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:ed  Computation 



m    5  1976 

~>     L"     IHHIO& 

CAC  Document  No.  89 

Accounting  System  Primer 


Peter  A.  Alsberg 
John  R.  Mullen 

Revised  August  1974 


Table  of  Contents 
—  Page 


The  Computers  Involved  

Ledger  Program  Overview   

Entering  Transactions  into  the  Ledger   4 

Syntax  Diagram  Examples   

Examples  of  Transactions  

Checking  and  Freezing  Temporary  Transactions  11 

Examples  of  Temporary  Transactions  Requests   14 

Generating  Reports  on  Permanent  Transactions  15 

Adding  Accounts,  Classes,  Subclasses,  and  Synonyms 17 

Examples  of  Name  Modification   

Miscellaneous  Commands  

Security • 

Getting  into  the  Accounting  System  

Where  to  Get  Help   

Table  of  Figures 

Figure  Page 

1  Entering  Transactions  .  8 

2  Checking,  Editing,  and  Freezing  Temporary  Transactions   ......  13 

3  Report  Generation  16 

4  Creating  and  Naming  Accounts,  Classes  and  Subclasses   18 

5  Connecting  to  Multics  26 

6  A  Sample  Session   


The  Center  for  Advanced  Computation  accounting  system  was  built  by  the 
Center  for  Advanced  Computation  to  reduce  the  paper  work  in  the  business  office 
and  speed  up  the  preparation  of  reports.   The  system  knows  about  the  University 
of  Illinois  accounting  procedures  and  has  been  tuned  to  these  procedures.   It 
may  not  be  acceptable  for  use  in  other  environments. 

The  only  program  currently  running  in  the  system  is  a  ledger  program. 
The  ledger  program  is  of  interest  primarily  to  the  accountant.   At  present  it 
contains  no  sophisticated  retrieval  or  analysis  capabilities.   It  can  only  record 
transactions  and  write  these  transactions  back  out  completely  itemized  and  organized 
by  account,  by  month,  by  year,  and  by  expense  class  and  subclass. 

If  sufficient  interest  is  shown,  other  facilities  will  be  added  to  the 
system  to  facilitate  budget  preparation,  to  sound  alarms  when  expenses  increase 
at  a  rate  that  jeopardizes  budgets  and  to  allow  the  retrieval  of  the  full  history 
of  any  purchase  order  over  a  multi-year  period.   Eventually,  we  expect  that  the 
system  will  maintain  personnel  files  to  help  facilitate  budget  preparation  and 
automatically  log  payroll  transactions  into  the  ledger  system.   We  are  also  looking 
at  a  facility  to  reduce  the  amount  of  time  spent  rationalizing  departmental  records 
to  the  monthly  university  statement  for  each  account. 

The  Computers  Involved 

The  system  runs  on  the  Multics  computing  system  at  MIT  in  Cambridge, 
Massachusetts.   We  use  Multics  because 

1.  it  is  easily  available  from  the  Urbana  campus; 

2.  it  is  the  cheapest  system  for  building  this  kind  of  accounting  system; 

3.  we  can  build  the  complete  system  in  a  much  shorter  time  than  on  any 
other  computer; 

A.   Multics  is  the  only  system  currently  available  that  provides  us  with  a  high 
degree  of  security  and  privacy. 

The  link  from  the  University  of  Illinois  to  the  Multics  computer  at 
MIT  is  the  ARPA  computer  network.   All  that  the  user  normally  sees  is  a  typewriter- 
like terminal  in  his  own  office.  A  local  computer  at  the  Center  for  Advanced 
Computation,  called  ANTS  (ARPA  Network  Terminal  System),  makes  it  easy  to  use  the 
ARPA  network  and  the  accounting  system  at  Multics.   The  accounting  system  user 
makes  only  one  phone  call  and  types  5  or  6  words.   From  that  point  on  he  is  inside 
the  accounting  system  at  Multics  and  he  can  forget  about  networks  and  telephone 
lines  and  local  computers  like  ANTS. 

Ledger  Program  Overview 

The  ledger  program  treats  each  department  separately.   The  departmental 
data  contained  in  the  accounting  system  can  only  be  read  and  written  by  specifically 
authorized  persons  in  each  department.   These  data  access  permissions  are  controlled 
on  a  department  by  department  and  individual  by  individual  basis.   The  programmers 
at  the  Center  for  Advanced  Computation  can  show  you  how  to  set  the  various  data 
access  privileges. 

Each  department  can  choose  its  own  expense  classes  independent  of  the 
expense  classifications  used  in  other  departments.   However,  expense  classifications 
apply  to  all  accounts  in  the  one  department.  All  expense  classes  must  be  broken 
into  expense  subclasses.   For  example,  a  department  might  choose  a  simple  three 
class  scheme:  wages,    equipment,    and  other.      Wages  might  be  broken  down  into 
subclasses  like:  faculty ',   professional,   non- academic,    undergraduate  hourly , 
graduate  research  assistants,    etc.  Similarly,  the  equipment   class  and  the  other 
class  can  be  broken  down  into  a  variety  of  subclasses.   Departments  may  have  a 
very  large  number  of  accounts,  classes,  and  subclasses  if  they  choose.   Depart- 
ments may  also  specify  multiple  names  and  abbreviations  for  each  of  their  accounts, 
classes,  and  subclasses. 

Entering  transactions  Into  the  ledger 

The  transactions  in  the  ledger  system  are  either  temporary  or  frozen. 
When  transactions  are  first  entered  into  the  system  they  are  only  temporary. 
While  they  are  temporary  you  can  change  the  values  of  some  of  the  fields  of  the 
transaction,  delete  a  transaction  altogether  or  perform  various  checks  and  request 
sub-totals  to  check  the  validity  of  the  temporary  transactions.   ONCE  A  TEMPORARY 
form  a  permanent  record.   These  frozen  transactions  cannot  be  tampered  with  in 
any  way.   They  cannot  be  intentionally  or  unintentionally  altered  or  deleted. 

Since  frozen  transactions  are  so  permanent,  special  care  must  be  taken 
to  insure  their  accuracy.   If,  somehow,  you  still  make  a  mistake  and  freeze  an 
erroneous  transaction,  the  only  way  to  correct  the  error  is  to  enter  an  offsetting 
transaction.   A  good  working  technique  is  to  enter  10  or  20  transactions,  check 
them  for  accuracy  and  freeze  them.   Then  go  on  to  the  next  10  or  20  transactions. 
If  for  any  reason  either  your  terminal,  your  telephone  line,  ANTS,  the  ARPA  network, 
or  Multics  should  fail,  do  not  worry.   The  accounting  system  is  set  up  so  that 
it  remembers  everything  you  did.   The  worst  that  can  happen  is  that  you  might 
have  to  retype  the  very  last  line  you  were  working  on  when  your  terminal  or  the 
telephone  line  or  one  of  the  various  computers  failed. 

All  input  lines  are  terminated  by  a  carriage  return.   It  is  possible 
to  enter  a  textual  description  of  each  transaction.   Sometimes  this  description 
may  require  more  room  than  is  available  on  a  single  line.   This  is  no  problem. 
You  can  continue  descriptive  information  onto  the  next  line  and  the  next  and  the 
next  after  that.   In  fact,  the  system  is  set  up  so  that  you  could  write  several 
hundred  pages  of  description  for  one  transaction  if  you  really  wanted  to.   To 
continue  a  textual  description  onto  the  next  line  on  your  terminal,  type  a  plus, 
"+",  as  the  first  character  on  the  next  line.   All  continued  lines  will  begin 
with  a  plus. 

In  order  to  enter  a  transaction  you  must  specify  the  seven  fields  in 
the  transaction.   These  fields  are  an  action,  a  reference  code,  a  dollar  amount, 
a  subclass,  an  account,  a  date,  and  the  text  field  we  just  mentioned.   Each  of 
these  fields  is  separated  by  one  or  more  blanks.   With  the  exception  of  the  text 
field,  none  of  the  other  fields  may  contain  a  blank.   When  you  specify  the  names 
of  subclasses,  accounts,  and  classes  you  should  be  careful  in  your  use  of  upper 
and  lower  case.   The  accounting  system  knows  the  difference  between  an  upper  case 
and  a  lower  case  letter.   Each  class,  subclass,  and  account  may  have  several  names 
or  synonyms.   For  example,  you  might  have  a  subclass  with  the  name  Teaching_assistants. 
This  subclass  may  also  have  synonyms  TA,  ta,  and  gradta.   These  additional  names 
are  for  your  convenience.   The  accounting  system  knows  they  all  identify  the  same 
subclass  and  does  not  care  which  one  you  use. 

Even  with  the  heavy  use  of  short  synonyms  it  would  still  be  a  terrible 
bore  to  type  in  all  seven  fields  all  of  the  time.   If  you  are  entering  a  series 
of  transactions  and  the  last  few  fields  of  the  next  transaction  are  the  same  as 
the  last  transaction  then  you  don't  have  to  type  in  the  last  few  fields.   Type 
the  first  fields.   When  you  get  to  the  fields  that  are  the  same,  type  your  carriage 
return  to  terminate  the  transaction.   The  accounting  system  will  automatically 
copy  the  missing  fields  from  the  last  transaction.   You  might  also  want  to  use 
the  ditto  convention.   If  the  reference,  dollar  amount,  subclass,  account,  or 
date  field  of  the  next  transaction  is  the  same  as  the  last  transaction  you  can 
simply  enter  a  ditto  mark  (")  in  that  field.   The  accounting  system  will  automatically 
copy  the  dittoed  field  value  from  the  previous  transaction. 

The  format  of  a  transaction  is  shown  graphically  in  figure  1.   The  graph 
in  figure  1  is  called  a  syntax  diagram.  A  syntax  diagram  describes  all  of  the 
legal  ways  that  a  request  can  be  formed.   The  rules  for  syntax  diagrams  are  simple: 

1.  follow  the  path  from  left  to  right 

2.  where  single  or  multiple  characters  appear,  those  characters  must  be 
put  in  the  request  in  exactly  the  same  way  they  appear  in  the  syntax 

3.  where  phrases  appear  in  pointy  brackets,  e.g.  <subclass  name>,  they 
describe  the  kind  of  thing  which  must  be  put  in  the  request  at  that 

Syntax  Diagram  Examples: 

j —  a  — v     /—  cat— \ 
\—  the-/   V_dog— / 

Means  that  the  only  legal  requests  are 
a  cat 
the  cat 
a  dog 
the  dog 

<name  of  animal>- 

has  a  very  large  number  of  phrases 
a  dog 

an  elephant 




the  mouse 

(note  we  took  the  bottom  path  in 
the  first  phrase  and  skipped 
the  article  altogether) 


The  ledger  system  has  a  very  simple  ledger  format.   There  are  only  two 
columns  of  importance,  the  cash  and  the  obligation  columns.   When  you  enter  a 
transaction  you  must  specify  what  actions  are  to  be  performed  on  the  cash  and 
obligation  columns.   You  can  either  debit  or  credit  one  or  both  of  the  cash  and 
obligation  columns.   For  example,  to  have  a  transaction  debit  the  cash  column 
you  would  use  the  action  code  "dc".   To  have  it  credit  the  obligation  column  you 
would  use  the  action  code  "co".   You  could  specify  that  the  transaction  debit 
the  cash  column  and  credit  the  obligation  column  by  using  the  action  code  "dcco". 
An  action  like  dcco  would  commonly  be  used  when  recording  an  expense  against  a 
continuous  purchase  order. 

The  next  field  in  the  transaction  is  the  reference  code  field.   Normally, 
the  reference  code  will  contain  a  university  purchase  order  number  or  a  departmental 
requisition  number.   The  reference  code  is  very  important.   Eventually  it  will 
be  used  to  provide  a  history  of  transactions  so  that  you  might,  for  example,  go 
back  many  years  and  retreive  all  transactions  that  occurred  relative  to  a  given 
purchase  order  of  requisition.   The  reference  code  must  be  at  least  one  character 
long  and  may  be  up  to  eight  characters  long.   Any  character  is  valid  except  for 
the  blank.   You  can  feel  free  to  use  letters,  digits,  and  marks  of  punctuation 
in  a  reference  code.   The  third  field  of  the  transaction  is  the  amount  field. 
The  amount  to  be  debited  or  credited  to  the  cash  or  obligation  column  is  specified 
in  dollars.   No  dollar  sign  should  be  typed  in  this  field.   Only  digits  and  the 
decimal  point  are  allowed.   If  an  even  dollar  amount  is  specified,  you  do  not  have 
to  use  the  decimal  point.   For  example,  $17.00  could  be  entered  as  17  or  17.00 
If  the  second  digit  after  the  decimal  point  is  a  0  it  may  be  omitted.   For  example, 
$17.20  could  be  entered  as  17.2.   No  more  than  2  digits  are  allowed  after  the  decimal 
point.   The  maximum  dollar  amount  that  can  be  recorded  in  this  system  is  approximately 
$343  million-.   Therefore,  each  transaction,  total  and  subtotal  must  be  less  than 
343  million  dollars  for  each  department. 

The  fourth  and  fifth  field  in  the  transactions  specify  a  subclass  name 
or  synonym  and  an  account  name  or  synonym. 

The  sixth  field  in  the  transaction  is  the  date  field.   The  date  must 
be  written  in  month-day-year  format  with  the  month,  day,  and  years  specified  as 
one  or  two  digits  and  separated  by  hyphens  or  slashes.   The  accounting  system  always 
knows  what  day  it  is.   If  you  specify  an  asterisk  (*)  in  the  date  field  it  will 
simply  use  today's  date. 

The  seventh  field  in  the  transaction  is  the  text  field.  The  text  field 
is  optional.  It  may  contain  blanks  and  it  may  be  continued  over  many  lines  using 
the  +  convention. 

cc  =  credit  cash 

dc  =  debit  cash 

co  =  credit  obligation 

do  =  debit  obligation 

dcco  =  debit  cash  and  credit  obligation 


ref.  code  =  1  to  8  character  reference  code  (examples:  ABC  15x.3(L)  1347-L) 

amount    =  amount  to  be  debited  or  credited  in  dollars  without  the  dollar 
sign  (examples:  17  17.  17.00  17.2  17.23  14329.30) 

subclass   =  any  of  the  subclass  names  or  synonyms  established  for  the  dept. 

account   =  any  of  the  account  names  or  synonyms  established  for  the  dept . 

date      =  date  in  mm-dd-yy  format  (examples:  8-13-73  10-3-72  2-38-75) 

text      =  an  arbitrarily  long  description  of  a  transaction.   If  the  first 
character  on  the  next  line  is  a  "+"  then  the  next  line,  will  be 
treated  as  a  continuation  of  the  text  field.   As  many 
continuation  lines  as  desired  can  be  added  to  the  text  field 
by  using  additional  lines  beginning  with  a  "+" . 

*         =  in  a  date,  an  asterisk  means  today's  date 

=  a  ditto  in  a  field  means  that  the  same  field  on  the  immediately 
previous  transaction  should  be  copied  into  the  field  of  this 

Entering  Transactions 

figure  1 


Examples  of  Transactions 

The  symbol  (CR)  is  a  carriage  return. 

1.  add  $15,700.00  to  wages  and  subtract  it  from  the  equipment  allocation  for 
the  NSF-Adaras  account 

cc  budget  15700  wages  NSF-Adams  *  adjust  budget  (CR) 
dc   "      "   equipment  (CR) 

The  first  transaction  gave  wages  more  cash.   We  made  up  the  reference  code 
"budget".   The  text  field  contains  a  short  explanation  of  what  was  done.   The 
asterisk  specifies  today's  date.   The  second  transaction  subtracted  the  cash 
from  the  equipment  subclass.   The  reference,  amount,  account  and  date  fields 
are  the  same  as  the  previous  transaction  so  we  only  specified  the  action  and 
subclass  and  used  the  ditto  and  carriage  return  conventions  to  automatically 
copy  the  4  identical  fields.  The  text  field  of  the  second  transaction  will 
be  empty. 

2.  Obligate  purchase  order  1773-M  for  $100.37  of  machine  parts  on  account 
44-77-36-735  (with  alias  44/735) 

do  1773-M  100.37  shop-equip  44/735  *  misc.  machine  parts  (CR) 

3.  The  machine  parts  of  2  came  in  but  they  only  cost  $98.73.   Expense  it  and 
de-obligate  it. 

dc  1773-M  98.37  shop-equip  44/735  *  price  less  than  P.O.  (CR> 
co    "   100.37  (CR) 

The  first  transaction  shows  that  the  equipment  was  paid  for  and  how  much  it 
cost.   The  second  transaction  reduces  the  obligation  column  for  that  subclass 
by  the  amount  originally  obligated.   If  the  delivered  parts  had  cost  the  same 
as  was  obligated,  the  whole  thing  could  have  been  done  in  one  transaction: 

dcco  1773-M  100.37  shop-equip  44/735  * 


Checking  and  Freezing  Temporary  Transactions 

Figure  2  is  a  syntax  diagram  which  shows  all  of  the  legal  requests  used 
to  process  temporary  transactions.   All  of  the  key  words  used  when  processing  temporary 
transactions  have  a  one  letter  synonym,  their  first  letter.  All  requests  to  work 
with  temporary  transactions  must  be  preceded  by  the  word  "temp"  or  its  synonym 
"t".   The  purpose  for  this  is  two  fold.   The  most  important  reason  is  that  it  will 
constantly  reinforce,  in  your  own  mind,  the  difference  between  temporary  and  permanent 
transactions.   The  second  reason  is  that  the  print  and  total  commands  will  also 
work,  in  a  slightly  different  fashion,  on  permanent  transactions.   By  putting  the 
t  or  temp  before  the  print  and  total  commands,  the  accounting  system  knows  that 
you  want  to  print  or  total  temporary  transactions  as  oppsed  to  permanent  transactions . 

Temporary  transactions  are  kept  in  their  own  buffer.   There  can  be  up 
to  approximately  25,000  temporary  transactions  in  that  buffer.   Each  transaction 
has  a  number  assigned  by  the  system.   When  you  ask  to  have  a  transaction  in  the 
temporary  buffer  printed,  the  accounting  system  will  also  tell  you  what  number 
it  has  assigned  to  the  transaction.   This  number  is  used  to  reference  the  transaction 
whenever  you  want  to  edit  it,  delete  it,  print  it,  etc.   There  are  7  commands  which 
can  be  used  in  the  temporary  buffer:  count,  print,  total,  set,  replace,  delete, 
and  freeze. 

The  count  command  tells  you  how  many  temporary  transactions  are  stored 

in  the  temporary  buffer.   If  any  temporary  transactions  have  been  deleted  the  count 

command  will  tell  you  how  many. 

The  print  command  prints  one  or  more  transactions.   When  you  ask  for 
a  print  of  a  transaction,  all  of  the  fields  in  the  transaction  are  reported  to 

you.   The  transaction  number  assigned  by  the  accounting  system  is  also  printed. 

The  print  command  may  have  0,  1,  or  2  numbers  following  it.   If  there  are  no  numbers, 



then  it  is  assumed  that  the  entire  temporary  buffer  should  be  printed.   If  there 
is  just  one  number,  then  the  single  transaction  with  that  number  will  be  printed. 
If  two  numbers  follow  the  print  command  then  the  second  number  must  be  greater 
than  the  first  number  and  all  transactions  from  the  first  number  up  through  and 
including  the  second  number  will  be  printed. 

The  total  command  produces  an  adding  machine  tape  for  temporary  transactions. 
The  total  debits  and  credits  to  both  the  cash  and  obligation  columns  of  the  specified 
transactions  is  computed  and  typed  out  for  you.   As  in  the  print  command,  the  entire 
buffer,  a  single  transaction,  or  a  group  of  contiguous  transactions  may  be  totalled. 

The  set  command  allows  you  to  correct  a  single  field  on  a  single  transaction 
in  temporary  buffer.  Following  the  set  command  is  a  transaction  number,  the  field 
name,  and  the  new  value  to  be  placed  into  the  field.   Figure  2  shows  the  allowed 
field  names.  Notice  that  most  of  the  fields  have  short  synonyms  available  for 

your  convenience. 

The  replace  command  allows  you  to  enter  a  new  transaction  and  have  it 
replace  a  single  existing  transaction.   The  replace  command  and  the  transaction 
number  are  typed  and  are  followed  by  the  new  transaction.   For  your  convenience 
the  accounting  system  will  assume  that  the  last  transaction  entered  was  the  transaction 
that  was  being  replaced.  Therefore,  the  ditto  and  carriage  return  conventions 
will  copy  fields  automatically  from  the  temporary  transaction  being  replaced. 

The  delete  command  will  delete  an  entire  buffer,  a  single  transaction, 
or  a  range  of  transactions.   To  protect  you  from  your  own  typographical  errors, 
the  delete  command  will  ask  you  if  you  are  sure  you  want  to  delete  the  specified       I 
transactions.   You  must  reply  "yes"  or  "no"  before  the  delete  will  be  performed. 
If  the  accounting  system  decides  that  these  are  too  many  deleted  transactions  in 
the  temporary  buffer  it  will  discard  them  and  renumber  the  remaining  temporary 
transactions . 


The  temporary  freeze  command  will  freeze  all  of  the  transactions  in  the 
buffer,  a  single  transaction,  or  a  group  of  transactions.   Like  the  delete  command, 
the  freeze  command  will  also  ask  you  if  you  are  sure  you  want  to  freeze  the  indicated 
transaction.  Again,  you  must  reply  "yes"  or  "no".   Like  the  delete  command  the 
freeze  command  may  renumber  the  transactions.   If  this  happens  all  frozen  and  deleted 
transactions  in  the  buffer  will  be  discarded.   The  remaining  n  transactions  will 
be  numbered  sequentially  from  one  to  n  in  the  order  in  which  they  were  entered 
into  the  temporary  buffer. 


l^r-  replace-^ 





<number> <field  name> <new  value> 

<number> <new  transaction>- 

field  names  =  act      ref        amt  sub       acct     date  text 

action   reference  amount  subclass  account 

code       dollar  class 

Checking,  Editing,  and  Freezing  Temporary  Transactions 

figure  2 


Examples  of  Temporary  Transactions  Requests 

1.  The  following  4  requests  will  all  print  the  number  of  active  and  deleted 
temporary  transactions  in  the  buffer: 

temp  count 
t  count 
temp  c 
t  c 

2.  The  following  commands  will  print  all  of  the  transactions  in  the  temporary 

t  P 

temp  print 

3.  The  following  requests  will  produce  an  adding  machine  tape  for  the  fifth  through 
the  17th  transaction  in  the  temporary  buffer: 

t  total  5  17 
t  t  5  thru  17 

4.  The  following  commands  will  freeze  the  entire  buffer: 
t  f 

t  freeze 

5.  The  following  commands  will  be  required  to  delete  transactions  4,  7,  and  9: 
t  d  4 

t  d  7 
t  d  9 

6.  The  following  commands  will  change  the  action  and  dollar  amount  fields  of 
transaction  12  to  "dc"  and  $100.00  respectively. 

temp  set  12  act  dc 
t  s  12  amt  100 

t  r  12  dc  "  100 


Generating  Reports  on  Permanent  Transactions 

There  are  three  commands  that  work  on  permanent  transactions.   They  are 
the  tabulate,  print,  and  total  commands.  Actually,  you  will  only  use  the  tabulate 
command  and  probably  never  use  the  print  or  total  command. 

The  tabulate  command,  as  currently  implemented,  will  only  print  ledger 
sheets  for  all  accounts  in  the  department  or  for  one  account.   In  the  future  facil- 
ities will  be  added  to  allow  you  to  prepare  ledger  sheets  which  give  sub-totals 
for  individual  classes  or  subclasses  only  in  one  account  or  across  all  accounts 
in  your  department.   Figure  3  is  a  syntax  diagram  for  the  tabulate  request.   The 
tabulate  command  has  a  synonym  "tab".   The  second  phrase  in  the  tabulate  request 
specifies  whether  all  accounts  in  the  department  or  just  a  single  account  are  to 
be  tabulated.   The  account  name  specified  in  the  case  of  a  single  account  can  be 
any  one  of  the  synonyms  for  the  account.   The  third  phrase  in  the  tabulate  command 
is  optional.   If  it  is  not  present,  then  the  default  is  an  itemized  ledger  sheet. 
This  third  phrase  specifies  in  what  detail  you  would  like  the  ledger  prepared. 
The  least  detailed  would  be  by  class.   If  you  specified  by  subclass  then  both  class 
and  subclass  totals  would  be  prepared  and  printed  for  each  account.   If  you  speci- 
fied by  item,  then  the  ledger  would  have  a  class  grouping.   Within  each  class  would 
be  printed  each  subclass  total  and  within  each  subclass  would  be  printed  an  item- 
ized list  of  all  those  transactions  which  occurred  in  that  subclass  for  the  specified 
account  and  month.   The  optimal  phrase  "with  text"  indicates  that  the  text  associated 
with  each  itemized  transaction  will  be  printed.   Normally,  the  text  will  not  be 
printed.   The  last  phrase  specifies  the  date.   The  date  is  given  in  the  standard 
month,  day,  year  format  with  the  month,  day,  and  year  being  one  or  two  digit  numbers 
separated  by  a  hyphen.   The  day  in  the  date  field  is  ignored.   The  tabulate  command 
is  only  concerned  about  the  month.   Tabulate  will  automatically  tabulate  all  infor- 
mation for  a  given  month.   If  this  last  field  has  the  form  "from  <date  to  date>" 
then  the  two  months  indicated  and  all  the  months  in  between  will  be  separately 

tabulated  on  the  ledger  sheets. 


The  print  and  total  commands  perform  the  same  function  on  permanent  transac- 
actions  that  the  temporary  print  and  the  temporary  total  commands  perform  on  temporary 
transactions.   Instead  of  specifying  a  range  of  temporary  transaction  numbers, 
a  range  of  dates  is  specified.   These  dates  must  be  in  the  same  month.   If  only 
one  date  is  specified,  then  all  the  transactions  for  all  the  accounts,  classes, 
and  subclasses,  that  were  made  on  that  day,  will  be  printed  in  the  order  in  which 
they  were  made.   If  two  dates  are  specified  then  similar  action  is  taken  for  all 
dates  from  the  first  date  through  the  last  date  inclusive. 

tabulate -t,  p 
tab — — H_ 

—  print 


r—  class— . 

<account  name>^by-/subclass  \j-tor-  <date> 

-accounts—— -A    V_item_y  /  v.from  <date>  thru  <date> 

from  — <date> to <date> 

Report  Generation 
figure  3 

Examples  of  reports  on  permanent  transactions 

1.  to  prepare  a  ledger  for  account  46/733  with  expenses  aggregated  to  the  class 
level  for  the  fiscal  year-to-date  (assuming  it  is  October  21,  1973)  type 

tab  46/733  by  class  from  7-1-73  to  10-1-73 

2.  to  prepare  a  ledger  of  all  the  accounts  in  the  department,  completely  itemized, 
sorted  and  subtotaled  by  subclass  and  class  for  October,  1973  type 

tab  accounts  by  item  for  10-1-73 

3.  to  include  the  text  associated  with  the  transactions  for  the  request  above  type 

tab  accounts  by  item  with  text  for  10-1-73 


Adding  Accounts,  Classes,  Subclasses,  and  Synonyms 

Accounts,  classes,  subclasses,  and  synonyms  can  be  added  freely  while 
sitting  at  your  terminal.   Requests  to  add  new  accounts,  etc.,  can  be  interspersed 
with  the  entry  of  transactions  or  any  other  command.   Once  created,  an  account, 
class,  or  subclass  can  never  be  destroyed.   However,  it  can  be  renamed  and  synonyms 
can  be  added  and  deleted  freely.   Thus,  you  never  need  fear  a  mistake  when  adding 
a  synonym  or  when  renaming  an  existing  account,  class,  or  subclass.   These  actions 
can  always  be  reversed.   However,  once  created,  an  account,  class,  or  subclass  is 
with  you  forever.  Any  letter,  digit  or  punctuation  mark  except  a  blank  can  be 
used  in  a  name.  Account  names  and  synonyms  can  be  up  to  32  characters  in  length. 
For  classes  and  subclasses  the  limits  are  20  and  16  characters  respectively.   Figure  4 
is  a  syntax  diagram  that  illustrates  those  commands  which  create  accounts,  classes, 
and  subclasses  and  which  can  add,  change,  and  delete  existing  names. 

The  create  command  will  create  one  or  more  new  accounts  or  classes  or  one 
or  more  new  subclasses  within  an  existing  class.   The  names  and  synonyms  given  to 
accounts,  classes,  and  subclasses  must  all  be  unique  within  each  set  of  accounts, 
within  each  set  of  classes  and  within  each  set  of  subclasses.   However,  it  is  possible 
for  you  to  give  the  name  w  to  an  account,   w  to  a  class  and  w  to  a  subclass 
without  confusion  on  the  part  of  the  accounting  system.   Because  of  the  way  you  specify 
requests,  the  accounting  system  always  knows  whether  you  are  talking  about  the  account  w, 
the  class  w,  or  the  subclass  w.   Whenever  a  class  is  created  with  a  given  name,  a 
subclass  with  the  identical  name  is  automatically  created.   The  name  given  to  each 
account,  class,  or  subclass  in  a  create  statement  will  be  the  principal  name  of  that 
account,  class,  or  subclass.   The  principal  name  is  the  name  that  will  be  printed 
on  ledger  sheets  and  by  the  print  command  for  both  temporary  and  permanent  transac- 
tions.  Therefore,  you  should  choose  those  names  to  be  as  complete  and  as  descriptive 
as  possible. 


The  synonym  command  adds  additional  names  to  any  single  account,  class, 
.or  subclass.   You  can  add  an  arbitrary  number  of  synonyms  to  any  existing  name. 
The  rename  command  will  change  the  principal  name  or  any  synonym  that  currently 
exist  for  an  account,  a  class,  or  subclass.   The  remove  command  will  remove  synonyms 
from  any  account,  class,  or  subclass.   If  the  principal  name  of  an  account,  class, 
or  subclass  is  removed,  then  the  longest  synonym  automatically  becomes  the  principal 
name.   If  there  are  no  synonyms,  then  the  accounting  system  will  not  allow  you  to 
remove  the  principal  name. 





<new  name> 

in — <class  name>— <l—  <new  subclass  name>- 

~"V — syn- 
\ — syns 


-  class- 


is— a  \t' 







-  class  - 

-class  — 

•<old  name> to — <new  name>- 

syn  - 

A — sL.<old  name>— i- 

maximum  length  of  names: 

account  names  <^  32  characters 
class  names  <^  20  characters 
subclass  names  <^  16  characters 

names  may  contain  any  letter,  digit,  punctuation,  or  other  character  except 
the  blank 

Creating  and  Naming  Accounts,  Classes  and  Subclasses 

figure  4 


Examples  of  Name  Modification 

1.  Add  two  new  classes  named  wages  and  miscellaneous 

create  classes  wages  miscellaneous 

2.  Add  the  synonyms  w  to  wages  and  m  and  misc  to  miscellaneous 

synonyms  for  class  miscellaneous  are  m  misc 
syn  for  class  wages  is  w 

3.  Add  the  subclasses  hourly,  GRA,  and  faculty  to  the  class  wages 

create  subclasses  in  wages  hourly  GRA  faculty 

4.  Rename  the  GRA  subclass  to  be  graduate-student 

rename  subclass  GRA  to  graduate-student 

5.  Delete  the  synonym  m  from  miscellaneous 

remove  subclass  name  m 


Miscellaneous  Commands 

The  jjjit  co„nd  exits  the  accounting  system  and  returns  to  the  multics 
supervisor,  at  this  point  you  will  most  llkely  _  tQ  type  ^  „iogout„  ^^ 

The  logout  command  will  then  log  you  out  of  Multics  and  automatically  break  your 
ARPA  Network  connection  to  Multics. 

The  help.  command  will  glve  you  information  about  the  accounting  system. 
To  get  help  with  any  command  simply  type  "help  Command  name>".   Typlng  „help„  ^  J 
a  command  name  will  show  a  list  of  what  help  is  available.  For  example,  if  you 
don't  remember  what  the  tabulate  command  syntax  is,  type 
help  tabulate    (6r). 



Security  has  been  built  into  the  accounting  system  from  the  ground  up. 
It  is  not  an  add  on.   It  exists  in  the  first  version.   Security  is  one  of  the 
principal  reasons  we  use  Multics.  No  other  computer  system  would  let  us  build  as 
secure  a  data  system. 

Security  is  under  the  control  of  the  individual  department.   In  particular, 
it  is  not  under  the  control  of  the  CAC. 

All  security  systems  can  be  broken.   The  degree  of  security  is  measured 
as  the  dollar  cost  to  break  security  (e.g.  through  sophisticated  equipment,  bribes, 
etc.).   The  security  that  your  accounting  data  enjoys  in  this  accounting  system 
should  be  the  same  as  or  better  than  it  enjoys  in  your  current  system  of  open  offices 
and  locked  file  drawers.   In  the  following  paragraphs  we  will  briefly  discuss  the 
nature  of  the  security  system  and  the  ways  in  which  it  can  be  broken. 

Each  department  has  its  own  Multics  project.   Each  project  has  a  project 
administrator.   The  project  administrator  can  specify  who  is  allowed  to  use  the 
data  recorded  for'  that  project  and  the  manner  in  which  he  is  allowed  to  use  it. 
Each  person  who  uses  Multics  has  a  registered  name  on  Multics.   This  name  is  normally 
his  last  name.   If  there  is  already  someone  registered  on  the  system  with  his  last 
name,  then  his  first  and  possibly  his  middle  initials  are  included  before  his  last 
name  so  that  he  can  be  differentiated.   No  two  persons  have  the  same  registered 
name.   Each  person,  also,  has  a  password  which  is  linked  to  his  registered  name. 
The  password  is  chosen  by  the  user  and  can  be  changed  at  will.   No  one  but  the 
individual  person  knows  his  password.   This  information  is  not  available  to  the 
project  administrator  or  even  to  the  Multics  system  administrator.   It  is  extremely 
important  that  you  never  let  anyone  know  your  password  or  use  a  terminal  logged 
in  under  your  name.   If  it  is  important  that  someone  have  access  to  the  accounting 
system  data,  .then  he  should  be  registered  on  Multics  with  his  own  name  and  his 


own  password.   He  should  have  his  various  data  access  permissions  set  explicitly 
by  the  project  administrator.   It  only  takes  a  few  minutes  to  register  a  new  user 
and  the  whole  process  is  normally  handled  over  the  telephone. 

Each  piece  of  data  in  the  accounting  system  has  an  access  control  list. 
The  access  control  list  describes  which  registered  Multics  users  have  permission 
to  read  the  data  and  which  registered  users  have  permission  to  update  the  data. 
The  access  control  list  is  controlled  by  the  project  administrator  -  not  by  CAC 
programmers.   If  he  desires,  the  project  administrator  at  the  department  could 
grant  access  to  CAC  programmers.   He  might  do  this  if  he  needed  special  help. 
Once  he  no  longer  needed  the  help  he  could  immediately  delete  the  permission  to 
access  the  data. 

There  are  5  basic  ways  the  security  system  could  be  broken: 

1.  The  project  administrator  at  the  department  or  one  of  the  registered  Multics 
users  of  the  department  who  has  permission  to  access  departmental  accounting  data 
might  release  his  password  to  some  other  person.   New  personnel  should  have  con- 
stantly stressed  to  them  the  importance  of  keeping  their  password  a  secret.   Even 
the  project  administrator  has  no  need  to  ever  know  the  password  of  one  of  his 
workers.   If  a  password  is  requested  by  the  project  administrator,  the  password 
should  not  be  given  and  the  request  should  be  viewed  with  suspicion. 

2.  The  project  administrator  might  intentionally  sabotage  the  security  system.   He 
has  the  power  to  grant  both  read  and  update  access  to  unauthorized  personnel. 
The  project  administrator  should  be  a  trusted  departmental  employee-possibly  the 
business  manager. 

3.  The  Multics  system  administrator  at  MIT  could  collaborate  with  unauthorized 
personnel  and  grant  them  read  or  update  permission.   It  is  a  laborious  but 
straightforward  task  for  the  system  administrator  to  do  this.   It  would  not  be 

in  the  best  Interest  of  the  system  administrator  to  collaborate  in  such  a  venture, 


k   Quite  to  the  contrary  it  could  be  extremely  detrimental  to  his  own  interest. 
Unless  he  is  extremely  careful,  he  can  leave  behind  obvious  signs  of  his  tam- 
pering.  Furthermore,  the  tampering  can  be  detected  while  it  is  in  progress. 

4.  The  project  administrator  and  one  CAC  accounting  system  programmer  could 
collaborate  so  that  they  could  tamper  with  permanent  accounting  system  records. 
The  programmer  normally  has  no  interest  in  tampering  with  permanent  records  unless 
bribed.   Furthermore,  this  kind  of  tampering  leaves  easily  detected  signs  that 
cannot  be  hidden.   Should  a  tampered  data  file  be  discovered,  the  original  data 
file  can  be  readily  restored  in  its  original  form  using  the  automatic  Multics 
back-up  procedures.   Tampering  with  the  back-up  system  would  have  to  be  done 

at  MIT  and  would  require  the  physical  destruction  of  many  reels  of  magnetic  tape. 

5.  All  of  the  CAC  programmers  could  conspire  together  to  introduce  a  "trojan  horse" 
into  the  accounting  system.   In  this  case  the  accounting  system  is  the  trojan 
horse  and  contains  within  it  a  small  piece  of  program  which  violates  security. 
Whenever  the  project  administrator  or  some  other  authorized  person  runs  the 
accounting  system,  this  small  piece  of  illegal  code  is  executed  and  might 
surreptitiously  write  confidential  data  into  the  files  of  another  project. 

Once  the  data  has  left  the  control  of  the  original  department  it  may  be 
read  by  unauthorized  personnel.   The  trojan  horse  attack  could  be  recognized 
by  a  programmer  familiar  with  the  accounting  system  program.   Alternatively,  a 
careful  and  lengthy  examination  of  the  accounting  system  program  by  an  external 
programmer  could  reveal  the  trojan  horse. 

Security  can  be  violated  if  departmental  personnel  intentionally  allow  it 
to  be  violated.   Alternatively,  intentional  cooperation  is  required  among  a  limited 
and  readily  identified  set  of  people  to  break  security.   There  is  no  inherent  vested 
interest  in  this  small  group  which  would  lead  them  to  initiate  or  cooperate  with  a 
security  break.   If  bribed,  the  possibility  of  discovery  is  significant  and  sub- 
sequent penalties  would  be  severe. 


Since  the  people  who  are  capable  of  breaking  the  system  are  few,  and 
since  the  cooperation  of  geographically  dispersed  and  non-interested  parties  is 
required,  we  feel  the  automated  accounting  system  is  at  least  as  secure  as  current, 
manual  systems. 


Getting  Into  the  Accounting  System 

In  order  to  use  the  accounting  system  you  must  connect  the  terminal  in 
your  office  to  the  ANTS  system  on  the  second  floor  of  the  Center  for  Advanced 
Computation.   This  is  done  by  making  a  simple  phone  call.   The  next  connection 
that  must  be  made  is  an  ARPA  Network  connection  so  that  you  can  talk  to  Multics. 
A  simple  command  to  the  ANTS  system  will  instruct  it  to  do  this  for  you.   Once 
you  are  connected  to  Multics  you  will  have  to  log  into  Multics,  identify  yourself 
and  give  your  password.   Once  you've  logged  into  the  Multics  system,  all  that  remains 
to  do  is  to  type  the  command  to  Multics  that  will  start  up  the  accounting  system. 
When  you  are  through  with  the  accounting  system  you  type  the  command  "quit"  to 
leave  the  accounting  system,  "logout"  to  leave  Multics,  and  then  hang  up  your  phone. 
This  sounds  like  a  great  deal  of  work  to  do  and  a  lot  to  remember.   Actually  it  is 
straight  forward.   It  takes  a  small  amount  of  time  and  less  typing  than  some  of 
the  longer  accounting  system  commands. 

You  do  not  have  to  be  concerned  about  your  computer  terminal  being 
compatible  with  Multics.   The  only  system  that  it  is  important  to  be  compatible 
with  is  ANTS.   Currently,  ANTS  supports  10,  15,  and  30  characters  per  second  full  duplex 
ASCII  terminals.   Examples  of  these  kinds  of  terminals  are  all  models  of  Teletypes  and 
most  of  the  thermal-printers  (Texas  Instruments,  NCR,  Teleterm,  etc.).   In  order 
for  your  terminal  to  be  able  to  connect  to  ANTS,  it  must  be  in  full  duplex  mode. 
If  you  have  a  separate  acoustical  coupler  (that  little  box  that  you  put  the  phone 
in)  it  may  have  a  separate  switch  which  also  has  to  be  set  to  full  duplex  (as 
opposed  to  half  duplex).   Once  you  have  done  this  the  system  will  work  with  ANTS. 
If  you  are  lucky  enough  to  have  a  multi-speed  terminal,  set  the  speed  to  its  fastest 
level  (for  most  terminals  this  is  30  characters  per  second  or  300  baud).  Don't 
worry  about  the  speed  setting,  ANTS  handles  a  wide  variety  of  speeds  automatically. 
The  faster  speeds  are  simply  for  your  own  convenience. 


Now  that  you  have  your  terminal  set  at  full  duplex  (and  possibly  the 
acoustic  coupler  too)  and  you  have  set  your  terminal  speed,  it  is  time  to  make  a 
phone  call.   Using  a  normal  desk  telephone,  dial  333-7086.   The  phone  will  ring 
once  or  twice  then  be  automatically  answered.   You  will  hear  a  high  pitched  tone 
when  ANTS  answers  the  phone.  At  this  time  place  the  telephone  hand  set  into  the 
acoustic  coupler  (that's  the  little  phone  cradle  on  your  terminal  or  in  the  separate 
acoustic  coupler  box).  Make  sure  the  phone  is  right  side  up.   The  cord  should  come 
out  through  a  little  notch  which  may  even  be  labelled  "cord".   Somewhere  on  the 
terminal  or  the  separate  acoustic  coupler  there  will  be  a  little  green  light  which 
may  have  the  word  "carrier"  written  under  it.   When  the  little  light  comes  on,  you  are 
connected  to  ANTS. 

The  next  thing  to  do  is  to  help  ANTS  figure  out  what  speed  your  terminal  is. 
Start  typing  the  upper  case  character  "Q".   Keep  typing  these  Q's  at  the  rate  of 
about  1  per  second  until  ANTS  either  sends  you  a  nice  long  message  telling  you  that 
ANTS  is  on  the  other  end  of  the  phone  line  or  until  it  starts  typing  the  Q's  back 
to  you.   If  it  answers  by  typing  Q's  then  hit  a  carriage  return.   It  will  tell  you 
that  the  message  full  of  Q's  has  "no  destination"  and  has  been  discarded.   It  will 
then  give  you  the  ANTS  hail.   The  hail  tells  you  what  version  of  the  ANTS  system  is 
running  and  other  information  of  absolutely  no  interest  to  you. 

ANTS  requires  you  to  log  in  before  you  can  talk  to  Multics.   To  do  this  type 
"tLOGIN"  followed  by  your  name.   There  is  no  charge  for  using  ANTS;  your  name  is 
used  only  to  identify  users  of  ANTS. 

Now  it  is  time  to  connect  to  Multics.   That's  simple..  Type  "+CONNECT  MULTICS' 
That  is  a  command  to  ANTS  to  connect  you  to  Multics  at  MIT.   ANTS  will  tell  you  when 
the  connection  is  open  to  Multics  and  then  Multics  will  respond  by  typing  the  Multics 
hail.   The  Multics  hail  is  two  lines  long  and  will  tell  you  what  time  of  day  it  is, 
how  many  users  (load  units)  are  on  the  system,  and  which  version  of  Multics  is  running. 
If  nothing  happened,  you  probably  forgot  to  type  the  carriage  return  at  the  end  of 
the  +C0NNECT  MULTICS  command  -  type  the  carriage  return  now. 


After  you  receive  the  Multics  hail,  you  are  ready  to  login.   To  login, 
type  the  Multics  command  "login  <registered  user  name>".   Don't  forget  the  carriage 
return!   For  example,  a  user  whose  registered  name  was  "Corbally"  would  log  into 
Multics  by  saying  "login  Corbally".   Multics  will  ask  you  for  your  password,  but, 
before  you  type  it,  it  will  completely  black  out  the  area  into  which  you  are  going 
to  type  your  password.   Therefore,  no  one  can  ever  see  it.   It  is  a  good  idea  to 
change  your  password  every  week  or  two.  Use  a  password  that  is  easy  to  remember 
but  hard  for  someone  to  guess.   In  particular,  don't  use  passwords  like  your  name, 
your  wife's  name,  your  dog's  name,  your  kid's  name,  your  department  name,  etc. 
Be  original.   Passwords  can  be  changed  at  login  time.   If  you  want  to  change  your 
password  type  the  four  characters  "-cpw") .  after  your  name  on  the  login  line 
(e.g.  "login  Corbally  -cpw").   This  tells  Multics  that  you  want  to  change  your  pass- 
word. Multics  will  then  blackout  an  area  into  which  you  will  type  your  old  password, 
It  will  then  ask  you  for  the  new  password  and  blackout  another  area  into  which  you 
can  type  the  new  password.   If  it  was  successful,  it  will  tell  you  that  the  pass- 
word has  been  changed. 

Now  that  you  are  logged  into  Multics  it  is  time  to  start  up  the  accounting 
system.   To  start  up  the  accounting  system  simply  type  the  Multics  command 
"accounting_system".  When  you  are  through  with  the  accounting  system  you  will 
type  the  accounting  system  command  "quit".   This  will  bring  you  back  to  the  point 
at  which  you  were  when  you  logged  in.  You  must  now  type  the  command  "logout" 
and  Multics  will  automatically  log  you  out  and  close  your  ARPA  network  connection. 
Once  ANTS  tells  you  that  the  connection  to  Multics  has  been  closed,  you  can  hang 
up  your  telephone.   If  the  only  Multics  program  you  ever  use  is  the  accounting 
system,  contact  the  CAC  programmers.   They  will  show  you  how  to  automatically  start 
the  accounting  system  right  after  login  and  to  have  Multics  automatically  log  you 
out  when  you. type  the  accounting  system  command  "quit". 


Time  to  review  all  this.   The  steps  you  have  to  go  through  are: 

1.  Set  your  terminal  (and  separate  acoustical  coupler  if  you  have  one)  to  full  duplex 

2.  Set  the  terminal  speed  to  that  which  you  want  to  use 

3.  Dial  333-7086  to  get  ANTS 

4.  When  you  hear  the  high  pitched  tone  put  the  telephone  hand  set  into  the 
acoustic  coupler  phone  cradle  (with  the  cord  in  the  right  direction) 

5.  Wait  for  the  green  carrier  light  to  come  on  (either  on  your  terminal  or  separate 
acoustic  coupler) 

6.  Type  upper  case  Q's  until  ANTS  responds 

7.  Type  +LOGIN  <your  name> 

8.  Type  tCONNECT  MULTICS  (don't  forget  the  carriage  return) 

9.  Log  into  Multics 

10.  Initiate  the  accounting  system  (unless  the  accounting  system  initiation  has 
been  made  automatic) 

11.  Do  your  accounting  system  work 

12.  Quit  the  accounting  system 

13.  Log  out  of  Multics  (unless  logout  is  automatic) 

14.  Wait  for  ANTS  to  tell  you  your  Multics  connection  is  closed 

15.  Hang  up  your  telephone 

16.  Turn  off  the  terminal  (and  the  acoustic  coupler  if  it  is  separate) 




fN   T    S         MARK    r.  02/04       OF:  FRIDAY?     Q3'£9s74    12:42    AM 



lM  VDU  APE  MULLEN   ?  DM  DI3      ?IN  MESSAGE    MDDE . 



I..T  I  C£  23  .  1  5A  !  MIT?  CftMER  I  I'bE  ?  MftSS  . 

tiD  =  11.0  dut  df  7  0.0  units:  users  =  11 

tie  IN     JMULLEN 

|>swdrd :  account  is  near  its  termination  date. 

[i  are  protected  from  preemption  until  0725  . 

ijllen  cac  logged  in  0  3  •••' '2  6  ■•'  '7  4   3325.0  edt  mon  from  network  terminal  "cftcft 

(■■T   login  0S'""£6'"74   2323.5  edt  Mon  from  Network  terminal  "caca"  . 


•325   4.374   2  0.176   202 


University  of  Illinois 


Urbana  -  Champaign 

Center  Fop  Advanced  Computation 
Accounting  System    Version   2.0 

:yright  ic>    1973  by  the  Board  of  Trustees  of    the  University  of  Illinoi: 

:«i=iy''s  date  is   8-- 26-'" 74 
■er  your  reeuest 
temp  count 

re  ape  no  temporary  transactions. 


325  2.27  0  2  0.932  166 


illen  CAC  logged  OUT  03--' 26.-: 74   2325.9  edt  Mon 


6        MULLEN         ON    DI3  <=         MULTICS      CLOSED 

Figure  6  shows  a  sample  session  using  the  accounting   system.      It 
covers  steps  6  thru  13  above. 


Where  to  Get  Help 

Computing  systems  never  work  the  way  they  are  supposed  to.   When  they  stop 
working  correctly  they  do  it  in  surprisingly  devious  ways.  Most  failures  (called 
crashes)  will  occur  when  ANTS  crashes  or  when  the  entire  Multics  system  crashes. 
Hopefully,  you  will  not  experience  too  many  errors  in  the  actual  accounting  system 
program.   When  Multics  crashes  it  will  take  one  of  two  forms.   1)  Multics  crashed 
before  you  tried  to  connect  to  it  and  is  still  down.   In  this  case,  ANTS  will  tell 
you  that  Multics  is  dead  when  you  try  to  connect  to  it  and  will  abort  the  connection 
attempt.   2)  Multics  dies  when  you  are  inside  the  accounting  system.  ANTS  will 
tell  you  by  printing  out  a  message  that  it  has  just  closed  your  Multics  connection 
(usually  in  the  middle  of  one  of  your  nice  long  printouts) .   When  Multics  dies  it 
normally  takes  15  to  20  minutes  to  get  it  back  up  and  running  again.   So  try  con- 
necting again  in  15  or  20  minutes.   If  you  are  the  nervous  type,  call  333-0707. 
Tell  whoever  answers  who  you  are.  Ask  him  if  he  knows  when  Multics  will  come  up  or 
if  he  can  find  out.   Even  if  he  is  not  an  accounting  system  or  Multics  programmer 
he  will  probably  be  able  to  help  you  (usually  by  finding  an  accounting  system 
or  Multics  programmer).   If  no  one  answers  at  333-0707  try  333-8150.   That's  the 
ANTS  machine  room.  Ask  the  ANTS  operator.  He  may  know  the  answer. 

When  ANTS  dies  your  terminal  simply  stops  working.   You  may  be  typing 
away  furiously  and  nothing  is  being  printed.  A  sure  sign  of  failure  is  if  your 
green  carrier  light  goes  out  (this  is  usually  caused  when  you  jiggle  the  telephone 
in  the  acoustic  coupler  cradle  or  bang  too  hard  on  your  terminal  in  anger) .   If 
you  accidentally  interrupted  the  phone  call  or  if  ANTS  crashed,  recovery  is  very 
rapid.   Simply  start  back  at  dialing  333-7086.   By  the  time  you  have  dialed  the 
number,  ANTS  has  probably  automatically  recovered  from  any  crash  and  is  working 
again.   If  ANTS  crashes  on  you,  the  ARPA  Network  will  tell  Multics  about  it. 
Multics  will  automatically  quit  the  accounting  system  and  log  you  out.   To  restart 


yourself,  connect  to  Multics,  login,  and  initiate  the  accounting  system.   You  may 
have  to  re-enter  the  last  command  you  typed.   If  you  were  entering  transactions  into 
the  temporary  buffer  find  the  last  transaction  in  the  buffer  and  print  it  so  you 
know  where  you  left  off. 

For  more  serious  problems  or  just  confusing  situations  call  the  accounting 
system  programmers.   Their  phone  number  is  included  with  the  primer.   You  should 
feel  free  to  call  this  number.  Don't  be  embarrassed  because  you  think  your  question 
is  stupid  or  because  you  feel  you  might  be  imposing  upon  the  programmers.   Unless 
we  know  those  points  of  the  system  which  confused  you,  we  don't  know  how  to  fix  it 
so  the  next  user  never  has  to  ask  that  question.   The  programmers  will  be  hard  to 
impose  upon.   They  are  proud  of  their  system  and  like  to  talk  about  it.   They  are 
much  more  likely  to  impose  upon  you.   We  have  found  that  they  tend  to  want  to  tell 
you  far  more  than  you  ever  cared  to  know  about  what  you  thought  was  a  simple 