Teacher of Protestant 
Episcopal Church, U. S. A., 
(have New York "State Cer- 
tificate "); b. Lebanon Springs, 
New York, U.S.A., 1846; n. 
American; d. of Judge Hamp- 
ton Champlain Bull. Ednc: 
graduate of Advanced Class, 
Academy of the Sacred 
Heart, Detroit, Michigan, U. 
S.A. Since always a student. 
After many years' of teaching 
in the United States, came 
to Japan in 1888; was con- 
nected with the Fitjin Gaku 
Shu Kwai and Kwan Sai 
Jos/ii Koto Gakko of Osaka 
for 1 X years, then for a years, 

wilih the Heian Jo Gahdn in 
Kyoto; in 1889, helped to 
found the St. John's Orphan- 
age (now called Sei Yohane 
Gaku. En) in Osaka; after 
furlough, in 1902 returned 
to Osaka. Is assisting the 
evangelistic, charitable and 
educational work of the Nip- 
pon Sei Ko Kwai, particu- 
larly in Kyoto its Kyoto 
Diocese. T.r.J.: since 1888, 
except I year's furlough. 
Recreations : reading and 
needle-work. Pvblication : 
only stray articles in mission 
magaiznes & church Papers. 
Address : 6, Kawaguchi-cho, 
Osaka. Clubs : President of 
Kyoto Diocesan Branch of 
the Woman's Auxiliary to 
the Mission Board of the 
Nippon Sei Ko Kwai. Mem- 
ber of W.C. I. U. and Purity 

Bullen, Walter Boftrdman, 
Missionary of the American 
Baptist Foreign Mission So- 
ciety; b. June 13, 1877, 
Pawtucket, R. L, U. S. A.; i. 
of George, Minister; m. tc 
Evelyn Olive Johnson, Ph. 
B. (Brown University 1899J, 
Aug. 16, 1904. Ednc: gra- 
duate of Rhode Island Nor- 
mal School, A. B. (Brown 
University 1899), A.M. (Ha- 
ward University 1903), B.D 
(Newton Theological Institu- 
tion 1904). Teacher of clas- 

[ i8 ] 

sics at Colby Academy, New 
London, N. H., 1 899-1901. 
T.r.J. 1904-9, 1912. Re- 
creations: tennis, well known 
as its champion. Address : 
Uchimaru, Morioka. 

Buncombe, William Bengel- 
ley, B. A. (Cambridge Univ., 
England), English Church 
Missionary; b. June 12, 1856, 
Taunton, Somerset, England; 
71. English; s. of William 
Buncombe, solicitor (law- 
yer); m. to Miss Emily J. 
Hansell, April 23, 1885. 
■ Ediic.: Taunton Grammar 
School, British College, and 
Cambridge University, 1883. 
Ordained Dean of Cherch of 
England, and Curate at 
Kingston Hill, London; 1884, 
ordained Priest, Curate of 
Portland Square, Bristol ; 
1888, call to Japan, resided 
at Osaka, April to Sept.; 
went to Tokushima, Sept. 
1888, Oct. 1893; after 2 
years in England, returned 
to Japan, and have lived in 
Tok3'o since 1896, but have 

twice paid visit to England, 
T.r.J. 24 years. Address: 52 
A., Tsukiji, Kyobashi-ku, 

Bunting', Ernest Isaac, Mer- 
chant, Proprietor of Isaac 
Bunting & Co., Yokohama; 
b. at Yokohama, Sept. 24, 
1 881; n. British (English); s.- 
of Isaac Bunting, merchant. 
Editc.: Local. T.r.J. since 
188 r. Recreations: sports in 
general, shooting, fishing, 
etc. Address: lOO, Yama- 
shita-cho, Yokohama. Chibs: 
Member of the British As- 
sociation and Foreign Board 
of Trade. 

Burden, "W. D., Missionary ; 
b. in 1872, Grant Co., Wis- 
consin, U.S.A.; s. of Thomas 
Burden; m. to Margie Gra- 
inger, June 30, 1897. Edtic: 
studied at Healdsburg Col- 
lege, Cal., U.S.A. Came to 
Japan as a missionary of the 
Seventh-day Adventist De- 
nomination in 1898. Address: 
846, Sendagaya, Tokyo. 

[ 19 ] 

Caldwell, John Itenneth, 
Bachelor of Literature, Berea 
College ; (Berea, Kentucky) ; 
Assistant Japanese Secretary 
of tlie American Embassy, 
Tokyo; b. Piketon, Ohio, Oct- 
ober 16, 1881; n. American; 
s. James Oscar Caldwell, civil 
engineer ; m. to Miss Grace 
Thompson at Tokyo on June 
16, 1908. Miic: Public 
schools and High School in 
Pueblo, Colorado, -Salem. Aca- 
demy, South Salem, O. and 
Berea College, Berea Ken- 
tucky, graduating in 1905 
as Bachelor of Literature; 
appointed to Laboratory of 
Supervising Architect, Trea- 
sury Department, Washing- 
ton; in Oct. 1906 Student 
Interpreter to Japan ; April 
1909 Vice and Deputy Con- 
sul General and Interpreter 
in Yokohama; Dec. 1909 
Assistant Japanese Secretary 
to the Embassy, Tokyo ; 
Jan. and Eeb. 1911 tempo- 
rarily in charge of Consulate 
at Dairen, Manchuria. He- 
creations : baseball, tennis, 
sailing, motorcycling. Ad- 
dress : American Embassy or 
5 Enokizaka-machi, Aka- 
saka-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Td.: 
Shiba 144:. Clubs: Tennis 
Club and Baseball Club, 

Cameron, Alexander, Mer- 
chant, Director of A. Came- 
ron and Co. . Educ. : Gram- 
mer School, Grantown-on- 
Spey, Scotland. Served ap- 
prenticeship in office of late 
Donald Grant, solicitor, 
Grantown-ou-Spey; came to 
Japan, Jan., 1889; establish- 
ed firm of A. Cameron & 
Co., Nov., 1893; opened a 
branch at Yokohama, 1904; 
acquired the export business 
of A. De Ath & Co., 1905, 
the two firms becoming a 
limited Co. in May, 1906 
and is now a director of 
A. Cameron & Co., Limited.; 
President, Kobe St. Andrew's 
Society, 1905-7. Cluh: Kobe. 
Address: A. Cameron & Co., 
Ltd., Kobe, Japan ; " The 
Cappice," Grantownon-Spey, 

Campbell, W.W., Agent of 
Pacific Mail S. S. Co., O. & 
O. S. S. Co. and T5yo Kisen 
Kaisha, Kobe. Joined the 
Pacific Mail S.S. Co. in San 
Francisco, 1887; came to 
Yokoloama in 1888, and 
entered the agency; after 
remaining in Yokohama 
over 9 year he was trans- 
ferred to Hongkong as ac- 
countant; was then promot- 
ed to chief- clerkship of the 
Company's agency in Kobe, 
and in 1902, was appointed 
agent of the three steamship 

[ 20 ] 

companies; is connected with 
various societies. Address: 
Pacific Mail Steamship Co., 
83, Kyo-machi and 93, Kita- 
no-machi Shichome, Kobe. 

Carre, Arthur Robert, Mana- 
ger of Anglo- Japanese Bank, 
Ltd., Tokyo; b. 1868 in 
Ceylon; n. British. Educ.: 
in England. Banking in 
England and the Far East 
since 1835. T. r. J. : since 
1906, 6 years. Recreccdkms: 
golf, teimis and billiards. 
Address: 6 and 7, Tori- 
Nichome, Nihonbashi, Tokyo. 
Tel.: Honkyokn, 3905. Glwb: 
Yokohama United Club. 

Carst, Jan, Marine surveyor 
(now retired); h. June 80, 
1836, Amsterdam, Holland; 
has 3- sons and 3 daugh- 
ters. Captain of the Dutch 
sailling ship named " Nip- 
pon." Left Holland in 1864; 
went to Batavia, from Bata- 
via came to Japan, and 
arrived at Yokohama, June, 
1865. T. r. J. : since June 
1865. Address: 25-B, Bluff, 

Carst, Jeppe, Shipmaster 
of the Dutch Sailling Ship 
" Argonaut." Came to Yoko- 
hama with the opening of 
the port, in 1859. T. r. J. : 
since 1859. Address: 25-B, 
Bluff, Yokohama. 

Cary,. Mrs. EUen Emerson, 
Missionary and teacher; h. 

Francestown, N.H., U.S.A.; n. 
American; d. of Kimball 
Webster Emerson, granite 
dealer; to. to Otis Cary, Dee. 
18, 1877. Educ.: Frances- 
town Academy (1876), Abbot 
Academy (1877). Arrived in 
Japan March 3, 1878, as 
missionary of American 
Board; since 1905 a teacher 
in the Doshisha Girls' 
School, Kyoto. T. r. J.: 
since' 1878. Address: Kara- 
sumaru-dori, Ichijo sagaru, 

Cary, Otis, Doctor of Di- 
vinity (Amherst College, 
1904), Missionary and tea- 
cher; b. Foxboro, Mass., U. 
S.A.; n. American; s. of 
Hon. Otis Cary, iron foun- 
der; TO. to EUen M. Emerson, 

1877. ^rfttc: Foxboro High 
School, 1868; Amherst Col- 
lege, 1872; Andover Theolo- 
gical Seminary, 1877. Ar- 
rived in Japan as Missionary 
of American Board, 1878; 
since 1892 connected with the 
Doshisha Schools in Kyoto; 
now Professor of Sociology 
and sacred rhetoric in Theo- 
logical Department of the 
Doshislia Univ. T.r.J.: since 

1878. PiMicaiions: "The 
Man Who Feared God for 
Naught," " Japan and its 
Kegeneration," "Virtute Ex- 
cerptae," " Later Cary 
Poems," " A History of 

[ 21 ] 

Christianity in Japan," also 
in Japanese: "Commentaries 
on Job and Corinthians," 
" Handbook for Svmday 
School Teachers," etc. Ad- 
dress: Karasumaru-dori, I- 
chijo sagaru, Kyoto. 

Carter, Edward Philip, Ma- 
naging director of the Samuel 
and Samuel & Co., Yoko- 
hama; n. British; s. of E.M. 
Carter, Colonel. Educ: The 
New College, Oxford. T.r.J. : 
2 years. Address: 25, Bluff, 
Yokohama; Samuel (& Sa- 
muel cfe Co., Yokohama. 
Clnbs: New Oxford & Cam- 

Clia»iberlaiii, Basil Hall, 
emeritus professor of Im- 
perial University; b. Oct. 
18, 1850, at South-sea. 
Educ: French Lycee, and 
English private tutor. Has 
been connected with Japan 
Educational Department for 
over twenty years. Publica- 
tions: "The Classical Poetry 
of the Japanese," 1880; 
"Translation of the Kojiki," 
1883; A Eomanised Japa- 
nese Eeader, 1886; The 
Languaue, Mythology, and 
Geographical Nomenclature 
of Japan, viewed in the 
light of Aino Studies, 1887; 
Luchuan Grammer, 1895; 
" Handbook of Colloquial 
Japanese," 3rd edition, 1898; 
Practical Introduction to the 

Study of Japanese Writing, 
1899; "Things Japanese," 
6th edition, 1905; Murray's 
Japan, 3rd and subsequent 
editions (in collaboration 
with W. B. Mason), 1891- 
1903; many papers in Trans- 
actions of Asiatic Society of 
Japan, and other learned 
societies; and several works 
in Japanese. Address: 12 
rue de I'Athenee, Geneva, 
Champmorin, Paul de, Agent 

of the Messageries Mari- 
times Co.; b. Sept. 30, 1868, 
in Pondieherry (French In- 
dia); n. FroncL; s. of a 
naval officer, .-\ttache to the 
Government of the Indes 
I'ran9aises; m. to Mrs. 
Champmorin, d. of a govern- 
or. T. r. J. : about 4 years. 
Address: Agent, M.M. & Co., 
9, Bund, Yokohama. 

Chappell, Rev. Benjamin, A. 
^•. Clergyman; b. April 3, 
1852; m'. June 21, 1890. 
Educ: Mount Allison Univ., 
Canada; graduated A. B., 
Mount Allison, 1873; A. M., 
1881. Entered the Metho- 
dist Ministry in 1874; pas- 
torate of churches in New 
Brunswick and Prince Ed- 
ward Island, Canada, 1874- 
1880, and 1882-1889; Mis- 
sionary work among new 
settlers in Britis-h Columbia, 
1880-1882; joined Japan 

[ 22 ] 

Conference of Methodist 
Episcopal Church, 1890; 
Dean of School of Theology, 
Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, 
1896-1897; Dean of college 
and principal of Academy, 
Aoyamagaknin, Tokio, 1899- 
19()(). PuhUcations: " Chris- 
tL'mity and War." Address: 
Aoyamagaknin, Tokyo. 

Ch.imenz, Salvatore i'., 
Vice -Consul for Argentine 
Republic, holder of Ked 

Cross Society Silver Medal, 
Gold Medal from Academie 
d'Histoire Futernationale, 

Paris; h. Naples, 1876; n. 
Italian; s. Filippo Cliimenz, 
merchant; m. 1906 to Miss 
Costanza Maria Luraschi. 
Educ. Roman College, Rome. 
Judge at Italian Consulate, 
Port-Said (Egypt), Perils 
Commerctale, commercial ex- 
pert, Tice-Cousul in charge 
in 1906. Vice-Consul from 
17th September 1908; Pro- 
fessor of Italian language 

at the Imperial Academy 
of Foreign Languages; speaks 
eight languages. T. r. J. 
since September 1896. Pm6- 
lications: Translation of 31o- 
rtiotaro in Italian. " Tra un 
mese iu morrai " (Drama in 
3 Acts) " Guida di conver- 
sazioni e Vocabola rio Italo- 
Giapponese." Addreess: Ya- 
mashita cho No. 217. Tel: 
No. 1519. Gh(bs: Founder 
of Port-Said Sporting Cl.-.b, 
Yokohama Social Club, Italo- 
Japanese Society, Japanese - 
America-Latena. Dante ali- 
zhieri, Societa di Benefioen- 
za italiana, Banta mnsi(;ale 

Cholmondeley, Rev. Xiionel 
Beruers, M.A., Oxon; Clergy- 
man; h. Dec, 11, 1858; s. of 
Hon and Rev Canon Chol- 
mondeley. Educ. : Up- 

pingham School and Oriel 
College, Oxford; Beaufort 
Exhibitioner, Oriel College, 
Oxford. Deacon, 1884, or- 
dained Priest by the Bishop 
of Traro, 1885; Curate of 
Kenwyn, Cornwall, 1884-87; 
anived in Japan, 1887; 
Chaplain to Bishop Bicker- 
steth, 1887-1897; Hon Cha- 
plain to the British Embassy, 
Tokyo, since 1902. Gltib: 
Royal Societies. Address: 
25, Iwato-cho, Ushigome, 

Clai'k, Charles Allen, 

[ 23 ] 

Bachelor of Arts, Doctor of 
Divinity, clergyman mis- 
sionary; h. Spring Valley, 
Min., U.S.A., May 14, 1878; 
n. American; s. of William 
Oliver CLirk, contractor and 
builder; m. to Mabel Craft, 
Jmae 17, 1902. itiwc: Uni- 
versity of Minnesota, McCer- 
mi(ik Theological Seminary, 
Chicago, 111. Missionary 
work, professor in Theolo- 
gical Seminary, 1908, in 
Depart meut of Homiletics. 
T. r. in Chosen: 10 years. 
PuUicaiions: " Homiletics," 
book in Korean Language, 
B a W «I. Address: Keijo, 

Clark, Cyrus Alonzo, A. B., 
B.D., A.M., Missionary; b. 
JvTie 11, 1851; n. American; 
s. of A. H. Clark. Timer; m. 
Jmie 22, 1887. Muc: Alis- 
ther College Jind Theological 
Seminary. Missionary. T. 
r. J.: 25 years. Becreailons: 
hard work''. Address: Mi- 
yazaki, H up.a, Japan. 

Clausse, Soger, Counsellor 
of the French Embassy 
since 1911; h. July 24, 
1865, Paris; n. French; s. 
of Gustave Clatisse; m. to 
Countess I. de Salveste. 
Served as di].ilomat; has 30 
French and Foreign Deco- 
rations. T.r.J.: since 1911. 
Recreaiions: sporis. PuUi- 
ca'Aon':: jNlany publications 

in French. Address: 13, 
Keinanzaka-maci) i, Akn saka- 
ku, Tolcyo. Tel: Sliiba, 
120. Clubs: all Clubs in 

Clenieat, Earnest Wilsou, 
Teacher, Author; h. Febr. 
21, 1860, Dubuque. Iowa; 
s. (elder) of Jesse Clement; 
m. to Nellie Hall, 1887; 3 
child I'en: lone (d.), born 
Mito, Japan, 1889; Ruth 
(d.), born Chicago, 111., U. 
S.A., 1892; Edward J. (s.), 
born Be,i\ei Dam, Wis., 

U. S.A., 1894. EdMc: Uni- 
versity of Chicago: B. A., 
1880; Valedictory; Senior 
Essay Prize ; Phi Beta 
Kappa; M. A., 1883. Tea- 
cher in America, 1881-1887, 
1891-1895; Teacher Ibara- 
ki Middle Scliool, Mito, 
Japan, 1887-1891. Princi- 
pal Tokyo Gakuin (Duncan 
Baptist Academy), 189i5- 
1911; Professor English, 
First Higher School, Tokyo, 

[ 24 ] 

1911; Chicago, CoiTespondent 
of " Japan Mail," 1891-1895. 
Special Cbrrespondent of 
" Chicago Daily News," 
1895- ; Editor of '' Japan 
Evangelist," 1899-1909; 

Editor of " Christian Move- 
ment in Japan," 1906-1909; 
Contributor to various papers 
and magazines, Japan and 
America ; Librarian, Asiatic 
Society of Japan, 1896- 
1900, ■ 1912-; KecordiDg 
Secretary, Asiatic Society of 
Japan, 1907-1909. Acting- 
Interpreter American Lega- 
tion, 1896-1897, 1906-1907. 
Author: Papers Asiatic 
Soc'ety of Japan: "The 
Tokugawa Princes of Mito," 
"The Mito Civil War"; 
" Chinese Refugees of the 
Seventeenth Century in 
Mito"; " Instractions of a 
jMito Prince"; "Japanese 
Calendjirs "; " Mito Samurai 
and llritish Sailors in 
1824"; "Japanese Medical 
3?o]k-love;" "Japanese Chro- 
nology;" "Hand book of 
Modern Japan;" "Japanese 
Floral Calender"; "Chris-' 
tianity in Modern Japan"; 
(Editor) Hildreth's " Japan 
as it Was and Is." Becrea- 
tions: reading; base-ball. 
Church: Baptist. GM>s: Psi- 
upsilon; International Press 
Association. Address: No. 
127, Goten-machi, Koishi- 

kawa-ku, Tokyo. 

Coates, Eev. Harper Have- 
lock, B. A., M. A., B. 0, D. D;, 

all from Victoria University, 
Toronto, Canada, Missionary, 
Superintendent Central Ta- 
bernacle, Hongo, Tokyo and 
Professor of New Testa- 
ment Theology and Exegesis 
in Aoyama Gakuin Theolo- 
gical Department; b. Pres- 
cott, Ontario, Canada, Feb. 
18, 1865; 11. Canadian; s. of 
James E. Coates, business- 
man; TO. Sept. 7. 1893. 
Educ: Public and High 
School, Prescott, Ont., and 
Victoria University, Cob- 
ourg, Ont., Canada (since 
removed to Toronto). After 
graduation in 1885, entered 
the work of the ministry of 
the Methodist Church, 
Canada, in the Montreal 
Conference till coming to 
Japan in Sept. 1890, where 
he taught in Middle and 
Normal Schools in Tsu 
(Mie-ken), Doshisha (Kyoto), 
Hokuetsu Gakkwan (Niigata- 
ken), and Toyo Eiwa Gakko 
(Azabu-ku, Tokyo). From 
1892 to 1904, he was mis- 
sionary superintendent of 
Central Tabernacle, HoEgo, 
Tokyo, since which he has 
been professor of New Testa- 
ment Exegesis and Theology 
in Aoyama Gakuin, Tokyo, 
he is now re-appointed Mis- 

[ 25 ] 

sionary Supeiinteudent of 
Central Taberuacle, Hongo, 
Tokyo. He is also a student 
now in the Daigaku-in of 
the Imperial University of 
Tokyo, in Oriental philo- 
sophy and religion in the 
College of Literature. T. r. 
J.: since 1890. Address: 
32, Kami Tomizaka-cho, 
Koishikawa-lai, Tokyo. 

Cooking, Samuel, Eetired; 
h. Marcli 1845, Camberwell, 
England; n. Bi'itish; s. of 
late Snmuel Cocking, archi- 
tect, Public ^Vorks Dept., 
Victoria, Australia; m. to 
Miyatfi Eiki. Educ: Church 
of England Grammar 

School, ]VJ elhouvne, Australia. 
Arrived in Yokohama. Marcli 
5, 1869; in a ship owned by 
himself named the " Jeddo." 
Went immediately with To- 
kugawa people North and 
arranged to live in Nambu 
under the auspices of the 
Caimio of that province. 
But the Revolution being 
ended and soon after the 
" Han " abolished, retm'ned 
to Yokohama and started in 
business as a merchant. 
Eirst to introduce the 
electric light in Japan, 
also bicycling and many 
other foreign ideas. The 
pioneer of the oil of 
peppermint and menthol 
kade, and the first to 

make the latter article 
known to the world as 
a pharmaceutical agent. 
Whence in America and 
Europe, " Cocking's Men- 
thol " was a household 
word. Also introduced the 
scientific manufacture of 
soap and at his original 
factory nearly aU that is 
known of tliat art was 
first learned by Japanese. 
His gardens and orchid 
homes at Enoshima were 
known all over Japan and 
hfjive been taken as a model 
for all horticulturists of the 
foreign school, and his 
collection of plants there 
were celebrated. Controlled 
up to 1894 nearly the 
whole of the chemical, 
drug and photographic 
material irade. Since 

retired, devoting himself to 
fine arts, of which his 
Japanese collection is unique 
among modern ones, special- 
ly valuable in Cha-no-yu, 
paintings, etc. and many of 
priceless vahie. His library 
of foreign photographic 
literatures is one of the 
most valuable private collec- 
tions extant. T. r. J.: 45 
years. Recreations. : fine 
arts, photography, litera- 
ture, horticulture. Pvblica- 
tioiis: local contributions. 
Address: 26. Hiranuma-cho 

[ 26 ] 

2 chome, Yokohama. 

Cogolin, Jean de Cuers de, 
Bill broker, holder of the 
Chevalier de la Legion 
d'Honnetir; h. Hyeres Sept. 
21, 1856; n. French; s. of 
Henri de Cuers de Cogolin; 
m. to a Japanese lady. 
Uduc.: Military School, St. 
Cyr, 1876-1878. French 
Officer, 1878-1886; Jonrna- 
lisfc, 1886-1896 in Tonkin; 
Ciime to Jap.'in (Yokohama), 
Nov. 1896. President of 
L'AUiance Fran9aise (Yoko- 
hama). Address: (Office) 72, 
Yamashita-cho, Yokohama ; 
(Residence) 127-F, Bluff, 
Yokohfima. Td. : 3377. 
Glubs: Yokohama United 
Club; Club Germauia. 

Colborne, dr, W.W., Medical 
Missionary; b. . 1857; m. 
1894. Educ.: Manilla Hall, 
Clifton. Assistant Resident 
Surgeon, New Somerset 
Hospital, Capetown, South 
Afi-ioa, 1881-83 ; jMedical 
Missionary, Kv/angtvmg Pro- 
vince, Nortli China, 1890- 
96 ; Medical Missionary, Ha- 
kodate, from 1898. Address: 
Yawata, HojO, Boshiu, Prov. 

Cole, Howard Elisworth., 
General manager, Standnrd 
Oil Co. of New York for 
Japan and China; b. Feb. 
13, 1873, Cleveland, Ohio., 
U.S.A.; 71. American; s. of 
E. Cole, merchant. Educ.: 

Public School, High School 
and private tutor. T. r. J.: 
5 years. Add^-ess: 8, Bund, 
Yokohama. Chibs: Yoko- 
hama United Club; Tokyo 
Club; Yokohama Social 
Club; Mosquite Yacht Club; 
Yokohama Cricket & Ath- 
letic Club. 

Cole, Bufus, Sidman, Agent 
foi' Singer Sewing Machine 
Co. for Japan, Korea, For- 
mosa & South Manchuria; 
b. in State of New Jersey, 
U.S.A.; n. American; m. to 
Cana Louise Cole. Conti- 
nuoiis services with the 
above Company, since June 
1894. T. r. J.': since March 
1910. Address: 46-D, Bluff, 
Yokohama; 23, Yamashita- 
cho, Yokohama ; P.O. Box, 
160, Yokohama. Tel. : 1597. 
Glwbs : Yokohama United 
Club; Negishi Golf Club; 
Executive Com. of Colum- 
bian Society and American 
Asiatic Society. 

Colenaan, Horace Emery, 
BatcheJor of science, tea- 
cher and missionary; b. 
July 18. 1873, Blooming- 
dale, Indiana, U.S.A. ; n. 
American ; s. o^ Elijah T. 
Coleman, merchant; m. 
Acg. 13, 1897. Educ: 
graduate of Earlham 

College, Richmond, Indiana, 
B.S; ; three years graduate 
in University of Chicago; 

[ 27 ] 

Brief study also in Hanvard 
University. General Secre- 
tary of Y.M.O.A. in Indiana, 
Honolnlu, H.I., East Wey- 
mouth, Mass. and Ann 
j^i'bor, ^^eh., in all 10 
years. Came to Japan 
March 1907. T.r.J.: since 
March 10, 1907-5 year & 
half. Secreations : tennis, 
base-ball, bicycle, mountain 
tramping. Publications: Out- 
line study of teacluDg of 
Old Testament of Bible (in 
Japanese). Address: 53, 
Isarago-cho, Shiba-iiu, Tokyo. 
CMs: Tokyo Tennis Ciub 
(just joining). 

Conder, Prof. Josiah, F.S.I. 
B.A., Emeritus professor, 
Imperal University; b. Sept. 
28, 1852. Educ.: Bedford 
Commercial School; took 
Harper's £ 200 premium at 
Bedford School; took Soaii 
medallion and travelling 
studentship at Koyal Insti- 
tute of British Architects. 
Engaged as professor oS: 
architecture and practising 
architect by Imperial Public 
Works Department of Japa- 
nese Government in 1876 ; 
carried out many important 
public and private building; 
transferred to Temporary 
Imperial Palace Building 
Bureau in 1881, and after- 
wards to Home Department, 
where still holds position of 

Honorary Adviser in Archi- 
tecture; lecturer on archi- 
tecture at Imperial Univer- 
sity, 1886-88; elected 
emeritus professor at the 
Imperial University in 1902; 
1st honorary president of 
the Society of Japanese 
Architects; honorary member 
of the Japanese Engineering 
Society. Decoration : ith 
class order of Rising Sun, 
Japan; 3rd class order of 
Sacred Treasure, Japan. 
Puhlicaiions: " Landscape 

Gardening in Japan; " The 
Floral Art of Japan," etc., 
etc. Address: 25, Mikawa, 
Daimachi, Azabu-ku, Tokyo, 

Cooke, Allan Worthington, 
B. D., Missionarv (American 
Church Mission); l. Dec. 29, 
1872; Annapolis, Maryland, 
U. S. A.; n. American; s. 
Augustus Paul Cooke, Cap- 
tain U. S. Navy, deceased 
Sept. 7, 1896; m. Nov. 26. 
1901. EdMc: PhilHps Exeler 
Academy, 1891 ; Sheffield 
Scientific School 1894, non- 
gxaduate ; ' ' Nash otah House ' ' 
(Theological) 1899; Hai-vard 
Divinity School, P.G. 1906- 
7. T.r.J. since Oct. 1899. 
Publications: Kelclcon liikon. 
(Kyo Bun Kwan, Meiji 41.) 
Address: 9, Moto kaji cho, 
Sendai. Clubs: Yale, Har- 

[ 28 3 

Cooper, Albert Edward, 
Merchant, senior partner of 
Cooper & Co.; h. Feb. 14, 
1885, at Norwood, England; 
n. English; ,9. of A.T. Cooper, 
merchant. Educ. : Public 
School. T.r.J. : 10 years. Be- 
creaiions: yachting, football, 
cricket. Address: 207, Bluff, 
Yokohama ; 48-B, Settle- 
ment, Yokohama; P.O. Box, 
241, Yokohama. Te?.: 1593. 
Chbs : Yokohama United 
Gluh; Counter Member of 
Y.V.C. & Silk Association. 

Coofer, Sherman E., B.C.S., 
Missionary; h. May 20, 
1875, Lawrence Co., 111., 
U.S.A.; n. American; s. of 
David P. Cooper, farmer; 
ra. June 30, 1903, to Miss 
Rose Jjoomis of Fountain, 
Cole., U.S.A.. Educ: com- 
mercial and literary. In 
1902 he became assistant 
principal of Washington 
Springs Seminary in South 
Dakota, a school of college 
preparatory grade. But he 
was promoted to the prin- 
cipalship in a few months, 
which position he held until 
1904 when he accepted the 
principalship of the com- 
mercial . department of 
Greenville College, Illinois. 
In 1905 he was accepted 
by the General Missionary 
Board of the Free Methodist 
Church as a missionary to 

Japan. He arrived in Kobe 
Feb. 23 1906, was appointed 
treasurer of the mission in 
October, 1907, and continued 
to hold this office till Octo- 
ber, 1911 when he was 
appointed superintendent of 
the mission, which position 
he occupies at the present 
time. T. r. J.: since Febr. 
23, 1906. Address: Totsu- 
mura, Akashi, Japan. 

Correll, Irvin H., Doctor 
of Divinity, Missionary 
Clergyman; b. Mt. Bethel, 
Penna., U.S.A.. Oct. 30, 
1851; 71. American; s. of 
Philip Correll, farmer ; m. 
to Miss Jennie, Feb. 
13, 1873. Bdnc: graduate 
of Pennsylvania Normal 
College. Dr's Degree from 
Dickinson CoUfge. Mission- 
ary in Yokohama and 
Tokyo, 1873-1889. Pres't 
Aoyama Gakuin, 1887-1896. 
Missionary of Protestant 
Episcopal Church, 1901. 
T.r.J.: since June 30, 1873. 
Publications : Several works 
Japanese. Address: Atago- 
no-shita, Tsu-shi, Mie-keu, 

Cotton, Ljnuan Atkinson, 
Naval Officer, Lieutenant 
Commander, U.S. Navy, 
holder of Medals for 
Spanish ' American War, 
Philippine Insurrection and 
]3oxei' Campaign; h. North 

[ 29 ] 

Carolina, U.S.A., Deq. 18, Sorbonne (University of 

1874; n. American (U.S.) ; s. Paris). Professor at tlu^ 

of Robert Kaudolpli Gotten, Lycees of Constantino 

planter; m. Jiily 16, W08, (Algeria), La Roclielle and 

to Elizabeth Bro^vnringg Eouen (France); tutor to 

Henderson. Educ: graduate the son of M. Loubet, 

of U. y. Naval Academy, President of the French 

1898. Spanish American Eepubllc (1904 -1905) ; tutor 

War, 1898; Philippine Insur- to T. T. I, I. H. H. the sous 

rection, 1899; Boxer and grandsons of H.I.M. 

liebellion. North China, Mozafler-ed-Din, Shah of 

1900. 2'. r. J. : since Feb. Persia (among whom was 

1912. Address: 13, Ichiban- the reigning monarch H.l. 

cho, Kojimachi-ku, Tolyo. M. Ahmed Shall) (1906- 

Td.: Baucho, 2910. Glvbs: 1909). T.r.J.: 2 years and 

Tokyo Club. half. Hecreaiions: study of 

Crowe, Edward Thomas tlie Japanese language, 

Frederick, H.IH. Commercial literatm\^ and religiojis. 

Attache, holder of C. M. G.; Address: 38, Sakuragi-cho, 

h. Aug. 20, 1877; n. British; Shitaya-ku, Tokyo. 

5. of Alfred Ijouis Crowe Craekanthorpe, Dayrell E. 
(late); m. to Eleanor Lay. m., 1st Secretary of the 
Uduc: Bedford Grammar British Embassy; h. Sept. 
School. T.r.J.: since 1897. 9, 1871; n. British; s. 
Address: H.B.M. Embassy, of M. Crackanthorpe, K.C. 
Tokyo. Clubs: Tokyo; married. Educ.: Cambridge. 
Yokohama United; Kobe. Entered diplomatic service, 

Cotie, Josepli, Iff. A. Lit., 1897. Address: British Em- 

M.A. Phil., Agrege de I'Uni- bassy, Tokyo. 

versite, lectm-er on Greek Crombie, BEiss Eilzabeth. 

and Latin languages and lite- Mary, Missionary; h. Canada; 

ratures. College of Literature, ii. British. T.r.J. : 19 years. 

Tokyo Imperial Univrsity; Address: Eiwa Jo-Gakko, 

holder of the 2nd Order Shizuoka. 

(Grand Officier) of the Lion Oaraming, ■William MilUgan, 

and the Sun (of Persia), and M.I. Mech. E., Engines>r ; h. 

Scientific Merit (of Persia); 1876, Manchester, England; 

6. Aug. 25, 1876, Clerieux, n. British; s. of William 
Drome (Fi-aiice); n. French- Alexander Cumming, mer- 
man; ra. Bachelor. Educ: chant. Manager for Japan 

[ 30 ] 

and China for Alfred Her- 
bert Ltd., Coventry, Eng. 
Engineers. Established 

Office in Japan, 7 years 
ago. T.T.J.: 7 years. Bec- 
7-eaiions : yachting, golf, 
tennis, motoring, billiards. 
Address: 142-C, Bluff, Yo- 
kohama. Clubs: Yokohama 
United Club. 

Cunningliairi, William. Day- 
ton, M.E., B.A., Missionary 
and teacher of English; b. 
July 19. 1864, Pittsbury, 
Pa., U.S.A.; n. American; 
s. of M. G. Cunningham, 
farmer; m. to Emily B. 
Boyd, June 2, 1898. Muc. : 
Bethany College and 

Wooster University, U.S.A. 
Prof, mathematics in Nor- 
mal College, 1889-90; lec- 
turer on hermeneutics in 
College of Disciples, 1894- 
98; teacher of Engjish in 

Nobles' College, Tokyo, 
1903-4. T.r.J.: since 1901. 
Publications: A few booklets 
on Christianity and Educa- 
tion. Address: 6, Naka-cho, 
Yotsuya-ku, Tokyo. 

Curtis, Frederick Stiles, 
Missionary of P.M.; b. Nor- 
walk. Conn., U.S.A., Oct. 1, 
1861; n. American; s. of D. 
S. Curtis, Merchant. Educ.: 
Princeton Theol. Seminary. 
Came to Japan in 1887. 
20 year missionary life in 
Japan, 5 years in Chosen. 
T. r. J. <& Chosen : 25 years. 
Address: Ruzan, Chosen. 

Cuthbert, Kev. William 
James; J. Jan. 6, 1877; m. 
Margaret, d. of the late 
Consul Jahn Simpon. Educ.: 
private tutors ; Kashotah 
Seminary, U.S.A. Address: 
Okazaki-cho, Maruta maohi, 
Hiromichi Kado, Kyoto. 

[ 31 ] 


I>avis, E. C, Managing 
director of Samuel, Samuel 
& Co., Yokohama; h. 1874 
in England. EdiijC. : St. Paul's 
School, London, and later on 
at Heidelberg, Germany. 
Since 1901, he lias been the 
resident partner of the firm 
in Yokohama; was chairman 
of the Yokohama Foreign 
Board of Trade for two years, 
and still remains a member 
of the committee; has been 
the medium of several large 
financial transactions with 
the Japanese, notably the 
Kansai Railway 4bl% de- 
benture loan for £1,000,000, 
two loans to the City of 
Yokohama, and one loan to 
the City of Osaka, besides 
numerous loans for industrial 
concerns; he supplied in 
large quantities war material 
to the Im.perial Army and 
Navy during the Eusso- 
Japanese war, and during 
that time exported Internal 
bonds to the London market 
to the extent of over ¥ 50, 
000,000. Address : 216, Bluff, 

Davis, Kiss Euth. Frances, 
A. B., liepresentative in Ja- 
pan of the Worlds' Women's 
Christiftn Temperance Union; 
b. Wausau, Wis., U.S.A.; n. 
American; d. of Dr. J. S. 

Davis, Clergyman. Educ: 
graduate of Boston Univer- 
sity. T. r. J.: 4 years. 
Add^'css: 30, Koun-cho, Mita, 
Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 

Davidson, Henry William, 
'^- A., gee. to chief commis- 
sioner of Corean Customs; 
I. Nov. 25, 1878. Ediic.: 
Aberdeen Univ., gi-ad. M.A., 
1899. Joined Imperial Corean 
Customs in 1901; since that 
time has been stationed at 
the head office at Sfeoul. 
Address: Seoul, Corea. 

Davison, Charles Steivart, 
A.B., B.D., Clergyman; b. 
Febr. 14, 1877, Nagasaki, 
Japan; n. American; s. of 
J,C. Davison, D. D., Clergy- 
man; m. to Miss Florence 
Bower, Scranton, Penna., 
U.S.A., June 1, 1905. Edtm.: 
Dickinson College, Pa.; Drew 
Theological Seminary. 2 
Years' pastorate in Newark, 
N., 1901-1903; resident in 
Sendai, Japan, 1903-1907; 
Treasurer Famine Kelief 
Committee; teacher in Ao- 
yama Gakuin, 1907 to the 
present. T. r. J.: From 
birth until 1891 and from 
1903 to the present. Ad- 
dress : 3, Aoyama gakuin, 

De Becker, Josepli Earnest, 
Solicitor; b. Dec, 7, 1863, at 
London; m. 1900, Ethel 
Dorothy Suzu, d. of late 

[ 32 ]; 

Takegjiki, formesy rainister 
of i)aimyo of Nagaoka, 
Ecliigo Province. Educ. : 
Great Britain. Went to 
America as yOUng- man; 
arrived in Japan, 1887; was 
en^iged iu commerce some 
years, during which attention 
was attracted to subject of 
judicial reform; was led to 
make elaborate study of 
Japanese language, customs 
nnd laws; for 12 years 
previous to treaty revision 
followed each step in compi- 
Lition of modem Codes; 
when treaties were finally 
i"evised was appointed by 
Imjjerial Japanese Govern- 
ment Special Commissioner 
of Judicial Department to 
assist in interpretation of 
complicated foreign cases; 
was engaged in celebrated 
Miller triple murder case 
very day after revised 
Treaties came into force. 
PiMicxdions: " Japanese Self 
Taught", "The Nightless 
City," " liamakura, the City 
of Silent Temples "; " Japan- 
ese Partnership and Com- 
' panions"; translater of many 
of existing laws, and has 
written several books on Ja- 
panese legal matters. Olvhs: 
Tokyo; Yokohama United. 
Address: Yuigahama, Kama- 
kura-machi, Soshiu and 70, 
Yamashitacho, Yokohama. 

De jPores*^, Mrs. J. H., Mis- 
sionary of American Board 
of Commissioners for Foreign 
JMission. Arrived iu Japan 
in 1874, T.r.J.: since 1874. 
Address: 7,:Minami Rokken- 
cho, Sendai. 

Dearingr, John Xiincolu, S.D., 
Clergyman (missionary); b. 
Webster, Maine, U. S. A. 
December 10th, 1858; n. 
American; s . Joseph H. 
Dearing, farmer; m. Mary 
Lyons Hinckley, of Lynn, 
Massachusetts, U.S.A., Jnly 
27, 1891. Udzic: graduate 
Colby University, 1884, 
Newton Theological Seminary 
1889. Keceived degree of 
A.B. From Coloy 1884. Of 
A.M. 1892. of D.D. 1901. 
Principal of Deep Biver Ct. 
Pubhc Schools, 1884-6; 
Pastor's assistant, 1st Bap- 
tist Church Cambridge Mass., 
1887-9 President of Baptist 
Theological Seminary Yoko- 
hama, 1894-1908. General 
Missionary in superinten- 
dence of Baptist Mission 
Work in China, Japan 
and Philippin, 1908-1911. 
T. r. J. from 1889. Recrea,- 
iions: tennis, chess, horse- 
back riding. Publications: 
Outline of Theology (in 
Japanese) correspondent for 
several magazines and other 
publications in America. 
Editor of Christian move- 

[ 33] 

ment in Japan 1912. Ad- 
dress: 75-A, Bluff, Yokoliama. 

Deck, Hans Caspan, Silk 
inspector (Nabholz & Co.); 
h. Zurich, Switzerland; n. 
Swiss. T. r. J.: since 1879. 
Becreaiiom: sports. Address: 
120-C, Bluff, Yokohama; 95, 
Yamashita-cho, Yokohama; 
P.O. Box 125, Yokohama. 
Td.: 17. Cluhs: Club Ger- 
mania; Y.U,C.; Social Club. 

Delacauip, Charles, Ijange, 
Partner of Delacamp & Co., 
Kobe; a German; b. 1859 
in Germany. Remained 
in Japan over twenty-fom- 
years as an importer of hard- 
ware, piece goods and chemi- 
cals and an exporter of 
mattings; has been greatly 
instrumental in extending 
the market for Japanese 
mattings; was decorated with 
4th Order of the Crown of 
Prussia for his meritorious 
conduct in favour of the 
foreign community in general 
and of German subjects in 
particular in 1904; a medal 
was also presented to him 
by Count Arco, German 
Minister to Japan in 1902. 
Address: Dalacamp & Co., 
121 Higvishimachi and Taka- 
tori, Kobe. 

Dening-, Walter, Professor 
of English literature in the 
Second High School since 
1895 ;, holder of the 5th 

Order of the Pdsing Sun; b. 
July 23, 1846 in Ottery, St. 
Mary, Devon, England; n. 
English; s. of John Dening, 
farmer ; m. twice: in 1870 
and in 1891, Educ.: studied 
at 3 English Schools and 
at the ^C. M. S. College, 
London. Missionary up to 
1882, since that a Journal- 
ist and teacher of English. 
T.r.J.: since Dec. 14,1873. 
Becreations: tennis, shooting 
and walking. PiAlicaiions: 
" A New life of Toyotomi 
Hideyoshi "; " Japan in Days 
of Yore"; "The High 
School Series of Readers " 
6 vols;; " Anglo- Japanese 
Readers" 4 vols.; Asiatic 
Society-Papers and numerous 
Essays. Address: 41, Kome- 
gafukurouwa-cho, Sendai. 

Desai, Pirojsha Ratauji, 
Merchant-Manager of Messrs. 
M. N. Gobhai & Co., Yoko- 
hama; b. Jan. 1, 1874, 
Naosari; n. Parsee (British); 
marned. T. r. J.: 14 years. 
Address: 223, Settlement, 
Yokohama. Td.: 1253. 

Denison, Henry Willard, 
jurist ; 6. at Guildhall, Vt., 
May II, 1846; s. of Col. 
John Paine and Mary She- 
pard (Cooper) D. ; acad. edn. , 
Lancaster, N. H. ; law stude- 
nt Columbian (now George 
Washington) TJ. ; m. Helen 
wilder Cross, of New York, 

[ 34 

Jan. 21, 1873. Legal adviser 
to the Japanese Dep't. of 
Foreign Affairs since May i, 
1 880 ; represented Japan in 
drafting treaty of peace witli 
Eirasia, at Portsmouth, JST. H., 
1905. Mem. Association de 
legislation comparee, Paris ; 
mem. Permanent Com't of 
Arbitration of the Hague ; 
tech. del of Japan to the 
2nd Peace conference at the 
Hague. Decorations : Grand 
cordon (ist class) Imperial 
Japanese Order of the Eising 
Sun ; Grand cordon (ist class) 
Japanese Order of the Sacred 
Treasure. Ohibs : Union (New 
Yorlf), Metropolitan (Washi- 
ngton), United (Yokohama), 
Tokyo. Address : No. 9, Ura, 
Kasumigaseki, Kojimachi-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel. : 789 Shimbashi. 

Deuton, Mary Florence, 
Teacher; n. American; d. of 
Edward M. Deuton, Lawyer. 
T.r. J.: since 1888. Address: 
Doshisha Girls' Sohoo], 

De Vinney, Prederick H., 
Minister of the Gospel; b. 
Kelloggsville, New York, 
U.S.A.; n. American; " s. of 
Francis W, DeVinney; m. 
to Minnie B. " Howland. 
Educ.: Baldwins Academy. 
President of New York Con- 
ference of Seventh Day 
Adventists, 1906-1910. Elec- 
ted by Gen. Conf. Supt. of 

Japan Mission of S. D. A., 
1910, arrived in Japan on 
July 24, 1910. T. r. J.: 
since 1910. Address: 291, 
Sanya, Yoyogi, Tokyo. 

Dewette, Alexander Louis 
James, merchant (limited 
partnership), managing part- 
ner Dewette Co.; b. London, 
1877; 11. British; s. of Louis 
Dewette, hotel proprietor, 
1883-1907 in Japan, died 
in Yokohama; m. to Miss 
Clarke. T.r. J.: 30 years. 
Address: 51, Main Street & 
258-x4.. Bluff, Yokohama. 
Tel: 1813. 

Dickerson, Miss Augusta, 
Missionary of Methodist 
Episcopal Church, South, 
Director of lai Girls' School 
(Caroline Wright Memorial). 
Arrived in Japan in 1888. 
T. r. J.: since 1888. Ad- 
dress: lai Jo-Gakko, Hako- 
date, Hokkaido. 

Dukes, Oscar A., Teacher 
of English, Kobe Commercial 
School ; h. July 2, 1854, at 
St. George's, Dorchester Co., 
S. C; m. 1886. Educ: 
Vauderbilt University, and 
Actual Business College. 
Went to China as medical 
missionary in 1885; was 
transfexTed to Japan; after 
10 years devoted whole time 
to school work; lias occupied 
present position for past 15 
years. Address: Kobe Com- 

[ 35 J 

mercial School, Eusunoki- 
cho Kokuchome, Kobe. 

Dunlop, Bev. Jolin Gaskin, 
M. A., Missionary and 

Minister; h. July 7, 1867, e. 
s. of William Dunlop, of 
Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 
m. 1894, Emma, d. of Samuel 
Ely, Kijigston, Ontario, 
Canada. Educ. : Queen's Uni- 
versity, Kingston, Canada. 
Employed as instructor in 
Engiisli by Imperial Japanese 
Government, 1880-90& since 
1890 engaged in Missionary 
work in connection with 
American Presbyterian Mis- 
sion; spent some montJis in 
1905 in Manchuria in special 
work for Japanese solders, 
conducted by Y.M.C.A. Ad- 
dress: Kanazawa. 

Duncan, Thomas JElbert, A. 
B., President of the Japan 
Mission, Church of Jesus 
Christ of Latterday Saints.; 
b. June 17, 1883. Salt L:>ke 

City, Utah, U.S.A.; n. 
English; s. Kichard K. Tho- 
mas, merchant; m. Juno 25, 
1907 to Edua Harkor. Educ.: 
Grammar, High School, and 
University, Post-Graduate 
research. President of the 
A.S.U.U. University of Utah, 
1903-5. Manager of E. K. 
Thomas Dry Goods Co. of 
Salt Lake, Utah, 1905-7. 
Lieutenant Isational Guard 
of Utah, U.S.A. 1906-9. 
Secretary of the Japan 
Mission 1907-9. President of 
the Japan Mission since 1909. 
T. r. J. since 1907. Becrea- 
iions : athletics, historical 
research. Ptihlication: ,, Mid- 
summer EJiight's Mare " and 
" Macbeth ", (Dramatic Bur- 
leques in English. Magazine 
Articles and Keligious Tracts 
in both English and Japan- 
ese. Address: 81, Yakuoji 
Machi, Ushigome-Ku, Tokyo. 
Clubs: A. F. University Club 
of Salt Lake, U. S. A. 

f 36] 

E . ■ 

Addison, Edwin, M. A-j 
(Cambridge), Electrical Engi- 
neer, Director L. J. Healing 
& Co., Ltd.; b. Leeds, Eng- 
land, 1864; 11. English; s. 
of K. W. Eddisou, partner 
of John Fowler & Co,, Ltd. 
(Leeds); m. 1907 Miss Lea- 
dam. Uduc. : Charter hence 
and Trinity College, Camb- 
ridge. Specialized in elec- 
trical cables with John 
Fowler & Co., and later the 
Fowler Waring Cables Co.; 
spent some years in America, 
coal mining & gold mining; 
came to Japan in 1895 and 
joined in partnership with 
W. L. J. Healing as L. J. 
Healing & Co., T. r. J.: 
since 1895. Becreatkms: cri- 
cket, foot-ball, sailing, riding. 
Address: 225-B, Bluff, Yoko- 
haro- GlvJbs: Isthumian, 

Yokohama United Club; 
Mem. Foreign Chamber of 
Coai. at Yokohama. 

Edwards, Edward Bennion' 
Stuart, Merchant, assistant 
manager of China and Japan 
Trading Co.; h. Condover, 
Shropshire, England, 1868; 
n. British; ■ s. of Edward 
Edwards, land-owner; m. to 
Miss H. E. Young, elder 
daughter of Capt. C. Young, 
N. Y. K, in 1897. With 
Mouritzan Hermann & Co. 

for 10 years in tea busi- 
ness; American Trading Co., 
Yokohama, for 12 years, as 
sub-agent and acting agent. 
T. r. J. : since 1890. Recrea- 
tions: cricket and foot-ball. 
Address: China & Japan 
Trading Co., Yokohama; 
Private, 45-C, Bluff, Yoko- 
hama. Clubs: Q. W. Club; 
Y. C. & A. Club; Golf Club. 
Elked, Annoine Alexandre,, 
Sub-Manager Kusso- Asiatic 
Bank, Yokohama, holder of 
3rd Class Order of St. Stanis- 
laiis of Russia and one Mili- 
tary Medal of Austria Hun- 
gary; b. 1873 in Budapesth, 
Himgary; n. Hungarian; s. 
Antoine Elked, retired from 
business (late mercliant),. 
Uditc: Commercial Academy. 
Was connected with the 
following Banks : Credit 
Lyonnais at Paris and Lon- 
don, several Austro - Hun- 
garian industrial undertak- 
ings, later at St. Petersburg 
with Russian Joint Stock 
Bank, later in China with 
Russo-Chinese Bank, since 
1899. During the last war 
connected with Russian 
interests in Japan such as 
prisoners, their reshipment 
home; travelled very exten- 
sively in the world, posses 
the perfect knowledge of 5 
priucipal languages. T. r. J. 
since 1903. Recreations: has. 

[ ?>7 ] 

been connected with horse University. Arrived in 

racing in Japan as a member Japan, Jan. 2. 1907. T.r.J. : 

of committee of the former 6 years. Address: 87, Tsnno- 

Kawasaki Iveihin Keiba hazu, yodobasH-macM, To- 

Club. Address: 75 D/Ya.xa.a- yotama-gun, Tokyo. 

shita-Cho, Yokohama and 54 Evans, Charles H., B. D., 

A, Bluff, Yokoliama. Clubs. . Clergyman; h. July 22, 1863, 

Member of the Yokohama Boston, Mass., U. S. A. ; Ji. 

United Club and Nippon American; s. of Charles 

Kace Club and several other Carroll Evans, business- man; 

Chibs in Japan. m. Apr. 23, 1896, to Miss 

Elwin, Wiiliam Hedger, B. Lena Thomas. &hic. : Public 

-^•> (Cambridge, England, School, High School, Univer- 

1894), Clergyman; h. May 8, sity of Minnesota, Seabury 

1873, Hangchow, China; n. Divinity School, U. S. A. 

British; s. of Rwd. Artlrar Business life for 10 years; 

Elwin, clergyman ; m. July since 1894 missionary in 

12, 1902, to Emily Sandle Japan of the Protestant 

Fox. Educ.: Dover College, Episcopal Church of the 

Corpus Christi College and U. S. A. T. r. J.: since 

Eidley Hall, Cambridge. 1894. Address: 31, Hodono- 

Ordained, 1896. Missionary Naka-cho, Akita. 

in Ningpo, Chiha, 1898-1906. Evrard, I'Abbe F., Vicar 

Missionary in Tokyo to Gen., Missionary of the 

Chinese Students since 1907. Koman Catholic Church. 

2'. }'. J". : since 1907. Address: Arrived in Japan in 1867. 

7, Sasugaya-eho, Koishikawa- T. r. J. : since 1867. Ad- 

kn, Tokyo. dress: 35, Tsukiji, Kyobashi- 

Espada, Gonzalo Jimenez de ku, Tokyo, 

i^) Instructor of Spanish in Eymai-d, Claude, Conseiller 

Tokyo Foreign Languages du Commerce Exterieur de la 

School and Tokyo Higher France raw and waste silk 

Commercial College; h. Jan. merchant C. Eymard & Co., 

27, 1876, Madrid, Spain; m. Partner, . (other pai-tners : 

Spanish; s. of Marcos Jime- Charles Eymard, Cyprien 

nez de la Espada, Prof, of Eymard, Joseph Eymard) ; b. 

JMadrid University; m. to Oct. 11, 1874; n. French; s. 

Isabel Suarez, Apr. 24, 1905. of Claude E^'mard; m. to Mrs. 

Educ.: graduate in philoso- Jenny Eymard Chevallard. 

phy and literature, Madrid T.r.J.: 32 years. Becreaiions: 

C 38 ] 

motoring. Address: 253, 
Yamashita-clio & 154-A, 
Bluff, Yokokama. Td.i 289. 
Clti>s: Yokohama United 
Club; Nippon Automobile. 

Eyton, J. I/., o., n. British; 
m. to Mrs. Eyton. Arrived 
in Japan by the Barque 

" Brilliant " (303 tons yacht) 
in Yokohama in 1867. 
Served several years in Hegt 
& Co.; started beer brewer- 
ing business, etc. T. r. J. : 
45 years. Address: 8301, 
Take-no-maru, Negishi, Yoko- 

[ 39 ] 

Faust, Allen K., A. B. and 
A. M. from franklin and 
Marshall College; Ph. D. 
from Univ. of Pa., minister 
and teacher; b. August 20, 
1869, at Bernville, Pennsyl- 
vania, U.S.A.; 11. American; 
s. of Jacob L. Faust, farm- 
er ; m. to Mary E. Harden, 
Oct. 17, 1903. Ediic.: Com- 
mon Schools; graduated from 
Normal School, 1893; gradua- 
ted from C<. liege, 1897; 
graduated from Theological 
Seminary, 1900 and from 
University of Pennsylvania, 
1909. Taught in Common 
Schools of Pennsylvania, and 
in 1900 arrived in Japan, 
and since then, taught in the 
Higher Department of T6- 
holai Gakuin. His special 
study is sociology, in which 
branch he took Ph. D. at 
the University. T. r. J.: 
12 years. Recreations: tennis, 
mountain climbing. Publi- 
cations: "Christianity as a 
Social Factor in Japan ", 
1909; "Shakwai no Kyoteki", 
1911; Articles in New York 
" Survey " and other magazi- 
nes. Address: 162, Higashi 
Samban-cho, Sendai. 

Favre- Brandt, Fianoois, (ne 
Matsuno), xMerchant, (Family 
Ex-Huguenet of France and 
Bourgeosie of Valangen); b. 

Apr. 21, 1870, Yokohama; 
n. Swiss; s. of James Favre- 
Brandt, mercliant and agents 
of several firms and manu- 
factures, etc.; m. to a Japan- 
eses Lady. """ Educ: Ecole, 
Primaire, Secondaire and 
Commerciale. Address: 15, 
Edobori Kitadori 4 chome, 
Nishi-ku, Osaka. Glvbs: 
Societe Astronomique de 

Favre-Brandt, James, In. 

genieur; b. 1879 in Osaka; 
n. Suisse; s. of C. Favre- 
Brandt, Negociant; m. a 
Mme. Favre-Brandt, Berthe. 
Educ. : Ecole Polytechnique 
Federale, Ziirich, Suisse. 
Address: 6, Tsukiji, Kyo- 
bashi-ku, Tokyo. Clubs: 
Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir 
Natur-und Volkerkunde Os- 

Fiegel, Max D., M. E., Re- 
presentative of A. Borsig, 
Berlin (Elngineering and 
Locomotive Works); b. in 
Berlin, Germany; n. German. 
Educ. : graduated from 
Charlottenburg University, 
Germany; Diplom oli Engine- 
er. Publications: "DerP, nama 
Kanal ", Berlin, 1911, Dietr. 
Reimar, Editor. Address: 4, 
Yuraku-oho 1 chome, Koji- 
machi-ku, Tokyo. Td. : Hon- 
kyoku, 3095. 

Fisher, Galen BE., Secre- 
tary of the Young Men's 

[ 40 ] 

Christian Association, (Ame- 
rican International Com- 
mittee). Arrived in Japan 
in 1898 and since that has 
been engaged in the Y. M. 
C. A. works. Address: 22 
Fujimi-eho, Kojimachi-ku, 

Felix, Evrard, Missionnaire 
Apostolique, holder of the 
6th Class of the Rising Sun, 
chevalier de la Legion 
d'Honneur, Medal of the 
Promulgation of the Consti- 
tution; b. in France, Departe- 
ment de la Moselle a Metz, 
Febr. 25, 1844; n. French; 
s. of Fran9ois Evrard, agri- 
culturist. Educ.: Lycee of 
Metz; Seminary for Foreign 
Missions at Paris. Came to 
Japan as a missionary in 
1867; from 1875 to 1894 
cumulating the functions of 
interpreter to the French 
Legation; twice Superior of 
the Catholic Mission during 
the vacancy of the Arch- 
bishopric. Puhlicaiions: some 
pamphlets for the teaching 
of French and Japanese 
languages. Address: 35, 
Akashi-cho, Kyobashi-ku, 

Florenz, Karl, Dr. Phil., 
{Leipzig, 1886), Bungahu- 
hakushi (Dr. of Japanese 
Literature, Tokyo, 1899), 
Professor in the Imperial 
University of Tokyo, Choku- 

nin Hank, holder of the 
Rising Sun; h. Jan. 10, 1865, 
Erfurt, Grermany; n. German; 
s. of Eduard Florenz; to. to 
Theresia Florenz, Edtbc.: 
Leipzig and Berlin Univer- 
sities. Apr. 1889-Sept. 1901, 
Lecturer of German Langu- 
age and Literature in Imp. 
Univ. of Tokyo; Oct. 1891, 
appointed Professor of Ger- 
man Language and Literature 
and Comparative Philology. 
Honorary Member of several 
Societies, Membre correspon- 
dant de I'Ecole FraD9aise 
d'Extreme Orient (Hanoi), 
etc., Vice-President of Ger- 
man Asiatic Society, Tokyo. 
T. r. J.: 25 years. Recrea- 
tions: fine arts ..£j,nd|,Jinusic. 
Publications: Atharva-veda, 
1886; Dichtergriisse aus dem 
Osten, 14th Ed., 1911; Weiss- 
aster (Epic), 9th Ed., 1912; 
Japanische Dramen, 7th Ed., 
1911; Theatre Japonais; 
Nihongi (German Translation 
and Commentary), 2nd Ed., 
1903; Japanische Mytholo- 
gie, 1901; Der Shintoismus, 
1907; Geschichte der Japa- 
nischen Literatur, 2nd Ed., 
1910; and numerous Essays 
in transactions of learned So- 
cieties (German Asiatic So- 
ciety, English Asiatic SocietVi 
etc.), chiefly on % Japanese 
subjects. Address (Private) 
171, Bluff, Yokohama. 

[ 41 J 

Foss, Hugh James, D. D., 
Cant., Bishop of the Chnrch 
of England; b. in Lower 
Harders neai\^, Canterbury, 
Kent, England, on June 25, 
1848; n. British; s. of Edward 
Foss, F. S. A. solicitor; m. 
to Janet McEwen in 1881, 
d. in 1894; to Lena Janet 
Ovans in 1901. Muc: Marl- 
borough and Christ's College, 
Cambridge. Ordained Dea- 
con, 1872; Priest, 1973 by 
Bp. of Chester, Curate at S. 
Barnabas; Liverpool, 1872- 
74; at S. Michael's Chester, 
1874-76; Missionary in Kobe, 
Japan, 1876-1898; Consd. 
Bishop of Osaka, Febr. 2, 
1899, T. r. J.: since 1876. 
Secreatiom : hiU walking. 
Pvbliccdipm: Translations of 
Imitatio Christi, Bp. How's 
Holy Communion and other 
small books. Address: The 
Firs, Shi-no-Miya, Kobe. 
Clubs: M. Japan Society. 

Frampton, G. Russell, Tea- 
cher, head-master of English 
School of the Government- 
General of Chosen ; i. July 
3, 1869. Educ; Board 
Schools, Leamington; St. 
John's College, Battersea. 
Joined staff of Diocesan 
School, Hongkong, March, 
1899; aiTived in Corea, 1900; 
appointed Head Master of 
Imperial School, Seoul, in 
Aug. 1900. Address: Eng- 

lish School of the Govern- 
ment-General, Seoul. Olubs: 
Seoul, Chemulpo. 

Frazar, Everett Welles, 
Merchant; h. Shanghai, 
China, Aug. 17, 1867; n. 
American; s. of Everett 
Frazar, merchant; m. in 
1866 with Annie H. Lind- 
sley. Educ. : mechanical 
engineering, graduated from 
Stevens Institute of Techno- 
logy, Hoboken, New Jersey, 
U.S.A. in 1890 with degree 
of M.E., Pupil of Thomas 
A. Edison in 1891. Arrived 
at Yokohama in 1896. T.r.J. : 
since 1896. Address: c/o 
Sale & Frazar Ltd., Yoko- 
hama and Tokyo. Td. 
Yokohama, 1827. Chihs 
Yokohama United Club 
Tokyo Club, Nippon Jidoshr 

Freetb, Miss Florence May, 
Missionary; 6. London, 1871; 
n. English; d. of Sir Evelyn 
Freeth, Sec. to Board of 
Inland Revenue, Somerset 
House, England. Address: 2, 
Choanji-cho, Kumamoto. 

Pulton, George, A.B., (Wa- 
shington and Jefferson Col- 
lege Class, 1886), D.D. (Same 
College, 1909), Clergyman; h. 
Sept. 29, 1865, at Dinsmore, 
Washington Co., Penna., U. 
S. A.; n. American (U. S.); 
s. of David C. Fulton, agri- 
culturist; TO. Oct. 14, 1889, 

[ 42 ] 

to Miss Amy Saxton. 
Educ. : Public Schools of 
America; W. & J. College, 
1886; McCormick Theology 
Sem., 1889. Arrived in Ja- 
pan in fall of 1889; resided 
1 and lialf years in Kana- 
zawa, Kaga; then 7 years in 
Fukni; later 8 years again 
in Kanazawa; next in Osaka 
(since fall of 1910). Has 
been to America on furlough 
twice (June 1898-Apr. 1900 
and Jime 1908-Nov. 1910). 
During latter furlough, acted 
as Secretary of Presb. Brd. 
For. Missions from May 1, 
1909 to Sept. ,10, 1910. 
Ti'aveled in Europe, Sep.- 

Nov. 1910. T. r. J.: 23 
years. PMications: A Com- 
mentary on Gospel of Mark. 
Address: 22, Kawaguchi-cho, 

Furness, George Edwin, 
Auditor to Sale & Frazar 
Ltd.; b. 1868, High Wy- 
combe, England; n. British; 
s. of John Lupton Furness, 
Gentleman; m. 1904. Udtcc: 
Oxford. London Country & 
Westminister Bank, England; 
Bank of British North Ame- 
rica, Canada; Butterfield & 
Swire, China; Sale & Frazar 
Ltd.; Japan. T. r. J.: 6 aM 
half years. ^Address: 76-A, 
Bluff, Yokohama. 

[ 43 ] 


Gadelius, Knut, Merchant; 
b. Jan. 11, 1864. Gothen- 
burg, Sweden; n. Swedish; 
s. of I. E. Gadelins, retired 
navy officer. Edvc.: passed 
High School, and studied 2 
years in Germany. Came 
1886 for the first time to 
the Far East, to the Dutch 
Indies, Deli, Sumatra; return- 
ed 1890, started the firm 
Gadelius Co. at Gothenburg 
(noAV removed to Stockholm), 
made several business trips 
to China and Japan, opened 
branch offices at Singapore 
1904, Yokohama 1907 (now 
removed to Tokyo), Osaka, 
1909. Address: 41, Tsukiji, 
Kyobashi-ku. Tokyo. 

Gale, James Scarth., Mission- 
ary, B. A. (Toronto Univer- 
sity, 1888; D. D. (Howard 
University h. Ontario, Cana- 
da, Feb. 19fch 1863. 1904. 
n. British; s. John Gale, 
Farmer, m. to Ada Louisa 
Sale, April 7th, 1910, Educ: 
Ontario, Public and High 
Schools, St. Catherines . 
Collegiate Institute, Toronto 
University. Missionary in 
Korea for 24 years. Member 
of American Presbyterian 
Mission. T. r. J. in Korea 
24 years. Recreations: Study 
of Korean Literature. PtMi- 
caiions; Korean-English Dic- 

tionary published 1st Edition 
1897, 2nd Edition 1911. 
Korean-Grammatical Forms 
(1895) Korean Sketch (1897) 
The Vanguard (1904) Korea 
in Transition (1909) Papers 
for the Korea Branch of the 
Eoyal Asiatic Society " In- 
fluence of Cliina" (1902), 
Han-yang (Seoul) (1902), 
The Korean Alphabet (1912) 
Address: Seoiil, Chosen. Tel. 
Seoul No. 1775. 

Gallois, Edme Henri, Vice- 
Consul, Interprete Chancelier 
de lAmbassade de France 
au Japan, holder of Cheva- 
lier du Merite Agricolo, 5e. 
Classe du Soleil Levant, etc., 
etc.; b. Provins (Seine et 
Marne), France, ler. Nov., 
1878; n. Fran9ais; s. of 
Gallois (Maurice Eugene), 
Magistrat. Educ. : ^ College 
Stanislas (Paris) et ficole des 
Langues Orientales. Nomme 
Interprete en 1902; reside 
depuis cette epoque au 
Japan. Recreations: Entomo- 
logie, Philatelie, Bonsai. 
Address: 83, Zoshigaya-ma- 
clii, Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 
Td.: Bancho, 1312. GM)s: 
Nantai-san Yacht Club. 

Gardiner, Janies IBCcDonald, 
A.B., Haward 1879, Archit- 
ect; b. May 22, 1857, at St. 
I'jouis, Mo., U.S.A.; k. Ame- 
rican; s. of James M. Gar- 
diner, Inventor, New York; 

[ 44 ] 

TO. to Florence, youngest partment of Public Scliools, 
daughter of Judge Lawrence Hawaii. T. r. J. : since 
Pitman of Charlottesville, March 1906. Becreations: 
Vi., U.S.A. Educ.: at reading and gardening, 
various schools. Ha ward Address: 91, Tsutsui-cho, 
University and post-graduate Kobe. Td.: 993. Clubs: 
class in architecture at Kobe Club. 
Columbia University, School Qawtlett, George Bdward 
oi Mines, New York. Ar- jLuckman, Teacher, holder of 
rived in Japan in Oct. 1880. pifth class of the Rising 
T. r. J.: since 1880. Ad- g^^^ (Titles) F.R.G.S., Fel. 
dress: 32, Dote Samban-cho, i^q Phonographic Society, 
Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: j?el. Inst. Commerce, Birm- 
Bancho, 1580. Glubs: Tokyo ingham; h. Dec. 4th, 1868: 
Club; Haward Club of Japan Swansea, Wales; n. EngUsh; 
(President); American Asiatic g. Kev. John George Gaunt- 
Society; American Peace lett, M. A., formerly Canon of 
Society of Japan (a Vice- gt. David's; m. Oct. 26, 1898, 
President); Asiatic Society to Miss Tsune Tamada. 
of Japan (Member of Coun- jsduc.: Elementary at Swan- 
cil);- etc., etc. gea. Middle at Brighton; 

Gaschy, J. B., Director of also with Messrs. Bucknall 

St. Joseph's College; 6. Dec. & Jennings, architects and 

27, 1875, Alsace; n. French, surveyors; and at Schools of 

Sei-ved m Nagasaki Kaisei Science & Art, London. 

Gakko and Tokyo Gyosei Teacher in Higher Com- 

Gakko. T. r. J.: 12 years, mercial School, Tokyo (1 

Address: 85, Bluff, Yoko- year); Chiba Middle School 

l^ama. (3 y^g). ^^abu Middle School, 

Gasset, Walter, American (5^ jrs.); Okayama High 

Vice and Deputy Consul; i. School, (6 yrs); Kanazawa 

Boston, Mass., U.S.A., Oct. High School (1 yr); Higher 

8, 1855; n. American; s. of Commercial School, Yama- 

Edward Gassett. Educ.: guchi, (5 yrs., still here.) T. 

Private Schools in England r. J. 22 years. Recreations: 

and English High School of Invention of Japanese Shor- 

Boston. In Business on thand, now used in the 

London and Boston Stock Houses of Parliament. Ex- 

Exchahge. Engaged in Stock ploration of limestone dis- 

Kanching in Wyoming; in De- tricts. PuUications: (1) Exer- 

[ 45 ] 

cises in Synthesis (Kobim- 
slia), (2) The Kanda Scientific 
Copy-Books, (Sanseido), (3) 
The Vertical Copy-Books, 
(Sanseido), (4) The Element- 
ary School Copy-Books, (San- 
seido S^!(o) The Practical 
Copy-Books, (Sanseido), (6) 
The Commercial Copy-Books, 
(Sanseido), (7) Penmansliip 
Wall Charts, (Sanseido), (8) 
In conjunction with Prof. 
Maruyama; "Esperanto 

Grammar in Japanese," (Yu- 
raknsha), (9) Nihon Sokki- 
jutsu, (Kyobunkwan), (10) 
Phonographia Japonica (Kel- 
ly & Walsh), (11) Shinshiki 
Nihongo Sokkijutsii, (Chi- 
kyiido), (12) The Teaching 
and Study of Penmanship, 
(Hakubunkwan), (13) The 
Elements of Phonetics, (San- 
seido), (14) Lessons in Con- 
versation, (Yuhodo) . Address : 
No. 2, Professors' Residence, 
Yamaguchi Higher Commer- 
cial School, Yamaguchi. 

Geary, John Richard, Elect- 
rical Engineer, Vice Presi- 
dent of Tokyo Electric Co., 
and of the Nippon-ophone 
Co., President of Chiksan 
Mining Company, Director of 
Shibaura Engineering Works; 
h. Albany, New York, U.S. 
A., 1873; n. American. Ke- 
presentatilve in Japan of the 
General Electric Co. of 
American. T. r. J.: 10 

years. Address: 23, Water 
Street, Yohaharaa. Tel.: 
2M4. Gluts: Yokohama 
United Club; Tokyo Club. 

Geddess, Herbert, Merchant, 
Manager of G.E. Gregg & 
Co., Ltd., Yokohama; Cana- 
da Main Oifice: Toront, 
Canada; Branch Office: 
Winnipeg and Vancouver, 
Canada; New York, U.S.A ; 
Yokohama, Japan; Hong- 
kong, China; n. British. T. 
r. J.: Q years. Address: 
67, Bluff, Yokohama; P.O. 
Box, 316, Yokohama. 

George, Ernest Watson, 
Merchant; h. Year 1859, 
England; n. English. Uduc. 
Educated at the City of 
London School. Partner in 
the firm of Andrews & 
George, Yokohama. Came 
to Japan in the year 1894 
and established himself as a 
merchant in partnership with 
Mr. Henry William And- 
rews under the above firm 
name. The firm does a very 
large and growing business 
chiefly in machinery and 
machine tools, automobiles, 
etc. but, acts also as general 
importers and direct agents 
and representatives of high 
class manufacturers. Branch- 
es at Tokyo and Osaka. Also 
partner in the firm of And- 
rews von Eischerz & George 
Ld., Shanghai, . China. Ad- 

[ 46 ] 

dress: 1050 Bluff r<5sicleuce; 
242 Sttlement business offices 
Td.: 943 P.O. Box 6Q. 

Gerdts Adolf, Marcliant, 
Vice Consul for Sweden; 
b. Malmo, Sweden, 1876; 
n. Swedish; m. Mrs. Marie 
Gerdts, nee Weinberger. 
Educ: Malmo Hogre All- 
manna Laroverk. After 4 
years commercial training in 
Hamburg, Germany, came 
to Japan in 1896 and joined 
Messrs. A. Meier & Co; 
Partner in the firm since 
1910. Was appointed Vice- 
Consul for Sweden 1906. T. 
r. J. since 1896. Address: 
Yamashitacho No. 24xA & 
Tamatecho 162 A. Td.: 
1379. Clubs. Club Germania, 
Yokohama United Club, Yo- 
kohama Social Club. 

Gerard, Auguste, Ambas- 
sadeur de la Eepublique 
Fran9aise; b. Mars 28, 1852. 
Educ.: Eleve au CoUege 
Sainte-Barbe, au Lycee Lou- 
isle-Grand et til'Eoole Nor- 
male Superieure de Paris, 
liedacteur aii Ministere des 
Affaires Etrangeres en 1880; 
Secretaire de Legation a 
Washigton, 1880-1881; Chief 
du Cabinet de M. Gambetta 
au Ministere des Affaires 
Etrangeres, 1881 - 1882; 

Premier Secretaire d'Ambas- 
sade a Madrid, 1882-1883; 
Conseiller d'Ambassade a 

Berne, 1883-1885; h. Eome, 
1886-1888; Ministere de la 
Republique Fran9aise au 
Montenegro, 1889-1890; au 
Br^sil 1891-1893; en Chine 
1894 - 1897; a Bruxelles, 
1898-1906; Ambassadeur a 
Tokyo, 1907. Decorations: 
Commandeur de la Ijegion 
d' Honnem', Grand Croix 
de Sainte-Anne (Russie), de 
I'Ordere de Leopold (Belgi- 
que), de I'Ordre du Monte- 
negro, du Double Dragon 
(Chine), du Dragon de I' 
Aunam, de Cambodge, 
Grand-Officer de Charles 
111 d'Espagne, de la cour- 
onne d'ltalie. Address:; 
Ambassade de France a 
Tokyo, Japon; 21 Boulevard 
Saint-Germain, Paris. 

Gibbs, J. B. J., Merchant; 
, b. at Yokohama in 1870; n. 
American; s. of J. B. Gibbs, 
Merchant Engineer; m. to 
Miss Eanny Thompson of 
Osaka. Educ. : Educated 
privately in America and 
graduated in Hongkong 
at St. Joseph's College. 
Joined the China and Japan 
Trading Co., Ltd, in 1895; 
appointed manager in 1904, 
and still in charge of the 
Company's interest in Yoko- 
hama and Tokyo. T. r. J.: 
34 years. JRecreations: shoot- 
ing, etc., Address.: (private): 
15~B, Bluff, Yokohama; 

[ 47 ] 

(Office) 89, Yamasliita-oho & Co.; h. 13tli May 1873; 

Yokohama. Tel. (private): n. British; s. John Edmund 

2181; (Office) 1715 & 286. Gillon deceased; m. to Emily 

C'lvbs: Yoko. United Club: Aim Walton, ^liwc: private- 

Yoko. Cricket & Athletic ly. Career is commercial. T. 

Club; Yoko. Amateur Rowing r. J.: Eleven Years. Recrea- 

Club; Nippon Race Club; tions: yachting. Address: 

Yoko. Shooting Club; Omori 39B Yamashitacho Yokoha- 

Sliooting Club. ma Td.: 1967 Yokohama. 

Heath, Gilbert Octavius, GkAs: Yokohama United 

Solicitor of the Supreme Club. 

Court of New South Wales, G-ooch, WiUiam Edwin, 

holder of South African Merchant, partner of Gillon 

War Medal with four classes; & Co.; b. 29th October 

b. Sept. 11, 1873 at Wagga, 1878, London; n. British 

New South Wales; m. British; (English); s. Arthur Gooch, 

s. of Thomas Cornish Heath, gentleman ; ?re. to Maud 

optician; m. to Rebecca Beatrice Simpson of Boston 

Homebrink (184, Yamate- U.S.A. 29th Oct. 1908. 

oho, Yokohama), November Educ: privately Career 

4, 1908. Edicc: Sydney military and commercial. 

Grammar School and Sydney T. r. J. seven years. Becrea- 

University. LaAV Student, tions: athletic games & bil- 

1891-1896; practised law in Hards Address: No. 1. Negi- 

New South Wales, 1896- shi Tel.: 1967 Yokohama 

1899, 1902-4; Lieutenant United Club. 

New South Wales Volun- Gorbold, Sev. Kaymond P., 

teers: served South African Presbyterian Minister; m. 

War, 1901; came to Japan, April* 7. 1905, Mary M. 

1904. Becreatiojis : motorist Palmer at Osaka, Japan, 

and cyclist. Address : 75, Address: Ichijo Dori. Muro 

Yamashita-cho, and 252, Machi, Nishi Ye Iru, Kyoto. 

Yamate-cho, Yokohama; P. G-ray, William, Merchant; 

O. Bos, 117, Yokohama and b. Kobe, Japan, March 15, 

135, Kobe. Tel. 2517, Yo- 1889; n. British; s. of Jesse 

kohama and 839, Kobe. William Gray; m. to Annie 

Gkibs: Yokohoma United Esddle. Educ.: "Winton 

Club, House," Yokohama. T. r. 

Gillon, Oswald Thomas, J.: 23 years. Recreations: 

Merchant Partner of Gillon rowing, athletics, etc., etc.: 

[ 48 ] 

Address: 13, Foreign Settle- Society of 'Japan. Ptiblica- 

nxent, Chemulpo, Korea, tions: "Chinese Testament 

Clubs: Yokohama Amateur for Japanese Readers;" 1879; 

Rowing Club; Yokohama " The Christian Movement 

Cricket and Athletic Club; in its relation to the New 

Chemulpo Club — (Korea); Life in Japan," numerous 

Seoul Club (Korea). papers in the Journal of the 

Gray, Rev. William Roys- Asiatic Society. Add^-ess: 
ton, M. A.; h. July 12, 1867; Ryudo-cho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 
m. Clementina Emily, d. of Green, Herbert Edger, Mer- 
late General Felix Thackeray chant; h. 1873. Educ.: in 
Haig, R. E. Educ: Mercha- England. First business ex- 
ant Taylor,' London; St. perienoe with Royal Mail 
John's College, Oxford; B. Steam Packet Co., South- 
A., Oxford, 1890; M. A., do. ampton; joined the firm of 
1894. Tutor at Church Sliewan, Tomes and Co., 
Mission College, Islington, 1898; manager of this firm's 
London; Curate of St. Mary Kobe Office since Jan., 
the Virgin, Leamington Spa, 1900. Clubs: Kobe, Hong- 
Warwickshire, England, 1894 kong, and various sporting 
-96; arrived in Japan as clubs in Kobe, Japan. Ad- 
Missionary of M.S., 1896. dress: e/o She wan, .Tomes 
Clubs: Oxford Union. Ad- and Co., Kobe. 
dress: Hiroshima, Japan; Green, Sir Conyngham, K. 
and Trevone, Working Eng- C.B.; cr. 1900; M.A.; HB. 
land. M.'s Ambassador to Japan 

Green, Rev. Daniel Crosby, since 1912; h. Ireland, 29 

A.K., D.D.; Missionary and Oct. 1854; e. s. of R. J. 

Minister; b. Feb. 11, 1843, Grreen and Hon. Louisa, 

at Roxbury, Mass., U.S.A.; 4th c?. of 3rd Baron Plunket; 

m. July 29, 1869, Mary m. 1884, Lady Lily France 

Jane Forbes. Edu£: Dart- Stopford, 5th d. of 5th Earl 

mouth College; Andover of Courtown; two s. two d. 

Theological Seminary. Ar- Uduc: Harrow; Pembroke 

rived in Japan, Nov. 30, Coll. Oxford. Open Classical 

1869, and, with exception of Scholar, 1873; First Class 

furloughs, has resided there Moderations, 1874; B. A. 

continuously since; has been 1877; M. A. 1890. Entered 

Counciller, . Vice-President Foreign Office, 1877; Acting 

and President of Asiatic Third Secretary at Athens, 

C 49 ] 

1880; acted as Charge d' Af- 
faires at Stuttgart, Darm- 
stadt, 1883-87; entered Dip- 
lomatic Service, 1887; 2nd 
Secretary at the Hague; 
1889-91; at Brussels, 1891- 
93; Secretary of Legation and 
Charge d'Affaires, at Tehran, 
1893-96; H. M. Agent at 
Pretoria with rank of Charge 
d'Affaires, 1896-99; Envoy 
. Extraordinary and Minister 
Plenipotentiary to the Swiss 
Confederation, 1901-1905; to. 
iloumaniii, 1905-10; and to 
Denmark, 1910-12; C. B. 
1897. Eecrecdimis: fishing, 
cycling, golf. Address: H. 
B. M.'s Embassy, Kojima- 
ohiku, Tokyo. Clubs: Travel- 
lers, St. James. 

Griffis, ■William Elliot, D.D. 
li.H.D., lecturer, author b. 
Sept, 1843 in Philadelpliia; 
s. of Capt. John Limeburner 
and Anna Maria (Hess) G.; 
has studied the Dutch and 
the Japanese, visiting Hol- 
land first in 1869, and serving 
Daimio and Mikado in 
educational work in Japan, 
1870-1874. He organized 
the first pubKc schools in 
Echizen. Be is the only 
foreigner living who as 
guest in a daimio's castle 
saw the feudal system of 
Japan in living operation. 
He is a member of the 
Asiatic Societies of Japan 

and Korea, the Historical 
Society of the Imperial Uni- 
versity of Tokyo (of whose 
faculty he was for three 
years a member) and the 
famous Society of the Sixth 
Year of Meiji, which since 
1873 has so influenced the 
course of Japanese education 
In M^y, 1908, the late 
Emperor Meiji conferred 
upon him the decoration of 
the Order of the Kising 
Sun. His pupils of 1870-74 
are now ambassadors, judges, 
statesmen, diplomati4s and 
scientific men. Besides giving 
much time to the study of 
other than English influences 
in the making of the United 
States, Dr. Griffis has, be- 
tween 1869 and 1909, visited 
the Netherlands eight times, 
attending the enthronement 
of Queen Wilhelmina and 
the Congress of Diplomatic 
History in 1898, the Eem- 
brandt ter-centennial and the 
placing of the Delfshaven 
Pilgrim Memorial in 1906, 
and of five bronze historical 
tablets in 1909. His work 
having met with marked 
recognition in the Nether- 
lands, as in Japan and 
Korea, he has been honored 
with membership in the 
scientific and literary societies 
of Leyden, Middelurg, and 
Leeuwarden, and is a guest 

[ so ] 

at their gatheriugs. Tlie 
Holland Society of New 
York voted Hm thanks 
for fist proposing the $700 
bronze tablet to Baron van 
der Capellen (1741-1784), 
which was erected at Zwolle, 
Jnne 6, 1908. A graduate 
of Rutgers College , which 
in 1899 made him L.H.D. 
and a Professor iu Union 
College, which in 1883 
awarded him the degree of 
D.D., Dr. Griffis has also 
been lecturer or preacher at 
Harvard, Yale,, Chicago, 
Cornell, Entgers, Dartmouth, 
Oberlin, Pennsylvania (Un- 
iversity and State College) 
and Union Seminary, and 
Chairman of the Congress 
of lieligions at St. Louis. 
His introductions to the 
Arabian Nights, Dr. Nitobe's 
Bushido, Motley's Works, 
and his contributions to the 
cyclopaedias, the Natimi, Out- 
look, Independent, Harper's, 
Scrihner's, the Century, etc., 
are well knoSvn. After thirty 
years of service in the 
ministry, in New York, 
Boston, Schenectady and 
Ithaca, he in 1903 exchang- 
ed the active pastorate for 
the work of helping the 
Oriental and Occidental man 
to understand each other. 
Address: the Lecturer at 
Ithaca, N. Y. Pvblicaticms: 

The Mikado's Empire, 1876; 
Japanese Fairly World, 
1880; Asiatic History: China, 
Corea and Ja.pan, 1881; 
Corea The Hermit Nation, 
1882; Corea, Without and 
Within, 1885; ^Matthew Cal- 
braith Perry, 1887; The 
Lily Among Thorns, 1889; 
Honda, the samurai, 1890; 
Sir William Johnson and the 
Six Nations, 1891 ; Japan 
in History,. Folk-lore and 
Art, 1892; Brave Little 
Holland and What She 
Taught Us, 1894; The re- 
ligions of Japan, 1895; 
Townsend Harris-First Ame- 
rican Envoy in Japan 1895; 
Eomance of Discovery, 1897; 
Romance of American Colo- 
nization, 1898; Romance of 
conquest, 1899; The Pilgrims 
in Their Three Homes, 
1898; The Students' Motley, 
1898; The American in 
Holland, 1899; America in 
the East, 1899; Verbeck of 
Japan, 1900; The Pathfinders 
of the Revolution, 1900; In 
the Mikados Service, 1901; 
A Maker of the New Orient, 
1902 ; Young Peoples History 
of Holland, 1903; Dux 
Christus, An Oiitline Study 
of Japan, 1904; The Japan- 
ese W Nation in Evolution, 
1907; The Firefly's Lovers; 
1908; The Story of New 
Netherland, 1909; Chinas 

[ 51. ] 

Story in Mytli, Legend, Art 
and Annals, 1910; The Un- 
niannery Tiger and other 
Korean Tales. 1911. 

Griffiths, Ernest Alfred, H. 
B.M's Consul at Shimonoseki; 
h. March 3, 1863, Manches- 
ter, England ; n. British. 
Educ: Diilwich College, En- 
gland. Appointed Student 
Interpreter in Japan, April 
7, 1^84; 2nd Class Assistant, 
Oct. 1. 1888; 1st Class As- 
sistant, Aug. 8, 1896; Vice 
Consul at Kobe, May 21, 
1903; Consul at Sliimonoseki, 
Dec. 22, 1904; Acting Vice 
■Consul at Tokyo, Oct. 1888 
Apr. 1891; Acting Vice Con- 
sul at Tainan, Formosa, Nov. 
1896 to Jan. 1897; July 1897 
to Dec. 1899 and again Jan. 
1902 Nov. 1903. Becreaiions: 
billiards. Address : British 
Consulate, Shimonoseki. 

Clubs: Tokyo, Yokohama, 
Kobe and Shimonoseki. 

Grimmesey, L.J., Engineer, 
Partner of the Bagnal & 
Hills, Yokohama; h. Salem, 
Ohio, U.S.A.; n. American; 
m. to Agnes Grimessey. 
Educ: in America. T. r. J.: 
since March 1890. Becrea- 
iions: Beading. Address : 
2890, Negishi-machi, Yoko- 
hama. Tel: 2367. OhAs: 
Social Club. 

Gruenfeld, Erust, Ph. B., 
Assistant of the East Asiatic 

Intelligence office of the 
South-Manelmrian Ky. Co. ; 
b. Bruenu, Austria &c.; n. 
German (Austria". T. r. J.: 
since Oct. 1910. Address: 
423, Sendagaya, Tokyo. 

Guiccioli, .&.lexaiider, Itali- 
an Ambassador, Marquis Se- 
nator; h. Venice, March 5, 
1853; w. Italian; s. of Igna- 
tius Guiccioli; m. to Countess 
Olga Benkendorff. . Sduc: 
University of Bologra, Dip- 
lomatic Service. Arrived in 
Japan about 4 years ago. 
Publicaiions: some books. Ad- 
dress : 4, Ura-kasumigaseki, 
Kojimnchi-ku, Tokyo. Tel.: 
Shimbashi, 2385. ' Cluhs: 
Home and Tokyo. 

Gulick, Sidney Lewis, B.A., 
m-.A., D.D., Missionary; h. at 
Ebon, Islands, Apr. 10, 1860; 
11. U. S,A.; s. of Luther 
Halsey Gulick; m. at New 
London, Conn., Cara May 
Fisher, of Oakland, Cal., 
Sept. 14, 1887. Educ.: Oak- 
land High School, 1879; 
Univ. of California, 1879- 
1880, Dartmouth College, 
Union Teological Seminary, 
1883-86, Oxford (1896-1897), 
University (1905-1906). Or- 
dained CoEgl. ministry, 1886; 
stated supply Willcrgliby 
Av. jNlission, Brooklyn, 1886- 
1887; Missionary AB.g.F.M. 
in Japan since 1887; prof, 
theology, Loshisha, Kyoto, 

[ 52 ] 

since 1906 lectnrer Imp. U., 
Kyoto since 1907. T.r.j. Jan. 
1888, until the present, with 
two furlough. Publications: 
"The Growth of the Kingdom 
of God," "Evolution of the 
Japanese," The White Peril 

in the Far East," " Doiitch 
Shingaku Ryakushi," "Shin- 
Shinkaron," " Jinkakuteki 
Uchukwan," " Kirisuto Kyo 
Yogi." Address: 6, Nashino- 
kiclio, Kyoto. 

[ 53 3 


Hack, F. W., Assistant of 
the Commercial Intelligence 
Institute of the South 
Manchuria Railway Co.; 
Doktor der Staatswissen- 
sohaften; I>. 1887 Freiburg 
i/B Germany; n. German; 
s. Dr; med. Hack, Professor 
at the University Freiburg 

, i/B. Uduc: Gymnasium at 
Freiburg i/B., Universities 
at Berlin, Muenchen, Genf, 
Freiburg; i/B. Assistant and 
Lecturer at the Colonial 
University of Hamburg. T. 
r.J.: since September 1912. 
Address: OiSce: South Man- 
-churia Railway Co., Iteho- 
me, Yur&ku-cho, Kojimachi, 
Tokyo ; Residence : Shina- 
^awa, Ippongi 401. Tokyo. 

Hagin, Fred. E., A. M., 
Missionary ; i. Cambridge, 
111., U.S.A., June 3, 1869; 
n. American ; s. of Dan 
Hagin, merchant; m. April 
18, 1892, to Miss Myrtle 
E. Willett. Udtic.: graduate 
of Eureka College and 
Licentiate of Pharmacy. 
Taught and preached in 
America previous to coming 
to Tokyo in 1900. T. r. 
J.: 12 years. Pvhlicaiiaivs: 
" Russia and the Russians." 
Address: 65, Miyashita-cho, 
Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo (after 

Apr. 80, 1912). 

Hail, Alexander Durham, 

A.B., A.M., D.D., Missionary 
h. Apr. 16, IBM, Macomb, 
McDonough Co., Ills., U.S. 
A.; n. American ; s. of Wil- 
liam S. Hail, teacher and 
surveyor ; in. to 11 iz. 
Rachel Lindsey, Sept. 24, 
1868. jB(iM.c.: A.B., Waynes- 
burg College, 1866 ; A.M., 
same College, 1869; Theolo- 
gical Diploma, Oberlin's 
College, 1872 ; Post-Graduate 
Course, Oberlin's College, 
1874; D. D., Cumberland 
Univ., Tenu., U.S.A., 1888. 
Union Soldier (Soldier (16t]i 
Illinois Regiment) during 
U.S. Civil War, 1861-65. 
Pastor U.S.A. imtil 1878; 
missionary from 1875 until 
the present time, Osaka, 
Japan. Member of the 
Society of Biblical Litera- 
ture and Exegesis, U.S.A. 
National Geographical Soc, 
U.S.A. Detailed during 
Chatanooyo Compaign for 
service on Major Gen. 
Crittend's Staff, quarters- 
master's dept. T. r. J. : 34 
3''ears. Ptiblicalions: Christian 
Catechism, Theological Class 
Book (Japanese); A Work 
on Missions in Japan 
(Denominational). Address: 
33, Kawaguchi-cho, Osaka. 

Hail, Bev. J.B., D.D., Mis- 
sionary of Presbyterian 
Church in U. S. A. Arrived 

[ S4 ] 

in Japan in 1877. Address 
Wakayama, Kii. 

Hall, Jolin Cary, Consul- 
General (Britisli), Tokoliama, 
liolder of the Coronation 
Medal ; b. Coleraine in 1844; 
n. British; s. of John Hall. 
Educ.: Queen's College. 
Entered consular service in 


T.r.J.: since 1868. 

P-ublicaiioyxs: General View 
of Chinese, etc. Address: 
British Consulate-General, 
Yokohama. Glvhs: Eoyal 
Societies, etc. 

Hallier, Dr. Emil, Instruc- 
tor of the German Language 
in the Central Preparatory 
Mihtary School, etc. ; h. 
Jena (Germany), 1870 ; n. 
German; s. of Dr. Ernest 
Hallier, celebrated botanist, 
professor at the Jena Univ., 
Germany ; m. to Maria, d. 
(eldest) of Prof. Hagen, 
former president of the 
Weimar " Kunstakademie " 
(Higher Eine Arts College). 
Educ. : 1889-91, studied 
naval architecture, Berlin ; 
91-95, comparative philo- 
logy, German literature 
and pedagogics at Berlin, 
Heidelberg and Jena Uni- 
versities. 1895-97, teacher 
in Jena deaf and liard 
hearing's school ; 97-1900, 
prof. "Oberrealschule," Jena, 
besides assistant university- 
library and lector at the 

Jena university extension 
languages courses; 1900, 
Prof, at the Tokyo School 
of Foreign Languages. T. 
r.J.: since summer 1900, 
Becreaiions: photography, 
Japanese paintiug and fine 
arts. Publicaiions: School 
Books for German ; " Baus- 
teine," 7th Ed.; "Lehrp- 
roben," 5 Vols. ; " Literatur- 
proben," etc. ; " Mentola- 
Sprachfiihrer," Japanisch. 
Address : 39, Kami Tomizaka- 
cho, Koishikawa-ku, Tokyo. 
Hamblen, Eev. Samuel Wil- 
lis, M.A., Clergyman and 
missionary; h. Sept. 12, 1862; 
m. Oct. 29, 1890 at Yoko- 
hama, Alice A., d. of J. Q. 
Adams, of Boston, Mass., 
U.S.A. Educ.: Worcester, 
Academy, Worcester, Mass., 
U.S.A., class of 1882; Brown 
Univ., Providence, R.L, U. 
S.A., class of 1886 ; Newton 
Theol. Institute, Newton 
Centre, Mass., U.S.A., class 
of 1889. Graduated from 
Theol. Seminary ; was 
ordained and came to Japan 
in 1889 under apt. of 
American Baptist Missionary 
Union ; was at Sendai, 
1889-99 ; on furlough, 1899- 
1900 ; at Tokyo since 1900. 
Publications: Editor or 
mission paper " Gleanings." 
Address: 30 Tsukiji, Tokyo 
(absent). Granville, O. 

[ 55 ] 

Hamilton, Bev. H.J., Mis- 
sionary of Cliu.rcli of Eug- 
land. Arrived in Japan in 
1892. Address: Higashi 
Katalia, Nagoya. 

HanaHton, J"ch.n The mas, 
General-Manager for tlie 
East of the Equitable Life 
Assurance Society of the 
United States, holder of the 
4tli Glass, Rising Bun ; h. 
Australia, 1855 ; n. British. 
T.r.J.: 21 years. Address: 
156, B ulf, Yokoliama ; 
(Office) Yuraku-cho, Koji- 
maclii-ku, Tokyo ; P.O. Box 
T, Marnnouolii, Tokyo. 
Cliibs: Tokyo, Yokohama 
United, Yokoliama Social, 

Hampden, E. W., IIcbDit, B. 
A., Second S u-retary and 
Japanese Secrefcii-y, H.B.M.'s 
Enibassy; b. Nov. 11, 1864; 
n. British; s. of G.A. Hobert 
Hampden, I. 0. S.; married. 
Educ. : Cliltou a: d B. N. (1, 
Oxford. E.itered consular 
ser ice, 1S88; vice consul, 
Yokohama, 1904 ; present 
post, 1909. Address: British 
Embassy, Tok o. 

Haniien, A.I-I , Manager of 
Simon, Evers & Co., Kobe. 
h. at Copen.;iigen, Den- 
mark, in 1877; Educ: com- 
mercial education at Ger- 
many. Arrived at Yokohama 
in 1899 and joined a Britisli 
gommeroial firm for two 

years ; entered the seiTice of 
the Kobe branch of Simon 
Evers Co. and is now its 
manager; is also consul for 
Denmark at Kobe and 
Osaka. Address : Simon 
Evers & Co. 101-102, Yedo- 
machi, and 3 of 20 Yama- 
motodori, Kobe. 

Hunter, Edward Hazlert, 
founder o'i E.H. Hutter & 
Co., Japan Kica Mills and 
the Osaka Iron Works; h. 
Londonderry, iu 1845. Came 
to Japan in 1867 and per- 
manently settled in Kol)e 
Since 1868; founded the 
present house of E.H. Hun- 
ter & Co. to do a general 
import and export business; 
started a mill for cleaning and 
polishing rice, by a new me- 
thod, 1885; (he export of 
polished rice was begun by 
him; made a trip to Europe 
with a view to extend the 
market of Japanese rice and 
established several agencies 
in England America and Au- 
stralia, 1889 ; founded the 
Osaka Iron Works which 
is noAV one of the most 
successful works of the kind 
in Japan, 1830; conferred 
the Fifth Order of Merit by 
the I. J. government in 
1909 for his illustrious con- 
tribution to the progress of 
Japanese trade and industry. 
Address: 29 Harima-machi 

[56 ] 

(Office) 6, 3 chome, Kitano- 
cho, Kobe (residence). 

Hare, Prof. Alexander 
Joseph, Professor of Higher 
Commercial School. Educ. : 
Schools and College in Eng- 
land, Germany and France. 
Secretary of Chamber of 
Commerce at Kobe at its in- 
ception; translator for Prus- 
sian Legation at Kobe and 
Yokoham;!,, 1868 ; twenty 
five years in Japanese 
Government Service in 
Higher ( ommercial School ; 
witness of every change in 
reconstitution of Japanese 
Government from feudal 
times to the present lieiji 
Dynasty ; witnessed the at- 
tack upon foreigners in 
Kobe. - in 1868; was 
officially present at the 
"hara.ari" of the Bizen 
Official which was brought 
abouj in circumstances 
described in Mitford's 
"Tales of old Japan." 
Decoration: ith class order 
of rising Sun. Address: 14, 
Dote Sanban-oho, Koji- 
machi-ku, Tokyo. 

Hargrove, Charles Eodolph, 
B.A., (Cambridge), Editor of 
Japan Advertiser ; h. 1830, 
Leeds, England; n. British; 
s. of Rev. C. Hargrove ; 
m. Elizabeth ' Humphsey. 
JEduc. : Leeds Grammar 
School, Peterhouse, Camb. 

Assistant to Vienna corres- 
pondent of London Standard, 
1903-4; Manchester Guar- 
dian, 1905 ; Philadelphia 
Public "Ledger, 1905-07 ; 
London Times, 1907-11, in 
New York, Washington and 
London ; present post since 
Jan. 1912. Recreations: ten- 
nis. Address: 13-F, Eei- 
nanzaka-cho, Akasaka-ku, 
Tokyo. Clubs; Tokyo. 

Hargrave, Miss J. M., Mis- 
sionary of Methodist Church 
of Canada. Came to Japan 
in 1889; now serving in 
the " Juban " Kindergarten. 
Address: 8, Toriizaka, Aza- 
bu-ku, Tokyo. 

HariKSsen, Johann Andreas, 
merchant, vice-consul for 
Brazil, Director of H. 
Ahrens & Co., Nachfolger; 
h. Bremen, Germany, July 
15, 1871 ; 11. German ; s. of 
J. A. Harmssea, merchant ; 
m. to Mrs. Magarite Harms- 
sen. Educ: German College 
at Bremen, in Engliiud and 
France. Came to Japan in 
1894. T.r.J.: 19 years. 
Address: H. Ahrens & Co., 
Nachfolger, 29, Yokohama. 
Chubs: Club Germania, Yo- 
kohama United Club, etc. 

Harrington, Kev. C. K., D. 
D., Missonary of American 
Baptist Foreign Mission 
Society. Arrived in Japan 
in 1886. Address: 45, Hisa- 

[ 57 ] 

kata-cho, Koishikawa-ku, 

Harris, Gordon Alansou, 
Canadian Trade Commis- 
sioner to Japan ; b. Dec. 
15, 1881; n. Jiritish (Cana- 
dian) ; s. of John Harris, 
manufacturer; m. to Jane 
Tufford. T.r.J.: 3 years. 
Becreaiions: walking. Ad- 
dress: 14, Bund, and 125-A, 
Bluff, Yokohama; P. O. Bos 
109, Yokohama. Clubs: 

Yokohama United Club. 

Harris, HCerriman Colbert, 
Bishop; b. Beallsville, O., 
July 9, 1846; s. Colbert and 
Elizabeth Catherine (Crup- 
per) H.; A.B., Allegheny 
CoU., 1873, A.M., 1880 (I). 
D,, 1887, LL. D. 1904); m. 
Floria Lydia Best of Mead- 
viUe, Pa., Oct. 23, 1873 
(died Sept. 7, 1909). Served 
3 yrs. in 12fch Ohio Cay, in 
Civil War. Joined Pitts- 
burgh Conf., M.E. Ch., 
1869; in p storate, 1869-73; 
apptd. to Japan, 1873; re- 
mained in Japan until 1886 
and became mem. of Japan 
Ann. Conf.; supt. Japanese 
Misson of M. E. Ch. in San 
Prancisco, 1886-1904, estab- 
lishing Japanese mission in 
Hawaii and on the Pacific 
Coast, and organizing them 
into a Pacific Japanese mis- 
sion; elected bishop of Japan 
and Corea, May, 1904. Mem. 

Asiatic Soc, Japan Soc. of 
London G.A.R., Ohio Soc. 
of Cal. Decorated by Em- 
peror of Japan, 1898 & 1905, 
third class Order Sacred 
Treasure. PvMiccdions: One 
Hundred Years of Missions; 
Christianity in Japan; 
Japanese Proverbs. Home: 
Meadville, Pa. Address: 
Aoyama, Tokyo. 

HarrisoB, Ernest John, 
Journalist; b. August 22, 
1873, Manchester, England; 
n. British; s. John Pownall 
Harrison, Journalist; m. on 
June 1st, 1912, Cicely 
Muriel Boss, eldest daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. 
Ross of Tokyo. Educ: 
Model School, York, Deans- 
gate Higher Grade School, 
Manchester; and private 
tuition. Entered journalist 
profession when nineteen 
years of age at Vancouver, 
British Columbia; subse- 
quently worked at Victoria 
and Nanaimo, San Francisco 
and Los Angeles. Travelled 
extensively in California and 
British Columbia. Came to 
Japan in 1897. Edited 
Japan Herald and Japan 
Advertiser. Worked on 
Japan Times. Acted as 
coiTespondent for London. 
Daily Mail during Russo- 
Japanese V\'ar. After war 
travelled in Siberia, and 

[ 58 ] 

Russia; present at first writer. Educ: Private 

Pouma. Returned from Schools. T.r.J.: on and oft 

England to Japan. Ap- since 1893. FnUications: 

pointed Tokyo correspondent " Japan and her People;" 

of New York Herald. In " First Book of Spoken 

iiutumn of 1909 made ex- English;" " Stories in Dia- 

tended tour of Korea, South logue." Address: Miss 

and North Manchuria, East Tsuda's School, 16, Goban- 

Siberia, travelling on the cho, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 
Amur River from Sretensk HavUiand, Walter Agustus 

to Blagoveshchensk, and de, B.A., 1893, .^J.A., 1901; 

Khabarovsk, along the rout pat. agent; b. Aug. 31, 1872; 

of the Amur Railway, sub- y. s. of late Rev. C.R. de 

sequently visiting Vladivo- Havilland and Hon. Mrs. 

stock, Harbin, Mukden, de Havilland, sister of pre- 

Peking, Nankou, the Great sent Viscount Molesworth. 

Wall, Ming Tombs, etc., .Edtic.: Llizabeth College, 

Dairen and Port Arthur. Guernsey', 1881-1890, and 

T.r.J.: Fifteen years. Bee- Cambridge University, 1890- 

reations: principally JMo, 3; Professor, Kobe Mission 

holding rank of Shodan at School (S.P.G.), 1896-98; 

the Kodo-kwan; also Ian- Fourth High School, Kana- 

guages, more particularly zawa, 1898-1904; Higher 

Japanese and Russian; and Normal School, Tokyo, 

music. Publications: " Peace 1904-6, afterward resigned 

or War, East of Baikal." his professorship and be- 

Another volume on Japan came registered patent and 

in the press. Translator of trademark agent for Japan 

Wilenkin's " Political and and Korea. Pullications: 

Economic Organization of Short Stories for Composi- 

Modern Japan," and of tion and conversation. Ad- 

stories from Chekhoff pub- dress: 2 and 3, Mitsu Bishi 

lished^ in Japan Chronicle, BuUding. Tayesu-cho It- 

Address: No. 17, Hikawa- chome, Kojimachi-ku (Office), 

cho, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. and 14 of 12, Ichibei-cho 

Hartshoine, Anna C, Eng- Nichome, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 

lish teacher; h. Philadelphia, Tel. : 409 Honliyoku. 
Pa., U.S.A., 1860; n. Ame- Healing', Leonard Joseph, 

rican; d. of Henry Harts- A.M.i.E.E., Electrical Eugi- 

horne, doctor and medical neer, Director L. J. Healing 

[ 59 ] 

& Co., Ltd.; h. Tewkesbury, 
England, 1867; n. English; 
s. of Mr. Healing; m. to 
Miss Morriss. Educ: Chel- 
tenham and Einsbnry Tech. 
Colleges. After engineering 
experiences in England, came 
to Japan in 1890 and was 
appointed electrical engineer 
to the Foreign Eire Ins. Cos. 
Established himself in busi- 
ness in 1891 and was joined 
in partnership in 1898 by 
W.E. Eddison. Recreations 
cricket, shooting. Address 
20, Bluff, Yokohama. Td. 
1427. a-ubs: Thatched 

House ; Yokohama United 
Club; Tokyo Club; Kobe 
Mem. F. Cham, of Com- 

Heafch, Cliarleis K., A.M.I. 
E.E., Engineer; h. Lancashire, 
England; n. English; m. to 
Claughton. Educ.: Colleges. 
Mechanical and electrical 
engineering ; commercial & 
technical. For 5 years pupU 
in British works; since then 
engaged on general engneer- 
ing for about 12 years. Be- 
er eatiaas: all British sports. 
Address: c/o Messrs. Yonei 

Health, Gilbert Ootavius, 
Solicitor of tlie Supreme 
Court of New South Wal^s, 
holder of South African War 
Medal with four clasps; b. 
Sept. 11, .1873 at Wagga; 

New South Wales; n. Bri- 
tish ; s. of Thomas Cor- 
nish Heath, optician; m. to 
Kebecca Sornebrink (184, 
Yamate-cho, Yokohama), 
Nov. 4, 1908. Educ.: Syd- 
ney Grammar School and 
Sydney University. Law 
Student, 1891-96; practised 
law in New South Wales, 
1899-99, 1902-04; Lieute- 
nant New South Wales 
Volunteers: served South 
African War, 1901; came to 
Japan, 1904. Secreaticns: 
motorist and cyclist. Ad- 
dress: 24 Yamashita-cho, and 
252, Yamate-cho, Yokohama 
and 135, Kobe. Td : 2517, 
Yokohama and 836, Kobe. 
Clubs: Yokohama United 

Heck, Emile IiOuis, 

Licencie-es-Lettres, professor 
of French language and 
Literature, and of Latin 
language, at the Imperial 
University of Tokyo, Cho- 
kunin, holder of Officier 
d'Academie, Officier (4th 
Class) du Soleil Levant; b. 
Febr. 16, 1866, Drujoutin 
(Territoire de Belfort); n. 
French. Educ. : Belfort, 
Besan^on, Paris. Professor 
at the College of La 
Roohelle and Saint-Remy. 
T.r.J.: since 1891. Address: 
32, lida-machi, Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. Td.: Bancho 

[ 60 ] 

1832. Ghibs: Etoile du 

BCeinricli, Waentig, Dr. 
Phil., Professor of political 
economy, Cliokimiii, Editor 
of Lehrbiiclier fiir National- 
ekonomie ijiid Statistik ; b. 
Marcli 21, 1870, Zwickau, 
Saxony; n. German; s. of 
Waentig Heinrioh, Ex- Vice- 
minister of • Education in 
Saxony. Educ: Universities 
of Berlin, Munich, Leipzig. 
Lecturer of political 

economy in the University 
of Marburg since 1896; as- 
sistant professor in the 
University of Greifswald 
since 1897; Professor in 
1898; transferred to Minster 
in 1902, to Ha'Ie in 1904, 
to Tokyo in 1909. Rec- 
reations: art and literature, 
and travelling. Publications : 
Auguste Comte und seine 
Bedeutung fur die Social- 
wissenschiift, 1894; Gewer- 
bliche Mittelstandpolitik, 

1897; Wirtsoliaft und Kunst, 
1909; many contributions to 
scientific magazines. Ad- 
dresn: 33, Oban-cho, Yostu- 
ya-kn, Tokyo. Tel.: Hancho 

Heise, RioTiard George 
Joiiann,s Mag us. Professor 
of Germ! in, holder of 5th 
Glass, llising Sun; b. May 
1, 1869 in Kiel; n. German; 
s. of Kev. A. Heise, lecturer 

in the University of Kiel, 
died in 1895. Educ.: edu- 
cated in the Gymnasium 
and studied 3 years in the 
University. Devoted himself 
on account of his health for 
some time to agriculture in 
East Russia and Silesia; 
then underwent customary 
military service in Poseu, 
Gorlitz and Kawitsch; left 
with the qualification as an 
officer in the Reserve ; went 
to France and Eu gland ; 
stayed in the latter country 
about 5 years as professor 
of German in some schools 
and received in the begin- 
ning of 1902 the offer of 
coming out to Japan from 
the then Director of the 
Higher Commercial College 
in Tokyo ; from the latter 
half < f 1902 until now in- 
structor of German in the 
Higher Commercial College 
in Tokyo and from 1903 
also in the Peers' College. 
Publications: Guide to the 
Study of German ; Leiohte 
Konversationsuebangen ; An- 
leitung zum Uebersetzen. 
Address: 836, Zoshigaya, 
Takata-mura, Tokyo. Tel. : 
Bancho 2938. Okibs: Ger- 
man Asiatic Society. 

Hemunai, S.K., Silk Mer- 
chant ; b. Hyderabad, Sindh, 
1880 ; n. Hiudu ; s. of He- 
munai, merchant. T.r.J. : 

[ 6i ] 

7 years. Address: 88-A, 
Main Street, Yokohama ; P. 
O. Box 162, Yokohama. 
Td.: 2252. 

Herimaim, Victor, Eiec. and 
Mechn. Engineer, Managing 
Diretor of Siemens Schuok- 
ert Co.; b. Stuttgart, Ger- 
many, 1870 ; n. German ; s. 
of C. Herrmann ; m. 1906. 
Educ: Stuttgart Technical 
University. Since 1896 as 
engineer of Siemens and 
Co.; in 1903 manager of 
the Osaka Branch of that 
Co.; after the amalgamation 
of Siemens and Halske Co. 
and Schuckert Co., manag- 
ing Director for Japan. T. 
r.J.: since 1896. Address: 
48, Tsukiji, Kyobashi-ku, 

Hibbard Carlisle V., secre- 
tary of the International 
Committee of the Young 
Men's Christian Association 
in Japan since 1902 ; h. in 
America, 1876. Educ: gra- 
duate of University Wiscon- 
sin (1900). Address: 48 
Eohigo-maclii, Dairen. 

Hind, James, iff.A., Cam- 
bridge, Clerk in Holy 
Orders ; h. Harrow, Mid- 
dlesex, England, Apiil 9, 
1861; n. English; s. of 
WiUiam Marsden Hind ; m. 
with Miss Anne Theodosia 
Tapson, Febr. 19, 1891. 
Educ. : Framlingham, and 

Queen's College, Cambridge; 
B.A., Febr. 1881. Practiced 
as solicitor in London, Apr. 
1884-Dec. 1887. Ordained 
Deacon by Bishop Temple 
in London, Dec. 1887 and 
Priest by Bishop Temple, 
Dec. 1888; joined the ranks 
of the Church Missionary 
Societv, Jan. 1890. T.r.J.: 
since "Febr. 1890. Publi- 
cations: (Translations) "The 
Parables of Our Lord," 
Archbp. Trench; "The Mi- 
racles of our Lord," Archbp. 
"Outlines of Christian Doc- 
trine," Bishop H.C.S. Moule; 
" Old Testament History," A. 
Edersheim; (Compiled) "Com- 
mentai'y on S. Matthew's 
Gospel." Address: 107, Hi- 
gashi Kaji-machi, Kokura. 

Hodder, Henry Charles, 
Commissioner and Chief 
Officer of the Salvation 
Army Work in Japan ; h. 
July 13, 1861, Southampton,. 
England ; s. of John Hodder ; 
m. to Catherine Ellen Ful- 
lerton. Educ. : The S. A. 
Training College in London, 
England. Connected for 30 
years with the S.A. Work ; 
quickly rose to positions of 
importance ; was in Command 
of the Army's operations 
in Holland ; followed by 
the Command of large 
tracts of territory in Britain 
including the South, West,, 

[ 62 ] 

North and tlie Midlands; 
then the ( 'omraand of the 
Work in ScotLind, and of 
the Work in London; whence 
appointed to the Command of 
the Army's Work in Japan. 
Recreations: The whole bent 
of his life and tastes are 
for the helping and blessing 
of the nmsses. Address: 11, 
Gri 1 1 za Ni- chome , K jobashi- 
ku, Tokyo. Td.: Kyobashi 

Hodg-es, Miss Olive Ireland, 
S.I. Peabcdy Normal A.B. 
W. V. U., missionary; h. 
Bnckhannon, West Virginia, 
U.S.A.; fi. American; d. of 
J.F. Hodges, farmer. Ediic.: 
Public Schools, Normal 
School, State University. 
Teaching in public schools, 
high school, normal school; 
served in Japan for 7 years. 
Address: 244-B, Bluff, Yoko- 

Hoffsommer, Walter Edward, 
Teacher, missionary; h. Aug. 
1, 1880, Battle Hill, Kas., 
U.S.A.; n. American; m. to 
Grace Posey, July 31, 1907. 
Educ. : Ursinus College. 
Former Y.M.O.A. Secrere- 
tary. T.r.J.: 5 years. Bec- 
reaiions: base ball, foot ball, 
basket ball. Address: Meiji 
Gaknin, Tokyo. 

HqM, Ernest, Mercliant, 
manager of import depart- 
ment, Siber Hegner & Co.; 

h. 1872, Ziirich, Switzerland; 
71. Swiss. T.r.J.: 14 years. 
Address: 90-A, Yamashita- 
cho, Yokohama. Tel.: 965. 
GliJ)s: Club GeMnania. 

Holmes, Ernest Hamilton, 
His Britannic Majesty Acting 
Consul, Shimonoseki; h. 
20. 1876; n. British; s. of 
William P. Holmes, Lieut. 
Colonel (retired); m. Ina Ses- 
lie in 1903 ; Daughter Do- 
reen Himilton, h. 1894; Son 
Cecil Hamilton, 6. 1896; Son 
Peter Ha,milfc>n, h. 1912; 
Educ.: Welling: on College; 
entered H. B. M. Consular 
Service in Japan 1897. Vice 
Consul 1910. T. r. J. 16 
years. Becreations: golf. Ad- 
dress: Biitish Consulate, Shi- 

Horn, George Washington 
Van, Minister of the Gospel; 
A.M. DePauw University 
Greencastle, lud., b. March 
19 1846 Pittsburg Pa. U.S. 
A.; 11. American; s. John 
Van Horn, builder and 
contractor; m. Miss Frances 
M. Dorsey, of Shelby Co. 
Ky. in 1878. Educ: Cum- 
berland University Lebanon 
Tenn. A.B. 1879, DePauw 
University Greencastle Ind. 
A.B. 1884, A.M. 1887. En- 
listed in the Union army in 
the civil war U.S.A. at age 
of 15. Non commissioned 
officer 1864, ^discharged 

L 63 ] 

from service 1865, entered 
college in 1872, tauglit 
school, organized an acade- 
my wliich is still in opera- 
tion, entered the ministry 
in 1876, served as pastor 
untill 1888, came to Japan 
the same year as a. mis- 
sionary of the Cum. Pres. 
Chvirch. 1897 president of 
the Council of cooperating 
Pres. Missions in Japan, 
returned to America on 
forlough in 1899, and also 
in 1908-1909, delegate from 
West Japan Mission to 
121st. General Assembly of 
the Pres. church U.S.A. 
Denver (~'ol. Have resided 
in Japan 24 years. Address: 
32, liawaguchi-oho, Osaka. 

Home, Frederick Whitney, 
Electrical engineer, holder 
of 1st Ckss Order Vasa 
iSv(redish), 6th Class Order 
Sacred Treasure (Japanese); 
h. March 30, 1856, London, 
Canada; n. American (natu- 
ralised); s. of John Gamble 
Home, banker, London, 
(^'anada; m. to Anne Bynd 
Isawielb of Georgia, U.S.A. 
Educ. : Chicago High School, 
Bryan and Stratton Business 
School. Electrical business, 
20 years; importer to Japan, 
15 years. T.r.J.: 16 years. 
Address: Temple (^ourt. 
Bluff, Yokohama. Td.: 

1822. Ohb&: Lawyers Club; 

Machinery Club, N. Y. City; 
Yokohama United Club; 
Athletic Club, Yokohama. 

Hora, Jan Karel, E. E. 
(electrical engineer), con- 
sulting engineer; b. Poli- 
cany, Bohemia, Austria, 
Febr. 10, 1881; fi. Bohemian; 
s. of Aldfs Jan Hora, 
superintendent of Imperial 
Estates, Austria; m. to Mrs. 
EHzabeth F. Hora. Educ: 
Imp. Techanical Schools, 
Austria. Engineer Imperial 
Communication Department, 
Austria; Engineer Western 
Electric Co., Chicago; Engi- 
neer Peoples' Gas Light & 
Coke Co., Chicago; Engineer 
Oaska Gas Company Ltd., 
Osaka; Proprietor of Firm 
Carel Jan Hora & Co., 
Engineers & Importers 6f 
Machinery, Yokohama; Part- 
ner of Firm Letzel & Hora. 
Architectural Ofiioes, Tokyo. 
T.r.J.: since 1905. Bec- 
reaiions: motoring. PiMica- 
tions: Bohemian Edition of 
Prof. Nitobe's " Bushido " 
and a few Bohemian books. 
Address: {Office). 167, Yama- 
shita-oho, Yokohama; (pri- 
vaie) 61-A, Bluff, Yokohama. 
Td!.: 25 and 1959. C^Mfe: Nip- 
pon Automobile Club; Club 
Germania; Asiatic Society 
of Japan; German Asiatic 
Society ; Japanese Business 
(Electrical) Ass., etc., etc. 

[ 64 ] 

Hov/ard, Rev. A.T., D.D., 

Missionary of United Bre- 
thren in Christ. Arrived in 
Japan in 1898. Address: 
Shimo-Shibuya, Tokyo. 

Hunter, Hans, Mining and 
metaHurgic.!! engineer, As- 
sociate Royal School of 
Mines, (A. R. S. M.), F. G. S. 
mem. Am. Inst, of Mining 
Ecgineers, etc.; h. 29th Feb. 
1884, Kobe, Japan; n. Bri- 
tish; s. of. Edward, H. Hun- 
ter. Educ. : Merchiston Castle 
School, Edinburgh., Edin- 
burgh University, Royal 
School of Mines, London. 
Partner in the firm of B. H. 
Hnnter & Co. T.r.J. 3 years. 
Recreations: shooting, rowing, 
Rugby football. Address: 
Honden, Osaka & 1st Mary 
Oxe Loudon. Glvbs: Royal 
Societies Club. Mining & 
Metallurgical Club, London. 

Hutchinson, Rev. Arthur 
Bloekey, Missionary of CM. 
S., Archdeacon in Kiushiu; 
h. Aug. 24, 1841, "at Isling- 
ton, London; Arthur Hul- 
chinson, merchant; m. 1870, 
Sarah, d. late Joseph Wip- 
pell, of Exeter; in 1882, 
Elizabeth W., d. of late R. 
Gibbings, of Brenton; s. of 
James. .Educ.i privately 
and Church Missionary Col- 
lege, Islington. Curate 
Broomfield, Essex, 1870-1; 
incumbent St. Stephen's, 

Hongkong, C.M.S., 1871-82; 
missionary, Nagasaki, 1882- 
88; St. Alpha Church, Fuku- 
oka; 1888; exam, chaplain 
to Bishop Evingtong, 1895; 
commissary for diocese, 
1891; acting sec, C. M. S., 
Kyuslui, 1903; acting Sec. 
Japan Miss., 1906; present 
post since 1910; appointed 
by sir R. Kennedy, Gov- 
ernor, to assist in drawing 
up a scheme for grants in 
aid to Mission Schools for 
Colony of Hongkong, and 
prepariug text books iu 
1876 . Publkations : Old Test. 
Primer Parallel Harmony 
Gospel; Athanasian Creed 
(in classical Chinese); Book 
of Psalms, Book of Com. 
Prayer Ordinal and Service; 
The 39 Articles (in Cant- 
onese); various articles in 
Chinese Review and Chinese 
Recorder; "The Mind of 
Mencius," from German of 
Eaber Trubner (in English); 
Sermons on Christian liife; 
Easy Preparation for Bap- 
tism, 5th Edition; The 39 
articles; Parallel Harmony 
Gospel, Catechism of Chris- 
tian Religion;' Dale on At- 
onement; Bishop Lightfoot 
on the Christian Ministry; 
" The Gospel and counter- 
feit," Urquhart on Esther; 
Sir R. Anderson on the 
Gospel and its Ministry; 

[ 65 ] 

Comm. on 39 Articles; Dr. 
Buillingere's Sermons on tlie 
Second Advent (in Japanese). 
Address: 9 Desliima, Naga- 

Huth, Wilhelm, Wissen- 
scliaftliclier Handelslehrer, 
professor ; h. March 22, 
1883, Posen, Germany; 
h. German; s. of Karl Huth, 
professor. Edm. : Handels- 
hochschule and University of 
Berlin. Professoi', Berlin 
professor, Obaru. T. r. J, 
since Apr. 1912. Address 
Otara, Hokkaido. 

Hassam, K. Merchant, 

export and import of all 
kinds of merchandise; h. in 
Bombay; n. British subject. 
Arrived in Japan 1895. Ad- 
dress : 18/1 Sannomiya-cha 
2 chome, Kobe. Tdl: 899. 
Glvbs.: Oriental Club. 

Herrerera, E. A., Merchant; 
h. Cadix, Spain. 20th Feb. 
1877; n. Spaniard; s. of J. 
M. Herrera, Militar. Educ.: 
St. Bai-thelemy Seminary. 
Cadit private schools. Gareer 
Commerce. Vice Consul for 
Argentine in Kobe. T. r. J. 
four yearl. Tel: 1160. Be- 
creations: reading. 

[ 66 ] 


Iglehart, Edwin Taylor, A. 
B., B.D., Missioflary; h. 
Green Castle, Indiana, U. S. 
A.., Nov. 1878 ; n. American; 
g. of Ferdinand C. Iglehart, 
D. P., clergyman and au- 
thor; m. Ang. 1907, to Miss 
Luella C. MiUer. Educ.-. 
graduated from Columbia 
College in 1898, Drew The- 
ological Seminary in 1901. 

Came to Japan, Sept. 1904; 
now is manager of Methodist 
Publishing House. T.r.J.: 
since 1904. Address: Aoya- 
ma Gakuin, Tokyo. 

Iiabrie, Rev. Wm., D.D., 
Missionary from Presbyterian 
Church in U. S. A., teacher 
of the Meiji Gakuin. Came 
to Japan in 1875. Address: 
Meiji Gakuin, Shirokane, 
Shiba-ku, Tokyo, 

[ 67 ] 

Jalin, Alexander F., part- 
Tier in tlie firm of Messrs. 
Thomas & Company, Kobe, 
Tokyo and Yokohama; h. 
September 21st 1878 at 
Potsdam, Germany; n. Grer- 
man; s. August Jabn, mer- 
chant; m. 1910 with Elisa- 
bet Woellner, daughter of 
H. Woellner Esq., banker, 
at Nauen near Berlin. T.r. 
J.: since end of 1900. Con- 
nected with Thomas and 
Company since 1907. Ad- 
dress: Yokohama, Yama- 
shita-cho No. 63 and Yama- 
te-choNo. 107 A. Tel: No. 
977. Gltihs: Club Ge'rmania, 
Yokohama and Club Con- 
cordia, Kobe. 

James, J.J., Manager of G. 
Nickel & Co., Ltd.; n. Bri- 
tisher; s. of Captain James, 
living at Kobe fox 28 years. 
Educ: in England. Kepre- 
senting the said Firm at 

Moji 1 year and at Kobe 
20 years. T.r. J.: 21 years. 
Address-. 72, Bluff, and 40, 
Yamashita-cho, Yokohama. 
Td.: 1289. 

Johnson, Rev. Weston T., 
A.B., Missionary; h. Michi- 
gan, U.S.A., Aug. 6, 1874; 
m. June 4, 1902, Sarah 
Young Macleod. EdiK. : 
Alma College and Princeton 
Theological Seminary, Ad- 
dress: Sapporo, Hokkaido. 

Junker, August, Prof, of 
music (from Prussia), ex- Pro- 
fessor of music at the Im- 
perial Academy of Music, 
Tokyo, holder of the 5th 
Class Order of the Bising 
Sun; h. 1870 at Cologne on 
the Rhine; n. German. 
Educ: Koyal Academy of 
Music, Berlin. T.r.J.: 15 
years. Publications: "Yuya," 
a Japanese Opera. Resigned 
liis post and returned home 
in 1012. 

[ 68 ] 

|. lately transformed into a 

•^ private limited company, in 

Eaeser, Anthony Edward, wllich lie is one of the 

Agent for Messrs. Tiios. managing directors. Address: 

Cook & Son in Japan; h. Simon, Evers & Co., 25 

St. Joseph, Mo. U. S. A. Bluff, Yokohama. 

June 14, 1874; 7l. American; Keane, William Lawrence, 

s. of Edward Elaeser, manu- Merchant, proprietor of the 

facturer. T.r.J.: since Dec. silk firm of Wm. L. Keaul; 

1906. Address: 207, .Dluff, h. New York; n. American. 

Yokohama. Ed-uc.: in New I'ork. Came 

Kahn, A.E., Manager of to Japan ia 1893 in the 

Oppenheimer & Co., Kobe, interests of Messrs. E. T. 

Exporters and Importers, Mason & Co., silk merchants 

Agent for Trans-Siberian of New York as manager; 

Railways; h. Gray, Haute always interested in the silk 

Saone, Erance, Oct. 23, Business. T.r.J.: about 19 

1878; n. French. Since years. Recreaiions: interested 

1892 with the same firm, in arts of Japan and mad;) 

T.r.J.: since 1902, 10 years, some rare collections. Piib- 

Address: 28, Harima-machi, lications: On the School of 

Kobe. " Ukiyo-Ye." Address: 10, 

Kaufmann, Max, Managing Bund, Yokohama. Td.: 620. 
director of Simon, Evers & Keirn, G.I., D.D., Mis- 
Co., Yokohama; 6. Elberfeld, sionary of Universalist Mis- 
Germany, in 1857. In 1875, sion. Came to Japan iu 
entered the service of the 1899. Address: 15, Dote 
loading Paris exporting Sanbancho, Kojimaohi-ku, 
houses, where he became Tokyo. 

acquainted with over-sea Kennedy, John Russell, 

tKide; entered the firm of Journalist, Chief of Biu'eau of 

Simon, Evers & Co., Ham- The Associated Press, holder 

berg and Japan, thus he of 3rd Class of the Sacred 

came to Yokohama in 1880, Treasure (Japanese), Egypt 

and ever since has uninter- 1884 with 2 clasps; Bronze 

ruptedly been active in the Star of Egypt and 3rd Class 

interest of the firm. Upon Jeweled Mirror ; h. Bray, 

the death of Mr. Simons Nov. 5, 1861; n. American 

in 1894, he became a part- (naturalized'; s. of Wiliam 

ner of the firm which was Studdert Kennedy, clergy- 

[ 69 ] 

man; m. at Palalka, Florida, 
U.S.A., to Emily Campbell; 
1 son, John Russell. Educ: 
Glenalmond, Trinity College, 
Dublin. Soldier, war cor- 
respondent, reporter and 
Editor for 30 years; then 
joined The Associated Press 
in 1899 and became editor, 
assistant night manager, cor- 
respondent in London, riiglit 
manager in New York, 
i; cting general superinten- 
dent and served through 
Cainpjiigns in Egypt, Canada, 
China, as correspondent. 
T.T.J.: 5 years. Mecreaticms: 
tennis and all out-door 
sports. Publications: in pre- 
paration. Address: 3, Aoi- 
cho, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo: 
The Associated Press. Td.: 
Shiba 2730. OMs: National 
Press Club, New York Press 
Club, Tokyo -Club, Yoko- 
hama United Club, Shanghai 
Club, Tokyo Tennis Clnb, 
Intern.- tional Press Club, etc. 

Kettlewel], Kev. Pred., B. 

A., X,. Th., Minister and mis- 
sionary; b. Aug. 5, 1877. 
Educ.': N. E. Cotmty School; 
Durliam School; Durham 
University; Mathematical 
Scholar c;f Durham Univer- 
sity, 1898; Lightfoot Scho- 
lar and Undergraduates Ex- 
hibitioner, 1900; 1st class, 
mathematics, 1st year; 2nd 
class, mathematics for 

degree, 1900; 1st class, 
Theology (L. Th 1901. Pre- 
sident of Durham Union 
Society, 1901; ordained 
Deacon by Arch bishop of 
York, Sept., 1901; ordained 
Priest^ Dec, 1902; Curate 
of Goole, 1901-05; became 
S.P.G. Missionary at Kobe, 
Diocese of Osaka, 1906. 
Address: 6 of 18, Yama- 
moto Dori Nichome, Kobe. 

Kildoyle, Ed., Engineer; b. 
New York, 1846; n. Japa- 
nese (naturalized) ; s. of 
Dennis Kildoyle, civil engi- 
neer; married. Chief engi- 
neer in the old Mitsubishi 
Co., manager and owner at 
one time of the Yokohama 
Engine and Iron Works, 
Japan Marble and Granite 
Co., Phonix Saw Mill, Em- 
pire Wood Working Co. T. 
r.J.: 43 years. Address: 
1400, Nakamura, Bluff, Yo- 

King, Edward Julian, Mer- 
chant, appointed American 
Consular Agent, March 2ud, 
1904; /). New York, U.S.A. 
March 29l;h, 1866; n. Ame- 
rican; s. G. A. King, mer- 
chant; m. June 1st, 1893. - 
Educ: New York Public 
Schools, Cooper Institute. 
Born and educated in New 
York. Went to sea at the 
■age of fifteen, shipmaster 
at the age of 22; came to 

[ 70 ] 

Japan in 1892; master in 
N. T. K. 'steamers]; resigned 
in 1894 and started in busi- 
ness at Hakodate; actively 
engaged in promoting the 
export trade of tlae Hokkai- 
do. Senior partner of the 
firm of King and Schulze, of 
Hakokate, Otaru, Muroran 
and Knshiro. Was appoint- 
ed American Consular Agent 
at Hakodate, on March 2nd, 
1904. T.r.J.: Since Jime 
2nd, 1892. Becreations: 

yatchting, goK, etc. Ad- 
dress: 59 Funamicho, Hako- 
date. Td.: mi. 

Kingsbury, Willard de 
Lamater, A.B., Clergyman; b. 
California, U.S.A., Dec. 18, 
1868; 11. American; s. of 
Willard Belmont Kingsbury, 
M.D.; TO. 1st wife, Clara 
Jeanette Stanbrid^e, 1896, 
died 1906; 2nd wife, 
Melinde Eakenhus, 1909, in 
Yokohama. Educ: A. B. 
University of the Pacific, 
1899 ; also graduate of 
Commercial College. In San 
Francisco Public Schools, 
1890-1903; last 3 years as 
Deputy Superintendent of 
Schools. 'For 4 years m. of 
California State Educational 
Commission. 1903 to pre- 
sent, clergyman in Metho- 
dist Episcopal Church. 1909 
to present, American Con- 
sular Agent at Tokkaichi. 

1909 to present, teacher of 
English in the 1st Middle 
School, Nagoya. 1911 to 
present, indi^pendent self- 
suppoiting missionary. T.7: 
J.: since 1906. Becreations: 
Bicycling, iSwimming, Ten- 
nii3. Address: 6, Hisaya- 
cho, Nagoya. -^Rj 

Kirby, Kichard J., Mer- 
chant, Consul in Tokyo for 
Chile; Dec. 31, 1854, Tyne- 
mouth, ' Northumberland,. 
England; n. British; s. of 
Richard Kirby, ship owner j 
m. 1879, to Miss J. A. Tho- 
mas. Educ.: Eock College, 
Rockferry and Liverpool 
Collegiate. Amved in Kobe, 
Japan, Nov. 1869. Beci-e- 
aiio 'S : rowing and golf. 
Publications : Translations of 
Classical Japanese Authors 
in the Transactions of the 
Asiatic Society of Japan. 
Address: 2063, Negishi, Yo- 
kohama. Tel.: 779. Clubs: 
Tokyo Club, Yokohama 
United Club. 

Kliiss, JPranz, Expert in 
woolen and cotton weavings 
and in oils, fats and 
greases of all kinds; b. 
Hamburg, 1873; m. German; 
6-. of W. Kliiss, manufac- 
turer of woollen clothes. 
Educ: University. Business 
and Banking. 'T.r.J.: 20 
years. Becreations : golf, 
rowing, swimming, walk- 

[ 71 ] 

ing. Address: 63, Naniwa- 
machi, Kobe. Tel: 2757. 
GMs: Kol;e Club, Club Con- 
cordia, Club Germauia, K. 
K. & A. C, Kobe Golf Club. 

Kcerting, Julius, Merchant, 
director of engine and iron 
works, proprietor of Koert- 
ing, Bume and Reif, Impor- 
ters, in Tokyo, Yokohama 
and Kobe; b. IBriiun, Austria, 
n. Austrian; s. of J. Koerting, 
merchant; m. to Olga Koer- 
ting (nee Hahn). Uduc: Col- 
lege. Previously a military 
officer in Austria. T. r. J:: 
since 1897, 16 years. Ad,- 
dress: Tokyo, 13, Tsukiji, 
Kyobashi-ku; Yokohama, 
176-A, Yamashita-cho. P.O. 
B. 322; Kobe. 63, Naniwa- 
eho, P.O.B. 160. 

Kiihnej X>r. Hans, Vice 

Consul am Kaiserlichea 
Generalkonsulat in Yoko- 
hama, Oberleutenant d. R. 
im 1. Ulanen Regiment No. 
17, Kaiser Franz Joseph 
von Oesterreich, Konig voq 
Ungarn, holder of the 
Landwehr Dienst auszeich- 
nuug II. KL; h. June 10, 
1875, Connewitz bei Leipzig; 
n. Germany. (Kouigreich 
Sachsen); m. to Annamarie 
Kiihne (geborene Gohring). 
Educ. : Universities of Berlin, 
Heidelberg, Leipzig. Foreign 
Office, Berlin. T.r.J.: 4 
years. Address: German 
Consulate General, Yoko- 
hama. Gliibs: Yokohama 
United Club, Mppon Race 
Club, Club Germania. PrivcUe 
Residence: Bluff 247 A. 

[ 72 ] 

Lacher, Johann, accountant 
sings pro. of the Osaka 
Branch of the Siemens 
Schuckert Co., Ltd.; b. 23. 
"April 1876; n. German; m. 
Sophie Messer schmidt, 1903. 
T.r.J: since 1907. Address: 
Ashiya near Kobe. 

Landis, Kev. Henry Mohr, 

A. B. : A. M. Missionary of 
Presbyterian Church in U. 
S.A., teacher at Moiji Gak- 
kuin ; b. March 1857 Barts, 
Pennsylvania; s. of Geo. O. 
Landis; m. 1888 to Emma 
Stiefler of Kamenz, Saxony, 
Germany. Educ. : Normal 
School, Princeton College, 
1879-83, Belrin University, 
'83-'84, Princeton Theo. Sem. 
'84-'87. Instructor at a theo- 
logical seminary in New 
York, 1886-88; has come to 
Japan as missionary of P.M., 
1888; since his arrival in 
Japan engaged in teaching 
at the Meiji-gakuin; besides 
editor S.S. Teacher's Month- 
ly, 1899-1904; statistician of 
Christian Movement, 1905 to 
present. Address: Meiji- 
gakuin, Sliirokane, Shiba, 
Tokyo. Tel: 820 Shiba. 

Iianing, Dr. Geo, M.B.A., III. 

B. Physician and Surgeon 
Asst.-Direetor St. Barnabas 
Hospital; n. American; s. 
Dr. H. Laning, physician 

and surgeon; m. Beatrice S. 
GoodheAV, ann arbor, Michi. 
U. S. A. Educ.: Kenyon, 
University of Michigan 
Literary Dept., Medical Col- 
lege. Came to Japan three 
years ago. Address: 27 
Kawaguchi-cho, Osaka. 

Laning, Dr, Henry, WC.D. 
Physician and surgeon, 
director St. Barnabas Hos- 
pital; b. McLean, New York, 
U.S.A., 1843; n. American; 
s. Dr. Richard Laning, 
physician and surgeon; m. 
B. T. Miohie, Charlottesville, 
Va., U. S. A. Educ. : Albany 
Medical College. Surgeon 
in the U. S. Army during 
the Civil War, practicing 
physician and surgeon in 
New York, practicing physi- 
cian and surgeon in Osaka, 
founder of St. Barnabars 
Hospital, instructor and con- 
sulting physician in many 
local hospitals, in early days 
of modern medicine in Japan. 
jP.r. J". : forty years. Address: 
6 Kawaguchi-cho, Osaka. 

Lawrence, John, M.A. (Ox- 
ford). D. Lit, M. A. (Lon- 
don), Professor of English 
language and literature in 
the Lnperial University of 
Tokyo, Chokunin; b. Samp- 
ford Peverell, nr. Tiverton, 
Devon, England, Dec. 20, 
1850; n. English; s. of 
Samuel Lawrence, school- 

C 73 i 

master; m. to Fanny Ohri- 
stison Hunter of Edinburgh 
in 1893. Educ.: Sidcot 
School (Somersetshire), 

Hounders College (York- 
shire), Manchester, Paris, 
BerHn and Oxford Univer- 
sities. Teacher at Sidcot 
School (1867-72), Tutor at 
Hounders College and at 
the Dalton Hall, Manchester. 
Private Tutor in family of 
Samuel Smith, M.P., Lec- 
turer in English at Bedford 
College, London. Professor 
of EngHsh in the Imperial 
University, Tokyo. T.r.J. : 
since Sept. 18, 1906, nearly 
6 years. Recreations: (in 
summer) cricket and- lawn 
tennis; (in winter) walk- 
ing. Publications: Chapters 
on Alliterative Verse; various 
short articles. Address: 5, Hi- 
kawa-cho, Akasaka, Tokyo; 
363, Karuizawa. Clubs. : the 
Viking Club (London). 

Laws, Arthur Fairbank, 
(Chosen name ttfcUl), M.D., 
Medical Missionary (English 
Church Mission, " Sei-Ko- 
Kwai "), holder of the 
Medal of China Expedition- 
ary Force, 1900; b. Febr. 
14, 1868, London, England; 
n. British; s. of John 
Edward Laws, Accountant; 
m. June 27, 1908, to d. of 
S. Martin, at Brightlingsea, 
England. Educ: King's 

College, London, and Medico- 
Chirurgical College, Philadel- 
phia, U.S.A. T.r. in Chosen: 
15 years. Address: Chinsen 
<Mm, Chosen. 

I,ayard, S,. de B., British 
Consul Service in Japan, 
holder of Coronation Medal, 
1911; b. British India, 1859; 
n. British; s. of Lieuten>int- 
General Layard; m. 1892 to 
the youngest daughter of 
Colonel Scobells, brother of 
Major-Greneral Sir Henry 
Scobell. Ediic. : Wellington 
College. Entered Consular 
Service in 1881, Vice Consiil 
1896, Consul 1897, Consul 
General 1908. T.r.J.: 32 
years. Becreations : sailing, 
shooting. Address : British 
Consulate General, Kobe, 
Japan. Td.: 991. QtAs: 
Yokohama and Kobe Clubs; 
St. James, Garrick, London. 

Jjeach, Bernard Havell, 
Artist; b. Jan. 5, 1887, Hong- 
kong; 71. English; s. of An- 
drew John Leach, Colonial 
Judge; TO. in Yokohama, 
1909, to his cousin Miss M. 
E. Hoyle. Educ.: Beaumont 
College, VTindsor, England, 
and jM anchester University 
and several art schools. T. 
r.J.: 3 years. Address: 40, 
Sakuragi-cho, Ueno Shita- 
ya-ku, Tokyo. 

I/eamed, Dr. Dwight Whit- 
ney, D.D., B.A., Ph.. B., Theo- 

[ 74 ] 

logical teacher; b. Oct. 12, 
1848, at Canterbury, Conn., 
U.S.A.; m. July 7, 1875, 
Florence Holen Kehard. 
EdiK. : Yale University. 
Professor of Greek, Thayer 
College, 1873-75; arrived in 
Japan, 1875, at time of 
opening of Doshisha College, 
and lias since been connect- 
ed with that institution; at 
present Dean of Theological 
Department and Professor 
of church history and New 
Testment, also mission sec- 
retary and treasurer. Pvbli- 
cations: Commentary of New 
Testament; Church History; 
Political Economy, etc. Ad- 
dress: Imadegawadori, Tera- 
machinishi-iru, Kyoto. 

Lefrpy, A.J.S., Manufac- 
turers agent; b. in 1865 in 
the South of Ireland. Educ.: 
privately. Agent to the engi- 
neeri g firm of Heenan and 
Froude, Manchester; in 1885 
joined the late Mr. J.R. 
shervinton, consulting engi- 
neer in England for the 
Imperial Government Kail- 
ways of Japan, as well as 
most of the private railways 
in Japan; remained as chief 
assistant to Mr. Shervinton 
until 1896; arrived in Japan 
in 1897 as technical repre- 
sentative of the firm of 
Messrs. Thos. Firth and 
Sons, and with the excep- 

tion of two short visits in 
1889 and 1893 to England 
has remained in Japan; is 
also the technical represent- 
ative in Japan of several 
engineering firms. Address: 
Mitsu Bishi Buildi' gs, Yaye- 
su-cho, Itchome, Kojimachi- 
ku, and 1, Kita-maclii Shi- 
chichome, Aoyama, Tokyo. 
Lightfoot, C.H., Acting 
agent of Hellyer & Co., 
Kobe. Has been in the firm 
for seventeen years; is pre- 
sident of the Kobe Athletic 
Club and secretary of the 
Recreation Ground and 
occupies other honourary 
positions. Address: Hellyer 
& Co., 92, Yedo-machi, and 
167, Kitano-cho, Shichome, 

IJelirQaiin, Eudolf, 2. Kl. K. 
Pr. Kronenorden, 5. Kl. K. 
Jap. Rising Sun, 3. Kl. S. 
W. Falkenorden, Ingenieur; 
b. Geboren, 1842, Deutsch- 
land, ('idenburg i. G.; s. of 
Adolf Lehmann; m. Verhei- 
ratet mit Kida Ben. Educ. 
Gymnasium und i.berreal- 
schule in Oldenburg, Tech- 
nische Hochschule Karlsruhe. 
Erbauer der ersten eisernen 
Danipper in Osaka, der 
ersten Papierfabrik in Kyo- 
ko, der ersten Bierbrauerei 
bei Tokyo. Lehrer an der 
Vorscliule und Mediziuschule 
in Kyoto 1870-82. Lehrer 

[ 75 ] 

an der Gaikoku Gogakko> 
der Koto-Gakko und Uni- 
versitat in Tokyo 1882-1890. 
Puhlicaiio7is: eTap. 'Deiitsclies 
Warterbucb. Address: Tokyo 
KoisliikaAva Daishincbo 30. 
Td.: Banclio 2779. GMs: 
Deutsche Gesellscliaft fur 
Natua and Volkerkunde Ost- 
asiens (Erster Vorsitzender, 
— Klub Germania, Yokolia- 
ma, Tokobama, Tokyo Club, 
Lehniannvereiu etc, etc. 
Vorstand der Evangeb Ge- 
meinde Tokyo. 

Ligneul, i'Abbe, P.A., Mis- 
sionary of the Roman 
Catholic Church. Came to 
Japan in 1880. Address : 
6, Karugaku-cho, Kanda-ku, 

Iiilly, Charles Castner, A.B. 
(Harvard), 1909; b. Sept. 20, 
1886, Waldoboro, Maine, U. 
S.A.; n. American; s. of 
Charles Henry Lilly, farmer. 
Educ. : graduated from 
Brewster Free Academy in 
1905 and from Harvard Col- 
lege, A.B., in 1909. Teacher 
of English for 1 year in the 
Tennoji and Imamiya Mid- 
dle iSciiools, Osaka, and for 
2 years in the Osaka City 
Higher Commercial School. 
T.r.J.: 3 years. Becreations: 
tennis, walking and moun- 
tain climbing. PtMieations: 
"The Osaka Truth;" 
"What It Means to be a 

Christian." (absent) Home 
Address: Union Theological 
Seminary, New York. 

liindstrom, B.ev. H. E. S., 
Missionary of Christian and 
Missionary Alliance of U. S. 
A.; h. Jan. 25, 1867, at 
Helsingor, Denmark; m. 
Christina Lovisa, of Eng- 
strom. i^MC. : Cliicago Theo- 
logical Seminary; Danish 
Free Church Seminary, Chi- 
cago. Arrived in Japau, 
Nov. 23, 1891. Address: 
Shimonaka-machi, No. 22, 
Hiroshima, Japan. 

liinderberg-, Gtto, Cashier of 
the Osaka Branch of the 
Siemens Schuckert Electric 
Co., Ltd.; h. 9 January 1887 
Toerlin, Germany; n. German.. 
Educ. : Commercial High 
School, Berlin. T.r.J.: since 
June 1911. Address.: Ogi 
near Kobe. 

liloyd, James Hubard, B.A.,, 
Missionary, teacher in the 
Kikkyo Gakkuin, 'I'sukiji,, 
Tokyo; b. Nov. 3, 1883 in 
Bedford City, Virginia, U.S. 
A.; s. of Key. John J. 
Lloyd, grand s. of John 
Lloyd. EdiK. : Lynchbury 
(Va.) High School; Brown's 
University School; WiUiam 
and Mary College, (B.A.); 
Theological Seminary of 
Virginia, (Graduate). Evan- 
gelistic work in Virginia, be- 
fore coming to Japan. Re- 

[ 7^ \ 

creations: base-ball, tennis. 
Address: 58, Tsukiji, Kyo- 
basH-ku, Tokyo. Gk(bs: Pi 
Kappa Alpha Fraternity. 

lioenholm, Prof. L.H., Pro- 
fessor at Imperial Univer- 
sity; b. 1854. Joined Japa- 
nese Government Service 
many years ago; translated 
into English Japanese Civil 
and Commei'cial Codes. De- 
coratioiis: 3rd class of Sacred 
Treasure and Eising Sun, 
Japan; 3rd class of Crown, 
Germany, Austria; Order 
de I'Academie, and Order 
de riustruction Publique, 
France. Address: 2'.^, Ichi- 
gaya, Nakano-cho, Ushi- 
gome-ku, Tokyo. 

liOgan, Charles Alexander, 
B.A., Christian missionary of 
the Presbyterian Church in 
U. S. A.; I. Nov. 14, 1874, 
Shelbyville, Ky., U.S.A.; n. 
American; s. of George W. 
manufacturer of flour; m. Lo- 
gan, to Miss Patty Myers, 
Lexington, Ya., U.S.A. EdiK. : 
graduated Central Univer- 
sity of Kentucky, 1893, with 
B.A. degree, and Louisville 
Theological Seminary, 1899, 
with B.D. d<!gree. Pastor 
of Presbyterian Church, 
Jackson, Ky., 1899-1901, 
and Wilmore, Ky., 1901-02; 
Missionary to Tokushima 
since 1903. T. r. J. : since 
1903. Pttblicatidns.: a number 

of Christian tracts. Ad- 
dress: 82, Tokushima- machi, 

liOinbard, Prank Alanson, 
M.A., Missionary and educa- 
tor; h. Sutton, Massachu- 
setts, U.S.A., Nov. 21, 1872; 
n. American, s. Henry F. 
Lombard, skilled mechanic; 
m. June 21, 1911, to Alice 
G. Ward. Mluc.: Amherst 
College, Hartford Divinity 
School, Clark University. 
Ordained to the Christian 
ministry, 1900, tutor in 
Doshisha, Kyoto, 1900-1903; 
Fellow in pedagogy, Clark 
University, 1904; Dean of 
College Department, Doshi- 
sha, 1904-1910; Fellow in 
pedagogy, Clark University, 
1911; professor of English 
literature and pedagogy, 
Doshisha University, 1912, 
lecturer in English literature, 
Kyoto Imp. Univ., 1906. T. 
r.J.: Since 1900 with the 
exception, of two years spent 
at Clark University. Publi- 
cations : occasion magazine 
Articles. Address: Muro- 
machi Imadegawa, Kyoto. 

Loomis, Kenry, Clergyman, 
holder of Gettysburg Medal 
and Badge of the Loyal 
Legion; h. March 4, 1839 
at Burlington, New York, 
U. S. A.; 11. American (U. S. 
A.); s. of Noach C. Loomis, 
farmer; m. to Miss Jame 

[ 77 ] 

H. Greene, March 6, 1882. 
Educ.: graduated at Hamil- 
ton College and Andrew 
Theological Seminary. Ser- 
ved in the Civil War, 1862- 
1865; promoted through 
various grades to ('apt in. 
Pastor of Presbyterian 
Church at Jamesville, N.Y. 
for 1 year. Came to Japan 
as Missionary of the Pres- 
byterian Church in 1872; 
returned to U.S.A. in 1876 
on account of ill health. 
Came again to Japan in 1881 
as Agent of the American 
Bible Society; resigned July, 
1911. T.tJ.: May 1872- 
Apr. 1876 and July 1881 to 
date. Recreations: study of 
natural history, especially 
entomology and cachology. 
Mdress: .223, Bluff, Yoko- 

Iiucas, H., Founder of H. 
Lucas <fe Co., Kobe; h. at Ox- 
ford, England, ia 1844. Came 
to Japan in the interests 
of Messers. James Morrison 
& Co.; London, and started 
business in Kobe, 1869, 
under the name of H. Lucas 
& Co.; since then has been 
engaged in comrnerce and 
has dealt leading articles of 
imports and exports of 
Japan; lor 20 years has 
acted as agent for the Eng- 
lish films, Messrs. Dobson 
and Barlow; Hick, Harg- 

reaves & Co., etc., intimatel;^ 
connected Avith the cotton 
textile industries of Japan; 
twenty years -go he intro- 
duced into Kobe the new 
business of Camphor refin- 
ing, having bought the 
necessary patents and 
machinery in America; has 
been eight times presidert 
of the Kobe Society of St. 
George. Address: H. Lucas 
& Co., 20-A, Harima-raachi, 
and 134, Kitano-cho, Nicho- 
me, Kobe. 

Xiukis, Wilfred Ravenshaw 
Fellowes, M.I. Mech. E., F.B. 
Met. Soc, M.'R.B.A.., P.N.B.A., 
Mechanical Engineer; l. 
Febr. 21, 1864, Wath. Nr. 
Ilepin, Yorkshire, England; 
11. British; s. of Rev. W. 
Collings Lukis, M.A., F.S. 
R., F.R.S.N.A., Copenhagen; 
m. Febr. 5, 1894 to Kate 
Margaret Smith, d. of Major 
S.T. Smith, E.A. Educ: 
Repin Grammar School and 
Hoddesden School . . 9 
years with G. N. E., Eng- 
land; 13 years with the 
Ceylon Govt, in Ceylon. T. 
r.J.: 6 years and half. Be- 
creations: various. Address: 
Rising Sun Petrol. Co., 58, 
Yokohama and Kanagawa. 
Td.: 1462. CMs: Yoko^ 
hama United Club; Y.C. & 
A.C., Y.A. & E. Club, A.l). 
C, etc; Grosvenor Club, 

[ 7S ] 

ISfew Bond Street, London. 

Iiyall, David Murray, B.A., 
Clergyman; b. Jan. 20, 1876. 
Adelaide, South Australia; n. 
British; s. of Kev. James 
Lyall, clergyman ; m. to 
Alice, y. d. of Sir James 
Lorimer, Melbourne, Victoria. 
JSduc. : Prince Alfred College, 
Adelaide; B.A., Melbourne 

University; Ormand Theo- 
logical College. After gra- 
duation travelling secretary 
of the Australasian Student 
Christian Union for 3 jenxs; 
joined staff of Australian 
Presbyterian Mission in 
Korea in 1909. . T. r. in 
Korea: 4 years. Address: 
Chinju via Masan, Korea. 

[ 79 ] 


TCaccauley, Clay, A.B.,A.M., 
Clergyman, College Lecturer 
and Autlior, holder of the 
Order of Rising Sun; h. 
May 8, 1843 in Chambers- 
burg, Pa., U. S. A.; s. of 
Isaac H. and Eizabeth 
(Maxwell) M.; m. to Annie 
Cleveland, d. of Dr. Josiah 
Deane of Baugor, Me., July 
25, 1867 (died Apr. 11, 
1887). BdtK.: graduated 
from Princeton College, 
1864; the Theological Semi- 
nary of the Northwest, Chi- 
cago, 1867; Heidelbiirg Uni- 
Tersity, 1873. Daring the 
Civil War, entered as Lieu- 
tenant in Company D, 126th 
Pa. Volunteers, 1862-3; 
prisoner of war, Libby 
Prison, Richmond, Va., 
1863 (twice captured); served 
on the Christian Commission 
in the U.S. Army, 1864-65. 
Ordained Unitarian Minis- 
try, 1868; preached first in 
Detroit and Rochester; then 
Pastor of the First Church 
in Waltliam, Mass., 1869- 
1872; went to Germany in 
1872 and studied philosophy 
and theology in Heidelburg 
and Leipsic imder such 
eminent teachers as Prof. 
Kuno Fischer and Dr. 
Scheckel; travelled through 
the West Indies; became 

Pastor of All Souls Church, 
Washungton, 1876-81; Col- 
laborator Bur. Am. Ethno- 
logy, 1880-1; edited the 
Commercial Bulletin of Min- 
neapolis, wrote for other 
newspapers and delivered 
lectures in the University 
of Minnesota, 1883-89; 
director of Unitarian Mission 
to Japan, 1889-1900 and 
since 1909; pres. and prof, 
philosophic and historic 
theology. Coll. for advanced 
Learning, Tokyo, Japan, 
1891-99; lecturer on Japan, 
1904-09; del. from Japan 
to 8th Internat. Geog. Con- 
gress, 1904, 5th Internat. 
Zool. Congress, 1906. Dm*- 
ing his stay in Japan, he was 
the corresponding secretary 
of the Asiatic Society of Ja- 
pan. Wliile in Japan, ren- 
dered illustrious services to 
the country, consequently was 
decorated with Order of the 
Rising Sun, 1909. Mem. 
Loyal Legion, Philosophisch- 
er Verein and Literarischer 
Verein, Dresden, Anthrop, 
Society, Philosophical Soc, 
Washington, A.A.A.S.; Vice 
President of Asiatic Society of 
Japan. Clubs.: St. Botolph, 
Authors', Papyrus (Boston), 
University (Providence), 

Ends of the Earth (New 
York). Cosmos (Washing- 
ton), Tokyo (Japan), PiMi- 

[ ,8o ] 

cations: Christianity in His- 
tory, 1891 (also in Japa- 
nese) ; Introductory course 
in Japanese, 1896, 1905; 
Hyakuninsliu (Single Songs of 
a Hundred Poets), Metrical 
translations from Japanese, 
1899; Japanese Literature, 
1899; A Day in the very 
Noble City, Manila, 1899; 
also several translations 
from Japanese all published 
in Japan ; Religious Problem 
of . Japan -How Solve It ? 
1894; Florida Seminoles, 
1884; Present Religious 
condition of Japan, 1902; 
Unitarian Mission to Japan, 
1909; A Daughter of the 
Samurla, 1910; Thought 
and Pact for Today (also in 
Japanese), 1911; The Me- 
morial Most Worthy of our 
Patriot Dead, 1911; The 
English Language in the 
New Georgean- Era, 1911. 
Editied Japanese Unitarian 
Magazine- " Shukyo " (reli- 
gion), 1890-5; regular Japan 
coiT. Boston Transcipt and 
contbr. to Japan Mail, 
Tokyo, 1890-1900. Cotbr. 
to mags, and newspapers of 
articles on Japan and on 
the Philippine Island Ques- 
tion. Address: Mita, Shiko- 
ku-cho, Tokyo. 

Macdonald, Colonel Sir 
Claude Maxwell, K. C. B. 
(military), cr. 1901; K.C.B. 

(civil), ci\ 1898; G.O.M.G., 
cr. 1900; K C. M. G., cr. 
1892; G.C.V.O., cr. 1906; 
ex- Ambassador at Tokyo 
(1900-12); b. 12 June 1852; 
s. of late Major-General J. 
D. Macdonald; m. 1892, 
Ethel, d. of Major W. Cairns 
Armstrong, 15th Regiment; 
two d. Educ.: Uppingham; 
Royal Military College, 
Sandhurst. Entered 74th 
Highlanders, 1872; Major 
(Brevet), 1882; served 

throughout the Egyptian 
Campaign, 1882 ; thi'ough 
the Suakin Expedition of 
1884-85; as a volunteer 
with 42nd Highlanders 
(Brevet of Afajor, medal 
with three clasps, Khedive's 
star, and 4th class Osma- 
nieh); Military Attache to 
British Agency in Cairo, 
1882-87; Acting Agent and 
Consul-General at Zanzibar, 
1887-88; sent by Foreign 
Office on a Special Mission 
to Niger Territories, 1889; 
appointed Commissioner and 
Consul-General in the Oil 
Rivers (now Niger Coast) 
Protectorate and adjoining 
Native territories, 1891; took 
part in the expedition aga- 
inst Brass River natives 
with Admiral Bedford (medal 
with clasp) ; Envoy Extra- 
ordinary and Minister Pleni*- 
potentiary at Peking, 1896- 1 

[ 8r ] 

1900; appointed by Foreign 
Kepresentatives in command 
of Legation Quarter, Peking, 
dming siege, 22 June to 
14 Aug. 1900 (K.G.B., mili- 
tary, promoted Colonel in the 
Beserve); returned to Eng- 
land, fall 1912. Chibs: St. 
James's, Junior United Ser- 
vice, Travellers. 

TCaclaren, Walter WalZace, 
Ph. D., S. T. B. (Harvard) 
Teacher; b. March 4, 1877, 
Renfrew, Canada; n. British; 
s. of John Maclaren, manu- 
facturer; m. Febr. 8, 1910, 
at Yokohama, to Zaidee 
Bogers, d. of Medical Ins- 
pector Franklin Rogers, U. 
S.N. Educ.: Queens College, 
Kingston, Canada, and 
Harvard. University. Profes- 
sor of Economics and Poli- 
tics, Keiogijiku. T.r.J.: since 
April 1908. Becreations -.Hen- 
ins, and golf. Publications: 
iSeveral Articles in the 
"Mita Crakkai Zasshi." Ad- 
dress: 47-B, Tamato, Yoko- 
•hama. Chibs: Tokyo Club, 
Kojunsha, Tokyo Lawn ten- 
nis Club, Yokohama Tennis 
Club; Rideau Club, Ottawa, 
Canada; Harvard Club of 

Macrae, Frederick J^hn 
licarmouth, B.A. (Melbourne), 
Missionary; b. May 14, 
1884, Cockpen Midlothian, 
Scotland; n. British; s. of 

John F. Macrae, Minister 
of Tonal,', Melbourne. Educ. : 
Sedbergh School, England; 
Morrison's Academy, Crieff, 
Scotland; Scotch College, 
Melbourne; Arts Course, 
University of Melbourne, 
Australia; Theology, United 
Free Church College, Glas- 
gow, Scotland. T.r.J.: 2 
years. Address: Chinju via 
Masan, Korea. 

Madden, Rev. Milton Boli- 
var, M.A., Missionary; b. 
July 20, 1869; m. Feb. 1, 
1894, Maude ' Whitmore. 
Educ: Bethany College, B. 
A., ''Magna Cum Laude," 
1895; M.A., 1898; Chicago 
University, 1902-03. Has 
been a missionary in Japan 
since 1895; ^secretary and 
Treas., Japan, Mission, Ch. 
of- ' Christ. PuMications: 

Edited "Bible Way," 1899- 
1902. Address: 2,395 Mina- 
mi KaAvahori-cho, Minami- 
ku, Osaka. 

Madeley, William Frank, 
Missionary; b. Pensnett, 
England, 11 June 1866; n. 
English; s. William Madeley; 
TO. Marion, eldest daughttu' 
of W. H. H. Nivhng Esq. oi 
Sioux City, Iowa, U. S.' A., 
1902. Educ!: King Edward 
vi's Grammar School, Stour- 
bridge, England an^ ..pri- 
vately. T. r. J.: iwenty 
three years,-. Address: ; Wa- 

[ 82 ] 

kaniatsn, Iwasliiro, Japan. 

Mann, Kev. John Charles, 
Bf.A., Minister and Mission- 
ary; b. Feb. 6, 1880, at 
JNewcastle-on-Tyne. Educ. : 
GlasgoAV University and 
Kindley Hall; Cambridge, 
1900, 2nd class honours in 
Mathematics and Natujral 
Philosophy. Ordained in 
1903; curate of St. Luke's 
Maidstone, Kent, 1903; ap- 
pointed to Nagasaki under 
Church Missionary Society, 
1905. Address: Hamada, 
Japan. Clubs: Nagasaki. 

EEansbridge, George, Rig- 
ger, Sailmaker, Diver, Sea- 
man, holder of 6th Class, 
Imp. Order of the Sacred 
Treasure; b. Febr. 21, 1849, 
Bantry Irland; w. British; s. 
of Thomas Jerry Mansbridge; 
m. Oct. 4, 1884. First 
arrived at Hiakodate on the 
8th Oct., 1869, after having 
been shipwrecked on Kobin 
Island; joined the P.M.S.S. 
Co. and left that Company 
after their Paddle wheel 
steamer " America " was 
bm-nt down in Yokohama 
Harbour; joined the Toko- 
kama Salvage Diving Co. 
and practiced . diving, also 
worked as a rigging fore- 
noan; joined the Mitsubishi 
Steam Ship Co.'s S. S. 
" Hiogo-maru " during the 
Civil war, 1876-77; after 

the Civil war again took up 
Diving and Eigging work, 
and took charge to rig the 
Barque " Kiinokunimara," 
one of the Mitsubishi Co's. 
Trailing Barque; again 
joined the Mitsubishi Steam 
Ship Co. as an officer on 
board the " Kiinokuni-maru," 
also transfered to the 3 
mast schooner " Awajishima- 
maru," thence to the Mitsu- 
bishi Company's Depot to 
assist in the rigging and 
sail Loft and in charge of 
the diving and salvage de- 
partment; in June 1884; 
transfered to the Mitsubishi 
Dockyard Co.'s Engine 
Works at Nagasaki; after 
his arrival there on June 
10, 1884, in charge of the 
salvage diving sail-making, 
rigging, piloting and sheer 
legs departments, and ever 
since; got the decoration 
after the Japan Russia War. 
T.r.J.: since Oct. i869. 
Address: Akanuma, Nagasa- 
ki, Nagasaki-ken. Td. : 
Mansbridge Dock, Nagasaki. 
Marsden, James Weymoutli, 
Lieutenant, Koyal Artillery; 
b. Feb. 6, 1884, Bangalore, 
India; n. English; s. of 
Lieut. Colonel J.C. Mars- 
den, I.M.S. (retired). Educ: 
Bedford and li.M, Academy, 
Woolwich. Address: 11, Shin 
Rytido-cho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 

[ 83 ] 

Martin, Zacliaria Martin, New York; m. AlTg. 22, 
Imporb and Export Merchant 1894, Minnie D. Wright, a 
and Commission Agent; h. snceessi'lil teacher in Mi- 
June 8, 1848. Educ. : Calcutta chigan Schools. Educ. : at 
University. Started business Seminaries in Spring Arbor, 
in 1866 and was first person Michigan, 1890. Entered 
to import curios in bulk Ministry in 1894; ordained 
from Japan into Calcutta; in 1897 and 1898; elected 
doing business all over the Member of Free Methodist 
world in rice, silk and General Conference in 1902; 
Japanese curios; Captain C. elected Superintendent of Club : Shinko (Kobe) ; Japan Mission Free Metho- 
American Club, Calcutta, dist Church, 1902. (Absent). 
Address: 26-C, Sannomiya- Address: Free Methodist 
cho Sanchome, Kobe. Church of America, Tennoji, 

Mason, W. B., Retired, Osaka, 

holder of 4tb Order of the Maxwell, James Laidlav/, 

Rising Sun, and 4th Order M.D. l^Univ. of London), 

of the Sacred Treasure; h. medical missionary; b. June 

Febr. 6, 1853, Yarmouth," 9, 1873, in Birmingham, 

England; w. English; m. Feb. England; n. British; s. of 

22, 1877. Served British James 'L. Maxwell, M.A., 

Postal Telegraph Depart- M.D.; m. to Millicent B. 

ment; Japanese Department Saunders. Educ.: University 

of Public Works; Depart- College School and St. Bar- 

ment of Communications, tholomew's Hospital, London, 

and Education Department. T.r.J.: 12 years. Publica- 

T.r.J:: 37 years. Becrea- tions: Co-author of "The 

tions: Travel. Piihliadions: Diseases of China " (Blakis- 

" Murray's Handbook to ton, Son & Co.). Address: 

Japan," and various educa- Tainan Mission Hospital, 

tional works. Address: 104- Tainan, Formosa. Tel.: 22. 

C, Bluff, Yokohama. Oliibs: Cliibs: Fellow of Royal 

Yokohama United Club; Society of Medicine; Fellow 

Tokyo Club. of Society of T^-opieal 

Mfttthewson, Bev. Wesley Medicine. 

p.. Minister of the Grospel; Mc Alpine, Kev. E,. E., 

h. Sept.- 12, 1868; a. of a Missionary of Presbyterian 

Free Methodist Minister, Church, U.S.A., South. Ar- 

Rev. A.B. Matthewson, of rived in Japan in 1885 and 

[ H J 

eugjiged in missionary work 
in Kobe and N^igojii. (Ab- 
sent at present). Address: 
(liouie) OlarksTille, Ga., U. 

s:a. , 

K Cauley, Krs. J.K., Mis- 
sionnry of . Presbyterian 
Clmrcli in the United States 
of America. Arrived in 
Japan in 1880. Address: 
102, Tsimoliazii, Tokyo. 

McChrish, George John, 
Mereliaiit, Mana.ger, Dodwell 
Co. Ltd., Kobo; h. Nov. 19, 
1857, Croydon, England; 7i. 
Britisli; married. Educ: 
Winchester College, England. 
T.r.J.: since Aug. IS, 1881, 
31 years. Recreaiions: all 
sports. Address: (office) 82, 
Kyo-machi, Kobe; (private) 
2, Kitano-macH Ittchome, 
Kobe. Clubs: Yokohama and 
Kobe Clubs; Sports Club, 

M'cKenzie, Eev. J>M., D.D., 
Missionary of the Methodist 
Church of Canada. Arrived 
in Japan in 1891. Address: 
Kitano-cho, Shi-cliome, Kobe. 

McKim, Eight Rev. Jone, 
D.D., Bishop of Tokyo; b. 
July 17, 1852, at Pittsfield, 
Massachusetts, U.S.A.; m. 
Sept. ■ 16, 1879, Nellie A. 
Cole. Educ.: Trinity College, 
Ifortford University, U.S.A.; 
Grisft'old College, Devonport, 
Iowa ; Nashotah Seminary, 
B.l)., 1879. Kector, St. 

John's Chiu'ch, Lockport, 
Illinois; received D.l)., Na- 
ashotah Seiaiiiarv, April,. 
1893; received " S. T. P., 
Trinity College, June, 1893; 
consecrated Eishop of Tokyo 
in St. Thomas Church, New 
York City, June 14, 1893. 
Pvhliccdion.'i : Reports, ad- 
dress, theological theses. 
Clubs : Yokohama United. 
Address: 38 Tsukiji, Tokyo, 

McL-wen, Frederick Niel, 
of the (Ian McLaren, Tex- 
tile Expert, their Badge is 
a Boar's Head; h. May 
16, 1872, Busby, Scot- 
land; n. British (Scotch); 
inm'ried. Educ. : Higher 
School and Technical Train- 
ing. Varied, having had 
residence in several European 
Countries. T. r. J.: since 
March 1909. Recreations: 
foot-ball, cricket, tennis and 
walking. Address: 134, Mi- 
wa-cho, Naka-ku, Nagoya. 

ie?n(ielson, Edward, Mana- 
ger of Crown Cork & Co. 
Ltd. Yokohama Branch; b. 
San Francisco, Cal., U.S.A., 
1872; n. American (U.S.A.). 
T. r. J.: 21 years. Recre- 
ations : gardening. Address: 
101, Koiso, Oiso, and 259, 
Yamashita-cho, Yokohama. 
Tel.: 2294. Clubs: Yoko- 
hama United Club. 

Messer, Pa,ul, Mechanical 

[ 8s ] 

engineer (Cornell University), 
manager of Engineering 
Dep't, American Trading Co. ; 
6. Febr. M, 1873, Cliicago; 
n. American; s. of Colonel 
John Messer; m. to Clara 
Louise Copmann, Dec. 15, 
1906. EdiK.: Cornell Uni- 
Yersity, graduated 1894. 
Engineering in U. S. A., 
South Africa and Japan. T. 
J'r.: 9 years. Eecreations: 
tennis, golf, etc. Address: 
28, Main Street, Yokohama. 
Clubs : Yokohama United 
Club, Tokyo Club, Columbia 
Society, Nippon Race Club, 
University Club (New York). 
Metcalf, I-ienry E., General 
Manager of the Eastern 
Business of Babcock jind 

Wilcox Ltd. including Japan, 
China, Manchuria and East- 
ern Siberia; b. in Bradford, 
Yorkshire, in 1868. Edtic: 
from school into tlie Fins- 
bury Engineering College in 
Loudon. He then continued 

his career as a pupil of 

Messrs. Mandsley Sons and 
Field, Engineers, Lambeth, 
London, afterwards entering 
the service of the Peninsular 
and Oriental Steam Naviga- 
tion Co. where he quickly 
obtained a certificate of extra 
chief engineer from the Board 
of Trade; From 1895 Mr. 
Metealf has been a member 
of Babcock and Wilcox Ltd., 
the well-known firm of 
Water-Tube Steam boilers 
of London, graduallj' rising 
from marine superintendent 
engineer to the above-men- 
tioned responsible position 
in the Company. Address: 
in Japan 105 A. Yokohama. 
Tel.: No. 1765. 

Mej/er, Lse, Commission 
Merchant, Director of J. 
Witkowski Co., Ltd., Yo- 
kohama and Kobe; b. Nat- 
chez, Mississippi, U.S.A.; 
n. American; s. of Ijeon 
Meyer, retired merchant; 
ni. to Mrs. Rose Mover. 
Edvc.: Schools. T.r.J.:" 16 
years, liccreations: reading, 
walking, automobile, etc. 
Address: 93, Yamashifca-cho, 
Yokohama and 118, Kob:); 
(private) 2M-C, Yaniate- 
cho, Yokolijsniji; P.O.ii. 56, 
Yokohama. Tel: 1411 and 

Killer, Eev. E.E., Mission- 
ary; Arrived in Japim in 

[ 86 ] 

1872: Address: 22, Hira- 
kawa-cho, Kojimaclii-ku, 


Miller, Frederick Scheibler, 
Minister; b. Pittsburg, Pen- 
na., U.S.A., Dec. 10, 1866; 
n. American; s. of Wm. N. 
Miller, M. D.; married, 3 
cliilJren. Uduc. : Pittsburg 
Public Sliools, High School, 
Pittsburg University 1889, 
Union Theological Seminary 
N.Y.C. Class, 1892. Came 
to Korea as Missionary in 
1892, served since then in 
Seo'il and Chong Ju. T.r. 
in Korea: since 1892. Rec- 
reations: fruit raising. Pub- 
lications : Tracts, Leaflets, 
Hymns. Address: Chong 
Ju, Sei.Shu, Korea. 

Miller, Hemy Keller, A.B., 
and AM., Missionary; b. Nov. 
9, 1866, Lebanon, iPa., U.S. 
A; w. American; s. Daniel 
Miller, printer and publisher; 
m. April 12, 1898. Miic.: 
Common Schools, including 
High School, of Reading, 
Pa.; Franklin and Marshall 
College, Lancaster, Pa.; 
Union Theological Seminary, 
Ne^y York City. Came to 
Japan in 1892; taught three 
years in Tohoku Gakuin, 
Sendai; Evangelistic (Chris- 
tian) work after that in 
Sendai, Yamagata and To- 
kyo, except an interval of 
a year and a haH, during 

which he was Acting Prin- 
cipal of Miyagi Jo-gakko, 
Sendai. 2\ r. J. : twenty 
years, including two fur- 
loughs. Address: 9-B, Tsu- 
kiji, Tokyo. 

Miller, L.S.a., A.B., Mis- 
sionary; b. Aug. 23, 1881, 
Salem, Virginia U.S.A.; «.. 
American; ,9. of Eev. L.G.M. 
Miller, D.D. (Prof, of Theo- 
logy); m. Dec. 29, 1909, to 
Daisy B. Sutton, at Nagasaki. 
Educ: Koauoke College, Vir- 
ginia, A.B., 1901. Graduate 
of Lutheran Theo. Semi- 
nary, Philadelphia, Pa., 1907. 
Came to Japan in 1907 as 
a missionary of the Luthe- 
ran Church. T. r. J. : since 
1907. Address: 64, Funatsu- 
machi, Fukuoka. 

Milliken, Miss Elizabeth. P., 
Missionary - Educational ; b. 
Quincey, Florida, U. S. A., 
1860; 11. American; d. of S. 
F. Milliken, clergyman. 
Ed^ic: Philadelphia Schools; 
Classical Course at Birming- 
ham; Special Course in 
Kindergartening; French at 
Aldine Institute. Teacher 
in Joshi Gakuin, Tokyo. T. 
r.J.: 28 years. Address: 33, 
Kami Niban-cho, Kojimachi- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel.: Bancho 

Mills, Ernest o.. Mission- 
ary; b. Columbus, Wisconsin, 
U.S.A.; n. American; s. of 

[ 87 ] 

O.E. Mills. T.r.J.: 4 years. 
Address: Fukuoka, Japan. 

Iffiollison, James Pender, 
Founder of Mollison & Co.; 
nephew of the late Sir John 
Pender, Baronet, promoter 
of the first telegraph cable 
across the Atlantic and 
known in America as " The 
Cable King " ; h. in Glasgow, 
in 1844. Educ. : the Glasgow 
Academy. First started 
business in Manchester, 
England, in his uncle's 
famous firm of Jolm Pender 
& Co.; came out to China 
in 1864; came to Yokohama 
in 1867 and has resided 
there ever since as an im- 
port and export merchant; 
introduced dynamite into 
Japan as agent of the No- 
bel's JSxplosives Co. and 
have assisted materially in 
the development of Japan's 
mining indurstry and railway 
enterprises; Avas on the com- 
mittee of the Foreign Cham- 
ber of Commerce and for 
two consecutive years, 1881- 
82, was chairman of tliat 
body. Address: Mollison & 
Co., 48 Bluif, Yokohama, 

Moncriefi', Jesse Edwin, 
Teacher of English, Bache- 
lor of Science, 1909, Shurt- 
leff College, Alton, 111., U.S. 
A., Master of Arts, 1910, 
University of Illinois, U.S. 

A.; h. May 27, 1888, Peso- 
turn, Illinois, U. S. A.; n. 
American; s. Robei-t Mon- 
crieff, agriculturist. Educ. : 
pubKo schools of Illinois and 
New Zealand, Shurtleff Aca- 
demy and College, University 
of Illinois. Instructor of 
English in Hagi Middle 
School, Sept., 1910 to July, 
1912. Instructor cf English 
in Yamaguelii Higher Com-; 
mercial School and Yama- 
guchi Middle School from 
September, 1912. T.r.J.: 
Since September, 1910. Re- 
creations : motorcycling, ex- 
ploration. Address: J. E. 
Moncrieff, Shinmichi, Yama- 
guchi, Japan. Clubs: Young 
Men''s Christian Association. 

Monday, Miss Lucy B., 
Teacher ; b. Howell, Tennes- 
see, U.S.A., Nov. 15, 1885; 
n. American; d. of J. T. 
Monday. Udiic. : Randolph- 
Macon Woman's College, 
Virginia. Came to Japan 
in 1911. Address: Kanazawa. 

Monson, Edmund, 3rd Sec- 
retary, British Embassy; b. 
Sept. 9, 1883 in Monte 
Video; n. British; s. of Sir 
E. Monson, late Ambassador 
in Paris. Educ.: Eton. Ad- 
dress : British Embassy. 

Moore, Dr.- Garland Payne, 
M.D., Medicine and Surgery; 
b. March 1869, Virginia, U. 
S.A.; n., American; s. of 

[ 88- ] 

Bev.' Lloyd, Moore, Clergy- 
man; m. 1896 in Baltimore 
to Mis3 Parsons. Educ.: 
Suffolk Military Academy, 
Kandolpli- Macon College, 
Jolm Hopkin University. 
An Officer in the U.S. Pu- 
blic Health and Marine 
Hospital Service, late Sur- 
geon General of the State 
of Virginia and Aide-de-camp 
to the Governor of that 
State. T.T.J.: 2 years. Ad- 
dresft : American Consulate, 
38, Naka-machi, Kobe. 
Clubs: Kobe Club, K.K. and 
A.C., Westmoreland Club, 
Richmond, Va., U.S.A. 

Koore, Sev. J.P., Mission- 
ary of the Reformed Church 
in U.S.; h. Nov. 1847 in 
Pennylvania, U.S.A. Educ: 
graduated from Franklin- 
Marshal College in 1873; 
graduated theology at Hydel- 
burg College Principal of a 
school in Pen. for three 
years; church pastor in Pen. 
for 4 years; Came to Japan; 
1883; school teacher in 
Tokyo; missionary work and 
EngUsh teacher in Yama- 
gate; Lecturer of theology 
at Sendai-Tohokugakuin and 
English teacher at Higher 
Middle school school in 
Sendai; Principal of Miyagi 
Girls' School, 1893. Address: 
Sarugakucho, Sendai. 

Mouse, Frederic S. Mer- 

cliant; h. -Boston Mass U.S.' 
A., 1859, 28/4; n. American; 
fi. S. Henry Morse, merchant 
Educ: Pulalic Schools, Bos- 
ton. Arrived in Japan 9th 
April 1880. Address: 82 
Kyo-machi, Kobe. Clubs: 
Kobe Chib, Yokohama Unit- 
ed Club. 

Korgiu, Sfikola ffiarko, 
Chief Officer of Fire Brigade, 
holder of a iSTaval Decora- 
tion; h. Jan. 6, 1881 in Yo- 
kohama; n. Austrian (Slav); 
s. of Nikola Morgin, Officer 
of Fire Brigade for 30 years; 
in. to Meta, d. of Heinrioh 
Lotz. Educ: Ecole de 
I'Etoile du Matin, Tokyo. 
Vice-Su-perintendent of Fire^ 
Brigade, June 1901; Acting 
Superintendent, June 1906; 
Superintendent, Jan. 1908; 
Honorary Chief, Aug. 1911. 
Becreations : study of Fire 
brigade matters and his- 
tory of brave men. Address: 
The Satsuma-cho Fire Bri- 
gade Headquarters, Yoko- 
hama. Td.: 677. 

Moss, W. Stanley, Manager 
of Seebohm and Dieckstahl 
Ltd., Tokyo, well-knoivn 
steel mantifacturers, of 
which Mr. Arthur Balfour, 
the Master Cutler, is a ma- 
naging director. Branches 
in Japan: Tokyo Office, 9, 
Shinsakana-cho, Kyobashi- 
ku; Osaka Office, 35, Niban- 

[ «9 ] 

cho, Hondeii, Nishi-ku. 

Muelle y de la T. XTgarte, 
Ed-aard, Consul of Pera in 
Yokohama; l. Nov. 1874, in 
Lima, Peru; n. Peruvian; s. 
of Miguel Muelle y Argote. 
Educ: "Juilly," France; St. 
George's College, England. 
Hongkong-Inspector of Con- 
sulates in Burma, India and 
Ceylon. Consul in charge of 
Consulate General in Yoko- 
hama since March 1911. T. 
r.J.: since Febr. 1911. Ad- 
dress: Peruvian Consulate 
General, 93-C, Yisiuaslrita- 
cho, Yokohama.; (absent; 
went home lately). 

m'uhlsohiege], Th., Mer- 
chant; 11. German. T.r.J.: 

5 years and lialf. Address: 
34-A, Tsuldji, Kyobashi-ku, 
Tokyo. ' Tel: Kyo'bashi 1257. 

Kufioz Hurtado, Carlos 
Consul General du Chili, 
liolder of the Chevalier de la 
lere cla,sse de I'Ordre Saint 
Olav; h. Santiago de Chile, 
1867; n. Chilian; s. of Ma- 
nuel Muiioz Gamero, Agri- 
culteiu*; m. to Irene Hurtado 
de M. Educ: Gradue Philo- 
sophio et Humanites. T.r.J.: 

6 months. Address: '22-A, 
Bluff, Yokohama. 

Munro, Neil Gordon, Physi- 
cian and Surgeon, M.B. and 
CM. Edinburgh University, 
1888, M. D. Edin. Univ. 
1909; h. Dundee, Scotland; 

n. British; s. Eobert Muiiro, 
pliysician; m. Adele Marie 
Josephine Eetz. Educ: 
Blairlodge School, Edinburgh 
University. Demonstrator in 
Physiology Edin. Univ.; For- 
mer Surgeon in charge of 
Yokohama General Hospital; 
Member of Council, Japan 
Asiatic Society; Member of 
Pioyal Asiatic Society; Fel- 
low and Correspondent of 

Royal Anthropological In- 
stitute. T.r.J.: Twenty one 
years. Becreaiions : ethno- 
logy, aichaeologf and music. 
BooJcs : — " Further EvoIvt- 
tion and the Physical Basis 
of Mind " 1891, " Coins of 
Japan " 1905, " Prehistoric 
Japan " 1908. Ariides: — 
" Sy metrical Gangrene " 

"Pemphigus Contagiosus " 
British Medical Journal. 
Scientific papers: — •" Primitive 
Culture in Japan," " Euro- 
pean Palaeoliths and Japa- 
nese Survivals," " Some 

[ 90 ] 

Survivals," Japan Asiatic 
Soc, " Ancient; Monuments," 
Jx)urnal of Tokyo Arcliaeo- 
logical Soc. " Ainu or Koro- 
pokguru," Journal of Tokyo 
Anthi-opological Institute. 
Td.: 1508. Cluhs: United 
Club, Yokohama Royal So- 
cieties Club, London. Ad- 
dress: 39 Yamashita-cho, 

Xffiunstej-, Bernliard Adolph, 
M. I. M. E. Representative, 
Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd.; 
h. Aug. 23, 1844, at Bremen, 
Germany. Educ. : Bremen, 
until 1859; practical and 
technical education in engi- 
neering, 1860-65. In the 
service of N.D.L. 1866-73. 
Was in the service of Sultan 
of Zanzibar, Said Bargas, as 
Superintendent Engineer in 
charge of steamers, shops 
and ice factory, 1875-1877; 
acted as expert at Yoko- 
hama for several German 
engineering firm, 1878-80; 
superintended erection of 
machinery and furnaces of 
heavy gun factory, Osaka 
Arsenal, 1881 in service of 
Imperial Japanese Navy as 
instructor for the fish torpedo, 
1884-90; expert for Jardine, 
Matheson and Co., at Yoko- 
hama, 1891-1892; started 
practice as consulting engi- 
neer in Yokohama, 1893; 
has been representative of 

Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 
since 1894, Cluhs: Yoko- 
hama United; Tokyo; Ger- 
mania. Address: 23, and 19, 
Eluif, Yohohama, Japan. 

Muraour, Jean, Manager of 
Oriental Palace Hotel, Yo- 
kolmma; h. Dec. 27, 1872, 
Grasse, Prance; n. French; 
m. April 27, 1911. T. r. J. : 
12 years. Address: Oriental 
Palace Hotel, Yokoliama. 
Tel: 846. 

Murphyj Sev. TT.G,, Missio- 
nary; h. Aug. 26, 1869, at 
Drawbridge, Md., U.S.A.; to. 
Aug. 3, 1893, Nora Street. 
EdiK.: Public School; West 
Maryland Theological Semi- 
nary. Home Missionary, 
Seattle, Washington 1892;. 
Originated and carried to 
successful conclusion move- 
ment commonly known as 
" free cessation," by which 
victims of social evil, and 
geisha, in Japan, were 
enabled to change their 
mode of life irrespective of 
debts,- desire of keepers or 
parents or other reasons^ 
thus ending legal trafic in 
young girls in Japan; Pre- 
sident Methodist Protestant 
Church in Japan, 1903 to 
date. PtiUicMions: " Social 
Evil in Japan " and tracts 
in Japanese. Address: Na- 
goya, Japan (absent). Head- 
dsburg Cal., U.S.A. 

[ 91 ] 

BJurray, David Ambrose, 
Missionary; A.M. (Princetou) 
D.D. (Coe), h. Montgomery 
Co. New York March 23 
1861; n. American; s. 
Andrew K. MiiiTay,. farmer, 
m. Annie L. Foster, daughter 
of Thomas D. Foster. (Ot- 
tumwa la.) Oct. 11 1909. 
Educ.: Coe College, IMon- 
mouth College, Princeton 
Univ. and Princeton Tlieo. 
Seminary.. Taught in Kyoto 
Commercial School and other 

Govt. Schools 1888-92 Pastor 
in America (Cliicago and 
Ottumwa la.) 1893/1902. In 
Japan Principal of Dendo 
Doshikan (Theo. school) 1902 
-1910. T.r.J. 1888-1892; 
and 1902-1912. Puhlicatkms: 
"Inductive English Lessons " 
"Atmos and Energies" "Kojin 
Dendo," "Ten no Tomo," 
"Sukui noMichi," "Christian 
Faith and the New Psycholo- 
gy." Address: 22 Furukawa, 
Tsu, Ise, Japan. 

[ 92 ] 


Wazaroif, Gregory T., Cor- 
respondent of St. Petersburg 
Telegraph Agency, holder 
of the Knssian Orders: 3rd 
and 2nd Class, St. Stanislas; 
3rd Class, St. Anna; &. Dec. 
6, 1865, TamboT Prov., 
Russia; n. Knssian; s. of 
Timothy P. Nazaroff, Squire; 
m. 1889 to Miss Maria 
Zaharius. Educ. : Oriental 
Institute, Kussia. Address: 
43-B, Bluff, Yokohama, 

Newell, Horatio Bannister, 
Clergyman, M.A. (Amherst 
1901); T>.T>. (Tabor 1908); 
b. Aug. 27, 1861, East Or- 
rington, Maine, IT. S. A. ; n. 
American; s. Wellington 
Newell, clergyman; m. July 
3, 1889, to Miss Jane Cozad 
of Cleveland, Ohio. Educ: 
Amherst College, 1883; 
Chicago Theological Semi- 
naxy, 1887. Missionary of 
the American Board to 
Japan, at Niigata 1887- 
1904; at Matsuyama since 
1904. T.r.J.: From Sept. 
1887 to the present, 25 
years. Address: 62-bancho, 
Matsuyama, lyo. 

Nonnan, Eev. Daniel, Cler- 
gyman; h. March 10, 1864; 
m. May, 23, 1901. Educ: 
Aurora High School; gra- 
duated in arts, Toronto Uni- 

versity; graduated in theo- 
logy, Victoria University, 
Ontario, Canada. Publica- 
tions: Editor of " Jinsei " 
(Voice of Man) published in 
^Japanese. Address: 12, 
Agata-machi, Nagano. 

Noss, Christopher, Mission- 
ary; b. Huntington, Indiana, 
U. S. A., Sept. 23, 1869; 
n. American; s. of Rev. 
John George Noss, Clergy- 
man; m. 1st Miss Lura Royer 
of Aquashicola, Pa., Nov. 
27 1895, died Feb. 26, 1907, 
leaving 6 children; 2rtd Miss 
Carolyn Day of Westchester, 
Conn., July 14, 1909. Educ: 
graduated Franklin and Mar- 
shall College, Lancaster, 
Pa., 1888. Taught in State 
Normal School, Kutztovi^n, 
Pa., 1888-91; studied Theo- 
logy at Lancaster, N.Y., and 
BerHn, 1891-95; taught in 
North Japan College, Sendai, 
1895-1903; Professor of Sys- 
tematic Theology, Lancaster, 
Pa., 1904-09. T.r.J.: 1895- 
1903 and 1910 to present. 
Publications : Text-book of 
Colloquial Japanese, based 
on German work of Dr. 
Rudolf Lange. Address: 
28, Torii-machi, Wakamatsu, 

Nutter, Horace, (Horace 
Nutter & Co.), Shippuig, 
Coal, Import, Export, Insu- 

[ 93 ] 

ranee Chartering Agent, lish. T.r.J.'. 13 years. Ad- 
Marine Surveyors; n. Eng- dresst 17, Sanbashi-bori, Moji. 

[ 94 ] 

Oberiein, O.F., Partner of 
M. Raspe & Co., Tokyo; h. 
in Germany in 1861. After 
finishing Ms education in 
high school he was employed 
in an office for a few years 
and after that spent some 
time in America; came to 
Japan in 1884, and joined 
the China and Japan Trad- 
ing Co., an American firm; 
was employed, first at Naga- 
saki, then in Chemulpo 
(Korea) and ultimately at 
Kobe, imtil the end of 1897; 
liaving resigned his position 
in the firm he joined M. 
Raspe & Co. in January, 
1898, had been in charge of 
this firm's business at Yoko- 
hama since the end of 1899, 
and was admitted as a 
partner in 1983; moved to 
Tokyo in 1908 as that city 
has become more important 
for the firm's business than 
Yokohama. Address: M. 
Kaspe & Co., 18-A, Tsukiji, 

Officer, s.BX., Manager of 
the Kobe and Osaka bran- 
ches of tlie China and Japan 
Trading Co.; h. Scotland in 
1863. Commenced business 
in a linnen manufacturers 
office in life, Scotland; was 
employed for eight years in 
an engineering establishment 

in Spain and one yeat in 
London; came to Japan 1896 
and joined the Kagasaki 
branch of the China and 
Japan Trading Co., recently 
having the management of 
the branch; was transferred 
to his present position in 
1909. Address: C. and J. 
Trading Co., 88, Naka-mach, 

Olds, Charles Bumell, B.D., 
Missionary; 6. Chnton, Wis., 
U.S.A., March 13, 1872; n. 
American; s. of Baldwin B. 
Olds, farmer ; m. April 3, 
1902 to Genevieve W. Davis. 
Educ. Beloit College, 1896; 
Hartford Theol. Sem., 1899; 
Degi-ee from Oberlin College 
at close of 1 year of study 
in 1911. Pastor in America 
(Buffalo Center, la.), 1 year 
and -half; since 1903, Mis- 
sionary in Japan. T.r.J.: 9 
years. Address: Miyazaki, 

Oltmond, Rev. A., D. D., 
Missionary of Keformed 
Church in America. Ad- 
dress: 89, Imazato-cho, Shi- 
rokane, Sliiba-ku, Tokyo. 

Ostrom, Henry Conrad, B. 
Sc, M.A,, Missionary; b. 
Lockport, Illinois, U.S.A., 
Dec. 4, 1876; n. American; 
s. of Henry Ostrom, con- 
tractor; m. 1907. Educ: 
(B. Sc), Augustana College, 
U.S.A.; (M. A.), Princeton 

[ 95 J 

University, U.S.A.; graduate 
of Princeton Theological 
Seminary; studied Music in 
Leipzig, Germany, 2 years. 
Teacher of Music in Ottawa 
Canada, Chicago, 111., Boston 
and Worcester, Mass.; Di- 
rector of Conservatory of 
Music, Fulton, Mo.; Secret- 
ary of the Laymen's Missio- 
nary Movement in the Sou- 
thern Presbyterian Church 

for 3 years. T.r.J.: 1 year 
and half. Address: 171, Te- 
rashima-machi, Tokusliima. 

Owston, Alaii, Merchant 
and Naturalist; 5. 1853, 
England; n. British; m. to 
Kame Owston. T.r.J.: 40 
years. Address: (office) 224, 
Yamashita-cho, Yokohama; 
(private) 3263, Negishi- 
machi, Yokohama. 

[ 96 ] 

Pabst, J.C., Military Atta- 
che of the Dutch Legation; 
b. The Hague, Netherlands; 
n. Dutch. Captain in the 
Dutch Indian General Staff. 
Arrived in Japan, Aug. 1910. 
T.T.J.: since 1910. Address: 
1, Tsuna-machi, Shiba-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel: Shiba 1930. 

ParhaiK, Nowlson, Chairman 
and managing director of A. 
Cameron & Co.; h. at Bath, 
England, in 1868. Educ: 
the Merchant Taylors School, 
London. Trarelled on the 
Continent of Europe, 1886; 
entered the firm of John 
Batt & Company, London, 
1887; after 18 years' con- 
nection with that company 
came to Japan and joined 
the firms of A. Cameron & 
Co., 1905; converted them 
into a limited company and 
became its chairman and 
managing director; the com- 
pany is engaged in import- 
ing metals and woollens, be- 
sides supplying materials for 
the government dockyards, 
arsenals, and railways. Ad- 
dress: A. Cameron & Co., 
93, Tedo-machi, Kobe. 

Parrott, Fred., Missionary 
of B.F.B.S. Came to Japan 
in 1890. Address: Bible 
House, 95, Yedo-machi, 

Parry, Charles Arthur, B.A., 
Professor (Sonin) at the Yo- 
kosuka Naval Engineering 
College; h. in 18()9 at Cal- 
cutta; s. of Kobert Parry, 
Professor at Calcutta Uni- 
versity. Educ. : graduated 
B.A. at the University of 
London in 1891. Came to 
Japan in 1903; since mainly 
occupied in teaching at 
Kochi, Sendai, Osaka Higher 
Commercial School, and else- 
where, and in Journalism ; 
Editor of the Japan Herald 
(Yokohama), April 1910- 
April 1911 ; at present as 
Professor at the Yokosuka 
Naval Engineering College. 
Publication : Military Japan 
(translation). Address: 2932, 
Katase, near Enoshima. 

Payne, Wm. T., _ Manager 
for Japan and China of the 
Canadian Pacific Railway 
Company's Royal Mail S. S. 
Line, Yokohama. Mr. Payne 
born in New Yoi'k, was 
educated at St. Paul's 
School, Concord, " N. H., 
studied two years in Ecg- 
land and Germany also at 
Cornell University and after- 
ward travelled for some 
years on the Continent. Mr. 
Payne's name, has been 
continually identified witli 
the work of the Canadian 
Pacific Line since 1886 and 
now as general manager he 

[ 97 ] 

has charge of the company's 
interests in Japan and China. 
The great progress of the 
C.P.K, is indicated by the 
fact that it now operates 
and controls oyer 15,000 
miles of railway in Canada 
and the United States, 
niaitains a fleet of steamers 
on the Atlantic in addition 
to the Trans-Pacific service. 
In 1908, Mr. Payne had the 
honour of receiving from 
His Imperial Majesty the 
foirth grade the Order of 
the Rising Snn in recogni- 
tion of liis services in pro- 
moting international trade. 
Address:. C.P.R. Co's. Koyal 
Mail S.S. Line, 14, Bund, 
and 245, Bluff. 

Pedley, Hilton, B.A.(MoGill, 
Montreal, Canada), Clergy 
man; h. St. Johns Ufld., June 
14, 1862; n. British; s. of 
Charles Pedley, Clergyman ; 
m. Nov. 21, "1892. 'Muc: 
Common and High Schools, 
Ontario ; McGill University, 
Quebec. Arrived in Japan, 
Sept. 22, 1889; spent 11 
.years in Niigata and 12 
j-ears in Maebashi. Mission- 
ary Work of a general kind. 
T.r.J.: 23 years. liecrea- 
tions: various. Address: Iwa- 
gami-machi, Mael)ashi. Td.: 
430 (next door). 

Peeke, Harman van Slyck, 
A.m:., Missionary; h. Owasco, 

New York, U. S. A., Nov. 6^ 
1856; 11. American; s. of 
Eev. A. Paige Peeke, Cler- 
gyman; m. July 5, 1893 to 
Vesta Olive Greev. Educ.t 
A.M. Hope College, 1887; 
New Bnmswick Theological 
Seminary, 1891-2; Grad. 
Aubune Theol. Semy., 1893; 
Editor of Messenger of the 
Pres. and Kefd. Missions in 
Japan, 1910-12. T.r.J.i 
since Jan. 21, 1888. Publi- 
co tians: " Higoto no Inori "; 
Suggestions for the Study of 
the Chinese Character. Ad- 
dress: Nishi Horibata, Saga. 

Pereira, M. C. Goncalves» 
Minister Resident, Brazilian 
Legation, 3, Aoi-cho, Aka- 
saka-ku, Tokyo, (absent). 

Petten, Mrs. Caroline van, 
M.A., Teacher, especially of 
the Bible; h. May 31, 1854, 
Washington, HI., U. S. A., 
n. American; d. of Richard 
Wanghap, ship-builder ; m. 
soon after graduation on 
June 30, 1877 to The Rev. 
Samuel van Petten; her 
husband died 4 months later. 
Educ.: Public School, N.W. 
Univ. at Evanston, 111., and 
Mt. University, Ohio. In 
1878, began teaching in the 
Government School in Wyo- 
ming, m.; also for a time 
in Hedding College as tea-' 
cher. T. r. J. : since Sept. 
1881, with occasional visit 

[ 98 ] 

to America. Recreaiions: in- 
terested in work among poor 
children, especially the blind, 
and give most of her leisure 
to tliem. P^Mications : oc- 
casional magazine articles. 
Address: 221, Bluff, Yoko- 
hama. Ckihs: no Club, but 
several Societies, the Mis- 
sionary Sac, Temperance 
Soc, Literary Soc, Jizenkai, 
iind others. 

Pettee, Dr. James H., Cleri- 
cal missionary ; h. July 16, 
1851, at Manchester, U.S.A. ; 
m. Aug. 1, 1878, Belle Wil- 
son. Educ: Dartmouth Col- 
lege, New Hamp-; Andover 
Theological Seminary, Mass. 
missionay of A.B.C.F.M. in 
Japan, since 1878; residence 
since 1879, Okayama, where 
lias bsen senior missionary 
since 1888; pastor, since 
1889 of Mission Church of 
Christ in Japan ; closely 
associated with Mr. J. Ishii, 
founder and present super- 
intendent of Okayama Orph- 
anage in Japan, many child- 
ren at present; one of three 
foreigners on Board of ten 
trustees; Treasurer, Japan 
Union of Christian Endea- 
vour "i English editor of 
"Japan Endeavour;" regu- 
lar Japan correspondent of 
" Congregationalist " and 
"Christian World," of Bos- 
ton, Mass.; Chairman, during 

1905, of Missionary Associ- 
ation of Central Japan; chair- 
man for 1906 of Japan Mis- 
sion of the A.B.C.F.M.; life 
mem. Asiatic Society of 
Japan; mem. Bed Cross 
Society. Puhlications: " A 
Chapter of Mission History 
in Modern Japan." " Mr. 
Ishii and His Orphanage." 
Address: Okayama, Japan. 

Petzold, Frau Hanka, Pro- 
fessor at the Imperial Aca- 
demy of Music; h. Christian- 
sand, Norway; n. German, 
thro' marriage; d. of Sclijel- 
derup. Judge; m. to Mr. 
Bruno Petzold. T.r.J.: since 
Dec. 1909. Address: 3, 
Aoi-eho, Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. 

Petzold, Herr Bruno, Author 
and Journalist; b. Breslau, 
Germany; n. German; rn. 
married to Frau Hanka 
Petzold. T.r.J. From Sept. 
1910. Address: 3, Aoiciio, 
Akasaka, Tokyo. ijy 

Pieters, Albertus, M. A., 
Missionary; b. Alto, Wiscon- 
sin, U.S.A., Feb. 5, 1869; 
w. American; s. of Koelof 
Pieters, clergyman; m. July 
21, 1891, to Emma KoUen, 
3rd d. to H.J. Kollen, Over- 
isel, Michigan, U.S.A. Educ: 
Hope College, Holland, Mi- 
chigan, U.S.A., and The 
Western Tin ological Semi. 
Holland, Michigan. Arrived 
in Japan as missionary, 



Sept. li, 1891; Instructor 
in English, Sleete Academy, 
Nagasaki, 1891-96; Princi- 
pal, 1896-99; Evangelistic 
Work, 1899-1904; Principal, 
Sleete Academy, Jan. 1905- 
March 1910; Evangelic 
Work, April 1910 to present. 
T.r.J.: since Sept. 1891. 
Pttblications: "Educational 
System of Japan," 1906; 
"Mission Problems in Japan," 
1912. Address: 48, Niage- 
maclii, Oita-slii, Oita-ken. 

Piggott, Francis Stewart 
Gilderoy, Army Officer; I). 
March 18, 1883, London; 
n. ]3ritish; s. of Sir Francis 
T. Piggott, chief justice of 
Hongkong, formerly legal 
adviser to the late Prince 
Bo, 1888-91; m. Jane, d. 
of W. James Smith, of Al- 
geciras and Gibraltar, on 
Deo. 11, 1909; 1 son. Mm.: 
at Cheltenham College, and 
Royal Military Academy, 
Woohvich. Commissioned 
2nd Lieutenant, Royal Engi- 
neers, Feb. 4, 1901; promot- 
ed Lieutenant, Feb. 4, 1904; 
special service in Japan, 
1904-6; again since 1910, 
1st Class interpreter in 
Japanese; served at Chatham, 
Hymonth, Portsmouth, Gib- 
raltar and Aldershot ; pro- 
moted Captain, Feb. 4. 1911. 
T.r.J.: As a child, 1888-91; 
again, 1904-6; and again, 

1910 to present date. He is 
going to leave Japan in the 
end of March, 1913. Public- 
ations: the Elements of Sosho. 
Becreationn: cricket, lawn ten- 
nis, hocky, fives. Address: 
Little Woolpits, Ewhurst, 
Surrey. Chbs: Army and 
Navy Club, London. 

Place, Alfred W., A.B. (Be- 
thany College, 1898), D.B. 
(Univ. of Chicago, 1902), 
Educational Missionary; b. 
in 1878 at Bowling Green, 
A., U.S.A.; s. of Robert 
Place; m. to Mary C. Gra- 
ham, 1902. Muc.: Bethany 
College and University of 
Chicago. Assi*?taut of Dr. 
Shailer Mathews in the first 
Archiology Study Class; sent 
to Palestine and Egypt by 
University of Chicago in 
1902; pastor in Akion and 
Pittsburg, 5 years. Held 
American all-round strength 
record for Universities; the 
all-round Athlete of Univ, of 
Chicago; Base-ball, Foot-ball 
Champion Discuss Thrower. 
Investigated labor conditions 
in Chicago for Government. 
Secreaiions: New Testament 
and Sociology. PtMications: 
" Relation of Church and 
Labor," published in Church 
Magazines. Address: Taki- 
nogaua, Tokyo. Td.: Shi- 
taya 1788. Chibs: Beta 
Thetia Pi; I.C.C.F. 

r loo ]' 

Playfair, Alfred 'William, 
JS.A.., teacher of English 
literature, Keio Gijuku; b. 
Sept. 1, 1870; w.' British 
(Canadian) ; s. of W. A. 
Playfiiir. Educ: Private; 
Edinburgh, Scotland; Alu- 
coute High School, Canada; 
Queen's University, Kings- 
ton, Canada. T.r.J. : 6 years. 
JHecreations : amateur photo- 
graphy. Address: 62, Nihon- 
Enoki-cho, Shiba-ku, Tokyo. 

Pohl, audolf, Partner of C. 
lilies & Co.; b. Lessau, Ger- 
many, 1867; n. German. T. 
r.J.: since 1890. Address: 
54, Tamashita-cho and 125- 
B, Yamate-cho, Yokohama. 
Tel: 1463. 

Polder, Leonardus Johannes 
Antonius van de, Councillor 
of Her Netherland Majesty's 
Legation, (holder) Com- 
mander of the Royal Danish 
Order of the Danebrog, 
Commander of the . Royal 
Swedish Order of Wasa, 
Officer of Wasa, Officer of 
the Royal Netherlands Order 
of Orange-Nassau, Officer of 
the Imperial Japanese Order 
of the Rising Sim, Officer 
of the Erench Order of the 
Dragon of Annam,. Officer 
of the French Order of the 
Merite Agricole, Chevalier of 
the Royal Norwegian Order 
of St. Olaf, Chevalier of the 
Royal Spanish Order of 

Charles HI, and Commemo- 
ration Medal of the Procla- 
mation of the Constitutions 
of Japan and of the Imperial 
Japanese Silver Wedding; b. 
Rotterdam, Feb. 6, 1851; n. 

Dctch; m. in 1878. Muc: 
in Holland and Belgium. 
Linguistic and Diplomatic. 
Arrived in Yokohama, April 
21, 1865. T.r.J.: since 1865. 
Publications: some very in- 
teresting accounts about old 
coins, bamboo; a book about 
foreign cookery ; etc., etc. 
Address: Netherlands Lega- 
tion, Kiridoshi-cho, Shibaku, 
Takyo. Clubs: several. 

Pollard, r,., Merchant, pro- 
prietor of Pollard & Co.; 
b. Congleton, Cheshire, 1868; 
n. British; s. of E. L. Pollard, 
silk inspector, who resided in 
Japan, 1869-78, in the ser- 
vice of W. M. Straohan & 
Co.; m. to Alice Louise 
Young, 1894. Arrived Yo- 
koliama, 1889, to Eiudlay, 

[ lOI ] 

E.ichardsoii & Co.; remained 
in the service of this firm 
imtil 1903 and in that year 
joined Bowden Brothers & 
Co. Ltd., EstabHshed the 
firm of Pollard & Co. in 
1909. Address: 24-D, Ya- 
mashita-cho, Toliohama. 

Td.: 2226. Oluhs: Yokoha- 
ma United Club. 

j?opert, Franz, Partner and 
Kobe manager of H. Ahrens 
& Co., h. Hamburg, Ger- 
many, in 1873. Entered a 
Bremen tobacco firm on a 3 
years apprentices5ii]3; after 
one years military service,' 
he went to England in 1893 
and entered the firm of H. 
Ahrens & Co., in London; 
was sent out to the firm's 
head ofiSce in Yokohama, in 
1894, and became partner in 
1909; is also acting as vice- 
consul for Brazil in Kobe and 
Osaka; in addition to tliose 
occupations he is a m. of the 
board of directors of Messrs. 
C. Nickel & Co., and the 
Tor Hotel, Kobe. Address: 
Ahrens & Co., Nachf., 10, 
Kaigan-dori, Kobe. 

Postlethwaite, Eichard Noel, 
B.A., Cambridge Mathemati- 
cal Honours, Sub-Manager 
of the Rising Sun Petroleum 
Co. Ltd. ; b. Halifax, York- 
shire, England, Dec. 25, 
1884; 71. English; ,s. of 
William Postlethwaite, M.A., 

solicitor. Educ. : Wakefield 
G. S. and Clare Coll., Cam- 
brige. Joined the Asiatic 
Petroleum Co. Ltd. in Lon- 
don, Aug. 1907; left, to join 
the K.S.P, Co. Ltd. in Japan, 
Eeb. 1908. Recreations: foot- 
ball, tenuis, rowing, golf, 
climbling, swimming, walk- 
ing, running, bowls, billiards, 
bridge, etc. Address: 119-C, 
Bluff, and 58, Settlement, 
Yokohama. Td.:M9. Clubs.: 
Kobe Club; Yokohama United 
Chib; K.R. and A.C.; Y.G. 
and A.C.; etc. 

Pringle, Jotm Christian, M. 
A. (Oxford, England), Tea- 
cher of English, Hiroshima 
Higher Normal School; b. 
Aug. 27, 1872, Edinburgh, 
Scotland; n. British; s. of 
R. Pringle, Writer to His 
Majesty's Signet; m. to Con- 
stance Mary Warbnrton, 
August 22, 1905. Edicc.: 
Cargilfield, Edinburgh; scho- 
lar of Winchester College ; 
scholar of Exeter College, 
Oxford; 1st class honours, 
classical moderations ; 2nd 
class honours literae hu- 
maniores. 1895, 12th place 
in open competition for 
Indian Civil Service, 1902, 
resigned Indian Civil Service; 
1902 ordained Deacon, 
Church of England, London 
Diocese ; 1902-9, served in 
London Diocese; 1906-7 

[ I02 ] 

served under Royal Commis- 
sion on Poor Laws. T.r.J.: 
Dec. 28, 1909 to present. 
Becreaiimis: foot-ball, svim- 
ming and climbling. Ad- 
dress : 324, Hiratsuka-cho, 

Purinton, Kobert Eugene, 
Instructor of machine-shop 
practice at the Osaka Koto 
Kogyo Gakko ; h. America, 
1880; n. American. 12 years 
experience in American 
factories as mercliant and 
tool- maker. T. r. J. : since 
1910. Address: 19, Kawagu- 
chi-cho, Osaka. 

Purvis, Frank Prior, Naval 
Inst. C.E. (London), etc.. 
Naval Architect, Professor 
of Naval Architecture at the 
Tokyo " Imperial University, 

holder of the 4th Class 
Order of the Rising Sun; n. 
British; s. of Prior Purvis, 
Doctor of Medicine; m. to 
Maggie Maclean, Dmibarton, 
Scotland. Educ.: Blackheath 
and South Kensington. 
Assistant to the late Wm. 
Froude ; naval architect to 
Wm. Denny and Bros., 
Dunbarton; ship-biiilder at 
Port Glasgow, Scotland ; 
professor at the Engineering 
College, Tokyo Imperial 
University. T. r. J.: since 
1901, 11 years. Bec^-eatknis: 
various. Publications: several 
papers to the Institution of 
Naval Architects and other 
Societies- Address: 9, Shin 
Ryudo-cho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 
Ghhs: Tokyo and Yokohama. 

[103 ] 


RabTjitt, James Aloiysius, 
Graduate of mechanical En- 
gineering course (Rochester 
Athenaeum Institute, Roche- 
ster, N.Y., U.S.A.), General 
Manager Nipponophone Co., 
Ltd.; h. Stamford, Conn., 
U.S.A., 1877; n. American; 
s. of James Rabbitt, archi- 
tect ; m. 1899, to Bonnie 
Vestal Winton. Ednc.: gra- 
duate of fit. J elm's School, 
Stamford, 1892; Rochester 
A.M.!. Class, 1901. With 
Seeley & Co., engineers, 
New York, as 1st class ap- 
prenties, 1893-96, with 
Blickensderfer Mfg. Co., as 
mechanical expert and 
machine designer, 1896 - 
1902; manager for F. W. 
Home, BugineeriDg, at 
Osaka, 1902-09; since 1909 
engaged ' in manufactim'ng 
business in Japan. T. r.J.: 
10 years. JRecreations : golf 
and yachting. Address: 67, 
Shinzaka-maohi, Akasaka-ku, 
Tokyo. ' Glnbs: Yokohama 
United Club, Nippon Race 
Club, Mosquito Yacht Club, 
Kobe Club, Kobe Golf Club. 

Rankin, James, Kobe agent 
of the Canadian Pacific 
Railway Company's Royal 
Mail S.S. Line; b. at Liver- 
pool, England, in 1869, and 
educated in Scotland and 

England. Came to Canada 
and entered the service -of 
the Canadian Pacific Rail- 
.way Co. in 1887 and re- 
mained in Montreal until 
1892; was sent by the com- 
pany to the East, and since 
that is serving as agent of 
the company's Royal Mail 
S.S. Line at Kobe. Address: 
C.P.R. Co., 14, Maye-machi, 
and 158, Yamamoto-dori, 
Shichome, Kobe. 

Ray, Robert Jackscn, A.M., 
Professor of economics at 
Keio Gijuku ; b. Richmond, 
Indiana, U.S.A., Oct. 26, 
1883; n. American; s. of 
Nathan Harvey Ray, retired 
banker; m. to Mary Elnetha 
Brownlee, June 19, 1911. 
Uduc. : High School, Sterling, 
Kansas; University of Kan- 
sas, Harvard. Fellow in 
sociology and economics at 
Kansas 'Univ., 1908-09; Pht 
Beta Kappa; Univ. Scholar, 
Harvard, 1909-10; Henry 
Lee Memorial Fellow, Har- 
vard, University, 1910-11. 
T.r.J.: since Sept. 1911. 
Address: 12, Shiu-Ryudocho, 
Azabn-ku, Tokyo. 

Reid, Edgworth, Manager 
of Jardine Mathesoa & Co. 
Ltd.,Kobe; n. British. T.r.J.: 
since July 1, 1912. Address: 
Jardine Matheson & Co. Ltd., 
83, Kio-machi, Kobe. 

Reidhaar, Ludwig, III. D. 

[ I04 ] 

d(Easel, Switzerland), Physi- 
cian, Senior Partner of Drs. 
Reidhaar, Munro, etc.; h. 
May 4, 1856, Basel, Swit- 
zerland; n. Swiss. Educ.: 
Basel University, etc., etc. 
T.r.J.: 11 years. Address: 
(office) 74, Settlement, Inter- 
national Building, Yokohama; 
(private) 59, Bluff, Yokohama. 
Tel.: (office) 1157; (private) 
1064. Chibs: Germania, etc., 

Eeifsnider, Charles Shriner, 
A.B., M.&.., li.H.D., President 
of St. Paul's University 
(Eikkyo Dai-Gaku); b. 1877, 
i'rederick City, Maryland, U. 
S.A.; ,?. of Charles David 
Reifsnider; m. June 16, 
1904, to Mary Duke Gordon. 
Educ. : Kenyan College, Bex- 
ley Theological Seminary, 
Liberal Arts and Theology. 
■Clergyman; missionary; Mid- 
dle School and Commercial 
School teacher, Fukui, Tsu- 
ruga nnd Tokyo-fu. Address,: 
56, Akashi-cho, Kyobashiku, 
Tokyo. Td.: Kyobashi 516. 
Clubs: Masonic. 

Eeuter, Rudolph Ernest, 
Professor of music, teacher 
of piano; b. New York, 1886; 
11. American; s. cf Gustav 
Eeuter, prof. of music. 
Educ: in America and 5 
years in Germany, Concert 
pianist in Germany and 
America; called to the Tokyo 

Academy of Music from 
Berlin in 1909; in Ueno 
Academy, head-man of piano 
and prof, of the theory of 
Music Departments. T.r.J.: 
3 years. Becreatimis: travel- 
ing, motor-bicycling, tennis. 
Address: American Embassy, 
Tokyo. Td.: Shiba 115. 
Clubs: German Asiatic 
Society, Tennis Club. 

Reynell, Ha.rold Essex, Pre- 
sident of H.E. Keynell & Co.; 
b. in England, 1850. Arrived 
in Japan in 1869 and joined 
Messrs. Alt & Co., Nagasaki; 
was then appointed instruct- 
or of Englisla to the members 
of the Tosa clan at Kochi 
by prince Yodo of Tosa, re- 
ceived an appointment from 
the Department of Education, 
as professor at the Osaka 
College; after years resigned 
and was engaged by the 
Mitsui tea dep't; in the fol- 
lowing year, on his own 
account, started an export 
and import business found- 
ing the present firm of H.E. 
Eeynell <fe Co., Kobe; dis- 
covered the famous 'Hirano" 
mineral spring and subse- 
quently the mineral water 
business remarkably develop- 
ed by his endeavour; for 
several years has been 
managing director of the 
Oriental Hotel, Kobe; took 
an active interest in the 

[ los ] 

opening of the Sanyo Hotel 
at Shimonoseki. Address: 
Keynell & Co., 60, Naniwa- 
machi, and Shioya. 

Kiddell, Miss Hannah, Phil- 
anthropist, founder of the 
Kumamoto Lepers Hospital; 
h. in London; d. of Daniel 
Kiddell, private gentleman. 
Educ.: private. In 1901, she 
came to Japan as a mission- 
ary, and was striken with 
horror and pity, seeing the 
very terrible sight of the mi- 
serable condition of many 
lepers gathered near Hon- 
myo-ji temple, Knmamoto. 
There and then, she formed 
a resolution that she would 
devote her whole life to the 
relief of those poor lepers. 
Consequently she asked her 
friends in England for the 
fund of the noble work, and 
the Leper Hospital of the 
Kesm'rection of Hope was 
founded. Since then, she has 
rescued several hundred of 
lepers and spent for them 
much money. In 1906, a 
report of her good work 
reached H. M. the late Em- 
peror Meiji, who was so 
highly pleased that he con- 
feiTed upon her the Order of 
Green Ribbon. Becreations: 
the care of lepers, photogra- 
phy. Address. : 436 Furu 
SMuyashiki, Kumamoto. 

Tel: 488. CMs: the New 

Victorian Club, Piccadilly, W. 

Kider, Lorenzo N., B. Sc, 
Director Nippon Electric Co.; 
b. Bath, New York, U.S.A., 
Oct. 31, 1882; n. American; 
s. of Charles C. Rider, farmer. 
Educ: graduate of Union 
College, Scheneclady, New 
York, U. S. A. T.'r. J.: a 
years. Becreations: baseball. 
Address: 4, Hinoki-cho, Aka- 
saka-ku, Tokyo. Td.: Shiba 
49. Clubs: Tokyo Chib, 
Yokohama United Club. 

Robinson, Charles Edward, 
B.D. (Missiouri Bible College), 
A.M. (Missouri State Uni- 
versity), Christian mission- 
ary of the Foreign Mission- 
ary 'Society, Cincinnati, O., 
U.S.A.; b. Greenville, 111., 
U.S.A.; s. of Benjamin Har- 
rison Robinson, farmer; m. 
Aug. 14, 1907, to Miss Es- 
sie B. Forsythe. ■ Educ.: as 
above. Private in Co. I. 
20th Kansas, U.S.A., during 
the Spanish American War; 
served in the Philippines. 
T.r.J.: since Oct. 11, 1907. 
Becreations: tennis, but sel- 
dom leave time for recrea- 
tion. Address: Sendai, Japan. 

Keeper, George, Partner and 
manager of M. Raspe & Co., 
Kobe; b. in Lubeck in 1869. 
Educ: at the gymnasium 
called the Katharineum in 
Lubeck. Entered business 
in 1884 and after 4 years' 

[ io6] 

service in Boye and Schweigli- 
ofer at Lubeck; emploj^ed L>y 
fclie Imperial German Govern- 
ment Bank, weut to Ejim- 
burg; joined the firm of. 
George Kleinwort, Hamberg, 
vi^Iiioh is general agent for 
the import trade of M. Raspe 
&Co., left Hamburg for Japan 
in 1894 to join M. Raspe & 
Co. of which firm he became 
a partner in 1903; during 
his stay in Japan, besides 
general import and export 
business, he was interested 
in building up the Java 
sngar trade; is president of 
German club, " Club Con- 
cordia " at Kobe. Address: 
M. Kasps & Co., 91, Kita- 
machi, Kobe. 

Boeper-Bosch, P.A., Import- 
meroliant; b. in Amsterdam, 
27th of December 1889; n. 
Netherlands; s. of J. Eoeper- 
Bosch, general mercliant in 
A m sterdam ; Unmarried . 

Edvc.: graduate of Commer- 
cial High school. Half a 
year employed in Amster- 
dam, after that IJ year 
employed by Messrs. Wm. 
Hoist & Co. Yokohama, since 
May 1910 Manager of Messrs. 
Van Perlstein and Roeper 
Bosch, Yokohama. T.r.J.: 
since 1908. Becreations: 
horseback and ski-running. 
Address: 194 Settlement, 
Yokohama, Tel.: 36. Gltd)s: 

Yokohama United ( lub. Club 
Germania, Tokyo Cliib. 

Romisch, Leo, Merchant; b. 
1875 in Bavaria; s. of L.P., 
Eomisch; m. to Susan E. 
Summers; d. of late Prof. 
Rev. James Summers. 
Educ. : Commercial SchooL 
Proprietor of Romisch Sho- 
kai and Representative Part- 
ner of Cavl Zeiss Goslii Kai- 
sha, the Japanese Branch of 
the Optical Works Carl Zeiss, 
Jena (Germany). T. r.J.: 
since Feb. 1904. Address i 
Tsukiji 33-A, Tsukiji, Kyo 
bashi-ku, Tokyo. 2'eZ. : Kyo- 
bashi 259. 

Rooke, Wm. IiSCason, con- 
sulting engineer; b. Bristol, 
England; n. British ; ,9. of 
Frederick Sussex Roolse, 
retired gentleman, director 
of Wheel Lopes Co., Ltd, 
1st Austel Mining Company 
Ltd., Imperial Brewery Co., 
Partner. Educ: general sci- 
ence engineering. T.r.J. 3,} 
years. Secreations : tennis, 
goM, etc. Address: 184, 5 
chome Nakanoshima, Osaka. 
Glvbs: Tokyo and Kol:e 

Rowland, Dr. George Miller, 
A.1I1., D.D., Missionary; b. 
Dec. 11, 1859; m. June 30, 
1886. Educ.: Middleburg 
College; Hart-ford Theologi- 
cal Seminary. Arrived in 
Japan in 1886 and com- 

[ I07 ] 

menced work as evagelistic 
missionary; has also inci- 
dentally done some educa- 
tional work. Address: Sap- 
poro, Hokkaido, (absent) : 
Suburndale, Mass. 

Royds, William Massy, B.A. 
(St. John's College, Cam- 
bridge, 1900), in British 
Consular service, Japan (Vice 
Consul); h. Reading, Berk- 
shire, England, June 22, 
1879; s. of Dr. W.A.S. Eoyds. 
T.r.J. : 10 years. Hecreations : 
all outdoor sports. Address: 
British Consulate General, 
Seoul, Korea. Clubs: Kobe 
and Shimonoseki. 

Royen, J.H. van, Doctor in 
Law and Doctor in Political 
Sciences, holder of the 
Knight • of the Netherlands 
Lion, Officer of Orange- 
Nassau and other foreign 
decorations; b. ZAvolle, March 
28, 1871; n. Netherlands; s. 

of the late J.H. van Koyen; 
m. to Miss A.F. Winthrop, 
New York. EdiK.: studied 
at the University of Gron- 
ingen, Holland; took bis 
degrees, Dec. 1895. Entered 
the diplomatic career, May 
1896; sent as secretary and 
later as counsellor to Berlin, 
Washington, Constantinople, 
London; appointed minister 
in Tokyo, Aug. 1908. T. r. 
J. : since Dec. 1908. Recrea- 
tiaiis : tennis, motoring, etc. 
PiihlicaHons: " The Consular 
Jurisdiction in Japan." Ad- 
d,ress: Netherlands Legation, 
Tokyo. Tel.: Shiba 131. 
Clubs: Club de La Haye, St. 
James', Tokyo Club. 

Kussell, Miss E., Mission- 
ary of Methodist Episcopal 
Church, Principal of Kwas- 
sui Girl's School. Arrived 
in Japan in 1879. Address.: 
Kwassui Jo-Gakko, Nagasaki. 

[. io8 ] 

Sadler, Arthur Iiindsay, M. 
A. (Oxon.), Lecturer in Dai 
Roku Koto-Gakko; I>. 1882, 
Londou; n. English. Educ: 
Merchant and Taylor's School; 
Dalwioh College; Afterwards. 
Scholar of St. John's College, 
Oxford; B. A. 1907, M. A. 
1911; Septuagint Prizeman 
and Kennicott Hebrew Scho- 
lar in the University. Came 
to Japan immediately after 
graduation. T.r.J.: 3 years. 
Eecreations : cycling and 
Japanese fencing. Address: 
I'd, Nishida-machi, Okayama. 

Sale, Frederick George, 
Merchant, managing director 
(since 1908) of Messrs. Sale 
and Frazar, Ltd., Tokyo; h. 
Manchester, England, 1871; 
n. English; s. of George 
Sale, Merchant; m. 1899 to 
Ida, d. of Capt. Worsp of 
Auckland, New Zealand. T. 
r. J.: over 25 years. Recre- 
ations: tennis and motoring. 
Address : 15, Go-Ban cho, 
Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. Td.: 
Bancho 2936. Ghihs: City 
Carlton, London; Yokohama 
-United Chib; Tokyo Club. 

Saimnons, Thomas, Ameri- 
can Consul- General, Toko- 
liama, Japan; h. February 7, 
1863_, at New York, U.S.A.; 
31. American; s. of John 
Sammons; m. In New York, 

October 30, 1888. Educ.:^ 
Albany Law School, and 
George Washington Univer- 
sity. Reporter and- editor, 
1886-1898; Private Secre- 
tary to U. S. Senator 1898- 
1905; American Consul Ge- 
neral to, Newchang, China, 
1905-1907; Consul General 
to Seoul, 1907-1909; Consul 
General to Yokohama, Japan, 
1910. Becreaiions: golf, lawn 
tennis. Address : American 
Consulate General, Yokoha- 
ma, Japan. Tel.: No. 2,533 
Yokohama. Glvb: Yokoha- 
ma United, Yokohama Social, 
etc., etc., 

Sandberg, Paul, Bank ma- 
nager; h. Breslau, Germajny, 
Nov. 7, 1873; n. German. 
Joined the Deutsch Asia- 
tische Bank in Calcutta in 
1907 and came to Japan in 
1905. T.rJ.: 7 years. Ad- 
dress: 180-A, Yamashita-cho, 
Yokohama. Clvbs: Club 
Germania, Y.LT.C, Yokoha- 
ma Bankers' Club. 

Sanders, Thomas Henry, 
Bachelor of Commerce (Uni- 
versity of Birmingham), 
teacher of commercial prac- 
tices in Yamaguchi Higher 
Commercial School; b. Brier- 
ley Hill, England, April 7, 
1885; 11. British; s. of Thomas 
Sanders, Insurance Agent. 
Educ. : Stourbridge Gram- 
mar School and Univer- 

[ 109 ] 

sity of Birmingham. After 
graduation from University 
July 1905, private secretary 
to managing director, also 
manager of a Department, 
in Kudge-Whitworth Ld., 
Coventry, England, until 

1910. T.r.J.: since Jan. 

1911. Address: Sldnmiclii, 

Sanguinetti, Vivian, Mana- 
ger of James Morrison & 
Co., Tokj'o. Came to Japan 
in 1903, as a representatives 
of several leading English 
engineering firms, in, con- 
nection with Messrs. James 
Morrison & Co. of London; 
became Manager of Japan 
Branch, 1907; he also re- 
presents Messrs. Hennebique 
of Paris, the celebrated firm 
of reinforced engineers, who 
are well known for their 
patents designs in connection 
with such constructions. Ad- 
dress: 1, Yariya-cho, Kyo- 
bashi-ku, Tokyo. 

Satchell, Thomas, Journal- 
ist; 1). in London in 1867; n. 
English; s. of kte Thomas 
Satchell, Surveyor General 
of H.M. Customs at Port of 
London; m. to Suzu, d. of 
the late Y. Yamazaki; 1 
daughter. Educ. : educated 
privately. After holding- 
positions on various English 
newspapers, came to Japan 
in 1899 to join the -'Japan 

Chronicle "; latter edited the 
'■ Japan Herald " and is now 
assistant editor of the 
"Japan Mail." T.r.J.: 13 
years. PiMicatimis: Educa- 
tional works for the study 
of English. Address: 55, 
Yamashita-cho, Yokohama. 
Tel: IM Yokohama. Clvbs: 
Yohohama United Club. 

Saunby, Jolm W., B. A., 
Methodist missionary; b. 
Aug. 25, 1858, Ottawsi, On- 
tario, Canada; n. British; s. of 
William Saunby, merchant; 
m. June 1, 1897 to EUza M. 
Sund of Woodstock, Canada. 
Educ: Victoria Univ., Cana- 
da. Pastor in Canada for 18 
years; missionary in Japan 
for 9 years. FuUicaiions: 
" Japan, the Land of the 
Morning." Address: 14, 
Naka Takajo-machi, Kana- 
zawa, Kaga. 

Schiller, Karl Emil, D.D., 
Siiperintendent of Mission, 
lecturer at Kyoto Imperial 
University; h. Oct. 16, 1865 
at Husum, Germany; n. 
German; s. of Karl Theodor 
Schiller, official of the State; 
married. Educ: studied at 
the Universities of Bonn and 
Berlin. Pastor and head- 
master of middle-school iu 
Germany, afterwards mis- 
sionary in Japan, first in To- 
kyo, later in Kyoto. T.r.J.: 
since April 1895. Publica- 

[ "O] 

turns: Shinto, die Volks re- 
ligion Japans; Japanese Com- 
mentary on tlie Gospel of 
Matthew and other books. 
Address : 10, Shogoin-cho, 
Noboribate, Kyoto. 

Schmidt, Paul, Proprietor 
of Schmidt Shoten; b. Ka- 
tlienow a/Havel, (Prussia), 
Germany; m. German. Uduc: 
Higher Commercial School. 
T.r.J.: 16 years. Address: 
1, Yayesu-cho 1 chome, Ko- 
jimachi-kn, Tokyo. Tel. : 
Honkyoku 550 and SMba 

Schneder, David Bowman, 
B.A., D.D., Missionary; b. 
March 23, 1857, Bowmans- 
ville, Pennsj'lyania, U.S.A.; 
n. American; s. of Baltzer 
Schneder, farmer ; m. in 
1887 'to Miss Anna M. 
Schoenberger. Uduc: gra- 
duated from Franklin and 
Marsliall College and from 
Lancaster Theological Semi- 
, nary. Pastor in America, 
1883-87; came to Japan in 
1887 and located in Sendai, 
becoming at once teacher of 
Systematic Theology in the 
Tohoku Gakuin; in 1901, on 
the resignation of Kev. Ma- 
sayoshi Oshikawa, elected 
president of the Tohoku 
Gakuin, which position still 
hold; visited Germany and 
England in 1897 for study, 
and again in 1906, specially 

for the study of educational 
methods. T.r.J.: since '87. 
Ptiblications: Articles in theo- 
logical and educational ma- 
gazines. Address: Idi, Higa- 
shi Sanban-cho, Sendai. 

Scliroeder, Karl Daniel 
Franz, Editor, Publisher and 
Printer, Consulting Jurist; h. 
Oct. 16, 1846, Koenigsberg, 
(Prussia), Germany; n. Ger- 
man (of English descent); 
s. of Capt, Daniel Sohroeder, 

lost at sea in 1848; m. Sept. 
12, 1887 in Tokyo to Toyo 
Saito; 2 children, Sidney 
and Kodney, aged 10 and 8 
respectively. Educ: College 
on the Burg, Konigsberg, 
Latin Classics. Shipbuilder, 
1863-66; Sailor and later 
certificated officer in British 
mercantile service, 1866-74; 
Government telegraph service 
in Berlin, passed examination 
as Secretary of telegraphs in 
1877; appointed Vice Com- 
mander of Pilots at Konigs- 

[ "I ] 

Ibei-g in 1878; iu addition, 
(luring the winter, ucting 
Register iu the Prussian 
Government there in 1879; 
resigned in 1880, and went 
on a cruise again. Came to 
Japan early iu 1881, was 
offered and accepted position 
as Sub-Editor and reporter 
of the " Japan Herald," then 
an English paper; resigned 
iu 1884, went to San Fran- 
cisco; entered the large pub- 
lishing house of A.L. Barnes 
& Co. as manager of their 
educational dept. Was en- 
gaged on Feb. 1885 by A.L. 
Barnes & Co., Ltd. pubhshers 
of New Tork, to represent 
them in Japan, where he in- 
troduced the well known 
"New National Readers" and 
other publications of that 
firm; in Sept. 1892, estab- 
Hshed "The Eastern World," 
a 'iveekly paper in Yokohama, 
which soon established a re- 
putation; in 1901, composed 
and piiblished an ode on the 
death of Her late Majesty 
Queen Victoria Avhich he sent 
to His late Majesty King 
Edward and was thanked 
through Lord LansdoAvne in 
very courteous words; admit- 
ted to the practice of law 
in most of the consular 
courts and successfully con- 
ducted many cases, which 
were reported in the " Eas- 

tern World"; in Feb. 1904, 

appointed by cable resident 
correspondent for the "Vos- 
sische Zeituug," Berlin (es- 
tablished 1704), a position 
which he still holds; con- 
ducted the " Eastern World " 
and its large printing office. 
T.r.J.: since '81. Becreations: 
broad sword fencing and 
pistol shooting. Ptiblications: 
The late " Eastern World "; 
Notes on the Civil Code of 
Japan; Notes on the Com- 
mercial Code of Japan; From 
" Eastern World " Book 
Numbers; numerous political 
pamphlets. Address: 1, YO- 
rakn-oho 3 chome, Kojima- 
chi-ku, Tokyo. 

Schueffner, Carl Willielin 
Kicliard, Import-merchant 
(textiles); I. Jan. 27, 1866 
at Chemnitz (Saxony), Ger- 
many; n. German; m. to 
Mrs. Else Schueffner. l.r.J.: 
since 1888. Address: (office) 
25, Yamashita-oho, and (pri- 
vate) 868, Daijingu-Yama, 

Schwartz, Eev. K.B., D.D,, 
Missionary of the Methodist 
Episcopal Church. Came to 
Japan in 1893. (Now absent). 

Schwartz, Kev. H.w., Mis- 
sionary of the Methodist 
Episcopal Church. Came to 
Japan in 1885. Address: 
222, Bluff, Yokohama. 

Seidmore, George H., Ameri- 

[ "2 ] 

can Consul General, Seoul, 
Chosen; h. October 12, 1854, 
Dubuque, Iowa; n. American; 
. Educ: studied law. Ameri- 
can Consiilar Service since 
May 6, 1876. T.r.J.: Since 
1881. Becreations: yachting. 
Address: American Consulate 
General, Seoul, Chosen. 
Clubs: Tokyo, Yokohama 
Yacht, Yokohama Kowing, 
Yokohama Social, Kobe,, Na- 
gasaki, Seoul. 

Scott, A. P., B. A. (Cam- 
bridge), Managing Director 
of the Rising Sun Petroleum 
Co., Ltd.; h. Sept. 1885, 
London; n. English; .s. of 
Dr. E.R. Scott, Assistant 
Secretary to Board of Edu- 
cation. Educ: Marlborough 
College, and Peterhouse, 
Cambridge. T.r.J.: 4 years. 
liecreations : cricket, golf, 
tennis, motoring, ping-pong, 
bridge, photography. Ad- 
dress: 218, Bluff, Yokohama. 
Td.: 2088.. Glwbs: Yokoha- 
ma United Club aiid Nippon 
Automobile Club. 

Scott, Rev. F.N., A.B., B.D., 
Missionary; h. June 20, 1870; 
m. Dec. 27, 1899, Annie 
McClellan. Edtw. : Hamline 
University, St. Paul, Minn.; 
Drew Theol. Seminary, Ma- 
dison, N.J. Served as pastor 
of Methodist Episcopal Ch. 
in Minn.; arrived in Japan, 
Dec. 14j 1903, presiding- 

elder. South Kyushu District. 
Address : 3, Higashi Yamate, 

Scott, Kev. J.H., B.B., B.A., 
Missionary; b. July 31, 1852; 
m. June 28, 1882, to Carrie 
R. Vaughan. Educ: Michi- 
gan University; Baptist 
Theol. Seminary, Chicago. 
Was Supt. of City Schools 
in Wan sen and Perrysburg, 
Ohio, for three years after 
leaving University; after 
completing Seminary course 
held two pastorates in States 
of Iowa and Washington 
respectively; came to Japan 
as missionary' in 1892. Ad- 
dress: 14a, Kawaguchi-machi, 

Searle, Susan Annette, B.A. 
(Wellesley College, 1881), 
Missionary teacher; b. Oct. 
1858, Niles, Michigan, U.S. 
A., 11. American; d. of Joseph 
T. Searle, builder. Educ.: 
Public Schools of Niles, 
Wellesley College. Taught 
2 years at Carleton College, 
Northfield, Minnesota, U.S. 
A.; came to Kobe, Japan, 
under American Board Con- 
gregational, in 1883; liave 
been a member of the faculty 
and for several years principal 
of Kobe Jo-Gakuin (Kobe 
College for Women) since 
that time. Address: Kobe 
Jo-Gakuin, Yamamoto-dori 
4 chome, Kobe. Tel: 4124. 


Seiple "Weida, Kev. William in Seiidai and lbe«en engaged 
George, Pli. D., A.B., A.B., in teaching in the North. 
Professor of Old Testament Japan -College (Tohoku, Ga- 
Exegesis in North Japan hum). Becreations: baseball 
College (ToJioJm Gdkuin), and tennis. PiMkaikms: 
Sendai, Japan; &.; Allentown, Theocrihan ParaMek to tlie 
Pennsylvania, February 4, Song of Songs in the Ameri- 
1877; ii. American; s. Enos can Journal of Semitic Lan- 
P. Weida, Public school guages, Vol. XIX., No. 2 
teacher; m. June 28, 1905, (January 1903); A Modem 
to Miss Florence Isabelle Cuneiform: GongratuHaiory 
Ijehman, of Baltimore, Mary- Message, Becent Papyrus 
land. Uduc: Public schools Finds in Egypt, Tagalog 
of AUentown, Pennsylvania, Poetry, and The Tagalog 
1885-1894, graduating at the Numerals in the Jolms Hop- 
High School; Muhlenberg kins University Circulars, 
College, AUentown, Pa., No. 163 (June 1903); and 
1894-1897; Franklin and Polysylahic Boots with Initial 
Marshall College, Lancaster, Pain in Tagalog in the Journal 
Pa., 1897-1898; Theological of the American Oriental 
Seminary of the Beformed Society, Vol. XXV (1904) ; 
Church in the United States, besides contributions to the 
1898-1901; and Johns Hop- Beformed Church Be view, 
kins University, Baltimore, The Japan Evangelist, and 
Md., 1901-1905. Post- The Pioneer. Address: 125 
gradute student of Hebrew, Tsuchidoi-machi, Sendai, 
Assyrian, and Greek at Johns Japan. Member of . the 
Hopkins University under American Oriental Society, 
Professors Paul Haupt and and the Asiatic Society of 
Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve. Japan. 

Was WilHam S. Eayner Senior, James Favre-Brandt, 

Fellow in Semitic Languages Merchant, founder aridpartr 

at Johns Hopkins University ner of the C. and J. Favrer 

from 1903 to 1904. Was Brandt; b. in 1841 at Locle 

appointed missionary to (Switzerland); , ra.l ; _Swim. 

Japan in May 1905 by his .£Hz«c.: in Switzerland.;-- Came 

denominational foreign mis- to Japan in April 1863, 

sion board. Arrived in founded a firm in his name 

Japan, Aug. 31, 1905, and "J. Favi'e-Brandt," _ was 

since that time -have resided joined . in August- 1864 by 

[ "4 ] 

his brother Charles Pavre- 
•Brandt as partner. T.r.J.: 
Fifty years. Address: Office 
No. 175. Tamashita-oho. 
Td.: No. 205. {Post Offlce 
box No. 87). 

Sergy, Bishop of the Ortlio- 
dox (Jhurch in Japan; b. 
June 16, 1871; n. Russian; 
s. of Eev. Alexis Tiliomiroff, 
Archpriest. JSduc. : Ecclesias- 
tical Seminarium, Ecclesias- 
tical Academia. 1896, In- 
spector seminariae; 1899, 
Rector seminariae, 1905, 
Alagister theologiae; 1905, 
Rector academiae; 1905, 
Bishop of the Russian 
Church; 1908, Bishop of 
Kyoto in Japan, 1912, Bishop 
for Japan (Successor of the 
Jate Archbishop Nicolai). 
r.r.j;:' since June 27, 1908. 
Address: 6, Higashi Kobai- 
cho, Surugadai, Kanda-kii, 
Tokyo. Td.: Honkyoku 


Seymour, John Ificholson, 
B.A., 2t B. (Univ. of Dublin), 
Medical practitioner (retired), 
now Instructor in English, 
Dai Ichi Koto-Gakko, holder 
of the 5th Class Order of Ris- 
ing Sun; b. Lisburn, Ireland; 
n. British; s. of Rev. John 
Hobart Seymour; m. toTsuru, 
d. of Mr. Nagai Yosuke of 
Yokohama. Udvc. : Royal 
School, Armagh, and Dublin 
University. After serving a 

few years as surgeon in the 
Royal Navy, retired and since 
then has been engaged as in- 
structor in the Koto Shihan- 
Gakko and other Koto-Gak- 
ko. T.r.J.: since 1886. lie- 
creaMons: billiards, country 
trips, reading. P'ubl'U'ations : 
books of grammar, etc. for 
Japanese students. Address: 
116, Honmura-cho, Azabu-ku, 
Tokyo. OMs : Tokyo Club. 

Shortt, Charles Harper, M. 
-A-., Clergyman; b. 1858 at 
Port Hope, Canada; n. Bri- 
tish; s. of Jonathan Shortt, 
D. D., Clergyman. JEdnc. : 
Trinity College, University 
of Toronto. In charge succes- 
sively of the parishes of 
Woodbridge, St. Cyprian's 
and St. Thomas' Churches, 
Toronto; then missionary in 
Japan since 1900. Address: 
12, Shi-no-Tsuji, Takata, 

Simon, Edmund M.H., Br. 
jur. and Dr. phil., Professor 
in the Higher School of 
Commerce, Nagasaki; b. 
Feb. 22, 1882, Dresden 
(Saxony), Germany; n. Ger- 
man. Educ.: studied laws 
and philosophy in Germany 
(Universities of Tiibingen, 
I3erlin, Greifswald) and also 
Oriental languages, chiefly 
Japanese at Berlin; after 
passing the required exami- 
nations entered the Kind's 

E "5 3 

bench in 1907, L.L.D., 1908; 
appointed interpreter to H. 
I.G.M.'s Embassy in Tokyo, 
1908; later on transferred 
to tiie Consulates in Kobe 
and Nagasaki; left Japan 
for Europe at the end of 
1910, and retired from the 
Government service; devoted 
himself to a publication on 
the Loochoo Islands, having 
visited this part of Japan 
during his residence in the 
country for scientific re- 
searches and became Ph. D. 
of the University of Leipzig; 
in autumn, 1911, appointed 
professor of the Higher 
Commercial School, Nagasa- 
ki. Recreations: collecting 
of fine arts objects, chiefly 
pottery. PuUiccdions; " Natur 
und volkerrechtliche Trag- 
weite des Urteils des Haager 
Schiedsgerichtshofes v. 22 
Mai, 1904"; "Beitrage zur 
Kenntnis der Kiukiu-Inselu " 
and various articles in news- 
papers and magazines on 
Things Japanese. Address: 
14-B, Minami-Tamate, Na- 

Smart Avthm, C.S., Sworn 
measure to homeward cargo 
Conference; b. Clejton, 1865; 
n. British; s. of J.N. Lamrt, 
ship owner, England. Educ: 
Bachelor. T.r.J. : since 1906. 
Address: 195KitanoTcho,Kobe. 
Td. : 3517. Club : Kobe Club. 

Smith, M. Spencer, B. A. 

(Oxon.), Merchant; n. Eng- 
lish; m. 1907 to Miss Pene- 
lope Delme-Eadcliffe. Educ.: 
Eton and Oxford. Director 
of Samuel Samuel & Co., Ltd. 
and of Rising Sun Petroleum 
Co., Ltd. T.r.J.: since 1905. 
Recreations : golf, shooting 
and fishing. Address: 38- A, 
Bluff, Yokohama. Tel. : 2612. 
Clvbs: Bath Club, London. 

Smith, Nathaniel Ferdinand, 
Merchant and proprietor of 
Smith Baker & Co., holder 
of tlie 3rd Class Order of 
Rising Sun; b. Smithtown, 
Suffolk Country, New York, 
U.S.A.; n. American; s. of 
The Honourable Edward 
Henry Smith; m. to Abigar 
Piatt Lord. Uduc. : Columbia 
Colleges. Lawyer; served in 
the American Civil War as 
County Commissioner; ren- 
dered service in the time of 
the late war as President 
of the Perry Memorial Re- 
lief Eimd. T.r.J.: 33 years. 
Recreations: reading, riding, 
shooting, golf, etc. Address: 
1, Bluff, and 178, Yamashi- 
ta-cho, Yokohama. Td.: 265. 
Olvbs: Yokohama United 
Club; President of the Ame- 
rican Asiatic Association of 

Smith, Percy Almerin, B.S., 
M A (Univ. of Dlinois, U. 
S.A.), Missionary; b. August 


8, 1876, Dixon, 111., U.S.A.; 
n. American; .s. of E.G. 
Smith, supt. of schools;' m. 
Oct. 20, 1903 at Yokohama 
to Charlotte Enid Draper. 
Educ.:^ graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Illinois, 1901. 
Taught mathematics at Uni- 
versity of III, Sept. 1901- 
Eeb. 1903; professor of Eng- 
lish in Hiroshima Normal 
College, April 1903-March 
1912; missionary of American 
Church Mission, April 1912. 
T.r.J.: since '03. Becreations: 
carpentry and tennis. Pub- 
Itcadons: Editor of " English 
Teachers Magazine," 1906 - 
12. Address: Sei-ko-kai, 
Maru-no-uchi, Tsu, Ise. 

Smith., "William George, 
Professor of English langua- 
ge at The Tokyo School of 
, Foreign Languages, Artillery 
and Engineering College. 
Had been teaching English 
language and literature in 
Tokyo, in the Naval Medical 
College, in the Peers' Scliool, 
and has been in the School 
of Foreign Language and the 
Hoko Gakko. Decoratwri: 
Order of the Sacred Treasm'e. 
Address: 372, Shirokane San- 
ko-cho, Shibaku, Tokyo. 

Snow, Henry James, Secre- 
tary of the Yokohama United 
Club, Fellow of the Royal 
Geographical Society; 6. 
March 15, 1848, Bengeo 

Herts, England; n. English; 
s. of James Snow, farmer. 
Educ.: Private School. Mer- 
cantile, sea-otter and seal 
hunting and exploring for 
23 years. T.r.J. : since 1869 
Becreations: sports. Publica- 
tions: " Notes on the Kuril 
Islands "; " In Forbidden 
Seas." Address: Yokohama 
United Club, Yokohama. 
Clubs: YokoLama United 
Club and Tokyo Club. 

Somerville, Jolin Arthur 
Coghill, military officer, holder 
of S. African Medal and 3 
clasps, King's Coronation 
Medal and the Order of 
Eising S\in; b. March 26, 
1872, Drishane, Skibbereen, 
Co. Cork, Ireland; n. British; 
s. of Colonel Thomas Henry 
Somerville, military; m. Nov. 
3, 1910 to Vera Cooper, 
younger d. of C.W. Astonkey. 
Educ.: Eoyal Military Col- 
lege, Sand-hurst, England. 
Served in India, the Straits 
Settlements, South Africa 
(campaign) and England; 
came to Japan to study the 
language for 2 years, 1905- 
1907; served at War Office, 
London, 1907-11; appointed 
military Attache, Tokyo, 
Feb. 1911. Becreations: fox 
hunting, shooting, inusic, 
lawn tennis. Address: 13, 
iteinanzaka-machi, Akasaka- 
ku, Tokyo. Tel: Shiba 3940. 

[ "7 ] 

CJliibs: Naval and Military, 

Soper, Rev. Julius, A.B., 
AM., CD., Dean of Aoyama 
Theol. Sch.; h. Feb. 15,- 1845, 
at Poolesville, Maryland; m. 
May 20, 1873^ Mary Frances 
Davison. Educ. : George- 
town Coll., D.C.; Drew 
TLeol. Seminary, N.J., U. S. 
A. Arrived in Japan in 
1873, and prosecuted evange- 
listic work in connection 
with Meth. Bpis. Cli. until 
1895; closely identified with 
national temperance move- 
ment in Japan since 1890; 
from 1895 to the present 
time has been engaged in 
educational work; witness- 
ed the great procession 
headed, by the Emperor and 
Empress when the new con- 
stitution of Japan was pro- 
mulgated, Feb. 11, 1889; 
present on the platform at 
Hibiya Park, Tokyo, when 
admirals Togo and Kamimu- 
ra were publicly welcomed, 
autumn of 1905; twice 
ministerial delegate from 
Japan Anmml Conf. to Gen. 
Conf., U. S. A., 1892 and 
1900; present at Ecumenical 
Miss. Oonf. at New York, 
April, 1900; has sliaken 
hands with five Presidents 
of U.S.A.; Buchanan, Lin- 
coln, Grant, Clevealand and 
.MoKinley. Puhlicaiiotis: Nu- 

merous translations of reli- 
gious Avorks into Japanese. 
Address: No. 4, Aoyama 
Gakuin, Aoyama, Tokyo, 
Japan (absent). 

Speight, Ernest E., B. A. 
(London), F.K.G.S. (London), 
Teacher of English, 4th 
Higher School, Kanazawa; 
h. Yorkshire, 1871; n. Eng- 
lish; s. of Edwin Speight, 
F. E. G. S., merchant ; m 
daughter of Albert Gron, 
shipowner, of Sandefjord, 
. Norway. JEIdiic. : Bradford 
Grammar School, Loudon 
Univ. Assistant Editor of 
the Oxford English Diction- 
ary; engaged in publishing 
for 6 years; founded the 
educational department of 
Sir Horace Marshall's Firm. 
T.r.J.: since 1909. Recrea- 
tions: cricket, tennis, walk- 
ing. PiMicaiions: over 40 
educational works, alone and 
in collaboration with Prof. 
York Powell, Prof. E. Dow- 
den, Sir George Birdwood, 
Sir Clements Markham, Sir 
John Cookburn and the Hon. 
W. P. Beeves; Author of 
The Galleon of Torbay," a 
novel (1908) and many arti- 
cles and poems in English 
and American papers, Ad- 
dress: Kanazawa, Kaga. 

Stephenson, Edward Stanley, 
Instructor at thg Lnperial 
Engineering College, Yoko- 

C "8] 

suka, holder of the 6tli Class 
Order of the Sacred Trea- 
sure; h. Bowdoii, England, 
1871; n. British. T.r.J.: since 
1898. Puhlications: "English 
Manners and Customs"; 
" Practical Elocution "; " Fa- 
mous People of Japan (with 
Mr. Asano), etc. Address: 
Dzushi, Kanagawa-ken. 

Strome, Oscar D., Merchant, 
manager of Strome & Co., 
Yokohama, with Brandies 
at Kobe and l.oudon; h. in 
Yokohama in 1879; n. Bri- 
tish; s. of Charles John 
Strome, proprietor of the 
frm, arrived in Japan in 
1866. Educ.'. English, French 
and German Colleges. T.r. 
J. : since 1894. Ilecreations : 
sports. Address : (office) 12, 
Yamashita-cho, and (private) 
33, Bluff, Yokohama; P.O.B. 
231, Yokohama. Td.: 348. 
CiTibs : Yokohama United 
Club; Sporting Club. 

Stone. Wm. H., adviser to 
the Department of Com- 
munications in Tokyo. Mr. 
Stone joined the old Kobu- 
sho or Public "Vi'orks' Depart- 
ment in 1872, as a junior 
assistant. At that time there 
were about three hundred 
foreigners in the various de- 
partments of the Government, 
and Mr. Stone is the only 
one remaining in active 
service to-day, although a 

few of these old Government 
servants are still living and 
are either in Japan or in re- 
tirement at home. The Kobu- 
sho had control of the coun- 
try's railways, telegraphs, 
lighthouses and mines, but 
when the Teishinsho, or De- 
partment of Communications 
was instituted to take the 
place of the Kobusho, the 
Mining Bureau was turned 
over to the Department of 
Agriculture and Commerce, 
while the Mercantile Marine 
Bureau as well as the 
Postal service came in to 
the Department of Com- 
munications. This change 
took place in 1885 when the- 
late Admiral Enomoto was 
appointed the first Minister 
for Communications. Mr. 
Stone, during his career in 
the Japanese service, has 
witnessed some remarkable 
changes from tha old to the 
new, and has seen the birth 
of many of the great national 
services that exist to-day. 
The Tokyo- Yokohama rail- 
way was opened shortly after 
his arrival. Mr. Stone was 
engaged in England to act 
as assistant on the institution 
of the telegraph service in 
Japan in the 5tli y. of Meiji. 
Address: 3 Aoicho, Akasaka- 
ku, Tokyo. Td.: 277 Shiba. 
Strong James Norman, En- 

[ ir9 J 

gineer (electrical); h. Bristol, 
England; n. British. Busi- 
ness manager of Yokohama 
Engine & Iron Works, Ltd. 
T.r.J.: Since 1906 (7 years). 
Address: No. 72 B. Bluff. 
Td.: 31 P.O. Box No. 98. 

Struthers, John, M. A. 
(Glasgow), B. Sc, (Glas- 
gow), Agricultural Chemist ; 
h. 1871, Lanarkshire, Scot- 
land; n. British (Scotch); m. 
1895. Edm.: Glasgow Uni- 
versity and Agricultural Col- 
lege; Beading University 
College. Lecturer on agricul- 
tural chemistry, Glasgow 
Agricultural College; agricul- 
tural chemist and propag- 
anda Manager to the Chilian 
Nitrate of Soda interests in 
the Far East. T.r.J.: since 
1907. Address: 6, Babasaki, 
Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. Tel. : 
Honkyoku 2989 and Kyo- 
bashi 839. avhs: Tokyo 

Sulzer, Robert, Silk inspec- 
tor, manager of Sulzer, 
Riidolph & Co.; h. Dec. 11, 
1875, Winterthur, Switzer- 
land; n. Swiss; s. of Ed. 
Sulzer-Ziegler; m. to Martha 
Sulzer, nee Ziegler. Educ.: 
Winterthur, Switzerland. T. 
r.J-: since. 1897. Address: 
(office) 174, Yamashita-cho, 
and Cprivate) 248, Bluff, 
Yokohama; P. O. B. 115, 
Yokohama. Clubs: Club 

Germania, Yokohama United 

Summers, Miss Catherine Ca- 
roline, Instructor of English 
at the Seisoku Eigo Gakko; 
b. Kent, England; n. British 
(Irish); d. of Prof. James 
Summers, London University 
and Imperial University of 
Japan, Professor of Chinese 
and Professor of Rhetoric and 
Logic, the First Professor 
of English in Japan. Eng- 
aged in teaching for 20 years; 
first English child to be pre- 
sented to Her Majesty the 
Empress of Japan (now E.U.). 
r.r. J. : 30 years. Becreatiom: 
chrysanthemum-growing and 
dogs. Publications: "The Chry- 
santhemum " ; " Up-to-date 
Conversations " ; " Odds and 
Ends," etc. Address: 51, 
Tsukiji, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo. 
Suttor, John Bligh, A.3MC.I. 
C.E., Commissioner in the 
Far East of the Govt, of 
New South Wales; b. Bat- 
hurst (N.S.W.), Dec. 10, 
1859, 4th s. late Hon. John 
Bligh Suttor, whose family 
have always been closely 
identified with the develop- 
ment of N. S. W., and is 
looked upon as one of the old- 
est pioneer families. Edtic.: 
Bathurst and Sydney. Was 
appointed to the public 
service. New South Wales 
on Dec. 15, 1879, and adopt- 


ed profession of! surveying 
and engineering; for many 
years served as resident 
engineer on the State Bail- 
ways of New South Wales; 
one of the last works com- 
pleted by Mr. Suttor was 
the duplication of the Great 
Western Railway line over 
blue Mountains; also conduct- 
ed large works for the im- 
provement of grades and 
curves on the state railways; 
after serving for over 25 
years on engineering Avorks 
was appointed by Govern- 
ment of New South Wales 
as commercial representative 
in The Far East with a view 
of extending N.S.W. Com- 
merce; on Oct. 1, 1906, was 
promoted to position of Com- 
missioner in the East for the 
Government of New South 
Wales; was elected to the 
Institution of Civil Engineers, 
London., Dec. 3, 1895; was 
recommended by Government 
of Japan in 1906 to be de- 
corated with the order of 
the Sacred Treasure of 
Japan, as a reward for his 
service in promotion of com- 
merce between Japan and 
Austraha. Address: Kobe 
Building, Kobe. Club: Hong- 
kong; Manila; Kobe, Tokyo. 
Suzor, Louis, Eepresenta- 
tive of Insurance Company, 
attorney for land owners 

and estate, importer and 
exporter; h. Aug. 28, 1873 ; 
n. French; s. of Louis Suzor, 
government official. Educ. : 
graduate of a French Col- 
lege. Came to Japan as 
special director for L'Union, 
a powerful Insoe. Co. of Paris; 
is also attorney for 4 different 
large land owners in Japan'; 
general representative of 
several leading French com- 

panies, suon as The Miche- 
lin Tvre Co., The Delarmay, 
Belleville Co., The Clement 
Motor Car Co.; is also inter- 
ested in financial business, 
having connections with many 
of the leading French banks. 
T.T.J.: since 1898. Address: 
(office) 80, Settlement, (motor 
car dept.) 21, Settlement, 
and (private) 31, Bltiff, 
Yokohama. Td.: 837 and 
8129. Olvbs: Yokohama 
United Club, Nippon Auto- 
mobile Club, Ass. Automobile 
de France. 

[ 121 ] 

Sweet, Charles Filkins, B.Al, 
Clerk in Holy Orders (Priest); 
b. Owego, New York, U.S. 
A., 1855; n. American; s. of 
Charles Henry Sweet, law- 
yer; m. to Matilda Hill (born 
in England), 1885. Edtic.: 
Private Schools, Ujiiversity 
(Cornell). Admitted to bar, 
1876; ordained, 1880-1881; 
Parish Priest, and School- 
master; in Japan, professor 
of theology in Trinity Di- 
vinity School. T.r.J.: since 
1898. Becreations : lawn 
tennis, swimming, walking, 
chess. FuUications: " A 
Champion of the Cross," a 
biography, and numerous 
magazine and newspaper 
articles. Address: 5i, Tsu- 
kiji, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo. 

Swift, Prof. Jolm Trumbull, 

III.A., Prof, of English and 
Correspondent; h. 1861, at 
Colchester, Conn.; m. 1889, 
Isabel Wallace, d. of Geo. 
A. Newman, East Orange, 
N.J. Bduc. : Yale University. 
Since 1900, Prof, of English 
in Tokyo Higher Normal 
School, and Lecturer on 
English language in the 
College of Literature, Imp. 
University; correspondent of 
New York "Sun." Club: 
Tokyo. Address: No. 7, 
Fujimi-cho, Azabu-ku, Tokyo. 
Szentirmay, von,* Consul of 
Austria- Hungary, holder of 
the Italian Crown Order; b. 
Dec. 11, 1890; n. Austrian. 
Address: Austro-Hungarian 
Consulate, 76, Bluff, Yoko- 
hama. Td.: 2332. 

[ 122 ] 

Tata, Bejan, D., Manager of 
Tata Sons Co.; b. in 1874; 
n. British, subject, T. r. J. : 
about I year. Address : No. 
13, Yainamoto-d5ri, 2 chome, 
Kobe. Tel. : 512. 

Talbot, W. H., Assistant 
manager of the Equitable Life 
Assurance Society of the U. 
S. A., Tokyo ; b. ■ in Great 
Britain ; n. British. Proprie- 
tor of "Japan Gazette," pro- 
motor of " Kirin Beer Bre- 
wery. " T. r. J. : about 40 
years. Recreaiions : business. 
Address : No. 1, Yuraku-cho, 
I chome, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo. 

Tallers? W-, import, export 
and commissioa agent, Kobe; 
b. at Bukharest, Eumania, 
in I848. At the age of thirty- 
one, came over to Japan and 
established himself as an im- 
port and export merchant with 
main office in Kobe and bran- 
ch ofSce in Yokohama ; is a 
curio expert with excellent 
taste and judgement ; in 1884, 
was decorated with the sth 
class of Medjidie by the Sul- 
tan of Turkey, for the services 
rendered to the Turkish Em- 
peror in supplying fine Japa- 
nese curios to His Imperial 
Household. Address : 78-B, 
Kyo-machi, Kobe. 

Temme) Ludwing? Merchant, 
partner of H. Ahrens <& Co., 

Nachfs., Yokohama, Kobe, 
Nagasaki, and Bremen, Ger- 
many ; h. 1 869, Saarbricken; 
n. German ; s. pf Karl Temme, 
Government mining expert ; 
m. 1904, with German lady. 
After finishing his education 
at the Gymnasium in Osna- 
bruck, he joined a Berlin 
Bank, which he left after 3 
years apprenticeship, in order 
to complete his commercial 
training in England ; staying 
6 years in London, he came 
out to Japan Yokohama in 
1896 for Messrs. H. Ahrens 
& Co. Nachfs, of which firm 
he became a partner in 1909. 
H. Ahrens c6 Go. Nachfs were 
established in Japan since 
I869, and are well known, 
not only as the Japanese Age- 
nts of the " Norddeutscher 
Lloyd, " but as the Eepresen- 
tatives of several important 
factories in Germany, England 
and elsewhere. T. r. J. : 16 
years. Address : 26, Settle- 
ment, and I27, Bluff, Yoko- 
hama. Clubs: various. 

Terry, Prof. Henry Taylor, 
Counsellor at Law, ex-Prof, of 
law in Imp. Univ.; b. Sept. 19, 
I847, at Hartford, Coun., U. 
S. A. ; m. 1899, Emily Ver- 
bech, d. of Eev. Guido F. 
Verbech of Tokyo. Educ. : 
Yale Univ., class of 1869, 
Admitted to bar of Connec- 
ticut, I872 ; practised there 

[ 133 3 

nntil 1876 ; became Prof, of 
Law in Tokyo Univ. in Jan., 
1877; returned to U. S. in 
1884 ; admitted to bar in 
New York in 1884 ; practised 
in New York until 1894; 
returned to Japan, 1 94 and 
became Prof, of Law at Imp. 
Univ. ; P. M. of Tokyo Lodge, 
2015 E. C. F. and A. Masons ; 
P. D. Gr. D. Publications : 
"First Principles of Law"; 
" Leading Principles of Anglo- 
American Law. " Decorations : 
3rd of Sacred Treasure, Japan; 
4th of Kising Sun, Japan. 
Address: Careof I. H., Bron- 
son66, Chiirch St., Walerburg, 
Conn., U. S. A. 

Teuslen Rudolf Boiling? Phy 
sician, M. D. ; n. American ; 
m, Mary Stuart Woodward, 
July 2ist 1898. Educ. : Gra- 
duate of Medical College of 
Virginia, class 1894 ; 3 years 
post graduate work in Old 
Dominion and Kichimond City 
hospitals Demonstrator in Me- 
dical College of Virginia in 
Pathologj' and Bacteriology, 
1897—98. Assistant Professor 
of Pathology and Lecturer 
of Bacteriology, 1898-1900; 
Surgeon at Kichmond City 
Free Dispensary, 1897-1900 ; 
Surgeon and Maj. of ist Re- 
giment Infantry of Virginia 
Vols ; Mem. of Eichmond Aca- 
demy of Medicine and Vir- 
ginia State Medical Societies ; 

appointed Medical Missionary 
of American Episcopal Mis-, 
sion, 1900; Surgeon- of St. 
Luke's Hospital, Tokyo ; Sur- 
geon of British Embassy, To- 
kyo. T.r.J. since 1900. Ad- 
dress : No. 27, Tsukiji, Kyo- 
bashi-ku, Tokyo. Tel: 2934 
Kyobashi. Olubs : Tokyo club. 

Thompson? Davidi D.Di Mis- 
sionary; b. 1835, Harrison Co., 
Ohio, U. S. A. ; n. American 
(U. S. A.) ; s. of D. Thomp- 
son, farmer ; m. to 1873 to 
Mary C. Park. Educ: Fra- 
nklin College, Ohio. T. r. J. : 
since 1863. Address :' 'No. 16^ 
Tsukiji, Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo^ 

Thomson, Eev. Robert Austin, 
F. R. G. So M. J. S. , Clergy- 
man ; b. 1860 ; m. Jan. 3, 
1889, Gazelle M. Rulofson, 
of New Brifeiin, Conn. Educ. : 
Edinburgh and London. Ap- 
pointed Agent; National Bible 
Society of Scotland to Japan, 
1884; resigned in 1888; ap- 
pointed Missionary of the 
American Baptist Missionary 
Union at Kobe, 1888 and has 
remained there ever since ; 
Sec. of the Mission in Ja^pan, 
from 1897 to 1903; served 
on Literary Committer for 
Decennial Coference of Mis- 
sions, 1900; in Japan was ap- 
pointed fir it Sec. of that body 
during sessions of Conference 
at Tokyo ; was iirst missio- 
nary to reopen Christian work 

D 124 I 

in Liu-Cniu islands after ' Dr. 
Bettleheim, who left Islands 
in 1854; ■w^'S instrumental in 
opening of mission work amo- 
ng islands of Inland Sea of 
Japan by securing funds for 
building and equipment of a 
small vessel which is now be- 
ing used with remarkable 
success. Publications : Papers 
on Liu-Chiu. Address: No. 
39, 2chome, Kitano-cho, Kobj. 

Timberlake, Miss Alice, Mis- 
sionary; n. British (Canadian). 
Came to Japan in 1905 ; To- 
kyo till 1 9 10; returned to 
Canada ; came to Shizuoka 
in 1911. Aldress: Eiwajo- 
Gakko, Shizuoka. 

Topping, Henry, B. A., M. A., 
B. D-> Teacher and minister ; 
b. July 26, 1857, Delton, Wis- 
consin, U. S. A. ; n. Ame- 
rican ; s. of Charles H. Top- 
ping, merchant ; m. to Gene- 
vieve FavilLe, July 18, i838. 
Edtic. : University of Chica- 
go, Eochester University and 
Theological Seminary. Tea- 
cher of Greek and Latin, Be- 
nedict College, Columbia S. 
P., 1892 — 95; teacher of 
ethics and English, Tokyo 
Gakuin,, Tokyo, 1895 — 1904; 
teacher, English, Morioka 
Chu-Gakko, 1907-09 ; reli- 
gious work in Morioka, 1906 
to the present. T. r. J.: since 
1 895 to the present. Address : 
No, 43, Uchi-maru, Morioka. 

Toorabally, Valimohammad. 
Haji, Merchant; b. July 12, 
at Baroda, India ; n. 

British Indian ; s. of T. H. 
Mohammadally, Merchant ; m. 
to Miss Abdoolally, d. of Mr. 
Abdoolally Siamwalla of Ba- 
roda, merchant. Eduo. : edu- 
cated at Anjumane Islam, 
Bombay. Since 1886, travelled 
in Arabia and had been a pilg- 
rim to Mecca and Medina, thus 
obtaining the title of Haji, 
and also travelled the greater 
part of Burmah and Zanzi- 
bar ; arrived in Kobe on Jan. 
8, 1 90 1 to take charge of 
the firm of C. A. Camroodin, 
a Bombay Agent, until 1905 ; 
in Aug. 1906, went into busi- 
ness in partnership with Mr. 
Palajewalla in Yokohama, 
which firm was then known 
as V. H. N. Palejwalla ; dis- 
solved partnership at the end 
of Dec. 1909 and started on 
his own account as Merchant 
and Commission Agent under 
the firm named V. H. Toora- 
bally. T. r. J. : since 1900. 
Beorealions : lawn tennis, bil- 
liards. Address: 72-C, Yama- 
shita-cho, Yokohama. Tel- : 
2174. Olubs: Indo-Japanese 
Association, Asiatic Society, 
Tokyo, and Oriental Jubilee 
club, Yokohama. 

Tresize, Walter Kendal, Ma- 
nager of the Yokohama Engine 
and Iron Works; b. in Eng- 

[ I2S 1 

land, 1859. Educ. ; the Hart 
House College, Cornwall, and 
received his professional [trai- 
ning at the Truro and H. M. 
Dockyard, Devonport. Entered 
the mercantile marine in 1 880, 
obtaining the British Board 
of Trade Certificate as .chief 
engineer in 1883 and after 
sailing in British ships in that 
capacity on the East Indian 
trade for one year he entered 
the service of the Kyodo Unyu 
Kaisha, arriving in Japan in 
1884. After a period of ser- 
vice at S3a as chief engineer 
he received an appointment 
from the Nippon Yusen Ka- 
isha superin tendance dep 't 
and engine works, which po- 
sition he occupied for a period 
of 10 .years. In May, 1894, 

he was appointed manager 
of the Yokoham.^ Engine and 
Iron Works. Address : Yoko- 
hama Engine and Iron Works, 
Ltd., 161, and 250, Bluff, 

Tristram, Miss K, B. A., Mis- 
sionary of the Chiu-ch Of Eng- 
land. Came to Japan in 1888, 
Address: No. I2, Kawaguchi- 
cho, Ojaka. 

Troitzky, A- S-, H. I., Bus- 
sian M's Vice-Consul ; T. r. 
J. and K. since 1906. Ad- 
c?rsss;Eussian Vice-Consulate. 
Ohong-jin (Seishin), Korea. 

Tacker, Rt. Rsv. Biship H. 
St. Geo., D. D., Missionary of 
the Episcopal Church of U. S. 
A. Came to Japan in 1899. 
Add^'es'i : Karasumaru, Kyoto 


Van Dyke, 'Edward Howard, 
D. D., Clergyman (Methodist 
Protestant Church) ; b. New 
Castle, Delaware, U. S. A. ; 
n. American ; s. of 'Ephrram 
Beeston van Dyke, retired 
agriculturist ; m. to Emily 
Caroline Burgess. Educ. : 
Western Maryland College, 
Westminister Theological Se- 
minary. Pastor, missionary, 
conference president, college 
president and president of the 
Conference of Federated Mis- 
sions in Japan in 191 1, and 
a member of the Executive 
Committee of the said Con- 
ference since 19 10. T. r. J. : 
since 'Jan. 1890. Recreations: 
horticulture, archeology. Ad- 
dress : ' No. 47, Chokyuji- 
machi, Nagoya. 

Van Horn, Rev. (J. W., A. M. ; 
Minister and Missionary; h. 
March 19, 1 846, at Alleghany, 
Pa., U. S. A. ; m. 1878, Fran- 
ces M. Dorsey, of Kentucky. 
Educ. : Cumberland Univer- 
sity; Depauro University, Ind., 
U. S. A. jServed in U. S. Army 
during Civil War from 1861- 
88 ; arrived in Japan as Mis- 
sionary, 1888. Address: No. 
32, Kawaguchi-cho, Osaka. 

Vogt, Karl, Barrister at Law 
and Patent Agent, Dr. jur., 
holder of Hohenzollern' scher 
Hausorden 3. KI.; b. 23, April 

1878; TO. Cferman; s. Adolf 
Vogt, director of schools. 
Educ. : Universities,- Berlin 
and Halle. 1903- 19 10, inter- 
preter at the German Em- 
bassy, Tokyo, since 1 9 1 o lawyer 
at Yokohama and member 
of the barrister-firm of Mes- 
srs. Crosse Heath and Vogt. 
T. r. J. : since 1903. Publi- 
cations : translations of the 
Japanese Commercial Code 
into German and English, 
Patent and trademark laws 
of Japan translated into Ger- 
•man. Address : Yokohama, 
Yamashita-oh5 No. 75 ; pri- 
vate Addr. Negishi 1 161. Tel.: 
2517, private telephone 3474. 
Clubs : Germanic club, United 
club, both of Yokohama. 

Voss, Karl, K., Engineer 
merchant ; b. Hirthals, Jut- 
land, Denmark, Apr. 23, 18- 
68 ; n. Dane ; s. of Hendrik 
Voss, merchant ; m. in 1 899 
to Ingeborg Ellert. Educ. : 
graduated from Danish High- 
er School, 1 886; Engineering 
Certificate, 1894. Chief En- 
gineer, Venezuela, South A- 
merica, 1891; Chief Engi- 
neer, Tvigtrit, Greenland, De- 
nmark, 1 896- 1 904; Partner 
of the " Danske Handels-Ko- 
mpagni," since 1908. T. r. J. : 
since 1907. Address: 82, Naka- 
Yamate-dori, 3 chome, Kobe ; 
Gable Address : Voss Kobe. 
Tel.: 1604. Club: Masofiic club. 



Walke, Eev. Roger Atkinson, 
M. A. ; Clergyman ; b. March 
19, 1877. Ednc. : Episcopal 
High School ; Virginia, 1 893- 
97 ; University of Virginia, 
1898-1902 (M. A;, 1902). Gra- 
duated, Va. Theol. Seminary, 
1904; ordained Priest, 1905. 
Address : Kawagoye, Saita- 

Wallace, George, A. M., B. D., 
Clei'gyman and College Pro- 
fessor, Priest in charge of the 
Foreign Congregation of Tri- 
nity Cathedral, Tokyo (Epis- 
copal Ohm'ch), and Professor 
in St. Paul's College and in 
Divinity School ; n. American 
(U. S. A.). Uduc. : in the 
United States. Has been Eec- 
tor of several Parishes in the 
United States, among them: 
Trinity Chiu'ch, Jamesville, 
Ohio, 1871—78; St. Paul's 
Church, Waterloo, N. Y., 18- 
78-82 ; St. Andrew's Cathe- 
dral, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1882- 
89 ; Calvery, Cathedral, Sioux 
Fall's, S. Dakota, 1889-92; 
St. Margaret School, San Ma- 
teo, California, 1892-99. T. 
r. J. : since 1900. ■ Address : 
No. 40, Tsukiji, Kyobashi-ku, 
Tokyo. • 

Waller, John Gage, M. A. 
(Toronto Univ., Canada), Cler- 
gyman ; b, Jan. 26, 1863, Bar- 
ton ville, Ontario, Canada; n. 

British (Canadian) ; s. of 
George Waller, farmer; m. 
Sept. 1890, Lydia Susannah 
Budgeon. JEduc. : Hamilton 
Collegiate Institxxte and Tri- 
nity College. Curate at St. An- 
ne's Church, Toronto, then at 
St, Alban's Cathedral, Toro- 
nto, before coming to Japan, 
1890. T. r. J.: since 1891. Rec- 
reations : gardening, and (just 
now) chasing the cat. Ad- 
dress : Ueda, Shinano. Clubs: 
Oak and Pine. 

Wansey, Henry Raymond' 
M. A., (Oxford), Teacher of 
English in Utsunomiya Mid- 
dle School; b. Oct. 16, 1873 
at Stoke Bishop, Bristol, Eng- 
land; n. British; s. of Ar- 
thur Henry Wansey, solicitor; 
TO. to Beatrice Margueretta 
Nottidge. Educ. : Clifton Col- 
lege, Univ. College, Oxford. 
Since 1903, a missionary in 
Japan : formerly Curate of 
Darlington and ( Assistant 
Chaplain in the Seaman' s 
Mission at Hartlepool, Dur- 
ham ; now a member of the 
Society of Friends. T. r. J.: 
since 1903, ( i ) Nagasaki, 
( 2 ) Kagoshimo, ( 3 ) Nikko. 
Publiccdiom : " The Victori- 
ous Church" ; " True Wor- 
ship" ; " Seven Steps Heaven- 
ward'' ; "Helpful Thoughts 
for the Heavenly way", Ad- 
dress ■: Shiken - cho, Nikko, 


Watson, Arthur Henry Cole, 

Manager of the Findley Ei- 
chardson & Co., Ltd. ; b. in 
England; n. British. Een- 
dered services to the Imperial 
Japanese Government during 
the late War. T. r. J. : ahout 
25 years. Recreations : wal- 
king in pure air, and phi- 
lanthropy. Address : 6, Bund, 
Yokohama. Clubs : Member 
of Foreign Chamber of Com- 
merce at Yokohama. . 

Webb, Alfred Ernest, M. A., 
/Oxford), .Missionary Priest 
(Church of England "Nippon 
Bei-ko-Kwai") ; b. Manches- 
ter, England, May, 25, 1863; 
n: English ; s. of John Stub- 
bins Webb, accountant (de- 
ceased). Fjduc. : Manchester 
Grammar School, 1875 — 82; 
Brasenose College, Oxford, 
1882-86 (Classical Honours) ; 
Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, 1886- 
g7. Curate of Stockport Pa- 
rish Church, 1889-93, Mem. 
of St. Andrew's Mission, To- 
kyo,. 1 894- 1 908; Missionary 
of the S. P. G. from 1909. 
T. r. Ji : since- March 1894 
(with 2 furloughs). Address : 
No. 1 1 489, Sankawa, " Ohiba- 
machi, Chiba-ken. 

Weinberger, Camillo, Mer- 
chant, senior proprietor of 
C. Weinberger cfe Co. ; b. 
Grossenhain, Saxony (Ger- 
many) ; n. German ; m. to 
Martha Weinberger, nee Sch- 

roter of Hamburg' Educ. : in 
German Schools. Came to Ja- 
pan in 1878, founded his pre- 
sent firm in 1892 in his own 
name; was joined in 1897 by 
Mr. Otto Meyer and in 19 10 
by Mr.C. W^ilckens as partners; 
Kobe Branch Office is started, 
1899, Tokyo-Branch in 1910. 
T. r. J. since 1878, 31 years. 
Recrecdions : shooting. Ad- 
dress : (office) No. 46, Yama- 
shita-oho, and (private) 148, 
Yamate-cho, Yokohama,; P. 

0. B. 270, Yokohama ; P. 0. 
B. lOS, Kobe; P. 0. B. 5, 
Marunouchi, Tokyo. Tel. : 
Shimbashi 2855, Tokyo; 
686, Yokohama ; 11 50, Kobe. 
Ghibs: President of "Club 
Germania" ; Mem. Y. U. C. ; 
Nichi-Doku Kyokwai, (Com- 

West, George N., in IT. S. 
Consular Service ; b. in Ma- 
ine, U. S. A., Jan. 1 847 ; 
s. of Nelson A. West, tea- 
cher. Ediic. : Public School. 
Employed for 25 years in the 
Treasury Dep't; chief clerk 
of the steamboat - inspection 
service ; clerk to the Senate 
Committee on Commerce ; ap- 
pointed, after examination 
(March 29, 1897), Consul at 
Pitou April 14, 1897; Consul 
at Sydney, Nova Scotia, July 

1, 1897 ; Oonsul-General at 
Vancouver, June ^10, 1908; 
Consul at Kobe August 26, 

[ '^?^9 ] 

1910. 2! r. J. : 2 yeaTs. Be- 
creaiions : Usual Club. Ad- 
dress : Kobe, Japan * Tel. : 
993. Clubs: Kobe club. 

Westertiiann, Bernard, B. A„ 
Merchant and Author ; h. 
Connecticut, iSSg ; n. Ame- 
rican ; s. of Charles Wester- 
mann, publisher; in. 1910 
to Miriam Myers of San Fran- 
cisco. Educ. : William Penn 
Charter School (Philadelphia) 
and Williams College., U. S'. A. 
Secretary of New York Gra- 
duate Committee Y. M; C. A. 
1 908-09 ; sent to Japan by 
the Standard lOil Go,, J909. 
T ^- J- •• since July 1909. 
Recreaiions : writing, riding, 
driving. Publicalions ; •' Ori- 
ental and other verses" Ad- 
dress : 8, Bluff, Yokohama. 
Gluis : ' St. Anthony club of 
New York, Nippon Eace club, 
etc., etc.. 

Weston, Walter M. A., 
( Cambridge ), Chaplain of 
Christ Church, Yokohama ; 6. 
England, 1 891 j n. British ; s. 
of John Weston, mill owner ; 
m. 19o2 to Frances, d. of 
Frances Fox, C. E. Educ : 
Derby School, and Clare Col- 
lege, Cambridge. Curate of 
St. John's Ee&,ding ; Chaplain 
of Kobe, Japan ; Priest in 
charge of Christ Church, Wi- 
mbledon ; St. Andrew's Mis- 
sion, Yokohama ; Vicar of 
-Ewell, Surrey. T. r. J. : since 

1903. Be creations : rowing 
and mountaineering, PuhU- 
caiions : " mountaineering in 
the Japanese Alps " (Murray, 
1896); papers in the Eoyal 
Geographical Journal, the |A1- 
pine Journal, etc.. Address : 
Christ Church Vicarage, 234, 
Bluff, Yokohama. Clubs : The 
Alpine club. The Eoyal Soci- 
eties club, Yokohama United 

-Westphalen, John, Partner 
and manager of Winckler & 
Co. ; b. in [Germany. Entered 
Winckler & Co. in Japan, 
1893 ; became manager of the 
Kobe branch up to March, 
1 90 1 ; in 19o2, became ma- 
nager of the Yokohama bra- 
nch of Winckler dt. Co., stay- 
ing there for two. years and 
a half; in 1904, became a 
partner of the firm; in 19- 
02-'— 3 was in charge of the 
consulate-general for Argen- 
tine Eepublic and from 1905 
to 1908 acted as vice-consul 
in Kobe for the same. Ad- 
dress : Winckler <& Co., 100, 
Yedo-machi, and 7, Kitano- 
cho, I chome, Kobe. 

Wheeler, iKarvey A., B. A., 
M. A., Educational naissio- 
nary; b. July 28, 1881 in 
Summit, Steel County, Min- 
nesota, U. S. A. ; n. Ameri- 
can ; s. of Edwin Wheeler, 
retired farmer ; m. to Euth 
E. Balderree, B. A., Feb. 

[ I30 3 

23, ipio at Eugene, Oregon, 
U. S. A. Educ. : Common 
School at Ironquois, So. Dak. ; 
High School at Eugene, Ore. ; 
college coixrse at University 
of Oregon ; graduate work at 
Univ. of Chicago and Univ. 
of Oregon. Beared on a large 
fai-m in South Dakota, du- 
ring his college course he 
spent his summers as a travel- 
ling salesman; after comple- 
ting his graduate work, he 
heisame the State College Sec- 
retary of the Y. M. 0. A. of 
Missouri. T. r. J. : since March 
1 910. Becreaiions : tennis, 
hase-hall, hunting, etc.. Ad- 
dress : 1 2-C, Higashi-Yama- 
te, Nagasaki, Japan. 

White, Oswald, Assistant in 
H. B. M. consular service 
Yokohama, Japan ; b. Sept. 
23, 1884 ; n. British ; s. of 
James White, merchant ; m. 
Feb. IS, 1908 to Miss E. E. 
HaU, d. of J. C. HaU, Consul 
General, Yokohama. T. r. J. : 
g years. Becreaiions: mis- 
cellaneous. Address: British 
Consulate Gen., Yokohama. 
Clubs : Yokohama United 

Whitney, Dr. Willis Norton, 
M. D., M. E. C. S.,: Eng., 
L. E. C. P., Lond. ; Doctor 
of Medicifie and Ophthalmic 
Surgeon; 6. Oct. 18, :i88s. 
at Newark, N. J., U. S. A. ; 
fi. of:WilUam- C. Whitney, 

M, A.; m. Dec. ,29, 1885, 
Mary C. D. ©f J. Bavan Brai- 
thwaite, Barrister, of Lond, 
Educ. : University, Tokyo • 
University, Penna ; London 
Hosp. Accompanied parents 
to Japan in 1875 ; studied 
medicine at Tokyo Univer- 
sity ; teacher of Eng. Physio- 
logy and Chemistry, Middle 
Normal School, Kanagawa ; 
founder and Foreign Direc- 
tor, Akasaka Eye and Gene- 
ral Hosp., Tokyo, 1886 to 
date; United States Inter- 
preter of Legation, Tokyo, 
1 883-95 ; Vice-Pres., Soc. for 
Advancement of Med. Scien- 
ce in Japan, 1896 to 1906. 
Publications : Thesis : Blood 
Changes in Erysipelas, i88i ; 
Dictionary,roades,chief towns, 
etc. of Japan, with statisti- 
cal appendix, 1885 '> Notes 
on the Medical History of Ja- 
pan, Asiatic Soc. Trans., 18- 
85 ; Index of Chinese Chara- 
cters in Hepburn's Diet, of 
Japanese, 1888 ; Editorials in 
English part of Sei I Kwai 
Med. Jour. ; correspondence 
and contributions from Japan 
to Phila. "Med. Times"; 
New- York « Med. Eecprd " , 
etc. Address : Akasaka Eye 
and Gen. Hops., 17, Hikawa- 
cho. Akasaka-ku, Tokyo. 

Wiedfeldt, Dr. Otto, Privy 
Councillor of the home-office 
of the German Empire; ad- 


viser to the Imperial Bail- 
way Board of Japan, and ad- 
viser to the South Manchu" 
rian Railway Co., Chokunin ; 
n. German ; T. r. J. : since 
.Sept. 191 1. Address: No. 8, 
Shinsal^a-machi, Atasaba-ku, 

Wilden-Hart, Bernard Jolm, 
M. A., Oxford Univ., Hono- 
ursman and (Classical Prize- 
man Exhibitioner) of Keble 
College, Oxford, Professor of 
.English and economics; i. Se- 
pt. 19, 1 88 1, Lon. ; n. English; 
's. of P. Wilden-Harfc. Muc. : 
Keble College, Oxford. Public 
.school master, served in Bri- 
tish Embassy, Constantinople; 
prof, at Dai Hachi Koto-Gak- 
ko, Nagoya. T. r.J.: since 19- 
09. Becreatimis: foot-ball, and 
students' welfare. Address: 
Dai Hachi Koto-Gakko, Na- 
goya. Clubs : Junior Conser- 
vative; President of Hachi- 
K5 Club Home. 

Williams, Irvine, Proprietor, 
Hotel Central, Tokyo ; b. Hy- 
the, Kent; England in 1871 ; 
n. British ; s. of Harvey Wil- 
liams ; • m. , Emma Wilhams. 
T. r. J. : since 1900. Address : 
iNo. 12,, Akashi-cho, Tsukiji, 
Kyobashi-ku, Tokyo. ' Tel. : 
489 Ky5bashi. 

Winn, Thomas Clay, D. D., 
Missionary; h. June 29, 1851 
at Flemington, Liberty Co., 
Georgia, U, S. A. ; s. of John 

Winn, Presbyterian minister ; 
m. to Miss Eliza C. Willard, 
Sept. 25, 181 1. Educ. : Col- 
lege and Theological Semi- 
nary. T. r. J. : since Dec. 26, 
1877 with the exception of 
3 furloughs. Address : Tairen, 

Winther, I. M. T., Missio- 
nary ; h. Oct. 25 1874, near 
Eingkobing, Denmark ; n. 
Danish ; s. of S. K. T. Win- 
ther, preacher; m. in 1877 
at Kamakura to Miss And- 
rea Hansen. , Educ. : Normal 
School in Denmark ; Theolo- 
gical School in Blair, Neb., 
XT. S. A. Came to Japan as 
missionary in 1898, now pro- 
fessor in the Theol. Dep't. of 
Kyushu Gakuin, Kumamoto. 
T. r .J. : since 1899. Recrea- 
iions : philology and studies 
in Buddhism. FublicaUons : 
.numerous articles in Scandi- 
navian Papers and an Eng,- 
lish pamphlet "Present Eeli- 
gious Spirit and Problems in 
Japan. " Address : 412, Fu- 
rushin Yashiki, Kumamoto. 

Woodd, Rev. Charles Hamp- 
den Basil, M. A. (Cambridge), 
missionary clerk in Holy Or- 
ders; b. London, Feb. 2, 18- 
69 ; n. English ; s. of Charles 
Henry Lardner Woodd, T. P. 
merchant; TO. Jan. 5, 1903 
to Blfrida Mary, d. of the 
Right Reverend Bishop G. F. 
Hose, Bishop of Singapore and 


> Sarawak. Edtic. : Harrow 

'Scjiool (Monitor) and Trinity 

' College, .Cambridge (First 

'Class, Natural Science Tripos). 

•Merchant (London), 1 890-94 ; 

-Missionary, St. Andrew's Mi- 

■-ssion, ( Tokyo), 1 896 : — 99 ; 

Church Missionary Society 

■(Kyushu), r902'; C. M. S. Mo- 

-moyama Boys' School (Osaka), 

■1903-12. . Address: Momo- 

"yama 'Middle School; Osaka. 

\ Woodward, Eev, Harry. 

"Clergyman of Ch. of Eng. 

and missionary; h. Feb. i, 

i 869 ; m. Magaret Poynter, 

■d'. late Samuel Carr, 1902. 

'Ediic. : Clapham 0. M. ' S. 

Training institution 1891, Is- 

-Engton Theological' College, 

1892. Curate, Seaton and 

'GE|,meron,- Cumberland, i8ge, ; 

'.C- M. S. .Missionary to Japan ; 

"located 1st in :Tokyo, 1895 ; 

"Tokushima, Shikoku, 1898; 

"ij^ent to England on ifurlough 

"dhd apptd. curate of Christ 

-'Church, Paignton, Devon, 19- 

01 ; returned to Japan and 

•located at Fukuyama, Bingo. 

-Address : Iwane Cho, Gfifu. 

WboUey, Alf., Chief agent 

in Japan, of the Peninsular 

and Oriental S. N. Co. ; 6. in 

Derbyshirei England, in 1852. 

Entered the company's ser- 

'vice 36 years ago and throu- 
ghout that period has served 
in Egypt, India, China, and 
•Japan, the last 20 years have 
been passed almost continu- 
otisly at Yokohama or Kobe ; 
was a member of the Kobe 
Municipal Council in the old 
settlement days prior to the 
Treaty Kevision, 1891 — 93, 
president of the Kobe Club, 
1891-08, and chairman of 
the Kobe Foreign Board of 
Trade, 1906-08. Address : 
'Agent, P. & 0. S. K Co., 
109, Naka-machi, Kobe. 

Wootton, P. H., Agent of the 
American Trading Co., Kobe; 
6. Boonton, New Jersej'-, in 
1875. Has been for many years 
connected with various indust- 
ries in Japan, especially with 
paper, glass and soap makings; 
it is largely due to his energy 
initiative and accurate know- 
ledge of caustic soda and local 
conditions that the industrial 
users of cauctic saod in Japan 
were nearly all persuaded to 
replace the low grade 60/62^ 
caustic by the high 70/729^ 
article. Address : Anierican 
Trading Co., g^g, Kita-machi, 
and 17, Kitano-cho i chome, 
Kobe. - - 

1 133 ] 

Yomg, J>«ttglas Mortimer, Ad- 
vertising Agent, founder of 
the Far Eastern Advertising 
Ageney; h. Marei ir, 1878, 
London ; n. . British ; s. of 
Douglas Toung, F. S. J., Es- 
tate Agent, London. Trained 
as a journalist and duly elec- 
ted nxenaber of the Institute 
of Journalists; after varied 
experience on English news- 
papers proceeded to Japan to 
join " Japan Chronicle " • 
resigned in 1909. F. r. J, : 
since 1901. Address: 3,8-B, 
Naka-niachi, Kobe; TeL : 16- 
04. Club: Kobe club.. 

Young, Eotert, Journalist, 
Editor of the Japan Ghronicl, 
contributor to Nineteenth Cen- 
tury and various English 
newspapers and periodicals ; 

British subject. Born Oct. 9, 
1858, in Westminister, Lond. 
Educated Westminister Trai- 
ninig School ; after serving 
apprenticeship at Messrs. Spot- 
tiswoode & Co.'s printing 
office, became reader on Sar 
iurdap Meview, printed by 
that firm ; was engaged as 
man. of JSyogo News (Kobe) 
in 1 888 ; in 1891 established 
Kobe Ckrmiichf subsequently 
purchased Ifyog4> Netvs and 
incorporated with Kobe. Chro- 
nicle, changing name to Jaqmn 
Cfeom'cfejwhich has since been 
under his editorship. Eesi- 
denee in Japan, siito& -i888. 
Becreation : walking. Chibs : 
Kobe, Club, Clufe Coneordia 
(Kobe), National Liberal, Lon- 
don. Address : No. 65, Nani- 
wa-machi, Kobe. 

I 134 3 

Zaagg, Elmer H., B. A., Mis- 
sionary ; b. Mt. Eaton, Ohio, 

U. S. A., Oct. 14, 18H1 ; ft. 

American ; s. of Samuel Za- 
"Ugg, farmer; m. to NiriaOan- 
tienj, July 25, 1906! Educ. : 
college course at • Heidelberg 
tlniv.) Tiffin, OMo ; Theolo- 
gical course at Heidelberg 
Theological Seminary, Tiffin, 
Ohio. 1906 — 1 2, professor of 
N. T. Greek and Exegesis, 
North Japan College, Sendai, 
excepting 19 10- 1 1 which were 
spent at Yamagata, in evan- 
gelic missionary work. T. r. J. : 
feince 1906. Recreations : ten- 
nis and music. Address : No; 

112, Kita-Nlt)an-cho, Sendai, 
Ziiblin, Witt., Meci. Ea»., 

Eepresentative and manager 
of the Tokyo Engineering 
Office qf Sulzer Bros, ^rst class 
eng. work in Europe, "founded 
1836) ; b.- 187S, Winterthur, 
Switzerland ; n. Swiss ; s. of 
Wm. Zuhlin, Chief Engineer 
of tTie said Co. ; m. to Mrs, 
Alice Tublin." Educ. : stu- 
died at Kgl. Technische Hoch- 
schule, Berlin. 5 years work- 
ing at Sulzer Works and erec- 
ting engineers. T. r. J. : since 
1909, 3 years. Address: No. 
3,: Aoi-cho, Akasaka-ku, 
Tokyo. Tel.: 3219 Shiba» 
Clubs i Olub Germania. 




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W. M. ROOKE & CO. 

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Engineering Works Designed dt Constructed throughout 

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Leskole Co. Ltd. Steam Meters; High range Instruments, 

Ilamler Eddy_ 'Co. Smoke Kecorders. ' - '■ •■ 

Patersou Engineering Co. L^.d. Water Purifying Plants^ 

Otto Scliwade Co- Ltd. Special jiumps. 

Oxygenite Syndicate Ltd. Oxygen Generators etc.: 

Schutte & Koerting Co.; Power Plantp Sulies. 

B. ,F. Sturtevaut Co. • PansvBlowers; Engines eta;- • - > 

Peacok Branke Co. Tramway Accessories. " - 

Power Plant Co, Ltd. Double H. Machine Cut Gears. 

Taylor; Taylor; & Holison Ltd. Engraving; Machinery. 

Underfeed Stoker Co. Ltd. Travelling Grate & Underfeed Stokers. 

C. 02 Apparatus etc.-: 
Wests Gas Improvement Co. Ltd. — • Conveying & Transporting Plants. 
Angevs Automiitic Brake Adjuster. Etc. : 

Fo. 184, 5 chome, Nakanoshima, Osaka. 

.Tel. 48 Tosaboifi'. 




All kinds of Law-Business, Patents, De- 
signs, Trade-Narks and Utility Models. 



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Hogakushi, Counsellor at Law and Patent Agent. 


Hogakushi, Counsellor at Law and Patent Agent. 


Patent Agent. 



ORGANIZATION. Our Factory was established in the 12th 

year of Meiji (1879), hence the earUest and most experienced 

Soap Factory in Japan. 

HONOR. In May, the 35th year of Meiji (1902), the proprietor 

was honored with the Green Ribbon Decoration by the Imperial 

Government in recognition of the service he had rendered in his 

country in the line of industry. 

GLORY. In the 36th year of Meiji (1903), in accordance with 

order of His Imperial Majesty, His Excellency Yoneda, Imperial 

Attendant, honored our Factory with a visit. 

PRIZES. At the Fifth Internal Exhibition, the First prize o^ 

Gold Medal was awarded, which, it may be observed, was an 

unprecedent fact ; and in other exhibitions, internal and foreign, 

Honarary Mentions, and Gold Medals were aquiried more than 

thirty times altogether. 



^sc if 



tfe m M m 
n R m IS 

^ 111 # * 

tu ^ Wi + 

& ■}/>:& m 

Jif « ajc ^ 

1mm mm. 




Proprietor, SADAE TAKAKI. 
Manager, H. NAKABAWA. 


a-i3srzA. iTcnoiycE:. 




Advertising Agency 

ESTABLISHED in J890, The M. 
A. A. is one of the oldes^adver- 
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Our English and American Agents are : 


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Osaka Prefecture. 
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Telephone : « Higashi " No. 1908 (L. D.), 3796 




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18, Yamashita-cho, Kyobashj-ku 
Tel. No. 2570 Shimbashi 


55, Main Street. 
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Absolutely Best Medium for Advertisement -^ ^ ^ > 

ROBERT p. PORTER^ special correspondent of iTAe.T/mesfsayS'.- 
'T was not until Ryub«i Murayama acquired the Osaka Asahl SMmbUtt vd] 
1879, that the other newspaper managers awoke to the fact that newspapers, 
like other business ventures, require ample capital and capable business manage-' 
uaent. Mr. Murayama simply established a modern newspaper with ^telegraphic 
news, and correspondents at home and abroad^ and a modern plant to produce and 
print it. ; He spared no expense to give the public the news, andj he enormously' 
increased the number of bis readers by seeing that the important^ news "was pro- 
perly displayed and not buried in cut of the way corners of his paper. The Asabl 
was sold at a popular price, and the circulation greatly increased. ::^'As~a. result l}ie, 
advei-tising revenues improved to such an extent that the i4sdA/ ' <Kit<:Ustanced all 

its competitors the Asahi ventured with signal success into „'i'okyo. Th^ j 

Tokyo Asabi Sbimhum now holds a leading position in. tlie. Imperial .capital, 
(The Full, Recognition of Japan) 



. Eight Pages Daily 


Adveriisiuig Rate 

One inch per day Yen 4.80 




' Ten Pages Dailv with 
Sunday Supplement 


Advertising- Rate. 
One inch per day Yen 6.00 


. - ^ OFFICE.. -- 

Tki Tokyo Asahi Shimban Tlje Osaka Asa/p Shimbun 


AH Easiness Communications should be addressed to the Manager 


''Osaka Mainichi Shimbun" 

office OSAKA, JAPAN. 

TiiE Largest Circulation in the Far East and 
■.HE Best Advertising Medium. 


The "Osaka Mainichi Shimbun." 

It is the only standard coraniercial newspapers publishe:! in, the center of 

trat'e an I commerce of this countiy. 
It hns a well organized corvespon lence corps covering fully all parts of the 

worM, which in addit on to our tele^>lione aal telegraph connections 

gives our paper a considerable advanta;e over -many contemporaries. 
It is ifrightly written and thoroa;hly corn-ilete in all its News feativres, the 

paper enjoys a wide and growing popnlarity. 
It is favourite in the business circles anl home"? of the upper and middle 

cla ses. 
It specializes in foreign advertise nents, in fact, the "Osaka Mainichi" 

alone carries over 90'^ of the foreign advertising in Japanese papers. 

Advertising Kate 
Per Line.. .Yen 0.65... Per Day 

o I, * 4.* /Foreign Rate\ 
Subscription (p^.^ ^^^,^ ) 

Monthly Yen 1.35 



Is published under the mana e'uent of the "OSAKA MATNiCHT," and is one 
of the oldest newspapL^r in Tokvo. It stands, among Tokyo paper, as the ' Tinier" 
(loes in London Journalism. The paper represents a hi^h standard at independent 
tliought, and is widelv circulate I in business, official anl educational circles. 

r. , • ,. /Foreign liate\ 
Subscription |^po,t Paid. j 

Advertis'ng Rate. 
Per Line Yen 0,60...Per Day 

Montily Yen 1.00 


For farther particulars, rates, specimen copie?, Etc. regarding the above two 
papers apply at uur He id office: The Osaka Mainich "Shimbun. 


F^ ir H H M 









Papers, Woolen & Cotton Textiles, Pulp, Motor Vehicles, 

Electrical Machineryj Motor Fans, Insulating Materials, 

Musical Instruments, Stationeries, Cork, 

Si icate Cotton, Rubber Substitutes, Yarns, Emery 

Cloib, Feltings, Shirtings, Provisions, Liqueurs, 

Chemicals and Dyeing Stuffs, Typewriters, 

Lithographic Stones, etc. 


Provisions, Mineral Ores, Shell Leaves, Antimony Wares, 

Vegetable Wa^, Japanese Papers, Japanese Towels, 

Woolen & Cotton Textiles, loys, Funori, 

Bird-Lime, Fans, Maltose Jelly, etc. 

OsMii Shosen KmsRii, Lihiited. 


CAPITAL YEN 16,500,000.00 FLEET 120 VESSELS 

Regular Mail and Passenger Services are operate,! to 

United States of America, Canada, Asiatic Russia, 

China, Manchuria, Korea, Formosa 

and other Home ports. 

Splendid Accommodations and Excellent Cuisine. 

For particulars, apply to 

Branches and Agents, in all 
important places throughout. 


No. 60 Tomijlma-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka. 
Tel.: Nishi 3040, 3041. 3042, 3043, 3044 

Representative Director Toraji Inouye. 


No. 9 Sanchome, Kaigan-dori, Kobe. 

Tel.: 567 ; Tel. of agency : 1903 (Shima-Kami-cho, Hyogo), 

1923 (Disan Hatoba). 


1, Transportation business attached to the Osaka Shosen- 
kaisha. 2. Purveyor of the traffic dep't of army. 3. The 
transaction of custom-goods. 4. The sale of custom decla- 
ration blank forms. 5. The transaction of railway loadings. 
6. Undertaking ship cargo. 7. Lighter and tugboats of the 
Osaka-Kobe and ihe neighboring seas. 8. Water-siipjJy 
for steamsliip boiler 

The Osaka City Agencies ; 

Osaka Custom house compound Tel.: 3045 Nishi. 

Chikko iShijodori Tel.: 3046 Nishi. 

Railway Dep't, Umeda Agency Tel.: 1571 Higashi. 

Nishiyokobori 3 chome Tel.: 2422 Houkyoku. 

Temma Hinone-cho Tel.: 2167 Higashi. 

Itachibori Minami-dori 6 chome Tel.: 3708 Nishi. 

ShimofuTiushima 3 chome Tel.: 4124 Nishi. 
Minatoya, compound of the dep't 

of Communications Tel.: 4491 Nishi. 

Nanba Moto-machi 5 chome Tel.: 3567 Minami. 


An Influential Daily Newspaper 

Printed in English. 
The Best and Favorite 

Medium for Advertising. 
Subscription and Advertising. 

Rate on Application 

All communications should be address 

The Manager. 


23, Naniwa Machi, Kobe. 








H. E. Reynell & Co. 

General Agents 


4^ ^ ?l§ ^' m 
m 1 











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