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Full text of "A commentarie of Master Doctor Martin Luther vpon the Epistle of S. Paul to the Galathians. First collected and gathered word by word out of his preaching, and now out of Latine faithfully translated into English for the unlearned"

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firft  collected  and  gathered  word  by  word  out  of  his 

preaching,  and  now  out  of  Latine  faithfully  tranflated 

into  Englifh  for  the  unlearned. 


Wherein  is  fet  forth  moft  excellently  the  glorious  riches  of  Gods  grace, 

and  the  power  ot  the  Gofpell,  with  the  difference  betmene  the  Law  and  the 
Gofpdl,and  theftrength  ofF.iith  declared  :  to  the  joyfull  comfort  and  cenfir- 
mation  of  all  trueChrillianbelecvers,  efpecially  fuch  as  inwardly  beinoaffiifted 
and  grieved  in  confacnce  ,  do  hunger  and  thirft  for  juftificationin  ChriiHefu. 
For  whofccaufe  moft  chieHy  this  Books  is  translated  and  printed,  and  dedicated 
to  the  fame. 

My  power  u  made  perfefl  though  wea^ene/e.  t  C  o  R,  1 2.9*' 


Printed  by  G  E  o  R  o  E  M  i  L  L  E  R  ,  dwelling  in. 
the  Black-Fryers.  ^1 

To  the  Reader. 

HtsBooke  being  brought  unto  ntetoperufeandttcon- 
fder  off  I  thought  it  my  fart  not  onely  to  allow  of  it 
to  the  print,  but  alfo  to  commend  it  to  the  Reader,  as  A 
Treatt fe  moft  comfortable  to  all  afflicted  conferences 
exercijcdinthefchoole  ofChrift.The  Author  felt  what 
fa  jpake,  and  had  experience  of  what  h:  wrote  ^  and  therefore  able 
more  lively  to  expreffe  both  the  afftults  andthefalving^  the  order  of 
the  battell,andthe  maaneoftheviffory.  Satan  tithe  enemy ^t he  vi~ 
itory  t& by  onely  faith  in  Chritt,  tslohn  recordeth.  ifchriftjuflifie, 
who  can  condemne  ?  faith  S.  Paul.  This  mott  necefiary  dotfrine  the 
Author  hath  moft  fubflantially  cleared  in  this  his  Comment arie. 
Which  being  written  in  the  Latine  tongue,  certaine  godly  learned 
•men  have  moftfncerely  translated  into  our  language, to  the  great  bene- 

ft  ofallfuch  as  with  humbled  hearts  will  diligently  reade  the  fame. 
Some  began  it  according  to  fuch  skill  as  they  had.  others  godly  affe- 
tfed,  not  fufferingfo  good  a  matter  in  handling  to  be  marred,  put 
to  their  helping  hands for  the  better  framing  ana  further  ing  of fo  wor 
thy  a  worke.  Theyrefufe  to  be  named ,  feeking  neither  their  owne 
gaine  nor  glory,  but  thinking  it  their  happineffe,  if  by  any  meanes  they 
may  releeve  afflicted  minds  5  and  do  good  to  the  Church  of  Chriff, 
yeelding  all  glory  unto  God,  to  whom  ail  glory  tf  due.  Apr  His  28, 


EDVYIKY  s  London. 


for  Salvation,and  wraflle  under  the  Croffe  for  the 

Kingdome  of  Chrift5grace,peace  and  vi&orie 
in  the  Lord  lefus  our  Saviour. 

Nfew  words  to  declare  what  is  to  be  faid  for  the  commendation 
of  this  worke,  although  in  few  words  all  cannot  be  exprt fled  that 
may  befnid,  yetbriirlyto  fignifie  that  may  fuffice,  this  much  we 
thought  good  to  cernfie  thce,  godly  Reader  :  that  .:mcngft  many 
other  godly  Englifh  books  in  thefcour  daycs  prmed  and  tranf- 
lated,  thou  {halt  find  but  few,  wherein  either  thy  time  (hall  feeme 
;  better  beftnwedjOr  thy  labor  better  recompenced  to  the  profit  of 
thy  foule,  or  wherein  thnu  maift  fee  the  fpirit  and  veine  of  S.  Paul  more  lively  repre- 
fented  to  thec  ,then  in  the  diligent  reading  of  this  prefent  Commcnt^rie  upon  the 
Epittle  of  S.  Paul  to  the  Galathians.  In  which  as  in  a  mirrour  or  glafie ,  or  nther  as 
S.  Steven  in  the  heavens  being  opened,  thou  maift  fee  and  behold  the  admirable  glc« 
ry  of  the  Lord,  and  all  the  riches  of  heaven,  thy  filiation  freely,  and  only  by  faith  in 
Chrift  j  his  love  and  grace  towards  thee  fo  opened,  thy  vidory  and  conqueftin  him 
fo  proved,  the  wrath  of  God  fo  pacified  ,  his  law  fatisfied  ,  the  full  Kingdome  of  life 
fet  open  j  death,hell  and  hell  gates,be  they  never  fo  ftrong,  with  all  the  power  of  fin  , 
flcfh  and  the  world  vanquished  j  thy  confcicnce  difcharged  ,  attfeares  and  terrors  re 
moved,  thy  fpirituall  manfo  refrefhed  and  fer  at  liberty  ,  that  either  thy  heart  muft  be 
heavier  then  lead,  or  the  reading  hereof  will  lift  thee  up  above  thy  felfe,  an^  give  thec 
to  know  that  of  Chrift  Itfus,  that  thy  (elfe  (hale  fay  thou  never  kneweft  before  though 
before  thou  kneweft  him  right  well. 

Such  fpirituall  comfort,  fuch  heavenly  do6hine,fuch  experience  and  pra&ife  of  con- 
fci.-nce  herein  is  contained,  fuch  triumphing  oyer  Satan  ,  and  all  his  power  infcrnall  , 
fuch  cotempt  of  the  Law  compared  with  the  Gofptll,  fuch  an  holy  pride  &  exaltation 
of  the  bclee  ving  man  (whom  here  he  maketh  a  perfon  divine,  the  Sonne  of  God,  the 
heireof  the  whole  earth  ,  Conquerour  of  the  world,  of  fin,  of  death,  and  thedcvill) 
with  fuchphrafes&  fpeeches  of  high  contemplation,  of  Chrift,  erf  grace,  of  juttifi- 
cation  &  of  faith  (which  faith,  faith  hc,transfigureth  a  man  into  Chnft,  and  coupleth 
him  more  neere  unto  Chrift  then  the  husband  is  coupled  to  his  wife ,  and  maketh  a 
man  more  then  a  man,)  with  fuch  other  mighty  voices,  full  of  fpirituall  glory  and 
majefty,ns  the  like  hath  not  bin  ufed  lightly  of  any  writer  fince  the  Apoftles  timelier- 
ther  durft  he  ever  have  ufed  the  fame  himfelfc  ,  had  not  great  experience  and  exercifc 
of  conference  by  inward  conflicts  and  profound  agonies  framed  him  thereunto,  and 
miniftrcd  to  him,  both  this  knowledge  of  fpirit  and  boldnefle  of  fpeech. 

•  And  this  commonly  is  the  working  &  proceeding  of  Gods  vocation,  ever  to  worke 
things  by  the  contrary.-of  infidelity  to  make  faith,  of  poverty  to  make  riches,  in  mifery 
to  (Lew  mercy,  to  turne  forrow  to  folace,  mourning  to  mirth, from  afflictions  to  ad 
vance  to  glory ,  from  hell  to  bring  toheaven,  from  death  to  life,  from  darkenefTe  to         .. 
light,  from  thraldome  to  liberty,in  wildernestogivewaters,the  batten  to  make  fruit.  E/«.4i.t* 
full,  of  things  that  be  not  to  make  things  to  be,  briefiy  to  make  all  things  of  nought' 
Thus  began  God  firft  toworke^thushe  proceeded,  thus  he  continuetli,  &  fo  will  unto 
the  worlds  "end.  The  tuft  fecdc  of  promife  next  to  Eve,  was  given  to  S<tra:yet  in  what 

A  i  ca& 

cafe  was  Eve  before  flic  had  the  promife  ?  &  in  what  barrennes  and  defpairc  was  S*ra 
before  flie  enjoyed  her  welbelored  tfatc?  The  like  is  to  be  faid  of  the  two  mothers  of 
two  molt  excellent  children,  Samuel  and  Icibn  Baftifl  j  and  yet  what  gricfes  and  for. 
rows  paft  over  their  hearts,  being  both  paft  all  hope  in  nature ,  befprc  the  goodneffe 
of  God  did  worke  ?  How  long  didLwfl&the  Patriarkefcrve  inmiferable  thraldome 
for  his  Rachel  I  In  what  excellent  glory  was  loftf  b  exalted  5  yet  what  fuf&red  he  be- 
fore  of  his  brethren  ,  and  how  long  imprifonment  ?  In  what  and  how  long  fervitude 
were  the  Ions  of  Ifrael  before  Mafct  fent  unto  themj  &  afterward  in  what  diftres 
were  they  compared  on  every  fide  when  the  fca  was  forced  to  gire  them  place  j  After 
that  againe  ,what  an  excellent  land  was  promifed  and  given  unto  them,  flowing  with 
mUkeandhony  ?  But  how  were  they  fcourged  before  inthedefcrts&  yet  had  not  they 
the  land, but  t>ieir  children?To  oycrpafle  many  things  here  by  the  way,  what  an  excel 
lent  workewasitofGod  tofetup  David  in  his  kingdome?  Alfo  what  excellent  pro- 
mifes  were  given  to  his  throne?Yer  how  hardly  cfcaped  he  with  lifePhow  did  the  Loid 
martifie  and  frame  him  to  his  hand  before  he  placed  him  in  quiet?  infinite  it  were  to 
recite  all,  Britfly,  in  all  the  works  ©fGod  this  is  ufuall  to  bcfeene,  that  he  workcth 
evermore  moft  excellent  things  by  inftruments  moft  humble,  and  which  feeme  moft 
furtheft  oft,.  Which  of  all  the  ApolUes  did  ever  thiukc,  when  Chrift  was  fo  humbled 
and  crucified  upon  the  tree,  that  they  fhould  ever  fee  him  againe?  although  he  foretold 
them  of  vs  rifing  before  :  mfomuch  that  Tbomai  did  fcarcely  bclccve  when  he  with 
his  eycsfaw  Mra^  What  man  would  ever  have  thought  that  Paul  in  the  raging  heate  of 
his  perfcctuj&j^fpirit,  would  have  turned  from  a  perfecutor  to  fuch  a  profcffor  ?  from 
itich  infidelifWofuch  a  faith?  Infomuch  that  Antmicu  would  fcarcely  beleeve  the  Lord 
when  he  told  him  Siach  is  the  omnipotency  of  the  Lord  our  God,  ever  working  lightly 
by  the  contrary,  efpecially  when  he  hath  any  excellent  thing  to  work  to  his  own  glory. 
After  like  fort  may  we  efteeme  alfo  QfMdr/i»L«/fcer,who  beiag  firft  a  Frier, in  what 
blindnes,  fupcrftition  and  darkneflc,  in  Wiiatdreamesand  dregs  of  Monkirti  idolatry 
he  was  drowned,  his  hillory  dcclarethjwicnefle  recordeth,  and  this  booke  alfo  part 
ly  doth  fpecifie..  VVhofe  religion  was  all  in  popith  ceremonies,  his  zeale  without  know* 
Isdg?,  underftanding  no  other  juftificationbutin  workes  of  the  la  wand  merits  of  his 
owne  making,  onelybcleeving  tbehiftory  (as  many  do)  of  Chrifts  death  and  refur- 
region,  but  not  knowing  the  power  &  (trcngch  thereof.  After  he  had  thus  continued 
a  long  (pace,  more  pharif  licall  and  zealous  in  thcfe  monkifli  waycs  then  'the  common 
fjrt  of  that  order:  at  length  it  fopleafed  almightyjGod  to  begin  with  this  man,6rft  to 
touch  his  conference  with  fome  remorfe  and  fcelingof  (inne,his  mind  with  fearcsand 
mifdoubts.whereby  he  was  driven  tofeeke  further  :fo  that  by  fearching,feeking,con- 
f^iring,&  by  reading  of  S.P<jal,fome  fparkles  of  better  knowledge  began  by  little  and 
little  to  appeare,  which  after  in  time  grew  up  to  a  greater  increafe.  But  here  it  happc. 
osd  to  him  as  commonly  it  doth  to  all  good  Chriftiansrthe  mofe  that  the  true  know* 
ledge  of  Chrift  increafed,  the  more  S:itan  the  enemy  (Hrred  with  his  fiery  dartSj  with 
doubts  &objeclions^with  falfe  terrors  &  fubtilc  afl"n)lts,feeking  by  aJImeancspofli- 
b'.c  how  to  opprefie  the  inward  foulc  which  would  fainetake  his  reft  in  Chrift.  In 
thefefpirituall  conflifts  and  inward  wraitlings  ,  how  gricvoufly  he  was  incumbred3 
fighting  againft  incredulity ,cnour  and  defpcration,  marvellous  it  is  to  con(ider,info« 
much,  that  three  dayes  and  three  nights  together  he  lay  upon  his  bed  without  mratr. 
drinke  or  any  flcep,  like  a  dead  man  (as  fome  do  write  of  him)  labouring  in  foule  and 
fpirit  upon  a  certainc  place  of  S  Paul  in  the  third  Chapter  to  the  Romanet,  whkb  was 
Ad.  oftendendamjtijtitiam  fuim  that  is,  iofhsv*  ibwjM/2w:thinking  Chrift  to  be  fent  to 
aoorhcr  end  but  to  (hew  torch  Gcdsjufticcas  an  executor  of  his  Law,  till  at  length 


being  anfviered  and  fatisficd  by  the  Lord  touching  the  right  meaning  of  theft  words, 
fignify  ing  the  jufttce  of  God  to  be  executed  upon  his  Sonnc,  to  fave  us  from  the  ftroke 
thereof,  he  immediatly  upon  the  lame  ftarted  up  from  his  bed  ,  fo  confirmed  in  faith  , 
as  nothiog  afterward  could  appall  him:befides  other  manifold  and  grievous  tcntations 
(which  lipeakenot  of)  of  all  fortes  and  kinds,  except  oncly  of  avaricc.with  the  which 
vice  oncly  he  was  never  tempted  nor  touched,  as  of  him  is  written  by  them  that  were 
con vcrfant  with  him- 

In  this  meanc  while ,  during  thcfe  conflids  and  cxercifes  of  Af.  Lutker,  which  not- 
withftanding  did  him  no  hurt,  but  rather  turned  to  bis  more  furtherance  in  fpirituall 
knowlcdg,  fopc  Leo  the  tenth  Tent  a  lubily  with  his  pardons  abroad  through  all  Chri- 
ftian  Realmcs  and  dominions,  whereby  he  gathered  together  innumerable  riches  and 
trcafure.  The  Colledour  whereof  promifed  to  every  one  that  would  put  ten  (hillings 
in  the  boxe,  licence  to  eate  white  meatcs  and  flefh  in  Lent, and  power  to  deliver  whac 
foulc  he  would  out  of  Purgatory ;  and  moreover  full  pardon  from  all  his  finncs,werc 
they  never  fo  hainous.  Bin  if  it  were  but  one  jote  lefle  then  ten  fhiliings,  they  preached 
that  it  would  profit  him  nothing.  The  abomination  whero?  was  fo  horrible  ,  that 
when  no  other  man  durft  fpeake,yet  Luther  could  not  of  confcience  hold  his  peace,  but 
drawing  outcertaine  articles,  defired  gently  to  difpute  the  matter,  writing  withall  a 
molt  humble  admonition  to  the  Pope,fubmitting  himfelfc  in  moft  lowly  wife  to  his 
cenlurc  and  judgement.  But  the  Pope  thinking  great  fcorne  to  be  controlled  of  fuch  a 
Frier,  tooke  the  matter  fo  hot,  that  he  and  all  his  Cardinals  ,  wich  all  the  rabble  of 
Monks  and  Friers,  Bifhops  and  Arch bi mops,  Colledgesand  Vniverficies,  Kin^s  and 
PrinceSjWith  the  Emperour  alfo  himfelfe,were  all  upon  him.  I  f  the  omnipotent  provi 
dence  of  the  Lord  from  above  had  notfuftaincd  him,  what  was  it  for  one  poorc  Frier 
to  have  endured  all  thefe  fliarpe  affrults  of  Satan,  all  the  violence  of  the  whole  world, 
having  no  lefle  then  the  Sunne,  the  Moone,  and  the  Seven  ftarres(as  they  fay)  againft 
him^  Being  hated  of  men,  impugned  of  devils,  rejected  of  nations,  by  folemne  autho 
rity  condemnedjdiftrefled  with  infirmities,and  with  all  manner  of  tentations  tried  and 
proved.  And  yet  for  all  thefe  tentations  fuch  wjs  his  life,  that  (as  Erafoutt  Writing  to 
Cardinal!  Wolfey  affirmeth)  noneofallhis  enemies  could  ever  charge  him  wich  "any 
note  of  juft  reprchenfion*  Againe,  fuch  were  his  allegations  out  of  the  Scripture,  that 
Rojfenps  writing  to  Eraftnttf,  confefleth  himfelfe  to  be  aftonied  at  them. 

And  thus  much  by  the  way  of  preface  touching  theconHifit  and  cxercifes  of  this 
mm.  Which  we  thought  good  to  infinuate  to  the  Chriftian  Reader  for  fundry  purpo 
fcs  :  firft  to  note  the  mercifull  clemency  of  Chrift  our  Saviour,  in  calling  fofuperfrici- 
ous  and  idolatrous  a  Frier  fo  gracioufly  to  fuch  a  light  of  his  Gofpell,  his  grace  in  jufti- 
fying  hi  m,  his  might  in  preferving  him3his  help  in  comforting  him,  his  glory  in  proH, 
permg  him,  one  againft  fo  many,  and  fo  prol poring  him,  that  the  whole  kingdome  of 
the  Pope  hid  no  power  either  to  withftand  him,  or  to  maintaine  it  felfe  :  fccondly  for 
this  refpcft  alfo  and  purpofe,  that  the  Reader  confidering  the  maryelbus  wotkmgof 
the  Lord  in  this  man,  may  the  better  credite  the  dodrine  that  he  teacheth.  And  though 
his  doftrJnea*tdu:hingalittle  circumftance  of  the  Sacrament  cannot  be  throushly 
defe'nded,  yet  neither  is  that  any  great  marvcll  in  him, who  being  occupied  in  weigh- 
tier  points  of  religion^had  no  Icifurc  to  travell  in  the  fearching  out  of  this  mattf r}  nei 
ther  ought  it  ro  be  my  prejudice  to  all  the  reft  which  he  taught  fo  foundly  of  the  weigh- 
tict  principles  and  grounds  of  Chrids  Gofpell,  and  our  justification  oncly  by  foith^in 
Chrift.  And  yet  in  the  fame  matter  of  the  Sacrament,  notwithftanding  that  hedi/Jc- 
rtth  fonaewhat  from  Zuirtglius,  flicking  too  ncare  to  the  letter :  yet  he  joyneth  not  fo 
rvirh  tht  PapiftSjthathelcavcth  there  any  tranfubttantiation  or  idolatry .  Whet  fore  the 

A  j  matter 


i"the  Ap" 
logy  of  the 
Church  of 

isems  foU 
Ctt*  *• 

matter  being  nb  greater  thcnfo  »  nor  directly  againft  any  article  of  our  Creed  ,  let 
not  us  kfi  f°  nice  >  *or  one^'t^e  w*rt  to  cal*  avvay  tne  whole  body.  It  were  doubtleflc 
to  be  wifhedjthat  in  good  Teachers  &  Preachers  of  Chrift,  there  were  no  defect  or 
imperfection^  But  he  that  can  abide  nothing  with  his  blemiih,  let  him  if  he  can,name 
any  E*0^ors  or  writer  (thc  Scripture  onely  except)  Greekc  or  Latine,  old  or  ncw,ei- 
tllcr  bcy°nd  £he  Alpes,  or  on  this  fide  thc  Alpes  ,  ot  himfelfc  alfo  whatfoever  he  be  , 
which  hath  not  erredin  fome  fcntence  or  clfc  in  fome  expofition  of  holy  Scripturc.Buc 
if  he  cannot  fo  do,then  let  himlcame  by  himfelfc  to  beare  with  other,to  take  the  befl 
and  leave  the  wortt,  ("although  there  is  no  fuch  matter  in  this  booke  to  be  feared,  for. 
afmuch  as  we  having  a  refpect  to  thc  fimple,  have  purpofely  fpongcd  out,  and  omitted 
fuch  ftumbling  places  being  but  few,  which  might  offend)  and  to  give  God  thanks 
for  any  thing  that  is  good  ,  and  namely  for  this  which  he  hath  given  to  us  by  Lutber, 
in  opening  to  us  his  grace,  mercy  and  good  wil  I  in  his  Sonne,  fo  excellently  through 
the  preaching  of  this  manrwho  if  he  had  not  taught  the  difference  betvyeene  the  Law 
and  the  Gofpell,  and  fet  out  to  us  our  juftification,  victory  and  liberty  by  faith  onely 
in  Chrift  fo  plainely  ,  fo  plentifully  and  fo  alfciredly  as  he  hath  done,  who  ever  duttt 
have  bcene  fo  bold  to  open  his  mouth  in  fuch  words,  or  fo  confidently  to  ftand  in  this 
doctrine  of  Faith  and  grace  f  For  if  there  have  becne  fincethe  time  of  Luther  ,  and 
be  yet  fome  ,  which  openly  defend  that  works  be  neceffary  to  falvation,  where  he  be 
fore  fo  mightily  hath  taught  the  contrary  ;  what  then  would  thefc  have  done  if 
'Lutber  had  notbeene  ?  who  alfo  did  forewarne  us  of  the  fame,  pro  phecytng  that  af 
ter  his  time  this  doctrine  of  juftification  would  be  almoft  cxtinguifhcd  in  thc  Church, 
as  incertaine  places  experience  beginnetb  partly  to  prove. 

Wherefore,  fo  much  as  the  Lord  fliall  give  us  grace,  let  us  hold  conftantly  the  com 
fortable  doctrine  of  faith  and  juftification,  and  not  lofe  that  the  Lord  fo  freely  hath 
given,  calling  upon  the  Lord  with  all  obedience  and  diligence,  to  give  us  grace  with 
S,  Paul,  not  to  refufe  the  grace  which  he  bcftoweth  upon  us,  nor  to  be  offended  with 
this  joyfull  doctrine,  as  many  be.  And  therefore  as  our  duty  was  for  our  part  to  fct  it 
abroad,  fo  curcounfelt  is  no  lefle  to  every  ftudious  Reader  thereof,  to  pray  for  grace 
lightly  to  underftand  that  be  readeth.  For  elie,  unlefle  the  fpeciall  grace  of  Chr.ft  do 
help,  hard  it  is  to  flefti  and  blood  to  comprehend  this  mifticall  doctrine  of  faith  only. 
So  ttrange  it  is  to  carnal  I  reafon,  fo  darke  to  the  world,  fo  many  enemies  it  hathjthac 
exceptthe  Spirit  of  God  from  above  do  reveale  it  ,  learning  cannot  reachit,  wife- 
dome  is  offended,  nature  is  aftonied,devils  do  not  know  it,men  do  perfecute  ir.Bncfly, 
as  there  is  no  way  to  life  fo  eafic,  fo  is  there  none  fo  hard:  eafie  to  whom  it  is  given 
from  above  :  hard  to  the  carnall  lenfc  not  yet  infpired.  The  ignorance  whereof  8 
the  roote  uf  all  errours  ,  fects  and  divifions,  not  onely  in  all  Chriftcndomc,  but  alfo 
in  the  whole  world.  The  lew  thinketh  to  be  faved  by  \\iiMofts  Law,  the  Turke  by 
his  Alcoran,the  Fhilofopher  by  his  morrall  vertues.  Bcd'dcs  thefe  cometh  another  fort 
.of  people,  not  fo  ill  as  thc  lew  ,  nor  fo  heathen  as  the  Philofophcr,  but  having  fome 
part  of  both,  which  refufe  not  utterly  the  name  of  Chrift,  but  with  Chrift  do  joyne  , 
partly  thc  Law  of  Mofes>  partly  the  morrall  and  nationall  difciplinc  of  Philolophy  ,& 
partly  their  owne  ceremonies  and  traditions,  to  make  a  perfect  way  to  heaven.  (And 
thefc  herein  this  Commentary  are  called  p.ipjfts  ,  of  thc  Pope  their  author  ,  being 
ditided  .within  themfclves  more  then  into  a  hundred  divers  fects,  orders  and  profef- 
fions  of  Cardinals  ,  Friers  ,  Monkes  ,  Nunnrs  ,  Ptiefts,  Hermits  ,  and  other  votaries. 
All  which  fecmc  to  fpringupofno  other  c.iufe  but  onely  upon  ignorance  of  this  do* 
ctrinc.  And  no  matvell  :  for  take  away  this  doctrine  of  juftification  by  faith  onely  in 
Chrif\  &  lea\  e  a  man  to  his  owne  inventions,  what  end  will  there  be  of  new  devices? 


Such  aperillous  thing  it  is  to  erre  in  the  firft  foundation;  whereupon  the  higher  yc 
build  the  greater  is  the  fall.  And  yet  fuch  builders  are  not  without  their  props  to  hold 
up  their  woikuianlh  p  of  works  againft  this  dofirine  of  juihfying  faith,  pretending 
for  th<.ir  defence  the  tcftimony  of  S.  lames  >  where  he  feemes  to  attribute  justification 
to  works  and  not  to  faith  oncly. 

Touching  which  matter  of  juflification,  for  as  much  as  in  the  fequele  of  this  Trea- 
tifc  the  Author  hath  difcourfed  upon  the  fame  at  large,  it  (hall  not  be  much  needfull 
to  ufe  many  words  at  this  prefenf  This  briefly  may  fufhce  by  the  way  of  preface,  in 
a  word  or  two  to  ad  vcrtilc  the  Chriftian  Reader  ,  who  fo  takcth  in  hand  with  profile 
and  judgement  to  reade  this  booke ,  that  in  him  two  things  are  fpedally  to  be  requi 
red  :  firit  to  readc  it  wholy  together,  and  cot  by  pecces  and  parts  here  and  there  ,  buc 
to  take  it  in  order  as  it  lieth,  conferring  cine  place  with  another,  whereby  to  under- 
ffandthe  better  the  right  meaning  of  the  writer,  how  and  in  what  fence  he  exdudctb 
good  works,  and  how  not;  how  he  neglc&eth  the  law  ,  and  how  he  magnifieth- 
the  law.  For  as  in  cafe  of  juftifying  before  God,the  free  promifc  of  the  Gofpcll  ad- 
mitteth  no  condition,  but  faith  oncly  in  Chnft  lefus:  fo  in  cafe  of  dutiful!  obedience, 
luthr  here  excludcth  no  good  works ,  but  rather  exhortcth  thereunto  9  and  that  iu 
many  places.  Thus  times  and  cafes  difcretly  muft  bediftinguilhed. 

The  fecond  thing  to  be  required  is , that  in  reading  hereof,  he  that  feeketh  to  take 
fruit  hercby,do  bring  fuch  a  mind  with  him  to  the  reading,  as  the  author  himfelfc  did 
to  the  preaching  thereof  :thatis,he  had  need  to  have  have  his  fenfesexercifed  fomewhac 
in  fuch  fpiritual  conflicts,  &  to  be  wcl  humbled  before  with  the  fear  of  God  and  inward 
repentance,  or  clfe  he  (hall  hardly  conceive  the  excellent  fweetneflc  either  of  this  wri 
ter  or  any  other.  For  albeit  moft  true  it  is,  that  no  greater  comfort  to  the  foule  of  man 
can  be  found  in  any  booke  next  to  the  holy  Scripture,  then  in  this  Commentary  of  M. 
Lutber :  fo  this  comfort  hath  little  place,but  oncly  where  the  confcience  being  in  hea- 
vincs  haih  need  of  the  Phyficians  hand.  The  other/ who  feel  themfelves  wholc,and  art 
not  touched  in  foule  with  any  forrow,  as  they  little  care  for  thefe  books,  fo  have  they 
little  underftanding  of  this  doclrin  when  they  read  it.And  thiiis  thecaufe  in  my  mind, 
why  the  Pope  and  his  Papifts  have  fo  little  feeling  and  liking  oflutbers  doclrinc,and 
allbecaufc  they  commonly  are  never  greatly  vexed  in  fpirit  with  any  deep  affliction  , 
but  rather  deride  them  that  arc  beaten  downe  with  fuch  conflicts  &  tentations  of  Sa 
tan,  asthey  did  by  Lutber,  whom  becaufc  Ood  fuftered  to  be  tried  and  exercifcd  withr 
the  buffers  of  the  enemy,  they  fay  therefore  that  he  learned  his  Divinity  of  the  devill.. 
But  how  he  learned  his  Divinity,  let  us  heare  what  he  himfelfe  in  this  book,  fol.  ic8. 
pag.  i  line  i«.confefletb,faying://»e  were  not  outwardly  exmi fed  witb force  &  /iibtle+ 
ty  by  tyrants  and  Sectaries, and  inwardly  witb  terrors  and  tbe  fiery  dvts  of  tbe  dwill, Paul 
fhiuld  be  at  obfcure  and  unhnowne  UKtv  u*9  M  be  wot  in -times  yaft  to  tie  world  ,<wdyet  M 
to  tbe  Papifts,  tbe  j4nabaptifts,antl  otber  our  adversaries*  Therefore  tbe  gift  of  tbe  inter 
pret At  ion  of  tbe  Scriptures  and  wr  ftudies,togetberwitbour  imo&dand  out  ward  text  a- 
tioni,  open  unto  u*  tbe  meaning  of  P*u\,and  tbe  fence  of  all  tbe  boty  Scriptures. 

But  let  thefe  ignorant  Papiits  whofoevcr  they  be,  tafte  a  little  the  fame  ,  or  like  as. 
Lutber  did,  &  then  fee  what  they  will  fry.  Experience  gi  veth  demonstration.  For  hav» 
many  of  them  do  we  fee,  for  all  their  auricular  confcffiun,  which  pufFeth  thom  up  in, 
all  fecurity,  but  at  length  when  they  lie  at  the  point  of  death,  where  death  on  the  one 
fide,&  Gods  juftice  on  the  other  fide  is  before  their  eyes  ,for  the  moft  part  either  they 
dcfpiire,  or  elfe  leaving  all  other  helps,  they  only  fticke  to  faith  &  the  blood  of  C  hrifi 
lefus,  &in?ery  deed  many  of  them  are  glad  to  die  Lutherans  howfoever  they  hated 
Littler  before.  And  what  ihall  we  fay  then  of  this  do  drine  ofLvtber  f  /fine  Papifts 

themfelves  beglad  to  die  in  it ,  why  arc  they  unwilling  to  lire  in  i:?  Andifitbe  true 
at  one  time,  ho  wean  alteration  ot~  time  make  that  falfe  which  is  once  rrucf 

And  therefore  where  thefe  mcri  fo  ftoudy  withftand  this  doftrine  of  juttificarion  by 
faith  only,  they  arc  nr.uch  deceived  And-  V»htn  they  aUtd^c  S.James  for  them,  that  i* 
foone  anfwcred  if  we  rightly  difc?rne  the  meaning  of  S.lames  &  or'S.  Pault  of  whom 
the  onefpeaketh  of  mans  nghteoufnes  or  juftification  onely  before  men  ,  which  is  a 
tri^fcmonftrationofatrue  faith  or  a  true  belecver  before  man,  rather  then  the  wor 
king  of  true  juftific«ion  before  God.  And  fo  is  it  true  which  S.  lames  faitt\  how  that 
faith  without  works  doth  not  juttific.  whole  ptirpofe  is,  aot  to  (hew  usr what  makeeh  a 
man  jaft  before  God,  bur  onely  tor  declare  theneceffary  conjunction  of  good  wrekes 
in  him  that  by  faith  is  juttified.  The  other  fpeaketh  of  righteoufrieffe  cr  juftificition, 
not  before  men,  but  oncly  before  God  :  meaning  not  toexclude  good workes  from 
true  faith,  that  they  fliould  not  be  done.-but  to  reach  us  wherein  the  true  ft  iy  and  hope 
of  our  falvation  ought  to  be  fixed,  that  is,  in  f.iith  onely.  And" To  jt  is  true  likewife  thac 
S.  Paul  faith,  that  faith  ondy  without  works  doth  juftifie. 

The  which  propofition  of  S.Paul  the  better  to  underltand  and  to  joyne  it  with  S. 
Jd»zcr,here  is  to  be  noted  for  the  fatisfyfng  of  the  cavelling  adverfary,  that  the  propo 
fition  is  to  be  taken  full  and  whole,  as  S.Paul  doth  meaneit,  fo  that  with  the  right 
fubjecl  wejoyre  the  tight  predicat urn,  as  theSchoolementermeit  :  that  is,  fo  that 
faithonChriftin  juftifying,  ever  have  relation  to  the  trne  penitent  and  lamenting 
iSnner,  And  fo  is  the  Article  moft  true,  that  faith  oncly  without  works  doth  juftifie. 
But  whom  doth  it  juftifie?  the  worldling?  the  iicencious  ruffian  ?the  voluptuous  Epi 
cure?  the  carnal!  Gofpeller?  Paul  meaneth  no  ftich  thing,  but  onely  the  mourning  and 
labouring  foule,  the  grieved  confcicnce,  the  repenting  heart,  the  mending  fmner.  And 
in  him  the  propofition  is  true,  according  to  the  dodrine  ofS.Paul:CreJenti  in  ewn  qui 
juftificat  impwm, fides  ejus  imputaturadjuftitiam:  that  is,  To  btmtbat  beleevetb  in 

R«m  4.  him  wbicbjuftifietb  tie  ungodly  >  bis  faith  u  fountedfor  right  eoufnejfe.  Contrariwife,  lot 
faith  have  relation  totheobltin-ueand  wilftili  rebell,v\ho  contrary  to  confcicnce  CotV-r' 
tinueth  and  delighteth  in  fin;ie,and  in  him  is  true  likewife  that  S9  fiith  (ff  nott 

I*m,a'.  exfiJetantyMsihatis^attdxotbyfaitbonefy:  meaning  thereby,  that  faith  availeth  net 
tojuftificatien,  but  onely  in  luch  perfoiisashavea  good  will  and'purpofe  to  amend 
their  lives  :  not  that  repentance  and  turning  from  iniquity  doth  faye  them  {  but  th^.t 
faith  in  Chrift  worketh  juftification  in  none  but  oncly  in  (uch  as  heartily  repent  &  arc' 
willing  to  amend.  So  that  :Cr&lite  eva'ngelio,  be'.eevetke  C?o/pcWt h uh  ever,  agfae p<e~ 
nitentiam,ret>ent  and  amendt  going  withal!.  Not  that  repentance  faveth  any  mal.fa: 

Mart.         ^or  ^romt'ie  ^avvj  ^ut  one'y  fti'-'wcrh  the  perfon  whom  faith  inChrift onely  doth 

Aij^'j.'  fave  and  juftifie.  But  of  this  enough,  and  more  then  greatly  needed,  efpecially  feeing 
rhe  bookc  it  felfe  here  following  will  fnisfie  the  Reader  at  large  in  all  (uch  doubts  to 
this  matter  appertaining.  And  thusceafing  to  trouble  thee,  gentle  Render,  with  sny 
longer  preface,  as  we  commend  this  good  worke  to  thy  godly  ftudics:fo  we  commend 
both  thec  and  thy  ftudics  to  the  grace  of  Chrilf.  fefu  theSonneof  God, heartily  wifh-' 
ing  and  craving  ot  hisMajcfty,  that  thou  m^ieft  take  no  JefTe  profite  and  confolatioa 
by  reading  hereof ,  thenourpurpofewasto  do  thecgood  in  fetting  the  fame  forth  to 
thy  comfort  and  edification,  which  the  Lord  grant,,  Amen, 


The  Preface  of  MAR  TIN  LUTHER  upon  the 
Epiftle  to  the  Galathians. 

My  felfe  carf  fcarcely  bclccve  that  I  was  fo 
plentifull  in  words  when  I  did  publikely  ex 
pound  this  Epiftlc  of  S<  Taxi  to  the  Gala- 
thians,  as  this  Book  (hcweth  me  to  have  been. 
Notwithstanding,  I  perceive  all  the  cogita 
tions  which  I  find  in  this  Treat ife  by  fo  great 
diligence  of  the  brethren  gathered  together, 
to  be  mine:fo  that  I  muft  needs  confefle  either 
all  or  perhaps  more,  to  have  b^en  uttered  by 
me  in  this  publike  Treatifc.For  in  my  heart  this  one  article  reigneth, 
even  the  faith  of  Chrift :  from  whom,  by  whom,  and  unto  whom  all 
my  divine  ftudies  day  and  night  have  recourfe  to  and  fro  continually. 
And  yet  I  perceive  that  I  could  not  reach  any  thing  neare  unto  the 
beight,bredth  and  depth  of  fuch  high  and  ineftimable  wifcdome:on- 
ly  certa'ine  poore  and  bare  beginnings,and  as  it  were  fragments  do  ap- 
peare.  Wherefore  I  am  afhamed  that  my  fo  barrenand  fimple  Com 
mentaries  fhould  be  fet  forth  upon  fo  worthy  anApoftlc,  and  elecT: 
vetfcll  of  God.  But  when  I  confider  againe  the  infinite  and  horrible 
profanation  and  abomination  which  alwayes  hath  raged  in  the 
Church  of  God,  and  yet  at  this  day  ceafeth  not  to  rage  againft  this 
only  and  grounded  rock,  which  we  hold  to  be  the  article  of  our  jufti- 
fication  ( that  is  to  fay,  how,  not  by  our  felves,  neither  by  our  works, 
which  are  kite  then  our  felves,  but  by  another  help,  even  the  Son  of 
God  Jcfus  Chrift,  we  are  redeemed  from  fin,  deatn,  the  devill,  and 
made  partakers  of  ef crnall  life ; )  I  am  compelled  to  caft  offali  fhame, 
and  to  be  bold  above  meafure. 

This  rock  did  Satan  fhake  in  Paradife,  when  he  perfwaded  our 
firft  parents  that  by  their  own  wifedomc  and  power  they  fhould  be^ 
like  unto  God :  forfaking  true  faith  in  God,who  had  given  them  life, 
prom'ifed  the  conr inuance  thereof.  By  and  by  after,this  lier  and  mur- 
therer,  which  will  be  alwayes  like  unto  himfelre,  ftirrcd  up  the  bro 
ther  to  the  murthcring  of  his  brother,  and  for  none  other  caufe,  but 
for  that  his  godly  brother  by  faith  had  offered  up  a  more  excellent 

B  facrifkc; 

The  Preface  tj 

facrificc ;  and  he  offering  up  bis  own  works,  without  faith,  had  not 
pleafcd  God.  After  this,  againft  the  fame  Faith  followed  a  moft  in- 
G.H.S.  tolerable  perfccution  of  Satan  by  the  fons  of^im,  untillGod  was 
a  p«t.a.f.  cven  conftrained  at  once  by  the  floud  to  purge  the  whole  world,  and 
todefcnd Noah  the  Preacher  of  righteoufnefe.This  notwithstanding 
Satan  continued  his  feed  in  C^w,the  third  fon  of  Noah.  But  who  is 
able  to  reckon  up  all  examples  ?  After  thcfe  things  the  whole  world 
waxed  mad  againft  this  faith,  finding  out  an  infinite  number  of  idols 
and  ftrange  religions,  whereby  every  one  (  as  ^Pattl  faith)  walked 
feis  own  way,trufted  by  their  works,(bme  to  pacific  and  plcafe  a  god, 
fomc  a  godded*?,  fomc  gods,  fomc  goddefles :  that  is  to  fay,  without 
the  help  of  Chrift,  and  by  their  own  works,  to  redeems  therafelves 
from  all  calamities  and  from  their  fins,  as  all  the  examples  and  mo 
numents  of  all  nations  do  fufficiently  witnerte. 

Butthefe  are  nothing  in  comparifon  of  that  people  and  congre 
gation  of  God,  Ifrael:  which  not  only  had  thefurcpromifeof  the 
fathers,  and  afterward  the  law  of  God  given  unto  them,  from  God 
himfelfebyhis  Angels,above  all  other :  but  alwaycs  and  in  all  things 
were  alfo  certified  by  the  words,  by  the  miracles,  and  by  the  exam  - 
pies  of  the  Prophets.  Notwithftanding  cven  among  them  alfo  Satan 
(that  is  to  fay,  the  mad  and  outragious  opinion  of  their  own  righ« 
tcoufnefle)  did  fo  prevaile,  that  afterwards  they  killed  all  the  Pro 
phets,  yea  even  Chrift  himfelfe  the  Sonne  of  God  their  promifed 
Mcflias,  for  that  they  had  taught  that  men  are  accepted  and  received 
into  the  favour  of  God,  by  grace  onely  and  not  by  their  own  righ- 
tcoufnefle.  And  this  is  the  iummc  of  the  dodrine  of  the  dcvill  and  of 
the  world  from  the  beginning ;  we  will  not  fecm  to  do  evill,  oat  yet 
whatfoever  we  do,  that  mud  God  allow,  and  all  his  Prophets  muft 
confent  to  it,  which  if  they  refute  to  do,  they  fhall  die  the  death. 
ex?^/fhall  dic,but  Cain  (hall  flourifh.  Let  this  be  our  law  (fay  they) 
and  cven  fo  it  commeth  topafle.  the  Church  of  the  Cjentilcs,  the  matter  is  and  hath  becne 
fo  vehemently  handled,  that  the  fury  of  the  Jewilhfynagogucmay 
well  feem  to  have  been  but  a  Iport.  For  they  (  as  S*  Pau/Caith  )  did 
not  know  £hrift  thfir  onnointcd,  and  therefore  they  crucified  the  Lordsf 
%lorj.  But  the  Church  of  the  Gentiles  hath  received  and  confefled 
Chrift  to  be  the  Sonne  of  God,  being  made  our  righteoufhefl:,  and 
this  doth  fhc  publikciy  rccord,rcadc  and  teach.  And  yet  notwith 

MARTIN  LUT  iTi  i.1  Fol.2 

ftandingthisconfcflion,  they  that  would  be  accoanted  the  Church* 
do  kill  and  perfecute,  and  continually  rage  againft  thofc  which  be 
lieve  andtcach,and  in  their  deeds  declare  nothing  elfe,but  thatChrift 
is  the  felfc  Tame  thing  that  they  themfelvcs  (though  with  faincd 
words  and  hypocriticall  deeds )  are  conftrained  mauger  their  heads 
to  allow  and  confeffc.  For  under  the  name  of  Chrift  at  this  day  they 
raignc.  And  if  they  could  without  the  name  of  Chrift  hold  that  feat 
and  kingdomc,no  doubt  but  they  would  exprcflc  him  tobefuch  a  one 
openly  as  in  their  hearts  they  cfteemc  him  fccretly.  But  they  eftcemc 
him  a  great  dealc  lefle  than  the  Jews  do,  which  at  the  leaft  think 
him  to  be  Tktbjhit  is  to  iay,a  theef1  worthily  hanged  on  the  croflc. 
But  thefc  men  account  him  as  a  fable,  and  take  him  as  a  fained  god 
among  the  Gentiles,  as  it  may  plainly  appeare  at  Rome  in  the  Popes 
court,  and  almoft  throughout  all  //*/). 

Becaufe  therefore  Chrift  is  made  as  it  were  a  mocke  amongft 
his  Chriftians  (  for  Chrittians  they  will  be  called  )  and  becaufe  jf<«» 
doth  kill  *Abtl  continually,  and  the  abomination  of  Satan  now  The  ankle 
chiefejy  reigneth,  it  is  very  neceflary  that  we  fhould  diligently  han- 
die  this  article,  and  fet  it  againft  Satan,  whether  we  be  rude  or 
eloquent,  learned  or  unlearned.    For  this  rockc  muft  be  publifhed  tausbt« 
abroad,  yea  though  every  man  fhould  hold  his  peace,  yet  even  of 
the  very  rocks  and  ftones  themfelvcs.    Wherefore  I  do  moft  wil 
lingly  herein  accomplifh  my  duty,  and  am  contented  to  fuffer  this 
long  Commentary  and  full  of  words,  to  be  fet  forth  for  the  ftirring 
up  of allthe  bretheren  in  Chrift,  againft  the  Heights  and  malice  of 
Satan,  w,hich  inthefe  dayes  is  turned  intofuch  cxtreamemadneffe 
againft  this  healthfull  knowledge  of  Chrift  now  revealed  and  raited 
upagaine,  that  as  hitherto  men  have  fecmed  to  bepoffvfled  with 
devils  andftarkmad,  even  fonow  the  devils  thcmfelrcs  do  fecme 
to  be  poflcfled  offarre  worfe  devils,  and  fo  rage  even  above  the  fury 
of  devils :  which  is  indeed  a  great  argument  that  that  enemy  of 
truth  and  life  doth  perceive  the  day  of  judgment  to  be  at  hand,  which  on 
is  the  horrible  day  of  his  deft ruftion,  but  the  moft  comfortable  day  ?$ 
of  our  rcdcmption3and  fhall  be  the  end  of  all  his  tyranny  and  cruelty. 
Forgot  without  caufe  is  he  difquicted,  when  his  members  and 
powers  are  fe  aflailed :  even  as  athcefeor  an  adulterer,  when  the 
morning  appeared!  and  difclofcth  his  wickedneflfr,  is  taken  tardy 
and  apprehended  for  the  fame.    For  who  ever  heard  (topsflfcoter 

B  2  the 

Tkt  Preftce  tf 

the  abominations  of  the  Pope  j  io  many  raonflers  toburft  out  at  once 
*nto  tnc  wor^»  as  we  ^  at  .this  day  in  the  Anabaptifts  alone  ?  In 
whom  Satan  brcatheth  out  as  it  were  the  laft  blaft  of  his  kingdomc, 
through  horrible  uprores  fetting  thsra  every  where  in  fuch  a  rage,  as 
though  he  would  by  them  fuddenly,  not  only  dcftroy  the  whole 
world  with  fcditions,  but  alfo  by  innumerable  fc&sfvvallow  up  and 
detroure  Chrift  wholly  with  his  Church. 

Againft  the  wicked  lives  and  opinions  of  others  he  doth  not  fo 
ragc ;  to  wjt  againft  whorcmonecrs,  thcevcs,  murtherers,  perjured 

not  thofc  it  if  v-r  ^.L   r 

that  ate      perfons,  rebels  againft  God,  unbelievers,   No,  to  thele  rather  he 

buricitafin  §*vctn  peace  and  quictncflc  :  thefc  he  maintaineth  in  his  court  with 

EfSaA     all  manner  of  pleasures  and  delights,  andgiveth  to  them  all  things 

'odi'and    at  will:  Eveniikc  asfomctimc  in  the  beginning  of  the  Church,. 

LucSe,   he  did  not  only  fuffer  all  the  idolatries  and  falfe  religions  of  the 

whole  world  to  be  quiet  and  untouched,  but  alfo  mightily  maintai- 

nec!,defcnded  and  nouridicd  the  fame.  But  the  Church  and  religion 

of  Chrift  alone  he  vexed  on  every  fide.    After  this,permitting  peace 

and  quietneffb  to  many  hereticks,  he  troubled  onely  the  Catholikc 

dodrine.    Even  folikewifc  at  this  day  he  hath  no  other  bufinefle 

in  hand  but  this  onely  (as  hisowne  and  al  way  es  proper  untohim- 

fclfe)  to  perfecutc  and  vex  cur  Saviour  Chrift  :  which  is  our  perfcd: 

.  righteouinefle  without  any  of  our  workes,  as  it  is  written  of  him  : 

G*«.).i5.     Thou  fialt  tread  upon  hi*  heele. 

For  whole  But  1  do  not  fet  forth  thefe  my  Meditations  fo  much  againft 
caufc  fpcci-  thefc  men,  as  for  my  bretheren,  which  will  either  (hew  thcmfelves 
fctfetiTfonh  thankfiill  in  the  Lord  for  this  my  travell,  or  elfc  will  pardon  my 
thi»woik,&  wcakencflc  and  temerity.  But  of  the  wicked  I  would  not  in 
e  any  wife  they  tliould  be  liked  or  allowed :  but  rather  that  thereby 
both  they  and  thsjr  god  might  be  the  more  vexed,  feeing  with 
my  Ercat  travell  they  are  fet  forth  onely  for  fuch  as  Saint  Taut 
writeth  this  Epiftle  unto:  that  is  to  fay,  the  troubled,  affiifted, 
vexed,  tempted  (  for  they  onely  undcrftand  thefe  things  )  and  mi- 
ferable  g*/at(sia»s  in  the  faith.  Who  fo  are  not  fuch,  let  them 
heare  the  Papifts,  Monkcs,  Anabaptifts,  and  fuch  other  ma- 
fterscf  profound  wifedome  and  of  their  owne  religion,  and-let 
them  ftoutly  contemne  our  doctrine  and  our  doings.  For  at  this 
day  the  Papifts  and  Anabaptifts  confpire  together  againft  the 
Church  in  this  one  point  (though  they  diflemble  in  words  )  {hat  the 


MART  IN   LUT  Hit. 

work  of  God  dcpcndcth  upon  the  vyorthines  of  the  perfon.  For  thus 
do  the  Anabaptifts  teach,  that  baptifme  is  nothing  except  the  perfon 
'do  belcevc.Out  of  this  principle  muft  needs  follow,  that  all  the  works 
of  God  be  nothing,if  the  man  be  nothing.  Bu.t  baptifme  is  the  workc 
of  Cody  and  yet  an  evill  man  maketh  it  not  to  be  the  worke  of  God.  men»de- 
Morcovcr  hereof  it  muft  follow,  that  matrimony,  authority,  liberty 
and  bondage  are  the  works  of  God:  but  becaufc  men  are  evill  ,therforc 
they  are  not  the  works  of  God.  W  ickcd  men  have  the  Sun,the  Moon, 
the  earthj  the  water,  the  aire  and  all  other  creatures  which  are  fubjcci 
unto  man ;  but  bccaufe they  be  wicked  and  not  godly  .tbcrfore  the  Sun 
is  not  the  Sun,  the  Moon,the  earth,thc  water  arc  not  that  which  they 
are.  The  Anabaptifts  themfelves  had  bodies  and  fouls  before  they  were 
rebaptized :  but  bccaufc  they  were  not  godly,  thcrfore  they  had  not 
true  bodies  and  true  fouls.  Alfo  their  parents  were  not  lawfally  mar- 
tied  (  as  they  grant  thcmfeivcs)  becaufe  they  were  not  re  baptized  : 
therfore  the  Anabaptifts  themielvcs  arc  all  baftards,  and  their  parents 
-were  all  adulterers  and  whoremongers,  and  yet  they  doc  inherit  their 
parents  lands  and  good$,although  they  grant  thcmfclves  to  be  baftards 
and  unlawfull  heirs.  Who  fecth  not  here  in  the  Anabaptifts,  men  not 
poflcffed  with  devils,  but  even  devils  themfelvcs  pofleflfed  with  wotie 

The  Papifts  in  like  manner  untill  this  day  do  (land  upon  works  and 

the  worthincs  of  man,contrary  to  grace,and  fo  (in  words  at  the  leaft) 

do  ftrongly  aflift  their  brethren  the  Anabaptifts.    For  thefe  Foxes  arc 

tyed  together  by  the  tailcs,  although  by  their  heads  they  fcems  to  be 

contrary4For  outwardly  they  pretend  to  be  their  great  enrmies,when 

as  inwardly  notwithstanding  they  thinkc,teach  and  defend  indeed  all 

one  thing  againft  our  Saviour  Chrift,  who  is  our  only  rightcoufncfle. 

Let  him  thetforc  that  can  hold  faft  this  one  article,and  let  us  fuffcrr  the 

{ reft  which  have  made  (hip-wrack  thcrof,  to  be  carried  whither  the  fca 

[and  winds  (hall  drive  them,  until!  either  they  return  tothc  {hip,  CL 


The  conclusion  and  end  of  his  complaint  is,  to  hope  for  no  quiet-  «. 

i     c  i    •         /i  />i     -/v         I   n    /•    11    i  The  Cnurcn 

ncfle  ^©r  end  or  complaint,  lolong  as  Chrut  and  BetiAil  doe  not  agree,  (hail  n«v«. 
I  Onfte*ttMi**p*(fc(n  <**d  another  commeth.   If  one  here(iedie,by  and  ^^'VJ1, 

*  r     -          i  r         i         j-nju        •!         ni  thisworW.J 

[  by  another  ipringctn  up  :  tor  the  dcvill  doth  neither  {lumber  nor 
i  (kepc.  1  my  fclfc,  which  (although  I  be  nothing  )  have  been  now 
tin  the  miniftcry  of  Chrift  about  twenty  yeares,  can  truly  witneflc 

B  3-  that 

f  be  Preface  9f 

thatl  have  bin  affailcd  with  moc  then  twenty  fe&s,ofthc  which  fotnc 
ate  already  deftroy  cd,othcr  fome(as  the  parts  and  members  or  worms 
or  bees  that  are  cut  afunder)do  yet  pant  tor  life.  But  Satan  the  god  of 
all  diflentio^ftirrcthup  daily  new  fcfts,  and  laft  of  all  (  which  of  all 
other,  I  fhould  never  have  forc-feen  or  once  fufpefted)  he  hath  raifcd 
up  a  fed;  of  fuch  as  teach  that  the  ten  Commandements  ought  to  be 
taken  out  of  the  Church,and  that  men  fhould  not  be  terrified  with  the 
law,  but  gently  exhorted  by  the  preaching  of  the  grace  of  Chrift5that 

?rf f  1 «  l^c  ^aym§  °^  c^c  Pf°Pnct  Micah  might  be  fulfilled  :  Let  none  rebuke  or 
reprove  another :  Tkcyflatt  net  prophefa  unto  them.  As  though  we  were 
ignorant,  or  had  never  taught  that  afflidcd  and  broken  ipirits  muft  be 
comforted  by  Chrift :  but  the  hard  hearted  Pharifees,  unto  whom  the 
grace  of  6Wis  preached  in  vain,muft  be  terrified  by  the  law.  And  they 
themfdves  alfo  are  forced  to  devifc  and  imagine  certain  revelations  of 
Gods  wrath  againft  the  wicked  and  unbeleevers.  As  though  the  law 
were  or  could  be  any  thing  elfe  but  a  revealing  of  Gods  wrath  againft: 
impiety.Such  is  the.blindncs  and  preemption  of  thefefrantick  heads, 
which  even  by  their  own  judgment  do  condemne  themfelvcs.  Whcr- 
fore  it  behoveth  the  Miniftcrs  of  Gods  word  to  be  furely  perfwaded 
(if  they  will  be  accounted  faithful!  and  wife  in  the  day  of  Chnft)that 
the  word  of  S.P^/is  not  fpoken  in  vainc,  or  prophecicd  of  a  matter 
of  no  importance  :  to  \vit,Tkai  there  ntuft  be  kcrefiesjkAt  they  Vchich  are 
proved  may  be  J^www.Yca  I  fay,letthc  Minifter  of  Chrift  know,that  fo 
Jong  as  he  teachcth  Chrift  purely,  there  fliall  not  be  wanting  pcrverfc 
fpiritSjyea  even  of  our  own  and  among.our  felves,vvhich  fhall  fcek  by 
all  means  pofTiblc,to  trouble  the  Church  of  Chrift.  And  hercwithall 
let  him  comfort  himfelf,  that  there  is  no  peace  between  Chrift  andBelial^ 

<«*.j.S«  Or  between  the  feed  of  the  Serpent. .and  the  fee  4  of  the  Yeoman.  Yea  let  him 
re  joy  ce  in  the  troubles  which  he  fuff.reth  by  thefe  feds  and  feditious 
ipirfts,  continually  fpringing  up  one  after  another.  For  this  is  our  rc- 
joycing,Wf»  the  teflimony  of  our  confcienc£y  that  we  be  found  ftanding 
and  fighting  in  the  behalf  of  the  feed  of  the  woman,  againft  the  feed 
of  the  Serpent.  Let  him  bite  us  by  the  hccle  and  fparc  not.  We  again 
will  not  ceale  to  crulli  his  head,  by  the  grace  and  helpc  of  Chriit  the 
pjrincipall  bruifcr  thereof,  who  is  bkffed  for  ever, . 




Fifty  difcommodities  that  rife  of  mans  Own  righteoufnes  pro 
ceeding  of  works,gathered  out  of  this  Epifiieto  the 
thiws,  by  M.  Luther. 

CHAP.  I. 

TO  bring  men  from  the  calling  of 
*  To  receive  another  Gofpcll. 

3  To  trouble  the  minds  of  the  faithful. 

4  ToperverttheGofpellof  Chrift. 

f  To  be  accurfcd.  ; 

6  To  obey  humane  ttaditions, 

7  Topleafemen, 

8  Not  to  be  the  fervant  of  Chrift. 

9  To  build  upon  men  ,  and  not  upon 

to  That  the  moft  excellent  righteoufnes 

of  the  law  is  nothing. 
II   Todtftroy  the  Church  of  God. 


li  To  teach  a  man  to  be  juftified  by 
I   workes,  it  to  teach  to  be  juftihed  by 

•  i  $  To  make  the  righteous  in  Chrift  fin- 


14  To  makeChrift  aminiftcr  of  fin. 
;•  j  To  build  up  fin  againe  when  it  is  de- 

1  6  To  be  made  a  tranfgrcfibur. 

17  To  reject  the  grace  of  God. 

18  To  judge  that  Chrift  died  in  vain. 


it  To 

ao  To  be  bewitched. 

II  Not  to  hearc  the  truth. 

21  To  critcific  Chrift  again. 

»j  To  hold  that  the  Spirit  is  received  by 

24  Tbfotfake  thefpirit,  andtoendin 

the  flclh. 

2  f  To  be  under  the  curfe. 
26  To  fet  the  tcftiment  of  men  above 
;    thcteftamentofGod. 
17  To  make  Gn  to  abound. 

1 8  To  be  toot  under  fin. 

*9  To  fcrve  bcggerly  ceremonies." 


jo  That  the  Gofpell  is  preached  in 

}i    That  all  is  vaine  whatfoevcr  the 

faith  full  do  work  or  fuffer. 
J  i  To  be  made  a  fervant,  and  thcfon  of 

the  bond-woman, 

33  To  be  caft  out  with  the  fon  of  the 
bond-woman,  from  the  inhcrtiance. 

34  That  Chrift  profitcth  nothing. 

jf  That  wee  arc  dcbtere  to  fulfill  th« 
whole  law. 

CH4P.  V. 

36  To  be  fcparate  from  Chrift. 
g  7  To  fall  from  grace. 

38  To  be  hindred  from  the  good  couric 

39  That  this  perfwafion  of  the  dodrine 
of  worksjcometh  not  of  God. 

40  To  have  the  leaven  of  corruptisn. 

41  That  judgement  remaineth  for  him 
which  teacheth  this  doQrine. 

4 1  To  bite  and  confute  one  another. 

43  That  this  doctrine  is  accounted  a- 
mong  the  works  of  the  flefii. 


44  Tothinkc  thy  felf  to  be  fome  thing, 
when  thou  art  nothing. 

41  To  glory  in  others  then  in  God. 

46  Carnally  to  plcafe  the  carnally  min 

47  To  hate  the  perfecution  of  the  crofTe. 

48  Not  to  keep  the  law  it  felf  c. 

49  To  glory  in  the  matter  and  teacher 
of  carnall  things. 

50  That  nothing  profiteth,and  whatfo-. 
ever  a  man  doth  is  in  vain* 

B  4  After 

After  that  M.  Lutbsr  had  once  publikely  expounded 

thisEpiftle^he  took  in  hand  to  interpret  the  fame  againe,  in 
fuch  fort  as  in  this  Treatife  hereafter  doth  enfue,  the  caufe 
whereof  he  doth  declare  in  few  words  following. 

Have  taken  **  hand,  in  the  Name  of  the  Lord,  jet  once  Again 
to  expound  this  EpiJMe  of  ?zu\  to  the  Galathians  :  not  bc- 
caufe  I  doc  defire  to  teach  new  things ',  or  fuck  of  ye  have  not 
heard  before,  especially  fincc  that  by  the  grace  of  for  is~t, Paul 
isnawthroughljknowncuntoyou:  but  for  (*t  I  hdve 
often  fore-warned  you  )  this  fee  have  to  fiare  M  the  gtekteft  and  neareft 
danger,  left  Satan  take  from  us  this  dottrinc  of  faith,  and  bring  into  the 
Church  againe  the  doKrine  ofVvorkes  and  mens  traditions.  Wherefore  it 
is  very  neceftary  that  this  dottrine  be  kept  in  continuall  fraflife  and  fublifa 
'  excrcifc  both  of  reading  and  hearing.  And  although  it  be  never  (o  V?ell 
knownc,  never  {o  exactly  learned^  yetthcdevill,  Voluch  continually  rangctb 
tboutfeeking  to  devour e  Hi,  is  not  dead.  Likevfife  onrfiefl)  and oU  man  is 
yet  alive.  Besides  thir,  alt  kinds  of  tentations  vexc  andepprefte  us  on  every 
Jide :  Wherefore  this  doflrine  can  never  be  tUHght,  urged  and  repeated  e- 
'nouoh.  If  this  dollrine  be  loft,  then  is  alfo  the  doftrinc  of  truth,  lift  and 
filvatioity  l»fl  and  gone.  If  this  do  ttrine  flourijb,  then  all  good  things  flott- 
rifa  Religion,  the  irnefervice  of  god,  the  glory  ofgodjhe  right  knowledge 
of  all  things  Which  are  necejfary  for  a  Chrijtian  man  to  fao-tv.  Becaufe 
therfore  Uv  Wontd  be  occupied  and  not  be  idle,  We  Witt  there  now  begin  where 
^e>m^e  *n  end^according  to  the  flying  ofthefon  of Syrach  :  When  a  man 
liath  done  what  hccan,-hc  mult  begin  again. 


The  Argument  of  the  Epiftle  of  S.  Taul 
to  the  GALATHIAHS, 

>  Irft  of  all  it  behovcth  that  we  fpeake  of  the  Argument  of 
this  Epiftle  :  that  is  to  fay ,  what  matter  Se  Pd*/here 
chiefly  treatcth  of.  The  argument  thcrfbrc  is  this. 

S.  Paul  goeth  about  to  eftablifh  the  dodtrine  of  faith, 
grace,  forgivcncsoffins,  or  Chriftian  rightcoufncs,  to 
the  end  that  we  may  have  a  perfcft  knpwlcde  and  difference  between 
Chriftian  rightcoufncs,  and  all  other  kinds  ofrighteoufnes.  For  there 
be  divers  forts  of  righteoufnes.  There  is  a  politicall  or  civill  rightcouf-  HOW 
ties,  which  Empcrours,  Princes  of  the  world,  Philofophers  and  Law.  Jj 
yers  deale  withalLThcre  is  alfo  a  ceremoniall  rightcoufncs,  which  the 
traditions  of  men  doteach.This  righteoufnes  Parents  and  School-ma-  arc 
ftcrs  may  teach  without  danger,  becauft  they  do  not  attribute  unto  it 
any  power  to  fctisfie  for  fin,to  pleafc  God,or  to  defcrvc  gracc:but  they 
teach  fuch  ceremonies  as  are  only  neceflary  for  the  correction  of  man- 
tiers,  and  certain  obfervations  concerning  this  lifc.Bcfidcs  thcfe,therc 
is  another  rightcoufnesswhichis  called  the  rightcoufncs  of  the  law,or 
fcfthc  ten  commandcmentsrwhich  Mtfts  teacheth,   This  do  we  alfo 
teach  after  the  doftrine  of  faith, 

There  is  yet  another  righteoufnes,  which  is  above  all  ttefc :  to  wit, 
the  rightconfnes  of  faith  orChriftian  rightcoufnes,the  which  we  muft  righlwuf« 
diligently  difccrnc  from  the  other  afore  rehcarfcd :  for  they  are^quitc 
contrary  to  this.righteoufnes ,  both  becaufe  they  flow  out  of  the  laws 
of  Emperours,the  traditions  of  the  ?ope,and  the  commandements  of 
God',  and  alfo  becaufe  they  confift  in  our  works,  and  may  be  wrought 
of  us  cither  by  our  pure  naturall  ftrcngth(as  the  Papifts  terme  it)or  els 
by  the  gift  of  God.  For  tfiefc  kinds  ot  righteoufiics  are  alfo  the  gift  of 
GocUikc  as  other  good  things  are  which  we  do  enjoy. 



But  this  moft  excellent  rightcoafncs,  offaith  I  meanc,(  which  Goi 
-'  through  Chrift, without  works  imputcth  unto  us)is neither  Political!, 
fifth?6  i°f  nor  Ccrcmoniall,  nor  the  rightcoufnes  of  Gods  law,  nor  confiftcth  in 
called  5/  works,bat  is  clean  contrary :  that  is  to  fay,  a  meere  palfive  righteouf- 
tcmiS^fe  ncs*as  tne  Ot^er  ab°ve  arc  aftive.For  in  this  we  work  nothing, we  ren- 
cauic  ircon-  der  nothing  unto  God,  but  only  we  receive  and  fufcr  another  to  work 
1*"  *n  11S'  t^iat  IS  to  ^'  ^oc''  Therefore  it  fecmcth  good  unto  me  to  call 
this  righteoufties  of  faith  or  Chriftian  righteoufncs ,  the  paflive  righ- 

This  is  a  righteoufnefle  hidden  in  a  myftery  ,  which  the  world 
^ot^  not  ^now>  yca  ^hriftians  thcmfelves  doe  not  throughly  under- 
ftandit,  and  can  hardly  take  hold  of  it  in  their  tentations.  There- 
^e  lt  mu^  ^c  ^i^1?601^  taught  and  continually  praclifed.  And  who 
fo  doth  not  underftand  or  apprehend  this  righteoufnes  in  afflidions 
woskin«.  all(j  tcrrours  of  confcience,  muft  needs  be  overthrown.  For  there  is 
no  comfort  of  confcience  fo  firmc  and  io  fure  as  this  paflive  rightcout 
nes  is. 

i.  But  mans  -weaknes  and  mifery  is  fo  great,that  in  the  terrors  of  con- 
fcicnce  and  danger  of  death ,  we  behold  nothing  elfe  but  our  works, 
"  our  worthines  and  the  law  :  which  when  it  (hewcth  unto  us  our  fin, 
by  and  by  our  cvill  life  pad  cometh  to  remembrance.  Then  thepoorc 
(inner  with  great  anguifh  of  fpirit  groncth,  and  thus  thinkcth  with 
himfelf :  Alas,ttow  defperarely  have  I  lived  ?  Would  to  God  I  might 
live  longer,  then  would  I  amend  my  life.  Thus  mans  reafon  cannot  rc- 
ftrainit  fclfc  from  the  fight  and  beholding  of  this  a&ivcor  working 
rightcoufncsjthat  is  to  fay,  her  own  righteoufaes :  nor  lift  up  her  eyes 
to  the  beholding  of  the  paflive  or  Chriftian  rightcoufnes ,  but  refteth 
alcogcther  in  the  aftive  rightcoumes  :  fo  deeply  is  this  evill  rooted 
in  us. 

Qa  the  other  (ide  ,  Satan  abufing  the  infirmity  of  our  na 
ture  ,  doth  incrcafc  and  aggravate  thefe  cogitations  in  us.  Then  can 
k  not  bs  but  that  the  poore  confcience  muft  be  more  gricvoufly 
troubled,  terrified  and  confounded.  For  it  is  impoflible  that  the 
Hiindof  man  of  it  felfefhould  conceive  any  comfort,  or  look  up  unto 
grace  only  in  the  feeling  and  horrour  of  iinne,  or  conftantly  rc/ecl: 
alidifputing  and  reafonin^  about  works.  For  this  is  farrc  above 
mans  ftreugth,  and  capacity,  yca,  and  above  the  law  of  God  alfo. 
True  it  is,  that.of  all  things  in  the  world*  the  law  is  moft  excellent : 

-  yet 

yet  is  it  not  able  to  quiet  a  troubled  confcicncc,  butincrcafeth  terrors, 

and  dri vcth  it  to  defperation.    For  bj  the  l(txv3Knne  #  made  above  mea-  not  comfort 

r       r  £a  ositv 

fire  Jin  faU.  onfc 

Whereforc*thc  afflicted  and  troubled  confcicncc  hath  no  remc- 
dy  againft  defperation  and  eternall  death-,  unlefle  it  take  hold  of 
the  forgivencfle  of  finnesby  grsce,  freely  offered  in  Chrift  Jcfus, 
that  is  to  fay,  this  pafllve  righteoulnefle  of  faith  or  Chriih'an  righ- 
tcoufnefle.  Which  if  it  can  apprehend,  then  may  it  be  at  quiec>and 
boldly  fiy  :  I  iccke  not  this  aclive  or  working  rigbteoufnefle  :  al 
though  I  know  that  I  ought  to  have  it,  and  alfb  to  fulfill  it.  But 
be  it  fo  that  I  had  it,  and  did  fulfill  it  indeed  :  yet  notwithstanding. 
I  cannot  truft  unto  it ,  neither  dare  I  fet  it  againft  the  judge 
ment  of  God.  Thus  I  abandon  my  felfe  from  all  active  righte- 
oufncffc,  both  of  mine  ownc  and  of  Gods  law,  and  imbracc  onc- 
ly  that  pafllve  rightcoufnefle,  which  is  the  righteoufncffe  of  grace, 
mercy  and  forgivcneflb  of  finnes.  Briefly  I  reft  only  upon  that 
righteoufncfls  which  is  the  rightcoufneflc  of  Chrift  and  of  the  holy 

Like  as  the  earth  engendrcth  not  rainc,  nor  is  able  by  her  owne 
ftrcngth,  labour  and  travell  to  procure  the  fame,  but  receiveth  it 
of  the  mecrc  gift  of  God  from  above  :  fo  this  heavenly  righteoufneflc 
is  given  us  ofGod  without  our  works  or  defervings.    Looke  then 
how  much  the  earth  of  it  fclfe  is  able  to  doe  in  getting  and  procuring 
to  it  fclfe  feafonable  (bowers  of  raine  to  make  it  fruitful!  :   even 
fo  much  and  no  more  are  we  able  to  doe  by  our  ftrength  and  works 
in  winning  this  heavenly  and  eternall  righteoufnes,  and  therfore  (hall 
never  be  able  to  attainc  unto  it,  unlefle  God  himfdfe  by  mecrc  im 
putation  and  by  his  unlpeakable  gift  doc  beftow  it  upon  us.  The  grca- 
teft  knowledge  then  ,  and  the  greatcft  wifedomc  of  Chriftians  is, 
not  to  know  the  law,  to  be  ignorant  of  works  and  of  the  whole  aftivc 
righteoufneffc,  efpccially  when  the  confcicnce  wraftlcth  with  the 
judgement  of  God.     Like  as  on  the  contrary,  amongft  thofe  which 
are  nor  of  the  number  of  Gods  people,  the  grcateft  point  of  wit- 
dome  is,  to  know  and  earncftly  to  urge  the  law  and  the  aftive  rightc- 

But  it  is  a  thing  very  ft  range  and  unknowne  to  the.  world ,  to 
teach  Chriftkos  to  learnc  to  be  ignorant  of  the  law,  and  fo  to 
live  bcforcCod,  as  if  there  were  no  law  :  notwithftanding  except 



The  law  i*    thon  be  ignorant  of  the  law,  and  be  afljrcdly  perf waded  intbinc  heart 

not  given  to  that  there  is  now  no  law  nor  wrath  of  God,  but  altogether  grace  and 

»™h b«!o  mercy  for  Chrifts  fake,  thou  canft  not  be  favcd :  for  by  the  law  com- 

tv»en]«»ieffe  mcth  the  knowledge  of  finnc.  Contrariwifc ,  works  and  the  keeping 

I?ciil!robe"  °f  l^e  Law  "^  ^c  ^a  ft^ighfly  ^quired  in  the  world ,  as  if  there 

*«    were  no  promife  or  grace :  and  that  bccaufc  of  the  ftubbornc ,  proud, 

andhard  hearted ,  before  whofc  eyes  nothing  muft  be  fct  but  the  law* 

that  they  may  be  terrified  and  humbled.     For  the  law  is  given  to  tcr- 

rifieand  killfuch,  and  to  excrcife  the  old  man:  and  both  the  word 

of  grace  and  6f  wrath,  muft  be  rightly  dcvidcd  according  to  the  A* 

poftle,  2.  Tin*.  2. 

Here  is  then  required  a  wife  and  faithfull  difpofer  of  the  word 
of  God ,  which  can  fo  moderate  the  law ,  that  it  may  be  kept  with* 
in  his^ounds.    He  that  tcachcth  that  men  arejuftificd  before  God 
by  theobfervation  of  the  law,  pafleth  the  bounds  of  the  law,  and 
confoundeth  thefetwo  kindsof  righteoufneflc,  active  and  paflivc, 
and  is  but  an  ill  Logitian,  for  be  doth  not  rightly  dcvide.    Contra- 
riwife,  hethatfcttethforththelawand  workcstotheoldman,and 
the  promife  of  fbrgivenefle  offinnes,  and  Gods  mercy  to  the  new 
man,  devideth  the  word  well.  For  the  flefh  or  the  old  man ,  muft  be 
coupled  with  the  law  and  workeszthc  fpirit  or  new  man  mufbbe 
joy  ned  with  the  promife  of  God  and  his  mercy .    Wherefore  when 
I  fee  a  man  that  is  bruifed  enough  already  opprcflkd  with  the  law, 
terrified  with  finne ,  and  thirtting  for  comfort  ,  it  is  time  that  I 
ftiould  remove  out  of  his  fight  the  law  and  aclive  rightcoufneffc ,  and 
that  I  fhouldfet  before  him  by  the  Gofpellthe  ChrilUan  and  paC- 
five  right ecufne{Te ,  which  excluding  UWefes  wrrh  the  law ,  oflfercth 
the  promife  made  in  Chrift  ,  who  came  for  the  afflicted  ,  and  for  fin- 
ncrs.    Here  is  man  raifed  up  againc ,  and  conceiveth  good  hope,  nei 
ther  is  hf  any  longer  under  the  law  ,  but  under  grace.    How  not  un 
der  the  law?  Accord  ing  to  the  new  man,  to  whom  law  doth  not 
pertain.    For  the  law  bath  his  bounds  Unto  Chrift,  as  P <u*l faith  after- 
\\K&s;Thelawcontintieth  ttnto  Chrift:  who  being  come,  Mofes  cea- 
fcth  with  his  law>Circtimcifion,the  Sacrifices,theSabbaths,yea  and  all 
the  Prophets. 

This  is  our  Divinity ,  whereby  we  teach  how  to  put  a-  diffc- 
rtnee  bef-vvccnethefs  two  kinds  of  righteoufncfle,  active  and  paf- 
five  :  to  the  end  that  manners  and  faith,  works  and  grace,  policy 


THS  ^*ZGV14ENT.  Fol.? 

and  religion  ftiould  not  be  confounded,  or  taken  the  one  for  the 
other.  Both  are  neceflaryy  but  both  muft  be  kept  within  their 
bounds:  Chriftian  righteoufncfle  pertaineth  to  tire  new  man,  and 
the  rightcoufnefle  of  the  law  pertaineth  to  the  old  man,  which  is 
borne  of  flefli  and  bload.  Upon  this  old  man,  as  upon  an  afle,  there 
muft  belayed  a  burden  that  may  prcffe  him  down,  and  he  muft  not 
enjoy  thefrccdome  of  the  Spirit  of  grace,  except  hcfirft  put  upon 
him1  the  new  man  by  faith  in  Chrift  (  which  notwithstanding  is  not 
fully  done  in  this  life : )  then  may  he  enjoy  the  kingdome,  an  inefti- 
mable  gift  of  grace. 

This  1  fay,  to  the  end  that  no  man  fliould  thinke  we  rcjecl  or  Good  works 
forbid  goodworkcs,  asthcPapifts  do  raoft  falfcly  flanderus,  nei-  J™foibid" 
ther  underftanding  what  they  themfclves  fay,  nor  what  we  teach.  °' 
They  know  nothing  but  the  righteoufnefle  of  the  law,  and  yet 
they  will  judge  of  that  dodlrinc  which  is  farre  above  the  law,  of 
which  ic  is  impofiible  that  the  carnall  man  fliould  be  able  to  judge. 
Therefore  they  muft  needs  be  offended,  for  they  can  fee  no  higher 
than  the  law.  Whatfocvcr  then  is  above  the  law,  is  to  them  a  great 
offence.  But  we  imagine,  as  it  were,  two  worlds,  the  one  heavenly 
and  the  other  earthly.  In  thefc  we  place  thcfe  two  kinds  of  righ 
teoufnefle,  being  fcparate  the  one  farre  from  the  other.  The  rights 
oufnefleof  the  law  is  earthly,  and  hath  to  do  with  earthly  thingss 
and  by  it  we  do  good  workcs.  But  as  the  earth  bringcth  not  forth 
fruit  except  firft  it  be  watered  and  made  fruitfull  from  above :  even 
fo  by  the  righteoufnefle  of  the  laws  in  doing  many  things  we  do 
nothing,  and  in  fulfilling  of  the  law  we  fulfill  it  not,  except  firft 
without  any  merit  or  work  of  ours,  we  be  made  righteous  by  the 
Chriftian  righteoufnefls,  which  nothing  pertaineth  to  the  rigbtc- 
oufnefle  of  the  law,  or  to  the  earthly  and  active  righteoufnefle.  B  ut 
this  righteoufnefle  is  heavenly:  which  (asisfaid)  we  have  not  of 
our  fclvcs,  but  receive  it  from  Heaven :  which  we  worke  not,  but 
which  by  grace  is  wrought  in  us,and  apprehended  by  faith  :  where-  " 
by  we  mount  up  above  all  laws  and  works.  Wherefore  like  as  we 
have  borne  (  as  S«  .P**/ faith  )  the  image  of  the  earthly  Adam :  fo  let 
usbearc  the  image  of  the  heavenly,  which  is  the  new  man  in  a 
new  world,,  where  is  no  law,  nofinnc,  norcmorfe  orfting  ofcon- 
fciencc,  no  death,  but  perfect  jay,  righteoufnefle,  grace,  peace,  life, 
fajvation  and  glory. 


we  can  doe     Why,  doe  we  thon  nothing  ?  doc  we  workc  nothing  for  the  ob- 
aothing  for  taining  of  this  righteoufnefle  ?  I  anfwcr,  nothing  at  all.    For  this  is 
SjrfcSil  perfect  righteoufnefle,  to  do  nothing,  to  hcare  nothing,  to  knpw  no- 
ftun  righce-  thing  of  the  law,or  of  works :  but  to  know  and  to  bclccve  this  only, 
that  Chrift  is_gone  to  the  Father:and  is  not  now  fecnc:that  he  fitteth 
in  Heaven  at  the  right  hand  of  his  Father,  not  as  a  Judge  but  made 
unto  us  of  God^wifedomc,  righteoofnefie,  holinefle  and  redemption : 
Briefly  that  he  is  our  high  Pricft,  intrcating  for  us,  reigning  over  us 
and  in  us  by  gracc.In  this  heavenly  righteoufnefle,  finne  can  have  no 
place  :  for  there  is  no  law,  and  where  no  law  is,  there  can  be  no 

Seeing  then  that  fin  hath  here  no  place,  there  can  be  no  anguifli 
ofconfcienc'e,  no  fearc,  no~heavjneiie.    l  hcrcforc  St  John  faith \ihee 
A  l«&»,5'»?-  that  i*  borne  ofCjod^canhTrfinhc.  But  if  there  be  any  feare  or  grieje  of 
ceijfcience,  it  is  a  token  that  this  rigbtebulnefle  is  witHdrawne^That 
grace IsTuddcn,  and  that  CHrift  is  darkned  and  outoffight.    But 
\yherc  Chrift  is  truly  feen  indced,there  muft  needs  be  full  and  perfect 
joy  in  tTJeTbrd,  with' peace  of  confciencc^which  moft  certairSytfius 
thlnfceth :  Although  I  am  a  (inner  by  tSe  law,and  under  the  condem 
nation  of  the  law,  yet  I  defpairenot,  yet  I  die  not,  becaufeChrift 
iiveth,who  is  both  my  righteoufnefle  and  my  evcrlafting  life.  In  that 
righteoufnefle  and  life  I  have  no  fin,  no  feare,  no  fting  of  confcience, 
no  care  of  death.   I  am  indeed  a  finner  as  touching  this  prefcnt  life, 
and  the  righteoufneflc  thereof,  as  the  child  of«x?W*;0:  where  the 
law  accufeth  me,  death  raigneth  over  me,  and  at  length  would  de- 
vourc  me.    But  I  have  another  righteoufnefl-  and  life  above  this  life, 
>r»*.?Ai«,  which  is  Chrift  the  Sonnc of  God,  who  knowetb  no  finne  nor  death, 
**'*'*       but  is  righteoufnefle  and  life  etcrnall :  by  whom  this  my  body  being 
dead  and  brought  into  duft,  fhall  be  raifed  up  againe,  and  delivered 
from  the  bondage  of  the  law  and  finne,  and  fhall  be  fandified  tege- 
ther  with  the  fp:rit. 

So  both  thefe  continue  whileft  we  here  live.  Theflefli  isaccu- 
fed,  excrcifed  with  temptations,  opprcfled  with  hcavineflfc  and 
ibrrow  :  bruifcd  byhisaftne  righteoufnifle  of  the  law:  but  the 
fpirit  reigneth,  rejoyceth,  and  is  fayed  by  this  paffive  and  Chriftian 
righteoufneflc,  becaufe  it  knoweth  that  it  hath  a  Lord  in  Heaven 
at  the  right  hand  of  his  Father,  who  hath  aboliihcd  the  law 
e,  death,  and  hath  trodden  under  his  feet  all  cvj'ls,  led  them 


THE  ^RGritENT.  Fol.3 

captive,  and  triumphed  over  them  in  himfelfe,  Col.  2 . 1  j. 

S«/W  therefore  in  this  Epiftle  gceth  about  diligently  to  in-  Tbe  drift  •£• 
ftruft  us,  to  comfort  us,  to  hold  us  in  the  perfect  knowledge  of  AeApoBic 
this  moft  excellent  and  Chriftian  righteoufnefle.    For  if  the  article  13* „  AC" 
ofjuftification  be  once  loft,  then  is  all  true  Chriftian  dodrine  loft.  GtMau. 
And  as  many  as  are  in  the  world  that  hold  not  this  doctrine,  are 
either  Jcwes,  Turks,  Papifts  or  Hereticks.   For  bctweene  the 
rignteoufneflc  of  the  law  and  Chriftian  righteoufncfls,  there  is  no 
meane.    He  then  that  ftrayeth  from  this  Chriftian  rightcoufneflc, 
muft  needs  fall  into  the  righteoufnetfe  of  the  law,  that  is  to  fay, 
•when  he  hath  loft  Chrift,he  muft  fall  into  the  confidence  of  his  own 

Therefore  do  we  foearneftlyfet  forth  and  io  often  repeatc  this 
doclrine  of  Faith  or  Chriftian  rightcoufncfle,  that  by  this  means  it 
may  be  kept  in  continuall  exercife,  and  may  be  plainely  difccrned 
from  the  aftiverighteoufneflcofthclaw.  Otherwise  we  (hall  ne 
ver  be  able  to  hold  the  true  divinity  (  for  by  thisonly  doflrine  the 
Churches  built,  and  ifl  this  it  confiftcth :)  but  by~and  bjrwe  (hall  ei-  seewhat  w« 
thcr  bscome~Canonilts,  obiervcrs~orcereraonies,  obfervers  of  the 
Law,  or  Papifts,  andChrift  fodarkned,  that  none  in  the  Church 
(hall  be  either  rightly  taught  or  comforted.  Wherefore,  if  we  will 
be  teachers  and  leaders  of  others,  it  behoveth  us  to  have  a  great  care 
of  thcfe  matters,  and  to  markcwell  this  diftinftion  betwecncthc  »an«thc 
rightcoufnes  of  the  law,  and  therightcouinesofChrift.  And  this^  *mCf ' 
diftinftion  is  eafie  to  be  uttered  in  words :  but  in  ufe  and  experience^ 
it  is  very  hard,  although  it  be  never  fb~diligently  cxcrcifed  and  pra- 
clSaf,  for  that  in  the  houre  of  death,  or  in  other  agonies  of  the  con- 
fcience,  thcfe  two  forts  of  righteoufnefle  do  encounter  more  neare 
together  than  thou  wouldeft  wifh  or  defire.  Wherefore  I  do  ad- 
monifli  you,  efpecially  fuch  as  {hall  become  inftrufters  and  gui* 
dcrs  of  confciences,  and  al(b  every  one  apart,  thatyg  exercife  your 
felvcs  continually  by  ftudy,  by  rcadin^r^y^editation  of  the 
worJanJby  pra^cr,_  that  jnjhejimco"f  temptation  ye  m^§e^Ble~ 
to  mltru£t  and  comfort  both  your  dwnc~ confciences  an^rothcrSj 
and  to  bring  them" from  the  law  to  grace,  from^nVa&ive  and 
working  righteoufnefle,  to  the paflivc  and  received  righteoufnefle: 
and  to  conclude,  from  Mtfes  to  Chrift.  For  the  devill  is  wont  in 
affliction  and  in  the  conflict  of  conference,  .by  the  law  to  make  us 


afraid,  and  to  lay  againft  us  the  guilt  of  finne,  our  wicked  life  pa$ ., 
the  wrath  and  judgement  of  God,  hell  and  eternall  death,  that  by 
this  meancs  he  may  drive  us  to  defperation,  make  us  bond-fhves 
to  himfclfe,  and  pluck  us  from  Chrift.    Furthermore,  he  is  wont  to 
fet  againft  as  thofe  places  of  thcGofpell,  wherein  Chrift  himfclfe 
rcquircth  works  of  as,  and  with  plaine  words  thrcatneth  damna 
tion  to  thofe  chat  do  them  not.  Now,  if  here  we  be  not  able  to 
judge  between  thefe  two  kinds  of  rightcoufneffe,  if  we  take  not 
hold  of  Chrift  by  faith  fitting  at  the  right  hand  of  God,  whoma- 
kcth  interceflton  unto  the  Father  for  us  wretched  finners,  then  arc 
we  under  the  law,  and  net  under  grace,  and  Chrift  is  no  more  a 
Saviour,  but  a  Law- giver :  fo  that  now  there  remaineth  no  more 
falvation,  but  certains  defperation  and  evcrlafting  death,  except 
repentance  follow, 

Let  us  then  diligently  learnc  to  judge  bet  ween  thefe  two  kinds 
er  rightcoufneflfe,  that  we  may  know  howfarre  we  ought  to  obey 
the  law.  Now,  we  have  faul  before,  that  the  law  hi  a  Chriftian 
ought  not  to  paflfe  his  bounds,  but  ought,  to  have  dominion  oncly 
over  the  ftefo,,  which  is  in  fubjsclfon  unto  it,  and  remaineth  under 
the  fame.  When  it  is  thus,thc  law  is  kept  within  his  bounds.  But  if 
it  fhall  prefume  to  creepe  into  thy  conscience,  and  there  feekc  to 
reigne,  fee  thou  play  the  cunning  Logitian,  and  make  the  true  divi- 
fion.  Give  no  more  to  the  law  than  is  convenient,  but  fay  thou :  O 
law,  thouwouldeftclirnbup  into  the  kingdoms  of  my  confcience, 
and  there  reigne  and  reprdve  it  of  fin,  and  wouldeft  take  from  me 
the  joy  of  my  heart  which  I  have  by  faith  in  Chrift,  and  drive  mi 
to  defparation,  that  I  might  be  without  all  hope,  and  utterly  pc- 
rifo.  This  thou  doell  befides  thine  office :  keep  thy  felfc  within  thy 
bounds,  and  cxercifs  thy  power  upon  the  flefh,  but  touch  not  my 
conference,  for  I  am  baptized,  and  by  the  Gofpell  am  called  to  the 
partaking  of  righteoufneflc  and  everlifting  life,  to  the  kingdoms 
of  Chrift,  wherein  my  confcience  is  at  reft,  where  no  law  is,  but  al- 
c  C0r.6.i9  together  forgiveneflfe  of  fins,  peace,  quietncfle,  joy,  health  and  ever- 
Lifting  life.  Tr3ublc  me  not  in  thefe  matters,  for  I  will  not  fuffcr 
tfhcc  fo  intolerable  a  tyrant  and  cruell  tormcntour  to  reigne  in  my 
confeience,  for  it  is  the  leate  and  temple  of  Chrift  the  Son  of  God, 
vvho  is  the  King  of  rightcoufncBe  and  peace,  and  my  moft  fweet 
Saviour  and  Mediatour :  he  {hall  keep-  my  confcie.nce  joyfoll  and" 


qaict  in  the  found  and  pure  deftrinc  of  the  GofpeU,and  in  the  know- 
ledgcof  this  Chriftian  and  heavenly  rightcoufncs. 

When  I  have  this  rigbteoufncs  rcfgning  in  my  heart,  I  defccnd 
from  heaven  as  the  rain  making  f ruitfull  the  earth :  that  is  to  fay,  I 
come  forth  into  another  Kingdom,  and  I  do  good  works,  how  and 
whensoever  occafion  is  offered.  If  I  be  a  Miniftcr  of  the  word,  I 
preach,  I  comfort  the  broken-hearted,  I  adminiftcr  the  Sacraments, 
If  I  be  an  houQioldcr,  I  govcrne  my  houfe  and  my  family,  I  bring  up 
rwy  children  in  the  know  ledge  and  feare  of  God.  If  I  be  a  Magiftratc, 
the  charge  that  is  given  me  from  above,  I  diligently  execute,  If  I  be 
a  fervant,  I  do  my  maftcrs  bufincs  faithfully  .Te  conclude,  whafacvcr 
he  be  that  is  stTiredly  pcrfwaded  that  Chrift  is  his  rightcoufnes,doth 
not  only  chearfully  and  gladly  worke  well  in  his  vocation,  but  alfo 
fubmitteth  himfclfthrough  love  to  the  Magiftrates  and  to  their  law*, 
yea,though  they  be  icvere,fharp  and  crucll,and(if  ncceflity  dofo  re 
quire)  to  all  manner  of  burdens,  and  to  all  dangers  of  this  prefcnt  Hfc> 
becaufe  he  knowcth  that  this  is  the  will  of  God,  and  that  this  obedi 
ence  plcafcth  him.  Thus  farre  as  concerning  the  argument  of  this  E- 
piftle,  whereof  P**l  intrcateth,  taking  occafion  of  falfe  teachen 
which  had  darkncd  this  righteoufncs  of  faith  amongft  the  Gtlttki- 
A»SJ  againft  whom  he  fetteth  himfelf  in  defending  and  commending; 
his  authority  and  office. 

The  firft  Chapter, 

I  .    Paul  an  Apoftle^ot  of  •manjjeither  fy  mdnjut  ly  Jefks  Chrift, 
And  Cjod  the  Father,  which  hath  raijed  him  from  the  dead. 

Tta  occafi- 
on  of  wxi- 
dag  this  E- 
pinieto  the 

The  Devill 
hateth  the 
Gofpcll,  and 
flirreth  up 
wicked  men 

of  the  Gof- 

Ow  that  we  hav< 

of  thisEpiftlc  totlnzGa/ithians,  we  thinkc  it  good 
efore  we  come  to  the  matter  it  felfe,  to  fhcw  what 
was  the  occafion  that  St.  Paul  wrote  this  Epiftlc.  He 
had  planted  among  the  Cj&latkiant  the  pure  doftrinc 
of  the  Gofpell,  and  the  righteoufnes  of -faith :  but  by 
and  by  after  his  departure,  there  crept- in  certaine  falfe  teachers,, 
which  overthrew  aJl  that  hee  had  planted  and  truely  taught  among 
them. For  the  Devill  cannot  but  furioufly  impiignc  this  doflrin  with 
all  force  and  fubtilty, neither  can  he  reft  ifo  long  as  he  feeth  any  fparke 
thcrof  remaining.  We  alfo  for  this  only  caufc  that  we  preach  the 
GofpcU,do  fuf&r  of  the  world^thc  devill  and  his  minifters,all  the  mif-- 
chief  that  they  can  workc  againft  us.both  on  the  right  hand  and  on 
the  left. 

For  the  Gofpell  is  fuch  a  do&rine  as  teacheth  a  farre  higher  matter 
then  is  the  wifdome,  rightcoufnefle,  and  religion  of  the  world,  that 
is  to  fay,free  rcmiflion  of  {ins  through  Chrift,e^.  It  leavcth  thofs 
things  in  their  degree  to  be  as  they  are,and  commendeth  them  as  the 
g©od  creatures  of  God. But  the  world  preferreth  thefe  creatures  be 
fore  the  Creator,  and  moreover  by  them  would  put  away  fin,bs  deli 
vered  from  death,and  deferveeverlafting  life.  This  doth  the  Gofpell 
condcmne.  Contrariwife  the  world  cannot  fuff,T  thofe  things  to  be 
condemncd,which  it  moft  efteemcthand  beft  likethof^nd  thcrfors 
it  chargcth  theCjofpell  that  it  is  a  feditious  docflrin  and  full  of  errors, 
that  it  overthroweth  Common-wealths,  Countries,  Dominions, 
Kingdoms  and  Empires,and  therfore  off.-ndeth  both  againft  God  and 
the  Emperour,abolifheth  laws,corrupterh  good  manners,and  fctteth 
all  men  at  liberty  to  do  what  they  lift  .Wherefore  with  juft  zeale  and 
highfervice  to  God  (as  it  would  feeme)  it  pcrfecuteth  this  dodrine, 
and  abhorrcth  the  teachers  and  prof  elf jrs  thcrof^as  the  greatcftplaguc 
that  can  be  in  the  whole  earth. 


TO  the   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N    S.  FoI.IO 

Moreover,  by  the  preaching  of  this  do&rinc,  the  Devill  is  oyer-The 
thrown,his kingdom  is  deftroyed,the law,fin  and  dcath(whercwith,  Of th 
as  mod  mighty  and  invincible  tyrants,  he  hath  brought  all  mankind  Pel1- 
in  fubjedion  under  his  dominion)are  wreftcd  out  of  his  hands:brief- 
ly,his  prifoncrs  arc  tranfiatcd  out  of  the  kingdom  of  darknes,into  the 
kingdome  of  light  and  liberty.Should  the  devill  fuifcr  all  this?Should 
not  the  father  of  lies  imploy  all  his  force  and  fubtill  pollicies,  to  dar- 
ken,to  corrupt,and  ntterly  to  root  out  this  doftrineof  falvation  and 
cvcrlafting  life?  Indeed  S.  T^w/complaineth  in  this  and  all  other  his 
Epiftlcs,  that  even  in  his  time  the  Devill  (hewed  himfelfc  a  cunning 
workman  in  this  bufines. 

We  thought  good  to  fhcw  hereby  the  way,that  the  Gofpell  is  fuch 
a  doftrinc  as  condemneth  all  manner  of  righteoufnes,  and  preacheth 
the  only  righteoufnes  of  Chrift,  and  to  them  that  imbracc  the  fame, 
it  bringeth  peace  of  confcicncc  and  all  good  things :and  yet  notwith- 
ftanding,  the  world  hatcth  and  perlccuteth  it  moft  bitterly. 

1  faid  before  that  the  occafien  why  St.  Paul  wrote  this  Epiftlc, 
was  for  that  by  and  by  after  his  departure,  falfc  teachers  had  de- 
ftroycd  thofe  things  among  the  G*/atbiansy  which  he  with  long 
and  great  travell  had  builded.  And  thefe  falfe  Apoftles  being  of  the 
Circumcifion  and  feel:  of  the  tPharifccsr  were  men  of  great  cftimati-  APofti«. 
on  and  authority,  which  bragged  among  the  people  that  they  were 
of  that  holy  and  chofen  ftocke  of  the  Jews,  that  they  were  I/TM- 
Mtes3  of  the  fccdofdfoaham,  that  they  had  the  promifes  and  the 
fathers ;  and  finally,  that  they  were  the  Minifters  of  Chrift,and  the 
Apoftles  Schollars,  with  whom  they  had  been  coHveriant  and  had 
fcenc  their  miracles,  and  perhaps  had  alfo  wrought  iomc  fignes  or 
miracles  themfelves  :  For  Chrift  witncflcth  that  the  wicked  alfo 
do  worke  miracles.  Moreover  thcfefjlfe  Apoftles  by  all  the  crafty 
meanes  they  could  dcvife,  defaced  the  authority  of  S.  Taul,  f3ying : 
Why  do  ye  fo  highly  cfteemcof/^w/f  Why  have  ye  him  info  great 
reverence?  Forfooth  he  was  but  the  laft  of  all  that  were  converted 
unto  Chrift.  But  we  arc  the  Difciples  of  the  Apoftles,  and  were  fa 
miliarly  convcrfant  with  them.  We  have  feenc  Chrift  working 
miracles,  and  heard  him  preach.  Paul  came  after  us,  and  is  infcri- 
ouruntous  :  and  it  is  not  poflible  that  God  (honld  fufier  us  to  crrc 
which  arc  of  his  holy  people,  the  Minifters  of  Chrift,  and  hava  re 
ceived  the  holy  Ghoft.  Againc,  we  are  many  and  Paul  is  bat  one, 

C  a  and 

Chap,  I.  r/w  tbt  E  P  i  $  1 1  i 

and  alone,  who  neither  was  converfant  with  the  Apples,  nor  hath 
fcen  Chrift  :  yea  he  pcrfecutcd  the  Church  of  Chrift  a  great  while. 
Would  God  (thinke  ye)  for  Tttth  fake  only,  fuflf.T  fo  many  Chur 
ches  to  be  deceived  ? 

When  maa  having  fuch  authority  com :  in*o  any  Country  or  Ci 
ty,  by  and  by  th:  people  have  thenun  great  admiration,  and  under 
this  coloHTof  godlincffe  and  religion,  they  dos  not  only  deceive  the 
fimple,  butalfothcl:arned,  yea  and  thole  alfo  which  feeme  to  be 
fomcwhat  confirmed  in  the  frith  ,cfp«chliy  when  they  brag(as  thek 
did)  that  they  are  the  off  fpring  of  the  Patriarkes,  the  Miniilwsof 
Chrift,  the  ApoftlcsSchollcrs,C7-r.  Even  fo  the  Pope  at  this  day, 
when  he  hath  no  authority  of  the  Scripture  to  defend  himfdf  with- 

Ttc  trgu-    all,ufeth  this  one  argument  continually  againft  us,  The  fourck,  the 
of  the 

:  Thinkeft  thou  that  God  i&  fo  oflf.ndcd,  that  for  a  few  here 
g«.nU  «~  ticks  rfLuthcrt  fe&,hc  will  caft  oft'his  whole  Church? Thinkeft  thoa 
that  he  would  leave  tiis  Church  in  errour  fo  many  bundreth  y  cares  ? 
And  this  he  mightily  ma<intaineth>  that  the  Chorch  can  never  be 
ovcrthrowne.  Now,  like  as  miny  arc  moved  with  this  argument  at 
this  day  :fo  in  P/ut/s  timethcfe  falfc  Apoftles  through  great  bragging 
and  fetting  forth  of  their  own  praifes,  blinded  the  eyes  of  the  </*/*!* 
vki*nj,  fo  that  Paul  loft  his  authority  among  thc-aa,  and  his  dodrinc 
Was  brought  into  fufpition. 

A^ainft  this  vainc  bragging  and  boafting  of  the  falfc  Apoftlcs, 
^«/-with  great  conftancy  and  boldnefle  fctteth  his  Apoftolicke  «a- 
thority, highly  commending  his  vocation,  and  defending  his  niini- 
ftcry.  And(although  clfwherc  be  never  doth  the  like)h;  will  not  give 
pi^e  to  any,  no  not  to  the  Apoftlcs  thcmfdves,  much  Icflfs  to  any  of 
rfwir  Schollars,  And  to  abatetheir  Pharifakall  pride  and  fhamclcife 
J«hhii  vo-  boldnes,hc  makcth  mention  of  the  Hiftory  done  in  Antioch,  where 
!£3pJ{*d  he  withftood  Peter  himfclfc.  Bcfidcs  this,  not  regarding  the  oftcncc 
gainfl  th«  that  might  rife  f hereof  ,he  faith  plainly  in  the  TVpct,  that  he  was  bold 
fte«.Apo'  to  accufc  and  reprove  Peter  himfdfc  the  chief  of  the  Apoftles,  who 
had  fecn  Chrift,  and  had  been  mofl  familiarly  converfant  with  him. 
I  am  an  Apoftle  f  faith  he)  and  fuch  an  one  as  paflfc  not  what  others 
arc:  yea,  I  was  not  afraid  to  chide  the  very  pillac  of  all  the  reft  cf 
thcApoftlcs.  And  to  conclude,  in  the  firft  two  Chapters  hce  doth 
in  a  manner,  nothing  clfe  but  fet  out  his  vocation,  his  office  and  his 
Gofpcll,affirming  that  it  was  not  ef  men,  and  that  he  had  not  recei 

7>  the  GA  t  AT  HI  AN  8. 

Teditbyman,butby  the  Revelation  oflcfus  Chrift:alfo,tnat  if  he,1 
yca.or  an  Angcll  from  heaven  fhould  bring  any  other  GofpcU  then 
that  which  he  had  prcachcd,hc  (hoold  be  holdcn  accurfcd. 

Thecerttinty  o 

BUt  what  mcaneth  /*x»/by  this  his  boafting?Ianfwer:This  com-  Tfee  M;«I- 
mon  place  fcrveth  to  this  end,  that  every  Mmiftcr  of  Gods  word 
fliould  be  fare  of  his  calling,that  before  God  and  man  he  may  with  a 
bold  confcience  glory  hcrcin,that  he  preached  thcGofpcl  as  one  that 
is  called  and  fent:cvcnas  ths  Etnbafladour  of  a  King  glorieth  and 
vauntcth  in  this,that  he  commcth  not  as  a  private  perfon,but  as  the 
Kings  Embatfadoiir,andbccauic  of  this  dignity  that  he  is-thc  Kings 
Embaflfadour,he  is  hono»ired  and  fct  in  the  higheft  place.  Which 
honour  (hould  not  be  given  unto  him,if  he  came  as  a  private  perfon. 
Wherefore  let  the  preacher  of  the  Gofpcll  be  ccrtainc  that  his  calling 
is  from  God.  And  it  is  expedient  that  according  to  the  example  of 
PW,hc  fhould  magnific  this  his  calling,to  the  end  that  he  may  win 
credit  and  authority  among  the  people,  like  as  the  Kings  Embafla- 
dour  magnifieth  his  office  and  calling.  And  thus  to  glory,  is  not  a 
vaincjbutancccflary  kind  of  glorying,  bccaufe  he  glericthnot  in 
himfclfc,  but  in  the  King  which  hath  fent  him,  whofc  authority  he 
dcfireth  to  be  honoured  and  magnified. 

Likcwifcwhcn  Ptulfo  highly  commendetb  his  calling,  he  fee- 
kethnothisownepraifcjbnt  with  a  neceflary  and  a  holy  pride  hci 
magnifieth  his  minifteryn?  to  the  Rom.  u.  he  6ith:For  as  much 
as  1  am  the  Apoftlcofthc  GentUct,  I  will  magnific  mine  om"cc:that 
is  to  fiy,  I  will  that  men  receive  me,  not  as  *F<t*tofT#fiit.  but  as 
pWthc  Apoftle  or  EmbafladoureflefusChrift.  And  this  he  doth 
of  ncceflity  tomaintainc  his  authority,  that  the  people  in  hearing 
this,  might  be  more  attcnt  and  willing  to  give  care  unto  him.  For 
they  hearc  not  onely  P**/,bnt  in  Paul  Chrift  himfclfe,  and  God 
the  Father  fending  liirn  out  in  his  mcflase:  wbofe  authority  and  ma- 
jefty,  like  as  men  ought  rcligioufly  to  honour,  fo  ought  they  with 
great  reverence  to  receive  and  to  hcarchis  mcflbngcrs  bringing  his 

•         »  re  ' 

word  and  mcffage. 

This  is  a  notable  place  therefore,  wherein  P#*l  fb  glorieth  and 
boafteth  as  touching  his  vocation,  that  he  difpifcth  all  others.  If 
any  man  after  the  aannerof  the  world  fliould  dcfpifc  all  others  in 

C  j  refpcft 

Chap.  I.  Vfon  tht  E  T  i  s  T  t  B 

rcfpecT:  of  himfclfe,  and  attribute  all  unro  himfelfe  a-lonc,  he  fhould 
net  only  (hew  himfelfa  very  fool",but  alfo  grcvoufly  oftend.  But  this 
manner  of  boafting  is  nectflary,  and.  pcrtair.cth  HOI.  to  the  glory  of 
P*#/,but  to  the  glory  of  God,  whereby  is  offered  unto  him  the  fa- 
crificeof  praifcand  thankfgiving.  For  by  thisboafting,  the  namc,the 
grj  ce,  and  the  mercy  of  God  is  made  kno  wnc  unto  the  world*  Thus 
therefore  he  beginneth  his  Epiftle. 

Vcr  fc  I .  TAX! an  Afoftlc  no  t  of  'men ,  e^r. 

Here  in  the  very  beginnig  hctoucheth  thofc  falfe  teachers,  which 
boafted  themfclvcs  to  be  the  Difciples  of  the  Apoftles,  and  to  be  fcnt 
of  them,  but  dcfpifed  I'Aul  as  one  that  was  neither  the  Apoftles 
fcholler,  nor  fcnt  of  any  to  preach  theGofpell,  but  came  in  fornc 
other  way,  and  of  his  ownc  head  thruft  himfelfc  into  that  office. 
Againft  thofc  7^/defcndcth  his  callmg3faying:My  calling  feemcth 
bafctoyour  Preachers :  but  whofoever  they  be  which  have  coma 
.unto  you,  arc  fent  either  of  menpr  by  man :  that  is  to  fay,  they  hare 
cntred  either  of  thcnafclves  being  not  called,  or  elfc  called  by  others. 
But  my  calling  is  neither  of  men  nor  by  man,  but  it  is  above  all  man- 
ncr  of  call  ing  that  can  be  made  by  the  Apoftles,  for  it  is  by  Icfus 
Chrift  and  by  God  the  Father,  &c. 

Of  »«B.        Where  he  faith  of  men,  I  meane  fuch  as  call  and  thruft  in  thcmfelvcf 
when  neither  God'nor  man  callcth  or  fendeth  them,  but  they  runnc 
and  fpeskc  of  thcmfelves ;  as  at  this  day  certainc  phantafticallfpirits 
do,  which  either  lurke  in  corners  and  feekc  plact s  where  they  may 
power  out  there  poifon,  and  come  not  intopubhcke  congregations, 
or  clfe  they  refort  thither  where  the  Gofpell  is  planted  already, 
TheicI  callfuch  as  are  fcnt  of  men.  But  where  he  fai:h,  by  tn«nt  un- 
derftand  fuch  as  have  a  divine  calling,  but  yet  by  man  as  by  mcanes. 
God  calleth  then  two  manner  of  wayes  :  by  meanes  and   without 
»«nei  wd  meanes.He  calleth  us  to  the  miniftery  of  his  word  at  this  day  not  iiiir 
witheut      mcdiatly  by  himfelfc jbut  by  other  meancs,that  is  to  fay,by  man.But 
»ean«.      ^  Apo^jes  WCrc  called  immediatly  of  Chrift  himfelfe^as  the  Pro> 
phetsin  the  old  time  were  called  of  God  himfclfc.  Therefore  whc6 
'Paul  faith;  Not  of  wtn,  neither  i>j  man,  he  bcateth  downe  the  falle 
Apoftles,  As  though  he  would  %  :  Albeit  thofe  vipers  brag  never 
io  much,  what  can  they  bragge  more  then  that  they  are  either  come 
that  is  to  fay,  of  themfclyes  without  any  caiiing,or^  man 


T*  the  G  A  t  A  T  H  i  A  M  a.  Fol. 1 2 

that  is  to  fay,fcnt  of  others,?  I  pafls  not  upon  any  of  thcfc  things,  nei 
ther  ought  you  to  regard  them.  As  for  me,  I  am  called  and  fent  nei 
ther  ot  men,  nor  by  man,  but  without  meanes,  that  is  to  wit,  by  Ic- 
fus  Chrift  himfelfc,and  my  calling  is  like  in  all  points  to  the  calling  of 
the  Apoftlcs,  and  I  am  indeed  an  Apoftle.  <7W  therefore  handlcth  n>s  c»uia« 
this  place  of  the  calling  of  the  Apoftles  cfMually.  And  clfe  where  he 
feperatcth  the  dcgpee  of  Apoftlclhip  from  others,  as  in  the  firft  to  the 
for.  chap.  1 1.  and  in  the  fourth  to  the  Ephefans,  where  he  faith:  AnA 
G ed  hath  ordxincd  fame  in  the  Church,  as  fir  ft  ssfpoftlcstfeconcllj  Pro- 
fbetSy  thirdly  teachers.  &c.  fctting  Apoftles  in  the  firft  place :  fo  that 
they  be  properly  called  Apoftles  which  are  fent  iminediatly  of  God  who  be 
bimfclfe  without  any  other  ordinary  meanes.  A 

So  Matthias  was  called  only  of  God, For  when  the  other  Apoftlcs 
hadoppointcd  two,  they  durft  netchufe  the  one  nor  the  other,  but 
they  caft  lots,  and  prayed  that  God  would  fhe  w  which  of  them  he 
would  have.  For  feing  he  fhould  bean  Apoftle,  it  bchovcth  that  he 
ftuwld  be  called  of  God.  So  was/^w/  called  tobcan  Apoftle  ofth« 
Gentiles.  Hereof  the  Apoftlcs  are  alfo  called  faints.  For  they  arefurc  Jh«  AP°- 
of  their  calling  and  docl;rine,and  have  continued  faithfull  in  their  Of 
fice,  and  none  of  them  became  a  caft  a  way  faving  /«^,bccaufs  theic 
calling  is  holy. 

This  is  the  firft  afljult  that  P**/makcth  againft  the  falfe  Apoftles, 
which  ran  when  no  man  fcnt  them. Calling  thetforc  is  not  to  be  del- 
pifed.For  it  is  not  enough  for  a  man  to  hate  the  word&pure  doftrin, 
but  alfo  he  muft  be  aflurcd  of  his  calling,and  he  that  entreth  without 
this  aflurancc,  entreth  to  no  other  end  but  to  kill  and  to  dcftroy.  For  icd,1  kif 
God  never  prefpercth  the  labour  of  thofc  that  arc  not  called.  And  al- 
though  they  teach  fome  good  and  profitable  mattcrs,yct  they  edifis 
not.  So  our  phantafticall  fpirits  at  this  day  have  the  words  offaith  in 
their  mouthcs,  but  yet  they  yceld  no  fruit,  but  their  chicfe  end  and 
purpofeis  to  draw  men  to  their  falfc  and  pervcrfe  opinions.  They 
thathaveacertaineand  holy  calling,  muftfuftainc  many  and  great 
conflicts :as  they  muft  do  whofe  dodrine  is  pure  and  found,  that  they 
may  conftantly  abide  in  their  lawfull  calling,  againft  the  infinite  and 
continuall  afTaultsof  the  devil!  and  rage  of  the  world.  Here  what 
(hould  he  do  whoic  calling  is  ancertaine  and  doftrinc  corrupt? 

This  is  therefore  our  comfort,  which  arc  in  the  miniftcry  efthc 
word,  that  we  have  an  office  which  is  heavenly  and  holy,  to  the 

C  4  which 

Chap.  I.  Vf6n  tbeEt  TITLE 

which  we  being  lawfully  called, do  triumph  againft  all  the  gates  of 

hell.  On  the  other  fide,  it  is  an  horrible  thing  when  the  conscience 

wb»i  ^n-  faith,This  thou  haft  done  without  any  lawfull  calling.Herc  fuch  tcr- 

g«  *ey  be  four  fhaketh  a  mans  mind  which  is  not  called,  that  hec  would  wifh 

S»**noh    he  had  never  heard  the  word  which  he  tcachcth.  For  by  hisdifobc- 

hwfoUcai-  dicnce  he  maketh  all  his  works  cvill,  were  they  never  fo  good,  info 

tns-         much  that  even  his  grcatcft  works  and  labours  become  his  grcatcft 


We  fee  then  how  good  and  neceflary  this  bofting  and  glorying  of 
ftnahc-h  our  Miniftcry  is.  In  times  paft  when  I  was  but  ayeung  Divine,  me 
H»  calling  thought  Paul  did  un wifely  in  glorying  fo  oft  of  his  calling  in  all  his 
Epift  les  :  but  I  did  not  undcrftand  his  purpofe.  For  I  knew  not  that 
the  Miniftcry  of  Gods  word  was  fo  waighty  a  matter.  I  knew  no 
thing  of  the  dodrinc  of  faith  and  a  true  cor  fciencc  indeed,  for  that 
there  was  then  no  certainty  taught  either  in  the  Schoolcs  or  Chur 
ches,  but  all  was  full  of  Sophiiticall  fubtilties  of  the  Schoole-men. 
And  therefore  no  man  was  ablcto  undcrftand  the  dignity  and  power 
ofrhi*  holy  and  fpirituall  boafting  of  the  true  and  lawftdl  calling, 
which  fcrveth  firft  to  the  glory  of  God,  and  fccondly  to  the  advan 
ced  •»•&  ring  Of  our  office,  and  moreover  to  the  laivation  of  our  f  hcs  and  of 
thepeoplc.  For  by  this  out  boafting  we  feckcnot  cftimatien  in  the 
world,  or  praifc  among  men,  or  money  or  plcafurcs,  or  favour  «f  the 
world  :  But  for  as  much  as  we  be  in  a  divine  calling  and  in  the  work 
of  God,  and  the  people  have  great  need  to  be  arfurcd  of  our  calling, 
t^lat  *^cy  may  know  our  word  to  be  the  word  of  God,  therefore 
\vc  proudly  vaunt  andboaft  of  it.  It  is  not  then  a  vainc,buc  a  m«ft  ho 
ly  pndc  againft  the  devill  and  the  world,  &  humility  before  God, 

Verfe  j.     Axdlj  Cjod  tkt  Father,  iv!.ich  httli  ratfed  kim  from  tfo 

p*"* 1<s  fo  cnfiamed  here  with  zcale,  that  he  cannot  tarry  till  be 
come  to  the  matter  it  felfCj  but  forthwith  in  the  very  title  be  bur- 
^cttl  out  an<^  nttercth  what  he  hath  in  his  heart.  His  intent  in  this  E» 
'  piftlcistotreat  of  the  righteoufncfle  that  commcthby  faith,  and  to 
defend  the  fame:  Againc,to  beatc  downc  the  law  and  the  rightcouf- 
nefic  that  commcth  by  works.  Of  fuch  cogitations  he  is  full,and  out 
©f  this  wonderful!  and  exceeding  great  aboundancc  of  the  excellent 
wi&omcand  knowledge  of  Chrift  in  his  heart,  his  mouth  ipcaketh. 

7>^GAtATHiANs.  Fol.  T  ^ 

This  flame,  this  great  burning  fire  of  the  heart  cannot  be  hid,nor  fuf- 
fer  him  to  hould  his  tongue:  and  therefore  he  thought  it  not  enough 
to  lay  that  he  was  an  Apoftlefent  by  IcCus  Cririft,  but  al&addctn  : 
ij  Cjocl  the  Ftttxr  Vtkich  hath  raiftd.  him  up  from  the  dead. 

But  it  feemeth  here  that  the  adding  of  thcfe  words :  Andbj  Cjoal 
the  Father  &c.  is  not  neceflary,But  bccaufc  (as  I  Aid)  7W  fpca- 
kcth  out  of  the  aboundancc  of  his  heart,  his  mind  burneth  with  de- 
lire  to  fct  forth  even  in  the  very  entry  of  this  Epiftle  the  «mfearch- 
ablc  riches  of  Chrift,  and  to  preach  therightcoufnefleofGod,  which 
is  called  the  rcfurreftion  of  the  dead.  Chrift  who  livcth  and  is  rifcn 
againc,  fpeakcth  out  of  him,  and  movcth  him  thus  to  fpeakc :  there 
fore  not  without  caufc  he  addcth,  that  he  is  alfo  an  Apoftlc,  bjQod 
the  Father,  which  hath  ralfed  up  lefus  forift  from  the  dead.  As  if  he 
(hould  fay  :  I  have  to  dealc  with  Satan  and  with  thofe  vipers  the  in- 
ftruments  of  Satan,  which  go  about  to  fpoile  me  of  the  rightcouf- 
ncflc  of  Chritt,  who  was  raifcd  up  by  God  the  "Father  from  the 
dead:  by  the  which  alone  we  arc  made  righteous,  by  the  which  al 
fo  we  fhall  be  raikd  upat  the  laft  day  from  death  to  cvcrlafting  life. 
But  they  that  in  fuchfort  go  about  to  overthrow  the  righteoufncflc 
of  Chrift,  do  refift  the  Father  and  the  Sonnc,  and  the  worke  of  them 

Thus/**/,  ev^n  at  the  firft  entrance,  burftcth  out  into  the  whole  what  Paul 
matter  whereof  he  mtreatcth  in  this  Epiftle.  For  fas  I  laid )  he  trea1-  *?$$£! 
teth  of  the  rciurrcAion  of  Chrift,  who  rofc  againe  to  make  us  right-  ^'f. 
ecus,  and  info  doing  he  hath  overcome  the  law,  finne,  death,  and  R<"*-4J4»s 
•11  tvils.  Cln-ifts  victory  then  is  the  overcomming  of  the  law,  offin, 
our  ficfli,  the  world,  the  devill,  death,  hell  and  ail  evils:  and  this  "his 
Ticlory  he  hath  given  unto  us.  Although  then  that  thefe  tyrants  arni 
thcfe  enemies  of  ours  do  accufe  us  and  make  us  afraid  :  yet  can  they 
not  drivcustodefpairc,  nor  condcmncus.  For  Chrift  whom  Goa 
the  Father  hathraikd  up  from  the  dc3d,  is  our  rightcoufneffc  and 
victory.  Therefore  thanks  be  to  God,  who  hath  given  us  vidory  by 
our  Lord  I  elm  Chrift,  Amen. 

But  inarkc  how  fitly  and  to  the  purpoft  Paul  here  ipcaketh.  "He 
faith  not,  by  God  which  hath  made  heaven  end  earth,  which  is 
Lord  of  Angcls,which  commandcth  Abraham  to  go  out  of  his  o  wnc 
Countrey, which fcnt Mofcs  to  Th^raoh  the  King, which  brought  If- 
rael  ou;  of  Egypt  (as  the  falfc  Af  oftlcs  did)  who  boaihd  oi  the  God 


Chap.  I.  rfonJhc  EPISTLE 

of  their  fathers,  the  Creator,  maintainer  and  prefervcr  of  all  things, 
working  wonders  among  h  is  people;)  but  Pa»t  had  another  thing 
in  his  heart,  namely  the  righteoufncflfc  of  Chrift,  and  therefore  he 
fpcaketh  words  that  make  much  for  this  purpofe,fayin£/<«»»  an 
Apoflle9neithsr  of  men,  nor  by  men,  but  bj  lefitt  £ljrift,*nd  (]od  the 
Father  who  h^th  rAtfed  him  up  from  the  dead.  Ye  fee  then  with 
what  fervency  of  fpirit  Pauly*  led  in  this  matter,  which  he  gocth 
about  to  cftablifh  and  maintains1  agfunft  the,  whole  kingdoms  of 
hell,  the  power  and  wifdomc  of  the  world,  and  againft  the  deyill 
and  his  Apoftle?  , 

Vcrc  2.  tsJndaUtbs  brethren  with  me. 

This  maketh  much  for  the  flopping  of  the  rnouthcs  of  thefc  falfc 
Apoftks.  For  all  his  arguments  tend  to  the  advancing  and  magnify 
ing  of  his  miniftry,  and  contrariwifc  to  the  difcrediting  of  theirs.  As 
it  he  (hould  thus  fay  :  Although  it  be  enough,  that  I  through  a  divine 
calling  am  fent  as  an  Apoftle  by  Icfus  Chrift,  and  God  the  Father, 
wchhath  raifed  him  up  from  the  dcad,yet  left  I  fhould  be  alone,!  add 
over  and  be(idcs(which  is  more  then  ncedeth)  all  the  brethren  which 
arc  not  Apoftles,but  fellow-fouldi:rs:they  write  this  Epiftleas  well 
as  I  ,  and  bearc  witneife  with  me  that*  my  doctrine  is  true,  and  godly, 
Wherefore  we  be  furc  that  Chrift  is  prcfcnt  with  us,  and  that  he  tea- 
.chethand  Ipeaketh  in  the  midft  of  us  and  in  cur  Church.  As  for  the 
laife  Apoftlcs,  if  they  be  any  thing,  they  be  but  fcnt  either  of  men  or 
by  men  :  but  I  am  fent  of  God  the  Father,  and  of  Icfus  Chrift,  who 
is  our  life  and  rcfurredion.  My  other  brethren  arc  fent  from  God, 
he  howbcit  by  man,  that  is  to  wit,by  me.  Therefore  left  they  might  fay, 
^at  ^  onc^  ^ct  ^y  ^c^c  Proudly  againft  them-,  I  have  my  brethren 
with  me  all  of  one  mind,  as  faithfull  witncfles,  which  thinke,  write, 
and  teach  the  fclfe-  fame  thing  that  I  do. 

Vcrfe  2.  Untothe  £hnrclxsofGAlatbi*. 

P^tf/had  preached  the  Gofpcll  thorowout  all  Ga/atbta^nd  albert  he 
had  not  wholly  converted  it  unto  Chrift,  yet  he  had  many  Churches 
in  it,  into  the  which  the  falfc  Apoftlcs,  Satans  miniftcrs  had  crept. 
So  likewife  at  this  day  the  fantafticall  Anabaptifts  come  not  to  thofe 
places  where  the  adverfaries  of  the  Gofpcll  bcare  rule  :  but  where 
Chriftians  and  good  men  arc,  which  love  the  Gofpell.  With  fuch 


T*  the  G  A  LA  T  H  l  A  N  s.  Fol.  14 

they  wind  in  thcmfelves  even  in  the  Dominions  cf  tirants  and  perfc- 
cutors  cf  the  Gofpell:  where  they,  creeping  into  heufes.  under  crafty 
pretence,  powrc  out  their  poifbn  tothc  fubvcrfion  cf  mawy.  But 
\vhy  go  they  not  rather  into,  the  Cities,"  Countries,  and  Domi 
nions  ohbc  Fapifts,  and  there  profeflc  and  maintaine  their  dodrine 
in  the  presence  of  wicked  Princes,  Bifhops,and  Doftours,  in  the 
:Vniver(ities,  as  we  by  Gods  helpc  and  afliftancc  have  done?  Thcfe  Scaarie« 
•tender  Martyrs  will  adventure  no  pcriil,   but  they  rcfort  thither  ft 
where  the  Gcfpcll  hath  an  harbour  already,  where  they  may  Jh 
live  without  danger  in  great  peace  and  quietneffe.    So  the  falfe  th«y 
Apoftles  would  not  endanger  themfclves  to  come  to  ferufiltnt  to 
Caipha/jQt  toRometoihc  Empcrour,  or  toother  places  where  not^*^*3 
man  had  preached  afore,  as  ¥1*1  and  the  other  Apoftlcs  did:  but  ™t£™ 
they  came  into  <7**/x^M,which  was  wone  unto  Chrift  already  by  the  of  danger. 
labour  and  travell  ot  7}aui,  and  into  Afi^  forinth,  and  fuch  other 
places,  where  good  men  were  and  profcffcd  the  na:r»c  of  (Thrift, 
perfecuting  no  man,. but  furring  all  things  quietly.  There  might 
the  enemies  of  ChriftsCrofleitvc  in  great  iecunty  and  without  any 

And  here  we  may  Icarnc  that  it  is  the  lot  of  all  godly  teachcrs,that  The  con«b*. 
-bcfidcs  the  perfecution  which  they  fufer  of  the  wicked  and  untbank- 
full  world,  and  the  great  travell  which  they  fuftaine  in  planting  of 
Ghurchesjthcy  are  compelled  to  fufftr  that  thnlg  \v  hich  they  of  long 
time  before  had  purely  taught,  to  be  quickly  ovcrthrowne  of  fcnta- 
fticall  fpirits,  who  afterwards  rcignc  and  rule  over  them.  This  grie- 
vcth  godly  Miniftcrs  more  then  any  perfection  of  tyrants.  Therc- 
.fore  let  him  not  be  a  Minifter  of  the  gofprll  which  is  not  content  to 
be  thus  defpifed,or  is  loath  tobcare  this  reproach  :  or  if  hebe',let  him 
give  over  his  charge  to  another.  We  alfo  at  this  day  doe  find  the  fame 
thing  to  be  true  bycxpcriencc.Wc  are  mifcrably  contemned  and  vex- 
cd  outwardly  by  Tyrants,inwardly  by  tbofe  whom  we  have  reflored          , 
-to  liberty  by  thc.GGip^l^  and  alib  by   falftf  brethren.  .But  this  Uunnga^ 
is  our  comfort  and  glory,  that  being  called  of  CW,  we  have  a  ^^ 
-promife  of  everlafting  life,  and  look  for  that  re  ward,  which  eye  hath  » a/-i  p. 
not  feene,  nor  care  hath  heard,  nor  hath  entred  into  the  heartof  man. 
For  when  the  great  (hcphcard   Chrift  (hall  appearc,   we  fli^ll  the-, 
receive  an  incorruptible  Crownc  of  glory  j  who-  here  alfw  in  this  lp"-5-» 
world  will  not  fuffcr  usto  pcrrifli  for  hunger, 


Chap. T.  tyontbc  E  *  l  s  r  L  a 

7m>/«moYeth  here  a  great  queftion,  why  PWcallcththofs  Chor- 
chcs,  which  were  no  Churches.  Is  it(faith  he)  bccaufe  Paul  writcth 
to  the  QalAthiavs,  that  were  perverted  and  turned  backc  from  Chrift 
and  from  gracc,unto  Mofcs  and  the  law?  Hereunto  I  anAvcr,  that 
TWcallcth  them  thcChurchcs  of  GtdAtbiaty  putting  a  part  for  the 
whole,  which  is  a  common  thing  in  the  fcriptures.  For  writing  in 
like  manner  to  the  CorinthiAzsfa  rc/oyccth  on  their  bebalfc,that  the 
grace  of  God  was  given  them  in  Chriftyiamciy^hat  they  were  made 
rich  through  him  in  all  utterance  and  knowledge :  and  yet  many  of 
them  were  miff- led  by  falfc  Apoftles,  and  bclccvcd  not  the  rcfurrc- 

Albeit  then  that  the  Cjalathi***  were  fallen  away  from  the  do&rine 
of  F^wAyet  did  Baptilinc,thc  word,and  the  name  of  Chrift  remains 
among  them.  There  were  alfo  fome  good  men  that  were  not  revol- 
tcd.which  had  a  right  opinion  of  the  word  and  Sacraments,and  ufed 
otd  &  t^lcm  well.Moreovcr  thcfc  things  could  not  be  defiled  through  them 
saaaments  that  were  revolted.  For  Baptifme,thcGofpelland  other  things  are 
"te  3  b  Poir  not  l^er^ore  made  unholy,  becaufc  many  are  polluted  and  unholy,and 
!lngodii^!  have  an  evill  opinion  of  them  :buc  they  abide  holy  and  the  fame  that 
they  were,  whether  they  be  among  the  godly  or  the  ungodly  *  by 
whom  they  can  neither  be  pollutcd,nor  made  holy.  By  our  good  or 
„  evill  converfation,  by  our  good  or  cvill  life  and  manners  they  be  pol 

luted  or  made  holy  in  the  fight  of  the  heathen,  but  not  a  fore  God. 
Wherefore  wherefosYer  the  fubftance  of  the  word  and  Sacraments 
^ cf"tertof  remaineth.tbere  is  theholyChurch.althouehAntichrift  there  reienc. 

AmichriR          .-.        I'P-  •        re    \  *  r-          L-         nil         r  r       f 

who  (^asthe  Scipture  witnefleth;  fittcth  not  in  a  liable  of  fiends, or 

ain^/*  4-  *?  a  fwine-ft ic,or  in  a  companie  of  Infidcls,but  in  the  highdt  and  ho- 

lieft  place  of  all,  namely  in  the  temple  of  God.  Wherefore  although 

fpirituall  tyrants  reignc,yet  there  muft  be  a  Temple  of  God,  and  the 

Tfce cfeurch  fJiac muft  bcprcfcrved under  them.  Therefore!  anfwer  briefly  to 

*SSJtbc  this  queftion,  that  ths  Church  is  univerfall  thorowout  the  whole 

world.       world»whercfocver  the  Gofpell  of  God  and  the  Sacraments  be.  The 

lewes,  the  Turks  and  other  vainc  fpirits  are  not  the  Church,  becaufe 

they  fight  againft  thcfc  things,and  deny  them.  Hitherto  as  touching 

the  title  or  infer  iption  of  this  Epiftle.  Now  folio  we^h  thcfalutation 

or  greeting  of  Paul. 

Vcrfe  3.  Grace  fa  tvlthjott  *nd  feAcc  from  god  the  Father,  vuifrom 
ettr  Lordlefw  (krift. 


I  hope  ye  are  not  ignorant  what  Cjr<ic*  and  P**e  mcancth,  feeing 
that  thcfc  tcarmcs  are  common  in  P*ul,  and  now  not  obfcurcor  un-  Peace. 
knowne.  But  for  as  much  as  we  take  in  hand  to  expound  this  Epiftle 
(  which  wedo,not  bccaufe  it  is  nccdfuil.or  for  any  hardncs  that  is  in 
itjbut  that  our  confcicnces  may  bs  confirmed  againft  herefics  yet  to 
come)let  it  not  be  tedious  unto  you.if  we  repeat  thefe  things  aeaine.  on  "I"*  ** 

i         \f    t_  •  L    r-  i  r  continually 

that  ell  where  and  at  other  times  we  teach,  preach,  fing,  and  let  out  tao6ht, 
by  writing.  For  if  we  negled  the  article  of  juftification,  we  lofe  all 
together.  Therefore  mod  ncccfftry  it  is  chictty  and  above  ali  things, 
that  we  teach  and  repeat  this  Article  continually : Like  as  Mofes  faith 
of  his  la  W'for  ir  cannot  be  beaten  int©  our  cares  enough  or  too  much. 
Yea,though  we  lejrnc  it  and  undcrftand  it  wcll,yct  is  there  none  that 
takcth  hold  of  it  perfectly,  orbclicvcth  it  with  his  whole  lieart  :  fo 
fraik  a  thing  is  our  flcih,3nd  difobcdicnt  to  the  fpirit. 

The  greeting  of  the  Apoftie  is  ftrangc  unto  the  world,  and  was 
never  heard  of  before  the  preaching  of  the  Goipcll.    And  thefe  two 
words  fy*c< and  Petce  comprehend  in  them  whatfoevcr  belongcth 
to Chriltianity. Grace  rcleafeth  fin,  and  peace  maketh  the  confcicncc 
^ttitt.  The  two  fiends  that  torment  us,  arc  fin  and  confidence.    But         , 
Ghrift  hath  vanquifhed  thefe  two  monfters,  and  troden  them  under  ficndi  r 
loot,  both  in  thw  world  and  in  the  world  to  come.  This  the  world 
i  not  know,  and  therefore  it  can  teach  no  certainty  of  the  over- 
•camming  of  {inne,  confcicncc  and  death.    Only  Chriftians  have  this  Tj,« 
kind  of  doctrine,  and  are  cxercifed  and  armed  with  it,  to  get  vi&ofy  of  c 
againft  (innc,  defpaireand  everlaiHng  death.    And  it  is  a  kind  of  do 
ctrine  neither  proceeding  of  free-will,  nor  invented  by  the  rcafon 
orwifdomeof  man,  but  given  from  above.     Moreover  thefe  two  Grace 
words,  qr+ct  and  Pe*cct  doc  containc  in  them  the  whole  fumcnc  of  Peac* 
Chriftianity.   Grace  containcth  the  rcmilfion  offins,  Peace  a  quiet ' 
and  joy  full  conference.  But  peace  efconfcience  can  never  be  had,un- 
Icffc  finnc  be  firft  forgiven.     But  (inne  is  not  forgiven  for  the  fulfil 
ling  of  the  la  w:for  no  man  is  able  to  iatisfic  the  law;but  the  law  doth 
rather  (hew  (in,  accufe  and  terrific  the  confcicnce,  declare  the  wrath 
of  God,  and  drive  to  deipcration.    Much  IcfTe  is  fin  taken  away  by 
thcworkcsand  inventions  of  men,a$  wicked  worftiippings,  ftrangc 
religions,  vowes  and  pilgrimages.  Finally  there  is  n«  work  that  orti 
take  away  finuc,  bat  finnc  is  rather  incrcaled  by  workcs.     For  the 
3 ulUciarics  and  Mcric mongers,  the  more  they  labour  and  fwcate  to 


Chap.  I.  Vfon  the  E  P  I  $  T  t  E 

bring  thcmfelves  out  of  fin,thc  deeper  they  arc  plunged  therin.    Foe 

there  is  ho  means  to  take  away  fin  but  grace  alone.  Thct  fore  'Paul  in 

all  the  greetings  of  his  Epiftlcs,  fetteth  grace  and  peace  againftfin 

$in«notic-  and  an  evillconfciencc.This  thing  muft  be  diligently  marked.    The 

by'^wJ'a-  words  are  cafic:  but  in  temptation  it  is  the  hardeft  thing  that  can  be, 

lone.         t0  be  certainly  perfwaded  in  our  hearts  that  by  Grace  alone,all  other 

means  cither  in  heaven  0r  in  earth  fet  apart,  we  have  remifilon  of  fins 

The  world  PC3CC 

kno»Tc°hnot      The  world  underftandeth  not  this  doftrine,  and  therefore  it  nei- 

jjj?  jj^jj*  t^er  W*^  nor  can  a^^e  **»  kut  condemneth  it  as  heretfcnll  and  wic- 
Kne?«.B°  kcd.  Itbraggethof  fre<:-will,ohhe  light  of rcafon,cf the  foundnefle 
of  the  powers  and  qualities  of  nature,  and  of  good  works,  as  means 
whereby  it  could  deierve  and  attain  grace  and  peace,  that  is  to  fay, 
forgivenefls  of  fins  and  a  quiet  confcience.  But  it  is  impofliblc  that 
the  cenfcicnce  fliould  be  quiet  and  j  oy  ful,unles  it  have  peace  through 
gracc,that  is  to  fay,through  the  forgivcnes  of  fins  promifed  inChrift. 
Many  have  carefully  laboured  by  finding  out  divers  and  fundry  religi 
ous  orders  and  cxercifes  for  this  purpofe,to  attain  peace  and  quietncs 
of  confcience:  but  by  fo  doing  they  have  plunged  themfelvej  in  more 
and  greater  mifcries :  for  all  fuch  devices  are  but  meancs  to  incrcafc 
doubtfulnesanddefpaire.  Therforc  there  fhall  be  no  reft  to  my  bones 
or  thine,  unles  we  hearc  the  word  of  grace,  and  cleave  unto  it  ftcd-  •* 
faftly  and  faithfully  :thcn  (hall  our  confcience  undoubtedly  find  grace 
and  peace. 

ThcApoflle  doth  fitly  diftinguifli  this  grace  and  peace  from  all 
other  kinds  of  grace  and  peace  whatfoever.  He  wiflieth  to  the  G*. 
latltUns  Grace  and  Peace ,  not  from  the  Etnpcrqur,  or  Kings  and 
Princes  :  for  thefe  do  commonly  perfccute  the  godly,  and  rife  up 
againft  the  Lord  and  Chnft  his  anncynted,  P/^/.  2.  nor  from  the 
world  (for  in  the  world,  faith  Chrift,  ye  lhall  have  trouble  :)  but 
from  God  our  Father, (>r.  which  is  as  much  to  fay,  as  he  widieth 
J»h.'4\7.    unto  them  a  heavenly  peace.     SoChriftiaith  :  <JMj  peace  J  leave 
unto  you :  my  peace  J  give  unto  you :  not  at  the  world  givcth  it,  doe  I 
give  it  unto  you.   The  peace  of  the  world  grantcth  nothing  but  the 
P«ace  of  the  pgAce  of our  goods  and  bodies.    So  the  grace  or  favour  of  the  world 
The  favor  of  giveth  us  leave  to  enjoy  our  goods,  and  caftcth  us  not  out  of  our 
eht  world.    poffcflioHs.  But  in  af  jfliftion  and  in  the  houre  of  death,the  grace  and 
favour  of  the  world  cannot  hclpe  us,  they  cannot  deliver  us  from 


To  the  GALATHIANS.  Fol.  1 6 

afifli£ion,defpair  and  death.  But  when  the  Grace  and  peace  of  God  arc 
in  the  heart,  then  is  man  ftrong,  fo  that  he  can  neither  be  caft  downc 
with  adverfi.-y,not  puffed  up  with  profperity,but  walketh  on  plainly 
and  kecpcth  the  high  way.For  he  taketh  heart  and  courage  in  the  vi 
ctory  of  Chrifts  death,and  the  confidence  therof  bcginncth  to  raignc 
in  his  confcience  over  (in  and  death,  becaufe  through  him  he  hath  af- 
fured  forgivencs  of  his  fins  :  which  after  he  hath  once  obtained,  his 
confcience  is  at  reft,  and  by  the  word  of  Grace  is  comforted.  So  then 
a  man  being  comforted  and  hcartned  by  the  Grace  of  God,that  is,by 
forgivencs  of  fins  and  by  this  peace  of  confcience,  is  able  valiantly  to 
bcarc  and  overcome  all  troublcs,yca  even  death  it  felf.  This  Peace  of 
God  is  not  given  to  the  world,bccaufc  the  world  never  longeth  after 
it  nor  undcrftandeth  it,but  to  them  that  belceve :  and  this  comcth  to 
paflfc  by  no  other  mean,then  by  the  only  grace  of  God. 

A  rule  to  be  observed,  that  memught  toabftainc  pomthe 
c ttrioM  [e  arching  ofCjects  JMajeftj. 

BUt  why  doth  the  Apoftlc  adde  moreover  in  this  ialutation  :  And  why  *i. 
from  oftr  Lara  *}efw  fkriftiWtt  it  not  enough  to  fay  :  And  f  am  /SjJirL.. 
(jod6urFatl}er?\\J  hy  then  doth  he  couple  JefasCkrift  with  theFatker?  2<$*  cbrifc. 
Yc  have  oftentimes  heard  of  us,how  it  is  a  rule  and  principle  in  the 
Scriptures  diligently  to  be  marked,  that  we  muft  abftaine  from  the 
curious  fcarching  of, Gods  Ma  jcfty,  which  i$  intollerablc  to  mans! 
body,  and  much  more  to  his  mind.  *  No  man  (Taith  the  Lord)  Jtall 

fee  me  and  live.  *  The  Popc,thc  Turks,the  Jews,  andallfuch  astruft  w°g«>j« 
in  their  own  merits,  regard  not  this  rule,  and  therfore  removing  the  by  SSI*'1' 
Mediator  Chrift  out  of  their  fight,theyipeak  only  efGod,and  before 
him  only  they  pray,and  do  all  that  they  do. 

As  for  example,  the  Monke  imagineth  thus  :  Thefe  workes 
which  I  doe  pleafc  God,  God  will  regard  thefc  my  vowcs,  and  *The 
for  them  wiilfavcme.    The  Turke  faith  :  If  I  keep  the  things  that  r«»iiabooi» 
-arc  commanded  in  the  *  Alcoran,  God  will  accept  me,  and  give  me 
cverlafting  life.    The  Jew  thinketh  thus  :  if  I  kecpe  thofe  things  J'g' 
which  the  law  commandeth,!  thall  find  God  mcrcifull  unto  me,  and  Ji 
*{b  Ml  I  b-;  fivcd.    Soalfoa  fort  of  fond  heads  at  this  day,  'brag;-  »aif«i»«a. 
ging  of  the  fpirit  of  revelations,  of  vifions,  and  fuch  other  monr 
ftrous  matters  I  wot  cot  what ,  doc  walke  in  wonders  above 


Chap.L  Fpon  ttt  E  ?  i  s  T  1  B 

their  reaches.  Thefc  new  Monkes  have  invented  a  new  creffe  rod 
new  workes,  and  they  drcamc  that  by  doing  them  they  plcafcGod. 
To  be  bricfe,  as  many  as  know  not  the  Article  of  Juftitication,  take 
away  Chrift  the  mercy- feat,  and  will  needs  comprehend  God  in  hi* 
Majcfty  by  the  judgement  of  reafon,and  pacific  him  with  their  own 

But  true  Chriftian  divinity  fas  Igivcyou  often  warning)fettcth  not 
God  forth  unto  us  in  his  Ma; cfty,  xiMofcs  and  other  doftrincs  do, 

•A*  win  of  it  commandcth  us  not  to  fcarch  out  the  nature  of  God :  but  to  know 
in  his  will  fet  out  to  us  in  Chrift,whom  he  would  have  to  take  our  fleih 
upon  him,  to  be  borne  and  to  die  for  our  fins,  and  that  this  (hould  be 
preached  among  all  Nations.  For  feeing  the  world  by  wifdom  knew 
not  God  in  the  wifdoai  of  God,  it  plcafcd  God  by  the  foolilhnes  of 
preaching  to  favc  them  that  believe,  i  Cor.  i .  Whcrcfore,whcn  thy 
confciencc  ftandeth  in  theconflitf,  wraftlingagainft  the  law,(inand 
death  in  the  prefcncc  of  God,  there  is  nothing  more  dangerous  then 
to  wander  with  curious  fpeculations  in  heaven,  and  there  to  fearch 
out  God  in  his  incomprchenfible  power,wildom  &  Ma  jcfty,how  he 
created  the  world,and  how  he  governcth  it.If thou  feck  thusto  com 
prehend  God,and  wouldft  pacific  him  without  Chrift  the  Mediator, 
making  thy  works  a  mcanes  between  him  and  thy  (elf,  it  cannot  be 
^ut  *^at  ^ou  mu& &M  as L*c*fir did,and  in  horrible dcfpair lofc God 

n  i«iiii  own  and  all  together.  For  as  God  is  in  his  own  nature  unmeafurablc,  in- 
comprehcnfiblc  and  i»finitc,fo  is  he  to  mans  nature  intolerable. 

Wherefore  if  thou  wouldft  be  in  fafcty  and  out  of  pcrillofcoufci- 
cncc  and  falvation,bridlc  this  climbing  and  prefumptucus(pirit,and 
(b  fcckc God  as  Trfw/tcachcth thcc,  i  Cor. \.  We  ( iaith  he  )  yruuk 
£hrift  crucifiedt  4  ftttmbline  blockc  *»to  the  fctvf*,  *nd  fiolijk»ej{i  unt9 
tkf  Grecians :  but  unto  them  winch  Are  called  both  efthc  fewes  and  Greet* 
AHS,  wee  f reach  Chrift  the  fsver  of  Cjod,  and  the  wifedome  of  CjoJ. 
Therefore  begin  theu  there  where  Chrift  began,  namely  in  the 
wombc  of  the  Virginc,  in  the  manger  and  at  his  mothers  breads', 

whereto  &c-  f  or  to  this  end  he  came  downe,  was  borne,  was  converfant  a* 
or  cw  mong  men,  fu&red,  was  crucified  and  dyed,  that  by  all  nacancs  he 
might  fct  forth  himfelfc  plainly  before  our  eyes,  and  fatten  thceycf 
«f  our  hearts  upon  hirafelf,  that  he  thereby  might  keep  us  from  clim 
bing  up  into  hca?en,and  from  the  curious  fcarching  of  the  divine  Ma- 


70  tht  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  AN  S.  Pol.I7 

WhcnfocYcr  thou  haft  to  doc  therefore  in  the  matter  cfjuftifica- 
tion,  and  difputcft  with  thy  felfehaw  God  is  to  be  fcund  that  j-u- 
ftifieth  anda<cccpteth(inners:  where  and  in  what  fojt  he  is  to  ta 
fought :  then  know  thou  that  there  is  no  other  God  bcfidcs  this  man 
Chrift  Jefus.EmbracehimandckaTeto  him  with  thy  whole  heart, 
felting  afidc  all  curious  fpcculations  of  the  divine  MajeQy :  Forrw 
that  is  a  fearcher  of  Gods  Ma  jetty  (hall  be  over  w  helmed  of  his  glo-  '" 
ry.  I  know  by  experience  what  I  fay.; But  thefe  vainefpirits  which- 
fo  dcale  with  God  that  they  exclude  tljc  Mediacour,  donorbckcve 
me.    Ch  aft  himfclfe  fa ith  :  /  4m  the  waj,  the  truth  and  ths  life  :  No  £f  ";,'*£ 
mart  cc,:..etk  t9  the  Father  but  by  me.    Therefore  befidcs  this  way  way,thCC 
Chrift,thou  (halt  find  no  way  to  the  Father ,but  wandering  :  no  ve-  ^'Jj-™1* 
rity,but  hypocrifte  and  lying :  no.  life  but  eternall  death.  Wherefore 
markc  this  well  in  the  matter  of  juftih"cation,that  when  any  of  us  all 
(hall  have  to  wraftle  with  the  law,  finne,  death  and  all  other  evils, 
we  muft  lookc  upon  no  other  God,but  enely  this  God  incarnate  and 
clothed  with  mans  nature. 

But  out  of  the  matter  of  juftification,when  thou  muft  difoute  with 
Jews,Ttirkc$,Papifts,HercticksJtf'r.  concerning  the  power,  wif- 
domc  and  Majefty  of  God,  then  imploy  all  thy  wit  and  induftry  to 
that  end,  and  be  as  profound  and  as  fubtill  a  difpurcr  as  thou  canft : 
for  then  thou  art  in  another  vcine.  But  in  the  cafe  of  cojifcicncc,  of 
rightcoufnes  and  life  (which  I  wifh  here  diligently  to  be  tnarkedla-'whh 
gainft  the  law,fin,death  &  the  devill,or  in  the  matter  of  fatisfaftion, 
of  rcmifllon  of  fins,of  reconciliation  and  of  everlaft ing  life,thou  muft 
withdraw  thy  mind  wholly  from  all  cogitations  &  fcarchingof  the 
Majsfty  of  God.and  look  only  tapon  this  man  Jefus  Chrift,  who  fet- 
teth  himfclfe  forth  unto  us  to  be  a  Mediatour,and  faith:  Cow  unto  me  /^.i 
dl  ye  that  Ubour/ind  we  heavy  loAden^tuid  I  veiltrefrefbjou.  Thus  doing 
thou  (halt  perceive  the  love,  goodnes  and  fwcctnes  of  God  :  thou 
(halt  fee  his  wifdome,  power  and  ma/cfty  fwectned  and  tempered 
to  thy  capacity  :  yea  and  tbou  /halt  find  in  this  mirrour  and  plea- 
fant  contemplation,  all  things  according  to  that  faying  of  P*nl  f»Uj 
to  the  ColoJJiAM  .«  In  Chrift  Are  kid  4(1  the  tretfitres  ef  Voifcdomc 
**d  knowledge.  Alfo  in  the  fccond  chapter.  For  in  him  dwellcth 
the  fttnejfe  of  the  Cjod  head  bodily.  The  world  is  ignorant  of  this> 
and  therefore  it  fcarchcth  out  the  will  of  God,  fctting  afide  the  pro- 
inifc  in  Chrift,  to  his  great  dcftruftion.  For  no  man  k*weth  the  Fa- 

P  tbcr 

Chap.  I.  PpOrttkc  EPISTLE 

j^'i'o  |17'     *bfr  b*t  the  SonM,  attdht  to  Vchom  the  Sonne  willreveale  him. 

And  this  is  the  cauie  why  Paul  is  wont  fo  often  to  couple  Jcfus 
Chrift:  with  God  the  Father,  even  to  teach  us  what  true  Chriftuft 
Gt9  it.ii.     Religion  is,  which  beginncth  not  at  fhe  highcft  as  of  her  religions 
doe}but  at  the  lo  weft.  It  will  have  us  to  clitnbe  up  by  Jacob*  ladder, 
whereupon  God  himfclf?  leancth,whofc  fcete  touch  the  very  earth, 
hard  by  the  head  di  Jacob.  Wherefore  whenfocver  thou  art  occupied 
in  the  matter  of  thy  fjlvatiort,fettingafideallcurims  fpeculations.of 
Gods  unfcarcheable  Ma  jetty,  all  cogitations  of  works,of  traditions, 
of  Philofophy,  yea  &  of  Gods  law  too,  run  ftraight  to  che  manger  & 
embrace  this.  Infant,  and  the  Virgins  little  Babe  in  zhinearmes,  and 
behold  him  as  he  was  borne,  iucking,gro  wing  up,converfmt  among 
rtrifiiiii'ai'  menjteaching,  dying.riling  againe,  amending  up  above  allthe  Hea- 
Jj!!"«hb*     ve«s,and  having  poxver  above  all  things.  By  this  m:ancs  (hilt  ihou 
chrni  lying    [pe  able  to  (hake  ofFall  terrors  and  errours,  like  as  the  Sunnc  driveth 
lthehvi*gPJa°f  away  t^ie  clouds.  And  this  fight  and  contemplation  will  keep:  thes 
in  the  right  way,  that  thou  mayeft  follow  whith-r  Chrift  is  gonej 
Therefore  TAulin  wilhing  efface  and  /V^notonly  from  God  the 
Father,  but  alfofrom  JcfusChrUt,  teacheth,  firft  that  we  fhou!3 
abftainc  from  the  curious  fearching  of  thfi  divina  Msjvfty  ("for;  no 
•  man  knoweth  God,)and  to  heate  Chrift,  who  is  in  the  bolbme  of  tha: 

Father,and.  uttercth  to  us  his  will,  who  alio  is  appointed  of  the  Fa 
ther  to  be  our  Tcacher,to  the  end  that  we  ihould  all  hcare  him. 

Chrift  u  God  by  N*we, 

'  . 

npHa  other  thing  that  Paul  teacheth  here,  is  a  confirmation  of- 
chtiacod.      JL  QUr  fafa  t|la(.  chrilj.  is  very  God.    And  fuch  likcfcntcncci  as  . 
this  is  concerning  the  Godhead  of  Chrift,  are  to  be  gathered  toge 
ther  and  marked  diligently*  not  only  agawft  the  Arrians  and  other 
hereticks  which  either  have  beene  or  fhall  be  hereaftcr,  but  alfo  for 
The<le»iii     tne  confirmation  of  our  foith.for  Satan  will  not  faile-to  impugne  in 

us  all  the  articles  of  our  faith.ere  we  die.  He  is  a  moft  dcadly^eneaiy 
i°/»i5  4,  toiaith,  becauft  \  e  knoweth  that  it  is  the  victory  which  overcom- 
me;h  the  world.  Wherefore  it  ftandcrh  us  in  hand  to  labour  that  our 
£aith  may  be  cirtaiae,.andmay  increafi  and  be  ftrengrhned  by  dili 
gent  and  coutUHuli  cxcrcifj  pf  the  word  and  fervent  prayer,  that 
we  may  b:  able  to  withftand  Sican; 

Now  that  Chrift  is  very  God,  it  is  manifestly  declared,  in  that 


T«  tkt  GA  L  A  r  HI  AN  s^ 

P^/attribufcth  the  fame  things  equally  unto  him,  which  he  doth 

unto  the  Father,  namely  Divine  power,as  the  giving  of  grace,  the  <?ftke  f  J 

r        •  /»•       /   A  c          r  '  i-r*         •  n  ,-  tbcrand  of 

rorgiveneflv  or  nnnes,  peace  or  contciencc.hre,  Tictory  omhnne, 
death,thc  devill  and  hell.  This  were  by  no  meanes  lawfull  for  him 
to  do  my  it  were  fjcriledge  this  to  dc.except  he  were  very  God  ac 
cording  to  th  it  Aying:/  will  not  give  my  glory  unto  AHothtr.  Againe, 
no  mm  giveth  that  to  others,  which  he  hionielfe  hath  not.  But  fee- 
ing  Chrift  giveth  Grace,  Peace  and  the  holy  Ghoft,  dclivercrh  from 
the  power  of  the  dcvilf,f  rom  fin  and  death,it  is  ccrtaine  that  he  hath 
an  infinite  and  Divine  power  cquall  in  all  points  to  the  power  of  the 

Neich-rdoth  Chrift  giveGraceand  Peace,  as  the  Apoftlesgave 
and  brought  the  fame  unco  men  by  preaching  of  the  Gofpell :  but  he 
givech  ifas  the  Author  and  Cr^ator.The  Father  creatcth  and  gtveth 
L'fc,Grace,Pc:iceand  all  other  good  things.  Ths  fclfe-ftnae  things 
alf 3  the  Sonne  createth  and  giveth.  Now>to  give  Grace,P^ace.,€ver- 
lafting  life,  toforgive  fuincsj  to  mike  rightepus,  to  quicken,  to  de 
liver  from  death  s:/d  the  dcvill,are  not  the  works  of  any  crcature,but 
ef  the  Divine  Ma/cfty  alonc.The  A  ngel*  can  neither  create  nor  give 
thefc  thing?.  Therefore  thefj  w<  i'ks  pertainc  onely  to  the  glory  of 
fhc  Sovcraignc  Ma  j  >'  f  y,  the  maker  of  all  things.  And  feeing  Paul  prop*'  t» 
do:h  attribute  tlie  fclfe-fame  power  of  creating,and  giving  all  thcfc  God' 
things  unto  Chrift  equally  with  the  Father,  it  muft  needs  follow" 
that  Chrift  is  verily  and  naturally  God. 

Many  fuch  arguments  are  in  John,  where  It  is  proved  and  conclu 
ded  by  the  works  which  are  attributed  to  the  Sonne,  as  well  as  to 
iheFaih.r,  that  the  divinity  of  the  Father  and  of  theSonne,  isall 
one.Thercforc  the  gifts  which  we  receive  of  the  Father,and  which  One  ami  the 
we  rceive  of  the  Sonne  arc  all  one.  Fortlfe  Paul  would  havefpo- 
1<cn  other  wife,  afl  er  this  manner :  Grace  from  God  the  Father,  and 
Peac-  from  our  Lord  JefnsChnft.  Bat  in  knitting  them  both  toge- 
ther,heattnbuteth  them  equally,  as  well  to  the  Sonne  as  to  the  Fa- 
thesj  do  therefore  fo  diligently  ad  monifh  you  of  this  thing,becaufc 
at  is  dangf  rous  1.  *ft  amotig  fomany  crrours,  and  in  fo  great  variety 
•and  confufiori  of  <eo>$,thc rf  might  Irep  up  fbme  Arrians^nnomiaM^ 
Macedonians,  and  fuch  other-hercticli,  that  might  do  harmc  to  the 
Churches  with  their  fubtlcty* 

Indeed  th«  Arrtans  wcrc.&arpc  and  fubtiJc  fellowcs,  They 

D  a  granted 

ChapJ.  Vpt*  tie  E?  i  $  T  L  fe 

granted  thatChrift  hath  two  natures,  and  thit'he  is  called  very 
God  of very  God,howb«it  in  Nam:  onely :  Chrift  (  fijd  they  )  is  a 
molt  noble  and  pcrfe ^-creature  above  the  Angels,  whereby  God  af- 
tcrward  created  heaven  and  earth,  and  all  other  thing1?.    So  Aftba- 
mtt  alfo  fpeaketh  honourably  of  Chrift.    But  all  this  is  nothing  ells 
but  goodly  imaginations  and  words  pleafant  and  phufibleto  inins 
reafon,  whereby  the  fantafticallfpirits  do  deceive  men,  except  they 
take  good  heed.   But  'TWfpraketh  other  wife  of  Chrift.  Ye  (  faith 
he  )  are  rooted  and-eftablifhed  in  this  bcleefe,  namely  that  Chrift  is 
not  onely  a  perfect  creature,  but  very  God,  who  doth  the  felfe-fams 
things  that  God  the  Father  doth.  He  hath  the  Divine  works,n  Jt  of 
a  creature,  but  of  the  Crcatour,  becaufe  he  giyeth  grace  and  Peace : 
andtogivethem,istocondcmnc(ln,tovanqui{b  death>  and  to  tread 
the  devill  under  foot.   Thefe  things  no  Angdl  can  give :  but  feeing 
they  arc  attributed  unto  Chrift,  it  muft  needs  follow  that  he  is  very 
God  by  nature. 

Verfe  4.    Whicb^Avehiitifclfefor  our  fanes. 

/Win  a  manner  in  very  word  handkth  the  argument  of  thi'sEpi- 
ftle.He  hath  nothing  in  his  mouth  but  Chrift,and  therefore  in  every 
\vofd  there  is  a  fervency  effpirit  and  life,  And  marke  ho  vv  well  and 
to  the  purpofe  he  fpeaketh.    He  faith  not,  which  hath  received  out 
works  at  our  hands,  nor,  which  hath  received  thcfacrificesofJ^fifc 
/wlaw,  worshippings,  religions,  Mattes,  vowes  and  pilgrimages: 
B*t  btthgivftt.  What  ?  not  gold,  nor  filvcr,  nor  beafts,  nor  pafchall 
hmbcs,  nor  an  Angcll,  tut  himfelfi.    For  what  ?  Not  for  a  Crowne, 
l" him'  MX  f°f  a  ^-ingdomc,  not  for  our  bolincfle  or  rightcpHfiiefle;  but  for 
our  finnes.  Thefe  words  arc  very  thunder- claps  from  heaven  againft 
all  kinds  of  nghteoufncs:likc  as  is  alio  this  fentencc  tfjohn :  Heholol 
the  Lamhe  ofgodtbat  t#kt(b  #w-iy  the  fins  of  the  World.    Therefore  we 
muft  With  diligent  attention  marke  every  Word  of />*»/,  and  not 
flcnderly  consider  them  or  lightly  psffe  themovcf :  for  they  are  full 
of  confolation,  and  confirme  fcarfull  confcienccs  exceedingly. 

But  how  may  we  obtaine  remi/Tion  of  our  fins  ?  TVw/anl  wereth, 
that  the  man  which  is  called  Jefus  Chrift  the  SonneofGod  hath  gir 
Yen  hiuifclfe  for  them.  Thefe  are  excellent  and  moft  comfortable 
words,  and  are  promifes  of  the  old  \aw,  that  our  finncs  are  taken 
away  by  none  other  meane,  then  by  the  Sonne  of  God  delivered 


G  A  L  A  T  M  I  A  W  $^ 

unto  death.  With  fuch  Gunnc-fliot  and  fuch  Artillery  mnft  the4 
Papacy  be  deftroycd,  and  all  the  religions  of  the  Heathen,  all  works, 
all  merits  and  fupcrftitious  Ceremonies.  For  if  our  finncs  may  be 
taken  away  by  our  ownc  works,  merits  and  fatisfaftions,  what  nee 
ded  the  Sonnc  ofGod  to  be  given  for  them  ?  But  feeing  he  was  gi 
ven  for  them,itfolloweth,that  we  cannot  put  them  away  by  our  owa 

Againc,  by  this  fcntencc  it  is  declared ,  that  our  finncs  arc  fo 
great,  fb  infinite  and  invincible,  that  it  is  impoflible  for  the  whole 
world  to  fatisfic  for  one  of  them  :  and  furely  the  greatncs  of  the  ran- 
fome  (namely  Chrift  the  Sonne  of  God,  who  gave  himfelfe  for  our 
finnes)  dcclarcth  furHcicntly,  that  we  can  neither  fatisfie  for  finne, 
nor  have  dominion  over  it.  The  force  and  power  of  finne  is  fee 
forth  and  amplified  exceedingly  by  thefc  words  :  which  gave  him- 
felfi  fir  ottr  faxes.  Therefore  here  is  to  be  marked  ths  infinite  Thc|r«»tr 
grcatneffe  of  the  price  beftowed  for  it,  and  then  will  it  appearc  cvi-  *s£  e5"c 
dently,  that  the  power  of  it  is  fo  great,  that  by  no  mcancs  it  could 
be  put  away,  but  that  the  Sonne  of  God  muft  needs  be  given  for 
it.  He  that  confidcreth  thefe  things  well,  undcrftandcth  that  this 
one  word  Slnnet  comprehendeth  Gods  evcrlafting  wrath  and  the  " 
whole  kingdome  of  Satan ,  and  that  it  is  a  thing  more  horrible 
then  can  be  exprcffcd  :  which  ought  to  move  us  and  make  us  afraid 
indeed.  But  we  arc  carelefls,  yea  we  make  light  of  fin ,  and  a  matter 
of  nothing  :  which  although  it  bring  with  it  the  fting  and  remorfc 
ofconfcicncc,  yet  notwithstanding  wethinkeit  not  to  be  of  fuch 
weight  and  force,  but  that  by  fome  little  worke  or  merit  we  may  put 
it  away. 

This  ientencc  therefore  witncfleth,  that  all  men  are  fervants 
.and  bond-flavcs  to  finne,  and  (as  ?*»/ faith  in  another  place)  are 
fold  under  finne.  Andagaine,  that  finne  is  a  moft  cruell  and  migh- 
ty  tyrant  over  all  men  :  which  cannot  be  vanquiflicd  by  the  power 
of  any  creatures,  whether  they  be  Angels  or  men,  but  by  the  foveraign  * 
and  infinite  power  of  Jefus  Chrift,  who  hath  given  himi'elfe  for  the 

Furthcrmore  this  fcntence  fettcth  out  to  the  confcicnces  of  all  men 

which  are  terrified  with  the  greatnes  of  their  fins,  a  fingular  comfort. 

For  albeit  fin  be  never  fo  invincible  a  tyrant:  yet  notwithftanding,for- 

afmuch  as  Chrift  hath  overcome  it  through  his  death,  it  cannot  hurt 

D  3  them 

Chap.L  Vfwtht  E  P  i  s  T  L  a 

them  that  bclccve  in  him.  Moreover,  if  we  arme  our  fclves  with  this 
beleefc,  and  cleave  with  all  our  hearts  unto  this  man  Jefus  Chrift, 
^cn  1S  t^icre  a  ^Sht  opened  and  a  found  judgement  given  unto  us,  -fo 
as  we  may  moft  certainly  and  freely  judg  of  all  kinds  ofiife.For  when 
we  heare  that  fin  is  fuch  an  invincible  tyrant,thus  incontinent  by  a  ne- 
cetTary  confequcncc  we  infcrre :  Then  what  do  the  Papifts,  Monkes, 
Nuns,  Priefts,Mahumetifts,  Anabaptilts,  and  all  fuch  as  truft  in  their 
works,  which  will  abolifh  and  overcome  fin  by  their  own  traditions, 
Works  preparative,  fatisfaftions,  &c.  Here  forthwith  we  judge  all 
thofc  feds  to  be  wicked  and  pernicious:  wherby  the  glory  of  God  and 
of  Chrift  is  not  only  defaced,  but  alfo  utterly  taken  a  \vay,and  our  own 
advanced  and  cftabliihed. 

rhc«c  d£  ^ut  we^Sn  diligently  every  word  of  ?aul,  and  fpccially  mark  well 
SSliVin"  this  pronoune ,  Our.  For  the  effect  altogether  confiftcth  in  the  well 
mtfadfc  aPPtyin§  °f cnc  pronouns,  which  we  find  very  often  in  the  Scriptures. 
'"  Wherin  alfo  there  is  ever  fome  vehernency  and  power.  Thou  .wilt  ea- 
fily  fay  and  believe  that  Chrift  the  Son  of G«d  was  given  for  the  fins 
ot'Ptter,  of  Paul  and  of  other  Siints,  whom  we  account  to  have  been 
worthy  of  this  grace.  But  it  is  a  very  hard  thing  that  thou  which 
judgelt  thy  felfe  unworthy  of  this  grace,  fhouldit  from  thy  heart  fay 
and  belceve,  that  Chrift  was  given  for  thine  invincible,  infinite  and 
horrible  fins.  Therefore  generally  and  without  the  pronoun,  it  is  an 
cafie  matter  to  magnifie  and  amplifie  the  benefit  of  Chrift,  namely, 
that  Chrift  was  given  for  iinncs,  but  far  other  mens  fins  which  arc 
«eaie.  worcty-  'But-whcn  it  commcth  to  the  patting  to  of  this  pronoune 
" -Ottr9  there  our  weake  nature  and  reafon  ftartcth  backe,  and  dare 
not  come  nearc  unto  God,  nor  promife  to  her  fdfe  that  fo  great  a 
treafure  fhculd  be  truly  given  unto  her,  and  therefore  fhe  will  not 
have  to  doe  with  God,  except  firft  (lie  be  pure  and  without  finne. 
Wherefore,  although  ihcrcadc  or  hcarc  this  fentence  :  which  gave 
himftlfifor  our  JinKUjox  fuch  like,yet  doth  Ihc  not  apply  this  pronoun 
(Oftr)  unto  her  felfejbut  unto  others  which  are  worthy  and  holy,  and 
a$  for  her  fclfc,  fhe  will  tarry  till  (he  be  made  worthy  by  her  ownc 

This  then  is  nothing  clfe,  but  that  mans  reafon  faine  would  that  fin 
wcrc  °^ no  §rcatcr  ^orce  anc'  PowerJ tnen  ft»c  her  fclfc  dreameth  it  to 
be.  Hereof  it  cometh  that  the  hypocrites  being  ignorant  of 
chcugh  they  fcelc  the  remorfcoffm,  doe  thinke  notwithftanding  that 


the   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  5.  Fol. 


thcyfliallbeablceafilytoputitaway  by  their'  good  works  and  oie- 
rits,  and  fecrctly  in  their  hearts  they  wifh  that  thefc  words  :  Vvhick  th 
gave  kimfelfifor  our  fins,  were  but  as  words  fpokcn  in  humility,  and  ^/* 
would  have  their  fins  not  to  be  true  and  very  (ins  indeed,  but  light  arid  «<her  0»- 
fmall  matters.  To  be  Qiort,  mans  reafon  would  fain  bring  and  prcfent  J™^^ 
unto  God  a  fained  and  a  counterfeit  (inner,  which  is  nothing  afraid  nor  then  the 
'hath  any  feeling  of  fin.  It  would  bring  him  that  is  whole,and  not  him  SVurfiS? 
that  hath  need  of  a  Phifitian,and  wbenitfeelethnofin,  then  would  for  that  they 
it  bcleeve  that  Chrift  was  given  for  our  fins. 

The  whole  world  is  thus  a!fe<$ed,  and  especially  they  that  would  Thepiaurc 
be  counted  more  holy  and  religious  then  others,  as  Monks,and  all  Ju-  ^^2" 
•fticiaries.   Thefe  confeflfe  with  their  mouth  that  they  are  finners  and  fuch  a?  feet; 
they  confeflealfo  that  they  commit  fins  daily,  howbeit  not  fo  great  |jf£*olir" 
and  many,  but  that  they  are  able  to  put  them  away  by  their  owne  w"k«. 
works  :  yea  and  befidcs  all  this,  they  will  bring  their  righteoufnes  and 
defertsto  Chrifts  judgement  feat,  and  demand  the  recompenceef  e- 
ternall  life  for  them  at  the  Judges  hand.  In  the  mean  while  notwith- 
ftanding  (as  they  pretend  great  humility)  bccaufe  they  will  not  vaunt 
themftlves  to  be  utterly  void  of  fin,  theyfaine  certaine  finncs,  that 
for  the  forgivcnefle  thereof  ,  they  may  with  great  devotion  pray 
with  the  Public**,  GodbemercipillHnto  me  A  [inner.  Unto  them  theic  i^it-if* 
words  of  S.  Pant,  for  our  fins,  fecme  to  be  but  light  and  trifling  :  Ther- 
fore  they  neither  underftand  them,  nor  in  temptation  when  they  feel 
fin  indeed,can  they  take  any  comfort  of  them,  but  arc  compelled  flatly 

todcfpair.  ihcchi«fc 

This  is  then  the  chiefe  knowledge  and  true  wifdomeofChri-  wifedomeof 
ftians,  to  count  thefe  words  of  P<*ult  that  Chrift  was  delivered  to  chriftians« 
death,  not  for  our  righteoufnefle  or  holineflc,  but  for  our  fins  (which 
are  very  finncs  indeed,  great,  many,  yea  infinite  and  invincible  )  to 
be  moft  true,  efeduall  and  of  greap  importance.    Therefore  thinkc 
them  not  to  be  fmall,  and  fuch  as  may  be  done  away  by  thine  owns 
works  :  neither  yetdefpairethou  for  the  greatncfle  of  them,  ifthoa 
fecle  thy  fdfc  opprefled  there  with,  either  in  lifeor  death  :  but  learn 
hereof.PWtobeleevethat  Chrift  was  given,  not  for  fained  or  coun-        ^^ 
terfeitfins,  nor  yet  for  fmall  finnes,  but  for  great  and  huge  finncs: 
not  for  one  or  two,  but  for  all,  not  for  vanquifhed  fins  (for  no  man, 
no  nor  Angdl  is  able  to  overcome  the  leaft  fin  that  is)  but  for  invinci- 
•  bic  fins.    And  except  thou  be  found  in  the  number  of  tbofc  that  fay  c 

D  4  Our 

Chap.  I.  Vft*  /fo  E'P  i  s  T  1  1 

O*r/&w,thatis,which  have  this  dodrine  of  faith.and  tcach,hcar,lcarhi 
love  and  belccve  the  fame,  there  is  no  falvation  for  thce. 

Labour  therefore  diligently,  that  not  only  out  of  the  timeof  tcnta- 
tion,  but  alfo  in  the  danger  and  conflict  of  death,  when  thy  confciencc 
is  throughly  afraid  with  the  remembrance  of  thy  fins  pait,and  the  dc- 
vill  aflfailcth  thee  with  great  violcnce,going  about  to  overwhclmc  thce 
with  heaps  ,flouds  and  whole  feasof{ins,to  terrific  thec,to  draw  thec 
from  Chrift,  and  to  drive  thce  todcfpaire  ithat  then  I  fay,  thou  maift 
be  able  to  fay  with  fure  confidence  :  Chrift  the  Son  of  God  was  given, 
not  for  the  righteous  and  holy,  but  for  the  unrighteous  and  finncrs.  If 
I  were  righteous  and  had  no  (in,  I  Ohould  have  no  need  of  Chrift  to  be 
my  reconciler.  Why  then,O  thou  peevilh  holy  Satan,wilt  thou  make 
metobcholyandtofeckerightedu{he{Tein  my  felfe,  when  in  very 
deed  I  have  nothing  in  me  but  finnes,  and  moft  grievous  finnes  ?  not 
fained  or  trifling  finnes,  but  fuch  as  are  againft  the  firft  Table  :  To 
Eatable!  wit,  great  infidelity,  doubting,  dcfpairc,  contempt  of  God,  hatred, 
ignorance  and  blafpheming  of  God,  unthankfulncffc,  abufing  of  Gods 
name,  neglcfting,  loathing,  and  dcfpifing  the  word  of  God,  and  fuch 
like  :  And  moreover,  thefe  carnal!  finnes  againft  the  fecond  Table: 
As  not  to  yeeld  honour  to  my  parents,  not  to  obey  the  Magiftrates, 
to  covet  another  mans  goods,  his  wife,  and  fuch  like  :  albeit  that 
thefe  be  light  faults  in  refpeft  ofthofe  former  finnes.  And  admit  that 
I  have  not  committed  murthcr,  whorcdome,  theft  and  fuch  other 
finnes  againft  the  fecond  Table,  in  faft  :  yet  I  have  committed  them 
in  heart,  and  therefore  I  am  a  tranfgreflbur  of  all  Gods  commande- 
mcnts,  and  the  multitude  of  my  finnes  is  fo  great  that  they  cannot 
be  numbred  :  For  I  have  finned  above  the  number  of  the  tends  of  the 

Bcfidesthis,  Satan  is  fuch  a  cunning  juglcr,  that  he  can  make  of 
my  righteoufnes  and  good  works,  great  fins.  Fpr  fo  much  then  as  my 
e    fins  ar«  fo  weighty,  fo  infinite,  fo  horrible  and  invincible,  and  that  my 
s.  righteoufflcff:  doth  nothing  further  me,  but  rather  hinder  me  before 
God  :  therefore  Chrift  th&  Son  of  God  was  given  to  death  for  them^ 
to  put  them  away,  and  fo  favc  all  men  which  bclcevc.    Herein  there 
fore  confifteth  the  effed  of  eternall  falvation,  namely  in  taking  thefe 
words  to  be  effi-ftuall,  true  and  of  great  importance.  I  fay  not  this  for 
nought,  for  I  have  oftentimes  proved  by  experience,  and  I  daily  find 
what  an  hard  matter  it  is  to  believe  (especially  in  the  conflict  of  con- 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  $.  FoT.2  r 

fcicncc)  that  Chrift  was  given,  not  for  the  holy,  righteous,  won  hy, 
and  fuch  as  were  his  friends,  but  for  wicked  finners,for  the  unworthy 
and  for  his  enemies,  which  have  dcferved  Gods  wrath  and  cverlafting 

Let  us  therefore  arme  our  felves  with  thcfe  and  fuch  like  {entences 
of  the  holy  Scripture,  that  we  may  be  able  to  anfwer  the  dcvill  (accu- 
fing  us  and  faying :  thou  art  a  (inner,  and  therefore  thou  art  damned  ) 
in  this  fort,  becaufe  thou  faieft  I  am  a  (inner,  therefore  will  I  be  righ 
teous  and  faved.Nay  (faith  the  devill)  thou  flialt  be  damned.  No  (fay 
I)  for  I  fly  unto  Chrift,  Who  hath  given  himfelfifor  mjfins.  T  hcreforc  HOI*  we 
Satan  thou  (halt  not  prevaile  againft  me  in  that  thou  goeft  about  to  »«ftanfw« 
terrific  me  in  fetting  forth  the  greatnes  of  my  fins,  and  fo  to  bring  me 
into  hcavines,  diftruft,  defpaire,  hatred,  contempt  and  blafpheming  of 
God.  Yea  rather,  in  that  thou  faycft,  I  am  a  (inner,  thougiveftme 
armour  and  weapon  againft  thy  felfe,  that  with  thine  o  wnc  Sword  I 
may  cut  thy  throat,  and  tread  thee  under  my  feet :  for  Chrift  died  lor 
finncrs.  Moreover  thou  thy  felfc  preached  unto  me  the  glory  of  God. 
For  thou  putteft  me  in  mind  of  Gods  fatherly  love  towards  me  wret 
ched  and  damned  (inner :  Who  fo  loved  the  Vtorld,  that  he  gave  his  onely 
begotten  Sonney  that  Vvhopever  bcleevcth  in  htmfoeuldnotperifl),  but  have 
everlafting  lift.  Alfb  as  often  as  thou  objeftcft  that  I  am  a  finner,  fb 
often  thou  callcft  me  to  remembrance  of  the  benefit  of  Chrift  my  re 
deemer,  upon  whofc  (houlders,  and  not  upon  mine,  lie  all  my  (ins: 
Iror  the  Lord  bath  laid  aU  our  inicfuitie  upon  him.  Againc  :  For  the 
tranfgrcffion  of  his  people  Vfas  hs  fmitten.  Wherefore  when  thou  faycft 
I  ain  a  (inner,  thou  docft  not  terrific  me,  but  comfort  me  above  mea- 

Who  fo  knowcth  this  one  point  of  cunning  well,  fhall  eafily  avoid 
all  the  engines  and  fnares  of  the  dcvill,  who  by  putting  man  in  mind 
of  his  fins,  drivcth  him  to  defpair,  and  deftroy  eth  himjunleflfe  he  with- 
ftand  him  with  his  cunning  and  with  this  heavenly  wifdome,whcrby 
only  fin,  death  and  the  devill  arc  overcome.  But  the  man  that  puttcth 
nor  away  the  remembrance  of  his  fin,  but  keepeth  it  (till,  and  tormen- 
teth  himfelf  with  his  own  cogitations,  thinking  either  to  helps  him- 
felfc  by  his  own  ftrcngth  and  policie,  or  to  tarry  the  time  till  his  con- 
fcience  may  be  quieted/alleth  into  Satans  fnares  and  mifcrably  afflicl:- 
cthhimfclfe,  and  at  length  is  overcome  with  the  continuance  of  the 
tentation :  for  the  deviU  will  never  ceafc  to  accufe  his  confcicnce. 


Chap.  T.  Vfon  the  E  *  I  s  T  L  E 

cn ASaJnft  tn's  tootation  we  muft  u&  thefc  words  of  Patl,  in  the 
cS"°  which  hcgiveth  a  very  good  and  a  true  definition  of  Chrift  in  this 
manner  :  Chrift  is  the  Son  of  God  and  of  the  virgin,  delivered  and 
put  to  death  for  cur  fins.  Here  if  the  devill  alledge  any  other  definiti 
on  of  Chrift,  fay  thou  :  The  definition  and  the  thing  defined  are  falfe: 
Therefore  I  will  not  receive  this  definition.  I  fpeake  not  this  with 
out  caufe  :  For  I  know  what  moovcthmetobcfoearncft  that  we 
ftiould  learne  to  define  Chrift  out  of  the  words  of  Paul.  For  indeed 
Chrift  is  no  cruel  sxador,but  a  forgiver  of  the  fins  of  the  whole  world. 
Wherefore  if  thou  be  a  finner(as  indeed  we  are  all)fet  not  Chrift  down 
upon  the  rain-bow  as  a  judg;(for  fo  ihalt  thou  be  terrified  and  defpairof 
his  mercy)  but  take  hold  of  his  true  definition,  namely  that  Chrift  the 
SonofGod,andof  the  virgin  is  a  perfon,  not  that  terrifieth,  not  that 
afriifteth,  not  that  condemnethusof  fin,  not  that  demandeth  an  ac 
count  of  us  for  our  lives  evill  pafled  :  but  hath  given  himfelfe  for  our 
(ins,  and  with  one  oblation  hath  put  away  the  fins  of  the  whole 
world,  hath  faftned  them  upon  the  croffc,  and  put  them  clean  out  by 
c0Ut4.  bimfclf. 

Learn  this  definition  dilieently ,  and  cfpecially  fo  cxercife  this  pro- 

tet  every  ,         .    ,         ,  .  -fj  ..•'..       |     ,  ,J  r-       it 

pounc  (0itr)  that  this  one  tillable  being  beleeved  ,  mayiwallow  upall 

*ky  ^ns  ;  ^^at  *s  to    ^'  t^iat  t^lou  ma*cft  ^n°w  aflurcdly  that  Chrift 
hath  taken  away  the  fins  ,  not  of  ccrtaine  men  only,  but  alfo  of  thee, 
-vea  an<^  °^tne  wn°lc  world.    Then  let  not  thy  fins  be  fins  only,  but 
even  thy  own  fins  indeed: That  is  to  wit,believe  thou  that  Chrift  was 
nor  only  given  for  other  mens  fins,  but  alfo  for  thine.    Hold  this  faft, 
and  furrer  not  thy  fclfby  any  means  to  be  drawn  away  from  this  moft 
fweet  definition  of  Chrift,  which  rejoyceth  even  the  very  Angels  in 
heaven :  That  is  to  fay,  that  Chrift  according  to  the  proper  and  true 
definition,  is  no  Mofes,  no  law-giver ,  no  tyrant,  but  a  Mediatour  for 
the  true  pi-  ^ns* a  ^ree  ^ver  °*  grace,rightcoufnes  and  life:  who  gave  himfelf.noC 
au.eof      for  our  merits,bolines,  rightcoufnes  and  godly  lifc,but  for  our  fins.In- 
chnfl.       j^j  Chrift  doth  interpret  the  la  w^but  that  is  not  his  proper  and  prin- 
cipall  office. 

Thefe  things,as  touching  the  words, we  know  well  enough  and  can 
talk  of  them:  but  in  pradife  and  in  the  conflid-,vvhen  the  devill  goeth 
about  to  defaceChrift,and  to  pluck  the  word  of  grace  out  of  our  hearts, 
we  find  that  we  do  not  yet  know  them  vvell,and  as  we  fhculd  do.He 
that  ac  that  time  could  define  Chrift  truly ,and  cpuld  magnifie  him  and 


TO  the  G  A  I  A  T  H  I  A :N  f .  Fol.2  2 

behold  him  as  bis  moft  fwcetSaviour  and  highPrieft.and  not  as  a  ft  rait 
Judge,  this  man  had  overcome  all  cvils,and  were  already  in  the  king- 
dome  of  heaven.But  this  to  do  in  the  conflicts  of  all  things  the  molt 
hardcft.    J  fpcak  this  by  experience :  for  I  know  the  devils  fubtiltie- , 
\vho  at  that  time  not  only  goech  about  to  fear  us  with  the  terror  of  the 
law,yeaand  alfoofalittlc  motemaketh  many  beams,  that  is  to  fay,  of 
that  which  is  no  fin  he  maketh  a  very  hell  (for  he  is  mirvcllous  crafiy 
both  in  aggravating  fin,and  in  puffing  up  the  conference  even  in  good 
works:)  but  alfo  is  wont  to  fear  us  with  the  very  perfon  of  the  Medi- 
atour :  into  the  which  he  transformerh  himfelf,  and  laying  before  us 
fome  placeof  the  Scripture  or  fome  fay  ing  of  Chrift,  fuddcnly  be  ftri- 
fceth  our  hearts  and  (hewcth  hirnfelfunto  us  in  fuch  fort,  as  if  he  were 
Chrift  indeed,  leaving  us  fticking  fo  faft  in  that  cogitation,   that  euc 
confciencc  would  fweare  it  were  the  fame  Chrift  whofe  faying  he  al- 
ledgcd.Morcovcr/uch  is  the  fubtilty  of  the  enemy  ,that  he  wall  not  fet 
before  us  Chrift  entirely  and  wholy,but  a  peecc  of  Chrift  only,name- 
ly  that  he  is  the  Son  of  God,  and  man  born  of  the  virgin  :  and  by  and 
by  patchcth  therto  fome  other  thing:  That  is  to  fay,  fome  faying  of 
Chrift  wherewith  he  terrifieth  the  impenitent  finncrs,  fuch  as  that  is 
in  Luk^l^.  Except  jerepentjc  flail  all  likmifeperijh :  and  fo  corrupting 
the  true  definition  of  Chrift  with  his  poifon,  he  bringeth  to  paflc  that 
albeit  webeleevehim  to  be  Chrift  thetrueMcdiatour,yetin  very  "deed 
our  troubled  confcience  fceleth  and  judgcth  him  to  be  a  tyrant  and  a 
judgc.Thus  we  being  deceived  by  Satan,doeafily  lofe  that  fvvect  fight 
of  our  high  Prieft  and  Saviour  Chrift.- which  being  once  loft,  we  ihun 
him  no  kfl;  then  the  devill  himfelf. 

And  this  is  the  caufe  why  I  doe  fa  earneftly  call  upon  you,  to 
learne  the  true  and  proper  definition  of  Chrift  out  of  thefe  words  of  rhi*  fco- 
*7>rf»/.  Which  gave  himfelft  for  ourfinnes.  If  he  gave  himfelf  to  death  «nccisdiE- 
for  our  fins,  then  undoubtedly  he  is  no  tyrant  or  judge  which  will  n'ged /° 
condemncus  for  oar  finnss  :  he  is  no  cafter  downe  of  the  afflicted,  vywch_gwc 
but  a  raifcrupofthofe  that  are  fallen,  amercifull  rcleevcr  and  com-  «rfe 
forter  of  the  hcavic  and  broken  hearted.    Life  flbould  Taut  lye  in  iay- 
ing  :  Which  gave  himfelfi  for  our  finnes.     If  I  define  Chrift  thus,  I 
define  him  rightly,  and  take  hold  of  the  true  Chri(V ,  and  pofleflc- 
him  indeed.    And  here  I  let  pa{T:  all  curious  fpeculatioiis  touching 
the  divine  Mrjcftie,  and  I  ftay  my  fclfejn  the  humanity  of  Chrift, 
and  fo  I  learne  truly  to  know  the  will  of  God.     Here  is  then  no  fear, 


Chap.  I.  r^on  tlit  E  P  i  s  T  L  i 

but  altogether  fweetnes,  joy,  peace  of  confciencc  and  fuch  like,  And 
hercwithal  there  is  a  light  t>pened,which  Chcwcth  me  the  true  know 
ledge  of  God,  of  my  fclf,  of  all  creatures,and  all  the  iniquity  of  the  de- 
Tils  kingdome.  We  teach  no  new  thing,  but  we  repcate  and  eftabli(h 
old  things,  which  the  Apoftlcs  and  all  godly  teachers  have  taught  be 
fore  us.  And  would  to  God  we  co«ld  lo  teach  and  cftabliih  them,that 
we  might  not  only  have  them  in  our  mouth  ,  but  alfo  well  grounded 
in  the  bottome  of  our  heart,  and  cfpecially  that  we  might  be  able  to 
ufe  them  in  the  agony  and  conflid  of  death. 

Vcrfc  4>  That  he  mi^kt  deliver  us  from  this  prefect  evill  V)orld. 

Su«hPth*e  1°  thefe  words  alfo  Pd»/handleth  yet  more  effc<3ually  the  argument 
world  prc-  of  this  EpifUe.  He  calleth  this  whole  world,  which  hath  bin,  is,  and 
Q^  ^  the  prefent  World,  to  put  a  dilftrencc  between  this  and  the  c- 
verlafting  world  to  come.  Moreover  he  calteth  it  evill,  bccaufc  that 
whatfoevcr  is  in  this  world,is  fubjecl:  to  the  malice  of  the  devill  reig- 

c  of  tbc  njng  over  the  whole  world.  For  this  caufc  the  world  is  the  kingdome 
dlvclL        of  the  devill.For  there  is  in  it  nothing  but  ignorance,  contempt,  blaf- 
phemy,  hatred  of  God,  and  difobedience  againft  all  the  words  and 
works  of  God.  In  and  under  this  kingdome  of  the  world  arc  we. 

Here  againc  you  fee  that  no  man  is  able  by  his  owne  workes,  or 
sinn«*aie    his  owne  power  to  put  away  finne,  becaufethis  prefcnt  world  is 
cv^»  andasS.^»  faith,  is  fet  upon  mifchitfi.    As  many  therefore, 
as  arc  in  the  world,  are  the  bond-flaves  of  the  devill,  cenftrainc< 
to  fcrve  him,  and  doc  all  things  at  his  plcafurc.   What  availed  it  then 
to  fet  up  fo  many  orders  of  Religion  for  the  abolifaing  of  iinne  ? 
To  dcvife  fo  many  great  and  mod  painfull  workes  ,  as  to  wcarc 
fhirts  of  hairc  ,  to  beat  the  body  with  whips  till  the  bloud  fok 
lowed,  to  goe  on  pilgrimages  to  S.  James  in  harnetfe,  andfuch  other 
like  ?  Be  it  fo  that  thou  doeft  all  thete  things,yet  notwithftanding  this 
is  true,  that  thou  art  in  this  prcfent  evill  world  ,  and  not  in  the  king- 
dome  of  Chrift.    And  if  thou  be  not  in  the  kingdome  of  Chrift, 
it  is  ccrtainc  that  thou  belonged  to  the  kingdome  of  Satan,  which 
is  tllis  evi11  world  •    Therefore  all  the  gifts  either  of  the  body  or  of 
in  there     the  mind  which  thou  enjoycft,  as  wifdomc,  rightcoufnefle,  holi- 
ncfle  »  elo^encc  ,  power  ,  beauty  and  riches  ,  are  but  the  flavifh 
inftrutacnts  of  the  devill,  and  with  all  thefe  thou  art  compelled  to 


GA  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  J. 

fcrvc  him  and  to  advance  his  Kingdomc. 

.   Firft,w ith  thy  wifdom  then  darkneft  the  wifdom  and  knowledge 
of  Chrift,  and  by  thy  wicked  doctrine,  kadcft  men  out  of  the  way, 
that  they  cannot  come  to  the  grace  and  knowledge  of  Chrift.  Thou 
£ttcft  out  and  praifcft  thine  own  righteoufoefle  and  holinefle  :  but 
the  righteoufnes  of  Chrift,  by  which  only  we  are  juftificd  and  quick-  c.e 
ned,  thou  doft  hate  and  condetnneas  wicked  and  dcvillifh.    To  be  more  wife  & 
bricfc,  by  thy  power  thou  deftroycft  the  Kingdomc  of  Chrift,  and  S^O. 
abufcft  the  fame  torootc  out  the  Gofpell,  to  pcrfccutc  and  kill  the  more  doc 
Miniftcrs  of  Chrift,and  fo  many  ashearc  them.  Wherefore  if  thou  be 
Without  Chrift,this  thy  wifdom  is  double  fooliftines,  thy  righteouf- 
ties  double  fin  and  impiety,  becaufc  it  knoweth  not  the  wifdom  and 
righteoufnes  of  Chrift:  moreover  it  darkneth,hindreth,blafphcmeth 
and  perfccutcth  the  famr.Thcrforc  P**/doth  rightly  call  it  the  cvill 
or  wicked  world  :  for  when  it  is  at  the  bcft^thcn  is  it  worft.   In  the 
religious,  wife  and  learned  men,  the  world  is  at  the  beft,  and  yet  in 
very  deed  in  them  it  is  double  evill.    I  ovcrpafle  thofe  groflc  vices 
\vhich  arc  againft  the  fccond  difobediencc  toparcnts,to  Ma* 
giftrates,  aduherics,  whorcdomcs,  covetoufncfle,  thefts,  murthers, 
and  malicioufnes,  wherein  the  world  is  altogether  drowncd,which 
notwithftanding  are  light  faults  if  ye  compare  them  with  the  wifc- 
dpme  and  rightcoufncs  of  the  wicked,  whereby  they  fight  againft 
th'c  firft  table.  This  white  dcviil  which  forccth  men  to  commit  fpi- 
rituall  fins,  that  they  may  fell  them  for  rightcoufncfl-r,  is  farre  mere  de«iL 
dangerous  then  the  black.devill,  which  only  cnforccth  them  to  com*  Ke 
mit  ficfhly  fins,  which  the  world  acknowledged  to  be  fins.  the  matt  *b. 

By  thcfe  words  then  :  That  he  might  deliver  ta,  &c.    P*»t  fhc  w-  bomi"blc- 
eth  what  is  the  argument  of  this  Epi'ftle,  to  wit,  that  we  hate  need  c^n  o^ 
of  grace  and  of  Chrift ,  and  that  no  other  creature,  neither  man  nor  «o  dciiv« 
Angcll,  can  deliver  man  o/ut  of  this  prefent  cvill  world.    For  thefc  Ihi^preftni 
workcs  arc  oncly  belonging  to  the  divine  Majcfty,  and  arc  not  in  w«U. 
the  power  of  any,  cither  man  or  Angell,  that  Chrift  hath  put  away 
finne,  and  bath  delivered  us  from  the  tyranny  and  kingdome  of 
the  deviil,  that  is  to  fay,  from  this  wicked  world,  which  is  an 
obedient  fcrvant  and  a  willing  follower  of  the  dcvill  his  god.  What- :-n,ewofW. 
loever  that  mtirtfoerer  and  father  of  lies  either  doth  or  (peaketh,  ob«ycthhit 
that  the  hismoft  loyalland  obedient  fonnc,  diligcntiy  fol-  JJJJJ  ^* 
lovvcth  and  pcrformcth.   And  therefore  it  is  full  of  the  ignorance 


Chip.  I.  Vftn  /^EPISTLE 

°fGod,  of  hatred,  lying,  errours,  blafpheray,  arid  of  the  contempt 
cf'God :  Moreover  of  groflfc  finncs,  as  murthcrs,'  adulteries,  forni 
cations,  thefts,  robberies  and  fuch  like,  bccaufe  he  folbweth  his  fa- 
tJier  the  devill,  who  is  a  Iyer  and  a  murtherer.  And  the  more  wife, 
righteous  snd  holy  that  men  are  without  Chrift,  fo  nuich  tire  more 
hurt  they  do  to  theGofpell.  So  we  alfo  that  were  religious  men, 
were  double  wicked  in  the  Papacy,  before  God  did  lighten  us 
with  the  knowledge  of  HsGofpdl,  and  yet  notwithstanding  un 
der  the  colour  of  true  piety  and  holinetfc. 

Let  thcfc  words  then  of  Paul  rcmaine  as  they  arc  indeed,  true  and 
ctfeduall,not  coloured  or  counter feit,namely/rtaf  thisprefcnt  world 
u  evill.    Let  it  nothing  at  sll  move  thee,  that  in  a  great  number  of 
men  there  be  many  excellent  vertucs,  and  that  there  is  io  great  a 
venues  and  (hew  of  holincffcin  hypocrites.  Butmarkethou  rather  what  Paul 
lighted      kj^  s  ^  of  whofc  words  thou  maift  boldly  and  freely  pronounce 
this  fentencc  againft  the  world,  that  the  world  with  all  his  wife- 
dome,  power  and  rightcoufncfle,  is  the  kingdomc  of  the  devilljOut 
^>f  the  which  God  alone  is  able  to  deliver  us  by  hisoncly  begotten 

Therefore  let  us  prarfe  God  the  Fathcr,and  give  him  hearty  thanks 
for  this  his  unmeafurablc  mercy,  that  hath  delivered  us  out  of  the 
kingdom  of  the  devill,  (in  the  which  we  were  hoiden  capf  ives)  by 
his  ownSon,whcn  it  was  impoflibleto  bcdonc  by  our  own  ftrength: 
And  let  us  acknowledge  together  with  7*4^,  that  all  our  workcs 
j  and  rightcoufnefle  (  with  all  which  we  could  nof  make  the  devill  to 

pw.i.8.  ftoope  one  haire  bredth)are  but  loflfeand  dung.  Alfo  i,>t  us  caft  under 
our  fecty  and  utterly  abhorre  all  the  power  ot  free-will,  all  Pharifai- 
call  wifdom  and  rightcoufnes,ali  rdigiousorders,all  MaHeSjCcrcmo- 
nies,vowes,faftmg,and  fuch  like,  as  a  moft  rilthy  defiled  cloath,and 
as  the  moft  dangerous  poifon  of  the  devill.  Contran  wife  let  us  cx^ 
toll  and  magnirie  the  glory  of  Chrift, 'who  hath  delivered  us  by  his 
death,not  From  this  world  only,but  from  this  evill  world. 

PWthen  by  this  word  Svitty  fhcweth  that  the  kingdoms  of  the 
fihe  world,  or  the. devils  kingdomc  is  the  kingdome  of  iniquity,  igno 
rance,  crrour,  finhe,  death,  blalphemy,  defpcration,andcverlafting 
damnation.  On  the  other  fide,  the  kingdome  of  Chrift  is  the  King- 
domT!?'    dome. of  equity,  li^ht,  grace,  rcmilTion  of  (inncs,  peace,  conlolati- 
chii«.       QH,{aviDg-hcalihy  and  everlafting  life,  into  the  which 

TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  M  I  A  N  S.  Fo/.2<f 

our  Lord  Jcfus  Chrift,  to  whom  be  glory  world  without 
c"nd.    So  be  it. 

4.    According  to  the  Wi/tof  Cjod.even  oar  Fatttr, 

HercTWfo  placeth  and  ordereth  every  word,  that  there  is  not 
one  cf  them  but  it  fightc'.h  againft  thofe  hlfeApoItlss  for  the  arti 
cle  of /unification.  Chrjfc(faith  he)hath  delivered  us  from  this  wic 
ked  kingdome  of  the  devill  and  the  world.  And  this  hath  he  done  ac 
cording  to  the  will,  good  pleafure  and  comimndaiwnt  of  the  Fa 
ther.  Wherefore  we  be  not  delivered  by  our  own  will  or  cunning, 
nor  by  ourowne  wifrdome  orpohcy,  but  far  that  God  h.ith  taken 
mercy  upon  us,  and  hath  loved  us :  like  as  it  is  written  alfo  in  ano 
ther  place:  Herein  hath  Appeared  the great  love  of  tjod towards  us,  not 
that  Vtc  have  loved  Cjodt  bat  that  he  hath  loved  w,  and  hath  fent  bis      '  ,'*'  ' 
onelj  begot  tt  n  Sonnc  to  be  a  reconciliation  for  c^trfinnei,   That  we  then 
are  delivered  from  this  prcfent  evill  world,tt  is  of  meerc  grace  and;>      «  " 
iTo  dcfert  of  ours.Prf*/  is  fo  plentiful!  and  fb  vehement  in  amplify  ing 
and  extolling  the  grace  of  God,  that  he  lharpneth  and  dirc&eth 
every  word  againft  the  falfc  A  pottles. 

'  There  is  alfo  another  caufc  why  /*^»/hercmaketh  mention  of  the 
Fathers  will,  which  alfo  in  many  places  of  Saint  Johns  Gofpell  is  <fs-. 
clarcd,  where  Chrift  commending  his  office,  callethus  back  to  his 
Fathers  will,  that  in  his  words  and  works  we  fhoul  j  not  la  much 
look  upon  him,as  upon  the  Father.  For  Chrift  came  into  this  world 
and  took  mans  nature  upon  him, that  he  might  be  made  a  facrifice  fee 
the  fins  of  the  whole  world,  and  fo  reconcile  us  to  Goethe  Father,  is  i 
that  he  alone  might  declare  unto  us  how  that  this  was  d one  through  '^ifor! 
?he good  pleafurc  of  his  Father,  that  we  byfaftning  our  eyes  upon  Father- 
Chrift,might  be  drawne  and  carried  ftraight  unto  the  Father. 

For  we  inuft  not  thinkc  (as  before  we  have  warned  you  )  that  by 
'he  curious  fcnrching  of  the  Majefty  of  God,  any  thing  concerning 
God  can  be  knownc  to  our  falvation,  but  by  taking  hold  of  Chrift, 
who  According  to  the  will  of  the  Father  hath  given.himfdf  to  ckath 
<br  our  (inncs.  When  thou  (halt  acknowledge  this  to  be  the  will  of 
God  through  ChriO,then  wrath  ccafeth,  fearc  and  trembling  vani- 
Sieth  away,,ncither  dothGod  appeare'any  other  then  mercifuil,who 
^y  hisdersrminare  counfcll  Would  that  his  Sonnc  fhould  die  for  ns, 
that  we  might  Uv^  rhrough  him.  .This  knowledge  maketh  the  heart 


Chap. I.  fytntbe  EP  i  STL  B 

chearefull,  fo  that  it  ftedfaftly  belecveth  that  God  is  not  angry,  but. 
that  he  fo  loveth  us  poore  and  wretched  finncrs,  that  he  gave  his  on 
ly  begotten  Son  for  us.  It  is  not  for  nought  therefore,  that  /><*«/ doth 
fo  often  repcate  and  beatc  into  our  minds,  that  Chrift  was  given  for 
our  fins,  and  that  by  the  good-  will  of  the  Father.  On  the  contrary 
part,  the  curiousfearchingoftheMajcftyofGod  and  bis  drcadfult 
judgements,  namely  how  he  deftroyed  the  whole  world  with  the, 
flood,  how  he  deftroyed  Sodom, and  fuch  other  things,are  very  dan 
gerous  :  for  they  bring  men  to  dcfperation,  and  call  them  downe, 
headlong  into  utter  dcftruftionjas  I  haveihewed  before. 

ferfe  I.    OfCjodondoitrFatfxr. 

«o<n«  «c6.      This  word  OUR,maft  be  referred  to  both,that  the  meaning  may 
S  F?h"  bc  this>  of  our  God  and  of  our  Bather.    Then  is  (Thrifts  Father  and 
chfift  and   our  Father  all  one.  So  in  the  zo.of  ;^»,Chrift  faith  to  <JWarj  Mag- 
w  Ul*          dalene :  (joe  to  my  bretheren ,And fy unto  them-.l '  afccndumo  mj  Father 
and  jour  Father  ,to  my  Godtandtoj9Hr  (}od.  Therefore  God  is  our  Fa 
ther  and  our  God,  but  through  Chrift.    And  this  is  an  Apoiiolikc 
manner  of  fpccch,and  even  Tank  own  phrafe,  who  indeed  fpcakcth 
not  with  fuch  picked  and  gay  word$,but  yet  very  fit  and  to  the  pur- 
pofc,and  full  of  burning  zeale. 

Vcrft  4.   To  Vt>ho»?  be  glorjfor  evcrani 

The  Hebrew  are  wont  in  their  writings  to  intermingle  praifc  and 
giving  of  thanks.  This  cuftome  the  Hebrewet  and  Apoftlesthcm- 
fclvcs  doc  obferve.  Which  thing  may  very  often  be  feene  in  'Paul. 
For  the  Name  of  the  Lord  ought  to  bc  had  in  great  reverence,  and 
never  to  be  named  without  praifc  and  thankefgiving.  And  thus  to 
doc  is  a  certainc  kind  of  worfhip  and  fervice  or  God.  So  in  worldly 
matters,  when  we  mention  the  Names  of  Kings  or  princes,  we  arc 
went  to  do  it  with  fomc  comely  gcfturc,  reverence  and  bowing  of 
the  knee :  much  more  ought  we,  when  we  fpcake  of  ffiod,  to  bow 
the  knee  of  our  heart  ,and  to  name  the  Name  of  God  with  thankful- 
ncifc  and  great  reverence. 

.    J  mtrvell. 

'  Yc  fee  here  how  ?**l  handlcth  the  g*Uth'utnt,  which  were  fal 
len  away  and  (educed  by  the  f  aifc  ApolUcj.  He  doth  net  at  the  firft 


TO  the  G  A  L  AT  H  T  A  fr  I.  Fol.2? 

fet  upon  them  with  vehement  and  rigorous  \vord«,  but  after  a  ve 
ry  fatherly  iorf,  rot  only  patiently  bearing  their  fall,  but  alfo  in  a 
fnaiuiercxcurtrtg  the  fame.  Furthermore  he  fhew,  eih  towards  them 
a  motherly  rff  ttion,  and  fpcafccth  them  very  fairs,  and  yet  in  iuch 
fort,  that  he  rcproveth  them  notwithftand'mg  :  howbeit  with  very 
ht  words  and  wifely  framed  to  the  purpole.  Contrariwife  he  is 
•very  hot  and  full  of  indignation  againft  thole  falfe  Apoftles  their 
lcducers,upon  whom  he  Uuth  the  whole  fault :  and  therfore  forth 
with,  even  in  the  entrance  of  his  Epiftle,  he  burfteth  out  into 
plainethundcringsand  lightnings  againft:  them.  If  any  man  (frith 
he)  preach  Any  ether  Cj ofy ell  then  that yec  have  received^  1st  him  he 
accurfcd.  And  afterwards  in  the  5 .  Chapter  he  threatneth  damna 
tion  unto  them  :lVhofo  troubleth  you  flail  bcare  his  condemnation 
whatfifvfr  hf  be.  Moreover  he  curfeth  them  with  horrible  words,  G*1 5l1*" 
faying  :  Wonldto  Cjod  they  ^ere  cuf.~  of,  Which  trouble  you.  Thefe  arc 
dreadful!  thunder- claps  againft  the  righteoulacfle  of  the  flsrti  or  the 

He  might  have  handled  the  G*l*tk'uuu  more  uncurteoufly,  and 
liavc  inveycd  againft  them  more  roughly  after  this  manner:  out  up 
on  this  back-Hiding,!  am  aftiamcd  of  you,your  unthankfulnes  grie- 
vcth  me, I  am  angry  with  you  :Orc!s  thus  tragically  have  cried  out 
againft  them :  O  ungracious  \vorld,6  wicked^dealing^Je^.But  for 
as  much  as  his  purpofe  is  to  raife  up  them  that  were  fain :  ,and  with 
a  fatherly  care  to  call  thcin  back  again  from  their  errour  to  the  pa-  J 
rity  of  theGofpell,  he  leaveththoie  rough  and  harp  words,  efpc-  icn 
cially  in  the  firft  entrance,  and  moft  gently  and  mildly  he  fpeakcth 
unto  them.  Vor  feeing  he  went  about  to  heal  the  n  that  were  woun-  may 
ded,  it  was  not  meet  that  he  fhoaid  no  .v  further  vex  their  grecne 
•wound  by  laying  to  it  a  fharpe  and  a  fretting  plaitrer,  and  fo  rather 
hurt  the  wounded  then  healc  them.Therforc  of  all  the  fwceteft  and 
Biildcft  words,hc  couldin©t  havcchofcn  any  one  more  fit  then  this, 
'JtHATvefl:  vvhcrby  hcfignifieth  both  that  it  griered  him,  and  alfo 
difpleafed  him  that  they  had  falne  away  from  him. 

And  here  Tdw/ is  mind  full  of  his  own  rule,  which  he  giveth 
hereafter  in  the  (ixt  Chapter,  where  he  faith  :  "Brethren^  if  a  man 
be  frlne  by  occAJion  into  any  fattJr,  jee  Vvhich  art  fptrittMft,  reft  ore 
fttcb  *  one  Vt>iih  the  fjjfrit  of  tneckenefie ,  ctnfidcrin^  thy  felfi,  left 
1  his  example  mulk  we  alfo  follow,  that  we 
£  may 

Chap.  I.  Vfon  tkt  E  p  i  s  T  L  a 

may  {hew  our  fclvcs  to  bearc  like  afcdion  towards  filch  as  are  mif- 
led,  as  parents  bcarc  towards  their  childrcn,that  they  may  perceive 
How  the     our  fatherly  and  motherly  aflfcdion  towards  thousand  may  fee  that 
(Uchk"«c     we  kck  not  tncir  dcftrudion  but  their  welfare.    Bu;  as  for  the  de- 
faiien, ought  rill  and  his  raimftcrsjthc  authours  of  falfe  dodrin  and  fcds,againft 
i«4<h*od*    them  we  ought  by  the  example  of  the  Apoftle,  to  be  impatient, 
proud,Qurp  and  bitter,detefting  and  condemning  their  falfe  jug- 
lings  and  deceits  with  as  much  rigour  and  fevcrity  as  may  be.    So 
Parents  when  their  child  is  hurt  with  the  biting  of- a  dog,are  wont 
to  purfue  the  dog  only,but  the  weeping  child  they  bemoane,  and 
fpcak  fair  unto  it,comforting  it  with  moft  fweet  words. 

The  Spirit  therefore  that  is  in  T**!,  is  wondcrfull  cunning  in 
handling  the  afilided  confcicnces  of  inch  as  are  fallen.Contrariwifc 
the  Pope  (bccaufe  he  is  led  with  a  wicked  i-pirit;  brcaketh  out  vio 
lently  like  a  tyrant,  and  rappcth  out  his  thunder-claps  and  curfings 
againft  the  mifcrable  and  terrified  in  confcience :  which  thing  may 
bcfceninhis  Bul8,and  efpecially  inthat  Bull  touching  the  Lords 
•«.  n  j  r  Sapper.  The  Bil"hopsalfo  do  their  duty  never  a  whit  better.  They 

TTieRudvot         rr  r  /  .  / 

Biftopi  to     teach  not  the  uoipdljthey  arc  not  carerull  ror  the  laving  or  mcns 
•aintiine      {ou\e&  but  only  they  feck  Lordfhip  and  foveraignty  over  them.and 

their  Lord-        ./i./'i.  11-  i  •• 

fo-  therrore  their  Ipeakmgs  and  doings  are  altogether  to  maintain  and 
fupport  the  fame.  In  like  manner  arc  all  the  vain-glarious  Dodors 
and  Teachers  afccted.. 

Verfe6.   T  hat  fo  foot*. 

Yc  fee  how  /^/complainethjthat  to  fall  in  faith,is  an  eafie  mat- 
tcr>  ^n  refrcc^  whereof  he  warneth  the  faithfull  in  another  place,, 
That  he  which  fliincleth.  foouldtake  hied  tk  At  he  fall  H9t.  We  alfo  doc 
daily  prove  by  cxperience,how  hardly  the  mind  conceivcth  and  rc- 
taineth  a  found  and  ftedfaft  faith:Alfo  with  what  great  difficulty  a 
perfect  people  is  gotten  to  the  Lord.  A  man  may  labour  half  a  fcorc 
years  ere  he  lhall  get  Come  little  Church  to  be  rightly  and  rcligiouf- 
ly  ordcred,and  when  it  i&fo  ordered,  there  crccpeth  in  fome  mad- 
brain,  yea  and  a  very  unlearned  ideot,whkh  can  do  nothing  els  but 
4>cak  flanderoufiy  and  fpitcfully  againft  finccre  preachers  of  the 
word,and  he  in  one  moment  overthrowcth  all*  Whom  would;  not 
this  wicked  and  outragious  dealing  move  ? 


7*  the  GALATHIANS^  Fol.2<$ 

'  We  by  the  grace  of  God  have  gotten  here  at  fPitttnkrg*  the  form 
of  a  CHnftian  Church. The  word  among  us  is  purely  taught,the  Sa 
craments  are  rightly  ufcd,  exhortations  and  prayers  arc  made  alfo 
for  all  cftatcs;  and  to  be  briefe,  all  things  go  forward  profperoufly. 
This  moft  happy  courfc  of  the  Gofpcll  fome  mad  head  would  foon 
ftop,and  in  one  moment  would  overturn  all  that  we  in  many  yean 
with  great  labour  have  builded.  Even  ib  it  befell  to  PWthe  cleft  _ 
Ycflcll  of  Chrift .    He  had  won  the  Churches  ofG^tia  with  great  in  fif , *e 
care  and  travell,  which  the  falfe  Apoftlcs  in  a  fliort  time  after  his  °f  g°jj'y 
departure  overthrew,  as  this  and  diverfc  other  of  his  Epiftlcs  doe  biude/Lp" 
witncfle,    So  great  is  the  weakneffc  and  wretcheineflc  of  this  prc-  ?f°DC  wic- 
fcntlife,  and  we  Co  walkeinthemidft  of  Satans  fnarcs,  that  one  ^qJSSj8* 
fantafticall  head  may  deftroy  and  utterly   overthrow  in  a  (hort  ^cHcojci, 
fpace,  all  that  which  many  true  Ministers,  labouring  night  and 
day,  have  builded  up  many  years  beforc.This  welearncat  this  day 
by  experience  te  our  great  griefc,  and  yet  we  cannot  remedy  this 

Seeing  then  that  the  Church  is  fo  fofc  and  fb  tender  a  thtng,and  is  A  true  .m 
fo  foon  overthrown, men  muft  watch  carefully  againft  thcfe  fanta-  aureof  (a*. 
fticall  (pirits :  who  when  they  have  heard  two  Sermons,  or  have 
read  a  few  leaves  in  the  holyScripturcs,by  and  by  they  make  them- 
fdvcs  mafters  and  controllers  of  all  learners  and  teachers,  contrary 
to  the  authority  of  all  men.  Many  fuch  alfo  thou  cnaift  find  at  this 
day  among  handy  crafts  men,  bold  and  malapert  fcllowes,  who  be- 
caufe  they  have  Dcen  tryed  by  no  tcntations,  did  never  learnc  to 
feareGod,  nor  had  any  taftc  or  feeling  of  grace.  Thcfe  for  f  hat  they 
are  void  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  teach  what  Hketh  themfelvcs  bcft,  and 
fuch  things  as  are  plauriblc  and  plcafant  to  the  common  people. 
Then  the  unskilfull  multitude,  longing  tohearc  news,doby  and  by 
joyn  themf.'lves  unto  them :  yea  and  many  alfo  which  think  them 
felvcs  well  fccn  in  the  do&rin  of  faith,and  after  a  fort  have  bin  tried 
with  temptations,arc  fcduced  by  them. 

Since  that  TM*I therefore  by  his  own  experience  may  teach  us, 
that  Congregations  which  arc  won  by  great  labour,  arccafily 
and  foonc  ovcrthrowne,  we  ought  with  fingular  care  to  watch 
againft  the  dcvill  ranging  every  where,  left  he  come  while  we 
flcep,  and  fow  tares  among  the  wheat :  for  though  the  fhcphcards  epc' 
be  never  io  watchfull  and  diligent,  yet  is  the  Chriftian  flocke 

E  a  in 

Chap,!.  Vfm  tit  E?  i  s  ,r  L  E 

in  danger  of  Sattn.For  P**/(as  I  f^id)  with  (ingular  ftudy  and  dili 
gence  had  planted  Churches  in  Ga/atia.,  and  yet  he  had  fcarcely  fst 
his  foot  (as  they  fiy)  out  uf  the  doore,  but  by  and  by  the  falfe  Apo- 
ftles  overthrew  Tome,  whofe  fall  afterward  was  th-  caufe  of  greit 
ruins  in  the  Churches  of  Gal*tia.Th\s  fo  fudden  and  fci  great  a  lofl>, 
no  doubt  was  more  bitter  unto  the  Apoftle  then  death  it  fclf.Wbcr- 
forc  let  us  watch  diligently ,firft  every  one  for  himfelf,  fccondly  ail 
teachers,  not  only  for  thamfelves,  but  alfo  for  the  whole  Chuicb, 
that  we.  enter  not  into  tentation. 

Verfe  6.  Ye  are  removed  aw AJ. 

Here  once  againe  he  ufcth  not  a  (harpe,but  amoft  gentle  word. 
He  faith  not,  /awrzW/thatyeJofuddcnly  fall  a  way,  that  ye  arc  f<> 
difobedicnt,light,inco:i{>ant,untlnnkrull6ut  that  y  s  aie  lo  foon  re 
moved.  As  if  he  fhould  fay;  Ye  are  altogether  patients  or  fuff.-rers : 
for  ye  have  done  no  harmc,  but  ye  have  fuff.'red  and  received  harm. 
To  the  intent  therfore  that  he  might  call  back  again  thof^  back-fli-* 
dcrs,he  rather  accuf^th  thofe  that  did 'rcinove,then  thofe  that  were 
removedj&  yet  very  modeftly  heblameth  themalfo,whenhe  com- 
plaineth  that  they  were  removed.  As  if  he  would  fay:  Albeit  I  em 
brace  you  with  a  fatherly  affcc'Hon.and  know  that  ye  are  deceived, 
not  by  your  own  defauk,butby  the  default  of  the  falfe  Apoftles:yet 
notwithftanding  I  would  have  wiQied,that  ye  had  bin  grown  up  a 
little  more  in  the  ftrength  of  found  do&rine.  Ye  took  not  hold  c- 
nough  upon  the  word,ye  rooted  not  your  felves  deep  enough  in  it, 
and  that  is  the  caufc  that  with  fo  light  a  blaft  of  wind,yc  are  carried 
and  removed.   Jtrom  thinkcth  that  Paul  meant  to  interpret  this 
WordQ(?*/tf//»M«/]by  alluding  to  the  Hebrew  word  C/a/atb}  which 
is  as  much  to  fay,as  fallen  or  carried  a  way.  As  though  he  would  fay: 
JJj1 35SJJ.  ye  are  right<7^^#J  both  in  name  and  in  decd,that  is  te  fay,fallen 
w>n  of  the  or  removed  away.  Some  thinke  that  the  Cjermane*  arc  dcfccnded  of 
the  (/4^/^4*r:Ncitricr  rs  this  divination  perhaps  untrue.    For  the 
Germane*  are  not  much  unlike  to  them  in  nature.  And  I  my  felf  alfo 
am  cor.ftrained  to  wifh  to  my  Country- men  more  ftedfallncs  and 
conftancy  :For  in  all  things  that  we  do,at  the  fii'tt  brunt  we  be  very. 
hot,  but  when  the  heat  of  our  affcftions  is  allay  ed,anoa  we  become 
more  flack,and  look  wich  what  rafhncs  we  begin  things,,  with  the 
fame  we  give  them  over  and  utterly  reject  them. 


T0  the  G  A  i  AT  H  i  A  N  s. 

1  At  the  firft  when  the  light  of  the  Ccfpcll,  after  fo  great  dsrtes  cf  we!i  bciali 
.inens  traditions  began  to  appeare,  many  were  zcalcufiy  bent  to  god-f^"*" 
•lines  :  they  heard  Sermons  greedily  snd  had  the  MinfftcrS  of  Godsior0urh«e 
•word  in  reverence.  But  now  when  Religion  is  happily  reformed  J;£a°nnd^ 
With  fo  great  increafc  of  Gods  word,  many  which  before  fcemcd  to  ^  arpcat 
be  earneft  difciplcs,  arc  become  contcmners  and  very  enemies  therof,  by  *n:  cold 
who  not  only  catt  offthc  fludy  and  zeale  of  Gods  word  and  dcfpifc  °' 
•the  Miniftcrs  therof  ,but  alfo  hate  all  good  learning,and  become  plaia 
hogs  and  belly- gods,  worthy  (doubtlcsj  to  be  compared  unto  the 
f  oolifh  and  inconftant  Gatathia»s. 

Vtrfe  6.  From  him  that  h*th  CdKedjatt  in  the$r<tce  of  Chrift, 

This  place  is  fomcwhat  doubtfull,  and  thcrforc  it  hath  a  doable  un-  A 
derftanding.Thc  firft  is  :  From  that  C^r'lfl  ^4t  hath  called  JOH  in  grace.  e< 
The  other  is :  From  him,  that  is  to  fay  from  God  which  Lith  called  you  in  "j 
tkcgraceofChr'tft.l  imbracc  the  former.  Foritliketh  me,thatevenas 
Paul  a  little  before  madeChrift  the  Redeemer,  who  by  his  death  de-  the  drifts 
livered  us  from  this  prcfent  cvill  world :  alfo  the  giver  of  grace  and  purpofc 
pecce  equally  with  God  the  Father :  fo  he  fhould  make  him  here  al-      \ 
fo  the  caller  in  grace  :  For  Fault  fpcciall  purpofe  is,  to  beat  into  our  flit 
minds  the  benefit  cf  Chrift  by  whom  we  come  unto  the  Father. 

There  is  alfo  in  thefe  words :  From  him  thttt  kath  called M  ingrdce,* 
great  vehcmcncy ,  Wherein  is  contained  withall  a  contrary  relation. 
As  if  he  would  fay :  Alas,  how  lightly  do  you  fufijr  your  felves  to  be 
with  drawne  and  removed  from  Chrift,  which  hath  called  you :  not 
as  Mofes  did  to  the  law,  works,  finncs,  wrath  and  damnation,  but  Parifon  bc- 
altogether  to  grace.So  we  alfo  complainc  at  this  day  with  7  W,that  c7i"ng  'of 
the  blindnciT:  and  perverfencflfe  of  men  is  horrible,  in  that  none  will  chrift  to 
receive  the  doiftrine  of  grace  and  falvation.  Or  if  there  be  any  that  fhJ°ec',|"f 
receive  it,  yet  they  quickly  flide  back  again  and  fall  from  it,  whereas  of  M«/«  "f 
notwithftanding  it  bringsth  with  it  all  good  things,as  well  ghoftly  l^^sw  InU 
asbodily,namely  forgiveneflt  of  finnes,tru;:  righteoufnc{T:,peacc  of 
confcicnce,and  everlaftinglifc.Moreovcritbringeth  light  and  found  w.f»«  goad 
judgement  of  all  kinds  of  doctrine  and  trades  of  life.  Itapprovcth  JeSine^of 
and  eftablifhethcivill  government,  houfe-hold  governement,and  all  gr«e  brin- 
kindsof  life  that  are  ordained  and  appointed  of  God.   It  rootcth  up»RCth  withtt' 
alldodrines  oferror,feditionj  confuiion  and  fuch  likerand  it  put- 

E  3  teth 

Chap.T.  rfon  th  E  ?  i  s  1 1  H 

teth  away  the  fcarc  offinne  and  death,  and  to  be  ftiort,  it  difcore- 
reth  all  the  fubtill  Heights  and  works  of  the  devill,  and  opcnetuthe 
benefits  and  love  of  God  towards  us  in  Chrift.  What  (  with  a  mif- 
chiefe)  means  the  world  to  hate  this  word,this  glad  tidings  of  ever- 
lafting  comfort,  grace,  fjlvation  and  eternal]  life,  fo  bitterly,  and  to 
perfecateit  withfuch  heliifh outrage? 
Tbe  world  Paul  before  called  this  prefent  world  evil!  and  wicked,  that  is  to 
&y>  the  devils  kingdome:For  clfe  it  would  acknowledge  the  benc- 
fit  and  mercy  of  God  :  forasmuch  as  it  is  under  the  power  of  the 
devill,  therefore  doth  it  moft  fpitcfully  hate  and  perfecutc  the  fame, 
loving  d^rkneflc,  errors  and  the  Kingdome  of  the  devill,  more  then 
the  light,  the  truth  and  the  Kingdoms  of  Chrift.  And  this  it  doth 
not  through  ignorance  or  error,  but  through  the  malice  of  the  devill. 
»ec6-  Which  thing  hereby  may  futftciently  appcare,  in  that  Chrift  the 
rea  Sonne  of  God  by  giving  himfclfe  to  death  for  the  fins  of  all  men, 
unto  hath  therby  gained  nothing  els  of  this  pervcrfe  and  damnable  world, 
^ut  ^at  *or  tnis his incftimable  benefit,  it  Slafphcmeth  him  and 
perfccuteth  his  moft  helthfull  word.&ffainc  would  yet  ftill  naile  him 
to  the  Crofle,  if  they  could.  Therefore  notonely  the  world  dwel- 
leth  in  darkenefle,  but  it  is  darkneflfe  it  feife,  as  it  is  written  in  the  firft 
of  fohn. 

Paul  therefore  ftandeth  much  upon  thcfe  words :  Front  Chrifl 
Vvkick  hath  called  you.  As  though  he  would  fay  :  My  preaching  was 
not  of  the  hard  lawes  ofMofes,  neither  taught  I  that  yc  fhould  be 
bond- flaves under  the  yoke: but  I  preached  the  onely  doctrine  of 
Srace  an<^  frccdeme  from  the  law,  finnc,  wrath,  and  damnatiomtbat 
is  to  fay,thatChrift  hath  mercifully  called  you  in  grace,that  ye  Ihould 
.  .be  free- men  under  Chrift,  and  not  bond-men  under  Mofes^  whofc 
EOfi"CCf  difciplcs  ye  are  now  become  againeby  the  meanes  of  your  falfe  Apo- 
ftlcs,  who  by  the  law  of  Mofes  called  you  not  unto  grace,  b'Jt  unto 
wrath,  to  the  hating  of  God,  to  finne  and  death.  But  Chrifts  calling, 
bringeth  grace  and  faving  health.  For  they  that  be  called  by  him,  in 
{lead  of  the  law  that  worketh  forro w,  do  gaine  the  glad  tidings  of 
the  gofpcll,  and  arc  tranflated  out  of  Gods  wrath  into  his  favour, 
out  of  finnc  into  righteoufnefle,  and  out  of  death  into  life.  And  will 
you  fuff>r  your  fclves  to  be  carried,  yea  &  that  fo  foone  and  fo  eafily 
another  way,  from  fuch  a  living  fountain,  full  of  grace  and  life? 

s  call  men  to  gods  wrath  and  to  (inne  by  the  law  of 

/~»  j 


God,  whither  (hall  the  Pope  call  men  by  his  owne  traditions?  The 
other  fence,  that  the  Father  calteth  in  the  grace  ofCkrifl,  is  alfo  good.' 
but  the  former  fence  cencerning  Chrift,  lerveth  more  fitly  for  tha 
comforting  of  afMied  confcicnces. 

Verfe  6.  Vnto  anotkr  gofpett. 

Here  we  may  learnc  toefpie  the  crafty  fleightsand  fubtilticsof 
the  devill.  No  heritikc  commeth  under  the  title  of  errors  and  of  the  the  «hira 
devill,  neither  doth  the  devill  hirnfelfc  come  as  a  devill  in  his  ownc  devillt 
likencfie,  efpccially  that  white  devill  which  we  fpake  of  before.  Yea 
even  thcblackc  devill,  which  forceth  men  to  manifcft  wickedneffc, 
makcth  a  cloke  for  them  to  cover  that  finne  which  they  commit  or 
purpofe  to  commit.  The  murtherer  in  his  rage  fseth  not  that 
murther  is  fo  great  and  horrible  a  finne  as  it  is  indeed,  for  that  he 
hath  a  cloke  to  cover  the  fame.  Whoremongers,  theevcs,  covetous 
p:rfons,  drunkards  and  fuch  other  have,  wherewith  to  flatter  thcn> 
jbl  vcs  and  cover  their  \  nnes.  So  the  blacke  devill  alfo  commeth  out 
difguifed  and  counterfeit  in  all  his  works  and  devices.  But  in  fpiri-  di" 
tuall  matter,  where  Satan  commeth  forth  not  black,  but  white  in  the 
likcnefc  ofanangell  or  of  God  himfelf,  there  he  pafftth  himfelfc 
with  moft  crafty  difliraulation  and  wonderfull  Heights,  and  is  wont 
to  fet  forth  to  fale  his  moft  deadly  poyfon  for  the  doftrine  of  grace,  &eii 
for  the  word  of  God,  for  the  gofpell  of  Chrift.  For  thiscaufc^W 
callcth  the  doctrine  cf  the  falfe  Apoftles  Satans  minifters,  a  Gofpell 
alfo, faying, Vnto  another  GofytU:b\&  in  derifion.  As  though  he 
would  fayj  ycGalathians  have  now  other  Evangelifts  and  another 
Gofpell :  My  Gofpell  is  now  difpifed  of  you,  it  is  now  no  more  in 
cftimation  among  you. 

Hereby  it  may  eafily  be  gathered,  that  thefc  falfe  Apoftles  had  r* 
Condemned  the  Gofpell  ofTaul  among  the  Galathlansy  faying  Pan/  ftflae*T 
indeed  hath  begun  well,  but  to  have  begun  well  it  is  not'enough: 
for  there  remaine  yet  many  higher  matters.  Like  as  they  fay  in  the 
1 5 .  of  the  Afts :  It  u  not  enough  forjon  to  beleeve  in  £hrift  or  to  he 
fapti&d,    but  it  beboveth  dfo  that  jee  be  circftmcifcd:  Ferexceft 
jee  be  circumcifed  after  the  laV9  of  Mofes,  ye  cannot  be  faved.  This 
is  as  much  to  fay,  as  Chrift  is  a  good  workcrnan,  which  hath  in 
deed  begun  a  building,  but  he  hath  not  finiihed  it.,  for  this  uiuii 
Mofes  do. 

ChapJ.  Vfon  tkc  EP  I  s  T  L  E 

So  at  this  day,  when  the  fantafticall  Anabaptifts  and  others  can- 
livciy  pain-  not  manifeftly  cotijem.iius,  they  fay:Thefe  Lxth:ravs  hive  the  fpi- 
rit  of  fearefulnvfljjth-y  dare  mt  frankly  an  j  freely  profcflfj  the  truth, 
and  gothorow  with  it.   Indeed  they  fnvehid  a  foundation,  that  is 
to  fay,  they  have  well  taaght  faith  in  Chrift,but  the  beginning,thvj 
midit  and  the  end  mull  be  pined  together.  To  bring  this  to  paflfe, 
God  hath  not  given  it  unto  them,but  hath  left  it  untou?.    .fothefc 
perverfe  and  devilhfli  fpirits  extoll  and  magnifie  their  curfeddo- 
CtrinCjCalling  it  the  word  ofGod,and  founder  the  colour  of  Gods 
*viif  loTbe   name jthcy  deceive  many.  For  the  devill  will  not  be  ugly  and  blacks 
buck  in  h;$  jn  hjs  minifters,but  faire  and  white.  And  to  the  end  he  may  appearc 
to  be  luch  a  one,he  fetteth  forth  and  dcckcth  al  his  Avords  and  works 
with  the  colour  of  truth,and  with  the  name  of  God.Hcreof  is  fprung 
that  common  Proverb  among  the  Gfrmanes  ,  Jn  gods  name  begin- 

The  dcrill     net^  "^  wfebiffe. 

doih  moic        Wherefore  let  us  lcarnc,.that  this  is  a  fpeciall  point  of  the  devils 
Shi^nS  cunning,that  if  he  cannot  hurt  by  perfccuting  and  deftroying,he  doth 
tb«n  on  the  it  under  a  color  of  correcting  and  building  up.So  now  a  daics  he  per- 
k"'          fecutcth  us  with  power  andfword,  that  when  we  are  once  taken 
away  and  difpatched,he  may  notonely  deface  the  Gofpcll,but  utter 
ly  overthrow  it.But  hitherto  he  hath  prevailed  nothing,  for  he  bath 
flainejmany,  who  have  conftantly  confefledthis  our  doctrine  to  be  - 
holy  and  heavenly,thorow  whofe  blood  the  Chuch  is  not  deftroyed,. 
but  watered.  Forafmuch  thcrfore  as  he  could  prcvaile  nothing  that 
way,he  ftirreth  up  wicked  fpirits  and  ungodly  teachcrs,which  at  the 
firft  allow  our  doftrin,and  teach  the  fame  with  a  common  confcnt 
together  with  us.  But  afterwards  they  fay  that  it  is  our  vocation  to 
teach  the  firft  principles  ofChriftian  doftrinc,  and  that  the  mifteries . 
eft  he  Scripture  are  revealed  unto  them  from  above  by  God  him- 
felfe,  and  that  they  are  called  for  this  purpofc,  that  they  fhould  open 
them  to  the  world.  After  this  manner  doth  the  devill  hinder  the 
courfeof  the  Gofpcll,  both  on  the  right  hand  and  on  the  left,  but; 
more  on  the  right  hand  (as  I  faid  before  jby  building  and  correcting* 
Bywfeat      then  on  the  left  by  perfccuting  and  deftroying,  \Vhcrforc  it  beho- 
means  pure  vcth  us,  to  pray  without  ceafing,  to  readc.  the  holy  Scriptures,  to 
c^cavc  ^a^  unto  Chrifl-  and  his  holy  word,that  we  may  overcome  the 
devils  fubtiltics,with  the  which  he  aflaikth  us  both  on  the  right  hand 
and  on  the  left,  Forwemtttknot  agtiintf  fls/h  and  bhod, 

TO  t  fa  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S . 



nes  of  this  worldtagainft  thejpirltuaU  wickeAneftes  In  heavenly  things. 

Verfe    7.  which  is  not  another  (jofpell,  btttthtt  there  be  fome  Which 

Here  againe  he  excufeth  the  galatlians,  and  rnoft  bitterly  repro- 
Tcth  the  falfe  Apoftlcs*-  As  though  he  would  fay,  ye  tyt/aikitisaip 
borne  in  hand,  that  the  Goipell  which  ye  havcreceived  of  me  is  not 
the  true  and  fincere  Gofpcll:and  therfcrc  ye  thinkeye  do  well  to 
receive  that  new  Gofpell,  which  the  falfc  Apcftles  teach,  andfee- 
mcth  to  be  better  then  mine.  I  do  not  fo  much  charge  you  with  this 
fault,  as  thofe  difturbcrs  which  trouble  your  confciences,  and  pull 
you  out  of  my  hand.  Here  you  fee  againe,how  vehement  and  hot  hcc 
is  agamft  thofe  deccivers,and  with  what  rough  and  fharp  words  he 
painteth  them  out,  calling  them  troublers  of  the  Churchcs,which  do  Jhe  ««»• 
nothing  clfe  but  fcduce  and  deceive  innumerable  poore  confciences,  ! 
giving  ocoafions  of  horrible  mifchicfe'ahd  calamities  in  the  Congre 
gations.  This  great  enormity  wcalfifat  this  day  are  conftrained  to 
fee,to  the  great  griefe  of  our  hearts,  and  yet  are  more  able  to 
remedy  it,thcn  TW  was  at  that  time. 

This  place  witndleth,  that  thofe  falfe  Apoftles  had  reported 
Paul  to  be  an  unperfeft  Apoftle,  and  alfo  a  weake  and  erronious 
Preacher.  T  hereforc  he  againe  here  calleth  them  troublers  of  the 
Churches,  and  overthrowcrs  of  the  Gofpell  of  Chrift.  Thus  they 
condemned  each  other.The  falfe  Apoftles  condemned  P<i»/,and  'Paul 
againe  the  falfe  Apoftles.The  like  contending  and  condemning  is  al-  Ijjjy"" 
wayesin  the  Church:  efpecially  when  the  doctrine  of  the  Gofpell 
flouridicthjto  wit,that  wicked  teachers  do  pcrfecute,condemne  and 
opprefle  the  godly  :and  on  the  other  lidc,that  the  godly  do  reprove 
andcondemnc  the  ungodly. 

The  Papifts  and  the  fantafticall  fpirits,do  at  this  day  hatc'us  dead 
ly  3ard  condemne  our  doclrine  as"  widked  and  erronious.  Yea  more* 
over  they  lie  in  wait  for  our  goods  and  lives.  And  we  againe  do  with 
a  perfect  hatred  dctcft  and  condemne  their  cnrfcd  and  blafphcmous 
dodrin.In  the  mean  time  the  miferablc  people  arc  at  no  ftay :  wave 
ring^  hither  and  thither?asuncertainc  and  doubtfull  to  which  part 
they  may  l:an,orwhom  they  may  fafely  folio w^or  it  istiot  given  to 
cycry  one  to  judge  Chriftianly  of  fuch  weighty  matters, But  the  end 


Chap.  I.  Vpon  the  E *  i  $  T  L  H 

will  fhsw  which  part  tcachcth  truly,  and  j  jftly  condemn  the  other. 
Sure  it  is  that  we  perfccute  no  man,  opprdfc  no  man,  put  no  man  to 
death,  neither  doth  our  doftrinc  trouble  rnens  confcknces,  but  de- 
livereth  them  out  of  innumerable  errours  and  fnarcs  of  the  devill. 
For  the  truth  hereof  wee  have  the  teftimonic  of  many  good  men, 
who  give  thankes  unto  God ,  for  that  by  out  doftrme,  they  have  re 
ceived  certaine  and  fure  confolation  to  their  eonfciences.  Wherefore 
like  as  Paul  at  that  time  was  not  to  be  blamed  that  the  Churches 
werctrqubled,but  the  falie  Apoftles :  fo  at  this  day  it  is  not  our  fault, 
but  the  fault  of  the  Anabaptifts  and  fuch  francicke  fpirits,  that  many 
and  great  troubles  arc  in  the  Church. 

Every  one        Marke  here  diligently ,  that  every  teacher  of  workes  and  of  the 

SwhVh""  righteoufncflc  of  the  law,  is  a  troublcr  of  the  Church,and  of  the  con- 

wotkes«io   fcicnces  of  men.   And  who  would  ever  have  belccved  that  the  Pope, 

•!»ubtarof  Cardinals  ,  BiQiops,  Monkes ,  and  that  whole  Synagogue  of  Satan, 

mem  con.   fpecially  the  founders  of  thofe  holy  religious  orders  (of  which  num- 

•««.     her  ncverthclcffc  God  might  ftv^-fome  by  miracle)  were  troublers  of 

mensconfciences.'Yea  verily  tKey  beyet  farre  worfethen  were  thofe 

falfe  Apoftles.    For  the  falfe  Apoftles  taught ,  that  bcfides  faith  in 

Chrift  ,  the  workes  of  the  law  of  God  were  alfo  neceflarie  to  falva- 

the  p«pjft«  tion.  But  the  Papifts  omitting  faith,  have  taught  men  traditions 

ifa  fair*2i  an(^  wor^s  not  commanded  of  God,  but  devifed  by  themfelves  with- 

poliiJs.   '  out  and  againft  the  word  of  God :  and  thefchave  they  not  oncly 

oSf6    f030'6  Cc3ua^  w^^  t^ie  wor<^  °f God,but  alfo  exalted  them  farrc  above 

*  if.  But  the  more  holy  the  heretikes  fecm  to  be  in  out  wad  (hew,  fo 

much  the  more  mifchiefe  they  do.  For  if  the  falfe  Apoftles  had  not 

becne  indued  with  notable  gifts,  with  great  authority ,  and  a  ftiew 

of  holincflfe,  arid  had  not  vaunted  themfelves  to  be  Chrifts  Minifters, 

the  Apoftles,  Difciples,  and  fincere  Preachers  oftheGofpel:  they 

could  not  fo  eafily  have  defaced  P^/jauthoritiejandled  the  Go/at  hi- 

ans  out  of  the  way. 

why  Paul  Now ,  the  caufb  why  hec  fetteth  bimfelfe  fo  fliarpely  againft 
ifaffcApS*  thcm,  calling  them  the  tronblcrs  of  the  Church,  is,  for  that  bcfides 
flies  trou-  ifjith  in  Chrift,  they  taught  that  Circumcifion  and  the  keeping 
^^^ofthelawwasneccfoyto  falvation.  The  which  thing  P40/him- 
fejfe  witneffetb  jn  the  5 .  Chapter  following.  And  Luke  in  the  1 5. of 
the  A  fits  declareth  the  fame  thing  in  thefe  words :  That  certaine 
dntnt  fomfudf^  tfW&kt  the  brethren,  fywfa 

To  tilt  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  l."  VQ 

ytc  bee  ctrcumclftd  after-  the  cuftome  of  Mofes  ,  yet  C4ntt9t  befaved. 
Wherefore  the  falfe  A  poftlesmoft  earned  ly  arid  obftinately  conten 
ded  that  the  law  ought  to  be  obferved.  Unto  whom  the  ftift-  necked 
lewes  forth  with  joyncd  thcmlelves  ,  andfo  afterwards  eafiiy  per- 
fwaded  fuch  as  were  not  ftablifhed  in  the  faith  ,  that  Paul  was  not 
a  fincerc  teacher,be  caufe  he  regarded  not  the  law,but  preached  fuch 
a  dodrinc  as  did  abolifliand  overthrow  the  Jaw.  For  it  feemed  unto 
tlrem  a  very  ftrange  thing  ,  that  the  law  of  God  (hould  be  utterly  ta 
ken  away  :  and  the  Icwes  which  had  alwaycs  untill  that  time 
beene  counted  the  people  of  God  ,  to  whom  alfo  the  promifes 
were  made,  Oiould  now  bee  re/rclcd.  Yea  it  feemed  yet  a  more 
ftrange  thing  unto  them,that  the  Gentiles  being  wicked  Idolaters, 
fhould  attaine  to  this  glory  and  dignitie,  to  bee  the  people  of  God 
without  Circumcifion,  and  without  the  works  of  the  law,  by  grace 
onelyand  faith  in  Cbrift. 

Thefe  things  had  the  falfe  Apoftles  amplified  and  fet  forth  to  the 
uttcrmoft,  that  they  might  bring  Paul  into  more  hatred  among  the 
Gdathians.  And  to  the  end  they  might  fct  them  the  more  fharpely 

^     .    n   i  •  .          /'•ill  ij  i^->          •»       r         *         3    Apofllcs 

againft  him  ,  they  laid  that  he  preached  unto  the  Gentiles  freedome  brag  of 
from  the  law,  to  bring  into  contempt,  yea  and  utterly  to  abolifa  the  J^j  °*JJJ 
Jaw  of  God  and  the  Kingdom  of  the  lews,  contrary  to  the  law  of  diffST 
God,contrary  to  the  cuftomc  of  the  Icwiih  nation  ,  contrary  to  the  othcr  raeiil' 
example  of  the  Apoftles,  and  to  be  fhort  ,  contrary  to  his  own  exam 
ple:  W  hcrcrorc  he  was  to  be  fhunned  as  an  ©pen  blafphemcr  againft 
God  ,  and  a  rebcll  againft  the  whole  Common-weale  of  the  Icwcs, 
faying  ,  that  they  thcmfcivcs  ought  rather  to  be  heard,  who  bcfidcs 
that  they  preached  the  Gofpcll  rightly  ,  were  alfo  the  very  Difci- 
plcs  of  the  Apoftles,  with  whom  P^w/was  never  converfant.  By 
this  policy  they  defamed  and  defaced  P  *#/among  the  Galathians,  fo 
that  by  this  their  perverfc  dealing,  of  very  ncccflitie  T^w/was  com 
pelled  with  all  his  might  to  iet  himfclfe  againft  thefe  falfe  Apoftles: 
whom  hee  boldly  rcprovethand  condemned!  ,  faying  that  they  are 
froublers  of  the  Churches  and  overthrowers  of  Chrifts  Gofpcll  ,  as 

Vcrfcy.  dHdlntcnd  to  pervert  tie  qofycll  of  Chrift. 

olc  &  over- 

That  is  to  fay  ,  they  doc  not  onely  -goc  abtraf  tor'  trouble  youy  o!?w 
but  alfo  utterly  to  aboliih  and  overthrow  Chrifts  Gofpcll.  For  CMR. 


Chap.  I.  ?ptn  tfa  E  *  i  s  t ;  L  i 

thcfe  two  things  the  dcvill  pra&ifeth  moft  bufily.FirfKne  is  not  con 
tented  to  trouble  and  deceive  many  by  his  falfe  Apoftlcs,  but  more 
over  he  labourcth  by  them  utterly  to  overthrow  thctibTpell^and  ne- 
>  VCr  r$^ctk  **N  ne  ^at^  brought  if  to  paff-'.Yct  fadi  pcrvcrters  ofthc 
uid  Gofpcllcan  abide  nothing  leiT^thcn  to  hears  tfut  they  are  the  A  po 
ke  courted,  ft  les  of  the  dcvilhnay  rather  they  glory  above  others  in  the  name  of 
"      Chrift,  and  boaft  thcmfelvcs  to  be  the  moft  fincerc  preachers  of  the 
GofpeLEut  becaufethey  mingle  the  law  with  the  Gofpel,  they  tnuft 
needs  be  pervertcrs  of  the  Gofpell.   For  either  Chrift  nauft  remain 
and  the  Law  perith:or  the  law  muft  remainc  and  Chrift  p:rifli:For 
richte-  Chrift  and  the  law  can  by  no  means  agree  and  reigne  together  in  the 
f  confcience.  Where  the  right  coufndfe  of  the  law  ruleth,there  cannot 
^  tn-e rightcoufncff: ofgracc  rule.  And  againe,where  ths  ri^hteoufncs 
cf  of  grace  rcigoeth,therc  cannot  the  righteoufncft:  of  the  hw  reigne: 
for  one  of  them  muft  needs  give  place  unto  the  other.  And  ifthou 
canft  not  bdeeve  that  God  will  forgive  thy  fins  for  Ciiriftsfake, 
whomhef'nt  into  the  world  to  be  our  high  Prieft:how  then  I  pray 
theCjWilt  thou  belecve  that  he  will  forgive  the  fame  for  the  works 
of  the  law,  which  thou  couldeft  never  perfbrmeror  for  thine  own 
works, which  (as  thou  muft  be  conftraincd  to  confeflc)  be  fuch,  as  it 
is  impofllble  for  them  to  countervaile  the  ju  dgement  of  God  ? 

Wherefore  the  doctrine  of  grace  can  by  no  meanes  ftand  with  the 
doclrinc^ofthe  law.  The  one  mult  needs  be  rcfufedand  abolifhed, 
anc'tncot^cr  confirmed  and  ftablifhed.  For  as  Taul  faith  here,  to 
.;  mingle  the  one  with  the  othcr,is  to  overthrow  the  Gofpell  of  Chrift. 
hw  *°fr»ec  ^nc^  yct  ^^tcome  to  debating,  the  greater  part  ovcrcommeth  the 
taseth!""  bettcr.For  Chrift  with  his  (idc  is  weake,and  the  Gofpell  but  a  fodifli 
ten  eta"  Prcac^^nS'  Contrary  wif^the  Kingdomcof  the  world,  and  the  <de- 
.vill  the  prince  thereof,  arcftrong.  Bcfides  that,  the  wifdome  and 
rightecufnes  of  the  lleili  carry  a  goodly  (hew.  And  by  this  meanes 
the  righteoufnes  of  grace  and  faiith  is  loft,and  the  other  righteou{^ 
nciTb  of  the  law  and  works  advanced  and  maintained.  But  this  is  our 
comfort  that  the  dcvill  with  all  his  limmes,  cannot  do  what  he 
would. He  may  trouble  many,but  he  cannot  overthrow  Chrifts  Gof 
pell.  The  truth  may  be  aflailed,but  vanquiftied  it  cannot  be :  For  the 
ward  of  the  Lordcndtfrethfor  ever. 

It  feemeth  to  be  a  light  matter,  to  mingle  the  law  and  the  Go£ 
p£ll,fajth  and  works  together:but  it  4oth  more  mifchicfe  then  mans 


GA  LA  T  H  I  A  N  s.  Fol.^r 

re., f>n  can  conceive.  For  it  doth  not  only  blemifh  and  darken  the  The«ftr«». 
kn.n\  1-rugc  cf  grace,  bu:  alio  it  takcth  away  Chrift  with  all  tobc^'J"*1'''" 
jur7  s,  uid  it  utterly  overtbroweththeGofaeil,  as  7? *«/ faith  in  this  !h?min°gKlJ 
. .  i  he  cauls  of  this  great  <cyill  is  our  fle&:  which  being  plunged  ^fjj'.th  lnd 
in  fins,  Teeth  no  way  how  to  get  out  but  by  works,  and  thcrfore  it  gCTh«! M 
\vouki  live  in  the  righteoulhesiof  the  law,and  reft  in  the  trull:  and 
confidence  of  her  own  works.  Wherforc  it  is  utterly  ignorant  of  the 
doulrineoffjith  and  grace, without  th.*  which  notwithflauding  it 
is  impofliolc  forth,:  confcience  to  find  reft  and  quizes. 

I  r  app  i-arcth  alio  by  thefe  words  of  P  auk  And  intend  to  pervert  the 
goffeKofCbrift:  that  the  falf^Apoftles  were  exceeding  bold  and 
(hamcleflV, which  with  all  their  might  fst  thctnfdves  agai^ft  P**I. 
WBcrforcip  again,  ufmgthe  fpirit  ofzeale  and  fervency, and  being 
fully  per  i  waded  cf  the  certainty  of  his  calling,  iettcth  himfcifc 
ftrongly  againft  them,  and  wonderfully  magnifieth  his  miuiftcry, 

Vfrfe  8.  But  though  th*tt  Uv  or  An  Atigellfrom  heaven  preach  untojon 
cthtrrvife  thtn  that  we  have  ^reached  unto  joUy  let  kirn  he  ac- 

Here  P4«/caftcth  out  very  flames  of  rlre,and  his  zeale  is  fo  fervent  The  »che- 
thathcbeginneth  alfoalmoft  to  curl:  the  Angels.  Although,  faifh  S5?^"^6 
bc,that  we  cur  felvcs,cvcn  1  and  my  brother  Timothy  and  T/>#/,and  gainft  the 
qs  many  as  teach  Chrift  purely  with  me  (I  fpeak  not  now  of  thofe  jjjj Apo" 
feducers  of  confciences  )  ye*  or  if  an  Aniellftom  heaven  Breach  unto 
'  jc«3&c.notwith(tanding  I  would  rather  that  I  my  lelf,my  brethren, 
yea  and  the  very  Angels  from  heaven  aifo,  (hould  be  holden  accur- 
(edjthcn  that  my  Gofpcll  tliould  be  overthrown.    This  is  indeed  a 
vehement  zealc,that  he  dare  fo  boldly  curfe  not  only  himfelf  and  his 
brcthren,but  alfo  even  an  Angcll  from  heaven. 

TheGrecke  word  Ant&ema,  in  Hebrew  Herem,  fignificth  a 
thing  accurfed,  execrable  and  dcteftable:  which  hath  nothing  to 
do,no  participation  or  communion  withGod.So  faith  Joflmahfur- 1  -  f  ^ 
fed  he  the  man  before  the  Lordjhat  raifeth  up  and  huildeth  this  City  Jc~   * 
r/co.And  in  the  laftof  Leviticus  it  is  written:  Nothing  feparate  from 
tbf  common  uft,  which  flatt  be  feparate  from  man^  {ball  he  rtaeemed,  hut 
die  the  death,  whether  it  he  man  or  &eafl.  So  God  had  appointed  AmA« 
y,  and  ceruine  other  Cities  accurfed  by  Gods  ownc  fcntence, 


Chap;  I.  '  Vponthe  E'p  i  $  T  L'H 

(hpuld  be  utterly  rafcd  and  de{r.roicd-This  is  then  the  mind  ofPW: 
I  had  rather  that  my  fclfeand  other  my  brethrcn,yea  and  an  Angell 
from  heaven  fhould  be  sccuricd,  then  that  we  or  others  friould 
prcacfh  any  other  GofpeJl  then  that  which  we  have  preached  alrea 
dy  .So  Prf^/firft  curfcth  himfclf:ror  cunning  artificers  arc  wont  firft 
to  find'fault  with  themfclvcs,  that  they  may  the  more  freely  and! 
(barply  afterwards  reprove  others. 

tP**l  therforc  concludeth,  that  there  is  no  other  Goipcll  befides 
tbat,which  hehimfelfhad  preached. But  he  preached  not  a  Gofpcll 
which  he  had  himfelfc  devrted,  but  the  fune  which  God  promifcd 
before  by  hisProphctsin  the  holy Scripturcs,/?0.i.Thcrforehepro- 
nounccth  himfelfc  and  others,  yea  even  an  Angell  from  heaven,  to 
be  undoubtedly  accurfed,  if  they  teach  any  thing. contrary  to  the 
former  Gofpcll.  -for  the  voice  oftbe  Gofpell  cncc  fcnt  forth,  {hall 
not  be  called  back  again  till  the  day  of  judgment . 

Vcrft  9.  As  V?efaidbefore,fofaj  tt'<?  now  again  f,  If  any  THAI  preach  tin* 
toy  OH  othcrwife  then  that  JOM  have  received,  let  him  be  AC- 

He  rcpcatcth  the  felf-fame  thing,  only  changing  the  perfons. 
Bcfbrche  curfed  himfelf,  his  brethren,  and  an  Angell  from  heaven. 
Here  if  there  be  any(faith  hc)befides  us,which  preach  unto  you  any 
otherGofpcll  then  that  ye  have  received  of  us,  let  them  alfo  be  ac 
curfed.  Therfore  he  pliinly  cxcommunicateth  and  curfeth  all  tea 
chers  in  generall,  himfelfe,  his  brethren, -an  Angell,  and  moreover 
all  others  whatfoevcr,namcly  all  thofefalf:  teachers  hisadverfarics. 
Here  appcarcth  an  exceeding  great  fervency  of  fpirit  in  the  Apottle, 

iht  vete-  that -he  dare  curfc  all  teachers  throughout  the  whole  world  and  in 
of  heaven, which  pervert  his  Gofpcil  and  teach  any  other.For  all  men 
muft  cither  believe  that  Gofpell  which  Taut  preached,  or  elfc  they 
muft  be  accurfed  and  condemned.  Would  to  God  this  terrible  fcn- 
tcnceof  the  Apoftlc  might  (hike  a  feare  into  their  hearts  that  feck 
topcrvctt  the  Gofpcll  of  P<tftl:of  whichfort  at  this  day  ( the  more 

Sainft  the    it  is  to  be  lamented)  the  world  is  fiill. 

Th«  chan-       The  changing  ofperfons  is  here  to  be  marked.   For  Paul  fpcak- 

g  ngofpct-  cth  othcrwifc  in  his  firft  curfing  then  he  doth  in  the  fecond.  In  the 
firft  he  faith:  If  "toe  »r  an  Angell  from  hc*vent -preach  ftnt&  you  any 
other  Cjoff  ell  then  thar  V?e  b*vf  prcackedunto  JOH  ;  I  n  the  fecond :  then 

To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  Fof.j 

have  received.  And  this  he  doth  of  purpofc,  left  tlntGalathiant 
fhculd  fay  :  We,  O  Paul  do  not  pervert  the  Gofpcll  that  thouhaft 
preached  unto  us :  we  undcrftood  thec  not  rightly, but  the  teachers 
that  came  after  thec,  hare  declared  unto  us  the  true  meaning  there 
of.  This  (faith  he)  will  I  in  no  caie  admit.They  ought  to  adde  no- 
thing,neither  to  correft  it :  but  that  which  you  heard  of  mc,is  the 
fincerc  word  of  God  :  let  this  only  remain.  Neither  do  I  dctiremy 
fclfe  to  be  any  other  manner  of  teacher  then!  was,  nor  you  other 
Difciplcs.  Wherforc  if  ye  hcarc  any  man  bringing  any  other  Gof 
pcll  then  that  ye  have  heard  of  me,  or  bragging  that  he  will  deliver 
better  things  then  y  c  have  received  of  mcjct  him  and  hisDifciples 

The  ftrft  two  Chapters  in  a  manner  confainc  roth  ins  clfe  but  ,, 

mi*  n  •      i    /*  »          r  r     %  -t.    inecotent* 

defences  ot  his  doannc,  and  confutations  ot  errours :  io  that  untill  of  the  two 
he  commeth  to  the  end  of  the  fecond  Chapter,he  touchcth  not  the  &K«baP'cr» 
chicfeft  matter  which  he  handleth  in  this  Epiftle,  namely  the  arti 
cle  of  juftification.  Notwithstanding,  this  fcntcnce  of  Paul  ought 
to  admonifh  us,  that  fo  many  as  thinke  the  Pope  to  be  Judge  of        .  y 
the  Scripture  arc  accurfed.    Which  thing  the  Popifh  Schoolc-mca  Thtar 
have  wickedly  taught,  ftanding  upon  ,'thit  ground  :  The  Church  «en?5"he 
hath allo wed foure Gofpels  only:  therefore  there  arc  bat  fourcs  paPifl»,to 

i  .1          u   j  L.  XT          i      •         «       prove.tnat 

for  if  it  bad  allowed  more,  there  had  been  more.  Now  feeingtbe  tbechgicb 
Church  might  receive  and  allow  fuch  and  fe  many  Gofpds'asit  **e  lhc 
would ,  therefore  the  Church  is  above  the  Gofprll.  A  goodly  argu 
ment  forfooth.  I  approve  the  Scripture,  Ergo^  I  am  above  tho 
Scripture.  John  #*/>m?ackno wledgeth  and  confcffsth  Chrift,  and 
pointcthtohim  with  his  ringer,  therefore  he  is  above  Chrift.  The 
Church  approvcth  the  Chrift ian  faith  and  docirinc,  therefore  the 
Church-  is  above  them.  For  the  overthrowing  or"this  their  wicked 
and  blafpheinous  doftr  ine,  thou  haft  here  a  plainc  Text  like  a  thun 
derbolt,  wherin  P*nl  Cjbjedcth  both  himfclfc.and  an  Angell  from 
heaven,  and  Doftors  upon  earth,  and  all  other  teachers  aod  rna- 
fters  whatfocvcr  under  the  authority  of  the 'Scripture,  For  they 
ought  not  to  be  Maftcrs,  Judges,  or  Arbiters,  but  only  w.  itnc&Si 
difci  pics  and  confcflburs  of  thcChurch,  whether  it  be  thcPope,Z/<* 
ther,  An£uftinc,PaHltQi  an  Angell  from  heaven.  Neither  ought  awy 
doftrinc  to  be  taught  or  heard  in  the  Church,bcfidcs  the  pare  wor4 
ofGod,  that  is  to  fay,  the  holy  Scripture.  Otherwise  secured  bo 


Chap.  T.  fym  tie  E  *  i  s  T  L  B 

both  the  teachers  and  hearers  together  with  their  doctrine, 

T  e'fff  IO.     For  now  preach  !  mans  lioflrinf'  fffGodf, 
J  ' 

Thf  fi  words  arc  fpoken  with  the  fame  vehcmency  of  fpiru.that 
the  former  were.  As  if  he  fhould  liy  :  A:n  I  P^»/ib  unknowne  a- 
mongft  you,  which  have  preached  fo  openly  in  your  Churches?Arc 
my.btitetcbrifiirclsjvwd  f°  many  fharpe  battels  a^ainft  the/nw,  yet 
anknown  unto  y.<w£  It  appearcrhfl  thinke)(urliciemly  unto  you  by 
my  preaching,  and  by  fo  many  and  fo  afrltdions  which  I  have 
fuiiered,  whether  I  fervc  men  or  God.  For  all  men  fee  that  by  this 
iny  preaching  1  "have-not  only  (tirred  up  peifccutjon  againit  me  in 
everyplace,  but  have  alfo  procured  the  cruell  hatred  berth  ok  mine 
^JklTof  own  nati°n  arjd  of  all  other  mcn.I  rhew  therefore  plainely  enough, 


ro  icck. 


God  ought  that  I  feek  not  by  my  preaching  the  favour  or  praiib  of  men,  but  to 
fet  forth  the  benefit  and  glory  of  God. 

Neither -do  we  feekc  the  favour  of  m:n  by  dur  doctrine.  For  we 
tcacb  that  all  men  arc  wicked  by  nature,  wd  the  children  of  wrath, 
Wcxondemne  mansfrec- will,  his  ftrength,  wifdome  andrightc- 
oufnefls,  and  all  religions  of  mans  own  deviling.  And  to  be  fhcrtj 
we  fay  that  there  is  nothing  in  us  that  is  able  to  dderve  grace  and 
thc<forgivene{fet>f  (ins  :  but  we  preach,  that  we  obtaine  this  grace" 
by  the  free  mercy  uf  God  only -for  Chriils  fakf.  For  (o  the  heavens 
fhcw  forth  the  glory  of  God  and  his  workcs,  condemning  all  men 
generally  with  their  workes.This  is  not  to  preach  for  the  favour  of 
nun  and  of  the  world. For  the  world  can  abide  nothing  leflfe  then  to 
hearc  his  wifdcnne,righte£ufnes,  religion  and  power  condemned. 
And  to  fpea4<  aeainft  thofc  mighty  and  glorious  gifts  of  the  world,, 
isnot  to  Barter  the  world,  but  rather  to  procure  hatred  and  indig-' 
nationcf  the  world,  For  if  wefpeak  againft  men,  or  any  thing  e 
that  pertaineth  to  their  glory,  it  cannot  be,  but  that  cruell  hatre 
persecutions,  excommunications,  murthers  and  condemnati 
inaft  needs  follow. 

If  then  (  faith  P^/J^they  ferother  matters,  why  fee  they  not? 
this  aifo,  that  I  teach  the  thinqs  that  are  of  God  and  not  of  men  ? 
that  is  to  fay  t  that  I  ieekc  no  mans  favour  by  my  doctrine,  but  I 
fct  out  Gods  mercy  ottered  unto  us  in  Chrift.  Vor  if  I  fought  thq 
favour  of  men,  I  would  not  condemne  their  works.  Now  for  as 
much  as  I  condemnc  mens  works,  that  is  to  lay,  becaufc  I  (hew 


To  teach 
the  things 
that  arc  of 

T*  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i A  N  sJ  Foi.  v^ 

Gods  judgement  out  of  his  Word  (whereof  I  am  a  Miniftcr)  agtlnft 
all  men,  how  that  they  are  finners,  unrighteous,  wicked,  children 
of  wrath,  bondflaves  of  the  devill  and  damned,  and  that  they  are  not 
.jnade  righteous  by  workes  or  by  circumcificn,  bat  by  grace  onely, 
and  faith  in  Chrift -.therefore  I  procure  unto  my  fdfethe  deadly  ha 
tred  of  men. For  they  can  abide  nothing  leflc,  then  to  heare  that  they 
arc  fuoh  :  nay  rather  they  would  be  praifcd  for  wife,  righteous  and 
holy.  Wherefore  this  witncffeth  fufficiently,  that  1  teach  not  mans 
doftrine.  After  the  fame  manner  Chfift  fpeakcth  alfoin  tfc^.  of 
John,  The  world  cannot  hate  you,  hut  me  it  hat.ethy  'becaitfe  f  tcfiifie  of  it 
that  the  worl^  thereof  are  evill.  And  in  the  3 .  oLlohn,  This  is  condemna 
tion*  that  light  i*  come  into  the  Veer  Id,  and  men  loved  darlteneffe  more  then 
light,  hccAufe  their  vtorket  mere  will. 
Now,  that  I  teach  the  things  which  are  of  God  (lakh  the  Apoftlc)  c. 

/•  n-    •       i  IT  ii  i      iignes  that 

hereby  it  may  iufhciently  appeare,  that  I  preach  the  only  grace,  the 
mercie,  the  goodneffe  and  the  glory  of  God.  Moreover,  he  that  fpea- 
kcth  (as  Chrift  faith)  thofe  things  which  his  Lord  and  Matter  hath 
commanded  him, and  glorifieth  not  himielfe,  butjhim  whofc  Mef- 
fen^er  he  is ,  bringeth  and  teachcth  the  true  word  of  God.  But  I 
'teach  thofe  things  onely  which  are  commanded  me  from  abooernci- 
ther  glorifie  I  my  felfc,  but  "him  that  fcnt  me.  Befidcs  that,  I  ftir  up 
againft  my  felfc  the  wrath  and  indignation  of  both  thelewes  and 
GcntileSjtherefore  my  do&rineis  true,  fincere,  certaine,andofGod, 
neither  can  there  be  any  other,  (much  leffe  any  better)  then  this  my 
doftrineis.  Wherefore,  whatsoever  dodrine  elfe  teachcth  not  as 
mine  doth,  that  all  men  arefinners,and  are  juftified  by  faith  onely  in 
.Chri(r,muft  needs  be  falfe,wickcd,  blafphemous,accurfed  and  dcvil- 
li(h  :  and  even  fach  alfo  are  they  which  teach  or  receive  it. 

So  we  with  Taulio  bouldly  pronounce  all  fuch  docTrinc  to  be  ac- 
curfed  as  agrecth  not  with  ours.  For  neither  do  we  feeke  by  our  prea 
ching  the  praife  of  men,  or  the  favour  of  Princes  or  B  ifaops,  but  the 
fa  vour  of  God  alone,  whofe  onely  grace  and  mercy  we  preach,  def- 
pi(ing  and  treading  under  foote  whatfocver  is  of  our  felves.  Whofo- 
ever  he  be  thai  which  (hall  teach  any  other  Gofpell,  or  that  which 
.  is  contrary  to  ours,  let  us  be  bold  to  lay  that  he  is  fent  of  the  devill, 
and  hold  mm  accurfed. 

Vcrfe  I  o,  Orgoe  /  *l*ttt  topleaff  men? 

F  That 

Chap.  I.  ryontbe  EPISTLE 

That  is,  do  I  fervc  men  or  God ;  He  hath  alwayes  a  glance  at  the 
Semen.  fclfe  Apoftlcs.  Thefe(faith  he)  muft  needs  feeke  to  pleafc  and  to  flat . 
'  ter  men:  for  by  this  meanes  they  fceke,  that  they  againe  may  glory 
in  their  flefo.  Moreover,  becaufe  they  will  not  bcare  the  hatred  and 
persecution  of  men,they  teach  circutrcifion,  oncly  to  avoid  thepsr- 
fecution  of  the  Crofle,  as  folio  weth  in  the  5.  Chapter. 
"?  "adf      So  at  this  d  ay  ye  may  6Qd  many  which  feck  to  pleafc  men,  and  to 
'    the  end  they  may  live  in  peace  and  fecurity  of  the  fld"h}  they  tejch 
the  things  which  are  of  men,  that  is  to  fay,  wicked  things,or  elfe 
they  allow  the  blafphemies  and  wicked  judgements  of  the  adverfa- 
ries,contrary  to  the  word  of  God  againft  their  own  confcience,  that 
they  may  keepc  ft  ill  the  favour  of  Princes  and  Bilhops,  and.  enjoy 
their  goods.  But  we,becauie  we  endeavour  to  pleafe  God  and  not 
men,  do  ftirre  up  againft  us  the  malice  of  the  devillandhellitfelfr: 
we  fuier  the  reproaches  and  (landers  of  the  world,  death  and  all  the 
raifchieves  that  can  be  devifed  againft  us. 

So  faith  /^0/here,!  feeke  not  to  pleafe  men,  that  they  may  praife 

my  dodrine,  and  repoitme  to  be  an  excellent  teacher ,but  I  define 

only  that  my  doclrinc  may  pleafc  God :  and  by  this  meanes  I  make 

men  my  mortall  enemies.    Which  thing  I  find  by  experience  to  btt 

moft  true ;  for  they  requite  me  with  infamy 3flander,  imprifonment 

and  fword.  Contrary  wife  the  falfe  Apoftlcs  teach  the  things  that  arc 

of  men,that  istofay,fuch  things  as  be  pleafant  and  plaufible  to  mans 

She  reward  rcafon9&that  to  the  end  they  may  live  in  cafe  &purchafc  the  favour, 

«f  faife  and  goodwill  and  praife  of  the  people.  And  fuch  men  find  that  they  &ek 

«,godiytea-  ^  .  f or  ,hcy  arc pr^fed  and  magni^e(j  of  men>  So faith  Chrift  alfo 

tJMat.6  That  hypocrites  do  *ll  things  to  bcyraifcd  of  men.  And  in  the  5 
of  John  he  fharply  reproveth  iuch:How  canyc  ^/^«r(fai,th  hc)ivhich 
receive  honour  one  of  another ^ndfeelse  not  the  honour  thatcometh  of  God 
done?  The  things  which  Paul  hath  hitherto  taught,  are  in  a  manner 
examples  onely.  In  the  mean:  time  not withftanding  he  is  very  ear 
ned  everywhere  in.  proving  his  doctrine  to  be  fincereand  found. 
Thcrfore  he  exhcrtcth  the  (jalathiaw.  that  they  fbrfake  it  not  for 
any  other  doftrine. 

Vcrfc  10,  Tor  iflftottldjet  pleafe  me»s  I  were  x&t  thefcrvantofGod. 

Thefe  things  are  to  be  referred  to  the  whole  office  and  minifte- 
rk  tfPaut,  tofhcw  what  a  contrariety  there  wasbetwecne  his. 


0  tf         A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S. 

converfation'bcforc  ia  the  lewidi  law,  and  his  conversion  now 

under  the  Gofpcll  As  If  hs  would  fay:Doe  ye  thinks  thatlgoc  about 

ftill  topleafe  men,  asldid  in  times  paft?So  hefpcakcth  afterward*  in 

the  J.  Chapter.  Iflyei  preach  c  ircttmcifion^  why  do  Ifitffer  perfecu- 

thn?  As  though  h^  would  fay  :  Doe  ve  not  fee  and  heare  of  my  daily 

conflifts,  great  perfections  and  afHiftions?  After  I  was  conrcrtci 

and.  called  to  the  office  of  Apoftiel"hip,Incver  taught  mans  do&rine, 

neither  fought  I  to  plcafe  men,  but  God  alone.  Tnat  is  to  fay:  I  feck 

not  by  my  miniftery  and  doftrine  the  praifc  and  favour  of  men,  but 

of  God. 

Hercagaine  is  to  be  marked  ,how  malicioufly  and  craftily  thefalfc 
Apoftles  went  about  to  bring  P*'*l  into  hatred  among  the  Galathi- 
dxj.They  picked  out  of  his  preachings  and  writings  certains  contra-  Li«  aoj 
diftions  (as  our  adverfaries  at  this  day  do  out  of  our  bookes)  and  by 
this  means  they  would  have  convinced  him  that  he  had  taught  con- 
trary  things.  Wherefore  they  faid  that  there  was  no  credit  to  be  gi- 
vcn  unto  hirrr.but  that  circumctfion  and  the  law  ought  to  be  kept: 
which  thing  he  himfelfe  alfoby  hisexamplc  had  allowed,becaufc  he 
had  circumcifed  Timotkie  wording  to  the  law,had  purified  himfelfe 
with  other  four  men  in  the  Temple  at  /<rr*/*/<r/»,and  had  fliavcn  his 
head  at  Cencbrca.  Thefc  things  they  craftily  furmifcd,  that  Faulty 
the  commandement  and  authority  of  the  Apoftles  was  conftraincd 
to  do  :  Which  notwithftandinghchadkcpt  as  indifferent,  bearing 
With  the  infirmity  of  the  wcakc  brethren(which  yet  underftood  not 
tbe  Chrittian  liberty,)lcft  they  fhould  be  offcnded.To  whofe  cavilla- 
tions  thus  he  anfwcrcth  :  How  true  it  is  which  the  falfc  Apoftles 
forge  againft  me  for  the  overthrowing  of  my  Gofpell,  and  fetting  up 
of  the  la  wand  circumcifion  againe,  the  matter  it  felfc  fufficiently 
declareth.Por  ifl  would  prcacn  the  law  and  circumcifion,  and  com 
mend  the  ftrength,  the  power,  and  the  will  of  man,  I  fhould  not  be 
fo  odious  unto  them,  but  (hould  plcafe  them. 

Vcrfc  U,  12.  Now  I  certify  jot*  brethren,  that  the  gofiett  which 
wo*  preached  of  me,  WM  not  after  man.  For  neither  re 
ceived  I  it  of  max,  neither  •»&  I  taught  it  but  by  the  re 
velation  of  lefus  Chrift. 

Here  is  the  prindpall  point  of  all  this  matter  :  which  containeth 
a  confutation  of  his  adverfaries,  and  a  defence  of  his  do<3rinc,to 

Fa  the 

Chap.  I.  ypwtke  EPISTLE 

the  end  of  the  fccond  Chapter.Vpon  this  he  ftandeth,this  he  urgcth 
a*"*  wit'n  an  oatn  confirmeth,  that  he  learned  net  his  Gofpell  of  any 
wan,  but  received  it  by  the  revelation  of  lefus  Chrift.  And  in  that  he 
fweareth,  he  is  conftraincd  io  to  do,that  the  GaUtbians  may  beleeve 
him,  and  alfo,  that  they  fhouldgive  no  care  to  the  falfe  Apoflrles: 
whom  he  rcproveth  as  lyers,  becaufe  they  had  laid  that  he  Learned 
and  received  his  Gofpcll  of  the  Apoftlcs. 

Where  he  faith  that  his  Gofpell  is  not  after  man,  he  meaneth  not, 
that  his  Gofpell  is  not  earthly  (for  that  is  manifcft  ot  it  felfe:and  the 
falfe  Apoftles  bragged  alfo  that  their  doftrine  was  not  earthly  but 
heavenly  :)but  he  meaneth  that  he  learned  not  his  Gofpell  by  the  mi 
nor  after  uiftcrk  of  men,  or  receved  it  by  any  earthly  mcanes  (as  we  al  karne 
maru'  k,  cither  by  the  miniihie  of  men,  or  elfc  receive  it  by  fome  earthly 
mcancs;  foine  by  hearing,  fome  by  reading,  and  fome  by  writing :) 
butbereceiued  the  famconely  by  the  revelation  of  Icfus  Chrift.  If 
any  man  lift  to  make  any  other  diftindion,  I  am  not  againft  it.  Here 
the  Apoftle  fheweth  by  the  way,  that  Chrift  is  not  ondy  man,  but 
both  tjwt  ke  -s  ^h  QQ^  a  ^  ycr  man  whcn  he  faith  that  he  received  not 

Cod  3c  man.  ,  i 

msGolpellby  man. 

Now  P<wl  received  his  Gofpell  in  the  way  as  he  was  going  to  £d- 
i»^b#5whcre  Chtift  appeared  unto  him  and  talked  with  him.After- 
JJ^J*1  wards  alfo  he  talked  with  him  in  the  Temple  at  Itrufalernjptt.  he  re- 
tbc Gofpell.  cctved  his  Gofpell  in  the  way, as  Luke  reciteth  the  ftorie  in  the  5? .of 
the  A&es.  Artfe  (faith  Chrift)  and  go  ixto  ike  Citiey  and,  it/hall  be  told 
t\M€  wbitt  thottmuft  do.He  doth  not  bid  him  go  into  the  Citie,  that  he 
might  Icarne  the  Gofpell  of  AntwiM  ;  but  Ananias  was  bid  to  goc 
and  baptize  him ,to  lay  his  hands  upon  him,to  commit  the  miniftery 
of-thc  word  unto  him,  and  to  commend  him  unto  the  Church,and 
not  to  teach  him  the  Gofpel,  which  he  had  received  afore  (as  he 
gkrieth  in  the  fame  place)  bytheonely  revelation  of  lefus  Chrift. 
And  this  Ananias  himfelfe  confeffcth,  laying  :  Brother  Sauljbe  Lord 
•»thich  appeared  to  thee  in  the  Vi>ay  ,  hathfent  Me,  that  thott  ntightcft  rc» 
cehe  thy  fight.  Therefore  he  received  not  his  doctrine  o(AnA*ia*,  but 
being  already  called,lightned  and  taught  of  Chrift  in  the  way,he  was 
fcnt  to  Anania r  that  he  might  alfo  have  thetcftimony  of  mcn,that  he 
Was  called  of  God  to  preach  the  Gofpell  of  Chrift. 

This  <P*»l  was  conftrained  to  recite,  to  put  away  the  flan- 
ate;  eftfce  faife  Apoftles,  who  laboured  to  bring  him  into  hatred 



.atrongthe  g*l*tbi*ntt  fsying  that/W  was  infaiour  to  the  reft  of 
the  Apcftlcsfchollerszwhebad  received  of  the  Apoftles,  that  which 
they  taught  and  kept :  whofc  converfation  alfo  they  had  fcena  long 
time,  and  that  fPaul  himfclfc  had  alfo  received  the  fame  things  cf 
them,  although  he  did  now  deny  it.  Why  then  would  they  rather  c- 
bcy  an  infcriour,and  dcfpifethc  ?utl  onty  of thcAjs cftles  theoifclvcs, 
wro  were  not  only  the  fore-elders  and  teachers  QifaCjalatkiansfeul 
alfo  cf  all  the  Churches  throughout  the  whole  world  ? 

This  Argument, which  t  he  falfe  Apcftlcs  grounded  upon  the  »utho-  n*  A«U- 
rity  of  the  Apoftles,  wasftrong  aud  mighty,  whcrby  the  Cjalathinns  JJJ-*  j™ 
were  fuddainiy  ovcrthrown,efpecially  in  this  mattcr.I  would  never  nics  tȣTn" 
have  bclicved,hadl  not  bin  taught  by  thefc  examples  of  theChurchcs  ^™th*f*" 
of  GaUtia^  of  the  Corinthians  and  others,  that  they  which  had  rccei-  thcApoftlei, 
vcd  the  word  of  God  in  the  beginning  with  fuch  joy  (among  whom 
were  many  notable  men)  conld  fo  quickly  be  overthrownc.  O  good 
Lord,what  horrible  and  infinit  mifcl  icf  may  one  only  argument  ean> 
Jy  bring? which  fo  picrceth  a  mans  confidence  whcnGod  withdraw- 
cth  his  grace.that  in  one  moment  he  lofcth  all  together.  By  this  fub- 
tilty  then  the  falfe  Apoftles  did  eafily  deceive  the  gdath'utns,  being 
not  fully  cftablifccd  and  grounded.but  as  yet  weak  in  the  faith. 

Moreover,the  matter  tf  justification  is  brickie:  not  of  it  felf  (for  Sof 
of  it  fclfc  it  is  moft  fure  and  certain^  but  in  refpcft  of  us.     Whereof  the 
1  my  felf  have  good  experience.  For  I  know  in  what  hours  of  dark-  f 
neffe  I  fomcumcs  wraftle.   I  know  how  often  I  iuddainly  lofc  the 
beames  of  the  Gofpell  and  grace,  as  being  (hadowed  from  me  with  t 
thick  and  dark  clouds.  Briefly  I  know  in  what  a  flippcry  place  even  mife«,th«rugi» 
fuch  alfo  do  ftand,as  are  well  exercifed,and  feem  to  have  fure  fooling  ~u 
in  matters  of  faith.  We  have  good  experience  of  this  mattv-r:for  we 
arc  able  to  tcsch  it  unto  others,  and  this  is  a  fure  token  that  we  un- 
dcrftand  it.  But  when  in  the  very  conflict  we  fhould  ufe  the  Gcfpcll, 
which  is  the  word  of  grace,  coniolation  and  life,  there  doth  the  law, 
the  word  of  wrath,  hcavincs  and  death  prevent  the  Gofpell  and  be- 1 , , 

,  .   L  .        .r    ,          .     r.  r  .    ofihelavf. 

ginncth  to  rage,  and  tnctcrrours  wnicnitrailcthupin  thcconlci- 
cnce,  arc  no  leflc  then  was  that  horrible  fhew  in  the  mount  Sinai.  So  i 
that  even  one  place  of  the  Scripture  containing  4>me  thrcatning  of 
the  la WjOvcrwhelmeth  and  drowneth  all  confolaticns  bcfidcs,  and  fo" 
(haketh  all  our  inward  powcrs,that  it  makcth  us  to  forget  juftificati- 
on,gracc,Chrift,thc  Gofpell  and  all  together., 

F  3  Thcrforc 

Chap,  I.  fy§n  tt>t  E  p  t  s  T  L  E 

Therefore  in  rcfpcS  of  us,it  is  a  very  brickie  rmtter.becaufe  we  arc 
cfth«  godly,  brickie.  Again,  we  have  againit  us  even  the  one  halfe  of  our  felvcs : 
that  is  to  fay,  reafon,  and  all  the  powers  thereof.    Bcfides  all  this  the 
fleftirefifteth  the  (pint,which  cannot  beleeve  affjrcdly  that  the  pro- 
mifcs  of  God  are  tru^.  It  fighteth  therfore  againft  the  fpim,  and  (as 
3t«».7.»l.    Pault\\\h)itholdeikthcfyirlt  captive  :  fothit  it  cannot  belecvc  fo 
ftedfaftly  as  it  would.  Wnei  fore  we  teach  continually  that  the  know 
ledge  of  Chrift  and  of  faith  is  no  workc  of  man, but  (imply  the-gifr.  of 
God, who  as  he  crcateth  faith,fo  doth  he  keep  it  in  us.    And  even  as 
he  firft  giveth  faith  unto  us  throtrgh  the  word  fo  afccr wards  heexer- 
cifeth,incrcaf:th,ftrengthneth  and  maketh  perfect  the  fame  in  us  by 
the  word.  Therfore  the  greatest  fcrvice  that  a  man  can  dou-.ito  God, 
and  the  very  Sabbarh  of  5abbaths,is  to  exercife  himfclf  in  true  godli- 
neSjdiligently  to  reade  and  hearc  the  word.  *  Contrari wif:  there  is 
nothing  more  dangerous  then  to  be  weary  of  the  word.  He  therfore 
th!  bathTng  that  is  fo  cold,  that  he  thinketh  himlelf  to  know  enough,  and  begia- 
cf  Gods      neth  by  little  and  little  to  loath  the  word,  that  m  in  hath  loft  ChnM: 
and  theGofpell.and  that  which  he  thinkcth  hirnf  Ifeto  know,  heat- 
*  spccaiatio  taincth  only  by  *baref peculation:  And  he  is  like  unto  a  man(as  S.faixj 
faith)  Who  beholding  hi* face  in  aglA$e,gpeth  hi*  way,  And  bj  and  byfor- 
pta  gettetb  what  hi*  countenance  WM. 

Wherefore  let  every  faithfull  man  labour  and  ftrivc  with  all  dili 
gence  to  learne  and  to  keep  this  do Arin  :  And  to  that  end  let  him  uie 
humble  and  hearty  prayer,  with  continasll  iludy  and  meditation  of 
bv  prayer  &  the  word.  And  when  we  have  done  ney^r  io  mucb//ct  lhali  we  have 
enough  to  keep  us  occupied.  For  we  have  to  do  with  no  fmill  ene 
mies,  but  ftrong  and  mighty,  an.i  fuch  as  are  in  continual!  warrc  a- 
gainft  us,namcly  our  o  -,vn  fl  jili,all  the  dangers  of  chs  world, the  law, 
fin,death,  the  wrath  and  judgment  of'GoJ,  ami  the  D:villhimfcife, 
who  never  ceafrth  to  tempt  us  inwardly  ty  his  fiery  darts,  and  out 
wardly  by  his  falls  the  end  tnat  he  may  overthrawjifnot 
alLyct  the  mod  part  of  us.  thsfalfe  Apoftlesbad  a  goodly  Oisw 
and  fecmed  to  be  very  (Irong-  Which  a!fj  at  this  d  iv  prevaileth  with 
.u'c '  mamviairuly  that  ifce  Apoftks,the  holy  fathers  and  their  fjcc  ff ;tirs 
have  fo  taught:  that  the  Church  fo  thinketrrand  beiceveth  :  More 
over  that  it  is  impoflible  that  ChnO:  iho'.ild  fufr.'r  his  Church  fo 
long  tim?  to  crre.  Art  thou  alone  (fay  thsv).vif;r  then  fo  many  holy 

men  ? 

T0  tilt         A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  . 

men  ?  wifer  then  the  whole  Church  ?  After  this  manner  the  DcviJl 
being  changed  into  an  Angell  of  light,  fetteth  upon  us  craftily  at  this 
day  by  certaine  pcftifcrous  hypocrites,  who  fay  :  we  paflc  not  for  the 
Pope,  we  abhorre  the  hypocriiic  of  Monkes  and  fiich  like  :  but  we  Th«  Dcyjfc 
would  have  the  authority  of  the  holy  Church  to  remaine  untouched. 
The  Church  hath  thus  believed  and  taught  this  leng  time.  So  have 
all  the  Doctors  of  thcPrimitive  Church,holy  mcn,morc  ancient  and 
better  learned  then  thou.  Who  art  thou,  that  dareft  diflcnt  from  all 
thefe,  and  bring  unto  us  a  contrary  doctrine  ?  When  Satan  reafoneth 
thus,  confjiring  with  the  flcfn  and  reafon,  then  is  thy  coniciencc 
terrified  and  utterly  dcfpaireth,  unles  thou  conftantly  return  to  thy 
fclf  again, ind  fay  :  Whether  it  be  £y$rian^Ambrofe>Au9uftine,  either 
^>.'TetertPfiitlQ\Joh»)  yea  or  an  Angell  from  heaven  thatteacheth  o- 
therw:fcf,yct  this  I  know  a{faredly,that  J  teach  not  the  things  of  merj, 
but  of  God:  that  is  to  lay,  1  attribute  all  things  to  God  alone,and  no 
thing  to  man. 

When  1  firfl  took  upon  me  the  defence  of  theGcfpell,  T  remember 
that  Doctor  SmupittMt  a  worthy  man.faid  thus  unto  me:  This  hketh 
me  well  that  this  doctrine  which  thou  preached,  yeeldeth  glory  and 
all  things  elfe  unto  God  alone,  and  nothing  unto  man :  for  unto  God 
there  cannot  be  attributed  too  much  glory ,goodnes,mercy,e£tf.  This  p»«i». 
faying  did  then  greatly  comfort  and  confirme  me.  And  true  it  is,that 
the  doctrine  of  the  Gofpcll  taketh  from  men  all  glory,wifdom,  righ- 
teoufncs,<^r.  and  giveth  the  fame  to  the  Creatour alone,  who  made 
all  things  of  nothing.  We  may  alfomore  fafdy  attribute  too  much  peii 
unto  God  then  unto  man.  For  in  this  caiel  may  fay  boldly :  Be  it  fo  ["in 
that  the  Church,  Aitguftine  and  other  Doftors,  a\foT>etcr  and  d polio,  God 
yea  even  an  Angsll  from  heaven,  teach  a  contrary  doctrine,  yet  my  thi"st*man 
doctrine  is  fuch,  that  it  fetteth  forth  and  prcachcth  the  grace  and  glo 
ry  of  God  alone,  and  in  the  matter  of  fjlvationitcjndcuneththe 
righteoufnesand  wifdom  of  all  men.  In  this  I  cannot  cffjnd.becaufs 
Igive  both  to  God  and  man,that  which  properly  and  truly  belongeth 
to  them  both. 

But  thcu  wilt  fay  :  The  £htirck  is  holy,  The  Fathers  arc  holy. 
It  is  true :  notwithftanding,albett  the  Church  be  holy,yct  is  it  com-  Mtt  tf§rj4- 
pelled  to  prayiForghftaourtrcfpa/Tts.  So,though  theFathers  bu  ho 
ly,  yet  arc  they  favcd  through  the  forgivcnes  of  (ins.    Therefore  nei 
ther  am  I  to  be  belcevcd,  nor  the  Church,  nar  the  Fathers,  nor  the 

F  ^  ApolUcs, 

Chap.  I.  Vftn  tbt  E  p  i  s  r  i  • 

ApofHcs,no  nor  an  Angell  from  hetv^if  we  t~ach  any  thing  againft 
«ro  the  word  of  God,  £»/ /<tf  */«•  Vtordv,  G*d  abide  f*r  even  for  clfi  this 
orhcT'  Argument  of  the  falfe  Apoftlei  had  oyghcily  prevailed  agunft  /W-r 
e°dbCife  doctrin.For  indeed  it  was  a  great  matter,  a  great  matter  I  fiy,  to  fct 
*4  tcaU  before  the  (/a/atkiaas  the  whole  Church.with  all  the  company  of  the 
*nj>  thing  a-  Apofllcs  a&ainft  ftc0/alone,but  lately  fprung  up  and  of  fm  ill  authori- 

•a.n't  the  r_,  3     F       /-  n  V  i    j     j       •    t_    M      t- 

word  of     ty.This  was  theriqre  a  ttrong  argument  and  concluded  mightily  ror 

God<  no  man  faith  willingly  that  the  Church  errcth,&yet  it  is  neceflary  to 
fay  that  it  crreth,if  it  teach  any  thing  befides  or  againCi  Gods  word. 

SJST'  Pcter  th=  chicfc  of  thc  Apoftles  taught  both  in  life  and  doclrin  be- 
fidevS  Gods  word,  therfore  he  erred  and  was  deceived.  Neither  did 
P*«/difTernblcthat  errour  (although  it  feemed  to  be  but  a  light  fiult) 

GJ.t.11.  becaufc  he  faw  it  would  turne  to  the  hurt  of  the  whole  Church,  but 
withftooA  him  even  to  hufaeJbccAttfe  ktwAlkldnst  after  the  truth  of  the 
gotyell.  Therfore  neither  is  the  Church,  nor  Peter,  nor  the  Apoftlcsr 
nor  Angels  from  heaven  to  be  heard,  unles  they  bring  and.teach  the 
pure  word  of  God. 

The  Papifts  This  Argument  even  at  this  day  is  not  a  littk  prejudiciall  to  our 
cau^e>  F°r  if  we  may  neither  believe  the  Pope,  nor  the  Fathers,  nor 
Luther -,  nor  any  other,  except  they  teach  us  the  pure  word  of  God, 
whom  (hall  we  then  believe  ?  who  in  the  meane  while  (hall  certific 
our  confidences  which  part  tcacheth  the  pure  word  of  God,  we  or 
our  advcrfaries  ?  For  they  brag.that  they  alfo  have  the  pure  word  of 
God  and  teach  it.  Again,  wcbcleevenotthePapifts,  becaufethcy 
teach  not  the  word  of  God,  neither  can  they  teach  it.  Contrari  wife, 
they  hate  us  moft  bitterly,and  perfecutc  us  as  moft  peftilent  herctiks 
and  fcduccrs  of  the  people.  What  is  to  be  done  in  this  cafe  ?  Shall  it 
be  lawfull  for  every  phantafticall  fpirit,  to  teach  what  himfdfc  lift- 
cth,  feeing  the  world  can  neither  heare  nor  abide  our  doftrinc  ?  For 
although  we  glory  with  T**/,  that  we  teach  the  pure  Gofpcll  of  •;• 
Chrift,  yet  we  profit  nothing,  but  are  compelled  to  heare,  that  this 
our.  g)orying  is  not  only  vain,  rafh  and  arrogant,  but  alfo  devj'Jlifh  and 
full  of  blalphcmy.  But  if  we  abafe  our  felvs  and  give  place  to  the  rage 
of  our  adverfartes,  then  both  the  Papiftsand  Anabaptifts  wax  proud. 
The  Anabaptifts  will  vaunt  that  they  bring  and  teach  fomc  ftrange 
thing  which  the  world  never  heard  of  before.  The  Papifts  will  fet 
«p;  again  and  ftablifti  their  old  abominations.  Let  every  man  therfore 
take  heed,  that  he  be  moft  lure  of  his  calling  and  dudrine,  that  he 



A  Pea  act  A" 
may  boldly  fay  withT^W;  Althcugh  vre  or  au  A*gctl  from  Hettven  muft  before 

treach  unto  you,  other  jvifet  then  that  wfsich  we  have  preached  unto  jott>  let 

.  For  je  have  heard  of  my  converfativ*  in  times  pafl  in  the  Jc-wljk 
RcligionthoTvthatI.psrfccMtcd  the  Church  of  (jod  extremely. 
and  wafted  it  :  and  profited  in  thejewi/b  Religion,  above  many 
oftnj  companions  of  mine  own  nation. 

This  place  hath  in  it  nofingular  docVine.  Notwithftanding  Pattl 
alledgeth  here  his  owneexamplcjfiy  ing;  I  have  defended  the  tradi- 
tions  of  the  Pharifees  and  the  Jewlfc  Religion  more  conftantly  then 
yc  and  all  your  falfc  teachers.  Wherefore  if  the  rightcuufnefii  of  the 
law  had  bin  any  thing  worth,  I  had  not  turned  back  from  it  :  in  the 
keeping  wherofnotwithftanding  before  I  knew  Chrift,  I  did  focx-  et 
crcife  my  fclf,and  fo  profit  thcrin,that  1  excelled  many  of  my  compa-  Paul. 
nions  of  mine  ownNation.MorcovcrTwasfo  zealous  in  defence  of 
the  famc,that  I  persecuted  the  Church  of  God  extrcmcly.and  wafted 
it.  For  having  received  authority  of  the  high  Priefts,  I  put  many  in 
prifon,  and  when  they  flioold  be  put  to  death,!  pronounced  the  fen-  ^  ^ 
tence,  and  punifhing  them  througliour  all  the  Sinagogucs,!  compel 
led  them  toblafphemcidnd  was  fo  exceeding  mad  upon  th:m,  that  I 
pcriccutcd  them  even  unto  ftrangc  Cities. 

Vcrft  14.   AnA  Wat  much  more  xealow  of  the  traditions  of  my  Fa* 

He  calleth  not  here  the  traditions  of  the  "Fathers,  the  <Ph*nfiu~ 
call  or  humane  traditions:  for  in  this  place  he  trcateth  not  of  the 
Pharifakall  traditions,  but  of  a  farrc  higher  matter,  and  therefore  what 
he  calleth  even  that  holy  law  of  (Jttofcsjhc  Fathers  traditions  :  that  Miieth  the 
is  to  fay,  received  and  left  as  an  inheritance  from  the  Fathers.    For  J 
thcfe  (faith  he)  when  I  T»M  in  the  fewijh  Religion,  I  Was  -very  zta/out. 
He  fpcaketh  after  the  fame  manner  to  the  Phiiippians,  «^/>  cancer- 
vingtke  l*vt>  (faith  he)  /  Vt*4  A  Pharifee,  concerning  zt*ley  1  perfe- 
cnted  the  £hurcht  and  as  concerning  the  righteoufnefle  of  the  law,  I 
Tftfu  unrebttketblc.    As  though  he  would  fay  :  Here  I  may  glory,  and 
may  compare  with  the  whole  Nation  of  the  Jewcs,  ycao'cmwitfa 
the  bed  and  holicft  of  all  tbofc  whicli  arc  of  t^e  Cuciu^ciiion  :  Let 

Chap.  I.  Vfontke  E  P  I  s  T  L  H 

them  fhew  me  if  they  can,  a  more  zealous  and  earncft  defender  of* 
Mofes  law.then  I  have  bin.This  thing(6ye  £/W<?r^».f)  ought  to  have 
peri  waded  you,  not  to  believe  thelc  deceivers,  which  rnagnittcthe 
righteoufnes  of  the  la  w,as  a  matter  of  great  importance,  whereas,  if 
there  were  any  caufe  to  glory  in  the  rightcoufncs  of  the  law,  I  have 
more  caufe  to  glory  then  any  other. 

In  like  manner  fay  I  of  my  felfe,  that  before  I  was  lightened  with 
theknowledgecftheGofpell,  I  was  as  zealous  for  the  Papifticall 
lawes  and  traditions  of  the  Fathers,  as  ever  any  was,  moft  carneilly 
maintaining  and  defending  them  as  holy  and  neceflary  to  falvation. 
Moreover,  I  endeavoured  toobfcrveand  keep  them  my  felfasmuch 
as  was  poiHble  for  me  to  do,  punifhing  my  poors  body  with  falling, 
watching,  praying,  and  other  exerciies,more  then  all  they"  which  at 
this  day  do  io  bitterly  hate  and  perfecutc  me,  bccaute  now  I  take 
from  them  the  glory  of  justifying  by  works  and  merits.  For  I  was  io 
diligent  and  fuperftitious  in  thcobfervation  hereof,  that  I  laid  more 
upon  my  body  then  without  danger  of  health  it  was  able  to  beare.  I 
honoured  the  Popeofmccreconfcienceandunfunedly,  not  fecktng 
after  prebends,  promotions  andlivings:but  whatfoeverl  did,  I  did 
it  with  afingle  hcarr,of  a  good  zcale,  and  for  the  glory  of  God.  But 
PW/.J.I.  thofe  things  which  then  were  gainfull  unto  me,  now  with  T3^!  1 
count  to  be  but  lolTe,  for  the  excellency  of  the  knowledge  cf  Jcfus 
Chrift  my  Lord.  But  our  adverfaries,as  idle  bellies  and  tried  with  no 
tentaticns,  believe  not  that  I  and  many  others  have  endured  fuch 
thing?  :  I  fpeak  cf  fach  as  with  great  defire  fought  for  peace  and  qui- 
ctnesofconfcicnce,  which  notwithftanding  in  fo  great  darknes  it 

was  not  poflible  for  them  to  find. 


Verfe  1  5  ,  1  6,  1  7  .  Tint  when  it  had-pleafcd  CJod  (which  had  feparnteA  me 
from  my  mothers  wombc^  andcaflednte  by  hi*  grace)  to  re-veale 
his  Son  in  me^  that  1  Jkouldyrtach  him  among  the  C  ientilcs,H»- 
mediAtelfl  comnwrncAtcdnoi  vnth  flefi  and  blood.N  either  CA 
I  Again  /ojeruf^em3f  o  them  which  were  Apoftles  before  me 
I  went  into  hx£>\zyAnd  turned  again  Unto  Damafcus. 

Thisisthefirftjourny  of  <Paul.    And  here  he  witneflhh,  that 
°f    ft1"3^^*  Wa7>  a^ter  ne  W2S  ca^c^  hy  the  grace  of  God  to  preach 
Chrilt  amons  fas  Gentiles,  he  went  into  Arabia  without  the  advice 

o  .....  .. 


7>  ike  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  F©l.j8 

tof  any  man,  to  that  worlds  whcreunto  he  was  called.    And  this  place 
witmfleth  by  rthom  he  was  taught,  and  by  what  meancs  he  came  to 
the  knowledge  of  the  Gofpcll  and  to  his  Apoftlefhip.    when  it  hotA 
j>leafedGo<i((3iit\\\\e.)  As  if  he  would  fay  :  I  have  not  dcf^rved  it, 
bccauicl  was  zealous  of  the  law  of  God  without  judgement,  nay  ra 
ther  this  foolifh  and  wicked  zeale  ft  irred  rac  up,  that  God  fo  permit 
ting,  I  fell  headlong  into  more  abominable  and  outragious  fins.l  per- 
fccuted  the  Church  of  God,  I  was  an  enemy  to  Cbrift,  1  bLfpheaicd  t*ult  «erit 
hisGofpcll,and  to  conclude,!  was  the  authour  of  (bedding  much  in- 
nocent  blcud.  This  was  my  defert.  In  the  midft  of  this  cruell  rage  I 
•was  called  to  fuch  incftimable  grace.  What?  was  it  bccaufe  of  this  out 
ragious  cruelty  ?  No  forfooth.  But  theabjndant  grace  of  God,  who 
•calhth  and  rh^weth  mercy  to  whom  he  will,  pardoned  and  forgave 
tne  allthofcblafphemies  :  and  for  thefe  my  horrible  fins(which  then 
•I  thought  to  be  pcrfc-A  righteoufnes  and  an  acceptable  fervice  unto 
God)  he  gave  uato  me  his  grace,th:  knowledge  of  his  truth,  and  cal 
led  me  to  be  an  Apoflle. 

We  alfo  are  come  at  this  day  to  the  knowledge  of  grace  by  the  felf- 
fame  mcrits.I  crucified  Chrill  daily  in  my  monkifh  life,and  blafphe- 
med  God  through  my  falfe  faith  wherein  I  then  continually  lived. 
Outwardly  I  was  not  as  other  m?n,cxtortioners,unjuft,  whorcmon- 

Ecrs :  but  1  kept  chaftity,  poverty  and  obedience.  Moreover,  I  was 
eefrom  the  cares  of  this  prefcm  life.  I  was  only  given  to  rafting, 
watching,praying;faying  of Maffes  and  fuch  like.  Notwithstanding 
in  the  mean  time  I  foftred  under  this  cloked  holmes  &  truft  in  mine 
owne  righteoufnes,  continuall  miftiul^doubtfulnesjfearcjhatred  and 
blafphcmy  againft  God.  And  this  my  righteoufies  was  nothing  clfe, 
but  a  filthy  puddle,and  the  iery  kingdom  of  the  Devil!.  For  Satan  lo«  ,vh« 
veth  fuch  Saints,and  accoanteth  thtm  for  his  deare  darlings,who  de-  n."  of  SaiBt* 
firoy  their  own  bodies  and  foulcs,  and  deprive  therafclycs  of  all  the 
bk-flings  of  Gods  gifts.  In  the  mean  time  not  withstand  ing,  wickcd- 
ncs,blindncs,contempr  of  (jod,ignorance  of  the  Gofpciljprophanati- 
on  of  the  Sacram?nts,blafpherning  and  treading  of  Chrift  und:r  foot, 
and  the  abufc  of  all  the  benefits  and  gifts  of  God  do  reigne  in  them  at 
the  full.To  conclu^c^uchSaints  are  the  bondflavcs  of  Satan,and  ther- 
fore  are  driven  tofpeakjthinkeand  do  whatfbever  he  will,  although 
-outwardly  they  fcem  to  excdl  all  others  in  good  works,  in  holin^ils 
and  ftriftncs  ofiife* 


Chap.I.  Vfen  *£*  E  »  x  s  T  L  •' 

Such  we  were  under  the  Popedeme  :  ycrily  no  leffc  (if  not  more) 
contumelious  and  blafpkcmous  againft  Chrift  and  his  Gofpcll  then 
^PWhimfelfe,  and  fpccially  I  :  for  I  did  fo  highly  cftccmc  the  Popes 
tuthority,thattodiffentfromhimcvcnin  the  leaft  point,  I  thought 
it  a  fin  worthy  of  cvcrlafting  death.  And  that  wicked  opinion  cau- 
fed  mc  to  thinkc  that  John  Hw  was  a  curfed  hcrcticke,  yea  and  I  ac 
counted  it  an  hainous  offence,  but  once  to  thinke  of  him  :  and  I 
would  my  felfe  in  defence  of  the  Popes  authority  have  miniftred  fire 
andfword,  for  the  burning  and  deftroying  of  that  heretickc,  and 
thought  it  an  high  fcrvice  unto  God  fo  to  do.   Wherforc  ifyou  com* 
pare  Publicans  and  harlots  with  thcfe  holy  Hypocrites,  they  are  not 
Publican*  &  evill.  For  they  when  they  ef£nd  have  remorfeof  confcicncc.and  do 
fare  beau  not  J^^0  tncir  wicked  doings  :  but  thefe  men  arc  fo  farre  from  ac- 
then  merit-  knowledging  their  abominations,  idolatries,  wicked  will-worfhip- 
•ongcM.     pings  and  ceremonies  to  be  fins,tbat  they  affirm  the  fame  to  be  righ- 
tcoufncflc,  and  a  moft  acceptable  facrifice  unto  God,  yea  they  adore 
tbcm  as  matters  of  fingular  holincfle,  and  through  them  do  promifc 
falvation  unto  others,  and  alfo  fell  them  for  mony,ts  things  available 

4>ui  4ef«t.      This  is  then  our  goodly  righteoufnes,this  is  our  high  merit  which 

bringcth  unto  us  the  know  ledge  of  grace:  to  wit,  that  we  havcfo 

deadly  and  fo  dcvillifhly  perfecuted,  blafphemcd,  troden  under  foof, 

and  contemned  God,  Chrift,  the  Ciofpcll,  »  aith,  the  Sacraments,  all 

The  Pipifts  15°^^  nicn,the  true  worfliip  of  God,  and  have  taught  and  ft^lifhcd 

abioody  ge-  quite  contrary  things.  And  the  more  holy  we  were,  the  mord  were 

»<«w«a.     \ycblindcd,and  the  more  did  we  worihip  theDcvill.Thcrc  was  not 

one  of  us,but  he  was  a  blood-fucker,  if  not  in  deed,  yet  in  heart, 

ietu  we  « 

$.    When  it  f  leafed  god. 

As  though  he  would  fay  :  It  is  the  alone  and  incftimable  favour 
of  God,  that  not  only  he  hath  fpared  me  fo  wicked  and  fo  curfed  a 
Wretch,  fuch  a  bbfphemcr,  a  perfecntor  and  a  rebcll  againft  God> 
Je-  but  befides  that,  hath  alfo  given  unto  mc  the  knowledge  of  falva- 
.  tjOIlj  nj-$  Spirjf  ^  chrift  his  Sonne,  the  office  of  an  Apoftle  and  cver- 
lafting  life.   So  God  beholding  us  guilty  in  the  like  finnes,  hath  not 
oncly  pardoned  our  impieties  and  blafphemies,  of  his  meere  mercy 
for  Chrifts  fake,  but  hath  alfo  overwhelmed  us  with  great  bcnc- 
•fcs  and  fpirituall  gifts.  But  many  of  us  are  not  onely  unthankful! 


Ts  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  r  A  N  s, 

unto  God  for  this  his  ineftimable  grace,  and  as  it  is  wirtten  2  Ptt.i  • 
do  forget  the  clenfing  of  their  ould  finnes,  but  alfo  opening  againc  a 
window  to  the  devil),  they  begin  to  loath  his  word,  and  many  alfo 
do  pervert  and  corrupt  it,  and  fo  become  authors  of  new  crrours. 
Tt^e  ends  of  thefc  men  arc  worfe  then  the  beginnings. 

Verfe  1 5.  which  had  federated  me  from  my  mother s&ombe. 

This  is  an  Hebrew  phrafe.  As  if  he  faid :  which  had  fanftified,or- 
dained  and  prepared  me.That  is,God  had  appointed,whcn  I  was  yet 
in  my  mothers  wombe,that  I  fhould  fo  rage  againft  his  Church,  and 
that  afterward  he  would  mercifully  call  me  backe  againe  from  the 
middcftofmy  ciuelty  and  blafphemie,  by  his  meere  grace,  into  the 
way  of  truth  and  falvation.  To  be  fhort,  when  I  was  iDt  yet  borne,! 
was  an  Apoftle  in  the  fight  of  God,  and  when  the  time  was  come,  I 
was  declared  an  Apoftle  before  the  whole  world. 

Thus.P*0/cuttethofFall  defcrts,  and  giveth  glory  toGod  alone, 
but  to  himfelfe  all  fhame  and  confufion.  As  though  he  would  fay  :  all 
the  gifts  both  fmall  and  great,  as  well  fpirituall  as  corporal!,  which 
God  purpofed  to  give  unto  mc,and  all  the  good  things  which  at  any 
timeinallmylifelfhould  do,  God  himielfc  had  before  appointed 
when  I  was  yet  in  my  mothers  wombe .where  I  could  neither  wifh, 
thinkc  nor  do  any  good  thing.  Therefore  this  gift  alfo  came  unto  me  of  s.Paui. 
by  the  mecre  predeftination  and  free  mercy  of  God  before  I  was  yet 
borne.  Moreover,  after  I  was  borne,  hefupported  me,  being  loaden 
with  innumerable  and  moft  horrible  iniquities.  And  that  he  might 
the  more  manifcftly  declare  the  unfpeakableand  ineftimable  great- 
ncfls  of  his  mercie  towards  me,  hecefhis  mcerc  grace  forgave  my 
abhominableand  infinite  finnes,  and  moreover  replenifhed  me  with 
fuch  plcntieofhis  grace,  that  I  did  not  onely  know  what  things  are 
given  unto  Chrift,  but  preached  the  fame  alfo  unto  others.  Such 
are  the  defcrts  and  merits  of  all  men,  and  cfpecially  of  thole  old  do 
tards,  who  exercife  thcmfelvcs  wholy  in  the  ftinking  puddles  o£ 
mans  ownc  righteoufnefle. 

Verfe  1 5 .  And  called  me  by  his  grace* 

Markc  the  diligence  of  the  Apoftle.  He  called  nte  ffaith  he) 
How?  Was  it  for  ray  Pharifaicall  religion  :or  for  my  blamekffe 
and  holy  life?  for  my  prayers,  fading  and  workcs?  No.  Much  kfle 


Pauls  do- 

Chap.  I.  rp**tfaE*i*ri* 

then  for  my  blafphetnics,  perfections,  opprcflions?  Ho*  then?  fo 

.his  rr.eere  grace  alone* 

Vcrfe  1 6. To  rcvealc  his  Sonne  in  me. 

You  hcare  in  this  place,  what  maner  of  doftrine  is  given  and  com 
mitted  to  ?wl\  to  wit  the 'docTrine  of  the  Gofpcll,  which  is  the  re 
velation  of  the  fonne  of  God.This  is  a  doftrinc  quite  contrary  to  the 
law  which  rcvcalcth  not  the  Son  of  God,but  it  iheweth  forth  finne, 
it  tctrifictb  thcconfciencc,  it  rcvcalcth  death,  the  wrath  and  judge 
ment  of  God,  and  hell.  The  Gofpell  therefore  is  fuch  a  dodrine,  as 
admittcth  no  law  :  Yea  it  muft  be  feparate  as  farre  from  the  law,as 
there  is  diftancebetwccne  heaven  and  earth.  This  difference  in  it 
fclfc  is  eafic  and  plaine,but  unto  us  it  is  hard  and  full  of  dirficulty.For 
it  is  an  eaiic  matter  to  %,that  the  Gofpeli  is  nothing  clfebut  the  re- 
vealino  of  the  Son  of  God,or  the  knowledge  oflefus  Chrift,and  not 
the  revealing  of  the  law.  But  in  the  agony  &  conflict  of  confciencc 
to  hold  this  raft  and  to  praftife  it  indeed,  it  is  a  hard  matter,  yea  to 
them  alfo  that  be  moft  exerciied  therein. 

Now,  if  the  Gofpell  be  the  revealing  of  the  Son  of  God  (as  Paul 
dcficeth  it  in  this  place,)  then  furely  it  accufeth  not,  it  feareth  not 
the  confcience,  it  thrcatneth  not  death,  it  bringeth  not  to  defpaire, 
as  the  law  doth:but  it  is  a  doftrinc  concerning  Chrift,  which  is  nci- 
t  c«.i.  30.  ther  law  nor  worke.but  our  nghteoufnefle,  wifedome/andification 
2SP,S?d  and  redemption.AUhough  this  thing  be  more  clearc  then  the  Stinne 
thcGofpdi  light,yet  notwithftanding  the  madneffe  and  blindnefle  of  the  Papifts 
into  the  law  batn  t,ecnc  fo  grcat,that  of  the  Goipeli  they  have  made  a  law  of  cha- 
1  rity,and  of  Chrift  a  law-makcr,giviug  more  ftraight  &  heavy  com- 
m^(jcmcntsthenc?I/^/«himfclfe.  But  the  Gofpell  teacheth,  that 
Chrift  came  not  to  fst  forth  a  new  law,andto  give  commandcmcnts 
as  touching  manners :  but  that  he  came  to  thisend,thathc  might  be 
made  an  oblation  for  the  finnes  of  the  whole  world,and  that  our  fins 
The  Gofpell  mjp^t  ke  forgiven,  and  everlafting  life  given  unto  us  for  his  fake, 
»cdb  IVny  and  not  for  the  works  of  the  la  w.or  for  our  owne  righteoufneffe.  Of 
fludyoifm«n,tj1-s-||e^-mat)ietrcafurc  freely  beftowed  upon  us, the  Gofpell  pro- 
femabole'  perly  preachcth  unto  us.  Wherefore  it  is  a  kind  pfdotfrine  that  is 
byood  him-  *ot  icarnccior  gotten  by  any  ftudy,diligencc  or  wifdome  of  man,nor 
fctfe*  yet  by  the  law  of  God,  but  is  revealed  by  God  himfelfe  (as  'Paul 
faith  in  this  placejfirft  by  the  ctcrnall  word :  then  by  the  working 


t  ion  of  the 

Td  the   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  6.  Fol.    40 

efGods  fpirit  inwardly.TheGoipell  thcrefore-is  a  divine  word  that 
came  downe  from  heaven&  is  revealed  by  the  holy  Ghoft(who  was 
alfo  fent  for  the  fame  pnrpofe:)yct  in  fuch  fort  notwithstanding  that 
the  outward  word  muft  go  before.  For  Pd#/himfelfe  had  no  in  Ward 
rcvelation,untiil  he  had  heard  the  outward  word  fromheaven, which 
was  this,«y<*#/,  Saul,  why  yerfecttteft  thou  me?  Firft  therefore  he  heard 
the  outward  word.tbcn  afterwards  followed  revelations,the  know 
ledge  of  the  word,faith,3nd  the  gifts  of  the  holy  Ghoft,. 

Verfe  10.  That  I  fiould  preach  him  among  the  (J entiles. 

It  pleafed  Gad  (faith  he)  torevcale  his  Sonnc  in  me.To  what  pur- 
pofe?  Not  only  t  hat  I  my  lelfe  (hould  bcleeve  in  the  Son  ofGod,btit 
alfo  that  I  fhould  preach  him  among  the  Gentiles.  .And  why  not 
among  the  I  ewes?  Lo,hcre  we  fee  that  PAUL  is  properly  the  Apoftlc 
of  the  Cjentileitz\bz\t  he  preached  Chrift  among  the  lewes  alfo.  Gentiles 

pWcomprehendeth  here  in  few  words  (as  he  is  wont)his  whole 
divinity,  whichistopreich  Chrift  among  the  Gentiles.  As  if  he 
would  fay  :  I  will  not  burden  the  Gentiles  with  the  law,  bcc^ufe  I 
am  the  Apoftlc  and  Evangelift  of  thcGentiles,and  not  their  law-gi 
ver.  Thus  he  direfteth  all  his  words  againft  the  falfe  Apofths.  As 
though  he  would  fay  :  O  ye  Gteta&M*/,  ye  have  not  heard  the  right- 
eoufneffe  of  the  law  or  of  works  to  be  taught  by  me  ;  far  this  bclon- 
geth  to  iJWofes  and  not  to  me  'Paul,  being  the  Apoftle  of  the  G;n-  °' 
tiles.  For  my  office  and  miniftcry  is  to  bring  the  Gofpell  unto  you, 
and  to  (hew  unto  you  the  fame  revelation  which  I  my  felfb  have 
had.  Therefore  ought  you  to  heare  no  teacher  that  teicheth  the  few. 
For  among  the  Gentiles  the  law  ought  not  to  be  preached  but  the 
Gofpell :  not  Mofet.^  but  the  Sonne  of  God  :  not  the  righteoufnefli 
of  works,but  the  rightcouinefkof  faith.  This  is  the  preaching  that 
properly  belongeth  to  the  Gentiles. 

Verfe  1 6.  Immediatlj  I  communicated  not  with  ficfi  and  blood. 

Tattl here  making  mention  of  flefh  and  blooJ,  fpeaketh  not  of 
theApoftles.  For  by  and  by  he  addeth  \Ncithcr  came  la^aitte  to 
Jernfalem,  to  them  which  were  A^oftles  before  me.  But  this  is 
<Pauls  meaning,  that  after  he  had  once  received  the  revelation 
of  the  Gofpell  from  Chrift,  he  confulted  not  with  any  man.  in 

Chap.  I.  Ft0*  */*  E*  i  s  T  i  B 

Z>4»«/o*f,much  Icfc  did  hedcfire  any  man  to  teach  him  the  Gof- 
pel:Againe,that  he  went  not  to  f#*fttnv»  Peter  &  the  other  Apo- 
ftlestblearnethcGofpell  ofthem,but  that  forth  with  he  preached 
Jcfus  Chrift  in  Dama/cu*,  where  he  received  baptifmc  of  Anantat^ 
impofition  of  handsifor  it  was  ncccflary  for  him  to  have  the  outward 
figne  and  tcftimony  of  his  calling.The  isme  alfo  writeth  £#k,^#.o 

V  ere  17.  Neither  came  I  to  lernfalent,  to  them  that   were  Afoftles 
before  me,  but  went  into  Arabia^  and  turned  againe  unto 

That  is,  I  went  into  Ar*k*  before  I  faw  the  Apoftles  or  con- 
fultcd  with  them,and  forthwith  J  tooke  upon  me  the  Office  of  prea 
ching  among  the  the  Gentiles  :  for  thereunto  I  was  called,  and  had 
alfo  received  a  revelation  from  God.Hc  did  not  then  receive  his  Gof- 
pell  of  any  man,.  or  of  the  Apoftles  them  fclves,  but  was  content 
with  his  heavenly  calling,  and  with  the  revelation  of  I  efus  Chrift 
alone.  Wherefore  this  whole  place  is  a  confutation  of  thefalfe  Apo- 
ftles  Argument,  which  they  ufcd  againft  /W,  faying,  that  he  was 
but  a  fcholler  and  a  hearer  of  the  Apoftlcs,  who  lived  after  the  law: 
and  moreover  that  <7W  himfelfe  alfo  had  lived  accord  mg  to  the 
Law,  and  therefore  it  was  necctfary  that  the  Gentiles  themfelvcs 
ftiould  keepe  the  law  and  be  circumcifed.  To  the  end  therefore  that 
he  might  ftop  the  mouthes  of  thcfe  cavillecrs,  he  rehcarfeth  this 
longhiftory  :  Before  my  convcrfion(faith  he)I  learned  not  my  Gof- 
pell  of  the  Apoftles,  nor  of  any  other  of  the  brethren  that  beleeved 
(for  I  perfccuted  extreamely,  notonely  this  doftrine,  but  alfo  the 
Church  of  God,  and  wafted  it  :)  neither  after  my  convcrfion  :  for 
forthwith  I  preached  not  Mofes  with  his  Law,  but  lefus  Chrift  at 
DanMfcus,  confulting  with  no  man,  neither  as  yet  having  fccne  any 
of  the  Apoftles. 

Vcife  1  8.  Then  after  three  years*  I  cane  Againe  to  lernf^em^to  vi- 
fitefeter,  and  abode  frith  him  15.  dayes.  And  none  other 
of  the  Afoftlesfaw  I,fave  I  antes  the  Lordt  brother. 

P<«/granteth  that  he  was  with  the  Apoftles,  but  not  with  all 
theApeftles.  Howbeithee  declarcththat  he  went  up  to  lerufulem 
to  thcminpt  commanded,  but  of  his  owne  accord,  not  to  Icarne 
any  thing  of  them,  but  to  fee  Pettr.  The  fame  thing  £#%alfo  wri 


teth  in  A&Q,  that  'ZarKi&M  led  TWto  the  Apoftlci,  and  declared 
to  them,  how  that  he  had  feen  the  Lord  in  the  way,and  that  he  fpak« 
onto  feiin,aiib  that  he  had  preached  boldly  at  Davtafcw  in  the  name 
of  Jefus.This  witncs  beareth  B*r*ahM  of  kirn.  All  his  words  there 
fore  arc  fo  framed,that  they  prove  his  Gofpellnot  to  be  of  man.  In 
deed  he  granteth  that  he  had  feen  Teter  and  James  the  brother  of  ouc 
Lord,  but  none  other  of  the  Apoftles  beftdcsthefe  two,  and  that  he 
learned  nothing  of  them. 

He  granteth  therfore  that  he  was  at  Jtrufalem  with  the  Apoftlcs : 
ind  this  did  the  falfeApoftlss  only  report.He  granteth  moreover  that 
he  had  lived  after  the  manner  of  the  fewes^  but  yct'only  among  the 
$ci»et.  And  this  is  it  which  he  faith  in  ths  I  Cor. 9.  When  I  1V>#  free  ail  things  ta 
•from  all  men,  I  made  my  felfe  fcrvant  to  *(lmeny  that  I  might  m»  the  mot.  >11  raeRt 
To  ths.Jevft  I  became  ou  a  Jfrv,  thxt  I  might  win  the  Jsws^nd  I  -wnu  mad* 
*&  things  to  all  me*,  that  I  ml^ht  hj  allmsanesfave  fintf.  He  granteth 
therfore  that  he  was  at  fcrnf/tlem  with  the  Apoftles,  but  he  denieth 
that  he  had  learned  his  Gofpellof  them.  Alib  he  denieth  that  he  was 
conftrainedto  teach  theGofpell  as  the  Apoftles  had  prcfcribed.  The 
whole  effect  then  of  this  matter  lycth  in  this  word,  to  fee  :  I  went 
(faith  he)  t«f*e  Peter,and  not  to  learn  of  him.  Therfore  neither  is  Pe 
ter  my  matter,  nar  yet  Jawes.  And  as  for  the  other  Apoftles,  he  ut 
terly  denieth  that  he  faw  any  of  them. 

But  why  doth  'TW  repeat  this  fo  often,  that  he  learned  not  his 
Gofpcilof  men,nor  of  the  Apoftles  thetnfclves  ?  His  purpofe  is  this, 
teperfwadc  the  Churches  of  Gt'atia  which  were  now  led  away  by 
the  falfe  Apoftlcs,  and  to  put  them  out  of  all  doubr,  that  his  Gofpeli 
was  the  true  word  of  God,  and  for  this  caufe  he  rcpeateth  it  lo  often.  «y  m«n« 
And  if  he  had  not  prevailed  herein,  he  could  never  have  ftoppcd  the 
nnouthcs  of  the  faifc  Apoftles.  For  thus  they  would  hate  objc-fted  a- 
gainft  him  :  we  arc  as  good  as  jPw#/,wc  are  the  difciplcs  of  the  Apo 
ftlcs  as  well  as  he  :  moreover,  he  is  but  one  alone,  and  we  are  many: 
therfore  we  cxcclihim,both  in  authority  and  in  number  alfo. 

Here  Paul  was  conftrained  to  glory,  to  aftirmc  and  fweare,  that 
hefearned  nothrs  Gofpeli  of  any  man,  neither  received  it  of  the 
Apoftles  thcmfelvcs.  For  his  Miniftery  was  here  in  great  dan 
ger,  and  all  the  Churches,  like  wife  which  had  tifcd  him  as  their 
<hiefc  Paftor  and  Teacher.  1  he  neccflity  therfore  of  his  Miniftery 
and  of  all  the  Churches  required,  that  with  an  holy  pride  he  iliould 


Chap.  I.  Vfw  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  B 

taunt  of  his  vocatioa,and  of  the  kno  vvledg  of  the  Gofpel  revealed  un 
to  him  by  Chrift,that  their  confcienccs  might  be  throughly  perfwa- 
ded  that  his  doclrinwas  the  true  word  ofcod.Hcre  h  ad  Paul  a  weigh 
ty  matter  in  hand  :  namely  ,that  all  the  Churches  in  Cjalati*  might  be 
kept  in  found  doftrin  :  yea,the  controverfic  was  indeed, as  touching 
life  and  dearh  evcrlafting.  For  if  the  pure  word  of  God  b«  once  taken 
away, there  remaineth  no  confolation,no life,  no  falvation.  The  caufc 
therfore  why  he  reciteth  thefc  things,is  to  retain  theChnrches  in  true 
and  (bund  do^rin.  His  purpc  f-  is  therefore  to  fhew  by  this  Hiftory, 
that  he  received  the  Gofpcll  of  no  man.  Again,tbat  he  preached  for  a 
certain  time,namcly  the  fpacc of  3  or  4  years,  both  in  Dampen*  and 
Arabia^  revelation  from  God,  before  he  had  fecn  any  of  the  Apo- 
ftksjevcn  the  fclf  fame  Gofpell  that  the  Apoftlcs  had  preached. 

Vcrje  20.  Andnw  the  things  Vthich  1  Write  unto  j  OH,  behold  I  whxefle 
before  God  I  lie  not. 

Whcrforc  addeth  he  an  oath  ?  Becaufe  he  reporteth  an  hiftory  he  is 
conftrained  to  fwear,to  the  end  that  thcChurches  might  believe  him, 
and  alfothat  the  falieApoftles  Chould  not  fay:  who  knoweth  whether 
/V#/fpcaketh  the  truth  or  no? Here  you  fee  that  Paul  the  elc<5l  veflell 
of  God,  was  in  fo  great  contempt  among  his  own  Galathians,  to 
whom  he  had  preached  Chrift,  that  it  was  neceflary  for  him  to 
fweare  that  he  fpake  the  truth.  If  this  happened  then  to  the  Apo- 
ftlcs,  to  have  fo  mighty  adversaries,  that  they  durft  defpife  them  and 
accufe  them  of  lying.what  marvell  is  it,  if  the  like  at  this  day  happen 
unto  usp  which  in  no  relpecl:  are  worthy  to  be  compared  with  the  A- 
poftles  ?  He  fwcaroth  therfore  in  a  matter  (as  it  fcemetb)  of  no 
wcightjthat  he  fpeaketh  the  uuth,  namely  that  he  tarried  not  with 
'Peter  tolesrne  of  hirmbut  only  to  fee  him:but  if  yow  weigh  the  mat 
ter  diligently, it  is  very  weighty  and  of  great  importance,  as  may  ap- 
pearcby  that  isfaid  afore.  In  like  manner  we  fweare  after  the  exam 
ple  of  T'/w/jin  this  wifc:</W^»0»rt£  that  We  He  not,2tc. 

Verfe  21.  After  that,!  Vfcnt  into  tbecoaftsef 'Syria <iWCilicia. 

Syria  and  Ci/icia  are  countries  nearc  cituate  togcther.This  is  it  that 
he  ftill  gocth  about  to  perfwadc,  that  as  well  before  he  had  feen  the 
Apoftlcsas  after ,he  was  alwaics  aTeachcr  of  the  Gofpell,and  that  he 
received  it  by  the  revelation  of  Chrift,and  was  never  any  Difciplc  of 
the  Apoftles,  Vcrf* 

To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s .  Fol.4» 

Ytrfe  1 2, lj .  -F0r  / was  unknowns  bjfacc unto  the  Churches  of  Judca, 
which  were  in  Chrift.  But  they  heard  only  (omefay,  he  which 
perfefuted  iff  in  times  paft,  now  prenchtth  the  faith  which  he- 
fire  he  defrayed.  Andthej  glorified  Cfod  in  me, 

This  he  addeth  for  the  fequel&  continuance  ef  the  hiftory,that  after  J1  u 
he  had  fecn  P^r,he  went  into  Syria  and  £V/«a4,aad  there  preached,  churchc" 
and  fo  preached  that  he  wonc  the  teftimony  of  all  the  Churches  in  £jj*  ioc 
JuJt*.  As  though  he  would  fay :  I  appeale  to  the  tcftimony  of  all  the 
Churchc$,yea  even  of  thofe  which  are  in  Judea,  For  the  Churches  do 
\vitnes,  not  only  in  DamctfcMS)  Arabia,  Syria  and  (,iticM,  but  alfo^*- 
/&d,that  I  have  preached  the  fame  faith  which  I  once  wirhftood  and 
perfecuted.  And  they  glorified  God  in  m; :  not  becaufe  I  taught  that 
circumcifion  and  the  law  of  Mofes  ought  to  be  kcpt,but  for  the  prea 
ching  of  faith,  and  for  the  edifying  of  the  Churches  by  the  miniftcry 
ofthcGofpcll.Ye  therforc  have  the  teftimony  not  only  of  the  people 
oiDamafcus  and  of  /fr^w,but  alfo  of  the  whokCatholick  or  univer- 
fall  Church 

The  fccond  Chapter. 

Verfe  i.  Then  fore  tee  ne  year  es  after  I  went  up  to  Jcrufalcm. 

.  A  V  L  taught  that   the   Gentiles  were  juftified  by  P*>< 
Faith  only,  without  the  workes  of  the  Law.    This  J£r 

Doctrine  when  he  had  publ  fh-d  abroad  among  the  otfuch  a* 
Cj entiles^  he  commeth  to  Antioch,  and  dcclareth  to  the 
Difcipks  what  he  had  done.     Then  they  which  had 
been  trained  up  in  the  old  cuftomes  of  the  law,  ro(e  a^aintt  Paul 
with  great  indignation,  for  that  he  preached  to^the  (jennies  liberty 
from  the  bondage  of  the  law.    Whereupon  followed  great  diflinti- 
on,  which  afterwards  fbirrcdtjp  new  troubles.    Paul  and  TSarnabM 
flood  ftrongly  to  the  truth,  and  tcftificd,  faying :  *  whcrefocvcr  we  _ 
preached  among  the  Cjentiles,  the  holy  Ghoft  came  and  fell  upon  ** 
thofe  which  heard  the  word :  and  this  was  done  throughout  all  the  wi 
Churches  of  the  Qentilts,  but  we  preached  not  circuoicifion,  neither  d- 

y"1*  j*  i   *"^ 

G  a  did 

Chap.  II.  fyon  the  B  ?  r  s  T  L  » 

did  we  require  the  keeping  of  the  la  w,  but  we  preached  only  faith  in 
JtfusChrift,  and  at  this  preaching  of 'faith,  God  gave  to  the  hearers 
the  holy  Ghoft.  The  holy  (Shoft  thcrfore  doth  approve  the  faith  of 
the  genttle*  without  the  law  and  circumcifion.  Por  if  the  preaching 
of  the  Gofpcll  and  faith  of  thc  £'«/>/«;  in  Chrift  had  not  pieafed  him 
he  had  not  come  down  in  a  vifible  fhape  upon  the  uncircumcifed, 
which  hcsrd  the  word.  Seeing  then  by  the  only  hearing  of  faith  he 
came  downc  upon  them,  it  isccrtaincthatthc  holy  Ghoft  by  this 
figne  hath  approved  the  faith  of  the  Cjentiles.lrcx  it  doth  not  appears 
that  this  wos  ever  done  before  at  the  preaching  of  the  law. 

Tnen  thc  J'**s  ancl  many  of  the  Plurfi"  which  did  bclcevc,  and 
p««/intbi«  notwithftandmg  bare  yet  a  great  zcale  to  the  law,  carncftiy  driving 
iTfe  te  Maintain  the  glory  therof.fet  themfelvs  fiercely  againft  /W(who 
for    affirmed  that  the  gentiles  vvere;uftificd  by  faith  oncly  without  thc 
works  of  the  law)contending  that  the  law  ought  to  be  kcpt,and  that 
thc  (jennies  ought  to  be  circumcifed :  for  otherwifc  they  could  not 
be  faved.  And  no  marvell :  for  thc  very  rame  of  the  law  of  God  is 
holy  and  drcadfull.  The  Heathen  man,  which  never  knew  any  thing 
of  the  law  of  God,  if  he  hcare  any  man  fay:  This  doftrme  is  the  law 
They  tt  at    of  God,  he  is  moved  thcrwith.    How  then  could  it  be  but  the  tenet 
mu^  n£cds  be  moved,  and  vehemently  contend  for  thc  maintenance 
of  the  la  w  of  God ,  which  CTGH  from  their  infancy  had  bin  nufled  and 
trained  up  thcrin  ? 

We  faeat  this  dciy  how  obftimte  thc  Papifts  be  in  defending 
their  traditions  and  doftr.'ncs  of  Devil*.    Wherefore  it  was  much 
Idfc  to  be  marvelled,  that  the  fewes did  (o  vehemently  and  zealoufly 
ftrive  for  the  maintenance  of  their  law,  which  they  had  received 
from  God.    C  ultome  is  of  fuch  force,  that  whereas  nature  is  of  it 
-  li'lf  inclined  t©  theobfervation  of  the  law,  by  long  continuance  it  fo 
confirmeth  nature,  that  now  it  b;cojnirieth  a  double  nature.    Ther- 
fcreit  v;asnotpoiTiblcfbr  the^w^  which  were  newly  converted 
to  Chrift, fodninly  to  forfake  the  law:  who  though  they  had  received 
thc  faith  of  Chrifr,  thoughtit  ncceflarynotvvithftandingtoobferve 
the  law.    And  with  this  their  wcakncifc  God  did  bcare  for  a  time, 
»  untill  the  doctrine  of  the  Gofpell  might  be  plainly  diiccrned  from 
*e!3!Jm!th  f^c  ^'J  w«  So  'ne  ^are  W!tn  r^c  infirmity  of  IfrAtl  in  the  time  of  King 
»«s«fhij     Akaby  \vhenthcpeoplehaltedbetwecntwoReligions.   Hetarcal- 
fo  with  pur  weaknefic3  whiift  we  were  under  the  blindncfle  of  the 


To  tfa  G  A  t  A  t  M  i  A  w  $. 

Pope  :  For  he  is  long  fuffcring  and  foil  of  mercy.  But  we  muft  not 
abufethis  goodnes  and  patience  of  the  Lord,  nor  continue  ftill  in  oar 
Weakened  and  errour,  fmce  the  truth  is  now  revealed  by  the  clears 
light  of  the  Gofpsll. 

Moreover,  they  that  ftood  againft  7W,  affirming  that  the  Gen- 
tiles  ought  to  be  circuoacifcd,  had  to  fay  for  themfelves,  firft  the  law  had  t« 
ind  cuftomeof  the  Country,  then  the  example  of  the  Apoftles,  and 
laftofall  the  example  of  P*w/himfelfe,whohadcircumcifcd  Time- 
thy.  Wherefore  if  P**l in  his  defence  faid,  that  he  did  not  this  of  nc-  ft"tt 
certify,  but  for  Chriftian  love  and  liberty,  Icaft  they  which  were 
weak  in  faith  (hould  be  ofrcnded,which  of  them  would  belecvc  him? 
Hereunto  all  the  people  would  anfwcr :  Since  it  is  evident  that  thou 
haft  circumcifcd  Timothy,  thou  matft  fay  what  thou  wilt :  notwith- 
ftanding  thou  haft  done  it.For  this  is  a  matter  far  pa/Ting  all  mcns  ca- 
jwcity, and  therforc  they  could  not  undcrftand  it..  Moreover,  node- 
fence  can  fcrve  when  a  man  hath  loft  the  favour  of  the  people,  and  is 
fallen  into  fuch  deadly  hatred  and  contempt.  Paul  thcrf ore  feeing 
this  contention  and  thefc  clamours  daily  to  increafe  more  and  more, 
and  being  alfo  warned  by  revelation  from  God,after  fourctecne  years 
(befidcs  thofc  wherein  he  had  preached  in  Dawfifu  and  ArabLi)^- 
cth  up  againe  to  Jerufalem^o  confer  his  Gofpell  with  the  other  Apo» 
ftles :  yet  not  for  his  own  ca-  .fc,but  far  the  peoples  fake. 

Now,  this  contention  touching  the  oblervation  of  the  law,  ex^r- 
cifed  'PWa  long  time  after,  and  wrought  him  much  trouble.  But  I 
doc  not  thinkc  that  this  is  tke  contention  which  Luke  f^jaketh  of  in 
the  i  s.of  the  ^#/,which  happened  (as  it  appeareth)  by  and  by  after 
the  beginning  of  the  Gofpell.  But  this  hiftory  which  /'Where  men- 
tioncth,  feemeth  to  be  done  long  after,  when  Paul  had  nowalmoft 
eightccnc  ycares  preached  the  Gofpell. 

Vcrft  i .   With  B  arnabas,  W  tookf  ftv h  we  Ti tus. 

He  joyneth  unto  himfclfe  two  witncfljs,  rBantn(fat  andT*V/«j 

&ArnAb/u  was  Pauls  companion  in  preaching  to  the  Gentiles  free- 

domo  from  the  fervitudc  of  the  la;v.    He  was  alfe  a  witncPfc  of  all 

j  thofe  things  which  'P^/did,  and  had  feen  the  holy  Ghoft  giverr  un- 

to  the  Gentiles  which  werecircumcifed  and  frcefrcm  J/<?/?/law> 

!  by  the  oncly  preaching  of  faith  in  Jefus  Chrift,  and  he  oncly  ftuck 

!  ro  P*d  in  this  point,  that  it  was  not  ncccflary  that  the  Gentiles 

G  3  (hould 

Ch  ap.  1  1.  rpon  tt>t  E  P  i  «  T  L  i 

fliould  be  burdened  with  the  law,  but  that  it  was  not  enough  for 
them  tobekeve  in  Chrift.  Wherefore  by  bis  ownc  experience  he  te- 
ftificth  with  P*#/again(t  the  Jews,that  the  Gentiles  were  made  thq 
children  of  God.and  fjved  by  faith  alone  in  Chrift  Jefus,  without  the 
law  or  circumcifion. 

Titus  was  not  encly  aChriftian,  but  alfo  the  chiefe  overfcer  in 
freete  :  l:or  unto  him  'TWhad  committed  the  charge  of  governing 
the  Churches  there,  Tit.i.  And  this  Titus  was  a  Gentile. 

ferfe  2.    *s4nd  Invent  up  by  revelation. 

For  unkflT:  Paul  had  bcene  admonifacd  by  revelation,  he  had  not 
gone  up  to  Jerufalem.  But  becaufc  God  warned  him  by  a  fpeciall  re- 
velation,and  commanded  him  to  goe  up,thcrfore  he  went.  And  this 
he  did  to  bridle,  eratleaft  to  appeafe  the  Jews  that  beleeved  and  yet 
obftinately  contended  about  the  keeping  of  the  law,  to  the  end  that 
the  truth  of  theGofpcll  might  the  more  be  advanced  and  confirmed, 

Verfe  a  «    *And  1  communicated  With  them  touching  the  CjojpeH. 

You  heare  then  that  at  length,  after  cighteene  years  he  went  up  to 
jawfi&minA  conferred  with  the  Apoftles  touching  his  GofpeU, 

Vtrfe  2.    Which  I  preach  Among  the  (jentifts. 

For  among  the  Jewes  he  faffercdthc  law  and  circumcifion  fora 
Tout  (64*.  time,ag  the  other  Apoftles  did  :  I  am  made  *U  things  unto  Allmcnfada 
o^ptKai  Jie»I  Cer'9-  ^  ct  cvcr  holding  the  true  doclrine  ci  the  Gofpell,  which 
he  win  have  he  preferred  above  the  law,  circumcifion,  the  Apoftles,  yea  and  an 
Angell  frcirj  heaven.  For  thus  fjith  he  unto  the  Jews  :  through  thi* 
Chrift)  is  preached  unto  you  the  firgivenestfjinf.  And  he  addeth  very 
plainiy  :  And  from  *tl  things,  from  the  Vfhichje  cotdd  not  be  luftifiedby 
thel&vofMQfcs,  hy  him  every  one  tkxt  heleexeth  itjuftified.  For  this 
cauie  he  teachcth  and  defcndcth  the  dodrinc  of  the  Gofpell  fo  dili 
gently  every  where,  and  never  furtereth  it  to  come  in  danger,  Not- 
withftanding  he  did  not  iuddcnly  break  out  at  the  firft,but  had  regar4 
unto  the  weak.  And  becauie  the  weak  fhould  not  be  cf£ndcd,therc  is 
BO  doubt  but  he  f  pake  to  the  Jews  after  this  manner  :  Jf  that  unpro 
fitable  tervicc  of  Mofes  law  whicfe  nothing  availeth  to  rightcoufnes,. 
de  fo  highly  pleafe  you,  ye  may  keepe  it  flill  for  me,  fo  that  the  Gen-' 
tiles  which  arc  not  bound  to  this  la  w,bs  not  charged  there  wit-hall. 

To  the  G  A  L  A  T  M  i  A  N  s.  F  ol«44 

ipAttl  therefore  confefleth,  that  he  conferred  theGofpcll  with  the 
Apoftles.but  (faith  hc)they  profited  me  or  taught  me  nothing:  but  I 
rather  for  ths  defence  of  the  liberty  of  the  Gofprll,m  th  c  pr  efcncc  of 
the  Apoftles  did  confhntly  refiit  thofs  which  would  ne  eds  force  the 
obfervation  of  the  law  upon  the  (jcntites^  and  fo  did  ove  rcome  them. 
Wherforeyour  falieApoftleshe  in  frying  thatlcircumc;fed  Timothy, 
that  I  (haved  my  head  in  Cenchret^  and  that  I  went  up  tojerufatem., 
at  thccommandcoKnt  of  the  ApolUes.Nay  rathcr,Iglory  that  in  go 
ing  up  to  Jerufalem  by  the  revelation  of  God,and  not  at  the  comman- 
demcntof  the  A poftlcs,and  there  conferring  my  Gofpel  with  them, 
I  brought  to  pafli  the  contrary ,that  is  ro  fay,  obtained  that  the  Apo- 
ftlcs  did  approve  me,and  not  thois  which  were  againfl  me. 

Now,  thcqueftion  whereupon  the  Apoftles  conferred  together  in  if,equeftf. 
this  AfT;mbly,was  this:  whether  the  keeping  of  the  law  were  nccel-  °"  t'«t  »»ai 
fary  to  juftification  or  no.?  To  this  /'^/anfwereth  :  I  have  preached 
unto  the  Cjcntilcs,  accord  ing  to  my  Gofpcil  which  I  received  from 
God,  faith  in  Chrift  and  not  the  law,    and  at  this  preaching  of  faith  ft  ei* 
they  received  the  holy  Ghofhand  hereof  'Barnabas  Ihallbear  me  wit- 
nes.  Whcrforc  I  conclude  that  the  G  entiles  cught  not  to  be  burdened 
with  the  law,nor  to  be  circumcifed.  Notwithstanding  I  give  no  rc- 
Uraint  to  the  few  herein:  who  if  they  will  needs  keep  the  la  wand  be 
circumciied,  I  am  not  againft  it,  fo  that  they  do  it  with  frecdonic  of 
conference.  And  thus  have  I  taught  and  lived  among  the  Jewes,  being 
m*dca]zuj  «»ro^Jews:holdmgevcr  the  truth  of  the  Gofpdlnot- 

Verfe  2 .   But  farticuUrlj  -with  them  tlaAt  were  the  'hie/eft. 

That  is  to  fay,I  did  not  only  conferre  with  the  brethren,  but  with 
thofj  that  were  the  chiefeft  among  them. 

Verfe  ^ .  Left  l>j  any  meant  I fcouldruHjr  had  run  in  vain. 

Not  that  P**l  doubted,  that  he  ran  or  had  runne  in  vainc,  for  as 
fiiuch  as  he  had  now  preached  the  Gofpell  eighteen  years  (for  it  f  1-  [a'f'-] 

i  T  *  *i       *-•  t        i       i       »    *"  «  n4J  ru 

lowcth  incontinent  in  tnc  Texr,that  he  hac  continued  firm  and  con-  »«n. 
ftant  all  this  while,  and  had  prevailed:)  but  for  trnt  many  did  thinkc 
that  'Paul  had  therefore  preached  the  Gofpell  fo  nianyyeares  in 
raine,  becaufchee  had  fet  the  gentiles  at  liberty  from  the  obfcrva- 
tion  of  the  law.    Moreover,  this  opinion  daily  more  and  more  in- 

G  4  creafed 

Chap.  1 1.  Vf  en  the  E 1 1  s  T  L  m 

creafod,  that  the  law  was  neceffary  to  juftification. Wherefore  fn  go 
ing  apwjcrvfalem  by  revelation,  he  meant  to  remedy  this  efilUthat 
by  this  conference  all  men  might  plainly  fee  his  Goineli  to  be  in  no 
point  contrary  to  the  doSrine  of  the  other  ApofUcs,  to  the  end  that* 
by  this  mcanes  he  mi^ht  ftop  the  mouthesof  the  advenfirics,  which 
Would  eifc  have  faid  that  he  ran  or  had  run  in  vainc.  Note  here  . 
by  the  way,  the  vertue  of  minsown  rightcoufneff:  or  the  nghtcouf- 
neflfe  of  the  law  to  be  fuch,  that  they  which  teach  it,  doc  run  and 
live  in  vame. 

Ver[e  3 .    'But  neither  jet  Titus  Vehich  V9M  mtk  meet  though  bet  \Vvrv  4 
Grecian ,  Veascontfclltflto  be  circumcifed. 

This  word  £  V?M  comfeUcd~\  fuffickntly  declareth  what  the  con- 
ference  an^  conclufion  was :  to  wit,  that  the  Gentiles  fhould  net  be 
itnce,        conftraincd  to  be  circumcifcd,  bat  that  circumcifion  ihould  be  per 
mitted  to  them  for  a  time :  not  as  neccflVy  tonghteoufneflc,  but  for 
a  reverence  to  the  fathers :  and  for  charities  fake  towards  the  weakc 
(leaft  they  fhould  be  offbndcd  )  untill  they  were  grownc  up  mere 
ftrong  in  faith.  For  it  might  have Teemed  a  very  ftrangc  and  unlcemly 
thing,  upon  a  fuddain  to  forftke  the  law  and  traditions  of  the  fathers. 
\vhich  had  been  given  to  this  people  from  God  with  fo  great  glory, 
^tf/then  did  not  rejcft  circa rhcifion  as  a  damnable  thing,  nei» 
thcr  did  he  by  word  or  dc.*d  enforce  the  Jcwes  to  fbrfake  it .    For  13 
.        the  1  Cor.7.  he  fiith  :  If  AnimAnbecallcAbtin*  clrcumciftd-  1ft  tint* 

icfufed  ctr-  U       '    •  -rr.u  -AJ-  L.- 

not  *ofk  ttncircumcijioH.  But  nee  rejected  circiimcidon  as  a  thing 
not  ncceflary  to  rightcoufncffr,  feeing  the  fathers  thcmfclves  were 
not  juftificd  thereby,  but  it  was  unto  them  as  a  figne  onely  or  a 
fealc  of  righttotifncflV,  whereby  they  tcftificd  and  excrciied  their 
faith.  Not  wichftanding  the  belcevtng  Jews  which  were  yet  wcake 
and  bare  a  zeale  to  the  law,  hearing  that  circumcifion  was  not  nc- 
ceffiry  to  rightcoufnciTe,  could  underftand  this  no  otherwiie,  but 
that  it  was  altogether  unprofitable  and  damnable.  And  this  fond 
opinion  of  the  wcake  Jcwes  thcfalfeApoftlcs  did  increafc,  toth« 
we  end  that  the  hearts  of  the  people  being  ftirred  up  againft  Taul  by 
*eachT«fling  ^^{5  occafion,  they  might  throughly  difcredit  his  doflrine.  So  we  at 
Swifliw1  this  day  doc  not  rcjcd  fafting  and  other  good  exercifes  as  damnable 
"ctciiesat  things  :  but  we  teach  that  by  thefe  exercifes  we  doc  not  obtaine  re- 

When  the  people  heare  this,  by  and  by  they  jadgc 

To  lit  GALATH  IANS.  FoI-4  j 

tsto  fpcakeagainft  go«d  works.  And  this  ppinion  the  Papiftsdoc 
ccnlirmc  andincrcaf:  by  their  preachings  and  writings.  Byt  they 
lye,  and  doc  us  great  wrong,  Eor  icany  ycares  paft  there  was  ne\  cr 
any  that  taught  more  found  and  godly  dodrine  as  touching  geod 
\vorks,  then  we  doc  at  this  day. 

Panl  therefore  did  not  fo  condemne  circumcinon,  as  though  it 
were  (in  to  receive  it  or  keep  it:  for  the  Jews  would  have  been  bjiflfr'l' 
ly  offended  :  but  it  was  d.cided  in  this  conference  and  cour.Cvjl,  thit 
itwasnotneccflary  to  justification,  and  therefore  not  to  be  forced  lu^.p*" 
upon  the  Gentiles.  So  this  moderation  was  found,  that  for  the  reve 
rence  of  the  fathers,  and  charity  towards  the  weaks  in  faith,  the 
Jcwes  fhould  kecpcthclaw  andcircumcifionftiilfora  time  :  not- 
whhftandtng  they  fooiild  not  thereby  feck  to  te  juiUfied.  Ai,vd  more- 
<rver  that  the  Gentiles  fhculd  not  be  burdened  there  withj  both  be- 
caufc  it  would  have  been  to  them  a  very  ftrange  thing,  and  alio  a  hur- 
de»  untotttraklc  ;bri:fiy  that  nene  ihculd  be  ccnftrained  to  be  circutM- 
cifrd,or  any  retrained  from  circumcifion^ 

T^/thereforccotnpetled  none  that  would  be  circuracifed  to  rc- 
•maine  uncircumcifwd,  fo  that  he  knew  circumci?K>n  not  to  be  necct- 
iary  to  juCification.  This  conftraint  would  Patl  take  a  way.  There 
fore  he  fuftcredthc  Jcwes  to  keep  the  law,  fo  that  they  did  it  with  a 
Jfr-ceconfcicnce:  Forheiiad  evertaught^s  well  the  Jews  astheGerv- 
•files,  that  in  conscience  they  eught  to  be  frcefrpm  the  law  ?nd  cir- 
cumciiion  :  like  as  all  the  Patriarks  an4  all  the  faithfull  in  the  old  To- 
iiamcnt  were  free  in  confciencc  and  juftified  by  faith,  and  not  by  thje 
law  ercircumcifion.And  indced'7>4*f/mighthavefurT.rc«i7'<>wtobc  wtyP«»/ 
circumcif^d:  but  bccaufehe  faw  that  they  wculd  compcU  him  there-  S^"^ 
"nnto,he  would  not.  tor  jf  they  had  prevailed  therin,  by  and-by  they  ««  bc.cir 
-would  have  g.-uhned'that  it  had  bin  ncccfl'iry  tojultiiicat-ion,  andJb  cumcl£<<l4 
-through  this  fufFjranccthcy  would  have  trmmplwd  againft  Panl. 

Now  as  the  falfe  Apoflles  would  not  leave  circuuicinon  and  the 

"oWcrvatioc  of  the  law  indifferent,  .but  required  the  fame  asncccf- 

iary  to  falvation,  fo  at  this  day  our  advcrfiries  doe  obiiinately  con- 

•  tend,  that  mers  traditions  canaot'hfcosuttfd  wichwt  pcnll  of  fal- 

"  \»*ion :  and  thus  of  on  example  of  charity,  they  rankc  an  example 

cf  faith,  when  notwithftandang  there  is  but  one  example  of  faith, 

'  wliichif,  tobelcevcin  JcfusChnft.    Andthk,  as  it  is  alone  neccf- 

fery  to  fal  vaticnsfo  deth  it  aiio  juididcrcm^y  per  taine  to  all  men.  Not- 


Chap .11.  '  Vfon  ^EPISTLE 

withftandingtlieadvcrfarics  would  rather  worfliip  the  Dcvill  ten 
times  in  ftead  of  God,thcn  they  would  fuffcr  this.  Thcrfore  they  arc 
daily  hard ned  more  and  more,  andfce:<c  to  eftablifh  their  impieties 
'and  blafphemics  acainft  God,  defending;  the  f  me  by  force  and  ty. 

ivcr-  ... 

<arie<,;etcnd  ranny,and  will  not  agree  or  content  unto  us  in  any  point.  But  what 
ihr.twickH  thci:?Letus  go  on  boldly  in  the  mmc  of  the  Lord  of  hofts,  and  for  all 
violence  ana  this,lct  us  not  cc.ife  to  fct  forth  t  he  glory  of  J  cfus  Chrift  :  and  let  us 
fight  valiantly  a^ainft  the  kingdoms  of  Antichrift  by  th«  wor^and 
by  prayer,  That  the  name  of  Qod  alone  may  be  fanttified,  that  hli  kint- 
jom  m^  come,  and  that  hU  will  may  be  done.  And  that  this  may  fpeedi- 
ly  come  r  o  paflc,  we  defire  even  from  the  bottome  of  our  hearts,  and 
fay,  Amen,  Amen. 
This  rrmmph  of  TAtil  thcrfbrc  was  very  glorious  :  namely,  that 

Ot     aw/a-       _,.  i-«  ^.         •»         if  it  '°.        ,  -in/-! 

gai^a  the  Tttus  which  was  a  y<««*&,  although  he  were  in  the  rnidft  or  the  A- 
tahc  APo.  poftics  nnd  all  the  faithfull,  where  this  queftion  was  fo  vehemently 
debated,  was  not  ye?  conftrained  to  be  circumcifed.  This  viclory 
/**«*/ carrierh  a way,and  faith  that  in  this  conference  it  was  decided 
by  the  confent  of  ail  the  Apoftles,  the  whole  Church  alfo  approving 
the  lame,  that  Titus  fhould  not  be  circumcifed. This  is  aftrong  argu 
ment  and  makcth  very  much  againft  the  filfe  Apoftles.  And  with  this 
argumenf.-AfoV/.tfr  Veas  Titiis  compelledte  becircHmcifcd>PaHl\Nzs  able 
to  reprcfT:  and  mightily  to  convince  all  his  adverfaries:as  if  he  fhould 
fty:  Why  do  thcfe  counterfeit  Apoftles  io  filfly  report  of  me,  faying, 
th  -r  I  am  compelled  to  keep  circamcuion  Sy  thecommand^ment  of 
the  A  poftleSjfeeing  I  have  the  witaes  of  .=11  the  faithfull  in  Jerftfo/em, 
and  moreover  of  all  the  Apoitles  themfelvcs,  that  by  my  purfdit  and 
travellthc  contrary  was  there  deter inined,  and  that  I  did  notonely 
there  prevails  that  Titus  Q-iould  not  br  circumcJcd,  but  that  the  A- 
poftlesalfodid  approve  and  ratihcthc  faaic?  Your  counterfeit  Apo 
ftles  therfore  do  lie  deadly,  which  (land -.r  me  under  the  name  of  the 
Apoftles,  and  therby  decciveyou:  fbrl  have  the  Apof ties  and  all  the 
faithfull,  not  againft  me,but  with  me.  And  this  I  prove  by  the  exam 
ple  of  Titttf. 

Notwithftandin£;,P/z«/fas  I  haveoftcnfnid)  did  not  condemn  cir- 
cumcifion  as  an  unprofitable  thing,  nor  conftrained  any  man  there 
unto.  For  ir  is  neither  (in  nor  righteoufnes  to  be  circumciied  or  ur jcir- 
cumcifed,as  it  is  neither  fin  nor  ri«hteoufnes  to  eat  or  drink.  For  nk- 
fft  *rt  neither  better  nor  worft.  But  if  any  man 



fhould  adde  therto  either  (in  cr  righteoufhcs,and.fay:Ifthou  eat  thou 

(inneft,  \i  thou  abftain  thou  art  righteous,  be  fhculd  fhew  himfclfe  - 

both  fooli(h  and  wicked.Theifore  to  joyn  ceremonies  with  finne  or  ?«<«•<'"  "s- 

_         .  i      /  i  •    c  'c  KouIiKs  in 

nghtcoufneSjis  great  impiety  :  as  the  Pope  doth,  who  in  bis  tor  me  or  the  keeping 

cxcommunicaticivhrcat ncth  to  all  thofc  that  do  not  obey  the  lavvof 

the  Bii"hop  ofRome,Gods  great  curfc  and  indignation,and  fo  rmketh 

all  his  laws  nectflary  toialvarion.  Whcrfore  the  Dcvill  himfclf  fpeaT 

kethinthepcrfoncf  the  Pope  ia  all  the  Popes  decrees. For  if  falvati- 

on  confifteth  in  keeping  thePopss  laws,what  need  hate  we  of  Chrift 

to  be  our  Juftifkr  and  Saviour  ? 

£>«•/£  4, 5.  F or  *tt the faffc  brethren  tb/tt  crept  In ^  -VF^IO  came  in  privi/j  to 
cfay  ont  our  liberty  wf:tch  T»e  JaazeinfiriftJcjM  that  they  mi^t 
bring  tu  into  bondage \To  vehcm  tveoave  net  place  by  fab  ettion 
for  an  hottrtthat  the  truth  of  the  Go/fell  might  continue  with  you.. 

Here  PWfheweth  the  caufe  why  he  went  up  to  Jernf<nkm,  and 
there  conferred  his  Gofpcll  with  the  other  Apoftks,  and  why  he 
would  not  circumcife  7"V//«:Not  that  he  might  be  the  more  certain, 
or  confirmed  in  the  Gofpell  by  the  Apoftks,  for  he  nothing  doub 
ted  thereof,but  that  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell  might  continue  in  the 
Churches  of  the  Galathians,  and  in  all  the  Churches  of  the  (jentiles. 
We  fee  then  that  the  bufines  of />**#/ was  no  light  matter. 

Now,  where  he  fpeakethohhe  truth  of  the  Geipell,  he  fhewcth 
that  there  be  two  Gcfpels,a  true  and  a  falfe  (jcfpell.  Indeed  the  Gof 
pcll  of  It  felfc  is  fimple,  true  and  finccre:  but  by  the  malice  of  Satans 
•miniftery  it  is  corrupt  and  defaced.  Therfbre  where  he  faith;  The 
.truth  of  ths  Goftelly  he  would  have  us  to  undcrftand  alio  the  contrary. 
As  if  he  would  lay  :the  falfc  Apoftlcs  do  alfo  preach  a  faith  and  a  Gof- 
.  pcll,but  they  are  both  falfv'.-therforc  have  1  let  iny  fclfe  fo  conftantly 
againft  them.    And  in  that  I  would  not  give  place  unto  them,  this 
have  I  brought  to  pafle,that  the  truth  ofthc  Golpcl  continueth  with 
you.  So  the  Pope  and  Anabaptifts  do  brag  at  this  day, that  they  teach  of  the 
the  Gofpell  and  faith  in  Chrift.    True  it  is  :  but  with  fuch  fruit  as 
•ihefalfc  Apoftlcs  once  did,  whoinTrfW  callcth  before  in  the  nrft 
Chapter,  troibleis  of  the  Church  and  fubvcrters  of  the  Gofpcll  of 
Chrift.  On  the  other  fide  he  faith  thathetcacheththe  truth  ofthc 
Gofpcll.  As  if  he  fhould  fay  :  Thcic  things  which  ths  fclic  Aperie 

Chap,!!.  rpon  tic  Ei  i  s  T  L  i 

teach,  brag  they  never  fo  much  that  they  teach  the  truth,  are  nothing 
clfe  but  ftarkelies.    So  alihereticks  pretend  the  Nitne  ofGod,  oft* 
Chrift,arid  of  fhe  Church,  Alfo  they  pretend  that  they  will  not  teach 
errors  or  Iics,but  moft  certain  truth  and  the  pure  Gofpell  of  Chrift. 
Tbc  rtJtkpf  .  Now,the  truth  of  the  Gofpell  is,that  our  rightcoufncffe  comcth  by 
•.he  i  efpeii.  fa;th  ajprtC)  without  the  works  of  the  law.  The  corruption  or  falfe- 
riKS;  ritJod  of  theGMpHlis,  that  we  are  jartifiedby  faith,  but  not  with- 
Go(>e11-      br.tthcWorks'xjPthelaw.    With  the  like  condition  thcfalfeApo- 
flksalfoprea-ched'tficGofpdl. '  fevenfodoceur  Papifts  at  this  day-; 
"TXfrp.""  For  they  fay  that  we  muft  bclecveln  Chrift,  and  that  faith  is  the 
pioneer  foundation  of  our  fyvation  :  but  it  juftificthnot,  except  it  be  furni- 
dns&ith,    fljedwlth'thatity.  This  is  not  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell,  but  falhood 
anddilHmulation.    But  the  true  G^fpetl  iridced  Js,  that  works  or 
charity  nrb  not  the  ornament  or  ptrfeftion  of  faith :  bnt  that  faith 
of  it  (elfc  is  Gods  gift  and  Gods  worke  in  our  hearts,  which  there 
fore  juftifcth  us,  bccaufe  it  apprehendeth  Chrift  our  redeemer, 
ike  objca  jvijfos  reafoh  hath  the  law  for  his  obje-c**,  thus  thinking  with  it  .felfc : 
wJSlZ  'Tills  I  have  done,  th;,s  I  have'!>ot  done  :  But  faith  being  in  herowa 
it  iookech.    proptr^office,  hath  no  otb-r  obj^*l  but  J-efus  Chrift  the  S  on  ofGod, 
ofShhjf  'delivered  to  death  for  the  fins  of  the  whole  world.   It  lookcth  not  ta 
the thi^     cha-ity.    It  faith  not:  what  have  I  done  ?  what  have  I off:ndcJ? 
,heceye"7  what  Wve  I  dtftfrved  ?  but  what  hath  Chrift  done  ?  what  hath  he  d*. 
faith  loo.    fcrve<i  ?  Here  thretruth  of  the  Gofpell  anfwereth  thce :  he  hath  redea- 
?se?b!Iftich  med  thec  from  thy  (in,  from  the  devill  and  from  cternall  death,  faith 
therefore  acknowledged,  that  in  this  one  perfon  Jefus  Chrift,  it 
hath  forgivcncfT;  of  finncs  and  -cternall  life.  He  that  turneth  his  eyes 
away  from  thisebj:ft,  hath  no  true  faith,  but  afantaficand  a  vainc 
opinion  and  tufncth  his  eyes  from  thepromife  to  the  law,  which 
!  ttrrificth  t?nd  dfivdth  to  delpat^tion. 

f  aithftmi.       wh^rcfere  thofe  things  which  the  Popilh  Schoolemen  hare 
SJU    taught  concerning  the  justifying  faith  being  fiirniftied  with  cha 
rity    are  notnin^  cl(e-  bur  meere  dtcames.    For  that  faithwhich  ap- 
prehcndeth  thrift  thfcSbBfii^fGod,  and  is  furnished  with  him  it 
J8&    the  famc'fafth  which  /uftifierh,  and  not  that  faith  which  mcludcth 
cbariry.    for  a  trtie  and  ftcdfaft  faith  muft  lay  hold  upon  nothing 
clfe  butChrift  alone,  and  in  the  afciftions  and  terrouri  of  confcicnce 
it  hath  nothing  elfete  leanc  unto,  but  this  •*  Diamond  Chrift  Je 
fus   Wherefore  hethat  »#»reh€fldettr  Chrift  by  faith,  although  be 



To  the  G  A  t  A  T  H  i  A  s  s. 

be  never  £>  much  tcrrif^d  with  the  law  and  opprcflfed  with  the 
weight  o(  his  fin?,  yet  may  hs  be  held  to  glory  that  he  is  righteous. 
Hovv  or  by  what  means  ?  Even  by  that  precious  pcarle  Chritt  Jcfus,  But 
which  he  poffcflcth  by  faith.This  our  adverfaries  underftand  not,  and 
thcrfcre  they  caft  avviv  this  prccicus  pearls  Cbritt,  and  in  his  place 
they  fit  charity,  which  they  fay  is  their  prcciens  diamond.    Now,  CJr 
when  they  cannot  tell  what  faith  is,  it  is  nnpoflible  that  they  fhonld  papiiu<iia 
have  faith.-much  idfc  can  they  teach  it  unto  others.    And  as  for  that 
which  they  will  (ecm  to  have,it  is  nothing  els  but  naturall  rcafon,an 
opinion,0,  very  dream  and  no  faith. 

This  I  fay, to  the  end  ye  may  perceive  &  notc,that  by  thefe  words, 
the  truth  of  the  Gef}e/ifP*ttt  vehemently  reproyeth  the  contrary.  V  or 
he  reprchcndcth  vhc  falfc  Apdtlcs,  becaufc  they  had  taught  a  Falfo 
Gofpell :  requiring  circumcilion,  and  the  obfervation  of  the  law  as 
necefl'ary  toialvation.  Moreover  they  went  about  by  wonder fidl 
craft  and  fubtilty  to  entrap  Paul&sr  they  watched  him  narrowly  to 
Ice  whether  he  would  circumcife  Titut  or  no  :  alfo  whether  he  durft 
\vithrtand  theafi  in  the  prcfcnce  of  the  Apoftles,  and  far  this  cauie  he 
rcprchendeth  their,  bitterly.  They  went  tffo«f(ftith  he)  to  ffiie  out  our 
liberty  which  we  have  in  foriftjcfm,  that  they  might  bring  ut  Into  bon- 
^w.Whafbrc  the  falleApoftlos  armed  themfd yes  on  every  fide.that 
they  miqht  convince  and  confound  him  before  the  whole  eongrcga- 
tion.Bcfides  this,they  went  about  to^but:  the  authority  of  the  Apa- 
ftlcs,in  whofe  prcfcnce  they  accaf,rd  him,faying:  P/utJ  hath  brought 
Titus  be;ng  uneircimcifed,  into  the  company  of  all  the  faithfull :  he 
denieth  and  condernncth  the  law  in  your  prefencc  which  arc  Apo- 
ftks-  I f  he  dire  be  ft  bold  to  attempt  this  here  and  before  you,  what 
will  not  he  attempt  in  your  abfence among  the  fyntiles. 

Wherefore  when  he  perceived  that  he  \yas  io  craftily  affiileJ, 
hcftrons;ly  w>t^!\ood  thefilfe  Apoftlcs,  frying  :  we  did  not  fufiFjr 
our  liberty  w  hich  wehjvc  in  Chrift  Jefus  to  come  in  danger,  al- 
tho«°h  tftc  hlfd  brethren  £bughtby  all  mcanes  to  fnare  us  and  put 
us  to^much  trouble  :  hut  we  overcame  them  even  by  the  judgement 
of  th*  Apodhs  thcmfclves,  and  we  would  not  yceld  unto  them,  no 
not  one  jiourc  (  for,  no  doubt,  their  drift  was  to  have  caufed  *P**/ 
to  forceafc  from  this  liberty  for  a  time  )  fithens  we  faw  that  they 
required  thefcbfcrvation  of  the  law  as  necefl'ary  to  {alvation.  But 
if  they  h&j[  alledgcd  nothing  elfc  bat  charitable  bearing  with  the 


Chap.  II.  rpn  the  E  P  i  $  T  i  B 

brethren  no  doubt  but  <7W  would  have  given  them  place. But  it  was 
another  thing  that  they  fought :  to  wit,  that  they  might  bring  P<*ul 
and  all  that  (tuck  to  his  doclrin  into  bondagc.Therfore  he  would  not 
yceld  unto  not  thelpacc  of  one  moment. 

In  **ke  manner  d o  we  alfo  offer  to  the  Papifts  all  that  is  to  be  of&- 
rcd,yca  and  more  then  we  ought  .Only  we  except  the  liberty  of  con- 
ate  &iencc  which  we  ha  vein  Chriftjefus.  For  we  will  not  f'uffcr  our 
thofe  things  .confcicnces  to  be  bound  to  any  work,  fo  that  by  doing  this  thing  or 
indie  iSn  t^lat>  wc  ^ou^  ^c  righteous, or  leaving  the  fame  undone  we  fiiouU 
ef  the  oof.  be  damned.  Wc  are  contented  to  eat  the  fame  meats  that  they  ear,we 
pdi  arc  m.  wjjj  ^ecp  t^ejr  fafa  and  fatting  daies,fo  that  they  will  fuffcr  us  to  do 

tcilytobe       i      /-        r        .       /  /*•  11  1X1 

njeQcd,      the  lame  with  a  free  conscience,  and  leave  tndethreatntng  words, 

wherwith  they  have  terrified  and  brought  under  their  fubjedien  the 

"TbePopw  whole  world  :  faying:  *  VVc  command, wc  charge,we  charge  again. 

thudcibolw.  ",       _,         1-i-L 

we  excommunicate,^.  But  this  liberty  we  cannot  obtain :  like  as 
P^w/alfo  could  not  in  his  time. Thcrforc  wc  do  as  he  did.  For  when 
he  fa  w  that  he  could  not  obtain  this  liberty,  he  would  not  give  place 
to  the  falfe  ApoftieSjthc  fpaCw  of  one  houre. 

it  it  a  point      Whcrfore,  like  as  our  ad  verfiuies  will  not  leave  this  free  unto  us, 
Siani^o"" tnat  only  faltl1  in  CIirift  Mtifieth  :  fo  on  the  other  fide,  ncithcf  will 
be  aeut  a-    we,nor  can  we  give  place  unto  them,  that  faith  furnilhed  with  cha- 
>"r  rity  juft  ificth.    Here  we  will  and  wc  ought  alfo  to  be  rebellious  and 
'the  obftinatc  aga;nft  them,for  els  we  fliould  lofc  the  truth  of  the  Gofycll : 
h"  we  (houldlofe  our  liberty  which  we  have,  not  in  the  Empcrour, 
not  in  Kings  and  Princes,  not  in  that  monfter  the  Pope,  not  in  the 
world,  not  in  fiefb,  bloud,  rcafon,  &e.  but  which  wc  have  in  Chnft 
Jcius.  We  fliould  lofc  faith  in  Chnft,  which  (as  before  thavefaid) 
apprehcndeth  nothing  els  but  that  precious  diamond  Chrift  Jcfus. 
^^^s  ^alt^  whereby  wc  are  regenerate,  juftified,  and  engrafted  into 
things  ate     Chrift,  if  our  adverfaries  will  leave  unto  us  found  and  uncorrupt,  wc 
offer  unto  them  that  we  will  do  all  things,fo  that  they  be  not  contra- 
ry  to  this  f  mb.  But  becaufe  we  cannot  obtain  this  at  their  hands,wc 
again  for  our  part  will  not  yecld  unto  them  one  haircs  breadth.    Foe 
the  matter  which  we  have  in  hand  is  weighty  and  of  great  impor 
tance,  even  touching  the  death  of  the  Son  of  God .'  who  by  the  will 
and  cotnmandcment  of  the  Father  was  made  flcflh,  was  crucified  and 
died  for  the  finnes  of  the  world.    1  f  faith  here  give  place,  then  is  this 
death  and  rcfurredion  of  thcSonne  of  God  in  vaine ;  then  is  it  but  a 


T&  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  K  s.  Fol.48 

fable  that  Chrift  is  the  Saviour  of  the  worM:then  is  God  foond  a  liar, 
becaufc  he  hath  not  performed  that  he  prormfcd.  Our  ftoutnes  thcr- 
fore  in  this  matter  is  godly  and  holy.  For  by  it  we  feck  to  prefer  vc 
our  liberty  which  we  have  in  Chrift  Jcfus,and  itarby  tcretamcthc 
truth  of  the  Gofp'Sll :  which  if  we  lofc,  then  do  we  alfo  h-ic  God, 
Chrift.allthc  pronnfcs/aith,rightecufnes,and  everhiiing  life. 

But  here  will-fome  man  fay  :  the  law  is  divine  and  holy.  Let  the  Tt,e<!oarioe 
law  have  his  glory,  but  yet  no  law  be  it  never  £> divine  and  holy,  of  the  bw. 
ou°ht  to  teach  m:  that  I  ain  jjftificd  and  fiiall  live  through  it.  I 
grant  it  may  teach  me  that  1  ought  to  love  God  and  my  neighbour  : 
alfo  to  live  in  chaftity,  fobernefle,  patience,  &c.  but  it  ought  not  to 
fhew  how  I  faould  be  delivered  from  fin,  the  devil],  death  and  hell. 
Here  I  muft  take  counfell  of  the  Gofpell,  I  muft  hearken  to  the 
Gofpell  which  teachcth  nae,  uot  what  1  ought  to  do  (  for  that  is  the  pe. 
proper  otiice  of  the  law:)  but  what  Jefus  Chrift  the  Sonnc  of  God 
bath  done  for  wit,thathefuf£:redanddied  to  deliver  me  from 
fin  and  death.  The  Gofpell  willeth  me  to  receive  this,asd  to  believe. 
it.And  this  is  tbe  truth  of  the  is  alfo  the  principle  article  of 
all  Chriftian  dcctrin,wherin  the  knowledge  of  all  godlincfli  confift- 
cth.  Moft  neccflVy  it  is  therfore  that  we  ("houtd  know  this  article 
wellhead)  it  untoothers,and  beat  it  into  their  heads  continually.For 
.as  it  is  very  tender-To  is  it  foon  hurt  .This  T'Whad  well  trycd,and  of 
this  have  all  the  godly  alfo  good  experience. 

To-Conclude,  V«ul  would  not  circumcife  Titw.  and  (as  he  faith) 
for  no  other  caufe,but  for  that  certain  faife  brethren  were  crept  in  to 
cfpy  out  their  liberty,  and  would  have  conftramed  TWto  circum 
cife  Titw.  Paul  feeing  this  conftramt  and  neccffity,  would  give  no 
place,  no  not  for  an  hour,  but  ftrongly  rcliftcd  them,  and  therfore  he 
izilh'.Neitktr  Titus  vt'uich  KM  with  mcjiew^  4Gf»titeyrvM  compelled  to  he  G*/*,t> 
circumct[  they  had  required  this  in  the  way  of  brotherly  charityi 
doubtles  he  would  not  have  denied  it.  But  feeing  they  would  have 
done  it  as  a  neceffory  thing,and  that  by  compul{ion,to  the  cvill  exam* 
pie  of  the  overthrowing  of  the  Gofpell,  and  to  bring  mens 
confcienccs  into  bondage,  therefore  he  fct  hi mfelf  mightily  againfk 
thcm,and  prevailed  fo,that  Titw  was  not  circumcifcd. 
.  It  may  fecmebutafmallmattcrtobccircumcifed,  or  not  circum- 
ciicd.  But  when  a  man  hath  an  affiance  in  keeping  of  it,  or  clie  it 
in  fcaic  for  not  keeping  of  it,  here  God  is  denied,  Chrift  is  rcjedcd, 


'Chap.  II. 

the  grace  and  all  the  promifcs  of  God  arercfufed.  But  ifcircurncifi- 
on  be  kept  without  this  addition,  there  is  no  danger.    If  the  Pope 
ni        would  in  thivfort  require  ofas  the  keeping  of  his  traditions^  *  bare1 
iome  cJifi    ceremonies,  it  £hodd  not  be  fb  grievous  unto  us  to  keep  them:  but  to 
bind  mem  conicicnces  to  thefe  ceremonies,  and  to  make  of  them  an 
biah  and  acceptable  fervice  unto  God,  yea  and  moreover  to  add,  that 
^    an<*  ^lvat'on>or  <^catn  an^  damnation  confifteth  ih  the  obfervati- 
on  hereof,is  a  deviUifh  fupst  ftition,  and  full  of  biaiphcmy.    Who  (b 
will  not  cry  againft  this,accurfed  be  he,  &c. 

umo  the  A. 

Vcrfe  6rj.  And  of&em  Which  feemedts  le  great 

tliej  Were  in  timespaft^  it  i*  n«  matter  to  wfj&c. 

T^s  is  a  venemcot  a^4  llrong  confutation.  For  he  givcth  not  to 
the  tru*  Apoftlcs  themfclvcs  any  glorious  titktbut  as  it  were  abafing 
thcir  d'§n"y  »  hs  iaith  :  *!to*fi&i4  *°  b*  £reat  :  that  is,  which  were 
in  authority  ,upon  whom  the  dcEwmination  of  all  matters  depended. 
Notwithftanding  the  authority  of  the  ApolUcs  was  indeed  very 
great  in  ail  the  Churches.  And  P^//alfodid  not  feekany  whit  to  di- 
minilh  their  authority,  but  he  thus  contemptueufly  anfwereth  tho 
falfe  Apoftlcs,which  let  the  authority  and  dignity  of  the  Apoftks  a- 
gainft  PAH!  in  all  the  Churches,  that  thcrby  they  might  weaken  hi* 
authority,.  and  bring  his  whole  miniftery  into  contempt.  This  Paul 
might  not  fbffcr.To  the  end  thcrfore  that  the  trutb  of  the  Gafpel  an4 
liberty  of  conlcience  in  Chrift  might-continue  among  the  GtbtkiaKi 
and  in  all  the  Churches  of  the  gc*tikt,  he  anfwereth  (loutly  to  the 
falfe  Apoftles,that  he  pafled  not  how  great  the  Apoftles  were,or  what 
they  had  bin  in  times  paft  :  and  w  h  eras  they  all  edged  the  authority 
of  the  nameor  the  Apoftles  againft  him,  it  touched  htm  nothing  at 
all.  He  confeffcth  that  the  Apoftles  are  indeed  fonlewhat,  and  that 
their  authority  is  to  be  revcrenced.Notwithftanding  his  Goipclland 
Winiftery  ought  not  to  be  overthrowne  for  the  name  or  title  of  any* 
whatfoever  he  be,  an  Apoftle  or  an  Angcll  from  heaven. 

And  thrswasofwoftbegreatefl:  Arguments  that  the  faMeApo- 
ftlcsufed  againft  *PAttl.  The  Apoftles  ((aid  they)  were  familiarly 
The  SUE*-  convcrfjnt  with  Chrift  for  the  fpacc  of  three  years.  1'hcy  heard 
.went  of  the  and  faw  all  his  preachings  and  miracles.  Moreover,  they  thcra- 
ftict  ag»imT  felvcs  preached  and  wrought  miracles  whiles  Chnrt  was  yet  li- 
?**•  ving  in  the  world  :  whom  *&*»{  never  /4W  in  the  flcfh,  and  as  tou 


Te  tfa  GALATHIANS.  Fol«4$ 

thing  his  converfion,  it  was  lon^af  ter  the  glorification  of  Chrift. 
Whcrforc  they  (houU  now  confi<Wwhichof  thcfe  they  ought  more 
to  believe:  Pad  which  was  but  one  and  alone,and  alfo  but  aDifciplc, 
yea  and  one  of  the  laft  of  alhor  the  chiefeft  and  molt  excellent  Apo 
ftles,  which  long  before  T/Ml  wcrefcnt  and  confirmed  by  Chrift 
himfclf.To  this/Wanfwcrcth:what  of  all  this?  I  his  argument  con- 
cludeth  nothing.    Let  the  Apoftles  be  never  fo  great, yea  let  them  be  p««f:ne,i 
Angels  from  hcavcn,il  is  no  matter  to  me.    The  controvcrlie  is  not 

here  concerning  the  excellency  of  the  Apoftlcs,  but  concerning  the  o^  wh«* 
word  of  God,and  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell.This  ought  to  be  kept  pure  {Q 
and  u:>corrupt:this  ought  to  be  preferred  above  all  thmgs.Thercfore 
how  great  Tttcr  and  the  have  bin,what  great  miracles 
they  have  wrought,it  is  no  matter  to  me. This  is  it  that  1  only  feek,e- 
yen  that  the  truth  of  the  Gofpcll  may  continue  among  you.fhis  fe<> 
mcth  to  me  but  a  (lender  anfwer  of  Pout,  when  of  purpofc  he  focorn 
tcmncth  the  authority  of  the  Apoftlcs,  which  the  falfe  Apoftlcs  ab> 
leadged  againfthim,and  givcth  no  other  folution  to  their  mighty  ar 
gument  then  this:  ft  is  no  matter  to  me.  Notwithftanding  he  addeth  a 
reafon  of  the  confutation. 

V  erfe  6.  Ged  accept ftk  no  mansperfon. 

This  place  he  allcdgcth  out  ofcJWi^r,  who  ufeth  the  fime,  not 
once,  but  many  times  :  Thou  fl*t/t  not  accept  in  ittdgement  the  per- 
fin  of  the  'rich  man  or  of  the  poare.  And  this  is  a  principle  of  Divi 
nity  :  God  it  no  accepter  ofperfons.  With  the  which  fiying  he  ftop- 
peth  the  mouthes  of  the  falls:  Apoftles.  As  though  he  would  fay  : 
Ycfctthof.againft  me  which teem:  to befamc what  :  but  God  ca- 
tcth  not  for  fuch  out  ward  things.  Heregirdeth  net  iheofficcof  A- 
poftlciliip.  It  is  not  the  dignity  or  authority  of  men  that  he  lookcth 
upon.  And  in  token  hereof,  he  furfcred  Judxt  one  of  the  chiefeft  A- 
poftlcs  and  Saul  one  of  the  greatcft  Kings  ,  yea  and  the  firft  of  all, 
to  fall  away  and  to  be  damned.  Ifiwacl  alfo  and  €fa»  he  refund, b> 
ing both  ^ftrft- borne.  So  ftiall  you  find  throughout  all  the  whole 
Scripture,  that  God  oftentimes  rcjecled  thclc  which  in  outward 
Ihcw  were  very  good  and  holy  men.  And  in  thcf:  exam  pies  God 
fccmcth  fomctimesto  bccruell :  but  it  was  moft  ncccflfiry  tha*  fjch 
fearfull  examples  (hould  be  l"hewcd,and  alfo  be  written,  for  this  vice 
is  naturally  grafted  in  us,  that  We  highly  efteetn  the  pcrlons  and  out- 


Chap.  II.  Vyw  the  E  ?  i  s  T  L  i 

ward  appearance  of  men,and  mtf^regard  the  fame  then  the  word  of 
-  God. Contrari wife  God  willhavRstofixoureyes,and  to  reft  who- 
•<•>  the      ,ly  upon  the  word  it  fdf :  he  will  not  have  us  to  reverence  and  ad,Te 
*cifon        the  Apoftiefhip  in  the  pcrfons  of  Peter  and  Pa*/,  but  Chriit  fpeaking 
in  them  and  the  word  which  they  bring  and  preach  unto  us. 

This  the  natural!  man  cannot  fee:  but  the  fpiritu.ili  man  only  dif- 
ccrneth  the  pzrfon  from  the  word,  the*  \cile  of  God  from  God 
himfclfe.  N°w  this  tcilc  of  God  is  every  creature.   Moreover,  God 
here  in  this  life  dealcth  not  with  us  face  to  face,  but  covered  and  flia- 
do  wed  ^rorr l1'5 :  tnat  'SJ as  P<*«/ faith  in  another  place  :*  We  fee  now 
u,a>  it  were,  ^  if  were  through  ag/ajfe  dark!}  ^Mt  then  we  /ball fee  face  to  face.  1  herc- 
fl»ad"*rd  *ore  wc  cannot:  ^c  wiihout  veiles  in  this  life.    But  here  wifdome  is 
undent.'     required,  which  can  difccrne  the  veile  from  God  himfelfe^nd  this 
*11'11  w^^onie  tne  world  hath  not.Thc  covetous  man  hearing  that  mAnlt- 
1'efh  not  by  bread  only,  but  by  every  word  that  pr&ceedeth  out  of  the 
mouth  of  (yW,  eateth  the  bread,  but  he  fceth  not  God  in  the  bread, 
for  he  beholdeth  the  vsile  only  and  outward  Ihew.  So  he  doth-  with 
§c^  and  otner  creatures,  trufting  to  them  fo  long  as  ,hs  hath  them  r 
«f  God,  and  but  when  they  leave  him,  he  defpaircth.  And  thus  he  honoureth  not 
Lpm£fe.°d   tne  Creator,  but  the  creatures ;  not  God, but  hisownc  beliy.  This  I 
fpeak  left  any  man  mould  think  that  PWuttcrly  condemncth  thefe 
outward  vciles  or  peiibns,  tcr  he  faith  not  that  there  ought  to  be  no 
perfon,but  that  there  is  no  rcfpcft  of  perfons  with  God.  There  muft 
be  per fons  and  outward  vciics:  God  hath  given  them,  and  they  are 
Tcte*^^  ^  S^^  crcaturcs^-ut  we  muft  net  truft  in  them.  All  the  matter  is  in 
GO*  g"od  the  right  ufing  of  things,  and  not  in  the  things  thcmfelves,  as  before 
bauotruft    *  ^avc ^^'  Tl^re  is  no  fault  in  circumcifion  or  uncirctimcifion  ( for 
in  n>4Ki<    circumcifion  is  nothing,and  uncirumcifion  is  nothing)  but  ia  the  ufd 
wicked,      thcrof.  To  pot  righteou£ies  in  the  one  and  unrightcoufncs  in  the  o- 
ther,that  ufc  is  damnable  and  ought  to  be  taken  away  :  which  being, 
removed,  circumciTion  and  uncircumcifion  arc  things  tolerable. 

So  the  Prince,  the  Magiftrate,  the  Preacher,  the  Schocle-maft^r, 
the  Schollcrv  the  Father,  the  Mother,  the  Children ,  the  Maftcr, 
the  Servant,  are  perfons  and  outward  veiles,  which  God  will  have 
us  to  acknowledge,,  love  and  reverence  as  his  creatures,  which  alfb 
mud  needs  be  had  in  this  Me  :  but  be  will  not  have  us  fo  to  reve 
rence  them  or  truft  unto  thera,that  wc  forget  him.  And  te  the  end 
*jbat  waftiQuld  nottQo  much  magnific  the  outward  pcrieiis,  or  put 

T0  th€  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S . 

any  truftin  them,  Godleaveth  in  them  offences  and  fins,  yea  great 
and  foule  fins,to  teach  us  what  difference  there  is  between  the  perlbn 
and  God  himfclf.  £>*Wthat  good  King  ^cciiifc  he  ihould  not  fecm 
to  be  a  perfcn  upon  whom  men  fhsuid  milt,  fell  inio  horrible  (inncs, 
adultery  and  murther.    r?tter  that  excellent  Apoftls  denied  Chrift.  into  great 
Thefe  and  fuch  like  examples,  wheroftlie  Scripture  is  fuiUought  to  ™CJ*[J 
U'arn  us  that  wercpofe  not  our  tr  oft  in  the  pc  l*>n  and  outward  vcile3  not  cleave 
nor  thinke  that  when  we  have  the  outward  uicws  and  fr*adows,wc  totho*  p 
have  all  things:  As  it  is  in  Popery,  where  they  juuse  all  things  accor 
ding  to  the  outward  veil,  and  therfo:e  all  Papery  is  nothing  els  but  a 
mcer refpecling  of perions  and  outward  thews.  God  hath  given  his 
creatures  to  our  ufe  and  to  doc  us  fervice,  and  not  as  Idols  that  we 
fliould  do  fervice  unto  thdn.Lct  us  then  ufe  bread, wiiJC3apparell,po£- 
feflions,goid3(ilver,and  all  other  creatures :  but  let  us  not  truft  or  glo 
ry  in  them :  for  we  muft  truft  and  glory  in  God  alone.  He  only  is  to 
be  loved, he  only  is  to  be  feared  and  honoured. 

Paul  callcth  here  ths  ApoiUc»hip  or  office  of  the  Apaflles  (which 
wrought  many  and  ereat  miracles,tau^htand  converted  many  to  the 
faith,and  VV.TC  aHo  familiai  with  Chnft)  the  perfon  of  man. 

Briefly,  this  word  perfon  comprehended  the  whole  outward 
co:u'j!f'i;ionot  tSc  was  holy,  and  their  authority 
which  vvasp,reat.  Ni>twuhtianding  (Tilth  he)  God  cfteemcth  not 
tbcJc  thin$«:Not  that  he  eilecmeth  them  not  at  all,  but  in  the  mattec 
o;  j\i-'ifi(  ui  11  ;iercgai'deth  thein  not,  be  they  never  fo  great  and 
fyg'orou>.  F.T  we inuft  diligently  muke this  diliinclion,  that  in 
matters  <;t'Di  in:*y  wemuft  fpcake  f:rre  cthcrwifs  then  in  mat- 
tets  of  policy.  In  m^tt-rs  of  pollicy  (as  I  have  fiid  )  God  -.viil 
have  us  to  honour  and  reverence  thefe  outward  v.iiles  or  pcrfons 
as  his  inftrumcnts  by  who  n  he  governeth  and  prefcrvcth  the  \\'o  1 1. 
But  when  thcqueftion  is  as  touching  religion,  confcience,  the  firarc 
of  God,  fnthandtheferviccof  vjod,  wemuLt  not  feare  thefe  out 
ward  perfjns,  we  muft  put  no  truft  in  them,  looke  for  no  comfort 
from  them,  or  hope  for  deliverance  by  them  either  corporally  or 
ipintu-illy.  For  this  caufe  God  \vill  have  no  rcfpeft  of  pcrfons  in 
judgement:  for  judgement  is  a  divine  thing.  Whcrfore 
neither  to  fcare  the  Judge,  nor  truft  in  the  J  udge :  but  iny  fcare  and «°  b 
truft  ought  to  be  in  God  alone,  who  is  the  true  J  udge.  The  civill  "JjT 
Judge  or  Magiftratc  I  ought  indeed  to  reverence  for  Gods  caufe,  o*w,i. 

H  a 

Chap.  II.  Vfon  the  E  ?  i  s  T  t 1 

whofc  miniiter  he  is  :  but  my  confcicncc  may  not  ftay  or  truft 
his  jutticc  and  equity,  or  be  feared  through  his  unjust  dealing  or  ty- 
ranny,whcrby  I  might  fallintoany  of&nce  againft  God,  in  lying,  ia 
bearing  hlfc  witnes,tn  denying  the  truth,d^.  Otherwife  I  will  re 
verence  and  honour  the  Magiftrate  with  all  my  hcnrt. 
So  I  would  al&  honor  the  Pope  &love  his  pcr£>n,if  he  would  leave 
my  conference  frec,and  not  compel  me  to  fin  againftGod.But  he  wil 
fi)  be  feared  and  adored,as  cannot  be  done  without  offjnce  to  thcMa- 
jcftyofGod.Here  (incc  we  muft  needs  lolethe  one  let  us  lofc  the  pcr- 
fon  and  ftick  to  God.  We  could  be  content  to  fulfcr  the  (iominion  of 
thc  p       .  but  bccaufc  nc  abufetn  the  fame  fo  ty rannoufly  aeainft  us, 

Luther  fcai  i  •  j  n  t  i  i  i    r  \  r'     J  i  i 

comcntio     and  would  compell  us  to  deny  and  blaiphctne  God,  and  to  acknow- 

Jfie'^o-  ^cc^Se  ^'m  OD^  as  our  ^orc' an<^  ^after>cl°gg'n?  our  conferences  and 
tbets  m;ght  fpoyling  us  of  the  fear  and  truft  which  we  lliould  have  in  God,  thcr- 
OB-     rc  wc  arc  camPcHccl  by  the  commandcmcnt  of  God,  to  refift  the 
°"   Pope :  for  it  is  written:*/^*  Vrc  muft  rtthcr  obey  g&d  then  wr»,Thcr- 
».  fore  withcut  c  ff;ncc  of confcience  (which  is  our  fingular  comfort ) 
we  contemn  the  authority  of  the  Pope. 

There  is  a  certain  vehemcncy  therefore  to  be  noted  in  this  word 
\jGod  "\  For  in  the  caufc  of  religion,  and  the  word  of  God,  there  muft 
be  no  rcfpeA  of  perfons.But  in  mat  Wrs^of  policy  we  muft  have  regard 
to  the  per  fon  :  for  other  wife  there  muft  needs  follow  a  contempt  of 
allr«vcrcncc  and  order.  In  this  world  God  will  have  an  order,  a  re 
verence  and  a  difference  of  perfons.  For  clfe  the  child,  thefcrvant, 
the  Subject  would  fay  :  I  am  a  Chriftian  as  well  as  my  Father,  my 
School- mafle^my  Mafter,  my  Prince  :  why  then  fhould  1  reverence 
him  ?  Before  God  then  there  is  no  rcfpecl  of  perfons,  neither  of  C/re- 
ci*tn  nor  of  jW,.  but  all  arc  one  in  Chrift  :,although  not  £>  before  the 

Thus  P<wt  confuterfe  the  argument  of  the  falfe  Apoftlcs  as 
touching  the  authority  of  the  Apoftles ,  and  ftirh  that  it  is  no 
thing  to  the  purpofe.  For  the  queftion  is  not  here  concerning 
the  rcfpecl  of  pei  ions,  but  there  isa  farre  weightier  matter  in  hand, 
tbat  is  to  lay,  'a  divine  matter  concerning  God  and  his  word, 
and  whether  tNs  word  ought  to  be  preferred  before  the  Apoftlefhip 
or  no  :  Whcrunto  ^Wanfwcrcth  :  So  that  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell 
may  continue ,  fo  that  the  werd  of  God  and  the  rightconfneflc 
may  be.  kept  pur,c  and  uncorrupt,  let  the  ApoBielhip  goe3 


TO  the  G  A  i.  A  T  H  I  A  N  S. 

let  an  Angcli  from  Heaven,  let  7W,  let  PWaltogeth-r  perirh. 

6.    Nevmhtlfffe  thsj  tbntfeemed  to  be  ths  chief  e^M  C9mmft»ic*t* 

As  though  he  would  fay  :  I  did  not  fo  conferre  with  the  Apoftles 
that  they  taught  me  any  thing:  For  what  faould  they  teach  oie,fince 
Chritt  by  his  revolution  had  before  fufficiently  taught  me  all  things? 
and  moreover  fincc  I  have  now  preached  the  Gofpcll  the  fpacc  of 
cighteenc  yearcs  among  the  Gentiles,  and  Cbrift  hath  wrought  fo 
many  miracles  by  mc,wherby  he  hath  confirmed  my  doctrine:  vvher- 
forc  it  was  but  a  conference  and  no  difputarion.Wherin  1  learned  no- 
thing,neither  did  I  recant,nor  yet  defend  my  caufc,but  only  declared 
what  things  I  have  done  :  to  wit,  that  I  had  preached  to  the  Gen- 
tiles  faith  oncly  in  Chrift  without  the  law,and  that  by  this  preaching 
of  faith  the  holy  Ghoft  came  down  upon  the  Gentiles,  which  imme- 
diatly  fpakc  with  divers  tongues.  Which  things  when  the  Apoftles 
heard,  they  witneflcd  that  I  had  taught  the  truth.  Wherefore  the 
falfe  Apnftlcs  doc  me  great  wrong  which  pervert  and  turn;;  all  thefa 
things  ckanc  contrary.  Now,  if  Paul  would  give  no  place  to  the 
falfc  Apoftles  which  fet  the  authority  of  the  tru^  Apoftles  againft 
him  :  much  Idfc  ought  we  to  give  place  to  our  adverfaries,  which 
have  nothing  elfe  to  bragof,  but  th<i  Authority  of  their  Idoll  the 
Pope.  I  know  that  the  godly  ought  to  be  humble  :  but  againft  the 
Pope  I  will  and  I  ought  to  be  proud  with  a  ho:y  pridc^n.*!  fay  :Thou  T^J  Mr 
Pope,  I  will  not  be  fubjecl:  unto  thce  :  I  will  nottakethccformy  Jodiy°»! 

Mafter,for  I  am  fure  that  my  do,5trine  is  true  and  godly.  But  the  Pope 
will  not  hearc  thisdo^rinc.    Nay  he  would  force  us  to  obey  his  ^ 
laws  and  his  decrccs,and  if  we  will  not,  be  will  by  and  by  excommu- 
nicatc,curfc  and  condemn  us  as  herericks.Such  pride  thsrforc  againft 
'  the  Pope  is  moft  necc(Tary.    And  if  we  fhouid  not  be  thus  .(lout  and 
proud,  and  in  the  holy  Ghoft  utterly  condcrane  both  him  with  all  his  why  the 
doftrine,  and  thredcvill  the  father  of  lyes  fpe'aking  in  iiim,  we  ihouW  {J^^J 
never  be  able  to  defend  this  article  of  the  righteoufiics  of  fdith,    Wcgainrttb 
j  doc  not  then  contemnc  the  authority  of  the  Pope  b^cpufc  vve  would  Po'*i 
i  bcarc  rule  over  him,  neither  doc  we  goe  about  to  exalt  our  felvcs  a- 
bovc  all  fovcraigne  power,  fmceit  is  evident  that  we  teach  a  11  men  *S 
to  humble  and  iubmit  themfelves  to  the  higher  powers  *  ordained  of 
God  :  but  this  is  it  that  we  only  feuke,that  the  glory  of  God  may  be- 

H  3  main- 

humility  ?n 
God,  and 
of  faith. 

iov«  { .tfc 
re  h.  all 
faith  can . 
bcare  with 

Chap*  I L  rp on  the  E  P  i  $  T  L  H^  therighteoufnes  of  ftith  may  he  kept  pure  and"  found1. 

Wherefore  jf  the  Pope  will  grant  unto  us  that  God  alone  by  hij 
metre  grace  through  Chrift  doth  juftine  (in  tcrs,  we  will  not  only 
carry  him  in  ©nr  handout  will  alfok;{T..  his  feet.  Bat  fince  we  can 
not  obtaine  this,  we  againe  in  God  are  proud  againft  him  above  mca- 
fure,  and  will  give  no  place,  no  not  one  haires  bredth  to  all  the  An 
gels  in  Heaven,  not  to  Peter ,  not  to  Pault  not  to  an  hundreth  Empc- 
rows,  not  to  a  thousand  Popes,nor  to  the  whole  world.  But  be  it  far 
from  us  that  we  fhould  here  humble  our  felves/ince  they  would  take 
from  us  our  glory,  even  God  himfelfc  that  hath  created  us  and  given 
us  all  things,  and  Jcfos  Chrift  who  hath  redeemed  us  with  his  blood. 
Let  this  be  then  the  conclufion  of  all  t^gether,that  we  will  fufcr  our 
goods  to  be  taken  away,  our  name,  our  life,and  all  that  we  hare :  but 
the  Gofpell,our  Faith,  JrfusChrift  we  will  never  fiifer  to  be  wrcftcd 
from  jjs.  And  curied  be  that  humility  which  here  abafeth  and  fubinit* 
teth  it  felfe.  Nay  rather  let  every  Chriftian  man  here  be  proud  and 
fpare  not,exccpt  he  will  deny  Chrift. 

Wherefore,  God  afliding  me,  my  forehead  iliall  be  more  hard  thca 
all  mens  foreheads.  Here  1  take  upon  me  this  title,  according  to 
the  proverbe  i  Ccdonttlli,  I  give  place  to  none,  Yea  I  am  glad  even 
with  all- my  heart  in  thisp«int  to  be  called  rebellious  and obftinate. 
And  here  I  confeflc  that  i  am  and  ever  will  be  liout  and  fterne,  and 
will  not  one  inch  give  place  to  any  creature.  Charity  givcth  place1: 
fir -it  fa jferet hall  things ,  bclcc'vetk  *Hthingst  hopct  bull  things,  endurctb 
all  things.  But  faith  place,  yea  it  canfuf&rno.hin^,  ac 
cording  to  this  ancient  verf".  Nonpatitur  ItidumfamA,  fiJcs,  ocftltu  ; 
That  is,  tnans  good  name,  his  faith,  and  his  eye  will  not  be  dalli 
ed  withal.  Wherefore  a  Chriftian,  as-touching  bis  faith)  C4Mvrrcvct 
be  too  proud  nor  too  ftouf,  neither  mjft  hsrcScjitor  givepface,  no 
not  the  bredth  of  one  hair  •.  For  faith  raak^th  a  man  here  like  un 
to  God  :  but  God  fj  fereth  nothing,  he  giv«th  place  to  nonr,.fjr  he 
is  immutable.  So  is  faith  immutable,  and  therefore  may  fuffcr  nor 
thing,  give  place  to  no  man.  But  as  touching  charity.,  IctaChri- 
fiian  man  yecld  and  (uffjr  all  things,  for  thet-ein  he  is  but  a  man. 

f'erfe  7,8.  'But  contrArivrifc,  Vehen  tkej  /avf  that  the  Gofyell  over 
en  *&*&  committed  unto  me,  a&  the  Gefytff  over 
TKUU  wtto  Peter,  (fir.  bet  tk*t  Vent  mighty 

TV  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  l  A  N  s. 

£7  Peter  in  the  *s4poftlej&ip  over  the  cirfttmcifion,  VPM  dfi 
might j  by  me  tovtardtthe  (j  entiles.) 

With  thcfe  wurds  P*s*l  mightily  confuteth  the  falfe  Apoftlcs. 
For  here  hs  chillengeth  to  huiifelrc  the  fains  authority  which  the 
filfe  Apoftles  attributed  to  trie  true  Apolllcs.  And  he  ufech  here  a 
figure  which  is  called  an  foverfio*,  returning  their  argument  againft 
tbemfclves.  The  talk  A pai lies  (faith  he) ^dojalledgeagainftmethe 
authority  of  the  great  ApoMlcs,to  maintaine  their  caafe.  But  I  con- 
tranwife  doe  alledgc  the  fame  againft  them  for  my  defence,  for  the 
Apoftles  arc  on  my  fid".  Wherefore  O  my  Cf<4lathians  belceve  not 
thcfi  counterfeit  Apofties,  which  brag  fo  much  of  the  authority  of 
the  ApolHcs  againit  me.  For  the  ApolUes  when  they  favv  thcGof- 
pcll  over  the  uncircamcifion  to  be  committed  to  me,  and  knew  of 
the  grace  that  to  me  was  given,  gave  to  me  and  Barntbat  the  right 
hands  of  fellowfliip.approving  my  mtniftcry^and  giving  tbank^s  un 
to  Uod  for  rfec  gifts  which  I  had  received.  Thas  hs  rerurneth  the  ar 
gument  of  the  falfit  ApolHcs  upon  th  ^mfclvcs.  A, id  in  thefi  words 
there  is  an  ardent  vehemency,  and  more  contained  in  aiatter,then  ia 
words  is  able  to  be  exprcflf.d. 

What  meaneth  Paul  when  he  fifth,  that  the  Gofp^ll  over  the 
uncircumcifion  was  committed  unto  hioi,and  over  thccircumcifion 
,  unto  Peter,  when  notwithstanding  P**/  almaft  every  where  area-  thc3»fpeii 
.  ched  to  the  J:wcs  in  the  Sinagogues,  and  Peter  likewife  to  the  Sfo 
,  Gcnnlcs  ?  T/ierearc  eximplesand  teftimoaiesof  both  in  th:  es/tfj.  ?•*<•? 
l  'Peter  converted  the  Centunan  with  his  family,  which  was  a  Gen- 
'  tile.    H?  wrote  aifo  to  the  Gentiles,  as  his  rirft  Epiftle  teftiheth. 
i  PfUt/  preaching  Chrtft  among  the  Gentiles,  cntrcth  notwithftan- 
[i  dingiitotheSmagogucsof  the  Jcwes,aud  there  prcacheth  theGof- 
I  pell.    And  our  Saviour  Ghrift  if^AiM^ew  and  CxW^j^commandwrh 
I  his  Apolllcs  to  go  throughout  the  whole  world,  and  preach  the  Gof-  J? ."" 
1  pell  to  «very  creature.    Paul  like  wife  faith  :  The  Cjofycll  preached  to 
\  c-verj  creature  which  it  under  Heaven.  Why  then  doth  he  call  himtelfe  p.^^ 
' '  the  Apoftle  of  the  Gcntilcs,and  Peter  with  the  othcr,thc  Apoftlcs  of  A,<o(ii0 
•  the  circumcifion  ?  .  i'idv 

Pfutl  hath  refped  unto  this,  that  the  other  Apoftlcs  remained  the  Oca* 
fpccially  in  lerttftkm,  until!  God  called  them  unto  other  places. tiles% 
Thus  (toodthc  matter  then  for  the  time,  that  whiles  the  political! 
ftatcofthc  Jewcs  continued,  the  Apoftles  ftUl  remained  in  Jmlea: 

H  4  But 

Chap.  1 1.  Fptfl  the  E  P  i  s  T  i  i 

Bt?t  when  the  defhitftbncf7<ry«/4/rwapproached;,thcy  were  dlfper- 
fod  throughout  the  whole  world.  Bat  7**fit,  as  it  is  written  in  the 
Afttfcy  a  fingnlar  vocation  waschofen  to  be  the  A pottle  of  the  Gen 
tiles,  and  being  fcmt  out  of  ;W*<»,  he  travelled  through  the  countries 
of  the  Gentiles.  Now  were  the  Jewes  difpeded  almoft  throughout 
the  whole  world, and  dwelt  here  and  there  in  cities  and  other  places 
among  the  Gentiles.  Paul  coming  thither  was  wont(al  we  rcade  in 
the  Atls)  to  go  into  the  Sinagogues  of  the  Jewes,  and  by  thisoccafi- 
ic'trc*?  on  ^  frft  brought  unto  thcna,  as  the  children  of  the  Kingdome,  this 
glad  tidings,  that  the  promifes  made  unto  the  fathers,  were  accom- 
pliilied  by  Jefus  Chrift.  When  they  would  not  heare  this,  he  turned 
to  the  Gentiles,  as  Luke  witneffeth,  Afts  13,  where  he  bringcth  in 
'TW/fhus  boldly  fpeaking  againlt  the  J  ewes  :  It  ^9 AS  necejfary  thai  We 
jbould  prft  preach  the  tyord  of  CjodttMto  you  :  but  feeing  ye  reje£llt^  <tn& 
jttdge  yoHrfclves  unworthy  of  evtr loft Mg  life ,  toe  we  turne  to,  tkeCjen- 

.a*.  tiles .    And  in  the  A&s :  "Be  it  knowte  therefore  untojoti,th*t  tbu/AlvA* 
lionofGedufent  unto  the  G entiles y  and  they  fltttU  beare  it.  Wherefore 

4,  TttU  was  fent  fpecially  unto  the  Gentiles.  But  becaufe  he  was  a  deb- 
ter  unto  nil,  and  became  all  things  unto  all  men,  therefore  occasion 
being  cff:red,he  went  into  the  Synagogues  of  the  J«wcs,  where  not  .. 
onefy  the  Jewes,  but  alfo  the  Gentiles  heard  him  preaching  Chrift^ 
Ofhervvhiles  he  preached  publikcly  in  the  market  place,  in  honles, 
and  by  the  rivers  fides.  He  was  fpccially  then  the  Apoftlc  of  the 
Gentiles:  as  Peter  was  of  the  Jcwc!:who  notwithftanding  preached 
Chrift  to  the  Gentiles  alfo  when  occafion  was  cffcrcd. 

And  here  hs  callcth  uncircumcifion  the  Genrilcs,  and  circumci-  \ 
fion  th •.*  Jew-?s>  by  a  figure  named  Sjnecdocke^  which  under  a  part .  the  whole :  which  fuure  is  commonly  ufcd  in  the  > 
Scriptnre:  the  Gofpcll  then  over  uncircumciiion,  is  that  which  w.a*  - 
appointed  to  be  fcnt  unto  the  Gentiles.    This  Gcipeil,  f^ithhc,  was. 
committed  unto  him,  as  the  Gofpcll  over  Circmnciffcon  was  unto 
Peter.  For  as  Peter  preached  the  Gofpell  among  the  J  ewes,  to  did  he 
among  theGentiks.  ; 

This  he  often  repeateth,  that  Pettr  fames  and  J-okn^  which  feemcd* 
to^c  tnepill^softhc  Church,  taught  him  nothing,  nor  committed 
unm  him  the  office  eft  preaching  rbeGefbel^  as  having  authority 
ar>£j  mico?er  hJQj.    gut  tney  themfclves  (fahh  he)  did  fee  that  the 
was  committed  unto  me,but  not  by  Tfter.  For  as  I  did  not 

i  L  A  T  H  i  A  v  s, 

receive  or  karnc  any  Gofpcliof  man,  fo  did  I  receive  no  cctnmsnde- 
njcnthyman  to  preach  the  fame,  but  both  the  knowledge,  and  the 
commandcmcnt  to  preach  it  among  the  Gentiles,  I  received  hnme- 
dr.tly  fioiB  Gcd:!ikc  as  the  charge  was  given  of  God  unto  Peter.\o 
'preach  the  fame  among  the  Jcwcs. 

This  place  wicncfbth  very  plaincly  that  the  Apoftles  had  likecal-  The 
lint'jlike  charge,md  all  one  Gefpcll.  Peter  preached  na  other  Goipell 
then  the  reft  of  the  Apoftles  did,  neither  did  he  appoint  toothers 
their  charge  and  orfice:but  there  was  an  equality  among  them  all,  for  F.quaji,y  a. 
they  were  all  taught  of  God,  that  is,,  both  their  vocation  and  charge  ™°*z  tfa« 
\vas  wholly  and  immediately  from  God.   There  was  none  therefore  Af°ttkl* 
greater  then  other,none  that  had  any  prerogative  above  other.    And 
therefore  where  the  Pope  vaunteth  that  Peter  was  the  chicfcof  the 
Apoftles,  that  thereby  he  might  coiifirmc  and  eftablifli  hU  ufurpcd- 
primacy,  it  is  an  impudent  lye. 

J'erfe  8.    Tor  het  that  WM  mighty  fy  Tetcr. 

This  is  a  cenfutation  of  another  argument  of  the  ftlfe  Apoftles. 
Why  doe  the  falfc  Apoftles  boaft  (  faith  he  )  that  the  Gofpell  o£  Peter 
\vas  mighty,  that  he  converted  many,  that  he  wrought  many  and. 
great  miracles,  raifed  upthcdead,  and  with  his  (hadow  healed  the 
fick?I  grant  all  tfccfe  things  to  be  tru:  :  but  Peter  received  this  power 
from  Heaven.  God  gave  a  vertuc  to  his  word,  fo  that  many  did  be- 
leevc  him,  and  great  miracles  were  wrought  by  him.  The  fame  pow 
er  had  I  alfo  :  which  I  received  net  of  T*  /«r,  but  the  fame  God  and 
the  fame  Spirit  which  was  mighty  in  Peter  t  was  mighty  to  me  alfo. 
J'hcd  the  fame  grace:  I  taught  many  :  I  wrought  many  mirnclcs^nd 
through  my  fhadow  alfo  I  healed  the  fick.  And  tbis  Z*£tf  tcftificth, 
A  fit  1  9.  In  thefc  words  :  And  (jod  Vorontrht  no  fm*itt  miracles  hj  tke  ^istt  lfttt) 
bAMtLfofVau],  fo  that  fromhU  body  Were  brought  napkiw  andhAndker-  i«. 
chefes,  and  the  di  fe  a  fes  departed  ft  om  them,  4  id  tlot  eviftfyirits  Went  oat  af 
them,,.  Reade  more  hereof,  A&s 

Toco:iclucfe,  cPattl  will  be  counted  in  no  point  infcriotir  to  the 
left  of  thcApoUles:  and  herein  he  glorieth  v;ith  a  godly  and  ho- 
ly  prond.  Necelllty  conftrained  him  ftoutly  to  withftand  Peter, 
and  the  burning  zcalc  he  had  for  the  glory  of  God,  moved  him  fo  n 
to  ^oe.  Ccrrainc  propbane  fpirits,  as  ^Mtitntts  and  'Forfhiruu  not 
coniidcring  this,  thought  it  to  be  but  a  carnal!  pride  that  caufed 

Chap,  1  1.  Vyon  tke  E  P  i  s  T  L  i 

'Paftl  thus  to  doc  :  fuchas  at  this  day  we  fee  in  the  Pope  and  his  ge 
neration.  But  P*ul  had  not  here  his  owns  bufinefle  in  hand,  but  a 
matter  of  faith.  Now,  as  concerning  fjith  we  ought  to  be  invinci 
ble,  and  more  hard  if  it  might  be,  then  the  Adamant  (tone.  But  as 
touch  ing  charity,  we  ought  to  be  foft,and  more  flexible  then  the  reed 
orlcafe  that  is  fhakcn  with  the  wind,  and  ready  to  yceld  to  every 
thing.  Therefore  the  controverfie  was  not  here  touching  the  glory 
of  Pad,  but  the  glory  of  Gcd,  the  word  cf  God,  the  rruc  wonhip  of 
God,  true  Religion,  and  the  rightcoufneffcoffjith,  to  the  end  that 
thefe  things  might  ftiil  remaine  pure  and  uncorrupt. 

Vcrfe  $.  And^vben  J  ames^WCephas,**^  J^hn  knew  of  the  grace 

WM  given  unto  me,  (  Vfhich  are  counted  to  he  fillers  )  thej  a  ant 
to  mee  And  to  Barnabas  f£<?  ri^ht  hands  of  fitto-wfbip  th-itWee 
fhtiuldyrekch  nnto  the  G  entile  s^xdthej  nnt«  tic  cirettmcijion. 

That  is  to  fay,whcn  they  heard  that  I  had  received  my  calling  and 
charge  from  God  to  preach  the  Gofpeil  among  theGcntiks,and  that 
God  had  wrought  fo  many  miracles  by  me  :  moreover,  that  f  >  ^rcdt 
a  number  of  the  Gentiles  wer«  come  to  the  knowledgcof  ChrilV 
through  my  miniftcry,  and  ^that  the  Gentiles  had  received  the  holy 
Ghoft  without  the  law  andcircumcifion  by  the  onely  preaching  of 
faith,  they  glsrifkd  God  for  this  grace  which  was  given  unto  me. 

what  Pout  -He-callcth  grace  here  wha'focver  he  had  received  of  God  :  to  wit, 
that  of  a  pci  fecutor  and  wattcr  of  the  Church,he  was  made  an  Apo- 

Jr;ccVnl  "  fde,  was  taught  by  JcfasChriir,  and  enriched  with  Ipirituall  gifts. 
And  herewithall  liieiheweth  that  7>tter  gave  teftimony  unto  him, 

pt'^eSThc  that  he  was  a  true  Apoftle,  fentand  taught,  not  by  himfclfc  nor  by 

»>  ninety  of  the  other  Apoftles,  but  by  God  nlone  :  and  not  cnely  acknowLrdr  i 
the  miniftery  and  authority  of  /**»»/,  and  the  gifts  of  the  fpirit  which 
were  in  him,  as  heavenly  things,  but  alfo  approved  and  cor.-.rzn:J 
the  lame,  and  yet  not  as  afuperiour  and  ruler,  but  as  a  brother  a.  d 
witneff,.  JAWS  and  Job*  did  like  wife  the  lame.  Whertkrc  he  con- 
dudeth  that  they  which  areefteeme-d  for'thcchicfc  pillars  amongft 
the  Apofl.les,arc  wholly  with  hiui^and  not  againtt  him. 

f'erfi  9.    The  right  h*nds  offit/owfiip. 

As  if  they  fhould  have  faid  :   We  (OP**/)  in  preaching  the 
GolpelLdoc  agree  with  thce  in  all  things.  I  hercf  ore  in  doctrine  we 


G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N   S, 

arc  companions,  ^nd  have  fellow  fin  p  together  therein  :  that  is  to  fay, 
\vc  have  all  one  docVinc,  for  we  preach  one  Gofpell,  one  haptifme,  pMtti  the 
one  Chnft  and  one  faith.    Wherefore  we  can  teach  or  enjoy  ne  thec  othcr  AP°' 
nothing,  fince  there  is  one  mutuall  confent  betwixt  us  in  all  things.  S"! 
tor  we  doe  not  teach  arny  other  or  more  excellent  things  then  thou  Pal/. 
doeft  :  but  the  fame  gifts  which  we  have,  we  fee  to  be  in  thee  alfo, 
faving  that  to  thec  is  committed  the  Gcfptll  over  the  u»cii  cumci- 
fion,  as  the  Golpell  over  the  circtrncifion  is  unto  us.    But  we  con 
clude  hers,  that  neither  uncircumcifion  nor  circamcifion  ought  to 
hinder  our  f.^cicty  and  fellowship,  fincc  it  is  but  one  Goi;  dl  which 
we  both  preach. 

Hitherto  Paul  hath  proved  by  manifcft  witnefTr,  not  oneJy  f'om 
God,but  aliofrom  mm,  that  is  to  fiy,  the  Apoftlc-s,thac  he  had  truly 
and  faithfully  preached  the  Gofpell.  Therefore  he  Qicwerrhthat  what 
focver  the  falfc  Apcftles  faid  todiminifti  his  authority,  is  but  fjined 
and  forged  matter,and  that  the  teftimony  of  the  Apoftlcs  maketh  for 
him,and  not  for  the  falfe  A  pottles.  But  for  that  he  is  alone  and  with-  . 

out  witncilc  therefore  he  adcieth  an  *  oath,ind  caliethGod  to  record  wcr  chapter- 
thai  the  things  which  he  hath  fpoken  are  true. 

f'crfe  jo.    JVrtrnin^  cnelj  that  Vfceftottld  remember  thi  ffforft  Vrkich 
thin?  alfo-  1  'Ve'M'&lifftHt  todoc* 

r*         t  *** 

«-  After  -the  preaching  of  theGofpell,.  the  office  and  chargeofatrne 
-and  faithful!  l^ftor  is,  to  be  minc'fiill  of  the  popre.    For  where  the  £„","£!}. 
Church  is,  there  muft  needs  bcpoorc:  who  for  the  moil  part  are  for  the  poor, 
the  onely  true  dilliplcs  of  the  Gofpell,  as  Chrirt  faith  :  Tin  poore  El- 
rtceive  the  $Jad  tidies  of  the  gofycU.    For  the  world  and  the  di- 
>cll  doep-riccute'the  Church,  a«d  bring  many  to  poverty,  who  arc 
-afterwards  foriakerr  and  delpifcd  of  the  world.    Moreover  the 

•  world  not  onely  offjndeth  herein,  but  alfo  is  carelefle  f  r  the  pre- 
-fcrvation  of  the  GofpclJ,  true  Religion,   and  the  ttue  fcrvicc  of 
God.    There  is  none  that  will  now  take  any  care  for  the  maintcr 

r»arcc  of  the  Minifters  of  the  Church,  and  creeling  of  Schoolesi  but   i»« 
for  the  creeping  and  cilabliQiing  of  filfe  worfhip,  fuperftitioo  and 

•  Idolatry,  no  coft  was  fpared,  but  every  man  was  ready  to  give  " 
moft  liberally  and  largely.    And  hcreor  came  ib  many  monafte- 
ries,    fo  many    Cathcdrall  Churchcs»    fo.  many    Bilhopriekcs  ^ 
in  the  Pope*  Church   where   alt  impiety  reigned,   with 


ChapuII.  Vpm  lit  E  ?  i  s  T  L  i 

gr^at  revenues  provided  for  thair  fuftentatien  :  where  as  now  a 
whole  City  thinkcth  much  to  find  one  or  two  poorc  minifters  and 
preachers  of  the  Gof  pell,  which  before,  whiles  the  Pope  and  all  im 
piety  reigned,  did  iiiftaine  fundry  monafteries  of  Monks,  Friers, 
Names,  and  whole  fvvaraies  of  mailing  Priefts.  Tobebriefe,  true 
religion  is  ever  in  aeede.  And  Chrift  coinplaineth,  that  he  it  hungry, 
thirfty^hArbourlcftesiakedAndfick?'  Contrariwife,  falfe  religion  and 
impiety  flouriiheth  and  aboundeth  with  all  worldly  wealth  and  pro- 
fperity.Whcrefore  a  true  and  faithfull  Paftour  muft  have  a  care  of  the 
poorc  alfo  :  and'  this  care  T^w/hcre  confcfictb  that  he  had. 

J'erfc  li.    tAndVfhe*  Peter  WM  come  to  Antiochia,  lVvlthftoo 
to  hi*  face  :  ]6r  he  VVM  to  blamed. 

PWgoethon  ftillin  his  confutation,  dying  that  he,  notonely 
hath  for  his  defence  thctcftimony  of  'Peter  and  the  other  Apoftles 
which  were  at  Jerufalcm  :  but  alfo  that  he  withft<?od  "Peter  in  ths 
prcfence  of  the  whole  Church  of  Antioch.  He  fhcweth  here  a  mat- 

TheMajefl    tCr»  nOt  ^OnC  ^"^  corncr»  ^  m  ^c  ^acc  of  the  whole  CllU^ch.     IrQC 

of  -he  article  (  as  before  I  havefaid  )  he  hath  here  no  trifling  matter  in  hand,  but 

Son1,"1  *""  the  chicfeft  Article  of  all  Chriftian  Doarinc.    The  utility  and  the 

majsfty  whereof  who  fo  rightly  eftecm;th,  to  him  all  other  things 

flvill  f..'cme  bat  vile  and  nothing  worth.  Tor  what  is  Teter?  what  is 

Paul?  is  an  Angcll  from  Heaven?  what  are  all  other  creatures 

to  rhc  article  of  Justification?  which  if  we  know,then  arc  we  in  the 

c  1  ^rc  light  :  bur  if  we  be  ignorant  thereof,  then  are  we  in  moft  mi- 

f*n^ie  dark'".-s.-    Wherefore  if  ye  fee  this  article  impugned  or  de- 

f  v-  >\  tt-art  -n.»t  to  rctiftcirher'TVttr  or  an  Angell  from  Heaven,  fbl- 

lowiii>  tne  example  of  Paul,  whofeeing  the  majefty  of  this  article 

to  be  in  danger  for  the  dign;  -y  of  Tctcr,  had  no  regard  ef  his  digni 

ty  ruct  cftimation,  that  he  might  kcetnhe  fame  pure  and  unccorrupt. 

*UMt  it  is  wruttn  :  HctLit  lo-vcth  father  0r  mother,  or  hit  ovent  lift  more 

.•  i  »xf,  K  njt  Worthy  of  we. 

V  here  fore  we  are  not  aftSamcd,  for  the  defence  of  the  truth,  to 

!-     -  -inted  and  called  of  the  hypocrites,  proud  and  obftinatc,  and 

;js  will  be  ondv  wife,  will  hcare  none,  will  give  place  t©  none. 

,  ere  we  mud  need*  be  cbftinate  and  inflexible.    For  the  caufc  why 

•-.'.  errcnd  man,  that  is  to  fay,  '.tread  doume  the-majcfty  ofthepsr- 

ftrier  of  the  workl,  is  ib  gtcat,  that  die  fins  whicli  the  world  coun- 


T&  the  G  A  i.  A  T  H  i  A  w  8 .  l:ol.  5  y 

teth  to  be  moft  hainous,  are  counted  (ingular  vertues  bcforeGod.  la 
that  we  love  oaf  parents,  honour  the  Magiltr  ate,  fhe  w  reference  to 
Peter  and  other  Miniuers  of  the  word,  we  do  well.But  hcrc^ve  have 
in  hand  thccaufcnchherof  Peter,  nor  Parents,nor  Magiftratc.norof 
the  world,  nor  of  any  other  creatures,but  ot God  himfcfc  Here  if  I 
give  no  pi  ice  to  my  Parents^otheMagiftratCjOr  an  Angellfrom  hea» 
tcn,.I  do  well. For  what  is  the  creature  in  r^fpectof  the  Creator?  Yea 
what  arc  all  creatures  being  compared  unto  him.'Even  as  one  drop  of 
water  in  refpcft  of  the  whol  fc*.Why  then  fnouldl  Ib  highly  eiteetn 
Peter  which  is  but  a  drop,and  fct  God  a(ide  which  is  the  whole  fca? 
Let  the  drop  therefore  give  place  to  the  fca,  and  let  Peter  give  place 
unto  God. This  I  fay, to  the  end  trnt  you  fhould  diligently  weigh  and 
confidcr  the  matter  whcrof  jPWintreateth:  for  he  intreatcth  of  the 
word  of  God, which  can  never  be  magnified  enough.  Tohuf 

And  where  he  faith  \jo  hitfaci^  this  clauic  maketh  fpecially  a- 
gainft  the  venimous  vipers  and  apoltles  of  Satan,which  (lander  thole 
that  arc  abfcnt^nd  in  their  prefence  dare  not  once  open  their  mouth: 
as  the  faife  Apoftks  did,  whom  alfo  here  he  touchcth  by  the  way: 
which  durft  not  fpeak  cvill  of  him  in  his  prcfcncc,  but  in  his  abfencc  A 
flandrcd  him  moft  ipitefully.So  did  not  1  ({aith  he)fpcak  cvill  of  Tt-  w 
/*r,but  frankly  and  openly  I  withltood  him,notefany  colourable  pre- 
tencc,  ambition,  or  other  earnall  aflFjdlion,  but  becaufe  he  was  to  be  brother, 
blamed  and  frarply  reproved. 

Here  let  other  men  debate  whether  an  Apofllc  may  finnc  or  no  : 
Thisfiy  I,  that  we  ought  not  to  make  Peters  fault  Icflc  then  it 
was  indeed.  The  Prophets  themfdves  have  fomctimcs  erred 
and  bin  deceived.  N-nhatt  of  his  own  fpirit  faid  unto  Davitly  that  ties. 
he  Ihould  build  the  houfcof  the  Lord.  Butthis  Prophetic  was  by 
and  by  afrercorrc^ed  by  a  revelation  from  Godi  that  it  (hould  not 
be  D*vidt  becaufe  he  was  a  m.m  of  w  Jrr,  and  had  fhcd  much  bloud, 
but  his  fbnne  Solomon  that  fhould  build  up  the  houfe  of  the  Lord,  So 
did  the  Apoftlcscrrealfo:  For  they  imagined  that  the  kingdomc  of 
C  hr  ift  ihould  be  carnall  and  worldly , as  we  rruy  feein  the  firfrofthc 
Atts^  when  they  asked  of  Chrift,  faying  :  Lord  Vcilt  thou  at  tkit  timt 
rcftorethcktnfdomt  of  lirael.'And  ftfr^altheugh  he  heard  this  com- 
rnsndcmcnt  of  Chrift  :  &•***•  tbcVMl  World,  &c.  had  not  gone 
w\\n^(,rnelitu  if  he  had  not  been  admonilhcd  by  a  vih'on^  And: 
in  this  mattct  he  did  not  only  ore,,  but  aUb  committed  a  great  filing 


Chap.  II.  Vf9n  the  E  *  I  s  T  L  t 

and  if  Paul  had  not  rcfifted  him,all  Cc\t(jeHtilcs  which  did  belicvc,nad 
bin  conftrfined  to  receive  circumcilion  and  to  keep  the  law  :Thc  be 
lieving  j^jy/alfo  had  bin  confirmed  in  their  opinion  :  to  wit.thatthc 
observation  of  thefe  things  was  nccetlary  to  ialvation,  and  by  this 
means  they  had  received  again  the  law  in  ftcad  of  the  Gofpell,  Mofet 
NO  saint*    in  fteadofChrift:and  of  all  this  great  enormity  and  hornbkfi.i  Peter 
without  &i.  by  this  diflimulation  had  bin  the  only  occafion.Th-crfore  we  mjy  not 
attribute  to  th:  Saints  fuch  perfection  as  though  they  could  not  (in. 

Luke  witnsflech  that  there  was  fuch  great  dilfcntion  between  Pwl 
zndSarnabM  (which  were  put  apart  together  for  the  rmniits:ry  of 
thcGofpell  among  the  Gentiles,  and  had  travelled  through  man)  re- 
gions,and  preached  unto  them  the  Gofpell)  that  the  one  departed 
from  the  other.  Here  we  muft  needs  fiy,that  there  was  a  failt  cither 
in  Paxtor  Bamako*.  And  doubt les  it  could  not  be,  but  that  thw  dif- 
cord  was  exceed iag  great  which  f:par;.tcd  thefetwo,  being  joyned 
together  in  fach  a  holy  fdlowfhip,  as  the  Text  witneifcth.  "Such  cx- 
ng  great  amplcs  are  written  for  our  confolation  For  it  is  a  great  comfort  un- 
un' to  us  when  we  heare  that  even  the  Saints  which  have  the  Spirit  of 
God  do  fin,  which  comfort  they  would  take  from  us,  which  fay  that 
the  Saints  do  not  fin. 

Sittnpfott,  David,  and  many  other  excelleot  men,  full  of  the  holy 
i.' 4  Ghoft,  fell  into  great  finnes,  Job  and  Jeremy  curfc  the  day  of  their 
r0it<^  nativity.  Ettas  and  JOHM  arc  weary  ot  their  life,  and  defire  death. 
Such  crrours  and  off  nces  of  the  Saints.the  Scripture  fetteth  forth  to 
the  comfort  of  thofe  that  art  airlifted  and  opprefled  with  deipcrati- 
on,  and  to  the  tcrrt,ur  of  the  proud.  No  man  hath  fo  gnevoufly  fallen 
at  any  nmc,  but  he  may  rife  again.  And  on  the  other  fide,  no  man  ta- 
kethfo  faft  footing,  but  he  may  fall,  [fitter  fell,  I  may  likc- 
wifcfall.  Ifherofeagain,  I  may  alfo  rife  again.  And  fuch  exam 
ples  as  thefe  arc,  the  weak  hearted,  and  tender  conferences  ought  to 
make  much  of,  thar  they  may  the  better  underftand  what  they  pray, 
for  when  they  f  jy  :firgivt  us  our trefajfes :  and ,  /  bclecve  the  frjive' 
nejfe  of  fins.  We  have  whc  (die  fame  ipirit  of  grace  and  prayt  r  which 

lefl'-  need  of  then  we  havc,and  by  the  fame  arc  fandified  and  favcd/as 
we  be. 

Utrfe  12 

To  the  GALATHIANS,  F^l.  5  6 

Verfe  1  2  .  Tor  before  th*t  certain  cant  from  J  ames,  kc  did  erte'Vrith  the 

The  qcmilet  which  were  converted  to  the  faith,did  cat  meats  for-  'j. 
bidden  by  the  larv,  and  letter  being  converfant  with  the  Ge  ntiles  ut>  like  a' 
which  were  converted,  did  cate  with  them,  and  drunke  wfnc  alfo  GtMllt- 
which  was  forbidden,  knowing  that  herein  he  did  well,  and  there-  iff*  *!?,»• 
fore  boldly  tranfgr;  {T:d  the  law  withthe^rj/^./^Wconfcffeththat  "' 
he  al£>  d  id  the  like,  when  he  faith,  that  he  became  at  A  Je-.v  tothejewef> 
And  to  thrm  that  were  withon:  /*n>,  at  thyttgh  ht  Vtere  Without  /art>  :  That 
ft  to  fay,  with  the  <?«##?/  he  did  cat  aflsl  drinke  like  a  (JfKtiffy  and 
kept  no  b  w  at  all  :  with  the^mc,  according  to  the  law,  he  abltained 
from  all  things  forbidden  in  the  law  :  For  he  laboured  :o  £rvi  and 
plcafc  all  men  that  he  might  gain  all.:  Whercf  arc  'Prtfr'm  citing  and 
drinking  wtth  the  6V»r»Z?/,finncd  not,biit  did  well,  and  knew  that  it 
was  lawful!  for  him  fo  to  do.     For  he  (hewed  by  this  tranfgreffion, 
that  the  law  was  not  neceflary  to  righteoufnes,and  alfo  delivered  the 
Gentiles  from  tha  obfcrvation  of  the  law.    For  if  it  were  la  wf.ill  for 
ffterin  oncthiag  to  break  the  law,  it  WMslavvfall  for  him  to  break 
kin  all  things.    And  'Paul  doth  not  here  reprove  "Peter  for  his  tran£- 
gre0ion,but  forhis  diiHrnuhtion^as  roiloweth. 

I  2.  Bttt  when  they  roert  come,  he  vitkArevt  and  feparat 
fearing  them  which  \\"cre  of  the  cirfttmcifon. 

HcrethenycfecT^rvoflfrRCc,  as  Paul  plainly  fettethjt  forth, 
PWaccuieth  him  not  of  malice  or  ignorance,  but  of  diflimulation 
and  infirmity,  in  that  he  abftaincd  from  meats  foroidden  in  the  law,   . 
fearing  leaft  the  Jews  which  came  from  JAVICJ,  ihould  be  ofijnded     ' 
thcrby,   and  had  more  rcfpccl  to  the  Jews  then  to  the  gentiles. 
Hereby  he  gave  occasion,  as  much  as  in  him  was,  to  ovcrthrovv 
the  Chriftian  liberty  and  truth  of  the  Gofpell.     For  iq.that  he  did 
withdraw  and  utterly   feparatc  himlcUj  ,  abdainmg  from  meats 
forbidden  in  the  law  (  which  notwithftanding  he  had  eaten  of  be 
fore)  hcminiftredafoupleof  confcicnccto  the  faithfill,  thus  to 
gather  upon  his  example  :  Peter  abftaineth  from  meats  forbidden  in  ^ 
the  law  :  thcrfore  he  that  cateth  meats  forbidden  in  the  law,  fmneth 
and  tr  anfgrcffeth  the  law  :  but  he  that  abftaineth  is  righteous  and 
kccpw  the  IAW»  ^t  els  would  not  Testr  have  withcirawne  himfelfe. 


•Chap. II.  Yfonthe  E  p  i  s  T  L  H 

Butbecaufchedidfo,  and  of  purpoferefufedthofc  meats  which  be  • 
fore  he  did  cat,it  is  a  furc  argument  that  fuch  as  eat  againft  thc  law 
do  fin,  and  fuch  as  abftainfrom  meats  which  thc  law  forbiddcth,  do 
krep  the  Li  w  and  are  juftified  therby. 

<rl?,?a  if        Mere  uote>  tnat  ^c  cnd  of  this  f  »cl  of  Peter  is  reproved  of  T**/, 
~  *  and  not  the  fad  it  fclfe :  for  thc  fact  in  it  felf  was  not  cvill.  To  cat  and 

K  drinkc,or  not  to  eat  and  drtnk  is  nothing :  but  the  cnd,that  is:  If  chou 
cat  thou  finneft :  if  thou  abftatn  thou  art  righteous,  is  cvill.  So  cir- 
cumctlioii  of  it  fclf  is  good ,  bur  thi*  end  is  cvill  :  1  f  thou  be  not  cir- 
cumcifcd  after  thc  law  of  Mofcs,  thou  canft  not  be  faved.  Alto  to  eat 
meats  prohibited  in  thc  la w,is  not  evill :  but  this  Shrinking  and  diili- 
mulaticn  ok  Peter  is  cvill.  For  it  might  be  faid :  Teter  abftaineth  from 
meats  forbidden  in  thc  law,  wherefore  if  thou  doft  not  likewife  ab- 
ftain,  thou  canft  not  befaved.This  Pro/ might  in  no  wifediffembln 
for  the  truth  of  thc  Gofpell  was  here  in  danger.  To  the  end  thcrforc 
that  this  truth  might  continue  found  and  uncorrupt,  he  rcfifted  Peter 
to  his  face. 

And  here  we  muft  make  a  diftinftion.  For  meats  may  bcrefufed  i 
manner  of  wais.Firft,forChnftian  charities  fike.  And  herein  there 

a7  is  no  danger:  for  to  bcarc  with  thc  infirmity  of  my  brother  it  is  good. 
«U™Sa«mct  So  P<w/himfelfe  both  did  and  taught.  Secondly,  by  abftaining  from 
th-m  to  obtain  righteoufncs,  and  for  not  abftaining,  to  fin  and  to  be 
damned.  Hcrcaccurfed  be  charity  with  all  thef.rvice  and  works  of 
charity,whatfoevcr.  ^  or  thus  to  refrain  from  mcats,is  to  dsnyChrift, 
to  tread  his  body  under  our  feet;  to  blalpheme  the  holy  Ghoit,  and  to 
defpife  all  holy  things.Whcrforc  if  we  muft  lofc  thc  one,  let  us  rather 
lofc  man  our  friend  and  brother,thcn  God  our  Father.  For  if  we  lofc 
God  our  our  friend  and  brother  cannot  continur. 

'i.  Jerome,  who  neither  underrtood  this  place  nor  thc  whole  Epi- 
ftlebefides,  thinkcth  this  to  be  but  a  fained  reprehcnfion  of  Pault 
and  thcrefbre-he  excufeth  Peters  fall,  faying,  that  it  was  dune  by  ig 
norance.  But  Peter  iffindcd  through  difii.nuUnon,  and  thereby 
hadeftablifhedthcncceiTiry  of  the  law,  had  contained  bothC/V*- 
tiles  and  Jews  to  revolt  trom  the  truth  of  thc  Gcfpell,  had  given 
them  great  occalion  to  forfakc  Chrift,  to  defpife  cr:ce,  to  returnc 
to  the  JewiCh  Religion,  and  to  bearc  all  thc  burdens  of  thc  law,  if 
Taut  had  not reproved  him,  and  by  that  meancs  revoked  thc  Gen 
tiles  and  Jevcs  which  were  offended  through  this  example  of 

To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  Fol.  57 

,  to  tbe  liberty  which  is  in^  Chrift  Icfus,  and  to  the  truth  of  the 
Gofpcll.  Wherefore  if  a  man  would  hers  fee  forth  and  amphfie  Pe-  Th4  .fin.  of 
ters  'offence,  it  fhould  appeare  to  be  very  great,  and  yet  was  knot  Peter',3 
done  by  malice  or  ignorancc;but  by  occafion  and  feare  only  .Thus  .we 
fee  what  mines  may  co*mcby  one  mans  fall  and  offcnce,  if  it  bee  not 
well  fccne  to  and  corrected  in  time.  Wherefore  wee  may  not  trifle 
with  this  article  of  juftification  -.neither  is  it  without  goodc-ule 
that  we  do  Ib  often  and  fo  diligently  put  you  in  mind  thereof.  A,nd 
it  is  much  to  be  marvelled,  that  Peter  being  fuch  an  excellent  <Spo- 
fUe,(hould  thus  do  :  who  before  in  the  Counccll  of  Itrttfalem  (rood,  at 
in  a  manncr,alone  in  the  defence  of  this  article,and  prevailed  there- 
in,namcly  thatfalvation  commeth  by  faith  without  thclaw,He  that 
before  did  foconftantiy  defend  the  truth  and  liberty  of  the  Gofpell> 
now  by  his  fall  in  abftaining  from  meats  forbidden  in  the  law,is  not 
onely  the  caufe  of  great  o.fcnce,  but  alfo  offendeth  againft  hisownc 
decree.  Wherefore  let  him  which  thinkethhe  ftandeth,  take  heed 
Icaft  he  fall.No  man  would  thinke  what  danger  there  is  in  traditions 
and  ceremonies  :  which  notwithftanding  we  cannot  want.  What  is  Jit  tb.e 
more  neccff^rie  than  the  law  and  the  works  thereof?  and  yet  there 
is  great  danger  leaft  by  the  fame,  men  bee  brought  to  the  deniall  of 
Chrift.  For  of  the  law  comtneth  oftentimes  a  truft  and  affiance  in  r 
workfs,and  where  that  is,  there  can  benotruftin  Chrift.  Chrift  m 
therefore  is  ioone  denied  and  foone  loft,as  we  may  fee  in  Peten  who  whSS  AMI, 
knew  this  article  of  juftification  better  then  wee  doe,  and  yet  how  «hnfthaih 
cafily  {hould  he  have  given  occafion  of  fuch  an  horrible  ruinc,if  fW  ""1  la" 
had  not  withftood  him,  that  all  the  Gentiles  fhould  thereby  have 
fallen  away  from  the  preach  ing  of  7W,  and  by  this  ineancs  fhould 
have  loft  the  Gofpcll  and  Chrift  himfelfc?  And  this  fhould  have 
bcene  done  under  a  holy  pretence.  For  they  might  have  faid  :  P*ul 
hitherto  thou  haft  taught  us  that  wee  muft  bee  juftificd  by  grace 
without  the  law  :  thou  fecft  now  that  Peter  doth  the  contrary  :  for 
he  abftaincth  from  meats  forbidden  in  the  law,and  hereby  he  teach- 
cth  us  that  we  cannot  be  favcd  except  we  receive  circumciiion  and 
obfcrve  the  taw. 

Veifc  IJ,  ^»^  the  other  levees  diftembled  likemfe  vcith  Liw,  info- 
mneh  that  BarnabM  TVM  brought  into  their  .dtflirwfa*** 

I  Here 

Chap  II.  ?{**  the  Evit  TIE 

P«er»  m-       Here  you  may  plainly  fee  that  'TWchargeth  Peter  with  diffimu- 
muUtioa.     jation.  If  'Peter  diffemblcc!,  then  did  he  certaincly  know  what  was 
the  truth  and  \\hat  was  not.Hc  that  diflemblethlmneth  notofigno- 
DiffiBmiati;  ^^^  ^  dcccivcth  by  a  colour  which  he  knoweth  himfclfe  fo  bee 
"  falfe.  And  other  (faith  he)  difcwbtedhktvifemthPcurJnfowchtbrt 
Btrnabasatfo(vjhowas  P*tth  companioned  had  nowa  longtime 
preached  among  the  Gentile  .faith  inChnft  without  the  law,toge? 
ther  with  Paul)  tvas  brought  into  tl:eir  ^f/?//0«/4//0».Ychave  here  then 
Peters  offence  plaincly  dclcribed  to  be  mcere  dillimulation,  which 
afterwards  had  bin  an  cccalion  of  the  mine  of  the  Gcfpeil,  then 
newly  received,  if-  Paul  had  not  refifted  him. 

And  thisisa  wonderfull  matter,  that  God  prcfervcd  the  Churcf-, 
being  yet  but  young,and  the  Gofpcli  it  fclf,by  one  only  pcrfon..  Paul 
alone  ftandeth  to  the  truth  :  for  he  had  loft  Barnalw  his  companion, 
&  Pettr  was  againft  hiin.So  fometime^onc  man  is  Able  to  do  more  in 
a  Councel  than  the  whole  Ccuncel  betides  :  which  thing  the  Papifts 
«PflLdUin'  themfelvesdo  witnes:and  for  example  they  alledgc*/7^;^^  who 
•»he  defence  wjthftoocl  the  \vholc  Councdot  ^/^(which  was  ihc  belt  of  al  that 
age^fS"  were  after  the  Councel  of  the  Apoftles  at  lerufaie)  and  overcame  it. 
n«5  againH     ^^  j  fay^o  the  end  that  we  thould  diligently  learne  the  article 
of  /uftification,and  make  a  plaine  di&rence  bctweene  the  *  law  and 
^g  Gofpcll,andthat  in  this  matter  we  fhould  doe  nothing  by  difll- 
mutation,  or  give  place  to  any  man,  if  we  will  retaine  the  truth  of 
tj^e  Gofpell  and  faith  iound  and  uncorrupt  :  which,  as  I  have  faid, 
arc  foone  hurt.  Wherefore  in  this  cafe  away  with  reafon,  which  is 
d  an  cncmy  to  f  ith:which  alfo  intentationscf(in  and  death,  kancth 
nottothe  righteoufncfie  of  faith(for  thereof  it  is  utterly  ignorant) 
but  to  her  own  righteoufneSjor  at  thcleaft*to  the  right  eoufnes  of  the 
law.Now,as  foone  as  the  law  and  rcafon  joyns  together,  faith  loo- 
ieth  her  virginity  :  for  nothing  fighteth  more  (Irongly  againft  fjith 
than  the  law  &  reafon.  And  thefc  two  enemies  cannot  be  conquered 
but  with  great  labour  and  ditricultis  :  which  we  muft  conquer  not- 
withftanding.if  we  will  be  laved. 

wfctwc       Wherefore,  when  thy  confcienceis  terrified  with  the  la  w>  and 
»uftdo«     vvraftlcth  with  the  judgement  ofGod,aske  Ccunfell  neither  of  rea- 
rohDto°e"e   fon  nor  of  the  la  w  ,but  reft  onely  upon  grace  and  the  word  of  confe- 
iation,and  foftand  herein,  as  if  thou  hadft  never  heard  any  thing 
of  the  law,  afcendiwg  up  to  the  glaflc  of  faith,  where  neither  the 





7>  the  G  A  LATHIANS.  Fol.  58 

law  nor  reafon  dofhine,  but  oncly  the  light  of  Faith,  which  ailureth 
us  that  we  are  favcd  by  Chrift  alone  without  any  law.  Thus  the  Gof- 
p:ll  leadcth  us  beyond  and  above  the  light  of  the  law  and  reafon,  in 
to  the  deepefecrets  of  faith,  where  the  law  and  rcafon  have  nothing 
todo.Notwithftanding  we  muft  hearken  alfo  unto  the  law,  but  in 
pbce  and  time.M»fit  whiles  he  was  in  the  mouatainc,where  he  tal-  taTw  »u' 
kcd  with  God  face  to  face,  had  no  law,  made  no  law,  miniftrcd  no  JJJ**^ 
la w:but  when  he  was  come  down  from  the  mountain,he  was  a  la w-  nn«e«  of, 
gi7er,and  governed  the  people  by  the  law.  So  the  conscience  mud  JJUjjJ*^ 
be  free  from  the  law,but  the  body  muft  be  obedient  to  the  law.         nothing  to 

Hereby  it  appeareth  that  Paul  reproved  Peter  for  no  light  mat-  j1,0  with  tnc 
tcr,but  for  the  chiefeft  article  of  all  Chriftian  doftrine,  which  by  PC* 
tcrs  dilTimulation  was  in  great  danger.  For  Barnabas  and  the  other 
lewes  ditfembled  together  with  him,  which  did  all  of&nd,  not 
through  ignorance  or  malice,  but  for  feare  of  the  I  ewes:  whereby 
their  hearts  were  foblinded,that  they  did  not  fee  their  fin.  And  cer 
tainly  it  is  much  to  be  marvelled,  that  fuch  excellent  men  as  'Peter, 
^BarnAbfu  and  others  fhould  fo  fuddcnly  and  fo  lightly  fall,  efpecially 
in  that  thing  which  they  knew  to  be  well  done>  and  had  alfo  before  Ww  mua 
taught  unto  others.  It  is  a  perilous  thing  therefore  to  truft  to  our 
owne  ftrengthjbe  we  never  fo  holy,  never  fo  well  learned,  and  al 
though  we  think  our  fdves  never  fo  furc  of  that  wee  know  :  For  in 
that  wherof  we  think  our  fclvs  inoft  fare,  we  may  erre  &  fkl,&  bring 
our  felvcs  and  others  into  great  danger.  Let  us  therefore  diligently 
and  with  all  humility  exercife  our  fclvesin  theftudy  of  the  holy 
Scriptures,  and  let  us  heartily  pray  that  we  never  loofc  the  truth  of 

Thus  we  fee  then  that  we  arc  nothing  with  all  our  gifts.bee  they  Without 
never  fo  great,except  God  aflift  us.When  he  Icaveth  us  to  our  felves  J0°^f;" 
our  wifedomc  and  knowledge  is  nothing.  For  in  the  houre  of  tenta- 
tion  it  may  fuddenly  come  to  paflc,  that  by  the  fubtiltie  of  the  divell, 
all  the  comfortable  places  of  the  Scripture  fhall  be  taken  out  of 
our  fight,  and  fueh  places  oneiy  as  containe  threatnings  {hall  be  fit 
before  our  eyes,  which  fhall  opprcfk  us  and  utterly  confound  us.  Let 
us  Icarnc  therefore  that  if  God  withdraw  his  hand.we  may  (bone  be 
ovcrthrowne,and  let  no  man  glory  of  his  owne  righteoufnefle,  wife 
domc  and  other  gifts,butlethim  humble  himlclfc  and  pray  with  . 
the  Apoftles :  Lordlncreafe  our  faith, 

I  2  Verff 

Chap.  II.  trpo#  //^EPISTLE 

Verfc  1 4,  *£**  when  Ifav  tLv  ttxy  went  not  the  right  veq  to  the  truth 
of  the  Cjofyelt, 


This  is  a  wonderfult  example  of  inch  excellent  men  and  pillars  of 
the  Church. There  is  none  but  P^/that  hath  his  eyes  open,and  fceth 
the  offence  of  Peter,  of  Barnabas  and  thcother  lewcs  which  difljm- 
kkd  with  Peter.On  the  other  fide,they  do  not  fee  their  own  offence: 
nay  they  rather  think  that  they  do  well  in  bearing  with  the  infirmi 
ty  of  the  wcake  iewcs.  Wherefore  it  was  very  necefory  that  TAXI 
(hould  reprove  their  offence  and  not  difl.'mbk  it,  and  therefore  hee 
zct\\&t\fFeter}Barnal>a!  and  other,that  they  went  not  the  right  way 
to  the  truth  of  Gofpelljthat  is  to  fay,  they  fwarved  from  the  truth 
of  the  is  a  great  matter  that  /Vrw-fhou'dbcaccufedof 
^^/as  one  that  wasfalnc  from  the  truth  of  the  Gofpcli,Hce  could 
qotbcmore  gricvoufly  reprehended.  Yet  he  fufcredit  patiently, 
and  no  doubt  but  he  gladly  acknowledged  his  offence.  I  faid  before, 
that  many  have  the  Gofpell  ,but  not  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell.  So  Paul 
ftith  here,  that  Peter 'BdrnabaL  And  ether  of  the  lervts  went  not  the 
right  way  to  tie  truth  of  tie  Gcfpeti:  that  is  to  Oy,<hey  had  the  Gofpcl, 
but  they  walked  not  uprightly  according  to  the  Gofpell.  For  albeit 
they  preached  the  Gofpell,  yet  thorough  their  difTimulation(which 
cculd  not  fland  with  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell)  they  cftablifhed  the 
law  :  but  theeftablilhingoftW  law  is  the  abolifhingof  the  Gofpell. 
Who  fo  then  can  rightly  f.idge;between  the  law  and  the  Gofpcll, 
let  him  thank  God,and 'knew  that  he  is  aright  Divine.  In  the  time 
of  tcntation,  I  confeffc  that  I  my  felfc  doe  not  know  how  to  doc  it 
Thc<fiffe-  as  I  ought.  Now  the  way  to  difcerne  the  one  from  the  other,  is  to 
unndtfe/pkcethcGoipell  in  heaven  arid  the  Law  on  the  earth:  to  call  the 
Gofota  righteouf  neffc  of  the  Golpell  heavenly,  and  the  righteoufneff:  of  the 
2P  ™i  .-  ^aw  carthly.and  to  nut  as  i^reat  difference  between  th£  riqhteoufucs 

dihgcsilyto      „  ,  '  i  -j 

w  learned,  or  the  Golpcll  and  or  the  Law,  as  God  Imn  made  b:t weenc  heaven 
and  earfh,bct  wcenc  light  and  darkne^bctween  day  and  night.Lct 
the  one  be  as  the  light  and  the  day,  and  the  other  ssth'edarkherfe 
and  the  night.  And  would  to  God  we  could  yet  fjfthcr  leperate  the 
one  from  the  other.  Wherefore  if  the  queftion  bee  concerning  the 
matter  of  faith  or  Confcicnce,  Ictus  utterly  exclude  the  Law,  and 
kave  it  on  the  earth  :but  if  we  have  todoe  with  workes,  then  let  us 
lighten  the  ianterncof  workes  and  of  the  righteoufHes  of  the  Law. 


TO  fa   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S. 

Sokt  the  Sun  and  the  ineftimablc  light  ofthe  Gofpcl  and  grace  (hinc 
in  the  day,  and  the  lantcrneof  the  law  in  the  night.  Wherefore  if 
thy  confciencc  be  terrified  with  the  fence  &  feeling  of  fia,  think  thui 
with  thy  fdfc:  Thou  art  now  remaining  upon  earth  :  there  let  the 
A-Jc  labour  and  travell :  there  let  him  fcrvc  and  carry  the  burden  that 
is  laid  upon  him,that  is  to  lay,  let  the  body  with  his  members  be  fub  - 
jeft  to  the  law.  But  when  thou  mcuntcit  up  into  Hca\en,then  leave 
the  Allc  with  his  burden  upon  the  earth:  for  the  confcicnce  hath  no 
thing  to  do  with  the  law,or  works,or  with  the  earthly  rightcoufncs. 
So  doth  the  Afle  rcrnainc  in  the  valley,  but  the  confciencc  afcendeth 
\vith  Ifac  into  the  mountain  e,  knowing  nothing  at  all  ofthe  law  or 
Works  thereof,  but  only  looking  to  thercmiflionofh'nnesandpure 
rightcoufntffc  ottered  and  freely  given  us  in  Chrift. 

Contrariwifi  in  civil!  pollicy,cbediencc  to  the  law  rnuft  be  tevcre- 
ly  required.  There  nothing  muft  be  known  as  concerning  the  Gof-  L'geJ.'0 
pell,  confcience,  grace,  rcini/foii  of  fins,  heavenly  rightcouincfl>,or 
Chrift  himfelfc,  but  MofescHily  with  the  law  and  the  works  there- 
of.  If  we  markc  well  this  diftintticn,  neither  the  one  nor  the  other 
{hall  paff.-  hi*  bounds,  but  the  law  lha.l  abide  without  heaven,that  is, 
without  the  heart  and  confcicnce,  and  contrariwifc  the  liberty  of 
thcGofpcll  dull  abide  without  the  earth,  that  is  to  fay,  without  the 
body  and  ninnbers  thereof.'   Nuiv  ihuifurc3m  fuuucusttie  lav^'nd 
fin  comcrnto  heaven,  tlui  is, into  ITC  w-Tifiiciicc,  1ft  tlUIH  c>y  afid  by 
be  caft  out.    For  the  confciciiiAbui igl'WlCd  WfTll  till;  icnuui  UftllC  The  ia« 
wrath  and  judgement  of  God,  ought  to  know  nothing  of  the  law,  j^1,"0", 
and  fin.btit  ofChrift  only.  And  on  the  other  fide,  when  grace  and  li-  w  Tifthe  * 
bcrty  come  into  the  earth,that  is,into  the  body, then  fay  :thououeh- 
teft  not  to  dwell  in  the  dregs  and  dunghill  of  this  corporall  life,  but 
thou  belonged  unto  heaven. 

This  diitinftion  ofthe  law  and  the  Gofpell  Peter  confounded 
through  his  difliinulation,  and  thereby  perlwadcd  the  beleeving 
Jcwes  that  they  mud  be  juftified  by  the  Ucfpcll  and  the  law  toge 
ther.  .  This  might  not  PWfuiFcr,  and  therefore  lie  rcproovid  Peter  • 
not  to  put  him  to  any  reproach,  but  to  the  end  that  he  might  againc 
cftablifh  a  plaine  diicrcncc  between  thefe  two:namcly  that  the  Gof 
pell  juftificth  in  heaven,  and  the  law  en  earth.  The  Pope  hath  not 
oncly  mixed  the  law  with  the  Gofpell,  but  aUb  of  the  Gofpell  hath 
made  meerp  law*,  yea  and  fuch  as  arc  cercmomali  onely.  He  hath 

I  3  a]fo 

Chap.  1  1.  rpon  the  E  ?  i  i  T  L  B 

alfb  confounded  and  mixed  politicall  and  ecclefiafticall  matters  toge 
ther  :  which  is  a  devillifh  and  hellifli  confufion. 

This  place  touching  the  difference  bctwecne  the  law  and  the  Gof- 
pell,  is  very  necc{Tary  to  beknowne:  for  it  contains  th  the  fum  me 
of  all  Chriftian  docTrine.    Wherefore  let  all  that  love  and  fcare  God, 
diligently  learnc  todifcernethe  one  from  the  other,  not  onely  in 
words,  but  in  deed  and  in  pradife,  that  is  to  fty,  in  heart  and  confci- 
encc.  For  as  touching  the  words,  the  diftin&ion  is  eafie  :  but  in  time 
riont  :"  °f  temptation  thbu  (halt  find  the  Gofpcll  but  as  a  ft  ranger  and  a  rare 
'  gueft  in  thy  confcience  :  but  the  law  contrariwife  thou  (hilt  find  a 
famjijar  an<j  continuall  dweller  within  thcc  :  for  reafon  hath  the 
knowledge  of  the  law  naturally.    Wherefore  when  thy  confcienre 
is  terrified  with  fin,  which  the  law  uttcrerh  and  increafcth,  then  fay 
thou:  There  is  a  time  to  die,  and  atitnstolive;  there  is  a  time  to 
hearc  the  law*  and  a  time  to  dcfpifethe  law  :  there  is  a  time  to  heare 
•ihetimeof  thcGolpcIJ,  and  there  is  a  time  to  be  ignorant  of  the  Gofpell.    Let 
c  kw  now  depart,  and  let  thcGofpell  come  :  for  there  is  now  no 
.  time  to  hearc  the  law,but  the  Gofpcll.  But  thou  haft  done  no  good  : 
nay  thou  haft  done  wickedly,  and  haft  grievoufly  finned.   I  grant  : 
notwuhftanding  I  have  remiiTion  of  all  my  fins  for  Chriftsfake. 
e»     ^ut  ®*f  of  the  conflid  o'f  confcience,  when  externall  duties  muft  be 
ibe|»v».      <k>ne,there  is  no  time  to  hearken  to  tna  Caoipe.   :  then  muft  thou  foT- 
low  th   Yccationand  tnc  wors  thereof^ 

}  trfe  f  4.  I  fata  ttnto  Peter  off  nly  :  If  thott  bein^  A  Jew  live  si  as  the- 
Gentiles  And  not  <M  the  Jeyves,  U'/;^>  contlrtuneft  than  tht 
Gentiles  to  dec  like  the  Jews  ? 

"^^at  !"s  *°  w'f>  th°uart  a  Jew,  and  therefore  thou  art  bound  to- 
live  like  a  Jew,  that  is,  to  abfbine  from  meatcs  forbidden  in  the 
law.  Ni)twithftanding  thou  lived  iik«:  a  Gentile  :  that  is  to  fiy,  thouj 
doeft  contrary  to  the  law,and  tranfgreffsft  the  law.  For  as  a  Gentile 
which  is  free  from  the  law,  thou  cateft  common  and  uncleancr 
rneates,and  therein  thou  docft  well.  But  in  that  thou  being  afraid  at, 
the  prefence  of  the  brethren  converted  from  the  Jewifh  religion,1 
abftamcft  from'  mcates  forbidden  in  the  law,  and  kcepeft  the  law, 
thou.compelleft  the  Jcweslikcwifetokeepethclaw  :  that  is,  theu: 
cpnftraineft  them  of  neceflity  to  obfcrvc  the  law.  For  in  that  thou* 
at?ftaincft  from  prophane  meats,  thou  giveft  occafion  to  the  Gentile* 
;  .Prw  abftaineth  from  thofsmcate^  whkh  the  Gen* 


7>  t&t  G  A  L  A  T  M  I  A  N  J. 

tiles  ufe  to  eatc,which  he  alfo  hirafclfe  before  did  catc :  th  crcforc  we 
ought  like  wife  to  avoid  the  Tame,  and  to  live  after  the  manner  of  the 
Jews:  other  wife  we  cannot  be  juftified  or  laved;    We  fee  then  that  Peter 
/'Wrcproveth  not  ignorance  in  Peter  (  for  he  knew  that  he  mi»ht  *to?.£ 

„  •   ,      i       ?          M         n  i  \,  .  ,-.  ,°        hi*  diifimu- 

Freely  eate  with  thcGentiJesall  manner  ot  m:at?)but  diilnnulation,  i«io»,c<»*. 
whereby  he  compclleth  the  Gentiles  to  live  like  the  Tcwes.  Pd'cd, thc 

i  r  i-  L     T  -i.     /•-•     r  tr    r      •    Gentiles  to 

Here  I  lay  agame,that  to  live  as  thc  Jew,is  not  eviUof  it  felfc/or  it  u^iikc  tb« 
is  a  thing  indirtcrent  cither  to  eate  S  wines  flifh,  or  any  other  meatcs.  Icwcs- 
But  fo  to  play  thc  Jew, that  for  confcience  fake  thou  abftaineft  from 
certainc  meats,  this  is  to  deny  Chrift  and  to  overthrow  the  Gofpdl. 
Thcrforc  when  PWfaw  that  Pffert  aft  tended  to  this  end,  he  with-  J^s* '«' 
ftooti  hira  and  faid :  Thou  kno  well  that  the  keeping  of  thc  law  is  not  may"" 
neccffary  to  righteoulnetfc,  but  that  we  arejulHficd  onely  through  dosmcns' 
faith  in  Chrift,  and  therefore  thou  keepeft  not  the  law,  but  tranfgref-  " 
feft  thc  law  and  eatcft  all  manner  of  meats.  Not  withftandmg  by  thy 
example  thou  conftratncft  the  Gentiles  to  forfake  Chrift,  and  to  re* 
turne  to  the  law.  For  thou  giveft  thetn  occafion  thus  to  thinke:Faith 
only  is  not  futficient  to  righteou{]iefle,but  the  law  and  works  arc  alfo 
required.  And  this  Peter  tcacheth  us  by  his  example.  Therefore  thc 
observation  of  thc  law  muft  needs  be  joyned  with  faith  in  Chrift,  if 
we  will  be  favcd.  Wherefore  'Peter  by  his  example  is  not  only  preja-  Tewt  em*, 
dicialltathe .purity  of  dof*rine,but  alfo  to  tile  truth  offuth  andChri- 
ftian  righfcoufneflc.    For  thc  Gentiles  received  this  of  him,  that  thc 
keeping  of  the  law  was  ncccfary  to  righteoufncfT: :  which  errour  in 
cifc  it  be  admittcd,thcn  doth  Chrift  profit  us  nothing  at  all. 

Hereby  itplaincly  appearcth  to  what  end  this  dffcord  bctweene 
PAM!  and  'Peter  tcndcth.  Paul  doth  nothing  by  diifimulation,  but 
dcalcth  fincercly  and  gocth  plaincly  to  worke,  Peter  diflfemblcthjbut 
his  diiHonulation  P*ul  rcprovcth.  The  controverde  was  for  ths 
maintenance  of  pure  doctrine,  and  the  verity  of  the  Gofpell :  and  in 
thisquarell  P axl did  not  care  for  thc  offence  of  any<  In  thiscafeall 
people  and  nations,all  Kings  and  Princes,  all  Judges  and  Magiftratcs 
ought  to  give  phce.  Since  then  it  is  fo  dangerous  a  thing  to  have  to 
doe  with  the  law,  and  that  this  fall  was  fo  fudden  and  fo  great  as  if 
it  had  bccnc  from  Heaven  above,  even  downe  into  hell,  let  every 
Chriftian  diligently  learnc  to  difcernc  bctwecne  the  La  wand  thc 
Gofpell.  Let  them  fuffei-  thc  law  to  rule  over  the  body  and  members 
thereof,  but  not  gvcr  thc  confcience.  For  the  Quccnc  and  fpoufs 

I  4  may 

Chap.  1  1.  Vyon  tkt  E  ?  i  *  T  L  i 

tiberry  of    may  not  be  defiled  with  the  law,  but  muft  be  kept  without  fpot  For 

toufc.cnce.  j,,er  oniy  hosband  Chrift,  as  P**l  faith,  2  Cor.  1  1  .  /  taw  efrmtfedjo* 

to  one  AWMc£&£.  Let  the  conference  then  have  her  bride-chambcr, 

not  in  the  low  valley,  but  in  the  high  mountains  :  in  the  which  let 

Chrift  lie  and  there  rule  and  reignc,  who  doth  not  terrific  and  afflift. 

finners,  but  comforteth  them,  pardoneth  their  fins  and  faveth  them. 

wftatmtf.  Wherefore  kt  the  affiided  confcicnce  think  upon  nothing,  know 

fc2e«""«  noth!"g»  fct  nothing  againft  the  judgement  of  God,  but  the  word  of 

w  uhou    Chrift,  which  is  the  w^rd  of  grace,  of  remiilion  of  fins,  of  ialvation 

and  cverlafting  life.    But  this  to  pcrforme  in  deed,  is  a  hard  matter. 

For  mans  reafon  and  nature  cannot  ftcdfaftlyjrleave  unto  Chrift,  but 

oftentimes  it  is  carried  away  wi'h  the  cogitations  of  the  la  w-ap-cLfin, 

and  fo  al  waycs  fecketh  to  be  at  liberty  after  the  fiefa,but  according  to 

confcicnce  a  fervant  and  a  flavc. 

Vcrfi  15.    Wee  Vffhlch  Arc  Jew*  fy  nature  -,    And  not  finncrs  «f  the 

That  is  to  fay,  we  are  borne  iwto  therighteoufticffe  of  the  law,  to 
Mofes,  and  to  circumcifion,  and  even  in  our  birth  we  bring  the  law 
with  us.  We  have  therighteoufneflc  of  the  law  by  nature,as  /Wbc- 
fore  faith  of  himfeife  in  the  firft  Chapter  :  'Sting  ^ealom  of  the  tradi* 
Tbepr«ro-  tions  of  the  fathers^  Wercforc  if  we  be  compared  to  the  Gentiles, 
f£'**w«  we  are  no  finncrs  :  we  are  not  without  the  law  and  without  works 
like  unto  the  Gentiles  :  but  we  are  }ewcs  borne,  we  are  borne  righ 
teous  and  brought  up  in  rightcoufoefe.  Our  righteoufnefle  begin- 
ncth  even  with  our  birth,  for  the  Jeivii"h  religion  is  natural!  unto 
€**  us<  por  (^  eommandcd  Abraham  to  circumciie  every  man  child 
thceic;htd.w.  Thisljwofcircumcilion  received  from  the  fathers, 
<JMofe-s  afterward  confirmed,  i  t  is  a  great  matter  thv  rei^orc  tliat  we 
are  Jewes  by  n  uuc  c.  Not  withftandmg,  although  \\  c  have  this  pre- 
rogative^  that  we  arc  righteous  by  nature,  borne  to  the  law  and'thc 
works  thereof  ,  and  arc  IK*  finners  as  the  Gentiles,  yet  are  we  not 
ihercfbrc  righteous  before  God. 

Hereby  it  is  evident  that  7>  tad  fpeaketh  not  of  ceremonies,  or 
e!  ths  cerempniall  law,  as  fomc  doc  affirms,  but  of  afarrc  weigh 
tier  matter,  namely  of  the  nativity  of  the  Jewes  whomhcdeni- 
cth  to  be  righteous,  although  they  be  borne  holy,  be  circumcifed,, 
Vcepe.thela.w,  have  the  adaption,  the  glory  ,.  th^  covenant,  the  fa* 


thcrs,  th<ytrueworftip,G»d,Chri{r,  the  promifes,  live  in  them  and 
glory  in  the  fame:  as  they  fay,  Johx.  We  are  tht  feed  of  Abraham  : 
AJfo,  V?e  have  ear  Father,  rrhich  it  God.    And  to  the  Rvruattes :  Be- 
bold  thou  art  called  a  Jevt>,  and  rcfteft  iu  the  law,  &c-    Wherefore,  al- 
though  Teter  and  the  other  Apoftlcs  were  the  children  of  God, 
righteous  according  to  thelaw,  the  works  and  the  rigbteoufnes 
thereof,  circumcihon,  the  adoption,  the  covenants,  the  promifes, 
the  ApofUe(hip,e^r.  yet  Chriftian  righteoufnefle  cometh  not  there 
by  :  for  none  cf  all  thde  is  faith  in  Chrift,  which  only  (as  followeth  Pa/.h  j 
jn  the  Text )  juftifieth,  and  not  thelaw ;  Not  that  the  law  is  cviller  fieth> 
damnable,  for  the  law,  circumcijion  and"          M.  are  not  therefore 
pndemn^d  bccauic    icyjuftinj     it :  but  Ttul  therefore  taketh  rrom 
them  the  orncc  of  jmtincation.  becaofe  the  falic  Apoftlcs  contended 
that  by  them,  without  faith,  and  only  by  the  works  wrought,  men 
arc  juftificd  andfavcd.    This  was  not  to  befuflfcrcd  of>W.    For 
without  faith  all  things  are  deadly.  The  la  w>circumci(ion,  the  adop- 
tion,  the  temple,  the  worfhipofGod,  the  promifes,  yea  God  and 
Chrift  hiintelte  without  faith  profiteth  nothing.  Panl  therefore  fpca-  faidv> 
kcth  generally  againft  all  things  which  are  contrary  to  faith,  and  not 
againit  ceremonies  only. 

f  rerfe  1 6.    Knoft  that  a  man  is  not  juftifieel  fy  the  Werks  of  the  Iw,  but 
by  the  faith  ofjcfw  £hrift. 

This  word  £  The  Works  of  the  iav>  ]  reachcth  far  and  comprchen-  Thc  worVe 
dethmuch.^  We  take  the  worke  of  the  law  therefore  generally  for  of  trie  law. 
that  which  is  contrary  to  grace.  Whatfoever  is  not  gracc,is  the  law, 
whether  it  be  judici  11,  ceremoniall,  or  thcfenCommandcmerits. 
Wherefore  if  thoucouldcft  doe  the  works  of  th«  law  according  to 
this  commandcmcnr  :  Thou  Jhalt  love  the  Lord  thy  Qod  \*ith  alithj 
A<r*//.&c.(  which  no  man  >  ct  ever  did  or  could  do)  yet  thou  (houldelt 
not  be  jufrifKd  before  God t for  a  man  is  not  j'uftiried  by  the  works  of 
the  law.  But  hereof  we  will  fpeake  more  largely  hereafter, 

Thewoike  cf  thelaw  then,  according  to  <7W,  fignifieth  the 
workc  of  the  whole  hw,  whether  it  be  judiciall,  ceremoniall  or  m<> 
rail  Now,ifthe  workc  of  the  morall  Iaw4oe  not  juftifie,  much  le(Te 
doth  circumcifion  j  jftirie,  which  is  a  workc  of  the  ceremoniall  law. 
Wherefore,  wben'TWfmh  (as  he  oftentimes  doth)  that  ama* 
*  not  jujiificd  by  the  lave,  tr  bj  the  fyrfa  of 'the  Uw  (  which  arc 



done  be 
fore  and 
after  jufti 

Chap.II.  Vfon  tke  E  P  I  s  T  1 1 

both  one  )  he  fpeaketh  generally  of  the  whole  law,  fetting  the  righ 
teoufnefle  of  faith,  againft  the  righteoufnefle  of  the  whole  law.  Fot 
by  thcrightcoulhcffcofthelaw  (faith  he)  a  man  is  not  pronounced 
righteous  before  God  :  but  the  righreoufncs  of  faith  Godimputcth 
freely  through  gracc,for  Chrills  fake.  The  law  (  no  doubt)  is  holy, 
righteous  and  good,and  confequently  the  works  of  the  law  arc  holy, 
righteous  and  good,yet  notwithftanding  a  man  is  not  j'uftificd  there 
by  before  God. 

No  w,the  works  of  the  law  may  bf  done  either  before  j'uftification 
or  after,  There  were  many  good  men  crcn  among  the  Pagans,  as 
Xtnofbon>  Ariftidcs,FabiH4,  Cicero,  cPom])ftiiM,*sftttcu.i.  and  others, 
which  before  j'uftification  performed  the  deeds  of  thcl.;^  and  did. 
dttro,  p,m:  notable  works.  Citero  fuftered  death  valiantly" in  a  good  and  j'aft 
ctufe.  Tomponiut  was  a  conft ant  man,  and  loved  truth,  for  he  never 
made  lye  himiclfe,nor  could  fuffer  the  fame  in  any  other.  Now,  con- 
ftancy  and  truth  arc  noble  virtues  and  excellent  works  of  the  law, 
and  yet  were  they  not  juftificd  thereby.  After  j'uftification,  Peter, 
Paul,  and  all  o.hcrChriftians  have  done  and  doc  the  works  of  the 
la'w,  and  yet  arc  they  not  j'uftified  thereby.  Ik*ov>  not  my  felfe guilty 
in  Any  r&«£(faith  Pattl)A*dytt  Am  I  not  thereby  jitftifitd.  We  fee  then, 
that  he  fpeaketh  not  ot  any  part  of  the  law,but  of  the  whole  law,  and 
all  the  works  thereof. 

The 'Divinity  of  the  Popi/h  Sophifterst  commonly 
catted  the  Schoolemcn* 

WHcrcforc  the  wicked  and  pcrnitious  opinion  of  the  Papifty,' 
is  utterly  to  be  condemned,  which  attribute  the  merit  of 
grace  and  remiflion  of  finncs  to  the  worke  wrought.  Per  they  fay 
that  a  good  workc  before  grace,  is  able  to  obtaine  grace  of  Con 
gruence  (  which  they  call  meritam  de  Con^rtto^)  becaufc  it  is  mcetc 
that  God  ihould  reward  fuch  a  workc.  B'it  when  grace  is  obtai 
ned,  the  work  following  dcfcrveth  cverlafting  life  of  due  debt  and 
worth incfli,  which  th?y  call  meritam  de  Condigno.  As  for  example  : 
If  a  rnsn  being  in  deadly  finne,  without  grace,  doc  a  good  workc  of 
his  ownc  good  natural!  inclination:  that  is,  if  he  fay  or  hearca 
Maffc,  or  give  alrnes,  and  fuch  like,  this  man  of  congruence  dc- 
fcrvcth  grace.  When  he  hath  thus  obtained  grace,  he  doth  now  a 
workc  which  of  worthinefle  dcfcrveth  cverlafting  life.  For  the  firft, 


I  Cor  4  4. 

P*ul  intrca. 
tcth  of  the 


Went  of 
before  grace 
which  God" 
of  very  equi 
tvmuft  ie 
Meiit  of 
after  grace, 
Tv'iidii  of 
tight  and 
du-y  defer- 
vcth  ercr- 
nsk  life. 

TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  IT  S. 

God  is  no  dcbter :  but  becaufc  he  is  juft  and  good,it  behoveth  him  to 
approTC  fuch  a  good  worke  though  it  be  done  in  deadly  fin,  and  to 
give  grace  for  fuch  a  iervice.  But  when  grace  is  obtainrd,God  is  be 
come  a  dtbter,  and  is  conftrained  of  right  and  duty  to  give  etcrnall 
life.  For  now  it  is  not  only  a  worke  of  Frec-will,done  according  to 
the  fubftance,but  aHo  done  in  grace,  which  maketb  a  man  acceptable 
unto  God,thjt  is  to  fay,in  charity. 
This  is  the  Divinity  of  the  Antichriftian  kinedome  :  which  here  T 

_         .  ,  titi-/'  •  rot  ii  o  . 

I  recite  to  the  end  that  the  deputation  ot  PAtilmzy  be  the  better  urv  Pinsbiaf- 
dcrftood  (for  too  contrary  thines  being  fet  together  may  be  the  bet-  Phc.m 

\j  111  r  r      r  i_      "aain 

ter  known  : )  ana  moreover  that  all  men  may  fee  how  far  from  th«  djui 
truth  thefe  blind  guides,  and  leaders  of  the  blind  have  wandrcd,  and 
how  by  this  wicked  and  blafphemous  doctrine  they  have  not  only 
darkened  the  Gofpcll,  but  hare  taken  it  cleane  away,  and  buried 
Chrift  utterly.  For  if  I  being  in  deadly  fin  can  doc  any  little  worke 
which  is  not  only  acceptable  in  Gods  fight  of  it  felfe,  and  according 
to  the  fubftance,  but  alfo  is  able  to  dcferve  grace  of  congruence,  and 
when  I  have  received  Grace,  I  may  doc  works  according  to  grace, 
that  is  to  fay,according  to  charity , and  get  of  right  and  duty  eternal! 
Kfe,  what  need  hare  I  now  of  the  grace  of  God,for  forgivcnes  of  fins> 
ofthepromtfe,and  of  the  death  and  victory  of  Chrift?  Chriftis  now 
to  me  unprofitable,  and  hisbcnifit  of  none  effect:  For  I  have  Free 
will  and  power  to  doc  good  works,  whereby  I  defcrve  grace  of 
congruence,  and  after  wards  by  the  worthincfic  of  my  worke,  cter- 

Such  monftrous  and  horrible  blafphcmies  flieuld  have  becncfet 
fo  th  to  the  Tttrkfs  and  Jfvres,  and  not  to  the  Church  of  Chrifh 
And  hereby  it  plainely  appcareth  that  the  Pope  with  his  Bifhop^ 
Doctors,  Priefts,  and  all  his  religious  rabble,  had  no  knowledge  or 
regard  of  holy  matters,  ond  that  they  were  not  carefull  for  the 
health  of  the  filly  and  miferablc  fcattercd  flock.  For  if  they  had 
feene,  but  as  it  were  through  a  cloud,  what  P**/callcthfmnc,  ami 
•what  he  calleth  grace,  they  would  never  have  compelled  the  people 
tobelccvcfuch  abominations  and  execrable  lyes.  By  deadly  fin  they) 
underftood  onely  the  extcrnaltworkc  committed  againft  the  law,  as  Jeaap^s 
murthcr,  theft,  and  fuch  like.  The^  could  not  (ee,tbac  ignorancc.ha- 
trcd,&  contempt  of  dod  in  the  heart,ingratit ude,mun  iii'.rine;  a-zainft 
God,  and  rciifting  the  wiUoiGodjarcaUe  deadly  finue^  and  th.' 

Chap.II.  r?o*  dcEv  i  STL  i 

flefh  cannot  think,fpcak,or  doc  any  thing,  but  that  which  is  dcvilltfh 
&  altogether  againll  God.  If  they  had  fccn  thefe  mifchiefc  faft  rooted 
in  the  nature  of  man,thcy  would  never  have  devifcd  fuch  impudent  & 
execrable  dreams  touching  the  dcfert  of  congruence  and  worthines. 
A  defcrip-  Wherefore  we  inuft  property  and  plainly  define  what  a  wicked 
r  manor  adcadly  firmer  is.  He  is  fiich  a  holy  and  a  bloudy  hypocrite* 
'  Paul  was  when  he  went  to  D*mafcnst  to  pcrlecutc  Jefus  ofNtza- 
reth,  to  aboliih  the  doctrine  ot  the  Gofpell,  to  murthcr  the  faithfull, 
and  utterly  to  overthrow  the  Church  of  Chrift.  And  who  will  not 
fay  but  that  thcic  were  horrible  finnes  ?  Yet  could  not  Paul  fee  them. 
For  he  was  fo  blinded  with  a  perverfezcalcofGod,  that  he  thought 
thcfc  abominations  to  be  pcrfeft  rightcoufnetfe  aad  high  fcrvice  unto 
God:and  lhall  we  fay  that  fuch  as  defend  thefe  horrible  fins  to  be  per 
fect  righteoufneffc,doe  dcfcrvc  grace  ? 

Wherefore  with  7W,  we  utterly  deny  the  merit  of  congruence 
and  worthines,  andaffirmc  that  thefe  fpeculat ions  arc  nothing  clfe 
but  mecre  deceits  of  Satan,  which  were  never  done  indeed,  nor  no 
tified  by  any  examples.    For  God  never  gave  to  any  man  grace  and 
cvcrlaftinglifc  for  the  merit  of  congruence  or  worchineflfj.     Thefe 
and  wonhi-  di'fputations  thcrcforcof  the  Schookmen  touching  the  merit  of  con- 
and  fooS6  gruence  and  worthines,  arc  nothing  elfc  but  vaine  toies  and  dreamcs 
?°T.  M    '   ofidlebraines,  to  no  other  end  andpurpofe  but  to  draw  men  from 
The Voond  tfa  truc  wor(-hip  of God.  And  hereupon  is  the  whole  papacie  gvoun- 
loped^ci6  dcd.    For  there  is  no  religious  pctfon,  but  he  hath  this  imagination : 
I  am  able  by  the  obfervation  of  my  hol>  Order  to  dcfcrtc  grace  of 
congruence,  and  by  the  works  which  I  doc  after  that  I  have  recei 
ved  this  grace,  I  am  able  to  heape  up  fuch  treafurc  of  merit,  as 
fhallnot  only  befufficicnt  for  me  to  obtaine  cternallhfe,  but  alfo 
to  give  or  fell  unto  others.    Thus  have  all  the  religious  Orders 
taught    and  thus  have  they  lived.   And  to  defend  this  horrible  blaf- 
phemy  againft  Chrift,  the  Papifts  doc  at  this  day  attempt  againft  us 
what  they  can.    And  there  is  not  one  of  them  all,  but  the  more  holy 
hypocrite  and  merit- monger  he  is,the  more  crucll  and  deadly  enemy 
he  is  to  the  Gofpell  of  Chnft, 

The  trtte  Wdj  to  Ckriftitnitj: 

part  of       V  TOw  the  true  way  to  Chnftianity,  is  this,  that  a  man  doe  firft 
IN  acknowledge  himfclfe  by  the  la  w,  to  be  a  finner,  and  that  it  is 

To  tke  G  A  t  A  T  H  -I  A  N  s .  Pol.  £3 

impoiTible  for  him  to  do  any  good  worke.  For  the  Jaw  faith :  thou  tj,e  prei 
artancvill  tree  and  therefore  all  that  thou  thinkeft,ipeakeft,  or  docft  chingof 
is  againftGod.  Thoncanft  notthcreforcdcferve  grace  by  thy  works,  £?££ 
winch  if  thou  go  about  to  do,thou  doubled  thy  ofrcnce:for  (ince  thon  i^ng  of 
art  an  cvill  tree,  thou  canft  not  but  bring  forth  cvill  fruits,  that  is  to 
f y  fins.  For  rrhatfofver  u  not  ofFatth  /XA».Whcrcforc  he  that  would 
dcfcrve  grace  by  workes  going  before  Faith,  gocth  about  to  pleafc 
God  with  fins,which  is  nothing  els  but  to  heap  iin  upon  fin,to  mock 
God,and  to  provoke  his  wrath.  When  a  man  is  thus  taught  and  in- 
ftruciedby  the  law,  then  is  he  terrified  and  humbled,  thenbefeeth 
indeed  the  greatneflfeof  h  is  fin,and  cannot  find  in  himfelfe  one  (park 
of  the  love  of  God:therfore  he  juftificth  God  in  his  word,  and  con- 
fcfleth  that  he  is  guilty  of  death  and  etcrnall  damnation.The  firft  part 
then  of  Chriftianity  is  the  preaching  cf  repentance,  and  the  know 
ledge  of  our  fdvcs. 

The  fccond  part  is :  If  thou  wilt  be  fined  thou  maieft  not  leek  fal- 
vation  by  works:  for  God  hath  fenthisonely  begotten  Sonnc  into  JJ 
the  world,that  we  might  live  through  him-He  was  crucified  and  di-  Of 
cd  for  thee  and  offered  up  thy  fins  in  his  owne  body.  Here-is  no  con-  de. 
grnencc  or  workc  done  before  grace,but  wratb,fin,terror,and  death. 
Wherefore  the  law  doth  nothing  els  but  utter  fin,  terrific  and  hum-  7f  C.ofj5ce 
blc,and  by  this  means  preparcth  us  to  juftification,  and  driveth  us  to  l 
Chrift.  For  God  hath  revealed  unto  us  by  his  word,  that  he  will  bee 
unto  us  a  mcrcifullfathcr,and  without  our  defwits(freing  we  can  de- 
fcrvc  nothing)  will  freely  give  onto  us  rcmiflion  of  fins3righteoufncs, 
and  life  cverlafting  for  Chrift  his  Sonnes  i'^ke.  For  God  givcthbis 
gifts  freely  unto  all  mcn.and  that  is  the  praife  and  glory  of  his  divini- 
tie.But  the  lufticiaries  and  Merit-mongers  will  not  receive  grace 
andc\erlafting  life  of  him  freely 3biit  \villdcicrve  the  fime  by  their 
owne  works.  For  this  caufc  they  would  utterly  take  from  him  the 
glory  of  his  divinitic.  To  the  end  therefore  that  he  may  maintaiue 
and  defend  the  fame,hee  is  conft rained  to  fend  his  law  before,  which 
as  a  lightening  and  thundering  from  heaven,  may  bruile  and  breakc 
thofe  hard  rockes. 

This  brie fely  is  our  doctrine  as  touchingChriRian  rightcottfncfTc, 
contrary  to  the  abhominations  and  blafphemies  of  thcPapiftrcon- 
ccrning  the  merit  of  congruence  and  worthiness,  or  workes  before 
grace  and  after  grace.  Which  inonftrotB  drcamcs  were  de  vi- 


Chap.  II.  Vfon  ^EPISTLE 

tid  by  fuch  as  were  never  excrcifcd  with  any  tentations,ncver  had 
any  trus  feeling  of  (in  or  of  the  tcrrour  of  death,  and  therefore  they 
know  not  what  they  fay,  or  what  they  teach.  Moreover,  they  can 
ftisw  no  example  of  any  workc  done  either  before  or  after  grace 
that  could  juftific  before  God.  Wherefore  they  atenothingelfebut 
vaine  toycs  andfoolifh  fables,  whereby  the  Fapifts  deceive  both 
thcmfclvcsand  other.  For  Pda/here  plainly  affirmeth.that  no  man  is 
juftified  by  the  works  of  the  la  w,either  going  before  grace  (wherof 
he  fpeaketh  in  this  place)  or  cooiming  after  grace.  You  fee  then  that 
ChrilHanrightcoufnes  is  not  fuch  an  cflfentiall  quality  ingrafted  in 
the  nature  of  man,as  the  Schoolemen  do  imagine  when  they  fay  : 

(The  divinitie  of  the  Schoolemen.) 

'Hen  a  man  doth  any  good  worke,God  accepteth  it,and  for 
that  work  he  powreth  into  him  charity,  which  they  call 
charity  infufedrthis  charity  (fay  th:y)  isaquality  remaining  in  the 
heartjand  this  they  call  formall  righteoufncs  (which  manner  of  fpea- 
king  it  is  expedient  for  you  to  know  }  &  they  can  abide  nothing  kflfe 
than  to  heare  that  this  qualitieof  forming  and  adorning  the  foule, 
as  whitcneffc  doth  the  wall,  (hould  not  be  counted  righteoufnefle. 
The  Papifts  Theycan  clime  no  higher  than  to  this  cogitation  of  mans  reafon,that 
take  their     man  is  righteous  by  his  owns  formal  righteoufnefD,  which  is  grace 
leiShcfle?"  making  him  acceptable  unto  God,  that  is  to  fay  charity.  So  to  this 
which  tUy   quality  cleaving  unto  the  foule,  that  is  to  wit,  charitic(which  is  a 
worke  after  ths  Iavv'  for  the  Iavv  fait*  '•Th™fi*h  l°™  the  Lord 


SKhal7'  worke  after  ths  Iavv'  for  the  Iavv  fait\*  '•Th™fi*h  l°™  the  Lord 
Sracc,whcr-  thy  GoA,  &c.  )  They  attribute  formall  rightcoulheflT-',  that  is  to  fay, 
SacVe  tmc  Chrirtian  righteoufnefll:,  and  they  fay  that  this  righteoufnefle  is 

taUe  Hnto  worthy  ofcvcrlalting  life,  and  he  that  hath  it,  is  formally  righteous: 
and  moreover  hec  is  effcSually  or  actually  righteous,  becaufe  hee 
now  doth  good  workcs,  whereuntoeverlafting  life  is  due.  This  is 
the  opinion  of  the  Popifh  Schoolemen,  yea  even  of  the  beft  of 
them  all. 

occam*d<?-       Some  other  there  be  which  arc  not  fo  good  as  Scottu  and  Occam, 
which  faid,  that  for  the  obtaining  of  the  grace  of  God,  this  charity 
,  jnfufccj  or  given  of  God,  is  not  neccffary:but  that  a  man  cren 
by  his  owne  naturall  ftrength,  may  procure  this  charitie  above  all 
things.  For  fo  rcafoneth  Scotusi  If  a  man  may  love  a  creature,  a 
young  man  a  maiden,  a  covetous  man  money,  which  are  the 


To  the  GALATHIANS.  Fol.  64 

hffegcod,  hemayalfb  love  Gcd  which  is  the  greater  gcod.  Ifhs 
have  a  love  of  the  creature  through  his  naturall  itrength,mnch  more 
hath  he  a  love  to  the  Creator.  With  this  atgumcnt  were  all  the  So- 
phifters  convicledjand  none  of  them  all  was  able  to  refute  it.  Not- 
witManding  thus  they  reply. 

The  Scripture  compclleth  us  to  confcfle  (fay  they)  that  Gcd,  be- 
fides  that  natur  •!!  love  and  charity  which  is  ingrafted  in  t:s  (where-  p^emcus 
with  alone  he  is  not  conttntcd)requ;reth  alfo  charity ,which  he  him-  the  sc"o°i. 
felfe  giveth.  And  hereby  they  accuf c  G-xl  as  a  tyrant  and  a  cruell  ex-  mcn 
aclor,who  is  rot  content  that  wee  keep  and  fulfill  his  law,but  above 
the  law  ( which  we  our  f:lves  arc  able  to  fulfill)  requireth  alfo,  that 
\vefliould  accomplish  it  with  other  circurrlhnce  and  furniture,  as 
apparsll  to  the  fame.  As  if  a  Miftrefls  ihould  not  bee  contented  that ttou 
herCookehaddrctfcd  her  meat  excellently  well,  but  (hould  chide 
her  for  that  (he  did  not  prep.ire  the  fJime,  being  decked  with  preci- 
ous  apparrell  ,and  adorned  with  a  cro  vnc  of  gold.  Now  what  a  Mi- 
ftris  were  this,  who  when  her  Ccokc  had  done  all  that  (he  was 
bound  to  doe,  and  alfo  exactly  performed  thefamc,wculd  moreover 
require  that  !"he  fhould  \veare  luch  ornaments  as  (lie  could  not  have?  whkh  wcc 
Evenlo,  what  a  one  fhould  God  be  if  hefhculd  require  his  law  to  ca 
be  fulfilled  of  us(which  not  ivithftanding  by  our  own  natural  iirength 
we  ubferve  and  fulfill)  with  fuch  furniture  as  we  cannot  have  ? 

But  here  left  they  ihould  fccme  to  avouch  contrary  things,  they 
makeadiftindion  and  lay,  that  the  law  is  fulhl led  two  manner  of 
waies:firft  according  to  the  fabftance  of  the  deed,  and  iecondly 
according  to  the  mind  of  the  Commander.   According  to  the  fub- 
j  ibnce  of  the  deed  (fay  they)  we  may  fulfill  all  things  which  the  law 
jcommandcth,butnot  according  to  the  mindeof  theCcrnmandcr, 
•which  is  that  God  isnot  contented  that  thou haft  done  all  things 
which  arc  commanded  inthelaw(although  he  c^n  require  no  more 
of  thec)  but  he  further  rcquirctb,  that  \hou  ftiouldeft  fulhll  the 
jlaw  in  charity  :  not  that  charity  which  thou  haft  by  nature,  but  that 
which  is  above  nature  and  heavenly,  which  bee  hirr.iclfc  giveth. 
md  what  is  this  els  but  to  make  ot  God  a  tyrant  and  a  tormentor, 
;hich  requireth  that  of  us  which  we  are  not  able  to  per  forme?  And 
:tt  is  in  a  manner  as  much  as  if  they  fhould  fay,  that  the  fault  is  not  in 
Us  if  we  be  daraned,but  in  God,which  with  this  circumftancc  rcqui- 
•cth  his  law  to  be  accomplished  of  us. 


Chap  II.  n™  //^EPISTLE 

Thci':  things  I  doe  the  more  diligently  repeat,  that  you  may  fee 
how  fan  hey  have  ftraied  from  the  true  fence  of  the  Scripture,  which 
have  fud  that  by  our  owne  naturall  ftrength  wee  may  loveGod  a- 
bove  all  things,or  at  halt,  by  the  worke  wrought  we  may  deferve 
crace  and  everlafting  lire.  And  becaufe  God  is  not  content  that  wee 
fulfill  the  law  according  to  the  fubftance  of  the  deed,  but  will  have 
us  alto  to  fullfillthc  fame  according  to  the  rnind  of  the  commander. 
Therefore  the  Scripture  further  compelbthus  to  have  aquality  a- 
bovc  nature  poured  into  us  from  above,  and  that  is  charity,  which 
they  call rormall  ri^hteouihefle,  adorning  and  beautifying  faith,be- 
inc  alfo  the  caufe  that  faith  juftificth  us.So  faith  is  the  body, and  the 
fhell :  charity  the  lifc,the  kcrndl,the  forme  and  furniture.  Thefe  are 
the  moitftrous  dreames  of  the  Schoolemen. 

But  we  in  the  ftead  of  this  charity  do  place  faith,  and  we  fay  that 
faith  spprehendeth  Idus  Chrift,  who  is  the  forme  which  adorneth 
arid  furnifheth  faith,ns  the  colour  adorneth  and  beautifieth  the  wall. 
Chi  iftian  faith  therefore  is  not  an  idle  quality  or  empty  huske  in  the 
heart,  which  may  be  in  deadly  fin  untill  charity  comcand  quicken  it: 
but  if  it  be  true  faith,it  is  a  fure  truft  and  confidence  of  the  heart,and 
chtin  K      a  f^me  content  whereby  Chrift  is  apprehendcd:So  that  Chrift  is  the 
SJhkhfthh  objeft  of  faith,  yea  rather  even  in  faith  Chrift  himfclfsis  prefent. 
bchoidcth    paith  therefore  is  a  ccrtame  obfcurc  knowledge,  or  rather  darknefe 
^.^  fteth  not|,  jng>anc|  yct  Chrift  apprehended  by  faith,  fitteth  in 
this  darknefleilike  asGod  \nSina!  and  in  the  Temple  fate  in  tire  mid- 
deft  of*darkncfl>.  Wherefore  our  formal!  righteoufnefle  is  not  chari- 
and  chtiiu-  ty  furnilliing  and  beautifying  faith, but  it  is  faith  it  fcife,  which  is  as 
«<hdr!r!~    it  were,  a  certain  cloud  in  our  hearts:that  is  to  fay,a  ftcdfaft  truft  and 
affiance  in  the  thing  which  we  fee  not,whichis  Chrilt:who  al 
though  he  be  not  fccne  at  all,yct  is  he  prefent. 

^a"n  therefore  juftineth,  becaufe  it  apprehcndcth  and  pofleflcth 
this  treafure,even  Chrift  prefent.  But  this  prefcnce  cannot  be  com- 
prchended  of  us,  becaufe  it  is  in  darknes,  as  I  have  faid.  Wherefore, 
where  affiired  truft  and  affiance  of  the  Heart  is.thcrc  Chrift  is  prcfenr, 
yea  even  in  the  cloud  and  obfcurity  of  faith.  And  this  is  the  true  for- 
fnallrighteoufne0e,whcreby  a  man  is  juftified,and  not  by  charity, as 
the  Popilh  Schcolemen  do  moft  wickedly  arfirmc.  . 

To  conckidejlikc  as  the  Scholemcn  fay  that  charity  furnifbeth  and 
adorneth  faith  :fo  do  wee  fay  that  it. is  Chrift  which  furnifhetti 



To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  T  A  it  s.  Fol.6"f 

and  aiioinsth  faith,  or  rather  that  he  is  the  very  forme  and  perfection 
of  faith.  WnercfofC  Chrift  apprehcadc.1  by  faich.and  dw'dling  in  the 
heart,  isthetrueChriftianrighteoufnefT-,  for  the  vhichGodcoun- 
tcth  us  righteous  and  giveth  us  eternall  life.  Here  is  no  work  of  the 

/»  •  r>         i  r     _  ft*  t 

new  world  beyond  and  above  the  law.  For  C  hnit  or  £ «.ch  is  not  the 
law  nor  the  work  of  the  law.  But  concerning  this  mater,  which 
thcSchoofc-rn:n  neither  well  undcrftood  nor  taught,  we  intend  to 
fpcake  more  largely  hereafter.  Now  it  flbullbe  enough  that  we  have 
(hewed  that  P**/  fpcaketh  not  here  of  thecercmoLiialllawonely, 
but  of  the  whole  law. 

The  trttt  rule  ofCbrifti<tnitj, 

Contrary  to  thcfe  vaine  trifles  and  doting  dreims(is  we  have  alf)  The  fwt' 
noted  before)  we  teach  faith,  and  gives  trne  rule  of  Cliri  li  imty  ?,." 

In  this  fort:  firft  that  *  rqan  muft  be  taught  t>y  the  law  to  k;io  v  ><i  n 
fclfe,  that  fo  he  may  leim  to  fiy  with  the  Prophet :  AH  hav  finned 
Attdhave  need  of  the  glory  ofCjod.  Alfo.7"^  re  i*  nvt  on;  rlgh  esHS^o  not 
one:  Not  one  thAtuxderttand'th.not  one  that  feeketh  after  Gid .  All  have  ''i*i/  *•'• 

.     Pftlr     4« 

foncAftraj.\\wtAgMf$  mee  only  have  I  finned.  Thus  we  by  a  contrary 
way,  doe  drive  men  from  ' he  merit  of  congruence  and  worth tnefle. 
N^WjWhcn  a  mm  is  hu  ;i'4  'd  by  the  law,  an  1  brou^hr  to  the  know* 
ledge  of  himfelFc,  then  f  Howe  h  rrucrepen-ance"  (for  true  rep  -n- 
tance  bc^innerh  at  thef;.ueanj  ja^gemcr)tbiFGodj  and  hef:etb 
himfelfc  to  be  fj  great  a  flancr,  that  he  can  nni  no  meaner  how  he 
miy  be  delivered  from  hi  fin  by  his  o  vn  flrengih,  works  or  merits. 
Thenheperccivcth  v -II  what  7>4#/rpeaaetn'  A'h^n  Kc  faith,  That 
ma»  i«  the  fervant  and  fond/tSve 'ojfinne.  AHojT^  God  bathfcxf  up a'l 
under  fin:  and  thit  the  wiA'.>lc  w  .->:li  is  g'lilty  before  C/od.CT-c.  Then 
he  feeth  that  all  the  divinity  of  the  Schools  m?n  touching  the  merit 
of  congruence  and  worthincs,  is  nothing  elk  hat  mecrc  foolil"hncs, 
and  that  by  this  meins  the  //hoi.-  i\ipi.-ie  hll  -th. 

Here  now  he  bcginneth  to  li;-'-,  and'faith  in  this  wife:  Who 
then  can  give  fuccoor?  For  lie  be  ig  rbus  t-rrned  -.vith  the  Law, 
utterly  defpaireth  of  his  own  ftrength  ;  helooketh  about  and  figh- 
eth  for  the  help  of  aMediatour  and  Saviour.    Here  then  comcthin  preaching 
good  time  the  healtHfuIl  word  of  the  Gofpcll,  and  fifth  :  Sonne,  thy  ^,hc  Gaf" 
finncs  arc  forgiven  the*:  belcsYC  Li  Chriit  Jcfus  ctuciiied  for  thy 

K  fmnes, 

Chap.  IT.  fym  /^EPISTLE 

finnes.  If  thou  feele  thy  finnes  and  the  burden  thereof,  lookc  not 
upon  them  in  thy  felfe,  but  remember  that  they  arc  tnnflated 
and  laid  upon  Chrifr,  whofc  (Iripes  have  made  thec  whole,  Efat 

53  *•  . 

This  is  the  beginning  of  health  and  falvation.  By  this  mcanes  we 
are  delivered  from'  fin,  juftified  and  made  inheritours  of  evcrlaftingf 
life  :  not  for  our  own  works  and  dtjferts,  but  for  cur  faith,  where 
by  we  lay  hald  upon  Chrift.  Wherefore  we  alfo  doe  acknowledge  a 
quality  and  aformall  nghteoufiKfT:  in  the  heart  :  not  charity  (as 
the  Sophiftcrs  doe  )  but  faith,  and  yet  fo  not  withftanding,  that  ths 
heart  muft  behold  and  apprehend  nothing  but  CFinft  the  Saviour.. 
And  here  it  is  neceffery  that  yoa  know  the  true  definition  of  Chrift* 
The  Schoole-men.being  utterly  ignorant  hereof,  have  made  Chritl  a 
judge  and  a  tormcntour,  deviling  this  fond  fa  mafic,  concerning  the 
merit  of  congruence  and  worthiness, 

But  Chrift,  according  to  his  true  definition,  is  no  law-giver,  but  a, 
forgiver  of  finnes,  and  a  Saviowr..  This  doth'f  iith  apprehend  and  un 
doubtedly  belecve,  that  he  hath  wrought  works  and  merits  of  con 
gruence  and  worthineflc  before  and  after  grace  abundantly.  For  he 
might  have  fatisfied.for  all  the  fins  of  thi  world  by  one-only  drop  cJf 
his  blood  :  but  now  he  hath  (lied  it  plentifully,  and  hath  fatisHcd  a-> 
bundantly  .  tick.  9.  T>  j  his  otvne  blood  hath'  ht?  entredinto  the  holy  p/ace 
°"fefir  a/I,  <wd  obtained  eternal  rede  #>pfio».  Alfo,  Rotn.$.  Andyvctrc. 
jttftifitcl  freely  by  his  or  -ace  ',  through  the  redemption  thtt  t4  in  Chriftfc- 
fus^  Vchom  (jod  hathfet  firth  to  he  a  reconciliation  unto  Mt  through  frith. 
inkisblood.  Wherefore  it  is  a  great  matter,  by  faith  to  lay  hold  upon- 
Chrift  bearing  the  finncs  ef  the  world.  And  this  faith  alone  is  coun 
ted  for  righteoufneffe. 

chnft.  Here  is  to  be  noted,  that  thefe  three  things,  ftith,  Cbr  ift,  acccpta- 

Jmpuwtioo.  Jion01'  imputation  muft  be  joyned  together.  Faith  taketh  hold  of 
Chrift,  and  hath  him  prcfent,  and  holdcth  him  inclofed,  as  thcring 
dptb  the  precious  ftone.  And  whofocyer  (hall  be  found  havingthis 
confidence  in  Chrift  apprehended  in  the  heart,  him.  wilt  'God  ac 
count  for  righteous.  This  is  the  mcane,  and  this  is  the  merit  wbcre- 
by  we  attaine  the  rcmiffion  of  finncs  and  righteoufKflc.'  B.caufc 
thou  beleevcft  in  me,  faith  the  Lord,  and  thy  faith  layetb  hold  upon. 
Chrift,  whom  I  have  freely  given  untothce  that  he  might  be  thy; 
ft,  therefore  be  thou  juftificd  and  rightc- 



•us.  Wherefore  Go3  doth  accept  or  account  us  as  rightcous,only  for 
our  faith  in  Chriir. 

And  this  acceptation  or  imputation  is  very  nccc  (Tsry  :  firft,bccaufc 
we  are  not  yet  perfectly,  righteous,  but  whiles  we  remaine  in  this 
life,  fin  dweileth  ftillinour  fleih  :  and  this  remnant  ot  [ia  GOJ  pur- 
get^  in  us.  Moreover  we  arc  fpaietimcs  kfc  of  the  holy  Gbolt  and 
fall  into  fins,asxJid  TctcrSDavMand  other  holy  men.  Not  withftan- 
ding  we  have  alwaycs  recourfe  to  this  article  :  that  our  (ins  arc  cove-  «*'<.-  eve  fa 
red,and  that  God  will  not  by  them  to  our  charge,?/^  i.&  Rom  4  ' 
Not  that  (in  is  not  in  us  (as  the  Papirts  have  taught,  frying,  that  we 
muft  bcalwayes  working  well  until!  wefeele  that  there  is  no  guilt 
of  fin  remaining  in  us:)yca  fin  is  in  deed  alwaycs  in  us,and  the  godly 
doe  fceleit,  hut  it  is  covered  and  is  not  imputed  unto  us  of  God  for 
Chnfts  fake  :  whom  becaufc  we  doe  apprehend  by  faith,  all  our  fins 
arc  now  no  fins.  Bjt  where  Chrift  and  faith  be  not.thcr^isnoremif- 
fion  or  covering  of  tins,  but  meere  imputation  of  fins  and  condemna 
tion.  Thus  w  itl  God  glorifk  his  Son,  and  will  be  glorified  himfelfe 
in  us  through  him. 

When  we  have  thus  taught  faith  in  Chrift,  then  doe  we  teach  alfb  "^  <*<*• 
good  works.    Becaule  thou  haft  laycd  hold  upon  Chrilt,  by  Faith,  -f^d^ 
through  whom  thou  art  made  righteous.  B-gin  now  to  work  well.  ">»<*  be 
Love  God  an  J  thy  neighbour,  call  upou  God,  give  thanks  unto  him,  [Jedoa'a 
praiiehim,conf:fll-him.   Thcfc  arc  good  works  indeed,  which  flow 
out  of  this  farhand  '.his  chccrcfulnefle  conceived  in  the  heart,  for 
trnt  we  have  reiniiTion  of  fins  freely  by  Chrift. 

Now,  whitcrolfe  or  af  fluftto-i  foevcr  djcafterwarcfsinfac,  they 
areeafily  'ocrne,  and  chscrcfjliy  faf-red.  For  the  -yoke  tint  Chrift  Mat-tl'l° 
lay  :rh  upon  ;is,is  fwcet,and  his  ourden  is  eafie.  WtKn  (ffi  is  pardoned, 
aad  theo>  icience  delivered  from  the  burden  an  J  ft  ing  of  fin,  then 
may  a  Chi  iitian  bcare  all  things  eafily.  Bocauf-  !  e  fcdcth  all  things 
within  fvcct  and  comfortable,  there-fore  hcdmh.-anJ  fuff.-rcth  ali 
tilings  v;  lilingly.But  when  a  man  walkcth  in  his  own  ri^htcaufics^ 
\vhatfv-cver  he  doth  is  grievous  and  tedious  ur.tu  nini,bccaufc  he  doth 
it  unwi'lingly. 

Wc^thcreforc  doe  make  this  definition  of  a  C  'hriftian,  that  a  Chri-  who  ;r« 
ftianis  not  he  which  hath  no  fin,  bur  he  to  whomGodimputeth  Jj?htChfl- 
not  his  in,  through  faith  in  Chrift.    This  do^rine  bringcth  great 
•confolation  to  paorc  afBitfted  confciences  in  fcrious  and  inward. 

K  2  tetrours. 

Chap.  IL  Vftn  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  i 

tcrrours.  It  is  not  without  t*obd  ciufe  therefore  that  we  doe  fd  often 
repeat  and  beat  intoyour  minds  thcforgivcneffrof  finncsand  impu- 
tation  of  right eoufneilc  for  Chrifts  fake :  alfo  that  a  Chriftian  hath 
nothing  toilo  with  the  law  and  finne,  fpccialiv  in  the  time oftcnta- 
uh  tion.  For  inrhatheisaChriftian,heis  aDotetnclawandfinnc.  For 
j,c  hath  Chrift  the  Lord  of  the  law  prefent  and  inclofed  in  his  heart 
(  as  we  have  faid  )  even  as  a  ring  hath  a  Jewell  or  precious  ftone  in- 
doled  in  it.  Therefore  when  the  law  accufcth  and  (in  terrificth  him, 
he  Iook~th  upon  Chri(r,  nnd  when  he  hath  apprehended  him  by 
faith,  he  hsthprefent  with  himtbv  Conqueronr  or  the  law,{in,death, 
and  the  Deull  :  wKoreigbncth  and  ruLth  over  them,  fo  that  they 
cannot  hurt  him.  Wherefore  a  Chriftian  man,  if  ye  define  him 
rightly, is  free  from  all  la  WF,  and  is  not  fubjsct  unto  any  creature,  ei 
ther  within  cr  without :  in  that  he  is  a  Chriftian  (  I  fay  )  and  not  in 
that  he  is  a  man  or  a  woman,  that  is  to  fay,  in  that  he  hath  his  con 
ference  adorned  and  beautified  with  this  faith,  with  this  great  and 
*  c«  9>9.  ineftiinablc  tre;  fure,  or  (as  Paul  faith)  this  unfycakeableguift :  which 
cannot  be  magnified  and  praifcd  cnough.for  it  makes  us  the  children 
andhciresof  ,od-  And  by  this  mcanes  a  Chriftian  is  greater  then 
the  whole  world.  For  he  hath  fuch  a  gift,fuch  a  treafure  in  his  heart,  • 
that  although  it  feemeth  to  be  but  little,  yet  notwithftandingthc 
fimlneflc  thereof  is  greater  then  Heaven  and  earth,  "bccauie  Chrift 
which  is  this  guift  is  greater. 

chrifliam       Whiles  this  Doftrine  pacifying  and  quieting  the  confcicnce,  re- 
are  judges    maineth  pure  and  uncorrupt,  Chriftians  arc  made  Judges  over 
otdoSc.  a^  kimte  of  Do3rinc,  and  are  Lords  over  the  hwes  of  the  whole 
World.  Then  can  they  certaincly  judge  that  the  Turk?  with  his  Al 
coran  is  damned,  becaufs  he  goeth  not  the  right  way,  that  is,  he  ac- 
knowledgeth  not  himfelfe  to  be  mifcrable  and  damnable,  nor  apprc- 
hcnde*h  Chrift  by  faith,  for  whofc  fake  he  might  be  aiTured  that 
The  doarin  hisfinncs  are  pardoned.  Jn  like  manner  they  boldly  pronounce  fen- 
ope.  tcnceagainft  tl>c  Pope,  that  he  is  condemned  with  all  his  King- 
dome,  beca'ule  he  f  j  walkcth  and  fo  teacheth  (  with  all  his  religi 
ous  rabble  of  Sophiftcrs  and  Schoole-men,)  that  by  the  merit  of  con* 
griKnce  we  nnit^  come  to  grace,  and  that  afterwaVd  by  the  merit 
of  worthinvflj  we  are  received  into  Heaven.  Here  faith  the  Chrifti- 
an,  this  is  not  the  right  way  to.jufHhc  us,  neither  doth  this  way 
ka<fc  us  to  Heaven.    For  I  cannot  (  faith  he  )  by  nay  workes  going 


T$  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s .  Fol  6j 

before  gracr.defcrvc  grace,  nor  by  my  vvprkes  follow  ing  grsr?,  de- 
fcrvc  etcrnall  !ib;but  to  him  that  believe: h,fin  is  pardoned  a  ..J  ngh- 
teoufnes  imputed.  This  mift  and  this- confidence  iiuk:t'  hini:he 
child  of  God,  and  heire  of  his  kingdom:  for  in  hop;  he  p. '  ..flfjih  al 
ready  evc-rhfting  life,affured  unto  him  by  proaiifc.  Through  faith  in 
ChrilVther fore  all  things  are  given  unto  us,  grace,  peac',,for:riv*ncs 
fcflins,falvation  and  everLfting  life,  ;nd  not  rbi  ihc  m:;  it  cf  congru 
ence  and  worthines. 

Wherefore  this  doflrineof  the  Schcolem-n,  wit'->  their  c;rcmo» 
nics,maff;s,and  iniinite  foundations  of ths  f'apitlic.ili  kingdoinc,  are 
sioft  abhominablcbbiphemics  againft  Gee?,  j&crile/dgcs,  and  plaiii! 
denyalsofChrift,as  Peter  hath  fore- told  inthdc  vvo;ds:  T,';ereftx/l  *?*>.!• 
bt  (f lith  he)  falfe teachers  ttmong  you ,  ytlickfljallyrivily  bring  in  dam 
nable  kerejics,  denying  the  L ord  that  hath  fought  them,  &  c.    As  though 
he  would  fay  the  Lord  hath  redeemed  and  bought  us  with  his  bloud, 
that  he  might  juftifie  and  fave  us.'fhis  is  the  way  of  rightcoufhes  and 
falvation.    But  there  (hall  coaie  falfe  teachers,  which  denying  the 
Lord,  fhallblafphcmethc  wayoftruth,ofrighteouincs  and  falvation: 
they  ihall  find  out  new  waies  of  falfhood  and  deftruvjlion,  and  many  Thc  Papaey 
{hall  follow  their  damnable  waies.    Teeter  throughout  this  whole  lively  p«a. 
Chapter  moft  lively  painteth  out  the  Papacy,  which  neglcdingand  tejout' 
dcfpifing  the Gofpcll and  faith  in  Chrift, hath  taught  the  works  and 
traditions  of  men  :  as  the  merit  of  congruence  and  worthines,  the 
diff:rcnce  of 'daies,  meats,  vows,  invocations  of  Saints,  pilgrimages, 
purgatory, and  fuch  like.    In  thefc  phantafticall  opinions  the  Papitts 
are  fo  nuflcd,that  it  is  impolfiblc  for  them  to  u:iderftand  one  fillablc 
of  the  Gofpell,of  faith,or  of  Chrift. 

And  this  the  thing  it  fcifc  doth  well  declare.  For  they  take  that 
privil edge  unto  thcmfclvcs  which  bclongethunto  Chrift  alone.  He 
only  forgiveth  (inncs,  he  oncly  giveth  righteoufncflfe  and  evcrla- 
ftinglife  :  and  they  moftimpuidentlyand  wickedly  do  vaunt  that 
they  are  able  to  obtain  thefc  things  by  thdr  oxvn  merits  and  worthi- 
HCS  bcfjrc  and  after  grace.This  faith  Peter  ^  thcoth;r  Apoftles,  is 
to  bring  h  damnable  hercftes  and  feds  of  perdition,  For  by  thcfs 
mcanes  they  deny  Chrift,  tread  his  bloud  under  their  ferr,  bhlphemc 
the  holy  Ghoft,  and  defpile  the  grace  of  God.  Wherefore  no  man 
can  fuificicntly  conceive  how  horrible  the  1  dolatry  of  the  Pa- 
piftsis.  Asineftimableasthegiftis  which  isoff.-rcd  unto  us  by 

K  5  Chrift, 

Chsp.  1  1.  Vf&n  t  be  E  *  I  $  T  fi  t 

<Thrift,<rvcn  fo  and  no  Icflfe  abominable  arc  thefe  proprunatiisnf  ofehe 

PapHts.  Whet  fore  they  ought  nor  «-o  be  lightly  efteetncd  or  forg»t- 

ttn,but  diligently  weighed  and  confidtred.     And  this  muketh  very 

much  alio  For  the  amplify  ing  of  the  grace  of  God,  and  benefit  of 

Chnfi,3S  by  the  csntmy  For  the  more  we  know  the  prophanatioa 

Th;  rrueufc  oFthc  P.^pilticall  Maifr,fi>  much  the  more  we  abhorrc  and  deteft  the 

rf  hc(  em  fdm-,  arid  embrace  thetrne  i-.fcof  the  holy  Communion,  which  the 

kcrTalVby  P°Pe  hath  taken  away,and  hath  made  merchandif:  thero^that  b>ing 

**  i»«pe.     bought  fur  mony  ,rt  m'ght  pro^r  -thers.  For  he  faith  that  the  muling 

FViefr,™  Apoftara,denying  Chrift  and  blafptarriino;  the  holy  Ghott, 

ftanding  at  the  Altar^doth  a  good  xvork.not  only  f  jr  bimfbll,  but  aU 

fb  for  tJthcrs  both  quick  arid  dea-.d,and  for  ihc  whok  Churcb,3nd  that 

only  by  the  work  wrunghtyini  by  naothcr  rneans, 

VVherefbre  even  by  this  we  may  plainly  ke  the  incflimable  pati» 
cnee  efGocM'n  that  he  hath  not  tong  ago  dcftroycd  the  wh  jle  Papa* 
cy.and  confuiiicd  it  with  firt>and  briin*k>ne,3she  did  Sodom  .ind  Go- 
t»0rrah>.ftut  now  thcfc  }  41y  fellows  go  about,  not  only  to  cover,  but 
highly  to  advance  their  impiety-and  rikhines.Thts  we  no  eafs 
difleinble.We  mu!l  theiforc  wtth  all  diligence  fet  forth  the  article  of 
juftirkationjthat  as  a  moft  chare  Sunjit  rmy  bring  to  light  the  dark* 
nes  of"  their  hy  pocrificjao-j  difcovcr  th*ir  fthhincs  and  fhame.  For 
this  caufe  we  do  fo  ofcen  rcpc<t,and'f'»  earneftly  fet  forth  the  rightc- 
otifncs  of  Faith,  that  tfee  adverfarics  may  be  confounded,  and  this  ai> 
tide  cftabhihed'and  confirmed  in  our  hearts.  And  this  is  a  moft  ne- 
ccffiry  thingjfor  if  we  once  loofe  this  Sun,  we  fall  again  into  our  for* 
mcr  darkncs.And  moft  horrible  it  is  that  thePopc  ("hould  ever  be  able 
to  bring  thus,  to  pafle  in  the  Churcri,tha-tChnft  ("hould  be  drnied3tro* 
^  unc^er  ^oot'^P^t  wponjbla^hcrned,  yca,3nd  tfaatcvcnby  theGofl 
pell  and  Sacraments:  which  he  hath  f  )dirkned,J.nd  hath  turned  into 
"  fuch  a-n  horrible  abufe,that  he  hath  made  thenvto  fervc  him  againft 
3on!.'ope"  Chrift,for  the  ftabluhing  and  confirming  of  his  dcteftabic  aboaiina- 
tions.O  decpdarkneSjO  horrible  wrath  of  Goal 

1.6.    SvrnWeJ.fyyhiWtbeUcvcdinJcftu,  €.krifttthafapemightl>e 

This  is  the  true  mcarte  to  become  a  Chri!Kany  c^'ci  to  be  juftifr- 
cd  by  fairh  in  Jefus  Chrift,  and  not  by  the  works  of  the  hw.  Here 
we  muft  (land  not  upon  the  wicked  glofle  of  the,  Schoolmen,  which 


Ti  tfo  G  *  L  A  T  ft  i  A  N  $. 

fay  that  faith  then  j  tftiflcrh,  when  charity  and  cpod  works  are  joy- 
ncd WithaU.   With  this  pdlileat  glr(T:  th^  Sop  u'ibers  havedarknsd  mem 
and  corrupted  this  and  ether  like  tentcnces  iii  Taul,  wherin  he  ma-  JJ 
nifcttly  attributeth  jollification  to  fir  h  0n'y  in  Chrift.  But  when  a  ft*  f 
man  hearcth  that  he  ought  to<beltevc  in  Chnft.and  yet  not withftan-  Jjjjj 
ding  faith  juftifieth  not  except  it  be  formed  andturniftied  with  cha-  fie«h! 
rity,by  and  by  he  falloth  fromfaith,  and  thus  he  think  -th  :  if  faith 
without  charity  juftifieth  not,thcn  rs  faun  ;n  vain  and  unprofitable, 
and  charity  alone  juftiHetrufor  except  faith  be  formed  with  charity, 
it  is  nothing. 

And  to  confirm  this  pernicious^nd  peftilent  glofl>,  the  advcrfaries 
doalledgethis  place,  I  £<tr. \\.Thongb  I  Jpcske-aith  the  tonnes  of  men 
aad  Angel t^ndk we  no  live^l am  n+tkinq*  A.nd  thrs  place  isrheir  bra* 
(cn  wall. But  they  arc  men  without  undsrltanding,and  thct  fore  they 
can  fee  or  undcrftand  nothing  inPWnn.l  bv  thisfalfc  inrerpretation 
they  have  not  only  perverted  the  words  of  Patiljvw  have  alfo  denied 
Chrift,and  buried  all  his  bcnefitsrvherforc  we  mult  avoid  this  gloffe 
as  a  moft  deadly  and  dcvilli'h  poyfon.and  conclude  with  T^fc/,  that  the  law. 
WC  arc  juftified,not  by  faith  furnilhed  with  charity , but  by  faith  only  •» 

and  alone.  .$ 

We  grant  that  we  muft  teach  ailfo  good  works  and  charity,but  it  The 
fouft  be  done  in  time  and  place,  that  is  to  fay,  when  the  qusftion  is 
concerning  works,and  touchcth  not  this  article  of  jf  •ifcification.  Bat 
here  the  queftion  is,by  what  means  we  are  j  itlificd  and  attain?  ctcr- 
nail  life.To  this  we  anfwer  withP*»/,that  by  faith  only  mChrift  we 
are  pronounced  ri^htcous,and  not  by  the  works  of  the  1 1  w  or  chari 
ty  :  not  bccaufs  we  rej  %ft  good  works,  bur  that  we  will  not  f«fK;c 
oar  felvet  to  be  remove  i  from  this  ankerhold  of  our  falv.ition:  which 
Satan  moft  dcfireth.Whcrforc  fincc  we  arc  now  in  the  matter  of  j*u- 
ftification,we  reject  and  condemn  all  good  works:for  this  pbcc  wil 
admit  no  deputation  of  good  works.  In  this  matter  therefore  we  do 
generally  cat  oiFall  laws  and  all  thi  works  of  the  law.  I 

Butthelawisgood>j'uftandri3ly.  Trucitis.  Bat  when  we  arc  in 
the  matter  of  fj^ificjrionjthirc  is' no  time  or  place  to  fpeake  of  the 
law  i  but  thcqucfti  >n  is,  whit  Chrift  is,  and  wrue  benefit  he  hath 
brought  unto  us.  Chrift  is  not  the  law,  he  is  not  my  worke,  or 
the  workeof  the  law,  he  is  not  my  charity,  my  obedience,  ray 
poverty,  but  he  is  the  Lord  of  life  and  death,  a  Mediatour,  a  Savi 

K4  eur, 

Chap.  T  I.  V$on  the  E  ?  i  &  T  H  L 

our,arcdceiner  of  thofethat  arc  under  the  law  and  (in,in  him  we  arc 
by  faith, ai id  he  in  us.  This  bridegroom  muft  be  alone  with  the  bride 
in  his  f:crct  chamber,}!!  th;  iervants  arid  family  being  put  apart.But 
afterwards,  when  the-dore  is  open  and  he  cometh  forth,  then  let  the 
fervams  and  hand-maidens  return,  to  miniftcr  unto  them  :  thenlet 
charity  do  hsrofficc,ind  let  good  works  be  done. 

We  muftlearne  therefore  to  difcern;  all  la  wcs,  yea  even  the  law 
of  God,  and  all  works,  fron  thepromifeofthcGofpcll,  and  from 
foirb,  that  we  may  define  Chrift  rightly.    For  Chrift  is  no  h  w,  and 
thcrforc  he  is  no  cxador  c  f  the  law  and  works,  but  he  it  the  Lamb  of 
i  if.     (Jad  that  taketha-rvay  the  fins  of  theVrorld.    This  doth  fjith  alone  lay 
hold  of,and  not  ch3rity,which  not  withstanding,  as  a  certain  thank- 
fames  aiu^  fallow  faith.  Wherfore  victory  over  lin  and  death,f)lvati- 
u(c «  only  on  and  cverlafting  life  come  not  by  the  law,nor  by  the  works  of  the 
!"  kw,nor  yet  by  the  power  of  free- will,  but  by  the  Lord  Jcfus  Chrift 
fitof  chiift.  only  and  alone. 

Verfe  1 6.   That  Vre  might  be  iuftiped  bj  faith  in  Chrift,  And  not  try  tht 
Work*  of  the  Jaw. 

Paul  fpcakcth  not  here  of  the  ceremonial!  law  onely  (as  before 
-  wc  nave  ^i^)  DUt  of  the  whole  law.  For  the  cercmoniall  law  wa$ 
as  well  the  law  of  God  as  the  morall  law  was.  As  for  example,  cir- 
'  cumcifion.thc  inftitution  of  the  Pricfthood,  the  fcrvice  and  ccrcmo- 
nic«  of  theTemplc,wcre  as  well  commanded  of  God  as  thcio  Com-^ 
oiandemenrs.  Moreover,  when  ^r^wwascoriMnanded  tocfltr 
up  his  fonne  Jfiac  in  Sacrifice,  it  was  a  law.  This  work  of  Abraham 
plca&dGod  no  kflfc  than  other  workes  of  the  ccrcmonialllaw  did 
and  yet  was  he  not  juftiSed  by  this  work,but  by  faith:for  the  Scrip- 
tare  faith  :  Abraham  bcleeveji  GoAyand  it  VM  counted  to  him  far  rightc- 

But  fin  cc  the  revealing  of  Chi  il  (fjythey)  the  cereinoniall  law 
feilhth  and  bringcth  death.    Yea,  fo  doth  the  la  w  of  the  ten  Com- 
te  marrdements  al&,  without  faith  in  Chrift.    MoreOver^thcrc  may  no 
to  law  be  fuflL'red  to  raignc  in  the  conscience,  but  onely  the  law  of  the 
n<^  ^^^whcrcby  wee  arc  made  free  ?n  Chrift  from  the  law  of 
the  letter  and  of  death,  frrm  the  u'erkes  thereof,  and  from  all  fin« : 
Not  becaufs  t!  e  Law  iscvill,  but  for  that  it  is  not  able  to  jufti- 
c  for  it  hath  a  plainc  contra!  y  eff.d  and  working.   It  is  an 



Totte  GA  L  A  T  H  i  A  H<j. 

high  and  an  excellent  matter  to  be  at  peace  with  Gcd,and  thcrfcrein 
this  cafe  we  have  need  of  a  f  <ir  other  Mediator  ihenMofej.  or  the  law. 
Here  we  muft  do  nothing  at  all,but  only  receive  the  treafiu  e  which  onr 
is  Chrift,and  apprehend  him  in  our  hearts  by  faitb,althcugh  we  feel 
our  {elves  to  be  never  fo  fulloffin.Theie  words  therfore  cf  the  Apo- 
ftlc.-f/wf  Vte  might  bejtijlifedbjfMtktMulKot  liy  thfwcrk*  of  the  lav,  arc  rcccivinfr 
very  erTcduall,  and  not  in  vain  or  unprofitable,  as  the  Schoole-men 
think,and  therfore  they  psfie  them  over  fy  lightly. 
Hitherto  ye  have  heard  the  words  cf  7*4*7,  which  he  fpake  unto/**" 
w.whcrin  he  hath  briefly  cornprifed  the  principle  article  of  allChri- 
ftian  declrin, which  maketh  true  Chriftians  indecd.Now  he  turneth 
to  the  Q*l#ki**sJU)  whom  he  writeth,and  thus  he  concludeth:flncc 
it  is  fo  that  we  are  juftified  by  faith  in  Chrift,  then  by  the  works  of 
the  law  ftiall  no  flefh  be  juftirled. 

Vtrfi.  1 6.   'Bcctttfe  bj  tht  detds  of  the  lawjio  fcjbfall  fajftfiftd. 

Flcfim  ?A»l  doth  not  fignific  (as  the  Schoolmen  dream)  mani- 
fcft  and  grofl'^  fins,  for  thofc  he  uleth  to  call  by  their  proper  names, 
ts  adultery jfornication,  unclcannefle  and  fuch  like  :  but  byfejh  Tanl 
mcancth  here  as  ChnO  doth  in  the  third  ft*?*  °f  John,  That  Which 
u  home  offtejh  (faith  he)  uflejk.  Fie  (h  therfore  figniiicth  the  whole 
natureofman,  withtcafon  and  all  other  powers  whatfoever  doe 
belong  to  man.  This  fleCh  (  faith  he)  is  not  juft ified  by  works,  no 
not  orthc law.  Hc(b therfore  according  to T/w/figniHeth  all  the 
righteoufnefle,  wifJome,  devotion,  Religion,  underftanding  and 
will  that  is  poflible  to  be  in  a  naturall  man  :  fe  that  if  a  man  be  never 
fo  righteous  according  torcafon  and  the  law  of  God,  yet  with  all 
this  nghtcoufnesjworks,  merits,  devotion  and  religion,  he  is  not  ju* 

This  the  Papifts  doe  not  bclecve,  irtit  being  blind  and  obftinate 
they  defend  their abhominations  againft  their  ownc  corfcicnce^nd 
continue  ft  ill  in  this  their  blafphemy ,  having  in  their  mouths  thefc 
cxcciable  words :  He  that  doth  this  good  workc  or  that,  dcfer- 
vethforgiveiKfTwofhisfinnes  :  whofocver  ectreth  into  this  or  that 
holy  order,  and  kccpcth  his  rule,  to  him  we  aHurcdly  promife  ever- 
lafting  life.  It  cannot  be  uttered  what  an  horrible  b'aiphcmy  it  is 
to  attribute  that  to  the  doctrine  of  Divcls,  to  the  dcau&aud  ordi- 


Chap.II.  Vfon  th  E? i s  *  L  i 

tf  Hri;ryinS  nances  of  mcn,to  the  wicked  traditions  of  the  the  hypecri- 
hi°mne  "ca^  wor^s  an^  mcrirs  of  Monks  and  Friers,  which  TWthe  Apo- 
/»<•'  ftlcofChrifttakethfromthelawof  God  For  if'no  fkfh  be  iuftificd 
bv  th?  works  of  thc  *  uv»  much  leffc  ("hall  it  be  juftified  by  the  rule  of 
Bmecli&tFr*kcUyat  Angu$Hng,\n  the  which  there  is  not  one  jot  of 
true  fairh  in  Chrift:  but  this  only  they  tcach,that  whofoever  keepcth 
thrfb  things  hath  life  evcrlafting. 

Whcrforc  I  have  much  and  often  marvelled,  that  thefc  Seels  of 
perdition  reigning  Ib  many  years  in  la  great  darknes  and  crrouts,thc 
Church  could  indurc  and  continu:  as  it  hath  done.  Soms  there  were 
whoon  Ciod  called  by  thcTcxt  of  the  Gofpell  and  by  baptifmc.Thefa 
who  were  walked  in  fimplicity  and  humblcncs  ofhcart,  thinking  thcMonkcs 
favcd  in  the  and  Friers  ,and  fuch  only  as  were  annointed  of  the  Bii'hops  to  be  rc- 
f  ligious  and  holy,  and  thcmfclvcs  to  be  prophanc  and  fccular,  and  not 
worthy  to  be  compared  unto  them.  Whcrforc  they  finding  in  them- 
fdvcs  no  good  -^rorks  to  fet  againft  the  wrath  and  judgment  of  God, 
did  fly  to  th:  death  and  paiTlon  of  Chrilt,  and  were  laved  in  this 

Horrible  and  unfpcakablc  is  the  wrath  of  God,  in  that  he  hath  fo 
long  time  punifhed  the  contempt  of  the  Gofpcll  and  Chrift  in  the 
Papifts,  and  alfo  their  ingratitude,  in  giving  them  over  into  a  repro 
bate  fence,  infomuch  that  they  blafphcmingand  denying  Chrift  al- 
together  as  touching  his  officc,in  ftcad  of  thcG5fpcl  received  the  et» 
ccraDlerules,ordin3ncesand  traditions  of  men,  which  they  devourly 
re  the  adored  and  honoured ,yea,and  preferred  the  fame  far  above  the  word 
OolPeU.  ofGoJ,  untill  at  length  they  were  forbidden  to  many,  and  were 
bound  to  that  inccftuous  (ingle  life  :  wherein  they  were  ou* wardly 
polluted  and  defiled  with  al  kinds  of  horrible  wickcdncs,as  adultery, 
whordome,unclcancs,Sodomitry,and  fuch  other  abominations.This 
was  the  fruit  of  that  filthy  (ingle  life. 

So  Ciod  punifhing  finnc  with  (inne,  inwardly  gave  them  over  on 
to  a  reprobate  mind,  and  outwardly  fufcred  them  to  fall  into  fuch 
horrible  abonvnations,  and  that  j* jftly,  bccaufc  t hey  blafphcmcd  the 
only  Sonne  of  Jod,  in  whom  the  Father  would  be  glorified,  and 
whom  ha  delivered  to  death,  thitall  which  bclccvc  in  him,  might 
be  fated  by  him,  and  not  by  their  ownc  execrable  rules  and  or- 
itf*».j.|>,  c'crs'  ^w^*f  h9Hovrttlj me  (faith  he)  IVriUhiMour.  Now,  God 
ishonourcd  in  his  Sonne.  Wno  fo  then  belccvcth  that  the  Sonne  is 



our.Mediator  arc  Saviour,  If  J-.cno»r,rf  th  the  f  r-tl'-H-,  and  hirr  againC 
dotb  Led  1  enour,th;n  is  Tc  f,y,8derneth  him  with  his  gifts/crpivc- 
ncscffnsnthueufnc'sthe  hoiy  i  hiM',:ii:d  tv  rl.  Hing  lift:.  Comra- 
liwiic^T^/*^  dtt})ijeme(h\i\\\-t}fiali  it  d:fhifed. 

Thisisthcn  atjtrerail  corclLiici.-.Bjtkeduaj ofthetaw KO  fl*fl>fiatf' 
k  iftfttficd.  The  law  of  (Jed  is  greater  then  the  w.  hole  world,  for  it 
ecu  prthciiiieth  all  mcn,snd  the  works  of  the  law  even 
the  moft  glorious  will- works  of  all  the  merit-  mongcisr.inci  >  cr  I'aul 
faith,thct  neither  the  law  nor  the  works  t  f  the  law  do  juitiik.l  IHT- 
fore  we  conc'  with  7'W,» hat  fiiith  only  ji-'ftificih.  1  his  ptopoli« 
tion  he  gocth  about  to  confirm  in  this  manner. 

'Uerfe  j  j.  If  then  while  yvefcef^e  to  he  waderinhteow  by  Chrijt,  we  tttr* 
feivei  are  found JinntrsJA  Chrift  therfere  tie  wintfter  of  fin  f  Qod^ 

If  this  be  true(f3ith  he)that  weare  juftified  by  Chrifl:,then  is  it  utr- 
pofllblc  that  we  O.ould  be  finners^or  (hould  be  juftified  by  the  law.  The  firf,  „. 
On  the  contrary,  if  this  be  not  true,  but  that  we  muft  be  jultificd  by  s^rof  nt  in 
the  la  wand  the  works  of  the  law,it  is  then  unpofllblc  that  we  (hould  fh^ht? 
be  jjftified  by  Chrift.  One  of  thefe  two  muft  needs  be  falic.  Either  ouineOe  & 
\ve  are  not  jnftifed  by  Chrift,or  we  arc  not  juftifkd  by  the  law. But  <aub* 
the  truth  is  that  we  arc  juftified  ty  Chrift  tthcrfore  weare  not  jufti 
fied  by  the  law.Hc  reaibncth  thei  fore  after  this  manner:  If  then  while 
wefeeke  to  he  made  ri^htcotu  by  (,  hrtj}  &c.  That  js,if  we  (eck  to  be  ju 
ftified  by  C'hrift,  and  fo  being  juitificd  arcyct  foundfmnets,  having 
need  cf  the  law  to  juftine  us  bcr,-g  finncrs :  If  we  have  need  (  I  fay) 
of  theobfcrvation  of  the  law  to  jnftifie  us,  fo  that  they  which  ate 
righteous  in  C  hrift  arc  not  righteous,  but  have  yet  need  of  the  law 
to  pjftifie  them  :  or  if  he  that  is  jtiftihsd  by  Chrift  muft  yet  further 
be  justified  hy  the  law,  then  is  Chrift  nothing  elfe  but  a.  law-giver, 
and  a  miniftcr  of  (in.  Thcifore  he  is  juftified  and  holy  in  Chrift, 
is  nor  jnftificdorhcly,  but  hath  jet  ne»d  ofthcrighicoufiicsandho- 

But  we  arc  indeed  juftified  and  mrdc  righteeus  ift  Chrift  :  For 
the  troth  cf  the  Go/pcll  teacheth  us  that  a  man  is  not  juftified  in 
the  law,  bu  in  Chrift.  New,  if  they  whi^h  are  juftified  in  Chrift 
arc  yet  found  iioncrs,  that  is,  doc  yet  ftjU  belong  to  ihclaw^ud 


Chap.II.  f^on  tie  E  *  i  s  T  L  i 

arc  under  the  law  (as  the  falfe  Apoftks  teach)  then  jre  they  not  yet 
jufh'icd. For  the  law  accufech  them, md  fhcwerh  them  tobeyetfin- 
ners,nni  rcqtiircth  of  them  the  works  of  the  law  as  ncccflary  to  their 
jaftitication. Therforc  they  that  are  jjftiried  in  Chrift,are  not  juftifi- 
cd  :and  fo  it  followcth  that  Chrift  is  not  a  jaftificr,but  a  minifter  of 
the  law. 

With  thcfc  words  he  vehemently  chargcth  the  falfc  Apoftlcs  and 
a^  m*r»t-mongcro,that  they  pervert  all  together :  for  they  make  of 
.  the  law  grace,  and  of  grace,  the  law,  afAJofes  Chrift,  and  of  Chrift 
law  Mofes.for they  teacKthatbdldes  Chrift  and  all  the  righteoufnesof; 
Chrift,  the  obiervation  of  the  law  is  ncccflary  tc  juftirication.  And 
thus  we  ice  that  by  their  intolerable  perverf:nes,they  make  the  law 
Chrift  :  for  by  this  means  they  attribute  that  to  the  law,  which  pro 
perly  belongeth  unto  Chrift.  J  f  thou  do  the  workcs  of  the  law  (fay 
they)rhou  ("halt  be  fivcd  :  but  it  thou  do  them  not,thou  (halt  not  be 
)uftiri^d,althoiigh  thou  do  believe  in  Chrift  never  fj  much.  Now  if 
it  be  fo  that  Chrift  juftificth  not,but  is  the  minifter  of  fin(as  it  needs 
muft  follow  by  their  doflrinc)  then  is  Chrift  the  law  .•  for  we  have 
nothing  els  cf  him(feeing  he  teachcth  that  we  are  finners)  than  that 
xve  have  by  the  la  w.So  Chrift  being  the  minifter  of  fin,fcndcth  us  to 
the  law  and  Mofes,tt  to  our  juftiher. 

1 1  cannot  be  therefor;  but  that  the  Papifts,  and  all  fuch  as  arc  ig 
norant  of  th:righteoufacff:  of  Chrift,  or  have  not  the  true  know 
ledge  th-reof,  muft  needs  make  of  Chrift  cJ^/0/?/and  the  law,  and 
of  the  law  Chrift.  For  thus  they  teach :  It  is  true  f  fay  they)  that 
faith  in  Chrift  juftifieth,  but  withall  we  muft  needs  kcepc  the  com- 
.w*iffi  m3l^ctr>cnts  of  God.  For  it  is  written,  fftbou  Vti/t  enter  into  Ufa 
kecpe  the  Commandtnwtts.  Here  even  at  the  firft  dafii,  Chrift  is  de 
nied  and  faith  abolished,  bccaufc  that  is  attributed  to  the  Comman- 
dvincnrsofCJod,  or  to  the  law,  which  belongeth  to  Chrift  alone. 
torChrift,accordingtohistrusdcfinition,isajuftificrand  a  redee 
mer  from  linncs.  If  I  attribute  this  to  the  law,  then  is  the  law  my 
:r,  delivering  me  from  my  finncs,  becaufe  I  doe  the  workcs 
thereof :  and  fo  now  the  law  is  Chrift,and  Chrift  utterly  loofeth  his 
T»ame,  hisom'ce  and  glory,  and  is  nothing  cite  but  a  miniftcr  of  the 
law,  rcprDoving,  accuh"ng,tcrrifying,prcfenting  and  fending  the  (in 
ner  to  another  that  may  juftifie  him;  which  is  the  proper  office  of  the 


To  the  GA  t  A  T  H  I  A  rf  «. 

But  the  proper  office  of  Chrift  is,  after  the  law  bath  pronounced! 
a  man  to  be  guilty ,  to  rajfe  him  up  againe,  and  to  locfc  him  from  hisl l 
fins,  if  he  bclceve  the  Gcfpell.   I  or  to  ail  that  do  beleevc,  Chrift  u  the  *«»  »o  * 
endanifiJlfi»ifiin£  of  the  law  unto  rigkteottfiieffe  \   He  u  the  Latnbe  of lck'*-*0* 
God  that  ttkftk  (May  thefinnes  of  the  World.  But  th«  Papills  and  Ana- 
bap  tifts,bccauk  the  y  un derftan'd  not  this  doclrine,  do  turne  all  clcane 
contrary,  tn&kmr>  of  Chrift  M0/cst  and  ofJMofes  Chrift.    And  this  is 
indeed,'  alt hou.;h  they  will  fsy  otherwifr,  1  heir  principal!  propofi- 
tio;-;:  I  hit  Chrift  is  Mofes.  Moreover  they  deride  us,  b<rt,uife  wedoe  Meri.mon.- 
fo diligently  teach, and  foearneftly  require  faith.  H?,  ha  (fay  they)  .-crsjccme 
faith,  fai;h,  v;  ?it  thouthe  time  untill  thou  conieto Heaven  by  f^th. 
Nay,  thou  muft  ftnve  to  doe  greater  and  weightier  matters.    Thou  faith, 
ir.uft  fulfill  the  h\v,  according  to  that  faying  :  Doe  this  and  dot*  fait  L" 
live.    Faith  which  ye  (b  high!y  cxtoll,  doth  nothing  elfe  but  rmkc 
men  careUff  jii-He  and  negligent.  Thus  arc  they  become  nothing  elfc 
butminiftersof  the  law,  and  law-workers,  calling  back  the  people 
frombaptiimc,  faith,  thepromifesofChnft,  7o  the  law""ahd"works, 
turning  grace  into  the  ia  wTanHThe  law  into  grace. 

Who  would  ever  bcleeve  that  thcfe  things  could  fb  cafily  be  con-  The 
founded  and  mingled  togethci?  There  is  no  man  fj  infcnfitlc, which  Iajc 
doth  not  perceive  this  diftinftion  of  the  law  and  grace  to  bemoft  i»»eiyeJfie» 
plaint  and  mamfeft.    For  the  very  nature  and  fgnification  of  the  Jj'j^J 
words  maketh  this  diftinftion  and  difference.    For  who  un'dcrftan-  confounded 
deth  not  ? hefe  words,  Law  and  CJracc,  doe  difftr  in  name  and  (ignifi-  Jo 
cation?  Wherefore  it  is  a  monttrous  rhing,  that  thisdiftindi  >n  be 
ing  fo  phine,  the  adverf^nes  fhould  be  fo  devilliuH  and  perverfc,  as 
to  mingle  together  the  law  and  grace,  and  to  tran&fbnne  Chrift  into 
CWoftf.  Thercforcl  oftentimes  f*y,that  this  doclrinc  of  faith  is  very 
piaine,  and  that  every  man  may  eafily  underftand  thisdiftin-ftion  of 
the  law  and  grace  as  touching  the  word^,  but  as  touching  the  ufe  and 
pradilc,it  !s  very  hard. 

The  Pope  and  his  Schoole-doclors  doc  plainely  confefTL-  that  the  J0 
law  and  grace  are  divers  and  diftinft  things,  and  yet  when  they  «h 
come  to  the  ufe  and  praftifc  thereof  they  teach  rlcane  contrary. 
Faith  in  Chrift(fay  they)  whether  it  be  gottsn  by  the  ftretmth,  ops- 
ration  and  Ojiulities  of  nature,  or  whether  it  be  faith  infufed  and 
powri?d  into  us  of  God,  yet  is  it  but  a  dejd  faith,  if  charity  be  not 
joyned  thcr  with.  Where  is  now  the  ciiilmftion  and  diflr.rcnc?  of  i  he 


Chap.  II.  Vpntht  E  P  I  s  T  L  H 

law  and  grace  ?  Indeed  they  doc  diftinguifh  them  in  name,  but  in  ef 
fect  they  call  grace  charity.  Thus  doe  all  they  which  foftraightly  re- 
quircthe  obfcrvation  of  thelaw,  and  attribute  juftification  to  the 
law  and  works.Whcrcfore  whofoevo-  doth  not  perfedly  under/land 
the  article  of  /.ifUfication,  muft  needs  confound  and  mingle  the  la\V 
and  grace  together, 

Let  every  man  therefore  diligently  karnc  above  all  things,  to  put 
a  difference  between  trie  law  and  grace  in  deed  and  in  pradifc  :  not 
in  words  only,  as  the  Pope  and  the  fantalticali  Anabaptiits  do*  :  who 
as  touching  the  words,  do  confcflfe  that  they  arc  two  diftincil  things: 
but  in  very  deed  (as  I  havcfaid)  chev  confound  and  mingle  them  to- 
gether,for  they  will  not  grant  that  faith  j'Utificth  without  works.  If 
this  be  true  then  Chrift  profiteth  me  nothing.  For  though  my  faith 
be  never  fo  pcrfefr,  yet  after  their  opini  ;n,  if  this  faith  be  wichout 
charky,  1  am  not  juftifie  J,  And  thus  Chnft  apprehended  by  faith  is 
not  ?  juftifier,  grace  profiteth  nothing,  neither  can  faith  be  true  faith 
The?  that  without  charity. 

!n£dfei       With  this  d  ^rine  thcfe  lyine  fpirits  and  fe£s  of  perdition  doc 
r.  nhtc-    darkcnand  defice  the  benefit  of  Chrift  at  this  day  :  they  takeaway 
from  nim  thegbryofa/uUificr,  and  rn.ikc  him  aminiftcr  offmnc. 

c  . 

£»iieApo.  They  arc  in  all  things  Jikc  to  the  falle  Apod  les  For  even  as  they 
throughout  all  the  Churclies  did  require  circu.ncifion  and  the  obfer- 
vation  of  the  law  befides  fjith  in  Chrsll,  inlbmuch  th?t  without  cir- 
cumcifion  and  keeping  of  thchvv,  they  denycd  th  :  /unification  of 
faith(for  except  yc  be  circumcifedjfaid  they,  after  thelaw  -^  Motes 
yc  cannot  be  faved  :  )  even  fo  at  this  day  thcfe  ftrait  cxaclors  of  the 
law,  befides  the  righteoufncfle  of  faith,  do  require  thr  k^cpin-^  of  th9 

l*  TO  18    Comma'1^mcntsofGod,accordini;  to  thatfjying:  (7)vcthu  and  thin 

fait  live.    Alfo,  Ifthou  \»'i/lf  enter  into  life,  . 

Wherefore  there  i<;  not  one  among  them  be  he  never  fo  wife,  thac  un'« 
dcrftandeth  the  Hiff  rence  betwcc-  n  the  law  and  grace. 

But  we  put  a  d<ff.rence,and  f  ly.that  we  dos  not  fete  difpute  whe 
ther  ^we  ou^Iit  to  doe  good  works  :  wheth  r  the  law  be  good,  holy: 
an-i  jjft:  whether  it  ought  to  b-  kept  or  n.':f  x  this  is  another  manner 
of  ciurftion.  Butou-queftionis  concrrning  j  iutfication,  and  whe 
ther  the  law  doe  ju.-r  He  or  PO.  This  t  rr  ad\  erf^ries  wi-li  not  heare  : 
tl^ey  villnot  anf-ver  tothisqocftion,  nor  mike  any  diftinclion  a* 
we  doe;but  only  cry  out,that  r,ood  works  ought  to  be  done,  th.t  the 


7T  the  G  A  i  A  T  it  1  A  H  i.  Fol".7l 

law  ought  to  be  obfervcd.  We  know  that  well  enough.  But  becaufc 
thcfe  arc  divers  and  diftinft  matters,  we  will  not  (rff-r  them  to  be 
mingkd  togcther.That  good  works  oui»ht  to  be  done,  we  will  here* 
after  declare  when  time  fhaliferve.Butfince  we  arc  now  in  the  mat 
ter  of  j'jftificatioiijwe  fctafide  here  all  good  vvorks,for  the-  which  the 
adversaries  doe  fo  earnestly  ft  rive,  afcribing  unto  them  wholly  the 
office  of  juftiry  ing  :.  which  is  to  take  from  Chrift  hisgiory,  a.idto 
atcribc  the  fame  unto  works. 

Wherefore  ihis  is  a  (hong  aro;umcnt,which  I  have  oftentimes  ufcd 
to  my  grea:  COOiforiiTfthc*  \\hite  wefetkjo  he  made  righteotu  by£hrift, 
&c.  As  though  PWfhculd  fay  :  if  we  being  julhtied  by  Chrift,  are 
counted  yet  as  not  j  iftifod  and  righteous,  but  as  fiun-.-rs  which  are  £» 
yet  to  be  jullified  by  the  law,  then  may  we  not  f.eke/jftification  in 
Chrift,but  in  the  law.  But  if  j  jfhHcation  comcth  by  the  law,  then 
cometh  it  not  by  grace.  Now  if  jufUHcation  com;th  not  by  grace, 
butby  the  la  w^  what  hath  Chritt  done  and  wrought  by  his  death,  by 
his  preaching,  by  his  viftcry  which  he  hath  obtained  over  the  law, , 
fin  and  death,  and  by  fending  the  hotyGhoft?  We  muft  conclude 
therefore,  that  either  we  arc  jnftified  by  Chrift,  or  clfs  that  we  arc 
made  (inners,  culpable  and  guilty  through  him.  But  if  the  law  doe 
juft ifie,  then  cannot  it  not  be  avoided,  but  needs  it  rauft  follow,  that 
we  are  made  tinners  through  Chrift,  and  fo  Chrift  is  a  miniftcr  of  fin. 
The  cafeftanding  thuSjlctus  then  fu  down  this. proportion.  Every 
one  that  bclccveth  in  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  is  a  finner,and  is  guilty  of 
ctcrnall  death,and  if  he  flic  not  unto  the  law,  doing  the  works  there- 
of,hc  lhall  not  be  faved. 

The  holy  Scripture,  cfpeciafly  the  new  Tcftamcnt,  makcth  often  patthf 
mention  of  faith  in  Chrift,  and  highly  advanceth  thcfjmc  :  which  chfltt- 
faith,  that  whofocver  bclecvcth  in  him, is  favcd,pcriuSeth  not,  is  not 
jjdgcd,  is  not  confounded,  hath  etcmalUifc,e^.  But  contran  wife  74  ?  • 
they  fay  ,hc  that  beleeveth  in  him  is  condemned,  &c.  becaufe  he  ha^h  -?***1 
fai^h  without  woi k?, which  doth  condcmne.  Ihusdoe  they  ncrv^t 
all  things^naking  of  Chrift  a  dcitroyerand  a  murthcrer,and  ofc/jru- 
Jts  a  Saviour.  And  is  not  this  an  horrible  to  teach,  t!  it 
by  doing  good  works  thou  (halt  be  made  worthy  of  .eternall  ':.h: : 
butby  believing  in  Chrift  thou  fbalt  be  uaadc  culpable  and  gu  ,  y  of 
ctcrnall  death  ?  that  the  law  being  kept  and  accomphfhed  "-vcth, 
faith  in  Chrift  condcmncth  ? 


Chap.  II.  V^n  ^EPISTLE 

The  felfc  fame  words  (  I  grant  )  the  adverfaries  doc  not  ufe  :  fcut 

fedi  in  very  dccdfuch  is  their  doftrinc.  For  faith  infufed(fiy  they)  which 

properly  they  call  f  dth  in  Chrift,  doth  not  make  us  free  from  finnc, 
but  that  faith  wlr'ch  is  furnillied  with  charity.  Hereof  it  followcth 
that  faith  in  Chrift  without  the  law  fav'eth  us  not.  This  is  plainly  to 

of  tbc  Par    affirme  that  Chrift  1  -avcth  us  in  our  fins  and  in  the  wrath  ofGod,and 

tlAt-  maketh  us  guilty  of  eterndl  death.  On  the  other  fide,iPthou  keep  the 
la  wand  doc  the  works  thereof)  then  faith  juftifieth  thee,  becaufeit 
hath  works,  without  the  which  faith  availcth  nothing.  Therefore 
works  jaft  ins  and  not  faith.  O  horrible  impiety  1  What  pernicious 
and  cuifcd  dodnns  is  this. 

Paul  therefore  greundcth  his  argument  upon  an  impoflibility,  and 
a  fufficicnt  divifion.  If  we  being  jaftiried  in  (Thrift  arc  yet  found  fin- 
ners,and  cannot  be  jjftificd  by  another  meane  then  by  Chrift,  that  is 
to  wit,  by  the  law,  then  cannot  Chrift  juftific  us,  but  he  oncly  accu- 
fcth  and  condcmneth  us:and  fo  confcquen'ly  it  followeth  that  Chrift 

''•"'  '"•  died  in  vaine,  and  that  thefe  with  other  like  places  are  fufc  :  'Behold 
the  Lambcof  Cod  that  takfthenvay  the  finves  of  the  World:  Alfo:  Hee 
ttmt  beltcvcth  in  him  hath  cverlafting  life  :  yea  the  whole  Scripture  is 
faHe,  which  bcarcth  witncfc  thatChnlt  is  rhejuftifier  ani  Saviour 
of  the  world.  For  if  we  be  foun  \  r\  ners  after  that  w,-  be  /tjftirie4 
byClnH,  it  followcth  of  neceflity  that  they  which  ful.ill  thcluv, 

The  Pap^»  are  j.'ftifLd  vvi:ho!it  Chrift.  If  f  nis  be  tru?,then  are  vv^  e-ther  Ttfriu 
'  crjcnes,  or  Tarta  IMS,  profclH.ig  the  nam:  and  word  of  God  in  out" 
ward  Ihew,  tut  in  deed  and  verity  utterly  denying  Chrift  and  his 
word.  ]  t  is  great  impiety  therefor  c  to  arfirm  that  faith,  cxc:-pf  it  be 
foriii.-d  with  chaiiiy,  juftificth  not.  Bat  if  the  adveifa^i-s  will 
needs  defend  this  doctrine,  why  doc  they  not  thenrcj*-,^  fiith  in 
Chrift  altogether:  ef.xrcially  feeing  they  make  nothing  elf-  of  it  but 
a  \ainc  qjalrry  in  rhe  foule,  which  wichtnt  Chrift  avaihth  no- 
thing?  Why  doc  rhcynorf^  in  j  bine  words,  thatwo'ks  doe/u- 
ftiHca-  dp.otfairh?  y-n,  \vhv'do-th  y  not  g.  n.-rally  deny,  noton- 
ly  PAH^  but  alfo  the  whck  (jofpcl!  (as  in  very  deed  they  do- 
"  - 

is  not  juftific4bj  ihc  deeds  of  the  law,  but  by  faith  alone  in  T  fus 

J  ' 


To  the  G  A  L  A  t  H  i  A  N  s . 

Verfe  17,    Is  Chrift  therefore  the  wlnifter  offinnc. 

This  is  a  kind  of  fpeechufed  ef  the  Hebrews,  which  Pat*/ in  the 
a  C0r.^.  doth  alfoufe:  Where  he  inoft  divinely  and  plainly  Ipcaketh 
of  thefe  two  minHteries :  to  wit,  of  the  letter  and  the  fpirit,  of  the 
law  and  grace  or  of  death  and  life.  And  he  faith  that  Mofes  the  Mini-  TH«  m 
ftcrof tbclawjhath  the  miniftery  of  fmne,(asnccalkthk)ofwrath,  !|"yo 
death  and  condemnation,    for  Paul  is  wont  to  give  reproachful! 
names  unto  the  hvv,  and  amongft  all  the  Apoftles.heonlyufeth  this 
manner  of  fpeech:  the  other  doe  not  fo  fpcake.  And  very  neccfDry  it 
is  that  fuehas  are  ftudious  of  the  holy  Scripture  fhould  underftand 
this  manner  of  fpeech  ufed  of  the  Apoftle. 

Now,  a  miniftcr  of  finne  is  nothing  elfc  but  a  law-giver,  or  a  Awin 
Schoole-mafter  of  the  hw,  which  teachcth  good  Works  and  chari-  ° 
ty,  and  that  a  man  muft  fu^cr  the  crofle  and  afflictions,  and  follow 
the  eximple  of  Chrift  and  of  the  Saints.  He  that  teacheth  and  rcqui- 
reththis,  is  aminiftcrofthelaw,  oflinne,  of  wrath,  and  of  death  t 
For  by  this  do&rinc  hs  doth  nothing  clle  but  terrific  and  afflict  mcns 
conferences  and  iTnut  them  nod -r  finne. For  it  is  impoflible  for  the  na-  Tliere ;»  no 
tureof  man,  toacccnv;>lifhthelaw:  yea  in  thofe  that  are  juitifie-i  JSncew"" 
and  have  the  holyGhoft,  the  law  of  the  members  fighteth  againft  thciaw,e»« 
the  law  of  the  mind.  What  will  it  not  then  doe  in  the  wicked  which  ^theiuRlfi* 
have  not  the  holy  Glnil  ?   Wherefore  he  that  teacheth,  that  righte- 1  Tim  1 7. 
oufn:ffi  co  neth  by  the  law,  doth  not  underftand  what  he  faith,  or 
whar  ruatfinneth,  and  much  leffidoth  he  keep  the  law,  but  rather 
he  dccciverh  hi.nfelf:  and  others,  and  layeth  upon  them  fuch  a  bur 
den,  as  they  are  not  able  to  bearc,  requiring  ind  teaching  impoflijle 
things, a  id  ac  the  laft  he  bnngeth  hnntelfeand  his  difcipies unto def- 

Therightufe  and  end  thcrsf-re  of  the  hw  is,  toaccufj;  an^con-  Thecffic« 
dcmne  as  guilty  fuch  as  live  in  focurity ,  thit  they  miy  fee  themfel ves 
to  be  in  danger  of  (inne,  wrath,  and  death  etermll,  that  fothey  may 
be  terriaed  and  brought  ev:nto  thf  :son,  trem 

bling  ,iud  qu^  the  filling  ofal.^fj  :  ap>J  in  thit  they  areficb, 
they  arc  under  the  law.  For  the  law  rcqutrcth  perfefl  obedience  un- 
to  God,  and  condcmneth  all  thole  that  do  notaccomplidi  the  fame. 
Now  it  is  certain?,  that  thjre  is  no  man  livi  i^  which  is  a:)l'  to  per 
forms  this  obedience:  which  notwithftandtngUodilraishily re- 
qukcth  of  us:  The  law  therefore  juftifieth  not,  but  condemncth, 

L  according 


.  j. 

The  scn> 

Chap.  1  1*  •  Vfon  the  E  p  i  s  T  L  B 

according  to  that  laying  :  Cur  fed  is  hee  that  abideth  not  in  4/1  things 
*h*t  Are  \\ritten  in  thu  books  .   T  hcrcfore  he  that  teacheth  the  law  is  a 

Then1ni;;c-  minifter  of  the  law. 

h  ,hchnCinK  Wherefore  it  is  not  without  good  cauk  that  Pan!  in  the  2  Cor.  j. 
callcth  the  mitiiftery  of  thclaw'the  miniftery  of  finne  :  For  the  law 
(hewcth  and  uttereth  finne,  which  without  the  law  is  dead.  Now, 
the  knowledge  of  finne  (I  fpeake  not  here  ofthatfpcculative  know 
ledge  of  hypocrites,  but  of  a  true  knowledge,  by  the  which  we  fee 
the  wrath  of  God  againft  ftnne,  and  fecle  a  true  nfte  of  death)  terri- 
fi£tn  the  heart,  df  i  veth  do  wne  to  defparation,  killeth  and  deftroyeth. 
Rom.j  .  Wherefore  thefc  Schoole-msfters  of  the  law  and  works,. 
arc  called  in  the  Scripture  oppreflburs  and  tyrants.  For  as  the.  taske- 
matters  in  Egypt  didoppreffe  the  children  of  //rW  with  corporal! 
Servitude,  fo  doe  thcfc  lawgivers  and  taske-mafters  drive  men  into 
fpirituall  and  moft  in  iferable  bondage  of  foule,  and  atjength  bring, 
them  to  defparation  and  utter  dcftrudion.  Thcfe  doc  neither  know 
thcmfelves  nor  the  force  of  the  law  :  Neither  is  it  poilible  for  them 
to  ha  vequietnetfe  and  peace  of  conference  in  great  and  in  ward  tcr- 
rours,and  in  the  agony  of  death,  yea  though  they  have  obferved  the 
law,  loved  their  neighbours,  done  many  good  works,  and  fuffcred 
great  afflictions  :  for  the  law  alwayes  terrificth  and  accufeth/aying  :, 
thou  never  diddeft  accompli(h  all  that  is  commanded  in  the  law  : 
but  accurfed  is  he  that  hath  not  done  all  things  contained  therein. 
Wherefore  thefe  terrours  remaine  ftill  in  the  confcience  and  increafc 
more  and  snore.  And  if  fuch  Schoole-mafters  of  the  law  be  not  raifed 
up  by  faith  andtherightcoufhcflfeofChrift,  they  arc  driven  downe 
beadlor/g  to  dclparation, 

This  alfo  was  notably  figured  when  the  law  was  given,  as  we 
inay  kc  jn  the  ip,.and  io.of  Exodiu.Mofcs  brought  the  people  out  of 
the  tents  to  mectc  with  the  Lord,  that  they  might  hearehim  fpcaks 

jy.>o.  unto  tncrn  OHt  of  the  darke  cloud.  Then  the  people  being  aftonifhcd 
and  trembling  for  fcarc,  fled  back  (  which  a  little  before  had  promi- 
fcd  to  do  all  that  God  had  commanded  )  and  ftanding  aloofe  off,  (aid 
Unto  Afofes  :  Who  can  abide  fb  fee  the  firet  and  to  heart  the  tkundrin^s 
Mtd  noife  of  tbt  Trumpet  ?  Ta/^e  thon  with  «/,  and  Vcee  Witt  heare  thee  : 

Tke  office    but  let  not  Codtnlkf  With  M,  leaft  Vpe  die.   So  the  proper  office  of  the 
9f  the  law.    Jg  to 

/rom  the  quictnefle  and  iccurity  whcrcio  we  dwell,  snd  fr.omtru- 

to  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  $.  Fol.74 

fnf  in  our  fclves,  and  to  brine?  us  before  the  Defence  of  God,  to  re- 
vcale  his  wrath  unto  us,and  to  let  before  us  our  tins.  Here  the  confci- 
cnce  feeleth  that  it  hath  not  fatisfied  the  law,  neither  is  able  to  fatisfic 
it,  nor  to  beare  the  wrath  of  God,  which  the  law  revcaleth  when  it 
brin^cth  us  forth  after  this  manner  before  the  pretence  of  God,  that 
is  to  fay,  when  it  fearcth  us,accufeth  us,  and  fettcth  before  us  our  fins. 
Here  it  is  impoflible  that  we  fhould  be  able  to  ftand  :  and  therefore 
beins  throughly  afraid,  we  flie,  and  we  eric  out  with  the  children  of 
Ifrael:  Wefiall  die  ^e  /ball  die:  Let  not  the  Lord  Retake  unto  t 

He  then  which  teacheth  that  faith  in  Chrift  juftifieth  not  without 
the  obfervationof  the  law,maketh  Chrift  a  mmiftcrof  finne,  that  is  a 
to  fay,  a  Schoole-mafter  of  the  law,  which  teachcth  the  iclfe-fame  fia 
doftrine  that  Afofes  did.    By  this  meanes  Chrift  is  no  Saviour,  no 
giver  of  grace,  bat  a  cruell  tyrant,  who  rcquireth  fuch  things  (  as 
^ftffs  did  )  which  no  man  is  able  to  performe.    Sec  how  all  the  mc- 
r  itrnongcrs  doe  take  Chrift  to  be  but  a  new  law-giver,  and  the  Gof-  Thc  GofF«>» 
pell  to  be  nothing  ellc  but  accrtame  booke  which  containeth  new 
laws  concerning  works,  as  the  Turks  drcamc  of  their  Alcoran.   But  command 
as  touching  laws  there  is  enough  in  UWofes.   The  Gofpcll  then  is  a  J£"t$ln  thc 
preaching  of  Chrift,  which  forgiveth  fins,  giveth  grace,  /uftificth  The5a"'is 
and  Lvcth  (inners.  Now,  where  as  there  arc  commandemcnts  found  thc  min 
in  the  ^ofpell,  they  arc  not  the  Gofpell,  but  expositions  of  thc  !iw,  wrnh  a 
and  matters  depending  upon  the  Gofpcll. 

To  conclude,ff  the  law  be  the  minittery  of  finne,  then  is  it  alfo  thc 
miniftery  of  wrath  and  of  death.  For  as  thc  la  w  revcaleth  fin,(o  doth 
it  terrific  a  man,  it  fhcweth  unto  him  his  fin  and  the  wrath  of  God, 
and  Itriketh  into  him  a  terrour  of  death  and  damnation.  For  thus  thc 
confcienceby  and  by  gathereth  :  Thou  haft  not  kept  theComman- 
dements  of  God  :  therefore  is  God  angry  with  thee.   If  he  be  angry 
with  thce,hc  will  deftroy  thce  and  condemne  thee  for  ever.    And  it 
thinkcth  this  to  be  an  infallible  confeqtience:!  have  finned,thereforc  <»«  God 
I  muft  die.  And  fo  it  folio  wcth  that  the  miniftery  of  fin  is  the  mini- 
ftery  of  wrath  and  condemnation.  For  after  that  (inne  is  revealed,  by  condemn* 
and  by  cnfueth  thc  wrath  of  God,death  and  damnation.  And  hereof  theeforc* 
it  cometh  that  miny  which  are  not  able  to  beare  the  judgement  and 
wrath  of  God,which  thc  law  fetteth  before  their  eyes,  dokilljhangj 
or  drownc  thcmfclvcs. 

L  2  Vtrfi  17. 

Chap.  II.  Vftn  ffo  E  M  s  T  i  B 

rerfe  17,    qOD  firbti. 

As  though  he  would  fay,  Chrift  is  not  the  minifter  of  fin,  but  the 
giver  ofrighteoufnefle  and  etermll  hf-\  Wherefore  fWieparateth 
4/q£j  far  from  Chrift.  Let  wfcfykf  then  tary  on  the  earth  :  Let  him  be 
the  Schcoole-mafter.of  the  Iettcr,and  exactor  ofthe  law:kt  him  tor 
ment  and  crncifie  fimcrs.But  the  belccvcrs(£nth  ?4N)have  another 
Schoolc-tnafkr  in  their  confcience  :  not  Mofes,  but  Chi  ift,  which 
bath  abolilhcd  the  luv  and  fin,  hath  overcome  the  wrath  of  God,and 
deilroycd  death  He  biddeth  DS  that  labour  and  arc  opprc&d  with  ail 
manner  cfcalamities,to  corns  unto  him.  Therefore  when  ye  file  unto 
him^  Mofes  with  his  law  vani(heth  away,  fo  that  his  fcpulcher  can 
no  where  be  feene,(in  and  death  can  hurt  us  no  more..  I  or  Chnft  our 
inftrudtor  is  Lord  over  the  law,  (in  and  death:  ibthat  they  which 
bcleeve  in  him, arc  delivered  from  the  fam ..  It  is  therefore  the  proper 
office  of  Chrift  to  deliver  from  fin  and  death:And  this  T^Wteacheth 
and  repeatcth  every-  where. 

TV«  Law.         We  arc  condemned  and  killed  by  the  law,  but  by  Chrift  we  are 
Chun.       juftified  and  redored  to  life.   The  law  aftomfheth  us,  and  driveth  us 
from  God  :  but  Chrift  reconcikth  us  to  God  and  maketh  for  us  an 
cntrancc,that  we  may  boldly  come  unto  him.  For  he  is  the  Lambcof 
God  that  hath  taken  away  the  fins  of  the  world . Now  ,if  the  fin  of  the 
world  be  taken  away,  then  is  it  taken  away  from  me  alfo  which  doe 
bcleeve  in  him.  If  im  betaken  away,thcn  is  the  wrath  ofCiod, death 
and  damnation  taken  away  alfo.    And  in  the  place  of  fin  fucceedeth 
Sk?away3ai  rig^te°u^«j  in  the  place  of  wrath,  reconciliation  and  grace>  in  the 
evii»,&  hath  phce  of  death,  life,  and  in  the  place  of  damnation,  fal  vation.    Let  us 
touS""  te^nctopradife  this  diftinclion,  not  in  words  only,  but  it\  life  and 
jood  things-  lively  experience,  and  with  an  inward  feeling.  For  where  Chrift  is, 
„  Vvh3tfs)e  there  muft  needs  be  joy  of  heart  and  peace  of  confcience:forChrift  is 
our  reconciliation,  righteoufncs,  pence,  life  and  f.ilvation.    Briefly, 
.  wnat!^ever  &c  poorc  * afflidcd  coniciencc  dcfireth,  it  findeth  in 
fin    Chrift  abundantly  .No  wPWgocth  about  to  amplihe  this  argu.nent, 
ch;nab«n.  ancl  to  Perfwade  as  fbllowcth. 

T  trfe  1 8.    For  if  I  build 'againe  the  things  that  I  have  deftrojed,  I  make 
rnjfclft  a  trcfyafcr* 

As  if  he  Ohould  fay  ;  I  have  not  preached  to  this  end,  that  I 
Jpight  build  a^aine  tfaofe  things  which  I  once  deft roycd.    For  if  J 

To  tic  GALATHIANS^  FoLyj 

fliouldfo  do,  I  '(hould  net  only  labour  in  vaine,  but  (hould  make  my 
felfe  alio  a  tranfgrcflcur,and  overthrow  all  togethcr,as  the  falfe  Apo- 
ftks  Co:  that  is  to  fay ,of  grace  and  ofChrift  I  ihould  again  make  the 
law  and  Mofct&nA  contrariwife  of  the  law  and  Mofai  fhould  make  wt,at  Ptutl 
grace  and  Chrift.  Now,  by  the  miniftery  of  the  Gofpell  I  have  abo-  had  dcflroy. 
liflied  fin,  hcavines  of  heart  ,wrath  and  death.For  thus  have  I  taught:  Jj^l^rf 
Thy  conlcicnce,  O  man,  is  fubjeft  to  the  law,  fin  and  death  :  from  the  Gof|>««, 
which  thou  canit  not  be  delivered  either  by  men  or  Angds.Bnt  now 
commeth  the  vjoipell  and  preacheth  unto  thce  remiflion  of  fins  by 
Jtfus  Chi  id,  who  hath  abolifhed  the  law.and  hath  deftroyed  (in  and 
death.Bdeeve  in  him:fo  ("halt  thou  be  delivered  from  the  curie  of  the 
la  w,and  from  the  tyranny  of  fin  and  dcat-hjthou  link  become  righte- 
eus,and  have  eternal!  life. 

Behold  how  I  have  deftroyed  the  law  by  the  preaching  of  the  Gof 
pell,  to  the  end  that  it  fhould  not  reignc  in  the  conf  cience  any  more. 
For  when  the  new  gueft  Chrift  Jclus  commeth  into  the  new  hcufc  Mo/fc  giv«h 
there  to  dwell  alone,  Mofestht  old  inhabiter  muft  give  place  unto  chnV^nd 
him  and  depart  fomc  whither  clfc.  And  where  Chrift  the  new  gucft  the  law  to 
is  come  to  dweJJ,  there  can  fin,  wrath  and  death  have  no  place :  but  thcGoli>cU» 
there  i  ow  d  wellcth  mecre  grace,righteoufnes,joy,  life,  true  atSance 
and  truft  in  thcfather,now  pacified  and  reconciled  unto  us,gracious, 
long  luff -ring  and  full  of  merty  for  his  SonneChrifts  fake.  Should  I 
then,  dri-mg  out  Chrift  and  deftroying  his  kingdome, which  I  have 
planted  through  the  preaching  of  the  Gofpell,  now  build-up  againc 
-thclaw,and  fetupthekingdomecf  Afyfof  Indeed  this  (houid  Jdoe 
it  f  iliould  teach  circumcilion  and  the  obi-rvation  of  the  law  to  be  nc- 
ccfliry  f.*  laivarion^s  the  falfc  Apoftles  do; and  by  this  mcans,m  the 
ft  cad  of  righteouilics  and  hfc.%1  tiiould  reftorc  again  (in  and  death.  For 
the  hw  doth  nothing  els  but  utter  fin,  procure  Gods  wrath,  kill  and 

What  are  the  Papifts  (f  pray  you)  yea  the  beft  of  them  all,  but  dc-  l^ 
.{Iroye.  •,  of  the  Kingdom  of  Chrift  ,and  builders  up  of  the  kingciom  of  e» 
the  devill  and  of  fin,  of  wrath  and  eternall  death  ?  Yea  they.ddlroy     ° 
the  Church, which  is  Gods  building,  not  by  the  law  of  Mofe^  as  did 
the  f- Ufe  Apoftles,but  by  mcns  traditions  and  dodrins  of  devils.  And 
even  fo  th«  fantaOicall  heads  which  aw  at  this  day, and  (hall  come  af 
ter  us,do  dertroy,and  fhall  deftroy  tliofc  things  which  we  have  built: 
doc  build,  and  Iball  build  up  againe  thofc  things  which  we  have  de 
ftroyed.  L  5  But 

Chap.  TI.  rponttit  E'P  r  «  T  t  *  ' 

But  we  bv  the  grace  of  Chrift  holding  the  article  of  {unification, 
do  4-{Turedly  know  thu  wear?  juftified  and  reputed  righteous  before 
Tbcdifc     C'od  i  y  faith  only,  in  Chrift.Therforc  we  do  not  mingle  the  law  and 
f«ceof  the  gracejaithand  works  together :  but  we  fcparate  tlrm  farr  pfunder. 
S^mtfl  And  this  diftinftion  or  deference  bet  ween  the  bw  and  grace,  let  e- 
be  iiiiis-cni.  very  true  Chtiftian  markc  dih'penily,and  let  him  fuft%  the  lame  to 
xci    take  pfcce,  rot  in  letters  and  f)  Kablcs,bnt  in  pracliie  and  inward  ex 
perience  :    So  that  when  he  brateth  that  good  works  ought  to  be 

to  p^pc  rightly  ind  fiy -.well  ail  tb  fe  things  will  I  gladly  do.VV  bat 
(hen  followed  ?  I  bou  (halt  then  be  fax  ed  and  obtain  eternall  life.Nay 
not  fo.T  grant  indeed  that  I  ought  to  do  good  workes,  patiently  to 
fuff  r  troubles  and  afi1idions,and  to  fhed  my  bloud  aHo  if  need  be,  for 
Chrifts  c^ufe  j  but  yet  am  I  not  juftified,  neither  doe  I  obtain  falvati- 

V\  e  rauft  nottherfore  draw  good  works  into  the  article  of  juftifl- 
cation,ss  thcMonks  have  donc,which  fay  3that  not  only  good  works, 
butalfo  the  punifhmems  and  torments  which  malefactors  fuff:r  for 
HOW  the      their  wicked  dceds,do  defervc  everlafting  Hfe.For  thus  they  comfort 
A  wrre-  tbem  when  they  are  brought  to  the  gallows,  or  place  of  execution : 
'cordd  Thou  miift  fufrl-r  willingly  and  patiently  this  fhamefull  dcath.-which 
r5n'01"  ^'t^!€)U  do,thou  Oult  dcferveremiflion  of  thy  fins  and  everlafting  life. 
What  an  horrible  thing  is  this,that  a  wretched  thecf,  a  rmirthercr,  a 
robber  (houid  be  fo  miiierably  feduced  in  that  extrcame  anguilh  and 
diftre{fr,thit  even  at  the  very  point  of  death,  when  he  is  now  ready  to 
be  hanged  or  to  have  his  head  cut-oft'he  fhould  refufc  the  Gofpel  and 
fwect  promifes  in  Chrift, which  are  only  abk  to  bring  comfort-  and 
ialvation.and  fhould  be  commanded  to  hope  for  pardon  of-his  fins,  if 
he  willingly  and  patiently  endure  that  opprobrious  death  which  he 
fuffcreth  for  his  milchievous  decds/What  is  this  els  but  to  heap  upon 
him,which  is  already  mcft  miferably  affliclcd,cxtrepm  perdition  and 
dcftruclionjand  through  a  falfe  confidence  in  his  own  ckath,to  ihc w 
him  the  ready  way  to  hell  ? 

Hereby  thefe  hypocrites  do  piainel'y  declare,  that-they  neither 
teach  nor  tinderftand  one  htter  or  fy liable  concerning  grace,  the 
Gofpcll.or  Chrift.  They  retain  only  in  outward  fliew  the  name  of 
the  Gofpell  and  of  Chrift,  that  they  may  beguile  the  hearts  ok  the 
pcoplc.Notwithftanding  they  denying  and  re jeftingChrift  indeed, 


TO  tbf  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S» 

db  attribute  more  to  the  traditions  of  men,  then  to  the  Gofpell  of 
Chrift.  Which  thing  to  be  true,  fo  many  kinds  of  falfs  wonhip,  fo 
many  religious  ordcrs,fo  many  ceremonies,  and  ib  many  will  works 
doplunly  witncs:  All  which  things  were  mftituced  as  available  to  • 
dcferve  grace,  righteoufiies  and  everlafting  life.  la  their  confc/Hons 
tbey  make  no  mention  of  faith,  or  the  merit  of  Chrift,but  they  teach  The  manner 
and  fct  forth  the  fiti&fadions  and  merits  of  men,as  it  may  plainly  ap-  Ol  v°^ 
pearcin  this  forme  ofpb&totipn  (1  fpeak  nothing  here  of  other  rmt-  cc 
ters)  which  the  Monks  uted  Among  themfclvs.yea  and  fuch  as  would 
b*  counted  more  dcvour,and  more  religious  then  others  :  which  I 
thinke  good  here  to  fee  down,tbat  our  poiicrity  may  fee  how  great 
and  how  horrible  the  kingdom  of  the  Pope  is. 

Thefirme  of<t  Alonk^jh  Abfilution. 

Cjod  fir  give  thee  my  brother.  The  merit  of  the  Pajfton  of  our  Lor  A 
ril^rffrtfo/^/f/f^^'-Mary  alrvAymVirflin^nd  of  all  the  Saints: 
the  merit  oftbiie  order  jhe  ftrai^htnes  of  thy  Religion,  the  humility  of  thy 
cinftjfionjhe  contrition  of  thy  bfort,  the  goo  ci  Vffork^  Vthich  thoit  haft  done 
And  jlialt  do  for  the  love  of  our  Lfrd]  {us  C  hrUt,  be  unto  thee  availcalyle 
fir  thercwijjion  ofthjfins,  the  incrc~jc  ofdefert  *nd  grace,  and  the  reward 
mg  lift.  Amen. 

Ychcarc  the  merit  cf  Chrift  mentioned  in  thcfc  words  :  but 
if  ye  weigh  them  well,  ye  -hall  perc-ive  that  Chrift  is  there  alto 
gether  unprofitable,  and  that  the  glory  and  name  of  a  \.\  tihcr  and 
Saviour  is  quite  taken  from  him,  and  given  to  Mo:ikrh  merits. 
Jsnot  this  to  take  the  namcof-Jodin  vaine  ?  Is  not  this  to  con- 
fefli  Chrift  in  words,  and  in  very  eic:d  to  deny  his  power*  and 
blafpheme  his  name  ?  I  my  (Hf:  alfo  was  once  entangled  with  this 
crrour,  I  thought  Chrift  to  DC  a  judge  (although  Ico;itcC-d  with  my 
mouth  that  hcfuffered  nnd  dyed  for  mans  redemption  )  and  ought 
to  be  pacified  by  the  observation  of  my  rule  and  order.  Therefore 
when  I  prayed  or  when  I  faid  Maflc,  1  uied  tondde  this  in  the  end  : 
O  Lord  Jefu5,  1  come  unto  thee,  and  I  pray  thee  that  thefe  burdens 
and  this  ftraitncfle  of  mv  rule  and  religion  may  be  a  full  rccompencc 
for  all  my  finnes.  But  now  I  give  than'kes  unto  God  the  Father  of 
all  mercies,  which  hath  called  me  out  of  darkcneflc  unto  the  light 

L  4  of 

Chap.  tl.  Tyon  tbt  E :  ?  i  s  T  L  s 

of  his  glorious  Gofpell, and  hath  given  unto  me  plentiful!  knowledge 
ofChnft  Jdusmy  Lord  :  for  whnfe  lake  I  count  ali  things  to  bs  bint 
loflV,  yeai  efteeme  them  but  as  dung,thatl  may  gain  Cbnl>,and  that  • 
I  may  be  found  in  him,  not  having  mine  ownc  rightecufnes  out  of 
the  rule  of  /f*^*0n«r,but  that  righteoufnes  which  cometh  by  faith  in 
Chrift  :Untowhom  with  the  Father  and  the  holy  Ghoit  be  praife 
and  glory,world  without  end. <^ir/en. 

We  conclude  therfore  with  /'W.that  we  are  juftificd  by  faith  only 
in  Chrift,  without  the  h w.Now  after  that  a  man  is  one-  juftified,and 
poflefTethChriPt  by  faith,md  knowcth  tint  he  is  his  rightcoufi  ics  and 
]ife,doubt!es  he  will  not  be  idk-,but  as  a  good  tree  he  will  bring  forth 
good  fruits.  For  the  believing  man  hath  the  holy  Ghoft,  and  whcrs 
the  holy  Ghoft  dwelleth,.he  will  not  fuff.r  a  man  to  be  idle,  but  ftir- 
reth  him  up  to  all  exercifes  of  piety  and  godlinssnndof  true  Rsligi- 
on,to  the  love  of God,to  the  patient  furTjring  of  afilictonSjto  prayer, 
to  thanklgi  the  exercife  of  charity  towards  all  men. 

Hitherto  we  have  handled  the  firlk  argument,  wherein  P*nl con- 
tendeth  that  either  we  cannot  be  jurtifiedby  the  Law,  or  elie  that 
Chrift  muftneedsbetheminifterof(in.Butthisisimponible:VVher* 
fore  we  conclude  that  juitiiicationcommeth  not  by  the  law.  Of  this 
place  we  have  largely  intreated,  as  it  is  well  worthy,  andyetcanit 
not  be  taught,  and  beaten  into  mens  heads  futticicntly. 

J^Vr/Sip.  For  I  through  the  Lav  am  dead  to  t!x  Law,  that  I  might  live 
unto  God. 

Thefe  arc  marvellous  woids,  and  unknowne  kinds  of  fpecch, 
wriicn  m^rs  rcjfoh" can  in  no  wife  undcribnd.And  although  tluy  be 
mam  rcafon  but  fc'w^ct  are  they  littered  '.vith  great  z-'ale  an  i  vehe  ner  cy  of  ipi* : 
P-w/caiicth  "t,  and  as  it  were  in  great  difyleafure.    As  if  he'fhoaldiay  :  why  do 
«race  the    yeboaft  fo  much  of  the  law  ?  wherof  in  this  cafe  I  will  be  ignorant. 
But  if  ye  will  needs  havethel^w,  lalfa  havethehw.    Wberforc, 
ss  though  he  were  moved  through  indignation  of  the  holy  Ghoit,hc 
Phrafciof    Cajkthgraceitfclfctbclau',  givinga  new  name  to  the  effect  and:- 
fytoCft°o]j  ^V°r^ing  cf  "rrscc,  in  contempt  of  the  law  of  Mofes  and  the  falls 
«bcsctiptnre  Apoftlcs,  which  contended  that  the  law  was  neceilary  to  juftihca- 
ticn  :  and  fo  he  fettcth  the  law  agninft  the  law.    And  this  is  a  fweet 
kind  of  fpecch  and  full  of  confolation,  \vhen  in  the  Scriptures,  and 
fpccially  in  ••?«»/,  the  law  is  fet  againft  the  law,  iinne  a^ainft  iinne, 


To  tie  GA  i  A  t  H  i  A.N  s.  Fol.77 

__..,.  agaihft  dcatb,captivity  againlt  captivity,  Hell  rgainft  Hell, the 
Altar  agairft  the  Altar,  the  Laaibe  againt\  the  LajTibe,  the  Paflcover 
agtiinft  the  Paifcover. 

In  is  flid  :  For  finne  he  condemned  fume,  Drath  a- 
Tfal.  68.  and  Epkf.  4.  He  hath  led  captivity  captive,  Hof.    i  ?.  O  8»lnil  dta:h 
death  IVfill be  th)  veath  :  O  hell  1  Vnillbethy  deftrttclion.    So  he  fiith 
here,  thi;t  through  the  Uw  hr-  is  dead  .  v.  As  if  he  laid :  Tfac 

law  cf  A-tofes 'acci:i;th  andcondenvieih  iiK:buP?.g<3init  thit  aceufing 
a^id  condemning  law,  I  hive  another  Liw,uh;ch-  is  grace  si  id  liber 
ty  .This  law  accuicth  the accufioglaw»andcond€inneththccondcni-  lam'1^- 
ring  law.  So  death  killeth  death :  but  this  killing  d^ath  is  life  it  fcif. 
Bunt  iscalled  the  cSeathpf  death  by  a  vehement  indignation  of  ipi- 
ritagair  ft  death.  So-righteoufne(fetakcth:  the  name  oiP fuviejbecaufe 
it  condemneth  fin,  and  this  condemning  of  finnc  is  true  righteoui- 

And  here  PW/eemcth  to  be  an  Hcrctike,  yea  of  all  heretikes  the  p-w/ihcrcfi« 
greateft,and  his  here  be  isdtr^ngc  and  monftrous.  for  he  faith.  That 
he  b<in&  dead  to  thelaw^  tivetbto  God.    The  faife  Apoftks  taught  this 
dodrine  :  Except  tbou  live  to  the  law,  thouart  dead  to  God  :  that  K 
to  %,  unleflfethou  live  after  the  Law,  thou  art  dead  before  God;:  ?°aw,iivcibto 
But  /W  faith  quite  contrary  :  Exc:pt  thou  be  dead  to  the  lavvyhcu  God- 
cinft  not  live  taGo.d..  The  dodrine  of  our  Adveriuries  at  this  day  is 
hkc  to.  the  doftnn  of  the  fai'fe  Apoftles  of  that-time.- 1  f  thou  vi'ilt  live 
toGod   (fay  they)  live  to  or  after  the  law.    But  centra  i- 
wife  we  fay  :  if  thou  wilt  live  to  God,  thon  muft  be  utterly  dead  to  The  doat;il 
the  law- Mans  rcafon  and  wifdomc  undcrftandeth  not  this  doclrine  :.ofthcPa. 
therefore  it  teacheth  alwayes  the  contrary  :  that  is,  if  thou  \vilt  liv;e;pl(<s' 
i;nroCiod,t ht-'ti muft  kcepethelav^^yritis  written/Z)of/^/*?/r^»jcA  fpechll 
foalt  live,  And  tins  A,  a  fpectall  principle  atnongft  all  the  Popifh  Di-  pnnut.i<  a- 
"vines:  hethatlivcthaftcrthdaw,  liveth  unto  God.    T4«/  ijuh  the  JJjfo?*1 
contrary  :  that  is,  we  cannot  live  untoGod,  unkile  we  be  throughly 
dead  to  the  law.  Wherefore  we  rauft  mount  up  to  this  heavenly  alti 
tude,  that  we  may  be ;  llurcd  that  we  are  farrc  above  the  law,  ycai 
that  we  are  utterly  dead  unto  the  law.    Now  if  we  be  dead  untotha 
law,  then  hath  the  law  no  power  over  us,  like  as  it  hath  no  power 
ever  C,hntt,  who  hath  delivered  us  from  the  fame,  that  WL  might 
live  unto  God.  All .thcfethmp  tend  to  this  cnd,to  prove  that  we  ara 
not  juftificd  by  thelaw,but  bj,  faith  only  in  Jdus  Chnit. 

Chap.  II.  VpOHtke  EPISTLE 

And  here  /Wfpsaketb  not  of  the  ceremoniall  law  only  (as  bcforf 
iiw.abro-  we  hav^  declared  more  at  large)  but  of  the  whole  law,  whether  it 
bccercmo;)ullor  morall,which  toa  Chriftian  is  utterly  abrogate, 
for  he  is  dead  unto  it :  not  that  the  law  is  utterly  taken  away,  nay  it 
remainethjhvcth  and  reigncth  ftill  in  the  wicked. But  a  go.Jy  man  is 
dead  unto  th  j  lavv,hkc  as  he  is  dead  unto  fio,thc  dcvjll,dcath  and  hell; 
which  notwithstanding  do  ftill  remain,  and  the  world  with  all  the 
wicked  fhall  ft  ill  abide  in  them.  Wherfore  when  the  Papift  under- 
ftaadeth  rhat  rhc  cercmoniall  law  only  is  abolithed,  undcriiand  thou 
that  Paul  and  every  Chriftian  is  dead  t«  the  whole  la  w,  and  yet  the 

ctmft  free      As  for  exainple:Chrift  rifing  from  death  is  free  from  the  grave,and 
f  uTe  &e.    y^c  t^!C  Sravc  remained!  ftill.  P'tcr  is  delivered  frotn  the  priibn,  the 
lick  of  the  palfiefrom  his  bed,thcyong  man  from  his  coffin,the  mai 
den  from  her  couch,and  yet  the  prifon,thebed,  the  corfin,  the  couch 
do  remain  ftill.    Even  fo  the  law  is  abolifhcd  when  I  am  not  fuDjocl 
unto  it,thc  law  is  dead  when  I  am  dead  unto  it,  and  yet  it  rcmaincth 
ftiU  But  bccaufc  I  arn  dead  unto  it  by  another  la  w,  therfore  it  is  dead 
alfo  unro  me :  as  the  grave  of  Chrifl-,thc  prifun  of  Peter^hz  couch  of 
the  maiden, &c,  do  ftill  remain:and  yet  Chrift  by  his  refurrcclion  is 
dead  unto  the  grave, Peter  by  his  deliverance  is  freed  from  thcprifon, 
and  the  maid  through  life  is  delivered  from  the  couch, 
i  tm  de«d     Whcrforc  thefc  words:  /  am  dead 'to  the 'law ^,are  very  eC'-Jluafl.  For 
he  faith  not  :I  am  free  fcom  the  law  fora  time,orlaoi  Lord  over  the 
law:but  (imply  I  am  dead  to  the  law,that  istofay,!  have  nothing  to 
do  with  the  la w/P**/ could  have  uttered  nothing  moreclf.ctually 
agamft  the  nghteoufnes  of  the  la  w,thcn  to  fay:l  am  dead  to  the  U  w, 
that  isjcare  nothing  at  alfor  the  la  w,thcrforclam  not  /ufHfkd  by  it. 
wfcathiito       NoWjto  die  to  the  law,is,not  to  be  bound  to  the  law,  but  to  be 
*eto'law<  free  from  the  la  wand  not  to  know  it.    Therefore  let  him  thjt  will 
live  to  God,  endeavour  that  he  miy  be  found  without  the  law,  and 
let  him  come  out  of  the  grave  with  Chnft.  Thcfouldiers  were  afto- 
nilhed  when  Chrift  was  rifen  out  of  the  grave:  and  they  alfb  which 
law  the  maiden  raifcd  up  from  death  to  life,  were  amazed.  So  mans 
rcafon  and  wifdomc  is  aftonifhed,  and  becommcth  fooliih  wh<;n  it 
bcareth  that  we  are  not  juftiried  except  we  be  dead  to  the  law  :  for  it 
is  not  able  to  reach  unto  this  myftcrie.  But  we  know  that  when  we 
apprehend  Chrift  by  faith  inwardly  in  confciencc,  we  enter  into  a 


TO  tht   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A--N  8. 

•  certain  new  laviy.vhtch  fwallowcth  up  theolj  law  that  held  us  cap 
tives. A&the  grave  in  which  Chnlt  Ly  dca4,after  that  he  was  nfcn  a- 
gain  w-s  void  and  empty, ana  Chriit  vanished  away  :  fo  when  J  be 
lieve  in  C  ht  ift,  1  rif :  again  with  him,  and  die  to  my  gr^ve,  that  is  to 
fay, the  law  which  held  me  captive:  fo  that  new  the  law  is  voyd,and 
3  am  efcaped  out  of  my  pr  ifon  and  grave,that  is  to  %yhe  la  w.Wher- 
fbre  the  law  hath  r.o  t  i^ht  to  sccufc  me,or  to  hold  me  any  kngerfc  r 
I  am  nf:n  a^aiit. 

It  is  ncccfl  iry  thet  cnens  confciences  fhould  be  diligently  inftruA- 
cdj  that  they  tray  \\  ell  undcribnd  the  difference  between  therigh- 
tcoufncs  of  the  law  ar.d  grace.The  rightccufnes  of  grace  or  the  liber 
ty  of  cenfdence  doth  in  no  wife  pertaine  to  the  flesh.    For  the  fiefli 
may  not  be  at  liberty,  but  muitremaiu  in  the  grave,  thv  prifon,  the  befubicat« 
coucl^it  muft  be  in  iubjedion  to  the  law,and  excicifcd  by  the  £%jp-  jJ^Je'cS. 
/MM, But  the  Chriftian  conicience  rnuft  be  dead  tothc  lawjthat  is  to  fciencc. 
fay,frce  from  the  law,and  muft  have  nothing  at  all  to  do  with  is 
good  to  know  this  :  for  it  hdpeth  very  much  for  the  comforting  of 
poor  afflicted  confcicnccs.Whet  forcwhenyou  fee  a  man  terrified  and 
caft  down  with  the  fence  and  feeling  of  his  (in,lay  unto  him:Brother 
thou  doft  not  rightly  diftinguifh.  Thou  placcft  the  Lrv  in  thy  confci-  "d°ron(d!^ 
encc, which  fhould  be  placed  in  the  flefh,    Awake,arife  up,  and  re-  ce«muft  be 
member  that  thou  muft  believe  in  Chrift  the  conquerour  of  the  law  e°    JIted< 
and  (in.    With  this  faith  thou  fhalt  mount  up  above  and  beyond  the 
law,into  that  heaven  of  grace  where  is  no  law  nor  (in.  And  albeit  the 
law  and  fin  do  ftill  remain,yet  they  pertain  nothing  to  thccifor  thou 
art  dead  to  the  law  and  lin. 

This  is  calily  faid :  but  blctfed  is  he  which  knoweth  how  to  lay 
furcholdon  thefc  things  in  time  uf  diitfifT:,  th;?t  is,  u-hicfi  can. 
iay,  when  fin  ovcr-wcigheth  him,  and  the  law  accuieth  him  :  what 
is  this  to  me,  Ohw,  that  thou  accufeft  me,  and  fjyctt  that  I  have 
committed  many  finncs  ?  Indeed  I  grant  that  I  have  commit- 
ttd  many  finnts,  yea  and  yet  ftill  doc  commit  finncs  daily  with- 
out  number.  This  toucheth  me  nothing :  I  am  now  deafc  and  can- 
not  hears :  thercfurc  thou  talkcft  to  mc'irrvame,  tor  lam  dead  unto 
"thec."  But  if  thou  wilt  needs  difpute  with  me  as  touching  my 
finnes,  get  thee  to  my  fl:th  and  members  my  fcrvanrs :  teach  them, 
exercife and  crucific them  :  But  trouble  not  me,  not  me  Confti- 
tacf,  i  fay,,  which  am  a  Lady  and  a  Qgcene,  and  have  nothing  to 


Chap.II.  rpo*  the  EPISTLE 

The  confci-  do  with  thcc  :  for  I  am  dead  to  thec,  and  now  I  live  to  Chrift,  with 
ri^ST  whom  I  am  under  another  hw,  to  wit,  the  hw  of  grace,  which  ru- 
accTufation  htrr  over  fin  and  thelaw.By  what  means?  By  faith  in  Chriftsas  P*tl 
of  the  law.  dcdareth  hereafter. 

Toiivcto       ^Ut  fkis  f-"nr:th  3  ftrange  and  a  wondcrfull  definition,that  to  live 

the  ia«,is    to  the  hw,  is  to  die  to  God  :  and  to  die  to  the  law,  is  to  live  to  God. 

GodVcon  "ThefetwoPropofitions  arc  cleane  contrary  to  reafon,  and  therfore 

trariwifc  to  no  crafty  Sophi(ter,Qr  hw-  worker  can  underftand  them.  But  learn 

iawt0i«  m    t^ou  T^e  tru~  uridtatftahding  thereof.    He  that  livcth  to  the  la  w,  that 

liveto  God.  is,feekcth  to  be  juftified  by  the  works  of  thelaw,is  and  remaincth  a 

finn:r  :  therefore  he  is  dead  and  condemned.  For  the  law  cannot  ju- 

ftitie  and  five  him,  but  accuieth,  terrificth  and  killeth  him.  Iherfbrs 

to  live  unto  the  law,  is  to  die  unto  God  :  and  contranwifc,  to  die  to 

the  la  w,is  to  live  unto  God.    Wherefore  if  thou  wilt  live  unto  God, 

Toii»eun.  thou  muil  die  tq  .the  law:  but  if  tbou  wilt  live  to  the  law,  thou  fhalt 

toGod.       die  to  God.  Now,  to  live  unto  God,  is  to  be  juftified  by  grace  or  by 

faith  for  Chrifts  fake,  without  the  law  and  works. 

AChriflian,     y^  ^s  fan  fa  proper  and  true  definition'of  a  Chrit^Tan,  tFatTic 

is  the  chile!  of  grace  and  remiflton  of  finnes,  bccaufe  he  is  under  no 

law,  but  is  above  the  law,  finne,  death,  and  hell.    And  even  as 

Chrift  is  free  from  the  grave,  and  'Peter  from  the  prifon,  ib  is  a 

Chriftian  free  from  the  law.    And  fuch  a  rcfpccT:  there  is  betwecnc 

th*  juftified  confcicnce  and  the  law  ,  as  is  bcrwecne  Chrift  railed  up 

from  the  grave,  and  the  grave  :  and  as  isbetweene  Tcter  delivered 

from  the  prifon,  and  the  prifon.    And  lil'c  as  Chrift  by  his  death  and 

rcfuiTcitioiJ  is  dead  to  the  crave,  ft-  that  it  hath  now  no  power  over 

him,  nor  is  able  any  lender  to  hold  him,  but  thcftone  being  rolled 

l8'      away,  the  Laics  b:  '  the  keepers  aftonifhcd,  he  rifeth  againc 

and  goeth  away  wrhont  any  let  :  And  as  Peter  by  his  deliverance  is 

Tnr  confci-  freed  from  the  prifon,  ;•  vhichcr  he  will  :  even  fo  the  con- 

"^e  ^yr    fcienceby  grac;  isdel.vcrcd  from  the  law  :  So  is  every  one  that  is 

fern  friln  borneof  tb^  fpirit.    But  the  flefh  knowcth  not  from  whence  this 

the  i«w.      com4neth,n;>r  wjuther  i^ggethjfrr  it  cannot  judge  but  after  the  law. 

-B«t  on  -he  contraVy^  the  Ipirit  :  .(aijbslct.  the  law  accuf:  mea  letiinnc 

and  death  tcrrifi:  me  never  fo  mach,  yet  I  do  not  tnerTore  dHpalre": 

J  have  the  law  agiinft  the  law,(inne  a^ainft  fin,  a'nTde'atFagalQft 

en  I  fwdejthe  tcmqric.aHd  fting  of  confcicnce  for 



fin,  1  behold  that  brafen  Serpent  Chrift  hanging  wpon  the  Crrflc, 
There  J  find  another  fin  againft  tny  fin  which  accnlcth  anddcvou-  ^  8Sa(r>/i 
reth  me.  Now'this  ether  firrise,  namely  in  the  fleih  of  Chrift,  which 
taketh  away  the  finsofthe  worlci,  ib  almighty,  it  condemnetli  and 
Iwallowethupmy  (innc.  So  my  finne  is  condemned  by  finne,that  is,  lCor  *»»• 
by  C  hnO.  crucified  :  Who  is  made  finne  fir  fa,  that  \\ee  might  Ire  made 
the  ri^-teeufnejfe  of  Cfod  through  him.    In  like  manner  i  find  death  in 
my  flelh,  which  affudcth  and  killeth  aie :  but  I  have  in  me  a  con- 
trary  death,  is  the  death  of  death  :  for  this  death  crucifieth 
and  fxvalloweih  up>  my  death. 

Thtfv  tilings  be  not  dene  byjthelaw  or  works,  but  by  Chrift  cru 
cified  :  UjXni  whole  OK ;ul Jens  lie  all  the  evils  and  miferies  of  man- 
kindjthclawjfinne^eath.thcdeviliand  hell:  and  allthefedoe  die  in 
him,  for  by  his  death  he  hath  killed  them.  But  we  muft  receive  this 
benefit  cf  Chrift  with  a  futc  faith.  For  like  as  neith£r_thej^ur  nny 
any  workc  thereof  is  offered  unto  us,  but  Chri^  alone  :  ib  nothing 
is  required  ot  us  l-ut  faith  alone,  whereby  we  apprehend  Chrift,  and 
bcleeve  that  our  iinncs  anjcuir  death  are  condemned  and  abolifaed  in 
the  firme  and  death  of  Chrift. 

Thus  have  wealwayesinoft  certaine  and  furc  arguments,  which 
ncccflanly  conclude  that  juftification  cometh  by  faith  alone.  For 
how  Qiould  the  l^w  and  works  avtile  to  juftification,  feeing  that 
PWis  fo  earneft  both  agaiuft  the  law  and  works,  and  faith  plaincly 
that  we  inuft  be  dead  to  the  law,  if  we  will  live  to  God  ?  But  if  we 
be  dead  to  the  law  and  the  la  w  be  dead  to  us,  then  hath  it  nothing  to 
do  with  us.How  then  &ould  it  availe  any  thing  at  all  to  our  ;*uftifica- 
tion  ?  Wherefore  we  muft  needs  fay,  that  we  bcjuftified  by  grace 
alone,  or  by  faith  alone  in  Chrift,without  the  law  and  works. . 

This  the  blind  So^hifters  doe  not  undcrftand,  and  therefore  they 
drcamethat  faith  juftiheth  not,exceptit  do  the  works  of  charity.By 
this  meanes  f  iith  which  bcleeveth  in  Chrift,  becometrr unprofita 
ble  and  of  none  crfeft  :  for  the  vertue  of  juftifying  is  taken  from  it, 
except  it  be  furniGicd  with  charity.  But  let  us  now  fet  apart  the  law 
andcharity  untill  another  time,,  and  let  us  reitlTljoii  the  principal^ 

omt  ot  this  prei-'nTmatter ;  which  is  this,  that  jdus  thrift  the  , 

onne  or  God  dyed  upon  the  Crofie,  did  bearc  in  his  body  my  fins,  J 
the  hw,  cisatb,  the  devill  and  hell.  T hefelnv in clblc  enemies  and  f v-  ^"T 
lantsdocopprefle,  vexe  and  ttouble^rac,  and_thcrcf'jrci  am  carefti'll 
• how 

Chap.TI.  VfOH  the  EV  i  s  T  i  i 

how  I  rmy  be  delivered  out  of  their  hands  I'gftified  and  faved.  Mete 
"l  find  neither  law,  workc  nor  charity  'which  is^abje  to  deljigr  me 
from  thtir  tyranny.  There  is  none  but  the  Lord  Jefus  only  and  alone, 
which  tdi&th  away  the  law,  kil'eth  and  dcftroyeth  my  death  in  his 
body,and  by  this  meanes  fpoileth  hell,  judgerh  and  crucih'eth  the  de- 
vill,and  throweth  him  downe  into  hell.  Tobebriefe,all  thecncmies 
which  did  before  torment  and  oppreffe  mc,ChnO:  Jef  us  hath  brought 
c»/  1.1  j  to  noii^h  r:  H^th  fyoilcithem^nd  ntAcie  a  fan  oftbztn  ofenlyprtMmphittg 
6j  himfcife  over  them,  in  fuch  fort  that  rhcy  can  now  rule  and  reigne 
no  more  over  member  are  conftrained  to  obey  me. 

lithe  mat       By  tMs  U'C  may  plainely  fee,  that  there  is  nothing  here  for  as  to 
e"bn  t'icrc  ^OC  :  Only  it  belongcth  p.nto  us3to  hcare  that  thefe  things  have  becnc 
wrought  and  done  in  this  for%  and  by  faith  to  apprehend  the  fame. 
^nci  tnis  '-s  tnc  truc  formed  and  furnifhed  faith  indeed.  Now,  when 
chiiii  Ihavcrhusappt^hcnded  Chrift  by  faith,  and  through  him  am  dead 
tothelaw,ia(H6ed  from  Undelivered  from  death,thc  ^cv  11  and  hell, 
apprehend    then  I  do  good  works,  I  love  God,  I  give  thinks  to  hi  in,  1  cx-rcn^ 
ftfih,*™6  by  charity  tovvards  my  ncighbour.But  this  ch.mry  or  works  following 
do  neither  forme  nor  adorns  my  faith,but  my  faith  formcth  and  ad3r- 
neth  charity.  This  is  our  Divinity  :  which  fceoruth  iban^e  and  mar- 
vcllouSjOr  rather  fool  rh  to  earn  41  reaf>n:to  wit,  that  I  am  not  only 
blind  and  dcafbtothch  v,ve.i  delivered  an.i  freed  from  the  law,  but 
alfb  wholly  dead  unto  the  famT. 

Thi«  femcce  This  fentencc  of7*aut  :  Through  the  Uw  lam  detA  to  tie  faw,  is  full 
WoodTinThc  of  confjlation.  Wnich  if'it  may  enter  into  a  man  in  due  fcafon,  and 
«.«eofm>u  take  furc  hold  in  his  heart  with  good  unuv-iitanding,it  may  fo  work, 
ama!T<5rSg  that  it  will  makehiin  abletoftand  againft  all  dangers  of  ckarh,  and 
againd  ail  all  terronrs  of  confcience  and  fi^ne,  ,.'lrho«gh  they  aflfciiehiimaccufs 
)nj>-  him,  and  would  drive  him  to  def)*ranon  n  ver  fo  mjch.  True  it  is 
.that  every  manj^ternpted  tifnot  in  in  his  ifi.yet  at  his  dcath.Therc 
when  tne  lawaccuteth  him  and  iheweth  unto  inm  his  finsrhis  con- 
^'encc^y  anc^  by  Ouh  :  Thoa  hsft  (inncd.  If  th  n  thou  take  good 
hold  of  ihat  which  "i«/Jicre  tcacheth,  thou  wtlt  anfwer  :  I  grant  I 
cc.""1  Jiavc  (iaa&i-  Tli'  '  ^vill  (  io  4  piuiilh  thcc.  Nay  -  -ie  xvill  not  fo  doe. 
Wh;,  doth  not  the  1  vv  o'-'God  fo  fay  ?  I  have  nothing  to  doe  with 
that  law.  Why  <V?  Bcca^f?!  have  another  law  which  ftrikcibLlhi's 
law  dtrub?,  uat  is  to  lay,  Ub£rtyT  What  liberty  is  that  ?  The  ^liberty 
^hnH^ur  uy  Chrii-i  1  a;n  ulterly  rreeq  rrom  the  iay\r.  Therefore 




that  law  which  is  and  remaineth  a  law  to  the  wicked,  is  to  me  liber-  A 
ty,  and  bindeth  that  law  which  would  condemne  me  :  And  by  this 
means  that  law  which  would  bind  me  and  hold  me  captive,  is  now  of  the  law, 
faft  bound  it  fclfe,  and  holden  captive  by  grace  and  liberty,  which  is  &c- 
now  my  law:Which  faith  to  that  accufing  law :  Thou  (halt  not  hold  The  binding 
this  man  bound  and  capti\c?,for  he  is  mine  :  but  I  will  hold  thee  cap-  '^J^J*11 
tivc,  and  bind  thy  hands  that  thou  flialt  not  hurt  him,  for  helivcth  bound  iifdf. 
now  unto  Chrift>and  is  dead  unto  thee. 

This  to  doe,  is  to  dafh  out  the  teeth  of  the  law,  to  wreft  his  (ling 
and  all  his  weapons  from  him,and  to  fpoile  him  of  all  his  force:  And 
yet  the  fame  law  notwithstanding  continueth  and  remaineth  ftill  to 
the.  wicked  and  cnbdeevcrs :.  and  to  us  alfo  that  be  wcake,  fo  farrc 
forth  as  we  lack  faith,! t  continueth  yet  ftill  in  his  force,  here  it  hath 
his  edge  and  teeth.  But  if  I  docbeleeve  in  Chrift,  although  finnc 
drive  me  never  fo  much  to  dcfpaire,  yet  flaying  upon  this  liberty  sin ,eottfcmr 

,  .    i    T  t  .     ,>,  ,  /-r_,     ?  J    _  ,      J    fP     r.      ,  r      J    ned,andcon. 

which  I  nave  in  Chritr,  I  conreub  that  I  have  finned:  but  my  finne 
which  is  a  condemned  finne,  is  in  Chrift  which  is  a  condemning 
finnc :  Now  this  condemning  finnc  is  ftronger  then  that  which  is 
condemned :  far  it  is  juftifying  grace,  righteoufneffc,  life  and  falva- 
tion.  Thus  when  I  fecle  the  terrour  of  death,!  fay  :Thou  haft  nothing 
to  doc  with  m^  O  death:  for  I  have  another  :d.eath  which  killeth 
thee  my  death,  and  that  death  which  killeth,  is  ftronger  then  that  l'Jt 
which  is  killed. 

Thus  a  faithfull  man  by  faith  only  IB  Chrift,  may  raifc  up  himfelfc, 
and  conceive  fuch  fiirc  and  found  confolation,  that  he  fhall  not  need 
to'4feare  the  devill,  finne,  dc-ath,or  any  evils.  And  although  the  dcvill 
fct  upon  him  with  all  might  and  inainc,  and  goc  about  with  all  the 
the  tcrrours  of  the  world  to  opprefle  him,  yet  he  conceivcth  good 
hope  even  in  the  midft  thereof,  and  thus  he  faith  :  Sir  deviU,  I  fearc 
not  thy  threatnings  and  terrours,  for  there  is  one  whofeNameis. 
JefusChrift,in  whom  I  bclccve:  he  hath  abolijQbcd  the  law,condcm- 
ncd  finne,  vanquiftied  death,  and  deftroved  hell  :  and  he  is  thy  tor- 
mentour,  O  Satan,  for  he  hath  bound  mcc  and  hcldcth  thee  captive^ 
tethc  end  that  thou  ftouldcft  RO  more  hurt  me,or  any  that  beleeveth 
in  him.  This  faith  the  devill  cannot  oyercome,but  is  overcome  of  it. 
Tor  tki*  it  tktwforj  (  faith  S  ^ohn  )  that  ovtrcoutcth  tkcVctrld)  even* 
cur  faith.  Who  is  it  that  overccmcth  the  world,  but  he  wtych  belcc- 

Chap.  II.  Vyon  the  E  P  I  s  T  L  H 

P**#/ therefore  through  a  vehement  zeale  and  indignation  offpirit,1 
calleth  grace  it  felfe  chc  law,  which  notwithftanding  is  an  exceeding 
&  inefti  unable  liberty  of  grace  which  we  have  in  Chnft  jefus.  Morc- 
over  he  giveth  this  approbrious  name  unto  the  law  ( to  ht  us  under- 
ftarjd  for  our  confolauon,  that  there  is  now  a  new  name  given  unto 

dead  and     it,)that  it  is  not  now  alive  any  morc,but  dead  and  condemned.    And 

condemned,  j^^  (vvhich  is  a  pleafant  fight  to  behold)  he  bringcth  forth  the  law, 
and  fettcth  it  before  us  as  a  thcefe  and  a  robber  which  is  already  con- 

The  la*  i$  demncd  and  adjudged  to  death.  For  he  dcfcnbeth  it  as  it  were  a  pri- 
*°ncr  having  both  hands  and  feet  faft  bound,  and  all  his  power  taken 
a  way,fo  that  it  cannot  exercife  his  tyranny , that  is  to  fay,it  cannot  ac- 
cuk  an(*  condemnc  any  more :  and  with  this  mod  pleafant  fight  hs 
maketh  it  odious.-and  contemptible  totheconfciencc:  fa  that  now 
he  which  beleeveth  in  Chrift,  dare  boldly  and  with  a  holy  pride, 

A  hoiypnde  triumph  over  the  law  after  this  manner :  I  am  a  (inner :  if  thou  canft 
do  any  thing  againft  me  O  law,now  do  thy  worft.So  far  ofFis  it  then, 
that  the  law  is  now  terrible  unto  him  which  doth  belecvc. 

Since  Chrift  is  nfen  from  death,  why  (hoaid  he  now  feare  the 
grave?  Since  Peter  is  delivered  from  the  prifon,  why  fhould  he 
now  feare  it  ?  When  the  maiden  was  at  the  point  of  death,  then 
might  (he  indeed  feare  the  bed  :  but  being  now  raifed  up,  why 
fhould  fhe  feare  it  ?  Inlike  manner,  why  fhould  a  Chriftian  which 
cnjoycth  and  poffdTcth  Chrift  by  faith,  feare  the  law?  True  it  is 
that  hefeeleth  the  terroursof  the  law,  but  he  is  not  overcom:of 
them:  but  (laying  upon  the  liberty  which  he  hath  inChrilt,  he 
iaith :  I  hears  thee  murmuring,  O  law,  that  thou  wouidft  accufa 
me  and  condemne  me :  but  this  troubleth  me  nothing  at  all.  Thoa 
art  to  me  as  the  grave  was  unto  Chrift;  for  I  fee  that  thjj  art  faft 
boind  hind  and  foot:  and  this  hath  my  law  don'.  What  law  is 

why  he  cai- that?  liberty,  which  is  called  the  law,  not  bccaafs  it  bindcth  me, 

•Swlil'w.6"7  ^>ut  hecaufe  it  bindcth  my  law.  The  law  of  ths  ten  Co.nrnande- 
ments  did  bind  me.  But  againft  that  law  I  have  another  h  \v,  even 

the  law  of  the  law  of  grace  5  which  notwithftanding  is  tome  no  law,  neither 

S"  rfKiaw  dot^  "  bin^  mc»  ^ut  fcttcth  me  nt  liberty.  And  this  is  a  law  againft 
of  ;hc  t<  n  that  sccufing  and  condemning  law  :  which  law  it  fo  bindeth,that  it 
"  ^^  no  Powcr to  hurt  me  any  more.  So  againft  my  death  which 
bindcth -ms  I  have  another  death,  that  is  to  fay,  life,  which  quick- 
ncth  me  in  Chrift :  andrfiis  death  loofeth  andfreeth  inc  from  the 


To  the  GA  L  AT  H  IAK  j. 

bonds  oFmy  death,  and  with  the  fame  bonds  bindcth  my  death.  So 
death  which  bound  me,  is  now  faft  bound,  which  killed  me,  is  now 
killed  by  death,  that  is  to  fay  by  life  it  felfe. 

Thus  Chriftjwith  moft  fwcct  names,  is  called  my  law,  my  finne,  T&«  molt 
my  dcath,againft  the  law,againft  finnc,againft  death:  whereas  in  ve-  [omfonab! 
ry  deed  he  is  nothing  clfe  but  meere  liberty,  rigbteoufneifc,  life  and  N*"«  of" 
evcrlatting  falvation.    And  for  this  caufc  he  is  made  the  law  of  the  chril<m 
law,  the  finne  of  finnc,  the  death  of  death,  that  he  mightt  cdeeme 
from  the  curfe  of  the  law,  jfuftifie  me  and  quicken  me.     So  then, 
whiles  Chrift  is  the  law,  he  is  alfo  liberty ;  whiles  he  is  finne,  he  is 
righteoufnefTe,  and  whiles  he  is  death,  he  is  life,   for  in  that  he  fnf- 
fcred  the  law  to  accufe  hinyinnc  to  condemne  him,and  death  to  dc- 
voure  him,  he  aboliihed  the  law,  he  condemned  fin,  he  dcftroyed  chrjfla  $ 
death,  he  j  uftified  and  fa  ved  me.   So  is  Chrift  the  poy  {on  of  the  la  vv,  foJ'agJinft 
fin  and  death,  and  the  remedy  for  the  obtaining  of  liberty,  righteouf-  deatb' 
ncfle,  and  everlafting  life. 

This  manner  offpeech  which  P<r#/herc  ufeth,  and  is  proper  unto 
him  alone,  is  full  of  confblatien.    Likewife  in  the  7  Chapter  to  the 
Romans  he  fettcth  the  law  of  the  fpirit  againft  the  law  of  the  mem 
bers.  And  becaufe  this  is  a  ftrangeand  marvellous  manner  oflpcaking  Thc  law  flf 
therefore  it  entreth  more  eafily  into  the  mind,  and  fticketh  rafter  in  the  mind  <« 
the  memory.  Moreover,  when  he  faith ;  /  through  the  law  am  dead  to  jj""/1,^ 
the  /4»,it  foundcth  more  fwf^tly  then  if  he  fhould  fay :  I  through -li-  member*. 
bcrty  am  dead  to  the  law.    For  he  fettcth  before  us,  as  it  were,a  cer 
tain-  pi3ure,as  if  the  law  were  fighting  againft  the  law.  As  though 
frc  fhould  fay  :O  law  if  thou  canft  accufe  mc,tcrtifie  mc,and  bind  me, 
I  will  f;t  above  and  againft  thec  another  law,  that  is  to  fay,  another 
tormentor,which  fhall accufc thee,  bind  thec and  oppreffi  thes.  In* 
deed  thou  art  my  tormentor,  but  I  have  another  tormentor,  even 
Chrift,  which  fhall  torment  thec.  Wh en  thoa  art  thus  bound,  tor- 
dented  and  funprcfled,  then  am  I  at  liberty.    So  then  grace  is  a  Ja  w, 
not  to  me  (for  it  bindeth  me  not)  but  to  my  law :  which  this  law  fu 
bindeth>  that  it  cannot  hurt  me  any  more. 

Thus  Paul  goeth  about  to  draw  us  wholly  from  the  beholding 
of  the  law,  finne,  death  and  all  other  evils,  and  to  bring  us  unto 
Chrift,  that  there  we  might  behold  this  joy  fall  cojjflid  :  to  wit,the 
law  fighting  againft  the  law,  that  it  may  be  to  me  liberty :  finne  fu 
Againft  finne,  that  it  may  be  to  me  righteoufnefic :  death  ag.iinft 

yi  death, 

Chnp.TI.  Vfon  rtc  EP  i  s  T  i  B 

death,that  I  may" rbtainc'iifc ;  Chrift  flghtingiagaiati;  the  devill,th*t ; 
I-  nwy  be  the  ch'lld  ofCkd  iawUfcftAyiog  hcli,tliat  I  may  enjoy  the. 
kingdom  of  Heaven. 

f'erfe  I  p.  .T/^  iUHgfa&k  unto  God. 

That  is  to  fay,  that  I  might  live  before;  God.  Yefce  then  that  there 
is  no  life  uuL'iic  ye  be  without  the  l.uv,  yea  uolefl-;  yc  b.1  utterly  dead 
flcn.    unto  th"  law,l  mcanc  iii  conlcience.  NpKyitfcftanoiig  in  the  insane 

w  f-afon Cis ]  havc oftcn M)  to  i°ns as  thc bocty  IivetlT» th- fl^;mijft 

hc  con-  be  excrcif>'d  with  lavys,  and  vexed  with  exa&ions  and  penalties  of 
fcltncc-       JawSj  as  were  the  Egyptians.  Bat  the  inward  man  not  fab/eft  to  the 
law,  but  delivered  and  freed  from  it,  is  a  lively ,a  juft,  and  a  holy  per- 

fon,  not  of  hmifelfe,  but  in  Chrift,  becaufe  he  bdecveth  in  him,  as 

f  ii         i 


J'erfe  20.    1 *m  crucified  With  Chrift. 

This  he  addcth  to  declare  that  the  law  is  a  dcvourcr  ©f  the  law.  t 
Notonely  (faith  he)  lam  dead  to  the  law  through  the  law,  that  I 
may  live  to  God >  butalfol  am  crucified  with  Chrift.    But  Chrftis 
Lord  over  the  law,  becaufe  he  is  crucified  and  dead  unto  the  law: 
Therefore  alfo  am  I  Lord  over  the  law  :  for  I  likcwile  am  crucified 
and  dead  unto  the  law,  for  as  much  as  I  am  crucified  and  dead  with  > 
Chrift.  By  what  means  ?  By  grace  and  faith.  Through  this  fajth  be-?. 
caufel  am  now  crucified  and  dead  unto  the  law,  therefore  the  law 
lofcth  all  his  power  which  it  had  over  me,  even  as  it  hath  loft  all  his 
power  which  it  had  over  Chrift.  Wherefore,cven  as  Chrift  himfelfc 
was  crucified  to  the  law,(in>dcath  and  the  dcvill,fo  that  they  hive  no' 
further  power  over  him  :  even  fo  I  through  faith  being  now  crucifi-  \ 
cd  with  Chrift  in  fpirit,am  crucified  and  dead  to  the  law,  (in,  death, 
andthcdcvill,  fbthatthey  have  no  further  power  over  me,  but  are 
now  crucified  and  dead  unto  inc. 

Y*.fc*eni-       ***l  fpeaketh  not  here  of  crucifying  by  imitation  or  example 

•wwwhb    (for  to  follow  the  example  of  Chrift,  is  alfo  to  be  crucified  with 

chrifl-        him,)  which  crucifying  belongeth  to  the  fleih.  Whereof  "Peter  fpca- 

kcth  in  his  firft  Epiftle  and  fccond  Chapter  :  Chritt  fuffrd  fir  wy 

( faith  he )  leaving  unto  us  an  example  that  "ft'w  (houid  fiHovr  hit 

fteps.    But  he  fpeaketh  here  of  that  high  crucifying,  whereby 

fmnc,  thedcvill  and  death  are  crucified  in  Chrift,  and  not  in  me. 

Here  Chrift  Jcfus  doth  all  himicUc  alone.    Bat  I  bcleeving  in 


T9  the  G  A  L 'A  T  H  i  A  «  5 .  Fol.  82 

Chrift,  am  by  faith  crucified  alfo  with  Chrift,  fo  that  allthefe  things 
are  crucified  and  dead  unto  me. 

Varfe  20.    Thrit-I  live. 

I  fpeake  not  fo(faith  he)  of  my  death  and  crucify  ing,as  though  I 
•now  lived  not:Yea  I  live/or  I  am  quickned  by  this  death  and  crucifi- 
jng,through  the  which  I  die  *  That  is,  for  as  much  as  I  amdelivcrcd 
from  thclaw,(in  and  death,  I  now  hveindeed.  Whcrtore  that  cruci-  ^hc  fanh; 
fying,  and  that  death  wncrby'I  an*  crucified  and  dead  to  the  law,fin, 
death  and  all  evils,  is  to  me  refurre&ioti  and  life.  For  Chrift  crucifi- 
eth  the  Dcvill,he  kiileth  death,condemneth  fin,and  bindeth  the  law: 
and  I  believing  this,am  delivered  from  the  la  w,(in,death  and  the  Dc- 
vill.  The  law  therfore  is  bound,  ckad  and  crucified  unto  me,  and  I  a> 
^gaine  am  bound,  dead  and  crucified  unto  it.  Wherefore  even  by  this 
dcathand  crucifying,that  isto  fay,by  this  grace  or  liberty,/" nowlhe. 
Here  (as  before  I  have  faid)  we  muft  bbfcrve  Pauls  manner  of  fpea- 
king.He  faith  that  we  are  dead  and  crucified  te  the  law,wheras  in  vci-  JJj"J"( 
ry  dced^hc  law  it  felfc  is  dead  and  crucified  unto  us.But  this  manner  the  law. 
of  fpecch  he  uleth  here  of  purpofe,that  it  may  be  the  more  fwcct  and 
comfortable  unto  us.  For  the  law*  (which  not  withftanding  continu- 
cth,liveth  and  reigneth  in  the  whole  world, which  alfoaccufeth  and 
condemneth  all  men  )  is  crucified  and  dead  unto thofe  only  which 
believe  in  Chrift  :  therfore  to  them  alone  belongcth  this  glory,  that 
they  arc  dead  to  fin,hel!,death  and  the  Devill. 

Jr*rft  20.    Yet  now  ttot  /. 


That  is  to  fay,  not  in-minc  ownc  perfon,  nor  in  mine  owne  fub- 
fta'nce.  Here  he  plainly  flicwcth  by  what  means  he  liveth :  And  he 
teachcth  what  true  Chriftian  righteoufncde  is,  namely  that  ricrhte-  c.¥fliJILM 

r     /v        i         i      ^i     -n  i-        i  i  .   i  nghreouincj 

oulnetle  whereby  Cnriit  liveth  in  us,  and  not  that  which  is  in  our 
pcrforr.     Therefore  when  we  fpeake  of  Chriftian  righteoufndV^we  vvcemuft 
muft  Utterly  rejed  the  perfon.    And  here  Chrift  and  my  conference  ^ i^fight 
muft  become  one  body,  fothat  nothing  remains  in  my  (ightj  but  a.abcfot« 
Chrift  crucified  and  railed  from  the  dead.    But  if  I  behold  my  ielfc  our  ***' 
only  and  fet  Chrift  afide,  I  am  gone.    For  by  and  by  i  fall  into  vthis 
cogitation  t  Chrift  is  in  heaven,and  thou  art  on  the  earth  :  how  (halt 
thoB  now  come  ujitohim  ?  Forfboth  I  will  live  holily,  and  do  that 

M  2  which 

Chap.  IT.  Vftn  tbe  E  *  I  s  T  1 1 

which  the  Law  requircth;fo  (hall  I  enter  into  life.Herr, returning  to 
my  idf,  and  confidcring  what  I  am,  what  I  ought  to  be,  and  what  I 
am  bound  to  do,  I  lofe  the  fight  of  Cbriil,  who  is  my  righteoufneffe 
and  life.Who  being  loft,there  is  no  counfcll  nor  fuccour  now  remai 
ning,  but  certain  defperation  and  deftruftion  muft  needs  follow. 

And  this  is  a  common  evill  among  men.  For  fuch  is.  our  rnifery, 
s«M»onr  that  when  tentation  or  death  comcth,  by  and  by  letting  Chrifr  alidc, 
»ifery,thar  we  coniider  our  ownc  life  paft,and  what  we  have  done, Here  except 
wc  be  raifed  up  again  by  faith,  vvemuft  needs  perifb.  Wherforc  we 
muft  learnc  in  fuch  conflicts  and  terrours  of  conference  (forgetting 
our  fclvcs,  and  letting  the  Law,  cur  life  paft,and  all  our  works  apart, 
«>ur  (Civ«,&  which  drive  us  to  the  confederation  of  our  fclvcs  onely)  to  turnc  out 
.  CyCJ;  whoiiy  (o  thc  brazcnicrpent  Chrift  J.cfus  crucihcd,  and  aflurcd- 
ly  believe  that  he  is  our  rigbteoufhes  and  lire,  not  fearing  the  thrcat- 
nings  and  terrours  of  the  law,  fin,  death,  and  the  judgement  of  God. 
I'or  CbriftjOn  whom  our  cyc>arc  fixed,^  whom  we  live,  who  aHb 
liveth  in  us,is  Lord  and  conquerour  of  the  law,(in,death  and  all  evils  s 
in  whom  mod  certain  and  iurc  confclation  is^fct  forth  unto  as,and  vi 
ctory  given. 

Yerfc  2  0,     Thus  I  live,  jet  not  I  w»,  but  £br  if  tivfth  i»  mt. 

Where  he  faith :  Tbw  I  live,  he  fpeakcth  it,  as  it  were,  in  his  own 
pcrfon«  Therefore  he  by  and  by,  corrcfteth  himfelfc  faying  :  Ta 
not  1  urn.  That  is  to  lay,  i  live  not  now  in  mine  ownc  pcrfon5 
but  Ckrift  liveth  in  me.  Indeed  the perlbn  liveth,  but  not  in  him* 
^jp^  nor  pQr  any  tnjng  tnat  ^  jn  {jjmi  gut  ^ho  is  that  /,  of  whom 

he  faith  :  jet  nit  I.  This  /  is  he  which  hath  the  law,  and  is  bound  to 
doc  the  works  thereof  :  who  alfo  is  a  certains  pcrfon  icparate 
fromChrift.  This  pcrfon  PWrejeftetb.  For,  as  he  is  fcparatcd 
from  Chrift,  he  bclongcth  to  death  and  helL  Therefore  he  faith  : 
Nownot],  bHtChriniivc&innM.  He  in  my  forme,  my  furniture 
and  perfection,  adorning  and  beautifying  my  faith,  as  the  colour, 
the  clcare  light,  or  the  whitcnefic  do  garni fh  and  bcautific  the  walL 
Thus  arc  we  conftramcd  grofty  to  fct  forth  this  matter.  For  w.c 
cannot  {piritually  conceive ,  that  Ghrift  is  fo  nearely  foyncd  and 
united  unto  us,  as  the  colour  or  whitcneflc  are  unto  the  wall,  Chrift 
therefore  (faith  he)  thus  joyned  and  united  unto  me  and  abiding 
a»  me,  livcth  this  life  in  me  which  1  now  live  :  yea  Chrift  himiclf 


T0  tfa  G  A  *  A  T  H  I  A  N  $. 

is  ttiis  life  which  I  now  live.  Wherefore  Chrift  and  I  in  this  bchalfc 
arc  both  one. 

NoWjChrift  living  in  me  abolifheth  the  law,  condcmncth  fin,  and 
deftroyeth  death  :  for  it  cannot  be,  bur  at  his  prefence  all  thefc  muft  cf  cbrl(Vi' 

•  -i  r  '     f^i     -n  •  1    n  •  /» «      •  -i       Vln8 in  tnc 

needes  vaniln  away. tor  Chriit  is  Cvcrlalting  peace,coniolation,ngn-  fauhfuii. 
tcoufncfle  and  life  :  and  to  theic  theterrour  ohhelavv,  heavincsof 
mindjfinjicll  and  death,  muft  needs  give  place.  So  Chrift  living  and 
abiding  in  me,  takah  away  and  f \vailo  weth  up  all  evils  which  vexc 
and  afHicl  me.  This  union  or  conjunction  thcn,is  the  caufe  that  1  am 
delivered  from  the  terrour  of  the  law  and  fin,  and  feparate  from  my 
fdfe,  and  tranflatcd  unto  Chrift  and  his  kingdom,  which  is  a  king 
dom  of  grace,  righteoufncs,  peace,  joy,  life,  lalvation  and  cternall 
glory.  Whilft  I  thus  abide  and  dwell  in  him,  what  evill  is  there  thai 
can  hurt  me  ? 

In  the  mean  feafon  the  old  man  abidcth  without  and  is  fubjccl:  to 
the  law:but  as  concerning  juftification,  Chrift  and  I  muft  be  entirely 
conjoyncd  and  united  together,  Co  that  he  may  live  in  me  and  I  in 
him.  And  this  is  a  wonderfull  manner  offpeech.Now,becaufe  Chrift 
livcth  in  mc,thcrcfore  looke  what  grace,  righteoufnes,life,peace  and  nic«eth  un- 
falvation  is  in  me,it  is  his,  aiad  yetnotwithftanding  the  fame  is  mine  ^Jj/J^e 
alfo,  by  that  unfeparable  union  and  conjunction  which  is  through  an  i  cpimuai 
faith:by  the  which  Chrift  &  I  arc  made  as  it  were  one  body  in  fpirit.  bleffins'« 
for  as  much  then  as  Chritt  liveth  in  me,  it  followcth,  that  as  I  muft 
needs  be  with  him  partaker  of  gnce,righteoufne{fr,  life  and  eternall 
falvation  :  fo  the  law,fin  and  dcath,can  have  no  place  in  me  :  yea  the 
la  wiser  untied  and  fwallowed  up  of  the  law,  (in  of  (in,  and  death 
of  death.   Thus  Taut  gocth  about  to  draw  us  from  the  beholding  of 
our  fclvcs,  the  law  and  works,  and  to  plant  in  us  true-  faith  in  Chrift  : 
fo  that  in  the  matter  of  juflirkation  wefhould  think  upon  nothing 
clfe  feut  grace,feparating  the  fame  far  from  the  la  w  and  works,  which 
in  this  matter  ought  to  have  no  place. 

Ptttl  hath  his  peculiar  phrafe  or  kind  of  fpcech,  which  is  not 
after  the  manner  of  men,  but  divine  and  heavenly,  nor  uied  of  the  c'Jc'talid 
Evangclifts,orcf  the  reft  of  the  Apoftles,  favingonlycf^A*:  who  heavenly 
is  alfo  wont  fomctimes  fo  to  fpeakc.   And  if  /Whad  not  firft  ufcd         1 
thisphrafc,  and  fet  forth  the  fame  unto  us  in  plaine  words,  the  ve-» 
ry  Saints  themfclves  durft  not  rwveufcdit.    For  it  fecmeth  ave- 
ry  ftrangc  and  a  monftreus  manner  of  fpeaking  thus  to  fay  :  I  live, 

M  3  I 

Chap.  lit  -Vfw  th  EP  i  s  T  L  B 

I  live  not:  I  am  dead,I  am  not  dead :  I  am  a  firmer,!  am  not  a  (inner: 
I  have  the  la  w,I  have  not  the  law.  Which  phrafe  is  f \vccr  and  com 
fortable  to  all  thofe  that  beleevc  in  Chrift.    For  in  that  they  behold 
thcfaitiifuii  themfelvcs,  they  have  both  the  la  wand  fin:  but  in  that  they  loakc 
oufai'd  fin"  unto  Chrift,thcy  are  dead  tothc  law  and  have  no  fin.  1  f  therefore  in 
ne«-          the  matter  of  juftification  thou  feparatc  the  perfon  of  Chrift  from 
p  .    thy  perfon,  then  art  thou  in  the  law,  thouabidcft  in  the  Inv,  thou  li- 
Si. ap     veil  in  the  law  and  not  in  Chrift,  and  fo  thou  art  condemned  of  the 
hw,and  dead  before  God.  For  thou  haft  that  faith  whicW  s  the  So 
phifters  drcame)is  furnifhai  with  charity.  Thus!  fpcakcTor  ex  i  tri 
ples  fake.  For  there  was  never  any  one  found  that  was  fived  by  this 
faith.  And  therefore  what  things  focver  the  Popift)  Sophifters  have 
written  touching  this  faith,are  nothing elfe  but  vain  toyes  an.i  meere 
deceits  of  Satan.^But  let  us  grant  that  fuch  there  be  as  have  this  faith, 
yet  are  they  not  therefore  j  jftified.  For  they  have  but  an  hiftoricall 
faith  concerningChrift,  which  the  devill  alfo  &  all  the  wicked  have. 
f»it'.foknit.     ^ a*tn  tncr<2f°rc  muft  be  purely  tau  ;ht:  namely  that  thou  art  fo  cn- 
reih  M  and  tirely  and  nearely  joyned  unto  Cbrilr,  that  he  and  thou  art  made  as 
chrifl  togc-  jt  wcrc  one  pcrfon  :  fo  tbat  thou  mayeft  boldly  fay,  I  am  now  one 
become  one  with  Chrift,  that  is  to  fay,  Chriftsrighteoufnes,  victory  and  life  arc 
wuh  him.     mine.  And  againe,Chrift  may  fay,I  am  that  finner,that  is,his  fins  and 
his  death  are  mine,  bccaufe  he  is  united  and  joyned  unto  me,  and  I 
unto  him. For  by  faith  we  are  fo  joyned  together,thst.we  are  become 
one  fiefh  and  one  bone,  £ph.  5 .  we  are  the  members  of  the  body  of 
Chrift,flefh  of  his  flcfti,and  bone  of  his  bdncs:  So  that  this  faith' doth 
True  faith  is  couple  Chrift  and  me  more  neare  together,  thm  the  husband  i;  cou- 
»o:  idle.      pie<J  to  his  wife.   This  faith  therefore  is  not  an  idle  quality,  but  the 
excellency  thereof  is  fuch,  that  it  utterly  confoundeth  thef-  foolilh 
dreamcs  of  the  Sophifters  touching  their  formed  faith  and  counter 
feit  charity ,their  mcrits,works  and  worthincf.Thele  things  I  would 
gladly  fct  forth  more  fully,  if  by  any  meaaes  I  could. 

Hitherto  we  hate  declared  tthis  to  be  the  firft  argument  of  ?Ault 
that  cither  Chrift  mtift  needs  betheminifteroffin,  orelfc  the  law 
doth  not  juftific.  When  he  had  finiihcd  this  argument,  he  fet  forth 
himfclfe  tor  an  example,  faying,  that  he  was  dead  unto  that  old  law 
by  a  ccrtainc  new  law.  .Now  he  anfwercth  two  objections  which 
inight  have  bccnc  made  againft  him.  His  firft  anfwcr  is  againft  the 
(Cavillations  of  the  proud,  and  the  odncc  of  the  weake.  For  when 


T0  the  G  A  i*  A  T  H  i  A  N  s^  Fol,&4 

remiflion'of  fins  is  freely  preached, then  doe  the  malicious  by  and  by  what 
flander  this  preaching,  as  Ro9n.$.  Let  us  doc  evi!t  that  good  nt(tyco*r,c^^ 
theretfloT  thcfe  fcllowes,as  foon  as  they  hcarc  that  we  arc  not  jutH-  ^l  a"*0 
fad  by  the  law,'forth  with  doc  malicioufly  conclude  and  fay':  why,  a»nc. 
then  let  us  re  je<fl  the  law.    Againe,  if  grace  doc  there  abound  (  fay 
they)  wbcre  (in  doth  abound,let  us  then  abound  in  fin,  that  we  may 
become  righteous,  and  that  grace  may  the  more  abound.   Thsfe  are 
the  malicious  and  prcud  fpirits  which  fpitcfully  and  wittingly  (lan 
der  the  Scriptures  and  fayings  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  even  as  they  flan- 
dercd  PAX!  whiles  the  Apoitles  lived,  to  their  OWHC  confufion  and 
condemnation^  it  is  faid,  a  TVf.j. 

Moreover,  the  weakc  which  are  not  m»!icioui,  are  cffrnded  Howtj,e 
when  they  heare  that  the  law  and  good  works  are  not  to  be  done  as  weak  arc  to 
necefUry  to  juftification.  Thefe  mutt  be  holpcn,and  matt  be  inftrti-  bo  inaruacd 
fted  how  good  works  doe  not  juftific:  how  they  ought  to  be  done,  Good  works 
how  not  to  be  done.  Thefc  ought  to  be  done,not  as  the  caufe,  but  as  ^rj,0  b.uC 
tbc  fruits  of  righteoufnes  :  and  when  we  arcmaderightcpus,  we  the  fruits  of 
ought  to  doc  them  :  but  not  contrari  wife,  to  the  end  that  when  we  rshtcoufnci 
are  unrighteous,  we  may  be  made  righteous.   The  tree  maketh  the 
apple,  but  not  the  apple  the  tree. 

He  faid  before:  lamdet^&c,  here  the  prefumptmus  and  ma 
licious  might  foon  take  occafion  te  cavill  after  this  manner.  What 
faycft  thou  Taut  ?  artthou  dead?  how  thcndoeft  thou  fpcake?  how  Malicious 
doeft  thou  write  ?  The  weakc  aifo  might  foon  be  ofF:nded,  and  fay  cavlUctI'' 
unto  him:  what  art  thou  Taxi?  Doe  we  not  fee  tb<>t  thou  art  living, 
and  doft  fuch  things  at  pcrtainc  to  this  life  ?  To  this  ne  anfwereth : 
I  live  indeed,  and  yet  now  not  I,  but  Chrift  liveth  in  me.   There 
is  then  a  double  life.   The  firft  is  mine,  which  is  naturall :  the  fc-  Life  taTcen  ' 
cond  is  the  life  of  another,  that  is  to  lay,  the  life  ofChriiHn  me.  lc"^ameasnnct 
As  touching  my  nuturall  life  I  am  dead,  and  now  I  live  another  ° 
life,  I  live  not  now  as  7W,  but  Paul  i?  dead.   Who  is  it  then  ihat 
liveth?  TheChriftian.    ?>*#/  therefore  as  he  liveth  in  himfvlfe,  is 
wholly  dead  through  the  law  :  but  as  he  liveth  in  Chrift,  or  rather 
asCbrift  liveth  in  him,  hclivcth  by  another  life  :  for  Chrift  iaea- 
kcthinhim,  liveth  in  him,  and  cxcrcifeth  all  the  operations  oiflife 
in  him.This  comcth  not  now  of  the  life  of  P^/jbut  of  the  lif.:  of  the 
Chriftian  and  regenerate  pcrfon.    Therefore  thou  malicious  {pi 
nt,  where  1  fay  that  I  am  dead,  now  Gander  my  words  no  more. 

M  4  And 

Chap.  II.  Vfo»  f&E?  I  S.TI  a 

And  tbou  that  art  wcake,  be  not  off:nded,  but  diftinguifh  and  divide- 
uii  tnjs  matter  rightly.For(as  I  {aid)thc;re  arc  two  lives:  to  wit,oiy  na- 
!Srno°wnc  turall  life,and  the  Life  of  another.  By  mine  own  Life  I  live  nor.for  if  I 
i,fe.bmthe  did,  the  law  would  have  dominion  over  me,  and  hold  me  in  captivi- 
JSriSf       ty.  To  the  end  therefore  that  it  Chould  not  hold  me  in  captivity  and 
bondage,  I  am  dead  to  it  by  another  law  :  and  this  death  purchafcth 
unto  me  the  life  of  an  other,cven  the  life  of  Chrift  :  which  life  is  not 
mine  by  natui  e,but  is  given  unto  UK  by  Chrift  through  faith. 

Secondly,  this  objcdion  might  have  been  made  againft  P<W:What 
fayeft  thou  *7W:  Docft  thou  not  live  by  thine  own  life,  or  in  thine 
own  flefh,  but  in  Chrift?  we  fee  thy  fl«fb,  but  we  fee  not  Chrift. 
Wouldeft  thou  then  delude  us  by  thine  inchantments  that  we  fhould 
not  fee  thcc  prefcnt  in  flcfa,  living  as  thou  didft  before,  and  doing  all 
things  in  this  corporall  life  as  others  doe?  He  anfwcrcth  : 

Verpt  20.    ex/»d  in  that  I  now  live  in  the  fefk,  I  live  by  faith  in  tfa 
Sonne  of  God. 

As  if  he  fhould  fay  :  True  it  is  that  I  live  in  the  flefli,  but  this  life 
\vhatfocver  it  is,  1  ctlcemc  as  no  life:  for  in  yery  deede  it  is  no 
true  life,  but  afhadowoflife,  under  the  which  an  other  liveth,  that 
is  to  fay,  Chrift  who  is  my  true  lite  indcede  :  which  life  thou  fceft 
nor,  but  only  heareft,  and  I  feele.  Thou  heareft  the  \*indct  hut 
"kxeivfft  not  Vthencc  it  comnteti)  or  Vehithcr  itgeetli,  Joh.  3.  Evenfo 
thou  leeft  me  (peaking,  eating,  labouring,  flceping  and  doing  o- 
^r  things,  and  yet  thou  fe°ft  not  my  lite.  For  this  time  of  life 
which  1  nowlivc,  I  live  indeedemtheiieili,  but  got  threughthc 
flcfh  w  according  to  the  fleui,  but  through  faith  an  J  according  to 
*c  flcdi?  faith.  Paul  then  dcnieth  not  that  he  liveth  in  the  ficfh,  becaufe 
he  doth  all  things  that  belong  to  a  natural]  rmn.He  ufeth  alfo  carnall 
things,  asmcate,  drinke,  appar  ell  and  fuch  like,  which  is  to  live  in 
thcflefli  :  but  he  faith  that  this  is  not  this  life  :  And  although  h^  j 
feth  thcf-;  things,yet  h«  liveth  not  through  them,as  the  world  liveth 
through  the  ficfa  and  after  the  flefh  :  for  it  neither  knoweth  nor  ho- 
pcth  for  any  life  befides  this. 

TO  lite  m       Therefore  (faith  he)  this  life  which  I  now  live  in  the  flcfti,  what- 

thcfaithof  foever  it  is,  I  live  in  thefaith  of  the  SonneofGod     ler  this  word 

CoA°n  ^  vvhich  I  now  corporally  fpcake,  is  the  word,  not  of  ficfa,  but  of  the 

holy  Ghoftj  and  of  Chrift.   This  fight  which  gotth  in,  or  coineth 


To  the  G  A  L  A  -r  H  I  A  N  s.  Fol  8  J 

out  at  mine  eyes,proceedcth  not  of  flcfli,that  is  to  fayjit  is  not  gover 
ned  of 'he  flc!~h,but  of  the  hcly  Ghoft.  So  my  hearing  ccmetlinot  of 
th  flesh,  although  it  be  in  the  flefh,  but  of  the  holy  Ghoft.  A  Chri- 
ftian  fyeaketh  '.one  other  but  chaft,  fober  and  holy  things,  which 
pjrr  ameuntoCbrittjto  the  glory  of  God,and  the  profit  of  his  neigh 
bour.  1  hefe  things  come  not  of  the  flefh,neither  are  done  according 
to  the  fle(h,and  yet  are  they  in  the  flefh.  For  I  cannot  teach,write, 
pray  or  give  thanks,biit  with  thefe  mltrumcts  of  the  flefh,  which  are 
neccflary  to  the  accomplifhing  of  thefe  \vorks:and  yet  notwithftan- 
ding  thcfa  works  proceedc  not  of  the  flefh,  but  are  given  by  God 
from  above.  In  like  manner  I  behold  a  woman,but  with  a  chafte  eye, 
not  lufting  after  her.   This  beholding  commeth  not  of  the  fle(h ,  al 
though  it  be  in  the  fiefh,  becauie  the  eyes  arc  the  carnall  instruments 
of  this  fight:btit  thechaftenes  of  this  fight  cometh  not  from  heaven. 
Thus  aChriftian  ufeth  the  world  and  all  creatures,  fo  that  there 
is  no  difference  between  him  and  the  infidcll.  For  in  their  apparrellj 
in  their  feeding,  hearing,  feeing,  i peaking,  gcitures,  countenances 
and  fuch  other  things  they  are  like,  and  in  outward  appearance  they 
fcemeto  be  all  one  (asT^/lpeaketh  of  Chrift  :  In  outward tppcA- 
rance  he  ^Mfo^nd^  faith  he,  M  aman:)  yet  notwithftanding  there 
is  great  d  ffcrencc.  F©r  1  live  in  the  fle(h  ( I  granr,)  but  I  live  not  The  <Jiffc- 
of  my  fclfe :  but  in  that  I  now  live,  I  five  in  the  faith  of  the  Sonnc  cf  "vncccencbth« 
God.   This  which  I  now  fpcake,  fpringeth  out  of  another  fountainc  fauhfuii  and 
then  that  which  thou  heardcft  of  me  before.  T^/before  his  conver-  untaukfu114 
fion  fpake  with  the  fame  voice  and  tongue  wherewith  he  fpake 
afterwards  :  but  his  voice  and  his  tongue  were  then  blafphcmous, 
and  therforc  he  could  fpeake  nothing  elfc  but  blafphemies  and  abo 
minations  againft  Chrift  and  his  Church.    After  he  was  converted, 
he  had  the  fame  flefh,  the  fame-voice  and  tongue  which  hehadbe- 
fore,and  nothing  was  changed;but  his  voice  and  his  tongue  then  ut 
tered  no  blafphcmies,  but  fpiritu^ll  and  heavenly  words :  to  wit, 
thankfgiving  and  the  praife  of  God:  which  came  cf  faith  and  the  holy 
Ghoft.So  then  I  live  in  the  flefh,but  not  of  the  flvfh,or  af:er  the  fldh, 
but  in  the  faith  of  the  Son  of  God. 

Hereby  we  maypbindy  fee  whence  this  fpirituaJl  life  cometh: 
which  the  naturall  rmncan  in  nowiftp^rc^ive,  for  be  knoweth 
not  what  manner  of  life  this  is  He  f'ezrcth  the  wiiid,  but  whence  it 
cometh  or  w  hither  it  goeth,  he  knoweth  not.  He  hearcth  the  voice 


-*   Chap.  II.  fpon  the  E  P  x  $  T  L  ft 

of  the  fpirituall  mm,  he  knovveth  his  face,  his  manners  and  his  gc« 
ftures :  but  he  feeth  nat  whence  thofc  words,  which  ire  not  now 
wicked  and  blafphemou?  as  before,  but  holy  and  godly,  or  whence 
thofc  motions  and  aftions  doe  come.  For  this  life  is  in  the  heart  by 
frith,  where  the  fldTi  is  killed,andChr&reign«h  with  his  holy  Spi 
rit,  who  now  fccth,  hc*retb,  fpeakech,  workcth,  fuffcrech  and  doth 
all  other  things  in  him}although  the  f  !clh  doe  rcfiit.To  conclude.this 
is  not  the  life  of  the  ilefli,  although  it  be  in  the  fleili :  but  of  Chrift 
the  Son  of  God,  whom  the  Chrifti-an  p  )y  faith. 

Fcrfe  20.    Who  laved  nte  und^ivc  himfdfi  fir  me. 

rtUof  -    Hcre  have  >^  thc  ^ruc  manner'of  juftiKwtlon  fct  before  your  eyes 
don.  and  a  perfect  example  'of  the  ^fljrancc  of  faith.    He  th  it  can  with  a 
firmc  and  a  conftsnt  faith  %  thefs  words  with  Paul :  Hive  by  faith 
intheSonofCfod,  who  loved  mi,  anJffwe  hinnf tiff  fir  me,  is  happy  in 
deed.    And  with  thefc  words  Taxi  takcth  away  the  whole  righte- 
oaihede  of  the  law  and  works,  as  afrcr  ward5;  we  will  declare.    We 
muft  therefore  diligently  weigh  and  confider  thde  words':  The 
Sonne  of  God  loved  tn?t  And^ave  himfetfe  ftr  me.    It  was  net  I  then 
that  firit  loved  the  Son  of  God,  and  delivered  my  fclfe  for  hicn  ;  as 
the  Soph  utcrs  dreams,  that  they  love  the  Sonne  ofGoJ,  and  deli 
ver  themselves  for  him.   For  they  tcsch  that  a  mm,  exfuru  n*tt*ra. 
II'M,  that  is,  of  his  own  pure  nat  .;rall  ttrength,  is  able  to  doe  meri 
torious  works  before  grace,  and  love  God  and  Chrift  above  all 
r  lllir'^-  Thc(c  fcUawa  prevent  the  love  of  God  and  Chrifhfor  they 

oofprtiwo  viocthat  isinthetriffiy  they:)thatis,^h?y  do  noto.ily  fulfill  the  com- 
pwcprs  -nd  man  Jeinentsabat  alfo  they  obfcrvetht  *counfels,they  doe  the  works 
T^tiViic  of  *fuperci oration,  and  fell  tfccir  fuperfiaous  merits  to  hy-men, 

Crf b TnJ  an^  ^  f85  t1f'cy;  rircame)  rh^y  §ivc  themfelves for  Chri'lt,  and  therc- 
SJ the", b«P¥^v? b0^  ./icir.fclves  and  others,  turning  the  worJs  of  P*%1: 
no:  to  the  Vrhicb  loved  ms,  &c.  cleans  contrary,  and  faying  :  we  have  loved 
»°w«£  of  ^hrift  and  given  oaf  L  he,  for  him.  Thus,  whiles  the  wicked,  be- 
fopeieiog*.  in*  puffed  up  with  rhewifcdomi  of  thcfieQi,  imagine  that  they 
SSi  Jfewhatin  them  lieth,  they  love  God,  they  deliver  thcmielves  for 
chore  which  Chrift  :  \vi.  ;ey  elfe but aboliih  the Gofpell,  deride,deny  and 

!hcir  tfnc  •y^cmeChriit,  yea  fpit  upon  him  andtreadehim  under  footc? 
dc,o',,-.n,  They  confdfe  n  words  that  he  is  a  juftifier  and  a  Saviour  :  in  vc- 
SodC4u"  ry  ,dcc:lc  ^eytakc  from  him  the  power  both  to  joftific  md  favc, 
r«h.  and  give  the  fame  to  their  own  will- works,  their  ceremonies  and 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  Fol  S  5 

dctotiorr.  ThCi  is  to  live  in  their  own  rightecufnes  and  works,  and 
not  in  the  faith  ( f  the  Son  of  God. 

Wheiefore  this  is  rot  the  true  way  to  sttoine  juftifcation,  to  doe 
that  which  in  theelie'h  :  as  the  FopifhSophiftcrsandScbcoleDo-  To  <fowi> 
dors  dec  teach,  which  arrirme  that  if  a  man  doe  what  in  him  licth   in  u* lieihf 
God  will  undoubtedly  give  unto  him  his  grace, But  thisfeying  may 
not  bcftraightly  urgrdjay  they.    I  cr  if  we  doe  thofe  works  which 
may  bcapprovcd  by  the  judgt  ment  of  any  good  man,  it  is  enough  : 
for  then  grace  fhalHurcly  f  -llcWjbecaufe  God,in  that  he  is  qood  and 
jjfr,  mult  needs  give  grace  as  a  recompence  forfuch  good  works. 
And  hereof  eomrneth  this  Verfr. 

Vttrt'pofit  viri  non  vultDeus  ulU  rcquiri.  That  is. 

Ojd  ni.i  no  more  require  ot  manjtiKn  ot.l;in>ulfe  p«rforroehecan. 

Tndccdc'this  is  a  good  faying  if  it  he  ufed  rightly,and  in  pla^c  con 
venient  :  that  is,  in  the  government  of  common-  weales  or  families. 
'As  if  I  being  in  the  kingdom  of  reafon,  doe  execute  the  office  of  a 
Magiftrate,  or  govern  a  family,  doing  that  in  me  liethj  am  excufed. 
This  kingdom  hath  his  bounds  and  limits :  to  the  which  alfo  thcfe 
Tayings  doepcrtaine :  To  doe  Vehtt  in  w  licth:  To  doe  M  much  as  we  arc  •iM,m£ 
able.  But  the  Papifts  apply  thefe  fayings  fb  the  fpirituall  kingdome  tcrs  J|fp-oll 
wherein  a  man  can  do  nothing  elfc  but  fin:  for  he  is  *  pldttn£rfnnf:  govan^ 
But  in  extcrnall  things (fuch  I  mcane  as  pertain  to  civil  and  houfhold  ljhlh  j. 
govcinmcnt)be  is  not  a  fsrvant,buta  Lord  and  ruler.  Wherefore  they  *«I*7.i4 
have  done  wickedly  in  applying  thefe  fentences  to  the  Church, 
which  properly  pertaineto  the  government  of  common- weales  and' 
families.For  the  kingdom  of  mans  reafon  and  the  fpirituall  kingdom 
mud  be  fcparate  for  afiinder.  v 

Moreover,  they  fay  that  nature  is  corrupt,  but  the  qnditiescf 
nature  notwithftandijig  are  found  and  uncorrupt,  which  alfo  th-y 
attribute  even  unto  devils.    Upon  this  ground  they  reafon  after 
this  manner:  If  the  naturall  qualities  of  mnn  be  found  and  uncor-  7Il 
rupt,thcn  is  his  undemanding  and  his  will  found  and  uncorrupr,and  r^tiSf1 
fo  cenfequently  all  ather  qualities  of  nature  arc  pure  and  pcrfedin  nati:lc  is 
him.  To  know  thcfc  things  it  is  necefTary  for  you,  that  yc  may  hold  £££$5 
the  finccrity  of  rhc  dwclrine  of  faith.    W  here  they  fay  then  that  the  *'  pow"s 
natural!  qualities  of  man  arc  found  and  uncorrupt,  and  thereof  doe  !£.£?!" 
infer,  that  amanisable  of  himfdfcto  fulfill  the  Jaw,  and  to  love  iraineloun<1 
God  with  all-tiis  heart,  applying  thcfe  qualities  to  the  fnirituall  .^1 "' 


Chap.  II.  fyw  *£;  E  p  r  s  T  L  • 

kingdome,  I  deny  the  confcquence.    And  here  I  rmke  a  diftin&ion 
bet  ween  the  natural  and  the  fpirituallqualitics(wbich  they  confound 
and  mingle  together)  and  I  fay  that  the  ipirituall  qualities  arcnot 
f.und,but  corrupt,yea  utterly  quenched  through  fin  both  in  man  and 
divelljfo  that  there  is  in  them  nothing  elfe  but  corrupt  underftanding, 
and  a  will  continually  ihiving  agamltthc  will  of  God,  which  can 
think  nothing  elfe  but  that  which  is  altogether  againft  God.    Not- 
withftanding,*!  grant  that  the  naturall  qualities  are  uncorrupt.  But 
what  qualities  arc  they?  That  a  man  b'eing'drowned  in  fin  and  iniqui- 
ty,andabondlhvc  of'Saran,  hath  will,  rcafon  and  power  not  with- 
(landing, to  execute  the  office  of  a  Magiftrate,  to  govern  a  Family,to 
guide  a  (hip,to  build  a  houfc,  &  to  do  fuch  other  things  as  are  fub/ecT: 
unto  man  :  for  thefe  things  are  not  taken  from  him.  We  do  not  then 
deny  but  that  thefe  fentences  are  true  in  the  corporall  kingdom*; but 
ifyc  wreft  them  to  the  fpirituall  kingdom,  i  utterly  deny  them  (for 
there  ( as  I  fa  id  )  we  are  cleans  overwhelmed  and  drowned  in  fin. 
Whatsoever  is  in  our  will  is  cvilhwhatibevcr  is  in  our  understanding 
is  errour.  Wherfore  in  fpiritu-ill  matters  man  hath  nothing  but  dark- 
nes,errours,ignorance,tn3lice  &  perverfnes  bo*  h  of  will  &  undcrftan,- 
ding.Kow  then  (hall  Jv:  wi>rk  \vclt,hil-"ll  the:  law,and  love  God  ? 
L      WhqfdGopc  7»<i«/  laith  heir,  that  Chrift  firft  be^an  and  not  we, 
we  not  him.  H^fiwJr  (hhh  Pa»()  loved  meyandc?#vc.himfelfi  fir  me.    As  if  he 
faid :  He  found  in  me  no  good  will  or  r  ght  undcrltanding  :  but  this 
good  Lord  had  mercy  upon  me.    He  faw  rne  to  be  nothing  clfe  but 
wickedj  going  all  ray,  contemning  Ciod,  and  flying  from  him  more 
and  more :  yen  rebelling  againft  God,  taken,  led  and  carryed  away 
captive  of  the  divell.Thus  cf  his  mecre  mercy  preventing  joy  rcafon, 
my  will  and  my  under  (landing,  he  loved  me,  and  fo  loved  me,  that 
he  gave  himleirc  for  me,  to  the  end  that  I  might  be  treed  from  the 
law,fin  the  divcll  and  death. 

'\  i  •  'bcfe  words  :  The  Sonnc  of  Goci  loved  me.  And  gave 
kimfelfe  fir  mey  are  mighty  thundnngs  and  lightnings  from  hea 
ven  a^aiiht  the  righteoufiics  ot  the  law  and  all  the  workcs  thereof. 
So  great  undfo  horrible  wickedncfle,  errour,  darkmefle  and  igno 
rance  was  in  rny  will  and  uncTerftanding,  that  i:  was  impollible  for 
-  me  to  be  ranfomcd  by  any  other  meanes  then  by  fuch  an  incftima- 
^  price.  Why  /ioc  we  then  vaunt  of  the  integrity  and  foundncffc 
ot  nature,  of  die  rule  of  rcafon,  of  free  will,  and  of  doing  what  in  us 


T*tkt  GA  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  Fol.87 

lieth  ?  Why  do  I  offer,  to  pacific  the  wrath  of  Cod  (  who  as  Alofes  moa 
£mh,  is  a  confuming  fire  ;  this  my  rotten  ftubble  and  Itraw,  yea  bor-  «™ 
nblc  lint\e*j  and  claime  of  him  to  reward  me  with  grace  and  cverla-  im^o 
fling  life  for  tbem:i!nce  here  I  learn  (uch  wickedncs  to  lie  lurking  in  t!lc 
my  nature,that  the  whole  world  and  all  creatures  therin  were  not  a-  ° 
bie  lo  countervail  the  indignation  of  God,  but  that  the  very  Son  of 
Cod  hirafelfnauft  needs  be  delivered  for  the  £une  ? 

But  let  us  conlidcr  welUhis  price,  and  let  us  behold  this  Captive 
delivered  (  as'PWfaithj  forntc,  the  Sonne  ofGod  I  meant,  and  Th« 
\vefliallfcc  him,  without  all  companion  to  exceed  and  cxccll  all 
creatures.  What  wilt  thou  do,  when  thou  heareft  the  Apoftle  fay, 
that  fuch  JH  incftimaole  price  was  given  for  rhce  ?  Wilt  thou  bring 
thy  cowle,  thy  fhavcn  crown,  thy  chafhty,  thy  obedience,  thy  po- 
tcrty,  thy  u  orks,thy  merits  ?  What  fhall  all  thefc  do?Yea  what  fliall 
the  law  of  Al&fes  availe  ?  What  Hiall  the  works  of  all  men,  and 
all  the  fufferings  of  the  Martyrs  profit  thre  ?  What  is  the  obedience 
of  all  the  holy  Angels  in  comparifon  of  the  Sou  of  God  de!ivcred,and 
that  moB  fnamefully,even  to  the  death  of  the  crofl>,lo  t^at  tfiere  was 
no  drop  of  his  moft  precious  blood,  bar  it  was  ihcd,  and  that  for  thy 
fins  ?  I  f  thou  couldeft  rightly  confider  this  incomparable  price,  thou 
(houldcft  hold  as  accurfed  all  theie  ceremonies,  vowes,  works  and 
merits  before  grace  and  after,  and  throw  them  downc  all  to  hcli.Foc 
it  is  an  horrible  blafphemy  to  imagine  that  there  is  any  work  wher- 
by  thou  (houldeft  prcfume  to  pacific  God,  lince  thou  fccft  that  there 
is  nothing  which  is  able  to  pacific  him,  but  this  inert  unable  ^ftce,  e- 
ien  the  death  and  bloud  ofthc  Son  of  God,  one  drop  wherof  i$  more 
precious  then  the  whole  world. 

Q.     For  me+ 

Who  isthisc/Wtf  ?  Even  I  wretched  and  damnable  finner,  fo 
dearcly  beloved  of  the  Sonnc  of  God,  that  he  gave  hiinfclfe  for  *JWe. 
If  I  then  through  works  or  merits  could  have  loved  the  Sonnc  of  Th 
God,  and  fo  come  unto  him,  what  needed  he  to  deliver  him-  la 
fclfc  for  me  ?  Hereby  it  appcarcth  how  coldly  the  Papifts  hand- 
led,  yea  how  they  utterly  ncgkded  the  holy   Scriptures  ,  and 
the  Doctrine  of  Faith.    For  if  they  bad  confidcrcd  but  oncly 

Pthcfc  words,  that  it  behoved  the  Sonnc  of  God  to  be  given  for 
JDC,  it  had  becQC  impoffiblc  that  io  many  inonftrous  Scfts 

Chnp.  II.  -V$on  the  E  P  i  «  T  L  ft 

havefprunbf  up  amongft  them.  For  faith  would  by  and  bj  have  an- 
fwered :  why  d  oft  thou  choofe  this  kind  of  life,  this  Religion,  this 
'wiii.  workc.  Dolt  thou  this  to  plcafc  God,  or  to  be  juftitied  therby  ?  Do- 
eft  then  not  hcare,6 thou  \vretch,that  the  Spaof  God  fried  tiis  bloui 
for  thou?  Thus  true  faith  in  Chriit  would  eafily  have  with-ftood  all 

Wherefore  I  fay  fas  I  have  oftentimes  (aid)  that  there  is  no  reme 
dy  againft  SeAs,  or  power  to  refill  them,  but  this  only  Article  of 
Chriliian  Rightcouineffe.  If  we  lofe  this  Articlc,it  is  irnpofliDlc  for 
us  to  withftand  any  errours  or  feds:  As  we  may  fee  at  this  day  in  ths 
fantafticall  fpirits  the  Anabaptifts  and  fuch  like .-  who  being  fallen  a- 
way  from  this  Article  of  J  uLtiiication,will  never  ccafs  to  fall,crr,and 
feducc  others,  untill  they  come  to  the  fullnes  of  all  iniquity.Thereis 
nodoubtjbat  they  willraife  up  innumerable  fecls,and  ft  ill  dcvifc  new 
works.  But  what  arc  all  theJTe  things  ("though  they  have  never  fo 
ajcftr  goodly  a  (hew  of  holines)ifye  compare  them  to  the  death  and  bloud 
son  of  God*  °fthe  Son  of  God,  who  gave  himfelft  for  me  fConfider  well,  I  pray 
you,  who  this  Sonne  of  God  is,  how  glorious  he  is,  how  mighty  he 
is. What  is  beavcn  and  earth  incomparifon  of  him?  Let  all  the  Papifts 
and  all  the  Authours  of  Secls,yea  though  the  whole  world  take  their 
part,bc  throwne  downc  into  hell,  with  all  their  righteoufncs, works 
and  merits,  rather  then  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell  fhould  be  blemish 
ed,  and  the  glory  of  Chriii  pcrifh.  What  rncanc  they  then,  to 
brag  fo  much  of  workes  and  merits  ?  If  J  being  a  wretch  and  a  dam 
ned  finner  could  be  redeemed  by  any  other  price,  what  needed  the 
Sonne  of  God  to  be  given  for  me  ?  But  becaufe  there  was  no  other 
price  either  in  heaven  or  in  Earth,  but  Chriftthe  Sonne  of  God, 
therefore  it  was  moft  ncccfTary  that  hejfaould  be  delivered  for  mcl 
Moreover,  this  he  did  of  incftimable  love :  For  P<iul  faith,  wkid»  lo- 

Wherefore  thefc  words  :  which  loved  me,  arc  full  of  Faith. 
And  he  that  can  utter  this  word  Cfrfc,  and  apply  it  unto  himfclf 
with  a  true  and  a  conftant  faith,  as  'PWdid,  f~hall  be  a  good  difpu- 
tcrwith  Taul  agamft  the  law.  For  he  delivered  neither  Sheep, 
Oxe,  Gold  nor  Silver,  but  even  God  himfelfe  entirely  and  wholly 
for  met  even  for  Me  (I  fay)  a  miferablc  and  a  wretched  (inner. 
Now  therefore,  in  that  the.  Sonne  of  God  was  thus  delivered  to 
death  for  me,I  take  comfort  and  apply  this  benefit  unto  my  fclf.  And 


To  the  G  A  L  AT  H  i  A  N  s.  FoI.SS 

this  manner  of  apply  ing  ii  the  very  true  force  a«dpo  wer  of  Faith.      !! he  true 

TliCk  words'  (  which  are  the  pure  preaching  of  grace  and  Chri-  &££  ° 
ftian  nghteoufnelle  i;uieed  )  /Vw/fettcth  agaipli  the  rightcoufnes  of 
the  law.  As  if  he  fjid  :  Be  it  fo  that  the  hiw  is  an  heavenly  doctrine,  JJJJ  |f^( 
and  hath,  alfo  his  glory  :  yet  notwithftandmg  it  loved  not  me,  nor  ners, 
gave  it  f.lfe  forme :  yoa  it  accuicth  mc.tcrrifieth  mc}  and  diivcth  me  «uf«l'lb«m- 
to  dcfparation.    B'.it  1  have  now  another  which  hath  delivered  me 
from  the  terroursof  the  Iaw5fin  and  death, and  hath  brought  me  into 
liberty, the  righteoufncflcot  God,2nd  eternal!  life  i  who  is  called  the 
Son  of  v  'cd:  o  whom  be  praife  and  glory  for  ever. 

Faith  thcrcfore(as  1  havefaid)  embraccth  and  wrappeth  in  it  fclfe 
Chrift  Jefus  theSonne  of  God,  delivered  to  death  forus,  asT*«/ 
here  teacheth>  who  being  apprehended  by  faith,  gi vcth  unto  us  righ- 
teoufncfc  and  life.  And  here  he  fctteth  out  moft  lively  the  Frieft- 
hood  and  offices  of  Chrift :  which  arc,  to  pacific  God,  to  make  in-  tVc  officfl^ 
tcrceiTion  for  iuiners,  to  offer  up  himfelfe  a  facrifice  for  their  fins,  cfctaia, 
to  redeems,  toinftru<fr,  and  to  comfort  them.  Let  us  learnc  there 
fore  to  give  a  tru:  definition  of  Chrift,  not  as  the  Schoole  Divines 
doc,  and  fuch  as  feekcYighteoufnefle  by  their  own  works,  which 
make  him  a  new  law-giver,who  abolifaing  the  old  law,hath  eftabli- 
fned  a  new.  To  thefe  Chrift  is  nothing  elie  but  an  exaclor  and  a  ty 
rant.  But  let  us  define  him  as  Paul  here  doth:  namely  that  he  is  the 
Sonnc  ot  God,  who  not  for  our  deiert  or  any  rightcoufncfle  of  ours, 
but  of  his  own  free  mercy  ofrL-red  up  himfclf  a  facrifice  for  us  finncrs» 
that  he  might  fanclifie  us  for  ever. 

Chrift  then  is  no  Mofes,  no  exador,  no  giver  of  laws,,  but  a  gi-  A  true  «Jc- 
yer  of  grace,  a  Saviour,  and  one  that  is  full  of  mercy  i  briefly  :  Cnit1 
he  is  nothing  elf-  but  infinite  mercy  and  goodneff:,  freely    gi- 
ten  and  bountifully  giving  unto  us.    And  thus  fhall  you  paint  out 
Chrift  in  his  right  colours.    If  you  futfcr  him  any  otherwifc  to  be 
p.n.ited  out  unto  yo'i,  when  tcntation  and  trouble  cometh,  you 
fliall  foone  be  ovcrthrownc.    Now,  as  it  tis  the  greateft  knowledge 
and  cunning  that  Chriftians  can  have,,   thus  to  define  Chrift  i  Cl 
fo  of  all  things  it  is  the  hardcft.     For  I  my  felfe  even  in  this  c 
great  light  of  the  Gofpell,    wherein  I  have  beene  fo  long  exer-  \l 
cifcd,  have  much  a  dee  to  hold  this  definition  of  Chrift  which  c 
Paul  here  givcth  :   So  decpely  hath  this  dcclrinc  and  peftilent  y 
cpmion^  that  Chrift  isa  la  w-giver,  cntred  even  as  it  were  oyle  intq 


Chap.  II.  V$an  th  E  r  i  s  T  L  B 

my  boncs,Ye  young  m-n  therefore  are  in  this  cafs  much  more  happy 
then  we  that  are  old.  For  ys  arc  not  infe&ed  with  thefe  pernicious 
crrours,  wherein  I  havebev-nefonuned  andfb  drowned  even  from 
my  youth,  thatarthe  very  hearing  of  theNamsof  Chrift  my  heart 
hath  trembled  and  quaked  for  fcare :  for  I  was  pcrfwaded  that  he 
was  a  (evere  judge-  Wherefore  it  is  to  me  a  double  travail?,  and 
trouble  to  correct  and  reforms  this  evil! :  Hrft  to  forget,  to  con- 
demne,  and  to  refift  this  old  grounded  crrour,  that  Chrift  is  a  hw- 
giycr  a^  a  Judge :  for  it  alwaycs  returneth  and  plucksth  me  back  : 
ot  Then  to  plant  in  my  heart  a  new  and  true  perfwafion  of  Chnft,  that 
rcic'  .he  is  a  juftifier  and  a  Saviour.  Ycc  (I  fiy)  that  arc  young .  ;nay  learnc 
with  much  leffb  difficulty,  to  know  Chrift  purely  an-i  fiiicerely,  if 
ycwill.  Wherefore  if  any  man  fee!ehimf:tfe  oppreff:d  withhca- 
Tincfleand  anguilli  of  heart,  he  muft  not  impute  it  unto  Chrift,  al 
though  it  come  under  the  name  of  Chrift,  butantothedevili,  who 
-oftentimes  cometh  under  the  colour  of  Chrift,  and  tram  for  mcth 
himfclfc  into  an  Angell  of  light. 

Let  us  Icarne  therefore  to  put  a  difference  bet  ween  Chrift  and  a 
law-giver,  not  onely  in  word  but  alfo  in  deed  and  praftife,  that 
when  the  devil!  {"hall  come  under  the  fhadow  of  Chrift^and  lhall  goc 
about  to  trouble  us  under  his  name,  we  may  know  him,  not  to  be 
Chrift,but  a  v  ry  fiead  in  deed.  For  Chrift  wh*n  he  cometh,  is  no 
thing  elfe  bat  joy  andlweetnefTc  to  a  trembling  and  broken  heart, 
as  here  /^/witnetfcth,  whofetteth  hJmo'7t  V-N  »Mjna  >  r  fvcct 
and  comfortable  title,  wlicn  he  faith  :  Which lovea  me,  *nd  *avc  him-* 
felk  fir  me.  Chrift  therefore  in  very  dsci  is  a  1  >ver  of  thof:  which 
arc  'in  tr«blcand  anguifh,  in  (in  and  death,  and  fuch  a  lover  as  gave 
himicHcforus:  who  is  alfo  our  high  Prieft,  th:fistofiy,  a  Media* 
tour  ^Ctwecn  ^°^  an^  IT$  mi  Arable  and  >.•.  retched  (vj.iers.  W.iat 
could  be  (aid  (I  pray  you)  more  f.veec  and  comfortable  to  the 
poore  affliftcd  conscience  ?  No\v,if  theie  things  be  true  (as  they  arc 
in  deed  mod  true,  or  elfe  the  Gofpell  muft  be  n)thingbutafable,) 
then  are  we  not  juftifiedby  thcrightcoufncsofthclaw  :  but  much 
leff:  by  our  own  righteoufneflfe. 

Rcadc  therefore  with  great  vehcmencic  thefc  words,  Metm£fir 
•Mc,  and  fo  inwardly  prafWe  with  thy  frlfe,  that thou,  with  a  lure 
faith  maift  conceive  and  print  this  Me  in  thy  heart,  and  apply  it 
unto  thy  fclfc,  not  doubting  but  thou  art  in  the  number  of  thofc  to 


Tt  tfa   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8. 

whom  this  Me  belongeth  :  alfo  that  Chrift:  hath  not  only  loved  Pete* 
anAPatd,  and  given  himfelfcfor  them,  but  that  the  fame  grace  atfo 
which  is  comprehended  in  this  cflf<?,  as  well  pcrtaineth  &  com  meth 
unto  us,as  unto  them.  For  as  wee  cannot  deny  we  are  all  firi- 
ners,and  *re  contained  to  fay  that  through  the  fin  of  Adam  we  were 
all  loft,  were  made  the  enemies  of  God,fubjeft  to  the  wrath  &  judge 
ment  of  God,  and  guilty  of  cternall  death,  (for  this  do  all  terrified 
hearts  fcele  and  confcffc,  &  more  indeed  then  they  fhould  do:)  lo  can 
we  not  deny  but  that  Chritl  died  for  our  (ins,  that  he  might  make  us 
righteous.Porhedicdnotto  iuftific  the  righteous,  but  e;hc  unrighte 
ous,  and  to  make  them  the  children  of  God,  and  inheritours  of  all 
ipirituall  and  heavenly  gifts.  Therefore,  when  I  fecle  and  confcflc  my 
fclfcto  be  a  (inner  through  Adams  tranfgreflion,  whyfoould  I  not 
lay,  that  I  am  made  righteous  through  the  righteoufoesof  Chrift,  ef- 
pccially  when  1  hcare  that  he  loved  me, and  gave  himfclfe  for  me?  c,hriJ?'ff 
TrTtraTjT^Tmoft  ftcdfaftly  belecve,  and  therefore  he  (peakerfuhefe  S'JS 
Wgfcfs  wTtETo  great  vehcmcncy  anital!  aflurance,.  Which  he  grant  ^gtoeou* 
unt(Tus7inJjumc  part  attheleaft,  who  hath  loved  us  and  given  hirn- 
fclfe  for  us. 

Verfc  21.  Ida  ftot  Abrogate  or  rejtft  tkegracf  ofCjod. 

Now  he  preparcth  a  way  to  the  fecond  argument  of  this  Epiftle,  Tofceke 
And  here  ycmuft  diligently  coniider,  thattpfeekefobe  juftifiedby 
the  works  of  the  law^is  to  rejcd  the  grace  of  God.  But  I  pray  you, 
what  fin  can  be  more  execrable  or  horrible,  then  to  rcieA  the  grace  of  jc«'th« 
God»and  torefulethat  nghteoufnes  which  commeth  by  Chrift?  It 
is  enough  &  too  much  already  that  we  are  wicked  linncrs  and  tranl- 
grcflgursofthe  CommandeiTients  of  God  :&  yet  we  commit  more 
over  tlK  moft  execrable  fin  of  all  fins,  in  that  we  do  fo  conte'mpru^ 
oufly  refufc  the  grace  of  God  and  rcraiffion  of  finns  offcred  unto  us  by 
Chrift.  This  blafphcmy  is  more  horrible  than  can  be  expreflcd.  There 
is  no  (in  which  Tatd  and  the  other  Apoftles  did  ib  much  dcteft,  as  the 
contempt  of  grace  and  deniallof  Chrift,  and  yet  there  is  no  fin  more 
common.  Hereof  it  commeth,  that  Pattl  above  the  reft,  doth  fo  (litsrp- 
ly  invcy  againft  Antichrift,fbr  that  he  defpifeth  the  grace  of  God,and 
tcfufeth  the  benefit  of  Chrift  our  high  Pncft,  who  offered  uphimftlfe 
*facnricc  for  our  fins,  Now,  d^usto  deny  Chrfti  what  is  it  elfc  but 
to  (pit  in  his  face,to  tread  him  under  foot,  to  fet  himfeJfc  m  his  ptece> 

N  and 

Chap  II. 

and  to  fay :  I  will  juftifiethee  ,andl  willfavethec.  By  what  meanes? 
By  mafles ,  pilgrimages ,  pardons ,  merits  and  fuch  like.  We  fee  then 
how  proudly  Afitichrift  hath  lift  up  himfelfc  agamtt  and  above  GocT, 
and  fethimfclfc  in  the  place  of  Chrift  ,  rejected  the  grace  ofGod  , 
aD(j  dcnyed  the  faith.     For  this  is  his  dodrine:  Faith  ataileth  no- 
faith<         thing  (faith  he)uniefle  it  be  joyned  with  works  rand  by  this  falfe 
and  dctcftable  doctrine  he  hath  defaced ,  darkened ,  and  utterly  bu 
ried  the  benefit  of  Chrift ,  and  in  the  ikidoftbegraccofChriir  and 
his  Kingdome,he  hath  eflabliftwd  thedoclrinc  of  workcs  and  the 
kinedome  of  ceremonies  ,  and  hath  confirmed  the  lame  withmoere 
trifles  and  doting  dreames ,  and  by  this  meanes  he  hath  wrefted  the 
whole  world  out  of  Chrifts  hands  (who  alone  ought  to  reignc  in  the 
conlcience)  and  hath  thrownc  it  downe  headlong  into  hell. 
TO  teua        Hereby  we  may  eafily  underftand  what  it  is  torejecl  and  refufc  the 
Siiiaee  °f  erace  of  God ,  even  to  ieeke  righteoufnes  by  the  law.  Now  who  hath 
Iver  heard  that  a  man  by  keeping  of  Lhclaw,rcieactri  grace?  Do^we 
•"yfr-n  flnne  {nUec^ing  o^  the  law  ?  NO  toriboth.  But  we  dcfpitegrjice 
^tTcTTwclpBirrvc  the ^law  to  this  end,that_w_c  may  be  i^ftified  thTouHh 
it    Tne  hw  is  good ,  holy  and  profitable ,  and  yet  it  juftificthnot.He 
"then  that  kecpcth  the  law  to  be  juftified  thereby,  re  jcfteth  grace,  de- 
nieth  Chrift  ,  dcfpifcth  his  {acrifice,  and  will  not  be  favcd  by  this  ine- 
ftimable  price,  but  will  fatisfic  for  his  fins  through  the  righteoufnes 
iBe w«w  >*  of  the  law,  or  defervc  grace  by  his  ownc  righteoufnes :  and  this  man 
fo  «iek«d    blafphemeth  and  dcfpifeth  the  grace  of  God.  Now,,  what  an  horrible 
Sat?«icf<  thing  is  it  to  (ay  ,  that  any  man  ihould  be  fo  d«villi(h,as  to  dcfpifc  the 
'        '   m-acc  and  mercy  of  God?  And  yet  notwithftanding  all  the  world 
doth  fo  :  Albeit  it  cannot  abide  that  any  man  fbould  fo  judge  of  it , 
but  will  fecmc  to  do  high  fervice  and  honour  unto  God.   Now  foi- 
loweth  the  fecond  argument. 
Vcrfc  21.  Forifrigkteotifnescomcbj  the  Uv,  then  ChriSl  died  in  vaine. 

Thdfe  words  of  P**l  ought  diligently  to  be  weighed  and  confi- 
dcrcd  in  this  wife.  Is  it  true  that  Chrift  fullered  death  or  not  ?  Againr, 
didhefuflerinvamcorno^Herc  we  arc  conftrained  to  anfwcr ,  ex 
cept  we  be  ftarke  mad ,  that  he  fuffcrcd  in  very  deedc,  and  that  he 
fiiflcred  not  in  vainc,  nor  for  himfclfe ,  but  for  us.  If  then  he  fuflcred 
not  in  vainc,  it  followcth  •fncccifiry  that  rightcoufncfic  comfflcth 

not  bjf  the  law. 


70  the   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8.  &ol. 

Here  againc  ladmonifh  you,that  PWfpeakcth  not  of  the  ccrcmo- 
niall  law  only,  as  the  Papifts  do  continually  drcame.  Take  now  there 
fore  the  ceremoniall  law,  and  even  the  morall  law  it  fclfc  alfo,  or  the 
law  of  the  ten  Commandemcnts,  wherein  is  contained  the  moft  per-  25'II-lt^ 
feel:  religion,  and  the  higheft  fcrvice  of  God  :  that  is  to  fay,  faith,  the  aiio  the  lm 
fcarc  of  God,  the  love  of  God,  and  the  love  of  our  neighbour ,  and  command*- 
(hew  me  any  man  that  hath  becne  jjftified  thereby :  yet  is  it  true  meowisi 
notwithftandmg  that  Chrift  died  in  vaine.  For  he  chat  is  juftified  by  _ 
this  law,  hath  power  in  himfelfe  to  obtaine  rightcoufnes.    For  in 
that  he  doth  what  in  him  lyeth,  he  dcftrvcth  grace,  and  the  holy 
Ghoft  is  pawred  into  him ,  whereby  he  is  now  able  to  love  God  and 
his  neighbour.    This  being  granted ,  it  muft  needs  follow  that  Chrift 
dyed  in  vaine.    For  what  need  of  Chrift  hath  he  which  both  lovcth 
Chiift  and  giveth  himfelfe  for  him ,  fo  that  he  is  able  by  the  merit  of 
congruence  .before grace  to  obtaine  grace,  and  then  to  do  fuch  works 
as  by  the  rrjerit  of  worthines  after  grace,  he  is  able  to  deierve  eternall 
life?  Then  take  away  Chriilwirh  all  his  benefits,  for  he  is  utterly 
unprofitable.    But  why  was  hcr^  borne  ?  why  was  he  crucified  ?  why 
did  hefuffcr?  why  was  he  made  my  high  Frieft,  loving  me  and  gi 
ving  himfelfe  an  incftimable  facrifice  for  me?  In  vaine  (no  doubt) 
and  to  no  purpofc  at  all ,  if  rightccufnefle  come  by  no  other  mcanes 
then  the  Papifts  teach  :  for,  without  grace  and  without  Chrift ,  I  find 
no  righteouf  nefle  cither  in  my  felfeor  in  the  law. 
Is  this  horrible  blafphemy  to  be  fuffcred  or  diflembled,that  the  divine 
Majefty ,  not  fparing  his  o wne  dcare  Son,  but  delivering  him  to  death 
for  us  all ,  (hould  not  do  all  thcfe  things  ferioufly  and  in  good  earned, 
but  as  it  were  in  fportPBeforc  I  would  admit  this  blalphcmy,!  would 
notoncly  that  the  holinefife  of  all  the  Papifts  and  merit-mongers ,  but 
aHoof  all  the  Saints  and  holy  Angels  fhould  bethrowne  into  the  bot- 
tomc  of  hell,  and  condemned  with  thedcvill.  Mine  eyes  (hall  behold  shsj°^j 
nothing  elfcbut  this  ineftimable  price,  my  Lord  and  Saviour  Chrift.  pa,^'". 
He  ought  to  be  fuch  a  trealurc  unto  me  that  all  other  things  fhould  be  thcn-htc- 
butdungincomparifonofhirn.  He  ought  to  be  fuch  a  light  unto  me,  Ol 
that  when  I  have  apprehended  him  by  faith,  I  fhould  not  know  whe 
ther  there  be  any  la  w,any  fin,  any  rightcoufhcs  or  any  unrighteoufnes 
in  the  world.   For  what  arc  allthings  which  are  in  heaven  and  earth 
incomparifon  of  the  Son  or  God  Chrift  lefusmy  LoidandSaviouT, 
ff> ho  loved  me  anAgfuc  himfelfe  for  me? 

N  2  Wherefore 

Chap  II.  rt*»*!>tEti*Ti.* 

v  common       vVhstcfors  to  re  je&  the  grace  of  God ,  is  an  horribte  fin  an!  com- 
iSr6'   jnonly  rcigaing  throughout*  the  world  :  whereof  all  th:y  are  guilty 
gt«cof       -  £S3i  £eekc  righteoufnes  by  their  owns  works,    tor  whiles  they 
kekctobe  juftiticdby  their  owns  works  and  merits,  or  by  the  law, 
•ihe  pope  is  they%ejea  the  grace  of  God  and  Chrift  ,asl  have  faid.    And  of  all 
SiS*  ihcfcaKxmiinationstbc  Pope  hath  bin  the  oneiy  author.  For  he  hath 
TTT  not  oneiy  defaced  and  troden  under  his  feetc  the  Gofpcilof  Chnfr, 
Tbc  ££•    DUt  hath  alto  replenished  the  world  with  his  curled  traditions. '  And 
p«don»      aereof  amongft  other  enormities,  his  buls  and  pardons  are  a  fufficient 
witnes:  whereby  he  abfolvetb,  not  fuchas  bcleeve,  but  fuch  as  arc 
contrite  make  confeflion  to  a  Prkft,  and  reach  out  their  htlping  hand 
to  the  maintenance  of  his  pomp  and  traditions.    Yet  notwhhftan- 
dinein  this  great  light  of  the  Gcfpell,  the  blind  and  obftinate  Tapifts 
do  continue  dill  in  their  wicked  opinions  and  doting  ^reamcs/aying 
that  the  qualities  of  nature  do  remaine  found  and  uncorrupt,  and  that 
m«n  are  able  to  prepare  themfdvesto  grace,  or  to  deferuc  grace  by 
their  owne  works  and  merits.  And  f©  farre  off  is  it  that  they  will  ac 
knowledge  their  impiety  and  crrour,  that  they  do  yet  ftili  obftinate- 
ly  defend  the  fame  even  againft  their  owne  conscience, 
if  Aeiaw         B^t  we  do  conftantly  am'rme  with  Taut  (tor  we  will  not  reject 
gSaffi  ^le^rtce  of  God)  that  either  Chrift  dyed  in  vaine,  crdfc  the  law 
lvalue'      juftifieth  not.  But  Chrift  dyed  not  in  vaine  :  thrrcfore  the  few  ;ufti- 
ficth  not     Chrift  the  Sonne  of  God,  of  his  owne  free  grace  and  mer 
cy,  hath  inftified  us -.therefore  the  kw  could  not  jurtificusiPprifit 
coild  then  had  Chrift  done  unwifcly  in  that  he  gave  himfelfe  for  our 
linnes  that  we  thereby  might  be  iuftificd.  We  conclude  therefore, 
that  we  are  juftified  neither  by  our  owne  works  and  merits  before 
grace  or  after,  neither  yet  by  the  law 

Now   ifmyfelvationwasfo  coftly  and  dear  e  a  price  rmtoChnfr, 
that  he  was  conftraincd  to  dye  for  my  finnes,  thertall  my  workes 
with  all  the  righteoufnes  of  the  law,  are  but  vile  and  nothing  worth, 
in  comparifonof  this  ineftimaUe  price      For  how  can!  buy  that 
*TpTc"nforafarthine  whichcaft  many  thcufand  talents  of  gold  ?Now  the 
cuR9    Jaw  (to  fpeakc  nothing  of  other  matters  which  areof  much  Icfle 
tb€-Uw*      Yalue)  with  all  the  works  and  rightcoufnefle  thereof,  is  but  as  a  far 
thing  if  ye  compare  it  unto  Chrift  :  who  by  his  dear*  hath  van- 
quifrtcdmy  deatb,and  hath  purchafed  righteoufnes  and cverlafting 
life.   Should  I  then  ^efpifeand  re  jcft  this  incomparable  price ,  and 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s. 


by  the  law  or  by  the  works  and  merits  of  men  (vile  drofls  and  dung, 
for  fo  /'Wcalleth  them  ,  if  they  be  compared  unto  Chrift,)leekcthac 
righteouines  which  Chrift  freely  and  of  mecre  love  hath  given  u-nfo 
me  already  ,  and  hath  coft  him  fo  great  a  price,that  he  was  conftrained 
to  give  himfclfe  and  even  his  owne  heart  blood  for  me?  this  (as  I 
hav.  faid)  the  whole  world  doth  ,  and  fpecially  fuch  as  will  be  coun  -  per»«fenes 
ted  more  holy  and  religious  tben  others.  Whereby  they  plainely  oflhcwo.'1(1' 
witnes  ,that  Chrift  died  in  vame  ,  although  with  their  mouthes  they 
confcffe  the  contrary  never  fo  much  :  Which  is  moft  hornb'y  toblai- 
pheine  the  Son  ofGod  ,  to  (pit  in  his  face  ,  to  tr;:ad  him  under  foote, 
to  count  the  blood  of  the  Tcftamcnt  as  an  unholy  thing,and  utterly  to 
defpitc  the  Spirit  of  grace. 

Twl  here  difputing  of  rightcou(hcs,  h  >th  no  civill  matter  in  hand,  Cmii  ri. 
that  is  ,  he  (peaketh  not  of  civillrjghceouihcs  :  which  God  notwith- 
(landing  allowcth  &  rcquireth  ,  and  g'.veth  rewards  thereunto  accor-  w«d« 
dingly  :  whjch  alfo  reafon  is  able  in  fome  pare  to  perforrae  :  But  he  in- 
treareth  here  of  th  erightcoufnes  that  availeth  before  God  ,  whereby 
we  arc  delivered  from  the  law,  fin,  death,  and  all  evils,  and  are  made 
partakers  of  grace  ,  righteoufnes  and  cverlafting  life,  and  finally,  arc 
now  become  Lords  of  heaven  and  earth,  and  of  all  o:  her  creatures. 
This  righteoufnes  neither  mans  law  neither  the  law  of  God  is  able 
to  per  for  me. 

The  law  is  given  befides  &  above  rcafon  ,  to  be  a  light  and  a  help  to  Reafon  aV 
man,  and  tomrw  him  what  he  ought  to  do,  and  what  to  leave  un- 
don.  Notwithftanding  man,  with  all  his  ftrength  and  re2fon,yea  with  with  the 
this  great  light  alfo  and  heavenly  benefit  (the  law  I  mcane)  cannot  be  JjJJSJa 
juftihcd.  Now,  if  that  which  is  the  Rioft  excellent  thing  in  the  world  cfcod  re- 
(thc  law  I  fay)  which  as  a  bright  fhining  Sun  is  joyned  to  the  dimme 
and  obfcure  light  of  mars  rcaibn  to  lighten  &  to  direcl:  it,  is  not  able 
to  juftific:  what  can  reafon  doc  (I  pray  you)  without  the  law?  What? 
lX>ubtles  nothing  elfcbut  that  which  the  Pope  with  his  dreaming 
Sophifters  &  his  whole  Sinagoguc  hath  done  ,  who  with  thdr  o  wnc 
traditions  have  darkned  the  light  even  ef  the  i.Comandement.  Wher- 
fore  there  is  not  one  of  them  that  is  able  rightly  to  underftand  any 
onefiliable  of  the  law,  but  every  manwalkeih  inmcerc  darknesof 
mans  rcafon.  And  thisterrour  is  much  more  pernicious  and  deadly, 
then  that  which  proceedcth  of  the  doclrinc  of  works  and  the  law. 
Thcfe  words  therefore  arc  very  efle&uall  and  full  of  power  ,  when 

N  3  he 


Chap  .II.  Vf*»  *    E  P  i  s  T  L  B 

he  faith  :  IfrigkteoHfneftccoatcbjthcUTV,  then  (Chrift  die  din  <VAlney  he 
fpcaketh  here  nothing  of  mans  tlrength,  realon  or  wi&dom,  be  itnc- 
tcr  fo  great  (for  the  greater  it  is,  the  fooner  it  dcceiveth  a  man)  but  he 
faith  plainly  without  all  condition://^;  the  la»t&c.  Wherefore  rea- 
fou  lightned,  aided  and  directed  by  the  law,  yea  even  by  the  law  of 
God,  is  fo  unable  to  attainc  righteoufndfr,  that  it  draweth  a  man 
from  righreoufncfo,and  rej'c&eth  Chrift:Set  thou  tliercforc  the  (bath 
ofchrift  alone  againft  alllaws,  and  with  Pattl,  know  nothing  but 
Jcfus  Chrift  crucified.  Receive  no  light  cither  ofrcaibn,  or  of  the 
law,or  of  any  thing  elfc  than  of  Chrift  alone.  Then  (halt  thou  be  lear 
ned  indeed,  righteous  and  holy,  and  (halt  receive  the  holyGhofr, 
which  faall  preferve  thcc  in  the  purity  of  the  word  and  fakh:  but  fet 
Chrift  alide,and  all  things  are  but  vainc. 

Hereagainewcfee,  what  a  goodly  commendation  Paul  giveth  to 
the  rightcoufncs  of  the  law,or  mans  own  righteoufneffe,  namely  ,  that 
if  *s  a  contemning  and  re  jeding  of  the  grace  of  God,  and  an  abolifh- 
ing  of  the  death  of  Chrift.  Paul\s  no  great  Rhetorician,  and  yet  fee 
what  matter  hcminiftreth  to  him  thatlifteth  to  play  the  Rhetori 
cian.  What  eloquence  is  able  fufficiently  to  fet  forth  thefc  words,  To 
rtj<ft$rAcc,thc$r*cc  ofgad:  Alfo,r^  C^ft  diedinvMnc*\\is  horriblc- 
ncs  whereof  is  fuch,  that  all  the  eloquence  in  the  world  is  not  able  to 
expreffc  is  a  fmall  matter  to  fay,  that  any  man  died  in  vainc  :  but 
to  fay  that  Chrift  died  in  vaine,is  to  take  him  quite  away.  Who  fo  li- 
T*makctb«  fteth  to  play  the  Rhetorician,  hath  here  matter  enough  to  dilatt  and 
C"I!B  "n-  amplifie  at  large,  what  an  horrible  and  blafphemous^do&rine  it  is  to 
fct  up  the  rightcoufnes  of  the  law  and  works.*  For  what  can  be  more 
blafphcmous  and  horrible,  then  to  make  the  death  of  Chrift  unprofi- 
tablcPand  what  do  they  elfe  which  keep  the  law  to  this  end,that  they 
may  be  juft  ified  thereby?  Now,  to.  make  the  death  of  Chrift  unprofi 
table,^  to  make  his  refurrcftion,  his  vidory,his  glory,  his  kingdom^ 
hcaven^carthjGod  himfclfe,the  MajefticofGod,and  briefly  all  things 
clfe  unprofitable,and  of  none  effed. 

Thisthundring  and  lightning  from  heaven  aeninft  the  righreeuf- 
nefleof  the  law  and  mans  own,  (hculdmakc  us  toafa- 
fcorrc  it.  And  here  with  rhis  thunder-clap  falkth  down  all  the  orders 
of  Monks  and  Friers,  with  all  fuch  fupeiititious  religions.  For  who 
will  not  dctcft  hisownyowes,  hiscowlcs,  his  fliaven  crownc,  allj 
traditions,  yea  the  very  law  9*  CT/'/tt  alib,  if  he  hcarc  that  for 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s.  Fol. 

thcfe  things  he  rcje^eth  the  grace  of  God,  and  maketh  the  death  of 
Chrift  unprofitable ;  The  world  hearing  this,  doth  not  belecvc  that  it 
is  true.  1 t  thinkcth  that  fuch  horrible  wickednes  cannot  enter  into 
any  mans  heart,  that  he  fhould  rejed  the  grace  of  God,  andcfteems 
the  death  of  Chrift  as  a  thing  of  nought  ?  And  yet  this  fin  common 
ly  reigneth.  For  whofocvcr  feeketh  rightcoufncflc  without  Chrift, 
aitherby  works,  merits,  fttisf actions,  affli&ions,  of  by  the  law,  re- 
jcfteth  the  grace  of  God,  and  dcfpifcth  the  death  of  Chrift,  whatfo- 
CTer  he  protefteth  with  his  mouth  to  the  contrary. 

The  third  Chapter. 

Vcrfe  i.  OfoolifiGalathiwt. 

\AV  L  here  fheweth  his  Apoftolicall  care  and  bur- 
niig  zcale  which  he  bcarcth  to  the  Church :  fo  that 

!  in  difputing  and  confuting,  he  intermingleth  fomc- 
\  times  gentle  exhortations,  and  fomctimes  he  fharply 
reprovcth,  according  to  his  ownc  rule  given  to  7V'- 
mothie^reach (faith he) the  word:  fa  infant  ittfeafo* 
outoffetfoH  :  Improve,  rebuke ,  exhort,*  Tim^.  Here  thefim  pic 
reader  may  haply  be  deceived  if  he  be  not  circumfpe&,  to  thinkc  that 
TWin  teaching  kccpeth  no  order  at  all.  And  indeed  after  the  man- 
nerof  the  Rhetoricians  be  obfervcth  none: but  as  concerning  the 
Spirit  he  ufcth  a  goodly  order. 

Now,  after  that  he  hath  fufficiently  proved  ,and  with  two  ftrong 
arguments  confirmed  this  article,  that  Chriftian  righteoufnefls  com- 
meth  not  by  keeping  of  the  law,  but  by  faith  in  Chrift,  and  withall 
hath  confuted  the  doftrine  ofthefalfe  Apoftlcs:in  the  midft  of  this 
difcourfc  he  turneth  his  talketo  the  Ga/atht^»st  and  rcproteth  them, 
faying :  0  jecfoolifi  gdathianj,  &c.  As  ifhe  fhould  fay :  Alas,  from 
whence  are  ycc  falne,  O  ye  miferablc  (jalathians?  I  have  moft  careful 
ly  and  diligently  taught  you  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell  and  ye  alfo  have 
received  the  fame  of  me  with  fervent  zcale  and  great  diligence.  How 
thcncommeth  it  to  paflc,that  ye  are  fofuddenly  falne  away  from 
it?  who  hath  bewitched  you  ? 

He  reprovcth  the  Galathiaus  very  fharpely  (as  it  fccmcth)  when 
hecalleth  them  fooles,  bewitched,  and  dilobedient  to. the  truth. 

N  4  Now 

Chap. III.  Vfon  //^EPISTLE 

Now,whcthcr  he  did  this  of  zcalo  or  compaflion,!  will  not  here  con 
tend  :  both  may  be  true.  A  carnall  man  would  interpret  this  to  be  a 
rcviline,rather  then  a  godly  reprehcnficn.Did  Tan/then  give  an  cvill 
example, or  was  he  fpitefull  againft  the  Churches  of  GtUtk'™,  becaufc 
he  called  them  tooliili  and  bewitched?  No ,  not  fo.  For  with  a  Chri- 
ftian  zealc  it  is  hwfull  for  an  Apoftlc ,  a  Paftour  or  Preacher,  fharpely 
to  reprove  the  people  commuted  to  his  charge  .•  and  fuch  reprovings 
are  both  fatherly  and  godly.    So  parents ,  of  a  fctherly  and  motherly 
°f  patrdTS    afe^i°n>  ^°  fharPety  reprove  and  rebuke  their  children :  which  they 
IbTuchji-     would  not  beare  if  another  (hould  do  it.    The  Schoolemafter  fomc- 
dicn.          t{mcs  ]S  angry  with  his  fcholer ,  he  rebuketh  him  and  bcateth  him  : 
all  which  he  taketh  in  good  part,&  would  not  beare  it  at  the  hands  of 
his  equall.  The  Magiftrate  likewiie  is  angry  :  he  rcpr-jveth  and  puni- 
(hcth  fuch  as  are  under  his  charge.  And  this  dicipline  is  not  only  good, 
Anger  feme-  t>U(;  alfo  Vcry  neccifrrytwithout  the  which  nothing  can  be  well  done. 
W hercfbrc  unletf:  the  Magiftrate,  the  Minifter,the  ft ther  and  mother 
be  angry,  and  uic  to  reprove  or  rebuke  when  the  cafe  rcquireth,  he  is 
unp'rofitablc,and  never  (hall  difchargeh is  orh'ce  rightly. 

Wherefore  fl-iarp  chidings  and  bitter  words  arc  as  neceffary  in 
tvery  kind  of  life,  as  any  other  vertucclfe.  Yet  notwithdaning  this 
anger  muft  be  fo  tempered,  that  it  proceed  not  of  any  envy  or  malice , 
but  onely  of  a  fatherly  affeftionand  Chriftian  zcale :  that  is  to  fay,  it 
ought  not  to  be  childifhor  womanlike,  iceking  revenge:  but  onely 
in  ang«ris  ^r  ^c  corrcfling  of  the  fault :  As  tlic  father  corrc-acth'not  his  child 
eaHcdinthe  with  defire  to  revenge ,  but  onely  that  thechil-i  thereby  may  be  the 
bc«cr.  And  t 
fchokr  or  fubj 
profit  and  wel-fare. 

It  may  be  then  that  P^/herc  rebuketh  the  (ja/atkiant,  ei'thcr  of  a 
very  leale  (not  to  dcitroy  them,  but  by  this  meancs  to  reduce  them 
into  the  way  againe,  and  to  amend  them)  or  clfe  of  pity  and  compaf- 
fion,as  it  were  by  way  of  complaint,for  that  it  griercth  him  that  they 
ftiould  bciomjferably  leduccrf.  As  if  he  fhould  C«y:I^m  ferry  and 
aflumcd  to  hearc  of  this  your  mifcrable  cafe,  your  wretched  do 
ings,  &c.In  like  manner  doc  we  alfo  reprehend  the  mifcrable :  not 
that  we  tread  them  downc ,  or  upbraid  them  with  their  mifery,  but 
a»  having  compaflion  on  them,  and  fccking  their  amendment.  This 

7>  the  G  A  L  A  T  H'I  A  N  s.  Fol.  94 

1  fay  ,left  any  man  ftiould  cavill  ,  that  P  ^/railed  upon  the  Churches, 
contrary  to  the  rule  of  theGofpcll. 

Inhkemanner  Chrift  rcbukcth  the  Pharifees,  calling  them  fcr-  The 

pents,thc  generation  of  vfpers,the  children  of  the  devill.Butthefe  are 


the  rcbukings  of  the  hcly  Ghoft.They  arc  fatherly  &  motherly,  and  as  c 
the  chidingsof  a  faithfull  fricnd:As  it  is  faid  alfo  in  the  Trover  bes:  2?  *•;-  Pnv 
tcr  are  tht  wounds  of  a  friend,  then  thckiffet  of  an  enemy.  Thus  one  and 
the  Iclfe-  fame  rebuke,  if  it  come  out  of  the  mouth  of  a  fat  her,  may  be 
a  great  benefit:  but  if  it  proceed  out  of  the  mouth  cfcur  cquallor 
enemy,  it  is  a  fpitef  ull  reproach  When  two  men  do  one  thing,  in  the 
one  it  is  commendable  ,  and  in  the  other  it  i$  reproved.  Bat  when 
Chrift  and  Paul  do  reprove,  it  is  done  with  (ingular  vertue  and  com 
mendation  :  but  when  a  private  man  ("hall  do  the  like,  it  is  in  him  a 
great  vice.  Therefore  one  and  the  fclfe-fimc  word  in  the  mouth  of 
Paul  is  a  benefit  :  but  in  the  mouth  of  another,  it  is  a  reproach. 

There  isacertainc  vchcmcncy  to  be  noted  in  this  word  Galathi- 
*ns.  For  he  callcth  them  not  brethren,as  clfewbere  he  is  wont  to  do: 
but  hccilleth  them  by  the  name  which  was  proper  to  iheirCoun- 
trey.  And  it  feemeth  that  it  was  the  niturall  vice  nation  to  be 
foolifh  :  like  as  it  was  the  fault  of  the  fretenffs  to  be  Ivcrs.  As  if  he 
fliould  fay  :  As  ye  arc  called,  even  fo  arc  ye  indeed,and  (b  ye  continue, 
that  is  to  fay,  foolifh  Cjalathians  &  fo  you  fliew  your  felvcs  Co  be  even 
now  in  the  bufines  of  the  Gofpell  (wherein  notwithdanding  yc 
ought  to  have  been  moft  wifej  yet  ye  continue  ftill  in  your  ownc 
nature,  and  are  no  changelings,  Thus  Paulby  way  ofcorreiflion,pnt- 
teth  the  CJal^thiani  in  mind  of  their  corrupt  nature. 

Moreover,  we  are  h?re  admonifhcd,  that  according  to  thcflefh, 
there  are  yet  natural!  vices  remaining  in  the  Churches,  and  in  the 
godly.    Grace  maketh  not  fuch  a  change  in  the  faithful,  that  by  and  "S  v 
by  they  become  altogether  new  creatures  and  pcrfctf  in  all  things:  «<™n 
but  there  remaine  yet  certainc  dregs  of  their  old  and  naturall  corrup.  l  es°  !y* 
tion.  As  if  a  man  that  is  naturally  inclined  to  anger,  be  converted  to 
Chrift,  although  he  be  mollified  by  grace  (the  holy  Ghoft  fo  framing 
his  heart  that  he  is  now  become  more  mceke  and  gentle)  yet  this  na 
turall  vice  is  not  utterly  quenched  in  his  fleih     Lik-fwife,  fuch  as  arc 
by  nature  fcvere  and  fturp,  although  they  be  converted  to  the  faith  , 
yet  notwithftandingthey  canp"-t  ut'crly  fo»  fake  this  vice.   Hcr«ofit 
commeth  that  the  holy  Scriptures,  which  do  contaiucallonstrutbi 



Chap. III.  Vft»  ffo  E  P  I  s  T  i  E 

The  scrip,  of  divers  ipirits  are  divcrfly  handled.  O  is  in  teaching  is  tnilda 
JUSTS***1'*  gratis  :  another  mxc  rough  and  rigorous.  Thus  the  Spirit 
fcifc-rame  of  God  b,:ing  pawrcd  into  divers  vcfT-'ls,  doth  not  quench  at 
rundr»p«-  onc-  tns  VIC5S  °*  nature :  but  by  little  and  little  during  this  life, 
fon«  divcrfly  he  purgeth  th.u  finns  which  is  rooted ,  not  oneiy  in  the  (jalathisws, 
but  alto  in  all  men  of  all  nations. 

Albeit  then,  that  the  CjaUthiant  were  lightncd  and  did  beleeve,ani 
had  now  received  tha  holy  Gho>  by  the  preaching  of  foith.not vvith- 
ftanding  this  remnant  of  vice  (this  foolifhneflc  I  meanc)  and  the 
original!  corrup'.on  which  after  wards  did  eaiilyburil:  out  intp  ths 
^amc  °*^lfc  I    •  >  '.e,  remained  in  them   ftill.     Wherefore  let  no 
man  trult  fo  n,. .  .  mhimfclfe,  as  to  thinkcthat  when  he  bath  rc- 
ceived  grace,  he  is  throughly  purged  from  his  old  vices.  Indeed  rm- 
oia  fins,       ny  things  are  purged  in  us,  &  principally  the  head  of  th:  Serpent,  that 
is  to  fay,  infidelity  and  ignorance  of  God  is  cucoffandbruifed,  buc 
the flimy  body  &  the  remnants  of  (in  remaine  ftill  in  us.  Let  not  man 
therefore  prefumefo  much  ofhimfclfe,  that  when  he  hath  once  re 
ceived  faith,  he  can  by  and  by  be  throughly  changed  into  a  new  man: 
Nay,  he  (hall  keepelome  what  of  his  old  vices  Hill  cleaving  unto  him, 
though  hsbs  never  fogood  andfo  perfect  a  Chriftian.    For  we  are 
not  yet  dead,but  wee  ftill  live  in  the  fle  h:  vvhich,becaufc  it  is  not  yet 
H/&.ixt.      Purc»  continually  luftetk  agjinft  the  Spirit.  lam  carnall (faith  P<M/)fo/4 
<5*t.l.i7<      under  Jin.   I  fee  Another  Iw  in  my  members  rebelling  againft  the  law  of 
*"»  7-«4.     Wj  mind,  Wherfore  the  naturall  vices  that  were  in  us  before  we  recei 
ved  faith,  do  ftill  remaiae  in  us  after  that  we  have  rec:ived  faith :  fa- 
ving  that  now  they  are  fubdued  to  the  Spirit,  which  hath  the  upper 
None  pure   hand  ,  to  kecpe  them  under  that  they  rule  not :  and  yet  not  without 
buichriita-  grcat  conflift.  This  glory  is  due  to  Chrift  alone,  and  this  title  he  bea- 
reth,  that  he  is  pure  and  without  blcmifh.  i  Pet.  2.  who  did  no  fane, 
neither  KM  there  any  guile  fan  nd  in  hit  mouth. 

Verfc  I.    Wh*  hath  bewitched  you  that  you  fioulA  not  belecve  the 
trvtb  ? 

c«mmea-      Here  have  yc  another  commendation  of  this  goodly  righteoufncs 
^  t^lc  ^aw»  anc^  °^our  owne  righteoufnes,  namely  that  it  maketh  us 
to  contcmne  the  truth :  it  be  witch  eth  us  in  fuch  fort  that  we  do  not 
bclccrc  nor  obey  the  truth,  bat  rebcll  againft  it. 


TO  tfa  G  A  L  A  T  ii'l  A  N  S.  Fol.    £3 

Of  the  bodily  and  fpirituall  witchcraft. 

P^Aul  callcth  the  C/4/athia»s  foolifh  and  bewitched ,  comparing 
them  to  children,  to  whom  witchcraft  doth  much  harme.    Ai 
though  hcfhould  fay  :  It  hapncd  to  you  as  it  doth  to  children,  whom 
witches,  forcerers  and  inchantcrs  are  wont  to  channcby  their  in- 
chantmcnts  &  by  the  illufion  of  the  devil.  Afterwards  in  the  5  Chap 
ter  he  rehcarfeth  forcery  among  the  works  of  the  flelh,  which  is  a 
kind  of  witchcraft,  whereby  he  plaincly  teftitkth,  that  indeed  fuclr 
witchcraft  and  forcery  (here  is,  and  that  it  may  be  ,„  '  T.    Moreover,  witchcraft 
it  cannot  be  denied  but  that  the  devill  livcth.yca  &  rtjgneth  through-  ™ed;h°rcerjr§ 
out  the  whole  world.  Witchcraft  and  forcery  therefore  are  the  works  »*<»*«  of 
of  the  detill ,  whereby  he  doth  not  onely  hurt  men,  bat  alfo,  by  the  llcdc"Ut 
permiflion  of  God,  he  fbmctimes  deftroyeth  them.  Furthermore,  we 
are  all  fubjeft  to  the  devill  both  in  body  &  goods,and  we  be  ft  rangers 
in  this  world,  whereof  he  is  the  Prince  and  god.  Therefore  the  bread 
which  weeate,thedrinke  which  we  drinke,t he  garments  which  we 
\y care,  yea  the  airc  and  whatfoevcr  wclive  by  in  the  flsfh,  is  under 
his  dominion. 

But  he  doth  not  onely  bewitch  men  after  this  groflfe  manner ,  but  Satan-be* 
alfo  after  a  more  ftbtill  fort  and  much  more  dangerous:  wherein  he 
fs  a  marvellous  cunning  workman.*  And  hereof  it  commeth  that  Paul  ally 
applicth  the  bewitching  of  the  fenfcs  to  the  bewitching  of'the  fpirit. 
For  by  this  fpirituall  witchchraft  that  old  fcrpcnt  bcwitchcrh  not 
mens  fenfcs,  but  their  minds  with  falfe  and  wicked  opinions :  which 
opinions  they  that  are  fo  bewitched,  doe  take  to  be  true  andgodly.. 
Bricfly,  fb  great  is  the  malice  of  this  Sorcerer  the  devill,  and  hisde- 
firctohurt,  that  not  onely  he  decciveth  thofe  fecurc  and  proud  fpi- 
rits  with  his  inchantmcnts,  but  even  thofcalfo  which  are  profeflbrS' 
of  true  Chriftianity ,  and  well  aflkfted  in  religion :  Yea,  as  touching 
my  fclfejto  fay  the  truth,  he  fomctimcs  aflailcth  me  fo  mightily,  and 
opprcflcth  me  with  fuch  heavy  cogitations,  that  he  utterly  (hadow- 
cth  my  Saviour  Chnft  from  me,  and  in  a  manner  taktth  him  clcanc 
out  of  my  (ight.  To  be  bricfc,  there  is  none  of  us  all  which  is  not  o£.  s«aa. 
tentimcs  bewitched  with  falfc  perfwafions:  that  is  toi^y,  which^ 
doth  not  fcarc,  trull,  or  rcjoycc  where  he  ought  not,  or  doth  net 
Sometimes  think  othcrwifcof  God,of  Chrjft,qf faith^  his  vocation, 
&c.  then  he  fcould  due, 


Chop.  III.  PpM  ^EPISTLE 

Let  us  therefore  learnc  to  know  the  fubtilc  fleights  of  this  Sorce 
rer,  Ie3  if  he  find  us  (kcping  in  fccurity,  he  deceive  us  by  his  enchant 
ments.  True  it  is,  that  by 'his  forcery  he  can  do  no  hurt  to  our  mini* 
ft  cry  :  yet  is  he  with  us  in  foirit.  Day  and  night  he  rangcth  about, 
fceking  how  he  may  devours  everyone  of  us  alone,  and  unkflchc 
find  us  fober  and  ar  med  with  Ipintuall  weapons ,  that  is  to  fay ,  with 
the  word  of  God  and  faith  ,  he  will  dcvoure  us 

This  is  the  caufe  that  he  oftentimes  ft  irreth  up  new  battailes  againft 
us.    And  indeed  it  is  very  profitable  for  us  3  that  he  thus  affaikth  us , 
thai  com.    and  by  his  fubtile  traines  exercifeth  us :  For  by  this  mcanes  he  cor. - 
JSiVb/Jhe  firmcth  our  do&rine,  he  ft  irreth  up  and  increafeth  faith  in  us.    In- 
tenwraaof  deed  we  have  bccne  many  times  caft  downe,andyet  dill  are  caft 
'downe  in  this  conflict  ,but  we  pcri(h  not :  for  Chrift  hath  alwaycs 
triumphed,  and  doth  triumph  through  us.    Wherefore  we  hope  afla- 
redly,that  wefhallalib  hereafter  by  I e&s  Chnftebtaincthe  vicflo- 
ry  againft  the  devill.  And  this  hope  bringeth  unto  us  lure  confola- 
tion  ,  fo  that  in  the'midft  of  our  tentation*  we  take  courage  and  fay  > 
Behold  ,  Satan  ha'th  heretofore  tempted  us }  and  by  his  falfe  illufions 
hath  provoked   us  to   infidelity  »  to  the  contempt  of  God  ,  dcf- 
paire,  &c.  yet  hath  he  not  prevailed,  neither  fhall  heprcvaile  hercaf^. 
t  Itbt  4  4.     ter.     He  it  greater  that  i*  in  us  ,  then  he  that  u  in  the  -world.      Chritt  is 
ftrongcr,  who  hath  and  doth  overcome  that  ftrongone  in  us,  and 
(hall  orcrcome  him  for  ever.  Not  withftanding  the  devill  foiiKtimcs 
ovcrcometh  us  in  the  flefh,that  we  may  have  experience  of  the 
power  of  a  ftronger  ag.iinft  that  ftrong  one ,  and  nuy  fay  with  Paul. 
When  1  am  weake  ,  then  am  I  ftrong. 

sj«j  ^°entU      Let  no  man  thinkc  therefore  that  the  GaU:hians  onely  were  be- 
wi'ehech"     witched  of  the  devill :  but  let  every  man  think  that  he  himfclfe  might 
««••         have  been ,  and  yet  may  be  bewitched  by  him.    There  is  none  of  us 
fo  ftrong  that  he  is  able  to  rcfift  him ,  &  fpecialiy  if  he  attempt  to  do 
IriuS       **by  bis  owns  ftrength.    lob  WM  *n  upright  (t»Aa']Hft  wan,fiarixg 
.     God  ,  and  there  TVM  none  like  unto  him  upon  thff  earth.  But  wh>t  power 
had  he  againft  the  devill,  when  God  withdrew  his  hand?  Did  not, 
this  holy  man  horribly  fail?  Therefore  this  enchanter  wasnotonely. 
mighty  in  the  GafaAuMBftot  he  gocth  about  continually  to  deceive, 
if  not  all  men ,  yet  as  many  as  he  can  with  his  illusions  and  falfs  pcr- 


Vcrfe  i. 

TO  the  G  A  L  AT  H'l    A  N  S. 

Verfe  j.  ivkokatk  bcmtclxdysu? 

Here  J>rf#/excufeth  the  Cjalathiaxs^&  laycth  the  fault  upon  the  falfe 
Apcftles.  As  though  he  fhould  fay :  1  Ice  that  ye  are  not  falwe  through    , 
wilfulncs  or  malice,bu:  the  devill  hath  fcnt  the  enchanting  falfe  Apo-  Pofl)«  be-A 
ftles  his  children  amongft  you,  and  they  do  fo  bewitch  you  in  teach-  wi«iienof 
ing  you  (hat  yc  arc  jultified  by  the  law,  that  now  yc  thinkcother-  mt^ 
wife  of  Chrift  then  ye  did  afore  when  ye  heard  the  Gofpell  preached 
by  me.  But  we  labour  both  by  preaching  and  writing  unto  you,  to 
uncharmethatforccry  wherewith  the  ftlfc  ApgjUgjjjave  bewitched 
you,  and  to  fct  at  liberty  thofe  which  are  fnared  therewith. 

So  we  alfo  at  this  day  doe  libour  by  the  word  of  God  againfl 
thofe  fantafticall  opinions  of  the  Anabaptifts,  that  we  may  fet  at  li 
berty  thofe  that  are  intangled  therewith,  and  reduce  them  to  the  pure 
doctrine  of  faith  and  there  hold  them.     And  this  our  labour  is  not  al 
together  in  vaine.  For  we  have  called  backc  many  whom  they  have 
bewitched,  and  have  delivered  them  out  of  their  fnarcs.   Not  with- 
ftanding  ftich  there  are  as  will  not  fuftcr  thcmklves  to  be  taught, 
clpccially  the  chiefe  forcerers  and  authours  of  this  witchery.     They 
will  hears  no  reafon  >  nor  admit  the  Scripture  :  yea,  they  abuic 
and  corrupt  the  Scripture,  and   svoid  luch  places  as  are  alkdged 
againft  them, with  their  falfc  gh-ffcs  mid  dsvillilh  dreames  clcane con 
trary  to  the  Scripture  :  which  isamanifcft  figne  that  they  arc  be 
witched  of  the  devil!.   Whertfbre  they  are  nothing  amended  by  our 
admonitions ,  but  are  much  more  heardncd  and  more  obfb'natc  then 
they  were  before.  And  furely  I  could  nererhavcbclfcvedj  but  that  th« ?•»*<* 
I  have  gcod  experience  thereof  at  this  day  ,  that  the  power  ofthc*tthcde'i!It 
devill  is  fo  great,  that  he  is  able  to  make  fiU~hhood  fo  like  to  the  truth. 
Moreover  (which  is  yet  much  more  horrible)  when  he  goeth  about 
to  ovCTwhdmcfcrrowfull conferences  with  over-much  hcaviiwflc,  • 
he  can  ib  cunningly  and  fo  lively  change  hi mfclFe  into  the  likcnclYc  of 
Chrift ,  that  it  is  impoflible  for  the  pcore  tempted  and  afflicted  foulc 
to  perceive  it :  whereby  many  iimple  and  ignorant  pri  Ions  are  decei 
ved  and  driven  downeto  dcfpcration ,  and  tome  alfo  deftroy  them- 
felves  :  For  they  arefo  bewitched  of  the  devill ,  th;it  they  bckcvc 
this  to  beamoft  certainc  truth,  that  they  are  tempted  and  accufed, 
not  of  the  deiiil,but  of  Chrift  him&lfc. 

Such  a  like  thing  of  late  happened  to  that  mifcrabk  man 

The culm- 
p'e  of  Do  • 
dot  Kraus. 

o(»  falfc 


Chap.  III.  Vfon  /^EPISTLE 

ttor  Kraut  ot  Hal,  which  faid  :I  hare  denied  Chrift,  and  therefore 
hcitandcthnow  before  his  Father  and  accufeth  me.  He  being  blin 
ded  with  the  illufionof  the  devill  ,had  foftrongly  conceived  in  his 
mind  this  imagina'ionjthat  by  no  exiiortation,no  confolation,no  pro- 
mifcsof  God  he  could  bs  brought  from  it ,  whereupon  he  defpaired 
and  fb  mikrably  destroyed  huniclfe.  This  was  a  mecrc  lie ,  a i  be- 
witching  of  the  devill ,  and  aJantalUcall  definition  of  a  ftranggjQHrift 
whom  the  Scripture  Jjpoweth  not,  ^or  the  sctpture  ietfeth  fortTi 
Chrift ,  not  as  a  (u ica i  tempter ,  an  acculerTbut^a  reconciler ,  a  nie- 

mail  dili- 
gftly  warcb 
Worldly  & 
fccure  men 
ate  foone 
be  pitched. 

iatour  ,  a  comiForteraTTH  aTthrojTC ot  grace* 

~"Bdt~the  poore~mar.  deluded  by  the  devil! ,  cculd  not  then  fee  this, 
and  therefore  againft  all  Scdpturc,hc  thinketh  this  to  be  an  undoubted 
truth:  Chrift  accufeth  thee  before  his  Father; he  ftandeth  not  for 
thcc ,  but  againft  thee :  therefore  thou  art  damned.  And  this  tentation 
is  no*  of  man,  but  of  the  devill  ,  which  that  enchanter  moft  ftrongly 
imprinteth  in  the  heart  of  the  tempted. Bat  unto  us  which  are  led  and 
taught  by  another  fpirit ,  it  is  a  curfed  lie,  and  a  bewitching  of  the 
devill.  But  unto  thole  that  are  thus  bewitched,it  is  fo  certaine  a  truth, 
that  none  can  be  more  certaine. 

Seeing  then  that  the  devill  is  able  to  print  in  our  hearts  fo  mani- 
fcft  a  lie, that  wee  would  fweare  a  thcufand  times  it  were  an  undoub 
ted  truth,  we  muftnot  be  proud,  but  walks  in  fearcand  humility, 
calling  upon  the  Lord  Iefus,that  we  be  not  led  into  tentation. World 
ly  &  fecurc  men,  which  having  heard  the  Gofpell  once  or  twife  prea 
ched  ,  do  by  and  by  imagine  that  they  have  received  abundance  of  the 
fpirit ,  fall  at  length  in  like  manner ,  bccaufe  they  fcarc  not  God,  they 
are  not  thankfull  unto  him ,  but  perfwade  themfelves  that  they  arc 
able  not  onely  to  hold  and  defend  the  doilrineof  true  religion, but 
alfo  toftand  againft  the  devill  in  any  aflault  or  conflict ,  be  it  never  fb 
great.  Such  arc  meet  inftrumsnts  for  the  dcvill  to  bewitch  and  to 
throw  downetodcfperation. 

On  the  other  (ide,  fay  not  thou :  I  am  pcrfcftj  cannot  falhbut  hum- 
ble  thy  fcife ,  and  fcare  T  left  if  thou  Hand  to  day,  tomorrow  thou  be 

pvVrthTpwne^  I  my  f-lfe,  alchougrTT 
have  now  "preached  Chrift ,  and  fought  a^alrSiTthe  devill  in  his  falfc 
teachers  a  great  while,  by  mine  ownc  experience  have  found  how 
hard  a  matter  this  is.  For  I  cannot  (hake  off  Satan  as  I  defire :  neither 
can  I  fo,  apprehend  Chrift  as  the  Scripture  fettcth  him  forth :  but  o£ 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  n'i  A  N  s.  Fo!.  9.6 

tcntimes  the  Aevill  fetteth  before  mine  eyes  a  falfc  Chrift.  Bur  thanks 
be  to  God,  whokeepeth  us  in  the  word  y  in  faith  and  in  prayer  ,that 

we  may  walk  before  himTrT^utmhty  and  teare.,  and  not  prcfumcof 
our  owne  wifedome,righteoulnes  anj  ftrength,but  truft  in  the  power 
of  Chrift  i  who  is  ftron°  when  we  are  weake ,  and  by  us  wcakelind 
feeble  creatures  continually  overcommeth  and  triumpheth  :  To 
whom  be  glory  for  ever. 

This  bewitching  then, and  this  forcery,is  nothing  elfe  but  a  witchcraft 
plainc  illufion  of  the  devill ,  printing  in  the  heart  a  falfc  opinion  of  whati:i" 
rhrift  and  againft  CbrjfLand  Eelhaj  is  deluded  vvith  thisoprnion, 
is  Bewitched. They  thcrcrofe  that  have  tfus  opinion ,  that  they  arc  whoar* 
jultifiecl  by  the  works  of  the  law  ,  or  by  the  traditions  of  men,  are  be-  bcmtehci 
witched  -.for  this  opinion  is  againft  faith  and  againft  Chrift.     7>*ttt 
afeth  this  word  hevitctin^  in  contempt  of  the  faife  Apoftlcs  ,  which 
(b  vehemently  urged  the  docTrine  of  the  law  and  works.    As  if  he 
fhould  fay  :  what  a  dcvilliCh  bewitching  is  this?  For  as  the  fences 
arc  perverted  by  bodily  witchcraft,  fo  are  the  minds  of  men  alfo  de 
luded  by  this  fpirituall  witchcraft. 

Verfc  I .  Thttjefiould  not  obey  the  truth  ? 

The  6*Md*tiii  the  firft  did  gladly  hearc  and  obey  the  truth. 
Therefore  when  he  faith  wh*  hath  bewitched pu?  he  fhcwcth  that 
they  were  bewitched  by  thefcfalfe  Apoftles,and  werefalnc  away 
from  the  truth  which  before  they  did  obey.  But  this  fcemeth  yet  a 
more  bitter  and  vehement  kind  of  fpeech  ,  when  he  faith  that  they 
do  not  belecvc  the  truth.  For  he  fignifieth  by  thefc  words  that  they 
are  bewitched  ,tnd  that  he  would  deliver  them  from  this  witchery , 
and  yet  they  will  not  acknowledge  nor  receive  this  benefit.  For  it 
is  certainc  that  he  did  not  reduce  all  from  the  erronrs  of  the  falfe 
Apoftlcs  unto  the  truth ,  but  that  many  of  them  remained  yet  ftill  be 
witched.  Therefore  he  ufeth  thcfe  lharpc  and  vehement  words: 
who  hath  bewitched  you?  As  if  he  would  fey  :Ycarc  fo  deluded  and 
bewitched  ,  that  no  wye  cannot  obey  the  truth.  1  fcarclett  many  of 
you  arc  utterly  loft,  and  fo  falne  away ,  that  yc  will  never  rcturnc 
againe  to  the  truth. 

And  here  yc  have  againe  to  note  by  the  way ,  another  goodly 
commendation  of  the  law  and  ef  mans  OWRC  rightcoufneflc ,  that 
tfcc  doctrine  and  preaching  thereof,  be  it  never  fo  fervent  ,if  the 


.  HI.  r?o»  ffo  E  P  i  s  T  x  i 

preaching  of  Chrift  and  of  the  Gofpeli  do  not  go  withall,  never  brin- 
gcth  with  it  true  convtriion  ani  hearty  repentance.  Here  of  mamfcft 
idcmonftratipns  \ve  have,  not  oncly  by  plaine  words  ofthc  Scrip 
ture,  but  alibby  evident  experience.  For  as  it  is  true  which  is  writ- 
ten  totheHebrewcs,  that  the  bw  bringethnonc  to  perfection  :  fo 
in  this  epiftic  S.  Pant  by  manifeft  example  coofirmeth  the  lame, 
reasoning  thus  with  che  Galrtbiws  :  Tell  me,  faith  he,  ye  that^  would 
bi-  ju'lified  by  the  law,  received  ye  the  Spirit  of  vjod,  by  hearing  the 
law,  or  by  thcGofpell  of  faith  preached  ?  proving  by  their  owns  ex 
perience,  that  it  is  not  the  law  nor  the  preaching  thereof,  but  the 
Gofpell  and  preaching  of  faith  that  raifctl)  a  man  being  fallen,  and 
quickcneth  him  totrucrepentaace,as  more  folly  is  to  be  exprefled 
hereafter  when  we  come  to  the  place.  And  yet  neither  is  the  prea 
ching  of  the  law  without  his  cffcil:  ths  ufc  >*  hereof  onely  fcrveth  to 
(hew  forth  the  wrath  of  God  and  to  caft  downcibut  toraifeupa 
man,thatcommcthbythe  miniftration  of  the  Gofpell,  and  the  prea* 
ching  of  faith  oncly  in  Chrift. 

Vcrfe  I«  To  whom  Ie  fas  Chrift  before  WM  dcfcribedin  jour  fight. 

It  was  bitterly  fpokcn  where  he  faid  before,  that  they  wercfo 
bewitched,  that  they  could  not  obey  the  truth:  But  it  is  'more  bit 
terly  faid,  when  he  addeth  that  Chrift  was  fo  lively  dcfcribcd  before 
them,  that  they  might  handle  him  with  there  hands,  and  yet  they 
would  not  obey  the  truth.  Thus  heconvinceth  them  even  by  their 
o  wnc  experience.  As  though  he  would  fay  :  Yc  are  fo  bewitched  and 
deluded  with  the  dcvilliih  opinions  of  the  falfc  Apoftles,  that  now 
yc  will  not  obey  the  truth.  And  whereas  I  have  with  great  travell 
and  diligence  £et  forth  Chrift  plainely  before  your  eyes,  yet  doth  this 
profit  you  nothing  at  all. 

Inthcfcwordshchath  rcfpecl:  to  the  former  arguments,  where 
by  he  proved,  that  to  thofe  that  will  be  juftificd  by  the  law,  Chrift 
is  but  the  miniftct  of  finnc,thatfuch  do  reject  the  grace  of  God,  and 
that  to  them  Chrift  dyed  invaine.  Which  arguments  hchadbefore 
more  vehemently  profccorcd  and  more  largely  amplified  in  their  prc? 
fence,  even  as  if  a  painter  had  pourtraied  Chrift  Icfus  before  their 
eyes.  New  being  abfcnt  he  puttcth  them  in  mind  of  the  fame  things, 
faying  :  7"*  whom  lefm  Chrift  was  (kfcribe4  in  jour  jitfo  As  jf 
Jic  faid  :  There  is  uo  painter  that  with  ,iiis  colours  can  lo  lively  iet 


T*  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8.  FOI.   p? 

oat  Chrift  unto  you,  as  I  have  painted  him  out  by  my  preaching  -  and 
-yet  notwithftanding  ye  ftili  rcmaine  moft  mifcrably  bewitchel/ 
Verfe  i,  sAxd-wat  antongjoticrucifed. 

What  did  T  then  paint  out  >  Eren  Chrift  himfclfe.  How  was  that 

done  ?  in  this  lort ,  that  he  is  crucified  in  you  or  amon^  you     He 

ofcthhctc  very  rough  andbarpe  words.    Before  he  faid  that  they 

fought  nghteoufnes  by  thelaw,rejeaed  the  grace  of  God,  and  that 

to  them  Chrift  dyed  in  vaine.   Now  he  addeth  moreover ,  that  they 

cruahc  Chrift,  who  before  lived  and  reigned  in  them.  As  if  he  fhould 

fay :  Ye  have  now,  not  oncly  rejcded  the  grace  of  God,  not  oncly  to 

you  Chnit  died  in  vaine,  but  alfo  he  is  moft  ftiamcfully  crucified  a- 

mong  you.  After  the  fame  manner  he  fpeaketh,  Heb.6.  Crucifying  to 

themfelves  JMttrt  the  Son  of  Cjed,  and  making  a  mocke  of  him,  &c. 

If  a  man  did  but  hearc  the  name  of  a  Monkc,  of  his  ftaven  crownc, 
of  his  cowle ,  of  his  rule  ,  it  fliould  make  him  afraid  (how  much 
fbcver  thcPapifts  do  adore  thefe  abhominations ,  and  braggethat 
they  are  pcrfed  religion  and  holineilc  ,  as  I  and  others  did  judge 
of  them  before  God  revealed  his  Gofpcll  unto  us:  for  we  were 
brought  up  in  the  traditions  of  men,  which  darkened  Chrift  and 
made  hiol  utterly  unprofitable  unto  us)  when  he  heareth  *7W  fay, 
that  even  they  which  ieeke  to  be  juftificd  by  the  law  of  God,  be  not 
onely  deniers  and  murtherers  of  Chrift  ,  but  alfo  they  do  moft  wic 
kedly  crQcifie  him  againe.  Now,  if  they  be  crucifiers  of  Chrift  which  They  *•* 
fcckc  to  be  juftified  by  the  righteoufnefle  of  the  law  of  God ,  and  the  %'?!* 
works  thereof ,  what  arc  they  (f  pray  you)  which  feeke  ialvation  and  SUSSS 
cternalllife  by  the  dregs  and  filthy  dung  of  mans  rightcoufnes,and  cificchl>ftt 
by  the  doclrine  of  devils? 

But  who  could  evcrbeleeve  orthinke  that  it  wssfo  horrible  and 
fo  abominable  a  finnc  to  be  made  a  religious  man  (for  fothcy  call 
them)  namely  to  be  made  a  Mafling  Prieft  ,a  Monkc,  a  Frier ,  a 
Nunnc?  Doubtlcs  no  man.  Yea  they  themfelves  (ny  moreover  that 
Munkery  i?  a  new  baptifme.  Can  there  beany  thing  more  horri- 
ble  then  that  the  kingdomeof  the  Papiftsis  thckingdome  offuch 
as  (bitefully  fpit  in  the  face  of  Chrift  the  Sonnc  of  God,  and  cm- 
cifiehim  againe.  (For  indeed  they  crucifie  himafreQi  who  was 
once  crucified  and  rofc  againe)  both  in  themfelves ,  in  the  Church, 
and  in  the  hearts  of  the  faithfull  ?  for  with  their  fpitcfull  reproaches, 

O  rebukes 

Chap. III.  Vfontbt  EPISTLE 

r-ebukes,{bnders  and  injuries,they  fpit  upon  him,and  with  their  wic- 
J<ed  opinions  they  wound  him,  and  thruft  him  through,  that  in  them 
l^knay  die  moft  miferably :  and  in  the  ftead  of  him  they  fet  up  a  glo 
rious  witch- craft, wherby  men  are  fo  miferably  charmed  and  deluded 
that  they  cannot  know  Chrift  to  be  their  julkifer,  their  reconciler 
and  Saviour,  but  a  minifter  of  fin,  their  accufer,  their  J  udgc  and  their 
deftroycr,  which  muft  be  pacified  no  other  wife  then  byourworkes 
and  merits. 

And  out  of  this  opinion  did  afterwards  fpring  the  moft  peftilcnt 
and  pernicious  doftrine  that  is  in  the  whole  Papacie,  which  is  this  : 
If thou  wilt  fcrve  God,  thou  muft  merit  forgiveneflfeof  finnes  and 
everlafting  life,  and  mud  alfo  helpe  others  that  they  may  atraine 
to  falvation :  Thou  muft  enter  into  a  Monaftery,  TOW  obedience,  cha- 
ftitie,  povertie3e£r.  Monkes  and  Friers,  and  the  reft  of  that  religious 
rabble,  being  puffed  up  with  this  opinion  of  their  owne  holincflc, 
bragged  that  they  only  were  in  the  life  and  ftatc  of  perfection,  and 
that  other  Chriftians  led  but  a  common  life,  for  they  did  no  *  un- 
*  vndn<    due  works,  or  more  then  they  were  bound  to  doc ,  that  is,  they  did 
foh «  "he  not  v°w  and  kecpc  chaftitic,  povertie,  obedience,  &c.  they  were  but 
papitb  fay  only  baptized,  and  kept  the  ten  Commandements  :  But  as  for  them- 
SnlhVdo,  belidcs  that  which  was  common  as  well  to  them  as  to  other 
"•The  Pa     Chriftians,they  kept  alfo  the  works  of  fupcrcrogation,and  the  *coun- 
tPbat  Sy8C  &k  of  Chrift :  wherforc  they  hoped  to  have  merits  and  a  place  in  hea- 
kcrpe ,  not  ven  among  the  principall  Saints,  fair  above  the  common  fort  of  Chri- 

,>ne!y   «hc     A: 
comm.inJe-  •"»•»• 

but  This  was  undoubtedly  an  horrible  illufion  of  the  devill,  whereby 
!  ^e  ^atn  bewitched  almoft  the  whole  world.  And  every  man,  the 
i  arios  more  holy  he  would  fceme  to  be,the  more  he  is  fnared  with  that  wit- 
woS'ey  chery»  tnat  is  to  fay  »  with  thc  P^ilent  perfwafion  of  his  owne 
fiv,  they  arcrightcoufneife.  And  this  was  the  caufs  that  we  could  not  know  that 
J^°t"ie  Jclus  Chrift  was  our  Mcdiatour  and  Saviour  :  but  we  thought  that 
of  Popetie  he  was  a  fevcre  J  udge,  which  (liould  be  pacified  by  our  own  works : 
whicn  was  nothing  elfe  but  moft  horribly  to  blalpheme  Chrift,  and 
as  Prf^/fjidbcforCjtorc/ccT:  the graceof  God,  to  make  the  death  of 

Chriit  of  nonc  c^ft'  ancl  not  only to  kil1  him<«  but  al(o  m°ft  flwme- 
fully  to  cracifie  him  againe.  And  this  is  thc  right  meaning  of  that 
w'nich  Chrift  alkadgcth  out  of  Daniel :  That  abomination  ftandetb  in 
the holj  place.  Wherefore  every  Monke  and  religious  perfon,  and 


To  th'C  G  A  i  A  r  H  I  A  N  s.  Fol.  pg 

every  Jufticiary  fceking  rcmiflion  offinnes  and  rightcbufnefle  by  his 
owne  workcs  or  by  his  affiiclions,  is  a  crucifier  of  Chrift  now  reig 
ning  and  living,  although  not  in  the  proper  pcrfon  of  Chrift,  yet  in 
his  owne  heart  and  in  the  hearts  of  others.  And  whofoevcr  doc  enter 
into  Monafteries  to  the  end,  that  by  the  keeping  of  their  rule  they 
may  be  juftified,  do  enter  into  the  dens  of  thceves,and  fuch  as  crucific 
Chrift  again. 

Wherefore  P  Wufeth  in  this  place  very  fevere  and  (harp  words,to 
the  end  that  he  may  fear  and  call  back  the  Cjalathi<vts  from  the  dotfrin 
of  the  falfe  Apcftlcs.  As  if  he  (hould  fay,  confider  well  what  ye  have 
done.  Ye  have  crucified  Chrift  again  (  and  this  doe  I  fo  plainly  (hew 
and  paint  out  before  your  eyes,  that  ye  may  fecit,  yea  and  touch  it 
with  your  hands)  becaufc  ye  feck  tobe  juftified  by  the  law.  But  if 
righteoufnes  come  by  the  law,then  is  Chrift  a  minifter  of  fin,  and  his 
death  altogether  in  vain. If  thisbctrue,thcn  muft  it  needs  follow  that 
Chrift  is  crucified  again  in  you. 

And  it  is  not  without  caufe  that  he  addeth  this  claufe,  tujott,  orInyoBor 
<*n>on&  jotf.    For  Chrift  is  no  more  crucified,  he  dieth  no  more  in  his  amons  y*°- 
own  pcrfon,as  is  faid,  Row.6.  but  he  dieth  in  us,  when  we,  rejecting 
true  doftrin,  grace,  fairh,  free  remiflion  of  fins,  feek  to  be  j uftified  by  ngJJouf- 
our  own  works,or  clfe  by  the  works  commanded  in  the  law.    Here  "die  by  the 
Chrift  is  crucified  in  us  again.  Now  thisfallc  and  wicked  perfwafion, Iiw* 
to  feek  righteoufnes  by  the  law  and  works,is  nothing  clfe  (  as  I  have 
before  more  amply  declared)  but  the  illufion  of  the  devill,  wherewith 
men  are  fo  bewitched,  that  in  no  wiTethey  can  acknowledge  the  be 
nefit  of  C  hrift :  yea  in  all  their  life  they  can  do  nothing  elfe,  but  deny 
the  Lord  who  hath  bought  them,  and  in  whofe  name  they  were  bap- 
tifed,andcrucifiehira  again  in  thfmfelvcs.Whofoever  then  hath  any  Thell  rf 
feare  of  God  or  love  untoChrift  and  his  true  religion,let  him  fly  quick-  bie  abomT. 
Jy  out  of  this  2?*fy/0»,and  let  him  tremble  at  the  very  name  of  the  Pa-  nation  of. 
pacy.  For  the  impiety  and  abomination  thereof  is  fo  horrible,  that  no  l 
man  is  able  to  cxpreff:  it  with  words,neither  can  it  be  other  wife  fccn, 
then  with  fpirituall  eyes  only. 

Thcfc  two  arguments  T^/  profecutcth  and  beateth  into  the 
heads  of  the  Gtbtfauu  very  diligently  :  Firft ,  that  they  arc  fo  be 
witched  ofthe  devill,  that  they  obey  not  the  truth  moft  dcarely  let 
forth  before  their  eyes:  Secondly,  that  they  crucifie  Chrift  againc 
in  themfelves.  Thcfc  fceme  to  be  fimple  and  plainc  words ,  and 

O  2  without 

Chap.III.  rt*»th  EPISTLE 

without  any  high  eloquence,  but  is  very  deed  they  are  fo  mighty  that 
com.  they  exceed  all  the  eloquence  of  man.  1  1  cannot  therefore  be  compre- 
aation.  hcnded,but  only  in  fpidt,how  great  an  impiety  it  is  to  feck  to  be  jV 
fnS  ftifiidby  the  righteoufncs  of  the  law,  or  by  therighteoufnes  and  me- 
'  °  rits  ofman.Fer,as  JWiaith  hcre,it  is  nothing  clfc  but  to  be-bswitch- 
edof  the  devill,  to  be  difobedientto  the  truth,  and  to  crucifie  Chrift 
again.  Arc  not  thefe  goodly  commendations  of  the  righteoufnes  of 
the  law,and  mans  own  righteoufaes  ? 

The  Apoftle  therefore  is  infhmed  with  a  vehement  zeal,  and  with 
bitter  words  he  reproveth  and  condcmneth  the  preemption  of  mans 
ownerighteoufncfle,  rifing  upon  theobfervationofthelawof  God, 
and  chargeth  it  with  this  impiety,  that  it  crucifieth  againe  the  Soqnc 
of  God.  Seeing  then  it  is  fo  dangerous  a  thing,  it  cannot  be  beaten 
downc  enough,  or  condemned  as  it  (hould  be  :  For  thereof  cnlusth 

lucn  a  k11'  as  i$  ^  lcfk  tnenthe  fail  tfL*<*fir>  and  ^ch  a  loflc  as  can 
never  be  recovered,  and  therefore  he  ufeth  fo  iharpe  and  rigorous 
words  againft  it,that  he  fpareth  not  the  very  law  of  God  :  againft  the 
which  he  fo  bitter  lyinveycth,  that  he  feemeth  utterly  to  rejccl  and 
condemne  it.  And  this  doth  he,  being  contained  by  great  necefiity  : 
for  othcrwifc  he  could  not  withftand  the  falfe  Apoftlcs  ,  nor  defend 
the  rigfatcoufncflc  cf  feith  againft  them  .  Albeit  then  that  the  law  be 
holy,  jnft  and  good,  yet  muft  it  put  on,  as  it  were  the  vifour  of  an  hy 
pocrite,  feekmgtobejufttfied  by  works.  Now  he  prefleth  them  with 
an  argument,  whereof  they  themfclvcs  had  good  experience,  and 
which  they  could  not  deny. 

Verfe  Z.  This  only  Vaould  I  learns  ofjott  :  Received  yee  the  Spirit  by  the 
Work*  of  the  law,  or  fy  tbe  hearing  of  faith  preached? 

He  fpeaketb  thcfs  words  with  a  certaine  indignation  and  con* 
tempt  cf  the  falfw  Apoftlcs.    If  I  had  nothing  dfe  againft  you  but 
Cyen  your  ownc  experience  (  faith  he  )  yet  have  I  enough.   As  if  he 
c!aSiSinh.c  faoukl  fay  :  Goe  to  now  :  anfwcr  me  I  pray  you,  which  am  your 
cwncexpc-  fchollcr  (foryearefofodainely  become  Doclors,  that  ye  are  now 
ncnce<       my  rm(krs  and  teachers-.  )  Received  yee  the  Hofy  <jhost  by  the  \torkes 
of  the  IAVO,   or  by  the  frceching   of  the  Cjotycl  ?    VVith  this  argu- 
mcnthcefo  convinccth  them  ,  that  they  have  nothing  to  reply  a- 
gaine.     For  their  OWHC  experience  is  altogether  againft  them  :  to 
wit,  that  they  had  received  the  holy  Ghoft,  not  by  the  works  of 


T0  (fa  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S. 

the  law,  but  by  the  preaching  of  the  Gofpcll. 

Here  againe  I  warneyoa,  that  Paul  fpeaketh  notonely  of  the  Paul 
cereraoniall  law,  but  of  the  whole  law.    For  he  groqndeth  his  ar-  S  cjftjj,* 
gument  upon  a  fufh'cient  divifion.    I  f  he  fliould  fpeakc  of  the  ccre- 
moniall  law  onely,  it  were  not  a  fufficient  divifion.  It  is  an  argu 
ment  therefore  (landing  upon  two  parts,  whereof  the  one  mufl; 
needs  be  true  and  the  other  falfe :  That  is,  either  ye  received  the  ho* 
ly  Gheft  by  the  Iaw3or  by  the  hearing  of  faith.    If  by  the  law,  then 
not  by  the  preaching  of  faith.  If  by  the  preaching  of  faith,  then  not 
by  the  law.   There  is  no  meane  betwixt  thefe  two.  For  all  that  is 
not  the  holy  Ghoft  or  the  preaching  of  faith,  is  the  law.    Here  are 
we  in  the  matter  of  juftification.  But  to  attaine  to  ;uftification,therc 
is  no  other  way,  but  cither  the  voice  oftheGofpcll,  or  the  voice  of  T 
the  law.    Wherefore  the  law  is  here  taken  generally,  as  wholy  fe-  " 
paratc  from  the  Gofpell.    But  it  is  not  the  ceremoniall  law  onely 
that  is  feparate  from  the  Gofpell,  but  alfo  the  morall  law  or  the  law 
of  the  ten  Commandements.   Wherefore  P*#/fpeaketh  here  of  the 
whole  law. 

He  groundeth  his  argument  upon  a  fufficient  diftinftion9after  this 
fort.   Tell  me  (  faith  he : )  Receivedye  the  holy  Ghoft  by  the  vrorty  of  The  holy 
the  law  ,or  by  the  preaching  of  the  Goftcll?  Anfwer  me  to  this.  Ye  can-  Sjjj"6" 
not  fay  that  this  was  done  by  the  law.  For  fo  long  as  ye  were  under  heatfng  the 
the  law  and  did  the  works  thereof,yc  never  received  the  holy  Ghoft.  ??r.d  of . 

_,,  ,  .  .          tttCfff  ^.iii  Mittij  and 

Indeed  ye  taught  and  heard  the  law  ot  Mofo  every  Sabbath  :  but  it  not  by  AC 
hath  not  been  heard  or  fcene  that  ever  the  holy  Ghoft  was  given  to law* 
any,  either  Doftor  or  Difciple,  through  the  preaching  of  the  law. 
Moreover,  ye  have  not  onely  taught  and  heard  the  law,  but  alfo  yc 
have  laboured  with  all  your  power  to  performe  the  fame  by  your 
works,  whereby  ye  fliould  moft  of  all  have  received  the  holy  Ghoft, 
if  he  had  been  given  by  the  law,  feeing  ye  were  not  only  teachers 
and  hearers,  but  alfo  doers  of  the  law  :  and  yet  ye  cannot  (hew  me 
that  this  was  done  at  any  time.  But  as  foon  as  the  hearing  of  faith  or 
the  Gofpell  came  unto  you,  by  and  by  y  c  received  the  holy  Ghoft  by 
the  onely  hearing  of  faith,  before  ye  had  done  any  work,  or  fhcwed 
any  fruit  of  the  Gofpell.   For  as  Luke  witneflfeth  in  the  Afts,  at  the 
onely  preaching  of^etcr  and  Ttoily  the  holy  Ghoft  came  upon  thofc  ^^^ 
which  heard  the  word,  through  whom  alfo  they  received  divers  .*&  11.15. 
gifts,  iq  that  they  fpakc  with  new  tongues. 

03  It 

Chap.  III.  fyon  tfoE*  tsn* 

It  is  manifeft  therefore  that  by  theonely  preach  ing  of  faith,  yc 

*he  hw     received  the  holy  Ghoft  before  ye  did  any  good  work,  or  brought 

biin-cth  m»  forth  any  fruits  of  thcGofpcll.    On  the  other  fide,  theaccompli- 

choft°Iy     fliing  of  the  law  never  brought  the  holy  Ghoft:  much  lefle  could  the 

oncly  hearing  of  the  law  do  it.    Therefore  not  onely  the  hearing  of 

the  law,but  that  affection  and  zealc  alfo, whereby  ye  go  about  to  ac- 

complifh  the  law  by  your  works,is  vaine  and  unprofitable.   Whcre- 

fore,although  a  man  labour  to  do  all  things  :  that  is  to  fay,  ^although 

behave  a  zealc  of  God,  and  with  all  his  endeavour  go  about  to  be 

favcd  by  the  law,  and  exercife  himielfe  day  and  night  in  the  rightc- 

oufneflc  thereof,  notwithftanding  he  doth  but  labour  and  confumc 

himfelfein  vaine.  For  they  which  arc  ignorant  of  the  righteoufncs 

aj'    of  God,  and  go  about  to  cftablifa  their  own  rightcoufnefe  (  as  Paul 

JU».n.7.    faith  in  another  place )  donor  fubmit  themfelves  unto  therighte- 

oufhcfleofGoJ.    Againe:  IfraelVvhich  followed  the  Uiyofrighteouf- 

ttejfe,  attained  net  to  the  law  ofrighteoufntffe^&c.  ' 

hereof  the  manifcftation^ht*  holy  Ghoft  in 


tha^didj)elceve,  and  by  this  figne  did  plainely  witnefle  that  lie  was 
{here  prcfent  at  the  preaching  of  the  Apoftles :  alfo  that  they  which 
heard  the  word  of  faith  preached  by  the  Apoftles,  were  accepted  as 
righteous  before  God :  for  clfe  the  holy  Ghoft  would  not  have  come 
downe  upon  them. 

'The  Argument  of  the  Booke  containing  the 
Acts  of  the  Apostles. 

'Herefbre  we  muft  diligently  weigh  and  confider  the  force 
of  this  argument,  which  is  fo  often  repeated  in  theAcls 
of  the  Apoftles,  which  booke  is  written  to  confirme  and  eftablifh 
this  argument  :  for  it  tcachcth  nothing  elfe  but  that  the  holy 
Ghoft  is  not  given  by  the  law,but  by  the  hearing  of  the  GofpelJ.  For 
•when  Peter  preached,  the  holy  Ghoft  forthwith  fell  upon  all 
thofc  that  heard  him,  and  in  one  day  three  thoufand  which  were 
prefcnt  at  the  preaching  of  Peter  y  belceved  and  /received  the  holy 
Ghoft,  Afts  2.  So  Cornelius  received  the  holy  Ghoft,  not  by  the 
almes  which  he  gave,  but  when  'Peter  had  opened  his  mouth,  and 
was  yet  in  fpeaking,  the  holy  Ghoft  fell  upon  all  them  which  with 
Corneliw  heard  the  wprd,t/Jf#j  I  o.  Thcfe  are  manifeft  arguments, 


Tip  the  GA  L  A  r  n  i  A  N  s.  Fol.ioo 

experiences,  and  divine  workes  which  cannot  deceive  us. 

Lubalfo  writethof  Pant  in  the  15  of  the  Atts,  that  where  he 
had  preached  the  Gofpell  together  with  Barnabas  among  the  Gcn- 
tiles,and  was  returned  to  lertifilent,  he  fct  himfelfe  againft  the  Pha- 
rifces  and  Difciplcs^ofthe  Apoftles,  which  urged  circumcifion  and 
the  keeping  of  the  la  w,as  neceflary  to  falvation :  whofe  mouthes  he 
fo  ftopped(faith  Luke)  in  (hewing  what  things  he  and  Barnabas  had 
done  amongft  the  Gentiles,  that  the  whole  Church  was  amazed  at 
the  hearing  thereof,  efpecially  when  they  heard  that  God  had 
wrought  fo  many  and  fo  great  miracles  &  wondcrsby  them  among 
the  Gcntiles:and  when  they  which  bare  a  zcale  to  the  law,did  won 
der  how  it  could  be  that  the  uncircumcifed  Gentiles,  not  doing  the 
law  nor  the  works  thereof,  nor  having  the  rightcoufnes  of  the  law, 
(hould  notwithstanding  attaine  to  this  grace,  to  be  juftified  and  re 
ceive  the  holyGhoft  as  well  as  the  Jews  that  werecircumcifed:here 
jPd#/and  Barnabas  did  alledge  nothing  clfc  but  manifcft  experience : 
wherwith  they  were  fo  confounded,  that  they  had  nothing  to  reply 
againe.  By  this  mcanes  Paulut  Ser$tw  the  Lieutenant,  and  all  thoie  j,aula$  Sc<| 
Cities,  Regions,  Kingdoms  and  Countries  where  the  Apoftles  had  gius  the 
preached,  by  the  oncly  preaching  of  faith  didbelccve,  without  the  Licutcn«Bt- 
Jaw  and  the  works  thereof. 

In  the  whole  book  therefore  of  the  A&s  there  is  nothing  clfc  hand-  Both  ie*« 
led  in  effect,  but  that  itbchoveth  as  well  Jews  as  Gentiles,  as  well  ^oS 
righteous  as  unrighteous,  to  be  juftified  by  faith  alone  in  Chrift  Je-  by  frith' 
fus,without  the  law  and  the  works  thereof.   The  which  thing  doth  ' 
appcareas  well  by  the  preaching  Q£fPctcr><£PAiil)rfSteybenplcphl- 
lip  and  the  other  Apoftles,  as  alfo  by  the  examples  of  the  Gentiles 
and  Jcwcs.   For  as  God  gave  the  holy  Ghoft  to  the  Gentiles  which 
lived  without  the  law,  by  the  preaching  of  the  Gofpell :  fo  did  he 
give  the  fame  to  the  Jews:yctnotby  the  law  nor  by  the  ceremonies 
and  facrifices  commanded  in  the  law,  but  by  the  oncly  preaching  of 
faith.  Now,ifthc  law  had  been  able  to  juftific,and  the  righteoufnc* 
of  the  law  had  been  neceflary  tofalvation,  then  doubtlcfle  the  holy 
Ghoft  had  not  [been  given  to  the  Gentiles  which  kept  not  the  law. 
But  experience  it  fclf  doth  plainly  witncffe,that  the  hoIyGhoft  was 
given  unto  them  without  thclaw(and  this  did  thcApoftles,  both  Pe 
ter,  Pattl^  Barnabas  and  others  fee : )  therefore  the  law  doth  not  ju« 
ftifie,but  faith  oncly  in  Chrift,  which  the  Gofpell  fctteth  forth. 

O  4  Thcfc 

Chap.  III.  fyon  tbeEr  i  sti* 

Thefe  things  arc  diligently  to  be  marked,  becaufe  of  the  adverfa- 
ries,which  doc  not  confider  what  is  handled  in  the  Afts  of  the  Apo- 
ftles.  I  my  fclfe  in  times  paft  alfo  read  this  booke,  when  indeed  I 
nnderftood  in  it  nothing  at  all.  Therefore  when  thou  heareft  or  rca- 
dcft  in  the  A&s  of  the  Apoftles,  c,r  wtarcibever  it  be  in  the  Scrip 
tures,  this  word  Cjettiks,  thou  muft  thinke  that  it  is  not  to  be  un- 
dcrftood  literally  of  the  common  nature  of  the  Gentiles,  but  it  car* 
yieth  with  it  a  fpirituall  meaning,  and  is  to  be  taken,  notforthofe 
which  are  under  the  la  w,as  were  the  Jcwes  (  as  before  is  faid  in  the 
fccond  Chapter :  We  by  nature  Jews,  &c.)  but  for  thofe  which  arc 
The  Gen.  without  the  law.  Wherefore  to  fay  that  the  Gentiles  are  juftificd 
^  ttiti\,  is  nothing  clfc,  but  that  they  which  obfervcnot  the  law 
nor  do  the  works  thereof,  which  are  not  circumcifed,  which  facri- 
fice  not3&c.are  juftificd  and  receive  the  holy  Ghoft.By  what  means? 
Not  by  the  la  wand  the  works  thereof  ( for  they  have  no  hw:)  but 
freely  and  without  any  other  meanes,except  onely  the  hearing  of  the 

So  Cornelias  and  his  friends  whom  he  had  called  to  his  houfe,  do 
nothing,neither  lookcthey  upon  any  works  going  beforehand  yet  as 
many  as  are  prefent,  receive  the  holy  Ghoft.  No  man  fpeakcth  but 
Peter:tbsy  fitting  by  dos  nothing  :  they  think  not  of  the  law,  much 
lefle  do  they  keep  it :  they  facrifice  not :  they  care  not  for  the  recei 
ving  of  circumcifion,  but  oncly  are  bent  to  heare  that  which  *Pctcr 
fpteketb.  He  by  his  preaching  brought  the  holy  Ghoft  into  their 
l!earts,as  it  were  vifibly :  For  they  frakt  with  tott£uss>andgl9rificd  God. 
But  fomc  man  m.iy  here  carill  and  fay  :  Who  knoweth  whether  it 
wercthc  holy  Gho[>  or  no  ?  Well  let  him  cavill.  Sure  it  is  that  the 
holyGhoft  fo  bearing  witnefle,  dorh  not  lie,  but  hereby  (hewcth 
that  tie  occepteth  the  Gentiles  for  righteous,  and  /uftifieth  them 
by  no  other  meanes,  then  by  the  onely  voic:  of  the  Gofpell,  or  hea 
ring  of  faith  in  Chrirt  preached.  We  may  fee  alfo  in  the  Afts  how 
greatly  the  J  ewes  mar  veiled  at  this  new  and  ftrange  thing.  For  the 
faithfull  which  were  of  the  circumcilioa,  and  catne  with  Peter  to 
,  *C<f/Sra«,{eeing  the  gift  of  the  holy  Ghol  to  be  powrcd  out  alfo  tip- 
6n  the  Gentiles  in  the  houfc  of  Cornelius,  were  aft onicd.  Alfo  they 
(bat  were  at  Ifruflt'wt  complained  ofPefer,  for  that  he  went  in  to 
'  men  tincircumcifed,  and  did  eate  with  them.  But  when  they  heard 
ihe^wtter  declared  by  Ptter  in  order  as  it  was  done  touching 

To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s.  Fol.lef 

///#,tney  marvellcd,and  glorified  Gcd,faying :  Tkenhath  Cjodalfogi* 
Wttfalvationunto  the  G  catties. 

This  report  therefore  and  this  fame,  that  Gcd  had  given  falvition 
alfo  to  the  Gentiles,  was  at  the  firft  not  only  intollerable,  but  alfo  a 
great  offence  even  to  the  beleeving  jewes,    -which  they  could  not 
cafily  (hake  off.  for  they  had  this  prerogative  above  all  other  nations, 
that  they  were  the  people  of  God.Theadoption,the  glory  5the  wor- 
{hip,&c.bclonged  to  them,/?cj».9.  Moreover,  they  exercifed  thern- 
fclves  in  the  rightcoufnes  of  the  law,  they  laboured  all  the  day  long, 
they  bare  the  burden  and  heatc  of  the  day.   Moreover,  they  had  the 
promife  as  couching  thcobfervationofthe  law.therefore  they  could 
not  but  niurmure  againft  the  Gentiles,and  fay  :  Behold  the  Gentiles  sainft  the 
come  but  even  now,  and  have  notfuffered  any  heat,or  borne  any  bur- 
den  :  notwithftanding  they  have  the  fame  righteou(he{fc  and  holy 
Ghoft  without  labour, which  we  by  labour  and  by  the  heate  and  bur 
den  of  the  day  could  not  obrainc.  Indeed  they  have  laboured,but  that 
was  but  one  hbure,  and  by  this  labour  they  are  more  refreshed  then 
wearied.  Wherefore  then  hath  God  tormented  us  with  the  law,if  it 
availe  nothing  to  the  obtaining  of  rightcoufnes  ?  he  now  prefer  reth 
the  Gentiles  before  us  which  have  beenc  fo  long  burdened  with  the 
yoke  of  the  law.   For  we  which  are  the  people  of  God,  -have  beene 
\cxedalhheday  long  :  but  they  which  arc  not  the  people  of  God, 
r.either  have  any  law,  nor  have  done  any  gccd  at  all,  arc  made  equal! 
with  us. 

And  for  this  caufe  the  Councell  of  the  ApoftJes,upon  great  ncccf- 
fity  was  aflcmbkd  at  Jtr uplcM  to  fatisfie  and  pacific  the  Jewes,who  otthe  Apo. 
though  they  belecved  in  Chrift,  yet  was  this  opinion  notwithftan-  {llfs- 
ding  deeply  rooted  in  their  hearts,  that  the  law  ot  Mofes  otaght  to 
beobfcrved.   There  Peter,  upon  his  own  experience,  fct  himfelfea- 
gainft  them,  fay  ing  :  If  Cjodkwe  given  the  fame  grace  unto  the  Gen 
tiles,  Vrhicb  he  hath  given  unto  m  Vrhich  bxve  beleeved  in  tht  Lor  die"  ^^.11.17, 
ftaChriflt  \\kowat  I,  that  I  could  let  Cjocl  ?  Againe  :  Cfod  who  know* 
(th  their  he  Art,  b«re  them  nritntjfe  in  giving  unto  them  the  holy  (Jhcft,  ^. 
wen  M  he  did  tint o  w%    And  he  yut  no  difference  betvecenc  w  and  them, 
purifying  their  hearts  by  faith.    Now  therefore^  Vthj  tempt  ye  Cjod,  to 
lay  ajokgonthcDifciplcs  neck*,  Vfhich  neither  our  fathers  nor  ive  vet  re 
able  to  bewc?  &c.  With  tnefe  words  'Peter  at  once  overthroweth  the 
'  \vholela\v.  Asifhelhouldfay  :  we\viHnotl«:epth«lawiforvve  arc 


Chap.III.  Vft*  ^  E*  i  s  T  L  E 

not  able  to  keep  it:but  wcbclccve  through  the  grace  of  our  Lord  Je- 
fus  Chrift  to  be  faved,cven  as  they  did. So  Peter  here  ftandeth  altogc- 
thcfurto  this  argument,  that  God  gave  unto  the  Gentiles  thefelfe- 
fame  grace  that  he.  gave  to  the  Jcwes.    As  though  he  would  fay : 
Whci  1  preached  to  Cornelius,  1  learned  by  mine  owne  experience, 
that  the  holy  Ghoft  was  given  without  the  law  to  the  Gentiles,  by 
gi»cn  by  the  fa  oneiy  hearing  of  faith :  therefore  in  no  cafe  are  they  to  be  bur- 
ScSh,  dene J  with  the  law.To  conclude,fince  it  is  certaine  that  neither  we 
nor  our  fathers  were  ever  able  to  fulfill  the  law,  it  behovcth  you  alfo 
to rcjeft  this  crror,that  righteoufncffe  and  falvation  comrneth  by  the 
law.  And  this  the  beleeving  J  ewes  did  by  little  and  little :  but  the 
\vicked  which  by  this  preaching  were  offended,  at  the  length  were 
altogether  hardned. 

The  commendation  of  the  Booke  containing 
the  Acts  of  the  Apsftles. 

SO  in  the  A&s  ye  (hall  find  the  experience,  the  preachings,  and 
alfo  the  examples  of  the  Apoftles  for  the  confirmation  of  this 
mattcr,againft  this  obftioate  opinion  touching  the  righteoufneflk  of 
the  law.   And  we  ought  therefore  the  more  to  love,  and  the  more 
diligently  to  readc  thisbooke,  becaufe  it  containeth  mod  fubftan- 
tiall  teftimonies,  which  are  able  to  comfort  and  confirme  us  againft 
rtePapUb  the  Papiftsour  Jcwsrwhofeabhominations  and  coloured  hypocrifis 
icw»°vhich  we  impugne  and  condemnc  by  our  doftrine  ,that  we  may  fet  forth 
thc  benefits  and  glory  of  Chrift.  Who,  though  they  have  nofubftan- 
tiall  matter  to  alledge  againft  us  Cwhereas  the  lewcs  might  have 
Paul,    laycfl  againft  the  Apoftles,  that  they  had  received  the  la  wand  all 
thefe  ceremonies  from  God,)  yet  notwithftanding  they  are  no  kfle 
obftinate  in  defending  their  curfed  traditions  and  abominations,then 
thelcwes  were  in  maintaining  their  law  which  they  had  received 
from  God  ,  glorying  and  bragging  that  they  fit  in  the  place  of  Bi- 
Chops  >  and  that  the  authority  to  govcrne  the  Churches,  is  commit 
ted  unto  them.   Whereby  they  would  bring  us  into  bondage,  and 
wrcft  from  us  this  article,  that  we  are  juftified,  not  by  faith  formed 
and  adorned  with  charity  (  as  they  fay,)  but  by  faith  alone.   But  wt 
fct  againft  them  the  bookc  of  the  Aftes.  Let  them  reade  thisbooke, 
an^COn^^cr  the  examples  contained  in  it,  and  theyfhall  find  this 
to  b:  the  fummc  and  the  argument  thereof  that  we  are  juftified  by 


To  the  GALATHIANS.  Fol.ioi 

faith  only  in  Chrift  without  works,and  that  the  holy  Ghoft  is  given 
by  the  only  hearing  of  faith  at  the  preaching  of  the  Gofpell,  and  not 
at  the  preaching  ot  the  lawyer  by  the  works  of  the  law. 

Wherefore  thus  teach  we  :  O  man,  although  thou  faft,  give 
almes,  honour  thy  parents,  obey  the  Magiftrate,  dr.  yet  art  thou 
not  juftified  thereby.  This  voice  of  the  law,  honour  thy  parcnts,or 
any  other  elfe,either  heard  or  fulfilled,doth  not  juftific.  What  then  ? 
Tohearethe  voice  of  the  Spoufe,  tohcare  the  word  of  faith  :  This 
word  being  heard,  doth  juftifie.  Wherefore?  Becaufeit  fcnngeth 
the  holy  Ghoft  which  juftineth  a  man,  and  makcth  him  righteous 
be  fore  God. 

•   Hereby  we  may  fee  what  is  the  difference  between  the  law  and 
the  Gofpcll,  The  Law  never  bringcth  the  holy  Ghoft  ,but  onely  tea-  rence  bf- 

i        i_  j          i       r        •    •   r>',-     t  i      A    f    twecn  the 

phcih  what  we  ought  to  do  :  thcrfore  it  juftineth  not.  But  the  Got-  iswandtijc 
pell  bringeth  the  holy  Ghoft,  becaufe  it  tcacheth  what  we  ought  to  GofPe11' 
receive.    Therefore  the  law  and  the  Gofpcll  arc  two  contrary  do 
ctrines.  Toput  rightcoufnes  therefore  in  the  law,  is  nothing  cliebut 
to  fight  againft  the  Gofpcll.  For  Mofes  with  his  law  is  a  fevere  exa 
ctor,  rcquireth  of  us  that  we  fliould  work,  ]and  that  we  fhould  give  ; 
briefly  ,  it  requircth  and  exacteth.    Contrariwife  the  Gofpcll  givcth  To  cxaa( 
freely  and  requirrth  of  us  nothing  clfe,  but  to  hold  out  our  hands,and  To  sivc 
to  take  that  which  is  offered.  Now,to  exact  and  to  gtve,to  take  and  freely*' 
to  offer  arc  things  contrary,  and  cannot  ftand  together.    For  that 
which  is  given,!  take:  but  that  which  I  givc,I  do  not  take,but  I  offer 
it  unto  another.  Therefore  if  the  Gcfpell  be  a  gifr,  it  re  quircth  no 
thing.  Contrariwife,  the  law  giveth  nothing,  but  it  rcquireth  and 
ftraightly  exaftethofus,yeaeven  impofliblc  things. 


of  Cornelius/';?  the  tenth  of  the  Ads. 

Erc  cur  adverfaries  fct  againft  us  the  example  o. 

Cornelius  (fay  they)  was  (as  Luke  witnefluth)  a  good  man, 
jutt  and  fiaring  {jodt  Vcf.ich  gave  Almes  to  the  peop/t,  and  grayed 
to  Cjod  contixttiitfj  :  therefore  of  Congruence  he  did  merit  the 
forgitcncfTe  of  (inncs^and  the  fending  of  the  holy  Ghoft.  I  anfwer  : 
£ornelitu  was  2  Gentilr,  and  this  cannot  the  adverfaries  deny  : 
For  the  words  which  Pftt*  alleadgeth  in  the  10  Chapter  of  the 
^^?/,do  plaincly  witnciTc  the  fame.  Tet  k»w  (  faith  he  )  that  it  i* 
r  A  man  that  it  A  /«v,  t*.  Accempuny  nith  one  of  /mother 


Chap.III.  rpon  tbc  EP  i  s  T  L  i 

Nation :  but  CjodhAthfiewedmc  that  Ijbouldnot  call  any  man  p dinted 
or  uncleane.Hs  was  therefore  a  Gcntilc,and  not  circumcifed,not  kee- 
if    ping  the  law,  yea  not  once  thinking  of  it,  becaufc  it  pertained  no- 
w(hfi:dby   thing  unto  him:  and  yet  notwithftandmg  he  was  juftified  and  recei 
ved  the  holy  Ghoft.  And  this  argucnent(as  I  faid)is  handled  through 
out  the  whole  bookc  of  the  Atts :  to  wit,  that  the  law  availech  no 
thing  to  rightcoumefle. 

Let  this  fa fficc  then  for  the  defence  of  the  article  of  justification, 

that  Cfrnelius  was  a  Gentile,not  circumcifed,  not  keeping  the  law : 

therefore  he  was  not  juftified  by  the  law,but  by  the  hearing  of  faith. 

'Hie  uw     God  juftifieth  therefore  without  the  law,  and  fo  confequcntly  the 

wKTf  ^aw  availeth  nothing  torightcoufneflk.    Forotherwife  God  would 

ncfle. te  '   have  given  the  holy  Ghoft  to  the  J  ewes  oncly,  which  had  the  law 

and  kept  it,and  not  to  the  Gentiles  which  had  not  the  law,and  much 

leflc  did  accomplish  it.    But  God  wrought  cleane  contrary  :  for  the 

holy  Ghoft  was  given  to  them  that  kept  not  the  law.  wherefore 

rightcoufncs  commeth  not  by  the  law. By  this  meanes  the  objection 

of  the  adverfaries  which  doe  not  underftand  the  true  manner  of  jufti « 

fication,  is  anfwcred. 

Here  againc  ths  adverfaries  objecT:  againft  us,  and  fay  :  Be  it  fo 
that  Cornelius  was  a  Gentile,  and  did  not  receive  the  holy  Ghoft 
by  the  law,yet  not  withstanding  forafmuch  as  the  text  faith  plaincly, 
tkat  he  Vra*  ajuft  man,  fiaring  God,  giving  a/mes,  &c.  it  may  feeme 
that  by  thefe  workes  he  deferved  to  have  ths  holy  Ghoft  after- 
HOW  the  fa- warjs  given  unto  him.     I  anfwer,  that  Cornelia*  was  ajuft  and 
SJVcflaf'  a  holy  man  in  the  old  Teftament,    becaufe  of  his  faith  in  Chrift 
meat  were    which  was  tocome,  as  all  the  Fathers,  Prophets  and  godly  Kings 
were  righteous  and  received  fjcretly  the  holy  Ghoft  through 
faith  inChrift  to  come.   But  thefe  Popifh  Jophifters  putnodit£> 
-rcncc  bttweenc  faith  in  Chrift  to  come,  and  in  Chrift  which  is  al- 
ready  come.    Wherefore  if  Cornelia  had  died  before  Chrift  was 
revealed,  yet  had  he  not  been  damned,  becaufe  he  had  the  faith  of 
^  fathers,  which  wcrefaved  by  faith  onely  in  Chrift  to  come, 
e^tts  i  y.  1 1.  He  rcmaineth  then  alwaycs  a  G:ntilejuncircumci(cd 
and  without  the  law,  and  yet  notwithstanding  he  worlhipped  the 
lelfc-famc  God  whom  the  fathers  wortbipped  by  faith  in  the  <JMef- 
JtM  to  come.    But  now,  becaufe  the  MefliM  was  already  come,  no- 
ccfftry  it  was  that  it  (hould  be  (hewed  unto  him  by  the  Apoftle 



TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  *l  Fol.I  Oj 

'Peter  ,  that  he  was  not  now  to  be  looked  for  ,  but  that  he  was  alre* 
dy  come. 

And  this  article  concerning  faith  in  Chrift  to  be  revealed  ,  and  in 
Chrift  now  revealed  (  that  I  may  touch  thisalfo  by  the  way  )  is  very 
nccdfary  to  be  kno  wne.  For  feeing  that  Chrift  is  now  revealed  ,  we 
cannot  be  favcd  by  faith  in  Chrift  to  come,  but  we  mnft  bckcve  that 
he  is  already  come  ,  hath  fulfilled  all  things  ,  and  aboliQaed  the  law. 
Therefore  neceflaryit  was  allo  that  Cornetitu  fhould  be  brought  to 
another  beleefe  ,  not  that  Chrift  was  yet  to  come,  as  hedidbelccvc 
before  :  but  that  he  was  already  come.  So  faith  giveth  place  to  faith  : 
fr  'cm  faith  to  faith,  Rem.  j. 

The  popifo  Schoolemcn  therefore  arc  deceived  ,  when  they  fay  con°grucSce 
for  the  maintenance  of  their  opw  congrmnt,  or  merit  before  grace,  jjr™"'rbe" 
that  Cornelius  by  the  naturall  and  moral!  workesof  rcafbn,  defcr- 
vcd  grace  and  the  fending  of  the  holy  Ghoft.  For  to  be  a  juft  man  and 
fearing  God  ,  are  the  properties,  not  of  a  Gentile  or  of  a  naturall  man, 
but  of  a  fpirituall  man  ,  who  hath  faith  already.  For  unleflfe  he  did  bc- 
Jeeve  in  God  and  feare  God  ,  he  could  not  hope  to  obtainc  any  thing 
of  him  by  prayer.The  firft  commendation  therefore  that  Luke  gircth 
unto  Cornelius  ,  is  this  ,  that  he  is  a  righteous  man  and  fearing  God  : 
Afterwards  he  commcndeth  him  for  his  works  and  alines  deed.  This 
our  adverfarics  do  not  confider  ,  but  lay  hold  onely  upon  this  fcntence, 
that  he  gave  almcs  unto  the  poore:for  thatfeemetn  to  make  for  the 
cftablifhing  of  their  merit  of  congruence  or  defert  going  before  grace. 
Butfirft  theperfonor  the  tree  muft  be  commended,  and  then  the 
works  and  the  fruit.    Cornelius  is  a  good  tree,  for  he  is  righteous  and 
feareth  God  :  therefore  he  bringcth  forth  good  fruit,  he  giveth 
almcs,  he  caljetb  upon  God,  and  thefc  fruits  plcafe  God,becaufe  of  his 
faith.  Wherefore  the  Angell  com  mendeth  £V0?&0  for  his  faith  in 
Chrift  which  was  to  come,  and  bringeth  him  from  that  faith,  to 
another  faith  in  Chrift  which  was  already  come,  when  he  faith  :  C^l 
for  Sioion  Vrhoje  fitrname  ii  Peter  :  He  fall  tell  tbee  Vthatthou  ou^htc^  to  k 
^<*,&C.    Like  as  then  Cornelius  was  without  the  law  before  Chrift 
was  revealed  :  even  fo  after  Chrift  was  revealed,  he  received  neither 
the  law  nor  circumcifion.  And  as  he  kept  not  the  law  before  :  fo  did 
henotkccpcit  afterwards.     This  argument  therefore  concludcth 
ftrongly  :  £Vw/;'w  was  juftified  without  the  law,  therefore  the  law 

Chap.  III.  VfOfi  ^EPISTLE 

tfaaman  theSyrian  j 

Like  wife  NMMAA  the  Syrian  was  (no  doubt)  a  good  and  a  godly 
man,  and  had  a  religious  and  reverent  opinion  of  God.     And  al 
though  he  was  a  Gentile  and  belonged  not  to  the  kingdomc  ofMefes, 
which  then flouriuasd:  yet  notwithftanding  hisflelh  wascleanfcd, 
s  and  the  God  ©flfrael  was  revealed  unto  him,and  he  received  the  holy 

(t  Ghoft.  For  thus  he  {aith  :   Now  /  kpw  afare&ly  that  there  it  no  other 
GodinatttbeWorld3bHtinIfraet.  He  doth  nothing  at  all,  he  keepeth 
not  the  law,  he  is  not  circunncifcd  :  but  only  be  pray  eth,that  fo  much 
ef  that  earth  might  be  given  unto  him ,  as  two  Mules  fhould  be  able  to 
carry  away.    Moreover,  it  appeareth  that  faith  was  not  idle  in  him. 
For  thus  hefpsaketh  to  the  Prophet  Helifetts  :  Thy  firvAnt  \\>ill  hence 
forth  neither  offer  burnt  facrifice,  nor  offering  to  any  other  (jod,  fi.ving  the 
Lord.   But  in  thi*  thing  the  Lord  be  merci fall  unto  thy  fervant,  that  Vohen 
mj  Maftergoeth  into  the  houfe  ofRimmon  to  ^or/hip  there,  Andleaneth  on 
my  hand,  and  I  bow  myfelfe  in  the  houfe  ofRitnmon  :  Vthen  I  doe  bow  down 
H^eo^fcf-  ^  f   fit)  **  f^e  boufe  ofRimmonjhe  Lord  be*  mercifallto  thyfervant  in  tiiis 
et»«  woun-  powt.To  Vfkom  the  Prophet  fiitht  Go  in  peace.  So  was  he  juftified.    The 
'^"J^  hearing  this,  fretteth  for  anger,and  faith  :  what?»liould  thcGen- 
jcc,  tile  be  juftified  without  the  keeping  of  the  law?  Should  he  be  compa- 

to  f  jrgivc 

The  Gentiles  juftified  without  the  law,  even  when  the  law 
and  policie  ofMofes  was  yet  in  force. 

to  i  Jolatjy, 

THercforc  God,  long  before,  when  the  kingdome  c&tJfttofcs  was 
yctftandingand  flouriHiing ,  did  (hew  that  he  juftifieth  men 
-  without  the  law,  as  in  deed  he  juftilied  many  Kings  in  Egypt  and  in 

£ abylon :  a\io?o&  and  many  other  Nations  of  the  Eaft.  Moreover, 
Ninive  a  great  Citie  was  juftified ,  and  received  the  promife  of 
God,  that  it  fhould  not  be  dertroyed.  By  what  meanes  ?  Not  be- 
caufe  it  heard  and  fulfilled  the  law  :  but  bccaufc  it  believed  the  word 
of  God  which  the  Prophet  Jona*  preached.  For  fo  faith  the  Pro 
phet  :  <v4nd  the  Ninivius  beleeved  Cod  and  proclaimed  afaft,  and 
put  o» facecloth :  that  is  to  fay,  they  repented.  Ouradverfariesdoe 
craftily  paifc  over  this  word  Beleeved,  and  yet  the  cffecl  of  all  to 

To  the  GALATHIANS^  Fol.io4 

gethcrrcftcththcrin.  Thoureadeftnotinjfo»<#  .•  And  d&Niniuitts 
received  the  lawof^/^,wcrecircum(:ifed,offcrcd  facrifice,fulfilled 
the  works  of  the  law  :but  believing  the  word,  they  repented  in  fack- 
cloth  and  a(hes» 

This  was  done  before  Chrift  was  repealed,  when  that  faith  yet 
reigned,  which  belecved  in  Chrift  to  come.  If  then  the  Gentiles 
were/uftificd  without  the  law,  and  received  fccretly  the  holy  Ghoft, 
when  the  law  was  yet  in  force,  why  (hould  the  lafw  be  required  as 
ncceflary  to  righteoufncffe,  which  by  thccomming  of  Chrilt  is  now 
aboliflied  ?  wherefore  this  is  a  ftrong  argument,  grounded  upon  the 
experience  of  the  Galatkians :  Receivceiyee  the  holy  Ghofl  bj  the  Work,*  o 
the  lam,  or  by  the  hearing  of  faith  preached  ?  For  they  were  compelled  to 
grant  that  they  heard  nothing  of  the  holy  Gho(t,beforc  the  preaching 
of  Paul:  but  when  he  preached  the  Gofpcll,  then  received  they  the 
holy  Ghoft. 

So  we  alfoatthis  day,  convicted  by  the  tcftimonie  of  our  owne  The 
confcicnce,  are  conftrained  toconfefle,  that  the  holy  Ghoft  is  not 
given  by  the  law,but  by  the  hearing  of  faith.  For  many  heretofore  in 
the  Papacie,  have  gone  about  with  great  labour  and  ftudie,  to  kcepe  f»  not  given 
the  law,  the  decrees  of  the  fathers,  and  the  traditions  of  the  Pope : 
andfomc  with  painfull  and  continuall  excrcifcs  in  watching  and 
praying,  didfo  wearieand  weaken  their  bodies,   that  afterwards fairh 
they  were  able  to  do  nothing :  whereby  notwithstanding  they  gai 
ned  nothing  elfe,  but  that  they  miferably  afflicted  and  tormented, 
thcmfelvc?.    They  could  never  attaine  to  a  quiet  confcicncc  ,  and 
peace  in  Chrift,  but  continually  doubted  of  the  good  will  of  God 
towards  them.    But  now,  fincc  the  Gofpcll  teacheth  that  the  law 
and  works  doe  not  juftifie,  but  faith  alone  in  Jefus  Chrifl-,  hereupon 
followcth  a  moft  certainc  knowledge  and  undemanding,  a  mod  joy- 
full  confcicnce,  and  a  true  judgement  of  every  kind  of  life,  and  of  all 
things  elfe  whatfoever.    The  believing  man  may  now  caiBy  judge,, 
that  the  Papacie  with  all  the  religious  orders  and  traditions  thereof  is 
wicked :  which  before  he  could  not  do.  For  fo  great  blindnefls  rejg . 
ncd  in  the  world,  that  we  thought  thofe  works  which  men  had  devi- 
fed,  not  oncly  without  the  will  of  God,  but  alfo  contrary  to  his  com  - dome> 
mandcmcnt,  to  be  much  better  then  thofe,  which  the  Magiftrate,  the 
houfc-holder,  the  child,  the  fcrvant  did  at  the  commandement  of 


Chap.  III.  V$Sfl  flk  EPISTLE 

Indeed  we  ought  to  have  learned  by  the  wor^of  God ,  that  the  rs* 
ligious  Orders  of  the  Pa>>ifts  (  which  onlythey  call  holy)  arc  wicked, 
fincc  there  is  nocommanckment  of  God,  octeftimony  in  the  holy 
Sc"Ptures  as  touclxing  the  fame.  Contrariwife,  other  Orders  of  life 
of  Heap*  which  have  the  word  and  commandement  of  God,  are  holy  &  ordai- 
poiniedof  ncdof  God.  But  we  were  then  wrapped  in  fuch  horrible  darkneffe, 
that  we  could  not  truly  judge  of  any  thing.  But  now,fincethe  clearc 
Thccondi-  light  of  the  Gofpclidoth  appeare,aU  kinds  of  life  in  the  world  are 
""der  our  Judgement.  We  may  bouldly  pronounce  out  of  the  word  of 
God,  that  the  condition  of  fervants,  which  before  the  world  is  moft 
God,  vjic>  is  farr  more  acceptable  unto  God,  then  all  the  religious  Orders 
of  the-Papifts,  For  by  his  word  he  commendeth>approveth,&  ador- 
neth  thsftateof  fcrvants,  andfodeth  he  not  the  Orders  of  Monkes, 
Friers  &  fuch  other.  Therefore  this  argument  grounded  upon  expe 
rience,  ought  to  prevajle  with  us  alfo.  For  although  many  men  in 
the  Papacy  wrought  many  and  great  works,  yet  could  they  never  be 
certains  of  the  will  of  God  towards  them,  but  they  were  alwayes  in 
doubt ;  they  could  never  attaine  to  the  knowledge  of  God,  of  them- 
felves ,  of  their  calling :  they  never  felt  the  teftimony  of  the  Spirit  in 
their  hearts.  But  now  that  the  truth  ofths  Gofpell  appeareth ,  they 
are  fully  inftrucS cd  by  the  only  hearing  of  faith,  in  all  thef  e  things. 

It  is  not  without  catife  chat  I  doe  fo  largely  intrcate  of  thefe 
things.     For  it  lecmcth  to  reafon  but  a  fmall  matter ,  that  the  holy 
Ghoft  is  received  bytheonely  hearing  of  faith,  and  that  there  is  no 
thing  elfe  required  of  us,  bur  that  we  femng  Spart  all  our  workes, 
fhould  give  our  felvcs  onely  to  the  heading  of  the  Gofpell.,    Mans 
^eart  ^ot^  not  unc^!:rftan^  nor  beleevc  that  ib  great  a  trcafure,  name- 
it8vcHud.  ty,  the  holy  Ghoft,  is  given  by  the  oncly  hearing  of  faith  :  butrea- 
••««•         foneth  after  this  manner  :  forgivcncfls  of  fmncs,  deliverance  from 
death,  the  giving  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  of  rightecufnesand  everlading 
life ,  are  great  things  :  therefore  if  thou  wilt  obtainc  thefe  inefti- 
mable  benefits ,  thou  muft  perferine  fon}e  other  great  and  weighty 
The  difjm.   matter.    This  opinion  the  dcvill  doth  well  like  and  approve,  and  al- 
tationof     lo  incrcafcth  the  fame  in  the  heart.     Therefore  when  reafon  hea- 
reth  this:  Thou  canft  doe  nothing  for  the  obtaining  ofths  forgive- 
nerfcof  finnes,butmuft  oncly  heare  the  word  of  God,  by  and  by  it 
cricth  out ,  and  faith :  Fie ,  thou  makeft  too  fmall  account  of  the  re- 
jniffion  of  finnes,  &c.  So  the  i0eftimabk  greatnes  of  the  gifts,  is  the 


mans  rca- 

To  tic  GA  L  A  T  HI  AN  s.  j 

caufc  that  we  cannot  believe  it  :  and  becaufc  this  incomparable  trc*- 
furc  is  freely  offered,therefore  it  is  dcfpifcd. 

But  this  we  muft  needs  learne,  that  forgivenes  of  fins,  Chrift,  an4 
the  holy  Ghoft  arc  freely  given  unto  us  at  the  oncly  hearing  of  faith 
preached,  notwithstanding  our  horrible  fins  and  demerits.  And  W9 
muft  not  weigh,ho\Y  great  the  thing  is  that  is  gtven,and  how  unwor 
thy  we  arc  of  it(for  fo  (hould  thegrcames  of  the  gift,  and  our  unwor- 
thines  terrifie  us :)  but  we  muft  thiakc  that  it  pleafeth  God  freely  to 
give  unto  us  this  unfpeakablc  gift,  unto  us  (I  fay)  which  are  unwor 
thy,  as  Chrift  in  Luke  faith  :  F care  not  little  flockcjor  it  iiyour  Fathers 
pteafore  to  give  unto  you :  Loe,  to  giveunttjott  (  faith  he  }  a  Kiugdeme.  M«  !»•'» 
To  whom  ?  Toyou  unworthy  which  are  his  little  flock.  If  I  then  be  To  whom 
little  and  the  thing  great  (nay  rather  of  all  things  the  grcateft)  which 
God  hath  given  unto  me>I  muft  thus  thinke,  that  he  alto  is  great  and 
onely  great,  which  givcth  it.  If  he  offer  it  and  will  give  it,  I  confidcr 
not  mine  owne  (in  and  unworthines,  but  his  fatherly  good- will  to 
wards  me,  which  is  the  giver,  and  I  receive  the  greatncs  of  the  gift 
with  joy  and  gladnes,and  am  thankfull  for  fo  incftirmble  a  gift  given 
freely  unto  me,  to  me  (I  fay)  unworthy,  by  the  hearing  of  faith. 

Here  againe  foolifh  reafon  is  offended,  and  rcproveth  us ,  faying :  advcVraric« 
Where  ye  teach  men  to  doe  nothing  at  all  for  the  obtaining  of  fo  ob!e<a  «• 
great  and  ineftimablc  a  gift,  buttohearethe  word  of  God,  that  fee- 8a'n 
meth  to  tend  ro  the  great  contempt  of  grace ,  and  to  make  men  fc- 
curc ,  idle  and  diflblutc,  fo  that  they  flacke  their  hands  and  doe  no 
good  at  all.    Therefore  it  is  not  good  to  preach  this  doctrine,  for  it  is 
not  true  :  but  men  muft  be  urged  to  labour  and  to  cxcrcile  them- 
felves unto  righteoufnefle, and  then  (hall  they  obtaine  this  gift.   The 
fclfe  fame  thing  the  Tdagians  in  times  paft  objected  againft  the 
Chrift  ians.    But  hcarc  what  Taut  faith  in  this  place:   Tee  have  re-  chti"«««»« 
ceivedtke  holy  Qbofl  :   not  by  your  ownc  labour  and  travcll,  not 
by  the  wcrkes  of  the  law,  6*t  by  tht  hearing  of  faith.    Briefly, 
heare  what  Chrift  hi mfelfe  faith,  and  what  he  anfwereth  to  cJW*r- 
th*9  being  very  carefull  and  hardly  bearing,  that  her  (iftcr  cJ^/^r/V, 
fitting  at  tfecfeete  of  Jefus  and  hearing  his  word,  fhculd  leave  her 
to  Bninifter  alone.    Ufaartha,  Ulfarth*  (faith  he)  than  caref,  and  art 
troubled  about   WAtty  things  ,    b*t  sne  tkiȣ   it    needjbtt.      iMarif 
hath  chofen  the  j(ood  part  Vfhich  fiatt  fist  bt  tnktu  from  her.     A  man  A  manif 
therefore  is  made  a  Chriftian ,  not  by  working,  but  by  hearing : 

P  Wherefote 

Chap.  III.  Vftn  tie  E  P  i  s  T  L  H 

Wherefore  he  that  will  exercife  himfdf  to  righteoufncs  muft  firft  ex 
ercife  himfelf  in  hearing  the  Gofpe  1.  Now,  when  he  hath  heard  and 
received  the  Gofpcljlet  him  give  thanks  to  God  with  a  joyfull  and  a 
glad  heart,  and  afterwards  let  him  exercife  himfdf  in  thofe  good 
workes  which  are  commanded  in  the  la  w,fo  chat  the  law  and  works 
may  follow  the  hearing  of  faith.  So  may  he  quietly  walk  in  the  light 
which  is  Chrift,and  boldly  chufe  and  do  works,not  hy  pocriticall,  but 
good  works  indeed,  fuch  as  he  kno  wet  h  to  pleafe  God  and  to  be  com  - 
manded  of  him,  and  contemne  all  thofc  hypocriticall  frndows  of  free 
will  works. 

Our  adverfaries  thinke  that  faith,  whereby  wee  receive  the  holy 
Ghoft,  is  but  a  light  matter  :  but  how  high  and  hard  a  matter  it  is 
I  my  felf  do  find  by  experience,  and  fo  do  all  they  which  with  me  do 
car  neftly  embrace  the  fame.l  t  is  foon  fsfid  that  by  the  only  hearing  oP 
faith,  the  holy  Ghoft  is  received  :  but  it  is  not  fo  ealily  heardjaid  hold 
on,  belccved  and  retained,  as  it  is  faid.  Wherefore  if  thou  heare  of 
me  that  Chrift  is  that  Latribe  of  God  facrificed  for  thy  finnss,  fee  alfb 
that  thou  heare  it  effj&ually.  Paul  very  aptly  calleth  it  the  hsArin^  of 

The he»ti0g  fr'^>  anc* not  l^c  won*  °f  feitk  (although  there  be  fmall  difference:} 
that  is,  fuch  a  word  as  thou  hearing  docft  belceve ,  fo  that  ths 
word  be  not  ondy  myvoyce,  but  maybe  heard  of  thee,  and  may 
enter  into  thy  hearr,  and  be  beleeved  of  thee :  then  is  it  truly  and  in 
deed  the  hearing  of  faith,  through  the  which  thou  recciveft  the  holy 
Ghoft  :  which  after  thou  haft  once  received,  thou  (halt  alio  mortifie 
thy  fldh. 

The  faithfull  doc  findc  by  their  owne  experience,  how  gladly 
they  would  hold  and  imbracc  the  word  when  they  hearc  it,  with  a 
full  faith,  and  abandon  this  opinion  of  the  law  and  of  their  ownc 
righteoufnefle  :  but  they  feele  in  their  flefh  a  mighty  refiftance  a- 
gainft  the  Spirit.  Forreafon  and  the  fkfh  will  needs  worketoge-' 
ther.  This  faying  :  Tee  matt  be  circttmcifed  And  k^ffe  the  law,  can- 

sp«it  in  the  notbc  utterly  rooted  out  of  our  minds,  but  it  fticketh  faft  in  the 
hearts  of  all  the  faithfoU.  There  is  in  the  faithfull  therefore  a 
continuall  conflict  between  the  hearing  of  faith  and  the  works  of 
the  law.  For  the  confcience  alwaies  murmureth,  and  thinketh 
that  this  is  too  eafic  a  way,  that  by  the  ondy  hearing  of  the  word, 
righteoufnefle,  the  holy  Ghoft,  andlife  ev<:rlafting  is  promifed  un 
to  uj.  B  ut  come  once  to  an  earneft  try  all  thereof,  and  then  tell  me 


To-$bt  G-A  i  A  T  i-i  i  A  N  s.  lo5 

how  eafic  a  thing  it  is  to  heare  the  word  of  faith.  Indeed  he  which  gi- 
veth  is  great  :  moreover,  he  givcth  great  things  willingly  and  freely, 
and  upbraideth  no  man  therewith  :  but  thy  capacity  is  hard,  and  faith 
wcake,  ft  ill  ftriving  againft  thec  ,  fo  that  thou  art  not  able  to  receive 
this  gift.  But  let  thy  confcience  murmurs  againft  thee  never  fo  much, 
and  let  this  (Muft)  come  never  fo  often  into  thy  mind  ,  yet  ft  and  faft 
and  hold  oat,untill  thou  overcome  this  (Mttft.)  80,35  faith  increafeth 
by  little  and  littlc,that  opinion  of  the  righteoufnes  of  the  law  will  di- 
.  But  this  cannot  be  done  without  great  conflids. 

Verfe  3.  ^Arejefofoollfl}^  that  after  je  have  begun  in  the  Sfirif,je 
»ew  end  in  the  flefi  .? 

This  argument  being  concluded,  how  that  the  holy  Ghoft  com- 
meth  not  by  the  works  of  the  law  ,  but  by  the  preaching  of  faith  : 
he  bcginneth  here  to  exhort  and  terrific  them  from  a  double  dan- 

fcror  incommodity.     The  firft  is  :    Are  ye  fo  fooUfi  that  after  jee 
<tve  begunnc  in  the  Spirit  ,  yee  ^ould  now  enci  in  the  flefi  ?   The 
other  follow  eth  :  Have  ye  fuffered  fo  great  things  in  wine  ?  As  if         .^^ 
heiaid:  Yce  began  in  the  Spirit  :  that  is,  your  religion  was  excel-  thespu% 
lently  well  begunne.   As  alfo  a  little  after  he  faith  :  Te  ranne  ^<r//,&c* 
But  what  have  ye  gotten  thereby  ?  Forfooth  ye  will  now  end  in  the 

jPd«/fcttcth  here  the  Spirit  againft  the  flefh.  He  calleth  not  the 
flefa  (  as  before  I  have  faid  )  fie(hly  lufts,  beaftly  pallions  ,  or  fenfu- 
all  appetites  :  for  he  intrcateth  not  here  of  luft  and  fuch  other  fleftily 
defires:  but  of  forgivenetfe  of  finnes,  of  juftify  ing  the  confcience,  of 
obtaining  rightcoufnefle  before  God  ,  of  deliverance  from  the  law, 
finnc  and  death  :  and  yet  notwithftanding  he  faith  here  ,  that  they 
f  orfaking  the  Spirit,doc  now  end  in  the  flefli.  Flefh  therefore  is  here  what  flem 
taken  for  the  very  righteoufneflc  and  wifdomc  of  the  flcfli,  and  the 
-judgement  'of  reafon  ,  whkh  feckcth  to  be  juftificd  by  the  law. 
.  Whatfocver  then  is  moft  excellent  in  man,  the  fame  here  Pd#/calleth 
flcQi,  as  the  wifdomc  of  reafon,  and  the  righteoufncffc  of  the  law  it 

And  this  place  muft  be  well  confidcred,  bccaufc  of  the  flandc- 
rousand  cavilling  Papifts,  which  wrcft  the  fame  againft  us,  faying 
that  we  in  Popery  began  in  the  Spirit  ,  but  now  haying  married 

P  2 

Chap  III.  rpontht  E  P  i  $  T  t  H 

wives,  we  end  in  thcfldh.  As  though  a  (ingle  life,or  not  to  have  a 

wife,  were  a  fpirituall  life  :  and  as  though  it  nothing  hindrcd  their 

fpirituall  life,  if  a  man  not  contented  with  one  whore,  have  many. 

They  arc  mad  men,  not  undcrftanding  what  the  fpirit,  or  what  the 

ibc  font,    fkfo  tf'Thc  fpirit  is  whatfoever  is  done  in  us  according  to  the  fpirit  i 

ibc  flea.    The  flcfh,whatfocvcr  is  done  in  us  according  to  the  fle(h  without  the 

t  A     *piric/  Wherfore  all  the  duties  of  a  Chriftian  man,  as  to  love  his  wife, 

papiHj  call  to  bring  up  his  children,to  govern  his  family  ,  and  fuch  likc(which  un- 

woridiy  and  to  them  arc  worldly  and  carnall)  arc  the  fruits  of  ths  fpirit.     Thcfc 

blind  buzzards  cannot  difcern  things,  which  arc  the  good  creatures  of 

Cod,  from  vice?. 

Here  is  alfo  to  be  noted  the  manner  of  fpccch  which  the  Apoftlc  u- 
&th,  when  he  faith  :  ut  came  confurnmdmin\t  fpcaking  in  the  pafllvc 
voice.  As  ifhe  faid  :  Ye  end,  yea  rather  ye  are  ended  in  the  fldh.  For 
the  rigbteonfneflc  of  the  law,  which  fetid  here  callcth  the  fldh  is 
fo  farre  oftfrom  juftifying,  that  they  which  after  the  receiving  of  the 
holy  Ghoft  through  the  hearing  of  faith,  fall  backe  againc  unto  it, 
are  ended  in  it,  that  is  to  fay  ,  are  utterly  dcftroycd.  Therefore  whofo- 
ever  teach  that  the  law  ought  to  be  fulfilled  to  this  end,  that  men 
might  be  juftificd  thereby,  whiles  thev  goc  about^to  quiet  their  con- 
fciences,  th«y  hurt  them,  and  whiles  they  would  juftitie  them,  they 

'  ^^natn  al  waies  a  glaunce  at  the  felfe  Apoftles  :  For  the^  ftill  ur- 
ged  ths  law,  laying  :  Faith  onely  in  Chrift  taketh  not  away  lin,pacifi- 
cth  not  the  wrath  ofGod,  juftifieth  not  :  therefore  ifye  will  obtainc 
thele  benefits,yc  muft  not  only  believe  in  Chrift,but  therwith  ye  muft 
a!fo  keep  the  la  w,bc  circumcifed,keep  the  fca(b,f<K:rifices,#r,  Thus 
doing  y*e  fhal  be  free  from  fin,from  ths  wrath  of  God3from  evcrlafting 
deAth.Yeasrather  (faith  Paul)  by  the  (df-fame  things  yeeftablifh  un- 
right«ou{iies,ye  provoke  the  wrath  of  God,ye  add  fin  to  fin,yc  quench 
the  fpirir,'ye  fall  away  from  grace,and  utterly  rejedl  the  fa«ie}  and  ye 
together  with  yout  difciples  do  end  in  the  flefh.  This  is  the  firft  dan 
ger,  from  the  which  hercrrifieth  the  (fd*tkieuutl&  if  they  Teck  to  be 
;uftified  by  the  law,they  loofe  their  fpirit,  and  foregoe  their  good  bc«» 
for  a  wretched  end. 

.  Have  jt  fit  fftttd  fi  n*t»y  ttnnps  i 

ollicr  dangcr  ot  incoJRmoditic  is  this  :  Haveycfuffbrcdfo 

Tt  the  G  A  t  A  T  H  r  A  N  s.  Fol.  107 

many  things  in  vainc  ?  As  though  he  would  fay :  Confidcr,  not  on- 
ly  how  well  yc  began,  and  how  mifcrably  ychavc  fbrfakenyour 
good  beginning  and  yourcourfe  well  begun:  moreover,  that  not 
oncly  yc  have  loft  the  firft  fruits  of  the  Spirit,  being  fallen  againe 
into  the  miniftery  of  finnc  and  death,  an  d  into  a  dolcfull  and  a  mi- 
icrablc  bondage  of  the  law:  but  confidcr  this  alfo,  that  ye  have  fuf- 
fcred  much  for  theGofpeh  fakc,and  for  the  namcof  Chrift  :  to  wit , 
the  fpoiling  of  your  goods/railings  and  reproaches,  dangers  both  of 
body  and  livcs.e^c.  All  things  were  in  a  happy  courfc  and  great 
towardncs  with  you.  Yc  taught  purely,  yc  lived  holily,  and  yc  en 
dured  many  evils  conftantly  for  the  name  of  Chrift.  But  now  all  is 
loft,  as  well  dodrine  «s  faith,  as  well  doing  as  filtering,  as  well  the 
Spirit  as  the  fruits  thereof. 

Hereby  it  appearcth  fofficicntly  whatincommodity  thcrighte-  what  in. 
oufneJTc  of  the  law  and  mans  own  rightecufncflc  bringeth  :  to  wit,  f™™^. 
that  they  which  truft  in  it,do  lofcat  once  unfpekable  benefits.  Now,  ««uf««S 
what  a  miferable  thing  is  it,fo  fuddenly  to  lofe  fuch  incftimable  glo-  ^ht^,°* 
ry  and  aflurance  of  confcience  towards  God  ?  alfo  to  endure  fo  many  Hghtcou" 
great  and  grievous  afflifticns,as  loflc  of  goods,  wife,  children,  body  njj  brin' 
and  life,and  yet  notwithftanding  to  iuftainc  all  thcic  things  in  vaine.  £ 
Andost  ofthefe  two  places  much  matter  may  be  gathered  tofet 
forth  and  amplific  at  large  the  goodly  commendation  of  the  law  and 
mans  own  rightecufncflc1,  if  a  man  would  ftand  upon  every  parcel! 
by  it  fdfe,  and  declare  what  fpirit  it  was  wherewith  they  began : 
what,  how  great,  and  how  many  the  afflictions  were  which  they 
endured  for  Chrifts  fake.  But  no  eloquence  can  fufficicntly  ft't  forth 
thefc  inattcrs:For  they  arc  ineftimable  things  whereof Pd#/here  cn- 
treateth  :  to  wit, the  glory  cf  God,  vidory  over  the  world,  the  ficQi 
and  the  dcvill,  righteoufncfie  and  cverlaft  ing  life:  and  on  the  other 
fidCjfinnejdelperatiorjCternall  death  and  hell.  And  yet  notwithftan 
ding  in  a  moment  welofc  all  thcfc  incomparable  gifts,  and  procure 
onto  cur  iclvcs  thefe  horrible  and  cndleflc  miferics,  and  all  |by  falfc 
teachers, when  they  lead  us  away  from  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell  unto 
falfc  dodrinc.  And  this  do  thcy,not  only  very  ca(ily,but  alfo  under  a 

fhew  of  great  holmes,  bring  to  psiTc. 

Verfe  4.     Jf#otv>itkJlaKAix£  it  he  in  value. 

This  he  addcth  as  a  correction  :  whereby  he  mitigatcth  thcrc- 

P  3  prehenfion 

of  ati  Apo 


Chap.  III.  fyon  ^EPISTLE 

prehenfion  that  gocth  bcforc,which  was  fomewhat  fliarpc.  And  this 
he  doth  as  an  Apoftlc,  left  he  fliould  terrific  the  Galathlans  too  much. 
Although  he  chide  them,  yet  not  withstanding  he  al  wayes  doth  it  in 
fuch  ftrc,that  he  powreth  in  fwect  oylc  withall,  left  he  ihould  drive 
them  to  defperation, 

He  faith  therefore  :  If  n»twithfta»di»£  it  bee  in  vainc.  As  if  he 
TO  end  in  would  fay :  yet  I  do  not  take  away  all  hope  from  you.  But  if  ye 
thcfldh,  Would  f0  enj  m  the  flc(ylj  that  js  to  fay,  follow  the  rightcoufnsffc  of 
the  law  and  forfake  the  Spirit,  as  ye  have  begun,  then  know  ye,  that 
all  your  glory  and  affiance  which  ye  have  in  God,  is  in  vaine,  and  all 
your  afflictions  are  unprofitable.  Indeed  I  muft  needs  fpeake  fome 
what  roughly  unto  you  in  this  matter  t  I  muft  be  fervent  in  the  de 
fence  thereof,  and  fomcwhat  (harpe  in  chiding  of  you,  cfpecially  the 
matter  being  fo  weighty  and  conftraining  me  thereunto,  left  ye 
fhould  think  it  to  be  but  a  trifle  torcjedtthedodrineof*?^/,  and 
receive  another.  Notwithftanding  I  will  not  utterly  difcourage  you, 
fo  that  ye  repent  and  amend.  For  fickly  and  fcabbed  children  may  not 
be  caft  a  way,  but  muft  be  tendrcd  and  chcriQied  more  diligently  then 
they  which  arc  in  health.  So  that  'PWhere  like  a  cunning  Phifitian, 
laycth  all  the  fault  in  a  manner  upon  the  falfc  Apoftles,  the  authours 
and  oncly  caufe  of  this  deadly  difeafe.  Contrariwife  he  handleth  the 
Cjalathians  very  gently,  that  by  his  mildncffche  might  hcalc  them. 
We  therefore  by  the  example  of  Paul,  ought  in  like  manner  to  repre 
hend  the  weake.and  fo  to  care  their  infirmity,  that  in  the  mean  time 
we  leave  not  off  to  cherifh  and  comfort  them,  left  if  we  handle  them 
too  ftiarplyjthey  fall  into  defperation. 

Verfe  J.  He  therefore  that  miniflreth  to  you  the  Spirit,  and  vtor\eth 
miracles  among  you,  doth  he  it  through  the  Vvorke*  of  the  law, 
or  by  the  hearing  of  faith  f  reached  ? 

This  argument  grounded  upon  the  experience  of  the  Galathi- 
futi  ma-    *w»  doth  fo  well  like  the  Apoftle,  that  atter  he  hath  reproved  and 
k«h  often  terrified  them,  fitting  before  them  a  double  danger,  he  now  repea  • 
tcth  the  fame  againc,  and  that  with  a  more  large  amplification, 
laying  :  He  tvbich  r»iniftrcth,&c.    That  is  to  fay  :  Ye  have  not  onely 
received  the  Spirit  by  the  hearing  of  faith,  but  whatftever  yc 
have  either  knowne  or  done,  it  came  by  the  hearing  of  faith.    As 
though  he  would  fay  :  It  was  not  enough  that  God  gave  you 


cf  the  ar 
upon  cx- 

To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  FoI.ioS 

once  the  Spirit:  but  the  fame  God  alfo  hath  enriched  you  with  the 
gifts  of  the  Spirit,  and  incrcafed  the  fame  in  you,  to  the  end  that 
when  ye  have  once  received  the  Spirit,  it  might  alwayes  grow  and 
be  more  and  more  effccluall  in  yeu.  Hereby  it  is  plaine,  that  the 
(jalathians  had  wrought  miracles,  or  at  the  leaft,  had  fhcwed  futh 
fruits  of  faith  as  thetrueDifciplesofthcGofpell  arc  wont  to  bring 
forth.  For  the  Apoftlc  elfe where  faith  :  That  tke  kingdoms  ofgoa 
u  not  in  word,  but  in  fewer.  Now,  this  power  is  notcnelytobc 
able  to  fpcake  of  the  kingdome  of  God :  but  alfo  in  very  decdc  to 
fhew,  that  God  through  his  Spirit  is  effectual!  in  us.  So.beforc  in  the 
fecond  chapter,  he  faith  of  himfelfe:  Hee  th<tt  was  ejfv&ttaff  in  Peter  er. 
among  the  Jews,  was  alfo  tffeftuallin  me :  Be  that  was  mighty  by  Peter 
in  the  *s4foftlefhif  ovtr  the  circumcijion,  VPOS  alft  mightj  by  vie  towards 
the  gent i lei. 

When  a  preacher  then  fo  preachcth,  that  the  word  is  not  fruitlefle, 
but  cffcctuall  in  the  hearts  of  the  hearers,  that  is  to  fay :  when  faidj, 
hope,  love  and  patience  do  follow,  then  God  givcth  his  Spirit  and 
worketh  miracles  in  the  hearers.In  like  manner  Parti  faith  berc,!Tfctf 
(jodhtth  given  his  Spirit  to  the  Galathians,  And  hath  wrought  miracles 
among  them.  As  though  he  would  fay :  God  hath  not  onely  brought 
to  pafle  through  my  preaching,  that  ye  (hould  beleeve  :  but  alfb  that 
ye  fhculd  live  holily,  bring  fonh  many  fruits  of  faith,  and  fufter  ma 
ny  afflictions.  Alfo  by  the  fame  power  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  of  adulte 
rers,  of  wrathful],  impatient  and  covetous  pcrfons,  and  of  very  ene 
mies,  ye  are  become  liberall,  chaft,  gentle,  patient  and  lovers  ofyour 
neighbours.  W  hereupon  afterwards  he  giveth  tcftimony  of  them  in 
the  fourth  chapter,  that  they  received  him  as  an  AngcllofGod,  yea 
rather  as  Chrift  Jefus :  and  that  they  loved  him  fo  en  tirely,  that  they 
were  ready  to  have  plucked  out  their  own  eyes  for  him. 

Now,  to  love  thy  neighbour  fo  heartily,  that  thou  art  ready 
to  beftow  thy  money,  thy  goods,  thine  eyes,  and  all  that  thou  haft 
for  his  ialvation,  and  moreover  to  fuffcr  patiently  all  adveriities  and 
afflictions,  thefe  (  no  doubt )  arc  the  effects  and  fruits  of  the  Spirit, 
andthcfe  (faith  he)  ye  received  and  enjoyed  before  thcfcfalfe  tea 
chers  came  among  you.  But  ye  received  them  not  by  the  law,  but 
cfGod,  who  fo  miniftrcd  untoycu,  and  daily  increafcth  in  you  his 
holy  Spirit,  that  the  Gofrell  had  a  rr.cft  happy  courfe  sm 

.  «.  ,    i  i  •  j^/-r  ».f  -    .     . 

you,  in  teaching,  belccving,  working  and  fuffcnrg.   Now,  feeing 

r  4 

ChapJIf.  Vfontbt  E  *  i  s  T  L  B 

ye  know  thcfc  things  (  being  convicted  even  by  the  testimony  of 
your  own  confcicnces  )  how  conamcth  it  to  pafe  that  ye  (hew  not 
the  fame  fruits  that  ye  did  before :  that  is,  that  ye  teach  not  truly, 
that  ye  belee  vc  not  faithfully ,thatyc  live  not  holily,thatye  Work  not 
rightly  ,and  that  ye  fufer  not  patiently?  Finally,  who  hath  io  corrupt 
ed  you,  that  you  bcare  not  fo  loving  afVidlion  towards  me,  as  ye  did 
before?  that  ye  receive  not  Paul  now  as  an  AngcllofGod,  nor  as 
JefusChrift?  that  ye  will  not  pluck  out  your  eyes  to  give  them  un 
to  me  ?  How  cotmneth  it  to  paflfc  ( I  fay  )  that  this  fervent  zsalc  of 
yours  waxeth  fo  cold  towards  me,  and  that  ye  now  prefer  before 
me,thc  falfe  Apoftles, which  do  fo  mifcrably  feduce  you  ? 

In  like  manner  it  happeneth  unto  us  at  this  day.  When  we  firft 
preached  the  Gofpcll,  there  were  very  many  that  favoured  our 
doctrine,  and  had  a  good  and  reverend  opinion  of  us :  and  after 
the  preaching  thereof,  followed  the  fruits  and  effects  of  Faith. 
But  what  cnfued  ?  A  fort  ofiight  and  brainfick  heads  fprung  up,and 
by  and  by  dcftroyed  all  that  we  had  in  long  time  and  with  much  tra- 
vell  planted  before,  and  alfo  made  us  fbodicusunto  them  which 
before  loved  as  dearcly,  and  thankfully  received  our  doctrine,  that 
now  they  hare  nothing  more  then  our  name.  But  of  this  mifchiefe 
the  devill  is  the  authour,  working  in  his  members  contrary  works 
which  wholly  fight  againft  the  works  of  the  holy  Ghoft.  There 
fore  faith  the  Apoftle,  your  experience  (  O  yc  Galnthi&ts )  ought 
to  teach  you,  that  thcfe  great  and  excellent  vcrtucs  proceeded  not 
of  the  works  of  the  law  :  for  as  yc  had  them  not  before  the  hcarin^ 
of  faith  preached:  fo  have  yc  them  not  now,  although  the  falfe  Apo- 
iUes  reignc  in  the  midft  ofyou. 

We  likewife  may  iay  at  this  day  to  thofe  which  vaunt  thcm- 
felvcsto  heGoipelkrs,  and  to  be  freed  from  the  tyranny  of  the 
Pope  :  have  ye  overcome  the  tyranny  of  the  Pope,  and  obtained 
liberty  in  Chrift  through  the  Anabaptifts  and  fuch  other  fantafticail 
fpirits,  or  through  us  which  have  preached  faith  in  JcfusChrift? 
Here  if  they  willconfefTc  the  truth,  they  muft  needs  fay :  no  doubt, 
by  the  preaching  of  faith.  And  true  it  is,  that  at  the  beginning  of 
our  preaching,  the  doctrine  of  faith  had  a  moft  happy  courie,  and 
downe  fell  the  Popes  pardons,  Purgatorie,vowss,  Maflcs,  and  inch 
^c  abominations,  which  drew  with  them  the  ruine  of  all  Po- 
pery.  No  man  could  juftly  condemns  us:  for  our  doctrine  was 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  Fol,IO£ 

i  raifing  up  and  comforting  many  poorc  confciences,which  had 
been  long  opprcffcd  with  mens  traditions  under  the  Papacy,  which 
was  a  plain  tyranny  ,a  racking  and  crucifying  of  confciences.    Many 
therefore  gave  thanks  unto  God,  that  through  the  GofpcU  (  which 
we  firft,  by  the  grace  of  God  then  preached  )  they  were  fb  mightily 
delivered  out  of  thofc  fnarcs,  and  this  flaughtcrhoufc  of  confciences. 
But  when  thefe  new  found  heads  fprang  up  (  who  went  about  by 
all  meancs  to  work  our  difcredit )  then  began  our  doftrine  to  be  evill  ^JJ5. of 
thought  of :  for  it  was  commonly  bruted  abroad,  that  the  profefTors  «s.  * 
thereof  difagreed  among  themselves.   Whereat  many  being  greatly 
offended,  fell  quite  from  the  truth,  putting  the  Papift sin  comfort, 
that  we  together  with  our  do<3rine,faould  ftiortly  come  to  nought, 
and  by  this  meancs  they  (hould  recover  their  former  dignity  and  au 
thority  againc. 

Wherefore  like  as  the  falfa  Apoftles  vehemently  contended 
that  the  CjAUtkianSy  now  juftificd  by  faith  inChrift,  ought  to  be 
circumcifcd  and  keep  the  law  ofMtfesy  if  they  would  be  delivered 
from  their  finnes,  and  from  the  wrath  of  God,  and  ebtaine  the  holy 
Ghoft,  and  yet  notwithftanding  by  the  fclfc  fame  meanes  they  bur 
dened  them  the  morc[with  fins,  (  for  finne  is  not  taken  away  by  the 
la  w.neithcr  is  the  holy  Ghoft  given  through  it,  but  onely  it  worketh  T&e 
wrath,and  driveth  men  into  great  tcrrours : )  fo  at  this  day  thcfe  rafti 
heads, which  ou«ht  to  provide  for  the  fafettf  of  the  catholickChurch, 

i   •       j  11  r>  i.          j  .' tumults  aid 

and  atjoncc  to  drive  down  all  Popery,  nave  done  no  good,  but  much  fcjidonc, 
hurt  in  the  Church  :  they  have  not  overthrown  the  Papacy,  but  have  hindered 

i   n    i  i  M       i  •  much  the 

more{eftabluhed  it. 

But  if  they  had  (  as  they  began  )  with  a  common  confent  toge- 
thcr  with  us,  taught  and  diligently  urged  the  article  of  juftidcati- 
on,  that  is  to  fay,  that  we  are  jfuftificd  neither  by  the  righteoufneflo  ""'? to  thef 
of  the  law,  nor  by  our  own  righteoufncfle,  but  by  oncly  raith  in  111" 

JcfnsChrift:  doubtlcs  this  one  article  by  little  and  little  (as  it  be 
gan  )  had  cvcrthrowne  the  whole  Papacy,  with  all  her  brother 
hoods,  pardons,  religious  orders,  rcliqucs,  ceremonies,  invocation 
of  Saints,  Purgatory,  Ma(f:s,  watchings,  vowes,  and  infinite 
other  like  abominations.  But  they  leaving  off  the  preaching  of 
faith  and  true  Cbriftinn  rightooufoefic,  have  gone  another  way  to 
worke,  to  the  great  hinderance  both  of  found  doftrinc,  and  oi  the 

Vcrfc  6, 

Chap.lII.  Vfon  the  E*  i  s  T  L  E 

Vcrfc  6.    At  Abraham  belewed  god,  And  it  wot  minted  to  him  fir 

Hitherto  Paul  rcafoneth  upon  the  experienco  of  the 
and  with  this  argument  he  urgeth  them  vehemently.  Ye  (  faith  he) 
have  bcleeved  and  belecving  have  done  miracles,  and  have  (hewed 
many  notable  figncs:  and  moreover  ye  have  fuffcred  many  afflictions, 
all  which  things  are  the  effects  and  operations,  not  of  the  law,  but  of 
the  holy  Ghoft.This  the  Galathians  wcreconftrained  to  confcflfe.  For 
they  could  not  deny  thefe  things,  which  were  before  their  eyes  and 
manifeft  t©  their  fcnfes  :  and  therefore  this  argument  grounded  upon 
their  own  cxpcrience,is  very  ftrong. 

Now  he  addeth  the  example  of  Abraham,  and  rehearfeth  the 
tcftimony  of  the  Scripture.  The  firft  is  out  of  Gencfis  :  Abraham  be- 
leri)cdGod,&c.  This  place  the  Apoftls  here  mightily  profecuteth,  as 
alfo  he  did  in  his  Epiftle  to  the  Romans  :  Jf  Abraham  (  faith  he  )  W*t 
juftifiedbj  the  works  of  tbt  law,  he  hath  riffhteoufnefle  andrcjojcin^,  but 
not  befire  Qod,  but  before  men:    For  before  God  there  is  in  him  no- 
HOW  Mm-  thing  but  finnc  and  wrath.   Now,  he  was  juftified  before  God,  not 
hv»  was  iu-  becaufe  he  did  worke,  but  bccaufe  he  did  belecvc.    For  the  Scripture 
fjfc  God     £"tri  :  Abraham  beleeved  (jodt  and  it  was  imputed  to  him  for  righteeuf- 
ncffe.   This  place  doth  Paul  there  notably  fet  forth  and  amplifie, 
•Rom  4-'j>,    as  it  is  moft  worthy  :  Abraham  (  faith  he  )  Was  n»i  weakc  in  tht  faith, 
neither  confidereX  he  his  otene  body  Which  VPM  now  dead,  bein^  almofl 
an  hundred  yeare  old  :   neither  tht  deadnejfe  of  Sarahs  voombe  :  Nei 
ther  did  he  doubt   of  the  promi/c  of  (jod  through  unbelief?,    but  was 
jtrengthened  in  the  Faith,  and  gave  glory  to  Cjid,  beiig   fitlly  4jfu~ 
red,  that  whatfoever  God  had  promifed,  he  TV  as  able  to  doe.   Now,  it  is 
not  written  fir  him  onely,  that  it  WAS  imputed  to  him  fir  rifhteoufncjft, 
but  fir  Matfi^kc. 

Paul  by  thefe  words,    Abraham  beleeved,    of  faith  in   God, 

maketh  the  chiefcft  worfhip,  the  chiekft  duty,  the  chiefeft  obe 

dience,  and  the  chiefcft  facrirlcc.  Let  him  that  is  a  Rhetorician,  am- 

The  power  piifie  this  place,  and  he  (hall  fee  that  faith  is  an  almighty  thing,  and 

oifaichin    that  the  power  thereof  is  infinite  and  ineltimablc  :   For  it  giveth 

glory  unto  God,  which  is  the  highdl  fcrvics  can  be  given  unto 

T»gi»c«b-  him.  Now,to  give  glory  unto  God,is  to  beleeve  in  count  him 

,r  wGo4.    tra^  w^e>  righteous,  mercifull,  almighty  :  briefly  to  acknowledge 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  ,**  s. 

him  tobcthcauthourand  giver  of  all  gopdncs.  Thisrcafondothnot, 
but  faith.  That  is  it  which  makcth  us  divine  people,  and  (  as  a  man 
would  £»y)it  is  the  creator  of  a  certains  divinity,  not  in  thefubftance 
of  God,but  in  us.  For  without  faith  God  lofeth  in  us  his  glory,  wifc- 
dome,righteou{heflc,truth  and  mercy.  To  conclude,no  majeftic  or  di 
vinity  remaincth  unto  God,whcre  faith  is  not.  And  the  chiefcft  thing 
that  God  rcquireth  of  man  is,  that  he  give  unto  him  his  glory  and  his 
divinity  :  that  is  to  fay,that  he  take  him  not  for  an  idollbut  for  God  : 
who  regardeth  him,  heareth  him,  ftiewcth  mercy  unto  him,  and  hel- 
pcth  him.  This  being  done,God  hath  his  full  and  perfect  divinity  ,that 
is,hc  hath  whatfoever  a  faithfull  heart  can  attribute  unto  him.  To  be 
able  therefore  to  give  that  glory  unto  Ged,it  is  the  wifedom  of  w  ifc- 
domes,thc  righteoufnefle  of  righteoufncflcs,  the  religion  of  religions, 
and  facrifice  of  facrifices.  Hereby  we  may  perceive,  what  an  high  and 
excellent  righteoufncflc  faith  is,  andfo  by  the  contrary,  what  an  hor 
rible  and  grievous  finne  infidelitie  is. 

Whofoever  then  beleeveth  the  word  of  God,  as  Abraham  did, 
is  righteous  before  God,  becaule  he  hath  faith,  which  givcth  glory  Righteous 

betorc  °* 

unto  God  :  that  is  he  giveth  to  God  that  which  is  due  to  him  .  For 
faith  faith  thus:I  bclecvc  thec(O  God)  when  thou  fpeakeft.  And  what 
faith  God?  Impoflible  things,lies,foo]i(h,wcakc,abfurd,abhominable, 
hereticall  and  devillifh  things,  if  ye  belceve  reafon.  For  what  is  fcc  fa«h 
morcabfurd,  foolifh  and  impoflible,  then  when  God  faith  to  Abra-  £ek" 
htm,  that  he  (hould  have  afonne  of  the  barren  and  dead  body  of  his  to  reafo 
Wife  S*r<*. 

So,  if  we  will  follow  the  judgement  of  reafon,  God  fetteth  forth  ™  ™ 
abfurd  and  impofliblc  things,  when  he  fetteth  out  unto  us  the  Ar- 
tides  of  the  Chriftian  faith.   Indeed  it  feemeth  to  reafon  an  abfurd 
andafoolifhthing,  that  in  the  Lords  Supper  is  offered  unto  us  the 
body  and  bloud  of  Chrift,  that  Baptifmc  is  the  Laver  of  the  new- 
birtb,  and  of  the  renewing  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  that  the  dead  fhall 
rife  in  the  laft  day,  that  Chrift  the  Sonne  of  God  was  conceived 
and  carried  in  the  wombc  of  the  virgin  <JM«ry3  that  he  was  borne, 
that  he  fuflcrcd  the  moft  reproachfull  death  of  the  crofle,  that  he  was  The  c»r- 
raifed  up  againe,  that  he  now  fitteth  at  the  right  hand  of  God  the  Jjjj'j!1 
Fathcr,and  that  he  hath  all  power  both  in  heaven  and  in  earth.    For  Cto<re, 
this  caufc  ttul  callcth  the  Gofpell  of  Chrift  crucified,  the  word  of  >c""i-»8 
the  crofle  and  foolifh  preaching,  which  to  the  Jews  was  offcnfive, 


Chap.  III.  r^on  the  E  P  r  $  T  L  B 

The  tv,ide  and  to  the  Gentiles  fcoliih  doclrinc.  Wherefore  reafon  doth  not  tin- 
worfhtp  or  derftand  that  to  hcarc  the  word  ofGod  and  to  bcleeve  it,is  the  chic- 
felt  fervicc  that  God  rcquireth  of  us:but  it  thinkcth  that  thofc  things 
which  it  choofcth  and  doth  of  a  good  intent  (  as  they  call  it  )  and  of 
her  own  dcvotion,plcale  God. Therefore  when  God  fpeaketh,rcafon 
judgeth  his  word  to  be  hcrcfie  and  the  word  of  the  dcvill,  for  it  fcc- 
incth  unto  it,  abfurd  and  foolifb. 

«<        But,faith  killcth  reafon,  and  flayeth  that  bcaft  which  the  whole 
world  and  all  creatures  cannot  kill.     So  Abraham  killed  it  by  faith 
in  the  word  ofGod,  whereby  feed  was  promifed  to  him  of  Sa 
ra,  who  was  barren  and  now  paft  child  bearing.    Unto  this  word, 
reafon  yccldcd  not  ftrajghtwayint^rrftaw,  but  it  fought  againft 
faith  in  him,  judging  it  to  be  an  abfurd,  a  foolifo  and  an  impoilible 
thing,that  Sara,  who  was  now  not  onely  poyeares  old,but  alfo  was 
**  barren  by  nature*  ftiould  bring  forth  afonnc.  Thus  faith  wreftlcd 
w«.  with  reafon  in  <tsfbrakam :  but  herein  faith  got  the  victory,  killed 
and  facrificcd  reafon,  that  moft  crucll  and  peftilent  enemy  ofGod. 
So  ail  the  godly  entring  with  Abr*b*m  into  the  darknefle  of  faith, 
do  kill  rcaion,fay  ing :  Reafon,thou  art  foolidvhou  doeft  not  favour 
thofe  things  which  belong  unto  God  :  Therefore  fpsake  not  againft 
me,  but  hold  thy  peace :  Judge  not,  but  hearc  the  word  ofGod 
TUcfactifice and  oc^cevc  if*  So  the  godly  by  faith  killfuch  abeaftasisgreater 
of  chri(ii-    thei?  the  whole  world,  and  thereby  do  otfcr  to  God  a  moft  accepta- 
*».          blc  lacrificc  and  fcrvice. 

And  in  compariion  of  this  {acrirlccof  the  faithfall,all  the  religions 
of  ail  nations,  and  all  the  works  of  all  Monks  and  merit  mongers,  are 
nothing  at  all.  Tor  by  this  facrifice,  firft  (as  I  faid)  they  kill  reafon,  a 
great  and  mighty  cacmy  ofGod. tor  reafon  dcfpifcth  God,  clenieth 
his  wifdom,jaftice,power,trutb,inercy;mtijefty  and  divinity.  More 
over,  by  the  lame  facriHcc  they  yedd  glory  unto  God  :  that  is,  they 
belccve  him  to  be  Juft,  good,  LuhfulljtruCjC^r.  they  belccve  that  he 
can  do  all  things,  that  all  his  words  are  holy,  true,  lively  and  effj- 
c*luall,<2-r,  which  is  a  moft  acceptable  obedience  unto  God.  Where 
fore  there  can  be  no  greater  or  more  holy  religion  in  the  world,  nor 
more  acceptable  fervice  unto  God,then  faith  is. 

Contrariwife,  the  Jufticiaries  and  fueh  as  fcekc  rjghteoufncffe 
by  their  own  workes,  lacking  faith,  do  many  things.  They  faft, 
they  pray,  they  watch,  they  lay  crofles  upon  thcmfelvcs.  But  be- 


To  the  G  A  L  A  r  H  I  A  N  s.  Fol.r  i  r 

caufe  tney  thinkc  to  appcalc  the  wrath  of  God  and  defcrvc  grace  by  _., 

ft.  i  •  i  x-i     i     i        -t          i  •     i       i  •        Inennfajth. 

thefe  things  they  give  no  glory  toGod,thatis,theydo  not  judge  him  fuiigi»enoc 
to  be  mcrcifull,  true,  and  to  keep  his  promifc,!^.  but  to  be  an  angrie  a'0'/ ">G°d 
Judge, which  muft  be  pacified  with  works,and  by  this  means  they  de- 
fpife  God,  they  make  him  a  liar  in  all  his  promifes,  they  deny  Chrift 
and  all  his  benefits :  to  conclude,  they  throft  God  out  of  his  feate,and 
fet  themfchesin  his  place. For  they  reje&ing  and  defpifing  the  word 
ofGod,  do  choofe  unto  themfclycs  luch  a  fcrvice  of  God ,  and  fuch 
works  as  God  hath  not  cotxjmanicd.They  imagine  that  God  hath  a 
pleafure  therein,  and  they  hope  to  receive  a  reward  of  him  for  the 
fame.   Therefore  they  kill  not  reafon,that  mighty  enemie  of  God,but 
quicken  it :  and  they  take  from  God  hi*  majefty  and  his  divinity,  and 
attribute  the  fame  unto  thci'r  own  works.    Wherefore  only  faith  gi- 
veth  glory  to  G©d,  as  Twl  witne&th  of  Abraham,  <i/fbrAh<*fn  (faith        . 
he)  ttu*  mAdeftrong  i»  thsfaithy  and  gave  glory  to  Cjod,  btin£  filly  affured,  ^"l'10' Jt 
tkttt  VthAtfotver  GoftkAdpromifid,  he  V)a&  able  to  performe,  on&  therefor*  it 
V94S  imputed  to  him  for  rigbteotifnefie. 

Chriftian  righteoufnefle  confittcthinfaithof  the  heart,  and  Gods 
imputation.  It  is  not  wit  hout  caufe  that  he  addeth  this  fentence  out 
of  the  1 5 .  Chapter  o£(renefo :  And  it  VPOS  imputed  ttnts  him  for  righ- 
teotifmft.  For  Chriftiannghteoufne{Tecon(i(teth  in  two  things,  that 
is  to  fay,  in  faith  of  the  heart,  and  in  Gods  imputation.  Faith  is 
indeed  a*  form  all  righteoufncffe,  and  yet  this  rightcoufne(k  is  not 
enough  :  forafer  faith  there  remaine  yet  ccrtaine  remnants  of  fin 
in  our  flsOj.  This  facrificc  of  faith  began  in  Abraham^  but  at  the 
laft  it  was  finifhed  in  his  death.  Wherefore  the  other  part  of  righ- 
tcoufncflemuft  needs  be  added  alfo,  to  finifh  the  iame  in  us  :  that  is 
to  fay,  Gods  imputation.  "For  faith  giveth  not  enough  to  God,  be- 
caufe  it  is  imperfeft,  yea  rather  our  faith  is  but  a  little  fparke  of 
faith,  which  beginneth  only  to  render  unto  God  his  true  divinity, 
wee  have  received  the  firft  fruitcs  of  the  fpirit ,  but  not  yet  the 
tenths.  Eefidcs  this,  reafon  is  not  utterly  killed  in  this  life ,  which 
tnay  appearc  by  our  concapifccncc,  wrath,  impaticncy  and  other  T|)C  re?i 

r     -         /-i        r\   n  i      /•  •    /-  i    •  •  •    •        •  « ,         i       nants  ct  ho 

fruits  or  the  flelh,  and  or  infidelity  yet  remaining  in  us.  Yca,the 
fcolicft  that  live,  have  not  yet  a  full  and  continuall  joy  in  God  y  but 
have  their  iundry  pallions,  fometimes  faddc,  ibmctimcs  merry, 
as  the  Scriptures  witncflc  of  the  Prophets  and  Apoltlcs.  But 
fiich  faults  are  not  laid  to  their  charge,  becauft  of  their  faith  in 




III.  rptotbe.E?  i  s  TL  s 

Chrirf,  for  otherwife  no  flcfh  fhould  be  favcd.  Wee  conclude  there- 

fore  upon  thcfc  words :  It  V0M  imputed  to  htm  for  rightcoufnefte,  that 
rightcoufncfls  indeed  bcginneth  through  faith,  and  by  the  lame  we 
have  the  firft  fruits  of  the  Spirit:  but  bccanfe  faith  is  weaikc,  it  is  not 
made  pcrfcdfc  without  Gods  imputation.  Wherefore  faith  beginneth 
righteoufncffc ,  but  imputation  maketh  it  petfcd  unto  the  day  of 

The  Popim  Sophifters  and  Schoolemen  difputc  alfo  of  impu- 
neffe  of  the  tation,  when  they  fpeake  of  the  good  acceptation  of  the  works:  but 
*ehooimen.  bcCidcsand  cleancconirary  to  the  Scripture  :  for  they  wreftit  on 
ly  to  workcs.    They  doc  not  confidcr  the  uncleanncfle  and  inward 
poyion  lurking  in  the  heart,as  incredulity ,doubting,  contemning,and 
hating  of  God,  which  moft  pernicious  and  perillous  beafts  are  the 
fountaine  and  cauieof all  mifchiefe.    They  confidcr  no  more  but  out- 
God  accep-  ward  and  groflc  faults  and  unrightcoufncfT:,  which  are  little  rivers 
t«ii  OQI    .proceeding  and  iifuins  out  of  thole  fountaincs.  Therefore  they  attri- 

*vorkcs,  lay  *  z»     .  .        .          -  .  .  ' 

the  Papitti.  butc  acceptation  to  workcs  :  that  is  to  lay,  that  uod  doth  accept  our 
workes,  not  of  duty  ,but  of  congruence.  Contrari  wife  we,  excluding 
all  workcs,  doc  goc  to  the  very  head  of  this  beaft,  which  is  called  rea- 
^on>  wn^cn  ^s  tne  fonntaineand  head-fpring  of  all  mifchiefes.  For  rea- 
fonfearcth  not  God,  it  lovcth  not  God,  it  trufteth  not  in  God ,  but 
proudly  contemneth  is  not  moved  either  with  his  threatning* 
or  his  promifes.  It  is  not  delighted  with  his  words  or  works ,  but  it 
murmureth  againft  bim,it  is  angry  with  him  Judgethand  hateth  him: 
to  be  fhort,it  is  an  enemy  to  God,not  giving  him  his  glory  .This  pefti- 
lent  beaft  (reafon  I  fay)  being  once  flain,  all  outward  and  groflc  vices 
(liould  be  nothing. 

VVherefore  we  moft  firft  and  before  all  things  goe  about  by  faith, 
3  to  kill  infidelity,  the  contempt  and  hating  of  God,  murmuring  a- 
gainft  his  judgement,  his  wrath,  and  all  his  words  and  works  :  for 
then  doc  we  kill  rcafbn,  which  can  be  killed  by  none  other  mcanes 
but  by  faith,  which  in  belecving  God,giveth  unto  him  his  glory ,not- 
withftanding  that  he  fpcakcth  thofe  things,which  fecm  both  foolidi, 
abfurd,  and  impoflible  to  rcafbn  :  notwithstanding  alfo,  that  God 
fctteth  forth  himfelfe  other  wife  then  reafon  is  able  cither  to  j  udge  or 
conceive,  that  is  to  fay,  after  this  manner  :  I  will  account  and  pro 
nounce  thccas  righteous,  not  for  the  keeping  of  the  law,  nor  for  thy 
Workcs  and  thy  merits,  but  for  thy  faith  in  Jefus  Chrift  mine  onty  be 

To  tie  G  A  L  A'T  H  i  AN  s^ 

gotten  Scnnc,  who  was  borne,  fufFered,  was  crucified  and  died  for 
thy  fins :  and  that  fin  which  rcmaineth  in  thcc,  I  will  not  impute  un 
to  thee.  If  reafon  then  be  not  killed ,  and  all  kinds  of  religion  and  fer- 
vice  cf  God  under  heaven  that  are  invented  by  men  to  get  righteou£ 
neflc  before  Gcd,be  not  condemned,  the  rightccufnes  of  faith  can  take 
no  place. 

When  reafon  heareth  this,  by  and  by  it  is  offended :  it  rageth  and 
uttercth  all  her  malice  againft  God,faying :  Arc  then  my  good  works 
nothing  ?  Have  I  then  laboured  and  borne  the  burden  and  heat  of  the  pr 
day  in  vaine  ?  Hereof  rifeth  thofe  uproarcs  of  Nations,  of  Kings  and 
Princes,  againft  the  Lord  and  againft  his  Chrift.  For  the  world  nei 
ther  will  nor  can  fufifcr  that  his  wifdome,  rightcoufncs,  religions  and 
Worshippings  (hould  be  reproved  and  condemned  .The  Pope  with  all 
hispopiftirablemcnt,willnotfeemtoerre,  much  Icfle  will  hefuffer 
himfclf  to  be  condemned. 

Wherefore  let  thofe  which  give  themfclves  to  the  ftudy  of  the  ho-  A 
ly  Scripture,  learnc  out  of  it  this  fay  ing:  jSfoaka&klecvtA  Godt  *W° 
it  Veat  counted  to  him  for  righteottfieffe,  to  fet  forth  truely  and  rightly  fl 
this  true  Chriftian  rightcoufnes  after  this  manner  :  that  it  is  a  faith 
and  confidence  in  the  Son  of  (Sod,  or  rather  a  confidence  of  the  heart 
in  God  through  Jcfus  Chrift:  And  let  them  addc  this  claufe  as  a  diffe 
rence  :  Which  faith  and  confidence  is  accounted  rightcoufhefTe  for 
Chrifts  fake.  For  thcfe  two  things  (as  I  faid  before)  worke  Chriftian 
righteoufnes :  namely,  faith  in  the  heart,  which  is  a  gift  of  God,  and 
affurcdly  belcevcth  in  Chrift :  and  alfo  that  God  acccpteth  this  imper- 
fecl  faith  for  perfect  righteoufnes,  for  Chrifts  fake,  in  whom  I  have 
begun  to  bclceve.  Becaufc  of  this  faith  in  Clnift,  God  fecth  not  my 
doubting  of  his  good  will  towards  me,  my  diftruft,  heaviness  of  fpi- 
rit,  and  other  fmnes  which  are  yet  in  me.  For  as  long  as  I  live  in 
the  flefh,  finnc  is  truly  in  me.  Butbccaufel  am  covered  under  the 
fliadow  of  Chrifts  wings  ,  as  is  the  chicken  under  the  wing 
cf  the  hen,  and  dwell  without  all  fearc  under  that  moft  ample 
and  large  heaven  of  the  forgivencffe  of  finncs,  which  is  fpread  over 
me,  God  corereth  and  pardoncth  the  remnant  of  finnein  me :  that  is 
to  fay,bccanfcof  that  faith  wherwith  I  began  to  lay  hold  upon  Chrift, 
he :Kyeptrth  my  imperfect  righteoufneflc  even  for  perfccl  righteouf- 
ncs,and  counteth  my  finnc  for  no  fui,  which  notwithftanding  is  finno 


Chap.  III.  rf on  the  E  P  i  s  T  t  B 

So  we  (hroud  our  fclves  under  the  covering  of  Chrifh  flefo,  who  is 
15.11.  QUr  f/aufo  fillarfor  the  day,  4*doHr$illar  off  re  for  the  nighf,  left  God 
(hould  fee  our  fin.  And  although  we  fee  it,  and  for  the  fame  doe  fcdc 
the  terrours  of  conscience,  yet  flying  unt®  ChriftoucMediatourand 
reconciler  (through  whom  we  arc  made  perfect)  we  arc  fureand  fafe: 
For  as  all  things  arc  in  him,fo  through  him  w<*  have  all  things,  who  al- 
ib  doth  fupply  whatfocvcr  is  wanting  in  us.  Wheo  we  belecve  this, 
God  winketh  at  the  fins  and  the  remnants  of  finnc  yet  flicking  in  our 
flefh,and  fo  covereth  them,  as  if  ttuy  were  no  (ins.  Bccaulc  (iaith  he) 
thou  beleeveft  in  my  Son,  although  thou  have  many  fins,  yet  not  with - 
ftanding  they  (hall  be  forgiven  thee,until  thou  be  clean  delivered  from 
them  by  death. 

PB.IS  divi-  Let  chriftians  learn  with  all  diligeaee  to  uodcrftand  this  article  of 
Chriftian  righteoufncs.And  to  this  end  let  them  reade  Prf«/,aad  readc 
him  again  both  often  and  with  great  diligcnce,and  let  them  compare 
the  fitit  with  the  iaft :  yea  let  them  compare  P*ul  wholly  and  fully 

w"^  nim^elfe  :  tnen  ^a^  l^ey  finc?  ^ to  ^e  true,that  Chriilian  righte- 
thmgt.  oufncileconfiftcth  in  thcfe  two  things :  namely  in  faith  which  giveth 
glory  unto  God,  and  in  Gods  imputation.  Vor  faith  is  wcakc  (as  1  have 
faid)  and  therefore  Gods  imputation  muft  needs  be  joyncd  withall, 
that  is  to  fay,tbat  God  will  not  lay  to  our  charge  the  remnant  of  fin, 
that  he  will  not  punifli  it,norcondcmncusfor  it  :  but  will  cover  it 
and  will  freely  forgive  it,as  though  it  were  nothing  at  all :  not  for  our 
fakc,ncither  for  our  worthincs  and  works,  but  for  J  efus  Chrifts  fakej 
in  whom  we  bclceve. 

A  chriftian  Tfiusa  Chriftian  man  is  both  righteous  and  a  finner ,  holy  and 
righ-  prophane,  an  enemy  of  God  and  yet  a  child  of  God.  Thefc  con- 
anda  trarlcs  no  Sophiftcr  will  admit,  for  th^y  know  not  the  true  manner 
of  juftifkation.  And  this  was  the  caufc  why  they  conftrained  men  to 
worke  well  fb  long,  untillthcy  tliould  fcele  in  thcmfelves  no  fin  at 
all.  Whereby  they  gave  occafion  to  many  (  which  driving  with  all 
their  indeavour  to  be  perfectly  rightcous,could  not  attain  thereunto  ) 
to  become  ftark  mad:Yea  an  infinite  number  allo  of  thole  which  were 
the  authours  of  this  dcviliifh  opinion,  at  the  hour  of  death  were  dri 
ven  unto  defpcration.Which  thing  had  hapncd  unto  me  alfo,  if  Chrift 
had  not  mercifully  looked  upon  me,  and  delivered  me  out  of  chip  er- 

Contrariwife ,  we  teach  and  comfort  the  afflicted  finner  after 


T&  the   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8^  Fol. 

this  manner:  Brother  it  is  not  poffiblefbrthecto  become  io 
ous  in  this  life,  that  thcu  (Kouldcft  feele  no  finne  at  all,  that  thy*body  thc  bea 
fhouldbeclearelike  theSunne,  without  fpot  or  blemifh  :  but  thou  burden  of 
haft  as  yet  wrinkles  and  fpots,and  yet  art  thou  holy  notwithftanding.  £"' comfort 
But  thou  wilt  fay :  How  can  I  be  holy,  when  I  have  and  feele  fin  in  K<L 
me  ?  I  anfwer  :  In  that  thou  doeft  feele  and  acknowledge  thy  finne, 
it  is  a  good  token :  give  thanks  unto  God,  and  defpairenor.  It  is  one 
ftep  of  health,  when  the  ficke  man  dcth  acknowledge  and  confefls  »his 
infirmity.  But  how  ihalll  be  delivered  from  fin  ?  Run  to  Chrift  the  Anobic&i 
Phyfitian,which  healeth  them  that  are  broken  in  heart,and  faveth  fin 
ners.  Follow  not  thc  judgement  of  reafon,  which  tellcth  thee,that  he 
is  angry  with  finners  :  but  kill  reafon  and  beleeve  in  Chrift.    If  thou 
belecve,thou  art  righteous,  becaufethou  giveft  glory  unto  God,  that 
he  is  Almighty,  mercifull,  true,  &c.  thou  juftifieft  and  praifcft  God. 
To  be  brief,thou  yeeldeft  unto  him  his  divinity,  and  whatfoever  elfe 
belongcth  unto  him:  And  the  fin  which  remaineth  in  thec,  is  not 
laid  to  thy  charge,  but  is  pardoned  for  Chrifts  fake  in  whom  thou  be- 
lieveft,\vho  is  perfectly  juft :  whofe  righteoufnes  is  thy  righteoufnes, 
and  thy  fin  is  his  fin. 

Here  wee  fee  that  every  Chriftian  is  an  high  Prieft  :  For  firft 
he  ofrereth  up  and  killeth  his  owne  reafon ,    and  thc  wilcdome 

of  the  flefa  :  Then  he  giveth  glory  to  God,  that  he  is  righteous,  Thedai, 
true,  patient,  pitifull  and  mercifull.    And  this  is  that  daily  facrifice  facrificc  of 
of  the  new  Teftament,  which  muft  be  offered  evening  and  morning,  thenewTe- 
The  evening  facrifice  is  to  kill  reafon  :  the  morning  frcrificc  is  to 
glorifie  God.    Thus  a  Chriftian  daily  and  continually  is  occupied  in 
this  double  facrificc  and  in  the  exercife  thereof.  And  no  man  is  able  to 
fet  forth  fufficiently  the  excellency  and  dignity  of  this  Chriftian  fa 
crifice.  , 

This  is  therefore  a  ftrangc  and  a  wonderfull  definition  of  Chri-  righ«i«r- 
ftian  rightcoufnefls ,  that  it  is  the  imputation  of  God  for  rightcouf-  neffc, 
ndfc  or  unto  righteoufncflc ,  becaufe  ofourfaithinChrift,  or  for 
Chrifts  fake.    When  the  Popi(h  Schoolemen  heare  this  definition,  what  the 
they  laugh  at  it.    For  they  imagine  that  nghteoufnefle  is  a  certaine       i1    *a 
quality  powred  into  the  foule ,   and  afterwards  fpread  into  all  the 
parts  of  man.    They  cannot  put  away  the  vaine  imaginations  of 
realon,  which  tcachcth  that  a  right  judgement,  and  a  good-will, 
or  a  good  intent  is  true  rightcoufneflc.    This  unfpeakablc  gift  there* 


Chap.  III.  rponthe  E  p  i  s  T  L  i 

fore  cxccllcth  all  rcafon,  that  God  doth  account  and  acknowledge 
him  for  righteous  without  works,  which  imhraccth  his  Son  by  faith 
alone,who  was  fcnt  into  the  world,  was  borne,  fuff:red,  and  was  cru 
cified  for  us. 

This  matter,as  teaching  the  words  is  ea(ie(to  wit,  that  righteouf- 
ncfle  is  not  cflcntially  in  us,as  the  Papifts  reafon  out  of  Ariftotlc,  but 
without  us  in  the  grace  of  God  only  and  in  his  imputation  :  and  that 
there  is  no  eflcntiall  fubftance  of  righteoufncs  in  us,  befidcs  that  weak 
faith  or  firft  fruits  of  faith ,  whereby  we  have  begun  to  -apprehend 
Chrift1,  and  yet  fin  in  the  mcane  time  remaineth  verily  in  us:)  but  in 
very  deed  it  is  no  fmall  or  light  matter,  but  weighty  and  of  great  im 
portance.-  For  Chrift  which  was  given  for  us,and  whom  we  appre 
hend  by  faith,  hath  done  no  fmall  thing  for  us,  but  (as  Taul  faid  be- 
fore:)  He  hath  loved  us  and  given  himfelfin  very  deed  for  H5:lie  Vtas  made 
accHrfcdforuj&c.  And  this  is  no  vain  fpeculation,that  Chrift  was 
delivered  for  my  fins  and  was  made  accurfcd  for  me,  that  I  might  be 
»  A  child  is  delivered  from  cverlafting  death  .Therefore  to  apprehend  that  *Sonnc 
bom  unto  by  faith,and  with  the  heart  to  bclecve  in  him ,  given  unto  us  and  for  us 
ofGod,caufeth  that  God  doth  account  that  faith,  although  it  be  un- 
perfeft,for  perfect  righteoufncfle. 

And  here  we  arc  altogether  in  another  world  farrefrom  rcafon, 
where  we  difputc  not,  what  we  ought  to  do,  or  with  what  works 
wee  may  delerve  grace  and  forgivenefle  of  finnes  :  but  wee  are  in  a 
matter  of  moft  high  and  heavenly  divinity,  where  we  do  heare  this 
Gofpcllor  glad  tidings,  that  Chrift  died  for  us,  and  that  we  be- 
lecving  this,  arc  counted  righteous ,  though  fins  notwithftandin? 
doc  remainc  in  us,  and  that  great  finnes.  So  our  Saviour  Chrift 
aModefincth  the  righteoufnclTe  of  faith.  The  Father  (faith  he)  loveth 
you.  Whercforedoth  he  love  you  ?  Not  becaufe  ye  were  Pharifees 
unreprovablc  in  the  righteouinefle  of  the  law,  circumcifcd  ,  doing 
chapter  of  good  workey,  faftmg,  &c.  but  becaufe  I  havcchofen  you  out  of  the 
c2£ck  world,  and  yee  have  done  nothing,  but  that  ycc  have  Jotcdme,  aod 
9  '  bclecvcd  that  I  came  out  from  the  Father.  This  objccl  (/)  being 
railed  o«  fcnt  from  theFathcr  into  the  world,pleafcd  you.  And  becaufe  you  have 
obiea,bc.  apprehended  and  embraced  *  this  object,  therefore  the  Father  loveth 
r*eof  mt  you,  and  therefore  ye  pleafc  him.  And  yet  notwithftanding  in  ano- 
ther  place  he  callcth  them  cvill,  and  commandcth  them  to  askc  for- 
givcncflc  of  their  finne*.  Thefc  two  things  arc  quite  contrary:  to 


To  the  G  A  L  A'T  H  i  A  N  s^  1 14' 

wit,  that  a  Chriftian  is  righteous  and  beloved  of  God,  and  yet  not- 
•withftanding  he  is  a  (inner.    For  God  cannot  deny  his  o  wnc  nature,    - 
that  is,  he  muft  needs  hate  fin  and  Tinners :  and  this  he  doth  of  neccf- 
fity,  for  other  wife  he  rtiould  be  unrighteous  and  love  fin.    How  then 
canthefetwo*  contradictions  (land  together?  I  am  a  finner,and  moft  *contraiy 
worthy  of  Gods  wrath  and  indignation  :  and  yet  the  Father  lovcth  fay'nr- 
mc?  Here  nothing  commeth  bet  ween,but  only  Chrift  the  Mediatour.  J»b.  \6.^. 
The  Father(faithnc)doth  not  therefore  love  you,  becatife  ye  arc  wor-  W*7>9' 
thy  of  love,  but  becaufeyc  have  loved  me,  and  have  beleeved  that  I 
came  out  from  him. 

Thus  a  Chriftian  man  abideth  in  true  humility,  feeling  fin  in  him  ef 
fectually, and  confefling  himfelf  to  be  worthy  of  wrath  and  judgment 
of  God  and  everlafting  death  for  the  fame,  that  he  may  be  humbled  in 
this  lifc:and  yet  not  withftanding  he  continueth  ftill  in  his  holy  pride,-  a  c 
in  the  which  he  f  urneth  unto  Chrifr,  and  in  him  he  lifteth  up  himfelf  p 
againft  this  feeling  of  Gods  wrath  and  judgment,  and  belceveth  that, 
not  only  the  remnants  of  fin  are  not  imputed  unto  him,  but  that  alfo 
he  is  loved  of  the  Fathcr,not  for  his  own  fake,  but  for  Chrifts  fake, 
•whom  the  Father  lovcth. 

Hereby  now  we  may  fee,how  faith  juftificth  without  works,  and 
yet  not  withftanding,  how  imputation  of  righteoufnes  is  alfo  neccfla- 
ry.Sins  do  remain  in  us, which  God  utterly  hateth.  Therefore  it  is  ne- 
ceflary  that  we  (hould  have  imputation  of  rightcoufnes,which  we  ob 
tain  through  Chrift  and  for  Chrifts  fake  who  is  given  unto  us  and  re- 
ceived  of  us  by  faith.  I  n  the  mean  time,as  long  as  we  live  here,  we  arc 
carried  and  nourifhed  in  the  bofomeof  the  mercy  and  long  fuferancc 
of  God,  untill  the  body  of  fin  be  abolifhed,  and  we  raifed  up  as  new 
creatures  in  that  great  day  .Then  (hall  there  be  new  heavens  and  a  new 
earth,in  which  righteoufnes  fhall  dwell.In  the  mean  while  under  this 
heaven  fin  and  wicked  men  doe  dwell,  and  the  godly  alfo  have  finnc 
dwelling  in  them.  For  this  caufc  Taut,  Rom.'j.  complaineth  of  finnc 
which  rernaineth  in  the  Saints  t  yet  notwithftanding  he  faith  af 
terwards  in  the  8.  Chapter  :  That  there  is  no  damnation  to  tkenu 
\\hicb  are  in  Chrift  Itfu.  Now,  how  (hall  thefe  things  fo  contrary  ™|",farc 
and  repugnant,  be  reconciled  together,  that  finne  in  us  is  no  finnc? 
that  he  which  is  damnable  (hall  not  be  condemned?  that  he  which 
is  rejected  (hall  not  be  re  jefted  'f  That  he  which  is  worthy  of  the 
XVrathofGcd  and  everlafting  damnation,  {hall  not  be  puni(hed? 


Chap.III.  rt*»tbe  EPISTLE 

The  only  reconciler  hereof  is  the  Mcdiatour  between  God  and  men, 
even  the  man  ]  efus  C  hrift,  as  Paul  faith  :  There  u  no  condemnation  to 
them  Which  are  in  C  hrift  Jefo. 

Verfc  7.  Know  ye  therefore  that  tkey  Which  are  of  faith,  the  Jante  are  the 
children  o/Abraham. 

This  is  the  gencrall  argument  and  whole  difpuration  of  Pattt  a- 
gainft  the  Jewes,  that  they  which  beleeve,  arc  the  children  of  Abra- 
The  dirpa.  kam,ar\d  not  they  which  are  borne  of  his  fk!h  and  his.bloud.  This  dif- 
t«ion  of  putationPW  vehemently  profccuteth  in  this  place,  and  in  the  4.  and 
9-Chaptcr  to  the  Rowans.  For  this  was  the  greateft  confidence  and 
glory  of  the  faves  :  We  are  the  feed  and  chililrett  of  Abraham,  He  was 
circumcifed  and  kept  the  law  :  therefore  if  we  will  be  thetruechil- 
dren  of  Abraham,  we  muft  follow  our  father,  &c.  It  was  (no  doubt) 
an  excellent  glory  and  dignity  ,to  be  the  feed  of  Abraham.  For  no  man 
could  deny  but  that  God  fpakc  to  the  feed  and  of  the  feed  of  Abraham. 
But  this  prerogative  nothing  profited  the  unbeleeving  Jcwes.By  rea- 
fon  whereof  Yd*/,  efpecially  in  this  place,  mightily  (trivjth  againft 
this  argument,  and  wrefteth  from  the  Jews  this  ftrong  affiance  in 
themfelvcs.  And  this  could  he,  as  the  elecfl  veffcli  of  Chrift,  do  above 
all  other.  For  if  we  at  the  beginning  fhould  have  diiputed  with  the 
fews  without  Pail,  peradvcnture  we  fibould  have  prevailed  very  little 
againft  thcnr. 

So  then  Paul  rcafoneth  againft  the  Jews  which  flood  fo  proud 
ly  in  this  opinion,  that  they  were  the  children  of  Abraham  t  fiy_ 
ing  :  We  are  the  feed  of  Abraham.  Well,  what  then  ?  Abraham 
was  circumcifed  and  kept  the  law  :  we  doe  the  fame.  All  this 
1  grant  :  But  will  yc  therefore  feeke  to  be  juftified  and  faved  ?  Nay 

not  ^°*  ^ut  ^ct  us  comc  to  ^c  ?atr*arcn  dbrahAm  himfelfe ,  and  let 
us  fee  by  whatmeancs  he  was  juftified  and  faved.  Doubtleflc,  not 
for  his  excellent  vertues  and  holy  workes  :  not  becaufe  he  forfookc 
his  country,  kindred  and  fathers  houfc  :  not  becaufe  he  was  circum 
cifed  and  observed  the  law  :  not  becaufe  he  was  about  to  offer  up  irf 
facrifice  at  the  commandement  of  God,  his  fonnc  Ifiac,  in  whom 
he  had  the  promife  of  pofterity  :  but  becaufe  he  beleeved.  Wherefore 
he  was  net  juftified  by  any  other  meanes  then  by  faith  alone.  If 
ye  then  will  be  juftified  by  the  law,  much  more  ought  Abraham 
your  rather  to  be  juftified  by  the  law.  But  Abraham  could  not  o- 


TO  tf)f  G  A  L  A  T  H  1  A  N  S.  FoI.1 1 5 

thcrwifcbcjuftifled,  nor  receive  forgiYcncflc  offinnes  and  the  holy 
Ghoft,  then  by  faith  alone.  Since  this  is  true  by  the  teftimony  of  ths 
Scripture,  why  ftand  ye  fo  much  upon  circumcilion  and  the  law,con- 
tcnaing  that  ye  have  rightcoufncfle  and  falvation  there  by,  when  as 
Abraham  himfclfe,  your  father,  your  fountaine  and  hcad-fpring,  of 
whom  ye  do  fo  much  glory,  Was  Juftificd  and  faved  without  thefe,by 
faith  alone  ?  What  can  be  laid  againft  this  argument. 

'Paul  therefore  concludeth  with  this  fentcnce :  They  which  arc 
if  Frith  are  the  children  of  Abraham,  that  corporall  birth  or  car-  Tbc carnall 
nail  fecde  maketh  not  the  children  cf  Abraham  before  God.    As  begetting 
though  he  would  fay  :  There  is  none  before  God  accounted  as  the  ^akcuTtbe 
child  of  this  Abraham  (who  is  the  fcrvant  of  God,  whom  God  children  of 
hath  chofcn  and  made  righteous  by  faith)  through  carnall  genera- Mrtbam> 
tion :  but  fuch  children  muft  be  given  him  before  God,  as  he  was  a 
father.  But  he  was  a  father  of  faith,  wasjuftificd  and  pkafed  God, 
not  becaufe  he  could  beget  children  after  the  flefh,  not  becaufe  he  had 
circumcifion  and  the  law,  but  becaufe  he  belecvcd  in  God.    He 
therefore  that  will  be  a  child  of  the  beleeving  Abraham  muft  alfb  The  belee. 
himfclfe  belceve,  or  elfe  he  is  not  a  childe  of  the  cleft,  the  belo-  vin 
red  and  the  juftified  Abraham,  but  onely  of  the  begetting  Abr*.  5 
bam,  which  is  nothing  clfe  but  a  man  conceived,  borne,  and  wrapt 
in  finne,  without  the  forgivenefls  of  finnes,  without  faith,  without 
the  holy  Gboft,as  another  man  is,and  therefore  condemned.  Such  al» 
fo  arc  the  children  carnally  begotten  of  him,  having  nothing  in  them 
like  unto  their  father,  but  flcQi  and  blood,(innc  and  death :  therefore  d*«n  of  •*• 
thefe  arc  alfo  damned.  This  glorious  boafting  then :  ^#  are  th:fccdof*^££ 
Abraham,  is  to  no  purpofe. 

This  argument  Paul  fetter h  out  plaincly  in  the  pthto  the  Ro-  Th«fitflex- 
ntoM*  by  two  examples  of  the  holy  Scripture.   The  firft  is  of  If-  ^fj'^f/^ 
wael  and  7/3^,  which  were  both  the  fecdc  and  naturall  children  r/**. 
ot  9^irAham)  and  yet  notwithftanding  Ifmael  (  which  was  begot 
ten  of  Abraham,  as  Ifi*c  was,  yea  and  (hould  alfo  have  bcenc  the 
firft  begotten,  ifcarnall  generation  had  had  any  prerogative,  or  conld 
have  made  children  to  Abraham  )  is  fhut  out,  and  yet  the  Scripture 
faith  :  In  Ifaac  JhaS  thy  feed  be  called.    The  fecond  is  of  8  fan  and  I  A-  „.  .r 

i  '  .1-  i  i  111  Thclscond 

w,  who  when  they  were  as  yet  in  their  mothers  wombe,  and  had 
done  neither  gocd  rorcvill,  it  wasfaid:  The  elder  (hall  ferae  the 
younger ,  I  have  loved  Jnccb,  ^»^Eftu  have  I  hated.  Therefore  it  is 

plain  c, 

Chap.III.  Vfontke  EPISTLE 

plaine,  that  they  which  are  of  Faith,  are  the  children  of  Abraham. 

But  fomc  will  here  objeft  (as  the  Jews  do,  and  ccrtainc  ca- 
S  fignlfi.  villing  fpirits  at  this  day  )  faying  that  this  word  faith  in  the  Hebrew 
H.tbt"w C    fcgnifieth  rm6,and  therefore  we  do  not  rightly  apply  it :  And  more- 
tongue       over,  that  this  place  out  ofCjenj]  .fpsaketh  of  a  corporall  thing,namc- 
ly  of  ths  promifc  of  pofterity,and  therfore  is  not  well  applied  of  Pad 
to  faith  in  Chrift,  but  ought  fimply  to  be  underftood  of  the  faith  of 
Abraham,  whereby  he-  beleeved  according  to  the  promifc  of  God, 
that  he  (hould  have  feed  :  and  hereby  they  would  prove  that  the  ar 
guments  and  allegations  of  Tattl do  conclude  nothing.  In  like  man 
ner  they  may  caviil  alfo,  that  the  place  which  'Paul  a  little  after  al- 
Icdgeth  out  of  H*bakuk^>  fpcakcthof  faith,  as  touching  the  full  ac- 
compliQiing  of  the  whole  vifion,  and  not  of  faith  oncly  in  Chrift,  for 
the  which  P*#/allcdgeth  it.  Likcwifc  they  may  wrcft  all  the  IIth 
Chap.tothc  Hebrewes,  which  fpeaketh  of  faith  and  the  examples  of 
faith.  By  thcfc  things  fuch  vain-glorious  and  arrogant  fpirits  do  hunt 
for  praifc,  and  fcekc  to  be  counted  wife  and  learned,  where  they  lead 
of  all  dciervc  it.But  bccaufe  of  the  fimplc  and  ignorant,wc  will  brief 
ly  anfwcr  to  their  cavillations. 

To  the  firft  I  anfwer  thus,  that  faith  is  nothing  elfc,  but  the 

truth  of  the  heart  :  that  is  to  fay,  a  true  and  a  right  opinion  of  the 

heart  as  touching  God.   Now,  faith  oncly  thinketh  and  judgeth 

rightly  of  God,  and  not  reafon.    And  then  doth  a  man  think  rightly 

of  God,  when  he  belecYeth  his  word.    But  when  he  will  meafurc 

Faith  thm-   Qod  without  the  word,  and  belecvehim  according  to  the  wife- 

JfG<2:hlI/  dome  of  reafon,  he  hath  no  right  opinion  of  God  in  his  heart :  and 

therefore  he  cannot  think  or  judge  of  him  as  he  (hould  doe.    As  for 

example  :  when  a  Monk  icnagineth  that  his  coule,  his  (haven  crown 

and  his  vowes  docplcafeGod,  and  that  grace  and  cvcrlafting  life 

Troth 'and   is  given  unto  him  for  the  fame,  he  hath  no  true  opinion  of  God,  but 

faith  fignific  fajfc  anci  full  of  impiety  .Truth  therefore  is  faith  it  fclfe,which  judge- 

SJihg.°n<     cth  rightly  of  God,  namely  that  God  regardeth  not  our  workes 

and  rightecufneffc,  becaufe  we  arcunclcanc  :  but  that  he  will  have 

mercy  upon  us,  lookeuponus,  accept  us,  juftifie  us  and  faveus,  if 

*!•*.»,»;    we  belcevc  in  his  Sonne,  whom  he  hath  fent  to  be  a  facrificc  for  the 

fmncs  of  the  whole  world.    This  is  a  true  opinion  of  God,  and  in 

very  deed  nothing  clfe  but  faith  it  fclfe.    I  cannot  comprehend  nor 

be  fully  aflured  by  reafon ,  that  1  am  received  into  Gods  favour 

S  for 

To  the  GALATHIANS.  Fol.  r  1 6 

for  Chrifts  fake:but  I  hcarc  this  to  be  pronounced  by  the  GoipJi,  and 
I  lay  hold  upon  it  by  faith. 

To  the  iecond  cavillation  I  anfwcr,  that  Paal  doth  rightly  al-  That  the 
ledge  the  place  of  the  fifteenth  of  (jenefis,  applying  it  to  faith  in  5Jacc  °? 
Chrift.   For  with  faith  alwaycs  muit  be  joyncd  a  certaine  aflurancc  rijhtij'aj 
of Gods  mercy.  Now  this  aflurancc  comprehendcth  a  faithfull  truft  f1",'1 1.° 
of  rcmiflion  offinnes  for  Chrifts  f  ike.    tor  it  is  impoflible  that  thy  cVtift"1 
confcience  fhould  looke  for  any  thing  at  Gods  hand,  except  firft  it 
beaflurcd,  that  God  is  mcrcifull  unto  thcc  for  Chriftsfake.    There 
fore  all  thcpromifcs  are  to  be  referred  to  that  firft  prom ife  concer 
ning  Chrift:  7 'be feed of 'the Woman fkallbruife the ferpents head.  So  did  Gak-  ,-j 
all  the  Prophets  both  underftand  it  and  teach  it.  By  this  we  may  fee  AH  the  p»- 
that  the  faith  of  our  fathers  in  the  oldTcftament,  and  ours  now  in 
the  new^  is  all  one,   although  they  differ  as  teaching  their  cut- 
ward  objefts,   Which  thing  Pettr  witncileth  in  the  Ads  when  he 
faith  :  Which  neither  we  nor  our  father i  were  able  to  bcarc*     'But  W* 
beleeve  through  the  grace  of  our  Lordjefus  £hrift  to  be  (aved  even  at  ir> 
they  did.    And  Paul  faith  :  Our  fathers  did  dtt  drink  of  that  fyirituatl 
rockjhat  followed  themt  Vthich  rock.  **>**  C^r^'    ^nc^  Chrift  himfclfe 
faith  :  Abraham  rejoyced  to  fee  nty  d*yt  and  he  /ar»  it  and  was  glad. 
Netwithftanding,  the  faith  of  the  fathers  was  grounded  on  Chrift 
which  was  to  come,  as  ours  is  on  Chrift  which  is  now  come.  A^n»- 
ham  in  his  time  was  juftified  by  faith  in  Chrift  to  come,  but  if  he  li 
ved  at  this  day,  he  would  be  juftified  by  faith  in  Chrift  now  revealed 
and  prcfent :  Like  as  I  have  faid  before  of  Cornelius,  who  at  the  firft 
beleevcd  in  Chrift  to  com?,  but  being  inftru&ed  by  Peter,  he  be- 
leed  that  Chrift  was  already  come.     Therefore  the  divcrfitic  of 
tioies  never  changeth  faith,  nor  the  holy  Ghoft,  nor  the  gifts  thereof. 
For  there  hath  been,  is,  and  ever  fhall  be  one  mind,  one  judgement  The  faith  of 
and  underftanding  concerning  Chrift,  as  well  in  the  ant'ient  fathers, 
as  in  the  faithfully  which  are  at  this  day,and  fhall  come  hereafter.    So 
we  have  as  well  Chrift  to  come  and  beleevc  in  him,  as  the  Fathers 
in  the  old  Teftament  had.    For  we  looke  for  him  to  come  againc  in 
the  laft  day  with  glory,to  judge  both  the  quick  and  the  dead,  whom 
now  we  bclceve  to  become  already  for  our  falvation.    Therefore 
this  allegation  of/^w/offtndcth  none  butthcfe  blind  and  ignorant 

therefore  (as  I  hare  faid)  rightly  alledgcth  that  place  out 

0.4  °* 

Chap.  III.  Vpoa  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  E 

ofGfwfa,  of  faith  in  Chrift,  when  he  fpcaketh  of  the  faith  of  AbrA* ' 
ham.  For  all  the  promifcs  paft,  were  contained  in  Chrift  to  come. 
Therefore  as  well  Abraham  and  the  other  fathers, as  alfo  we,are  made 
righteous  by  faith  in  Chrift :  They  by  faith  in  him  then  to  come, we 
by  faith  in  him  now  prefent.  For  we  cntrcatc  now  of  the  nature  and 
manner  of  justification,  which  is  all  one  both  in  them  and  in  us,  whe 
ther  it  be  in  Chrift  to  be  revealed,  or  in  Chrift  now  revealed  and  pre-  is  enough  therefore  that  P<?*/fheweth,  that  the  law  juftifteth 
not,but  onely  faith,  whether  it  be  in  Chrift  to  come,  or  in  Chrift  al 
ready  come. 

Th  f<S"6         ^  ^k  ^  alfolChrift  to  fome  is  prefent,  to  other  fome  he  is  to 

coi, t"     come.  To  all  bcleevers  he  is  prefent :  to  the  unbclecvers  he  is  not  yet 

ftmc  he »   come,  neither  doth  he  profit  them  any  thing  at  all :  but  if  they  hearc 

jwneT      the  Gofpcl!,and  belccvc  that  he  is  prefent  unto  thcm,he  /uitificth  and 

faveth  them. 

Vcrfe  7.  Te  k^ow  therefore  that  they  which  are  of  Faith  t  the  (am:  are  the 

children  0f  Abraham, 
who  arc         As  jf  fa  WOuld  fay:  Ye  know  by  this  example  of  Abraham,  and  by 

ilic  children    ...  n .  '     ,-.    .      „      .    '  .         .'  .        ....          •>. 

theplaine  tciumonyor  the  Scripture,  that  they  are  the  children  of 
Abraham,  which  arc  of  faith,  whether  they  be  J  ewes  or  Gen  tiles, 
_„,„„..„. .  without  any  rcfpecT:  either  unto  the  law,or  unto  works,or  to  the  car- 
father  both  nail  generation  of  the  fuhers.  For  not  by  the  law,  but  by  the  righte- 
"  oufne(Tcoffaith,the  promife  was  made  unto  Abraham,  that  he  fhould 
be  heirc  of  the  world :  that  is  to  fay,  that  in  his  feed  all  the  nations 
of  the  earth  fhould  be  blefled,  and  that  he  (lionld  be  called  the  father 
of  nations.  And  .left  the  J cws  fhould  fafly  interpret  this  word  Na< 
tionst  applying  it  unto  themlclvcs  alone,  the  Scripture  prevcnteth 
?«».4.i7.     thjs$ancl  faith  not  only  ,a father  «f  nations :  but  a  father  of  many  nations 
havelmadethee.   Therefore  Abraham  is  not  onely  the  father  of  the 
Jcws,but  alfo  of  the  Gentiles. 

ThccUUten  Hereby  we  may  plaincly  fee  that  the  children  of  Abraham  arc  not 
*f  "^ o7tT  t^ic  c^)^rcn  °f  Jhc  flc(jh,but  the  children  of  faith,  as  Paul^Rom^.  dc- 
Se  fldh.but  clareth  :  Who  u  the  father  of  us  dl  (  as  it  is  mitten  :  I  have  made  thee  a 
cf  faith,  father  of  many  nations  )  even  be  fire  Cjod  whom  he  did  beleeve :  So  that 
^^/raakcth  two  Abrahams,  a  begetting  and  a  bclecving  Abraham. 
^irjxm  Abraham  hath  children  and  is  a  father'of  many  nations.  Where?  Be 
fore  God,  where  he  bclecvcth :  not  before  the  world,  where  he  be- 


To  tbt  GA  L  ATHIA  N  s. 

For  in  the  world  he  is  the  child  of  Adu*  and  a  finncr,  or  (which  is 
more  )  be  is  a  worker  of  the  righteoufneflc  of  the  law,living  after  tho 
rule  of  rcafon,  that  is,  after  the  manner  of  men :  but  this  pcrtaincth 
nothing  to  the  bclecving  Abraham. 

This  example  therefore  oi'Afaabam  wrappeth  in  it  the  holy  Scrip 
ture  it  fclf,which  faith  that  we  are  counted  righteous  by  faith.Wher- 
fore  this  is  a  ftrcng  and  mighty  argument  two  manner  of  wayes, 
both  by  the  example  of  kbrahamt  and  alfo  by  the  authority  of  tha 

Verfe  8.    F*r  the  Scripture  firefcctng  (bat  CjodwoulAjttftlfic  the  (jcntiles 
through  faith. 

Thefe  things  pertainc  to  the  former  argument.  As  if  he  fhould  The  »aine 
fay:  Ye  Jews  do  glory  in  the  law  above  meafure :  ye  highly  com-  IjJ*™!,"* 
mzndJMoJis,  becaufcGod  fpakeunto  him  in  tbebufhjCfa'.   As  the 
Jews  do  proudly  brag  againd  us,  (  as  I  have  my  felfe  at  fundry  times 
heard  J  facing  :  ye  Chriftians  have  Apoftlcs,  ye  have  a  Pope  and  yc 
have  Bilnops :  but  we  Jews  have  Patriarkes,  Prophets,  yea  we  hare 
God  himiclf,  who  fpake  unto  us  in  the  buih,  in  Sinai,  where  he  gave 
unto  us  the  la\v,and  in  the  tempb,c^.Such  a  glory  and  fuch  an  excel 
lent  teftimony  alledge  ye  for  your  fclves  againft  us,if  ye  can.  To  this 
anfwereth  Paul  the  Apoftle  of  the  Gentiles:  This  your  proud  brag 
ging  and  boafting  is  tonopnrpofe:  For  the  Scripture  prevented  it, 
and  forefaw  long  before  the  law,  that  the  Gentiles  (hould  not  be  ju- 
ftified  by  the  law,  but  by  the  blefling  of  A^r<«/j>w»/fccd,  which  was 
promifcd  unto  him  (  as  Paul  faith  afterwards  )  430.  before  the  law 
was  given.  Now,thelaw  being  given  fo  many  y  cares  after  .could  not 
hinder  or  abolifo  this  promife  of  the  bleffing  made  untoAlr«/k«*, 
but  it  hath  continued  firmc,and  Qiall  continue  for  ever.  What  can  the 
Jcwsanfwertothis  ? 

This  argument  grounded  upon  the  certainty  of  time,  is  very  An 
ftrong.    The  promife  of  blefling  is  given  unto  Abr*fw»  430  mcntgrou 
yeares  before  the  people  of  Ifracl  received  the  law.   For  it  is  faid  JJeJ£?n 
to  Abraham.    Becaufc  thou  haft  belecved  God  and  haft  given  glory  tyof  UM. 
UK*.  A  him,  therefore  thou  (halt  be  a  *  father  of  many  nations.   There  'Gutw 
bbrahtm  by  the  promife  of  God  is  oppointed  a  father  of  many 
nations,  and  the  inheritance  of  the  world  for  his  pofterity  and  iffuc 
after  him,  is  given  unto  him  before  the  law  was  publimcd.   Why 


Chap.  III.  Vfon  ^EPISTLE 

doe  yc  brag  thcn.pye  CjalathUns^  that  yc  obtainc  forgivcncfle  of  fins, 
and  arc  become  children,  and  do  receive  the  inheritance  through  the 
law,which  followed  a  long  time,  that  is  to  fay,  430  y  cares  after  the 
prom  iic. 

ihe  ertout       Thus  the  falfc  Apoftles  did  advance  the  law  and  the  glory  thcre- 
of.But  the  promife  made  unto  Abraham  430.  yeares  before  the  law 
was  givcn,they  neglected  and  defpilcd,  and  would  in  no  wife  know 
that  tAbraham(ok  whom  they  gloried  not  withftanding  as  the  father 
of  their  whole  nation)  oeing  yet  uncircumcifed,  and  living  fo  many 
ages  before  the  law,  was  made  righteous  by  no  other  meancs  then 
by  faith  only,  as  the  Scripture  moft  plainely  witneflfeth :  Abraham 
bcleeved  (Joa,  Anditvtas  counted  to  htm  firrighteoufrtefle.    Afterwards, 
when  he  was  now  accounted  righteous  becaufe  of  his  faith,  the 
€;». wo.    Scripture  makcth  mention  of  circumciiion  in  the  feventcenth  of  Cjc- 
nefis,  where  it  faith :   Thit  it  my  covenant  which  je  (ball  feepe  betveccne 
JU*JM*     me  a»d  you,  &c.     With  this  argument  Paul  mightily  convinceth 
wasjufufied  the  falle  Apoftles,  and  flbcwcth  plainely  that  Abraham  was  juftifi- 
cumcifon:  ed  by  faith  onely,  both  without  and  before  circumcifion,  and  alfo 
an<1  4  j£     43°-  yearcs  before  the  law.  This  lelfc  fame  argument  he  handleth  in 
L"rC!he      the  fourth  Chapter  to  the  Romanes :  to  wit,  that  righteoulncfle  was 
law-          imputed  to  hbraham  before  circumcifion ,  and  that  he  was  righteous 
being  yet  uncircumcifed :  much  more  then  he  was  righteous  before 
the  law. 

Therefore  (iaith  Paul)  the  Scripture  did  well  provide  againft  this 
your  glorious  bragging  of  the  rightcoufnefle  of  the  law  and  works. 
When?  Before  circumcifion  and  before  the  law.  Tor  the  law  was  gi 
ven  430.  yeares  after  the  promife,  whereas  Abraham  was  notoncly 
jaftified  without  the  law  and  before  the  law,  but  was  alfb  dead  and 
buried :  and  his  righteoufncfle  without  the  law  did  not  only  flourish 
untill  the  law,but  alfo  (hall  flourifh  even  to  the  end  of  the  world.  If 
then  the  father  of  the  whole  Jcwifh  nation  was  made  righteous 
without  the  law  and  before  the  law,  much  more  are  the  children 
made  righteous  by(the  fame  means  that  their  father  was.  Therefore 
righteoufnefle  commcth  by  faith  only  and  not  by  the  law. 

Verfe  8.  Preached  the  Cjo  faille  fire  unto  Abraham,/*;/^ :  In  theefialt 
dl  the  Gentiles  be  bit  ffed. 

The  Jewcs  doc  not  onely  lightly  pafTeoYCr,  but  alfo  do  deride 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  Fol.n 8 

and  with  their  wicked  glofles  do  corrupt  thcfe  excellent  and  notable  the  iw« 
fcmcnces  :  Abraham  beleeved  (Jod.  &c.  I  have  Appointed  thee  a  father, 
Cfrtf.and  fuch  like,which  highly  commend  faith  and  containc  promi- 
fcsof  fpirituall  things.  For  they  are  blindc  and  hard  hcarted,and  there- tute< 
fore  they  fee  not  that  thcfe  places  do  intrcate  of  faith  towards  God, 
and  ofrightcoumcfle  before  God.  With  like  malice  alfo  they  handle 
this  notable  place  of  the  fpirituall  bleffing:/»  thee  all  the  nations  of  the 
earth Jkalt be  blcfed.¥oi(£zy  they)to  blefle fignifieth  nothing  elfc  but  to 
praife,  to  pray  for  profperity,  and  to  be  glorious  in  the  fight  of  the 
world.  After  this  manner  the  Iew(fay  they)  which  is  borne  of  the  feed  what 
of  Abraham  js  ble(Ted:and  the  profelite"  or  ft  ranger  which  worfhip- 
peththe  God  of  the  lewesand  joyneth  himfelfe  unto  them,  is  alfo 
blefled.  Therefore  they  thinke  that  blefling  is  nothing  clfe  but  praife 
and  glory  in  this  world,in  that  a  man  may  glory  and  vaunt  that  he  is 
of  the  (lock  and  family  of  Abraham.But  this  is  to  corrupt  and  pervert 
the  fcntcnces  of  the  Scriptures,  and  not  to  expound  them.  By  thcfe 
words, Abraham  beleevcd,  T<*#/defineth  and  fctteth  before  our  eyes  a 
ipirituall  Abraham,*  faith  full,  righteous,  and  having  the  promife  of 
God :  an  Abraham  (I  fay)  which  is  not  inerrour,and  in  the  old  flefh: 
which  is  not  borne  of  Adamfrut  of  the  holy  Ghoft.And  of  this  Abra 
ham  renewed  by  faith  and  regenerate  by  the  holy  Ghoft,fpcaketh  the 
Scripture,and  prononnceth  of  him,that  he  {hould  be  a  father  of  many 
nations.Alfo  that  all  the  Gentiles  (hould  be  given  unto  him  for  an  in- 
hcritanee,when  it  faith:  In  thee  /ball  all 'the  nations  of  the  earth  be  ble fled. 
This,  Taul  vehemently  urgcth  by  the  authority  of  the  Scripture, 
which  iaith,<yVw.i  5. Abraham  beleeved  God,&ct 

The  Scripture  then  attributeth  no  righteoufnefls  to  Abraham, 
but  in  that  he  beleeveth .  and  it  fpeaketh  of  fuch  an  Abraham,  as  he 
is  accounted  before  God.  .Such  (entenccs  therefore  of  the  Scrip- 
tare  do  fet  forth  unto  us  anew  Abrahamt  which  is  feparatc  from 
the  carnall  marriage  and  bed,  and  from  thecarnall  generation,  and 
make  him  fuch  an  one  as  he  is  before  God,  that  is  to  fay,  bclceving 
and  juftined  through  faith,  to  whom  now  God  maketh  this  pro 
mife  becaufe  of  his  faith:  Thou  (halt  be  a  father  of  many  nations. 
Againc  :  In  thee  fiall  all  the  nations  of  the  earth  be  blejjed*  And 
this  is  the  meaning  of  Tatil,  where  he  (hcweth  how  the  Scrip* 
ture  preventcth  the  vaine  prcfumption  and  proud  brags  of  the 
Jewcs  as  touching  the  law.  For  the  inheritance  of  the  Gcn- 


Chap.III.  Vfcn  ^EPISTLE 

tiles  was  given  wito  Abraham,  not  by  the  law  and  circumcKion,  but 
long  before  the  fame,by  thconcly  righteouwcfle  of  faith. 

it  it  •  great  1  hcrforc,  whereas  the  J  cws  will  be  counted  and  called  bleffed,  be- 
caufe  they  arc  the  children  and  feed  of  Abrahm»ti\.  is  nothing  ellc  but 
a  vainc-gloricus  brag.  It  is  (no  doubt)  a  great  prerogative  and  glory 
before  the  world,  to  be  borne  of  Abrahams  kt^  as  TW  (heweth, 
Rom.?,  but  not  fo  before  God.  Wherefore  the  J  ewes  doe  wicked 
ly  pervert  this  place  concerning  the  blefling,  in  applying  it  one- 
ly  to  a  carnall  blefling,  and  doe  great  injuries  to  the  Scripture, 
which  fpcaketh  moft  manifcftly  of  the  ipirituall  blclTing  before 
God,  and  neither  can  nor  ought  otherwife  to  be  undcrftood.  This 
is  then  the  true  meaning  of  this  place  :  In  theefiatt  bcbleffeA.  In 
which  thec?-  In  thec  Abraham  bekeving,  or  in  thy  faith,  or  in 
Chrift  (thyfeede)  to  come,  in  whomthoubelecvcft :  All  the  na 
tions  of  the  earth  ( I  fay  )  (hall  be  blellcd,  that  is,  all  the  nations  fhall 
be  tny  bicffcc{  children,  even  like  as  thou  art  bicflcd,  as  it  is  written  : 
o  Hereof  it  followcth  that  the  blefling  and  frith  of  tsftraktmis 

ail  one.  the  fame  that  ours  is:  that  zAbrakAir.s  Chrift  is  our  Chrift:  that 
Chrift  died  afwcll  for  the  fins  ofAbrabarv^s  for  us.  tdbrahAm  which 

nwtvT'diH-  ft*  mJ  ^  ****  ^ejojce^>  Joh.8.  Therefore  all  found  but  one  and 
the  fame  thing.  We  may  notfufjjr  this  word  Bkffing  to  be  cor- 
rupted.  The  Jews  looke  but  through  a  vailc  into  the  Scripturc,and 
therefore  they  undcrftand  not  what,  or  whereof  the  promife  is 
which  was  made  to  the  Fathers:  Which  we  notwithstanding  ought 
to  confider  above  all  things.  So  ("hall  we  fee  that  God  fpcaketh  to 
JbrdMm  the  Patriarke,  not  of  the  law  nor  of  things  to  be  done,  but 
of  things  to  be  bcle«ved  :  that  is  to  fhy,  that  God  fpeakcth  unto 
him  of  promifes  which  arc  apprehended  by  faith.  Now,  what  doth 
vlbrAham?  Hebeleeveth  thofe  promifes.  And  what  doth  God  t> 
that  belecving  Abraham  ?  He  imputeth  faith  unto  him  for  ri^h- 

««.ij.t.     fcoufncffe,  andaddeth  ftirther  many  more  promifes,  as,  /  am  thy 

•Cw.ti.j.-     defender.  In  therfkdl  aft  nations  be  blefied.    Tbeujbtdt  be  a  father  of  nta^ 
nyiuuioni.  Sofiall thy  fee He.  Theie  arc  invincible  argumcnts3againft 
the  which  nothing  can  be  faid,  if  the  places  of  the  holy  Scripture  be 
throughly  confidercd. 
Verfe  9.   So  then  they  which  *re  offM,  &c  ble$cd  with  fMfill  A- 


TO  tfa  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S. 

All  the  weight  and  force  hereof  lieth  in  thcfe  words  :  Vrith  faith- 
full  Abraham.  For  he  putteth  a  plain  difference  between  Abraham  and 
Abraham^  of  one  and  the  felf-  ferae  perfon  making  two.  As  if  he  laid  : 
There  is  a  working,and  there  is  a  beleeving  Abraham.  With  the  wor 
king  Abraham  we  have  nothing  to  do.  For  if  he  be  j  jftified  by  works, 
he  hath  to  rejoyce,  but  not  with  God.    Let  the  Jewcs  glory  as  A  vvolWn  , 
much  as  they  will,  of  that  begetting  Abrekam^  which  is  a  worker,  and  a  bckc- 
is  circumcifed,  and  keepeth  the  law  :  but  we  glory  of  the  faithfuli  vins  •* 
Abraham,  of  whom  the  Scripture  fairli>  that  he  received  the  blefling 
of  righteoufnerfe  through  his  faith,  notpnely  for  himfelfc,  but  alio 
for  all  thofe  which  beleeve  as  he  did  :  And  fo  the  world  was  promi- 
fed  to  Abraham^  becaufe  hebcleevcd  :  therefore  all  the  world  is  blef- 
fed,  that  is  to  fay,receiveth  imputation  of  righteoufnes,  if  it  belecvc  as 

Whsrefcre  thcblefilng  is  nothing  elfebut  the  promifeof  the  Gof- 
pel.  And  that  all  Nations  are  bleffed,is  as  much  as  to  fay,  as  all  Nations 
fiiall  hearc  the  blefling,cchat  is,  the  promife  of  God  (hall  be  preached 
and  published  by  the  Gofpel  among  all  Nations.  And  out  of  this  place 
the  Prophets  have  drawne  many  Prophefies  by  a  fpirituall  underftan- 
ding.  As  *?/^  2.  Askc  efnte,  and  iVeiligive  tkee  the  Heathen  for  thine  in- 
keritanctyand  the  ends  of  the  earth  for  thy  poffeflion.  And  again,  Tfal  19. 
Their  'voice  hath  gone  through  all  the  earth.  Briefly,  all  the  proprieties  of 
the  kingdome  of  Chrift,  and  of  the  publifhing  of  the  Gofpel  through* 
out  all  the  world,  have  fprung  out  of  this  place  :  In  theefialliillthe  na- 
tions  of  the  earth  be  blcfcd*  Wherfore,  to  fay  that  the  Nations  are  bkflcd  ^'f  wciah« 
is  nothing  elfe,butthat  righteoufnes  is  freely  given  unto  them,or  that 

they  are  counted  righteous  before  God,  not  by  ths  law,  but  by  the  unto  the  f** 
hearing  of  faith  :  For  Abraham  was  not  juftificd  by  any  other  meanes  '  icrs< 
then  by  hearing  the  word  of  promife,of  bleiling  and  of  gracc.Therfore 
like  as  sAbraham  obtained  imputation  of  righteoufnes  by  the  hearing 
of  faith  :  even  fa  did  all  the  Gcxtites  obtain  and  yet  do  obtain  the  fame. 
For  the  fame  word  that  was  firft  declared  unto  Abraham,  was  after 
ward  publifhed  to  all  the  Gentiles. 

Hereby  then  we  fee  that  to  bkjfc  fignificth  nothing  elfe  (but  as 
I  faid  before)  to  preach  and  teach  the  word  of  the  Gofpell,  to  con- 
feffe  Chrift,  and  to  fprcad  abroad  the  knowledge  of  him  among  all 
the  (jentilfj.  And  this  is  the  P  deftly  onicc  and  continuall  facri«- 
fice  of  the  Church  in  the  new  Teftament,  which  diftributeth  this 


Chap.  III. 

blefling  by  preaching  and  by  miniftring  of  the  Sacraments,  by  com 
forting  the  broken  hearted,by  distributing  the  word  of  grace,  which 
Abraham  had,  and  which  was  alfo  his  blefling  :  which  when  he  bc- 
tecvcd,hereceived  the  blefling.So  we  alfo  bcleeving  the  fame  arc  blef- 
i-  kd,and  thisblcflrig  is  a  great  glory,  not  before  the  world,  but  before 
God.,For  we  have  heard  that  our  fins  arc  forgiven  us,  and  that  we  are 
accepted  of  God,that  GoJ  is  our  Father,and  that  we  are  his  children, 
with  whom  he  will  not  be  angry,  but  will  deliver  us  from  fin,  from 
death  and  all  evils,  and  will  give  unto  us  righteoufaefc,  life  and  cter- 
nail  falvation.Of  this  blcflitig  (as  I  have  faid)  do  the  Prophets  preach 
in  every  place,  who  did  not  fo  coldly  confider  thofe  promifes  mads 
unto  the  fathers,  as  the  wicked  lews  did,  and  as  the  Popifh  Schoole- 
racn  and  Sectaries  do  at  this  day , but  did  reade  them  and  weigh  them 
with  great  diligence,  and  alfo  drew  out  of  thofe  promifcs  whatfoever 
HOJ~I}.H.    they  prophecied  concerning  Chrift  or  his  kingdome.    So  the  pro 
phecy  of  Hofeaf  1 3 .  Chapter  :  /  Vfitt  redeems  them  from  the  fower  of  the 
grave :  I  Will  deliver  them  from  death  :0  death  I  \Vi//  he  thy  death:  O  grave 
IVoillbethj  dettrttttiont  and.-fiich  like  places  of  the  other  Prophets, 
did  all  fpring  out  of  thefe  promifcs,  in  the  which  God  promiied  to 
Cg  the  fathers  the  bruifing  of  the  Serpents  head  and  the  blefling  of  all  na 


MoreoYcr,  If  the  nations  be  bkffed-,  that  is  to  fiy,  if  they  be  ac- 
Gu,\*,9.     counted  righteous  before  God,  it  followcth  that  they  are  free  from 
finnc  and  death,  and  arc  made  partakers  of  righteoulncflc ,  falvation 
and  everlafting  life,  not  for  their  works,  but  for  their  faith  in  Chrift. 
Wherefore  that  place  of  Genefis  the  1 2  .Chapter :  In  thecfiall  atl  the  na 
tions  be  blefied,  fpeaketh  not  of  the  blefling  of  the  mouth,  but  of  fl-ich 
a  blefling  as  belongcth  to  the  imputation  of  righteoufntfT:,  which  is 
available  before  God,  andredeemethfromthecurfeof  fin,  and  from 
•rhebicffing  au  thofe  cvjls  that  doe  accompany  fin.    Now,  this  blclfinc  is  rccei- 

K  received  ii/-t-i-         i  /--ii-i  •.  i       i  /    ,  i        > 

only  by  faith  ved  only  by  rait  h.  ror  the  text  faith  plainly  :  Abraham  beleeevedynnd 
it  Vtat  accounted  unto  hint  forrighteoufneffe  :  wherefore  it  is  a  mcerc 
fpirituall  blefling,  and  there  is  no  ble.fling  indeed,  but  this :  which  al 
though  it  be  accurfcd  in"  the  world  (  as  indeed  it  is )  yet  it  is  availa 
ble  before  God.  This  place  therefore  is  of  great  force,  that  they 
which  are  of  faith,arc  become  partakers  of  this  promifeof  the  blefltng 
made  unto  the  bcleeving  Abraham.  And  by  this  raeanes  Paul  prc- 
vcntcth  the  the)  ewes,  which  brag  of  a  begetting  and 


G  A  i  A  T  H  I  AN  s.  126 

working  Abr*k*mt  and  juft  before  men,  and  not  of  a  bclecvlng  tA- 

Now,  like  as  the  Jcves  doe  glory  only  cf  a  working  Abrahrru\ 
even  fo  the  Pope  fetteth  cut  only  a  working  Chrift,  or  rather  an  ex-  fej''£f    fc 
ample  of  Chrift.  He  that  will  live  godly  (faith  he)muft\valkas  Chrift  «»«am. 
hath  walked,  according  to  his  owne  faying  in  the  i  j.  otlohn :  Ihtte  p*e  andr.« 
given  you  an  examp/e,  tkatjou  Jhwlddce  even  *s  I  h*ve  dene  tojottt    We  j>fc.?j.u, 
deny  not  but  that  the  faithfull  ought  to   follow   the  example  o/ 
Chnft,and  to  work  welhbut  they  fay  that  we  arc  not  juftified,  thcrer 
by  before  God.    And  Paul  doth  not  here  reafon  what  we  ought  to 
doe,  but  by  what  meanes  we  are  made  righteou?.     In  this  matter  we 
muft  fct  nothing  before  our  eyes ,  but  Tefus  Chrift  dying  for  cur  (ins,  T   , 

j    >r  •     c  •    L.          f     re  J       j  u-  n.-  i  I« me  mat- 

and  rifing  again  ror  our  nghtcoulncfle,  and  mm  muir  we  apprehend  tcrofiuflifi. 
by  faith  as  a  gift,  not  as  an  example.  This,  reafon  underftandeth  not,  "*£"££ 
and  therefore  as  the  Jewes  follow  a  working, and  not  a  beleeving  A-  d«  iChe"b«« 
br<*htvmt  even  lo  the  Papifts  and  all  that  feek  riehtcoufneflc  by  works,  nefit> and 

..,,..        ,  .      rt  •   r\-r  t  i.        ^ij  Ti  ,   nottheex' 

do  behold  and  apprehend, not  a  jultity ing, but  a  working  Chrilt,  and  ample  of 
by  this  means  they  fwcrvc  from  Chrift,  from  righteoufnes  and  falva-  chriflt 
tion.  And  like  as  the  Jews  which  were  faved,ought  to  follow  the  bc- 
lecving  Abraham :  fo  we  alfo,if  we  will  be  delivered  from  our  fins  and 
•be  faved,muft  take  hold  of  the  juftifying  and  faving  Chrifr,whom  A- 
^r^^whimfclfalfo  by  faith  did  apprehend,  and  through  him  was 

It  was  indeed  a  great  glory  ,  that  Abraham  receired  circum-  itisgood 
cifion  at  the  Oommandement  of  God,  that  he  was  endued  with  wfoiiowite 
excellent  vertucs  :  that  he  obeyed  God  in  all  things  :  as  it  is  alto  c3:*bui 
a  great  praifc  and  felicity  to  follow  the  example  cf  Chrift   WOP- 
king,  to  love  thy  neighbour,  to  doc  good  to  them  that  hurt  the?, 
to  pray  for  thine  enemies,  patiently  to  beare  the  ingratitude  of 
thofe  which  render  cvill  for  good  :  but  all  this  aviikth  nothing 
to  righteoufncrT;:  before  God.     The  excellent  deeds  and  \ertu:s 
of  Abrthtm  were  not  the  caufe  that  he   was  counted  righteous 
before  God  :  So  hkewifc  the  imagination  and  following  of  the 
example  of  Chrift,  doth  not  make  us  righteous  before  God.    For, 
to  make  us  righteous  before  God,  there  is  a  farre  more  excellent 
price  required,   which  is  neither  the  righteoufnc{fe  of  man,   not 
yet  of  the  law.     Here  wcmufthave  Chrift  ,  to  blcffc  us  and  favc 
us,  like  as  Abraham  alfo  had  him  for  his  Bleficr  and  Saviour. 


Chap.  III.  ypott  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  a 

How  ?  not  by  workes,  but  by  faith.  Wherefore  as  there  is  great 
difference  bctvveene  the  beleeving  and  working  ssftr&am  :  {o  is 
there  great  cUfcrcnce  betwcenc  Chrift;  blefiing  and  redeeming,  and 
Chrift  working  and  giving  example.  Now,  JP4#/ fpeaketh  here  of 
Chrift  redeeming  and  Abraham  believing,  and  not  of  Chrift  giving 
example,or  of  Abraham  working.Thereforc  hs  addeth  purpofely,and 
that  with  great  vehemcncy  '.They  Vthichxre  of  faith  >  are  6/eJfed  \\ith 
faithfull  Abraham. 

fo*  Wherefore  we  muft  feparate  the  believing  and  the  working  Abra- 
be  fc-  ham  as  farr  afunder,  as  there  is  diftancc  bet  w  ixt  heaven  and  earth.  A 
^nan  believing  in  Chrift  is  altogether  a  divine  perfon,  the  child  of 
God,  the  inheritour  of  the  world,a  conquerour  of fin,death,the  world 
and  the  devil! :  therefore  he  cannot  be  praifed  and  magnified  enough. 
Let  us  not  fufrer  this  faithfull  Abraham  to  lie  hid  in  h is  gra  vc,  as  he  is 
hid  from  the  Jews  :but  let  us  highly  extoll  and  magmfie  him  :  and  let 
us  fill  both  heaven  and  earth  with  his  name  :fo  that  in  refped;  of  this 
faithfull  Abraham, viz  fee  nothing  at  all  in  the  working  Aftnahaat.Fix 
when  we  fpeak  of  this  faithfull  Abrak*m,vj£  are  in  heaven.But  after 
wards,  doing  thofe  things  which  the  working  islbraham ^id,which 
were  carrall  and  earthly ,and  not  divine  and  heavenly,(but  in  as  much 
as  th:y  were  given  unto  him  of  God)  we  arc  among  men  in  earth. 
The  believing  Abraham  therefore  fillcth  both  heaven  and  earth.  So  e- 
very  Chriftisn  through  his  faith  filleth  heaven  and  earth,  fo  that  be- 
(ides  it,  he  ought  to  behold  nothing. 

one  con-        Now,  by  thefe  words,  flidl  be  blefe^^    Taul  gathercth  an 
««yprofed  argument  of  the  contrary  :  For  the  Scripture  is  full  of  oppofitior.s, 

bycompa*      o  J  ,   •'. 

it  with  as  when  two  contraries  arc  compared  together.     And  it  is  a  point 
of  cunning  to  marke  well  thefe  oppofitions  in  the  Scriptures,  and 
by  them  to  expound  the  fcntenccs  thereof.     As  here,    this  word 
(bkffini)  importeth  alfo  the  contrary,  that  is  to  fay  ,maledi#ion.  For 
f«c without  when  the  Scripture  faith,  that  all  Nations  which  are  of  faith,  are 
buffed  with  faithfull  Abraham^  it  folio  wethiieceflatily,  that  all,  as 
well /«*<?.»  as  Cjentiles,  are  accurfed   without  faith,  or  without 
this  faithfull  Abraham.    For  the  promife  of  bleffing  was  given  to 
jibrahamt  that  in  him  all  Nations  (houid  be  blefled.     There  is  no 
blclTing  then  to  be  looked  for,  but  only  in  the  promife  made  unto 
Abrahwn,  now  publifhed  by  the  Gofpcll  throughout  the  whole 
world.    Therefore*  whatfoever  is  without  that  bleHmg,  is  accurfed. 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  »  8^  FoI.l2I 

And  ihi«  Ttttl  (hcwcth  plainely  ,  when  he  faith. 
Vcrfcxo.  FwMmimj*tareoftljc'toorksoftl>el**>\ 

Here  ye  fee  that  the  carle  is  as  it  were  a  floud  /wallowing  up  what-  SBM*  * 
focvcr  is  without  Abr*h*m  :  that  is  to  fay,  without  faith  ,  and  the  »«>  under 
promifcoftheblcffingof^vf^w.   Now,  if  the  law  it  felfe  given 
by  Mo  fit  at  the  commandcmcnt  of  God,  makcth  them  fubjeft  to  the  wntw 
jcurfc  which  are  under  it,  much  more  fhall  the  lawes  and  traditions  fo  fai** 
do,  which  arc  devifcd  by  man.  He  therefore  that  will  avoid  the  curfe, 
muft  lay  hold  upon  the  promile  of  blcfling,or  upon  the  faith  of  Abr*. 
k4m,or  elfe  he  fhall  remain  under  the  curfe.  Upon  this  place  therefore 
(fiHtHbc  blefitdin  tbee)\l  followcth,that  all  nations,  whether  they  were 
before  Abr*hnim>  in  his  time,  or  after  him,arc  accurfed,and  fhall  abide 
under  the  curfe  for  ever,  unlcs  they  be  bkflcd  in  the  faith  of  Abr*ham9 
unto  whom  the  promife  of  the  blciTing  was  given  to  be  publUhed  by 
hisfoed,  throughout  the  whole  world. 

Toknow  thefe  things  it  is  very  ncccflary,  for  they  hclpc  greatly  to 
comfort  troubled  and  afflided  confciences  :  and  moreover  they 
teach  us  to  feparate  the  righteeufncfle  of  faith  from  the  righteoufc 
ncfle  of  the  fl:(h,  or  civill  righteoufncfle.  For  we  muft  note  that  Paul  ottfcc*' 
is  here  in  hand,  not  with  a  matter  of  policy,  but  with  a  divine  and 
a  fpirituall  matter,  leaft  any  mad  braine  ihould  cavill,  and  fay  that 
hccurfcth  and  condemncth  politick  lawes  aud  Magiftrates.    Here 
all  the  Sophiftersand  Popi(h  Schoole-mcn  arc  dumbc  and  can  fay 
nothing.   Wherefore  the  Readers  muft  be  admonifliedthat  in  this  cwa  i*w 
place  there  is  nothing  handled  as  touching  civill  lawes,  manners,  ^°IrCgJ£d 
or  matters  politicall  (which  arc  the  ordinances  of  God  and  good  an4»fOo4. 
things,  and  the  Scripture  clfcwhcrc  approveth  and  commcndeth 
the  fame)  but  of  a  fpirituall  righteoufnetfe  ,  by  the  which  we  are  ju- 
ftificd  before  God,  and  arc  called  the  children  of  God  in  the  King- 
dome  of  heaven.  To  be  briefe,  there  is  nothing  handled  here  concer 
ning  the  bodily  life,  but  concerning  everlafting  life,  where  no  ble£ 
fing  is  to  be  hoped  for,  or  rightcoufncflctobc  fooght  either  through 
the  law,  or  traditions,  or  whatfocver  can  be  named  in  this  life,  bc- 
fidcs  the  promife  of  ./4£r<iA<j«w  blcfling.    Let  civill  lawes  and  ordi 
nances  abide  in  their  place  and  order  :  let  the  Magiftrate  make  ne 
ver  fo  good  and  excellent  lawes  :  yctnotwithftanding  they  deliver 

R  no 

III.  rpontbt  EPISTLE 

no  man  from  the  curfe  of  Gods  law.  The  kingdomc  t£Bdjl»n  ovdai- 
ned  of  God,  and  by  him  committed  unto  Kings,  hai  excellent  lawes, 
arid  all  nations  were  commanded  to  obey  them:notwithftan<iing  this 
obedience  of  the  laws  did  not  fave  it  from  the  curfcof  the  law  of  God. 
In  like  manner  we  obey  the  lawes  of  Princes  and  Magiftrates,  but 
we  are  not  therefore  righteous  before  God:  for  here  we  are  in  another 
It  is  not  without  caufc  that  I  doe  fo  diligently  teach  and  repeatc 

The  «;ichre-    ,  .     ..0  .    ,_  .  .-, 

oufnciTe  of  this  diltinftion  :  ror  the  knowledge  thereof  is  very  necrfnry.   Albeit 

t^cre  are  ^w  f^at  mark  *c  or  unc^rftand  lt  indeed.  Again,the  confoua- 
ding  and  mingling  together  of  the  heavenly  and  civil!  righteoulnes, 
isveryeafie-  I  n  the  civill  righteoufnes  we  mud  have  regard  to  law 
and  workes  :_  but  in  the  fpirituall,  divine  and  heavenly  righteoufnes, 
we  muft  utterly  rejed  alllawesand  workc,  and  fct  the  only  promif; 
and  bleftlng  before  our  eyes,  which  laycth  before  us  Chrift  the  giver 
of  this  blelfing  and  grace,  and  our  only  Saviour.  So  that  this  fpirituall 
righteoufnes,  including  the  law  and  all  works,  looketh  only  unto  the 
grace  and  bkfling  which  is  given  by  Chrift,  as  it  was  promifed  to  A- 
tmkatnjZnd  of  him  believed. 

The  bleffing      Hereby  we  may  plainly  fee,  that  this  argument  is  invincible.   For 
Tciv^bv*'  if  we  mutt  hope  to  receive  this  bletfing  by  Chad:  alone,  then  it  muft 
faith,  and     needs  follow  on  the  contrary  ,that  it  is  not  'received  by  the  h  w.    For 
no^by  die  ^g  bl-ffing  was  given  to  faithfull  Abraham  before  the  law  and  with 
out  the  law.  Now,likeas  Ahr^h^m  bsieeved  in  Chrift  which  was  to 
come,  the  giver  of  the  bleffing  :  fo  and  by  the  famr  faith,  we  bcleevc 
in  Chrift  which  is  come  and  prefcnt,  and  fo  are  we  now  juftiried  by 
faith,  as  ^Ahr^am  was  thenjuftificd  by  faith.  They  therefore  which 
are  under  the  law,  are  not  blefkd,  but  remain  under  the  curfe. 

This  the  Pope  and  his  proud  Prelates  doe  not  beleeve,  nor  can 
bcleevc,  neither  can  they  abide  this  doctrine.   Yet  muft  we  not  hold 

our  OQr  peace  ,  but  muft  confefle  the  truth  and  fay,  that  the  Papacy  is 
accurfed  :  yea  all  the  hwes  and  civill  ordinances  of  the  Emperojr 
areaccurfed  :  For  according  to  ?><*«/,  whatfoever  is  vvirhout  the 
promife  and  faith  of  AbrdjAm,  is  accurfcd.  When  our  Adverfaries 
hcare  this  ,  by  and  by  they  pervert  and  (lander  our  words  ,  as 
though  wee  taught  that  the  Magiftrates  fhould  not  be  honoured, 
butthatvvcraiieup  Editions  againft  the  Emperour,  that  we  con- 
dcmncaUhws,that  we  overthrow  and  dcftroy  Common-wcalcs,^.. 


But  they  doe  us  great  wrong.     For  we  put  a  difference  between  trie 
corporall  and  the  fpirituall  blefling,  and  we  fay  that  the  Empereur  is 
blefod  with  a  corporall  blefling.     For,to  have  a  kingdome,laws  and 
civill  ordinances,  to  have  a  wife,  children,  houfc  and  Iands5  is  a  blef-  nc 
fing.  For  all  thefe  things  are  the  good  creatures  and  gifts  ofGod.  But  "e" 
we  arc  not  delivered  from  the  everlaftingcurfc  by  this  corporall  blef-  usn 
fing,wh;ch  is  but  temporall  and  muft  have  an  end.  Therefore  we  con-  finncs* 
dcmnc  not  laws,neith;r  do  we  ftir  up  fedition  againft  the  fcmpcrour: 
but  we  teach  that  he  muft  be  obeyed,  that  he  muft  be  feared,  reveren 
ced  and  honoured,  but  yet  civilly.    But  when  we  fpeake  of  the  blef  - 
(ing  after  the  manner  of  Divines,  then  we  fay  boldly  with  Paul,  that 
all  things  which  are  without  the  faith  and  prorrsife  of^brahom,  are 
accurfed  and  abide  under  that  evcrlafting  curfc  of  God.    For  there  we 
muft  looke  for  another  life  after  this,  and  another  blefling  after  this 
corporall  blefling. 

To  conclude,  we  fay  that  all  corporal  1  things  arc  the  good  crea-  JJjJJJ 
turesofGod.    Therefore  (as  I  have  uid)  to  have    wife ,  children,  the" "go 
goods,  to  have  politicke  lawcs  and  ordinances,  arc  the  good  blef-  gjjuteiof 
fings  of  God  in  their  place  :  that  is  to  fay,  they  are  temporall  ble£ 
(ings  belonging  to  this  life.     But  thefc  bleflings  the  Judiciaries 
and  Law- workers  of  all  ages,  as  the  Jewcs,  Papifts,  Sectaries, 
and  fuch  like,  doc  confound  and  mingle  together.    For  they  put  no 
difference  betweene  corporall  and  fpirituall    things.     Therefore 
they  fay  :  Wshave  a  law,  and  this  law  is  good,  holy  and  righ-  -j^j^^f 
tcous  :  therefore  we  arc  juftified  through  it.    Who  denicth  but  that  finne,  wrath 
the  law  is  good,  holy  and  righteous  ?  But  yet  it  is  alfo  the  law  of anddealil4 
malcdi^ion,  of  finne,  of  wrath,  and  of  death.   Wherefore  we  mike 
here  a  diftinftion  betweene  the  corporall  and  fpirituall  bleffing ,  arid 
fay,  that  God  hath  a  double  blefling  :  one  corporall  for  this  life,  and 
another  fpirituall  for  the  everlaftmg  life.    Therefore  to  have  riches,  corpora* 
children,  and  fuch  like,  we  fay  it  is  a  blefling,  but  in  his  degree,  that  Wemngtaw 
is  to  fay,  in  this  life  prefent.    But  as  touching  life  everlaftmg,  it  is  rmefi2i 
not  enough  to  have  corporall  bleflings  :  for  the  very  wicked  doe  rpimuaii 
therein  abound  moft  of  all.    It  is  not  furficicnt  that  we  have  civill  b 
righteo«fnc(T5  or  the  r  ighteoufocfle  of  the  law  :  for  therein  alfo  the 
\v1cksd  doc  fpecially  flourish,     thcfe  things  God  diftributeth  in 
the  world  freely  ,    and  beftowcth  them  both  upon  the  good  and 
bad. like  as  he  fuffercth  the  Sunne  to  rife  both  upon  the  good  and 

R  2  the 

Chap.tll.  rfontht  E*  i  s  t  L  s 

Codbcflew.  the  cvill,and  fcndcth  rain  upon  the  righteous  and  unrighteous  :  for  he 

bShSpSl11  is  libcraU  unto  all<  An?  to  nim  if  is  a  fmali  Batter  to  put  all  creatures 

the  .good    under  the  feet  of  the  wicked.  The  Creature  is  fitbptt  to  vanity,  not  of  hit 

*id  criib    w*  Witt,  RfM.9.  They  therefore  which  have  but  only  thefe  coqx>rall 

blcfltngs,are  not  the  children  of  God,  bleiTcd  before  God  fpiritually,3j 

was  Abraham  :  but  they  are  under  the  corfc3as  Pad  here  faith:  tvhofo. 

ever  is  ttndtr  the  Vtorks  of  the  Uwjs  under  the  curfe. 

PWmight  hare  faid  by  a  gcnerall  propofition:  whatfocver  is  with 
out  faith,  is  under  the  curfe.  He  faith  not  fo,  but  he  taketh  that  which 
befidcs  faith  is  thcbeft,the  greatcft  and  moft  excellent  among  all  cor- 
porallblefiings  of  the  world  :  to  wit,  the  law  of  God.  The  law(faith 
hc)indced  is  holy  and  giren  of  God:  notwithftanding  it  doth  nothing 

Th<  e&as  ^  ^  ma^c  a*1  mcn  ^Jc^  to  ^c  cuffc  »  an^  ^CCP"  them  under  the 
fame.  Now,  if  the  law  of  God  do  bring  men  under  the  curie,  much 
more  may  the  fame  be  faid  of  inferiour  laws  and  blc/Iings.  And  that  it 
may  be  plainly  underftood  what  PWcallcth  it  to  be  under  the  curfc- 
he  declareth  by  thisteftimony  of  the  Scripture,  faying  : 

Verfc  I  o.  For  it  is  Written  :  fafedis  wtry  »M»  that  continued  not  in  dl 
things  Vvhich  are  Written  in  the  keokjfthc  /avttt  do  them. 

goeth  about  to  prove  by  this  tcftimony  taken  out  of  the 
17.  G&Deuteronomie,  that  all  men  which  are  under  the  law  or  un 
der  the  works  of  the  law,  arc  accurfed,  or  under  the  curfe  :  that  is  to 
fay,undcrfinnc,  the  wrath  of  God,  and  cverlafting  death.  For  hee 
Ipcaketh  not  (as  I  hate  faid  before)  of  a  corporall,  but  of  a  fpiriruall 
curfe,  which  muft  ne«ds  be  the  curfc  of  everlafling  death  and  hell. 
And  this  is  a  vvondcrfull  manner  of'  proving.  For  Paul  orovcth  f  hi 

*  ff  •         r  l«tli  i  f  £"•»•»  i  will    llJlii 

af-  affirmative  fcntence,  vvhichheborrowethoutofc^^;  whomever 
fiE-  tfeof  the  fyorkf*  of  the  taw,  are  under  the  curfe  :  by  this  nepativr. 

.cnccbvthc  /-  t  •  i          r'ji          •       n    i  •  *    "*va  uugdllVCS 

acgative,  Curftd  M  every  one  that  ahttieth  not  in  all  things,  &c.  Now,thcfe  two 
fcntcnces  of  PWand  Mofesktm  clean  contrary.  Paul  faith  :  whofo- 
ever  (hall  doc  the  works  of  the  law,  are  accurfed.  <JMofes  faith  :  who. 
focvcr  (hall  not  do  the  works  of  the  law,  arc  accurfed.Ho  w  fliall  thefe 
two  fay  ings  be  reconciled  together?  or  elfe  (which  is  more)  how 
(hall  the  one  be  proved  by  the  other  ?  I  ndeed  no  man  can  well  under* 
ftand  this  place,  unlcfle  he  alfo  kao\^  and  underftand  the  article  pf  ju- 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s^  Fol.i23 

(  no  doubt  )  being  among  the  CalMans,  had  before  more 
largely  entreated  of  this  matter  :  for  die  they  could  not  have  under* 
flood  it,  feeing  he  doth  here  but  touch  it  by  the  way.  But  becaufc 
they  had  heara  him  declare  the  fame  unto  them  before,  they  being 
now  againc  put  in  mind  thercof,do  call  it  to  remcmbranccrAnd  thefe 
twofentcnces  are  not  repugnant,  but  do  very  well  agree.  We  alfo 
do  teach  in  like  manner  :  That  the  hewers  of  the  law  fare  not  righteous 
before  Godjwt  the  doers  of  the  law  /hall  bejuftificd,  Rom.  2.  And  contra- 
ri  wife  :  They  that  are  of  the  voorkes  of  the  /ar»t  are  nndtr  the  curfe.  For 
lhearticlex>r  Juftificationteachcth,  that  whatfoever  iswithoutthe 
faith  of  dvraham>\s  accurfed  And  yet  notwithftanding  the  rightcouf- 
ncffc  of  the  law  muft  be  fulfilled  in  usyRom.%.  To  a  man  that  is  igno 
rant  of  the  doclrine  of  faitb,  thefe  t  wo  fcntcnccs  feemc  to  be  quite 

Firft  of  all  therefore,  we  muft  marke  well  whereupon  Paul  sentences 
entreateth  in  this  place,  whereabout  he  gocth,  End  how  he  lookcth  in  thef^'P 
into  tJMofes.   He  is  here  (  as  before  I  have  'often  faid  )  in  a  fpiritu-  "mes  fee 
all  matter,  feparated  from  policie  and  from  all  laws,  and  he  looketh  to  be  con 
into  Ulfofes  with  other  eyes  then  the  hypocrites  and  falfe  Apoitltfs  "' 
do,  and  expoundcth  thclawfpiritually.    Wherefore  the  whole  ef 
fect  of  the  matter  confifteth  in  this  word  [to  do.]   Now,  to  do  the 
law,  is  not  only  to  do  it  outwardly,  but  to  do  it  truly  and  perfectly. 
There  be  two  forts  then  of  doers  of  the  law  :  The  firft  are  they  which 

are  of  the  works  of  the  law,  againft  whom  Paul  cnveyeth  through-  |£edJJ£  of 
out  all  this  Epiftle.   The  other  fort  arc  they  which  arc  of  faith,-of 
whom  we  will  fpcakc  hereafter.    Now,  to  be  of  the  law,  or  of  the 
works  of  the  law,  and  to  be  of  faith,  arc  quite  contrary,  yea  even  as 
contrary  as  God  and  the  devill,  fin  and  righteogfncfle,  death  and  life. 
For  they  arc  of  the  law,  which  would  be  juftified  by  the  law.  They  T°  bc  8f 
are  of  faith,  which  do  afluredly  truft  that  they  are  juftificd  through  TO  bc^f 
mercy  alone  for  Chrifts  fake.  He  which  faith  that  righteoufnefic  is  of  f«> 
f  aitb,curkth  and  condcmncth  the  righteoufntflV  of  works.  Contrari- 
wife,hc  which  faith  that  righteoufncs  is  of  the  law,  curfeth  and  con- 
demneth  the  righteoufnetf;:  of  faith.    Therefore  they  are  altogether 
contrary  the  one  to  the  other. 

He  that  confidcrcth  this,  (hall  cafily  underfiand,  that  to  obferve  TO  do  Ac 
the  law,  is  not  to  do  that  which  is  commanded  in  the  law  in  oat-  * 
ward  (hew  only  (as  the  hypocrites  imagine)  butinfnirit:  that  is 

R  3  ta 

Chap.  III.  rpo*  the  EPISTLE 

A  dettof    to  fay  trujy  an(;|  pcrfetf  ly.  But  where  fhall  we  find  him  that  will  fo 

the  law  ac-  •-       ' 

i  n      t      i        N  r  /-     i  •  -n          •/-    u' 

accomplilh  the  law?  Let  us  lee  him  and  we  will  pr3ile  him.  Here  our 
*e  Papiiu.  ad  verfaries  have  their  anfwer  ready  ,fay  ing  :  The  doers  of  the  larvfhdl 
bejttftified.Rom.'i.  Very  well.  But  Ictus  firft  define  who  be  thefc  do 
ers  of  the  la  w.They  call  him  a  doer  of  the  law,  which  doth  the  works 
°*  l^c  *aw»  anc*  *°  ty  lh°fe  works  *  going  before,  is  made  ri^htc- 
ous.This  is  not  to  do  the  law  accor  ding  to  Paul:  for(as  I  have  faid)to 
«  be  of  the  works  of  the  law,  and  to  beoffMth,  arc  contrary  things. 

going  before  Therefore  tofcek  to  bt  juftificd  by  the  works  of  the  law,  is  to  deny 
«lhfieeffic?.'  thcnghtcoufnefleof  faith.    Wherefore  thefc  Judiciaries,  and  law- 
««  caufe     workcrs,whcn  they  do  the  law,  even  info  doing  deny  therightc- 
tbcreof.      ouineffc  of  faith,  and  fmnc  againft  the  firft,  the  fecond,  and  third 
Theerrour   Commandements,  yea  even  againft  the  whole  law.    For  God  com- 
ofthTiufl^  mandeth  that  we  fliould  wor(hip  him  in  faith,  and  in  the  feareofhis 
curies,       Name.  On  the  contrary,  they  make  rightcoufnetife  of  works,  with 
out  faith  and  againft  faith  :  therefore  in  thai  they  do  the  law,  th:y  do 
cleanc  contrary  to  the  law,and  finne  molt  deadly.  For  they  deny  the 
righteoufnet^cof  God,his  mercy  and  hrspromifes  :  they  deny  Chri& 
with  all  his  benefits,  and  in  their  hearts  they  ftablifh,  not  the  righ- 
-CeoufiKfife  of  the  law  (  which  they  underftand  not,  and  much  leffc  do 
it  :  )  but  a  mcere  fantafic  and  an  idoll  of  the  law.  Therefore  we  muft 
needs  fay,  that  not  only  in  doing  ot  the  law  they  do  it  not,  but  alfo 
they  fin,and  deny  the  divine  Majtlry  in  all  his  promifes.  And  to  this 
end  theliw  was  not  given. 

Wherefore,  they,  not  understanding  the  law,  abnfe  the  Iiw, 
ar)d  as  Paul  fiith  :  They  bcinv  Ignorant  of  thf  riphteoufnfflc  of 
Cjod,  and  teeking  ta  ftablifi  tktir  ovene  rigbttoufitjfe,  have  not  fab* 
mittcd  ihemfches  to  the  rii?  hteoufneffc  of  God,  Rom.  I  o.  For  they 
arc  blind,  and  know  not  how  they  ou^bt  to  judge  of  faith  and  of 
the  promifes,  and  therefore  without  all  underftanding  they  rufh 
into  the  Scripture,  taking  hold  but  of  one-  part  thereof:  to  wit,  the 
law,  and  this  they  imagine  that  they  are  able  to  fulrill  by  workcs. 
But  this  is  a  very  dreame,  a  bewitching  and  <llu(ion  of  the  heart: 
and  that  righteoufndfr  of  the  law,  which  they  think  they  do  ful 
fill,  is  nothing  clie  in  very  deed,  but  idolatry  and  blaiphemie  a- 
gainft  God.  Therefore  it  cannot  be  but  they  muft  needs  abide  under 
the  curfc. 

It  is  impotfiblc  therefore  that  we  fhould  do  the  law  in  fuch  fore 


A  L  A  T  H  IAN  8. 

j«  they  imagine,  and  much  lc{fc  that  wcfhould  be  juftified  thereby. 
This  thing  firft  the  law  it  felfc  teftifieth,  which  hath  a  cleanc  contra 
ry  eflfvd :  For  it  increafeth  fin,tt  worketh  wrath,  it  accufeth.ittcrrifi- 
cth  and condeaineth.How  then  fliould  it  ju!tific?  Morcover,the pro- 
mif~  aliofhewcth  the  very  fame  thing.Foi-  it  was  faid  untodhwam: 
jrnkeeJj^Uthej^noy^  is  no  blefling 

thereforcbut  in  the  promise  of  *s4j>yakfvn ;  and  IF  thou  be  without 
tHSTprormlc,  thou  art  Jindcrjhc curfc.  If  thpu  be  under  the  curfcr 
thou Tulnllcll  riotTthc  Iaw:Be(MufeThou  arfuhdcr"finhc,the  devill,aud 
cyexIaffin^deatTr:  all  which  do"aITurcaiyTbIIbw  the  cuH^T  To  con 
clude.  Imghteoufnes  (hould  come  by  the  la  w,  then  mould  the  pro- 
mtfecf  God  be  in  vaine,and  in  vaine  (hojld  he  powrcout  his  bleiling 
info  great  abundance.  Therefore  when  <^od  faw  that  we  could  not 
fulfill  the  law,  h?  provided  for  this  long  before  the  law,  and  promifcd 
the  bl  -fling  to  Abraham,hy\ng  :  In  theejhall  all  the  nations  of  the  earth 
fa  blefcd.  And  fo  hath  he  teftified  that  all  the  nationuhould  be  blet- 
fed,  not  by  the  law,  but  through  the  promife  made  unto  Abraham. 
They  therefore  that  lay  hold  on  the  law,and  feek  to  be  juft  ified  there 
by  ,d-fpifing  the  promifc.arc  accurfed. 

Wherefore. [to  do]  is  firft  of  all  to  bclccve,  and  fo  through 
faith  toperforme  the  law.  We  muft  fit  ft  receive  the  holy  Ghoft, law* 
wherewith  we  being  lightened  and  made  new  creatures,  begin  to 
do  the  la  w,that  is  to  fay/o  love  God  and  our  neighbour.  But  the  ho 
ly  Ghoft  is  not  received  through  the  la  w  (  for  they  which  are  under  HOW  thei«*» 
the  law,  as  Paul  faith,  are  under  the  curfc:)  but  by  the  hearing  IS 
of  faith,  that  is  to  fay,  through  the  prouiifc.  We  muft  be  blcflfcd 
oncly  with  Abraham  in  the  promiie  made  unto  him,  and  in  his 
faith.  Therefore  before  all  things,  we  mutt  hearc  and  receive  the 
proimfe,which  fettcth  out  Chrift,  and  cff;rcth  him  to  all  belcevers : 
and  when  they  have  taken  hold  upon  him  by  faith,  the  holy  Gholt  is 
given  unto  them  for  his  fake.  Then  do  they  love  God  and  their 
neighbour,  then  do  they  good  works,  then  do  they  carry  thccrofls 
patiently.  This  is  to  do  the  b  w  indeed  :  otherwife  the  law  rcmai- 
ncth  alwayes  undone.  Wheri/ore,  if  thou  wilt  define  truly  and 
plaincly  what  it  is  to  do  the  law,  it  is  nothing  clfe,  but  to  bclceve  in 
Tcfus  Chrift ,  and  when  the  holy  Ghoft  is  received  through  faith 
in  Chrift,  to  work  thofc  things  which  arc  commanded  in  the.  law : 
and  otherwise  we  arc  not  able  to  pcrforme  the  law.  For  the  Scrip- 

R4  turc 

Chap.  III.  V$w  /^EPISTLE 

TO  do  the   turc  fa  itb,that  there  is  no  blcfllng  without  the  promife,no  not  in  the 
1™.         javv>  it  is  impoflible  therefore  to  accomplifo  the  law  without  the 

There  is  not  otic  thcrfore  to  be  found  in  all  the  world,  unto  whom 
this  name  and  title,  to  be  called  a  doer  of  the  law,  appertaineth  with- 
out  the  promifc  of  the  Gofpell.   Wherefore  this  word  £  doer  of  the 
law]  is  a  fained  terrae,  which  no  man  underftandeth  unleflfe  he  be 
A  do«r  of    without  and  above  the  law  in  the  blefllng  and  faith  of  tsfhrahant.  So 
tola*,      that  the  true  doer  of  the  law  is  he,  who  receiving  the  holy  Ghoft 
through  faith  in  Chrift,  bcginncth  to  love  God  and  to  do  good 
unto  his  neigbour.  So  that  this  word  \jo  do  the  law]  muft  compre 
hend  faith  alfo  which  maketh  the  tree,  and  when  the  tree  is  made, 
then  follow  the  fruits.The  tree  muft  be  firft,and  then  the  fruit.  For  the 
apples  make  not  the  tree,but  the  tree  makcth  the  apples.  So  faith  firft 
maketh  the  perfon,  which  afterward  bringeth  forth  works.   There*- 
t?  *ocr !»    *orc  to  ^°  *^c  k  w  w*tnout  faith,  is  to  make  the  apples  of  wood  and 
made  and    earth  without  the  tree:  which  is  not  to  make  apples,but  mecrc  fanta- 
foTh&hb  fie's'Contrariwife,ifthc  tree  be  made,that  is  tofay,the  pcrfon  or  doer 
Kre there  which  is  made  through  faith  in  Chrift,  works  will  follow.    For  the 
tewydiedsclocr  muft  needs  be  before  the  things  which  are  done,  and  not' the 

things  which  arc  done,  before  the  doer. 

ihcgodiy        The  doer  then  is  not  fo  called  of  the  things  that  are  donc,but  of  the 

SadenU-  ^"gs tnat  arc  to  oe  ^onc'   ^or  Chriftians  arc  not  made  righteous 

reom  bfdo-jn  doing  righteous  things,  but  being  now  made  righteous  by  faith  in 

iS  S«    Chrift,they  do  righteous  things.  In  politick  matters  it  cometh  fo  to 

&c.       '  psflfe  that  the  doer  or  worker  is  made  of  the  things  which  arc 

wrought,  as  a  man  in  playing  the  Carpenter  bccomcth  a  Carpenter  : 

but  in  divine  matters  the  workers  are  not  made  of  the  works  going 

before,  but  the  perfons  made  and  framed  already  by  faith  which  is  in 

Chrift,  are  now  become  doers  and  workers.    Of  fuch  fpeaketh  Pattl 

jt«*a.Tj.     when  he  faith  :  The  doers  of  the  law  fall  be  jvftifed,  that  is,  (hall  be 

counted  righteous. 

Thedo3rin  Yea,  the  very  Sophifters  and  Schoolemcn  arc  compelled  to  COP- 
fc^c>  and  fo  they  feach  alfo,  that  a  morrall  work  outwardly  done,  if 
it  be  not  done  with  a  pure  heart,  a  good  will,  and  true  intent,  it  is 
but  hypocrifie.  And  hereof  cometh  the  proverbe  among  the  ger~ 
maines :  Sqc_h  a  cowle  covcrcth  many  a  knave.  For  the  vilcft  and 
the  wickcdel't  knave  in  the  worU  may  counterfeit  the  fame  works 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  FoI.M  £ 

that  a  godly  man  wprkcth  by  faith.  Judo*  did  the  fame  works  that 
the  other  Apoftles  did.   What  fault  was  there  in  the  works  of  Judas, 
feeing  he  did  the  fclf  fame  works  that  the  other  Apoftles  did  ?  Here 
marks  what  the  popifh  Sophifter  anf  wereth  out  of  his  morall  Philo-  JuT 
fophy  .Although  he  did  the  felf  fame  works(faith  he)which  the  other 
Apoftles  did,  notwithftanding,  becaufe  the  perfen  was  reprobate, 
and  the  judgement  of  reafon  pcrverfe,  therefore  his  works  were  hy- 
pocriticall  and  not  true,  as  were  the  works  of  the  other  Apoftles, 
how  like  foever  they  feemcd  to  be  in  outward  (hew.  Wherefore  in 
they  themfelvs  are  conftrained  to  grant  that  in  politick  and  cxternall ««« 
matters,  works  do  not  juftific,  unlcflc  there  be  joyncd  withall  an  up-  "° i 
right  hcart,will  and  judgement.  How  much  more  are  they  compel-  «»cep"it  be 
led  to  confcflfe  the  fame  in  fpirituall  matters,  where,  before  all  things  good  mind* 
there  muft  be  a  know  ledge  of  God,  and  faith  which  may  purific  the  muchmore 
heart?  They  walk  therefore  in  works  and  in  the  rightcoufnefls  of in 
thelaw,as  ludas  did  in  the  works  of  the  Apoftles :  not  undcrftanding 
•what  they  fay  or  what  they  affirme.  And  although  Paul  faith  plainly 
every  where  that  the  law  juftificth  not,  but  caufeth  wrath,  uttereth 
fin,  revealeth  the  indignation  and  judgement  of  God,  and  threatneth 
everlafting  death;yct  notwithftanding,rcading  thcfe  things  they  feo 
them  not,rauch  Icffe  do  they  undcrftand  them.  Thcrfore  they  delerve 
net  to  be  called  hypocrites,  but  vifours  andfhadowes  of  difguifed 
hypocrites,  moft  mifcrably  bewitched,  in  that  they  dreame  they  arc 
juftificd  by  the  works  of  the  law.   Wherefore  (  as  I  have  faid  )  this 
wordQdoer  of  the  lawjas  they  define  it,  is  an  imagined  termc,  a  very 
monfter,and  no  where  to  be  found. 

Wherefore,   when   Taul  provcth  this  place,    whomever  <**<y4/(j, 
ef  the  Veorkes  of  the  la»   are  under  the  cwfe,   by  this   fentcncc  of 
Mofcs  :    Ctir/ed  is  every  one  that  abideth  not  in  all  that  u  mitten  in 
thii  bookf,  he  proveth  not  one  contrary  by  another,  as  at  the  firft  Pauf  ^^ 
fight  it  may  appcare,  but  he  proveth  it  rightly  and  in  due  order.  n^Proi£ 
For  Aiofes  meaneth  and  teachctb  the  felfe  lame  thing  that  Paul?" 
doth,  when  he  faith  :    Cur  fed  M  every  one  that  doth  not  all,  &c.  < 
But  no  man  doth  them:  therfbre  whofoever  are  of  the  workesof 
the  law,  kccpe  not  the  law.  If  they  keepe  it  not,  they  arc  under  the 
curfc.    But  feeing  there  be  two  forts  of  men  that  are  doers  of  the 
law  (as before  I  have  faid,)  that  is  to  fay,  true  doers  and  hypo* 
ccitcs,  the  true  doers  muft  be  feparatcd  from  the  hypocrites.   The 


Chap.  Ill-  V}M  ^EPISTLE 

true  doers  of  the  law  arc  they  which  through  faith  arc  the  good  tree 
before  the  fruit,doers  and  workers  before  the  works.  Of  thcfe  fpea. 
kcth^^alfo:  and  except  they  be  fuch,  they  arc  under  thecurfe. 
But  the  hypocrites  are  not  of  this  fort :  for  they  thinkc  toobtaine 
righteoufnes  by  w>  rks,  and  by  them  to  make  tJ  e  perfon  juft  and  ac 
ceptable,  For  thus  they  dreame:  We  that  are  finners  and  unrighteous 
will  be  made  righteous.  How  iluil  th«  be  ?  By  t;ood  works.  There 
fore  they  do  even  like  as  a  fooliih  builder,  which  goeth  about  of  ths 
roofe  to  make  the  foundation,  of  the  fruits  to  make  the  tree.  For 
when  they  leekc  to  be  juftificd  by  works,  of  the  works  they  would 
The  moot  make  the  worker,  which  isdiredly  againft  Mofei,  which  maketh 
and  impicjy  fucn  a  worker  fub j:ct  to  thecurfe,  as  well  as  P**/doth.  Therefore 
cm«,yP°  whiles  they  go  about  to  do  the  law,  they  not  only  do  it  nor,  but 
alfo  deny,  (  as  1  hare  {aid)  the  firft  commandement,  the  promilcs  of 
God,  the  promifed  bkfling  cR  Abraham,  they  renounce  Faith,  and 
they  go  about  to  make  tbemfeivcs  blcflcd  by  their  own  works: 
that  is  to  fay,  to  juftific  themfdv  cs,  to  deliver  themfelvcs  from  finne 
and  death,  to  overcome  the  devi-U,  and  violently  to  lay  hold  upon  rhc 
kingdomc  of  Heaven.  And  this  js  plainely  to  renounce  God,  and  to 
iet  thcmiclves  in  the  place  of  God.  For  all  thcfc  arc  the  works  of 
the  divine  majefty  alone,  and  not  of  any  creature  either  in  heaven  or 

Hereupon  ?4«/was  able  eafily  toforedicw  out  of  thefirft  Com- 
mandemcnt,  the  abominations  that  were  to  com^,  which  Anti- 
i^c wotfiii  ^"^  Aould  bring  into  the  Church.  For  all  they  which  t?ar b  that 
of  tbTfi(QP  any  other  worfhip  is  neceflary  to  falvarion,  then  that  w!  i  ii  God 
cetnmjn-  requircth  of  us  by  .the  firft  Commandemcnt,  which  is  ti>e  icare  of 
God,  Faith  and  the  love  of  God,  are  platnc  Antichrilts,  and  fct 
themfclves  in  the  place  of  God.  That  fuch  (hould  come,  Chrift 
himfelfc  fore-^old,  when  he  faith,  tJMatth.  24.  tjfrtany  fhndl  come 
in  my  n&nc,  fiying :  I  am  Chrift.  So  wee  alfo  at  this  day  may 
boldly  and  cafiiy  pronounce,  that  whofoever  fcekcth  righteoufneiic 
by  works  without  faith,  denicrh  God  and  maketh  himfelfc  god. 
For  thus  he  thinketh :  If  I  do  this  worke,  I  fhall  be  righteous, 
I  (hall  b-i  a  conqucrour  of  finne,  death,  the  devill,  the  wrath  of 
God,  and  of  hell,  and  (holl  obtainc  life  evcrlaft  ing.  And  what  is 
this  clfc  ( I  pray  you  )  but  to  challenge  that  worke  unto  himf-lfe 
%yhich  doth  belong  to  God  alone,  and  to  fhew  indeed  that  he  hi  m- 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  I  AN  s.  \i6 

felfe  is  God  ?  Therefore  it  is  an  eafic  matter  for  us  to  prophcfie,  and 
moft  certaincly  to  judge  of  all  thofc  which  are  without  faith,  that 
they  are  not  oncly  loolatus,bur  very  Infidels  which  deny  Cod,  and 
fct  theniftlvcs  in  the  plsceofGrd.  I' pen  the  finie  ground  Tcttrd- 
fo  rrophcficth  when  he  faith  :  There  jhdl  be  amotyft  jottfalfe teackets, 
Vtkick  privily  flail  bring  in  damnable  herefiest  anAjh6.ll  deny  the  Z<?r^,&C. 
Andmaizt  mere  handle  of  the  people. 

And  i  the  old  Teftamcntallthcprophcfics  againft  Idolatry  fprang 
out  of  the  rirft  Commandement.  For  all  the  wicked  Kings  and  Pro- 
phcts,with  all  the  unfauhfull  people,  did  nothing  elfcbut  that  which 
the  Pope  and  all  hypocrites  alwaycs  do.  They, contemning  the  firft  The  \ 
Commandement  and  worfhip  appointed  of  God,  and  dcfpifing  the  cfthclcw*» 
prom  fc  of  <i  brdvAms  feed,  even  that  feed  in  whom  all  nations  (hould 
be  blcfl'  d  and  iaa&iried,  ordained  a  wicked  woriliipclcane  contrary 
to  the  word  of  v  K>d,and  faid  :  With  this  worftiip  will  we  fervc  God 
and  fet  ou  his  praifc,  which  hath  brought  usoui  of  the  land  of Egypt. 
So  ^troboAm  made  two  golden  calves  and  faid  :  *  Behold,  thy  gods,  O 
Jjrael&hich  brought  thee  out  of  the  landof  8^^*  he  faid  of  the  true 
God  which  had  redeemed  Ifracl,  and  yet  both  he  and  all  his  people 
were  Jdolatcrs:For  th^ y  worlhipptd  God  contrary  to  the  firft  Com- 
irjandemenf.  They  onely  regarded  the  work :  which  being  done, 
they  counted  themfslvcs  righteous  before  God.  And  what  was  this 
elfe,  but  to  deny  God  himfelfe,  whom  they  confelled  with  their 
mouths,  and  faid  that  he  had  brought  them  out  of  the  land  of  Egypt  ? 
T'dw/fpcakethoffuch  Idolaters  when  he  faith:  They  confefi  t  hat  they  r*r.u«, 
k»ovp  Cod,  b tut  in  their  deeds  they  dc»y  him. 

Wherefore  all  hypocrites  and  Idolaters  go  about  to  do  thofc 
workcs,  which  properly  pertaincto  the  divine  Majctty,  and  belong 
to  Chrift  oncly  and  alone.  Indeed  they  fay  not  m  phinc  words,  I  '1"f' 
am  God,  I  amC  ri(t,  and  yet  in  very  deed  tl>cy  proudly  challenge 
unto  thecifLlvcs  the  divinity  and  office  of  Chrift,  and  therefore 
it  is  as  much  in  eff  ft  as  if  they  faid  :  I  am  Chrift,  I  am  a  Savi 
our,  not  onely  of  my  felfe,  but  alfb  of  others.  This  the  Monkcs 
have  not  only  uughr,  but  alfo  have  made  the  whole  world  to 
bclecvc:  to  wit,  that  they  are  able,  not  onely  to  make  themfelves 
righteous  through  their  hypocritical!  holincif:,  but  alfj  others 
unto  whom  they  commu,  icate  the  fame  :  whereas  notwithftan- 
ding  it  is  the  proper  audoaely  office  of  Chrift  to  juftific  the  (inner, 



the,  pope   The  Pope  in  like  manner,  by  publifaing  andfprcading  his  divinity 
ckaiiengcch  throiishout  the  whole  world,  hath  denied  and  ntterly  buried  the  o£- 

aditinityor  i  r^-        •          r*~»i_  *n. 

a  vine  pow.  fice  and  Divinity  or  Chnft. 

et  asweii  as      jt  js  expedient  that  thcfc  things  fhould  be  well  taught  and  well 
ftffc.  'c     weighed,  for  thereby  we  may  learne  to  judge  of  the  whole  Chrifti- 
f  an  dodrine,and  the  life  of  man:  alia  to  confirme  nicns  confcienccs:to 
theVoliine  undcrftand  all  prophefies  and  all  the  holy  Scriptures,  and  rightly  to 
of  faith,      judge  or  all  other  things.  He  that  knoweth  all  •  thcfc  things  rightly, 
The  Pope  is  may  certainly  judge  that  the  Pope  is  Antichrift,bec<iufeheteacheth 
a  far  other  manner  of  worfhip,  then  the  firft  table  fettethout.   He 
may  perfectly  know  and  underftand,  what  it  is  to  deny  God,  to  deny 
Chrift,  and  what  Chrift  tneaneth  when  he  faith  :   Many  fiall  come 
.  '*  mJ  »<m**9  {*}'*»&  I  am  forty:  What  it  is  tobeagainftGod,  and 
ji/«r.i}.i4,  to  he  lifted  u$  above  all  that  i*  called  C/od,   or  that  is  WorfitppeA: 
VMS  »?•     vvhat  it  fignificth,  that  Antichrift  fitted  in  the  temple  of  god,  /faring 
kimfelfi  as  god:  What  it  is,tofee  the  abomination  of  deflation  ft  andin£ 
in  the  holy  f  lace,  &Q. 

what  a  mic     Now  hereof  fpring  all  thcfc  mifchiefes,  that  this  curfed  hypocri- 
tiiinVTypo-  fo  W'^  not  ^e  mac^c  righteous  by  the  divine  blcfling,  nor  created  a- 
«rific  is.      new  ofGod  the  Crcatour.  It  will  in  no  wife  be  a  paticnt,or  (lifer  any 
thing  to  be  wrought  in  her  :  but  will  needs  be  altogether  an  agent, 
and  work  thofc  things  which  flic  fhould  fuflcrCaod  to  work  in  her 
and  receive  of  him.   Therefore  fhe  rnaketh  her  feife  a  Creatour  and  a 
juftificr  through  her  own  works,  dcfpifing  the  blefling  promifcd  and 
Evetyiaoiit.  gjvcn  to  Abraham  and  to  his  bcleeving  children  :  So  that  every  hypo- 
SKc*    crite  is  both  the  matter  and  the  worker  (  although  this  be  againfl: 
matter  and   philofophie,  for  one  and  the  felfc  -fame  thing,  cannot  work  upon  it 
felfc:)The  mattcr,bccaufe  he  is  a  (inner  :  the  worker,  becaufe  he  put- 

and  thc  teth  on  a~cowle,or  choofeth  (bme  other  work  through  the  which  he 
hopcth  to  de&rve  grace,  and  to  favc  himfelfc  and  others:  therefore 
heisboth  the  creature  and  theCreatour.  No  man  therefore  can  cx- 

words.ho'w  execrable  and  horrible  it  is,to  fcek  righ'teoof- 
ncfliinthe  law  by  works,  without  the  bldling.  foritistheabo- 
ininatien  ftanditg  in  the  holy  place  which  denkth  God,  and  fetteth 
up  the  creature  in  the  place  of  the  Crcatour. 

The  true  do-      The  doers  of  t  he  la  w  therefore  are  not  the  hypocrites,  observing 

«sofihe     the  law  outwardly  :  but  the  true  belcevers,  who  receiving  the  holy 

Ghoft,  do  accomplifh  the  la\v,that  is  to  fay,  they  love  6od  and  their 


7>  the  G  A  i  A  T  H  I  A  «  s.  Fol.i27 

neighbour,  c*r.   So  that  a  true  doer  of  the  law,  is  to  be  imderftood, 
not  in  refpcft  of  the  works  which  he  worketh,  but  in  rcfpecl  of  the 
perfon  now  regenerate  by  faith.    For  according  to  the  Goipell,  they 
that  are  made  righteous  doc  righteous  things,  but  according  to  Pby- 
lofophy  it  is  not  fo :  but  contrariwife,  they  that  do  righteous  things 
are  made  juft  and  righteous.     Therefore  we  being  juftified  by  faith 
doe  good  workcs,  through  the  which  (as  it  is  faid,  zPct.i.)  Our 
calling  and  election  is  confirmed,  and  from  day  to  day  is  made  mere 
fore.    But  becaufc  we  have  now  only  the  firft  fruits  of  the  Spirit,  and 
have  not  as  yet  the  tenths,  and  the  remnants  of  finnc  doe  ftill  remain 
in  us  :  therefore  we  doc  not  the  law  pcrfcdly.    But  this  imperfc- 
dion  is  not  imputed  unto  us  which  doe  believe  in  Chrift,  who  was 
promifed  to  Abraham,  and  hath  blcflcd  us.     For  we  are  nourifhed 
and  tenderly  cheriihed  in  the  meanc  feafon  for  Chrifts  fake,  in  the 
lap  of  Gods  long-  fufFerancc.  We  arc  that  wounded  man,  which  fell 
into  the  hands  of  theevcs,  whofe  wounds  the  Samaritan  bound  up, 
powring  in  oyk  and  wine,  and  afterwards  laying  him  upon  his  beaft,  3''32>: 
he  brought  him  into  the  Innc,  and  made  pro-vifion  for  him,  and  de 
parting  commended  him  to  the  Hoft,  faying :  Take  care  of  htm.    And 
thus  we  in  the  meanc  time  are  chcrifhed,  as  it  were  in  an  I  nnc,  untill 
the  Lord  put  to  his  hand  the  fccond  time  (as  Efy  faith)  that  he  may 
deliver  us. 

Wherefore  thcfentenccofUWi?/^:  (tuftd it  every  one  that  *bi- 
dctb  not  i*  dl  the  things  that  are  Written  In  this  book?,  is  not  contrary  to 
?Mtlt  who  pronounceth  all  them  to  be  accurfed,  which  are  eft  lie 
works  of  the  law.  Forc^/fjroquircthfuch  a  doer,  as  may  do  the 
law  perfeaiy .  But  where  mall  we  find  him  ?  No  where.  For  'David 
faith  :  Lord  enter  not  into  judgement  Vcith  thyfcrvant,  fir  »o  flejh  is  ri%h- 
teow  in  thy  fight.  And  -P*#/la.ith  :  For  VfhAt  I  Veauldjhat  doe  I  not :  but 
^fhat  I  hate,  that  doe  I.  Wherefore  Mofet  together  with  Paul  dorh 
neccffarily  drive  us  to  Chrift,  through  whom  we  arc  made  doers  of 
the  law,  and  are  not  accounted  guilty  of  any  tranfgrc0ion.  How 
fo  ?  Firft  by  forgivcneffe  of  finncs  and  imputation  of  rightceufncfli:, 
becaufe  of  our  faith  in  Chrift.  Secondly  by  the  gift  of  God  and  the 
holyGhoft,  which  bringeth  forth  a  new  life  and  new  motions  in 
us,  fo  that  we  may  alfo  doe  the  law  cffb&ually.  N«w,  that  which  is 
not  done,  is  pardoned  for  Chrifts  fake  :  and  ^moreover,  what  finnc 
focvcr  is  left  in  us,  is  not  imputed,  So  Lfl/#«  agrccth  with  Pvtl, 


Chap.  III.  V$M  f&  E  P  i  s  T  L  B 

and  meaneth  the  felf-feme  thing  that  he  doth,  when  he  faith  :  Cur- 
fed  u  every  one  that  abiAeth  not,  &c.  For  he  faith  th,it  they  do  not  the 
law,  becaufe  they  would  juftifie  thcmfclves  by  workc?,  and  conclu- 
dcth  with  Taul,  that  they  are  under  the  cur  -fe.  Therefore  Mofes  re- 
quireth  true  doers  of  toe  law  ,  which  are  of  faith,  even  as  'Paul  con* 
dcmneth  thofc  which  are  not  true  doers  of  the  law,  that  is  to  fay, 
which  are  not  of  faith.  Herein  is  no  repugnance,  that  cj^/^fpakc 
negatively  and  /'dw/arrirmarively  ,  fo  that  you  define  rightly  what  is 
meant  by  this  word  Doe.  So  both  fentences  are  true,  to  wit,  thrall  are 
accurfed  Vfkich  abide  not  in  all  that  is  Written  in  this  book?  :  And,  that  all 
they  are  accwfed,  \\>hich  are  of  the  Vferk*  of  the  lew. 

Aa  Anfiver  to  the  ft  arguments  which  the  Adverfiries  attcadge_j 
AgAinft  the  Doffrine  andrighteottfrefft  of  Faith. 

SEcing  this  place  offereth  unto  us  occafion,  we  muft  fay  fomcthing 
as  touching  the  arguments  which  our  advcrfaries  doe  object  a- 
gainft  the  doclrine  of  Faith,  which  is  :  That  Vte  are  luftified  by  faith 
places  of     *toti*>    There  arc  many  places  both  in  the  old  Telbment  and  in  the 
tbc.Uw  and  new,  as  concerning  works  and  rewards  of  works,  which  our  adver- 
wo&cs.      farics  clo  alledge,  and  thinkc  themfelves  able  thereby  utterly  to  over 
throw  the  doiftrine  of  Faith  which  we  teach  and  maintaine.     There 
fore  we  muft  be  wellfurni(hed  and  armed  ,  that  we  may  be  able,  not 
only  to  inftrud  our  brethren,  but  alfo  to  anf  wer  the  objections  of  our 

The  rictae.      The  Schoole-men  and  all  fuch  as  underftand  not  the  article  of 

oufnefTccf  juftification,  doe  know  no  other  righLCOufnefli  then-the  civill  righ- 

Ikl'klio^"  tcoufnclTe  and  the  righteoufnelfc  of  the  law,  which  afccr  a  fort  the 

to  «facuca.  Gentiles  alfo  doc  know.    Therefore  they  borrow  certaine  words  out 

of  the  law  and  morall  Phylofophy,  as  Qtodoe,  to  worke]  and  fuch 

like,  and  they  apply  the  fame  unto  Ipirituall  matters  :    Wherein 

they  deale  mod  perverfly  and  wickedly.     We  muft  put  a  diff.-rcnce 

betweene  Philoibphy  and  Divinity,    The  Schoole-men  them&lves 

grant  and  teach  ,  that  in  the  order  of  nature,  being  goeth  before 

working,  for  naturally  the  tree  is  before  the  fruit.    Againc,  in  Phi- 

iolophy  they  grant,  that  a  workc  morally  wrought,   is  not  good, 

except  there  be  firft  a  right  judgement  of  rcafon  ,  and  a  good  will 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  AN  S. 

or  a'good  intent.  So  rbcn  they  will  have  a  right  judgement  of  reafon, 
and  a  good  intent  to  go  before  the  workc,  that  is  to  fty,  they  make 
the  pcrfon  morally  righteous  before  the  vvorke.  Contrariwifc  in  Di 
vinity,  and  in  fpirituall  matters,  where  they  ought  moft  of  alf  fo  to  do, 
fuch  fcnflcflf:  a(T-s  they  arc,  that  they  pervert  and  turn  all  quite  contra 
ry,  placing  the  worke  before  right  judgement  of  reafon  and  good  in 

Wherefore,Doing  is  one  thing  in  nature,  another  in  morall  Philo-  Tjj  do  natu 
ibphy,  and  another  in  Divinity.    I  n  nature  the  tree  muft  be  firft,  and  i"  UfpTrl 
then  the  fruit.    In  morall  Phylofophy,  Doing  requireth  a  good  intent  tuaU>r' 
and  a  found  judgment  of  reafon  to  vvorke  well,  going  before.     And 
here  all  the  Philofophers  are  at  a  ftay,  and  can  go  no  further.Thcrefore 
the  Divines  fay,  that  morall  Philofophy  takcth  net  God  for  the  object 
and  finall  caufe.  For  Arlftotle,  or  a  Sadducy,  or  a  man  of  any  civill  ho- 
ncfty  ,  callcth  this  right  reafon  and  a  good  intent,  if  he  feeke  the  pub- 
like  commodity  of  the  Common-wealth,  and  the  quictncfleand  ho- 
ncfty  thereof.  A  Philofophcr  or  Law-worker  afcendeth  no  higher. 
He  thinkcth  not  through  a  right  judgement  of  reafon,  and  a  good  in 
tent  to  obtain  remiflion  of  fins  and  everlafting  life,  as  the  Sophifter  or 
the  Monke  doth.  Wherefore  the  Heathen  Philofopher  is  much  better  A  comp?ri. 
then  fuch  an  hypocrite.  For  he  abidcth  within  his  bounds,  having  on-  £"H"W£° 
ly  conlidcration  of  the  honcfty  and  tranquility  of  the  Common-  Philosopher 
wealth,not  mingling  heavenly  and  earthly  things  togethcr.Contrari-  JJiic^ 
Wife,  the  blind  Sophifter  imagineth  that  God  rcgardeth  his  good  in 
tent  and  works.    Therefore  he  mingleth  earthly  and  heavenly  things 
together,  and  polluteth  the  name  of  God.    And  this  imagination  he 
Icarneth  out  of  morall  Philofophy,  faving  that  hee  abufeth  it  much 
vvoifc  then  the  Heathen  man  doth. 

Wherefore  we  muft  afcend  up  higher  in  Divinity  with  this  word  <3leop''T> 
Doing,then  in  naturall  things  and  in  Philofophy,  fo  that  now  it  muft  thi 

Juvea  new  Cignification,  and  be  made  altogether  new,  joyncd  with  a  ofra 

right  judgement  of  rcafon,and  a  good  will,not  morally  ,but  divinely; 
vvhieh  is,  that  1  knowandbelceveby  the  word  of  the  Gofpell,  that  f"!* 
God  hath  lent  his  Son  into  the  world  to  redeem  us  from  fin  an  J  death,  fufficient 
Here  Doing  is  a  new  thing,  unknowns  to  reafon,  to  Philofophers,  to 
•Law-  workers,  and  unto  all  men  :  forit  is  a  wifdomc  hidden  in  a  mv- 
ftery  .Therfore  in  Divinity  the  work  ncccflarily  requireth  faith  going 



Chap.  III.  Vfo»  *£*  E  P  i  s  T  L  > 

HOW  we  Therefore  when  our  adversaries  do  allcdgc  againft  us  thcfentences 
™urfla3J^"  of  the  Scripture  touching  ihslaw  and  works,  when  mention  is  made 
^.urging  "  of  workiig  and  doing,  thou  muft  anfwcr  them,  that  they  are  tcrmes 
thefe  terms,  pcrtainine  to  Divinity,  and  not  te  natural!  or  morall  things.  If  they 

VOIDS  and    f  ,      *f  X  ••      i  •  i  nti-i. 

Working..  be  applied  to  naturall  or  morall  things,  they  mult  be  taken  in  their 
own  fignification.  But  if  they  bcapplisd  to  matters  of  Divinity  ,thcy 
muft  include  fuch  a  right  judgement,  reafon  and  good-  will,  asisin- 
comprchcnfiblc  to  mans  reafon,  Wherefore  Doing  in  Divinity  rfiuft 
be  alwaies  underftood  of  a  faithfull  Doing.  So  that  this  faithfuli  Do- 
cSdmg'Vo  ing  is  altogether  as  it  were  a  new  Kingdoms  fcparate  from  the  natu- 
the  scrip,  rail  or  morall  Doing.  Therefore,  when  we  that  are  Divines  fpcake  of 
D0ingjWC  muft  needs  fpcake  of  that  faithfull  Doing  :  for  in  Divinity 
we  have  no  other  right  judgement  of  reafon,  no  good  will  or  intent 
befides  faith. 

J  as  "^is  rulc  *S  WC^  obfcrad  *n  tnc  IT'  CnaPtcr  to  tnc  Hebrcves. 
hing  There  arc  recited  many  and  fundry  workcs  of  the  Saints,  out  of  the 
*5dipr  S  ^olj[  Scripture  :  as  °*  V*v*A%  who  killed  a  Lion  and  a  Bcarc,  and  flew 
GoliAth.  There  the  Sophifter  or  Schooleman,  that  foolifh  Aflc,  loo 
keth  upon  nothing  elfc,  but  the  outward  appearance  of  the  workc. 
But  this  worke  of  D^Wmuft  be  fo  looked  upon,  that  firft  we  muft 
cenfidcr  what  manner  of  perlbn  Dmvul  was  ,  before  he  did  this 
workc  :  Then  (hall  we  fee  that  he  was  fueh  a  perfon,  whofe  heart 
truftcd  in  the  Lord  God  of  Ifraet,  as  the  Text  plaincly  witncflctb, 
The  Lord  thAt  delivered  me  out  of  thf  pA»  of  the  Lion,  and  out  af  the 
paw  of  the  Btcirc  ,  VeitI  Aetivtr  me  out  of  the  hand  of  the  Philijline. 

4j.  Moreover  :  Th$n  commeft  to  meVrith  A  faerd,  *nd  Veitk  a  jpe*ret  and 
Vs>ith  a  jl/teld  :  butlcomctothcein  the  name  of  the  Lord  of  hoftet  ,  the 

**'    godofthchoft  ofjfraeltifon  Vohom  thon  b*ft  r  tiled  M  day.    This  day 

q.  Jhallths  LordclofetheeinmjhAn^  and  I  fidl  finite  thce,  and  take  thine 
head  front  t  foe,  &c.  Becaufe  the  LorA  (avttk  n»t  With  fivord  nor  fj>cArcf 
(fir  the  bAtttH  ij  the  Lord/)  and  hee  Vfitt  give  yon  into  our  h*ndtt 
You  fee  then  that  he  was  a  righteous  man,  beloved  of  God,  ftrong 

i  it  and  conftant  in  faith,  before  he  did  this  worke.  This  Doing  of 
D#vid  therefore,  is  not  a  naturall  or  morall  Doing,  but  a  faithfull 

So  it  isfaid  of  AM  in  the  fame  Epiftle,  that  throngh  faith  hec 
offered  up  a  better  facyifkc  unto  God  then  C*i».  If  the  Schoole- 
men  happen  upon  this  place,  as  it  is  read  in  £7«*/k  (where  it  is 


To  the  GALATHIANS,  Fol.  r  29 

(imply  &t  out,  how  that  both  Caiw  and  *Abel offered  op  tbcir  gifts, 
and  that  the  Lord  had  refpecYunto  y^/and  his  offerings)  by  and  by 
they  take  hold  of  thefe  words  ;  Tfaj  offered  their  oblations  unto  the 
Lord ;  The  Lord  had  reffefl  to  the  oferingtofAfcl,  and  cry  out,  faying, 
Here  yc  fee  that  God  had  rcfpcft  to  offerings :  therefore  works  doc 
juftifie.  So  that  thefe  filthy  fwinc  do  thinke  that  rigbtcouf  nes  is  but 
amorallthing,  only  beholding  the  vifour  and  outward  fhcw  of  the  <[*  bea"  of 
worke,  and  not  the  heart  of  him  that  doth  the  work :  whereas  not-  ;$  tVbeo 
withft  anding  even  in  Philofophy  they  are  conftrained,  not  to  lookc  fidcrcd. 
upon  the  bare  workc,  but  the  good  will  of  the  worker.  But  here  they 
ftand  altogether  upon  thefe  words,  They  offered  up  gifts :  the  Lord  had 
rfjpett  unto  Abel  and  to  hu  offerings ,  and  fee  not  that  the  Text  faith 
plaineiy  in  Gevefis,  that  the  Lord  had  refpeft  firft  to  the  pcrfcnof  A+  wbatwotks 
hel9  which  pleated  the  Lord  becaufc  of  his  faith,  and  afterward*  to  his 
cikrings.  Therefore  in  Divinity  we  fpsake  of  faithful!  works,  facrifi- 
ces,oblations  and  gifts,that  is  to  fay,  which  are  offered  up  and  done  in 
faith,  as  the  Epiftle  to  the  Hebrews  dcclareth,  faying  :  Through 
faith  Abel  offered ftp  a  better  ficrifice  :  Through  faith  tr.och  Was  taken 
away  :  Through  faith  Abraham  obeyed  <]ody&.c.  We  have  here  then  a 
rule  let  forth  in  the  eleventh  to  the  Bglrtms,  how  we  (hould  limply 
anfwcr  to  the  arguments  objected  of  the  adverfiries  as  touching  the 
law  and  works,  that  is  to  fay  :  this  or  that  man  did  this  or  that  work 
in  fauh  :  and  by  this  meanes  thou  givcft  a  folution  to  all  their  argu 
ments,  and  (o  ftoppcft  their  mouthcs,  that  they  can  have  nothing  to 
reply  again. 

Hereby  it  appeareth   manifeftly  that  in  Divinitie  and  divine 
matters  the  worke  is  nothing  worth  without  faith,  but  thou  mnft 
needs  have  faith  before  thou  begin  to  workc,    For  Without  faith 
it  is  inyofliblc  to  pletfe  (jod  :    but  he  that  will  come  unto  God,  H 
rr.uft  beleeve.     Wherefore  in  the  Epiftie  to  the  Hebrews ,  it  is  fiid, 
that  the  facrihce  of  *AM  was  better  then  the  facrifice  jof  CMW,  be-  Abels  r«ri 
caufc  he  bekevcd :  Therefore  the  worke  or  the  facrifice  of  Abel  was 
faithfuil.    CNcntrariwifc  in  Cain,  bccaufc  hec  was  wicked  and  an 
hypocrite,  there  vvas  no  faith  or  traft  of  Gods  grace  and  favour, 
but  mccre  prefumption  of  his  ownc  righteoufhcfTe ,  and  therefore 
his  worke,  whereby  he  went  about  to  pleafe  God,  vvas  hypocri- 
ticall  ard  uiifaUbfull  :    wherefore  the  advcrfarics  thecfifelvcs  arc 
ccropclled  to  grant  that  in  all  the  vvorkcs  of  the  Saints,  faith 

S  is 

ne  ea 



is  prefuppofcd  or  gocth  before,  for  the  which  their  works  doeplcafe 
God,and  are  accepted  of him.Thercfbre  inDivinity  there  is  a  new  do 
ing  clean  contrary  to  the  morall  doing. 

Moreover,  we  are  alfo  wont  to  diftinguifo  faith  after  this  manner, 
that  faith  is  fomctime  taken  without  the  workc,  fomctime  with  the 
worke.     For  like  as  an  Artificer  fpeaketh  diverfly  of  the  matter 
woiksand   whereupon  he  worketh,  andlikewifea  Gardiner  of  the  tree  beinCT 
[°.n?ctil?fof  barren  or  fruit  full  :  even  fo  the  holy  Ghoft  fpeaketh  diverflv  of  faith 

•3!  tn    With  •  **•>•  f  •  f  I     /"*    t  /*  *     1  ^t  *  *»Afc*l 

woiks.  in  the  Scripture :  fometimc  or  an  ablolutc  faith :  fomctime  of  a  com 
pound,  or  (  as  a  man  would  fay  )  an  incarnate  faith.  Now,  an  abfo- 
lutc  faith  is  this,  when  the^Scripture  fpeaketh  abfolutely  of  jaftifi- 
cation  or  of  the  juftified,  as  is  to  be  fecne  in  the  Hpiftlcs  to  the  Ro 
mans,  and  to  the  Galatkians.  But  when  the  Scripture  fpeaketh  of  re 
wards  and  works,then  it  fpeaketh  of  the  compound  or  incarnate  faith. 
We  will  rehearfc  fome  examples  of  this  faith :  As,  Faith  WhichWorketh 
By  love.  Doethij,  and  thotifialt  live.  If  thou  Wilt  enter  into  life t  kept 
the  Commandements.  He  that  doth  thefe  things  Jhall  live  in  them.  *  De 
cline  frame  villt  and  doe  that  Which  is  good.  1  n  thcfc  and  fuch  like  places 
(as  there  are  many  in  the  holy  Scripture)  where  mention  is  made  of" 
doing.thc  Scripture  alwaics  fpeaketh  of  faithfull  doing.  As  whftn  it 
faith:Z>0<?  this  and  than  Jhalt  I'mejt  mcaneth  thus:  See  firft  that  thou  be 

&  i«  them   faithfull,that  thouhave*a  right  judgement  of  reafon  and  a  good  will 
that  is  to  fav,  faith  in  Chrift.  When  thou  haft  this  faith,  worke  on  a 
Gods  blefling. 

What  marvell  is  it  then,  if  rewards  be  promifcd  to  this  incar 
nate  faith  :  that  is  to  fay,  to  the  working  faith,  as  was  the  faith 
of  Atett  or  to  faithfull  workes  ?  And  why  (hould  not  the  holy 
Scripture  thus  fpcake  diverfly  of  faith ,  when  it  fpeaketh  divers 
waies  cf  Chrift ,  as  he  is  God  and  man  :  that  is  to  fay,  fomctime  of 
his  whole  perfon ,  fometirae  of  his  two  natures  apart ,  either  of  his 
divine  or  of  his  humane  nature  ?  Ifitlpeakc  of  the  natures  apart  it 
••»•*  fpeaketh  of  Chrift  abfolutely  :  but  if  it  fpeakeof  ths  divine  nature 

«o?™apr^'unitcdinonePcrfonto  the  humane  nature,  then  i:  fpeaketh  cf  Chrift 

pcttieieai-  compound  and  incarnate.     There  is  a  common  rule  anioni?  the 

isnccmhu*    e~it  ft  •        •  it  "»«»»».tw     tuw 

HMMM!  Schoolc-mcn  of  the  communication  of  the  properties,  when  the 
yn.  properties  b:longing  to  the  Divinitie  of  Chrift,  arc  attributed  to 
the  hum  nine  :  which  we  may  fee  every  where  in  the  Scriptures 
£  2.  the  Angcll  callcth  the  infant  borne  of  the  Virgin  M+ 

The  scrip 

of  both 

As  in  Luke 


Td  the  GA  L  AT  HI  AN  s. 

r*,thc  Saviour  of  men,  and  the  univcrfall  Lord  both  of  the  Angels  and 
mcn4  And  in  the  I .  Chapter  he  calleth  him  the  Son  of  God.  Hercup- 
on  I  may  truly  fay,  that  that  infant  which  lay  in  the  manger,  and  in 
the  lap  of  the  Virgin,  created  heaven  and  earth,  and  is  Lord  of  the  An 
gels.  Herelfpeakeindecdofaman  :  but  man  in  this  propofition  is  a 
new  word,  and  (as  the  School- men  themfclves  do  grant )  hath  relati 
on  to  the  Divinitie,  that  is  to  fay  :  this  God  which  was  made  man, 
bath  created  all  things.  Creation  is  attributed  only  to  the  Divinitie  Themaa  p 
of  Chrift :  for  the  humanity  doth  not  create,  and  yet  notwithftandine  5ill!?i5re"" 

.    .         ,     ,, .  t  .  |  /»    ,     _. .   .    .      '  .  .  .  .o  tcdautbingSt 

jt  is  truly  faid,man  created  ,becaule  the  Divinity, which  only  creatcth, 
js  incarnate  with  the  humanity  ,and  therefore  the  humanity,  together 
with  the  Divinity,  is  partaker  of  the  fame  properties.  Wherefore  it  is 
well  and  godly  faid :  This  man  Jcfus  Chrift  brought  Jfrael  out  of  E~ 
j>7/>f,(lrook  Pkaraohtznd  wrought  all  the  wonders  from  the  beginning 
or  the  world. 

Therefore  when  the  Scripture  faith  :  If  thott  Veilt  enter  into  lift,  IfAouwH« 

i  i      x-»  j  r  's-i    j          i        i  *  i    i        ,*    *     ••  J      enter  into 

keefc  the  £  omwandements  ej  God  :  doe  thts  and  thort  Jhalt  lwey  &c. 
Firlh  we  muft  fee  of  what  manner  of  keeping  andldoing  he  fpea- 
k^th.  For  in  thcfe  and  fuch  like  places  (as  I  have  faid  )  hefpea- 
keth  of  a  compound  faith,  and  not  of  a  naked  and  fimple  faith.  And 
the  meaning  of  this  place  :  Doe  thh  and  thott  Jkalt  live ,  is  this  : 
Thou  (bait  live  becauie  of  this  faithfull  doing,  or  this  doing  (hall 
give  unto  thee  life,  becaufeofthy  faith  alone.  After  this  manner 
purification  is  attributed  to  faith  alone,  as  creation  is  to  the  Divini 
ty.  And  yet  notwithftandinp,3s  it  is  truly  faid :  Jcfus  the  Son  of  MA- 
ry  created  all  things,  fo  alfo  juftifkation  is  attributed  to  the  incarnate 
f  aith,or  to  the  faithfull  doing.  Therefore  we  muft  in  no  wife  thinkc 
with  the  Sophifters  and  hypocrites,  that  works  do  abfolutely  juftiflc, 
or  that  rewards  are  promiled  to  morall  works,  but  to  faithfull  works 

Let  us  therefore  fuffer  the  holy  Ghoft  to  fpcake  as  he  doth  in 
the  Scriptures,  either  of  naked,  fimple  and  abfolute  faith,  gr  of 
compound  and  incarnate  faith.  All  things  which  arc  attributed  to 
workes,  doe  properly  belong  unto  faith.  For  vvorkes  muft  not  be 
looked  upon  morally  ,  but  faithfully  and  with  a  fpirituall  eye.  Faith 
is  the  divinity  of  workes,  and  is  to  fpread  throughout  the  vvorkes 
of  the  faithfull ,  as  is  the  Divinitie  throughout  the  humani- 
tie  of  Chrift.  Faith  therefore  doth  all  alone  in  the  vvorkes 

S  a  of 

Chap.III.  VfMtht  E  P  i  s  T  L  H 

of  the  faithful!  ;  Abraham  is  called  faithful!,  becaufc  faith  is  fprcad 
throughout  the  whole  perfon  e(A&r4bant:fo  that  beholding  him  wor- 
Tbe  places  king,  I  fee  nothing  of  the  carnal!  or  of  the  working  Abraham,  but  of 
fa  Deiceving  Abraham. 

Wherefore  when  thoureadeft  in  the  Scriptures,  of  the  Fathers, 
a  "  pr°phcts>  an(*  Kings,  how  they  wrought  rightcoufnefo,  raifed  up  the 
ihe  Eplflie*  dead,  overcame  kingdomes,  thou  muft  remember  that  thefe  and  fuch 
iikc  Dyings  arc  to  be  expounded,  as  the  Epiftleto  t\ttHetrt*etQt* 
pouadcth  them,  that  is  :  *  By  faith  they  Wrought  r'^htfoufne^  by  faith 
they  raifed  up  the  dead,  by  faith  they  fubdmd  Kings  and  kingdomes  ,  &c. 
gQ  t^at  kjtn  incorporatetn  the  worke,  and  giveth  it  his  perfection. 
And  this  the  adverfaries,  if  they  be  well  in  their  wits,  cannot  deny, 
neither  have  they  any  thing  to  lay  or  objed:  againft  it.Indccd  they  can 
cry  out  that  the  Scripture  fpeaketh  oftentimes  of  doing  and  working. 
And  we  alwaies  anfwcr  them  again,  that  it  fpcaketh  alfo  of  faithfull 
doing.  For  firft,reafon  muft  be  lightened  by  faith,  before  it  can  work, 
Now,when  it  hath  a  true  opinion  and  knowledge  of  God,  then  is  the 
worke  incarnalflfend  incoporate  into  it:  fo  that  vvhatfoerer  is  attribu 
ted  to  faith,is  afterwards  attributed  to  vvoiks  alfo,  but  yet  becaufe  of 
faith  only  and  alone. 

wherefore  in  reading  of  the  Scriptures  we  muft  learne  to  put  a 
difference  between  the  true  and  the  hypocriticall,  the  moral!  and 
the  fpirittull  doing  ofthclaw.     So  fhall  we  be  able  to  declare  the 
true  meaning  of  all  thofs  places,  which  fccmc  to  maintaine  the 
righteouincffe  of  works.   Now,  the  true  doing  of  the  law  is  a  faith- 
ftill  and  a  fpirituall  doing,  which  he  hath  not,  that  feeketh  righte- 
oufncfic  by  works.   Therefore  every  doer  of  the  law  and  every  holy 
inorali  worker  is  accurfed.     For  he  walketh  in  the  prefumption  of 
his  ownerighteoufneflc  againft  God,  whiles  he  will  be  juftificd  by 
mans  frcc-will  and  reafon,  and  fo  in  doing  of  the  law,  he  doth  it  not, 
And  this  according  to  T**/,  is  to  be  undtr  the  works  of  the  Jaw, 
tnat  *s  to  fay>tnat  hypocrites  do  the  law,  and  yet  in  doing,  they  do  it 
not  :  for  they  undcrftand  this  word  Doing,  according  to  the  literal! 
fence  of  the  law,  which  in  true  Chriftian  Divinitic  is  nothing  worrh. 
Indeed  they  worke  many  things,but  in  the  prefumption  of  their  own 
rightcoufnes,  and  without  the  knowledge  of  God  and  faith,  as  the 
'7>b*rifte  did,£»£.i  8,and  as  /Wdid  before  his  converfion  :  therefore 
they  are  blind  and  mifcrably  errc^  and  fo  remains  under  the  curfe, 



To  the  C  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s .  Fol.i 

Wherefore,  againcladmonifliyou,  that  fuch  fentences  as  the  ad  - 
vcrfarics  do  alledge out  of  the  Scriptures  concerning  works  andrc- 
wards,muft  befpiritually  expounded.  As  if  they  alledge  this  fentencc 
out  ofDanif/y  Chapter^  Redeeme  thy  ftnnes  by  almes-deeds^  thou 
muft  not  here  expound  thefe  words  morally,  but  fpiritually.  So  (halt 
thou  fee  that  this  word  Redeem*,  fignifieth  no  moral/,  but  a  faithfull 
doing,that  is  to  fay,it  includeth  faith.Fcr  in  the  Scriptures  the  worke 
(as  I  have  faid  )  requireth  alfo  a  gcod  will  and  right  judgement  of 
reafon  to  go  before,  not  morall  as  they  would  have  it,  but  divine  and 
fpirituall,  which  is  faith.  By  this  mcanes  thou  (halt  be  able  toftop 
the  mouthcs  of  thefe  peevidi  Sophifters.    For  they  themfeives  are 
compelled  to  grant  .(and  fo  teach  they  alfo  out  of  Art/tab)  that  eve- 
ry  good  work  proceedcth  out  of  mans  choice  or  free  will.  If  this  be  ofArift«ie 
true  in  Philofophie,  much  more  muft  this  good  will  and  right  ;udge- 
mcnt  of  rcafon  guided  by  faith,  go  before  the  work  in  divinity  and 
divine  matters.  And  this  do  all  words  of  the  Imperative  moode,that 
is,ail  luch  words  as  are  cominanding,(ignihc  in  the  Scriptures,and  all 
fiich  words  alfo  as  teach  the  law,  as  the  Epiftlc  to  tfre  Hcbreveet  doth 
plainely  declare :  By  frith  Abel  ofered,&.  c. 

Now,  admit  the  cafe  that  this  folution  is  not  fufficient  (  although  t"hca?g^  * 
it  be  indeed  mod  iurc  and  certaine : )  yet  notwithstanding  let  this  be  «««»<* *e 
the  argument  of  all  arguments,  and  the  principall  mirrour  ofChri-  Th^ra"!* 
ftians  to  behold,  agaiatt  ail  the  tcntaticns  and  objections,  notoncly  »«ntotaii 
of  tbeadverfaries,  but  alfo  of  the  dcvill  himfelfe,  namely  to  appre- 
hend  andtoholH  faft  the  head,  which  isChrift.    Moreover,  admit  rf-ev-* 
that  the  Sophifters  being  morecrafty  and  fubtillthen  I,  fhould  fo  c 
fnare  and  entangle  me  with  their  arguments,  which  they  bring 
for  the  maintenance  of  works  againft  Faith,  that  I  fliould  know 
no  way  how  to  winde  my  fclfe  cut,  C  which  notwithftanding  it  is 
impoITible  for  them  to  do,)  yet  will  I  rather  give  reverence  and  cre 
dit  to  Cbrift  alone,  then  beperfwaded  with  all  the  places  they  are 
able  to  s  Hedge  for  the  eftablifhing  of  the  rightcoufoefle  of  works 
againft  the  dodrins  of  Faith. 

Wherefore,  they  muft  be  (imply  and  plainly  anfwered  after  this 
manner  :  Here  isChrift,  there  are  the  teftimonies  of  the  Scripture 
touching  the  law  and  works.  ,Now,  Chrift  is  the  Lord  of  the  Scrip 
ture  and  of  all  works.  He  alfo  is  Lord  of  I  kaven,  the  earth,  the  Sab 
bath,  the  temple,  rightcoumefir,  life,  wrath,  finnc,  death,  andgcnc- 

S  3  ^ 

Chap.  III.  fpen  ;£*  E  P  i  s  T  L  B 

$443.3,  rally  of  all  things  whatfocvcr.  And  T<i»/his  Apoftle  (hcweth  that  hs 
was  made  fin  and  became  accurfed  for  me.  1  hearc  then  that  I  could 
by  no  other  means  be  delivered  from  my  fin,  my  death  and  my  male 
diction,  but  by  Iris  death  and  bloud-fhedding.  Wherefore  I  conclude 
that  it  behoveth  Chrift  himlclfe  to  overcome  my  fmnc,  death  and 
malediction  in  his  own  body,  and  not  the  works  of  the  law  or  mine 
own  works.  And  hereunto  reafon  is  conftrained  to  yeeld  and  fay, 
that  Chrift  is  not  the  work  of  the  law,  or  my  work :  that  his  bloud 
and  death  is  not  circumcifion,  the  observation  of  the  ceremonies  of 
the  law,  and  much  lefife  a  Monks  cowle,  a  (haven  crown,  abftinence, 
vows  and  ftich  like.  Wherefore  if  he  be  the  price  of  my  redemption, 
if  he  be  made  fin  and  malediction  that  he  might  juftirie  me  and  blefls 
,  me  :  I  care  not  if  thou  bring  a  thoufand  places  of  the  Scripture  for  the 
rightcoufndle  of  works  againft  the  righteoufnefl;  of  faith,  and  cry 
out  never  fo  much,that  the  Scripture  is  againft  mc.I  have  the  Authour 
awl  Lord  of  the  Scripture  with  mc,on  whofc  fide  I  will  rather  ftand, 
thenbeleeve  all  the  rabkment  of  Law- workers  and  meritmongers. 
Albeit  it  isimpofliblc  that  the  Scripture  fliould  be  againft  this  do 
ctrine,  unlefle  it  be  among  the  fenflefle  and  obftinate  hypocrites:  but 
to  the  godly  and  fuch  as  have  understanding,  it  giveth  witneflfcfor 
Jefus  Chrill  his  Lord.  Seetherefbre  how  thou  canft  reconcile  the 
Scripture, which  thou  fayeft,is  againft  my  doflrinc.  As  for  me,I  will 
ftick  to  the  Authour  and  Lord  of  the  Scripture. 

Therefore  if  any  man  thinketh  bimfclfe  not  well  able  to  recon 
cile  fuch  places  of  the  Scripture,  or  anfwer  unto  the  fame  fuirici- 
ently,andyet  notwithftanding  is  conftrained  tohcarethc  objections 
and  cavillations  of  the  adverfaries,  let  him  anfwer  fimply  and 

APhi«8<:  plainely  after  this  fort :  Thou  fettcft  againft  me  thefervant,  that 
*s  to  ^»  tne  ^cripturc  and  that  not  wholly,  neither  yet  the  princi- 
pall  part  thereof,  but  onely  ccrtaine  places  as  touching  the  law 
an(*  wor^cs-  ^wt  I  comc  with  the  Lord  himfelfe,  who  is  above 
the  Scripture,  and  is  made  unto  me  the  merit  and  price  of  righ- 
teoufneflc  and  cverlafting  life.  On  him  I  lay  hold,  him  I  fticke 
to,  and  leave  works  unto  thec:  which  notwithftanding  thou  ne 
ver  diddeft.  This  folution  neither  the  devill  nor  any  Jufticiary 
can  ever  wrcft  from  thee  or  overthrow.  Moreover  thou  art  in  fafc- 
ty  before  God:  For  thy  heart  abidcth  fixed  in  the  object,  which 
is  called  C I] rift :  who.  was  nailed  to  the  Croils  and  accurfed,  not 


for  himfelfe,  but  for  us,  as  the  text  faith :  made  A  curfefir  us.  Hold  fad 
this,  and  lay  it  againft  all  the  fentenccs  of  the  law  and  works  what- 
foever,and  fay  :  doeft  thou  heare  this  Satan  ?  Here  he  muft  needs  give 
place,  for  he  knoweth  that  Chrift  is  his  Lord  and  mafter. 

Verfe  1 1 .  idnd  that  no  man  is  ittftifiedby  the  law  in  thefybt  ofGodjt  ii 
evident:  firthej»jl  fall  live  fyFtith. 

This  is  another  argument  grounded  upon  the  teftirnony  of  the 
Pfophet  Habacuck.  And  it  is  a  fentence  of  great  weight  and  autho 
rity,  which  Paul  fctteth  againft  all  the  fentenccs  touching  the  law 
and  works.  As  if  he  fhould  fay:What  need  we  any  long  deputation? 
Here  I  bring  forth  a  rnoft  evident  teftimony  of  the  Prophet,  a- 
gainft  the  which  no  man  can  cavill :  The  ]ttft  wan  fhmtt  live  by  faith. 
If  he  live  by  raith,then  he  liveth  not  by  the  law :  For  the  law  is  not  of 
faith.  And  here  <7Wexcludeth  works  and  the  law,as  things  contrary 
to  faith. 

The  Sophifters(as  they  are  alwaics  ready  to  corrupt  the  Scriptures) 
do  wrcft  and  pervert  this  place  after  this  manner.   The  iuft  man  doth 
live  bj  faith  :  that  is  to  fay,  by  a  working  faith,  or  formed  or  made  p' 
perfect  with  charity :  but  if  it  be  not  formed  with  charity, then  doth 
it  not  juQifie.This  glofle  they  themfclvs  have  forged,and  by  the  fame 
they  do  injury  to  the  words  of  the  Prophet,  if  they  did  call  this  for 
med  or  ftirniflicd  faith,  the  true  faith  which  the  Scripture  teacheth, 
this  their  glofie  ftiould  not  offend  me,  for  then  faith  fhould  not  be  fc- 
parated  from  charity,  but  from  the  vaine  opinion  of  faith:  As  weal- 
(b  put  a  difference  between  a  counterfeit  faith  and  a  true  faith.    The  «ncebe"- 
counterfeit  faith  is  that  which  hearcth  of  God,  of  Chrift,  and  of  ^w/a 
all  the  myfteries  cf  his  incarnation  and  out  redemption  :  which  faife faith, 
alfo  apprehendeth  and  beareth  away  thofe  things  which  it  hea- 
reth,  yea  and  can  talkc  goodly  thereof,  and  yet  there  remaineth 
nothing  elfe  in  the  heart,  but  a  naked  opinion  and  a  found  of  the 
Gofpcll :  For  it  neither  rencweth  nor  changeth  the  heart :  it  ma- 
keth  not  a  new  man,  but  leaveth  him  in  the  vanity  of  his  former 
opinion  and  convcrfation  ;  and  this  is  a  very  pernitious  faith.  The 
morall  Philofophcr  is  much  better,  then  the  hypocrite  having  fuch  a 

Wherefore,  if  they  would  make  a  dtftinftion  between  faith  for- 

S  4  med 

Chap.  III.  fyw  the  E  P  r  s  T  L  i 

med  ("  and  take  it  as  the  Scripture  takcth  it )  and  the  falfs  or  counter 
feit  faith,thcir  diftinftion  fhould  nothing  offl-nd  me.  But  they  fpcakc 
of  faith  formed  and  made  perfect  with  charity,  and  make  a  double 
faith,that  is  tofay,formed  and  unformed.  This  peftilent  and  devillidi 
glofle  I  utterly  detcft.  Althotigh(fay  they)  we  have  faith  infufcd,cal- 
pf  this  faith  led  (  Fidesinfifi  )  which  is  the  gift  of  the  holy  Ghodt.,  and  alfj  faith 
wS'iT.'1  gotten  by  our  owninduftry,  called  (  FMss  Aojttift* : )  yet  both  of 
reade  mote  them  lackc  their  forme  and  perfection,  which  is  charity,  and  are  for- 
ehaXfci1?  *i  mcc*  w*tl]  cnar^y*   This  is  to  prefer  charity  before  faith,and  to  attri- 
pa«!i.iinc*a!  bute  righteoufnelfejnot  to  fiith,but  to  charity.  Wherefore  when  they 
do  not  attribute  ri^hteoufliefl"^  to  faith,  but  only  in  refpccl:  of  charity, 
they  attribute  to  faith  nothing  at  all. 

Moreover,  thcfepcrverters  of  the  Gofpell  of  Chrift  do  teach  that 
even  that  faith  which  they  call  faith  infufed,  and  not  received  by  hea 
ring,  nor  gotten  by  any  working,  but  created  in  man  by  the  holy 
Ghoft,  may  ftand  with  deadly  fin,  and  that  the  worfe  men  may  have 
this  faith.  Thercforc,fay  they,  if  it  be  alone,  it  is  idle  and  utterly  un 
profitable.  Thus  they  take  from  faith  her  ofiice,and  give  it  nnto  cha 
rity:^  that  faith  is  nothing,except  charity  which  they  call  the  forme 
and  perfedioo  thereof,  be  /oyned  withall.  This  is  a  devillifh  and  a 
blafphemous  kind  of  doctrine,  which  utterly  defaccth  and  over- 
throweth  the  doftrineof  faith,and  carrieth  a  man  cleane  from  Chrift 
the  mediatour,  and  from  faith,  which  is  the  hand  and  onely  meanc 
whereby  we  apprehend  him.  For  if  charity  be  the  forme  and  pcr- 
fcftion  of  faith  £  as  they  dreame  )  tben  am  I  by  and  by  conftraincd  to 
fay,that  charity  is  the  principal!  part  of  Chrift  ian  Religion,  and  fo  I 
lofe  Chri(t,his  bloud,and  all  his  benefits,  and  now  I  rcfr  altogether  in 
a  morall  doing,  even  as  the  Pope,  the  heathen  Philofophcr,  and  the 

But  the  holy  Ghoft  which  givcth  to  all  men  both  mouth  and 

tongue,knoweih  how  tofpcake.  He  could  have  faid,  (astheSophi- 

fters  do  wickedly  imagine:)  The  righteous  mnn   (hsll  live  by 

*rj»e  formed  faith  formed  snd  beautified  or  made  perfect  by  charity.    Bat  this 

Jaithoftbc   hc  omittcth  of  purpofe,  and  faith  plainely  :   The  righteous  man  /*'• 

Scboolcmcn          .     .          .   .         r      r        '  t  •/  A 

veth  bj  faith.  Let  thele  doitifh  Sopmfters  go  therefore,  with  this 
their  wicked  and  psUilent  gloffc.  We  will  Hill  hold  and  cxtollthhi 
faith,  v;hich  God  himfelfe  bath  called  faith,  that  is  to  fay,  a  true  and 
a  cerrainc  faith,  which  doubteth  notofCio^  nor  of  his  prosnifes9 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s.  Fol.i3  j 

nor  of  the  forgivcneffc  of  fins  through  Chrift,that  we  may  dwell  furc 
andftfeinthisourobj.rttChrift,  and  may  keep  ftill  before  our  eyes 
the  paflion  and  bloud  of  our  Mediatour  and  all  his  bcnefits.Now,f  aith 
alone  which  layeth  hold  upon  Chrift,  is  the  only  mcane  that  wefuf-  Faithon€l- 
for  cioi  tbefc  benefits  to  be  taken  out  of  our  fight.  Wherforc,re;edting  withhold 
this  pellilent  gloffe,  we  muft  underQand  this  place  of  faith  only  and  °JchliLt- 
alone.  And  this  .r>*Whimf:lfe  declareth,  when  he  rcafoneth  againft 
faith  formed  with  charity,  after  this  fort. 

Verfc  12.  *And  the  law  it  not  of  faith. 

The  Schooiemen  fay  :  The  righteous  man  doth  live,  if  his  faith  be 
formed  and  adorned  with  charity.  But  contrariwife  P^/faith :  The 
law  «  not  of  faith.  But  what  is  the  law  ?  Is  it  not  alfo  a  commande- 
mcn  touching  charity  ?  Yea,  the  law  commandeth  nothing  elic  J^X 
feiit  charity,  as  we  may  fee  by  the  text  it  felfe  :  Thou  /halt  love  the  love. 
Lordthj  Cjo^mthallthyfoule.&c.  Againe:  Shewing  mercy  untothott-  '%**?' 
finds  that  love  him  and  keete  hucomntAndements.    Alfo  :  In  thefetwo  Ex«dv>.£. 
c»mm*ndements  confifteth  the  /atv  and  thf'praphets.    If  the  law  then, 
that  commandeth  chanty  be  contrary  to-  faith,  it  muft  needs  follow, 
that  charity  is  not  of  faith.    So  Paul  plaincly  confuteth  thatglofls 
which  the  Sophifters  have  forged,  touching  their  formed  faith, 
and  fpcaketh  oncly  of  faith,  as  it  is  feparatc  from  the  law.  Now,the 
law  bein"  fcparate  and  fet  apart,  charity  is  alfo  fet  apart,with  all  that 
belongctn  to  the  law,  and  faith  oncly  is  left,  which  juftifieth  and 
quicknethtocvcrlaftinglife.     . 

'Paul  therefore  rcafoneth  here  out  of  a  plain  teftimony  of  the  Pro 
phet  :  that  there  is  none  which  obtaineth  juftification  and  life  before 
God,but  the  belccving  man,  who  obtaineth  righteoufnefife  and  ever- 
lafting  life  without  the  law  and  without  charity ,by  faith  alone,  the  3,"°  "JJJ, 
reafon  is,  bccaufc  the  law  is  not  of  faith:  that  is,  the  law  is  not  faith, 
or  any  thing  belonging  to  faith,  for  it  belceveth  not ;  neither  are  the 
works  ef  the  law  faith,  nor  yet  of  faith:  therefore  faith  is  a  thing 
much  d  faring  from  the  law,  like  asthepromifeisatbingmuch  dif-  thatnie- 
fcring  from  the  law.Vorthepromife  is  not  apprehended  by  working, 
but  by  brlceviag.  Yet  there  is  as  great  a  difference  between  the  pro- 
mifc  and  the  law.and  coniequently  between  faith  and  works ,as  there 
is  dift-incc  between  heaven  and  earth. 

It  isimpofliblc  therefore,  that  faith  (hould  be  of  the  law.    For 
faith  only  reftcth  in  thcpromife,  it  only  apprehendcth  and  knowcth 



God,  and  ftandcth  only  in  receiving  good  things  of  God.  Contrari- 
wife  the  law  and  works  confift  in  exading,  in  doing,  and  in  giving 
unto  (Sod.  As  Abel  offering  his  iacrifice,giveth  unto  God :  but  he  be- 
leeving  receiveth  of  God.  Paul  therefore  concltideth  mightily  out  of 
that  place  of  Habacucl(,  that  the  righteous  man  liveth  by  faith  alone. 
The  la*.     "For  the  law  in  no  wife  belongeth  unto  faith,  becaufe  the  law  is  not 
Faith,        the  promife.  But  faith  reft eth  only  upon  the  prom ifc.    Wherefore 
as  there  is  a  difference  between  the  law  and  the  promife :  (b  is  there 
alfo  bet  ween  works  and  faith.  That  glcflc  therefore  of  the  Schoole- 
tnen  is  falfe  and  wicked,  which  joyneth  the  law  and  faith  together, 
yea  rather  it  quencheth  faith,  and  fetteth  the  law  in  the  place  of 
faith.  And  here  note,  that  P Walwayes  fpeaketh  of  fuch  as  would  do 
the  law  morally ,and  not  according  to  the  Scripture.  But  whatfoever 
is  faid  of  fuch  good  works  as  the  Scripture  requireth,  the  fame  is  at 
tributed  to  faith  alon?. 

Ver  fe  1 3.     But  the  mdn  that  flail  do  thofe  thivgs  flail  live  In  them. 
P*«/here  goeth  about  to  ihcw  what  is  the  very  true  righteoufnes 
The  righte-  of  the  law  and  of  the  Gofpell.  The  rigbteoufnes  of  the  law  is  to  fulfill 
tnc  ia  w,according  to  that  faying  :  He  that  flail  do  thofe  things  flail  live 
j»  them.lhc  rightdoufncs  of  faith  is  to  beleeve,  according  to  that  fay- 
ing :  The  righteous  man  doth  live  by  faith.  The  law  therefore  requireth 
that  we  fhould  yecldfome  what  unto  God.    But  faith  requireth  no 
works  of  us,  or  that  we  (hould  give  any  thing  unto  God,  but  that 
te        wc  oclecvin§ tnc  Proi™fe  of  God,  {liquid  receive  of  him.    Therefore 
ndoffi  the  office  of  the  law  is  to  work,  as  the  office  of  faith  is  to  aflent  un 
to  the  promifes.  For  faith  is  the  faith  of  the  promife,  and  the  work  is 
the  work  of  the  law.    /^/therefore  ftandcth  upon  this  wcrd  '7)0- 
ing:  jnd  that  he  may  plainly  fhcw,  what  is  the  confidence  of  the  law, 
and  what  is  the  confidence  of  works,  he  compareth  the  one  with  the 
other,the  promife  with  thelaw,and  faith  with  works.  He  faith,  that 
of  the  law  there  cometh  nothing  elfe  but  only  doing  :  but  faith  is  a* 
clcanc  contrary  thing,  namely,  that  which  aflcntcth  to  the  promife, 
and  layeth  hold  upon  it. 

Tiie&  foure  things  therefore  muft  be  perfedly  diftinguifhed. 
c'  for  as  the  law  hath  his  proper  office,  fo  hath  the  promife.   To  the 
lccd  (V  mul!  *aw  Pcrta^nctn  ^°^ng>  a"d  f o  t he  prcmifc-jbeJeeving.    Wherefore,  as 
ihed, 10  ""  far  as  thc  law  ancl  ins  ptomifi  are  frparate  afunder,  fo  far  alfo 
are  doing  and  bckeving-  By  the  which  diftindion  ^///here  goeth 


To  the  GA  LATHIANS.  Fo!.l?4 

about  to  feparatc  charity  from  faith,  and  totcaeh  that  charity  jufti- 
fieth  not,  becaufe  the  law  worketh  or  hclpeth  nothing  tojuftifica- 
tion.  Faith  alone  therefore  j\iftifieth  and  quickneth  :  and  yet  it  ftand-  Faith  is  net 
eth  not  alone,  that  is  to  fay,  it  is  not  idle,albcit  that  in  her  degree  and  'dle- 
office  it  ftandeth  alone.  Ye  fee  the  caufe  then  why  Paul  here  alledgeth 
this  place,namely  that  he  may  feparate  faith  and  charity  far  afundcr. 
Fie  upon  the  Sophifters  therfore  with  their  curfed  glofl>  and  their 
blind  diftinclion  of  faith  formed  and  unformed.  For  thefenevy  for-  J,f«/JZ.*" 
gcd  termeSjfaith  f  orm?d,faith  unformed,  faith  gotten  by  mans  indu- 
ftry,and  fuch  like,  are  very  monfters  devifed  by  the  devill,to  no  other  ™rmc° 
end  but  to  deface  anddeftrcy  the  true  Chriftian  doftrine  and  faith,  vfedby 
to  blafphcme  and  tread  Chrift  under-foot,  and  to  ftablilh  the  righce-  '[)apl  *' 
oufnefle  of  works.  Indeed  works  muft  follow  faith,  but  faith  nmft 
not  be  works,  or  worksfaith  ;  but  the  bounds.and  the  kingdoms  of 
the  law  or  works,  and  of  faith  muft  be  rightly  diftinguifhed  the  one 
from  the  other. 

When  we  beleeve  therefore,  we  live  only  by  faith  in  Chrift,  who 
is  without  fin,  who  is  alfb  our  mercy- feate  and  remifllon  of  fins. Con- 
trariwifc,  when  weobfervethelaw,  we  work  indeed,  but  we  have 
no  righteoufnefle  nor  life.    For  the  office  of  the  law  is  not  to  juftifie  thc  lawt 
and  givelife,but  to  fliew  forth  finne^and  to  deftroy.   Indeed  the  law 
faith  :  He  that {hatt  do  thefe  things,  fall  live  in  them.    But  where  is  he 
which  doth  the  law:that  is,which  loveth  God  with  all  his  hearr,3nd 
his  neighbour  as  bimfclf?  Therefore  no  man  doth  the  law,  and  al 
though  he  go  about  to  do  it  never  fo  much :  yet  in  doing  it  he  doth  it  The  office 
not :  therfore  he  abideth  under  thc  curfe.  But  faith  worketh  not,but  of  faith- 
beleeveth  in  Chrift  the  juftifier.  Therefore  a  man  liveth  not  be- 
caufc  of  his  doing,  but  becaufe  of  his  believing.    But  a  f  aithfull  man 
performeth  thc  law,  and  that  which  he  doth  not,  is  forgiven  him 
through  the  remiflion  of  fins  for  Chrifts  fake,  and  that  which  is  re 
maining  is  not  imputed  unto  him. 

Px«/thcreforc  in  this  place,and  in  the  i  oth  Chap,  to  the  Romanes, 
comparcth  thc  righteoufnefle  of  thc  law  and  of  faith  together, 
where  he  faith  :  He  that  Jball  do  thofe  things,  fiatt  live  in  them.    As 
though  he  would  fay :  it  were  indeed  a  goodly  matter  if  we  could  «Chrmth«} 
accomplish  the  law:  but  bccaufe  no  man  doth  it,  we  muft  flic  end  of  the 
unto  Chrift,  *^«  it  the  end  of  the  law  to  righteoufnefle  to  every  ^,.t04) 
vnc  th*t  beleeveth.     Hee  Was-  made,  tinder  the   Jaw,    that  he  might 

rt deems 

Chap.III.  rpon  tit  EPISTLE 

redeeme  tu  tb*t  were  under  the  Uw.  Bclccving  in  him  we  receive  the 
holy  Ghoft,  and  we  begin  to  do  the  law :  and  that  which  we  do  not, 
J's  not  imputed  unto  us  becaufe  of  our  faith  in  Chrift.  But  in  the  life 
to  come  we  fball  no  more  have  need  of  faith.  For  then  we  (hall  not 
fee  darkcly  through  a  glafls  ( as  we  now  do  )  but  we  (hall  fee  face 
to  face:  that  is  to  fay,  there  fhail  be  a  moft  glorious  brightncs  of  the 
eternall  Majefty,  in  which  we  (ball  fee  God  even  as  he  is.  There 
fhall  be  atrus  and  a  perfect  knowledge  and'love  of  God,  a  perfect 
light  of  reaion  and  a  good  will :  not  fuch  a  morall  and  philofophicall 
will  as  the  PopifhSchoolcmendrcameof,  but  an  heavenly,  divine, 
and  eternall  will.  Herein  the  meanetimc,in  fpirit  by  faith, we  looke 
for  the  hope  of  righteoufneflc.  Contrariwife,they  that  fcek  for  righ- 
tcoufnefk  of  fins  by  the  law  and  not  by  Chrift,  do  never  performe  the 
law,but  abide  under  the  curie. 

PWtherefbrc  calleth  them  oncly  righteous,  which  arcjuftified 
t«      tnrou§h  the  promife,  or  through  faith  in  the  promife  without  the 
Paul  caiicth  law.Wherefore,they  that  are  of  the  works  ofthelaw,and  willfcemc 
rghtcous.    to  do  the  law,do  it  not.  For  the  Apoftle  generally  concludeth,that  all 
they  which  are  of  the  works  of  the  law,  arc  under  the  curfe  :  under 
the  which  they  fhould  not  be,  if  they  fulfilled  the  law.   1  ndeed  it  is 
true,  that  a  man  doing  the  works  of  the  law,  Iliall  live  in  them,  that 
*  doubieufe  is,(hall  be  bkflcd :  but  fuch  a  one  cannot  be  found.  Now  feeing  there 
of  UK  Jaw.    is  a  double  ufe  of  the  law,  the  one  politick,  and  the  other  fplrituall, 
he  that  will  underftand  this  fentence  civilly.may  do  it  after  this  fort: 
He  that  fiatt  do  tbofc  things /kali  live  in  them  :  that  is,  if  a  msn  obey  ths 
magiftrate  outwardly  and  in  the  politick  governmcnt3he  (hall  avoide 
puniflimcntand  death:  For  then  the  civill  magiftrate  hath  no  power 
over  him.  This  is  the  politick  ufc  of  the  law,  whichfervethtobridk 
thofe  that  arc  rude  and  untraclable.   But  Paul  here  fpeaketh  not  of 
this  ufc,  but  entrcateth  of  this  place  like  a  Divine  :  therefore  there  is 
a  condition  neceflarily  included.    As  if  he  faid  :  If  men  cculd  keep 
thclaw,they  faould  be  happy.    But  where  are  they  ?  They  arc  not 
therefore  doers  of  the  law,  except  they  be  juftitied  before  and  With- 
-out  the  law,through  faith. 

Wherefore,  when  Paul  curfeth  and  condcmneth  thofi  which 
are  of  the  works  of  the  law,  hcfpeakcth  notof  fuchas  arc  juftified 
through  faith,  but  of  fuch  as  go  about  to  be  juftified  by  workes, 
without  faith  in  Chrift:  This  I  fay,  left  any  man  fhould  folio w 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  FoJ.i 3  ? 

the  fond  imagination  of  Jerome  whs  being  deceived  by  Origcn,  under- 
flood  nothing  at  all  in  Paul,  but  tookc  him  as  a  mecrc  civill  Lawyer. 
Hereupon h  ereafoncth  after  this  manner :'  The  holy  Patriarkcs,  Pro- 
phets  and  Kings  were  circumcifcd  and  offered  facrifice  :  therefore 
they  observed  the  law.   But  it  were  a  wicked  thing  to  fay,  that  they 
arc  under  the  curfe :  therefore  all  they  that  arc  of  the  works  of  the  law  b 
are  not  under  the  curfe.  Thus  he  fetteth  himfelf  againft  Paul  without  f 
all  judgment.making  no  difference  bet  ween  the  true  doers  of  the  law  fr 
juftified  by  faith,  and  thofe  v  vor  kers  which  fcek  to  be  juftified  by  the 
law,  without  faith. 

But  Pa*t  fpcaketh  here  nothing  againft  thofe  that  are  juftified  by 
faith,  and  are  true  doers  of  the  law  indeed,  for  they  are  not  of  the 
works  of  the  law :  but  againft  thofc  which  not  only  do  not  kecpc  the 
law,  but  alfb  fin  againft  the  fame.  For  the  law  commandcth  that  we 
(hould  fearc,  love  and  worftiip  God  with  a  true  faith.  This  they  doe 
not,but  choofe  out  new  kinds  of  worfhip  and  works  which  were  ne-  ypoc 
ver  commanded  of  God,  by  the  which  God  is  not  pacified,  but  more 
provoked  to  angcr,according  to  that  faying :  They  Veorfhiy  me  in  vaine 
With  the  cotwnandement*  of  men.  Therefore  they  are  full  of  impiety,  re 
bels  againftGod  and  Idolaters,finning  grievoufly  againft  the  firft  com- 
mandement  above  all  the  reft.  Moreover,  they  arc  full  of  wicked  con- 
cupifcence,  wrath  and  other  great  paflions.  Briefly,  there  is  no  good 
thing  in  them,  but  that  outwardly  they  would  fecmc  to  be  righteous 
and  to  accomplilli  the  law. 

So  we  alfo  which  arc  Juftified  by  faith ,  as  were  the  Patriarkes, 
Prophets  and  all  the  Saints,  arc  not  of  the  workcs  of  the  law,  as 
concerning  /unification.  But  in  that  we  arc  in  the  flefh,  and  have 
as  yet  the  remnants  of  finnc  in  us,  wee  are  under  the  hw,  and  yet 
not  under  the  curfe,  becaufc  the  remnants  of  finnc  are  not  imputed 
unto  us  for  Chrifts  fake,  in  whom  vvebelcevc.  For  the  fiefh  is  an 
enemy  unto  God,  and  that  concupifccncc  which  yet  remaineth  in 
us,  not  only  fulfilleth  not  the  law,  but  alfo  finneth  againft  the  fame, 
rebelling  againft  us  and  leading  us  captive  into  bondage,  Rom.-j.  [^'™1tah"t£ ct 
Now,  if  the  law  be  not  fulfilled  in  the  Saints,  but  that  many  things  sai 
arc  done  in  them  contrary  to  the  law,  if  cvill  concupifcence  and  the  ^ 
remnants  of  finnc  arc  yet  remaining  in  them,  which  doc  fo  hinder  w 
them  that  they  cannot  fcare  and  love  God,  they  cannot  call  upoti 
God  with  aflfurcd  truft,  they  cannot  praifo  God  and  reverence 


Chap,  III.  VfOfl  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  H 

bis  word  as  they  fbould  do :  much  more  is  this  true  in  a  man  which  is 
not  yet  juftificd  by  faith,  but  is  an  enemy  unto  God,  and  with  all  his 
heart  defpifeth  and  hateth  the  word  and  worke  of  God.  Y c  fee  then 
thatTWfpcaketh  hereof  luch  as  will  fulfill  the  law,  and  be  juftified 
thereby,  although  they  have  not  yet  received  faith,and  not  of  the  Fa 
thers  and  Saints  (as  Jerome  imagineth)  which  arc  juftified  by  faith  al 

Vcrfcij.  ChiflhatkreAeernedusfromthecurfeoftbelavf,^cihenkeWM 
made  a  curfe  for  HS.(For  it  is  Written.:  Cnr(eci  is  every  one  that 
hanaeth  on  A  tree.) 

Here  againc  Jerome,  and  the  Popifh  Sophifters  which  follow  him, 
out  arc  much  troubled,  and  miferably  rackc  this  moft  comfortable  place, 
'  's  Peking,  as  they  would  ieeme,  with  a  godly  zeal  to  turn  away  this  re- 
proach  fromChrift,that  he  fliould  be  called  a  curfe  or  execration.Thcy 
foift  °&  tnis  Sentence  after  this  manner  :   that  Paul  fpake  not  here  in 
.good  earncft :  and  thcrfore  they  moft  wickedly  am'rmrthat  the  Scrip 
ture  in  P**/agrceth  not  with  it  felf.  And  this  they  proovc  after  this 
manner :  The  fentcnce  (fay  they  )  ofMtfes,  which  7^«/herc  allead- 
gcth.fpcakcth  not  of  Chrilt.Morcover  this  generall  claiifeQv^/fo-wr] 
•which  TWalledgcth,  is  not  added  in  Mofes.  Again,  P^w/emitteth 
this  word  fofgodT\  which  is  in  Moftj*  To  conclude,  it  is  evident  e- 
nough,  that  Mofes  ipeaketh  of  a  thecfe  or  a  malefadour,  which  by  his 
cvill  deeds  had  dcferved  the  gallows,  as  the  Scripture  plainly  witnef- 
fcth  in  the  2i.Chap.ofZ)<r»/.  Therefore  they  askethis  qucftion,  how 
this  fentencc  may  be  applied  to  Chrift,  that  he  is  accurfed  of  God  and 
hanged  upon  a  tree,  ieeiogthat  he  is  no  makfadcur  or  theef,but  righ 
teous  and  holy?  This  may  perad venture  move  the  fimple  and  ignorant, 
thinking  that  the  Sophiftcrs  doc  fpeake  it,  not  only  wittily,  but  alfo 
\cry  godly,and  thereby  do  defend  the  honour  and  glory  of  Chrift,and 
give  warning  to  all  Chriftiansto  beware  that  they  thinkc  not  Ib  wic 
kedly  of  Chrift,  that  he  fliould  be  made  a  curfe,  &c.  Let  us  fee  there 
fore  what  the  meaning  and  purpofcof  Faults. 

Ttoseiauf«       But  here  againe  we  muft  make  a  diftinftion,  as  the  words  of 
"fTalSand  Par*l  doe  plainely  fhcw.    For  he  faith  not,  that  Chrift  was  made  a 
fui  of  power.  €Urfe  for  himfelfe ,  but  for  us.     Therefore  all  the  weight  of  the  mat 
ter  ftandeth  in  this  word,  For  M.    For  Chrift  is  innocent  as  con 
cerning  his  owneperfon,  and  therefore  he  ought  not  tohavebeenc 


To  the  G  A  i  A  T  H  i  A  N  sT  Fol.135 

hanged  on  a  tree  :  but  bccaufe,  according  to  the  law  of  cflfa/fcr,  every  r,  „ 

c  i   c  A  L    L  J°L       r        ^>L   -n.     i/  7  Chnfltookc 

thcef  and  malefactor  ought  to  be  hanged,thererore  Chrilt  aJ(o,  accor-  upon  him 
ding  to  the  la  wought  to  be  hanged,for  he  fuftaincd  the  perfbn  of  a  fin- 
ncr  and  of  a  thce^not  of  onc,but  of  all  finners  and  thecves.  For  we  are  greffb 
finners  and  thceves,and  therefore  guilty  of  death  and  everlafting  dam- 
nation.  But  Cbrift  took  all  our  fins  upon  him,  and  for  them  died  upon  banged 
the  croflc  :  thct  fore  it  behoved  that  he  ftiould  become  a  tranfgreflour, 
and  (as  Efay  the  Prophet  faith,  Ch.$  3.)  to  lie  reckoned  and  accounted  a- 
mong  tranfgreffours  and  trefyaffors. 

And  this  (no  doubt)  all  the  Prophets  didfbre-fecinfpint,  that 
Chrift  (hould  become  the  grcateft  tranfgreflour,  murthercr,  adul- 
tcrcr,  thcefe,  rebcll  and  blafphemcr,  thac  ever  was  or  could  be  in 
all  the  world.     For  he  being  made  a  facrifice  for  the  finnes  of  the 
whole  world,  is  not  now  an  innocent  perion  and  without  (ins,  is  t>«e  the 
notnowthcSonneofGod,  borne  of  the  Virgin  Marie  :  but  a  fin-^"° 
ncr,  which  hath  and  carrieth  the  of  Pauly  who  was  a  blaC- 
phemcr,  an  oppreflbur  and  a  pcrfccator  :  of  Peter,  which  denied 
Chrift  :  of  David,  which  was  an  adulterer,  amurtbcrerjandcaufedE/i/.jj.j. 
the  Gentiles  to  blafpheme  the  name  ofthe  Lord  :  and  briefly ,which 
hath  and  beareth  all  the  (nines  of  all  men  in  his  bodie :  not  that  he 
hioifelf  c  commited  them  ,  but  for  that  he  received  them  being  com 
mitted  or  done  of  us,   and  laid  them  upon  his  owne  body,  that  he 
might  make  fatisfaftion  for  them  with  hisownc  bloud.     Therefore 
this  gcncrafl  fentence  of  Mofes  comprehcndeth  him  alfo  (  albeit  in 
hisownc  perfon  he  was  innocent)  bccaufc  it  found  him amongft 
finners  and  tranfgreilburs  ;  Like  as  the  Magiftrate  taketh  him  for  a 
thecf,  and  punifaeth  him  whom  he  findeth  among  other  theevcs  and 
tranfgrcflburs,  though  hcc  never  committed  any  thing  worthy  of 
death.   Now,Chrift  was  not  only  found  amongft  finners,  but  of  his 
own  accord  and  by  the  will  of  his  Father  he  would  alfo  be  a  compa*- 
nion  of  finners,  taking  upon  him  the  flefa  and  bloud  of  chofc  which 
were  (inner*,  theevcs  and  plunged  in  all  kinds  of  fin.    When  the  law 
therefore  found  him  among  theeves  it  condemned  and  killed  him  as  a 

The  Popifh  Sophifters  doe  fpoilc  us  of  this  knowledge  of 

,*->!_    -n.          \  fL  r  i         i_         /->i     -A  moduiesfoj. 

Chrilt  and  molt   heavenly  comfort,  (namely  that  Chrilt  was'owtb«do< 
made  a  curfc,   that  he  might  deliver  us  from  thccurfcofthelaw) 
when  they  feparatc  him  from  firmes  and  fmncrs  ,   and  pnely  fet 


Chap.  III.  yfon  the  Ev  i  *v  LE 

him  cut  unto  us  as  an  example  to  be  followed.    By  this  mcancs  they 
make  Chrift,  not  only  unprofitable  unto  us,  but  alfb  a  Judge  and  a  ty- 
be  wrapped  rant,  \vhich  is  angry  with  our  fins,  and  condcmneth  finncrs.    But  we 


as  muft  as  we^  wraP  Chrift,and  know  him  to  be  wrapped  in  our  fins,  in 
«n  but  ftrfh  our  makdi&ion,  in  our  death,  and  in  all  our  evils,  as  he  is  wrapped  in 
a*  Mood.  ourflcfoaaciinourbloud. 

But  fome  man  will  fay  :  It  is  very  abfurd  and  fianderous^to  call  the 
{on  of  God  a  curfed  (inner.!  anfwer:if  thou  wilt  deny  him  to  be  a  fin- 
nsr  and  to  be  accurfed,  deny  alfo  that  he  was  crucified  and  died.  jFor 
it  is  no  Icfle  abfurd  to  fay,  that  the  Sonnc  of  Gcd  (  as  our  faith  confcf- 
feth  and  bclccveth)  was  crucified  and  fuffjred  the  paincs  of  finne  and 
death,  then  to  fay,  that  he  is  a  finner  and  accurfed.  But  ifit  be  not  ab- 
chnft  ?s  ^ur<^  to  coBfcfi6  and  belccve,  that  Chrift  was  crucified  between  two 
made  a  tbcevcs,  tben  is  it  not  abfurd  to  fay  alfo  that  he  was  accurfed  and  of 
a^  ^nncrs  tnc  greatcft.  Thefe  words  of  'Paul  are  not  fpokcn  in  vaine  : 
C^ifi  V?M  made  a  curfefor  tu.  Cjodwadc  Ckrift  Which  knew  no  Jin  He  to 
become  Cinne  {or  usy  that  Vfettt  him  might  be  mads  the  righteoufnes  of  Godt 
2  Ccr.5, 

After  the  fame  manner  Jtb*  the  Baptift  callcth  him,  The  Lambc  of 
fjodVohich  taketh  away  thejinnes  of  the  Vcorld.  He  verily  is  innocent,  be- 
faufehcisthcunfpottedandundcfiledlambeofGod.  But  becaulehc 
foeareth  the  {ins  of  the  world,  his  innocency  is  burdened  with  the  fins 
and  guilt  ot'thc  whole  world.Whatfoevcr  fins,I,thou,and  we  all  have 
mnfl  be"*  *'onc  or  ^a^  ^°  hereaftcr.thcy  are  Chrifts  own  finncs  as  verily  as  if  he 
himfelf  had  done  them.To  be  brief,our  fins  m'uft  needs  become  Chrifts 
e.  own  ^ns»oc  e^  wc  ^a^  Pcri^»  ^or  ever.Thio  true  kho  wlcdg  cf  Chrift, 
which  Paul  and  the  Prophets  have  moft  pi  lialy  delivered  uoto  us,thc 
wicked  Sophifters  havedarkned  and  defaced. 

Efiy  in  the  ^.Chapter  fpeaketh  thus  of  Chrift  :  Cod  ("faith  he) 
Uied  the  iniquity  of  tu  all  upon  him.  Wee  muft  not  make  thefe 
words  leffe  then  they  arc  :  but  leave  than  in  their  owne  proper 
T«hyfin"-  ^gnification.  For  God  dallieth  not  in  the  words  of  the  Prophet, 
but  fpeaketh  carneftly,  and  of  great  love  :  to  wit,  that  Chrift  this 
Lamt>e  °f  ^od  (hould  beare  the  lins  of  us  all.  But  what  is  it  to 
bearc  ?  The  Sbphiftcrs  anfwer,  to  be  punifhcd.  Very  well.  But 
wll«cforc  is  Chrift  puni(hcd  ?  It  is  not  bccaufe  he  hath  finne  and 
beareth  finne  ?  Now  that  Chrift  hath  finne,  the  holy  Ghoft  witnef- 
feth  jnthe40.P/2/ra?  ;  Ut-ly  Jittttet  have  taken  fah  ho  (don  me  ,  that 


Td  the  G  A  i  A  T  H  r  A  N  s. 

/  Am  ntM  to  looke  ufyjea  they  ^re  more  in  number  then  the  htircs  ofmj 
head.  In  this  Pfalmc  and  ccrrainc  others,  the  holy  Ghoft  fpeakcth  in 
the  pcrfon  of  Chrift,  and  in  plain  words  witncflcth,  that  he  had  fins. 
For  this  teftimony  is  not  the  voice  of  an  innocent,  but  of  a  futf  .ring 
Chrift,  which  took  upon  him  to  bcarc  the  pcrfon  ofall  (inners,  and 
therefore  was  made  guilty  of  the  fins  of  the  whole  world. 

Wherefore  Chrift  was  net  only  crucified  and  died,  hut  fin  alfo 
(through  the  love  of  the  divine  Majcfty)  was  laid  upon  him.  W  hen 
fin  was  laid  upon  him,thcn  cometh  the  la  w  and  faith  :  Every  finncr 
rrraft  die.  Thcrfore,O  Chnft,if  thou  wilt  anfwer, become  guilty,  ind 
fuflfcr  puni(hmentfor  finners,  thou  m  ift  alfo  bcarc  fin  and  maledicti 
on.  P**l  thcrfore  doth  very  well  allcdgc  this  gencrall  fcntence  out 
of  Utfofcs  as  concerning  Chrift  :  Every  one  that  hun^h  upon  the  tree 
it  tkt  tccurfed  of  god:  but  Chrift  hath  hanged  upon  the  trcc,thereforc 
Chrift  is  the  accurfcd  of  God. 

And  this  is  a  fingular  consolation  for  all  Chriftians,  foto  clothe 
Chrift  with  ourfinncs,  and  to  wrap  him  in  my  fumes,  thy  finncs 
and  in  the  fins  of  the  whole  world,  and  fo  to  *  behold  him  bearing  Jjjj;  lludetli 
all  our  iniquities.    For  the  beholding  of  him  after  this  manner,  (hall  totti  Bwia 
cafily  vanquifh  all  the  fantafticall  opinions  of  the  Papifts  conccr-  ^JJf?|  r 
ning  the  juftification  of  works.   For  they  do  imagine  (  as  I  have  the  p"pifl° 
faid  )  a  ccrtaine  faith  formed  and  adorned  with  charity.    By  this 
(  fay  they  )  fmncs  arc  taken  away,  and  men  are  juftificd  before  God. 
And  what  is  thisclfe  (I  pray  you)  but  to  unwrap  Chrift,  and  to 
"{trip  him  quite  out  of  our  fins,  to  make  him  innocent,  andtochargc 
and  oYcrwhclinc  our  fdvcs  with  our  own  finncs,  and  to  looke 
upon  them,  not  in  Chrift,  butinourfelvcs?  Yea,  what  is  thiselfc 
but  to  take  Chrift  clcaneaway,  and  to  make  him  utterly  unprofita 
ble  unto  us?  For  if  it  be  fothat  we  put  away  finnc  by  the  works 
of  the  law  and  charity,  then  Chrift  taketh  them  not  away.    For  if  "ykccnh",J£* 
hcbethc  Lambc  of  God,  ordained  from  everlafting  to  takeaway  alone, 
the  finncs  of  the  world  :  and  moreover,  if  he  be  i  j  wrapped  in  our 
finne s,  that  he  became  accurfed  for  us,  it  muft  needs  follow  that  we 
cannot  be  juftified  by  works.    For  God  hath  laid  our  finncs*  not 
upon  us,  but  upon  his  Sonnc  Chrift,  that  h«  bearing  the  punifh- 
mcnt  thereof,  might  be  our  peace,  and  that  by  his  ftripcs  we  might  B7MJ'5. 
be  healed.   Therefore  they  cannot  be  taken  away  by  us.   To  tnis 
all  the  Scripture  bcareth  witneffe  :  and  we  alfo  do  confefifc  the 

T  fame 

Chap* HI.  -.Vfcn  ffo'E-t  i  s  T  L  E 

fame  Jn  the  articles  of  the  Chriftian  beleef  e,  when  we  fay :  I  belccvs 
IK  J  dus  Chrift  the  Sonne  of  God,  which  fuflkrcd,  was  crucified  aad 
died  for  us.  •  . 

Hereby  itappcarcth  that  the  doftrine  of  the  Gofpdl  (  whicrrof  all 
other  is  moft  fwect  and  full  of  fingular  confohtion,)  (pcakcth  no 
thing  of  our  works  or  of  the  works  of  the  law,  but  of  the  ineftimablc 
ineixy  and  love  of  God  towards  us  -moft  wretched  and  miferable 
m- what      finners :  to  wit,  that  our  moft  mercifull  Father  fccipg  us  to  be  oprcf- 
KarVnc  rf  &d  ™&  overwhelmed  with  the  curfe  of  the  law,  and  fo  to  be  holden 
the  Gofpeii  under  the  fame,that  we  could  never  be  delivered  froaa  it  by  our  own 
power>fcnt  his  onely,  Sonne  into  the  world,and  laid  upon  him  all  the 
fins  of  all  men,  faying  :  Be  thcu./V/w  that  denier :  <7>4«/that  perfe- 
cuter,bhfphemer,and  cruell  opprcffour  :  'David  that  adulterer:  that 
(inner  which  did  eat  the  apple  in  Paradife:that  thcefe  which  hanged 
upon  the  croflfc :  and  briefly ,be  thou  the  perfon  which  hath  commit- 
ted  the  (ins  of  all  men:  See  therefore  that  thou  pay  and  fatisfic  for 
them.  Here  now  commcth  the  law  and  faith:!  find  him  a  finncr,and 
that  fuch  an  onc,as  hathtiaken  upon  him  the  fins  of  all  men,  and  I  fee 
no  fuis  clfc  but  in  him  :  therefore  let  him  die  upon  the  croflfe :  and  fo 
he  fctteth  upon  him,  and  killech  him.    By  thismeanes  the  whole 
world  is  purged  and  cienfed  from  all  finsjand  fo  delivered  from  death 
and  all  evils.  Now,  fin  being  vanquifhcd  and  death  abolh~hcd  by  this 
one  man,  God  would  fjc  nothing  eife  in  the  whole  \yorld,if  it  did 
beleevcjbut  a-mcere  ckapfing  andnghteouthes.An  j  if  any  remnants 
of  fin  ihould  remainc,  yet  for  the  great  glory  that  is  in  Chrift,  Goi 
Would  vvinckc  at  them  and  would  not  fee  them, 
of  juttificau-      Thus  we  muft  rmgnihe  the  article  of  Chriftian  righteoufneCfe  a- 
fl?annr1ghre"  gainft  the  rightconfiuiTsofthclaw  and  works:  albeit  no  eloquence 
outae^c,     js.  able .  furficiently  to  fet  forth  the  ind&imable  greatn<{T;  thereof. 
Wherefore- .the  argtLuent  that  7>a*ti  h.mdlcth  in  this  place,,  of  all 
other  ismoft  migh:y  againftall'thsrighteoufK-fleofthelavv..  Tor 
it  coniaineth  this  invincible  *  oppofition  :  that  is,  if  the  finnesof 
iWOTfe«P0'  l^c  whole  world  be  in  that  on:  man  Jcfus  Chrul,  then  are  they 
comparing    not  in  the  woild:   B  jt  if  they  be  net  in  hi. n,.  then  are  they  yet  iqthe 
vyorld-  AlfpJfChnu>bem'idc;ginjty  ofailthc.uanis  wlich.weaii 
J-kivecoaimittcd,  then  axe  we  delivered. 'fiom :  alliinnos,  but  not  by 
ouc  tlves,rnor  by  oar  own  wo:k$  or  m'.-riis,  but 'by  him.    But 
be  iiwocem  and  bearc  not  our  finnes,  then  doc  we  bear e 


Tfrthe  G  A  L  A  T'H  i  AN  s. 

Aeitl,and  in  them  we  fh'all  die  and  be  damned.  'But  thankes  be  to  (jod  iC*  57 
tyko  hath  given  us  vittorj  by  onr  Lordjefa  Ckrift.  Amen. 

But  now  let  us  tee  by  what  incancs  thefcrwo  things  fo  contra- 
ry<and  io  repugnant,  may  bs  reooncil^in  this^orispef^MlChrifl:'.-  .  ' 
Nwonly  -my  (MHOS  and  thine;  but  .  al£>  the fton'cs  of c  rite ;  wfiefs 
world ,cither  paft,  prcfent  of  to  come,  take  hold  upon  him,  go  about 
to  condemnc  him,  and  doc  indeed  condemnc  him.  Bat  beeaufc 
inthefelfc  famcperfon,  which  wthehighclt,  the  greatcft  and  the 
onely  fmncr,  there- is  a!fo  411  everlaftiog  and  invincible  rigfcte- 
oufnefle:  therefore  thcfet'^doencou.iterco^iwr;  the  higheftr; 
the  greatcft  and  the  oncly  fianc,  and  the  Highcft,  the  grcatcft;an«l  A 
th«  oncly  righteoufhcfls.  Here  one  of  thorn  muft  needs  be  ovcr^  i 
come  and  give  place  to  the  other,  feeing  they  fight  together  with  fo  «nti 
great  force  and  power.  The  finnc  therefore  of  the  whelc'vvorld 
cometh  upon  rif^hteoufnes  with  all  might  and  m«inc,Tn  this  eolnbat 
whacis  done?  Rightcoufacflc  is cverlafting,  immortall  and  invia-  Ri 
ciblc.  Sinnealfo  is  a  mod  mighty  and  crudl  tyrant,  ruling  and  reig- 
ning  over  the  whole  world,  fubduing  and  bringing  all  man  into 
bondage.  To  conclade,  finne  is  a  ftrong  and  a  mighty  god,  which 
dcvourcth  all  man-kinde,  learned,  unlearned,  holy,  mighty  and 
wife  men.  This  tyrant  (  I  fay)  fiieth  upon  Chrift,  and  will  needs 
fwollow  him  up,  as  he  doth  all  other.  But  he  fecth  not  that  he  is 
a  pcrfon  of  invincible  and  everiafting  rightcoufnsfle.  Therefore  in 
this  combat  finnc  muft  needs  be  vanquifhcd  and  killed,  and  rightc- 
oufnefle  muft  overcome,  live  and  rcigne.  So  in  Chrift  ail  fin  is  van- 
quifhed,  killed  and  buried,  and  righteoLifneflfc  rcmaincth  a  conquc- 
rour  and  rcigneth  for  ever. 

In  like  manner,  death,  which  is  an  omnipotent  Qjicnc  and  The  com- 
Empcreffc  of  the  whole  world,killing  Kings,  Princes,and  generally  ^/e^t 
all  mcn,doth  mightily  encounter  with  life,  thinking  utterly  to  over-  anddc«b. 
come  it  and  to  fwollow  it  up  :  and  that  which  it  goeth  about,  it 
bringcth  to  paffc  indeed.   But  beeaufc  life  was  immortall,  there-  Life 
.jprc  when  it  was  overcome,  yet  did  it  overcome  and  get  the  rifto- 
ry,  vanquifhing  and  killing  death.   Death  therefore  through  Chrift: 
is  vanquithcd  and  abolifhcd  throughout  the  whola  world,  fo  that 
now  it  is  but  a  painted  death,  which  lofing  his  fting,  can  no  more 
hurtthofe  that  belecvc  in  Chrift,  who  is  become  the  death  of  death, 
as  Hojctt  the  Prophet  faith :  O  dtttk  I  Wi//  k  thy  dtttb. 

T  a  So 

Chap,  flL  Yfon  /^EPISTLE 

So  the  curfs,  which  is  the  wrath  of  God  upon  the  whole  wwld, 
(    hath  the  like  conflict  with  the  blefllng:that  is  to  fay  ,  with  grace  and 

whh  the  We.  the  cternall  mercy  of  God  in  Chrift.  The  curfe  therefore  fightcth  a* 
gainft  thcblefiing,and  would  condemn  it  and  bring  it  to  nought;but 
it  cannot  fo  do.  tor  the  blcfllng  is  divine  and  cvcrlpfting,and  there 
fore  the  curf«  muft  necdes  give  place.  Eoc  if  the  blefiing  in  Chrift 
is  the  could  be  ovcrcomc,thcn  fhould  God  himfdfc  alfo  be  overcome*  But 
r*"s  IS  irop0^6  :  thcrforc  Chrift  the  power  of  God,rightcouCic{fr, 
bl«fliag,gracc.  and  lirc,overcommeth  and  deftroycth  thefc  monftcrs, 
fin,dcath  and  the  curfc,without  warrc  or  weapons  in  his  own  body, 
and  in  himfelfc,  as  Pvtl  dclighteth  to  fpeakc  :  Spot/in?  (faith  he)  *// 
CoAi.ij,  frirttip  >4/iti(j  And  powers,  and  triumphing  over  them  in  himfelj^t  fothat 
they  cannot  any  more  hurt  thofc  that  do  bclccvc. 

And  this  circurnftancc,  In  himfelft,  maketh  that  combat  much 
ft  more  wonderfull  and  glorious.  For  it  flicwcth  that  it  was  nccefia- 
ry,  that  thcf«  ineftimablc  things  Should  be  accomplifhed  in  that 
oneoncly  perfon  Chrift,  (toyvit*  that  the  curfe,  finne  and  death 
ihould  bcdcftroyed,.  and  the  blefllng,  rightcoufneffe  and  lire  Qiould 
fuccccd  in  their  place  )  and  that  fo  the  whole  creature  through  this 
««a  onc  Pcr*on  iViould  be  renewed.  Therefore  if  thoulookc  upon  this 
aboi,-  pcrfon  Chrift,  thoufhalt  fee  fin,  death,  the  wrath  ofGodjhell,  the 
^YCU  and  all  evils  vanquiuScd  aod  mortified  in  him.  Forasmuch 
then  as  Chrift  rcigncthby  his  grace  in  the  hearts  of  the  fa  ithfull, 
there  is  death,  no  curfc  :  but  where  Chrift  is  not  knownc, 
there  alhhefe  things  do  ftill  remainc.  Therefore  all  they  which  bc- 
lecvc  not,  do  hckc  rfiit  ineftimablc  benefit  and  glorious  victory. 
F«r  tku  (  as  S.John  faith  )  «  ottr  vitttry  th*t  ovtrcomcthth*  Vtorid, 
zvtn  ortrfMtb. 

This  is  the  principle  article  of  ail  Chriftian  docTtine,  which 
They  AM    tlic  Popifh  Schoekmen  hate  altogether  darkened  .  And  here  ye  fee 
feth""  n°wneccfiary  a  thing  it  istobelccve  and  to  confefTc  the  article  of 
ity  of  the  Divinity  of  Chrift  :  which  when  Arrlm  denied,  he  muft  needs 
a^°  ^cny  t^ic  artlc^c  °^  our  redcmptiort.    For  to  overcome  the  finnc 
of  the  world,  death,  the  curfcand  the  wrath  ofGod  in  himfelfc,  is 
not  the  worke  of  any  creature,  but  of  the  divine  power.  Therefore 
he  which  in  himfelfe  {hould  overcome  thefe,  muft  needs  be  truly 
and  naturally  God.    For  againft  this  mighty  power  of  finnc,  death 
and  .the  curfc  (which  of  it  fclfc  reigncth  throughout  the  world  and 



:  in  the  whok  creature)  it  was  nccerfary  to  fct  a  more  high  and  mighty 
power .  l  But  bcfidcs  the  jToveraigne  and  divine  power,»no  fuch  power 
.can  be  found.  Wherefore  to  aboliih  fin,  to  dcftroy  death,  to  take  away 
the  carfe  in  kimfelf:  and  againe,  to  give  rightcoufnes,  to  bring  life  to 
light,  and  to  give  the  blcffing,  arc  the  works  of  the  divine  power  on 
ly  and  alone,  Now  becaufe  the  Scripture  doth  attribute  all  thefe  to 
Chrjft;  therefore,  hcc  in  himfeifeislife,  rightcouftfle  and  blcflSng, 
which  is  naturally  and  fubftantially  God.  Wherefore  they  that  deny 
the  divinity  of  Chrift,  do  lofc  all  Chrift  ianity  and  become  altogether 
GtntUet  and  Turk*s.  We  muft  learn  therefore  diligently  the  Article  of 
j  uft ification  (as  I  oftcrt  admonifti  you.)  For  all  the  other  Articles  of  &  °cntiks« 
our  faith  are  comprehended  in  it:and  if  that  remain  fbund,then  are  all 
the  reft  found.  Wherefore,,  when  we  teach  that  men  are  Jurtified  by 
Chrift,  that  Chrift  is  the  conquerour  of  fin,  death  and  the  everlafting 
curfe :  we  witncfle  there  with  all  that  he  is  naturally  and  fiibftantial-  chria  GO<J  • 
JyGod.  b'natnre- 

Hereby  we  rtiay  plainly  fee  how  horrible  the  wickedneffs  and 
blindnesofthc  Fapifts  was,which  taught  that  thefe  cruell  and  migh- 
ty  tyrants,  fin,  death  and  the  curfe  (  which  fwaljow  up  all  mankind) 
muft  be  vanquifhcd,  not  by  the  righteoufncflfc  of  the  law  of  God 
(  which,  although  it  be  juft,  good  and  holy,,  can  doe  nothing  but 
bring  men  under  the  curfe : )  but  by  the  righteoufncs  of  mans  owns 
works,  as  by  Fafting,  Pilgrimages,  Maflfes,  Vowes,  and  fuch  other 
like  paltry  .But  (I  pray  you)  was  there  ever  any  found  that  being  fur- 
nifhed  with  this  armour,  overcame  fin,  death  and  the  devill  ?  Paul  in  the  armout 
the  6.  Chapter  to  the  £^<?/4»jdefcribeth  a  farrc  other  manner  of  ar-  ffijjjfetoae 
moufi  which  we  muft  ufe  agajnft  thefe  moft  cruell  and  raging  bsafts.  E//«/;tf.ij. 
Therefore  in  that  thefe  blind  buzzards  and  leaders  of  the  blind,  have  *4' kCi 
fetus  naked  and  without  armour  before  thefe  invincible  and  moft 
mighty  tyrants,  they  have  not  only  delivered  us  unto  them  to  be  de 
voured,  but  alfo  have  made  us  ten  times  greater  and  more  wicked  tin 
ners  then  either  thecves,  whores  or  murtherers.  For  it  belongcth  on- 
ly  to  the  divine  power  to  deftroy  fin  and  to  abolidi  death,  to  ere- 
ace  righteoufocde  and  to  gire  life.    Thefe  have  attributed  thi* 
divine  power  to  our  owneworkes,  faying  :  If  thou  doe  this  works  to  give  Hie. 
or  that,  thou  fhalt  overcome  finne,  death  and  the  wrath  of  God: 
And  by  this  mcancs  they  fet  us  in  Gods  place,  making  us  ia  ve 
ry  deed  naturally  (if. I  may  To  fay)  Godhimfdf.   And  herein,  the 


Chap.  III.          rpto  tkt  E  t  i  s  T  i  a 

a  ?<*,».»>.  ^apito  un(kr  the  name  of  Chrift,havc  (hewed  themfelves  to  be  feretP 
fold  more  wicked  Idolaters,thcn  ever  were  the  Gentiles.  For  it  hap* 
ncth  to  them,  as  it  doth  to  the  fow,  which  after  (he  is  waihed,  wal- 
*••«?*,  loweth  her  felf'  again  in  the  mire.  And  as  Chrift  faith  :  After  they  are 
fallen  away  from  faith,  an  cvill  fpirit  cntreth  again  into  the  houfc,  out 
of  the  which  he  was  driven,  and  takcth  unto  him  feven  worfe  fpirits 
then  himfclf,and  there  dwelleth  :  and  then  the  latter  end  of  that  man 
is  worfe  then  the  beginning. 

Let  us  therefore  receive  this  moft  fwcct  doftrinc  and  full  of  com- 
f°rr>  wit*1  thankefgiving,  and  with  an  afliired  faith,  which  tcach- 
cth  that  Chrift  being  made  a  curfc  for  us  (that  is,  a  fmncr  fubjccl  to 
the  wrath  of  God  )  did  put  upon  him  our  pcrfon  ,  and  laid  our 
finncs  upon  his  ownc  (houldcrs,  faying  :  I  have  committed  the  fins 
which  all  men  have  committed.  Therefore  he  was  made  a  curfe  in 
deed  according  to  the  law,  not  for  himfelfc,  but  (as  7#tJ  faith) 
for  us.  For  unletfc  he  had  taken  upon  himfelfc  my  finncs  and  thine,, 
and  the  fmnes  of  the  whole  world,  the  law  had  had  no  right  over 
him,  which  condemncth  none  but  finners  only,  and  holdeth  them 
under  the  curfe.  Wherefore  he  could  neither  have  been  made  a  curfe 
nor  die,  fiththconcly  caufe  of  the  curfe  and  of  death  is  fin,  from  the 
"*r  fihimof  which  he  was  free.  But  bccaufe  he  had  taken  upon  him  our  fins,  not 
K*  ™ac.  by  conftraint,but  of  his  own  good  will:  it  behoved  him  to  bcarc  the 
«>ldfoBd.t  punUhmcnt  and  wrath  of  God:  not  for  his  own  perfon  (which  was 
Shore?  "  juft  and  invincible,and  therefore  could  be  found  in  no  wife  guilty)but 
Sll™tob*r  for  our  pcrfon. 

So  making  a  happy  change  with  us,  he  tookc  upon  him  our  fin-" 
full  pcrfon,  and  gave  unto  us  his  innocent  and  victorious  pcrfon  : 
wherewith  we  being  now  cloathcd,  arc  freed  from  the  curfe  of  the 
law.  For  Chrift  was  willingly  made  a  curfc  for  us  ,  faying  :  As 
touching  mine  owne  perfon,  I  am  bldfed,  and  need  nothing. 
But  I  will  abafe  my  felfe,  and  will  put  upon  me  your  perfon,  that  is 
to  fay,  your  humane  nature  ,  and  will  walke  in  the  fame  among 
you,  and  will  fuffcr  death,  to  deliver  you  from  death.  Now,hethus 
bearing  the  linne  of  the  whole  world  in  our  pcrfon,  was  taken,  fuf. 


fcrcj}  was  crucified  and  put  to  death  ,  and  became  a  curfc  for  us.1 
But  bccaufe  he  was  a  pcrfon  divine  and  evcrlafting,  it  was  impof. 
fible  that  death  faould  hold  him.  Wherefore  he  rofc  up  againc  the 
third  day  from  death.,  and  now  livetfa  forever  :  and  there  is  neither 

TO  tit  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S^ 

(in  nor  death  found  in  him  any  morc,but  mccr  righteoufnes,lifc  and  c- 
ycrlafting  blcflcdncs. 

This  image  and  this  mirrour  wee  muft  have  continually  before  Aafn«fli 
us,  and  behold  the  fame  with  a  ftcdfaft  eye  of  faith.  He  that 
doth  fo,  hathlhis  innoccncie  and  viftoric  of  Chrift ,  although  he 
be  never  fo  great  a  finner.  .By  faith  only  therefore  wee  arc  made 
righteous ,  for  faith  laycth  hold  upon  this  innocencic  and  this  vi- 
ftory  of  Chrift.  Lookc  then  how  much  thou  belicvcft  this,  fo  much 
thou  doft  enjoy  it.  If  thou  beleevc  finne,  death,  and  the  curfc  to  be 
abolished,  they  arc  abolifhed,  For  Chrift  hath  overcome  and  taken 
away  thefc  in  himfclfe ,  and  will  have  us  to  bclecve,  that  like  as  in 
his  owns  pcrfon,  there  is  now  no  finnc  nor  death,  even  fo  there  is 
none  in  ours,  feeing  hce  hath  performed  and  accotnplifhed  all  things 
for  us. 

Wherefore,  if  finne  vexthccand  death  terrific  thce,  thinkc  that 
it  is  (as  it  is  indeed)  but  an  imagination  and  a  falfe  illufion  of  the 
Dcvill.  For  in  very  deed  there  is  now  no  fin,  no  curfc,  no  death,  no 
Dcvillto  hurt  us  any  more,  for  Chrift  hath  vanquished  and  abolifhcd 
all  thcfc  things.  Therefore  the  viftorie  of  Cbrift  is  moft  ccrtaine, 
and  there  is  no  dcfc£  in  the  thing  it  felfc,  (  fince  it  is  moft  true  )  but 
in  our  incredulitie :  for  to  rcafon  it  is  a  hard  matter  to  beleevc  thcfc 
ineftimable  good  things  and  unfpcakablc  riches.  Moreover,  Sathan 
with  his  fierie  darts,  and  his  Miniftcrs  with  their  wicked  and  falfe 
dodrinegoe  about  to  wrcft  from  us  and  utterly  to  deface  this  do- 
ftrinc.  And  fpecially  for  this  Article  ,  which  wee  io  diligent 
ly  teach,  wcfuftainethc  hatred  and  cruell  perfecution  of  Satan  and 
of  the  world.  For  Satan  fcelcth  the  power  and  fruit  of  this  Ar 
ticle.  ckofChri. 

And  that  there  is  no  more  finne,  death,  or  malediction,  fincc  S^'dcl* 
Chrift  now  rcigneth,  we  daily  confeflealfointhcCrccdc  of  the  A-  flroy«h$». 
poftlcs,  when  we  fay :  Iktcevc  that  there  is  an  holy  Church.   Which  SJSc?" 8" 
is  indeed  nothing  clfe,  but  as  if  we  (hould  fay  :   1  belccvc  that  there 
is  no  finne,  no  malediction,  no  death  in  the  Church  of  God.  For  they 
which  doc  beleeve  in  Cbrift  arc  no  finners,are  not  guilty  of  dcath,but 
arc  holy  and  righteous,  Lords  over  finne  and  death,  and  living  foe 
ever.    But  faith  only  fccththis  :  for  we  fay ,  /  belceve  that  there  it 
in  holy  Church.    But  if  thou  belccvc  rcafon  and  thine  ownc  eyes, 
thou  wilt  judge  clcanc  contrary.    For  thou  fccft  many  things  in  the 

1 4  godly 

Chap  .III.  Vp*&t  E  P  i  $  T  L  * 

godly  which  offend  thee.Thoufecft  them  fomtimc  to  fall  intofcn,an<4> 
The  weafce  .to  ^c  wca^  jn  fajth,  to  be  fubjeft  unto  wrath,  en vjrand  fuch  other  cr. 
godijT    C  villafcftions-.thcrforc  the  Church  is  not  holy. I  deny  thcconfcquertcc. 
If  I  look  upon  mine  own  pcrfon,  or  the  perfen  of  my  brother,  it.fhaH 
never  be  holy.But  if  I  behold  Chrift,who  hath  fanftificd  and  clean&d 
his  Church,then  is  it  altogether  holy :  for  he  hath  taken  away  the.  fins j 
of  the  whole  world. 

Therefore  where  fins  are  feen  and  felt,  there  arc  they  indeed  no  fins,. 

AfetUng     por  according  to  Pauls  divinity,  there  is  no  fin,  nodeath,nomalcdi- 

fiTandbr^  ftion  any  more  in  the  world  but  in  Chrift,  who  is  the  Lambe  of  God 

ken  hearted  jj^  ^tfh  ^Qn  away  the  fins  of  the  world  :  who  is  made  a  curfe  that; 

hewmed"  be  might  deliver  us  from  the  curfe.  Contrariwife,  according  to  Pan 

nofinecr,    jofophy  and  rcafon,  fin,  death  and  the  curfe  are  no  where  elie  but  in 

the  worldjin  the  fleih,or  in  finners.For  a  fophifticall  Divine  can  fptak 

no  othcrwifc  of  finne,  then  doth  the  Heathen  Philofophcr.   Like  as 

the  colour  (faith  he)  cleavcth  in  the  wall,  cvenfp  doth  finne  in  the 

worid,  in  the  fiefh,  or  in  the  confcience ;  therefore  it  is  to  be  purged 

zfa  $},*.    by  contrary  operations,  to  wit,  by  charity.  But  the  true  divinity  tca- 

£««&?"  cheth  that  there  is  no  fin  in  the  world  any  more  :  for  Chrift,  upon 

and  death    whom  the  Father  hath  caft  the  finncs  of  the  whole  world,  hath  van- 

Sot""      qai^ied  and  killed  the  fame  in  his  own  body.  He  once  dying  for  fwne 

.  4ndraifed  up  again,  dicthnow  no  more.  Therfore  whcrfoevcr  is  a  true 

faith  in  Chrift,  there  fin  is  aboli(hcd,dcad  and  buried.  But  where  no 

faith  in  Chrift  is,  there  fin  doth  ftill  remain.  And  albeit  the  remnants 

of  fin  be  as  yet  in  the  Saints,becaufe  they  bclecve  not  perfectly,  yet  are, 

they  dead  in  that  they  arc  not  imputed  unto  them,  becaufc  of  their 

faith  in  Chrift. 

cwfl*lj*-      This  is  therefore  a  ftrong  and  a  mighty  argument,  which  P*^ 

S£m^hc  hetcprofecutetH  againfl  the  rightcoufneflc  of  works.   It  is  not  the 

fo^il^"  law  n0r  works  that  doe  deliver  us  from  the  everlafting  cutfc ,  but 

ha?bn^     Chrift  alone.   Sec  therefore  good  Chriftian  Reader,  I  befeech  thec, 

done  it,     that  ^^  diftinguiui  Chrift  from  the  law ,  and  diligently  marke 

how  PWfpeaketh,  and  what  he  laith.    All  faith  he  which  do  not 

•r*»o  propo.  fulfill  the  law,  are  ncceffarily  under  the  curfe.    But  no  man  fulfiileth 

£2" rf     the  law,  therefore  alt  men  are  uuder  the  curfe.    He  addeth  moreover 

another  propofition  :  Chrift  hath  redeemed  us  from  the  curfe  of 

the  law,  being  made  a  curfe  for  us :  therefore  it  followeth,  that  the 

ia.w  and  workcs  doc  not  redeeme  us  ftom  the  curfe,  but  bring  us 


To  the  G  A  ft  4  r  H  'i  *  N  *>  .Fol.  14  1 

rather  under  tbccurfc.  Charity  therefore  (which  as  the  Schoolemcn 
fay  giveth  forme  and  perfbftidn  unto  faith)  hath  not  only  not  redee 
med  us  from  the  curfc,but  rather  it  wrappctb  us  more  and  more  in  the 

This  text  tHcn  is  phin,that  alltpcn,  yea  the  Apoftlcs,  Prophets  and 
Patriarchcs  had  remained  under.  the  curie,  ifChrift  hadnotfet  himfeif  • 
againftfin,  death,  the  curfe  of  ttelawj  the  wrath  and  judgement  of 
God,  and  overcome  them  in  his  own  b0dy  :  for  no  power  of  fleih  and 
bloud  could  overcome  tbcfe  huge  and  hideous  mongers.    But  now., 
Chrift  is  not  the  law,or  the  work  of  the  law,but  a  divine  and  humane 
pcrfon,  which  took  upon  him  fin,  the  condemnation  of  the  law  and 
death,  not  for  himielf,  but  for  us.    Therefore  all  the  weight  and  force 
hereof  confiftcth  in  this  word,  Fort**. 

We  muft  not  then  imagine  Chrift  to  be  innocent  ,  and  as  a  private 
perfon  (ai  do  the  Schoolemen,  and  almoft  all  the  Fathers  have  done) 
which  is  hbly  and  righteous  for  himfeif  pply.  True  it  is  indeed  that 
Cferift  is  a  perfon  moft  pure  and  unfpotted  :  -but  fhou  muft  not  ftay 
trrererfbr  thou  haft  not  y€tChrift,although  thou  know  him  to  be  God 
and  man  :  but  then  thou  haft  him  indeed  jWhcn  thou  belicveft  that  this  , 
moft  pure  and  innocent  pcrfon  is  freely  given  unto  thee  of  the  Father 
to  be  thy  high  Prieft  and  Saviour,  yea  rather  thy  fervant,  that  he  put-  ««  truly 
ting  oft  his  innocency  and  holines,  and  taking  thy  finfull  pcrfon  upon  *nownCt 
him,  might  beare  thy  fin,thy  death  and  thy  curfe,  and  might  be  made 
a  ficrifice  and  a  curfe  for  thec,that  by  this  means  he  might  deliver  thec 
from  the  curfe  of  the  law*      , 

Ye  fee  then  with  what  an  Apoftolick  fpirit  Waul  handleth  this 
argument  of  thc'Mctfin^  and  ofthecurfr,  whilfthcnQt  only,\m:aketh 
Chrift  fub;e<fl  to  the  curfe,  but  faith  alfo  that  he  is  made  a  curfe..  So  in  .  . 

"       * 

the  2  Cor.  5  .  he  cafleth  him  (in,  when  he  faith  :  He  fak  made  loinij  a  c"rfc  «nd 
to  be  fnnefirttSy  Vfkichkgewfiofinne,  thatVffe  fiouid'fowide  ft*  rifhte- 
oufnefle  ofCjod'm  him.  And  although  thefe  ftntcnces  may  be  well  ex 
pounded  after  this  manner  :  Chrift  is  madea  curfe,  that  is  :to  fay,  a 
facrificefortheeutfe  :  andiinnc,  that  is,  a  facrifice  for  finne,  yec  in 
niy  judgement  it  is  better  to  kccpc  the  proper  figniflcation  of  the 
words,  bccaufe  there  is  a  greater  force  and  vehcmcncy  therein..  For 
when  a  finncr  cotncth  to  the  knowledge  of  himfelfc  indeed^he  fecleth. 
not  only  that  he  is  miferable,but  mifery  it  fdflnot  only  that  he  Is  a  fin- 
ner  and  is  accurfed,bui  even  lin  and  malediction  it  fclfe.  For  it  is  a  ter 


Chap.  III.  Vfdfl  ^EPISTLE 

riblc  thing  to  bear  fin,ths  wrath  ofGod,malcdi&ion  and  death:wher- 
fore  that  man  which  hath  a  true  feeling  of  thefe  things  (as  Chritt  did 
truly  and  cffc&ually  fed  them  tor  all  mankind)is  made  even  fin,deatht 

Paul  therefore  handleth  this  place  with  a  true  ApoftolicaU  fpirit. 
cwor    There  is  neither  Sophifter,nor  la  wycr,nor  J  ew,nor  Anabaptift,nor  a- 
of  panL,      ny  other  that  fpeaketh  as  he  doth.For  who  durft  alledgc  this  place  out 
made  fin?     *&  Mofts  :  Accurfed  u  c  very  one  that  hangeth  on  A  tree,  'and  apply  it  unto 
a  cmfe^ec.  Chrift?  Like  as  Tout  then  applied  this  fentcncc  to  Chrift,cvcn  fo  may 
we  apply  unto  Chrift,not  only  that  whole  27.  Chap,  of  Deuteronomy, 
withe  cut-  butalfomay  gather  all  the  curfes  of  Mofes  law  together,  and  expound 
fc*  °f  th(f  b   l^c  ^ame  °^  Chriftg  For  as  Chrift  is  innocent  in  this  gencrall  law,  tou- 
allied  w  e  ching  his  own  pcrfon  :  fo  is  he  alfo  in  all  the  reft.   And  as  he  is  guilty 
cfarifl.        in  this  gcnerall  la  w  ,   in  that  he  is  made  a  curfc  for  us,  and  is  hanged 
upon  the  erode  as  a  wicked  man,ablafphemcr,a  murthercr  and  a  trai- 
tour  :  even  fo  is  he  allo  guilty  in  all  others.'  For  all  the  curfcs  of  the  law 
are  heaped  together  and  laid  upon  him,  and  therefore  he  did  bcare  and 
fufter  them  in  his  own  body  for  us.    He  was  therefore  not  only  accur- 
fedjbut  alfo  was  made  a  curfe  for  us. 

This  is  to  interpret  the  Scriptures  trucly  and  like  an  Apoftle.  For 
a  man  is  not  able  to  fpcak  after  this  manner  without  the  holy  Gboft  : 
that  is  to  fay,  to  comprehend  the  whole  law  in  this  one  faying,  Chrift 
it  made  n  curfe  fir  wy  and  lay  the  fame  altogether  upon  Chrift  :  and 
.  contrariwife  to  comprehend  alltbcpromifcsof  the  Scripturc,'and  fay 
that  they  are  all  at  once  fulfilled  in  Chrift.  Wherefore  this  is  indeed 
an  ApoftcAickc  and  invincible  argument,  not  taken  out  of  one  place 
of  the  law,  but  out  of  the  whole  la  w  :  which  Paul  alfo  ufeth  as  a  furc 

Here  we  may  fee  with  what  diligence  Paul  read  the  holy  Scrip-' 
turcs»  anc*  how  exaftly  he  weighed  every  word  of  this  place  :  In  thj 
teneeof     feed  fhdl  dl  the  N*tions  of  the  earth  be  £/<?j(/W.Firft,out  of  tnis  word  blcf- 
"  fi°g  nc  gathercth  this  argument  :  ifblcfling  (hall  be  given  unto  all  na- 
tions,  then  are  all  nations  under  the  curfc,yea  the  Jews  alfo  who  have 
thclaw.Andheailcdgcthatcftimonyofthc  Scripture,  whereby  he 
proveth  that  all  thejews  which  are  under  the  law,are  under  the  curfe: 
Curfcd  it  every  one  Vfhtckabideth  not  in  all  the  things  that  are  \\rittcn  i» 

Moreover,  he  diligently  wcighcth  thisclaufc:  AllnMhnt.  Oat  of 



the which he gathcreth thus;  that  the  blcfling  belongcth  not  only 
to  the  Jews,  but  alfb  to  all  the  nations  of  the  whole  world.  Seeing 
then  it  belongcth  to  all  nations,  it  is  impofliblcj  that  it  Ihould  be  ob 
tained  through  the  law  of  UMofes,  for  as  much  as  there  was  no  nation 
that  had  the  law,but  only  thejews.  And  although  they  had  the  law, 
y  ct  were  they  fo  farre  orTfrom  obtaining  the  blcfling  through  it,  that  ,nhec$  jJj° 
the  more  they  endeavoured  to  accomplish  it ,  the  more  they  were 
fub  jeft  to  the  curfc  of  the  law.  Wherefore  there  muft  needs  be  ano 
ther  righteoufncflc ,  which  muft  be  farre  more  excellent  then  the 
rightcoufnefle  of  the  law,  through  the  which,  not  onely  the  Jewcs, 
but  alfo  all  nations  throughout  the  whole  world,  muft  obtainc  the 

Finally ,thefc  words :  In  thyfcedfa  cxpoundeth  after  this  manner : 
that  a  cortaincman  (hould  itfuc  out  of  the  feed  cf  Abraham^  that  is  to 
fay,  Chrift,through  whom  the  blcfling  fhould  come  afterwards  upon 
all  nations.  Seeing  therforcit  was  Chrift  that  fhould  blcflc  all  nations, 
it  was  he  alfo  that  fhould  take  away  the  curfe  from  them.But  he  could 
not  take  it  away  by  the  law,for  by  the  law  it  is  more  and  more  increa- 
fcd.What  did  he  thcni'he  joyned  himfelf  to  the  company  of  thcaccur- 
fed,  taking  unto  him  their  flefo  and  their  blcud,  and  fo  fet  himfelf  for 
a  Mediatour  between  God  and  men,  faying :  Although  I  be  flefh  and 
bloud,and  now  dwell  among  the  accurfcd,yer  notwithftanding  Jam  HOW  then*, 
that  blefled  one,  through  whom  all  men  muft  be  blcflcd.So  in  one  per-  SJ^S" 
fora  he  joyncth  God  and  man  together,and  being  united  unto  us  which  from  *« 
were  accurfcd,  he  was  made  a  curie  for  us,  and  hid  his  blcfling  in  our  cutf<Bl 
fin,in  our  dcath,and  in  our  curfc,which  condemned  him  and  put  him 
to  death.  But  becaufc  he  was  the  Son  of  God,  he  could  not  be  holden 
of  them,  but  overcame  them,  led  them  captive  and  triumphed  over 
them:  and  whatfocvcr  did  hang  upon  flefh, which  for  our  fake  he  took 
upon  him,  he  carried  it  with  him. Wherefore  all  they  that  cleave  unto 
this  flefh,  arc  blcffcd  and  delivered  from  the  curfe,  tfeat  is,from  fin,and 
CYcrlafting  death. 

They  that  underftand  not  this  benefit  of  Chrift  (  whereof  the 
GofpeU  efpecially  intrcatcth)  an J  know  not  another  righicoufiies  bc- 
fidcs  thcrighteoufneflc  of  the  law,  when  they  hearc  that  the  workes 
of  the  law  are  not  neccflary  to  (aivation,  but  that  men  doc  obtainc 
the  fame  by  oncly  hearing  and  belccving  that  Chrift  the  Sonnc 
of  God  hath  taken  upon  him  ourfkih,  and  joyned  himfclfe  to  the 


Chap.  III.  -  ypo#  -the  E,  p  I  s  n?  i  H 

acourfcd,  to  the  end  that  all  nations  might  j?e;blc{Tad,,tbey,  i 
offenders  for  all  this  they  andcrftaiid:ne>thing,or  clfe  they  ^uocfer 
it  carnaliyi  for  their  minds  are  occupied  with  other  cogitations  and 
fantalHcall  imaginations  :  therefore  thefe  things  fceme  unto  them 
ftrange  matters.  Yea  even  unto  us  which  have  received  the  firft  fruits 
of  thcSpirit,  it  is  impofllble  to  undcjftand  thefc  things  perfectly  :  for 
they  mightily  fight  againft  reafon. 

To  conclude,  all  cvils.{Kould  hate  over  whelm^uj,  as  they  (hall 
Up6  him  th«  ovcrwhclme  the  wicked  for  ever.ButChtift  being  made  forus  a  tranf- 
md  damlfi.  grctf°ur  of  all  laws,  guilty  of  all  our  malediction,  cur  (ins,  and  all  our 
don  which  cvils,cometh  between  as  a  Mcdiatour,embracjng  us  wicked  and  dam- 
aUi«ci&etna^c  rHe  took  upon  him  and  bare'  all  our  evils,  which  fhoujd 
ted  for  ev«;  have  oppreiflbd  Gfnd'ttffmented-ulfor  ever  :  and  thc,ie  ca.ft  him  downe 
i  for  a  little  while,  and  ran  over  his  head  like  water,  as  the  Prophet  in 
thepcrfon  ofChrift  complaineth  when  he  (aith  :  Thy.  intynatitn  fore 
frefeth  me,  and,  thou  haft  vexedme  Veitt)  alt  thjjlormes.    Again,  Thine  in- 
cliff  nations  have  gone  over  me^and  thy  ttrroitrs  ^.ive  troubled  me.  By  this 
mcans'we  being  delivered  from  the-ft  isverlafting  terrours  and  anguiui 
through  Chrift,  (hall  enjoy  '  an  e  verlaft  ing  acd  ineftim^blc  peace  and 
felicity,  fo  that  we  believe  this. 

Thefc  are  the  reverend  myftcrics  of  the  Scripture,  w,  hich  LMofes 
alfofomewhat  darkly  in  fomc  places  did  forc-fhew  :  which  alfo  the 
J1*  F**e"  Prophets  and  Apoftles  did  know,  and  did  deliver  to  their  pqfteritie. 
TeSment  "  For  this  knowledg  and  benefit  ofChrift  to  cpme,the  faints  of  the  old 
"        h  Teftamcnt  rejoyccd  morc,thcn  we  now  doc  when  he  is  fo  comforta- 
/  bly  revealed  and  exhibited  unto  us.  Indeed  we  do  acknowledge  that 


chrin,thea  tnis  knowledge  of  Chrift  and  of  therighteoufnesoffaitb,isan'jneft[- 
mable  treafure  :  but  we  conceive  nouhereby  fuch  a  .full  joy  of  ipirit, 

The  ptope?  as  t^1<!  Pr°phets  and  Apoftles  did.  Hctcef  it  Cometh,  that  they  (and  e- 
-:  fpccially  Paul)  fo  plentifully  fet  forth  and  (o-,<iiligently  taaght  the  ar- 
t  jcje  Of  /uftiHcation.  For  this  is  the  propcr.pffice  of  an  Apoftle,  to  fct 
forth  the  glory  and  benefit  of  Chrift,  and  thereby  to  raife  up  and  com 
fort  troubled  and  affiidtcd-confciences, 

..  Verfe  i^..T-hatthel>leffi^of  Abrahaci  mifa  come  ufon  the  Gentilet 


Paul  hath  alwaies  this  place  before  his  eyes  :  In  thy  feed,  &c. 
For  ths  blefllng  promifcd  unto  i&nfaaKi  could  not  come,  upon 


To  the  G  A  i  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  Fol,  14.3 

theGtntiles,  but  only  by  Chrift  the  feed  of  Abraham,  and  that  by  unfo  .tha 
this  mcans,tbatitbchoYcd  him  to  be  made  a  curfe,  that  this  promife  cbS'i"  * 
made  unto  Abraham  :  In  tbffeedeflMtll  *ll  nations  be  ble$edy  might  fo 
be  fulfilled.   Therefore  by  no  other  meanes  could  this  be  done  that 
here  is  promifed,  but  that  Chrift  Jefus  inuft  needs  become  a  curfe, 
and  joyne  himfelfc  tothofc  that  were  acctn  fed,  thatfo  he  might 
take  away  the  curfe  from  thcrn,and  through  his  blcfiing  might  bring 
unto  them  righteoufnes  and  life.  And  hercmarke  (as  IhaveaHo 
forewarned  you):hat  this  word  blcfling  is  not  in  vainc,as  the  Jewcs  Tj,ewotj 
drcame,  who  expound  it  to  be  but  a  falutarion  by  word  of  mouth  or  blcfling, 
by  writing.    But  Ttut  intrcatcth  here  of  (innc  and  rightcoufnes,  of 
death  and  life  before  God.   He  fpeaketh  therefore  of  ineftimable  and 
incomprehcnfible  things,whcn  he  faith :  that  tloe  blcfling  of  Abraham 
might  come  upon  the  (jentilcs,  through  Jtfa  Chrift, 

Ye  fee  moreover  what  merits  we  bring,  and  by  what  rncancs  we 
obtaincthis  blcfling.This  is  the  merit  of  congruence  and  worthines, 
thefeare  the  works  preparative,  whereby  weobtaine  thisrighte- 
oufncfle,that  Chrift  Jefus  was  made  a  curfe  for  us.  For  we  are  igno 
rant  of  God,cncmics  of  God,  dead  in  fin,  and  accurfed :  and  what  is 
our  defert  then  ?  What  can  he  defcrve  that  is  accurfed,  ignorant  of 
God,  dead  in  fins,  and  fubje£  to  the  wrath  and  judgement  of  God  ? 
WhcnthcPopecxcommunicatcthaman',  whatfoevcr  hcdocth,  is 
counted  accurfed.  How  much  more  then  may  we  fay,  that  he  is  ac 
curfed  before  God(as  all  we  are  before  we  know  Chrift)which  doth  The 
nothing  clfc  but  curfed  things?  Wherefore  there  is  no  other  way  to  <™ 
avoid  the  curie,  but  tobclccre,  and  with  aflarcd  confidence  to  lay  :  emit. 
Thou  Chrift  art  my  (in  and  my  curfe,or  rather  I  am  thy  (in,tby  curfe, 
thy  death,  thy  wrath  of  God,  thy  hell :  and  contrariwiic,  thouart 
my  righteoufneflcr,  my  blcfling,  my  life,  my  grace  of  God,  and 
my  heaven.  For  the  text  faith  plamely  :  £hrift  it  m*de  a  curfe  fir  ut. 
Therefore  we  arc  the  ctufe  that  he  was  made  a  curfe  :  nay  rather  we 
are  his  cur (:. 

This  is  an  excellent  place,  and  full  of  fpirituall  confolation,  and 
albeit  it  fatisfic  not  the  blind  and  hard  hearted  Jewcs,  yet  it  fatii- 
h'eth  us  that  a«e  baptized  and  have  received  this  doftrinc,  and  con- 
cludcth  moft  mightily,  that  we  are  blcflcd  through  the  curfe,  the 
finnc,  and  the  death  of  Chrift,  that  is  to  fay,  we  arc  juftified  and 
quickned  unto  life.  So  long  as  finne,  death  and  the  curie  do  abide 


Chap.  III.  fyon  the  E  p.  i  s  T  L  B 

.in  us.fmnc  terrifietr^deaih  killeth,anHthccurfj  condemned  Hlis.  But 

when  thele  are  tranflatcd  and  laid  inonChntbbacke,  then  are  all 

thefc  evils  made  his  own,  and  his  benefits  are  made  ours,    Let  us 

thertorc  learnc  in  all  tcntations  totranfhtefinne,  death,  thecurfc 

and  all  evik  which  oppreflfe  us,  from  our  fclves  unto  Chritt  :  and  a  - 

gaine, from  him  unto  ourjfclves,  nghtcouincffr,  mercy,  1  feand'blef- 

fing.  Tor  be  bcareth  all  our  evils  and  euriniftrics.   Go  j  the  Father 

ourfinsare  caft  the  iniquities  ofusall,as  £f*j  the  Prophet  fartruipon  him :  And 

caftiKd   h~hatn  tak-n  tncm  uP°n  him  willingly,which  was  not  guilty.  But 

hii;Wy*  this  he  did,  that  he  might  fulali  the  will  of  his  Father,  by  the  which 

°u(numo  «s".  we  are  fandificd  for  ever. 

This  is  that  infinite  and  unmeafurable  mercy  oFGod,  wliich  7>at<l 
The  mercy  would  gladly  amplific  with  all  eloquence  and  plenty  of  words,  but 
cfo°d  rfin-  t^lc  ^cn^er  capacity  of  mans  heart  cannot  comprehend,  and  much 
lefle  utter  that  wnfearchable  depth  and  burning  zcalc  of  Gbds  IOYJ  to 
wards  us.  And  verily  the  ineftimablcgrcaiDeflc  of  Gods  mcrcy,not 
only  ingcndreth  in  us  an  hardness  to  belceve,  but  alfo  incredulity  it 
{elfe.  For  I  do  not  only  heare  that  this  Almighty  God  the  Creator 
and  maker  of  all  things  is  good  and  merciful!,  but  alfo  that  the.fams 
high  fo  veraignc  Ma;  etty  was  fo  careful!  for  me  a  damnabls  finncr,  a 
child  of  wratlj  and  of  everlafting  death,  that  he  fpared  not  his  own 
4eare  Son.but  delivered  him  to  a  moft  ihamefull  death,  that  he  hang 
ing  bstw.ecn  two  theeves,  might  be  made  a  curie  and  (in  for  mca 
curfed  (inner,  that  I  might  be  made  blcffed,  that  is  to  fay,  the  child 
and  heire  ofGod.  Who  can  fufficiently  praife  and  magnific  this  ex 
ceeding  great  goodnesof  God?Not  all  the  Angels  in  heaven.  There 
fore  the  doftrine  of  the  Gofpell  fpcakcth  of  farrs  other  matters  then 
any  book  of  policy  or  philofbphy,ycaor  the  book  ofJMofes  himfelfe: 
to  wit.of  the  unfpeakcablc  and  moft  divine  gifts  ofGod,which  farrc 
paflc  the  capacity  and  underftandmg  both  of  Men  and  Angels. 

That  Vfee  might  receive  the  fromife  of  the  Spirit  through 

This  is  a  phrafc  ef  the  Hebrew  :   The  j/remifc  of  the  Spirit: 
ifihcipim.  that  is  to  fay,  the  Spirit  promifed.    Now,  the  Spirit  is  frcedomc 
from  the  law,  finnc,  death,  the  curfc,  hell,  and  from  the  wrath  and 
judgement  of  \jOi4.   -Here  is  no  merit  or  worth  in  effc  of  ours,  but  a 
and  a  gift.given  through  the  feedcofex/^r^^L/,  that 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  r  A  N  s.  Fol. I/;  f 

we  may  be  free  from  all  evils,  and  obtainc  all  good  things.  Andthis 
liberty  and  gift  of  the  Spirit,wc  receive  not  by  any  other  merits  then 
by  faith  alone.  For  that  only  taketh  hold  of  the  promifc  of  God,  as 
Paul  plainly  faith  in  this  place  :  that  we  micht  receive  the  promifc  of 

i      _    .   •  *  i     i       i      -r-i    '  i  I-         J'      J 

the  Spirit>not  by  vee>rkl,bnt  hy  Faith, 

This  is  indeed  a  fweet  and  a  true  Apoftolick  doftrine,  which  what  man. 
iheweth  that  thofe  things  are  fulfilled  for  us,  and  now  given  to  us,  ^f^' 
which  many  Prophets  and  Kings  defired  to  fee  and  heare.  Andfuch  ApXiicke 
like  places  as  this  one  is,werc  gathered  together  out  of  divers  faying!  d°at'ne  i$* 
of  the  Prophets  which  fore-faw  long  before  in  fpirit,  that  all  things 
ftiould  be  changcd,repaircd,  and  governed  by  this  man  Chrift.  T  he 
Jews  therefore  although  they  had  the  law  of  God,  notwithstanding 
bcfides  that  law,  looked  for  Chrift.  None  of  the  Prophets  or  govcr- 
nours  of  the  people  of  God,  did  make  any  new  la'w,  but  Eliot ,  S<** 
mud,  David,  and  all  the  other  Prophets  d*d  abide  under  the  law  of 
Mofes :  they  did  not  appoint  any  new  tablc^or  a  new  kingdom  and 
pricfthood :  for  that  new  change  of  the  kingly  pricfthood  of  the  la\y  The  chanje 
and  the  wor{Kip,was  referred  and  kept  to  him  only, of  whom  Mofo  of  ail  thing? 
had  prophefied  long  before  :  The  Lord  thy  Godfiattraifcupayrophet        ' 
unto  thee^  of  thine  own  nation,  and  from  among  thy  breiheren :  Himfh.tlt 
theu  kfttre.As  if  he  fliould  fay  :  Theuftalt  hcarehim  only,  and  none 

This  the  Father  well  understood,  for  none  could 'teach  greater 
.and  higher  points  then  iJHtJes  himfclfe,  who  made  excellent  laws 
of  high  and  great  matters,as  are  the  ten  commandemems,  cfpecially 
thefitftcommandement ;  I  amthc  LordthjCjod:  Thou  ft  *lt  have  no 
ct/xr  gods  hut  me :    The*  .(bolt  lov*  the  Lord  thy-  God  with  all  thy 
hc*rt,&c..  This  law  concerning  the  love  of  God,cbrnprehendet-h  the  mnt 
very  Angals  alfo.    Therefore  it  is  the  hcjd-fpring  ©f  al?  divine  wift-  " tho  fPtin£ 
dome.    And  yet  was  it  nccdftry  notwuhftandina,  that  another  ^Som 
teacher  (hould  come,  that  is  to  fay,  Chrift  ivhich  (hould  bring  of(Jod- 
and  teach  another  thing  farrc  pafling  thefe  excellent  lawes  :   to 
wir,  grace  and  remiflion  of  (innes.    This  text  therefore  is  full  of 
power  :  Fcr  in  this  (hort-  fentcncc ;  Thar  Wfe  might  receive  theyro- 
wife  of  the  Spirit  by  Faith  :  Paul  poureth  out  at  once  whatfocrcr  he 
wasablcto  iJy.  T  hertforc  when  he  can  go  no  further  (for  he  cculd 
not  inter  any  greater  or  more  excellent  thing,)  he  breakethoff;  and 

Chap.  III.  Vpon  /^EPISTLE 

Vtrfi  lj.  JBretherett,  I  freak*  *cc<.-riin£  toman:  Though  it  fa  fat* 
mans  covenant  jvhev  it  u  confirmed,  yet  x»  m*n  doth  abrogAtt 
*>,  »r  addeth  any  thing  thereto. 

After  this  principle  and  invincible  argument,  P  **/addeth  an  other, 
grounded  upon  the  Similitude  ofa  mans  Teftamcm :  which  fecmech 
to  be  very  wcakc,  and  fuch  as  the  Apaltlc  ought  nottoufe  for  the 
Humane      confirmation  ofa  matter  ef  fo  great  importance.    For  in  high  and 
biTo'rS!1  weighty  matters,  we  ought  to  confirmc  earthly  things  by  divine 
mcdbydi-    things,  and  not  divine  and  h  avcnly  things  by  earthly  and  worldly 
&nnVthdmnc  things.  And  indeed  it  is  tree,  that  thcfe  arguments  of  all  other  arc 
thing* b»hu.  moft  wcakc,  but  when  we  go  about  to  prove  and  con  firme  heavenly 
manethings.  mattcrs  wjth  earthly  and  corruptible  thmgs,as  Scottu  is  wont  to  do, 
A  man  (faith  he)  is  able  to  lore  God  above  all  things,  for  he  lovcth 
himfclf  above  all  things :  therefore  much  more  is  he  able  to  love  God 
above  all  things.  Por  a  good  thing,the  greater  it  is,the  more  it  is  to 
be  lovcd,and  hereof  he  inferrcth,  that  a  man  is  able,  exfuru  natural}, 
bus,  thatistofa?,  even  of  his  own  pure  naturall  ftrength,  cafilyto 
fulfill  that  high  commandemcnt :  Thou  fhalt  love  the  Lord  thj  God 
Vfithallthy  ^4r^c^r.For({aith  hr^j  man  is  ableto  love  theleaft  good 
thing  above  all  things :  yea  he  iettcth  at  n.iught  his  life  (of  all  other 
things  moft  dcarc  untohim)for  a  little  vile  money  ^therefore  he  can 
much  more  do  it  for  Gods  caufc. 

Yc  have  oftentimes  heard  of  mc,that  civill  ordinances  are  ofCod: 
An  argumft  for  God  hath  ordained  them  &  allo  weth  thcm,as  he  doth  the  Sunnc, 
oSi  ««aT  tric  Moonc,and  other  creatures.  Therefore  an  argument  taken  of  the 
ture$  boi-  ordinance  or  of  th«  creatures  of  God,is  that  we  ufc  the  fame 
£*•  c-«  richtly.  So  the  Prophets  have  very  often  ufcd  fimilitudcs  and  com- 

TM  OKCB     *•  o      J  „       *  ,          *   .     .n    .      _  ,         , 

Ofe  ef  fimiii-  parifons  taken  or  creatures,  calling  Chrift  the  Sunne,  the  Church  the 

h^Ts«!h!  Moonc :  the  preachers  and  teachers  of  the  word,  the  Starrcs.    Alfo 

"  tw<«.  *"     there  arc  many  fimilitudes  in  the  Prophcts,of  trces,thorncs,flo wcrs, 

and  fruitcs  of  the  earth.  The  ncwTcftamcnt  likcwifc  is  full  of  fuch 

fimilitudcs.   Therefore  where  Gods  ordinance  is  in  the  creature, 

there  may  an  argument  be  well  borrowed  and  applied  to  divine  and 

heavenly  things. 

So  our  Saviour  Chrift  in .dfatb.j.  argucth  from  earthly  thing! 
to  heavenly  things,  when  he  faith  :  If  ye  then  which  Arc  will c*# 
give  to  your  clotidrcn  good  gifts,  hojf  muck  more  jhdt  your  fa 


tktr  Vvhtclt  u  in  He#ven&we good  things  to  them  that  at^e  htm?  Likcwifc 
PanlWc  mttft  obey  atcmtlocrtf ore  much  moremuft  we  obey  God.  Jcremic 
alfomthe  35  Chapter.  7 be Recbabites  okjtd their  Father:  ho»mttch 
more  onfjnye  to  have  obeyed  m*  ?  Now,  thcfc  things  are  appointed  of 
God,  a&id  arc  his  ordinances,  that  fathers  fhould  give  unto  their  chil- 
drcn,and  that  children  fhould  obey  their  parents.  Therforc  fuch  man- 
ncr  of  arguments  arc  good  when  they  arc  grounded  upon  theordi-  " 
nance  of  God.  But  if  they  be  taken  from  mcns  corrupt  atfedions,they 
arc  naught.    Such  is  the  argument  of  Scotttt:  I  love  the  kffcrgood  when«f« 
thing,thcrcfore  I  love  the  greater  more.  I  deny  the  confcqucncc.  For  °°« offers*, 
my  loving  is  not  Gods  ordmance,but  a  divilliih  corruption.Indccd  ic 
fhould  be  fo,  that  I  loving  my  felfc  or  another  creature,  {hould  much  -^  JoTe  <# 
more  love  God  the  Creator :  but  it  is  not  fo.  For  the  love  wherewith  «r  fc!?es 
I  love  my  felfe,  is  corrupt  and  againft  God. 

This  I  fay,  left  any  man  (hould  cavill  that  an  argument  taken  of 
corruptible  things,  and  applied  to  divine  and  fpirituall  matters,  is  no 
thing  worth.  For,  this  argument  (  as  I  have  fu'd)  is  ftrong  enough, 
fothat  we  ground  the  fame  upon  the  ordinance  of  God,  as  we  lee 
in  this  argument  which  we  have  in  hand.  For  the  civill  law  which 
is  an  ordinance  of  God,  faith,  that  it  is  not  lawfull  to  brcake  or 
to  change  the  teftament  of  a  man.  Yea  it  commandeth  that  the  laft 
will  or  tcftament  of  a  man  be  ftraitly  kept :  For  it  is  one  of  the  holieft 
and  moft  laudable  cuftomcs  that  are  among  men.  Now  therefore,up- 
on  this  cuftomc  of  n>nns  teftament,  Paul  argueth  after  this  manner : 
How  comcth  it  to  pa(fw  that  man  is  obeyed  and  not  God  ?  Politick 
and  civiJl  ordinanccs,as  concerning  tcftaments  and  others  things,arc 
diligently  kept.  There  nothing  is  changed,nothing  is  added  or  taken 
away.  But  the  teftament  ofGod  is  changed:that  is  to  fay,his  promifc 
concerning  the  fpirituallblc (Ting,  that  is  concerning  heavenly  and 
cvL-rlafting  thing$,which  the  whole  world  ought  no:  only  to  receive 
with  great  zeale  and  arfcdrion,  but  alfa  ought  moft  religioufly  to  re 
verence  and  honour.  This perfwade^h vehemently,  whenwcfoar- 
pnc  from  the  examples  and  laws  of  men.  Therefore  he  faith:  I  fpeakc 
after  the  manner  of  men  :  that  istofay,Ibringuntoyouafitnilitudc 
taken  of  the  cuftoiue  and  manner  of  men  As  if  he  fhould  fay :  The 
teftament  of  men  and  fuch  other  corruptible  things  arc  ftraitly  exe 
cuted,  and  that  which  the  law  commandeth,  ic  diligently  obfcr- 
v?d  and  kept.  For  when  a  man  makcth  his  laft  will,  bequeathing 

V  his 

Chap.  III.  fyw  theft?  i  s  T  L  B 

A  Ibftam'nt  k*s  *an<k  an£*  800(k  to  h*s  heires,  and  thereupon  dietb,  this  laft  will 
iTco»6fme«»  is  confirmed  and  ratified  by  the  death  of  the  Teftator,  fo  that  no- 
thing  now  may  be  cither  added  to  it,  or  taken  from  it, .  according  to 
ajl  law  and  equity. No  w,if  a  mans  will  be  kept  with  fo  great  fidelity, 
that  nothing  is  added  to  it  or  taken  from  it  after  his  death :  how 
much  more  ought  the  laft  will  of  God  to  be  faithfully  kept,  which  he 
promifed  and  gave  unto  tAbraham  and  his  feed  after  him.  For  when 
Cnrift  died,  then  was  it  confirmed  in  him,  and  after  his  death  the 
keft  more    writing  ofhis  laft  Teftament  was  opened:that  is  to  fay,the  promifed 
blefling  °f  Abraham  was  preached  among  all  nations  difperfed  tho- 
roughotit  the  whole  world.  This  was  the  laft  will  and  Teftament  of 
God  the  great  Teftator,confirmed  by  the  death  of  Chrift,  therfore  no 
maa  ought  to  change  it  or  to  adde  any  thing  to  it,  as  they  that  teach 
the  law  and  mans  traditions  do.  For  they  fay,unie{Te  thou  be  circum- 
cifcd,  keeps  the  law,  do  many  workes,  and  lufF:r  many  things,  thou 
canft  not  be  faved.   This  is  not  the  laft  Will  and  Teftament  of  God, 
For  he  faid  not  unto  Abraham :  if  thou  do  this  or  that,  thou  (halt  ob  • 
tainc  the  blefiing :  or  they  that  be  circumcifed  and  keep  the  law  Qiall 
The  Tcfla  -   obtaine  the  fameibut  he  faith,  /*  thy  feed  (ball  dl  the  nations  of  the  earth 
^  bkffed.   As  if  he  would  fay,  I  of  mccre  mercy  do  promife  unto 
"thec,  that  Chrift  (hall  come  of  thy  feed,  who  (hall  bring  the  blefling 
upon  all  nations  opprcflfed  with  fin  and  death :  that  is  to  fay,  which 
fhall  deliver  the  nations  from  the  everlafting  curie:  to  wit,from  finnc 
and  death,  receiving  this  promife  by  faith :  Intkyfccde,&c.  Where- 
forc,even  as  the  falfe  Apoftles  were  in  time  paft,  fo  are  all  the  Papifts 
and  lufticiaries  at  this  day,pcrverters  and  dcftroyers,not  of  mans  Te- 
(lament  (  becaufe  they  are  forbidden  by  the  law: )  but  of  Gods  Tefta 
ment,  whom  they  feare  nothing  at  all,  although  he  be  a  confaming 
The  nature  fire*    For  fuch  is  the  nature  of  all  hypocrites,  that  they  will  obfervc 
t( Hypocriw  mans  law  exadiy.    But  the  laws  of  Gr.d  they  do  defpife,  and  moft 
wickedly  tranfgrcfT'.  But  the  time  fhall  come  when  they  fhall beare 
an  horrible  judgement,  and  fhall  feclc  what  itistocontemncand 
pervert  theTeftament  ofGod,    This  argument  then  grounded  upon 
the  ordinance  of  God,is  ftrong  enough. 

Vcrfe  16.  Now  to  Abraham  And  hi* fee  etc  Were  the  fr  ami  fumade.  He 
fitth  not :  And  to  tbefeedes,  as  freaking  of  many  :  but,  And 
to  thy  feeders  ofoncjfthich  it  Chrift. 



To  the  GA  L  AT  HIAN  s. 

Hereby  a  new  name  he  caileth  the  promifes  of  God  made  unto 
Abraham,  concerning  Chrift  that  (hould  bring  the  blefling  unto  all 
nations,  a  Tcftament.  And  indeed  the  promifc  is  nothing  elfe  but  a 
Tcftamcnf,  not  yet  revealed  but  fealed  up.  Now,  a  teftament  is  not 
a  la  w,but  a  donation  or  free  gift.  For  heires  iooke  not  for  laws,  exa-  a 
clions,or  any  burdens  to  be  laid  upon  them  by  thcTeftament,but  they 
Iooke  for  the  inheritance  confirmed  thereby. 
•  Firft  of  all  thcrfore  he  expoundcth  the  words.  After  wards  he  appli- 
eth  the  fimilitude,and  ftandeth  upon  this  word  Seed.  There  were  no 
laws  given  unto  Abraham  (  faith  he  )  but  a  Teftament  was  made  and 
delivered  unto  him:that  is  to  fay,the  promifcs  were  pronounced  unto 
him  as  touching  the  fpirituall  blcfling:  therefore  fomewhat  was  pro- 
mifed  and  given  unto  him.  If  then  the  Teftament  of  a  man  be  kept  ? 
why  (hould  not  rather  the  Teftament  of  God  be  kept?  whereof  the 
Teftament  of  man  is  but  a  figne.  Againc,  if  we  will  keep  the  iignes, 
why  do  we  not  rather  keep  thc  things  which  they  fignifie  ? 

Now,  the  promifes  are  made  unto  him,  not  in  all  the  Jews  or  in 
many  feeds,  but  in  one  Seedt  which  is  Chrift.  Thc  J  ews  will  not  re 
ceive  this  interpretation  of  Paul:  For  they  fay  ,that  the  fingular  num 
ber  is  here  put  for  the  plurall,one  for  many.But  we  gladly  receive  the 
meaning  and  interpretation  oPTW,  who  oftentimes  repeateth  this 
word  Seed,  andexpoundeth  this  .SWtobc  Chrift  :  and  this  he  doth  chrifl  istlic 
•with  an  Apoftolike  fpirit.    Let  the  J  ewes  deny  it  as  much  as  they  fedwPXt£ 
will  :  we  notwithstanding  have  arguments  ftrong  enough,  which  h*B1' 
Ptttl  hath  before  rehear  fed,  which  alfoconfirmc  this  thing,  and  they 
cannot  deny  them.  Hitherto,  £S  touching  thc  fimilitude  of  Gods  or 
dinance,  that  is  to  fay  of  mans  Teftament.  Now  he  expoundcth  and 
applieth  the  fame. 

Verfc  17.  And.  this  I  fay,  that  the  law  which  was  ^oyeares  after, 
cannot  difanftll  the  covenant  that  Was  confirmed  be  fire  of 
God  in  re&ett  of  Chrift,  that  itftould  make  the  frgmifc  of 
none  effett. 

Here  the  Jews  might  object,  that  God  was  not  onely  content  Anobicai^ 
to  give  promifes  to  Abraham,  but  alfo  after  4$oyeares  he  made 
thc  law.^  God  therefore  miftrufting  his  own  promifes,  as  nnfuffi- 
cient  to  /uftific,  added  thereto  a  better  thing  :  that  is  to  fay,  the 

V  * 

Chap.  III. 

law,  to  the  end  that  when  ths  fams,  as  a  better  fucccflbr,  was  come, 
not  th:  idle,  but  the  doers  of  the  la w  might  be  nude  righteous  there 
by.  The  law  therefore  which  followed  the  protnife,  did  abrogate  the 
promife.  Such  evafionsand  ftarting  holes  the  J  :ws  feck  out. 
-      TothiscavillationFrfW/anfwcrcth  very  well  and  tothepurpofc, 
and  ftrongly  confuteth  the  fame.  The  law  (iaith  he)  was  given  430 
?n  o°bthf l  ycarcs  after  this  promife  was  made :  In  thy  feeds,  &e.  and  it  could  not 
lewcs.       make  the  promife  void  and  unprofitable.  For  the  promife  is  the  tefta- 
mentof  God,  confirrasd  byGodhimfclfc  in  Chrift  fo  many  yeares 
before  the  law.   No  w,that  which  God  once  hath  promifed  and  con 
firmed,  he  calleth  not  back  againc,  but  it  remaincth  ratified  and  furs 
for  ever. 

why  the         Why  then  was  the  law  added?  Indeed  it  was  delivered  fo  many 
law  jf  added  ages  af  ter,  to  the  poftcrity  of  Abraham,  not  to  the  end  he  might 
tort*  pro     tnroilgh  it  obtainc  the  bleffing  (  for  it  is  the  office  of  the  law  to  bring 
men  under  the  curfe,  and  not  to  blcffc : )  but  that  there  might  be  in 
the  world  a  ccrtaine  people  which  might  have  the  word  and  tcftimo- 
ny  of  Chrift,  out  or  the  which,  Chrift  alfo  according  totheficfti, 
The  pro-     might  be  borne :  and  that  men  being  kept  and  fhut  up  under  the  law, 
fimed,Ca°nnd"  might  figh  and  gronc  for  their  deliverance  through  the  feed  ofAbra* 
therefore     ^w,which  is  Chrift  :  which  only  (hould  and  could  blefle,  that  is  to 
Sfced'ty  the  %» deliver  all  nations  from  fin  and  evcrlafting  death.    Moreover  the 
J»w.          ceremonies  commanded  in  the  law,did  forefliadow  Chrift.  Where 
fore  the  promife  was  not  aboliflied  cither  by  the  law,  or  by  the  cere 
monies  of  the  law:b«t  rather  by  the  famc,as  by  certainc  feales,  it  was 
for  a  time  confirmed,  antillthc  letters  thcmfelves  or  the  writing  of 
the  Teftamcnt  ( to  wit,  the  promife  )  might  be  opened,  and  by  the 
preaching  of  the  Gofpell might  be  fpread  abroad  among  all  nations. 
But  let  us  fufferthelaw  and  the  promife  to  encounter  together, 
and  then  (hall  we  fee  which  of  them  is  the  ftrongcr :  that  is  to  fay, 
whether  the  promife  be  able  to  abolifh  the  law,  or  the  law  the  pro 
mife.  ,1  f  the  law  abolifh  the  promife,  thenitfollowcth,  that  we  by 
our  works  make  God  a  lier,  and  his  promife  of  none  effect.    For  if 
tnc  k w  ^°  juftific  us  and  deliver  us  from  finne  and  death,  and  con- 
fcquently  our  works  and  our  ownftrength  accora^lifhingthclaw, 
t^ien  tnc  proniife  made  unto«x/^r^w  is  utterly  voide  and  unprofi- 
tablc.and  fo  confequently  God  is  a  lier  and  adiifembler.    For  when 
foe  which  promifeth,  will  not  performe  his  promiic,  but  maketh  it 


Td  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  Fol.  147 

of  none  effect,  what  doth  he  clfc  but  (hew  himfclfc  to  be  a  liar  and  a 
diflembkr?  ButitisimpolHblethatthelawfriouldmakeGoda  liar, 
or  that  our  works  Qiould  make  the  promife  void,  nay  rather  it  muft 
needs  be  firmc  and  ftablc  for  ever  (for  God  promifeth  not  in  vain)  al 
though  we  were  able  to  keep  and  fulfill  the  law.  And  let  us  admit  that 
all  men  were  as  holy  as  Angels  ,  fo  that  they  (hould  not  need  the  pro 
mife  Cwhich  notwithstanding  is  impoflible)  yet  muft  we  thinkc  that 
the  fame  promife  abidcth  inoft  furc  and  certain,  or  elfc  God  fhould  be 
found  a  liar,  which  either  hath  promifed  in  vaine,  or  elfc  will  not  or 
cannot  perform  his  promifes.TherforeJike  as  the  promife  was  before 
the  laW$  fo  is  it  far  more  excellent  then  the  law. 

And  God  did  excellently  well  in  that  he  gave  the  promife  fo  long 
before  the  law  .Which  he  did  of  purpofc  and  to  this  end,  that  it  (hould       " 
notbefaid,  that  righteoulnetfe  was  given  through  the  law,  and  not 
through  the  promife.  For  if  he  would  that  we  fhould  have  bin  juftifi- 

ed  by  the  law,then  would  he  have  given  the  law  43  o.ycars  before  the 


together  with  the  promilc.But  now  at  the  firft  he  fpea- 
keth  not  a  word  as  concerning  the  law,  but  at  the  length  after  430.  law 
years  he  giveth  the  law.  In  the  mean  while,  all  that  time  he  fpeaketh 
only  of  his  promifes.  Therefore  theblcfling  and  free  gift  of  rightcouf- 
nes  came  before  the  law  through  the  promife  :  The  promife  therefore 
is  farr  more  excellent  then  the  law.  And  fo  the  law  doth  not  abolifti 
the  promife,  but  faith  in  the  promife  (whereby  the  beleevcrs  even  be 
fore  Chrifts  time  were  faved  )  which  is  now  published  by  the  Gofpel 
throughout  the  whole  world,deftroycth  the  law,fo  that  it  cannot  in- 
crcalefin  any  more,terrifie  finners,or  bring  them  into  dcfperation,lay» 
ing  hold  upon  the  promife  through  faith. 

And  in  this  alfo  lyeth  a  certaine  vehemency  fpecially  to  be  no 
ted,  that  he  exprefly  fctteth  downe  the  number  of  450  ycarcs.   As 
if  he  would  fay  :  Confider  with  your  felvcs  how  long  it  was  be- 
tweenc  the  promife  given,  and  the  law.     It  is  plaine  that  Abraham 
received  the  protnifc  a  long  time  before  the  law.     For  the  law  was 
given  to  the  people  of  Ifracl  430.  ycarcs  after.     And  this  is  an  in 
vincible  argument  gathered  and  grounded  upon  a  certaine  time. 
And  he  fpeaketh  not  here  of  the  law  in  generall,  but  only  of  tl-e  ,aw, 
written  law.    As  if  he  would  fay  :  God  could  ^not  then  have  regard 
to  the  ceremonies  and  workes  of  the  law,  and  give  righteoufrdfc 
to  the  obfervcrs  thereof.   For  asyet  the  law  was  not  given  ,  which 

V  3  commandcth 

Chap.  III.  Vfon tke  E*  i  sri  * 

commandeth  ceremonies,  requireth  workcs ,  and  promtfeth  life  to 
thofc  that  obfervc  them,  faying  '.The  mai  that  flail  do  thefe  things  ,JJ)alt 
live  in  them.  And  although  it  promifc  fuch  things ,  yet  it  folio  wcth 
not  therefore  that  weobtainc  thefc  promifes :  For  it  faith  plaincly : 
The  man  that  flail  do  thefe  things,  &c.  Now,  it  is  ccrtaine  that  no  man 
can  do  them.  Moreover ,  Paul  faith  that  the  law  cannot  abolifh  the 
promifc :  therefore  that  promife  made  unto  Abraham  43  o  ycarcs  be- 

A  fimiiitudc  ^orct^e^w>rcma^nct^  ^rmc  a°d  conftant.  And  that  th^  matter  may 
c  be  better  underftood  ,1  wi'l  declare  the  fame  by  afimilitude.Ifarich 
man,  not  conftrained,  but  of  his  ownc  good  will,  fhould  adopt  one  to 
be  his  fon,  whom  he  knoweth  not,  and  to  whom  he  owcth  nothing, 
and  (hould  appoint  him  to  be  the  heirc  of  all  his  lands  and  goods,  and 
certain  years  after  that  he  hath  bcflowed  this  benefit  upon  him,  he 
fhould  lay  upon  him  a  law  to  do  this  or  that  :  he  cannot  now  fay  that 
he  hath  deferved  this  benefit  by  his  own  works,fecing  that  many  years 
before,  he  asking  nothing.had  received  the  fame  freely  and  of mecr  fa 
vour  :  So  God  could  not  refpcd  our  rvorks  and  deferts  going  before 
rightcoufnes :  for  the  promife  and  the  gift  of  the'tioly  Ghoft  was  430 
years  before  the  law. 

^tirabMi  Hereby  it  appearcth  that  ex^vitawobtaiacd  not  rightcoufneffc 
before  God  through  the  law.  For  there  vvas  yet  no  law.  If  there 
vvercyctn°law  »  then  was  there  neither  worke  nor  merit.  AVhaf 
then?  Nothing  elfc  but  the  mcere  promife.  This  promife  Abraham 

there  waj  bdeevcd,  and  it  was  counted  to  him  for  righteoufnefle.  Bythcfilfc 
£ame  mcancs  then  that  the  father  obtained  this  promiie,  the  children 
do  alfo  obtain  it  and  retain  it.  So  fay  we  alfo  at  this  day  :  Our 
fins  were  purged  by  the  death  of  Chnft  above  a  thoufand  five  hun 
dred  years  agoe,  when  there  were  yet  no  religious  orders,  no  canon 
or  rule  of  penance,  no  merits  of  congruence  and  worthineflfc.  We 
cannot  now  therfbre  begin  to  abolifh  the  fame  by  our  own  works  and 

Thus  Paul  gathercth  arguments  of  Similitudes,   of  a  certaine 

vvha, man_  time,  and  cf  p^rfons,  fo  fure  and  (trong  on  every  fide,  that  no  man 

r,er  of  «£u-  can  deny  them .     Let  us  therefore  armc  and  fortifie  our  confcicnces 
P**'/  vv"'11  ^uc^  ^c  Arguments  :  For  it  helpcth  us  exceedingly  to  have 
them  j-lwaiesiCady  in  tentations.    For  they  leadc  us  from  the  law 
and  work?,  to  the  prornifc  and  to  faith  .*  from  wrath  to  grace :  from 
fin  to  nghteoufncff: ,  and  from  death  to  life*    Therefore  thefe  two 


things  (as  I  do  often  repeater)  to  wit,  the  law  and  the  prorai/e, 
muft  be  diligently  diftinguifocd.    For  in  time,  in  place  and  in  per-  TIie  law 
fon,   and  generally  in  all  other  circumftanccs  thsy  are  fcparat-c  as  Si1^5" 
farre  a  funder  as  heaven  and  earth,  the  beginning  of  the  world  and  bcdif 
the  latter  end.   Indeed  they  arc  ncarc  neighbours ,  for  they  arc  fted< 
joyned  together  in  one  man  or  in  one  foulc :  but  in  the  outward  a£- 
f  eirion  and  as  touching  their  office,  they  cught  to  be  frparate  farrc  a- 
fundcr :  fo  that  the  law  may  have  dominion  over  the  fleln  and  the  pro 
mife  may  fwcetly  and  comfortably  reignc  in  the  conicisncc.    \V  hen  —  •»»« 
thou  haft  thus  appointed  unto  them  both  their  owne  proper  place, '  biVn°dt£ 
then  thou  walkeft  fafely  betweene  them  both  in  the  Heaven  of  the  Pro 
promife,  and  in  the  earth  of  the  law.  In  fpirit  then  walkeft  in  the  Pa-  *hr' 
radifc  of  grace  and  peace  :  In  the  flclhthou  walkeft  in  the  earth  of  ««•* 
workes  and  of  the  croffr.    And  now  the  troubles  which  the  fielh  is 
compelled  to  beare,  (hall  not  be  hard  untothcc,  becauic  of  tliefwcct-  w.h»«>cd- 
neflcof  the  promife ,  which  comforteth  and  rejoyceth  the  heart  ex-  E^ofAe* 
ccedingly.   Bat  now,  if  thou  confound  and  mingle  thefe  two  togc-  mins|iBg  ^ 
thcr,  and  place  the  law  in  the  confciencc  ,  and  the  promife  of  iibertic  [he  prorifc 
in  the  flcfti,  then  thou  makeft  a  confufion  (  fuch  as  was  in  Popery  : )  *°8«*cfc 
fo  that  thou  (halt  not  know  what  the  law ,  what  the  promife  ,  what 
fin,  or  whatrightcoufneflcis. 

Wherefore  if  thou  wilt  rightly  divide  the  word  of  truth,  thou 
muft  put  a  great  difference  betwccnc  the  promife  and  the  law ,  as 
touching  the  inward  affections  and  whole  praclifeof  life.  Itisnot 
for  naught  that  Pa*l  profccuteth  this  argument  fo  diligently. 
For  heVorcfaw  in  fpirit  that  this  mifchicfc  (hould  crccpc  into 
the  Church ,  that  the  word  of  God  ihould  be  confounded  :  that  is 
to  fay  ,  that  the  promife  fhould  be  mingled  with  the  law  ,  and  fo 
the  promife  Qiould  be  utterly  loft.  For  when  the  promife  is  ming 
led  with  the  law,  it  is  now  made  nothing  clfc  but  the  very  law. 
Therefore  accuftomc  thy  fclfc  tofepcrate  the  promife  and  the  law  a- 
funder ,  even  in  rcfpefl  of  time ,  that  when  the  law  commeth  and 
accufeth  thy  confciencc ,  thou  mayclt  fay  :  Lady  law ,  thou  comeft 
not  in  feafon ,  for  thou  comeft  to  (bone :  Tarry  yet  untill  4$o  y cares 
be  expired ,  and  when  they  are  paft ,  then  come  and  fpare  not.  But  if 
thou  come  then,  yet  (halt  thou  come  too  late.  For  then  hath  the  pro 
mife  prevented  the  430.  y  cares  :  to  the  which  I  adept ,  and  fwcet 
ly  rcpofc  myfeife  in  the  fame.  Therefore  I  have 'nothing  to  do 

V  4  with 

DACM  tou 
ching  (be 

Th«  office 
of  the  la  fi 

Chap.III.  rpentht  EPISTLE 

with  thec?I  hcarc  thec  not.  For  now  I  live  with  the  believing  Abrt* 
kamtov  rather  (ince  Chrift  is  now  fevealcd  and  given  unto  mc,I  live  in 
hirmwho  is  my  righteoufncs,who  alfo  hath  aboliChcd  thec  6  law.  And 
thus  let  Chrift  be  alwaics  before  thine  ey  es,as  a  certain  fummary  of  all 
arguments  for  the  defence  of  faith,againft  the  rightcoufncs  of  the  flefti, 
againft  the  law  and  againft  all  works  and  merits  whatfocvcr. 

Hitherto  I  have  rehear  fed  almoft  all,  but  ipecially  the  principal!  ar 
guments  which  the  Apoftle  P^/handleth  in  this  hpiftle,for the  con 
firmation  of  this  dodrint  of  Juftiftcation.  Among  which,  the  argu 
ment  as  touching  the  promiic  made  umo  Abraham  and  to  the  other 
Fathers,  is  the  weighticft  and  of  grcateft  efficacy  :  which  /W/doth 
chiefly  profccutc  both  here  and  in  the  tpittlc  to  the  Romanes ,  the 
word*  whereof  he  diligently  weighcth  and  moreover  intrcatcth  both 
of  the  times  and  pcrfons.  Alfo  he  ftandeth  upon  this  word  Stede, 
applying  the  fame  unto  Chrift.  Finally ,he  declareth  by  the  contrary, 
what  the  law  vvorketh :  namely,  that  it  holdcth  men  under  the  curfe. 
And  thus  he  fort ifieth  the  Article  of  Chriftian  righteoufncflc  with 
ftrong  and  mighty  arguments.  On  the  other  fide,  he  overthrowcth 
the  arguments  of  the  falfe  Apoftles,vvhich  they  ufed  in  defence  of  the 
righteoufnes  of  the  law,and  turneth  them  upon  their  own  heads :  that 
is  to  fay,  whereas  they  contended  that  righteoufnes  and  life  is  obtai 
ned  by  the  law.  P*d  fheweth  that  it  vvorketh  nothing  but  maledi 
ction  and  death  in  us.  Ye  contend  (faith  he)  that  the  law  is  neceflary 
to  falvation.  Have  ye  not  read  that  it  faith  :  He  that/hall  do  theft  things 
fhaRlvvein  tkem  ?  Now,vvho  is  he  that  pcrformeth  and  accomplifticth 
them  ?  No  man  living.Therfore,^  IMMJ  a  are  of  the  Veorkes  of  the  fav, 
«re  ttnder  tbecttrfc.  And  again,in  another  place  :  Tfcjtmg  of  death  «/», 
tend  thefrength  of  Jin  is  the  lw.  Now  rollowcth  the  conclufion  of  all 
thcfe  arguments. 

Verfc  1  ?.    for  if  the  inheritance  be  of  tht  taw,  it  if  n*  more  by  the  pro- 
mtfe,  &c. 

So  he  faith  in  the  4.  to  the  ROM/MS  :  Per  if  thy  Vehich  be  of  tkt 
Uve  be  heires  ,  then  is  frith  but  wing,  and  the  promife  of  none  ejfeft, 
And  it  cannot  otbcrwife  be  :  for  this  diftinclion  is  plainc,  that  the 
Jaw  is  a  thing  farre  differing  from  the  promife.  Yea  natural! 
mfon  y  although  it  be  never  fo  blind ,  is  compelled  to  cenfeiTe., 


ft  the  G  A  t  AT  H  IAN  s.  Fo!.i4p 

that  it  is  one  thing  to  prcmife,  and  another  thing  to  require  : 
thing  to  give,  and  another  thing  to  take.  The  law  requircth  and  cxad- 
eth  of  us  our  works  :  the  promiic  of  the  Seeds  doth  offer  unto  us  the 
fpirituall  and  everlafting  benefits  of  God,  and  that  freely  for  Chrifts 
fakc.Therfcre  we  obtain  the  inheritance  or  blclling  -through  the  pro- 
mife,  and  not  through  the  law.  For  thcpromife  faith  :  In  ily  feed  flatt 
dl  nations  of  the  earth  lie  bleficd.  Therfore  he  that  hathtthe  law  hath  not  J 
enough,  becaufe  he  hath  not  yet  the  blefling,without  the  which  he  is  the  law. 
compelled  to  abide  under  the  curfc.  1  he  law  therefore  cannot  juftifie, 
becaufe  the  blefling  is  not  joyned  unto  it.  Moreover,  if  the  inheritance 
were  of  the  law,  then  (hould  God  be  found  a  liar,  and  the  promifc 
(hould  be  in  vain.  Again,  it  the  law  could  obtain  the  blefling,why  did 
God  then  make  this  promifc :  In  thy  feed,  &c.   Why  did  he  not  rather 
fay  :  Do  this  and  thou  (halt  receive  the  blefling  ?  or  clfe,by  keeping  of 
the  law,  thou  maift  dcfervc  everlafting  life  ?  This  argument  is  groun 
ded  upon  contraries :  The  inheritance  is  given  by  the  promifc ;  there 
fore  not  by  the  law. 

Verfe  1 8.  But  God  gave  it  unto  Abraham  by  promife. 

It  cannot  be  denied  but  that  God,  before  the  law  was,  gave  unto 
tAbrakamtivs  inheritance  or  blefling  by  the  promifc  :  that  -is  to  fay, 
rcmifllonoffinncs,  rightcoufncflc ,  falvation,  and  everlafting  lire* 
thatwefliouldbcfonnesandheircsofGody  and  fellow  hcires  with  ciuift. 
Chrift.  For  it  is  plainly  faid  in  Gencfis :  In  thj  feed  flail att  nations  be 
blejfcd.    There  the  blefling  is  given  freely  without  refpcA  of  the  law 
or  works.    For  God  gave  the  inheritance  before  Mofes  was  borne, 
or  before  any  man  had  yet  once  thought  of  the  law.    Why  vaunt  yc 
then,  that  rightceufneflc  cometh  by  the  law,  feeing  that  righteouf- 
ncflc,  life  and  falvation  was  given  to  your  father  Abraham  without 
the  law,  yea  before  there  was  any  law  ?  Hcthatis  not  mooved  with 
thefc  things,  is  blind  and  obftinate.  But  this  argument  of  the  promiic 
1  have  before  handled  more  largely,and  thcrforc  I  will  but  touch  it  by 
the  way. 

Hitherto  we  have  heard  the  principall  part  of  this  Epiftle.Now  the 
Apoftle  goeth  about  to  fhew  the  ufc  and  office  of  the  law,adding  cer-  j 
tain  fimilrtudes  of  the  School-maftcrjand  of  the  lit  tic  hr  ire  :  Alfothe  lo 
allegory  of  the  two  fons  of  Abnkim,  Ifuc  and  lfl*n*lfrs.  Laft  of  all  tb"Epitti 
he  Icttcth  forth  certain  precepts  conccming  manners. 


Chap.  III.  VfOfl  /^EPISTLE 

Vtrft  j  p.    Wherefore  tken  fervetk  the  law  ? 

•    When  we  teach  that  a  man  is  juftificd  without  the  law  and  works, 
then  doth  th  is  queft  ion  neceflarily  follow  :  If  the  law  do  not  juQifie, 
\vhy  then  was  it  given  ?  Alfo  why  doth  God  charge  us  and  burden  us 
with  the  la  w,if  it  do  not  juftifie?  what  is  the  caufc  that  we  are  fo  hard 
ly  excrcifed  and  vexed  with  it,if  they  which  wcrke  but  one  houre,arc 
made  cquall  with  us  which  have  borne  the  heat  and  burthen  of  the 
day? when  as  that  grace  is  once  publifhed  unto  us  which  the  Gofpcll 
fetteth  out,  by  and  by  arifcth  this  great  murmuring  :  without  the 
which  the  Gofpell  cannot  be  preachcd.Thc  Jews  had  this  opinion,that 
jt/.»« »».?.    ^  tneV  kept  the  law,  they  fhould  be  juftified  thereby.  Therefore  when 
-  they  heard  that  the  Gofpell  was  preached  concerning  Chrift,  who 
camc  mto  tne  world  to  favc,  not  the  righteous,  but  finners,  and  that 
they  (hould  go  before  them  into  the  kingdome  of  God,  they  were 
ff  fertile  wonderfully  offended,  complaining  that  they  had  borne  the  heavic 
Qabiifhing    yoake  of  the  la  w  fo  many  years  with  great  labour  and  toyle,  and  that 
of  the  law.   ^gy  were  miferably  vexed  and  opprelfcd  with  the  tyrannyof  the  law, 
without  any  profit,yea  rather  to  their  great  hurt.  Again,that  the  gen- 
t^es  w^°  wcrc  f  dolaters,obtained  grace  without  any  labour  or  travel. 
So  do  our  Papifts  murmur  at  this  day,fay  ing:  What  hath  it  profited  us 
l^at  we  have  lived  in  a  clcifterio,  30, or 40.  ycares  :  that  we  have 
vowed  ch3ftity,povcrty,obcdicnce :  that  we  have  faid  fo  msnyPfaltcrs 
and  fo  manyCanonicall  hours,and  fb  many  Maflcs:  that  we  have  fo  pu« 
niihcd  our  bodies  with  faftingjpraycrSjchaftifementSjGT-^.if  a  husband, 
a  wife,nPrincc,aGovcrnor,a  mafter.afchollarjif  an  hireling  or  a  drudg 
bearing  facks,if  a  wench  fweeping  the  houfcfliall  not  only  be  made 
equall  with  us,  but  alfo  be  accepted  as  better  and  more  worthy  before 
Cjodthsn  we? 

This  is  therefore  an  hard  queftion,  vvhereunto  rcafon  cannot 
-  an^wcr>  ^Ut  *s  greatly  orlendcd  with  it.  Reafon  after  a  fort  undcr- 
jing  the  do,  ftandeth  the  righteoufncfic  of  the  hwjvvhich  alfo  it  teacherh  and  ur- 
GofCcnfthe  Setn»  anc*  in^^gincth  that  the  doers  of  it  are  righteous  :  but  it  un- 
»»yehte»ch- derftandeth  not  the  office  and  end  of  the  law.  Therefore  when  it 
ncarct^  tn^s  Sentence  of  Paul,  ("which  is  ftrange  and  unknowne 
to  the  world:)  that  the  law  V?  as  given  for  tranfgrejfions  ,  Thus  it 
judgeth  ;  T^/  aboliilicth  the  law,  for  he  faith,  that  we  are  not  ju 
ftified  through  it  :  Yea,  he  is  a  biafphcoicr  againft  God  which  gave 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  M  I  AN  $• 

the  law,  when  he  faith,  that  the  Uv>  Was  given  for  trtitfgrejjtons.  Let 
us  live  therefore  as  (Jennies  which  have  no  law.  Yea,  let  us  (in  and  a- 
bide  in  fin,  that  grace  may  abound :  Alfo,lct  us  do  evill  that  good  may 
comcthercof.  This  hapncd  to  the  Apoftle  Paul,  and  the  felf-famc 
hapncth  at  this  day  unto  us.  For  when  the  common  people  hcare 
out  ofthe  Gofpell,  that  righteoufncfle  cometh  by  the  meere  grace  of 
God  through  faith  only,  without  the  law  and  without  works,  they 
gather  by  and  by  of  ir,as  did  the  J  cws  in  times  paft:  1  f  the  law  do  not 
juftific,  then  let  us  vvorke  nothing  :  and  this  do  they  truly  per- 

What  (hould  we  then  do?  This  impiety  doth  indeed  very  much  chri«  ;< 
vex  us,  but  vre  cannot  remedy  it.  For  whcnChrift  preached,  he  muft  '"dgedto 
needs  hcarc,  that  he  was  a  blafphemcr  and  a  feditious  perfon  :  that  is  mc3t 
to  fay,  that  through  his  do&rine  he  deceived  men,  and  made  them  re-  'edi«ou», 
bcls  againft  Ctfir.    The  felfc-famc  thing  hapned  to  /Wand  all  the  perf° 
reft  ofthe  Apoftlcs.  And  what  marvell  is  it  if  the  world  in  like  man 
ner  accufe  us  at  this  day  ?  Let  it  accufe  us,  let  it  (lander  us,  let  it  perfe- 
cutc  us  and  fpare  not :  yet  muft  not  we  therefore  hold  our  peace,  6ut 
fpeakc freely, that affiiftcd  cunfciences  may  be  delivered  out  ofthe 
fnares  of  the  dcvill.  And  we  muft  not  regard  the  foolifti  and  ungodly 
people  in  that  they  do  abufe  our  doftrine:for  whether  they  have  a  la  w 
or  no  law,thcy  cannot  be  reformed.  But  we  muft  confidcr  how  affli 
cted  confcicnccs  maybe  comforted,that  they  perifh  not  with  the  mul 
titude.  If  we  fhould  dirfcmble  and  hold  our  peace,  mifcrable  and  afHi- 
ftcd  confcicnccs  (hould  have  no  comfort,  which  arc  fo  enunglcd  and 
fnared  with  mcns  laws  and  traditions,  that  they  can  wind  themfclvcj 
out  by  no  means. 

As  Paul  therefore,  when  he  faw  that  fomc  refiftcd  his  doftrine, 
and  other  fome  fought  the  liberty  ofthe  flcfh,  and  thereby  became  JJS'iSf 
worfc,  comforted  himfelfe  after  this  fort,  that  he  was  an  Apoftle  donefonhe 
of  Jefus  Chrift  fcnt  to  preach  the  Faith  of  Gods  cleft,   and  that  clea$f»kc- 
he  muft  fufcr  all  things  for  the  elefts  fake,  that  they  alfo  might 
obtains  falvation  :  .for  we  at  this  day  do  all  things  tor  the  elc&s 
fakr,  whom  we  know  to  be  edified  and  comforted  through  our 
doclrine.     But  as  for  the  dogs  andfwinc  (of whom thepnc fort 
pctfecutcth  our  doftrine,   and  the  other  fort  trcadcth  under  foot 
the  liberty  which  we  have  in   Chrift  Jcfus)   I  am  ft  offended 
with  them,  that  in  all  my  life  for  their  lakes  I  would  not  uttar . 


Chap.  III.  y$0fi  the  E  P  I  s  T  t  E 

fo  much  as  one  word  :  but  I  would  rather  wi(h  that  thefe  fwirie,  td- 
gtthcr  with  our  adver&rics  the  dogs,  were  yet  ftili  fubjecl  to  the 
Popes  tyranny,  rather  then  that  the  holy  NameofGodfhould  be  fo 
blafphcmed  and  evill  fpokcn  of  through  them. 

i<irie;h  not,       Therefore,albcit  not  only  the  foolifh  and  ignorant  people,but  they 
therefore  it  alfo  which  fecm  in  their  ownc  conceits  to  be  very  wife,  do  argue  after 
labie- ul~   tnis  f°rt;  if tRC  k  w  ^°  not  juftific,thcn  is  it  in  vain  and  of  none  cfeft: 
naughty,     yet  is  it  not  therefore  true.    For  like  as  this  confcqucnce  is  nothing 
conferee-  Wortj1 .  \iony  doth  not  juftifie  or  make  a  man  righteous,  therefore  it 
is  unprofitable ;  the  eyes  do  not  juftifie,thercforc  they  muft  be  plucktd 
out ;  the  hands  make  not  a  man  righteous,  therefore  they  muft  be  cut 
of:  fo  is  this  naught  alfo :  the  law  doth  not  juftific,thereforc  it  is  un- 
profitablc:for  we  muft  attribute  unto  every  thing  his  proper  effect  and 
ufc.  We  doe  not  therefore  deftroy  and  condemnc  the  law,  bccaufc  we 
fay,  that  it  doth  not  juftifie  :  but  we  anfwer  other  wife  to  this  quefti- 
on :  To  What  endtfxnferveth  the  law  ?  then  our  adverfaries  do,  who  do 
wickedly  and  pcrvcrfly  counterfeit  an  office  and  ufe  of  the  law  which 
bclongeth  not  unto  it. 

Againft  this  abufe  and  forged  office  of  the  law,  we  difpute  and 

anfwer  with  Taut,  that  the  law  doth  not  juftifie.     But  in  fo  faying 

we  affirmc  not  that  the  law  is  unprofitable,  as  they  doe  by  and  by 

gather.    If  the  law  do  not  juftifie  (fay  they)  then  is  it  given  in  vain. 

•rhc. proper  No  not  fo.   For  it  hath  his  proper  office  and  ufe,  but  not  that  which 

•ferf'hc    tnc  adverfaries  d°  imaginc,namcly,to  make  men  righteous :  but  it  ac- 

Uw.          cufcth,  tcrrificth,  and  condcmneth  them.  We  fay  with  Paal,  that  the 

law  is  good,  if  a  man  do  rightly  ufc  it :  that  is  to  fay,  if  he  ufc  the  law 

when  the    asthelaw.   If  I  givcuntothc  law  his  proper  definition,  and  kecpe 

r"§      it  within  the  compaffe  of  hisoffice  and  ufc,  it  is  an  excellent  thing. 

But  if  I  tranflatc  it  to  another  ufe,  and  attribute  that  unto  it  which  I 

(houldnot,  then  do  I  not  only  pervert  the  law,  bat  alfo  the  whole 


Therefore  7W  fighteth  hercagainft  thofe  pcftUcnt  hypocrites, 
who  could  not  abide  this  fentencc  :   The  law  Veos  adde^  for  tr&if- 
vrtjfions.    For  they  thinke  that  the  office  of  the  law  is  to  juftifie. 
AII men  n«-  An^  tnis  is  the  generall  opinion  of  mans  rcafon  among  the  So- 
c  phiftcrs,  and  throughout  the  whole  world ,  tnat  righteoufneffe  is 
'  gotten  through  the  works  of  the  law.    And  reafon  will  by  no  means 
fuffcr  this  pernicious  opinion  to  be  wrefted  from  it,  becaufc  it  un- 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  T  A  N  5.  Fol.1 5  I 

derftandcth  not  the  rightcoufhcfle  of  faith.  Hereof  it  cometh  that  the 
Papifts  both  fooliflhly  and  wickedly  dofay:Tbc  Church  haih  the  law 
ofGod,  the  traditions  of  the  Fathers,  the  decrees  of  Counccls:  If  it 
live  after  them,  it  is  holy.    No  man  (hall  perfwadc  thcfc  men,  that  fwth< 
when  they  keep  thcfe  things,  they  pleafe  not  God,  but  provoke  his 
wrath.To  concludc,thcy  that  truft  in  their  own  righteoufnefle,think 
to  pacific  the  wrath  of  God  by  their  will  worfliip  and  voluntary  re 
ligion.  Therefore  this  opinion  of  the  righteoufneflc  of  the  law  is  the 
finke  of  all  evilis,  and  thcfianc  of  finncs  of  the  whole  world.    For 
groffe  fins  and  vices  maybe  known  and  fo  amended,  or  elfe  rcpref- 
ied  by  the  punifliment  of  the  Magiftrate.But  this  fmnc,  to  wit,  mans 
opinion  concerning  his  own  righteoufneflc,will  not  only  be  counted 
no  fin,  butalfo  willbeeftccmed  for  an  high  religion  and  righteouf- 
neffc.   This  pcftilent  fin  therefore  is  the  mighty  power  of  the  devill  Thc  grMt 
over  the  whole  world,  the  very  head  of  thefcrpcnt,  and  the  mare  ppv»«ofthc 
whereby  the  devill  intangleth  and  holdeth  all  men  captive.  For  natu-  ^JJ,'0" 
rally  all  men  have  this  opinion,  that  they  are  made  righteous  by  keep-  the  whole 
ing  of  the  law.  P*iul  therefore  to  the  end  he  might  facw  the  true  of-  wotldt 
fice  and  ufe  of  the  law,  and  might  root  out  of  mcns  hearts  that  falfe 
opinion  concerning  the  rightcoufnes  thereof,  anfwercth  to  this  ob- 
jeftion :  Wherefore  then  fcrvcth  the  law  if  it  juftifie  not  ?  after  this 
fort :  It  was  not  given  to  make  men  righteous  (faith  he)  bat, 

Ver  fe  I  p..    It  veM  added  bec^ufe  oftranfgrejfions. 

As  things  are  divers  and  diftinft,  fo  the  ufes  thereof  are  divers  A»aii  thing* 
and  diftinft :  Therefore  they  may  not  be  confounded.  For  if  they  be,  £"*  A°*  . 
there  muft  needs  be  aconfufion  of  the  things  alfo.    A  woman  may  r«of  things, 
not  wcare  a  mans  apparcll,  nor  a  man  a  womans  attire.    Let  a  man 
do  the  works  that  belong  to  a  man,  and  a  woman  the  works  that 
belong  to  a  woman.  Let  every  man  do  that  which  his  vocation  and 
office  rcquiretb.    Let  Paftors  and  preachers  teach  the  word  of  God 
purely.    Let  Ma  gift  rates  governc  their  fubjeds,  and  let  fubjcds 
obey  their  Magiftratcs.  Let  every  thing  fcrvc  in  his  due  place  and 
or^cr.   Let  the  Sunnc  fiiineby  day,  the  Moone  and  the  Starres  by 
night :  let  the  Sea  give  fifties :  the  earth,  graine ;  the  woods,  wilde  'a 
beafls  andtrees,^.  In  like  manner  let  not  the  law  ufurpcthcof-" 
ficc  and  ufc  of  another,  that  is  to  fay,  of  Juftification  :  but  let  it 
leave  this  onely  to  grace,  to  the  promiie  and  to  faith.   What  is 


Chap.IIL  VfM  ttc'E*  i*  T  t  E 

then  the  office  of  the  law  ?  Tranfgreflions,  or  elfe  ("as  he  faith  in  ano- 
thcr  place  0  The  law  entrcd  in,tbat  fin  ftiould  abound.  A  goodly  o£. 
fice  forfoot  h .  The  l>w  (faith  he)  W^  added' fir  tranfgrejfions  .-that  is  to 
fay,  it  was  added  befides  and  after  the  promife,  until!  Chrift  the  feed 
fhould  come,unto  whom  it  was  promifcd. 

Of  the  double  ufe  of  the  law. 

H  Ere  ye  muftunderftand  that  there  is  a  double  ufe  of  the  law  : 
One  is  dvill :  For  God  hath  ordained  civill  laws,yea  all  laws  to 

The  ufe  of 

punifh  tranfgrcfllons.Every  law  then  is  given  to  reftra'inefin.If  it  re- 
bSfe'uwc  ftraine  ""n» tnen  "  tnakcth  men  righteous.  No,  nothing  lefle.   For  in 
greffions,    that  I  do  not  kill,  f  do  not  commit  adultery,!  do  not  ftealc,  or  in  that 
I  abftaine  from  other  fins,  T  do  if  not  willingly  or  for  the  love  of  vcr- 
tue,but  I  fearc  the  prifon,  the  fword  and  the  hangman.  Thefe  do  bri 
dle  and  reftraine  me  that  I  finne  not,  as  bonds  and  chaines  reftraine 
-  -a  Lion  or  a  Beare,  that  heteare  and  devoure  not  every  thing  that  he 
-jncereth:  therefore  the  restraining  from  finne  is  not  righteoufncfle, 
but  rather  a  fignification  of  unrighteoufnefie.    For  as  a  mad  or  wild 
bcaft  is  bound  left  he  (hould  dcftroy  every  thing  that  he  meeteth,  e- 
-ven  fo  the  law  doth  bridle  a  mad  and  a  furious  man,  that  he  finne  not 
after  his  own  luft.    This  reftraint  fhewcth  plainly  enough  that"  fhey 
which  have  need  of  the  law  (as  all  they  $ave  which  are  without 
Chrift)are  not  righteous,  but  rather  wicked  and  mad  men,  whom  it 
is  necetfary  by  the  bonds  and  prifbn  of  the  law,  fo  to  bridle  that  they 
-(inncnot.Thereforethc  law  juftifieth  not. 

•The  power  Thcfitft  ufe  thenofthc  law  is,  to  bridle  the  wicked.  For  the  di* 
o{  the  divei.  vell  reigncrh  throughout  the  whole  world,  and  enforccth  men  to 
all  kinds  of  horrible  wickedneff*.  Therefore  God  hath  ordained 
^agl^ratcs»  Parcnts>  Minifters,  lawes,  bonds,  and  all  civill  or- 
dinances,  that  if  they  can  do  no  more,  yet  at  the  leaft  they  may  binde 
the  devils  hands,  that  he  rage  not  in  his  bondflavcs  after  hrsoWne 
luft.  Like  as  therefore  they  that  arepo{£(F:dj  in  whom  thedcvill 
mightily  reigneth,  are  kept  in  bonds  and  chaines  1'eaft  they  fhould 
hurt  others  :  even  fo  in  the  world,  which  ispoflffkdof  thcdcvHl, 
and  carried  headlong  intoaUkindesofwickednefle,  the  Magiftrate 
is  prefcnt  Vv'i  h  his  bonds  and  chaines :  that  is  to  fay,  with  his  laws, 
finding  his  -hands  and  feet  that  he  run  not  headlong  into  all  wit 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s. 

chiefc.  And  if  he  fuffer  not  himfelfe  to  be  bridclcd  after  this  fort,thcn 
he  lofeth  his  head.  This  civill  reftraint  is  very  necefory  and  appoin-        n. 
ted  of  God,  as  well  for  publikc  peace,  as  alfo  for  the  prcfcrvation  of  the  law  ;s  • 
all  things,  but  efpccially  left  the  courfe  of  the  Gofpell  ihould  hcliin-  nc"tt"*: 
dered  by  the  tumults  and  fcditions  of  wicked,  outragious,  and  proud 
men.  But  Pd#/intreateth  not  here  of  this  civill  ufe  and  office  of  the 
law.  It  is  indeed  very  neceflary,  but  it  juftifieth  not.  For  as  a  poflef- 
fcd  or  mad  man  is  not  therefore  free  from  the  fnares  of  the  dcvili 
or  well  in  his  mind,  bccaufe  he  hath  his  hands  and  his  feet  bound, 
and  can  do  no  hurt :  even  fo  the  world,although  it  be  brideled  by  the 
law  from  outward  wickednefle  and  mifchiefe,  yet  it  is  not  therefore. 
rightcous9  but  dill  continueth  wicked:  yea  this  reftraint  thewcth  , 

plainely  that  the  world  is  wicked  and  outragious,  ftirved  up  and  en 
forced  toallwickedneflbby  his  prince  the  devill :  for  other  wife  it 
need  not  to  be  brideled  by  laws  that  it  fhould  not  finne. 

Another  ufe  of  the  law  is  divine  and  fpirituall,  which  is  (as 
Paul  faith)  to  increafe  tranfgrcfjiw :  that  is  to  fay,  to  revcale 
unto  a  man  his  finne,  his  blindnefle,  hismifery,  hisimpiety,  igno 
rance,  hatred  and  contempt  of  God,  death,  hell,  the  judgement  and 
defervcd  wrath  of  (Sod.  Of  this  ufe  the  Apoftle  intreateth  notably 
in  the  7th  to  the  Romanes.  This  is  altogether  unknown  to  hypo- 
crites,  to  the  popifh  Sophifters  andSchoole-divines,andtoallthat 
tvalke  in  the  opinion  of  the  righteoufnefle  of  the  law,  or  of  their 
own  righteoufnefle.  But  to  the  end  that  God  might  bridle  and 
beate  downe  this  monftcr  and  this  mad  beaft  ( I  mcane  th?  pre- 
fumption  of  mans  rightcoufneffc  and  religion  )  which  naturally  ma- 
J<cth  men  proud,  and  puf&ththemup  in  fuchfort,  that  they  think 
thcmfclvcs  thereby  to  pleafe  God  highly  :  it  behoved  him  to  fend 
.  fomc  *  Hercules  which  might  fet  upon  thismonfter  with  all  force- 
and  courage  to  overthrow  him,  and  utterly  todeftroy  him  :  that  is 
to  fay , he  was  confhained  to  give  a  law  in  Mount  Sina,  with  fo  great 
Majcfty  and  with  fo  terrible  a  flic w,  that  the  whole  multitude  was 
aftonied,  Exod.\g.&  20. 

This,  as  it  is.the  proper  and  the  principall  ufe  of  the  law :  fo  is  it 
very  profitable  and  alfo  moft  neceflary.  For  if  any  be  not  a  murthe- 
rcr,  an  adulterer,  a  thccfe,  and  outwardly  refrain  from  finne,  as  the  -" 
Pharifee  did  which  is  mentioned  in  thcGofpcli,  he  would  fwearc 
(becaufc  he  is  poflcfTcd  with  the  devilDthat  he  is  righteous,  and  thcr- 


Chap.III.  rfM  the  EPISTLE 

f°rc  he  continucth  an  opinion  of  righteoafnefle,and  prefumcth  of  hiS 
and  hum-     good  werks  and  merits.  Such  a  one  God  cannot  othcrwife  mollific 
Sw!bytb:  an^  humble,  that  he  may  acknowledge  his  mifery  and  damnation 
but  by  the  law.  For  that  is  the  hammer  of  death,  the  thundering  of 
h  vll,and  lightening  of  Gods  wrath,  that  bcateth  to  powder  the  obfti- 
nate  and  (enfl:flc  hypocrites.    Wherefore  this  isthe  proper  and  true 
ufcof  the  law,  by  lightening,  by  tcmpcft,  and  by  the  found  of  th* 
trumpet  (  as  in  the  mount  Siwj  to  terrihe,and  by  thundering  to  beatc 
down  arid  rent  in  pieces  that  beaft  which  is  called  the  opinion  of 
7<rr  a?  s?.    rightCoufnes.Thcrfore  faith  God  by  Jcremle  the  Prophet:  My  ward  i* 
xan«  op-nt-  A  hammer  breaking  rocl^.  Tor.  as  long  as  the  opinion  of  rightcoufneflfc 

.on  touching  r   t  L  \  •  i  \r     •     \  •       •  i_      rui 

the  rig^te-  abideth  in  man,  id  long  there  abidcth  alfo  in  him  incomprehenhblc 

pride  prefumptiaOjfecurity  .hatred  of  God,contemptof  his  grace  and 

law,or  his      ~  •/*  i     r^i     -a  -r-i  t-  cr 

mercy,ignora;)Ce  or  inc  pt-omiles  and  or  Chntt.The  preaching  or  tree 
rcm'^lon  °^os  through  Chrilt  cannot  enter  into  the  heart  of  fuch  a 
one.neither  can  he  fcelc  any  taft  or  {avour  thereof.  Fo:  that  mighty 
j.Qck  an(j  adamant  wall,to  wit,the  opinion  of  righteoufnefl?,  where 
with  the  heart  is  environed,doth  refill  it. 

The  opinion  As  therfore  the  opinion  of  righteoufhefle  is  a  great  and  an  horri- 
ble  monfter,  a  rebellious,  obftinate  and  ftifc-necked  beaft  :  fo  for 
the  deftroying  and  overthrowing  thereof,  God  hath  ncede  of  a 
mighty  hammer,  that  is  to  fay,  the  law  :  which  then  is  in  his 
proper  ufe  avid  office,  when  it  accufcth  and  revealcth  finne  after 

hw*  this  fort  :  Behold  thou  ha't  tranfgrcffcd  all  the  Commandements 
of  Godj^r.  and  fo  it  ftriketh  a  terrour  into  the  confcicnce^io  that  it 
fceletb  God  to  beoffjndcd  and  angry  indeed,  and  it  fclfe  to  be  guil 
ty  of  eternall  death.  Here  the  poorc  :.f  fitted  (inner  feeleth  the  intol- 
lerabls  burden  of  the  law,  and  is  beaten  down  even  to  defperation, 

The  law  is  a  (bthat  now  being  opprdfefei  witii  great  angmfli  and  terrour,  hede- 
(ireth  death9or  clfe  fccketh  to  deftroy  himfelfe.  Wherefore  the  law 
is  that  hammer;  that  firr,  that  mighty  ftrong  windc,  and  that  tccri- 
We  earthquake  renting  th*  moun'taines,  and  breaking  the  rockes, 
that  is  to  fay,the  proud  and  obflinate  hypocrites.  £/<Xnor  being  able 
to  abide  thcfe  terrours  of  the  law,  wh'ich  by  thefe  things  arc  figni- 
fied,  covered  his  face  with  bis  mantle.  Notwithftanding  when 
the  tempeit  ccafcd,  of  which  he  was  a  beholder,  there  came  aloft 
and  a  gracious  winde^  in  the  which  the  Lord  was.  But  it  behoved 
that  the  tempeft  of  fire,  ofwinde,  2nd  the  earthquake  fhould 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8.  I  $  J 

before  the  Lord  (hould  reveale  hi'mfelfe  in  that  gracious  wind. 

This  terrible  (hew  and  Majefty  wherein  God  gave  his  law  in 
Mount  Sina,did  reprefent  the  ufe  of  the  law.  There  was  in  the  peo 
ple  of  Jfrael  which  came  out  ofex££;^a  fingularholineiTc.Thcy  glo 
ried  and  faid:  We  are  tkc  yeofle  of  god.  We  will  do  all  thofc  things  which 
the  Lor  dour  Cjodhath  commanded.  Moreover,  tJMofes  did  ianctifie  the 
people,and  bad  them  wafh  their  garments,refraine  From  their  wives, 
and  prepare  themfclvcs  againft  the  third  day.  There  was  not  one  of 
them  but  he  was  fullofholinfle.  The  third  day  ^/o/?jbringeth  the 
people  out  of  their  tents  to  the  mountaine  unto  the  fight  of  the  Lord, 
that  they  might  heare  his  Ycice.  What  followed  then  ?  When  the  the  tWi- 
children  ofcljracl  did  behold  the  horrible  fight  of  the  Mount  fmoak-  ^"nofiC 
ing  ajid  burning,the  blacke  clcuds,  and  the  lightnings  fiaflaing  up  and 
doVn  in  this  horrible  darkened,  and  heard  the  found  of  the  trumpet 
blowing  long  and  waxing  louder  and  louder  :  and  moreover,  when 
they  heard  thetbunderings  and  ligfetenings,  they  were  afraid,  and 
ftanding  afarre  ofl^  they  faid  untoMofes:  We  will  dee  all  things  nil- 
tinglj,  fi  that  the  Lordfyeake  net  unto  «/,  left  that  we  die,  And thu  great  l8 
fare  con  fume  m.  Teach  thou  us,  andwe  will  hearken  ttntothee.  I  pray  you, 
what  did  their  purify  ing,  their  holinefle,  their  white  garments,  and 
refraining  from  their  wives  profit  them  ?  Nothing  at  all.  There  was 
not  one  of  them  that  could  abide  this  prefence  of  the  Lord  in  his  Ma- 
jefty  and  glory  :  but  all  being  amazed  and  (haken  with  terrour,  fled 
back  as  if  they  had  been  driven  by  the  devill.  For  God  is  a  confuming 
fire,in  whofe  fight  no  flcfh  is  able  to  ft  and. 

The  law  of  tSod  therefore  hath  properly  and  peculiarly  that  of-  the  law 
ficc  which  it  bad  then  in  Mount  Siitat  when  it  was  fitft  given,  and 
was  firft  heard  of  them  that  were  wafhcd,  righteous,  purified  and 
chafte:  and  yft  notwithstanding  it  brought  that  holy  people  unto 

r     t        i  /l  I  ^u    •  •/  i_         L  given  in 

fuch  a  knowledge  or  tneir  own  miiery,  that  they  were  throwne  mount 
down  even  to  death  and  defperation.    No  purity  nor  holineffe  could 
then  help  them :  but  there  was  in  them  fuch  a  feeling  of  their  own 
uncleanncfle,  un  worthiness  and  finne,  and  of  the  judgement  and 
wrath  of  God,  that  they  fled  from  the  fight  of  the  Lord,  and  could 
not  abide  to  heare  his  voice,   what  fiefi  WAS  there  ever  (fay  they  )  that 
heard  the  voice  of  the  living  God  freaking  out  of  the  middeft  of  the  fire,  were  afraid 
and  yet  lived?  This  day  havewefeen  that  Cjod  tal^eth  with  man  and  yet  cf  [he  la»,CG 
be  Uveth,  They  Ipcake  now  far  other  wife  then  they  did  a  little  before 

X  when 

Chap.III.  VfMtkt  EPISTLE 

when  they  faid :  We  are  the  holy  people  of  God,  whom  the  Lord 
hathchofen  for  his  own  peculiar  people  before  all  nations  upon  the 
earth:  We  will  do  all  things  which  the  Lord  hath  fpoken.  So  it  hap- 
peneth  at  length  to  all  Justiciaries, who  being  drunken  with  the  opi- 
njon  of  their  own  righteoufncs,  do  think  when  they  arc  out  of  tenta- 
tion,  that  they  are  beloved  of  God,  and  that  God  regardcth  their 
t^  VOWSj  their  fa(Ungs,their  prayers,  and  their  will- works,  and  that  tor 
thacPicwC«to  the  fame  he  muft  giveunto  them  a  fingular  crown  in  Heaven.    But 
fland.ngat  wnen  that  thundenng,Hghtening,fire,and  that  hammer  which  brea- 
""  keth  in  pieces  the  rocks,  that  is  to  fay,  the  law  of  God  commeth  Sud 
denly  upon  them,rcvealing  unto  them  their  fin,the  wrath  and  judge- 
mentofGod:  thenthefclfefame  thing  hapneth  unto  them  which 
hapncd  to  the  Jews  ftanding  at  the  foot  of  mount  Siva 

Here  I  adrnonifa  all  fuch  as  feare  God,  and  cfpecially  fuch  as 
(hall  become  teachers  of  others  hereafter,  that  they  diligently  learne 
out  of  Paw/tounderftandthetrusand  proper  ufe,  of  the  l?.w  :  which 
(  I  fcare  )  after  our  time  will  be  trodden  under  foot,  and  utterly  abo- 
lifhed  by  the  enemies  of  the  truth.  For  even  now,  whiles  we  arc 
verrfcw  yet  ^v*n&>  an<*  cmP^°y  -dlout  diligence  to  fet  forth  the  office  and 
undlrftirnd  ufe  both  of  the  law  and  theGofpcll,  there  be  very  few,  yea  even 
BfeJ f°P"  amonS  thofc  which  will  be  counted  Chriftians,  and  make  a  profef- 
faw.c  '  fion  of  the  Gofpcll  with  us,  that  underftand  thefe  things  rightly ,and 
as  they  (hould  do.  What  think  ye  then  fhall  come  to  patfe  when  we 
are  dead  and  gone  ?  1  fpeake  nothing  of  the  Anabaptifts,  of  the  new 
Arrians,and  fuch  other  vaine  fpints,who  are  no  leflfe  ignorant  of  thefc 
matters,  then  are  the  Papills,  although  they  taikc  never  fb  much  to 
the  contrary.  For  they  arc  revolted  from  the  pure  do&rine  of  the 
Gofpell,  to  laws  and  traditions,  and  therefore  they  teach  not  Chrift. 
Thcybragge  and  they  fwe:re  that  they  feek  nothing clle  but  the 
glory  of  Chrift,  and  thefalvation  of  their  brethren,  and  that  they 
teach  the  word  of  God  purely :  but  in  very  deed  they  corrupt  it  and 
wrcft  it  to  another  fence,  fo  that  they  make  it  to  found  according  to 
their  own  imagination.  Therefore,  under  the  name  cf  Chrift,  they 
teach  nothing  eife  but  their  own  drcames,and  under  the  name  of  the 
Gofpell,  c«rcmonics  and  laws.  They  arc  like  therefore  unto  them- 
lelves,  and  fo  they  ftill  continue :  that  is  to  fay,  Monkcs,  workers  of 
the  law,  and  teachers  of  ceremonies,  favingthat  they  devifcnew 
names  and  new  workcs. 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  H  8.'  Fol.  154 

xlt  is  no  f mall  matter  then  to  undcrftand  rightly  whatthc»lawis,  It:i"o('w*1 
and  what  is  the  true  ufe  and  office  thereof.    And  forafmuch  as  we 
teach  thefc  things  both  diligently  and  faithfully, we  do  therby  plain- 
ly  teftificthat  we  rejcdnot  the  law  and  workcs,  as  ouradverfaries 
do  falfly  accufc  us:  but  we  do  altogether  ftablifti  the  law,and  require 
the  works  thereof  an4  we  fay  that  the  law  is  good  and  profitable: 
but  in  his  own  proper  ufc :  which  is,  firft  to  bridle  civill  tranfgrcfli-  The  light  «f 
ons,  and  then,  to  rcvcalc  and  to  increafe  ipirituall  tranfgreflions. 
Wherefore  the  law  is  alfo  a  light,  which  fheweth  and  revealcth, 
not  the  grace  of  God,  not  righteoufncs  and  life :  but  finne  and  death, 
the  wrath  and  judgement  ofGod.For,as  in  the  mount  Sin*  the  thtin- 
dering,lightning,thc  thick  and  darkcloud,the  hill  fmoakingand  fla 
ming,  and  all  that  terrible  flic  w  did  not  rejoyce  nor  quicken  the  chil 
dren  oflfrael,but  terrified  and  aftonifhed  them,  and  (hewed  how  un 
able  they  were, with  all  their  purity  and  holines,  to  abide  the  Majefty 
of  God  (peaking  to  them  out  of  the  cloud:  even  fo  the  law,when  it  is 
in  his  true  ufe,  doth  nothing  clfe  but  rcvealc  finne,  ingender  wrath, 
accufe  and  terrific  men,  fo  that  it  bringcth  them  to  the  very  brink  of  his  true  ufe 
defpcration.T  his  is  the  proper  ufe  of  the  law,  and  here  it  hath  an  end, tcmfictbl 
and  it  ofight  to  go  no  further. 

Contrariwife,  thcGofpellis  alight  which  lightnetb,  quickneth,  The  light  of 
comforteth  and  raifeth  up  fearfull  confciences.  For  it  fhcwcth  that  thcGofPelL 
God  for  Chrifts  fake  is  mercifull  unto  finners,  yea  and  to  fuch  as 
arc  moft  unworthy,  if  they  bcleeve  that  by  his  death  they  are  de 
livered  from  thecurf?,  that  is  to  fay,  from  finne  and  everlafting 
death  ;  and  that  through  his  viclory  the  blcfTing  is  freely  given  unto 
them,  that  is  to  fay,  grace,  forgivenefle  offinnes,  righteoufmflfc  and 
everlafting  life.   Thus,  putting  a  difference  between  the  law  and 
the  Gofpell,  we  give  to  them  both  their  own  proper  ufe  and  office. 
Of  this  difference  between  the  law  and  the  Gofpell,  there  is  nothing 
to  be  found  in  the  books  of  the  Monkes,  Canonifts,  Schoolemen, 
no  nor  in  the  books  of  the  antient  Fathers,    tsfuguftinedid  fome- 
what  underftand  this  difference  arid  fhewcd  it.   Jerome  and  others 
knew  it  not.    Briefly,  there  was  wonderfull  filence  many  yearcs  ss 
touching  this  difference  in  all  Schoolcs  and  Churches :  And  this 
brought  mens  confciences  into  great  danger.    For  unkflc  the  Gof- 
pellbcplainely  difcerncd  from  thelaw,  the  true Chriftian  docTrinc 
cannot  be  kept  found  and  uncorrupt.  Contratiwiie,  if  this  difference 

Xz  be 

Chap.  III.  V$*n  the  EPISTLE 

found,uni«$  be  well  known,  then  is  alfo  the  true  manner  of  J unification  known, 
riehd^dif-  an<*  ^ltn  if  Is  an  ea^e  Batter  to  difcerne  faith  from  works,  Chrift 
ccmed  from  from  Mofei  and  all  politick  works.  For  all  things  without  Chrift  arc 
the  GofjcH.  tjjc  minjfters  Of  dcath  for  the  punifhing  of  the  wicked.  Therefore 

TdWanfwereth  to  this  q  jeftion  after  this  manner : 

Vcrfe  i  o.    The  Uvt  wot  added  becattfe  oftranfgrejfionf. 

That  is  to  fay,  that  tranfgreflions  might  increafe  and  be  more 
known  and  fecn.  And  indeed  fo  it  cometh  to  p^ffc.  For  when  (inne, 
death,  the  wrath  and  judgement  of  God  and  hell,  are  revealed  to  a 
man  through  the  law: it  is  impoflible but  that  he  fhould  become  im 
patient,  murmure  againft  God,  and  dcfpife  his  will.  For  he  cannot 
bcare  the  ;adgement  of  God,his  own  death  and  damnation :  and  yet 
not  withftanding  he  cannot  efcapc  them.  Here  he  nuft  needs  fall  in 
to  the  hatred  of  God,  and  blafphemy  againft  God.  Before,  when  he 
was  out  of  tentation,  he  was  a  very  holy  man,  he  worfhippcd  and 
praifedGod,  he  bowed  his  knee  before  God  and  gave  him  thank?, 
as  the  Pharifce  did,Z#^.i  8.  But  now,when  fin  and  death  is  revealed 
unto  him,  he  wifhcth  that  there  were  no  God.  The  law  therefore  of 
it  fclfe  bringeth  a  fpeciall  hatred  of  God.  And  thus  fin  is  not  only 
revealed  and  known  by  the  law,  but  alfo  is  incrcafcd  and  ftirred  up 
by  the  law.Therefore  P aul Taith  ,Rom.y.  Sinnethat  it  might  appears  to 
hcfin,-wrouffjbt  death  in  me  by  that  Vtkich  wot  zpod,  thatjin^e  might  be  out 
oj meafure  finfott  by  the  comma,ndementn\\m  he  intreatcth  of  this  cff.<S 
of  the  law  very  largely. 

ih«  double  Paul  anfwcreth  therefore  to  this  qucftion  :  If  the  law  do  not 
juftiHc,towhatendthenfcrvcthit?  Although  (faith he)  itjufti- 
fie  not,  yet  is  it  very  profitable  and  neceffary.  For  firft  it  civilly 
reftraincth  fuch  as  arecarnall3  rebellious  and  obftinate.  Moreover 
it  is  a  glafle  that  fheweth  unto  a  manhimfelfe,  that  he  is  a  finner, 
guilty  of  death,  and  worthy  of  Gods  cverlafting  wrath  and  in 
dignation.  To  what  end  firveth  this  humbling,  this  bruifing  and 
^^^o  <iown  by  this  hammer, ^the  law  I  oieane?  To  this  end, 
that  wee  may  have  an  entrance  unto  grace.  So  tlK'n  the  law  is  a 
.  miniftcr  tnat  prcpareth  the  way  unto  grace.  For  God  is  the  God 
'  cf  the  humble,  the  miferable,  the  afflicted,  the  oppreflsd  and  the  def- 
peratc,  and  of  thofe  that  are  brought  even  to  nothing :  and  his  na 
ture  is  to  exalt  the  humble,  to  feed  the  hungry,  to  give  fight  to  the 


To  the  G  A  t  A  T  H  i  A  N  s^  Fol. 

blind,  to  comfort  the  mifcrablc,  the  afflided,  thcbruifcd  and  broken 
hearted,  to  juftific  finners,  to  quicken  the  dead,  and  to  fa vc  the  very 
dcfperatc  and  damned.  For  he  is  an  almighty  Creator,  making  all 
things  of  nothing.No  w,that  pernicious  and  peftilcnt  opinion  of  man* 
own  righteoufncs.wliich  will  not  be  a  finner,uncleane,mifcrable,and 
damnable :  but  righteous  and  holy,  fuffcrcth  not  God  to  come  to  his 
own  naturall  and  proper  work.  Therefore  God  maft  needs  take  this 
maule  in  hand,  the  law  1  meanc,  to  drive  downs,  to  beate  in  piece*, 
and  to  bring  to  nothing  th is  bcaft,  with  her  vainc  confidence,  wife- 
dome,  righteoufnes  and  power,  that  (he  may  folearne  at  the  length 
by  her  own  mifery  and  mifchiefe,  that  (he  is  utterly  forelonc,loft  ani 
damned.  Here  now  when  the  confcience  is  thus  terrified  with  the 
law,then  cometh  the  doctrine  of  the  Gofpell  and  grace,  which  raifcth 
up  and  comfbrterh  the  lame  againe,  fayjng:  Chrift  came  into  thc 
world,  not  to  breake  the  bruifedreed,  MOT  to  quench  the  fnto^kingflaxe : 
hut  to  freach  the  Gofyell  of  glad  tidings  to  the  foore;to  heale  the  broken  And 
contrite  1h  heart :  to  Breach  firgivcneffc  of  fins  to  the  captives  &c.  S  die 

But  here  lieth  all  the  difficulty  of  this  matter,  that  when  a  man  is  '«»• 
terrified  and  caft  down  he  may  be  able  to  raife  up  himfclrc  againe,  E£££^ 
and  fa^ :  Now  I  am  bruifed  and  afflicted  enough :  the  time  of  the  law  T<*  time  of 
hath  tormented  and  vexed  me  (harpcly  enough.    Now  is  the  time  of  Jj  JJJJ51 
gracc,now  is  the  time  to  hearc  Chrift :  out  of  vvhotc  mouth  proceed  gw»e» 
the  words  of  grace  and  life.  Now  is  the  time  to  fee,  not  the  imoak- 
ing  and  burning  Mount  Sina :  but  the  Mount  dfori*,  where  is  the 
Throne,  the  Temple,  the  Mercic  fcate  of  God,  that  is  to  fay,  Chrift : 
who  is  the  King  of  rightcoufneflfc  and  peace.  There  will  J  hearken 
•what  the  Lord  fpcakctn  unto  him:  who  fpeaketh  nothing  clfe  bat 
peace  unto  his  people. 

Nay  thefboliflmcfle  of  mans  heart  is  fo  great,  that  in  this  conflict  Rc»foB  *• 
of  confcience,  when  the  law  hath  dope  his  office  and  exercifed  his  thclTa'r'ine 
true  miniftery,  he  doth  not  only  not  lay  hold  upon  the  doclrinc  of  efface  m 
grace,  which promifcth maft  afliircdly  the forgivcneflfc of  finnes for  bulw'Se 
Chrift  fake,  but  feeketh  and  procurcth  to  himfelfe  more  laws  to  fatif-  <ioarine-of 
fie  and  quiet  his  confcience.  If  I  live  (faith  he)  I  will  amend  l 
my  life :  I  will  do  this,  I  will  do  that.    Here,  except  thou  do 
the  quite  contrary,  that  is  to  fay,  except  thou  fend  UKoft*  away 
with  his  law,  to  thofc  that  are  fccure,  proud  and  obftinatc,  and 
in  thcfe  tcrronrs  and  this  anguiflb  lay  hold  upon  Chrift,  who  was 

X  3  crucified 

Chap.  III.  rtontbe  EPISTLE 

crucified  and  died  For  thy  finncs,  lookc  for  no  falvation. 

So  the  law  with  his  office  helpeth  by  occafion  to  juftification,  in 
that  it  driveth  a  man  to  the  promife  of  grace,  and  maketh  the  fame 
fwcet  and  comfortable  unto  him.  Wherefore  we  do  not  abrogate  the 
law,but  we  (hew  the  true  office  and  ufe  of  the  law  :  to  wit,  that  it  is 
a  true  and  a  profitable  miniftcr, which  driveth  a  man  to  Chrift.  Ther- 
fore,  after  that  the  law  hath  humbled  thec,  terrified  thee,  and  utterly 
beaten  thee  down,  fo  that  now  thou  art  at  the  very  brinke  of  defpe- 
-ot  ration,fce  tfot  thou  learne  how  to  ufe  the  law  rightly.  For  the  office 

t""  all°l l*k  °f  i*  ls>  not  onty to  revea^e  fi°  anc^ tnc  wrath  of  God,  but  alfo 
man  bis  fin,  to  drivemen  unto  Chrift.  This  ufe  of  the  law  the  holy  Ghoft  onely 
YC  Mumto  fcttetn  f°rtn  i"  tne  ^ofpell,  where  he  witneflfcth  that  God  is  prefent 
unto  the  afflicted  and  broken  hearted.  Wherefore  if  thou  be  bruifed 
with  this  hammer,  ufe  not  this  bruifing  psrverfly,  fo  that  thou  load 
thy  felfc  with  moe  laws,  but  heare  Chnft,faying :  Co  me  unto  me  all  ye 
that  labour,  and  are  heavy  loaden>  andlwillrcfrcjlj  you.  When  the  law 
fo  oppreilcth  thcc  that  all  things  feeme  to  be  utterly  defperatc,  and 
The  mofi  thereby  driveth  thee  unto  Chrift  to  feeke  helpe  and  fuccour  at  his 
nsnc^s>  tncn  is  tnc  Jaw  i°  ^*s  truc  ufc :  anc^  through  the  Gofpcll  it 
helpeth  to  juftification.  And  this  is  the  belt  and  moft  perf^cl:  uic  of 
the  law. 

Wherefore  Paul  h:re  beginneth  afrefli  ro  intreate  of  the  law, 
anddsfineth  what  it  is,  taking  occafion  of  that  which  he  faid  be 
fore  :  to  wit,  that  the  law  juftifieth  not.  For  reafon  hearing  this, 
by  and  by  doth  thus  inferrc  t  Then  God  gave  the  law  in  vaine.  It 
was  ncceflary  therefore  to  fceke  how  to  define  the  law  truly,  and 
tofhew  what  the  law  is,  andhowitoughttobeunderftood,  that  it 
be  not  taken  more  largely  or  more  ftraitly  then  it  fhould  be.  There  is 
no  law(£?ith  he)that  is  of  it  fclfe  neccffiry  to  juftification.  Therefore 
when  we  reafon  as  touching  rjghtecufncffc,  life,  and  evcrlafting  fal- 
vation,  the  law  muft  be  utterly  removed  out  of  our  fight,  as  if  it  had 
never  been,or  never  fhould  be,  but  as  though  it  were  nothing  at  all. 
For  in  che  matter  of  juftification  no  man  can  remove  the  Jaw  farre  e- 
nough  out  of  his  fight,  or  behold  the  only  promife  of  God  fufficicntly 
and  as  he  fhould  do.  Therefore  I  faid  before  that  the  law  and  the 
prom  iff  inu'i  be  feparate  farre  afunder  as  touching  the  inward 
aikclions  and  the  inward  man,  albeit  indeed  they  are  necrcly  ;oyncd 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  IAN  i. 

Vcrfc  I  p.   £J»fc//  f£*  .SVwk  cane  unto  the  Vvhich  the  promife 


;Prf0/makcth  not  the  law  perpetual!,  but  he  faith  that  it  was  given 
and  added  to  the  promifcs  for  tranfgreifionsrthat  is  tofay,toreftrainc 
them  civilly,  but  fpecially  to  reveale  and  to  incrcafe  them  fpiritually, 
and  that  not  continually  ,but  for  a  time.  Here  it  is  neccflary  to  know 
how  long  the  power  and  the  tyranny  of  the  law  ought  to  endure, 
which  difcovcreth  (in,  flieweth  unto  us  what  we  arc,  and  rcvealcth 
the  wrath  of  God.  They  whofe  hearts  are  touched  with  an  inward 
f  ecling  of  thefc  matters,  fliould  fuddenly  periih  if  they  (hoiifd  not 
receive  comfort.  Therefore  if  the  dayes  of  the  law  (hould  not  be 
(hortncd,no  man  fliould  be  faved.  A  time  therefore  muft  be  fet,  and 
bounds  limited  to  the  law,beyondthc  which  it  may  not  reigne.How 
long  then  ought  the  dominion  of  the  law  to  endure?  Llntill  the  Seed  HOW  long 
come:to  wit,that  Seed  of  which  it  is  written  :  In  thy  Seed  jkall  all  tke  tbe  domi- 
nations  of  the  earth  be  blefied^t  tyranny  of  the  law  then  muft  fo  long  "aleLta^ 
continue  untill  the  fulnefTe  of  the  time,  anduntill  that  Secdcofthe  IcA« 
blefling  comernot  to  the  end  that  the  law  fliould  bring  thisSeede  or 
give  rightcoufnofle,  but  that  it  (hould  civilly  reftraine  the  rebellious 
and  obftinate,  and  fhut  them  up,as  it  w^re  in  a  prifon  :  and  then  fpi- 
ritually  fhould  reprove  them  ctfinnc,humble  them  and  terrific  them, 
and  when  they  are  thus  humbled  and  beaten  downe,  it  fhould  con- 
ftraine  them  to  lookeup  to  that  bleffed  Seed. 

We  may  undcrftand  the  continuance  of  the  law  both  according  TheUwac. 
to  the  later,  and  alfo  fpiritually.   According  to  the  letter  thus  :  coding  to 
that  the  law  continued  untill  the  time  of  grace.  The  law  and  the  Pro-  «£« 
^^(laith  Chr\&)prophejifdunti/l]obn.   From  the  time  0/John  mtill  the  coming 
tbud*J»tkcki*ldo9ie  of  heaven  fofereth  violence,  and  the  violent  take 
it  bjfirce.  In  this  time  Chrift  was  baptized  and  began  to  preach.  At 
what  time  alfo,  after  the  letter,  the  law  and  all  the  ceremonies  of 

Spiritually  the  law  maybe  thus  understood,  that  it  oug  ht  not 
toreignein  the  confciencc  any  longer  then  to  the  appointed  time 
of  this  blcflcd  Seed.  When  the  law  (hewcth  unto  me  my  finnc, 
tcrrifieth  mc,and  revealeth  the  wrath  and  judgement  of  God,fo  that 
I  begin  to  tremble  and  todefpaire:  there  hath  the  law  hisbcund?, 
his  time  and  his  end  limited,  fo  that  he  now  ceafcth  to  exercife  his 

X  4  tyranny 

Chap.III.  Vfontbc  E  P  i  s  T  t  H 

tyranny  any  more.  Tor  when  he  hath  done  his  cfficcfu  "^ciently,  he 
hath  revealed  the  wrath  of  God,and  terrified  enough.    Here  we  rnuft  leave  ofYlaw  :thou  haft  done  enough  :  thou  haft  terrified  and 
, .  ,       tormented  me  enough.    All  thy  fiouds  have  rxnne  over  me,  and  thy  ter- 
pfd.69.*    rours  have  troubled  me.    LorUturne  not  away  thy  face  in  thy  wrath  fr»m 
T/fid  *'*    thjfervant:  Rebuke  me  not,  I  befeechthee,  in  thine  anger, &c,    When 
thefc  tcrrours  and  troubles  come,  then  is  the  time  and  thehoureof 
the  blcfied  Seed  come.    Let  the  la  w  then  give  place,  which  indeed 
is  added  to  revealc  and  to  incrcafe  tranfgreflionf ,  and  yet  no  longer, 
but  untill  that  blcfled  Seed  be  come.   When  it  is  come,  then  let  the 
?  law  leave  off  to  revealc  fin  and  to  terrific  any  more :  and  let  him  deli 

ver  up  his  kingdomc  to  another:  that  is  to  fay,  to  the  blcfftd  Seed, 
which  is  Chrift  :  who  hath  gracious  lips,wherewith  hcaccufcth  and 
terrificth  not,  but  fpeakcth  of  far  better  things  then  doth  the  law, 
namely  of  grace,pcace,forgivene{Tc  of  fins,vi<ftory  over  fin,  dcath,thc 
dcvill  and  damnation,  gotten  by  his  death  andpaflion  unto  allbe- 

ih«  conti-  Taul  therefore  fhewcth  by  thcfc  words ,  VntiU  the  Seede  fiould 
*7Sw,Zf-  C07*e>  unto  whom  the  blcfling  was  promifed,  how  long  the  law 
(hould  endure  littcrally  and  fpiritually.  According  to  the  letter  it 
ccafcc[  after  tbe  bfcflej  Scede  came  into  the  worid,  taking  upon 
him  our  fiefh,  giving  the  holy  Ghoft,  and  writing  a  new  law  in 
our  hearts.  But  the  fpirituall  time  of  the  law  doth  not  end  at  once 
but  continueth  faft  rooted  in  the  conscience.  Therefore  it  is  a  hard 
matter  for  a  man  which  is  excrcifed  with  the  fpirituall  ufeof  the 
law,  to  fee  the  end  of  the  law.  For  in  thefe  terrours  and  fcelinq  of 
finnc  the  mind  cannot  conceive  this  hope,  that  God  is  mcrcrfuil 
and  that  he  will  forgirc  finnes  for  Chriftsfakc  :  but  it  judgeth 
onely  that  God  is  angry  with  finncrs,  and  that  he  accufeth  and 
condemneth  them.  If  faith  come  not  here  to  raifeup  againc  the 
troubled  and  afflicted  confcicnce,  or  elie  (  according  to  that  faying 
of  Chrift  :  Vfkert  ttoo  or  three  be  gathered  together  In  mjnamc,&c.\ 
i'«,ao. there  be  feme  faithfull  brother  at  hand  that  may  comfort  him  by 
the  word  of  God,  which  is  fo  opprcfled  and  beaten  down  by  the 
laWjdcfpcration  and  death  muft  needs  follow.  There  it  is  a  pcrillous 
ftfr/*!*.  thing  for  a  man  to  be  alone.  Woe  he  to  him  that  is  alone  (  faith 
The  fcUtary  t^ic  Poacher  )  fir  vhtn  hefalleth  he  hath  none  to  ralfe  hint  up.  Wherc- 
fore  they  that  ordained  that  curled  monkifti  and  folitary  lifrs 



gave  occafion  to  many  thoufancfs  to  dcfpairc.  If  a  nwm  Oiould  fcparatc  w 
himfelfc  from  the  company  of  other  for  a  day  or  two  to  be  occupied  ]£ 
in  prayer  (  as  we  reade  of  Chrift,  that  fomc time  he  went  afide  alone  •*•«*•»*  3* 
into  the  Mount,  and  by  night  continued  in  prayer)  there  were  no  L"*c'1*"11' 
danger  therein.  But  when  they  conftraincd  men  continually  to  live  a 
fblitary  life,it  was  a  device  of  the  devill  himfelfe.  For  when  a  man  is 
tempted  and  is  alone,  he  is  not  able  to  raifc  up  hitnfclfe,  no  not  in  the 
leaft  temptation  that  can  be. 

V  crfc  19.    And  it  wot  ordained  by  Angels  to  the  hand  of  a  Medtatour. 

This  is  a  little  digreflion  from  this  purpofe,  which  he  neither  dc- 
clareth  nor  finifhethjbut  only  tcuchcth  it  by  the  way,  and  fo  procee- 
deth.  For  he  returneth  incontinent  to  his  purpofe,  when  he  faith : 
what  is  the  law  then  contrary  to  the  promifes  of  God?  Now,  this 
was  the  occafion  of  his  digreflion.He  fell  into  this  difference  between  Thelaw  #• 
the  law  and  the  Goipell,  that  the  law  added  to  the  promifes,  did  dif-  JSX*"" 
fcr  from  the  Gofpcll,  not  only  in  rcfpecT:  of  the  time,  but  alfo  of  the  °ofPc11  fc7 
authour  and  the  efficient  caufe  thereof.  For  the  law  was  delivered  by  C 
the  Angels,H^.  I  .but  the  Gofpcll  by  the  Lord  himfclfe.   Wherefore 
thcGofpell  is  far  more  excellent  then  the  law.For  the  law  is  the  voice 
of  the  fcrvants,  but  the  Gofpcll  is  the  voice  of  the  Lord  himfelfe. 
Therefore  to  abafc  and  to  diminifii  the  authority  of  the  law,  and  to 
exalt  and  magnific  the  Gofpell,  he  faith  that  the  law  was  adodrinc  ^'awwis 
given  to  continue  but  for  a  fmall  time  (  for  it  endured  but  only  untiil  £«  b"  Si 
the  fulncfle  of  the  promife,  that  is  to  fay,  untiil  the  bieffcd  Seed  came  a  «'«ne:bnt 
which  fulfilled  the  promifc:)but  theGofpell  was  for  ever.  For  all  the  ',!*  ^S 
faithfull  have  had  al  way  one  and  the  felfc  fame  Gofpcll  from  the  be-  cndu'«  '<» 
ginning  of  the  world,and  by  that  they  were  favcd.Thelaw  therefore  ever* 
is  far  infcriour  to  the  Gofpell,  becaulc  it  was  ordained  by  the  Angels 
which  arc  but  fcrvants,and  endured  but  for  a  faort  time,  whereas  the 
Gofpell  was  ordained  by  the  Lord  himfelfe,  to  continue  forever, 
Heb.i.  For  it  vt> AS  yormfed before  tltVoor Ids,  Tit.i. 

Moreover  the  word  of  the  law  was  not  only  ordained  by  the  An 
gels  being  but  fervants,  but  alfo  by  another  fcrvant  farrc  infcriour 
to  the  Angels,  namely  by  a  man,  that  is  (as  here  he  faith  )  by  the 
hand  of  a  Mcdiatour,  that  is  to  fay,  iJMfis.  Now,  Chrift  is  not 
t,  but  the  Lord  himfelfc.  He  is  not  a  Mcdiatour  between 


Chap.  III.  Ffw  the  E  ?  i  s  T  L  i 

«o*e!tw  «t  God  and  man  according  to  the  law,  as  Mofes  wascbut  he  is  a  tycdia- 
M »fn  wr.  tour  Of  a  bettcr  Teftament.  The  law  therefore  was  ordained  by.  An 
gels  as  fervants.  For  Mofes  and  the  people  heard  God  fpeaking  in  the 
Mount  Siaa:  that  is  to  fay,  they  heard  the  Angels  fpeaking  in  the 
perfonofGod.  Therefore  Stephen  in  the  feventh  chapter  of  the  AEl* 
faith :  7>  have  received  the  law  by  the  miniflery  of  the  ssfageU,  and  jc 
htvfnotrcgArdedit.  Alfo  the  text  in  the  third  of  Sxodus,  fheweth 
plainely,  that  thetsfttgell  appeared  unto  Mcfes  in  A  flame  of  fire,  and 
fyakc  unto  him  from  the  midfl  of  the  bufh. 

Paul  therewith  fignificth  that  Chrift  is  aMediatour  of  afrrrfl 
better  Teftamcnt  then  Mofes.  And  here  he  alludeth  to  that  hiftory 
in  Mofes  concerning  the  giving  of  the  law,  which  faith,  that^/<?- 
fes  led  the  people  cut  of  their  tents  to  meet  with  God,  and  that 
he  placed  them  at  the  foot  of  the  Mount  Sina.  There  was  an  hea- 
vie  and  an  horrible  fight.  The  whole  Mount  was  on  a  flaming  fire. 
When- the  people  fa  w  this  they  began  to  tremble  :  for  they  thought 
that  they  (hould  have  been  fuddcnly  deftroyed  in  this  fearful!  tem- 
peft.  Becaufe  therefore  they  could  not  abide  the  law  founding  fo 
horribly  out  of  Mount  Siaa,  (for  that  terrifying  voice  of  the  law 
would  have  killed  the  people)  they  faid  \mtoAfofes  their  Media- 
tour:  Come  thou  hither  and  be  arc  what  the  Lord faith,  and  fyeake  thott 
*f«/rjaMe-  unto  Hi.  And  he  anfwered  :  Imyfelft  (  faith  he  )  was  a  Mediatour 
jiuwur,  Anj  one  that  flood  between  Cjodandjou,&c.  By  thefe  places  it  is  plaine 
enough  that  Mofes  was  appointed  a  Mediate jr  between  the  people, 
and  the  law  fpeaking. 

Wherefore  Paut  by  this  hiftory  goeth  about  to  declare,  that  it 
is  impofllble  that  righteoufneffe  fhould  come  by  the  h  w.  As  if  he 
ftiouldfayihowcanthelaw  juftifie,  feeing  the  whole  people  oflf- 
fael,  being  purified  and  fandified,  yea  and  Mofes  hknfeife  the  Me- 
diatour  between  God  and  the  people,  were  afraid  and  trembled  at 
the  voice  of  the  law,as  it  is  faid  in  the  Epiftle  to  the  Hebrews :  Here 
T!lc  I**1"*  was  nothing  but  fcarc  and  trembling.  But  what  riehteoufnsfle  and 

sificth,  ther-  ,     ,.       /t-   •      u-  I        LI          «  »        LI  MI- 

fire  it  iufti-  hohnefle  is  this,  not  to  be  abk  to  oeare,  yea  not  to  be  able  or  willing 

fi«h  nat.     to  hcarc  thc  law,  but  to  flic  from  it,  and  fo  to  hate  it,  that  it  is  im- 

poffible  to  hate  and  abhorre  any  thin  g  more  in  the  whole  world  ?  as 

*rhe  hiftery  moft  plainely  teftifieth,  that  the  people  when  they  heard 

the  law,did  hate  nothing  more  then  the  la  w,and  rather  wiflied  death 

then  to  hcare  the  Jaw. 


Tothe  GA  L  A  T  H  I  AN  s.  Fol.i58 

So,  when  fin  is  difcovered,  as  it  were,  by  ccrrahie  bright  bcames 
which  the  law  ftriketh  into  the  heart,  there  is  nothing  more  odious 
and  more  mtollerable  to  man  then  the  law  is.  Here  hcjwoald  rather 
choofcdcaihf-jhen  be  conftrained  to  bcare  thefe  tcrro'ursoFthe  law 
never  fblittleatime ;  which  isjjnoltjcertainc  token  that  the  law  ju-  man  ^ea 
Iltiethjiot.  ^orjtihcjiw^dld^^ifig^thcn  (  no  doubt )  rpenjvoujd  ' 

would  embrace 

it  with  hearty  good  will.  But  where  isTthis  goo3  will  ?  No  where  ;  j^y  actth'€ 
neither  in  jtiojes^nor  in  thc^whole  people,  for  they  were  all  aftoni-  voiccof 
(bed  and  fled  back.  "Andjiow  doth  a  man  love  that  which  he  flieth  ?  (alJdiV 
Or  how  dcl^tethhelnlHat  whi£tLhc  deadly  hateth.  iuftifieth 

Wherefore  thiTHlgHt  fhewcth  a  deadly  hatred' of  mans  heart  "' 
againft  the  law,  and  fo  confequeutly  againft  God  himfelf  the  authour. 
of  the  law.  And  if  there  were  no  other  argument  to  prove  that  ngh- 
teoufnefle  comcth  not  by  the  law,  chis  onchiftory  were  enough, 
which  ?<*^/fv:tteth  out  in  thefe  words  :  In  the  hand  of  a  UMcdiateur. 
As  though  he  would  lay  :  Do  ye  not  remember  that  your  fathers 
Were  fo  far  unable  to  hearc  the  law,that  they  had  need  olMofes.  to  be 
their  Mcdiatour?and  when  he  was  now  appointed  to  thatofficc,they  The  wta 
were  fo  farre  offfrom  loving  of  the  law,  that  they  by  a  fearfull  flight,  ^g  jf 
together  with  their  Mediacour,  (Tie wed  themfclves  to  hate  thefams,  law  wiener- 
as  the  Epiftle  to  the  Hebrews  witnefleth,  and  if  they  could,  they 
would  have  gone  even  through  an  yron  mountamc  back  againc  into 
c/£f7/tf.But  they  were  incloled  round  that  they  had  no  way 
to  cfcape.  Therefore  they  cry  unto  LMofet :  Speaks  thott  unto  HI  :  fir 
if -we  heare  the  voice  of  the  Lord  our  Cjodany  more Jtoejhall  die  S&QVJ ther- 
fore,  if  they  be  not  able  to  hearc  the  law,  how  (hould  they  be  able 
to  accomplifh  it. 

Wherefore,  if  the  people  that  were  under  the  law,  were  con 
ftrained  of  neceflity  to  have  a  Mediatour,  it  followeth  by  an  infallr- 
b^e'confequencc,  that  the  Jaw  juftified  them  not.  What  did  it  then? 
Even  the  fame  thing  that  Paul  faith  :  The  law  is  added  that  finne 
might  abound.  The  law  therefore  was  a  light  and  aSunnewhich 
ftrookc  hisbeames  into  thchearts  of  the  children  oflfracl,  where 
by  it  terrified  them,  and  ftrooke  into  them  fuch  a  fearc  of  God,  that 
they  hated  both  the  law  and  the  authour  thereof :  which  is  anhor- 
rible  impiety.  Would  ye  now  fay  that  thefe  men  were  righteous  ?• 
They  are  righteous  which  hearc  the  law,  and  with  a  good  will  em. 



The  whole 

o?c!>d!  * 


Chap.  III.  Vfto-fa  E  P  i  s  T  1  1 

brace  ths  fame  and  delight  thcrcin.But  the  hiftory  of  giving  the  law 
witnctisth  that  all  men  in  the  whole  world,  be  they  never  fo  holy 
(  cfpccially  feeing  they  which  were  purified  aud  fanctified  could  not 
hearcthelaw)  donate  andabhorrcthelaw,  and  wifh  that  the  law 
were  not.  Therefore  it  is  impofliblc  that  men  ftiould  be  juftificd  by 
the  law  :  nay  it  hath  a  clcane  contrary  effect. 

Although  7W(  as  I  have  faid  )  doth  but  only  touch  this  place  b*y 
the  way,  and  doth  not  throughly  weigh  it,  nor  fully  hnifh  the  fame, 
yet  he  that  fhall  diligently  and  attentively  reade  it,may  eafily  undcr- 
^and  tnat  ^e  *Peakcth  vcry  we^  °f  D0th  Mcdiatours  :  that  is  to  iay,of 
Afofet  and  of  Chrift,and  comparcth  thqonc  with  the  other,  as  hcre- 
after  we  WJH  declare.  I  f  he  fhould  have  profecuted  this  matter  more 
largely,  this  only  place  would  have  miniftred  unto  him  an  argument 
and  occafion  plentiful!  enough  to  write  a  new  Epittle  :  and  that 
hiftory  alfo  in  the  19.  and  20.  of  Exodw,  concerning  the  giving 
of  the  law,  would  minifter  matter  enough  to  write  a  great 
volume,  although  it  were  read  butflcightly  and  without  affection: 
albeit  it  may  feeme  to  be  very  barren  to  thofe  which  know  not  the 
true  office  and  ufe  of  the  law,  if  it  be  compared  with  other  holy 

Hereby  we  may  fee  that  if  all  the  world  had  flood  at  the  Mount  as 
the  people  of  I  fracl  did,  they  would  have  hated  the  law  and  would 
^avc  ^  ^rom  *f>  as  tnc^  ^'  ^c  whole  world  therefore  is  an  enc- 
my  to  the  law  and  hatcth  it  moft  deadly.  But  the  law  is  holy,rightc- 
ousandgood,  andisthcpcrfedlruleof  the  willofGod.  How  then 
can  he  be  righteous  which  doth  not  onely  abhorre  and  dcteft  the 
law  and  flic  from  it,  but  moreover  is  an  enemy  of  God,  who  is  the 
autnour  °f  tne  kw  ?  And  true  it  is  that  the  flcQi  can  do  no  othcrwifc, 
as'PWwitneflcth,  Rem.%.  The  Vpifedome  of  the  flc/h  it  enmity  agtinft 
God:  fir  it  it  not  fufyeft  to  the  lav  ofgodtnetthtr  indeed  can  it  be.  There 
fore  it  is  an  cxtrea<nc  madncffe  ib  to  hate  God  and  his  law,  that  thoii 
canft  not  abide  to  hcarc  it,  and  yet  notwithftanding  toaffirme  that 
we  arc  made  righteous  thereby. 

Wherefore  the  Sophifters  and  Schoolc-di  vines  are  ftarke  blinde, 
and  undcrftand  nothing  at  all  of  this  doctrine.  They  looke  onely 
upon  the  outward  vifour  of  the  law,  thinking  that  it  is  accompli- 
fhed  by  civill  workcs,  and  that  they  are  righteous  before  God, 
which  do  the  fame  externally,  not  confidering  the  true  and  fpiri- 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  ti  I  AN  s.  15:9 

f uall  effect  thereof:  which  is,  not  to  /uftifie,  and  to  quiet  and  pacific 
afflicted  confcicnces,but  to  increafefm,to  terrific  the  conference,  and 
to  engender  wrath.  They  being  ignorant  of  this,do  vaunt  that  a  man 
hath  a  good  will,  and  a  right  judgement  of  rcafon  to  do  the  law  of is  nothing 
God.  But  whether  this  be  true  or  no,  askc  the  people  of  the  law  goojjjjl 
with  their  Mediatour,  who  heard  the  voice  of  the  law  in  the  Mount  and  aright 
Sin*.  Aske  *  IWiWhirofelfe,  who  as  often  as  he  corrplaineth  in  the 
P felines,  that  he  was  caft  from  the  face  of  God,  that  he  was  even  in 
hell,  and  that  he  was  terrified  and  opprefled  with  the  greatnes  of  his 
finne,  with  the  wrath  and  judgement  of  God,  fetnot  facrifices  nor 
yet  the  law  it  fdfe,  againft  thefe  mighty  tyrants,  but  was  raifed  up 
and  comforted  by  the  only  free  mercy  of  God.  Therefore  the  law  ju- 
ftifieth  not. 

If  the  law  fhould  fcrve  mine  affections,  that  is  to  fay,  if  it  diould 
approve  minehypocrifis,  mine  opinion  and  confidence  of  mine  own 
nghteoufnes :  if  it  fhould  fjy  that  without  the  mercy  of  God,  and  r«fon,and 
faith  in  Chnft,through  the  heljD  of  it  alone(as  all  the  world  naturally  Idr'nhv 
judgcth  of  the  law)  I  might  be  juftified  before  God:  and  moreovcr,if tcthi^ 
it  flhould  fay  thatGod  is  pacified  and  overcome  by  works,and  is  bound 
to  reward  the  doers  thereof;  that  fo  having  no  need  of  God,  I  might 
be  a  god  unto  my  felfe,  and  merit  grace  by  my  works,  and  fctting  my 
Saviour  Chrift  apart,might  fave  my  felfe  by  mine  own  merits :  If  ( I 
£ay)the  law  mould  thus  ferve  mine  affccl;ions,thcn  fhould  it  be  fweet, 
dekdable,  and  pleafant  indeed.   So  well  can  rcafon  flatter  it  felfe. 
Notwithftanding  this  fhould  no  longer  continue,  but  untill  the  law 
fhould  come  to  his  own  ufe  and  office :  then  fhould  itapp?are  that 
reafon  cannot  fufter  thofe  bright  beames  of  the  law.  There  fomc  Mo- 
/wmuft  needs  come  between  as  a  Mediatour,  and  yet  notwithftan- 
ding  without  any  fruit3as  I  will  declare  hereafter. 

to  this  purpofe  ferveth  that  place  inthe  2  for.  $*  chapter,  con 
cerning  the  covered  face  of'CMofes,  where  Paul  out  of  the  hiftory 
of-E*W.34.chaptcr,  fiicweth  that  the  children  of  I  frael,  notonely 
did  not  know,  but  alfo  could  not  abide  the  true  and  fpirituall  ule 
of  the  law  :  Firft,  for  that  they  couldnot  lookc  unto  the  end  of  the 
law,  (  faith  Paul)  becaufe  of  the  vcilc  which  Mofts  put  upon  his- Tfce  p,tee, 
face:  Againf,  they  couldnot  Icokeupon  the  face  of  Mo/es  being  o» />*».' Cy. 
bars  and  uncovered,  for  the  glory  of  his  countenance.  For  when 
went  about  to  talke  with  them,  he  covered  his  face  with  a 

Chap.  III.  Vfon  the  E  p  i  s  T  L  H 

ring  of  MO-  vciic :  without  the  wbich  they  could  not  hearc  his  talke,  that  is,  they 
VXi      could  not  heare  Mofes  himfclfe  their  mediatour,  unlefle  he  hadiet 
another  mediatour  bctween,that  is  to  fay, the  vcile.  How  then  (hould 
they  hcare  the  voice  of  God,  or  of  an  Angell,  when  they  could  not 
hcarcthe  voice  ofMofes  being  but  a  man,  yea  and  alfo  their  media- 
Faith  in      tour,  except  his  face  had  been  covered?  Therefore,  except  the  bleOTed 
Jwhawiy"    ScC(*  comc  to  "iteup  and  comfort  him  which  hath  heard  the  law, 
the  tcrronts  he  perifbeth  through  dcfperation,  in  detefting  of  the  law,  in  hating 
«f  the  law.    an(j  bjafphctnjng  of  God,  and  daily  more  and  more  offending  againlt 
God.    For  this  feare  and  concluhon  of  confcicnce  which  the  law 
bringeth,  the  deeper  itpierceth  and  the  longer  it  continueth,  the 
more  it  increafeth  hatred  and  blafphemie  againft  God. 
The  pow«       This  hiftory  th.'rfore  teachcth  what  is  the  power  of  free  will.Thc 
free  will  pCOpje  arc  ftrickcn  with  feare,they  tremble  and  they  flie  back.  Where 
is  now  free  will?  where  is  now  that  good  will,that  good  intent,that 
right  judgement  of  reafbn  which  the  Papifts  do  fo  much  brag  of  ? 
What  availeth  free  will  here  in  thefe  fanctified  and  holy  men?  It  can 
fay  nothing:! t  blindcrh  their  reafomit  pervertcth  their  wilhit  recci- 
veth  not,  it  falutcth  not,  it  embraceth  not  with  joy  the  Lord  coming 
with  thundering,  lightening,  and  fire  into  the  Mount  Sina :  It  can 
not  heare  the  voice  of  the  Lord:but  contrariwife  it  faith  :  Let  not  the 
Lord.  ftcAke  unto  us  left  we  <stit.    We  fee  then  what  the  ftrength  and 
power  of  free  will  is  in  the  children  of  1  fracl,who  though  they  were 
cleanfed  and  fanftified,  could  not  abide  the  hearing  of  one  fillablc  or 
letter  of  the  law.   Therefore  thefe  high  commendations  which  the 
Papifts  give  to  their  freewill,  arc  nothing  elfe  butmeerctoyes  and 
doting  drcames. 

Verie  2  o.    Now,  A  Lft'tedlatour  is  not  a  McdiMour  of  one. 

Here  he  compareth  thefe  two  Mcdiarours  together,   and  that 

with  a  marvellous  brevity  :  yet  fo  notwithstanding,  that  he  fatisfi- 

cth  the  attentive  reader,  who,  becaufe  this  word  Mediatour  is  ge- 

T\ii«word    ncrall,  by  and  by  undcrftandeth  that  Paul  fpeakcth  alfo  of  the  Me- 

Mediatour    ji^ou,.  generally,  and  not  of  Mofes  onely.  ^4  McdUtour  (  faith 

incladctn       iv-  /•  r  r        \  i  •  j  -v     -i 

two,namely  he  )  «  not  ajnediatour  oj  one  onely  :  but  this  word  ncccflarily  com- 
lI?eSd3&  prchendcth  two,  that  is  to  fay,  him  that  is  offended,  and  him  that 
eheoffcndcr  is  the  offender  :  of  whom  the  one  hath  necde  of  interccflion,  and 


70  tJlt  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S  .  FoJ. 

the  other  nccdcth  none.  Wherefore  a  Mediatour  is  not  of  one,  but  of 
two,  and  of  fuch  two,as  be  at  variance  between  thcmfclvcs.  So  Mo» 
fcs  by  a  generall  definition  is  a  Mediatour,  becaufc  he  doth  the  office 
of  a  Mediatour  between  the  law  and  the  people,  which  cannot  abide 
the  true  and  fpirituall  ufe  of  the  law.  The  law  therefore  muft  have  a 
new  face,and  his  voice  muft  be  changed  :  that  is  to  fay,  the  voice  of 
the  law  mult  be  made  fpirituall  or  the  law  muft  be  made  Kvely  in  the 
inward  affection,  and  muft  put  on  a  vifour  or  a  vcile^that  it  may  now 
become  more  tollerable,  fo  that  the  people  may  be  able  to  hearc  it  by 
the  voice  of  Mofes, 

Now  the  law  being  thus  covered,  fpcaketh  no  more  in  his  majcfty, 
but  by  the  mouth  otMofes.   After  this  manner  it  doth  not  his  office 
any  morc:that  is,it  terriheth  not  the  confcience.  And  this  is  the  caufe  «n  his  M«C- 
that  they  do  neither  underftand,  nor  regard  it:  by  mcancs  whereof  ^"ntha 
they  become  fccurc,negligcnt  and  prcfumptuous  hypocrites.  And  yet  Moum.but 
not  withftanding  the  one  of  thcfe  two  muft  needs  be  done  :  to  wit,  oF  mtvn°IC9 
that  cither  the  law  muft  be  without  hisufe,and  covered  with  a  veile,  therefore 
(  but  then,  as  I  have  faid,  it  maketh  hypocrites  :  )  or  clle  it  muft  be  in  SS.'no- 
his  ufe  without  the  veile,and  then  it  killetb.    For  mans  heart  cannot  regard  hit  " 
abide  thclaw  in  his  true  ufe,  without  the  behoveth  thce  thcr-  law' 
fore,  ii  thou  looks  to  the  end  of  the  law  without  the  veile,  either  to 
lay  hold  on  that  bldftd  Seed  by  faith,  that  is  to  fay,  thou  muft  looke 
beyond  the  end  of  the  law  unto  ChrKV,  which  is  the  accomplifh- 
ment  of  the  law,  which  may  fay  unto  thee  :  The  law  hath  terrified 
thcc  enough:   Be  of  good  comfort  my  finne,  tkyjinnes  arc  fir^hen  thee, 
(  whereof  I  will  fpcakc  more  anon  :)  orelfefurcly  thou  muft  have 
Mojciliyt  thy  Mediatour  with  his  veile. 

For  this  caufe  Paul  faith  :  A  tJMcdiatottr  it  not  a  Medittour  of 
one.  For  it  could  not  be  tbatcflf<?/«fhouldbe  a  Mediatour  of  God 
alone,  for  God  ncedeth  no  Mediatour.  And  againe,  he  is  not  a  Me 
diatour  of  the  people  ondy,  but  he  doth  the  office  of  a  Mcdiatout 
between  God  and  the  people,  which  were  at  variance  with  God. 
For  it  is  the  office  of  a  Mcdiatour  to  pacific  the  party  that  is  of-  Th«ofrkc 
fended,  and  to  reconcile  unto  him  the  party  which  is  the  offender, 
Notwithstanding  Mofct  is  fuch  a  Mcdiatour  (  as  I  have  faid  ) 
as  doth  nothing  elfc  but  change  the  voice  of  the  law,  and  ma- 
kcth  it  tollerable,  fo  that  the  people  may  abide  the  hearing  thereof, 
but  he  givcth  no  power  to  accompliih  the  lame.  To  conclude,  be 



v  hen  we 

we  have 

Chap.  III.  Vfon.  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  B 

is  a  Mediatour  of  thevcile,  and  therefore  he  givcth  no  power  to 
perform?  the  law,  but  oncly  in  thsveile.  Therefore  his  Difciples, 
in  that  hee  is  a  Mediatour  of  the  veile,  muft  alwayes  be  hypo 

But  what  fhould  have  come  to  paiTe  (thinke  ye)  if  the  law  had 
been  given  without  Mofes,  either  elfe  before  or  after  A/ofis,  and  that 
there  had  been  no  Mediatour,  and  moreover,  that  the  people  fhould 
neither  have  been  fuffcrcd  to  flie,  nor  to  have  a  Mediatour  ?  I  lere  the 
people  being  beaten  down  with  intollerabic  feare,  fhould  either  have 
perifhed  forthwith,  or  if  they  fhould  have  efcaped,  there  muft  needs 
havecome  fome  other  Mediatour,  which  ihoald  have  fct  himfelfe 

ketwcen  the  *aw  anc*  fhe  Pc°plc»  to  tnc  end  *hat  b°th  the  people 
might  be  prcferved,  and  the  law  rcmainc  in  his  force,  and  alfo  an  at* 
need  of  MO.  tonement  mi&bt  be  made  between  thchw  and  the  people.   Indeed 

tier  manner     .    .  .-  D  i    •        t  •  i  •  j        »«     i-  » 

of  Mediator  ^/a/«  commcth  in  the  meane  time,and  ismadcaMedtatour:hcput- 
tbsn  wofcs.  tetn  on  a  veile,and  covercth  his  face:but  he  cannot  deliver  mcnscon- 
fciences  from  the  anguifh  and  terrotir  which  the  law  bringcth.Ther- 
fore  when  the  poore  (inner,  at  the  hours  of  death  or  in  the  conflict  of 
confcience,feeleth  the  wrath  and  judgement  of  God  for  finne,  which 
the  law  revealeth  and  increafeth:  here,  to  keep  him  from  defpera- 
tion,  fctting  (JWofes  alide  with  his  law,  he  inufthave  a  Mediatour 
which  may  fay  unto  him  :  Al:hough  tliou  be  a  finncr,  yet  fhalt  thou 
remaine,  that  is,thou  (halt  not  die,  although  the  law,  with  his  wrath 
and  malediftion  doftill  remaine. 

This  Mediatour    is    Jtfus  Chrift,  "which  changcth  not  the 
c"  v°ice  °^  tnc  law>  nor  hidcth  the  fame  with  a  vcilc  as  Cbfofcs  did, 
aw  with  a    norlcadcth  me  out  of  the  fight  of  the  law  :  bat  he  fctteth  himfelfe 
aS3V1ft  tn^  wrath  of  the  law  and  taketh  it  away,  and  fatisfieth  the 
law  in  his  "owncbody  byhimf^lfc,  and  by  the  Gofpeli  hclaithun- 
to  mc  :  Indeed  the  law  thrcatneth  unto  thec  the  wrath  of  God  and 
«jiatorthen   ctcrnall  death  :  but  be  not  afraid  :  flic  not  away,  but  ftand  faft.  I  fup- 
p|y  an£j  pcjfoj-me  an  things  for  thce  :  I  fatisfie  the  law  for  thec. 
This  is  a  Mediatour  which  farexcelleth  J/<?/?j,whofettcth  himfeHe 
between  God  being  offended,  and  the  offender.  The  interceflion  of 
Mopes  hercprofitcth  nothing  :  he  hath  done  his  office,  and  he  with 
his  vcilc  is  now  vanifhcd  away.    Here  the  miferable  finncr  being 
utterly  dcfperate,  or  a  man  now  approaching  unto  death,  and  God 
being  of£ndcd,  do  encounter  together.  Therefore  there  muft  come 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  M  i  A  N  s.  Tol.i 61 

a  farre  other  Mediatour  then  t-Mofis  ,  which  m£y  fatisfie  the 
law,  takeaway  the  wrath  thereof,  and  may  reconcile  unto  God 
which  is  angry,  that  poore  (inner,  miferable,  and  guilty  of  cternall 

Of  this  Mediatour  Taul  fpcaketh  briefly,  when  he  faith:  A  Me-  A 
diataurunotaMtdiatottrofone.    For  this  word  Mediatour  properly  is 
fignifieth  fuch  an  one  as  doth  the  office  of  a  Mediatour  between  the  ft 
party  that  is  offinded ,  and  the  offender.    We  are  the  off-nders  :   God  oScrsc 
with  his  law  is  he  which  is  offended.    And  the  offence  is  fuch,  that  ^  P,erjn 
God  cannot  pardon  if , neither  can  we  fatisfie  for  the  fame.    Therefore  c*d  oft* 
bctwecne  God,  who  of  hirnfelfc  is  but  one,  and  us,  there  is  wonder-  '^""J* 
foil  difcord.  Moreover,  God  cannot  revoke  his  law,  but  he  will  have  finVE? 
it  ob&rvcd  and  kept.    And  we  which  have  tranfgrcffed  the  law,  can-  JJ5J- fjf I0* 
not  flic  from  the  prefcncc  of  God.   Chrift  therefore  hath  fer  himfelfc  Lie  by 
a  Mediatour  betwecnc  two  which  arc  quite  contrary  and  feparatc  chtia- 
afunder  with  an  infinite  and  cvcrlafting  feparation,  and  hath  reconci 
led  th:mtog«ther.  And  how  hath  he  done  this?  He  hath  put  away  (as 
Paul  faith  in  another  place  )  the  hand  writing  Which  Wat  againft  wy  C»/-J'»* 
Which  by  ordinances  (that  is,  by  the  law)  Was  contrary  ttnto  tts,  and  he 
hath  taken  **  Anc^  fottned  it  to  the  crojfe  ,    and  hath  fyojled  pri»- 
cipalitier  and  powers  ,    an d  hath  made  a  flew  of  them   openly  ,    and 
hath  triumphed  over  them  by  hintfelfi.    Therefore  hce  is  not  a  Me 
diatour  of  one,  but  of  two,  utterly  difagrceing  betwecne  them- 

This  is  alfo  a  place  fall  of  power  and  efficacy,?©  confound  the  righ- 
tcoufnes  of  the  law,and  to  teach  us  that  in  the  matter  of  Juftificatioi, 
r  ought  to  be  utterly  removed  out  of  our  fight.  Alfo  this  word  (Me- 
r&tf0#r)miniftrethfuHicicnt  matter  to  proovc  that  the  law  juftifieth  Mmestwot. 
not :  for  elfc  what  need  (Wild  we  have  of  a  Mediatour  ?  Seeing  then  J^Jj,^^ 
that  mans  nature  cannot  abide  the  hearing  of  the  law,  much  lc(T:  is  it  tbe  law* " 
able  to  accomplifh  the  la w,cr  to  agree  with  the  law. 

Thisdodtine  (which  I  do  fo  often  rcpcate  and  not  without  te- 
dioufncflf:  doc  rtill  beate  into  your  heads )  is  the  true  doftrine  of  the 
law,  which  every  Chriftian  ought  with  all  diligence  to  learne,  that 
he  may  be  able  truly  to  define  what  the  law  is,  what  is  the  true 
ufc  and  office,  what  arc  the  limits,  what  is  the  power ,  the  time 
and  the  end  thereof.  For  it  hath  an  effect  cleanc  contrary  to  the 
judgement  of  all  men  :  which  have  this  pcftilcnt  and  pernicious  o- 

rY  pinion 

Chap.  111.  t'fto  the  EPISTLE 

pinion  naturally  rooted  in  them.that  the  law  jjftiricth.  Therefore  I 
feare  Ic.t  this  doftrin  will  be  defaced  and  darkr.ed  again,when  we  arc 
dead.  For  the  world  maft  be  rcpleniihcd  with  horrible  darkncflc  and 
crrours before  the  latter  day  coine. 

Whofo  thcrcfcreis  sbls  to  tnderftand  this,  let  him  underftand 
it  the  law  in  true  Chriftian  divinity,  and  in  his  true  and  proper 
definition,  doth  not  juftir7e,but  hath  a  qjitc  contrary  efe$.  For  it 
ftiewethand  rcvcalcth  unto  us  our  felre-s :  it  f:tteth  God  before  us  in 
his  anger,  it  rcrealeth Gods  wrath,  it  tcnifitth  us,  and  it  doth  not 
only  rcreale  finne,  bat  alfo mightily  increafeth  fin,  fothn  where  fin 
was  before  but  little,  now  by  the  law  which  bringeth  the  fame  to 
light,  it  becomcth exceeding (infoil :  fothat  a  mm  now  bcginneth 
to  hate  the  law  and  to  tlie  from  it,and  with  a  perfect  hatred  to  abhorr 
t  ,-od  the  maker  cf  thclaw.  This  is  cot  to  be  j  jftinrd  by  the  law  (and 
tbstrcafon  it  felfc  is  compelled  to  grant)  but  to  commit  a  double  fin 
againft  the  law :  Firft,not  only  to  have  a  will  fo  difagreeing  from  the 
h\v  tr.i:  thc^  c:n:t  rot  heare  it :  bof  £10  to  do  ccr/rary  to  tha:  wu:ch 
it  commandcth :  And  fecondly,  fo  to  hate  it  that  thou  would  wi!h  it 
were  abolifhed,togctbcr  with  God  hurfelf,  who  is  the  amhcu:  thcrc- 
c:'  —  i  a:f:lutcJ|  gcc:. 

•.vhat  greater  bhfphcrr.y ,  what  fin  more  horrible  can  be 
imagined  then  to  hate  God  ?  to  abhorre  h  is !  a  ;v,  and  not  to  fbrfrr  th« 
hearing  thereof  ?  n  hich  nof.vithftanding  is  good  ind  holy.  For  the 
hiftory  doth  plainly  witndfc  that  the  people  of  Ifr&l  refund  to  '. 
that cxceller.t  law,  thofc  holy  and  moft  gracious  words  (namclv, 
/  49  the  Lard  tkj  G»d ,  Vetxbjreujrbt  tbtt  out  of  the  Ltnd  cf  ^£. 
gjft,  **A  **t  tf  the  hottfe  ef  boxetaee.  Thou  fa/t  have  no  other 
£o<b,&.C.  Shnri^  mtercj  tt  thG*p*ds,&z.  Honour  thj  Father  and 
tkj  Mot  her,  that  it  m*j  fot  WrtZ  Veitb  tkf,  and  that  thy  dajcs  maj  ke 
yofaftd  Mf3*tlxeartb,  &c.)  and  thai  they  had  need  cf  a  Mcdiitour. 
The)1  could  not  abide  this  moft  excellent,  perfect  ar.d  divine  wif- 
dome  :  This  moft  gracious,  f^ect  and  comfortable  doSrine,  Let 
not  the  Lcrd(fn«kete*to  MS  (  fay  they  )  left  Ke  ale.  Speatf  then  nnto  «/, 
&:c.  Doubfidfc  it  is  a  manrcllous  thing  that  a  man  cannot  heare  that 
wr  whole  felicity,  namely  that  he  hath  a  God,yea  and  a  mer- 

cifollGod  which  will Ihcw  mercy  unto  him  in  many  thoofands  of 
&c.     And  morco?tr  that  he  cannot  abide  thst  which  is 
his  cbkfciafity  and  defence,  namely  :  7 ~k>*  fi*I$  not  fall:  Thoufit/t 


G  A  L  A  T  HlA  N  S. 

notccmmit  Md*k*rj:tbmjlx&»"St*'l<:  For  by  thefc  wordftbc  Lord 
hath  defended  and  fortified  the  We  ol  man,  bis  wife,  his  children,  and 
kis  goods,  as  U  were  with  a  waiiagainft  the  force  and  Tiolence  of  the 

The  law  then  can  do  Dotting,  faring  that  fay  hb  light  it  tightened! 
the  confciencc  that  it  nuy  know  fin,  death,  the  judgement  and  the 
wrath  of  Gccl.Bcforc  the  law  comejim  fccore:!  fed  oo6o,bat  when 
the  law  ccmcth,  fin,  death  aodbcil  are  revealed  onto  me,  Thisisnot 
to  be  made  righteous,  but  guilty,  and  the  enemy  of  God,  to  be  con 
demned  to  death  and  bell  6re.  The  principall  point  therefore  of  the 
bw  in  true  Chriftian  Divinity  is,  to  make  men,  not  bctter,bnt  worib 
That  U  to  £y,  it  flicwcthucm>  them  their  fin,  that  by  the  knowledge' 
thereof  they  may  be  buinblcd  terrified,  bruifol  and  brokd^andby  this ' 
meanes  may  be  driven  to  iccke  comfort,  and  fo  to  come  to  that  bie^cd 

Verfeio.  BntG •**•*. 

God  oifrndeth  no  man,acd  thcrforc  nccdcth  no  Medotoor.  Bat  wa 
cn%id  God,and  thcrfbre  we  hare  need  of  a  Mediatoor,not  Af»f**j  bat 
CQrift,*^^  Iffa$fti>f*r  better tbimgs fir  m&c.  Hitherto  hchatbcoa- 
tinocd  in  his  digrcifion :  Now  be  retarncth  to  his  purpofc. 

Vcrfe  II.    IttbeUv  tbtm  *£o*3  tbefrtmife  rfduL 

Paxl  fa:  c  ::•-:>     j  jftificth  not.  Shall  we  then  take  away 

the  lau  ?  .X5,not  ic. For  it  bringeth  with  it  a  certain  commodity.  What 
is  that?I  t  bringeth  men  unto  the  kno  wkdg  of  tDemki?es :  it  difcoro- 
r^th  and  incrclif:th  (in.  c-c.  Here  now  rifcth  another  ob  jcdion.  If  the 
Ir.v  do  nothing  clle  but  make  men  worfe  b  fhcwing  uato them  their 
fn.thcn  is  it  contrary  to  the  promiis  of  God.  For  it  iccmeth  that  God 
is  but  only  provoked  to  anger  and  c&nded  through  die  iaw^nd  tbcr- 

forc  he  rcganieth  not,  nor  pcrfornKth  his  promiics.     We  fe*f  hate  . :     - ' . . 

thought  the  contrary:  to  wit,  that  we  are  rc£rraincd  and  bodied  by 
this  cxrernalldifcipline,  totbcend  that  God  bong  provoked  thereby, 

\vc  might  dclcrve  the  promifc. 

•7W  ariwereth  :   It  is  nothing  fc.  Bat  cootnriwifc ,  if  ye 

V  1  b :  ? 

Chap.  III.  Vftotke  E  *  i  s  T  L  i 

have  regard  to  the  law,  the  promifc  is  rather  hindred.  For  rutnrall 
reafonofF^ndeth  God,  which  fo  Faithfully  promifeth,  whiles  it  will 
d  i  f  not  hcarc  his  good  and  holy  law.  For  it  faith :  Lit  not  the  Lord/pet^ 
God,  *v  °  unto  us,  dec.  How  can  it  be  then  that  God  fhould  perfortne  his  pro 
mifc  unto  thofe,  which,  not  only  receive  not  his  law  and  his  dtfci- 
pline,  but  alfo  with  a  mortall  hatred  do  ihun  it  and  fly  from  it  ?  Here 
therefore  (as  I  faid)  rifcth  this  objection :  Is  tfo  Uw  agtinft  tkepromife 
efgod  ?  This  objection  />*/*/ toucheth  by  the  way  and  briefly  anfwe- 
retb,  faying 

Vcrfc2l.  Godfirbid. 

Why  fo  ?  Firft,for  that  God  maketh  no  promife  unto  us,becaufc  of 
our  worrhincs,  our  merits,  our  good  works :  but  for  his  own  goodncs 
and  mercies  fake  in  Chrift.  He  faith  not  to  Abraham :  All  nations  fhall 
be  blefftd  in  thee,  becaufe  thou  haft  kept  the  law  ;  but  when  he  was 
uncircumcifedjhad  no  law,  and  was  yet  an  idolater,  he  faid  unto  him: 
go  out  of  thine  own  land&c.I  W*//  be  thy  protettour&c.  Alfo  :  In  thy  feed 
5'  fiall all nttions  be  ble§ed.1  hefe  are  abfolutc  and  meer  promifes :  which 
God  freely  givcth  unto  Abraham, without  any  condition  or  refpeft  of 
works,either  going  before  or  coming  after. 

jrhe  prrmi.      xhis  maketh  fpecially  againft  the  fewes,  which  thinke  that  the 

a"°no?hin  promifes  of  God  arc  hindred,  becaufe  of'their  fins,  God  (faith  Taut) 

d«cd  be-    (joth  not  fla<:l<e  his  promiics,  becaufe  of  our  fins,  or  haften  the  fame  for 

fjnn«.°  ("  cur  righteoufnes  and  merits:  he  regardeth  neither  the  one  nor  the  o- 

thcr.  Whcrfore,altbough  we  become  more  finfull,and  are  brought  in- 

iPit          to  greater  contempt  and  hatred  of  God  by  means  of  the  law,  yet  nJt- 

withftanding  God  is  not  moved  thereby  to  defer  his  promifc.  For  his 

AJcviiiifh    promik  doth  not  ftand  upon  our  worthines,  but  upon  his  only  good- 

4r«mcof    ncs  anej  mercy.  Thcrfore,  where  the  Jews  fay  :  The  Mcjfias  is  not  ytt 

come,becaufe  our  fiiis  do  hinder  his  coming,  it  is  a  detettablc  dreame. 

As  though  God  foculd  become  unrighteous  ,  becaufe  of  our  finj,  or 

made  a  liar,becaufc  we  are  liars.  He  abidcth  al waies  juft  and  true  :  his 

truth  thcrfore  is  the  only  caufs  that  he  accomplimcth  and  performeth 

his  promife. 

Men-over  although  the  law  doe  reveale  and  increafe  finnc,  yet 
<rhel*^i,i  is  it  not  againft  the  promifes  of  God,  yea  rather  it  ccnfirmcth  the 
h°cpfomj.  pronuics.  For  as  concerning  his  proper  worke  and  end,  it  htim- 


to  the  GA  i A  T  M  i  A  N  «. 

blctb  and  prcparcth  a  man  (fothat  heufeth  it  rightly)  to  (ighand 
fjck  For  mercy.    Por  when  finne  is  revealed  to  a  man  and  fo  iocrcafcd 
by  the  law,then  he  beginneth  to  perceive  the  wickcdnefle  and  hatred 
of  mans  heart  againft  the  law,  and  againft  God  hiinfdf  c  the  Authour 
of  the  law.  Then  he  Fecleth  indeed,that,not  only  he  lovcth  not  God, 
bat  alfo  hateth  andblalphcmethGod,  who  is  full  of  goodnefle  and 
mercy ;  and  his  law,  which  is  juft  and  holy.    Then  is  he  conftrained 
to  confcfle  that  there  is  no  good  thing  in  him.  And  thus,  when  he  is 
*  thrown  downc  and  humbled  by  the  law,  he  acknowledged  himfelfe 
to  be  moft  miferablc  and  damnable.  When  the  law  therefore  conftrai-  when  Ac 
lieth  a  man  fo  to  acknowledge  his  own  corruption,  and  to  confefle  J^J^e 
his  {in  from  the  bottome  of  hiji  heart,  then  it  hath  done  his  office  tru-  law  « ,«&- 
Iy5and  his  time  is  accoiuplifhed  and  ended  ;  and  now  is  the  time  of pufl 
grace,  that  the  ble&d  Seed  may  come  toraife  up  and  to  comfort  him 
that  isfocaft  downc  and  humbled  by  the  law. 

After  this  manner  the  law  is  not  againft  the  promifes  of  God.  For 
firft  thcpromife  hangeth  not  upon  the  law,  but  upon  the  truth  and 
mercy  of  God  only  and  alone.  Secondly ,  when  the  law  is  in  his  chief 
end  and  office,  it  hu:nbleth  a  man,  and  in  humbling  him  itmakcth 
him  to  figh  and  groane,  and  to  feeke  the  hand  and  aide  of  the  Medi- 
atour,and  maketh  his  grace  and  his  mercy  exceeding  tweet  arid  com 
fortable  (as  is  faid,  Tfil.lQ?.  Thy  mercy  *Jiwet)md  his  gift  precious 
and  ineftimable.  And  by  this  meanes  it  prepareth  us,  and  maketh  us 
apt  to  apprehend  and  to  receive  Chrift.  Tor  as  the  Poet  faith : 
T>  ft/da  non  mcrtiittfui  non  guttavit  Amor  a :  that  is, 
Who  (o  hath  not  taftedtke  things  that  are  bitter, 
Js  not  Worthy  to  tefte  the  things  that  are  fleeter. 

There  is  a  common  Provcrbe,  that  hunger  \s  the  beft  Cooke. 

Like  as  therefore  the  dry  earth  covcteth  the  rainc,  even  fo  the  law  The  Uw  mj; 
maketh  troubled  and  afBidled  foulcs  to  thirft  after  Chrift.   To  fuch  kcrhuon 
Chrift  favourcth  fwcctly  :  to  them  he  is  nothing  eifebut  joy.confola-  S!ac?"ouif« 
tion  and  life:  and  there  beginneth  Chrift  and  his  benefit  tightly  to  to -hint  for 
be  knowne.  chliftl 

This  is  then  the  principall  ufs  of  the  law:  namely,  when  a  man 
can  fo  ufe  it,  that  it  may  humble  him  and  make  him  to  thirft  after 
Chrift.  And  indeed  Chrift  rcquireth  thirfty  foules,  whom  he  moft 
lovingly  and  gracioufly  allureth  and  calleth  unto  him,  when  he 
faith :  Come  unto  wee  alljte  that  labour  And  art  heavy  laden,  and  I 

Chap.III.  rpcn  ffo  E  P  i  s  T  L  8 

Vfillrcfefijou.  He  delighteth  therefore  to  water  thcfe  dry  grounds. 
He  poureth  not  his  waters  upcn  fat  and  ranke  grounds,  or  fuch  as  are 
not  dry  and  covet  no  water.  I  lis  benefits  are  ineflimc.blc,  and  there 
fore  he  giveth  them  to  none  but  unto  fuch  as  have  need  of  them,  and 
carneftly  defirc  thcin.  He  preacheth  plad  tidings  to  the  poore :  he  gi 
veth  drinke  to  the  ihirfty.  If  any  //M>/?(faith  S1  Jolm)  let  him  ccmetwto 
me.&c.  He  healeth  the  broken  beerte^&c.  that  iSjhc  ccmforteth  thofe 
that  are  bruifed  and  afflifted  by  the  law.  Therefore  the  law  is  not 
againil  the  promift  s  cf  God. . 

Verfc  21,    For  if  there  had  been  a  taw  given  Veh'tcb  brfogeth  lift',  [urelj 
righteottfneftc  Jheuld  have  been  by  the  law. 

The  law          By  thcfc  words  Taul  fignifieth  that  no  law  of  it  fclfc  is  able  to 
quickcneth   quicken  or  give  life,  but  only  killeth.    Therefore  fuch  works  as  arc 

n<%  butkiU    ;  «•  \      .  ....  /?  t      ^  i 

l«hi  done,  not  only  according  to  the  laws  and  traditions  or  the  Pope,  but 
alfo  according  to  the  very  law  of  God,  do  not  juftifie  a  man  before 
God,  but  make  him  a  (inner  :  they  do  not  pacific  the  wrath  of  God, 
but  they  kindle  it :  they  obtaine  not  rightcoufncs,but  they  hinder  it : 
they  quicken  not,but  they  kill  and  deftroy.  Therefore  when  he  faith: 
If*  law  had  been  given  Vvkich  could  have  brought  life,  &c.  he  tcacheth 
plainly  that  the  law  of  it  felfe  juftificth  not,  but  that  it  hath  acleane 
contrary  cfftcl:. 

Although  thefe  words  of  Ptttlbc  plains  enough,  yet  arc  they  ob- 
fcurc  and  utterly  unknown  to  the  Papifts .  For  if  they  did  undcrftand 
pifo  t^iem  ^n^cec^tncy  w°u^d  not  to  magnifie  their  free  will,their  natural 
thai  ftrcngth,  the  keeping  of  the  *  counfels,  the  works  of  fupcrerogation, 
&c'  ^ut  ^ca^  ^c^  ^oa^  fccroc  f °  be  manifeftly  wicked  and  plainc 
Infidels  in  denying  the  words  of  the  Apoftle  of  Chrift  fo  impu- 
^cnt^«  t^'*y  ^avc  T^s  Pc^^en^  glt-fifc  nlwayes  ready. (whereby  they 
pervert  the  places  of  Paul  concerning  the  law,  which  rcvcaleth  finne 

on  ancl  cnScn(^rct^  Wrat^> tnat  is  to  %> tne  ten  Commandements)that 
om  o"  Se  P<»»/fpcakcth  only  of  the  ceremonial!  and  not  of  the  morall  law.  But 
pud  fpcakcth  plainely  when  he  faith  :  If  alow  had  beene  given,  &c. 
arid  he  excepteth  no  law.  Wherefore  this  glotfc  of  the  Papilts  is  not 
worth  aruCh.Forthelawsof  the  ceremonies  were  as  wdlcomman- 
dcd  of  God,  and  as  ftraitly  kept  as  the  morall  laws.  The  Jews  alfo 
^eP{  c^rcumc^on  as  prcciifcly  as  they  did  the  Sabbath  day.  It  iscvi« 
dent  enough  therefore  that  Part/  fpcakcth  of  the  whole  law. 


Totbt  GAL ATH *AN  i.  . 

Thcfe  words  of  the  Apoftle  are  fung  and  faid  in  the  Papacy  and  in 
all  their  Churches.and  yet  notwithstanding  they  both  teach  and  live 
quite  contrary.  7W faith  (imply  that  no  law  was  given  to  quicken  *«•'«««&- 
and  to  bring  life :  but  ths  Papiits  teach  the  contrary,ind  affiraie  that  £^  "1 
many  and  infinite  lawes  are  given  to  quicken  and  to  brm»  life     Al-  vcntn  brins 
though  they  fay  not  this  in  plains  wards,  yet  in  very  d?cd  fuchis  »*££ 
their  opinion,  as  their  monkun  religion  doth  plainely  witncfle    be-  cth iulte 
fides  many  other  laws  and  traditions  of  men,  their  works  and  me-  canttary' 
fits  before  grace  and  after,  and  innumerable  wicked  ceremonies 
and  falfe  worfhippings,   which  they  have  devifcd  of  their  ownc 
heads,  andthofeonly  have  they  preached,  treading  the  GofpeJI un 
der  their  feet,  and  aflliredly  proraifing  grace,  remifllon  of  finncs,  and 
lite  cvcrlafting  to  all  fuch  as  fliould  keep  and  accomplifh  the  fame. 
This  that  I  fay  cannot  be  denied :  for  their  books  which  are  yet  ex  < 
tant,  give  certaine  tcftimony  thereof. 

Butcontrariwifc,weatfirmc  with  7W,thatth:rc  is  no  law,  whe 
ther  it  be  mans  law  or  Gods,  tint  givcth  life.  Therefore  we  put  as 
great  difference  between  the  law  and  righteoufncflc,  as  is  between 
life  and  death,  between  Heaven  and  hell.  And  the  caufe  that  movcth 
usfotoatfirmc,  is  that  plaine  and  evident  place  of  Taut,  where  he 
faith,  that  the  law  is  not  given  to  juftifie,  to  give  life,  and  to  favc,  but 
only  to  kill  and  to  deftroy,  contrary  to  the  opinion  of  all  men:  for  na-  TIie  iujs<- 
turally  they  can  judge  no  other  wife  of  the  law,  but  that  it  is  given  to  ££!&£ 
Work  rightcoufneff.-jand  to  give  life  and  falvation.  the  law. 

This  difference  of  the  offices  of  the  law  and  the  Gofpcll,  kccpeth  wh.t 
allChriftiandoclrinc  in  his  true  and  proper  ufe.   Alfo  it  maketha  c 
faithfull  man  judge  over  all  kinds  of  life,  over  the  laws  and  decrees  ! 
of  all  men,and  over  alldoarinc  whatfocver,and  it  givcth  them  pow- 
cr  to  try  all  manner  of  fpirits.  On  the  other  fide  the  Papifts,  bccaufe 
they  confound  and  mingle  the  law  and  the  Gofpcll  together,  can 
teach  no  certainty  touching  faith, works,  the  ftatcs  and  conditions  of 
life,  nor  of  the  diff-rencc  of  fpirits. 

No  iv  therefore,  after  that  ''Paul  hath  profecutcd  his  confuta 
tions  and  arguments  fufficicntly  and  in  good  order,  he  tcacheth  that 
the  law  ( if  ye  confider  his  true  and  pcrfed  ufc  )  is  nothing  clfe  but  as  Tj*  tr 
a  certaine  fchoolcmaftcr  to  leadc  us  unto  rightcoufncffe.  For  it  hum-  "idpc' 
bleth  men,  it  preparcth  and  maketh  them  apt  to  receive  thcrlgn-  £*oft 
tcoumeffc  of  Chrifl^  when  it  doth  his  own  proper  worke  and  office, 

Y  4  that 

Ghap.III.  rfon  tfoEv  i  s  T  L  B 

that  is>  when  it  maketh  them  guilty,  terrifieth  and  bringerh  them  to 
the  knowledge  of  fin,  wrath,death  and  hell.  For  when  ic  hath  done 
this,  the  opinion  of  mans  own  righteoulncs  and  holines  vanifaeth 
away,  and  Chrift  with  his  benefits  bcginncthto  waxfweet  unto 
him.  Wherefore  the  law  is  not  againft  the  promifes  of  God,  but  ra 
ther  confirmeth  them.True  it  is,that  it  doth  not  accomplil"h  the  pro- 
mtfe, nor  bring  righteoufncs :  notwithftanding  it  humbleth  us  with 
his  exercifc  and  office,  and  fo  maketh  us  more  thirfty  and  more  apt  to 
receive  the  benefit  of  Chrift.  Therfore  (faith  he)  if  any  law  had  been 
given  which  might  have  brought  righteoufnes,  and  through  righte- 
oufneflfe  lifc(for  no  man  can  obtaine  life  except  firft  he  be  righteous,) 
then  indeed  righteoufnes  fhould  come  by  the  hw.Morcover,if  there 
were  any  ftateof  life,  any  work,  any  religion,  whereby  a  man  might 
obtaine  remiflion  offinnes,  righteoufncffc  and  life,  then  fhould  thcfc 
things  indeed juftifie  and  give  life.  But  this  is  impoflible :  for, 

Vcrfe  2  2.    The  Scripture  hath  concluded  all  men  under  Jinne. 

Tbc  scrip-        Where  ?  Firft  in  the  promifes  themfelves  as  touching  Chrift,  as 
uSluTu-    Gcn.2..   The  Seed  of  the  Woman  {ball  breakc  the  head  of  the  Serpent. 
"cr  iheua    And  Gen.2  2.7»  thy  Seed, &c.  Whcrefoever  then  is  any  promife  in  the 
bvSe'to-  Scriptures  made  unto  the  fathers  concern  ing  Chrift,  there  the  ble£ 
Sfc.'P      fing  is  promifcd,  that  is,  righteoufneflfe,  falvation  and  crernall  life. 
Therfore  by  the  contrary  it  is  evident,  that  they  which  muft  receive 
the  blefling  are  fubjcft  to  the  curie,  that  is  tofay,  finnc  and  eternal! 
death :  for  elfc  to  what  end  was  the  blefling  promifed  ? 
Secondly  by      Secondly,1  the  Scripture  fhutteth  men  under  finnc  and  under 
law'      the  curfe,  especially  by  the  law,  bccaufe  it  is  his  peculiar  office  to 
reveale  finne  and  ingendcr  wrath,  as  wee  have  declared  tho- 
roughout  this  Ipiftle,  but  chiefly  by  this  fentence  of  Paul:  who- 
fiever  are  ef  the  vorkes  oftheianv,  are  ttnder  the  curfe:  Alfo  by  that 
place  whicn  the  Apoftle  alleadgeth  out  of  the  ftjp.thlpMPff&Mft 
Cur  fed  is  every  one  that  Abidetk  not  in.  att  the  Coords  of  thufaiv  to  dte 
them,&c.  For  thcfc  fcntences  in  plainc  words  do  fhut  under  fin  and 
under  the  curfc,  not  oncly  thofe  which  finne  manifeftly  againft  the 
law,  or  do  not  outwardly  accomplifh  the  law :  but  alfo  thofe  which 
are  under  the  law,  and  with  all  indeavour  go  about  to  performe  the 
feme,  and  fuch  were  the  Jewcs,  as  before  I  have  faid.    Much  more 
then  doth  the  fame  place  of  Paul  fhut  up  under  finne  and  under  the 



Totke  GA  L  AT  H  I  A  N  s.  tol.16% 

carle,  all  Monkcs,  Friars,  Hcrmitcs,  Carthufians  and  fuch  like, 
with  their  profeflions,  rules  and  religions,  to  the  which  they 
attributed  fuch  holinefle,  that  when  a  man  had  once  made  avow 
ofhisprofeflion,  if  hedkd  by  and  by,  they  dreamed  that  he  went 
ftraight  to  hcaven.But  here  ye  heare  plainely  that  the  Scripture  Qiut- 
tcth  all  under  finne.  Therefore  neither  the  vow  nor  religion  of  the 
Carthufian,  be  it  never  fo  angelicall,  is  nghteoufneffc before  God: 
for  the  Scripture  hath  (hut  all  under  finne,  all  are  accurfed  and  dam 
ned.  Who  pronounceth  this  fcntence  ?  The  Scripture.  And  where  ? 
Firft  by  this  promife :  The  Seed  ofthtVeoman  flfollbruife  the  Serpenti 
head :  In  theefiall  be  tJeffe^&c.  and  fuch  like  places :  Moreover,  by  The 
the  whole  law,  whereof  the  principall  office  is  to  make  men  guilty 
of  finne.  Therefore  no  Monkc,  no  Carthufian,  no  Cekftins  brui- 
feth  the  head  of  the  Serpent,  but  they  abide  bruiled  and  broken  under 
the  Serpents  head,  that  is,  under  the  power  of  the  devill.  Who  will 
belecve  this  ? 

Briefly,  whatfoever  is  without  Chrift  and  his  promife,  whether 
it  be  the  law  of  God  or  the  law  of  man,  the  ceremoniall  or  the  mor- 
rail  law,without  all  exception  is  (hut  under  finne :  For  the  Scripture 
fhutteth  all  under  finne.   Now,  he  that  faith  All,  excepteth  nothing,  fcaree  *m 
Therefore  we  conclude  with  Paul,  that  the  policies  and  lawes  manwcufd 
of  all  nations,  be  they  never  fo  good  and  neceflfary,  with  all  cere-  thc5«uw 
monies  and  religions  withoat  faith  in  Chrift,  arc  and  abide  under  fin,  b<! fo  »b°- 
death  and  cternall  damnation,  except  faith  in  Jcfus  Chrift  go  withall  m 
or  rather  before,  as  followeth  in  the  next.    Of  this  matter  we  have 
ipoken  largely  before. 

Wherefore  this  is  a  true  propofition :   Onely  Faith  juftificth  pneiy  Faifc 
without  workcs  (  which  notwithftanding  our  advcrfaries  can  by  "*M 
no  meanes  abide  : )  For  P^/herc  ftrongly  condudeth  that  the  law 
doth  not  quicken  nor  give  life,  becaufeit  is  not  given  to  that  end. 
If  then  the  law  do  not  juftifie  and  give  life,  much  leflb  do  works 
juftific.    For  when  <7>*#/  faith  that  the  law  giveth  not  life,  his  if  the  law 
meaning  is  that  workcs  alfo  do  not  give  life.    For  it  is  more  to  fay,  ^ni  Jc,"Jr* 
that  the  law  quickncth  and  giveth  life,  then  to  fay  that  workcs  doe  do  woike* 
quicken  and  give  life.   If  then  the  law  it  (clfe  being  fulfilled  (  al-  iu(lific' 
though  it  be  impoflibk  that  it  fhould  be  accomplifhed  )  do  not  ju 
ftific,  much  lede  do  works  juftifie.    I  conclude  therefore  that  faith 
oncly  j'uftifieth  and  bringeth  hfc,  without  workes.  fwl  cannot 


Chap.III.  ypon  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  • 

faf-T  this  addition,  Faith  joyned  with  works  jaftifieth  :  bat  he  pro- 
ce:d:th  fijiplyby  thensgative,  Rom.^.  as  h:  doth alfo before  in  ths 
f:co  li  chiptct  :  Thsrefire  by  ths  W)rk*s  ofth:  /4w(fwh  hc)^//»7  ft; fa 
be  jttft'fad.  Aid  again;  in  this  place :  The  U#  i*  not  given  to  bring  life. 

Verfe  22.    Th*t  th;  prymlCe  by  the  Faith  ofjeftts  Chrift  fluuttl  be  given 
to  them  thxt  belec-ne, 

H:  faid beforethat  the  Scripture  hith  fhut  all  under  fin.  What,for 
ev-f^j^tuitiUthipromifefhoutdb:  given.  Now,theprotnifeis 
the  inheritance  it  fclfe,or  the  blcHi  ig  promifed  to  ^fbra^m:^  wit, 
the  deliverance  from  the  law,  finne, death  and  the  dcvill ;  and  a  fre<e 
giving  of  gracc,righteoufnss,falvation  and  eternall  life.  This  promifc 
(iiith  he)  is  not  obtained  by  any  m:rit,  by  any  law,  or  by  any  work, 
^  jc  js  g{VCI1<  f  o  vvhorn?  To  thofe  that  bcleevc.  In  whom?In  Jcfus 
Chrift,  who  is  the  bleflfcd  Seed,  which  hath  redeemed  all  beleevcrs 
from  the  curfe  that  they  might  receive  the  blcflSng.  Thefe  words  be 
nat  obfcure,  but  plainc  enough :  notwithftanding  we  muft  markc 
them  diligently  and  weigh  well  the  force  Se  weight  theroF.For  if  all 
be  (hut  under  finnc,  it  followeth  that  all  nations  arc  accurfcd  and  arc 
deftitutc  of  the  grace  of  God  :  Alfo  that  they  arc  under  the  wrath  of 
God  and  the  power  of  the  devill,  and  that  no  mm  can  be  delivered 
from  them  by  any  other  m:anes,then  by  faith  in  Jcfus  Chrift.  With 
thefe  words  therforc/Wenvcigheth  mightily  againft  the  fantafticall 
opinions  of  the  Papifts  and  all  Judiciaries  touching  the  law  and 
works  :  when  he  faith,  that  thepromife  by  faith  injefa  Chrift  might 
be  given  to  allbeleevers. 

tc««n.     Now,  how  we  would  anfwcr  to  thofe  (entcnccs  which  ipcakc 
°J«ks.  of  workes  andrewards^  I  have  Efficiently  declared  before.   And 
the  matter  requireth  not  now,  that  we  (hould  fpcake  any  thing  of 
workes.  For  we  have  not  here  taken  in  hand  to  intrcatc  of  workes, 
but  of  Justification:  to  wit,  that  it  is  not  obtained  by  the  law  and 
workesjfincc  all  things  are  fhut  under  finnc,and  under  the  curfe  :  but 
by  faith  in  Chrift.   When  we  arc  out  of  the  matter  of  J  uftification, 
the  cSnju-  wc  cannot  Efficiently  praife  and  magnific  thefe  workes  which  are 
JSidwotki,  commanded  of  Gad.    For  who  can  Efficiently  commend  and  fet 

out°        *°rt^  c^c  P™^  an(^  ^"^  °^oas  ^°^  worke,  which  a.Chriftian 
doth  through  Faith  and  in  Faith  ?    Indeed  it  is  more  precious 



To  the  G  A  L  A  T  ii  i  A  K  s.  FoT.T  66 

then  Heaven  or  earth.  The  whole  world  therefore  is  not  able  to  give 
a  worthy  recoinpence  to  fuch  a  gcod  work.  Yea  the  world  have  not 
the  grace  to  magnifie  the  holy  workes  of  the  faithful!  a&theyare 
worthy ,and  much  kflc  to  reward  thtm  :  For  it  fceth  them  not,  or  if 
it  do,  it  eftccmeth  them  not  as  good  works,  but  as  moft  wicked  and 
deteft  able  crimes;  and  riddeththe  world  of  thole  which  are  the  doers 
thereof,  as  moft  peftilent  plagues  to  mankind. 

So  Chnft  the  Saviour  of  the  world,for  a  recompsncc  of  hisincom-  HOW  chtift 
prehcnfible  and  ineftimable  bcncfits,was  put  to  the  moft  opprobrious  Jeaj  JJJ'J' 
death  of  thecrcfle.  The  Apoftlcs  alfo  bringing  the  word  of  grace  worWfor 
and  etcrnall  life  into  the  world, were  counted  the  offlccuring,and  the  w* btucfirj* 
outcafts  of  the  whole  world.    This  is  the  goodly  reward  which  the 
world  givcth  for  fo  great  and  unfpeakeable  benefits.  But  works  done 
without  faith,  although  they  have  never  fo  goodly  afhewofholi-  wcrktwitb. 
nes,are  under  the  curfc.  Wherefore  fo  far  off  it  is,that  the  doers  there-  out  lailh' 
of  iliould  deferve  grace,  righteoufnefle  and  cternall  life,  that  rather 
they  heape  fin  upon  fin.  After  this  manner  the  Pope,that  child  of  per- 
dition.and  all  that  follow  him,do  worke.So  workc  all  meritmongers 
and  hereticks  which  arc  fallen  from  the  faith. 

Verfc  23.    But  fofire  faith  Ctime. 

He  proceed  eth  in  declaring  the  profit  and  neceflity  of  the  law.  He 
faid  before  that  the  law  was  added  for  tranfgrcfllons:Not  that  it  was 
the  principall  purpofc  of  God  to  make  a  law  that  fhould  bring  death 
and  damnation,as  he  faith,/?  0*0.7.  WM  that  vtbkk  WAS  good  (  faith  he  )  t]Jejaw.  ^ 
made  death  unto  me  ?  Cjodfirbid.  For  the  law  is  a  worcl  that  fhcwcth 
life,and  driveth  men  unto  it.  Therforc  it  is  not  only  given  as  a  mint- 
fter  ofdeath3but  the  principall  ufe  and  end  thereof  is  to  reveale  death, 
that  fo  it  might  be  fcen  and  known  how  horrible  fin  is.Notwithftan-  whr  tf  *' 
ding  it  doth  not  fo  revcalc  death  as  though  it  tended  to  no  other  end 
but  to  kill  and  to  deftroy  :but  to  this  end  it  revealcth  deatb,t hat  when 
men  arc  terrificd,caft  down,and  humbled,they  fnould  feare  God.  And 
this  doth  the  ao.chap.of-S^^.declare.  Fearcnot(hith  Mofes)fir  god 
it  come  to  prove  jov>and  tiwt  hti  fiare  may  be  bcfireyotijhAtyejinnot^  he 
office  therforc  of  the  law  is  to  kill,aad  yet  fo,thatGod  may  revive  and 
quicken  againe.  The  law  then  is  not  given  only  to  kill :  but  bacaufe 
man  is  proud  and  dreameth  that  he  is  wil?,nghteous  and  holy  :  ther 
forc  it  is  necefkry  he  (hould  be  humbled  by  the  law,  that  fo  this 


Chap.  HI. 

beaft  the  opinion  of  rightcoufnefle  I  fay,  might  be  flainc:  for  other- 
wife  no  man  can  obtaine  life. 

Albeit  then  that  the  law  killeth,  yet  God  ufeth  this  cffeft  of  the 
of  kWj  tnis  death  I  meane,to  a  good  end,  that  is  to  bring  life.  For  God 
.at  teeing  that  this  univerfall  plague  of  the  whole  world,  to  wit,  mans 
death,  to     opinion  of  his  own  righteoufneffc,  his  hy  pocrifie,  and  confidence  in 
in  Hfc,    kis  Qwn  h0ijnc{fc  couid  not  be  beaten  do wnc  by  any  other  means,  he 
would  that  it  ftiould  be  flaine  by  the  law  :  not  for  ever,but  that  when 
it  is  once  flaine,  man  might  be  raifed  up  againe  above  and  beyond  the 
law,and  there  might  hearcthis  voice,  Feare not :I  have  not  given  the 
law,and  killed  thee  by  the  la w,that  thou  (houideft  abide  in  this  death: 
but  that  thou  (houldft  fearc  me  and  live.  For  the  prefuming  of  good 
works,  andrighteoufneflcftandcihnot  with  the  feare  of  God :  And 
where  the  feare  of  God  is  not,  there  can  be  no  thirfting  for  grace  or 
life.  God  muft  therefore  have  a  ftrong  hammer,or  a  mighty  maule  to 
breake  the  rocks,  and  a  hot  burning  fire  in  the  middcft  of  Heaven  to 
overthrow  the  mountaincs :  that  is  to  fay,to  deftroy  this  furious  and 
obftinatc  bcaft(this  prcfumption  I  fay)  that  when  a  man  by  this  brui- 
fing  and  breaking  is  brought  to  nothing,  he  fhoiild  defpairc  of  his 
own  ftrength,rightcoufne{fc  and  holinefe,and  being  thus  thoroughly 
terrified,fhould  thirft  after  mercy  and  remiffion  of  finncs. 

Vcrfc  2J.    But  bt fire  faith  came,  We  were  under  the  law,  font  ftp  unto  the 
Faith  'Vvhick Should  afterwards  be  revealed. 

This  is  to  fay,  before  the  time  of  the  Gofpell  and  grace  came, 
the  office  of  the  law  was,  that  we  fliould  be  fhut  up  and  kept  under 
the  fame,  as  it  were  in  prifon.  This  is  a  goodly  and  antfimili- 
tudc,  (hewing  the  effect  of  thelaw,  and  how  righteous  it  makcth 
men  -.therefore  it  is  diligently  to bs  weighed.  No  thcefc,  nomurthe- 
«h  wh«  rer,  no  adulterer  or  other  malefa&our  lovcth  the  chaines  and  fet- 
tcrs» tnc.  ^ar^c  anc^  loatn^om3  prifon  wherein  he  lieth  faft  bound :  but 
rather,  if  he  could,  he  would  breake  and  beate  into  powder  the  pri 
fon  with  his  yrons  and  fetters.  Indeed  whiles  he  is  in  prifon  he 
rcfraincth  from  doing  of  evil!  r  but  not  of  a  good  will  or  fbrrigh- 
tcoufneflc  fake :  but  becaufe  the  prifon  reftraincth  him  that  he  cannot 
doc  it :  And  now  being  fall  fettered  he  hatcth  not  his  theft  and  his 
inurthcr :  (  yea  he  is  forry  with  all  his  heart  that  he  cannot  rob  and 


ftcalc,cut  and  flay)  but  he  hatcth  the  prifon,  and  if  he  could  cfcape,  he 
Would  rob  and  luL,  as  he  did  before. 

law  fiutteti)  men  under  ftnne  two 
,  civilly  And  ffririt 

Such  is  the  force  of  the  law  and  the  righteoufhes  that  cometh  of  the 
law,  compelling  us  to  be  outwardly  good,  when  it  thrcatneth  death 
or  any  other  punifliment  to  the  tranfgreflburs  thereof.  Here  we  obey 
the  law  indeed,  but  for  fcarc  of  punifament  :  that  is,  unwillingly  and  Iaw  '*• 
with  great  indignation.  But  what  righteoufncs  is  this,  when  we  ab- 
ftain  from  doing  evill  for  fear  of  punifhmcnt  ?  Wherefore  this  righre-  ourn«ft  ** 
oufnes  of  works  is  indeed  nothing  elfe>but  to  love  fin  and  to  hate  righ- 
teoulnes,  to  detcft  God  with  his  law,  and  to  love  and  reverence  that 
which  is  moft  horrible  and  abominable  ?  For  looke  how  heartily  the 
thccfe  loveth  the  prifon  and  hateth  his  thefc  ;  fo  gladly  do  we  obey  the 
law  in  accomplifhing  that  which  it  commanded],  and  avoiding  that 
which  it  forbiddeth. 

Notwithftanding,  this  fruit  and  this  profit  the  law  bringeth,  al- 
though  incns  hearts  remain  never  fo  wicKed,  thatfirft  outwardly  and  by  the  law. 
civilly  after  a  fort  it  reftraineth  theeves,  murtherers  and  other  malefa- 
clours.    For  if  they  did  not  &e  and  undcrfland,  that  fin  is  punifhcd  in 
this  life  by  imprifonment,  by  the  gallows,  by  the  fword  and  fueh  like., 
and  after  this  life  with  eternall  damnation  and  hell  fire;  no  Magift  rate  Thc  ^  . 
fl^ould  be  able  to  bridle  the  fury  and  rage  of  men  by  any  laws,  bonds  or 
chains.  But  the  thrcatnings  of  the  law  ftrike  a  tcrrour  into  the  hearts 
of  the  wicked  whereby  they  arc  bridled  after  a  fort,  that  they  run  not 
headlong,  as  othcrwiie  they  would  do,  into  all  kinds  of  wickedncfle. 
Notwithftanding  they  would  rather  that  there  were  DO  law,  no  pu- 
ni(hmcnt,no  htll,and  finally  noGodJfGodhad  nohell,ordid  notpu- 
nifh  the  wicked,he  fhould  be  loved  and  praifed  of  all  men.  But  bccaufe 
he  punifheth  the  wicked,  and  all  are  wicked  :  therefore  in  as  much  as 
they  arc  fhut  under  the  law,  they  can  do  no  otherwise,  but  mortally 
hate  and  blafpheme  God. 

Furthermore,  the  law  ftiutteth  men  under  fin,  not  only  civilly,  but 
alfofpiritually:  thac  is  to  fay,  the  law  isalfo  aipintuall  priion,  and  a 
very  hell.  For  when  it  revealeth  fin,  threatneth  death,  aud  the  eter 
nall  wrath  of  God,  a  man  cannot  avoid  it>  nor  find  any  comfort.  For  it 


Chap.111.  Vfo*  dt  EP  i  s  T  L  H 

is  not  in  the  power  of  man  to  (take  off  thefc^orriblc  terrcurs,which 
the  law  'Urreth  up  in  the  confcience,  or  any  other  anguifh  or  bittcr- 
ncs  of  fpirit.  Hereof  come  thefe  lamentable  complaints  of  the  Saints, 
which  arc  every  where  in  the  Pfilmes :  In  kettVfho  faU  confifle  thee  ? 
&c.  For  then  is  a  man  (hut  up  in  prifon  :  out  of  the  which  he  cannot 
cfcape,  nor  teeth  how  he  may  be  delivered  out  of  thefe  bonds,  that  is 
to  fay,  thefe  horrible  terrours. 

Thus  the  law  is  a  prifon  both  civilly  and  fpiritually.    For  firft 
The  Jaw  is    it  reftraincth  and  (hutteth  up  the  wicked  that  they  runne  not  head- 
JihSntfy  l°nS  according  to  their  ownc  luft,  into  all  kinds  of  mifchiefe.   A- 
•ad  ffirito.  gam  it  fhewcth  unto  us  fpiritually  our  fin,terrifieth  and  humbleth  us, 
a!i7*         -that  when  we^re  fo  terrified  and  humbled,  we  may  learne  to  know 
our  ownc  mifcry  and  condemnation.    And  this  is  the  true  and  proper 
•ufe  of  the  law,  fo  that  it  be  not  perpetual! .    For  this  fliutting  and 
holding  under  the  law,  muft  endure  no  longer,  but  until!  faith  come  : 
•and  when  fsith  commcth,  then  muft  this  fpirituall  prifon  have  an 

The  Jaw, &      Here  againc  wee  fee,  that ,  although  the  law  and  the  Gcfpell 
the  Gofpeii  be  fsparatc  farre  afunder ,  yet  as  touching  the  inward  afMions, 
th»lnwird   tney  arc  vcry  nearety  Joyncd  the  one  with  the  other.*  Ibis  Paul 
affcaions     fhewcth  when  he  faith   :   vr*e-  ^tre  kept  under  the  law ,    and  flut 
<up  unto  the  Faith  ,   Vehic h  jbwld  he  revealed  unt9  w.     Wherefore 
it  is  not  enough  that  wee  are  fhut  under  the  Jaw  :  for  if  nothing 
clfc  fhould  follow,  wee  fhould  be  driven  to  defperation  and  die  in 
our  fins.     But  P^/addeth  moreover ,  that  we  are  fhut  up  and  kept 
under  a  Schoolc- maftcr  (which  is  the  law  :)  not  for  ever,  but  to 
bring  us  unto  Chrift,  who  is  the  end  of  the  law.   Therefore  this  ter- 
nngHpTn-  nfy ing,  this  humbling  and  thfs  (hutting  up  muft  not  alwaies  conti- 
^          der^the  law  nue .  DUt  onjy  untill  faith  be  revealed  :  That  is,  it  fhall  fa  long  conti- 
3C  nue,  as  (hall  be  for  pur  profit  and  our  fal  vation  :  So  thaf  when  we  arc 
'ciftdowne and  humbled  by  the  law,  thcngrace,  remiflionoffinnes, 
deliverance  from  the  law,  finneand  death  may  become  fwect  unto 
us :  which  arc  not  obtained  by  vvcrkes ,  but  arc  received  by  faith 

He  which  in  time  oftentation  can  joync  ihefe  two  things  toge 
ther  fo  repugnant  jmd  contrary  :  That  is  to  fay,  which  when  hcc 
is  throughly  terrified  and  caft  downe  by  the  law ,  cfoth  know  that 
the  £od  of  the  law ,  and  the  beginning  of  grace  or  of  faith  to  be  re. 



To  the  G  A  L.  A  T.H.I  AN  I. 

yealcd,  is  now  comc,ufcth  rhc  law  rightly.  All  the  wicked  arc  utterly  £j 
ignorant  of  this  knowledge  and  this  cunning.  CMIU  knew  it  not 
when  he  was  fliut  up  in  the  prifon  of  the  law  :  That  is.he  felt  no  rer- 
rour,although  he  had  now  killed  his  brother  :  but  dUTeoibled  the  mat- 
ter  craftily  ,and  thought  that  God  was  ignorant  thereof.  ex/»  /  my 
fathers  keener  (faith  hc)But  when  he  heard  this  wordiWkat  haft  than 
done  ?  Bcholdthf  voyce  of  the  blond  of  thy  brother  cryeth  unto  me  front* 
the  earth,  he  began  to  feclc  this  prifon  indeed.  What  did  he  then  ? 
He  remained  ftill  fliut  up  in  prifon.  He  joy  ncd  not  the  Gofpcll  with 
the  law,  bnt  faid  :  Mj  funijbmeut  is  greater  then  I  can  bcarc.  He  only 
rcfpefted  the  prifon,  not  confidcring  that  the  fin  was  revealed  unto 
himtothiscndjthathcfhouldfly  unto  God  for  mercy  and  pardon, 
Therefore  he  dofpaired  and  denied  God.  Hcc  bclccved  not  that  hee 
was  fhut  up  to  this  end,  that  grace  and  faith  might  be  rctcaled  un 
to  him  ;  but  only  that  he  fhould  ftill  rcmaine  in  the  prifon  of  the 

Thefc  words  ,  to  be  l><pt  under  ,  and  ta  he  {hut  up  ,  are; 
not  vainc  and  unprofitable  ,  but  moft  true  ,  and  of  great  impor 
tance.  This  keeping  under  and  this  prifon  fignifisth  the  trac  and 
fpirituall  terrours,  whereby  the  confcicncc  is  fo  tout  up,  that  in  the 
wide  world  it  can  findc  no  place"  where  it  may  be  in  fafety.  Yea  ™J 
as  long-as  thcfe  terrours  endure,  the  confcience  fcelcth  fuch  an- 
guifh  and  forrow,  that  it  thinketh  heaven  and  earth  ,  yea  if  they 
\vcretcntimcsmorc  wide  and  large  then  they  arc,  to  be  ftraitcr 
and  narrower  then  a  Moufe-holc.  Here  is  a  man  utterly  defti- 
tutc  of  all-  wifcdome  ,  ftrcngth  ,  rightcoufncfie  ,  counfcll  and 
fuccour.  For  the  confcience  is  a  marvellous  tender  thing,  and  there 
fore  when  it  is  fo  fhut  up  under  the  prifon  of  the  law,it  fceth  no  way  CQafcJcnc«« 
how  to  get  out  :  and  this  ftraitncflc  fecmeth  dally  fo  to  inercafe,  as 
though  it  would  never  have  an  end.  For  then  doth  it  feele  the  wrath 
of  God,  which  is  infinite  and  ineftimabic,  whofc  hand  it  cannot  e- 
fcapc,  as  the  .Pfalme  1  39*  witneffcth  :  wfakcr.  Putt  I  flic  from  thy  ff* 
frefeace  ?  &c. 

Like  as  therefore  this  worldly  prifon  or  fhutting  up  is  a  bodily- 
affliction,  and  he  that  is-fofhut  up  can  have  no  ufe  of  his  btj 
die  :    Even  fo  the  trouble  and  anguii"h  of  mindc  is  a  fpirituall  pri-  r. 
fon  ,   and  hee  that  is  fhut  up  in  this  prifon  cannot  enjoy  the 
quietneifc  of  heart  and  peace  of  confcience.    An4  yet  it-is  not  fo 


Chap.  III.  PfM  the  E  ?  i  s  T  L  i 

for  ever  (  as  reftfon  judgcth  when  it  feeleth  this  prifon  : )  but  untill 
faith  be  revealed.     The  filly  conference  therefore  muft  be  raifcd  up 
anc|  comforted  after  this  fort:  Brother,  them  arc  indeed  (hut  up:  but 
perfwade  thy  fette  that  this  is  not  done,  to  the  end  that  thou  flioul- 
deft  remaine  in  this  prifon  for  ever.    For  it  is  written,  thattyettrefiut 
'  *p,*nto  the  Faith  Vekich  fhall  be  revetted.  Thou  art  then  afflicted  in  this 
Thei«wkii  pri{bn,not  to  thy  deftrudion,  but  that  thou  maieft  be  rcfrcQicd  by  the 
blcflcd  Seed.    Thou  art  killed  by  the  law,  that  through  Cbrift  thou 
maieft  be  quickned  again,  and  rcftored  to  life.  Dcfpairc  not  therefore 
as  ^'X^^and  fftdat  did,  who  being  thus  fhut  up,  looked  no  further 
w fife.  •      bntto  their  dark  prifon,  and  there  ftill  remained  :  therefore  they  dc- 
fpaircd.-  But  thou  muft  take  another  way  in  tb«fc  tcrrours  of  confci- 
cncc  then  they  did  :  That  is,  thou  muft  know  that  it  is  well  done, 
and  good  for  thec  tobefoflratup,  confounded,  and  brought  to  no 
thing.     Ufe  therefore  this  (hutting  up  rightly  and  as  thou  fhouldcft 
fagap  ofr    dos :  That  is,  to  the  end  that  when  the  law  hath  done  his  office,  faith 
<ie"  the  law  may  be  revealed.    For  God  doth  not  therefore  afflift  thec  that  thou 
S?ghUymftA  (houldcft  ftill  rcmaine  in  this  afflidion.    He  will  not  kill  thee  that 
E-et  in.   r^cu  ^Ou^ft  &ifa  *n  dealh.     IVeillnstthedeath  (ftithheby  the 
Prophet)  ofAfinnsT)  &c.    But  he  will  afflict  thce,  that  fo  thouoiaift 
be  humbled,  and  know  that  thou*hafi  need  of  mercy,  and  the  benefit 

This  holding  ia  prifon  then  under 'the  law,  muft  not  alwaies 

endure,   but  muft  only  continue  to  the  comming  or  revealing  of 

Faith  :  which  this  fweet  vcrfe  of  the  Ffelmei47.  doth  teach  us: 

ihcVffiaed  Tk*  Lor*  deli^htetk  in  thofe  that  fare  him  :  that  is  to  lay,  which 

andf«cha$  are  inprifon  under  the  law.     But  by  and  by  after  he  addeth  :   And 

atcinpnfon  ^  ^ Qr  ^^  ^tcxd  ttpon  his  mercie.    Therefore  wee   muft  joync 

ondcnri  ./.  .  .  '    ,  i-<  .11  .•'•' 

law,  waiting  thefe  two  things  together ,  which  are  indeed  as  contrary  the  one 
be  reveaied  to  t^ic  other  as  may  be.  For  what  can  be  more  cflntrary  then  to 
»re  deatc  hate  and  abhorre  the  wrath  of  God  :  and  againe  to  truft  in  his  good- 
uoto  God.  ne(k  ancj  mercjc  ?  fhc  one  fs  h^^  t^c  otfj'g,.  js  heaven,  and  yet  they 

muft  be  ncerely  joyncd  together  in  the  hearf.  By  fpcculation  and 
naked  knowledge  a  man  may  cafijy  joync  them  together  :  but  by 
experience  and  inward  praclifefo  to  doe,  of  all  things  it  is  the  bar- 
deft  :  which  I  n?y  felfe  have  often  proved  by  mine  owne  cxp-ri- 
ence.  OF  this  m.itter  the  Papifts  and  Sc^aries  know  nothing 
at  all.  Therefore  thcfe  words  ofPaat  are  to  them  abfcure  and  al 



together  untcnownetand  when  the  law  revcaleth  unto  them  their  fin, 
accufeth  and  terrifieth  them,they  can  tind  no  counfell,no  rcft,no  help 
or  fuccour :  but  fall  to  defperation,as  CA*ne  afid  Saul  did. 

Seeing  the  law  therfore(as  isfaid)is  our  tormentour,and  our  pri-  NO 
fon,certaine  it  is  that  we  cannot  love  it,fcut  hate  it.Hc  therefore  that 
faith,he  loveth  the  law,is  a  lyar,  and  knowetfi  not  what  he  faith.  A 
theefe  and  a  robber  (hould  fhew  himfelfe  to  be  ftarke  mad,  that  P*lfo°' 
would  love  the  prifon,  the  fetters  and  chains.  Seeing  then  the  law 
fhuttcth  us  up  andholdethus  in  prifon,  it  cannot  be  but  we  mull 
needs  be  extreamc  enemies  to  the  law.  To  conclude,fo  well  we  love 
the  law  and  the  rigbtcoofnefle  thereof,  as  amurtherer  loveth  the 
dark  prifon,thc  ftrait  bond  and  y rons.  How  then  fhould  the  law  ju* 

Vcrfc  23.    Andfrnt  up  ur.dfr  t  he  faith  that  ficuld after  be  revealed. 

ThisTWfpeaketh  inrefpeclc^'thc  fulneflfs  of  the  time  where 
in  Chrift  came.    But  we  muft  apply  it,  not  onely  to  that  time,  but 
alfototheinward  man.   For  that  which  is  done  as  an  hiftory  and 
according  to  the  time  wherein  Chrift  came,  abolishing  the  law, 
and  bringing  liberty  and  cternall  life  to  light ,  is  alwayesdonc  fpi- 
ritually  in  every  Chriftian :  in  whom  is  found  continually,  lomc- 
whilc  the  time  of  the  law,  and  fomc-whilc  the  time  of  grace.    For 
the  Chriftian  man  hath  a  body,  in  whofe  members  (as  Paul  faith 
in  another  place  )  finne  d  wellcth  and  warreth.  Now,  I  undcrftand     ^ 
fmncto  be,. not  oncly  the  deedc  or  the  worke,  but  alfo  the  roote  JJj'tSj 
and  the  tree,together  with  thefruits,as  the  Scripture  ufeth  to  fpeakc  dcfi«!h  fa 
of  finnc.  Which  is  yet  not  oncly  rooted  in  the  baptized  flcfh  of  eve 
ry  Chriftian,  but  alfo  is  at  deadly  warre  within  it,  and  holdeth  it 
captive :  if  not  to  give  confent  unto  it,  or  to  accomplifh  the  worke,  Th«tem«. 
yet  doth  it  force  him  mightily  thereunto.   For  albeit  a  Chriftian       0 
man  do  not  fall  into  outward  and  grctfc  finncs,  as  murthcr,  adul- 
tery,tbcft  and  fuch  like:  yet  is  he  not  free  from  impatiencie,  mur 
muring,  hating  and  blafpheming  of  God :  which  finnes  to  reafon 
and  the  camall  man,  are  altogether  unknown.    Thcfe  finncs  con- 
ftraine  him,  yea  fore  againft  his  will,  to  dcteft  the  law :  they  com- 
pell  him  to  flie  from  the  prcfencc  of  God :  they  compcll  him  to  hate  on  o 
and  blafphcmc  God.   For  ascarnallluft  is  ftrong  in  a  young  man,  age. 

Chap.  III.  fpiM  ^EPISTLE 

in  a  man  of  full  age  tha  ddire  and  love  of  glory,  and  in  an  old  man  co- 
Soii'wan  vetoufnefli :  even  fo  in  a  holy  and  a  faithfull  man  impatiency,  mur- 
farc  ofthe  muring,  hatred  and  blafphemy  a^ainft  God  do  mightily  prevaile. 

gidlv.witn  D»      i  /-i  •       i       « /-  i  '      n    r     •       ft 

« .ry  vchc-    Examples  hereof  there  are  many  in  thi  Pfalmes,  m  Job>  in  Jeremc, 

""words    anc*  tnrouSnout  tne  whole  Scripture.  Tad  therefore  describing  and 

fetting  forth  this  fpirituall  warfare,  ufcth  very  vehement  words  and 

firfor  the  purpofe,  as  of  fighting,  rebelling,  holding  and  leading 

captive,  dx 

Both  theie  times  then  (of  the  law  and  the  Gofpell  I  meane  )  arc  in 
a  Chriftian,as  touching  the  sffc&ions  and  inward  man.  The  time  of 
the  law  is  when  the  law  exercifeth  me,  tormentcth  me  with  heavi- 
neflc  of  heart,opprefleth  me,  bringeth  me  to  the  knowledge  of  finnr, 
and  increafeth  the  fame.    Here  the  law  is  in  his  true  ufe  and  perfect 
work:  whichaChriftianoftentimesfeelethaslongashsliveth.  So 
there  was  given  unto  Paul  a  prick  in  the  flefli,  that  is,  the  Angell  of 
a.c.MJ-7-    Satarvfo  buff.t  him.    He  would  gladly  have  felt  every  moment  the 
Tiisisrkc    i°y  cfconfcience,  the  laughter  of  the  heart,  and  the  fweettafteof 
eternall  life.    Againe,  he  would  gladly   have  beene  delivered 
from  all  trouble  and  anguiihof  fpirit ,  and  therefore  he  dcfired  that 
this  tentation  might  be  taken  from  him.    Notwithftanding  this  was 
not  done ,  but  the  Lord  {aid  unto  him  :  c/l/y  grace  isfufficiextfor  thee: 
For  my  power  invade  per fi  ft  through  weakenefte.     This  battaile  doth 
Mr  wank  bt  cvcry  £  hriftjan  fccie  TO  fpeake  of  my  felfe,thcre  arc  many  ho  wrcs  in 

pUtdwHh         .      J  ,  .  ,         . J.    /->     .  .  .  .        . 

the  which  I  chide  and  contend  withOod,  and  impatiently  rcfift 
him.  The  wrath  and  judgement  of  God  difpleafcth  me:  and  againe, 
my  impatiency ,  my  murmuring  ,  and  fuch  like  fins  do  diipleafe 
him.  And  this  is  the  time  ofthe  la  w,undcr  the  which  a  Chriftian  man 
continually  jivcth  as  touching  theficfli.  For  the  flejhlttftftb  continu 
ally  A^airift  the  Spirit,  and  the  Spirit  againtt  theflefi ;  but  in  fome  m<"*re, 
and  in  fome  icflc. 

^    •      Thetimeofgnce  is,  when  the  heart  is  raifedup  againe  by  the 

srace         promife  of  the  free  mercy  of  God  ,  and  faith  :  JVky  Art  than  he*- 
"  vie  O  my  fottle ,  and  why  doe  ft  thott  trouble  me  ?  Doeft  thou  fee  no 
thing ,  but  thelaWjfinnc,  terrour,  heavineffc , defperation , death, 
heil  and  the  divell  ?  Is  there  not  alia  grace ,  remiflion  of  (mncs ,  righ- 
teoufnciTs  ,  confolatio/i ,  joy ,  peace ,  life ,  heaven ,  Chrift  and,God  ? 
Trouble  me  no  more  O  my  foule.  What  is  the  law,  whatisfinne, 
ist  are  all  evils  in  comparifon  of  thcfc  things?  Truft  in  God, 


^     A 

To  the  GA  L  AT  HIA  N  s. 

who  hath  not  fparcd  his  owndcarcSon,  but  hath  given  him  to  the 
death  of  the  croile  for  thy  fins.  This  is  then  to  be  (hut  up  under  the 
law  after  the  flelh.not  for  ever,  but  till  Chrilt  be  revealed.   Therefore  7h«  true  oft 
when  thou  art  beaten  downe,  tormented  and  afflicted  by  the  law,  ofthc  lawi* 
then  (ay;Lady  law,thou  art  not  alonc,neither  art  thou  all  things :  but  wftSS* 
befides  thee  there  are  yet  other  things  much  greater  and  better  be  revealed- 
then  thou  art,namcly  grace,faith  and  blefling.  This  grace,  this  faith 
and  this  blefling  do  not  accufe  me,  terrific  me,condcmne  me :  but 
they  comfort  mc,they  bid  me  truft  in  the  Lord,  and  promifc  unto  me 
victory  and  falvation  in  Chrift.   There  is  no  caufe  therefore  why  I 
fhould  ddpaire. 

He  that  is  skillfull  in  this  art  and  this  cunning,  may  indeed  becal*  wfcois* 
led  a  right  Divine.    The  fantafticali  fpirits  and  theirdifciples  at  this  right  d"inc' 
day,  which  continually  bragge  of  the  Spirit,  do  perfwade  themfdres 
that  they  arc  very  expert  and  cunning  herein.  But  I  and  fuch  as  I  am 
have  fcarccly  learned  thcfrrft  principles  thereof.I  t  is  learned  indeed, 
but  folongastheflefh  and  fin  do  endure,  it  can  never  be  perfeftly 
learned  and  as  itfhouldbe.   SothenaChriftian  is  divided  into  two 
timcs.ln  that  he  is  flefh,hc  is  under  the  law  :  in  that  he  is  fpirit,he  is  b 
under  grace.  ConcupifccHCCjCovetoufnc^ambition  and  pride  do  al-  der  the  "?*'»! 
wayes  cleave  to  the  fleQi,alfo  ignorance,  contempt  ofGod,impatien-  undec^xq 
cie,  murmuring  and  grudging  againft  God,  becaufe  he  hindreth  and 
breakcth  ofFour  couniels,  our  devices  and  enterpriles,  and  becaule  hs 
fpcedily  punifheth  not  fuch  as  arc  wicked,  rebellious  andcontemp' 
tuous  perfonS;^.  Such  manner  of  fins  are  rooted  in  the  flefh  of  the 
faithfull.  Wherefore,  if  thou  behold  nothing  but  the  fleili,  thou  (halt 
abide  alwaycs  under  the  time  of  the  law.    But  thcfc  dayes  muft  be 
/l^ortncd,  or  eli^  no  flefh  ftiould  be  faved.    The  law  muft  have  his 
time  appointed,  wherein  it  muft  have  his  end.    The  time  of  the  law 
therefore' is  not  perpctuall,  but  hath  his  end,  which  end  is  Jefus  The  time  of 
Chrift.    But  the  time  of  grace  is  cternall.    For  Ckrift  bdn^  once  g^ceiseta- 
dtjui,elietk  no  more.   He  is  eternall :  therefore  the  time"  of  grace  is  alfo  R»!t.<j ,. 

Such  notable  fentenccs  in  PW,  we  may  not  lightly  paflcover, 
as  the  Papifts  and  Sectaries  are  wont  to  do.  For  they  contains 
words  of  life,  which  do  wonderfully  comfort  and  continue  afili- 
clcd  coniciences  :  and  they  which  know  and  underftand  them  well, 
can  judge  of  faith,  they  can  difcernc  a  true  fcarc  from  a  falfe 

2  2  fcarc: 

I     / 
Chap.  III.  l/wi  the  E  P  i  «  T  L  B 

fcarc-.they  can  judge  of  all  inward  affcftions  of  the  heart,and  difccrnc 
all  fpirits.    The  feare  of  God  is  an  holy  and  a  precious  thing,  but  it 
muft  not  always  continue.  Indeed  it  ought  to  be  always  in  a  Chrifti- 
an,becaufe  finne  is  al  wayes  in  him:  but  it  muft  not  ba  alone :  for  then 
it  is  the  fearc  of  Cain,  Saul  and  JxdM,  that  is  to  fay,  a  fervilc  and  a 
ftiaV"      defpcratc  feare.  *  A  Chriftian  therefore  muft  vanquuh  fearc  by  faith 
^  "e  muft    *n  l^3  worc*  °f  gracc-   He  muft  turne  away  his  eyes  from  the  time  of 
be  Tanquu   the  law,  and  looke  unto  Chrift  and  unto  faith  which  is  to  be  revealed. 
feed>         Here  beginncth  feare  to  be  fweet  unto  us,  and  makcth  us  to  deligh  t 
in  God.   For  if  a  man  do  onely  behold  the  law  and  (in,  fctting  faith 
afide,hc  (hill  never  be  able  to  put  away  fcare,but  (hall at  length  fall  to 

Thus  dotbPaul  very  well  diftinguifh  the  time  of  the  law  and  grace.' 

Let  us  alfo  learnc  rightly  to  diftinguifh  the  time  of  them  both,  not  in 

Feare  and    words,but  in  the  in  ward  affaftion:  which  is  a  very  hard  matter.  For 

faith  arcfc-  aj^ejt  tncfe  two  tninCTS  are  feparate  far  afunder,  yet  are  they  moft 

parated  far  f.  ,  ,°.  \  KT     i  •        •  . 

a  fundcr,  necrcly  joyned  together  in  one  heart.  Nothing  is  more  ncerely  joy- 
fo'ncd  t"-  ncc*  together  then  feare  and  truft,  then  the  law  and  the  (Sofpell,  then 
gctixrm  fin  and  grace.For  they  are  fo  united  togcther,that  the  one  is  fwallow- 
onc  heart.  ecj  Up  of  tne  other.  Wherfore  there  is  no  conjunction  like  unto  this. 
At  this  place,  Wherfirc  then  fcrveth  the  law  ?  Paul  began  to 
difpute  of  the  law:  alfo  of  the  ufe  and  the  abnfe  thereof ;  "taking 
occafion  of  that  which  before  he  had  affirmrd,  that  the  faith- 
full  do  obtaine  righteoufneffe  by  grace  oncly,  and  by  the  promife, 
and  not  by  the  law.  Upon  that  difputation  rofe  this  quertion  : 
Where  fire  then  ftrveth  the  law  ?  For  reafon  hearing  that  righte- 
oufneifc  or  the  blefling  is  obtained  by  grace  and  by  the  promifs, 
by  and  by  infcrreth :  then  the  law  profiteth  nothing.  Wherefore 
the  doctrine  of  the  law  muft  be  diligently  confidered,  that  we  may 
[  know  what  and  how  we  ought  to  judge  thereof)  left  that  ei- 
H-  thcr  we  rej'eft  the  fame  altogether,  as  the  fantafticall  fpirits  do 
"dthe0^'  ( vv^^]  m  r^e  ycarc5  athoufand  fivehuadreth  twenty  and  five,  ftir- 
there-ringup  the  ruft  icall  people  to  Edition,  faid,  that  the  liberty  of  the 
Gofpcll  givcth  frcedome  to  all  men  from  all  manner  of  lawes:)or  elfe 
left  we  fhoold  attribute  the  force  of  juftification  to  the  law.  For 
both  forts  do  offend  againft  the  law :  the  one  on  the  right  hand, 
which  will  be  juftified  by  thelaw;  and  the  other  on  the  left  hand, 
which  will  be  clcane  delivered  from  the  law.  We  muft  there- 

TO  tig   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  Fol.  f  71 

fore  kcepe  the  high  way  ,  fo  thai  we  neither  reject  thelaw,  nor  attri 
bute  more  unto  it  then  we  ought  to  do. 

That  which  I  have  before  fo  often  repeated  concerning  both  the 
ufcs  of  the  law,  namely,  the  civill  and  the  fpirituall  ufe,  do  fufticiently 
declare  that  the  law  is  not  given  for  the  righteous  :  but  (as  Paul  faith 
in  another  place)  for  the  unrighteous  and  rebellious.  Now,  of  the  un-  There  ate 
righteous  there  are  two  forts  ,  that  is  to  fay  ,  they  which  are  to  be  ju- 
ftified  ,  and  they  which  are  not  to  be  juftified.   They  that  are  not  to 
be  juftified  muft  be  bridekd  by  the  civill  ufe  of  the  la  w:for  they  muft  S 
be  bound  with  the  bonds  of  the  law,  asfavage  and  untamed  beafts  «*>«  ."«» 
are  bound  with  cords  and  chaincs.     This  ufe  of  the  law  hath  no  end:  bc 
and  of  this  Taut  here  fpeaketh  nothing.  But  they  that  are  to  be  jufti- 
ficd  ,  arc  cxercifed  with  the  fpirituall  ufe  of  the  law  for  a  time  :  for  it 
doth  not  alwayes  continue  ,  as  the  civill  ufe  of  the  law  doth  :  but  it 
lookcth  to  Faith  which  is  to  be  revealed,  and  when  Chrift  com-Howfuch 
meth  ,  it  fhall  have  his  end.    Hereby  we  may  plaincly  fee  that  all 
the  fcntenccs  wherein  T*#/intreatcth  of  the  fpirituall  ufe  of  the  law, 
muft  be  underfloodof  thofc  which  are  to  be  juftificd  ,  and  not 
thofe  which  are  juftified  already.     For  they  which  arejaftified  al-  icth  the 
rcadyj  in  as  much  as  they  abide  in  Chrift,  arc  farr  above  all  h^ 
The  law  then  muft  belaid  upon  thofc  that  are  to  be  juftifisd  t  that 
they  may  bc  (hut  up  in  the  prifon  thereof  ,  untillthenghteoufneffeof 
faith  come  :  Not  that  they  attainc  this  rightcoufncs  through  the  law 
(for  that  were  not  to  uiethslaw  rightly,  but  to  abufeit  :  )  but  that 
when  they  are  cift  downe  and  humbled  by  the  law,  they  iliould  flic 
unto  Chrift  ,  Who  is  the  end  of  the  /aw  to  rigbteoufnefte  ,  to  every  one, 

Now  ,  the  abufers  of  the  law  ,  are  firft  all  the  judiciaries  and  who  are 
hypocrites  which  drcame  that  men  arc  juftified  by  the  law.    For 
that  ufe  of  the  law  doth  not  exsrcifc  and  drive  a  man  to  faith  which 
is  to  be  revealed,  but  it  inaketh  careleflb  and  arrogant  hypocrites, 
fwelling  and  prefuming  of  the  righteoufncfle  of  the  law  ,  and  hin- 
dercth  the  righreoufnefle  of  faith.     Secondly  ,  they  abuic  the  law 
which  will  utterly  exempt  a  Chriftianman  from  the  law  ,  as  the 
brainfickc  Ansbaptifts  went  about  to  do:  which  was  the  occafion 
that  they  raifed  up  that  fedition  of  the  rufticall  people.  Ofthis  fort 
there  are  very  many  alfo  at  this  day  which  profcffe  the  Gofpell 
with  us  :\vho  being  delivered  from  the  tyranny  ot  the  Pope  by 

Z  3  the 

Chap.  III.         \rp0fltht  EPISTLE 

the  doftrine  of  the  Gofpell,  do  dreams  that  the  Chriftfan  liberty  is  a 
diflfolute  and  a  carnall  liberty  to  do  whatsoever  they  lift.Thefe(as/)^<rr 
fiith)l  ave  the  liberty  of  the  fpirit,ns  a  cloake  ofmalicioufncs,through 
which  the  name  of  God  and  the  Gofpcll  of  Chrift  is  flandered  every 
where,  and  therfore  they  fhall  once  futfcr  worthy  punifhmenc  for  this 
their  ungodlincs.  Thirdly ,fuch  do  alfo  abate  the  law,  who  feeling  the 
terrours  therof,  do  not  understand  that  fuch  terrours  ought  no  longer 
to  continue,  but  onto  Chrift.  This  abufc  in  them  is  the  caufe  that  they 
falltodefperation  ;  as  in  the  hypocrites  itisthecaufeofarrogancy 
and  prcfumpt'on. 

Conttariwife,  the  true  ufe  of  the  law  can  never  be  efteemed  and 
can™  b"    magnified  as  it  is  worthy,  namely  ,  that  when  the  confcience  fhut 
cflccmed  M  up  under  the  law,  defpaircth  not,  but  being  inftruftcd  by  the  wif- 
**  dome  of  theholy  Ghoft,  concludeth  with  it  felfc  after  this  fort :  I  am 
indeed  fhut  up  as  a  prifoner  under  the  law  ,  but  not  for  ever  :  yea 
this  (hutting  up  fhall  turnc  to  my  great  profit.    How  fo  ?   Becaufe 
that  I  being  thus  Quit  up,  (hall  be  driven  to  figh  and  fcekc  the  hand 
of  an  helper,  &c.   After  this  manner  the  law  is  as  an  inforcer,  which 
fi«otScf"  by  compulfion  bringcth  the  hungry  unto  Chrift,  that  he  mayfatisfia 
»a'v.°  '       them  with  his  good  things.    Wherefore  the  true  office  of  the  law  is 
to  flic  w  unto  us  our  fms»to  make  us  guilty,to  humble  us,  to  kill  us  and 
to  bring  us  downe  to  hell,  and  finely  to  take  from  us  all  helpc,  all  fuc- 
cour,all  comfort :  but  yet  altogether  to  this  end,that  we  may  be  /ufti- 
fied,  exalted,  quickncd  to  life,  carried  up  into  heaven,  and  obtainc  all 
good  things.  Therefore  it  doth  not  only  kill,  but  it  killcih  that  we 
may  live. 

Verfe  24.    Wherefore  the  la*  VTM  our  Schoolc-ntafter  to  bring  w  to 

Here  againc  hce  joyneth  the  law  and  the  Gofpell  together, 
(which  arc  fepar^te  ib  farre  afundcr)  as  touching  the  afreftions 
and  inward  man,  when  he  faith  :  the  law  is  a  Schoole-maftcr  to 
Chrift.  Thisfimihtude  alfo  of  the  Schoole-maftcr  is  worthy  to  be 
noted.  Although  a  Schoole-maftcr  be  very  profitable  andneceflary 
toinftruaand  to  bring  up  children,  yet  fhcw  me  one  childc  or 
fchollar  which  loveth  his  mafter.  What  love  and  obedience  the 
Jcwcs  {hewed  unto  their  Ctfofes,  itappearcth  in  that  every  houre 


~    » 

To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  Fol.i  72 

(as  the  hiftory  witnefleth)  they  would  with  all  their  hearts  have  fto- 
ned  him  to  death.  It  is  not  pofliblc  therefore  that  the  Schollar  fhould 
love  his  mafter.  Tor  how  can  he  love  him  which  kecpeth  him  in  pri- 
fon,that  is  to  fay,which  fuffereth  him  not  to  do  that  which  gladly  he 
would  ?  And  it  he  do  any  thing  againft  his  commandement,  by  and  love  hi* 
by  he  is  rebuked  and  chaftifed,  yea  and  is  conftrained  moreover  to  kiflc  "" 
the  tod  when  he  is  beaten.  lsnotthis(I  pray  you)a  goodly  righteoul- 
nes  and  obedience  of  the  Scholhr ,  that  he  obcycth  his  mafter  fo  fe- 
vercly  threatningand  fo  fharply  correcting  him,  and  kiflcth  the  rod  ? 
But  doth  he  this  with  a  good  will?  As  foon  as  his  mafter  hath  turned 
hisback,hebrcakeththcrod,  orcaftethitintothefire.  And  if  he  had 
any  power  over  his  matter,  he  would  not  (bffjr  himfelf  to  be  beaten  of 
him,  but  rather  he  would  beat  him.  And  yet  notwithftanding  the 
fchool-mafter  is  very  ncceflary  for  the  child, to  inftruft  and  to  chaftife 
him :  otherwife  the  child  without  his  difcipline,  inftruftion  and  good 
education,  (houlJ  be  utterly  loft. 

The  School- mafter  therfcre  is  appointed  for  the  chiM,to  teach  him,  JJJJdema 
to  bring  him  up,and  to  keep  him,as  it  were  in  prifon.But  to  what  end  ficr°  ap?*' 
or  how  long  ?  Is  it  to  the  end  that  this  ftrait  and  fharp  dealing  of  the  poi,<i  fot 
School- mafter  fhould  alwaics  continue  ?  or  that  the  child  (hould  re-  a 
inaine  in  continuall  bondage?  Not  fo,  but  only  for  a  time,  that  this 
ob-diencc,  this  prifon  and  correction  might  rurnc  to  the  profit  of  the 
child,that  when  the  time  comcth,  he  might  be  his  fathers  heire.  For 
it  is  not  the  fathers  will,  that  his  fon  Qioiild  be  alwaies  fubjccl  to  the 
School-mafter,and  alwaies  beaten  with  rods:but  thdt  by  his  inftrufti- 
or.»nddifciplinc  he  might  be  made  able  and  meet  to  be  his  fathers 

Rven  fo  the  law  (faith  ^aul}  is  nothing  elfc  but  a  Schoolc- 
mafter  :  Not  for  ever,  but  untill  it  have  brought  us  to  Chrift  :  as  to 
in  other  words  he  faid  allo  before  :  The  IAVP  \^as  fwtn  fir  tranf-  cilrill« 
fffjfi***!  HMtill  the  bUfitd  Scedc  JbouU  come.  Alfo,  The  Scrip" 
tare  hath  font  all  under  Jinnet  &C.  Againc  :  Wee  Veerc  kept  under 
And  flttt  up  unto  faith  Which  fiould  after  be  revealed.  Wherefore 
the  law  is  not  only  a  School- mafter  ,  but  it  is  *  Schoolc-  imfter 
to  bring  us  unto  Chrift.  For  what  a  Schoolc-mafter  were  he  which 
woulJ  alwaies  torment  and  beat  the  childc,  and  teach  him  nothing 
at  all  ?  And  yet  fuch  School- maftcrs  there  were  in  time  paft,  when 
Schooles  were  nothing  elfe  but  a  prifon  and  a  very  hell,  the  Schools- 

Z  4  maftcrs 

Chap.  III.  rpcntke  E  P  i  s  T  i  B 

maftcrs  crucU  tyrants  and  very  butchers.  The  children  vvcrcalwaies 
spaa§  beaten,  they  learned  with  continuall  paine  and  travell,  and  yet  few  of 
them  came  to  any  proofc.  T  he  la  w  is  not  fuch  a  School-  matter.  For 
it  doth  not  only  terrifo  and  torment  (  as  the  foolifh  Schoolc-maftcr 
beafeth  his  Schollcrs  and  teacheth  them  nothing:  J  but  with  his  rods 
he  driveth  us  unto  Chrift:  :  like  as  a  good  Schoolc-mafter  inftrudeth 
andexercifcthhis  Schollars  in  reading  and  writing,  to  the  end  they 
may  come  to  the  knowledge  of  good  letters  and  other  profitable 
things,  that  afterwards  they  may  have  a  delight  in  doing  that,  which 
before  when  they  were  contained  thereunto,  they  did  againft  their 

By  this  goodly  fimilitude;  PWfhcweth  what  is  the  trus  ufe  of  the 
la  w,namely,  that  it  juftificth  not  hypocrites,  for  they  remaine  with 
out  Chrift  in  their  preemption  and  fecurity  :  and  contrariwife,  that 
it  Jeaveth  not  in  death  and  damnation  thofe  that  are  of  a  contrite  heart 
(  fb  that  they  ufc  it  as  Paul  teacheth)  but  drivtth  them  unto  Chrift. 
cf  VTufe  ^ut  ^iey  wkicn  m  t^cj^e  tcrrours  continue  dill  in  their  weaknes  ,  and 

do  not  apprehend  Chrift  by  faith,  do  fall  at  length  into  dcfperation. 
lie  allegoric  ?rf#/therfore  in  this  allegory  of  the  School-ma(ter,moft  lively  exprd- 
sckioiema  &&  the  true  ufe  of  the  law.  For  like  as  the  Schoole-mafter  reproveth 
flcr-          his  Schokrsjgrieveth  them  and  maketh  them  heavy,and  yet  not  to  the 
end  that  this  bondage  fhould  alwaies  continue,  but  that  it  fbould  cealc 
when  the  children  arewellbrought  up  and  inftrudted  accordingly,and 
that  afterwards  without  any  conftramt  of  the  Schoole-maftcr,  they 
ihould  chcarfully  enjoy  their  liberty  and  their  fathers  goods  revcn  fo 
they  vvhich  arc  vexed  and  opprcflcd  with  the  la  w,do  know  that  thcfc 
tcrrours  and  vexations  fhall  not  alwaies  continue,  but  that  thereby 
they  arc  prepared  to  ccme  unto  Chrift  which  is  to  fee  revealed,  andio 
to  receive  the  liberty  of  the  fpirit,  &c. 

Vcrfe  24.  That  \V^  mio^ht  be  made  righieow  lj  Faith. 

The  law  is  not  a  School-  matter  to  bring  us  unto  another  Iaur- 
gncr  which  requireth  good  workes,  but  unto  Chrift  our  juRiner 
and  Saviour,  that  by  faith  in  him  we  might  be  juftificd,  and  not 
by  workes.  But  when  a  man  feeleth  the  force  and  ftrength  of  the 
law,  he  doth  not  undcrftand  nor  bekevc  this.  Therefore  he  faith  :I 
jjave  jjv£j  yyickedly  5  for  i  have  tranfgrefled  all  the  coinmande- 


^  * 

To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  W  *FoJ. r  7  j 

naents  of  God,  and  therefore  I  am  guilty  of  eternal]  death.  If  God 
would  prolong  my  life  ccrtainc yeares,or  at  leaft  certainc  monetbs,  I 
would  amend  my  life,and  live  holily  hereafter.  Here,  of  the  true  ufe 
of  the  law,he  makcth  an  abufe.  Rcafon  being  overtaken  in  thde  ter-  law>to  niakc 
rours  and  ftraits,  is  bold  to  promifcunto  God  the  fulfilling  of  all  the  an 
works  of  the  whole  law.  And  hereof  came  fomany  feds  and  f warms) 
of 'Monks  and  religious  hypocrites,  fomany  ceremonies  and  Ib  many 
works,  devifed  to  deferve  grace  and  retnifllon  of  fins.  And  they 
which  devifed  thefe  things,  thought  that  the  law  was  a  Schoolema- 
ftertolcadethcm,notuntoChri{t,but  untoanewlaw,or  unto  Chrift 
as  a  law-giver ,and  not  as  one  that  hath  abolifhcd  the  law. 

B  ut  the  true  ufe  of  the  law  is  to  teach  me  that  I  am  brought  to  the  The  frue  "^ 
knowledge  of  my  (in  and  humbled,  that  fo  I  may  come  unto  Chrift,  ofthclayy- 
and  may  be  juftihed  by  faith.  But  faith  is  neither  law  nor  work,  but 
an  afiured  confidence  which  apprchendeth  Chrift,  who  u  the  end  of  the 
/atv^om,  I  o.  And  how  ?  Not  that  he  hath  abolished  the  old  law  and 
given  a  new,  or  that  he  is  a  judge  which  muft  be  pacified  by  works, 
as  the  Papifts  have  taught :  but  {he  is  the  end  of  the  law  to  all  thofe 
that  beleeve :  that  is  to  fay, every  one  that  beleevcth  in  him  is  righte- 
ous,and  the  law  fhall  never  accufe  him.  The  law  then  is  good,holy 
?.nd  juft,  fo  that  a  man  ufe  it  as  he  fhould  do.  Now,  they  that  abutb 
the  law,arc  firft  the  hypocrites  which  attribute  unto  the  law  a  pow 
er  to  juftific:  and  fecondly  they  which  do  dcfpaire,  not  knowing 
that  the  law  is  a  Schoolemafter  to  leade  them  unto  Chrift :  that  is 
to  fay,  that  the  law  humblcth  them  not  to  their  deftruftion,  but  to 
their  falvation:Por  God  woundeththathemay  heals  againe  :  hekil- 
leth  that  he  may  quicken  againe. 

Now,  PMil  (  as  before  I  have  faid  )  fpsaketh  of  thofe  that  arc 
to  be  juftified,  and  not  of  thofe  which  arc  juftified  already.  There 
fore  when  thou  gocft  about  toreafon  as  concerning  thilaw,  thou 
muft  take  the  matter  of  the  law,  or  that  whereupon  the  la  w  wor- 
keth,  namely  the  (inner  and  the  wicked  prrfon,  whom  the  law  ju- 
ftificthnot,  but  fettethfinne  before  his  eyes,  cafteth  him  down,  and 
bringeth  him  to  the  knowledge  of  hi  mfelfe:  itflicweth  unto  him 
hell,  the  wrath  and  the  judgement  of  Go  j.  This  is  indeed  the  pro 
per  office  of  the  la  w .  Then  folio  wcth  the  ufe  of  this  office :  to  wit, 
that  the  finncr  may  know  that  the  law  doth  not  rcveale  unto  him  jJ^ 
•his  (innc  and  thus  humbleth  him,  to  the  end  he  Ihculd  dcfpaire :  but 


Chap.  III.  VfM  ^EPISTLE 

that  by  this  accufing  and  bruifing,  it  may  drive  him  unto  Chrift  the 
thereof.  Saviour  and  comforter.  When  this  is  dons,  he  is  no  longer  under  the 
School-maftcr.  And  this  ufc  is  very  neccfTiry.  For  feeing  the  whole 
world  is  over-whelmed  with  fin,  it  hath  need  of  this  miniftery  of  the 
law,  that  fin  may  be  revealed :  otherwifc  no  man  (hould  ever  attainc 
to  rightccufnefk,  as  before  we  have  largely  declared.  But  what  wor- 
keth  the  law  in  them  that  are  already  juftiricd  by  Chrift  ?  /Wanfwe- 
reth  by  thefc  words :  which  arc  as  it  were  an  addition  to  that  which 
gocth  before. 

Verfe  25.  But  after  tiat  Ftttk  u  come,  \te  are  no  hngcr  under  the  School* 

That  is  to  fay  :  we  are  free  from  the  law/rom  the  prifon,and  from 
iSle^e  our  School- matter:  for  when  faith  is  revealed,  the  law  tcrrifieth  and 
are  not  any  tormentcth  us  no  more.  Paul  here  fpcaketh  of  faith  as  it  was  preach- 
'.  ed  an^  pui>liihcd  unto  the  world  by  Chrift  in  the  time  before  appoin- 
'  ted.  For  Chrift  taking  upon  him  our  fkfb.camc  once  into  the  world: 
heabolifhedthelaw  with  all  his  effects,  and  delivered  from  eternall 
death  all  thofc  which  receive  his  benefit  by  faith.  If  th^rfore  ye  look 
unto  Chrift  and  that  which  he  hath  done,  there  is  now  no  law.  For  he 
coming  in  the  time  appointed,tooke  away  the  law.  Now,  fince  the 
law  is  gone,  we  are  not  kept  under  the  tyranny  thereof  any  more :  but 
we  live  in  joy  and  fifety  under  Chrift,  who  now  fweetly  reigneth  in 
us  by  his  Spirit.Now,where  the  Lord  rcigncth,there  is  liberty.  Whcr- 
fore,  if  we  could  perfeflly  apprehend  Chrift  which  hath  aboliQied 
the  law  by  his  death,  and  hath  reconciled  us  unto  his  Father,  that 
School-mafter  fhculd  have  no  power  over  us  at  all.  B  ut  the  law  of  the 
members  rebelling  againft  the  law  of  the  mind,letteth  us  that  we  can 
not  perfectly  lay  hold  upon  Chrift.  Thelackc  thcrforc  is  not  in  Chrift, 
but  in  us,  which  have  not  yet  put  off  this  fl;(h,  to  the  which  fin  conti 
nually  clcaveth  as  long  as  we  live.Wherforc,as  touching  oar  felves,we 
arc  partly  free  from  the  law,  and  partly  under  the  law.  According  to 
the  fpirit,  we  fcrvc  with  PWthe  law  of  God  :  but  according  to  the 
fkfh,thclaw  of  fin,  Rcm.j. 

Hereof  it  followeth,  that  as  touching  the  confcicnce  we  arc  fully 
delivered  from  the  law,  and  therefore  that  Schoolc-maftcr  muft  not 
rule  in  it,  that  is ,  he  muft  not  afrli A  it  with  his  terrours ,  thrcat- 


To  the  GALATHTANS.  FoJ.i74 

nings  and  captivity.     And  albeit  it  goe  about  fo  to  doc  never  fo 
much,  yet  is  not  the  confcience  moved  therewith.     For  it  hath 
Chrift  crucified  before  her  eyes,  who  hath  rcmooved  all  the  offices 
ofthelaw  out  of  the  confciencc:  putting  out  the  hand-writing  of 
ordinances  that  was  againft  us,  &c.  Colof^.    Therefore,  even  as  a 
Virgin  knoweth  no  man  :  fo  the  confciencc  muft  not  only  be  igno- 
rant  of  the  law,  but  alfo  it  muft  be  utterly  dead  unto  the  law,  and  the 
law  likcwifc  unto  the  confcience.    This  is  not  done  by  any  workes, thelavv 
or  by  thcrightcoufncffeofthelaw,  but  by  faith  which  apprchcndcth 
and  laycth  hold  upon  Chrift.     Notwithftanding  finne  cleaveth  ftill 
intheflefh  as  touching  the  cfFecT:  thereof,  which  oftentimes  accu- 
feth  and  tr oubleth  the  confcience.    S  o  long  then  as  the  ficfh  doth  rc- 
mainc ,  fo  long  this  Schoolc-mafter  the  law  doth  alfo  rcmaine, 
which  many  times  tcrnfieth  the  confcience ,  and  maketh  it  heavy 
by  revealing  of finnc  and  threatning  of  death.    Yet  is  it  raifed  up 
againc  by  the  daily  comming  of  Chrift  :  who  as  he  came  once  into 
the  world  in  the  time  before  appointed  ,  to  redeemc  us  from  the  hard 
and  fliarpc  fcrvitude  of  our  School-  maftcr:  cvcnlo  he  commeth  dai 
ly  unto  us  fpiritually,  to  the  end  that  we  may  increafc  in  faith  and  in 
the  knowledge  of  hio),that  the  confcience  may  apprehend  him  more  u 
fully  and  perfectly  from  day  to  day,  and  that  the  law  of  the  flefh  and  ritu*"y« 
of  finnc  with  the  terrour  of  death  and  all  evils  that  the  law  bring- 
cthwithit,  may  daily  be  diminiOitrd  in  us  more  and  more.    As  long 
then  as  we  live  in  the  flefti,  which  is  not  without  fin,  the  law  often 
times  rcturncth  and  doth  his  office,  in  one  more  and  in  another  kfle, 
as  their  faith  is  ftrong  or  weak,and  yet  not  to  their  dcftruftion,  but  to 
their  falvation.  For  this  is  the  exercifc  of  the  law  in  the  Saints,name- 
ly  the  continuall  mortification  of  the  flcfh,  of  rcafonandofourowri 
ftrcngth,and  the  daily  renewing  of  our  inward  man3as  it  is  faid  in  the 

•5  /"«»•  A 

We  receive  then  the  firft  fruits  of  the  Spirit :   the  leaven  is  hid  ofcbekvea, 
jn  the  mafle  of  the  dough  :  but  all  the  dough  is  not  yet  leavened  :  no . 
it  is  yet  but  only  begun  to  be  leavened.    If  I  behold  the  leaven,  I 
fee  nothing  clfe  but  pure  leaven.    But  if  I  behold  the  whole  maffc, 
I  fee  that  it  is  not  all  pure  leaven  :  That  is  to  fay ,  If  I  behold  y 
Chrift,  I  am  altogether  pure  and  holy,  knowing  nothing  at  all  of 
the  law  :  for  Cbrift  is  my  leaven.   But  if  I  behold  mine  ownc  flefb, 
J  fcclc  in  my  felfc  covctoufneflc ,  luft ,  anger ,  pride  and  arro- 

gancy  •.. 

<   f 

Chap.  III.  Vftn  ffo  E  P  X  s  T  L  H 

gancie :  alfothc  fcare  of  death  jhcavineSjhatrcc^murtnuring  and  impa- 
tiency  againft  God.  The  more  thcf :  fins  arc  in  me,  the  more  is  Chrift; 
abfent  from  me,  or  if  he  be  prcfent,hc  is  felt  but  a  little.  Here  have  we 
need  of  a  School-matter  to  exercife  and  vex  this  ftrong  Aflfe  the  fiefli, 
that  by  this  cxcrciie  fins  may  be  dirninifhed  and  a  way  prepared  unto 
The  fpirim-  Chfift.  For  as  Chriil  cams  once  corporally  at  the  time  appointed,  a- 
bolifbcd  the  whole  bw^anquiilicd  iin.dcftroycd  death  and  hell :  even 
fo  he  comcth  fpiritually  without  csafing.and  daily  quencheth  and  kiU 
kth  thefe  fins  in  us. 

This  I  fay,  that  thou  may  eft  be  able  to  anfwcr,  if  any  (ball  thus 
object  :  Chrift  came  into  the  world  ,  and  at  once  tookc  away  all 
our  finne? ,  and  cleanfed  us  by  his  bloud  :  what  need  wee  then 
to  hearc  theGofpell ,  or  to  receive  the  Sacraments  ?  True  it  is,  that 
in  as  much  as  thou  beholdeft  Chrift,  the  law  and  finne  arc  quite  abo- 
lifhed.  But  Chrift  is  not  yet  come  unto  thce  :  or  if  he  be  come,  yet 
notwithftanding  there  arc  remnants  of  finnc  in  thec  :  thou  art  not 
yet  throughly  leavened,  for  where  concupifcence,  heavincifc  of 
fpirit,  andfearc  of  death  is,  there  is  yet  alfo  the  law  and  finnc. 
Chrift  is  not  yet  throughly  come  :  but  viifjen  he  commcth  indeed,he 
driveth  away  feare  and  heavineffc,  and  bringeth  peace  and  quietnetfc 
of  confcience.  So  farre  forth  then  as  I  do  apprehend  Chrift  by  faithj 
fo  much  is  the  law  abolifhed  unto  me.  But -my  fkfh,  the  world, 
and  the  devill  dos  hinder  faith  in  me,  that  it  cannot  be  perfect. 
Right  gladly  I  would  that  that  little  light  of  faith  which  is  in  my 
heart,  were  fpread  throughout  all  my  body ,  and  sll  the  members 
thereof  :  but  it  is  not  done :  it  is  not  by  and  by  fpread  ,  but  onely 
bcginncthtobefpread.  Inthemeane  feaibn  this  is  our  confclati- 
on»  l^at  wc  nav  *ng tne  fifft  ^ruJts  of  the  Spirit,  doe  now  begin  to  be 
leavened.  But  we  fhall  be  throughly  leavened  when  this  body  of  fin 
isdiflblved,  and  we  Qiall  rife  new  creatures  wholly,  together  with 

Albeit  then  that  Chrift  be  one  and  the  fame  yefrerday  ,  to  day, 
and  fhall  be  for  ever,  and  albeit  thac  all  tb;  faithfull  which  were 
before  Chrift,  hid  the  Gofpell  and  faith  •.  yet  notwithftanding  Chnft 
came  once  in  the  time  before  determined.  Faith  alfo  came  once 
when  the  Apoftles  preached  and  published  the  Gofpell  through 
out  the  world.  Moreover ,  Chrift  commeth  alfo  fpiritually  every 
day.  Faith  likewife  commeth  daily  by  the  word  of  the  Gofpell. 


V"  «,   ,  „ 

To  the  G  A  L  A  T  M  i  A  N  si 

Now,  wken  ^"thjis  come,  theSchoolemaftcr  is  conftrained  to  give  when 
place  with  his  heavy  and  grievous  office.  Chrift  cometh  alfo  fpiritu-  i^0 
ally  when  wcftill  more  and  more  do  know  and  undcrftand  thofc  P1«e! 
things  which  by  him  are  given  unto  us,  and  increase  in  grace  and  in 
the  knowledge  of  him,  2  Pet.$. 

Vcrfc  2rf.    Forjee  are  alt  thefonnes  of  GOD  bj  Faithin  £hrijl  Jeftu. 

Paul,  as  a  true  and  an  excellent  teacher  of  faith,  hath  alwayes 
thcfe  words  in  his  mouth9  By  Frith,  In  Faith,  Of  faith,  which  is  in 
Chrift  J  efus.  He  faith  not  :  ye  are  the  children  of  God,becaufe  ye  are 
circumcifed,  becaufeye  have  heard  the  law  and  have  done  the  works 
thereof  (as  the  Jews  do  imagine,  and  the  falfe  Apoftlcs  teach  :)  but 
by  faith  in  J  efus  Chrift.  The  law  then  maketh  us  not  the  children  of 
God,  and  much  leffcai  ens  traditions,  It  cannot  beget  us  into  a  new 
nature  or  a  new  birth  :  but  it  fctteth  before  us  the  old  birth  whereby 
we  were  borne  to  the  kingdome  of  the  devill,  and  fo  it  preparcth  us 
to  a  new  birth  which  is  by  faith  in  J  efus  Chrift,  and  not  by  the  law, 
as  P<*»/plainely  witnefleth  :  For  ye  are  allthepnnesofgodltyfAlth&c. 
As  if  hcfaid:  Albeit  ye  be  tormented,  humbled  and  killed  by  the 
Jaw*  yet  hath  not  the  law  made  you  righteous,or  made  you  the  chil 
dren  of  God  :  This  is  the  worke  of  faith  alone.  What  faith  ?  Faith 
in  Chrift.  Faith  therefore  in  Chrift  maketh  us  the  children  of  God, 
and  not  the  law.  The  fame  thing  witnefleth  alfo  John  in  the  i.chap- 
tcr  :  He  £ave  fower  to  as  many  at  belecved  in  him,  ts  be  the  children 
tfCjod.  What  tongue  either  of  men  or  Angels  can  fufficiently  ex- 
toll  and  magnific  the  great  mercy  of  God  towards  us,  that  we 
which  are  mi&rablc  (inncrs  and  by  nature  the  children  of  wrath, 
fhould  be  called  to  this  grace  and  glory,  to  be  made  the  children  and 
heires  of  God,  feliow-heires  with  the  Son  of  God,  and  Lords  over 
heaven  and  earth,  and  that  by  the  onely  meanes  of  our  faith  which  is 
in  Chrift  ]cfus. 

Vcrfe  27.    ?*r  ^}e  that  are  baytizjtd,  into  Chrift  haveftit  on  Chrifl* 

To  put  on  Chrift,  is  taken  t  wo  manner  of  waycs;  according  to 
the  law,  and  according  to  the  Gofpell.  Accord  ing  to  the  law,  as  it 
isfaid  in  the  1  3th  chapter  to  the  Romanes:  Put  ye  on  the  Lord  Je- 

Chap.III.  Vfcfl  ^EPISTLE 

ftu  Chrift:  that  is,  follow  the  example  and  verities  of  Chrift.  Do 
that  which  he  did,  andfufter  that  which  he  fuffered.  And  in  the 
I  Fet.2.  Cbrift  hath  fujfered  fir  us,  leAvingut  an  e xample  that Vfefhottld 
fitlow  hi*  fteps.  Now  we  fee  in  Chrift  a  won^errull  patience,  an 
ineftimable  mildncfls  and  love,  and  a  wonderfull  modeftie  in  all 
things.  This  goodly  apparell  we  muft  put  on,  that  is  to  fay,  follow 
thcfe  vertues. 

TO  put  on         £ut  the  putting  on  of  Chrift  according  to  the  Gofpcl!,  confifteth 
SrgTo    not  in  imitation,but  in  a  new  birth  and  a  new  creation :  that  is  to  fay, 
tjie  Gcfycii.  jn  pitting  on  Chrids  innocencie,  his  righteoufneifr,  hiswifedomc, 
The  icther   his  po  wer,his  faying  health,  his  life  and  his  Spirit.    We  are  cloathed 
coateof  A.   wjth  the  leather  coateof  *s4d<*>nt  which  is  a  mortall  garment,  and  a 
garment  of  finne :  that  is  to  fay,we  arc  all  fubjecl  unto  fin,all  fold  un 
der  (in :  There  is  in  us  horrible  blindncfle,  ignorance,  contempt  and 
hatred  of  God:  moreover,evill  concupifcence,unclcancnes5covetouf- 
neflfe.crr.  This  garment,that  is  to  lay,  this  corrupt  and  (infull  nature 
v/e  received  from  Adam,  which  T^/  is  wont  to  call  the  old  man. 
This  old  man  muft  be  put  off  with  all  his  workes,  Efhefa.  Colof.i. 
that  of  the  children  of  -,Adam  we  may  bemads  the  children  of  God. 
HOW  tfce  old  This  is  not  done  by  changing  of  a  garment,  or  by  any  laws  or  works, 
man  muit     j-,ut  by  a  new  birth,and  by  the  renewing  of  the  inward  man,  which  is 
done  in  baptifme,  as  Taul faith  :  Allye  that  are  baptized,  have  pat  on 
Chrift.    Alfo  :  According  to  hit  mercy  hath  fafitveefut,  bj  the  \\>afii»g  of 
the  new  0irth3*nd  the  renewing  efthe  holy  Cjhoft,  Tit.%.  For  befides  that 
they  which  are  baptized,  are  regenerate  and  renewed  by  f  he  holy 
Ghoft  to  a  heavenly  righteoufnefle  and  to  eternal!  life,  there  rifeth  in 
them  alfo  a  new  light  and  a  new  flame :  there  nfc  in  them  new  and 
holy  af&dions,  as  the  fcare  of  God,  true  faith  and  ?.  (Tared  hope,  &c. 
There  beginneth  in  them  alfo  a  new  will.  And  this  is  to  put  on  Chrift 
truly  and  according  to  theGofpcll. 

Therefore  the  righteoufnefie  of  the  law  or  of  our  owne  workes 
it  given  unto  us  in  baptifme :  but  Chrift  himfdfc  is  our  gar 
ment.  Now  Chrift  is  no  law,  no  law-giver,  no  worke:  but  a  divine 
and  an  ineftimable  gift,  whom  God  hath  given  unto  us,  that  he 
might  be  our  juftifier,  our  Saviour  and  our  redeemer.  Wherefore 
to  be  appuelled  with  Chrift  according  to  theGofpcll,  is  n  *  to  be 
apparelled  with  the  law  or  with  workes,  but  with  an  incompa 
rable  gift:  that  is  to  fay,  with  remifllon  of  fmnes,  righttoufneife, 


we  put  on 

ci:tut,        is  not 

To  the  GA  L  A  TH  I  AN  s. 

peaccjconfolationjoy  of  fpirir,falvation,lifc,and  Chrift  himfelf. 

This  is  diligently  to  be  noted,  becaufe  of  the  fond  and  fantafticall 
Spirits,  which  go  about  to  deface  the  ma  jetty  of  Baptifmc,and  fpeakc 
wickedly  of  it.    7^/contrarivyiie  commendeth  and  fctteth  it  forth  The  An«- 
with  honourable  titles,  calling  it ,  the  V9<*frin£  of  the  new  forth,  there-  f/cSem^ 
awwajf  of  the  Holy  Ghofi>  Tit.-}.    And  here  alfo  he  faith,  that  all  they  '?%  °*  b»P- 
which  are  baptized,  have  put  on  Chrift.  Asifhefaid  :  Ye  are  carried  ul 
out  of  the  law  into  a  new  birth,  which  is  wrought  in  baptifme.  Thcr- 
fore  ye  are  not  now  any  longer  under  the  law,but  ye  are  clothed  with 
a  new  garment :  to  wit,  with  therighteoufnes  of  Chrift.  Wherefore 
baptifmcis  a  thing  of  great  force  and  efficacy.  Now,when  we  are  ap 
parelled  with  Chrift,  as  with  the  robe  of  our  righteoufncs  and  falvati- 
on,thcn  we  muft  put  on  Chrift  alfo  as  the  apparcll  of  imitation  and  ex 
ample.    Thefe  things  I  have  handled  more  largely  in  another  place, 
thcrfore  I  here  briefly  pafie  them  over. 

Vcrfe  2  8.    There  u  neither  Jew  nor  Grecian,  there  ii  neither  bond  nor 
free,  there  is  neither  male  nor  female  :  fir  jee  are  a/I  one  in 


Here  might  be  added  moreover  many  moe  names  of  perfons  and  of 
fices  which  arc  ordained  ofGod^as  thefc :  there  is  neither  Magiftratc 
nor  fubjecl:,ncither  teacher  nor  hearer ,neither  fchool-mafter  nor  icho- 
lar,  neither  matter  nor  fervaut,  neither  miftris  nor  maid,  e£-r.  for  in 
Chrift  Jcfus  all  ftatcs,yca  even  fuch  as  arc  ordained  of  ©odaare  nothing. 
Indeed  the  male,the  female,  the  bond,  the  free,  the  Jew,  the  Gentile, 
the  Prince,thefubje<£l,are  the  good  creatures  of  God  :  but  in  Chrift, 
that  is,  in  the  matter  of  falvation,thcy  arc  nothing>with  all  their  wif- 
come,righteoufnes,  religion  and  power. 

Wherefore,  with  thcfe  words,  There  is  neither  few  ,  &c.  There « 
Paul  mightily  abolifheth  the  law.  For  here,  that  is,  when  a  man 
is  renewed  by  baptifme,  and  hath  put  on  Chrift,  there  is  neither  Jew 
nor  Qtecian,  &c.  The  Apoftle  fpeaketh  not  here  of  the  Jew  ac 
cording  to  his  nature  and  fubttance  :  but  hec  callcth  him  a  Jew 
whichisthcdifcipleofc^/o/?/,  is  fubjecl:  to  the  law,  is  circumci- 
fcd  and  with  all  his  endeavour  keepeth  the  Ceremonies  commanded 
in  the  law.  Where  Chrift  is  put  on  (faith  he)  there  is  neither 
Jen ,  qor  circuincifion  >  nor  ccremonic  of  the  law  any  more  :  for 


Chap.III.  Vfon  *i*  EP  i  >  T  L  • 

chrifl  h«fe  Chrift  hath  aboliflicd  all  the  laws  or  Mofes  that  ever  were.  Wher,% 
taVen  away  fore  tnfi  *  confcicnce  bclccving  in  Cbrift,maft  be  fo  furely  perfwaded 
»hThcbciee-  that  the  law  isabolifhed,  with  all  his  terrours  and  threatnings,  that 
^  foould  be  utterly  ignorant  whether  there  were  ever  any  Mofcs, 
any  law,  or  any  Jew.    For  Chrift  and  Moftt  can  in  no  wife  agree. 
Uttofa  came  with  the  law,with  many  works,  and  with  many  cere 
monies  :  but  Chrift  came  without  any  la  w,withotit  any  exacting  of 
works,giving  grace  and  rightecufncfle,&c.   For  the  law  was  given  by 
Iob»,i  17.     jM0fcst  fat  grace  and  truth  came  by  Jeftts  Chrift. 
Tbewifc-        Moreover  when  he  faith :  Nor  grecian,  he  alfo  rejefteth  and 
domcana    condcmneth  the  wifcdome  and  rightcoufneflfc  of  the  Gentiles.  For 
rlfsoCf°ie    among  tnc  Gentiles  there  were  many  notable  men,  as  Xenopkony 
Gcnti'es      ThemiftocleS,  ^Marcm  Fabiw,  lAttillittt  Regius,  Cicero,  Tomponius 
Kieacd.     ex^mV«/,and  many  others, which  being  endued  with  fingular  vertues, 
governed  common-weales  excellently,  and  did  many  worthy  afts 
for  the  prefcrvation  thereof:  and  yetallthefc  were  nothing  before 
God,  with  their  wiledome,  their  power,  their  notable  afts,  their 
The  c«iics  excellent  vertucs,  lawes,  religions  and  cercmcnfcs  :  For  we  muft 
in  ail  a-ct    not  thinkc  that  the  Gentiles  did  contemne  all  honefty  and  religion. 
SwcweHgi-  Yea  all  nations  of  all  ages  difpericd  throughout  the  woild  had  their 
on«and  cc-  lawcs,religions  and  ceremonies,  without  the  which  it  is  not  pof- 
£fo\c  t^at  mankind  fhould  be  governed.   All  righteoufneffc  therefore 
concerning  either  the  governemcnt  of  families,  or  common  weales, 
or  divine  matters  (as  was  thcrighteoufneffc  of  the  law)  with  all 
the  obedience,cxecution  and  holineflc  thereof,  be  it  never  fo  perfcft, 
is  nothing  worth  before  God.  What  then  ?  The  garment  of  Chrift 
which  we  put  on  in  baptifmc. 

So,  if  the  fcrvant^  do  his  duty,  obey  his  maQer,  ferve  in  his 
vocation  never  fo  diligently  and  faithfully  :  if  he  that  is  at  liberty 
be  in  authority  and  governe  the  common* wealth,  or  guide  bis 
own  family  honeftly  and  withpraife  :  if  the  man  doe  that  pertai- 
ncth  to  the  man  in  marrying  a  wife,  in  governing  his  family,  in 
obeying  the  Magiftrate,  in  behaving  himftlfc  decently  towards  all 
men :  if  the  woman  live  chaftcly,  obey  her  husband,  fee  well  to 
her  houfhold,  bring  up  her  children  gedly  f  which  are  indeed  excel 
lent  gifts  and  holy  works : )  yet  are  ail  thefe  nothing  in  comparifon 
of  that  righteoufneffr  which  is  before  God.  To  be  briefe  all  the 
ceremonies,  religions,  righteoufncffe  and  workes  in  the 


T$  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  w  s. 

whole  world,  yea  of  the  Jcwesthcmfclves,  which  were  thefirft 
that  had  the  kingdom  and  prieftheod  ordained  and  appointed  of 
God,with  their  holy  hws,r;ligions,  ceremonies  and  won  hipoitigs; 
alithdc  (L  fay)  take  not  away  tin,  deliver  not  from  death,  nor  pur- 

Thef  fore  your  f jlfj  Apofllcs  doe  fubtilly  feduce you(Oyc tfa1#ki+ 
an>)  when  they  tcscli  you  that  the  law  is  n:cdlary  tofolvation  :  and 
by  this  uieancs  they  fpoile  you  of  that  excellent  glory  ofyour  new 
birth  and  your  adopti  >n,  and  cill  you  back  to  your  old  birth  and  to 
the  moft  miserable  fcrvitude  of  the  law,  making  you  of  the  free  chil 
dren  of  God,  boiid- children  of  thelaw,  whiles  they  wijll  havca  in*ew«w 
difference  of  perfons  according  to  the  law.   Indeed  there  is  a  diife-  dtf«cnec 
rcnccof  pcriuns  in  the  law  and  in  the  world, and  there  it  ought  to  be,  of  Vct\om 
but  not  before  Ciod.   *  A£j>wefl0**,  *»d  are  deftitttte  of  the  glory  ojf  ^" 
god.    Let  the  J  ^ wcs  therefore,  the  Gentiles,  and  the  whole  world  */?•*» 
keepc  (il:nce  in  the  prcfence  of  God.   God  hath  indeed  many  ordi- 
nances,lavvs,degrecs  and  kinds  of  life,but  all  thefehdpe  nothing  to 
deicrve  grace,  and  to  obtains  eternall  life.    So  many  as  arc  ;'uftirle<d 
therefore,  are  juftified/  not  by  theobfcrvationofmanslaw  or  Gods 

him,  neither  fhall  the  Jew  bcfavedby  the  law,  northeMonkcby 
his  ordcr,nor  the  Grecian  by  his  wifdome,nor  the  Magiftratc  or  Ma- 
fter  by  his  upright  government,  nor  the  fcrvant  by  his  obedience-. 

Vcrfc  2  8 .    Ferjrc  are  all  one  In  Ckrift  Jefa. 

Thefe  are  excellent  words.  In  the  world  and  according  to  the 
ficdi  there  is  a  great  difference  and  inequality  of  perfons,  and  the 
fame  muft  be  diligently  obfervcd.  I  or  if  the  woman  would  be  the 
man,  if  the  fjnne  would  be  the  father,  the  fervant  would-  be  the 
maftcr,  the  fubjecT:  would  be  the  Magistrate,  there  ihould  be  no- 
thing  clfebut  aconfu(ion  of  alleftates  and  all  things.  Contrari-  • 

•wife,  in  Chrift  there  is  no  law,  no  difference  of  perfons,  there  is  E  ;  . 
neither  Jew  nor  Grecian,  but  all  are  on?.    For  there  is  but  one  bo-  J 
dy  ,onc  fpirit,  one  hope- of  vocation  :  there  is  but  one.Gofpell,  one 
faith,  one  baptifmc,oneGod  and  father  of  all,  one  Chriil  and  Lord 

A  a  of 

Chap.  fill.  'rpcn  tl;t  EP  I  s  T  L  E 

ny  Nations;  and  that  he  fhould  be  the  h:ire,n0t  ofonc  kingdom,bat 
of  41  the  world,  Rom.^.  So  the  glory  of  the  whole  kingdomc  of 
Chrift  is  tranflated  unto  us.  Wherefore  all  laws  arc  utterly  abolifhcd 
in  the  heart  and  confcience  of  a  ChrifHaninotwithftandingthey  rc- 
mainc  without  Ibli  in  the  flcdi.  And  hereof  we  luvc  fpoksn  largely 

The  fourth  Chapter. 

I  .    Thii  I  fiy}  that  the  heir  e-  at  lon£  AS  he  is  a  child,  diffcrethno~ 
rom  a/eruant,  though  he  he  Lord  of  all. 

'But  it  under  tHteurs  and ' governoxn  untlUthe  time  of  pointed 
of  the  Father. 

Tte  argu.    |<^k  rt'vS*  ~£g[  E  fee  with  what  vehement  affection  Paul  goeth  a- 

"T  ptUr*  ,C?V&itJ^ra  boilt  to  cal!  back  GtyfatMswA  wnat  ftrong  ar- 
fcriifiethhif  gl^VW^^  guments  he  uteth  in  debating  the  matter,  gathering 
matter.  *i!HJi  pCSSo  fimilitudcs  of  experience,  of  the  example  of  Abraha^ 

ofiheteftimonies  of  the  Scripture,  and  of  the  time, 
fo  that  oftentimes  he  ficmeth  to  renew  the  whole 
matter  againe.  For  bcfore,he  had  in  a  manner  fihifacd  the  difputati- 
on  concerning  juftir1cation,concluding  that  a  man  is  juftificd  before 
God  by  faith  onely  and  alone ;  but  becatife  he  callcth  alfo  to  remem 
brance  this  politicall  example  of  the  little  beire,he  bringeth  the  fams 
alfo  for  the  confirmation  of  his  matter.  Thus  trying  every  way,  ha 
licth  in  waitc  with  a  certainc  holy  iubtilty  to  take  the  G«lathians  un 
awares.  Fo"r  the  ignorant  people  are  fooner  perfwadcd  with  fimili- 
tudcsand  examples,  then  with  deep  and  fubtilldifputations.  They 
will  rather  behold  an  image  well  painted,then  a  book  well  written. 
yW  therefore  now,  after  that  he  hath  brought  tfeefimilitudeofa 
mans  teftatnent,of  the  pnfjn,of  the  Schoole-mafter,  ufcth  alfo  this 

<na  (imilitudc  of  an  hcire(wb''ch  i$  familiar  and  well  known  to  all  men) 

rfVApoiUcs  to  move  and  to  perfwadcthem.  And  furely  it  is  a  very  profitable 
JtesaoS  fi?  thing  to  be  furnifhed  with  fimilitudes  and  examples,which  net  only 
«i*tad«.  7>/w/,  but  alfo  the  Prophets,  and  Chrift  himfdfc  allo  did  often  ufc. 


To  the  O  A  L  A  T  M  I  A  N  S. 

Ye  fee  (faith  he)  that  it  is  ordained  by  the  civill  lawes,  that  an  A  young 
hcire,albcit  he  be  the  Lord  of  all  his  fathers  goods,diff:rcth  not  from  ' 
a  fervant.  Indeed  he  hath  an  arfured  hope  of  the  inheritance :  but  be 
fore  he  come  to  his  ycares,  his  tutors  hold  him  in  fubjedion,  like  as  vans- 
the  Schoolcmafter  doth  his  fcholkr.They  commit  not  unto  him  the 
ordering  of  his  own  goods,  but  conftrainc  him  to  ferve,  fo  that  he  is 
kept  and  maintained  with  his  own  goods  like  a  fervant.   Therefore 
as  long  as  this  bondage  cndureth,  that  is,fo  long  as  he  is  under  tutors 
and  governours,be  dififcrcth  nothing  from  a  fervant.  And  this  fubjc- 
c^ion  and  fcrvifudc  is  very  profitable  for  him  :  for  othcrwife  through 
folly  he  would  foon  walte  all  his  goods.  This  captivity  endureth  not 
alwaieSjbut  hath  a  certain  time  limited  and  appointed  by  theFathcr, 
wherein  it  muft  end. 

Verfe  3 ,    So  a/fi  W<?  as  lon£  as  we  were  children,  Vtere  in  bcnddge  under 
the  rudiments  of  the  world. 

In  like  manner  when  we  were  little  children  we  were  hcires, ha 
ving  the  pEotnife  of  the  inheritance  to  come,  which  fliould  be  given 
unto  us  by  the  feed  of  Abraham^  that  is  to  fty,by  Chrift ,in  whom  all  in  the  fm* 
nations  fhould  be  blelfcd.But  becaufe  the  fuliiene  of  time  was  not  yet  of  th<law 
come,  Mofcs  our tutour,governour  and  fchoolemaftcr  caine,holding  det^ffn 
us  in  captivity  with  our  hands  bound,fo  that  we  could  beare  no  rule,  "  under» 
norpoflcffc  our  inheritance.  In  the  mean  time  not  withftand  ing,  like  tu 
as  an  heire  is  neurifhed  and  maintained  in  hope  of  liberty  to  come : 
even  fo  Mofes  did  nourifh  us  with  the  hope  of  the  promife  to  be  re 
vealed  in  the  time  appointcd:to  wit,  when  Chrift  (hould  come, who 
by  his  coming  (hould  put  an  end  to  the  time  of  the  law,  and  begin 
the  time  of  grace. 

Now  the  time  of  the  law  endcth  two  manner  of  wayes :  Firft 
(  as  I  faid  )  by  the  coming  of  CH  R  1 3  T  in  the  fle(h  at  the  time  ap 
pointed  of  his  Father.  T$ut  when  the  fiilnefle  of  time  WM  come, 
GO&  Cent  firth  hit  Sonne.  made  of  A  Vfor»a»*  and  made  under  the 

J  J  J  9 

/*»*»,   that  he  might   redeeme  them   which  were  under  the  law,  &c. 
He  entred  into  the  holy  Santttistry  once  through  hit  bhud,    And  ob- 
tnineA  eternalt  redemption  fir  tt*.  Moreover,  the  fame  Chrift  who 
•  came  once  in  the  time  appointed,  cometh  alfb  unto  us  daily  and  i 
hourely  in  fpirit.   Indeed  once  with  his  own  blood  he  redeemed  " r-' 
*nd  fanftificd  all  :  But  bccauic  we  are  not  yet  perfectly  pure 

A  a  3  (foe 

Chnp.  HIT.  Vfw  the  E  P  r  s  T  L  i 

17  (  ^or  t'lc  rcmn?-nts  of  finnc  do  yet  cleave  in  our  fkfh,  which  ftrivcth 
againft  the  fpirit)  therefore  daily  hecometh  unto  us  fpiritualty,  and 
continually  more  and  more  accemplidicth  the  appointed  timeef  his 
Fathtrr,abrogating  and  abolifhing  the  law. 

So  he  came  allx>  in  fpirit  to  the  fathers  of  the  old  Tenement  before 
he  appeared  in  thefkQ>  They  had  Chrift  in  fpirit.  They  belecvcd  in 

ntberj  chrift  which  fnould  be  revealed,  as  we  bckevc  in  Chrift  which  is 
now  revealed,  and  were  faved  by  him,  as  we  arc,  according  to  that 

faved  £,y  jng  :  Jejits  Chrift  it  anc,yeftcrdajy  andto  day,  *ndfl)dlbe  the  fame  fir 
*i'er-  Ycltcrday,beforc  the  time  of  his  coming  in  thcflcQi.  Today, 
M.w«aie.  \vhenhewasrevealed  in  the  time  before  appointed.  Now  and  foe 
ever  he  is  one  and  the  fame  Chrift  :for  even  by  him  only  and  alone  all 
the  flithfull  which  either  have  beene,  be,  or  (hall  be,  are  delivered 
from  tbelaWjjuftirkd  and  faved. 

In   likg   wanner   "free  alfi  (Ijith  he)   when  "toe?  were  children, 
fcrvcd  under  the  rudiments  of  the  Ve<xrldy    that  is  to  fay,  the  law 
had  dominion  over  us,  opprefled  us  and  kept  us  in  aftreit  bon 
dage,  as  Icrvants  and  capmes.    For  firft,  it  rcftrained  carnall  and 
TV,e.poiitici«  rebellious  perfons  that  they  (heuld  not  runnc  headlong  into  all 
nfe  of  ih«    kindsof  vice.    For  thelaw  threatneth  punilhmcnt  to  tranfgreflbrs, 
which  if  they  feared  not,  there  is  no  mifchiefe  which  they  would 
not  commit  :  and  over  thofe  whom  the  law  fo  bri<jlsth,it  ruleth  and 
Ttefpirim,  reigneth.    Againr,   it  did  accufeus,  terrifie  us,  kill  us,  and  con- 
fnufeof     dcmneusfpintually  and  before  God:  and  this  was  the 
minien  that  the  law  had  over  us.    Therefore  like  as  an  hcirc  is  fub- 
jfiftantohis  tutours,  is  beaten,  and  is  compelled  to  obey  their  laws, 
and  diligently  to  execute  their  commandcments  :  even  fo  mcns 
confcicnces,  before  Chrift  comes,  are  oppreflcd  with  the  Hiarpe  fcr- 
•«itudc  of  the  law  :  that  rs  to  fay,  they  are  accutcd,  territicd,  and 
condemned  of  the  law.    But  thisdominion,  or  rather  this-tyranny 
of  the  law,  is  not  continuall,  but  mult  only  endure  untill  the  time  of 
grace.    Wherefore  the  oftice  of  the  law  is  to  reprore  and.  to  in- 
creafe  nnnes,  nottobring  rishteoufn'.fT-  rt©  kill,  not  tobring  life. 
&°r  *b*  h**  "  a  .  Scheo/emafter  unto  Chrij}.^  Like  as  therefore  the 
tutcurs  doc  handle  thchcire  being  yet  a  child,  ftreitly  and  hardly, 
rule  him  and  command  him  as  a  fcrvant,  and  he  againe  is  con- 
ftrained  to  be  fubjecl:  unto  them  :  even  fo  the  law  accufeth  us,  hum- 
blcth  us,  a.nd  briogcthuj  into  bond  age,  that  we  may  be  theier- 


TV  the  G  A  t  AT  M  i  A  N  $. 

vants  of  fin,  death  and  of  the  wrath  of  God,  which  is  indeed  a  moft 
mifcrablc  kind  of  bondage.  But  as  the  power  of  the  tutours,  and  the 
fubjeftion  and  bondage  ot  the  little  heire  rs  not  continual!,  but  only 
cndurcth  unto  the  time  appointed  of  the  Father,wh:ch  being  ended* 
hcncedeth  not  to  be  governed  by  his  tutours,  nor  remaineth  under 
their  fub/eftion  any  morc,bu£  with  liberty  enjoyeth  the  inheritance* 
even  fo  the  law  hath  dominion  over  us,  and  we  are  conftrained  to  be 
fervantsand  captives  under  his  qovernmcnt.  but  not  for  ever.  For 
this  claufc  which  folio  vveth  mull  be  added  \nntill  the  time  appointed  of 
tie  Father.  For  Chrift  which  was  protnifed,  came  and  redeemed  us 
which  were  oppreffcd  with  the  tyranny  of  the  law. 

Contrariwifcjthe  Coming  of  Chriit  profitcth  not  the  carelefle  hy-  TO  wbo» 
pocrites,  the  wicked  contemncrs  of  God,  nor  the  dcfperate  which  mclhlc<™d 
think  that  nothing  elfc  remaineth  but  terrors  of  the  law  which  they  to  whom  he 
fcelc.    His  coming  only  profiteth  thofe  which  are'tormcntcd  and  SX^JT1 
terrified  with  the  law  for  a  time  :  that  is  to  fay,  fuch  as  defpaire  not  G*l'l»  !• 
in  thoie  great  and  inward  terrours  which  the  hwftirreth  up,  but 
with  a  furc  truft  come  unto  Chrift  the  throne  of  grice,  which  hath 
redeemed  them  from  the  curfcofthclaw,  being  mads  acurfcfor 
fhem,and  fo  obtaine  mercy  and  find  grace. 

There  is  a  certaine  vehemcncy  therefore  in  this  word,  Wte  did 
ftrvc.te  if  hs  would  fiy;our  conscience  wasfubjeft  to  the  law,wcl1 
holdeth  us  as  bondflavcsarid  captives,  like  as  a  tyrant  holdeth  his 
prifoners,  whipped  us,  and  with  all  his  power  exercifcd  his  tyranny 
upon  us :  that  is  tofiy,it  brought  unto  us  a  tcrrour  and  an  hcavines  of 
fpintjit  made  us  to  tremble  and  ready  to  defpaire,  thrcatning  unto  us 
cvcrlafting  death  and  damnation.  This  fpirituall  bondage  and  flavery  Tt»e  fpm"- 
of  the  law,  is  moft  iharpe  and  bitter,  and  yet(as  I  have  faid)it  is  not  »"etelof 
continuall,but  cnd;ireth  £3  long  as  we  are  children:  that  is,fo  lon^  as  moftftarpc 
Chrift  is  abfent.  Whilcft  he  is  abfcnt,  we  are  icrvants  (hut  under  the  andbitt<fc' 
law,  deft  ituts  of  grace,faith,and  all  the  gifts  of  the  holy  Ghoft. 

Vcrfc  3.    V  »dcr  the  elements  or  rHttimertsef  the  World. 

Some  riarc  thought  that  Taut  {pcakcth  here  of  thofe  corporall 
elements,  the  fire,  the  ayre,the  water  and  the  earth.  But  Ttttt  hath 
his  peculiar  manner  of  fpeech,  and  he  Ipcaketh  here  even  of  the  law 
of  God,  which  he  callcth  the  elements  or  rudiments  of  the  world  : 

A  a  4  And 


Chsp.  I  HI.  Vfsn  the  E  p  i  s  T  L  B 

And  his  words  fceme  to  be  very  hercticall.  So  is  he  wont  in  othsr 
places  alfc  todimini  h  and  to  abafe  the  authoriry  pf  thebw  very 
much,  when  he  calleth  it  the  letter  that  killcth,  the  miniftery  of 
death  and  damnation,  and  the  power  of  lin.  And  thefc  moft  odious 
names,  which  rtiew  plunly  the  power  &  ufeof  the  law,  hechoofcth 
pf  purpoie,  (o  admonilh  us  that  in  the  terrours  of  lin,  wrath  and  the 
JLidgementof  God,  wetruft  notioourown  riqhtcoufiKflfjjOr  to  the 

the  law.        '.     t>  r     .  •     i  • 

nghteoiuneiie  or  the  law,  kemg  tnat  the  law  in  his  principallulc, 
can  do  nothing  elfe  but  accufc  our  confciences,  increafe  (in,  threaten 
death  and  etermll  damnation.  Wherefore  this  diminifhing  and  aba- 
ling  of  the  l.i  w  mud  be  applied  to  the  conflict  of  conference,  and  not 
to  the  civill  life,  nor  to  fecurc  and  careleff:  minds. 

theeiem&s      He  calleth  therfore  the  law,  the  elements  of  the  world,  that  is  to- 

ot  tie  world  fgy^  theoutward  lawes  and  traditions  written  in  a  certains  bookc. 

For  although  the  law  do  civilly  bridle  a  man  from  evillj&  conftrainc 

bimto  do  well,  yet  notwithstanding  being  kept  after  this  fore,  it 

doth  not  deliver  him  from  fin,it  juftifieth  him  not,it  prepareth  not  a 

way  for  him  to  heaven,  but  leaveth  him  in  the  world.   I  do  not  ob- 

taine  righteoufnefie  and  everlafting  life  becau(e  I  kill  not,  I  commit 

not  adultery,  I  do  not  fteale,^.    Thefe  outward  vertues  and  honeft 

The  rghte-  convcrfation  be  not  the  kingdoms  of  Chrift,  nor  the  heavenly  righ- 

?heflc!hand  tcoufncflc,  but  the  righteoufneflc  of  the  fiefh  and  of  the  world  s 

oftke  wori^  \vhich  alfo  the  Gentiles  had,  and  not  only  the  msritmongcrs,  as  in 

the  time  of  Chrift  the  Pharifees,  and  inourtims  theMonkes  and 

Friers,^.  This  righteoufnefic  feme  do  obfcrve  to  avoid  the  puni(h- 

ments  of  the  law :  feme  that  they  may  be  praifed  of  men  and  cftce- 

mcd  righteous,  conftant  and  patient,  and  therefore  it  is  rather  to  be 

called  coloured  hypocrifie,  then  righteoufneflV. 

Moreover,  the  law  when  it  is  in  his  principall  life  and  office, 
can  do  nothing  but  accufe,  'terrific,  condcmne  and  kill.  .  But  where 
fuch  terrour,  fuch  feeling  of  finnc,  ofdeath,  ofthe  wrath  and  judge 
ment  of  God  is,  there  is  no  righteoufnefife,  no  divine  or  heavenly 
SatMnd1*  thing,  but  all  thcfe  aremcerc  things  of  the  world  :  which(bccaufe  it 
the  w'rath  of  is  the  kingdome  of  the  devill )  is  nothing  elfe  but  a  certaine  puddle 
SMC  is  'no'  °^n'  of  death,  of  hell,  and  of  all  evils,  which  the  fearfull3iorrowfull 
and  heavy  hearted  do  fcele,  but  the  fccure  and  carclefle  contenders 
«te  not  fccle  them.  Wherefore  the  law  even  in  his  bcft  and  moft  per- 
«»' "     fcft  ufo  doth  nothing  elfe  but  reveals  and  incrcafe  finne,  and  ftrike 


in'  o  us  the  tcrrour  of  deaih,and  tbcfc  arc  hit  worldly  things.  We  fee  touching 
then  that  the  law  givcth  nu  lively, no  hcalthfuli,no  divine  or  heaven- 
ly  thing,  but  only  worldly  things.  Wherefore  Paul  doth  vciy  fitly 
call  the  law  the  elements  or  rudiments  of  the  world. 

And  although  Paul  call  the  whole  Jaw  the  rudiments 'of  the 
world-  (  as  may  appearc  by  that  I  have  faid  before  )  yet  principally  monies, 
hefpcakcth  thus  in  contempt  of  the  ceremonial!  lawcs :  which  al 
though  tbry  profit  never  fo  much,  yet  (  faith  he  )  they  confiit  only 
in  outward  things,  as  meate,  drinke,  apparell,  places,  times,  the 
temple,  the  fcaftes,  waitings,  the  facrifices,  &c.  which  be  but 
jueere  worldly,  and  things  ordained  of  God  only  for  the  ufe  ofthis 
prefent  life,  but  not  to  juftifte  or  lave  before  God.  Therefore  by  this 
.claufe,  The  rudiments  of  the  World,  he  rejecleth  and  condemneth 
the  righteouf  ncfic  of  the  law,  which  confilteth  in  thcfe  outward  ce 
remonies,  being  notwithstanding  ordained  and  commanded  of 
God  to  be  obferve'd  for  a  time,  and  by  a  contemptible  name  calleth 
it  the  rudiments  qf  the  world..  So  the  Emperotirs  lawcs  be  rudi- 
ments  of  the  world,  for  they  intreate  of  worldly  matters,  that  is  to  roorslaw»» 
fay,  of  things  concerning  this  prcient  life,  as  ef  goods,  poflcffions, 
inheritances,  murthers,  adulteries,  robberies,  &c.  whereof  fpea- 
kcth  alfo  the  fecond  table  of  the  Gommandernents.As  for  the  Popes 
Canon  lawes,  aud  Decretals,  which  forbid  marriage  and  meates, 
thofeTW  in  another  phce  calleth  the  dodrinesof  Devils  :  which 
are  alfo  rudiments  of  the  world,  but  that  they  do  moft  wickedly 
bind  incns  confciencesito  the  obfervation  of  outward  things,cor.tra- 
ry  to  the  word  of  God  and  faith. 

Wherefore  the  law  of  Cfrfofef  giveth  nothing  but  worldly 
things,  that  is  to  fay»  it  dcth  onely  Tnew  civilly  'and  fpiri-  ^ifoS* 
tually  the  evils  that  be  in  the  world.    Notwithftanding,  if  it  be  worldly 
in  his  true  ufe,  it  driveth  rhcconfcienceby  his  terrours  to  feckc  and  lluo^. 
third  after  the  promife  of  God,  and  to  Icoke  unto  Chrift.    But  that  By  ti,ec0fa. 
thou  may  eft  fo  doe,  thouhart  ncede  of  the  aidcandsffiftaEceofthe  fon  of  the 
holyGhoft,  which  may  fay  in  thy  heart :  It  is  not  the  willofGod, 
that  after  the  law  hath  done  his  office  in  thee,  thcu  fhouldeft  only 
be  tcrrined  and  killed  :  but  that  when  thou  art  brought  by  the  law 
to  the  knowledge  of  thy  mifery  and  damnation,  thou  fhouldeft  not 
dtlpairc  but  beleevc  in  Chrift,  "toko  i*  tke  end  of  the  lav  to  rigiteoMfas, 
tv  every  one  tb*t  beleeveth.    Here  is  no  worldly  thing  done,  but  here 

Chap, Till.  Vfon  ^EPISTLE 

all  worldly  matters  and  all  lawes  ceafe ,  and  heavenly  thing* 
begin  now  to  appeuc.  Therefore  fo  long  as  we  be  under  the 
rudiments  of  the  world  :  that  is  to  fay,  under  the  law,which  givcth 
not  only  no  righteouinefie  and  peace  of  confcience,  but  rcvcaleth 
and  increalcthiinnes,  and  ingendreth  wrath,  we  be  ieryants,  thrall 
and  fabjc&  to  the  la  w,although  we  have  the  promifs  of  the  blelTing 
»**.**•  to  come.  1  ndeed  the  law  faith  :  Thoufialt  love  the  Lord  tkj  gem : 
but  that  I  may  bs  able  fo  to  do,  or  to  apprehend  Chrift,  this  cannot 
the  law  give. 
K^A  'I  ipcake  not  this  to  the  end  that  the  law  (hould  be  dcfpidd,  nei- 

i  awi  iUjiiin     I..  f  i         •  i  t       i      j  •  f\  • 

the  Jaw.      ther  doth  tp**/lo  meane,  but  it  ought  to  be  had  in  great  elhmatioru 
But  bccaufc  Patilis  here  in  the  matter  of  Juftificadon,it  was  nccefla- 
ry  that  he  fhould  fpcake  of  the  law,  as  of  a  thing  very  contemptible 
and  odious.    For  juftification  is  a  far  other  manner  of  thing  then  the 
law  is.  We  cannot  fpcake  bafely  and  contemptuoufly  enough  ofthe 
ScMTe"  kw  wnen  we  arc  i°  fhis  matter  .When  the  conference  therefore  is  in 
terrout*  of  the  confii<?T,thcn  fhould  it  think  upon  nothing,  j^now  nothing  at  all 
STvT-uh  ^ut  C^r^  oncly  and  alone.    Then  fhould  it  remove  the  law  utterly 
be  abaicd,   out  of  her  light,  and  embrace  nothing  but  the  promife  concerning 
^hrift.  To  fay  this,it  is  an  eafic  matter :  but  in  the  tiincoftentation 
when  the  confcience  wreftlerh  in  the  prcience  of God,  to  do  it  in- 
dced,of  all  things  it  is  the  hardcft:to  wit,that  when  the  law  accufeth 
thce,terrifieth  thee,  rcvealcth  unto  thee  thy  lin,threatnsth  the  wrath 
of  God,and  eternal!  de; th,  that  then(J  fay)thou  (houldeft  have fuch 
ftrcngth  of  faith  in  Chrift,  as  if  there  had  never  been  any  la  w  or  any 
fin.but  only  Chrift  .mecre  grace  and  redemption  :  or  that  thnu  fhoul- 
^cft  be  able  to  fay :  Olaw,I  will  nothcarethce/orthouhjftaftarn- 
mcring  and  a  flow  tongue-:  moreover,  thefulncflfc  of  time  is  now 
come,  and  therefore  I  am  free,  and  will  not  fuifcr  thy  tyranny  any 
jf«  4.18.    longer.    Here  a  man  may  fee  how  hard  a  matter  it  is  to  (eparatc  the 
law  from  grace  :  Againe,  how  divine  and  heavenly  a  thing  it  is  to 
hope  here  even  againft  hope,  and  how  true  this  proportion  of  Pml 
is,  that  we  arc  juftified  by  faith  alone. 

Lcarne  here  therefore  to  fpeake  of  the  law  as  contcmptuoufly 
as  thoucanft  in  the  matter  of  juftification,  by  the  example  of  the 
Apoftlc,  which  calleth  the  hw  the  rudiments  of  the  world,  perni- 
tious  traditions,  the  ftrcngth  of  fmnc,  the  rniniftcry  of  death,^. 
for  if  thou  luffcr  the  law  to  bearc  rule  in  thy  coofcicncc  when  thou 


TO  tie   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8. 

ftandeft  before  God,  wrcftling  sgainft  finne  and  death,  then  is  the 
law  indeed  nothing  eifc  but  a  finkeof  all  evils,  berefics  and  biaf- 
phemies  :  for  it  doth  nothing  but  encreale  Jrnne,  accufeand  terrific 
the  confuence,threaten  death,  and  let  forth  God  asan  angry  Judge, 
which  re  j.'dteth  and  condeinneth  finners.  Here  therefore  if  thcu  be 
Wife,  banifh  this  itutting  and  Hammering  Cfrfofes  farre  from  thee, 
with  his  law  ;  snd  in  any  wile,  kt  not  his  tcrrours  and  threatnings 
move  thce.  Here  let  him  utterly  be  fufpetfcd  unto  thee  as  an  hcrc- 
tkk,  asan  excommunicate  and  condemned  perfon,  worfe  then  the 
Tope  and  the  Deviii  himfeife,  and  therfore  not  tobe  heard  or  obeyed 
in  any  c.iie. 

But  out  of  the  matter  of  J  unification  we  ought  with/**0/to  think  The  com- 
rcvcremly  of  the  law,  to  commend  it  highly,  to  call  it  holy,  righte-  Jj'SJJJ1 
cus,  good,  fpirituail  and  divine.    Out  of  the  cafe  of  confciencc  we  K^.ri?,i4 
fhould  make  a  ( iod  of  it,  but  in  tta  cafe  of  confcience  it  is  a  very  de-  ^j^jf- 
til.    For  in  the  leaft  temptation  that  can  be,  it  is  not  able  to  raife  up  law  il«vi!L 
and  comfort  the  confcience,buc  it  doth  clean  contrary  :it  terrificth,it 
opprtffrth  it  with  heavines,  and  plucketh  it  from  theafluranceof 
rightcouines  and  lif.-,and  of  all  goodncs.Hcreupon  Paul  a  littk  after, 
calleth  it  Weak?  <*nd  bc^ae rly  rudiment*.    Wherefore  let  us  not  fufT.r 
the  law  in  any  cafe  tobcare  rule  incur  confcicncf,  efpcctally  feeing 
it  coft  C  hrill  fo  great  a  price  to  deliver  the  confcience  from  the  ty 
ranny  of  the  law.  For  he  was  made  a  curfe  for  us,that  he  mii;ht  deli 
ver  us  from  the  curfe  of  the  law.  Let  thegodly  karne  therefore  that 
the  law  and  Chrift  are  two  contrary  things,  whereof  the  one  cannot  ^J'" 
abide  the  other.  For  when  Chnft  is  prefent,  the  law  may  in  no  Cole 
rule,  but  mult  depart  out  of  the  confcience,  and  leave  the  bed(which 
is  fo  (trcit  that  it  cannot  hold  two,  as  £pj  faith)  and  give  place  only 
to  Chriil.  Let  hvm--n!y  rcigne  in  righieoufj}crtvf,inu*eace,in  joy  and 
life,  that  the  ccnfcience  may  Oecpe,  and  repofc  it  ielfe  joyfully  in 
Chrift,  without  sry  feeling  of  [he  law,fin  and  dcith. 

Paul  here  of  purpofe  ufeth  this  fimimtivc  fpeech,  Elements  tfv;}\yp<ai 
the  Vorld:  whereby  (as  I  faid  )  hcTdoth  much  abafc  and  dimi-  jJSSj, 
nifh  the  glory  and  authority  of  the  law,  to  ftirre  up  our  minds,  .rent,  of 
Tor  he  that  readerh  TWattepmrly,  when  he  heareth  that  he 
calleth  the  luw  theminifkry  of  death,  the  letter  that  killeth,  c'-i1. 
by  and  by  hethinkcth  thus  with  hinlelfe:  why  doth  hcgivciuch 
odious,  and  (as  it  appeareth  to -icafuo.)  blafphcinous  tearincs  to 


Chap.IIil.          '      Vpcn  ^EPISTLE 

The  ia»  it  the  law,  which  is  a  divine  doflrine  revealed  from  heaven  ?  To  this 
-P**^nfvvercth,that  the  law  is  both  holy,juft  and  good,and  that  it  is 
alfo  the  miniflrery  of  tin  and  death,  but  in  divers  refpefts.  Before 

Chrift  ir  is  holy  :  after  Chrift  ft  is  death-  1'hcrefore  when  Chrift  is 
come,  we  ought  to  know  nothing  at  all  of  the  la  w,unlcflfe  it  be  in  this 
refpecljthat  it  hath  power  and  dominion  over  the  fleflijto  bridle  it  & 
to  keep  it  under.  Here  is  a  conflid  between  the  law  and  the  fle{h(to 
whom  ths  yoke  of  the  law  is  hard  and  grievous).is  long  as  we  live* 

Only  Paul  among  all  the  Apoftlcs,  calleth  the  law  the  rudiments 
of  the  world,  w  eake  and  beggely  elements,  the  ftrength  of  fin,  the 
letter  that  killeth,^.  The  o:her  Apcftles  fpakc  not  fo  of  the  law. 
Whofoevcr  then  will  be  arightfcholler  in  Chriftsfchoole,  let  him 

-  mar^c  diligently  this  manner  of  fpeech  ufed  of  the  Apoftlc.    Chrift 

-  calleth  him  an  elecl:  veflell,  and  therefore  gave  unto  him  an  exquifitc 
utterance,  and  a  iingular  kind  of  fpeech  above  all  the  reft  of  the  Apo- 
ftles,  that  he  as  an  eled:  veflrll  might  faithfully  lay  the  foundations  of 
the  article  of  Juftitication,and  clearely  fet  forth  the  fame. 

ycrft  4.  Tint  after  thefufaes  of  time  was  come,  Godfent  hit  Son^  wade  of 
A  ^oman^andmade  under  the  law,  that  he  might  redeeme  them 
which  were  vender  the  lew. 

That  is  to  fay,  after  that  the  time  of  the  law  was  fulfilled,  and  that 
Chrift  was  revcaled,and  had  delivered  us  from  the  law,  and  that  the 
promiic  was  publiflicd  among  all  nations,^?. 

Marke  here  diligently  how  ^^/delinet  hit.  Chrift  (faith  he) 
is  the  Sonne  of  God  and  of  a  woman,  which  for  us  finners  was  mado 
under  the  law,to  redeem  us  that  were  under  the  law.  In  thcfe  words 
he  comprehendeth  both  the  perfon  of  Chrift  and  the  office  of  Chrift. 
His  perfen  confiftethof  his  divine  and  humane  nature.This  he  (hcw- 
cth  plainely  when  he  faith  :  Cjodfent  fa  owne  Sonne  borne  of  a  Woman. 
Chrift  therefore  is  very  God  and  very  man.  His  office  he  fetteth 
forth  in  thefc  words :  Being  made  tinder  the  law,  to  redetme  them  tb*t 
Were  under  the  /4n>,  &c. 

And  it  fecmcth  that  P^/here,  as  it  were  in  reproach,  calleth 
the  virgin  ^Mary  but  onely  a  woman  :  which  thing  was  not  well 
taken  even  of  fomc  of  the  ancient  Doctors,  who  would  that  he 
fhould  rather,  have  called  her  avirgina  th«n  a  woman.  But  ywt 


TO  the   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  Fol- 

jntrcatcth  in  tbisEpifllcofthe  mofthighand  principall  matter  of  why  Paul 
fill,  to  wit  of  the  Gcipdl,  of  hrth,  of  Chriftian  right  eoufnc/Te.  Al-  ^£'r 
fo,  what  the  perfon  ofChriftis,  what  is  his  office,  what  he  hath  oS 
takenwpon  him  and  done  for  ourcaule,  and  what  benefits  he  hath 
brought  to  us  wretched  finncrs.  Wherefore  the  excellency  offo 
highland  fo  wonderful!  a  matter  was  the  caufe  that  he  had  ne  re 
gard  to  her  virginity.  It  was  enough  for  him  to  fet  forth  and  preach 
the  inclinable  mercy  of  God,  which  would  that  his  Son  (liould 
be  borne  of  that  fex.  Therefore  he  makcth  no  mention  cf  the  dig 
nity  of  the  fex,  but  of  the  fex  onely.  And  in  that  he  namctrrtbe 
lex,  hcc  figniheth  thatChrift  was  made  trueand  very  man  of  wo 
man-kind.  As  ifhefaid  :  Hewasbornc,  riot  of  man  and  woman 
but  only  of  woman  -kind.  Therefore  when  lie  nameth  but  oncly  the 
woman-kind,  faying  :  male  ifaVtttoMf,  it  is  us  if  he  flioald  have 
f*id,niadeof  a  virgin.  John  rha  Evangdivt,  when  he  thus  fetteth 
forth  the  Word,  that  it  Vf<*s  in  tlie  beginning  and  TVM  nwdefltfi,  fpca- 
kcth  not  one  word  of  his  mother. 

Further  more  this  place  alfo  witncfTcth  that  Chrift,when  the  time 
or'tha  law  was  accomptifhed,  didabolifh  the  fame,  andfobrought 
liberty  to  thofe  that  were  oppreffed  therewith,  but  made  no  new  e 

law  after  or  befidcs  that  eld  law  ofMoffs.    Wherefore  the  Monkes  mte  of  the 
and  popii"h  Sclioolcmen  do  no  Icffc  crrc  and  blafphemeChnft,in  that  Jjjj^1  asd 
they  imagine  that  he  hath  given  9  new  law  befides  the  law  tfAfofes, 
then  do  the  Turks,  which  vaunt  cf  their  Mahomet  M  of  a  new  law 
giver  after  Chriflysnd  better  then  Chrifb.  Chrift  then  came  not  to  a- 
boliih  the  old  la  w,that  he  might  make  a  new,but(as  TWhcrc  faith) 
be  was  fent  of  his  lather  into  the  world,  to  rcdcemc  thofc  which 
were  kept  in  thraldomc  under  the  la  w.Thefe  words  paint  outChrift  Thetwepi« 
lively  and  truly  :  they  doe  not  attribute  unto  him  the  office  ro  make  cJSJf 
any  new  hw,but  toredecmcthcm  which  were  under  the  law.  And 
Chrift  himftlfe  fnth:  7  jud^eno  man.    And  in  another  place:  / 
ctmenot  to  jvAgt  the  Vcor/d,  but  that  the  ttWJ  {lonldbe  favcdbjtnce. 
That  is  to  (ay,  1  came  not  to  bring  any  law,  nor  to  judge  men  accor-  w» 
dingtothci-imc,as  Mofu  and  other  la-.v-givers,  but  I  haveahighcr  1"**»-47« 
and  a  better  office.  The  law  kilhdyou,  and  I  againedoe  ;udge,con-  The_o8k« 
demne  and  kill  the  Law,  and  fo  I  deliver  you  from  the  tyranny  °l  C 

Wee  that  are  old  men,  which  have  faccnc  fo  nuflcd  up  in  this  per 

is  not 

.  II  lit  V$M  the  E  ?  t  s  T  L  i 

niclous  do&niTS  cf  th;  Papifts,  that  it  hath  taken  deepc  root  ersn  in 
our  tones  an  i  nurro;v>  ha.vec«nceired  in  opinion  q  me  co  icrary  {o 
that  which  7V"/h:rc  tea-.  »r  although  we  co  ,fj(l  >d  vvith  our 


ca.4  mouth  t!i  -t  Chri;l  redeemed  us  fro:n  the  cy,  -uny  Of  the  law,  yet  in 
vrry  deeJ  in  our  heirt  we  tiv.ui^ht  him  to  bea  hw-givctvi  tyrant  & 
ajujgc.m  .rctirribl;  then  J/j/«  rumfUf.And  this  perv:ri':  opinion 
we  cannot  yet  at  this  chy  in  fb  grcac  light  ofthe  trutb,uttci  iy  re  j  j^: 
foftrongly  are  thoC:  things  rooted  i:i  our  hearts  which  wckarnc  in 
our  youth,  B  r.  y-:  svhich  arc  yet  young,  and  are  not  infceU..1  with 
t'his  pernicious  opinion,  in  \y  leanii  Chnft  purely  with  lefll-  difficul 
ty  then  we  that  are  eld  can  remove  out  of  our  minds  thefe  blaiphe- 
nious  iiiLiginarions  which  we  bavc  conceived  of  him.  Notvvith- 
ftanding  ye  have  not  utterly  cfppcd  the  deceits  of  the  dcvill.  For 
although  you  be  not  as  yet  infcded  with  thiscurfd  opinion,  that 
Chrift  is  ahw-  giver,  yet  hive  the  root  whereof  it  fpring- 
cth,  that  is,  yehavethefleih,  re.ifo.j,  and  the  corruption  of  nature, 
-  which  can  Jadgcnoothenv.fjof^hrii]:,  but  that  he  is  a  law-givcr. 
Therefore  yc  muft  endeavour  with  all  your  power  tokarrtefoto 
knowand  rP  apprehend  Chrift,  as  'Paul  huh  f.-t  him  forth  in  this 
place.  But  if  belidesth  is  naturallcorruptioiijthere  come  alfj  corrupt 
and  wicked  teachers  (of  whom  the  world  is  full)  they  will  increase 
this  corruption  of  nature,  and  fo  thall  the  ev  ill  be  doubled  :  that  is  to 
fiy,evill  inftfucllbri  will  increafe  and  confirme  the  pernicious  errour 
of  blind  rcafon,  which  naturally  judgcthChrift  to  be  a  law-giver, 
andprintcth  thatcrrour  mightily  in  our  minds,  that  without  great 
travell  and^dirficulty  it  can  never  bcaboliihcd. 

thefwe«        Wherefore  it  is  very  profitable  for  us  to  have  alwayes  before 
and  con  for-  our  eyes  thisiwcet  and  comfortable  fcntence,  and  fuchlike,  which 
ofbthcrscat?p.  f-c  °»t  Chrift  truly  and  lively,  that  in  our  whole  life,  in  all  dan- 
gers,  in  the  confeilion  cfour  faith  before  tyrants,  and  in  the  hourc 
tfd&tb,  we  may  boldly  and  with  fure  confidence  Ay  :  *  Olaw, 
tht>nhaft  no  power  over  me,  and  therefore  thou  docftaccufeand 
•«*om-  <*^«n'c  mc  i[1  va>"c-    For  I  beleeve  in  Chrilt  J  ^fus  the  Sonnc  of 
fait  of  affli-  God,whom  the  Father  f  :nt  into  the  world  to  rcdeerne  us  mifcrable 
wir?'"  finners.0PPrefffd  vvith  the  tyranny  of  the  law.    He  gave  his  life  and 
gwnft  the    fhcd  his  bloud  for  me.    Therefore  feeling  thy  terrours  and  threat- 
wrounof    ningSj  Q  javv>  j  plungc  my  confcicnce  in  the  wounds,  bloud, 
death,  refcrredion  and  vidory  of  my  Saviour  Chriff;  Befidcs  him 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  T  A  N  s.  Fol. \8 % 

I  will  fee  nothing,  I  will  hearc  nothing.    1  his  Faith  is  our  vi^ory 
wfieieby  we  overcome  the  tcrroursofthclavv,  finne,  death  and  all 
evils,  ar.d  yet  not  without  great  corfii&s.    And  here  do  thechil- 
drcn'cf  God,  which  arc  daily  exercifed  with  grievous  temptations, 
wraftlc  and  fvvcate  indeed.    I  or  oftentimes  it  ccmmcth  into  their 
niindes  that  Chrift  will  acciifc:  them  and  plead  againft  thein:that  he 
will  require  an  accompt  of  their  former  life,  snd  that  he  will  4&&« 
demncthem.They  cannot  sffurcibcmd-lvcsthn  he  is^f  ntof  his  Fs- 
t>er  to  ic  ieeme  us  from  the  tyranny  and  oprellion  of  the  law.  And 
whcrcoFcommcth  this?  they  have  not  yet  fully  put  cff  the  flefti,  j*? 
which  rebellcth  againft  the  fpirit.  Therefore  the  terrors  of  ih*  la  w,  p.ft 
the  fcarc  of  death,  and  fuch  likeforrowfu-U  and  heavy  fights  do  of-  fc 
tentiina  retu-nr,  which  hinicr  our  Faich  that  it  cinnot  apprehend 
the  benefit  of  Chrift  (who  hath  redeemed  us  from  the  bondage  of 
the  law  )  with  flich  aflurance  as  it  fliouli  do. 

But  how  or  by  what  meanes  hath  Chrift  redeemed  us  ?  This  was  Je 
the  manner  of  our  redemption  :  Be  \\'M  wade  unlcr  tie  fc.y.  Chrirt  demotion, 
\vhcn  he  came,  found  us  all  captives  under  governours  and  tutours, 
that  is  to  fay  ,(hut  up  and  hold  en  in  priion  under  the  law.  What  doth 
he  then?  Although  he  be  Lord  of  the  law,and  therefore  the  In  w  hath 
no  authority  or  power  over  him  (for  he  is  the  Sonneof  God)  yet  of 
his  own  accord  he  maketh  hinr,f:lfe  fubj.:c*l  to  the  li  w.  Here  the  law 
cxecuteth  upon  him  all  the  jurifdufiion  which  it  over  us.  It  ac- 
cuf^th  andterrihethusalfo  :  itmakcthus  fjl  j  :ft  to  fin,  death,  the 
wrath  of  God;  and  with  his  tentence  condemned]  us.  And  this  it 
doth  by  good  right :  firWc  are  allfnwrs,  .tndbj  nature  th?  children  $f 
Wratb.  Contrari  w  1  f :,  Cirift  dii  nojtn^fifher  was  there  Any  guile  found 
jr.  his ttwj/rktherfore  he  was  not  fjbjeft to  th;  law. Yet  notwithftan- 
dinc;  tlie  law  w  is  no  IdT:  cr jell  againft  this  innocent,  righteous  .ind 
bLlfsd  Lambe,  then  it  was  agiainft  uscurfed  and  damned  fi iners,  yea 
much  more  rigorous.  For  ir  accufcd  him  as  a  blifyhemcr  and  a  fcdi- 
tious  peif -n,  it  made  him  guilty  before  Gcxfofthctmffofthc  whole 
world,  it  ib  tcrri^d  an.i  oppreflbd  him  with  lira'.  in."(lj.and  anguirti 
of  fpirit  that  l:e  f -.vcat  b!oud,and  biieily,  it  condemned l^m  to  death, 
yea  even  to  the  death  of  the  croffr. 

This  wa^  ind:-,i'  a 'wonderfull  combats,  where  the  law  being  JJJJ 
a  cieature,   givctli  fivch   an  nfl'iult  to  his  crcntour  a.  id  a^iintt  all  t-c:vccnc 
li^ht  and  equity,  praflifcth  his  whol:  tyranny  upon  the'l>onnepf 


Chap.  II T I.  r'fw  tkf  E  P  t  s  T  T.  n 

Ciod  whi«h  it  ex.*rcifed  upon  us  thschiUren  of  wrath.  Nfo\v,thcrc. 
fore  bvcaute  the l;nv  did  fj  horribly  an  i  fociii  frdly  (ina^ainft  his  is  acculed and  arraigned.    There  Chriit  faith  :  O  law,  thou 
miShly  Q-lecn  and  cnicll  Regent  of  all  mankind,  -.vliat  have  I  done, 
that  thou  haft accii fed  m  ^terrified  me  and  conJcmncJ  me,  which  am 
innocent?  Here  the  iaw,which  had  before  condemned  and  killed  ali 
men,  when  it  hath  nothing  wherewith  to  defend  or  pur^e  it  felfo,  is 
agamefp  condemned  and  vanquiihcJ.that  it  lofcrh  his  whole  right, 
kmed  ty     not  onely  over  Chrift.  (  ,v  horn  it  fo  «rudly  handle  i  and  killed  )  bat 
alto  over  ail  them  that  bcleevc  in  hi  n.    For  to  thofc  Chriir  iMth ; 
Come  unto  me  ali  yc  that  labour  under  the  yoke  of  the  hw.   I  could 
haveovercomc  the  law  by  «ny  atiohitc  power,  without  mine  owa 
fmart :  for  I  am  Lord  of  the  law,  and  therefore  it  hath  no  right  o- 
ver  me  But  I  have  made  my  iclfefubj^ft  unto  the  law,for  your  cauls 
which  were  under  the  law,  taking  >  our  fleili  upon  me :  that  is  to  fay, 
of  mine  incftimable  love  1  humbled  and  yeclded  my  ielfe  to  the  fjme 
prifon,  tyranny  and  bondage  of  the  law,  under  the  which  ye  ferved 
as  captives  and  boncfl  «ves,  I  li.lf.Tcd  the  law  to  have  dominion  over 
me  which  was  his  Lord,to  terririeme,to  make  me  thrall  and  captive 
by    uilto  IniPC,  de  rth  and  the  wrath  oKkrd,  which  it  ought  not  to  have 
(}one.  Therefore  I  h^vc  vanquifhed  the  law  by  double  right  and  au- 
thonty  :  firtt  as  the  fonneot  God  and  Lord  of  the  law :  fccondly  in 
your  perfon  :  which  is  as  truch  as  if  ye  had  overcome  the  law  your 
ielves :  for  my  viclory  is  youis. 

After  this  manner  Paul  fpeaketh  every  where  of  this  mar 
vellous  combatc  betwcene  Chrift  and  the  lavv.  And  to  make  tho 
matter  more  delechbls  and  more  apparent,  h^  is  wont  to  fet  forth 
the  law  by  a  figure  called  *  Profipopoci*>  as  a  certaine  mighty  pcr- 
^on  which  had  condemned  and  killed  Chrift,  whom  Chrift  againe, 
overcomming  death,  had  conquered,  condemned  and  killed. 
Eph.2.  Killing  (nmitis In  himfelf.  Againe,  P/2/.62.  Thou  art y*c 
ftp  on  hiphy  th&tt  bail  led  captivity  "captive^&c.  He  ufeth  the  fame 
figure  alf )  in  his  Epiftles  to  the  Romanes*  Corinthians  and  <2olaf- 
fians.  Tly  $ri?fs  be  condemned  finne,  &c.  Chn!>  therefore  by  this 
hisvidoty  banifned  the  law  cut  of  our  confcience,  fo  that  now 
delivered  in  it  can  no  more  confound  us  in  the  fight  of  God,  drive  us  to  def- 
pcration,  or  condcnanc  us.  Indeed  it  ceafeth  not  ftill  to  revealc 
our  finne,  to  accufc  and  to  terrific  us  :  but  the  conscience  taking 

•   hold 

To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  I  AN  s. 

hold  of  this  word  of  the  Apoftle  :  Ckrift  hath  redeemed  tu  front  the 
L<tw,  is  raifed  up  by  faith,  and  conceiveth  great  comfort.  Moreover, 
it  triumpheth  over  the  law  with  a  certaineholy  pride,  faying:  I  care 
not  for  thy  terrours  and  thrcatnings.  For  thou  haft  crucified  the  Son 
ofGod,  and  this  haft  thou  dons  moft  un juftly  :  therefore  the  (in  that 
thwi  haft  committed  againft  him,  cannot  be  forgiven.  Thou  haft 
loft  thy  right  and  foveraignty  ,  and  now  ifor  ever  thou  art  not 
onely  overcome,  condemned  and  (laine  unto  Chrift,  but  alfoto  me 
bcleeying  in  him ,  unto  whom  he  hath  freely  given  this  viftory.  So 
the  law  is  dead  to  us  forever,  fo  that  we  abide  in  Chrift.  T^fo& 
therefore  to  God,  Vohich  bath  gfoe»  w  viftorie  through  oar  Lord  Jefu* 

Thefc  things  do  alfo  confirm:  thisdoflrine,  that  we  are  juftifisd  by 
faith  only. For  when  this  combate  was  fought  betwixt  Chrift  and  the 
law,  none  of  our  works  or  defer  ts  came  between,  but  only  Chrift  was 
found,  who  puttingupon  him  our  petfon,  madehimfelf  fubjeft  to  the 
la  w, and  in  perfect  innocency  Ciflkred  all  tyranny.  Thcrfore  the  law,as  killed  the 
a  theef  and  curfcd  murthcrer  of  theSon  of  God,ioo(cth  all  his  right,and  Soa  of  Qod 
deferveth  to  be  condemned  in  {uch  fort,  that  whcrfocver  Chrift  is,  or 
is  once  named,  there  it  is  compelled  to  avoid  and  flie  away,  no  other-  C».'.MJ. 
•wife  then  the  devil(as  the  Papifts  imagin)flieth  from  the  croflV.whcr- 
fore  if  we  believe,we  are  delivered  from  the  law  through  Chrift,  who 
tiath  triumphed  over  it  by  himfclf.Therforc  this  glorious  triumph  pur- 
chafed  unto  us  by  Chnft/s  not  gotten  by  any  works,but  only  by  faith: 
therfore  faith  only  juftiricth. 

Thefe  words  then ,  Chrift  tt><**  made  under  the  law,  &c.  as 
'•they  are  pithy  and  import  a  ccrtaine  vehemency,  fo  they  are  dili 
gently  to  be  weighed  and  confidercd.  For  they  declare  that  the  Son 
of  God  bein«  made  under  the  law,  did  not  only  performs  one  or 

,      *   r    i       i  i-        •  r         \-  T  Ghnflrunc- 

two  works  or  the  law  :  teat  is  to  lay,  he  was  not  only  circum-  rcdaiithc 
cifcd,  or  prelented  in  the  temple,  or  went  up  to  lerufilem  with  other  t»iannyof 
at  the  times  appointed,  or  only  lived  civilly  under  the  law,  but  he  c 
fui&red  all  the  tyranny  of  the  law.     For  the  law  being  in  his  prin- 
cipall  ufe  and  full  power,  fct  upon  Chrift,  and  fb  horribly  aflailed 
him  ,  that  he  felt  fuch  anouifh  and  terrour,  as  no  man  upon  the  earth 
had  ever  felt  the  like.     This  hisbloudy  fweat  doth  furticiently  wit- 
neHc,  his  comfort  miniftrcd  by  the  Angcll,   that  mighty  prayer 
which  he  made  in  the  garden  ;  and  briefly,  that  lamentable  corn- 

B  b  phinj 

Chap.IV.  V{9»  the  E  P  i  s  T  L "  i 

plaint  upon  the  crcflfe  lO  my  6W,  Vehyhaflthouforfikeviue  t  Theffi 
things  hcfutFered  to  redeem  thofc  which  were  under  the  law,  that  is 
tofay,in  heavines  of  fpirit,in  anguifh  and  terrcur,and  ready  to  dcfpaiiy 
which  were  opprtfifed  with  the  heavy  burden  of  their  fins  ,  as  indeed 
we  are  all  oppreflcd.  For  as  touching  the  fkfh,  we  fin  daily  againtt  all 
thccommandemenrsof  God.  But  PWgiveth  us  good  comforr,when 
he  faith,  {jodfintku  Son&c. 

cane  So  Chrilt  a  divine  and  humane  perfon ,  begotten  of  God  without 
beginning,  and  borne  of  the  virgin  in  the  time  appointed,  came  not  to 
make  a  la  w,but  to  fecle  and  iuffer  the  terrors  of  the  law  with  all  cxtre- 
away.  n«ty,&to  overcome  the  fame,that  fo  he  might  utterly  aboliih  the  law. 
He  was  not  made  a  teacher  of  the  law,  but  an  obedient  difciple  to  the 
law,  that  by  this  his  obedience  he  might  redecmc  them  which  were 
under  the  law.  This  is  againft  the  doctrine  of  the  Papifts,  who  have 
made  Chrift  alaw-giver :  yea  much  more  fcvere  and  rigorous  then 
Mofcs.  PWteacheth  here  clean  contrary,  to  wit,  that  God  humbled 
miniB  his  Sonne  under  the  law,  that  is  to  fay,  conftraincdhim  fobcare  the 
judgement  anc|  curfc  Of the  law,(in,dcath,e^f.  For  Mofes  the  minifter 
of  the  law,fin,wrath  and  death ,  apprehended,bound,  condemned  and 
killed  Chrift :  and  all  this  he  fuffercd.  Therefore  Chrift  ftandeth  as  a 
mecr  paticnt^and  not  as  an  refpedl  of  the  lav/.  He  is  not  then 
alaw-giver,or  a  Judge  after  thelaw.but  in  that  hcmadchimfelffub- 
jcft  to  the  law,  bearing  the  condemnation  of  the  law,  he  delivered  us 
from  the  curfe  therof. 

jt  is  not  the  Now,  wheras  Chrift  in  the  Gofpell  givcth  commandemcnrs,  and 
teachetb  the  law,  or  rather  expoundcth  it,  this  pcrtaincth  not  to  the 
dodWnc  of  Juftification,  but  of  good  works.  Morcover,it  is  not  the 
proper  office  of  Chrift  (  for  the  which  he  came  principally  into  the 
world)  to  teach  the  law,  but  an  accidcntall  or  by-office:  like  as  it  was 
to  healc  the  weak,  to  raife  up  the  deader.  Thefe  are  indeed  excellent 
and  divine  works :  but  yet  not  the  very  proper  and  principall  works 
of  Chrift.Forthe  Prophets  alfo  taught  the  la  w,and  wrought  miracles. 
But  Chrift  is  God  and  man,  who  fighting  againft  the  law,  fuffercd  the 
uttcrmoft  cruelty  and  tyranny  therof.  And  in  that  he  differed  the  tyran 
ny  of  the  law,  he  vanquifhed  it  in  himfclf :  And  after  wards  being  rai- 
fed  up  againe  from  death,hc  condemned  and  utterly  abolifhed  the  law 
•w hich  was  our  deadly  enemy,  fo  that  it  cannot  condemne  and  kill 
tfcc  faithfu.ll  any  more.  Whcrcfere  the  true  and  proper  office  of  Chrift 


TOtbt  GA  L  A  T  H  I  AM  8. 

istdwraftle  with  the  law,  with  the  fin  and  the  death  of  the  whole 
world,  and  fo  to  wraltlc  that  he  niuft  futfcr  and  abide  all  thcfe  things, 
and  by  fu&ring  them  in  himfdf,concjaer  and  abolifh  them,and  by  this 
iDcancs  deliver  the  faithfull  from  the  law  and  from  all  evils.  Therefore 
to  teach  the  law  and  to  work  miracles,are  particular  benefits  of  Chrift, 
for  the  which  he  came  not  principally  into  the  world.  For  the  Pro- 
phcts,and  efpecially  the  Apoftles  did  greater  miracles  then  Chrift  did, 

Seeing  then  that  Chrift  hath  overcome  the  law  in  his  own  perfon, 
it  followcth  neceflfarily  that  he  is  naturally  God.    For  there  is  none,  tote, 
whether  he  be  man  or  Angell  which  is  above  the  law,  but  only  God. 
But  Chrift  is  above  the  law.for  he  hath  vanquished  it :  therefore  he  is 
the  SonofGod,and  naturally  God. If  thou  lay  hold  upon  Chrift  in  fuch 
fort  as  Pax/ here  paintcth  him  out,thou  canft  not  erre  nor  be  confoun- 
ded.  Moreover,  thou  (halt  cafily  judge  of  all  kinds  of  life,  of  the  rcligi- 
ons  and  ceremonies  of  the  whole  world.    But  if  this  true  picture  of  chnft» 
Chrift  be  defaced,  or  in  any  wife  darkncd,  then  fblloweth  a  confufion 
of  all  things.      For  the  naturall  man  cannot  judge  of  the  law  of  God. 
Here  faileth  the  cunning  of  the  Philofophers,  or  the  Canonifts,  and 
of  all  men.  For  the  law  hath  power  and  dominion  over  man.Therforc 
the  law  judgeth  man,and  not  man  the  law :  only  the  Chriftian  hath  a 
true  and  a  certain  jjdgcment  of  the  law.  And  how  ?  That  it  doth  not  The  natorai 
juftin~c.Whcrforc  then  is  the  law  made,if  it  do  not  juftifie?  Righteouf-  I£]2L 
ncs  before  God  which  is  received  by  faith  alone,  is  notthcrinallcaufc  iudgcmcnt 
why  the  righteous  do  obey  the  la  w.but  the  peace  of  the  world,thank-  JJS  iJJJf  ^ 
fulnes  toward  God,and  good  example  of  life,  wherby  other  be  provo 
ked  to  believe  the  Gofpel.  The  Pops  hath  fo  confounded  and  minglci 
the  cercmoni'all  law,the  morall  law,and  faith  together,that  he  hath  at 
length  preferred  the  ceremoniall  law  before  the  morall  law,  and  the 
morall  law  before  faith. 

Vcrfe  5 .  That  \\>e  might  receive  the  adoption  ofthcfonnei. 

P<wl  fctteth  forth  and  amplifieth  very  largely  this  place  of  Ge- 
nef.2  2 .  In  thy  Seed  fidl  all  the  Nations  of  the  Earth  be  hie  fed.  A  litrlc  IB  &.  fcci§ 
before  he  called  this  blefling  of  the  feed  of  ^^raham  ,  rightcouf- 
nefl^,  life,  the  promife  of  the  Spirit,  deliverance  from  the  law,  the 
teftament,  &c.  Here  he  callcth  it  the  adoption  and  inheritance  of  c- 
vcrUftinglife*  All  thcfe  this  word  bleiling  doth  comprehend.  For 

B  b  2  when 

Chap.IV.  Vfon  f/kE  P  i  s  T  L  B 

when  the  curfe  (which  is  (in,deatb,err.)is  aboiifhcd,  then  in  the  ftead 
thereof  fuccecdeth  the  blefling,  that  is,  righteoufnes,  life  and  all  good 

But  by  what  merit  have  we  received  this  blefling,that  is  tofay,this 

adoption  and  inheritance  of  cverlafting  life.  By  none  at  all.  For  what 

can  men  defervc  that  are  (hut  under  fin,fubjed  to  the  curfe  of  the  law, 

The  merit   anc*  wortny  of  everlafting  death  ?  We  have  then  received  this  blefling 

wheiby  we  freely,  and  being  utterly  unworthy  thereof,  but  yet  not  without  me- 

•dSwiof  "f*  What  ment  1S  l^at  *  not  ourp»  kut  c^:  mcr*c  °^  J e^us  Chrift  the 
the  ions  of  fonofGod, who  being  made  urn'cr  thelaw,not  forhimlelf  but  for  us(as 
G;>di  P<w//faid  afofe,M&  he  W*f  made  a  curfe  for  »«)red  Denied  us  which  were 
under  the  law.  Wherefore  we  have  received  this  adoption  by  the  only 
redemption  of  Jefus  Chrift  the  Sonnc  of  God,  which  is  our  rich  and  c- 
vcrlaftinc  merir.  whether  it  be  of  coneru:ncc  or  worth inefle  going 

,     „  o  '          c  i       •   i      1  •     r  \         •  \ 

berore  grace  or  coming  after.  And  with  this  tree  adoption  we  have 
alfb  received  the  holy  Ghoft, which  God  hath  fcnt  into  our  hearts,cry- 
ing  Abba>FAther3&  folio weth. 

Verfe  6.  <±sfndbecMifc you  are  font,  Cjod  hath  fent  forth  the  Spirit  of  hi* 
Son  into  jour  hearts. 

The  holy  Ghoft  is  fent  two  manner  of  waies.  In  the  primitive 
^nnrcn  ^e  was  ^cnt  *n  a  niamfeft  and  vifiblc  appearance.  So  he  came 
upon  Chrift  at  Jordan  in  the  likenes  of  a*  Dove,  and  in  the  likenes  of 
^rc  uPon  r^e  ApofVlcs  and  other  bclecvers.  And  this  was  the  firft  fen- 
ding  of  the  holy  Ghoft:  which  was  necdftry  in  the  primitive  Church, 
for  it  was  expedient  that  it  fhould  be  eflabiilhed  by  many  miracles,be- 
caufeof  the  unbelievcrs,as  Paul  witndfcth,  i  Cor.  14,  Strange  tongue* 
(faith  \\t)befor  afi^ne  and  a  token, not  to  them-that  believe, but  to  them  that 
believe  not.  But  after  that  the  Church  was  gathered  together  and  con* 
firmed  with  thofe  miracles,  it  was  not  necefiary  that  this  viliblc  fen 
ding  of  the  holy  Ghoft  fhould  continue  any  longer. 

Secondly,  The  holy  Ghoftisfent  by  the  word  into  the  hearts  of 
thebelcevcrSj  as  here  it  is  fa  id  :  Cod  fcnt  the  Spirit  of  his  S*n»*-9 
&c.  This  fending  is  without  any  vifible  appearance,  to  wit,  when 
by  the  hearing  of  the  externall  word,  we  receive  an  inward  ferven 
cy  and  light ,  wh-reby  wee  are  changed  and  become  new  crea 
tures  s  whereby  alfo  we  receive  a  new  judgement,  a  new  feeling, 



To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s.  Fol.187 

and  a  new  moving.  This  change  and  this  new  judgement  is  no  work 
of  rcafon,or  of  the  power  of  man,  but  is  the  gift  and  operation  of  the 
holy  Ghofr,which  commeth  with  the  word  preached,  which  purifi- 
eth  our  hearts  by  faith,  and  bringeth  forth  in  us  fpirituall  motions. 
Therefore  there  is  a  great  difference  betwixt  us  and  thofc  which  The  godly 
with  force  and  fubtilty  perfecute  the  doftrineofthc  Gofpell.For  we  ™*^™ 
by  the  grace  of  God,  can  ccrtainely  j  udgc  by  the  word,  of  the  will  of  judge  of 
God  towards  us:alfo  of  all  laws  and  do&rines,  of  our  own  life  and  of  *H     ** 
the  life  of  others.  Contrariwife  the  Papifts  and  Sectaries  cannot  cer 
tainly  judge  of  any  thing :  For  they  corrupt,  they  perfecute  and  blaf- 
phcmc  the  word.Now,without  the  word  a  man  can  give  no  certainc 
judgement  of  any  thing. 

And  although  it  appeare  not  before  the  world,  that  we  be  re- 
newcd  in  fpirit  and  have  the  holy  Ghofr,  yet  notwithstanding  o«r 
judgement,  our  fpeecb  and  our  confcilion  do  declare  fufficiently, 
that  the  holyGhoft  with  his  gifts  is  in  us.  For  before  we  could 
judge  rightly  of  nothing.  We  fpakc  not  as  now  we  do.  We  con-  chriflour 
fcflcdnot  that  all  our  works  were  finne  and  damnable,  that  Chrift 
was  our  onely  merit  both  before  grace  and  after,  as  now  we  doe 
in  the  true  knowledge  and  light  of  the  Gofpell.  Wherefore  let  this 
trouble  us  nothing  at  all,  that  the  world  (  whofe  works  we  tcftific  grace  and 
to  be  evill )  judgeth  us  to  be  mod  pernicious  hereticks  and  fcditious  tftcr* 
pcrfons,  deftroyers  of  Religion,  and  troublers  of  the  common  peace, 
pofleflcd  of  the  devill  fpeaking  in  and  governing  all  our  actions. 
Againft  this  pcrverfc  and  wicked  judgemct  of  tbc  world,  let  this 
tcltimony  of  our  confcience  be  fufficicnr,  whereby  we  afluredly 
know  that  it  is  the  gift  of  God,  that  we  doe  not  only  beiecve  in 
Jcfus  Chrift,  but  that  we  alfo  openly  preach  and  confeue  him  before 
the  world.  As  we  bclecve  with  our  heart,  fo  do  we  fpcake  with  our 
mouth,according  to  that  fay  ing  of  the  P/alme:  I  beleeved,  Andtherc- 
fire  I  kavfjpoktn. 

Moreover  we  cxcrcife  our  fclves  in  the  feare  of  God,  and  avoide  ne  ««•"• 
finnc  as  much  as  we  may.  Jf  we  finne,  we  finne  not  of  purpofe,  but  "„  JJc  saint* 
of  ignorance,  and  wcarciorry  for  it.    We  may  flip,  for  thedcvill 
liethinwaite  for  us  both  day  and  night.    A  Ifo,the  remnants  of  finne 
cleave  yet  faft  inourflefh:  therefore  as  touching  the  fle(h  we  arc 
finncrs,  yea  after  that  we  have  received  the  holy  Ghoft.    And  there 
is  no  great  diffcrence  betwixt  aChriftian  and  a  civill  honeft  man. 

B  b  3  For 

Chap.lHL  Vfon  ^EPISTLE 

For  the  workcs  of  a  Chriftian  in  outward  (hew  are  but  bafc  and 
wfc-  fimple.  He  doth  his  duty  according  to  his  vocation,  he  guideth  his 
family, he  tilleth  the  ground,hcgiveth  counfcll,hc  aideth  and  fuccou - 
betwecnca  rcth  his  neighbour.  Thefe  works  the  carnallman  doth  not  much 
a  mn'thlt*  cftceme,but  thinketh  them  to  be  common  to  all  men,  and  fuch  as  the 
hsathen  may  alfodo.  For  the  world  underftandeth  not  the  things 
which  are  of  the  Spirit  of  God,  and  therefore  it  /udgeth  peryerfly  of 
the  workcs  of  the  godly.  But  thsmonftrousfupcrftition  of  hypo 
crites  and  their  will-workes  they  have  in  great  admiration.  They 
count  them  holy  workcs,  and  {pare  no  charges  in  maintaining  the 
fame.  Contrariwife  the  workcs  of  thefaithfull,  which  although  in 
outward  appearance  they  fcem  to  be  but  vile  and  nothing  worth,  yet 
are  they  good  works  indeed,  and  accepted  of  God,  *(  becaufe  they 
are  done  in  faith,  with  a  cheerefull  heart,  and  with  obedience  and 
thankfulneflb  toward  God  )  thcfe  works,  I  fay,  they  do  not  oncly 
not  acknowledge  to  be  good  works,  but  alfo  they  defpife  and  con- 
demne  them  as  moft  wicked  and  abominable.  The  world  therefore 
belceveth  nothing  Icfte  then  that  we  naTC  the  holy  Ghoft.  Notwith- 
ftanding  in  the  time  of  tribulation  or  of  the  crofle,  and  of  the  con- 
feilion  of  our  faith  (which  is  the  proper  and  principall  work  of  thofe 
that  bclcevc)whcn  we  muft  either  forfake  wife,  children,  goods  and 
life,or  elfe  deny  Chrift,  then  it  appeareth  that  we  make  confcflion  of 
our  faith,  that  we  confcfTs  Chrift  and  his  word,  by  the  power  of  the 
holy  Ghoft. 

Wee  ought  not  therefore  fo  doubt  whether  the  holy  Gl'oil 
dwellcth  in  us  or  not :  but  ro  be  afluredly  perfwaded  that  we  arc 
the  temple  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  as  Paul  faith.  For  if  any  man  fcclc 
in  himfdfc  a  love  towards  the  word  of  God,  and  willingly  hearcth, 
talketh,  writeth  and  thinketh  of  Chrift,  let  that  man  know  that 
this  is  not  the  worke  of  mans  will  or  rcafon,  but  the  gift  of  the  ho- 
citofl.  ly  Ghoft :  For  it  is  is  impollible  that  thcfc  things,  fhould  be  done 
without  the  holy  Ghoit.  Contrariwifc,  where  hatred  and  contempt 
of  the  word  is,  there  the  dcvill  the  god  of  this  world  raigneth, 
blinding  mens  hearts,and  holding  them  captive,  that  the  light  of  the 
glorious  Gofpell  of  Chrift  fhould  not  (bine  unto  th:m.  Which  thing 
we  fee  at  this  day  in  the  moft  part  of  the  common  people  which 
have  no  love  to  the  word,  but  contcmne  it  as  though  it  pertained  no 
thing  at  all  unto  them.  But  wholoevcr  do  fcelc  any  love  ordefirc 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.  FoI.igS 

to  the  word,lct  them  acknowledge  with  thankfullnefle,that  this  affe 
ction  is  powrcd  into  them  by  the  holy  Ghoft.  For  we  bring  not  this 
sffcftion  and  dcfire  with  us,  neither  can  we  be  taught  by  any  lawes 
how  we  may  obtaincit :  but  this  change  isplainely  andfimply  the 
worke  of  the  right  hand  of  the  mod  Higheft.  Therefore  when  we 
willingly  and  gladly  heare  the  word  preached  concerning  Chrift  the 
Sonne  of  God,  who  for  us  was  made  man,  and  became  fob/eft  to  the 
law,  to  deliver  us  from  the  malcdidion  of  the  law,  hell,  death  and 
damnation  :  then  let  us  aflurc  our  fclves  that  God  by  and  with 
this  preaching  (endeth  the  holy  Ghoft  into  our  hearts.  Where 
fore  it  is  very  expedient  for  the  godly  to  know,  that  they  have  the 
holy  Ghoft; 

This  I  fay,to  confute  that  pernicious  doftrincof  the  Papifts,  which 
taught  that  no  man  can  certainely  know  (although  his  life  be  never  fb  pith  te"h. 
upright  and  blamelefle  )  whether  he  be  in  the  Favour  of  God  or  no.  "»g»J« 
And  this  fentence  commonly  received,  was  a  fpeciall  principle  and 
article  of  faith  in  the  whole  Papacy,  whereby  they  utterly  defaced 
the  dodrine  of  faith,  tormented  mcns  consciences,  banifhed  Chrift 
quite  out  of  the  Church,  darkened  and  denied  all  the  benefits  of  the 
holy  Ghoft,  abolifticd  the  whole  worfhip  of  God,  fet  up  Idolatry, 
contempt  of  God,  and  blafphemy  againft  God  in  mcns  hearts. 

Au^uftlne  faith  very  well  and  godly,  that  every  man  feeth  moft 
certaincly  his  owne  faith,  if  he  have  faith.  This  doe  they  deny. 
God  forbid  (  fay  they  )  that  I  (hould  aflure  my  fclfc  that  I  am  under 
grace,  that  I  am  holy,  and  that  I  have  the  holy  Ghoft,  yea  al- 
though  I  live  godly  and  do  all  good  works.  Yee  which  arc  young,and 
are  notinfcded  with  this  pernicious  opinion  (whereupon  the  whole 
kingdc  me  of  the  Pope  is  grounded  )  take  heed  and  flic  from  if,  as 
from  a  moft  horrible  plagpc.   We  that  are  old  men  have  been  trained 
up  in  tl  is  crrcur  even  from  our  youth,   and  have  been  fo  nufled 
therein,  that  it  hath  taken  deepc  rooteinour  hearts.   Therefore  it  is  Wemun  ,t 
to  us  no  kflfe  labour  tounlearne  and  forget  the  fa  me,  then  tolearnc  »utco«fci- 
aid  lay  hold  upon  true  faith.  But  we  muft  be  aflurcd-and  out  of  doubt 
th  U  we  are  under  grace,  that  we  plcafc  God  for  Chrifts  fakc,and  that  sr»ce 
we  have  the  holv  Ghoft  :  for  if  any  man  have  not  the  Spirit  of Chrift , 
the  fime  is  none  of  his. 

Wherefore,  whether  thou  6e  a  Miniftcr  of  Gods  word,  or  a  Ma- 
giftratc  in  the  common-wealth,  thou  muft  afluredly  thinkc  that 

B  b  4  thy 

Chap.IIIl.  r$o*  the  E?  i  s  T  t  s 

HOW  thou    %  office  plcafeth  God  :  but  this  canft  thou  ncrcc  doc  unlefle  thou 

mayft  affure  have  the  holy  Ghoft.But  thou  wilt  fay,I  doubt  not  but  that  my  office 

SSiy**  pleafeth  God,  becaufe  it  is  Gods  ordinance;  but  I  doubt  of  mine 

officebut  ai-  owne  perfon  whether  it  pleafe  God  or  no.  Here  thou  muft  rcfort  to 

f°n  pkafcVh  tne  word  of  God,  which  tcacheth  and  affureth  us,  that,  not  oncly 

God,         the  office  of  the  perfon,but  alfo  the  perfon  it  felfe  pleafcth  God.  For 

the  perion  is  baptized,  bclcevcth  in  Chrift,  is  purged  in  his  bloud 

from  all  hisfinnes,  liveth  in  the  communion  and  fcllowfiiip  of  his 

Church:  Moreover  he  doth  not  onely  love  the  pure  doftrinc  of  the 

word,  but  alfo  he  is  glad  and  greatly  rejoy  ceth  when  he  feeth  it  ad 

vanced,  and  the  number  of  the  faithfullincreafed.  Contrariwifs  he 

dctefteth  the  Pope  and  all  Sectaries  with  their  wicked  dofirine,  ac- 

p/*ii*ii3.  cording  to  that  faying  of  the  'Pfilme  :  I  katethem  that  imagine  eviil 

things  ',  hut  thy  law  do  Hove. 

We  ought  therefore  to  be  furcly  perfwaded,  that  not  only  our  of- 

fice.but  alfo  our  perfon  pleafeth  (Sod  :  Yea  whatsoever  it  iaith,doth, 

or  thinketh  particularly,  the  fame  pleafcth  God,  not  for  ourowne 

fake$,but  for  Chrifts  fakc,who  was  made  under  the  law  for  us.Now, 

we  are  fure  that  Chrift  pleafeth  God,  that  he  is  holy,<£v.    For  as 

much  then  as  Chrift  pleafcth  God,  and  we  are  in  him,  we  alfo 

Grace  is     pleafe  God  and  are  holy.   And  although  findoftill  rcmaincinour 

reorenjons  fkfb,  and  we  alfo  daily  fall  and  cffrnd,  yet  grace  is  more  aboundant 

n-lohTyThcn  an^  ftronger  then  fmk  The  mercy  and  truth  of  the  Lord  raigneth  over 

liana,         us  for  ever.  Wherefore  finne  cannot  terrific  us  and  make  us  doubtfull 

of  the  grace  of  God  which  is  in  us.  For  Chritt  that  moft  mighty  gi 

ant  ha-h  quite  abolifhed  the  law,  condemned  finnc,  vanquifhed 

death  and  all  evils.  So  long  as  he  is  at  the  right  hand  of  God,  making 

interccliion  for  us,  we  cannot  doubt  of:  the  grace  and  favour  of  God 

towards  us. 

Moreover,  God  bath  alfo  fcnt  the  Spirit  of  his  Sonnc  into  our 
hearts,  as  'Paul  here  faith.  But  Chrift  is  moft  certainc  in  his  Spi 
rit,  that  he  pleafeth  God,  &c:  therefore  we  alfo  having  the  fame 
Spirit  cf  Chrift,  muft  be  aflured  that  we  are  under  grace  for  his 
£*kc  which  is  moft  aflinxd.  This  I  have  faid  concerning  the  inward 

tcftimony,  whereby  a  Chriftian  mans  heart  ought  to  be  fully  per- 
fa^'ur  of  fwaded  that  he  is  under  grace,and  hath  the  hply  Ghoft.Now  the  out- 
eod.  wardfignes  (asb:fore  I  have  faid)  are,  gladly  to  heare  of  Chrift, 

to  preach  and  teach  Chrift,  to  render  thanks  unto  him,  topraifc  him, 



to  confeflchim,  yea  with  the  lofle  of  goods  and  life:  Moreover  to 
do  our  duty  according  to  our  vocation  as  we  arc  able:  to  doit  (I 
fay)in  faith,joy,c£r.  Not  to  delight  in  fin,nor  ro  thruft  our  felves  in 
to  another  mans  vocation,  but  to  attend  upon  our  owne,  to  helps 
our  needy  brother,  to  comfort  the  heavy  hear  ted,  e£v.  By  thefe  fignes 
asbyccrtaineef&fts  and  confequents,  we  are  fully  aflured  and  con 
firmed,  that  we  are  in  Gods  favour.  The  wicked  alio  do  imagine 
that  they  have  the  fame  fignes,  but  they  have  nothing  lefle.  Hereby 
we  may  plainely  fee  that  the  Pope  with  his  doftrine  doth  nothing 
elfc,but  trouble  and  torment  mens  confciences,and  at  length  driveth 
them  to  defperation :  For  he  not  only  teacheth  but  alfo  comman- 
dcth  men  to  doubt.  Therefore  as  the  Tfilme faith  :  There  i*  no  truth 
nor  certainty  in  hi*  mouth.  And  in  another  place  :  Vncler  hi*  tongue  it 
iniquity  and  mifthiefi . 

Here  we  may  fee  what  great  infirmity  is  yet  in  the  faith  of  the 
godly.  For  if  we  could  be  fully  perfwaded  that  we  arc  under  grace, 
thatour  fins  arc  forgiven,  that  we  have  the  Spirit  of  Chrift,  that  we  i 
arc  the  children  of  God :  then  doubtleflc  we  fhould  be  joy  full,  and 
thankfull  to  God  for  this  incftimable  gift.  But  becaufe  we  feelc  con 
trary  motionSjthat  is  to  fay,fearc,doubtfulneflV  anguiih  and  hcavines 
of  heart,  and  fuch  like,  therefore  we  cannot  affore  our  fdves  hereof : 
yea  our  confciencc  j'udgeth  it  a  great  prcfumption  and  pride  to  chal 
lenge  this  glory.  Whereforc,if  we  will  underftand  this  thing  rightly 
and  as  we  (hould  do,  we  muft  put  it  in  praftife  :  for  without  expe 
rience  and  praftife  it  can  never  be  learned. 

Wherefore  let  every  man  fopraftife  with  himfclfe,  that  his  con - 
fcicnce  may  be  fully  aflured  that  he  is  under  grace,  and  that  his  per- 
fon  and  his  workes  do  pleafc  God.  And  if  he  feele  in  himfelfe  any 
wavering  or  doubting,  let  him  cxercife  his  faith,  and  wraftle  a- 
gainft  this  doubting :  and  let  him  labour  toattaine  more  ftrength  and 
aflfurance  of  faith,  fo  that  he  may  be  able  to  fay  :  I  know  that  I  am  ac-  The  afa 
cepted,  and  that  I  have  the  holy  Ghoft :  not  for  mine  own  worthi-  fj t"  oi 
neffe,my  work,my  merit,  but  for  Chriftsfake,who  of  his  incftimable 
lo\c  towards  us,  made  himfelfe  thrall  and  fubjecl  to  the  law,  and 
tookc  away  the  finncs  of  the  world.  In  him  doe  I  beleeve. 
If  I  be  afinner  and  crrc,  he  is  righteous  and  cannot  crrc.  More 
over,  I  gladly  heare,  read?,  fing  and  write  of  him,  and  1  defuc 
nothing  more  then  that  this  Golpcll  may  be  knowne  to  the  whole 


Chap.  1111.  ty  on  \\*  E  ?  i  s  T  L  B 

world,  and  that  many  may  be.  converted  unto  him.' 

Thefc  things  doe  plainly  witneffe  that  the  holyGhoft  is  prefent 
with  us  and  in  us.    For  fuch  things  arc  not  wrought  in  the  heart  by 
mans  ftrcngth,  nor  gotten  by  msns  indu'.try  or  travcll,  but  arc  obtai 
ned  by  Chrift  alone,  who  firft  makeih  us  righteous  by  the  knowledge 
of  himfclf  in  his  holy  Gofpcll,and  afterwards  he  createth  a  new  heart 
in  us,  bringcth  forth  new  motions,  and  giveth  unto  us  that  aflurancc 
wherby  we  arc  pcrf waded  that  we  pleafs  the  Father  for  his  fake. 
Alfo  he  giveth  us  a  true  judgement  whereby  we  prove  and  try  thofs 
things  which  before  we  knew  not,or  elfe  altogether  defpifed.  It  be- 
hoveth  us  therefore  to  wraitle  againft  this  doubting,  that  we  may 
dsily  overcome  it  more  and  morc,and  attaine  to  a  full  perfwafion  and 
certainty  of  Gods  favour  toward  us,  rooting  cut  of  our  hearts  this 
curfed  opinion,  that  a  man  ought  to  doubt  of  the  grace  and  favour 
of  God  :  which  hath  infcfted  the  whole  world. 

Vetfe  6.    faing;  ts46l>A  Faker. 

Paul  might  have  faid  :  Cjodfent  tie  Spirit  of  his  Sonnc  Into  <wr  bexrtt 

calling, A bba  Father.  He  faith  not  fo,buc  crymg,/f^  Fathcr&tf.  he? 

might  fhe  w  and  fet  forth  the  temptation  of  a  Chriltian,  which  yet 

is  but  wcake,  and  weakcly  bsleeveth-    In  Rom.8.  he  calleth  this 

ay  ing  an  unfpeakcable  groaning.  Likewifc  he  faith  :  The  Spirit  hel» 

Th •  etyin-    peth  our  infirmities  :  For  tyc  know  not  how  to  pray  tu  Vkv  ought ybut  the  Spi- 

c  bpuit'  rit  ntaktthintercejfionfir  us  Vrith  Knlpeak^able^roanin^y  &c. 

And  this  is  a  fingular  confolation  when  he  faith,  that  the  Spi 
rit  of  Chrift  is  fent  into  our  hearts,  crying,  e^Aa  Father:  and 
againe9  that  he  helpeth  our  infirmities,  making  interceflion  for 
-  us  with  ufpeakeablc  groanings.  He  tlut  could  afljredly  bdeevc 
^^  ^ou^  ncver  t>c  overcome  with  any  affiiftion,  were  it  never 
fo  great.  But  there  arc  many  things  that  hinder  this  faith  in  us. 
Virtl  our  heart  is  bcrne  in  finnc:  Moreover  this  evill  is  naturally 
grafted  in  us,  that  we  doubt  of  the  good  will  of  God  towards 
us,  and  cannot  sfljrc  our  felves  that  we  pleafcGod,  &c.  Bcfides 
'Jf  all  this,  the  devill  our  adverfary  rangeth  about  with  terrible 
'  roarings,  and  faith  :  Thou  art  a  finncr:  iherefore  God  is  angiy 
with  thee,  and  will  dcftroy  thec  for  ever.  Againft  thcfe  horrible 
arid  intollerable  roarings,  we  have  nothing  w  hereupon  to  hold  and 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s^  Fol.ipo 

ftay  our  felves,  but  only  the  word,  which  fcttcth  Chrift  before  us  as 
a  conqucrour  over  fin  and  death,  and  over  all  evils.  But  to  cleave  faft 
to  the  word  in  this  tentation  and  thefe  tcrrours  of confciencc,  herein 
ftandeth  all  the  difficalty.  For  then  Chrift  appcareth  to  nofenfe. 
We  fee  him  not :  the  heart  feeleth  not  his  prfence  or  fuccour  in 
temptation :  but  rather  it  feemeth  that  he  is  angry  with  us,  and  that 
he  forfaketh  us.  Moreover  when  a  man  is  tempted  and  afrlifted,  he 
fcelcth  the  ftrength  of  fin  and  the  infirmity  of  the  flsfli,  he  doubteth, 
he  feeleth  the  fiery  darts  of  the  devill,  the  terrours  of  death,  the 
anger  and  judgement  of  God.  All  thefe  things  cry  out  horribly 
againft  us,  fo  that  we  fee  nothing  clfe  but  defperation  and  eternal! 
death.  But  yet  in  the  middcft  of  thefe  terrours  of  the  law,thundrings 
of fin,afljults  of  death,and  roarings  of  the  devill,  the  holy  Ghoft((aith  The  cry  Of 
y^/jcryeth  in  our  hearts,  Abba  Father*  And  this  cry  furmounteth  «he  Holy 
thofe  mighty  and  horrible  cries  of  the  law,  fin,  death,  the  devill,tfr:  Samo 
it  pierccth  the  clouds  and  the  heavens,  and  afcendeth  up  into  the 
cares  of  God. 

P/tfl/fignificth  therefore  by  thefe  words,  that  there  is  yet  infirmity 
in  the  godly  :  As  he  doth  alfo  in  Rom.  6.  when  he  faith :  The 
Spirit  helpeth  our  infirmities.  Forafmuch  therefore  as  thefenfe  and 
feeling  of  the  contrary  is  ftrong  in  us :  that  is  to  fay,forafmuch  as  we 
feelcmorcthcdifpleafureofGod,  then  his  goodwill  and  favour  to 
wards  us:  therefore  the  holyGhoft  isfent  into  our  hearts,  which 
doth  not  only  figh  and  make  requeft  for  us,but  mightily  cryeth,  Ab-  why  t{l<. 
b<*  Fathered  prayeth  for  us  according  to  the  will  of  God  with  teares 
and  unfpcakcablc  groanings.  And  how  is  this  done?  When  we  arc 
in  tcrrours  and  in  the  confli<5t  ofconfcience,  we  take  hoM  of  Chrift 
and  belecvc  that  he  is  our  Saviour:  but  then  do  the  law  and  fin  terrific 
and  torment  us  moft  of  all.  Moreover,  the  devill  affaileth  us  with  all 
his  engins  and  fiery  darts,and  goeth  about  with  all  his  power  to  take 
away  Chrift  and  all  confelations  from  us.  Here  we  fede  our  felves 
almoft  gone,  and  at  the  point  of  delperation :  for  then  arc  we  tr^ 
bruifed  rccdc  and  fmoaking  flaxe  which  Ifoy  fpeaketh  ofl  Notwith-  K»^l. 
ftanding  in  the  meanefeafon  the  holyGhoft  helpcth  our  infinni* 
tics,  and  maketh  interccdion  for  us  with  unfpeakeablc groanings, 
and  ccrtificth  our  fpirits  that  we  arc  the  children  of  God.  Thus  is 
the  mind  raifed  up  in  terrours,  it  lookcth  unto  his  Saviour  andhi§h 
Bidwp  Jefus  Chrift,  it  ovcrcomaieih  the  infirmity  of  the  flcih, 


Chap.  HIT.  rfo»  the  B  P  i  s  T  L  B 

fhea/  "aCth  *l  concciveth  comfort  againc,aod  faith:*X££<«  Father.  This  groaning 

ring  of  out  which  then  we  fcantly  fae  le,  /><#*/ calleth  a  cry  ing  and  unfpeakeaWe 

bc»« » «y.  groanjngjwhich  tilkth  both  heaven  and  earth,  Moreover  he  callcth  it 

the  crying  and  groaning  of  the  Spirit,  becaufe  the  holy  Ghoft  ftirreth 

up  the  fame  in  our  hearts  when  we  are  weake  and  oppreflcd  with 

tcntation  and  terrour. 

Although  then  the  law,  fmne  and  the  devill  cry  out  againft 
us  never  fo  much  with  great  and  terrible  roarings,  which  fcemc  to 
fill  Heaven  and  earth,  and  farre  to  exceed  this  groaning  of  our  heart, 

yct  can  tncy  not  ^urt  us*  ^or  t^ie  more  ^rcety  tney  aflailc  us,  ac- 
cufe  and  torment  us  with  their  eryings ,  fo  much  the  more  doc  we 
groanc,  and  in  groaning  lay  hold  upon  Chrift,  call  upon  him  with 
heart  and  mouth,  cleave  unto  him,  and  bslecvs  that  he  was 
made  under  the  la  w,  that  he  might  deliver  us  fromthecurfeof  the 
law,  and  dcftroy  both  fin  and  death.  And  thus  when  we  have  ta- 
CA[  ken  hold  upon  Chrift  by  faith,  we  cry  through  him  :  AM  A  Father. 
And  this  our  cry  doth  farre  furmount  the  roaring  of  the  law,  fin,  the 

Tbccry  of        But  fo  farre  ofFis  it  that  we  thinke  this  groaning  which  we  make 
h««  ano.T  i°  thcfe  terrours  and  this  our  weakneflfc,  to  be  a  cry,  that  fcirccly  we 
and  the      perceive  it  to  be  a  groaning.    For  our  faith  which  in  tentation  thus 
fc«cdy pel-  groaneth  unto  Chrift  is  very  weakc,  if  we  confider  ourownfenfc 
ccive.        and  feeling,and  therefore  we  heare  not  this  cry.   We  have  but  onely 
the  word,  which  when  we  apprehend  in  this  conflict,  we  have  a  lit- 
R«»  8.t7    tie  breathing,  and  then  we  groane.  Of  this  groaning  fomc  little  fee 
ling  we  have,but  the  cry  we  heare  not.  But  hs (faith  Pt*Hl)Vtkich  fear- 
thctktke  hearts,  ky°mth  what  it  the  me4ni»g  of  the  Spirit  ,&c.     To  this 
(oarcher  of  the  hearts,  this  fmall  and  feeble  groaning  (asitfecmeth 
unto  us)is  a  loud  and  a  mighty  cry,  and  an  unfpeakeable  groaning  :  in 
cotnparifon  whereof  the  great  and  horrible  roarings  of  the  law,  of 
fin,of  death,  of  the  devill,  and  of  hell,are  nothing,  neither  can  they  be 
once  heard.    Paul  therefore,  not  without  cauff ,  callcth  this  groanin" 
of  a  godly  afflidted  heart,  aery  and  a  groaning  of  the  Spirit  which 
cannot  be  expreflcd.  For  it  filkth  Heaven,  fo  that  the  Angels  thinke 
they  heare  nothing  elfe  but  this  cry. 

HOW  we  arc  But  in  us  there  is  aclcane  contrary  feeling.  For  it  feemcthun- 
to  us  that  this  our  fmi11  SroaninS  doth  not  fo  pierce  the  clouds, 
that  there  is  nothing  clfe  heard  in  Heaven  of  God  and  hisAngek. 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  Fol.  I  p  I 

Nay,  .wcthinkc,  and  dpccUlly  during  [the  time  of  tentation,  that 
the  devill  horribly  roareth  againft  us,  that  the  heavens  thunder  and 
the  earth  trembkth,  that  all  will  fali  upon  us,  that  all  creatures 
threaten  our  deftru&ion ,  that  hell  is  open  and  ready  to  fvvallow 
us  up.  This  feeling  is  in  our  heart,  thcfe  horrible  voyces  and  this 
fearcfull  (liew  we  hearc  and  we  fee.  And  this  is  it  that  'P/vel  faith 
in  the  a  Corinth.  11.  Thai  the  Jlrength  of  Chrift  is  made  pcrfift 
through  ottr  Vteakenefie.  For  then  isChriit  Almighty  indeed,  then 
doth  he  truly  reigne  and  triumph  in  us,  when  we  are  fo  wcaks 
that  wecanfcarcely  groane.  But  Paul  faith,  that  this  groaning  is  in 
the  cares  of  God,  a  m  oft  mighty  cry,  which  filieth  both  heaven  and 

Chriftalfointhei8.ofl«%,  in  the  parable  of  the  wicked  judge,  rtie 
calleththis  groaning  of  a  faithfull  heart,  aery,  yeaandfuch  a  cry  as  ningofffi 
ceafeth  not  day  and  night  to  cry  unto  God,  where  he  faith:  Heare  what  hea"  »» 
the  unrighteous  judge  Jaith,    Now  flail  not  Cjod  ave»ge  bis  elett,  tyhicb 
crjdaj  and  niffht  unto  him,yeAthoHghhefnffer  long  for  them  ?  yea  I  tell 
you  he  \V;#  avenge  them  ejaickij.    VV  e  at  this  day  in  fo  great  pcrfecuti- 
on  and  contradiction  of  the  Pope  ,  of  tyrants  and  Sectaries  which    • 
fight  againfl  us  both  on  the.  right  hand  and  on  the  left,  can  do  nothing  Th«   wea 
elfe  but  utter  fuch  groanings.    And  thefc  were  our  guns  and  artillery  £°d"y  £ 
wherewith  we  have  fo  many  yeares  (catterej  the  counfels  and  en-  «'tb<he/ 
terprifesofouradvcrfaries:  whcrby  alfo  we  have  begun  to  overthrow  Em™ 
thckingdomcof  Antichrift.   They  aliqiliall provoke  Chriii  to  haften  <t«c  of. 
the  day  of  his  glorious  comming,  wherein  he  Hiall  aboliiV  all  rulc,au-  ^.Fope' 
thority  and  power,  and  foall  put  all  his  enemies  under  his  feet.   Sp 
be  it. 

In  the  14.  of  Exodus  the  Lord  fpeaketh  unto  Maps  at  the  red  fca,  Thccry  of 
faying:  Whj  cryefl  than  unto  mt  ?  Yet  c^fo/^cryed  not,  but  trembled  ^fl/"  " 
-and  alraoft  deipaired,  for  he  was  in  great  trouble.    It  fcemed  that  in-  ' 
fidelity  reigned  in  him,  and  not  faitb.  For  he  faw  the  people  of  Ifrttl 
fo  compafled  apdenclofed  with  the  Ejyftiatu  hoft  and  with  the  fea, 
that  there  was  no  way  whereby  they  might  efcape.  Here  Mofes  durft 
•not  once  open  his  mouth.  How  then  did  he  cry  ?  We  muft  not  judge  "ihaoffice 
therefore  according  to  the  feeling  of  our  own  heart,  but  according  to  Q^  hely 
the  word  of  God,  which  teacheth  us  that  the  holy  Chcft  j's  given  to 
thofe  that  are  afflicted,  terrified,  and  ready  to  dcfpair,  to  raife  tnem  up 
•  and  co  comfort  them,thajt  the)7  be  not  overcome  in  their  tentations  and 


Chap.  IV.  Vfon  the  EPISTLE 

affliftions,  but  may  overcome  them,ind  yet  not  without  great  terrors 
and  troubles. 

The  Papifts  dreamed  that  holy  men  had  the  holy  Ghoft  in  fuch 
fort  that  they  never  had  nor  felt  any  tentation.    They  fpake  of  the  ho 
ly  Ghoft  only  by  forculation  and  nak'd  knowledge.    But  T^w/faitb, 
That  the ftrength  of  Chrift  invade  per fitt  through  our  We*k$**$e  :    AUb, 
That  the  Spirit  helpeth  our  infirmities.  And  tnakfth   intercejfion  fir   tt* 
Vritk  unfffttkablegrtAmngi.   Therefore  we  have  then  moft  need  of  the 
hdpe  and  comfort  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  yea  and  then  is  he  moft  ready 
in  whom     to  helpe  us,  when  we  are  moft  weake  and  neareft  to  defperation.    If 
VhhoH°£th  any  man  futfer  affliction  with  a  conftant  and  a  joy  full  heart,thcn  hath 
hisoffice,     the  holy  Ghoft  done  his  office  in  him.     And  indeed  he  exercifeth  his 
an^at  w]  t  worj{Cj  fpecially  and  properly  in  thofs  which  have  fuftcred  great  ter- 
roursandaffli(flions,andhavejas  the7>fa/ms  faith,  approac bed  nigh  to 
the  gates  of  hell.    As  1  faid  Q^LMofes,  which  fa,w  prcfent  death  in  the 
Thatentati-  waters,  and  on  every  fide  whitherfoever  he  turned  his  face.    Hs 
aTthcJc'd*'  was  therefore :in  extrcame  anguifh  and  defpcration4  and  (no  doubt) 
f«.          he  felt  in  his  heart  a  mighty  cry  of  the  devill  againft  him,  faying :  All 
this  people  fhall  this  day  psrifh,  for  they  can  cfcape  no  way ,  and  of 
this  great  calamity  thou  onely  (halt  be  found  to  be  the  Authour, 
becaufc  thou  haft  led  them  out  of  *s££ypt.    Befides  all  this,the  people 
cried  out  againft  him,  faying   :  Were  there  no  graves  in  ^Egypt  ? 
Thou  haft  brought  ru  out  that  Wee  fljould  die  here  in  the  Vtildernefie. 
*  Had  it  not  heene  better  for  ttt  to  have  fer'vedthe  Egyptians,  then  here 
Wretchedly  to  djs  in  the   ^ildernefie  ?    The  holy   Ghoft   was   not 
here  in  (JMofes  by  bare  fpecdlation  and  knowledge  only,  but  traly 
and  effectually,  who  made  interceflion  for  him  with  an  unfpeake- 
ablc  groaning,  fo  that  he  iighcd  unto  the  Lord  and  faid  :  O  Lord  at 
thy  commandement  have  I  led  forth  this  people  :  helpe  us  therefore. 
This  groaning  and  fighing  unto  God,  the  Scripture  calleth  a  cry 

This  matter  I  have  the  more  largely  presented ,  that  I  might 
plainely  fhew  what  the  office  of  the  holy  Ghoft  is,  and  when  he  fpe 
cially  exercifeth  the  fame.  In  temptation  therefore  we  muft  in  no 
wife  judge  thereof  according  to  our  own  fence  and  feeling,  or  by 
thccrying  of  the  law,  fin  and  the  devill,  &c.  If  we  here  follow 
our  ownc  fcnfe  and  belecvc  thofc  cryings,  we  (hall  thinke  our  felves 
tobedcftituteofallhelpcandfuccour  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  and  utter-1 

TO  tfo  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S. 

ly  caft  away  from  the  prcfenccofGod.    Nay  rather  let  us  then  re 
member  what  Pttu/ faith  :  The  Spirit  he.'peth  our  infirmities^  &c.    Al- 
fo,  it  crycth  :  Abba  Father,  that  is  to  fay,  it  uttereth  a  certame  feeble 
fighing  and  groaning  of  the  heart  (as  it  feemeth  unro  us)  which  not- 
withftanding  before  God  is  a  loud  cry  and  an  unfpeakable  groaning. 
Wherefore  in  the  midft  of  thy  temptation,  and  infirmity,  cleave  only 
unto  Chriitand  groane  unto  him  :  he  giveth  the  holy  Ghoft  which  Thegroa-  - 
crietb,  Abb*  Father :  And  this  feeble  groaning  is  a  mighty  cry  in  the  "'Jjjjf  Jf 
cares  cf  God,  and  ib  fillcth  heaven  and  carth,that  God  heareth  nothing  fere  God,  ' 
clfe  :  And  moreover,  it  ftoppcth  the  cries  of  all  other  things  whatfb-  atc8re« 



Thou  muft  markcalfo  that  7>au/  faith,  that  the  Spirit  makcth  in- 
tercetfion  for  us  in  our  temptation  :  not  with  many  words  or  long 
prayer,  but  only  with  a  groaning,  which  notwithstanding  cannot  be 
exprefled :  and  that  he  crieth  not  aloud  with  tears,  faying  :  Have  mer 
cy  en  me,  O  God,  &c.  but  only  uttereth  a  httlc  found  and  a  feeble  p/*£*i«l* 
groaning,  as  Ah  father  :  This  is  but  a  little  word,  and  yet  not  with- 
ftanding  it  comprchendeth  all  things.    The  mouth  fpcaketh  not,  but  Ah  Fathtr* 
the  arfedion of  the  heart  fpeaketh  after  this  manner.    Although  I  be 
oppreflcd  with  anguifh  and  tcrrour  on  every  fide,  and  (ceme  to  be 
foriaken  and  utterly  caft  away  from  thy  pretence,  yet  am  I  thy  child, 
and  thou  art  my  father  for  Chrifts  (like :  I  am  beloved  btcaufe  of  the 
beloved.    Wherefore  this  little  word,  Father •,  conceived  c  fedlually  in 
the  heart,  pafleth  all  the  eloquence  tfDemofthenes,  ficero,  and  of  the 
moft  eloquent  Rhetoritians  that  ever  were  in  the  world.    This  matter 
is  not  cxpreflid  with  words,  but  with  groanings,  which  groanings 
cannot  be  uttered  with  any  words  or  eloquence,fbr  no  tongue  can  ex- 
prcfle  them. 

I  have  ufed  many  words  to  declare  that  a  Chriftian  muft  oflurc 
bimfelfc  that  he  is  in  the  favour  of  God,,  and  that  he  hath  the  cry- 
inc  of  the  holy  Ghoft  in  his  heart.  This  have  I  done  that  we  may 

•       •%  i  i  i  7  i          il-n  •  fi  « 

Jcarnc  to  reject  and  utterly  to  abandon  that  devillilh  opinion  or  the  taught 
\v  hole  kingdomc  of  the  Pope,  which  taught  that  a  raan  ought  tobe 
uncertaine  and  toftandindoubtof  t!;c  grace  and  favour  of  God  to-  the 
wards  him.     If  this  opinion  be  received  ,  then  Chrift  profitcth  no-      TiJ0" 
thing.    For  he  that  doubtcth  of  Gods  favour  towards  him,muft  heeds  HC  fp«akeih 
dcubt  alfo  of  the  promifes  of  God,  and'ib  conicquently  of  the  will 
c£God,  and  of  the  benefits  of  Cbrift  :.  namely  that  he  was  borne, 



Cii2p.IV.  Vfw  the  "E  *  i  s  T  L 

fuffered.  died,  and  rofe  again  for  us,  &c.    But  there  can  be  no  greater 

'  ./-.  •    «./-«»•?  i         i  •  T  1          x->     i  i  . 

rifcth  ofin-  blafphcmy  againll  God,  then  to  deny  his  promiics,  to  deny  God  him- 
5lTe%:  &\f,  to  deny  Chrift,<£r.Whcrforc  it  was  not  only  an  extrcam  madnes, 
butof  wiitiii  but  an  horrible  impiety  that  the  Monks  did  fo  carncftly  entice  the 
which  "be  y°mn  both  mcn  an(*  women  to  their  Monafteries,  and  to  their  holy 
Papv'..i  orders  (as  they  called  them)  as  to  a  moO:  certain  ftatc  of  falvation:  and 
yet  when  ^y  had  thus  done,they  bad  them  doubt  of  the  grace  and  fa 
vour  of  God  towards  them. 

Moreover.the  Pope  called  all  the  world  to  the  obedience  of  the  ho 
ly  Church  of  Ro me,  as  to  an  holy  ftate,  in  the  which  they  might  un 
doubtedly  attain  falvation  ;  and  yet  after  he  had  brought  them  under 
the  obedience  of  his  laws,he  commanded  them  to  doubt  of  their  falva- 
t{on'  So  the  kingdom  of  Anticbrift  braggeth  and  vaunteth  at  the  firft, 
of  the  holines  of  his  orders,his  rules  and  his  laws,  and  afluredly  promi- 
ieth  everlafting  life  to  fuch  as  obferve  and  keep  them.   But  afterwards 
when  the'fe  mifcrablc  men  have  long  affliftcd  their  bodies  with  wat 
ching,  fading  and  fuch  like  exercifes,  according  to  the  traditions  and 
ordinances  of  mcn,  this  is  all  that  they  gain  thcrby  ,that  they  are  unccr- 
The Papacy  tain  whether  thisobediencc  pleafe  God  or  no  ?  Thus  Satan  moft  hor- 
is  a  vay     riblv  dallied  in  the  death  anddeftru&ion  of  foules  through  the  Pope, 
JoSeTf    an<^  thcrfbre  is  the  Papacy  a  {laughter- hauls  of  confcienccs9and  the  ve- 
ry  kingdom  of  the  devill. 

Now,  to  eftablilli  and  confirmc  this  pernicious  and  curfed  er- 
rour ,  they  alleadged  the  faying  of  Salomon,  Ecclef.  9.  The  jttft 
and  the  Vclfe  men  are  in  the  hAnAs  of  God  :  and  yet  no  man  know- 
eth  Whether  he  he  Worthy  of  love  or  of  hatred.  Some  underftand 
this  of  that  hatred  which  is  to  come,  and  fome  a^ainc  of  that  which 
is  prefcnt  :  but  neither  of  them  underftand  Salomon^  who  in  that 
P^ce  mcanct^  nothing  Icflc  then  that  which  thcydreamc.  More- 
over,  the  whole  Scripture  teacheth  us,  efpecially  and  above  all 
of$  ^'nSs>  that  wefliould  not  doubt,  but  affiircour  fclvesand  undoubt- 
cdly  belesvethat  God  is  mcrcifull,  loving  and  patient  :  that  he  is 
ne^^ier  d^'^hlernor  deceiver  :  but  that  he  is  faithfull  and  true, 
and  kecpefhhis  proraifc:  :  yea  and  hath  performed  that  he  promi- 
fcd,  in  delivering  his  onely  begotten  Sonne  to  death  for  our  (innes, 
that  everyone  thatbeleeveth  in  him  might  not  peridi,  but  have  c- 
verhfting  life.  Here  we  cannot  doubt  but  that  God  is  pleafed  with 
us,  that  he  lovethus  indeed,  that  the  hatred  and  wrath  of  God  is 


-  / 

To  the  G  A  L  AT  H  r  A  N  sT  Fol.rpj 

taken  away,  feeing  he  fuffbred  his  Sonne  to  dte  for  us  wretched  fin- 
ners.  Although  this  matter  befet  out  and  often  repeated  through- 
out  the  whole  Gofpcllyct  it  profited  nothing  at  all.  This  one  faying  3 
ef  Salomon  pcrverfly  underftoodjdid  more  prcvaile(efpecially  among  fles  i..«  well 
the  votaries  and  hypocrites  of  the  ftraitcr  religion)  then  all  the  pro-  J 
mifes  and  conlbiations  of  the  whole  Scripture,  yea  th-n  Chrift  him- 
fcjfe.  They  abufed  the  Scriptures  therefore  to  their  own  deftrtidion,  ^fS 
and  were  mod  juiUy  punilhcd  fordefpifing  the  Scriptures  and  re-  miie»ofihe 
jetting  the  oofpell.  ScuPturc- 

It  is  expedient  for  us  to  know  thefe  things  :  Firft,becauf«thc  Pa- 
pifts  vaunt  of  their  holincs,  as  if  they  had  never  com  mitted  any  evill. 
Thcrfore  they  muft  be  cor/,  inced  by  their  own  abominations,  where 
with  they  have  filled  the  whole  world,  as  their  own  books  do  wit- 
nes,whcrcof  there  is  yet  an  infinite  number  :  Secondly,that  we  may 
be  fully  certified  that  we  have  the  pure  doctrine  of  the  Gofpell:  of 
which  certaincty  the  Pope  cannot  glory.  In  whofe  kingdom  though 
all  things  clfe  were  found  and  uncorrupt,yet  this  monftrous  doctrine  DoubtfuH- 
of  doubting  of  Gods  grace  and  farour,  paff'th  all  other  monfters.  ""1°J1^* 
And  although  it  be  mmifeft,  that  the  enemies  of  Chrifts  Gofpell  Papacy. 
teach  uncertaine  things,becaufe  they  command  that  menscunfcien- 
ccslliouldrematneindoubt,  yet  notwithftanding  they  condemns 
and  kill  us  as  hereticks,becaufc  we  dirTent  from  them,and  teach  thofc 
things  which  are  certaine.  A.nd  this  they  do  with  fuch  devillifh  rage 
and  cr.uelty,as  if  they  w-re  moft  aOTurcd  of  their  doftrinc. 

Let  us  therefore  give  thankes  unto  God,  that  we  are  delivered  Haw;w« 
from this  monftrous  dotlrinc  of  doubting,  and  can  nowafliircour^^0^ 
f<lves  that  the  holy  Ghoft  crieth  and  bringcth  fonh  in  our  hearts  in  GodsS 
Onfpcakcable  groanings.    And  this  is  our  anker  hold,  and  our  fotin-  ^  tahnc4 
dafon     This  Gofpell  commandcth  us  to  behold,  not  our  owne 
good  works,  our  ownc  perfection  :  but  God  the  promifer,  an! 
Chrift  the  Mediatcur.    Contrariwise,  the  Pope  coinmsndcth  us 
tolooke,  not  unto  God  thcprornifer,  nor  unto  Chrift  our  high  Bi- 
Ihop,  but  unto  our  works  and  merits.    Here,  on  the  one  fide,  doub 
ting  and  defperation  muft  needs  folio w :  but  on  th:  other  iide,  af- 
iurancc  of  Gods  favour  and  joy  of  the  Spirit.    For  we  cleave  unto 
God  who  cannot  lie.    For  he  faith  :  Behold,  I  deliver  my  Sonnc 
to  death,  that  through  his  bloud,  he  may  rcdeeme  thcc  from  thy 
finnes  and  from  ctcrnall  death.    In  this  cafe  I  cannot  doubt,  unlcrTb 

Cc  I 

Chap.IIII.  Vfcn  th  EP  i  s  T  t  i 

in  I  will  utterly  deny  God.  And  this  is  the  reafon  that  cur  doftrine  is 
®^  ^rc  anc'  ccrtainc.bccaufc  it  carneth  us  out  of  ojr  felvcs.that  we 
fhould  not  leanc  to  our  own  ftrength,  our  own  codcienc?,  our  o-wn 
feeling,  our  ownpcrfon,  and  our  own  works :  buc  to  that  which 
is  without  us,  that  is  to  f  »y,  the  promiie  and  truth  of  God  which, 
cannot  deceive  us.  This  the  Pope  knoweth  not,  and  therefore  he 
wickedly  itnagineth  that  no  mm  knoweth,  be  he  never  fb  /aft  or  fo 
wifejwhetber  he  be  worthy  of  love  or  of  hatred. But  if  he  be  jufl  and 
wife,  he  knoweth  sflliredly  that  he  is  beloved  or  God,  or  cite  he  is 
neither  ;uft  nor  wife. 

Moreover,  this  fcntencc  of  <£*/$>»&*  fpeaketh  nothing  at  all  of  the 
nce  natrecl or  favour  of  God  towards  men,,  bu^  it  is  a  morall  fentcnce  rc- 
f  9  proving  the  ingratitude  of  men.  For  fuch  is  the  pervetfcnefi;:  and  in- 
*te*    gratitude  of  the  world,  that  the  better  a  man  dcf.rveth,  the  leflc 
what  thaks  th&nkes  he  Qiall  have  ;  and  oftentimes  he  that  fhould  be  his  moil 
leth^'ttf"  friend,  will  be  his  moft  enemy  L  Contrariwifc,  fuch  as  leaft  dtferve, 
thvcictctvc  (hall  be  moft  eftecmcd.  So  David  a  holy  man,and  a  good  King,  was 
well  oi  it,    caft  out  Of his  kingdom.  The  Prophets,Chrift  and  his  Apoftles  were 
flainc.  To  conclude,  the  Hiftorics  of  all  Nations  witncflf-,  that  many 
men  well  deferving  of  their  Country,  were  caft  into  banifhmcnt  by 
their  own  Citizens,  and  there  lived  in  great  mifery,  and  fomcalio 
fhamcfully  pcrilhed  in  prifonjVVherefore  Salomon  in  this  place  fpea- 
kcth  not  of  the  conference  having  to  do  with  God,  nor  of  the  favour 
©r  judgement,  the  loveor  hatred  of  God  :  but  ef  the  Judgement  and 
afRftion  of  men  among  themfelves.  As  though  he  would  fay :  Tbcrc 
arc  many  juft  and  wifbmen,  by  whom  God  worketh  much  good, 
and  giveth  peace  and  quietncfT:  unto  men.    But  fo  farre  cffarc  they 
from  acknowledging  the  fame,  that  oftentimes  they  requite  them 
againC  moft  unkindly  and  uncoutteoudy  for  their  well  ooings  and 
defcrvings.    Therefore  ahliough  a  man  do  all  things  well  and  never 
fo  well,yct  he  knoweth  not  whether  by  this  his  diligence  and  faith- 
fullnciT:  he  defcrvc  the  hatred  or  favour  of  men. 

So  we  at  this  day,  when  we  thought  wcfhould  have  found  fa 
vour  among  our  own  countrymen,  for  that  we  preach  unto  them 
the  Gofpell  of  peace,  life  and  cternall  falvatioa,  ia  ftead  of  favour 
•we  have  found  bitter  and  cruel!  hatred.  Indeed  at.  the  firft  many 
were  greatly  delighted  with  our  do3rine,and  received  it  g!adly.Wc 
thought  they  wculd  have  been  our  fncuds  and  brethren,  and  that 


with  one  confent  together  with  us,  they  would  have  planted  and 
preached  th is  dodrine  to  others. But  now  we  find  that  they  are  falfc 
brethren  and  our  deadly  enemies,  which  fovv  and  fprcad  abroad  falfe 
dodrinc,  and  that  which  we  teach  well  and  godly,  they  wickedly 
pervert  and  overthrow,ftirring  up  offences  in  the  Churches.  Who-  Hf-w  ww 
focver  therefore  doth  his  duty  godly  and  faithfully,  in  what  kind  of  " 

t  </•*!•  «      i      •  •       * 

come  an- 

life  focver  he  be,and  for  his  well  doing  recciveth  nothing  againe  but 
the  unkindnes  and  hatred  of  men,let  him  not  vcxc  and  torment  him- 
felfc  therefore,  but  let  him  fiy  with  Chrift  :  Th.j  katcd  me  Without  P/W,I<»». 
*  cMtfe.  Againe  :  Per  th*t  thcj fhotildbMc  loved  ms^hejflandere^  me, 
but  I  did  fray. 

The  Pope  therefore  with  this  devillifh  do&rine,! whereby  he  com 
manded  men  to  doubt  of  the  favour  of  God  towards  thcm,took  away 
God  and  all  his  promifes  out  of  the  Church,  buried  all  the  benefits  of 
Chrift,  and  aboliihed  the  whole  Gofpell.  Thefe  inconveniences  do 
neceflarily  follow,  for  men  do  not  leane  to  the  promifes  of  God,  but 
to  their  own  works  and  merits.  Therefore  they  cannot  be  aflurcd  o£ 
the  good  will  of  God  towards  them,  but  muft  needs  doubt  thereof, 
and  fo  at  length  deipairc.  No  man  can  undcrftand  what  Gods  will  is, 
and  what  pleafcth  him,  but  in  his  word-  This  word  aflurcth  us  that 
<5od  hath  caft  away  all  the  anger  and  difplcafure  which  he  had  con- 
ceivcd  againft  us,  when  he  gave  his  only  begotten  Sonne  for  our  fins, in 
&c.  Whcrfore  let  us  utterly  abandon  this  devillifh  doubting, where 
with  the  whole  Papacy  waspoifoned,  and  let  us  be  fully  aflured  that 
God  is  mercifull  unto  us,  that  we  plcafe  him,that  he  hath  a  carco?er 
us,  that  we  have  the  holy  Ghoft,  whichmakethintsrceflionfbrus 
with  fuch  crying  and  groaning  as  cannot  be  expreflfed. 

Now,  this  is  the  true  crying  and  groaning  indeed, when  a  man  in 
tcntation  caileth  upon  God :  not  as  a  tyrant,  not  as  an  angry  J  jdgc, 
not  as  a  tormcntour,but  as  a  father;  although  this  groaning  be  f  •  1  jft 
and  fo  fccret,  that  it  can  fcantly  be  perceived.  I  or  in  ierious  tc  ita- 
tions,  and  in  the  time  of  tryall  where  the  conscience  wradlcth  with 
the  judgement  of  God,  it  is  wont  to  call  God  not  a  Father,  but  an 
unjuft,  an  angry,  a  crucll  tyrant  and  Judge.  And  this  crying 
which  Satan  ftirrcth  up  in  thehearf,  farrc  paffeth  the  cry  of  the 
Spii  it,  and  is  drongly  felt.  For  then  it  fcemeth  that  God  hath  forfa- 
kcn  us,and  will  throw  us  down  into  hell.  So  the  faithf  ull  compbinc 
oftentimes  in  the  Pfalmcs.  /  <•«•  c*ft  fom  the  Defence  of  god, 

C  c  z  Alfo: 

Chap.IIII.  Vf*n  ^EPISTLE 

Alfo :  /  Am  become  a  broken  veffct^&c.  This  is  not  indeed  the  groa 
ning  that  cry  z^ntAb^atF  other:  but  the  roring  of  Gods  wrath, which 
criethftrongly,O  crudi  J  udge,  Ocruell  tormentour,d-r.  Here  it  is 
now  time  that  thou  turn  away  thine  eyes  from  the  law/rom  worksj 
and  from  the  fenie  and  fueling  of  thine  own  confcience,  and  lay  hold 
by  faith  on  the  pramife,  that  is  to  fay,  on  the  word  of  grace  and  life, 
which  rai&th  up  the  confcience  againe,  fo  that  now  it  beginncth  to 
gronc  and  fay :  Although  the  law  accufe  me,(in  and  death  terrific  me 
never  fo  mikh,  yet  O  uty  God,  thou  promifcft  grace,  nghteoufneffe 
and  evalafting  lifv  through  J  fusChrift  :  And  io  the  prornife  bring- 
'  eth  a  fishing  and  groaning,  which  cryeth  :  Abba  Father. 

Verfe  7.     where  fire  thou  Art  no  morf  <\fcrvant  but  afinne. 

This  is  the  fhutting  up  and  the  conclufion  of  that  which  hefeid 
before.  As  if  he  Ihould  fay:  This  being  true  that  we  have  received  the 
Spirit  by  the  Gofpdl,wherby  we  cry,  Ah^i  Father. :  then  is  this  de 
cree  pronounced  in  Heaven,that  there  is  now  no  bondage  any  more, 
but  meerc  liberty  and  adoption.  And  whobringeth  this  liberty? Veri- 
ly.this  groaning.By  what  means?The  Father  oflFcrcth  unto  me  by  his 
Pr°mi^,his  grace  and  his  fatherly  favour.  This  reoiaineth  then,that 
J  fhould  receive  this  grace.  And  this  is  done  when  I  againe  with  this 
-groaning  do  cry,  and  with  achild'y  heart  doaflent  unto  this  name 
Father.  Here  then  the  Father  and  the  Son  meete,and  the  marriage  is 
made  up  without  all  pompe  and  folemnity  :  that  is  to  fay,nothing  at 
all  comcth  between,  no  hw  nor  work  is  here  required.  For  what 
fhould  amandomthefeterroufs  and  horrrible  darkenes  oftcntati- 
ons  ?  Here  is  nothing  clfcbut  the  Father  promifing,  and  calling  me 
his  fon  by  Chrift,  who  was  made  under  the  la\v}c£r.  And  I  receiving 
and  anfwering  by  this  groaning,  faying,  Father.  Here  then  is  no 
exa<5ling,nothing  is  required, but  only  that  childly  groaning  that  ap- 
prehcndeth  a  fure  hope  and  trull  in  tribulation,  and  faith :  Thou  pro- 
mifcft,  and  callsft  me  thy  child  for  Chrifts  fake,  and  I  agamc  receive 
thy  promife  and  callthee  Father.  This  is  indeed  to  be  made  children 
(imply  and  without  any  works. But  thefc  things  without  experience 

and  pradiic  cannot  be  undcrDeod. 
,     Paul  in  this  place  takcth  this  word  Servant  otherwifc  then 

he  did  before  in  the  third  Chapter,  where  he  faith :  There  it  neither 


Totbt  GAL  AT  H  IAN  s.  FoJ.rpy 

toitdnorfree,  &c.    Here  he  calleth  him  afcrvant  of  the  law  which  is 
fubjea  to  the  la  w,as  he  did  a  little  before  :  We  are  in  bondage  under  the 
rfidweuts  of  the  word.    Wherefore  to  be  a  fcrvant  accordjn"  to  Paul  wh« 
in  this  place,  is  to  >be  guilty  and  captive  under  the  law,  under  the 
wrath  or  God  and  death  ;  to  behold  God  ,  not  as  a  mercifull  Father 
but  asatormentour,  an  enemy,and  a  tyrant.  This  is  indeed  to  be  kept 
in  bondage  and  babylonicall  captivity,  and  to  be  cruelly  torment 
ed  therein.  For  the  law  delivereth  not  from  fin  and  death,  but  reveal- 
eth  and  incrcafcth  fin  ,  and  ingendrcth  wrath.    This  bondage  (faith 
Paul)  continueth  no  longer  lit  opprcfleth  »s  not,nor  maketh  us  heavy 
any  morCj&c.  P<Wfaith  :  Thou  fludt  be  »•  more  afervant.  But  the  fen- 
tence  is  more  gcncrall  if  we  fay  :  there  fliall  be  no.bondage  in  Chrift 
any  more,  but  mecrefre;ciornc  and  adoption.  For  when  faith  cometh, 
that  bondage  ccafeth,as  he  faid  before  in  the  third  Chapter. 

Now,  if  we  by  the  fpint  of  Chrift  crying  in  our  hearts,  Abba 
Father  ,  be  no  more  fcrvants,  bat  children,  then  it  folio  weth  that 
we  arc  not  oncly  delivered  from  the  Pope  and  all  the  abomina- 
tions  of  mcns  traditions  ,  but  alfo  from  all  the  jurifJiaion  and 
power  of  the  law  of  God.    Wherefpre  we  ought  xn  no  wife  to  fuf- 
fer  the  law  to  reignc  in  our  confcience,  and  much  Icffc  the  Pope  conlcicacei 
with  his  vaine  threatnings  and  terroura.    Indeed  he  roareth  migh 
tily  as  a  Lyon  ,  Ayoc.  i  o.  and  threatneth  to  ail  thofc  that  obey  not 
his  lawcs,  the  wrath  and  indignation  of  almighty  God  and  of  his 
blefled  Apoftlcs,  &c.  But  here  V*ttl  arwethajnd  comfortcth  us  a- 
gainft  thefe  roarings  ,  when  he  faith  :  Thwart  no  more  a  fcrvant, 
but  a  pnne.     Take  hold  of  this  confolation  by  faith  ,  and  fay  ;  Q  thehw 
law  thy  tyranny  can  have  no  place  in  the  throne  .where  Chrift  my  hrh  nop3" 
Lord  (itteth  :  there  I  cannot  heare  thee  (much  Icffc  do  I  heare  thee  6 

Antichrift  :  )  for  I  am  free  and  a  fon,  who  muft  not  be  fubjea  to  any  but  °TW  ** 
bondage  or  fervik  law.    Let  not  Mofes  thcrfore  with  his  la  ws^much  flf  ** 
leflethePopc)  afcendupintothcbride.chjniber  thereto  KG,  that  is 
to  fay,  to  rcigne  in  the  confcience,  which  Chrift  hath  delivered  from 
the  hw,  to  the  end  that  it  fhould  not  be  fubjea  to  any  bondage.    Let 
the  f:rvants  abide  with  the  Afle  in  the  valley  :   Let  nvne  but  I/aac 
afcend  up  into  the  Mountaine  with  his  Father  ^4l>r^ham  :  That  is, 
let  the  hw  have  dominion  over  the  body  and  over  the  old  man  :  let 
him  be  under  the  law  and  fufcr  the  burden  to  be  hid  upon  him  :   let 
him  furfcr  himlelfe  to  be  exercifed  and  vexed  with  the  law  ;  let 

CC3  'the 

Chap.IIII.  Vfon  the  E  ?  i  $  T  L  B 

the  law  limit  and  prcfcribc  unto  him  what  he  ought  to  do,  what  he 
ought  to  fuf£r,  and  how  he  ought  to  live  and  to  govcrne  himfelfe  a- 
mong  mca  But  let  it  not  defile  the  bed  in  which  Chrift  fliould  reft 
and  deep  alone :  that  is  to  fay, let  it  not  trouble  the  confciencc.For  (he 
alone  ought  to  live  with  Chrift  her  Spoufc  in  the  kingdome  of  liberty 
and  adoption. 

If  then  (faith  he)  by  the  Spirit  of  Chrift  yc  cry :  Abl>Ay  Fatker,theQ 
arc  y c  indeed  no  longer  fervants,  but  free-men  and  fons.  Thcrforc  yc 
what  the  are  without  the  law,  without  fin,  without  death  :  that  is  to  fay,ye  arc 
brSgcth,  faved,  and  ye  are  now  quite  delivered  from  all  evils.  Wherefore  the 
adoption  bringcth  with  it  the  eternall  kingdome,  and  all  the  heavenly 
tc»M}.n,  inheritance.  Now,  how  ineftimable  the  glory  of  this  gift  is,  mans 
heart  is  not  able  to  conceive,  and  much  leflc  to  utter.  In  the  mean  time 
we  fee  this  but  darkly,and  as  it  were  a  far  off:  We  have  this  little  groa 
ning  and  feeble  faith  which  onely  rcfteth  upon  the  hearing  and  the 
found  of  thevoyceof  Chrift  in  giving  the  promife.Therforc  wcmuft 
not  mcafurc  this  thing  by  rcafon  or  by  our  own  feeling,but  by  the  pro- 
mife  of  God.  NOW  bccaufe  he  is  infinite,  therefore  his  promifc  is  aifo 
infinitc,although  it  feem  to  be  never  fo  much  ioclofed  in  thcfe  narrow 
ftraitSjthefeanguifhes!  mean: whcrforcthere  is  nothing  that  can  now 
accufc,terrific,or  bind  the  conference  any  more.  For  there  is  no  more 
fervitude  but  adoption:  which  not  only  bringcth  unto  us  liberty  from 
the  law,  fin  and  death,  but  alfo  the  inheritance  of  everlafting  life,  as 

Verfe  7.    Novtt  if  than  be  A  finne,  thou  art  Alfo  the  htire  of  god  through 

For  he  that  is  a  fonnr,  muft  be  alfo  an  heire  :  for  by  his  birth  he 
is  worthy  to  bcanhcire.  There  is  noworke  nor  merit  that  bring 
cth  to  him  the  inheritance,  but  his  birth  onely  : '  And  fo  in  obtai 
ning  the  inheritance  he  is  a  mecrc  patient  and  not  an  agent  :  that  is 
to  fay,  not  to  beget,  not  to  labour  ,  not  to  care  :  but  to  be  borne 
is  that  which  maketh  him  an  heirc.  So  we  obtaine  ecernall  gifts, 
namely  the  forgivcncfle  of  finncs,  righteoufncfle,  the  glory  of  the  rc- 
iurredion  and  everlafting  life,  not  as  agents,  but  as  patients,  that 
is,  not  by  doing,  but  by  receiving.  Nothing  here  cometh  between, 
but  faith  alone  apprehendcth  the  prooiife  otfcred.  Like  as  therforc  a 



fort  in  the  pditickc  and  houfhold  government  is  made  an  hcirc  by  his 
only  birth  :fo  here  faith  only  maketh  us  fons  of  God,born  of  the  word, 
tvhich  is  the  wombe  of  God,  wherein  we  arc  conceived,  carried, 
borne  and  nourifhcd  up,^.By  this  birth  then  we  arc  made  new  crea 
tures,  formed  by  faith  in  the  word :  we  are  made  Chriftians,children  Ood> 
and  heircs  of  God  through  lefus  Chrift.  Now,being  heirs  we  are  deli 
vered  from  death,  fin  and  the  devill,  and  we  have  righteoufncs  and  e- 
ternali  life. 

But  this  farrc  pafleth  all  mans  capacity,  that  he  calleth  us  heircs : 
not  of  fomc  rich  and  mighty  Prince,  not  of  the  Emperour,  not  of  the 
world :  but  of  God  the  Almighty  creatour  of  all  things.  This  our  in 
heritance  then  (as  /W  faith  in  another  place)  is  ineftimable.  And  if  a 
man  could  comprehend  the  great  excellency  of  this  matter,  that  he 
is  the  fon  and  heir  of  God,  and  with  a  conftant  faith  bclccve  the  fame, 
this  man  would  efteeme  all  the  power  and  riches  of  all  the  kingdoms 
of  the  world,  but  as  filthy  dung  in  comparifon  of  his  eternall  inheri 
tance.  He  would  abhor  whatioevcr  is  high  and  glorious  in  the  world: 
y  ea,the  greater  trie  pompe  and  glory  of  the  world  is,  the  more  would 
he  hate  it.  To  conclude, whatsoever  the  world  moft  highly  efteemcth 
and  magnificth ,  that  (hould  be  in  his  eyes  moft  viloand  abominable. 
For  what  is  all  the  world,wkh  all  his  power,riches  and  glory  in  com 
parifon  of  God,  whofefonandheirehcis  ?  Furthermore,  he  wonld 
ncartily  dcfirc  withT^/tobcloofedand  to  be  with  Chrift ,  and  no 
thing  could  be  more  welcome  unto  him,  then  fpccdy  death,which  he 
would  imbrace  as  a  moft  joy  full  peace,knowing  that  it  fhould  be  the 
end  of  all  his  miferies,  and  that  through  it  he  fhould  attain  to  his  inhe 
ritance,  &e.  Yea  a  man  that  could  perfectly  belecvc  this,  fhould  net 
long  remain  alive,  but  ftiouldbe  fwallowed  up  incontinent  with  cx- 

But  the  law  of  the  members  ftriving  againft  the  law  of  the  ^\ 
mind,  hindreth  faith  in  us,  and  fu  Fcreth  it  not  to  be  pcrfeft.    There-  0Jv,hc  ___ 
fere  we  have  need  of  the  hclpe  and  comfort  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  which  fort  of  the 
in  our  troubles  and  afflictions  may  make  intcrceflion  for  us  with  holy  c 
uufpeakable  groanings ,   as  before  I  have  faid.     Sinne  yet  rcmai- 
ncth  inthcfkfh,  which  often  times  opprcff-th  the  confcicnce,  and 
fo  hindreth  faith,  that  we  cannot  with  joy  perfectly  behold  and  de- 
fire  thofe  eternall  riches  which  God  hath  given  unto  us  through 
Chrift.  FWhimfclfe  feeling  this  battcll  of  the  fldh  againft  the  ipi- 

C  c  4  rit, 

Chap.IIII.  VfW  ffo  E  P  i  s  T  L  i 

ft»m  7.14.  rit,cryeth  out:0  wretchedma*  that  I  am,  who  flail  deliver  rue  from  this  bo 
dy  9J  death?  He  accufeth  his  body,  which  not  withftanding  it  behoved 
him  to  love,calling  it  by  an  odious  namc,6»  deati.  As  if  he  would  fay: 
My  body  doth  more  aftiift  mc,and  more  grievoufly  vex  me  then  death 
it  felf  :  for  it  hindrcth  in  him  alfo  this  joy  of  fpirit.He  had  not  alwaics 
the  fwcet  and  joy  full  cogitations  of  the  heavenly  inheritance  to  come, 
but  he  felt  oftentimes  alfo  much  heavines  of  fpirit,  great  anguifh  and 

Hereby  we  may  plainly  fee  how  hard  a  matter  faith  is:  which  is  not 
cafilyand  quickly  apprehended  ,  as  certain  full  and  loathing  fpirits 
drcamc  ,  which  fwallo  w  up  at  once  all  that  is  contained  in  the  holy 
Scriptures.The  great  infirmity  which  is  in  the  Saints,and  the  (hiving 
of  the  flefb  againft  the  Spirit,do  fufficiently  witnes  how  feeble  faith  is 
in  them.For  a  perfect  fmh  bringeth  by  and  by  a  pcrfccT:  contempt  and 
loathing  of  this  preftnt  life.If  we  could  fully  aflureour  felvcs,and  corj- 
ftantly  believe  that  God  is  our  Father,and  we  his  fons  and  heirs,  then 
(hould  we  utterly  ccntemne  this  world  with  all  the  glory,  righteoul- 
neSjWifdome  and  power,with  all  the  royall  fceptcrs'and  crowns,  and 

signs  whcr-  with  all  the  riches  and  pleafures  therof.  We  fhould  not  be  fo  careful! 

by«  *>p«sa-  for  this  life:  we  fhould  notbefo  addicted  to  the  world  and  worldly 

our  faith  is  things,  trufting  unto  them  when  we  have  them,  lamenting  and  de- 
fpairing  when  we  lofe  them  :  but  we  (hould  doc  all  things  with  great 
k>ve,humility  and  patiencc.But  we  do  the  contrary  :for  the  fle(h  is  yet 
ftrong.but  faith  is  feeble  and  the  fpirit  weak.  Therfore  /Wfaith  very 

only  the     tycll,  that  We  have  here  in  this  life,  but  only  the  firft  fruits  of  the  Spi- 
fhc  srpi'  rif,and  that  in  the  world  to  come,  we  ftiall  have  the  tenths  alfo. 

Verfey.  Through  Chrijl. 

Paul  hath  Chrift  alwaics  in  his  mouth  :  he  cannot  forget  him. 
ae  r  ^e  '^  wc^  ^orc"^ce  tnat  notning  thould  be  Icflfc  knowne  in  the 

name  of  world(yca  among  them  which  (hould  profcfle  thcmfelves  to  be  Chri- 
ft^ns)tn^n  thrift  and  his  Gofpell.  Therefore  he  talketh  of  him  and 
fettcth  him  before  our  eyes  continually.  And  as  often  ashefpcakcth 
of  grace,  righteotifnetfe,  the  promife,  adoption  and  inheritance,  he  is 
alwaies  wont  to  addc  :  /»C£n/?or  through  Chritt,  covertly  impug 
ning  the  law.  As  if  he  would  lay  :Thcfs  things  come  unto  us,neither 
by.  the  law  ,  nor  by  the  workcs  thereof,  much  Ic0c  by  our  ownc 

(trcngth  : 

TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S. 

(Irength  t  or  by  the  works  of  mens  traditions :  but  only  by  Chrift. 

Vcrfc  8,  p.  But  even  then  Vvhenye  knew  not  Cjtdjc  Aidfewice  unto  them 
Which  by  nature  are  no  gods.  But  now  feeing  ye  know  Cjod,  jea  ra- 
thtr  are  known  of  God:  how  turn* ye  again  unto  impotent  and  beg 
gar  I]  r ndimenti ^hereunto ,at  from  the  beginning,  jee  Veift  be  in 
bondage  againe. 

This  is  the  conclufion  otTauh  difputation.  From  this  place  unto 
the  end  of  the  Epiftlc  he  doth  not  much  difpute,  but  only  giveth 
precepts  as  touching  manners.  Notwithftanding  he  firft  rcproveth 
the  Cjalathians ,  being  fore  difpleafed  that  this  divine  and  heavenly 
doftrinc  fhould  be  fo  fuddenly  and  cafily  remooved  out  of  their 
hearts.  As  if  he  would  fay ,  Ye  have  teachers  which  will  bring  you 
backc  againc  into  the  bondage  of  the  law.  This  did  not  I  :  but  by  my 
do&rine  I  called  you  out  of  darkneffe  and  out  of  the  ignorance  of 
God,  into  a  wonderfull  light  and  knowledge  of  him.  I  brought  you  brinseth- 
out  of  bondage  and  fet  you  in  the  freedome  of  the  fonnes  of  God,  not 
by  preaching  unto  you  the  workes  of  the  law,  or  the  merits  of  men, 
but  the  grace  and  rightcoufncs  ofGod,and  the  giving  of  heavenly  and 
eternall  blcflings  through  Chrift.  Now,feeing  this  is  true>why  do  yc 
fo  foon  forfake  the  light  and  rcturnc  to  darkencfle  ?  Why  doe  yc  fufter 
your  fclves  fo  eafily  to  be  Brought  from  grace  unto  the  law,  from  frcc- 
doinc  to  bondage  ? 

'    Here  againe  wee  fee  (as  before  I  havcfaid  )  that  to  fall  in  faith 
is  an  eafie  matter,  as  the  example  of  the  Galathians  witnefletb. 
The  example  of  the  Anabaptifts,  Libertines,  and  fuch  other  here- 
ticks  witneffeth  the  fame  alfo  at  this  day.    We  for  our  part  doe  fet 
forth  the  doftrine  of  faith  with  continuall  travell ,  by  preaching, 
by  reading  and  by  writing  ;  we  purely  and  plainly  diftinguilh  the  The  defi,, 
Gofpell  from  the  law,  and  yet  do  we  little  prevaile.    Thiscometh  laboutctht 
ofthedcvill,  who  goeth  about  by  all  fubtill  means  to  fcducc  men  and  S^" 
to  hold  them  in  errounhc  can  abide  nothing  Icfle  then  the  true  know-  to  the  la*, 
ledge  of  grace  and  faith  in  Chrift.    Therefore  to  the  end  he  may  take 
Chrift  clean  out  of  fight,  hcfetteth  before  them  other  (hews,  where 
with  he  fo  deceiveth  them ,  that  by  little  and  little  heleadcththem 
from  faith  and  the  knowledge  of  grace,  to  the  difputation  of  the  law. 
When  he  hath  brought  this  about,  then  is  Chrift  taken  away.  It  is  not 


Chap.IIII.  V$on  the  EPISTLE 

without  caufc  therefore  that  Taul  fpeaketh  fo  much  and  fo  often  of 
Chrift,  and  that  he  goeth  about  fo  purely  to  let  forth  the  do&rine  of 
faith:whcruntohc  attributeth  righceoufnesonly  and  alonc,and  takcth 
it  from  the  law,  declaring  that  the  law  hath  a  clean  contrary  eflfcdt  : 
that  is,to  ingender  wrath,to  incrcafefin.e^.For  he  would  gladly  pcr- 
fwadc  us ,  that  we  fhould  not  fuffer  Chrift  to  be  plucked  out  of  our 
heart  :  that  the  fpoufc  fhould  not  fufer  her  husband  to  de-part  out  of 
her  arms,  but  ftvouid  alwaies  imbracc  him  and  cleave  faft  unto  him, 
who  being  prefenr,there  is  no  danger :  yea  there  is  the  faithfull  groa- 
ning.fatherly  good  will,adoption  and  inheritance. 

why  Paul       gut  why  faith  Pun/that  the  Galathitws  turned  backc  again  to  weak 
tiieV«/!iiA».  and  beggarly  rudiments  or  ccremonies,that  is  tofay,to  the  law,whcr- 
«M  returned  as,  they  never  had  the  law  ?  for  they  were  Gentiks  (notwithftanding 
•weilke  'ana  he  wrote  thcfe  things  to  the  Jcwt  alfoj ,  as  afterwards  we  will  declare) 
beggarly  e.  Or  why  fpeaketh  he  not  rather  after  th is  manncr?Once  when  yc  knew 
lemon;*.      not  God)  ye  did  fervicc  unto  them  which  by  nature  were  no  gods : 
but  now,  feeing  yc  know  God,  why  turne  y  e  backe  againe,  forlaking 
the  true  God  to  worfhip  Idols  'i  Doth  TVw/take  it  to  be  all  one  thing, 
to  fall  from  the  prcmiie  to  the  law,  from  faith  to  works  ,  and  to  doc 
tar  vice  unto  gods  which  by  nature  are  no  gods  ?  I  arfwer :  Whofoe- 
.ver  is  fallen  from  the  article  of  Juftification,  is  ignorant  of  God,  and 
an  Idolater.    Therefore  it  is  all  one  thing  whether  he  afterwards  turn 
againe  to  the  law,  of  to  the  worshipping  of  Idols :  it  is  all  one,  whe 
ther  he  be  called  a  Monke,  a  Turke,a  Jew,or  an  Anabaptift.For  when 
this  Article  is  taken  away  .there  remaineth  nothing  elfe  but  errour,hy- 
pocrifie,impiety  and  Idolatry,  how  much  foevcr  it  feem  in  outward 
appearance  to  be  the  very  truth,  the  true  fervice  of  God,  and  true  ho- 


God  »  The  reafon  is  ,  becaufe  God  will  or  can  be  knowne  no  othcrwifc 

then  by  Chrift,  according  to  that  laying  oijohn  j.  The  onelj  beaotten 
Sonne  \\>bicb  i*  in  the  bojome  of  the  Father ,  hee  hath  declared  hirru. 
HeistheSeedepromifedunto  tstbraham,  in  whom  God  hath  cfta- 
blifhed  all  his  promiles.  Wherefore  Chrift  is  the  onelymeane,  and 
as  yc  would  fay,  the  glaflb  by  the  which  we  fee  God,  that  is  to 
fay,  we  know  his  will.  For  in  Chrift  we  fee  that  God  is  not  a 
cruell  exaftoar  or  a  judge,  but  a  moft  favourable,  loving  and  racrci- 
f  ull  Father,  who  to  the  end  he  might  bleflfe  us,  that  is  to  fay,  deliver 
us  tan  the  law,  u'nne,  death  and  all  evils,  and  might  endue  us  with 


TO  the         A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S." 

grace,  righteoufncflc  and  everlafting  life,  fpared  not  his  owne  Sonnc,      .. 
but  gave  nim for  us  all,  &c.  This  is  a  true  knowledge  of  God,  and  a  Thc  true 
divine  perfwafion,  which  deceiveth  us  not,  but  paintcth  out  God  un-  J" 
to  us  lively. 

He  that  is  fallen  from  this  knowledge,  muft  needs  conceive  this 
fantafic  in  his  heart :  I  will  fet  up  fuch  a  fcrvicc  of  God  :  I  will  enter 
into  fuch  an  order  :  I  will  chufe  this  or  that  work,  and  fo  will  I  fcrve 
God,  and  I  doubt  not  but  God  will  accept  this,  and  reward  me  with 
everlafting  life  for  the  fame.  For  he  is  mercifull  and  liberall,  giving  all 
gcod  things  even  to  the  unworthy  and  unthankfull,  much  more  will 
he  give  unto  me  grace  and  everlafting  life  for  my  great  and  manifold 
good  deeds  and  merits.  This  is  the  higheft  wifdome,  righteoufneflfe 
and  religion  that  reafon  can  judge  of  :  which  is  common  to  all  na 
tions,  to  the  Papifts,  lews,  Turkcs,  Heretickcs,  &c .  They  can  go  no 
higher  then  that  'Phartfee  did,  of  whom  mention  is  made  in  the  Gof- 
pcll.  They  have  no  knowledge  of  the  Chriftian  righteoufnes,or  of  the 
rightcoufncs  of  faith.  Fortkenaturallwanjierceiveth  not  the  myfleries  iC«r.a,i4, 
of  god.  AtfoiTbcreuMOHe  that  under  ft  fw^eth,there  is  none  that  fecktth  Rovt+n' 
after  Cjod>  &c.  Therefore  there  is  no  difference  at  all  betwecne  a  Tfcerc  h  no 
Papift,  a  lew,  aTurkeand  an  Hcrcticke.  Indeed  there  is  a  diffc- 
rencc  of  the  perfons,  the  places,  rites ,  religions  ,  works  and  wor- 
drippings  :  notwithftanding  there  is  all  one  and  the  fame  reafon, 
the  fame  heart,  opinion  and  cogitation  in  them  all.  ForthcTurke 
thinkcth  the  felt-fame  thing  that  the  Charter- houfe  Monkc  doth  s 
namely,  if  I  doc  this  or  that  worke,  God  will  be  mercifull  unto  me : 
if  I  doc  it  not,  he  will  be  angry.  There  is  no  ineanc  between  mans 
working  and  the  knowledge  of  Chnft.  If  this  knowledge  be  dark- 
ncd  or  defaced,  it  is  all  one  whither  thou  be  a  Monke,a  Turke,  a  lew, 

Wherefore  it  is  an  extreame  madnes  that  the  Papifts  and  Turkcs 
doc  fo  ftrive  among  thcmfelvcs  about  the  religion  and  fervke  of 
God  ,  contending  that  both  of  them  have  the  true  religion  and  true 
worfhipofGod.  And  theMonkcs  thcmfelves  agree  not  together. 
For  one  of  them  will  be  accounted  more  holy  then  another  forccr- 
taincfoolifli  out  ward  Ceremonies,  and  yet  in  their  hearts  the  opi 
nion  of  them  all  is  fo  like,  that  one  eggc  is  not  more  like  to  ano 
ther.  For  this  is  the  imagination  of  them  all :  If  I  doe  this  workc, 
God  will  have  mercy  upon  me  :  if  I  doe  it  not,  he  will  be  angry, 


Chap.IIII.  VpOfltbe  EPISTLE 

And  therefore  every  man  that  revolted!  from  the  knowledge  of  Chrift 
ail  the  me-  niuft  needs  fail  into  Idolatry ,   and  conceive  fifch  an  imagination  of 

nimongcts  .  ,'.  ,       _,.  ,         Z*  .     _ 

alike.  God  as  is  not  agreeable  to  his  nature :  As  the  Chartcr-houfe  Monk  for 
thi  obferving  of  his  Rule,the  Turk  for  the  keeping  of  his  Alcorant\\&\\ 
this  affiance,  that  he  pleafeth  God,  and  tliall  receive  a  reward  of  him 
for  his  labour. 

AH  merit-        Such  a  God  as  after  this  fort  forgiveth  fins  and  juftificth  finncrs,can 
iwnour'a    no  where  be  found,  and  therefore  this  is  but  a  vaine  imagination,  a 
God  which  dreams  and  an  Idollofthe  heart.  For  God  hath  not  promifcd  that  he 
no  GoT  "  will  fave  and  juftifie  men  for  the  religions,  obfervations,  ceremonies, 
and  ordinances  devifed  by  men :  yea  God  abhorrcth  nothing  more  (as 
God  abhor,  the  whole  Scripture  witnefleth)  then  fuch  will- works,  fuch  fer vices, 
'1"    *itcs  and  ceremonies  :  for  the  which  alio  he  ovcrthroweth  whole 
'and    kingdoms  and  empires:therforc,as  many  as  truft  to  their  own  ftrcngth 
anc*  rigntcou^ncs>  doc  &rvc  a  ^oc^»  DUt  fuch  a  God  as  they  chcmfclves 
have  devifed,  and  not  the  true  God  indeed.  For  the  true  God  ifpeaketh 
thus :  No  rightcoufties,  wifdome,  nor  religion  plcafeth  me,  but  that 
tt         on'y  wncrby tnc  Father  is  glorified  through  the  Son.   Whofoever  ap- 
God!ue      prehendcth  this  Son,and  mc,and  my  promifc  in  him  by  faith,to  him  I 
am  a  God,  to  him  I  am  a  Father,  him  do  I  accept,  j'uftiffe  and  favc.  All 
other  abide  under  wrath,  bccaufe  they  worfliip  that  thing  which  by 
nature  is  no  God. 

Whofoever  forfaketh  this  doftrinc,  muft  needs  fall  into  the  ig- 
"  be  n°rance  or^  God  :  he  underftandeth  not  vvhat  the  true  Chriftian 
righteoufncfle,  wifdomeandferviceof  God  is  :  he  is  an  Idolater  a- 
'  biding  under  the  law,  finne,  death,  and  the  power  of  the  devil!, 
and  all  things  that  he  doth,  arc  accurfed  and  condemned.  There- 
faith,  fore  the  Anabaptift  imagining  with  himlclfe  that  he  pleafeth  God 
ifheberebaptized,  if  he  forfakc  his  houfe,  wife  and  children,  if  he 
mortifie  his  flefh  and  fuflfcr  much  adverfity  ,  and  at  length  death 
it  fclfe,  yet  there  is  not  one  drop  of  the  knowledge  of  Chrift  in 
him  ,  but  fccluding  Chrift ,  he  dreameth  altogether  of  his  owne 
workes,  of  theforfakingofhis  goods,  of  his  afflidton  and  mortifi 
cation,  and  now  diffcreth  nothing  from  the  Turke,  Jew  or  Pa- 
pift  in  fpirit  or  in  heart,  but  ondy  in  the  outward  appearance, 
workes  and  ceremonies  which  he  hath  chofen  to  himfelfe.  Tfce 
fame  confidence  in  workes  have  all  the  Monkes  and  other  religi 
ous  orders  :  notwithstanding  their  apparell  and  other  outward 



there  is  adiffcren«c. 

There  are  at  this  day  very  many  like  unto  thefe,  which  notwith- 
ftanding  would  be  counted  among  the  true  profcflburs  and  teachers 
of  theGoipdl  and  as  touching  the  words,  they  teach  that  men  arc 
delivered,  from  their  finnes  by  the  death  of  Chrift.  But  bccaufc 
they  teach  faith  in  fuch  fort,  that  they  at  tribute  more  to  charity 
then  to  faith,  they  highly  diihonourChrift  and  wickedly  pervert 
his  word-  tor  they  drcamc  that  God  regardcth  and  acccpteth  us  for 
cur  charities  fake,  whcrby  we  being  reconciled  to  God,  do  love  God 
and  our  neighbour.  Ifth!sbccrue,thenhavcwe  noncedofChriftat 
all.  Such  men  fervc  not  the  true  God,but  an  idoll  of  their  own  heart', 
•which  they  themfelves  have  dcvifcd.  Forthrtrue  God  doth  not  re 
gard  or  accept  us  for  our  charity,  vertues,  or  ncwnelk  of  life,  but  for 

But  they  make  this  objection:  Yet  notwithftanding  the  Scripture 
commandeth  that  we  ihould  love  God  v/ithallour  heart,  d^-    It  is 
true..  But  it  followeth  not,  that  becauic  C  iodcoramandah  us,therc- 
forcwedoit.  Ifwcdidlove  God  with  all  our  heart,c>r.    lhcn,no 
doubt,  we  fhculd  be  juftificd,  and  live  through  this  obedience,  as  it  is 
written  :  He  that  /Loll  do  theft  things  fh*ll  live  in  thtnt.  But  the  Gofpell 
ftith  :  Thou  docli  not  thefc  things  :  therefore  thou  ftialt  not  live  in  Rw"tlo'J' 
them.  For  this  fsntencc:  Tbottfl&it  love  the  LordtkyGod&c.  rcqui- 
reth  a  perfed  obedience,  a  per1!  eft  fer  r:,  truir  and  love  towards  God. 
Thefe  things  men  neither  do  nor  can  perform-  in  this  corrupt  nature,, 
Therefore  this  law  :  Than  /halt  love  the  Lord  thy  CJod^c.  juftifieth 
not,  butaccufeth  and  condemncth  all  men,  according  to  the  faying  : 
Tkclarv  c*wfitb  \\r,xth,&c.  Contrariwife,  Christ  i*  the  finifiing  and  R^,.^,^- 
Accomylifc'wg  of  the  Uw  to  rightcoufnejfc,  to  every  one  that  beleevcth.  Of  KWMO.* 
this  we  have  fpokcn  largely  before. 

In  like  manner  the  Jew  keeping  the  law  with  this  opinion,  that 
heby  this  obedience  will  plcaie  God,  fcrvcth  not  the  true  God,  but 
is  an  Idolater,  worfhippmg  a  drcaine  and  an  idoll  of  his  ownc 
heart,  which  is  no  where  to  be  found.     For  the  God  of  his  fathers,  Godii»oc 
whom  he  futh  he  worfoippeth,    promifcd  fo  ^Abraham  a  feed, 
through  the  which  all  nations  fhould  be  bicfled.    Therefore  God 
is  known  and  the  blefling  is  given,  not  by  the  law,  but  by  the  Gof- 
pell  of  Chrift.    Although  Tx»/  fpeakc  thefe  words  :  Then  Kbcn 
not  Cod,  yee  did  fcrvice,  &c.   properly  and  principally 


Chap.  nil.  t'put.tte  EPISTLE 

to  the  (jaltttbittts, which  were  Gentiles:yct  notwithftandingby  the 
fame  words  he  alto  toucheth  the  Jewes,  -who  though  they  had  reje 
cted  thcjr  id->ls  outwardly , yet  in  their  hearts  they  worshipped  them 
more  then  did  the  Gentiles,  as  he  laid,  Rom.z.  Thou  abhorreft  Idols^ 
*#d  committeft  {aeriledge.  Th^  Gentiles  were  not  the  people  of  God, 
they  hau  not  his  word,  and  therefore  their  Idolatry  was  grofle.  But 
-  tnc  idolatrous  Jtwcs  cloaked  their  Idolatry  with  the  name  and 
Holy  wprdofc  iod  (a:>  all  J  uiticiaries  which  feeke  rightcouihcs  by  works, 

roorurtC-  arc  wont  to  ^°)  anc^  *°  Wlt^  l^s  outwarc^  ^cw  of  holincflc  they  de- 
Si          ceivcd  m  any  .T  her  fore  Idolatry  the  more  holy  and  fpirituall  it  is,  the 
fnore  hurtfull  it  is. 

But  how  may  thefe  two  contrary  fay  ings  which  the  Apoftlc  here 
fettcth  down,  be  reconciled  together?  Tea  knew  not  Cjod:  and  jc* 
"toarfiipped  God.  I  anfwer: All  men  naturally  have  tms  genenll  kno\v- 
ledge,that  there  is  aGod,according  to  that  fay  ing,  Rom  i.Forafinuck 
/u  thttt  Which  may  be  k*ov>»  of  Cjod,  Vv<u  manifift  in  them.  For  God  was 
made  manifett  unto  them,  in  that  the  invifible  things  of  him  did  ap- 
peare  by  the  creation  of  the  world.  Moreover,  the  ceremonies  and 
religions  which  were  and  alwaycs  remained  among  all  nations,furfi- 
•ciently  witnefTe  that  all  men  have  had  a  ccrtainc  gcncrall  knowlcdg 
of  God.But  whether  they  had  it  by  nature  or  by  the  tradition  of  theic 
fore-fathers,  I  will  not  hece  difpute. 

But  here  fomc  will  object  agjine  :  I  fall  men  knew  God,  whera-' 

fore  then  doth  Txv/fty,  that  tbcC^oiMwr  knew  not  God  before 

A  general  &  the  preaching  of  the  Gofpcll  ?   I  anfwer :  There  is  a  double  know- 

carticuiar     je(jae  of  God,  generall  and  particular.    All  men  have  the  gcncrall 

knowledge     ,       °     ,     i  ^      *      t 

«f  Cod,  knowledge,  namely  that  there  is  a  God,  that  he  created  Heaven  and 
earth,  that  he  is  juft,  that  he  punilicth  the  wicked.  But  what  God 
thinkcth  ofus,  what  his  will  is  towards  us,  what  he  will  give  or 
what  he  will  do,  to  the  end  we  may  be  delivered  from  fin  and  death, 
and  be  faved(which  is  the  true  knowledge  ofGod  indeed)  this  they 
know  net.  As  it  may  be  that  I  know  fomc  man  by  fight,  whom  yet 
indeed  I  know  not  throughly,  becaufs  I  undciftand  not  what  a£ 
fcdion  he  bcareth  towards  me.  So  men  know  naturally  that  there 
is  a  God,  but  what  his  will  is,  or  what  is  not  his  will,  they  do  not 
kn°vv.  For  it  is  written  :  There  «  none  that  HAd<rft*ndcth  Qod, 
And  in  another  place  :  No  man  h*th  fecne  Cjod :  that  is  to  fay,  no 
man  hath  known  what  is  the  will  of  God.  Now,  what  doth  it 



jwailcthec  if  thou  know  that  there  is  a  God,  and  yet  art  ignorant 
what  is  his  will  towards  thec-?  Here  fome  think  one  thing.and  fome 
another  .The  Jews  imagin  this  to  be  the  will  ofGo  J,if  they  wonhip 
him  according  to  the  rule  of  Mofes  law,  theTurkc  ifheobfrrvehis 
Alcoran,  the  Monke  if  he  kcepc  his  order,  and  performs  his  vewes. 
But  all  thef:  arc  deceived  and  become  vai:ie  iti  thoir  owncogitati-  Taut  hithjRom.i.  Not  knowing  what  pleakth  or  difplcaf:th 
G«d:  therefore  in  (lead  of  the  true  andnaturallGod  they  worihip 
the  dreames  and  imaginations  of  their  own  heart. 

This  is  it  thatT^/mcaneth  when  he  faith :fVk(nyek»cvi>tiotCjo£l : 
that  is,  when  ye  knew  not  the  will  ofGod,  ycfrrvedthofe  which- 
by  nature  were  no  gods,that  is  to  fay.yc  fcrvcd  tbe  drcames  and  ima 
ginations  of  your  owne  heart,  whereby  ye  imagined  without  the 
word,  that  God  was  to  be  worshipped  with  this  or  that  work,  with 
this  or  that  rite  or  ceremony.   Por  upon  this  proportion,  which  all 
men  do  naturally  hold,  namely  that  there  is  a  God,  hath  fprungall 
Idolatry, which  without  the  knowledge  of  the  Divinity  could  never 
hate  come  in;o  the  world.  But  becaufe  men  had  this  mturall  know-  came, 
ledge  of  God,thcy  conceived  vaine  and  wicked  imaginations  of  God 
without  and  againft  the  word,  which  they  eftc:med  and  maintain  :d 
as  the  very  truth  it  felfc,  and  fo  dreamed  that  God  is  fuch  a  one,  as  by 
nature  he  is  not.    So  the  Monke  imagineth  him  to  be  lach  a  God  as 
forgiveth  finnes,  giveth  grace  and  cvcrlafting  life  for  the  keeping  of  o 
his  rule.  This  God  is  no  where  to  be  found :  therefore  he  fcrveth  not  a         , 
the  true  God,  but  that  which  by  nature  is  no  God :  to  wit,  the  ima 
gination  and  ido'l  of  his  own  heart:  that  is  to  fay,  hisownfalfcand 
vainc  opinion  of  God,  which  he  drcameth  to  be  an  undoubted  truth* 
Now,  reaf  jn  it  £lFe  will  enforce  us  to  confcflfc,  that  mans  opinion  is 
no  God.  Therfore  whofoever  will  worfhip  God  without  his  word, 
ferveth  not  the  true  God  (as  Poatl  faith:)  but  that  which  by  nature  is  v.uho«  his 
no  God.  wor4 

Thcrcfjre  whether  ye  call  rudiments  here  the  lawofcJW^fcr,  or 
elf:  the  traditions  of  the  Gentiles,  (  albeit  he  fpcakcth  h  -re  prop,  r- 
Iy  and  principally  of  the  rudiments  of  t^Mofes  )  there  is  no  grcjt 
dir?:rence.  For  he  that  fallcth  from  grace  to  the  law,  fjllcth  with 
no  leffe danger  then  he  that  fallcth  from  grace  to  Idolatry.  For 
without  Chrift  there  is  nothing. elfc  but  mcerc  Idolatry,  a«  idoll 
and  falfc  imagination  of  God,  whether  it  be  called  (JMofa  law 


Chap.  HIT.  T'pe*  tbt  E  ?  r  $  T  L  H 

•n  i«»»  aro  Or  the  Popes  ordinancc.or  the  Turks  Alcoran,  ^.Therefore  he  faith 
w^k  a  certajne  admiration  : 

Tfr/f  p.   l?#f  nowfeeingye  know  Cjod, 

Asthoughhc  would  fay.This  is  a  marvellous  thing,that  ye  know 
ing  God  by  the  preaching  of  Faith,  do  fofuddeujy  re  volt  from  the 
true  knowledge  of  his  will,(whercin  I  thought  ye  were  fo  furely  c- 
ftabhfhed,  that  I  feared  nothing  leffc  then  that  ye  fhould  bcfo  cafily 
overthrown)  and  do  now  againe  by  the  indication  ofthefalfe  Apo- 
ftles,returnc  to  the  weakc  and  beggerly  cerem  mics,  which  ye  would 
^crvc  agame  afresh-   Yc  heard'  before  by  my  preaching,  that  this  is 
the  will  of  God,  to  blcflfe  all  nations  :  not  by  circumciflon  or  by  the 
oblcrvation  of  the  law,  bur  by  Chrift  promifed  to  Abraham*   They 
that  bcleevc  in  him  tliall  be  bleffcd  with  fa'thfull  Jtfn&om  :  they  arc 
fac  fonnes  and  heires  of  God.  Thus  (I  fay)  have  yc  known  God. 

He  corredleth  the  fcntcnce  going  before  :   But  novt 

or   rather  turneth  it  afrcr  this  manner  :  "yea. 
rather  yea  are  knownc  of  God  :   For  hee  feared   lead  they  had 
loft  God  utterly.    As  if  he  would  fay  :  Alas,  arc  ye  come  to  tnis 
point,  that  now  yc  know  not  God,  but  returnc  againe  from  grace  to 
the  law?  Yet  notwithftanding''God  knowcth  you.    And  indeed 
our  knowledge  is  rather  paflive  then  aftive  :  that  is  to  fay,  it  confi- 
ftechinthis,  that  we  are  rather  known  of  God,  then  that  we  know 
Pd'c  "on"  ^m*    All  our  doing,  that  is,  all  our  endeavour  to  know  and  to 
«ci«nsGod.  apprehend  God,  is  to  fuff:r  God  to  work  in  us.  He  giveth  the  word  : 
which  when  we  have  received  by  faith  givsn  from  above,  we  are 
new  borne  and  made  the  fonnes  of  God.   This  is  then  the  fenfe  and 
meaning  :  Tee  are  knowne  of  God,  that  is,  yc  are  vifitcd  with  the 
word,  ye  are  endued  with  faith  and  the  holy  Ghoft,  whereby  ye 
TC  a'cfcao.  are  renewed  ,&c.   Wherefore  even  by  thefc  words,  Tea  art  knownc 
weaofood  9jCie^  he  taketh  away  all  righteoufneflefrom  the  law,  and  denieth 
that  wcattaine  the  knowledge  of  God  through  the  worthinefTeof 
£/•<?  <\°,nV    our  own  works.    For  no  man  kpeweth  the  Father  but  the  Sonne,  and 
hee  to  whom  the  Sonnc  W///  rev  cole  him.    Alfb  :  Hee  by  hit  kn0rvlodgo 
(hall  juftifie  many,   becAttfe  hee  ft  All  beare  our  iniquities.    Where 
fore  our  knowledge  concerning  God,  confifteth  infuffcring,  and 


fotbc  GAL  AT  H  i  AN '  sj  Fol.2ol 

hot  in  doing. 

He  much  marvcllcth  therefore,  that  feeing  they  knew  God  tra- 
ly  by  the  Gofpcll,  they  returned  fo  fuddenly  to  weake  and  bcggerly 
rudimcntSjby  the  pcrfwafion  of  the  falfc  apoft  les.   As  I  my  fclfe  alfo 
(hould  greatly  marvcll  if  our  Church  (  which  by  the  grace  of  God  is 
godly  reformed  in  pare  doctrine  and  faith  )  (hould  be  feduced  and 
perverted  by  fbme  fond  and  frantick  head,  through  the  preaching  of 
one  or  two  Sermons,  that  they  would  not  acknowledge  me  for  their 
Paftour  any  more.  Which  thing  notwi'hftanding  fhall  oneday  come 
to  paffe,if  not  whileft  we  live,  yet  when  we  arc  dead  and  gone :  For 
many  (hall  then  rife  up,which  will  be  matters  and  teachers:  who  un 
der  a  colour  of  true  religion  (hall  teach  falfc  and  pcrverfe  doctrine, 
and  fhall  quickly  overthrow  all  that  we  in  fo  long  time  and  with  fo 
great  travcll  have  buildcd.  We  arc  not  better  then  the  Apoftles,who,  The  Apo» 
whiles  they  yet  lived,  faw  (not  without  their  great  griefs  and  for-  S^heiHife 
row  )  the  fubverfion  of  thofe  Churches  which  they  them(elves  have  time  faw 
planted  through  our  miniftery.  Therefore  it  is  no  great  marvell  if  we  J-J;,' JjJJ 
be  conftrained  to  behold  the  likeevill  at  this  day  in  thofe  Churches,  church«. 
•where  Seftaries  doe  reigne,  who  hereafter  when  we  arc  dead,  (ball 
poflcfk  thofe  Churches  which  we  have  won  and  planted  by  our  mi 
niftery,  and  with  their  poy  fon  infecl:  and  fubvert  the  fame.   And  yet 
notwithstanding  Chrift  ftiall  rcmainc  and  reigne  to  the  end  of  the 
world,  and  that  marvelloufly,as  he  did  under  the  Papacy. 

Paul  feemeth  to  fpeake  very  fpitefully  of  the  law  when  he  cal- 
leth  it  rudiments  (as  he  did  alfo  before  in  the  beginning  of  this 
Chapter )and  not  only  rudiments,  but  weake  and  beggerly  rudiments  «<:  called 
and  ceremonies.  Is  it  not  blafphemy  to  give  fuch  odious  names  to  the 
law  of  God  ?  The  law  being  in  his  true  ufc,  ought  to  ferve  the  pro- 
mifes  and  to  ftand  with  the  promifes  and  grace.  But  if  it  fight  againft 
them,  it  is  no  more  the  holy  law  of  God,  but  afalfcand  adevillifa 
dodrine,  and  doth  nothing  elfc  but  drive  men  to  defperation,  and  " 
therefore  muft  be  rejected- 

Whercfdrc  when  he  calleth  the  law  weake  and  bcggerly  rudi 
ments,  he  fpeaketh  of  the  law  inrefpcft  of  proud  and  prcfumptu- 
ous  hypocrites  which  would  be  juftified  by  it,  and  not  of  the  law 
being  fpiritually  underftood,  which  ingendreth  wrath.  For  thc 
law,  (as  1  have  often  faid  )  being  in  his  own  proper  ufe,  accufeth  weak"  and 
and  condemneth  a  man :  and  in  this  refpcft  it  is  not  onely  a  ftrong 

Dd  and 

Chap.IIII.  fyd»  tie  Ef  i  $  T  i  E 

«  ud  am? a  "C^  rudiment,  DUt  a^°  m°ft  niighty  and  moft  rich,  yea  rather 
wifihty?  an  invincible  power  and  riches :  and  if  here  the  confcience  be  com 
pared  with  the  law,  then  is  it  moft  weake  and  beggcrly .  For  it  is  fo 
tender  a  thing,that  for  a  f  mail  finnc  it  is  fo  troubled  and  terrified,  that 
it  utterly  defpaircth.unlcfle  it  be  raifed  up  againe.  Wherefore  the  law 
in  his  proper  ufc  hath  more  ftrength  and  richcs,then  heaven  and  earth 
is  able  to  containe:  infomuch  that  one  letter  or  one  title  of  the  law  is 
able  to  kill  all  mankind,  as  thehiftoryof  the  law  given  bytJWofes, 
£.*W.ip.2o.doth  witneflc.  This  is  the  true  and  divine  ufe  of  the  law, 
of  which  P<f0/fpeaketh  not  in  this  place. 

P^/therrore  intreateth  hereof  hypocrites,  which  are  fallen  from 
gracc,or  which  have  not  yet  attained  to  grace.Thefe,abu(ing  the  law, 
feck  to  be  juftificd  by  it.  They  exercife  and  tyrethemfelves  day  and 
night  in  the  works  therof:  as  *?<«*/ witncfleth  of  the  Jews, 
For  I  beare  them  record  (faith  he)f  hat  they  have  the  zeale  ofGod,but  not 
according  to  k»iw!edge,fir  they  being  ignorant  of  the  right  eettfnefle  ofCjodt 
&c.  Such  doe  hope  fo  to  be  ftrcngthened  and  inriched  by  the  law, 
that  they  may  be  able  to  fet  their  power  and  riches  which  they  have 
When  th«  8ottcn  by  the  righteoufnefle  therof,againft  the  wrath  and  judgement 
is  a  of  God,and  fo  to  appeafe  God,and  to  be  faved  thereby.  In  this  rcfpecT: 
tnen  wc  may  wcjj  f^y  tjiat  t^c  jaw  js  a  weakc  anci  abeggerJy  rudi^ 

ment :  that  is  to  fay , which  can  give  neither  helpe  nor  counfell. 

And  who  fo  liftcth  to  amplifie  this  matter,  may  further  fay,  that 
the  law  is  a  weake  and  a  beggcrly  rudiment,  becaufc  it  makcth  men 
more  wcake  and  beggcrly  :  againe,  becaufc  that  of  it  fclfc  it  hath  no 
power,or  riches  whereby  it  is  able  to  give  or  to  bring  righteoufnefle: 
and  moreover ,Uiat  it  is  not  only  weake  and  bcggerly,but  even  weak- 
neffc  andbcggery  it  felfc.  How  then  fhall  it  inrich  orftrengthen 
thofe,which  were  before  both  wcakc  and  beggerly?  Therfbre  to  feck 
to  be  juftificd  by  the  law,  is  as  much  as  if  a  man  being  weake  and  fee 
ble  already,  would  fecke  forae  other  greater  evill  wereby  he  might 
overcome  his  weaknctfc  and  poverty ,which  notwithftanding  would 
bring  unto  him  utter  dcftiuclion.  As  if  he  which  hath  the  falling 
fickncflsjWould  feck  to  joyne  unto  it  the  peftilence  for  a  remedy  :  oc 
if  a  Icapcr  fhould  come  to  a  leapcr,  or  a  begger  to  a  beggcr,  the  one  to 
helpe  and  enrich  the  other. 

•7W therefore  QIC wcth,  that  they  which  fcckc  to  be  juftificd  by 
zbe  law,  have  this  commodity  thereby,  that  daily  they  become  more 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s^  Fol.202 

and  more  wcakc  and  beggarly.  For  they  be  weake  and  beggarly  of 
tbemfelvcs:  that  is  to  fay,  they  are  by  nature  the  children  of  wrath, 
fubjeft  to  death  and  everlafting  damnation,  and  yet  they  lay  hold 
upon  that  which  is  nothing  elfe  but  meerc  weakened  and  beggery, 
fecking  to  be  ftrcngthencd  and  inrkhcd  thereby.  Therefore  every 
one  that  falleth  from  the  promife  to  the  law,  from  faith  to  works,  nedulfm« 
doth  nothing  clfe  but  lay  upon  himfelfe  fuch  a  burden,  being  weakc 
and  feeble  already,  asheisnotabletobearCjvtf'ft/ij.  and  in  bearing 
thereof  is  made  ten  times  more  weake,  fo  that  at  length  he  is  driven 
to  defpaire.unleflfe  Chrift  come  and  deliver  him. 

This  thing  the  Gofpell  alfo  witnefleth,  fpeaking  of  the  woman     rf 
which  was  grieved  1 2  yeares  with  a  bloudy  iflue,  and  fuffcrcd  many         ' 
things  of  many  Phyfitians,  upon  whom  (he  had  fpent  all  her  fub- 
ftance,and  yet  could  not  be  cured,  but  the  longer  fhe  was  under  their 
hands,the  worfe  (he  was.  As  many  therefore  as  doc  ths  works  of  the  bloudf iflke? 
law  to  the  end  they  may  be  juftified  thereby ,  are  not  only  not 
Eiade  righteous,  but  twice  more  unrighteous  then  they  were  before, 
that  is  (as  I  have  faid  )  more  weake  and  beggarly,  and  more  unapt  to 
doe  any  good  work.  This  have  I  proved  to  be  true  both  in  my  felfe 
and  in  many  othcrs.I  have  known  many  Monks  in  the  Papacy ,which 
with  great  zcale  have  done  many  great  works  for  the  attaining  of 
righteoufneffw  and  falvation,and  yet  were  they  more  impaticnt,morc    . 
weske,more  miferable,  more  faithlefle,  more  fearfull,  and  more  ready 
to  defpaire  then  any  other.  Thecivill  Magiftrates  who  were  ever  oc 
cupied  in  great  and  weighty  afraires,werc  not  fo  impatient,  fo  fearc-» 
full,  fo  faint-hearted,  fofupcrftitious  and  fo  faithlcfls  as  thefejufti- 
ci-iricsand  meritmongers  were, 

Whofoever  then  feekcth  righteoufnefle  by  the  law,  what  can  he 
imagine  elfe,  but  that  God  being  angry,  muft  needs  be  pacified 
with  works?  Now,  when  he  hath  once  conceived  this  fantafic,  he 
beginneth  to  worke.  But  he  can  never  find  fo  many  good  works  as 
are  able  to  quiet  his  confcience,  but  ftill  he  defireth  moe.  Yea  he  fin- 
deth  finnes  in  thofc  workes,  that  he  hath  done  already.  Thcrfbre 
his  confcience  can  never  Decertified,  but  muft  needs  be  alwayes 
in  doubt,  and  thus  thinke  withit  felfe  :  Thou  haft  not  facrificed  as 
thou  (houldeft  doe :  thou  haft  not  prayed  aright :  this  thou  haft  left 
undone  :  this  or  that  finnc  thou  haft  committed.  Here  the  heart 
trembleth  and  feeleth  it  fclfc  oppreflcd  with  innumerable  finnes 

Dd  2  which 

Chap.IIII.  r?o#  ike  EP  i  s  1 1  B  ~ ' 

which  ftill  incrcafe  without  end,  fo  that  he  fwarvcth  from  rightcouf- 
nefle  more  and  more  untill  at  length  he  tall  to  defpcration.  Hereof  it 
commcth  that  many  being  at  the  point  of  death,  have  uttered  thelc 
defpcratc  words :  O  wretch  that  I  am :  I  have  not  kept  mine  order: 
Whither fhall t  flic  from  the  wrath  ofChrift,  that  angry  Judge? 
Would  to  God  I  had  been  made  a  iwinehcard,or  the  vileft  wretch  in 
the  whole  world. 

Thus  the  Monke  in  the  end  of  his  life  is  more  wcake,  more 
beggarly,  more  faithleffe  and  feat  full  then  he  was  at  the  beginning 
when  he  fir  ft  entred  into  his  order.  The  rcafon  is,  bccaufe  he  would 
ftrengthen  himfelfe  through  weaknefc,  and  inrich  himfelfc  through 
poverty.  The  law,  or  mens  traditions,  or  the  rule  of  his  order, 
fhould  have  healed  him  when  he  was  fick,  and  inriched  him  when 
he  was  poore  :  but  hs  is  become  more  feeble  and  more  poorc  then 
8-13-  the  Publicans  and  harlots.  The  Publicans  and  harlots  have  not 
an  heape  of  good  workcs  to  tru$  unto  as  theMonkes  have  :  but  al- 

A  lively  «fc-  though  they  feele  their  fmncs  never  fo  much,  yet  they  can  fay  with 
thc  Pelican  :  O  Lord  be  nttrcifrtt  to  me  a  fmner.  But  contrari- 
wife  the  Monke  which  hath  fpent  all  his  time  in  weake  and  bcg- 
gar  ly  elements,  is  confirmed  in  this  opinion:  If  thou  keep  thy  rule 
thoufhaltbe  faved,^.  With  this  falfe  perfwafion  he  is  fo  deluded 
and  bewitched,that  he  cannot  apprehend  grace,no  nor  once  remem 
ber  grace.  Thus,  notwithftanding  all  the  works  which  either  he 
doth  or  hath  done,  be  they  never  fo  many  and  fo  great,  he  thinketh 
that  he  hath  never  done  enough,  but  hath  ftill  an  eye  to  more  works, 
and  fo  by  heaping  up  of  works  he  gocth  about  to  appeafe  the  wrath 
of  God  and  to  juftifie  himfelfe,  untill  he  be  driven  to  utter  defpera* 

The  fable    tion.Wherefore,whofoever  fallen h  from  faith  and  folio  weth  the  law, 

a  dogjc*  *s  ^C  to  Ef°Ps  d°SgeJ  which  forgoeth  the  flefh,  and  fnatcheth  at  the 
fliadow.  Wherefore  it  is  impoflible  that  fuch  as  fcek  right coufnefTe 
an<^  fa^ation  by  the  law  (  whereunfo  men  arc  naturally  enclined) 
fliould  ever  find  quietneik  and  peace  of  confcience :  yea  they  dos 
nothing  clfe  but  heape  laws  upon  laws,  whereby  they  torment  both 
thcmfelves  and  others,  and  afflid  rnens  confcienccs  fo  miferably,  that 

chc/«tbe  tnrough  cxtreame  anguifli  of  heart  many  die  before  their  time.    For 

fhadow       one  law  always  bringcth  forth  ten  moe,ind  fo  they  increafc  without 

Wt«ehd  ?r    nulr>ber  and  without  end. 

EC  waici.        Now,  who  would  have  thought  that  the  QaUthidnj,  which 


TotJlt   GA  L  A  T  H  1  A  N  S.  FoI.2Oj 

had  learned  fo  found  and  fo  pure  a  doctrine  of  fuch  an  excellent  A- 
poftle  and  Teacher,  could  be  fo  fuddenly  led  away  from  the  fame, ftom 
and  utterly  perverted  by  the  falfc'  Apofrles  t*  It  is  not  without  caufc 
that  I  repeate  this  fo  often,  that  to  fall  away  from  the  truth  of  the 
Gofpell  is  an  eafie  matter.  The  rcafon  is,  becaufemen  docnotfufc. 
ficiently  confider,  no  not  the  very  faithfull,  what  an  excellent  and  a 
precious  treafurc  the  true  knowledge  of  Chrift  is.  Therefore  they  do 
not  labour  fo  diligently  and  fo  carefully  as  they  fhould  doe,  to  obtaine 
and  to  retain  the  fame.  Moreovcr,the  greater  part  of  thofc  that  hearc 
the  word,  are  exercifed  with  no  crofifeor  affliction :  they  wraftlc  not 
againftfinne,  death  and  the  devil! ,  but  live  in  fccurity  without  any 
conflict.  Such  men  becaufe  they  are  not  proved  and  tried  with  tenta- 
tions,  and  therefore  are  not  armed  with  the  word  of  God  againft  the  ncvct 
iubtilriesofthcdevill,  never  feck  the  ufe  and  power  of  the  word.  In- 
deed  whiles  they  are  among  fMthf'ull  Miniftersand  prcachcrs,thcy  can 
follow  their  words  and  fjy  as  they  ,  perfwading  tbemielves  that  they 
perfectly  underftand  the  matter  of  juftification.  But  when  they  arc 
gone,  and  wolves  in  fheeps  cloathing  are  come  in  their  place,  ithap- 
perieth  unto  them  as  it  did  to  the  GaUthians  :  that  is  to  fay,  they  are 
fuddenly  fcduced  and  cafily  turned  backe  to  weake  and  bcggerly  rudi 

TWhath  here  his  peculiar  manner  of  fpeech, which  the  other  Apo-  ?,„/•,  Man 
files  did  not  ufe.    For  there  was  none  of  them  befides  Taul^  that  gave  (ner   of 
fuch  names  to  the  law :  to  wit,  that  it  is  a  weake  and  bsggcrly  rudi-  pcc 
ment,  that  is  to  fay,  utterly  unprofitable  to  righteoufncffe.  And  furcly 
I  durft  not  have  given  fuch  tearmes  unto  the  law,  but  (hould  have 
thought  it  great  blafphc my  againft  God,  if  Paul  hadnotfo  done  be 
fore,  Bitt  of  this  I  have  intreated  more  largely  before,wherc  I  fhewed  JlQe0Jj. 
when  the  law  is  weak:  and  beggarly,  and  when  it  is  mod  ftrong  and  weake  and 
rich,  tfr.  Now  if  the  law  of  God  be  weake  and  unprofitable  to  juftifi- 
cation,  much  more  are  the  laws  and  decrees  of  the  Pope,  weake  and 
unprofitable  to  juftification.  Therefore  we  give  fcntcnce  againft  the 
ordinances,  laws  and  decrees  of  the  Pope,  with  fuch  boldnellc  and  af- 
furancc,  as  TWdid  againft  the  law  of  God,  that  they  are  not  onely 
\veakc  and  beggarly  rudiments,  and  utterly  unprofitable  to  rightcoul- 
neC-, but  alfo  execrable,  accurfcd,  devillifh  and  damnable  :  for  they 
blafphemc  grace,  they  overthrow  the  Gofpell,abolifa  faith,  take  away 

Chrift,  &c. 

Ddj  Foe 

Cbap.I  V.  Vfdn  the  E  P  1  1  1  1  • 

For  as  much  then  as  the  Pope  requireth  that  we  fhould  kcepc  his 
laws  as  neceflfary  to  falvation,  he  is  very  Antichrift  and  the  Vicar  of 
Satan  :  And  as  many  as  cleave  unto  him,  and  confirme  his  abomina 
tions  and  blafphcmies,  or  kcepcthem  to  this  end  ,  that  thereby  they 
may  merit  the  f  orgiveneffc  of  their  fins,  arc  the  fcrvantsof  Antichrift 
and  of  the  dcvill.Now,fuch  hath  the  doftrinc  of  the  Papifticall  Church 
b*n  °f  a  l°ng  **me>  t^lat  tnek  laws  ought  to  be  kept  as  neccflfary  to  fal- 
vation.  Thus  the  Popcfitteth  in  the  temple  of  God  ,  vaunting  him- 
felfeas  God  :  he  fertcth  himfelfe  againft  God  and  exalteth  himfclfe  a- 
bovc  all  that  is  called  God  or  worftnpped,  c£r.  And  mens  confcicn- 
ccs  more  feared  and  reverenced  the  laws  and  ordinances  of  the  Pope, 
then  the  word  ofGod  and  his  ordinances.  By  this  means  he  was  made 
Pop"  'he  Lord  of  heaven,  of  earth,  and  of  hell,  and  bcare  a  triple  crown  up- 
c.  on  his  head.  The  Cardinals  alfo  and  B  ifhops  his  creatures,  were  mads 
Kings  and  Princes  of  the  world  :  and  therefore  if  he  did  not  burden 
mcns  confciences  with  his  laws,  he  could  not  long  maintain  his  terri 
ble  power,  his  dignity  and  his  riches  :  but  his  whole  kingdomc  would 
quickly  fall. 

TO  fai  from       TMS  place  which  Pwl  here  handlcth,  is  weighty  and  of  great  im- 
ihc  grace  of  portance,and  therfore  the  more  diligently  to  be  marked  :  to  wit,  that 
C3<J*        they  which  fall  from  grace  to  the  law,do  utterly  loofe  the  knowledge 
ef  the  truth,  they  fee  not  their  own  fins,  they  neither  know  God  nor 
the  devill,nor  thcmfelves,  and  moreover  they  undcrftand  not  the  force 
and  ufe  of  the  law,  although  they  braggc  never  fo  much  that  they  keep 
and  obfcrve  the  fame.  For  without  the  knowkdgc  of  grace,,  that  is  to 
fay,  without  the  Gofpcll  of  Chrift,  it  is  impolfibk  for  a  man  to  give 
judg,.  this  definition  of  the  law:  that  it  is  a  weak  and  a  beggarly  rudiment 
they  and  unprofitable  to  righteoufnes.   But  he  rather  judgeth  quite  conf  ra- 
y  of  the  la  w  ;  to  wit,  that  it  is  not  only  ncceflfary  to  falvation,  but 

n  »- 

know  not    that  it  ftrengthncth  fuch  as  are  weake,  and  enrichcth  fuch  as  arc  poore 
and  beggarly  :  that  is  to  fay,  that  fuch  as  obey  andobfcrvcthc  fame, 
Thethtm.    fhallbcablc  to  merit  righteoufnes  and  cvcrlafting  falvation.    If  this 
°»-     opinion  remain,  the  promifc  of  God  is  denied,  Chrift  is  taken  away, 
the    lying,  impiety  and  idolatry  is  cftablifhed.  Now,  the  Pope  with  all  his 
Bifliops,  his  Schoole  and  whole  Synagogue,  taught  that  his  laws  arc 
neceflary  to  falvation.  Therfore  he  was  a  teacher  of  weak  and  beggar 
ly  elements,  whereby  he  made  the  Church  of  Chrift  throughout  the 
whole  world,  moft  wcakc  and  beggarly  :  that  is  to  fay,  he  burdened 


TO  the   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8^  Fol. 204 

and  miferably  tormcnicd  the  Church  with  his  wicked  laws,  defacing 
Chrift  and  burying  his  Gofpell. 

Verfc  p.  Whereunto  ye  Veillbc  In  ban^Ags  A£*int. 

Jhis  he  addcth,to  declare  that  he  fpcaketh  of  proud  and  prcfumptu- 
ous  hypocrites,  which  feck  to  be  juftified  by  the  law,as  I  have  (hewed 
before.  For  other  wife  he  calleth  the  law,  holy  and  good.  As,i  Tim.i . 
We  know  that  the  law  u^ocd,  if  a  wan  ufe  it  riahtlj,  that  is  to  (ay,  civilly 
to  bridle  cvill  doers,  and  fpiritually  to  inci^afc  tranfgrcflions.  But, 
\vhofoevcr  obfcrvcth  the  law  to  obtain  righteoufnes  before  God,  ma- 
kcth  the  law  which  is  good,  damnable  and  hurtfull  unto  himfclf.  He 
rcproveth  the  GaUtkiws  therefore,  becaufc  they  would  be  in  bondage 
to  the  law  again,  which  doth  not  take  away  (in,but  incrcafcth  fin.For 
whilft  a  finner,being  weak  and  poor  of  himfelf,  feekcth  to  be  justified 
by  the  law,  he  findcth  nothing  in  it  but  weakness  and  poverty  it  felf. 
And  here  two  fick  and  feeble  beggars  meet  togethcr,of  whom  the  one 
is  not  able  to  help  and  heale  the  other,  but  rather  molefteth  and  trou- 
bicth  the  other. 

We  as  being  ftrong  in  Chritl,  will  gladly  fervethclaw  :  not  the 
weak  and  beggarly,  but  the  mighty  and  rich  law  :  that  is  to  farr 
forth  as  it  hath  power  and  dominion  over  the  body :For  then  we  fcrvc 
the  law  but  only  in  our  body  and  outward  members,  and  not  in  our 
confcicnce.But  the  Pope  rcquircth  that  wcfhould  obey  his  laws  with 
this  opinion,  that  if  we  dos  this  or  that,  we  arc  righteous:  if  we  do  it 
not,we  arc  damned.  Here  the  law  is  more  then  a  weak  and  beggarly 
clement.  For  whiles  this  bondage  of  the  confcicnce  continucth  under 
the  la  w,  there  can  be  nothing  but  mcer  wcakncs  and  poverty.  Where 
fore  all  the  weight  of  the  matter  licth  in  this  word,T0/*rz*.Thc  mea 
ning  thcrforc  ot  PWis  this,  that  he  would  not  have  the  confcicnce  to 
fcrvc  under  the  law  as  a  captive  ,  but  to  be  free  and  have  dominion  o- 
vcr  the  law.  For  the  confcicnce  is  dead  to  the  law  through  Chrift,and 
the  law  again  unto  the  confcicnce.  W  hcrof  we  have  more  largely  in- 
treated  afore  in  the  fecond  Chapter. 

Verfc  I  o.  7>  obfcrveeUjesandmoncths,  times  4»d jtartt. 

, .  The  <Jo9rI» 

By  thefe  words  hee  plaincly  declareth  what  the  falfc  APO- 

D  d  4  ftlfs 

Chap.IV.  Vfcn  tbe^  p  i  $  T  L  n 

files  taught,namcly,the  obfervation  of  daies,months,timesandycarcs. 
The  holy  The  Jews  were  commanded  to  kcepe  holy  the  Sabbath  day,  the  new 
ie»c°/th<  Moons,  the  firft  and  thefeventh  Month,  the  three  appointed  times  or 
feafts,  namely,  the  Pafchallor  Pafleover,  the  Feaft  of  weeks,  of  the  ta 
bernacles,  and  the  yeare  ofjufok,  Thefe  ceremonies  the  (jalathians 
were  alfo  conftraincd  by  the  falfeApoftks  to  keep  as  neceffrry  to  righ- 
tcoufnes.  Therefore  he  faith,that  they,  looling  the  grace  and  libertic 
which  they  had  in  Chrift,  were  turned  back  to  the  ferving  of  weake 
and  beggarly  elements.  For  they  were  pcrfwaded  by  the  falfe  Apo- 
ftles,  that  thcfe  laws  muft  needs  be  kept,  and  by  keeping  of  them  they 
Ihould  obtain  righteoufnes  :  but  if  they  kept  them  not,  they  (hould  bs 
damned.  Contrariwife  /^«/can  in  no  wife  fuffirr  that  mens  confcicn- 
<:es(houldtc  bound  to  the  law  of  J^^,  but  alwaics  delivered  them 
from  the  law.  (Beholdn>*ttl(h\\h  he  a  little  after  in  the  fift  chapte-) 
dot  Vtrire  unto  you,  that  if  Jit  be  circumcifed}Chriftfoall  profit  jou  nothing. 
And  Col.2.  Let  no  man  judge  you  in  meat  or  cirinkt  or  in  apecce  of  an  holy 
,,  d*y  ,  or  of  anew  A4oon  or  Sabbath  day  ,&<:.  So  faith  our  Saviour  Chrift  : 

The  kixgdome  of  (jodcommeth  not  Vf'tth  obfervatian  of  the  latv.  Much  Icfls 
then  are  mens  confciences  to  be  burdened  and  fnared  with  humane 

Ver  fc  1  1  .   I  am  in  fare  ofjotit  left  I  have  beftowed  onyott  labour  in  VMH, 

Thefa^ct-  Herc  T^*/  fhcweth  himfdfs  to  be  greatly  troubled  through 
k  aiTcaion  Hie  falloftlK1  (jAlathians  :  VVhom  he  would  more  bitterly  reprove, 
m«PdT(hc°  but  that  he  feareth  left  if  he  fhould  deale  with  them  more  Oiarpdy, 
.  he  fliould  not  only  net  make  them  better,  but  more  offend  them 
and  fo  utterly  alienate  their  minds  from  him.  Therefore  in  wri 
ting  hce  ichangeth  and  mitigateth  his  words,  and  as  though  all 
the  forme  redounded  unto  himfelfe,  he  faith  :  laminfiare  of  you 
bust  I  'have  beftovecd  mj  labour  on  you  in  voine  :  That  is  to  lay, 
itgrievcihmethatl  have  preached  the  Gcfpeli  with  fo  great  dili 
gence  and  faithfulneflfc  amongft  you,  and  fee  no  fruit  to  come  there 
of)  Kotwithftanding  although  he  fhew  a  very  loving  and  a  father 
ly  aft:dion  towards  them,  yet  withall  he  chideth  them  fomewhat 
fliarpcly,  tut  yet  covertly.  For  when  he  £ath,that  he  had  laboured  in 
vain>tnat  ^  to  %  jthat  he  had  preached  the  Gofpel  among  them  with- 
out  any  fiuir,  he  lie  vvsth  covertly,  that  cither  they  were  obftinatc 

*     TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N   S^  T?ol.2C  f 

unbelievers,  or  clfc  were  fallen  from  the  doctrine  of  faith,  Mow,  both 
thcfe,as  well  unbelievers  as  feack-fliders  from  the  dodrinc  of  faith,  arc 
finncrs,  wicked,  unrighteous,  and  damned  .Such  therefore  do  obey  the 
law  in  vain,  they  obferve  daics,months  and  years  in  vain.  And  in  thefe 
Words  :  /  am  i»fiare  of  you,  left  I  have  beftowedonyou  labour  in  vain,  is 
contained  a  certain  (ecret  excommunication. For  the  Apolile  meaneth 
therby  that  the  tydMkim*.  were  fecluded  and  feperate  from  Chrift^un- 
les  they  fpeedily  returned  to  found  and  finccre  doctrine  again  :  yet  he 
pronounced  no  open  fentcnce  againft  them.   For  he  perceived  that  he 
could  do  no  good  with  over  fharp  dealing :  whafore  he  changcth  his 
(Vile  and  fpeaketh  them  very  fair,  faying : 

Vcrfc  13.    B* yee  as  I :  for  I  am  even  at  you, 

Hitherto  P^w/hath  bin  occupied  wholly  in  teaching:  and  being  mo- 
ved  with  this  great  enormity  and  wicked  revolting  of  the  Galatkianst 
he  was  vehemently  incenfed  againft  them,and  chid  them  bitterly,cal- 
ling  them  fools,bewitched,not  believing  the  truth, crucifters  of  Chrift, 
&c.  Now  the  greater  part  of  his  Epiftle  being  finiftied,  he  beginueth 
to  perceive  that  he  had  handled  them  too  Lharpiy.Therfbre  being  care- 
full  left  he  fhould  doe  more  hurt  then  good  through  his  fcyerity,  he  j£ 
fheweth  that  this  his  fharpe  chiding  proceeded  of  a  fatherly  aftedion  fcii 
and  a  true  Apoftolicall  heart  :  and  io  he  qualifieth  the  matter  with  Jjfj^. 
fweet  and  gentle  words,to  the  end  that  if  he  had  offended  any  (  as  no  cfaUcJ 
doubt  there  were  many  offended)  by  thefe  fweet  and  loving  words  he 
might  win  them  again. 

And  here  by  his  owne  example  he  admoni(heth  all  Paftours  and 
Min-ifters,  that  they  ought  (o  beare  a  fatherly  and  motherly  affecti 
on  :  not  towards  ravening  wolves,  but  towards  the  poorcfhccp,  mi- 
(erably  feduced  and  going  aftray,  patiently  bearing  with  their  faults  s°djy?a 
and  infirmitieSjinftructing  and  reftonng  them  with  the  fpirit  of  nicck- 
nelfe:  For  they  cannot  be  brought  into  the  right  way  againe  by  any  G*'"6^' 
other  mcanes  :  and  by  over  fharpe  reproving  and  rebuking  they  are 
provoked  to  anger,  or  elfc  to  defpcration,  but  not  to  repentance,  And 
here  is  to  be  noted  by  the  way,  thatfuchis  the  nature  and  fruit  of 
true  and  found  doctrine ,  that  when  it  is  well  taught  and  well  under-  JlniM? 
ftood  ,  it  joyncth  tncns  hearts  together  with  a  fingular  concord :  but  <ioa«ne. 
when  men  reject  godly  and  finccre  doftrine  acid  embrace  errors,  this 


Chap.  IV.  Vfon  the  E  P  I  s  T  i  H 

vr.ity  and  unity  and  concord  is  foone  broken.    Therefore  as  (bone  as  thou  fecft 
concord     thy  brethren  feduccd  by  vainc  and  fantafticall  fpirits,  to  fall  from  the 
ISelc-o-  article  of  J unification,  thou  fhalt  perceive  that  by  and  by  they  will 
afn«        purfuc  the  faitbfull  with  bitter  hatred,  whom  before  they  moft  ten 
derly  loved. 

This  we  find  to  be  true  at  this  day  in  our  falfi  brethren  and  o- 
ther  Sectaries,  who  at  the  beginning  of  the  Reformation  of  the  Gof- 
pell,  were  glad  to  heare  us,  and  read  our  bookcs  with  great  zealc 
and  affection.    They  ackno  wledged  the  grace  of  the  holy  Ghoft  in  as, 
and  reverenced  us  for  the  fame,  as  the  Miniftcrsof  God.     Some  of 
them  aJfo  lived  familiarly  with  us  for  a  time,  and  behaved  themfelves 
They  which  very  modeftly  and  foberly.     But  when  they  were  departed  from  us 
-fail  from    and  perverted  by  the  wicked  doctrine  of  the  Sectaries,  they  (hewed 
6i!nc!be*   thcmfrlves  more  bitter  enemies  to  our  doflrinc  and  our  name,  then 
c«mc  worfe  any  other.    I  doc  much  and  often  marvell  whereupon  they  (hould 
wctebeJore  conceive  fuch  a  deadly  hatred  againft  us,  whom  they  before  fo  dcarc- 
ly  and  fo  tenderly  loved :  for  we  o&nded  them  not  in  any  thing,  nor 
gave  them  any  occafion  to  hate  us.    Yea  they  are  con  drained  to  con- 
fl-ffc  that  we  defire  nothing  more  then  that  the  glory  of  God  may  be 
advanced,  the  benefit  of  Chrift  truly  kno,vn,and  the  truth  of  the  Gof- 
pcll  purely  taught,  which  God  hath  now  againe  in  thcfc  latter  daycs 
revealed  by  us  unto  this  unthankfull  world  :  which  thing  (hould  ra 
ther  provoke  them  to  love  us  then  to  hate  us.    I  marvell  therefore  not 
without  caufe,  whereof  this  chance  cometh.  Verily  there  is  no  other 
caufe,   but  that  they  have  gotten  unto  themfelves  new  matters  and 
hearkned  to  new  teachers,  whofepoyfon  hath  fo  infected  them,  that 
Jon  oTche'  now  °^very  tricnds  they  arc  become  our  mortal  enemies.  And  I  fee  the 
condition  of  the  Apoftles  ind  of  all  other  faithfull  Minillcrs  to  be 
fuch,  that  their  difciples  and  hearers  being  once  infafted  with  the  cr- 
rours  of  the  falfe  Apoftles  and  hcreticks,  have  and  do  fct  themfclves  a- 
gainft  thcm^nd  become  their  enemies.Thcre  were  very  few  amongft 
the  (JatatJjMfis  which  continued  in  the  found  do&rine  of  the  Aportlc  : 
all  the  reft  being  feduccd  by  the  falfc  Apoftles,  did  not  acknowledge 
Trfa/fbr  their  Paftour  and  teacher  any  more  :  yea  there  was  nothing 
more  odious  unto  them  then  the  name  and  doctrine  of  Paul.    And  I 
f  eare  me,  that  this  Epiftlc  brought  very  few  of  them  back  again  from 
their  errour. 

If  the  like  cafe  {hould  happen  unto  us  :  that  is  to  fay,  if  incur 


7>  the  G  A  1 A  T  H  I  A  N  f  r 

abfcncc^ur  Church  (hould  be  fcdiiccd  by  fantafticaH  heads,  and  we 
fhould  write  hither,  not  one  or  two ,  but  many  Epiftles,  we  (hould 
prcvailc  little  or  nothing  at  all.  Our  men  (a  few  only  cxcepted  of  the 
ftrongcr  fort )   would  ufe  thcmfclves  no  otherwife  towards  us ,  then 
th cy  doe  at  this  day  which  arc  fcduced  by  the  Sectaries  :  who  would 
fooncr  wor (hip  the  Pope,  then  they  would  obey  cur  admonitions  or 
approve  our  do&rinc.   No  man  (hall  perfwadc  them  that  they  re/eft 
Chrift,  and  return  again  to  weakc  and  beggarly  elements,  and  to  thofe 
which  by  nature  are  no  gods.    They  can  abide  nothing  leflfc,  then  to 
hearc  that  their  teachers  by  whom  they  are  feduccd,  arc  overthrowers 
of  the  Gcfpell  of  Chrift,  and  troublers  of  mens  confciences.    The  Z«- 
thertnt  (fay  they)  arc  not  only  wife,  they  alone  do  not  preach  Chrift, 
they  alone  have  not  the  holy  Ghoft  ,  the  gift  cf  prophecie,  and  the 
true  undcrltanding  of  the  Scriptures.  Our  teachers  are  in  nothing  in-^ 
fericur  unto  them  :  yea  in  many  things  they  excellthcm,bccaufe  they 
follow  the  Spirit,  and  teach  fpirituall  things.  Contrariwife,  they  nc-  T«ne  AB  , 
vcr  yet  tailed  what  true  divinity  meant,  but  ftickc  in  the  letter,  and  baptifls  " 
therefore  they  teach  nothing  but  the  Catcchifme,  Faith,  and  Charity,  b"||era|£* 
&c.  Wherefore  (as  I  am  wont  to  fay)  like  as  to  fall  in  faith  is  an  cafic  Se  spine 
matter  :  foir  ismoft  pcrillous,  to  wit,  even  from  the  high  heaven  in-  ofillu"lin;«- 

it  /  i      if  •  r     i  i      r  n  i      1  "°n»  «  re- 

to  the  decpc  pit  or  hell .  It.  is  not  lucn  as  properly  rollowcth  the  na- 
turc  of  man,  as  murther,  adultery,  and  fuch  like  :.but  devilliili,and  the 
proper  workc  of  the  dcvill.  For  they  which  fo  fall  cannot  be  eafily  re 
covered*  but  moft  commonly  they  continue  perverfe  and  obftinate  in 
their  crrour.  Therefore  the^atter  end  of  thofc  men  is  worfc  then  the 
beginning :  as  our  Saviour  Chrift  witncfleth,whcn  he  faith  :  The  un- 
cleane  fpirit  being  caft  out  of  his  boufe,  when  he  rcturncth,  he  entrcth 
in  again  not  alone,  but  taketh  unto  him  fevcn  fpirits  worle  then  him- 
felf,and  there  dwelleth,  &e. 

TAMI  therefore  perceiving  through  the  revelation  of  the  holy 
Ghoft ,  that  it  was  to  be  feared  left  the  minds  of  the  G^UthtAn^ 
whom  of  a  godly  zeale  he  had  called  foolifh  and  bewiichcd,c^.  by 
this  frtarpe  chiding  fhould  rather  be  ftirrcd  up  agairift  him,  then  a- 
mcndcd,  efpecially  fincc  he  now  knew  that  the  falfe  Apoftks  were 
among  them,  who  would  expound  this  ftwpe  chiding,  which  pro 
ceeded  from  a  fatherly  affcclion,  unto  the  woift,  cry  ing  out  :  Now 
Paul  which  fomc  of  you  fo  greatly  praiie,  (he  we  th  what  he  is,  ancf 
With  what  fpirit  he  is  led  j  who  when  he  was  with  you,  would  fscni 


Chap.  I V.  r/w  the  EPISTLE 

to  bee  unto  you  a  father,  but  his  letters  fhewin  hisabfencc  that  he 
is  a  tyrant,  &c.)  Therefore  he,c  is  fo  troubled  through  a  godly  care 
and  fatherly  aflfcftion,  rhat  hee  cannot  well  tell  how  and  what  to 
write  to  them.  For  it  is  a  dangerous  thing  for  a  man  to  defend  his 
cauic  againd  thofe  which  are  abfent,  and  have  now  begun  to  hate 
him,  and  are  perf waded  by  others  that  his  caufe  is  not  good.  There 
fore  being  in  great  perplexity  ,  he  faith  a  little  after  :  I  am  troubled 
and  at  my  wits  end  for  your  caufe,  that  is,  I  know  not  what  to  doe,or 
how  to  dcalc  with  you. 

Verfe  12.  Bfjenot  as  1  am,  for  I  Am  au  je  are. 

Thefe  words  arc  to  be  underftood  ,  not  of  dodrine,  but  of  affcdi- 
ons.     Therefore  the  meaning  is  not  :  Beyeeas  law  ;  that  is  to  fay, 
thinke  of  do&rine  as  I  doc :  but  bearc  fuch  an  affcftion  towards  me , 
as  I  doe  towards  you.     As  though  he  would  Ciy :  Perhaps  I  have  too 
He  mkigi-  iharpely  chidden  you,  but  pardon  this  my  (harpeneffrj  and  judge  not 
"'hhisior-  my  hcart  by  my  words  ,  but  my  words  by  the  aiedionof  my  heart, 
ctodi  ng,pC'  My  words  leeme rough,  and  my  chattifement  fharpe,  but  my  heart  is 
loving  and  fatherly.    Therefore  (O  my  GdAthians)  take  this  ray  chi 
ding  with  fuch  a  mind  as  I  beare  towards  you :  For  the  matter  requi 
red  that  I  fhould  Chew  my  fclfc  fo  fharpe  and  fcvere  to  wards  you. 

Even  fomay  wcalfo  fay  of  our  fJves.      Our  corre&ioa  is  fevere 
and  our  manner  of  writing  (harpc  and  vehement :  but  cerraincly 
there  is  no  bitterneffe  in  our  heart ,  no  envie,  no  defire  of  revenge  a- 
•£amft  our  adverfarics  :  but  there  is  in\is  a  godly  carefulneflc  and 
iorrow  of  fpirit.    We  doc  not  fohate  the  Pope  and  other  erronious 
The  maflsr  fpirits,  that  we  wifli  any  cviliunto  them,  or  dcfirc  their  deftraclion': 
but  rather  wee  defirc  that  they   may  returne  againe  to  the  right 
way,  and  be  faved  together  with  us.    The  fchoolemaftcr  chaftifeth 
his  fcholler,  not  to  hurt  him  but  to  reforms  him.    The  rod  is  (harpe, 
bur  correction  is  neceflVy  for  the  child ,  and  the  heart  of  him  thac 
the  fa  hers  corrcclcth ,  loving  and  friendly.    So  the  father  chaftifeth  his  fonne , 
not  to  dcftroy  him,  but  to  reforme  and  amend  him.     Stripes  are 
^arPc  an^  grievous  TO  the  child,  but  the  fathers  heart  is  loving 
'and  kind  :  And  unlcflehe  loved  his  child,  hee  would  not  chaftife 
him,  but  caft  him  off,  defpairc  of  his  welfare,  and  fu  fer  him  to  pe- 
riih.     This  correction  therefore  which  hee  givcth  to  his  child ,  is  a 
token  of  fatherly  affcclion  ,  and  is  profitable  for  the  child.     Even 




To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s.  R>1.207 

fo,  Otny  (JdathvMs,  think  yclikcwife  of  my  dealing  towards  you: 
then  will  ye  not  judge  my  chiding  to  be  fharpe  and  bitter,  but  profi 
table  for  you.  Chaftifement  fir  thefrefent  time  feemeth  not  to  be  joyous,  Hef>  (  -. 
but  grievotts  :  but  afterwards  it  bringeth  the  quiet  fifth  ofrighteoufncflc 
unto  them  which  are  exerctfed  thereby  :  Let  the  fame  atfcction  therefore 
be  in  you  towards  me,  which  I  beare  towards  you.  1  beare  a  loving 
heart  towards  you  :  the  fame  I  defire  againe  of  you. 

Thus  he  fpeaketh  them  faire,anil  with  this  faire  fpeech  he  ftill  con- 
tinueth,  that  he  might  pacific  their  minds  which  were  ftirred  up 
againft  him  by  his  (harp  chiding.  Notwithstanding  he  revoketh  not 
his  feverc  words.  Indeed  he  confcffcth  that  they  were  (harp  and  bit 
ter:  but  ncceflity  (  faith  he)  compelled  me  to  reprehend  youfomc- 
what  (harpely  and  fevercly  :  but  that  which  I  did,proceeded  of  a  fin- 
cere  and  loving  heart  towards  you.  The  Phifitian  giveth  a  bitter  po-  T 
tion  to  his  paticnt,not  to  hurt  him,but  to  cure  him.  If  then  the  bitter- 
netfe  of  the  medicine,  which  is  given  to  the  fickbody,  isnottobe 
imputed  to  the  Phyfitian,but  to  the  medicine  and  the  malady  :  judge 
yc  alfoin  like  manner  of  my  fevere  and  (harpe  reprehenfion. 

Verfe  1  2  .    'Sr  ether  en  J  befeech  you  :  ye  have  not  hurt  me  at  all, 

f  Is  this  tobcfeech  the  £4ta&M*s»wbcn  he  calleth  them  bewitched, 

difobcdient  to  the  truth,  and  crucificrs  of  Chr  ift  ?  1  1  feemeth  rather 

to  be  a  great  rebuke.  But  contrari  wife  P^/faith.that  it  is  no  rebuke, 

but  an  earncft  befccching,and  indeed  fo  it  is.  And  it  is  as  much  as  if  he  thcn  'hc  W1- 

iaid  :  I  confefle  that  I  have  chidden  you  ibmewhat  bitterly,  but  take 

it  in  good  part,  and  then  (hall  ye  find  this  my  chiding,  tobenochi- 

ding,but  a  praying  and  a  befceching.  If  a  father  likewife  doe  fharpcly 

corred  his  fonne,it  is  as  much  as  he  faid  :  My  fonne,  I  pray  thee  be  a 

good  child,^.  It  feemeth  indeed  to  be  a  correftion,but  if  ye  rcfpedt 

the  fathers  heart,it  is  a  gentle  and  an  earncft  befecching. 

Vcrfs  1  2.    Ye  have  not  hurt  me  at  all. 

As  if  he  faid:  Why  (hould  I  be  angry  with  you,  or  of  a  mali 
cious  minde  fpeake  evill  of  you,  feeing  ye  have  nothing  offended 
me  ?  Why  then  faycft  thou  that  we  arc  perverted,  that  we  have 
foriaken  thydoclrinc,  that  we  are  foolifbp  bewitched,^,  Theie 


Chap.  Till.  .  fyM  *fo  B  P  i « t  L  B 

things  doe  witnefe  that  we  have  offended  thee.  He  anfwereth :  Ye 
have  not  offended  ms  but  your  felves,  and  therefore  I  am  thus  trou 
bled,  not  for  mine  owne  caufe,  but  for  the  love  I  beare  unto 
you.  Thinke  not  therefore  that  my  chiding  did  proceed  of  malice 
or  any  evill  affedion.  For  I  take  (Sod  to  witnefle,  ye  have  done 
me  no  wrong,  but  contrariwiie  yc  have  bcftowed  great  benefits 
upon  me. 

Thus  fpeaking  them  fairc,  he  prepareth  their  minds  to  fuffer  his 
fatherly  cbaftifcment  with  a  childlike  affedion.  And  this  is  to  temper 
wormcwood  or  a  bitter  potion  with  hony  and  fugar,to  make  it  fwcct 
againc.  So  parents  fpcake  their  children  faire  when  they  have  well 
beaten  them,  giving  them  applcs,peares  and  other  like  things,  wher- 
by  their  children  know  that  their  parents  love  them  and  feekcto  doc 
them  good,how  fharpefoever  their  corredion  doth  appearc. 

Verlc  1 3 .  AnA  ye  know  bow  through  the  Infirmity  of  the  flefkj  preached 
tht  CjojpcR  unto  you  at  the  fir  ft.  And  the  triall  of  me  which 
Was  in  my  fle/h,  ye  defyijed  not,  neither  abhorred,  but  ys 
rcceivedmetu  an  Angell  ofCjod,jea  M  Chrift  Jefa. 

Now  he  declareth  what  pleafure  he  had  received  of  the  </<</<<• 
thians.  The  firft  benefit  ( faith  he  )  which  I  cftecme  as  the  greateft 
,  bcic  of  all,  was  this.  When  I  began  firit  to  preach  the  Gofpell  amongft 
ey  Jere  you,  and  that  through  infirmity  of  the  flsfh  and  great  tenta- 
Scdwithhii  tions,  my  erode  did  nothing  at  all  offend  you:  but  ye  (hewed  your 
infirmity  £lves  fo  loving,  fo  kind  and  fo  friendly  towards  me,  that  not  only 
ye  were  not  offended  with  this  my  infirmity  of  the  fb(h,  with  my 
tcntations  and  affhftions  wherewith  I  was  almoft  overwhelmed  : 
biitalfo  ye  loved  medearely,  and  received  me^san  AngellofGod, 
yea  rather  as  Chrift  JefusJ^imfelfe.  This  is  indeed  a  great  com 
mendation  of  the  Gtbtki***,  that  they  received  the  Gofpell  of  a 
man  fo  contemptible  and  afflidtcd  on  every  fide  as  Pautwas.  For 
where  he  preached  the  Gofpell  amongft  them,  both  the  J  ewes  and 
Gentiles  murmured" and  raged  againft  him.  For  all  the  mighty, 
wife,  religious  and  learned  men,  hated,  perfecutedand  blafphemed 
<l>Aul.  With  all  this  the  (jalathians  were  no  whit  offended,  but 
turning  their  eyes  from  the  beholding  of  this  infirmity,  thcfe  ten- 
nations  and  dangers,  they  did  not  only  hcare  that  poorc,  defpi- 


TO  tit  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S  •  Fol.2  O  8 

fed,  wretched  and  affii&ed  7W,  and  acknowledged  themfclvcs  to 
be  his  difciples,  but  alfo  they  received  and  heard  him  as  an  Angell  of 
God,  yea  as  Chrift  Jefus  himfelfc.  This  is  a  Worthy  commendation 
and  a  fingular  vcrtue  of  the  ga/atktMts :  and  indeed  itisfuch  acorn-  * 

mcndation  as  he  giveth  to  none  of  all  thofe  to  whom  he  wrote,  he- 
fides  the  GAfothians. 

Jerome  and  ccrtaine  oiher  of  the  antient  Fathers  expound  this  wh*iiie 
infirmity  of  the  fledi  in  7W,  to  be  fome  difeafe  of  the  body  or  fome 
tentation  of  luft.  Thefe  men  lived  when  the  Church  was  outwardly  rf|« 
in  a  peaceable  and  profperous  cftatc  without  any  crofle  or  psrfecuti- 
on.  For  then  the  Biftiops  began  to  increafe  in  riches,  eftimation  and 
glory  in  the  world.  And  many  alfo  excrcifed  tyranny  over  the  people  « 
which  were  committed  to  their  charge,  as  the  Ecclefiafticall  hiftory  lh= 
tvitncffcth.  Few  did  their  duty,and  they  that  would  feemc  to  doc  it,  S 
forfaking  the  doctrine  of  the  Gofpell,  fet  forth  their  own  decrees  to  P0"1'  foe 
the  people,  now  when  the  Paftours  and  Bifliops  are  not  exercifed  in 
the  word  of  God,  but  neglect  the  pure  and  fincere  preaching  thereof 
they  muft  needs  fall  into  fecurity  t  For  they  arc  not  exercifed  with 
tcntations,with  the  crofle  and  perfections,  which  are  wont  always  !ialvvaref 
undoubtedly  to  follow  the  pure  preaching  of  the  word.  Therefore  it 
was  impofllble  that  they  flbould  understand  Paul.  But  we  by  the 
grace  of  God,have  found  and  fincere  dodrine,  which  alfo  we  preach 
and  teach  freely,  and  therefore  are  compelled  to  fuffcr  the  bitter  ha« 
tred,affliclions  and  perfccutions  of  the  devill  and  the  world.  And  if 
we  were  not  exercifed  outwardly  by  tyrants  and  Sectaries  with  force 
and  fubtilty,  and  inwardly  with  terrours  and  the  fiery  darts  of  tha 
devill,  Paul  fhould  be  as  obfcure  and  unknowne  unto  us  as  he  was  in 
times  paft  to  the  whole  world,and  yet  isto  the  Papift«,thc  Anabap- 
tifts  and  other  our  advcrfarics.  Therefore  the  gift  of  knowledge  and 
interpretation  of  the  Scriptures,  and  ourftudy,togethcr  with  our  in- 
ward  and  outward  temations,open  unto  us  the  meaning  of  T^and 
the  fcnfc  of  all  the  holy  Scriptures. 

Taxi  therefore  callcth  the  infirmity  of  the  flefti,  no  difeafe  of  rh 
thcbody  or  tentation  of  luft,  but  his  fuffcring  and  affliaion  which  S 
he  fuftained  in  his  body  :  which  he  fctteth  againft  the  vertue  and  r*ui. 
power  of  the  Spirit.    But  left  wefhould  fcemeto  wreftand  pervert 
Pa*b  words,  let  us  heare  himfelfe  fpeaking  in  the  2  CirinthuWi 
1 3.   Very  £b<ttj  will  /  re Joyce  rather  in   mirtt  infirmitict,  that  the 

Chap.  HIT. 

fewer  ofChrift  may  drveHin  mee.    There  fire  I  iak£  ptff A  fore  in  Infirmi 
ties,  in  reproaches,  in  necejfitics,  in  perfections,  in  angiiifhfor  Chrifts 
ftkf:  fir  when  I  am  weake  then  am  Iftron£.    A nd  in  the  1 1 c h  C haptcr, 
In  labours  mare  abundant:  inflripes  above  meafure :  in  prifins  more  pten- 
teons  :  in  death  oft.    Ofthefeives  five  times  received  I  firtyftripes  five 
one :  I  TV  At.  thrice  beaten  with  rods,  I  wot  onccftoned:  I  fujfered  thrice 
jkipTvrackc,&c>  Thcfc  afflictions  which  he  fufered  in  his  body  hecal- 
Icth  the  infirmity  of  thcflefh,and  not  any  corporall  difeafe.  As  though 
he  would  fay :  When  I  preached  the  Gofpell  amongft  you,  I  was 
oppreflcd  with  fundry  tcntations  and  afflictions.   I  was  alwayes  in 
danger  both  of  the  J  ewes  and  of  the  Gentiles,  and  alfo  of  falle  bre 
thren.    I  fuflwrcd  hunger,  and  wanted  all  things.   I  was  as  the  very 
filth  and  offcowring  of  the  world.    He  maketh  mention  of  that  his 
infirmity  in  many  places,  as  in  the  i  Cor  4.  2  ^.4.6,1 1,12.  and  in 
many  other. 

We  fee  then  that  Paal  calleth  afflictions  the  infirmities  of  the 
flcfh  which  he  fufl&rcci  inthcfiefh,  like  as  the  other  Apoftlcs,  the 
Prophets  and  all  godly  men  did  :  notwithstanding  he  was  migh 
ty  in  Spirit.    For  the  power  of  Chrift  was  in  him,  which  alwayes 
reigned  and  triumphed  through  him.    Which  thing  he  tcfhfic'h'm 
the  2  thde  words:  For  when  lamweakc  then  am  I  flrong. 
Alfo:  /  will  gladly  re  Joyce  in  my  infirmities,  that  the  power  ofChrift 
may  dwell  in  me.  And  in  the  fecond  Chapter.  Thanks  be  to  god  Vehich 
alwayes  makeih  us  to  triumph  in  Chrifl.    As  though  he  would  fay : 
Indeed  thedevill,  the  J  ewes  and  the  Gentiles  rage  cruelly  againft 
us ;  notwithftanding  we  continue  conftant  and  invincible  againft 
all  their  affaults,  and  will  they  nill  they,  our  dodrine  prcvaileth 
ower  and  triuinpheth.   This  was  the  ftrength  and  power  of  the  Spirit  in 
?f  theJpil*  P**!*  againft  the  which  he  fetteth  here  the  infirmity  and  bondage  of 

Now,  this  infirmity  of  the  flefli  in  the  godly  doth  wonderfully 
offend  rcafon.  Therefore  Paul  fo  highly  commcndeth  the  Gala* 
thians,  bccaufc  they  were  not  ofcnded  with  this  great  infirmity, 
and  with  this  vile  and  contemptible  forme  of  the  croffe  which  they 
faw  in  him:  but  received  him  as  an  Angcll,  yea  as  Chrift  Jcfus, 
And  Chrift  himfelfc  alfo  armcth  the  faithfull  againft  this  bafe 
and  contemptible 'forme  of  the  crofle  in  which  he  appeared,  when 
he  faith:  Bleffcdu  hee  that  it  not  offended  in  mee.  Andfurelyitis 

TO  the  GA  L  A  T  H  I  AN  S. 

great  matters  that  they  which  beleevein  him,  doe  acknowledge  him 
to  be  Lord  of  all,  and  Saviour  of  the  world  :  whom  notwithftanding 
they  heare  to  have  been  the  moft  miferableof  all  others,  the  leaft  of 
men,yea  a  very  fcorne  of  mcn,and  a  contempt  of  the  world  :  briefly, 
defpifcd  and  hated  of  all  men,  and  condemned  to  the  death  of  the 
crciTc,  and  even  of  his  own  people,  and  cfpccially  of  thoft  that  were 
cfteemed  the  beft,  the  wifeft,  the  holieft  cf  all  others.  This  is  a  great 
matter  ( I  fay  )  not  to  be  moved  with  thefe  great  offences,  and  to  be 
able,  not  only  to  contemne  them,  but  'alfo  to  eftecme  this  poorc 
Chriftfofpirefully  fcorned,  fpitupon,  whipped  and  crucified,  more 
then  the  riches  of  all  the  rkhcft,  the  ftrength  of  all  the  ftrongeft,  the 
\vifedome  of  all  the  wifeft,  the  holinefle  of  all  the  holieft  men,  with 
all  the  crowncs  and  fcepters  of  all  the  Kings  and  Princes  of  the  whole 
world.  They  therefore  arc  worthily  called  blcffed  of  Chrift,  which 
are  not  offended  in  him. 

Now,  PWhad  not  only  outward  tentations  (  whereof  I  have  fpo- 
ken  already  )  but  alfo  inward  and  fpirituall  tentations,  as  Chrift  had 
in  the  gardcn:fuch  as  that  was  whereof  he  coraplaineth  in  the  2  Cor. 
12.  That  he  felt  tkeyrick^or  ftiȣ  ofthefltjh,  and  the  Angcll  of  Satan 
which  buffeted  hint.  This  I  fay  by  the  way,becaufe  the  Papiits  expound 
this  to  be  a  motion  of  fhfhly  luft  ;  but  it  was  a  fpirituall  tentation. 
And  herein  is  no  repugnance  in  that  he  addeth  this  word  flefl>,hy  ing: 
A  prick?  rt>M  given  me  in  the  flefb.  Yea  he  calleth  it  of  purpofc  a  pricks 
in  the  flefh.  For  the  Cjalath'uws  and  others  which  were  convcriant 
with  Paul,  had  fecnhim  oftentimes  in  great  heavineffc,  anguilli,  and 
terrour:  Wherefore  the  Apoftles  had  not  onely  bodily,  but  alfo 
fpiriiuall  tentations,  which  alfo  heconfcfTeth  in  the  2  Cor. 7.  with  °fthcfpitic 
thefc  words:  Fightings  without, and  terr ours  within.  And  Luke  faith  in  jy^(e  Apo* 
the  laft  of  the  Atts,  that  Pan/  when  he  had  long  driven  in  the  tcm- 
pcftsof  thefea,  even  unto  the  heavineflc  of  the  fpirit,  wasagaincre- 
frefhed,  and  waxed  bold  whcnhcfaw  the  brethren  that  came  from 
Rome  to  meet  him  at  the  mnrket  of  Jppius  and  three  Tavernes.  Alfo, 
in  fPhil.  2-  heconfcfT.-th,  that  God  had  mercy  upon  him,  in  that 
he  reftored  Spaphroditus  fo  wcakc  and  nearc  to  death,  unto  health 
againe,  leaft  he  ihoul  i  have  forrow  upon  forrow.  Therefore  bcfides 
outward  tentations,  the  Apoftles  alfo  fuffcrcd  great  anguilh,  heavi- 
nefls  and  tcrrcurs. 

But  why  faith  Paul,  that  he  was  not  dcfpifed  of  the 

E  e 

Chap.IIIL  Fpon  tfa  EP  i  s  T  t  E 

4w.?  It  fccmcth  that  they  defpifcd  him,whcn  they  fell  away  from  his 
GofpelL  /Wexpoundeth  himfclfc.  When  I  firft  preached  to  you  the 
Gofpell  (  faith  he  )  yc  did  not  as  other  people  have  done,  who  being 
greatly  offended  through  this  my  infirmity  and  tcntationoftheflefli, 
have  defpifed  and  rcjeded  me.  For  mans  rcafon  is  foone  offended 
with  this  vile  and  contemptible  forme  of  the  crofle,and  judgeth  thofe 
tobeftarkemad,  which  being  foaffltcled,  will  go  about  tocomforr, 
tohelpeand  to  fuccour  others:  Alfo,  thofe  that  boaft  of  their  great 
riches,  that  is  to  fay,  of  righceoufneifr,  ftrength,  vitftory  over  finne, 
death  and  all  evils,  of  joy,  falvation  and  everlafting  life,  and  yet  not- 
withftanding  are  needy,  weake,  heavy  hearted  and  dcipifed,  cvill  in- 
treated  andflaine,  as  very  noifome  poifons  both  of  common- weales 
and  religion,  and  they  which  kill  them  think  they  doe  high  fervicc 

70&.KJ.J.     unto  God.   Therefore,  when  they  promifc  unto  others  eternall  trea- 

fures^nd  they  themfclves  perifh  fo  wretchedly  before  the  world,thcy 

>!t     are  laughed  to  fcorne  and  compelled  to  heare :  Thifitian  cure  thy  felfr. 

'F/4/.zatf.u.  And  hereof  come  thefe  complaints  which  are  every  where  in  the 
Pfalmes :  I  am  a  man&s,  Againc  :  Depart  not  front  met 
fir  tribulation  u  at  hand3etndthtre  is  none  to  kelpe&c. 

^^s  *s  therefore  a  great  commendation  of  the  6*lxtki#ut  that 
they  were  not  o!f«nded  with  this  infirmity  and  tentation  of  Tml, 
but  .received  him  as  an  Angcll  of  God,  yea  as  Chrift  Jefus. 
It  is  indeed  a  great  vcrtue  and  worthy  of  great  praife  to  heare 
the  Apoftle.  But  it  is  a  greater,  and  a  true  ChriUian  vertuc,  to 
give  care  unto  one  fo  miferable,  weake  and  contemptible  as  Paul 
was  among  the  gaUthians  (  as  here  he  witneflcth  of  himfelfe)  and 
to  receive  him  as  an  Angdl  from  Heaven,  and  to  give  him  fuch  ho« 
nour  as  if  he  had  been  Chrift  Jefus  himfelfe,  and  not  to  be  offen 
ded  with  his  affli&ions,  being  lo  great  and  fo  many.  Wherefore,  by 
thefe  words  he  highly  commendeth  the  vertuc  of  the  Cjalathitwt, 
which  hee  faith,  hee  will  keepe  in  perpetuall  remembrance,  and 
fo  greatly  eftecmcth  the  fame,  that  he  defireth  it  may  be  knownc 
unto  all  men.  Notwithftanding  in  fetting  forth  fo  highly  their 
benefits  and  praifes,  he  fheweth  covertly  how  entirely  they  lo 
ved  him  before  the  comming  of  the  falfe  Apoftlcs,  and  therewith- 
all  he  rnoveth  them  to  continue  as  they  began,  and  to  embrace 
him  with  no  lefic  love  and  reverence  then  they  did  before.  And  herc- 
'ry  it  may  alfo  appeare,  that  the  falfe.  apotUeshad  greater  authority 


TO  tht  G  A  L  A  T  H.  I  A  N,  S  .  Fol.  2  1  0 

among  the  (JAMiant  then  .Pd«/bimfelfehad.  For  the  GaUtki*nt 
being  moved  with  their  authority,  preferred  them  farrc  above  T3**/, 
whom  before  they  fo  dearely  loved  and  received  as  an  Angell  of 


Vcrfe  I  j  .   what  w<u  thenjourfilicity  f 

As  if  he  would  fay  :  How  happy  were  ye  counted  \  How  much 
were  ye  then  praifed,  and  commended  ?  The  like  manner  of  fpeech: 
WC  have  in  the  fong  of  the  virgin  Mary  :  All  generations  {hatt  catttn^W***: 
blejfeA.  And  thefe  words:What  vcxu  then  your  felicity?  containe  in  them 
a  certaine  vehemency.  As  if  he  would  fay  :  Ye  were  not  only  bleffcd,  . 
but  in  all  things  moft  bit  fled  and  highly  commended.  Thus  hegoeth 
about  to  qualihe  and  mitigate  his  bitter  potion,  that  is  to  fay,  his 
(harp  chiding,  fearing  left  the  Cjalathians  fhould  be  offended  there 
with:  cfpecially,  feeing  he  knew  that  the  falfe  apoftles  would  flan-- 
der  him,  and  moft  fpitefully  interpret  his  words.  For  this  is  the  qua 
lity  and  nature  of  thde  vipers,  that  they  will  flander  and  maliciouHy  Het«iefcc« 
pervert  thofe  words  which  proceed  from  a  fimple  and  fincere  heart, 
and  wreft  them  cleanc  contrary  to  the  trus  fcnfe  and  meaning  therof, 

They  are  marvellous  cunning  workmen  in  this  matter,  far  patting  all  a?cvaimta: 
the  wit  and  eloquence  of  all  the  Rhetoricians  in  the  world.For  they  n' 
are  led  with  awickedfpint,  which  ibbewitcheth  them,  that  they 
being  inflamed  with  a  dcvillifh  rage  againft  the  faithfull,  can  no    '*  &  i 
otherwife  doe,  but  malicioufly  interpret  and  wickedly  pervert  their 
words  and  writings.   Therefore  they  are  like  unto  thefpider,  that 
fucketh  venome  out  of  fwcct  and  pleafant  flowers  :  which  proccc- 
deth  not  of  the  flowers,  but  of  their  owne  venomous  nature,  which 
turneth  that  into  poifon,  that  of  it  felfe  is  good  and  wholcfome, 
Paul  therefore  by  thcfe  mild  and  fweet  w°^s  goeth  about  to  pre 
vent  the  falfe  apoftles,  to  the  end  theyfliould  have  no  occafion  to 
flinder  and  pervert  his  words  after  this  manner  :   Paul  handleth 
you  very  ungently,  he  calleth  you  foolil"h,  bewitched,  anddifobe- 
dient  to  the  truth,  which  is  afuretoken  that  hefeeketh  not  your, 
faivation,  but  accounteth  you  as  damned  and  rcjeded  from  Chrift. 


Verfs  IJ«  for  I  be  are  you  record,  that  if  it  had  beene  pojjible,  yee 
^ould  have  flacked  out  your  wne  eyes  And  have  give* 
them  to  me, 

Ee  2  He 

ChapJIII.  VJM  the  E  P  i  $  T  t  i 

He  praifeth  the  gaLttkians  above  mcafurc.  Ye  did  not  only  JhfreaC 
me(faith  he)moft  courteoufly  and  with  all  revcrcnce.receiving  me  as 
an  Angcll  of  God,d*r.but  alfo  ifneceflity  had  required,yc  would  have 
plucked  out  your  own  eyes  and  given  them  to  me  :  yea,  you  would 
Tfte  G*U-    have  bcftowed  your  lives  for  me.  And  indeed  the  QalAthiAns  beltow- 
eou«d'p4«/  ed  their  lives  for  him:  For  in  that  they  received  and  maintained  'Paul 
wi(htlhci'j,   (  whom  the  world  accounted  moft  execrable  and  accurfcd)  they  rur- 
ned  upon  their  own  heads,  as  receivers  and  maintainers  of  Paul,  tha 
crucll  hatred  and  indignation  of  ail  the  Jewesand  Gentiles. 

^°  a^°  at  l^s  ^  r^e  namc  °^  f-ut^er  1S  m°ft  odious  to  the  world. 
He  that  praifeth  me  finneth  worfe  tlien  any  Idolater,hhfphemcr,pcr- 
jurcr,  whoremonger,  adul:crer,murtherer  or  thcefc.  f  t  muft  needs  be 
therefore  that  the  gatathiarts  were  well  eftabliilied  in  the  doftrmc 
and  faith  of  Chrift,  feeing  that  they  with  fo  great  danger  cf  their 
lives,  received  and  maintained  Paul  which  w^s  hated  throughout  all 
the  world.For  elfc  they  would  never  have  fuftamed  that  cruell  hatred 
of  the  whole  world. 

Ycrfs  16.    t*4"r*  I  therefore  btcomt  jour  enemy,  becmuje  1  tell  yott  the 

Here  he  fhewcth  thereafon,  why  he  fpcakcththe 
feire.  For  he  fufpcfteth  that  they  take  him  for  their  enemy,  becauic 
^e  ^)ac^  reprovcd  them  fo  flharpely  .1  pray  you  (  faith  he)  fet  apart  thcfe 
rebukef  ,  and  feperatc  them  from  do«flrine3  and  ye  (hall  find  that  my 
purpofe  was  not  to  rebuke  you,  but  to  teach  you  the  truth.  Indeed  I 
confeilethat  my  Epiftle  is  (harpe  and  fevere  :  but  by  this  fevcrityl 
goe  about  to  call  yon  backcagaine  to  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell,  from 
the  which  ye  arc  fallen,  and  to  keep  you  in  the  fame  :  therefore  ap 
ply  this  fharpcnefle  and  this  bitter  potion,  not  to  your  perfons,  but  to 
your  difeafe  :  Atxl  judge  me  not  to  be  your  enemy  in  rebuking  you  fo 
fharpely,  but  rather  thinke  that  lam  ycur  father.  For  unlefle  1  loved 
you  dearely  as  my  children,  and  knew  alfo  that  I  am  beloved  of  you, 
1  would  not  have  reproved  you  fo  fharpely. 

It  is  the  part  of  a  friend,  freely  toadmonift  his  friend  'if  he  doc 
arnifle,  and  when  he  is  fo  admoniChcd,  if  he  be  wife  he  is  not  angry 
with  the  other  which  hath  fo  friendly  admonifhed  him  and  told 
him  the  truth,  but  giveth  him  thankcs.  It  is  commonly  feenc  in 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s.  Fol.2  1  r 

the  world  that  truth  bringeth  hatred,and  that  he  is  accounted  an  ene-  Troth  pro. 
my  which  fpeaketh  the  trirh.  But  amongft  friends  it  is  not  io  ;  much  ««•«*  *** 
lefle  amongft  Chriftians.     Seeing  therfore  I  have  reprehended  you  of  "c4* 
nicer  lovCjte  the  end  ye  might  abide  in  the  truth,ye  ought  not  to  be  of 
fended  with  me  nor  loofe  the  truth,  or  think  me  your  enemy,  bccaufe 
of  my  friendly  and  fatherly  rcprehenfion.Ail  thefc  things  are  f  poken  of 
Paul,  to  confirm  that  which  he  faid  before  :  Be  ye  as  I  am:  ye  have  not 
hurt  me  }  &c. 

Verfei7.  They  are  jcalow  overjottawffe,  &Ct 

He  reproveth  here  the  flattery  of  the  falfe  Apoftlcs.  For  Satan  is 
tvont  by  his  Minifters,  through  wonderfull  fubtilty  and  crafty  Heights  ^  rSly 
to  beguile  the  fimple:  As  Paul  faith,  Rom.  1  6.  With  fare  Fpeech  and  of  the  falfe 
flattering  they  deceive  the  hearts  ofthefimp/e.  For  firft  of  all,  they  make  Ap°  f 
great  protections  that  they  feeke  nothing  elfe  but  the  advancement 
of  Gods  glory  :  and  moreover  that  they  are  moved  by  the  Spirk  (  be- 
caufe  the  miferahle  people  are  ncgle&ed,  or  elfe  becaufe  the  truth  is 
n  ^t  purely  taught  of  others)  to  teach  the  infallible  truth,  that  by  this 
meanes  the.  cleft  may  be  delivered  from  errour,  and  may  come  to  the 
true  light  and  knowledge  of  the  truth,  Moreover,  they  promife  un 
doubted  falvation  to  thofc  that  receive  their  doctrine.  I  f  vigilant  and 
i-aithfuli  Pallors  do  not  withftand  thefe  ravening  wolves,  they  will  do 
great  harme  to  the  Church  under  this  pretence  of  godlines,  and  under 
this  (heeps  cloathing,  For  the  Cjalatkians  might  fay  :  why  doft  thou  in 
veigh  lo  bitterly  againli  our  teachers  for  that  they  be  jealous  over  us  ? 
For  that  which  they  do,  they  do  of  zeal  and  meer  love  :  this  ought  not 
to  ottend  thce,c^.  Indeed  (faith  hcjthey  are  jealous  over  you,but  their 

Here  note  that  /cale  or  jealoufis  ,  properly  fignificth  an  angry 
love,  or,  as  ye  would  fay,  a  godly  envy.    Sliu  faith  :  /  have  beensve-  ^ 
ry  ]ealout  for  the  Lordofhofls.    After  this  manner  the  husoand  is  jea 
lous  to  -.vardsythe  wife,  the  father  towards  the  fonne,  the  brother 
to  wards  his  brother,  that  is  to  fay,  they  love  him  entirely  :  yet  fo 
that  they  hate  their  vices  and  goe  about  to  amend  them.    Such  a 
zeale  the  falfe  Apoftles  pretended  to  beare  towards  the  Galnthi- 
ant.     Paul  indeed  confcfleth  that  they  were  very  zealous  towards 
the  Galathians,  but  their  zeale  (faith  he)  was  not  good.   Now,  by  the 
this  colour  and  fubtill  pretence  the  fimple  are  deceived,  when  theie 

E  e  3 

Chap.lV.  Vfontbe  EPISTLE 

pretence  &  feduccrs  doc  make  them  to  believe  th  at  they  beare  a  great  zeale  and 
of  hciaS!  affe^ion  toward  them  ,  and  that  they  arc  very  carefull  for  them  : 
Paul  therefore  warneth  us  here  to  put  a  difference  betwixt  a  good  zeal 
good  and  an  cvill  zcak.  Indeed  a  good  zeale  is  to  be  commended,but  not  an 
ie  and  cvill  zeale.  I  am  as  zealous  over  you  (faith  Pant)  as  they.  Now  judee 
yc'  which  of  our  zealcs  is  better,  mine  or  theirs  :  which  is  good  and 
godly,  which  is  evill  and  carnall.  Therefore  let  not  their  zeale  fo  ea- 
fily  feduce  you. 

Verfe  17.  They  Vfould  exclude  my  that  jou  jhould  altogether  love 
them.  -~ 

:  True  il  is>tliat  th  cy  arc  VCI7  zeafc>us  towards  you,  but 
by  this  means  they  feek  that  ye  again  fliould  be  zealous  towards  them 
and  reject  me.  If  their  zeale  were  fmcere  and  godly,  then  furely  they 
would  be  content  that  I  alfo  fhould  be  beloved  of  you  as  well  as  they. 
But  they  hate  our  doctrine,  and  therefore  their  dcfire  is  that  it  may  be 
utterly  abolifhed,  and  their  ownc  preached  amongft  you.  Now  to 
the  end  they  might  bring  this  to  pafle,  they  goe  about  by  this  jealoufic 
to  plticke  your  hearts  from  me,  and  to  make  me  odious  unto  you,  that 
when  ye  have  conceived  an  hatred  agatnft  me  and  my  doctrine,'  and 
turned  y  our  aftedion  and  zeale  towards  them,  ye  fhould  love  them 
only,  and  receive  no  other  doftrine  but  theirs.'  Thus  he  brin^eth  the 
falfe  apoftles  intofufpition  among  the  ^jalathians,  (lie  wing  tbm  by  this 
goodly  pretence  they  go  about  to  deceive  them.  So  cur  Saviour  Chrift 
alfo  warneth  us,fay  ing  :  Take  heed  of  falfe  prophets  which  come  toy  on  i* 
fbeeps  cloathing. 

evii$      ?*ul  fufF^red  the  fame  tenration  which  we  fufter  at  this  day. 
Wc  was  man*^oa^y  troubled  with  this  enormity  ,  that  after  the 

ai.  preaching  of  his  dodlrine,  which  was  divine  and  holy,  he  fa  w  fo  ina- 
ny  fcds/  com  motions,  diflipations  of  common-weales,   change* 
of  kingdomes  and  other  like  things  toenfue,  which  were  the  caufe 
of  infinite  evils  and  oifences.     He  was  accufcd  by  the  Jc  wcs  to  be  a 
pernicious  fellow,  a  mover  of  Edition  in  his  whole  nation,  and  to 
beanauthourofthefedofj?V<«^r/V«.     As  if  they  had  fa  id  :  This  is 
afsditicus  and  a  blasphemous  fellow  :  for  he  prcachcth  fuch  things 
•whereby  he  not  onely  overthrowcth  thejtvijb  Common-  wealth 
excellently  well  ordered  and  eftablilhed  by  the  laws  of  God  :  but  al- 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  M  S*  Fol.2  12 

fo  aboliftied  even  the  ten  Commandcments  ,  the  religion  and  fcrvicc 
of  God,  and  our  Priefthood,  and  publifhed  throughout  the  world,  the 
Gofpell  (  as  he  calleth  it )  whereof  are  fprung  infinite  evils  ,  fediti- 
ons,  c  fF-T-ces  and  fefts.  He  was  compelled  to  heare  of  t he  Cjentiles  alfo 
which  cry  ed  out  againft  him  in  Philippi,  that  he  was  a  troubkr  of  the  "" 
city,  and  preached  ordinances  which  were  not  la  wfull  for  them  to  re 
ceive,  &c. 

Such  troubles  of  common- weales  and  other  calamities,  as  famine,  jmpU5JJn 
warrs,  diflentions  and  feds,  the  ^BVJ  and  Cjentiles  imputed  to  the  do-  cviuto  the 
clrineofTWandoftheother  Apoftles  :  and  therefore  theyperfccu-  Jh^Apo- 
ted  them  as  common  plagues,  and  enemies  ofthepublike  peace  and  flics- 
religion.    The  Apoftles  notwithstanding  all  this  did  not  ccafe  to  doc 
their  office,  but  moft  conftantly  preached  and  con&tfed  Chrift.    For 
they  knew  that  they  (hould  rather  obey  God  then  men:and  that  it  was 
better  that  the  whole  world  fhould  be  troubled  and  in  an  uproare,thcn  ^    _ 
that  Chrift  fhould  not  be  preached,  or  that  one  foul  ftiould  be  neglect 
ed  and  per  ifc. 

Inthemeanetimeit  was  (nodoubt)  aheavycroflc  to  the  Apo- 
(Ues  to  teeth  efe  offences  :  for  they  were  not  made  of  iron.    It  was  a 
wonderfull  gricfe  unto  them,  that  that  people  for  whofe  fakes  Paul 
wiflicd  to  be  feperate  from  Chrift,  fhould  perifti,  with  all  their  orna-  r^^L. 
ments.They  faw  that  great  tumults  and  changes  of  kingdomes  fhould  nicsw«e 
follow  their  doftrinc-.    And  (which  was  more  bitter  unto  them  then  jf^f01" 
death  it  felf,  but  efpecially  to  *?W)  they  faw  that  amongft  them-  great  <»i'i«, 
klvcs  there  fprang  up  many  feds.  I  c  was  heavy  ne  wes  to  P*nl,  when  [jj!""^ 
hs  heard  that  thcCorixthians  denied  the  refurrc&ion  of  the  dead:  when  gticfc. 
he  heard  that  the  Churches  which  were  planted  by  his  miniftery,werc 
troubled :  that  the  Gofpell  was  overthro  wne  by  the  falfe  ApoiUcs,and 
that  all  ex^a  was  revolted  from  his  doftrinc,  and  certain  great  psrfo- 

But  he  knew  that  his  doftrinc  was  not  the  caufe  of  thefe  cfF.-n-  The  ccflf(>- 
ces  and  feels,  and  therefore  he  was  not  difcouragcd ,  he  forfjoke  i«km  <& 
not  his  vocation,  went  forward,  knowing  that  the  Gofpell  which 
he  preached,  was  the  power  ofGodtofalvation  to  all  that  believe, 
howfocver  it  feemed  to  the  Icrves  and  Gentiles  to  bs  a  fooliih  and 
offcnfive  dcdlrine.    He  knew  that  they  arc  blcited  which  are  not  of 
fended  by  this  word  of  the  crolTe,  whether  they  be  teachers  or  hea- 
rcts  ,   as  Chrift  himfelfe  faith  :  Bleftd  is  hee  Which  is  not  of  ended 

£  c  4  *« 

Chap.TIII.  Vyen  tbfE  P  i  s  T  L  B 

in  me.  Contrariwifeha  knew  that  they  were  condemned,  which 
judged  this  doctrine  to  be  fbolifa  and  heret'call.  Therefore  he  faith, 
as  Chrift  faid  of  the  Jcwes  and  Gentiles  which  were  offended 
with  this  doctrine :  Let  them  alone^  they  are  blind  ^  and  leader  s  ofihe 

Wealfo  arcconftrainedat  this  day  toheare  the  fame  fpoken  of  us, 
areVitir'  which  was  £  lid  of  Tart  I  and  the  other  Apoftles  :  ro  wit,  thatthsdo- 
»mij  la C    ^rlnc  °^ tnc  Gof  pell  which  we  profcflc,is  the  catifs  of  many  and  great 
•hoJoZir  enormities,as  of  {editions,  wars,fa5ls  and  innumerable  ounces.    Yca> 
IMS  charge  they  impute  unto  us  all  the  troubles  which  are  at  this  day.    Surely  we 
teach  no  hercfies  or  wicked  doctrinr,  but  we  preach  the  glad  tidings 
concerning  Chrift,that  he  is  our  high  Prieft  and  our  Redccmer.More- 
over,  our  advcrfaries  are  conftrained   (if  they   will  con&flfe  the 
trmh)to  grant  us  this,that  we  have  given  no  occafion  through  our  do 
ctrine,  of  {'editions,  warrs  or  tumults:  but  alwaies  have  taught  that 
honour  and  reverence  muft  be  given  to  the  Magiftrate ,  becaafe  God 
hath  fo  commanded,    Neither  are  we  the  authours  of offences :  but  in 
that  the  wicked  are  offended,  the  fault  is  in  themfclvcs  and  not  in  us. 
God  hath  commanded  us  to  preach  the  doctrine  of  the  Gofpell  with 
out  any  refpect  of  offence.    But  becaufe  this  doctrine  condemneth  the 
wicked  doctrine  and  idolatry  of  our  advcrfaries,  they  being  provoked 
therby,  raifc  offtnccs  of  chemfelves,  which  the  Schoolmen  called  of- 
offcnce  ta  fences  taken,  which  they  faid,  ought  not  to  be  avoided,  nor  can  be  a- 
ien          voided. 

Chrift  taught  the  Gofpell,  having  no  regard  to  the  offence  of  the 
}J*t  15,14.   Jewes»    ^J^r  tbw,  (faith  he)    they  are  bllnde  And  lenders  of  the 
blind*.   The  more  the  Priefts  forbad  the  Apoftks  to  preach  in  the 
namcof  ChritV,  the  more  the  Apoftks  gave  witnefle,  that  the  fame 
Jefus  whom  they  had  crucified ,  is  both  Lord  and  Chrift ,  and  who- 
Ibcver  (hould  call  upon  him,  fhouldbefaved,  and  that  there  is  none 
other  name  given  unto  men  under  Heaven,  \v  hereby  they  muft  be  la 
ved,  &c.    Evenfo  we  preach  Chrift  at  this  day,  not  regarding  the 
clamours  of  the  wicked  Papifts  and  all  our  sdverfarics,  which  cry 
com-    out  that  our  doctrine  is  feditious  and  full  of  blafphcmy ,  that  it 
plaints  rf   trcubkth  common-weales,  ovcrthroweth  religion  and  tcacheth  he- 
and  briefly  that  it  is  the  ca«fe  of  all  evils.    When   Chrift 

e  and  his  Apoftlcs  preached  ,  the  fame  was  faid  hkewile  of  them. 
*     f*  Not  long  after,  the  Romans  came,  and  according  to  their  own 


prophecy  i  destroyed  both  the  place  and  the  nation.  Wherefore 
let  thc  enemies  ofthe  Gofpell  at  this  day  take  heed  that  they  be 
not  overwhelmed  with  thefe  evils,  which  they  prophecy  untothcm- 

Thefe  they  make  grievous  and  hainous  offences,  that  Monks  and  TI,«  pap;n» 
Priefts  do  marry  wives,  that  we  cat  flefh  upon  thc  Fridaics  and  fuch  foffifewcii 
likc.But  this  is  no  offcnce  to  them  at  all,  that  by  their  wicked  dodrine  S«!an<t 
they  feduce  and  daily  deftroy  innum:rablcfbuls,that  by  their  evill  ex-  cordcsni;« 
ample  they  oft-hid  the  weake,  that  they  blafpheme  and  condemne  the  " 
glorious  Gofpell  ofthe  mighty  God,  and  that  they  perfecute  and  kill 
thofc  that  love  thcfincerity  ofdodrineand  the  word  of  life :  this  (  I 
fay)is  to  them  no  of&nce;but  an  obediencc,a  fervicc  and  an  acceptable 
facnficc  unto  God.  Let  us  fufer  them  therfbre :  For  they  are  blind,  and 
leaders  ofthe  Mind.  He  that  hurtcth,  let  him  hurt  ft  ill,  and  he  that  is  filthy, 
let  him  be  more  filthy.  But  we,becaufc  we  believe,  will  fpeak  and  let 
forth  the  wonderfull  works  of  the  Lord  fo  long  as  we  have  breath,and 
will  endure  the  perfections  of  our  adverfanes  untill  that  time  that 
Chrift  our  high  Bifhop  and  King  (hall  come  from  heaven,  who  we 
hope  will  come  fhorrly  as  a  juft  Judge  to  take  vengeance  of  all  thefe 
that  obey  not  his  Gofpell.  So  be  it. 

With  thefe  offences  which  the  wicked  allcadge,  the  godly  arc  no 
thing  moved.  For  they  know  that  the  devillhateth  nothing  more  then 
the  pure  doctrine  ofthe  Gofpcl,  and  therfbre  he  goeth  about  to  deface  „ 
it  with  innumerable  offences,  that  by  this  meanes  he  might  root  it  out 
ofmens  hearts  for  ever.    Before,  when  nothing  elfe  was  taught  in  thc 
Church  but  mens  traditions,  the  devill  did  nor  fo  rage.    For  whileft 
thc  ftrong  man  kept  the  houfe,  all  that  he  pofleffcd  was  in  peace  :  but 
now  whcnaftrongsr  commeth  which  vanquifheth  and  bindcth  that 
ftrong  one  and  fpoykth  his  houfe,  then  he  beginneth  to  rage  indeed. 
And  this  is  an  infallible  token,  that  the  doctrine  which  we  profcfle  ,  f     9 
isofGod.    Forelfe  (as  it  is  faid  in  the 40. of  Job)  thit  Behemoth 
Would  lie  titdtwdcr  the  trees  in  the  covert  ofthe  reeds  and  fins,    But  now, 
that  he  rangcth  about  like  a  roaring  Lion,  and  ftirrcth  up  fuch  hudy 
bodies,  it  is  a  manifcft  token  that  he  feeleth  the  power  of  our  prca- 

When  Pattl  faith  :  sTAjp  are  -^ealom  over  you  but  Amifle  ,  he 
(hewethby  thewa-y  who  are  theauthours  of  Sects  :  to  wit,  thofc 
jealous  fpirits  which  in  aU  time  overthrow  the  true  doftrine,  and  sca$. 


Chap.  IV.  •  Vftfl  the  E  P  I  s  T  t  B 

trouble  the  publikc  peace.  "For  thefe  things  ftirrcd  up  with  a  perverfc 
iealc,imaginc  that  they  have  a  certain  fingular  holincs,  modelfy,  pati 
ence  and  doflrine  above  others,  and  therfore  they  thinke  that  they  arc 
able  to  provide  for  the  falvation  of  all  men ,  that  they  can  teach  more 
profound  and  profitable  things,  ordain  better  fervice  and  ceremonies 
then  all  other  teachers  befides:  whom  they  defpife  as  nothing  in  com- 
parifon  of  thcmfel  vs,s  nd  abafe  their  authority  ,and  corrupt  thofe  things 
which  they  have  purely  taught.  Tbefalfe  Apoflles  had  fuch  a  wicked 
and  perverfe  zeal,  ftirring  up  fects,not  only  in  galatiajzut  al&>  in  all  the 
places  wherfbever  Pd#/and  the  other  Apoftles  had  preached;after  the 
which  feds  Followed  innumerable  offcnces  and  marvellous  troubles, 
For  the  devill(?&  Chrilt  faith)  it  a.  Ijor  axda  murtherer,  and  therfore  he 
is  wont  not  only  to  trouble  mens  ccnfciences  by  falfc  doctrine,  but  al- 
fo  to  ftir  up  tumults, feditions,warrs  and  all  mifchkf. 

There  are  very  many  at  this  day  which  are  pcflcfled  with  this  kind 
;of  jealoufkjwhich  pretend  great  rcligion,modefty,  doctrine,  and  pati 
ence,  and  yet  in  very  deed  thty  are  ravening  wolves  t  who  with  their 
hypocrilie  feek  nothing  els  but  to  difcredit  us,that  the  people  might  c- 
•ftccmjove  and  reverence  them  only,  and  receive  no  other  doctrine  but 
theirs. No w,bccaufe  thefe  men  have  a  great  opinion  of  themfdves,and 
defpif  e  other,  it  cannot  be,  but  that  there  muft  needs  follow  horrible 
difll-ntions,feds,divi(ions  and  feditions.But  what  fhould  we  do  ?  we 
cannot  remedy  this  matter:  as  Paul  could  net  do  in  his  time.Not  with- 
ftanding  he  gained  fome, which  obeyed  his  admonitions. So  I  hope  al- 
fo  that  I  have  called  fbme  back  from  the  errours  of  the  Sectaries. 

Vcrfe  1 8.  But  it  u  A  good  thing  to  lovecttrncftlj  afaaiesin  agoadthingjAnd 
not  only  Vthen  I  am  prefect  With  yo&. 

As  if  he  diould  fay :  I  commend  you  for  this,  that  ye  loved  me  fo 
•entirely  when  I  preached  the  Gofpcll  amongft  you  in  the  infirmity  of 
the  fleOi.  Ye  ought  to  beare  the  fame  affrclion  towards  me  r.o w  when 
I  am  abfent,  even  as  if  I  had  never  departed  from  you.  For  although  I 
-be  abfcnt  in  body,  yet  have  ye  my  doftrine,  which  ye  ought  to  retains 
and  maintain,  feeing  ye  received  the  holy  Ghoft  through  it :  thinking 
\v  ith  your  fcl ves  that  *Pa»l  is  alwaies  prcfent  with  you  as  long  as  yee 
have  the  doctrine.  I  do  not  therefore  reprehend  your  zcale,but  I  praiie 
it,  and  fo  farr^  forth  I  praife  it^as  it  is  the  zealc  of  God  or  of  the  Spirit, 


TO  t lie  GALATHIANS.  Fol.2  14. 

and  not  cf  the  flefl).Now,thezealeof  the  Spirit  is  alwaies  good :  for  Ti'CMai.  «f 
it  is  an  earneft  afcdion  and  motion  of  the  heart  to  a  good  thing,and  fo  cf*i£  a'efL 
is  not  the  zeal  of  the  flelli.He  commen  Jeth  therfore  the  zeal  of  the  </*- 
fathiansjhat  therby  he  may  pacific  their  minds,  and  that  they  may  pa 
tiently  fuflfer  his  cotrecli  ;n.  As  if  he  would  fay  :Take  my  corrcdion  in 
good  part :  for  it  proceedeth  of  no  difpleafure,but  of  a  forrowfull  heart 
and  carcfull  for  your  falvaticn.This  is  a  lively  example  to  teach  all  Mi- 
niftcrs  how  to  be  careful!  for  their  fliecpe,  and  to  aflay  every  way,  au^f?" 
that  by  chiding,  fiircfpeaking,  or  intrearing,  they  may  kcepc  them  JaithfullP»- 
in  fonnd  doctrine,  and  fame  them  from  fubtill  feducers  and  falfe  tea- 

Verfc  19.  My  little  children  of  Whom  I  travell  in  birth  Again  y    untiH 
Chrift  be  formed  in  jo*  t 

All  his  words  are  weighty  and  fitly  framed  to  the  purpofc,that  they 
may  moove  the  hearts  of  the  Galathians,  and  win  their  favour  againe. 
And  thcfc  are  fweet  and  loving  words,  when  he  cailcth  them  his  chil- 
dren.  When  he  faith  :  of^hom  I  travel!  in  birth,  it  is  an  allegory.  For  nics  arc  p'j> 
the  Apoftles  arc  in  the  ftcad  of  parents  :  as  School- matters  alfoarcin  rcnts« 
their  place  and  calling.  For  as  Parents  beget  the  bodily  fbrmc,fo  they 
beget  the  forme  of  the  mind.    Now,  the  forme  of  a  Chriftian  mind  is  Jf'^™ 
faith,or  the  confidence  of  the  heart  which  laieth  hold  upon  Chrift,and  an  mind.-  a- 
cleavcth  to  him  alone  and  to  nothing  elfe.    The  heart  being  furnilhed  |0°"^  '* 
with  this  confidence  or  aflurance :  to  wit,  that  for  Chrifts  fake  we  arc  s 
righteous,  hath  the  true  forme  of  Chrift.  Now  this  forme  is  given  by 
theminifteryofthe  word,  as  it  is  fafd,  i  Cor.4.  /  have  begotten  you 
through  the  Gofj>e[l>  that  is  to  £y,  in  Spirit,  that  ye  might  know  Chrift 
and  believe  in  him.  Alfo,2  Cor,  3 ,  7>  &e  the  Epiftle  of  Chrift,  minittred 
bj  vu^nA  \\>ritte*3  not  Wifh  inket  but  With  the  Spirit  of  the  living  God.  For 
the  word  cometh  from  the  moutht)f  the  Apoftle,  or  of  the  Minifter, 
and  cntreth  inro  the  heart  of  him  that  heareth  it.Thcrc  the  lioly  Ghcflb 
is  prefent,  and  imprinteth  the  word  in  thchearr,  fo  that  itconfenteth 
unto  it.  Thus  every  godly  teacher  is  a  father,  which  gcndrcth  and  for- 
mcth  the  true  fhape  of  a  Chriftian  heart,and  that  by  the  miniftry  of  the 

Moreover  ,    by  thefe  words ,   Of  Vehom  I  travell  in  birth ,    he 
toucheth  the  falfe  Apoftles.    As  though  l,c  would  fay  :  1  did  begca 


The  forme 

Who  be 
like  unto 

Chap.IIIi.  Vfon  the  E  p  i  s  T  L  E 

you  rightly  through  the  Gofpell  :  but  tbefc  corruptsrs  have  formed  a 
new  fhape  in  your  hcart,not  of  Chrift,  but  ot'Mofes ;  fo  chat  now  your 
affiance  is  not  grounded  any  more  upon  Chrift,but  upon  the  works  of 
the  law. This  is  not  the  true  forme  of  Chrift,but  it  is  another  forme,and 
altogether  dcvillifh.  And  he  faith  not :  of  whom  I  travell  in  birth  un- 
till  my  forme  be  faibioned  in  you,  but  untill  Chrift  be  formed  in  you  : 
That  is  to  fay,  I  travell  that  ye  may  receive  again  the  forme  and  fimili* 
tude  of  Chrift,and  not  of  Pattl.ln  which  words  he  again  reprovcth  the 
falfe  Apoftles:  for  they  had  abolifhed  the  forme  of  Chrift  in  the  hearts 
of  the  believers,and  had  deviled  another  form,that  is  to  (ay  .their  own: 
As  he  faith  chap. 6.  They  Vvcttld  h.wcjou  circumcifed^  that  they  might  re- 
Joyce  injourflefb. 

Of  this  forme  of  Chrift  he  fpeaketh  alfo  in  the  third  to  the  Co- 
loflians  :  Tut  jee  on  the  new  man  \\hich  is  renewed  In  knowledge  af 
ter  the  intake  of  him  that  created  him.  Taul  th:r:fore  goeth  about 
to  repaire  the  forme  of  Chrift  in  the  GaUthians  that  was  disfigured 
and  corrupted  by  the  falfc  Apoftles  :  which  is ,  that  they  (hould 
thinke,  and  will  as  God  doth,  whofe  thoughcand  will  is,  that  wee 
{hould  obtaine  remjiTion  of  our  fins,  and  cverlafting  life  by  Jcfus 
Chrift  his  only  Sonne,  whom  he  lent  into  the  world  to  the  end  he 
might  be  the  propitiation  of  our  finnes,  and  that  wcfhould  know 


fcmelbrme  in  their  mind  which  is  in  God  or  in  Chrift.  This  is  to  be 
renewed  in  the  fpirit  of  our  mind,  ?.nd  to  put  on  the  new  man  which 
after  God  is  created  in  righteoufrufls  and  true  holinefle,  as  7W faith, 

He  faith  then ,  that  he  travcllet'i  againe  of  the  yaiathians  in 
birth,  and  yet  fo  notwithftanding,  that  ~the  forme  of  the  children 
fhould  not  be  the  forme  of  the  Apoftle  :  ft)  that  the  children  Qiould 
not  referable  the  forme  of  Pault  or  of  Cephas,  &c.  but  of  another 
father,  that  is  to  fay,  of  Chrift.  I  will  fafhion  him  (faith  he)  in  you 
that  the  fame  mind  may  be  in  you,  which  was  in  Chrift  himfdfe. 
Tobebrkfe  :  /  travell  efysu  .-  that  is  to  fay,  I  labour  carefully  to 
call  you  backe  to  your  former  faith,  the  which  ye  have  loft,  (being 
deceived  by  the  craft  and  fubtilty  of  the  falfe  Apofiles)  and  are 
returned  to  the  law  and  works.  Therefore  I  muft  now  againe 


TO  tit  G  A  L  A  T  H  T  A  N  S^  FoT. 2  I  £ 

carefully  fcravcll  to  bring  you  backe,  from  the  Jaw  to  the  faith  of 
Chrift.  This  he  callcth  to  travcll  in  birth,  &c. 

V  erfs  20.    tsfnd  I  would  I  vert  with  jou  now,  that  I  might  change  mj 
voice  ,&c. 

Thcfe  arc  the  true  cares  of  an  Apoftlc.  It  is  a  common  fay  ing,thar  a 
letter  is  a  dead  ineitenger :  for  it  can  give  no  more  then  it  hath.  And  ctlc"er»s* 
no  Epiftle  or  letter  is  written  fo  exactly,  wherein  there  is  not  fome- 
what  lacking.  For  the  circumrtances  are  divcrs:therc  is  a  divcrficy  of 
times,  places,  perfons,  manners  and  affcdions :  all  which  no  Epiftle 
can  cxpreffc  :  Therefore  it  inoveth  the  reader  divcrfly,  making  him 
now  fad,  now  merry,  as  he  himfclfc  is  cifpcfed.  But  if  any  thing  be 
fpoken  iharpely  or  out  of  tiuie,  the  lively  voice  of  a  man  may  ex« 
pound, mitigate,  or  correct  the  fame.  Therefore  the  Apoftlc  wilheth 
that  he  were  with  them,  to  the  end  he  might  temper  and  change  his 
voice,  as  he  (hould  fee  it  ncedfull  by  thf  qualities  of  their  affccf  ions. 
As,if  he  fhould  fee  any  of  them  very  much  troubled,he  might  fo  tem 
per  his  words,  that  they  fhould  not  be  opprefled  thereby,  with  more 
heavineflc:  Contrariwife  :  if  he  fhould  lee  others  high  minded,  he 
might  fharpely  reprehend  them,  leaft  thsyfliouldbe  toofecure  and 
carcleffejand  fo  at  length  become  contemners  of  God. 

Whercf  re  he  could  not  devife  how  he  being  abfcnt,  fhould  dealc 
With  them  by  letters.  As  if  he  fhould  fay  ;  If  my  epiftle  be  too  fharp,! 
feare  I  fliall  more  oflxnd  then  amend  fome  of  you.  Againe:if  it  be  too 
gentle,  it  will  not  profit  thof.  which  arrpcrverfc  and  obftinate:  for 
dead  letters  arid  words  give  no  more  then  they  have.  Contrari  wife, 
the  lively  voice  ofa  man  compared  to  an  Epitile,  is  a  Q^ieene :  For  it 
can  adde  and  diminifti :  it  can  change  it  (life  into  all  manner  of  cflRj- 
ftions,times,places,and  perfons.  To  be  bricfe,!  would  gladly  convert 
you  by  letters,  that  is  to  fsy,  call  you  back  from  the  law  to  the  faith  of 
Jefus  Chrift:  but  1  fcare  that  I  (lull  not  fo  do  by  my  dead  letters.  But 
if  I  were  with  you,  I  could  change  my  voice,  I  could  reprove  them, 
bitterly  that  are  obftinate,  and  comfort  the  weakc  with  fweet  and 
loving  wotds,as  occafion  (hould  require. 

Vcrfe  20.    For  I  *m  troubled  fir  JOH. 

That  is  tp  &y ;  I  am  io  troubled  in  my  fpirit,  that  I  know  not 


C  hap.  IIIL  Vyw  tfo  £  P  t  $  1  1  B 

how  by  letters  to  behave  my  felfe  towards  you.  Here  is  a  lively  de- 
fcription  of  the  true  affection  of  an  Apoftle.  He  omitteth  nothing,hc 
chidcth  the  Cjalathlans  :  he  intreateth  them  :  he  fpeakcth  them  faire  : 
be  highly  commendcfh  their  faith,  labouring  by  aH  meanes  to  bring  • 
them  backe  againe  to  the  truth  of  the  Gofpeil,  and  to  deliver  them 
-out  of  the  fnarcs  of  the  falfe  apoftles.  Thefe  are  vehement  words,pro- 
cecding  from  an  heart  ftirredup  and  enflamed  with  a  hot  burning 
zeale,  and  therefore  ought  diligently  to  be  confidered. 

Verle  2l.    Tell  me,  yee  that  Vcill  be  under  the  law,  doc  yte  net  bearc  tkc 

Here  would  Paul  have  clofed  up  his  Epiftlc,  for  he  defircd  not 
to  write  any  more,  but  rather  to  be  prefent  with  the  galathians,  and 
to  fpeake  unto  them  himfelfe.   But  he  being  in  great  perplexity  and 
very  carefull  for  this  matter,  taketh  by  the  way  this  allegoric,  which 
iheufeof    *ncn  camc  lnto  ^s  mm<^-    For  the  people  are  greatly  delighted  with 
allegories    allegories  and  fimilitudes,  and  therefore  Chrift  himfelfe  oftentimes 
?^Cj™u'    ufeth  them.   For  they  arc  as  it  were  cert  line  pictures  which  fct  forth 
things  as  if  they  were  painted  before  the  eyes  of  the  fimp!e,and  there 
fore  they  move  and  perfwade  very  much,  efpecially  the  fimple  and 
ignorant.  Fir  ft  therefore  hcftirrctliup  the  q*lathians  with  words  and 
writings :  Secondly  he  paintethout  the  matter  it  felfe  before  their 
eyes  with  this  goodly  allegoric. 

h°ndiethai       N°w>  ?*"?  was  a  marvellous  cunning  workman  in  handling  of 

ivories.* "  allegories :  for  he  is  wont  to  apply  them  to  the  dodrine  of  faith,  to 

grace,  and  to  Chrift,  and  not  to  the  law  and  the  works  thereof  as 

ttw**.nd   Grilen  an(*  Hierome  doe,   who  arc  worthily  reprehended  for  that 

they  turned  the  plaine  fentences  of  the  Scripture,  where  allegories 

have  no  place,  into  unfit  and  foolim  allegories.  Therefore  to  ufe  allc- 

gories,it  is  oftentimes  a  very  dangerous  thing.  For  unlefle  a  man  have 

the  perfect  knowledge  of  Chriftian  doftrine,he  cannot  ufe  allegories 

rightly  and  as  he  fhould  doe. 

An  ob.  But  why  doth  'Paul  call  the  booke  ofgexefa,  out  <.<?  the  which 
001  he  alledgeth  the  hiftory  of  Ifmael  and  Ifaac,  the  law,  feeing  that 
booke  containeth  nothing  at  all  concerning  the  law  :  and  fpscially 
that  place  which  he  alJedgeth,  fpeaketh  not  of  any  law  :  but  onely 
containeth  a  plaine  hiftory  of  'Afoaktms  two  children?  Paulis 
wont  to  caU  the  firft  bookof^/^  the  Jaw,  after  the  manner  of  the 


To  the  GALATHIANS.  Fol.2 1 6 

Jewes:  which  although  it  containe  no  law  befides  thelawofcir- 
cumcifion,but  principally  teachcth  faith,  and  witneffcth  that  the  Pa- 
tnarkes  plcafed  God  bccaufe  of  their  faith  :  yet  the  Jews  notwith- 
ftanding,  becaufe  of  the  law  of  cjrcumcifion  therein  contained,ca!leJ 
the  book  of  Cjtnefi^  with  the  re'l  of  the  books  ofMofes,  the  law.  So- 
did  PWhimfelfe  alfo  being  a  Jew.  And  Chrift  under  the  name  of 
the  IJTW,  comprehendeth,  not  only  the  books  of  Mofes,  but  alfo  the 
Pfalmcs,  John  i  y .  "But  it  iijhat  the  Veordmight  be  fitlfitied  which  it  writ 
ten  in  their  law :  They  hated  me  without  a  cattfe. 

Vcrfc  2  2,2  3 .  For  it  ii  written  jhat  Abraham  had  two  fins,  one  by  afer- 
vant,and  one  by  a  free  woman.  But  he  which  wot  of  the 
fervant  wot  borne  after  thcflefi  •  and  he  which  was  oftfa 
free  woman^as  borne  after  the  promifa 

Asifhefaid  :  Ycforfake  grace,  faith  and  Chrift,  and  turne  backs 
againe  to  the  law:ye  will  be  under  the  law,and  become  wife  through 
it.  Therefore  I  will  talke  with  you  of  the  law.    I  pray  ycu  confider 
the  law  diligently.  Yc  fhall  find  that  4braham\\z&  two  ions,  Ifntael 
by  «^^>  and  lfac  ty  Sara.  They  were  both  the  true  fons  of  A  bra- 
bam.  Ifmac/was  as  well  the  true  fon of  Abraham  as  I  fate  vvas/orboth  twofonBCS^ 
came  of  one  father,  of  one  fkfh,and  ofone  feed.   What  was  then  the 
difference?  This  maketh  not  the  difference  (  faith  Taut)  that  the 
mother  of  the  one  was  free  and  the  other  bond,  (  albeit  it  pertaincth 
to  the  allegoric:)  but  that  Ifmael  which  was  borne  of  the  bond  wo- 
man,was  borne  after  the  flcfb,that  is  to  fay,  without  the  promiic  and 
the  word  of  God.    But  Ifaac  was  not  only  borne  of  the  free  woman, 
but  alfo  according  to  the  promife.   What  then  ?  Yet  was  Ifaac  not-  An  obie- 
withftanding  as  well  borne  of  the  feed  of  ^Abrahrm  as  //mWwas. l3lon' 
J  grant  that  they  were  both  the  children  of  one  father,  andyetnot- 
withftanding  there  is  a  difF.rcnce.  For  although  Ifaac  was  borne  of  Thc»nfw«* 
the  fleflijyet  the  promife  went  before.  None  oWcrvcd  this  difF.rcnce 
but  only  Paul,  which  he  gathered  out  of  the  text  of  Genejis  after 
this  manner. 

Whereas  v4g#r  conceived  and  brought  forth  Ifmael,  there 
was  no  word  of  God  that  forcfliewed  that  this  fhould  come  to 
pbffs:  but  by  the  pcrmifllon  of  Sara,  Abraham  went  in  to  his  fer- 
vant  Agtar,  whom  Sara,  being  barren,  had  given  to  wife  unto 

Cnap.llll.  Vpontke  EPISTLE 

S*r*  hid  Abraham,  as  it  is  faid  in  the  booke  ofC/encfir.  For  Sarahad  heard 
p"mife  of  that  Abraham  by  the  promife  of  God,  foould  have  feed  of  his  body, 
God  as  con-  anc|  fat  hoped  that  ilic  fhould  be  the  mother  of  this  feed.  But  when 
fc""c?bu!ie  foe  had  waited  now  for  the  promife  many  yeares  with  great  anguifti 
(he  wsiteth  offpirit,  and  faw  that  the  matter  was  fo  long  deferred,  fhe  was  out 
Sod.  iP.  of  hope.  This  holy  woman  therefore  giveth  place  for  the  honour  of 
pointed  her  husband,  and  refigneth  her  right  to  another,  that  is  to  fay,  to  her 
maid.  Notwithftanding  Oic  fufcrcth  not  her  husband  to  marry  a- 
nother  wife  out  of  his  houfe,but  fhe  giveth  unto  him  in  marriage  her 
fervant,  to  the  end  that  (he  might  be  builded  by  her :  For  fo  faith  the 
hiftorie,  Gcn.i6.  Now,S<zraAbrahamsV(>ift  bare  him  no  children,  and 
fa  had  a  maid  an  Egyptian,  Aparbjname.  And  SHY  A  (aid  unto  AbrA- 
kantji  Behott  now  the  Lord  hath  reft  rained  me  from  child-  bearing,  I 
fray  thee  goe  in  to  mj  maid :  it  may  he  that  IJball  be  builded  bj  her.  This 
was  a  sreat  humility  of  Sara,  who  fo  abafed  her  fdfe,  andtookein 

» .  ••itr*i         /~    •   r       *^         i         /* 

good  part  this  tcntation  and  tnall  or  her  faith.  For  tnus  (he  thought, 
God  is  no  Iyer :  that  which  he  hath  promifed  to  my  husband  he  will 
furely  performe.  But  peradventure  God  will  not  that  I  fhall  be  the 
mother  of  that  Seed.  It  (hall  not  grieve  me  that  Agar  fnould  have 
this  honour,unto  whom  let  my  lord  enter,for  I  may  peradventure  be 
builded  by  her. 

Iftnael  therefore  is  borne  without  the  word  at  the  onely  re- 
3«  SMC  J  <lticft  °^  S*r**  For  there  is  no  word  of  God  which  commanded  A- 
.jrfafcni  braham  thus  to  doe,  or  promifed  unto  him  a  fonnc,  but  all  this  is  done 
toAeflSi.  at  *  adventure.  Which  alfo  the  words  of  Sara  do  declare  :  //  may  be 
»Thw i«  '  (  faith  i"hc)  that  I foall be  builded bf her .  Seeing  therefore  there  was 
Sc^d-  "°.  v*0^  °^  ^°^  Spoken  to  Abraham  before,  as  there  was  when  SarA 
vcmnreor  fliould  bring  forth  Ifiutc,  but  onely  the  word  of  Sara  :  it  is  evident 
w\j«cf  man  enough  that  IfitMcl  was  the  fonnc  of  Abraham  after  the  fleili  onely 
linowe-.h  without  the  word  of  God  :  therefore  he  was  borne  at  advcnture,and 
'SJftT*  unlocked  for  as  another  child  is.  This  ?*«/obfcrved  and  diligently 
though  un.  conf^dered. 

Ibrc-kto^n  In  thc  9th  ChaP- to  the  R0™*""'  he  profccuteth  the  fame  argu- 
and  appoin.  mcnt  which  here  he  rcpeateth  and  fetteth  forth  in  an  allegoric,  and 
tei  concludeth  ftrongly,  that  alf  the  fonnes  of  Abraham  are  not  the 

fonncs  of  God,  Abraham  (faith  he)  hath  two  forts  of  children. 
Some  are  borne  of  his  fkfh  and bloud,  but  the  wrrd  and  promife 
of  God  gocth  before,  as  Ifiac.   Other  are  borne  without  the  pro 

TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  Fol. 

mifc  as  /$»**/,  Therefore  the  children  of  the  flefli  f  faith  he  )  are  not 
the  children  of  God/out  the  children  of  the  promifc,c£r.  And  by  this 
argument  he  mightily  ftoppeth  the  mouthes  of  the  proud  Jews, 
which  gloried  that  they  were  the  fcede  and  children  of  *s4braha?rL, : 
As  alfo  Chrift  doth  in  Mat.$.  and  in  the  eight  of  John.  As  ifhcfaid : 
Itfollowetbnot,  I  am  the  carnallfeedcof  Abraham,  therefore  I  am 
the  child  ofGod.  Sfau  is  the  naturall  fonnCjthercfore  the  heire.  Nay 
rather  (  faith  he  )  they  that  will  be  the  children  o&dftfljfctt*  befides 
their  carnall birth,  muft  bealfb  thefonnesof  thepromife,  and  muft 
belecve.  And  they  arc  the  true  children  of  Abraham^  confequently 
of  God.who  have  the  promife  and  beleeve. 

But  7/£/»4<?/,becaufe  he  was  not  promifcd  of  God  to  Abraham,  is  a 
fonne  after  the  flefh  only,  and  not  after  the  promife,  and  therefore  he 
was  borne  at  ad  venture,  as  other  children  be.  For  no  mother  know- 
eth  whether  (he  (hall  have  a  child  or  no,  or  if  fhe  perceive  her  fclfe  to 
be^with  child,  yet  (he  cannot  tell  whether  it  (hall  be  a  fonne  or  a 
daughter.  But  ffino  was  exprefly  named,  Cje*.  1 7.  Sani  thy  Wife  (faith 
the  Angdl  to  Abraham  )  fhall  beare  thec  afinne,  and  thou  ftalt  call  his 
name  Ifaac.  Here  the  fonne  and  the  mother  are  exprefly  named.  Thus, 
fjr  this  humility  of  Sara,  becaufe  fhe  gave  up  her  right  and  fufftred 
the  contempt  o(esfgar,Ge».  1 6.  God  requited  her  with  this  honour, 
tha:  (he  ftaould  be  the  mother  of  the  proinifed  fonne,ch:. 

Ver fe  24.   The  which  things  are  ftoken  bj  allegories. 

Allegories  doe  not  flrongly  perfwade  in  Divinity,  but  as  ccr- 
tainc  pictures  they  bcautifie  and  fct  out  the  matter.  For  if  Paul 
had  not  proved  the  righteoufneflfc  of  faith  againfttherightcoufhefle 
ofworkes  by  ftrong  and  pithy  arguments,  hcrtiould  have  little  pre- 
vailed  by  this  allegory.  But  becaufe  he  had  fortified  his  cade  before 
\vith  invincible  arguments  taken  of  experience,  of  the  example  of 
tsfbraham,  the  teftimonies  of  the  Scriptures  and  fimilitudcs :  now  in 
the  end  of  his  deputation  he  addcth  an  allegory,  to  give  a  beauty  to 
all  the  reft.  For  it  is  a  feemcly  thing  fometiines  to  addc  an  allegory 
when  the  foundation  is  well  laid,  and  the  matter  throughly  proved. 
For  as  painting  is  an  ornament  to  fet  forth  and  garnilh  an  houfc  al 
ready  buildcd:  fo  is  an  allegory  the  light  of  a  matter  which  is  already 
otherwifc  proved  and  continued. 

F  f  Vcrfc 

Chap.IIII.  T/w 

Vcrfe  25.    for  thtfe  mothers  Are  the  two  Teflamenn:  the  one  tvkich  it 
ar  oj  'mount  Sina,  Vfhich  gendreth  unto  bondage*  (  for 
or  Sina  U  A  monntaine  in  Arabia.) 

ham  is  a  figure  of  God,  which  hath  two  fonnes,that  is  to  fay, 
two  forts  of  people  are  reprefentcd  by  IJkmaehnd  I  fixe.  Thcfe  two 
are  borne  unto  him  by  Agar  and  Sara,  the  which  ngnjficth  the  two 
TeftamentSjthc  old  and  the  new.  The  old  is  of  mount  Sina,bcgetting 
unto  bondage,  which  is  Agar.  For  the  Arabians  in  their  language 
call  Agar  the  fame  mountaine  which  the  Jews  call  Sina  (  which  fec- 
meth  to  have  that  name  of  brambles  and  thornes  )  which  alfo  Ttole- 
mtus  and  the  Greek  commentaries  doe  witneffc.  After  the  fame  man 
ner  divers  names  are  given  to  many  moumaines,  according  to  trie 
diversity  of  nations.So  the  mcunc  which  Mofes  calieth  Hermon  of  the 
Sidonians  is  called  Sirion^nd  of  the  Amorites  Senir. 

Now,  this  fervcth  very  well  to  the  purpofe,  that  Mount  Sina 
in  the  Arabians  language  fignifieth  as  much  as  an  handmaid  :  and 
Ithinke  thclikcnefleofthis  name  gave  Taul  light  and  occafionto 
fecke  cut  this  allegoric.  Likewife  then  as  Ag*r  the  bondmaid 
brought  forth  to  Abraham  a  fonne,  and  yet  not  an  hcire  but  a  fer- 
vant  :  fo  Sina  the  allcgoricall  A  gar,  brought  forth  to  God  afonnc, 
that  is  to  fay,  a  carnall  people.  Againe,  as  Ifhmael  was  the  true 
fonne  oi  Abraham,  fo  the  people  of  Ifracl  had  the  true  God  to  be 
their  father,  which  gave  them  his  law,  his  oracles,  religion  and 
truefervice,  and  the  temple  :  as  it  is  faid  in  the  Pfalme  147.  He 
jhevteth  hi*  Vford  xnto  Jacob  t  hu  ftatutts  and  his  judgements  unto 
Jfrael.  Notwithstanding  this  onely  was  the  difference  :  Ifimae/wis 
borne  of  a  bondmaid  after  the  flem,  that  is  to  fay,  without  the  pro- 
mife,  and  could  not  therefore  be  the  heire.  So  the  myfticall  Agar, 
that  is  to  fay,  mount  Sina  where  the  law  was  given  and  the  old 
Tcftament  ordained,  brought  forth  to  God  the  great  Abrahams 
people,  but  without  the  promife,  that  is  to  fay,  a  carnall  and  a  fer 
tile  pcople,and  not  the  heirc  cf  God.  For  the  promifes  as  touching 
Chrift  trie  giver  of  all  blelfing,  and  as  touching  the  deliverance  from 
the  curfc  of  the  law,  from  finne  and  death,  alfb  as  touching  the  free 
remiflion  of  finncs,  of  righteoufncfTe  and  evcrlafting  life,  arc  not 
imi.i8.  $;  added  to  the  la  w,but  the  law  faith  :  He  that  ft  all  doe  tbefe  things  fall 
l'we  in  (bfuLj  • 


TO  tit  GA  L  AT  H  *AN  S.  Fol.2l8 

Therefore  the  promifes  of  the  law  arc  conditionall,  promising 
Hfe,not  freely,  but  to  fuch  as  fulfill  the  law,  and  therefore  they  leave  '*$  of  tho 
mens  confciences  in  doubc  :  for  no  man  fulfilieth  the  law.    But  the  £ofoJii.tb 
promifes  of  the  new  Teftamcnt  have  no  fuch  condition  joyncd  unto 
them,  nor  require  any  thing  of  us,  nor  depend  upon  any  condition  of 
our  worthineflc,but  bring  and  give  unto  us  freely  forgivcnefle  of  fins, 
grace,  righteoufneflc  and  life  everlafting  for  Chrifts  fake,  as  I  have 
faid  more  largely  in  another  place. 

Therefore  the  law  or  the  old  Teftament  containeth  onely  con-  tlie  Pronii 
ditionall  promifes  :  for  it  hath  alwaycs  fuch  conditions  asthefeare,  "° 

joyned  to  it  :  If  je  hctrkgn  to  my  voice  :  if  ye  keefe  mjfiatutes  :  if  yee  ».re  condi- 
Ttoeilkeinmyvc>Ayes,ye$allbemyyeoyle,&c.  The  J  ewes  not  confidering  " 
this.  laycd  hold  of  thele  conditionall  promifes  as  if  they  hadbeene 
abfolute  and  without  all  condition  :  which  they  fuppofed  that  God 
could  never  revoke,  but  muft  needs  kecpcthem.  Hereupon,  when 
they  heard  the  Prophets  forcfhew  the  deftruftion  of  the  city  of  Je- 
rufalem,ofthe  temple,  of  the  kingdom  and  priefthood,  (which  could 
wclldifcernc  betwixt  the  corporall  promifes  of  the  law,  andthcfpi- 
rituall  promifes  concerning  Chrift  and  his  kingdomc  :)  they  perfecu- 
tcd  and  killed  them  ashereticks  and  blafphemers  of  God  :  For  they 
faw  not  this  condition  that  was  annexed  :  If  ye  keepe  my  Common- 
dements  itfiallgoe  Tcvellwith  you&c. 

Therefore  A^ar  the  bondmaide  bringeth  forth  but  a  bond  fcr-  Tha  Uw 
vant.  Iftm<*el  ihen  is  not  the  heire,  although  he  be  the  naturall  fonne  JjjjffjSjj 
ofAbrabrm,  but  remaincth  a  bondfcrvant.    What  is  here  lacking?  fcmncv 
The  promife  and  the  blcfling  of  the  word.    So  then  the  law  given  in 
mount  Sina,  which  the  Arabians  call  Agar,  begetteth  none  but  fer- 
vants.  For  the  promife  made  as  concerning  Chrift,  was  not  annexed 
to  the  law.    wherefore,  (  O  ye  Galathians  )  if  ye,forfaking  the  pro 
mife  and  faith,  fail  back  to  the  law  and  workcs,  ye  fhall  alwayes  con 
tinue  fervants  :  that  is,  ye  fhall  never  be  delivered  from  fin  and  death, 
but  ye  (hall  alwaycs  abide  under  the  curfe  of  the  law.   For  tsigar  the  law  m* 
ccndreth  not  the  feedc  of  the  promife  and  heires,  that  is  to  fay,  the  Jeth  0°'. 

•    r*  •  '      i  •    i     •  \  i  i  •*  j'L  i_         ncirc5>itci« 

law  juftincth  not,  it  bringeth  not  the  adoption  and  inheritance,  but  the:  doth 
rather  it  hindreth  the  inheritance,  and  worketh  wrath.  u  ittftifie' 

Vcrfe  25.    *s4nd  it  anfoerttb  to  Jerufilem  which  now  u,  and  fix  #  in 
bondage  with  her  children. 

F  f  2  This 

Chap.IIII.  Vfon  tit  E  *  i  «  t  £  B 

This  is  a  wonderfull  allegoric.  As  Paxlz  little  before  made  Ago? 
ofSina,  fo  now  of  J  erufalcm  he  would  gladly  makcSw*:  but  he 
darethnot,  neither  can  he  £o  doc  :  but  is  compelled  to  joyne  Jerofa- 
lera  with  mount  Sina,  For  he  faith  :  The  (ams  belongeth  to  A^ar, 
feeing  mount  Agar  reacheth  even  to  Jcrufalem.  And  it  is  true  that 
there  be  continual!  mountaincs,  reaching  from  Arabia'  Pctrca,  unto 
Cades  Bcrnca  of  J  urie.  He  faith  then  that  this  Jcrufalem  which  now 
is,that  is  to  lay.this  earthly  and  temporall  J  erufalcm  is  not  Sara,  but. 
earthly  pcrtaincth  to  Agar,  for  there  Agtar  reigneth.  For  in  it  is  the  law  be- 
&ctt*nS  untobondage:in  it  is  the  worfhip  and  ceremonies,  the  fern- 
ple,the  Kingdomc,  the  Pridlhood  :  and  whatfoever  was  ordained  in 
Sim,  by  the  mother  which  is  the  law,  the  fame  is  done  in  Jerufalem. 
Therefore  I  joyne  her  with  Sina,  and  I  comprehend  both  in  one 
word,to  wit,Sina  or  Agar. 

J  durft  not  have  beene  fobold  to  handle  this  allegory  after  this 
manner,  but  would  rather  have  called  Jerufalem  Sara  or  the  nevV 
Teftament,  efpecially  feeing  the  preaching  of  the  Gofpell  began 
in  it,  the  holy  Ghoft  was  there  given,  and  the  people  of  the  new 
Teflament  were  there  borne  :  and  I  would  have  thought  that  I 

founcj  out  a  vcry  f^t  allegory.  Wherefore  it  is  not  for  every 

ery  man  •  «~  •* 

r      t\  •  i«i/~  r  i»  •/^•* 

man  to  ule  allegories  at  mspleaiure:  tor  a  goodly  outward  (new 
may  foone  deceive  a  man  and  caufc  him  to  errc.  Who  would  not 
thinke  it  a  very  fit  thing  to  call  Sina  Agar,  and  Jerufalem  Sara? 
Indeed  Paul  maketh  Jcrufalem  Sara,  but  not  this  corporall  Je- 
rufilcm,  which  he  (imply  joyneth  unto  Afar  :  but  that  fpiritualland 
Sara  tte  heavenly  Jerufalem  in  which  the  law  reigneth  not,  nor  the  carnall 
Pc°P^e>  as  ^n  that  Jcrufalem  which  is  in  bondage  with  her  children, 
but  wherein  the  promife  reigncth,  wherein  is  alfoafpirituallanda 
free  peopk. 

Anc^  '°  l^e  en(^  ^13t  ^1C  ^aw  ^CU^  ^e<lu^ca^ol^ed,  and  that 
whole  kingdome  which  was  eftablifned  in  ^&*r,  the  earthly  Jera- 
falcm  was-  horribly  defiroycd,  with  all  her  ornaments,  the  temple, 
the  ceremoni;s3e£r.  Now,  although  the  new  Teftament  began  in  its 
and  fo  was  fpread  throughout  the  whole  world,  yet  notwithftan- 
ding  it  appertained  tQ*^gar:  tint  is  tcfay,  it  is-  the  city  of  the 
*SWj  °^tne  ceremonies  and  of  the  Prfefthood  inftituted  by  Afefes. 
Briefiy  it  is  gendred  of  A  gar  the  bond  woman,  and  therefore  is  in 
in  bonder,  bondage  wjt^  ner  children,  that  is  to  fay,  it  walketh  in  the  workes 


To  the  GALATHIANS^  Fol.  2 19 

of  tnc  law',  and  never  attainflth  to  the  liberty  of  the  fpirit,  but  abideth 
continually  under  the  la  Wjffojan  cvill  Confcicncc,  the  wrath  and  judg 
ment  of  God,and  tinder  the  guilt  of  death  and  hell.  Indeed  it  hath  the 
liberty  of  the  fl-fh,  it  hath  a  corporall  kingdom,it  hath  Magiftrates,rt- 
ches  and  pofl-flions,  and  fuch  like  things :  but  we  fpeak  of  the  liberty 
of  the  Spirit,  whetby  we  are  dead  to  the  law,  to  fin  and  death,  and  we 
live  and  reign  in  grace,  forgivencs  of  fins,righteoufnes  and  evcrlafting 
life.  This  cannot  the  earthly  leritfatem  pcrform,and  thcrfore  it  abideth 
With  Agar. 

Verfe  *6.  But  lerufalem  Vvkichis  above  isfreewhlch  ij  the  mother  of  w  alt. 

That  earthly  lerupilem  (faith  he)  which  is. beneath ,  having  the 
policy  and  ordinances  of  the  law,  \s  Agar  t  and  is  in  bondage  with 
her  children  :  that  is  to  fay,  ("he  is  not  delivered  from  the  law,  fin  and  ic. 
death.  But  Icrufdem  which  is  above,that  is  to  fay,  the  fpirituall  lernfa-  bovc. 
Ian,  is  Sara  (albeit  PWaddeth  not  the  proper  name  of  Sarah,  but  gi- 
veth  her  another  name,  calling  her  the  fres  woman)  that  is  to  fay , that 
true  Lady  and  free  woman,  which  is  thfcmother  of  us  all,gendring  us 
unto  liberty,  and  not  unto  bondage  as  Agfa  doth.  Now>this  heavenly 
/<r0/rf/fj»,wbich  is  above,is  the  Churcb,that  is  to  fay,  the  faithfull  di£ 
pcricd  throughout  the  whole  world,  which  have  one  and  the  fame  Go- 
ipcl,one  and  the  fame  faith  in  Chrift,the  fame  holy  Ghoft,and  the  fame 

Thcrfore  underftand  not  this  word  ^Abwi$*  of  the  triumphant 
Church  ( as  the  School-men  call  it  )  in  heaven  :  but  of  the  mili 
tant  Church  in  Earth.   For  the  godly  arc  faid  to  have  their  conver- 
fation  in  heaven,  Phi/ip.3*    Our  conversation  is  in  heaven,  not  local 
ly  :  but  in  thataChrilttanbelieveth,  in  that  he  lay cth  hold  of  thofe 
incftimablc,  thofc  hcivenly  and    eternall  gifts ,  he  is  in  heaven,  The ea«Uv 
Epkejtatu  i .      Which    hath  blefed   us  Veitk  «ll  $irirua!l   bleflintf   in  g^''"'' 
heavenly  things  in  Chrift.     We  muft  therefore  diftinguifh  the  hea 
venly  and  fpirituali  bkffing  ,  from  the  earthly.     For  the  earthly 
blcfling  is  to  have  a  good  civill  govcrnement  both  in  common 
weals  and  families  :  to  have  children,  peace,  riches  ,  fruits  of  the 
earth,  and  other  corporall  commodities.     But  the  heavenly  blef- 
fing  is  to  be  delivered  from  the  law,  finnc  and  death,  tobe  jufti-'Jh^^n> 
ficd  and  quicknedtolife  :  to  have  peace  with  God  :  to  have  a  faith-  what »». 

F  f  3  full 

Chap.IIII.  Vyw  theE  P  i  s  T  i  B 

full  heart,  a  joy  full  confcicnce,and  a  fpirituall  confolation :  to  have  the 
knowledge  of  Jeius  Chrilt :  to  have  the  gift  of  prophetic  and  the  reve 
lation  of  the  Scriptures :  to  have  the  gifts  of  the  holy  Ghoft,and  to  re- 
joyce  in  God.  Thefe  arc  the  heavenly  bleflings  which  Chrift  givcth  to 
his  Church. 

Wherefore  ferufalem  which  is  above,  that  is  to  fay ,  the  hea 
venly  Jerufalemy  is  the  Church  which  is  now  in  the  world,  and  not 

The  foure    ^c  Clty  °*  ^c  k*e  to  come> or  tne  Church  triumphant :  as  the  idle  and 
fences  cf    unlearned  Monks  and  Schook-doflors  dreamed,  which  taught  that 
uues  xcor  *^c  ^cr'Pture  natn  ^ourc  &nces  :  the  litterall  fence,  the  figurative 
the  fence,  t he  allegorical!  fence,  and  the  morall  fence  :  and  according  to 
thefe  fences  they  have  fbolifhly  interpreted  almoft  all  the  words  of 
the  Scriptures  t  As  this  word  Ifrufalem  literally  fignified  that  city 
which  was  fo  named  :  figuratively  a  pure  conference  :  allegorical- 
ly  the  Church  militant  :  morally  the  cekfUaU  City  or  the  Church 
triumphant.     With  thcfe  trifling  and  foolifli  fables  they  rent  the 
Scripruresinto  fb  many  and  divers  fences,  that  filly  poore  confcien- 
ces  could  receive  no  certainc  dodrine  of  any  thing.    But  'PWfaith 
here,  that  the  old  and  eardjly  lerttfalem  belongeth  unto  £^<ar,  and 
that  it  is  in  bondage  with  her  children,  and  is  utterly  aboluhcd. 
But  the  new  and  heavenly  lerufalem,  which  is  a  Queen  and  a  free 
woman,  is  appointed  of  God  in  earth  and  not  in  heaven,  to  be  the 
'  mother  of  us  all,  of  whom  we  have  beene  gendred,  and  yet  daily  are 
gendred.    Therefore  it  is  neceflaty  that  this  our  mother  fhould  be  in 
earth  among  men,as  alfo  her  generation  is.  Not withftanding  fhe  gen- 
drethby  the  holy  Ghoft,  by  themiwiftery  of  the  Word  and  Sacra>- 
mentSy  and  not  in  theflefh. 

%to  the  end  that  in  this  matter  wcefhould  not  be  car^ 
\>"    tied  away  with  our  cogitatataions  inro  heaven ,  but  that  wee  fhould 
^novv  tnat  P**t  fcttcth  the  lerufalcm  which   is  above,  againft 
the  earthly  Icrufalem,  not   locally  but  fpirituallv.     For  there  is  a 
did in&ion  betweenc  thofe  things  which  arc  fpirituall ,  and  thofc 
which  are  corporall  or  earthly.     The  fpirituall  things  are  above, 
rutt      ^ie  eart^^y  are  beneath  :  So  Icrufalem  which  is  above,  is  dilhn- 
The7PTrVu  guifhcd  from  the  carnalland  temporal!  lerufalem  which  is  beneath, 
not  ^oca^y  (as  ^  ^ave   ^a^  )  ^ut  fpiritually.       For  this    fpintu- 
all  Jerufaktn  whicli  tookc  her  beginning  in  the  corporall  lerufa- 

no£  an?  c^rta^ne  P.^cc  as  ^2t^  ^;  ot^er  ^n  ^u^ea  ;^llt  ^  ^ 


G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  FoI.22O 

is  difpcrfed  throughout  the  whole  world,  and  may  be  in  Babylon,  in 
Turkic  in  Tartnrie,  in  Scythia,  in  ludea,  in  /ft*/)',  in  Cjtrmanie,  in  the 
lies  of  the  fca,  in  the  mountains  and  valleys,  and  in  all  places  of  the 
world  whcrcraen  dwell  which  have  the  Gofpcil,  and  believe  in  Icfus 

W  herfore  SArab  or  lerufalem  our  free  mother,  is  the  Church  it  fclfj 
the  Spoufc  of  Chnft,  of  whom  we  all  are  gendred.  This  mother  gen- 
dteth  free  children  without  chafing  to  the  end  of  the  world,  as  long 
as  fhc  cxercifeth  the  miniftery  of  the  word,  that  is  to  fay  ,  as  lc$g  as 
flic  prcacheth  and  publiQierh  the  Gofpell  :  for  this  is  truly  to  gender. 
Now,  (lie  teachcth  the  Gofpell  after  this  manner  :  to  wit,  that  we 
arc  delivered  from  the  curfe  of  the  law,  from  fin,  death,  and  all  other  children 
evils  by  I  efus  Chrift,  and  not  by  the  law,  neither  by  works.  Ther-  te 
fore  lerttfalem  which  is  above,  that  is  to  fay,  the  Church,  is  notfub- 
jed  to  the  law  and  works,  but  (he  is  free,  and  a  mother  without  the 
law,  fin  and  death.  Nowfuchamothcrasllie  is,  fuch  children  (he 

This  allegory  teachcth  very  aptly  that  the  Church  (hould  do  nothing 
elfe  but  teach  and  preach  the  Gofpell  truly  and  fincerely,  and  by  this 
means  fhould  gender  children.  So,wc  are  all  fathers  and  children  one 
to  another :  for  we  are  begotten  one  of  anorfrer.  I  being  begotten  by 
other  through  the  Gofpell,  do  now  beget  other,  which  (hallalfo  beget 
other  hereafter,  and  fo  this  begetting  (hall  endure  to  the  end  of  the 
world.  Now,  I  fpeak  of  the  generation,  notof^/£<w  the  bond-maid, 
which  gendrcth  her  bond-fervants  by  the  law  ;  but  of  Sara  the  free- 
woman,  who  gcndrcth  heirs  without  the  law,  and  without  mans 
works  or  indcavours.  For  in  that  Ifoac  ishcirc  and  not  Ifimael  (  al 
beit  notwithstanding  that  both  of  them  were  the  naturall  fons  of  <tA- 
braham  )  Ifaac  had  the  inheritance  by  the  word  of  promifc,  nam  ly : 
Sarah  thj  Wife  (hall  bring  thee  A  fonne ,  and  than  flah  call  his  n*me 
Jfaac.  This  did  SArab  well  underftand ,  and  therefore  fhe  faith  : 
£aSt  out  the  bond-woman  and  her  fonne  :  And  Taul  alfo  allead- 
geth  thefe  words  afterwards.  Wherefore  as  Ifac  hath  the  in 
heritance  of  his  father  only  by  the  prornife  and  by  his  bsrth,  with 
out  the  law  and  without  works  :  Even  fo  we  are  borne  through  the 
JGofpell  of  that  free- woman  Sarah,  that  is  to  fay,  the  Church,  true 
hcires  of  the  promife.  She  inftructeth  us,  nourilhcrh  us,  and  carricth 
us  in  her  wombe,  in  her  lap ,  and  in  her  armes  :  (he  formeth  and 


Chap.IV.  Vywikt  E  ?  i  $  T  i  H 

fafhioncth  us  to  the  image  of  Chrift,  untill  we  grow  up  to  a  perfect 
man,c£r.  So  all  things  are  done  by  the  miniftcry  of  the  word.  Where 
fore  the  office  ofthe  free  woman  is  to  gender  children  to  God  her  huf- 
band  without  ceafing  and  without  end :  that  is  to  fay,  fuch  children  as 
know  that  they  are  juftificd  by  faith,  and  not  by  the  law. 

Verfc  17.    For  it  it  Written  :    Rf Joyce  thou  barren  that  beared  #0 
**'*•  children  :  break*  forth  And  eric  thou  that  travelleft  not :  for 

«          the  deft  late  hath  many  moe  children  then  [he  Which  hath  an  httf- 

alleadgeth  this  place  out  of  Ifiiat  the  Prophet,  which  is  al 
together  allegoricall.  It  is  written  (faith  he)  that  the  mother  of 
many  children,  and  (he  which  hath  an  husband,  muft  be  fick  and  die : 
and  contrariwife,  that  the  barren  and  fhe  which  hath  no  children, 
muft  have  abundance  of  children.  After  the  fame  manner  Hannah 
fingetbinherSong,  out  of  the  which  Ifiias  the  Prophet  tookc  his 
Frophefie,  2  Sam.  2.  The  bow  and  the  mighty  men  are  broken ,  and 
the  Vofakf  have  girded  themfelves  \Vitk  ftrcngth.  They  that  Were 
fill  are  hired  foorth  for  bread ,  and  the  httngric  are  no  more  hired  • 
fo  that  the  barren  hath  borne  feven  :  and  fis  that  had  many  children 
is  ficble.  A  marvellous  matter  (faith  he  )  She  that  was  fruitfull  fhall 
bemadebarren,  and  fhethat  was  barren  fruitfull.  Moreover,  fuch 
as  before  wercftrongjfull,rich,gk>ricus,nghtcous,and  blsfled,  fhall  be 
come  feeble,  hungry,  poor,  ignominious,  finners,  fub/cft  to  death  and 
damnation:  And  contrariwife  the  feeble  and  hungry,  CT-r.lshalJ  be  ftrong 
^  and  fatisfied,  &c. 

rencebe6'  The  Apoftle  fheweth  by  this  allegory  ofthe  Prophet  Ifiiat,  the 
tw«n  the  difference  which  is  bet  weene  tslgtir  and  Sarah,  that  is  to  fay jbcf  ween 
aSa|!hcUe  tnc  Synagogue  and  the  Church,  or  between  the  hw  and  the  GofpelJ. 
church.  Tne  [axv  being  the  husband  of  the  fruitfull  wom3n,thatis  to  fay.of  the 
Synagogue,  begcttcth  very  many  children.  For  men  of  all  ages,  not 
foV  only  idiots,  but  alfo  the  wifcft  and  bsft  (that  is  to  fay,  all  mankind  ex 
cept  the  children  ofthe  free  woman  )  do  neither  lee  nor  know  any  o- 
ther  rightcoufncffe  then  the  righteoufheflfe  ofthe  law  :  much  leffc  doc 
they  know  any  which  is  more  excellent:  Wherefore  they  thinkethem- 
fclves  righteous  if  they  follow  the  law  and  outwardly  pcrfbrme  the 
works  thereof. 


Tt  tit  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  T.  Fol.2  2  I 

Thefc ,  although  they  be  fruitfull ,  have  many  difciplcs,  and 
fliine  in  the  righteoufncfle  and  glorious  works  of  the  law,  yet  not- 
withftanding  are  not  free  ,  but  bond  fervants  :  For  they  are  the 
children  of  Ajpr,  which  gendreth  to  bondage.  Now,  if  they  be  fer 
vants  ,  they  cannot  be  partakers  of  the  inheritance ,  but  (hall  be 
caft  outoftbehoufe  :  for  fervants  remaine  not  in  the  houfe  for  c- 
ver  :  Yea,  they  are  already  caft  out  of  the  kinadome  of  grace  and 
liberty.  For  he  thai  bcleevcth  not,  is  condemned  already.  They  re.- 
tnaine  therefore  under  the  malediction  ,of  the  law,under  (in  and  death, 
under  the  power  of  the  dcvill,  and  under  the  wrath  and  judgement  of 

Now,  if  the  moral!  law  it  fclfcor  the  ten  commandements  of  God, 
can  doe  nothing  elfebut  gender  fervants,  that  is  to  fay,  cannot  jufti- 
6e,  but  only  terrifie,  accufe,  condemne,  and  drive  mcns  confcicnccs 
to defpcration  :  how  then  (I  pray  you)  foall  thelawsofmen,orthe 
laws  of  the  Pope  juftific,  which  are  the  doctrines  of  devils  ?  They 
therefore  that  teach  and  fet  forth  either  the  traditions  of  men,  or  the 
law  of  God  as  ncceffary  to  obtaine  right eoufnefle  before  God,  doe  The  tea- 
nothing  elfe  but  gender  fervants.  Notwithstanding  fuch  teachers  icahcrs,of]he 

it  »i  i       •          t      r  r\  11  i          gcnact 

arc  counted  the  belt  men,  They  obtaine  the  favour  or  the  world ,  and  bond  fet- 
aremoft  fruitfull  mothers,  for  they  have  an  infinite  number  of  di£- vamj> 
ciples :  For  mans  rcafon  underftandeth  not  what  faith  and  true  godli- 
neffc  is,  and  therefore  it  negleftcth  and  defpifeth  it,  and  is  naturally 
addicted  to  fupsrftition  and  hypocrifie,  that  is  to  fay,  to  the  righteouf- 
ncs  of  works.  Now,becaufe  this  righteouihes  (liineth  and  fiourifheth  RMron;§ 
every  where,  therefore  it  is  a  mighty  Empreflcofthe  whole  world. 
They  therefore  which  teach  the  righteoufneifc  of  works  by  the  law, 
beget  many  children  which  outwardly  fccm  to  be  frce,and  have  a  glo 
rious  (hew  of  excellent  vertues,  but  in  confcience  they  arc  fervants  and 
bond-flaves  of/innc :  therefore  they  are  to  be  caft  out  of  the  houfc  and 

Contrariwifc  ^JvaAthc  free  wcman,that  is  to  fay,  thi  true  Church 
fecmeth  to  be  barren.    For  the  Gofpell  which  is  the  word  of  the  fce 
crofle  and  affliction',  which  the  Church  prcachcth,  fnincth  not  fobcb««". 
brightly  as  the  dotflrine  of  the  law  and  workes,  and  therefore  (lie  * 
hath  not  fo  many  difcipks  to  cleave  unto  her.    Moreover,  the  bea- 
rcth  this  title ,  that  {be  forbiddcth  good  works ,  makcth  men  fs- 
cure,  idle,  and  negligent,  raifeth  up hercfks and  fwdmoas ,  and  is  fio. 


Cbap.IIIi.  Vftfitbt  EPISTLE 

the  caufe  of  all  mifchicfe :  and  therefore  the  fcemcth  to  bring  no  fuc- 
ceflsor  profperity,  but  all  things  feemctobefullof  barrenncffe,  de- 
folation,  and  defperation.  Therefore  the  wicked  are  certainely  per- 
fwaded ,  that  the  Church  with  her  doctrine  cannot  long  endure. 
The  lewcs  aflured  themfelves,  that  the  Church  which  was  plan 
ted  by  the  Apoftles,  fhould  fhortly  be  overthrowne  :  the  which  by 
an  odious  nsmc  they  called  a  Seel:.  For  thus  they  {peak  toPautin  the 
2  8.  chapter  of  the  Adh  :  As  concerning  this  Sell,  we  know  that  every 
where  it  is  fyoken  againft.  In  like  manner  how  often  (I  pray  you) 
have  ouradverfaries  bin  deceived,  which  fooic  whiles  appointed 
one  dine,  and  fomc  whiles  another,  when  we  fliould  be  certainly  de- 
•ftroyed  ?  Chrift  and  his  Apoftles  were  opprefled  :  bat  afcer  their 
death  the  doctrine  of  the  Gofpell  was  further  fprcad  abroad  then  it 
was  during  their  life.  In  like  manner  our  advsrfaries  may  opprcfft  us 
at  this  day,  but  the  word  of  God  (hall  abide  for  ever.  How  much  fo- 
cver  then  the  Church  feemeth  to  be  barren  and  forfaken,  weak  and  de- 
fpifcd,  and  outwardly  to  fuffcr  perfecution  :  and  moreover  be  compel 
led  to  heare  this  reproach,  that  her  doftrinc  is  hereticall  and, 
notwithftanding  fhe  alone  is  fruitfullbeforeGod:fhs  gendrcth  by  the 
miniftcry  of  the  word  an  infinite  number  of  children,  heirs  of  righte- 
oufnes  and  everlafthig  life :  and  though  outwardly  they  fuffcr  perfccu- 
tion,  yet  in  fpirit  they  are  moft  free :  who  not  only  arc  J  udges  over  all 
doftrms  and  works,  but  alfo  are  moll  victorious  conqucrours  againft 
the  gates  of  hell. 

xhc  Prophet  thetforc  confcflf'th,  that  the  Church  is  in  heavi- 
neffe  :  ^or  ^  ^c  would  not  exhort  her  to  re/oyce.  He  granteth 
that  (lie  is  barren  before  the  world  :  forclfe  he  would  not  call  her 
barren  and  forfaken  having  no  children  :  but  before  God,  faith  he, 
ihe  isfraitfull,  andtherforc  he  biddeth  her  torcjoyce.  As  though 
he  would  fay  :  Thou  art  indeed  forfaken  and  barren,  aod  hart  not 
the  law  for  thy  husband,  and  therfore  thou  haft  no  children.  But 
rej'oyce  :  for  although  thou  haft  not  the  law  for  thy  husband,  but 
art  forfaken  as  a  virgin  that  is  ready  to  marry  (for  he  will  not  call 
her  a  widdow)  which  fhould  have  an  husband,  if  fhe  were  not  forfa 
ken  of  him,  or  if  ho  were  not  fuin,  thou  ( I  fay  )  which  art  folita- 
ty  and  forfaken  of  thy  husband  the  law,  and  not  fubject  to  the  marri- 
Tfc  Pic  agcof  thelaw,  (halt  be  a  mother  of  innumerable  children.  Wher- 
<f  grace,  fore  the  people  or  the  Church  of  the  new  Teftamcnt  is  altogether 


T0  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S^  Fol.222 

Without  the  law  as  touching  the  confciencc,  and  therefore  (he  fec- 
mcth  to  be  forfakcn  in  the  fight  of  the  world.  But  although  fhee 
feemc  to  be  never  fo  barren  without  the  law  and  without  works,  yet 
notwithstanding  (he  is  moft  fruitfull  before  God,  and  bringcth  foorth 
an  infinite  number  of  children,  not  in  bondage  buf  in  f  recdome.  By 
what  mcanes?  Not  by  the  law ,  but  by  the  word  and  Spirit  of  Chrift 
which  is  given  by  theGofpell ,  through  the  which  fhe  conceiveth, 
bringcth  forth  and  nourifheth  her  children. 

^Panl  thertfcre  plaincly  fheweth  by  this  allegory  the  difference  The  diffc; 
betwcene  the  law  and  the  GofpcJhFirft  when  he  calteth^^r  the  tf™ccb?' 
old  Feftament ,  and  Sara  the  new :  Againe,  when  hee  calleth  the  one  i^and  tn 
^bondmaid,  the  other  a  free  woman :  Moreover,  when  he  faith  that  GefPcU« 
the  married  and  fruitfull  is  become  barren,  and  caftoutofthc  houfe 
with  her  children  :  Contrariwife  when  the  barren  andfbrfakcn  is 
become  fruitfull,  and  bringeth  forth  an  infinite  number- of  children, 
and  thofealfo  inhcritours.  By  thefe  d.ff.rences  are  refembled  the  two 
forts  of  people,  of  Faith  and  of  the  law  I  meane.   The  people  of  Faith 
have  not  the  Law  for  their  husband,  they  ferve  not  in  bondage,  they 
are  not  borne  of  that  mother  lerufalem  which  now  is  :  but  they 
have  the  promife,  they  arc  free,  and  are  borne  of  free  Sara. 

He  feparatcth  therefore  the  fpirituall  people  of  the  new  Tefta* 
ment,  from  the  other  people  of  the  La<v,  when  he  faith  that  the  fpi- 
fituail  people  are  not  the  children  of-^^rthe  bond  maid,  but  of  Sara 
the  frcewoman ,  which  knoweth  nothing  of  the  law.     And  by  this 
meanes  he  placeth  the  people  of  Faith,far  above  and  .without  the  law. 
Now,  if  they  be  above  and  without  the  law ,  then  arc  they  juftified  -rhepeot- 
by  the  fpirituall  birth  onely  ,  which  is  nothing  elfe  but  Faith ;  and  °f  grace 
not  by  the  law  or  by  the  workes  thereof.     Now ,  as  the  people  of 
grace,  neither  have,  nor  can  have  the  law  :  fo  the  people  of  the  law 
neither  have  nor  can  have  grace  :  for  itisimpoiTiblethatthclaw  and  J 
grace  fhould  ftand  together.  Therefore  we  mud  be  /uftified  by  Faith,  grace. 
and  lofe  the  nghteoutnefle  of  the  law  :  or  elie  be  juftified  by  the  law, 
and  lofe  the  righteoufnefc  of  fair  h.    But  this  is  a  foule  and  a  lamenta 
ble  loflfc  to  lofe  grace,  and  toreturnetothc  law.  Contrariwife  it  is  an 
happy  and  bleffed  lofTe,  to  lofe  the  law,  and  lay  hold  of  grace.. 
We  therefore  (following  the  example  and  diligence  o 
doe  endeavour  as  much  as  ispoffiblc  to  fct  forth  plainely  tl  c 
rcncc  betweene  the  law  and  the  Gofpeli  -.which  is  very  cafie  as  tou 

Chap.  IV.  ypon  tfa  E  P  I  $  t  L  E 

ching  tbc  words.  For  who  feeth  not  that  Agfa  is  not  Strah,  and  that 
Sttrah  is  not  Agar  ?  Alfo,  that  Ifimael  is  not  Ifiac,  and  that  he  hath 
not  tint  which  Iftac  hath  ?  A  man  may  eafily  difcernc  thcfe  things 
But  in  great  tcrrours  and  in  the  agony  of  death,  when  the  conference 
wraftletb  with  the  judgement  ofGod,  it  is  the  hardcft  thing  of  all 
others  to  fay  with  a  furc  and  ftedfaft  hope  :  I  am  not  the  fon  ok  Ag«r, 
but  of  Sarah,  that  is  to  f»y  the  law  bclongeth  nothing  unto  me  :  For 
Sarah  is  my  mother,  who  bringeth  forth  free  children  and  heires,and 
not  fervancs. 

.PWthen  by  this  teftimonie  of  Ifiia*  hath  proved  that  Sarah,  that  is 
to  fay,  the  Church  is  the  trus  mother  which  bringeth  forth  free  chil 
dren  and  heirs  :  Contrariwifc  that  ^*r,that  is  to  fay,  the  Synagogue 
gendrcth  many  children  indeed,  but  they  are  fervants  and  muft  be  caft 
our.  Mcreover,becaufe  this  place  fpeaketh  alfo  of  the  abolifhing  of  the 
law  and  of  Chriftian  liberty,  it  ought  to  be  diligently  considered.  For 
as  it  is  the  mod  principal!  and  fp? ciall  article  cf  Chriftian  doclrine,  to 
know  that  we  arc  jultified  and  favedby  Chrift,£b  is  it  alfo  very  necef- 
fjry  to  know  and  undcrfbnd  well  the  do<5lrine  concerning  the  aboljih- 
nient  of  the  law.  For  it  helpeth  very  mtich  to  confirmc  our  doctrine 
as  touching  faith,  and  to  attain  found  and  certain  confolation  of  con- 
fcience,  when  we  are  cfllired  that  the  law  is  aboli{hcd,and  fpecially  in 
great  tcrrours  and  ferious  conflids. 

I  have  cften  faid  before,  and  now  I  fay  againe  (for  it  cannot 
^e  too  often  repeated)  that  a  ChrilVian  laying  hold  of  the  benefit  of 
Chrift  through  faith,  hath  no  law,  but  all  the  law  is  to  him  abo- 
liflied  with  all  his  tcrrours  and  torments.    This  place  of  Ifaiat  tci- 
cheth  the  fame  thing,   and  therefore  it  is  very  notable  and  full  of 
comfort,  ftirring  up  the  barren  and  forfaken  to  rej'oyce,  which  was 
,     counted  worthy  to  be  mocked  or  pittied  according  to  the  law.  For 
fuch  as  were  barren,  wereaccurfed  according  to  the  Jaw.    But  the 
if*  54,1     ^°ty  khoft  turneth  this  fentence,  and  pronounceth  the  barren  wor- 
The'church  thyofpraife  and  blefling  :    and  contrariwife  the  fruitful]  and  fiich 
isfotfak^n   2S  ^rjni?  f^^   children  ,  accurfrd.    when  he  faith  :  Rejoice  thoa 

and  barren    .  >/•;/          rt  T>        t        j~        i     -  I 

before  the    barren  ,     which  hares  t  not   :    Breathe   joorth  into  joy  and  reioyce 
world.         ffotju   tfaf  travclleft    not   :     For    the   defilate    hath   many   moe   chil 
dren  then  the  married  ftij?.     Hovvfoever  then  Sarah,  that  is  to  fay, 
the  Church  feemeth  to  be  forfaken  and  barren  before  the  world, 
not  having  the  righteoufneffe  and  workes  of  the  law  :  yetnotwith- 


TO  th  G  A  L  AT  H  I  A  N  $•  FoI.22J 

Banding  (he  is  a  moft  fruitfull  mother,  having  sn  infinite  number  of 
children  before  God,  as  the  Prophet  witneffcth.  Contrariwifc,  al 
though  A  gar  kerne  never  fo  fruitfull  and  to  bring  forth  never  fo  many 
children,  "yet  notwithftanding  (he  hath  no  ifliie  remaining :  for  the 
ch ildren  of  the  bond  vy oman  arecalt  out  of  the  houfe  together  with 
their  moiher,and  receive  not  the  inheritance  with  the  children  of  the 
free  woman,as  PW&kh  afterwards. 

Becaufe  therefore  we  are  the  children  of  the  free  woman,  the  law 
our  old  husband  is  abolifhed,,K*>».7.Who  as  long  as  he  had  dominion 
over  us,  it  was  impofiiblc  for  us  to  bring  forth  children  free  in  fpirit, 
or  knowing  grace:but  we  remained  with  the  other  in  bondage.  True 
it  is,that  as  long  as  the  law  reigneth,men  are  not  idle,but  they  labour 
fore,they  bcarc  the  burthen  and  the  hcatcof  the  day,  they  bring  forth  of 
and  gender  mar.y  children  :  but  as  well  the  fathers  as  the  children  arc  1:ll!ori™  * 
baftards,  and  doc  not  belong  to  the  free-mother :  Therefore  they  are  p: 
at  the  length  caft  out  of  the  houfe  and  inheritance  with  Jfimael: 
they  die  and  are  damned.  It  is  impoflible  therefore  that  men  fhould 
attains  to  the  inheritance,  that  is  to  fay,  that  they  (hould  be  juftified 
and  faved  by  the  law,  although  they  travell  never  fo  much,and  be  ne- 
\er  fo  fruitfull  therein.  Accurfcd  therefore  be  that  doSrine,  life  and 
rchgion,which  endeavoureth  to  get  righteoufncfl'c  before  God  by  the 
law  or  the  works  thereof.  But  let  us  profccute  our  purpofe  as  touch 
ing  the  abclifhmcnt  of  the  law. 

The  Schools  doclours  freaking  of  theabolifhmentof  the  law,  lay 
that  the  judicisll  and  the  cercwoniall  lawes  are  pernicious  and  dead 
ly  fincc  the  comming  of  Chrift.and  therefore  they  are  abolithed :  but 
not  the  morall  law.  Thcfe  blind  doftours  kne\V  not  what  they  faid. 
Butifthou  wiltfpcakccftheabohlhmentofthelaw',  talkc  of  it  as. 
it  is  in  his  owne  proper  ufc  and  office,  and  as  it  is  fpiritually  taken ; 
and  comprehend  withall  the  whole  law,  making  no  dillindion  at 
all  between  the  J  adiciall,  Ceremoniall  and  Moral!  law.  For  when 
Paul  faith,  that  we  are  delivered  from  the  curfe  of  the  law  by  Chrift, 
hc  fpeakcth  of  the  whole  law,  and  principally  of  the  moral! law, 
which  only  accufeth,curfeth  and  condemneth  theconfcience3which  Fally  lll« 
the  oth/!r  two  do  not.  Wherefore  we  fay  that  the  Morall  law  or  the  ic* comma- 
law  of  the  ten  Ccmmandements  hath  no  power  to  accufs  and  terri- 
fie  the  confcience,in  which  Jefus  Chrill;  reigneth  by  his  grace:  for  he 
hath  aboliftied  the  power  thereof. 


cf  the  law, 

i>  raifcd  up 
and  comfor  • 
ted  a^ainc. 

The  law 
hath  no  po 
wer  over 
thofe  that 

The  politicR 
lawu  of 
Moftt  per- 
tamc  not 

Chap.IIIl.  rpoitthe  EPISTLE 

Mot  that  the  confcicncc  doth  not  at  all  fcelc  the  tcrrours  of  the 
law.  (  For  indeed  it  feclcth  them :)  but  that  they  cannot  condcmnc 
it,nor  bring  it  to  defperation.  For  there  u  no  condemnation  to  them  that 
are  In  Chrift  ^efut.R om, 8 .  Alfot/jf /^  So nnefcaU make j on  free,  ye  fhall 
be  free  inleed^  J-ohn^.  Howfoever  then  a  Chriftian  man  be  terrified 
through  the  law  (hewing  unto  him  his  fin,  notwithstanding  he  dcf- 
paireth  not.  For  he  beleeveth  in  J  efus  Chrift,  and  being  baptifcd  in 
him  and  cleanfed  by  his  blood,hc  hath  remiflion  of  all  his  fins.  Now, 
when  our  finne  is  pardoned  through  Chrift,  who  is  the  Lord  of  the 
law,  (and  yet  fo  pardoned  that  he  gave  himfclfc  for  it)  the  law  being 
afcrvant  hath  no  more  power  toaccufe  andcondemneus  forfinne, 
feeing  it  is  forgiven  us,  and  we  are  now  made  free,  foraftnuch  as  the 
Sonne  hath  delivered  us  from  bondage.  Wherefore  the  law  is  wholly 
aboliftied  to  them  that  beleeve  in  Chrift. 

But  thou  wilt  fay :  I  doe  nothing.   True  it  is  that  thou  canft  doe 
nothing,  whereby  thou  may  eft  be  delivered  from  the  tyranny  of 
the  law.    But  heare  this  joy  full  tidings  which  the  holy  Ghoft  brin- 
gethunto  thee  out  of  the  words  of  the  Prophet :  Rejoycethott  that 
art  barren  y&c.   As  if  he  would  fay  :  Why  art  thou  Ib  heavy,  why 
doeft  thou  fo  mourne:  fincc  there  is  no  csufc  why  thou  (houldeft 
fo  doc  ?  But  I  am  barren  and  forfaken.   Well :  although  thou  be  ne 
ver  fo  barren  and  forfaken,  not  having  the  righteoufnefle  of  the 
law,  notwithftanding  Chrift  is  thy  rightcoufneflfc :   he  was  made 
a  curfc  for  thee  to  deliver  thee  from  the  curfe  of  the  la  sv.   If  thou 
beleeve  in  him,  the  law  is  dead  unto  thee.    And  looke  how  much 
Chrift  is  greater  then  the  law,  fo  much  haft  thou  a  more  excellent 
righteoufnefle  then  the  rightcoufneflfe  of  the  law.    Moreovcr,thou  art 
fruitfull  and  not  barren  :  for  thou  haft  many  moe  children  then  (he 
which  hath  an  husband. 

There  is  alfo  another  abolishment  of  the  law  which  is  outward : 
to  wit,  that  the  politick  lawes  cf  Mofes  doc  nothing  belong  unto 
us.  Wherefore  we  ought  not  to  call  them  backe  againe,  nor  fuper- 
ftitioufly  bind  our  feivcs  unto  them  :  as  fome  went  about  to  doe  in 
timts  paft,  being  ignorant  of  this  liberty.  Now,  although  the  Go- 
ipcll  make  us  not  fubjeft  to  the  judiciall  laws  of  Mofes,  yet  not 
withftanding  it  doth  not  exempt  us  from  the  obedience  of  all  poli 
tick  lawes,  butmakethus  fubjecT:  in  this  corporall  life,  to  the  laws 
of  that  government  wherein  we  live,  that  is  to  fay,  it  comman- 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  $.  FoT.224 

deth  every  cnctotbty  his  Magiftrate  andlawcs,  not  otiely  btcaufe  of 
Vrrath,  but  alfo  fir  conference  fake y  i  7V/.2.  Rom.i^,  And  the  Em- 
percur,  or  any  ether  Prince  ihould  not  cfrl'nd,  if  he  ufed  feme  of  the 
judiciall  Inwes  cf  Mofcs  :  yea  he  might  tfc  them  freely  and  without 
cftence.  Therefore  the  popifh  Schcolemen  are  deceived,  which 
dreame  that  the  judiciall  lawes  of  Mofes  are  pernicious  and  deadly 
fmcc  trecornming  of  Chrift. 

Likcwile  we  arc  not  bound  to  the  ceremonies  of  Ctfofes:  much 
Icffc  to  the  ceremonies  of  the  Pope.  But  becaufe  this  bodily  life  can 
not  be  altogether  without  ceremonies  (  for  there  muft  needs  be  feme 
introduction,)  therefore  the  Go/pell  fuffercth  ordinances  tobemaclc 
in  the  Church  as  touching  dayes,  times,  places5c^f.  that  the  people 
may  know  upon  what  day,  in  what  houre,  and  in  what  place  to  af 
fable  together  tohcarethewordofGod.  It  pcrmitteth  alfothat 
leflbns  and  readings  fhould  be  appointed,  as  in  theSchooks,  efpcci- 
ally  for  the  inftrudion  of  children  and  luch  as  are  ignorant.  Theft 
things  it  permitteth,  to  the  end  that  all  may  be  done  comely  and  or 
derly  in  the  Church,  i  Cor.  1 4.  not  that  they  which  keepe  fuch  ordi 
nances  thereby  merit  remiflion  offinnes.  Moreover  they  maybe  .„ 
changed  or  omitted  without  finne,fo  that  it  be  done  without  o^nce  h«ed~o»in" 
oftheweake.  the  keeping 

or  ccmivmn  - 

Now  *?<«»/ fpeakcth  hereefpeciallyofthcaboliilimentofthe  mo-  din3ofc«e. 
rail  law.which  is  diligently  to  be  confidered.  E:or  he  fpeakcth  againft  cnjf;n^e5  ^hc 
therighteoufnes  of  the  law  that  he  might  eftablifli  therightcoufnes  ^-  weake, 
of  faith,  concluding  thus:  If  only  grace  or  faith  inChrift  j'aftifie,  andthcrcr- 

,        .i         1111    t-rt      i      •  i  •  y  wnowopi- 

then  is  the  whole  law  abohlned  without  any  exception.  And  this  he  n*o 
confirmcth  by  thcteftimony  of  Efay,  whereby  he  exhorteth  the  bar-  riti 
rcn  and  foriaken  to  rcjcyce:  for  it  fecmcth  that  Hie  hath  no  childjior 
hope  ever  to  have  any,  that  is  to  fay,  fhe  hath  no  difciples,  no  fa  voiir 
nor  countenance  of  the  world,  becaufe  (he  prejcheth  the  word  of  the 
croflc  of  Chrift  crucifiedsagainft  all  the  wifdom  of  the  flelli.  Bat  thou 
that  art  barren  (faith  the  Prophet)  let  not  this  any  whit  trouble  thee : 
yea  rather  lift  up  thy  voice  and  re j'oyce,  for  fhe  that  is  forfakcn  harh 
moc  children  then  (lie  that  hath  an  husband  :  that  is  to  fiy,  (he  that 
is  married  and  hath  a  great  number  of  children  fhall  be  made  weake, 
and  fhe  that  is  forfakcn  fhall  have  many  children. 

He  calleth  the  Church  barren  becaufe  her  children  arc  not  begot 
ten  by  the  law,  by  workes,  by  any  induftry  or  indcavour  cfman  i 

*  but. 

Chap.  Till.  fpon  the  E  P  i  s  t  L  E 

but  by  the  word  of  faith  in  the  Spirit  of  God-  Here  is  nothing  elfe  but 
birth :  no  working  at  all.  Contrari wife  they  that  are  fruitfull,  labour 
and  exercifethemfelves  with  great  travell  in  bearing  and  bringing 
forth.    Here  is  altogether  working,  and  no  birth.    Butbecaufcthey 
endeavour  to  get  the  right  of  children  and  heircs  by  the  rightcouf- 
ntfie  of  the  law  or  by  their  own  rfghtcoufncflc,  they  are  fcrvants  and 
never  receive  the  inheritance,  no  though  they  tire  themfdves  to 
death  with  continual!  travell.  For  they  goe  about  to  obtaine  that  by 
their  own  works  againft  the  will  of  God,  which  God  of  his  meerc 
grace  will  give  to  all  bckcvers  for  Chrifts  fake.  The  faithfull  worke 
then  rcRe..       jj  ^fo  gLlt  fay  are  not  thereby  made  fonncs  and  heires  (  for  this 

ratiomn  .       .    '        .         J  '          .  .  \ 

by  their  birth  bnngeth  unto  them  )  but  this  they  do  to  the  end  that  they 
being  now  made  children  and  heires  might  glorilis  God  by  their 
good  w  orkes,and  helpe  their  neighbours. 

Vcrfe  2  8.    Therefore  brethren  We  are  after  tke  wanner  ofjfaac3  children 

That  is  to  fay,  we  are  not  children  of  the  fledi,  as  Ifbmaelt  or  as 

all  the  flefhly  Ifrael,  which  gloried  that  they  were  the  feed  of  Abr*  • 

&*i;wand  the  people  of  God.  But  Chrift  anfwercd  them,  j^.8.  Ifje 

\\cre  the  fonncs  of  Abraham,  jee  would  not  feeke  to  kill  nte  Vvhich  fteake 

the  truth  unto  you.    Aifo  ;  //  Qod  we  re  your  father,  ihenVffouldjeleve 

tne  and  receive  my  Word.    As  if  he  would  fiy  :  Brethren  borne  and 

•  brought  up  Together  in  one  houfe,  know  one  anothers  voice :  'But  ye 

be  cf your  father  thedcvilt,&c.    We  are  not  fuch  children  (  fiith  he  ) 

as  they  are  which  remaine  fcrvants,  and  at  length  fhall  becaft  out  of 

the  houfc ;  but  we  are  children  of  the  promifs  as  Jfac  was  :  that  is 

The  dill-    to  fay,of  grace  and  of  faith,  borne  onely  of  the  promife.    Concerning 

fircnofthe  ^^  \  have  fpoken  iufficiently  before  in  the  third  Chapter,  intrea- 

ime*      ting  upon  this  phce  :  In  thy  feed  JhaU  all  the  nations  of  the  earth  he 

bk$ed'.  Therefore  we  are  pronounced  righteous :  not  by  the  la  vv,  by 

works,or  our  own  rightcoufnefle,  but  by  the  mecre  mercy  and  grace 

oU3od.   TWrepeateth  very  often,  and  diligently  fetteth  forth  the 

pvomiic  which  is  received  by  faith  alone :  for  he  knew  that  it  was 

very  neccflary  fo  to  doe. 

Hitherto  as  touching  the  allegory  out  of  Cjineps :  to  the  which 
fattl  annexeth  the  place  of  ffy  as  an  interpretation.   Now  he 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  r  A  N  s. 

applieth  the  hiftory  of/^w^/  and  //**«•  for  our  example  and  confo- 

19.    I!**  as  then  he  that  Vfat  borne  tfttrtkeflefi,  perfccuttdhim 
Ve**  borne  after  the  Spirit,  evenfo  u  it  wnn. 

This  place  containcth  a  (insular  conf  Jation.    Whefocver  arc 
borne  and  live  in  Chrifr,  and  rej->yccia  this  birth  and  inheritance 
of  God,  have  'Ifmael  tor  their  enemy  and  their  perfocutor.    This 
we  learnt  at  this  day  by  experience  :  For  we  fee  that  all  the  world 
is  full  of  tumults,  perfections,  i  <:£\s  and  offl-nces.    wherefore,  if 
we  did  not  antic  our  fclves  with  this  confolation  of  Paul,  andfuch^"c' 
like,  and  vvcli  underfUnd  this  Article  of  JufHtication,  we  llv.'U  d  A  cftnfoh,u 
tK*erbe  able  to  withftand  the  violence  aridfubtill  Heights  of  Sa-  on  sgaiHU* 
tan.    lr  or  who  (riould  not  be  tironbled  with  thefe  crucll  perfccutions  offc"ccs» 
of  our  advjrlaries,  and  with  thele  feels  and  inhnitc  off.  nccs  which 
afurtof  bufi-J  and  fan'afticali  Oir'ts  ftirrc  up  at  thisdjy  ?  V:nly 
it  is  no  firnll  griefc  unto  us/when  we  are  CJnftrained  to  hears 
that  all  things  were  in  peace  and  tranquility  before  the  Gofpjli 
came  abroad,  but  (inccthe  presching  3ndpubliiLi:;grhcr(.of,  aA 
things  are  unquiet,  an!  the  -vholc  wo.  Id  is  inanuproirc,  fjchit 
every  one  ann^th  himf.lfe  againft  another.    When  a  marvhat  is  The  judge- 
pot  indued  with  the  Spirit  otGod  heqreth  this,  by  and  by  he  is  of- 
fended,  and  j'-ulgeth  that  thGdifjbedicr-ice  of  f.i  j  jlsagainft  their 
Ma^iltrattis,  that  Editions,  w^.rres,  pU^ucs  and  fjinin-:,  thattKc' 
overthrowing  of  common-  weal  js,  kin^domes-aud  countries,  that 
icfts/^ff  nces,  snd  fuch  other  infinite  evils  doc  proceed  altogether  of 
the  doSrin-  of  the  Gofpcll- 

A"iinftthis  great  offence  we  muft  comf  )rt  and  armc  ourfwlvcs 

f  i'  i  L        i      L   •  t  r  M  i 

With  this  f  vcet  conlolation,  that  the  raithrull  mM't  beare  this  name 
and  this  title  in  the  world,  that  they  are  iid'tious  an  i  fchif.naticks, 
and  the  aurhours  of  innumerable  evils.  And  h  :reof  it  commeth,  that  ' 
our  adverfaricsthinkcthcy  have  a  juft  caufeagainft  us,  yea  that  they 
doc  God  good  fervice,whcn  they  hatc,perf  -cjtc,an  i  kill  us.  It  can 
not  be  then  but  thnt  //5aw*7muft  perfcrcute  T/^r.-but^rfc-againe  per-  ?'!l  ! 
fccutcth  not  Ifaatl.  Who  fo  will  not  fuffcr  the  peif^cution  of  Ifmael, 
let  him  not  prof  cfle  himfclfc  to  be  a  C  hrilt  ian. 

But  let  oar  advcrfarics  (  Which  fo  mightily  amplificthcfc  evils 
at  this  day  )  tell  us  what  good  things  infucd  the  preaching  of  the 

G  g  Gofpcll 

Chap.  IIII.  Vfon.tke  HP  i  s  *  i 

ov  .  Didnotthcdcftruaionofthc 

Pcu,  Kingdoms  et  the  Jcwes  follow?  was  not  the  Romanc  Empire  over- 
thrownc?  was  not  the  whole  world  in  an  uproar*?  And  jet  thcGof- 
j>ell  was  not  the  caufe  hereof,  which  Chrift  and  his  A  poftlos  preach 
ed  for  the  prone  and  filvation  of  men,  and  not  for  their  definition 
But  thcfr  things  followed  through  the  iniquity  of  the  people,  the 
nations,  the  Kings  and  Princes,  who  being  poflciftd  of  the  Deviil 
would  not  hearken  to  the  word  of  grace,  life,  and  cternall  faivation  • 
bur  detefted  and  condemned  it  as  a  doctrine  raoft  pernicious  and 
hnftfujl  to  religion  and  common-weales.  And"  that  this  ihould  fb 
come  to  prfir,the  holy  Ghofl  foretold  by  Z)«//V,wken  he  faith  Pfi/. 
2.  J-rkdifthek..  And  th'.zo  ie  murmr 

2.  J-rkydifthek..  And  th'.fzo  fie  murm 

Such  tumults  and  burly-burhes  we  teare  and  fee  at  this  day 
The  advcrfjries  lay  the  fault  on  our  doftr  it:e.  But  the  do,SHn.  o 
grace  and  peace  ftirrerh  not  up  thc/e  troubles  :  but  the  people  na 
tions,  Kings  and.  Princes  of  the  esrth  (  as  the  Pfalmift  faith)  raee 
murmure,conrpire  and  take  .council,  not  dgainft  us  (as  they  think-) 
noragainft  our  doftrine,  which  tficy  blaiphemeas  falf.-  and  fcditi- 
ous:  butagamft  the  Lord  and  his,amioynted.  Therefore  all  their 
counfds  and  praclifes  arc  and  fhall  be  difappointed  and  brought 
to  nought:  Bee  that  Ave/teth  in  the  bta*e»  Jbdl  fatgh  :  The  Lord 
fall  have  them  in  dcrifion.  Let  th.-m  cry  out  therefore  as  kr-ie  as 
they  lift,  that  we  raifeup  thcfc  tumults  and  feditions:  notwfth- 
ftanding  this  Pfalmc  comforteth  us,  and  faith,  that  they  thcmfelves 
are  the  aur  hours  of  thcfe  troubles.  They  cannot  bdecve  this,  and 
much  Icffc  can  they  bclcevc  that  it  is  they  which  murmure,  rife  up, 
and  take  counfell  agaiaft  the  Lord  and  hisannoyntcd  :  n/y  rathex 
!rhctii«d-  they  thinkethat  they  maintairie  the  Lords  caufe,  that  they  defend 
^glory>and  doe  him  acceptable  fcrvice  in  perfecting  us:  but  the 
Pfalmelyethnot,  and  that  fhall  the  end  declare."  Here  we  doc  no 
thing,  but  we  only  fu/fer,  as  our  confcience  beareth  us  witncflein 
the  holy  Ghoft.  Moreover,  the  doftrine  for  the  which  they  raifa'ap 
ftich  tumults  and  not  oars,  but  it  is  the  doclrine  of  Chrift. 
This  doftrine  we  cannot  deny,  nor  forftke  the  defence  thereof  fce- 
i°g  Chrift  faith  :  fffyfiever  jball  be  afamed  of  met  and  of  my  Vtorts 
in  this  *d«!tcroM  And  [infill  nttion,  of  him  Jh*U  th  Sonne  of  man  he 
d  When  kefi*K£9mt  in  kn^lor^  Andin  tfofltry  of  the  Father  and 

To  the  G  A  L'A  T  H  T  A  N  s.  Fo!,i2<5 

He  therefore  that  will  preach  Chrift  fru  My,and  confefle  him  to  bs 
onr  rightcoufneffe,  muft  be  Content  to  hearc  that  he  is  a  pernicious 
fellow,  and  that  he  troinlrth  all  things.  They  which  have  troubled 
the  world  ( ftid  the  J  ws  of/tar/and  SlLu^Ath  ij.)  are  alfo  come 
unto  us,  and  have  done  contrary  to  the  d -creos  of  £V£r.  And  in 
th«  24-ofthc/ftf.f.  We  have  found  this  pcftilent  fdlow,  (taring 
upfediti  m  among  all  th,*  throughout  the  whole 'world,  and 
thcauthoiirofthelcft  vfthsNazirites,C7-<:.  In  like  manner  alfo  the 
Gentiles  complaineintheftf.ofthe  Atts:  Thefe  mm  trouble  our  fity. 
So  at  this  day  they  ^ccuf-  Luthtr  to  be  a  troubkr  of  the  Papacy  and 
of  the  Roinane  Empire.  HI  would  keep  fil-.-ncc',  then  nil  things 
fhould  be  in  peace  wliich  theftrong  man  poll  iV.\h,  and  the  Pope 
woul.d  not  perlecute  me  any  more.  But  by  this  means  the  Gofpdlof 
Jtftrs  Chrift  fhould  beblemifiied  and  defaced.! f  I  fpeake,thc  L^opeis 
troubled,ind  cruelly  rageth.  Either  we  muft  lofe  the  Pdpeljfrj  earthly 
and  mortall  m3n,  or  elie  the  immortall  God,  Chrift  J  f  js,  life  and 
ctcrnall  falvation.  Let  the  Pope  periih  then,  and-let  God  be  exalted, 
let  Chrift  rcigne  and  triumph  for  ever. 

Chrift  himielfe  when  he  fore-faw  in  Spirit  the  great  troubles 
which  ihould  follow  his  pre.iching,  cotfifjrted  hitnfclfc  after  rh.'s 
manner  :  /  cam?  (  faith  he)  to  fend  fire  upon  the  e<irth,  *n-.l  What  H^v 
'Will  I  but  tbxt  it  be  kindled  ?  Jn  like^manncr  we  f«;e  at  this  «!ay  cx-. 
that  great  troubles'  follow  the  preaching  of  the  Gofpell  through  jj 
the  pcrfecution  and  blafphemy  of  our  advcrfarics,  and  the  ingrati-  evils  t 
tudc  of  the  world.  ^This  matter  fo  gricvcth  us,  chat  oftentimes  af-  Jj 
terthcfleih,  and  after  the  judgement  ofreafon;  we  thinke  ithid  prr 
been  better  that  the  doffcrine  of  the  Gofpell  had  not  been  publish  :d, 
then  that  after  the  preaching  thereof  the  publikc  peace  Ihoul-i ' 
troubled.    But  according  to  the  Spirit  we  fay  boldly  with  Chrift:  f 
camt  to  fend  rire  upon  the  earth,  and  what  will*!,  but  that  it  fhouli 
now  be  kindled  ?  Now,  after  that  this  fire  is  kindled,  there  folio -,v  ' 
forthwith  great  commotions.    For  it  is  not  a  King  or  an  Etnpjrour,  ' 
that  is  thus  provoked :  but  the  God  of  this  world^  which  is  a  molt 
mighty  Srjirit5and  the  Lord  of  the  whole  world.  This  wcake  word, 
preaching  Chrift  crucified,  fctteth  upon  this  mighty  and  terrible 
a4verfary.    *  Behemoih  feeling  the  divine  power  of  this  word, 
ftirreth  up  all  his  members,  lliakcth  his  tailc,  and  maketh  che 
depth  of  the  fea  to  boyle  like  a  pot,  fot^i.    -Hereof  come  aft' 

G  g  z  thelc 

The  fruits  of 

The  article 
of  •  uliifica- 
tion  cana- 
i  us 


•gcn«8S,  * 

Why  eur 

doc   COB* 

itmnt  ui, 

Chap. IITI.  Vff»  tleE?  i  s  TL  B 

theft  tumults,  all  the&  fur  icus  and  crucll  rages  of  the  world. 

Wherefore  let  it  not  trouble  us  that  our  adverfaries  ?rc  «.  ffjndcj 
and  cry  out,  that  there  to.nmcth  no  good  by  the  preaching  of  the 
Gofpell.  They  arc  infidels,  thty  arcblind  and  obltinate,  and  there 
fore  it  is  impoflible  that  they  fiiould  fee  any  fruit  of  the  Gofpell. 
But  con ttari  wife,  we  which  bcleeve,  doc  fee  the  ineftimable  pro 
fits  an.i  fru:ts  thereof:  although  outwardly  for  a  time  wee  bcop- 
prcfled  with  infinite  evils,  "defpifcd,  fpoylcd,  accufed,  condemned 
as  the  outcasts  and  filthy  dung  of  the  whole  world,and  pin  to  death, 
and  inwardly  afflicled  with  the  feeling  of  our  (nine,,  and  vexed  with 
devils.  For  we  live  in  Chrift,  in  whom,  and  by  whom  we  are  male 
Rings  and  Lords  ovcrfinne,  death,  the  fiefh,  the  world,  hell,  and 
all  evils.  1  n  whom,  and  by  whom  alfo  we  tread  under  our  fecte  the 
Dragon  and  Bafiliskc  which  is  the  King  ofiinne  and  death,  rtowr 
is  this  done  ?  Jn  hith.  Tor  the  blcflfcdneflb  which  we  hope  for,is  not 
yet  rcveakd^  which  in  the-  meanc  time  we  waite  for  in  patience, 
and  yet  notwithstanding  doe  now  afDredly  poffcfle  the  fame  by 

We  ought  therefore  diligently  to  learne  the  article  ofjuftifica- 
tiomfor  that  oncly  is  able  to  f  jppart  usagainli  thefe  infinite  flanders 
and  orFences,an*d  to  comfort  us  in  all  our  tentatioas  and  perfections. 
For  we  fee  that  it  cannot  otherwife  be,  but  that  the  world  will  be 
offmded  with  the  pure  doctrine  of  the  ( iolpcll,  and  continually  cry 
out  that  no  good  commcth  of  it :  For  the  natural 'WAV  ttnderfl/utdeth 
n»t  thofe  things  Which  are  of  the  Spirit  ofCjod:  for  they  arc  fojlilh- 
neff.'  to  him,  1  Cor  2.  He  onely  beholdeth  the  outward  evils,  trou 
bles,  rebellions,  murrhers,  feds,  and  fuqh  other  like  things.  With 
thcfc  fights  he  is  cffcneled  aod  blinded,  and  finally  falleth  into  the 
contempt  and  blafpheming  of  God  and  his  word. 

On  the  contrary  part,  we  ought  to  fray  and  comfort  our  fclvcs 
in  this,  that  our  adverfaries  doc  not  accufc  and  condemnc  uj,  f  >r 
any  manifcft  wickedncflc  which  we  have  committed,  as  adultery, 
murthcr, theft  and  fuch  like,  but  for  our  doctrine.  And  what  doc  we 
teach.  That  Chrift  the  Sonne  of  God,  by  the  death  of  the  crcflfc  hath 
redeemed  us  from  our  ilnnes,  and  from  etcrlafting  death.  Therefore 
they  doc  not  iuapugnc  6ur  life,but  our  doclrinc :  yea  the  do&rmc  of 
Chrift,  and  not  ours.  Therefore  if  rhrrrc  be  any  rrfcncc,  it  is  Chrifts 
offence,  and  not  ours;  andfo  the  fault  wherefore  they  perfccute 


T*  the  G  A  L  A  r  H'I  A  N  «.r 

US,  Chrift  hath  committed  and  not  we.  Now,  whether  they  will 
condcmnc  Chrift,  and  plucke  him  out  of  Heaven  as  an  heretick  and 
feditious  pcrfon  for  this  fault,  that  he  is  our  only  juftifier  and  Sa« 
viour,  let  them  looke  to  that.  As  for  us,  we  commending  this  hit 
own  caufc  untohimfelfc,  arc  quiet  beholders  whether  of  them  fliall 
hayc  the  viaory, Chrift  or  they.  Indeed  after  the  flefh  it  grievtth  Gricft,6er 
us  that  thefe  I  fhmalites  hate  and  pcrfccute  us  fo  furioufly :  not  with-  tf 
ftanding  according  to  thefpirit  we  glory  in  thefe  afflictions,  both  J 
bccaufe  we  know  that  we  fuflfer  them  not  for  our  finnes,  but  for 
Chrifts  caufc,  whofe  benefit  and  whofe  glory  we  fct  forth,  andalfo 
becaufe  Paul  giveth  us  warning  a&rehand,  that  7y&0w*/muft  raockc 
Jfaac  and  perfecute  him* 

The  J  c  wcs  expound  this  place, which  'Paul  allctdgcth  out  of  the 
11th  of  (jenefis,  of  I/J>m*ttl  mocking  and  periccuting  f(a*c  after  this 
manner,that  //&/»^/conltrained  Ifittc  to  commit  Idolatry.  If  he  did 
fo,  yet  I  beleeve  not  that  it  was  any  fuch  grofle  Idolatry  as  the  Jew* 
dreame  of:  to  wit,  that  /)tei«/made  I  mages  of  clay  after  the  manner 
of  the  Gentiles,  which  he  compelled  Ifiw  to  worfhip :  For,  this 
Abr(&*m  would  in  no  wife  have  fuffered.  But  I  think  that  Iff>m*el  What  »M* 
was  in  outward  (hew  a  holy  man,  as  Cain  was,  who  alfo  pcrfccuted  n«of man 
his  brothcr,and  at  length  killed  him :  not  for  any  corporall  thing,  but  ^ 
becaufe  he  faw  that  God  eftccmcd  him  above  the  other.  I  n  like  man* 
ner  Ifimael  was  outwardly  a  lover  of  religion:  he  facrificed,and  cxcr- 
cifcd  himfclfc  in  well  doing.  Therefore  he  mocked  his  brother  Ifaae, 
and  would  be  eftccmed  a  better  man  then  he  for  two  reafons  :  Firft, 
for  his  religion  and  fcrviceofGod:  Secondly,  for  his  civill  govern 
ment  and  inheritance.  And  thefe  two  things  he  feemed  juftly  to  chal 
lenge  to  himfelfe.For  he  thought  that  the  kingdomc  and  Pricfthood 
pertained  to  him  by  the  right  of  Gods  law  as  the  firft  borne,  and 
therefore  he  pcrfectitcd  ffaac  fprritually  bccaufe  of  religion,  and  cor 
porally  becaufe  of  his  inheritance. 

This  perfection  alwaycs  rcmaineth  in  the  Church,  cfpccially  JA^ 
when  the  doctrine  of  the  Gofpcll  flourifhcth :  to  wit,  that  the  chil-  "^ 
drcn  of  the  flelli  mockc  the  children  of  the  promifc,  and  pcrfccute 
them.   The  Papifts  perfecute  us  at  this  day,  and  for  none  other 
caufc,  but  for  that  we  teach  that  righteoufnede  commcth  by  thcpro- 
mife.    For  it  vexeth  the  Papifts  that  wee  will  not  worfliip  their 
Idols,  that  is  to  fay,  that  wcfct  not  forth  their  rightcoufhcflc,  their 

G  g  3  wwkcs 

Chap.IIlI.  Yfon  th  EP  i  s  V  i  E 

works  and  worshippings  devifcd  and  ordained  by  men,  as  availeablc 
to  obtainc  grace  and  forgivcneffe  of  finncs.  And  for  this  caufe  they  goc 
about  to  caft  us  out  of  the  houfe,  that  is  to  fay,  -they  vaunt  that  they 
are  the  Church,  the  children  an^  people  ofGod,  and  that  the  inheri 
tance  beiongeth  unto  them,d^«  Contrariwife  they  excommunicate 
and  banifh  us  as  hereticks  and  feditious  perfons,  and  if  they  can,  they 
kill  us  alfo :  and  in  fo  doing  they  thiuke  they  doc  God  good  fervtce. 
So,as  much  as  in  them  licth,  they  call  us  out  of  this  life,and  the  life  to 
come.  The  Ambaptifts  and  fuch  other  doe  hate  us  deadly  >becaufe  we 
impugne  and  deteft  their  errours  and  herciies  which  they  fpreada- 
broad,  and  daily  renue  in  the  Church,  and  for  this  caufc  they  judge  us 
to  be  far  worfe  then  the  Papifts,  and  therefore  they  have  conceived  a 
morecruell  hatred  againft  us,then  againft  the  Papifts. 
J?tf«««h  As  *°onc  therefore  as  the  word  of  God  is  brought  to  light,  the 
the  church  devill  is  angry,  and  ufeth  all  his  force  and  fubtill  Height  to  per- 
.Cccotcit,  and  utterly  toabolifh  it.  Therefore  he  can  no  other  wife 
'  doe,  but  raifc  up  infinite  feds,  horrible  offences,  cruell  perfections, 
and  abhominable  murthers :  For  he  is  the  f ithsr  of  lying  and  of 
murther.  Ke  fpreadcth  his  lies  throughout  the  world  by  falfe  tea 
chers,  and  he  killeth  men  by  tyrants,  By  thefe  meancs  he  poffsf- 
feth  both  the  fpirituall  and  the  corporall  kingdomc :  the  fpirituall 
kingdome  by  the  lying  of  falfe  teachers  (ftirringup  alfo  without 
ccafing  every  man  particularly  by  his  fiery  darts  to  herefies  and 
wicked  opinions  : )  the  corporall  kingdom  by  the  fvvord  of  tyrants. 
*^DUS  tnis  fatner  of  lying  and  of  murther,  llirreth  up  pcrfccutibn 
on  every  fide,  both  fpirituall  and  corporall,  againft  the  children  of 
tne  free- woman.  The  fpirituall  perfecution  which  we  are  at  this 
day  confcrained  to  fuffcr  of  hereticks,  is  to  us  moft  grievous  and 
intollerablc,  becaufc  of  the  infinite  offjnces  and  flandeis  where- 
*witri  the  devill  goeth  about  to  deface  our  dodrine.  For  we  are  en- 
forced  to  hcare,  that  the  errours  and  herefies  of  the  Anabaptiits 
and  other  hereticks,  and  all  other  enormities  doe  proceed  from 
eur  doctrine.  The  corpcrnll  pcrfccution,  by  which  tyrants  lye  in 
waitc  for  our  goods  and  lives,  is  more  intolerable  :  For  they  per f«- 
cuteusnot  for  our  finncs,  but  for  thcteftimony  of  the  word  of  God. 
Let  us  leatne  therefore  even  by  the  title  which  Chrift  giveth  to 
the  divell :  to  wit,  that  he  is  the  Father  of  lying  and  murther, 
John  S.  that  when  the  Goipell  flouriflaeth,  and  Chrift  reigneth, 


Tttbe  GA  L  A  T  H  i  AN  s.  Fol.228 

then  fe&s  of  perdition  muft  needs  fpring  up,  and  murthercrs  perfccu- 
ting  the  Gofpell,  muft  rage  every  where.  And  Pattl&'uh  •  That  there 
ttatfl  beherefcs.  He  that  is  ignorant  of  this  is  loon  oftended,and  falling 
away  from  the  true  God,  and  true  faith,  he  returnah  to  his  old  god, 
and  old  falfe  faith. 

Paul  therefore  in  this  place  armcth  the  godly  before  hand,  that 
they  (hould  not  be  offended  with  thofe  perfections,  feds  and  offen- 
CCSjfaying  :  But  M  then  he  th*t  WM. borne  after  theflcfi.&c.    As  if  he 
would  fay  :  If  we  be  the  children  of  the  promife,  and  borne  after  the 
Spirit,  we  muft  furcly  looke  to  be  perfecuted  of  our  brother  which  is  Faife  &«; 
bcr ne  after  the  fiefh  :  that  is  to  fay,  not  only  our  enemies  which  are  »hren  a:  the 
maniixftly  wicked,  fhall  perfcuteus,  but  alfofuch  as  at  the  firft  were  f^SS^, 
cur  deare  friends,  with  whom  we  were  familiarly  convcrfant  in  one  afterwards 
houfe,  which  received  from  us  the  true  doctrine  of  the  Gcfpcll,  fhall  2ofu«d5 
become  our  deadly  enemies,  and  perfecute  us  extreamely.    For  they  enemies, 
arc  brethren  after  the  rlefh,  and  muft  perfecute  their  brethren  which 
are  borne  after  the  Spirit.  So  Chrift  in  the  41  .Pfalme  complaineth  of 
T  udas  :  The  man  of  my  peace  whom  I  trufted,  which  did  eate  of  my  bread, 
both  lifted #p  the  heele  agaiaftme.   But  this  is  our  confolation,  that  we 
.have  not  given  any  occafion  to  our  1  (hmaelitcs  to  perfecute  us»   The 
Papifts  perfecute  usbccaul'ewe  teach  the  pure  and  fincere  doctrine 
of  the  Gofpell :  which  if  we  would  forfake,  they  would  perfecute  us 
no  more.    Moreover,  if  we  would  approve  the  pernicious  heretics  of 
theSechrics,they  would  praife  us,But  becaufe  we  deteft  and  abhorre 
th:  impiety  both  of  the  one  and  the  other,therefcre  doe  they  fofpitc- 
fully  hate,and  fo  cruelly  perfecute  us. 

But  not  only  Paul  (  as  1  have  faid  )  armeth  us  againft  fuch  per-  chri(?  ar- 
fecutions  and  offcnces,  but  Chrift  himfrlfe  alfo  moft  fweetly  com-  " 
forteth  us  in  the  1 5  of^#,faying  :  If  ye  were  of  the  world,  the  world  h  s. 
rrottld  love  you  :  but  becaufe  ye  are  not  of  the  world,  but  I  have  chofen  you 
out  of  the  world,  therefire  the  world  katcth  you.   As  if  he  would  fay  :  I 
am  the  caufc  of  all  thcfe  perfecutions  which  yee  endure:  and  ifworld- 
ye  be  killed,  it  is  I  for  whofe  fake  ye  are  killed.    For  if  ye  did  not  .v,,., 
preach  my  word  and  conf-fll-me,  the  world  would  not  perfecute 
you.    But  it  goeth  well  with  you :  For  thefcrvtnt  ij  not  greater  then 
his  maftcr.   If  they  haveferfccuted  me,  thy  will  alfo  perfecute  you  fir  my 
names  fake. 

By  thefe  words  Chrift  layeth  all  the  fault  upon  himfelfe,  an4 

G  g  4  deli- 

Chap  JIII.  Vfo»  tfa  E  ff  i  •  T  L  • 

dclivereth  us  from  all  feare.  As  if  he  would  fay  :  Ye  are  hot  tfie  caufc 
why  the  world  hatcth  and  perfccutcth  you,  but  my  name  which  yc 
preach  and  confeflc,is  the  caufc  thereof.  Tiut  beofgoodcomfirt,  Ihav* 
overcome  the  Vforld.  This  comfort  upholdeth  us,  fo  that  we  doubt  no 
thing  but  that  Chrift  is  ftrong  enough,  not  only  to  bcare,  but  alfo  to 
•vanquifh  all  the  cruelty  of  tyrants,and  the  fubttH  fl:ights  of  hcrctickj, 
and  this  he  hath  declared  in  (hewing  forth  his  power  agamft  the 
Jews  and  Romanes,  whofe  tyranny  and  perfections  hcfuCrcdfor 
re.  a  time,  He  alfo  fuflfercd  the  fubtill  and  crafty  pradifcs  of  hcrcticks,but 
in  time  and  place  he  overthrew  them  all,and  remained  king  and  con- 
querour.  Let  the  Papifts  then  rage  as  much  as  they  will  :  Let  the  Se- 
^hi  the  ftar  ies  flander  and  corrupt  the  Gofpell  of  Chrift  as  much  as  they  can  : 
not  withftandineChrift  (hall  rcigne  etcrnally,and  his  word  (hall  ftand 
for  Cfer,whcn  all  his  enemies  (hall  be  brought  to  nought.  MorcoYCTt 
this  is  a  fingular  confolaticn  that  the  persecution  of  //5«wr/againit 
If  AM  (hall  not  al  way  es  continue,but  (hall  endure  for  a  little  while,and 
wiic  n  that  is  ended,  the  fcntcnce  (hall  be  pronounccd,as  folio  wcth  : 

&KII.IO,  Vcric  30.  8  »t  what  filth  the  Stripturef  Caflo»t  tktfirvtnt  4tttf  her 
jonne  :  For  thefinne  »f  the  fervant  fiaU  not  fa  hcirc  with  tkt 
Jonne  of  the  fr 

This  word  of  Sara  was  very  grievous  to  Abraham  :  and  no  doubt,' 
when  he  heard  this  fcntcnce,  his  fatherly  bowels  were  moved  with 
compaflion  towards  his  fonne  Ifbmael;  for  he  was  borne  of  his  flcfh. 
And  this  the  Scripture  plaincly  witncfleth,  fynefi  21  »  when  it  faith: 
dndthu  thing  Veas  very  prievota  in  Abraham*  fight,  becaufe  ofhu/onnt. 
ButGod  confirmed  the  fentence  which  Jdr*  pronounccds  fay  ing  to 
Abraham:  Let  it  not  be  grievous  in  thy  fight  fir  the  child  *nd  fir  thy 
bondwoman  :  In  aUthat  S&afiall  fy  unto  thee  heare  her  voice  :  for  in 
Jfaac  fljdl  thy  Seed  be  cdled.  . 
fen-  The  Ifraelitcs  hcarc  in  this  place  the  fcntcnce  pronounced  a« 
%air}^  them,  which  overthroweth  the  Jcwes,  Grecians,  Ro- 
manes,  and  all  others  which  pcrfccutc.  the  Church  of  Chrift. 

T^€  ^G  ^me  (cntcncc  a^°  ^a11  overthrow  the  Papifts,  and 
as  many  as  truft  in  their  owne  workes,  which  at  this  day  boaft 
thcmfelves  to  be  the  people  of  God  and  the  Church  s  which  al« 
fo  truft  that  they  (hall  furcly  receive  the  inheritance^  and  judge 


is  which  reft  upon  the  promifc  of  God.not  only  to  be  barrren  and  for- 
fckcn,  but  alfo  hcreticks  caft  out  of  the  Church,  and  that  it  is  impof- 
fiblc  that  we  (hould  be  fonncs  and  hcircs.  But  God  ovcrthrowcth 
their  judgement,  and  pronounccth  this  lenience  againft  them,  that 
becaufethcy  arc  the  children  of  the  bond  woman,  and  persecute  the 
children  of  the  free  woman,  therefore  they  (hall  be  caft  out  of  the 
tioufe,and  fhall  have  no  inheritance  with  the  children  of  promifc  :  to 
whom  only  the  inheritance  bclongcth,  bccaufc  they  arc  the  children 
of  the  free  woman.This  fentcncc  is  ratified,and  can  never  be  revoked: 
wherforc  it  frail  aflurcdly  come  to  paffe,that  our  Khmaelites  (hall  not 
only  lofe  the  Ecclefiafticail  and  politick  government  which  now 
they  have,  but  alfo  cverlafting  life.  For  the  Scripture  hath  foretold, 
that  the  children  of  the  bond-woman  fliall  be  caft  out  of  the  houfc, 
that  is  to  fay  ,outof  the  kingdom  of  grace:  for  they  cannot  be  hcircs 
together  with  the  children  of  the  free- woman. 

Now*  here  it  is  to  be  noted,  that  the  holy  Ghoft  callcth  the  peo-  The  peopi« 
pie  of  the  law  and  works,  as  it  were  in  contempt,  the  child  of  the  of  ***•• 
bond- woman.  A$  if  he  faid:Why  doe  ye  vaunt  of  the  rightcoufncflc  of  Jibe  b£d. 
the  law  and  works,  and  why  doc  ye  glory  that  ye  arc  the  people  and  ***• 
children  of  God  for  the  fame  ?    If  yc  know  not  of  whom  ye  arc 
borne,!  will  tell  you:  You  are  bond  fervants  of  a  bond- woman.  And 
what  fcrvants  *  The  bond- Servants  of  the  law,  and  confcquently  of 
finnc,  of  death,  and  of  cverlafting  damnation.    Now  a  fervant  is  no  Tf,ePope  & 
inhcritour,butiscaftoutofth  houfe.   Wherefore  the  Pope  with  all  »«tb* fc«k 
his  kingdomc,  and  all  other  Tuft iciarics  (  what  outward  appearance  Jjj^jf" 
of  holincffe  foevcr  they  have}  which  hopetoobtainc  grace  and  falva-  workei  »re 
tion  by  the  law,  arc  fervants  of  that  bond-woman,  and  have  no  in- 
heritancc  with  the  children  of  the  free-woman.   I  fpcakc  now,  not 
tothe  Popes,  Cardinals,  B i (hops  and  Monkes  that  were  manifctlly 
wicked,  who  have  made  their  bellies  their  god,  and  have  commit 
ted  fuch  horrible  finnes  as  I  will  not  willingly  name :  but  of  the  bcft 
of  them,  fochlmeaneaslivcdholily,  and  went  about  through  great 
labour  and  travcll  by  keeping  of  their  monkish  order,  to  pacific  the 
wrath  of  God,  and  to  merit  rcmiflion  of  their  finnes,  and  cverlafting 
life.  Thefe  hcarc  their  fentcncc  here  pronounced,  that  thcfbnnes  of 
the  bond- woman  muft  be  caft  out  of  tnehoufs  with  their  mother  the 

Such  fcntenccs  diligently  considered,  make  as  certaine  of  our, 

The  wfotW 
the  right  e- 


A  compari 
fon  of  the 
old  Papacy 
and  of  the 
Papacy  at 
this  day. 

The  con 
life  of 

•hich  ft- 

from  the 
world  an<! 

Chap.  HII.  -fytfl  theft  ?  r  s  T  t  E 

doctrine,  and  confirmeus  intherighteoufneflc  of  faith,  againft  the 
doctrine  and  righteoufneffe  of  workes  which  the  world  embraceth 
and  magnifieth,condemning,and  defpifing  the  other.  And  thistrou- 
blcth  and  offendeth  wcake  confciences :  which  albeit  they  plainely 
•fectheimpiety,  the  execrable  wickednefie,  and  horrible  abominati 
ons  of  the  Papiftf,  yet  not  withstanding,  they  are  not  cafily  perfwa- 
dcd,  that  all  the  multitude  which  beareth  th?  name  and  title  of  the 
Church  doeerre,  and  that  there  are  but  few  of  them  which  have  a 
found  and  right  opinion  of  the  doctrine  of  faith.    And  if  the  Papacy 
bad  the  fame  holineifc  and  auftcrity  cf  life  which  it  had  in  thctime  of 
the  antient  Fathers,  Hiirome^  Amkrofi,  Augt'ftine,  and  others,  when 
the  Clergy  had  not  yet  fo  cviil  a  name  for  their  Simony,  excefle,  a- 
boundance  cf  riche$,di]folutc  living,  voluptuoufiicfl >,whoredome,fo- 
domitry^D^.  fuch  other  inlinit  abominations,  but  lived  after  the  rules 
and  decrees  of  the  fathers  rclig^oufly  ,andholily  in  outward  fhew,and 
unmarried,what  could  we  doe  now  againft  the  Papacy  ? 

The  finglelife  which  the  Clergy  kept  very  ftraightly  in  the  time 
of  the  Fathers,  was  a  goodly  thine,  and  madeof  men  very  Angels 
in  the,  fight  cf  the  world,  and  therefore  'P/vtl  in  the  fccond  chapter 
tothe  Calcffiansy  -calieth  it  the  religion  cf  Angels.    And  the  Papiftg 
fog  thus  or  their  virgins :  He  led  an  angelicall  life  whikft  he  lived 
inthefieili,  and  yet  lived  contrary  tothefiefh.    Moreover,  the  life 
and  which  they  call  the  contemplative  life  (  whereunto   the  Ci-rgy 
men  were  then  veiy  much  given,  utterly  neglecting  all  civilland 
houfhould  government )  had  a  goodly  Ihevy  of  holinetie.  Wherefore, 
if  that  outward  Chew  and  appearance  of  the  o]  j  Papacy  remained 
at  this  day,  we  fhould  pet  adventure  doe  but  little  againft  it  by  out 
doctrine  of  faith,  feeing  we  do  now  fo  little  prev^ile  when  ( that  old 
fhew  of  outward  hplincfle  and  fcvere  difcipline  being  utterly  aboli- 
flicd.)  there  is  nothing  tobefveivbut  a  very  fmkc  and  paddle  of  ail 
¥iccs  and  abominations., 

But  admit  the  cafe  that  the  old  difcipline  and  religion  of  the 
Papacy  were  yet  remaining:  notwithftanding  we  ought  by  the 
example  of  Paul  (who  vehemently  purfued  the  falfe  Apoilks, 
which  outwardly  appeared  to  be  very  godly  and  holy  mcn  _)  to  light 
agaiult  t£.)z  ineritmongers  of  the  Papifticall  kingdome,  and  to 
fay  :  although  ye  live  alingklife,  tyring  and  confuming  your  bo 
dies  with  continual  travel],  and  walking  in  the  humility  and  re 

TO  the  G  A  L  AT  H  I  A  N  S. 

ligion  of  Angels.yet  arc  yc  fervants  of  the  law,of  fin  and  of  the  devill, 
and  muft  be  caft  put  of  the  houfe  :  for  yc  k$ke  righteoufnetfe  and  fal- 
vation  by  your  works;and  fict  by  Chrift. 

Wherefore  we  ought  not  lomuch  toconfider  the  wicked  life  of 
the  Papifts,  as  .their  a,bhominable.  do&rioe  and  hypocri(ky  againft  . 

the  which  we  fpccislly  fight.  Let  us  fuppofe  then  that  the  religion  on  and  dif. 
anddifciplinccf  the  old  Papacy  doth  yet  Jftillflourifti,  and  that"  it  is  gf 
nowobfcrved  with  as  much feverity  .and  ftraitneficas  ever  it  was: 
yet  muft  we  fay  nctwithftanding :  if  ye  have  nothing  but  this  holi- 
nefie  and  chaitity  of  life  to  fet  againft  the  wrath  and  judgement  of  f«  ag 
God.y  c  are  in  very  deed  the  fonncs  of  the  bond-woman  which  muft  Ujjj! Juds5 
be  caft  out  of  the  kingdoms  of  heaven  and  be  damned. 

And  now  they  themfeh  es  do  not  defend  their  wicked  life,  nay  ra- 
ther  they  which  arethebcft  and  the  founded  of  them  all  do  dctcit  it : 
but  they  fight  for  the  maintenance  and  defence  of  the  doftrine  of  dc- 
v'llSjfcr  hypocrifie.&  for  therighteoufncs  of  works  Here  they  alledge 
the  authority  of  Councels3  and  the  examples  of  holy  fathers,  whom 
they  an%me  to  have  bin  the  amlxmrstf  their  holy  i- rdqs  and  ftatutes. 
Therefore  we  fight  net  againft  the  manifeft  wickednes  andabomina- 
tionsof  the  Papacy,  but  againft  the  greateft  holines,and  holieft  Saints 
therof,which  think  they  leade  an  angclicall  life,  whikft  they  dreamc 
that  they  keepcnot  only  the  ccmmandcmcntsofGod,  but  allb  the 
couL&ls  cf  Chrift,and  doe  works  of  fuperercgation,  and  fuch  a$  they  Gefpeii 
are  not  bound  to  do.  This  we  "lay  is  to  labour  in  vait  c,exccpt  they  lay  jJJ, 
bold  of  that  only  and  alone,  which  Chrift  faith  is  only  nccc{Taiy,and  T 
chofc  the  gccd  part  with  J^^ry.which  fhail  not  be  taken  from  them.  " 

This  did  fBcrmrd>  a  man  fogoHIy,  foholy,  and  fochaft,  that  heto 
is  to  be  commended  and  preferred  above  them  all.    He  being  once  [£ 
gctcvcuily  fick,.  and  having  no  hope  cflifc,  put  not  hi&truft  in  his  . 
fingle  lifi  wherein  he  had  lived  moft  chaftly,  nor  in  his  good  works 
and  deeds  of  charity,  whereof  he  had  done  many:  but  removed 
them  farrc  out  of  his  fight,  and  receiving  the  benefit  of  Chrift  by 
faith,hefaid  :  *J  have  lived  wickedly.    But  thou  Lord  Jcfus  Chrift  mo 
by  double,  right  doeft  poftflc  the  kingdcme  of  heaven ;  Hrft>  be-  U 
caufe  thouait  thefonnecfGod:  Secondly,  bccaufe  thouhaft  pur- 
chafed  it  by  thy  death  and  p  :flion.   The  firft  thou  kecpeft  for  thy  illfe 
by  thy  birthright.    The  fccond  thou  givcft  to  me,  not  by  the  right 
of  my  workes,  but  by  the  right  of  grace..  He  fet  not  againu.  the 


Chap.  IIII.  fjM  jfe  E  ?  t  s  T  i  B 

wrath  of  God  his  monkery  nor  hisangclicall  life  :  but  he  took  hold 

of  that  one  thing  which  was  neceflary,and  lo  was  faved.  I  think  that 

fortme,  Gregory,  and  many  other  of  the  Fathers  wcrcfavcd  after  the 

fame  fort.  And  it  i«  not  to  be  doubted,  but  that  al(o  in  the  old  Jcfta- 

tnent  many  kings  oflfracl  and  other  Idolaters  were  fayed  in  like 

manner,  who  at  thehourc  of  death  caftmgaway  their  vaine  trull 

•which  they  had  in  Idois,took  hold  of  the  proraifcof  God,which  waj 

made  unto  the  feed  of  A&rahamtthat  is  to  fay  ,Chrift  in  whom  all  na 

tions  (bould  be  blefled.  And  if  there  be  any  of  the  Papifts  which  (hafl 

be  £avcd,  they  muft  fimply  leane  not  to  their  own  good  deeds  and  dc- 

ferts.but  to  the  mercy  of  *God  cffcred  unto  us  in  Chrift,  and  fay  with 

Paul:  I  hdvcnotmine  owtirighleoufncflc  which  u  tfthefaw,  but  that 

Which  u  6  j  faith  in  Chrift. 

Verfe  13.   Then  brethren  we  are  not  children  of  thtftrvaM  ,  btttoftk 
free  woman, 

here  concladeth  his  allegory  of  the  barren  Church,  and 
of  the  fruitfull  people  of  the  law.  We  are  not  (  faith  heb  the  children 
of  the  bond  woman  :  that  is  to  fay,  we  are  not  under  the  law  which 
bcgetteth  unto  bondage,  that  is,  which  terrificth,  accufeth,and  brin- 
gcth  te  dcfperation:but  wears  delivered  from  it  by  Chrift  :  therefore 
it  cannot  terrific  nor  condcmne  us.  Of  this  we  have  fpokcn  enough 
m  before.  Moreover,  although  the  fonnes  of  the  bond  woman  doc  pcr- 
«t  kngth  be  fecute  us  never  fo  much  for  a  time,  yet  this  is  our  comfort,  that  they 
fl13^  be  compelled  to  leave  the  inheritance  unto  us,  which  belongsth 
unto  us  that  arc  the  fonnes  of  the  free  woman  j  and  (hall  at  length  be 
caft  into  utter  darkncffe. 

Paul  therefore  by  thefe  words  £  bond  woman  and  free  woman] 
took  occafion  (  as  we  have  heard  )  to  re  jeft  the  rightcoufnefle  of  the 
law,  and  toconfirmc  the  doftrinc  of  Juftification.  Andofpurpofs 
he  takcth  hold  of  this  word  (  free  woman  )  vehemently  urging  and 
amplifying  the  fame,  efpecially  in  the  beginning  of  the  chapter  fol 
lowing.  Whereupon  he  taketh  occafion  to  rcafon  of  Chnftian  li 
berty,  the  knowledge  whereof  is  very  necefifary  :  For  tho  Pope 
hath  in  a  manner  quite  overthrow  nc  it,  and  made  the  Church  fub- 
jcft  to  mans  traditions  and  ceremonies,  and  to  a  moft  mifcrablc 
and  filthy  bondage.  That  liberty  which  is  purchafed  by  Chrift,  is 
unto  us  at  this  day  a  moft  ftrong  fort  and  munition  whereby  we 


•J   — 

defend  GOT  fclvesagainft  the  tyranny  of  the  Pope.  Wherefore  we 
null  diligently  consider  this  do&rine  of  Chriftian  liberty,  as  well 
to  confirmc  the  doctrine  o>  juftincation,  as  alfo  teraifs  up  and  com 
fort  wcake  coi  lcienccs,agam{l  ft)  many  troubles  and  orrencts,which 
our  advcrfariesdoe  impute  unto  thcGofpell.  Now.Chriftian  liberty 
is  a  very  fpiritu  11  thing.which  the  earn  11  man  doth  nctundcrftand.  llbc"y 
Yea  they  which  rwcthc  firft  fruits  of  the  Spirit,  and  can  talke  well 
thereof,  do  very  hardly  retaine  it  in  their  heart.  Jt  ffcmuh  to  reafon 
that  it  is  a  matter  ofi'mall  importance.  Therfbre  if  the  holy  Ghoft  do 
not  msgnifk  it  that  it  may  be  cftcemed  accordingly , it  is  contemned. 

The  fifth  Chapter. 

A  V  L  now  drawing  towards  the  end  of  his  Epiftle, 
dif.nitcth  very  vehemently  in  defence  of  the  dodrinc 
of  Hith  and  Chriftian  liberty,  againft  the  falfe  Apo- 
ftles,  the  enemies  and  dcftroyers  of  the  fame :  againft 
whom  hccaftcth  out  very  thundring  words,  tc  beatc 
them  downe  and  utterly  to  vanquifh  them.  And  thcrewithall  he  ex- 
horteth  the  (jalathians  to  flic  their  pernicious  do r^riie  as  a  dange 
rous  poyfon.   In  his  exhortation  he  cntcr.ningktb  threatnings  and  S./SJ 
promifes,  try  ing  every  wiy  that  hcmav  kcepc  them  in  that  liberty 't°  ^^ 
which  Chrift  hath  purchaicd  for  them,  laying :  OofpdJ. 

Vfrfc  I.    Stand,  frft  therefore  in  tl*t  liberty  therein   Chrift  httth 
made  tu  free. 

That  is  to  fiy  :  B*  yceftcdfaQ.    So  tPeter  f^irh  :  See  (oker  and  iPttjA*' 
\\>4tck,  fir  your  achcrfcrj  the  Devi/l  AS  *  r.&i»g  Lyon   Vcdketh  *- 
hint,  faki»g   Vthvm  hfe  may  dcvourc,    ^hom  rfjsjfy    being  ftcdfaft 
in  the  Faith.    Be  ycc  not  carcl  lU  (  he)  our  ttcdfaft  andcon- 
ftant.  Lye  not  dow  neand  fleepe,  bur  it  and  up.   As  if  he  would  fay  :  T|,,BO<n, 
Jt  ftandcth  you  in  hand  to  be  watcbfnll  and  conftanr,  that  ye  may  «nu«iuod 
kcepc  and  hold  faft  that  liberty  wherein  Chrift  hath  made  you  1^'^,^ 
free.   They  that  are  fecurc  and  negligent  cinnot  kcepc  this  liber   tow  liberty 
ty.  For  Satan  moit  deadly  hatcth  thch^htof  thcGcfpell,  that  is  ta  wb"^ 


Chap.  V.  f'ftn  /A:  E  p  r  t  T  L  i 

'n'h-h™!«  ilg?Ce>lilerty'  confojlt«'"  «*  'if*.  Therefore 
•.{hat  tbegianeth  once  teappcare,  forthwith  he  fief, 
teth  a«^t  ,t  vmh  all  m.ght  and  maincT  ftirring  upTrmesand 
W  hP  VS  **^*fc*W*»  'hereof,  and  utterly  tSOvertl™1v  it 
W  hertfore  P*«l  warneth  the  fjuhfuli  not  to  Heepe  not  t  "be  nw  , 
g5nt:butconftailtlyand  vahantly  torefift  Satan      mTc  fpo" 
not  of  that  Lberty  which  Chrift  hath  purchaf..dWthcm 
•j-u5P'VJ?r  hati'herea<:?«ainevelieInency.  Staaj  Cfjit 
if  h:  ilhoold  fay  «  Here  have  ye  need  of  great  dft  genceld 


-  j  •"  j-j- ^nt  viiii^; 

)•  *n  vvnat  liberty  ?  Not  in  that  \vh 

t    The  fret-      **,„  1,^*1 ,  J..  .  7  . 

.  b"t  in  that  wherewith  Chr.ft  h    h  , 

Papili,  .  free.Th,  E.nperor  hath  g.ven.or  nther  was  compiled  to  give  to  the 
Biffcop  ofRome,  a  free  city,  and  other  lands  :  alfo  i  m,,  "ities  nri° 
viledgejanJprerogatives.eV.  Th;sisa!fi  al.fc 



The  *„,.     -puc    carges.    Moreover,  there 

will  b.  free 


fitan  o  e      an  ou"' 

enl.on.  Thefc  ftand  in  that  liberty  wherein  the  devill  hath  made 
™  free   B«  we  fpcake  not  here,  ctfthis  liberty  :  a  b     the  w™t 

rartbdt  as  oncdroppc  of  water  in  rcfpcft  of  the  whole  fe 
For  who  „  able  to  «pKffc  what  at^itis  whcn  amanta^ 


To  the  GA  L  A  T'H  I  AN  s. 

red  in  his  heart,  that  God  neither  is  nor  will  be  ^igry  with  him,  To 
but  will  be  for  ever  a  mcrcifull  and  loving  Father  unto  him  for  £ 
Chriftsfake?  This  is  indeed  a  marvellous  and  anincomprehenfiblc  for 
liberty,  to  have  the  inoft  high  and  foveraigpe  Wajefly  fo  favcura-  jrcom 
bleuntous,  that  he  doth  not  onely  defend,  maintaincand  fuccour  «'t»fiw 
us  in  this  life,  but  alfo  as  touching  our  bcdks  will  ib  deli  verts,  that  freedttmc- 
our  bpdies  which  are  low ne  in  corruption,  in  difaonoNr  and  infir-  tCor-*s-** 
miry,  fhall  rife  againe  in  incorruptiop,in  glory  andpower.    Where-  4W4< 
fore  this  is  an  inclinable  liberty,  that  we  are  made  free  from  the 
wrath  of  God  for  evcnand  is  greater  then  heaven  and  earth,  and  all 
other  creatures. 

Of  this  liberty  there  followeth  another,  whereby  through  Chrift 
we  are  made  frJe  from  the  law,  linne,  death,  the  power  of  the  i)i-  j^'j 
veil,  hell, &c.  For  .as  the  wrath  cf  God  cannot  terrific  us,  for  that 
Chrift  hath  deli\  ercd  us  from  the  fame  :  ib  the  law,  (innc  and  death, 
cannot  accufe  and  condemne  us.  And  although  the  lawaccufeus, 
'and  finne  terrific  us,  yet  they  cannot  drive  us  to  defparation.  For 
Faithjwhich  overcommeth  the  and  by  faith;  Thefe  things 
belong  not  unto  me  :Fcr  Chnft  hath  made  me  frce,and  delivered  me 
from  them  J.11.  Like  wife  death  which  is  the  moft  mighty  and  moil 
dreadfull  thing  in  all  the  world,  is  utterly  vanquished  in  thsconfci- 
cnce  by  this  liberty  of  the  Spirit.  Wherefore  the  Majefty  of  this 
Chriftian  liberty  is  highly  to  be  efteemcd,and  diligently  Confidered/  The  fruit*. 
"It  is  antafic  matter  for  a  man  to  fpeakc  thefe  words  Qfrccdomc 
from  the  wrath  ofGod,  (iiine,and  death, J  but  in  the  time  of  tentati- 
on,expcricncenndpradifu  to  apply  them  to  himfdf,and  to  feelcthe 
excellency  cf  this  liberty  and  the  fruit  thereof,  it  is  a  harder  matter 
then  can  be  exprifkd. 

Thcrfore  our  confciencc  muft  be  inftrucled  and  prepared  be- 
fore  hand,  that  when  we  feel  the  accufation  of  tbelaw,  the  terrours 
of  (in,  the  horrour  of  death,  and  the  wrath  of  ( "od,  we  may  remove 
thcfc  heavy  lights,-  an-i  fearfull  faotafics  out  of  our  minds,  anJ  fet  , 
in  the  place  thereof  the  frecdoroe  purchaied  by  Cfcrift,  the  forgivc- 
ncffe  of  fins,  righteoufnefle,  life,  and  the  ev.-rlafting  mercy  of 
God.  And  albeit  the  feeling  of  the  coutnry  be  very  (liong,  yet 
Ictus  allure  eur  felves  rhat  it  Oiall  not  long  endure:  acccrdin^to 
that  faying  cf  tbc  Prophet  :  For  a  w»ment  in  nine  **?tr  I  h'ni  E)St«5l«l» 
from  thee  for  a  kttlf  fcajtn  :  fat  Vtith  t^rlaftin^  w(rcj  I 



Chap.  V.  V'pen  *fo  E  ?  r  s  T  L  B 

have  common  an  the.  But  this  is  very  hard  to  doc.  Wh  -re- 
fore  that  iioerty  winch  Chnit  hath  pHrfhafed  fir  us,  is  nat  f  >foonc 
bslccved  as  it  is  named.  If  it-could'  be  apprehended  with  afireand 
a^itedfaft  lakh,  dun  no  rage  or  terrain-  of  the  world,  of  the  h  w, 
linnc,  death,  or  the  dcviil,  could  be  fo  great,  but  b/  and  by  it  flu  ;ld 
be  Aval  o  vcd  up  as  a  little  drop  of  water  is  f  wallowed  of  the  m.tine 
fea.  And  ccrtainely  tuis  Chriitian  liberty  Awlloweth  up  at  once 
and  taketh  quite  aw-iy  the  whoh  heape  of  evils,  -the  1-iw,  finite 
dcatS.^ods  wrath,  and  briefly  rhe  {Vrpcnt  himftlfe  with  his  head 
and  vvh-ols  power,  and  in  th;  <hai  thereof  it  placcth  nghtcauf  y  tf\ 
ps««,  and  cverlalting  lifc^f.  Butbk^dishcthatunderftandeth 
and  beiceveth* 

Let  us  Iv-arnc  therefore  to  magnihe  this  our  liSerty,  purchafed  by 
JcfusCbrwcthc  Sonniof  God,  by  whooi  all  things  were  created 
both  in  heaven  and  c^tH.  ,Vnich  hb:rty  he  hath  purch  ifcd  with  no 
other  price  then  with  his  own  bloud,  to  deliver  us,t  lot  from  any  bo 
dily  or  t-uij.'  -all  i'-rvitade,  but  from  a  fpintuall  andcverlafiing  bon- 
£4$  ••  under  mi  Juy  -and  invinci-le  -yrants,  to  wit,  the  h  .v,  fin  deaA 
and  rhe  d:\ill,  and  fo  «o  reconcile  us  unto  God  hi?  Father.  Now, 
fincc  thefc  c,,eniies  are-overcouK,  and  we  reconciled  untoGodby 
the  death  ofhisSoni^e,  it  is  c^rraine  that  we  arc  righteous  before 
God,md  that  whatfcevcr  we  do,  >Iealcth  him.  And  although  there 
beccrtaine  re  nnantsoflinne  yctdill  mus,  they  arc  not  lafdtoour 
charge.  ctu  pardoned  for  Chriftsfake. 

liberty  i<         P<utl\  f.rh  words  of  threat  force  and  v?nemncv.    Stand  (  faith 
•          he)  in  th*t  liberty  therein  Chrifl  h*th  m*dc  tu  fee.    This  liber- 
ty  then  is  not  given  by  the  Law,  or  for  ojr  rightewufnefle, 
bur  freely  for  thrifts  fake  :  Which  thing  Paul  here  witncff:th,' 
and  plaincly  declareth  throughout  his  whol-  Epiltle.    Chrirt  alfo 
in  the  eight  of  fob*  fmh  :"  //  the  Sonne  fidl  make  you  fee,  jee 
fidl  le  fee  indeed    He  onely  is  fet  betwixt  us  and.the  evils  which 
trouble  and  arllicr.  us  :  he  hath  overcome  them  and  taken  them  a- 
way,  fo  thatth-.j/  can  no  moreoppre£em,nqr  condcmneus.  In  the 
fleadof  ilnne  and  death  he  givcf'i  unto  us  rightceufnefTe  andcvcr- 
lafting  life  :  and  by  this  mcanes  he  changeth  the  bondage  and  ter- 
reurs  of  the  law,  into  the  libery  of  confcicncc  and  conflation  of 
theC.oipdl,  which  fiith  :  Tfc  of  good  comfin  my  finne  :  thy  finncs 
are  firgtvw   tbec,    Whofocvcr   then    belecveth  in  Chrift  the 
*-  Sonne 

Ti  the  G  A  L  A  r  H  I  A  v  s,~  Fol. 

Sonne  of  G  o  D,  he  hath  this  libcrtic. 

Rcafon  cannot  perceive  the  excellency  of  this  matter:  which  when 
a  man  confidereth  in  Spir  it,he  (hall  fee  that  it  is  incftim  able.  For  who 
is  able  to  conceive  in  his  mind  how  great  and  unfpeakeablea  gift  it 
is  to  have  the  fbrgiveneflfe  of  finnes,  righteoufneflc  and  cvcrlaftiHg 
life,  in  the  ftead  of  the  law,  finnc,  death  and  the  wrath  of  Ood,  and 
to  have  God  hirafelfc  favourable  and  mercifull  for  ever  ?  The  Pa- 
pifts  and  the  hypocrites  that  fecke  the  rightcoufncfle  of  the  law,  or 
their  ownerighceoufnetfc,  doe  glory  that  they  like  wife  havercmif- 
fion  of  finnes,  righteoufhdle,  life  and  the  grace  of  God.  For  thcjr 
vaunt  that  t}>ey  alfo  have  this  liberty,and  they  promile  the  fame  unto 
others  :  but  in  very  deed  they  are  the  fervants  of  corruption,  and  in 
the  time  of  tentation  all  their  vaine  confidence  vanjfheth  away  even 
in  a  moment.  For  they  truft  unto  the  works  and  fatistaflion  of  men, 
and  not  to  the  word  of  God,  nor  unto  Chrift.  Wherefore  it  is  im>- 
pofTible  for  the  Judiciaries  which  feckc  to  win  Heaven,  life  aud  fal- 
vation  by  works  and  merits,  to  know  what  the  liberty  and  dcli- 
veraiKe  frotn  finnc  is. 

Contrari  w  ife5  our  liberty  hath  for  her  foundation  Chriil  hioafclfe7, 
who  is  our  cvcrlafting  hi^h  Bifh  )p,fitting  at  the  right  hand  of-Gock 
and  making  intcrceffiion  for  us.  Wherefore  the  forgivcncilc  of finncs, 
righteoufncfle,  life  and  liberty  which  we  have  through  him,  is  fure, 
certa'inc  and  perpefuall,  fe  that  we  bclcevc  the  fame.  Whercfore.if 
we  cleave  unto  Chrift  with  a  ftcdfaft  faith,and  (tand  faft  in  that  liber 
ty  wherein  he  hath  made  us  free,  we  fhall  obtainc  thofe  inclinable 

•r  -r  i    rr  -\     n  i    r     L  T     •        «arc 

gifts :  bat  if  webecarekflcand  negligent,  we  'hail  lofcthem.  It  is  jofc  thi« 
'not  without  caufe  that  PWbiddsth  us  watch  and  ftand  fad  :  for  he 
luirw  that  the  devillfccketh  nothing  more,  then- to  fpoilc  us  of  this 
liberty  which  coft  Chrift  fo  great  a  price,  and  to  entangle  us  sgainc 
by  his  miniftcrs  in  the  yoake  of  bondage,  as  fblloweth. 

frrfi  I.    A*£bcn9t  tnfartgled  againc'toith  the  yo.-ike  of  bondage. 


'f*ttl  hath  -f;iokcn  moft  effedrually  and 'pfafoundly  as  concer 
ning  grace  and  Chriftiari  liberty,  and  with  high  and  haughty  words 
hath  exhorted  the  (Jafathiant  to  continue  in. the  lame  :  for  it  is 
eafly  loft,  1  hcreforc  he  biddeth  them  ftand  filft,  icaft  tl:at  through 
negligence  orfcturity,  they  fall  back  'againd  and  faith, 

H  h  to 

Chap,V.  Vfcn  th  E  p  i  s  T  L  i 

to  tbc  law  and  works.    Now,  becaufe  reafbn  /udgeth  that  there  can 

be  no  danger  in  preferring  therighteoufncfleof  the  law  before  the 

righteoufnefle  of  faith  :  therefore  with  a  ce'tainc  indignation  he  cn- 

veigheth  againft  the  law,  and  with  great  contempt  he  caikthita 

The  )a»  i*    y°ke,  ywJa  y°kc  of  bondage.  So  Tettr  calleth  it  alfo,  Adls  15.  wkj 

*  yokeof     ttxtpt  ye  CJod  to  lay  a  )'oi>e  on  the  D  ifcip/es  r.ecks^fhich  neitlxr  our  fathers 

bondage,       noy  ^  V(rg  ^y^  /<?  ^rff  ?  ^nj  ^yj  ^e  turncl Jj  a]|  things  tO  the  COn- 

trary.  For  the  falfe  Apoftles  did  abafc  the  promife,and  magnified  the 
law  and  the  works  thereof  in  this  wife  :  I  f  ye  will  be  made  free  (fay 
they)  from  finneand  death,  andobtaine  righteoufneflc  and  life,  ful 
fill  the  law,bc  circumcifcd,obf:rve  dayes^onethsjtimes  and  yeares, 
offer  facrifices,  and  doc  fuch  other  like  things :  then  fiiall  this  obcdi-» 
cnce  of  the  law  juftifie  and  lave  you.  But  Paul  faith  the  contrary. 
They  (  faith  he  )  that  teach  the  law  after  this  fort,  dos  not  fet  mens 
consciences  at  liberty,  but  fhare  and  entangle  them  with  a  yoke,  yea 
and  that  with  a  yoke  of  bondage. 

He  ipcaketh  therefore  of  the  law  very  bafcly  and  contemptu- 
oufly,  and  calleth  it  a  hard  bondage  and  a  fcr vile  yoke.  And  this 
he  doth  not  without  great  caufe.  For  this  pernicious  opinion  of 
the  law,  that  it  juftificth  and  rnaketh  men  righteous  before  God,  is 
deeply  rooted  in  mans  rcafbn,  and  all  man-kind  is  fo  wrapped  in 
it,  that  it  can  hardly  get  out.  And  T^w/fcemcth  here  to  compare 
hai  tnofc  thatfcekc  rightcoufncfleby  the  law,  unto  Oxui  that  be  tied  to 
theyoko,  to  the  end  he  might  take  from  it  the  glory  of  juftifying 
and  of  rightcoufneflV.  For  like  as  Oxen  doe  draw  in  the  yoke  witS 
grcat  toyle,  receive  nothing  thereby  but  forragc  andpafture,  and 
when  they  be  able  to  draw  the  yoke  no  more,  are  appointed  to  the 
flaughtcr :  even  fo  they  that  fceke  righteoufnefle  by  the  law,  arc  cap 
tives  and  oppreflcd  with  the  yoke  of  bondage,  that  is  to  fay,  with 
tbc  law  :  and  when  they  have  tyred  themfclves  along  time  in  the 
Works  of  the  law  with  great  and  grievous  toyle,  in  the  end  this 
is  their  reward,  that  they  arc  miferablc  and  perpetual!  fervants. 
And  whereof?  Even  of  (innc,  death,  Gods  wrath,  and  of  the  dcvill. 
Wherefore  there  is  no  greater  or  harder  bondage,  then,  the  bon 
dage  of  the  law.  Ic  is  not  without  caufe  then,  that  P4»/callcth  it 
thcyokc  of  bondage,  For  as  we  have  often  faid  before,  the  law 
doth  but  revcale,  increafc  and  aggravate  fmne,  accufe,  terrifie,  con- 
dcmnc  and  gender  wra.th4  and  finally  it  driyeth  poorq  confciences 


70  tke  G*  L  A  v  H  I 

into  defperation,which  is  the  moft  miferable  and  moft  grievous  bon 
dage  that  can  be.  Rom.  3.4,5. 

Hcufcth  therefore  very  vehement  words.  For  he  would  gladly 
pcrfwade  them  that  they  fhould  not  fufcr  this  intolerable  burden 
to  be  laid  upon  their  (houidcrs  by  the  falfc  Apoftles,  or  be  entangled 
againc  witn  the  yoake  of  bondage.  As  if  he  fhouldfay.:  we  ftand 
not  here  upon  a  matter  of  fmall  importance,  but  either  of  cvcrlafting 
liberty,  or  cvcrlafting  bondage.  For  like  as  freedome  from  Gods 
wrath  and  all  evils  is  not  tcmporall  or  carnall,but  everlading:  even  fo 
the  bondage  of finne,  death,  the  devil!  and  damnation  ( where  with- 
ali  they  be  opprcffcd  which  will  be  made  righteous  and  faved  by  ths 
law)  i$  not  corporal!  and  fjch  ascontmuethforatim:,  but  cvcrla 
fting.  For  fuch  workers  of  the  law  as  goc  about  to  performe  and  ac- 
complim  all  things  precifrly  and  cxaftly  (  for  of  fuch  /^Wfpeakcth) 
can  never  find  quietiicffe  and  pczcw  of  conscience  in  this  life.  Th:y  al 
ways  doubt  of  the  good  will  of  C  ,od  towards  them  :  they  are  always 
in  fcarc  cf  death,the  wrath  and  j  idgmcnt  of  God,  and  after  this  life 
they  fhallb:  puniflied  for  their  unbelief  with  everiafting  damnttion. 
Therefore  the  docis  of  the  law,  and  fuch  as  ftand  altogether 
upon  the  ri^htcoufucflt  and  works  thereof,  arc  rightly  called  the 
Devils  Martyrs.  They  take  more  paines  and  puni:h  thcmfclves 
more  in  purchasing  hell  ( according  to  the  provsrb)  then  the  Mar-  the  Je»n« 
tyrsof  C  hrift  d^c  in  obtaining  Heaven.  For  ttay  are  tormented  two 
imnner  of  way  cs  :  Firft,  they  miferably  afflict  thcmfclvcs  whileft 
they  live  here,  by  doing  of  many  hard  and  great  works,  and  all  in 
vainc  ;  and  afterwards  when  they  die,  they  reapc  for  a  recompcnce, 
cvcrlafting  damnation.  Thus  arc  they  moft  miferable  Mar- 
tyrs,  both  in  this  life  and  in  the  life  to  come,  and  their  bondage  is 
evcrlafting.  ContrariwKc,  the  godly  have  troubles  in  this  world, 
but  in  Chrift  they  have  peace,  bccaufc  they  belccvc  that  hec  hath 
overcome  the  world.  Wherefore  we  muft  ftand  faft  in  that  free- 
dome  which  Chrift  hath  parchafrd  for  us  by  his  death,  and  we 
muft  take  good  heed  that  we  be  not  entangled  agame  with  the 
yoakc  of  bondage :  As  it  hapncth  at  this  day  to  the  fantafticall  fpi- 
rits,  who  falling  away  from  Faith  and  from  this  frccdome,  have 
procured  unto  thcmfelvcs  here  a  temporall  bondage,  and  in  the 
world  to  come  (Kail  be  opprcflcd  with  an  cverlafting  bondage.  As 
for  the  Papifo,  the  moft  part  of  them  arc  become  at  this  day 

Hh  2  plains 

Ctiap.V,  Ffcn  tie  EP  I  s  T  L  ?. 

Tbfcamaii  plains- Fp:ciircs.  Therefore  whiles  they  may,  they  jjfc.'tric liberty  of 
tlwPa  'rt$  *ke  0cfh^ingjog  this  carclcffw  foag  :  Ede\  bifoi  fade,  pa  ft  mortem  nutt* 
This  may  volttptM  :  That  is,  £<»te,  '  drlr,t>e  t  andtnake  good  ckcore,  fir  after  tbia 
life  thtre  it  no  plea/fire.  But  they  are  the  very  bondfhvcs  of  the  Dc- 
vell,  by  whom  they  areholden  captives  at  his  will  and  pleafurc : 
therefore  they  &all  fed-  this-ever  laiting  bondage  in  hell.  Hitherto 
PW/ exhortation  hathbccnc  vehement  and  earneft,  bat  that  which 
followeth  doth  farre  paffe  it. 

Vcrfe  2.    ^Behold  I  f>au\  fay  unto  jou>  that  ifyebecircttmc\fcAy  Ckrift 
Jha/lproftyou  nothing. 

'  Pdft/here  v/onderfully  ftirred  up  with  zcale  and  .fervency  of fpirit 
thundreth  againft  the  l.iw&  circumcifiomand  thefe  thundring  \vords 
proceedinq  of  great  zeale,  the  holy  Ghoft  wreftcth  from  him  when 
hcfaith:  Behold,  /Paul,  &c.  1(1  fiy)  who  know  that  Ihaveaot 
received  the  Golpell  by  man,  but  by  the  revelation  of  Jefus  Chrift, 
and  have  commifllon  and  authority  from  above,topublilh  nnd  preach 
the  fame  unto  you,doe  tell  you,  that  ifyebecircumcifed,  Chrift  fhall 
profit  you  nothing  at  all.  This  is  a  very  hard  fentencc:whcrcby  Paul 
declareth,that  to  be  circumcifcd,  is  as  much  as  to  make  Chrift  utter 
ly  unprofitable :  not  in  refpe<5t  of  himielrcsbu:  of  ih^Cjai'athifin^vtfiQ 
being  deceived  Gy  the  fabtilties  of  rhefalfe  Apo.lles,  beleevcd,  that, 
befides* faith  in  Chrift,  it  was  needfull  for  the  faithful!  to  be  circum^ 
tiled,  without  the  which  they  could  not  obtaincfalvation. 

This  place  is  as  it  wrere  a  touchftone,  whereby  we  may  moft 
certainely  and  freely  julge  of  all  dodrrnes,  workcs,  religions  and 
a!l  ceremonies  of  all  men,  Whomever  teach  that  there  is  a-iy  thing 
neccfiary  to  fVlvation  (whether  they  be  Papifts,  Tarkes,  J^wei 
or  Sectaries  }  bcfid:s  frith  in  Chrift,  or  ("hali  devifeany  workeor 
rsii^icTn,  or  obfervc  any  rulcj  tradition  or  ceremony  whatsoever, 
with  this  opinion  that  by  fjch  things  they  iTiall  obtaincfbrgivenefii 
cffinnes,  rightcoufneffc;  and  everlafting  life  :  they  heare  in  this  pla€c 
the  fentencc  of  the  holy  Ghoft  pronounced  agamflrthcm  by  the  A- 
pofllc,  that  Chrift  profdteth  them  nothing,  Seeing  /^^w/durft  giv$ 
this  fentence  p.^Tsinft  the  law  and  circumcifion,  which  were  ordai 
ned  of  God  himfclfe,  what  durft  he  not  doe  againft  tfac  chaffeand  the 

'fni-ms  traditions? 

Wherefore  this  place  is  a  terrible  thunderbolt  againft  all  the 


G  A  i  A  T  tf  1  A  N  S •  Fol.255 

fcirigdomc  of  the  Pope.  For  all  the  Priefts ,  Monkes  and  Hcremitcs  To  *i,om 
that  live  in  their  cloyfters  (I  fpcake  of  the  beft  of  them  )  rcpofed  all  chrift  » «*• 
their  truft  and  confidence  in  their  own  works,  righteoufnes,  vows  profiiaW* 
and  merits,  and  not  in  Chrift,  whom  they  molt  wickedly  and  blaf- 
phemoufly  imagined  to  be  an  angry  Judge,an  accufcr  and  condemner: 
and  therefore  here  they  hearc  their  judgement ,  that  Chrift  profitcth 
them  nothing.  For  if  they  can  put  away  (inncs  and  defervc  forgivc- 
nefle  of  iinnes  and  eycrlafting  life  through  their  own  rightcouf  nefic 
tnd  ftraitncfle  of  life  :  then  to  what  purpofc  was  Chrift  borne? 
What  profit  have  they  by  his  death  and  bloud- (bedding,  by  his  rc- 
furrcdion,  vidory  over  fin,  death  and  the  devill,  feeing  they  arc  abb 
to  overcome  thefc  monftersby  their  own  ftrength?  And  what  tongue 
can  cxprefle,  or  what  heart  can  conceive  how  horrible  a  thing  it  is  to 
make  Chrift  unprofitable  ?  Therefore  the  Apoftle  cafteth  out  thefc 
words  with  great  difpleafure  and  indignation  :  If  ye  be  clrcwncifed, 
Ckriflfia/l  profit jw  nothing  :  that  is  to  fay,  no  profit  foould  redound 
unto  you  or  all  his  benefits :  but  he  hath  bellowed  them  all  upon  you 
in  vaine. 

Hereby  it  appcarcth  fufficiently,  that  nothing  under  the  Sunne  Nothing 
is  more  hurtfull  then  the  dodrine  of  raens  traditions  and  works:  m^cp*™-1 
for  they  utterly  aboiifa  and  overthrow  at  once  the  truth  of  the  Se"tradU- 
Gofpell,  faith,  the  true  worlhipping  of  God,  and  Chrift  himfclf  °n* oi  a*'*> 
in  whom  the  Father  hath  ordained  all  things,  Colotf.2.  InChrij} 
Are  hid  /til  tht  trtafiircs  of  Vfifdvme  and  knowledge  :    In  him  dvtel* 
icth  the  fiUMeffif  of  the  god-head  bodily.     Whsretorc   all  they  that 
arc  cither  authours  or  miintainers  of  the  dodrinc  of  works,  are 
opprcflburs  of  the  Gofpell ,  make  the  death  and  viftory  of  Chrift 
unprofitable,   blemi(h   and  deface  his  Sacraments,   and   utterly 
take  away  the  true  ufc  thereof,  and  briefly  they  are  blafyhemers, 
enemies  and  dcniers  of  God ,    and  of  all  his  promifes  and  benc* 
fits.    Who  fo  is  not  mooved  with  thefe  words  of  Paul  (  which 
calleth  the  hw  a  yoakc  of  bondage ,   and  faith  that  they  which 
affirmc  the  keeping  of  circuracifion  to  b;  nec:flary  to  falv^tion, 
make  Chrift  unprofitable)    and  cannot  bs   driven  fro  Ji   the  law 
and  circumcifion  ,   nor  yet  from  the  confidence  which  ha  hac'i 
in  his  own  righteoufnelfe  and  workes,  nor  be  ftirrcd  up  to  kck 
that  liberty  which  is  in  Chrift,  his  heart  is  harder  then  ttoiiwani 

H  fc  |  This 

Chap.V.  rfo»  tit  E  P  i  s  *  L  B 

This  is  therefore  a  moft  certaine  and  clcare  fcntence,  that  (Thrift  is 
unprofitable,  that  is  to  fay,  he  is  borne,  crucified  and  rifen  again  in 
vain  to  him  that  is  circuincifed1,  that  is,  which  putteth  his  truft  in  cir-  • 
Coed        cumcifion.  For  (as  I  have  faid  before)  P*#/fpeaketh  not  hereof  the 
work  of  circumcifion  (which  hurteth  not  him  that  hath  noairiancc  or . 
opinion  of  rightcoufnes  in  it)  but  of  the  ufe  of  the  work,that  is  to  fay, 
°f tne  confidence  and  righteoufnefie  that  is  annexed  to  the  vvork:  For' 
we  muft  undcrftand  Taut  according  to  the  matter  whereof  he  intrea- 
teth,  or  according  to  the  argument  which  he  hath  in  hand :  which  is,- 
that  men  be  not  juftificd  by  the  law,  by  works,  by  circumcifion  or' 
fuchlike.  He  faith  not,  that  works  of  themfelvcs  are'  nothing,  but  the 
confidence  and  righteoufnes  of  works  arc  nothing  :  for  that  makcth 
Chrift  unprofitable.  Therefore  who  ibreceiveth  circumcifion,  with 
this  opinion  that  k  is  necelftry  to  juftificttion,  to  him  Chrift  availeth 

Let  us  beare  this  well  in  mind  in  our  private  tentations  when 
the  devill  accufeth  and  terrificth  our  confcience  to  drive  it  to  de- 
fperation.  For  he  is  the  father  of  lying,  and  the  enemy  of  Chriftian 
liberty  :  therefore  he  tormenteth  us  every  moment  with-  fajfc  fears, 
that  when  our  confence  hath  loft  this  Chriftian  liberty,-  it  (hould 
fcele  the  remorfe  offirine  a-nd  condemnation ,  and  al  wayes  remaitic' 
in  anguidi  and  terrour.  When  that  great  Dragon  (I  fay)  that  old  fcr- 
pentthedevili  (  who  decciveth  the  whole  world,  and  accufeth  our 
brethren  in  the  prcfcncc  of  God  day  and  night,  dpoc.iz. )  commeth 
and  lay eth'unto  thy  charge,  that  thou  haft  not  only  done  no  goody 
but  haft  alfo  tranfgreflcd  the  law  of  God,  foyunro  him  :  Thou  trou* 
wcr  ^c^  me  ^"^  the  remembrance  of  my  finnespaft  :  Thou  putteft  me 
""  d^iil"  alfo  in  mind  that  I  have  done  no  good.  But  this  is  nothing  to  me : 
when  he  ae  for  if  cither  I  truftcd  in  mineowne  good  deeds,  or  diftrafted  bccaufe 
5  navc  clone  none,  Chrift  fhould  both  wayes  profit  me  nothing  at  all. 
Therefore  whether  thou  lay  my  fins  before  me,  or  my  good  works,  I 
paflc  not :  but  removing  both  farre  out  of  iight,  I  only  reft  in  that 
liberty  wherein  Chrift  hath  made  me  free.  J  know  him  to  be  profi 
table  unto  me  t  therefore  I  will  not  make  him  unprofitable :  which  I 
fhould  do,  if  either  I  fhouldprcfume  to  purchafe  my  fdfc  favour  and  e- 
vcrlaft  ing  life  by  my  good  deedsjor  inould  dcipair  cf  my  iahation,  be- 

^Vherefore  let  us  learnc  with  all  diligence  to  feparate  Chrift 


7*  tbt  GA  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.' 

farre  from  all  Works,  as  well  good  as  cvill :  from  all  laws  both  of  God 
and  man,  and  from  all  troubled  confciences :  for  with  all  thefc  Chrift 
hath  nothing  to  do.  He  hath  to  do  (I  grant)  with  afflidcd  confcien 
ces  :  howbeit  not  to  afflicT:  them  more,  but  to  raife  them  up,  and  in 
their  affliction  to  comfort  them.Therfore  if  Chrift  appeare  in  the  like- 
nes  of  an  angry  Judge,  or  of  a  law-giver  that  requireth  a  ftrait  account 
of  our  life  paft  :'  then  let  us  afllire  our  iclvcs  that  it  is  not  Chrift,  but  a 
raging  fiend.  For  the  Scripture  paintcth  out  Chrift  to  be  our  rcconci- 
liation,  our  advocate  and  our  comforter.  Such  an  one  hs  is  and  ever 
(hall  be :  he  cannot  be  unlike  himfelf. 

Therefore  whenfoever  th;  devil!  transforming  himfclfc  into  the 
likeneite  of  Chrift,  difputeth  with  us  after  this  manner  :  This  thou 
oughteft  being  admonifhed  by  my  word  to  have  done,  and  haft  not 
done  it :  and  this  thou  oughteft  not  to  have  done,  and  haft  done  ir: 
kno  w  thou  therefore  that  I  will  take  vengeance  on  thee,  &c.  let  this 
nothing  at  all  move  us,  but  by  and  by  let  us  thus  thinke  with  our 
f:lves  :  Chrift  fpeaketh  not  to  pooreafflidcd  and  dcfpairing  confci 
ences  after  this  manner  :  Hec  addeth  not  afflittio»  to  the  afflitted : 
He  breakcth  not  the  bruifed  reede ,  neither  q»encheth  he  the  fmoa* 
king  flaxe.  Indeed  to  the  hard-hearted  he (peakcth  fliarply  :  but  fuch 
as  are  terrified  and  affltcled,  he  moft  lovingly  and  comfortably  al- 
lurcth  unto  him,  faying  :  Come  unto  me  all  jee  th*t  travell  and  be  ^nj,j 
healie  lade*,  and  I  Will  refreftyoti.  I  came  not  to  cdl  the  righteous ^  but 
jinncrs  to  repentance.  Be  of  goo  A.  comfort  my  (onne,  thy  finnes  are  fir.  Af*' 
given  thee.  Be  not  afraid ,  I  have  overcome  the  ^orld.  The  Son  of  man  ****"*• 
.cametofeeke  outandtofave  that  fthithftiU  loft.  We  muft  take  good  7»fr.i*.jj. 
heed  therefore  left  that  we  being  deceived  by  ths  wonderfull  Qeights 
and  infinite  fabtilties  of  Satan,  doe  receive  an  accufcr  andcondemner 
in  the  ftcad  of  a  comforter  and  Saviour:  andfo.undcr  the  vizour  of  a 
falfc  Chrift,  that  is  to  (ay,  of  the  dcvill,  we  loofc  the  true  Chrift,  and 
make  him  unprofitable  unto  us.  Thus  much  have  we  Did  as  touching 
private  and  particular  temptations,  and  how  we  fliould  uteour  fclves 

Verfe  3 .    Tor  I  tfftifie  againe  unto  every  man  Vvhich  is  circtimcifed,  that 
he  is  ho  and  to  keepe  the  Vpho/e  law. 


The  firft  inconvenience  is  indeed  very  great,    where  7W 

H  h  4  faith 

Chap.  V.  Vfcn  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  s 

faith  that  Chrift  profiteth  them  nothing  which  arc  circumcifed  :  and 
this  that  followeth  is  nothing  lefle,  where  he  faith,  that  they  which 
arc  circumcifed,  arc  bound  to  keep  the  whole  law.  He  fpeaketh  thefc 
•words  withfuch  earneftncfle  and  vehemency  of  fpirit,  that  he  confir- 
meth  them  with  an  oath :  I  tefiife,tbzt  is  to  fay,I  fwcarc  by  the  living 
God.  Butthefe  words  may  be  expounded  two  way  cs,  negatively  and 
affirmatively.  Negatively,aftcr  this  manner:  I  tcftifie  unto  every  man 
The  iotn  which  is  circumcifcd,  that  he  is  bound  to  kccpethc  whole  law,  that 
doc  not  the  is  to  fay,  that  he  performeth  no  pecce  of  the  law :  yea  that  in  the  ve 
la*.  ry  v.  ork  of  circumcifion  he  is  not  circumcifed,  and  even  in  the  fulfil 
ling  of  the  law  he  fulfillcth  it  not,  but  tranfgrcflcth  it.  And  this  fcc- 
tneth  to  me  to  be  the  fimplc  and  true  meaning  of  Taul  in  this  place. 
Afterwards  in  the  6.  Chapter  he  expoundeth  himielfe,  faying :  They 
tbemfclves  Vvhichare  circumcifedkcep  not  the  taw.  So  he  faith  alfo  before 
in  the  third  Chapter  :  whofoever  are  of  the  Vforkcs  of  the  lavr,  are  under 
the  curfe.  As  if  he  faid  :  Although  ye  be  circumcifed,  yet  are  ye  not 
righteous  and  free  from  the  law:but  by  this  deed  ye  arc  rather  debtcrs 
andbond-iervantsof  the  law  :  and  the  more  ye  go  about  to  fatisfiethc 
law,  and  to  be  fet  free  from  it,  the  more  ye  entangle  and  fnarc  your 
felvesinthcyoaketherofifothatit  hath  more  power  to  accufe  and 
condemn  you.This  is  to  go  backward  like  the  crab,and  to  walL  away 
filth  with  filth. 

And  this  which  I  fay  by  occafion  of  Fault  words ,  I  hare  lear 
ned  both  in  my  felfc  and  others.     I  have  fcenc  many  w  ichhavc 
painfully  travelled  ,    and  upon   mcere  confciencc  hare  done  as 
much  as  was  pofiiblc  for  them  to  doe,  in  farting,  in  prayer,  in  wea* 
ring  of  haire ,  in  puniftiing  and  tormenting  their  bodies  with  fun- 
dry  cxercifwS  (  whereby  at  length  they   muft  needs  have  utterly 
consumed  them ,  yea  although  they  had  been  made  of yron)  and 
Thewnfci-  alltothiscnd  that  they  might  obtainc  quietncflfc  and  peace  of  con- 
odnid^d  kicncc  :  notwithstanding,  the  more  they  travelled,  the  more  they 
pacified      were  ftricken  downc  withfcare,   and  fpccially  when  the  hourc  of 
£rva(ioD°of  death  approached  they  were  fo  fearcfull,  that  I  have  fcenc  many- 
mans  «adi.  murthercrs  and  othec  malefactors  condemned  to  death,  dying  more 
•ions.        couragioufly  then  they  did,  which  notwithstanding  had  lived  very 

Therefore  it  is  moft  true,  that  they  which  doc  the  law,  doe  it 
ops.   For  the  more  they  gee  about  to  fulfill  the  la w;  the  more  they 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  $,  FoT.2  27 

franfgretfe  if.    Even  fo  we  fay  and  judge  of  mens  traditions,  The 
more  a  manftrivcth  to  pacific  his  conicience  thereby,  the  more  he 
troubleth  and  tormcnteth  it.   When  I  was  a  Monke,  I  endeavoured  as 
much  as  was  poflible,  to  live  after  the  (trait  rule  of  mine  order,  I  was 
wont  to  fhrivc  my  fclfe  with  great  devotion,  and  to  reckon  up  all  my 
finncs  (  yet  being  al way cs  very  contrite  before)  and  I  returned  to 
confeflion  very  often,  and  throughly  performed  the  penance  that  was 
cn/oyncd  unto  me  :  Yet  for  all  this  my  conference  could  never  be 
fully  certified,  but  was  alwayes  in  doubt,  and  faid  :  This  or  that  thou 
haft  not  done  rightly :  thou  waft  not  contrite  and  forro wfull  enough  s 
this  finnc  thou  didft  omit  in  thy  confeflion,  &c.    Therefore  the  more 
I  went  about  to  helpe  my  weakc,  wavering  and  afflicted  confciencc 
by  mens  traditions, the  more  weake  and  doubtfull,  and  the  more  affli 
cted  I  was.  And  thus  the  more  I  obfcrvcd  mens  tniditions,thc  more  I 
tranfgrcffed  them,  and  in  feeking  after  rightcoufncs  by  mine  order,  I 
could  never  attain  unto  it :  for  it  is  impofliblc  (as  Paul  faith)  that  the 
confcicnce  (hould  be  pacified  by  the  works  of  the  law,and  much  more 
by  mens  traditions,  without  the  promifc  and  glad  tidings  concerning 

Wherefore  they  that  feeke  to  be  juftified  and  quickned  by  the  law, 
arc  much  further  offfrom  rightcoufncflc  and  life,  then  the  Publican?., 
finncrs  and  harlots.    For  they  cannot  truft  their  ownc  works,  feeing 
they  be  fuch,  that  they  cannot  hope  to  obtainc  grace  and  forgive- 
nefle  of  (inncs  thereby.     For  if  rightcoufnes  and  workcs  done  accor 
ding  tothclaw  doc  not  juftifie,  how  canlmnes  juftific  which  are 
committed  contrary  to  the  law?  Therefore  in  this  point  they  arc  in  co 
farre  better  cafe  then  the  Justiciaries  :  for  they  have  no  affiance  in  in  works  nt 
their  ownc  workes  :  which  greatly  hindrcth  true  faith  in  Chrift ,  if  JJjJj  [^fa 
it  doe  not  utterly  take  it  away.    Contrariwifc  the  Justiciaries  which  <>r  *.  lean* 
abftaine  outwardly  from  finnes,  and  live  holily  and  without  blame  £' Jj**  * 
in  the  light  of  the  world,  cannot  be  without  thr  opinion  of  their  own 
rightcoufncs,with  which  the  true  faith  in  Chrift  cannot  ftand:and  for  luflicune* 
this  caufc  they  be  more  mifcrable  then  the  Publicans  and  harlots,who  J,n0dna™,eriS 
offer  not  their  good  works  to  God  in  his  difpleafure,  that  for  the  fame  b«  rc«om-' 
he  may  rcccmpencc  them  with  cvcrlafting  life  (as  thej  uft  iciarics  do)  ,ph"* 
for  they  have  none  to  offer :  but  dcfirc  that  their  fins  may  bs  pardoned 

The  other  cxpofitionis  affirmative  :  he  that  is  circuracifed ,  is 


Chap.  V.  ffon  the  B  *  1  s  t  L  E 

He  that  K^fo  bound  to  kccpe  the  whole  law.    For  he  that  recciveth  Mofes  in 

onc  point,  muft  of  neccfiity  receive  him  in  all.     And  it  helpcth  no- 
pint,°mufl  thirg  to  fay  :  that  circumcifion  is  nccefl'iry,  and  not  the  reft  ofAfofes 
«ceive  him  jaws.  for  by  the  fame  reafon  that  thou  art  bound  to  keep  circumcifion, 
thou  art  alfo  bound  to  kecpe  the  whole  law.    Now,  to  be  bound  to 
k:ep  the  whole  law  is  nothing  elfe  but  to  fhc  w  iri  efrcftjthat  Chrift  is 
not  yet  come.   If  this  be  true,  then  are  we  bound  to  keep  all  the  Jcw- 
ifh  ceremonie^and  laws  touching  meats,places  and  times  :  and  Chrift 
irmft  be  looked  for  as  yet  to  come,  that  hem^y  aboliih  the  Jcw- 
ifh  kingdome  and  Tried-hood  ,  and  fet  up  a  new  kingdome  through 
out  the  whole  world.    But  the  whole  Scripture  witnsfleth,  and  the 
fequcll  thereof  plainly  declarcth  that  Chrift  is  already  come,  that  by 
his  death  he  hath  redeemed  m-mkind,  that  he  hath  abolifhcd  the  law, 
and  that  he  hath  fulfilled  all  things  which  all  the  Prophets  have  fore 
told  of  him.   Therefore  the  law  being  cleancaboliihed  and  quite  ta 
ken  away,he  hath  given  unto  us  grace  and  truth.  It  is  not  then  the  law, 
nor  the  works  therof,  but  it  is  faith  in  J  cftis  Chrift  that  makcth  a  man 

Some  would  bind  us  at  this  day  to  ccrtaine  of  (JMofcs  lawes 
that  like  them  beft,  asthefalfe  Apoftles  would  have  done  at  that 
time.     But  this  is  in  no  wifetobefuifercd.    For  if  wegivcAf^jr 
leave  to  rule  over  us  in  any  thing,  we  are  bound  to  obey  him  in  all 
chrimans    thing*?.  ^  hercfore  we  will  not  be  burdened  with  any  law  of  LMofcs. 
are  free  fio  We  grant  that  he  is  to  be  read  amongft  us,  and  to  be  heard  as  a'Pro- 
oU/»/-!s!Cas  Pnet  anc*  a  witncfl>  bearer  of  Chrift  :  and  moreover,that  out  of  him, 
touching     we  may  take  good  examples  of  good  laws  and  holy  life.  But  we  will 
Senc«°n'    not  ^u^r  kim  ^n  any  W1^e  to  nave  dominion  over  our  conlcience.   I  n 
this  cafe  let  him  be  dead  and  buried,  and  let  no  man  know  where  his 
grave  is. 

The  former  cxpofition,  that  is  to  fay,  the  negative  feemeth  to 
me  to  be  more  apt  and  more  fpirituall  :  notwithstanding  both  are 
good,  and  both  doe  condemns  the  righteoufnes  of  the  law.  The  firft 
is,  that  we  are  fo  farrc  from  obtaining  righteoufncfle  by  the  law,  that 
the  more  we  gee  about  to  accomplifh  the  law,  the  more  we  tranf- 
gre{fc  thelaw.  The  fccond  is,  that  he  which  will  pcrformeany  peccc 
of  the  law,  is  bound  to  keepe  the  whole  law.  And  to  conclude,  that 
Chrift  profitcth  them  nothing  at  all  which  will  bcjuftitied  by  the 


To  the  G  A  L  AT  H  i  A  N  s." 

Hereby  it  appearcth  that  /Wmeancth  nothingcls,but  that  the  law  Tlie  that 
is  a  plain  denial!  of  Chrift.     Now  ,  it  is  a  wonderful!  thing  that  Paul  rcckc  'to* be 
dare  affirm.that  the  law  ofMofet  which  was  given  byGod  to  thcpeo-  j 
pic  ofJJrae^is  a  deniall  of  Chrift.  Why  then  did  God  give  it  ?  Before 
the  coming  of  Chrift, and  before  his  manifeftationinthefkfh,thelaw 
was  nccefiary.For  the  la  w  is  our  Schoolmafter  to  bring  us  unto  Chrift. 
But  now  that  Chrift  is  revealed,  in  that  we  believe  in  him,  we  arc  no 
longer  under  the  Schoolmafter.Hereof  we  have  fpoken  largely  enough 
before  the  end  of  the  third  chapter. Who  (o  teacherh  then  that  the  law 
is  necefiary  to  rightcoufncs,  teacheth  a  plain  deniall  of  Chrift  and  of 
all  his  benefits,  he  maketh  God  a  liar,  yea  he  maketh  the  law  alfo  a  ly- 
ar:  For  the  la  wit  felfbeareth  witnes  of  Chrift,  and  of  the  promifes 
made  as  concerning  Chrift,  and  hath  foretold  that  he  fhould  be  a  king 
of  grace,andnot  of  the  law. 

.  Te  Are  aboll/bcd  [orfepAratecQfrom  Chrift :  Wkofocvtr  are  jtt- 
ftified  bj  the  faw,je  are  fallen  from  grace. 

Here  'Paul  cxpoundcth  himfelfc,  and  fhcweth  that  he  fpcakctb 
not  (imply  of  the  law  nor  of  the  worke  of  circumcifion,  but  of  the- . 
confidence  and  opinion  that  men  have  to  be  juftified  thereby.     As  if  ^n'T^ 
he  would  fay :  I  doe  not  utterly  condemne  the  law  or  circumcifion, 
(  for  it  is  law  full  for  me  to  drinke,  to  eat  and  to  keep  company  with 
the  Jewes  according  to  the  law :  1 1  is  law  full  for  me  to  circumcife  he" 
Timothy  )  but  to  feeke  to  be  juftifkd  by  the  law,  as  if  Chrift  u  ere 
not  yet  come,  or  being  now  prefent,  he  alone  were  not  able  to  /ufti- 
fie,  this  is  it  which  I  condemne  :  for  this  is  to  be  feparated  from 
Chrift.    Thetfore  (faith  he)  ye  are  abolished  :  that  is,  ye  are  utterly 
void  of  Chrift,  Chrift:  is  not  in  you,  he  worketh  not  irryou  any  more  ^ 
Ye  are  rot  partakers  of  che  knowledge,  the  Spirir,  the  fellowship,  the 
favour,  the  liberty,  the  life,  or  the  doings  of  Chrift,  but  ye  are  utterly 
feparatc  from  hioi,fo  that  he  hath  no  more  to  do  with  you,nor  ye  with-, 

Thcfc  words  of  Paul  are  diligently  to  be  noted  :  that  tofeckc 
righteoufncfle  by  the  law,  is  nothing  elfe  but  to  be  feparated  from 
Chrift,  and  to  make  him  utterly  unprofitable.    What  can  be  fpo-  'im^cif 
ken   more  mightily  againft  the  law  t    What  can  be  fee  againft 
this  thunder-bolt  ?  Wherefore  it  is  impo0ible  that  Chrift  and  the 


Chap.  V.  F$o*  tkt  E  P  i  s  T  L  i 

-law  (hould  dwell  together  hi  one  heart  :  for  either  the  law  6r  Chrift 
muft  give  place.  But  if  thou  thinkc  that  Chrift  and  the  law  can  dwell 
together,  then  be  thou  furc  that  Chrift  dwelleth  not  in  thy  heart,  but 
the  devill  in  the  likencfTc  of  Chrift,  accufing  and  terrifying  thcc,  and 
ftraitly  exacting  of  thce  the  law,  and  the  works  thereof.  For  the  true 
Chrift  (  as  I  faid  before)  neither  calicth  thee  to  a  reckoning  for  thy 

yoie  firitb.  fi,^  nor  biddeth  thec  to  truft  to  thine  o  wnc  good  works.  And  the 
true  knowledge  of  Chrift  or  faith  difputcth  not  whether  thou  haft 
done  good  works  to  rightcoufncs,  or  cvill  works  to  condemnation: 
but  limply  concludcth  after  this  fort :  If  thou  have  done  good  works, 
thou  art  not  therfbrc  juftified,or  if  thou  have  done  evil  works,thouart 
not  thcrfore  condemned. I  neither  take  from  good  works  their  praife, 
nor  commend  cvill  works.  But  in  the  matter  of  juftification,  I  fay, 
we  muft  looke  how  we  may  hold  Chrift,  left  if  we  fecke  to  be  jaftifi- 
ed  by  the  law  we  make  him  unprofitable  unto  us.  For  it  is  Chrift  a- 
lonc  that  juftifieth  me  both  againft  my  evill  deeds,  and  without  my 
good  deeds.  If  I  have  this  perfwafion  of  Chrift,  I  lay  hold  of  the  trua 
Chrifl.  But  if  I  think  that  hccxadeth  the  law  and  works  of  me  to  ial- 
vation,then  he  becomcth  unprofitable  unto  me,  and  I  am  utterly  fcpe- 
rated  from  him. 

Thefc  are  drcadfiill  fentences  and  thrcatnings  againft  the  righ- 
tCQufncff;  ofthelawandmansownrightcoufneflc.  Moreover,  they 
are  alfo  moft  certainc  principles  which  confirme  the  article  of  ju 
ftification.  This  is  then  the  finall  conclusion  .*  Either  thou  muft 
forgoc  Chrift,  or  the  rightcoufncfle  of  the  law.  If  thou  retains 
Chrift,  thou  art  righteous  before  God  :  but  if  thoa  ftickc  to 

the  law.  tneiaw>  Chrift  availcth  thce  nothing  :  Thou  art  bound  to  keepc  the 
whole  law,  and  thou  haft  now  icntence  already  pronounced  a- 
gainft  thec  :  Curfcd  u  every  one  that  fitllfilleth  not  All  the  thi*£i 
tk*t  Are  Written  in  thU  IOM.  As  we  have  faid  of  the  law,  fowe  fay 
alfo  of  mens  traditions.  Either  the  Pope  with  his  religious  rout 
muft  rcjeft  all  thofe  things  wherein  hitherto  he  hath  put  his  truft, 
or  clfe  Chrift  (hall  be  unprofitable  to  them.  And  hereby  we  may 
plainly  fee  how  pernicious  and  peftilent  the  Popiui  docirinehath 
of«hcpop«  kccn.  For  it  hath  led  men  dearie  away  from  Chrift,  and  made  him 

Icaiethu*        ,  ~     .  .  ^     .  i    •        i     •        t  i   n 

quite  away  altogether  unprohtable.     Ood  couiplaincth  in  the  13.  or  Jeremie^ 
*nTmS  r^at  ^1C  Pf°P^ets  prophefied  lyes  and  the  dreamcs  of  their  owa 
Itn  a!:osc-  heart,  to  the  end  that  his  people  (hould  forget  his  name.   There 

TO  th  G  A  L  A  T  H  T  A  N  S. 

fore  likcss  rfie  faTc  Prophets  L-aving  the  right  interpretation  of 
tf!eh«v,  artii  the  trus  ctodrinc  concerning  the  feed  ^  of  ^bf^kAru^  ublett>  "• 
in  wl-o'm  all  the  .Flattens  of  the  earth  foonid  bebldfcd,  preached 
their  owne  dreames,  to  the  end  that  the  peoplo  fhould  forget  their 
God:  even  fo  the  Papifls  rnvimi  darkned  and  defaced  the  doctrine 
ofChrii*,  fo  that  th--y  made  it  of  nonccffjft,  taught  and  let  forth 
nothing  die  but  •  thcdccVirie.bfworkcs:  whereby  they  drew  th* 
whole  world  away  from  Chrift.  Who  foearncitly  conndcrcth  this 
matter,  cannot  but  fcatc  and  tremble. 

J'erfe  4.    Tee  are  fallen  fro 

j         , 

That  is  to  fay  :  Ycc  are  no  longer  in  the  kingdomc  of  grace.  For 
like  as  he  that  is  in  a  Shippc,  on  which  tide  foever  he  ftlleth  into  the 
Sca,is  drowned-.cvcn  fo  he  which  is  fallen  from  gncCjinuft:  needs  pe»  TO  ftelceto 
fi(h.   He  therefore  that  will  be  juftificd  by  the  law  is  fallen  into  the  £ct^|!^d 
Sea,and  hath  cad  himfelfe  into  danger  of  etcrnalldcath:No\v,if  they  ^  C 
fall  from  grace  winch  will  be  juftmed  by  the  mcralllaw  :  whither 
fliall  they  fall(I  pray  you)  which  well  be  juftified  by  their  owne  tra-» 
ditions  and  vowes  ?  bven  to  thebottomcof  hell.  Noforfooth  :  they 
flic  up  into  Heaven  :  tor  fo  they  themfelves  have  taught  us.  Whofo- 
ever  Hvc(fi.y  thcy)jccording  to  the  rdc  of  S.Fr4»c#,D<?/ww»Y^,  2?.e« 
Hfditt  or  fuch  other,  the  peace  and  mercy  cf  God  is  upon  them.    A- 
gaine,  All  they  that  obf:rve  and  kcepecnaftitie,obcdic,ice,e£r.  tlvill 
have  evcrlafting  life.  Bat  let  thcfe  toyes  go  to  the  devil  from  whence 
they  came,  and  hearken  what  Taul  tcacheth  thee  here  :  and 
Chrift  teachcth,  faying  '.Hcethdt  belceveth  in  the  Sonneof  Qodbttk  lob.i,  *. 
tVfrla/tiffZ  lift  '  ^f  ^ee  that  bcleeve'h  not  in  the  Sonne^  ^l  not  fee  life,  ltb    ^ 
tut  the  ivraibof  CJoduiidftb  upon  him.'  Againc,  Hee  tlut  bdavelh. 

Hit  id  judged  *"***}• 

•   Now  like  as  sll  thedoftrine  of  the  t^apifts  (to  note  this  by  the  'ihePopai 

way)  couceniwg  mens  .traditior.s,   workcs-,  vowcs  and  merits,  JlojJjJi1* 
was  mod  common  in  the  ivorld  :  fo  was  it  thought  08  be  the  ncit  up»n  men* 
and  rnoft  ccrtainc  of  nil  others  :  whereby  the  direll  hath  both  let  ll 
uj^,  and  cftablifhrd  his  kingdome  moft  mightily.    Therefore  when 
W«  at  this  day  *ioc  impu-jne  and  vanomfh  this:do;b'we  by  the 
power  ofGods  word,  ns  chttfcis  driven  away  by  the  wind,,  it  »  no 
marvell  thnt  Satan  -ragetfi  fo-.  cruelly  ssrainlfc  us-,  tfvfcth   r..  i-,:n- 
ders  and  orTcnces  everywhere  and  fctteth  the  whole  Wcrld  in 

Chap.  V.  Vpon  /^EPISTLE 

tops.  Then,  Will  fame  man  fay  :  It  had  bccne  better  to  have  held  our 
peace,  for  then  had  none  of  thefc  evils  bcenc  raifedup.  But  we 
ought  more  to  cfteemc  ths  favour  of  God,  whole  glory  we  fct  forth, 
then  to  care  for  the  tyranny  of  the  world  which  pcrleeuth  us.  For 
what  is  the  Pope  and  the  whole  world  in  comparifon  of  God  ?  In 
deed  we  arc  weake,  and  bare  an  heavenly  treafurc  in  brittle  and 
earthly  vcflels  :  but  although  the  vcflcls  be  never  fo  brittle,  yet  is  the 
treaiure  ineftimable. 

Thefe  words,7>  are  fallen  from  jrrace,m\&  not  be  coldly  or  flcndcr- 
ty  confidcr:d:for  they  arc  weighty  and  of  great  importance.  He  that 
fallcth  from  grace,  'utterly  lofcth  the  attonemcnt,  the  forgi  veneflfc  of 
fi.nnes»  thc  rightcoufneC-,  liberty  and  life  that  Jcfus  Chrift  hath  me 
rited  for  us  by  his  death  and  refurrc&ion  :  and  in  ft  ?ad  thereof  he 
purcryfcth  to  himfclfe  the  wrath  and  judgment  of  God,  finnc,  death, 
the  bondage  of  the  Devil  and  everlafting  damnation.  And  this  place 
ftrongly  conh'rmcth  and  fortieth  our  dofhine  concerning  Faith  or 
thc  article  of  Juftification,  &  marvelloufly  comforteth  us  againft  thc 
cruell  rageof  thcPapifts,that  perfccute  and  condemn  us  as  hercticks, 
bccaufe  we  teach  this  article.  Indeed  this  place  ought  to  fearc  thc 
enemies  of  Faith  and  grace,  that  is  to  fay,all  that  fccke  righteoufhefle 
by  works,  from  perfccutingand  blafpheming  thc  word  of  grace,  life 
and  cverlafting  falvation.  But  they  be  fo  hard  hearted  and  obltinate, 
that  feeing  they  fee  not,  and  hearing  they  hcare  not,  and  when  th:y 
read  this  dreadfullfentcncc  of  thc  Apoftle  pronounced  againft  theui, 
**<*•  i5.M-  t^ie5r  un^crftand  it  not.  Let  us  leave  them  therefore  unto  thcuafelves: 
For  they  are  blind,  and  leaders  of  thc  blind. 


Verje  i  J«    For  Vote  in  Sfirit  write  fir  the  hop  of  right  cottfnfjfr  throng) 

Ptatl  here  knittcth  up  the  matter  with  a  notable  conclufion, 
faying  :  Ye  will  be  juftificd  by  the  law,  by  circumcifion  and  by 
workes  :  but  we  fcckc  not  to  be  j'uftificd  by  this  meancs,lcaft  Chrift 
(hoaldbc  made  utterly  unprofitable  unto  us,  and  we  become  dcb- 
tcrs  to  pcrformcthe  whole  law,  and  fo  finally  fall  away  from  grace  i 
but  we  waitc  in  fpirit  through  faith  for  thc  hope  ofrighteoufntfle. 
Every  word  is  here  diligently  to  be  noted,  for  they  arc  pithy  and 
full  of  power.  He  doth  not  only  fay,  as  he  is  wont  :  We  are  jufti 
by  faith,  or  in  fpirit  by  faith,  but  moreover  he  addcth  :  tr* 


To  tfa  G  A  L  A  T  H  r  A  H  s. 

Veaite  fir  the  hope  of  right  eoufneffc,  including  Hope  alfo,  that  he  may 
comprehend  the  whole  matter  of  Faith. 

Hope,  after  the  manner  of  the  Scriptures,  is  taken  two  waycs> 
namely,  for  the  thing  that  is  hoped  for,  and  for  the  affection  of  him 
that  hopcth.  "For  the  thing  that  is  hoped  for,  it  is  taken  in  the  firft 
Chap:totheColoflians  :  fir  tlx  hopes  Jake  which  i*  tajedup  firjwi* 
Heaven :  that  is  to  fay, the  thing  which  yc  hope  for.  for  the  affedi- 
on  of  him  that  hopcth,  it  is  taken  in  the  eight  chap,  to  the  .£*;»<*»/> 
For  trtarc-fiyed  by  hope.  So  hope  in  this  phcc  alfo  may  be  taken 
two  wayes,  and  io  ityeeldeth  a  double  fence :  tbcfirft  is  :  We  waitc 
in  fpirit  through  Faith  for  the  hope  of  righteoufocffe,  that  is  to  fay, 
the  rightoufneflc  hoped  for,  which- (hall  be  ccrtainely  revealed  in 
fuch  time  as  it  pleafeth  the  Lord  to  give  it.  The  fccond  :  We  waitc 
in  fpirit  by  faith  for  rightcoufneffc  with  hope  and  dcfirc :  that  is  to 
fay,  we  arc  righteous :  howbcit  our  rightcoufncffe  is  not  yet  re 
vealed,  but  hangcth  yet  in  hope.  For  as  long  as  we  live  here,  (Inns 
remaincth  in  our  flefh :  there  is  alfo  a  law  in  our  flcfh  and  members, 
rebelling  againft  the  law  of  our  mind,  and  leading  us  captives  unto 
the  fcrvice  of  finne.  Now,  when  thefe  affections  of  the  flefh  doe  jt««.7:f|. 
rage  and  rcigne,and  we  on  the  other  fide  doc  through  the  fpirit  wta- 
ftle  againft  the  fmic,thcn  is  there  a  place  for  hope.  Indeed  we.havc 
begunnc  to  be  juftificd  through  Faith  t  whereby  alfo  we  have  re 
ceived  the  firft  fruits  of  the  fpirit,  and  the  mortification  of  the  flefh 
is  alfo  begun  in  us  :  but  we  be  not  yet  perfectly  righteous.  1 1  rcmai- 
neth  then  that  we  be  perfectly  ;uftiried,and  this  is  ic  which  we  hope 
for.Soour  righteoufnes  is  not  yet  in  aduall  poflcflion,but  lieth  under 


Thi*  is  afvveet  and  a  {bund<ronfolation,  whereby  afflicted  and 
troubled  confciences  feeling  their  finne,  and  terrified  with  every 
fiery  <tert  of  the  devill,  may  be  marvelloufly  comforted.  For  the  fee 
ling  of  finne,  the  wrath  of  God,  death,  hell  and  all  other  tcrrours, 
arc  wonderfull  ftrong  in  the  confiictof  cpnfcicnce :  as  I  my  fclfe  be 
ing  taught  by  experience  doe  know.  Then  counfellmuft  be  given 
to  the  poore  afflicted  in  this  wife :  Brother  thou  dcfireft  to  have  a 
icnftble  feeling  of  thy  juftification :  that  is,  thou  wouldcft  have  fuch 
a  feeling  of  Gods  favour,  as  thou  haft  of  thine  ownc  finne:  but 
that  will  not  be.  But  thy  rightcoufnefle  ought  to  furmount  all 
fcelineof  finne  .-..that  is  to  fay,  thy  rightcoufncfle  or  juftirication 


Chap.  V.  Vpw  the  E  p  r  s  T  L'B 

whereupon  thou  holdcft,  ftandeth  not  upon  thine  own  feeling,  but 
te-  uPon  tnj  h°ping  tnat  n  '^a^  be  revealed  when  it  pleafeth  the  Lord, 
therefore  thou  muft  net  judge  according  to  the  feeling,  ofn'onc 
t  wni°h  trbubl'cth  and  terririeth  thce,  but  according  to  the  promifc 
g.    and  doftrinc  of  Faith,  whereby  Chrift  is  proniiicd  unto  thce,  who  is 
thy  perfecT:  and  cverlalting  righteoufnes.    Thus  the  hope  of  the  affli 
cted  coniiding  in  the  inward  affedion,  is  ftirred  up  by  Faith  in  the 
middeft  of  ail  tcrrours  and  feeling,  of  iinne,  to  hope  that  he  is  righte 
ous.    Moreover,  if  hope  be  here  rakcn  for  the  thing  which  is  hopccj 
fcr,it  is  thus  to  be  underftood,  that,that  which  a  man  now  fceth  not, 
he  hopeth  in  time  fihall  be  made  perfect  and  clearcly  revealed. 

E-ither  fence  may  well  ftand:bat  th^:  hrft  touching  the  inward  de- 
fire  and  afti&ion  of  hoping,  bringeth  more  plcntiiull  confolation, 
for  my  righteoufnes  is  not  yet  perfc<ft,it  cannot  yet  be  felt-.yct  I  doe 
notdefpaire:  For  Faith  iheweth  unto  me  Chrift  in  whom  Itruft» 
and  when  I  have  laid  hold  ef  him  by  faith,  I  wraftle  againft  the  fiery 
darts  of  the  Devill,  and  I  take  a  good  heart  through  hope  againft  the 
feeling  of  finnc,  afliiring  my  fd&  that  I  have  a  pcrfcft  rightcoufneift 
prepared  for  me  in  Heaven.  So  both  thefe  fay  ings  are  true,  that  1  am 
made  righteous  already  by  thatrighteoufnefie  which  is  begun  in  me: 
and  allo  I  am  raifed  up  in  the  iame  hope  againft  finnc,  and  waite  for 
the  full  confummation  of  pcrfed:  righteoufneflc  in  Heaven.  Thefe 
things  are  not  rightly  underftood,but  when  they  be  put  in  praclife. 

What  difference  there  U  letweene  Faith  And  Hope. 

Here  arifcth  a  queftion,  what  difference  there  is  bctweene  Faith 
and  Hope.  The  Shophiikrs  and  Schoolemen  have  laboured  very 
much  in  this  matter,but  they  could  never  fhcw  any  ccrtainely.  Yea, 
to  us  which  travell  in  the  holy  Scriptures  with  much  diligence,  anal 
slfo  with  more  fulnefle  and  power  of  fpirit,  (be  it  fpoken  without  a- 
ny-brdgge)  it  is  hard  to  findc  any  difference.  For  there  is  fogt  eat 
sffirifty  -  bet  weene-Fakh  and  Hope,  that  the  one  cannot  be  fcparatc 
from  the  other.  NotwitManding  there  is  a  difference  between* 
them,  which  is  gathered  of  their  fcvcrall  offices,  diverfity  ofwor* 

Faith  and    ^"S? an^  °f  their  ends. 

Hope  differ  L  Fi^ft,  they  differ  in  itfpeclof  their  fubj^  that  is,  of  the  ground 
wherein  they  reft  :  For  Faith  reftcth  m  the  underftaniUng,  ani 


TO  the   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  S  8. 

s  rcfleth  in  the  wilhbut  in  very  dcede  they  cannot  be  feparatcdj  rf *sir  fife. 
the  one  having  rcipedf  to  the  other,  as  the  twoCherubins  of  the 
Mercy  f«ate, which  could  notbcdevidcd.  . 

ftirreth  up  the  minds  that  it  may  be  ftrong,  bold,  and  couragious : 
that  it  mayfcffjr  andindurcadvcciity,  and  in  the  mtddeil  thereof 
waite  for  better  things. 

Thirdly,  they  diflf.-r  as. pouching  their  ob;:&,  thitis,  thcfpcciall 
matter  whcreuntoth:y  look.  For  faith  hath  for  her  obje&  the  truth,  " 
teaching  us  to  cleave  furcly  thereto,  and  lookcth  upon  the  word  and 
promite  of  the  thing  that  is  promised.  Hope  hith  for  her  object  the 
goodncs  of  God,  and  looksth upon  the  thing  which  ispromifeiii> 
the  word,  that  is  upon  fach  matters  as  faith  teacheth  us  to  be  hoped;      /  - 

Fourthly  ,they  differ  in  order:  For  faith  is  the  beginning  of  life  be-  Difference 
fore  all  tribulation,  Heb.i  i.  But  hope cometh  after wards,procedinglllorjcc' 
of  tribulation,  Rom.1). 

Fiftly,  they  diflrV  by  the  diverfity  of  working  ;  For  faith  is  a  tea-  Difference 
cher  and  a  jadge,h Anting agiiiift  erroursand  herdie&j.-iJging  (pints  mtvorkmsi 
§nd  dodrines:But  hope  is  as  it  were  the  Generall  or  Captains  of  the 
field,fighting  againft  tribulation,  thccroffc,impati«ncy,  heavinesof 
fpiritjWeaknes,  dciperation  and  bhfphemy,  and  it  waitqth  for  good 
things  even  in  the  middeft  of  allcvils. 

Therefore,  when  I  am  inftruftcd  byfiith  in  the  word  of  God, 
and  lay  hold  of  Chrift,belceving  in  him  with  the  whole  heart,  then 
am  I  righteous  by  this  knowledge.  When  I  am  fo  juftified  by  faith 
or  by  this  knowledge,  by  and  by  commeth  the  dcviil  the  father  of 
lies/and  hboureth  to  extinguifh  my  fAith  by  wiles  and  fubtiltieszthat 
is  to  fay,by  lies,crrours  and  heretics.  Moreover,  becaufe  he  is  a  mur- 
thcrer,  he  goeth  about  alfo  to  opprcfl":  it  by  violence.  Here  hope 
wraftling,  laycth  hold  on  the  thing  revealed  by  faith,  and  overcoin- 
mcth  the  devill  tUat  warrcth  againft  faith  :  and  after  this  victory  fol- 
lowcth  peace  and  joy  in  the  holy  Ghort  :  So  that  in  very  deed  faith 
and  hope  can  fcarcely  be  difcerncd  the  one  from  the  other,  and  yet  is 
there  a  certaine  difference  bet  weenc  them.  And  that  it  may  be  the 
better  pcrcciv  ed,  I  will  fet  out  the  matter  by  a  fioiilitude, 

H  In 

Chap,  V.  Vfcn  de  E  P  i  s  T  L  E 

In  civill  government,  prudence  and  fortitude  dec  differ,  and  yet 
thefetwo  vertucs  arelo  joyned  togcther,that  they  cannot  cafily  be  le 
vered.  Now,fortitude  is  a  conflancy  of  mind,which  is  not  difcpura* 
gcd  in  adver(ity,but  indureth  valiantly,and  waitcth  for  better  things. 
But  if  fortitude  be  not  gnided  by  prudencc^it  is  but  temerity  &  rafh- 
7he«5iff«-    nes-  On  the  other  fide, if  fortitude  be  net  joyned  with  prudenc~3tbat 
reocc  be-     prudence  is  but  in  vaineand  ur  profitable. Therefore  like  as  in  policy, 
Lnd"opf<Tin  prudence  is  but  vaine  without  fortitude  :  even  fo  in  Divinity,  faith 
divinity,i$    without  hope  is  nothing:  For  hope  endureth  adver(ltie;&  is  conftant 
therein,  and  in  the  end  overccm^th  all  evils.  And  on  theother  (id?, 
like  as  fortitude  without  prudence  is  rafhnes,  even  (b  hop;:  without 
kj^1  *s  a  prefumpiton  in  fpirit,  end  a  tempting  of  Godtfor  it  hath  no 
la  policy,     knowledge  of  Chritt  and  of  the  truth  which  faith  teachcth,and  ther- 
forc  it  is  but  a  blind  raihnes  and  arrogancy .  Wherefore  a  godly  man 
afore  all  things,  muft  have  a  right  underltanding  inftruftedby  faith, 
according  to  the  which  the  mind  may  bs  guided  in  affliclion,that  it 
may  hope  for  thefe  good  things  which  faith  hath  revealed  &:  taught. 
To  be  fhort,  faith  is  conceived  by  teaching  :  for  thereby  the 
mind  is  inUrucied  what  the  truth  is.    Hope  is  conceived  by  exhor 
tation  :  for  by  exhortation  hopcisftirrcd  up  in  affluflions,  which 
confirmcth  him  that  is  already  juftifkd  by  faith,  tint  he  b:not  o- 
vercome  by  advcriities,  but  that  hee  may  be  able  more  ftrongly  to 
refift  them.    Notwithftanding  if  the  fparke  of  faith  fhould  not 
give  light  to  the  will,  it  could  not  be  perfwaded  to  lay  hold  upon 
hope.    We  have  faith  then,  whereby  we  are  taught,  weunderftand 
and  know  the  heavenly  wifcdome,  apprehend  Chnftjand  continue 
in  his  grace.    But  as  foone  as  we  lay  hold  upon  Chrift  by  fr.ith, 
and  confcfle  him,  forthwith  our  enemies,  the  world,  the  fldh  and 
the.devill  rite  up  againft  us,  hating  and  perfecuting  us  moft  cru 
elly  both  in  body  and  fpirit.    Wherefore  we  thus  belecving  and  ju- 
flificd  by  "faith  in  fpirit,  doc  waite  for  the  hope  of  our  righteGuf- 
neflc :  And  we  waite  through  patienc.  :fbr  we  fee  and  feele  the  flat 
contrary.    For  the  world  with  his  prince  the  dcvill,  sffiileth  us 
mightily  both  within  and  without.  Moreover,  (Inne yet  dill  rcmai- 
neth  in  us,  which  driveth  us  into  heavincflV.    Notwithstanding  we 
give  not  over  for  all  this,  but  raife  up  our  minds  ftrongly  through 
faith,  which  lightncth,  teacheth  and  guideth  the  fame.    And  thus 
we  abide  fkmc  and  conftant,  and  overcome  all  adverfitics  through 


To  the  GALA? H  IAN  s.  FoJ.242 

him  which  hath  loved  us,  unti'll  our  righteoufncs  which  we  beieevc 
aud  waitc  far,bc  revealed.  By  faith  therefore  wcbegan,by  hope  we 
continue,and  by  revelation  we  (hall  obtaine  the  wholc.In  the  meanc 
timcwhileft  we  live  here,  bccaufc  we  belcevc,  we  teach  the  word 
and  publilh  the  knowledge  of  Chrift  onto  others.  Thus  doing  we 
ftrfcr  pcrfccution  (  according  to  this  text :  /  bclcevedjnd  therefore 
elMI/fc*kf :  and  I  itatprc  troubled)  with  patiencc,bcing  ftrcngthc- 
ncd  and  encouraged  through  hope :  whereunto  the  Scripture  exhor- 
teth  us  with  moft  fwcct  and  comfortable  prornifcs  taught  and  re 
vealed  unto  as  by  faith.  And  thus  doth  hope  fpring  up  and  increafe 
in  us,  Romans  1 5 .  That  through  patience  tndcomfirt  of  the  Scripture 
Vpe  mAy  have  hope. 

c2>Attl  therefore,  not  without  caufe  pyncth  patience  in  tribula 
tions,  and  hope  together,  in  thefifr  and  eight  to  the  Romans,  and  in 
other  places  alfo,  for  by  them  hope  isftirredup.  But  faith  (asal- _ 
fb  I  have  Chewed  before  J  gocth  before  hope  :  for  it  is  the  begin- 
mng  of  life,  and  beginncth  before  all  tribulation  :  for  it  learncth  Thefroe 
Chrift  and  appfehcudeth  him  without  the  crofle.  Notwithftah-  knowledge 
ding  the  knowledge  ofChrift  cannot  be  long  without  thecrofl":, 
without  troubles  and  conflicts.  In  this  cafe  the  mind  muft  be  ftirrcd 
up  to  a  fortitude  of  fpirit  (  For  hope  is  nothing  elfc  but  a  fpirituall 
fortitude,  as  faith  is  nothing  elfe but  a fpirituall prudence)  which 
Corififteth  in  iuffriing,  according  to  this  fay  ing  :  That  through  pa- 
ticnce,&c.  Theie  three  things  then  dwell  together  in  the  fdithfull : 
Faith  which  tcacheth  the  truth,  and  defendeth  from  enxwrs,:  Hoe! 
Hope  which  endureth  and  ovcrcommeth  all  adverfides,  as  well 
jbodily  as  ghoftly  :  and  charity  which  worketh  all  good  things,  as 
jt  folio  wcth  in  the  text.  And  fo  is  a  man  entire  and  psrfeft  in  this 
life,as  well  within  as  without,  uatill  the  rightcoufneflfe  be  revea 
led  which  he  waitcth  fonand  this  fliall  be  a  perfect  and  an  everlafting 

Moreover,  this  place  containcth  both  a  (ingular  doflrinc  and 
confc  lation.  As  touching  the  doflrinc  it  (lie  wcth  that  we  arc  made 
righteous,  not  by  the  workes,  iacrifices  or  ceremonies  of  Mefes 
law,  much  leflfc  by  the  workes  and  traditions  of  men,  but  by  Cknft 
alone.  Whatfoevcr  is  in  us  befides  him,  is  of  the  fieih  and  not  of 
the  fpirit.  Whatfoevcr  then  the  world  counteth  to  be  good  and 
holy  without  Chrift,  is  nothing  clfcbutfmne,  errour,  and  flcfh 

Ji  a  Whcr- 

Ghap.V.  Vfcn  tie  Ev  i  s -ri  t 

Whcrcfcre  circumcifion  and  the  obfcrvationofthehw:  alfo  the 
W0rkcs,  religions  and  vowcsbf  thcMorvkcs  and  of  allfuch  sstruft 
,   ihtheirownrighte-ufh^,  ^'altogether carnal.    Eutwc  (faith 
is  finne.  '   PAX!)  ?rc  farre  above  all  thefc  th'ings  in  the  ipiri  t  and  inward  man : 
Tor  we  pcfiefle  Chrift  by  faith,  and  in  the  middtft  of  our  afHiftions 
,     through  hope  we  vvaitc  for  that  righteeufnes  which  we  pofiMTc  dl- 
rCadyby  faith. 

The  comfort  is  this,tnat  in  for  ions  conflicts  and  terrours,  where- 
con'Sm  in  the  fl  cling  t;f  finne,  heavinciTc  of  fpirit,  dcfperatien  and  fuch  like, 
inan-uini  isvcrvftron2  (fortluy  enter  decpely  into  the  heart,  andmightily 

anUiiDuble  ,/.ti'-'  n  r  \\  u-  C    ^•  -r      -i-ut 

of  conici-  alT.ile  it)  thcu  mult  not  follow  thine  own  reeling,  tor  ir  thou  doe> 
encc'  thtu  wilt  £iy :  I  ftcle  the  horribl*  terrours  of  the  law  and  the  tyran 
ny  of  finne>  not  only  rebelling  agaitifi  me,  but  alfo  fubduing  and  lea 
ding  me  captive,and  I  feele  no  comfort  or  righteoufnes  at  all.Thcre- 
forel  am  a  finner  and  not  righteous.  If  I  beafinner,thenam  I  guilty 
of  evcrlafting  death.  But  againft  this  feeling  thou  muft  wraftle,  and 
fay :  Although  I  feele  my  fclfe  utterly  overwhelmed  and  fwallowed 
up  with  finne,  and  my  heart  telleth  me  that  God  is  ci^nded  and  an 
gry  with  mc,yet  in  very  deed  it  is  not  true,  but  that  mine  own  fcnfe 
and  feeling  ib'judgeth.  The  word  of  God  (which  in  thefe  terrours  I 
ought  to  follow,  and  not  inineownefenle)  teacheth  afarreother 
thing  •'  namely,  that  GodMnctiretMto  them  that  *rc  of  a  troubled  heart, 
fwdf'Wh  tkem  tLv  AYE  of  an  huritble  sjirir.  Alfo,  kee  detyifeth  not  An 
humble  and  A  contrite  heart.  Moreover,  P^/fheweth  here,  'that  they" 
which  arcjuftifiedin  fpirit  by  faith,  doe  not  yet  feele  the  hope  of 
rightcoufnes.but  waitc  Itill  for  it. 

Wherefore,  when  the  law  accufeth  and  finne  terrificth  thee,_  and! 
thou  deleft  nothing  but  the  wrath  and  judgement  of\3od,  defpaire 
not  for  all  that,  but  take  unto  thce  the  armour  of  God,  thefhidd  of 
faith,  the  helmet  of  hope,  and  the  fword  of  the  Spirit,  and  try  how 
good  and  how  valiant  a  warriour  thou  art.  Lay  hold  of  Chrift  by 
Faith,  who  is  the  Lord  of  the  law  and  finne,  and  of  all  things  elfe 
which  accompany  them.  Beleeving  in  him  they  arc  juftified?  which 
thing  reafon  and  the  feeling  of  thine  ownc  heart  when  thou  art 
tempted,  dbcnot  tcllthee,  but  the  word  cfGod.  Moreover,  in  the 
sniddcft  of  iruie  conflicts  and  terrours  which  often  returne  and  ex- 
crcife  thec,  waite  thou  patiently  through  hope  for  righteoufnes. 
which  thou  haft  *iow  by  faith,  although  it  be  yet  but  begun' and 


TO  tl)t  GA  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8.  Fol.24  J 

imperfeft,  untill  it  be  revealed  and  made  perfect  in  the  kingdomcof 

Bnt  thon  wilt  fay :  I  feelc  not  my  fclfe  to  have  any  rightcoufnefle,  our  rigi«e- 
or  at  the  leaft,  I  fecle  it  but  very  little.  Thou  muft  not  fecle,  but  be-  ^nt"*"cn- 
Icevc  that  thou  haft  righteoufnes.^  And  except  thou  belceve  that  thou  infedfcg! 
art  righteous,  thou  doeft  great  injury  unto  Chrift,  who  hathclcanfed  ,butv-J0bc' 
thee  by  the  wafhing  of  water  through  the  word,  who  alfo  died  upon 
thccroflc,  condemned  finne  and  killed  death,  that  through  him  thou 
mighteft  obtaine  righteoufnellc  and  everlafting  life.    Thefe  things 
thoucanft  not  deny,  (except  thou  wilt  openly  fhew  thy  fclfc  tobs 
wicked  and  blafphemous  againft  God,  and  utterly  to  defpifc  God,  all 
his  promifes,  Jcfus  Chrift  with  all  his  benefits  )  and  fo  confcqucntly 
thou  canft  not  deny  but  that  thou  art  righteous. 

Let  us  learnc  therefore  in  great  and  horrible  terrours,  when  our 
confcience  fecleth  nothing  but  finne,  and  jjudgeth  that  God  is  angry 
with  us,  and  that  Chrift  hath  turned  his  face  from  us,  not  to  follow 
the  fenfe  and  feeling  of  our  ownc  heart,  buttoftick  to  the  word  of 
Gcd,  which  iaith  that  God  is  not  angry,  butlooketh  totheafrlided 
and  to  fuch  as  arc  troubled  in  fpirit,  and  tremble  at  his  word  :  and 
that  Chrift  turneth  not  himfelfe  away  from  fuch  as  labour  and  are 
heavy  loaden,but  refremcth  and  comfbrtcth  them.  This  place  there 
fore  tcacheth  plainely,  that  the  law  and  workcs  bring  unto  us  no 
rightcoufaefie  or  comfort  at  all:  but  this  doth  the  holy  Ghoft  only  in 
the  faith  of  Chrift,  who  raifcth  up  hope  in  terrours  and  tribula 
tions,  which  endurcth  and  ovcrcomrr.cth  all  ad verfiti:s.  Very  few 
there  be  that  know  how  weakc  and  feeble  faith  and  hope  arc  under 
the  croffr,and  in  the  conflift.  For  it  fcemethtbey  are  but  as  fmoaking 
flax,  which  is  ready  by  and  by  to  be  put  out  with  a  vehement  wind. 
But  the  faith  full,  who  belceve  in  the  midft  of  thefe  aflnilts  and  ter 
rours,  hoping  againft  hope :  that  is  to  fay,  fighting  through  faith  in 
the  promife  as  touching  Chrift,  againft  the  feeling  of  finne  and  of  the 
wrath  of  God  :  doe  afterwards  find  by  expcrience,that  this  fparke  of 
faith  being  very  little  (?,sitappeareth  to  naturall  reafon :  forreafon 
can  fcarccly  feele  it)  is  as  a  mighty  fire,and  fwalloweth  up  alloiir  fins 
and  all  our  errours. 

There  is  nothing  moredeare  or  precious  in  all  the  world  to  the 
true  children  of  God,  then  this  do&rinc.  For  they  that  underfhnd 
this  doftrine,  doe  know  that  whereof  all  the  world  is  ignorant : 

I  i  3  namely 

Chap.V.  rfon  tit  EP  i  s  T  i"  E 

namely  that  finne,death  and  all  other  miferies,  afflictions  and  calami 
ties,  as  well  corporall  as  fpirituall,  doe  turnc  to  the  benefit  and  profit 
of  the  elect.  Moreover,  they  know  that  God  is  then  moft  nearc  unto 
them,  when  he  feemeth  to  be  farthcft  off,  and  that  he  is  then  a  moft 
mercifull  and  loving  Saviour,  when  he  feemcth  to  be  moft  angry,  to 
afflict  and  to  deftroy.  Alfo  they  know  that  they  have  an  everlafting 
righteoufncfle,  which  they  waite  for  through  hope,  as  a  ccrraine  and 
furc  poffeflion  laid  up  for  them  in  Heaven,  even  when  they  fecle  the 
horrible  terrours  offinne  and  death  :  Moreover,  that  they  are  then 
lords  of  all  things,  when  they  arc  moft  dcftitute  of  all  thi  igs,  accor 
ding  to  that  faying  :  Having  nothing,  wdyetpofl'ejfing  all  things.  This 
(  faith  the  Scripture)  is  to  conceive  comfort  through  hope.  But  {his 
cunning  is  not  learned  without  great  and  often  temptations. 

Verfe  6.    For  in  Jefw  Chrift  neither  circumcifion  dvaileth  any  thing, 
neither  tincirctimcifion3bttt  faith  Which  worketh  by  love. 

A  mie  and  a      That  is  to  fay,  faith  which  is  not  fained  nor  hypocriticall,  but 
liveiyfaitb.  (rue  anci  lively.    This  is  that  faith  which  cxercifeth  and  requireth 
good  workes  through  love.    It  is  as  much  to  fay  as:  He  that  will 
be  a  true  Chriftian  indeed,  or  one  of  Chrifts  kingdome,  muft  be  a 
Paul  nut-  true  beleever.   Now,  he  belecveth  not  truely  if  workes  of  charity 
tcriKsou!tP?  f°M°w  nothis  fiith.    So  on  both  hands,  as  well  on  the  right  hand 
Sc  chulch  as  on  the  left,  he  fhutteth  hypocrites  out  of  Chrifts  kingdome.   On 
cliche  IS*  t^ie  *e^  kan(*  hefliutteth  out  the  Jcwes,  and  all  fuch  as  will  worke 
b»d  and  on  their  ownc  falvation,  faying  :  In  Chrlfl  neith:r  Circumcijion,  that 
«bj  left.      js  to  fayB  no  workes,  no  fervice,  no  worftiipping,  no  kind  of  life  in 
the  world,  but  faith  without  any  truft  in  workes  or  merits  avai- 
leth  before  Gcd.    On  the  right  hand  he  (huttethjoot  allfloathfull 
and  idle  perfons,  which  fay  :  if  faith  juftifie  without  workes,  then 
let  us  worke  nothing,  but  let  us  oncly  bclecve  and  doe  what  we  lift. 
Not  fo,  ye  enemies  of  grace  •.  'TWfaith  othcrwife.    And  although 
it  be  true  that  onely  faith  juftifieth,  yet  hefpeaketh  here  of  faith  in 
another  refpedr,  that  is  to  fay,  that  after  it  hath  juftified,  it  is  not 
idle,  but  occupied  and  exercifed  in  working  through  love.   Paul 
therefore  in  this  place  fetteth  forth  the  whole  life  of  a  Chriftian 
man,  namely,  that  inwardly  it  confifteth  in  faith- towards  God, 
and  ou-:wardly  in  charity  and  good  works  towards  our  neighbour. 


TO  tkt  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  Fol.244 

So  that  a  man  is  a  perfect  Chriftian  inwardly  through  faith  before 
God,  who  hath  no  need  of  our  workes,  and  outwardly  before  men, 
whom  our  faith  profitcth  nothing,  but  our  charity  or  our  workes. 
Therefore  when  we  have  heard  or  undcrflood  of  this  forme  of  Chri 
ftian  life:  to  wit,that  it  is  faith  and  charity  (as  1  have  faid)it  is  not  yet 
declared  what  faith  or  what  charity  is :  for  this  is  another  qiicftion. 
For  as  touching  faith,  or  the  inward  nature,  force,and  ufe  of  faith,he 
hath  fpoken  bcfoi  e,where  he  fhewed  that  it  is  our  righteoufncflc,  or 
rather  cur  juftificaticn  before  God.  Here  he  /oy neth  it  with  charity 
and  works,  that  is  to  fay,  he  fpeaketh  of  the  externall  office  thereof^ 
which  is  to  ftir  us  up  to  do  good  works,  and  to  bring  forth  in  us  the 
fruits  of  charity  to  the  profit  of  our  neighbour. 

Verfe  7.    Tee  did  runne  well:  who  did  let  yon  that  yee  Aid  not  obey  the- 

Thefe  are  plaine  words,  'Paul  affirm eth  that  he  teacheth  them 
the  truth,  and  the  fclfe  fame  thing  that  he  taught  them  before,  and 
that  they  rannc  well  fo  long  as  they  obeyed  the  truth,  that  is,  they 
•beleevcd  and  lived  rightly :  but  now  they  do  not  fo,  (incc  they  were 
muled  by  the  falfe  Apoftles.  Moreover,  he  ufeth  here  a  new  kind  of 
fpecchjin  calling  the  Chriftian  life  a  courfeor  a  race.  For  among  the  i 
H<£ri»w*,  to  runne  or  to  walke  fignifieth  as  much  as  to  live  or  to  be  ot  a  uc<* 
converfant.  The  teachers  doe  runne  when  they  teach  purely,and  the 
hearers  or  learners  doe  runne  when  they  receive  the  word  with  joyy 
and  when  the  fruits  cf  the  Spirit  do  follow.  Which  thing  was  done 
as  long  as  1>*ul  was  prefenr,  as  he  witnefled  before  in  the  third  and 
fourth  chipters.  And  here  he  faith:  Tee  did rptnne -well:  that  is  to  fay, 
all  things  went  forward  well  and  happily  among  you,  ye  lived  very 
well,ye  went  on  the  right  way  to  evcrlafting  life, which  the  word  of 
God  promifed  you^c. 

Thefe  words  :  Tee  did  runne  tvtll ,  containe  in  them  a  finga- 
lar  comfort.  Thrs  tentafion  oftentimes  excrcif:th  the  godly,  that 
their  lifelccmcth  unto  them  to  be  rather  a  certainefbw  creeping, 
then  a  running.  But  if  they  abide  in  found  doctrine,  andwalkcin 
the  Spirit,  let  this  nothing  trouble  them ,  though  their  doings 
f'ecme  to  goc  flowly  forward,  or  rather  crecpe,  God  jjdgeth  farre 
otherwife.  For  that  which  feemeth  unto  us  to  be  very  flow  and 
Scarcely  to  creepe,  runneth  fwiftly  in  Gods  fight.  Againe,  that 

I  i  4  which 

Chap.V.  Vfon  ^EPISTLE 

which  is  to  us  nothing  elfe  but  forrow,  mourning  and  dcath,is  before 
if  iv in     God,  joy,  mirth  and  true  happineffr.    Therefore  Chrift  faith,  Blefed 
*fc$Shti  are3e *****  mourneand We  fpe,  fir  ycfiall  receive comfircjej&a/lhutgh&c. 
ut0i*r.     All  things  {hall  turns,  to  the  belt  to  them  which  belceve  in  the  Sonne 
of  God,be  it  forrow,or  be  it  death  it  felfe.Theref ore  they  be  true  run 
ners  indeed,and  whatfoever  they  doe,  it  runneth  well  and  gocth  hap 
pily  forward  by  the  furtherance  of  Gods  Spirit,which  cannot  skill  of 
flow  proceedings. 

Verfe  7.    Wko  did  let  you  thatjou  didnot  obey  the  truth  ? 

They  are  hindred  in  this  courfe  which  fall  away  from  faith  ^nd 
grace,  to  the  law  and  workes :  as  it  happeneth  to  the  (/a/athiansbo- 
ing  milled  and  feduccd  by  the  falfe  Apoftles,  whom -covertly  here- 

C4/.J.T.       prehendeth  with  thefc  words  :  who  did  let  yon  that  you  did  not  obey 
the  truth?  In  like  manner  he  faid  before  in  the  third  chapter :  who 

baw*di>afn  ^^  bewitched  you,  that  yea  [houldnot  obey  the  truth  ?  And  here  Paul 

wen'"  *  fheweth  by  the  way,  that  men  are  fo  ftrongly  bewitched  with  falfe 
doctrine,  that  they  embrace  lies  and  herefics  in  the  ftead  of  the  truth 
and  fpirituall  doctrine.  And  on  the  other  fide  they  fay  and  fweare 
that  the  found  doctrine  which  before  they  loved,  is  erronious :  and 
that  their  errour  is  found  doctrine,  maintaining  and  defending  the 
fame  with  all  their  power.  Even  fo  the  falfe  Apoftks  brought  the- 
(jdlAthians(\N\\\c\\  ranne  well  at  the  beginning)  into  this  opinion,  to 
bcleeve  that  they  erred  and  went  very  flowly  forward  when  'Paul 
was  their  teacher.  But  afterwards  they  being  feduced  by  thefalfc 
Apoftlcs,3nd  falling  cleaneaway  from  the  truth,  were  fo  ftrongly  be 
witched  with  their  falfe  pc rfwafions,  that  they  thought  themfelves 
to  be  in  an  happy  ftate,and  that  they  ranne  very  well.  The  fame  hap- 
Beth  at  this  day  to  fuch  as  are  feduced  by  the  feftaries  and  fantafticall 
ipirits.  Therefore  I  am  wont  to  fay,that  falling  in  doctrine  commcth 
not  of  man,but  of  the  dcvill,and  is  moft  perillous :  to  wit,  even  from 

J*?riSei$  l^e  *"Sk  Heavens  to  the  bottorne  of  hell.  For  they  that  continue  in 
errour,  are  fofarreofffrom  acknowledging  t heir  fin,  that  they  main- 
taine  the  fame  to  be  high  righteoufncflfv.  Wherefore  it  is  impoflible 
for  them  to obtaine  pardon. 

Verfe  8.    It  is  not  theptrfivafion  of  him  that  callethyou* 
This  is  a  great  confolation  and  a  fingular  doctrine,  whereby 

To  the  GALATHIANS.  Fol.245 

<p*#/{heweth  how  the  falfe  pcrfwafions  of  fuch  as  arc  deceived  by 
wicked  teachers,  may  be  rooted  out  of  their  hearts.  The  falfe  Apo-  "iyof  «hc 
files  were  jolly  fellowcs,  and  in  outward  appearance  farre  pafllng  fij£Apo" 
.PWbothin  learning  and  godlineffc.  The  Cjalathiws  being  deceived 
with  this  goodly  (hew,  fuppofed  that  when  they  heard  them,  they 
heard  Chrift  himfelfe,  and  therefore  they  judged  their  pcdwafion 
to  be  of  Chrift.  Contrariwiie,  7^/flicweth  that  this  perfwadon 
and  doftrine  was  not  of  Chrift,  who  had  called  them  in  grace,  but  of 
the  devill :  and  by  this  rneancs  he  wonne  many  of  them  from  this 
falfe  pcrfwafion.  Likcwifs  we  ac  this  day  revoke  many  from  errour 
that  were  ftduccd,  when  we  (hew  that  their  opinions  arc  fantafticall, 
wicked,and  full  of  blafphemks. 

Againe,  this  confolation  pertaincth  to  all  thofe  that  arcaffli&ed,  A«mfoiati< 
which  through  tentation  conceive  a  falfe  opinion  of  Chrift.  tcr  the  ®  jfj  jJS? 
devill  is  a  marvellous  perfwader,  and  knoweth  how  to  amplifie  the  cciteaf»ire 
Icaft  fin,  yea  a  very  trifle,  in  fuch  fort  that  he  which  is  tempted  fhall 
think  it  to  be  a  moft  hainous  and  horrible  crime,  and  worthy  of  eter 
nal!  damnation.  Here  the  troubled  confcience  muft  be  comforted  and 
raifed  up  in  fuch  fort  asT^/raifcd  up  the  CjaUthittns :  to  wit,  that 
this  cogitation  or  perfwafion  commcth  not  of  Chrift,  forafmuch  as  it 
fighteth  againft  the  word  of  the  Gofpell,  which  paintcth  out  Chrift, 
not  as  an  accufer,*  crucll  cxador,e^.  but  as  a  meeke,humble- hearted, 
and  a  merciful!  Saviour  and  comforter. 

But  if  Satan  (who  is  a  cunning  workeman,  and  will  leave  no 
way  unaflaycd  )  overthrow  this,  and  lay  againft  thcc  the  word  and 
example  of  Chrift  in  this  wife  :  True  it  is  that  Chrift  is  mcekc, 
gentle  and  mercifull,  but  to  thofe  which  arc  holy  and  righteous : 
Contrariwifc,  to  the  finncrs  he  thrcatneth  wrath  and  deftrudion, 
Z»^i3-  Alfohe  pronounceth  that  the  unbelecvcrs  arc  damned  al 
ready,  j^»  3.  Moreover,  Chrift  wrought  many  good  workes :  he 
fufferedalfo  many  evils,  and  commandeth  us  to  follow  his  example. 
But  thy  life  is  neither  according  to  Chrifts  word,  nor  his  ex 
ample  :  For  thcu  art  afinncr,  and  there  is  no  faith  inthee:  Yea, 
then  haft  done  no  good  at  all,  and  therefore  thofe  fcntenccs  which 
fet  forth  Chrift  as  a  fevcre  Judge,  doc  belong  to  thee>  and  not  thofe 
comfortable  fentcnccs  which  ftiew  him  to  be  a  loving  and  a  mercifull 
Saviour,^.  Here  let  him  that  is  tempted,  comfort  himfelfe  after 
this  manner : 



Chap.  V.  Vfon  the  E  P  i  s  T'L  B 

Tne  Scripture  fcttetb  out  Chrift  unto  us  two  manne 
scripture  as  J4rft  a$  a  gift,  if  I  take  hold  of  him  in  this  fort,  I  can  want  nothin 
and'^TSt,  *  For  in  Chrift  are  hid  all  tke  trcafins  of  Vcifcdsme  And  knowledge. 
*ctio,r.a.t.'  He,  with  G!!  that  is  in  hiiiys  made  unto  me  of  God,  wifedome,righ- 
tcoufnefl£  .fjn&ification  and  redemption.  Therefore  although  I  have 
committees  both  many  and  grievous  finnes  :  yet  notwithstanding  if  I 
beleeve  in  him,  they  (ball  all  be  fwallowed  up  by  hisrighteoulhcfle. 
Secondly,  the  Scripture  fctteth  himjforth  as  an  example  to  be  fol 
lowed.  Not  withftanding  I  will  not  differ  this  Chrift  (  I  meanc  as  he 
is  an  example  )  to  be  fct  before  me,  but  onely  in  the  time  of  joy  and 
gladnes  when  I  am  out  of  tentaticn  (  where  I  can  fcarcely  follow  the 
thousandth  part  of  his  example  )  that  I  may  have  him  as  a  mirrour  to 
behold  and  view  how  much  is  yet  wanting  in  m?,  that  I  become  not 
fecure  and  carelefle.But  in  the  time  of  tribulation  I  will  not  hcarc  nor 
admit  Chrift,  but  as  a  gift,  who  dying  for  my  finnes,  hath  beftowed 
upon  me  his  righteoufheffe,  and  hath  done  and  accomplifhed  that  for 
me,  which  was  wanting  in  my  life:Forhe  id  the  endnndfitlfitting  of  the 
law  unto  righteoufoefte  to  every  cue  that  beleeveth. 

It  is  good  to  know  thele  things,  not  onely  to  the  end  that  every 
one  of  us  may  have  a  furs  and  a  ccrtaine  remedy  in  the  time  of 
tentation  whereby  we  may  efchue  that  vcnome  cf  defperation, 
wherewith  Satan  thinketh  to  poyfon  us  :  but  alfo  to  the  end  we 
may  be  able  to  refift  the  furious  Sectaries  and  Schifmatickes  of 
our  time.    For  the  Anabapdfts  count  nothing  more  glorious  in 
their  whole  doftrine,   then  that  they  feverely  urge  the  example 
of  Chrift  and  the  Crete  :  cfpecially  feeing  the  Sentences  are  mani- 
feft  wherein  Chrift  commcndeth  the  Crcfll:  to  his  Difciples.    We 
muft  learne  therefore  how  we  may  withftand  this  Satan,  tranf- 
forming  himfclf  into  the  likencfleofan  Angell.   Which  we  fliall  do 
if  we  make  a  difference  betwecne  Chrift  fet  forth  unto  us  fometimes 
as  a  gift,and  fometimes  as  an  example.    The  preaching  of  him  both 
wayeshath  his  convenient  time,  which  if  it  be  notobf.rved,  the 
uft  Preacnm§  °^^lvation  may  be  turned  into  pcyfon.    Thrift  tfo"re- 
bc  f«  lu"     fore  muft  be  f;t  forth  unto  thofs  which  are  already  caft  downe  and 
asagift,md  knifed  through  the  heavy  weight  and  burden  of  their  finnes,  as  a 
M  wangle.  Saviour  and  a  gift,  and  not  as  an  example  of  a  law-giver.    But  to 
thofe  that  are  fecure  and  obftinate,  he  muft'  be  fet  forth  as  an  ex 
ample.  Alfo  the  hard  feotences  of  the  Scripture,and  the  horrible  ex 


To  the  GAL  AT  HIA  N  s.'  £01.246 

amples  of  the  wrath  of  God  mutt  be  layed  before  them :  as  of  the 
drowning  of  the  whole  world,  of  the  deftruclion  of  Sodcme  and 
GomorrLi,  and  iuch  other  like/. bat  they  may  repent.  Let  every  Chri- 
ftian  therefore  when  he  is  terrified  and  afflicted,  learne  to  caftaway 
the  falfe  perfwafions  which  he  hath  conceived  of  Chrift,  and  let  him 
fay :  O  curfed  Satan,  why  doeft  thou  now  difpute  with  me  of  doing 
and  working,feeing  I  am  terrified  and  afHi&ed  for  my  finnes  already? 
Nay  rather,  feeing  I  now  labour  and  am  heavy  loden,  I  will  not  hear- 
kentothec  which  art  an  accufer  and  adeftroyer,  but  to  Chrift  the 
Saviour  of  mankind,  which  faith, that  he  came  into  the  world  to  fave 
finners,  to  comfort  fuch  as  are  in  terrour,angui(h  and  defperation,and 
to  preach  deliverance  to  the  captives, eK  This  is  the  true  Chri(r,and 
there  is  none  other  but  he.  I  can  fceke  examples  of  holy  life  of 
&4braham)E(ay,JohnrBapt'ift,Paul2\-\&  other  Saints  :  but  they  cannot 
forgive  my  (ins,  they  cannot  deliver  mefrom  the  power  of  the  dcvill 
and  ftom  death,  they  cannot  fave  me  and  give  me  everlafting  life. 
P or  thef-' things  belong  to  Chrift  alone,  whom  God  the  Father  hath 
fealed  therefore  I  will  net  hearethee  nor  acknowledge  thce  for  my 
teacher,O  Satan,but  Chriftjof  whom  the  "Father  hath  laid  :  This  Is  my 
Vtell-bclowA  Sonnein  Whom  Iain  wcllffeafadjxprc  him.  Let  us  learne  in 
this  wife  to  comfort  our  felves  through  faith  in  tcntation,  and  in  the 
perfwafion  of  falfe  dofhinc :  elf:  the  devill  will  either  feduce  us  by 
his  minifters,or  kill  us  with  his  fiery  darts. 

Velfe  9.    A  little  leaven  doth  leven  the  whole lumpe. 

This  whole  Epiftle  {uffidently  witnefleth  how  T^/ was  grieved 
with  the  fall  of  the  Galatkians,  and  how  often  he  beateinto  their 
heads  (  fometimes  chiding  and  fometirnes  intreating  them  )  the  ex 
ceeding  great  and  horrible  enormities  that  fliould  en&e  upon  this 
their  fall,  unlcflfc  they  repented.  This  fatherly  and  Apoftolicall 
care  and  admonition  of  Paul  moved  fomeofthem  nothing  at  all: 
For  many  of  them  acknowledged  Paul  no  more  for  their  teacher, 
but  preferred  the  falfe Apoftles  farre  above  him:  of  whom  they 
thought  themfelves  to  have  received  the  true  dodrine,  and  not  of 
fa*!.  Moreover  the  falfe  Apoftles  (no  doubt)  flandcredT^/a- Til.fajreA 
mong  the  Q<tlatbut*s$  frying  that  he  was  an  obftinate  and  con-  p 
tentious  fellow,  which  fora  light  matter  would  breakc  the  unity 
of  the  Churches,  and  for  no  other  caufe  but  that  he  alons  would 


Chap.  V.  Vfon  tfa  B  p  i  s  T  L  B 

be  counted  wife  and  b:  mangnificd  of  them.  Through  this  falfc  accu- 
fation  they  made  Paul  very  odious  unto  many. 

Some  other  which  had  not  yet  utterly  forfakcn  his  doctrine, 
thought  that  there  was  no  danger  in  dilfcnting  a  little  from  him  in 
the  doctrine  of  J unification  and  Faith.  Wherefore  when  they  heard 
that  Prf#/made  fo  hainous  a  matter  of  that  which  feemed  unto  them 
to  be  but  light  and  of  fmall  importance,thcy  marvelled,  and  thus  they 
thought  with  themfelves :  Be  it  fo  that  we  have  fwarvccl  fomething 
from  the  doctrine  ofF***!,  and  that  there  hath  been  fomc  fault  in  us : 
yet  that  being  but  a  fmall  matter,  he  ought  to  winke  thereat,  or  at 
leaft  net  fo  vehemently  to  amplifie  it,  left  by  theoccifion  thereof  the 
concord  or  the  Churches  fhould  be  broken.Whereunto  heanfwereth 
with  this  fentcnce:  axf  little  kavtn  leaveneth  £*/•  maketh  Jb wre ] 
H)e  Whole  lump  of  dough.    And  this  is  a  caveat  or  admonition  which 
Paul  ftandeth  much  upon.  And  we  alfo  ought  greatly  to  cfteeme  the 
fame  at  this  day.  For  our  advcrfaries  in  like  manner  object  againli  us 
that  we  are  contentious,  obftinatcs  and  intraftable  in  defending  our 
doctrine,and  even  in  matters  of  no  great  imponance.Butthefe  arcthc 
crafty  fetches  of  the  devill,  whereby  he  gocth  about  utterly  to  over 
throw  our  doctrine.    To  this  we  anfwcr  therefore  with  Pant,  that  A 
little  leaven  makfthforfre  the  vphsle  lumpe. 

In  Philolbphie,  a  fmall  fault  in  the  beginning,  is  a  great  and 
fouk  fault  in  the  end.  So  in  Divinitic .  one  little  crrour  overthrow- 
eth  the  whole  doctrine.  Wherefore  we  maft  feparate  life  and  do- 
ctrinc  farre  afunder.  The  doctrine  is  not  ours,  but  Gods,  whofc 
Miniftersonely  we  are  called  :  therefore  we  may  not  change  or  di- 
minifli  one  title  thereof.The  life  is  ours  :  therefore  as  touching  that, 
we  are  ready  to  doe,  to  fuffer,  to  forgive,^,  whatfoevcr  our  adver- 
faries  Ih&ll  require  of  us,  fo  that  faith  and  doctrine  may  remainc 
o?ia?th?nn  f°un^  and  uncorrupt :  of  the  which  we  fay  alwayes  withT^/:  A 
little  leaven  levcneth,  &c. 

A  fmall  mote  in  the  eye  hurteth  the  eye.    And  our  Saviour  Chrift 

L«^ii.34,   fa*tn   :    The  light   of  the  body  is  the  eje  :    therefore  Vfhcn  thine  eye 

u  finale,  then  u  thy  Vehole  body  light  :    but  if  thine  eye  be  evill,  then 

Verfe  j<5.      tkj  body  if  flar^.    Againc  :    If  thy  body  (ball'  have  no  yart  darkc, 

then  fall  all  be  light.    By  this  allegory  Chrift  (ignifieth  that  the 

eye,  that  is  to  fay,  the  doctrine  ought  to  be  moft  fimple,  cleare 

and  finccrc,  having  in  it  no  darkneflc,  no  cloud,  &c.    And  James 


To  the  G  A  L  A  -r  H  r  A  N  s,  Fol.  2  4  7 

the  Apcftle  fa  ith  :  He  tlxitftitctk  in  one  pei»t  is  guilt}  of *//.  This  place 
therefore  jn,!stth  >cry  mjch  for  us  cigamft  tlu'te  cavillrrs  which  fay  we  brcake  charity,  to  the  great  hurt  and  dammnge  of  tic  Chur 
ches. But  we  prorcft  that  we  dcfire  nothing  mere  then  to  be  at  uni'y 
with  all  men  :  fo  that  they  leave  unto  us  the  duchine  of  faith  entire 
and  the  which  all  things  ought  to  giveplace,bc  it  cha 
rity,  an  Apcftle,oran  Angel!  from  Heaven. 

Let  us  f-irivi  them  tin  rcfbrc  tocxtoll  charity  and  concord  as.much  3am*  '° 
as  they  lid  :  bur  on  the  other  fide,  let  us  magnific  the  Mjjefty  of  the  faShiu* 
word  and  fnth. Chanty  may  be  ncglcftcd  in  time  and  place  without'thins«.but 
any  danger :  but  fo  cannot  the  word  and  faith  be.    Ch jrity  lufferettr  Je!«h'!». 
all  things,giveth  place  toall  men.  Contrariwite,  faith  fufl&rcth  no-  lh'««- 
thing,  giveth  place  to  no  man.    Charity  in  giving  place,  inbclcc-  eSSlS7*"' 
vine,  in  givingand  forgiving,  is  often  times  deceived,  and  yet  not-  »*ytede- 
withftariding  being  fo  deceived,  it  fuffereth  no  Icfle  which  is  to  be  £!£''  '""' 
called  true  Icflc  indeed,  that  is  to  fay,it  lofeth  not  Chrift .  Therefore  •»«. 
it  is  not  offended,  but  continucth  ftillconftant  in  welldoing,  yea 
even  towards  th~  unthankfull  and  unworthy.    Contrari  wife  in  the 
matter  of  faith  and  falvation,  when  men  teach  lies  and  errours  under 
colour  of  the  truth,  and  leduee  many,  here  hath  charity  noplace:  whcri 
For  here  we  lofe  not  any  benefit  beftpwed  upon  the  unthankcfull, 
but  we  lofe  the  word,  faith,  Chrift  and  cvcrlafting  life.    Let  it  not 
move  us  therefore  that  they  urge  fo  much  the  keeping  of  charity  and  not- 
concord  :  lor  who  fo  loveth  not  God  and  his  word,  it  is  no  matter 
•what  or  how  much  he  loveth. 

'PMtl  there  fore,  by  this  fentenceadmonifticth,  as  well  teachers  as 
hearers,  to  take  heed  that  they  cftecuic  not  the  doclrine  of  faith  as  a 
light  matter,wherewith  they  may  dally  at  their  ple.ifure.  It  is  as  a 
bright  Sunnebeamecomming  down  from  heaven,  which lightneth, 
dircftcth  and  guidcth  us.  Now,  like  as  the  world  with  all  his  wile- 
dome  and  power  is  not  abletoftoppcorturne  away  thcbcamcsof 
theSunne  comming  down  from  heaven  to  the  earth  :  even  fo  can 
there  nothing  be  added  to  the  doclrineof  faith,  or  faken  from  it :  for 
that  is  an  utter  defacing  and  overthrowing  of  the  whole. 

Vcrff  i  o.    I  havetrtift  in  you  through  the  Lord. 

As. if  he  would  fay :  I  have  taught,  admonilhcd  and  reproved 
youenongb,  fo  that  ye  would  hearken  unto  me.   Notwithftanding 


Chap.  V.  Vfon  the  EPISTLE 

I  hope  well  of  you  in  the  Lord.  Here  r  ifeth  a  qucft ion, whether  Ptul 
doth  well  when  he  faith,he  hath  a  good  hope  or  truft  of  the  CjAlathi- 
a»jt  feeing  the  holy  Scripture  forbiddeth  any  truft  to  be  put  in  men. 
whether     Both  faith  and  charity  have  their  truft  andbeleefe,  but  after  divers 
ttCftTnincn  f°rts»  by  reafon  of  thcdiverfity  of  their  objects.    Faith  truftethin 
1  God,  and  therefore  it  cannot  be  deceived  :  charity  beleevethman,. 
and  therefore  it  is  often  deceived-  Now,  this  faith  thalfpringeth  of 
charity  is  fo  neceffiry  to  this  prefent  life,  that  without  it  life  cannot 
continue  in  the  world.    For  if  one  man  (liould  not  belecve  and  truft 
another, what  life  fhould  we  live  upon  earth?  The  trucChriftiansdo 
fooner  beleeve  and  give  credit  through  charity,  then  the  children  of 
this  world  doe.    For  frith  towards  men  is  a  fruit  of  the  Spirit  or  of 
Chriftian  faith  in  the  godly.  Hereupon  /*<*«/ had  a  truft  in  the  gaU- 
.f&4*/,yea,though  they  were  fallen  fr9in  his  dodlrinc :  but  yet  in  the 
Lord.    As  if  I  Ihould  fay  :  I  have  a  truft  in  you  fo  farre  forth  as  the 
Lord  is  in  you  ,and  ye  in  hinr.that  is  to  fay,  fofarrc  forth  as  ye  abide 
in  the  truth.   From  which  if  you  fall  away,  feduced  by  the  miaifters 
of  Satan,!  will  not  truft  unto  you  any  morc.Thus  it  ishwfull  for  the 
godly  to  truft  and  beleeve  men. 

t'erfe  lo.     Tkatyce  V?ill be  none  othenvifc  minded. 

To  wit,  concerning  doftrine  and  faith,  then  I  have  taught  yon, 
and  ye  have  learned  of  me :  That  is  to  fay,  I  have  good  hope  efyou  ; 
that  ye  will  not  receive  any  other  doftrihc  which  lliall  be  contrary 
to  mine. 

Verfe  \  o .    Tlttt  hee  th*t  troHbtcthjoHfiatt  bctrc  bis  condemnation  Who. 
(oever  he  IK. 

wicked  By  this  fentcncc,  fatl as  it  were  a  judge  fitting  upon  the  judgc- 
uo«bi"s"f  me.nt  fcatc>  C0ndcmneth  tflc  ftlfc  Apoftlcs,  calling  them  by  a  very 
"ens  cm?  odious  name,  iroublers  of  the  (jAUuhiant :  whom  they  cfteemed  to 
be  very  godly  men,and  farre  better  teachers  then  'Paul.  And  withaU 
he  goeth  about  to  terrific  the  Galathians  with  this  horrible  fcn- 
tencc :  whereby  he  fo  boldly  condcmneth  thefalfc  Apoftles,  to  the 
end  that  they  (hould  flic  their  falfe  doclrine  as  amoft  dangerous 
plague.  As  if  he  fliould  fay :  What  meane  ye  to  give  care  to  thofe 
peftiknt  fell©  wcs,  which  teach  you  net,but  only  trouble  you  ?  The 
dodrine  that  they  deliver  unto  you,  isnpthing  elfcbut  a  trouble 



unto  your  confcienccs.  Wherefore  how  great  foevcr  they  be,  they 
{hall  bcare  their  condemnation. 

Now  a  man  msy  undcrftand  by  thcfe  words:  whomever  hec be,  ih«»mho. 
that  the  falfc  Apoftlci  in  outward  appearance  were  vtry  good  and  Jl'^'o! 
holy  men.    And  peradvcnture  there  were  smongft  them  foine  no-  MO. 
table  Difciple  cftre  Apoflk's,of  greatname  and  authority,  lor  it  is 
not  without  caufc  that  he  ufcth  fuch  vehement  and  pithy  words.  He 
fpeakcth  after  the  fnne  manner  alfo  in  thcfirft  Chapter,  faying  :  If 
Vree  or  en  Anicll  from  Heaven  f reach  nntoyea  othcrwife  then  Vffe  haw 
f  receded  unfa 'you,  let  him  he  s.ccttrfed.    And  it  is  not  to  be  doubterf, 
but  that  many  werecrfcuded  with  this  vehemcncy  ofthe  Apoftle, 
thinking  thus  with  therrrf-.-Ivcs.    Wherefore  doth  /'^/breake cha 
rity  ?  why  is  he  foobftinatcin  fofmall  a  matter?  why  doth  he  fo 
rafrily  pronounce  ftntenccof  etcrnall  damnation  againft  thofe  that 
are  V.inifters  as  well  as  he  ?  He  paifcth  nothing  of  all  this :  but  pro- 
ceedcthonftill,  and  boldly  curfcth  andcondcmneth  all  thofe  that 
pervert  the  dcdrine  cf  faith,be  they  never  fo  highly  efteemcd,fccmc 
they  never  fo  holy  and  learned. 

WThercfore  (as  I  give  often  warning)  we  mnli  diligently  dif-  Jchnecedl£e; 
cernc  betwecnc  dodrinc  and  life.    Dodrinc  is  heaven,  life  is  the  [""do! 
earth.  In  life  is  finne,  errour,uncleanne(]e  and  miiery,minglcd  with  ££ne  an^ 
vincger,  as  the  prov$fbc  faith.     1  here  let  charity  winke,  forbeare,  ' 
be  beguiled,  bcl.cve,  hope,  and  fufter  all  things:  there  let  forgivc- 
ncflc  of  finnes  prcvailc  as  much  as  may  be,  fo  that  finnc  and  crrour 
be  not  defended  and  maintained.    But  in  dodrine  like  as  there  is  NO  mow 
no  errour,  fo  hath  it  no  need  of  pardon.    Wherefore  there  is  no 
com  parifon  bet  wccne  dodrineand  life.  One  little  point  of  doctrine 
is  of  more  value  then  heaven  and  earth  :  and  therefore  we  cannot 
abide  to  have  the  leaft  jot  thereof  to  be  corrupted.    But  we  can  ve- 
ry  well  winke  at  the  ofknces  and  errours  of  life.    For  wee  alfo  doc 
daily  crre  in  life  and  convention,  yea  ail  the  Saints  crre  :  and 
this  doe  they  earneftly  confcfT:  in  the  Lords  Pnycr,  and  in  the 
Articles  of  cur  faith.   But  cur  doctrine,  blcflcd  be  God,is  pure :  we 
have  all  the  Articles  of  our  faith  grounded  upon  the  holy  Scrip 
ture.   Thofe  the  Devill  would  gladly  corrupt  and  overthrow. 
Therefore  he  aflailcth  us  fo  craftily  with  this  goodly  argument, 
that  we  ought  not  to  breakc  charity  aiU  the  unity  of  thcChur- 

Chip.  V.  Vpw  the  EP  f  STL  H 

brethren,  if  I  yet  preach  circumcifion^  Vvhy  doe  I 
jet  ftfftr  perfection  f  Then  u  the  Jl*ndfr  of  the  crofle 

eneivcs  of 
the  croflc 
of  Chritt. 

Ttul labouring  \ y  all  meanes  poflible  to  call  the  g*l*tki<i#s  backs 
agauie,  rcdfoncth  no  ^v  by  his  own  example.  I  have  procured  to  iny 
fcUc  i  faith  he)  the  hatred  and  perfecution  oft  he  Prints  and  Elders, 
and  of  my  whole  nation,  becsute  I  take  a  way  righteoufncfife  from 
circumcifhn :  which  if  J  would  attribute  unto  fejthejewcs  would 
not  only  ccafe  to  perfecute  m?,  but  alfo  would  love  and  highly 
i  3.50-  commend  in>.  But  now,  beciafe  I  preach  the  Gofpcll  of  Oh  rift  and 
the  righteonfneifc  of  faith,aboli(liing  the  law  and  circumcifion,ther- 
fore  1  futfir  perfccution.    Contrariwifc  thcfalfe  Apoftks  , to  avoid 
thecrofle  and  this  deadly  hatred  of  the  Jewifh  nation,  dec  preach 
circuincifion  :  and  by  this  meanes  they  obtains  and  retains  the  fa 
vour  of  the  Jewcs:  ashcfaith  in  tlis  (ixth  Chapter  fjilowing  iThej 
comffU  you  to  lee  circumcifcd,  &c.    Moreover,  they  would  gladly 
bring  to  paffc,  that  there  fhould  be  no  difl::ntion,  but  peace  and  con 
cord  bet  ween  the  Gentiles  and  the  J  ewes,  ButthatisimpofTlMc  to 
be  done  without  the  lofle  of  the  ^o^rine  of  faith,  which  is  the  do- 
ftrine  of  the  crofllr,  and  full  ofoffjnces,  Wherefore  when  he  faith  : 
jf  I  yet  preach  circumcificn,  Vehy  doe  I  yet  fitffer  perfection  ?  then  itthi. 
jlwder  of  the  crofieabolifad:  he  meancth  that  it  were  a  great  abfur- 
dity  and  inconvenicnce,if  theoftencs  of  the  croff;  fhould  ceafc.  After 
the  fame  manner  he  fpcaketh,  I  for.i.  Christ  [entitle  to  preach  the 
Gofoclljiot  with  Wijdomeofytordsjeaft  the  crojft  ifCkr'iftfhouUbsmaJit 
of  none  efett.  As  if  he  laid ,  I  would  not  that  the  o&nce  and  erode  of 
Chrift  Qiouldbeabolilhed. 

Here  may  feme  man  fay  :  The  Chriftians  then  arc  mad  men, 
to  caft  themlelves  into  danger  of  their  ownc  accord :  For  what 
doe  they  elfe  by  preaching  and  confeiTing  the  truth,  but  procure 
unto  thcmfclves  the  hatred  and  enmity  of  the  whole  world,  and 
raife  offences?  This  (faith  Paul)  doth  nothing  at  all  offender 
The  ctutch  trouble  me,  but  makcth  me  more  bold,  and  caufetb  me  to  hope  well 
of  the  happy  luccefle  and  mcreafe  of  the  Church,  which  flourillicth 
and  growcth  under  the  croflc :  For  it  behoveth  that  Chrift  the  head 
and  fpoufc  cf  the  Church  {hpuld  reignc  in  the  midftof  all  hise- 
nemies,  7 film,  1 1  o.   On  the  contrary  part,  when  the  crofl*  is  abe-, 

cf  Faith, 

alc  and 

der  the 


T$  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  $.  Fol.249 

Hfacd,  ahd  the  rage  of  tyrants  and  liercticks  ccafeth  on  the  one  fide, 
and  offences  on  the  other  Mde,and  all  things  are  in  peace,  the  Devill 
keeping  the  entry  of  the  houfc,  this  is  a  foretoken  that  the  pure  do- 
drine  of  Gods  word  is  taken  away. 

j?mMr^confidering  this  thing,  faith  that  the  Church  is  thin  in 
beft  ftate,  when  Sathanafiailcth  it  on  every  fide,  as  well  by  fibtill 
Heights  as  by  violence :  and  contrariwife  that  it  is  then  in  worlt  c:.fs 
when  it  is  molt  at  cafe.  And  he  alledgeth  very  well  and  to  the  uur- 
pofe  that  fentence  of  Hezechias  in  his  Song  :  Behold,  for  felicity  I  had  £/,».}8,i7. 
titter £rie(i,  applying  it  to  the  Church,!ivir»3  in  cafe  and  quiccntffe. 
Wherefore  TWtaksth  it  for  a  moft  certains  fignc  that  it  is  not  the 
Gofpcll,  if  it  be  preached  in  peace.  Contrari  *vife  the  wo>  Id  taketh 
it  for  a  moft  certaine  fi^nc  that  the  Gofpcll  is  hcrcticall  and  fbJitious 
dodrine,  bccaufe  it  fscth  grcjt  uproarcs,  tumults,  oflfcnccs  and  Ufh, 
andfuch  like  to  follow  the  preaching  thereof.  *  Thus  God  f  jmc- 
times  fheweth  himfelfe  in  the  fiinilitude  ofth:  devilljaudthc  devill 
likcwifc  fh^weth  himfclfe  in  the  likenefle  of  God  ;  And  God  will 
be  known  under  the  (iuiilitude  of  the  dwvill,  and  will  have  the  devill 
knownc  under  the  likcnclfc  of  GoJ, 

The  crofle  immediately  f  >llowcth  thedodlrineof  the  word,  ac- 
cording  to  that  fay  ing,  P(alm.i\6.  1  belcevcd,  and  tkrefire  have  I 
ftokgn  ':  and  I  WA*  (ore  troubled.    Now,  the  croflj  ofitlu  Chrifti-  and  contra- 
ans  is  perfection,  with  reproach  and  ignominy,  and  without  any  JJJJlf^J1"1 
compadion,  and  therefore  it  Js  very  ofl:n(ive.    t'irlt  they  fufcras  flattcr«h 
the  vilcft  people  in  the  world,  and  fo  did  the  Propct  Efoj  fore-  J5£|*M 
(hew  even  of  Chrift  hiiiifelfe,  Chap.  55.  Hec  VOM  refuted  amongft  hou-h  ha 
the  kicked.   Moreover,  uiurthcrers  and^thccves  have  their  piuiiih-  'avn"cn^0<1 
incuts  qualified,  and  men  have  companion  on  them.    Here  is  no  of-  s««. 
fence  or  flanucr  joy ned  with  the  puniihmcnt.    Contrsriwife,  like 
as  the  world  judgeth  the  Chriftians  to  be  of  all  o:hcr-m:n  the 
moft  peftilcnt  and  pernicious,  fo.  doth  it  thinke  that  no  torments 
are  fufficicnt  to  punifh  them  for  their  hainous  oflfrnces.   Neither  is 
vitmoovcd  with  any  companion  towards  thcra,  bat  puttcth  them 
to  the  moft  opprobrious  and  ("hamefull  kinds  or  death  that  can  be. 
And  it  thinkcth  that  it  gaincth  hereby  a  dou  4c  commodity,    For  [v*h!fthc* 
firft,  itiraagineth  that  k  doth  high  fervice  uitoGod  in  killing  of  w.uuioo. 
them :  fecondly  that  the  common  peace  and  tranquillity  is  rdto-  JjJa 
red  and  ftablilhcd  by  taking  away  fuch  noyfome  pbgu:s.    There-  the 

K  k  fore 

Chap*V.  Vfcn  tie  EP  i  s  T  L  E 

fore  the  death  and  crofle  of  the  Faithful!  is  full  ofofF:nc«.  But  let 
not  this  reproachf  till  dealing  (faith  Paul)  and  the  continuance  of 
Chriftscroflfc  and  ofence  thereof  moovcyou:  but  rather  let  it  con- 
firme  you.  For  as  loug  as  the  crofle  enduretry  t  (hall  goe  well  with 
the  Goipell. 

•  In  like  manner  Chrift  alfo  comforteth  his  Difciples  in  the  fifth  of 
tJ)ffithnv :  rBlc§ed  are  yee  (  laith  he  )  When  men  revile  you  Mdperfe- 
•CKtcyoti,  axdjbdllfalfly  fy  all  manner  efev'tll  aaainft  you  fir  my  Names 
RfjOjct  and  be  glad,  fir  great  is  jor.r  reward  in  Heaven :  For  fi 

fcrfeeutedtkcy  the  Prophets  Which  -were  befire  you.    The  Charch  can- 
bfac  no?  -not  iurfcr.  this  rejoycing  to  be  wrcfted  frem  her.Wherefore  I  would 
net  wifh  to  be  at  concord  with  the  Pope,  the  BKhops,  the  Princes, 
and  the  Sedarics,unkffc  they  would  confenc  unto  our  docTrinc.  For 
fuch  concord  were  a  certaine  token  that  wee  had  loft  the  true  do- 
£r£*ot  clrine.   Tobc  fbort,  as  long  as  the  Church  teachcth  the  Gofpcll>  it 
God,  &  dii  mud  fuff.r  periecution.  For  the  Gofpell  fetteth  forth  the  mercy  and 
lafiC&  '/«b-  gl°ry  of God:lt  difclofeth  the  malice  and  fleights  of  thc'devill,pain- 
hy  of  the   teth  him  out  in  his  right  colours,  and  pluckcth  from  him  the  coun 
terfeit  vizourof  Gods  Majcfty,  whereby  he  decciveth  the  whole 
world  :  that  is  to  fay,  itiheweth  that  all  worfhippings,  religious 
Orders  invented  by  men,and  traditions  concerning iingle!ife,meats, 
and  fuch  other  things,  whereby  men  thinke  to  defen  e  forgivcncfle 
offmncs,  and  cverlalHng  life,  ar,e  wicked  things  ard  devilliflido- 
ftnnes.  There  is  nothing  then  that  more  ftirreth  up  the  devill,  then 
the  preaching  of  the  Gbfpcll.    For  that  plucketh  from  him  the  dif- 
fembled  vizour  of  God,  and  bcwrayeth  him  to  be  as  heisindeed, 
that  is  to  fay ;  the  devill,  and  not  God .   Wltf ref  re  it  cannot  be  but 
that  as  loug  as  the  Gofpell  flcurifhetb,  the  crofls  and  the  offence 
thereof  muft  needs  follow  it,  or  clie  finely  the  devill  is  not  rightly 
touched,  but  flenderly  tickled.    But  if  he  be  rightly  hit  indeed,  he 
rcftcth  not,  but  bcginncth  horribly  to  rage,  and  to  raifeup  troubles 
every  where. 

IfChnftians  then  will  hold  the  word  of  life,  let  them  not  be  a- 
.  fraidor  offended  when  they  fee  that  thedeviil  is  broke:1 1-  of:  and 
rageth  every  where,  that  all  the  wcrld  i,<  in  an  uproare,  that  ty 
rants  exercife  their  cruelty,  and  herefies  ipring  up  :  but  1st 
furc  thcmfclvcs  that  thcfe  arc  figncs,  not  of  tcrrqnr,  but  of  j  y, 
as  Chrift  himfelfe  cxpoundcth  them,  faying  :  frejoycc  and 

T$  the  GALATHIAN  S.  FoI.2JO 

.  God  forbid  therefore  that  the  offence  of  the  croflfc  fliould 
be  taken  away.  Which  thing  thould  come  to  patfe  if  we  fliould 
preach  that  which  the  Prince  of  this  world  and  his  metnoers  would 
gladly  hcare,  that  is  to  fay,the  rightejufncs  of  works.  Then  (houid 
we  have  a  gentle  Dcvill,  a  favourable  World,  a  gracious  Pope, 
and  mcrcifull  Princes.  But  becaufc  we  fet  forth  for  the  benefits 
and  glory  of  Chriftj  they  psrfccute  andfpoileus  both  of  our  goods 
and  lives. 

Vtrfe  1 1.    Woulctto  Cjod  thtj  Were  cut  off  that  floe  Mfquietyoti. 

'  Is  this  the  part  of  an  Apoftle,  not  only  to  denounce  the  falfc  Apo- 
ftles  to  be  troublcrs  of  the  Church,  to  condemne  them  and  to  deliver 
them  to  Satan,  but  alfo  to  with  that  they  might  be  utterly  rooted 
out  andperifti?  And  what  is  this  elfe  but  plaine  curling?  7W(asI 
fuppofe  )  alludeth  here  to  circumcifion.  As  if  hs  would  £iy :  They 
compcll  you  to  -cat  off  the  foreskin  of  your  flefti :  but  I  would  that 
they  theinfelves  might  6e  utterly  cut  orFby  the  root. 

Hererifeth  a  qucftion  :  whether  it  be  lawful!  fbr'Chriftians  to  whether  k 
curfc?  Why  not  ?  howbcit  not^alwaycs,  nor  for  every  caufe :  butf'cUfti- 
when  the  matter  is  coineto  this  point,  Gods  word  mu(lbean$tocurfc« 
evill  fpoken  of,  and  his  doflrine  blafphcme'd,  and  fo  confcqasntly 
God  himfettCjthenrnuft  wcturne  this  fentencc  and  fay  :  Blcifid  be 
God  and  his  word,  and  whatfoever  is  without  God  and  his  word, 
accurfcd  be  it:  yea  though  it  be  an  Apoflle  or  341  Angcll  from  heave n. 
So  he  faid  before  in  the  fir  ft  Chapter :  Although Veer  an  AngeRfrom  j?«^4« 
Heavenfreack  othcrwife,  then  that  Which  V?c  have  preached,  Lt 
him  be  ac  cur  fed. 

Hereby  it  may  appcarc  how  great  a  matter  Pwl  made  of  a  lit 
tle  leaven,  which  for  the  fame  durft  curfc  the  filfj  Apoltles,  -who 
in  outward  appsarance  were  men  of  great  authority  and  holineffc. 
Let  not  us  therefore  make  little  account  of  thelcaven  ofdoftrine: 
For  although  it  be  never  fo  little,  yet  if  itbcncgleilcd,  it  will  be 
the  caufe  that  by  Title  and  litle  the  truth  and  our  falvation  Qiallbc 
loft,  and  God  himf*lfe  be  denied.  For  when  the  word  iscorrupted; 
and  God  denied  and  blafphemed  (which  muftneadcs  follow  if  the 
word  be  corrupted)  there  rcmaincth  no  hope  of  falvation.  But, 
for  our  parts,  if  wcc  be  curled,  railed  upon  and  Haine,  there 

Kk  a  is 

Chap.V.  V^n  th  EP,I  s  T  t  i" 

isyet  one  that  can  raifc  usupagainc,  and  deliver  us  from  the  curfe, 

highly  tobc     Wherefore  let  us  Icarne  to  advance  and  extoll  the  Majsfty  and  au- 

advanccd.  th&rity  of  Gods  word.For  it  is  no  fmall  trifle  (as  brain  -fick  heads  fur- 
mife  at  this  day.)  but  every  title  thereof  is  greater  than-  heaven  and 
catth.  Wherfore  in  this  rcfpeft  we  have  no  regard  of  Chriftian  cha 
rity  or  concord,  but  we  fit  as  it  were  on  the  judgement  feate,  that  is 
to  fiy,  we  curfe  and  condemne  all  men,  which  in  the  Icaft  point  doe 
deface  or  corrupt  the  niajcfty  of  Gods  word  -.For  a  little  leaven  m^keth 
(orvr-e  the  Vtheie  ffttKJpf.  But  if  they  leave  us  Gods  word  entire  and 
found,  we  are  not  only  ready  to  keep  charity  and  peace  with  them  : 
but  alfo  we  offer  our  fdves  to  be  their  fcrvants,  and  to  doc  for  them 
whatfoever  we  are  able:  If  not,let  them  perifli  and  be  caft  dowae  in 
to  hell  :  and  not  only  they,  but  even  the  whole  world  alfo,  fo  that 
God  and  his  pare  word  do  remainc.  For  as  long  as  he  rcmainethjife, 
falvation,3nd  the  faithful!  ftiall  alfo  remainc. 

Paul  therefore  doth  well  in  curfing  thofs  troublcrs  of  the  Ga- 
lathians,  gnd  in  pronouncing  fentence  againft  them,  to  wit,  that 
they  arc  accurfed  with  all  that  they  teach  and  doe,  and  in  wifhing 
that  they  might  be  cut  of£  efpecially  that  they  might  be  rooted  out 
of  the  Church  of  G  o  D,  that  is,  that  God  fnould  not  govcrne  not 
profper  their  dodrine  nor  their  doings.  And  this  curling  procec- 
dcth  from  the  holy  G!;o(i.  As  Peter  alfo  in  the  eight  of  the  Afts 
curfeth  Simon  the  Sorcerer  :  Thy  money  andthott  perifi  together.  And 
the  holy  Scripture  oftentimes  ufeth  curfing  agaioil  fuch  troublers, 
of  mens  confcicnces,  a  id  chiefly  in  thcPfalmes  :  zsP/a/w.$j.  Let 
death  come  upon  them  :  let  them  goe  quicks  into  the  'fit  of  corruption. 
Alfo,  Letfinners  be  turned  downc  into  hellt  .and  allthej  that  firffct  God, 


Hitherto  T^/hath  fortified  the  place  of  juftification  with. 
ftrongand  mighty  arguments.    Moreover,  to  the  end  hccmighi 
°^^  nothing,  here  and  there  he  hath  intermingled  chidings,  -pray- 
a«pie  in     fings,  exhortations,  thre.itnings  and  fuch  like.    In  the  end  hcad- 
^^  a^0  fas  ownc  example,  namely  that  he  fufcreth  perfecution 
for  this  dodrine,  thereby  admonifhing  all  the  faithfull,  not  tobc 
bffjndcdnor  difmayed  when  they  fliallfee  fuch  uproarcs,  feels  and 
offinces  railed  up  in  the  time  of  theGofpell,  but  rather  to  rcjoycc 
and  fee  glad.    For  the  more  the  world  rageth  againft  thcGofpell, 


7*o the  GA  L  A  T  H  i  AN  s. 

the  more  the  Gofpdl  profpcreth  and  gocth  happily  forwards. 

This  contblation  ought  at  this  day  to  incourage  us  :  for  it  is  cer- 
tainiMhat  the  world  hatcth  and  perfecuteth  us  for  none  other  caufe , 
but  for  that  we  profcile  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell.    It  doth  not  accufe 
us  for  thefc,  ciurthcr,  whoredomc  and  fuch  like :  but  it  detefteth  and  acmnciu  „ 
abhorrcth  us  becaufe  we  teach  Chrift  fai  thfully  and  purely  ,  and  give  godiytea- 
not  over  the  defence  cf  the  truth.     Therefore  we  njay  be  out  of  all  chei 
doubt,  that  this  our  dodrineisholyand  of  God,  becaufe  the  world 
hatcth  it  fo  bitterly  ?  For  otherwise  there  is  no  doctrine  fo  wicked , 
fo  fooliib  and  pernicious ,  which  the  world  doth  not  gladly  admit, 
embrace  and  defend  :  and  rnor^.v.r  it  reverently  entertaineth,  chc- 
rifhcth  and  flattcreth  the  profcflbrs  rh:reof,  and  doth  all  that  may  be 
done  for  them.  O  ily  the  true  dodrine  of  the  GofpeUife  &  falvation, 
and  the  minifters  thereof,  it  utterly  abhorreth  &  worketh  all  the  fpite 
that  may  be  dcvifed  againft  them.    It  is  an  evident  token  therefore 
that  the  world  is  fo  cruelly  bent  againft  us  for  no  other  thing,  but  be-  An  objeai- 
caufe  it  hateth  the  word.  Wherefore  when  our  adverfaries  charge  OQ. 
us,  that  thcreiifeth  nothing  of  this  doctrine  bat  warres,  feditions, 
oftenc?s,lects,and  otter  fuch  infinite  enormities:  let  us  anfvver:^/^          r    , 
fed  he  tktday  therein  \V<?  way  fee  the  ft  things,  But  the  whole  world  is  in  T 
an  uproars.  And  well  done  :  Fcr  if  the  world  were  not  fo  troubled  :  if 
the  devi'll  did  not  rage  and  ftir  up  fuch  broyls,  we  (hould  not  have  the 
pure  doctrine  of  the~Gcfpcll,  which  cannot  be  preached,  biuthefe 
broyls  and  turmoils  muft  nscds  follow.  Therfore  that  which  ye  count 
to  be  a  great  cvill,  we  take  to  be  a  fpcciall  happincs. 

The  doftriite  of  good  Vforkes, 

Mow  follow  exhortations  and  precepts  of  life  and  good  workesj  The  Apo- 
For  it  is  the  cuftomc  of  the  Apoftlcs,  after  they  have  taught  faith  and  nk<  aft« 
infttuaed  men<  confciences,  to  adde  precepts  of  good  works,  where-  *ef5J3j 
by  they  exhort  the  f  aithfull  to  excrcife  the  duties  of  charity  one  to-  precepts  of 
wards  another.  And  rcafon  it  felfe  after  a  fort  teacheth  and  underftan-  soud  llfc- 
deth  this  part  ot  doctrine:  but  as  touching  the  doctrine  of  faith,  it 
knoweth  nothing  at  all.  To  the  end  therfore  that  it  might  appear  that 
Chi  iftian  doctrine  doth  not  dcftroy  good  works,or  fight  againft  civill 
ordinances,  the  Apoftle  alfo  exhortcth  us  to  excrciie  our  felves  in 
«ood  works,  and  in  an  honeft  outward  converfation,  and  to  keep  du- 

K  k  3  rity 

Chap.V.  Fj>&  the  E  t>  i  s  T  L  B 

rity  and  concord  one  with  another.  The  world  cannot  therfore  juftly 
accufe  theCbriftians  that  they  deftroy  good  works,that  they  are  trou- 
blers  of  the  publick  peace^civiihoneftyj^'.ror  they  teach  good  works 
and  all  other  vermes  better  then  all  the  Philolophers  and  Magistrates 
of  the  world,becaufe  they  adjoyn  faith  in  their  doings. 

Yerfe  1 3 .  For  brethren  ye  kavt  beene  called  unto  liberty  :  onely  ufe  not 
your  liberty  M  an  occaftonunto  theflffl,  but  by  love  ferve  yet 
one  artothtr. 

As  if  he  would  fay :  Ye  have  now  obtained  liberty  through  Chrift, 

<?«.'.  3.4,      tnat  is  to  fayjyc  De  farrc  above  all  laws  as  touching  confcience  and  be* 

•ike  'liberty  fore  God:ycbc  bitted  and  faved,Chrift  is  your  lifc.Therfore  although 

ofthefaith-  t^c  jaw^  f]n  ancj  jgath  tronbie  and  terrific  you ,  yet  can  they  not  hurt 

you  nor  drive  you  to  dcfpair.  And  this  is  your  excellent  and  ineftima- 

blc  liberty.  Now  ftandcth  it  you  in  hand  to  take  good  heed,that  ye  ufs 

not  that  liberty  as  an  occalion  to  the  flefb. 

This  evill  is  common  and  the  rnoft  pernicious  of  all  others,  that 
Satan  ftirrcth  up  in  the  docTrine  of  faith  :  namely,  that  in  very 
many  hcturneth  this  liberty,  wherewith  Chrift  hath  made  us  free, 
into  the  liberty  of  the  flcfh  Of"  this  the  Apoftlc  Jude  alfo  complai- 
ncth  in  his  E  piftle.  There  are  crept  in  cermine  kicked  men  (faith  he  ) 
J*d.i,\.  vvhich  ttirnc  the  grace  of ottr  God  into  VVAntanneffe.  For  the  fkfh  is  ut 
terly  ignorant  of  the  doftrine  of  grace,  that  is  to  fay,  it  knowcth  not 

i.  arnal  men  /o  i«i  i  i        i  fi« 

that  we  are  made  righteous,  not  by  works,  but  by  taitn  only,  and 
of    that  th:  law  hath  no  authoritie  over  us.  Therefore  when  it  heareth 
c      the  doflrine  of  faith >  if  abufsth  and  turneth  it  into  wantonncffc  and 
by  and  by  thus  it  gathereth  :  If  we  be  without  law,  let  us  then  live  as 
we  lift,  let  us  do  no  good,  let  us  give  nothing  to  the  needy,  and  let  us 
not  fuffer  any  evill,  for  there  is  no  law  to  conftrainc  us  or  bind  us  fo  to 

Wherefore  there  is  danger  on  either  fide  :  albeit  the  one  is  more 
tolerable  then  the  other.     If  grace  or  faith  be  not  preached,  no  man 
canbefaved  :  for  it  is  faith  alone  that  juftifieth  and  faveth.    On  the 
other  (ide,  if  faith  be  preached  (  as  of  neceflitie  it  muftbc)  the  more 
the  doarinc  part  of  men  undcrftand .  the  doftnne  of  faith  carnally  :  and  draw 
alth  "r*  the  libertie  of  the  fpirit  into  the  libertie  of  the  flefti.     This  may  wee 
fee  in  all  kinds  of  life,  as  well  of  the  high  as  the  low.    Allboaft 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  t  A  N  S.  Fol.lJ2 

thcmfclvcs  to  be  profdfours  of  thcGofpell,  and  allbragge  of  Chriftian 
liberty,  and  yet  {crying  their  own  lufts,  they  give  themfclvcs  to  covc- 
toufncife,  pleafures,  pride,  envy  and  fuch  other  vices.No  man  doth  his 
duty  faithfully,  no  man  charitably  ferveth  the  nccefiity  of  his  brother. 
The  grief  hereof  makcth  mefometimcs  fb  unpaticnt,that  many  times 
I  with  fuch  Swine  which  tread  precious  pearls  under  their  feet,  were 
yet  ftill  remaining  under  the  tyranny  of  the  Pope :  for  it  is  unpofliblc 
that  this  people  of  Gomorrah  Ihould  be  governed  by  the  Gofpcll  of 

Moreover,  even  we  which  teach  the  word,  doc  not  now  our  dutie 
with  fo  great  zeale  and  diligence  in  thelight  of  the  Goipell,as  we  did 
afore  in  the  darknes  of  ignorance.  For  the  more  certain  we  be  of  the 
frcedomc  purchafcd  unto  us  by  Chrift,fo  much  the  more  cold  and  neg 
ligent  we  be  in  handling  the  word,in  prayer,in  wel-doing,and  in  fur-  The  proit 
fcring  adverfities.  And  if  Satan  did  not  vex  us  inwardly  with  (jwrituall  J^J?™**' 
tentations  and  outwardly  with  the  perfecutions  of  our  adverfaries, 
and  moreover  with  the  contempt  and  ingratitude  of  our  own  fellows, 
we  fhould  become  utterly  careles,ncgligent  and  untoward  to  all  good 
works  :  and  fo  i»  time  we  fhould  loofe  the  knowledge  and  faith  of 
Chrift/otfake  the  rainiftcry  of  the  word,and  feck  an  cafier  kind  of  life 
for  the  flefh.  Which  thing  many  of  our  men  begin  to  do,for  that  they 
travelling  in  the  miniftery  of  the  word,  cannot  only  not  live  of  their 
Iabour,but  alfo  are  moft  mifcrably  intrcated  even  of  thofc  whom  they 
delivered  from  the  fervile  bondage  of  thePope  by  the  preaching  of  the 
Goipd.Thefe  men  for  faking  poor  and  offenfive  Chrift  .entangle  them- 
fclves  with  the  affairs  of  this  prefent  life,  ferving  their  own  bellies  and 
not  Chrift :  but  with  what  fruit,that  (hall  they  find  by  experience  in 
•time  to  come. 

For  as  much  then  as  we  know  that  the  devill  laicth  wait  moft 
of  all  for  us  that  hate  the  world  (  for  the  reft  he  holdeth  in  captivi- 
tic  and  flaverie  at  his  plcafure  )  and  laboureth  with  might  and  main 
to  take  from  us  the  libertie  of  the  fpirit,  or  at  leaftwifc  to  turnc 
the  lams  into  the  libsrtie  of  the  flefh  :  we  teach  and  exhort  our  bre 
thren  with  fmgular  care  and  diligence  by  the  example  of  Tattl, 
that  they  thinkc  not  this  iibertie  of  the  (pirit  purchafcd  by  the 
death  of  Chrift,  to  fee  given  unto  them,  that  they  Ihould  make  it  an 
cccafion  of  carnall  libertie  ,  or  ( as  'Peter  faith )  fhould  ufe  the 
fame  as  a  cloakc  for  their  wickednefle  :  but  that  they  (hould  fervc 

K  k  4  one 

Chap.V.  Vfw  the  E  p  i  s  T  L  i 

ene  another  through  love. 

To  the  end  therefore  that  Chriftians  (hould  not  abufe  this  liberty 

(as  I  have  faid  )  the  Apoftle  laycth  a  yoakc  and  bondage  upon  their 

The  odiy    ^s!^  ^  *^c  ^aw  c^mutua^  l°ve>    Wherefore  let  the  godly  remember 

ate  fJe  ac-  that  in  confcicnce  before  God,  they  be  free  from  the  curfe  of  the  law, 

thJdr?ri°    fr°m  ^n  anc*  fr°m  death,  f°r  thrifts  f  aks  :  but  as  touching  the  body 

but  bond'    they  arefervants  and  muft  fcrve  one  another  through  charity,  accor- 

SS"  t<T  ding to  tn's  commandcment  of  Paul:  Let  every  man  therefore  indea- 

thcflcft.     vour  to  do  his  duty  diligently  in  his  calling,  and  to  help  his  neighbour 

to  the  uttermoft  of  his  power.    This  is  it  which  Paul  here  requireth 

of  us  :  Serve jee  one  another  through  love.  Which  words  do  not  let  the 

Chriftians  at  liberty,  but  fhut  them  under  bondage  as  touching  the 


Moreover  this  do&rine  concerning  mutuall  love  which  we  muft 
maintain  and  exercife  one  towards  another,  cannot  be  beaten  into  tta 
camai  men  nca<k  °^  cat  nail  men,  nor  finke  into  their  hearts.  Th :  Chriftians  doe 
abufc  chti-  gladly  receive  and  obey  this  doftrine.  Others  as  foone  as  liberty  is 
itian  liberty  preached,  by  and  by  do  thus  infer:  If  I  be  free,  then  may  I  doc  what 
1  lift  :  This  thing  is  mineown,  why  then  fhould  I  not  fell  it  for  as 
much  as  I  may  get  ?  Moreover,  feeing  we  obtain  not  ialvationby  our 
good  works,  why  fhould  we  give  any  thing  to  the  poorrThus  do  they 
moft  carekfly  fhakc  offthe  yoake  of  love  and  good  works,  and  turnc 
the  liberty  of  the  Spirit  into  wantonnefl*e  and  flelHy  liberty.  But  we 
tellfuch  carcleflc  ccntemnsrs  (although  they  _bcleeve  us  not,  but 
laugh  us  to  fcot  n  )  that  if  they  ufc  their  bodies  arid  their  goods  after 
their  owne  luft,  (as  indeed  they  dor,  for  they  neithcrhelpe  the  poore, 
nor  lend  to  the  needy ,but  beguile  their  brethren  in  bargaining/nnch- 
ing  and  fcraping  unto  themfelves  by  hookeor  by  crooke  whatfoever 
they  can  get)  we  tell  them  (I  fay)  that  they  be  not  free,  bragge  they 
never  fo  much  of  their  liberty,  but  have  loft  Chrift  and  Chrirtian  li 
berty,  are  become  bond-flaves  ofthe  deviil,  and  are  f;  ven  times  worfe 
under  the  name  of  Chriftian  liberty,  then  they  were  before  under  the 
tyrannic  ofthe  Pope.For  the  devil  which  was  driven  out  of  rhcm,hath 
raken  unto  him  feven  other  fiends  worfe  then  himfdf,  and  is  returned 
into  them  again  :  therefore  the  end  of  thefe  men  is  worfe  then  the  be 

As  touching  us,   we  have  a  commandement  of  God  to  preach 
thcGofpell,  which  ofterethtoall  men  liberty  from  the  law,  finne, 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s^ 

death  and  Gods  wrath,  freely  for  Chrift  s  fakc,if  they  belecve.f  t  is  not  chriflian  H. 
in  our  power  to  conceale  or  revoke  this  liberty  now  published  by  the  fc"iynmft 
Gof|5ell:For  Chrift  hath  given  it  unto  us  freely  and  purchafcd  it  by  his  JhoJgh 
death.  Neither  can  we  condrain  thofc  Swine  which  run  headlong  in- 
toalllicentioufnesanddiflolutenefleofthefleili,  to  helpc  other  men 
with  their  bodies  or  goods:  therfore  we  do  what  we  can,that  is  to  fay, 
we  diligently  admonifti  them  that  they  ought  fo  to  do.I  f  we  nothin^ 
prevail  by  thefe  admonitions,  we  commit  the  matter  to  God,  and  he 
will  rccompencc  thofc  fcorncrs  with  juft  punifhment  in  his  good 
thnc.In  the  mean  while  this  is  our  comfort,that  as  touching  the  god 
ly  our  labour  is  not  loftj  of  whom  many  (no  doubt)  by  our  miniftcry 
are  delivered  ©utof  the  bondage  of  the  dcvill,  and  tranflated  into  the 
libertyof  theSpirit.Thefe(which  notwithftanding  are  but  few)which 
acknowledge  the  glory  of  this  liberty  of  the  Spirit,  and  on  the  other 
fide  are  ready  through  charity  to  fcrvcothcrmen,and  know  themfelvs 
to  be  debters  to  their  brethren  touching  the  flcfb,  do  more  rejoyce  us 
then  the  innumerable  multitude  ofthofethat  abufe  this  liberty,  arc  a- 
ble  to  difcourage  us. 

P*#/ufeth  here  very  apt  and  plain  words,  when  he  faith  :  brethren 
je  are  calledinto  liberty.  And  bccaufe  no  man  Qiould  dream  that  he  fpea- 
keth  of  the  liberty  of  the  flefo ,  he  expbundeth  bimfelf  what  manner 
of  liberty  he  meaneth,  faying  :  Only  ufe  riot  your  liberty  M  an  occasion  to 
theftjbifatferve  ye  one  Another  through  hve.  Wherfore  let  every  Chrift- 
ian  know,that  as  touching » he  confcience,Chrift  hath  made  him  Lord  an  libeity> 
over  the  law,  fin  and  death,{o  that  they  have  no  power  over  him. Con-  «ber°a< 
trariwifc,  let  him  know  that  this  out  ward  bondage  is  laid  upon  his  'hro» 
body,that  he  fhould  ierve  his  neighbor  through  love.Thcy  that  under-  lovc< 
ftand  Chriftian  liberty  otherwife,  enjoy  the  commodities  of  the  Gof- 
pel  to  their  own  deftruftion  ,  and  are  worfe  idolaters  under  the  name 
of  Chrift,then  they  were  before  under  the  Pope.  Now  Paul  goeth  a- 
bout  to  declare  out  of  the  ten  Comaiandemcnts,what  it  is  to  fcrvc  one 
another  through  love. 

Vcrfe  14.  For  the  Whole  law  is falfittedinaneVford^hich  is  this  :  Thou 
fialt  love  thy  neighbour  as  tliyfelfi. 

Taut,  after  that  he  hath  once  layed  the  foundation  of  Chriftian 
doftrmc,  is  wont  to  build  gold,  lilvcr  and  precious  ftones  upon  it. 

Chap.V.  r$on  the  EPISTLE 

Now,  there  is  no  other  foundation,  as  he  himfelfe  faith  to  the  C*- 

if»r;>u.     rinthians,  then  JefusChrift,  or  the  righteoufneflfe  cf  Chrift.     Upon 

this  foundation  he  buildeth  now  good  vvorkcs ,  yea  good  workes  in 

deed  :  all  which  he  comprehendeth  in  one  precept  :  Thou  failtlovt 

'  thy  neighbour  cu  thj  fclf.    As  if  hefaouldfay  :  when  I  fay  that  ycc 

muft  icrve  one  another  through  love,  I  meanc  the  fame  thing  that 

the  law  faith  in  another  place  :  Thou  foalt  love  thj  neighbour  M  thy  fclf* 

And  this  is  truJy  to  interpret  the  Scripture  and  Gods  Commande- 


Now,  in  giving  precepts  of  love,  he  covertly  toucheth  by  the 
way  the  falfe  teachers  :  againft  whom  he  fetteth  himfelfe  mightily, 
that  he  may  defendandftablilh  hisdoftrine  of  good  workes  againft 
them.    Asifhefaid,  Oyee  Galathians,   I  have  hitherto  taught  you 
the  true  and  fpintualllife,  and  now  alfo  I  will  teach  you  what  be 
good  works  indeed.     And  this  will  I  doe  to  the  end  yee  may  know 
that  the  vaineandfoolilli  workes  of  ceremonies  which  the  falfe  A- 
poftles  doj  onely  urge ,  arefarreinferiour  to  the  workes  of  charitie. 
-  For  fuch  is  the  fooliilincfleand  madneffc  of  all  wicked  teachers  and 
y- fantaiticalifpirits,  that  not  onely  they  leave  the  true  foundation  and 
ot  Pure  doclrinc :  but  alfo  continuing  al  waies  in  their  fuperftitions,they 
never  attaine  to  good  works.    Therefore  (as  *  Taut  faith)  they  build 
nothing  but  wood,  hay  and  ftubble  upon  the  foundation.    So  the  falfc 
wotk«.       Apoftles  which  were  the  moft  earnsft  defenders  of  workes,  did  not 
*  icvj.t*,  teachor  require  the  workes  of  charitie,  as  that  Chriftians  (hould 
love  one  another ,  that  they  fhould  be  ready  to  hclpe  their  neigh 
bours  in  all  neceflities,  not  only  with  their  goods,  but  alfo  with  their 
body,  that  is  to  fay,  with  tongue,  hand,  heart,  and  with  their  whole 
flrcngth  :  but  only  they  required  that  circuzncifion  Hiould  be  kept, 
^.'.4,10.     that  daies,  months,  yeares  and  times  Hiould  be  obf?rved  :  and  other 
good  workes  they  could  teach  none.    For  after  they  have  deftroyed 
the  foundation  which  is  Chrift,  and  darkncd  the  dodrine  of  faith,  it 
was  impodible  that  there  fhould  remaine  any  true  ufe,  cxercife  or  o- 
pinion  of  good  works.,    Take  awsy  the  tree,  and  the  fruit  muft  needs 

The  Apoftlc  therefore  diligently  exhorfeth  the  Chriftians  to 
cxercife  themfclves  in  good  workes,  after  that  they  have  heard  and 
.received  the  pure  doctrine  of  faith.  For  the  remnants  of  finne 
doe  yet  ftill  remaine  even  in  thofe  that  be  juftified  :  which,  as  they 


To  tbe  G  A  L  A  T  if  i  A  N  $r  FoT.2?4 

are  contrary  to  faith  and  hinder  it  :  fo  doc  they  hinder  us  from 
doing  good  workes.  Moreover,  mans  reafon  and  the  flefh,  which 
in  the  Saints  thcrafclves  rcdftcth  the  Spirit,  and  in  the  wicked 
doth  mightily  reignc,  is  naturally  delighted  with  Pharifaicall  fuper- 
ftitions  :  that  is  to  fay,  it  takethmotepleafurein  mcjfuring  God 
by  her  ownc  imagination  then  by  his  word,  and  doth  the  works 
that  the  her  felfc  hath  chofen ,  with  farre  greater  zeale  then  thofe 
which  God  hath  commanded.  Wherefore  it  is  ncceffarie  that  the 
godly  Preachers  Aiould  as  diligently  teach  and  urge  the  doftrine  of 
good  works,  as  the  doftrine  of  faith  i  for  Satan  is  a  deadly  enemy  to 
both.  Notwithftanding  faith  muftbefirft  planted  :  for  without  faith 
it  is  impoflible  to  underftand  what  a  good  worke  is,  or  what  pleafeth 
God.  ' 

Let  no  man  tbinke  therefore  that  he  throughly  knoweth  this  com- 
fnandement :  Thou  {halt  love  thy  neighbour  as  thjfelfe.    Indeed  it  is  ve-  neighbour 
ryfhort  and  cafie  as  touching  the  words  :  but  (he  w  me  the  teachers  M  bimfe'fi!* 
and  hearers,  that  in  teaching,  learning,  and  living  doe  excrcife  and  ac- 
complifti  it  rightly.Thcrfbre  thcfc  words:  Serve  je  one  another  through 
love.    And  thefe  alfo :  Thottfialt  love  thy  neighbour  as  thjfclfi,  are  full 
oflpirit,  and  none  of  the  faithfull  doe  fufficiently  confider ,  urge  and 
extrcife  the  fame.    And  (which  is  wonderful!)  the  faithfull  have  this 
temptation,that  if  they  omit  never  fo  light  a  matter  which  they  ought 
to  do,by  and  by  their  confcicnce  is  wounded  :but  they  arc  not  fo  trou 
bled  if  they  neglect  the  duties  of  charitic  (as  daily  they  do)  or  bear  not 
a(incereand  brotherly  love  and  af&ftion  towards  their  neighbour.  For  N-mran 
they  doe  not  fo  much  regard  the  commandement  of  charitie^  as  their  a^Spel" ' 
own  fuperftitions,  ftoin  the  which  they  be  not  altogether  free  during  H"1'™  re- 

-.!-•    IT  mainingm 

tniS  lite. 

TAul  therefore  reprehendeth  the  Galathians  in  thefc  words : 
For  the  Whole  law  u  fulfilled  in  one  \\ord.  As  if  he  had  faid  :  Ycc 
arc  drown. d  in  your  iupcrftitions  and  ceremonies  concerning  pla 
ces  and  times ,  which  profit  neither  your  felves  nor  others  ;  and 
in  the  meanc  while  ye  neglect  charitic  which  yec  ought  only  to  have 
kept.  What  madncfic  is  this?  So  faith  Jerome  :  We  wear  e  and  con- 
fume  our  bodies  with  watching  falling  and  labour  :  but  wcneglcift 
charicic,  which  is  the  only  ladie  and  mirtredc  of  workes.  And  this 
may  be  well  icene  in  the  Monks,  who  ftraitly  obfcrve  the  traditions 
concerning  their  ceremonies,  fafting,  watching,  apparcll,  and  fuch 

Chap.'V.  Vfo»  the  EPISTLE 

like.   In  this  cafe  if  they  omit  any  thing,  he  it  never  fo  little,  they  fin 
deadly.  But  when  they  do  not  only  nc^L-cl  chanty,  but  alfo  hate  one 
another  to  thedeath;they  (in  noi,norotf:nd  v  -oJat  all. 
Therforc  by  this  commandment  P'W/not  only  teacheth  good  works, 
but  a^°  condcmncth  fantailicall  and  fuprrftittous  works.  He  not  only 

condemned  buildcth  gold,filver  and  precious  ttoncs  upon  th2  foundation,  but  alf) 

cnii  wctk,.  tnrowetn  down  the  avood,  and  burneth  up  the  hay  and  ftubblc.  Goi 
witn<:{fcd  by  examples  in  the  old  fcltament  how  much  he  did  always 
efteem  of chanty  :  thereunto  he  would  have  the  very  la-.v  itfeif,  and 

i  Sam  ii  *. tne  ceremonies  therof  to  give  place.  At  fuch  time,  as  D^wWand  they 

'  that  were  with  him  were  hungry  and  had  not  what  to  eat ,  they  did 

eat  the  holy  fhew-  bread,  which  by  the  law  the  lay  people  might  not 

w<u»  10  cat>kutcnly  the  Pricth.Cririfts difc'ples  brak theSabbath in  plucking 
°  the  ears  of  corn :  yea  and  Chrift  himfcU  brake  the  Sabbith  (as  fiid  the 
J  cw.s)  in  healing  the  fick  on  the  Saboath  day.  All  thefe  things  ihevv 
that  charity  or  love  ou^ht  to  b^prcferred  before  all  laws  and  ceremo- 
nies,and  that  God  rcquircth  nothing  fb  much  at  our  hands,  as  love  to 
wards  our  ncighbour.The  fame  thing  Chrift  alfo  witnefl;th,  when  he 

J\fd«.  »».3f.  jfojth :  tAn&  tbsfecondu  /;',%  unto  this. 

Vci  fe  1 4.  For  att  the  law  is  fid  fitted**  one  Afford, 

As.if  heefaid  :  Why  doe  yc  burden  your  felves  with  the  law? 
Why  doe  yee  toylc  arid  turmoyle  your  (elves  about  the  ceremonies 
of  the  law,  about  meats,  dayes  places,  and  fuch  other  things  :  as  how 
ycoiighc  to  eat,  drinke,  keepo  your  flails,  Acrmcc?  &c.  Leave  off 
thefc  follies,  and  hearken  what  I  fay  :  All  the  law  is  fully  compre 
hended  in  this  on^  hymz'.Thottfialt  love  thy  neighbour  as  thy  fclf.  God 
delightcth  not  in  the  pbfcrvntionof  the  ceremonies  of  the  law,  nei 
ther  hath  he  any  need  of  th  'm.  The  only  thing  that  he  requireth  at 
your  hands  is  this,  that  ycbcleeve  in  Chnft  whom  he  hath  lent  :  in 
whom  ye  arc  made  perfect  and  have  all  things. But  ifunto  faith,  which 
is  the  moll  acceptable  fcr vice  of  God,  ye  will  alfo  adde  laws,  thenaC- 
fur^  your  felves  that  all  laws  are  comprehended  in  this  fhort  comman - 
dcmcntiThoufiah/ovethj  neighbour  M  thyjelf.  Endeavour  your  felves 
to  kccpc  this  Commauderncnt  :  which  being  kept,  ye  have  fulfilled 
all  laws. 

is  a  very  good  Expounder  of  Gods  Commandemenfs : 


70  the   G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8. 

For  he  drawetb  all  Mofes  into  a  brrefe  fjmme,fhcwing  that  nothing  A  \>t\tf  fom 
elf:  is  contained  in  all  his  lawes  (which  arc  in  a  manner  infinite)  but  ft^  M" 
this  fhort  fcntence:  Thoufoalt  love  thy  neighbour  at  tbyfelfi.  Naturall 
rcafon  is  offended  at  this  bafencffc  and  (hortneiTc  of  words :  for  it  is 
{bone  faid :  Ttelecve  in  C^ift-    And  againc :  Love  thy  neighbour  as 
thy  felft.   Therefore  it  dcfoifetfe  both  the  doftrine  of  Faith  and  true 
good  workcs.    Notwithftanding,  this  bafe  and  vile  word  of  faith 
(  as  reafontaketh  it  )  rBeleeve  in  forift,  is  the  power  of  God  to  the  * 
faithfi)ll,whercby  they  overcome  (innc,dcath,the  devil!,^r.  where 
by  alfo  they  attains  falvation  and  eternall  1  ife.  Thus  to  ferve  one  an- 
other  through  love,  that  is  toinftruft  him  that  gocth  aftray,  to  com 
fort  him  tha,t  is  afflide^,  toraifeuphim  that  is  weake,  tohelpcthy 
neighbour  by  all  means  poflible,  to  bearc  with  his  infirmities,  to  cr> 
dure  troubles,  labours,ingrat  itudc  and  contempt  in  the  Church ;  and  charity. 
in  civill  life  and  convcrfation  to  obey  the  Magiftrate,  to  give  due  ho 
nour  to  thy  parents,  to  be  patient  at  home  with  a  froward  wife  and 
an  unruly  family,^,  thcfe  (\  fay)  are  works  which  reafon  jndgeth 
to  be  of  no  value.   But,  indeed  they  are  fuch  works,  that  the  whole 
•world  is  not  able  to  comprehend  the  excellency  and  worthinefle 
thereof  (  for  it  doth  net  mcafurc  workes  or  any  other  thing  by  the 
word  of  God,  but  by  the  judgement  of  wicked,  blindc  and  fooliili 
rcaibn  : )  Yea,  it  knowcth  not  the  value  of  any  one  of  the  leaft  good 
works  that  can  be,  which  are  true  good  works  indeed. 
1    Therefore,  when  men  dreamc  that  they  know  well  enough  the 
commandcmcnt  of  charity,  they  are  utterly  deceived.    Indeed 
they  have  it  written  in  their  heart :  for  they  naturally  judge  that 
a  man  ought  to  doc  unto  another,  as  he  would  another  fhoulddoc 
unto  him.    But  it  followeth  not  therefore  that  they  tindcrftand  it ; 
For  if  they  did,  they  would  alfo  performe  it  indeed,  and  would 
prcferre  love  and  charity  before  all  their  works.    They  would  not  A  dcrcrip. 
fo  highly  eftccmc  their  own  fupcrftitious  toycs,  as  to  gee  with  an  'hioq  "*"£ 
heavy  countenance  hanging  downe  the  head,  to  live  unmarried,  to   yp°c 
live  with  bread  and  water,to  dwell  in  the  wildcrrudc.tobe  poorely 
apparelled, dre.  Thcfc  monflrous  and  fuferttitious  works,  which 
they  have  dcvifcd  and  chofcn  unto  thcmfelvcs,  God  neither  com 
manding  nor  approving  the  fame,  they  cfteemc  to  be  fo  holy  and  fb 
excellent,  that  they  furmount  and  darken  charity,  which  is  as  it 
were  the  Sunnc  efall  good  workcs.    So  great  and 

Chap.  V.  fyM-tke  E  P  r  $  T  L  H 

fib^e  is  ?hc  blindneflf:  of  mans  reafon,  that  ir  is  unable,  not  onely  to 
judge  rightly  of  the  dodrine  of  Faith,  but  alfoof  exr^rrull  con  ver- 
fation  and  works.  \Vherfore  we  muft  fight  itrongljyis  well  agruift 
the  opinions  of  our  o  n  hearts  (to  the  wrrch  we  are  naturally  ajorc 
inclined  in  the  matter  of  falvation  then  to  the  word  of  God,)  .is  ailb 
againft  the  counterfeit  vizour  and  holy  the  w  of  our  own  wil  works: 
thatfo  we  may  learuu  ^o  tnagmnethc  works  which  c.very  ma-i  doth 
in  his  vocation,  although  they  items  outwardly  ut-vcr  fo  br.fe  and 
contemptible,if  they  have  the  warrant  of  Gods  word  :  and  contnri- 
wifc,  todefpife  thofc  works  which  reafon  chocfeth  without  the 
commandementofGodjfcemc  they  never  fo  excellent  and  holy. 

Of  this  commandement  J  have  largely  intrcated  in  another 
place,  and  therefore  I  will  now  but  lightly  over-runne  it.    Indee^e 
this  is  brief ely  ipcktn :   Lev e  thy  neighbour  as  thjfelfi,  bat  yet  ve 
ry  aptly  and  to  the  purpofc.    No  man  can  give  a,  a 
better  or  a  neerer  example  then  a  mans  ownefclfe.   Therefore,  if 
thou  wouldcft  know  how  thy  neighbour  ought  to  be  loved,  and 
wouldeft  have  aplaine  example  thereof,  confiderwell  how  thou 
loveft  thy  f:lfe.    If  thou  (liouldeft  be  in  ncceility  or  danger,  thou 
wouldcft  be  glad  to  have  the  love  and  friend iliip  ofallmen,  to  be. 
ought  to  be  hoi  pen  with  the  counfcll,  the  goods  and  the  ftrength  of  aM  men  and 
of  all  creatures.   Wherefore  thou  haft  no  need  of  any  booke  to  in- 
ftruft  and  to  admonifh  thee  how  thou  oughteft  to  love  thy  neigh 
bour  :  for  thou  haft  an  excellent  booke  of  all  lawcs  even  in  thy 
heart.  Thou  necdeft  no  Schoolc-mafter  in  this  matter :  aske  <oun« 
fellenely  of  thine  own  heart,,  and  thatfhall  teach  thee  fufficiently 
that  thou  oughteft  to  love  thy  neighbour  as  thy  felfe.    Moreover, 
chamy  a    lovcor  charity  is  an  excellent  vertuc,  which  not  onely  makctha 
fmguiar       j^^  willing  and  ready  to  fervc  his  neighbour  with  tongue,  with 
hand,with  money  and  worldly  goods  :  but  with  hisbody,and  even 
withhis  lifcalfo.  And  thus  todo,itis  not  provoked  by  good  deferet 
or  any  thing  elfcsneither  is  it  hundred  through  cvill  dcfcrts  or  ingra 
titude.  The  mother  doth  therefore  nouriQi  and  cherifa  her  child,be- 
caufe  (he  loveth  it. 

Now,  my  neighbour  is  every  man,  efpecially  which  hath  nccdc 
ofmyhclpc,  as  Chrift  cxpoundcth  it  in  the  tenth  Chapter  of  L*kf. 
Who  although  he  hath  done  me  foaic  wrong,  or  hurt  me  by  any 
jnarmer  of  way :  yet  notwithstanding  he  hath  not  put  off  the  nature 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S. 

of  man,or  ceafcd  to  be  flefh  and  blond,  and  the  creature  of  Ced  moft 
like  unte  my  fclfc  :  briefly,  he  cesfcth  not  to  be  my  neighbour.  As 
Jong  then  as  the  nature  of  man  remaineth  in  him,  fo  long  alfo  re- 
jrtaineth  thecomrmndemert  of  love,  which  rcquircth  at  my  hand, 
that  1  ilicuM  not  ddpife  mine  ovvne  Fefh,  ror  render  cvill  for  evilJ3 
but  overcome  evill  with  good  ;  or  elfc  fhall  love  never  be  as  Taut 
defcnbethit,  I  Cor.i  3. 

Paul  therefore  commendeth  charity  to  the  Cfal*thi*j9S}  and  to  all 
the  faitlifull  (  for  they  onely  love-  indeed,)  and  rxhorteth  them  that 
through  charity  one  of  rhem  (honld  fcrve  anctht  r.  As  if  he  would 
fay  :  Ye  need  not  to  burden  your  fclves  witl:  circiimciiion',aad  with 
the  ceremonies  of  Mofes  law  :  but  above  all  things  continue  fn  the 
doftrinc  of  faith  which  ye  have  received  ofinee.  Afrerwnrds,  ifyc 
will  doe  good  workcs,!  will  in  one  word  ihcw  you  the  chicfeft  and 
greatcft  works,and  how  ye  Iliall  fulfill  all  laws  :  Serve  je  one  Another 
through  love.  Yc  (liall  not  lack  them  to  whom  ye  may  doe  good,  for 
the  world  is  full  of  iuch  as  need  the  help  of  others.  This  is  a  perfect  Th 
and  a  found  doclrine  of  faith  and  love  :  anu  alfo  the  Oiort-.  ft  and  the  rffjith  an" 
l»necft  Divinity.  The  (liorteft  as  touch  in  •»  tl^e  words  and  (entences:  'lianty ,tlic. 

1*1          /•          i  n  •  t~    •     •  1  i  Qjorrciiand 

but  as  touching  the  ide  and  praftire  it  is  niore  large,merc;  long,more  l 
profound,and  more  high  then  the  whole  world. 

Vcrfe  1 5 .    Jfye  bite  and  devour  c  one  another,  take  heed  If  oft  ye  be  confa- 
wed  one  of  another. 

By  thefc  words  Paul  witnsfkth,  that  if  the  foundation,  that  * 
is  to  fay,  if  faith  in  C.hnft  be  ovcrthrownc  by  wicked  teachers, 
nopeacs  or  concord  caarcmame  in  the  Church  cither  in  doctrine 
or  life  :  but  there  murt  needs  be  divers  opinions  and  diflentions 
from  tim-  to  time  both  in  dbftrine  and  life,  whereby  it  commeth  to 
p:{T;  that  one  biteth  and  dtvoureth  another,  that  is  to  fay,  one  jud- 
gctha,;d  ccuidrinneth  another,  untill  at  length  they  beconfumcd. 
Hereof  net.  only  the  Scripture,  but  alfo  try  example*;  of  all  times 
beare  \vitn<  ilj.  After  that  ^Ifricke  was  perverted  by  the  Manichccs, 
by  and  by  followed  the  Donatilh,  who  silo  diiagrreng  among 
themfrlvcs,  were  dcvided  into  three  fundry  feds.  And  how  miny 
feels  have  we  at  this  day  ipringingup  one  after  another?  One  feel; 
bringcth  forth  another,  and  one  condemncth  another.  Thus, 
when  the  unity  of  the  Spirit  is  broken,  it  is  unpofliblc  that 


Chap.  V.  Vf9»  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  B 

there  fhould  be  any  concord  cither  in  doctrine  or  life,  but  daily  new 
errours  inuft  needs  fpring  up  without  mcaiurc  and  without  end. 

*Paftl  therefore  teacheth  that  fuch  occafions  ofdifcord  arc  to  be 
The  way     avoided,  and  he  fhcweth  how  they  may  be  avoided.  This(  he) 
bow  to  keep  jsthc  way  to  unity  and  concord  :  Let  every  man  doc  his  duty  in 
that  kind  of  life  which  God  hath  called  him  unto.    Let  him  not  lift 
up  himfelfe  above  othcrs,  nor  find  fault  at  other  mens  works,  and 
commend  his  own,  but  let  every  one  Tcrve  another  through  love. 
This  is  a  true  and  afimple  doftrinc  touching  good  workcs.   This 
doc  not  they  teach  which  have  made  fhip  wrack  of  faith,  and  have 
conceived  fantafticali  opinions  concerning  faith  and  good  workcs : 
but  difagrecing  among  thcmfelves  as  touching  the  dodrinc  of  faith 
and  workcs,  they  bite  and  devourca  that  is  to  fay,  they  accuf- and 
condemnc  one  another,  as  Paul  here  laith  of  theGalathians-   If 
yee  bite  and  devoure  one  another ,   take  heed  leaft  yee  bee  conjunteA 
one  of  another.    As  if  he  would  fay  :  doe  not  accufe  and  condemnc 
one  another  forcircamcifion,  for  obferving  of  holy  day es  or  other 
ceremonies,  but  rather  give  your  felves  to  fcrve  andhdpe  one  an 
other  through  charity :  or  elf  c  if  ye  continue  in  biting  and  devou 
ring  one  another,  take  heed  that  yebenotconfamed,  thatistofiy, 
that  ye  pcrifhnot  utterly,  yea  and  that  bodily,  which  commonly 
Tbee»a  of  hapneth,  efpccially  to  the  authours  offers,   as  it  did  to  Arrltn  and 
th«  amhors  otncrs>  and  to  ccrtame  alfo  in  our  time.    For  he  that  hatlf  laycd  his 
$ri»fc     foundation  on  the  fand,  and  Luildeth  hay,ftubble,and  fuch  like,  mud 
needs  fall  and  bcconfumed  :  for  all  thofe  things  arc  erdaincd  for  the 
fire.  I  will  not  fay  that  after  fuch  bitings  and  devouring?,  the  mine 
and  deftruction  not  of  cities,  but  of  whole  countreys  and  kingdoms 
arc  wont  to  follow.   Now  the  Apoftle  fhcweth  what  it  is  to  fervc 
one  another  through  bve. 

J  t  is  a  hard  and  a  dangerous  matter  to  teach  that  we  are  made 

righteous  by  faith  without  works,  and  yet  to  require  works  with- 

all.  Here,  except  the  Minifters  of  C hnft  be  faithfull  and  wife  di{po- 

f-rrs  cf  the  MyftcriesofGod,  rightly  dividing  the  word  of  truth  : 

faith  and  workes  arc  by  and  by  confounded.    Both  thcfc  doctrines, 

HOW  the    as  well  of  faith  as  of  workcs,  muft  be  diligently  taught  and  urged : 

doaiine  of  an(J  yct  f j,  that  both  may  remaine  within  their  bounds.    Other  wife 

wHk?iau>  if  fhey  teach  workes  onely  (as  they  doc  in  the  Popes  kingdomc  ) 

be  tactic.   th)pn  is  faith  loft.   If  faith  onely  be  taught,  then  carnall  men  by  and 

TO  tfa  GA  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  Fol.2$7 

by  drcamc  that  workcs  bee  not  ncedfull. 

The  Apoftle  began  a  little  before  to  exhort  men  to  good  workcs, 
and  to  teach  that  the  whole  law  was  fulfilled  in  one  word,  namely  : 
Thou  ftalt  low  thy^  neighbour  a*  thy  felfe,  Here  vvill  fomc  man  {ay  : 
Tatil  throughout  his  whole  Epiftlc  taketh  away  righteoufneffe  from 
the  law  :  For  faith  he,  By  the  workesofthelwflallno  flffb  bejuftified  : 
Alfo,  As  many  tu  arc  under  the  \\orkes  of  thiUw,  are  under  the  curfe.  Ga{  t 
But  now  when  he  faith  that  the  whole  law  is  fulfilled  in  one  word, 
he  feemcth  to  have  forgotten  the  matter  wherof  he  hath  intrcated  in 
3ll  this  Epift  k,and  to  be  of  a  quite  contrary  opinion:to  wir,that  they 
which  doe  the  works  of  charity,  fulfill  the  law  and  be  righteous. 
To  this  objection  he  anfwereth  after  this  manner. 

V  erfe  1  6.    But  1  /ay,  walke  In  the  ffirit,  Andje  fall  not  fulfil  the  faffs 
of  the'fefi. 

As  if  he  (hould  have  faid  :  I  have  not  forgotten  my  former  dif- 
courfe  concerning  faith,  neither  doe  I  now  revoke  the  fame  in  that 
I  exhort  you  to  mutualllove,  faying:  that  the  whole  law  it  fulfilled 
through  love,  but  I  am  ftill  of  the  fame  mind  and  opinion  that  I  was 
before.  To  the  end  therfore  that  yc  may  rightly  undcrftand  me,I  adde 
this  moreover:f^^*w  thefpiritandjefiatt  not  fulfil  thelufttofthefiefi. 

t/4  confutation  of  the  argument  of  the  Schoolenun  :  Love  u  the 
of  the  law  ;  therefore 

Although  PAH!  fpcaketh  here  exprefly  and  plaincly  enough,  yet 
hath  he  little  prevailed  :  for  the  Schoolemcn  not  understanding  this 
place  of  Ptiut,  Love  ij  the  fulfilling  of  the  law,  have  gathered  out  of  it 
after  this  manner:  If  love  be  the  fulfilling  of  the  law,  it  fcllowcth 
then  that  love  is  righteoulncfil-.thcrcfore  if  we  love,  we  be  righteous. 
Thefc  profound  clarkes  do  argue  from  the  word  to  the  work,  from  Argument!  ; 
doftrine  or  precepts,  tolife,  after  this  fort  :  Thehw  hath  comman-  ~ 
ded  love,  therefore  the  work  of  love  followcth  out  of  hand.  But  this 
is  a  foolifh  confcquence,to  draw  an  argument  from  precepts,  and  to 
ground  the  conclufion  upon  workcs. 

True  it  is  that  wecought  to  fulfill  the  law,  and  to  be  juftified 
through  the  fulfilling  thereof:  but  finnc  hindreth  us.  Indeed  the 
law  prefcribeth  and  commandeth  that  we  fhould  love  God  with 

LI  all 

An  evince* 


The  ]0r«  of 

not  pacific 


if  «.»?«. 

pi«e  of  EX 

Fa?  ??'" 



Chap.V.  rfon  tit  E  P  i  s  T  1  1 

ali  OUT  hear  t,  &c.  and  that  we  (hould  love  our  neighbour  as  out 
£lvcs:  but  it  followcth  not  :  This  is  writtcn,therefore  it  is  done  :  the 
law  commandeth  love,  therefore  we  lov?.  1  here  is  not  one  man  tt 
be  f°und  upon  the  whole  earth,  which  io  loveth  God  and  his  neigh  . 
hour,  as  the  law  requireth.  But  in  the  life  to  come,  where  we  fha) 
be  throughly  clcanied  from  all  vices  and  fmnes,  and  (hall  be  made  a  ; 
pure  and  as  cleare  astheSunne,  we  (hall  lovepcrfedly  and  fliallt  : 
righteous  through  perfed  love.  But  in  this  life,  that  purity  is  hin  - 
dred  by  the  flcfh  :  for  as  long  as  we  live,  finnc  remaineth  in  our  fiefh  \ 
by  rcaibn  whereof,  the  corrupt  love  of  our  felves  is  fo  mighty,  that 
jt*  farrc  fannounteth  the  love  of  God  and  of  our  neighbour.  I  n  the 
means  time  not  withftanding,  that  we  may  be  righteous  in  this  life 
alfojWC  have  Chrift  the  mercy-  fcatc  and  throne  of  grace,  and  bccaufe 
we  belccvc  in  him,  finnc  is  not  imputed  unto  us.  Faith  therefore  is 
our  righteoufneffe  in  this  life.  But  in  the  life  to  come  when  we  (hall 
be  throughly  clcanfed  and  delivered  from  all  finncs  and  concupif- 
cence,we  fhali  have  no  more  need  of  faith  and  hope,but  we  (hall  tncn 
love  perfectly. 

J  t  is  a  great  crrour  therefore  to  attribute  /unification,  or  righto- 
oufnefle  to  love,which  is  nothing  :  or  if  it  be  any  thing,  yet  is  it  not 
fo  great  that  it  can  pacific  God  :  for  love  even  in  the  faithful  1  (as  I 
have  faid)is  imperfecl  and  impure.  But  no  uncleane  thing  (hall  enter 
into  the  kingdomc  of  God.  Notwithftanding  in  the  meanc  while 
thistruft  and  confidence  fuftaineth  us,that  Chrift,  who  alonely  com 
mitted  no  finne,and  in  whofc  mouth  was  never  found  any  guile,doth 
overfliadow  us  with  his  righteoufnes.  We  being  coveted  with  this 
*  cloud  ,and  (hrowded  under  thisjhadow,this  heaven  or  remiflion  of 
fins  and  throne  of  grace:  doe  begin  to  love  and  to  fulfill  the  law.  Yet 
*°r  t^1IS  foisting  wc  arc  not  Juftifi^d  nor  accepted  ofGod  whikft  we 
live  here.  E  ut  when  Chrift  hath  delivered  up  the  kingdomc  to  God 
his  Father,  and  aboliflied  all  principality,  and  God  (hall  be  all  in  all: 
then  (hall  faith  and  hope  ceafe,  and  love  fhall  be  perfect  and  cverla- 
fting,  i  £V.i3.  This  thing  the  popifh  Schcolemen  undcrftand  not, 
and  therefore  when  they  hcarc  that  love  is  the  fummc  of  the  whole 
law,by  and  by  they  infcrrcr^Vwhc  law  juftifieth.  Or  contrariwife, 

,   »   '  ,  *     ,     /   ,          ,  ,      -~'r  .  .          .     '.  .    . 

when  they  rcadc  in  CPrfw/that  raitn  maketh  a  man  righteous  :  yca,fay 
t^cy>  k^  f°rmecl  an<i  furnirhed  with  charity.  But/  that  is  not  the 
meaning  of  7<«»/,as  I  have  largely  declared  before. 


To  the  GALA  T  H  I  A  N  »".  Fol.258 

If  we  were  pure  from  all  finnc,  and  were  infltmcd  with  pcrfeA 
love  both  towards  God  and  our  neighbour,  then  fhould  we  indeed 
be  righteous  and  holy  through  love,  and  God  could  require  no  more 
of  us.  This  is  not  done  in  this  prcfent  life,  but  is  diftcrrcd  untill  the 
life  to  come.  Indeed  we  receive  here  the  gift  and  firft  fruits  of  the 
Spirit,  fo  that  we  begin  to  love,  howbeit  very  flendcrly.  But,  if  we 
loved  God  truly  and  perfectly  as  the  law  or  God  requireth,  which 
faith  :  Thou  fait  love  the  Lord  thy  God  with  all  thy  heart,  witkatt  thy 
joule,  and  with  all  thy  ftrength  :  then  (hall  we  be  as  well  contented 
with  poverty  as  with  wealth,with  paine  as  with  pleafure,  and  with 
death  as  with  life.  Yea  he  that  could  love  God  truly  and  perfeftly  in- 
deed,  {hould  not  long  continue  in  this  life,  but  Ihould  ftraightway 
be  fwallowed  up  by  this  charity. 

Bat  now  mans  nature  is  fo  corrupt  and  drowned  in  finne  that 
it  cannot  have  any  right  fenfe  or  cogitation  of  God.  It  ioveth  not 
God,  but  hatcth  him  deadly.  Wherefore  as  John  faith  :  *  wee  fo-  loved 
vednot  Cjod,  but  he  loved  ust  andfent  hi*  Sonne  to  be  a  reconciliation  *  *  *•*•«•! 
fir  onr  fanes.  And  as  Paul  faith  before  in  the  fccond  chapter :  Ckrift 
hath  loved  mee,  and  given  himfelfe  fir  mee.  And  in  the  fourth  chap 
ter  :  Rut  when  the  fhlncfie  of  time  not  come,  godfent  firth  hi*  Sonne 
made  of  a  Vfoman,  and  made  under  the  lax>s  that  hee  might  redeems 
them  which  were  under  the  law.  Wee  being  redeemed  and  juftifled 
by  the  Sonne,  begin  to  lave :  according  to  that  faying  of  Paul  in 
Rom.  8.  That  which  was  impojfible  to  the  law,  ( in  as  much  at 
itwM  weake  becaufe  oftbefleft')  God  fending  his  owne  Sonne  in  the 
fimllitude  of  Jinjull  flcjb,  and  fir  Jtnnet  condemned  finne  in  the  flefi> 
that  the  righteoufnefie  of  the  law  might  be  fulfilled  in  H*  :  that  is,  might 
begin  to  be  fulfilled.  They  arc  mccre dreamcs  therefore  which  the 
Sophiftcrs  and  Schoolcmcn  have  taught  concerning  the  fulfilling  of 
the  law. 

Wherefore  *P*ul  fhewcth  by  thefc  words :  Walkc  in  the  fyirit, 
how  he  would  have  that  fcntcnce  to  be  understood,  where  he  faid, 
Serve  j(e  one  another  through  love.  And  againe:  Love  i*  the  frl- 
filling  of  the  law,  &c.  As  if  hec  {hould  fay.  When  I  bid  you  love 
one  another,  this  is  it  that  1  require  of  you,  that  ye  walkc  in  the 
fpirit.  For  I  know  that  yc  fhall  not  fal fill  the  law,  bccaufe  finnc 
dwclleth  in  you  as  long  as  ye  live,  and  therefore  it  is  irapoflible 
that  ye  {hould  fulfill  the  law.  Not withftanding  in  the  meanc  while 

L 1  2  endeavour 

Chap.V.  Vfo»  tie  EPISTLE 

TO  wafte  in  cpdeavour  your  felves  diligently  to  walkc  in  the  fpirit,that  is^wraftlc 
*e  SP"«.    fo  fpirit  againft  the  flcm,and  follow  fpirituall  motions,^. 

Jtappcareth  then  that  he  had  not  forgotten  the  matter  of  juftifi- 
cation.  For  when  he  biddcth  them  to  walke  in  the  fpirir,  he  plainly 
denieththat  works  do  juftifie.  As  it  he  would  fay':  When  I  fpeake 
of  the  fulfilling  of  the  law.  I  mcane  not  that  ye  arc  juftihed  by  the 
law:  but  this  I  mcanc,  that  there  be  two  contrary  captaines  in.youy 
the  fpirit  and  the  flcfh.  God  harhftirredup  in  your  bodies  aftrife 
<?,*;  5,17.  and  abattell  :  for  thefpirit  wraftleth  againft  thcfiem,  and  the  ficfh 
againft  the-  fpirit.  Here  I  require  nothing  elfe  of  you,  but  that  ye  fol 
low  the  fpirit  as  your  captaineand  guide,  and  that  ye  refift  that  cap,- 
taine  the  flefh  :  for  that  is  all  that  ye  be  able  to  doe.  Obey  the  fpirit, 
and  fight  againft  the  fiefh.  Therefore  [when  I  teach  you  to  obfervc 
the  law,  and  exhort  you  to  love  one  another,  think  not  that  I  goe  a- 
bout  to  revoke  that  which  I  have  taught  concerning  the  doctrine  of 
faith,  and  that  now  I  attribute  juftification  to  the  law  or  to  charity  : 
but  my  meaning  is  that  ye  {hould  walke  in  the  fpirir,  and  that  ye 
fhould  not  fulfill  the  Jufts  of  the  flefh. 

<P.  attl  ufcth  very  fit  words  and  to  the  porpofe.  As  if  he  would  fty  : 
we  come  not  yet  to  the  fulfilling  of  the  law:thereforc  we  mutt  walkc 
in  thefpirit  and  be  excrcifed  therein,  that  we  may  think,  fay,and  doc 
thofe  things  which  arc  of  the  fpirir,  and  refift  thole  things  which  arc 
eft-be  flefh  :  therefore  he  addcth  : 

Vcrfe  1  6.    vfnd  je  fall  not  filftl  the  lujls  o 

.  As  if  he  would  fay  :  The  dcfires  or  lufts  of  the  flefh  be  not  yet 
dead  in  us,  but  fpringup  againc  and  fight  againft  the  fpirir.  The 
ju»s<  ftbe  ffefli  of  no  faithfull  man  isfo  gcod,  which  being  cffcnded  would  not 
bite  and  devoure,  or  at  the  Icaitornit  feme  what  of  that-comma'qdc- 
jnent  of  love.  Yea  even  at  the  firft  brunt  he  cannot  refraine  liini- 
fj;ffj  but  is  angry  with  his  neighbour,  defircth  to  be  revenged,  and 
hatcthhimasan  enemy,  orattheleaft  lovcthhim  not  fb  much  as  he 
(hould  demand  as  this  commandcnient  requircth.  And  this  happcneth 
even  to  the  faith  full. 

Therefore  the  Apofllc  harh  given  this  rule  for  the  faithfull, 
that  they  ftiould  fcrve  one  another  through  love,  that  they  {hould 
beare  the  burdens  and  infirmities  one  of  another,  and  that  they 
(hould  forgive  one  another.  And  \\ithout  this  bearing  and  fqrbea- 


To  the  GALATHIAN  s^ 

bearing  through  love,  it  is  impoflible  that  peace  and  concord  fliould 
continue  amongft  Chriftians.  For  it  cannot  be  but  that  thou  muft 
•needs  often  cflfend,  and  be  oiendcd.  Thou  (ccft  many  things  in  me 
which  cffend  thcc,  and  I  againe  fee  many  things  in  th:e  which  mif- 
likc  me.  Here  if  one  bcare  not  with  another  through  love,  there  (hall 
be  no  end  ofdifibntionydifcord,  cnvy,hatred  and  malice. 

Wherefore  P*ul  would  have  us  to  walkc  in  the  Spirit,  left  we 
fulfill  the  luftsof  the  fldh.  As  if  he  fliould  fay  :  Although  yc  be  mo- 
ved  with  wrath  and  difpleafure  a gainft  your  brother,  offending  you 
or  doing  any  thing  hainoufly  againftyou,  yet  notwithftanding  refift 
and  reprcffc  thefc  violent  motions  through  the  Spirit.  Bearc  with 
his  weakcncfle  and  love  him  according  to  that  commandcment:71&0* 
Jhalt  love  thy  neighbour  *i  thyfelfe.  For  thy  brother  doth  not  therefore 
ceafe  to  be  thy  neighbour,  becaule  he  flippeth,or  ofrcndcth  thec :  but 
then  hath  he  moft  need  that  thou  fhouldcft  cxcrcife  and  (hew  thy 
charity  towards  him.  And  this  commandcment :  TkoHJkult  love  thj 
vfighbourMthjfeffetrcqaircth  the  fclfe-fame  thing :  to  wit,that  thou 
(houldcft  not  obey  the  fleflr.  which  when  it  is  off:nded,hateth,bitcth 
and  devourcth.  But  wraftle  againft  it  in  Spirit,and  continue  through 
the  fame  in  the  love  of  thy  neighbour,  although  thou  find  nothing  in 
him  worthy  of  love. 

The  Schoolemcn  take  the  concupifcence  of  the  flcfh  for  carnal! 
luft.  I  ndeed  it  is  true  that  even  the  godly,  efpccially  the  younger 
fort,are  tempted  with  flcfhly  luft.  Yea,thsy  alfo  that  be  married  (  fo 
corrupt  and  pcftilent  is  flcfh  )  arc  not  without  fuch  carnall  luft.  Here 
let  every  one  ( I  fpeakc  now  to  the  godly  being  married,  both  man 
and  wife  )  diligently  examine  hitnfclfe,  and  no  doubt,  many  (hall 
find  this  in  themfclves,  that  the  beauty  and  conditions  of  another 
mans  wife  plcafcth  him  better  then  of  hisownc:  and  focontrari- 
wife,  his  own  lawfull  wifeheloathcthormifliketh,  andlovcthher  lfluftncfl|j 
which  is  unlawfull.  And  this  commonly  is  wont  to  happen,  not  c 
in  marriage  oncly,  but  in  all  other  matters.  Men  let  light  by  that 
which  they  have,  and  are  in  love  with  that  which  they  have  not: 
as  the  Poet  faith  : 

NitimHT  iwetitttmfentfer  cuftmuf^ttene^atA  :  That  is, 

Of  things  moft  forbidden  we  alwayes  are  fainc : 

And  things  moft  denied  we  feekc  to  obtainc. 
I  doe  not  deny  therefore  but  that  the  concupifcence  of  the  flefh 

LI  3  conu 

Chap.V.  rpwtkt  E  P  1 3  T  L  B 

comprehendeth  carnall  luft,  but  not  that  onely .  For  concupifcence 
comprehendeth  all  other  corrupt  auctions,  wherewith  the  very 
faitbfullarcinfe&cd,  fome  more,  fomekfle  :  as  pride,  hatred,  co- 
vctoufncfle,  im  pat  icncy  and  fuch  like.  Yea,  T  aid  i •< hcarf  srti  nftcr^ 
\vardsamong  the  works  of  the  flefti  ,  not  only  tlufe  grf-{fc  vices, 
but  alfo  idolatry,  heretics  and  fuch  other.  It  is  phine  therefore  that 
he  fpcaketh  of  the  whole  concupifcence  of  the  fkih,aod  of  :hc  whole 
dominion  of  fin,  which  ftriveth  even  in  the  godly  who  have  recei 
ved 'the  fit  ft  fruits  of  the  Spirit,  againft  the  dominion  of  the  Spirit; 
He  fpcaketh  therefore  not  only  of  carnall  luft ,  pride ,  covetouf- 
nes,G^c.  but  alfo  of  incredulity,  diftruft,ddpaire,hatred  and  conrcrapt 
of  God, idolatry,  herefies  and  fuch  other,  when  he  faith  :  tsfndje/hatl 
net  fulfil  the  lufls  of  the  fefi.  As  if  he  Chould  fay  :  I  write  unto  you. 
that  >  cu  fhould  love  one  another.  This  ye  do  not,  neither  can  ye  do  it 
becaufe  of  the  fkih,  which  is  infcded  and  corrupted  with  concupif 
cence,  and  doth  not  only  ftirre  up  fin  in  you,  but  alfo  is  fin  it  felf.  For 
if  y  chad  perfect  charity  ,nohcavines,  no  adverfity  could  bcfo  great, 
which  fhould  be  able  to  hurt  or  hinder  that  charitic :  for  it  would  be 
fpread  throughout  the  whole  body.  There  fhould  be  no  wife  were 
fhe  never  fo  hard-favoured,  whom  her  husband  would  not  love  cntire-r 
ly,k)athmg  all  other  women,though  they  were  never  fo  fair  and  bcau- 
tifull.  But  this  is  not  donc,thercfore  it  is  impoffible  for  us  to  be  made 
righteous  through  love. 

\Vhereforethinke  me  not  to  revoke  and  unfay  that  which  I  have 
taught  concerning  faith: For  faith  and  hope  mull  continu^that  by  the 
one  we  may  be  juitified,  and  by  the  other  we  may  be  raifed  up  in  ad- 
verfities,  and  endure  to  the  end.  Moreover,  we  fcrvc  one  another 
through  charity,becaufc  faith  is  not  idlc&ut  charity  is  weak  and  little. 
Therefore  when  I  bid  you  walk  in  the  Spirit,  I  do  Efficiently  declare 
that  ye  are  not  juftified  through  charity. 

And  when  I  exhort  you  to  walke  in  the  Spirit,  that  ye  fulfill  not 
the  concupifcence  of  the  flefh  t  I  doe  not  require  of  you  that  yco 
fhould  utterly  put  off  the  fkfh  or  kill  it,  but  that  ye  fhould  bridle  and 
fubdue  it.  For  God  will  have  man-  kind  to  endure  even  to  the  laft 
day.  And  this  cannot  be  done  without  parents,  which  doe  beget 
and  bring  up  children.  Thefe  meanes  continuing,  k  muft  needs 
be  that  ftefh  alfo  muft  continue,  and  confcquently  iinne,  for  ffefli  is 
apt  without  finne.  Therefore  in  rcfpcft  of  the  fleih  we  arc  finners  : 

-\~  „  t  * v 

Tt  tfa  G  A  I  A  T  H  I  A  N  «: 

but  in  refpc&of  the  fpirit,  we  arc  righteous :  and  fo  we  arc  partly  fin- 
ners,and  partly  rightcous.Notwithftanding  our  righteoufncs  is  mach 
more  plentifull  then  cur  finne,  bccaufc  the  holincffc  and  rightcoulhes 
of  Chnft  ourMediacour  doth  farrc  exceed  the  (inne  of  the  whole 
world  z  and  fhe  for^iveneflk  of  (ins  which  we  have  through  him  is  fo 
great,  io  large,  and  Io  infinite  that  it  eafily  fwalloweth  up  all  finnes, 
io  that  we  walk  according  to  the  Sptrit,&c. 

The  Papifts  dreamed  that  this  commandemcnt  bclongeth  onely 
to  their  Clear^y-men,  and  that  the  Apoftleexhortcth  them  to  live 
chaftly  by  fubduing  the  flcfh  with  watching,  fafting,  labour,&c.  and 
then  they  (houldnot  fulfill  the  concupifccnce  ofthcflefh,  that  is  to 
fay,  carnall  luft.  As  though  the  whole  concupifcencc  of  the  (km  were 
overcome,  when  this  fkfhly  Juft  isfubdued  :  which  notwithstanding 
they  were  never  able  to  fupprcfle  &  keepe  under  with  any  y,oake  that 
they  could  lay  upon  their  flefb.  Which  thing  Hicrome'(\.  fay  nothing 
of  other)  who  was  a  marvellous  lover  and  .defender  of  charity,  doth  Hicromc 
plainly  conftflc.  O  (faith  he)  how  often  have  I  thought  my  fclfe  to 
be  in  the  middeft  of  the  vain-e  delights  and  pleafures  of  Rome,  even 
\vhen  I  was  in  the  Wilde  wildernes,  which  being  burnt  up  with  the 
heat  of  the  Sun,yeeldeth  an  ouglefome  habitat  ion  to  the  Monkes,  &c. 
Agatne:! ,  who  for  feare  of  hell  had  condemned  my  felfe  to  fuch  a  pri« 
forethought  my  fclfe  oftentimes  to  be  dancing  among  yong  women, 
when  I  had  no  other  company  but  Scorpions  and  wild  beafts.  My 
face  was  pale  with  fafting,  but  try  mind  was  inflamed  with  defires 
in  'my  cold  body,  and  although  my  flefh  was  halfe  dead  already,  yet 
the  flames  of  fleihly  luft  boiled  within  me,  &c. 

liHUrome  felt  in  himfelf  fuch  flames  otflefhly  luft,  who  lived 
in  the  barren  wildernefle  with  bread  and  water,  what  doc  our  holy 
bclli-gods  the  Cleargy-menfbcle(think  ye:)whofoftufF;and  ftrctch 
eut  thcmfelvcs  with  all  kinds  of  dainty  fare,  that  it  ismarvell  thc'r  romc- 
bellies  brcake  not  ?  Wherefore  thefc  things  arc  written,  not  to  Here- 
mites  and  Monkes  fas  the  Papifts  dreame)  nor  to  finners  in  the 
world  onely  :  but  to  the  univerfall  Church  ofChrift,  and  to  all  the 
faithfull :  whom  PWexhorteth  to  walkein  thr  Spirit,that  they  ful 
fill  not  the  luftsof  therlslh  :  that  is  to  fay,  not  onely  to  bridle  the 
groffc  motions  of  the  flefh;as  carnall  luft,wrath,  impatiency  ,and  fuch 
like :  but  allb  the  fpirit uall  motions,  as  doabting,bla(phemy, idolatry, 
contempt  and  hatred  of  God,&c. 

LI  4 

Chap.V.  Vfoniht  EPISTLE 

Paul  (  as  Ihavc  faid)  doth  not  require  of  the  godly,  that  they 

ould  uttcrly  pp*  °?or  dcftr°y  fhc  fid]i  :  but  they  ^odd  fo 

w.  bridle  it,  that  it  might  be  fubjecl:  to  the  Spirit.  In  £phef.  j. 
he  biddeth  us  chcrifh  the  flefli.  For  as  we  may  not  be  crucll  to  other 
mcns  bodies,  nor  vex  them  with  unrcafonabic  labour:  even  fo  we 
may  not  be  cruell  to  our  owne  bodies.  Wherefore  according  to 
Pauls  precept,  we  muft  cherifbour  fie(b,  that  it  may  be  able  to  en 
dure  the  labours  both  of  the  mind  and  of  the  body  :  but  yet  only  for 
oeceflities  fake,and  not  to  nourifh  the  lufts  thereof.  Therefore  if  the 
ficfh  begin  to  wax  wanton,  reprefle  it  and  bridle  it  by  the  Spirit. 
If  it  will  not  be,  marry  a  wife,for  it  is  better  to  marry  then  to  burnc. 
Thus  doing  thou  walkeft  in  the  Spirit  :  that  is>  thou  followeft  Gods 
word  and  doeft  his  will. 

Verfe  1  7.   For  tkefefi  lufietb  again]}  the  Spirit,  And  the  Spirit 

icd  When  Paul  faith  that  the  flefh  luftcth  againft  the  Spirit,  and  the 
feeie"thc*  Spirit  againft"  the  fkfh>he  admonifheth  us  that  we  muft  fcele  the  con- 
cupifccncc  of  the  flefli,  that  is  to  fay,  not  only  carnall  luft,  but  alfo 
pride^rathjheavincffejimpatiencc,  incredulity  ,and  fuchlikc.  Not- 
withftanding  he  would  have  us  fo  to  fcele  them,  that  we  confent  not 
unto  thcm,nor  accomplish  thcrmthat  is,that  we  neither  thinkjfpeake, 
rfai+4.  nor  doe  thofe  things  which  the  flefti  provoketh  us  unto.  As,if  it  move 
us  to  angcr,yct  we  (hould  be  angry  in  fuch  wife  (  as  we  are  taught  in 
the  fourth  P  films  )  that  wefinncnot.  As  if  7JW  would  thus  fay  :  I 
know  that  the  flefh  will  provoke  you  unto  wrath,  envy,  doubting,  in 
credulity  and  fuch  like:but  refift  it  by  the  Spirit,that  ye  finne  not.  But 
if  ye  forfake  the  guiding  of  the  Spirit,  and  fellow  the  ficfh,  yc  fliall 
fulfill  the  lufts  of  the  flefh  and  yc  ftiall  die,  as  Paul  faith  in  Rem.8. 
So  this  frying  of  the  Apcftle  is  to  be  underftood,  net  of  fldhly  Juft 
only  3but  of  the  whole  kingdome  of  finne. 

Verfe    1  7.  An&  the/e  are  contrary  one  to  the  otker,  fi  tkatye  cannot  dte 
the  (ame  things  thatje  would. 

The  two  captaines  or  leaders  (faith  he)  the  flefli  and  the  Spi 
rit,  ere  one  againft  another  in  your  body,  fo  that  ye  cannot  doe 
what  ye  would.  And  this  place  witnefieth  plainly,  that  T^aitl  wri- 
teth  thcfe  things  to  the  faithful!,  that  is,  to  the  Church  belccving  in 


5>  the  G  A  L  A  r  H  i  A  N  s. 

Chrift,  baptized,  /uftified,  rcnued,  and  having  full  forgtveneflc 
finncs.    Yet  notwithftanding  he  faith  that  (Le  hathficlh  rebelling  ! 
againft  the  Spirit.   After  the  fame  manner  he  fpeaiwth  of;  hunfclre  flcth  l 
jn  Rom.  7.    /  ( faith  he  J  *w  f^-W/  And  'feM  under  fixnti  And  Splr<u 
flgainc :  I  fee  another  Uve  in  my  members,  rebelling  again  ft  the  l<tw  of 
wj  mind,  And  leading  me  eaptive  unt9  the  lav?  of  jinne  vthich  id  in  my 
members.  Alfo :  O  wretched  man  that  lam,  Vfhefoall  deliz/tt  me  fiom  the 
{tody  ofthit  death ,&c. 

Here  not  only  the  Schools  men,but  alfo  fomc  of  the  old  Fathers  are 
much  troubled,  icckmg  how  they  may  excufe  'Paul.  For  it  feemeth 
unto  them  abturd  and  unfeemcly  to  fay,  that  the  cleft  veflellof  Chrift 
Should  have  finnc.But  we  credit  P*»fsown  words,wherein  he  plain-  Thego 
ly  confdTcth  tbat  he  is  fold  under  finne,  that  he  is  led  captive  of  finnc, fccJc  the 
that  he  hath  a  law  in  his  members  rebelling  againft  him,  and  that  in  cap 
the  flcfh  he  fcrvcth  the  law  of  finne.Here  againc  rfiey  anfwer,that  the  finne 
Apoftlc  fpcakcth  in  thepcrfon  of  the- wicked.   But  the  wicked  doc 
not  complaine  of  the  rebellion  of  their  flcl"h,of  any  battell  cr  conflict, 
or  of  the  captivity  and  bondage  of  finne  :  for  finne  mightily  reigneth 
in  them.  This  is  therefore  the  very  complaint  tfrpaul  and  of  all  the 
faithfull.  Wherefore  they  have  done  very  wickedly  which  have  cx- 
cufed  Pauhnd  all  the  faithfnll  to  have  no  finne.    For  by  this  pcrfwa- 
fion  (  which  prcceedeth  of  ignorance  of  the  doctrine  of  faith  )  they 
have  robbed  the  Church  of  a  fingular  confolatiomthey  have  aboliflied 
the  forgiveneflfeof  finnes,and  made  Chrift  of  none  <r¥:#. 

Wherefore  when  P*ul  ftith  :   /  fee  another  law  in  mj  mem* 
bers>&c.  he  denicth  not  that  he  hath  fleQi,  and  the  vices  of  the  flefh 
in  him.   It  is  likely  therefore  that  he  felt  fometitnes  the  motions  of 
carnal!  luft.  But  yet  (  no  doubt )  thcfc  motions  were  well  fupprcfled 
in  him  by  the  great  arid  grievous  afflictions  and  temptations  both 
of  minde  and  body,  wherewith  he  was  in  a  manner  continually 
cxercifed  and  vexed,  as  his  Epiftles  doe  declare :  Or  if  he  at  any  time 
being  merry  andilrong,  felt  the  luft  ofthefkfh,  wrath,  impatien- 
cic  or  fuch  like :  yet  he  refitted  them  by  the  Spirit,  and  fdftrred  not 
thofc  motions  tobeafc^ife  in  him.    Therefore  let  us  in  no  wife  fuf- 
fcr  fuch  comfortable  places  (whereby  PWdefcribeth  the  battell 
of  the  flefh  againft  the  Spirit  in  his  own  body  )  to  be  corrupted 
\vitb  fcch  foolifti  glofles.   The  Scboolcmen,  the  Monkes,  and  fuch 
other,  never  felt  any  fpirituaji  tentations,  and  thejcforc  they  fought  M^ko,. 


r&  tie  £  P  i  s  T  i 

only  ior  th^repiiiiSng  anjdjDvercQmm  ing  of  flefhly  luftsand  lechery^ 
and  "being  proud  of  that  victory  which  they  never  yet  obtained,  they 
•thought  thcmfcLves;far!b«ttgrm)4  more  holy  then  married  mcn.I  will 
no^fayvfchat  under  this,<&ynge  they  nouriiheiand  maintained 
all  kinds  of  iipnibkfiiines>as  difkntion,  pride,  hatred,  difdains  and 
defpifing  of  their  neighbours,  truft  in  their  ownc  nghteoufncfT:,  prc* 
Aimptiou,  contempt  o£ail  godtinel(fc  and  of  the  word  of  God,  infide 
lity,  bhfphemy  and  fuch  like.  Againft  thefe  finncs-they  never  fought^ 
-nay  rattier  t&ey.  tqqke  t-h<5in;to  bee  no  fmnes  at  all  ;  They  put  righte« 
cufn-  {f:  :i'rhth£  Ixecpipg  of  their  £«oliili  and  wicked  vuwes  ,  and'unp 

rigntcouincffein  the  ne^  led  ing  and  contemning  of  the  fame. 

3ut  this  moft  bee  our  ground  and  ankar-hoid  ,  that  Chrift  is  ouc 
ondy  and  pet  f?(5l  rj^htcpuLit  :(&.,  I  f  we  hjve  nothing  wl>creunto  \V3 
m^  trua,  yetthcfc  thic-rhiiig$  (^s  ?'^U  iaich)  Faith,  hopj  a:id 
lovq.doqi^mainc.  Therefore  wemu^.^l«-vayt!sbcL':v-:,  andalwayes 
hope  :  vvee  muft  ahv?yes  take  hold  ofChrjrt  as  the  head  and  foun- 
tamc  ofeur  nghjteoufiieils.  He  that  bcieevcth  in  him  fhailnotbe  a- 
Hiained*  Moreover,  wcc  m^t  labour  to  be  outwardly  righteous  al- 

,.    ^°  r  c^  ^s'to>  %'  npt  to  COl^Ci  'f  to'tni;  ^e^a»  V/Wch  alwayes  ?ntifctli 
ISielfco?  us  to  ibme  eyili  :  but  to  reGO  it  py  the  Spirit.  We  muft  not  be  over- 
rfae  faahfuij.  comc  withitnpaticnce  tor  ihc  unthankful  i.  iTe  and  contempt  of  the 
people,  which  abufcth  theChnftian  Hbcrtie:  but  through  the  Spirit 
\vcmuftovercoine  th»-  and  ail  other  temptations.  Lookethcn  how, 
much  we  itrjvcagainft  the  ileili  by  the  Spirit,  fo  much.are  wee'  out-! 
wardly  righteous.  -Alocit  tUs  righteouineffe  doth  not  commend  us 
before  God. 

the  -o<3iy  *-et  no  m:in  tner^"re  defpake  if  hec  feelc  the  fleih  oftentimes  to 
he  furrc  upnew  battels  againlt  the  Spirit,  or  if  hee  cannot  by  and  by 
Wuc  the  fleQi,.  and  m^kc,  .it  obedient  unto  the  Spirit.  I  alto  dos 
wifh  cny  felfe,  to  havviamorc  valiant  and  conltanc  heart,  which 
{pare.  might  be  able,  not  ondy  boldly  to  concemne  the  thre.unings  of  :y- 
rants.the  herefies,  oCnccs  and  tumults  which  Sathan  and  his  foul- 
diers  the  cncmiesoftlK  Gofpell  (tirrc  up^:  but  alio  might  by  and  by 
{hakeoftthc  venation  and  anguiiliof  fpirlj},a;id  brieP.y  ,  might  not 
f  :are  the  (ha4pcn<r(fc  of  death,  but  receive  and  imbraccit  as  a  moft 
friendly  gucft.  But  J  finde  another  law  in  my  members,  rebelling 
agaiflft  the  law  of  aiy  miadcj&c.  Some  other  doe  wraftle  with  infe- 
nour  temptations,  as  poverty,  reproach,  impaticncy  and  fuch  like. 


7i>  tbe  'G  A  L  A  r  n  V  A  N  s.  Fol.2 6l 

Let  no  man  marrcll  therefore  to  be  dtfarayed  wh-n  he  feeleth  irr 
'his  body  this  bttellofthcfljfliagarnft  the  Spirit :  butJethin-i-pliicke 
:up  his  rfeatraivd  comfort  himfclfc  with  thcfe  words  of  F*W:  The 
fefc  iufteth  againft  the  Spirit.  Alfo  :  Theft  tire  contrary  one  to  another, 
'fo  that  ye  doe  net  thoff  things  that  yon  would.  For  by  tlufc  fori  tehees  he 

fo  refill  2nd  hinder  you,  that  ye  cannot  dotftfeofe  things  which  glad 
ly  you  would.  Here  it  fhall  be  enough,  if  ye  refill  the  fkfb  and  fulfill 
not  the  luft  thereof:  that  is  to  fay,  if  ye  follow  the  Spirit  and  not  the 
flcrti,  which  caftiy  is  overthrowne  by  itripatiency,  coveteth  to  re 
venge,  biteth,  grudgerh;  hatcth  God,  is  angry  with  him,  defpaireth, 
&c.  Therefore  when  a  man  fceleth  this  battcll  of  the  flclli,  let  hfm 
not  be  difcouraged  therewith,  but  le<  him  reflftin  Spirit,  and  fay  :  I 
am  a  (inner,  and  I  fcelc  fin  in  me ;  for  I  have  not  yet  put  oflF  the  fklh, 
in  which  fi-n-Hwellcth  fo  long  as  it  liveth.  Bat  I  will  obey  the  Spirit 
and  not  the  ficfh:that  is,I  will  by  faith  and  hope  lay  hold  upon  Chrift,  S  spim.  * 
and'b^  his  word  I:will  raifc  up  my  felf,  andbsing  lo  raifed  up,  I  will 
hoc  Fulfill  the'luft  of  the  flcfo. 

Jt  is  very  profitable  for  the  godly  to  know  this,  and  to  beareit 
'well  in  mind  :  for  it  wonderfully  comforttththcm  when  they  are 
tempted.     When  I  was  a  Monkc  I  thought  by  and  by  that  I  was 
utterly  caft  aWay,  if  at  any  time  I  felt  the  luft  ofrhcflefh:  that  is 
to  fay,  if  I  felt  any  cvill  mot  ion,  flcfhlyluft,  wrath,  hatred  or  envy 
againft  my  brother.     I  aflayfcd  many  workes  to  hdpe  to  quiet  my 
coniciencc ,  but  it  would  not  be  :  For  the  concupiiccncc  and  luft 
ofmy  flefa  didalwayes  rcturne,  fo  that  I  could  not  reft,  but  was 
continually  vexed  with  thds  thoughts  :    This  or  that  fi.vic  thou 
haft  committed  :  thou  art  infected  with  envy,  with  impaticncic, 
and  fuch  other  (inncs  :  therefore  thou  art  entred  inro  this  noly  Or 
der  in  vainc,  and  all  thy  good  works  are  unprofitable.    If  then  I 
had  rightly  undcrftooxi  thefe  icmences  of  Paul :   The  fefi>  fafteth 
contrary   to  the  Spirit,   and  the  Spirit  contrary  to   the  ftefh  : .  And, 
*Thcfe  two  are  one  againft  another ,  /*  that  yes  cannot  doe  tht  thi»gt 
'that  yee  Would  doe  ,    I    fhould   not  ti-avc  fo  milerably  tormented 
my  lelfe,  but  iliould  hive  thought  and  faid  to  my  fclfe  as  now 
commonly  I  doe  :•  c^w/w,  thou  (hale  not  utterly  be  without  • 

Chap/V.  Vpon  tie  E  p  i  s  T  L  E 

let  «fl  iwB-finne,  for  thou  haft  flefh  :  thou  (halt  therefore  fcelc  the  battcll  there- 
bled  eonfci-  Of  .  according  to  that  faying  of  Tanl:  The  flrfi  rejifleth  the  Spirit, 
''  Dzfpaire  not  therefore,  but  refill  it  ftrou^ly,  2nd  fulfill  not  the  luft 
«m  ^reof.  1  hus^oing  thou  art  not  under  the  la  iv. 
'o?  **}'«•  I  remember  that  *  Sttvpttita.  was  wont  to  fay  :  I  have  vowed  un» 
to  ^Oc*  ak°ve  a  tnou^anc^  «mes,  that  I  would  become  a  better  man  : 
but  I  never  performed  that  which  I  vowed.  Hereafter  I  will  make 

*  S.'DO  k0*1  vow  :  *or  I  nave  now-  lcarne(*  by  experience,  that  I  am  not 
able  to  pttformeit.  Uf»lefle  therefore  God  be  favourable  and  mer- 
c^u^  unto  mc  ^  Chrifts  fake,  and  grant  unto  me  a  blcfied  and  a  hap- 
py  hourc  when  I  fliall  depart  out  of  this  m-'fcrable  life,  I  (hall  not  be 

able  with  sll  my  vo  wes  and  all  my  good  deeds,  to  ftand  before  him. 
pcuu»n,C    This  was  not  only  a  true,  but  alfo  a  godly  ar>d  an  holy  defpcration  i 
and  this  muft  they  concerts  both  with  mouth  and  heart  which  will 
be  faved.    For  the  godly  trwft  not  to  their  own  righteoufnefie,but  fay 
P/k/.t4  j.i,    vv  ith  <DAvid,  Snter  not  into  judgement  with  thy  fervant,  fir  in  thy  fight 
J>yi/i3o.j,    (ball  none  thttt  liveth  be  juftified.    Againe:    If  thou  O  'Lord  fiautteft 
^UimSi  ftrat&tly  marke  iniquities,  O  LordVaho  flutfiftanei*  They  Ipokeiinto 
'loelLhcn    Chnft  their  reconciler,  who  gave  his  life  for  tbcir  (Mines.  Moijcpvcr, 
]klyfec!c    ^ey  ^now.  that  the  remnant  of  linne  which  is  in  their  flcflb','.  is  not 
laid  to  their  charge,  but  freely  pardoned.    Notwithstanding  in  the 
meane  while  they  fight  inspirit  againft  the  flefh^eft  they  fhoul3Tul- 
fill  the  lufts  thereof.  And  although  they  fcele  the  fledi  to  rage  and  re- 
bdl  againft  thcSpirit,atid  themselves  aho  to  fall  ibmetimes  into  finne 
through  infirmity,  yet  arc  they  not  difcouraged,  nor  thinkc  therefore 
that  their  ftatc  and  kind  of  life,  and  the  works  which  are  done  accor 
ding  to  their  calling,  difplealeGoj;  -but  they  raifeup  theinfdves 
by  faith. 

itieeonflia  The  faithfull  therefore  receive  great  confolation  by  this  do- 
an^attdi  c^rioe  of  Pad,  in  that  they  knowthenifelves  to  have  part  of  the 
and  thcfpi-  £«&>  an(^  Part  °f  tnc  Spirit,but  yet  fo  not  withstanding  that  the  Spi-» 
in  the  rit  ruleth,  and  the  flcfliisfubdued  and  kept  under  awe,  that  righ- 
teoufncfle  reigneth,and  finne  fervetlu  He  that  knowcth  not  this  do 
ctrine,  aodthinkcth  that  the  fai'thfull  ought  to  be  without  all  faulf, 
and  yet  feeth  the  contrary  in  himfelfc,  aiuft  nccdes  at  the  length 
be  fwallowcd  up  by  the  fpirit  of  heavineflfe,  and  fall  into  dcipera- 
tion.  But  who  fo  knoweth  this  doclrine  well  and  ufeth  it  rightly, 
,:8.  to  him  the  things  that  are  evili,  turne  unto  good.  For  when  the 


To  the  G  *  L  AT  H  i *  N  s. 

flcto  provokctl-  him  to  finne,  -by  occafion  thereof  he  is.  fh'rred  up  and 
enforced  to  feeke  forgiveneflc  of  finncs  by  Chrift  and  to  embrace  the 
righteoufneffe  of  faith,  which  elfe  he  would  not  fo  greatly  eftccmc, 
nor  fseke  for  the  fame  with  fo  great  dcfire.  Therefore  it  profiteth  u$ 
very  much  to  feele  fometimes  the  wickcdneflc  ofour  nature  and  cor 
ruption  of  our  flcQi,  that  y?t  by  this  meanes  we  may  be  waked  and 
ftirred  up  to  faith,  and  to  call  upon  Chrift.  And  by  this  pcqafion  a 
Chriftianbecommcth  a  mighty  workeman,  and  a  wonderfull  Crca- amarvel|;iu* 
tor,  which  of  hcavineffe  can  make  joy,  of  tcrrour  comfort,  of  finne  "Olkcman* 
righteoufneiTc,  and  of  death  life,  when  he  by  this  meanes  reprefllng 
and  bridling  the  fie(li,rnaketh  it  fubjed  to  the  fpirit. 

Wherefore  let  not  them  which  fcele  t.h:  Itift  of  the  flefli,defpaire  qf 
their  falvation.Let  them  feele  it  and  all  the  force  thereof,  fo  that  they 
confent  not  to  it.  Let  the  pafllons  of  luft,  wrath  and  fuch  other  vices 
fhake  thc.u,{6  that  they  do  not  overthrow  them.  Let  fin  affiile  them, 
fo  that  they  do  not  accomplifh  it.  Yea  the  more  godly  a  man  is,  the 
more  doth  he  feele  that  battell.  And  hereof  come  thofe  lamentable 
complaints  cf  the. faithfull  in  the  Pp/w^  and  in  the  whole  Scripture. 
Of  this  bettell  the  Hcrmites,the  Monks,  and  the  Schoolemen,  and  all 
that  fcek  rightcoufiKiTe  and  falvatipn  by  works,  know  nothing  at  aij. 
But  here  may  fomc  man  fay  :  that  it  is  a  dangerous  matter  to  tcaeh 
that  a  man  is  not  condemned,  if  by  and  by  he  overcome  not  the  mo 
tions  and  pafllons  of  the  flcQi  whi^h  he  fecleth.  For  when  this  do  • 
•ftrine  is  taught  among  the  commb;j 'people,  it  uiaketh  them  carc:- 
"hfle,  nc  gfigcht  and  floathfull.  This  js  i^  \vhich  I  £aid  a  little  before, 
that  if  we  teach  faith,  then  carnall  men,  neglc^  and  reject  workc's": 
'  If  works  be  required,  then  is  faith  and  cpnfolation  of  confcicnce  loft. 
Here  no  man  can  be  compelled,  neither  can  fherebcany  certains  ruje 
prcfcribed.  But  let  every  man  diligently  try  ftmfclfe  to  what  palfion 
of  the  flefh  he  is  mofl  fubj  ic>,  aiiaVbcftbc  fiiidcth  that,  let  him  not 
becarckfl-:,  nor  flatt-erhim.iclf*: :  but  let  him  watch  and  wrafUein 
fpirit  againft  it,,  that  if  lie  c'ui.iot  altogether  bridle  it,  yet  atleaftbe 
doc  not  fulfill  the  luft  thereof. 

This  batfell  of  the  fidli  againft  the  fpirit,  all  the  children  of 
God  have  had  and  felt :  And  the  felfe-famc  doj:  we  allofcelc  and 
prove.  He  that  fcarcheth  his  own  confluence,  if  ho  be  not  an  hypo 
crite,  (hall  well  perceive  that  to  be  true  in.  himfelfe  which  r*wl 
here  faith :  that  thcflsfh  lufteth  againft  the  fpirit.  All  the  fjithfull 


Chap.  V.  fyon  tfa  E  P  I  s  T  L  B 

aSi'Sc"     therefore  doefcele  andconfefl;  that  their  flcfa  rcfiftcth  againft  the 

od  «ioc     fpirit,and  that  thefs  two  are  fo  contrary  the  one  to  the  other  in  them- 

Kteuta     idves,  that  doc  what  they  can,  they  arc  not  able  to  performe  that 

of  the  flcfh    which  they  would  doc.  Therefore  the  flcfh  hindrcth  us  that  we  can- 

ag*nnthc    not  kCCpC  tne  commandecnents  of  God,  that  we  cannot  love  our 

neighbours  as  ourfvlves,  much  lefc  can  we  love  God  with  all  our 

heart:  Therefore  itisimpofllbleforus  to  become  righteous  by  the 

workes  of  che  law.I  ndeed  there  is  a  good  will  in  us,and  fo  muft  there 

be  (  for  it  is  the  fpirit  it  felfe  which  refiftcth  the  fiefh)  which  would 

gladly  doc  good,  fulfill  the  law,  love  God  and  his  neighboured  ftch 

like,  but  the"  flcfh  obcyeth  not  this  good  will,  but* rcfifteth  it :  and  yet 

God  imputeth  not  unto  us  this  (in ;  For  he  is  mercifull  to  thole  that 

beleevc,  for  Chrifts  fake. 

But  it  followeth  not  therefore  that  thou  fhouldeft  make  a  light 
TO  wh-.m  matter  of  finne,  bccaufc  God  doth  not  impute  it.  True  it  is  that  he 
cod  doth  doth  not  impute  it :  But  to  whom,  and  for  what  caufc  ?  Tofuchas 
repent  and  by  hold  by  faith  upon  Chrift  the  mercy-feat,  for  whofe 
fake,  as  all  their  finnes  are  forgiven  them  :  even  fb  the  remnants  of 
finne  which  arc  in  thcm,bc  not  imputed  unto  them.  They  make  not 
their  finne  leff:  thsn  it  is,  but  amplifie  it  and  fet  it  out  as  it  is  indeed  : 
•for  they  know  that  it  cannot  be  put  away  by  fatisfaftion,  workes 
or  righteoulncfle,  but  only  by  the  death  of  Chrift.  And  yet  not  with- 
ftanding  the  greatneflc  and  enormity  of  their  fin  dorh  not  caufe  them 
to  defpaire,but  they  aflare  themfelves  that  the  fame  (hall  not  be  impu- 
xed  unto  thcm,or  laid  unto  their  charge. 

This  I  fay,  left  any  man  fhould  thinke  that  after  faith  is  recei 
ved,  there  is  little  account  to  be  made  of  finne.  Sinne  is  truly  finne 
whether  a  man  commit  it  before  he  hath  received  the  knowledge 
of  Chrift,  or  after.  And  God  al  way  es  hatcth  finne :  yea  all  finne  is 
damnable  as  touching  the  fad  it  felfe.  But  in  that  it  is  not  damna- 
t>lc  to  him  that  beleevcth,  itcommeth  of  Chrift,  who  by  his  death 
hath  taken  away  finne.  But  to  him  that  beleevcth  not  in  Chrift,  not 
onely  all  his  finnes  are  damnable  :  but  even  his  good  workes  alfo 
e»o  arc  ^nnc'  accor^ing  to  ^at  faying  :  wkatpe-vtr  is  not  of  faith  it 
of  the  so.  fane.  Therefore  the  crrour  of  the  Schoolemcn  is  moft  pernicious, 
which  doc  diftinguifh  finnes  according  to  the  fad,  and  not  accor 
ding  to  the  perfon.  He  that  beleeveth  hath  as  great  finne  as  the  un- 
bcleever.  But  to  him  that  beleevcth,  it  is  forgiven  and  not  imputed, 


A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N 

te  the  unbckcvcr  it  is  rot  pardoned,  but  imputed.  To  the  belccvcr 
it  is  vcniall  :  to  the  unbeleever  it  is  mortall  and  damnable  :  Not  for 
any  difference  of  finncs,  orbecaufe  the  finne  of  the  belecver  is  lefle, 
and  the  finne  of  the  unbeleever  greater  :  but  for  the  difference  of  the 
perfons.  For  the  faithfull  atfureth  himfclfe  by  faith  that  his  finne  is 
forgiven  him,  fcrafnr.uch  as  Chrift  hath  given  himfelfe  for  it.  There 
fore  although  he  have  finne  in  him  and  daily  finneth,  yet  he  continu- 
eth  godly  :bat  contrariwife,thc  unbeleever  continueth  wicked.  And 
this  is  the  true  wifcdome  and  confolation  of  che  godly,  that  although 
they  have  and  commit  finnes,yct  they  know  that  rorChrifts  fake  they  do 
are.  not  imputed  unto  them.  §<*"/ 

This  I  fay  for  the  comfort  of  the  godly.    For  they  onely  fcelc  in-  Tfcc  godi» 
deed  that  they  have  and  doe  commit  finncs,  that  is  to  fay,  they  feele  °nclyB|feet'e 
that  they  doc  not  love  God  fo  fervently  as  theyQiould  uoe:  that  " 
they  doc  not  bcleevchim  fo  heartily  as  they  would,  but  rather  they 
oftentimes  doubt  whether  God  have  a  care  of  them  or  no  :  they  are 
impatient  and  arc  angry  with  God  in  adverfity.    Hereof  (  as  1  have 
faid  )  proceeds  the  forrowfull  complaints  of  the  faithfull  in  the 
Scriptures,  and  fpccially  in  the  Pfalmct.  And  Pattl  himfclfe  com-  R**>T»HP. 
plaineth  that  he  is  fold  under  finne.    And  here  he  faith,  that  the  fldh 
rcfifteth  and  rcbellcth  againft  the  fpirit.   But  becaufe  they  mortific 
the  deeds  of  the  flc(h  by  the  fpirit  (  as  he  faith  in  another  place,  and 
alfo  in  the  end  of  this  chapter  :  Thej  crucifie  theflsfh  with  the  deferes*n4 
lujls  thereof)  therefore  thcfe  finnes  doc  not  hurt  them  nor  condcmnc 
them.  But  if  they  obey  the  fkfh  in  fulfilling  the  lufts  thcreof,then  doc 
they  lofe  faith  and  the  holy  Ghoft.  And  if  they  doc  not  abhorre  tricir 
fmne,and  rcturne  unto  Chrift  (who  hath  given  power  to  his  Church, 
to  receive  and  raife  up  thofc  that  be  fallen,  that  fo  they  may  recover 
faith  and  the  holy  Ghoft  )  they  die  in  their  finnes.    Wherefore  w</ 
fpcakcnot  of  them  which  drcamc  that  they  have  faith,  and  yet  con 
tinue  ftill  in  their  finncs.   Thcfe  men  have  their  judgement  already  : 
They  that  lite  after  the  flcfh  fhall  die.   AHo  :  Tlx  vtorkes  of  the  flefo 
anifeft,  which  0e,4^lterj9fornicAtvon)Mnclcanne§ejcvantoflnc§ejdo- 
,  witchcraft,  hatred,  debate  \emuUtlons>  wrath,  contentions,  feditions,  jgai 

bcrefiestenvj,n}urthert  drunkcrMe§c,(rluttonj  tndfuchlike:  thereof  I  'tell  a»obeyihf. 
y  on  before,  as  alfo  I  have  told  you,  that  they  which  doe  fitch  things  ,/hdl  not  " 
inherit  the  kln^do^ne  efCjod. 

Hereby  we  may  lee  who  be  the  very  Saints  indeed.  They  be  not 


Chap.  V.  V'fM  tfa  E  P  i  s  T  L  E 

ftockcs and ftones  ( as  the Monkes md  Schoolemen dreatrie )  fo that 
God,         they  arc  never  moved  with  any  thing,  never  fede  any  lufts  or  dcfires 
ofthcfiefli:  but  as  Paul  faith,  their  flcfh  lufteth  againft  thefpirit, 
and  therefore  they  have  finne,  and  both  can  and  doe  finne.    And  the 
two  and  thirtieth  T  /alms  wilneffcth  that  the  faithfull  doe  confcflc 
their  unrighteoufnefle,  and  pray  that  the  wickcdneffe  of  their  finne 
may  befbrgiven,where  he  faith  :  1 'will 'confine againjl  myfelfe  my  WiV-  • 
kedneffe  unto  tie  Lord  and  thoufirgaveft  tlce  punifoment  of  my  fin.  There- 
fire  fiatt  every  one  that  i*  godly,  make  hitfrajer  unto  thee,  &c.    More 
over  the  whole  Church,which  indeed  is  holy,  praycth  that  ncrfinnes 
may  be  forgiven  hsr,and  it  belecveth  the  forgivcnefle  offmnes.   And 
in  Pfalme\m*   David  prayeth  :   0  Lord  enter  not  into  judgement 
\\ith  thyfervant,  for  in  thy  fight  fall  none  that  liveth  be  juftified.    And 
in  Pfalme  130.  Jfthou  O  Lordftouldeft  ftraitly  marke  iniquities^  Lord 
\\ho  flail  ft  arid  in  tty  prcfence  ?  But  with  thee  it  mercy,  &c.  Thus  doe  the 
chiefeft  Saints  and  ch  Idren  of  God  fpcake  and  pray  :  as  1>avidt 
Pswt&c.  All  the  faithfull  therfore  do  fpeakeand  pray  the  fame  thing, 
and  with  thd  fame  fpirit.  Thepopilli  Sophifters  reade  not  the  Scrip 
tures,  or  if  thay  readc  them,  they  have  a  vaile  before  their  eyes :  and 
therefore  as  they  cannot  judge  rightly  of  any  thing,  fo  can  they  not 
judge  rightly  either  of  finnc,or  of  holinefik. 

Verf  c  1 8 .    Jfye  he  led  fy  the  Spirit,  je  are  not  under  the  law, 

<T>Aul  cannot  forget  his  do&rine  of  faith,  but  flill  rcpeateth  it 
andbeateth  it  into  their  heads :  yea  even  when  he  trcatcth  of  good 
WorUs.  Here  feme  man  may  ob/ecl :  How  can  it  be  that  we  fliould 
not  be  under  the  law  ?  and  yet  thou  notwithftanding,  O  Paul, 
teachethus  that  we  havcflefh  which  lufteth  againft  the  fpirit,  and 
fighteth  againft  UF,  tormenteth  and  bringeth  us  into  bondage. 
And  indeed  we  feele  finne,  and  cannot  be  delivered  from  the  fee 
ling  thereof,  though  we  would  never  fo  fa  inc.  And  what  is  this 
elfe,  but  to  be  under  the  law;  But  faith  he:  Let  this  nothing  trou- 
We  you :  only  doe  your  endeavour  that  ye  may  be  led  by  the  Spinf, 
that  is  to  fay :  fliew  your  felvcs  willing  to  follow  end  obey  that  will 
which  rcfifteth  thefiefo,  and  doth  not  accomplifh  the  lufts  there 
of,  (  for  this  is  to  be  led  and  to  be  drawne  by  the  Spirit : )  then  are 
ye  not- under  the  law.  So  ?*/*/ fpeaketh  of  hioifeife,  Rom.j.  In 


roth  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s. 

I  ferve  the  lx»  tf  q*d>  that  is  to  fay  :  In  fpiritl  am  not 
fubjed  to  any  finnc  :  but  yet  in  myflcfti  I  itrvc  thelawoffinnc. 
The  faith&ll  then  arc  not  under  the  law,  that  is  to  fay,  in  fpirit: 
for  the  law  cannot  acctiic  them,  nor  pronounce  fentencecf  death 
againft  them,  although  they  feelefinne,  and  confeflo  themfclves  to 
befinners  :  for  the  power  and  ftrength  of  the  law  is  taken  from  it 
by  Chrift  :  Who  VVM  made  under  the  law,  that  he  might  redeems  therru 
Vthub  Were  under  the  Uu>.  Therefore  the  law  cannot  accufe  that  for 
fin  in  the  faithful),  which  is  fin  indeed  and  committed  againft  the 

So  great  then  is  the  power  and  dominion  of  the  fpirit,  that  the  law 
cannot  secufe  the  godly,  though  they  commit  that  which  is  finne  in 
deed.  For  Chrift  isourrigliteonfncSjwhom  we  apprehend  by  faith: he 
is  without  all  (in,and  therfore  the  law  cannot  accufc  him.  As  long  as 
we  cleave  faft  unto  him,  we  are  led  by  the  Spirit,and  are  free  from  the  [he  fpi 
law.  And  fo  the  Apoftlc,even  when  he  teachcth  good  works,  forget- 
teth  not  his  doctrine  concerning  /unification  :  butalwaycs  fhewcth 
that  it  isimpolTibleforustobejuftifiedby  works. For  the  remnants  of 
fin  cleave  faft  in  our  fk(h,arid  therfore  fo  long  as  our  fiefh  liveth,it  cea- 
fcth  not  to  loft  contrary  to  the  fpirit.  Notwithstanding  there  cometh 
no  danger  untous  thereby ,becauf«  we  be  free  from  the  law,fo  that  we 
walk  in  the  fpirit. 

And  with  thefe  words  :  If  jee  be  led  6y  the  Spirit ,  jet  art  not 
under  ths  /aw,  thou  maycft  greatly  comfort  thy  felfe  and  others  that 
be  gricvoufly  tempted.  For  it  often- times  com meth  topaffc,  that 
a  man  is  fo  vehemently  affailed  with  wrath,  hatred,  iinpatiency, 
carnall  dcfire,  terrour  and  anguifh  of  fpirit ,  or  fome  other  luft  of 
the  flelh,  that  he  cannot  fhake  them  otf,  though  he  wojld  never 
fo  faine.  What  (hould  he  doe  in  this  cafe  r  Should  he  defpaire  ?  No ,  Sj 
(Jod  forbid:  but  let  him  fay  thus  with  himfclfc  :  Thy  flc(h  fightcth  to  be  com 
and  rageth  againft  the  Spirit.  Let  it  rage  as  long  as  it  lilkth  :  one-  fgr:cd' 
ly  fee  thou  that  in  any  cafe  thou  confent  not  to  it,  to  fulfill  the  lufts 
thereof,  but  walkc  wifely  and  follow  the  leading  of  the  Spirit.  In 
lo  doing  thou  art  free  from  the  hw.  It  accofctb  and  terrifieth  thec 
(  I  grant )  but  altogether  in  vaine.  In  this  conflidl  therefore  of  the 
flcfh  againft  the  fpirit ,  there  is  nothing  better ,  then  to  have  the 
•  word  of  God  before  thine  cyes,and  therin  to  fcek  the  comfort  of  the 

M  m  And 

Chap.V.  Vfontht  EPISTLE 

And  let  not  him  which  fuffcreth  this  temptation,  bcdifmayed, 
in  that  the  devillcan  fo  aggravate  (inne,  that  during  the  conflict 
he  thinketh  himfelfe  to  be  utterly  overthrown?,  andfeelcthnothin^ 
eliebutthe  wrath  of  God  and  defperation.  Here  in  any  wife  let 
him  not  follow  his  owns  feeling  and  the  judgement  of  reafon ,  but 
let  him  take  lure  hold  of  this  laying  of  Paul  :  If  yce  be  led  by  the 
Spirit,  that  is  to  wit,  if  ye  raife  up  and  comfort  your  feives  through 
faith  in  Chrift,  yee  bs  not  under  the  law.  So  shall  he  have  a  (Iron1* 
buckler  wherewith  he  may  beat  backe  all  the  fiery  darts  which 
the  wicked  fiend  aflaileth  him  withall.  How  much  focver  then 
the  flifli  doth  boyle  and  rage,  yet  cannot  her  motions  and  rages  hurt 
andcondemnehim,  for  as  much  as  he,  following  the  guiding  of 
HOW  the  t^ie  SPiflt'  doth  not  confent  unto  the  fleili ,  nor  fulfill  the  lufts  there- 
hflsofthe  of.  Therefore  when  the  motions  of  the  fl  jth  doe  rage,  the  only  rc- 

bcflo™"rft  mec!y  is  to  ta^c  to  us  *!?e  *word  °*  tne  sP'rit  :  That  is  to  fay,  the 
c.-me.  wordof  falvation,  (which  is,  That  god  Would  not  ths  death  of  a 
finner,  but  that  he  convert  and  live  )  and  to  fight  againft  them  : 
Which  if  we  do,  let  us  not  doubt  but  we  (hall  obtain  the  victory,  al 
though  fo  long  as  the  battell  cndureth,  we  feele  the  pain  contrary.But 
fet  the  word  out  of  fight,  and  there  is  no  counfcll  nor  helpe  remai 
ning.  Of  this  that  I  fay,  J  my  felfe  have  good  experience,  I  have 
fu&red  many  great  paflions ,  and  the  fame  allo  very  vehement  and 

and 8r h*    §reat*  ^Ut  ^°  ^Oon  as  *  ^^  ^°^ °^  any  P^ce  °^  Scripture,  and  ftayed 
^'.  my  felfe  upon  it  as  upon  my  chiefe  anker-hold,ftraightwayes  my  ten- 
tations  did  vaniili  away  :  which  without  the  word  it  had  been  im- 
poflible  for  me  to  endure  any  little  fpace,  and  much  kfle  to  overcome 

1  he  fumme  or  effcd  therefore  of  all  that  which  Taut  hath  taught 
in  this  difputation  or  difcourfe  concerning  the  conflict  or  battell  be 
tween  the  fiefh  and  the  Ipirit,  is  this :  That  the  Saints  and  the  elect  of 
God  cannot  performs  that  which  the  Spirit  defirtth.  For  the  fpirit 
would  gladly  be  altogether  pure ,  but  the  fiefh  being  ;oyned  unto  the 
fpirk  will  not  farter  that.  Notwithftanding  they  be  laved  by  the  re- 
mifiion  of  fins,  which  is  in  Chrift  j£fus.Moreovcr,becaufe  they  walk 
in  the  Spirit,and  are  led  by  the  Spirit,  they  be  not  under  the  la  w  :that 
is  to  fay,  the  law  cannot  accufe  or  terrific  them  :  yca,aithongh  it  go  a- 

bout  ncvcr *° inuc^  fo  to  ^°>  yct  ^^ lt  never  be  abie  to  ^rj' vc  them  to 

Verfe  i 

To  the  G  A  L  A  t  H  i  A  N  »• 

Vcrfe  19.  Moreover  the  Work*  ofthefafibe  mdMtfift,  V?hich  «frr, 

7  his  place  is  not  unlike  to  this  fentence  of  Chrift  :  By  their  fruits  je 
foallkHOW  them.  Do  men  gather  grapes  of  thorns,  or  figs  of  brambles  ?  So  e- 
•very  good  tret  brinqet  h  firth  goodfrttit^  and  (in  ev'tll  tree  bringeth  forth  evill 
frttiifec.  P^/teacheth  the  very  fame  thing  which  Chritt  taught,tnac 
is  to  wit,that  works  and  fruits  do  fufticicntly  teftific  whether  the  trees 
be  good  or  ev  ill:  whether  men  follow  the  guiding  of  the  flefb  or  of" 
the  fpirit.  As  if  he  fhould  fay  :  left  fome  of  you  might  fay  for  himfelfe, 
that  heunderftandeth  me  not  now  when  I  treat  of  the  battell  bet  ween 
the  fleih  and  theSpirit,!  will  fet  before  your  eyes  firft  the  works  of  the 
flcfh,  wherof  many  are  known  even  to  the  ungodly  :  and  then  alfo  the 
works  of  the  Spirit. 

And  this  doth  Taut,    bccaufe  there  were  many  hypocrites  a- 
mongft  the  G^Uthimns  ,    (as  there  are  alfo  at  this  day  among  us)  minted  a 
\vhich  outwardly  pretended  to  be  godly  men,  and  boafted  much  ™2'J£(Ub 
of  the  Spirit  ,    and  as  touching  the  words  they  understood  the  true 
doctrine  of  the  Gofpell  :  but  they  walked  not  according  to  the  Spi 
rit,  but  according  to  the  flefh,  and  performed  the  works  thereof. 
Whereby  Paul  manifcftly  convinceth  them  to  be  no  fuch  holy 
men  indeed  as  they  boafted  themfelves  to  be.     And  left  they  (hould 
defpife  this  his  admonition,  hee  pronounceth   againft  them  this 
dreadfull  fentence,  that  they  fhall  not  be  inheritours  of  i  he  king- 
dome  of  heaven,  to  the  end  that  bcfng  thus  admonifhed,  they  might 
amend.    Every  age  even  in  the  faithfull,  hath  his  peculiar  temptati-  Eveiy 
ons  :  as  fleihly  lufts  aflaile  a  man  moft  of  all  in  his  youth,  in  his  o 
middle  age  ambition  and  vaine-glory,   and  in  his  old  age  cove- 
touihcfle.    There  was  never  yet  any  of  the  faithfull,  whom  the  flcdi  ons. 
hath  not  often  in  his  life  time  provoked  to  impatiency,  anger,  vain 
glory,  &c.   T^/therefbre  fpeaking  here  of  the  faithfull,  faith,  that 
the  flefh  lufteth  in  them  againft  thcSpirit,C7r.  therefore  they  fhall 
never  be  without  the  defircs  and  battels  of  the  flefh  :  notwithftan- 
ding  they  doe  not  hurt  them.    But  of  this  rmtter  we  muft  thus  judgf, 
that  it  is  one  thing  to  be  provoked  of  the  fiefh,  and  yet  not  willing 
ly  to  yeeld  tothclufts  and  delires  thereof,  but  to  walke  after  the 
leading  of  the  Spirit,  and  to  refift  the  flcfh  :  and  another  thing  to  ai- 
fent  unto  the  flclli,  and  without  all  feare  or  remorfe  to  pcrforme  and 

M  m  a 

Chap.V.  FfM  /^EPISTLE 

fulfill  the  vvorkes  thereof  and  to  continue  therein,  and  yet  notwith- 
ftanding  to  counterfeit  holinefl":  and  to  bragge  of  the  Spirit.  The 
firft  he  comfortcth  when  he  faith,  that  they  be  led  by  the  Spirit  and 
be  not  under  the  hvv.  The  other  he  threatneth  with  evcrlafting  de- 

Notwithftanding  fometimes  it  happeneth  that  the  Saints  aUb 
doe  fall  and  performe  the  lufts  of  the  fleih  :  As  David  fell  horribly 
into  adultery.  Alfo  he  was  the  caufeof  the  (laughter  of  many  men 
when  he  caufcd  to  be  flaine  in  the  fore-  front  of  the  battcll :  and 
thereby  alfo  he  gave  occafion  to  the  enemies  to  glory  and  triumph 
over  the  people  of  God,  to  worfhip  their  Idols,  and  to  bhfpheme 
the  God  of  ffracl.  Peter  alfo  fell  moft  grievoufly  and  horribly  when 
he  denied  Chrift.  But  although  thcfe  finnes  were  great  and  hainous, 
yet  were  they  not  committed  upon  any  contempt  of  God ,  or 
of  a  wilfull  and  obflinate  mind,  but  through  infirmity  and  weakneffe. 
Againe,  w hen  they  were  admonifhed,  they  did  notobftinately  con 
tinue  in  their  finnes,  but  repented.  Such  he  willeth  afterwards  in  the 
fixth  Chapter  to  be  received,  inftru&ed  and  reftored,  faying  :  If  a  man 
befallen  by  occapon  into  any  finnct  jee  Which  are  fyiritnall  re ftore fitch  an 
one  Vfith  the  jpirit  ofmeekene^e^  considering  thy  felfi  /eaft  thott  a/fi  be 
utnpted.  -To  thofe  therforc  which  {in  and  fall  through  infirmity,  par 
don  is  not  dcnicd,fo  that  they  rife  again  and  continue  not  in  their  fin: 
for  ofall  things  continuance  in  fin  is  the  worft.  But  if  they  repent  not, 
hut  dill  obftinatcly  continue  in  their  wickcdnefle,  and  performe  the 
defiresof  the  flcCh,  it  is  a  certaine  token  that  there  is  *  deceit  in  their 
tempi  of  fpirit. 

N°  man  therefore  (hall  be  without  lufts  and  defires  fo  long  as 
heliveth  in  the  fledi,  and  therefore  no  man  fnall  be  free  from  tcn- 
tations.  Notwithftanding  fome  are  tempted  one  way  and  fome 
another,  according  to  the  difference  of  the  perfons.  One  man  is  aflai- 
led  with  more  vehement  and  grievous  motions,  as  with  bitterncfle 
and  anguiQi  of  fpirit, 'blafphemy,  diftruft  and  defperation  :  Ano 
ther  with  more  grofie  temptations,  as  with  flcflily  lufts,  wrath,  en- 
vie,  covetoufnefle  and  fuch  like.  But  in  this  cafe  Paul  requireth  of 
us  that  we  walkc  in  the  fpirit  and  refill:  the  flcfli.  But  who  fo  obey- 
eththcflcrh,  and  continu^thwithout  the  fcare  of  God  or  remorfc  of 
confejcncein  accompliihing  the  defires  and  iufts  thereof  :  let  him 
know  that  he  pcrtaincth  not  unto  Civift  :  And  although  he  bra^ 


7*  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.^ 

cfthe  naSe  of  a  Chriftian  never  fo  much,  yet  doth  he  but  "deceive 
himfelfc.  For  they  which  are  of  Chrift,  doc  crucific  their  flefh  with 
the  affcdions  and  lufts  thereof. 

Who  be  rlgktlj  called  Sai*ts,<Mel be  fo  indeed. 

This  place,  (as  I  have  alfo  forewarned  you  by  the  way  )  contai- 
neth  in  it  a  (ingular  confolation  :  for  it  tcacheth  us,  that  the  Saints 
and  moft  holy  men  in  this  world  live  not  without  concupifcence  and 
temptations  of  the  &{h,nor  yet  without  fins.  It  warneth  us  therefore 
to  take  heed  that  we  doe  not  as  fomc  did,  of  whom  Cjerpn  writcth, 
which  laboured  to  attainc  to  fuch  perfection,  that  they  might  be 
without  all  feeling  of  temptations  or  finnes :  that  is  to  fay,  very 
(locks  and  ftoncs. 

The  like  imagination  the  Monkcs  and  Schoolcmen  had  of  their 
Saints,  as  though  they  had  been  very  fenfeleflc  blockes  and  without 
all  affedions.  The  virgin  (Jlfarj  felt  great  gricfe  and  forrow  of  fpirit 
when  (lie  miffed  her  fonne,  Luke  2.  David  in  the  Pfalmes  com- 
pjaineth  that  he  is  almoft  fwallowed  up  with  cxccflive  forrow  for 
the  grcatnede  of  his  temptations  and  finnes.  Pout  alfo  complaineth 
that  he  hath  battels  without,  and  terrours  within  :  and  that  in  his 
flefh  heferveth  thelawoffinne.  He  faith  that  he  iscarefull  for  all 
the  Churches :  and  that  God  (hewed  great  mercies  towards  him,  in 
that  he  delivered  EpApkroditus  being  at  the  point  of  death,  to  life  a-  ,Cw>ll  - 
gainc,  lefthcftiould  have  had  forrow  upon  forrow.  Therefore  the 
Saints  of  the  Papilis  arc  like  to  the  Stoicks,  who  imagined  fuch  wife  whom  the 
men,ns  in  all  the  world  were  never  yet  to  be  found.  And  by  this  foo- 
lifh  and  dcvillifh  perfwafion  which  proccedcth  of  the  ignorance  of 
this  doctrine  of  Ptttl,  the  Schoolemcn  brought  both  themfelvcs  and 
others  without  number,into  horrible  dcfparation. 

When  I  was  a  Monkc  I  did  oftentimes  mod  heartily  wifli, 
that  I  might  once  be  fo  happy,  as  to  fee  the  convcrlation  and  life 
of  fomc  Saint  or  holy  man.  But  in  the  mcanetimc  I  imagined 
fach  a  Saint  as  lived  in  the  wilderneflfr,  abftaining  from  meatc  and 
drinke,  and  living  only  with  rootes  of  hcrbes  nnd  cold  water :  and 
this  opinion  of  thofe  rnonftrous  Saints,  I  had  learned  not  one- 
ly  out  of  the  bookes  of  the  Sophifters  and  Schoolcmen,  but  alfo 
out  of  the  bookes  of  the  Fathers.  For  thus  writcth  Hierome  in  a 
ccrtaine  place :  As  touching  mcatcs  and  drinkcs  I  fay  nothing,  for 

Mm  as 

Chap.V.  Vfon  tfa  E  P  i  s  T  L  i 

as  much  as  it  is  cxceffc,  that  even  fuch  as  arc  weakeand  feeble  fljoulJ 
ufe  cold  water,or  eate  any  foddcn  thing,  c£r.  But  now  in  the  light  of 
the  Gofpell  we  plainly  fee  who  they  are  whom  Chrift  and  his  Apo- 
fUcs  call  Saints :  Not  they  which  live  a  fole  and  a  fingle  life,or  ftrait- 
ty  obfcrve  days,meates,apparell,and  fuch  other  things,  or  in  outward 
can  saints*  appearance,do  other  great  &  monftrous  works,(as  we  reade  of  many 
in  the  lives  of  the  Fathers:)but  they  which  being  called  by  the  found 
of  theGofpell  and  baptized,do  belceve  that  they  be  j uftificd  and  ciean- 
icd  by  the  death  of  Chrift.  So  <7Wevery  where  writing  to  the  Chri- 
who  be  ftianSjCalleth  them  holy ,the  children  and  heircsof  God,o^.whofoc- 
ttHc°saints.  ver  then  do  belecvc  in  Chrift,  whether  they  bs  men  or  women,  bond 
or  freeware  all  Saints:  not  by  their  owne  works,  but  by  the  works  of 
God,  which  they  receive  by  faith :  as  his  Word,  the  Sacra mentsjths- 
pafiion  of  Chrift,  his  death,  refurreclion,  vidory,  the  fending  of  the 
holy  Ghoft.  To  conclude,  they  are  Saints  through  fuch  a  holineffe  as 
they  freely  receive,  not  through  fuch  aholincfTe  as  they  themfelves 
have  gotten  by  their  own  induftry,good  works  and  merits. 

So  the  Miniftersof  the  word,  the  Magistrates  of  com  mon-wcales, 
parentSjchildren,  mafters,fervants3d-c.  are  true  Saints,  if  firft  and  be- 
iore  all  things  they  aflurc  themfelves  that  Chrift  is  their  wifedome, 
righteoufnes,fan&irlcation  and  redemption:Sccond!y,if  every  one  do 
bis  duty  in  his  vocation  according  to  the  rule  of  Gods  word,and  obey 
not  the  flefh,  but  reprefle  the  lufts  and  defires  thereof  by  the  fpirit. 
Now,  whereas  all  be  not  oflikcftrcngth  torcfift  temptations,  but 
many  infirmities  and  cffcnces  are  feene  in  the  moft  part  of  men :  this 
nothing  hindreth  their  holmeffc,  fo  that  their  fins  proceed  not  of  an 
obftinate  wilfulnefle,but  only  of  frailty  and  infirmity.  For  (as  I  have 
iaid  before  )  the  godly  do  feele  the  defires  and  lufts  of  the  fkfli,  but 
they  refift  them,  to  the  end  that  they  accomplifli  them  not.  Alfo  if 
they  at  any  timeunsdvifedly  fail  into  fin,  yet  notwithftanding  they 
ebtaine  forgivenelfc  thereof,  if  by  faith  in  Chrift  they  beraifedury 
againc :  who  would  not-that  we  (hould  drive  away,  but  feck  out  and 
bring  home  the  graying  and  loft  lliccpe,^.  Therefore  God  forbid 
that  1  fhould  ftraightway  judge  thole  which  are  weake  in  faith  and 
manners,  to  be  prophane  or  unholy,  if  I  fee  that  they  love  and  reve 
rence  the  word  of  God,  come  to  the  Supper  of  the  Lord  &c.  For 
thcfcGod  hath  received,  and  counteth  them  righteous  through  the 
rcoiifllon  of  fins :  to  him  they  ftand  or  fall,^. 


TO  tit  GA  L  A  TH  I  AN  8.  Fol.2£g 

Wherefore  with  great  re  joycing  I  give  thanks  to  God,  for  that  he 
hath  abundantly  and  above  mcafure  granted  that  unto  me, which  I  fo 
earneftly  defiredcf  him  when  I  was  aMonke:  For  he  hath  given 
unto  me  the  grace  to  fee,  not  one  but  many  Saints,  yea  an  infinite 
number  of  the  true  Saints :  not  fuch  as  the  Sophiftcrs  have  devifed, 
but  fuch  as  Chrift  himfeife  and  his  Apoftles  doedefcribe.  Of  the 
which  number  I  ?{fare  my  feife  to  be  one.  For  I  am  baptized,  and  I 
doebeleeve  that  Chrift  is  my  Lord,  by  his  death  hath  redeemed  and 
delivered  me  from  all  my  finnes,  and  hath  given  to  me  etcrnall  righ- 
teoufnefle  and  holineflc.  And  let  him  bs  holden  accurfcd,  whofoevcc 
ftiall  not  give  this  honour  unto  Chrift,  tobcleevc  that  by  his  death, 
his  wordjGV.  he  is  juftiHed  and  fandificd. 

Wherefore  rejecting  this  foolifh  and  wicked  opinion  concer 
ning  the  name  of  Saints  (which  in  the  time  of  Popery  and  igno 
rance  we  thought  to  pertainc  onely  to  the  Saints  which  are  in 
Heaven,  and  in  carrh  to  the  Heremites  arid  Monkes  which  did  ccr- 
taine  great  and  (Irange  workes  :  )  let  us  now  learne  by  the  holy 
Scripture,  that  all  they  which  faithfully  beleevein  Chrift  are  Saints. 
The  world  hath  in  great  admiration  the  holinefle  of  #«*«//#,  (jrc-  Aiitf*fai*« 
gory,  Bernard,  Frwcis  and  fuch  like,  becaufe  it  hcanth  that  they 
have  done,  in  outward  appearance  and  in  the  judgement  of  the 
world,  certaine  great  and  excellent  workes.  Doubtleflfe  Hitltrie, 
Cyrill,  ^thanafwj,  tsfmbrofe,  i/fuguftine  and  others  were  Saints 
allb,  which  lived  not  fo  ftrait  and  fcvcrc  a  lire  as  they  did,  but  were 
converfant  amongft  men,  and  did  eate  common  meates,  drinke 
wine,  and  ufed  cleanly  and  comdy  apparell,  fo  that  in  a  manner  there 
was  no  difference  between  them  and  other  honcftmen  as  touching 
the  common  cuftome,  and  the  ufe  of  things  ncceflary  for  this  life; 
and  yet  were  they  to  be  preferred  farre  above  the  other.  Thefe  men 
taught  the  dodrineand  faith  of  Chrift  (incerely  and  purely,  with- 
tout  any  fupcrftition :  they  rcfifted  hcretickes,  they  purged  the 
Church  from  innumerable  errours  :  their  company  and  familiari- 
tie  was  comfortable  to  many,  and  cfpecially  to  thofe  which  were 
aifiided  and  heavy  hearted,  whom  they  raifedup  and  comforted  by 
the  word  of  God.  For  they  did  not  withdraw  themfelvcs  from  the 
company  of  men,  but  they  executed  their  offices  even  where  mod 
refort  of  people  was.  Contrari  wife,  the  other  not  onely  taught  ma 
ny  things  contrary  to  the  faith ,  but  alfo  were  themfelvcs  the 

M  m  4  authours 

Chap.V.  r$on  the  E  ?  i  s  T  L  E 

authours  and  firft  invcntoursof  many  fuperftitions,  crrours,  abhomi- 
nabk  ceremonies  and  wicked  worfhippings.Thercforc  except  at  the 
hourc  of  death  they  laid  hold  of  Chrift,  and  repofed  their  whole  ttuft 
in  his  death  and  vitftory,  their  ftrait  and  painfull  life  availed  them  no 
thing  at  all. 

A  holy  life  Thefe  things  do  fufficiently  declare  who  be  the  true  Saints  indeed, 
and  which  is  to  be  called  a  holy  Hfe:Not  the  life  of  thofe  which  Itirkc 
in  caves  and  dens,  which  make  their  bodies  leanc  with  fafting,which 
weare  haire,  and  do  other  like  things  with  this  perfwafion  and  truft, 
that  they  {hall  have  fomefingularreward  in  Heaven  abDve  all  other 
Chriftians :  but  of  thole  which  be  baptized  and  bcleevc  in  Chrift, 
which  put  ofFthe  old  man  wr  h  his  works,but  not  at  once  :  For  con- 
cupifcence  and  luft  remaineth  in  them  fo  long  as  they  live :  the  fee 
ling  whereof  doth  hurt  them  nothing  at  all,  if  they  fufter  it  not  to 
reigne  in  thcm,but  fubdue  it  to  thefpirit. 

This  doclrine  bringeth  great  confolation  to  godly  minds,  that 
•when  they  fcelc  thefe  darts  of  the  flefli,  wherewith  Satan  aflaileth 
the  fpirit,  they  fhould  not  defpaire :  as  it  hapneth  to  many  in  the  Pa 
pacy,  which  thought  that  they  ought  to  fcele  no  concupifcence  of  the 
fleQi,  whereas  notwithftanding  H'Krome)Gre£ery,'Bcneditt)Ber>iard, 
and  others  (  whom  the  Monks  fet  before  tnem,  as  a  perfect  example 
cfchaftity  and  of  all  Chriftian  venues)  could  never  come  fo  farrc  as 
to  feelc  no  concupifcence  or  luft  of  the  flefh.  Yea  they  felt  it  and  that 
very  ftrongly.  Which  thing  they  acknowledge  and  plainly  confcflc 
in  divers  places  of  their  books. 

Therefore  we  rightly  confcfle  in  the  articles  of  our  beleefe,  that 

ibfieev*     we  bcleeve  there  is  an  holy  Church.    For  it  is  invifible.  dwcllingin 

that  there       -...          .  ,  *  .  itfiii.° 

is  a  holy      Ipirit  in  a  place  that  none  can  attaine  unto,snd  thcrerore  her  hohnefle 
chorch       can  not  be  fccne .  por  QCCJ  jotn  f0  ^jjg  her  and  cover  her  with  infir- 

mities,with  finnes,with  errours,  with  divers  formes  of  thecrofle  and 
cfF-nccs,  that  according  to  the  judgement  of  reafon  it  is  no  where  to 
be  fcene.  They  that  arc  ignorant  of  this,  when  they  fee  the  infirmites 
and  finnes  cf  thofe  which  arc  baptized,  which  have  the  wcrd  and  be- 
Iccvc  it :  are  by  and  by  ofrjnded,  and  judge  them  not  topcrtaincto 
thcChurch.  And  in  the  meanc  while  they  drcame  that  the  Hercniites, 
the  Monks  and  fuch  other  fhavelings  are  the  Church  :  which  honour 
God  with  their  lips,  and  worfliiphiminvaine,  becaufe  they  follow 
Got  the  word  of  <ood,but  the  doftrines  and  commandcments  of  men, 


A  L  AT  HIAN  S. 

ar.d  teach  others  to  do  the  fame.  And  becaufc  they  do  certainc  fuper- 
fUtious  and  monftrous  works,  which  carnall  rcafon  magnificth  and 
highly  cfteemcth :  therefore  they  judge  them  only  to  be  Saints  and  to 
be  the  Church :  And  in  fo  doing  they  change  and  turnc  this  article  of 
the  Faith  cleanc  contrary  :  /  belcvvc  that  there  u  a  holy  CJaurck,&c.  i  do  not  fee 
arid  in  the  (lead  of  this  word  £  /  helecve  ]  they  put  in  Q  //?*.]  Thcfe  but  !  be> 
kinds  of  righteoufnefle  and  holineflc  of  mans  own  devifmg,  are  no-  H^'crineai 
thing  cite  but  fpirituall  forcerics  wherewith  the  eyes  andmindsof holinefrc' 
men  are  blinded,and  led  from  the  knowledge  of  true  holineifc. 

But  thus  teach  we,  that  the  Church  hath  no  fpot  nor  wrinkle,  but  J^f  huKh 
is  holy , and  yet  through  faith  only  in  Cbrift  Jefus :  againe,  that  fbe  is  ' 
holy  in  life  and  convcrfation  by  abftaining  From  the  lufts  of  the  flefh, 
and  epr»cifc  of  fpirituall  works :  but  yet  not  infuch  fort  that  flic  is 
delivered  from  all  evill  defires,  or  purged  from  all  wicked  opinions 
and  crrours.  For  the  Church  alwaysconfefleth  her  fins,  and  praycth 
that  her  faults  may  be  pardoned.  Alfo  fhebelccveth  the  forgivenefle  of  the  church 
fins.  The  Saints  therefore  doe  fin3fall,and  alfoerre :  but  yet  through  K^J* 
ignorance.    For  they  would  not  willingly  deny  Chrift,  forfake  the  m*7  be  fo«. 
Gofpell,<^r.therefore  they  have  remiilionof  fins-  And  if  through  ig-  e  ven>- 
norance  they  errc  alfo  in  doclrine,y  et  is  this  pardoned  :  for  in  the  end 
they  acknowledge  their  errour,  and  reft  only  upon  the  truth;  and  the 
grace  of  God  offered  in  Chrift,as  Hierome,gregcry,BernArdzn&  others 
did.   Let  Chriftians  then  endeavour  to  avoid  the  works  of  the  fleih  : 
but  the  defires  or  lufts  of  the  flefh  they  cannot  avoid. 

It  is  very  profitable  therefore  for  them  to  feele  the  unclcane  TO  fceie  «h« 
lufts  or'  the  fledi,  left  they  fliould  be  puffid  up  with  fomc  vaineand  "n 
wicked  opinion  of  the  rightcoufneffc  of  their  owne  workes,  as  f/ 
though  they  were  accepted  before  God  for  the  fame.   The  Monkcs 
being  puff.-d  up  with  this  opinion  of  their  owne  righteoufneifc, 
thought  theinfelves  to  be  foholy,  that  they  fold  their  rightronf- 
ncfle  and  holinefls  to  others,  although  they  were  convinced  by  the 
teftnnonies  of  their  owne  hearts,  that  they  were  unclcane.   So  per 
nicious  and  pcftilcnt  a  poyfon  it  is  for  a  man  to  truft  in  his  owne 
righteoufncffe,  and  tothinke  himfelfe  to  be  clcane.    But  the  godly, 
becaufe  they  feele  thcunclcannefle  of  their  own  hearts,  therefore 
they  cannot  truft  to  their  own  righteoufneff:.   This  feeling  fo  ma- 
kcth  them  to  Qoope,  and  fo  humbleththcm,  that  they  cannot  truft 
to  their  own  good  workes,  but  arc  conftrained  tp  flic  unto  Chrift 


Chap.  V.  fyon  /^EPISTLE 

their  Mercy -featc  and  only  fuccour  -.  who  hath  not  a  corrupt  and  fin- 
full,  but  a  moft  pure  and  holy  fie(h,  which  he  hath  given  for  the  life 
of  the  world  :  in  him  they  "find  a  found  and  perfecl:  righteoufnefle. 
Thus  they  continue  in  humility:  not  counterfeit  andmonkifh,  but 
true  and  unfained,  bccaufc  oftheuncleannefle  which  yet  remaincth 
in  their  flcftv:  for  the  which  if  God  would  ftraitly  judge  thcm,they 
(hoald  be  found  guilty  of  eternall  death.   But  becaufe  they  lift  not  up 
themfelves  proudly  againftGod,  but  with  a  broken  and  a  contrite 
heart  humbly  acknowledging  their  finnes,  and  retting  wholly  upon 
the  benefit  of  the  Mcdiatour  Chrift,  they  come  forth  into  the  pre- 
fence  of  God,  and  pray  that  for  his  fake  their  finnes  may  be  forgiven 
them  :  God  fpreadeth  over  them  an  infinite  heaven  ofgrace,and  doth 
not  impute  unto  them  their  fins  for  Chrifts  fake. 

This  I  fay  to  the  end  that  we  may  takcheede  of  the  pernicious 
crrcurs  of  the  Papifts  touching  the  holinefT:  of  life,  wherein  our 
minds  were  fo  wrapped,  that  without  great  difficulty  we  could 
not  winde  our  fclves  out  of  them.    Wherefore  doe  you  endeavour 
with  diligence,  that  ye  may  difccrne  and  rightly  judge  bet  weene 
true  righteoufncs  and  holinefT^and  that  which  is  hypocriticall :  then 
frail  ye  behold  thckingdome  of  Chrift  with  other  eyes  thencarnall 
reaion  doth,  that  is  with  fpirituall  eyes,  and  certainely  judge  thofs 
to  be  true   Saints  indeede  which  are  baptized  and  belecve  in 
Chrift,  and  afterwards  in  the  fame  faith  whereby  they  are  jufti- 
fied  and  their  finnes  both  paft  and  prefent  are  forgiven,  doe  ab- 
ftainefrom  thedefires  ot  theflefh.    But  from  thefe  defi'-es  they  are 
not  throughly  cleanfed  :  for  the  flcfh  luftcth  againft  the  fpirit.  Not- 
withftanding  thefe  uncleane  and  rebellious  Tufts  doe  ttill  remaine 
in  them,  to  this  end  that  they  may  be  humbled,  and  being  fo  hum 
bled,  they  may  fcele  the  fwcetneffc  of  the  grace,  and  benefit  of 
-  Chrift.   So  thefe  remnants  of  uncleane  lufts  and  finnes  doe  no 
thing  at  all  hinder,  but  greatly  further  the  godly :  for  the  more  they 
feele  their  infirmities  and  finnes,  fo  much  the  more  they  flie  unto 
,  £nnft  tne  tnr9ne  ^>f  grace,  and  more  heartily  crave  his  ayde  and 
fuccour :  to  wit,  that  he  will  cover  them  with  his  righteoufnefle, 
that  he  will  increafe  their  faith,  that  he  will  endue  them  with  his 
holy  Spirit,  by  whofc  gracious  leading  and  guiding  they  may 
overcome  the  lufts  of  the  fiefli,  that  they  rule  and  reignenot  over 
xhcm,  but  may  be  fubjed  unto  them.   Thus  true  Chriftians  doe  con* 


Totbe  G  A  i ^  A  T  H  i  A  N  s.' 

tinually  wraftle  with  fin,  andyetnotwithftandinginwraftlingthcy 
arc  not  overcome,but  obtainc  the  victory. 

This  have  Kaid,  that  ye  may  undcrftand,  not  by  mens  dreames, 
but  by  the  word  of  God,whoJ>e  true  Saints  indeed  .We  fee  then  how* 
greatly  Chriftian  dodrinc  hdpeth  to  the  raifingup  and  comforting  S'L. 
of  weake  confciences :  which  treateth  not  of  coules,  (havings,  (hea-  lcth  UP  *nd 
rings,  fraternities  and  fuch  like  toyes,  but  of  high  and  weighty  mat-  "cTk^j 
ters,  as  how  we  may  overcome  the  flcfh,  finnc,  death  and  the  devill.  troub!c<1 
1  his  doctrine  as  it  is  unknown  to  all  Justiciaries  and  fuch  as  truft  to  coofdeaecs* 
their  own  works,foit  is  impoflible  for  them  to  inftruft  or  bring  into 
the  right  way  one  poorc  confciencc  wandring  and  goinc;  aftray  :  or 
to  pacific  and  comfort  the  fame  when  it  is  in  heavineflc,  tcrrouror 

V erfc  1 9.   The  worfy  oftheflcfi  are  ntanifeft ftbich  are  adttltcry  ,firnicA~ 

TWdoth  not  recite  all  the  works  of  the  flzfli,  but  ufeth  a  certainc 
number  for  a  number  unccrtaine,  Eirft  he  rcckoncth  up  the  kinds  of 
lufts,as  adultery  ,fornication,uncleanneflc,  wantonncfle.  &c.  Now,not 
only  carnall  luft  is  a  work  of  the  flefh,  as  the  Papifts  dreamed,  who 
called  marriage  alfo  a  work  of  the  flefh,  (  fo  chaft  and  holy  are  thefe 
men)  whcrofGod  himfelfis  the  authour,  which  alfo  they  thcmfelvcs 
reckoned  among  their  Sacraments:  but  he  numbreth  alfo  amongft  the 
works  of  the  flc(h  (as  I  have  faid  before)  idolatry,  witchcrafhhatred,. 
and  fuch  other,  which  hereafter  follow.  Wherefore  this  place  alone  . 
doth  fuffictently  Qiew  what  TWmeaneth  by  thefleOi.  Thefc  words  *£££+ 
are  fo  well  known  that  they  need  no  interpretation. 

All  the  higheft  religions,  the  holineffe  and  moft  fervent  dcro- 
tions  of  thofe  which  doe  reject  Chrift  the  Mediatour,  and  worfhip 
God  without  his  word  and  commandement,  are  nothing  clfe  but 
plaice  idolatry.  As  in  Popery  it  was  counted  a  moft  holy  and  fpiritu- 
all  acl,whcn  the  Monks  being  (hut  up  in  their  fciks  did  mufc  and  me 
ditate  ot  God  or  of  his  workcs,  and  when  they  being  inflamed  with 
moft  carneft  dcvotions,kneclcd  downe,  prayed,  and  were  fo  ravifhed 
with  the  contemplation  of  heavenly  things,  that  they  wept  for  joy. 


Chap.  V.  ffo»  the  E  *  l  s  t  i  E 

There  was  no  thinking  ofworoen  or  of  any  other  creature,  but  oncly 
of  God  the  creator,  and  of  his  wonderfull  workcs :  and  yet  this 
moft  fpirituall  worke  (  as  reafon  eftecmeth  it )  is  according  to  PMtl, 
a  workc  of  theflcfh  and  plaine  idolatry.  Wherefore  all  fuch  religi« 
on  whcrcby  God  is  worftiippcd  without  his  word  andcommandc- 
ment  is  idolatry.  And  the  more  holy  and  fpirituall  it  feemeth  to  be 
in  outward  (hew,  fo  much  the  more  dangerous  and  pernicious  it  is. 
For  it  turneth  men  away  from  faith  in  Chrift,  and  cauieth  them  to 
truft  to  their  own  ftrengtfi,  works  and  righteoufncflfc.And  fuch  is  the 
religion  of  the  Anabaptifts  at  this  day  :  albeit  they  daily  more  and 
more  bewray  themfelves  to  be  poflefftd  with  the  devill,  and  to  be  fe  * 
dilious  and  bloudy  men. 

Therefore  the  fafting,  the  wearing  of  hairc,  holy  workcs,  ftrait 
^-u^e»  an(*  whole  life  of  the  Carthufians,  or  Charter-houfe.  Monkcs, 
whofc  order  notwithstanding  is  of  all  other  the  ftraiteft  and  fharpcft, 
be  very  workes  of  the  flefh,  yea  plaine  idolatry.   For  they  imagine 
themfelves  to  be  Saints,  'and  to  bt  faved,  not  by  Chrift  (  whom  they 
feare  as  a  fevere  and  crudl  judge)  but  by  obferving  of  their  Rules  and 
orders.   Indeed  they  think  of  God,  of  Chrift  and  of  heavenly  things, 
but  after  their  own  reafon,  and  not  after  the  word  of  God :  to  wit, 
that  their  apparcll,  their  manner  of  living,  and  their  whole  conrcrfa- 
tion  is  holy  and  plcafeth  Chrift :  whom  not  only  they  hope  to  paci- 
fie  by  this  ftraitneflsof  life,  but  alfo  to  be  rewarded  of  him  for  their 
good  deeds  and  righteoufnes.  Therfore  their  moft  fpirituall  thoughts 
(as  they  dreameof  them  )  are  not  oncly  moft  fleflily,  but  alfo  moft 
wicked :  for  they  would  wipe  away  their  {ins,and  obtainc  grace  and 
He  fate     kfe  cverlaftingjby  the  truft  and  affiance  they  have  in  their  own  righ- 
and  true      tcoufncfTvjejccling  and  dcfpifing  the  word,faith  and  Chrift.  All  the 
"in^iF     worfliippings  and  fcrvices  of  God  therefore,  and  all  religions  with- 
Go5.°       out  Chrift  are  idolatry  and  idoll-fervice.In  Chrift  alone  the  Father  is 
well  pleafed :  who  fo  heareth  him  and  doth  that  which  he  hath  com-* 
manded,  the  fame  is  beloved  becaufe  of  the  Beloved.    Ke  comman. 
dcth  us  to  beleeve  his  word  and  to  be  baptized,^,  and  not  to  dcvilc 
any  new  worfhipping  or  fervicc  of  God. 

I  have  faid  before  that  the  workcs  of  the  flcfli  be  manifeft :  as 
adultery,  fornication,  and  fuch  like,  be  manifeftly  knowne  to  all 
men-  But  ^olatry  natn  ^ucn  a  goodly  fhew  and  is  fo  ipirituall,  that 
it  is  kuowne  but  to  very  few,  that  is  tothefaithfull,  to  be  a  worke 


To  tie  G  A  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s^ 

of  the  fkfh.  For  the  Monke  when  he  liveth  chaftly/aftcth,  praycth  or 
faith  Mafle,isfo  far  from  thinking  himfelf  to  be  an  Idolater,  or  that  he 
fulfilleth  any  work  of  the  flefb,that  he  is  aflurecily  peri  waded  that  he  is 
led  and  governed  by  the  Spirit,  that  he  walketh  according  to  the  Spi- 
rit,that  he  thinketh,fpeaketh  and  doth  nothing  clfebut  mecr  fpirttual 
things,  and  that  he  doth  fuch  fervice  unto  God  as  is  molt  acceptable 
unto  him.No  man  can  at  this  day  perfwade  thePapifts  that  theiiMafle 
is  a  great  blafphcrny  againft  God  and  idolatry ,yea  and  that  fo  horrible  dol«ry 
as  never  was  any  in  the  Church  (ince  the  Apoftlcs  time.    For  they  are  ^IS^ 
blind  and  obftinatc,and  therfore  they  judge  fo  perverfly  of  God  and  of  c™«« 
Gods  mattcrs.thinking  idolatry  to  be  the  true  fervice  ofGod,and  con- 
trariwifefaithtobc  idolatry.    But  we  which  believe  in  Chriftand 
know  his  mind,  are  able  to  judge  and  todifcern  all  things.and  cannot 
truly  and  before  God  be  judged  of  any  man. 

Hereby  it  is  plaine  that  Taul  calleth  flefh  whatfocver  is  in 
man ,  comprehending  $11  the  three  powers  of  the  foul,  that  is,  the 
will  that  lufteth,  the  will  that  is  inclined  co  anger,  and  the  under- 
ftanding.   The  workes  of  the  will  that  lufteth,  areadultery,  forni- 
nication,uncleanenefte  and  fuch  like.    The  works  of  the  will  inclined 
to  wrath,  ars  quarrcllings,  contentions,  murder,  and  fuch  other.  The 
\vorkcsofundcrftandingor  reafon,  are  errours,  falfc  religions ,  fu- 
perftitions,  idolatry,  herefies  :  That  is  to  fay,  lefts  and  fuch  like.  It 
is  very  necetfary  for  us  to  know  thcfc  things  :  fortjjis  word  \_Fkfi] 
isfodarkned  in  the  whole  kingdome  of  the  Pope,  that  they  have  ofthc  flcfh 
taken  the  worke  of  the  fkfh  to  be  nothing  elfc  but  the  accomplish-  J'^ 
ing  of  the  flsfhly  luft  or  theadloflcachery  :  Therefore  it  was  not  them, 
poflible  for  them  to  underftand  ¥*»(.    But  here  we  may  phinely 
fee  that  Paul  reckoneth  idolatry  and  hcrefic  atnongft  the  works 
ofthefleft,  which  two  (as before  we  have  faid  )  reafon  efteemeth 
to  be  molt  high  and  excellent  vertues,  wifdotne,  religion,  holi- 
ncfTe  and  righteoufncflfe.    Paul,  fibf.  j.  calleth  it  the  religion  of 
Angels.    But  although  it  fecme  to  be  never  fo  holy  and  fpirituall, 
yet  it  is  nothing  clfe  but  a  workcoftheflefh,  an  abomination  and 
idolatry  againfl  the  Gofpcll,  againft  faith  ,   and   againft  the  true 
fervice  of  God.    This  doe  the  fhithfull  fee,    for  they  havefpiritu-  lcnt 
all  eyes  :  but  the  Judiciaries  judge  tlu  contrary   :    For  a  Monkc 
cannot  be  perfwaded  that  his  vowes  be  workes  of  the  £lcl"h.    So 
the  Turkc  bclccveth  nothing  kflc  then  that  his  t4tcor*»,  his  wa- 


Chap.  V. 

things  and  other  ceremonies  which  he  obfervethi  be  workes  of  the 


Of  witchcraft  I  have  fpoken  before  in  the  3  .Chapter.This  vice  was 
very  common  in  thefc  our  dayes  before  the  light  and  truth  of  the  Gof- 
pell  was  revealed.  When  I  was  a  child  there  were  many  witches  and 
Forccrers  which  bewitched  both  cattel  &men,  but  fpccially  children, 
and  did  grc?t  harm  alfo  other  wife.  But  now  in  the  light  of  the  Gofpel 
thefe  thing* be  not  fo  commonly  heard  of,for  the  Gofpel  thrufteth  the 
dcvill  out  of  his  feat  with  all  his  iilufions.But  now  he  bewitcheth  men 
much  more  horribly,  namely  with  fpirituallforcery  and  witchcraft. 
Wichciaft.  Paul  reckoneth  witchcraft  among  the  works  of  the  flerh,  which 
notwithftanding,  as  all  men  know,  is  not  a  worke  of  flefoly  luft  or  le- 
chery,  but  a  kind  of  idolatry.  For  witchcraft  covemnteth  with  the 
devill :  fuperftition  or  idolatry  covcnanteth  with  God,albcit  not  with 
the  true  God,but  with  a  counterfeit  god.  Wherfcre  idolatry  is  indeed 
a  fpirituall  witchcraft.  For  as  witches  do  inchant  cattell  and  men :  fb 
of  I"?™"*  idolaters,  that  is  to  fay,  all  Justiciaries  or  juftiricrs  of  themfelves,go  a- 
iciv«.  bout  to  bewitch  God,  and  to  make  him  fuch  an  one  as  they  doc  ima 
gine.  Now,  they  imagine  him  to  be  fuch  an  one  as  will  juftifie  them, 
not  ot  his  meerc  grace  and  mercy,  and  through  faith  in  Chriit,  but  in 
refpeft  of  their  wii-wordiipping  and  workes  of  their  own  chcofing, 
and  in  recompence  tlierof  will  give  them  rightecufncffe  and  life  cvcr- 
lafting.  But  whiles  they  goe  about  to  be  witch  God,  they  bewitch 
themfelves.  For  if  they  continue  in  this  wicked  opinion  which  they 
conceive  of  God,  they  fhall  die  in  their  idolatry  and  be  damned.  The 
works  of  the  flcih  are  well  known  for  the  moft  part,thcrforethey  (hall 
not  need  any  further  declaration. 


By  the  name  of  Seels  Paul  mcaneth  here,  not  thofe  divifions  or 
contentions  which  rife  fometimcs  in  the  governcment  of  houdiolds 
or  of  common-weaks  for  worldly  and  earthly  matters  ;  but  thoib 
which  rife  in  the  Church  about  doclrine,  faith  and  works.  Hcrc- 
fies,  that  is  to  fay,  Seels,  have  alwayes  been  in  the  Church,  as  we 
have  faid  before  in  divers  places.  Notwithftanding  the  Pope  is 


TO  tJ)f   G  A  L  A  T   H  I  A  N    S^ 

an  arch-hcretick,  and  the  head  of  all  hcrcticks,  forTichath  filled 
world,as  it  were  with  an  huge  floud  of  infinite  lefts  and  crrours.  What  rat"  hc* 
concord  and  unity  was  there  in  fo  great  diverfity  of  the  Monks  and  o-  " 
ther  religious  orders  ?  No  one  fort  or  fed  of  them  could  agree  with  an 
other :  fur  they  meafured  their  holines  by  the  ftraitnes  of  their  orders. 
Hereof  it  comcth  that  thzCartbufian  vvill  needs  be  counted  holier  then 
the  Francifc(Msyzn&  fo  likewife  the  reft.  Wherfore  there  is  no  unity  of 
thefpirit,  nor  concord  of  minds,  but  great difcord  in  the  Papifticall 
Church.There  is  no  conformity  in  their  doctrins/aitrueligtoa  or  fer- 
ving  of  God,but  all  things  are  clean  contrary.  Contrariwife,  amongft 
heart3foul,mind  and  underftanding.are  all  one  and  common  to  all :  and 
as  Touching  outward  converfation,  the  diverfity  of  ftates,  degrees  and 
conditions  of  life,  hindcreth  the  fpirirudl  concord  and  unity  nothing 
at  all, as  before  I  havefaid,  And  they  which  have  this  unity  of  the  fpi- 
rit,can  certainly  judge  of  all  feds,  which  other  wife  no  man  undcrftan- 
dcth :  as  indeed  no  Divine  in  the  Papacy  undcrftood,that  Taul  in  rhis 
place  condemneth  all  the  wordiippings/eligions,  contincncy,  honeft 
converfation  and  holy  life  in  outward  appcarance,of  all  thcPapifts,Sc- 
clarics  and  Schifmaticks :  but  they  all  thought  that  he  (peaketh  of  the 
grofic  idolatry  and  herefies  of  the  Cjcntilts  and  Turk*,  which  manifeftly 
blafphcme  the  name  of  Chnft. 

Drunl'enMeJJe,  Gluttony. 

Paul  doth  not  fay,  that  to  eatanddrinke  be  works  of  the  fL-fli, 
but  to  be  drunken  and  to  furfeit,  which  of  all  other  vices  are  moft 
common  at  this  day.  Who  fo  are  given  to  this  beaftly  difiblute- 
neffe  and  exctflfe,  let  them  know  that  they  arc  not  fpirituall,  how- 
much  fbever  they  boaft  themfrlves  ib  to  be,  but  they  follow  the 
fkfh  and  perform c  the  filthy  works  thereof!  Therefore  is  this  hor 
rible  fentcnce  pronounced  againft  them,  that  they  fhall  not  bcin- 
heritours  of  the  kingdomc  of  God.  'Pattl  would  therefore  that  Chri- 
ftians  (houJd  flic  drunkennes  and  forfeiting,  living  foberly  and  mode- 
ratcly  without  all  excefle,  Icaft  by  pampering  the  flefh  they  (hc-uld  be 
provoked  to  wantonncff-  :  As  indeed  aft^r  futfciting  and  belly 
j£heare,thc  fleln  is  wont  to  wax  wanton  and  to  be  inflamed  with  out- 
ragiouslull.  But  it  is  not  fufficient  onely  to  reftrain  this  otitragi- 


Chap.V.  Ffon  the  EPISTLE 

ous  wantormes  and  luft  ofthe  fleflh  which  followeth  drnnkenncs  and 
furfeiting,or  any  manner  of  cxceifr,  but  alfb  th  j  flefh  when  it  is  moft 
the  molt     fober  and  in  his  beft  tcmpcrancc,muft  be  fubdued  and  reprefled,leaft  it 
bbcr  and     £a\fi]i  his  lufts  and  defires.  For  it  oftentimes  cometh  to  paflc,  that  even 
anTmanr*    they  which  arc  moft  fober,are  tempted  moft  of  ail  :  As  Hitrdu*  wri- 
aSJsvilh  tcl^  pf  himfelf:  My  face,  faith  he,  was  pale  with  farting,  and  my  mind 
(cautions,    was  inflamed  with  flctbly  deiires  in  iny  cold  body,  and  although  my 
flefh  was  half  dead  already  ,yct  the  flames  of  unclean  luft  boylcd  with 
in  me.Hereof  I  my  fclf  alfo  had  experience  when  I  was  a  Monke.Thc 
heat  therefore  of  unclean  lufts  is  not  quenched  by  fafting  only,  but  we 
mu^  ^c  a^^a^°  by  the  Spirit,   that  is,  by  the  meditation  ofGods 
word,  faith  and  prayer  :  Indeed  fafting  reprcfleth  the  grofli  aflaults  of 
u       d    fl'^iy  lufts:  but  the  defircsof  the  flefh  are  overcome  by  no  abftinencc 
from  meats  and  drink^but  only  by  the  meditation  of  the  word  of  God 
and  invocation  of  Chrift. 

Vcrfe  2j. 

For  it  is  impolfible  to  reckon  up  all  the  workis  of  the  flcCh. 

v  21.  Whereof  I  tcR  you  ,  as  I  have  etl/o  told  j  on  be  fire  ,  that 
they  Which  doe  fuck  things  ,  /hall  not  inherit  the  kiwdome  of 

This  is  a  very  hard  and  terrible  faying,  but  yet  very  neceflary  againft 
Hc  Chriftians  and  carclcflc  hypocrites,  which  bragge  oftheGofpel, 
of  faith  and  of  theSpirit,and  yet  in  all  fecanty  they  perform  the  works 
of  the  flcth.    But  chiefly  the  hercticks  being  pnfl^d  up  with  opinions 
cf  fpirituall  matters  (as  they  dreamc  )  ate  poffefod  of  the  devill,  and 
altogether  carnall  :  thcrfbrethey  perform?  and  fulfill  the  ckfircs  ofthc 
flefh,  even  with  all  the  powers  ofthc  foul.  Thcrforc  moft  neceflary  it 
was  that  fo  horrible  and"  terrible  a  fcntence  (hould  be  pronounced  by 
An  horrible  the  Apoftle  againft  filch  carekflb  contemners  and  obftinate  hypocrits 
fcmence      (nanuly  that  all  they  wbich  dofuch  works  of  jhe  flefh  as  Paul  hath 
rcci^d*^1^  not  inherit  the  kingdome  of  God)  that  yet  feme  of  them 
being  terrified  by  this  fevere  fentence,  may  begin  to  fight  againft 
theworkesofthefiefhby  the  Spirit,  that  they  accomplish  not  tj^ 

Vtrfe  22. 

TO  tilt  G  A \L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S. 

Verfc   1 2,  Sut  the  fruit  es  of  the  Spirit  are  love,  joy  peate, 
ferm£,  foeetnestgoodncs,  faithfttlneSigentleMcS 

The  Apoftle  faith  not,  the  works  of  the  Spirit,as  hcfaid  the  works 
bfthcfk{n,buthcadorneththefe  Chriftian  vcrtucs  with  a  more  ho 
nourable  name,  calling  them  the  fruits  of  the  Spirit.  For  they  bring 
with  them  moft  excellent  fruits  and  commodities :  for  they  that  have  The  fi»o 
them  give  glory  to  God,  and  with  the  fame  do  allure  and  provpke  ofthe5P"*1' 
others  to  embrace  the  do&rine  and  Faith  of  Chrift. 


It  had  beene  enough  to  have  faid  [Zw/]and  no  more  :  for  love 
extcndeth  it  felfe  unto  all  the  fruits  of  the  Spirit.  And  in  the  i  Cor. 
1 3 .  Paul  attributeth  to  love  all  the  fruits  which  arc  done  in  the  Spi 
rit,  when  he  faith :  Love  « patient,  courteous,  &c.  Notwithftanding 
hee  would  fct  it  here  by  it  felfe  amongft  the  reft  of  the  fruits  of  the 
Spirir,and  in  the  firft  place/  thereby  to  admonifh  the  Chriftians,  that  Rom  19JL^ 
before  all  things  they  fhould  love  one  another,  giving  honour  one  to 
another,  every  man  efteeming  better  of  another  then  of  himfelfe,  and 
ferving  one  another ,  becaufethey  have  Chrift  and  the  holy  Ghoft 
dwelling  in  them,  and  becaufeof  the  word,  baptifme,  and  other  gifts 
of  God  which  Chriftians  have. 


This  is  thcvoyce  of  the  Bridegroomeand  of  the  Bride,  that  is 
to  fay  ,  fwcet  cogitations  of  Chrift,  wholfome  exhortations,  plcafant 
fongs  or  Pfalmes,  praifes  and  thankefgiving,  whereby  the  god 
ly  doc  inftrucl; ,  ftirre  up  and  rcfrefh  themfelves.  Therefore  Godlo-  TleScjJ* 
vcthnothcavines  and  doubtfulnes  offpirit  :  hehateth  uncomfbrta-  [JUS  to1*' 
ble  doctrine,  heavy  and  forrowfull  cogitations,  and  iovcth  chcercfull  Jf^eei^ 
hearts.  For  therefore  hath  he  fent  his  Sonnc,  not  to  opprcflc  us  with 
hcavineflc  and  forro  w ,  but  to  chearc  up  our  foules  in  him.    Vor  this 
caufc  the  Prophets,  the  Apoftles ,  and  Chrift  himfelfe  doc  exhort 
us  ,  yea  they  command  us  to  rejoyce  and  bee  glad ,  Zach.  9.  Re-  The  i 
Joyce   thott   daughter  of  Sion  ,   be  jojfftU  thott  daughter  of  lerttfo-  tbc 
Urn ,  for  behold  thy  King  commeth  to  thee.     And  in  the  Pfalincs  it 
is  often  faid  :  cBe  joyfull  in  the  Lord.  P/W faith  :  Rcjojcc  in  the  Lord 
Sy  &c.  And  Chrift  Aith  :  Refycc  bccwfejour  names  ore  V?rit- 

N  a  f «! 

Chap.V.  rpcntke  EPISTLE 

ten  in  heaven.  Where  this  joy  of  the  Spirit  is.therc  the  heart  inwardly 
rcjoyceth  through  faith  in  Chnft,  with  full  aflurancc  that  he  is  our  Sa 
viour  and  our  Bifoop,and  outwardly  it  expreflcth  this  joy  with  words 
and  gcfturcs.  Alfo  the  faithfull  rcjoyce  when  they  fee  that  the  Gofpcll 
fprcadcth  abroad,  that  many  be  wonc  to  the  faith,  and  that  the  king- 
dome  of  Chrift  is  enlarged. 


Both  towards  God  and  men,  that  Chriftfans  may  be  peaceable  and 
qui'et :  not  contcntious,nor  hating  one  another,  but  one  bearing  an  ci 
thers  burden  through  long-fuffcring  or  psrfcvcrancc  :  without  the 
which  p;acc  cannot  continue,  and  thcrfore  Paul  putteth  it  next  after 

Long-fuffering  or  ftrfcverAnce. 

ri°"80|u?!;.  Whereby  a  man  doth  not  only  bear  adYcrfitics,injurics,  reproaches, 
fercrancc."  and  fuch  like ,  but  alfo  with  patience  waitcth  for  the  amend incnt  of 
thofe  which  have  done  him  any  wrong.  When  the  devill  cannot  by 
force  overcome  thofe  which  are  tcinptcd,thcn  feckcth  he  to  overcome 
them  by  long  continuance.  For  he  knoweth  that  we  be  earthen  vcflcls 
which  cannot  long  endure  and  hold  out  many  knocks  and  violent 
ftroaks:thcrforc  with  long  continuance  of  temptations  heovcrcometh 
many  .To  vanquifa  thcfc  his  contiauall  aflaults  we  muft  ufe  long-fuftc- 
ring,  which  patiently  looketh,  not  only  for  the  amendment  of  thofc 
•which  do  us  wrong,  but  alfo  for  the  end  of  thofc  temptations  which 
the  devill  raifcth  up  againft  us, 


Which  is  when  a  man  is  gentle  and  traclablc  in  his  convention 
and  in  his  whole  life.  For  fuch  as  will  be  true  followers  of  theGofocl, 
muft  not  be  fharpc  and  bitter,  but  gentle,mildc,courteous  and  fair  fpo- 
ken:  which  fhould  encourage  others  to  delight  in  their  company? 
which  can  winkc  at  other  mcns  faults,  or  at  leaft  expound  them  to  the 
bed :  which  will  be  well  contented  toyecld  and  give  place  to  other 
contented  to  bear  with  thofc  which  arc  fro  ward  and  intraclable,as  the 
very  Heathen  faid :  Thou  muft  know  the  manners  of  thy  friend,  but 
tbou  muft  not  hate  them,  Such  an  one  was  our  Saviour  Chrift,as  eve- 

To  tie  G  AI  A  T  HI  AN  $•  Fol.274 

ry  where  is  to  be  fecn  in  the  Gofpcll.  It  is  written  of  Peter  that  he  the  ge»rfe. 
wept  fo  often  as  he  remcmbred  the  fwcct  mildncs  of  Chrift  which  he  J"  */""!• 
ufed  in  his  daily  converfation.  It  is  an  excellent  vertuc  and  moft  necef-  Jx/^Vi, 
lary  in  every  kind  of  life.  »•»*  ** 

*  Jacobum 


Which  is,  when  a  .man  willingly  hclpcth  others  in  their  ncceffity  by 
giving,lending  and  fuch  other  means. 


When  P/t»/here  reckoneth  faith  amongft  the  fruifs  of  the  fpirit.It  is 
manifeft  that  he  fpeaketh  not  of  faith  which  is  in  Chrift,but  of  the  fi 
delity  and  humanity  of  one  man  towards  another.  Hereupon  he  faith 
in  the  I  g.chapter  of  the  firft  to  dieC*^Sfatf,that  charity  bclccvethal 
things.  Therforc  he  that  hath  this  faith  is  not  fufpicious,but  mild,  and 
takcth  all  things  to  the  beft.  And  although  he  be  deceived  and  findcth 
himfelf  to  be  mocked,yet  fuch  is  his  patience  and  foftncs,  that  he  Ict- 
tcth  it  paflc  :  briefly  he  is  ready  to  bcleeve  all  men,but  he  truftcth  not 
all.  On  the  contrary,  where  this  vertue  is  lacking.there  men  are  fufpi- 
ciouSjfro  ward,  way  wardjdoggcd,  and  fo  neither  wil  believe  any  thing, 
nor  give  place  to  any  body.Thcy  can  fuffcr  nothing:  whatfoever  a  man 
faith  or  doth  never  fo  well,they  cavill  and  flander  it,fo  that  who  fo  fer- 
vcth  not  their  humourjcan  never  pleafe  thcm.Therforc  it  is  impoiTibk 
for  them  to  keep  charity,  fricndfhip,concord  and  peace  with  men.  But 
if  thcfe  vertucs  be  taken  away,  what  is  this  life,  but  biting  and  devou 
ring  one  of  another?  Faith  therforc  in  this  place  is,whcn  one  man  gi- 
vcth  credit  to  another  in  things  pertaining  to  this  prcfcnt  life.  For 
what  manner  of  life  fhould  we  leadc  in  this  world,if  one  man  mould 
not  credit  another  ? 

Which  is  when  a  man  is  not  lightly  mooved  or  provoked  to  anger.' 
There  be  infinite  occafions  in  this  life  which  provoke  men  to  anger, 
but  the  godly  overcome  them  by  meekncfle. 

Ten>ferancc>  clwftitj  or  continencj. 
This  is  a  fobricty  or  modefty  in  the  whole  life  of  man,  which 

N  n  a  vcr.tuc 

Chap.V.  VfM  /^EPISTLE 

vertuc  Prf#/fetteth  againft  the  works  of  the  fle(KHe  would  therefore 
that  Chriftians  (hould  live  fobcrly  and  chaftly,  that  they  (hould  be  no 
adultcrers,no  fornicators,no  wantons  :  and  if  'they  cannot  live  chaftly, 
he  would  have  them  to  marry  :  alfo  that  they  fhould  not  be  contenti 
ous  or  quart  ellers,  that  they  fhould  not  be  given  to  drunkennes  or  fur- 
cfaafiity,  feeing,  but  that  they  should  abftain  from  all  thefe  things.  Chaftity  or 
continency  contiineth  all  thcie^fro^expoundc^h  it  of  virginity  on 
ly  ,as  though  they  that  be  married  could  not  be  chaft  :  or  as  though  the 
Apoftle  did  write  thcfe  things  only  to  virgins.  In  the  firft  and  fccond 
Chapter  to  Tittu,hc  warneth  all  Biihops,  young  women,  and  married 
folks,both  man  and  wife,tobc  chall  and  pure. 

Verfe  2  3  .  tsfgainfl  fiich  there  u  no  law. 

Indeed  there  is  a  law,  but  not  againft  fuch  :  As  he  faith  alfo  in  an- 
TboiifhcVt'o  ot^er  Placc  :  f^e  I*™**  not  given  to  the  righteous  ntan.  For  the  righteous 
he  bdcc-°  liveth  in  fuch  wife,  that  he  hath  no  need  of  any  law  to  admonifh  or  to 
conflrain  him  :  but  without  conftraint  of  the  law,  he  willingly  doth 
thofe  chings  which  the  law  requircth.Therforethelaw  cannot  accufc 
or  condemne  thole  that  belecve  in  Chrift.  Indeed  the  law  troubleth 
and  terrifieth  our  confciences.  But  Chrift  apprehended  by  faith,  van- 
quifhcth  it  with  all  his  terrcurs  and  threatnings.To  them  therfore  the 
law  is  utterly  aboliilied,  and  hath  no  power  to  accufc  them:  For  they 
do  that  of  their  own  accord,  which  th^law  requireth.  They  have  re 
ceived  the  holy  Ghoft  by  faith,who  will  not  fuffer  them  to  be  idle.  Al 
though  the  flefh  refift,  yet  do  they  walk  after  the  Spirit.  So  a  Chri- 
ftian  accomplifhcth  the  law  inwardly  by  faith(for  Chrift  is  the  perfe- 
•  dion  of  the  law  unto  righteoufnes,  to  all  that  do  belccve)  outwardly 
by  works  and  by  remiflion  of  fins.  But  thofe  which  performethe 
works  or  deGres  of  the  flcfli,  the  law  doth  accufe  and  ccndemnc  both 
civilly  arid  fpintually. 

s  24,  F  or  they  thttt  are  CkriflsJjAve  crucified  the  ftefiWtk  the  ajfc- 
ftions  and,  Ittfts  thereof. 

This  whole  place  concerning  workes,  (heweth  that  the  true  be- 
Jeevers  are  no  hypocrites.  Therefore  let  no  man  deceive  himfclfe. 
Forwhofoever  (faith  he)  pertainc  unto  Chrift  ,  have  crucified  the 
with  all  the  vices  and  lufts  thereof.  For  the.  Saints  ,  in  as 


To  the  GA  L  A  TH i AN  s. 

much  as  they  have  not  yet  utterly  put  off  the  corrupt  and  finfull  flcOi, 
are  cnclincd  to  fin,  and  do  neither  fcare  nor  love  God  fb  perfectly  as 
they  ought  to  do.  Alfo  they  be  provoked  to  angcr,to  envy , to  impaci- 
cncy,to  uncleanc  lufts,and  fuch  like  motions,which  notwithstanding 
they  accomplifh  not :  for  (  as  P^/here  faith  )  they  crucific  the  flefh 
with  all  the  affc&ions  and  lufts  thereof.  Which  thing  they  do,not  on-  Vvhat 
ly  when  they  reprefle  the  wantonnefle  of  the  fic(h  with  fading  and  tocru 
other  cxcrcifes,  but  alfo(as  P**/faid  before)  when  they  walke  accor- lhc  fle&> 
ding  to  the  Spirit:that  is,when  they  being  admonifhed  by  the  thrcal- 
nings  of  God,wherby  he  fheweth  that  he  will  fevcrcly  punifa  fin,are 
afraid  to  commit  fin:  Alfo  wfcen  they  being  armed  with  the  word  of 
God9with  faith,and  with  prayer,do  not  obey  the  lufts  of  the  flcfh. 

When  they  rcfift  the  flcfa  after  this  manner,  they  nailc  it  to  the 
croflc  with  the  lufts  and  defires  thereof  fo  that  although  the  flcfh  be 
yet  alive,yet  can  it  not  performe  that  which  it  would  do,for  as  much 
as  it  is  bound  both  hand  arid  foot>  and  faft  nailed  to  the  croflV.  The 
faithfull  then  fo  long  as  they  live  here,  docrucifietheflcfti,thatisto 
fay, they  feelcthc  lulis  therof,but  they  obey  them  not. For  they  being  T 
furnifhed  with  the  armour  of  God,  thatis,with  Faith,  Hope,  and  the  ° 
f\vord  of  the  Spirit,do  rcfift  the  flefh,  and  with  thefe  fpirituall  nailes 
they  faftcn  the  fame  unto  the  croflfe,  fo  that  it  is  conftrained  to  be 
fubjccl  to  the  Spirit,  Afterwards  when  they  dic,thcy  put  it  off  whol 
ly  :  and  when  they  fhall  rife  againe  from  death  to  life,  they  (hall  have 
a  pure  and  uncorrupt  fle(h  without  all  affc&ions  and  lufts. 

The  Sixt  Chapter 

If  we  live  in  the  Spirit,  let  us  alfo  wilkc  in  the  Spirit. 

»  After  the 

H  E  Apoftle  reckoned  before  amongft  the  workes  JSJS^; 
of  the  flefli  herefies  and  envy,  and  pronounced  fen-  the  five  and 
tencc  againft  thofe  which  arc  envious,  and  which  arc  JJJjJJ^6 
authours  of  Scfts,  that  they  ftiould  not  inherit  the  mercha;- 
wHOitw-vwT— *ry  kingdomeofGod.    And  now,  as  if  he  had  forgotten  ter- 
that  which  he  faid  a  little  before,  he  againe  reproveth  thofe  which 
provoke  and  envy  one  another.  Why  doth  he  fo?  was  it  not  fiiffi- 

N  n  3  cicnt 

Chap.VL  Vfon  the  E*  i  $  T  i  B 

VdDC(f bP  "cnt  to  ^avc  (k)nc  *t'oncc^1  "deed  he  ^h  i*  of purpofc  r  for  he  taketh 
vjcetcand°  occafion  here  to  inveigh  againft  that  execrable  vice  of  vainc-glory, 
which  was  the  caufe  of  the  troubles  that  were  in  all  the  Churches  of 
G*l*t*A,  and  hath  been  always  moft  pernicious  and  hurtfull  to  the 
whole  Church  of  Chrift.  Therefore  in  his  Epiftle  to  Tittu  he  would 
not  that  a  proud  man  fhould  be  ordained  a  Bilhop  :  For  pride(as  AH- 
fuftine  truly  faith)is  the  mother  of  all  herefies,or  rather  the  headfpring 
of  all  finne  and  confufion :  which  thing  all  hiftorics  as  well  holy  as 
prophane  doc  witnefle. 

Now,  vaine-glory  or  arrogancy  hath  alwaycs  beenc  a  common 
P°>f°n  i°  t^c  wcrld,  which  the  very  Heathen  Poets  and  Hiftorio- 
graphers  have  alwaycs  vehemently  reproved.  There  is  no  vil 
lage  wherein  there  is  not  fome  one  or  other  to  be  found,  that  would 
be  counted  wifer,  and  be  more  efteemed  then  all  the  reft.  But  they 
are  chiefly  infeded  with  this  difeafe  which  ftandupon  their  repu 
tation  for  learning  and  wifedome.  In  this  caic  no  man  will  yccld  to 
another,  according  to  this  faying :  Tee  {hall  not  lightly  find  A  man 
that  roiU  yeeldttnto  others  the  prai/e  of  wit  And  f  kill :  For  it  ii  A  goodly 
thing  to  fee  men  fiint  at  oney  And  fay  :  Thit  i*  he.  Rut  it  is  not  fb  hurt- 
full  in  private  perfons,  no  nor  in  any  kinde  ofMagiftratc,  as  it  is 
in  them  that  have  any  charge  in  the  Church.  Albeit  in  civill  go 
vernment  (  fpecially  if  it  be  in  great  perfonages  )  it  is  not  only  a 
caufe  of  troubles  and  mines  of  common-wcalcs,  but  alfo  ofthe 
troubles  and  alterations  of  Kingdomes  and  Empires :  Which  thing 
thehiftories  both  of  the  Scripture  and  prophane  writers  doe  wit- 

But  when  this  poyfon  creepcth  into  the  Church  or  fpirituall 
kingdome,  ic  cannot  be  exprc  fled  how  hurtfullit  is.  For  there  is  no- 
contention  as  touching  learning,  wit,  beauty,  riches,  kingdomcs, 
Empires  and  fuch  like  :  but  as  touching  falvation  or  damnation, 
cternall  lite,  or  eternall  death.  Therefore  'Paul  earneftly  cxhorteth 
the  minifters  of  the  word  to  flie  this  vice,  faying  :  If  wee  live  in  the 
Spirit, &c.  As  if  he  (hould  fay  :  If  it  be  true  that  we  live  in  the  Spi 
rit,  let  us  alfo  proceede  and  walkc  in  the  Spirit.  For  where  the  Spi 
rit  is,  it  renueth  men,  and  worketh  in  them  new  motions :  that 
is  to  fay,  whereas  they  were  before  vaine-  glorious ,  wrathfull  and 
envious,  it  maketh  them  now  humble,  gentle  and  patient.  Such 
fcekc  not  their  owne  glory,  but  the  glory  of  God ;  they  doe 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  s^  Fol.27^ 

n5t  provoke  one  another,or  envy  one  another,  but  give  place  one  to 
another,  and  in  giving  honour  prevent  one  another.  Contrariwife, 
they  that  be  defirous  of  glory,  and  envy  one  another,  may  boaft  that 
they  have  the  Spirit,  and  live  after  the  Spirit:  but  they  deceive  them- 
felves,  they  follow  the  flefli  and  do  the  works  thereof  and  they  have 
their  judgement  already,  that  they  {hall  not  inherit  the  kingdom  of 

Now,  as  nothing  is  morcdangcroos  to  the  Church  then  this  exc-  Vaine  gioty 
crabls  vice,  ibis  there  nothing  more  common :  For  when  God  fen-  » common 
deth  forth  labourers  into  the  harveft,  by  and  by  Satan  raifeth  up  his 
minifters  alfo,  who  will  in  no  cafe  be  counted  infcriour  to  thofc  that 
are  rightly  called.  Here  ftraitwayes  rifeth  diflfcntion.  The  wicked 
will  not  yeeld  one  haires  brcdth  to  the  godly :  For  they  dreame  that 
they  far  paffe  them  in  wit,in  learning,'m  godlinefle,in  fpirit  and  other 
ver  tues.  Much  leflc  ought  the  godly  to  yeeld  to  the  wicked,  left  the 
dodrinc  of  faith  come  in  danger.  Moreover,  fuch  is  the  nature  of  the 
inimfters  of  Satan,  that  they  can  make  a  goodly  fhc  w  that  they  are 
very  charitable,humblc,  lovers  of  concord,  and  arc  indusd  with  other 
fruits  of  the  Spirit :  alfo  they  protcft  that  they  fceke  nothing  elfc  but 
the  glory  of  God,  and  the  falvation  of  mens  foulcs :  and  yet  are  they 
full  of  vaine-glory,  doing  all  things  for  none  other  end  but  to  get 
praife  and  eftimation  among  men.  To  be  fhort,they  think  that  gainc 
is  godlinefle,  and  that  theminiftcry  of  the  word  is  delivered  unto 
them  that  they  may  get  fame  and  eftimation  thereby.  Wherefore 
they  cannot  but  be  authoursof  diflentian  and  feds. 

Forafcnuch  as  the  vaine-glory  of  the  falfe  Apoftles  wasthecaufc 
that  the  Churches  sfgatatia  were  troubled  and  forfcok  Paul,  there 
fore  in  this  Chapt:  fpecially  his  purpofe  was  to  fuppreffc  that  execra 
ble  vice :  yea,  this  mifchiefe  gave  the  Apoftleoccafionto  write  this 
whole  Epiftlc.  And  if  he  had  not  fo  done,  all  his  travaile  beftowcd  in 
preaching  of  theGofpell  among  the  Ga/athians  had  bin  fpent  in  vain.  w,8|«hr 
For  in  hisabience  thefalfc  Apoftlcs,  which  were  men  i  n  out  ward  f^'c  Apo- 
fne w  of  great  authority,  reigned  in  Galati* :  who  befides  that  they    "' 
•would  kerne  to  fcek  the  glory  of  Chrift,  and  the  falvation  of  the  Ga- 
lathians,  pretended  alfo  that  they  had  been  converfant  with  the  Apo- 
ftles,and  that  they  followed  their  footfteps,  faying  that  Ptul  had  not  The  fa!fe 
feen  Chrift  in  the  fleftj,  nor  had  been  converfant  with  the  reft  of  the  Apom«<k- 
Apoftles,  and  thcrfore  they  made  no  account  of  him,  but  rcjeded  his 

N  n  4  •  dodrinc 

Chap.VI.  Tpw  tie  BP  i  s  V  i  E 

do<ftrine,and  boaftcd  their  own  to  be  true  and  fincere.Thus  they  trou 
bled  the  (jiUttomfiitoA  raifed  Se&s  aniDng  them,  fo  that  they  provo 
ked  and  envied  one  another :  which  was  a  fure  token,that  neither  the 
teachers  nor  hearers  lived  and  walked  after  the  Spirit,  but  followed 
the  flefli  and  fulfilled  the  works  thereof:  and  fo  conDqusntly  loft  the 
true  doctrine,  faith,  Chrift,  and  all  the  gifts  of  the  holy  Ghoft,  and 
were  now  become  worfe  then  the  Heathen. 

Notwithstanding  he  doth  not  only  inveigh  againft  the  falfe  Apo- 
ftles  which  in  his  time  troubled  the  Churches  oi'Galatla,  but  alfo  he 
forcfaw  in  fpirit,  that  there  fhould  be  an  infinite  number  of  fuch,  even 
to  the  worlds  end,  which  being  infected  with  this  pernicious  vice, 
would  thruft  themfelves  into  the  Church,  boafting  of  the  Spirit  and 
heavenly  doftrine,  and  under  this  pretence  fhould  quite  overthrow 
the  true  doctrine  and  faith.  Many  fuch  have  we  alfo  fccn  in  thefe  our 
dayes,  who  have  thruft  themfelves  into  the  kingdome  of  the  fpirit, 
that  is  to  fry  into  the  miniftery  of  the  word,  and  by  thishypocrifie 
they  have  purchafsd  unto  themfelves  fame  andeftimation  that  they 
were  Srcat  ^°ft°rs  and  pillars  of  the  Gofpell,  and  fuch  as  lived  in  the 
chers.  Spirit,  and  walked  according  to  thefame.  But  bccaufe  their  glory 
confifted  in  rnens  mouthcs  and  not  in  God,  therefore  it  could  not  be 
firme  and  ftable,  but  according  to  Pauls  prophefie,  it  turned  to  their 
ownconfufion,  and  their  end  was  deftrudicn.  For  t he  VfickeA  jkall 
not  ft  and  in  judgement  y  bntft>Allbc  taken  away  likechajfe,  and  fcatttred 
abroad  -weth  the  mnde. 

The  fame  judgement  remaincth  for  all  fuch  as  in  preaching  the 
Gofpell  feeke  their  owne  profit  and  not  the  glory  of  Jcfus  Chrift. 
Tor  the  Gcfpell  is  not  delivered  unto  us  that  we  fhould  thereby 
feeke  our  own  praife  and  glory,  or  that  the  people  ftiould  honour 
and  magnific  us  which  are  the  Minifters  thereof:  but  to  the  end 
that  the  benefit  and  glory  cf  Chrift  might  be  preached  and  pub- 
l^1^*  anc*  tnat  tne  Bather  might  be  glorified  in  his  mercy  offered 
unt°  us  in  Chrift  his  fonne,  whom  he  delivered  for  us  all,  and  with 
him  hath  given  us  all  things.  Wherefore  the  Gofpell  is  a  doftrine 
wherein  we  ought  to  feckc  nothing  lefle  then  our  owne  glory.  It 
fetteth  forth  unto  us  heavenly  and  etcrnall  things :  which  are  not 
our  own,  which  we  have  neither  done  nor  defcrved :  but  ir  offcrcth 
the  fame  unto  us,  to  us  ( I  fay  )  which  arc  unworthy,  and  that 
through  thciueerc  goodneflc  and  grace  ofGod.Why  (hould  wcthen 


TO  tl)t  GALATHIANS^  Fol.277 

fcekepraife  and  glory  thereby?  he  therefore  that  fccketh  hisowne 
glory  in  the  Gofpcll,  fpeakethofhimfelfe:  And  he  that  fpeaketh  of 
himfelfe  is  a  lyar,and  there  is  unrighteoufnefle  in  him.  Contrariwifc 
he  that  fsekcth  the  glory  ofhim  that  fcnt  him  is  true,  and  there  is  no 
unrighteoufncflfe  in  him,  Joh.j. 

'Paul  therefore  giveth  earneft  charge  to  all  thcMiniftersof  the  Wb 

word,fay  ing  :  tfvfc  live  in  tkf  Spirit  Jet  w  walkf  in  the  Spirit  jh&t  is  to 
fay  :  Let  us  abide  in  the  dodrinc  of  the  truth  which  hath  been  taught  the  Spkit* 
unto  us  in  brotherly  love,  and  fpirituall  concord  :  let  us  preach  Chrift 
and  the  glory  of  God  infimplicity  of  heart,  and  let  usconfefle  that 
we  have  received  all  things  of  hinr.let  us  not  think  more  ofour  felvcs 
then  of  others:let  as  raifc  up  no  fects.For  this  is  not  to  walke  rightly, 
but  rather  to  range  out  of  the  way,  and  tofet  up  a  new  and  a  perverfc 
way  of  walking. 

Hereby  we  may  underftand  that  God  of  his  fpeciall  grace  makcth  why  God 
the  teachers  of  thcGofpell  fubjVft  to  thecrofle  and  to  all  kin  is  of  S^B- 
afflictions  for  the  falvation  of  themfelves  and  of  the  people  :  for*6  !Prea- 
othcrwife  they  could  by  no  meancs  repreffe  and  beatc  downc  this  Gofpe°i[thc 
btaft  which  is  called  vaine-glory.  For  if  no  perfccution,  nocrotfeor 
reproach  followed  the  doftrine  of  the  Golpell,  but  only  praifc,  repu 
tation  and  glory  amongft  men  :  then  would  all  the  profeflburs  there 
of  be  infcfted  and  pcrifh  through  the  poifon  ofvaine  glory.  Hierome 
faith  that  he  had  fecne  many  which  could  fuffcr  great  inconveniences 
in  their  body  and  goods,  but  none  that  could  defpife  their  own  prai- 
fes.  For  it  is  almoft  impoflible  for  a  man  not  to  be  pufed  up  when  he 
hearcth  any  thing  fpoken  in  the  praiic  of  his  o  wne  venues.  Taul  not- 
withftandingthat  hchad  the  Spirit  of  Chrift,  faith  that  there  was 
givan  unto  him  the  meflengcr  of  Satan  to  buffet  frim,  becauie  he 
fhould  not  be  exalted  out  of  mcafure  through  the  grcatneffc  of  his 
revelations.  Therefore  Attguftine  faith  very  wclhlfaMiniftcrof  the 
word  be  praife^}he  is  in  danger.  I  fa  brother  defpifc  or  diipraife  him, 
he  is  alfo  in  danger.  He  that  heareth  a  Preacher  of  the  word,ought  to 
reverence  him  for  the  words  fake  :  but  if  he  be  proud  thereof,  he  is  in 
danger.  Contrariwifc  if  he  be  defpifed,  he  is  out  of  danger  :  but  fo  is 
not  he  which  dclpifeth  him- 

Wherefore  we  muft  honour  our  great  benefit,  that  is,  of  the  /?«*.if  vt, 
preaching  of  the  word,  and  receiving  of  the  Sacrament?.    We  muft 
alfb  reverence  one  another,  according  to  that  faying  ;  Jn  giving 


Chap.  VI.  Vyw  tfo  E  P  i  s  T  L  E 

when  m*n  &<?»0tfr  o»*  *»  a»otkfr,&<:.  But  whercfoevcr  this  is  done,  by  and  by 
be  ptaifcd,   tnc  flcfh  js  tickled  with  vaine-glory  and  waxcth  proud.  For  there  is 
w«flc!h       none  (  no  not  among  the  godly  )  which  would  not  rather  be  praifcd 
ptoud.        t^n  difpraifcd,  except  perhaps  fomc  be  fo  well  ftablifhcd  in  this  be- 
balfe,that  he  will  be  moved  neither  with  prai&s  nor  reproaches :  As 
that  woman  faid  of  David,  2  Sam,  14.  <JMj  Lord  the  King  is  like  AH 
An  fell  ofQod,  Which  will  neither  be  moved  with  bleffmg  nor  cwjing. 
g  •      Like  wife  Taut  faith  :  By  honour  and  dishonour,  by  evill  report  tndjood 
report  }&c,  Such  men  as  be  neither  pufkd  up  with  praifc,nor  thrownc 
downe  with  difpraife,  but  endeavour  (imply  to  fet  forth  the  benefit 
and  glory  of  Chrift,  andtofeekthcfalvationoffoules  doe  walke  or- 
•wfco  warn   derly.  Contrariwife  they  which  wax  proud  in  hearing  of  their  own 
"*'  praifes,not  fecking  the  glory  of  Chrift  but  their  o  wmalfo  they  which 
being  moved  with  reproaches  and  flandcrs  doc  forfike  the  miniftery 
of  the  word.walke  not  orderly. 

Wherefore  let  every  one  fee  that  he  walke  orderly,  andfpecially 
fuch  as  boaft  of  the  Spirit.  I  f  thou  be  praifed,know  that  it  is  not  thou 
that  is  praifed,  but  Chrift,  to  whom  all  praife  and  honour  is  due.  For 
in  that  thou  tcacheft  the  word  purely,  and  liveft  godly,  thcfc  arc  not 
thine  owne  gifts,  but  the  gifts  of  God  j  therefore  thou  art  not  prai- 
fcd,but  God  in  thee.  When  thou  doeft  acknowledge  this,  thou  wilt 
walke  orderly,  and  not  be  puft  up  with  vaine-glory  (  for  what  haft 
thou  that  thou  haft  not  received  ?  )  but  wilt  confcffc  that  thou  haft 
received  the  fame  of  God,  and  wilt  not  be  moved  with  injuries,  re- 
proachcs,or  perfecution  f  o  forfake  thy  calling. 

God  therefore  of  his  fpeciall  grace  at  this  day  covercth  our  glo 
ry  with  infamy,  reproach,  mortall  hatred,  cniell  perfecution,  ray- 
.ptire  *nd    ling  and  curfmg  of  the  whole  world  :  alfo  with  the  contempt  and 
openene-    jngratitude  even  of  thofe  among  whom  we  live,  as  well  the  com- 
orfpdi16    mon  fort  as  alfo  the  Citizens,  Gentle-men  and  Noble-men  (  whofe 
enmity,  hatred  and  perfecution  againft  the  Gofpell,  like  as  it  is 
privy  and  inward,  fo  is  it  more  dangerous  then  the  cruelty  and 
outragious  dealings  of  our  open  enemies)  that  wee  (liould  not 
v/ax  proud  of  the  gifts  of  God  in  us.    This  milftone  muft  be  hanged 
about  our  neck,  that  we  be  not  infected  with  that  peftilcnt  poifon  of 
vaine-glory.   Some  there  be  of  our  fide  which  love  and  .reverence 
us  for 'the  the  miniftery  of  the  word:  but  where  there  is  one  that 
.rcFcrenceth  us,  there  be  on  the  other  fide  an  hundreth  that  hate  and 


G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  . 

perfecute  us.Thefefpitefull  dealings  therefore,and  thefe  perfections 
of  our  enemies^  this  great  contempt  and  ingratitude,  this  cruell  and 
privy  hatred  of  them  among  whom  we  live,  arc  fuch  pleafant  fights, 
and  make  us  fo  merry  ,that  we  cafily  forget  vainc-glory. 

Wherefore  rejoycing  in  the  Lord  who  is  our  glory,  we  rcmainc  we  muR 
in  order.Thofs  gifts  which  we  havc,we  acknowledge  to  be  the  gifts  not  bc 
of  God  and  not  our  own,given  for  the  edifying  of  the  body  of  Chnft:  Spil 
Therefore  we  be  not  proud  of  them.    For  we  know  that  more  is  re« a11  g'fo« 
quired  of  them  to  whom  much  is  committed,  than  of  them  which 
have  received  but  little.  Moreover,  we  know  that  there  is  no  rcfpcft 
of  perfons  before  God.  Therefore  a  poore  artificer  faithfully  ufmg  the 
gift  which  God  hath  given  him,plcafeth  God  no  lefft  then  a  Preacher 
of  the  word,  forhcfcrvcthGod  in  the  fame  faith  and  with  the  fame 
ipirit.  Wherefore  we  ought  nolefleto  regard  the  meaneft  Chriftians 
then  they  regard  us.  And  by  this  mcancs  fhall  we  continue  free  from 
the  poifon  ofvaine-glory,and  walkein  the  Spirit. 

Contrariwife  the  fantafticall  fpirits,  which  feekc  their  own 
glory,  the  favour  of  men,  the  peace  of  the  world,  theeafeof  the  OB$rFHto'. 
flsfh,  and  not  the  glory  of  Chrift,  nor  yet  the  health  of  mo js  fbules 
(  although  they  protcft  that  they  feck  nothing  elfc,)  cannot  choofe 
but  difcoycr  thcmfelves  in  commending  their  ownc  doctrine  and 
induftry,  and  difpraifing  other  mens,  and  all  to  get  them  a  name  and 
praife.  Thcfe  vain-glorious  fpirits  doc  not  rejoycc  and  glory  in 
the  Lord:  but  then  doe  they  glory,  then  are  they  (rout  and  hardy, 
when  they  are  magnified  of  the  people.  Whofc  hearts  they  win  by 
wondcrfull  Heights  and  iubtiltics  :  for  in  their  words,  gefturcs  and 
writings  they  can  counterfeit  and  diflcmble  all  things.  But  when 
they  are  not  praifcd  and  commended  of  the  people,  then  they  be  the 
moft  fcarfull  men  in  the  world :  for  they  hate  and  (hun  the  croffc  of 
Chrift  and  pcrfecution.  On  the  contrary,  when  they  arc  praifcd  and 
magnified  (  as  I  faid  )  none  are  fo  ftout,  no  Hettor,  no  Achiltcsfo  bold 
and  hardy  as  they. 

Such  a  flie  and  crafty  beaft  therefore  is  flefli,  that  for  no  other 
caufe  it  forfaketh  his  fundion,corrupteth  true  doctrine,  and  breaketh 
the  concord  of  the  Church,  than  only  upon  this  curled  vainc-glo 
ry.  Thcrfore  it  is  not  without  caufe  that  *PWfo  fharply  cnveighr  th 
againft  it  both  here  and  in  other  placcs,as  before  in  the  4.chap.  Thty 
tire  (  faith  he)  jealous  ever  you  amiffe :  ytat  tbtj  vfov.ld  txelnde  jo* 


Chap.  VI. 

from  me,  that  jejhould  Altogether  love  them  :  that  is  to  fay,  they  would 
diCcredit  me  that  they  themfdvcs  might  be  famous.  They  feeke 
not  Chrifts  glory  and  your  falvation,  but  their  owne  glory,  my  re- 
proach,and  your  bondage. 

Verie  26.    Let  us  not  le  defirotts  ofvainc-glory. 

Which  is  to  glory,  not  in  God  C  as  I  have  faid  )  but  in  lyes,  in  the 
opinion,liking  and  cftimation  of  the  people.  Here  is  no  right  foun 
dation  of  true  glory,  but  a  falfe  foundation,  and  therefore  impoflt- 
ble  long  to  ftand;  He  that  praifcth  a  man  as  he  is  a  man,  is  a  Iyer : 
for  there  is  nothing  praifc- worthy  in  him,  but  atl  things  are  worthy 

The  praife  of  condemnation.  Therefore  as  touching  our  perfon,this  is  our  glory, 
tnat  ali  men  have  finned,  and  are  guilty  of  cverlafting  death  before 
God.But  the  cafe  is  otherwife  when  our  miniftcry  is  praifed.Wherc- 
fore  we  rnuft  not  only  wifh,  but  alfo  to  the  uttermoft  of  our  power 
endeavour  that  men  may  magnifie  it,  and  have  it  in  due  reverence : 
for  this  (hall  turne  to  their  falvation.  Paul  warncth  the  Romanes  that 
they  oflfcnd  no  man :  to  the  end,faith  heytkat  our  commodity  be  not  evill 

»  Ctr  6.1.  ftoken  of:  And  in  another  place  :  that  our  minifterj  be  not  reprehended, 
Therefore  when  our  miniftcry  is  praifcd,  we  be  not  prailed  for  out 
own  perfons  fake,  but  (as  the  Pfilme  faith)  we  arc  praifed  in  God  and 
in  his  holy  name. 

Verfe  26.    Provoking  one  another, and  envying  one  another. 

Tefrdc^f  Here  ^c  ^c^cr^ct^1  ^c  cflfeft  and  fruitc  of  vaine-glory.  He  that 
glory,  teacheth  any  errour,  or  is  an  authour  of  any  new  doclrine,  cannot 
but  provoke  others  :  and  when  they  doe  not  approve  and  receive 
his  doftrine,by  and  by  he  bcginneth  to  hate  them  moft  bitterly.  We 
fee  at  this  day  with  what  Deadly  hatred  the  Sectaries  are  infla 
med  againft  us,  becaufe  we  will  not  give  place  to  them  and  ap 
prove  their  errours.  We  did  not  firft  provoke  them,  nor  fprcad 
abroad  any  wicked  opinion  in  the  world :  but  rebuking  certaine 
abutes  in  the  Church,  and  faithfully  teaching  the  article  of  JufUfi- 
cation,  have  walked  in  good  order.  But  they  forfaking  this  arti 
cle,  have  taught  many  things  contrary  to  the  word  of  God.  Here, 
bccaafe  we  would  not  loofe  the  truth  of  the  Gofpell,  we  have  fet  our 
felves  againft  them,  and  have  condemned  their  errours :  which 
thing,  becaufe  "they  could  not  abide,  they  did  not  only  provoke  us 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S^ 

firft  without  caufe,  but  alfo  doc  ftill  moft  fpitefully  hate  us,  and  that 
upon  no  other  occalion  but  onely  upon  vain-glory  :  for  they  would 
gladly  device  us  that  they  alone  might  rule  and  reigne  :  For  they  ima 
gine  that  it  is  a  great  glory  to  prokflc  the  Gofpell,  whereas  indeed 
there  is  no  greater  ignominy  in  the  fight  of  the  world. 

CHAP.  VI.  v  B  R.I. 

any  fault  ^je  Which  are  ffrlrittiall  reft  ore 

fttch  An  one  Vcith  the  ffiirit 

HE  that  diligently  wcigheth  the  words  of  the  Apoftle,may  plain- 
ly  perceive  that  he  fpeaketh  not  of  errours  and  offences  againft 
doctrine,  but  of  far  kfler  fins,  into  the  which  a  man  fallcth  not  wilful 
ly  and  of  fet  purpofe,  but  of  infirmity.  And  hereof  it  comcth  that  he  u- 
fcthfo  gentle  and  fatherly  words,  not  calling  it  crrour  or  finnc,  but  a 
fault.  Againe  to  the  intent  to  diminifh,  and  as  it  were  to  excufe  the 
(inne,  and  to  remove  the  whole  fault  from  man,  he  addcth  :  If  any 
man  be  over  taken  >  that  is  to  fay,  be  b:guiled  of  the  devill  or  of  the 
fkfh.  Yea,  and  thistermeor  name  of  /fcfo*  hclpcth  fumcthing  alfo  to 
diminim  and  qualifie  the  matter.  As  if  he  fhouid  fay  :  What  is  fo  pro 
per  unto  man  as  to  fall,  to  be  deceived  and  to  erre  ?  So  faich  Mofcs  in 
Leviticus.  They  are  Vfont  to  finne  like  men.  Wherfore  this  is  a  fentence  LnU-**** 
full  of  heavenly  comfort  :  Which  once  in  a  terrible  conflict  delivered 
me  from  death.  For  as  much  then  as  the  Saints  in  this  life  doc  not 
only  live  in  the  flefh,  but  now  and  then  alfo  through  the  enticement 
of  the  devill,  fulfill  the  lufts  of  the  flesh,  that  is  to  fay,  fall  into  impati- 
cncy,envy,wrath,crrour,doubting,diftrufl:  and  fuchlike:  for  Satan  al-  sa"n.Ife* 
waycs  atfuleth  both,  that  is,  as  well  the  purity  of  doSrine,  which  he  igS 
laboureth  to  take  away  by  feds  and  diffcnrions,  asalfothefounducsof  'ycfdo 
life,which  hecorrupteth  with  daily  otfwnces.Therfore  Parti  teachcth  " 
how  fuch  men  that  are  fallen  should  be  dealt  withall5n3mely  that  they 
which  arc  ftrong,should  raife  up  and  reftore  them  again  with  the  fpi« 
rit  of  meekncs. 

Thefe  things  it  behoovcth  them  fpccially  to  know  which  arc  in 
the  minilkry  of  the  word  ,  leift  whiift  they  gee  about  to  touch  all  S^. 
things  to  the  quicke,  they  forget  the  fatherly  and  motherly  af-  them  that 
fcdion  which  Paul  here  requircth  of  thofe  that  have  charge  of" 
And  of  this  precept  he  hath  fet  forth  an  example,  2  Cor.  2  , 


Chap.  VI.  Vfon  the  E  P  I  s  T  t  H 

where  he  faith  that  it  was  fufficient  that  he  which  was  excommuni 
cate  was  rebuked  of  many  ,and  that  they  ought  now  to  forgive  him 
and  comfort  him.kft  he  ihould  be  fwalbvved  up  with  over  much  for- 
row.Wherfore  I  befcech  you(£uth  he)ufc  charity  towards  him.  Thcr- 
fore  the  Paftors  and  Minifters  muft  indeed  (harply  rebuke  thofe  which 
are  I allcn,but  when  they  fee  that  they  are  forrowfull  for  their  offences, 
then  let  them  begin  to  raife  them  up  comfort  them,and  to  di- 
minifh  and  qualific  their  faults  as  much  as  they  can,  but  yet  through 
mercy  only,  which  they  muft  fet  againft  iin,kft  they  that  be  fallen  be 
fwallowed  up  with  over  much  heavines.  As  the  holy  Ghoft  is  precifo 
in  maintaining  and  defending  the  dodtrine  of  faith,  fo  is  he  mildc  and 
pitiful  in  forbearing  and  qualifying  mens  fins,if  they  which  have  com 
mitted  them  be  forrowfiill  for  the  fame. 

The  Pope  &      Rut  as  for  the  Popes  Synagogue,  like  as  in  all  other  matters  it  hath 
bis  Biftops  DOth  taught  and  done  cleane  contrary  to  the  commandcment  and  cx- 
tws'ofmcns  ample  of  Paul,  even  £o  hath  it  done  in  this  thing  alfo.   The  Pope  with 
conscience  all  his  Bifoops  have  been  very  tyrants  and  butchers  of  mens  confcien- 
ces.  For  they  have  burdened  them  from  time  to  time  with  new  tradi- 
ti  ons,  and  for  every  light  matter  have  vexed  them  with  their  excom 
munications  :  and  that  they  might  the  more  eafily  obey  their  vainc 
sjyin.<of    terrours,  they  annexed  thereunto  thefe  fentcnccs  of  Pope  Gregory  :  It 
pope  ??«.    is  the  part  and  property  of"  good  minds  to  be  afraid  of  a  fault  where  no 
fault  is.     And  again  :  our  cenfurcs  muft  be  feared,  yea  though  they  be 
unjuft  and  wrongfull.  By  thefe  fayings  (which  were  brought  into  the 
Church  by  the  devill)  they  ftablilhed  their  excommunication  and  this 
majefty  of  the  Papacy  which  is  fo  terrible  to  the  whole  world.Thcrc 
isnomedofiuch  humility  and  goodncfle  of  minds  ,  to  be  afraid  of  a 
fault  where  none  is.  O  thou  Romifi  Satan,  who  gave  thee  this  power 
to  terrific  and  condemn  mens  confciences  that  were  terrified  enough 
before  with  thy  unjuft  and  wrongfull  fentences  ?  Thou  oughteft  ra 
ther  to  have  raifed  them  up,  to  have  delivered  them  from  faifc  feares, 
and  to  have  brought  them  from  lyes  and  errours  to  the  truth.    This 
thou  omitteft, and  according  to  thy  title  and  name,  to  wit,  the  man 
BTA£tJ"  ofrifl  and  child  of  perdition,  thou  imagined  a  fault  where  no  fault  is. 
rocanes  the  This  is  indeed  the  craft  and  deceit  of  Antichrift,  wherby  he  hath  moft 
6  h*s  m*S^u^y  eftablilhed  his  excommunication  and  tyranny.   For  whofo 
nny  and  ever  dcfpifcd  his  unjuft  fcntenccs  ,  was  counted  very  obftinate  and 
wicked  :  As  fome  Princes  di^howbeit  againft  their  confciences :  for 


to  the  G  A  i  A  r  H  i  A  N  sT  FoU  So 

in  thofc  times  of  darkncs  they  did  not  underftand  that  the  Popes  cur- 
fes  were  vain. 

Let  them  therefore  to  whom  the  charge  of  mens  confciences  is 
committed,  learne  by  this  commandcment  ofT-aul  how  they  ought  th«  «« fat- 
to  handle  thofc  that  have  offended.    Brethren  (  faith  he  )  if  any  man  bc"^^ 
be  overtaken  with  unnc,  doc  not  trouble  him  or  make  him  more  for- 
rowfull :  be  not  bitter  unto  him,  doe  not  rejed  or  condemnc  him,but 
amend  him  and  raife  him  up  againc  :  and  by  the  fpirit  of  Icnitic  and 
ruildncfic  reftore  that  which  is  in  him  decayed  by  the  deceit  of  the 
devill,  cr  by  the  wcakncffj  of  the  flefh.     For  the  kingdooie  whcrc- 
unto  ycc  arc  called  is  a  kingdomc  not  of  tcrrour  or  heavincflfe,  but  of 
bold  nes,  joy  and  gladnes.    Therefore  if  ye  fee  any  brother  call  down 
and  afflicted  by  occafion  of  finnc  which  he  hath  committed,  run  un 
to  him,  and  reaching  out  your  hand  raife  him  up  againc,  comfort 
him  with  fwcet  words,  and  imbrace  him  with  motherly  armes.   As 
for  thofe  which  be  hard-hearted  and  obftinate ,  which  without  feare 
continue  carcleflc  in  their  fins,  rebuke  them  (harply.   But  on  the  o- 
therfide  (aslfaid)  they  that  be  overtaken  with  any  linne,  and  arc 
heavy  and  forrowfull  for  their  fault  which  they  have  committcd,muft 
be  raifed  up  and  adinonifhed  by  you  that  arc  fpirituall,  and  that  in  the  Tflcfp^t 

y-.r-i          rf  •         \  \         c  r  •   n-  r  ctmcttaCS. 

ipintor  mcckcncffr,  and  not  in  the  zeale  orievere  julticciasiome 
have  done,  who  when  they  fhould  have  rcfrefhcd  thirfty  confciences 
with  fome  fweet  confolation,  gave  them  gall  and  vinegar  to  drinke, 
as  the  J  e wes  did  unto  Chrift  hanging  upon  the  crofTe.  Ezttyel  faith 
of  the  ihcphcards  of -//?•<*?/,  that  they  ruled  the  fiocke  of  God  with 
cruelty  and  rigour  :  but  a  brother  ought  to  comfort  his  brother  that 
is  fallen,  with  a  loving  and  a  meek  fpirit.  Again,  let  him  that  is  fallen 
hcare  the  word  of  him  that  raifcth  him  up,  and  bclecvc  it.  For  God 
would  not  have  thofe  that  arc  bruifed  to  be  caft  away,  but  to  be  raifed 
up,as  the  Tfilm  faith.For  God  hath  beftowed  more  for  them  then  we 
have  done,  that  is  to  fay, the  life  and  blou-d  of  his  own  Son. Wherefore 
we  ought  alfo  to  rcceivc,to  aid  and  comfort/uch  w  ith  all  paildncs  and 

Vcrfc  I .  C«njiderlntf  tkjfclft  left  thott  alfo  tt  tempttd, 

This  is  a  very  neccflary  admonition  to  bcatedownc  the  fiiarpc 
dealing  of  fuch  Paftors  as  (hew  no  pity  inraifingupandrcftoring 


EX  nyo  de 


Chap.  VI.  Vf°n    e  E  p  l  s  T  L  E 

again  them  which  arc  fallen.  There  is  no  fin  (faith  Atiguftine)  which 
any  man  hath  done,but  another  man  may  do  the  fame.  We  ftandon  a 
flippery  ground  :  therefore  if  we  waxe  proud  and  leave  off  our  dtitie, 
there  is  nothing  fo  eafis  unto  us  as  to  fall.  It  was  well  faid  therfore  of 
one  in  thebook  called,  The  lives  of  the  Fathers,  when  it  was  told  him 
tj,at  one  ofhis  brethren  was  fallen  into  whoredom  :  he  fell  yeftcrday 
(faith  he)  and  I  may  fall  to  day.  Paul  therefore  addeth  this  earneft  ad 
monition  that  the  Paftors  fhoald  not  be  rigorous  and  unmerciful!  to 
wards  the  offenders,  or  mcafure  their  own  holines  by  other  mens  fins: 
;but  that  they  fhould  bear  a  motherly  affcclion  towards  them,and  think 
thus  with  themfelvcs  :  This  man  is  fallen  :   it  may  be  that  I  alfo  {"hall 
fall  more  dangeroufly  and  more  fhamefully  then  he  did.    And  ifthey 
which  befo  ready  to  judge  and  condemn  other,  would  well  confider 
their  own  fins,  they  (hall  find  the  fins  of  others  which  are  fallen  to  be 
but  motes,  and  their  own  fins  to  be  great  beams. 
.     Let  him  therfore  that  ftandeth  take  heed  left  he  fall.  If  David  which 
was  fo  holy  a  man,  full  of  faith  and  the  Spirit  of  God,  which  had  fuch 
notable  promifes  of  God,  which  alfo  didfo  many  and  great  things  for 
the  Lord,  did  fall  fo  grievoufly,  and  being  now  ftrickcnin  yeares  was 
.overthrown  withyouthfullluft  after  fo  many  and  divers  temptations 
wherewith  God  had  exercifed  him  :  why  fhould  we  prefume  of  our 
.own  conftancy  ?  And  God  by  fuch  examples  doth  fhew  unto  us,  firft 
our  own  weaknss,  that  we  fhould  not  waxe  proud,  but  ftand  in  fearc  : 
Then  he  (hcweth  unto  us  his  judgment,that  he  can  bcare  nothing  IcfTc 
then  pride,either  againft  himfelf  or  againft  our  brethren.  P<*«/fherforc 
faith  not  without  caufe  :  C  ordering  thy  fe/fe,  Ie<*£t  thott  alfo  be  temped. 
They  that  be  exercifed  with  temptations  doe  know  how  necelfary 
this  commandement  is.    On  the  other  fide,  they  which  be  not  try  ed 
therewith,  do  not  underftand  Paul^  and  therfore  are  not  touched  with 
any  pity  towards  them  that  are  fallen  :  as  was  to  be  feene  in  Popery, 
where  nothing  ejfc  reigned  but  tyranny  and  cruelty. 

Verfe  2.    Beare  jee  one  Mothers  burden  ,   Andfo  fottfill  the  law  of 

This  is  a  gentle  commandement  :  to  the  which  hee  joyneth  a 
great  commendation.  The  law  of  Chrift  is  the  law  of  love.  Chrjft 
after  he  had  redeemed  us,  renewed  us,  and  made  us  his  Church,  gaVe 

Totht  G  A  L  A  T  H  iln  i. 

&  no  other  law,  but  the  law  of  mutuall  Iove,7<>£.  i^A  nf*>  comn**<{g. 
mcntgw  I  unto  you,  that  ys  love  eogetktr&c.  And  to  love,is  not  (as  the 
PopiRi  Sophifters  drcamc)  to  wifh  well  one  to  another  :  but  one  to 
beare  anothers  burden,  that  is,  to  bear  thole  things  which  be  grievous 
unto  thee,and  wMch  thou  wouldeft  not  willingly  bcar.TherforeCf-ri- 
ftians  muft  have  ftrongflioulders  and  mighty  bones,that  they  may  bear 
flcfli,tnat  is,  the  wcaknefle  of  their  brethren  :  for  Paul  faith  that  they 
have  burdens  and  troubles.  Love  therefore  is  mild,courtcous,patient, 
not  in  receiving  but  in  giving.  For  it  is  conftraincd  to  winke  at  many 
things  and  to  beare  them.  Faichfull  teachers  doe  fee  .in  the  Church 
many  errours  and  of&nces  which  they  are  compelled  to  bcarc.  In  the 
ccmmon-weale,  Sub/efts  are  never  fo  obedient  to  the  laws  of  the  Ma- 
giftratcs  as  they  (Kould  be  :  Therfore  unleflfe  the  Magtftrate  can  winke 
and  diflemble  in  time  and  place,  he  (hall  never  be  meet  to  rule  the 
common-  wealth  .  In  houfhoid  affaires  there  be  many  things  done, 
which  difpleafe  the  matter  ofthchoufe.  But  if  we  can  beare  and 
winke  at  our  ownc  vices  and  offences  which  wee  daily  commit  : 
let  us  alfo  beare  ot  her  mens  faults,  according  to  this  faying  :  Beare 
yg  one  Anothers  harden,  &c.  Again  :  Theft  jhalt  love  thj  neighbour  AS 

Seeing  then  there  be  vices  in  every  ftateoflifc  and  in  all  men, 
therefore  7W  fetteth  forth  the  law  of  Chrift  unto  the  faithfull, 
whereby  he  cxhorteth  them  to  beare  one  anothers  burden.  They 
which  doe  not  ib,  do  plainly  witne{Te  that  they  underftand  not  one 
jot  of  the  lav;  of  Chrift,  which  is  the  law  of  love:  (  which  as  'Pattt 
faith,  i  Cor.  13.)  beleeveth  all  things,  hop:th  all  things,  andbea- 
rcthall  the  burdens  of  the  brethren  :  yetalwayes  holding  notwith- 
ftanding  the  firft  commandemcnt,  wherein  they  that  offend  ,  doc 
not  tranfgrefle  the  law  of  Chrift,  that  is  to  fay,  thi  law  of  charity, 
they  doe  not  hurt  nor  offend  their  neighbour  ,  but  ChrKt  and  his 
kingdome  which  he  hath  purchafed  with  his  owne  bioud.  This 
kingdome  is  not  maintained  by  the  law  of  charity,  but  by  the  word 
of  God,  by  faith  and  by  the  holy  Ghoft.  This  commandement 
then  cf  bearing  one  anothers  burden  ,  belongeth  not  to  them  be  borne. 
which  deny  Chrift,  and  not  oncly  doe  not  acknowledge  their  finne, 
but  alfo  defend  it  :  neither  doth  it  belong  unto  thofc  which  continue 
ftill  in  their  finnes  (who  alfo  doe  partly  deny  Chrift)  but  fuch  mult 
be  forfaken  leaft  we  become  partakers  of  their  evil!  workcs.  On 

O  o  the 

Chap.Vl.  V$tn  the  E  P  i  s  T  i  E 

the  contrary ,they  which  willingly  hear  the  word  of  God  and  believe, 
and  yet  notwithstanding  againft  their  will  do  fall  into  fin,  and  after 
they  be  admoniftied,  do  not  only  receive  fuch  admonition  gladly,  but 
alfo  they  deteft  their  fin,  and  indeavour  to  amend  :J  fay  are  they  which 
be  overtaken  with  fin,and  have  the  burdens  that  /W/comtrundeth  us 
to  bear  .In  this  cafe  let  us  not  be  rigorous  and  mercileflfc :  but  after  the 
example  of  Chrift.whobeareth  and  fprbearcth  fuch,let  us  bear  and  for 
bear  them  alfo:for  if  he  punifh  not  fuch  (  which  thing  n^t  withfun- 
-  ding  he  might  juftly  do)  much  lefle  ought  we  fo  to  do. 

Verfe  3.  For  if  any  man  tkinfyc  h'vmfelfto  be  flmewhat,  Voken  Indeed  he  a 
nothing,  ke  dece'weth  himfelf. 

Hcrcagainchercprchendcththcauthours  of  £3s,  and  painteth 
painted  out  them  out  in  their  right  colours  ;  to  wit,  that  they  be  hard  hearted 
1  n^cileffe  aRd  without  companion,  fuch  as  defpifc  the  weak,and  will 
not  vouchfafc  to  bear  c  their  burdens,  but  require  all  things  ftraitly 
andprecifely  ( like  wayward  husbands  and  fevere  Schoole- matters) 
whom  nothing  can  pleafe,  but  what  they  themfelves  doe  :  who  alfo 
will  be  alwayes  thy  bitter  enemies,  unlefic  thou  commend  whatfoe- 
ver  they  fay  or  doe,and  in  all  things  frame  thy  felfc  according  to  theip 
appetite.  Of  all  men  therefore  they  are  the  proudeft,and  dare  take  up 
on  them  all  things.  And  this  is  that  Pa*l faith  here :  they  thinke  thcm- 
fclves  to  bs  fomewhat ,  that  is  to  fay  ,  that  they  have  the  holy  Ghofi, 
that  they  underftand  all  the  myfteries  of  the  Scriptures,,  that  they  can 
not  crrc,  &c. 

Wherefore  TWaddcth  very  well,  that  they  are  nothing  t  but  that 
they  deceive  tbemfclves  with  thefoolifh  perfwallons  of  their  owne 
wifdome  and  holineffe.  They  underftand  nothing  therefore  either  of 
Chrift  or  of  the  law  of  ChrifttFor  if  they  did,they  would  fay:Brether 
thou  art  infecled  with  fuch  a  vice,  and  I  am  infe&ed  with  another: 
GO(J  nat n  forgiven  me  ten  thoufand  talents,  and  I  will  forgive  thec  an 
hundred  psnce.  But  when  they  will  require  all  things  fo  exjdly  and 
with  fuch  perfoflion,  and  will  in  no  wifebearetheburde.-sof  the 
wcake,  they  cftind  many  with  this  their  {harpneflfc  and  fevcrity,  who 
begin  to  dcfpife,  hate  and  (hun  them,  and  f:ek  not  comfort  or  counf  til 
at  their  hands,  nor  regard  what  or  how  they  teach :  Wheras  comrari- 
wife  Paftors  ought  fo  to  behave  themfcl ves  towards  thofe  over  whom 
they  have  taken  ch?.rgexthat  they  might  love  and  reverence  them,not 


To  the  GALA  r  H  I  A  N 

for  their  perfon,but  for  their  office  and  Chriftian  vcrtucs,  which  clpc* 
cially  ought  to  fliine  in  them. 

Paul  therefore  in  this  place  hath  rightly  painted  out  fuch  feverc  and 
mercileffe  Saints,  when  he  faith  :  They  thinks  thetnfclves  to  he  (ome* 
what  ;  that  is  to  fay,  bsing  puffed  up  with  their  owne  foolifo  opinions 
and  vaine  dreames,  they  have  a  marvellous  perfwafion  of  their  ownc 
knowledge  and  holines,and  yet  in  very  deed  they  are  nothing,  and  do  Deceivers 
but  deceive  themfelves.Fpr  it  is  a  manifeft  beguiling  when  a  man  per- 
fwad^th  himfelfe  that  he  is  fomewhat  ,  when  indeed  he  is  nothing. 
Such  men  arc  well  defcribed  in  the  third  of  the  tsfpocatyps  in  thcfc 
words,  Thoit{aiett:lamrichandincrcafcdy(>ith?oodsy  and  have  need  of 
xd  k*oweft  not  bow  than  art  Wretched  and  mifer  able  jwd  poor  t  and 
blind,  a 

Vei  fe  4.  But  let  every  man  try  his  oven  Work?,  and  then  hejhall  have  reioy* 
in  hiwfelfi  oxly,  andnot  in  another. 

He  goeth  forward  in  painting  out  of  thofc  proud  and  vain-glorious  Vain-glory 
fellows.  I:or  the  defe  of  vain-glory  is  an  odious  and  curfed  vice,  it  is 
the  occafion  of  all  evils,  and  troublethboth  comtnon-weales  and  con- 
fciences.  Ahdfpecially  in  fpiritualt  matters  it  is  fuch  an  evill  as  is  in 
curable.  And  albeit  that  this  place  may  be  underftood  of  the  works  of 
this  life  or  ctvill  conversation,  yet  principally  the  Apoftle  fpeaketh  of 
the  work  of  the  miniftery,and  invcigheth  againft  thofe  vain-glorious 
heads,  which  with  their  fantafticall  opinions  do  trouble  wel-inftruft- 
cd  confcknces. 

And  this  is  the  property  of  thofc  which  are  infeded  with  this  vaingiori. 
poyfon  of  vaine-glory  ,   that  they  have  no  regard  whether  their  ° 
workcs,  that  is  to  fay,  their  miniftery  be  pure,  fimpleandhithfull, 
or  not  :  but  this  they  onely  feeke,  that  they  may  have  the  praife  of 
the  people.   So  the  falfe  Apoftles,  when  they  faw  that  Paul  prea 
ched  the  Gofpeli  purely  to  the  Galathians,  and  that  they  could  not 
bring  any  better  do&rine,  they  began  to  find  fault  at  thofe  things 
which  he  had  godly  and  faithfully  taught,  and  to  prefcrrc  their  ownc 
doftrine  before  the  doctrine  ^fPau/9  and  by  this  fubtilty  they 
wonne  the  favour  of  the  Cjalathians,  and  brought  Paul  into  hatred 
2niong  them.    Therefore  the  proud  and  vain-glorious  do  joyn  thefe  Thrfte  «- 
three  vices  together.    Firft  they  are  greedy  of  glory.  Secondly  ,they  «<n°c  *J. 

O  o  2  are 

Chap.VI.  Vfon  th  E  P  i  s  T  L  B 

are  marvellous  witty  and  wily  in  finding  fault  with  other  mens 
jngs  and  fay  ings  ,  thereby  topurchafe  the  love,  the  well  liking  and 
praiic  of  the  people.  And  thirdly  when  they  have  once  gotten  a  name 
(  though  it  be  by  other  mens  travell  )  they  become  fo  (lout  and  full 
of  ftomacke  that  they  dare  venture  upon  all  things.  Therefore  they 
are  pernicious  and  pcftilent  fellowes  ,  whom  I  hate  even  with  my 
very  heart  :  for  they  feeke  their  own,  and  not  that  which  is  of  Jefus 
Chrift,  ere. 

r*»'       Agairift  fuch  Tdw/fpeaketh  here.   As  if  he  fhould  f  y  :  Such  vatne- 
glorious  fpirits  do  their  worke,  that  is  to  fay,  they  teach  the  Gofpcli 
to  this  end  that  they  may  win  praife  and  eftimation  among  men,  that 
is,that  they  may  be  counted  excellent  Doctors,  with  whom  TWand 
,    others  might  not  be  compared.  And  when  they  have  gotten  this  efti- 

The  people  i          i         •       i  i          <    i      r     •  it-  c      i 

dciigh:ed  n>ation,then  begin  they  to  reprehend  the  layings  and  doings  or  other 
mcn^  an(i  highly  commend  their  owne  :  and  by  this  fubtilty  they  be 
witch  the  minds  of  the  people,  who  becaufe  they  have  .itching  eares 
arc  not  only  delighted  with  new  opinions,but  alfo  rejoyce  to  fee  thole 
teachers  which  they  had  afore,  to  be  abated  and  defaced  by  thefe  new 
upftarts  and  glorious  heads,  and  alibccaufe  they  are  corns  to  a  fulneffs 
and  loathing  of  the  word. 

Thus  it  ought  not  to  be  (faith  he)  but  Jet  every  man  be  faithfull 
in  his  office  :  let  him  not  feeke  his  owne  glory,  nor  depend  upon  the. 
praife  and  commendation  of  the  people,  but  let  his  only  care  be  ta 

^oe  ^'s  wor^c  truty»  tnat  *s  »  ^ct  ^lm  teac^  tne  Gofpcli  purely  .    And 
ifHsworkebe  (incerc  and  found,   let  him  affurc  himfelfe  that  he 

corhe«c    ^ia^  ^ac^e  no  Pra^c  cit^er  before  God  or  among  the  godly.    In  tha 
pu°r<§y.       meane  fpace,  if  he  be  not  commended  of  the  unthankful!  world,  let 
jJjJ.  this  nothing  move  him  :  For  he  knoweth  that  the  end  of  his  mimfte- 
the  C"  ry  is,  not  that  he,  but  that  Chrift  lliould  bv  glorified  thrrby.    Where- 
W0ldt        fore  being  fur  nillied  with  the  armour  of  righteoufncfle  on  the  right 
hand  and  on  the  left,  let  him  fay  :  I  brgan  not  to  teach  th^  Gofpell  to 
the  end  that  the  world  fhouid  magnific  mr,  and  therefore  I  will  not 
Airinke  from  that  which  I  have  begun,  if  the  world  hate,  (lander  or 
persecute  me.  He  that  is  futh  an  one,tcacheth  the  word  and  attcndcth 
upon  his  otfice  faithfullyjWithout  any  worldly  refp£cl,that  i?,witbout 
regard  of  glory  or  gain,  without  the  ttrengtb,wiftiomcor  authority  of 
any  man.   He  leaned',  not  to  the  praife  of  other  men,  for  he  hath  it  in- 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  s. 

Wherefore  he  that  truly  and  faithfully  cxecuteth  his  office,  carcth 
not  what  the  world  fpeaks  of  him :  he  carcth  not  whether  the  world 
praife  or  difpraifc  him,but  he  hath  praifc  in  himfelfe,which  is  the  tc- 
ftimony  of  his  confcience,and  praifcor  glory  in  God.  He  may  there-  Tohave 
fore  lay  with  Paul:  This  is  our  rej'oycing,this  is  our  praifc  and  glory,  p™fe «» 
even  the  teftimony  of  our  confcience,  that  in  fimplicity  and  Sincerity  himfcUc 
before  God,  and  not  in  flefhly  wifedome,  jbut  in  the  grace  of  God  we 
have  had  our  con  verfation  in  the  world.  This  glory  is  uncorrupt  and 
ftedfaft  :  for  it  dcpendcth  not  on  other  mens  judgements,  but  of  out 
own  confcience,  which  beareth  us  witneifc  that  we  have  taught  the 
word  purely,  miniftred  the  Sacraments  rightly,  and  have  done  all 
things  well,and  therefore  it  cannot  be  defaced  or  taken  from  us. 

The  other  glory  which  thefe  proud  {pirits  doe  feeke,  is  unccr- 
taine  and  moft  perillous,  for  that  they  have  it  not  in  themfelves,  but 
it  confirtcth  in  the  mouth  and  opinion  of  the  people  :  Therefore  can 
they  not  have  the  teftimony  of  their  owne  confcience,  that  they 
have  done  all  things  with  fimplicity  and  nfic-rity  for  the  advancing 
of  the  glory  cf  God  onely,  and  the  falvation  of  foules.  For  this  is  it 
which  they  feck,  that  they  may  be  counted  famous  through  the  work 
and  labour  of  their  preaching,  and  be  praifed  of  men.  They  have 
therfure  a  glory,a  truft  and  a  teftimony,  but  before  men,  not  in  them 
felves  nor  be  fore  God.  The  godly  dec  not  defire  glory  after  this 
manner,  If  Taxi  had  had  this  praife  before  men,  and  not  in  himfelfe, 
hefhouldhave  been  compelled  todefpaire,  when  hefaw  many  ci 
ties,  countries,  and  all  isffia  fall  from  him:  when  he  faw  fomany 
cff.-nces  or  flanders,  and  fo  many  herefies  to  follow  his  preaching. 
Chrift  when  he  was  alone,  that  is,  when  he  was  not  only  fought  for 
by  the  Jews  to  be  put  to  death,  but  alfo  was  forfaken  of  his  difciplcs,  f«M.  ;»• 
Was  not  yet  alone,but  the  Father  was  with  him,  for  he  had  glory  and 
rej'oycing  in  himfelfe. 

So  at  this  day  if  oar  truft,  our  glory  and  rejoycing  did  depend 
upon  the  judgement  and  favour  of  men,  we  fhould  die  with  very 
anguilh  and  farrow  of  heart.  For  fo  farre  off  is  it  that  the  Pa- 
pifts,  Sectaries  and  the  whole  world  doc  judge  us  worthy  of  any 
reverence  or  praife,  that  they  hate  and  pcrfecutc  us  moft  bitterly  : 
yea,  they  would  gladly  overthrow  our  miniftcry,  and  rootc  out  our 
dodrine  for  ever.  We  have  therefore  nothing  before  men  but  re- 
proach  :  but  we  rejoyce  and  we  glory  in  the  Lord,  and  therefore  we  Wori 

Oo  attend 

Chap.VI.  Vjon  \lt  E*  i  s  T  t  E 

attend  upon  our  office  cheerefully  and  faithfully,  which  we  know  is 
acceptable  to  him.  Thus  doing  we  care  not  whether  our  work  doc 
pleafe  or  difpleafe  the  devill :  whether  the  world  love  us  or  hate  us. 
For  we  knowing  our  work  to  be  well  done,  and  having  a  good  con- 
fciencc  before  God,  goc  forward  by  honour  and  dishonour,  byevill 
report  and  good  report,^.  This  faith  Paul,  is  to  have  rejoycing  or 
glory  in  thy  felfe. 

in*  Gofpdi      And  this  admonition  is  very  neceflary  againft  that  execrable  vice 

IVthe  cSrfc  °*  vaine-glory .    The  Gofpell  is  a  dodrine  which  both  of  it  felfe,  and 

andcffencc,  alfo  by  the  malice  of  the  devill  bringeth  with  it  the  croffc  and  perfe- 

» COT.I.I  9.    cutjon<    Therefore  Pott  I  is  wont  to  call  it  the  word  of  the  crofle  and 

ofoffcnce.  It  hath  notalwaycsftedfaftand  conftantdifciples.  Many 

there  be  that  to  day  make  profeflion  thereof  and  embrace  it,  which  to 

morrow  being  offended  with  thecrofTc,  will  fall  from  it  and  deny 

The  drfci-    it.    They  therefore  that  teach  the  Gofpell  to  the  end  that  they  may 

Gof0dk'e    obtainethe  favour  and  praife  of  men,  muft  needs  perifh,  and  their 

glory  be  turned  unto  fhamc,  when  the  people  ceafe  to  reverence  and 

magnifie  them.    Wherefore  let  all  Paflors  and  Minifters  of  the  wor  J 

learne  to  have  glory  and  rejoycing  in  themfdves,  and  not  in  the 

mouth  of  other  men.    I  f  there  be  any  that  praife  them,  as  the  godly 

are  wont  to  doe,  (  By  evill  report  and go od report,  faith  Paul)  yet  let 

them  receive  this  glory  but  as  a  fhadow  of  true  glory :  and  let  them 

thinke  the  fubftancc  of  glory  to  be  indeed  the  teftimony  of  their 

own  confcience.    He  that  doth  fo,  proveth  his  own  work,  that  is,he 

regardeth  not  his  own  glory,  but  his  only  care  is  to  doe  his  office 

faithfully,  that  is  to  fay,  to  teach  the  Gofpeil  purely,  and  to  (hew  the 

what  iris    true  uic  cf  the  Sacraments.    When  he  thus  proveth  his  own  work, 

Jwe'toi'0  ne  natn  gl°ry  and  rejoycing  in  himfelfe,which  no  man  can  take  from 

qwn  work-    him :  for  he  hath  it  furely  planted  and  grounded  in  his  own  heart,and 

not  in  other  mens  mouthes :  whom  Satan  can  very  eafiiy  turne  away 

and  can  make  that  mouth  and  tongue  now  full  of  curling,  which  a 

little  before  was  full  of  bleffing. 

Therefore  (faith  Paul )  if  yc  ba  defirous  of  glory,  feek  it  where 
it  (hould  be  fought,  not  in  the  mouth  of  other  men,  but  in  your  own 
heart :  which  ye  then  doe  when  ye  execute  your  office  truely  and 
faithfully.  So  (hail 'it  come  to  pafle  that  befides  the  glory  which 
ye  have  in  your  (elves,  ye  (hall  have  praife  and  commendation  alfb 
tivfpre  men.  But  if  ye  glory  in  other  men,  and  not  in  your  felvcs,. 


To  the  GA  L  A  T  H  i  A  N  $;  Fol.2?4 

thatfliame  andconfufion  which  ye  have  inyourfclves,  fliallnotbc 
without  reproach  and  confufion  allb  before  men.This  have  wefcen  in 
ccrtaine  fantalticall  fpirits  in  thefe  our  days,  which  proved  not  their 
workerthat  is,they  did  not  only  feek  to  preach  the  Gofpell  purely  and 
(imply ,but  mifufcd  it  to  gaine  praife  among  men,  contrary  to  the  fe- 
cond  Commandemcnt.  Therfore  after  their  inward  confufion,thcrc 
followed  alfo  an  outward  confufion  and  fliame  among  men,according 
to  that  f-ying :  The  Lordvritt  not  holdhimguiltleffethat  tnkgthhu  Nave 
in  vaine.  A  nd  againe  :  They  which  defyije  me, /ball  be  dejpifcd. 

Contranwife,  if  we  feek  tirlt  the  glory  of  God  by  the  miniftcry 
of  the  word, then  furcly  our  glory  will  follow,  according  to  that  fay 
ing  :  Him  that  honsurethmee  1  willglorifie.  To  conclude,  let  every 
man  prove  his  worke :  that  is,  let  him  doc  his  endeavour  that  his 
ininiltery  may  be  found  faithfull :  fbr.this  above  all  things  is  required 
in  the  Minifters  of  the  word,  i  Cor-4-  As  if  he  ihould  fay :  Let 
every  man  endeavour  purely  and  faithfully  to  teach  the  word,  and 
let  him  have  an  eye  to  nothing  elfe  but  the  glory  of  God  and  the  fal- 
vation  of  foules,then  fhall  his  work  be  faithfull  and  found  :  then  fhall 
he  have  glory  and  rejoycing  in  his  own  confcience,  fo  that  he  may 
boldly  fay  :  This  my  doctrine  and  miniftery  pleafcth  God.  And  this 
is  indeed  an  excellent  glory. 

This  fentence  may  alfo  be  well  applied  to  thofe  works  which  Tll« wotbe 
are  done  of  the  faithfull  in  every  ftate  of  life.  As  if  a  Magiftrate,  ° 
an  houfholder,  afervant,  a  fchoole-m  after,  a  fcholler,  abide  in  his  vo 
cation,  and  doe  his  duty  therein  far  hfully,  not  troubling  himfelfc 
with  thofe  workcs  which  pertainc  not  to  his  vocation,  he  may 
glory  and  rejoycc  in  himfelfc :  fcr  he  may  fiy,  I  have  done  the 
works  of  my  vocation  appointed  unto  me  by  God,  with  fuch  faith- 
fulnefle  and  diligence  as  I  was  able.  Therefore  I  know  that  this 
worke  being  done  in  faith  and  obedience  to  God,  pieafeth  GoJ.  I  f 
other  fpcakecvillofit,  I  paflc  little  thereof.  For  there  be  alwaycs 
fome  which  defpifs  and  flander  the  doftrme  and  life  of  the  godly  : 
but  God  hath  threatncd  to  deftroy  all  lying  lippes  and  Pandd- 
rous  tongu:s.  Therefore  whileft  fuch  men  doe  greedily  f^eke  after 
vainc-glory,  and  with  lies  and  flanders  goe  about  to  deface  the 

godly,   it  hapneth   to   them  as  Pant  faith :    Vchfffe  glory  is  their 

jhame.    And  in  another  place:  Their  fiolifinejf'  fall  he  kyowne  ta  t     *  ' 
*Umcn.  By  whom?  Even  by  God  the  righteous  judge,  who  as  he 


Chap.VL  Vfon  tie  E?  i  $  t  L  E 

will  utter  their  falfe  accufations  and  flandcrs,  fo  will  he  reveals  the 
righteoufndfc  of  the  godly  like  the  noone-day,as  it  is  faid,P/S/.  3  7. 

Thisclaufe :  i»  hintfelfe  (to  touch  this  alto  by  the  way  )  muft  fo 
be  undcrftood  that  God  be  not  excluded :  that  is,that  every  man  may 
know,  in  what  godly  (late  of  life  foever  he  be,  that  his  worke  is  a  di 
vine  worke  :  for  it  is  the  worke  of  his  vocation  having  the  comman- 
dement  of  God. 

Vcrfe  5.    Fortvery  man  fba.ll  beare  kuowne  burden. 

This  is  as  it  were  the  reafon  or  confirmation  of  the  former  fcn- 
tencc,  left  any  man  (hould  leane  to  other  mens  judgement  in 
prailing  and  commending  of  him.  Asifhefaid:  It  is  extreme  mad- 
^c  ^°r  £^ee  to  ^ec^e  gl°ry  'n  anotner  an^  not  i"  tny  ^Ik :  for  in  the 

in  the  day  of  agony  of  death  and  the  laft  judgement  it  fhallnot  profit  thee  that 
other  mcn  navc  Praifccl  thec :  for  other  men  fhall  not  beare  thy 
.  burden,  but  thou  (halt  ftand  before  the  judgement  feate  of  Chrift, 

fit  not.  ancj  ^ajt  ^earc  £y  burden  alone.  Thzre  thy  praifers  {hall  nothing 
hclpe  thec.  For  when  we  die  thefc  praifes  fhall  ceafe.  And  in  that 
day  when  the  Lord  fhall  judge  the  fecrrts  of  all  hearts,  thewit- 
ncflc  of  thine  own  confcience  lliall  ftand  cither  with  thce  or  againft 
thec :  Againft  thee  if  thou  glory  in  other  mcn:  with  thee  if  thou  have 
it  in  thy  fcife,  that  is  to  fay,  if  thy  confcience  beare  thce  witneflfc 
that  thou  haft  done  thy  duty  in  the  mmiftcry  of  the  word  or  other- 
wife  according  to  thy  calling  finccrely  and  faithfully,  having  re- 
fpeft  to  the  glory  of  God  only  and  the  lalvation  ofibules.  And  thefc 
words,  Every  man  flail  beare  hii  ovcne  judgement,  are  very  vehe 
ment,  and  ought  fo  to  terrific  us  that  we  ihould  not  be  defirous  of 

And  this  moreover  is  to  be  noted,  that  we  are  not  here  in  the 
matter  of  juftification,  where  nothing  availcth  but  meere  grace  and 
fbrgiveneffe  of  finnes,  which  is  received  by  faith  alone :  where  all 
our  workes  alfo,  yea  even  our  bcft  workes,  and  fuch  as  are  done  ac 
cording  to  Gods  calling,  have  need  of  forgivencflb  of  finnes.  But 
this  is  another  cafe.  He  treateth  not  here  of  the  remifiion  of  finnc?, 
ut  compareth  true  workes  and  hypocritical!  workes  together. 

aod  works  Thefe  things  therefore  ought  thus  to  be  taken,  that  although  the 

Sue3F°"  work  or  mi"iftcry  °f a  g0%  P^ft°r  is  not  fo  perfect  but  that  he  hath 
neede  of  forgivencffe  ot  finnes,  yet  in  it  felfe  it  is  gopd  and  perfect. 

To  the  GA  LATH  IAN  s. 

in  comparifon  of  the  miniftery  of  the  vaine-  glorious  man.  So  our 
ininiftery  is  good  and  found,  becaufe  we  feeke  thereby  the  glory  of 
God  and  the  falvation  of  fcules.  But  the  miniftery  of  the  fantafticall 
heads  is  not  fo,  for  they  feek  their  own  praife.  Albeit  therefore  that 
no  works  can  quiet  the  confciencc  before  God:  yet  is  it  necefftry  that 
we  fhould  periwade  our  fclvcs  that  we  have  done  our  work  upright 
ly  ,truly,  and  according  to  Gods  calling,  that  is,that  we  have  not  cor 
rupted  the  word  of  God,but  have  taught  it  purely  and  faithfully.  This 
teftimony  of  confcience  we  have  need  of:  that  we  have  done  our  du 
ty  uprightly  in  our  function  and  calling.and  led  our  life  accordingly. 
So  fri  ought  we  then  to  glory  as  touching  our  works,  as  we  know 
them  to  be  commanded  of  God,and  that  they  pleafe  him.  For  every 
'jne  in  the  laft  judgement  fhall  beare  his  own  burden,  and  therefore 
other  mens  praifes  lhall  there  nothing  help  or  profit  him. 

Hitherto  he  hath  fpoken  againft  that  moft  peftilent  vice  of  vaine-  vainglory, 
glory,  for  the  fuppreffing  whereof  no  man  is  fo  ftrong,  but  that  he 
hath  needofcontmuall  prayer.  "For  what  man  almoft  even  among  the 
godly  is  not  delighted  with  his  own  praifes  ?  Only  the  holy  Ghoft 
can  prefcrve  us  that  we  be  not  infected  with  this  vice. 

Vcrfe  6*    Let  hint  tli  At  #  taught  In  the  Vford,make  him  that  tedcheth  him 
ker  of  all  his  goods. 

Here  hepreachcth  to  the  difciples  or  hearers  of  the  word,  com- 
mending  them  to  bcftow  all  good  things  upon  thofc  which  have 
taugul'  *>nd  inftruclcd  them  in  the  word.  I  hate  fometimes  marvelled  flung  of  the 
why  the  Apoftlcs  commanded  the  Churches  fo  diligently  tonouriQi  JJ 
their  teachers.    For  in  Popery  I  iaw  that  all  men  gave  abundantly  to  o«<«, 
the  building  and  maintaining  of  goodly  temples,  to  the  increasing  of 
the  revenues  and  livings  of  thofe  which  were  appointed  to  their  ido 
latrous  fervice.    Hereof  it  came  that  the  eftimation  and  riches  of  the 
Bifoops  and  the  reft  of  the  Clcargy  did  fo  increafe,  that  every  where 
they  had  in  poflcflion  the  beft  and  moft  fruitfull  grounds.   Therefore 
thought  I  that  T^ul  had  commanded  this  in  vainc,  feeing  that  all 
manner  of  good  things  were  not  only  abundantly  given  to  the  Cler 
gy,  but  alfo  they  overflowed  in  wealth  and  riches.    Wherefore  I 
thought  that  men  ought  rather  to  be  exhorted  to  withhold  their 
hands  from  giving,  then  encouraged  to  give  any  more  ;  for  I  faw 


Chap.  VI.  ffw  the  B  P  I  s  T  L  E 

that  by  this  exccflivc  liberality  of  metyhc  covctoufncflc  of  the  clergy 
did  increafe.But  now  I  know  the  caufe  why  they  had  fuch  abundance 
of  all  good  things  heretofore,  and  now  the  Paftours  and  Miniftcrs  of 
the  word  doe  want. 

Before  time,  when  nothing  elfe  was  taught  but  crrours  and  wic* 
zd  doftrine,  they  had  fuch  plenty  of  all  things,  that  otTeters  patri 
ot  the  MI.'  mony .(  which  denied  that  he  had  either  filvcr  or  gold,)  and  of  fpiri- 
ciuift  dof«    taa^  goods(as  they  called  them)thc  Pope  was  become  an  Emperour, 
wan-.        the  Cardinals  and  Bifhops  were  made  Kings  and  Princes  of  the 
world.  But  now  fincc  the  Gofpcll  hath  been  preached  and  publimed, 
the  profcffcurs  thereof  be  as  rich  as  fometime  Chrift  and  his  Apoftles 
were.  We  find  then  by  experience,how  well  this  comrmndemcnt  of 
nouriflhing  and  maintaining  the  Pattcurs  and  Miniftcrs  of  Gods  word 
is  ob(ervc.d,  which  P^/here  and  in  other  places  fo  diligently  repea- 
teth  and  bcateth  into  the  heads  of  his  hearers.    There  is  now  no  ci 
ty  which  is  known  to  us,  that  nourifhcth  and  maintained!  her  Pa 
ftours  and  Preachers :  but  they  are  all  entertained  with  thofe  goods 
which  were  given,  not  unto  Chrift,  to  whom  no  man  giveth  any 
thing,  (  for  when  he  was  borne  he  was  laid  in  a  manger  inftead  of  a 
bed,  becaufe  there  was  noroome  for  him  inthelnne:  afterwards 
!'"°8    btfag  converfant  among  men,  he  had  not  whereon  to  lay-his  head : 
1  '* '  and  briefly  being  fpoiled  of  his  garments  and  hanging  naked  upon 
thecrofle  between  two  theeves,  he  died  moft  mifcrably :)  but  to  the 
Pope  for  the  maintenance  of  his  abominations,and  becaufe  he  opprei- 
fing  theGofpell,  taught  the  dodrincs  and  traditions  of  men,  andfet 
up  Idolatry. 

And  as  oft  as  I  reade  the  exhortation  cfPaul,  whereby  he  per- 
fwadeth  the  Churches  that  they  fhould  either  nourifh  their  Pa 
ftours,  or  give  fbmewhat  to  the  rcikfe  of  the  poorc  Saints  in 
Jewry,  I  doe  greatly  marvcll  and  am  afhamed  that  fo  great  an 
Apcftle  fhould  be  conftrained  to  ufe  fo  many  wcrds  for  thcobtai- 
ning  of  this  benefit  of  the  Congregations.  Writing  to  the  Co 
rinthians  he  treateth  of  this  matter  in  two  whole  Chaprers.  I 
would  be  loath  to  defame  Wittenb*rgt  which  indeed  is  no'.hing 
to  Corinth,  as  he  defamed  the  Corinthians  m  bcggin^fo  carefully 
for  the  relief  and  fuccour  of  .the  poorc.  But  this  is  the  lot  of  the  Gof 
pcll  when  it  is  preached,  that  not  only  no  man  is  willing  to  give 
3ny  thing  for  the  finding  of  Miniftcis  and  maintaining  .of  Schollers, 


Tithe  GAL  AT  H  IAN  s* 

but  men  begin  to  fpoile,fo  robbe  and  to  fteale,  and  with  clivers  crafty 
jneanes  one  to  beguile  another.  To  be  briefe,  men  feeme  fuddcnJy  to 
grow  out  cf  kind,  and  to  be  transformed  into  crucll  beafts,  Contra- 
riwife  when  thedoftrine  of  devils  was  preached,  then  men  were 
prodigalland  offered  all  things  willingly  to  thofe  that  deceived  them. 
The  Prophets  doe  reprove  the  fame  finne  in  the  J ewes,  which  were 
loath  to  give  any  things  to  the  godly  Priefts  and  Levites,  but  gave  all 
things  plentifully  to  the  wicked. 

Now  therefore  we  begin  to  understand  how  necefTary  this  com- 
mandement  of  Paul  is  as  touching  the  maintenance  of  the  Minifters 
of  the  Church.  For  Satan  can  abide  nothing  Icfle  then  the  light  of  the 
Gofpsll.  Therefore  when  he  feeth  that  it  beginneth  to  fhine,  then 
doth  he  rage  and  gocth  about  with  all  maineand  might  to  quench  it. 
And  this  he  attempteth  two  manner  of  waycs.  Firft,  by  lying  fpirits 
and  force  of  tyrants :  and  then  by  poverty  and  famine.  But  becaufe 
he  could  not  hitherto  opprefle  the  Gofpell  in  this  countrey  C  praifed  waycs* 
be  God  )  by  hereticks  and  tyrants :  therefore  he  attempteth  to  bring 
ittopafle  the  other  way,  that  is,  by  withdrawing  the  livings  of  the 
Minifters  of  the  word,  to  the  end  that  they  being  oppreffed  with 
poverty  and  neccflity,  fhould  fcrfake  the  Miniftery,  and  fo  the  mife- 
rable  people  being  deftitute  of  the  word  of  God,  fhould  become  in 
time  as  favagc  and  wild  beafts.  And  Satan  helpeth  forward  this 
horrible  enormity  by  ungodly  Magiftrates  in  the  Cities,  andalfoby 
Noble-men  and  Gentle-men  in  the  Countrey,  who  take  away  the 
Church  goods  whereby  the  Minifters  of  the  Gofpell  (hould  live,  and 
turne  them  to  wicked  ufcs.  Thefe  goods  (  faith  the  Prophet  Micha  J  jtf»f*-1  f« 
Vtcre  fat  here  d  of  the  hire  of  an  harlot^  and  therefore  to  an  harlots  hire  they 

Moreover,  Satan  turneth  men  par t icularly  alfo  from  the  Gofpell 
by  overmuch  fulneffe.   For  when  the  Gofpell  is  diligently  and  daily  o^^ 
preached,  many  being  glutted  therewith  begin  to  loath  it,  and  by  lit-  bnng«h 
tie  and  little  become  negligent  and  untoward  to  all  godly  exercifcs.  loatt"B8> 
Againc,  there  is  no  man  that  will  now  bring  up  his  children  in  good 
learning,  and  much  kflc  in  the  ftudy  of  the  holy  Scripture,  but  they 
employ  them  wholy  to  gainfull  arts  or  occupations.   All  thcfe  are 
Satans  pradifes,  to  no  other  end  but  that  he  may  oppreile  the  Gof- 
pell  in  this  our  countrey  with  any  vioicnc?  of  tyrants,  or  fubtill  devi 
ces  of  hcretkks« 


iCtr  MI 

Th€  h°  ht 

Chap.  VI.  ffM  *h  £  f  i  s  T  i  E 

It  is  not  without  caufc  therefore  that  74ft/  warncth  the  hearers 
oftheGofpcll  to  make  their  paftours  and  teachers  partakers  with 
tncm  *n  a^  S00^  things.  If  we  (faith  he  to  the  Corinthians)  have  fowne 
to  you  jpiritftalt  thingf,  is  it  a  great  matter  ifVfef  reapc  your  Worldly 
things  ?  The  hearers  therefore  ought  to  miniftcr  carnall  things  to 
them  of  whom  they  have  received  fpirituall  things.    But  both  huf- 
bandmen,  citizens  and  gentlemen  doe  at  this  day  abufe  our  dodtrinc, 
that  under  the  colour  thereof  they  may  enrich  themfclves.   Hereto- 
fore  when  the  Pope  reigned  there  was  no  man  which  paid  not  fome- 
what  ycerly  to  the  Prieils  for  Mafles,  dirges,  trentals  and  fuch  trafti. 
The  begging  Friers  had  al(b  their  part.  The  mcrchandifes  of  Rome 
like  wile  and  daily  offerings  carried  away  fbmevvhat.  From  thefcand 
from  an  infinite  number  of  fuch  exactions  our  countreymcn  arc  now 
delivered  by  theGofpell.    But  fofarreoffisit  that  they  are  thank- 
full  unto  God  for  this  liberty,  that  of  prodigall  givers  they  arc 
now  become  ftarketbeeves  and  robbers,  and  will  not  beftow  one 
farthing  on  the  Gofpell  or  the  Minifters  thereof,  nor  give  any  thing 
for  the  relief:  and  fuccour  of  the  poore  Saints:  which  isacertainc 
token  that  they  have  loft  both  the  word  and  faith,  and  that  they  have 
no  fpirituall  goodncflfc  in  them.    For  it  is  impoffible  that  fuch  as  are 
godly  indeed,  fhould  fuffcr  their  Paftours  to  live  in  necelfity  and  pe 
nury.   But  forafmuch  as  they  laugh  and  rejoyce  when  their  Paftourj 
fuftr  any  adverfity,  and  withhold  their  living,  or  give  it  not  with 
fuch  faiihfulnes  as  they  ought  :  it  is  a  plainc  token  that  they  are  worfe 
then  the  Heathen. 

'         BUt  ^Cy  ^^  ^C  CrC  lt  ^C  ^°ng  W^3t  Cakmi'tics  W^^  follow  this 

unthankfulnefle.  For  they  (liall  lofe  both  temporall  and  fpirituall 
things.  For  this  finne  mud  needs  be  grievoufly  punidied.  And  cer- 
tainely  I  think  that  the  Churches  in  gaktit,  Corinth,  and  other  pla 
ces  were  fo  troubled  by  thcfalfeApottles  for  no  other  caufc,  but  for 
that  they  little  regarded  their  true  Paftours  and  preachers.  For  it  is 
good  reafon  that  he  which  rcfufcth  to  give  a  penny  to  God  wh^of- 
fereth  unto  him  all  good  things  and  life  everlafting,  (houldgivca 
pceccofgold  tothedevill,  thcauthour  of  all  evils  and  death  everla- 
ttttJg.Who  fo  will  not  fervc  God  in  a  little,and  that  to  his  own  inefti- 
mabls  bcnefit,let  him  fcrve  the  dovill  in  much  to  his  extreme  and  ut 
ter  confufion.  Now  therefore  fince  the  light  of  the  Gofpell  beginneth 
to  fbineswefce  what  the  dcvill  i^and  what  the  world  is. 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S^ 

In  that  he  faith :  In  alt  his  goods,  it  is  not  fb  to  be  taken  that  all  men  ;hn  a"  8°od 
are  bound  to  give  all  that  thej  have  to  their  Miniftcrs,  bat  that  they  '  'D8$< 
fhould  maintain  them  liberally,  and  give  them  that  whereby  they  may 
be  well  able  to  live. 

Verfey.    Be  not  deceived,  fir  Cod  is  not  mocked. 

ThcApoftle  profecutcth  this  place  of  the  nourifhing  and  main 
taining  of  Miniftcrs  fo  carneftly ,  that  to  his  former  reprehcnfion 
and  exhortation  he  addcth  now  alfo  a  threatning,  faying  :  Godisnot 
mocked.    And  here  he  touchcth  to  the  quicks  the  pervcrfencfTc  of  our 
Country-men,  which  proudly  dcfpife  our  Miniftery.    For  they  think  ®*mlcm8"» 
it  to  be  but  afport  and  a  game  :  and  therefore  they  goe  about  (cipc-  hu!b"d.n<i 
cially  the  Gentlemen)  to  make  their  Pa&ors  fub/ed  unto  them  like  £KnrefFjL 
fervants  and  (laves.  And  if  we  had  not  fo  godly  a  Prince,  and  one  that  *t?nfae?s, 
loveth  the  truth ,  they  had  ere  this  time  driven  us  out  of  the  coun 
try.    When  the  Faftors  aske  their  duty  or  compiainc  that  they  fiif- 
fer  penury,  they  cry  out :  the  Pricfts  be  covetous,  they  would  have 
plenty,  no  man  is  able  to  fatisfie  their  unfatiable  covetbufneffc  ;  if 
they  were  true  Gofpellers  they  (hould  have  nothing  of  their  owne, 
but  as  poor  men  ought  to  follow  poor  Chrift,  and  fo  fuffcr  all  adverfi- 
ties,  (ire. 

Taul  horribly  threatneth  here  fuch  tyrants  and  fuch  mockers  of 
God,who  focarclcflyand  proudly  do  fcorne  the  miferable  Preachers, 
and  yet  will  feemc  to  be  Gofpdkrs,and  not  to  be  mockers  of  God,but 
to  worfhip him  vei'y  devoutly.  Be  not  d'ceived  (faith  he)  god  it 
Mot  mocked,  that  is  to  fay,  he  doth  not  fatter  himfelfe  to  be  mocked  in 
his  Minirters.  For  he  faith :  He  that  dtfylfethyou,  deffifeth  mi.  Alfo  he 
faith  unto  Samuel,  Thcj  have  not  cafl  rtee  away  ,  hit  me.  Therefore, 
O  ye  mockers,  although  God  defcrre  his  puniQiment  for  a  feafbn,  yet 
when  he  fccth  time  he  will  find  you  out,and  wil  puniiTn  this  contempt 
cf  his  word  and  bitter  hatred  which  y  ee  bcarc  againft  his  Miniftcw. 
Therefore  ye  deceive  not  God  but  y  our  felvcs,  and  ye  (lull  not  laugrr 
at  God,  but  he  will  laugh  at  you,  P/2/.a.  Buc  our  proud  Gcnrb- 
Kirn,  Citizens  and  com tnon-peopjc  are  nothing  at  all  moved  wi'h 
thcfe  dreadfull  thrcatnings.  Neverthcleflfe  they  (hall  fed  when  death 
approacheth, whether  they  have  mocked  thcmfclves  or  us  j  nay  rather 
not  us,  but  God  himlelfe,  as  ZW  £uih  here.  I  n  the  meanc  time  bc- 


Chap.  VI.  Vfon  the  EPISTLE 

caufe  they  proudly  defpife  our  admonitions  with  an  intolerable  pride, 
we  fpeake  thcfe  things  to  our  comfort,  to  the  end  we  may  know  that 
it  is  better  to  fuffcr  wrong  then  to  doe  wrong  :  for  patience  is  ever  in 
nocent  and  harmelefle.  Moreover,  God  will  not  fuffcrhis  miniftcrs 
toftarve  for  hunger,  but  even  when  the  rich  men  iuffer  fcarcitysnd 
hunger,  he  will  feed  them,  and  in  the  day  of  famine  they  (hall  have  e- 

Vcrfe  7.  For  Vikatfeever  a  man  forveth  thttfiall  he  reap. 

All  thefe  things  tend  to  this  purpofe,that  Minifters  fhould  be  nou- 
rifacd  and  maintained.For  my  part  I  do  not  gladly  interpret  fuch  fen- 
tcnces :  for  they  feem  to  commend  us,  and  fo  they  do  indeed. Moreo- 
ver,if  a  man  ftand  much  in  repeating  fuch  things  to  his  hearers,  it  hath 
fomc  Chew  of  covetoufnes.  Notwithstanding  men  muft  be  admonifli- 
ry  living  due  ecj  herecf  tbat  they  may  know  that  they  ought  toyecld  unto  their  Pa- 

to  the  mini-  n  J          J  .  .^        ..    r         "-J-y       r*    .  .-,,     .f.  , 

flcrscfibe  ftors,both  reverence  and  a  neceflUry  living.  Our  Saviour  Chrift  teach  - 

word.         eth  the  (amc  thing  in  the  I  o.  of  Luke :  Eating  and  drinking  fah  things 

AS  they  have  :for  the  labourer  is  Worthy  of  his  reward.  hn&  P  Wfaith  in  a- 

^  Cor>9>' 3>    nother  place  :  D  oye  not  know  that  they  Which  /acrifice  In  the  Temple,  live 

ef  the  fecrifices  ?  and  that  they  Vfhichfirve  at  the  altar,  are  par  inkers  efthe 

aliur  ?  Evenfo  hath  the  Lord  ordained  that  they  Vfhich  preach  the  Gotyell, 

fhould  live  of  the  CjofyelL 

It  is  good  that  we  9lfo  which  are  in  the  miniftery,  fhould  know 
thefe  things,  leaft  for  our  labour  we  might  with  evillconfciencc  re 
ceive  the  ft  ipend  which  is  given  unto  us  of  the  Popes  goods.  And  al 
though  fuch  goods  were  heaped  together  by  meere  fraud  and  deceit, 
yet  notwithstanding  God  fpo>  ling  the  ££;/tf^»/,that  is  to  fay, the  Pa- 
pifts  of  their  goods,  turneth  them  here  amongft  U5,  to  a  good  and  holy 
uf? :  not  when  noble-  men  and  gentle-men  fpoyl  them  and  abufe  them, 
but  when  they  which  let  forth  Gods  glory,  and  bring  up  youth  \ertu- 
oufiyjare^maintained  thcrwith.  Let  us  know  then  that  we  may  with 
good  confcience  ((inceGod  hath  ordained  and  commanded  that  they 
which  preach  theGofpcll  (hould  live  of  the  Goipell)  ufe  thofi  things 
that  are  given  us  of  the  Church  goods/orthenecsflary  faftentstion  of 
our  life,  to  the  end  we  may  attend  upon  our  office  the  better.  Let  no 
man  therefore  make  any  fcrupk  hereof  as  though  it  were  not  la  wfuil 
for  him  to  ufe  fuch  goods, 


TO  tht  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  §T  F ol.2 gg 

.  ForketkatfoTvethintheflefi,  /hall  of  the  ficfi  retpe  corruptisn : 
btit.bc  that  fowcth  in  the  Spirit^  /ball  of  the  Spirit  reape  cver- 
la  fling  lift. 

He  addeth  a  fimilitudc  and  an  allegory.  And  this  generall  fentcncc 
of'fowing  he  applieth  to  the  particular  matter  of  nourifhing  and  main 
taining  the  Miniftecs  of  the  word,  faying :  He  that  foweth  in  tht  Spi-  w 
r//,  that  is  fo  fay,  he  that  cherifheth  the  teachers  of  Gods  word,  doth  tc 
a  fpirituall  worke,  and  i"hall  reape  everlafting  life.    Here  rileth  a  que- 
ftion,  whether  we  dcfervc  eternall  life  by  good  workes  ?  For  fo  Paul 
fccmeth  to  avouch  in  this  place.   As  touching  fuch  fentenccs  which 
fpeakc  of  works  and  the  reward  of  them,  we  have  treated  tcry  largely 
before  in  the  5 .  chapter.  And  very  neceflary  it  is,  after  the  example  of 
Paul,  to  exhort  the  faithfullto  good  works,  that  is  to  fay,  to  exercife 
their  faith  by  good  works.For  if  they  follow  not  faith,  it  is  a  manifcft 
token  that  their  faith  is  no  true  faith.Therfore  the  Apoftle  faith  the  that 
foweth  in  theflefi  (fome  underftand  if ,in  his  own  flc(li)that  is  to  fay,  he 
that  giveth  nothing  to  the  Minifters  of  Gods  word,  but  only  feedcth 
and  carcth  for  himfelf  (which  is  the  counfell  of  the  flcfh)that  man  ftiali 
of  the  fl:th  rcape  corruption,  not  only  in  this  prefent  life,  but  alfo  in 
the  life  to  come.  For  the  goods  of  the  wicked  (hall  waftc  away,  and 
they  themfelves  alfo  at  length  fhall  (hamefully  perifli.     The  Apoftle 
Would  faine  ftirrc  up  his  hearers  to  be  libcrall  and  beneficiall  towards 
their  Paftors  and  Preachers. But  what  a  mifery  is  it,that  the  pcrvcr/hes 
and  ingratitude  of  men  fhould  be  fo  great,  that  the  Churches  lliould 
need  this  admonition? 

The  Encratites  abufed  this  place  for  the  confirmation  of  their  TIie  herr. 
wicked  opj.iionagainft  marriage,  expounding  it  after  this  manner: 
He*  that  foweth  in  the  flejb  fhall  reape  corruption   :    That  is  to  fay, 
he  that  marrieth  a  wife  fhall  be  damned  :  Ergo9  a  wife  is  a  damna 
ble  thing,  and  marriage  is  evil!,  foFaiimich  as  there  is  in  it  a  fowing  vcdairou- 
in  the  flefh.     Theie  beafts  were  ib.dcflitute  of  all  judgement,  that 
they  perceived  not  whereabout  the  Apoftle  wcnr.^    I  fpeakc  this 
to  the  end  yee  may  fee  how  cafily  the  dcvill  by  his  miniftcrs  can  Jjv  |«r 
turnc  away  the  hearts  of  the  fimple  from  the  truth.     Cjerm  nie  Hiall  " 
fiiortly  tave  an  infinite  number  of  fuch  bcaftes ,   yea  and  already 
hath  very  many  :  For  on  the  onefijeitperfccutcth  andkilleththc 


have  ic»i. 

Chap. VI.  Vfto  the  E  P  i  s  T  L  i 

god!yMinifters,and  on  the  other  fide  it  neglecleth  and  dcfpifcth  them, 
and  iiifrcrcth  them  to  live  in  great  penury.  Let  us  arrae  our  felves  a- 
gainft  thefc  and  fuch  like  errors,and  let  us  karn  to  kww  the  true  mea 
ning  of  the  Scriptures.  For  Pd#/fpaketh  not  here  ofmatrimony,  but 
of  nourifoing  the  Minifters  of  the  Church,  which  every  man  that  is 
endued  but  with  the  common  judgement  cfrcafon  may  perceive.  A.nd 
although  this  nourishment  is  but  a  corporall  thing,  yet  notwithftan- 
ding  he  calkth  it  a  fowing  in  the  fpirit.  Cbntrariwife ,  when  men 
greedily  fcrape  together  what  they  can,and  feck  only  their  own  gain, 
he  calleth  it  a  fowing  in  the  fiefli.  He  pronounceth  thofe  which  fow 
in  the  fpirit 'to  be  bleikd,both  in  this  life  and  in  the  life  to  come  :  and 
<he  other  which  fow  in  the  fkili  to  be  accurfed,both  in  this  life  and  in 
the  life  to  come. 

V  €1  (c  p .  tAndlet  Ht  not  be  Weary  of  doing  £io&t  for  in  due  tints  Wee  fidl 
reafe  Without  Wcarinefie, 

The  Apoftlc  intending  to  clofe  up  his  Epiftk,  paffeth  from  the  par 
ticular  to  the  generall,  and  exhorteth  generally  to  all  good  works.  As 
if  he  fbould  fay  :  let  us  be  liberal!  and  b'-xintifull,  not  on'y  towards  the 
Miniftersof  theword,but  alfo  to  wards  all  other  men,and  that  without 
wcarines.  For  it  is  an  eafie  matter  for  a  man  to  do  good  once  or  twice: 
but  to  continue»and  not  to  be  difcouragcd  through  the  ingratitude  and 
weari-  pervcrfiicfle  of  thofe  to  whom  he  hath  done  good,  that  is  very  hard. 
n<ffc'        Thcrforc  he  doth  not  only  exhort  us  to  do  gcod,but  alfo  not  to  be  wea 
ry  in  doing  good.  And  ro  perfwadc  us  the  more  eafily  therunto,hc  ad- 
deth  ,  For  in  due  time  Wefhall  reafe  Without  Wearinestte  if  he  laid  :  wait 
andlook  for  the  perpetuall  harveft  that  is  to  comc.and  then  iliall  no  in 
gratitude  or  perverfe  dealing  of  men  be  able  to  pluck  you  away  from 
well-doing  :  For  in  the  harveft-timcyeefhall  receive  moft  plentifull 
increafe  and  fruit  of  the  feed.  Thus  with  moft  fwcet  words  he  exhor- 
teth  the  faithfull  to  be  doing  of  good  works. 

Verfe  10.  Therefore While We  have  time^  It  us  do  %ood  unto  all  ment  hit 
to  thofe  that  be  of  the  hotifiotd  of  faith. 

This  is  the  knitting  up  of  his  exhortation  for  the  liberall  main 
taining  and  nouriihing  of  the  Minillers  of  the  word,  and  giving 


G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N 

of  almes  to  all  fuch  as  have  need.  As  if  he  had  faid,let  us  do  good  while  /«*  * 
it  is  day  ,for  when  night  cometh  we  can  no  longer  work.Indecd  men 
workc  many  things  when  the  light  of  the  truth  is  taken  a  Way,  but  all 
in  vain  :  for  they  walk  in  darknes  and  wot  not  whither  they  goc,  and 
thcrforc  all  their  life,  works,  fuffcrings  and  death  arc  in  vain.  And  by 
thcic  words  he  touchcth  the  GAlathians.  As  if  he  (hould  fay  .Except  yc 
continue  in  the  found  doftrine  which  yce  have  received  of  me,  your 
working  of  much  good,  yourfuf&ring  of  many  troubles,  and  (uch  o- 
thcr  things  profit  you  nothing  :  as  he  faid  before  in  the  third  Chapter: 
Haveyef»fferedfi  many  things  in  vain?  And  by  a  new  kind  of  fpecch  he 
tcrmcth  thofe  the  houfhold  of  faith  which  arc  joyned  with  us  in  the 
fcllowfhip  of  faith,  among  whom  the  Mintfters  of  the  word  are  the 
chiefcft,  and  then  all  the  reft  of  the  faithfull. 

Vcrfc  1  1  .    JBehoMiPhttt  a  fetter  I  have  Written  nnto  yon  With  mine  OTVM 

He  clofcth  up  his  Epiftlc  with  an  exhortation  to  the  faithfull,  and 
with  a  fharp  rebuke  or  inveftive  againft  thefalfe  Apoftlcs:#^0/^(faith 
he)  What  A  letter  I  hone  Written  ttnto  yon  With  mine  own  hand.  This  he 
faith  to  move  them,and  to  fhe  w  his  motherly  aftedlion  towards  them.  ™e, 

As  if  he  ftiould  fay  :  I  never  wrote  fo  long  an  Epiftle  with  mine  own 
hand  to  any  other  Church  as  I  have  done  unto  you,  For  as  for  his  other 
Epiftles,  ashcfpakcother  wrote  them,  and  afterwards  he  fubfcribed 
his  falutation  and  name  with  his  own  band,  as  it  is  to  bcfccninthe 
end  of  his  Epiftles.  And  in  thefe  wovds  (as  I  fuppofe)  he  hath  refpcft 
to  the  length  of  the  Epiftlc.  Other  fomc  take  it  other  wife. 

Verfc  12.    As  many  M  defre  topleafe  in  thefiefli,  comffH  you  to  be  cir-        ^^*, 
cttmcijed,  only  bccMtfe  they  Would  not  fufftr  the  perfccution  of 

Before  he  curfcd  the  falfc  Apoftlcs.    Now  as  it  were  repeating  the 
me  thin    aain  but  with  other  words,  hcaccufcth  them  very  fharp- 

Before  he  curfcd  the  falfc  Apoftlcs.  Now  as  t  were  repeatng  te 
fame  thing  again,  but  with  other  words,  hcaccufcth  them  very  fharp- 
ly,to  the  end  he  may  fear  and  turn  away  the  $*rifcri  from  their  do- 
drin,not  withftanding  the  great  authority  which  they  fecmcd  to  have. 
The  teachers  which  yc  have  (faith  he)  arc  fuch  as  firft  regard  not  the  jjjjg 
clory  of  Chrift  and  the  fclvationofyour  fotils,but  only  feck  their  own  Apofllc,. 

P  p  glory: 

V{on  ffo  E  P  i  s  T  i  B 

glorie:fecondly,  they  flic  the  crotfe  :  thirdly,  they  undeiftand  not 
*hofe  things  which  they  teach. 

Thefe  falfe  teachers  being  accufed  of  the  Apoftles  for  three  fuch  ex 
ecrable  enormities,  were  worthy  to  be  avoided  of  all  men.  But  yet  all 
the  Calathians  obeyed  not  this  warning  of  Taut.  And  Paul  doth  the 
falfeApollksno  wrong,  when  he  fo  vehemently  inveigheth  againil 
them:  but  he  juftly  cond^mneththcm  by  his  apoftolike  authorities.  In 
like  manner  when  we  call  the  Pope  Antichrilt,  his  Bifhops  and  his 
fhavelingsacurfed  generation,  we  flander  them  not,  but  by  Gods  au- 
thoritie  we  judge  them  to  be  accurfed,according  to  that  which  is  faid 
in  the  firft  chapter  :  IfVvc  or  cm  Angellfrom  heaven  preach  otherwifi  then 
Vcc  have  preached  unto  you,  accurfedlehe:  For  they  hate,  perfecutc  and 
overthrow  the  doftrine  of  Chrift. 

Your  teachers  (faith  he)  arc  vain  heads.and  not  regarding  the  glory 
of  Chrift  and  your  falvation,they  feck  only  their  own  glory.  Againe, 
bccaufe  they  are  afraid  of  the  crolTe,  they  preach  circumcilion  and  the 
righteoufncs  ofthe  flefh,lcft  they  flhould  provoke  the  lews  to  hate  and 
perfecute  them.  Wherfore.althaugh  ye  hearc  them  never  fo  gladly  and 
never  fo  longcyetthall  yec  hearc  but  fuch  as  make  their  belly  thcic 
God,feekc  their  owne  glory,  and  fhunne  thecrofft.  And  here  is  to 
be  noted  a  certaine  vehemcncy  in  this  word  compell.  For  circumcifi- 
on  is  nothing  of  it  felfe  :  but  to  be  compelled  to  circuuicifion,  and 
when  a  man  hath  received  it,  to  put  righteoufnes  and  holines  thcrin, 
and  if  it  be  not  received  to  make  it  a  fin,  that  is  an  injury  unto  Chrift. 
Of  this  matter  I  have  fpoken  largely  enough  heretofore.. 

Jrtrfe  13.  For  they  tketnfelves  that  Are  circumcijed  doe  not  kfepe  the 
/arv  :  but  they  would  hAve  you  circumcifed  ,  that  they  might 
glory  injourflejb. 

Is  not  PWhere  worthy  to  be  called  an  hcreticke?  For  he  faith, 
that  notonely  thefalfc  Apoftles,   but  all  the  nation  cf  the  Jewes 
which  were  circumcifed  ,  keepe  not  the  law  ,  but  rather  that  they 
which  were  circumcifed  ,  in  fulfilling  the  law  fulfill  it  not.    This  is 
ggjjnfl.  <jwt,f(s  ,  who  faith  ,  that  to  be  circumcifed  is  tokecpe  the 
lawj  and  not  to  be  circumcifed  ,  is  to  make  the  covenant  voydc, 
Gen  7-u/  Cjen.ij*  And  the  lewes  were  cirumcifcd  for  none  other  caufe  but 
tnelaw,  \vhichcQiiiinanded  that  every  male  child,  fliould 



To'tke  G  A  L  A  T  M  I'A  N  *• 

be  circumcifed  the  eight  day.  Hereof  wee  have  before  intreatcd  at' 
large,  and  therefore  wee  need  not  now  torcpcatc  the  fame  againe. 
Now,  rhefe  things  ferve  to  the  condemning  of  the  fdlfe  Apcftks, 
that  the  Galathians  may  be  feared  from  hearing  of  them,  asifhee 
(hould  lay :  Behold,  I  fuc  before  your  eyes  what  manner  of  teachers 
yce  have.  Firft  they  arc  vaine-glorious  men ,  which  feekc  nothing 
but  their  owne  protire  ,  and  care  for  nothing  but  i heir  owne  belly. 
Secondly ,  they  flic  the  crofls :  and  finally  th:y  teach  no  truth  or  cer 
tainty  ,  but  all  their  faying  and  doings  are  counterfeit  and  full  of" 
hypocrifie.  Wherefore  although  they  kecpe  the  law  outwardly :  yet 
in  keeping  it  they  keepe  it  not.  For  without  the  holy  Gholr,  the  law 
cannot  be  kept.  But  the  holy  Ghoft  cannot  be  received  without 
Chrift-.and  where  the  holy  Ghoft  dwelleth  not,  there  dwelleth  an 
uncleane  fpirit,  that  is  to  fay,  dcfptfing  God,  and  feeking  his  owne  Thc  ljwif 
gaine  and  glory.  Therefore  all  that  he  doth  as  touching  the  law,  is 
mecre  hypocrifie  and  double  finne.  For  an  uncleane  heart  doth  not 
fulfill  the  law,  bat  oneiy  maketh  an  outward  fhew  thereof,and  fo  is  it 
more  confirmed  in  his  wickedneff-and  hypocrifie. 

And  this  fentcnce  is  diligently  to  be  marked ,  that  they  which  arc 
circumcifed  keepe  not  the  law.-  that  is  to  fay,  that  they  which  arc 
circumctfed  arc  not  circumcifed.  It  may  alfo  be  applied  unto  other 
workes :  He  that  worketh,  prayeth,  or  fdffcreth  without  Chrift.wor- 
keth,  prayeth  and  ftifrercth  in  vainc :  for  all  that  is  not  of  faith  is  lin.  Jv!jJt*J1  fi 
It  profitecha  man  thsreforc  nothing  at  all  to  be  outwardly  circutn- 
cifcd,  tofaft,  to  pray,  or  to  do  any  other  worke,  if  he  be  within  a  di- 
fpifer  of  grace,  of  forgivenes  of  fins,  of  faith,  of  Chri(t,c^c.  and  be  pu£ 
fed  up  with  the  opinion  and  preemption  of  his  own  righteoufhclfe  : 
•which  are  horrible  fins  againft  the  n'rft  table :  and  afterward  there  foi- 
lovv  alfo  other  fins  againft  the  fecondtable,asdifob£dieiice,whordom, 
furioufncs,  wrath,  hatred,and  fuch  other.!  hercfore  he  faith  very  well, 
that  they  wich  be  circumcifed  keep  not  the  la  w,but  only  pretend  that 
they  keepe  it.  But  this  counterfeiting,  or  rather  hypocrifie  is  double 
wickednes before  God. 

What  mcanc the falfe  Apoftles  when  they  would  have  you  to  be 
ctrcumcifed  ?  Nor  that  ye  might  become  righteous  :  although  they 
fobeareyou  in  hand ,  but  that  they  may  glory  in  your  fleili.    Now,  on 
wbo  would  not  detcd  this  moft  pcltilcnt  vice  ot  ambition  and  de-  slory 
fire  of  glory,  which  is  foughc  vyith  fo  great  penll  ofmcnsfoulcs? 

p  p  2  There 


They  arc  (faitb  he)  dcccitfull,{hamclefle  and  vain  fpirits,  which  fcrvc 
their  own  belly  ,and  hate  the  croflc.  Again  (which  is  worft  of  all)thcy 
compell  you  to  be  circumcifed  according  to  the  law,  that  they  may 
thereby  abufc  your  fled)  to  their  own  glory,  and  in  the  rncane  fcafon 
they  bring  your  fouls  into  danger  of  everlafting  deftruftion.  For  what 
gain  ye  elfe  before  (3od  but  damnation  ?  and  what  clfc  before  mcn,but 
that  the  falfe  ApofUcs  may  glory  that  they  arc  your  teachers,  and  yec 
their  difciples?  and  yet  they  teach  you  that  which  they  themfelves  do 
not.Thus  doth  he  fharply  reprove  the  falfc  A  pottles. 

Thefe  words,  That  they  may  glory  in  jour  flefi,  are  very  effeftu- 
alj.   As  if  he  fliould  fay  :  they  have  not  the  word  of  the  Spirit  :  there 
fore  it  is  impofllble  for  you  to  receive  the  Spirit  by  their  preaching. 
ut  T  hey  doe  but  onely*exercife  your  flefh,  making  you  flcfhly  juftici- 
c  your  aries  or  juftifiers  of  your  (elves.     Outwardly  they  obferve  dayes, 
Strife  and    limes*  Sacrifices  and  fuch  other  things  according  to  the  law,  which 
flavi(h«.    are  altogether  carnall,  whereby  yeereape  nothing  elfe  but  unprofi 
table  labour  and  damnation.    And  on  the  other  fide,  this  they  gainc 
therby  ,that  they  boaft  that  they  are  your  teachers,and  have  called  you 
back  from  the  dodrine  of  Pad  the  heretick,unto  their  mother  the  Sy 
nagogue.  So  at  this  day  the  Fapifts  brag,  that  they  call  back  thofe  to 
the  boforae  of  their  mother  the  holy  Church.whom  they  deceive  and 
i        feducc.    Contrariwife  we  glory  not  in  your  jfleflh  ,  but  we  glory  as 
touching  your  fpirit,  becaufe  ye  have  received  the  Spirit  by  our  prea 
ching,  G*/.  3.  2. 

Verfe  14.  ^ut  God  for  bid  that  Jfatddglorj  but  in  the  crejfe  of  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chrift. 

The  Apoftle  clofcth  up  the  matter  with  an  indignation  ,  and 

with  great  vehemcncy  of  fpirit,  he  cafteth  out  thcfc  words  :  2?«r 

CjoAfortiidy  &c.     As  if  he  fhould  lay  :  This  carnall  glory  and  am 

bition  of  the  ralfe  Apoftles  is  fo  dangerous  a  poyfon  ,  that  I  vvifli 

it  were  buried  in  hell  ,  for  it  is  the  caufe  of  the  deftrudion  of  many. 

The  glory    But  let  them  glory  in  the  flefh  that  lift  ,  and  let  them  penfli  with 

of.hcchn.  tncjr  cur{cc|  glory.     As  for  me,  I  dcfire  no  other  glory,  but  that 

whereby  I  glory  and  re/oycc  in  the  croflc  of  Chrifr.    After  the  fame 

manner  fpeaketh  he  alfo,  Rom.  5.    We  florie  in  our  efflitiions.  Al- 

<b  in  the  ^  Corintk  it,    I  Veill  glorj  in  mine  afflittionj.    Here  Tattl 


T0  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  si 

flicweth  what  is  the  glory  and  re  joycing  of  the  Chriftians,namcly  to 
glory  and  to  be  proud  in  tribulations,reproachcs,infirmities,  (£-<:. 

The  world  judgeth  of  theChriftians,not  only  that  they  arc  wretch 
ed  and  mifcrablemen,but  alfomcft  cruelly,  and  yet  (as  it  thinketh) 
with  a  true  zcalehatetb,pcrfccuteth,  condemneth  and  killcth  them  as 
moft  pernicious  plagues  of  the  fpirituall  and  worldly  kingdonyhat  is 
to  fayjikc  hereticks  and  rebels.  But  bccaufc  they  doc  not  fufter  thefe 
things  for  rnurder^theft,  and  fuch  other  wickednes,but  for  the  love  of 
Chrift  whofe  benefit  and  glory  they  let  forth,  therefore  they  glory  in 
tribulations  and  in  the  croflfc  of  Ch-rift,and  are  glad  with  the  Apoftks 
that  they  are  counted  worthy  to  fuffcr  rebuke  for  the  name  of  Chrift. 
Somuft  we  glory  at  this  day  when  the  Pope  and  the  whole  world 
moft  cruelly  pcrfecute  us,  condcmne  us  and  kill  us,  becaufe  we  fuffcr  ' 

thefc  things^not  for  our  cvill  dceds,as  thecves,murdercrs,<£r.  but  foe  ' 

Chrifts  fake,our  Lord  and  Saviour,  whofe  Gofpcll  we  truly  preach.  ' 

Now,  our  glory  is  incrcafed  and  confirmed  principally  by  thefc 
twothings  :  Firft,  becaufe  we  are  certaine  that  our  doSrine  is  found 
and  pcrfecT: :  Secondly,bccaufeour  croflcandfuftcringisthefurKTing 

of  Chrift.  Therefore  when  the  world  perfecuteth  and  killcth  us,  we  fuffcrfjt 
have  no  caufc  to  complaine  or  lament,but  we  ought  rather  to  rcjoycc 
aa4  be  glad.   Indeed  the  world  judgeth  us  to  be  unhappy  and  ac- 
curf  d  :  but  on  the  other  fide,  Chrift,  who  is  greater  then  the  world, 
and  for  whom  we  fuffcr,  pronounccth  us  to  be  bleflcd,  and  willeth  us  Mat-S 
to  rejoycc.  Blefledarcye  (  faith  he  )  Vvken  men  revile  you  and  perferute 
you,  andfalfely  fay  all  manntr  tfevitt  (tfAinft  you  fir  my  ftkf.  Rejoyce  And 
be  glad.  Our  glory  then  is  another  manner  of  glory  then  the  glory  of 
the  world  is,  which  rcjoyceth  not  in  tribulation,  reproach,  pcrfccu-  TheR!orrof 
tion  and  dcath,^.  but  glorieth  altogether  in  powcr,in  riches;psace, Cn 
honour,  wifedome  and  his^ownrighteoufnelfr.   Butmournin^and 
confufion  is  the  end  of  this  glory. 

Moreover,  the  croflfc  of  Chrift  doth  not  fignific  that  pecce  of Tlie  CTO<rc 
wood  which  Chrift  didbearc  upon  his  lliouldcrs,  and  to  the  which"  c^lfl*' 
he  was  afterward  nailed, -but  generally  it  fignifieth  all  the  afflicti 
ons  of  the  faithfbll,»whofcfijrf:rings  are  ChriftsfufK'rings,  2  Cor.i.  ?ffj£.''.. 
The  fofferings  ofChriftaboundinus.  AgainC :  Now  rejoyce  linmj  (uf-  Om  rfthc 
firingt  fir  'you,  and  fulfill  the  reft  of  the  Affltttions  of£hriftinm]fle(J}t  §^IffJ.te 
fir  his  bodies  fil^e,  which  ii  the  Church,  &c.     The  croflf:  of  Chrift  ftion'of 
therefore  generally  fignifieth  all  the  afflictions  of  the  Church  which  chrifl> 

Pp  3  it 

Chap.VL  Vfo»  ffo  E?  i  s  T  i  B 

..    it  fuffereth  for  Cbrift  :  which  he  himfclfe  witnetf:th  when  he  faith, 

Mt  9+      Saul,  Saul,  Vthy  ferfecutcft  thou  me  ?  Saul  did  no  violence  to  Chrift, 

*«*.».».     but  to  ^  is  church.  But  he  that  toucheth  it,toucheth  the  apple  of  his 

The  Mine  ey  e.Therc  is  a  more  lively  feeling  in  the  head  then  in  the  ot!  ec  mem- 

ef  the  h«d  b^rs  of  the  body.  And  this  we  know  by  experience:  tor  tne  little  toe 

wraott  fen-  oj.  rhe  lcaft  part  Of  raans  body  being  hurf,thc  head  forthwith  flieweth 

it  fclfe  by  the  countenance  to  feele  the  grief  e  thereof.    So  C  hrift  our 

hc?d  maktth  all  our  afflictions  his  own,  and  fuff.rcth  alfo  when  we 

fuffjr  which  are  his  body. 

It  is  profitable  for  us  to  know  theft  things,  left  we  fhould  be 
i  wallowed  up  with  forrow,  or  fall  to  dcfpairc^when  we  fee  that  our 
advcrfaries  doe  cruelly  perfecute,  excommunicate  and  kill  us.  But 
let  us  thinkc  with  oar  felvcs,  after  the  example  of  Paul,  that  we  muft 
^lory  in  the  croft:  which  we  beare,  not  for  curownilnnes,  but  for 
Chriftsfake.  If  weconfideronly  in  ourfelves  the  fuffcrings  which 
we  endure,thcy  are  not  only  grievous  but  intolerable  :  but  when  we 
may  fay  :  Tkyfifcrings  O  Chrifi  abound  in  w  :  or  as  is  (aid  in  ^44. 
For  thy  fake  we  are  killed  all  the  d*j,  then  thefe  fufftrings  are  not  only 
eafie.but  alfo  fwcct,according  to  that  faying  :  My  burden  is  eafie,  and 

I.jO»  *,     .    , 

Now,  it  is  well  knowne  that  we  at  this  day  doe  fufer  the  ha 
tred  and  perfection  of  our  adverfaries  for  none  other  caufe,  but 
for  that  we  preach  Chrift  faithfully  and  purely.  If  we  would  deny 
him,  and  approve  their  pernicious  errours  and  wicked  religion, 
they  would  not  onely  ceafe  to.  hate  and  perfecute  us,  but  would 
alfo  offer  unto  us  honour,  riches,  and  many  goodly  things.  Be- 
caufe  therefore  we  fuffcr  thefc  things,  for  Chrifts  fake,  we  may 
trudy  rcjoycc  and  glory  with1?^/  in  the  crofls  of  our  Lord  Je- 
8ion  in  fus  Chrift:  that  is  to  fay,  not  in  riches,  in  power,  in  the  favour 
Of  men^Ce  but  in  afflictions,  wcajuieflc,  forrow,  fightings  in  the 
body,  terrours  in  the  fpirit,  perfecutions,  and  all  other  evils. 
Wherefore  we  truft  itwillfhordy  come  tOpaflc,  that  Chrift  will 
fay  the  fame  to  us  that  1)avid  (aid  to  tsfbiatkar  the  Prieft  :  /  *m 
tie  caufe  of  all  your  deaths.  Againc  :  Hce  that  toucheth  you,  ton- 
cketh  the  apple  of  mine  eye.  As  if  he  had  faid  :  He  that  hurteth  yea 
hurteth  me.  For  if  ye  did  not  preach  my  word  and  confcfTe  me,  ye 
fliould  not  fuff.r  thefe  things.  So  faith  he  alfo  in  John  :  Jfyee  Were 
Of  tfa  y>6r/df  ffo  World  ^vtoHld  love  hit  owe  :  but  bscmft  1  have 


TO  t^  GA  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8^ 

ckofcnyou  out  of  the  V?  or  Id ,t her  fore  the  VeorUhatethjou.  But  thefe  things 
are  treated  of  afore. 

Verfe  14.    By  whom  tie  Vforldu  crucified  to  nte^nd  I  unto  the  Veer  Id. 

This  is  Pauls  manner  of  fpeaking :  The  world  is  crucified  to  me,  Tobccmci- 
that  is,  I  judge  the  world  to  be  damned.    And  I  am  crucified  to  the  fied  to  *« 
world,  that  is,the  world  againe  judgeth  me  to  be  damned.  Thus  we  *odd 
crucifie  and  condemne  one  another.    I  abhorre  all  the  doclrine,righ« 
teoufnes  and  works  of  the  world  as  the  poy  fon  of  the  devil.The  world 
againe  detefteth  my  doctrine  and  deeds,  and  judgeth  me  to  be  fediti- 
ous,a  pernicious,a  peftilcnt  fellow,and  an  herctick.  So  at  this  day  the 
world  is  crucified  to  us,and  we  unto  the  world.  Wecurfe  and  condemn 
all  mans  traditions  concerning  Mafic,  Orders,  Vowes,  wil-worfhip- 
pings,  works,  and  all  the  abominations  of  the  Pope  and  other  h:rc- 
t'cks  as  the  dirt  of  the  devill.  They  againe  doe  perfccute  and  kill  us  as 
deftroyersofreligion,and  troublers  of  ihe  publike  peace. 

The  Monks  dreamed  that  the  world  was  crucified  to  them,  when 
they  entrcd  into  their  Monasteries :  but  by  this  meanes  Chrift  is 
crucified  and  not  the  wjirld,  yea  the  world  is  delivered  from  cruci 
fying,  and  is  the  more  quickned  by  that  opinion  of  holineflfe  and  truft 
which  they  had  in  their  own  righteoufneflc  that  entred  into  religion. 
Moft  foohthly  and  wickedly  therefore  was  this  lentence  of  the  Apo- 
ftles  wrcfted  to  the  cntring  into  Monaftcries.    He  fpeaketh  here  of 
an  high  matter  and  of  great  importance:  that  is  to  fay,  that  every  rheeomri. 
faithfull  man  judgeth  that  to  be  the  wifedome,  righteoufncfi';  and  Uen"^^,,. 
power  of  God,  which  the  world  condemneth  as  the  greateft  folly,  jjin 
wickednefle  and  wcaknefle.  And  contrariwife,that  which  the  world  agJo 
judgeth  to  be  the  higheft  religion  and  fervice  of  God,  the  fiithfiill  do  '^n|rrr 
know  to  be  nothing  clfc but  execrable  and  horrible  blafphemy  againft 
God.  So  the  godly  condemne  the  world,  and  againe  the  worl  1  con- 
dcmneth  the  godly.  But  the  godly  have  the  right  judgement  ou  their  *  £«••>•  if. 
fide :  for  the  fpirituall  man  judgeth  all  things. 

Wherefore  the  judgement  of  the  world  touching  religion  and 
righteoulnefte  before  God,  is  contrary  to  the  judgement  of  the 
godly,  as  Gcd  and  the  devill  are  contrary  the  one  to  the  other. 
For  as  God  is  crucified  to  the  devill,  and  the  devill  to  God  :  that 
is  lo  fay,  as  God  xondcmncth  the  doctrine  and  workcs  of  the 

Pp  4  dcull 

Chap.VL  Vfo»  th  EP  i  s  t  L  E 

iieb.rf.  devill  ( for  the  Sonnc  of  God  appeared,  as?06*faitb,  todcftroythe 
workes  of  the  devill :)  and  contrariwifc  the  devill  condemn:th  and 

lob  8  -.     overthroweth  the  word  and  the  workes  of  God,  for  he  is  a  murderer 

ihe  wor'u    and  a  father  of  lyes :  fblhcwcrld  condcmncth  the  doctrine  and  life 
c^tnc  godly, -calling them moft  pernicious  hercticksand  rroublersof 
ne  of  the  publike  peace.   And  againe  the  faithfull  call  the  world  the  fonne 

ric  godly.  Of  t hc  ^ill,  which  rightly  followeth  his  fathers  fteps,  that  is  to  fay, 
which  is  as  great  a  murthercr  and  Her  as  his  fathens.  This  is  'Pauls 
meaning  when  he  faith  :  Whtreby  the  ^arldi*  crucified  unto  me,  and  1 
unto  the  tiw/W.No w,the  world  doth  not  only  (igninc  in  the  Scriptures 
ungodly  and  wicked  men,  but  the  verybsft,  the  wifcftandholieft 
men  that  are  of  the  world . 

And  here  by  the  way  he  covertly  toucheth  the  falls  apoftles,  As 
if  he  fhould  fay  :  I  utterly  hate  and  deteft  all  glory  which  is  without 
the  crcfle  of  Chrift,as  a  curfed  thing  :  for  the  world  with  all  the  glo- 
ry  thereof  is  crucified  to  me  and  I  to  the  world.  Wherefore  accurftd 
be  all  they  which  glory  in  their  flefti  and  not  inthecrofleofChrift. 
Paul  therefore  witneflcth  by  thefc  words  that  hehaterh  the  world 
with  a  perfect  hatred  of  the  holy  Ghoft:  and  againe,ths  world  hateth 
him  with  a  perfect  hatred  ofa  wicked  fpirit*  As  if  he  fhould  fay  ?  It 
is  impoffibls  that  there  fhould  be  any  agreement  between  me  and 
the  world.  What  (hall  1  then  doe?  Shall  I  give  place  and  teach  thofe 
things  which  pleafe  the  world  ?  No:  but  with  a  ftout  courage  I  will 
fet  my  fejfeagainft  it,  and  will  as  welldefpifc  and  crucifie  it,  as  it 
defpifeth  and  crucifieth  me. 

To  conclude,  Paul  here  teacheth  how  we  fhould  fight  againft 
Satan,  (which  not  only  tormenteth  our  bodies  with  fundry  af- 
flitflions,  but  alfo  woundeth  our  hearts  continually  with  his  fiery 
darts,  that  by  this  continuance,  when  he  can  no  other  wife  pre- 
vaile,  he  may  overthrow  our  faith,  and  bring  us  from  the  truth  and 
from  Chrift,)  namely  that  like  as  we  fee  Taul  himfclfe  to  have 
ftoutly  dcfpif«:d  the  world,  fo  we  alfo  lliould  defpife  thedavill  the 
prince  thereof,  with  all  his  force,  deceits  and  hcilifh  furies,  and  fo 
trufting  to  the  ay de  and  hclpe  of  Chrift,  fhould  triumph  againft  him 
after  this  manner:  O  Satan,  the  more  thouhurteft  and  goeft  about 
to  hurt  me,  the  more  proud  andftcut  Jam  againftthce,  and  laugh 
thcc  to  Icorne.  T  he  more  thou  ternfieft  me,  and  feekcft:  to  bring  me 
to  deiperation,  fo  much  the  more  confidence  andboldncfle  J  take, 

TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  S.  Fol.202 

and  glory  in  the  midft  of  thy  furies  and  malice :  not  by  mine ownc 
power,  but  by  the  power  of  my  Lord  and  Saviour  Chrift,  whofc 
ftrength  is  made  perfect  in  my  weaknelfr.  Therefore  when  I  am 
weake  then  am  I  ftrong.  On  the  contrary,  when  he  £ecth  his  threat-  '  '' 
nings  and  tcrrours  to  be  feared,  he  rcjoyccth,  and  then  he  terrifieth 
more  and  more  fuch  as  are  terrified  already. 

Verfe  15.    For  in  Chrift  Jeju,  neither  circun-icifion availeth  Any  thing 
nor  uncircumcifion  >btit  a  new  creature. 

This  is  a  wonderfull  kind  of  fpeech  which  T^/here  ufeth  when 
he  faith  :  Neither  circumcifion  nor  uncircumci/ion  availeth  any  thin?, 
1 1  may  feeme  that  he  fhould  rather  have  faid  :  either  circumcif  ion  or 
uncircumcifion  availeth  fomewhat,  feeing  thefe  arc  two  contrary 
things.  But  now  he  denieth  that  either  the  one  or  the  other  doe  any 
thing  availe.  As  if  he  (hould  have  faid :  Ye  muft  mount  up  highcnfor 
circumcifion  and  uncircumcifion  are  things  of  no  fuch  importance, 
that  they  arc  able  to  obtaine  righteeufnes  before  God.  True  it  is  that 
they  are  contrary  the  one  to  the  other  :  but  this  is  nothing  as  touch-  chriii;» 
ing  chriftian  right  eoufnes,  which  is  not  earthly  but  heavenly,  and 
theifore  it  confilteth  not  in  corporall  things.  Therfore, whether  thoh 
be  circumcifed  or  uncircumcifcd,it  is  all  one  thing :  for  in  Chrift  Tc- 
fus  neither  the  one  nor  the  other  availeth  any  thing  at  all. 

The  Jewcs  were  greatly  offended  when  they  heard  that  cir- 
cumcifion  availed  nothing.  They  eafily  granted  that  uncircum 
cifion  availed  nothing :  but  they  could  not  abide  to  heare  that  fo 
much  (liculd  be  faid  of  ckcumcifion,  for  they  fought  even  unto  blood 
for  the  defence  of  the  law  and  circumcifion.  The  Papifts  alfo  at 
this  day  doe  vehemently  contend  for  the  maintenance  of  their  tradi 
tions  as  touching  the  eating  of  fiefti,  fingle  life,  holy  dayes  and 
fuch  other  :  and  they  excommunicate  and  curfc  us  which  teach  that 
in  Chrift  Jefus  thefc  things  doe  nothing  availe.  But  Paul  iaith 
that  we  muft  have  another  thing  which  is  much  more  excellent 
and  precious,  whereby  we  may  obtaine  ri^hteoufncflc  before  God. 
In  Chrift  Jelus  (faith  he)  neither circumcilion  nor  uncircumcifion, 
neither  {ingle  life  nor  marriage,neither  mtate  nor  fitting  do  any  whit 
avarle,  Meate  maketh  us  not  acceptable  before  God.  We  are  neither 
the  better  by  abftaining,nor  the  worfe  by  eating.  All  thefc  things,yea 
the  whole  world  with  all  the  la  wes  and  rightcoufmfl:  thereof  availe 
nothing  to  J  unification.  Reafon 

Ctr  M  4* 

Chap.  VI 

Rcafon  and  the  wifedome  of  theflefh  doth  not  underftand  this: 
F°r  'lt  ^rce'lvet^  not  tbof*  things  which  are  of  the  Spirit  ofCjob.    There 
fore  it  will  needs  have  righteoufneflk  toftand  in  outward  things. 
But  we  are  taught  out  of  the  word  of  God,  that  there  is  no 
thing  under  the  Sunnc  which  availeth  unto  righteoufneffi  before 
Gocl>  ^ut  c^rit^  oncty=  (or  as  *?***/  iai  th  here)  a  new  creature. 
Politick  lawes,  mens  traditions,  ceremonies  of  the  Churcb,  yea  and 
tion'         the  law  ofMofes,  are  fuch  things  as  are  without  Chrift  :  there 
fore  they  avail:  not  unto  righteoufheflfe  before  God.   We  may  ufc 
them  as  things  both  good  and  neceffary,  but  in  their  place  and  time. 
But  if  we  talke  of  the  matter  of  /unification,  they  availe  nothing,but 
hurt  very  much.  . 

And  by  tbefetwothings:Circumcifion  and  uncircumcifion,  Paul 
rejecleth  all  other  things  whatfoever,  and  denicth  that  they  availe 
any  thing  in  Chrift  Jdiis,  that  is,  in  the  caufe  of  faith  and  falvation. 
For  he  taketh  here  a  part  for  the  whole,  that  is,  by  uncircumcifion  he 
underftandeth  all  the  Gentiles,  by  circumcifion  all  the  Jews,with  all 
their  force  and  all  their  glory.  As  if  he  faid  :  whatfoever  the  Gentiles 
with  all  their  wifedome,  righteoufneffe,  laws,  power,  king- 




domes,empires,it  availeth  nothing  m  Chrift  Jefus.  AIlo  whatfjever 
-  the  Jewesare  able  to  doe,  with  their  Mofes,  their  law,their  circum- 
cifion,  their  worQiippings,  their  temple,  their  kingdome  and  prieft- 
hood,it  nothing  availeth.  Wherefore  in  Chrift  Jefus  or  in  the  matter 
of  J  uftification  we  muft  not  difpute  of  the  laws  either  of  the  Gentiles 
or  of  the  Jews,  but  we  muft  (imply  pronounce  that  neither  circum- 
cifion  nor  uncircumcifion  availeth  any  thing. 

Are  the  laws  then  of  no  effcd?  Notfo.  They  be  good  and  pro" 
fitable:  albeit  in  their  place  and  time,  that  is,  incorporallandcivill 
things,  which  without  lawcs  cannot  be  guided.  Moreover  we  ufc 
aUo  in  the  Churches  cert^ine  ceremonies  andkwes:  not  that  the 
keeping  of  them  availeth  unto  righteotifnefie,  but  for  gcod  order,, 
example,  quietneflb  and  concord,  according  to  that  faying  :  Let  all 
thingS  he  done  comely  and  orderly.  But  if  liwes  be  fofet  forth  and 
urged  as  though  the  keeping  of  them  did  juftific  a  man,  or  the 
breaking  thereof  did  condemne  him,  they  ought  to  be  taken  away 
and  to  be  abolifhed  :  for  then  Chrift  lofcth  his  office  and  his  glory, 
who  onely  juftifieth  us,  and  giveth  unto  us  the  hoIyGhoft.  The 
Apoftle  therefore  by  thcfe  words  plainly  affirmcth,  that  neither  cir 


To  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A N  s."  Fol.294 

cumcifion  nor  uncitcumcifion  availeth  any  thing,  but  the  newcrea- 
turc,e^<?.  Now,  fines  that  neither  the  laws  of  the  Gentiles  nor  of 
the  Jews  availc  my  thing,  the  Pope  hath  done  moft  wickedly,  in 
that  he  hath  conftrained  men  to  keep  his  laws  with  the  opinion  of 

Now,  a  new  creature  whereby  the  image  of  God  is  renewed,  is 
not  made  by  any  colour  or  counterfeiting  of  good  works,  (for  in  A«w<r«ar 
Chrift  Jefus  neither  circumcifion  availeth  any  thing,  nor  uncircum- tlue* 
ci(ion)but  by  Chrift,by  whom  it  is  created  after  the  image  of  God,in 
right  eo^facfle  and  true  holinefle.  When  works  are  done,  they  bring 
indeed  a  new  fhew  and  out  ward  appearance  wherewith  the  world 
and  the  flelh  are  delighted,  but  not  a  new  creature :  for  the  heart  rc- 
maineth  wicked  as  it  was  before,  full  of  the  contempt  of  God  and 
infidelity.  Therefore  a  new  creature  is  the  work  of  the  holy  Ghoft, 
which  cleanfeth  our  heart  by  faith,  and  worketh  the  feare  of  God, 
love,chaftity  and  other  Chrifti^n  vcrtues,  and  giveth  power  to  bridle 
the  flefh,and  to  reject  the  righteoufnefle  and  wifedome  of  the  world. 
Here  is  no  colouring  or  new  outward  fhew,but  a  thing  done  indeed. 
Here  is  created  another  fenfc  and  another  judgemenr,  that  is  to  fay, 
altogether  fpirituall,  which  abhorreth  thofe  things  that  before  it 
greatly  eft  eemed.  The  Monkifh  life  and  order  did  fo  be  witch  us  in 
timepaft,that~we  thought  there  was  no  other  way  to  falvation.  Efuc 
now  wejudgeof  it  farotherwife.  We  are  now  ashamed  ofthofe 
things  which  we  adored  as  moft  heavenly  and  holy,  before  we  were 
regenerate  into  this  new  creature. 

Wherefore  the  changing   of  garments    and    other   outward  The  renew- 
things,  is  not  a  new  creature  (as  the  Monkes  drcamc:)  but  it  is  j 
the  renewing  of  the  mind  by  the  holy  Ghoft,  after  the  which  fbl-  o 
loweth  a  change  of  the  members  and  fenfes  of  the  whole  body. 
For  when  the  heart  hath  conceived  a  new  light,  a  new  judgement, 
and  new  motions  through  theGofpeil,  it  commeth  to  paif:  that 
the  outward  fenfcs  are  alfo  renewed :  for  the  earcs  delirc  to  hearc 
the  word  of  God,  and  not  the  traditions  and  dreames  of  men.  The 
mouth  and  tongue  doe  not  vaunt  of  their  own  workes,  righteoaf- 
ncflfe  and  rules :  but  they  fet  forth  the  mercy  of  God  onely  off.-rcd 
unto  us  in  Chrift.    Thefe  changes  canfift  not  in  words,  but  arc 
effccluall,  and  bring  a  new  fpirit,  a  new  will,  new  fenfes  and  new 
operations  of  the  fleih,  fo  that  the  eyes,  eares,  mouth  and  tongue 

•i.  • 

and  to  foil 

£  w«k» 

Chap.  VI.  fyw  tbe¥.vl*v  L-B 

doc  not  only  fee,heare  and  fpeakc  other  wife  then  they  did  before,but 
the  mind  allb  approvetb,  loveth  and  followeth  another  thing  then  it 
did  before.    For  before  being  blinded  with  Popifti  errours  and  dark- 
nefll*,  it  imagined  God  to  be  a  Merchant,  who  would  fell  unto  us  his 
grace  for  our  works  and  merits.  But  now  in  th:  light  of  the  Gofpell 
ic  afiureth  us,that  we  are  accounted  righteous  by  faith  only  in  Chrift. 
Therefore  it  now  rcjcdeth  all  wil-works,  and  accompliiheth  the 
works  of  charity  and  of  our  vocation  commanded  by  God.  It  praifeth 
and  magnifiethGod  ;  it  refoyceth  and  glorieth  in  the  only  iruft  and 
confidence  of  Gods  mercy  through  Jefus  Chrift.  If  it  muft  fuflfer  any 
trouble  or  affliction,  it  endureth  the  fame  cheercfully  and  gladly,  al« 
though  the  fle(h  repine  and  grudge  thereat,  This  TWcalleth  a  new 

Verle  1  6. 

tsfndto  M  mAny 
them  and  mercy, 

e  according  to  thi*  ruleftace  be  tint* 

Aright  wic.  This  he  addeth  as  aconclufion.This  is  the  only  and  true  rule  whcr* 
in  we  ought  to  walke,namely  the  new  creature,  which  is  neither  cir- 
cumcifion  nor  uncircumcifion,  but  the  new  man  created  unto  tha 
image  of  God,in  righteoufncfle  and  true  holincff;,  which  inwardly  is 
righteous  in  the  fpirit,  and  outwardly  is  holy  and  cleane  in  the  flefli. 
-  The  Monk:shave  a  righteoufnefleand  holincflT5,but  it  is  hypocritical! 
an<*  wicked,  bccaufc  they  hope  not  to  be  juftificd  by  only  faith  in 
Chrift,  but  by  the  keeping  of  their  rule.  Moreover,  although  out 
wardly  they  counterfeit  abolinefc,  and  refraine  their  eyes,  hands, 
tongue  and  other  members  from  evill  :  yet  they  have  an  uncleanc 
heartjfull  of  filthy  luft,  envy  ,  wrath,  letchery,  idolatry,  contempt  and 
hatred  of  Godjblafphemy  againft  Chr5ft,#r  .  for  they  are  moft  fpite- 
full  and  crucll  enemies  of  the  truth.  Wherefore  the  rule  and  religion 
of  ihe  Monkes  is  moft  wicked,  and  accurfed  of  God. 

But  this  rule  whereof  7W  fpeaketh  in  this  place,  is  bleflcd, 
by  the  which  wee  live  in  the  faith  of  Chrift,  and  are  made  new 
creatures,  that  is  to  fay  righteous  and  holy  indeed  by  the  holy 
Ghoft,  without  any  colouring  or  counterfeiting.  To  them  which 
walke  after  this  rule  belongeth  peace,  that  is,  the  favour  of  God, 
forgiveneflc  of  finne,  quietnefls  of  confcicnce,  and  mercy  :  that  is 
to  fay,  helpe  in  afflictions,  and  pardon  of  the  remnants  of  finne 
which  remainc  in  ourfledi.  Yea  although  they  which  walke  after 



G  A  L  A  T  M  I  A  N  5. 

this  rule  be  overtaken  wirh  any  fin,yet  for  that  th<ry  are  the  children  of 
grace  and  pcacc,mercy  upholdeth  them,  fb  that  their  fin  and  fall  (hall 
not  be  Taid  to  their  charge. 

Vcrfeitf.  dndtifonthe  JfraelofGod. 

Here  he  tcucheth  the  falfeApoftles  and  Jews,which  gloried  of  their 
fathers,  bragged  that  they  were  the  people  of  God,  that  they  had  the 
lawjd-c.As  if  hcfaid:They  are  the  //r^/ofGod,  which  with  faithfull 
Abraham  believe  the  promifcs  of  God  offered  already  in  Chrift,  whe 
ther  they  be  Jews  or  Gmiles,  and  not  they  which  are  begotten  of  A- 
'brahamjfiac  and  /tf^aftcr  the  flelh.  This  matter  is  largely  handled 
before  in  the  third  chapter. 

Vcrfe  1 7.    Frcm  henceforth  let  no  man  put  me  to  bufixeje. 

He  concludeth  his  Epiftlc  with  a  certain  indignation.  As  if  he  /aid : 
lhave  faithfully  taught  the  Gofpel  as  I  have  received  it  by  the  revelati 
on  of  Jcfus  Chrift :  who  fo  will  not  follow  it,  let  him  follow  what  he 
wil,fo  that  hereafter  he  trouble  me  no  more.At  a  \vord,this  is  my  cen- 
furc,  that  Chrift  which  I  have  preached  is  the  only  high  Prieft  and  Sa 
viour  of  the  world.  Therefore  either  Jet  the  world  walk  according  to 
this  rule,of  which  I  have  fpoken  here  and  throughout  all  this  Epiftk, 
or  els  let  it  perifh  for  ever. 

Verfc  1 7.  For  I  be  are  in  mj  body  the  mark?*  of  the  Lord  lefvs. 

This  is  the  true  meaning  of  this  place  :  The  markes  that  be  in 
my  body  doe  fticw  well  enough  whofe  fervant  I  am.  If  I  fought  to 
pleafemen,  requiring  circumcilion  and  the  keeping  of  the  law  as 
neceflfary  tofalvation,  and  re  joycing  in  your  flefh  as  the  falfe  Apo- 
ftlesdoe,  I  needed  not  to  beare  the fe  marks  in  my  body t  Butbecaufc 
I  am  the  fctvant  of  Jefus  Chrift ,and  walk  after  a  true  rule,  that  is,  I  o- 
penly  teach  and  confcfle  that  no  man  can  obtain  the  favour  of  God, 
righteoufncs  and  falvation  but  by  Chrift  alone,  therefore  it  behoveth 
me  to  bearc  the  badges  of  Chrift  my  Lord  :  which  be  not  markes  of 
mine  ownc  procuring,  but  are  laid  upon  meagainftmy  will  by  the 
world  and  the  devill,for  none  other  cauk  but  for  that  I  preach  J  tfus  to 
be  Chrift. 

The  ftripes  and  fuffcrings  therefore  which  he  din  bcare  in  his 
body,  he  calleth  markes  ;  as  alfb  the  anguifliandterrourcfipirir, 


Chap. VI.  Vfon  ffa  E  P  i  s  T  i  E 

he  calleth  tfoc  fiery  darts  of  the  dcvill.    Of  thefc  fuferings  he 
mention  every  where  in  his  Epiftles  :  A<  Luke  cj'-fo  doth  in  the 

t  CoMip*     /  thinks  (faith  he)  that  Cjod  hath  fet  firth  us  the  I  aft  ~*s4pb$~lles  as  men  ap 
pointed  to  death  :  Far  Wearemade  agaz.inifiocke  unto  theWorld>  and  to 

•f»M.ifc  the  Angels,andto  men.  Again,  'Unto  thh  houre  We  both  hunger  anlthirft, 
and  are  nakcdt  and  are  buffeted,  and  have  no  certain  dwelling  place,  and  la 
bour  Working  With  our  own  hitndi :  We  are  reviled,  We  are  perfecuted,  We 
areevillfyokenofJWearema4eatthefilthofthe  World,  the  of-fcouring  of 
all  things.  Alfo  in  another  place :  In  much  patience,  in  afflictions,  in  necef- 
'  fitieSjindiftreflcs,  inflnpes,  in  imprisonments,  in  tumults,  in  labours,  by 

4  Cor  ni  j,  W  ate  hings>byfajl  ings  &c.  And  again:  In  labours  more  abundant. in  ftripes 
above  meafure,  inprifon  more  death  oft. Of  the  Jews  five  times 
received  I  forty  ftripes  fiveont,  I  WAS  thrife  beaten  With  rods,  I  Was  once 
ftoned,  Ifufferedthrifefoipwracke,  night  and  day  have  I  been  in  the  deeps 
fea.  Jnjournying3  I  Was  often,  in  of  Waters,  in  perils  of  robbers,  i* 
perils  of  mine  owne  nation,  in  perils  among  the  (jentilcs,  in  perils  in  the 
city,  in  perils  in  the  Wilder  neffe>  to  perils  in  thefea,  in  perils  among  falfe  bre» 
thren^  &c. 

Thefe  be  the  true  rnarkes  and  imprinted  fignes ,  of  which  the 
Apoftlc  fpeaketh  in  this  place  :  the  which  we  alfo  at  this  day  by 
the  grace  of  God  beare  in  our  bodies  for  Chrifts  caufe.  For  the 
world  perfecuteth and killeth us,  falfe  brethren  deadly  hate  us,  Sa 
tan  inwardly  in  our  heart  with  his  fiery  darts  terrifieth  us ,  and 
for  none  other  caufe,  but  for  that  we  teach  Chrift  to  be  our  righte- 
oufnefle  and  life.  Thefe  markcs  we  choofe  not  of  any  devotion,  nei 
ther  do  we  gladly  fuffcr  them  :  but  becaufe  (he  world  and  the  devil! 
doe  lay  them  upon  us  for  Chrifts  caufe,  we  are  compelled  to  fuflb: 
them, and  werejoyce  in  fpirtt  with  Pattl  (which  is  alwayes  willing, 
glorieth  and  rejoyceth)  that  we  beare  them  in  our  body  :  for  they  are 
a  fcale  and  moft  fure  teftimonie  of  true  doflrine  and  faith.Thefe  things 
Taul  fpake  (as  I  fhewcd  afcre)  with  a  certaine  difpleafure  and  indig 

Verfc  1 8.  Brethren,  the  grace  of  our  Lord  leftu  Chrift  be  With  yottrf}i» 
rit.  Amen. 

. ..This  is  his  laft  farewell.     He  endcth  the  Epiftle  with  the  fame 
words  wherewkh  he  began.    As  if  he  faid  :  I  have  taught  you 


TO  the  G  A  L  A  T  H  I  A  N  8^  Fol.2p5 

•Cbrift  purely.  1  have  intreated  you,  I  have  chidden  you,  and  I  have 
let  pafle  nothing  which  I  thought  profitable  for  you.Ican  fay  no  more, 
but  that  I  heartily  pray  that  our  Lord  JefusChrift  would  blerfe  and 
increafe  my  labour,and  govern  you  with  his  holy  Spirit  for  ever. 

Thus  have  ye  the  expofitjon  ofPdttls  Epiftle  to  the  galathians.  The 
Lord  JefusChrift,  our  juftifier  and  Saviour,  who  gave  unto  me  the 
grace  and  power  to  expound  this  Epiftle,  and  to  you  likcwifc  to  hcarc 
it,  prefcrve  and  ftablilh  both  you  and  me( which  I  moft  heartily  defire) 
that  we  daily  growing  more  and  more  in  the  knowledge  of  his  grace 
and  faith  unfained,may  be  found  unblamcable  and  without  fault  in  the 
day  of  our  redcmption.To  whom  with  the  Father  and  the  holy  Gholfc 
>e  glory  world  without  end.  Amen. 

i.TIMOTHT  i. 

Vnto  tbt  King  everlafting,  immortnU,  invijille9 
Cod  onely  Vvife  be  honour  a»d  glory 
for  ever  and  ever.  Amen. 

'•  .-  t 


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