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^ <; ■^- • 1908 


Government of the Philippine Islands. 
Department of the Interior. 

Manila, P. I., May 28, 1908. 




Although the future prosperity of the Philippine Islands depends 
mainly on their agricultural development, yet it is generally recognized 
that the proper exploitation of the extensive Philippine forests will add 
exceedingly to the future prosperity and also aid greatly in agricultural 

More than one-half of the land area of 120,000 square miles in the 
Islands is forested; that is, covered with a tree growth. Of the 60,000 
square miles of forest, 40,000 square miles are in the more thinly settled 
Islands of Mindoro, Samar, Palaw^an, and Mindanao, or about 80 per 
cent of their total area. 

It must be admitted, however, that large parts of this timbered area 
can not be considered commercial forest by lumbermen. Scattered stands 
of small unmerchantable trees and inaccessible mountain forests cover 
considerable areas. Estimating conservatively, there are 25,000 square 
miles, or 16 million acres, of timber which can and will be exploited on 
a reasonably large scale. An average yield of 2,500 l)oard feet of mer- 
chantable timber per acre on this area is a conservative estimate, giving a 
total supply of 40 billion board feet. The total annual cut in the Islands 
is now less than 50 million feet or only about one-eight of 1 per cent of the 
probable supply. This cut is an insignificant item of the annual growth 
in these forests. The forests under conservative treatment should furnish 
an annual supply of at least 400 million feet of mature timber and be 
improved by so doing. 

The timbers in the Islands include a great variety ranging from 
Pine and Calantas, or soft tropical cedar, to the extremely heavy 
and hard Dungon and Mancono. In general, Philippine woods are 
hard and heavy, yet there are not lacking abundant supplies of 
light and strong construction timbers which can well be substituted for 


the White Pine, Oregon Pine^ and California Redwood, which are im- 
ported. Lauan is a fairly soft, strong wood and can well take the place 
of Oregon Pine and California Redwood. Apitong, harder, heavier, and 
stronger than Lanan, is equal to Oregon Pine and Longleaf Pine for gen- 
eral construction. Lauan and Apitong and the other species of the 
same family, Dipterocarpaceae, are not only the most abundant timber 
occurring in the Archipelago but they are very large trees. Timber up 
to 90 feet in length can be secured from them. They are also excellent 
finishing woods, equal to most American woods used for interior finish. 
The following comparative figures of weight and strength are taken 
from Bulletin No. 4, Bureau of Forestry, ' 'Mechanical Tests, Properties, 
and Uses of Thirty- Four Philippine Woods:" 



Oregon Pine „ 

California Redwood . 


Longleaf Pine 


White Oak 

Pignut Hickory 





Philippine Islands . 

United States 


Philippine Islands . 

United States 

Philippine Islands . 

United States 


Philippine Islands . 




along the 













S o o 

5, 560 
8, 500 
10, 900 
8, 330 











15. 6 


bo O 
03 <D.f3 



9, 110 



15, 150 

13, 100 

18, 700 

17, 110 

15, 690 


o a 


2, 158 
2, 730 
2, 583 



Some of the finest cabinet woods in the world are found in the Phil- 
ippines. Ebony, Acle, Narra, Camagon, and Tindalo give the greatest 
choice in beautiful color and grain. These and others would make 
superior substitutes for the American cabinet woods which are so rapidly 
disappearing. For Cherry and Mahogany, Narra, Tanguile, Balacbacan, 
Calantas, and Lumbayao, though diffeiing somewhat in grain and hard- 
ness, can be used; for Black Walnut, Acle and Banuyo can be used; and 
so on, every American furniture wood having numerous Philippine 
substitutes. Besides there are valuable woods, such as Ebony, Camagon, 
and Tindalo, which have no counterparts in the United States. 

At present Philippine lumber is produced almost exclusively for the 
local demands. In the fiscal year 1904-5 the Islands used about 75 
million board feet of lumber, of which they produced about 40 million 
feet The remainder was imported from the Pacific coast. It seems 

anomalous that a country so rich in timber should not produce more 
than one-half of the supply necessary for its own people. The reasons 
are that lumbering is generally on such a small scale and with such 
inefficient methods and facilities for transportation of timber in the 
islands at present so poor that Oregon Pine is sold, in Manila and other 
large cities, cheaper than most native lumber. 

Conditions demand the development of a modern lumber industry 
and the installation of large sawmills and suitable transportation facil- 
ities so that Philippine lumber can dominate in the Philippine Islands 
and penetrate to foreign markets. Large operations, well capitalized and 
efficiently managed are necessary if tlie Philippine people are to receive 
a proper economic benefit from the possession of their valuable forests. 

The company desiring to establish a large lumbering operation in the 
Philippines can not study too carefully the factors governing the lumber 
industry here. These factors are the character of the forests, the acces- 
sibility of the timber, transportation facilities, labor conditions, stumpage 
prices, and market conditions. 


A lumberman desiring to operate on a large scale demands in a com- 
mercial forest accessibility, comparatively few species per acre, most of 
which are merchantable, and enough merchantable timber per acre to 
permit the use of modern logging methods. Large areas of Phi]ip})ine 
forest although containing valuable timber fail to answer these 

In Benguet and neighboring provinces at an altitude of more than 
2,000 feet are the open pine forests. Along the coasts, especially at the 
mouths of the rivers, are extensive salt-water or tidal swamps known as 
^ ^manglares, ' ' from which come firewood, tanbark, and dyebark. The low 
coast fiat is another forest type, characterized by scattered trees of I])il 
and a few other valuable species. The tangled forests of the deltas and 
river bottoms present the greatest variety in species but are not satisfac- 
tory for extensive lumbering. Finally there is the extensive hill or up- 
land type of forest which is the most suitable for lumbering operations. 

The upland forests are the most extensive and are the ones in which 
the lumberman will be most interested in the future. There are two 
general classes of upland fore^st depending generally on soil conditions. 

On rocky, exposed and thin-soiled uplands the forest is thinner and is 
characterized by a smaller proportion of commercial species. Here Mo- 
lave, Narra, Tindalo, Acle, and other of the most valuable trees are found 
scattered through a stand composed largely of small unmerchantable 
trees. The other type of upland forest grows on the better, deeper soils. 
Here is generally found a fairly dense stand of large trees principally 
members of one family, Dipterocarpacea3. The best example of this type 

is the forest in northern Negros where a lumber company is now oper- 
ating. Here Balacbacan, Red Lauan, Almon, White Lauan, and Api- 
tong make up a stand of 32,000 feet board measure of merchantable 
timber per acre. This type of forest naturally answers best the require- 
ments of modern logging, and upon it will largely depend the develop- 
ment of an extensive lumber industry. Both classes of hill forests are 
found throughout the Islands. 

The Bureau of Forestry is gradually locating and roughly mapping 
the best commercial forests of all these types. The information thus 
collected is available to all interested parties. 


The commercial forests are found either along the coast where the tim- 
ber can be skidded directly to the beach and loaded in suitable harbors, 
along navigable and floatable rivers where it is skidded directly to the 
rivers and floated or rafted dow^n them, or at some distance inland so far 
from deep water that short railroads are advisable or necessary. As long 
as timber remains close to the beach and large rivers, logging is easy and 
cheap, requiring but little capital. In such forests there are a large num- 
ber of operators, cutting small quantities of timber. But these forests are 
being fast destroyed by the farmer. Lumbering in the future will be in 
the extensive forests some distance from the coast, where carabao will 
not serve for hauling. 

The difficulties and expense in transporting lumber to the markets 
are great. A lumberman who does not own his own boats is handi- 
capped. Few of the interisland steamers are adapted for carrying lum- 
ber, and freight rs^tes are high "and sometimes prohibitive. From the 
Island of Palawan to Manila, a distance of about 300 miles, the freight rate 
for logs is about $30, gold, per 1,000 feet board measure. Such rates are 
manifestly absurd. Only the good prices in Manila make it possible to 
ship native lumber under such conditions. 

A company operating on a large scale should own its own means of 
transportation from the woods to the market. One lumber company 
which is operating more extensively than any other in the Islands has 
a fleet of steamers and barges to transport the sawn lumber to the mar- 
kets of Cebu, Iloilo, and Manila. Freight from its mill in the Island of 
Negros to Manila costs them less than $5 per 1,000 feet board measure. 
It is reasonable to expect that lumber can be shipped between most 
points in the Islands at a cost not exceeding this figure. 

Freight rates from Manila to the Pacific coast amount to $7, United 
States currency, per ton (logs), al)Out 40 cubic feet, or $12 to S14 per 
thousand feet board measure. Freight rates from Manila to the Atlantic 
coast of the United States are $14 to $15, United St^ites currency, per 
thousand feet board measure, or $8 per ton of 40 cubic feet; Ught-weight 
material, 15 per 40 cubic feet. 


There are no export duties on timber or on the manufactured product. 
Logs imported into the United States are admitted free. The import 
duty at Manila on sawmill and logging machinery is 5 per cent ad 


The oft-repeated saying that Filipino labor is inefficient does not 
apply in the lumber industry. Dollar for dollar of outlay, much better 
results will be secured both in the woods and in the sawmill from 
Filipino labor tlian from American labor. The Filipino has a natural 
aptitude for running machines and is easily tauglit. Given a good 
American foreman it is surprising how well a Filipino crew can handle 
a saw^mill. They work for small wages — $0.25 to $0.75, gold, per day— 
and given fair treatment make fairly steady and permanent workmen. 

In the thinly settled forest regions it is necessary to import labor from 
the more thickly settled districts. Yet there are tracts of commercial 
forest so located that there is an abundant and good supply of labor 
available in tlie regions themselves. One lumber company is located in 
the sugar-growing district of Negros where labor is abundant and cheap. 
It has found no difficulty in securing a force of several hundred men, 
to most of whom it pays $0.25 per day. The lal)orers are satisiied and 
w^ork well. 

A lumberman will not find tlie labor problem a dilHcult one. lie 
will find tliat he has escaped many of the vexatious labor difficulties of 
the United States to meet comparatively few in the Fhili))pine Islands. 
I^atience and fairness in treating the Filipinos will secure most excellent 


The Philippine Government sells its timber clieap. The (lovernment 
charges range from $0. 25 to SI. 25, gold, per cul)ic meter, or approximately 
$1 to $5 per 1,000 board feet. One dollar per 1,000 board feet is charged 
for I^auan Avhich sells in Manila for $85 per 1,000 board feet. Similar 
grades of California Redwood for export are worth S20 to $25 in San 
Francisco and stumpage at present can not l)e stH'ured for less tlian S2, 
gold, per 1,000 feet. The cheap Philii)pine stumi)age is still more 
marked in the fine cabinet woods. For Narra and tlie oilier most valu- 
al)]e woods, it is but S5, gold, per 1,000 l)oard feet. less than |)ine 
stumpage in many parts of the United States. 


The lumberman, however, is not satisfied alone Avith a satisfactory 
forest, cheap labor and stumpage, and good transportation, l)ut prol)al)ly 
wants to know first what the market is for Philippine timber. 

Approximately 80 to 90 million feet board measure of lumber are used 
each year in the Philippines; of this a large amount is imported, being 

mostly Oregon Pine and California Redwood. The imported timber is 
being driven out of the Islands' market by the cheaper and more abund- 
ant kinds of native timbers. About 5 million board feet has recently 
been added to the consumption of native timber by the decision to use 
native lumber almost exclusively in construction for the United States 
Army in the Philippines. China and Australia used of American pine 
during the past year 86 million and 63 million board feet, respectively, 
a large part of which can be furnished by the Philippine Islands when 
their lumber has been introduced in those markets by large lumber 
companies properly equipped and capitalized. 

The following distances (in miles) to markets show the advantageous 
position of the Philippine Islands in competition with the Pacific coast: 

Distsinco from— 



Cebii, P. I. 

Iloilo, P. I. 




Seattle U. S. A. 



1, 300 

3, 570 

Cadiz, Nogros Ocei- 
deiital,P. I 

Borigabon, M i n d o r o, 
P. I 



A market for Philippine lumber should also be secured in the United 
States. Most Phili|)pine timbers are unexcelled for cabinet work, in- 
terior finishing, etc., where beautiful hard woods capal)le of high ]>olish 
are required. Such woods are rapidly disappearing in the United States. 
The difficulty has l>een that there were no lumbermen in a position to 
supply a strong demand. Consecjuently the fine Philippine woods are 
still unknown in the United States. 

The lumberman, however, who now contemplates luml)ering in the 
Philippine Islands can not figure entirely on what the market may be, 
but must de])end mostly on wluit it is now. He must feel that he can 
secure his share of the local trade. The following are the prevailing prices 
in Manila for some of the principal native woods, Oregon Pine, and Cali- 
fornia Redwood: 

Price (in gold) 
per 1,000 feet B. M. 

Lauan $30. 00-$40. 00 

Apitong 35. 00- 50. 00 

Guijo „ 49.00- 70.00 

Molave __,_„ 107.50-150.00 

Yaeal 80. 00-100. 00 

Red Narra . 125. 00-150. 00 

Tanguile - .___.__ 47.50- 60.00 

Ipil- 90.00-112.00 

Oregon Pine 30.00 

California Redwood „_ 47.00 

It is evident from these prices that a lumber company properly equipped 
and managed and operating on a suitable timber tract should be able to 
deliver many kinds of native lumber in Manila at a cost about one-half 
of these prices. Cheap labor and low stumpage ofifset the increased ex- 
pense of machinery and management in the Philippines. 

There should always be an opportunity for small operators in supplying 
the local provincial demands^ but the growth of a lumber industry worthy of 
the Islands will depend on the investment of consideral)]e capital. Such 
lumbermen should be prepared to handle the lumber in all stages from 
the forest to the market. In this way they can compete successfully, 
not only in the Philippines but also in Chinese, Australian, and even 
American markets. 


Lumbering at present is mostly carried on in a crude, inefficient way 
by numerous small cutters, few of which cut a significant amount. 
There is also a great waste in logging. Skidding and hauling are done 
with carabaos, which are poor draft animals for this purpose. Several 
carabaos are needed to move an ordinary log, and much of the timber is 
too large to be hauled by them. In this kind of logging the requirements 
for cheap logging are lacking, and the outi)Ut is necessarily small. 

Since the American occupation, the number of small sawmills has greatly 
increased, yet a large part of the native timber used in the Islands is wh i]) - 
sawn. In all there are thirty-one sawmills in the Phili|)pines. These 
do not manufacture more than 250,000 board feet of lumber per day. 
Of this, 90,000 feet can be cut by the five Manila mills. This indicates 
well the condition of the lumber industry at ])rcsent. Extc^isivc lum- 
bering is only beginning in thel^liilippine Islands. Yet tliere are a few 
operations now l)eing successfully carried on which indicate to lunibermen 
the possil)ilities in the Pnilippine forests. 


The operations of a company in Negros Occidental are morc^ extensive 
than those of any other company in the Islands. It is ofx^ating on a 
tract of 69 square miles, 60 square miles of which are covcr(»d with an 
unusually heavy stand of timl)er averaging about 32,000 board feet of 
merchantal)le lumber per acre. The mill, which has recently been com- 
|)leted, is a modern band mill of the l)est typc^ with a capacity of 100,000 
board feet and should manufacture at least 60,000 board feet per day 
when a mill crew has been trained. This company is able to sell Lauan 
and Apitong in Manila at a lower price than that prevailing for Oregon 
Pine or California Red Wood. Its oi)erati()n is an examj)l(* of what can 
be done in the Philippines by a well-e(jui|)ped company operating with 


modern methods. Donkey engines are employed to skid the timber to 
a logging railroad on which the logs are hauled to the mills. The com- 
pany's steamers and barges carry the lumber to Manila, Iloilo, and Cebu. 


In pursuance of its policy to do everything i)ossible to stimulate the 
forest industries of the Philippine Islands, the Bureau of Forestry, during 
the past two years, has located and roughly mapped timber tracts 
suitable for large operations. It is now in a position to give definite 
information regarding some such tracts to prospective lumbermen. 

In northern Negros are 60 square miles of dense virgin forest, similar 
in species and equal in yield to the forest of the Insular Lumber Com- 
pany which adjoins it. This forest covers the slopes of Mount Silay, 
ranging in elevation from 200 to 4,000 feet above the level of the sea. 
About 40 square miles lay below 1,000 feet and are an execellent lum- 
bering proposition for a company with a large capital. The new railroad 
in Negros is planned to pass within 3 miles of the edge of the forest. A 
company would build its sawmill on the line of this railroad, run its own 
logging railroad into the forest, and ship its lumber to a port on the coast 
to be loaded for Cebu, Iloilo, Manila, or Hongkong and New York. On 
the 40 square miles most accessible is a total stand of about 800 million 
board feet of merchantable lumber, enough to supply a mill cutting 
50,000 feet per day more than fifty years. It is a Dipterocarp forest, 
that is, composed mostly of Almon, Lauan, Apitong, and Tanguile. 

In the well-forested region of northeastern Mindoro is another suitable 
tract of some 200 square miles. It is located west of Lake Naujan and 
about 13 miles from Calapan, the provincial capital. This also is a Dip- 
terocarp forest comj)Osed mainly of Almon, Lavian, Tanguile, and 
Apitong. A rough survey showed an average stand of about 20, 000 board 
ieet per acre. Logs may be rafted across the lake and dow^n the river to 
the coast or a tramway built direct to Cakpan, which is about twelve 
hours by steamer to Manila. 

On the northern half of the peninsula of Bataan, across the bay from 
Manila, is another forest tract suitable for a large lumbering operation. 
Although logging is much more difficult here than on the other tracts 
mentioned, the proximity to Manila makes it a good proi)osition. 


The public forests of the Philippine Islands are not sold, but are 
exploited under a license system. Small cutters generally operate under 
ordinary yearly licenses for definite small areas. In the case of large 
operations involving the investment of considerable capital in permanent 
enterprises, exclusive licenses are granted for periods up to twenty years 
for definite large tracts of timber, which licenses are practically equivalent 
to concessions. 


Applications for exclusive licenses on tracts not exceeding 2, 500 acres 
in area are forwarded by the Director of Forestry^ after due investigation, 
to the Secretary of the Interior with recommendations. The Secretary 
may then grant an exclusive license if he decides that it is in the public 
interest. For an area of more than 2,500 acres when the Secretary of 
the Interior is convinced that the granting of an exclusive license is in 
the public interest^ proposals for bids to secure the said privilege are 
published in the Official Gazette and other newspapers. Tlie license 
wall then be granted to the highest and best bidder who offers to install 
the most complete and efficient plant most promptly and to do the greatest 
amount of annual development work and who furnislies the best bond 
as a guaranty of performance. 

The right to reject any and all bids is expressly reserved, and in general 
it may be stated that no exclusive license will be approved except upon 
a reasonable showing that the licensee will be able within the period fixed 
in his license actually to exploit the resources of the forest tract covered 
by it. The man who means l)usiness must show the Government that 
he really intends to develop the tract for which he s(Kaires an exclusive 
license and will protect the interests of the public in the concession. 

The Bureau of Forestry is now in a position to assist lumbermen 
desiring to locate here. Some have recently made applications for ex- 
clusive licenses for large tracts and have found the maps and information 
furnished them by the Bureau of great value. Trained foresters with 
two or more years of experience in tlie Plulippine forests will be placed 
at the service of lumbermen to assist them in finding suitable forest tracts. 

The available publications of the Bureau will be sent on a})|)lication 
to interested parties. 
