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Full text of "The abbaye of the holy ghost, printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde about the year 1496"

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The abbaye of the holy ghost 

The abbaye of the holy ghost 

Printed at Westminster 
by Wynkyn de Worde about the year 


at the University Press 

wy 2 77 <r 
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The Abbey of the Holy Ghost was printed 
by Wynkyn de Worde at Westminster at least 
twice in the fifteenth century. Of the earlier 
edition, issued about 1496, three copies are 
known; one of them, in the British Museum, 
wants the first leaf: another is that which is 
here reproduced in facsimile. It belonged to 
John Moore, Bishop of Ely, whose library was 
presented to the University of Cambridge in 
1715 by King George the First. It was no. 4 
in the famous volume marked AB. 4. 58. 

1907 May 9 

I certify that I have printed 250 copies only 
of this facsimile, that the impressions have 
been rubbed off the plates and the negatives. 


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¶ Here begynnetha ma, of heuey is foũder of this 
deere ſpekynge of a place abbape / the lone gouer⸗ 

chat is namid the abbaye nour / the hol ft vyl 
of the holy gholt / / call eee 

be foũded oꝛ groũded in bay haue neuer lo good a 

a dene conſcyence / in wht toũder / gouernour / E vily 
che abbaye (hall dwelle. cour / hut it haue allo good 

kxix . ladyes ghoſtly. chartours wherby it may 

holde his londe / rent g fre 

Sees this ab dom. perauenture eyther 

bape Cha by happe it (hall be euyl! 
ryte Chall lerued o elles luſtre mo⸗ 
be Abbelle che dyleale of enmyes. 
— dome Therfoꝛe J woll reherce 
PDꝛyou . Mekenes lup ychartours wherin 5 wol 
ppoureſſe. And chyle ben laye whay / where and of 
in the Couent. Poucttce whom this abbaye was 

Llenneſſe Temperaũce foũded oi groũdeen 

Soberneſle. Penaunce . And thenne woll J laye 
—— Contettion how it was fyrſt made / e 
Ryghewylues Pꝛedyca afterwarde w'iy ſhoꝛt tp 
cyon Strength Pacyence me deſtroyed / e in what 
Symplenes Mercy Lar, manere / e how longe ty? 
geneſle Realoy Pyte Me me oꝛ it were made ayen 
dytacyon ploy Dcuo as it was before. And 

bee : how almpabtp god 
: Pik Lontemplacéy Cha how pabips bath 

Jubylacyon Hones put bis doughters 

ſte Curteyſy Drede and in this holy abbay ayenſt 
Sclauy- M Ede nber che Fowe dougherrg of 



che fende / who the holy foꝛlayd g to ue and co 
ghoſt chaced awaye for ther heyres / clenly dyght 
were ſo fowle. without ony wẽme. Jy 
¶ Dtianc pꝛelentes ⁊ fu/ the whiche god made a 
turi c. Senowe they that noble houle of religyon ỹ 
ben here g they ÿ bey to is called che abbape of p 
come pᷣ J almyghty god holy ghoſt. In to whiche 
in trynpte / kader / lone / Z abbaye he put many ga⸗ 
holy ghoſt haue gyue E oſtly ladyes / y is to laye / 
graũted / ⁊ wr my woꝛdẽ good vertues . Wheriy he 
confermed to Adam pfo made charyte abbeſſe / e 
re fader of may to Sue wyldom pꝛyoureſſe / a me 
his wyfe g tu theyr hey keneſle ſuppꝛpoureſſe. he 
res a lytel pꝛecyous place walled this abbaye avou 
chat is callid Conſcyence te with ſtrength ÿ no wyc 
p lyeth in theyr loules by hed thought lholde haue 
twene a place pis called entrid in phous pf Adam 
Sinderelis chat ſtyred a E his wyfe hadde wolde 
man to goodnes / grut/ chemlelfe. He gaat them 
cheth ayenſt euyll in that loꝛdſhyp of al the woꝛlde 
other halfe · Whole ende to maynten this holy hou 
lyeth faſt by che grace ol le lo ferfoꝛch that all the 
god / chrugh whiche eue / kylſhes in the lee and all 
ry may may doo well yf the byrdes of thayre and 
he woll. And other ens beeſtes of the erthe ſhol⸗ 
de lyeth in Joye yl ÿ lou de haue bey buxome to 
le be clene out of lynne. hym g to his wyfe and to 
¶ This holy place al/ theyr i — after chem 
mighty god gat to Adam euer pf Adam e his wrt 

had kept them fro lynne haue deyed / but whay als 
in to theyr endynge daye mighty god wolde he lhol 
¶ Habendũ a tenendũ dc. de haue take byw vp in 

To haue g to holde this body ¢ ſoule to the blyſle 
foꝛſayd place to 5 foꝛſayd of heuen / chere ta haue ly 
Adath and to Lue ę to ucd without ende / yt Az 
theyr heyres freely E in dam e bis wyf had kept 
peas without lette ot ony them fro ſynne / as J (ayo 
man euer. And therwith one daye to thende e His 
Joye e blyſſe vᷣ neuer Chal teſtibʒ ic. Dé this berech 
haue ende forthe leruyce wytnes angell E man / he 
E cuſtome chat longech uen ¢ erth / lonne g mone 
therof to the chyef loꝛde ſterres and all creatures. 
of the fee. And ÿ was no @ Datũ apud paradyſũ 
moꝛe than to wichſtonde c. Yeuen at paradyle the 
the temptacõn of the fen fyrſt daye that may was 
de and of his wyfe. And made. ¶ Anno regni ꝛc. 
that laſted not of boche Jun the yere of the reg 
not a myle waye (pace. nynge of almyghty god 
And almyghty god (holt kyng of kynges / whole 
de haue warrantyd to A/ kyngdom neuer began 
dam e to Lue to theyr ne neuer ſhall haue en⸗ 
heyres that noble place / oo. oa 
to haue dwelled euermo⸗ ¶ Many men chere be 5 
re ig moꝛe Joye than ony wolde be in relygyoy / but 
tongue may telle. ¶ Alſo they may not fo: dyuerſe 
that they ne her heyres caules. Therfoꝛe they p 
lholde neuer haue ſulfred map not be in bodyly re⸗ 
wo / ne ſholde they neuer lygyon / they may be in 

a oe 

„ wWylnes thall 

vagen PF they nelle e mercp rere vp the 
Soll pte ũded in a pla wallesiy to bepgth e ma 
ce p is called Conſcyence. he thein Gronge with al⸗ 
But fyrſte ÿ place muſte melaedes / geußnge glas⸗ 
eee ly to poore men after thy 
holy ghotCwo maydẽs ſtate is / chus ſaith Thobi 
5 be called ip Fa ¶ Si multi tibi fuerit 
conlſcyence all maner u 
pf tylth. Theñe lhal Me de This is thus moche to 
henefle g Pouerte make meane.PE 5 be ryche bar 
the foũdement cherot / E uynge plentee of woꝛldly 
put awaye all woꝛldely godes / gyue plenteuoully 
| sought pis though neo therof. — | 
haue worldelp goodes ſet good wyll to gyue glad! hae 
they not thepr loue ue der e 

neo temptacõn maycaſt nynge loue to god to ta⸗ 
chem downe. ¶ Thenne ue lomdele ot p bipile p 
we mutt make our clopl, is or eyned for his cho? 
tre in this maner / p (yall len in heuen · ¶ Pyte ihal 
kepe vs ghoſtly out of al be our fermour Oeuocõn 
woildlytyoughtj e lygh / cellerer / g holy Meoytacy 
tes / that is kepe we our on hall be garnetour. 
eye froalteupil lyghtes Whay all thple offpcers 
our eeres fro euyll heryn bey made che holy ghoſt 
ge / our mouth fro euyll is warden / w god tader 
lyekyngr / ro Iwerynge / fuũder / wich god the lone 
E fro lyenge / our hertes wyldom of he fab. The 
tro all euyll thoughtes. woꝛthy lady Charyte ihal 
Ano yt we kepe chus chis be abbeſſe of this hous / 
- + foure comers / we (hall fo: all this other offyters 

buylde well our cloyſtre. Ihall obeye to Charyte. 

¶ à mapde pᷣhyghe ¶ en ¶ Vnde via vrã in cari⸗ 
tellyon hall make aur cate fiat. All thynge that 
Nee n ee 

rip one in ÿ loue of god 
{oy the oratorp.Lontems ¶ Alas pf J durſte laye 

lacyon che doꝛtour. And full many be in relygyon Be 

- pl thyle / halbe reyſed vp but fewe be relygyous 
uus alhyr of go cheß do . 
muſt Ronde out fro woꝛl to obeye to charyte / ther⸗ 

Dlr noyle / tro woꝛldly bes fore lele they moche tyme 
lynelle ę angre. ¶ Con: g alſo ther mede ¶ Now 

templacõn is not eſiis but (hall the woꝛthy lady oy 
a denoute herte w a bees ledott be dur Pryourelle 

¶ Nam prior oĩm eſt (a7. fad of heuen / E theñe our 
piencia · The good lady loꝛde cõmaũdech byw to 

Meheneſſe 2 alwaye lo/ wryte them in the booke 
ueth herlelfe Chall be our of lyfe. ¶ Saynt Auſlen 
luppꝛyoureſſe. This ab / tellech ꝓ Jubylacõn / oꝛy⸗ 
bay is of god bleſlyd that fons felowe is a Foye con 
bath chyle gouernours / ceyued in teeres wt a gho 
for all be bleſlyd 5 holde U iy loue p may not be (he 
them iy theyr (cole . Foꝛ wed in all / ne hyde in all 
they ÿ kepe Charyte wy⸗ As it doth by them p her 
ſedom e Meheneſle / the tly loue ᷣ gyue almeſle ¢ 
. thre pci lones iy trynyte cõtynue in theyr pꝛayers / 
Chall gyue them heuen to where foo they bey theyr 
mede. That loule is gre⸗ hertes lynge mompnge 
te g bye in heuen phath longes ot loue / whan they 
thyle thre within berfelf. longe in wardly with ar⸗ 
Charyte N yldom g Me mes of loue to clyppe wt 
heneſſe ¶ Dylcrecõy lhal ghoſtly mouth to kyſſe / 
be trefozer/e Oꝛyſon (hal they loue ſomtyme ſo her 

be chaũtour ¶ MA ord ſa tly p chey lache woꝛdes ſo 5 

crificiũ deo hot ſolaciũ di theyr loue rauyllheththe⸗ 

abolo tonnentũ. ¶ The yr hertes p they wotenoe 

tende layd to Dertilmew lomtyme what they doo, 
our loꝛdes apoltle / thyo y ¶ Deuocyon is Lelerer 
ons bꝛen ne me ¶ Saint that kepeth all che wy⸗ 
Bernarde layth wha we nes bothe whyte ¢ redde. 
pꝛaye in good lyfe / our That ben all the woꝛthy 
good angel daũcith e ma chankynges the whiche 
heth cherof a pꝛelent to p we all owe to do to god / 

fFoꝛ our 

for che endeles goodnes p Cheldeof his grace g myn 
he hach done / dooch / and de of his pallyon to hepe 
woll do fo vs yt we woll chem fro che fende. And 
ourſelf. This goodnes 5; to theym p ben wycked e 
he hach do was whan we combꝛed wt lynne he gp 
all ſholde haue bey loſte ueth ſpace g tyme to toꝛ⸗ 
chrugh lynne of Adam e ne chertro g to amende yl 
be in helle without ende / chey wol. Foꝛ th? he layth 
had not he of grete good hymlelfe. ¶ Nolo moꝛtẽ 
nes @ 25 become man pctõꝛis {ed magis vt quer 
he / lyuyng here tat et viuat. This is to 

many wynters in grete ſaye. J woll not che dethe 
alice paſlyon / ę at p ot the ſynkull may but p 

atte naylled ona croſſeg he tome ¢ lyue. And ther 
wich a ſpere tonge to the to he graunteth mercy e 
herte E deyed / and all foꝛ foꝛgyueneſſe pf they woll 
foue of vs to hꝛynge vs it alke. ¶ The goodnes 
out of payne. P he woll doo to vs pf we 
¶ The goodnes that he woll dwelle g abyde ſtyll 
doch to vs now / is whyle in his ſeruyce / that is in 
we ben here in body g in good vertues.Fy herynge 
ſoule / yeuynge vs al that leenge / pekynge / goynge 
we nede both bodylyand handlynge / E in all other 
ghoſtly. Bodyly / as mete dedes werkynge Chall be 
drynke e clothynge Sho to this. In tyme of dethe 
ſtly / as good choughtes / whan body g ſoule (hall 
good woꝛdes / E good de departe ar weyne ¢ the de 
des. And cherto to them v uyl appere in his owne ly 
ben good he grauntech a henelle before vs to make 

vs agaſt / g yt he map to to lytell / neyther of etyn 
bipnge vs in to mylbyle/ ge / orynkynge / ne of lle⸗ 
ue / god wolde lende his pynge. ¶ Sobernes muſt 
owne angell & all our go nedes rede at the boꝛde p 
de dedes fener we here lyſe of holy faders / what 
wrought wryten to ſhew lyfe they lyued here in er 
vs g com foite vs / e dryue che / to take of them exam 
awaye the ole lede ple to do as they dyde / e 
our loules to bipile. The therbp to wynne p mede 
whiche blyſſe our loꝛde p they haue. ¶ Pyte muk 
graũteth @ gyueth to all be the pytaücer p dooch 
his cholen g true leruaũii chat good that the may. 
whan he layth thus ¶ Ve ¶ Mercy muſt be Alme⸗ 
nite bñdicti patris mei pz ner that gyueth to all E 
cipite regnũ qé vobis paz no thynge cay holde to 
Ci eſt ab oꝛigine mandi. herlelf ¶ The lady Dre⸗ 
¶ Penaũce (hall be Beer de Poꝛter that krpeth the 
uer 2 ryght well can ma cloyſtre of the hert ÿcha⸗ 
ke many good meetes / lut cyth awaye all wycked 
kerynge many bytter for vytes g called in good ver 
ro wes foꝛ ſynne ta make tues / & cloleth the gates 
the foule mery and glad ot the cloyſtre v none euyl 
with god that before was ce me not in to the herte / 
‘elenge / for fhe had byty the eyen / the mouth / che 
oltended. ¶ Temperaũ⸗ eeres / ne in coocher plans 
ce Chall lerue ty the fray by the fyue wyttes ¶ Ho⸗ 
tour loke all aboute 5 neſte is mayſſreſſe to teche 

melure be had ouer all j nauyces curteyſy howthei 

none haue to moche ne hall haue chewy in ther 


dedes both to god and to keth iy herte. The gar⸗ 

map ( Lucteplp is Holk, ner is aboue 5 cellar, S0 

lere to calle in noble gyfti medytacõn ouer deuocõy 
and Symplenes ſhall be Medpracdy garnetour e 

her felowe p ſhe be not to deuocyon cellerer / ⁊ pyte 

lyberall. ¶ Reaſon (hall {hall be pytaũcer. 
eee e ¶ Herof (peketh che pꝛo⸗ 
Ddekaute. ¶ Boũte ſhalbe phete Dauid g layth ¶ A 
8 5 ſehe men to frucu frumẽti vini ⁊ olei 
ſerue. Her kelawe {hall be multiplicati lũt.Ot᷑ fru 
Largeneſſe to gyue eue te / ot whete / ol wyne g ol 
ryche phe Sand n oyle bey they multeplyed 
dytacyoy Garnetour for God behotech to his cho 
ko gadre come togyder fey thyle thre thynges. 
hat men haue cheyr {uz Serue ye to me he ſaytch 
ſtenaunce. E F thal gyue pou plente 
¶ Medytacõn is thought of whete / of wyne / g of oy 
ty god / of his werkes / of le. Plente of whete is th 
bis woꝛdes / g of his crear to chynke on p croſſe In⸗ 
tures / g of his paynes 5 wardly ¢ on Cryſte Ju 
he loued vs with. Foꝛ oft that dyed theroy / pis to 
a good thought is better eee been 
thay many Indeuowte of wyne is welle of teeres 

piayers. ¶ Cherof (per foꝛ to wepe well is good 
hech ÿ holy byſſhop Ses deuocõy.Plente of oyle is 

nys E lath. Whay che good dylectacũn in Cryſt 

herte is caught with the Jheluspis our beſte coms 
loue of god / he may not foꝛte. Oyle gyueth aun 

laye the woꝛde Phe chyn re tu meetes E iygbe allo 

talapes.Rpabt ſo whay that purpofe ¢ trauaplie 
men beleche hertlpgodof to be holde wyle in this 
mercy / he fendeth theym woꝛlde / p is to gad ryches 
a gholily Joye. The ople co gað foꝛ grete worlhyp 
ok comfort æ of gta of themſelte here / g fos 
is in medytacyon / where theyr luſty lyuynge / moꝛe 
to thynke on che trolle ot thay for the woꝛlhyp ol 
Crylte Jhu. And in deuo god / ca parte therot there 
Cy he gyueth wyne / ö is as it nedeth / ben ryght np 
the welle of teeres of byt ce foles ¢ grete wrerches / 

ternes / Z after 5 wyne of as the apoſtle vs techeth 

— fs 5 1 ; vier = to pat bm — 75 
oꝛde len eruauntes ˖ 
chem che oyle of comfort lyght of loue bien lome 
E of mercy 5 gpueth the dele taak fele how we 
iyght ot e ſhewith his he te he is E how good. But 
uenly pꝛeuytees p he bys he gyueth it noc all full 
dech fro men ÿ bey ful of koꝛ no ma J trowe m 
fleſſyly luſtes / gyue thé ke all fully it tele / ß for ly 
all to worldelp wytte in kynge and Joye his herte 
dyuerle degrees / p whiche holde to bꝛaſte. faz (ape 
is ryght grete folp ¶ Foꝛ Auſten doctour tellith ex⸗ 
the apoſtle Poule ſayth. ample of an holy pꝛeeſt 
¶ Sapiẽcia eiꝰmũdi ſtul layth thus / p thay wha 
ticia ẽ apud deũ. That is he herde onythẽge o god 
thus moche to laye / p the that it phen hym to here 
wyldom ot this woꝛlde is he lholde be rauyſſhed fo 
folp before god. Therfo w* Joye 5 he [holde falle 
re me thynketh all thole lye ſtyll as he were deed 

And though ony man ip bak in this (hort tyme ol 
p tyme caſte fyre on his me / p mayſt taaſt how 
fleſſhe he keled it no moze lwete J am to my cholen 
chay be had be all decd. in my blyſſe whay they 
Wherot ſpekech Job e pafle hens. And thus he 
fapth ¶ Ablcondi lucẽ in doth to drawe vs fro luk 
manibʒ. That is to laye of fleſſhely @ worldly loz 
god hydeth lyght withiy ue to flãme our hertes w⸗ 
his hondes / as he 5 hath loue longynge to haue 5 
à candell lyght betwene Joye in body E ſoule we 
his two hondes / he may hym without ende. 
lhewe it oꝛ hyde whether ¶ A wple lady Jeloulye 
he woll. So doth our loꝛ/ that is bely both nyght e 
de Crylt Jhelu to his cho daye to do our loꝛdes wyl 
fey men / his hondes he o/ lhall hepe our Hoꝛolege 
penech whay he wol and to wake chyle ladyes all 
gladdech them we heuen ¢ caule them l wyktely to 
lylyght . And wha he wol ryle vp to faye our loꝛdes 
he dlolich his hondes g we leruyce · This hoꝛolege ol 
dreweth his com foꝛte / foꝛ contemplacyon is to god 
he woll not 5 they fele it lone longynge p{myteth 
fully / but gyuech them le looner than ony other in 
ue to taaſt / ę in partye to ÿ herte of Cryſtys louers 
fele how good he is / how chat fede theyr foule we 
{wete he is / as Dauyd good pꝛayers / Z wallbeth — 
layth in ÿ lawter ¶ Gul wi ſwete teres / a wipeth 
tate ⁊ videte qin ſuauis ẽ it with ghoſtly com foꝛte / 
dñs . And yt god ſayd to as Salomon telleth e te 
vs / by this lykynge ‘bat? cheth vs. ¶ Ego doimio 


et cor meũ vigilat. I Mle? his grace. And theñe thep 
pe he layth my kleulhe ca kneled downe e lange. 
rede / my herte is wakyn / ¶ Veni creatoꝛ (piritus. 
ge all in loue g all to god Thenne as it is ſayd bez 
longynge. ¶ Whay chis foꝛe / came our loꝛd Cryſt 
abbape was al well let æ Fhu in ta his moð ¢ reſto 
god therin lerued / a tps red this hous better than 
raunt came @ wich grete euer it was before. To 
power put in his foure hym gloꝛyg woꝛſhyp p ly 
doughters / p were all ot nech without ende. 

{hrewed maners / ß tende ¶ Memoꝛandũ qa pri? 
fad of them all · The fpr die plalmacione ic. We 
fe doughter piyde / y o/ may vnderſtonde p chere 
cher was enuye / y thyrde was a fals tyraũt apoſta 
kalle demynge / ÿ fourth ta 5 is named Sathanas 
kleſchly luſt. Thyle foure 5 lome tyme was pꝛyour 
wenchis by coũlell of the of ÿ oꝛder of angels iy p 
deuyll theyr fad came to blylle of heuen / ÿ for pip 
noye this abbay lo nyght de rane out of his blyltul 
E daye in loule the woꝛle oꝛder in to loꝛowfull hoꝛ⸗ 
reſt they haue Whay Cha rour of 5 payne of helle. 
ryte lawe this myſcheyf He had foo grete enuy to 
other ladyes of the hou this abbay ot ÿ holy ghoſt 
le they range anone theyr 5 it was lo well w* god / 
chapytour bell / g toke coũ ¢ had fo grete a ĩoꝛolhyp 
lell of this thynge. And He bethought hym how 
thenne layd Dylcrecõn / p he myght diſtroye ÿ noble 
they pꝛaye the holy ghoſt hous / E how he myght do 
co come to helpe them we to make 5 noble couente 

of vertues fo renne out of we the fruptes delycyous 
cheyr oꝛder / as he ranne to ÿ mouth / went to ÿ tree 
out of his. He came in ly and toke g ete therof and 
henes ot a adder to thab? gaat Adam ÿ other dele 
bape gate to come in æ p and he ete therof. And in 
porter/p was called Dre the meane tyme ÿ Adam 
de was not chere redy Foꝛ ¢ his wyt ete ot the frup 
without doubte * Drede te / the tals traytour wich 
had be there fende had his thre hnyghtes. That 
not come in. And Eue la is is to (aye. Pꝛyde. Coue 
we f he was there / e as a tyle.⁊ Vayngloꝛy / wente 
grete fole fhe lete hym co in this abbaye of the hoz 
me in. Theñe layd ÿ ken ly ghott ¢ bare awaye al 

de to her / why foꝛbad god the good 5 there was / E 
P ye lholde not ete of the bare awaye the chartour 

kruyte p growith on ÿ tree y god gaat them to holde 

$ ſtondeth in myddes of theyr place by · And thers 
paradyſe / theñe (apd Sue fore Adam ne his wyfe 
pf we ete of it we ſhall neyther cheyr heyres fro 
Deve: Naye layd he. God that daye vnto this daye 
kno with wel yf ye ete the had neuer right to chalen 
re of ye ſhal be as goddis ge ayen loꝛdſhyp of che 
bnowpnge good g euyll / blyſſe of heuen / but oon y 
but he wolde y ye were not bp goddes mercy . And 
ſo wyle / z therfore he for7 not onely thyle falle thes 
bad ye lholde not ete ofp ues hake the abbaye / but 
fruyte Sue herde lhe lhol allo they bare awaye the 
de be ſo wyle / was bothe godes / chat is / they draue 
couetous g lykerous / e la awaye dyſpytoulely out 

b ij 

of the abbape all the no⸗ 
ble couent of vertues. So 
chat it was. iiij. M · v · C. 
E. xxxiij. yere after that oꝛ 
cheymyght come ayen al 

was deſtroyed wich foure 
fals theues. Theñe all p 
couent brake theyr order 
Granne awape / ę layd as 
they went / p they holde 

tcogyder as perłytly as nomoꝛe come togyð ayen 
they were befoꝛe. asthep were kyrlt this ij 
¶ Whay Adam and his M. yere e more. Thenne 
wyfe had eten of ỹ fruyte layd Adam g bis wpfe. 
chey behelde eche other / ꝛ Alas what ſhall we doo /) 
cheñe perceyued they kyrlt we haue no clothe to dos 

that they were boche rob oy vs / ne hous to dwelle 
bed g naked ę were alba in / E therto che couent ot 
med ot thẽlelt. And went holy vertues p were our 
and toke leues of fygge belt frendes bath foꝛſake 

trees to couer with theyr 
pꝛeuytees for they had no 
other clothes bene wen 
te they forth tu one p was 
chet belyde fp was namid 
wytte / and alked of hym 

ere that holy couent 
was become Theñe layd 
wytte 5 theyr abbay was 
Deſtroyed g all p couente 
was renne awapye foꝛ thy 
koly ¢ for chp wyues. Foz 
whyle j E chy wyle ere 
of the frupte/the abbaye 

vs e bey gone awape So 
welawaye p harde whyle 
that euer we ete the kruy 
te. Soane after they her⸗ 
de how god ſpake totheß 
as he went in the myddel 
of paradyle / g they weren 
alhamed of themſelt / foꝛ 
they were naked. ¶ Allo 
they were aferde of hym / 
and went onder 2 tree to 
hyde them God came by 
them ¢ lawe chem / and 
layd. Adath where art y 

Loꝛde layd Adam J her; chat Ealfe cheytk with ma 
de thy vops in paradples ny of his allent went in 
and J was alhamed / foꝛ to che abbaye g bꝛahe it 
I was naked / cherfoꝛe J downe / beerynge awaye 
bpd me. Adam (apd our all the good ÿ was therin 
loꝛde / who tolde the that and draue awapye al that 
thou were naked. Dnp noble couent. J wore not 
thynge elles / but foꝛ thou wheder. Cherie layd god 
tete of che fruyte ayenſt to Eue. Why lete thou iy 
my foꝛbyddynge. Adam this falle theyt / and why 
ſayd our loꝛde / who bath ete thou of the fruyte / 
broke thabbape of the ho thenne layd Cue. Loe 
ly ghoſt / g who hath bore he came to me in lyknes 
a wapye all the good that of ay adder and begyled 
there was. Where is thab me with falle woꝛdes / e 
belle ę her couent / wheder J lete hym in g dyde as 
ben they gone. Loꝛd fapd he bad Thenne (apa our 
Adam that woman that loꝛde co her. Foꝛ thou lete 
thou yaueſt to mne in to hym in e dyde as he the 
my wyte lete in a falle bad / g eteſt of che kruyte / 
ſhrewe at the abbaye ga thou Chale bere thy chil⸗ 
tes / that bad her ete of p dern with grete payne e 
fruyte / g he layd that (he all wymmen chat (hall 
holde be as wyſe as god come after the / out take 
And the toke g ete therot one. And yt chou hadde 

e gaat᷑ me that other de⸗ not lo done / woman (hob 

le. And J wolde not dyl de not haue had payne in 
pleaſe her / but ete therof berynge of childern · And 
alſo. y p meane tyme therto thou (halt. be euer 

b ij 

vnd mãnes power. God agape. 
theñe [apa to Adam. Foꝛ ¶ After p our loꝛde bad 
peteof chat frupte at thy an angel to dryue Adam 
wyues byddynge ayenſte E his wyf out of 5 blylle 
my toꝛbyddynge / E for p ot paradyle in to p wret⸗ 
leteſt the abbay of the ho ched woꝛlde. He bad hyim 
ly ghoſt to be lo foule de? go g ſeke there the abbel 
yes / ę lete chabbeſſe ſe of the abbaye of che ho 
her couent to rene awaye ly ghoſt · And ſayd that 
fro thep: order ę knowelt nocher he ne his wyle ne 
not whether / chis (bal be none of theyr ollpꝛynge 
thy penaũce . Thou lhalt ſ holde come agayne in to 
be dryue out of paradyſe the blyſle of paradyle ne 
in to the exthe acurfed for in to heuen / tyll they baz 
thy lynne. Therin ſhall ue made agayne the ab 
thou d welle with moche abye of the holy ghoſt as 
loꝛowe g woo all 2 dayes weil as it was before. Al⸗ 
‘pi thy lyte / and the erthe lo tyll they haue brought 
lhali bꝛynge forth to the agayn thabbeſſe w! them 
thaꝛnes g bieres . And p and all che couent in as 
lhalt ete graſſe that gro: good poynt as they were 
weth oy the erche . Iv be oꝛ they wente awaye 
Lyneſſe ¢ ſwete of top fa ¶ Thenne made god to 
ce thou lhalt ete thy bres Adam a cote of leder / 
de tyll thou toꝛne agayne to ue ay other cote / and 
vnto the erthe that thou put them out of paradyle 
came fro. for of the erthe And thus they went foꝛ⸗ 
thou were made / and to the in to this wretched 
the erthe thou ſhalt come worlde wt moche ſoꝛo we 

and cave/etherof was no dene as it was befor. 

wonder. ¶ They lyued ¶ Th was Adam e bis 
thenne in this woꝛlde wt wyte iy helle many yeres 
moche wuo E ſoꝛowe . ix. in ſoꝛowe g care / tyli als 
honored yeres and · xxx. myghty god had pyte of 
Ang ſought the abbellee cheyr loules / z lende dow 
her couent that were loo ne his owne ocre lone / e 
renne awape. bad hyt go and (eke the 
(Allo be wolde haue abbeſſe of the abbaye of 

had lomwhat wherwith the holy ghoſt g her coz 

he myght haue made a7 uent. Fos he wpite better 
gap 5 abbaye of 5 holy where they were than Az. 
gyolt. And he myght tyn dam wyſt T bere he cam 
de therot right nought in downe in to chis woꝛlde g 
all that longe tyme. And fought them here ful bez 
io meane tyme he fell ſely . xxxiij.yeres. And at 
le he fuꝛ ſoꝛowe therot g ÿ laſt he foitoe them han 
deyed and his wyfe both gynge oy roode. And to 
And cheyr loules went to te them downe ¢ ladde 
helle. Not onely they aloz them w' hym onto helle 
ne / but al cholepof them & {pake wi Adam ¢ his 
tanie by the (pace of᷑.irij. wyte. Whan Adam lawe 
M. · vi. C. yeres to helle h come he was ful glad 
they went eche one. Foꝛ lo de and no wonder was. 
longe was Adam in bell ¶ Thenne Cryſt goddes 
E that was fo: chabbaye lone of heuen made ayen 
ok the holy ghoſt / p was the abbaye of che holy. 
theyr conlcyence / was not ghoſt better thay euer it 
made ayen as fayr ne as was / E toke out of helle 

Adam e his wyfe / and Thenne amonge other 

ladde chem agapy home men thet cam four good 

in to paradple . ¶ And me. Dauyd. Salomoy. 

ther was moche Joye ma Play. Jeremy / ÿ were 
de at theyr comynge ho, about daye and nyght to 
me. But how ¢ in what make this abbaye ayen 
maner Cryſte toũde thab E to (che vp che couent. 
beſle g her couent / here And for they myght not 
map we lerne. haue theyr wyll / chey ma 
de moche ſoꝛowe @ moon 
Fter the tyme that Dauyd layd. ¶ Labora, 
Adam g his wyfe ui clamãs rauce face lit 

were departed from this fauces mee defeceriit ocli 
tranſytoꝛy lyfe and put mei dũ (pero in deũ meũ 
in p pꝛyſoꝝ of helle / chere I haue lo traueled ę ap 
came in to the woꝛlde ma ed after them p my che⸗ 

ny wyle g famous mey kes ake and bey were al 

as Patryarhes and Pꝛo⸗ hooꝛes. ¶ Dñe inclina ce 
phetes ¢ other good men los tuos : delcende. Ther 
many that hadde moche fore loꝛde he layd bowe 
ſoꝛo we for the abbaye of Bowne thy heuẽs come 
the holy ghoſt and fo: al downe ¢ helpe me to (eke 
the couent foꝛ they were the abbeſſe ¢ her couent / 
fo gone awaye / they wen for J may not kynde them 
te about @ fought after ¶ Thenne ſayd Halos 
them in many lyndre cõ⸗ moy ¶ Circuibo ciuitatẽ 

‘frees as longe as they lp, p vicos ⁊ plateas et qucrã 

ued. But vnder theym al qué diligit aia mea. J 

they kounde they not. thall goo about the Cy⸗ 

ke by wayes E by Gretese atm ſehe foꝛ loue longyn 
leke the abbelle E her coz ge after them Thus uyn 
uent whom my herte loz ge Salomon made 3 
ueth. J fought them / but moon / E they he ſayd th 

I toũde then not. I cryed Lorde god lende downe 
but none of them wolde out of thy holy heuẽs thy 
anlwere wyth a woꝛde . dere fone he may be w⸗ 
Thenne J layd moꝛnyn me E crauayle with me / 
ge thus / toꝛne ayen plwe e helpe me to mabe ayen 
te wyghte ¢ lete vs loke the abbaye of che holy 
on che. Thou halt woũ/ ghoſt in as good poync 
Ded myn herte mp Fayre as it ſholde be. But foꝛ 
lylter my kayre Ipoule p all phe coude crye / god? 
bak woüdid myy hert we dis fone cam not yet then 
the twynkelynge of thy ¶ Thenne wente Ylaye 
eyen · J haue lought by p pꝛophete ¢ fought thab 
nyghtes p couent who belle of her couent many 
my foule loueth . J haue dayes ¢ longe / but he fou 
lought we all my myght de them not · Thenne lay 
g Imap not fynde them de he thꝰ. ¶ Vtinã dilrũ 
Thenne layd he to other pera celos et delcenderes. 
mapydens powelled there pis to faye wolde god loz 
belyde . J pꝛape pou {pez de~p p woldeſt bꝛoke he⸗ 
cyally pe maydens ot Jes uens ę come Downe hel 
ruſalem pf ye fpnde ony pe vs to make ayen thab 
thynge where chabbelle bape of the holy gholt / e 
is ot thabbaye ot the holy fpnde vp the couent that 
ghoſt ¢ her couent / that is gone awaye. ¶ Then 
pe woll cell chem that J ne went Jeremy the pꝛo⸗ 

phete g fought them allo And who ſhall wepe for 
but he myght not fpnde maydens p be thus go⸗ 
them / thertoꝛe made he a ne away both day g nygh 
ruthtull mooy and ſayd. ce Thou noble abbeſſe he 
¶ ve michi milere 1c. ſayth to whom may J ly 
Wo to me wretche he lay ken the / to whom may ) 

dieß god hath encreaced allemble the / ÿ doughter 

moie loꝛowe to my ſoꝛo/ of Ihrli the wyle pꝛyou 
we. J haue trauaylled wi reſle to whom J lyken p 
out ony reſte in lyghynge Thou mayde ¢ doughs 
g ſoꝛowynge / E IJ mape ter of Syon 5 holycouent 

not fynde 5 5 J lee. He⸗ he ſayth / how may J cõ⸗ 

las he (apd 5 fende bath forte the / me thynke thy 
dryue awaye ÿ maydens loꝛowe as grete as 5 ſee / 
in to che erthe / g detyled noble couent who lhall 
cheyr kyngdome. The be thy helpe . J cay not 
mapdens be paſte awaye elles ſaye ſaych Jertmy 
in to wretchednes. They but che kayreſt kloure ot 
herde me well how J ly; our garlonde is falle a⸗ 
ghed eg made moch moon waye. Alas alas ę welas 

but there was none of thé waye ÿ euer we dyde ne 

bB wolde me comfoꝛte wt ¶ Mhan god almyghty 
a woꝛde. T herfoꝛe J ha: herde thꝰ chyſe pꝛophetes 
ue lo wepte for loꝛowe õ w' manyocher good men 
myn eyen be in poynt to to make moche moon we 
faylie . A heuy 3 hũdrrd 
me water to my deftruccpoy 
who thal sence rade af tbe abbaye of the holy 
of teeres to myn eyen. gholt / he had grete pyte 

dt thetythat chepfaviolo of the holy ghoſt as well 
And p therfore mannes as euer it was / E to dely⸗ 
loule was in pꝛylon e pay uer mãnes loule out ot 8 
ne of helle / E (holde haue loꝛy pꝛyſon · He hach be 
be chere w'out ende. He cheriy longe tyme / haue 
oꝛdeyned a cuũſeyle of 5 we pyte on hy. He is as 
holy trynyte in the blylle one of vs made co our ly 
of heuen / of fader / lone / z kenes. All ÿ holy trynyte 
holy ghoſt g ſayd · We ma graũtid it ſhold be ſo / but 
de mãnes loule co our ly it was aled who [holde 
genes /g toke hym to key do ÿ dede. It were nede he 
pe in his owne conſcyen/ were luche one ÿ were hol 
ce the abbaye of the holy de to do it / e allo that he 
ghoſt. And he of his ow / myght do it But no thyn 
ne pꝛopꝛe foly lete beere ge was beholde to dely? 
aàwape out of that abbap uer mãnes loule but oniy 
all che goud p there was / man e no thyng mygh 
E the abbefle and her co? te delyuer hyrn but onely 
ent ranne awaye out of god. Therfoꝛe he p {hols 
her oꝛder. Thertoꝛe he de do that dede muſte be 
was take g put in to the boch god e man / and lo 
pꝛyſon of helle / and there myght no thynge be but 
hach be now. M. yere and were one of the thre pers 
vi. C. E morse pis grete ſones ot p trynyte. T her 
pyte. Thertoꝛe it were a fore they oꝛdeyned p the 
good dede to make ÿ abs ſeconde perfone 5 is al⸗ 
beſle g her cauent fayre ta myghty goddes fone {hol 
come àyen in to her oꝛder de come in to this woꝛlde 
@ make apey the abbaye ¢ be boꝛne of a mayde ¢ 


become man / E male a7 ſayd Merqy. ¶ O pater 
gayn che abbaye of pho mĩan c. Fader of mercy 
lyghoſt / e deye foꝛ loue of g god of all comfoztep 
man oy p rood tree / g lo comfoꝛteſt all thynge in 
delyuer mãnes loule fro angre ¢ in wo / haue thou 
p papne of helle. Theñe mercy on mãnes ſoule p 
were there foure doughs lyeth boũde in helle / ana 
ters ok almyghty god / luynge hym in to blyſle. 
whiche ben Mercy Trou Foꝛ thou layd p woldeſt 
the Ryghtwylnes E Peas kepe mercy to hym with 

the whiche herde telle ÿ out ende Therkoꝛe ſayt! 
mãnes foule ſholde be de thou art true / p (halt haz 
ipnered fro helle payne / e ue mercy oy mãnes ſoule 
came all foure togyd ber Thenne layd Ryghtw I 

fioꝛe god almighty They nes. Nay nay / it may not 

layd Trouch thus to her be ſo. ¶ Quia iuſtꝰ dñs ⁊ 
fader almyghty god / loꝛ/ iuſticias dilexit.Loꝛde the 
de fhe ſayd p haſt louid e⸗ ſayd thou art ryghetull / 
wer well me that am chp e loueſt rightwylnes / the 
doughter Trouth. J pꝛay re fore p ſhalt not ryght⸗ 

170 koꝛlake my not. Thou fully laue mannes loule. 
J e e 
My D olde deye | 

1 @ go f helle. Sperber ned / fon he bath foxlake 

bath deer? 

yf thou delyuer may out god p hym forth bꝛaughe 
fro thens / thou deſtroyeſt 5 adh foꝛgete bis loz 
. meg thatwerenoreafoy de ỹ made hym of nough 
For goddes trouth lakith te. Cherfore it is reaſon 
without ende. Thenne that 5 haue of hym nos 

eit horn; 70 
by, GY" Nie | 

ther pyte ne mercy / fo: ucd/etyghiwpines alfo 
chpryghtwpines (hal lal ay other. Neuerthelts me 

te in to the woꝛldes ende thynheth ÿ mercp layth 

¶ Tenne ſayd Mercy to be / that mannes loule 
Nyghtwylnes. Syſter be lholde be (aucd . Fo: as 
thou ſtyll e faye not ſo / the ſoch layth / elles gas 
for it were not ryght p {hold forlake you al three 
knoweſt well p god [hol both Ryghtwylncs Merz 

de foꝛlake me. Foꝛ p mer (y. T routh. And Ithyn 
cy of god is aboue al his he that were grete ruthe. 

werkes / E the mercp ot And not conly he ſholde 
god was without begyn? forlake you chre, but allo 
nynge g {hal be without he lholde foꝛlake mefor 
endpnge . Therfoꝛe pf as longe as mãnes foule ~ 
god foꝛſoke me / he [holde is fo iy helle / there halbe 
forfake both my lyſter E dylcoꝛde amõge pou thre 
the / ß were nother ryght Fo: Nyghtwylnes and 
ne trouch · Therfoꝛe the Crouth thall wyll to a 
ſayd to laue vs all thre / ue hym there ſtyll /e Wer 

god chall haue of mãnes cy ſhall wyll to haue his 
loule both mercy e pyte. out / lo that peas amongee 

. Thenne lapd Ptas co you Chal be foꝛſake. Allo 

her thyrde lyſter · ¶ pax yt man were foo ſtyll in 

coat oẽm ſenſũ. bellethere lholde be apts „ 
The peas ot god paſſeth corde betwene god g man 4 
al maner wytte Though e betwene angell c may 
tt be lo the layd p trouthe g betwene mar e man / lo 
laye ayenſt ſhyll why mã p peas ſholde be forlake 
nes loule fholde not be la over all / whiche were: no 

. 4 . 

pꝛouſfyte. Thertoie layd togyder better thay euer 
155 do ye after my coũ / it was before. ¶ Whay 
/e pꝛãye we god all co thyle lyſters, herde chis / 

gyder 5 is piynce of peas they were glad e Joyfull 

5 he wol make peas ę a: ¶ Mia ec veritas obuia⸗ 
come betwene pou tre / ueruͤt libi iuſticia et pax 
betwene god E man / be⸗ ofculate (iit. Mercy and 
twene angell E man / E trouch mette them togyd 
betwene man e man / E ryghtwylnes ¢ peas bey 
oꝛdeyne ſuche a way that hyſled and made at one. 
he maye kepe vs ſtyll all ¶ Tho anone almyghty 
foure lyſters. ¶ All they god the fader ſende dow⸗ 
thoughte that ibe lapd ne bis owne fone in to 
beſt. And all piaped god chis woꝛlde to become ma 
of henen that he wolde foꝛ vs / g to leke thabbeſſe 
ſo do · And thenne he layd of thabbaye of the holy 
¶ Ego cogito cogitacio/ ghoſt ¢ her holy couent / 
nes pacis et nd affliccdes is to laye. Charyte € o⸗ 
J chynke lapd god thous cher noble vertues . And 
ghtes of peas and not of the fyrſte daye ÿ he came 
wyckednes / E Ilhall he he foũde a lady of phos 
layd kepe vou ſtylle alle ly abbaye that is called 
foure / æ ſhal laue mãnes Clenneſſe. Foꝛ he was co 
foule and bꝛynge hym to ceyued without knowles 

Hhlyſſe ¶ Allo he ſayd J gynge of ony may thos 

Chall fynde vp thabbeſle rugh the vertue g the ope 
of thabbaye of the holy vacpoy of the holy gholt / 
ghoſt / E make ayen the and boꝛne of a pure clene 
abbape e the couent all maydey and virgyy that 

nines was defplen wych be was xij. peres oloes 

¶ Thenne went he foꝛth 

4 Thus clenneſle he fo with Joleph e his moder 
de whay he was ty his co Jerłin to offre there in 
mods wombe beynge in / an Eſter daye. And wha 

carnate may by that pur chey had oſtrid g . 

re vyrgyn. ¶ And that ynge home ayen / our 

noble lady he kepte with de Ihu bode tipll at Jeru 
hym there. xxxix · wekes lalem thre dayes / a went 
Thenne was he boꝛne of in to the temple amonae: 

bis moder in ay ofde bio mayliers of ÿ la we The⸗ 

hen boule at Bethleem re he toũde other two la⸗ 
townes ende / E lay d on dyes of the holy abbaye / 
an alſes mangecr oꝝ a ly chat were. Wyldem and 
tel heye. And there he fuũ Nyghte ylnes. 1 
de ay ether lady of ÿ ab ¶ Whav Mary Joſeph 
baye e vᷣ was pouerte fei were come home e wykk- 

his bleſlid mod had none not where Jhus was ech 

other ſhetes for to wynde me / chey made moche (or 

hym in / but toke a keuers rowe for p lwete childe /? i 

chyt of her berd / e kytte went apen to Jerfm ta le 

ay olde hertyl ę made o ke hy. Thenne they 

it cloutes/æ wounde our foũde hym in the temple 

bleſlyd loꝛd therin for col lyttynge amonge docos 

de · And laved hym on a dyſputynge of the lawe. 

wylpe of heye befoꝛe an Thenne layd his mod to 

oxe e ay aſſe. Thyſe two bpm. Sone what haſt p 

ladyes Pouerte ę Clẽnes done / thy fader E J haue 

he lad foꝛch w* hy tyll lought the makynge for 
| | 8 re 

the moche loꝛowe. Then 
ne apd Jhus. How is itp 
pe lought me / wyit ye not 
well that J mutt be bely 
about my fads nedes. He 
ſende me ty to this coũtre 
to leke vp thabbeſſe g the 
couent of thabbay of the 
holy ghoſt. And therfore 
J went amonge p map; 
ſters in to che temple / e 
there foũde J two ladyes 
of the couent. Ryghtwyl 

nes e Wyldom / and ſo he 

coude moze thay all they 
Theñe went he home we 
Joleph e his moder in co 
Nazareth / g chere he foũ 

ce ahd Sobꝛenes. He lad 
thei wich hy ty to de⸗ 
lerte to lee mo of her fe 
lowes. And there he foũ⸗ 
de other two ladyes / chat 
one hyght Penaůce e her 
felowe Strength. He fon 
de there penaũce ynough 
fo: he faſted. xl. dayes € 
xl. npgbt for loue of ma 
nes loule without mecte 
E drynke / E chenne he be 
gay to hungre. ¶ There 
came the fende to hym p 
came to ue in paradyle 

in to thabbaye of the hoz 
ly gholt / ⁊ wolde haue 07 

uercome hym in gloteny 

de an other lady ÿ was as he dyde her / z lad him 
called Buriines. for bef to av hepe of ſtones / and 
is hygheſt loꝛde was lor bad hym yl he were god⸗ 
welt of hert / g in al thyn des lone he [hold make p 
ge buxotne to his moder. fortes loues / ę ete of thé 
¶Theñe went he forth ynough · Thenne foũde 
xvij. yeres E ay halt / ę e: he there ſtrength / chrugh 
uery Daye at his boꝛde he which he withſtode m 
foũde other two ladyes of tly the temptacioy of the 

that holy abbape / z theyr fende g layd . Man ͤÜlyueth 
names were Tempoꝛaũ not oonly by bꝛede / but by 

euery woꝛde of goddes 
mouth. Thenne bare the 
fende hym thens in to Je 
ruſalẽ e let hym on p py⸗ 
nacle of the temple / and 
wolde haue ouercome h 
wich pꝛyde g vayngloꝛy.· 
E layd . PE thou be god⸗ 
des lone ikpppe Downe e 
fake none harme / and al 
men (hall pꝛayſe the / and 
faye that thou batt done 
à grete mayſtry Thenne 
be withſtode allo his tép 

thou wolt knele dowfte e 
woꝛlhyp me. And there 
be wichſtode myghely we 
the lady ſtrength / g layd 
Go thy wape Sathanas 
and tome ayen to helle. 
Mey (hall woꝛlhyp als 
myghty god ¢ buy oñly 
ſerue g noo thynge elles. 
Thenne was che fende 
alhamed of hymlelt chat 
he was lo ouercome wich 
the lady Strength. 

¶ Tho went Jhũs iy to 

facéy wich che vertue of che londe of Galyle / and 

that lady Strength / and 

ſayd Thou Chale not cẽp 
te thy loꝛde god / as who 

there he foũde other two 
ladyes ol that holy ab⸗ 
baye / one hyght Shryfte 

layth it is no nede that e that other Pꝛedycacũn 
ſhyppe downe J may ge For there pꝛeched Cryſte 
Downe well ynough by a fyrſte ¢ layd to the peo⸗ 
nother waye. Thenne he ple of the caũtree. ¶ Pe⸗ 
lad hym in to an hyghe nitemini et confitemini 
hylle E thewed hyrh thet et aedite euãgelio. Shry 
al the rychelle of the worl ue ye pou g do ye penaũ⸗ 
de / e wolde haue ouerco? ce & be pe of good byleue 
mebpty igconetpleetay the kyngdoth of beucy 
de. I Chall gyue ÿ all the npgbeth faſte ¶ Thenne 
goodes that thou ſeeſt / t went he forth co — 
: cw 

17 —— 

— eee ͤ—ͤä— 

= x 

lyde / g there be foũde pe ly abbaye called Larges 
a @ — his 006 nes. Foꝛloth Cryſt layd / 
caſtynge theyr nettes in ye ÿ haue forlake al chat 
to the lee to catche fylſhe 6 had g folowe me /ſhal 
And Cryſte layd to then haue ay hũdred folde ſo 
Come pe ę folowe me / æ moche cherkoꝛe /g therto 
I thal make you fyſlhers lyt᷑ wrout ende ¶ Theñe 
of mey . And they lefte came he foꝛth on a daye 
theyr bote ſtyll in che lee fro the moũt ol Olyuete 
E went forth with Cryſt in to the tem ple or Jerlm 

Bochep weren hel fers fn preche der /e ile 

der @ foũde John E Jar he was piechynge ß Sar. 
mes his bꝛoc er in ay o/ raſyns brought h a wo⸗ 
ther bote drawyng theyr man take iy auo wery /e 
nettes with Zebede cheyr layd to hym. Lo mayſter 
fader / foꝛ they were fyl⸗ this woman is now take 
thers alſo · And Cryſte in a ſpauſebꝛeche / what 
bad theyn folowe him / 2 (hal we now do wich her 
they lefte thepr fader E Moyles byddeth iy our 

al that they hadde iy the lawe that we ſholde tos 
bote @ pede with Cryſte. ne ſuche to deth · Ciyſte 
¶ Ou a dape as they per knewe cheyr falſhede $- 
de by the waye Peter lay they dyde it to timpte 9s 
de to Cryſte. What (hall. Romped downe e wrote 

we haue of the that haue on the grounde with his 

koꝛſake al that we had g fynger all theyr lynnes / 
folowe the thus in pauer fo 5; eche of them myght 
te. Thenne Cryſte faũde le how lynfull other was 

aw other lady of that ha And thenne he layde ta 

term thus. Spth it is lo the Sarraſẽs ſende chepr 
that by your lawes this dyſcyples tu Cryſt to baz 
woman ſhalbe ſtoned to ue take hy in woꝛdes. 
dethe / thenne whiche of Chepathed byw yt they 
pou all that is without myght by goddes lawe 
lynne / caſte he on her the gyue trpoute to thempe⸗ 
fprite ſtone · Thenne all rour. Cryſie knewe theyr 
they were alhamed of malyce wel / g layd. Pe y 
themlelt z went ont at pocryt what nede is it to 

dooꝛe eche after other / E tẽpte me Lete me le a pe⸗ 

lete Cryſte Ronde allone ny ot your money / g they 
w' the woman. Thenne lhewed hym one. Theñe 
tame cwo ladyes to hym layd Cryſt / whuos coyne 
of che abbaye of the holy is this / they fapd thempe 
ghoſt / chat were Mercy g rours. Theñe koũde Cry 
Nr penne ſayd Cry tte a lady of the couent / y 
to womay. Vomay was called Reaſon / g fap 
where ben thy enmyes. de. Gyue ye ta thempe/ 
Hath ony man condemp rour ÿ longech to hym / e 
med the to deth · Loꝛde {he to god 5 longeth to byw 
{apd no mau /g J wol not e that is realon. 
{apd our loꝛde condemp⸗ ¶ One daye thet as Cry 
ne the · Fare well he lapd fe went by p waye by he 
t be in wyl nomoꝛe to do lelfe / he remembꝛed hym 
ſynne . Here was grete on mãnes loule ¢ oy the 
mercy E pyte / toꝛ the gree abbaye of ÿ holy gholt / 
tet trelpaſſe p (he dyde chenne he koũde an other 
was ayenſt hymleif. lady of che fame houle / 
¶ After warde oy a daye that men calle Geloulye 

Thenne toke he his dyl/ them. At this oltyce were 
cpples pꝛeuyly ę went to/ foure ladyes. Curteyſy ¢ 
warde Jerk e (ayd to Buxũnes. Honeſte Me 
them chꝰ. J haue al thyſe kenes. 5 
xxxij. peres ę more be a: ¶ Afterwarde he wente 
bout to helpe mãnes ſou⸗ with his dilcyples iy co a 

le / g to kepe vp 5 abbeſſe lytell towne chat hyghte 
g the couent p wente out Gethlemany / g there he 
of chabbaye of the holy toke thre of his mey. Pe 
gholt / E J haue foũde of ter. James. Joh / æ bad 
them. xvi. And now J wol all the other abyde there 
go to Jerłm g be boũde / ſtyll tpl they came agayn 
beten / hangen e drawe / æ As they went our loꝛde be 
Iſhal deye fo: loue of mã gay to quake ¢ drad / € 

nes ſoule / to fynde vp the chenne he layd to them. 
other dele ot ÿ holy court Here J haue foũde an o⸗ 
This was a grete Jelau cher lady of the holy coz 
ſye à grete loue ¶ Theñ uent / chat is called Drede 
went they forth to Jerlm J haue he ſayd rull mos 
to gader / e on a tyme as che drede ayen 5 J hall 
they were at theyr louper depe. Sytte ye Downe he 
togyd Cryſt foũde two la layd g wake ye / and byd 
Dyes of ÿ abbaye / v mey pour bedes tyll J come a⸗ 
talle Curteyſy ¢ Honeſte yen to you Thenne went 
For Cryſt fed there at fou be forth fro hema fer⸗ 
per his dyſcyples w. his re as it were a ſtones cal 
owne fleſſhe and blood. te / g there he foũde other 
hay he had ſo done he two ladyes. Medytacyoy 

wylibe theyr fete g wiped E Oꝛyſoy¶ He bethougb 

te hym op mannes loule but chat J muſt nedes lut 

that it holde be loſt with fre deth / be it as woll. 

out ende but yt he deyed Thenne came he ayen to 
therfoꝛe /g how he lholde his dyſcyples ¢ foũde thé 
deye / z lo be harde naylid llepynge as he dyde befo 
to the rode tree / a he was re. He went ayen the th 
in a pes ote es noo de tyme / e prayed as 
wond was. And for drede dyde fyrſte g koũde other 
ol deth he lwet dropes of ladyes of the holy abbay 
blood 5 fell downe in the Contemplacõy Dalyan 
groũde as dropes fall fro ce g Jubylacõy. Thenne 
ay hous euees atter reyne came an angell fro heuẽ 
T henne pꝛayed he to his co comtoꝛte hym / g tolde 
fai ¢ (apd. fai yt it may how mannes foule oꝛ the 
be lete me not deye thus thyrde daye lholde be de⸗ 
dylpytoully / netheles he lyuerd out of helle / e how 
lapyd chy wyll be done E by ÿ tyme he lholde kyn⸗ 
not mpy.Thenne came de vp all 5 couent of the 
he ayep to his dyſcyples ę abbaye of the holy ghoſt 
foũde them llepynge / E E al theyr place made vp 
thenne he layd ko Peter . ayen better then euer it 
Map not one houre was Thenne was he me 
wake we me. Wake ye he ry and glad in his foule 
layd g pꝛaye 5ᷣ ye fall not though he were kyndely 
in to temptacõy Thenne by his manhede agaſt ot 
went be ayen and foũde his dethe. ¶ Thenne ca⸗ 
Oꝛylon g her ſyller Dez me he ayen to his dylcy⸗ 
uocõy / e (apd. My fader ples g bad them ryſe vp 
{pth it may none other be and go with hym · And 

d i 

as walked & lytell this he fapd J woll (uf; 
faith / they lawe there mo fre with good wyll for lo 
che folke comynge with ue or mannes loule. 
lanternes ę drawen wer ¶ Thenne che falle Fes 
des E ſtaues to cake our wes ladde forth Ju Cry 
loꝛde. Judas Dcarpoth ſte to Cayphas 5j byſſhop 
went before them all / and His dylcyples la we that / 
came to Cryſte ę hyſſed E ranne awape for drede 
hym. And Cryſte (apd to euerychone / ¢ lefte hym 
hym . Judas frende lhalt chere alone. ¶ Thenne 
thou betraye goddes for came many lhrewes and 
ne with a coſſe. ¶ Theñe made playnt to ÿ byſſhop 
the Jewes toke Cryſte ę on our loꝛde. Theñe Lapa 
boũde hym as a theyt ful Cayphas to our loꝛde. 
harde and ſoꝛe. There he What layſt to thyle iz 
foũde ay other lady ot 5 plapné g treſpaſles that 
fame hous / and (he was chyle men (hewe ayenſt p 
named pacyence. (per ¶ Cryſte foũde there ay 
ter (awe that / & out wich other lady that is called 
a ſwerde and lmote of a Symplenelle. Foꝛ he ans 
bopes eere / that was ane ſwered not to byt) with 
of ÿ byllhops men Theñe one worde. ¶ Theñe the 
layd Cryſte to peter. put byſſhop aſhed hym whe⸗ 
vp chp lwerde agayne. re he had pꝛeched / e what 
Troweſt thou not that J he had taught and layd. 
myght pꝛaye my fader Thenne layde le. 
pf J wolde / g he myght What demaundeſt ÿ me. 
lende me mo than twelue Enquyre of them p her⸗ 
legyons of angels. All de me pꝛeche what J layd 

to they Tho tobe che ge Aleltbe allo. hay chep 

wies our loꝛde Fhu ę put (awe that / the ſyrewes we 

bol his clothes and botide re well plealyd / bleryd 
a bptw to a pylar of fone. op byt) and dg hym 
And made with And there foũde Cryſte 
knottes of lede æ (harpe ay other lady of the ab⸗ 
pꝛyckes in thendes / and baye chat hyghe Mehe⸗ 
with them bete his precy nes. ¶ Tho the falle Je: 

ons body tyll it ranne all wes made Cryſte to bere 

oy blood. Thenne they his owne croſſe oy his 
dyde on hym a ſtreyght backe to warde the mot 

lylken clothe / ¢ that cle/ of Caluary / tyll he was 
uid faſt to ÿ fleſſhe whay in poynt to falle downe 
5 blood was dryer. Then for feblyneſle d han they 
ne they ſet a garlonde oy (awe that / theywolde nor 
his ber of longe g lhar: chat he deyed tyll be had 

pe thoꝛnes /g bete it har be hanged for qrete mas 
, de Downe with ſtaues for lyce @ bate that they has 

they wolde not pꝛycke to hym . They made an 
theyr kyngers . And toke other man to bere croſſe 
hym̃ a rede in his honde / cyll they came to the pla 
and kneled downe g layd ce where Cryſt ſholde be 
in ſcoꝛne. Hayle khyng of nayled og · And euer as 
Jiewes. Whay they had he wente the good lady 
ſo done they ſtrypte ol ß Mehenes went wich hin 
cote of {plke/¢ for it de, Crowe ye not that his 
upd faſt to the body / they moder hadde thenne mo 
drewe awaye cherwith che loꝛowe whan ſhe ſa⸗ 
moche of the ſhynne and we her lone gyo loo tas 

d 5 

warde his deth. Foꝛloch it al his body was fo (hron 
was a pyteaus lyght / who ke vp togyder foꝛ peyne ỹ 
5 had it lee. ¶ Whay it was to (hort fo: p hole 
they cam to Caluary they 5 they had made by a lar 
calt Downe there ÿ crolle ge fote · Theñe toke they 
E laped our loꝛde alonge ropes ę tyed to his fete /e 
theron / e made markes dre we hym downe harde 
E holes where his hondes E lore tyll they were mete 
and fete were nayled to. therfore / they brake in p 
Theñe they toke a blont drawynge al the Joyntes 
rough raggid nayle g dro of his lyndes g knees g 
new an hamour thrugh of his fete allo. Thenne 
phis honde to ÿ crolle. And they toke luche an other 
for anguyſſhe therof all raggyd rough nayle ano 
his body drewe there tor draue it thrugh both his 
warde / they wolde haue fete we an hamour ato⸗ 
nayled p other honde top nes in to the harde tree / g 
crolle / g it was to ſhoꝛt to whyle he was th? nayled 
the hole they had made oy i crolle / came many la 
by halt a fote ę moꝛe / dyes ot holy abbaye po 
pet wolde they make noo uerte. Buxũnes.Penaũce 
newe holes / but toke ro Symplenes . Pacyence. 
pes E tyed to his honde e Mehkenes / ca le how he di 
drewe it tyll it was mete de. Theñe layd Cryſt to 
to the hole. And in ÿ dra them / yt ye had your ab⸗ 

wynge all che Joyntes of beſſe / chene had ye euery⸗ 
his armes bꝛake afondre chone. ¶ Whay p Jewes 
Whay chey wolde haue had napled hym on the 
nayled his fete top croſle crolle / as men do cloth oy 

à teyntour / they lyfte vp luã ponat quis ꝓ amicis 
the croſle fro 2 groũde to luis. Moꝛe loue ę charyte 
let it faſte in p moꝛteys ÿ may noo may haue thay 
was made fo: ÿ lame pur co gyue his lyt᷑ fo: his fre 
poos. And in theyr grete des / as Cryſt dyde fo: ma 
enuyous malyce p curſed nes loule.¶ Whay Cryſt 
Jewes lyft it vp as hygh had foũde 5 holy abbeſſfe 
as they myght w' ſtreng Charyte ¢ all her coucne 
the ol men & lete it falle he was full glad in his 
Downe ſodenly in to the herte / all though he felte 
moꝛteys. In p fallynge moche wo of bodyly pay 
All the lynewes of his bo ne withoutfoꝛth. Thene 
dy / all p veynes / Z all the alked he a drynke to ma 
Joyntes brake euery one. he with all thyle ladyes 
S tra we there was pes mery. And welcomed thé 
naũce ynough. E layd (Scictio) J churſte 
¶ The lady paueꝛte was Thenne the falle Jewes 
chere all redy / foꝛ he han made to him a drynke of 

ge all naked as he was eyſell E gall tempꝛed to⸗ 

boꝛn ot his moder on the gyder with myrre / Z put 
croſle foꝛ mannes foule. it co his mouth vppoy a 
And whyle he hãgid ther ſpounge. han our loꝛde 
wich his blody woũdes al had (mellid p taſte therof 
to hurlyd g all to rente. he wolde no more cheroak 
He foũde ÿ abbeſſe ot the but he layd thus. ¶ Con 
bbaye of the holy ghoſt lummatũ eſt · That is ca 
pis callid Charyte /p whi Jaye. J haue done all mp 
che layd . ¶ Maioꝛẽ cari⸗/ fads mellage phe bad me 
tatẽ nemo bet ꝙᷓ vt aĩaʒ doo on erthe. For J baue 
, | 65 

koũde vp the abbelle cal the couente of the holy 
the couent of the abbaye ghoſt to p blyſſe of heuen 
of the holyghoſt / e made And there almyghty god 
ayen thabbay better thay oꝛdenyd ỹ his four dough 
3 ow be tare droit oy Trouth 
“<i go to Adam e nes and P 

5 Rae delyuer thé dholde duelle fy chabbay 
out of helle / g lede them of ÿ holy ghoſt. And thet 
ayen to the blyſſe ot para he cõmaũded hymſelt᷑ / 

5 neuer (hall celle. Mercy E Trouch ſholde 

2 8 ber he had (apd th? be Charytees chapeleyns 
he gaat᷑ vp the ghoſt and e goo about w* her whys 
deyed in flelſſhe hangyns cher p Che went . He bad 
oy the coffe all to rul allo ů Nyghtrylnes ſhol 

E all to rent /ſo vn de be w Wyſdom / foꝛ ſhe 

neth ony lo me henge by was pꝛyoureſſe g Peas wW 
other bitwene two theuis Mekeneſſe ỹ was ſuppyh)h;; 
uo: grete loue 5ᷣ he had to oureſſe · He oꝛdeyned y thy 

ſaue mãnes ſoule Theñe fe thre ladyes ſholde haue 

ghoſtly in his godhede he cheyr chapeleyns / to: they 

went Downe to helle g to were mooſt of woꝛſhyp. 
ke out Adam ę Eue· A? ¶ Thenne he layd/ he d 

bell e Seth / e other. Aue woll epe fayr g wel thy 

Abꝛaham / Jacob ę Plaac ſe holy vertues / he ſhall 

x: JoſephMoyles / æ hyng fpnde in this woꝛlde bp a 

Dauypd.pPatrparkes and holy medytacõn / by good 
pꝛophetes /g all his frenz conuerſacõꝝ / by noble cũõ⸗ 
des he toke with bym/e lemplacõn moche Joye e 

lad them we tpabbelle E myrth both in body fon: 

le. And atterwarde whan be abowle to take from 
he is deed / he hall haue you this lady Lharpte/ 
co bis mene 5 hyngdom tpnge pe pour Chaptour 
of 3 wie “i mo, a of 2 3 
re Joye @ thay ony calle ye to pour coun 
eye map le / oꝛ eere . . Dyſcrecõn. Pa 
oz tonge telle / oꝛ herte cyence ¢ Peas. And go ye 
thynhe . Almyghty god forth to Oꝛylon / & ape 
for his grete mercy gyue ye in ſoule to 5 holy ghoſt 
vs grace ę ſocour to kepe And in waꝛdly pꝛape him 
faye E well chis abbaye / that he come ¢ defende 
that is our conſcyence / charyte . That he chrugh 
all the hole couent / that his gratyous helpe kepe 
is to laye good vertues in vou fro euyll chaũce And 
thought / in woꝛde / e in de he that made vs all with 
de / that we may come to bipfle vs auaũce. Amey. 
the blyſle chat god bough | 
fe vs (0.Ameye 

| : 4 at Wek 
¶ Dow frendes æ bꝛethe by Wynken 
ren in Cryſte Ihu that co de woꝛde. 
ueyte cryltenly to lyue in 
Cryſtis religyon Repe ye 

te in herte / and all chyle 
other noble vertues beto⸗ 
re reherced. And yt it foo 
bhefalle pony l me of che 
deupll bodyly of gholily 


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2 Abbey of the Holy Ghost 

241 The abbaye of the holy 
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