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Full text of "Address of the General Assembly to the soldiers of Virginia. Soldiers of Virginia in the armies of the Confederate States"

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Duke  University  Libranes 

Address  of  the 
Conf  Pam  #558 

A  D  D  R  E  S  8 





iiVi-rXKUS   Ol     Vll.cJIMA    IN    TI!K  ARMIES   OP  TIU'   CONPKOKRA TK   S  T  VI'I  .- : 

"^     *  It  is  iiinv  iH-arly  three  ymnv  (<ific«^30u  loft  your  liomcs  mid  in.  .-ju.  .>,  j^i  iJie. 

onll  pf  ymr  state,  to  repel  the  invasion  of  her  soil  Before  takinp  up  jirnis,  (•very  rtiovt  to 
obtain  ili«'  jieai'efiil  nijoynient  of  your  rights  under  tlie  constitution  had  I'cen  oxhaufcted, 
your  jippi'als  for  justice  spurni'd  with  conft:mpt,  and  u  war  to  suhjupate  our  sister  state* 
«'f  the  south  coiiihipneod  by  Abraiiaiu  Lincoln. 

By  |his  lawless  prnociding',  the  fotleral  adiniiiistrHtion  threw  off  thi'  mask  it  had  hitherto 
worn.  In  snch  a  contest  Virginia  could  not  remain  an  iudiftereiu  spectator.  iJound  by 
<  \i  ry  ti  of  Mood,  sympathy,  couimon  Interests  and  comri;ou  wrongs  to  tlie  slates  agaiust 
whoiji  this  iioelile  preparation  was  set  on  foot,  she  withdrew  at  once  from  an  association 
whicn  no  lonaK  respected  %  written  constitution,  and  resolved  to  receive  on  lur  own  bosom 
llie  thrcateiK'd  ftf  invasion.  She  invoked  you  to  rally  to  defend  your  homes,  j'otu" 
altars  and  your  honor ;  ami  this  appeal  w;vs  not  made  in  vain.  Prom|)lly  and  genirously 
you  responded  to  the  call  of  duty.  Most  faithfully  have  you  performe<l  it.  In  your  long 
%nd  arduous  ser\'ice  jon  have  shrunk  from  no  toil,  no  danger  and  no  sacrilice.  .During 
your  ah^eiice  in  the  fieW,  your  wives  and  !itt!e  ones  may  have  suffered  want;  y<jur  homes 
been  ravaged,  and  the  Iriiits  of  industry  destroyed  by  a  ruthless  and  barbaijous  enemy. 
But.  in  des]tite  of  every  lemptation,  you  ^lave  never  locked  back.  Your  eye  has  ulwny« 
been  fixed  on' the  foe,  and  your  etvr  waiting  for  the  sumnuuis  to  battle.  .Vmid  the  toil  of 
the  inarch,  the  weary  wati-h.  the  labor,  the  hunger,  the  cold,  tbe  privations  of  (he  camp, 
you  have  never  coiiiplaine^d,  but  have  always  rendered  a  cheerful  obedience  to  the  state  which 
honors  and  cherishes  you  with  a  niotht  r's  love. 

You  have  been  present  in  most  of  the  in;[)crtant  battles  of  the  war,  and  in  all  yi)ur  v'dor 
has  been  conspicuous.  It  ha-s  made  yon  the  theme  of  praise  by  yoor  heroic  companions 
frtun  other  states,  and  by  ihe  whole  civilized  world. 

Many  of  your  comrades  have  fallen  in  battle,  or  from  disease  contracted  in  service,  and 
been  transferred  from  th<-  roll  of  life  to  that  of  immortality.  There  arc  many  more,  whoso 
unitilated  fonns  attest  their  honorable  devotion  to  their  country.  In  your  proUmged  absence  .  hi'nie.  your  sacrifice  of  persnnal  interests  and  of  .-ill  the  enjoyments  of  lili-,  has  indeed 
been  great.  'J'he  Avar,  forced  upon  us  by  ilio  malice  of  a  people  wh.tni  we  had  not  injured, 
has  (  nl.iiled  upon  us  all  dcp  som-w  and  emel  siiffi'viiig.  Its  tniavoidable  calamities  have 
been  gicatly  augnieuU'd  by  the  refusal  of  thcenemy  to  rcspi-etthc  hiws  of  civilized  warfare, 

and  by  tlioir  ficinlish  attempt  to  wrest  submission  from  us,  by  visiting  the  most  relentless 
harbaritios  upon  women  and  cliildnai,  the  aged  and  the  helpless.  Unbridled  license  has  been 
given  to  their  cupidiiy.  Untold  millions  of  property  have  been  wantonly  destroyed  by 
their  malice,  or  swelled  the  coifers  of  the  pampered  villains,  who,  unwhipt  of  justice,  have 
been  openly  rewarded  and  promoted  for  their  crimes.  Aged  and  unoffending  men  have 
been  dragged  from  thiir  beds  to  dreary  prisons  and  solitary  labor.  Refined  and  virtuous- 
women  li.-we  been  brutally  insulted,  and,  manacled  by  rude  unfeeling  soldiery,  have  been 
led  captive  from  their  homos  as  hostages  for  negroes.  Farms  have  been  desolated ;  dwel- 
lings l.iid  in  ashes  ;  unprotected  women  and  helpless  children  have  been  turned  out  from 
their  homes  without  bread  or  shelter.  The  tombs  of  the  gallant  dead  have  been  robb(-d  and 
ilespcrated  bv  fr'i'l---,  who  l-avo  >!it!il<";«lv  ipvnf''-(1  th^  ?-i'iftify  of  t!ie  fr'"'""'.  '''id  rin  tinged 
the  sensibilities  of  the  living. 

Under  the  hypocritical  guise  of  liberating  from  slavery  a  populatiQu  happier  and  more 
virtuous  than  themselves,  they  have  sought  to  subject  us  to  a  yoke  more  galling  than  they 
have  essayed  to  remove. 

Within  a  few  days  past  an  expedition  has  been  projected  and  an  abortive  effort  Tnade  to 
r.arry  into  execution,  with  minute  instructions  emanating  (as  we  have  reason  to  believe) 
from  the  government  at  Washington,  to  sack  and  fire  the  city  of  Richmond,  and  in  the 
darkness  of  the  night  to  consign  its  inhabitants,  without  a  moment's  warning,  to  llames  ami 
to  death.  For  this  purpose,  a  special  "  burning  party"  was  organized,  provided  with  im- 
l)lfments  of  destruction,  and  orders  to  carry  into  execution  their  fell  designs.  Amid  its 
blazing  rains  the  released  prisoners  from  "  Belle  Isle"  and  "  the  Libby"  were  to  unite  with 
the  bani's  of  Dahlgren  and  Kilpatrick  in  dfealing  out  death  and  slaughter  upon  unoHeuding 
audpiaci'lal  citizens,  and  inflicting  outrages  upon  piire  and  unprotected  women,  more  hor- 
rible than  death. 

The  heart  sickens  at  the  contemplation  of  the  Enormities  that  would  have  been  committed, 
had  this  nefarious  schtmie  succeeded.  No  prayer  for  n^ercy  would  have  been  heard;  no 
scream  for  help  would  have  been  heeded.  Fire,  rapine,  slaughter  and  lust  would  have  held 
iindis])uted  dominion  in  this  fair  city. 

We  forbear  to  enlarge,  but  make  this  recital,  that  you  may  know  more  clearly  the  charac- 
ter of  our  foe,  and  that  he  may  be  held  up  t«  the  odium  and  execration  of  mankind. 

In  shameless  disregard  of  all  the  rules  of  civilized  warfare,  your  chief  magistrate  and  bis 
cabinet  were,  by  special  directions,  to  be  denied  the  rights  of  prisoner!  of  war,  and  killed  in* 
fold  blood.     Every  species  of  public  and  private  property  was  to  be  destroyed,  and  the 
imtire  country  wltliiu  their  reach  laid  waste 

Stimulated  and  encouraged  by  the  precepts  and  example  of  their  leaders,  this  band  of* 
robbers  and  murderers  enteied  private  houses;  broke  open  ladies' wardrobes ;  destroyed  of 
their  rich  contents  whatthej'  could  not  appropriate;  carried  ofi"  jewels  and  plate;  consigned 
to  the  flames  stores  of  provisions ;  burnt  mills  and  other  houses ;  desolated  some  of  the 
fairest  homes  of  the  state,  and  left  whole  families  without  food. 

Thanks  to  the  gallantry  of  a  citizen  soldiery,  they  were  routed  and  repulsed ,  in  the  midst 
of  this  carnival  of  crime,  which  must  outrage  the  sensibilities  of  the  civilized  world.  Many 
')f  them,  with  awakened  consciousness  of  their  deserts,  n»w  contemplate  their  doom  within 
the  walls  of  the  prison  I'rom  which  they  hoped  to  release  their  companions. 

An  avenging  Ood  suddenly  summoned  their  atrocious  leader  from  the  scene  of  his  wicke<i- 
ness  to  the  bar  ni  juugjiiem,  and  uu  his  slain  body  v\fcie  found  his  atrocious  instruction^, 
stained  with  his  own  blood.  The  name  of  Dahlgren  will  be  handed  down  to  history  as  a 
fit  associate  in  infamy  with  Butler,  and  a  host  of  lesser  criminals,  who  have  disgraced 
humanity,  and  shocked  the  moral  sense  of  the  world 

But  in  these  very  atrocities  you  will  discern  the  motive,  if  any  were  needed,  for  continued 
services  and  fresh  sacrifices.  Virginia  takes  no  step  liackward.  Every  consideration  of 
honor,  interest,  duty  and  salety  demand  that  we  shall  go  forward  in  the  grand  struggle  foi 
liuman  rights  and  human  liberty,  so  bravely  begun,  .arid  so  manfully  maintained. 

After  all  tliat  wo  liave  suftbred  and  eudnred,  subjugation  or  snbn>ission  to  the  cruel  foe 
would  ri'dnce  us  to  a  degree  of  degradation  and  misery  which  has  n  j  parallel  in  the  histor%' 
of  civilization. 

The  sacrifices  of  blood  and  treasure  that  we  have  expended,  the  memories  of  the  noblt- 
martyrs  who  have  freely  given  their  lives  fi>r  the  achievement  of  our  independence,  forbid 
that  we  should  needlessly  throw  away  what  has  been  already  won,  in  the  vain  hope  of  ob- 
taining peace  or  security. 

Nothing  but  wretchedness  and  untold  misciy  await  us,  if  we  stop  short  of  the  uncondi- 
tional acknowledgment  of  our  independence,     'rnis  your  vahir  will  surely  command. 

Men  of  Virginia!  you  are  soldiers  of  a  renowned  commonwealth,  whose  ftinio  you  liave 
illustrated  and  borne  aloft  on  every  battle  field.  We  need  not  unfold  to  you  the  muniments 
of  your  right  to  self-government.  We  arc  assured  that  you  fully  comprehend  the  necessity 
of  a  successful  assertion  of  that  right,  and  that  you  will  never  lay  down  your  arms  until 
you  have  secured  it.  Born  to  an  inheritance  of  fi"eedom,  you  cannot  hesitate  to  choose  be- 
tween slavery  or  death.  Submission  to  an  enemy,  who  has  exhausted  every  infamy,  is  not 
endural)le  even  in  thought;  but  were  we  base  enough  to  desire  peace  upon  any  terms  less 
than  the  unqualified  recognition  of  our  independence,  self-interest  alone  woiild  teach  us  the 
folly  of  relying  upon  the  tbrbearance  of  a  nation  who  have  shown  in  every  step  of  the  war, 
that-tlieir  faith  is  perfidy,  and  their  only  policy  i.s  rnpine,  jilnnder  and  oppression.  The 
whole  history  of  our  former  association  with  the  northern  states  admonishes  us  that  in  a 
common  government  they  will  never  fail  to  employ  their  power  to  take  away  our  property. 
Their  present  malice  springs  chiefly  from  baffled  cupidity.  But  for  this  master  passion  of 
their  nature,  an  honorable  and  speedy  peace  would  be  easy.  The  war  hiis  fully  developed 
all  their  purposes,  and  you  now  know  the  fate  that  awaits  you  in  the  event  of  subjugation. 
Your  liberties  will  utterly  perish.  Your  state  organization  will  be  blotted  out.  All  your 
property  of  every  description  will  lie  confiscated,  for  all  of  us  have  participated  in  the  revo- 
lution. Your  lands  will  be  dividedimt  among  the  banditti  from  the  ntirth  and  from  Europe, 
who  have  invaded  our  state.  A  free  negro  population  will  be  established  in  your  midst, 
who  will  be  your  social  equals  and  military  governors.  Negro  giuirds  will,  at  their  plea- 
stire,  give  yon  passes  and  safe  conducts,  or  arrest  you  to  be  tried  and  puni.shed  by  negro 
commandants  and  magistrates:  and  to  these,  yourselves,  your >wives  aud  children  will  W 
menial  laborers  and  slaves,  except  those  of  you  whom  the  malice  of  your  enemies  shall 
reserve  for  the  dungeon  or  the  gallows. 

Such  is  the  doom  denounced  for  the  people  fif  the  south  by  the  v.icked  iac(!  now  warring 
upon  us.  But  wo  know  it  can  never  be  "executed.  An  army  of  veterans  have  resolved 
that  their  country  shall  not  be  enslaved ;  and  while  their  purpose  stands,  the  enemy's  de- 
signs will  continue  to  be  baffled.  Among  you  there  is  one  .spirit — that  of  eager  and  reso- 
lute determination.  The  temper  of  the  army  has  reached  the  people  at  home,  and  inspired 
(hem  with  a  fresh  courage  and  a  more  assured  confidence.  Every  where  we  see  multiplied 
evidences  of  energy  and  enthusiasm.  In  all  tlie  states  we  find  the  resolution " to  endure 
every  extremity  rnther  than  submit;  and  with  this  .spirit  our  people  are  invincible.  The 
armies  are  filling  up  their  ranks,  and  the  legislation  of  congress  has  uddcd  still  further  to 
their  numbers  and  efliciency.  Those  citizens  who  remain  at  home  to  carry  on  the  indus- 
trial pursuits  essential  to  the  sitpport  of  the  army,  will  see  to  it  that  you  shall  not  want  for 
food  while  you  are  exposing  your  lives  to  protect  their  property  aud  homes  from  rapine. 
The  defence  of  the  country  ha.s  become  its  business,  and  every  ^itizen  is  required  to  contri- 
bute to  it  in  his  proper  sphere.  The  general  assembly  of  the  commonwealth  has  taken 
steps  to  aid  those  families  of  her  soldiers  who  may  be  in  want,  and  it  will  not  fail  to  do  all 
in  its  power  to  provide  for  and  cherish  them.  They  have  atuhorized  and  directed  the  pur-  or  impressment  of  unliuiited  supplies  for  their  maintennnce;  appropriated  one  million 
dollars  for  the  r<'lief  of  such  as  are  w^ithin  the  lines  of  the  fiiemy,  and  half  a  i^^llion  its  a 
liospital  fund  for  the  sick  and  wounded.  An  organized  agency  of  the  state  distributes  the 
voluntary  contributions  of  patriotic  citizens.     Individually  and  collectively,  in  county,  city 

RDfl  Kt.ito  or^HJiizations,  tl;o  pcnj)].-  \s\-A\  one  aci-oid  ;ir(-  'IftonniiK  i1  "to  lieci,  clotbo,  Rus 
and  clit'rish  the  army.  , 

On  tlie  oUuT  liarid,  your  enemies  are  a|)pallei1  b_>  tli"  mac-nituJo  of  tin'  task  before  them 
The  loud  bonstings  vvliich  a  i\;w  weeks  since  thej'  so  tVcily  utti'red,  have  boon  >iiIei!oed  by 
your  iinaniiuous  re-'-nlistnionts,  tor  tlie  war,  and  tlio  stern  and  re.soluti>  bearing  of  the  south'. 
Dissf-nsions  exist  among  tlioni.  Eag<-r  to  i)ossess  rlie  apoils  of  tlieir  corrupt  a<itl  profligaie 
government,  they  hate  cacli  other  nearly  as  nnuli  as  they  do  ns  The  war  is  no  longer 
popnlar.  The  rich  are  allowed  to  buj'  an  exemption,  and  thus  cast  all  the  liiirdon  and  risk 
upon  the  poor.  The  laboring  classes  have  already  revolted  against  the  draft.  To  escape 
its  odium,  enormous  bounties  have  been  offered  to  volunteers;  but  all  these  expedients 
have  failed,  and  again  a  heavy  draft  has  been  ordered.  The  armies  of  the  enemy  are  every 
day  diminishing,  and  it  is  evident  they  cannot  recruit  them  to  the  numbers  with  which  they 
began  the  struggle.  A  large  and  growing  party  are  for  peace.  A  still  larger  party  have 
discovered  that  the  war  has  so  far  only  served  to  entail  upon  theniselvt^s  a  despotism  which 
tramples  down  every  public  and  private  right.  They  feel  and  acknowledge  that  tliej'  are 
the  slaves  of  one  whose  character  has  made  him  odious  to  the  world.  Torn  by  party  and 
personal  strife,  and  conscious  of  the  impotence  of  their  scheme  of  conquest,  the  rank.s  oi' 
your  enemies  are  already  beginning  to  waVer.    One  m»re  resolute  effort,  and  the  day  is  ours. 

God  will  strengthen  your  arms  in  theTiour  of  battle,  and  give  his  blessing  to  a  just  cause. 
Independence  and  peac<i  will  be  conceded  by  your  enemies,  and  you,  the  detVnders  of  the 
commonwealth,  may  return  to  your  homes  to  receive  the  welcome  due  to  the  brave,  and  to 
enjoy  those  honors  which  will  grow  brighter  as  your  years  shall  be  jmilonged.  And  when 
our  ears  shall  be  no  longer  startled  by  the  "  clash  of  resoujidiiig  arms,"  and  a  happy,  pros-  ■ 
perous  and  pernninent  peace  shall  succeed,  returning  from  the  fields  of  your  fame,  you  will 
l)e  greeted  with  tears  of  joy  by  the  loved  ones  at  home — the  heroes  of  every  circle. — to  '■c- 
e.eive  the  smiles  of  the  fair  and  become  the  theme  of  gratitude  and  praise,  around  eveiy 
heartiistoue,  protected  by  your  vftlor. 

Tiien'<-very  heart  shall  rejoice  in  that  quiet  which  yoitr  courage  has  secured.  Not  the 
quiet  of  n<'sert«d  homes  and  desolated  farms;  of  sacked  cities  and  rilled  cinirclu^s ;  of  vil- 
lages in  ashes  and  towns  in  ruins ;  but  the  quiet  of  smiling  farms,  when  the  blue  smoke 
shall  curl  again  above  the  uncestral  trees,  to  w<'lcome  back  the  long  exiled  refugee  l;o  his 
home.  The  quiet  of  thriving  villages,  when- the  old  man  on  his  crutch  and  the  brave  and 
warworn  veteran  with  liis  arndess  sleeve,  shall  tell  of  bloody  battles  and  scenes  of  priv;*- 
tJon  to  smiling  children  around  him.  The  quiet  of  prosperous  cities,  whose  wharves  shall 
whiten  with  an  opulent  commerce;  whose  shops  shall  hum  with  a  busy  industry,  aful 
whose  spires  point  to  that  haven  of  rest  which  is  far  away.  Then  from  a  thousand  happy 
hearts  and  iiappy  homes  shall  arise  thanksgiving  and  praise  to  the  God  of  battles,  as  of 
grace,  while  tears  of  gratirude  will  embalm. the.  memories  and  bedew  the  graves  of  the  hravi^ 
men  whose  blood  has  been  shed  as  a  libati<»n  to  liberty. 

.V.  I).  DICKINSON,  Cm. 
\.  J.  MAHSHALL, 

Sriiatc  Cowiiiittee 

15.  11.  SHACKELFORD.  C/in. 
K.  W.  HUNTER, 
F.  15.  DEANE, 
«  A.  C.  CUMMINGS, 

R.  11.  J5AKER. 

House.  Committee. 
[Adopted  March  y,  1  HOI.] 

