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Full text of "Zarr Ka Tehqeeqi Mutalia Shari Nuqta -e- Nazar Say By Shaykh Dr Ismatullah"

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021-35049733, 021- 35032020^> 
0300 - 2831960 : </ly 

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m ^\S?j*i*&J/J «*l* 

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rn *> Jc^l/iX 4*aL, 

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Mr ^i^i^ 

'« \.~*iJ$ 

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™ tT^Ij-l/! 

r<l ^ (Chracteristics)^U-^tCjil/! 

r ^ ar^jr^jSi^/! 

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rir (Pricelndex)^£!tfj#? 

.rir Ji/J&LifijsiJiSf'lM" 

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rr& ^0tl?'hj£bj)jZi r j\s't-t 

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HI ^^Cpjw^ 

rL\ (BillofExchange)(ii? 

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rAl »» ^^lT(Endo^ment)^^l>^ J( ]LJt 

<£? (Remittances / Transfer of Money) ^iifj* 

rA ' ~.^£ 

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rAA J}f 

rAA &}{«£*,£. 

rAA JA^(Billoffixchange)J^l4> 

rA,) JA^A^I^ i> 

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r*r jft&ty 

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M* (CallOption)^^-! 

rr * (PutOption) &JU»-r 

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rri i$/f 

rrr Bai-al-Dain : J*^ 

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^^ (Futures)^Jr-^lJ?^ 

""* ^ltU>£j>t 

rrr (Biblography) 

r&O EnglishBooks 

* «.. . » c 

(*S»H O - ^<T* J '0***** ^f^^ 1 (j^-9 (hij-^- 1 * 

i' s 

(Money)" J "^L Zl (Dealing)^ ^ (A iA^/^dOi 

** V V 

^^J^^b^^^fJ^^lliy^ .(Nature) 

^ * ♦ 


i- l^Cj "f- k* iMl &V' Jt <£ (Economists) ^U>! \£a\.J\s 

^ jM J* ^ OUip oi^t>i r L.S)!> ^jpl ^li^Jl ^ r j> i yS~J\ q^( l ) 

,( 9 r/ r )"^Jt Jo jo- jl j£Jb jt^t ^4 j l^ai 

qj J^I^J-*qj j*4Ji*fl»^)l)ffU$)tQjl 'Sjl^lt rj^ jiJuaJt^Oi 

jt JutuW i»b jj-i^ qa ^ f U! yi US'" :b jJI L,Jb ^9 *<u jieij 4ulCa 4i3>5' (f U_$)l 

tf I O&ilj : (^iti3| tJ 4^J1 j^Ot (yt VM) ,^^1 ff t>MJt *Wf 

f 1*2111 L*^ ^ jj^ VJ^iwJb <^^Jj ^j^*^ ^ jjj IUwJI j ^ftjJl 


C ' ' r (J°) " j**5uJtj (V*LiuJI "gJLJr* 

&V' $4iA£ s $/» ?«z- c*^j JjJJ>J &Viy (/J 5 .-* jjI 

A* Jt>t (»lwu lu*u fU\)l (it) :<dj*4*j" : j* i rr\ Jj| ^j» vJsjjuj |m1 J^t'^^ 

^JupUla t$-i*J [4*^ jjstu ^U fQUJ I (j^^UJI 0' ( ^M^ Uoto* l^-i)^ ^jli-M 

t jjij Oj^aJt «*£i <0 \) ^^UJt ^ (vLJI tfjl il : JtS iMP-t C*i" : ^jb I r *r f( ^> ^t 

(I T6/0) 

O* *r** J O^" C **^' ***'> Qi J^ J'^****' S»ok*iJ1 (3tjj^ll fl£#-l 

»(r r^)-" |v*t jjJtj ^JUjJt 3SL* Ji* 4£*j ojUo t^t : \)ttj .S^lai 
K&S* *_Jij <S»UJt ^ 3LW o^* *^* o" i*^ 1 -^^J" ?w* i rsr < jji ^b<^ ^1 

(IMA/r 1)-" ^ut J^NJ tjU- J**7j 

-A&& M ^it-J^k,. 

:l£ L- fok-k/& : (Prof. Crowther)/^/^^ 

J jLxU ia^^T lib NJ^i ^a, f ^ JT qp SjU UuLJt" 



"Money may be defined as the means of valuation 
and of payments : as both the unit of account and 
the generally accepted medium of exchange" (2) 

(Features) ^y^imCA^f 

(2) Modren Economic Theory. Dewett. Kewal Krishan India Delhi, Eighteen 
revised edition, 1983. P:409 

tit if by $\.\s A ^Jj/t^jiS^yt ji&j>/>& A Sd^/t fjrf 
(Medium of J&^jjfijxy L.yL- J&iiJ iL £. \J\«z- \jj}/* 

^ifj£ l/^' <f- > C^< J>> ^ 2-rd&\ f "J "-CD 

^^L i)l 4UJI <y Sljt^Jt j s> U^Jt (31 jl> ill f ISU-I ( f ) 
The Theory of Money and Credit.Mises, ,Ludwig Von Mises 

UJU O^J^ JJ^OJI ^Ui'jjJU f NU^)I ^ ^^HflJIj AJJJLJt ^-W-Jt 

j^*>t q~j> u**>l jj^uJt ) ^j*-»Jt <V»U»i ill 5*,i>^' *>^ <y *y$ j>^ 

(The Nature ofMoney) ji^Jy J 
J^^((j2c^^«^(Nature) , W'"J L rw / -^.c^? > ^; 

>lf<^u/a ! »Jp^(FaceValue)^/ > iJ ( l/^( f j(d t ^,i> 
ctf (Commodities)^ 1^(JL? tfjC&li &l/*&tjj£,^ \£ 

(Consumption Goods)(j /$ © 
(Production GoodsVbl^tf© 

(Profit)#t^^(/'^ ( '^lfi^'^ 

~<l- (Production Goods)jb\^{fjj>-CyJ'J~dt 

tJ*> l *iv s^ J 13 ^ (Nature) c^Ka I c^cf "J " 


The Historic Judgment on Interest,Usmani, (.Justice Muhammed Taqi 

Usmani,)Karachi, Idaratul_Ma,araf ,lstedition,2000 A.D ,P:93 

"The commodities are classified into the commodities of first order which are 

normally termed as 'consuption goods' and the commodities of the higher order 

wich are called 'production goods'. Since money , having no intrinsic utility, 

could not be included in 'consupion goods' most fo the economists had no; 

option but to put it under the categery of production goods." 

The Theory of Money and Credit, Ludwig Von Mises, ^Liberty Clissics 

Indianapolis ,9180, P: 95,Ch:5Part:one 

"It is usual to divede economic goods into the two classes of those 
wich satisfy human needs directly and those which only satisfy them 
indirectly:that is'consuption goods , or goods of the first order, and production 
goods ,or goods of the higher order ." 
Introducion to Economic Principles, Dr.A.N Agarawala„Katab Mahal 1983. 

"Robertson defines money as a commodity which is used to 
denote any thing which is widely accepted in payment for goods or in discharge 
of other kinds of business obligation." 

ft jX Njt ,*jtla* < j*a» <( **£JI iM** jW> iMw >*v£Ji U jJl ik&<J jt fi* 


- : L^2^^t7^fKewalKrishanDewett 
"How money differs from goods? Goods are 
mainly of two types: the consumer goods, and 
producer or capital goods. It cannot be consumed 
as such.There was a time when some 
commodities served as money and there are 
exceptional circumstances in modern time too, 
c.g,in Germany in 1945 when htere was hyper 
inflation ,cigarattes served as money .But normally 
is not an ordinary consumer good.,. 
Money cannot also be regarded as a capital 
good.Capital goods like machines and raw 
materials help in the manufacture of goods by their 
physical transformation. ...It performs entirely a 
different function. Money is an exchange good, 
and useful only in an exchange economy." 

(1) Modren Economic Theory ,P:409 

/j^>U JUl \f/j$<£- jtf (Consumer Good) 

**V •* ++ ** 

<&yfJ'^/&'jL-±c/'j\ t 3<ij)tf 

j^s/L /}&<£- j&\f^j./i-\>\ rr 


U^ *>s JVy^V' U^ >~<Vty i- Ludwig Von Mises 

Money an economic good "Money neither a 
production good nor a consuption good" 

The Theory of Money and Credit ,P:95 (0 

Jp. L (Adam Smith) ^L 3<2-\r \fjk> &\>\J\s£L \J\j>\ 
(,) ,L^^^^(DeadStockyU3w/" 

-^_L/"(MediaofExchange) J>\sJ*fjj2-^&\J> <<£-{/' 

(1) The theory of Money and Credit: 

"This is the compete justification the suggfestion put farword by Knies that 

economic goods should be divided into means of production objects of 

consuption.and media of exchange".?: 5 02 

"Regarded from this point of view , these goods what Adam Smith called them 

"dead stock, which produces nothing." P:102 

"ihe^tf. JJ\A£>&t wtfi_i/v,i.tf_ u£ltfV*i-«£ 

j>\ JlM JV/^c/f i- (Jj/l ji c/ ( Historic Judgment on Interest" 

(Commodity/ tf "''(Money) " j'^-y^^ji^li^j^f 

^/ >j <&fiJ?ljj f&>.\*> ^js/> tit- 3 ' ^0 *U v J -I 
^(TU Ujl^l^ZlJ^Zl (Services) juL^j I (Commodities) 

^i(/t; (/((Transactions)^ It U*£ ^vWtAlr , ~ r 



G& Jl>>ilt j3U ONUu *UU*I cJtT tj^Jj % i>l*jJt 
Jt J^3=J1 <« CL^uj J^ ,(«3l**i) u^oOJM oUJill" 


^$$& rA ^i^j^fcj 

-(^ i /f) <3i j**JUi 'CAP cjjjAjf{-fti> • Of 
irjUJ^ (r) 

Ji i//*^ tf j^ c»t£ j-% r~i>? ^ 3i/ r ij 


f I jA^I ^jQa*< j*a*( rs^iJt ^w ^bU u^^j») *^£Jt«Lf jjt tijJu xij^-s jUft^ (T) 

- s . • (0 

^^7^! J/^^' f f-J/t^ (Commodity) iM (Money )vj 


Q&3 A^W ^iiM3 U£i Lgj J^pXJ! jy'^J Ot*-J^' O ^ (j» U$*iJ a1>*J U-*at jit 

(fir yO)' ( _7-!^ssiyU 1uX Ua^ 

Qt (it ^Wl (>^>v OUil U* a^OJ! j i_jioJt ol -.Q^yk *t*«JI O^ ' J*^ O 1 tr 1 *"" 

Liii jl^r 9vIjjvj) «j_ (3^1f SJUt Jn JUL J> U lv-r 

f-^d^^i^Zl J/jt 'Wealth" Jl^l "Money";) 

"&Sj*i (y«t-iJI ^ j ^4^« jjJ^jJt) j^jljLSJI *C)3JLjJt j jjJJJt ^i o»jO^ < I ) 

( r,r UP) f&* ^b '^j*)l ^a^bb 
arjjo j^iJt jjlaj 

^7 j jj/^ JW; ^£ J^ c ^tfju/fc 
t/yv> civ ir/tA^ v^^^^ 


***** o* (**'-*' o* o*-^ o^ ^^ p*^ o^'ii^^ ^ r >* iJP' ->-" ^*-$ ( ' ) 

( f rr/ i r } ^a i r ♦ a jjt ^b ^ j*JI i! jd! 

iff ■ jj •" jj : Jt 

(A : ,*U :: </£ : ^Lp 


J/j j.^/f 2f (Limited Legal Tender) "Jy IfcjW 'j^/' <d? ^ 

-*/£>-? ^ ^ ^^r ' ttf <r~ ^S^ Tender) 


Introduction to Economic Principles, by Dr. A.N, Agarawa. P3 1 5 

"(\& tf ffty jj^/j^Ax &b (\&j*\ df\M <C J\ -r 
i/y^L- 0$ (j£ (\&J\ <tr t*(f if (Commodity Money System) 

&lte<gj3\ <£ V\c- 2L Art J^W £ l/i 'l/(JTl^ 


~<f_ 1* If (/(Metalic Money System)"^^; Jf l# j{\&\J\ 

^M\^ujt^j m f^i^\j5S^\^^^.j^\&^/i\js 

J>/>^>><L 1— fcj?<$ few \Ji JPi£j£jj9t & Istk-y&ftfte 


Zl<L Jte/jl J>-7 A^ Jc^^^J^ l(/^(/J*is^Jy^aAj 


<|tf ^U <£ (Gold or Silver Contents)^ J? Jj>*Uv.j( <L*V' 

l^ (Gold Specie Standard)" JjoITJjU^ 'j^ l#(/M^;^,£<£ 

(Money ^(^jsiJsj^/jlJ^ijkc^Su^ 1 ^^^^^ 

(GoldBullion " U- ITj/jV JL^ 7fUM<WJ (/' <i-AA 


y^i-^Mpc^^/v^'^^'L^t/^iArr (3) 




* 7 7 


izJ Ji (/^ </» '(/&-« y (/I iJ (Face Value) o^ Jyr if 6&- 

-y^J/ &r ^JS%,; 

(Token " j JVVj/^l * jjf „_»(,; l/J^k- (Intinsic Value) 
UM&i->/*2-\f.£ 2-y*!>/\fj/Jj&j!,\ ^-fjWi-fJ^j? 

(Gold Exchange Standard)" U* ^ U*tf<L y 'X/' '^j* '/ Lv 
J> \sj j ' lily vAC J>t Zl i- W_ (International Monetary Fund) 

jwZS &iAf~/ v/Zl^>(/t>j wCUy-v?^ faj&tj%<z-tj% 

.{ ^Uialt j^aj ^**_* lJ ^UJ( (j-* , -«- | t) (jJU-S-Jt r^juLUI CjOj \)l f LSL>! ( l > 

JlSiZ ,jSj J*J>H JjlTjJt < Ago JyJt j J3 SJt ^J 3^ J^. 

-<^zf (Barter/Ul^ X"<^ibjfcl^-:>/iJ£ 

, t/? 4^ (Commmodity Money System)' f Itf 
-U?2L (Matalic Money System)* '{}j^jj 

<£ (Gold or Silver content) c^ J? (Face Value) ^J (Jfyrlf 
^^(GoldSpecie Standard)" J ^(TJvU^ 'K/'-C? (3^(i^ 

Introduction to Economic Principles, by Dr. A.N. Agarawala p: 314 
Modren Economic Theory, by K.K Dewett. P; 416 

2-x\Jj\, (Reoeipts)(^^//^K?L \£ iL L \f- <\fx ti/j^ feT 


ifl-fJt2L (Fiduciary Money) "^t^^J'ViJ^'-^^lf 
f L* fcf (Token Money)" J Jk "fj'\> r Aji\<\fx 9 Aj \fif<^ ^J Jl 

/i-^^^^^yy^^(/^^^( v ^t>^;-A 
lT^i/^i cTi-Xi;^L/i-^^Ji//jyy^i9ri-9 

-Lj^(GoldExchangeStandard) "U- 

"{^"j^t <A J?LXj {}t&i <£ tjM juj^ cJfy el; 

ci;/^ 0% % <=„ b^J^ ( ^O^^i^^iA J^cT (Goods) 


TV*' * 

dM<t j'iSmMlA *3\}sj&2- bp^ji £ kP^i 

s /f „ k k 



M ^ ,."1 *^ ** 

i- uroryo 

\f\£<-/ ir&OljjJ*-* J [A^ (Functions)^* £y J 

<OJj*j ( ^X^S J^\ jJL* QlJiM- jj^jJl) 4 yUS" iJ X)t <4Jj*ol*JIj SjujIM 2^-il^-JI ( I ) 

*-f>&& ^T ^i^Jg^J 

L- (\ftjpj>\ «z- \/f i £f{v&t\?tj*nf>J\£> &\ L- 

(MediumofExchange) Jjl*jJl-t 


(Standard ofValueV>L U^- r 

(Store oFVa\ue)jjJoJ?}-r 

: i_tiU?»)T kiUj ^ Ju L*i j" 

JiLxiJ ia^ j jjUU ! 

A+4SD u^ttfia j^£J| _r 

Z+tSU Oj*v ijiJt - r 

SJW ^> <Jr) <£- l/ V^'cV-^ J'*"' 

:(j*2jjjt$ (j^i^isjj (j^**»Lil ^I^>isj j^aJJ (Jl" 

: Vtt» ***»» J^ ^*-J Jj*i)l : yJj ^ **£.»» : W ■ ' ' **-.L*^ll UiSLBjJt 

<^JJ1 <y jjiDI Ojjt ^j^t **1M oj&U SLyUJI JBIM- JU«iU jl**^ J>iJJt 

The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwing Von Mises P:41Ch: 1 
Modren Econmic Theory by Dewet: 
"Money performs five important functions: 

1 . It is serves as a medium of exchange. 

2. It is used as a store of value. 

3. It is standard for measuring values. 

4. Money serves as a standard for deffered payments. 

5. It transfers value. "P:4 12 
Introduction to Economic Principles: 

" Money performs four main functions: 
1 / common medium o f exchang 

2/ A common measure of value 

3/ Store of value 

4/ A standard of deffered payments...."P315. 

r "- \£\»\$\ywJ> , \£>4!A 

(I 90T) 

( r ♦ /r>,u^jli.j Jt>i ill s^ <3>r U# j 

(InflationandDeflationVJ^^b Jil/j 

^t/^*^(f^(^l^^i^c//^(/''-£-(rlf l/ (Inflation) "; 

' -^t-lfljT (Deflation) " &/>"/ 

,<^Z_^t£pirections) Utt&oivjZ&'jMijPi^ 

-/<&$/■ £* ^It-tF^J 




£UV^ feT (Interest)' V '^ ff*c- ~»itfijiC&i 

■-J$&SiS/ L ( ^ ^3*%, j 

4_flj^lX?Uji>^fl\£ (Interest^ 

i ^ ♦ ^ ♦• » «• » *r • * »» v ^ 


-(rrr/i ^ iru^ 

pSJUt ^Ju: ijb J3jjj «Sbjdt jU-u.1 ^>r ♦ : rr ^s^\ 

ji—j A;TA pSLJt <JLfr qLhjJL^i JLJUI jj_«j^:l & 

1 " ir.rrj^irrAriA^iPi^jfy.a^i^/ 

(** ,Mr f y>^» (y>W«JI ^*^-« CH J**U«I) ^l>*JI c f UL*Jt waiT ( l ) 

c/ijj^M^U&^jji j^ot ^M^i^/^yJE^c-j:^! (r) 

JUJ 4f(ffi (^jUaJ i)l ?r^U .UUo QtmjJ jUaJ \)t qj. J_*j ^ (J ^J| JL^I" 

"-q^Uj 8Ua*U <OU q^jI jNUm t> jujt eUa*l* <Oi-J ^^ MS 4 je>^ 
: «U c^ASi ^j^l ^Uaa pAjj ij)| ^ ^ ^ | uiUul : Jtf ^J«i ^ rfb* Q^" 

< J^to %*i)t* %*iJlj SJl^jSU- ^jJU i^jbjJI" 

I Jsl pZ£ U^S %£u^ ^dhjJI tjjL^ ((J jj| jJLs jbjtjt 

<'> * 

(r) , - 

___ H 1 

r^i c^TSjijJI gj^-i (f) 

S . W * *■ * S *?''/'* • ti ?tr\ S3 - sis' _ 

f b^Jt JiT jap 4)1 J>-.j q*) :6^i-j aJU**J 4_»bj (j-ij 

www.KitftboSunnat.conf ( ^ yM ^'" ~ ™' 

X h I c*il 8j£JI Ejj»u (r ) 

(0 " ciui ji* d>tJi j gg q&*j ^^jv 


ml; t/^ tif/j&jCysL, ji\ fj> Jj foy " 

, tt 4*l 


s-^tjb < o J>w < (sRLwi f pTW! <OJIu^ ^ j^*,) jvi'L^J! .^L* CJjO^. <r> 


A*A#Jt"^ jJt ^^ **Ut <JJs! o^" 

0*i *WjJ1 Jtf NJI i»l ^ N) Oki o-^l yU ^V 

^dS-J/ AT ^J^fc; 

jOVi tfjj cJjV) j^/l^lc ^J^ jUiif 

"A *LdJ 

(r r A/ ry 4*j sj^j-^j 

tJjBJ J C^u^lj ^Hj jxS r&j\j *uj| ^jj^cr ^s q^J^ ill obU cJlxsM :cJij" 
( i i Arvry <u)|UUm 03^ ii^o p&*JJ ^LJt ^jUJt ua^l" 

The Historic Judgment on Interest 

Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani 

"The Mat is the basic feature of a transaction without which the relevant law 

cannot be applied to it ."P: 80 

Bjtal «\f$\J ( (^WJt Qi^ U G* 1 ^^> <y*SJI'jfc-4JI tJ JU JL«—iJl oU-J ( l ) 

<gi ol*w ^>JI J fv£«M o^t^Li^ jiTt j^ ^.jiJt ^ fvi^JI ^jO* jJ*^i" 

(r ! i<ja>" ^vA^LP J^NI! ^i p&*M S) 
f I <w^jb <pJt*Jl JU»- UUfci jiflj'UjJt ^j>*j ,y ^^U. ill ^-ij- £s * 1 3 -*-^-> ( r ) 

^ j^L» (JLju j ^Jbwj 4JJI Ol Q-J—oJl f-L*JL*J! j>4*-9r (j-J 4-eLt ^ e ? ♦ H qj" 

" fv^*- J>a fi** L»lj ft$J ^*J t-d'f ^' 3*0MO*Jt 8 JJ* Ob "^ 4*0mx»J i)!U£> 

:(q*p- jJljv^ rt*&*Jt 04*) J^^Q^y* ^ ^ lt 1 ^ (/ *W *i*^W^ 

The Historic Judgment on Interest (by Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani) 
"The Hikmahat is the wisdom and the philasophy taken into account 
by the legislator while framing the law "P:80 

Historic Judgment on Interest (by Justice Muhammed Taqi Usmani) 

y tf X<^iXwy(^^ 

. , r * ft-* 

(f) 3*39* " 9 * 

^^M+JI 4*t jj QJ iMw ^ lU>| qj <0J| ^*£. j^*^ _jj| QJtOt jjs^a) 4*1 JO Qf\ 

43^ 4^aiJ!j v-fcJJt ^ b jjt 4i* Q\ Qljtf] obl jj eJL* 4L)j ^3 j^*l ^ (iJ>i" 

'if - -Til 

Oyy^i u- Wt ^ I jKsfl tit ^l q, ri k ., jj jjj 

OJj^XJ (V*yJj jt n-AjJt5 tMj 

A 6 ex;! >y Sjj-j ( 1 ) 



(r) "-OJ* ^jjNJt v*uJ^ ^jhjJt t^N)" 

J^i J^TUj t l*>! j Lfr>5 0^ tit J^jNL£« OJJ^" 
"-^ ^W^ Ok>Jt utoM IMS .^JJi 

-b jJt <Jq ^tsL^JI v^ <(vJ^ **>>! ( I ) 

-M V^l o*( b*i rflfl f ^^1 lu^qj ^^ j^^lTyjlrjfcjSH j^j^j 

* * * ' 

<U£. OUi ^J! ^ jA^ :culS eJtf ot J 'V^l V*±M s^SJuo U&i ^JUJt : J3 $**JI JtSj" 

ou^i^tc _*or . |i ^j3t iM>t qj j^>^ j^i^t )^ut uL-tj^t !*■>!;;? 

***)» ^ OJy Jt J^J jS)t (j^ >t q* tui U^J* ^JL pis JLfeJUIj v^b jJt U j" 

-^jzj/ ^ ♦ ^^ ^a 

^i (C^U ^ "jib ^+J? ",-Je ^ L v &*7jLj j - :r 

isJsjfotL- ^J^ ^i/jH \jd&L J Vi 

( i A(jp) ( (jJUi»Jt (jAj j^*>w ^UJt (jiiiJI ) ^UixJI *^udJt (51 jj !i)l f l£>l< I ) 

CO • L _ 

<=_<^/jjwIf j?^ ^i/)<L ( JU>) j^u (J^X -r 

_ ; * 2_ ' *♦ 


' Jjj+i/ 


f 3 




■%* i 

(r) " «*Jfyl5 JT ^ :ui-i)l Jti : tf^jS) JB" 


( I •/ I ) '**£Jt U^^w j^U- O^J^'OjJt L^ ^Jtj* J^ ( l ) 
ljU^o i)t Ok>l ^**j <j£>*ijy J-iiiJI bj _ I 

C 1 ^ O") 'rfj*^ jSUJbt J'CJjj^ *s^j *l f U^)| 'b^JI J ki^u 
" J-5 1>» »Uy (J*Wt *V~^ bj >fc ^j f UJt bj ^j bj o^5o CJJi 0&" 

-^j*J1 vS&bb Oj^ ^in ^jzjt tf jjlajl yJLfr 
( I rf ")U <9 '(j 1 - ^l ^+>l 0"^" tJ ^ > * J^ 1 -^ 3 >^ JJ^ ( r ) 


ijt^h^ = d/lJiJM(/ eft 


(Legal JyiTvJ ^ ^ j* ^ J ^ U> I j>t JP?l jy Jj,^ fl ,/j 

(l) , ^i 

gif'^l (Paper Money) v J (J> &»I J>i^& <^ife-jA 
-\Jtt£ "J»tj3i)ri 'VjjJI ^"t "tujJLJt ^jj^'^cl/jC^'-f- 

, -^(Certificate)'!^ "^(Debtjc/J^y- 1 


,^(Substitute)fl^l?(/ U> ' V[$*bj3\2-y±}-r 

ZlL/Aj»l^(CustomaryPrice)"c3/^"^ ( >^ j5 " r 



J^jitj^c- jt & <u? ^^ &>> Jv- u&< J V' 

viT ,**** ^ -v rye* 3A US' (i^x i ^ ) j***U *ii*a! j *iUu&JI i3t jj^)I f £*■! (H 



JS* j--— tfJt jjSi ill t^j jJI jUaJI ^*jt ol yJJNi i)" 

-j-«JJ swill i3ljj \)l f IS>| .ji^ jtiiJl 5** (f-j 

iJ^y i LV JVy c>% J^^VJ4 «_> j (j>* U Lv/ (Holder) JV 

( t A r (jo) SjjotJl (^jtiiJt ( I ) 

"The promise to pay which appears on their face 
is now utterly meaningless. Not even in amounts 
of 1700 cannot now be converted into gold. The 
note is no more than a piece of paper, for no 
intrinsic value whatever, and if were presented for 
redemption, the Bank of England could honour its 
only by giving silver coins or another notes, but it 
is accepted as money throughout the British Isles." 

(i) 1 

Uj fjfcL. JU jJ^lSLlt j j*tf ^*h5 -01 f jU+i *L*I Lot" 
r^o <J SiLijj Ot u"tiU ^jtjill 3-SL-JI aOuft «C*I j 

"b^l (JyJij, sA" 


****« 31**1 f LSUt Ol^ ^ jLH Jt ^|^| 0L*«n # iU^ J U s JI r^fi ( r) 

Lj^^^s^Uij ^^^Lf^''lS^(f i^^U-211 t/^ L > f V ,> Similar) 


qm Sli,Uz* jt ^JUi* Ja«^ t^usf ^ jt^j OUmJj 

tt n« ( j-Wjt Lr it 

j 4fr!j3t oS|x>t yU oj^I ^ o- ^U^i t j^ jvJLt lit" 
0^1 ot*^J| jt j*3t3uJI jt oNjt^Jt ^ «JL;U-^ 
^ J^J d-J jt SUaLix* 4^A)lj ^jJt q^JLJI 

('i f u") (>*tjjjtj t/tb^at f tsUi ^i ft*u» 4^0)1 jif ( t ) 

J\ \f»X<z- for f >*^ ^bl/Slj^^ I* JijsJ t US 

JiUJtj! J Jjri ( ^UJI ^5>J| ^^) ^i^j , JJ^L (Jj^, ^ ^^AJI ( I ) 

^Wt oj^\ p£> Ot 4*1* *JDI Q^-9 ti^-sljl (JJJLs" 
f-UoS ^3 43^ "-^-m 4*£-)Lt O ^-9 ' Lj»L*-j q->i> a '■ IL^ 

D> Jli>> KseLjsC ^iJsC*^ d&fC&b 

0J>* O 12 *-^^ «lK*»-> fVJt $jt '(/¥* J*"( (j** 1 ' ^ ^V) ti>^J «^jtilt *£>**-* ( I ) 

£*> ^ ^UmJIj ^Ajjj gj^Ut V>&« f LSL^I l«ij 

jMyJjsUk'&t&Sjjsuif&iJj.ff!' "jj^t pX^Aj jo^jt" 


ifl/lA^f- b« JvjA^L^ lA=-*J /%<$£< tx\$J>/*<\Jt 

_ ( r r rtjr r r > *j juuJt <i jbuil < I ) 

Jly^lt SJ^I 4JI ^UlSMj i^ybjAJl Aj^JiJb Q-JJLLItj 
(Sr& ^J| jjat) «.UjHi J ^UcNlt ^1 

Ojdt jWU ^^Jt ^LJt) tbUj I^AQi t^t^t fi^+j* 

^jt <uj ^il ^ j^U jj^Jt Ctf" OLs oL-j_SL*J| 

J*J>Bt pX>j <w£> Ja«J ob <o &±2 Ol Q-^MLi 


(JjJfcJt (JU3M Ol (j**H Jj^-so^t OUgflr ii>-*^J jjulSj 
^Jt tftjo (JbT.mA ijJ4t V»JJ ^JU* Ji* Ji* ) j^Jhj 

335Dt (j^jLUt O^* <3ji&jt (^>UJt ^U^ f t^SiJi \$s-jp-i 

-■/^tP I H -M^si. 

l£sfc i/A/5£l£ l~fJj\s,L "jitjf " r tf 
U-U* J^U? t^rtou 3*5£ o j^j su* t^t dxiil J>sJt" 

Bj!>*aJ| JjjJt l_~**j (^j>| (j-U*l y* Jj ^^aiJt N)j 

SLJtf. Sjl* ?tjj lOj ^ju^iJU 3-«JJJUJt4^^L-S)t 

(^jUaJt Ojl^j J,UzJt ^ ^yi JiUJt ^ 1 «J) 

"AJI Vr>*J ^SaJt ;c«t*Jt Joxj 

( i ^(jo ),yUi*JJ sjuJLJI 3tjj s)l f c£>t < i ) 

if l <y.&£ eft &\yf\j>\ «z„ tru \jT&/> 

* * 

j>\ «f- iftf (Legal Tender) iff&V^j-iJjt ji 

J^lf t/urtdr<f- (Unlimited Legal Tender) (//jy %»jfj£>±,j 

t-Sftfs/Z^ (Evolution) ffc I Zl jjCU L.y--:#JZj 

-^(J^^^vt/cTcGeoffiyGiowther) /*!>£_/$? 

J?* c/U (Definition)^/* cT"J "j* Jjl ^L -^ji 
-£-* e/U (Functions) wifaj j? «£. > J ^ J j"( ,_, I -:/ji 

Qt $ tf jutJI OjjJI q* j*«sdJ ^SL. N)t 4i&» ^ ^jbjjjj j ^jtjl (51 jj ill f LS^-I ( I > 

( r ♦0(ja) Jjilt oO^+Jt ^ JjSJt jjoJI <^iL,S)t t^JI 31*. 

^iUill tSUt ^ Sj^UJ! 5,JUJt oNUU*JI 

ti^-L* ijQai jo jo- 

^Ui*U ^ jJUJI ybj ill ^t 



j>Jj>u^^c/ ; ^i/^i^J'^^u^jyy-^ 

«lri if<^£ 6f/ *J/*Jk < u&^ASs J&\z\L^i- i 

" " (0 ^ "p " " ■ 

UJ»t/t-\r C/"w/ y*f- Jsf>"' Ifi-K ^ '^ (Confusion) s L^l 


-(riA/i *)jfcir»A jj! 

^^ irr ^^ A 

*-/&& in ^jgfo ~uiJvlL& 


o^j <U«^L t> j i )U ^^Juui a^u-i lum o>^„ 

lityj 'W*Jt cJtSo (j-^Ujg jjuu^UuOlj (wAtjuJb 
t^bU* c^j rt^^jLt ^NU, t^btio ^^ UUj't ccjLT 

v»tj)» JjO. oo-l^ts LSU-fl oJLf W Lei^Jj Ovs^^J 
Aiot«+J\ o^ ^ (j^ >* <duUb SJ JU 0-o-s j^ ^iLj 

^4 1 r r a Jjt ,*J» ' t y**^ o*«-t pit 5sjl '(/s'^ 

:4-iLat ^t^ 
(r f 9/1)^4 ri A Jjt ^b ^g^Jk)) v=^bta <Oj^ (*A *£• 

^^ Ojjjujt o^tv t(^** ^ kM» o^' J^ ) r^' o*' r ^'^' r J^ ji^i ^*» 

tSj-ttS jy^^S Sj^LT c^Lf oU (j - jJLU ^j" 

Ot 3*J lW (j^ ^j-^* Lfc3 f lli-Otj -J>J5U U^*J^a 

*W- ^1 jJL* Jt> Ji* ^ DUjI c^J ^utjJt ^-jJUUI 
/^ Jl j* ^ 1 04* '^UaUl OU ill q* cJtJLs ^UiLJI 

l^ d' ^<(j^ <j£ fyu (3^) J* <L>01 t^ " 

-A^& ' r * ^iwF^. 

"6fA^ifcf (Capital) 

"^j* ^b ^> ^t o* »j*M ViijjJi ^"i- '(jH(Uk 

52iUt u-jliJU ^juDI ^ O^j %fejti> ru+3 S)_>" 


CO" jj? , l; 


«* "" M Jj| ^b <^t it^dt ft^Ub ,o Jjrt , ( <M ^js^t tfjat ^U^t 


^ii i^^j j»Sf v/A lA 0*m ux/tijie \*£a cfi 

OUt u-jAAJI ot ^U do j w \) j^^ ^^ ou,^ 

^ tM^*j ^1 ^ &L* fl*\)l uU-t Ltj-i ^^H^-Jt 

^5*2 !!I *&„ 


( '^W ) ^Ui«U i,aiUI olji ill f tSUl ( I ) 

•-/><&& ,r ^ ^bsffijj 

i - 

Ot *wU :oi* -SjiaJ O-J^tj Sr-AjJlj ^Uj O* ^.^ 

J^» Ug^jj (j-^tj yy*N t*j^ \+&\ <*^jj 0^**- 

^JUjJt 4SL, JJU *£-* OjUo L«5I : NjUi S jJ=u jjt 
)<tfj2H ft **A*h (^JUJt &**)t jS*^ Qeb^la^Jt y&U! 4iill ^ vntiX^s)! r^: 

Ui c^jjSil Qt cub! :cJi .^tjoJIj ^U^JI ^^^J- 

t^U ^iij SZsUdt (j-jUil ot» ^JU5 qj ,*JUJI j^b^l" 

/ * ** ** 


(PL I / r q j \+j ^ y ^jlsuJt U>wm ( r ) 

iT^/^'ilfe C^/l/AL uV5j?cU^ M \y t JJj 

" Z_^2^*s,uLi^Zluy5y«fU 

y> t** ^ t^i ^ ^ ^ Aj a» w tjj (j-jiai cjtb lii" 

* * i ( *^ 

OU <*Jt*Jt 3^i*iJt ^>^Ua U^i iU*n : J>e *jsJt JtJj" 

(v5U)t tfiMJ ^j <LJU QUi N)t ^j* : cJJ oJL£ 

f Us3 ^ Cfci bj N) «0! ^VMaJt J «^j o*!j tit (j^t ^Jt 

"-^JtiJt 3*i*i)t 

i/L/^J^ivM^)^i dO\ 



-M*JisUlt\fjy' -A 


(Sj^jJI Z»lj&) :jb**J| jj ^j .Si^jJt 5*J (0^0)1)3* : jtX*-»Jbju jLfc^JljjJI ( I ) 
fk-itj *4I*j jv*tjoJlj v^W eJj^»J *42«tfl : JUJI cuij^sj <4JL^-. cu-JUt * ; t * U j 

: jJO^ltn** 

V*^ (j> >^l' lW (>^ ^^ OJJ SiL, jJt i)l <4 cMoSii) jubdt tjjfcj ( Si^jJI) " 
q* jf i^aS Ot it >*Jf J 'jU^Jt j L^jiJt j f UJaJI jjO Li^U-J <U^*J ■JLT.^ Nj *G N) 

(TY I /I) ^i^t ^*JI ^i \jS 

^ia- "^j^JI ^JijjL-JI <(llOI ^yuJI (j-J,* q* jy*^> ^^LJI) ^^feH < 

"-L J\ J 3&.MI tjl^t ^ - 

Uf» P<U*2-x d?<^ 2-fd^O??^ " 

??J^i Uj (^l>&«.y!j ^Liitj NUsUju 1$**^ 1$**j 


Jjl ^b 'VO*Jt v^IjIj <o Jjrt (*ui * [ * Jf*n ^-^ CM^ ^^ ^j*-^ 1 

-y*te// I^A ^^J^J 

jt O^ EfJj** 3*aAJt j v^OJt «J >t>Jlj OJuLtftrf jJLJt)" 
u Sj*o fjt^ B^j <u*^r q* o&Jb juLJt ^: v^" 

At jSJt fW-l J j ,o Jjrt (ip^hAJt (y-jjAll oojv **£)!) ^^1 <nte*J\ ^ul. (f> 

Q* (J-sO^)t ^ (jA (jr»5U)t O ^J (J" 1 -*^ ^^»4 U>*iL« 

ji\ (Cash Payment) {J^fc-^^ij \$/)ij>\" 

(r)„ f 

ijjjljr j^ jl (j-^4 LJj- jJLIb i^JUt ,*-o >-* Lp^-Sj" 

■-AW/ ^ ^j^fcj 

J>.§s. Lv L Zl (i>*U 4£< ii>*U I «£ Lv4&: tv 
ji J^6*A> & ifi <yt JL J^\$£*\p«L fab 

y>j f oat o^ L?t z&t- UJ o^ u oUJ ill ^ tjjbij 

oJLdb ^t Qft 5Lt^Jt j ^LiLiJt j-jo t j-J ULT jt 
tjitjl ^^ jt «uaflr o* UuiDb uuUJI ^ Oj^aJt M^Hli 

J^Wt t^j 3*mj 3*as jt i^jo ^jtjS tfr-^&J buj lit 
iJjLJI U^jjtfMj (iOjS^) JajLiii tj JJUjdtj 

pAljtkJt cJtf *3ti ^ja)! U^ uJUbNj qj jJJ) ^bJJIj 

(iH/o ^jji g^suj ^jtj ^^LSJt -oat ( p ) 

(^^Jbf*jflfef$i&J'\ l£(JV 

+ ^ w ^ w •• fr + 

(0 ':r^ 














-tf 2-1/ dU j*V<£ J^j* fK>lZl J^jf >l/<^J/<L Lfc-^ ^' 


jJij^Jt *siUU fl»N)t ^Ajj ^t CUL-«JI UgjjSt ^ j^tnlt r>=JI 

yt Ufc-* j+* jjI ) (^jSJ! ^U)l 3^u*JI Jj6t <£» ^i ^tfcl vbtf* 

firr/r )wA i r . . ^ ^ ^ j^JI 

-I ju^ "^-JJ^J 4*a£JI _j| i_*AJJt Qfi 

bj\ ^5*^0 ^U St jLmJJ tS,u>J >^)t Jaj ^ Jo M (W " 


£? y^^X^ JZj&d^s \JfJZ\/i c- jt (Contractors)c/^U> 

"-U jJt J a^All tjLitt <^u3 ijii^i 
_"(i r^/r )tjus#l jt t^^i^t u^ol *t>- -bj^ (jajliUI j" 

<^a^t£Jt j (JjUjJI J J>Wt t-*as-J **aiti 3*a» jl ^*AJ^ utAJ^T t^-J^v t*^j lit 5^bJJ1j 

"j>Jt ^ Qfrj J^L JjpU ^ ^frj: jt^l 
<CM&* ^wJb ILfciNj NlitjSUo ^jJL> ^uhjJI" 

(r) 'i*^ 

— r"ft ^ii^j^OI jj^t ( tfuo^l (_jSi*J* (_jJ* q*jJI *^*) JixJU JUjJIjJ^c i ) 

Uj^I vU <St3UJt ^jtiT </vL~e 4*j*| (f ) 

-J*4tj/ ">a ^J^&j 

NJt oAjJb L-JfcOJt ly**^ JtS^o* -h-^o^O-* 
-b^lt pS^A* j^iatt ^jt oUj oU 

* . . -^ 

(Compulsoy)^^^ j^ 

(Volimtary^vL^U^ Jl 

(Compulsoy) v/?^ 1?* 

t£j,j)\<ytif* (Creditor) c/b c-~ c^ (j ^/^ jtf J/: - 1 


(Optionaly)v J &l~* ^ 


>f &~i^> &^ljj\+ ^; 

^£)f^>£^J0'\fj}\J>js\<[ i >^)j^fjk,j2_ i / 


(Similarity c^V/Ji/ 
U&tjr^f ^> <%J\ />J\ j3\s.\/sM 

** * 

"J \ff ( (j>> I ; ) (j\S jt ^J^iJI "}(£- J^}*~r\e \$/*>-H ' '<£- (^ V" If 

f rr _r r ^ ^W s-^ ^ tJO^j-sJt * i £ < i r ^ ^jt vLiT ^ ijt j>jI <a i 

^ytftf/ nr ^iwf^j 


(Optional Condition) A/</L> 

^jL p.y*s Jj^a) 8 f-L^ot jl jJUJt ;**J ^J jJUJI J_>" 
Q,ijJt«lJ) jo-SJ jUJt ajo4 jl j^«Jt jji -b^^ij Of" 


~-A&djA [if ^^a 

S J i * 

J*vj st^j o<& fUx«NI1 j| ^«iJt dUj-T-tiJ <u o-£j 3^" 
"-".* (V>J 4*U j^Ep tfOJt £***)! 




(Deferred Payment)^ I 

if / - & ^ y 





< Ji*jSii* <**ug %Mtj iLi*j^» v^^W v^oJt" 
tt>j fv^i ^i*T 3*oi)b ^jJt I>jl^ ^jt oJLS jbjl j! 

-m q iJ^O! a j* < t^j^t yiz«J| jLft ^oJt ^SJu:) ^^U JU-Jt j^"( * ) 

JUJt o>j 4^UJ ub *yu** Qi <U)lu^ Ql (-**-2J! q_p 
• Jt5j <iWi ^ft j*t el^Ji t^ijj 0-5 J (v*tja tJL*jj U>jJ 

^ <L ^Jii if j sf&Mjf&j&J'ji zC f* 

9 \y*4 f Ij*j QgJU L*£fcL»t>JU jU-juJtj ft-AjJ^W ft^JOJt 

q&j < )$ ■ j+± Jtti ^JaJt j^Uj c^Ot Jaaus UStjjl 
c**iU ft-**a1j «**$ JJ Qt^j <cubuS lit* Lbj-fr U§j ;c^l 

U/& c/Jtj/<£-^ ixsJ/'sM J3\j&3j£>jt iff 


i • • ** 

:^JjtjJt ^i UJ (^Jj^Jt i*>t Jao til jypj 

a* rft # ^ oi:«* ^ ^ ^j ^-t o^ ] a* 

JtSS OJJ «*u vU*«| qj j^t ^ pjti ^| j ^t _p" 

</ <5jjN ^i>y (Wu :cJUB ^J^jSii- j^t JUS rUbjSlt 
(J>ut UJi (j j* Nil 3JXJt ^i r Ub Nil j o»>**-lt ^ 

• * f 


Ujj S)| i^JJb ^^OJt ^JSJ JtJ l^t tfjo «JU* j^lj 

Oj^ti t^l : JB <i» J^ ^ ^ b ^| ^ 
QfiJt^kJt ^^s Otj^L. UjJ ^ t# a-jjt LSjj (jJU * 

"-jUJI ^ Lmjla-Jlj J^tjJt 0J3^ tJJJ 5^aiJU 

(jy«vj/ oirsjisL. u^A <u* tjU t^ >y; ^ 
<l£ ^/iXJiv/^'yo^yj^/cri ffwiwj 

Aril jw fc *-*)Jt **»t ^t Q^^to^Ot U JUi ^tJU, 

4*A* «^ £5WI Jjupi ^** ^ «JJIu^ al$tf (Jju J^p 

jUjoJ) : 4jJt^p Jli^ t^T^ t Ou>j ob^JI 
W t^t tukA U^ j^iS) ^jjJL, ^jjJtj jUjjJL 

f<J^Od , ?L.ftjdfaj>sj?L\dA Ct iS 

<d J& Ji^ S& N)t Ijjb Jia qs. ^^ jjjg& <dUI Jj^j 

J 1 ' 



f& ^l \$jijJ*<Z- jf&Mfjt ^>M£- tftfAzti&HfStf 

rf^jtji jJtc- o^ j br^ y« £_ UJ? i£ <=_ <L if ijf ^ ifyt—y 

***** #* 

(,) Jt-\,yfs\,J.^lH<L-,j 

c^,y;^^r^y^^ry/^i^^uYJ7y; PJ u^-r 

(Wastage) o^ T 

^f-£- Ir U ^ tj^iX/'^-f- C^t^L/'t ^- (-/' ctf i- ti-'V^yi 




www.KitatroSfitn^t com , ~ 

^/^X(^iiLjLv^Lzli^b i 7y;vX^vuYi/^^ 





i_^Lv^ ( 'tZl(Comex)Lr?V^/(Forex)tAlJL%l' 

I "Cash Trading" /4/^tf jCf ^ J^ if C^ (/>^ 

/(/^ ^ tU £; tf ^U^J/jj js1<l$ 2£ "Spot Trading" 

<f- CQl*? Jv>y cfJ^ faS&Jj:j£«L- l" if l/ "Future Trading" 

C^l/' <i- (Empire Resources) (j* JJ ^ U j jS I^X/i 

The objects for which the Company is established 
arc as follows: 

To install equipment operate and provide faciliteis 
of communication through monitors and appraticc 
link up to as a commission house between the 
clienets and brokerage house in the various finance 
trading centres of the world. 

HA ^ifc\J**kj 

-:<p jy^^U^ J Empire Resourcces 
Interest /Premium are paid of charged basing on 
the number of days for a position trade. 

Spot /Cash Trading Jjlf 

tJ$<J&- tf?$b\ iSfi&J JsJz J?'^ LV^L L J\)»XS 
-*.£-'/ \? t^^tvbyjt ^jy^o+JiSijJ yl-r-jit iff 

Future Trading (Jl?f 



OUit ^>UJt Ot ^ 9 t^ jf*J il jw*-*-o J^Ltj l-b^>-j 

Future contracts are firm commitments to make 
or accept delivery of a specified quantity and 
quality of a commodity during as specific month 
in the future at a price agreed upon at the time the 
commitments was made . The unique attraction of 
future contracts is that they offer an efficient and 
affordable way of participating in the commodities 

(M A/6)jttf,JtjjJt (|^ 

markets without all the complications associated 
with owning the physical matereriol -such as 
arranging for delivery . Storage and insurance, 
Less than three percent of all future contracts 
traded each year result in delivery of the undrlying 
commodity, instead traders genrally offset their 
futrure positions before their contract muture 
realsizing the profit of loss which is the difcrencc 
between the initial purchase or sale price and the 
price of the offsetting transaction. 

^ ^ V 

>±}j?\sL cAfc/V ^^ /&<^ C^f/^l " 
<U^5 'UjjjU (3^^ <>^ o**^^U*u^l q**^ 

' -b jJt ^s 4^., A ,1I IjLsftl <Uflu5 Ja^xiui 

^^S) <* to?^ j/jJ^f <st to? d^\J?JZ\ I *Jjj? 

/J^\Sjt JS^^i cTtv^^L J"' «£- t-lf Lt ^ 

>u JvL [)a; £? iSJ^f 1 ifc-" W <£ u* u^ 

Olj ft jUs <UUi! ojL-tf r^Lbuo \)L> U$j \) ^ j^j 

Jjt ^ '«*U*JI ^=SJt Jj. <^j^j (-»ii« ^yuJt ^jj| ^jjt Ji$[*o oj^juUI 



jt (V-^Jt jowl «UuLf jJu ^J ^J (4ijUo*Jl ^ J-va-»" 


(fsr/r )C i) 

"-tij^s (j*-J Sj^i-j *u^jr Q* J^Jb J*£JI ^ :<u*Ju" 

vii (Cash Payment) JjKJ"^ ^ c<l^ l^-^I " 

; 0-^* j^*J jl lJ-^!*J LwJL* tMiJU jJUf ^_*j 3_A Ltj_ij" 


j^JU Q*i)t qp *JuL*Jtj tUaiLiJt j^j t^ UL^ jt 
t jal jt <6 j** jt <UJ> q* i>UJb uJLJI ^ Oj*«Jt : I3KJL3 
jt q-£j*sw jt Q^^SL-a 4*aa)lj L-J&jJI (JJJ^ jJlLJLj 

J^WI *-*flrJ 3^»jb 4^aS jl l-J& j^ l-J&Cw t^-Jj?j U*j tit 


1 u s"S$- u*riy<*- d^&w: "j&"<^i/ 

^^^/^(jlj/tiil^l L^Jv^ 

(,) <L^U 

fion'r.iP'i u3)i 3U| JJ i 3 ; ( i ) 

y I? iVZl ill J # lTlA^ jd' L# ^ U* J^ 

^Jyv. ^IU$jL*1 j**j Qri-Ji^ 4^ jJu LJi ,*-«--> Qt" 

Jjt ^b <3**J*)1 L-oSJljb Ojjjj (^ljS ^ I * ^j^l (j* - ** 11 ' O^' Jait>c kJj^t^JI 


^ i^V^f fl/d?A fiSt- £b^lf<zL ^j\Sjri 

(' 'I'vi) jjj^i ^*< ! ) 

JJ^-J 'U^JWj q±*J£Lj ^^JlDI ^-^v>-ritLkJ 0>^-d 

iOhjJj '^WJt cjt£* (jj^uju jjjci j-^UjJtj a_ai juJLj 

** * 

. j* &?u£ btV^ Ji/u^V jfc-ft^ 

^ tj 4i*d> ^1^*- U^W^t Qi-uilltj (jJiJt ^j jyJtuj 
r)^supb e**£> AjJUi)! Q N) Oj^M ^ : lMJ*-« J(j < ^-iuj>J 

^*-6JijjJtj jvAjjJ) /C^J 'U^L^I jtfJ4 tjtf' t it UT jUw 

(r) , 


<0 (jA 

- ! 

- f 


' -4 

^ 4*51 J\ (j-jJUUI Q^ < J 31 * ^Jts ^Ut j^ ^jjJLo-JI 

e/^f «-±}\j$jL <L> £ (^*05 Jjf Jjf ^ " 



fj** j aSLj (4) O3S0 ^> ijJwtUt ^4^0 I jjW (j^LD! O' 
<> (/* O* ^ Ctf ^^ J u — 0*^ ^ Jy%i^ 

jJUjJt *£Lj Jia *£— OjUo Lg}| : MLsj S>iaJ jjl 




Lit jj> 8bt ilj c/jJLiJt yJ dJi Bj-^l : dUL* JL3j" 

>** <ji\ Q* *M *>«^J ^*r» (jjt Qi J* ji Q-* ^hA-II 

: Vjd 1 C* Lf^ J Bj "^ tj *^ fWbljjJIj ^UjJU 
J&- ^5jUjSU Lu^Ji UAji cJ^o tit : J**-> ^ { ^ Jt5 

-^(Certificate)'!^ ' if (Debt)c£>^- 1 
,^(Goods)"e^ 'L^V-r 


y if^y ±,L>\«z- \$j>sjl Sjt ^ /gj^jfa* ^^ 

-(^1/r)J v i^i,i^J y i/(^y t pJo^t[Jr')(iy^^^l J U/(l) 


£tfi^L*ijiy.t)&lsjjrh)ijjfbZ-\l*< = ~jt^^\}' 

Js>Ut ^5 dJt jXil \) Ot f ji*«-» ( VV> ^y *** JJJJ 
^-SjV aAjuJI O^s JjJUl Lb|j *3_*aJ CJJJj <^LbjJ 

if"'ifjZ fji J3\ ^i/t- fJ^jfil CI^J^ <£- 

±js\ «z-<^<jt yzAsj^M Jbf<u?(jj) j/V^y 
tst J\k jj» *Js J^ukc *J/*m+ ~sji" 

q* ^Lol&fl jt NUUl/> ij***i ^auu ,*>j jl jfljj O^aSJj 

4tt>! oNii>t ^ t3j^J! ^j ^* ^OU^Jii tCuh pJLfr tit" 

-0 '"'(J ) (V*ljtOtj ^tbjUl {\SLp-\ ^y ftitiJ! <t*£AJI JiT ( I ) 

qx. (^--J 3^1 qs) dUi q_* ^^^ ^j LjjJl) j^j^j 

±)J£<d$J>&ft\4dLl-toLoti " 

j&*Jf<^ $j^/L ±Ufc<jt £ 

JvMiJ ^Wstf* SjS^l tfcj u^u tjJfa (j^J J-»buX)| 

I v * t * 

J ^jiiJtT 4j jiJJt 3! jj N)l Ot L* .H Vi j ft ■ >f fi^-Jfc" 
Jty Ml vyl 431 iiiiMj <«*£>>Jt 4j^iai)U ^^jOJIj 

( Ar u* (/j^ ^b u j^ y* V*^)t ^ 

Jf feWV' <^ j* J/if (A/ uti(& i w <<-£ 

oyJt (3WLj ^^aUt f tat) UbUj 1 jjfctis t^t£j»t ^*-ar 


www.Kitab^Snniwt.coni -i/Sc^v* 


t * 



<u*jj LiiLuLj : JJbJ 4)1 ^j-j ^ULiLtt f L«S)t JLS 

^ ^Jj^Jt ^ J*t*^l QiO^i Qi> Qft Lit j-sil OjXJ 
«Gl t-^j&t ^JJ j^ ^t ^Ja-3 J_*J LSj-XsLi jj^jLsn-iJI 

- ' r ( ^'^' r^ ,jb j ' ^ r J 1 -*^ ^^ s -j^ w ( ( ) 

J*£<^J-I, '4 } Je ^^$L fa\Jr£f^, {jjtp^LA, 

^j*7 1? vi I * zL. ^js"j <<sL jZ-js.j (jZ«z„s jj><£. (Service Charges) 

<jfft7jlf(fbjt L j & Uai jag <J>J <jS f\JHj* 
UjLJ ^ SU^Jt tJJLaj ^2 ^)\ Q\ pJLa-t Q\ t-Jp-JJ 

Wj JU7 -UJt J-*aiJ UJt J£Ju»J\j (jOj-yaJUt ^ii Sit 
f jJjSLi ^is. io^\ o^J ^ 3>>r Nit JpJ JUa-tN)! 

JUajNJt 8^1 4A\j£ >*)| ±,&* fUL> q* {ff fj\ ^ 


(l*Ari »-i/^)(^ J tiJi Cr ^t (I) 

*4 (,/* jilt tiM (j*-' '{%&**)! (_c^Jt >*J 4 ** uj ^JUol * Vj JU * (j-^^ '^-jLb— Jl so^tj" 

t, ** 
* ' ■■ ■ ■ " ■ — . 

(I A/A)^iU4Jtj>(l) 

^J-S C^ O*^ 1 C5*^* ^-^ -W 1 f W ) ^-93*^ 'CJUdJtj *U-,V)I v^^ 

JUJI v^UaJ V^ ^ '|V*3»)*J ^ft-. frtt U^*J Oy St ^*J' f^b ^+4*JI Q^-Ji TC^j" 


(jJUmoJI f UA Qi (j! j^lu^P _^o>jI JaJLv) ^U-UaJt 'CJtjjJt 0^ U^-*a-« ( I ) 

j^jiyUJI -uw <_$*' (^ bUxi qj aJJtck^t ^£^1 JiiL>) ,»«-*) I "U*i .jI qjI iJ^j { l ) 

c/^'-f- J-^ l^-» j ^*d <J^ -*j^ Jif J iC J^(iL/!Ai^ 'j'l/^A/^^ ^ 

(Exceptions)*^ \* ti^l 

ro/f)ffA)i r *r pj-.^b^^Lill ^iS^Jt o Jjri .j^-oJUil ^loi^l ^tSJI (i) 

-jl ygi\ 41*3 4Jy» Uw^J qSo rtJ Qta -kiJJ jJ 

( m r /r )^ ^X^UJI tijtiiJl ( r > 

-=^ cT' t j^^^^c^ r.^^^^^^^ /.^y^iJ5>^i^C L^L/ 2 ^- ' 

t ***** \ * * • 

<rr i /0) J3 Uojta oj^ '(j&UJl ^>0I ^^^^Jt ( i ) 

4*)l s-*^i tfJJI i>J' &jb ,**+*■ y-» L>>*JI i-JLJLj Q\ i)t (.$! 0_)-*Jt ftj-J O' ^ " 

B^JNJ t$3t ^K^flJtj ^^^ ^AjT to4)j 5^r :■ J| 

J> AJbli yiCT (Jb>*Jt (jaAJ yZll ^ Jb ^2Jt ^j 

m^^ri;^^^) ,j^/i; 

0)c, jj. 


IvL-fyJvL J** Jfj,lp tor 1 f 6 J- J0 JCrsL e/i 

& J'»l l^ wT^Zl tf\j\sL (/tfjjfc Vjx^fJJlS^iJ 

(0 -fo 

C r r u 3 ) (yUid) SijJLJl ot jl5 ill fi£>t c i ) 
( * A ^> (OJt; ^ j>^ (jj=s) sjjtei\ q~*\ 

ot*j ^iS"li jl JtCi! <* m * njyg <J^ t Jj jj! hjUS . ( I 6^ JaJi ^^ <0Uj ( i ) 

^if jfi l ^ j/ti/L/if jy^^ JVv J( f J^^V (i^/± 

,( r ^ A/ 1 ) jj jolt n^s ( ' ) 

: ^Jt-K-" <j» UJ <j*Wt 0^-1 (JaJ til j>*j 
q+J ^\ji\ (j-^il! o^l ^b* ^JU ^Ut JCL* ^-jlUt 


t-fdyj^ ^(Indexation) w£i^Uj^J^jV^ 

(0" / , 


(Islamic Alternative) f (Jjj l> JlJU' i "v^ jt ^ U U ^ ' & U to ^y^ 
-«f^— lr LTr^cX li^-Clv l^>^ V^bvlr^^^iX^^^-'^ 

^J (_£/)) » if- (Spot) ±U \$MSj„fj)-r 

** * Of * ♦** * 

b\.JiX^*j6^}»kftjyjjc^S.^<S.d^- r 

i * >* » 

NJ t+j Bj^t^Jt /CL- J^Njt: OV^tj 4—UJt B^ftUJt" 
^J^O^ (j-*J^° (J^-J 4a**Jt f I ju eJjj 4 sn ^ J^JJ 

: <u$«Jt qJI jilt ^5j 

(0 . i - • i - 

J»j^i v**^<u-i^ ^Jt <u£j ^1 jJt ^ ^i 3_* jJUJI 

C)Uao>^ ^***U t&U ^ O3S0 0' 0^ jCLt 
(0 ( _ 

V^ t$j ^J( J*+*)1 j w^*Jt) o**j^ ^JJU» S j^t>* 

tit f t j-DO j-^Jl J***)tj 5-— ^Jt qa Sj^e-t^J bluest 

,l*A^>l jl Ua*l5* Qjj^t^xJJ jUWt Jsj^j cJtT 

W *JU*|| J9j*A >»t»vfl ^U*J siUj O^J Q; ; j ^ ' ' 


L^^^/(/^IK^^L^> U Cj>_^ Jf^D j^| JJJ^lU 

( ' A U° ) f t>^ 'S^^t j*et**Ji ( ' ) 


J**t>*JI O^ J*jK* rfijJt f _pbj j5br ^ti Sj^fc! j_*J| 

JtSj (j^UJt o?UJ ^aj N) JjupSs^jNj OjJLj jo 

^ ±Ji)\ J> (v A J*>S ^ ^uJt ^ Ob: JeU uuu 


— -**it u^ 1 ^ W ^ tU J**-i 

ij2>* ^Lk^alJtj it^-jX-oNJt OUU-fr ^ L^lt^j^J^NJ 
<a*2> >y*^ ^MoJt : fij^oJI b juta rt-SL?-j -5JLjlJ 


(JjZZj Q\ (j-lj^i > *flJt O^Uj-J' U^tjJ lilj : JL* 
: JUs f >• Q^t tiJJi ^Lt (ja3 U5" <l fULt Ly 1 1; o 2J 

tJa*o t^flj^ 4jvj^)t OLUo^Jt jjU^j S^mJLj 5 t u * \\ 
O* (^ °U (^ ^ (*rft**^ (vJljt *^ J«4 t*-jt-jj j-^ 
^^UJIj^J^j dJS^^JLS 


tlU ^)j <^&l 4^W ^i^iJ! JO* ^»j M ^^JLjljslj <jjLj N) 
ferf tfL- c4^»>'^J' <f- C^lf tj ^'7f-?l/ Jo^ 

U A> IJ$«f- few 9Jfs f2-fj& > jSts tJ^eZs Jj u>/* hiJt «l. few 

- (6(jP) ^oSLJt j J^j>JI aj2t ( I ) 

A/is cfJ'fc'*- &*s/ L riJLfft^ijJl&L d-AlL J\/ 

if AsJjf' fa jft&tfjlr'tf (Physical?^ 

03 if** ^(Constructive Possion)^? \J^\y~<£~j))J~0)j \/ L c~ \J\ 

_>%*<# rLr ^U*3&&3 

(Value) jjjjJ 

'^U^lf (Goods Commodities)" ^if^ru^/ihW^A 
Oj^kZ, "hi $•<£- &j \fc- (Purchasing Power)*i J^ ? " L>5^ I 

r^r ^-it-j^i 

"^LJt\jJt}\ Hj-O " jt ij/^i <£$- ^J \fc~J*. A^ ?6j j^ 6 j iJuj ^ 
~^ t* if if "Purchasing Power"jZij>Slj)i 

Introduction to Keonomic PrincipIes,P:332 
The Theory of Money and Credit. P: I 17 




j 2 J? Jhj 


k/* r 







-^j>J/^ (Jiyvj I (Money Changers) 



(i •/<>) ^t^JI viU; JJL> Jit ^tSj^t r^ C) 

V*^ : lWj «***M O^Jji : JJu <O^JI jJ j| ^ijL^aJI 

?5£ J^ (C* ^r+*$ St^ \fyM- jO^aj \) <t^^j ^hU\ Q\_}" 

/vAtjjJI 4*_j <uU O^ ^3ri-Jl rvitjjJt cLLU OU" 

(r)ii '£73 n 

„ MM** 

^.yty^j/ TZ.A ^i^j^k,; 

3ixi> ^1 j^S : Jj )\\ : J!^Jt 3-£Lt L^ii- ^JLt ^_£)l 
ic*3j l£U*S <uU LJ*J3-»y t JUS ^^-* f i>-*->t J ^-aJLcDl 

*£Jtill f^Ji ^UOI amJ! <wWI bjjjJ! .s^ '^^Li^l <uuUI a-*-^-* ^-^ C r ) 

(nir U P) lS AiP'^ 

^jliJt c-a/j. O' : (fi*>' 1 *^' Si-iL>j _jp^-5LH rj-iJI ,-i 

O'-S <f J^«J! f >{ ^4*^t Oj^l C*«t>^ jv cJL*CC«il ijti 

rtJj f^ti^W-l^ll f ^J 54*S)t O j^lfrt CL*A»d-j| ftj Clw0y>_& 

j-ix) 4^U| ^)t f^joi*. >^(j ^j— Jj-J Q-^ BjLx>1 (JtM-9 
JlSj ljI^I 3AJ :.J$l£JI q^*JI ^j! JIS <p_SL*Jl f >j 

"4Jj^t j^tbjAj l^j^l 

-£- U l i<z-~ &J [Suit 

t * 

J*J\ ^L*J! ^t Qi j^>u> ^jJI ^^i) ^^1 <7r^» rj> J\ rt***JI ^Lfti { ' ) 

Jsja-JI ^ ^t ^ £*> jJt ^ ^uOt jSbr ^>) ^ja-Jt ^jtUJJ L5jL*JI (f) 
?SA f I* M Jjl ,*J=> (^j j^autll 4^£_J! 'CJJ^-J (;sA 9 I I ,y>^-H 

QaiJ J>&±\ Jifl ^3^**^ ^-^-5 '^3*1 (^ > *** 

~>j>*>iSJFsJ>/'? /ry^^/r 


-^^UJt ^*-j jjs-l fL5 oIj -**^ ri-** ^ 

l$5jT ^ CiJr^ iLilJU (JJ3JUUI O' :3AJLj- ^ ^*^J 
fro N)j <V+2t *i*s La^e- JU J^-flJ 1*J^ L& cM-*^ 

(ri/£)jta**]1aj (I) 

CJ> f 3J _>>t>Aj iL^JI o-5j !>-*-*-« j-^*-b <Q-*-^ 
"-l#**S ^ ^w^c Jy ^j 

** * ** i 

Ji&^ys£^u&i/»<<^j2s fulfil 


(rro/r ojjc^lt (JjLzAJIj (fi /£) jt^,Jbj( i ) 

^iaS tfl >>T (jit (joxJiJ c*-jj^j (j^jJls >"■ I h t Q\i' 

( /A^Zl L ^y^^Lj'^^VZld^ 

Sab jj Oj,Ju lil ^Jjt ^Ij q*j <t# J*«UlM phJa fij-*£ 
qSo /vJ <u r J^aUlJt JJau pj <i>^t jl JX-; ^L2jI ^j" 

<U (j-Ji "V *UU*)I O^aJiJI lM=H^ td^ «Us>3l >Jj 

"-<U* <JJ| ^J <yttl£JI <uU (jfli <LbJ\ (jdJ\ J^J^lt 

f la o* j*a* /^Vt ot ^J i5*J» j-*^ tf >M tr^ H 

(r Ar/^> tijyJJ vJ^*J! r>i ^>wwJl ( r ) 

(jo) t^l^it jt ^b cJtT t\y* (Js ^aJI cJj t f t: > <J 
L?jLJ ^ ^fl^JLj : JUS *Hj-JUJt jvAtjjJ* ^5 <>*>! 4JU- 

c^abU l$J±a ojojh QlT <0 N) % U*t*JI ei*^ ojwi 

^i*j tfl 1^»>>^ *JySs p^tjijt U^id (Js jHM Qtf Qt" 

(jjUJI (JjuI p-t>-i <U50 jt O^ 3 ^' ^ 4ieU«Jt qji (j-»UJ| 

JWI sjJb ^5 S^^-XjJI j (j-^UJt Qt 4**£J! (JJjTn )IH 


Qi qlo^\ ^-i^j <o"kk* Qil QijJt <$>>■) ^m*JI ' j-«SJl rj^JI <ul^ ^ ; t i II ( i ) 

qa ^pv^aJt) QUaL.Jt [Qfijs*** Sj--S^«jt L^jJj oLT Q\ 
J3j <p£u j^iT <u f >*j ^bvolill jSTt <4*j^ 

(0 «~ Ml - 














^•tl +4^ 






if'C^ t^>i oj&^s 



* i *f + 

(Inflation)/! 1,1/i 

AM ft tfi-Uj J-^i j^V friSuf?" 


The Thocry of Money and Credit: 

"An increase in the quantity of money that is not offset by a corresponding 
increase in the need for money , so that a fall in the objective excange value of 
money must occur.'T: 272 

(Chracteristics) ^Ur^jvJil/f 
-^(TU^JUl(jJ(Cr^itMoney)(i7p! J /j^f'l>5! 

^ ^Vff^J^i'/!^ : (Troting Inf);J il/l I* Cif I - r 

M L ijjUl f/cJ^^> :(Stagflation) A y\}\ \Jj/j -& 

* J<£- i}ycj \ffn cJ) *Jt c- & i } \IL j J y \) I ji I (Recession) &*>* 1/ 

j +* ** 

i ^ ♦ 

mm ** j* 

(Deflantion) /j^/ 

► ** ■ **- ♦+ 

'f-lr^Jil/l^^^^^/iJ^jjB,^^ (Creditors) 
- U^ i#V^ v O (Creditor); iA^ v^ 

"Deflation signifies a diminustion of the quantity of money which is not offset 
by a corresponding diminustion of the demand fur money , so that an increase 
in the objective exeange value of money must occur".P:272 

** * *S7 

^aS {J\ j^T ^ (jflj^_iJ c*-JjJ (j->JLi i". 1 h t Q\y 

ojLo /w '/iAjj 331* juul!! q*> cJtf ^Jj < >**i)l jt L$j 
Asi jt C^ 3 ^ "j** ^ u 3 * 1 -^ &*>y L/-5^ ' " ^ J ^" 

t^aii 3) tjJj 'l^ji Oj^aJJ ^*iJJ St>i* cJtT jt rt& jt 

r-*L> Zl ^ Jtf u=3j Zl JS?j£^fl<£„ &)/> 

j^IU J£* ^Lko^j UJLi p^jo^ ^^JLi jjjfiL* OjUo 


ft B>*-» alj JbjStt 4 ^ t j^s L*>JLS JJa^J ^Lj q\ 

jt&Li ftJ t*Ai jt ^aijl Lj^Jlj tjJLj ^Lj O^-s (j 3 -^ 

<U (j-J Ot Sjj^Wi 3-ajj_)t SjLj* j tt ^ j 1 ,„)( 
-t^l+j S^tNjj ^L*Jt jJs> tilt ^*-ojUN)t 

sjjSi «o ni ^t y» jjuji ji j^s-i ii a*> g>*j jjis" 

<0 ^J t j^T jl ^LiS o^ ft 3-1 /*Uj^L» ^h 1 -^* (j^-J ^°b" 
til ^Jai^Jt <^ti < ^juJt ^^Ju L*Jt (j-S-i LgJ t£>ckj*vi ft-J 

"cJLfc jt CU**£j 

(f'VA) ?rt>uJt 5j?J (f) 

fit* ^ <uf;W j/Y^f i <-* ^ l ^iAy 

'■ ^-A^Ji*^ J^ <C*^a>j jt ^JaJUl JJ» ^/jJiJt c*Le- tit" 

A ♦ 


(iJJt jL*)t dUjo Ju&0 yJUsuj .(ijJ^Jt >**J^J 

(dA^f) ijSjJ! v^C 1 ) 

O* S-W </-» ( ^HJ^t ^5 ^j-5 \jS r^Jt C*JJ O^ 

Jj^ll f US)tuo*i Cm*>JL5I ^>JLiJt cJLt :(J _L£JUJt 
<U* :tX* ^iKJI JtSj *U^fe <uJ_t ^ : i|j| ^JUHj 
'Lf >^t ^W*J (jMJt j ^J\ (*_>_) p^Jbt jjJI q-. t q?^ 

L£>^JI Qb r>0 &«M 8jSj BjXJ (j* &*-*■£ **JLi-J J^»J 
frfctft 4*0* J_j*j Ql u^ji Ot ^rt^uJt Q-. ^HjiT ^J 4-Jl* 

www.KitftboSuftnat.rotn «#t fUiSj 
ft/) Jfr (\.\ ji\- t jtf^h £±p 93 fr £ jj» 


J^VJ/Zl l>y^ ft! Jcu\$ <£■ 2-A>ti?fii 



(Price Index) ^£ffcU*? 

, L/? 4^i c^ (Index Numbersp/^j^iiy^ri 


(Index) s .vl?-!ya' l '<^k'lfk / '(Comparison)^;ir*lSj^(£_wU> 

(Goods & ^l^ ,L^I cTJ>*; ^L^lIi ^U*' 4""^- (J^l/i 
^* ^ UiT J^ oET^jj (Jcf^yr >^^— U USTj*^. i; U l/'/ ^*^ L"a > Services) 
< (Real Value) ^J J^Ul/i J/j Sjs I (Face Value) c^f \Sa \i \$J\ 




(Basket of'^c^^'^^i/'^^t^^l^ljc^^i/^T 

~Ut2L Goods) 

(Basket of Goods 
& Services) 

/a = Jb 

Lj\>\ CAri^J <t£ 4^ (Weight of Commodity) "tfh <g"c/lj 
^Ul^L (Weightedlndex Number)'!,; £ I ; b&h " 

(Simple IndexNiimbery^l?|wU%7l?!(/IP^ULj^;jJ*jfJ 
























tf i^W" 






** * ♦* ** i 











a** ♦ 


&•• ♦ 



p * • * 


i » ♦ * * 


I* * ♦ * 

(Indexation System) 


i * ** 

US' : JB : 4it JU? -0)1 ^j C^j^JI j^l-, ^1 ^ 

^*Ij fvA e-W ^w** ^ ^Uj J * «7 . M ®* <JLH J>-jj 
Ck>U) t3l : JB V Ij^SLa ^J- s+3 J^t : JULS '4*-^ 

ut ^j^S^AJtjr^ fas 6 'fa &/L fah&p 


ft^-uj *t>- Ji^Slia nUb nUtj j^ j^Jtj ^j*iJb 
tit fvZLA uiuS* l^iu^i LitJUo^Jt BvXfc c-to-t lit* <lL*j Il^s 

J^_ ^ Sue- Jf (J &i I \fj ^ U c^ ?j y^J** " 

^Jt J>-j JtS : JQ <Cct ^Uj <d)t ^j S^^ ^t qj. 
<^aiJtj Ji*-J^io 0J>; L-jjj v 4 ^- 1 ^ e^JijJt : ^ 

_ ( 46r/i ) J JO SJt^b t (i) 

Uj^j 4*uJU ^aa)tj f t$J**j U^kJ ^jbjJU »_AjJt : JUS 

Qi\^» >!JtiJtj jtjxiJtj QrflM^ Q&J** >& J-^J ( ^-**-J 

O^ rtJuJW nJuJtj (^it>*^ o^ ->**^ >**Mj t>t ( * L *^ 

BOA ^jh*! j <8jJb ^» s jjb j^T j^OoJt i>>Tj fvAl joJU 
oJJa f^^aib- i^*j ^J yfcj *|fb «dJt J>->J o^Jti <SJJ& q^* 

Jtii < BJJb Qrf SJdfc (Jafrt j BJJb q* 8JJbO^->T < j^jLjjJI 

-(fii U&JJ tSjSij 

£_i^/ <t/Vi* 4-;i£ fw \yj9* <& L~ fM 



<d)tj jU-i^J! (Jy^+4 Uju^a* otf W ^*0Jt (-» 3-^UJI 


*** s* x •* ** * * 


<ijyi^ [}jljy W\<o<z-j<-^M~>j<Cr Jul yi>7'\ d~\ \Sr 2-^Jtf<- 

(Credit Money) &jiftjltJj\J*ljj 


Transaction between two parties in which one (the 
creditor or lender) supplies money , goods , 
services or securities in return for a promised 
future payment by the other (the debtor or 

Present right to a future payment 

(r) -^ifftf&J^btrfT 

BritannicaV:3,P; 722(0 
Footnotes on Introduction to Economics principles P: 34l(f) 

(0 - 


,*M Ojj oU^cJJtj ,*JLJi CJ^tjl f Ijc^i (Jp- ^jl»" 

(r) * 

Sjlj NJI ^*Ja- ^ijJO^ ot jJL/CjyLtiJJt q-^^^Ji^UJ! ^jUajSS)| ^^UUt ( I ) 

^'^>%^^wtjvjq!>^ (r) 

W>z)l Q*^aij ijo^ (yv^- 5 J-^-A; ^>T- C _a vi)>SL^ 
^5JjtuJtj jjq^tM (3ij^=4 cw^M ^3*^ ^ 0^*^ J 

Ua ^>j »>LJI q» Mt* /**^ u^' O* S ->W* O^Jtf i)t 
^JUaJ <-J>tf o>t j i^>^ 4*jUi5 N)t i>SjJt ... ji Uo-j t 


(Bill of Exchange)^- i 

(Cheque)dg- r 

(Promissory Note) J*}\5/*y- ? 


^/^j/ rri ^i^j^j 

+\y\ ^ Jl suWl Obj^lt p..,K...7 

JCUJI ;tJtf 



Wc shall now discuss the chief forms of credit 
instruments : 

Promissory notes Bank Notes and currency notes 
, Bill of exchange ...Cheque ..Bank Draft. 

< r r i (jo) j^ojU ^jbjiJt j sumJI (jl jj N)! f l£>t ( t ) 

^oi-JL 3JLi**JI 4jjt*i)t obj^t y-a O 1 -*^^! oljib 
Jjj^cOJ 3JgUS (3'jjI y^fcj dLiJIj (j-iiii)! J^J-Jtj 


q* 4*0*j LjU^jI I^j^SO ^jJU^jt iyaj ^a 4-5 jjJ! i^HJJLi 

(BillofE5cchange)(i^ jiu I fj(jj\s (Cheque) 
bi^OJ w5? (JLV (Promissory Notes) ^l\zl/i 

(r) -(BankDraft) 

Introduction to Economics principles P: 352(0 


-^UJ <0lt «*>j dJJU ^USU ftbjJI <y f I* 
dLU ^LJt ;qt*s» *jM f Ub ^ pX^il qj O' J>* O^J 

it>*Jtj — QiO^i ^jXSUJt SSj^J! >Aj tH-o ,*+* O^Ua 

^Ia^Vi^j' ^tvi^u^/j^^^ 




J»V<L (Bill of Exchange) jk (j Uj> l> 

* ** ** t 

(/I O \*J/j> ' <i*^V </'^ ijAjlj^f- Jvv^ttf U^« (Drawee) 

*■' ( *•**♦ «*• H .WWW # ♦ 


^ ^ ^/-/ l^pi j j -:J^J.Zl (Drawer) L?y* -0 

L^ fc* &f t f^^J^ s^bf-: (Payee) s^Q^j - ^ 

V^'^tkJI <H>s*~J\ (v»> ^ j=-) i>*«sJt Sti^Jlj sijuLJt olj^ill f LSLp-1 ( I ) 

(Drawer)^- :^ I 

(Drawee) J i*-?/~ ' w 

(Payee V^Or'j-rc-/ 

>^f- (Endorsement)^'^ 

<dL # J y ITZl (Endorsement)^ 

{0\ij (Endorsement)^f 
Ms *% £(J/fPj^-:(B]ark Endorsement) J^-\ 
^Ai^JVfl* JC^mA?** £6<=- ^(/(Endorsee)^^ 

« (jWi^^^'KSpecialEndorsemen^^cJV^-r 
O/y l»s ~ ^(Conditional Endorsement) /f A *A -r 

l£ ^v^lCA^ - : (Partial Endorsement)^ Ji.Z - r 

jt ^jy*$/fM I - : (Restrictive Endorsement)^ 7 ^; I - 

-V^^lf (/&£/£ l^^ 
£J vl^ l-^> -: (Negative Endorsement) /y if -1 

(/ L^l/'-* 5 (Sans Recourse or Without Recourse to Me)' Ox L$ 
S^ S}\ L(*£)*>^jG«^>$M\L (No Charges) I Frains) 

U'£- s) \}^j\f- :(Facultative Endorsement^^ vV-<£ 

'> " »i "tf Jig? "jt «L/^u ^r *i 2 ,i?, iy ij£ 

Qi jJt vJ* (j* -w* 02 O^' ^ ~ r 

: p4*a*J Jtf J>fi)tj *) f UJLaJt a I t.> ^ ^ 7fr| L« t j^Tj 

ilLoS)l qp. ^Js- sUjm "J*. (j«»U)t ^UjtJj ftUxJt 3-c-L*-jr 


i * 

j**s\ ^4 ^jut o^ ^Jifr Qifi (qj Jji {J i*j) ^ j>%-ij 

_(ICA/d) ^U^aJl^ljy (I) 

** w « i. 

Qj^Jt <u* qa jj> yt fjj Jjj ^ -r 

/t// ^L z: ^ c^/j j^ ^ (j i ^ja^> 

-(rar :U fl) 

-^«Jt t-^-iji tjwU LbjJi Cj^-i 
(r) ^ ( 

^1 Sit" <d$V\*foj^\A\ftf&>}foj 

5j3ts? tgjtfl <ul* ^IjjpJt O^JLAj 8fM- |Utj ^lLj 

C^aS SJj SJ^ 4-JLfr (J_*J <U>^> Q*J (j-^Jj <L-uiLt 

Satjj 4*u Jlj^J -^J>£ 3*»*AJt BJvi ^ j^_j ^L> *ULLct 

o^aj ^*u u» (f j£ 4*is~ Q-tJ ^u jt j^x^ \)i qi ^t 

-(Ar/r } J-^^ox^^^l5jjJtr^ (f) 

pA~s)\ ^ sj^SJt ^ ^B\}\ ^U ^a-i SjLi 5JUJI 
15>j Ota ^J^J 1 yi (j3_j*J! qj Jj| p$\j ja^ Oh S4* 

(ij^SI ow ^'^t ^ Ji=»U <U* o* ^ O^' ^ J 

(r) • 1 t-t 

-(^l/f) TrU^JI^^^j^tTrt^U (r) 


f,jW!j1 j V^ '^UiJt ^yu ^-w»v- ^j^ij! ^AJJ <( yliJt jJ^JI "S^oIjw ^2s LUii 

-i£%£/ (Creditor) JhiJ'l -njj\f/$)j&/0\f/ij& 
^^^/(ThirdPcrson)(/Ly^ -:>Jl//Ujl? 

-L!?4^/(Debt)c/5 -: r Jl/ 

qj^\ j <o jujt ^ jji q^ j_r o>^-i ot ±j^zj 

{ *\ -if 


(f) -^Al/(Bearer) 

jb o^jt *^P oUit ^*« ( j^) ^^N)t -out ^ ^^^t ^jlj, o^^f (r) 

ft* ? 
tjx*^ OJNJ L^jw liLa ^^yi J>*AJJ sUsuItJ ^itM 

A cheque is an instrument containing an 
unconditional order, singed by the depositor, 
directing his banker to pay on demand a definite 
sum of money to himself or to the person named 
therein or the bearer of the cheque. 

(Drawer) w^Ww^* -:<-^ 

-^^"J^L>^prawee)>^/7j^/ ~V 
, (Payee)>t^/fl>^0^ - : h 

_(r i ♦ :(J a) f i q 9r jit /ub ^umaJI V^ 
Introduction to Economic Principles. Dr. A.N.Agrawal (/) 

d i/U L Uj% jt(Bi\l of Exchange)^ 6 Hi \Sj>\Js 

-f- l^lf l/jy \p t$( t£ J>.&> 

wl"Jlfk4i(/_£ s , -'• (Bearer Cheque) Ugjle -I 

jKf-X^-teJ&M* - :(Order Cheque)^? (X'> " r 

fc«4^ ~:(Post Dated Cheque)^? \fj tji -? 

c^ l^ J<i~/ (Dishonour)j>7^CC> *-^£AM£ 

di^J4<£- ^(Creditor)cT'j(Beneficiaiy)>^ 

- t^i- i^zl ^ ^f- J'/ 1 &fl w«f~ ^ ^/ 

-/*$£? r i A ^ ^ J^s; 

j? U^ <^4 ^ ^3/ \£j£ Jt "Shari'a Standards" js\ 

An issuance a cheque against a current account is 
a form of hawala if the beneficiary is a creditor of 
the issuer or the account holder for the amount of 
the cheque, in which case the issuer, the bank and 
the beneficiary are the transferor, the payer and 
the transferee respectively. 

If the beneficiary is not a creditor to the issuer of 
the cheque, then this is not a hawala transaction 
because there can be no hawala transaction 
without an existing debt. In the absence of a debt, 
the transaction becomes an agency contract for 
recovery of the amount of the debt on behalf of 
the transferor, which is lawful in Sharia. 
If the beneficiary of the amount of a cheque is a 
creditor to the issuer, then issuing a cheque 
against the account of the issuer without a balance 
is unrestricted transfer of debt if the bank accepts 
the overdraft. If the bank rejects the overdraft, 
then this is not considered a transfer of debt, in 
which case the potential beneficiary may have 
recourse to the issuer. 

The holder of a traveler's cheque, the value of 
which has been paid by him to the issuing 
institution, is a creditor to such an institution. If 
the holder of the traveler's cheque endorses the 
cheque in favour of his creditor, it becomes a 
transfer of debt in favour of a third party against 
the issuing institution that is a debtor to the holder 

of the traveler's cheque. This is a restricted 
transfer of debt and the amount of the debt is the 
value of the cheque for which the institution 
received payment 0) 

ij0^\ Q\ JU- Jjo JJL- < Jj***J\ CL-£Jt Q\ r^^aJli 
\*pXL»i iiUJI qa <Uj j (Ja*E) mJl*1> lHJ 0*3 ^-^ /*JJ 
(JxJiJI j^*j Nii fr^ji ^ oUj ill Q* tiJJi (j-*Ji <U* <Uj j 
8ft jb (JjtXj \J_? tUoJt aj£L> ^> 4*1** ^JL* uLi <^Ls. 

(1) Shari'a Standards 1423 All, 2002 Accounting and Auditing 
Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions. 

Q\ 4*2yd J&H3 (jJ^JI (j» (JajtEJf (JI^^aa) 4^ «*"->b 

(Bill of Exchange)(j£? 

'D Jibf "/i/tjs\ iJl t£ "Bill of Exchange"^ 

/$bl &A~ (/I ^ 4^ "Maturity" j£ (j^ 
u;y ^ y^J '■* ^A/ \Sh~Ul2f "Maturity Date" 

"DiscountingoftheBillof \jL\$xf\j S \ "^JL^XJt 
6^1 jA -t£ ZC "tlfi ±yjL i)/\j}\ Exchange" 

J^l* L^j>^Ljj/^^£ M Endorsement M (J^Jy^l 

CO ' •: 

Ob < J*T*iij ^i f bL f JlJu 431 j <,*-**_)! q_*_J <u^3 

(**> (J *-iJ **+-iN U$U^3 qj JJLj iJLJ O j_b 
^ SitjJtj "Discounting" 3JU**5Ln p*«^ j| 3JL^_£j| 

-^JJ! /w*JI <u*-j c-j^i 

SjbjCJt ,j ^jcnX-J ^t 3-J3 \)l oli>JL«JI qj« ^-jJ ^jh 
i-^LJI t-gAflr>fcJ U^jj 3-u jAJI Jji/Jt .-i 3_j_jrjL_#Jt 
yijyr.^ 1 I ^ium o* ^Jj—^ OJiJ^-5 (The Drawer) 
_q*ju> tujCj ,i JUJt q* Ud** (The Drawee) «*JUoJ 

(0 ^ 

A bill of exchange is an order from a creditor to 
the debtor to pay a certain sum of money to 
himself or to the bearer. 

-(i ir/r)jiirri js^j^^ljf fjWIjb 

An unconditional order in writing, addressed by 
one person to another singed by the person giving 
it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to 
pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future 
time a sum certain in money or to the order of a 
specified person, or to bearer. 

Intrudaction to Economic Principles. Dr. A.N.Agarwal ( I ) 

C^3^tfu£d^>*'^f- J^V -: (Inland Bill) J 1 CT 

ifZlc/^J^^J 1 " -:(CommercialBiU)J: Jvl/ 
£fj\f~£j\j>/\ Jy^Jv -:(AccominodationBill)JiJ*L;l 

<i_t^li_/J^J^ -:(OnDemandBill)^U^ 
fa^Jy^OUtJ^X^xJ.*^ -:(TimeBili)J: J* 

- l^ U <L If tCsfji/' Value Received) 


lib Sj^ c^— (JjJ! j^fiT,,,, 1| ^jflj^iJI O^ to) 

?ujj ^ ijUt qa Q^jto ^Lj-o pSj*4 <*— Jl*- ^±*^~+-D 

<Uji JW jJiS <>>T Jj^j ^j l$A> t$4Ju« U1& f j*»-*JI 
UsjJ t^j^so Jt^uJtj J t . 'n * H Uaj O^JtJ uJj f «-*J^ 

Qfi J^ ^)t t$»JL- f bb ^j jJj S^* jjl jIjlAH s^Jfc 

*)! j*H q.UJ-7 Jj 3JI>*JI ^ -b^H-^i ^U J>XJt j 

f d (Discounting)(Jy 
jO''^»'^i?^D ! Ut t^-A t JU*^* 10^*^ Ir^^ tfL^lc/^ 

<t^/ C^Ui-JI Jff ,,***,) ,yUi*JI .(fci-J tvm-JI r^ jv^UJt «S *Ju£j ( 1 > 

t j| : v>W <0^ QiJ^t fa <>£± 9 - ^J f 1 7^w» j^fjw*JI 
JtS -n^ou \) ^j LT a^ 3A q-« j^t q-* (j-£ JJI £-U 

0) ^OJ1 

fe Jj\?J>} iS (Discounter) <L lj 1, m tfcf 3 *3 

~4 f iXf^JJl <ul* ^ ^ ^ ^ jjl ;uj" ^'i^f- 

CO s s 

-<r- "o*^ a* u*^ o*^ y *3>" 

^1* fib) (^» jSSJt Jy»Wt Jtl^J [W L*JL^ LgJLoU- ^J] 
fl^** Q^V (J* ^ ^^ (J^* ^^'J ^***&t JJ^vfl-- 

Q^ joO^JJt ^jy ftJ lit ^JU--*-Sl!t J^L?- /JL* ?-*_>-> Q\ 

(Alternative) J; L?(jf/ ^ 3^0 Bill of Exchange 

^k*<J7 r/\r ^J^fcj 

~Bj**a3 CUJtT 0! Jit Cj^J J ^ij^ 
tfjJt L^jUt v^j ^JLS'jJt gj^f ^ j|j_» N) ol :£JUJ| 

-4*IU ^ UsjS &£*>■ O^s-l *3U tiUJt 4^5 J\ 

i * + ^ ** 

** * ** * 



(Beneficiary) JlJ^/^J JV ^ (Endorser)^^ ^J» 

' * ' - t *t 

,IGf:</ &j\f9*zJ?%jrj9tfl\st (|) 

(3 (Remittances / Transfer of Money) c-^/Lr 


(Promissory Note)^b l/l/^yjy^jy 

An unconditional promise in writing made by one 
person to another signed by the maker engaging to 
pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future 
time, a sum certain in money to or to the order of 
a specified person, or to bearer. 

£ J^^/ii\iJ^£^r^\ fjKtf^tji/i 

-Sharia Standards j ^jn^^j^tjriWI :x>ii^L^J^ (0 

jt*s\J tfj&jj&jtf (r) 

Promissory Note: a financial instrument containing 
an unconditional undertaking singed by the maker 
to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable 
time in future, a certain sum of money to the 
holder or to the bearer of the instrument, or to the 
order of a designated party.O) 


(I) Glossary; Banking and Finance, English-English-Urdu, Shakil Faruqi 
Student Edition, State Bank of Pakistan, Institute of Bankers Pakistan, Lahore 
School of Economics. 

-s-s.yj| ^.wi ■■K£>b<LL. J^' (r) 

J^r*tfC* tvi/i^-f- tK^lpt/vi *^^j*£1 c> J5^- r 


(Credit Card) hfeXf 

ijfci/ -I. 
h^J -r 

(Credit Card) Jv^>/x 

&A£j2\J> \J\ o>lk<£ \J\ «=- ktftjii ti$b\ \$\J\j)\ <f- t>ry i? 
(JU^ l=^> cTlF W^- lAf- Jjojjy'i/^Vt) (Rescheduling) 

(Debit Card)Jv^l?) 
(Charge Card) J^A€ 

tf&i/i^f^jlC iftj,i<^ y\pj\k tfj\i>{ Aj tij\ 

Automated Transfer Machine ( ATM) v tfji 1 (J<i_ I 

(Debit <Jj$ti\ a-**0I 33Lb_> :3^*j-£JI j_a-»U«-4JI ^i 
(*» us?^»j ^ o* 1 5— uj-sJt q* ^laJ! 6 ^ j^^^-j Card) 

t^)wJ jt i^JH-Jt t$Ju»t*J 3JUa_Jt sjJb J>Aj *^L- > 

5 jJfc jO^oj '4jUaJJ SjtMoJt ^—3*Jt j*£ (If ^'t 5».M-y» 

5^ :(Charge Card) j*Ut |v~*Jl j oU-tf nji ULbu 

&)0&ua S^ii) q**» i,aL.i ijjsJ>- j-i Ot-*-^l Slil 4_5Ua-Jt 
j»j j-J ^ SSUaJI 8jJh J 6 17„ , " <Lij s-Lij St jt ^j 

k£*> t^UJ 5*^*1* ^UzSt oNJ^J ^SUaJt sjjfc fUaJ 
SjttJt JNU 43^^ q*5 ilu^, SjiL*Jt 4-JU ^Lj 

^ oL«4*JI W s»^j oJly 4*1* ^JjLi l# r»»- t ..H 
Sji^oJt ^— a>-frJt ^LHJS N) 'Si^jj o^tjj ^JjjJ 
ob^^xiuJt ^ 4SUa_J| J^L> ^ t^j 4j| 3JUa_JU 

-*SUaX o+J ^1 <JUjui ji 4jU^ ^U 45QaJt J^LS 
SsjLjJUj) oU-=5^)t oWL- jjjl-- ^ 3 j,.lt ^jjdU 

^ut ouit jt^-j ^jUaja^btAit g^jj (Lgji* jjij-ui 

^UUt 4$*Jt 4SSU Qft t Jm*» ^iL-j ^j^^S oU^AJ! j 
J> 4jQaJlJ Sjo^aJt 4*^>*JL) <43UaJt J-ibuj 3J g k ; M 
4X*w U >\*jU J 3iUaJt J*t> JJ ^U*j cr **Jui . 

f j*JI *AJt ^-m ty ajuUJt 4^Jtj 4SUaJt j^,t> c ^ 

I a ^! . i 

oUaJI a^ : (Credit Card) jucpU! oU^I 5JLb^> 
l*UL> ^bl-j ,uLl *Lij Slat ^j SJUaJ! jj-*l^ 

l^Ub- f b U (iJjiM (V~^ «*Ua* jl<jy*j oL*-£J3 jy?-* 
t*jluy*t Jy?i :J^ fw^»J 0^-3 ill 5JUslj -5-u-jj 

(Juv£ ,*Ju* flo^ 4*UaJt t>t> ^-.^Jt ^IjJl *JL* (ji 
yftJI v*u <ui o^l *3UaJI J^W (j^Hi i) UU_^ 

-8ij^i+Jt ^**JJI uwmj 3«^5*Jt Qri-9 **^rf ^W j-H 
Ju«t*XJt f jj^ *jUa*JI t>t> ^1* '4— >Jt ±j±L>. y Ol 


A bill of exchange payable on demand, usually 
drawn by one bank on another or by on branch on 
another, a popular means of transfer of funds. 



A bank draft is a cheque drawn by one bank upon 
another bank or its own branch situated at a 
different place, requiring it to pay a certain sum of 
money to a specified person or to his order to the 
bearer. A bank draft may be inland or foreign. 
Usually persons who have to make payment to 
distant creditors go to their bank to obtain a bank 
draft. They have to deposit with the bankers the 
amount to be remitted a small commissions. Draft 
is then issued which is sent to the creditor 
concerned who gets it encashed. 

*<i£ W^W Sharia Standardsi^L/'^f-^U^l/^/j^w^ 

(0 Glossary; Banking and finauce, English- English- Urdu, Shakil Faruqi 
Student Edition, State Bank of Pakistan, Institute of Bankers. 


It is a cheque tike instruments issued by bank on 
the request of its customers or in payment of its 
own expenses or dues, drawn on itself, to pay a 
specified sum of money to the order of specified 
person. Payment orders are usually issued by the 
banks on receipt of full amounts involved, which 
means that it would not be returned unpaid due to 
\azk of funds, it is also called Bankers Cheques or 
Cashiers Cheques. 

*^ m •* ** ****** * *+ w ♦* ** 

\Jf\ <lC\ t-Ji jihtC wjis jj<L if 6%* 


Bond is an interest bearing government or 
corporate security, obligating the bond issuer 
under an agreement called bond indenture to pay 

(I) Intrudaction to Economic Principles, Dr. A.N.Agarwal. p:352. 

C) Glossary; Banking and finance, English-English-Urdu, Shakil Faruqi 

Student Edition, State Bank of Pakistan, Institute of Bankers Pakistan, Lahore 

School of Economics. 

the bond holder a principal amount on the date of 
maturity and periodic payment of interest over the 
life of the bond, bonds are long term debt 
instrument and are a preferred mode of raising 
long term funds without selling shares, bon 
enables the bond issuer to convert non liquid or 
less liquid assets into marketable instruments, the 
market value, or the price of the bond in the 
market differs from the face value or hepar value 
of the bond at the maturity by a discount factor 
based primarily on the current interest rate and the 
bond rating generally, if interest rate rises bond 
price fall and vice versa. 

(fit <* <*J<C <^j,y Ji /<Lij ,L/,/jr! L 


(I) Glossary; Banking and finance, English- English- Urdu, Shakil Faruqi Student 
Edition, State Bank of Pakistan, Institute of Bankers Pakistan, Lahore School of 

Uju^a,! 4^yj >rf>tjuJt r!iLb-o J) I ^ (Bond) jwJt 

SO^ OU f .jLa-* cJ>J ^j 8*bLj f _>J£j L»ji ■ a t i 1 .4 

tjj^aj ( ^X> t^^j ^y*- v> 1 ^-*-'^ , * 1 >t I t ft Aj L$JU. 

^UUaJt jl ^jjbpsit 5 t ft(,ntH otTj-iJI Uhjj^aJ U-jj 
jt*j i) JUt ^ 3^ ^JL. <>»t^t ^Jl ?rL^J UJh>> 

JI>»\Jt Iq*3jJij oLmj^s jl tit j-i't U^JJlJ \)j Lq*-jjLZj» 
J56*«JI jJLt ot jJLJt BtjJh \j2j*£s 'VjIWt It aJ9-«JLj 
^jJt oUjSoJt J^O Q^a Ol tkJL-Jt BjJb JlM&J U-JJJ 
D*J JJ$*^1 O* (J^J 12 ** *tf*^ J** J** J>+J O^ ^-i^H 

L^jjo-oI jt oL^j-iJt L-gjjj^ot f lj—i olu^JL-Jt ajJi 
t$l+*u q* /Jj 4j>>j jotji fliL f jJU UJj ^^JL*-)! 

t JJH >>^ ^^ ^^h**-^ «— +^ j *jl^ j>T ^)J 4**^ -Oti 

j** <(l*>^t V-^SUJt OtoJLJt jJ^aJ <d*t ^ (JoJ! 
^£* ^jj »jJI 4-=**3 c?jJt i>: .„ILa *6jyj! j-tJt ^L— I 
■^W o*j U-i S^t >«J| s^ljji ^i (Jjxzh -(Jbrl (J>^- 


- ji i r ^ j^jor ^Js <^l/ f 3JWI jb 

L- If £^L&^Jvlj!(3^LX^IJj^;>L tf «t^4^(Treasuiy Bills) 

(Bonds Convertible into Shares)-/ J? IlM^IT 
J3t (Non.Convertible into Shares);>* l^/Jt IT^f j -•c-Jjz,j>£«z-±Zij*s 

A bond that can be converted into a common 
stock at a conversion ratio specified at the time of 
bond issue, it has all the factors of a regular hond, 
namely the par value, the coupon rate, maturity 
period the interest payment period, but 
additionally, the band issuer pays dividend and 
offers the option to the investor to convert the 
bond into a number of common stocks as per 
conversion ratio of the conversion price of the 
stock, as a result the market price of the bond is 
affected both by the interest rate movements as 
cell stock market movements, the cost of 
conversion option is usually gauged by the 
premium paid for the bond in the secondary 
market trading, convertible bonds proved a 
potential gain to the investor if the bond price goes 
up, while at the same time offer an attractive bond 
yield, specially for corporate bond whose price is 
likely to materially increase over the maturity 
period, the market value of the option attached to 

-J*'i&J/ r * r ^IfcoF^; 

convertible bond is zero or insignificant at the time 
bond stars selling initially in the secondary market, 
but the value of the option increases as the bond 
price clibs up, it is also possible that bond price 
bay fall instead of rising with disastrous 
consequences for the option holder, therefore 
convertible bond can also be risky in addition to 
being potentially rewarding. 

(Treasuiy Bills^y^Wu^- 1 

(Treasaiy Certificates)^ l^l^bL^- r 

(MinucipalBonds) ;r >tV J f^/>'-r 

(') Glossary; Banking and finance, English-English-Urdu, Shakil Faruqi Student 
Edition, State Bank of Pakistan, Institute of Bankers Pakistan, Lahore School of 


rr-r • irbjJI ^ S^mjluJI a^JUJ! j^Vjt Sj^lj ^ 

(3&*X*jN)tu<ie. V*-jyt l^a}\ t$l*W ,*ii>J Q\ L^->*-J 

luuj \*~> yi 3**ui ^t <jy*jL« t^ip jiL, gjjy ^ ^ 

jl 2J>^ jt t*jj jt (*ojLfc fJ-dUJI ^>^jJt S^LUl 

H^ ^^ NU SiLuj (J» jXIt A-L^> fbb Lfei ^J-XLj 

<qJ '^ JUS* J^ ( j^> <^^ ^4)1 ^ S^UJI "OW oVUJI ( t ) 

—- «-- ^/ v^ 

Sijj^l 5^5UJt ^L-t ^ ^UJi JUU q-o ^j-^J! 

^j>xJ p^^l jl^at jj^b qs. aJs. cJUa^ U_« ^1 
U^^ </ ZS 1 ^ ^jJ sjj LfcJU ol^ ^JLo 5^j| 
Q** /*V» s ^ u*^~ Ot l^\ j±&* ^jM\ <+*-j\ 
Q> tAj jJ >t ^JU ^UJt j^JLfr Q>£j jjtf ^JU ^j 

JWI ji Q-*ouJt ;6jJ ob S]| ^jj) ^JUaJ ^JU<J| 
-rJt otjj-i jljuo] 5j£* 

_]Aor :u s jyUip »^>^ (jXiftJt 

^4_^ Jl^l JIl^Zl jtJ? j^, l/i^ij ^/ 

£> jl "^xa Js£jU c-T Ot jUX^ ^ f UJt :_n_ iJI ,-i 
^ J^okU ^LwaT ^±LLj ^uO ^ojJ ^^ J^o ^J 

(**»Jj*Jt) 4JUJI JtjjSJt 3^ ^ J^UjJt Lfci ^^^ 

jl KXjtJ o^ly ot j ol j^ Lot ^j <JJL*z)\ JjUjOJJ 

^t (3Lw^l 5#U«Jt oU^SUJtj o^T^mJI ^j_SLot 

-^1/ ^^c^j^i^i (i) 

-3jjt*Jt Af-i^)t Ji* t j#i^ Ugotfr Cj^ri 
Government Securities, which are usually bonds 
that pay a fixed amount of interest each year gave 
unlike most commercial securities a guaranteed 
saftey factor concerning then ultimate repayment. 
These securities arc traded in the Market, and their 
prices fluctuate in value, depending on trends and 
condition of the economy/ 2 ) 


_<0*J ttU \ ftAUJJ Js** UOJ\ siUoJI 

*L- J*? Ji o& t l/'^ ^ 5 6 If ij>/j3)tf/ZZj£'j o i 

4S*J Ltol p^UU ^^Jauy (jCOt SjuUJI ^U^JjJtj <il*Jt 

-Lhj*0 oU JxJI «*1p 

J> JJU-tJ ^j-iJt tfjdMoJ (iuJt dJUoJl >A A-frJl 

(2) The New Encyclopaedia Britannica v:10, p:595. 

<Qij * j*J* oUifr O^w (je*i) '^^Uyt tfiJI <ji SjoIjmJI VUJt O^bu-Jl <T) 

t$"J&<Ui?-y!2L}»<L{?£ Devidend 

(Bonus /^i/i'Yk £ ^ ^ ^ 4,;/ 


(Face ^l^(MarketValue)^LivUL(j;/tr 

(Warrants)^ U^ 

^^p^a f l^i (3> p^J 0>*Ui £***■ Warrants ^ — jj 

otS*j^i)t jj^oj o1>LJ jjuj Ujjj JjtxLI J^jIJ 

,**a j^l q*-^o_Xj (Warrants) ot j^oJt q* Ul>jt 

jt SjJ^-a Sjl5 J^JL> Jjo^a jju»rf 4^j^Jt n^J\ QJi i^^- 

jo (J JJt t£*£l* JiL* ^jiJO j-bUvJ O' GJlH ^->> 

G-5^ ^Tj^JI J^UwO ^JLfr O J < h t \ \ Qjj,* tr .i.t It 


'-ksSji Cr «f- (c£-> c£) J*'> J^irV <db^ 


Warrants arc securities issued with preferred 
stacks or bond or certificates, that give the holder 
the right to buy a proportionate amount of 
common stock at specified price, usually higher 
than market price at the time of issue of warrants, 
for a specific period of time, or perpetuity. In this 
sense, warrants are options to the holder of 
corporate stocks or bonds. 

iflra :u a ^WU>Jl^jUlijuJt^iUtSjjuJI^U-yt4M!^wst»ysM (i) 

J^'tJ^'Cj? g "Negotiable"^ <jl ctfj,uj: ITl/;^ 


Option is a contract giving the asset holder the 
right but not the obligation to sell or buy an asset 
at an agreed price called strike price or exercise 
price over a short period in future which is of 
critical importance in the contract, if the contract 
stipulates a fixed date for transaction in future, it is 
a European Style option, if the transaction can be 
done a number of times in future over the contract 
period it is Bermuda Style option, if the time of 
transaction is chosen by the holder up to maturity 
date of the contract if is an American Style option. 

(1) Glossary; Banking and Finance, English-English-Urdu, Shakil Faruqi 
Student Edition, State Bank of Pakistan, Institute of Bankers Pakistan, Lahore 
School of Economics. 

In securities market, this contract could be a call 

M^u k ^S±£/ r f^<txJi1{jJ>4 iJ ( 
p13£2-±} ij* j cJ jt /g ,/t / 

^^^^lT J-jCc. "Options"L"^l>0 " 

CD Glossary; Banking and Finance, English-English-Urdu, Shakil Famqi 
Student Edition, State Bank of Pakistan, Institute of Bankers Pak.stan, Lahore 
School ot Economics. 

<^ ferf t/v c/fe I Jil^- few L^v iffcftf-t- $1 

i \jfj\flJ><L \)h z-sJt'U't- few* >^ ^ 


(Cai I Option) w^l5> -| 
(Put Option) CJ\j\> 
(Stradle Option) ~^/vl> 

(Call Option) ^J&\j\J>- 1 
(PutOption) ^J)vl3»-CP; 

(Stradle Option) ^ / / , 'vL>-© 

l^ 1/1 *Ji ^ tf ^>,j> ^^ ff _ _ Lj r t ^ (Spread 0ptJon) 

(Call Option) ^JiaJt J»». jjfc 

(PutOption) ^ijj| j^> jju. 

(Stradle Option) vfjjl jLaji jje 

(Spread Option) uo*+JI j^t ^ 


kyt J? Ijl <L l/^J^^_ (Uncertainty VA£ kj^\J\-\ 

tfj^j^Jt ui^u (Glossary) (jr^if ^ S J>Jr ^ f Ljfyi ojJ> J^sUJ uLj!.? 
<l£'^i^^^liu^i;lf/['iJ^ (r) 

-^& rrr ^j^ 

Bai-al-Dain ^^f 

"An Introdcution to *J£*JyJtjxr'ilt <L ^U J^ {fjj** 

Here comes the question whether or not 
Bai-al-Dain is allowed in Shariah. Dain means debt 
and Bai means sale. Bai-al-Dain, therefore 
connotes the sale of debt. If a person has a debt 
receivable from a person and he wants to sell it at 
a discount, as normally happens in the bills of 
exchange, it is termed in Shariah as Bai-al-Dain. 
The traditional Muslim jurists (fuqaha) are 
unanimous on the point that Bai-al-Dain with 
discount is not allowed in Shariah. The 
overwhelming majority of the contemporary 
Muslims scholars of Malaysia have allowed this 
kind of sale. They normally refer to the ruling of 
shafiit school wherein it is held that the sale of 
debt is allowed, but they did not pay attention to 
the fact that the shall ite jurists have allowed it only 
in a case where a debt is sold at its par value. 
In fact, the prhibition of Bai-al-Dain is a logical 
consequence of the prohibition of riba, or interes. 
A debt receivable in monetary terms corresponds 
to money, and every transaction where money is 

exchanged for the same denomination of money, 
the price must be at par vlaue. Any increase or 
decrease from one side is tantamount to riba and 
can never be allowed in shariah. 
Some scholars argue hat the permissibility of 
Bai-al-Dain is restricted to a case where the debt is 
created through the sale of a commodity and its 
sale may be taken as the sale of a commodity. The 
argument, however, is devoid of force, for, once 
the commodity is sold, its ownership is passed on 
to the purchaser and it is no longer other than 
money. Therefore if he sells the debt, it is no more 
than the sale of money and it cannot be termed by 
any stretch of imagination as the sale of the 

That is why this view has not been accepted by 
the overwhelming majority of the contemporary 
scholars. The Islamic Fiqh Academy of Jeddah, 
which is the largest representative body of the 
Sharia scholars and has the representaion of the 
Muslim countries, including Malaysia, has 
approved the prohibtion of Bai-al-Dain 
unanimously without a single dissent.^) 


(1) An introduction to Islamic Fainanc. p:216. 

i * ** * ** 

- (Forward^ J^Zl J^- f 


(Spot Jssy \Jj) JciJ^if <<£- fej $ ijti J \f ji\ o \J) 
(Forward Trading) J^Wl J^yjl <<£-6xflfi Transactions) 



0»r\jjh*L- tr If if if 'by/* ^fsL- >r\js *4L- fe ; L^vjjy v'^ J J 

tit «C^) «ul* fjSjtJt £)^L# rUiJ S)t jjj. 4_j ^_o 4jSJj 
J*-J&J ( Jjb)t ,**J1 J^i tj**^' J*** 4 S^ P ■ S ^**JI *^* 

pJL* 7V j \)j ^ (jj oU»j-i \)j ^-uj ^iL* Jjhj NJ 

Q*J ( ^J t-iLa (^fr ft!~>J 4*1*. <U)t ^jlo <U)t Jj—»J ^^ 
(tiUit jj^JU/Vi Vatji'^s fbrbvQ <t>rto:tf r.^ 

jj * uc-jU -^j o^i *4JU-o ^1 ,*X<J 1 OU-o Q-* JJ L"' - ^ j 
Jjkj l+jt f^jS Ji* ^ ?*Vj^ G* 8 '^ JW ; J-** :^JL-Jt r j-5 
4JU- q\ j— AJt qSo iv) O^* ■"'-A* Ot>— *-M O^ >* O' 

J J*J* pJ ^ nvJ J*o Nl ^Nq^lJ pJL» ^j j NJj 
O* ^^rt 01 J-5 ^Us st jSj*\ ^* r ^jj jjsj 4jL^ 
^3«^Jt JOh, -(joJUb ^U^b ^ t jImi ^JUt OU-b 

£<*>*- ^V^/> ^VWi? t^^ 

Ji <Ukj OjSo jJWl ^| ^j sj^ji j ^ l^^j-ij 
J^M tiJJt J— iJI yhj <tL£+J **£^ L^Jl-j Oj^jXftt 

-Mot* <ui 5J^x)b q5Ux)! O&i (J^Jt /^ J^ ^j 
i) Q^UxJtj <^L+£)t t# J*a> IM LjiU-J 0>^-i U-Jtj 

?l* jioJi\ psi) -^JJla j-*j o^* iJb^l^y **j t^SUilt 

* , ■* ** + 

^^(^(ShortSale) "oljnji duu* ^u^" jig^ ijlw-r 

(Rules For Ready Delivery y\r* > j*\} <L Ux>r/*\e Ji ^\ 

(Futures)^— ->r£ c/^^ 
I "Spot Sales" jf^<{fjt^A Zl Jij>>v^ J^Ul^/z . 
Vf-^ Ju ^js^JL J»y/>lr *-*-£- ^ ^ " Read y Contracts" 

* V 

*• r, »* ; «r t 

I (Forward Sale) Jv^Jl d?/*<J?<£ Ju &js**\JI 

- -J^-? ftf Future Sale 
** -« 


O^ Ob <ia**+Jt </ Iji' &. o^ tat q±X\ ft.flj.-niN) 
t>rNJt J^b- J*5 ^*^J( ^^chj 0*1 ^LJJ (j^JJ Nlij^o 

yb «^l :(i jZiJt <0 JL5 u?jJl f^JSJt £U!> O^ >Jj 

<(^AjJt 0^3 ^J^ ^U-isj l£1 "q*^ o^-S-^^ Oy" 
— ^Jt .... qJJjJv q^JU-^ U_$+*ix« Qy^l >* 

»>^ L/i-t >^r ^^ fc/i^j (T^ b-^T^ *-^ l^^ ^-Cl-ii ^yil/Sc^' ^ ^ 

f2^^ ^ ^J?A1 

-/>&& m ^g?*/; 


c^iC ; L. jy jW &&$.&. i-x&j: \$M<$j) J* 


^ w^.jjJ^jSeTj^ (The Nature of Money)' j^jS J ^ jt 

One of the most important characteristics of 
islamic financing is that it is an asset-backed 
financing. The conventional / capitalist concept of 
financing is that the banks and financial institution 
deal in money and monetary papers only. That is 
why they are forbidden, in most countries, from 

trading in goods and making inventories, [slam, on 
the other hand, does not cccognize money as a 

subject-matter of trade In conventional 

financing, the financier gives money to his client 
as an interest- bearing loan, after which he has no 
concern as to how the money is used by the 

"(0& «J tea U j<$ udJ! ^Jh it" () _^_/ 

(Comslomaiy Price) J/^>^U^ 

(I) An Introduction to Islamic Finance. p:20. 

( Jl,4 f t/^ 1 <^~ Qi ^~° J^'^ *l ^yt) ^>Jt <^jJt ^jJLPfrUs-] <r > 

U&Ju*^ UUiyr^jt^ Dt d i^/i</^ js^jji 
j* (Appendices) feJ*\J*JL J^j, O^iShiljts h,i 

V V *» v 


« JiiM»)l *~£* <05tb)l <j***J| v t>* q^ ja-.) j***J! s-o^JI jlj^t f LS^I ■£ 
<u)li^ ^t QjjJt ^ :*,&.) sU^i p ^t ^Wt vj q* Q^J^t ^1 ■#• 

(-»S.O f Jtjtfl U***0* |M « j-t.3,1 r UNjt) ^t>Jt .^Jjl C>i*fU>) + 

S>- i) I jt J rQU,) <y3>o£JI t£j>AJt U^e*— 4-*^*) ^jJj-£Jt ojl>+Jt SJ jJJt ^ 

J* I rw Jjl ^b * jiJI j 3*UaJU 
_rr -rr ^ ^W* ^ ^i (jj^jiJI < i l< \ r v Cj <^j*JI V^ ^ jjb *! 4" 
(ji*)t j oTjBI Sjbt ^ jT (yfoidl o+>! jib <u^U) yjUiJt <q^J\ f^UJ *#• 

'lK**-> pit $jt '(jSL^ (S*>Us O-tJ-l U^J (j-^- 8 ) (iv'LjAuJ '(IfjLliJt Q— J-l "V 

j* < f i a j jt ^b «d>t ot-^tj 

>ha. jjt^b^^L.^i^ijxJt.igj 

sjbl «0t^* (W^J iM*v IS S)>- ^j^JI **A) t*>JL*joL£j| <dUL«*JI j^jt **- 

4^i jit oti,Jtj 

-•"" f A Jjt ^b <Z+dM)\ i_-i£JI jb *ojjri (-»9iC- ^fij, 
**Ja* <j^m (UjJ! ^jJto^t o*>t) yJUUI .^bjJt ?£■)! yU ^L»N)t p>JLi ■#* 

J ' r o i Jjt ^b <<yM ^=ii* 

j^ f I i <cu*li y t jb ^l jT (yip o jit ti siyi) (ijXjxll j jeJ jJLy 4* 

OJrj tit (ji«j" f r • * • Jjt A> <S*J^I s*S&! jb ojj^j ((ji^i-H (jj-UjJt 

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C^-iUJt (j*^^! ja-o- ^ j^j-1 3^^U) tj-k^sj^* *^l Jj^JI V3U ^i ?rt2»v»JI ^ipu ■$" 


OLal S jbl '^t^ (^13 f Ml- Ml u^taM U M>*) ^15 <<i*>Lj^ ^^Si u^. j^ "#■ 

f 1>» Mt *tb« .^to* (AAH ^M*w >U o^wi) ^ilt «L, jJt ^JL, /lij ^ ^L^r *$* 

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,jb 1 r 9 r y^ ^.^SUimjuJa* ( ^^jt 

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.air*, ^jj^bf^ijj^t 





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*- 1 ^ r jjt ?& ( jjj jti^t ^dtr jiji <(jju> -uiX* <cA^^» w 'out« •$ 

^>t Ofc-ft 'i*«- fw> ^i «^| jT (^dt j^ d Njj*) j^y^ ^jtiJt u^mm ■*■ 
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jfc I f I A Jjt ^a <CkJ\ 1~J%» (( jtiJ (Jtf-1 f (jij^t 

Sjbt ^1/ (^LiJt q^U ^t **&) ^LUt cjtuJt ^JL* J^_-, S)t oUJ *ȣ 

_» ir I A ^ ;^b fvU-^l f >l*JLs o^t 

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Jl* jJt (j4**)l yj! ^y t>^v« ^oJt ^^r*^) J^l '?:t^*Jt r>i ^J 7rt^*Jl *jL$3 v 



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■#- Modem Economics Theory, Dewett, Kewal, Krishan, India Delhi, 
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•#■ The Theory of Money and Credit. Mises, Ludwig Von Mises