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Full text of "Adelantamiento of Florida: 1565-1568"

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This  study  arose  out  of  a  long  interest  in  the  founding 
of  Spanish  Florida  by  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil4s.   The  in- 
spiration for  its  particular  emphasis  came  from  the  Geografia 
universal  de.  las  Indias  of  Juan  L6pe2  de  Velasco  (Madrid 
1893).   The  section  cJaout  Florida  is  entitled  "Description 
of  the  Provinces  and  Adelantamiento  of  Florida. "  Of  special 
significance  was  the  following: 

This  province  is  a  government  by  itself,  or 
an   adelantamiento y  subject  until  now  to  no 
Audiencia,  even  though  through  being  so  close 
to  Hispaniola  it  is  described  together  with 
its  district. 

This  passage  led  to  the  decision  to  analyze  the  Florida 
government  of  1565-1568  as  an  adelantamiento.  The  seminal 
article  by  Roscoe  R.  Hill,  "The  Office  of  Adelemtado, "  also 
came  to  the  attention  of  the  writer.   This  led  to  an  archival 
search  for  the  asientos  emd  capitulaciones  of  a  number  of 
Indies  adelantados,  and  a  comparison  of  these  with  the  1565 
contract  of  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s. 

Analysis  of  the  extent  and  use  of  adelantamiento  dis- 
closed that  a  major  element  in  sixteentii -century  Spanish 
conquest  was  the  support  furnished  by  private  enterprise. 
The  expcuision  fostered  by  Isabella  emd  Ferdinand,  Charles  V 


and  Philip  II  was  largely  carried  out  by  entrepreneurs, 
including  all  the  attempts  to  conquer  Florida  except  the 
De  Luma  and  Villafane  expeditions. 

Once  this  unifying  theme  was  identified,  it  was  neces- 
sary to  explore  a  number  of  secondary  points.   Among  these 
were  the  personal  motivations  of  a  "contractor  in  conquest," 
his  expectations  of  psychic  and  material  gain,  and  the 
sources  of  his  fincincial  support.   Also  important  were  his 
relationships  with  the  municipal,  juridical,  religious,  and 
commercial  institutions  of  Castile. 

The  research  methodology  chosen  for  the  study  was 
essentially  to  work  from  Spanish  archival  materials.   In 
order  best  to  utilize  one  academic  year  for  study  in  Spain, 
amd  avoid  duplication  with  existing  materials  in  Florida,  the 
writer  consulted  the  Spanish  materials  at  the  University  of 
Florida.   Copies  of  the  John  B.  Stetson  Collection  microfilm 
reels  for  the  years  1559  to  1607  were  taken  to  Spain,  to- 
gether with  a  copy  of  the  William  B.    Griffen  Index  of  that 
collection.   The  Jeannette  Thurber  Connor,  Buckingham  Smith, 
emd  Woodbury  Lowery  Collections  were  surveyed.   The  indices 
of  the  Connor  and  Smith  collections  prepared  by  Manuel 
Vazquez,  Dr.  Paul  E.  Hoffmaui  and  James  Mulholland  were  most 

At  this  point,  the  writer  wishes  to  reaffirm  the  great 
and  abiding  value  of  the  Spanish  document  collections  at  the 
P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History.   In  this  study,  the 

writer  made  especial  use  of  the  Stetson  Collection,   Cita- 
tions fjTom  this  collection  have  been  made  with  the  "new" 
leqajo  identification  numbers,  rather  than  with  the  "old" 
ones  with  which  the  Stetson  Collection  is  marked,  to  con- 
form with  the  numbering  system  in  use  in  the  Archive  of  the 
Indies  since  1929.   Dr.  Paul  E.  Hoffman  has  created  a  con- 
version table  from  the  "old"  to  "new"  numbers  which  has  been 
most  useful  for  this  purpose. 

Coordination  of  the  work  in  the  Archive  of  the  Indies 
with  the  Florida  materials  proceeded  more  rapidly  once  the 
writer  begem  to  understand  the  organization  of  the  archive. 
He  could  then  better  appreciate  how  Miss  Irene  Wright,  who 
sought  out  much  of  the  documentation  brought  to  Florida  in 
this  century,  gathered  her  material.  Aided  substantially  by 
Dr.  Hoffman's  conversion  table,  the  writer  could  begin  to  see 
the  eureas  of  her  greater  and  lesser  concentration.   The 
Patronato  Real,  Contratacidn,  Indiferente  General  and 
Gobiemo;   Santo  Domingo  sections  were  generally  well 
covered  by  Miss  Wright.  Additional  work  upon  the  inter- 
connected correspondence  of  the  Crown  and  the  Casa  de  Con- 
tratacion  found  in  Contratacion  and  Indiferente  General  was 
done  in  Seville.   It  was  found  that  the  Justicia,  Escribania 
de  Camara  and  Contraduria  sections  had  been  very  little 
utilized  by  Miss  Wright  in  her  investigations.   It  happened 
that  these  sections,  devoted  to  legal  cases  or  audits 


involving  the  Adelantado  or  his  major  lieutenants,  were  of 
particular  utility  in  developing  the  "private"  side  of  the 
conquest  of  Florida.  After  this  determination  was  made, 
therefore,  the  major  effort  of  the  remaining  months  was 
expended  in  these  areas  of  the  A.G.I. 

One  legajo,  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A,  proved  to  be 
the  corpus  of  the  main  legal  case  carried  on  by  Pedro  Menen- 
dez  cuid  his  heirs  against  the  Crown  over  the  conquest  of 
Florida.  Although  incomplete,  it  is  most  rich  in  content, 
and  appears  to  tie  directly  to  the  "feimily  case"  presented 
by  the  Solis  de  Meras,  Barrientos,  and  Barcia  works.   It  is 
also  connected  with  the  audits  of  Menendez'  fiscal  affairs 
found  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  454  and  548. 

A  mere  beginning  was  also  made  in  a  most  promising 
archival  area:   The  notaries'  or  protocolos  records.   The 
Archives  de  Protocolos  of  Seville,  Cadiz  and  Madrid  contain 
much  material  on  the  financial  network  which  backed  Pedro 
Menendez  in  Florida. 

This  has  been  a  most  absorbing  study,  and  the  writer 
feels  privileged  indeed  to  have  been  involved  in  it.   He 
has  come  to  feel  a  degree  of  kinship  with  the  magnificent  euid 
yet  very  humcin  figures  who  carried  out  the  enterprise  of 
Florida.   He  would  like  to  give  particular  thanks  and  appre- 
ciation to  Dr.  Lyle  McAlister,  who  has  directed  this  research; 
his  standards  have  been  the  most  important  single  stimulus  to 
carry  out  this  work.   His  comments  and  suggestions  have 


invariably  proven  cogent  and  frxiitful.   He  has  continually 
steered  the  project  into  connection  with  the  wider  field  of 
Latin-American  History,  emd  his  encyclopaedic  bibliographic 
knowledge  continues  to  enrich  this  student,  aund  all  of 
his  students. 

The  Unfailing  interest  and  encouragement  of  other  pro- 
fessors at  the  University,  notably  Dr.  John  K.  Mahon,  Dr. 
Paul  E.  Smith,  Dr.  George  D.  Winius,  cmd  Dr.  Cornelius 
Goslinga,  has  amplified  the  desire  of  the  writer  to  become 
fcuniliar  with  primary  archival  materials.   Dr.  Francis  Hayes 
did  much,  in  his  instruction,  to  revive  an  earlier  interest 
in  the  purity  and  beauty  of  the  Spanish  language.   To  Dr. 
Goslinga  and  Dr.  Antonio  Oliveira-Marques  should  go  special 
appreciation  for  systematic  and  patient  instruction  in 
paleography,  the  key  to  sixteenth-century  documentation. 

With  particular  reference  to  Florida  history,  the  writer 
is  indebted  to  Mrs.  Bessie  DuBois  of  Jupiter,  Florida,  for 
her  long  and  continual  urging  to  work  in  that  field.  Over 
a  period  of  twenty-five  years,  the  writer  has  also  been 
encouraged  in  countless  ways  by  Dr.  Samuel  Proctor,  who  has 
been  teacher  and  friend. 

The  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History  at  the 
University  of  Florida  is  truly  a  place  of  wonders.   For 
two  years,  the  writer  found  an  academic  home  there.   Its 
Librarian,  Miss  Elizabeth  Alexander,  has  been  unfailingly 
helpful.  The  wealth  and  accessibility  of  the  material  and 


the  ordered  but  friendly  atmosphere  of  the  library  owes  much 
to  her  concern.  Her  assistant,  Mrs.  Ileene  Dur^md,  has  also 
aided  the  writer  mamy,  many  times. 

The  writer  is  indeed  grateful  to  the  Center  for  Latin- 
American  Studies  and  to  the  Department  of  History  for  the 
support  of  a  Title  VI  National  Defense  Educational  Associ- 
ation scholarship,  which  helped  greatly  to  meet  finemcial 
needs  during  the  three  years  of  study  and  research.   Dr. 
William  E.  Carter  became  Director  of  the  Center  during  this 
period.   He  has,  together  with  Mrs.  Vivian  Nolan  and  other 
members  of  his  staff,  aided  in  every  possible  way  to  solve 
problems  of  enrollment  cuid  financial  support  which  arose. 

At  the  Archive  of  the  Indies  in  Seville,  many  people 
were  of  incomparable  kindness  and  service.  The  Directora, 
Srta.  Rosario  Parra  Cala,  has  been  unfailingly  kind.  All  of 
her  staff,  including  the  porteros ,  have  shown  real  considera- 
tion.  Dr.  Louis-Andr^  Vigneras,  Professor  Emeritus  of 
History  at  George  Washington  University,  cLLded  greatly  in 
initiating  the  writer  into  the  mysteries  of  the  notaries' 
depositories.   Srta.  Maria  Carmona  de  los  Santos,  the  guardian 
of  the  Archive  of  Protocolos  in  Cadiz,  was  roost  helpful. 

It  is  impossible  to  render  due  appreciation  for  the 
stimulating  amd  fruitful  association  which  this  writer  has 
had  with  Dr.  Paul  E.  Hoffman  of  Louisiana  State  University. 
Where  he  could  easily  have  chosen  to  retain  his  knowledge. 
Dr.  Hoffmcin  has  been  most  generous  in  shauring  the  volume  of 
useful  materials  unearthed  in  his  own  archival  research. 


His  keen  Insights  and  thought-provoking  comments  on  matters 
relating  to  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  have  been  and  continue 
to  be  invalueJale. 

Finally,  but  not  at  all  least  worthy  of  mention,  the 
«rriter  would  like  to  acknowledge  his  lasting  obligation  to 
his  deaor  euid  patient  wife,  Dorothy,  who  has  supported  his 
every  effort.   Thamks  also  go  to  his  daughter,  Peggy, 
whose  judgment  of  style  he  respects,  and  whose  typing  skill 
was  most  helpful,  and  to  the  whole  family,  who  have  cheer- 
fully cind  thoughtfully  met  the  absences  emd  sacrifices  which 
go  with  a  study  of  this  kind. 









DE  AVILES .  34 



NOTES 121 


NOTES. 172 


NOTES 228 



NOTES 282 


NOTES 333 


NOTES 375 



I 384 

II     398 

III     404 

IV     406 

V 407 




Abstract  of  Dissertation  Presented  to  the  Graduate  Council 

of  the  University  of  Florida  in  Partial  Fulfillment 
of  the  Requirements  for  the  Degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy 

FLORIDA:   1565-1568 


Eugene  Lyon 

December,  1973 

Chairman:   L.  N.  McAlister,  Ph.D. 
Major  Department:   History 

The  Florida  conquest  of  1565-1568  was  accomplished  by 
an  entrepreneur  titled  Adelantado^  in  keeping  with  a 
Castilian  tradition  of  expansion  by  Royal. surrogate.   Ade- 
lantados  underwrote  the  pacification  and  settlement  of  new 
lemds  in  return  for  license  to  exploit  them  emd  the  granting 
of  titles,  monopolies,  revenues  2md  lands.   The  Hapsburg 
ruler  Philip  II,  caught  between  urgent  dynastic  policies  and 
limited  resources,  created  many  adelantamientos  and  pro- 
mulgated Royal  ordinances  in  1563  which  defined  a  place  for 
private  conquerors  in  Spanish  expansion. 

After  Spamish-French  negotiations  over  New  World  spheres 
of  influence  collapsed,  Philip  II  attempted  to  coxinter  a 
Huguenot  settlement  at  Port  Royal  and  appointed  Lucas 
Vazquez  Ayll6n  Adelcintado  in  1563.   Both  the  Spanish  and 
French  attempts  failed,  but  another  French  expedition  built 
Fort  Caroline  in  1564.   The  capture  of  mutineers  from  its 
garrison  eventually  resulted  in  the  dispatch  of  news  of  the 
fort  to  Spain. 


Meamwhile,  the  Asturiam  seamcm  Pedro  Men^ndez  de 
Avil€s  had  become  an  Indies  trader  and  Royal  fleet  official, 
After  conflict  with  the  House  of  Trade  led  to  his  jailing 
at  Seville,  Men^ndez  was  freed  and  signed  a  contract  with 
Philip  II  for  the  conquest  and  settlement  of  Florida  at  his 
own  expense.   Only  later,  after  knowledge  of  Fort  Caroline 
reached  Spain,  did  the  Crown  add  troops  and  supplies  to 
Menendez'  own  effort.   Thereafter,  the  Florida  conquest  was 
a  joint-venture,  with  the  resources  of  the  Adelantado  prov- 
ing the  more  telling. 

Menendez  had  recourse  to  a  network  of  Asturian  noble 
fajoilies  to  help  staff  and  finance  his  enterprise.   The 
Mayordomo  of  this  network  was  Pedro  del  Castillo  of  C^diz, 
who  held  a  contract  with  Menendez  to  supply  and  sustain  his 
efforts  in  Florida.   This  network  was  built  through  the  use 
of  powers-of-attomey.   The  events  of  the  conquest  tested 
Menendez'  resources  to  the  utmost.   His  decision  to  proceed 
directly  to  Florida  in  1565  made  victory  over  Jean  Ribault 
possible  but  cost  heavily  in  ships,  lives,  and  money. 
Menendez  had  great  difficulty  providing  for  his  Florida 
garrisons  after  Royal  aid  promised  failed  to  materialize, 
and  he  lost  private  income  potential  through  the  loss  of 
memy  ships.   The  xinruly  contract  soldiers'  mutinies  and 
rebellions  cost  Menendez  dear,  cuid  their  treatment  of  the 
natives  undermined  his  Indian  policies. 


In  spite  of  obstacles,  Pedro  Men^ndez  and  his  norteno 
coiiquest  group  explored  much  of  the  adelantcuniento  of 
Florida,  which  extended  from  the  Gulf  Coast  around  the 
Keys  to  Newfoundland.   They  established  forts  2md  missions 
in  the  peninsula,  to  the  north,  and  inlamd  to  the  Appal achi ems, 
and  founded  the  cities  whose  cabildos  were  to  be  the  foci  of 
local  government  and  the  means  of  land  distribution.  Men^n- 
dez  set  up  a  system  of  local  government  emd  promulgated 
ordineuices  to  regulate  it.   In  keeping  with  his  dream  for 
Florida  development,  Men^ndez  arranged  to  fund  the  coming 
of  hundreds  of  settlers,  and  all  shared  in  the  hope  for 
agricxiltural  cuid  commercial  growth  in  an  atmosphere  of 
commiinity.   The  Adelantado  himself  expected  to  Obtain  the 
title  of  Marquis,  to  be  backed  by  his  huge  land-grant  from 
the  King.   Jesuit  missionaries  labored  diligently  with  the 
Indians,  but  made  little  headway. 

At  the  end  of  the  first  phase  of  the  Florida  conquest 
in  mid-1568,  Pedro  Men^ndez  had  been  personally  rewarded 
by  his  King  for  his  deeds  in  Florida,  amd  Philip  II  had 
agreed  to  support  a  minimum  garrison  at  Royal  expense. 
Real  penetration  of  the  land  and  pacification  of  the  Indi- 
ans had  not  yet  been  accomplished,  however. 



The  sixteenth-century  Castilian  expansion  into  the 
Western  Hemisphere  proceeded  in  several  waves.  After  the 
voyages  of  Columbus,  Spsmiards  occupied  the  isleindsof 
Hispcuiiola,  Puerto  Rico,  Cuba  cind  Jamaica.   The  islands 
then  ser-ved  as  advance  bases  to  launch  expeditions  of  ex- 
ploration and  conquest  around  the  Caribbean  basin.   During 
these  yecirs,  probing  attempts  had  also  been  made  to  discover 
the  North  American  coasts.   By  mid-century,  the  cultxires  of 
Spain  had  met  and  interacted  with  those  of  many  native 
peoples  in  widely  scattered  areas. 

The  purposes  cuid  methods  of  the  conquerors  reflected 
much,  if  not  all,  of  the  diversity  of  the  lands  from  which 
they  came.   The  motivation  and  organization  of  conquest 
was  as  complex  as  the  make-up  of  the  sixteenth-century  Spanish 
Iberia.  At  any  single  entrada  in  the  Indies  Spaniards  pur- 
sued many  diverse  personal,  dynastic,  and  religious  objec- 
tives.  On  this  advancing  frontier,  elements  of  medievalism — 
in  commerce,  law,  and  the  institutions  of  government — co- 
existed with  more  modem  concepts  of  kingship  auid  personal 

The  very  means  of  conquest  itself  was  also  a  mixture 
of  ancient  tradition  and  newer  practice.   The  rulers  in 
whose  names  the  seas,  islands  and  mainlands  of  the  Indies 
were  appropriated  represented  an  advancing  absolutism.   A 
preoccupation  with  the  step-by-step  increase  of  royal  pre- 
rogatives can,  however,  obscure  the  extent  to  which  limita- 
tions upon  kingly  power  still  existed.   The  fiscal  and  or- 
ganizational weaknesses  of  the  Castilian  rulers  through 
the  whole  first  era  of  conquest  insured  that  their  reach 
would  always  exceed  their  grasp.   From  the  time  of  Columbus 
through  that  of  Balboa,  Cortes,  Pizarro,  Alvarado,  Monte jo, 
Mendoza  and  De  Soto,  conquest  was  accomplished  or  recognized 
throiigh  contract  by  licensed  entrepreneurs,  many  of  whom 
carried  the  title  of  Adelantado. 

The  institution  of  adelantamiento  in  Castile  can  be 
traced  back  at  least  to  the  twelfth  century,  and  possibly 
further.^  The  earlier  officer,  called  adelantado  mayor, 
functioned  primarily  as  a  surrogate  of  the  King  in  hearing 
legal  appeals,  although  he  also  bore  responsibility  for  the 
maintenance  of  order  in  his  district.   The  unification  of 
Castile  and  Leon  in  the  early  thirteenth  century  led  to  a 
revival  of  the  Reconquest  from  the  Moslems.   Under  the 
leadership  of  Ferdinand  III,  the  forces  of  Castile  drove 
deeply  into  Andalusia,  captured  Cordova  and  Seville,  and 
opened  a  path  to  the  sea  by  1241.   The  older  office  of 
adelantado  was  reconstituted,  and  given  wider  authority 

under  the  title  of  adelantado  manor.   Now  the  peace-keeping 
functions  of  the  adelantados  were  expemded  to  become  those 
of  the  commanders  of  frontier  military  districts.  Within 
his  district,  an  adelantado  had  great  juridical  amd   govern- 
mental powers?  these  were  outlined  and   limited  by  law. 
His  services  were  rewarded  by  the  gremt  of  revenue-producing 
estates  along  the  frontier.   He  could  expect  to  profit  from 
his  Icinds,  if  he  proved  able  to  defend  them.  Thus  was 
estciblished  the  principle  of  the  private  defensor,  aided 
by  the  grant  of  benefices  from  the  Crown,  so  that  he  might 
more  easily  mount  his  private  effort. 

When  the  subjugation  of  new  kingdoms  began  in  the 
western  world,  the  institution  of  private  conquest  was 
transmitted,  without  visible  alteration,  from  Castile  to 
the  Indies.   The  expansion  policies  the  Spanish  Crown 
developed  during  its  dealings  with  Christopher  Columbus 
became  a  model  for  future  outreach,  in  which  adelantamiento 
had  its  proper  part.   Columbus  received  several  titles  as 
result  of  his  contract  with  Ferdinand  and  Isabella,  which 
made  him  the  primary  entrepreneur  of  the  Indies  which 
he  was  to  discover.   Among  these  was  the  title  of  Adelantado 
Mayor,  which  he  proceeded  to  subdivide  by  neiming  his  brother 
Bartolome  Adelantado  of  Hispaniola  in  1497.   The  descendants 
of  the  Discoverer  litigated  for  continuation  of  the  title 
of  Adelantado  Mayor  of  the  Indies,  which  exists  today. 
Although  Hememdo  Cortes  begam  his  conquest  of  Mexico  under 

the  authority  of  the  licensed  Adelantado,  Diego  Velasquez, 
his  success  enabled  him  to  deal  directly  with  the  Crown. 
The  Royal  "Instructions"  emd  grauits  to  Cortes  constituted 
him  as  a  major  contractor  in  conquest,  even  though  he  did 
not  become  Adelantado  of  New  Spain.    Francisco  Pizarro, 
the  last  of  the  three  great  conguistadores ,  also  obtained 
his  royal  contract  after  he  had  begun  his  enterprise  under 
the  aegis  of  another  official,  the  Governor  of  Panama.   His 
asiento  of  1529  was  a  standard  one,  which  granted  him  the 
title  of  Adelantado  of  Peru  as  well  as  a  number  of  other 
offices  and  benefits.   Fremcisco  Montejo  accomplished  the 
conquest  of  Yucatan  as  an  Adelantado  whose  efforts  and  ex- 


penditures  over  many  years  overcame  difficult  obstacles. 

Adelantamiento  in  the  Spanish  Indies  rested  upon  the 
juridical  basis  of  personal  royal  title  to  the  new  lands. 

This  ownership  and  over lordship,  called  senorio  natural, 

had  been  confirmed  by  the  donations  of  Pope  Alexander  VI. 

Although  the  papal  bulls  laid  spiritual  obligations  upon 

the  Castilicui  rulers  in  their  new  lands,  their  right  to 

dispose  of  the  territories  was  legally  intact.   The  monarch, 

as  Senor  natural,  was  the  sole  suzerain  who  could  license 

exploitation  of  his  properties.   The  Indies  adelantados 

were  gremted  the  privilege  of  discovering,  populating  and 

exploiting  the  royal  lands.   The  Crown  also  granted  certain 

incomes,  exemptions  and  monopolies  to  its  entrepreneurs. 

These  were  of  varying  duration;  some  were  perpetual  in 

scope,  while  many  were  to  endure  for  the  lifetime  of  the 
grantee.   The  emolximents  promised  to  an  adelantado  included 
inheritable  estates  and  titles.  For  the  ambitious  sixteenth- 
century  caballero,  the  benefits  hoped  for  constituted  high 
rewards,  in  both  the  material  euid  the  psychic  sense. 

In  return  for  their  license  and  privileges,  the  adelan- 
tados  bore  the  essential  burden  of  the  cost  and  risk  of 
their  conquest.  As  the  private  instruments  of  their 
sovereign's  will,  they  were  required  to  agree  to  carry  out 
royal  policies  of  fortification  for  defense,  the  implanting 
of  Castilian  municipal  institutions  in  desired  areas,  and 
the  fair  treatment  of  the  Indians.   The  duration  and  extent 
of  their  effort  was  dictated  in  substantial  detail. 

Final  sovereignty  over  its  territories  had  not  been 
surrendered  by  the  Crown  to  its  designated  representative. 
The  history  of  the  royal  disputes  with  Columbus  and  later 
conquerors  demonstrates  that  the  Spanish  rulers  always 
guarded  their  prerogatives  with  jealous  zeal.   The  adelan- 
tados  might  receive  enduring  title  to  lands  and  lasting 
privileges,  but  their  control  over  the  government  of  the 
lands  they  had  conquered  was  limited;  within  one  or  two 
lifetimes  the  monarch  would  recapture  the  governmental 
offices  of  Governor  and  Captain-General.   During  the  life 
of  the  agreement,  however,  effective  civil  and  military 
authority  was  in  the  hands  of  the  adelantado.  Within  the 
boundaries  of  his  district,  the  adelantado  was  supreme. 

The  viceroyalties  founded  in  New  Spain  in  1535  emd  for  Peru 
in  1544  had  no  territorial  jurisdiction  over  adelantcunientos 
esteiblished  by  royal  fiat.   Neither  could  the  Audiencias 
appointed  in  the  indies  after  1511  interpose  their  judgments 
in  the  legal  appeal  channel  for  cases  arising  in  the  adelan- 
t£uniento — these  proceeded  from  local  justices  to  the  adelan- 
tado  and  from  thence  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies.   The 
King  would  also  appoint  Royal  financial  officials  to  assure 
that  Crown  revenues  would  be  accounted  for  and  forwarded  to 
Spain.   The  ancient  devices  of  visita  eind  residencia  could 
also  help  to  check  excesses  in  the  use  of  granted  powers. 
All  of  the  mutual  arrangements  between  the  Castilian 
monarchs  emd  their  adelantados  were  formalized  in  their 
asientos  y  capitulaciones — a  series  of  negotiated  contracts. 
Examination  of  a  number  of  these  accords  discloses  that 
they  were,  in  the  main,  alike.   By  the  middle  of  the  six- 
teenth century  they  had  become  largely  standardized.   The 
asientos  are  therefore  good  indices  of  the  abiding  aims  and 
purposes  of  Crown  cind  contractors  alike. 

In  every  case,  the  two-fold  mission  of  the  conquest — 
pacification  and  settlement — was  impressed  upon  the  contrac- 
tor.  He  would  receive  the  titles  and  properties  promised, 
enjoy  the  short-r\in  incomes,  exemptions  and  more  enduring 
privileges,  if  he  complied  with  his  obligation  to  fortify, 
populate,  and  provide  an  atmosphere  in  which  evangelization 
of  the  natives  could  go  forward.   On  both  sides  of  the 

contract — benefit  as  well  as  obligation — the  promises  and 
requirements  were  most  specific. 

As  captains  and  explorers  set  forth  in  every  direction 
in  attempts  to  expand  the  dominions  of  Castile  and  their  own 
fortunes,  it  was  inevitable  that  the  uiiknown  northern  con- 
tinent should  come  within  the  expanding  Spanish  sphere  of 

From  Puerto  Rico,  Juem  Ponce  de  Leon  launched  two 
expeditions  to  his  licensed  area  of  "Bimini"  and  made 
two  voyages,  the  last  of  which  culminated  in  his  death.  He 
carried  out  his  ill-starred  enterprise  at  his  own  cost  as 
adelantado.   When  it  was  done,  the  general  geographic  out- 
line of  the  lovely,  deadly  land  he  had  named  Florida  had 


become  somewhat  clearer  to  the  Spanish. 

The  next  systematic  attempt  to  move  northwestward  to 
conquest  arose  out  of  Sam  to  Domingo.   Two  men,  Lucas 
Vazquez  de  Ayllon  and  the  Licenciado  Matienzo,  oidores  of 
Audiencia  there,  sent  two  caravels  northward  along  the  coast 
discovered  by  Ponce  de  Leon,  and  fovmd  fertile  land  lying 
in  thirty- five  to  thirty-seven  degrees  of  north  latitude. 
Vazquez  de  Ayllon  determined  to  attempt  its  settlement. 
His  petition  for  an  asiento  was  approved  in  1523,  but  storm 
and   shipwreck  destroyed  the  expedition.   The  failure  of 
this  would-be  adelantado  left  the  field  open  again. 

In  the  meantime,  Castile's  claim  to  the  Western  Hemis- 
phere lands  west  of  the  Line  of  Demarcation  established  by 

the  Tordesillas  agreements  came  under  challenge. 
Cast ile-Ar agon  and  its  Mediterranean  and  overseas  posses- 
sions were  drawn  into  the  Hapsburg  orbit  after  King  Ferdi- 
nand had  beg\in  the  long  struggle  with  the  Valois  rulers  of 
France.   After  the  beginning  of  the  intense  rivalry  between 
Francis  I  and  Emperor  Charles  V,  the  lands  and  waters  of 
North  America  became  a  theater  of  contest.   The  French 
monarch  sponsored  Giovanni  di  Verrazano  on  a  voyage  of 
exploration  and  discovery  along  the  eastern  coasts  of  the 
continent  during  1524. 

At  Granada,  on  December  11,  1526,  yet  another  adelantado 
was  licensed  for  an  attempt  upon  Florida.   A  resident  of 
Cuba  who  had  been  involved  in  the  conquest  of  Mexico, 
PSnfilo  de  Narvaez,  was  given  his  asiento  to  pacify  and 
populate  cui  area  between  New  Spain  and  the  areas  granted 
to  Ponce  de  Leon  and  to  Vazquez  Ayll6n — from  the  River  of 
Palms  to  the  Cape  of  Florida.   Narvaez  left  Spain  in  mid- 
1527,  and  only  reached  Florida  the  next  spring.   As  his 
dwindling  forces  traversed  the  Gulf  Coast,  the  expedition 
lost  touch  with  its  sources  of  supply,  and  became  a  disaster. 

Only  four  men,  including  Cabeza  de  Vaca,  reached  New  Spain 

eight  years  after  their  Florida  landing. 

After  the  battle  of  Pavia  and  the  capture  of  Francis  I 

by  Charles  V,  another  short-lived  peace  prevailed.   When 

Framcis  was  released,  however,  war  began  again  in  Europe, 

and  this  time  the  first  French  commerce-raiders  appeared  in 

the  Spanish  Indies.   Ignoring  the  Spemish  and   Portuguese 
pretensions  to  exclusive  title  in  the  Americas,  Framcis  I 
also  sent  Jacques  Cartier  in  1534  and  1535  to  explore  New- 
foundlemd,  seeking  a  passage  westward  to  the  Orient. 

After  Cabeza  de  Vaca  returned  to  Spain  to  report  in 
1537,  the  Crown  passed  over  his  application  to  take   up  the 
contract  of  de  Nau-vaez,  emd  awarded  it  to  Hernando  de  Soto. 
The  asiento  of  de  Soto  required  him  to  fortify  and  settle, 
and  made  him  the  usual  concessions  for  profit  and  prestige. 
It  was  continental  in  scope;  de  Soto  was  given  all  of  the 
areas  previously  promised  to  Vazquez  Ay lion  and  to  de 
Narvaez.    The  vast  expanse  of  his  territories  swallowed 
MP   Hernando  de  Soto  emd  his  men;  his  expedition  never 
passed  beyond  the  exploration  stage,  cind  ended  in  death  for 
its  leader  and  many  of  his  men. 

In  the  meantime,  preparation  for  the  third  voyage  of 
Jacques  Csurtier  was  well  advemced.  Word  of  its  arming 
reached  euid  alarmed  the  En^eror  and  his  councillors.   It 
was  to  be  a  thoroughgoing  colonization  attempt.   The  Spamish 
viewed  the  coming  voyage  as  an  act  of  aggression  in  the 
rightful  lands  of  the  rulers  of  Castile.   Charles  V  con- 
sidered sending  a  war-fleet  to  intercept  Cartier  at  sea; 
an  armada  was  outfitted  and  later  sent,  but  became  primarily 
a  protective  fleet.   In  June  of  1541,  the  Council  of  the 
Indies  suggested  to  the  King  that  he  send  scout  vessels  to 
follow  the  movements  of  Cartier,  and  practice  defensive 


settlement  by  giving  another  asiento  to  a  Spanish  nobleman 
to  check  the  French  in  North  America. 

When  the  Cartier  voyage  came  to  naught  (as  far  as 
lasting  settlement  was  concerned) ,   no  further  Spanish  con- 
tracts for  the  Florida  conquest  were  issued  for  many  years. 
In  June,  1549,  Father  Luis  Cincer  de  Barbastro,  a  Dominican 
priest  who  had  taken  part  in  the  peaceable  evangelization 
of  Verapaz,  was  killed  with  two  of  his  fellows  at  Tampa  Bay 
while  attempting  to  convert  the  Florida  Indians.   After  more 
than  thirty-five  years,  the  Spanish  had  still  not  made 
successful  establishments  on  the  southeastern  mainland. 

The  year  of  Father  Cancer's  sacrifice  also  represented 
a  new  peak  in  the  intrusion  of  French  vessels,  which  came 
in  numbers  to  raid  and  trade  in  the  Spanish  Indies.   By 
now,  the  distinction  between  peace  and  war  had  become 
blurred.   Corsairs  sailed  continually  to  the  "hot-spots" 
between  Cuba  and  Hispaniola,  where  inter-island  commerce 
and  a  plentiful  supply  of  hides  and  sugar  attracted  the 


By  this  time,  Spanish  trade  with  the  Indies  had  grown 
until  it  represented  something  of  immense  value  to  protect. 
The  commercial  system  called  the  Carrera  de  Indias  was  an 
almost-closed  monopoly,  in  which  the  Crown  license  mer- 
chants to  engage  in  commerce.   During  the  first  four  or 
five  decades  of  the  Carrera,  trade  was  diffused  among  many 
ports.   In  Spain,  in  1529,  the  Emperor  gave  permission  to 


La  Cortina  and  Bayona  In  Galicia,  Aviles  in  Asturlas,  Laredo 
in  Samtcmder,  Bilbao  in  Vizcaya,  and  San  Sebasti^  in 
Guipuzcoa  to  load  cargoes  for  the  Indies.   Permission  was 
also  extended  to  Cadiz  and  Seville  in  Andalusia. 

Many  nortenos  engaged  in  the  Atleuitic  commerce  made 
commercial  ties  with  Caribbean  trade  centers — Santo  Domingo, 
La  Yaguana,  Monte  Cristi,  Puerto  Plata  cuid  Puerto  Real  on 
the  isleuid  of  Hispaniola,  Santiago  in  Cuba,  and  San  Juan, 
Puerto  Rico.   The  exchange  of  sugar,  hides,  placer  gold  and 
copper  was  made  with  the  wines,  iron  goods,  emd  cloth  of 
Spain.   As  the  century  advanced,  the  agricultural  products 
and  bullion  from  New  Spain  and  Peru  began  slowly  to  eclipse 
the  island  commerce.   San  Juan  de  Ulua,  Nombre  de  Dios  and 
Cartagena  became  the  main  ports  for  the  ingress  and  egress 
of  organized  fleets.   Across  the  Atlantic,  except  for 
limited  separate  privileges  granted  to  C^diz,  all  of  this 
trade  was  funnelled  through  Seville. 

As  merchants  from  the  north  of  Spain  lost  their  one- 
time privileges  in  the  Indies  commerce,  some  of  them 
gravitated  to  Cadiz,  and  continued  their  shipping  from 
there.   Considerable  tension  arose  between  them  and  the 
shippers'  guild  at  Seville. 

The  Royal  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  at  Seville  (founded 
1503)  and  the  guild  of  sea-merchants  (Consulado  de  la  Uni-  ' 
versidad  de  Mercaderes,  established  1543)  composed  a  sym- 
biotic community  of  interests.   The  traders  of  Seville  had 


achieved  monopoly  through  royal  patronage — they  beceune  a 
strong  and  wealthy  power-center.  Through  the  Casa,  the 
Crown  Insured  the  safe  passage  of  Its  Indies  revenues, 
including  those  teoces  levied  on  the  conunerce  itself.   The 
functionaries  of  the  Casa  came  to  represent  the  merchants' 
guild  as  much  as  they  did  the  King.   An  official  at 
Cadiz  insured  that  ships  from  that  port  conformed  to  the 
rules.   Crown  policies  were  also  carried  out  through  the 
Carrera  regulation.   The  inspections  of  the  Casa  enforced 
controls  over  outgoing  passengers,  who  had  to  conform  to  the 

Spanish  laws  of  religious  purity  cind  moral  fitness  before 

they  could  sail. 

To  protect  the  Spanish  ships  against  Berber  pirates 
and  the  commerce-raiders  who  swarmed  in  the  waters  west  of 
Spain,  the  Emperor  decided  to  tax  the  trade  for  its  own 
defense.   The  Crown,  operating  through  its  officials  in  the 
Casa  de  Contrataci6n,  used  the  funds  realized  from  the 
averia  tax  to  lease  ships,  purchase  cannon  and  eunmunition, 
and  pay  soldiers  emd  sailors  to  defend  the  fleets.   By  mid- 
century,  the  practice  of  joint  sailing  in  fleet  convoy  for 
defense  purposes  had  begun,  but  was  not  yet  regularized. 

Coastal  patrols  also  protected  the  Mediterranean  shoreline 


and  the  other  Spanish  coasts. 

On  the  north  coast  of  Spain,  conditions  were  particu- 
larly favorable  for  the  development  of  a  vigorous  culture 
based  upon  the  sea.   The  very  nature  of  the  rugged  coast. 


cut  by  endless  inlets  alternating  with  rocky  headlands, 
thrust  men  onto  the  oceans  for  livelihood.   In  addition 
to  fishing,  from  em  early  date  they  engaged  in  trade  with 
northern  Europe  emd  the  Indies.   To  the  east,  in  Vizcaya, 
the  combination  of  rich  iron  ore  deposits,  ample  supplies 
of  wood,  and   a  sea-oriented  people  produced  a  long  and 
vital  tradition  of  ship-building. 

With  excellent  ships  and  fine  seamen,  the  nortenos  made 
lasting  reputations  as  mariners  and  the  builders  of  fleets. 
The  stimulus  which  activated  the  area  was  essentially  that 
of  war,  and  its  more  particular  impetus  was  privateering. 
During  the  lengthy  Italian  wars,  and  the  many  Mediterremeam 
campaigns  mounted  by  Ferdinand  and  Emperor  Charles  V,  the 
Crown  freely  gave  letters-of-marque  to  Spanish  ship-owners 
to  prey  upon  enemy  vessels  in  the  Bay  of  Biscay,  the  near 
approaches  to  Europe,  and  the  waters  of  the  Indies. 

The  major  incentive  for  privateering  was  the  taking 
of  enemy  prizes.   The  wealth  which  accrued  to  the  north 
coast  from  the  corse  was  substantial.   In  1542,  Vizcayan 
privateers  took  thirty-one  French  prizes;  another  Basque 
group  captured  forty-two  French  vessels  from  the  Newfoundland 
fishing  trade.   Juemot  de  Villaviciosa  from  Asturias  captured 
more  them  sixty  prizes  during  his  wartime  career.   Other 
successful  contra-corsario  captains  were  Domingo  de  Villa- 
viciosa, Bartolome  Carreno,  and  Alvaro  S^chez  of  Avil^s. 
One  memorial  lists  twenty-two  Guipuzcoam  captains  who  had 
made  prize  captures  during  war  with  Framce. 


In  addition  to  independent  adventuring,  the  captains 
and  shipbuilders  of  the  north  coast  early  gained  access  to 
royal  funds  and  favor  through  the  furnishing  of  ships.   They 
sailed  on  expeditions  against  the  Berbers  and  Turks  and  took 
part  in  the  Mediterranecui  sea-actions  connected  with  the 
Italian  wars.   The  Crown  would  pay  a  sueldo,  or  ship-charter 
fee,  for  the  use  of  the  vessel,  emd  would  also  furnish 
supplies,  artillery  and  munitions,  and  pay  for  the  seamen. 
The  entrepreneur  who  provided  the  ships  would  also  be  given 
a  royal  commission  as  Captain-General  to  lead  them  in 
battle.   One  of  the  most  notable  of  the  armador  fcirailies 
was  that  of  Bazan.   Before  the  end  of  the  fifteenth  century, 
Semcho  de  Bazan  was  already  known  for  the  furnishing  of 
vessels.   Galleys  and  other  fighting  ships  from  the  north 
coast  were  important  contingents  in  the  expeditions  against 
Berbers  and  Turks  in  1510,  1519,  1530,  1535,  and  1540-41. 
In  1543,  Alvaro  de  Bazan,  who  had  served  with  distinction 
in  the  Mediterranean  since  the  1520s,  was  commissioned  to 
form  an  armada  to  counter  a  large  French  fleet.   His  forty 
ships  met  the  enemy  off  Galicia  in  the  battle  of  Muros, 
and  defeated  them  handily,  taking  twenty-three  prizes  and 
much  other  booty. 

Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  was  very  much  a  part  of  this 
sea-borne  culture  and  of  the  anti-corsair  milieu.   Born  in 
1519  at  Aviles,  Menendez  was  the  descendant  of  minor  Asturian 
hidalgos,  and  had  blood  and  marriage  connections  with  the 


■ore  is^ortemt  Vald^s   family  as  well  as  with  other  noble 


norteno  families.    After  an  early  marriage  to  Dona  Maria 

de  Soils  from  nearby  MerSs,  Men^ndez  went  to  sea  and  en- 
tered the  world  of  privateering.   He  had  before  him  the  ex- 
ample of  his  elder  brother  Alvaro  Sanchez,  and  such 
luminaries  as  Alvaro  Baz^.   It  appears  that  he  served  in 
Baz&n*s  fleet  for  two  years  beginning  in  1543.    This 
ejqperience  led  him  to  buy  his  own  patache  (a  small,  rapid- 
sadling  craft)  and  become  a  privateer.  Within  a  very  few 
years  he  became  well-known  for  his  decisive,  daring  seamam- 
ship  and  for  the  number  of  prizes  that  he  took.   For  Pedro 
Mendndez,  this  proved  to  be  a  path  to  preferment  at  the 
Court.   He  received  two  royal  commissions  to  pursue  corsairs, 
one  granted  by  Meucimilian  in  1548,  acting  as  regent  for  the 
Emperor,  and  cuiother  granted  by  Charles  V  himself.   Mani- 
festly, the  Asturian's  rise  was  aided  by  his  exploits,  but 
family  influence  may  have  also  been  a  factor. 

Pedro  Menendez  armed  a  galleon  at  his  own  cost  and  went 
with  a  crew  of  relatives  and  friends  to  pursue  French  ships 
which  had  seized  eleven  Vizcayan  prizes  off  Galicia.   He 
tracked  down  the  French  near  La  Rochelle,  captured  three 
of  the  corsair's  vessels,  and  mortally  wounded  the  leader, 
Jean  Alphonse. 

Menendez'  second  royal  letter-of -marque,  issued  by  the 
En?>eror  in  1550,  granted  a  wider  sphere  of  action  to  the 
young  sea-^captain.   He  could  now  pass  to  the  Indies  to  seek 


illegal  intruders  corsairing  in  time  of  peace.    With  this 
instruction,  he  built  t%ro  galleons  and  went  to  Seville,  where 
the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  registered  his  two  ships  to  Tierra 
Finae.  With  his  royal  privilege,  Men^ndez  did  not  have  to 
adhere  to  the  convoy  regulations  of  the  Casa.   In  1550, 
he  left  for  the  Indies,  and  returned  in  1551. 

Daring  the  next  voyage  made  by  Pedro  Menendez,  war 
erupted  again  with  Fremce,  emd  all-out  incursions  in  force 
by  French  corsairs  begem.   Under  leaders  such  as  Jacques 
LeClerc,  called  "Wooden- leg,"  and  Jacques  Sore,  they  prepared 
to  assault  shipping  near  Spain,  in  the  Camary  and  Azores 
Islands  and  in  the  Caribbeem.   In  the  midst  of  this  tense 
situation,  the  Asturicin  had  an  exciting  journey.  While 
carrying  merchamdise  in  the  Caribeem  in  1552,  he  was  captured 
by  a  sizeable  French  galeass.   For  fifteen  days,  Menendez 
was  kept  prisoner  as  he  negotiated  with  the  corsairs  for  his 

ransom  and  release.   In  Scintiago  de  Cuba,  he  borrowed  1,098 

gold  pesos  to  reuisom  his  person  and  his  ship. 

Menendez  had  learned  of  French  plans  to  raid  the  Indies 
on  a  laurge  scale.   After  refitting  his  ship  in  Santiago, 
Menendez  carried  some  stranded  sailors  as  paid  passengers 
to  Vera  Cruz. 

Once  in  New  Spain,  Pedro  Menendez  went  to  the  city  of 
Mexico  and  reported  personally  to  Viceroy  Luis  de  Velasco, 
adrising  him  of  the  danger  of  the  coming  French  assault. 
Then  he  scd-led  to  Havana,  where  he  conferred  with  Juan  de 


Rojeis,  the  most  powerful  m2m  in  that  port,  emd  with  Jnan 
de  Lobera,  Alcaide  of  the  fort.   Menendez  next  vent  to 
Santo  Domingo  and  appeared  before  the  Audiencia.  The 
thirty- four-year-old  ship  captain  then  returned  to  Spain, 
bearing  signed  testimony  of  the  threat  to  t  .3  Indies  from 
the  highest  authorities  in  the  Spanish  Caribbecui. 

To  meet  the  demger,  Menendez  had  a  pl2ui.   He  appeared 
before  the  Council  of  the  Indies  as  an  expert  seaman  ex- 
perienced in  dealing  summarily  with  the  corsair  menace. 
Drawing  upon  this  reputation  cmd  his  expertise,  Menendez 
proposed  to  counter  the  French  and  build  four  ships  and  four 
smaller  zabras  at  his  own  cost.   He  urged  the  Crown  to  bear 
the  expense  of  outfitting  the  ships  and  paying  him  a  salary 
as  Captain-General.   With  the  pay  of  his  officers  and  the 
men,  the  cost  would  be  about  40,000  ducats  a  year.  Clearly, 
the  Asturicin  aspired  to  be  another  Alvaro  Bazcin. 

Pedro  Menendez  made  his  point.   He  received  a  commission 
as  Captain-General  for  the  Indies  voyages,  and  prepared  to 
sauLl.   His  appointment  sparked  conflict  with  strong  influ- 
ences within  the  Carrera  de  Indias.  Menendez  was  one  of 
several  Captains-General  of  the  Azores  and  Indies  fleets 
imposed  upon  the  merchants  of  Seville  by  the  Crown.   Diego 
Lopez  de  las  Roelas  and  his  brother  Pedro,  Gonzalo  and  Luis 
de  Caurvajal,  Alvaro  Bazan,  Alvaro  Sanchez  de  Avil^s  and 
Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  were  shipowners  and  expert  mariners. 
They  were  also  nortenos .   Menendez  represented  a  semi- 


independent  power,  Asturian  in  origin,  with  a  reputation  amd 
high-level  connections.   His  appointment  also  implied  a 
nore  direct  intervention  of  the  Crown  in  fleet  defense. 

In  the  face  of  the  burgeoning  corsair  threat,  new  ordinances 

had  been  promulgated  for  the  arming  of  convoy  ships.    The 

powers  of  fleet  generals  amd  Captains-General  were  now 

considerable,  emd  touched  the  interests  of  merchants  at 

vital  points — his  control  of  the  seaworthiness  of  vessels, 

some  aspects  of  cargo  lading,  emd  sailing  times.   Pierre  and 

Buguette  Chaxinu  have  written  a  striking  description  of  the 

Captain-General  of  this  period: 

with  the  economic  force  of  a  merchant,  strong 
in  his  own  military  and  naval  puissance,  at 
times  an  adelantado,  almost  always  a  ship- 
armer,  first  provider  of  armadas  for  the  King, 
a  grandee  in  his  nepotism,  defrauder  of  the 
customs  laws  for  his  own  account  and  for  that 
of  others,  carrying  contraband  aboard  his  own 
vessels  and  favoring  contraband,  absolute 
master  in  the  ports  of  the  Indies  .  .  .  such 
was  the  Captain-General. 29 

For  its  part,  the  merchcuit  guild  in  Seville  had  enough  influ- 
ence upon  the  Casa  officials  to  insure  selective  enforcement 
of  the  regulations  against  the  generals.   In  measuring  a 
vessel,  bonding  its  master,  and  the  approval  of  the  outgoing 
and  incoming  registry,  many  delays  and  obstructions  were 
possible.   In  contests  between  fleet  general  or  Captain- 
General  emd  the  Casa, final  appeal  was  to  the  Crown  through 
the  Council  of  the  Indies.   Thus  each  opposed  power-center 
sought  support  from  the  throne  to  buttress  its  position  in 
the  polycentric  organism  of  sixteenth-century  Spain.   All 


three  parties  involved  in  the  Carrera  were  inextricably 
bound  together  through  the  institution  of  the  averia. 
Salaries  and  ship-charter  fees  paid  to  the  generals  came 
out  of  this  teoc  levied  by  the  Crown  upon  the  trade.   The 
administration  of  the  averia  was,  however,  often  in  the 
hands  of  the  merchants  themselves,  through  various  asientos 
with  the  Crown,  for  which  they  acted  as  tax-farmers. 
The  three-way  relationship  between  the  King,  his  trade 
officials,  and  semi-autonomous  fleet  Generals  like  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Avil^s  was  replete  with  opportunities  for 
conflict.   The  antagonisms  aroused  by  the  assignment  of 
Pedro  Menendez  to  the  Indies  fleets  were  not  long  in 

Before  he  could  take  his  office,  however,  Pedro  Menendez 
was  recalled  by  Prince  Philip.   As  Charles  V  neared  the  end 
of  his  long  reign,  it  was  decided  that  the  Prince  should 
marry  Mary  Tudor,  the  eldest  daughter  of  the  late  Henry 
VIII,  in  the  hopes  that  the  union  with  England  would  bolster 
and  support  Philip's  dominions  in  the  Netherlands.   Philip 
asked  Menendez  to  be  one  of  the  troup  which  escorted  him 
to  England  for  the  wedding,  and  when  a  fleet  of  150  sails 
left  La  Coruna  on  July  12,  1554,  the  Asturian  went  along. 
After  the  royal  marriage,  Pedro  Menendez  returned  to  Spain 
with  dispatches  to  the  Regents  in  Valladolid,  and  then 
resumed  his  interrupted  preparations  in  Seville  to  sail. 
After  much  delay,  his  ships  sailed  in  October,  1555. 


Some  of  the  Cadiz  vessels  were  forced  to  return  to  port  by 
stormy  weather.  A  Casa  representative  from  Seville  in- 
spected them  in  C5diz  and  found  many  violations  of  shipping 
laws.   His  attempts  to  enforce  the  laws  resulted  in  open 
fighting  in  the  town  and  led  to  his  being  thrown  into  jail 
by  the  Cadiz  magistrate.   A  young  merchant  named  Pedro  del 
Castillo  was  one  of  those  involved  in  the  illegal  trans- 
actions.  Pedro  Menendez  had  permitted  Castillo,  who  was  a 
distant  relative,  to  send  goods  under  his  command  in  viola- 
tion of  the  laws  of  the  Casa  de  Contratacion.   Enmity  against 
Cadiz,  Pedro  del  Castillo  and  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  began 
to  build  in  Seville. ^°  Alvaro  Sanchez,  Menlndez' brother, 
went  with  the  other  ships  as  admiral  of  the  fleet.   The 
brothers  and  their  convoy  of  eighty-one  ships  sailed  directly 
into  danger.   A  new  urgency  gripped  the  traders  of  the 
Carrera  de  Indias  and  the  Spaniards  in  the  Indies. 

As  the  last  of  the  Italian  wars  began  in  Europe,  raids 
and  attacks  by  Frenchmen  upon  towns  and  shipping  in  the 
Spanish  overseas  possessions  hit  a  new  peak.   La  Yaguana 
in  Hispaniola,  Santiago  de  Cuba,  and  Havana  were  seized 
by  large,  determined  bands  of  corsairs.   On  July  10,  1555, 
Jacques  Sores  had  landed,  thoroughly  sacked  Havana  and  put 
many  of  its  residents  to  the  sword.   Damage  to  the  agri- 
cultural and  mercantile  productivity  of  the  Caribbean  Islands 
was  severe  and  enduring. 


The  winter  of  1554-55,  beset  with  storms,  had  been  even 
disastrous  for  the  Seville  merchants  than  had  the  raids 
of  pirates.   Three  ships  from  the  New  Spain  fleet  of  that 
year  had  been  lost  off  Padre  Island,  on  the  modern  Texas 
coast,  while  two  from  the  Tierra  Firme  contingent  sank  in 
the  Bahama  Channel.   The  Almiranta  of  Tierra  Firme,  rich  in 
her  own  cargo  and  heavily  laden  with  contraband,  was  ship- 
wrecked on  the  Andalusian  shore  near  Tarifa. 

Pedro  Menendez'  first  charge  as  Indies  fleet  Captain- 
General  was,  therefore,  a  heavy  and  responsible  one.   The 
manner  in  which  he  accomplished  it  was  typical  of  the  man — 
it  aroused  both  acclaim  and  abuse.   By  all  accounts,  his 
return  passage  to  Spain  was  rapid.   The  Captain-General 
had  gone  personally  to  Vera  Cruz  with  the  New  Spain  ships, 
while  Alvaro  Sanchez  took  charge  of  the  section  which 
discharged  and  collected  goods  and  bullion  at  Nombre  de 
Dios  and   Cartagena.   Although  his  return  was  not  anticipated 
until  the  following  spring,  Menendez  brought  the  ships  back 
in  September  of  1556,  richly  laden  with  merchant  goods  and 
Crown  revenues.   After  the  ships  had  been  inspected  by  the 
Casa,  Pedro  Menendez  and  his  brother  were  arrested  amd 
charged  with,  having  brought  a  half  million  ducats'  worth 
of  cochineal  and  sugar  outside  of  legal  registry.   They  were 
jailed,  and  litigation  on  their  case  began.  After  the 
brothers  were  fined  and  condemned  by  the  Audiencia  of  the 


Casa  de  Contrataci6n»  they  won  a  reversal  of  the  verdict  on 
appeal  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies.    Menendez  was  then 
praised  by  the  Crown  for  his  diligence  in  the  1555-56 
voyage/  and  directed  to  return  as  Captain-General  of  the 
next  departing  armada  to  the  Indies.    Before  this  could 
take   effect,  however,  events  in  Europe  led  to  a  change  in 
plems.   The  military  operations  of  the  Spanish  and  their 
English  allies  in  Flanders  required  heavy  naval  support 
across  the  Channel  and  from  Iberiem  ports. 

At  first  it  was  planned  that  Alvaro  de  Bazan  divert 
his  guard  armada  from  Spanish  waters  and  from  the  convoy  of 
fleets  between  the  Azores  and  Seville,  and  move  to  Flanders. 

Pursuant  to  this  idea,  Pedro  Mendndez  was  ncimed  to  take  over 

his  duties.    Then  this  idea  was  abandoned,  and  the  Asturian 

entered  a  period  of  two  years'  busy  service  to  the  Courts 

and  armies  in  England  and  Flanders.   He  was  posted  as 

subordinate  to  Luis  de  Carvajal  of  Guipdzcoa  in  the  arduous 

task  of  protecting  supply  lines  and  transporting  personnel 

across  waters  active  with  French  privateers.   In  making  up 

his  squadron,  Pedro  Menendez  armed  ten  ships  and  two  zabras, 

and  operated  on  Crown  charters  while  taking  occasional  prizes 

to  bolster  his  income  and  that  of  his  supporters.   Now  his 

brother  Bartolorae  Menendez,  Diego  Flores  Valdes,  Pedro 

Menendez  Marquez  (the  son  of  Alvaro  Sanchez) ,  and  Esteban 

de  las  Alas  of  Aviles  had  joined  his  service.   Menendez' 

family  had  grown:   his  son  Jucui  was  now  a  young  man,  who 


served  with  his  father.  Of  his  three  legitimate  daughters. 
Ana  and  Catalina  had  not  yet  married,  and  Maria  had  become 
a  nun.  Pedro  Menendez  also  had  fathered  am  illegitimate 
daughter,  likewise  named  Mauria. 

As  a  result  of  his  voyages  in  support  of  Spamish  conmit- 
ments  in  northern  Europe,  Pedro  Menendez  came  directly  to 
the  favorable  notice  of  his  sovereigns,  and  further  enhanced 
his  reputation.   His  successful  escort  of  1,200,000  ducats 
to  Flemders  was  credited  with  having  helped  support  the 
Spanish  offensive  which  ended  in  the  victory  at  St.  Quentin 
in  August,  1557.   In  blockade  and  convoy  duty  from  Dover  to 
Calais  in  company  with  Carvajal  he  aided  the  English  allies 
so  efficiently  that  he  was  commended  by  Queen  Mary,   In  final 
culmination  of  his  northern  duties,  Menendez  was  selected 
for  the  signaJ.  honor  of  escorting  Philip  II  to  Spain  from 
Flamders.   The  Prince  had  now  become  the  King,  and  peace 
had  been  signed  at  Cateau-Cambresis  in  April  of  1559. 
The  young  Asturian  brought  his  King  to  Laredo  in  safety, 
amd  a  new  era  begem  for  him  and  for  Spain. 

While  Pedro  Menendez  had  been  occupied  in  the  last 
struggles  of  the  war  with  France  in  Europe,  the  "corsair 
war"  in  Atlantic  waters  amd  in  the  Spemish  Indies  had  reached 
a  new  high  of  bitterness.   It  had  long  been  the  practice 
that  Frenchman  caught  in  the  overseas  dominions  of  Castile 
should  be  returned  as  prisoners  for  trial  in  Seville.  Now, 


Alvaro  de  Bazin  decreed  that  French  captives  should  be 

sentenced  to  serve  at  the  oar  in  Spemish  galleys,  while 

their  officers  should  be  hung  or  thrown  in  the  sea. 

Continued  concern  cibout  further  French  attempts  to 
settle  North  America  also  led  to  another  Crown  venture  in 
Florida.   Philip  II  wished  to  evangelize  the  heathen  Indiems 
of  the  Gulf  Coast,  who  had  murdered  Father  Cancer  and 
harrassed  the  snipwreck  survivors  in  the  1554  fleet  disaster, 
and  to  protect  other  castaways.   The  King  decided  to  under- 
take   the  Florida  settlement,  fund  it  from  the  royal  treasury 
and  administer  it  through  the  Viceroy  of  New  Spain,  the  able 
Luis  de  Velasco."'^ 

After  reconnaisemce  in  the  northeastern  Gulf  by  Guido 
de  Labazaoris  in  1558,  Velasco  launched  two  expeditions.   The 
first,  coramcmded  by  Tristin  de  Luna,  left  Vera  Cruz  in  mid- 
summer of  1559,  Icinded  in  Pensacola  Bay  cind  was  still  un- 
loading when  the  fleet  was  scattered  by  a  hurricane.   The 
Viceroy  also  sent  Angel  de  VillafciHe,  with  a  skilled  Asturicm 
pilot,  Gonazlo  de  Gayon,  to  explore  cind  tcike  possession  of 
the  Semta  Elena  area  of  the  east  coast.   By  suiraner  of  1561, 
both  efforts  had  completely  failed,  and  the  forces  had  been 
withdrawn.   The  cost  to  the  New  Spain  treasuries  was  sub- 

The  costly  failures  in  Florida  were  an  outgrowth  of 
the  stimulus  of  the  war  upon  royal  spending.   The  realities 
of  peace  brought  a  realization  that  Castilian  finemces  were 


in  parloxis  state.  A  state  bankruptcy  had  occxirred  in  1557; 

the  end  of  the  waur  mecmt  that  substantial  cut-backs  in 

Crowns  spending  were  imperative.  The  armada  of  Alvaro  de 

Bazin  wets  dismissed  and  some  of  its  war  material  sold. 

The  coming  of  peace,  however,  did  little  to  relieve  the 

nost  pressing  problems  of  defense.  When  Philip  cuxnounced 

the  signature  of  the  treaty  at  Cateau-Cambr^sis  to  his 

Indies  officials,  he  warned  that  it  was  no  time  to  relax 

their  vigilance  against  corsairs: 

See  that  the  said  peace  is  observed  on  our  part 
and  because,  as  you  know,  in  peacetime  we  are 
accustomed  to  having  corsairs  going  to  rob 
against  the  will  of  their  prince,  it  is  well 
that  during  this  time,  the  ships  which  come 
frcxn  that  aurea  do  not  come  unprepared.  40 

In  the  diplomatic  negotiations  ^ich  had  preceded  the 
execution  of  the  treaty  the  whole  question  of  French  intru- 
sion in  the  domains  claimed  by  Spain  had  been  treated  at 
length.  After  debating  the  matter  for  weeks,  the  parties 
reached  no  settlement  on  the  issue  of  trespass.   In  1560, 
when  the  discussions  finally  broke  down  for  lack  of  agree- 
ment, both  sides  were  left  essentially  where  they  had  been. 
For  their  part,  the  Spanish  maintained  the  integrity  of 
the  areas  set  aside  for  them  by  the  Papal  bulls  and  the 
Tordesillas  treaty,  while  the  French  continued  to  insist 
that  they  might  sail  in  and  colonize  any  areas  not  actually 
occupied  by  the  Spanish.   In  that  uneasy  and  unsettled 
state,  matters  were  left — a  fertile  field  for  future  mis- 
unde  rs  t  emding . 


1.  The  writer  is  indebted  to  those  amthropologists  \iho 
have  studied  emd  written  edxjut  acculturation  theory,  cind 
especially  to  George  M.  Foster  for  his  work  Culture  and  Con- 
quest;  America's  Spanish  Heritage  (New  York:   Wenner-Gren 
Foundation  for  Anthropological  Research,  1960) .   Professor 
Foster  has  demonstrated  the  origin  of  many  elements  of  Spanish 
colonial  culture  in  their  Iberian  agricultural,  religious, 
social  and  governmental  inodels,  and  stresses  the  totality  of 

a  culture-conquest. 

2.  Itemized  listings  of  the  Adelantados  of  the  Indies 
exist.   Two  of  these  are  incomplete  but  nonetheless  helpful. 
The  first  is  "Noticias  extractadas  de  asientos  y  Capitulaciones 
que  se  hicieron  para  descubrir  en  Indias  despves  de  Colon," 
from  Cesareo  Fernandez  Duro,  Armada  Espanola  (9v. ,  Madrid: 
Est.  tipografico  "Sxioesores  de  Rivadeneyra, "  1895-1903),  I, 
452-459;  Professor  Roscoe  R.  Hill  included  a  chart  of  Indies 
Adelantados  in  his  article,  "The  Office  of  Adelantado," 
Political  Science  Quarterly,  XXVLLL,  No.  4  (December,  1913) , 

3.  An  excellent  summary  of  the  history  of  Adelantamiento 
in  medieval  Spain  has  been  prepared  by  Manuel  DSnvila  y  Col- 
lado  in  Historia  del  poder  civil  en  Espana  (6  v.,  Madrid: 
Fontanet,  1885-1886),  I,  77-83.   The  Iberian  background  of 
the  institution  is  also  examined  thoroughly  by  Roscoe  R.  Hill 
in  "The  Office  of  Adelantado,"  op.  cit.,  646-651. 

4.  Royal  laws  and  ordinances  governing  Adelantados  were 
promulgated  by  the  Castillicin  King  Alfonso  X  in  a  special 
code  entitled  Leyes  para  los  Adelantados  Mayores.   See 
Marcelo  Martinez  Alcubilla,  Codigos  Antiguos  de  Espana  (2 
vol.,  Madrid:   J.  Lopez  Camacho,  1885),  I,  175-176.   For 
jurisdiction  of  Adelantados,  see  Leyes  XIX  and  XXII,  Titulo 
IX,  part  II,  in  Las  Siete  Partidas.   These  have  been  repro- 
duced in  Codigos  Antiguos  de  Espana,  op.  cit.,  I,  301-302. 
When  the  Cortes  was  held  at  Alcala  de  Henares  in  1348,  Laws 
VII  and  XX  of  Titulo  XX  of  the  Ordencimiento  de  Alcala  was 
concerned  with  the  authority  of  the  Adelantado. 



5.  The  precise  identity  of  Castilian  with  Indies 
adelantamiento  was  discussed  and  affirmed  in  the  consulta  of 
the  Council  of  the  Indies,  dealing  with  the  successors  in 
title  to  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles.   See  Archive  General  de 
Indias  (hereinafter  A.G.I.)  Samto  Domingo  231;  the  consulta 
is  given  at  Madrid  on  November  28,  1671,  eind  is  found  in  the 
John  B.  Stetson  Collection  at  the  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of 
Florida  History  (hereinafter  Stetson  Collection) ,  University 
of  Florida. 

6.  A  good  summary  of  the  benefits,  titles  and  legal 
cases  related  to  Christopher  Columbus  is  found  in  the  work 
of  Otto  Schoenrich,  The  Legacy  of  Christopher  Columbus  (2 
vol.,  Glendale,  California:   The  Arthur  H.  Clark  Company, 
1949-1950).   Columbus'  contract,  the  Capitulaciones  de  Santa 
Fe,  was  signed  by  Ferdinand  and  Isabella  outside  Granada  on 
April  17,  1492,  and  has  been  reprinted  in  Coleccidn  de 
documentos  ineditos  relatives  al  descubrimiento  ...  en 
America  y  Oceania  (42  vol.,  Madrid;   Real  Acaderaia  de  la 
Historia,  1864-1884)  (hereinafter  D.I.),  XVII,  572-574. 

7.  Hernando  Cortes'  Instructions  and  ordinances  of 
government  have  been  reprinted  in  D.I. ,  XII,  349,  355; 
XIII,  355  et  seq.;  XXVI,  19,  65,  135,  149,  160,  170,  185. 

8.  The  Pizarro  Capitulaci6n  was  dated  at  Toledo  on 
July  26,  1529,  and  has  been  reprinted  in  D.I. ,  XXII,  271- 
285.   A  detailed  account  of  the  Montejo  conquest  is  in  Robert 
S.  Chamberlain,  The  Conquest  and  Colonization  of  Yucatan 
(New  York:   Octagon  Books,  1966). 

9.  A  good  summary  of  the  Castiliein  title  to  the  Indies 
is  found  in  the  packet  of  documents  gathered  by  the  Council 
of  the  Indies  in  preparation  for  the  consulta  furnished  to 
Philip  II  on  May  5,  1565,  and  found  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente 
General,  738,  ramo  7.   The  papal  bulls  Inter  caetera  and 
Dudum  Siquidem  were  issued  by  Alexander  VI  in  149  3;  they  are 
reproduced  in  full  in  Frances  G.  Davenport,   ed. ,  European 
Treaties  Bearing  on  the  History  of  the  United  States  (4  v., 
Washington:   Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington,  1917-1937) , 
I,  80-82.   The  laws  of  the  Indies  formally  conferred  the 
title  of  Senor  Natural  upon  the  monarch;  see  Recopilacion  de 
leyes  de  los  reinos  de  las  Indias  (4  v.,  Madrid:   J.  de 
Paredes,  1681),  Libro  III,  titulo  I,  Ley  1-A.   The  theoreti- 
cal background  of  royal  authority  over  and  ownership  of  the 
Kingdoms  of  the  Indies  has  been  thoroughly  developed  by  Frank 
Jay  Moreno,  "The  Spemish  Colonial  System:   A  Functional 
i^proach,"  Western  Political  Quarterly,  XX,  No.  2,  Pt.  1 

(June,  1967)  308-320. 


10.  The  injunction  against  interference  from  viceroyal- 
ties  is  formalized  in  the  code  of  laws  enacted  by  Philip  II  to 
govern  adelantamientos ,   promulgated  at  Segovia  on  July  13, 
1563,  in  "Ordenanzas  sobre  descubrimiento  nuevo  e  poblaci6n," 
in  D.I. ,   VIII,  No.  LXIX,  508.   The  applicable  appeals  route 
and  legal  jurisdiction  are  covered  in  idem,  No.  XLIII,  501; 
No.  LXVIII,  507-508,  and  LXX,  508.   Provision  for  officials 

to  guard  the  royal  treasury  is  located  in  idem.  No.  LXIV, 
507;  the  residencia.  No.  LXXXIV,  512,  visita.  No.  CIII,  518. 

11.  Appendix  II,  infra. ,  itemizes  a  number  of  the  clauses 
from  selected  sixteenth-century  asientos.   For  a  detailed 
analysis  of  the  terms  emd  requirements  of  such  an  agreement, 
see  the  description  of  that  negotiated  with  Pedro  Menendez 

de  Aviles;  infra  77-97. 

12.  Ponce  de  Leon's  patent  for  Bimini  is  found  in  D.I. , 
XXII,  26-32. 

13.  Vazquez  Ay lion  reported  to  the  Emperor  about  the 
northern  discoveries;  a  summary  of  his  narrative  is  appended 
to  the  body  of  his  asiento,  which  was  approved  at  Valladolid 
on  June  12,  1523,  and  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General 
415,  fol.  32-40. 

14.  The  contract  of  de  Narvaez  is  found  in  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  415,  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  3,309,  and  has 
been  reprinted  in  D.I. ,  VIII,  224-245. 

15.  The  agreement  with  Hernando  de  Soto  is  in  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  415.   It  was  entered  into  at  Valladolid 
on  April  20,  1537. 

16.  The  writer  is  indebted  to  Paul  E.  Hoffman  for  the 
citation  of  the  consulta  of  the  Council  of  the  Indies.   It 
was  dated  June  10,  1541,  and  has  been  reproduced  in  Buckingham 
Snith,  Colecci6n  de  varios  docximentos  para  la  historia  de 

la  Florida  y  tierras  adycentes  (London:   Trubner  &  Company, 
1859) ,  109-111^   Hoffman's  long  introductory  essay  about  the 
growth  of  the  corsair  menace  and  the  development  of  land  auid 
naval  defense  of  the  Spanish  possessions  and  commerce  is  most 
cogent.   It  is  found  in  Paul  Everett  Hoffman,  "The  Defense 
of  the  Indies,  1535-1574.   A  Study  in  the  Modernization  of  the 
Spanish  State" (Ph.D.  dissertation.  University  of  Florida, 
Gainesville,  1969),  pp.  1-18. 

17.  See  cedula,  Toledo,  Jamuary  15,  1529,  in  Diego  de 
Encinas,  Cedulario  Indiano  (5  v.,  1596;  Facsimile  reproduc- 
tion; Madrid:  Ediciones  Cultura  Hispanica,  1945-1946),  rv, 


18.  A  complete  compendium  of  the  Spanish  colonial  navi- 
gation laws  is  that  of  Joseph  de  Veitia  Linaje,  Norte  de  la 
contratacion  de  las  indias  occidentales  (2  vol.,  1672; 
Buenos  Aires:   Comision  Argentina  de  Fomento  Interamericama, 
1945).   A  stemdard  work  on  the  Spanish  commercial  system 

is  that  of  C.  H.  Haring,  Trade  cind  Navigation  Between  Spain 
etnd  the  Indies  in  the  Time  of  the  Hapsburgs  (Ccirabridge, 
Massachusetts:   Harvard  University  Press,  1918).   Interpreta- 
tion of  the  legal  aspects  of  the  Carrera  de  Indias,  a  deep 
understanding  of  the  institutions  involved  in  it,  cmd  the 
best  itemized  chronology  of  the  trade  from  1500  to  1650  is 
found  in  the  multi-volume  work  of  Pierre  cind  Huguette  Chaunu, 
Seville  et  I'Atlantique;   1504-1650  (10  v.,  Paris:   S.E.V. 
P.E.N. ,  1955-1959).   The  Carrera  was,  of  course,  the  only 
route  for  the  return  of  the  Indies  revenues  of  the  Crown, 
including  customs  duties  (almojarifazgo) ,  tithe  (diezmo) , 
tribute,  the  royal  fifth  of  mined  bullion  (quinto)  court 
fines  (penas  de  camara) ,  and  sales  taxes  (alcabala) .   The 
machinery  of  cargo  registries,  ship  visitations,  and  the 
requirement  that  cargoes  be  cleared  only  through  Seville 
were  used  aggressively  to  enhance  and  promote  the  monopoly. 

19.  The  best  study  of  the  averia  is  that  of  Guillermo 
Cespedes  del  Castillo,  La  Averia  en  el  comercio  de  Indias 
(Seville:   Escuela  de  Estudios  Hispano-Americanos,  1945). 
Pierre  cmd  Huguette  Chaunu,  Seville  et  I'Atlantique,  op. 
cit. ,  discuss  the  averia  in  v.  1,  175-182.   An  excellent 
summary  of  the  development  of  fleet  defense  methods  in  the 
sixteenth  century  is  found  in  Paul  E.  Hoffman,  "The  Defense 
of  the  Indies  .  ,  .  ,"  op.  cit.,  1-18. 

20.  On  June  30,  1498,  at  Saragossa,  Ferdincuid  and  Isa- 
bella issued  unlimited  license  for  the  armadores  of  Guipuzcoa 
emd  Vizcaya  to  go  in  corse.   Prince  Philip,  on  November  24, 
1551,  issued  a  similar  cedula.   These  are  cited  in  Duro, 
Armada  Espanola,  1,  63,  427. 

21.  See  Duro,  Armada  Espanola,  1,  270-274.   The  memorial 
is  "Informacion  hecha  en  la  villa  de  San  Sebasticui  para 
acreditar  las  acciones  marineras  de  los  capitanes  armadores 

de  Guipuzcoa,  durainte  la  guerra  con  Freincia." 

22.  The  genealogy  of  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s  can  be 
learned,  or  inferred,  from  a  variety  of  sources.   The  four 
main  narrative  sources  do  not  furnish  data  of  a  precise  nature, 
but  are  useful  in  establishing  some  of  the  relationships. 
These  are  Andre  Gonzalez  de  Carballido  y  Zuniga  ("Barcia"), 
Ensayo  cronologico  para  la  historia  general  de  la  Florida 
(first  printed  1723;  translated  by  Anthony  Kerrigan,  Gaines- 
ville:   The  University  of  Florida  Press,  1951),  Bartolome 
Barrientos,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles;  su  vida  y  hechos  (1567) 
in  Genaro  Garcia,  ed. ,  Dos  Antiguas  Relaciones  (Mexico  City: 


Tip.  y.  Lit.  de  J,  Aguilar  y  Vera  y  Compania,  1902)  and 
printed  in  facsimile  by  the  University  of  Florida  Press, 
1965.   Another  is  Eugenio  Ruidiaz  y  Caravia,  La  Florida: 
su  conquista  y  colonizaci6n  por  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s 
(2  V. ,  Madrid:   Imprenta  de  los  hijos  de  J.  A.  Garcia, 
1893-1894).   A  contemporary  biography  of  the  Florida  Ade- 
lantado  during  the  conquest  is  that  of  Gonzalo  Solfs  de 
Meras,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s.   This  work  is  found  in  ms. 
in  the  Archivo  del  Conde  de  Revilla  Gigedo,  Madrid,  herein- 
after A.C.R.  (in  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library)  Legajo  2, 
No.  2,  and  has  been  translated  by  Jeannete  T.  Conner  and 
published  at  Deland  in  1923.   A  facsimile  edition  was  re- 
printed by  University  of  Florida  Press  in  1965,  with  Intro- 
duction by  Lyle  N.  McAlister.   Ciriaco  Miguel  Vigil   in 
Noticias  bioqraf icas-qeneoloqicas  de  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles 
(AvilSs:    Miguel  Vigil,  1892)  provides  some  more  detail, 
particularly  about  the  relationships  contemporary  to  and 
since  the  time  of  the  Adelantado.   Ruidiaz  relied  upon  Vigil 
substantially,  emd  they  shared  some  errors,  e.g.,  their 
confusion  of  Pedro  Menendez  Marqu^z  with  Pedro  Menendez  de 
Aviles  el  mozo.  „„,-, '"" 

Insights  into  relationships  gleaned  from  various 
interrogatories,  testimonies  and  legal  cases  have  been 
valuable.   The  noted  sixteenth-century  historiam  Gonzalo 
Fernandez  de  Oviedo  y  Valdes  and  the  Inquisitor  Hernando 
de  Valdes  came  from  the  Valdes  family,  cf.  Appendix  III, 
"Genealogy  of  the  Enterprise  of  Florida." 

23.  Gonzalo  Soils  de  Meras,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles, 
40,  describes  Menendez'  enlistment  in  an  Armada  "against 
corsairs";  it  probably  was  the  Bazan  fleet. 

24.  Pedro  Menendez  says  that  when  he  was  twenty-eight 
or  twenty-nine  years  of  age,  in  1548,  he  was  given  a  royal 
order  to  sail  from  Asturias  against  an  "infestation"  of 
corsairs.   See  "Servicios  del  general  Pedro  Menendez  de 
Aviles,"  hereinafter  "Servicios  ..."  Seville,  1564,  A.G.I. 
Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  2,  fol.  1  (Stetson  Coll. ) .   The 
first  commission  is  described  in  Solis  de  Meras,  op.  cit. , 

25.  The  writer  appreciates  the  citation  of  the  1550 
commission:  A.G.S.,  Guerra  Antigua,  Libros  de  despachos, 
18,  fol.  86-88vto.   It  was  furnished  by  Paul  E.  Hoffman. 

26.  Although  the  detailed  registry  of  his  vessels  is 
not  availcible  in  the  Archive  of  the  Indies,  Menendez'  ships 
are  recorded  in  the  "Libro  de  Registros,"  A.G.I.  Contratacion 
2,898,  1550  Ida  and  1551  Venida.   Pedro  Menendez  took  the 
nao  Santa  Maria  de  la  Antigua.   His  other  vessel  was 
probcUbly  La  Concepci6n,  whose  master  was  Alonso  Menendez. 


27.  Men^ndez  describes  his  adventures  in  a  memorial  to 
the  Council  of  the  Indies  dated  1553,  and  found  in  A.G.I, 
Santo  Domingo  71,   In  Stetson  Collection,  mis-dated  1567. 

28.  See  Crown  to  Casa,  February  13,  1552,  A.G.I, 
Contratacidn  5,010. 

29.  Pierre  and  Huguette  Chaunu,  Seville  et  l*Atlantique, 
I,  114.   The  laws  relating  to  the  authority  of  the  generals 
are  found  in  Recopilaci6n  de  leyes  de  los  reinos  de  las  In- 
dias  (4  v.,  Madrid:   J.  de  Paredes,  1681),  III,  Lib.  IX, 
tTET  15,  le^  13  et  seq. 

A  direct  result  of  the  clash  between  interests  was 
a  continuing  argument  over  respective  powers  of  the  Seville 
officials  and  the  Captains-General.   In  1559,  a  dispute  arose 
in  Seville  when  Pedro  de  las  Ruelas  displayed  a  cedula  out- 
lining the  powers_of  the  Captain-General.   See  Casa  to  Crown, 
■f«  ■■■'"'"  I /'"■■"-■!Tni^7~1559 ,  from  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167. 

30.^  The  incident  of  1555  in  CSdiz  is  detailed  in  "In- 
formacion  hecha  en  la  ciudad  de  Cadiz  acerca  de  lo  ocurrido 
entre  Francisco  Duarte,  factor  .  .  .  de  la  Casa  de  Contratacidn, 
y  el  Licenciado  Quevedo,  Alcalde  Mayor  de  la  ciudad  de  C^diz," 
from  A.G.I.  Justicia  970.   Castillo,  a  vecino  of  C^diz,  was 
married  to  the  former  Isabel  de  Ribera  and  was  probably  of 
northern  origins.   His  relationship  to  Pedro  Men^ndez  de 
Aviles  was  affirmed  by  Men^ndez  in  his  will,  dated  at  Sanldcar 
de  Barrameda  on  January  7,  1574.   The  will  is  found  in  A.C.R. , 
leqajo  9,  no.  21,  and  is  also  found  in  the  Archivo  de  Proto- 
colos  de  Cadiz  (hereinafter  A.P.C.),  Escribania  of  Diego 
de  Ribera,  fol.  276-277  for  1577. 

31.  The  losses  of  the  New  Spain  vessels  was  described 
in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  2,898,  fol.  193  vto. ,  and  in  A.G.I. 
Contratacion  58.   Material  on  the  ill-starred  Tierra  Firme 
ships  under  General  Farfan  is  profuse,  as  the  salvage  of  the 
Almiranta  became  a  notable  case  of  theft  and  contraband; 
see  A.G.I.  Contratacion  58,  and  A.G.I.  Contratacidn  2,898, 
1555,  Venida,  inter  alia.   The  Tarifa  shipwreck  is  described 
in  detail  by  Duro  in  Armada  Espanola,  1,  215-216. 

32.  Menendez  describes  the  contraband  charges  as  mere 
harrassment.   See  "Servicios  .  .  .  ,"  A.G.I.  Patronato  257, 
No.  3,  ramo  2 .   The  case  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Justicia  842, 
No.  9,   fjenendez'  fleet  audit  for  1555-1556  is  at  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  455. 

33.  Crown  to  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avills,  n.p.,  February 
26,  1557,  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  425. 


34.  Nombramiento,  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil€s  by  Philip 
II,  March  22,  1557,  in  A.C.R. ,  legajo  2,  No.  3,  A.,  1.   This 
order  has  also  been  printed  in  D.I. ,  VIX,  245,  and  in  Ruidiaz, 
La  Florida,  II,  379  et  seg.   It  is  discussed  by  Duro,  Armada 
Espanola,  II,  449. 

35.  See  "Renunciation  of  Maria  Men^ndez,  nun,"  1554, 
A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Caroara  1,024-A,   The  other  daughter 
neuned  Maria  later  was  married  to  Don  Diego  de  Velasco. 

36.  The  northern  assignments  of  Menfindez  are  described 
in  detail  by  Soils  de  MerSs,  Pedro  Men6ndez  de  Avil^s,  45- 
63.   They  are  also  discussed  by  Pedro  Men^ndez  himself  in 
"Servicios  .  .  .  ,"  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  2. 
Femlindez  Duro  puts  the  exploits  of  Pedro  Men^ndez  into  the 
larger  tradition  of  the  Spanish  marine  in  Armada  Espanola , 
I,  320-321.   Cf.  "Cartas  de  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s  y 

D.  Luis  Carvajal,"  in  A.G.S.,  Colecci6n  Sans  de  Barutell, 
Art.  40,  No.  196-239.   It  was  at  this  same  time  that  the 
Asturian  was  proposed  by  the  King  for  the  habit  of  a  Cabal- 
lero  of  the  religious-military  order  of  Santiago.   The  initial 
proposal  is  found  in  a  letter  from  Philip  II  to  Don  Diego 
de  Acuna  of  the  order  sent  from  Valladolid  on  May  17,  1558. 
It  has  been  printed  in  Ruidiaz  y  Caravia's  La  Florida,  II, 
739-740.   Next,  the  long  procedure  of  examining  the  back- 
ground, orthodoxy  and  purity  of  Men^ndez*  Catholicism  began. 
The  corpus  of  the  investigation  has  also  been  printed  by 
Ruidiaz  as  "Memorial  de  los  padres  y  abuelos  de  Capitan  Pero 
Meh6ndez  de  Avil^s  .  .  .  ,"  from  La  Florida,  II,  742-801. 

37.  The  earlier  order  for  the  disposition  of  corsairs 
was  formalized  in  a  cedula  from  the  Queen  to  the  Audiencia 
of  Peru  written  frcnn  Valladolid  on  September  4,  1549,  and 
found  in  Encinas,  Cedulario  Indiamo,  I,  406.   The  order  of 
Baz&n  was  dated  December  31,  1558,  cind  is  cited  by  Duro  in 
Armada  Espanola,  II,  462. 

38.  The  plan  for  the  colonization  of  Florida  was  out- 
lined by  Pedro  de  Santander  in  a  letter  to  the  Crown  dated 
July  15,  1557.   See  Coleccidn  de  documentos  ineditos  para 
la  historia  de  Espafta  (hereinafter  D.I.E.)  (112  v. ,  Madrid: 


keal  Academia  de  la  Historia,  1842-1895),  XXVI,  340-365. 

The  King,  overcoming  a  hesitation  that  his  Viceroys 
undertake  discoveries  and  settlement,  authorized  the  effort 
in  a  cedula  sent  to  Luis  de  Velasco  from  Valladolid  on 
December  29,  1557.   It  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Sto.  Domingo  115 
(Stetson  Collection) . 


39.  The  Labazaris  voyage  was  described  by  the  Viceroy 
in  a  letter  to  the  Crown  from  Mexico  February  1,  1559, 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  738,  ramo  7,  No.  73-A  (Stetson 
Collection) .   Vallafane's  report  is  found  in  his  letter  to 
the  Crown  from  Santa  Elena  dated  May  27,  1561,  and  found  in 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  738,  ramo  7,  No.  73-B  (Stetson 
Collection) .   The  finding  of  Don  Luis,  the  Indian  Chieftain, 
in  the  Chesapeedce  region  was  described  in  a  letter  from  the 
Casa  to  the  Crown  written  at  Seville  on  September  29,  1561, 
from  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167.   De  Luna's  report  on  the 
disastrous  storm  in  Pensacola  Bay  is  dated  September  4,  1559, 
smd  sent  from  "the  port  of  Santa  Maria."   It  is  found  in 
A.G.I.  Patronato  179,  ramo  1,   Gay6n,  who  was  a  native  of 
Pola  de  Lena  in  Asturias,  was  the  most  experienced  pilot 

in  Florida  waters.   A  body  of  information  about  him  is  found 
in  "Services  of  Gonzalo  de  Gayon,  1558-66,"  from  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  11  (Stetson  Collection) . 

40.  Sobrecedula  to  all  officials  in  the  Indies,  Valla- 
dolid.  May  23,  1559,  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  427,  Book 

of  1543-1601. 

41.  Felix  Zubillaga  has  summarized  the  disputes  over 
the  right  of  navigation  ai)d  settlement  in  the  Indies  in  La  , 
Florida;   La  Mission  Jesuitica  (1566-1572)  y  la  colonizacion 
espanola  (Rome:   Institutum  Historicum  S.I.,  1941),  134- 
135.   A  more  recent  and  exhaustive  study  of  the  question, 
with  particular  reference  to  its  effect  upon  Florida,  has 
been  undertaken  by  Paul  E.  Hoffman  in  "Florida  and  the  Nego- 
tiations of  Cateau-Cambresis  and  Paris,  1559-1560:   A  Re- 
examination" (unpublished  paper,  typescript,  Laramie, 
Wyoming,  1972). 


The  unresolved  questions  of  overseas  jurisdiction 
between  the  courts  were  only  part  of  the  concerns  of  Philip 
II.   In  his  eyes,  a  flood-tide  of  heresy  threatened  to  over- 
whelm all  of  Catholic  Europe.  The  keen  and  fervent  apostles 
of  militant  Protestantism,  aided  by  the  output  of  the  busy 
printing-presses  in  Geneva,  spread  Calvinism  to  many  areas 
of  France,  where  the  threat  to  the  Catholic  faith  there 
seemed  immediate  and  urgent.  France  dissolved  into  chaos 
after  the  death  of  Henry  II  and  the  ensuing  weakness  of  a 
Regency.   After  the  insurrection  at  Amboise  in  March,  1560, 
leading  noble  families  piorsued  their  rivalries  which  were 
now  sharpened  by  religious  differences.   In  the  Mediter- 
ranean, there  was  a  renewed  threat  of  Turkish  naval  invasion, 
%^ile  the  Barbary  raiders  continued  to  endanger  Spanish 
shipping  from  Gibraltar  to  Cape  St.  Vincent. 

Philip  II,  pressed  as  never  before  by  his  external 
problems,  also  directed  his  attention  to  internal  concerns.  ' 
During  the  years  after  1556,  Philip  moved  to  regularize  and 
control  the  complex  of  organisms  which  composed  the  Spanish 
governmental  system.   He  sought  to  improve  the  efficiency 



amd  revenues  from  the  commercial  network  between  Spain  and 
his  possessions  overseas,  and  strengthen  defenses  in  the 
Indies.   The  management  and  finamcing  of  conquest  and 
settlement  in  new  leinds  was  also  an  area  for  royal  initia- 

Although  he  consistently  sought  to  draw  the  reins  of 
his  power  ever  tighter,  Philip  II  did  not  cibandon  the  tra- 
ditional means  of  licensing  private  conquerors.   It  is  more 
correct  to  say  that  he  supplemented  the  device  of  adelan- 
tamiento,  or  used  it  selectively  to  carry  out  his  policies. 
In  1557,  the  King  gave  an  asiento  to  Jaime  Rasquin  to 
settle  eind  populate  the  area  of  the  Rio  de  la  Plata.   As 
has  been  seen,  the  Crown  authorized  the  royal  expedition  to 
Florida  in  that  same  year.   Thereafter,  the  question  was 
closely  connected  with  the  financial  ability  of  the  Crown 
to  underwrite  conquest.   The  exhaustion  of  the  state 
treasury  at  the  end  of  the  1550s  clearly  posed  a  dilemma  to 
the  Castilian  King:   he  sought  to  avoid  heavy  expenditure 
in  the  conquest  of  new  lands,  and  yet  still  exercise  suffi- 
cient control  over  their  exploitation.   Philip  II  wrestled 
with  the  problems  involved,  but  for  the  moment  the  pressure 
of  fiscal  necessity  overweighed  other  considerations. 

The  atmosphere  of  1560  was  thus  one  in  which  the 
talents  of  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s  were  in  greater  demand 
than  ever.   After  Menendez  escorted  the  King  to  Laredo, 
however,  he  had  no  immediate  personal  employment  until  the 


next  fleet  was  ready  to  depart.   Then  he  served  for  three 
years  as  Captain-General  of  the  combined  New  Spain  and 
Tierra  Firme  fleets  alternately  with  Pedro  de  las  Ruelas 
and  Nicholas  de  Cardona.   Dxiring  these  years,  Men^ndez  used 
his  own  vessels  as  lead-ships  in  the  fleets  which  he  com- 
manded, gaining  Crown  charter-fees  as  well  as  his  salary. 
The  Asturiam  also  sent  his  ships  in  other  fleets  on  royal 
errands  and  commercial  enterprises.   His  private  income  came 
largely  from  freight  charges  emd  passenger  fares;  he  does 
not  appear  to  have  been  a  major  trader,  dealing  for  his  own 
account  on  any  sizeable  basis. 

In  Andalusia,  Pedro  Men^ndez  had  made  direct  and 
profiteJale  connection  with  a  number  of  nortenos  engaged  in 
the  Carrera  de  Indias.  Many  of  these  merchants  operated 
from  Cadiz,  and  possessed  opposite  numbers  in  the  Caribbean 
island  ports,  at  San  Juan  de  Ulua  and  the  city  of  Mexico, 
and  the  entrep3ts  of  Tierra  Firme.   Pedro  del  Castillo 
was  spokesman  for  the  Cadiz  traders  and  still  closely  associ- 
ated with  Pedro  Menendez. 

Menendez  and  Castillo  were  unfavoreibly  linked  together 
by  officials  of  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  in  accusations 
arising  out  of  the  return  of  the  1561  fleets.   Pedro  Menendez 
had  enjoyed  a  prosperous  voyage;  he  captured  several  English 
and  French  prizes  on  the  return  to  Spain,  but  the  day  after 
the  ships  crossed  the  bar  and  anchored  at  Sanlucar,  the  Casa 
authorities  inspected  them  and  made  inquiries  among  the  crew 
and  in  the  vicinity. 


Pedro  del  Castillo  was  arrested  and  charges  with 
smuggling  goods  outside  of  registry.  Witnesses  swore  that 
Castillo  had  come  aboard  Men^ndez'  galleon  at  his  invita- 
tion after  dark  on  the  evening  of  its  arrival,  and  had  been 
closeted  with  the  Captain-General  and  a  certain  Domingo 
Hemcuidez,  the  master  of  Castillo's  ship  in  the  convoy. 
Others  reported  that  thirty-seven  chests  of  contraband 
silver  were  taken  from  the  ship  at  midnight,  and  trams- 
ported  to  Puerto  Santa  Maria,  where  it  was  put  into  a  small 
boat,  cuid  loaded  into  a  cart,  which  disappeared  into  the 
dcirkness.   Castillo  was  jailed  in  Seville.   He  denied  that 
he  had  received  any  goods  except  those  in  the  official 
registry.   Castillo  admitted  that  he  had  come  to  visit 
Pedro  Menendez  at  SanliScar,  but  he  said  that  this  was  be- 
cause the  two  men  were  long-time  friends. 

The  Casa  de  Contratacion  put  Pedro  del  Castillo  under 
6,000  ducat  bond.   His  bondsmen  were  two  bankers  of 
Seville — Pedro  de  Morga  and  Caspar  de  Astudillo.  Although 
Castillo  was  lodged  in  an  apartment  rather  than  a  cell,  amd 
was  treated  well  enough,  he  became  ill  and  was  finally 

The  mutual  animosity  between  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s 
and  his  friends  and  supporters  on  the  one  heuid  eind  the 
merchants'  guild  in  Seville  and  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  on 
the  other  is  evident  throughout  the  proceedings.  As  Pedro 
Menendez  prepared  for  the  voyage  of  1562  he  could  be  assured 


that  his  every  act  would  be  closely  watched  amd  reported 
to  Seville. 

During  these  years,  the  tension  between  the  broadening 
scope  of  Spanish  foreign  concerns  cmd  the  limited  royal 
resources  continued.   Heavy  Spanish  losses  in  ships  and 
men  at  Tripoli  in  1560  had  been  a  drain  upon  the  Crown. 
Philip's  marriage  to  Elizcibeth  of  Valois ,  daughter  of  Cath- 
erine de  Medici,  had  brought  no  reassuring  stability  to 
the  French  scene.   Indeed,  after  Charles  IX  succeeded 
Francis  II,  the  weakness  of  the  French  Crown  encouraged 
rapid  polarization  and  dissension  cunong  the  nobility.   The 
disturbances,  which  shortly  became  a  localized  warfare,  led 
to  the  seizure  of  several  ports  by  Huguenot  forces.   Gaspard 
de  Coligny,  who  had  become  Admiral  of  France,  prepared  em 
expedition  from  the  Huguenot  ports  for  the  colonization  of 
Florida.   On  February  18,  1562,  Jean  Ribault  and   Rene  de 
Laudonniere  left  Le  Havre;  by  the  last  of  April,  the  French 
had  made  landfall  in  Florida  and  proceeded  to  plant  their 
colony  at  Port  Royal. 

Ironically,  the  general  depression  of  the  Spanish 
Royal  treasury  had  coincided  with  delayed  reports  of  the 
costly  failure  of  the  De  Luna  cind  Villafeine  expeditions 
to  produce  a  totally  negative  reaction  about  further 
colonization  in  Florida.   While  the  French  established 
their  colony,  the  Spanish  King  formally  eschewed  further 
royal  support  for  Florida.   This  resolve  was  urged  on  him 
in  March  of  1562.* 


Meanwhile,  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil€s  had  undertaken 
another  Indies  voyage  as  Captain-General  of  the  combined 
fleets.   He  now  owned  several  sizeable  ships.  In  addition 
to  Magdalena,  he  had  built  a  large  galeass,  Sctn  Sebasti^, 
and  a  galleon,  Santa  Maria.   The  galeass,  under  the  commeind 
of  Pedro  Menendez  Marqu^z,  had  sailed  the  previous  year  as 
Capitana  of  New  Spain  while  Esteban  de  las  Alas  commanded 
the  New  Spain  division.   When  Menendez  sailed  in  April, 
1562,  he  left  under  strict  command  from  Philip  II  to  inter- 
cept and  castigate  corsairs  whom  he  might  find  in  the 
Indies.   The  orders  relected  the  harsh  tone  of  the  period: 

We  are  informed  that  in  the  Indies  sailing 
routes  go  some  French,  English  and  Scotch 
corsair  ships,  seeking  to  steal  what  comes 
and  goes  from  there.   This  is  a  disservice 
to  God  our  Lord,  to  us,  and  is  against  the 
peace  agreed  upon  between  us  and  the  princes 
of  those  kingdoms.   Because  these  corsairs 
should,  by  rights,  be  hung  as  peace-breakers 
and  robbers  and  violaters  of  the  orders  or 
their  own  lords  and  rulers,  I  order  you,  if  you 
capture  any  of  the  said  corsairs,  to  proceed 
against  them  emd  pionish  them  in  conformity  with 
justice,  executing  it  then  upon  the  sea  with 
all  rigor;  in  order  that  you  might  do  this, 
we  give  you  full  powers. ^ 

In  accordance  with  previous  practice,  Pedro  Menendez 

divided  his  fleet  into  two  parts;  he  went  with  the  New  Spain 

vessels  while  his  brother,  Bartolome,  took  those  of  Tierra 

Firme.  Juem  Menendez  accompanied  his  father.   The  voyage 

outbound  proved  costly  to  the  ships;  seven  were  found  unfit 

for  further  travel  in  San  Juan  de  Ulua  while  several  of  the 

Tierra  Firme  group  were  scarcely  seaworthy.   To  allow  more 


time  for  commercial  transactions  and  to  permit  the  refit 
of  the  ships,  Bartolome  and   Pedro  Men^ndez  decided  to  lay 
over  in  port  during  the  winter  months  emd  depart  early  in 
the  New  Year.   BartolomI  had  sent  a  courier  vessel  to  Spain 
under  the  command  of  Diego  de  Hevia;  when  it  reached 
Sanlucar  with  its  news,  the  captain  was  put  in  prison  by 
the  Casa  de  Contratacion.   There  he  joined  Esteban  de  las 

Alas,  who  had  been  imprisoned  earlier  on  the  same  charge: 

carrying  contrabcuid  goods. 

Royal  orders  reached  Pedro  Men^ndez  in  New  Spain  in 

February,  1563.   He  was  commanded  to  delay  there  until  May 

or  June,  and  then  to  return  via  the  usual  route  to  Europe. 

The  King  directed  Bartolome  Menendez  to  leave  immediately 

and  be  back  in  Spain  by  the  end  of  April  with  the  Tierra 

Firme  ships  and  bullion  of  Peru.   Pedro  Menendez  did  not 

obey  the  order,  or  rather,  he  did  not  obey  it  coiqjletely. 

He  determined  to  sail  straightaway  from  San  Juan  de  Ulua 

to  Havana,  join  his  brother  there,  and  return  to  Spain  with 

the  Tierra  Firme  vessels.   Since  the  lead  ships  were  not  in 

condition  to  navigate,  Menendez  prepared  and  designated  his 

own  two  galleons,  Santa  Maria  and  Magdalena  and  the  patache 

Santiago  as  Capitana,  Almiranta,  and  escort.   Only  his 

own  ships  left  New  Spain,  while  the  others  were  left  behind. 

The  registries  of  Menendez*  ships  show  that  they  were  laden 


with  cochineal.    The  shipments  were  from  nortenos  resident 

in  New  Spain  to  consignees  in  Clidiz  emd  Seville,  including 


Pedro  del  Castillo.  The  ships  left  port  on  February  17, 
and  made  uneventful  passage  to  Havana.  Once  he  reached 
Havana,  Pedro  Menendez  sent  his  son  Juem  back  as  General 
in  cliarge  of  escorting  the  remaining  vessels  to  Spain. 
Bartolome  Menendez,  who  had  contracted  fever  in  Nombre  de 
Dios,  was  somewhat  delayed  in  his  arrival  at  Havana,  but 
both  brothers  and  their  combined  fleets  sailed  April  1,  en 
route  to  Spain.   They  dropped  their  anchors  off  the 
Guadalquivir  bar  on  June  10,  1563. 

It  is  likely  that  Pedro  Menendez  only  heard  of  the  new 
French  initiative  in  Florida  when  he  arrived  in  Spain.   The 
King  had  received  word  of  the  Ribault  settlement  from  his 
ambassador  in  France  in  mid-February.   He  had  immediately 
written  to  Menendez  and  to  Diego  de  Mazariegos,  the  royal 
governor  at  Havcina,  telling  them  of  the  fort  the  French 
had  built  at  the  "point  of  Santa  Elena."  The  two  men  were 
ordered  to  discuss  the  matter,  investigate,  and  take 
immediate  action  to  expel  the  intruders.   The  letter  could 
scarcely  have  reached  the  Captain-General  before  his 

departure  for  Spain.   Governor  Mazariegos  did  not  send  out 

an  expedition  for  more  than  a  year. 

To  counteract  the  French  menace  further,  Philip  II 

determined  to  follow  the  same  procedure  which  had  been 

considered  in  1541:   preventive  settlement  on  the  mainland. 

By  the  end  of  April,  1563,  the  King  had  decided  to  grant 

an  asiento  in  Florida  to  Lucas  Vazquez  de  Ay lion,  namesake 


and  successor  to  the  patent-holder  of  1523.    The  contract 
with  Vazquez  de  Ayllon  was  a  typical  and  classic  one.   It 
made  no  mention  whatever  of  the  French,  but  contained  the 
standard  benefits  and  obligations.   The  contractor  was  to 
laxmch  a  full-scale  colonization,  taking  married  settlers 
and  a  quantity  of  livestock.   The  Indiams,  whom  he  was  not 
permitted  to  put  into  encomienda,  were  to  be  gathered  by 
missionaries  into  villages  near  the  Spanish  towns.   He 
could,  however,  use  Indian  tribute  to  provide  pensions  for 
his  men.   The  colonies,  which  were  to  be  in  the  area  of 
Santa  Elena,  would  concentrate  upon  planting  sugar  cane, 

cassia  fistula,  the  grape  and  the  olive.   The  asiento  was 

issued  on  June  4,  1563. 

At  the  same  time,  the  King  matured  his  concept  of  the 
role  of  the  Crown  and  its  contractors  in  conquest.  At 
Segovia,  on  July  13,  Philip  II  approved  one  hundred  forty- 
nine  comprehensive  ordincinces  for  population  and  conquest. 
These  laws  provided  for  every  detail  of  the  exploration, 
occupation  and  development  of  new  Icinds  by  asientistas, 
whether  they  were  to  be  designated  Adelantados,  Corregidores, 
Govemadores  or  Alcaldes.   They  also  contained  a  particular 
injunction  against  royal  expenditure,  which  served  to  put 
discovery  and  settlement  upon  a  strictly  private  basis: 

Even  though  (due  to  the  zeal  and  desire  which 
we  have  that  all  unknown  lands  in  the  Indies 
might  be  discovered,  so  that  the  Holy  Evangel 
might  be  proclaimed,  amd  the  natives  of  them 
might  come  to  a  knowledge  of  our  Holy  Catholic 


Faith)  we  count  as  little  that  which  might  be 
spent  from  our  Royal  Treasury  for  such  a  holy 
purpose »  experience  has  shown  that,  in  many 
discoveries  and  voyages  undertaken  at  our  cost 
(due  to  a  lack  of  care  cmd  diligence) ,  those 
who  have  carried  them  out  have  tried  to  enrich 
themselves  from  the  Royal  Treasury  rather  tham 
carry  out  their  designated  purposes. 

Thus  we  order  that  no  discovery,  new  exploration 
and  settlement  be  undertaken  at  expense  to  our 
Royal  Treasury,  neither  may  those  who  govern 
expend  emy thing  from  it,  even  though  they  possess 
our  %n:itten  authority  cind  instructions  to  discover 
smd  explore,  unless  they  should  have  special 
authorization  to  do  it  at  our  cost. ^3 

Although  Vazquez  de  Aylldn  was  not  permitted  to  place 

any  Indians  into  encomienda,  the  1563  ordinamces  made  no  such 

general  prohibition.  On  the  contrary,  eis  added  incentive 

for  private  initiatives  in  conquest,  the  laws  permitted  two- 

and  three-life  encomienda. 

While  Lucas  Vazquez  de  Aylldn  was  in  SanliScar  preparing 
three  vessels  for  the  Florida  journey,  Pedro  Men^ndez  de 
Aviles  had  left  his  ships  there  on  the  evening  of  June  14 
and  went  up  the  Guadalquivir  toward  Seville  in  a  small  boat. 
Men^ndez  took  with  him  a  priest  who  was  a  distant  relative, 
sane  servants,  and  a  quantity  of  unregistered  bullion.  While 
his  boat  sailed  northward  through  the  night,  the  prosecutor 
of  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  was  being  rowed  southward, 
searching  for  evidence  of  the  smuggling  of  contreiband.   The 
two  craft  met  briefly  on  the  dark  river,  amd  the  Captain- 
General  evaded  the  boat  from  the  Casa.   At  dawn  on  June  15, 
the  Men^ndez  party  was  seen  to  land  on  the  riverbank  just 


south  of  the  city  gates  of  Seville,  Witnesses  state  that 
the  priest  and  sailors  appeared  to  be  heavily-laden  as  they 
walked  toward  the  city,  where  closer  examination  revealed 
that  they  carried  bears  of  silver  amd  several  chests.   Once 
inside  the  city,  Men^ndez  and  his  party  went  to  the  houses 
of  the  Archbishop  of  Seville,  Hernando  de  Vald^s,  where  they 
received  hospitality  and  lodging. 

When  the  news  of  Men^ndez'  arrival  came  to  the  Casa  de 
Contratacjgn,  its  officials  sent  to  summon  the  Asturian  to 
appear  and  cinswer  charges  of  carrying  contraband  into  Seville. 
Pedro  Menendez  faced  the  judges  in  the  Audiencia  hall  of  the 
Alcazar  cind  firmly  denied  their  jurisdiction  over  him.   He 
stated  further  that  he  had  come  upriver  from  Sanldcar  with 
the  full  knowledge  of  other  Casa  officials,  emd  that  his 
baggage  had  only  held  his  own  clothing,  his  arms  emd 
enough  silver  for  personal  necessities.  While  the  judges 
deliberated,  the  Asturian  left  and  when  they  finally  issued 
their  order  to  jail  Menendez  and  seize  the  silver,  he  had 
fled.   Pedro  Menendez  had  gone  to  Madrid  to  seek  royal 
support  against  his  enemies. 

Once  at  Court,  the  Captain-General  quickly  gained  the 
ear  of  his  King.   Philip  II  responded  to  Menendez*  pleas  by 
sending  ein  immediate  order  to  Seville  tnat-  the  monies  due 
Menendez  for  his  galleon  escort  be  calculated  cmd  paid,  and 
concluded  an  agreement  with  the  Asturian  to  escort  the 
Licenciado  Castro  to  Tierra  Firme  on  Crown  business  in  the 


early  fall.  For  the  projected  voyage,  Menendez  would  use 
his  fine  new  galeass  San  Pelayo,  just  delivered  from  the 
Vizcaya  shipyards.   Pedro  Menendez  also  took  the  precaution 
of  retaiixing  an   attorney  to  represent  him  at  Court  in  his 
disputes  with  the  Casa  de  Contratacion.    On  July  third, 
the  King  sent  his  officials  in  Seville  a  strongly  worded 
defense  of  Menendez  in  which  he  pointed  out  that  juris- 
diction over  the  Captains-General  belonged  to  the  Crown, 
not  the  Casa. 

Meanwhile,  the  escape  of  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s  and 
the  evidence  of  Royal  favor  in  his  behalf  had  stirred  the 
merchants  and  officials  of  Seville  to  angry  action.  A 
negative  reply  was  sent  to  the  King  about  Menendez'  request 
for  payment  for  the  1563  escort  galleons,  as  the  traders' 
guild  and  the  averfa  deputies  rejected  the  claim.   This 
was  hardly  surprising,  for  the  administration  of  the  averia, 
from  which  amy  payment  would  have  to  come,  was  firmly  in 
the  hands  of  the  merchants  of  Seville.    After  receiving 
their  opinion  that  Menendez  had  evidently  made  his  return 
voyage  for  profit  and  not  for  fleet  defense,  the  King 
replied  by  ordering  the  officials  to  deduct  from  Menendez' 
payment  the  sums  he  had  earned  from  freight  and  passenger 
fees  and  settle  the  matter  rapidly.    The  Casa  officials' 
only  response  to  Philip's  defense  of  Menendez  in  the  main 
dispute  was  to  hasten  the  gathering  of  evidence  against  him. 


Witnesses  from  the  fleet  painted  a  picture  of  criminal  laxity 
aboard   the  ships,  in  which  massive  amounts  of  contraiband 
bullion  were  allegedly  carried  by  representatives  of  the 
recent  Viceroy  of  Peru  and  by  the  Royal  visitors  to  that 
province.   They  accused  the  Captain-General  of  allowing  a 
felon  to  escape  with  his  funds  at  Tercera,  of  taking  a  bribe 
in  New  Spain,  cind  of  being  caught  with  personal  contraiband 
in  his  possession.   By  the  time  Menendez  returned  to  Seville 
on  July  26,  1563,  his  enemies  were  prepared  to  allege 
criminal  charges  against  him. 

When  he  faced  his  detractors,  Pedro  Menendez  was  con- 
fident that  his  backing  at  Court  would  protect  him,  cind 
that  only  minor  offenses  could  be  proven  against  him,  so  his 
testimony  was  bold  and  forthright.  Menendez  denied  that  he 
carried  unregistered  funds  of  any  importance,  but  merely 
sufficient  monies  for  his  voyage,  in  keeping  with  long 
practice  in  the  fleets.   He  blandly  admitted  accepting 
money  from  New  Spain  merchants,  but  denied  that  this  had 

influenced  his  actions,  and  stated  that  in  cuiy  case  it  was 


not  a  mortal  sin. 

After  the  Captain-General  had  posted  bond  and  given  his 
testimony,  he  had  every  reason  to  expect  that  he  could  go 
aJtKJUt  his  affairs.   Much  to  his  surprise,  however,  the 
officials  of  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  seized  his  brother 
Bartolome  and  then  came,  on  August  19,  1563,  to  place  Pedro 
Menendez  in  custody.   The  commercial  powers  were  determined 


to  punish  Menendez  and  his  entire  coterie  through  the  laws 
of  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  for  the  threat  he  represented 
to  their  sphere  of  influence.   In  the  course  of  a  short 
time,  Estebeui  de  las  Alas,  Hevia/  Pedro  del  Castillo  £md  now 
the  Menendez  brothers  felt  the  power  of  Seville. 

Although  he  was  made  comfortable  as  a  prisoner  of  dis- 
tinction emd  was  lodged  in  the  Atarazanas  of  the  Casa  between 
the  old  city  walls  and  the  Guadalquivir,  Pedro  Menendez  was 
distressed  at  the  slow  pace  with  which  his  case  proceeded. 
The  Fiscal  of  the  Casa  gathered  his  evidence  at  a  leisurely 
rate.   Although  Menendez  had  given  bond  for  his  presence, 
he  could  not  obtain  release  from  custody.   His  appeals  to 
the  King  produced  royal  letters  to  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n 
but  yielded  little  immediate  result.   No  rapid  settlement 
was  made  of  his  galleon-lease  case,  and  he  could  not  get 
his  freedom  to  supervise  the  preparation  of  his  galleons 
for  their  journey.    Worse  troubles  were  in  the  making, 

Without  his  knowing  it  as  yet,  Pedro  Menendez  had 
suffered  some  grievous  losses.   His  galeass,  the  San 
Sebastian,  had  sailed  with  Ruelas'  fleet  in  May  with  a  cargo 
of  royal  mercury  and  other  goods.   Early  in  the  morning 
of  July  22,  San  Sebastian  and  four  other  vessels  were 

shipwrecked  along  the  reefs  in  the  area  known  as  the  Jardines 

de  la  Reina  on  the  southwest  coast  of  Cuba. 


As  Men^ndez  chafed  at  the  restriction  of  his  prison 
apartment,  his  only  son  Juan  was  drawing  closer  to  mortal 
danger  in  the  Indies.   The  main  body  of  the  New  Spain  fleet 
seLiled  from  San   Juan  de  Dlua  on  June  15,  but  was  delayed 
by  calms  and  contrary  winds,  and  only  reached  Havana  on 
August  1.   The  eleven  ships  in  the  original  convoy  were 

increased  by  two  Honduran  vessels;  all  thirteen  left  Havana 


together  on  August  15.    In  so  doing,  Juan  Men^ndez  dis- 
obeyed an  order  of  his  father,  for  Pedro  Men€ndez  had  warned 
him  not  to  sail  if  his  departure  time  would  put  him  into 
the  hurricane  season.   As  Men^ndez  told  the  King: 

I  left  express  commands  to  Don  Juan,  my  son, 
that  in  the  whole  month  of  July  he  could  come  out 
of  the  Bahama  Channel,  because  in  the  beginning 
of  August,  some  years,  they  often  have  very 
great  hurricanes. 23 

For  almost  a  month,  the  voyage  went  well.   On  the 

eighth  of  September,  when  the  convoy  had  reached  the 

latitude  of  Bermuda,  they  were  scattered  by  rising  winds 

and  seas.   By  the  morning  of  September  10,  they  were  in 

a  full-scale  hurricane.   One  of  the  ships  lost  steering 

control;  its  hull  worked  open  and  it  sank  to  the  west  of 

Bermuda,  while  three  vessels  drifted  or  were  blown  southward 

to  the  north  coast  of  Hispaniola — the  Almiranta  Santa  Cata- 

i-^na   and  the  two  Honduras  merchcmtmen.   One  of  the  Honduras 

ships  sank  before  it  could  reach  port;  its  bullion  was 

off-loaded  onto  the  Almiranta;  the  other  barely  made  it  to 

the  port  of  Monte  Christi  with  the  Santa  Catalina.   The 


eight  shaps  which  had  escaped  serious  damage  from  the 

storm  made  rendezvous  at  the  Azores,  and  continued  to  Spain 

together,  arriving  in  the  first  week  of  November. 

Khen  several  accounts  which  arrived  at  Seville  were  finally 

sifted  and  analyzed,  it  was  evident  that  the  Capitana — La 

Concepcion — was  missing,  together  with  General  Men^ndez. 

The  lead  ship  had  last  been  seen,  sailing  well,  in  the 

midst  of  the  storm,  but  its  later  fate  was  unknown. 

As  bits  of  information  about  the  shipwrecks  reached 
Seville,  Pedro  Menendez  learned  what  little  he  could.   If 
he  were  only  free,  he  could  lead  the  search  for  the  lost 
ship.  Chafing  at  his  confinement,  Menendez  attempted  to 
move  his  legal  cases  forward,  but  met  only  frustrating 
inertia.   The  pressure  he  exerted  at  Court  resulted  in  an 
inquiry  by  the  King  eibout  Mendndez'  imprisonment.  When 
the  charges  gainst  the  Asturian  were  sent  to  the  Council 
of  the  Indies  in  October,  that  body  agreed  that  the  in- 
dictment was  for  "grave  amd  ugly"  faults,  and  seemed  con- 
tent for  the  moment  to  leave  the  persecution  of  them  in  the 
hands  of  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n.    The  Captain-General, 
who  evidently  had  good  legal  advice,  would  have  welcomed 
a  definite  decision.   Instead,  the  prosecuting  officer 
of  the  Casa  had  been  granted  a  three-month  delay  in  which 
to  gather  further  evidence. 

In  response  to  pressure  from  the  Licenciado  Castro, 
the  Casa  officials  granted  a  short  term  of  liberty  to  Pedro 


Menendez  to  go  to  Cadiz  and  dispatch  his  three  ships.  Since 
Men^ndez  had  given  a  40,000-ducat  bond  to  leave  on  the  royal 
mission  by  September  30,  he  was  anxious  to  meet  his  overdue 
obligation,  but  was  still  unable  to  be  present  when  the 
ships  sailed  on  November  9,  1563,  After  leaving  in  a  rising 
storm,  they  were  scattered  and  damaged  before  they  could 
retuzn  to  port,  and  one  of  the  vessels  landed  near  Gibraltar 
in  battered  condition.   Instead  of  the  20,000  ducats  the 
ships  would  have  earned,  Menendez  now  faced  repetir  costs 
which  he  estimated  at  20,000  ducats. 

Finally,  the  proceso  against  Pedro  Menendez  was  com- 
plete.  The  deliberations  of  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  were 
forwarded  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies.   Juan  Gomez  de 
Argoraedo,  attorney  for  Menendez,  filed  the  plea  of  his 
client  before  the  Council  on  December  16.    The  Asturiaui 
was  not  hopeful,  however;  his  expectations  of  justice  and 
satisfaction  seemed  to  be  at  a  low  ebb  indeed.   He  composed 
several  desperate  appeals  to  the  Court  emd  Council  of  the 
Indies.   In  a  long  memorial  to  the  King,  Menendez  reviewed 
his  entire  career  cmd  recounted  the  history  of  his  struggles 
with  the  merchants  of  Seville  and  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n. 
He  outlined  each  of  the  charges  against  him  cind  gave  his  own 
defense  against  them.   Pedro  Menendez  expressed  particular 
anger  at  the  allegations  of  conflict-of-interest  and  force- 
fully contradicted  the  complaint  that  he  had  become  rich 
through  royal  service.   When  he  began  to  serve  the  Crown, 


Men^ndez  told  Philip  II r  he  possessed  two  galleons.  Now, 
after  sixteen  years /  he  only  had  three  ships,  euid  these  were 
heavily  mortgaged.  At  length  he  detailed  his  losses  and 
sacrifices  in  recent  years,  including  the  bereavement  suf- 
fered in  the  evident  loss  of  his  son  emd  racuiy  other  rela- 
tives and  friends  in  the  1563  New  Spain  fleet  disaster. 
Again,  Pedro  Menendez  begged  for  settlement  of  his  monetary 
affairs,  cind  for  release  from  prison.   The  Asturian  then 
made  statements  adDout  the  settlement  of  Florida  which  are 
of  particular  interest  here:  Menendez  labeled  the  De  Luna 
and  Villafane  expeditions  as  wasteful  and  misdirected,  and 
alleged  that  more  than  a  half-million  ducats  cind  five  hundred 
lives  had  been  expended  to  no  visible  effect.   It  would  be 
far  better  and  much  less  costly,  said  Menendez,  to  plant 
colonies  in  Florida  directly  from  Spain,   Thus  the  expedi- 
tion vrould  avoid  the  dangerous  currents  of  the  Bahama  Channel 
smd  the  poor,  low  land  of  the  extreme  southeastern  coast  and 
the  peninsula.   For  about  50,000  ducats,  claimed  Menendez, 
a  profitable  settlement  could  be  implanted  closer  to  New- 
foundlcmd,  where  it  would  be  of  more  strategic  value. 

Menendez  wrote  cinother  letter  to  Juan  de  Sarmiento, 
President  of  the  Council  of  the  Indies,  in  an  humble,  almost 
despairing  tone.   It  expressed  emotions  which  Pedro  Menendez 
had  not  been  able  to  reveal  to  the  King,  and  displayed  a 
father's  grief  and  anger  at  his  powerlessness  to  help  search 
for  his  son  Juan.   He  proposed  to  go  with  four  pataches  and 


collect  the  nonies  left  in  Hispaniola  from  his  son*s  fleet, 
and  also  seek  the  lost  Capitana.   His  proposal  was  rejected, 

and  the  officials  of  Seville  named  General  Juan  de  Velasco 

de  Baurrio  to  arm  two  heavy  galleons  for  the  task. 

The  nood  of  dejection  which  had  assailed  Pedro  Menendez 

proved  %rell  founded.  When  the  Council  of  the  Indies  heard 

the  arguments  of  its  Fiscal  and  read  the  testimonies  sent 

from  Seville,  they  found  Menendez  guilty  on  the  main  charge 

of  bringing  unregistered  silver  on  his  ship.   The  sentence 

and  verdict  they  handed  down  on  January  17  levied  a  fine 

of  100  gold  pesos  upon  the  Captain-General,  Lawyer  G<5mez 

immediately  began  an  appeal. 

One  positive  benefit  for  Menendez  did  result  from  the 

letters  he  had  sent  in  January.   The  King  wrote  preen5>torily 

to  his  officials  at  Seville,  accused  them  of  malicious  delay 

in  the  settlement  of  the  1563  galleon  lease  case,  and  directed 

termination  of  the  matter  "within  fifteen  days."    Early  in 

March,  heeurings  resumed  on  the  case  and  Pedro  Menendez  was 

taken  from  confinement  to  testify  in  the  Audiencia  hall  of 

the  Casa  de  Contratacion  in  the  Alcazar  at  Seville.   The 

Casa  judges  were  in  the  position  of  mediating  a  dispute 

between  Menendez,  who  sought  payment  from  averi^  for  his 

ships,  and  the  Prior  and  Consuls  of  the  guild  of  sea-merchants 

and  the  deputies  of  the  averia.   In  the  face  of  the  commands 

of  Philip  II,  the  Casa  officials  were  compelled  to  find  for 

Menendez.  On  March  8  they  decreed  the  payment  of  a 


sueldo  to  Pedro  Men^ndez  for  his  two  galleons,  less  what 
he  had  collected  in  freights  cind  passenger  fares  on  the 

Now  a  storm  of  protest  arose  from  the  mercemtile 
interests.   The  whole  matter  was  a  fraud,  they  said.  Menen- 
dez  had  brought  his  galleons  and  patache  from  New  Spain  for 
his  own  profit,  amd  they  served  the  interests  of  the  fleet 
not  at  all.   It  was  illegal,  they  maintained,  for  a  Captain- 
General  to  use  his  own  ships  as  paid  escort  vessels  in  his 


own  convoy.    They  averred  that  the  expenses  Mendndez 

claimed  were  false,  and  his  supporting  papers  were  not  properly 
certified  by  a  notary. 

Pedro  Men^ndez,  scenting  victory  over  his  enemies,  ap- 
peared and  made  a  strong  plea  for  a  substantial  advance,  for 
his  ships  had  still  not  sailed  for  Tierra  Firme,  and  he  badly 
needed  4,000  ducats  to  finish  their  refit  and  settle  with 
some  of  his  crewmen.   On  March  tenth,  the  Casa  awarded  him 
1,500  ducats.   He  protested  strongly,  but  the  Casa  affirmed 
its  decision:   It  was  that  or  nothing.   Men^ndez  contested 
the  case,  saying  that  he  had  received  nothing  for  his  patache, 
and  the  matter  became  bogged  down  on  appeal.   Frustration 
continued  to  be  the  lot  of  the  imprisoned  Asturian.   While 
guaurds  paced  outside  his  apartment  door,  his  financial 
aif fairs  seemed  as  far  as  ever  from  solution.   Somehow, 
Menendez  managed  to  raise  the  funds  to  send  his  ships  off 
to  the  Indies  under  the  command  of  Estebam  de  las  Alas  and 
Pedro  Menendez  Marquez. 


In  the  meemtime,  although  the  Spanish  had  as  yet  done 
nothing  to  erase  Jean  Ribault's  Port  Royal  settlement  in 
Florida,  the  French  colonists  had  become  thoroughly  dis- 
couraged.  Ribault  himself  had  been  in  England,  a  part  of 
the  time  in  prison.  The  confusion  in  Frcince  before  the 
pacification  of  Amboise  had  prohibited  the  sending  of 
reinforcements.   Finally,  Ren€  de  LaudonniSre  left  Le  Havre 
i^ril  22,  just  as  the  French  prepared  to  leave  Port  Royal, 
and  sibandon  their  colony.   On  May  12,  1564,  Governor 
Mazariegos  of  Kavema  finally  dispatched  the  small  search 
ship  Santa  Catalina  with  Hernamdo  Manrique  de  Rojas  as 
captain.   Rojas,  a  thirty-year-old  nephew  of  Juan  de  Rojas, 
chose  experienced  pilot  Gonzalo  de  Gayon  to  guide  the  expedi- 
tion to  seek  the  French  settlement.  None  of  the  three  groups 
was  destined  to  meet. 

When  the  Cuban  vessel  reached  the  Florida  coast,  north 
of  Cape  Canaveral,  Manrique  de  Rojas  traversed  the  shoreline, 
carefully  searching  for  signs  of  enemy  settlement.   Finally, 
in  32-1/4'*  of  latitude,  they  located  a  sizeable  inlet  with 
Indiem  settlements.   There,  they  encoxintered  one  Guillaume 
Rouffi,  a  sixteen-year-old  boy.   Rouffi  told  them  that  the 
other  Frenchmen  had  left  in  a  small  craft  some  days  before, 
leaving  him  behind  with  the  Indians.   Searching  further, 
they  found  and  burned  a  wood  blockhouse  the  French  had 
built.  They  also  discovered  the  six-foot  marble  column, 
bearing  the  eirms  of  France,  which  had  been  plemted  by  Jean 


Ribaiilt.   The  column  euid  Rouffi  were  brought  2Ux>ard  ship 
.and  returned  to  Havana,  where  Mazariegos  reported  to  Spain 
that  the  French  threat  was  over  for  the  present. 

While  the  Rojas  party  was  making  its  report  in  Havana, 
the  ships  of  Lucas  Vazquez  de  Ayll6n,  which  had  left  Sanldcar 
in  October,  had  only  reached  Scinto  Domingo.   By  raid-summer, 
Vazquez  de  Ayllon  had  made  little  progress  in  preparing 
for  departure  for  Florida.  The  royal  officials  of  Hispaniola 
began  to  suspect  that  the  expedition  might  never  sail. 

During  the  early  summer  of  1564,  when  so  much  of  moment 
for  Florida  euid  the  Indies  was  occurring  overseas,  events 
at  Court  began  at  last  to  develop  more  favorably  for  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Aviles.   In  May,  his  ship-charter  case  had  been 
transferred  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies.   On  June  18, 
Philip  II  had  decided  to  bring  the  main  dispute  for  which 
Menendez  had  been  jailed  to  Madrid  for  hearing.   He  sent 
Menendez  a  formal  royal  summons  to  report  within  twenty 
days  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies. 

When  the  summons  from  the  King  reached  Pedro  Menendez 
in  his  prison  apartment  in  Seville,  he  determined  to  break 
out  of  his  confinement.  He  saw  clearly  that  he  would  never 
be  free  as  Ipng  as  he  remained  in  the  power  of  the  Seville 
interests.  On  Saturday,  July  1,  Menendez  bribed  or  evaded 
his  guards,  and  left  his  jail.  The  same  day,  the  Menendez 
brothers  executed  a  power  of  attorney  in  Seville  to  a 
bcuiker,  Domingo  de  Ocaris,  and  a  trusted  young  Asturian, 


Hernando  de  Miranda,  and  left  to  them  the  responsibility 
of  collecting  monies  forthcoming  from  the  Casa  in  Seville. 
By  the  sixth  of  July,  Pedro  Men^ndez  was  in  Madrid,  where 
he  was  placed  in  the  Royal  jail. 

After  Menendez'  servants  Ccime  to  take  away  his  chests 
and  fumitiire,  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  belatedly  dis- 
covered that  their  prisoner  was  gone.   A  hearing  was  held, 
and  the  angry  officials  determined  to  take  up  the  30,000 
ducat  bonds.   On  July  14,  they  also  seized  and  jailed 
the  bondsmen  who  had  given  surety  for  Pedro  Menendez, 
Caspar  de  Astudillo  de  Burgales  and  Juan  Antonio  Corzo. 

Now  the  accused  Captain-General  had  finally  succeeded 
in  having  his  litigation  transferred  from  the  biased  atmos- 
phere of  Seville,  but  it  brought  him  no  immediate  satisfac- 
tion. After  an  initial  flurry  of  legal  action,  Pedro 
Menendez  languished  in  the  Court  jail.   On  July  24,  he 
lavmched  a  fervent  appeal  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies, 
and  complained  that  he  was  confined  with  common  criminals 
and  persons  of  low  estate.   This  treatment,  he  said,  was  an 
affront  to  the  dignity  of  his  person  and  to  the  prestige 
of  the  offices  which  he  had  held  through  royal  patronage, 
Menendez  asked  that  he  be  released  from  the  jail,  and   given 
the  Court  as  his  area  of  detention.   On  August  7,  the  Council 
of  the  Indies  agreed  that,  while  the  litigation  was  under 

study,  he  might  leave  the  jail  cmd  be  placed  in  house- 

arrest  at  his  inn. 


While  the  legal  affairs  of  Pedro  Men^ndez  were  moving 
somewhat  closer  to  resolution  in  Madrid,  the  Spamish  authori- 
ties had  no  clear  view  of  what  had  occurred  with  regard  to 
Florida.   Ren^  de  LaudonniSre  emd  his  colony  were  established 

within  the  mouth  of  the  River  May,  where  they  had  erected 

a  fortification  neuned  Fort  Caroline.    The  Castilicm  King 

had  no  knowledge  of  the  French  esteJalishment.   Intelligence 

from  the  Indies  in  the  summer  of  1564  was  a  blend  of  fact 

and  rumor.   On  August  30,  the  Audiencia  of  Santo  Domingo 

notified  Philip  II  that  a  one-eyed  Portuguese  ncimed  Mimoso 

was  supposed  to  have  come  from  Calais  with  five  ships  of 

Frenchmen  and  three  of  the  ships  had  landed  at  Santa  Elena 

in  Florida.    In  this  case,  the  actual  intrusion  of  the 

Laudonni^re  expedition  was  obscured  by  the  multitude  of 
corsair  reports  which  flowed  continually  to  the  Spanish 
Crown  from  France,  the  Atlantic  islands,  and  the  Indies. 

The  instrument  chosen  by  Philip  II  to  deny  the  mainland 
to  the  French  through  colonization  proved  to  be  a  feeble 
one.   Lucas  Vazquez  de  Ayllon,  embroiled  in  financial  dif- 
ficulties in  Santo  Domingo,  was  forced  to  sell  one  of  his 
ships,  and  many  of  his  men  deserted.   Finally,  in  early 
August  of  1564,  Vazquez  de  Ayllon  fled  Santo  Domingo  by 
night  in  a  small  craft,  reportedly  heading  for  Peru.   The 
latest  chapter  in  the  long  history  of  attempts  to  settle 
Florida  had  come  to  an  inglorious  end. 


While  the  Spanish  were  failing  to  discover  or  counter 
the  French  moves  in  Florida,  the  armada  of  galleons  belonging 
to  Pedro  Menfendez  moved  around  the  Caribbean  with  the 
Tierra  Firme  ships.   Estaban  de  las  Alas  brought  San  Pelayo, 
Santa  Clara  and  Magdalena  to  Nombre  de  Dios.   On  August  13, 
they  left  that  port  for  Cartagena,  and,  three  days  later, 
Magdalena  was  wrecked  on  the  Darien  coast.    The  diminished 
fleet  left  Cartagena  September  20.   After  the  ships  sailed 
from  Havana,  Santa  Clara  ran  aground  on  the  eastern  side  of 
the  Gulf  Stream.   All  the  crew  was  rescued  and  the  treasure 
transferred  to  the  ample  holds  of  the  great  galeass  San 
Pelayo,  while  Santa  Clara  was  abandoned  as  a  hopeless  wreck. 
Heavily  laden  (the  ship  carried  more  than  1,400  bars  of 
silver),  Pelayo  returned  to  Spain,  and  landed  at  CSdiz 
December  4.^^  The  reports  of  disaster  it  brought  to  Pedro 
Menendftz  de  Avil€s  were  tempered  no  whit  by  the  news  that 
no  further  trace  of  his  missing  son  Juan  had  been  found. 

Meanwhile  trouble  had  also  visited  the  small  French 
Huguenot  colony  on  the  River  May.  LaudonniSre  explored  the 
area  and  traded  with  the  Indians  near  the  fort.   An  in- 
creasing shortage  of  supplies,  and  the  desire  for  adventure 
instigated  some  of  the  garrison  to  mutiny.   Eleven  mutineers 
fled  the  fort  first,  taking  a  small  shallop,  and  setting 
course  for  the  Caribbean.   Three  weeks  later,  on  December  18, 
1564,  seventy  men  from  the  garrison  held  Ren^  de  LaudonniSre 
prisoner  long  enough  to  extort  from  him  a  document  authorizing 


their  journey.  They  then  departed  on  a  voyage'  of  adventxire 
among  the  Antilles  in  two  small  sailing  craft. 

The  year  of  1564  had  thus  far  held  little  cause  for 
rejoicing  for  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s.  When  the  Council 
of  the  Indies  ruled  on  the  whole  battery  of  chaurges  against 
him  on  November  23,  it  found  him  guilty  on  nine  of  the 
fourteen  charges,  fined  him  3,000  ducats,  and  sentenced  him 
to  three  years  without  office  in  the  Indies.    Immediately 
after  this  low  point  in  his  fortunes,  the  affairs  of  Pedro 
Menendez  seemed  to  improve.   On  November  24,  he  was  given 
the  court  as  his  jcdl  pending  his  latest  appeal.  On  December 
7,  the  Council  ruled  favorably  for  Menendez  in  the  galleon 
lease  case  and  granted  him  the  sueldo  for  his  ships.  Menen- 
dez pressed  his  advantage  and  asked  that  his  freight  earnings 
not  be  deducted  from  the  payment,  and  that  he  be  reimbursed 
for  the  pay  of  the  soldiers  who  accompcinied  the  ships.  The 
councillors  took  the  requests  under  advisement.    Early  in 
the  New  Year,  the  Council  of  the  Indies  reconsidered  the 
main  Menendez  case,  and  finally  reduced  its  sentences  to 

six  guilty  charges  amd  the  exile  from  Indies  offices  to 

one  year.   Menendez*  fine  was  cut  to  1,000  ducats.    Now 

that  the  tide  of  influence  seemed  at  last  to  be  rxinning  in 

Pedro  Menendez*  favor,  a  major  question  at  Court  must  have 

been  that  of  the  future  of  this  valuable,  contentious  man. 


1.  The  agreement  with  Rasquin  has  been  printed  in 

D.I. y  XXVI,  273  et  seq.   It  is  mentioned  in  the  work  of  Duro, 
Armada  Espanola,  in  "Noticias  extractadas  de  asientos  y 
capitulaciones  que  se  hicieron  para  descubrir  en  Indias 
despves  de  Colon,"  I,  459. 

2.  Castillo  appears  as  a  leading  mercheint  in  Cadiz 
iuid  spokesman  for  the  other  traders  bf  that  city  in  a 
royal  cedula  sent  by  Philip  II  to  "a  certain  merchant  of 
Cadiz"  from  Valladolid  on  May  23,  1559.  The  letter,  which 
discusses  conditions  surrounding  the  special  license  given 

to  Cadiz  merchants  to  deal  in  hides  and  sugar  from  Bispaniola 
and  Puerto  Rico,  is  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  425, 
Book  23,  fol.  396  and  vto.   In  1561,  the  King  responded  to 
a  complaint  by  Castillo  that  the  royal  Corregidor  had  been 
sending  the  cases  of  Cadiz  shipmasters  to  the  Audiencia  at 
Granada,  where  they  languished.   At  that  time,  Castillo  had 
just  become  a  Regidor  of  the  cabildo  of  Cadiz.   The  King's 
letter  was  dated  May  10,  1561,  and  is  also  from  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  425,  Book  24. 

3.  The  case  against  Pedro  del  Castillo  is  found  in 
"Pedro  del  Castillo,  1561,"  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  855. 
Menendez  advises  that  he  was  shortly  set  free  because  he 
was  "without  any  guilt."   The  statement  is  found  in 
"Servicios  .  .  .  ,"  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  2, 
fol.  11,  vto. 

4.  See  Crown  to  Luis  de  Velasco,  September  23,  1561, 
from  A.G.I.  Patronato  19,  ramo  12.   When  the  royal  order  to 
study  the  matter  of  Florida  was  in  the  hands  of  the  Viceroy 
of  New  Spain,  he  convoked  a  council  which  included  Angel 

de  Villafcine  and  several  captains  from  the  expeditions  of 
1557-61.   Their  judgment  was  that  no  further  such  ventures 
should  be  attempted  from  New  Spain.   Any  future  attempts 
upon  Florida  would  best  be  mounted,  they  believed,  from 
Spain  directly,  and  should  be  concerned  only  with  the  areas 
north  of  Santa  Elena.   Velasco  concurred  in  the  findings. 
The  parecer  of  the  council  of  New  Spain  is  from  Woodbury 
Lowery's  "Manuscripts  of  Florida,"  in  microfilm  at  the 
P.  K.  Yonge  Library,  reel  1  (box  141-A) . 

5.  See  "1561,  Ida,"  from  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  2,898. 



6.  "Instructions  to  General  Pedro  Menfindez,  1562," 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  415,   These  are  also  reprinted  in 
RuidiaZy  La  Florida^  II»  40 7 . 

7.  Menendez  describes  the  condition  of  the  vessels  in 
his  letter  to  Philip  II  from  Havana  (n.d.,  probably  March, 
1563,  which  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  2 
(in  Stetson  Collection). 

8.  Ibid. 

9.  Detail  of  the  ships  armed  by  MenSndez  in  Sam  Juam 
de  Ulua  is  found,  together  with  the  registries  of  his 
vessels,  in  "Fiscal  con  Pedro  Men6ndez  de  Avil6s  sobre 
sueldos  de  dos  galeones  .  .  .  ,  "  A.G.I.  Justicia  872, 

No.  1.   The  case  began  when  the  Captain-General  sought  pay- 
ment from  averia  for  the  charter  of  his  ships.   The  Casa 
advised  the  King  that  Menendez  also  carried  gold,  silver, 
amd  hides.   See  Crown  to  Casa,  Madrid,  July  16,  1563,  from 
A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167,  Book  III. 

10.  See  the  separate  cedulas  from  the  Crown  to  Diego 
de  Mazariegos  and  to  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s,  Madrid, 
February  13,  1563,  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  427.   Notice 
was  also  sent  to  officials  in  Santo  Domingo,  Venezuela, 
Cartagena,  Tierra  Firme,  and  San  Juan,  Puerto  Rico. 

11.  In  a  letter  from  the  Crown  to  the  Casa,  sent  from 
Madrid  on  April  25,  1563,  the  King  asked  his  trade  officials 
to  accommodate  Vazquez  de  Ayll6n  in  his  difficulties  in 
gathering  sufficient  settlers  for  his  expedition. 

12.  It  is  found  in  "Asientos  de  Armada,"  A.G.I.  Contra- 
tacion  3,309. 

13.  From  "Ordenanzas  .  .  .  ,"  D.I.,  VIII,  No.  XXV, 
494-495.   To  a  degree,  the  resurgence  of  adelantamiento  during 
the  reign  of  Philip  II  has  been  overlookeH^i   In  the  study  of 
the  strengthening  of  the  early  modern  dynastic  state,  some 
writers  have  viewed  the  coming  of  the  Spanish  viceregal 
system  as  coincident  with  the  termination  of  the  phase  of 
discovery  and  exploitation  by  private  persons  licensed  by 

the  Crown.   An  example  of  this  viewpoint  is  the  statement  of 

Robert  S.  Chaunberlain,  speaking  of  the  1550s: 

.  .  .  the  time  was  past  when  the  Crown  would  permit 
the  development  of  personal  control  anywhere  in 
the  Indies,  especially  when  authority  of  a  semi- 
feudal  nature  was  concerned.   The  absolute  monarchs 
of  Castile  were  determined  to  bring  their  overseas 
possessions,  which  belonged  to  the  Crown  of  Castile 
alone,  not  to  the  nation,  under  their  own  rigid 
authority.   Therefore,  they  began  early  to  create 


imposing  machinery  of  royal,  eJasolute  government 
which  left  no  place  for  personal  governmental 
power  or  wide  personal  holdings  of  a  political 
This  statement  is  from  The  Conquest  and  Colonization  of 
Yucatan  (New  York:   Octagon  Books,  1966),  p.  184,   On  the 
other  hand,  George  P.  Hammond  recognizes  that  the  1595 
asiento  of  Juan  de  Onate  was  issued  under  the  royal  coloni- 
zation  ordinances  as  an  adelantamiento .   See  his  article 
"Ohate's  Effort  to  Gain  Political  Autonomy  for  New  Mexico," 
Hispanic  American  Historical  Review,  XXXII,  No.  3  (August, 
1952),  321-330.   Roscoe  R.  Hill,  in  "The  Office  of  Adelan- 
tado,"  op.  cit. ,  also  recognizes  the  longer  duration  of 
adelantamiento  under  Philip  II. 

14.  The  provision  for  encomienda  is  found  in  "Ordenan- 
zas  .  .  .  ,"  D.I.,  VIII,  No.  LVIII,  505.   For  a  discussion 
of  how  financial  necessity  had  almost  impelled  Philip  II  to 
make  encomienda  in  Peru  perpetual  in  1560,  see  C.  H.  Raring, 
The  Spanish  Empire  in  America  (3rd  ed.,  New  York:   Harcourt, 
Brace  &  World,  Inc.,  1963),  pp.  54-55. 

15.  The  main  body  of  the  1563  case  against  Pedro  Menen- 
dez  de  Avil^s  is  found  in  "Proceso  de  los  cargos  y  culpas 
que  resulta  contra  el  General  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s  .  .  . 
en  la  flota  y  armada  que  vin6  de  Tierra  Firme  este  ano  de 
1563,"  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  970. 

16.  The  order  of  June  17  to  pay  Men^ndez  is  referred 
to  in  Crown  to  Casa,  Barcelona,  February  26,  1564,  from 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,966.   The  King  decided  not  to  . 
accept  Menendez'  offer  to  escort  the  Juan  Menendez  ships 
from  the  Azores;  see  Crown  to  Casa,  Madrid,  July  16,  1563, 
A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,167.   On  July  28,  1563,  the  King 
notified  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  of  the  arrangement  for 
the  escort  of  Castro;  the  letter  is  also  from  A.G.I.  Con- 
tratacion 5,167.   The  power  of  attorney  from  Pedro  Menendez 
to  Juan  G5mez  de  Argomedo  was  originally  recorded  in  the 
notaries'  archives,  but  has  been  reproduced  with  its  date 

of  June  24,  1563,  in  A.G.I.  Justicia  872  and  also  in  Justicia 
865.  ~ 

17.  Pierre  amd  Huguette  Chaunu  point  out  that  the 
Consulado  controlled  the  Indies  averia  contract  from  1562- 
1564;  in  Seville  et  1' Atlantique,  I,  20 3 . 

18.  Crown  to  Casa,  Madrid,  July  16,  1563,  A.G.I. 
Contratacion  5,167,  Book  III. 

19.  Elements  of  the  documentation  of  the  1563-1565 
case  between  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  and  the  Casa  de 
Contratacion  have  also  survived  in  A.G.I.  Justicia  865, 


No.  1,  entitled  "El  fiscal  de  Su  Magestad  con  el  General 
Pedro  Menendez  sobre  dos  barras  de  plata  que  trajo  de  las 
Indias  sin  registrar."  Aspects  of  the  case  are  also  found 
in  "Fiscal  de  Su  Magestad  con  Pedro  de  Menlndez  de  Avil^s 
y  sus  fiadores  Juan  Antonio  Cor 20  y  Caspar  Astudillo, 
vecinos  de  Sevilla,  sobre  su  quiebra  del  prision  donde 
estaba,"  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  868,  No.  9.   Thirteen  of  the 
charges  against  Menendez  are  detailed  in  the  Captain-General's 
own  complaint  to  Philip  II  in  "Servicios  .  .  .  ,"  A.G.I. 
Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  2.   The  chcirges,  2md  Menendez' 
responses  summarized,  are  listed  below: 

1.  That  Menendez  left  Havana  against  royal  order 
(he  claimed  that  he  was  trying  to  make  the 
royal  deadline  for  the  Tierra  Firme  ships  in 
April,  and  came  as  quickly  as  he  could); 

2.  He  landed  at  Tercera  in  the  Azores,  contrary 
to  his  own  order  that  no  one  in  the  convoy 
should  land  there  (he  said  that  a  storm  arose, 
making  a  landing  am  essential  forthe  safety 
of  the  fleet) ; 

3.  Menendez  allowed  a  certain  Munoz,  a  prisoner, 
to  lamd  at  Tercera  (he  said  that  he  was  unaware 
of  the  status  of  the  man) ; 

4.  Menendez  permitted  certain  Portuguese  to  land 
with  monies  at  Tercera  (blame  the  ship-master, 
not  the  Captain-General,  said  Menendez); 

5.  The  Captain-General  allowed  a  Portuguese  ship 
to  sail  with  the  armada;  much  unregistered 
bullion  and  coin  was  passed  to  her  from  other 
vessels;  the  Portuguese  left  the  convoy  with 
these  (his  response  was  that  he  permitted  the 
Portuguese  ship  to  accompany  the  convoy  so 
that  she  might  not  be  taken  by  corsairs  and 
thus  betray  the  route  and  schedule  of  the  fleet; 
the  vessel  left  the  convoy,  he  said,  without 
his  permission) ; 

6.  Menendez  failed  to  make  the  landmark  of  Cape 
St.  Vincent,  as  was  customary  on  the  homeward 
route  (the  simple  reply  was  that  he  did  this 
to  avoid  storms,  as  any  fine  mariner  would  do); 

7.  Pedro  Menendez  allowed  the  Licenciado  Alta- 
mircino  to  take  certain  monies  ashore  (Menendez 
replied  by  calling  the  accusation  "vile"  and 
countered  by  saying  that  there  were  no  wit- 
nesses to  any  such  action) ; 

8.  He  carried  unregistered  silver  (Menendez  ad- 
mitted that  he  brought  some  silver  for  the 
expenses  of  the  voyage,  unregistered.   He 
cladmed  that  only  600  ducats'  worth,  registered 
and   unregistered,  was  carried  altogether.   He 
said  that  this  was  needed  for  working  capital 


aboard  ship,  emd  stated  that  no  fleet  General 
had  ever  been  charged  for  this  small  sum  of 
expense-money) ; 
9.   Upon  his  return,  Men^ndez  had  left  his  ships  on 
the  ways  at  Sanliicar  and  come  directly  to  Seville 
(Men^ndez  said  his  business  with  the  Casa  was 
urgent,  and  he  had  no  option  but  to  leave); 

10.  He  had  his  large  vessels  put  into  the  shipyard 
before  they  had  undergone  their  official  visit 
by  the  Casa  (similar  response  as  to  the  above) ; 

11.  Men^ndez  had  agreed  to  delay  his  date  of  sail- 
ing from  New  Spain  if  certain  merchants  there 
would  buy  a  10,000-ducat  cargo  which  he  had 
brought  (Men^ndez  replied  that  this  was  a  lie; 
he  brought  no  cargoes  and  no  witnesses  had 
testified  about  the  charge); 

12.  A  bribe  of  700  ducats  had  been  paid  to  Menendez 
to  linger  with  his  fleet  five  leagues  from  San 
Juem  de  Ulua,  so  that  more  goods  could  be 
brought  out  to  the  horaebound  ships  ajid  evade  the 
customs  registry  (Men^ndez  said  there  was  no 
sworn  testimony  as  to  this  charge) ; 

13.  On  the  voyage  outbound  from  Spain,  Pedro  Mendn- 
dez  held  up  his  departure  until  his  own  galleons 
joined  the  fleet  and  crossed  the  bar,  loaded 
with  merchandise  (Men^ndez  said  his  delay  was 
due  to  signs  of  a  storm  impending;  claimed  that 
his  ships  were  not  then  within  the  bar,  nor  did 
they  carry   merchandise) , 

Gonzalo  Solis  de  Meras,  in  Pedro  Mengndez  de  Avil^s,  de- 
scribes the  1563  case  in  some  detail,  from  a  viewpoint  thor- 
oughly sympathetic  to  his  brother-in-law,  on  pp.  64-70.   The 
unregistered  bar  silver  was  brought  by  Cristobal  Carrecho, 
master  of  Magdalena.   Witnesses  for  the  Casa  alleged  that  it 
was  worth  688  pesos  and  was  intended  to  be  given  to  one 
Diego  de  Molina  by  Capt.  Diego  de  Amaya  by  orders  of  Pedro 
Men^ndez.   See  A.G.I.  Justicia  865,  No.  1,  fol.  1. 

20.   A  letter  from  the  Casa  to  the  Crown  on  August  2, 
1563,  contained  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167,  Book  II, 
acknowledged  royal  letters  of  July  13,  16  and  18,  and  noted  that 
Menendez  had  the  commercial  cargoes  arremged  for  his  gal- 
leons, and  had  obliged  himself  to  have  them  loaded  aboard 
by  September  10.   Menendez  described  the  arrest  of  Bartolome 
in  a  letter  to  the  King  on  July  27,  and  his  own  imprisonment 
in  a  letter  on  August  21;  both  are  found  in  Ruidiaz,  La 
Florida,  II,  34-43.   The  King  also  corresponded  with  his 
trade  officials  about  the  galleons  of  Pedro  Menendez  in 
letters  dated  July  28  and  August  11,  1563,  and  affirmed  the 
arrangements  for  the  passage  of  the  Licenciado  Castro.   These 
letters  are  also  found  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167,  Book  III. 


21.  The  loading  of  Sem  Sebastian  at  Sanlticar  is 
described  in  testimony  before  Juan  Gutierrez  Tello  on 
March  22,  1563,  found  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,101,   Pedro 
Menendez  Marqu^z  was  her  master.   The  shipwrecks  are  de- 
scribed by  Duro  in  Armada  Espanola,  II,  465,  and  by  the 
Chaunus  in  Seville  et  I'Atlantigue,  III,  1563  aller,  41. 
See  also  the  marginal  notes  in  A.G.I.  Contratacitfn  2,898, 
1563  Ida. 

22.  See  Casa  to  Crown,  Seville,  November  2,  1563, 
A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167.   Juan  Menendez,  before  his  depar- 
ture from  Havana,  wrote  to  the  Casa  (on  August  9,  1563) 

in  a  letter  found  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci<5n  5,104. 

23.  Pedro  Men&adez  to  Crown,  August  21,  1563,  printed 
in  Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  38-43. 

24.  The  return  of  the  surviving  ships  to  Spain  was 
announced  in  Casa  to  Crown,  Seville,  November  12,  1563, 
A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167.   The  shipwrecks  were  inscribed 
on  the  margin  of  the  registry  book,  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n 
2,898,  fol.  231  vto.   The  Royal  Officials  from  Santo 
Domingo  advised  the  King  of  the  three  vessels  which  arrived 
in  their  waters  from  the  ill-fated  fleet  in  a  letter  sent 
from  that  place  on  December  20,  1563,  and  contained  in  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  71  (Stetson  Collection) .   The  Chaunus  discuss 
the  matter  in  Seville  et  I'Atlantigue,  III,  1563  re tour,  61, 
66.   See  also  Eugene  Lyon,  "A  Lost  Son"  (unpublished  paper, 
typescript.  University  of  Florida,  Gainesville,  1968),  9  pp. 
Pilot  Noriega,  who  had  been  aboard  one  of  the  ships  which 
reached  the  Azores,  testified  before  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n, 
which  advised  the  King  that  the  storm  struck  the  ships  about 
180  miles  south  and  west  of  Bermuda,  in  about  32*  of  lati- 
tude.  Another  account,  cited  by  Dave  Horner  in  The  Treasure 
Galleons  (New  York:   Dodd,  Mead  &  Company,  1971),  p.  227, 
placed  the  ships  c±>ove  the  latitude  of  Bermuda.   It  was  from 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  2,003.   In  1595,  several  witnesses 
testified  that  the  ships  had  been  in  the  vicinity  of  Bermuda 
when  they  ran  into  hurriccine  winds.   See  "Informacion  de 
algunos  servicios  prestadas  por  el  Adelantado  Pedro  Menendez 
de  Aviles,"  Mexico,  April  3,  1595,  reprinted  in  Ruidiaz, 

La  Florida,  II,  590  et  seg.   Two  accounts  from  Florida,  so  to 
speak,  testified  that  the  Capitana  of  Juan  Menendez  had 
been  wrecked  in  the  Indiam  River  section  of  the  peninsula. 
Hemamdo  d'Escalajite  Fontaneda,  in  Memoir  of  Hernando  d' 
Escalante  Fontaneda  (translated  by  Buckingham  Smith,  edited 
by  David  O.  True,  Coral  Gables,  Florida:   University  of 
Miami  Press,  1944),  33,  claimed  to  have  interviewed  survivors 
from  the  Menendez  fleet.   Another  testimony  came  xx   the 
deposition  of  Stephan  de  Rojomonte  (A.G.I.  Patronato  19, 
No.  1,  ramo  14),  one  of  the  Frenchmen  captured  by  the  Spanish 
in  Hispaniola  in  January,  1565.   Rojomonte  stated,  as  had 


Fontemeda,  that  two  Spanish  ships  had  been  lost,  the  one  of 
Juan  Menendez  being  wrecked  close  to  Cape  Canaveral. 

25.  See  Coiincil  of  the  Indies  to  Casa,  Madrid,  October 
11,  1563  (copied  as  1564  in  error),  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n 
5,167,  Book  III. 

26.  See  Officials  of  the  Casa  to  Castro,  Seville, 
October  23,  1563,  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  868,  No.  9.   Pedro 
Menendez  described  his  plight  in  "Servicios  .  .  .  ,"  from 
A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  2.   The  ships  were  San 
Pelayo,  the  new  galeass,  Santa  Clara,  and  Magdalena. 

27.  See  inscription  of  Juan  G6me2  de  Argoraedo,  Decem- 
ber 16,  1563,  in  A.G.I.  Justicia  865,  No.  1. 

28.  The  letter  to  Juan  de  Sarmiento  is  dated  "primero 
de  enero"  in  the  copy  found  in  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3, 
ramo  2,  in  the  Stetson  Collection.   Menendez*  offer  was 
rejected  in  a  letter  from  the  Council  of  the  Indies  to  the 
Crown,  dated  at  Madrid  on  February  14,  1564,  from  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  738,  ramo  6,  No.  73.   General  Velasco 
described  his  successful  journey  in  a  letter  to  the  Casa 
from  Sanlficar  dated  September  25,  1564,  and  found  in  A.G.I. 
Contr   acion  5,101. 

29.  The  sentence  of  the  Council  of  the  Indies  and  the 
appeal  notations  of  Menendez'  case  are  from  A.G.I.  Justicia 
865,  No.  1. 

30.  Crown  to  Casa,  Barcelona,  February  26,  1564, 
from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,966. 

31.  From  "Fiscal  con  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s  sobre 
sueldos  de  dos  galeones  .  .  .  ,"  A.G.I.  Justicia  872,  No.  1.  . 

32.  Philip  II  had  made  such  a  ruling  in  a  cedula  to 
the  Casa  dated  July  15,  1562.   It  is  cited  by  the  Chaunus  in 
Seville  et  I'Atlantigue,  III,  1563,  aller. 

33.  Both  the  first  Ribault  and  the  Laudonniire  expedi- 
tions are  described  in  a  long  narrative  entitled  "Informaci6n 
del  Gobemador  Bias  de  Merlo,"  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  212. 
Rene  de  Laudonni&re's  own  narrative,  "L'Histoire  Notable 

de  la  Floride,"  has  been  reprinted  in  a  number  of  places; 
the  writer  prefers  the  version  in  the  work  of  Suzanne 
Lussagnet,  Les  Fran9ais  en  Floride  (Paris:   Presse  Uni- 
versitaire  de  France,  1958),  pp.  37-200.   The  dispatch  of 
the  Mcinrique  de  Rojas  ship  is  described  in  "Report  on  the 
French  who  went  to  populate  Florida,"  Havana,  July  9,  1564, 
from  A.G.I.  Scmto  Domingo  99  (Stetson  Collection),  and  has 
been  translated  by  Lucy  Wenhold  in  "Manrique  de  Rojas' 


Report,  1564,"  Florida  Historical  Quarterly,  XXXVIII,  No.  1 
(July,  1959),  45-62.  See  also  "Services  of  Gonzalo  Gayon," 
from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  11  (Stetson  Collection). 

34.  Report  of  the  dispatch  of  Vazquez  de  Aylltfn's 
ships  from  Sanlucar  came  in  a  report  from  Captain  Juan  de 
Texeda  to  the  Casa  written  on  October  4,  1563,  from  A.G.I. 
Contrataci6n  5,167  (Stetson  Collection).   For  reaction  to 
the  delays  in  Semto  Domingo,  see  the  letter  from  the 
Licenciado  Echegoyen  to  the  Crown,  Santo  Domingo,  August  10, 
1564  (enclosing  letter  from  April,  1564),  A.G.I.  Santo 
Domingo  71  (Stetson  Collection). 

35.  Crown  to  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s,  Madrid,  June  18, 
1564,  from  Justicia  868,  No.  9. 

36.  The  jailbreak  was  described  by  the  discomfited 
Fiscal  of  the  Casa  in  a  report  dated  July  15,  1564,  from 
A.G.I.  Justicia  868,  No.  9.   The  power  of  attorney  was 
executed  on  July  1,  1564,  and  was  originally  from  the  Archive 
de  Protocolos  de  Sevilla  (hereinafter  A.P.S.),  Escribania 

of  Juan  de  la  Cobaco.   It  has  been  reproduced  in  A.G.I. 
Contrataci6n  4,802  (Stetson  Collection).   The  main  body  of 
the  Menendez  case  in  1564  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Justicia  869. 

37.  Corzo  was  a  shipowner,  merchant  cind  slaver,  while 
Astudillo  served  as  banker  and  financial  agent  in  Seville. 
Astudillo  was  also  fiscal  representative  for  Pedro  del 
Castillo  and  his  wife  Dona  Isabel  de  Ribera  for  certain 
■juros  the  Castillos  held  in  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n.   See 
revocation  of  poder  of  July  28,  1563,  in  A.P.C.,  Escribania 
of  Medina,  1576-78,  fol.  287,  287  vto. 

38.  Order  of  August  7,  1564,  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  868, 
No.  9.     , 

39.  An  excellent  description  of  the  construction, 
dimensions  and  armament  of  the  fort  is  found  in  "Information 
of  Governor  Bias  de  Merlo,"  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  212.   Fort 
Caroline  was  also  described  in  an  account  and  map  sent  with 
the  letter  of  Governor  Mazariegos  to  the  Crown,  written  at 
Haveuia  on  December  22,  1564,  eind  found  in  A.G.I.  Patronato 
267,  No.  1,  ramo  37.   It  has  been  depicted  by  Jacques  Le 
Moyne  du  Morgues,  the  contemporary  artist  who  served  in  the 
fort;  see  the  color  reproductions  in  The  New  World  by  Stefan 
Lorant,  published  by  Duell,  Sloan  and  Pearce  in  New  York  in 
1946;  pp.  55.   Charles  Bennett  has  also  reproduced  these 

in  the  Settlement  of  Florida  (Gainesville:   University  of 
Florida  Press,  1565),  pp.  21,  23.   The  reconstruction  of  the 
fort  by  the  National  Parks  Service  at  St.  Johns'  Bluff  has 
closely  followed  the  contemporary  depictions. 


40.  The  report  of  the  Audiencia,  dated  August  30, 
1564,  from  A.G.I.  Patronato  254,  ramo  38  (Stetson  Collec- 
tion) ,  recounts  a  route  of  the  supposed  Portuguese-French 
fleet  which  does  not  square  with  the  actual  course  of  the 
Laudonniere  vessels.   The  Huguenots,  who  left  from  LeHavre, 
touched  at  the  Canary  Islands,  watered  at  Dominica,  and  went 
directly  from  the  Virgin  Islands  to  the  eastward  of  the  Ba- 
hamas, and  thence  westward  to  the  River  May.   See  the 
description  in  "Information  of  Governor  Bias  de  Merlo, 

from  A.G.I.  Justicia  212.   The  Santo  Domingo  story  placed 
the  French  ships  in  the  vicinity  of  Cape  San  Antonio  on 
the  western  tip  of  Cuba. 

41.  See  letter  from  the  Licenciado  Echegoyen  to  the 
Crown  August  10,  1564,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  71  (Stetson 
Collection) . 

42.  See  Pierre  and  Huguette  Chaunu,  Seville  et  I'At- 
lantique,  1564  aller.  III,  58. 

43.  The  return  of  San  Pelayo  emd  the  loss  of  Santa 
Clara  is  described  in  the  text  and  margins  of  A.G.I.  Con- 
tratacion  2,898,  fol.  230  vto. ,  and  by  the  Chaunus  in  Seville 
et  I'Atlantique,  1564  aller.  III,  60,  62.   The  officials 

at  Seville  reported  the  arrival  of  San  Pelayo  in  a  letter 
to  Philip  II  dated  at  Seville  on  December  5,  1564,  and 
found  in  A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,167,  Book  III. 

44.  Rene  de  LaudonniSre  describes  the  mutiny  in  "L* 
Histoire  Notable  .  .  .  , "  in  Lussagnet,  Les  Francais  en 
Floride,  pp.  124-125.   Some  of  the  mutineers  recounted  their 
version  of  events,  which  was  recorded  in  the  "Information  of 
Governor  Bias  de  Merlo,"  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  212. 

45.  See  the  sentence  of  November  23,  1564,  from  A.G.I. 
Justicia  869. 

46.  See  the  petitions  of  Pedro  Menendez  and  his 
attorney  in  A.G.I.  Justicia  872,  No.  1. 

47.  From  A.G.I.  Justicia  869,  sentence  of  January  24, 



While  Pedro  Menendez  pressed  for  favorable  settlement 
of  his  lawsuits  and  was  still  technically  a  prisoner  in 
Madrid,  events  were  taking  place  rapidly  in  the  Indies. 
Although  the  Spanish  were  as  yet  unaware  of  Laudonniere ' s 
settlement  at  Fort  Caroline,  some  Frenchmen  from  that  place 
took  a  course  of  action  that  would  shortly  bring  their 
colony  to  open  and  dramatic  attention  in  the  Spanish  Indies. 
The  two  little  vessels  which  had  left  the  River  May  together 
in  mid-December,  1564,  were  separated  in  a  storm.   One  of 
these  arrived  at  Cagay,  a  Spanish  town  within  the  great  bay 
on  the  southwest  coast  of  Hispemiola.   The  men  aboard  cap- 
tured a  small  prize,  which  they  ransomed;  after  trading 
their  own  vessel  for  a  larger,  finer  Spanish  ship,  they 
sailed  off  on  further  adventures.   The  second  French  craft 
soon  came  to  La  Yagucina,  a  port  thirty  miles  from  Cagay. 
Nhen  they  appeared  off  the  harbor  entrance,  Spanish  ships 
seLiled  out  to  intercept  them,  cmd  the  Frenchmen  fled.  Not 
awaure  of  their  compatriot's  earlier  raid  on  Cagay,  the  cor- 
sairs went  there.   Their  landing- force  had  surrounded  some 
settlers*  houses  when  armed   Speuiiards  attacked  them  and 



killed  or  captured  several  of  the  French,  while  the  rest 
were  put  to  flight. 

Near  Cape  Tiburdh,  at  the  extreme  southwest  point  of 
Hispaniola,  the  two  groups  of  Frenchmen  rejoined  forces. 
They  crossed  the  Windward  Passage  together,  came  within 
sight  of  the  mountains  of  Oriente,  2md  landed  at  the  Cuban 
port  of  Baracoa,  where  they  raided  the  town  for  supplies, 
rcmsacked  houses,  and  took  a  small  caravel  v^ich  they  found 
in  the  bowl-shaped  harbor.   The  little  fleet  then  re- 
crossed  to  Hispaniola.   On  January  16,  1565,  they  assaulted 
a  Spamish  ship  anchored  close  to  Cape  Tibur<5n.  The  men 
eJDoard  it  were  well  armed  and  determined  to  sell  their  lives 
dearly,  and  their  surrender  came  only  after  three  of  their 
force  had  been  killed — a  soldier,  a  slave,  and  one  Anton 
Nunez.   This  action  of  the  Frenchmen  was  certain  to  bring 
them  to  the  notice  of  Spanish  officialdom,  for  Nunez  was 
secretary  of  the  Audiencia  of  Santo  Domingo,  who  had  been 
travelling  to  Cuba  on  a  mission  for  that  body.   In  addition 
to  the  wines  cind  other  goods  they  seized,  the  French  cap- 
tured more  them  twenty  Spamiards.  Now  they  cibemdoned  the 
last  remaining  vessel  of  those  brought  from  Florida.  The 
little  fleet,  now  composed  entirely  of  prizes,  shaped  its 
course  for  the  southwest  euid  Spanish  Jamaica,  where  they 
hoped  to  exchange  their  prisoners  for  food. 

Meanwhile  the  Frenchmen  in  the  third  small  craft  from 
Fort  Caroline  had  decided  to  try  their  luck  in  Cuban 


waters.  At  the  town  of  Savanna,  they  captured  a  mulatto 
and  seized  some  supplies.  When  they  raided  the  port  of 
Arcos»  the  man  escaped  and  made  his  way  to  the  governor 
at  Havaina.  As  soon  as  the  notice  reached  him  Governor 
Mazariegos  readied  two  small  boats,  sailed  for  Arcos,  smd 
surprised  and  captured  all  eleven  of  the  French  raiders. 
When  the  prisoners  were  brought  to  Havana,  they  were 
interrogated  by  Guillaume  Rouffi,  the  French  lad  whom  the 
Spanish  had  found  at  the  site  of  Ribault's  deserted  colony 
at  Port  Royal.   The  captives'  ncurrative  was  written  down 
on  December  22,  1564. 

A  careful  description  was  made  of  the  French  craft 
and  the  stolen  goods  it  contained.   Five  of  the  men  testi- 
fied, and  their  stories  contained  a  startling  message: 
the  French  had  again  settled  in  Florida i   They  had  built  a 
fort  at  a  location  between  twenty-eight  and  twenty-nine 
degrees  of  latitude.   The  French  prisoners  described  the 
fort,  its  garrison,  and  armament  in  some  detail.   The  men, 
who  claimed  to  be  Catholics,  said  that  they  had  fled 
Florida  to  avoid  the  harsh  labors  their  "Lutheran"  officers 

imposed  upon  them.   Governor  Mazariegos  prepared  to  send 


three  of  the  prisoners  with  their  vital  news  to  Spain. 

Less  theui  a  month  after  the  capture  of  the  men  at 
Arcos,  on  January  20,  1565,  three  sails  appeared  off 
Point  Morant,  the  southeast  cape  of  the  isolated  island 
of  Jamaica.  As  soon  as  he  sighted  the  ships.  Governor 


Bias  de  Merlo  hastened  to  put  his  forces  in  a  state  of 
defense.   The  Frenchmen  dropped  anchor  and  sent  their 
smallest  craft  into  the  harbor  of  Caguaya,  near  the  capital 
of  Santiago  de  la  Vega  (near  old  Port  Royal  harbor  and  the 
modem  city  of  Kingston) .   They  chased  down  and  boarded  a 
small  caravel.   Governor  Merlo  learned  from  one  of  the 
C2iravel's  crew  that  the  raiders  were  French,  and  he  pre- 
pared to  attack.   First,  he  put  the  Frenchmen  off  their 
guard  by  parleying  with  them  and  promised  to  trade  them  food 
for  the  Spanish  captives  they  held.   While  they  waited  for 
the  food  to  arrive,  the  governor  came  against  them  with 
several  ships.   The  action  was  short  but  sharp  and  when  it 
was  over,  two  vessels  and  thirty-two  Frenchmen  were  pris- 
oners.  One  of  their  ships  had  escaped,  however.   It  made 
its  way  out  of  the  harbor  and  began  the  long  voyage  back 
to  Florida. 

The  corsairing  of  the  three  little  craft  from  Laudon- 
ni^re's  Florida  was,  after  all,  no  more  than  small-bore 
piracy,  and  had  posed  no  major  threat  to  the  Carrera  de 
Indias.   Some  concern  had  been  aroused  in  the  Spanish 
Indies,  but  real  damage  done  was  minor.   The  effects  of 
the  adventures  were,  however,  major  ones,  and  would  spell 
disaster  to  the  French  in  Florida. 

Now  at  last,  the  location  of  the  French  settlement 
was  unmasked,  and  the  vague  menace  was  given  definite  shape. 
The  prisoners  said  that  the  offending  colony  was  at  aJaout 


twenty-eight  to  twenty-nine  degrees  of  north  latitude.  This 
put  it  clearly  within  the  territories  of  the  Crown  of  Castile, 
and  those  who  had  settled  there  were  guilty  of  trespass 
under  Spanish  law.   The  raiders  from  the  settlement  had  also 
added  piracy  to  their  crimes.   The  punishment  thus  merited 
by  the  Huguenot  colony  eind  compounded  by  its  mutineers  would 
eventually  be  forthcoming.   Only  the  factors  of  time  and 
distance  could  delay  it,  as  the  news  slowly  filtered  back 
to  Spain.   As  it  fell  out,  the  message  the  Governor  of  Cuba 
had  sent  in  the  ship  La  Vera  Cruz  was  the  first  to  arrive. 
The  urgent  emd  momentous  dispatch  about  the  French  fort 
would  not  reach  Seville  until  March  26. 

In  the  meantime,  on  February  3,  1565,  the  Council  of 
the  Indies  finally  terminated  the  two  cases  affecting  Pedro 
Menendez.   The  long  pleito  with  the  Casa  de  Contratacidn 
was  definitively  ended,  in  his  favor.   The  two  bars  of 
silver,  now  the  only  remaining  issue,  were  ordered  returned 
to  Menendez;  he  was  absolved  from  all  charges.   At  the  Scime 
meeting,  the  Council  also  terminated  the  case  involving 
charter  fees  and  reimbursements  for  Menendez'  two  galleons 
and  patache,  from  the  1563  fleet.   In  their  decision,  the 
councillors  agreed  to  the  terms  Menendez'  attorney  had 
asked  the  previous  December — he  would  receive  full  repayment 
for  the  pay  of  the  soldiers  he  brought  aboard  the  ships. 

Now  this  able,  vital  amd  troublesome  figure  could 
again  seance  his  King.   In  the  Indies  there  was  an  area  of 


real  concern  where  his  abilities  and  knowledge  might  be  most 

useful.   Philip  II  formally  asked  Menendez  to  study  and 

report  on  the  problems  of  Florida.  What,  asked  the  King, 

did  he  know  about  its  coasts  and  lands — what  did  he  believe 

could  be  done  to  settle  it,  after  so  many  failures  to  do  so — 

what  measures  should  be  taken  in  the  event  corsairs  had  gone 

there  to  establish  a  base  for  raids  against  Spanish  ships? 

In  reply,  Menendez  sent  a  lengthy  memorial.   He  began 

by  recounting  current  rumors  about  corsairs  who  might  have 
settled  in  Florida;  he  had  heard  of  two  groups.  The  first, 
captained  by  the  infamous  Portuguese  Miraoso,  had  been  re- 
ported by  the  Audiencia  of  Semto  Domingo  the  preceding 
August.    In  Menendez'  version  of  the  story,  Mimoso  had 
been  seen  at  Tenerife  in  the  Canaries  in  the  late  spring 
of  1564;  possibly  he  was  now  in  Florida.   The  second  expedi- 
tion was  composed  of  five  heavily-armed  English  galleons.  When 
it   touched  briefly  at  El  Ferrol  on  Spain's  north  coast 
at  the  end  of  December,  Galician  fishermen  learned  that 
the  squadron  planned  to  go  to  Florida.   If,  said  Menendez, 
these  tales  were  true  and  an  enemy  colony  was  established 
in  Florida,  homeward-bound  ships  would  stemd  in  danger  of 
being  taken  by  fast  galleys  from  the  corsair  settlement. 
He  also  raised  the  spectre  of  enemy-incited  slave  insurrec- 
tions in  the  Spanish  Caribbean,  which  could  lead  to  the 
loss  of  vital  island  strong  points.   Menendez  also  expressed 
his  great  concern  that  such  an  establishment,  if  not  quickly 


eradicated,  might  quickly  take  deep  root  in  the  land,  as 
the  English  or  French  found  favor  with  the  Indians  there. 
The  Asturian  was  strongly  convinced  that  Protestant  heretics 
and  American  aboriginals  held  similar  beliefs,  probably 
Satanic  in  origin.  These  shared  beliefs  naturally  led  them 
to  affinity,  unless  they  were  kept  apart.  An  alliance  be- 
tween foreign  intruders  and  the  Indian  peoples  would  prove 
most  difficult,  if  not  impossible,  to  break. 

Shifting  his  emphasis  to  the  geographic  features  of 
the  North  American  mainland,  Pedro  Mene'ndez  told  Philip  II 
of  the  rumors  he  had  heard  of  the  great  passage  to  the 
South  Sea.   He  was  certain  that  "an  arm  of  the  sea"  extended 
from  Newfoundland  twelve  hundred  miles  to  the  westward, 
where  it  Ceune  into  close  proximity  with  cinother  waterway. 
This  last  passage,  Menendez  believed,  gave  access  to  the 
mines  of  Zacatecas  in  New  Spain,  and  led  ultimately  to  the 
South  Sea.   It  was  only  necessary  to  explore  the  first 
water  route,  make  a  short  overland  journey  to  the  second 
passage,  and  the  way  to  the  Pacific  lay  open.    It  was 
vital,  he  asserted,  to  let  no  enemy  learn  the  secrets  of 
this  strategic  waterway  and  threaten  the  trade  of  the 
East,  or  seize  the  rich  silver  mines.   Menendez  was  also 
concerned  that  the  French  could  easily  create  trade  routes 
to  a  North  Americem  colony,  since  many  vessels  already  came 
each  year  to  the  Newfoxindland  fishing  banks  from  France. 
He  could  even  foresee  the  possibility  that  they  might 


establish  sugar-works  and  tlocks  to  provide  them  with  the 
sugar  2md  wool  they  continually  sought  through  trade  or 

Pedro  Menendez  then  outlined  concrete  proposals  for 
Florida's  settlement.   If  no  actual  intruders  were  in  the 
land,  an  expedition  should  proceed  directly  to  Santa  Elena. 
A  force  of  five  hundred  sailors,  soldiers  and  farmers  would 
probably  suffice.  Menendez  urged  that  four  Jesuits  accompany 
the  expedition  to  establish  doctrinas  cind  teach  the  faith  to 
the  sons  of  the  native  chiefs.   While  small  vessels  explored 
and  mapped  the  coasts  north  to  Newfoundlcind,  agricultural 
settlements  would  be  made  in  fertile  inland  areas.   The  cost 
of  such  an  enterprise  was  estimated  at  80,000  ducats  for  all 
expenses  of  initial  outfitting  and  a  year's  supply.   Menendez 
suggested  that  the  Crown  bear  the  cost  of  the  undertaking , 
in  order  to  do  it  more  quickly  and  secretly.   If  there 
should  turn  out  to  be  Frenchmen  in  the  land,  a  different 
approach  would  be  advisable.   In  that  case,  a  pvmitive  ex- 
pedition should  be  mounted  with  four  well-armed  galleons 
and  a  thousand  soldiers  eind  sailors.   For  a  six-month 
military  effort  of  this  kind,  Menendez  estimated  a  cost  of 
50,000  ducats. 

After  receiving  and  studying  the  memorial,  Philip  II 
and  his  Council  of  the  Indies  determined  to  carry  out  the 
Florida  enterprise.   They  chose  not  to  undertake  it  as  a 
Crown- sponsored  activity,  but  to  license  it  as 


an  adelantamlentO/  with  Pedro  Menendez  as  adelantado.  Now 
that  the  bothersome  legal  obstacles  were  out  of  the  way, 
the  decks  were  clear  for  meaningful  negotiation.  At  this 
point/  one  can  amalyze  the  diverse  motivations  of  the  parties 
to  these  negotiations  and  the  purposes  vrtiich  they  held  in 
common.   First  of  all,  from  the  standpoint  of  the  Crown  of 
Castile,  a  number  of  considerations  justified  another  at- 
tempt at  the  settlement  of  Florida.   The  King  and  his  ad- 
visers were  never  forgetful  of  the  continuing  threat  of 
French  or  English  incursion  along  the  long  North  American 
coastline.   Whether  or  not  this  had  already  occurred,  it 
remained  a  possibility.   Aggressive  population  and  fortifi- 
cation could  deny  any  establishment  to  another  power  emd 
at  the  same  time  protect  the  legal  rights  of  Castile. 
Exploration  would  unlock  tne  secrets  of  the  ports,  currents 
and  shoals,  and  more  accurate  marine  charts  would  lead  to 
more  secure  navigation.   Perhaps  the  storied  Northwest 
Passage  could  be  found,  with  all  which  that  implied  for  the 
Eastern  trade.   The  Carrera  de  Indias  would  be  buttressed 
and  protected  from  enemy  assault  by  the  very  existence  of 
mainland  settlements.   If  Havana  were  adequately  defended 
and  the  Florida  coast  fortified,  the  strategic  Bahama  Channel 
would  be  covered. 

The  evangelistic  mission  of  the  Catholic  faith,  so 
inextricably  mixed  with  the  other  purposes  of  conquest  and 
colonization,  was  an  important  consideration  in  preparing 


the  Florida  asiento.  As  royal  authority  for  conquest  was 
delegated  to  the  adelantado  as  surrogate  for  the  King,  so 
was  a  portion  of  responsibility  for  C2Lrrying  out  the 
Patronato.  All  previous  experience  in  Florida  indicated 
that  it  %K)uld  be  a  difficult  and   challenging  mission- 
field.   In  the  face  of  such  difficulties,  the  winning  of  the 
souls  of  the  Florida  Indians  would  be  cm  enterprise  of  great 
spiritual  merit  for  the  Crown  of  Castile  and  its  adelantado. 
Conversely,  for  those  souls  to  remain  in  their  heathen 
state  or,  even  worse,  to  become  infected  with  the  deadly 
virus  of  heresy  would  be  reproach  in  the  eyes  of  God, 

For  Pedro  Menendez  himself,  one  might  wonder  at  his 
interest  in  the  enterprise,  after  his  disparaging  remarks 
about  Florida  as  a  graveyard  of  hopes.  For  one  thing,  he 
must  have  held  a  lingering  hope  that  his  explorations  might 
xmcover  the  fate  of  his  son  Jueui.    Another  was  the  strong 
inducement  to  build  further  his  family  name,  reputation, 
and  estate.  An  enterprise  which  promised  lemds,  revenues, 
high  titles,  and  expectation  of  exalted  service  to  God 
and  prince  would  stir  cuiy  sixteenth -century  hidalgo.   In  such 
an  undertaking,  moreover,  there  would  be  honor  and  profit, 
lands  and  offices  enough  for  the  whole  circle  of  kinsmen 
and  friends  in  the  Menendez  orbit.   In  the  bargaining. 

Men^dez  pressed  for  the  title  of  Marquis  and  the  leinds 
irtiich  would  support  it.    He  had  before  him  the  exeimple  ( 
the  m2u:quisate  of  Herncmdo  Cortes  in  New  Spain,  which  was 


granted  in  1529,   By  1565,  the  extent  of  the  private  holdings 
of  the  Marques  delValle,  now  held  by  the  successor  to  Hernando 
Cortes,  were  «rell  known.   Cortes*  economic  empire  was  founded 
upon  Indian  labor  and   tribute,  which  probably  amounted  to 
30,000  pesos  in  value  annually  by  1560,   This  income  per- 
mitted ftirther  investment  in  stock-raising,  sugar  produc- 
tion, money-lending  and  mining  ventures,  while  Indian  cind 
Negro  slaves  worked  the  agricultural  properties.   It  was 
this  kind  of  entire  that  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s  had  in 
mind  when  he  petitioned  for  the  title  and  lands  of  a  Mar- 
quis.   Pedro  Menendez  also  sought  ways  to  gain  privileged 
entree  into  the  Carrera  de  Indias  for  his  maritime  opera- 
tions— shipping  licenses  granted  by  the  Crown.   At  the  scune 
time,  he  wished  to  be  freed  from  some  of  the  onerous 
regulations  imposed  upon  ship-owners  by  the  Casa  de  Con- 

Certain  motives  were  shared  by  both  parties.   The 
establishment  of  a  prosperous,  thriving  colony  was  a  matter 
of  mutual  interest--revenues  from  it  would  flow  both  to 
the  King  and  to  his  privileged  adelemtado.   Such  a  flourish- 
ing settlement  would  be  the  best  defense  against  any  enemy 
and   the  most  sure  guarcuitee  of  profit  from  trade  and 
agriculture.   It  would  lend  value  to  the  land  which  could, 
in  txim,  support  a  high  rank   for  the  holder  of  that  land. 

The  atten5)t  to  populate  Florida  was  thus  to  be  ac- 
coii^>lished  through  the  ancient  institution  of  the  adelantado. 


Even  had  they  wished  to  do  so,  Philip  II  and  his  advisors 
voiild  scarcely  have  been  able   to  conquer  Florida  through  the 
Viceroyalty  of  New  Spain.   Luis  de  Velasco,  the  aggressive 
Viceroy  who  had  sent  Miguel  de  Legazpi  to  the  Phillipines 
just  the  past  year,  and  who  had  dispatched  the  De  Luna  and 
Villafeme  e3q)editions  to  Florida,  was  dead.   The  government 
of  New  Spain  was  currently  under  the  control  of  the  Audiencia 
of  Mexico  until  a  new  Viceroy  could  arrive. 

It  has  been  pointed  out  that  royal  financial  limita- 
tions had  discouraged  Crown  financing  of  discovery,  and  that 

Philip  II  had  determined  in  1563  that  the  funding  of  explora- 

tion  and  settlement  should,  as  a  general  rule,  be  private. 

At  this  point,  there  was  no  reason  to  depart  from  this 
policy.  After  all,  no  grave  cind  immediate  threat  was  yet 
Icnown  to  be  in  Florida.   To  the  contrary,  every  circum- 
stance dictated  the  continucince  of  the  "no-cost"  tactic; 
a  host  of  urgent  necessities  pressed  in  upon  Philip  II  from 
every  quarter. 

For  four  years  amd  more,  Spanish  ships  and  men  had 
been  lavishly  used  to  stem  the  Moslem  assaults  upon  the 
North  Africam  bases  as  Oran  and  Mazalquivir.   Now  the  main 
Turkish  fleet  threatened  to  break  into  the  western  Mediter- 
ranean by  taking  the  island  of  Malta.   Don  Alvaro  de  Baz^n's 
armada  of  galleys  had  to  be  sent  there  to  bolster  the 
Christians,  but  unfortunately  the  asiento  undertaken  by  the 


merchant  guild  of  Seville  to  support  his  ships  had  expired. 
Themselves  embarrassed  for  fxinds  because  of  dislocations 
in  the  Indies  trade,  the  Sevillieuis  were  dragging  their 
feet  at  renewing  the  agreement.    The  merchants  felt  that 
the  galleys  should  be  used  to  protect  the  Indies  fleets 
against  corsairs  near  Spain,  instead  of  sending  them  eastward 
to  do  battle  with  the  Txirks,  Anxious  to  increase  his  flow 
of  revenues  from  overseas,  Philip  II  had  proposed  (in  late 
1564  and  early  1565)  a  major  re-working  and  tightening  of 
fleet  sailing  laws  and  defense.    Due  to  his  own  lack  of 
money,  the  King  was  himself  constrained  to  borrow  from  the 
provate  deposits  in  the  Casa  at  Seville,  until  the  next 
fleet  should  arrive. 

The  Spemish  Crown,  moreover,  faced  other  grave  diplo- 
matic problems.  Amid  a  climate  of  hardening  ideological 
conflict,  Philip  II  had  been  pursuing  his  own  counter- 
Reformation  in  his  dominions  in  the  Netherlcinds ,  where  he 
had  published  the  Tridentine  decrees  in  1564.   The  King  was 
irritated  at  slow  progress  in  their  implementation  and  the 
growth  of  opposition  to  the  royal  commands,  and  he  felt 
gradually  compelled  to  show  a  stronger  hcind. 

In  neighboring  Fremce,  personal,  dynastic  euid  religious 
involvements  complicated  the  diplomacy  of  Philip  II.   His 
own  ties  to  the  Valois  kingdom  were  close — his  wife  Isabel 
was  daughter  to  the  Queen  Mother,  Catherine  de  Medici,  and 
sister  of  Charles  IX,  the  King.   Catherine  and  her  son  held 


tenuous  control  over  a  nation  in  an  increasingly  ambiguous 
and  difficult  internal  situation.  After  the  Pacification  of 
Amboise  in  1563,  rival  noble  families,  whose  differences 
were  compounded  by  religious  loyalties,  lived  in  uneasy 
proximity  within  the  Court  and  ministries  of  the  French 
Crown.   Philip  II,  who  took  a  dogmatic  position  for  the 
Catholic  faith,  stood  ready  to  furnish  his  mother-in-law 
with  concrete  support  against  the  Huguenot  nobles.   Under 
the  circumstances,  he  had  to  watch  events  in  France  closely, 
for  they  might  require  sxibstantial  commitment  at  any  time. 

In  spite  of  the  collapse  of  the  adelantamiento  of  Lucas 
Vazquez  de  Ayll6n,  and  the  failures  of  the  other  would-be 
adelantados  of  Florida,  there  seemed  no  better  way  to  conquer 
Florida  at  minimum  royal  cost.   Men^ndez*  suggestion  of 
Crown  underwriting  was  therefore  rejected,  and  the  adelan- 
tamiento of  Florida  was  approved.   Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s 
fitted  the  needs  of  the  moment  by  offering,  in  addition  to 
his  skill  and  zeal,  one  fine  ship  as  the  nucleus  of  a  fleet. 
He  could  also  call  upon  a  host  of  friends  and  relatives  in 
Asturias  and  the  rest  of  the  north  coast  of  Spain  who  would 
pledge  their  persons,  ships  and  followers  to  his  cause.   In 
CSdiz,  Seville,  and  in  the  Indies  Men^ndez  had  credit  sources 
to  aid  in  the  arming  of  vessels  and  the  carrying-out  of  the 
expedition.   Without  question,  moreover,  his  drive,  ability 
and  reputation  could  act  as  a  loadstone  to  draw  support  to 
the  enterprise  of  Florida. 


The  Council  of  the  Indies  chose  one  of  its  members. 
Dr.  Juan  Vazquez  de  Arce,  to  negotiate  with  Menendez  and 
agree  upon  the  conditions  under  which  the  Florida  expedition 

and  settlement  would  be  carried  out.   The  beurgaining  ended 

on  March  15,  1565,  when  both  men  signed  a  lengthy  asiento. 

To  appreciate  the  underlying  nature  of  this  contract  cind 
understand  the  relation  of  the  parties  to  it,  one  must 
examine  the  relative  positions  of  Pedro  Menendez  and  his 
sovereign.   First  of  all,  this  was  clearly  not  an  accord 
between  two  parties  of  legally  equal  stcinding;   one  cemnot 
view  the  asiento  as  a  modern  business  contract.   Neither  the 
would-be  Adelantado  nor  his  King  was  able,  as  is  done  today, 
to  deal  in  contractual  terms  limited  strictly  to  the  business 
at  hand.   Their  mutual  binding  on  the  enterprise  of  Florida 
was  done  within  the  framework  of  their  broader  relationship 
as  ruler  and  subject.   An  example  of  this  was  the  final 
clause  which  the  King  inserted  in  the  last  version  of  Menen- 
dez' agreement.   It  stated  that  non-con^liance  by  Pedro 
Menendez  would  not  be  a  mere  contract  violation;  it  would 
be  "treason  to  his  natural  Lord. "  An  agreement  with  a  six- 
teenth-century monarch  would  always  exhibit  this  disconcert- 
ingly open-ended  feature:   there  always  existed  the  possibil- 
ity of  unilateral,  prejudicial  action. 

Yet  Philip  II  was  not  a  totally  unlimited  despot.  Among 
other  restraints  upon  his  power,  the  legalism  which  obtained 
in  sai  of  Spanish  life  also  affected  the  King's  agreements 


with  his  siibjects.   In  this  tradition,  therefore,  the  terms 
of  the  aslento  had  been  set  forth  in  great  detail.  For  his 
part,  Men^ndez  could  rely  upon  receiving  what  had  been 
promised  to  him  in  the  contract,  provided  he  lived  up  to 
his  obligations  .  .  .  and   provided  Philip  II  did  not  decide 
to  recast  the  natiire  of  their  relationship. 

The  asiento  contained  a  rough  quid  pro  quo  of  duties  cmd 
rewards,  obligations  cuid  benefits  which  approximated  what 
is  termed  in  modern  business  law  "consideration."  This 
bilateral  contractual  balance  must  also  be  considered  in  its 

broader  setting  of  an  agreement  between  a  loyal  subject  suid 


a  patrimonial  monarch. 

The  contract  agreed  to  by  the  representative  of  the 
King  emd  Pedro  Menendez  embodied  memy  of  the  provisions 
proposed  by  Menendez  in  his  earlier  memorial.   It  is  divided 
into  two  main  parts.   The  first  enumerates  the  tasks  eind 
obligations  undertaken  by  Menendez.   In  the  second  half, 
the  Crown  lists  the  privileges  which  it  agreed  to  grant 
as  recompense  for  the  efforts  of  the  Adelantado. 

The  asiento  began  with  a  promise  that  Menendez  would 
prepare  four  fast  zabras  emd  six  shallops,  fully  equipped 
with  oars,  artillery,  arms  and  munitions  for  any  action  on 
the  sea.   Next,  he  agreed  to  bring  a  force  of  five  hundred 
men  on  his  expedition,  of  which  one  hundred  would  be  farmers, 
one  hundred  sailors,  and  the  rest  armed  men  emd  officers. 
He  agreed  to  carry  two  clerics,  eind  to  bring  stone-cutters. 


cazp«nters,  farriers,  blacksmiths,  barbers  and  sxirgeons. 
All  of  his  men  would  have  to  be  fully  armed  with  arquebuses, 
crossbows,  helmets  and  shields.   The  expedition  would  have  to 
leave  by  May  31,  1565. 

Because  the  smaller  vessels  had  neither  the  tonnage  nor 
the  facilities  to  carry  large  bodies  of  men  and  their  requi 
site  equipment  and  supplies,  Men^ndez  was  instructed  to 
prepare  his  fine  new  galeass,  San  Pelayo,  to  take  part  in 
the  journey.   San  Pelayo  was  sizeaible  enough  to  transport 
three  hundred  of  his  men  and  most  of  their  supplies,  and 
was  thus  admiredaly  fitted  to  accompany  the  expedition.   It 
was,  moreover,  relatively  fast  eind  maneuverable  for  its 
size,  and  was  Icirge  enough  to  constitute  a  formideJale  gun 
platform.   Since,  however,  this  was  Men^ndez'  finest  and 
largest  ship,  and  his  best  single  source  of  income,  a  bargain 
was  struck.   He  could  load  it  with  goods  for  his  own  account 
or  carry  merchandise  for  others  for  the  freight  income,  up 
to  one-half  or  even  two- thirds  of  the  ship's  tonnage.   At 
some  point  in  the  West  Indian  islands,  he  would  then  off- 
load the  men  and   supplies  intended  for  Florida  into  the 
smaller  vessels,  eind  San  Pelayo  could  then  proceed  on  its 
profitable  journey. 

Next,  Men^ndez  was  required  to  sail  to  the  coast  of 
Florida  and  seek  the  most  advantageous  places  for  settle- 
ment.  He  was  also  to  search  for  traces  of  any  corsairs  or 
other  unauthorized  intruders  in  the  lands  of  Philip  II  and 


expel  them,  if  such  should  exist.   Upon  leuiding,  Men^ndez 
was  to  claim  and  take  Florida  in  the  king's  name. 

The  geographic  limits  set  upon  the  mission  of  Mendndez 
were  immense.   No  bounds  were  set  upon  inland  expansion, 
save  the  implicit  limitation  of  the  existing  frontiers  of 
the  Viceroyalty  of  New  Spain.   Expressed  in  shoreline 
terms,  the  confines  of  the  adelantaroiento  ranged  from  the 
Ancones,  or  St.  Joseph's  Bay,  on  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  around 
the  Florida  Keys  and  up  the  east  coast  to  Terra  Nova,  in 
from  fifty  to  sixty  degrees  of  north  latitude.   Thus  the 
coastal  expanses  which  Men^ndez  had  to  explore,  chart  cmd 
protect  were  extremely  protracted.   The  distances  involved 
were  reasonably  well  comprehended  by  the  Spcinish,  for  they 
had  a  good  grasp  of  the  measurements  of  latitude.   The  worst 
distortions  of  their  geography  seemed  to  arise  out  of  an 
imperfect  understanding  of  longitude,  and  hence  of  the  east- 
west  dimension.   The  wanderings  of  De  NarvSez  and  De  Soto 
had  given  some  indications  of  the  extent  of  the  North  Ameri- 
Ccui  Icmdmass,  but  its  true  limits  were  not  appreciated.   In 
any  event,  the  areas  granted  in  the  asiento  afforded  a  great 
scope  for  enterprise.   Completion  of  the  first  phase  of  ex- 
ploration was  required  to  be  done  as  soon  as  possible,  but 
had  to  be  completed  by  the  end  of  three  years. 

Next,  the  King  dictated  definite  terms  for  the  effort 
of  population  eind  settlement.   The  initial  thrust  of  con- 
quest was  to  endure  for  one  year,  and  supplies  would  have 


to  be  furnished  for  that  period.   An  additional  four 
hundred  settlers  were  to  be  put  into  the  land  before  the 
first  three  yeeirs  had  elapsed.   Of  the  total  of  five  hundred 
settlers,  at  least  two  hundred  would  have  to  be  married  men, 
and  at  least  one  hundred  of  them  farmers:   the  essential 
purpose  was  to  found  viedble  agricultural  settlements.  As 
in  SpcLin,  the  farmers  were  to  cluster  around  villages;  the 
town  was  to  be  the  spearhead  for  the  advance  of  Castiliein 
civilization.  Menendez  was  to  found  two  or  three  towns, 
and  to  fortify  each  with  a  stronghouse  of  stone,  adobe,  or 
wood  with  a  moat  auid  drawbridge.   It  was  intended  that  these 
fortified  villages  would  then  serve  as  refuges  for  the 
settlers,  in  the  event  of  Indian  troubles  or  corsair  attack. 

Menendez  was  required  to  bring  in  five  hvmdred  slaves 
as  the  basic  leJaor  force  to  construct  the  towns,  build  forti- 
fications and  cultivate  the  lauid.   These  slaves  were  to  plant 
sugar-cane,  and  build  the  sugar-works  with  v^ich  to  grind 
it.   It  was  the  contractor's  responsibility  to  provide  the 
livestock  essential  for  the  self-support  of  the  colonies 
and  for  future  commercial  hide  production — one  hundred 
horses  and  mares,  two  hundred  calves,  four  hundred  hogs, 
four  htmdred  sheep,  some  goats,  and  other  domestic  animals 
and  birds.   The  effort  of  colonization  was  to  continue  for 
the  three-year  term. 

Relatively  little  was  said  in  the  asiento  eibout  rela- 
tions with  the  Florida  Indians,   It  provided  that  every 


attempt  should  be  made  to  bring  the  natives  into  the  Christian 
faith  and  to  loyal  obedience  of  the  king.   For  the  religious 
life  of  the  settlers,  and  the  conversion  of  the  Indians, 
Menendez  was  obliged  to  bring  ten  or  twelve  religious  of 
any  order  desired  to  Florida  during  the  long-term  effort  of 
conquest  and  colonization.  More  specifically,  four  addi- 
tional Jesuit  missionaries  had  to  come  to  establish  doctrinas 
among  the  Indians.   It  was,  further,  ordered  that  the 
Florida  enterprise  be  carried  out  in  peace,  friendship,  and 
Christianity.  As  to  the  rest,  the  contract  advises  that  the 
usual  instructions  apply  as  are  given  in  regulations  for  those 
who  go  to  make  such  settlements.   With  regard  to  land  tenure 
and  Indian  service,  the  1563  ordinances  specify  that,  in  such 
population  efforts,  an  adelantado  might  make  two-life  reparti- 
mientos  of  Indiams  in  each  village,  for  himself  and  his 
heirs.   They  also  pemit  three-life  encomiendas ,  to  be  grcinted 
to  other  settlers,  in  areas  apart  from  the  ports  or  main 
towns.   It  should  be  noted  that  Lucas  Vazquez  Ayllon's  1563 
asiento  for  Florida  had  cautioned  him  that  he  could  esteJ^lish 
no  encomiendas  of  Indians.   Pedro  Menendez'  agreement,  how- 
ever, is  totally  silent  on  this  point,  except  for  the  refer- 

ence  to  the  1563  ordinances. 

Pedro  Menendez  had,  then,  obligated  himself  for  a 

mission  of  exploration,  population,  and  religious  conversion. 

These  purposes  were  interdependent,  were  of  a  piece  with 

the  requirements  made  of  others  who  had  signed  sixteenth- 


centxiry  asientos,  and  were  consistent  with  the  general  aims 
of  Spanish  expansion. 

The  second  part  of  the  asiento  begem  with  a  statement 
that  Men^ndez*  mission  would  impose  such  great  efforts  amd 
expenses  upon  him  that  the  king  offered  certain  benefits 
and  privileges  to  him  in  remuneration.  The  first  benefit 
promised  was  cm  immediate  cash  payment  of  15,000  ducats. 
This,  the  only  royal  outlay  in  the  entire  agreement,  was  to 
be  paid  if  Men^ndez  sailed  before  the  end  of  May.   He  was 
required  to  post  a  valid  performance  bond  that  he  would 
return  the  fxinds  if  he  failed  to  meet  the  sailing  date. 

A  number  of  titles  cmd  offices  were  immediately  granted 
to  Pedro  Men&idez,  or  were  held  out  to  him  as  future  pos- 
sibilities.  He  was  to  enjoy  the  title  of  Adelantado  of 
Florida,  and  could  bequeath  it  to  his  heirs  in  perpetuity. 
To  insure  that  both  the  civil  and  military  government  of  the 
adelantamiento  would  be  in  his  hands,  the  offices  of  Governor 
and  Captain-General  were  conceded  to  him  for  two  lives — his 
own  and  that  of  a  son  or  son-in-law.  A  salary  of  2,000 
ducats  a  year,  to  be  paid  from  royal  profits,  accompanied  the 
posts.   If  an  Audiencia  were  ever  esteiblished  in  Florida, 
the  position  of  Alguacil  Mayor  would  be  set  aside  perpetually 
for  Menendez  and  his  family.   He  was  to  be  named  Captain- 
General  of  the  ships  which  were  to  go  on  the  Florida  expedi- 
tion.  The  Adelantado  was  allowed  to  name  a  properly  qualified 
lieutenant  to  take  his  place  during  eibsences  from  Florida. 


He  could,  therefore,  be  a  part-time  official,  amd  would  thus 
be  free  to  carry  out  his  own  economic  interests  elsewhere 
in  the  Indies,  return  to  Spain,  or  sejrve  in  other  posts  of 
privilege  and  honor  to  which  his  sovereign  might  call  him. 
This  whole  assemblage  of  offices  euid  titles  ccin  be  described 
as  a  grant  of  rather  complete  authority  for  Mendndez*  life- 
time, with  some  elements  of  it  planned  to  continue  after 
his  death. 

One  of  Men^ndez'  more  valuable  authorizations,  and 
one  which  would  help  to  attract  eager  followers  to  his  enter- 
prise, was  the  power  to  distribute  leuids  in  Florida.   The 
asiento  granted  him  the  faculty  of  giving  tracts  of  land  for 
plantations,  farms,  and  stock-breeding  facilities  as  he 
might  see  fit,  provided  that  he  did  not  impede  the  rights 
of  Indicuis.   As  to  his  own  lands,  the  King  granted  him  an 
estate,  or  estates  totalling  twenty-five  leagues  squared. 
These  iiranense  tracts  of  lamd,  more  than   fifty-five  hundred 
square  miles,  could  provide  the  territorial  backing  amd, 
hopefully,  the  revenues  to  support  the  title  of  Marquis. 
If,  the  asiento  recited,  the  expedition  was  accoc^lished 
and  the  other  terms  of  the  agreement  successfully  completed, 
the  king  would  consider  his  services  and  grant  him  the 
appropriate  favor.   Menendez' jurisdiction  over  the  land- 
greint  was,  however,  to  be  limited.   He  would  not,  for 
example,  possess  governmental  powers  there  like  the  ones 
exercised  by  the  Marquis  del  Valle  or  by  the  Columbus  family 


in  Jamaica;  neither  vould  he  possess  any   sub-surface  mineral 
rights — these  would  be  reserved  for  the  Crown. 

A  key  cluster  of  privileges  to  be  conceded  to  the  Florida 
adelantado  and  to  his  followers  were  economic  ones.   Of 
these  benefits,  some  were  usually  given  to  adelantados ; 
Menendez  could  bring  five  hvmdred  slaves  free  of  emy  duties, 
provided  that  they  were  intended  only  for  Florida;  the 
Adelantado  and  other  Florida  residents  would  receive  an 
exemption  from  customs  duties  (the  almojarifazgo)  for  a 
period  of  time,  and  the  usual  royal  quinto  paid  on  precious 
metals,  peaurls  and  other  jewels  would  be  reduced  to  one- 
tenth  for  a  term  of  ten  years.   Pedro  Meh^ndez  was  promised 
two  fisheries — one  of  peeirls  and  one  of  fish — of  perpetual 
duration,  and  was  guaranteed  6-2/3  percent  of  all  net  royal 
profits  in  Florida  in  perpetuity.   All  of  these  provisos 
were  generally  found  in  sixteenth-century  asientos.   Only 
the  number  of  slave  licenses  to  be  given  Menendez  was  at  all 

Some  of  the  economic  benefits  were  particularly  linked 
with  the  Spanish  trade  system,  the  Carrera  de  Indias.   While 
some  limited  shipping  privileges  and  exemptions  were  often 
noted  in  asientos  for  conquest  and  population,  these  were 
always  modest  and  tied  specifically  to  trade  with  the  pro- 
posed new  settlements.   In  the  case  of  Pedro  Menendez, 
however,  a  significant  departure  was  made.   He  was  given 
permission  to  put  into  the  Indies  trade  two  galleons  of 


from  five  hiondred  to  six  hundred  tons'  burden,  together 
with  two  pataches.   The  Adelcintado  was  free  to  send  these 
ships  to  any  port  in  the  Indies,  emd   to  sail  them  with  the 
fleets  or  outside  of  them,  as  he  chose.   For  cargoes  sent 
in  these  ships,  in  no  way  tied  to  the  Florida  expedition, 
Menendez  did  not  have  to  pay  the  averia,  or  convoy-tax. 
The  only  restrictions  placed  upon  this  trade  were  that  the 
outward-bound  vessels  only  carry  foodstuffs  and  beverages. 
On  the  return  voyage,  any  cargo  could  be  brought,  but 
Menendez  was  forbidden  to  bring  gold,  silver,  or  precious 
stones  unless  they  belonged  to  him  or  were  earmarked  for  his 
account  because  he  had  earned  them  through  freight-payments. 
These  ship-licenses  were  valid  for  six  years. 

A  separate  trade-privilege  involved  Menendez •  smaller 
vessels,  and  was  more  particularly  tied  to  the  Florida 
enterprise.   He  was  granted  the  licenses  for  six  shallops 
and  four  zabras,  to  operate  between  Florida  and  Spain,  or 
to  Puerto  Rico,  Hispauiiola  or  Cuba.   For  the  first  year, 
it  was  understood,  these  ships  were  dedicated  to  the 
initial  conquest;  then  the  trade  privilege  would  run  (after 
June,  1566)  for  six  years.   The  cargoes  of  these  little 
vessels  were  intended  for  the  Florida  settlement.   It  was 
provided,  however,  that  Menendez  could  bring  foodstuffs  or 
beverages  to  the  islands,  unload  and  sell  them  there. 
Then  he  could  load  cattle  or  other  merchandise  for  Florida, 
which  could  be  bought  in  those  islemds.   These  ships  could 


also  SBLxl   freely  without  regard  to  the  fleet  regulations  of 
the  Casa  de  Contratacion.   The  King  allowed  the  Adelantado 
to  sail  xinexcunined  pilots,  and  waived  the  requirement 
that  a  notary  or  ship's  secretary  be  aboard  each  of  the 
small  vessels. 

Another  maritime  privilege  given  to  Men^ndez  allowed 
him  to  debark  some  of  his  ships  directly  from  the  north  of 
Speiin  irithout  examination  at  Sanlucar,  Seville  or  C£diz. 
Instead,  he  was  to  be  permitted  to  sail  directly  to  the 
Canazy   Islands  and  to  have  his  official  papers  approved 
before  the  local  justices  there.   The  Adelantado 's  small 
vessels  were  exempt  from  averia  payments  on  the  initial 
Florida  expedition.   After  that  time,  if  they  wished  to  sail 
in  convoy  with  the  regular  fleets,  it  had  to  be  paid.   If 
they  preferred  to  sail  singly  or  together  outside  of  fleet 
protection,  no  averia  was  to  be  collected.   The  asiento 
specifically  provided  that  none  of  Pedro  Menendez ♦  ships 
could  be  taken,  or  embargoed,  for  Royal  service.   Finally, 
the  Adelcintado  was  given  what  amounted  to  an  open-ended 
letter-of-marque.   Any  prizes  which  he  might  take  at  any 
time  during  the  six-year  ship  license  term  would  belong 
to  him,  subject  only  to  the  usual  Crown  share  of  one-third. 

The  asiento  closed  with  a  clause  establishing  the 
rights  of  succession  for  all  of  Menendez'  rights  and 
privileges,  if  he  should  die  before  the  basic  three-year 
term  had  expired.   It  was  signed  by  Dr.  Vazquez  and  Pedro 


Plve  days  later,  on  March  20,  1565,  Philip  II  affixed 
his  signature  to  the  formal,  royal  decree  esteJalishing  the 
Florida  agreement.   In  this  instrument,  no  change  was  made 
In  the  terms  agreed  to  in  the  first  asiento.  The  King 
had,  however,  added  a  lengthy  introduction,  converted  the 
form  of  address  to  the  "Vos"  mode  used  by  a  monarch  to 
address  a  favored  subject,  2md  appended  a  closing  related 
to  compliance. 

The  introduction  recalled  the  long,  fruitless  attempts 
to  settle  Florida.   It  emphasized  that  the  need  to  convert 
the  Indians  to  the  holy  Faith  was  the  primary  motive  of  the 
Crown  in  seeking  to  populate  the  mainland.   Then  it  repeated 
the  tasks  Men^ndez  had  offered  to  perform  at  his  own 
expense,  and  accepted  the  offer  on  those  terms,  by  virtue  of 
Men^ndez*  evident  qualifications. 

In  the  closing,  Philip  II  reaffirmed  that  Pedro  Men^n- 
dez  would  conduct  the  entire  conquest  and  population  at  his 
own  cost,  would  honor  the  asiento  in  so  doing,  and  would 
agree  to  obey  other,  later  instructions  which  the  Crown 
might  make  relative  to  the  enterprise.   The  King  then 
promised  to  carry  out  his  obligations,  and  pledged  his  Royal 
word  that  each  and  every  proviso  of  the  agreement  would  be 
honored  if  Menendez  faithfully  carried  out  his  part.   If  he 
failed  to  do  so,  he  would  be  punished  as  a  disloyal  subject. 

Comparison  of  the  Menendez  agreement  with  those  of  four 
other  Florida  adelantados  and  with  the  asientos  for 


sixteenth- century  settlement  in  Costa  Rica,  the  Rio  de  la 
Plata,  and  "the  province  of  Omagua"  demonstrates  the  similari- 
ties emd  differences  between  agreements  and  thus  helps 

establish  the  distinctive  characteristics  of  Pedro  Men^ndez' 


asiento.    From  such  a  comparison,  it  cam  be  concluded  that 

the  striking  uniformity  of  many  clauses  and  provisions  in 
the  asientos  bears  testimony  to  the  marked  continuity  of  the 
settlement  policies  of  the  Crown  of  Castile,   Requirements 
as  to  population,  defense,  Indian  policies  and  the  granting 
of  privileges  remained  remarkably  similar  over  the  fifty 
years  spanned  by  these  contracts.   Even  the  area  of  relations 
with  the  Indians,  beset  as  it  was  during  those  years  with 
dispute  preceding  and  following  the  passage  of  the  New  Laws, 
changed  little.   Indeed,  differences  in  the  asientos  appear 
to  have  been  a  matter  of  degree  rather  than  one  of  kind. 
With  particular  regard  to  Florida,  it  can  be  affirmed  that 
the  1565  compact  with  Pedro  Menendez  represented  the  cul- 
mination of  a  long  series  of  attempts  to  people  eastern 
North  America  through  the  use  of  the  adelantado  instrument. 
Notwithstanding  the  basic  and  underlying  similarity  of 
the  asientos  studied,  one  difference  stands  out  clearly: 
the  unusual  nature  of  the  benefit-package  afforded  to  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Aviles,   First,  the  scope  of  some  of  the  bene- 
fits is  far  greater.   Five  hundred  slave  licenses,  duty- 
free, are  five  times  as  many  as  the  number  permitted  to  any 
of  the  other  seven  contractors;  in  1563,  Ayll6n  was  allowed 


to  bring  only  eight  slaves,  and  he  had  to  pay  duty  upon 
these.   Menendez  was  to  control  the  government  of  the  adelan- 
taniento  for  two  lives;  the  other  Florida  grantees  could  only 
govern  for  one.  The  tracts  of  lands  to  be  given  him  were 
more  than  double  the  size  of  those  offered  to  Narvaez,  De 
Soto,  and  the  second  Ayll6n;  they  were  almost  twice  as  large 
as  those  provided  for  the  first  Ayllon  contract.  They  were, 
in  fact,  the  same  size  as  the  Veragua  lands  tendered  to  Don 
Luis  Colon,  grandson  of  the  discoverer,  in  1537. 

By  far  the  most  remarkcible  privileges  which  the  new 
Florida  Adelantado  was  to  receive,  however,  were  those  con- 
nected with  maritime  trade.   Taken  together — the  out-of-fleet 
permission,  averia  exemptions,  exemption  from  excimination  of 
ships  and  cargoes  in  Andalusia,  permission  to  cariry  unlicensed 
pilots  and  sail  without  a  notary,  and  the  ship-licenses  them- 
selves— these  represented  a  substantial  breach  of  the  privi- 
lege-system of  the  Seville  merchants.   Thie  whole  collection 
appears  to  have  been  tailored  to  the  deepest  inclinations  of 
Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s — to  engage  freely  in  the  Indies 
trade  under  special  royal  patronage  with  a  very  minimum  of  re- 
striction.  The  benefits  were,  moreover,  almost  all  con- 
vertible into  money  terms  for  Menendez.   Ship-licenses  or 
slave-licenses,  for  example,  if  not  used  could  be  sold. 

For  the  Crown,  the  advantages  given  to  Pedro  Menendez 
represented  the  price  of  the  Florida  conquest.   This  was  not 
a  price  to  be  paid  directly  by  the  king.   In  part,  its 


payment  would  be  realized  through  the  granting  of  an   estate 
which  the  Adelaoitado  would  be  allowed  to  create  in  Florida, 
For  the  rest,  it  would  be  paid  by  giving  Men^ndez  license 
to  profit  through  trade — a  privilege  to  be  carved  out  from 
the  sphere  of  the  mercantile  monopolists  of  the  Carrera  de 
Indias.   In  return,  the  Crown  could  hope  for  a  bulwark  of 
Castilian  civilization  against  any  enemy  incursion  upon  the 
North  American  continent. 

Now  there  was  much  to  be  done.   In  addition  to  making 
copies  of  the  asiento  for  the  parties,  another  was  prepared 
by  the  royal  secretary  to  be  sent  to  Seville  for  the  books 
of  contracts  kept  in  the  Casa  de  Contratacidn.  Thus  the 
maritime  privileges  of  Men&idez  could  be  accounted  for,  and 
his  licenses  could  be  granted  as  needed.   It  was  also  neces- 
sary to  draw  up  separate  cedulas,  or  decrees,  embodying  the 
main  privileges  allotted  to  Men^ndez  eind  to  his  followers  in 

the  asiento,  together  with  patents  of  the  titles  which  he 

had  been  granted.    On  March  22,  1565,  a  letter  was  sent 

from  the  king  to  the  officials  of  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n 

at  Seville.   It  asked  all  possible  aid  for  Pedro  Men^ndez, 

so  that  his  armadas  might  be  sent  off  as  soon  as  might  be 

feasible.   A  form  letter  containing  the  same  advice  was 

posted  to  the  Casa  representative  at  C5diz,  Antonio  de  Abalia, 

and  to  the  king's  officials  in  Vizcaya,  the  "four  villas  of 

the  coast,"  Galicia  and  the  Canary  Islands.   Two  days 

earlier,  amother,  separate  dispatch  had  already  been  sent 


to  Abalia  in  Cadiz,  pointing  out  that  piu:iJ.cular  aid  would 
be  required  for  Men^ndex  in  that  city,  and  asking  Abalia  to 
see  to  it.^^ 

Pedro  Menendez  left  Madrid,  armed  with  the  proofs  of 
his  agreement  with  the  Crown,  to  begin  his  journey  to 
Andalusia.  Now  he  could  ask  for  immediate  payment  of  the 
15,000  ducats  which  the  asiento  promised.  With  a  letter 
of  judgment  from  the  Council  of  the  Indies,  he  could  also 
press  for  settlement  of  his  ship-lease  case.   He  could  begin 
the  outfitting  of  hi.-  expedition  for  Florida  in  CSdiz. 

While  the  Adelantado  was  still  travelling  south  from 
Madrid,  the  merchant  ship  La  Vera  Cruz  had  ended  its  long 
voyage  from  Havana,  and  had  anchored  within  the  port  of 
Sanlucar  de  Barrameda.   The  urgent  dispatch  from  Diego  de 
Mazariegos  telling  of  the  French  settlement  was  sent  along 
at  once  by  messenger  to  Seville,  together  with  the  three 
French  prisoners  sent  by  the  Governor.  A  rapid  courier  then 
forwarded  the  governor's  letter  from  Seville  to  Philip  II. 
Its  delivery  was  swift  indeed:   the  note  of  enclosure  was 
dated  March  26  and  the  King  had  it  by  March  30.  Now  the 
momentous  news  was  in  Philip's  hands,  and  he  and  his 
counsellors  knew  for  the  first  time  of  the  French  post  at 

Fort  Caroline.   They  had  also  learned  that  Laudonni^re 


shortly  expected  substantial  reinforcement  from  France. 

Pedro  Menendez'  newly  authorized  expedition  of  settle- 
ment and  population  would  go  ahead,  but  first  it  would  have 


a  punitive  mission  to  perform.  The  same  day  he  received 
the  news,  Philip  II  wrote  two  insistent  letters  to  Men&idez. 
In  the  first,  Philip  tersely  advised  the  Adelctntado  of  the 
message  from  Havema.   Be  ordered  Men^ndez  to  leave  as  quickly 
as  possible,  as  already  reqxiired  by  his  asiento  and  capitula- 
cion.   The  second  dispatch  was  even  more  importunate  in  tone: 
the  King  asked  Pedro  Men^ndez  to  move  up  his  depaurture  date 
and  leave  by  the  first  of  May  for  Florida.   He  asked  Menendez 

to  keep  his  destination  secret,  and  that  he  spread  the  word 

that  his  goal  was  to  be  the  Rio  de  la  Plata. 

The  notice  which  Philip  II  had  received  of  the  French 
fort  and  colony  in  his  Florida  territory  apparently  did  not 
disturb  the  friendly  tenor  of  his  correspondence  with  the 
French  monarchs.   An  affectionate  letter  from  Catherine  de 
Medici  was  addressed  to  "the  most  high,  excellent  and 
powerful  Prince,  our  very  dear  and  well-beloved  son-in- 
law,  son,  and  cousin."    Catherine's  letter  crossed  with  one 
Philip  wrote  on  April  2  to  Charles  IX  and  his  mother.   It 
assured  them  that,  in  spite  of  the  pressure  of  his  affairs, 
he  would  come  with  Isabel  to  see  them  as  racmy  times  as 
possible.   His  note  closed  with  a  warm  salute  "to  the  most 
Christian  Queen,  my  mother  and  lady,"  and  was  signed  "the 
good  son  cuid  brother  of  Your  Majesties." 

In  spite  of  such  pleasantries,  however,  some  concern 
had  arisen  at  the  Castilian  court  about  the  projected  meet- 
ing of  the  two  royal  families.   Both  Queen  Isabel  and  her 


■other  bellev«d  that  a  friendly  family  conference  would  some- 
how solve  their  mutual  diplomatic  problems  and  could  even 
help  resolve  the  internal  religious  tensions  in  Freuice. 
Philip  was  unwilling  to  disappoint  his  young  wife  by  dis- 
avowing the  meeting;  but  his  conscience  was  most  xineasy 
about  the  possible  contact  with  heretics  at  such  a  con- 
ference. Even  after  his  Councils  had  debated  the  issue  eind 
had  recommended  that  the  King  go  in  person  to  the  meeting, 
he  demurred.  At  this  early  April  date,  there  was  real  doubt 
that  the  meeting  would  actually  take  place  or,  if  it  did,  that 
the  King  would  attend.   Philip  could  not,  however,  reject 
the  thought  that  he  should  use  every  means  possible  to 
strengthen  the  Catholic  cause  in  France;  the  royal  confer- 
ence might  help  further  this  aim. 

Certainly  a  part  of  the  ambiguity  in  the  King's  feel- 
ings about  Frcmce  must  have  been  related  to  his  recent 
knowledge  of  LaudonniSre ' s  settlement  at  Fort  Caroline. 
One  thing  was  sure  in  his  mind — the  threat  which  the  fort 
posed  to  the  Indies  and  to  the  fleets  should  be  erased  as 
soon  ais  possible.   From  his  palace  at  Aranjuez,  Philip  sent  xir- 
gent  dispatches  on  April  5  to  the  commanders  of  his  key 
defense  points  in  the  Caribbean — the  Audiencia  of  Santo 
Domingo  on  the  isleind  of  Hispaniola  and  to  his  governors  at 
Puerto  Rico  auid  Havana.   Philip  II  also  urged  the  Seville 
officials  to  speed  up  payment  to  Pedro  Menlndez  of  the  15,000- 
ducat  me reed  promised  to  him  in  his  asiento  and  to  make 


rapid  money  settlement  with  him  over  the  long-pending 
galleon  lease  case.   The  Adelantado  had,  the  King  advised, 
pressing  need  for  the  funds  in  order  to  moiint  his  expedi- 

The  dispatches  warned  the  Indies  of  the  dangers  which 
the  French  fort  represented,  amd  initiated  the  necessary 
counter- moves.   With  these  messages,  the  enterprise  of 
Florida  entered  a  new  phase;  now,  for  the  first  time,  the 
Crown  planned  to  furnish  its  adelantado  with  material  sup- 
port.  This  fateful  step  permanently  imposed  a  dual  character 
upon  the  maintenance  of  the  adelantamiento  of  Florida.   In 
his  letter  to  the  Audiencia  of  Santo  Domingo,  Philip  described 
the  message  he  had  received  from  Governor  Mazariegos  and 
reported  the  location  of  the  French  fort  in  Florida.   He 
ordered  the  Audiencia  to  raise  two  hundred  armed  men  for 
Pedro  Menendez'  use  under  "a  good  captain,"  and  that  a  ship, 
horses  and  ample  supplies  be  furnished  for  an  expedition  of 
four  months,  at  the  cost  of  the  royal  treasury. 

The  message  to  Havana  acknowledged  the  Governor's 
earlier  report,  and  asked  Mazariegos  to  provide  fifty  armed 
men,  a  number  of  horses  eind  a  ship.  When  Menendez  arrived 
in  Havcina,  the  Governor  was  to  turn  the  force  over  to  him 
for  the  Florida  enterprise.   Again,  the  estimated  term  of 
service  (amd  the  duration  of  expense)  was  to  be  four  months. 
By  thus  setting  a  time  limit  upon  royal  participation, 
Philip  demonstrated  that  he  felt  that  the  punitive  aspect 


of  the  expedition  would  be  relatively  short.  The  King  also 
cautioned  that  all  the  usual  controls  upon  expenditure  from 
royal  funds  would  be  observed  in  this  case. 

The  urgency  of  the  King's  commitment  to  this  enter- 
prise— and  the  priority  which  he  assigned  to  it— can  best  be 
measured  against  what  is  known  of  his  finemcial  position 
during  those  days.  As  mentioned  above,  Philip  II  was  stjnag- 
gling  with  pressing  needs  in  several  key  diplomatic  and 
military  undertakings.   He  was  especially  concerned  with  the 
state  of  the  royal  forces  in  Oran  and  Mazalquivir,   To  meet 
some  of  his  obligations,  the  King  asked  the  officials  of  the 
Casa  de  Contrataci6n  to  attempt  to  borrow  200,000  ducats  in 
Seville;  the  royal  coffers  there  were  entirely  empty.    As 
for  the  supplemental  measures  the  King  had  set  in  motion 
for  Florida  in  the  Indies,  they  would  not  result  in  direct 
royal  expense  from  Spain.   Crown  monies  used  in  the  Indies 
would,  of  course,  never  reach  Seville  as  royal  revenues.   At 
this  point,  then,  the  expulsion  of  the  French  at  Fort  Caro- 
line did  not  seem  to  call  for  any  major  effort  by  the  Spanish 

The  Duke  of  Alba,  the  head  of  a  major  faction  at  the 
Spemish  Court,  emd  a  militant  hard-liner  in  upholding  his 
sovereign's  dynastic  rights  cmd  orthodox  Catholicism,  gave 
his  opinion  to  Philip  II  on  April  11,   Alba  first  expresed 
great  firmness  in  opposing  the  presence  of  any  Huguenot 
nobles  at  the  pleinned  conference  at  Bayonne,  and  advised 


that  if  ciny  of  these  plamned  to  come  to  the  meetingr  Queen 
Isabel  should  not  be  permitted  to  attend.  Turning  to  the 
question  of  Florida,  the  Duke  urged  cin  immediate  move  to 
dislodge  the  French  from  their  fort  there,  but  did  not 
reject  the  diplomatic  approach.  Alba  pointed  out  that 
prisoner  interrogations  affirmed  that  the  Queen  of  Frcince 
and  Admiral  Coligny  had  authorized  the  expedition  of  Laudon- 
ni^re.   In  view  of  this,  the  Duke  urged  the  King  to  gather 
together  the  proofs  of  Castilian  title  to  the  North  Ameri- 
can continent.   Next  he  suggested  that  the  Spanish  Ambassa- 
dor to  Frcmce  make  formal  presentation  of  the  evidence 
before  the  Valois  rulers,  and  that  he  ask  Catherine  de 
Medici  and  Charles  IX  to  recall  the  French  Huguenots  in 
Florida,  emd  cancel  any  reinforcements  that  were  to  be  sent 

After  study  of  the  Duke's  parecer,  the  King  gave  im- 
mediate assent  to  the  part  aibout  the  coming  royal  conference 
at  Bayonne.   On  April  16,  the  King  ordered  the  Ambassador 
to  France,  Don  Francis  de  Alava  y  Beaxmont,  to  give  Catherine 
de  Medici  formal  notice  that  he  would  not  permit  Isabel  to 
attend  the  meeting  if  any  religious  xindesirables ,  e.g., 
heretics,  plemned  to  be  there.   If  that  were  the  case, 
Philip  II  would  annul  the  visit.   Ten  days  later,  a  reply 
came  from  Catherine;  the  French  Queen  had  concurred  with 
Philip's  wish. 


Only  sporadic  action  had  yet  been  taken  with  regard  to 
the  French  incursion  in  Florida.   The  Menendez  expedition  was 
to  be  supplemented  with  some  Crown  aid  from  Caribbean  Indies 
bases,  and  the  General  of  the  New  Spain  fleet,  Pedro  de  las 
Ruelas,  was  to  provide  naval  support  for  the  Florida  Adelan- 
tado.  Although  the  King  and  his  officials  had  learned  from 
the  prisoner  interrogation  that  Laudonniere  expected  rein- 
forcement soon,  they  were  not  yet  aware  that  the  arming  of 
the  Ribault  fleet  had  already  begun.   At  this  point  the 
Adelantado  returned  from  a  trip  to  the  north  coast  of  Spain 
with  some  alarming  intelligence,  Menendez  noted  that  he 
heard  in  Vizcaya  that  sixteen  French  ships,  with  two  thousand 
men,  were  being  outfitted  in  LeHavre  for  the  Florida  rein- 
forcement journey.  On  the  first  of  May,  Philip  wrote  his 
French  cimbassador,  asking  him  to  determine  the  truth  of  Menen- 
dez' report.   Alava's  reply,  dated  just  six  days  later, 
deprecated  the  Adelantado 's  story.   He  noted  that  he  em- 
ployed able  and  diligent  agents  in  Normandy  and  Brittciny  to 
detect  any  such  sailings,  and  that  none  of  these  had  given 
him  emy  information  about  it.   He  had  heard  other  rumors  that 
a  fleet  was  being  readied  for  Florida,  but  had  discounted 
them,  believing  that  they  were  probably  corsair  ships  being 
prepared  for  raids  on  Spanish  shipping  lanes.   The  eunbassador 

did  promise,  however,  to  send  a  skilled  spy.  Dr.  Gabriel 

de  Enveja,  to  make  a  special  investigation. 


As  concern  grew  in  Madrid  eU^out  the  possibility  of 
added  French  conanitroents  in  Florida,  Philip  II  sent  his 
secreteoiy  Gonzalo  Perez  to  the  President  of  the  Council  of 
the  Indies  to  carry  an   xirgent  request,   Philip  II  agreed 
with  the  suggestions  of  the  Duke  of  Alba  cuid  asked  the  Coun- 
cil to  study  the  proof  of  his  title  to  Florida  and  report 
quickly  to  him  aJaout  it.   The  Council  made  a  diligent  search 
in  royal  archives  and  delivered  its  opinion  to  the  King  on 
May  5,  1565.^^ 

In  its  findings  about  the  rights  of  the  Crown  of  Cas- 
tile in  Florida,  the  Council  relied  heavily  upon  the  donation 
of  Pope  Alexander  VI,  and  enclosed  a  copy  of  the  original 
Bull.   As  vicar  of  Christ,  the  Pope  had  chosen  Ferdinand 
and  Isabella  to  carry  the  faith  to  all  infidels  within  a 
certain  sphere  of  control.   Since  Florida  was  located  within 
the  limits  established  by  the  papal  decree,  no  man  could 
exploit  or  even  visit  the  land  without  particular  license 
from  the  rulers  of  Castile  and  Leon. 

Next,  the  Covincil  offered  evidence  that  the  rights 
granted  to  the  Reyes  Catolicos  had  been  validated  in  and 
for  Florida  by  the  recorded  actions  of  a  long  series  of 
explorers  and  conquerors.   The  time  allowed  to  prepare  the 
memoremdum  for  the  king  had  been  altogether  too  short  to 
permit  the  Council  to  locate  proof  of  all  these  explorations, 
but  reference  was  made  to  two  specific  instances.   First 
W21S  the  voyage  of  Guido  de  Labazaris  in  1558;  the  second. 


the  1561  expedition  of  Angel  de  Villafeine.   The  Xing*s 
advisers  attached  sworn  statements  of  the  formal  acts  of 
possession-taking,  that  essential  step  in  the  esteiblishment 
of  dynastic  claim  to  the  land.     In  its  haste  to  render  its 
opinion  to  the  king,  the  Council  made  some  glsuring  geo- 
graphic errors.   It  stated  that  the  new  French  fort  was 
built  in  the  ssune  place  formally  appropriated  for  the  Crown 
by  both  Lcibazaris  and  Villafeine.   As  a  matter  of  fact. 
Fort  Caroline  was  nowhere  near  the  Bahia  Phillipina  which 
Labazaris  had  discovered  on  the  Gulf  coast  nor  the  Ssmta 
Elena  area,  where  Villafane  had  landed.   In  amy  event,  the 
Council  of  the  Indies  determined  that  Philip's  claim  to 
Florida  was  perfectly  clear  and  valid.   The  councillors 
warned  the  King  that  the  French  fort  presented  a  continual 
threat  to  the  safe  passage  of  Spanish  ships  through  the 
Bahama  Chcinnel.   On  the  cover  sheet  of  the  document,  a 
note  traced  in  Philip's  hand  indicates  his  approval  of  its 
deliberations.   The  docxnnent  illustrates  the  advemcing 
priority  of  Florida  as  a  strategic  concern  cuid  demonstrates 
a  vital  stage  in  Philip's  step-by-step  escalation  of  his 
sxipport  for  the  Florida  enterprise.   The  proof -of -title 
parecer  was  the  first  of  a  regular  flurry  of  letters,  dis- 
patches and  consultas  in  which  the  new  policies  were  de- 
veloped cuid  implemented. 

As  a  result  of  the  Council's  report,  another,  higher 
level  of  royal  support  for  Florida's  conquest  was  approved. 


Now  direct  aid  was  to  come,  in  the  form  of  troops  and  muni- 
tions, to  Menendez;  five  hundred  men  would  be  raised  in 
Spain,  to  be  paid  and  supplied  at  royal  esqpense.  An  increase 
in  the  level  of  aid  to  be  furnished  in  the  Indies  was  also 
agreed  upon.   Letters  to  this  effect  went  out  to  the  Casa  de 
Contrataci6n,  to  the  fleet  General  readying  for  departure 
in  Cidiz,  to  Pedro  Men&idez,  and   to  officials  in  the  Indies. 

On  the  same  day  on  which  the  Council  of  the  Indies  had 
furnished  the  king  with  proof  of  his  title  to  Florida,  its 
secretaury  Erase  wrote  Pedro  Men^ndez,  enclosing  a  royal  order 
that  the  Ada 1 ant ado  should  raise  two  hundred  more  armed  men , 
to  be  caurried  with  him  on  his  voyage  at  Crown  expense. 
Eraso  told  Men&idez  further  that  the  king  had  written  the 
royal  officials  in  Seville,  formally  ordering  them  to  provide 
the  funds  for  the  pay  and  provision  of  those  men.   In  keeping 
with  its  function  as  royal  factor  in  the  equipping  of  sea- 
going expeditions,  the  Casa  was  to  gather  supplies,  take 
muster  of  the  men,  and  provide  a  ship  for  their  passage  to 
Florida.   Men&adez,  who  had  left  for  Andalucia,  did  not 
receive  these  orders  until  May  12. 

In  the  face  of  the  threat  from  Fort  Caroline,  the 
Crown  communicated  again  with  the  Casa  de  Contratacitfn  on 
May  6  with  regard  to  the  defenses  of  Havana.   The  new 
royal  governor  there,  Garcia  de  Osorio  Sandoval,  had  com- 
plained to  Philip  that  there  were  only  four  pieces  of  ar- 
tillery in  Havana,  very  few  arquebuses,  and  scanty  supplies 


of  gxinpowder.   The  king  ordered  that  the  necessary  artillery 

and  niinitions  be  sent  at  once.    A  third  letter  to  Seville 

informed  the  Casa  that  the  king  had  agreed  to  xinderwrite  the 
cost  of  the  artillery  amd  munitions  needed  to  batter  dovm 
the  walls  of  the  French  fort  in  Florida.  If,  the  Council 
of  the  Indies  noted,  Men^ndez  had  not  obtained  enough  ar- 
tillery for  this  purpose,  it  should  be  furnished  at  royal 
expense  by  the  Casa. 

The  King  sent  a  notice  on  the  ninth  of  May  to  Pedro 
de  las  Ruelas,  general  of  the  New  Spain  fleet  being  out- 
fitted for  its  journey,  and  ordered  him  to  sail  to  Cape  Sein 
Antonio  at  the  western  tip  of  Cuba,  and  detach  his  Capitana. 
That  vessel  would  then  sail  with  two  hundred  armed  men  to 
Havcma  to  await  Menindez'  orders.   The  Adelantado  could  use 
the  ship  and  its  men  in  Florida,  but  was  required  to  return 

it  in  time  for  it  to  rejoin  the  fleet  for  the  return  voyage 

to  Spain. 

Next,  the  Audiencia  of  Santo  Domingo  was  asked  to 
increase  the  force  being  readied  for  Florida  from  two  hundred 
to  three  hundred  men  because,  said  the  King,  "We  hold  it  to 
be  a  very  important  thing  to  defeat  those  Frenchmen  and  expel 
them  from  the  province  of  Florida." 

Although  the  Crown  and  Council  had  ordered  measures  to 
enlarge  the  Florida  effort,  their  deliberations  were  ham- 
pered by  a  lack  of  clear  intelligence  about  the  size  and 
strength  of  the  French  reinforcement.  Men^ndez  had  told 


them  of  the  rumor  that  the  force  was  leurge,  with  sixteen 
ships  and  up  to  two  thous2md  men.  Two  Spanish  seamen, 
testifying  in  Seville,  reported  that  they  had  seen  three 
ships  being  prepared  for  Florida  in  LaHavre  on  April  16. 
Don  Francis  de  Alava  had  doubted  that  any  such  Florida  ex- 
pedition existed.   The  situation  was  further  complicated 
by  the  King's  expressed  hope  that  French  knowledge  of  Menen- 
dez*  prepaurations  might  frighten  the  French  into  abandoning 
their  reinforcement  attempt  entirely.   The  King's  counsellors 
were  in  a  qucindary.   On  the  one  hcuid,  if  rumors  were  true, 
it  might  become  necessary  to  increase  the  Spanish  force 
substantially,  both  with  ships  cind  with  men,  for  it  was 
essential  to  match  Menendez'  effort  adequately  against 
the  French.   At  the  same  time,  the  Council  did  not  wish  to 
delay  the  Adelantado's  depcirture  even  one  day.   The  tension 
generated  between  the  need  to  furnish  enough  strength  for 
the  sure  ouster  of  the  French  and  the  desire  to  reach 
Florida  before  the  enemy  reinforcements  arrived  formed  the 
atmosphere  of  urgency  in  which  the  Menendez  expedition  was 

Nhen  he  arrived  at  Seville  on  May  12,  Pedro  Menendez 
found  awaiting  him  the  royal  order  to  raise  two  hundred 
royal  soldiers  for  Florida;  he  immediately  sent  out  captains 
to  begin  the  task.   Meanwhile,  the  officials  of  the  Casa 
de  Contratacion  began  to  accumulate  supplies  and  equipment 
for  the  royal  troops.    All  was  not  going  smoothly  for  the 


Interests  of  the  Adelantado  in  Seville,  however.   The  long- 
standing differences  between  Menendez  and  the  merchants  had 
never  ended,  emd  soon  appeared  that  opposition  to  his  ship- 
privilege  for  San  Pelayo  had  arisen  among  them.  The  entry 
of  such  a  large  vessel  into  the  closely  controlled  Tierra 
Firme  trade  was  cm  \inwelcome  intrusion  in  the  eyes  of  the 
Seville  monopolists.   After  the  Prior  and  Consuls  who 
represented  the  merchants*  guild  carried  their  discontent 
to  the  officials  of  the  Casa  de  Contratacion.  the  Adelantado 
claimed  that  he  experienced  many  obstructions  and  delays. 
In  spite  of  royal  licenses,  the  Casa  officials  could  find 
many  ways  to  hold  up  the  measurement,  loading  emd  inspection 
of  a  ship,  and  Menendez  claimed  that  such  delays  made  it 
impossible  to  load  the  goods  from  Seville  aboard  San  Pelayo. 
He  further  alleged  that  this  badly  damaged  his  credit  at  a 
critical  time,  and  made  it  difficult  to  raise  the  bond  needed 
to  collect  the  15,000  ducats  promised  in  the  asiento.   To 
compound  his  financial  woes,  Menendez  had  not  been  paid  one 
ducat  of  the  20,000  he  claimed  for  the  1563  ship-charter. 

The  king's  officials  in  Seville  were  in  a  dilemma,  for 
their  old  adversary  and  former  prisoner  had  returned,  armed 
with  a  royal  asiento  and  Crown-guaranteed  privileges  in  the 
Carrera  de  Indias.  As  if  this  were  not  enough,  the  nature 
of  the  Florida  expedition  had  changed  rapidly  since  the 
coming  of  the  news  of  Laudonniere's  fort.  Now  the  Casa  was 
thrust  into  the  position  of  Crown  agent  in  helping  Pedro 


Menendez  with  royal  funds,  while  anxious  Royal  dispatches 
urged  them  to  meet  his  needs  and  speed  his  departure ,' to 
close  his  long-pending  cstses  and  settle  the  matter  of  his 
inability  to  make  satisfactory  bond.   For  his  part,  Pedro 
Menendez  was  not  likely  to  lose  the  opportunities  inherent 
in  such  a  situation;  he  had  not  forgotten  the  long  months 
of  confinement  in  the  Torre  del  Pro,   In  a  mood  of  thinly 
veiled  conflict,  negotiations  begem  between  Menendez  amd  the 
Casa  de  Contratacion  over  the  use  of  San  Pelayo  to  carry 
the  King's  troops  and  their  supplies. 

From  the  moment  when  the  decision  was  tadcen  to  furnish 
Crown  soldiers  to  accompany  Menendez'  own  men,  the  major 
difficulty  had  been  that  of  finding  space  for  the  men,  their 
arms  and   supplies.   The  Adelantado  naturally  preferred  not 
to  interrupt  his  plans  to  send  San  Pelayo  on  a  profitable 
voyage,  but  the  Council  of  the  Indies  finally  determined 
to  lease  the  galeass  to  carry  the  men  and  goods.   Their 

alternative  was  to  embargo  emother  ship  for  the  purpose, 

and  that  cost  might  be  s\ibstantially  more.    San  Pelayo 

was  already  required  to  make  the  Florida  journey,  and  it 

would  be  xinder  the  direct  command  of  the  Adelantado.   In 

itself,  this  would  make  for  tighter  military  control  in  the 

event  of  action  against  the  enemy.   Another,  perhaps  unmen- 

tioned,  pressure  impelling  the  leasing  of  San  Pelayo  was 

the  obvious  preference  of  the  Seville  merchants  that  Menendez' 

ship  go  to  Florida  instead  of  to  Nombre  de  Dios. 


There  was  room  for  ^u:gument  in  setting  the  compensation 
which  Menendez  would  receive  for  the  use  of  his  ship.  Al- 
though the  per- ton  lease  charge  was  fixed  at  seven  reales  per 
month,  there  were  other  expenses  for  which  Menendez  could 
seek  Crown  payment,  including  the  sums  he  had  spent  in  out- 
fitting San  Pelayo,  reimbursement  for  salaries  and  rations  of 
his  crew  after  the  date  of  taking  for  Crown  service,  and 
recompense  for  his  inability  to  profit  from  the  Panama 
journey.   He  had  amticipated  a  profit  of  12,000  ducats  from 
freight  charges  on  the  outbound  journey  along  and  could  have 
expected  an  immediate  2,400-ducat  advance  from  the  traders 
who  loaded  goods  for  Nombre  de  Dios.   He  might  also  have 
realized  monies  for  passenger  fares  cuid  for  the  sale  of 
goods  carried  for  his  own  account.   It  was  in  Menendez' 
interest  that  he  would  dramatize  cuid  meiximize  his  expendi- 
tures and  losses.   In  a  letter  to  Philip  II  Menendez  claimed, 
for  example,  that  the  goods  loaded  by  C^diz  merchants  had 
been  aboard  San  Pelayo  since  May  first,  but  that  Casa 

interference  had  badly  disturbed  his  commercial  arreinge- 

^   46 

Although  discussions  eibout  placing  the  King's  troops 

in  San  Pelayo  took  place  in  Madrid  and  Seville  prior  to 

May  22,  it  appears  that  this  was  the  date  of  the  formal  order 

to  take  the  ship  for  royal  service.    After  that  date, 

Pedro  Menendez  began  to  argue  seriously  for  repayment  of 

funds  he  said  he  had  expended  in  carpentry  work,  caulking. 


and  strengthening  his  ship  to  carry  heavier  artillery.  He 
also  maintained  that  he  should  be  paid  the  salary  and 
rations  of  his  eighty  seamen,  twenty  ship's  boys,  and  ten 
pages  retroactive  to  April  first,  9,000  ducats  altogether. 
Since  the  Casa  treasurer,  factor,  and  accountant  only 
offered  4,000  ducats,  the  parties  were  still  far  apart  in 
their  negotiations. 

The  Adelantado  was,  moreover,  discouraged  over  the  slow 
progress  of  the  settlement  of  the  sums  due  him  from  the  1563 
ship-lease,  and  on  May  22  he  wrote  the  king  that  virtually 
nothing  had  been  accomplished.   Menendez  acknowledged  that 
the  officials  of  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  were  heavily 
occupied  with  the  dispatch  of  the  New  Spain  fleet,  and  one 
of  them  had  been  very  ill.   He  also  admitted  that  he  had 
lost  or  misland  certain  receipts  amd  other  supporting 
papers  vital  to  his  case.   But,  since  he  was  so  finan- 
cially pressed,  Menendez  demanded  at  least  seven  or  eight 

thousand  ducats  on  account  so  that  he  could  get  on  with  the 

business  of  readying  the  Florida  expedition. 

The  Seville  officials  had  also  received  a  list  from 

Menendez,  in  which  he  estimated  the  additional  artillery 

and  munitions  needed  for  his  assault  on  the  French  fort  in 

Florida.   The  material  which  Menendez  requested,  which 

included  100  hundredweight  of  gunpowder,  would  cost  2,500 

ducats.   In  addition,  the  Casa  had  to  find  the  funds  to  pay 

and  supply  the  king's  soldiers,  which  it  estimated  at  another 


seven  or  eight  thousamd  ducats.  Neither  the  New  Spain  nor 
Tierra  Finne  fleets  had  yet  come  into  port,  and  the  Royal 
coffers  in  Seville  were  still  empty  of  Indies  revenues,  but 
it  was  possible  to  borrow  from  vaurious  trust  funds.   Some 
averfa  money  had  also  begxin  to  come  in  as  outbound  ships 
loaded  for  their  journeys.   Silver  from  the  Guadalcamal 
mines  had  also  arrived  in  Seville.   In  spite  of  financial 
scarcities,  imperative  commands  from  Madrid  directed  the 
settlement  of  all  matters  with  Men^ndez,  and  authorized  the 

release  of  four  thousand  pounds  of  gunpowder  to  the  Ade- 


1 ant ado.    The  Crown  also  requested  that  the  three  French 

prisoners  sent  by  Governor  Mazariegas  be  tximed  over  to 
Pedro  Menendez,  so  that  he  might  use  their  knowledge  on  his 

After  a  brief  journey  to  Cadiz,  Menendez  reappeared  in 
Seville  on  May  26  amd  offered  two  bondsmen  for  the  Casa's 
consideration,  so  that  he  could  receive  the  15,000  ducats. 
Since  it  did  not  appear  that  the  bondsmen  could  actually 
stcmd  good  for  such  a  sum,  they  were  not  accepted,  Menendez 
then  pleaded  that  the  cash  was  vital  to  his  preparation,  and 
offered  to  accept  a  lesser  sum,  6,000  ducats.   The  money  was 
paid  to  him  the  next  day,  and  was  tcJcen  from  the  Guadalceinal 
silver. 5° 

The  circular  nature  of  the  money  disputes  in  Seville  is 
illustrated  by  Menendez'  dilemma  over  the  ordering  of  supplies 
and  mtinitions  forhis  own  account  for  the  Florida  enterprise. 
Lacking  cash,  he  could  order  the  goods,  but  delivery  would 


not  be  forthcoming  until  payment  was  made.   Thus,  Men^ndez 
complained »  he  could  not  con5)lete  his  lading  until  the  monies 
due  to  him  from  the  Crown  were  paid,  which  made  it  impossible 
to  meet  the. sailing  deadline  of  May  31.  Yet  the  royal  merced 
was  payable  on  a  contingency  basis — provided  the  expedition 
sailed  by  the  end  of  May.   Clearly,  the  deadlock  would  have 
to  be  resolved  if  Menendez  were  to  depart  soon. 

On  the  twenty-eighth  of  May,  both  parties  to  the  nego- 
tiations over  Menendez*  accounts  outlined  their  respective 
positions  in  letter  to  Philip  II.   The  Royal  Officials  of 
the  Casa  advised  the  king  that  they  were  still  working  on 
the  Adelantado's  claims.   They  noted  that  this  task  was 
rendered  much  more  difficult  by  the  fact  that  Menendez  could 
not  produce  the  documents  of  proof  of  his  expenditures;  thus 
it  was  necessary  to  take  lengthy  testimony  and  produce  sworn 
statements  in  lieu  of  receipts  and  invoices.   The  Casa  finally 
pedd  Pedro  Menendez  3,000  ducats  on  account,  while  the  work 
continued.   For  his  part,  Menendez  flatly  told  the  king  that 
he  just  could  not  undertake  the  Florida  journey  until  he 
was  completely  paid. 

During  the  negotiations  in  Seville,  essential  informa- 
tion about  the  nature  of  the  French  reinforcement  forces 
finally  reached  Philip's  court.   Ambassador  Alava,  who  had 
come  to  Bayonne  to  make  final  preparations  for  the  meetings 
between  the  two  royal  families,  was  contacted  there  by  his 
spy.  Dr.  Enveja.   The  information  the  man  gave  was  so 


startling  and  gave  such  a  con^lete  pictiire  of  the  French 
preparations  in  Normandy  that  Alava  sent  Enveja  to  Spain 
on  May  27  to  report  to  the  King. 

Philip  II  heaurd  the  spy's  story  on  June  2  and  had  it 
written  down  the  next  day.   There  was  every  reason  for  the 
King  to  praise  the  thorough  eind  perceptive  report  which 
Dr.  Enveja  had  made,  for  it  provided  excellent  intelligence 
about  the  enemy's  plans  cuid  dispositions.  The  account, 
moreover,  holds  much  of  interest  for  the  historian — it 
affords  a  contemporary  description  of  Ribault's  second 

When  he  had  eurrived  in  Dieppe  on  May  17,  Dr.  Enveja  had 
foiind  seven  ships  in  harbor,  in  am  advanced  stage  of 
preparation  for  the  Florida  journey.  They  were  already 
almost  fully  loaded  and  mauiy  military  contingents  were 
aboaurd.  Only  Jean  Ribault's  insistence  upon  clear  under- 
standing of  his  lines  of  authority,  which  had  compelled  him 
to  await  instruction  from  Admiral  Coligny,  had  delayed  the 
departure  of  the  fleet. 

Ribault's  flagship.  Trinity,  was  much  smaller  than  Sam 
Pelayo  at  150  to  160  tons,  but  was  also  rigged  amd  equipped 
as  a  galeass.   Two  of  the  other  vessels  were  of  a  similar 
size,  while  the  fourth  was  only  slightly  smaller.   These 
three  ships  were  probably  Emerillon,  Epaule  de  Mouton,  amd 
Truite.   The  three  remaining  vessels  were  rather  small — of 
from  sixty  to  seventy  tons'  burden;  these  must  have  been 


Perle,  Levri^re,  and  another  named  Emerillon.   Since  the 
ships  were  outfitted  in  LeHavre  and  Dieppe,  their  officers 
and  crews  were  almost  all  Norman  seamen.  The  five  hundred 
soldiers  who  had  joined  the  expedition  came  from  more 
Vcuried  backgroxinds ;  two  hundred  were  of  noble  origin,  and 
seven  were  German  noblemen.  From  a  militcury  stemdpoint, 
the  soldiers  impressed  Alava's  investigator  as  well  set-up 
troops.   Touches  of  color  were  added  to  their  dress  by  their 
shining  helmets,  fine  wool  tunics  and  long,  multi-hued 
breeches  "in  the  Levantine  style."  Almost  all  of  the  land 
forces,  under  the  command  of  Captain  Fran9ois  de  la  Grange, 
were  equipped  with  arquebuses.   The  ships  were  alleged  to 
carry  two  hundred  dismounted  cannon  to  use  in  land  fortifi- 
cations, with  ample  powder  eind  shot. 

The  purpose  of  the  French  expedition  appeared  to  be  the 
nirror-image  of  that  being  prepared  by  the  Spanish.   The 
spy  stated  that  the  Huguenots  planned  an  enterprise  of 
thorough-going  conquest,  population  and  improvement  of  the 
land.   As  evidence  of  this,  Enveja  reported  that  one  of  the 
seven  ships  had  been  converted  into  a  veritable  Noah's  Ark — 
it  carried  horses  and  mares,  rams  amd  sheep,  bulls  and  cows 
and  even  asses  for  the  Florida  colony.   A  number  of  wives 
and  children  had  been  embarked  for  the  voyage.   What  most 
alarmed  the  Spanish  was  the  Huguenots '  avowed  aim  of 
evangelizing  with  the  "Lutheran"  religion;  seven  or  eight 
ministers  of  the  new,  heretical  faith  were  carried  for  that 
very  purpose. 


With  regeurd  to  the  quality  of  French  leadership »  Dr. 
Enveja  did  not  rely  upon  second-hand  information.   He  sought 
and  obtained  an  interview  with  Jean  Ribault  himself,  and 
ceurried  away  vivid  impressions  of  the  Huguenot  chief. 
Ribault  projected  the  image  of  a  man  of  competence  and 
vigor,  combined  with  deterxaination  and  high  temper.   In 
these  qualities,  as  well  as  in  his  ruddy  complexion  and 
reddish  h2Lir,  Ribault  strangely  resembled  his  future  an- 
tagonist, Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s.   The  two  men  were, 
moreover,  of  equivalent  age  and  had  both  sprung  from  maritime 
cultures  of  great  vitality.  The  accidents  of  history  had 
brought  these  into  conflict  in  which  both  men  also  professed 
contending  religions. 

Like  Menendez,  Ribault  had  been  given  some  degree  of 

control  over  the  terrain  of  Florida.    It  is  interesting 

to  speculate  upon  the  extent  of  French  royal  involvement 

in  Ribault* s  effort;  indeed,  it  is  a  vital  historical 

question.  Enveja's  report  contributes  to  our  knowledge  of 

this  matter  through  his  statement  about  the  position  of 

Admiral  Coligny  as  arbiter  of  Ribault 's  authority  as  well 

as  his  assertion  that  Charles  IX  had  pledged  100,000  francs 

to  the  expedition.  This  evidence  seemed  to  convince  Philip 

II  that  the  French  Crown  was  deeply  involved  and  committed 

to  the  Florida  adventure,  for  he  was  moved  to  "amazement" 

at  the  revelations.   In  a  letter  to  his  ambassador  in 

France,  Philip  II  e^ressed  open  shock  at  such  an   action 


by  the  French  rulers  at  a  time  when  both  Crowns  were  for- 
mally at  peace.  To  Philip,  this  constituted  open  aggression 
against  a  Spanish  province.  The  Spemish  King  made  a  care- 
ful distinction  between  past  Spanish  actions  against  un- 
authorized corsairs  emd  what  should  be  done  in  a  case  like 
this,  cind  urgently  required  his  iimbassador  to  determine 
immediately  if  Ribault's  fleet  had  already  sailed.   If  it 
had  not,  he  commanded  his  envoy  to  lay  the  matter  directly 
before  Cheirles  IX  and  the  Queen  Mother  in  Paris,  making 
formal  protest  and  asking  officially  that  the  expedition  be 
halted  at  once.   The  King  made  his  next  order  abundantly 
clear:   if  Alava  fovmd  that  Jecin  Ribault  was  already  gone 
beyond  recall,  he  should  say  "not  one  word"  to  the  French 
rulers  about  it,  but  leave  the  matter  to  be  discussed  at 
Bayonne  when  the  two  courts  met  there.   On  the  same  day, 
Philip  II  wrote  to  Catherine  and  Charles,  noted  that  he  was 
sending  the  Duke  of  Alba  as  his  representative  at  Bayonne, 
and  declared  that  he  was  already  rejoicing  at  the  pleasure 
they  would  all  have,  when  Iseibel  was  in  their  midst. 

The  revelations  of  Dr.  Enveja  provided  the  final 
spur  to  the  anxieties  of  the  Spanish  King  and  his  Council, 
and  they  redoxibled  the  pressure  upon  those  in  Andalusia  and 
the  Indies  who  were  prepciring  the  forces  for  Florida.   An 
order  to  the  Santo  Domingo  Audiencia  advised  that  Pedro 
Henendez  was  about  to  leave;  if  the  troops,  ship  amd  supplies 
were  not  yet  ready,  they  should  be  provided  for  immediately. 


A  notice  was  sent  to  Menendez,  telling  him  of  the  strength 
of  the  Huguenot  forces,  cmd  pointing  out  to  him  that  the 
Frenchmen  vere  about  to  setil.   If  Ribault  reached  Florida 
before  he  did  with  the  fine  troops  seen  in  Dieppe,  and 
mounted  heavy  ceumon  upon  the  raunpaurts  of  Fort  Caroline, 
Menende2^  mission  might  be  in^ossible.   The  Adelcintado  must 
speed  up  his  depeirture;  he  had  already  passed  the  date 
fixed  in  fee  asiento.   Now,  he  was  told,  he  might  raise  as 
many  troops  as  he  could  load  aboard  his  ships  in  addition 
to  those  already  gathered;  the  Crown  would  pay  for  them. 
To  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  went  another  letter,  urging 
immediate  payment  of  the  balance  of  the  15,000  ducats  to 
Menendez,  bond  or  no,  deadline  notwithstanding.  As  the 
outfitting  of  the  Florida  expedition  in  C^diz  cmd  Seville 
entered  its  last,  most  frenetic  stages,  the  feverish  pace 
imposed  by  the  court  seemed  to  add  another  dimension  to 
the  fierce  and  glaring  heat  of  the  Andalusian  summer. 


1.  The  material  which  follows  is  taken  from  the 
"Information  of  Governor  Bias  de  Merlo,"  taken  at  La  Vega, 
Jamaica,  on  March  6,  1565,  and  found  in  A.G.I.  Justicia 
212.   The  "Information"  is  a  fifty-one  folio  narrative  of 
events  in  all  the  French  expeditions  to  Florida,  taken  from 
the  prisoners  captured  in  Jamaica  by  Merlo  on  January  25, 
1565,  together  with  testimonies  by  Spanish  eye-witnesses 

to  the  corsairing  activities  of  the  French.   Merlo  had  the 
document  copied  at  Bayamo,  Cuba,  and  sworn  to  before  the 
alcalde  ordinario  there  on  May  13,  1566.   That  copy  eventu- 
ally found  its  way  into  the  papers  relating  to  the  French 
prisoners  in  A.G.I.  Justicia  212. 

2.  On  October  2,  1565,  the  Council  of  the  Indies  ad- 
vised the  King  of  the  French  raids  on  Semto  Domingo;  in 
July,  word  had  come  to  the  Council  from  that  Audiencia  about 
Nunez'  death.   The  correspondence  is  found  in  A.G.I.  In- 
diferente  General  1,218.   Another  account  of  the  capture  of 
the  ship  off  Cape  Tiburon  is  the  "Deposition  of  Francisco 
Ruiz  Manso,"  which  has  been  translated  and  printed  in  Charles 
Bennett,  Laudonniere  and  Fort  Caroline  (Gainesville:   Uni- 
versity of  Florida  Press,  1964),  pp.  103-106. 

3.  Jamaica  was  well-known  in  the  Indies  for  its  pro- 
duction of  beef  and  cassava.   A  comprehensive  description 
of  Jamaica  as  a  sixteenth-century  center  for  the  export  of 
cassava  is  found  in  Francisco  Morales  Padron,  Jamaica 
espemola  (Seville:   Escuela  de  Estudios  Hispano-Americanos, 
1952),  pp.  282-284. 

4.  The  prisoner  interrogation  is  found  in  A.G.I. 
Patronato  267,  No.  1,  ramo  37.   The  names  of  the  men  (as 
given  by  the  Spanish)  were  Alberto  Melenes,  Francisco  Juan, 
Miguel  Cobin,  Juanes  de  Sigaray,  and  Martin  Joaber.   One 
of  them,  JocLber,  testified  that  he  had  been  a  part  of  the 
1562  Ribault  expedition,  had  returned  to  France  and  had 
left  Le  Havre  with  Laudonniere  in  April  of  1564.   Another 
deposition,  made  on  February  28,  1565,  was  given  by  one 
Stefcm  de  Rojomonte,  who  had  been  with  the  corsairs  on  the 
Hispcuiiola  coast.   Although  the  folder  is  marked  "Cuba"  emd 
presumably  had  been  taken  there,  Rojomonte  was  evidently 
captured  at  Cagay  and  had  no  knowledge  of  the  eleven  French- 
men tadcen  at  Arcos.   His  testimony  is  found  in  A.G.I. 
Patronato  19,  No.  1,  ramo  14,  and  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente 
General  2,081. 



5.  Rene  de  Laudonni^re  advises  that  the  ringleaders 
of  the  corsairing  expedition — Desfourneaux,  LaCroix  and  De 
Genes — got  away  safely  from  Jeunaica  in  the  vessel  which 
escaped;  from  Laudonnifere's  "L'Histoire  Noteible,"  in 
Lussagnet,  Les  Fran9ais  en  Florida,  op.  cit.,  p.  126.   On 
the  other  hand.  Governor  Merlo  states  that  he  had  captured 
the  French  captain  in  charge. 

6.  The  officials  of  the  Casa  advised  the  King  of  the 
vessel's  arrival  in  Casa  to  Crown,  A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,167, 
Book  III. 

7.  The  final  sentences  are  found  in  A.G.I.  Justicia 
865  and  Justicia  872,  No.  1,  respectively.   The  settlement 
of  the  main  case  with  the  Casa  described  in  A.§.I,  Justicia 
865  is  at  variance  with  its  description  by  Solis  de  Meras 
in  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s,  pp.  67-68. 

8.  The  memorial,  from  A.G.I.  Patronato  19,  has  been 
reprinted  in  Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  320-326.   It  bears  no 
date,  but  internal  evidence  indicates  that  it  can  hardly 
have  been  written  before  February  1,  1565,  and  must  have  been 
presented  before  negotiations  began  on  the  asiento  signed  by 
Menendez  on  the  following  March  15. 

9.  See  supra,  57.   Menendez  had  spoken  in  May,  1564, 
at  Seville,  to  sailors  returning  from  the  Canary  Islands. 
His  story  added  little  to  the  version  sent  from  Santo 
Domingo . 

10.  There  is  an  excellent  appreciation  of  the  geographi- 
cal concepts  of  Pedro  Menendez,  as  well  as  some  discussion 

of  earlier  hopes  of  the  western  passage  in  L.  A.  Vigneras, 
"A  Spanish  Discovery  of  North  Carolina  in  1566,"  North 
Carolina  Historical  Review,  XLVI,  No.  4  (October,  1969), 

11.  See  supra, 48.  49.  Rojomonte's  deposition,  which  ad- 
vised that  Juan  Menendez*  ships  had  been  lost  near  Cape 
Canaveral,  could  not  yet  have  reached  Spain  to  raise  Menen- 
dez' hopes. 

12.  See  Appendix  I,  "Agreement  between  Dr.  Vazquez  of 
the  Council  in  the  name  of  the  King,  with  Pedro  Menlndez 
de  Aviles. " 

13.  Hernando  Cortes  described  the  richness  of  his 
dominions,  his  23,000  vassals,  and  his  struggle  to  maintain 
political  power  as  over  against  the  municipalities  in  his 
land-grant  in  a  letter  to  Francisco  Nunez,  his  attorney  in 
Spain,  dated  June  25,  1532.   The  letter  is  reproduced  in  a 
work  by  Jorge  Fernando  Iturribarria  entitled  Oaxaca  en  la 


historla  (Mexico  City:   Editorial  Stylo,  1955),  pp.  64-65. 
An  excellent  discourse  on  the  commercial  side  of  Cortes' 
affairs  was  written  by  France  V.  Scholes  in  "The  Spanish 
Conqueror  as  a  Business  Man;  A  Chapter  in  the  History  of 
Fernando  Cortes,"  New  Mexico  Quarterly,  XXVIII,  No.  1 
(Spring,  1958),  6-29. 

14.  See  supra,  42-43;"  footnote  13,  Chapter  II. 

15.  See  Prior  and  Consuls  to  the  Crown,  Seville, 
April  13,  1565,  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,093. 

16.  Casa  to  Crown,  Seville,  December  8,  1564,  A.G.I. 
Contratacion  5,167,  Book  III,  and  Ordinances  of  the  Fleets, 
March  6,  1565,  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,966. 

17.  Casa  to  Crown,  Seville,  April  8,  1565,  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  1,093. 

18.  The  1565  Florida  asiento  can  be  found  in  many  places 
in  the  Archive  of  the  Indies .   A  signed  copy  of  the  March 

15  agreement  is  in  Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  3;  it  has 
been  reproduced  for  the  Stetson  Collection.   A^signed^copy 
of  the  March  20  contract  was  found  in  Escribania  de  Camara 
1,024-A.   Entire  copies  are  located  in  Patronato  19,  No.  1, 
ramo  15;  Contratacion  3,309,  1**;  Justicia  918,  No.  3; 
Indiferente  General  415  and  in  Indiferente  General  2,673. 
A  copy  is  in  the  Archivo  del  Co'nde  Revillagigedo  (Madrid)  , 
legajo  2*,  No.  5;  positive  microfilm  of  this,  obtained 
through  the  kindness  of  Father  Michael  Gannon,  is  in  the 
P.  K.  Yonge  Memorial  Library  of  Florida  History,  University 
of  Florida.   The  asiento  of  March  20  has  been  printed  in 
Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  415-427,  and  in  D.I. ,  2nd  series, 
XXIII,  242-258.   As  they  were  needed  to  support  the  claims 
of  Pedro  Menendez  or  his  followers  for  certain  privileges 
emd  exemptions,  sections  of  the  asiento  were  put  piece- 
meal into  various  records  in  Spain  and  in  the  Indies.   The 
agreement  is  summarized  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941,  fol.  4; 
this  is  available  on  negative  microfilm  at  the  P.  K.  Yonge 
Library  of  Florida  History.   The  contract  was  dissected 
minutely  by  the  Contadores  Mayores  in  the  audit  they  under- 
took for  the  1567  legal  case  over  the  asiento,  in  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A.   The  March  15,  1565  agreement 
is  translated  amd  reproduced  herein  as  Appendix  I. 

19.  With  certain  reservations  cibout  the  application  of 
the  terms  "fief"  and  "feudal"  to  sixteenth-century  Castile, 
the  writer  has  accepted  the  model  of  the  "decentralized 
patrimonial  state"  as  applicable  to  the  European  and 
Indies  kingdoms  of  the  Hapsburg  ruler  Philip  II.   This 
conceptualization  is  set  forth  by  Max  Weber  in  The  Theory  of 
Social  and  Economic  Organization,  translated  by  A.  M. 
Henderson  and  Talcott  Parsons  (New  York:   Free  Press,  1947), 
and  especially  found  on  pp.  346-358. 


20.  See  supra »  4-7,  for  a  general  discussion  of  the 
privileges  and  oblxgations  in  the  asientos  of  adelantados. 

21.  See  supra y  58  ,  for  the  earlier  voyage  of  San 
Pelayo,   Although  the  asiento  recites  merely  that  she  was 
■of  more  than  600  tonS/"  San  Pelayo  was  far  greater  in  size 
than  600  tons.   Just  before  her  Florida  journey,  she  was 
measured  officially  at  906  tons'  burden;  see  the  audit  of 
the  Contadores  Mayores,  1567,  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara 

22.  In  the  "Ordenanzas , "  D.I. ,   VIII,  provisions  are 
made  as  follows:   encomienda.  No.  LVIII,  505;  and  No.  CXLIX, 
536;  repartimiento.  No.  LXI,  506,  and  No.  CXLV,  535;  with 
regard  to  tribute,  see  No.  CXLVI,  535-536. 

23.  In  a  cedula  of  March  22,  1565,  sent  from  Madrid, 
the  King  promised  Menendez  a  letter  granting  the  privilege  in 
the  land,  and  advising  again  that  the  title  of  Marquis  would 
be  forthcoming  if  the  expedition  were  successful.   Perpetual 
jurisdiction  within  the  land-grant  was  not  to  be  given, 
however,  nor  were  any  mineral  rights  in  the  land;  these  were 
reserved  to  the  King.   Compare  the  powers  given  to  the 
Columbus  family  in  Jamaica.   These  are  discussed  at  length 

in  Morales  Padron,  Jamaica  espanola,  125  et  seq.   The  March 
22  cedula  is  also  found  in  A.C.R. ,  legajo  2,  No.  4,  and  may 
be  seen  on  microfilm  at  the  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida 
History.   Expectations  of  a  marquisate  were  formalized  in 
the  "Ordenanzas"  for  all  adelantados;  in  D.I. ,  VIII,  No. 
LXXXV,  512. 

24.  A  comparative  table  of  several  asientos  is  found 
herein  as  ^pendix  II.   The  writer  is  indebted  to  Professor 
Roscoe  R.  Hill  for  his  creative  introduction  to  the  compara- 
tive approach  in  the  study  of  adelantados  in  his  article 
"The  Office  of  Adelantado,"  op.  cit. ,  passim. 

25.  See  ■Lo  que  le  parece  a  Loaysa  se  ha  de  dar  a  Don 
Luis  Colon,  1536,"  in  A.G.I.  Patronato  10,  ramos  2  and  4. 

26.  These  individual  decrees,  all  dated  March  22,  1565, 
were  given  to  Menendez.   They  were  concerned  with  the  reduc- 
tion in  the  guinto,  the  25-league-squared  land  grant,  the  two 
fisheries,  the  6  2/3%  of  royal  profits,  the  title  of  Captain- 
General  of  the  Florida  armada,  the" title  of  Adelantado,  the 
ship-privileges,  the  slave  licenses,  and  the  2,000  ducat 
salary.   These  are  all  found  in  A.C.R. ,  legajo  2;  on  micro- 
film at  the  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History. 

27.  Cro%m  to  Abalia,  Madrid,  March  20,  1565,  A.G.I. 
Justicia  918;  also  in  A.C.R.,  legajo  2,  No.  3-B,  Microfilm, 
P.  K.  Yonge  Libreury  of  Florida  History, 


28.  The  Casa's  letter  is  Casa  to  Crown,  Seville,  March 

26,  1565,  A.G.I.  .Contrataci6n  5,167,  Book  III.   The  prisoner 
interrogation  was  also  enclosed.   Pedro  Menendez  himself  said 
"when  Your  Majesty  contracted  with  me  for  the  conquest  and 
population  of  the  provinces  of  Florida,  it  was  unknown  that 
the  Lutheran  Frenchmen  were  already  in  those  places ; "  this  is 
from  "Menendez  reports  to  the  Crown,  1565  (sic),"  from  M.  S. 
Div, ,  Library  of  Congress,  typescript  tramslation,  1937,  The 
transcript  is  also  in  the  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida 
History.   The  fact  that  Carillo's  vessel  brought  the  news 
for  the  first  time  is  also  found  in  Crown  to  Casa,  August 

27,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,012  (Stetson  Collec- 
tion) . 

29.  Crown  to  Pedro  Men€ndez  de  Avil^s  (two  letters) , 
Madrid,  March  30,  1565,  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

30.  Catherine  de  Medici  to  Philip  II,  Burdeos,  April  1, 
1565,  Archive  Diplomatico  Espanol  (21  v.,  Madrid:   Real 
Academia  de  la  Historia,  1950-)  Thereinafter  A.D.E.), 

Tomo  VII  (1565),  No.  1,019,  205.   It  originally  appeared  in 
Archivo  General  de  Simancas  (hereinafter  A.G.S.),  Estado, 
legajo  K,  1503,  No.  50. 

31.  Philip  II  to  Charles  IX  and  Catherine  de  Medici, 
Madrid,  April  2,  1565,  A.D.E. ,  VII,  No.  1,021,  209.   From 
A.G.S.,  Estado,  legajo  K,  15,03,  No.  51. 

32.  Philip's  messages  of  April  5  to  the  Audiencia  of 
Santo  Domingo  and  to  the  governor  at  Haveina  are  found  in 
A.G.I.  Escribania  de  C^ara  1,024-A.   His  cover  letter  is 
Crown  to  Casa,  Arcmjuez,  April  5,  1565,  A.G.I.  Indiferente 
General  1,966. 

33.  See  Francisco  Duarte  to  Crown,  Seville,  April  8, 
1565,  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,093.   The  King  may  have 
teOcen  these  funds.   At  some  date  prior  to  July,  1565,  he 
had  incurred  an  obligation  of  80,000  ducats  to  Anton  Fugger. 
That  sum,  with  120,000  ducats  availc±)le  in  Seville,  would 
have  totalled  the  200,000  ducats  Philip  was  seeking.   See 
Casa  to  Crown,  Seville,  September  4,  1565,  A.G.I.  Contra- 
taci6n  5,167,  Book  II,  for  the  Fugger  debt. 

34.  The  parecer  of  the  Duke  of  Alba,  April  11,  1565^ 
is  from  A.G.S.,  Estado,  legajo  K,  1503,  No.  57,  and  has  been 
printed  in  A.D.E. ,  VII,  No.  1,028,  235-236.   The  consulta  of 
the  Council  of  the  Indies,  Madrid,  May  12,  1565,  from  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  738,  ramo  7,  No.  74,  maJces  note  of 
Menendez'  report.   ^This  consulta  is  also  found  in  the  Stetson 
Collection.   Alava's  letter  to  Philip  II  was  from  St.  Micon, 
May  7,  1565,  is  from  A.D.E.,  VII,  No.  1,046,  313-314  (A.G.S., 
Estado,  legajo  K,  1503,  No.  77),  and  refers  to  the  report. 
The  emissary  was  identified  in  Alava's  letter  to  Philip  II, 


Bayonne,  May  27,  1565,  from  A.D.E.,  VII,  No,  1,063,  355 
(A.G.S.,  Estado,  legajo  K,  1,503,  No.  93). 

35.  The  May  5,  1565,  docxunent  is  found,  together  with 
supporting  material,  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  738, 
ramo  7,  No.  73-A  (Stetson  Collection) .   It  has  been  cited 
at  length  in  Woodbury  Lowery,  The  Spanish  Settlements  (2  v.. 
Reprinted,  New  Yor)c:   Russell  and  Russell,  1959),  II,  107- 
108,  and  may  be  found  in  D.I.,  IV,  136-140. 

36.  The  act  of  tadcing  formal  posfsession  of  lands  to  be 
claimed  for  the  rulers  of  Castile  provided  the  legal  formality 
which  clearly  established  dynastic  rights  to  the  territories 
thus  taken.   The  manner  in  which  this  was  to  be  done  was 
carefully  circumscribed,  emd  was  dictated  in  "Ordenanzas 
sobre  descubrimiento  nuevo  e  poblacidn,"  D.I. ,  VIII,  No. 
XIII,  490. 

37.  Francisco  Eraso  to  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s, 
Madrid,  May  5,  1565,  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 
Menendez  acknowledged  that  he  received  word  of  the  two  hundred 
troops  he  was  to  raise  when  he  reached  Seville  on  May  12. 

See  Pedro  Menendez  to  Crown,  Seville,  May  18,  1565,  from 
Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  60-66.   The  letter  is  in  the 
Stetson  Collection,  listed  under  the  "old"  legajo  number  of 

38.  Crown  to  Casa,  Valladolid,  May  6,  1565,  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  1,966.   Although  he  had  communicated 
with  the  king  earlier  about  Havana's  defenses,  Osorio  did 
not  take  office  until  September  18,  1565.   See  Garcia  Osorio 
to  Crown,  Haveina,  December  18,  1565,  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo 
115.   The  letter  has  been  printed  in  Irene  Wright,  Historia 
documentada  de  San  Cristobal  de  la  Havana  (Havana:   Imprenta 
el  Siglo  XX,  1927),  I,  202. 

39.  Council  of  the  Indies  to  Casa,  Madrid,  May  7, 
1565,  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  738,  ramo  7,  No.  74-A. 

40.  Crown  to  Pedro  de  Ruelas,  Valladolid,  May  9, 
1565,  I.G.  Indiferente  General  1,966.   The  ship,  named  the 
Santa  Catalina,  had  been  embargoed  in  Cadiz.   For  its  owner's 
lengthy  protest,  and  the  story  of  the  ship's  adventures,  see 
"Ximeno  de  Bretendona  sobre  sueldo,"  A.G.I.  Indiferente 
General  2,673,  bearing  a  date  of  August  8,  1569. 

41.  Crown  to  Audiencia  .of  Santo  Domingo,  Valladolid, 
May  9,  1565,  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

42.  The  dilemma  was  manifested  in  the  consulta  of 
May  12,  1565,  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  738,  ramo  7, 


Ho.  74.   It  is  in  the  Stetson  Collection.  The  seamen 
testified  in  an  infonnacion  taken  before  the  officials 
of  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  in  Seville  on  May  5,  1565,  emd 
found  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  738.   It  is  also  in  the 
Stetson  Collection. 

43.  On  May  20,  authorization  was  given  to  expend 
14,237  ducats  for  this  purpose;   A.G.I.  Contrataci6n 
4,98&-A,  fol.  269. 

44.  Menindez  voices  his  plaint  in  his  letter  to  the 
Crown,  written  at  Seville  on  May  18,  1565,  and  found  in 
the  Stetson  Collection  at  148-4-9.   It  has  also  been 
printed  in  Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  60-66.   At  this  time, 
the  Prior  and  Consuls  of  the  Universidad  de  Mercaderes 

at  Seville  were:   Pero  Lopez  Martinez,  Consul;  Diego  Diaz 
Bezerril,  Consul;  Luis  Sanchez  Balvo,  Prior;  Luis  Marquez, 
Consul;  and  four  Councillers — Francisco  Descobar,  Gonzalo 
Jorge,  Gonzalo  Mustrenco  cind  Rodrigo  de  Illesecas;  see 
listing  as  of  March  22,  1565,  Seville,  in  A.G.I.  Contrata- 
ci6n  4,981. 

45.  The  cost  of  charter,  for  example,  for  the  two 
guarti  ships  carried  to  New  Spain  in  1562  had  been  more  them 
28,000  ducats,  after  all  payments  due  had  been  settled. 
See  Casa  to  Crown,  December  8,  1564,  A.G.I.  Contratacion 
5,16Tr~Boo]c  III. 

46.  According  to  Agustfn  Francisco,  a  German  resident 
in  Seville  who  was  financially  affiliated  with  Menendez, 
the  freight  charge  for  merchandise  from  Cadiz  to  Nombre  de 
Dios  in  1565  was  30  ducats  per  ton.   Menendez  had  noted  that 
he  had  contracted  for  one  hundred  tons  of  goods  with 
merchants  and  shippers  of  Cadiz,  and  three  hundred  with 
Seville  traders.   Francisco's  comments  cibout  the  lading 

of  San  Pelayo  are  found  in  A.P.C. ,  Escribania  de  Alonso 
de  log  Cobos,  n.d. ,  1565.   A  copy  is  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente 
General  2,673. 

47.  On  May  22,  1565,  letters  from  the  officials  of 
the  Casa  de  Contratacion  and  from  Madrid  crossed.   In  these 
dispatches,  the  Casa  proposed  and  the  Crown  ordered  that 
Menendez'  galeass  be  teJcen  for  lease  to  catrry  the  soldiers. 
Coxincil  of  the  Indies  to  Casa,  Madrid,  May  22,  1565,  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  1,966  and  Casa  to  Crown,  Seville,  May 
22,  1565,  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167,  Book  III. 

48.  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s  to  Crown,  Seville,  May 
22,  1565,  at  148-4-9,  Stetson  Collection. 

49.  Council  of  the  Indies  to  Casa,  Madrid,  May  22, 
1565,  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,966. 


50.  The  writer  is  indebted  to  Dr.  Paul  E.  Hoffmem,  who 
furnished  the  citation  of  this  payment  to  the  Adelantado; 

it  is  from  A.G.I.  Contratacion  4,680  (Libro  de  Guadalcanal) , 
fol.  127  vo. 

51.  Casa  to  Crown,  Seville,  May  28,  1565,  A.G.I. 
Contratacl6n  5,167,  Book  III,   Pedro  Men^ndez  to  Crown, 
Seville,  May  28,  1565,  in  Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  66-67. 

52.  Alava  to  Philip  11,  May  27,  1565,  A.D.E.,  VII, 
No.  1,063,  355  (originally  A.G.S.  Estado,  legajo  K,  1,503, 
No.  93). 

53.  This  key  report  has  been  printed  in  full  by  An- 
tonio Tibesar,  ed. ,  in  "A  Spy's  Report  on  the  Expedition  of 
Jean  Ribault  to  Florida,  1565,"  The  Americas,  XI,  No.  4 
(April,  1955),  590-592.   It  comes  originally  from  archives 

of  the  Real  Academia  de  la  Historia  (Madrid,  No,  J-l"-4'-3  .  90^ 
The  new  number  is  9-30-3;  6271.  848 

54.  Dr.  Enveja  states  that  Ribault  had  been  given  a 
two-year  term  of  control;  the  title  of  "colonel  of  the  voyage 
and  lieutenant  of  the  king  in  New  France"  was  allegedly  given 
to  Ribault.   This  latter  phrase  is  cited  by  Charles  de  la 
Ronciere  in  his  Histoire  de  la  Marine  Francaise  (6  v. , 
Paris:   LibrairLe  Plon,  1910),  IV,  54-55,  and  came  from  Ms. 
No.  17294,  Bibliotheque  Nationale,  fol.  231. 

55.  In  his  letter  of  June  2,  1565,  Philip  acknowledged 
receipt  of  all  of  Alava 's  letters  bearing  May  dates,  ex- 
pressed his  gratification  for  Enveja 's  services,  and 
issued  his  orders  about  the  Ribault  fleet;  in  A.D.E.,  VIII, 
No.  1,072,  372  (from  A.G.S.  Estado,  legajo  K,  1,504,  No.  2). 

56.  Crown  to  the  Audiencia  of  Santo  Domingo,  Madrid, 
June  3,  1565,  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A;  Crown 
to  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  Madrid,  June  3,  1565,  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A.   The  letter  to  Menendez 
mentioned  the  king's  note  to  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  and 
advised  of  its  contents. 



Both  parties  to  the  Florida  contract  faced  a  host  of 
urgent  tasks  in  preparing  the  expeditions  for  early  de- 
parture.  The  officials  of  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6ny  as 
Crown  agents /  had  to  assemble  the  Royal  troops,  purchase 
supplies  and  munitions,  euid  arramge  ship-charters;  they  had 
somehow  to  finance  this  from  their  treasury  at  Seville.  To 
meet  his  contract  obligations,  Menendez  had  to  furnish  and 
supply  the  ships,  troops  cind  seamen  required  of  him.   The 
new  Royal  support  of  the  Florida  expedition  had  in  no  way 
relieved  the  Adelantado  of  these  necessities,  but  had 
merely  added  additional  striking  power  to  his  own  forces. 
Pedro  Menendez*  main  fleet  was  to  sail  from  Cadiz,  but  he 
also  prepcLTed  to  dispatch  forces  from  the  north  of  Spain. 

The  Matrix  of  Conquest 
In  organizing  and  administering  the  enterprise  of 
Florida,  Pedro  Menendez  placed  his  trust  in  a  small  number 
of  associates.   At  the  heart  of  Menendez'  command  structure 
were  men  who  stood  in  close  personal  relationship  with  the 



Adelantado,  for  they  shared  with  him  common  bonds  of  blood 
or  nuurriage.   All  were  Asturiem  hidalgos »  amd  all  were 
seamen  with  long  experience  in  European  and  Mediterremean 
waters  and  in  the  Carrera  de  Indias. 

In  the  first  rank   of  Pedro  Men^ndez'  lieutenamts  in 
1565  were  his  brother  Bartolomd,  Esteban  de  las  Alas,  Pedro 
Menendez  Margu^z,  and  Diego  Flores  de  Vald^s.   Bartolom^ 
Menendez  had  served  long  and  loyally  with  his  brother,  had 
commanded  the  Tierra  Firme  ships  in  1562-63,  emd  shared  the 
lengthy  imprisonment  in  Seville  in  1563-1564.   Although  he  had 
been  released  from  prison  and  planned  to  go  to  Florida  with 

the  Cadiz  contingent,  the  illness  he  had  contracted  on  the 

1562-1563  voyage  still  dogged  him. 

Since  1553,  another  kinsmcm  of  Pedro  Menendez,  Estebcin 

de  las  Alas,  had  been  a  close  associate  of  the  Adelantado. 

Bom  in  the  village  of  Aviles,  he  was  married  to  Dona  Maria 

de  Valdes.   He  was  General  of  the  1561  New  Spain  fleet.   In 

1562,  de  las  Alas  had  been  imprisoned  by  the  Casa  de  Con- 

trataci6n,   upon  return  from  the  Indies,  thus  sharing 

a  similar  experience  with  his  chief.   During  the  Menendez 

brothers'  confinement,  de  las  Alas  commcuided  the  Menendez 

ships  in  1564,  and  was  responsible  for  taking  the  Royal 

visitor  Castro  to  Peru.   It  was  he  who  had  directed  the 

salvage  operation  when  the  galleon  Santa  Clara  had  stranded 

on  the  eastern  side  of  the  Bahcima  Channel  on  the  return 

voyage.   The  Adelantado  placed  Esteban  de  las  Alas  in  charge 

of  the  two  northern  elements  of  his  Florida  expedition. 


which  were  to  leave  Asturias  and  rendezvous  with  Men^ndez  in 
the  Canary  Islands.   He  would  sail  from  Men^dez'  native  city 
of  Aviles.  With  that  trusted  and   reli2JDle  lieutenant  in 
charge  of  the  Asturlan  ships,  Menlndez  could  safely  concen- 
trate his  own  efforts  in  the  south,  where  the  main  con- 
tingent was  being  eunned. 

Pedro  Menendez'  nephew,  Pedro  Men^ndez  Marquez,  was 
the  son  of  Alvaro  Sinchez  de  Aviles.   By  his  uncle's  own 
testimony  in  1568,  he  "had  served  me  twenty  years  in  the 
armadas  of  my  charge  as  captain  of  armada  ships ,  and  is  one 
of  the  most  expert  mariners  which  your  Majesty  has  in 
kingdoms."   This  meant  that  Marquez  had  been  affiliated 
with  Pedro  Menendez  since  the  date  of  his  first  entry  into 
the  Carrera  de  Indias  in  1548.   He  was  maestre  of  Menendez' 
own  ships  in  1551  cind  1564.   Now  Marquez  had  been  designated 
by  the  Adelantado  as  second-in-command,  or  Almirante,  of 
the  Asturian  vessels. 

In  the  southern  fleet  which  was  to  sail  from  C5diz, 
Diego  Flores  Valdes  had  a  similar  position  to  that  of 
Menendez  Marquez  in  the  north,   Flores,  a  native  of  Laredo, 
was  named  Almirante  of  the  Cadiz  division  of  ships  as  the 
Adelantado' s  maritime  lieutencuit.   Menendez  noted  that 
Flores  had  been  with  him  since  1550,  and  had  greatly  in- 
debted himself  in  so  serving,  having  encumbered  all  of  the 
patrimony  inherited  from  his  parents.  Pedro  Menendez 
extolled  Flores'  careful  and  loyal  service  and  evidently 
thought  highly  of  him  as  a  subordinate. 


All  of  these  top-level  lieutenants  of  Menlndez  could 
count  many  years  of  command  experience  emd  were  thus  quali- 
fied to  serve  in  the  Florida  expedition  by  virtue  of  their 
accomplishments  as  well  as  by  their  relationship  with  the 
Adelantado.   Their  careers,  however,  like  that  of  their 
chief,  had  been  oriented  entirely  around  the  sea — in  pri- 
vateering, freighting  for  the  Indies  trade,  or  carrying 
out  naval  functions  for  the  Crown.  Although  they  were 
accustomed  to  the  handling  of  troops  as  men-of-war  aboard 
ships,  none  of  these  men  had  become  experienced  in  land- 
based  operations  with  bodies  of  soldiers, 

A  mcui  who  might  have  been  able  to  supply  that  lack  of 
experience  was  Pedro  de  Valdes  of  Tineo,  inAsturias.   He 
was  the  twenty-five-year-old  son  of  the  founder  of  the 
Valdes  mayorazgo  and  had  served  the  Crown  for  more  theui  five 
yeeirs  with  land  forces  in  Italy,  had  also  been  a  gentleman 
officer  in  the  galleys,  and  received  the  habit  of  caballero 
in  the  order  of  Santiago.   Since  Valdes  had  been  recently 
betrothed  to  Pedro  Menendez'  daughter.  Ana,  however,  the 
Adelantado  had  directed  that  he  not  risk  his  person  on  the 


expedition  to  Florida. 

Another  yo\ing  noblemam,  Hemcindo  de  Miranda,  from 

Aviles,  was  enrolled,  together  with  his  brother  Gutierre, 

as  an  ordinary  soldier  in  the  Florida  expedition,  but  he 

was  marked  out  for  adveuicement  within  the  orgeuiization  of 

the  Adelantado. 


A  number  of  loyal  Asturians  occupied  a  second  echelon 
among  Menendez*  subordinates,  including  the  J\inco  brothers, 
Juan  and  Rodrigo,  Alonso  Nen^dez  Marques,  Thomas  Alonso 
de  las  Alas,  Diego  de  Hevia,  and  Diego  de  Amaya,  a  fine  pilot 
and  skilled  ship-handler.  The  brother-in-law  of  the  Ade- 
lantado,  Gonzalo  Solis  de  MerSs,  also  planned  to  join  in 
the  enterprise  of  Florida.   Some  of  these  men  remained  in 
the  north  of  Spain  to  sail  with  the  contingents  preparing 
for  sea  in  Gij6n  and  Aviles;  others  joined  Menendez  in  C5diz. 
In  addition  to  these,  a  sizeable  group  of  old  associates  of 
the  Adelantado  in  his  ship  crews  were  enrolled  for  Florida 
as  soldiers,  seamen  or  skilled  workers. 

What  was  most  remarkable  about  Menendez •  men  was  the 
close-knit  nature  of  their  inter-relationships.  Almost 
without  exception,  the  men  who  shared  the  confidence  of 
Pedro  Menendez  and  were  scheduled  to  hold  the  posts  of 
responsibility  in  Florida,  belonged  to  a  number  of  Asturian 
families  which  were  tied  together  by  complex  kinship  links. 
Scores  of  rank- 2md- file  soldiers  cind  sailors  from  the  same 
families  also  participated  in  the  Florida  enterprise.   It 
was  a  family  affair,  or  rather  the  affair  of  a  small  number 
of  closely  connected  families  from  the  north  of  Spain.   In 
addition  to  the  Menendez  and  Valdes  clans,  these  included 
the  Miranda,  de  las  Alas,  Quiros,  Sanchez,  Arango,  Solis, 
de  Soto,  Recalde,  Floras,  Ribera,  Arguelles,  Junco,  Marqu^z, 
Hevia,  and  La  Bandera  families.  These  families  had  inter- 
married at  mcuiy  points  over  several  generations. 


This  faiaily  complex  was  rooted  in  the  fishing  villates 
and  valley  and  mountain  hamlets  of  the  rugged  coast  of 
Asturias  and  Santander.    Men  came  to  take  part  in  the 
Florida  expeditions  from  villages  vhich  for  more  than  fifty 
years  had  sent  out  conquistadores ,   encoroenderos  and  priests 
to  the  Indies.    They  Cciroe  from  Avil^s,  Tineo,  Villaviciosa, 
Gijon,  Colunga,  Siero,  Grado,  and  Pari lea.  They  came  from 
Rivadesella,  and  from  the  "four  villas  of  the  coast,"  San- 
tander, Santona,  Castro  Urdiales,  and  Laredo,   Some  also 
came  from  as  far  west  as  La  Coruna  in  Galicia  and  from  Sam 
Sebastiein  and  other  towns  in  Guipuzcoa,  near  the  French 
border.   The  force  which  linked  these  localities  and  pro- 
duced men,  money,  ships  amd  supplies  for  the  enterprise  of 
Florida  was  that  of  family.  An  inter- connected  web  of  kin- 
dred provided  the  backing  for  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s,  but 
he  had  not  created  it.   The  network  pre-dated  1565,  and  was 
to  continue  its  influence  in  the  maritime  and  political 
life  of  Spain  and  the  Indies  long  after  the  death  of  the 

Bound  together  by  common  ties,  the  Adelantado *s  command 
and  control  structure  shared  in  his  hopes  of  patrimony  in 
Florida.   As  patron  of  his  supporters,  Men^ndez  was  the 
fountainhead  of  royal  privilege,  the  source  of  present 
employment,  and  the  focus  of  the  future  expectations  of 
his  subordinates.   Under  his  asiento  powers,  Pedro  Menendez 
could  divide  substauitial  allotments  of  land  among  these  men. 
The  major  civil  and  military  offices  would  be  theirs. 


Successes  in  Florida  would  evoke  royal  approbation  emd  the 
award  of  honors  to  the  Adelantado.  A  portion  of  this  glory 
would,  in  txirn,  be  reflected  upon  the  lieutenamts  £md  upon 
their  houses.   By  establishing  themselves  in  Men^ndez' 
service,  members  of  the  group  might  also  hope  to  rise  in 
the  service  of  Philip  II. 

Neither  the  command  elite,  nor  its  supporting  group, 
was  a  static  orgcinization,  with  a  fixed  membership.   Indi- 
viduals might  enter  or  leave  the  group,  but  its  character 
did  not  chamge  markedly.  Men^ndez'  criteria  for  selection 
of  men  for  the  highest  level  of  his  establishment  remained 
the  same:   that  they  be  Asturicin  or  at  least  norteno  in 
origin,  that  they' be  noblemen  and  related  in  some  meaningful 
way  to  himself.   An  administrative  organism  arose  out  of 
the  group,  as  various  persons  were  appointed  to  formal  office 
within  the  military  units  amd  the  governmental  structure  of 
Florida.   Their  relationship  with  their  commander  was , 
however,  deeper  than  the  formal  and  legal.   In  a  sense,  they 
were  stockholders  in  the  Florida  enterprise.   They  acted 
at  least  in  part  out  of  feelings  of  deep  loyalty  to  their 
chief,  mixed  with  hopes  of  substantial  gain.   In  turn, 
the  Adelantado  could  delegate  his  powers  legally  to  these 
men,  but  his  delegation  could  be  made  with  more  certainty 

because  he  knew  that  his  trust  reposed  in  those  who  held 


his  purpose  in  common  loyalty, 


A  genealogy  chart  of  the  enterprise  of  Florida,  such 
aa  the  one  furnished  in  this  study,  does  not  demonstrate 
the  full  complexity  of  the  familial  matrix  from  which 
Menendez*  conquest  effort  spr2mg,  Mamy  subtle  ties,  perhaps 
even  vital  connections,  eu:e  not  completely  understood. 
Some  individuals  who  aire  termed  "deudos"  of  Pedro  Men^ndez 
cannot  presently  be  related  directly  by  his  biographers 
Vigil  cind  Ruidiaz  to  the  Adelantado.   Neither  can  a  chart 
illustrate  the  full  meaning  of  such  an  interlocking  or- 
geuiism,  for  it  c2uinot  depict  the  human  forces  present  in 
such  a  complex.   This  homogenous  group,  bound  together  by 
common  cultural  and  familial  ties,  could  provide  great 
reserves  of  purpose  for  the  conquest.   The  fierce  loyalties 
engendered  within  it  and  the  common  expectations  sheu:«d  by 
its  members  afforded  a  source  of  vital  energy  for  the  tasks 
of  conquest  cuid  population.  The  organism  was  self- 
reinforcing  in  nature,  eind  could  maintain  a  united  front 
against  outsiders.   It  gave  depth  to  the  efforts  of  an 
Adelantado.   This  was,  therefore,  a  regional  reservoir  of 
talent.   The  strength  of  arms,  the  provision  of  ships  and 
financial  backing  and  many  skills  and  abilities  could  be 
drawn  from  this  pool  for  Men^ndez'  use.   Representatives  of 
these  Asturian  families  could  also  be  found  in  Andalusia, 
in  a  number  of  key  ports  and  centers  in  the  Indies.  A 
certain  stiffening  of  purpose  was  also  added  to  the 
Florida  effort  by  the  back-up  of  a  sizeable  company  of 


friends,  relatives  and  allies— their  hopes  could  cause  them 
to  persevere  in  their  venture  in  the  face  of  whatever  ad- 
versity.  This  was  the  matrix  of  the  adelantamiento  of 

Ways  cind  Means 
In  seeking  to  fund  the  effort  of  arming  and  manning 
the  Florida  expeditions,  the  newly  named  Adelantado  found 
himself  hard-pressed.   He  had  emerged  from  his  long  imprison- 
ment without  substantial  cash  reserves,  cind  his  maritime 
assets  had  been  reduced  to  one  sizeable  new  vessel  and 
several  smaller  ones.   Pedro  Men^ndez  had  an  urgent  need 
for  ready  money,  for  little  of  what  he  had  to  purchase  could 
be  obtained  on  credit,  and  he  needed  cash  to  keep  his  ship 
crews  from  deserting  and  to  make  the  customary  three  months ' 
advance  to  his  soldiers.   His  first  approach  was  to  press 
for  the  monies  owed  him  by  the  Crown;  it  would  not  only  help 
him  meet  his  obligations,  but  would  undergird  his  credit 
through  the  aura  of  Royal  patronage  it  imparted  to  the 
Florida  enterprise. 

Under  daily  pressure  from  the  Adelantado  and  after 
receiving  a  number  of  communications  from  Philip  II  about 
the  matter,  the  Casa  officials  finally  paid  Pedro  Menendez 
the  remaining  9,000  ducats  of  his  me reed,  in  spite  of  the 
fact  that  it  was  to  have  been  contingent  upon  his  leaving 
by  May  31.   They  also  indemnified  Menendez  with  2,000  ducats 


for  the  profits  lost  through  the  diversion  of  San  Pelavo  to 
Florida.   In  order  to  give  Pedro  Men^ndez  this  money  he  so 
badly  needed,  the  officials  at  Seville  had  to  borrow  from 
the  merchants'  deposits  in  the  Casa.   By  June  seventh,  how- 
ever, the  Royal  accountants  had  not  yet  been  able  to  total 
the  sums  due  to  Menendez  from  the  1563  ship  charter  case, 
as  they  struggled  with  a  mass  of  incomplete  data.^^ 

On  the  twelfth  of  June,  Pedro  Menendez  appeared  before 
the  tribunal  of  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  and  made  a  lengthy 
plea.   The  Adelantado  reviewed  his  total  expenses  in  the 
preparation  of  San  Pelavo  for  its  voyage  to  Tierra  Firme. 
and  asked  for  reimbursement  of  1,500  ducats  which  he  spent 
for  carpentry  and  caulking.   He  also  demanded  repayment  of 
the  salaries  and  rations  for  his  entire  110-man  crew, 
retroactive  to  April  first.   Menendez  also  asked  the  Casa 
to  grant  a  five-month  advance  in  pay  and  rations,  to  offset 
the  risk  and  uncertainty  of  the  hazardous  journey  in  his  fine 
new  ship.   The  rate  of  pay  Menendez  asked  was,  moreover, 
much  higher  than  ordinary.   Many  Spanish  seamen  were  paid  ' 
as  little  as  three  ducats  per  month,  and  the  Adelantado 
admitted  that  his  own  men  from  Vizcaya  would  be  paid  five 
pesos.  Menendez  asked,  however,  that  the  mariners  aboard 
San  Pelayo,  being  a  picked  and  loyal  crew,  should  have  seven 
or  eight  ducats'  pay.   Otherwise,  he  stated,  they  might 
desert  or  become  so  dissatisfied  that  the  expedition  might 
be  endangered . 


Menendez'  ambitious  demands  were  disposed  of  coolly 
and  rapidly.   After  reviewing  a  report  of  Factor  Duarte's 
Inspection  of  San  Pelayo»  the  three  royal  officials  decided 
to  allot  only  500  ducats  for  in^jrovements  made  to  the 
vessel,  to  be  paid  when  proper  receipts  were  presented  in 
evidence.   They  flatly  declined  to  authorize  any  pay  or 
allowances  for  Menendez*  crewmen  before  May  22,  the  date 
San  Pelayo  was  officially  taken  for  Crown  service. 
Finally,  Pedro  Menendez  received  his  last  payment  from  the 
Casa  de  Contrataci6n — 2,300  ducats,  paid  on  June  23,  1565, 
as  advance  on  the  San  Pelayo  charter.    Although  he  con- 
tinued to  request  further  payments,  time  had  simply  run 
out,  and  no  amount  of  Royal  compulsion  could  enforce  a  rapid 
and  full  settlement  between  Pedro  Menendez  and  the  func- 
tionaries of  the  Casa  over  the  bitterly  disputed  matters  of 
1563.   Since  returning  to  Seville  from  Madrid  with  his 
asiento  in  late  March,  Pedro  Menendez  had  collected  22,300 
ducats  in  cash  from  a  variety  of  claims  on  the  royal  treas- 
ury.^® Although  far  less  than  he  had  asked,  this  money  was 
very  helpful  indeed.   In  a  very  real  sense.  Royal  funds  were 
helping  underwrite  the  Adelantado  who  was  to  supply  the 
■private"  effort  to  support  the  Crown's  hand  in  Florida. 

Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  had  to  meet  the  rest  of  his 
money  needs  from  other  sources,  and  he  bent  his  efforts  to 
the  difficult  task  of  fund-raising.   Since  Menendez'  ships 
were  pledged  to  Florida  for  most  of  1565,  he  could  not 


count  on  much  income  from  freight  or  passenger  revenue.   He 
was  to  collect  one  partida  of  893  pesos  which  came  consigned 
to  him  from  Spain  in  the  1565  Vera  Cruz  ships,  but  the  New 
Spain  vessel  which  brought  it  did  not  dock  in  SanKicar 

until  June  24.   The  money  could  sceircely  have  reached  him 

before  his  departure.    Another  thing  Men^ndez  could  do  was 

to  collect  or  assign  any  outstanding  obligations  which 
others  had  made  in  his  favor.   On  Jxine  25,  the  Adelantado 
discounted  a  debt  due  him  from  the  estate  of  one  Seintiago 
Bozino  for  almost  400  ducats  by  turning  it  over  to  Domingo 
de  Ocaris  of  Seville  for  cash.    In  this  way,  however,  only 
a  modest  sum  could  be  realized,  compared  with  the  funds  he 
urgently  required.   For  the  bulk  of  his  monetary  needs, 
Pedro  Menendez  had  recourse  to  a  financial  con^lex  which 
merits  description. 

In  the  last  half  of  the  sixteenth  century,  the  main 
source  of  liquid  funds  was  commerce.   The  injection  of 
bullion  from  Peru  and  Mexico  into  the  mercantile  stream 
undergirded  the  economy  amd  added  to  the  liquidity  of 
traders  emd  bankers  in  Seville  eind  elsewhere  in  Europe. 
Contained  within  the  registries  of  each  homeward-bound  ship 
were  partidas  of  monies  due  to  merchants ,  suppliers  and  ship- 
owners in  Spain,  as  the  result  of  sales  transactions.   A 
sophisticated  system  of  exchange  values  easily  comprehended 
a  variety  of  bullion  forms — gold  and  silver  came  in  bars 
or  were  worked  into  plate  or  jewelry,  while  silver  was 


coined  in  several  forms.  Quantities  of  various  agricultural 
products — tobacco,  sugar,  hides,  cochineal  and  indigo — 
also  came  in  the  ships  to  be  sold  in  Spain. 

Although  the  registry  documents  themselves  (certified 
as  correct  by  the  ship-masters  and  accepted  by  the  Casa  de 
Contratacion)   served  as  valid  commercial  instruments  in 
the  Indies  trade,  other  meeins  were  developed  to  facilitate 
credit.   Execution  of  an  ordinary  poder,  or  power  of 
attorney,  proved  to  be  a  most  flexible  way  to  extend  a  man's 
finemcial  reach.   By  the  uncounted  thousands,  these  poderes 
fill  the  notaries'  archives  of  Spain;  they  make  up  the  very 
fabric  of  trade.   They  represent  a  time  when  money  and  property 
rights  were  entirely  and  intensely  personal,  when  it  was  often 
essential  to  name  a  properly  empowered  surrogate  to  represent 
one  before  courts,  tribunals  cind  justices.   Such  a  surrogate 
could  thus  receive  a  delegation  of  the  grantor's  inherent 

The  poder  could  also  be  directly  and  immediately  applied 
to  the  commercial  sphere,  as  a  means  of  collecting  obliga- 
tions due  another.   The  grantee  was  given  the  faculty  to 
stand  in  Ihe  grantor's  place,  to  receive  the  goods  or  funds 
which  were  due,  and  give  valid  receipts  in  the  name  of  the 
originating  party.   Since  the  steindard  poder  recited  that  the 
grantee  could  then  proceed  to  substitute  another  party  for 
himself,  a  theoretically  endless  chain  of  right  and  obliga- 
tion could  be  created  from  a  single  original  grant  of 


The  credit  aspect  of  the  poder  becomes  evident  when  one 
considers  that  a  poder  was  usually  granted  for  consideration, 
Thus,  merchant  A  could  grant  trader  B  his  poder  to  collect 
a  sum  due  him  from  a  third  party.   The  sum  due  might  not  be 
immediately  available,  and  might  not  actually  mature  for 
some  period  of  time.  The  first  party  could,  however,  dis- 
count his  obligation  and  obtain  immediate  advamtage  by  trad- 
ing off  a  future  collectible.   As  a  practical  matter,  there- 
fore, poder  obligations  could  not  be  greatly  removed  in  time 
from  the  real  money  sources  which  had  nurtured  them.  An 
individual's  credit  could  be  extended  substantially  by  such 
a  paper  network,  but  was  ultimately  no  better  than  the 
genuine  assets  which  backed  them. 

The  development  of  late-medieval  commercial  organiza- 
tions had  been  centered  on  what  might  be  termed  "associa- 
tions of  trust."  The  esurliest  Italian  companies  were, 
therefore,  built  around  family  groups  or  a  small  number  of 
inter-related  families.  Within  this  circle  of  close  rela- 
tionship, business  transactions  could  be  most  safely  carried 
out.    Since  credit  obtained  under  this  system  was  limited 
and  personal,  such  an  arrangement  was  best  adapted  to  close- 
knit  groups  whose  other  relationships  reinforced  their 
paper  obligations.   Much  the  same  tendency  could  be  seen  in 
sixteenth-century  Spain.  Commercial  ties  were  supported  by 
stronger  underlying  connections  of  blood,  marriage  or 
regional  identification.   In  the  case  of  Pedro  Men^ndez  de 


Avilesy  the  web  of  inter-related  Asturiem  families  which 
was  involved  in  his  comsumd  org2mization  also  had  its 
fiscal  aspect.   Long-established  ties  existed  between  Men^n- 
dez  and  norteno  bondsmen,  bsmkers  amd  merchants  living  in  the 
authorized  trading  centers  of  Seville  and  Cadiz.   As  a  man 
deeply  involved  in  advamcing  his  fortunes,  Pedro  Menendez 
de  Aviles  fitted  well  into  the  atmosphere  of  growth,  pros- 
perity and  diversity  in  the  Andalusian  ports  in  1565.   In 
Seville  and  in  Cadiz,  the  socially  mobile,  acquisitive 

society  described  by  Ruth  Pike  featured  much  interaction 


between  upper  merchemts  emd  the  lower  nobility.    Some  of 

these  men  were  of  converse  origin,  who  had,  long  since, 
created  commercial  bases  in  the  Indies.   For  Pedro  Menendez 
and   his  associates,  there  were  such  bases  at  Sam  Jueui, 
Puerto  Rico,  in  the  city  of  Mexico,  at  Sauato  Domingo  on  the 
Island  of  Hispaniola  and  in  the  city  of  Sam  Cristobal  de 
la  Havana.   In  San  Juam,  for  instaince,  lived  Diego  Montanes 
and  Pedro  Menendez  Valdes,  who  acted  as  representatives  for 
the  Adelantado  there.    The  familial  inter-connections 
between  Samto  Domingo,  Cadiz,  the  Indies  and  the  north  of 
Spain  are  illustrated  by  a  later  poder  from  one  Diego  Menen- 
dez de  la  Aspriella,  a  vecino  of  Santo  Domingo,  to  Faviam 
de  Soils,  merchamt,  a  vecino  of  Aviles,  but  residing  in 

«-j-   24 

The  central  figure  of  Pedro  del  Castillo,  regidor  of 

Cadiz  and  a  sxibstantial  merchamt  there,  and  a  kinsmam  of 


Menendez,  has  previously  been  linked  to  that  of  the  Ade- 
lantado.  Pedro  del  Castillo  was  related  to  Men^ndez,  but 
the  degree  of  relationship  is  not  known.   Castillo  had 
developed  trade  ties  to  New  Spain,  with  representatives  in 
Vera  Cruz  emd  the  City  of  Mexico.   Caspar  de  Serf ate,  vrtio 
resided  in  Mexico,  had  shipped  cochineal  to  Castillo  as 
early  as  1562.    In  Seville,  Castillo's  banker  was  Caspar 
de  Astudillo  de  Burgales.  Astudillo  had  also  served  as 
Men^ndez*  bondsman  in  1563  and  was  to  act  for  him  in  the 
future.  All  three  men,  Menendez,  Castillo  and  Astudillo, 
employed  the  same  norteno  attorney,  Sebastian  de  Santander, 
He  acted  as  their  counsel  in  cases  involving  them  before 
the  Casa  de  Contratacion  emd  the  Council  of  the  Indies. 

Miss  Irene  Wright  has  ably  outlined  the  role  of  the 
linked  Rojas  and  De  Soto  families  in  the  early  development 
of  the  Cubcm  city  of  Seui  Cristobal  de  la  Havcma.    The  real 
founder  of  the  clan  vrtiich  was  to  rule  the  economic  and  po- 
litical life  of  Havana  for  much  of  the  sixteenty  century 
vas  Diego  de  Soto,  of  norteno  origins,  who  first  came  to 
Cuba  in  1529.   In  Pedro  Menendez'  time,  the  most  influential 
member  was  Juan  de  Rojas,  whose  kinfolk  dominated  the  cabildo 
of  Havana  and  occupied  most  of  the  other  local  posts  of 
honor  and  privilege  there.   Rojas'  wife.  Dona  Maria  de  Lovera, 
had  demonstrated  her  close  ties  to  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles. 
She  named  him  in  her  1563  will  as  executor  of  a  bequest, 
vital  to  the  peace  of  her  soul,  for  the  building  of  a  chapel 



in  her  memory  in  Spain.    Juan  de  Hinestrosa,  who  had 

testified  in  Seville  for  Men^ndez  in  his  1564  ^ail-break 

case,   was  the  son  of  Mcuiuel  de  Rojas  de  Bayeuno,   emd  served 

after  1565  as  one  of  the  Royal  Officials  in  Havana. 

In  his  need  for  money,  therefore,  Pedro  Men^ndez  turned 
to  those  of  his  associates  who  had  access  to  funds  gained 
in  the  Indies  trade.  Most  particularly,  he  turned  to  Pedro 
del  Castillo.   On  June  25,  in  Castillo's  house  in  C^diz, 
Menendez  executed  a  lengthy  poder.    In  some  ways,  the 
instrument  follows  the  usual  pattern  of  documents  of  its 
kind.   It  lawfully  esteiblishes  Castillo  as  Menendez'  repre- 
sentative in  prosecuting  civil  or  criminal  actions  in  his 
name,  in  receiving  monies  due  the  Adelantado,  and  ends  in  the 
standard  recitation  that  the  goods  and  wealth  of  the  grantor 
are  pledged  to  support  the  powers  given. 

The  poder  to  Castillo  was,  however,  far  more  than  a 
limited,  ad  hoc  delegation.   It  was  quite  broad  in  nature 
2uid  was  deeply  involved  with  the  asiento  which  Pedro  Menendez 
had  received  from  Philip  II.   In  it,  the  Adelantado  conceded 
full  use  and   exploitation  of  the  Florida  contract  to  Pedro 
del  Castillo,  giving  him  the  free  use  in  his  name  of  all 
clauses  and  sections.   Castillo  was  given  exclusive  right  to 
hamdle  the  purchase  and   embarkation  of  the  five  hundred 
Negro  slaves  whose  licenses  had  been  gremted  to  Menlndez 
in  the  asiento.   In  fact,  the  entire  business  side  of  the 
administration  of  the  king's  contract  and  Menendez'  private 


financial  affairs  was  given  over  to  Pedro  del  Castillo. 
He  was  to  have  charge  of  the  ship-licenses  which  had  been 
promised  to  Men^ndez.   He  was  empowered  to  buy  amd  sell 
vessels,  hire  emd  dismiss  masters  emd  crews,  purchase 
supplies,  equipment  eind  cargoes,  amd  see  that  Men^ndez' 
maritiiae  ventxires  were  carried  out  with  dispatch,  in  C^diz 
and  in  the  north  of  Spain.  All  other  poderes  granted  by 
Menendez  were  emnulled,  except  those  which  the  Adelantado 
stated  were  still  valid  in  the  north  coast  cities. 

In  order  to  enable  Castillo  to  recover  what  he  had 
advamced  for  the  Florida  outfitting,  Menendez  gave  him  full 
power  to  collect  monies  due  from  the  1563  sueldo  case,  the 
carpentry  work  on  San  Pelayo,  as  well  as  whatever  might  be 
realized  from  another  claim  Menendez  had  made  against  the 
Casa  for  the  loss  of  Santa  Clara  in  1564.   He  empowered 
Castillo  to  dun  Factor  Duarte  for  the  balance  of  San 
Pelayo 's  sueldo,  as  it  should  come  due.   General  authority 
was  given  for  Castillo  to  collect  any  cash  or  valuables 
which  were  owed  to  the  Adelantado  from  his  own  trade  enter- 
prises. The  poder  especially  referred  to  the  uncollected 
sums  due  Menendez  from  freight-charges  of  goods  that  the 
merchants  Alonso  Rodrigues  and  Juan  Dias  Bezino  had  shipped 
in  Scm  Pelayo  the  previous  year. 

The  Castillo  poder  is  a  business-like  document;  it 
sets  forth  crisply  the  authority  which  the  Cadiz  entrepreneur 
should  have  in  Menendez'  affairs.   Yet  the  instrtjment  was 


also  a  real  expression  of  trust  emd  confidence.  Castillo 
could  draw  freely  upon  all  the  monies  of  the  Adelantado 
to  satisfy  debts  which  had  been  incxirred  in  his  name  emd 
his  figures  were  to  be  accepted  by  Men^ndez  amd  could  set  up 
his  own  accounts  for  these  matters.  This  merely  emphasizes 
the  degree  to  which  this  relationship  was  not  merely  a 
legal  amd  fiduciary  one.   The  formal  dealings  of  the  two 
Bien  were  buttressed  and  enhemced  by  their  closer  ties. 
When  Pedro  del  Castillo  and  Pedro  Menendez  signed  the  poder 
on  the  eve  of  the  departure  of  the  Florida  expedition  from 
Cadiz,  Castillo  had  acted  as  general  factor  for  the  Florida 
outfitting,  expending  more  than  20,000  ducats  for  the  Ade- 
lantado.  He  had  also  involved  his  own  friends  eind  relatives 
in  the  effort.    It  was  Castillo's  task  to  recover  this 
money  by  collecting  funds  due  Menendez  in  the  Casa,  and  from 
private  parties;  he  could  then  repay  himself  from  those 
sources.   Menendez'  royal  patronage  (evidenced  by  the  asiento 
and  its  titles,  privileges  and  licenses),  the  earning  power 
of  the  Adelantado 's  own  ships,  and  the  back-up  of  friends 
amd  relatives  would,  hopefully,  keep  the  money-machine 
going.   In  carrying  out  his  mission,  Castillo  proceeded  to 
delegate  his  authority  under  the  poder  from  Menendez  by 
siibstituting  in  his  own  place  a  German  residing  in  Seville, 
one  Agustln  Framcisco,  who  was  given  an  instrument  to  that 
effect.   Francisco  was  to  solicit  the  500  ducats  which  had 

been  promised  by  the  officials  of  the  Casa  de  Contratacion 


but  which  remained  unpaid. 


Next,  Pedro  del  Castillo  esteJiJlished  a  branch  office, 
so  to  speak,   of  Pedro  Men^ndez'  business  concerns  in  New 
Spain.   He  executed  a  poder  to  Caspar  Serf ate,  the  merchemt 
living  in  the  city  of  Mexico.  Castillo  passed  along  to 
Serf ate  the  rights  Men^ndez  had  ceded  to  Castillo  in  C5diz. 
Serfate  was  given  the  capacity  to  collect  monies  which 
one  Isidro  de  Soils  owed  to  Pedro  Menendez,  and  was  invested 
with  the  power  to  receive  emy  sums  due  the  Adelantado  from 
other  dealings.   He  could  also  handle  the  details  of  cargo 
purchases  and  the  loading  of  ships  from  New  Spain  in  Menen- 
dez' name,  euid  could  further  subdivide  this  authority  if  he 
wished.  ^"^ 

By  their  own  testimony,  both  Pedro  Menendez  eind  Pedro 
del  Castillo  had  made  heavy  expenditures  in  the  preparation 
of  the  enterprise  of  Florida.   They  had  also  noted  that  many 
of  their  own  friends  and  relatives  were  also  deeply  en- 
cumbered as  a  result  of  the  outfitting  of  the  Florida 

expedition.   As  the  main  financial  backer  of  the  adelcintamiento 

of  Florida,  Castillo  was  clearly  a  man  of  substance.    His 

own  resources  were  essentially  derived  from  his  activities 

in  the  Indies  trade,  although  he  was  also  a  ship-chandler. 

Five  of  the  1565  New  Spain  ships  which  had  arrived  in  San- 

lucar  late  in  June  carried  a  total  of  12,706  pesos  in  silver 

for  Castillo,  which  somewhat  renewed  the  funds  of  the  Cadiz 

merchant  after  his  heavy  expenditures  in  Menendez'  behalf. 

He  acted  as  banker  and  factor  for  the  Adelantado  out  of  his 


Ofwn  commercial  resoxirces,  but  the  financial  support  of  the 
enterprise  of  Florida  was  not  the  work  of  any  one  man. 
Although  its  administration  was  centered  in  Pedro  del  Cas- 
tillo, the  network  could  enable  the  tapping  of  commercial 
sources  and  royal  monies  in  many  areas,  to  keep  the  venture 
going.   Through  the  associates  and  allies  of  Men^ndez 
located  in  CSdiz  and  in  the  north  of  Spain,  fresh  shipments 
of  soldiers,  settlers,  men  emd  supplies  could  be  made  to 
Florida.   Resources  in  the  Indies  could  be  utilized  there  . 
to  buttress  the  effort.   These  arrangements  could  serve  as 
a  partial  hedge  against  the  hazards  of  the  sea  and  the 
vagaries  and  dangers  of  the  discovery,  conquest  and  settle- 
ment of  the  new  Florida  colonies. 

Thus  it  was  that  a  combination  of  merchant  and  Crown 
money  served  to  support  Pedro  Menendez'  efforts  in  Florida. 
Since  a  great  part  of  the  royal  revenues  used  to  help  launch 
and.   support  the  effort  also  arose  originally  out  of  some  tauc 
upon  the  Carrera  de  Indies,  it  might  be  said  that  the  first 
successful  settlement  of  Florida  was  largely  xinderwritten 
by  trade  and  commerce. 

Due  to  careful  and  detailed  records,  which  have  sur- 
vived, one  may  gain  a  rather  precise  estimate  of  the 
aggregate  of  Royal  expenditure  in  the  outfitting  of  the 
Florida  expedition.    Direct  Crown  costs  were  17,681 
ducats.   The  merced  paid  to  Menendez  was  15,000  ducats  and 
the  Adelcintado  was  also  paid  2,000  ducats  to  recompense  him 


for  losses  sustained  through  missing  his  trading  voyage  to 
Tierra  Firme.   He  had  received  3,000  ducats  on  account  of 
the  sums  due  in  the  1563  case.  This  total  of  37,681  ducats 
thus  represented  the  down  payment  on  the  Crown  shcure  of  the 
Florida  costs.   It  covered  all  supplies  bought  for  the 
Royal  account  in  Spain  and  the  intial  sueldo  payments  for 
sailors,  soldiers  and  vessels  xinderwritten  by  ftie  King.   Set 
over  against  this  were  the  funds  expended  by  the  Adelantado. 
For  several  reasons,  it  is  not  a  simple  task  to  furnish  a 
reliable  total  of  Menendez'  costs.   In  the  first  place,  his 
private  records  are  not  to  be  found  in  cmy  single  continuous 
series  comparable  to  the  apcount  books  of  the  Casa  de  Con- 
tratacion.  Where  his  contribution  was  officially  audited, 
good  materials  survive.   For  the  Cadiz  effort,  for  example. 
Factor  Duarte's  itemized  list  of  materials,  ships  and  men 
may  serve  as  a  reasonable  basis  for  conjectured  cost.  At 
Aviles,  Gijon  and  S ant ander,  where  the  northern  contingents 
of  ships  and  men  were  prepared,  dociomentation  is  not  as 
complete  but  can  still  yield  enough  data  for  some  estimate 
of  the  Adelantado* s  expenses. 

There  is  a  second  complicating  factor;  Menendez'  costs 
were  directly  shared  by  others  in  his  organization.   Some  of 
his  lieutenants  cind  supporters  absorbed  these  expenses  as 
their  own  investment  in  the  enterprise  of  Florida.   For 
exaii5>le,  one  of  the  Asturiem  ships  was  furnished  by  its 
master,  Alonso  Menendez  Marques.   Likewise,  there  are 


indications  that  Diego  Flores  de  Vald^s  encuinberes  his 
patrimony  in  the  Florida  effort,  while  Francisco  de  Reinoso 
made  Pedro  Men&idez  a  loan  of  2,000  ducats.   The  Adelantado 
also  noted  that  he  had  borrowed  from  "brothers,  relatives, 
and  friends."    One  thing,  however,  was  certain.  The 
sixteenth-century  soldier,  sailor  eind  artisein  had  to  be 
paid  in  cash;  he  required  some  money  before  he  would  begin 
his  service.   Catsh  funds  had  to  be  provided  at  once,  or  the 
needed  ccurpentry  and  caulking  would  not  be  accomplished  and 
the  manning  of  the  ships  would  never  tcJce  place.  Likewise, 
ready  money  was  essential  for  the  purchase  of  foodstuffs, 
munitions,  and  equipment.   The  settlers  emd  clergy  who 
accoK^anied  the  expedition  were  not  paid  salaries  as  such, 
but  their  medntenance  and  defense  was  the  responsibility 
of  the  Adelctntado.   Religious  materials  and  agricultural 
"capital" — hoes,  axes,  livestock — were  also  furnished  by 
Menendez.   He  had  also  found  it  necessary  to  buy  a  galiot 
and  berqantin  to  supplement  the  Cadiz  contingent  of  ships. 
Considering,  then,  all  conceivable  items,  it  appears 
that  the  initial  outfitting  of  the  Florida  enterprise  cannot 
have  cost  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  emd  his  supporters  much 
less  than  50,000  ducats.   Thus,  in  the  first  phase  of  the 
effort,  the  Adelantado  was  the  heavier  investor  (partly 
with  Crown  money) ,  although  both  parties  made  substantial 
and  manifest  contributions.  The  efforts  of  the  Adelantado 


and  his  entourage  represented,  moreover,  far  more  than  any 
investment  of  cash.   It  amounted  to  a  major  risk  of  their 
persons  and  capital.   For  the  ship-owners  emd  their  men,  the 
vessels  pledged  to  the  Florida  expedition  represented 
their  livelihood.  Whether  their  income  was  earned  in  the 
Indies  trade  or  through  Crown  sueldos,  these  ships  were  its 
source.   They  were  the  matin  property  at  hazard  in  the  voyage. 

In  addition,  the  men  and  women  aboard  the  craft — the 
captains  and  soldiers,  airtisans,  the  settlers  and  priests — 
constituted  a  very  special  kind  of  asset.  They  were  the 
human  resources  at  hazard  in  the  enterprise.  Lives,  careers, 
reputations  and  patrimonies  hung  in  the  balance.  Florida 
represented  an  immense  speculation,  a  gamble  undertaken  for 
great  stakes.   It  was  not,  moreover,  the  risk  of  any  one  man. 
The  enterprise  of  Florida  was  a  group  effort.  The  hopes  cmd 
the  lives  of  many  depended  upon  its  outcome. 

The  joint  nature  of  the  underteJcing  made  it  essential 
that  the  Speuiish  Crown  exercise  a  degree  of  control  over 
the  expenditure  of  its  monies  and  the  payment  of  its 
soldiery.  Wherever  Crown  money  or  supplies  were  to  be 

provided,  it  was  required  by  law  cind  by  precedent  that  a 

royal  official  be  appointed  to  protect  the  King's  interest. 

The  three  main  offices  of  treasurer,  accountant  and   factor, 

called  in  practice  Royal  Officials,  had  for  sixty  years 

been  a  bulwark  of  Crown  authority  in  the  Indies,  and  long 

predated  the  establishment  of  the  Viceroyalties .  A  system 


of  Cajas,  or  royal  treasuries,  had  spread  by  1565  through 
the  Ceiribbean  islands  and  the  mainleuid  settlements  of  the 
Spanish.  Royal  revenues,  such  as   customs  duties,  court 
fines,  the  tithe  emd  cruzada  income,  Indiem  tributes,  emd 
the  quinto  vere  collected,  safeguarded,  and  accounted  for 
by  the  RoyaJ.  Officials.  Any  expenditures  from  Crown  funds 
voxild  pass  through  their  records.   Even  though  the  Florida 
asiento  privileges  %Jo\ild  diminish  some  of  these  revenues  or 
exempt  the  payment  of  some  for  a  period  of  years,  it  was 
still  planned  that  these  three  positions  would  shortly  be 
filled.   Since  the  salaries  for  the  positions  were  to  be 
paid  out  of  royal  income,  the  jobs  would  not  mean  much  until 
the  settlements  were  a  going  concern.   An  Adelantado  was 
given  the  authority  to  propose  individuals  for  the  posts, 

but  final  confirmation  of  the  appointments  was  in  the 

King's  hands.    Even  though  Royal  Officials  were  not 

immediately  neimed,  a  lesser  position,  that  of  tenedor  de 

bastimentos — was  created.   It  was  the  duty  of  the  Tenedor 

to  keep  records  of  the  Crown  property  received,  cuid  to 

account  for  its  proper  distribution. 

Pedro  Menendez  made  the  appointment  himself,  on  June  1, 

in  Seville,  exercising  his  powers  in  the  King's  naune.   The 

circxnnstances  %^ere  significant — Menendez  named  Juan  de  Junco 

of  Oviedo,  a  f ad. thfxil  member  of  his  own  retinue.   Junco 

was  not  reqtiired  to  post  amy  bond,  which  was  unusual. 

He  Weis  to  draw  a  salary  of  300  ducats  annually,  and  would 


be  responsible  for  all  artillery,  munitions  and  other 
supplies  furnished  by  the  King.   Junco  could  maXe  distribu- 
tion from  Royal  stores  eis  ordered  by  the  King  or  the  Ade- 
lantado.  The  ostensible  purpose  of  this  office  was  to  provide 
for  an  independent  defensor  of  the  King's  goods  amd  inter- 
ests.  In  actuality,  ho%raver,  the  nature  of  the  appointment 
of  Juein  de  Junco  made  such  objectivity  impossible  from  the 

beginning.   The  close-Jcnit  structure  of  Pedro  Men^ndez' 

adelcintamiento  militated  against  effective  Royal  control. 

Preparation  for  Departure 
In  a  very  short  time,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s  had  to 
provide  additional  ships,  gather  his  soldiers,  cind  purchase 
and  load  supplies  and  munitions  for  the  Florida  journey. 
He  took  personal  chaurge  of  preparations  at  Cadiz,  emd 
delegated  the  tasks  of  equipping  the  three  contingents  from 
Aviles,  Gijon  and  Scmtemder  to  trusted  lieutenants.  Menendez 
placed  Esteban  de  las  Alas  in  overall  command  of  the  effort 
in  northern  Spain,  and  named  Pedro  Menendez  Marqu^z  as  his 
second  in  coxranauid.    Meanwhile,  Casa  factor  Francisco 
Duarte  and  his  representative  in  Cadiz,  Juan  Carrillo, 
labored  diligently  to  prepare  the  Crown  shcure  of  the  Cadiz 

It  had  been  an  unusually  late  and  stormy  winter  along 
the  coast  of  the  Bay  of  Biscay,  where  continuous  rains  and 
heavy  winds  delayed  the  work  of  outfitting  and  equipping  the 


vessels.   On  the  twenty-seventh  of  Jiine,  1565,  de  lets  Alas 

appeared  before  Pedro  de  Valdes,  the  judge  in  Aviles ,  emd 

made  a  statement  of  conpliance  with  the  royal  asiento. 

De  las  Alas  averred  that  he  had,  in  the  name  of  Pedro 

Menendez,  readied  and  st^plied  certain  ships  to  go  from 

Gijon  and  perhaps  Bilbao  ais  well  as  from  Aviles.  When  the 

local  justices  made  their  ship  visits,  he  would  be  ready  to 

leave  with  the  first  good  weather  to  join  the  Adelantado 

for  a  Canary  Islamds  rendezvous. 

The  judge  then  required  the  shipmasters  to  open  their 
hatches,  list  their  cargoes,  cuid  name  the  officials  and  men 
who  would  be  embarking.  The  men  listed  included  237 
soldiers  smd  20  sailors.   The  meui  chosen  as  pilot  of  the 
ships  from  Aviles  was  a  highly  qualified  Asturian,  Alonso 

From  Aviles  eastward  it  is  scarcely  fifteen  miles  by 
land  to  the  port  of  Gijon.   Alongside  the  village  mole  in 
Gijon,  two  ships  were  being  readied,  and  Pedro  Menendez 
Marquez,  made  application  to  the  local  justice  on  May  31, 
1565,  for  a  visit  of  his  ships.   The  two  vessels — Espiritu 
Sctnto  and  Nuestra  Senora  del  Rosario — were  small  zabras,  of 
from  fifty  to  fifty-five  tons.  Menendez  Marquez  stated  that 
bad  weather  and  heavy  rauins  had  delayed  the  work  of  pre- 
paring the  ships  for  depeirture.   This  justification  was  put 
on  record,  since  Menendez  Marquez  knew  that  the  asiento 
reqxiired  depeurture  by  the  end  of  May. 


On  the  same  day,  one  of  the  ships,  Espiritu  Santo, 
was  visited  by  the  Judge  and  Regidor,  Juan  de  Valdtfs.   The 
ship's  registry  showed  that  she  Ccurried  55  pipes  of  wine, 
sails,  anchors,  rigging  and  other  gear,  two  barrels  of 
powder,  six  thousand  pounds  of  sea-blscult  emd  thirty  hams. 
Her  master,  Alonso  Men^ndez  Marqu^z,  swore  that  nothing  had 
been  hidden  or  overlooked  amd  presented  a  list  of  the  men 
aboard.   The  two  small  vessels  carried  fifty  soldiers  and 
seventeen  sailors. 

In  the  meantime,  the  first  vessel  from  Vlzcaya  was 
rejected  as  being  too  small.  Another  vessel  was  prepared 
for  the  Florida  voyage  almost  a  hundred  miles  to  the  east, 
in  Seuitcmder.   This  ship  was  a  new  galeoncete,  from  Vlzcaya, 
owned  by  Pedro  de  Lexalde.   She  was  to  be  used  to  carry 
six  hundred  arquebuses  made  In  Vlzcaya,  a  supply  of  oars 
and  other  bulky  arms  and  munitions  purchased  for  the  account 
of  the  Adelantado.   Lexalde  had  been  associated  with  Pedro 
Menendez  for  nine  years.    When,  finally,  the  ships  sailed 
from  Avlles,  Glj6n,  and  Santander,  it  was  so  late  that  the 
possibility  of  making  the  rendezvous  with  Pedro  Menendez 
at  the  Ceinary  Islands  was  only  a  remote  one. 

While  the  enlistment  of  ships'  crews  and  soldiers  and 
the  outfitting  of  vessels  continued  in  Asturlas  and  San- 
tander, work  went  forward  rapidly  in  Andalusia  as  well. 

Pedro  Menlndez  and  the  Casa  de  Contrataclon  engaged 
three  caravels  in  order  to  spread  the  troops  and  cargoes 


around  more  evenly  among  the  c£dlz  ships  and  provide  needed 
space.   One,  nauned  San  Antonio,  of  one  hiindred  twenty  tons 
burden,  had  been  found  in  Puerto  Santa  Maria,  was  embargoed 
by  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  for  the  journey,  amd  was  rowed 
across  the  bay  to  Cadiz.   The  other  two  caravels  were  smaller. 
It  was  plemned  that  they  should  all  carry  supplies  as  far 
as  the  Canary  Islands,  where  the  consumption  of  food  and 
vine  amd  the  rendezvous  with  the  Asturian  ships  would 
encUt>le  the  re-distribution  of  cargoes.   The  caravels  would 
then  be  sent  back  to  Spain.   Work  began  at  once  upon  the 
building  of  new  bulkheads  aboard  them  so  that  they  would 
have  sufficient  store-rooms  and  magazines. 

In  addition  to  his  flagship  and  Capitana,  San  Pelayo, 
and  the  caravels,  Pedro  Menendez  armed  four  small  one-deck 
shallops  which  ranged  from  sixty  to  seventy-five  tons  in 
size.   These  were  Magdalena,  San  Miguel,  San  Andres,  and 
La  Concepcion.   The  Adelantado  had  also  purchased  a  fine 
galiot  with  eighteen  banks  of  oars,  La  Vitoria,  and  a  large 
bergcuitin  of  twelve  banks.  La  Esperanza. 

It  is  useful  to  compare  the  materials  and  supplies 
provided  in  Cadiz  by  the  Crown  and  those  furnished  by  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Avil^s  under  his  asiento  obligations,  although 

such  comparison  Ccuinot  be  reduced  precisely  to  money  terms, 

for  all  of  the  price  data  are  not  known.    Furthermore,  the 

lists  are  not  identical.   The  Crown's  effort  involved  the 

equipping  and   supply  of  some  three  hvmdred  soldiers ,  and  the 


furnishing  of  certain  artillery,  ammunition  and  marine 
supplies  intended  to  bolster  the  expedition  and  insure  the 
ouster  of  the  Huguenots  from  Florida.   The  broader-scale 
nature  of  Menendez*  commitment  is  reflected  in  the  enumera- 
tion of  the  things  he  purchased  for  the  expedition.  First, 
both  Crown  and  Adelantado  provided  large  quantities  of 
the  components  of  the  basic  sea-ration,  wine  emd  sea-biscuit, 
as  well  as  the  supplementary  foodstuffs — olive  oil,  vinegar, 
rice,  euid  beans.   Menendez  was  to  carry  supplies  for  one 
year,  while  the  royal  forces  were  supplied  for  a  shorter 

With  regard  to  military  supplies,  the  Crown  furnished 
armed  troops  and  cannon  with  which  to  besiege  and  capture 
Port  Caroline,  and  the  powder  and  shot  with  which  to  do  it. 
Sixteen  large  bronze  cannon  were  provided  by  the  Crown.   The 
Adelantado  bought  two  hundred  fifty  arquebuses  and  also 
provided  one  hundred  helmets,  thirty  cross-bows  and  a  quan- 
tity of  pikes,  breastplates,  and  the  harness  for  fifty 
horses.   Six  hundred  more  firearms  were  coming  from  Vizcaya 
for  Menendez.   To  supply  the  cannon  aboard  San  Pelayo  cuid  his 
other  ships,  Pedro  Menendez  brought  substantial  amounts  of 
gunpowder  and  iron  shot. 

Although  the  ships  were  fully  equipped,  additional 
marine  supplies  were  also  carried  for  the  unkeep  and  repair 
of  hulls,  sails  emd  oars  on  a  long  voyage.   The  materials 
of  husbandry  and  colonization  were,  moreover,  supplied  in 


qusmtity  by  Pedro  Menendez.   For  the  smithy,  six  tons  of 
bulk  iron  and   a  half-ton  of  steel  were  brought  eiboard 
San  Pelayo.   Fifty  eoces,  and  four  hundred  fifty  shovels  cuid 
mattocks  of  iron  were  brought  to  clear  emd  work  the  land. 
Fish-nets,  in  the  number  of  two  hxindred,  were  provided; 
shoe-making  supplies  were  included.   Cloth  for  trade  with 
the  Indians  was  loaded  on  the  ship.   For  the  religious  life 
of  the  new  colonies,  the  Adelantado  contributed  eight 
church  bells  and  the  altar  furnishings  necessary  for  the 
celebration  of  the  Mass. 

In  addition  to  items  of  supply  and  equipment  for  Florida, 
Pedro  Menendez  brought  in  his  Cadiz  ships  one  hundred 
thirty-eight  soldiers  who  also  held  the  "office,"  or  possessed 
the  skills,  of  artisans  and  craftsmen.   These  seamen  were 
enrolled,  equipped  and  paid  as  soldiers,  but  were  qualified 
by  experience  in  their  particular  trade.   Virtually  all  the 
crafts  of  sixteenth-century  Spain  were  represented:   There 
were  ten  stone-masons,  fifteen  carpenters,  twenty-one 
tailors,  ten  shoe-makers,  eight  smiths,  five  barberos  and 
two  surgeons.   There  were  hose-makers,  metal-smelters,  cloth- 
weavers  cUid  cloth-shearers.   Two  specialists  in  the  making 
of  lime  and  mortar  were  aboard,  as  well  as  tcinners,  farriers, 
wool-carders,  a  hat  maker,  a  book-seller  emd  em  embroiderer. 
Weapon  experts  there  were  in  the  persons  of  three  sword- 
makers,  a  gunsmith  and  a  cross-bow  repairmem.   There  were 
coopers,  bakers,  gardeners,  a  dealer  in  silks,  a  blanket 


maiker  and  two  men  skilled  in  the  working  of  flax  to  make 
linen.  An  apothecary,  a  keeper  of  gremaries,  amd  a  master 
brewer  rounded  out  the  list.  That  essential  of  the  paper- 
bound,  legalistic  Spaniard — the  escribano  pdblico,  the 
notary  *rtio  would  record  all  formal  actions — came  along, 
together  with  twenty-foxir  reeuns  of  paper  and  a  quantity  of 
ink.  Also,  one  hundred  seventeen  of  the  soldiers  were 
listed  as  labradores,  or  farmers;  these  men  were  ready  to 
make   settlement  on  theland  when  their  militeury  duties  would 
permit.  Twenty-six  of  them  had  brought  their  wives  and 

The  Adelantado  was  thus  preparing  a  full-scale  transfer 
of  Castilian  civilization  to  the  cities  he  plamned  to  found 
in  Florida.   He  carried  in  his  ships  enough  skilled  persons 
to  service  the  needs  of  the  colonies  and  to  aid  in  the 
exploitation  of  their  agricultural  potential. 

Both  parties  to  the  outfitting  of  the  Florida  Jornada 
incurred  direct  expenses  arising  out  of  the  immediate 
advance  pay  of  officials,  of  soldiers  and  mariners,  the 
purchase  of  equipment  and  supplies  for  the  expedition,  and 
lease  or  purchase  of  ships  in  which  to  carry  them.   Like- 
wise, both  the  Crown  of  Castile  and  its  Adelantado  obli- 
gated themselves  for  subst2mtial  continuing  expense  for  the 
later  pay  and  supply  of  their  men  and  for  the  operation 
of  the  vessels  which  would  serve  the  Florida  conquest  and 
population.   Of  the  two  obligations,  Men^ndez*  was  the 
heavier  and  the  more  enduring;  it  was  to  last  for  at  least 


three  years.  As  it  was  seen  in  Madrid,  the  royal  support 
in  Florida  was  intended  to  be  a  temporary  thing,  lasting  only 
long  enough  to  see  the  intruders  defeated  and  ousted  from 
the  latnd. 

The  remaining  days  before  sailing  proved  hectic  for 
all  parties.   Much  of  the  labor  of  preparing  cmd  loading 
the  materials  purchased  by  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  fell 
upon  the  shoulders  of  its  escribano,  Juan  Carrillo,  at  CSdiz. 
Supplies  purchased  by  his  agents  came  in  on  oxcarts,  on 
mule-back,  and  in  small  boats.   Wine,  sea-biscuit,  rice, 
beef  emd  pork,  sides  of  bacon,  fish,  beams,  cheese,  gar- 
bcuizos,  olive  oil,  salt  eind  vinegair — even  a  medicine  chest — 
was  supplied  by  the  Crown.   Coopers  knocked  together  the 
casks  emd  barrels  in  which  the  bulk  items  would  be  stored. 
Goods,  bought  from  many  vendors,  came  from  all  of  lower 
Andalusia — from  Ronda,  Jerez  de  la  Frontera,  Puerto  de 
Sauita  Maria  and  Puerto  Real,  from  cis  far  away  as  Seville, 
and  from  Cadiz  itself.   So  much  came,  in  fact,  that  it 
was  necessary  to  lease  storage  space  in  the  town.   Some  of 
the  supplies  were  even  stockpiled  on  the  beach  opposite 
the  open  roadstead  where  San  Pelayo  and  the  other  ships 
rode  at  emchor.    In  the  meantime,  Menendez  had  stowed 
away  the  supplies  which  he  had  bought. 

In  order  that  some  basis  might  be  established  for  the 
payment  of  the  ship-lease  fee  for  Scm  Pelayo,  the  Casa  sent 
Fremcisco  Bemal  of  Seville  to  measure  the  galeass.   He 


figured  it  at  nine  hundred  six  tons,  and   the  rate  of  payment 

for  the  ship-lease  could  be  calculated. 

The  two  hundred  royal  soldiers  gathered  by  Men^ndez 
during  May  1565  embarked  from  Seville.   In  mid-June  they 
%iere  transported  by  boat  to  Sanlficar,  from  whence  they  were 
brought  to  C5dir.  The  Adelemtado  advemced  them  a  sum  of 
earnest-money — about  one-third  of  a  ducat  apiece — for  which 
he  was  shortly  reimbursed  by  the  Casa.    Two  hundred  fine 
new  Vizcayan  surquebuses  were  purchased  for  these  men, 
together  with  the  lead,  match-cord  and  powder  for  the 

Because  of  the  shortness  of  time  in  which  the  troops 
were  recruited  (Pedro  Men^ndez  had  stated  that  the  first  two 
hundred  had  come  in  on  May  18;  he  had  only  received  the  order 
to  raise  them  on  May  12),  their  enlistment  must  have  teiken 
place  in  Andalusia.  An  examination  of  a  list  of  these  men 
and  their  birthplaces,  however,  indicates  that  they  came 
from  villages  and  towns  all  over  the  peninsula.   Some  few 
were  from  Catalonia,  but  most  were  Castilian;  many  places 
in  Estremadura,  the  northern  meseta,  the  north  coast,  and 
Andalusia  were  represented.   These  were  professional  soldiers, 
available  because  eii5)loyment  in  Italy  or  elsewhere  was  not 
obtainable  at  the  present.   When  he  sought  to  provide  the 
military  arm  to  fill  out  his  t£±)le  of  orgemization  for  the 
Florida  conquest,  Menendez  sought  experienced  men,  blooded 
in  the  last  of  the  Italian  wars,  in  the  Mediterraneam 


galleys,  and  in  North  African  expeditions.    By  May  28, 
the  Adelantado  had  made  a  muster  of  his  ovm  troops  and  pre- 
sented it  to  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n,  so  that  each  mam  (emd 
wife,  if  she  were  coming  on  the  expedition)  could  be 

exaunined  for  religious  status  amd  approved  for  the  Indies 


journey.    In  mid-June,  1565,  the  first  two  hundred  who 

were  to  be  paid  by  the  Crown  came  down  river  from  Seville 
to  SamliScar  de  Barrameda,  amd  were  then  tramsported  to 
Cadiz.   On  Sunday,  June  17,  a  muster  was  held.  At  that 
time,  or  shortly  thereafter,  arquebuses  were  issued  to  the 

Due  to  the  exigencies  of  loading  the  ships  for  Florida, 
it  was  not  possible  to  put  the  Royal  troops  aboard  immedi- 
ately.  Menendez  had  to  maintain  amd  feed  them  ashore, 
before  they  could  reach  San  Pelayo  and  begin  to  draw  upon 
the  rations  which  awaited  them  there.   He  provided  for  the 
men  from  his  own  supplies  until  Thursday,  June  22,  when 
ninety-nine  more  royal  soliders  arrived.   The  Adelantado 
then  provided  for  the  whole  body  of  Crown  troops  ashore 
until  they  could  be  transported  aboard  ship  on  the  twenty- 
sixth.^   All  the  men  received  a  payment  of  two  months' 

advance  salary,  dating  from  the  day  of  their  muster. 

The  sixteenty-century  professional  soldier  was  a  hired 

mam.   The  Spanish  tercios  were  all  composed  of  contract  men 

who  had  been  recruited  by  a  captain  amd  signed  agreements 

with  him.   In  the  case  of  Menendez'  own  soldiers,  or  those 


^iham   he  enlisted  for  the  royal  account,  each  mem  signed 
his  own  asiento,  received  his  advance  pay  and  equipment, 
and  began  to  draw  rations.   By  terms  of  his  contract,  as 
long  as  he  served,  each  soldier  would  be  paid  and  receive 
his  rations,  worth  thirty  maravedis  a  day.   Since  the  tools 
of  his  trade,  his  weapon  and  his  accoutrements  were  fur- 
nished by  his  employer,  the  cost  of  these  was  given  in  lieu 
of  one  month's  pay.   In  posts  or  circumstcmces  deemed  to  be 
particularly  hazardous,  isolated,  or  non-productive  of  loot, 
ventajas,  or  additional-duty  pay,  might  also  be  forth- 

In  orgamizing  his  own  assortment  of  soldiers  at  Cadiz, 
Pedro  Menendez  did  not  make   an  appointment  of  a  full  number 
of  captains.   The  non-commissioned  corporals  named  for  the 
voyage  kept  order,  drew  supplies  and  served  to  keep  the 
units  organized  until  regular  companies  could  be  set  up. 

Artillerymen  were  in  great  demand,  were  difficult  to 
find  and  could  command  a  high  wage.   Pedro  Menendez  had 
looked  all  along  the  Andalusian  coasts  as  far  as  Malaga  cind 
Gibraltar  without  finding  the  men  he  needed.   Finally,  he 
was  able  to  fill  the  position  of  chief  gunner  and  eventually 
enlisted  a  total  of  eighteen  artillerymen.   Diego  L6pez,  who 
became  artillero  mayor,  was  only  twenty-four,  but  could 
already  count  long  years  of  service  in  his  specialty.  A 
native  of  Villaneuva  de  Alcaraz,  near  Toledo,  Lopez  had 
served  for  six  years  in  the  galleys  of  Don  Alvaro  de  Bazin 


and  had  been  at  the  tciking  of  the  Penon.   His  lombardero, 
Antonino  Escopo,  was  a  native  of  Naples,  aund   forty-four 
years  old  in  1565.   Escopo  had  been  paid  twenty  ducats 
at  the  muster,  'as  had  Gil  Tal6n,  emother  lombardero  aboard 
San   Pelayo. 

From  the  list  made  at  the  muster  of  the  King's  soldiers, 
it  is  evident  that  Pedro  Menendez  recruited  several  men  who 
had  a  close  connection  with  him  and  let  the  Crown  pay  for 
their  support.   These  included  Diego  de  Hevia  of  Oviedo, 
Pedro  de  Coronas  of  Tineo  and  Gutierre  de  Miranda,  also  of 
Tineo  in  Asturias. 

Meauiwhile,  a  question  which  related  to  the  Menendez 
mission  had  been  decided  in  Madrid.   The  King  sent  a  dis- 
patch to  Ambassador  Alava,  asking  him  to  determine  if  the 
Ribault  expedition  had  sailed,  and  proposing  that  the  matter 
be  brought  to  an  open  confrontation  if  it  had  not.   Alava 
replied  on  June  8  that  the  Huguenot  ships  had  indeed  weighed 
anchor  cibout  May  26.   He  had  no  immediate  way  of  knowing 
that  the  fleet  had  only  crossed  the  channel  and  taken 
refuge  in  England  from  a  spring  storm.   They  were  still 
within  recall.   In  so  far  as  Philip  II  was  concerned,  however, 
the  die  was  cast.   Isabel  journeyed  to  the  border  of  the 
kingdoms  of  France,  proceeding  to  Bayonne  with  the  Duke  of 
Alba  for  the  long-heralded  Royal  conference.  While  the  par- 
ley begem,  preparations  for  conflict  in  Florida  were  to  go 
on  in  Cadiz,  at  Gijon,  Aviles  and  Santamder,  as  the  ships 
made  ready  to  sail. 


In  Cadiz,  fin2mcial  arramgements  had  at  last  been  com- 
pleted, and  all  the  men  2md  equpment  were  placed  aJt>oard  the 
vessels.  Final  preparations  for  the  ships'  departure  were 
made.   Castillo  bought  fifteen  hundred  water-bottles,  for 
which  the  Casa  reimbursed  him,  for  the  royal  soldiers. 
Three  men  filled  the  bottles  eind  casks  at  the  C5diz  wells, 
and  the  fresh  water  was  then  stowed  aboard.  A  last  muster 
and   pay  of  the  officials  euid  mariners  of  San  Pelayo  was 
arranged  by  the  Casa's  representative,  Carrillo,   One  ad- 
ditional official  had  been  added — the  Crown  decided  to  retain 
Gonzalo  Gay6n,  a  skilled  Asturian  pilot,  at  its  expense. 
Gayon  would  act  as  chief  pilot  to  guide  the  expedition  to 
Florida  waters.   For  this,  he  was  to  be  paid  four  hundred 
ducats.  As  a  final  touch,  the  Casa  officials  presented 
Menendez  with  a  ship's  lantern  for  each  of  the  vessels,  and 

gave  him  four  standards  painted  with  the  royal  arms,  to  be 

flown  from  the  mastheads  of  San  Pelayo  and  San  Andres. 

Shortly  before  Menendez  was  to  sail,  his  brother-in- 
law,  Gonzalo  Solis  de  Meras,  appeared  at  Cadiz.   Solis  had 
left  his  studies  at  Salamanca  and  wished  to  embark  on  the 
Florida  adventure.   Since  he  had  almost  completed  the  re- 
quirements for  his  degree,  amd  was  a  married  man,  the 
Adelantado  was  much  loth  to  permit  him  to  come.   He  could 

not,  however,  resist  the  importunity  of  Solis  de  Meras, 

and  finally  gave  his  consent. 


By  this  time,  the  issue  of  Men^ndez*  compliemce  with 
the  royal  asiento  was  already  very  much  at  issue.   The  King 
and  his  Council  of  the  Indies  had  every  intention  of  holding 
the  Florida  Adelamtado  to  his  agreement.  The  Casa,  charged 
with  the  overseeing  of  the  prep^u:ation  of  the  Crown's  part 
of  the  expedition,  also  had  the  responsibility  of  checking 
upon  Menendez'  fulfillment  of  his  contract.   On  June  23, 
1565,  Factor  Duarte  made  a  formal  requeremiento.   He  asked 
Menendez  to  show  proof  that  he  had  carried  out  his  obliga- 
tions.  In  reply,  Men&idez  furnished  the  list  of  equipment 
euid  supplies  which  he  had  bought,  or  which  had  been  pur- 
chased for  him  by  Pedro  del  Castillo.    Then,  Duarte  made 
a  personal  inspection  of  the  vessels  einchored  in  the  Bay  of 
Cadiz,  after  all  lading  had  been  completed.   From  Monday 
noon,  June  25,  until  Wednesday  the  twenty-seventh,  he  was 
rowed  from  ship  to  ship  in  a  bergantin,  counting  heads  and 
verifying  cargoes.   He  also  gathered  the  muster  rolls  of 
the  royal  troops  and  lists  of  Pedro  Menendez*  own  personnel 
in  the  registries  of  each  ship.   His  report  is  most  useful 
in  that  it  summarizes  the  entire  effort  emd  furnishes  the 
best  list  of  ships,  armament  cuid  the  distribution  of  men. 
In  the  meantime,  similcir  reports  had  been  made  from  northern 
Spain,  from  the  ports  of  Aviles,  Gijon  2md  Semtander  directly 
to  the  Council  of  the  Indies. 

At  this  point,  Menendez  clearly  established  his  position 
on  the  question  of  compliance  with  the  asiento.   In  Duarte 's 
words : 


He  responded  that  with  the  ships,  people,  and 
artillery,  arms,  munitions  and  supplies  con- 
tained in  this  relation  amd  with  the  ships  which 
he  says  go  from  Vizcaya,  Asturias,  and  Galicia 
and  with  the  personnel,  arms  and  artillery, 
munitions  and  supplies  which  go  in  them,  he 
has  complied  with  the  asiento  which  his  Majesty 
ordered  be  taken  with  him  more  ccr.ipletely  and  in 
greater  quantity  than  he  was  obliged  to  do  .  ,  . 


On  Wednesday,  June  27,  1565,  in  the  afternoon,  the 
weather  appeared  favorable.   Pedro  Men^ndez'  whole  fleet  of 
ships  left  their  anchorage  and  passed  along  the  bay  side  of 
the  ancient  city  of  Cadiz  with  sails  drawing  and  flags 
flying,  on  their  way  to  the  Atlantic.   Factor  Duarte,  do'obt- 
less  relieved  to  have  dispatched  the  fleet,  sat  down  to 
write  up  his  report. 

Now  there  occurred  an  event,  about  which  much  contro- 
versy was  later  to  arise.   It  bore  directly  on  the  question 
of  Menendez*  compliance  with  his  asiento.   According  to  the 
Adelamtado  and  a  number  of  other  witnesses,  the  ships  had 
no  sooner  left  the  harbor  entrance  on  Wednesday  when  strong 
and  contrary  winds  sprang  up.   After  endeavoring  to  hold  the 
fleet  together  and  make  headway  against  the  winds,  Men^ndez 
gave  up  the  attempt  and  brought  the  ships  back  to  C5diz. 
Toward  nightfall,  he  anchored  off  the  ancient  fort  of  San 
Sebastieui  at  the  farthest  point  of  the  peninsula.   Here, 
claimed  Menendez,  contact  was  made  with  the  shore.   A  large 
number  of  additional  men  were  ferried  out  and  came  aboard 
the  vessels  during  the  night.   One  witness  later  testified 
that  one  hundred  fifty  more  people  had  come  out  to  the 


ships;  emother  stated  that  three  hundred  additional  passen- 
gers had  embarked  in  C^diz.    Then  Pedro  Men^ndez  and  his 
Florida  fleet  set  sail  for  the  second  time, 

Pedro  Men^ndez  claimed  that  his  Ci[diz  expedition  had 
sailed  from  Spain  with  a  total  of  1,504  souls  aboard.  The 
total  of  Duarte's  muster  was  995  persons.   Duaurte  had  not, 
however,  included  the  wives  or  children  of  the  twenty-six 
married  soldiers  aboard  San  Pelayo,  nor  had  he  counted  the 
sailors  eiboard  the  caravel,  San  Antonio.  All  of  these 
together  could  probably  not,  however,  have  exceeded  seventy- 
five  in  number;  the  two  sums  were  still  far  apart. 

It  is  evident,  however,  that  some  would-be  voyagers 
to  Florida  had  been  left  behind  when  the  fleet  sailed.  On 
Thursday,  the  twenty-eighth.  Captain  Diego  de  Luna,  a  pro- 
fessional soldier  from  Malaga,  arrived  in  Cadiz,  too  late 
to  catch  Menendez'  ships.   De  Luna  immediately  applied  to 
Factor  Duarte,  saying  that  he  wished  to  chaurter  a  vessel  to 
caurry  himself  and  his  men  to  meet  the  Adelantado  at  the  Cemary 
Isleuids,  so  that  they  might  yet  be  a  part  of  the  Florida 
expedition.   Duarte  simply  told  the  Captain  to  see  Pedro 
del  Castillo,  who  was  in  charge  of  all  Menendez*  affairs, 
in  order  to  make   any  such  arrangements.   The  Casa  de  Con- 

trataci6n  would  neither  accept  the  responsibility  nor  the 



The  same  day,  the  frustrated  officer  went  to  see 
Castillo.   Be  stated  that  he  had  gathered  a  fine  group  of 


almost  seventy  experienced  soldiers  who  had  served  in  Italy, 

had  exhausted  his  own  resources  in  bringing  them  to  the 

port,  and  needed  help  to  find  transport  to  the  Canaries. 

Since  it  was  known  that  Pedro  del  Castillo  was  Pedro  Menendez* 

deputy  in  Spain,  de  Luna  came  to  him,  having  nowhere  else 

to  turn. 

Castillo  replied  directly  to  de  Luna,  amd  stated  that 
he  had  indebted  himself  and  his  kinsmen  deeply,  in  the  cunount 
of  20,000  ducats,  for  the  arming  of  Menendez*  Florida  enter- 
prise.  Nevertheless,  he  said,  the  troops  would  be  needed, 
and  Castillo  agreed  to  provide  the  needed  supplies  so  that 
de  Luna  could  embark  immediately.   The  caravel  Nuestra 
Senora  de  los  Virtudes  was  chartered  and  made  ready  to  sail 
that  very  day. 

When  the  delayed  armadas  finally  set  sail  for  Florida 
from  Cadiz  cind  from  Spain's  north  coast,  what  then  was  the 
character  of  the  effort?  First,  as  to  support  of  the  ex- 
peditions, it  was  a  mixed  enterprise,  with  the  larger  share 
of  the  cost  and  risk  borne  by  the  Adelantado.   To  sustain 
his  part  of  the  burden,  Pedro  Menendez  committed  ein  entire 
coterie  of  relatives,  friends  cind  associates,  well-experienced 
upon  the  sea.   He  hired,  paid  and  equipped  some  additional 
soldiers  to  round  out  his  own  organization,  and  took  into 
his  own  forces  three  hundred  Crown- supported  soldiers. 
Almost  half  of  his  own  costs  were,  in  fact,  paid  indirectly 


by  Crown  gremts  to  the  Adelemtado.   In  order  to  underwrite 
his  efforts,  Men^ndez  had  recourse  to  sources  of  credit 
linked  with  his  regional  and  familial  associations.  He 
entrusted  financial  and  logistical  maintenamce  to  his 
relative  Pedro  del  Castillo,  a  Cadiz  mercheuit  and  long-time 

The  bureaucrats  of  the  King  had  conscientiously  fur- 
nished the  funds,  arms  auid  supplies  their  master  had  ordered. 
Philip  II  had  also  obligated  the  royal  fisc  for  substantial 
additional  sums  in  support  of  the  expedition  from  overseas 
treasuries  and  from  the  New  Spain  fleet. 

The  Florida  expenditions  thus  represented  a  joint- 
venture  in  conquest — both  Adelantado  and  Crown  shcired  the 
costs  of  the  effort.   The  parties  had  other  joint  considera- 
tions as  well.   The  royal  desire  to  erase  the  French  presence 
in  Florida  was  deeply  shared  by  Pedro  Menendez.   In  their 
most  cherished  hopes,  however,  both  parties  looked  beyond  the 
coming  battles.   They  looked  for  glory  and  profit,  and  to 
the  enlargement  of  their  own  domains  emd  holdings.   The  ships 
which  sailed  carried  more  than  soldiers,  supplies,  and 
cannon.   They  were  laden  with  a  full  cargo  of  expectation. 


1.  The  careers  of  Pedro  Men^ndez'  main  lieutenants 
are  well  documented,  as  most  of  them  achieved  prominence 
as  fleet  Generals  or  Admirals  in  the  Carrera  de  Indias,  as 
governors  or  in  other  official  posts,  in  positions  in  the 
Armada  Real  or  .in  other  fleets  or  expeditions.   The  corre- 
spondence relating  to  their  offices,  the  audits  of  their 
accounts,  the  corpus  of  legal  cases  affecting  them,  and  the 
sentences  of  the  Council  of  the  Indies  sitting  as  judicial 
chamber,  contain  much  about  these  men.   In  secondary  litera- 
ture, two  accounts  have  devoted  some  space  to  the  subor- 
dinates of  Men^ndez.   Ciracio  Miguel  Vigil  gives  a  brief 
sketch  of  each  figure  associated  with  the  Adelajitado  in  his 
work  Noticias  biograficos-geneal6gicos  de  Pedro  Menendez 

de  Aviles  (Aviles;   Miguel  Vigil,  1892) .   Following  Vigil 
Eugenic  Ruidiaz  de  Caravia  did  much  the  same  in  La  Florida, 
I  and  II.   Both  men  erred  in  confusing  Pedro  Menendez 
Marques  with  Pedro  Menendez  el  mozo,  another  son  of  Alvaro 
Sanchez  de  Avilgs,  brother  of  the  Adelantado. 

2.  Pedro  Menendez'  own  description  of  his  brother's 
services  and  his  illness  during  the  Seville  imprisonment  of 
1563-1564  are  found  in  "Memorial  of  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles 
asking  grace  from  His  Majesty,"  Seville,  1564,  in  A.G.I. 
Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  2.   Bartolom^'s  selection  as 
fleet  general  is  described  by  the  Adelantado  in  the  same 
Memorial.   An  accumulation  of  material  about  Bartolome 
Menendez  is  found  in  "Bartolome  Menendez  sobre  sueldo," 
Madrid,  1570,  in  A.G.I.  Indif erente  General  1,219.    The 
long  service  of  Bartolome  Menendez  is  described  by  the 
Adelantado  in  a  letter  written  to  the  King  from  Santander 

on  May  15,  1568,  and  found  in  Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  171. 

3.  Descriptions  of  various  services  by  Estebem  de  las 
Alas  are  found  in  A.G.I.  Patronato,  legajos  179,  No.  5,  ramo 
4;  254,  No.  2,  ramo  1;  254,  No.  3.   Correspondence  and 
legal  matters  relating  to  him  are  foundin  A.G.I.  Contratacion 
2,937  and  in  Contrataci6n  135,  No.  5  (autos  fiscales) ,  which 
deal  with  de  las  Alas'  presence  in  San  Juan  de  Ulua  in 

1562.   Reports  of  de  las  Alas'  voyages  in  1564  are  in  two 
letters;  Casa  to  Crown,  Seville,  Dec.  5  and  Dec.  5,  1564 
A.G.I. ,  Contratacion  5,167,  Book  III.   A  pertinent  sentencia 
of  the  Council  of  the  Indies  is  found  in  A.G.I.   Escribania 
de  Camara  952.   Audits  of  De  las  Alas  accounts  in  various 
posts  in  the  fleets  are  found  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  466  and  547, 



4.  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  to  Crown,  Semtander, 
May  15,  1568,  from  Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  171, 

5.  Pedro  NenSndez  Marquiz  does  not  lacX  for  archival 
data  of  a  biographical  nature.  As  fleet  General,  material 
may  be  found  about  him  in  the  "Papeles  de  eunnada"  series  for 
the  fleets  under  his  commcuid,  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  2,946 
to  2,948.   Marqu4z  is  listed  as  maestre  of  one  of  Pedro 
Nenendez'  ships  in  1561  in  Huguette  and  Pierre  Chaunu, 
Seville  et  I'Atlantigue,  III,  6.   Bonds  of  Marquez  are 
listed  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  9.   Sentences  against  him^are 
found  in  A.G.I.  Patronato  177,  No.  1,  ramo  25,  Escribania 

de  Camara  967,  1010  and  1011   An  audit  of  Marquez*  fleet 
accounts  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Contadxiria  464.   Various  de- 
scriptions of  his  service  are  in  A.G.I.  Patronato  257, 
No.  4,  ramos  1,  6,  8,  amd  11,   He  testifies  at  length  about 
his  early  services  in  Florida  in  A.G.I,  Patronato  257, 
No.  3,  ramo  20,  "Danos  de  los  indios  de  la  Florida." 
Consultas  and  cedulas  about  Pedro  Mendndez  Marquez  during  his 
term  as  Governor  and  Captain-General  of  Florida  are  found  in 
A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  2,528  and  Indiferente  General  738,  as 
cited  infra.   Ciracio  M.  Vigil  discusses  Menendez  Marquez  in 
Noticias  .  .  .  de  Pedro  Menlndez  de  Aviles,  pp.  49-50,  as 
does  Ruidiaz  in  La  Florida,  II,  629-629  (see  note  4,  supra, 
for  their  mutual  error) .   Jeemnette  Thurber  Connor  devotes 
considerable  sgace  and  exhibits  great  interest  in  Pedro 
Menendez  Marquez  in  the  introduction  to  Colonial  Records 
of  Spanish  Florida  (2  v.,  Deland,  FloridaT   Florida  Historical 
Society,  1925-1930),  I,  xxiii-xxvi. 

6.  Pedro  Menendez  had  recommended  Diego  Flores  Valdes 
as  one  of  three  qualified  to  be  fleet  General  for  Tierra 
yirme  in  1562;  see  Memorial  of  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  to 
Crown,  n.d.,  in  1564,  Seville,  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No,  3, 
ramo  2.   Sentencias  relating  to  Flores  are  found  in  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  952  amd  967.   He  is  praised  in  fulsome 
terms  by  the  Adelantado  in  his  letter  to  Philip  II  dated  at 
St.  Augustine,  September  11,  1565,  and  found  in  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  231  (in  the  Stetson  Collection) . 

7.  It  is  certainly  true  that  no  clear-cut  distinction 
between  "navy"  and  "army"  existed  in  the  sixteenth  century, 
and  that  a  commission  as  "ordinary  Captain"  in  the  King's 
service  could  be  utilized  on  lamd  or  at  sea.   What  is  under 
discussion  here,  however,  is  the  matter  of  experience. 

8.  Pedro  de  Valdes'  qualifications  are  discussed  by 
the  Adelantado  in  his  letter  to  the  Crown  in  the  letter  sent 
from  St.  Augustine  on  September  11,  1565,  and  found  in  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  231  (in  Stetson  Collection) . 


9.   Miranda  appears  on  a  ration  list  of  the  first 
soldiers  of  the  Menendez  contingent;  this  is  "Lista  de  la 
gente  de  guerra  que  fueron  con  el  Adelantado  Pedro  Menlndez 
a  la  conquista  de  la  Florida,"  from  A.G.I,  Contaduria  941, 
fol.  9.   This  is  found  in  microfilm  at  the  P.  K.  Yonge 
Library  of  Florida  History.   On  June  1,  1565,  he  served  as 
a  witness  to  the  appointment  of  Juan  de  Jxinco  as  Tenedor  de 
Bastimentos;  this  is  from  "Relaci6n  de  los  bastimentos, 
■a^tilleria,  armas,  y  municiones  que  recibio  Juan  de  Junco 
..."  and  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941,  ramo  2. 

10.  See  "Genealogy  of  the  Enterprise  of  Florida," 
Appendix  III. 

11.  For  example,  Pedro  Menendez  married  his  cousin. 
Dona  Maria  de  Solis,  and  was  thus  required  to  seek  Papal 
dispensation^ for  marriage  within  the  forbidden  degrees; 
Solis  de  Meras,  op.  cit. ,  p.  40.   He  was  at  times  himself 
called  Pedro  Menendez  Valdes  (see  Libro  de  Registros.  1551, 
Ida,  A.G.I.  Contratacion  2,898),  and  married  his  daughter 
Ana  to  Pedro  de  Valdes,  who  was  also  at  times  called  Pedro 
Menendez  Valdes. 

12.  There  are  extant  various  lists  of  participants  in 
the  Florida  enterprise.   Several  lengthy  lists  of  officials 
and  soldiers  and  some  shorter  ones  of  mariners  are  found  in 
the  Florida  accounts  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941  ration  lists 
from  1566-69.   Three  similar  lists  of  the  royal  troops  in 
the  Cadiz  contingent  are  found  in  A.G.I.  Justicia  817.   In 
many  cases,  together  with  the  names  of  men  (or  women)  the 
birthplace  and/or  place  of  citizenship  is  given.   Thus,  the 
origin  of  key  figures  of  rank-and-file  in  the  conquest  of 
Florida  may  be  determined. 

13.  Peter  Boyd-Bowman,  fndice  geobiogr^fico  de  cuarenta 

mj.lpobl adores  espanoles  de  America  en  el  Siglo  XVI  (2  v  . 

**®^ico: Editorial  Jus,  1958),  describes  (page  9  and  passim) 

the  activities  of  the  Miranda,  de  la  Ribera,  del  Busto]: 

Junco,  Valdes,  Hevia,  de  las  Alas,  del  Castillo,  Solis  and 
other  Asturian  families  in  Cuba,  Santo  Domingo,  Cartagena, 
Yucatan,  Puerto  Rico  and  New  Spain. 

14.  Menendez  recognized  the  strength  of  this  motivation. 
In  a  letter  to  the  Crown,  he  noted  that  he  preferred  men  from 
Asturias  and  Vizcaya,  "who  are  the  people  best  fitted  to 
work  in  Florida,  some  because  of  their  nature  and  some  be- 
cause of  kinship  and  friendship."   Pedro  Menendez  to  Crown, 
f^Xii^^'  December  3,  1570,  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General 


15.  The  trade  officials  reported  to  Philip  II  in  a 
letter  which  bore  no  date.  Apparently,  however,  it  was 
%rritten  on  June  7,  1565,  for  the  payment  if  mentions  was 
made^on  that  day.   The  letter  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Contra- 
tacion  5,167,  Book  III.   Payment  of  the  9,000  ducats  is 
from  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  4,680  (Libro  de  Guadalcanal) ,  fol. 
128;  this  citation  kindly  furnished  by  Paul  E.  Hoffmcin. 

16.  See  "Petition  of  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avills  before 
the  Casa  de  Contratacion, *  Seville,  June  12,  1565,  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

17.  The  payment  is  listed  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  310-B; 
455:   2. 

18.  This  includes  the  entire  15,000-ducat  merced,  the 
3,000-ducat  advance  on  the  galleon  lease  case  settlement  and 
the  2,000  ducats  paid  as  recompense  for  losing  the  Tierra 
Firme  voyage  for  San  Pelayo.   At  mid-June,  the  Adelantado 
was  still  due  cin  advance  on  the  sums  which  would  be  payable 
for  the  lease  of  San  Pelayo  and  the  500  ducats  for  repair 
%rork  done  on  the  galeass. 

19.  The  author  is  indebted  to  Paul  E.  Hoffman  for  this 
citation;  "Fe  de  registro,  Santa  Maria  de  Ondiz,"  A.G.S, 
Junta  de  Hacienda,  67. 

20.  Poder,  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s  to  Domingo  de 
Ocaris,  Cadiz,  June  25,  1565,  A.P.C.,  Escribania  of  de  los 
Cobos,  fol.  297. 

21.  Some  apt  insights  into  the  relationship  of  families 
in  commerce  appear  in  Armando  Sapori,  The  Italicin  Merchant 

in  the  Middle  Ages  (tremslated  by  Patricia  Ann  Kennen.   New 
York:   W.  W.  Norton,  1970),   pp.  45-46.   Sapori  states  the 
matter  well:   "...  in  the  early  Middle  Ages,  these  men 
(in  a  con^sany)  belonged  to  the  seune  family,  which  formed  a 
closed  block  of  interests  and  individuals.   They  lived  under 
the  same  roof,  submitted  to  the  authority  of  the  eldest  among 
them,  and  broke  bread  around  the  same  table.   Like  the  family, 
a  compact  group  by  reason  of  its  ties  of  blood,  the  company 
had  its  honor  to  safeguard  in  society,  and  this  family- 
con^Jany  identity  imposed  on  each  of  its  members  a  line  of 
irreprochable  conduct  in  business  affairs.   Anyone  who 
committed  a  fraud  would  ruin  both  his  own  ncune  and  that  of 
his  entire  family  .  .  .  In  this  way  there  was  a  rigorous 
reciprocal  control,  which  was  made  bearable  by  the  affection 
uniting  the  families. 

As  the  business  grew,  it  required  more  capital,  amd 
there forev  outsiders,  capable  of  supplying  the  necessary  funds, 
had  to  be  admitted.   These  men  were  chosen  from  a  wide  circle 
of  relatives  and  associates  and  finally  people  who  had  no 
particular  ties  to  the  old  family  group." 


22.  See  Ruth  Pike,  Aristocrats  and  Traders;  Sevillian 
Society  in  the  16th  Century  (Ithaca  and  London; Cornell 
University  Press,  1972),  especially  p.  99  et  seq. 

23.  The  presence  of  Diego  Montem^s  zmd  Pedro  Men^ndez 
Valdes  in  Puerto  Rico  is  mentioned  by  Pedro  Men^ndez  Marquee 
in  his  visit  to  San  Juan  in  September,  1566,   The  documents 
are  from  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  4,  ramo  1, 

24.  Poder,  Diego  Men^ndez  de  la  Aspriella  to  Favian 
de  Soils,  A.P.C,  Escribania  of  de  Ribera,  1577,  fol.  176. 

25.  See  "Registro  de  la  nao  Santa  Maria,"  A.G.I, 
Justicia  872,  fol,  217  vto,-221. 

26.  Astudillo,  a  vecino  of  Seville,  testifies  for 
Men^ndez  in  his  claim  to  recover  funds  allegedly  advanced  to 
Florida  soldiers.   The  testimony,  on  March  27,  1572,  is  from 
A, G.I,  Justicia  817,   Astudillo  served  as  bondsmcin  for  the 
Adelantado  in  the  1564  jailbreak  case.   See  "Fiscal  de  Su 
Magestad  contra  Pedro  Men6ndez  de  Avil^s  y  sus  fiadores," 

A, G.I.  Justicia  868,  pieza  9.   Sebastian  de  Santander  repre- 
sented the  Adelantado  through  much  of  the^main  case  involving 
the  asiento,  and  found  in  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A, 
emd  represented  Astudillo  in  the  jailbreak  case.   Ruth  Pike, 
in  Aristocrats  and  Traders;  Sevillian  Society  in  the  16th 
Century,  p.  123,  describes  the  Astudillo  banking  fcimily. 

27.  Irene  A.  Wright,  Historia  documentada  de  San 
Cristobal  de  la  Habana  en  el  siglo  XVI,  I,  82,  83. 

28.  The  Lovera  will  is  found  in  A,H,P.  (Madrid), 
Escribania  of  Nicolas  Mufioz,  No.  635,  fol.  4  of  1568. 

29.  Hinestrosa's  antecedents  are  discussed  by  Irene 
Wright,  op.  cit. ,  82.   His  role  in  the  1564  case  is  outlined 
in  A.G.I.  Justicia  868,  pieza  9. 

30.  The  poder  from  Pedro  Men^ndez  to  Pedro  del  Castillo 
is  in  A.P.C,  Escribania  of  Alonso  de  los  Cobos,  1565.   A 
copy  is  in  the  A.G.I. ,  at  Indiferente  General  2,673. 

31.  Castillo  describes  his  expenditures  amd  those  of 
his  "friends  and  kinsmen"  in  "Requeremiento  de  Luna  a 
Castillo  ..."  found  in  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Clmara  1,024-A 
under  the  date  of  June  28,  1565,  in  Cadiz.   He  outlines  his 
fin2uicial  sacrifices  further  in  a  letter  to  the  King, 
received  in  Madrid  on  January  30,  1566,  and  found  in  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  2,673. 

32.  The  August in  Francisco  substitution  is  found  in 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  2,673.   It  comes  originally  from 
A.P.C,  Escribcmia  of  Alonso  de  los  Cobos,  1565. 


33.  Sxibstitution  by  Pedro  del  Castillo,  C^diz,  August 
17,  1565,  A.P.C.,  Escribanfa  of  Alonso  de  los  Cobos,  1565, 
fol.  409. 

34.  Castillo,  who  had  served  in  1563-64  as  Receptor 

de  Averfa  in  Cadiz,  was  adjudged  guilty  of  undervaluation  of 
goods  shipped  for  the  tax.   For  a  shortage  in  his  books  of 
238,524  maravedis,  he  was  fined  50,000  maravedfs.   Castillo 
had,  however,  also  been  the  supplia:  for  the  galleys  for 
which  he  was  to  have  collected  the  averia,  and  was  owed 
224,531  maravedis  for  this  service.   See  "Culpas  y  cargos 
contra  Pedro  del  Castillo,"  A.G.I.  Justicia  956.   Shipments 
from  New  Spain  for  Castillo  are  listed  in  the  Fe  de  registros 
for  the  vessels  La  Maria,  Santa  Maria  de  Ondiz,  La  Trinidad, 
San  Juan,  and  Santa  Maria.   These  were  found  in  A.G.S. 
Junta  de  Hacienda,  67,  and  furnished  through  the  kindness 
of  Paul  E.  Hoffman. 

35.  See  Appendix  IV. 

36.  See  Appendix  V. 

37.  Pedro  Menendez  mentions  Flores'  investment  in  the 
enterprise  in  his  October  15,  1565,  letter  to  Philip  II 
found  in  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  231  (in  Stetson  Collection). 
Woodbury  Lowery,  in  The  Spanish  Settlements,  II,  146,  ad- 
vises that  Flores  had  pawned  his  patrimony  to  support 
Menendez.   The  Adelantado  discusses  his  loan  from  Reinoso 

in  his  Havana  letter  to  the  Spanish  King  written  on  Christmas 
Day,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  231  (in  Stetson  Collec- 
tion).  It  has  also  been  reproduced  in  Lawson,  Letters  of 
Menendez,  I,  271.   Menendez  reminds  the  King  of  the  loans 
from  his  brothers,  relatives  and  friends  in  "Menendez  re- 
ports to  the  Crown,  1565  [sic],"  from  Ms.  Division,  Library 
of  Congress,  typescript  translation,  1937.   It  probably 
dates  from  1568.   The  transcript  is  found  in  the  P.  K.  Yonge 
Library  of  Florida  History,  University  of  Florida. 

38.  A  good  general  description  of  the  place  of  the 
Royal  Officials  in  the  Spanish  colonial  financial  system  may 
be  found  in  C.  H.  Haring's  The  Spanish  Empire  in  America  (3rd 
ed.   New  York:   Har court.  Brace  &  World,  1963),,  pp.  279-282. 
A  more  recent  and  far  more  detailed  study  has  been  done  by 
Ismael  Sanchez-Bella  in  La  organizacion  financiera  de  las 
Indias,  Siglo  XVI  (Seville:   Escuela  de  Estudios  Hispano- 
Americanas,  1968).   See  especially  Chapter  1,  "Desarrollo 
historico,"  pp.  7-68. 

39.  "Ordenezas,"  D.I.,  LXIV,  507. 


40.  It  was,  of  coxirse,  difficult  to  guareintee  a  posi- 
tion for  Indies  Royal  Officials  independent  of  local  power 
centers.   This,  however,  was  the  reason  for  their  separate 
salary  arremgements .   Sanchez-Bella  discusses  this  problem 
in  La  organizacion  financiera  de  las  Indias,  p.  28,   The 
point  here  is  that  no  member  of  Menendez*  own  orgemizational 
apparatus  was  likely  to  establish  such  independence,  even  if 
he  should  desire  to  do  so.   Juan  de  Junco's  brother  Rodrigo 
was  affiliated  with  Pedro  Menlndez  by  1562.   See  registry 
of  vessel  Magdalena,  in  "Fiscal  with  Pedro  Menendez  de 
Aviles  over  pay  of  Sueldos  .  .  .  1563,"  A.G.I.  Justicia  872. 
The  Junco  appointment,  dated  June  1,  1565,  is  found  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  941  (Microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida 
History,  Reel  1). 

41.  The  documentation  of  the  arming  of  the  northern 
expeditions  has  been  accumulated  in  the  legajo,  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A,  which  contains  the  corpus  of 
the  suit  by  Pedro  Menendez  over  his  asiento  with  the  Crown. 
The  Adelantado  and  his  heirs  inserted  the  material  into  the 
record  in  order  to  prove  the  extent  of  complicuice  with  the 
Florida  contract.   From  the  text  of  their  works,  it  appears 
that  the  material  was  available  to  Gonzalo  Solis  de  Meras  and 
to  Eugenic  Ruidiaz  y  Caravia.   The  data  is,  however,  scanty 
as  compared  with  that  for  the  C£diz  section  of  the  enter- 
prise.  The  author  assumes  that  perusal  of  the  north-coast 
notaries*  archives  may  uncover  much  more  material. 

42.  The  document  is ^entitled  "La  lista  que  hizo  el 
(sic)  de  las  Alas  en  Aviles  de  257  personas."   It  was  copied 
in  Aviles  on  September  27,  1567,  from  the  original,  which 
was  dated  June  27,  1565.   The  copy  is  found  in  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A.   Unfortunately  the  ship 
registries,  enclosed  with  the  original,  were  not  included 

or  at  least  are  not  now  found  with  the  copy.   The  supplies 
and  men  listed  from  Menendez'  native  town  would  be  invaluable. 

43.  "Visita  y  registro  de  los  navies  y  gente  en  Gijon," 
Gijon,  May  25,  1565,  and  "Visita  y  registro  del  navio 
Espiritu  Santo,"  May  31,  1565,  also  at  Gijon,  from  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A, 

44.  The  Lexalde  ship  is  described  briefly  in  "Memorial 
de  los  navios  cargados  de  bastimentos  y  municiones  que  se 
perderon  el  Adeleintado  Pero  Menendez  yendo  a  echarlos  luteranos 
que  estavan  poblando  en  aquella  tierra  de  la  Florida,"  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A;  cf.  "replica  el  Adelantado," 
loc.  cit. 


45.  Pedro  Menendez  describes  the  embargo  of  San  Antonio 
in  his  letter  to  the  King  sent  from  Matanzas,  Cuba,  on 
December  5,  1565,  and  found  in  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  231 

(in  Stetson  Collection).   Payment  for  the  tow  of  the  caravel, 
for  loading  water  eind  wine  into  the  caravels,  amd  the  car- 
pentry work  is  itemized  in  A.G.I.  Contadurfa  310-B;  451: 
4;  452:  1  and  2.   Another  description  of  the  lading  of  the 
caravels  and  their  subsequent  journey  is  found  in  "Pedro 
del  Castillo — informaci6n  sximaria  hecha  en  C^diz,"  September 
22,  1567,  in  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  c£inara  1,024-A, 

46.  The  ncimes  of  the  vessels  are  found  in  the  list  of 
ships,  men,  emd  supplies  made  by  Casa  factor  Duarte  in  C^diz, 
June  28,  1565,  which  has  been  reproduced  in  toto  in  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A.   It  has  been  printed  in  Rui- 
diaz.  La  Florida,  II,  558-566,  whwere  it  is  cited  as  coming 
from  A.G.S.,  Consejo  de  Hacienda,  leg,   67.   Menendez 
describes  the  purchase  of  the  two  ships  in  his  letter 

to  Philip  II  from  Seville,  May  18,  1565,  which  is  printed 
in  Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  60-66, 

47.  See  "Relacion  de  los  navios,  gente,  bastimentos, 
artilleria,  armas,  municiones  .  .  .  que  lleva  el  adelantado 
Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  en  su  armada  para  la  conquista  de 
la  Florida,"  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A,  and  the 
royal  list  immediately  following  it. 

48.  There  is  a  rich  accretion  of  data  on  Casa  pay  for 
San  Pelayo  and  Royal  troops  in  A.G.I,  Contadurfa  310-B 
accounts  of  Factor  Duarte.   This  was  kindly  furnished  by 
Paul  E.  Hoffman. 

49.  See  report  of  Contadores  Mayores,  A.G.I.  Escribania 
de  Camara  1,024-A. 

50.  Menendez'  advance  of  23,800  maravedfs  to  the  troops 
was  repaid  by  the  Casa  as  per  the  record  found  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  310-B,  fol.  437. 

51.  When  the  Adelantado  described  the  non-commissioned 
officers  and  captains  whom  he  had  appointed  (including 
Sergeant-Ma j or  Villaroel,  the  alfereces  and  other  sergeants), 
he  noted  that  "those  without  experience  are  few  .  .  .  they 
were  soldiers  of  Italy  skilled  in  war."   Menendez  described 
this  quality  of  his  men  in  the  letter  dated  September  11, 
1565,  and  sent  to  Philip  II  from  St.  Augustine;  from  A.G.I. 
Scmto  Domingo  231  (in  Stetson  Collection) . 

52.  The  Royal  Officials  of  the  Casa  notified  Philip  II 
of  the  muster  in  a  letter  sent  from  Seville  on  that  date  cmd 
found  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167,  Book  III. 


53.  Repayment  to  Pedro  MenSndez  is  itemized:  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  310-B,  fol.  447;  4;  fol.  455;  2. 

54.  Gabriel  de  Ayala  de  Salzedo,  who  later  served  as 
Alf^rez  for  the  300  Royal  troops  in  Florida  and  then  became 
a  Captain  in  Menendez*  Armada  Rectl^  describes  the  muster  and 
payment  in  Cidiz.   He  noted  that,  as  em  arquebusier,  he 
received  his  weapon  aid  four  ducats,  representing  two  months* 
salary  from  June  17  at  2  ducats  per  month.  The  full  pay  of 
em  arquebusier  would  have  been  four  ducats  per  month.   In 
"Captain  Graviel  Ayala  de  Salzedo,"  A.G.I.  Indiferente 
General  1,222.   At  the  payment,  which  evidently  was  made 
close  to  the  sailing  date,  eleven  corporals  and  288  soldiers, 
299  men  in  all,  were  paid.   Each  corporal  received  8  ducats 
and  each  soldier  four,  as  Ayala  de  Salzedo  had  said.   See 
A.G.I.  Contaduria  310-B,  fol.  472-4.   Pedro  Menendez  criti- 
cized the  payment  Duarte  made  as  "ruin"  in  his  letter  to 

the  Crown  of  October  15,  1565,  from  St,  Augustine,  and  found 
in  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  231;  in  the  Stetson  collection. 

55.  See  Diego  L6pez  to  Crown  and  ff . ,  Madrid,  December 
7,  1571,  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,222,  and  "Antonino 
Escopo.  Artillero,"  November  8,  1570,  Seville,  loc.  cit.; 
Talon's  bond,  in  which  he  agrees  to  serve  c±>oard  San  Pelayo 
and  not  absent  himself,  and  in  which  he  acknowledges  that 
Pedro  Menendez  has  paid  him  20  ducats,  is  found  at  the  date 
of  June  25,  1565,  in  A.P.C.  Escribania  de  los  Cobos,  fol. 
297  vto. 

56.  Three  copies  of  the  1565  muster  roll  are  found  in 
a  115-folio  section  of  A.G.I.  Justicia  817,  at  No.  5,  within 
testimony  before  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  and  the  Council 

of  the  Indies  over  Pedro  Menendez'  attempt  to  recover  funds 
he  claimed  to  have  paid  the  soldiers.   The  dating  begins 
with  June,  1570,  and  continues  for  three  years.   Labels  on 
the  various  numeros  of  the  legajo  have  been  switched,  and 
the  pieza  can  only  be  identified  by  its  content. 

57.  Alava  to  Philip  II,  Bayoime,  June  8,  1565,  A.D.E., 
VII,  No.  1,076,  384-390.  

58.  The  final  payment  to  the  men  aboard  San  Pelayo  is 
in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  310-B,  472-3.   Castillo's  reimbursement 
for  the  water-bottles  is  in  the  same  legajo,  at  4  88-2/3. 
The  first  payment  of  56,250  maravedis,  as  part  of  the  400 
ducats  due  to  the  pilot  Gay6n,  is  also  recorded  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  310-B,  452-4.   His  final  payment  on  this  sum  was 
recorded  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  299;  19:  3.   The  writer  is 
indebted  to  Paul  E.  Hoffman  for  these  citations. 


59.  The  Adelantado  discusses  Solfs'  joining  the  ex- 
pedition in  his  letter  to  the  Crown  from  Havana,  July  1, 
1566,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  168  (Stetson  Collection). 

60.  "Los  bastimentos,  armas,  artilleria  y  municiones 
que  el  dicho  Adelemtado  Pero  Menendez  lleba  en  los  dichos 
neJsios  de  su  armada  ...  en  quenta  de  lo  gue  hes  obligado 
conforme  a  su  asiento  ...  por  una  relacion  jurada  y  f irmada 
del  dicho  Adelantado  Pero  Menendez  .  ,  .  y  Pedro  del 
Castillo  .  .  .  que  es  la  persona  por  cuta  mano  se  an  comprado 
y  probeedo  la  mayor  parte  de  todo  hello  .  .  .  ,"  from  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A.   On  May  28,  1565,  the  Casa 
officials  had  assured  Philip  II  that  they  would  send  veedores 
to  Cadiz  to  insure  that  Pedro  Menendez  lived  up  to  his  asiento. 
From  A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,167,  Book  III. 

61.  From  "Los  bastimentos,  armas  .  .  .  ,"  A.G.I, 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

62.  Menendez'  claims  of  his  return  to  Cadiz  and  the 
loading  of  additional  men  aboard  his  ships  is  found  in 
"Informacion  ante  el  Alcalde  deste  Corte,"  Madrid,  October 
16,  1567,  in  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A.   In  their 
1567  audit,  found  in  the  same  legajo,  the  Contadores  Mayores 
treated  Menendez'  claim  as  a  "pretension."   It  was,  however, 
not  refuted  by  any  testimony  appended  to  the  trial  record. 

63.  From  "El  Capitan  Luna  dize  ante  Factor  Duarte 
•  .  .  ,"  in  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

64.  In  "Requeremiento  de  Luna  a  Castillo  que  le  de 
para  los  fletes  y  costa  de  los  soldados,"  A.G.I.  Escribanfa 
de  Camara  1,024-A. 

65.  loc.  cit. 


Pedro  Men^ndez*  basic  plan  of  operations  for  the 
Florida  conquest  involved  a  joint  rendezvous  at  the  Ccmary 
Islamds  of  several  contingents  which  sailed  at  different 
times.   The  united  ships  would  then  sail  to  the  Indies, 
join  the  Santo  Domingo  forces  and  Ruelas*  vessel  and   pro- 
ceed to  Florida.   The  expedition  which  left  C5diz  on  June 
29,  however,  was  really  Menendez'  main  spearhead,  for  it 
included  his  largest  vessel,  ample  artillery  for  land  and 
sea  use,  emd  the  bulk  of  the  troops,  private  and  Royal. 

At  the  time  he  sailed,  Menendez'  main  concern  was  to 
reach  the  French  fort  before  Ribault's  reinforcement  fleet 
arrived.   The  intelligence  in  the  hands  of  the  Adelantado 
was  really  rather  complete,  for  he  had  good  knowledge  of 
the  French  works  at  Fort  Caroline,  and  he  knew  exactly  the 
composition  of  the  forces  of  Jean  Ribault.   Since  discovery 
of  the  French  settlement  on  the  river  May,  the  Florida  enter- 
prise had  assumed  military,  pxinitive  cind  ideological  aspects, 
Pedro  Menendez  had  especial  reason  for  hostility  toward  "the 
Lutheran  French,"  for  they  stood  in  the  way  of  his  hopes  for 
colonization  auid  profits,  emd  represented  the  long-time 



enemy,  now  tagged  xinioisteJceibly  with  the  stigma  of  religious 
heresy.   Men^ndez  was  particularly  alert  to  the  charge  that 
there  were  heretics  cunong  the  crewmen  £iboard  San  Pelayo,  and 
he  arrested  and   confined  several  men  on  the  ship. 

The  first  stage  of  the  voyage  went  well,  for  the  ex- 
pedition sighted  the  easternmost  islands  of  the  Canary  group 
only  five  days  after  setting  sail.   On  July  the  fourth, 
Menendez*  fleet  entered  the  harbor  of  Las  Palmas  on  the 
isleuid  of  Great  Ccinary,  having  come  more  than  750  miles. 
At  once  Pedro  Menendez  saw  that  his  ships  from  Asturias  had 
missed  the  rendezvous.   Since  he  could  not  delay  further  to 
await  their  arrival,  Menendez  left  word  that,  when  they 
should  arrive,  they  were  to  proceed  to  Puerto  Rico  and 
Havcuia.   He  would  then  make  arramgements  to  meet  them  in  the 

Menendez  replenished  his  wood  and  water  and  rearranged 
the  lading  of  his  vessels  in  the  Canaries.   To  correct  the 
overcrowding  which  had  resulted  from  the  hasty  loading  of 
the  vessels  in  Cadiz,  it  was  decided  to  take  to  Florida  the 
caravel  of  Jorge  Dias  which  was  originally  to  have  returned 
to  Spain.   Menendez  then  made  muster  of  all  the  soldiers  and 
seameui  in  the  fleet,  which  revealed  the  presence  of  a  noble 
stowaway,  if  the  Adelcintado  had  not  realized  it  before. 
Pedro  de  Valdes,  the  man  betrothed  to  the  Adelantado's 
daughter  Ana,  had  come  along  in  defiance  of  Menendez* 
wishes.    With  Vald4s  aboard,  the  fleet  of  eight  vessels 


left  Las  Palmas  on  July  8,  1565  and   took  their  departure 
from  the  great,  cone-shaped  peaik  of  Teneriffe.   Two  of  the 
cetravels  had  remained  in  the  Canary  Islcuids  to  return  to 
Spain,  and  the  Florida  fleet  consisted  of  the  Capitana,  San 
Pelayo,  the  large  galeota  La  Vitoria,  the  bergantfn  La 
Esperanza,  the  caravel  San  Antonio  and  the  four  shallops, 
Magdalena,  San  Miguel,  La  Concepci6n  and  San  Andres.   The 
last  named  shallop  served  as  Almircuita  of  the  fleet,  under 
the  commcmd  of  Diego  Flores  Valdls. 

After  an   initial  breeze  carried  the  ships  from  port, 
they  encountered  light  winds  and  began  to  separate,  in  spite 
of  Men^ndez'  every  effort  to  keep  them  together.   In  one 
group  was  the  San  Pelayo,  and  a  smaller  vessel,  whose  voyage 
is  described  in  Menendez'  own  account  of  the  voyage.   Five 
other  vessels  clustered  around  the  Almiranta.   The  expedi- 
tion's chaplain,  Francisco  L6pez  de  Mendoza  Grajales,  sailed 
in  this  group.   Father  Mendoza  Grajales  has  left  a  vivid 
neurrative  of  the  events  of  the  voyage  of  the  ships  which 
accompeuiied  the  Almiranta.   Both  versions  of  the  journey 
repor-t  that,  in  less  than  two  weeks  of  their  departure  from 
the  Canaries,  the  ships  were  struck  by  a  major  storm  while 
en  route  to  their  projected  landfall  in  the  Windward  Islands. 
Even  large  and  staunch  San  Pelayo  was  roughly  treated  by 
towering  seas  and  gusting  winds.   Since  the  galeass  was  pre- 
pcured  for  action  against  the  French,  and  had  mounted  heavy 
artillery  on  her  upper  decks ,  Pelayo  was  in  some  consideraUble 


danger  of  foundering.   After  the  wind  carried  away  two  of 
the  vessel's  masts,  Men^ndez  had  several  pieces  of  artillery 
thrown  in  the  sea  to  lighten  ship.  After  the  weather 
moderated,  the  Adelantado  had  jury-masts  rigged  from  spare 
yards  and  was  able  to  sail  moderately  well.   The  condition 
of  his  ship  was  such,  however,  that  he  determined  to  make 
straight  for  the  Puerto  Rico  instead  of  attempting  the  usual 
landfall  in  the  Windward  Islemds.   San  Pelayo  and  its 
accompanying  vessel  entered  the  harbor  of  San  Juan  on  August 

According  to  Father  L6pez,  trouble  began  for  the  other 
ships,  even  before  the  hurricane  struck.   One  of  the  shallops 
began  to  leak  badly,  left  the  other  five  vessels  in  the 
convoy  and  retxirned  to  the  Canaries.   By  this  time,  strong 
winds  had  already  begun  to  blow.   By  early  morning  of  July 
21,  full  hurricane  winds  were  lashing  the  little  vessels, 
while  they  wallowed  in  a  wild  confusion  of  sea  and  spray. 
All  the  iron  cannon  aboard  the  Almiranta  were  thrown  into 
the  sea^  and  many  casks  of  water  euid  other  supplies,  in- 
cluding seven  millstones  destined  for  use  in  Florida,  were 
thrown  overboard  to  lighten  ship.   The  priest  had  all  he 
could  do  to  hear  the  seaunans'  confessions  and  lead  them  in 
fervent  prayers  for  deliverance.   When  the  winds  finally 
moderated  at  noon  on  July  23,  the  Almiranta  found  itself 
sauLling  alone.   Meamwhile,  the  galiot  La  Vitoria,  which 
carried  none  of  Menendez*  troops  but  transported  large 


quantities  of  supplies,  was  lost  on  the  windward  coast  of 
Guadaloupe,  in  the  Windward  Islands,  and  its  crew  drowned 
or  fell  victim  to  the  Carib  Indians.   The  caravel  San 
Antonio  was  blown  far  westward  and  finally  arrived  at  the 
port  of  Santo  Domingo  on  Hispamiola.   It  was  eventually 
lost  to  the  Florida  expedition;  French  corsairs  took  the 
vessel  with  more  them  a  hundred  of  Pedro  Men^ndez'  soldiers 
and  substemtial  cunounts  of  his  own  supplies. 

The  two  remaining  ships  amchored  on  the  leeward  side  of 
Dominica,  cmd  sent  ashore  to  seek  wood  and  water.  They  left 
Dominica  August  8,  passed  Guadaloupe  and  Montserrat,  nego- 
tiated the  Virgin  Islands,  and  entered  the  harbor  of  San 
Juan  on  August  13. 

When  the  Adelantado  had  brought  his  small  convoy  through 
the  rocky  harbor  entrance  and  dropped  emchor  in  San  Juan  har- 
bor, it  was  evident  that  the  first  stage  of  his  voyage  to 
conquer  Florida  had  been  disastrous.   There  had  been  a 
serious  depletion  of  Menendez*  striking  force,  for  several 
vessels  were  missing,  and  he  could  see  that  the  ships 
gathered  in  Sam  Juan  had  been  badly  maltreated  by  the  storm. 
Only  hasty  repairs  were  possible  in  Puerto  Rico,  but  the 
vessels  were  put  in  some  semblence  of  sailing  condition. 

Other  disappointments  came  to  the  Adelantado.   As  he 
realized  that  Pedro  de  Las  Ruelas,  who  was  to  provide  him 
with  a  major  ship  and  its  soldiers,  had  fallen  behind  him  on 
the  journey.   When  Menendez  left  Spain  he  was  22  days  behind 


Ruelas'  fleet — at  the  Canauries  he  had  cut  the  time  between 
them  to  eight  days.   Now  the  Adeletntado  had  reached  Puerto 
Rico  before  them.   Neither  this  reinforcement  nor  his  own 
contingent  from  the  north  of  Spain  would  be  immediately 
availcible.  Menendez  also  learned  that  the  Seuito  Domingo 
authorities  had  not  yet  prepared  their  share  of  the  striking 
force  for  the  Florida  enterprise.   In  view  of  such  defi- 
ciencies, Menendez  found  it  difficult  to  gather  his 
scattered  forces  and  meet  the  French  challenge.   The 
Adelantado  could,  nonetheless,  perceive  some  very  real 
assets.   One  of  these  was  the  spearhead  of  the  striking 
force — San  Pelayo.   The  ship  was  fast,  heavily  armed,  amd 
could  carry  a  substcuitial  number  of  soldiers  and  tonnage  of 
supplies.   The  Adelantado  also  discovered  a  fine  ally  in  one 
of  the  Royal  Officials  of  Puerto  Rico,  Juan  Ponce  de  Leon. 
Ponce  spremg  from  the  founding  feimily  of  the  islcuid,  that  of 
the  first  Adelantado  of  Florida,  was  a  large  landholder  and 
also  served  as  Alcaide  of  the  Fortaleza.   Pedro  Menendez 
made  common  cause  with  Juan  Ponce  de  Leon,  gave  him  his 
poder,  cuid  thus  established  another  base  in  his  personal 
supply  network.   The  Adelantado  was  able  in  this  way  to  tap 
a  source  of  credit  at  San  Juem,  in  return  for  which  he  granted 
Ponce  some  rights  expected  to  arise  out  of  Menendez*  trade 

privilege  in  the  Caribbeem.   This  would  also  facilitate  the 
planned  purchase  of  cattle  emd  horses  for  Florida,   Menendea 
was  able   to  obtain  a  ship  in  San  Juan  amd  two  small  boats  to 


bolster  his  shattered  fleet,  and  also  enlisted  42  soldiers 
in  Scm  Juan.   This  gain  was  partly  offset  by  the  desertion 
of  30  of  his  men  emd  three  of  the  priests  who  had  come  on 
the  Adelantado's  ships.  Menendez  threatened  the  deserters 
with  perpetual  galley  sentences  if  they  should  ever  be 
caught,  but  there  was  little  else  that  he  could  do.   A 
sixteenth-century  military  leader  had  often  to  face  such 
wholesale  desertions. 

While  rapid  repairs  were  made  to  the  ships,  the 
Adelantado  rearremged  the  organization  of  his  soldiers  to 
replace  the  temporary,  hasty  formations  established  in 
Cadiz.  Menendez  turned  to  the  traditional  Spanish  military 
formation,  the  tercio,  perfected  in  the  long  Italian  wars, 
which  ordinarily  enrolled  12  to  15  companies  under  a 
Maes t re  de  Campo.   Each  company  was  enrolled  under  a  captain 
and  bore  his  name.  The  executive  officer  of  the  tercio  was 
a  Sargento  Mayor,  emd  the  company  was  also  served  by  an 
Ensign,  Chaplain,  Sergeant,  piper  and  drummer.   Each  was 

further  sub-divided  into  squadrons  and  a  squadron-leader 

(Cabo  de  esquadra)  assigned  to  each. 

To  command  his  soldiery,  Pedro  Menendez  chose  his 

future  son-in-law,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Valdes.   In  this  choice, 

the  Adelantado  was  consistent  with  his  earlier  selection  of 

lieutenants,  for  Valdes  was  of  a  major  Asturian  noble  family 

and  related  to  the  Archbishop  of  Seville.   He  was  a  trained 

soldier  in  the  arts  of  war  who  had  served  the  Spanish  Crown 


in  Italy.  Although  only  25  years  of  age,  he  was  an  experi- 

enced  soldier.   He  was,  moreover,  to  be  closely  tied  to 

Hen^ndez  by  his  coming  mcurriage.  On  Aug\ist  13,  1565,  aboard 

Sam  Pelayo  in  San  J\iaxx   harbor,  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Vald^s  was 

invested  with  the  office  of  Maestre  de  Campo  for  the  Florida 

enterprise  in  the  following  words: 

"Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Aviles,  Governor  and  Captain 
General  of  the  land  and  of  the  provinces  of 
Florida  emd  Adelantado  of  then,  says  that  I 
have  need  for  good  government  of  these  provinces 
in  order  to  expel  the  Lutheran  French  who  are  in 
the  said  provinces,  to  discover  the  land  and  to 
bring  its  natives  to  the  service  of  God,  our 
Lord,  and  to  the  obedience  of  His  Majesty.   Thus, 
I  have  need  of  naming  a  proper  and  sufficient 
person,  from  among  those  I  bring  with  me,  to 
be  Maestre  de  Campo.   Thus,  Pedro  Menendez  de 
Valdes,  since  you  have  the  necessary  qualities 
...  in  the  name  of  His  Majesty,  I  name  you  to 
such  office  for  this  enterprise. "10 

Valdes*  salary  was  to  be  300  ducats  a  yeair,  paid  from  the 

Adelantado' s  own  resources.   The  two  men  began  to  create  a 

coherent  organization  from  the  formless  mass  of  manpower 

aboard  the  ships. 

With  the  reorgcmization  of  his  forces  somewhat  in  hand, 

the  Adelantado  reviewed  his  strategy  for  the  conquest  of 

Florida.   Although  he  knew  that  the  French  reinforcement  had 

left  Dieppe  before  he  had  departed  Cadiz,  Menendez  still  felt 

fairly  sure  that  he  could  arrive  at  the  River  May  before 

Ribault's  fleet.   Since  the  French  prisoners  had  advised  him 

of  the  location  of  Laudonni&re ' s  fort,  Menendez  planned  to 

seize  the  river  mouth  and  divide  the  French  forces.   He  would 

next  fortify  his  base,  and  hold  it  until  reinforcements  frcan 


Asturlas  or  the  Indies  would  enable  him  to  wipe  out  the 
French.   This  plam  was  risky  but  urgently  necessary,  for  if 
the  French  should  arrive  first  and  unite  their  forces,  it 
would  be  very  difficult  to  dislodge  them.   In  order  to  en- 
courage the  lagging  officials  in  Samto  Domingo  to  provide 
his  reinforcements,  Pedro  Menendez  sent  Hernando  de  Miranda 
there  with  the  message  that  the  royal  contingent  should 
immediately  be  sent  to  Havana  to  join  the  Adelantado  there. 
As  added  inducement,  he  sent  along  a  pilot  skilled  in  the 
navigation  of  the  old  Bahama  Channel,  together  with  a 
current  marine  chart  of  the  area. 

One  essential  element  in  Menendez'  plan  was  to  use 
mounted  men  to  give  his  Florida  campaign  power  and  mobility 
and  to  overawe  the  Florida  Indians.  Menendez  arranged  for 
the  purchase  of  some  horses  from  Puerto  Rico,  but  rough 
weather  sprang  up  as  they  loaded  the  animals  aboard  ship  in 
San   Jucui  harbor.   Some  of  the  horses  got  loose  and  knocked 
down  some  of  the  ships'  bulkheads,  and  most  of  the  animals 
had  to  be  destroyed.   Adding  further  to  his  growing  sense 
of  unease,  Menendez  learned  that  a  French  corsair  had  cap- 
tured the  King's  courier  vessel  carrying  instructions  to  the 
Audiencia  in  Santo  Domingo  about  the  rendezvous  with  the 
Adelantado.   He  begem  to  fear  a  French  ambush  somewhere 
along  his  known  route  to  Florida. 

On  August  15,  1565,  the  little  fleet  left  port.   It 
consisted  of  San  Pelayo,  the  almiranta  San  Andres,  the 


shallop  San  Miguel,  the  galiot  La  Esperanza  and  the  ship 
which  Menendez  had  obtained  in  Puerto  Rico.   The  vessels 
made  their  way  westward  along  the  north  shore  of  Puerto 
Rico,  crossed  the  Mona  Passage  and  came  into  sight  of  the 
Hispanola  coast  on  August  17,  1565.  At  this  point,  all  of 
the  doubts  emd  concerns  which  had  been  building  up  in  the 
mind  of  Pedro  Menendez  coalesced,  and  compelled  an  abrupt 
change  in  his  plans.   If  he  continued  to  Havcuia  in  the 
doubtful  hope  of  finding  reinforcement  there,  he  would  run 
the  risk  of  interception  by  the  French.   The  Adelantado 
determined  to  forego  any  reinforcements  eind  strike  out 
directly  for  Florida.   He  chose  to  take   an  untried  route 
through  the  channels,  shoals  and  islands  of  the  Bcihamas, 
which  would  avoid  possible  ambush  amd  would  save  precious 
days.   In  taking  this  risky  step  with  his  diminished  forces, 
Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  was  staking  his  whole  enterprise 
upon  the  gamble  of  first  arrival  in  Florida, 

As  the  ships  set  forth  on  their  new  couse,  Pedro 
Menendez  and  Maestre  de  Campo  Valdes  completed  their  military 
reorganization  amd  auinounced  the  appointment  of  ten  captains. 
Each  of  his  captcdns  was  in  command  of  a  company  of  50  men. 
Examination  of  the  Adelantado 's  military  captains  discloses 
that  they  were  all  noblemen  and  experienced  soldiers.   Only 
two  of  Menendez'  12  captains  were  soldiers  paid  by  the 
Crown;  the  rest  were  carried  on  his  own  account.  Nine 
captains — Baurtolome  Menendez,  Martxn  Ochoa,  Juan  V^lez  de 


Medreuno,  Juan  de  San  Vicente,  Antonio  G6mez,   Frcuicisco  de 
Recalde,  Gonzalo  Solis  de  Meras,  Diego  de  Amaya  and 
Francisco  de  Castaneda  were  nortenos .   Two  of  the  men — 
the  Adelantado's  brother  Bartolom^  and  Solis  de  Herds  were 
closely  related  to  the  Adelantado.   Pedro  Men^ndez  thus 
attempted  to  insure  control  over  his  organization  by  placing 
his  troops  under  the  overall  command  of  his  Asturian  son-in- 
law,  and  relying  upon  those  whom  he  trusted  most — men  from 
the  north  of  Spain.   He  appointed  Gonzalo  de  Villareal  to 
the  position  of  Sargento  Mayor,  and  chose  sergeants  and  en- 
signs who  were  skilled  in  war  and  experienced  in  Italy. 
Pedro  Menendez*  firm  organization  of  his  troops,  which  in- 
cluded those  300  men  who  had  been  furnished  by  the  Spanish 
Crown,  shows  clearly  that  he  assumed  full  jurisdiction  as 
Captain  General  for  the  enterprise  of  Florida.   The  Royal 
troops  were  thoroughly  integrated  into  his  organization,  and 
there  was  no  question  of  separate  command.    The  seven 
days'  journey  through  Bahcima  waters  afforded  time  to  accustom 
the  men  to  their  new  commanders,  and  to  carry  out  some 
training  for  the  most  inexperienced.   An  area  was  provided 
on  Scui  Pelayo's  decks  where  the  men  could  practice  the 
loading,  firing  and  cleaning  of  their  arquebuses.   The 
Adelantado's  fleet  finally  emerged  into  the  Gulf  Streeim,  in 
the  vicinity  of  Grand  Bahama  Island,  and  sailed  north  and 
west,  taking  advantage  of  the  strong  current  of  the  Gulf 
Stream,  to  seek  landfall  in  Florida. 


The  chaplain's  narrative  describes  a  sign  seen  in  the 
heavens  by  the  Spamish,  diiring  their  first  night  in  the 
Bahama  channel.  Toward  morning,  there  appeared  to  the 
watcher's  eyes  the  bright  light  of  a  comet  which  rapidly 
made  its  way  across  the  sky  in  the  direction  of  Florida. 
It  seemed  a  good  omen  for  the  coming  enterprise.  After  a 
day  and  a  half  in  the  channel,  the  low  coastline  was  finally 
sighted  in  the  vicinity  of  Cape  Canaveral. 

Meanwhile,  the  summer  months  in  Spain  were  passing  in 
a  fever  of  anxiety  and  activity  for  Philip  II.   At  the  time 
of  Menendez'  departure  from  Cadiz,  the  Spanish  King  knew 
that  Ribault's  fleet  of  reinforcement  had  already  sailed. 
In  view  of  its  departure,  he  had  decided  not  to  treat 
directly  with  the  French  rulers  about  the  matter,  but  rather 
to  send  a  copy  of  the  May  5  parecer  of  the  Council  of  the 
Indies  to  his  representative  at  Bayonne,  the  Duke  of  Alba. 
Alba  was  then  to  bring  the  matter  up  on  the  proper  occasion. 
Later  it  was  decided  that  the  issue  of  Florida  should  not  be 
raised  at  all  at  Bayonne,   since  it  might  becloud  the  major 
concern  of  Spain  at  the  meeting — that  of  the  conservation 
and  advancement  of  the  Catholic  faith  in  France.    Thus  the 
two  monarchs  most  concerned  chose  to  avoid  a  direct  con- 
frontation over  Florida  vrfiile  their  fleets  sailed  to  their 
inevitable  clash  there. 

During  the  long  time  of  waiting,  before  any  real 
intelligence  could  come  from  the  Indies,  it  was  inevitable 


that  mixnors  and  intrigue  should  flourish.   Early  in  July, 
Philip  II  heard  from  his  ambassador  in  London  who  reported 

the  rumor  that  eight  French  ships  and  1,200  men  were  being 

prepared  in  Englamd  to  go  to  Florida.    Perhaps  this  re- 
ferred to  the  second  reinforcement  which  the  Spcmish  feared 
was  forthcoming  to  back  up  Ribault's  fleet  eind  further 
strengthen  French  fortifications  in  Florida. 

In  the  meemtime,  in  Andalusia,  the  fincmcial  embarrass- 
ment of  the  Seville  mercheints  was  relieved  somewhat  by  the 
arrival  of  the  New  Spain  fleet  on  July  10  but  commercial 
conditions  continued  somewhat  disturbed.   Governor  Mazariegos 
of  Havana  had  sent  five  of  the  Frenchmen  captured  in  the 
port  of  Arcos  the  previous  December  in  one  of  the  ships. 
After  interrogation,  the  men  were  placed  in  the  Casa  jail. 
While  Frenchmen's  confessions  were  being  taken,  the  Seville 
officials  were  still  discussing  another  deposition  recorded 
four  days  before  the  fleet  dropped  anchor  in  the  Bay  of 
Cadiz,  when  one  Juan  Sanchez  had  stated  to  the  Casa  officials 
at  Cadiz  that  he  had  just  come  from  Florida.   Sanchez 
claimed  that  he  had  been  captured  seven  months  before  in  the 
Beihama  channel  by  a  500-ton  French  ship.   According  to  the 
man's  story,  he  was  carried  a  prisoner  to  the  French  fort  in 
Florida,  which  he  described  in  great  detail.   He  claimed 
that  it  was  a  stone  fortress  with  four  towers  which  mounted 
40  pieces  of  artillery  and  had  a  garrison  of  3,000  English- 
men and  2,000  Frenchmen.   The  Captain  of  this  supposed 


settlement,  said  Slinchez,  was  one  Robert  Hawkins,  an  English- 
man.  Having  given  his  testimony,  the  man   disappeared,  emd 
neither  he  nor  his  con5>anions  could  be  found  by  agents  of 

the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n.  On  August  15,  the  Seville  dffi- 

cials  sent  the  message  to  the  King. 

Now  Philip  II  had  occasion  to  weigh  the  adequacy  of  his 
me2isures  to  expel  the  French  and  expunge  their  threat  to 
the  Spanish  Indies.   He  and  his  counsellors  had  previously 
understood  that  a  sizeable  French  reinforcement  would  be 
forthcoming.  After  they  learned  of  the  departure  of 
Ribault's  ships,  the  Spanish  came  to  believe  that  other 
French  vessels  were  also  being  prepared  to  go  to  Florida. 
By  the  end  of  July,  the  Speinish  King  decided  that  the  mea-  . 
sures  previously  taken — the  sending  of  the  Menendez  expedi- 
tion eind  the  troops  and  ships  to  be  provided  for  the 
Adelantado  in  the  Indies — were  insufficient.   Philip 
notified  the  Casa  in  Seville  that  the  previous  efforts  were 
not  enough  to  dislodge  the  French  already  in  Florida  cind  the 
others  who  had  gone  and  would  shortly  go  to  reinforce  them. 
The  King  saw  the  threat  as  substantial  and  widespread,  ex- 
teding  to  all  the  islands  of  the  Spanish  Caribbean,  and  told 
his  officials  in  Seville  that  planned  to  reinforce  Menendez 
further  by  raising  fifteen  hundred  armed  troops  and  sending 
another  armada  to  Florida.   Philip  added  that  he  felt  that 
this  reinforcing  fleet  should  be  sent,  if  possible,  that 
very  Augvist  and  should  go  supplied  for  a  year. 


As  the  effort  began  to  locate  appropriate  vessels  for 
Royal  embargo  auid  to  begin  the  recruitment  of  troops  for  the 
new  expedition,  still  more  news  and  rumor  Ccune  to  the 
Spanish  officials. 

As  Pedro  Menendez'  ships  sighted  the  Florida  coast  and 
moved  northward  toward  Fort  Caroline,  testimony  was  being 
taken  in  Seville  from  yet  another  witness  of  French  activity, 
The  treasurer  of  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  received  the  sworn 
deposition  of  a  man  who  claimed  to  have  left  Le  Havre  on 
the  previous  August  16,  where  he  saw  four  ships  being  armed 
and  equipped  for  a  voyage  to  Florida. 

As  the  summer  of  alarms  and  rumors  drew  to  a  close, 
concrete  activity  for  the  arming  of  the  second  Florida  ex- 
pedition slowly  got  underway,  but  the  fleet  was  not  ready 
to  sail  by  the  end  of  September.  On  September  4,  however, 
the  Seville  officials  reported  to  Philip  II  that  captains 
had  been  appointed  to  recruit  1,500  troops  and  supplies  and 
munitions  for  the  airmada  were  being  slowly  gathered  and 
placed  in  the  storehouses  in  Seville.   The  Casa  had  pre- 
viously advised  Philip  of  their  difficulty  in  finding 
suitably  seaworthy  vessels  and  cannon.   It  was  now  clear 
that  the  Spanish  reinforcement  could  not  arrive  in  Florida 
in  time  to  aid  Pedro  Menendez  in  his  immediate  tactical 
situation.   They  might  still  arrive  in  time  to  bolster  what 
the  Crown  now  saw  as  a  lengthy  effort  to  dislodge  a  numerous 
and  demgerous  foe.    Meeuiwhile,  the  issue  lay  firmly  in  the 


hands  of  the  Adelcintado.   Since  he  had  decided  to  strike 
directly  with  the  slim  forces  at  his  disposal,  the  contest 
would  be  decided  in  Florida. 

As  Pedro  Men^ndez  sighted  Cape  Camaveral  and  turned  his 
course  northward,  the  French  fleet  of  reinforcement  under 
Jean  Ribault  was  just  about  to  cirri ve  at  the  mouth  of  the 
River  May.  Its  outbound  voyage  from  Freince  had  tedcen  place 
in  two  stages.  As  the  Speinish  had  been  told,  Ribault  had 
indeed  sailed  from  Dieppe  on  May  22,  1565  after  receiving 
his  final  orders  from  Admiral  Coligny.   It  is  evident  that 

the  French  commander  had  also  received  some  word  of  the 


Menendez  expedition  being  prepared  in  Ccidiz.    Weather  com- 
pelled the  French  fleet  to  take  refuge  on  the  Isle  of 
Wight  for  more  than  two  weeks.   After  their  Atlantic 
crossing,  the  French  arrived  at  the  Gulf  Stream  in  the 
vicinity  of  27**  of  north  latitude,  and  they  crossed  directly 
to  the  Indian  River  area.   When  they  landed  to  seek  fresh 
water  at  a  small  inlet,  the  Frenchmen  traded  with  Indians 
for  silver  from  wrecked  Spanish  ships,  and  found  a  Spanish 
castaway  who  had  been  captive  there  for  20  years.   Ribault 
took  the  man  cJaoeurd  his  ships  cind  sailed  northward  to  find 
Laudonniere ' s  fort . 

There  is  striking  contrast  between  the  voyages  of  Pedro 
Menendez  and  Jean  Ribault.   Although  both  fleets  required 
two  months  for  their  ocean  crossings,  the  French  dissipated 
the  two-week  lead  they  held  over  the  Spanish.  While  Pedro 


Menendez  was  driven  by  urgency  to  risk  the  Bahama  passage 
with  his  reduced  forces,  Ribault  was  leisurely  cruising  the 
Florida  coast  on  his  way  to  Fort  Caroline.  Thus,  on  the  day 
that  Jecin  Ribault  dropped  emchor  off  the  St.  Johns,  Pedro 
Menendez  had  already  made  his  Florida  landfall  at  Cape 
Canaveral . 

While  the  opposing  fleets  made  their  way  to  Florida, 
the  Laudonni^re  settlement  had  undergone  a  summer  of  crisis. 
After  the  return  of  the  mutineers  from  the  Caribbean  late  in 
May  and  the  punishment  of  their  ringleaders,  Rene  de 
Laudonni^re  had  found  himself  increasingly  hcird-pressed  to 
keep  order  among  his  men  as  their  necessity  increased.  The 
reinforcements  he  had  long  expected  from  France  had  not 
arrived,  cmd  the  search  for  food  among  the  Indians  had  en- 
dangered the  good  relations  LaudonniSre  had  sought  to  main- 
tain with  the  natives.   On  August  3,  the  colony  had  been 
revived  by  the  visit  of  John  Hawkins,  who  brought  food  and 
sold  a  small  ship  to  the  Frenchmen.   After  the  English 
corsair  had  left,  Laudonni^re  and  his  men  prepared  to  vacate 
Fort  Caroline  and  return  to  France.   By  August  15,  their 
supplies  were  ready,  and  only  a  fair  wind  was  lacking  to 
speed  their  departure. 

When  the  Indians  brought  word  to  the  French  fort  that 
several  sails  were  in  sight  off  the  river  mouth,  LaudonniSre 
feeu'ed  that  his  Spanish  enemy  had  come  upon  him.   His  suspense 
wets  ended  the  next  afternoon  when  seven  small  craft  crossed 


the  river  bar,  loaded  with  armed  soldiers,  and   with  banners 
snapping  in  the  breeze.  The  Hugenots  ashore  could  see  the 
hulls  of  seven  larger  vessels  euichored  offshore,  and 
fineilly  the  forces  met,  to  be  mutually  identified  as  French. 
The  Ribault  reinforcement  had  almost  come  too  late,  but  it 
had  at  last  arrived. 

Ribault  began  the  lengthy  process  of  unloading  sup- 
plies, munitions  and  troops  from  his  ships.   He  had  arrived 
with  %n:itten  Royal  orders  that  he  replace  Rene  de  Laudonni^re 
and  send  him  home,  but  the  newly-arrived  French  leader 
offered  to  keep  his  predecessor  in  charge  at  Fort  Caroline. 
Laudonniere  set  to  work  with  his  own  men  and  the  newly 
arrived  Frenchmen  to  put  the  defenses  of  the  fort  in  good 
order,  while  the  discharge  of  the  ships  was  accomplished  by 
Pierre  d'Ully,  Ribault 's  chief  of  finance  and  supply. 
Laudonniere  was  worn  by  strain  and  labor,  and  fell  ill  for 
Bore  than  a  week  while  unloading  continued.  Finally,  the 
three  smaller  vessels  Ribault  had  brought  from  France  were 
lightened  enough  by  the  discharge  of  their  cargoes  to  pass 
over  the  bar  and  enter  the  river,  which  they  did  on  the 
fourth  of  September.   Off  the  inlet,  the  four  main  French 
ships  had  swung  around  their  cmchors  to  face  a  steady  south 

By  mid-afternoon  of  the  same  day,  lookouts  eJaoard  the 
anchored  vessels  could  see  five  sails  coming  north  before 
the  wind.   Then  they  were  blotted  from  view  by  a  summer 


thunderstorm,  which  swept  torrents  of  rain,  laced  with 
lightning,  across  the  sea.  The  oncoming  ships,  pushed 
ahead  by  the  squall  winds,  came  to  within  a  mile  and   a  half 
of  the  French  anchorage  before  the  breeze  lightened  and  then 
died  con^letely.  As  the  Frenchmen  strained  to  identify  the 
limp  flags  on  the  mastheads  of  the  strange  ships,  they  could 
not  help  but  wonder  if  the  Spanish  had  at  last  arrived  in 

They  were  indeed  the  ships  of  Pedro  Men^ndez.   Since  the 
French  prisoners  had  told  him  that  the  French  fort  lay  in  from 
28**  to  29"  latitude,  the  Adelantado  coasted  northward  from 
his  landfall,  exploring  every  inlet  and  every  plume  of  smoke 
rising  from  the  shore.  On  September  2,  he  had  reached  the 

latitude  of  29  1/2**  and  sent  a  shore  party  to  examine  an 

Indiein  settlement.    After  its  captaiin  reported  to  the 

Adelantado  that  the  Indicins  seemed  to  possess  information 
about  the  French  fort,  Men^ndez  went  ashore  himself  to  par- 
ley with  them.   It  was  most  important  to  Men^ndez  to  impress 
upon  the  natives  his  own  personal  authority  as  surrogate  of 
the  Castilian  King,  in  order  to  seek  allies  against  the 
French  and  to  aid  in  his  future  plans  for  colonization.  The 
visit  was  most  successful,  cind  convinced  the  Adelantado  that 
even  though  he  had  passed  the  latitude  where  the  French  fort 
was  supposed  to  bo,  he  should  continue  to  the  north  to  seek 


On  the  next  morning,  which  was  the  4th  of  September, 
the  five  Spanish  vessels  picked  their  way  along  a  shoreline 
of  wide  and  spacious  beaches.  About  two  in  the  afternoon, 
they  sighted  four  anchored  vessels  moored  off  the  mouth  of  a 
great  river.  As  the  afternoon  thunderstorm  swelled  and 
burst  in  a  shower  of  rain,  Men^ndez'  look-outs  discerned 
French  standards  flying  fran  the  Trinity,  Ribault's  flag- 
ship.  Immediately  the  news  was  brought  to  him,  Pedro 
Menendez  experienced  a  great  revulsion  of  feeling.   Since 
he  had  learned  in  C5diz  that  French  reinforcements  had 
sailed  from  Dieppe,  every  fibre  of  Men€ndez'  being  had  been 
stretched  to  beat  the  French  to  Florida.   His  entire  voyage, 
and  his  vital  decision  to  go  directly  to  Florida  without 
reinforcements  was  predicated  on  one  thing — to  arrive  first 
at  the  mouth  of  the  River  May.  Now  he  had  lost  the  race  and 
Jeem  Ribault  had  won.  As  the  gusty  winds  of  the  summer 
squall  died  and  choppy  waters  became  glassy  calm,  the 
Spanish  ships  drifted,  making  no  headway  toward  the  enemy. 
The  Adelantado  quickly  weighed  the  state  of  his  forces  cmd 
determined,  as  soon  as  the  wind  would  permit,  to  attack  at 

Finally,  well  after  night  had  fallen,  the  breeze  began 
to  blow  again,  filling  the  sails  of  the  Spanish  ships  and 
bringing  them  closer  to  the  amchored  French.   Menendez 
determined  to  proceed  in  the  dark,  anchor  closely  among  the 
French  ships  and   be  in  position  to  attack  them  at  first  dawn. 


In  that  way,  the  French  men  within  the  river  would  not  have 
time  to  furnish  any  aid  to  their  f oxir  larger  ships ,  As  the 
great  San  Pelayo  and  the  four  smaller  Spanish  vessels 
glided  among  the  French  ships  cuid  let  go  their  anchors, 
hails  and  shouts  were  exchanged.   The  first  questions  were 
meant,  by  both  sides,  to  furnish  positive  identification. 
The  Spanish  asked  specifically  who  commcuided  the  French 
forces,  amd  were  told  in  reply  that  Jean  Ribault  was  the 
leader  authorized  by  the  King  of  France.   The  French  then 
queried  the  Spanish  flagship,  put  the  same  question,  and 
received  the  reply  that  they  were  indeed  Spanish,  led  by  the 
rightful  Adelantado  of  the  provinces  of  Florida,  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Aviles.   They  were  further  told  that  the  right- 
ful ruler  of  these  lands  emd  waters.  King  Philip  II,  had 
given  his  Adelantado  orders  to  bum  eind  hang  the  Lutheran 
French  he  might  find  there.   In  the  morning,  the  French 
vessels  would  be  boarded,  and  if  they  proved  to  be  such 
people,  the  justice  of  the  Spanish  King  would  surely  be 
carried  out. 

After  this  exchange,  an  outburst  of  shouts  and  curses 
came  in  a  babble  of  tongues.   Someone  called  out  from  the 
'frinite,  taunting  the  Spanish  and  asking  why  they  should 
wait  xintil  morning.   Pedro  Menendez  decided  to  attack,  even 
though  it  was  dark.   He  had  anchored  San  Pelayo  so  closely 
to  the  French  flagship  that  the  current  had  swxing  the  great 
galeass'  stern  right  around  to  the  bow  of  Trinity.   Menendez 


ordered  his  anchor  line  to  be  paid  out,  so  that  the  two 
vessels  %rould  come  alongside  each  other  for  boarding.  As  he 
gave  this  order,  all  the  French  ships  cut  their  anchor 
lines,  raised  their  sails,  emd  began  to  move  away  to  lee- 
ward.  Since  the  large  bronze  cannon  on  San  Pelayo's  decks 
were  shotted  for  action  against  the  French,  the  artilleros 
got  off  five  shots  at  the  fleeing  Frenchmen,  but  could  not 
discern  in  the  darkness  what  damage  had  been  done  to 
Trinite  by  the  Spanish  fire. 

As  soon  as  they  could  get  underway,  Menendez  and  Diego 
Flores  Valdes  led  contingents  of  the  Spanish  fleet  in  a 
night-long  chase  of  the  French,  but,  with  vessels  still 
bearing  the  marks  of  the  July  hurricane,  the  Spanish  were 
unable  to  catch  the  more  rapid-sailing  French.  At  dawn, 
it  was  evident  to  Menendez  that  his  enemy  had  escaped,  so  he 
determined  to  put  his  original  plan  into  motion.   Calling 
his  scattered  forces  together,  he  sailed  back  again  to  the 
river  mouth,  where  he  proposed  to  seize  the  point  of  land 
adjoining  the  inlet.   By  interdicting  the  river  to  the 
French  forces  off-shore,  he  could  carry  out  his  first  ob- 
jective.  What  the  Adelantado  had  not  coxinted  on,  however, 
was  that  almost  all  of  the  French  soldiery  had  disembarked 
and  was,  in  fact,  drawn  up  in  fine  order  on  shore,  while  the 
three  smaller  French  vessels  had  stationed  themselves  as  a 
barrier  right  across  the  river  mouth.   Since  Pelayo  could 


not  cross  the  bar  and  heavy  forces  opposed  him  ashore, 
Menendez  decided  not  to  accept  the  challenge.   He  sailed 
south  to  make   his  own  estaJalishment  and  take  up  what  might 
prove  to  be  a  long  campaign. 

Examination  of  the  opposing  forces  in  Florida  at  this 
point  can  provide  some  evaluation  of  their  relative 
strengths,  as  they  faced  each  other  for  mastery.   Insofar  as 
naval  tonnage  was  concerned,  the  Spanish  held  an  almost 
two-for-one  edge,  but  a  large  part  of  this  tonnage  was  in 
one  ship — the  galeass  San  Pelayo.   That  great  gun-platform 
could  indeed  outrange  any  opponent,  but  was  still  not  fully 
re-rigged  after  the  hurricane  had  struck  it  west  of  the 

Canaries.   The  Friench  had,  in  fact,  just  demonstrated  that 

they  could  outsail  Men^ndez'  vessels.    In  the  holds  of  the 

French  vessels  lay  an  enormous  wealth  of  bronze  artillery, 

which  remained  only  a  potential  weapon  until  the  dismounted 

gxjuis  could  be  put  into  service.   Insofar  as  manpower  was 

concerned,  the  two  opponents  were  nearly  equal.   Menendez 

advised  that  he  commanded  some  800  souls — 500  soldiers,  200 

seamen  and  100  others.   On  the  French  side,  there  were  an 

equivalent  number  of  soldiers,  possibly  200  hundred  officers 

and  sailors,  and  the  remaining  effectives  from  Laudonni&re's 

original  garrison  of  300,  depleted  by  death,  disease  and 

corsairing  in  the  Caribbean.    The  main  striking  force,  in 

any  land  action  would  be  the  armed  and  trained  arquebusier, 

of  which  each  side  possessed  500.   With  regard  to  the  matter 


of  supply,  it  appears  that  the  ship  losses  Pedro  Men^ndez 
had  suffered  to  date  had  not  destroyed  his  basic  store  of 
supplies,  food,  cmd  munitions,  much  of  which  was  still 
safely  stowed  aboard  San  Pelayo.   On  their  side,  the  French 
had  come  well  supplied  for  cm  expedition  of  settlement  and 
conquest,  a  part  of  which  had  been  unloaded.   In  sum,  after 
striking  some  balemce  of  advantages  and  disadvemtages ,  the 
two  sides  were  roughly  equal.   Under  such  circumstances, 
the  decisive  factor  would  be  that  of  leadership,  as  the 
action  begem. 

The  Spanish  fleet  sailed  southward,  then  anchored  off  the 
wide  bar  of  St.  Augustine,  which  they  had  discovered  a  few 
days  before.   On  the  8th  of  September,  with  ceremony  and 
ritual,  the  Adelantado  of  Florida  was  landed  from  his 
vessels  and  formally  took  possession  of  the  Icmd  in  the  name 
of  the  King  of  Spain.   Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s  was  then 
sworn  in  as  Adelantado  as  well  as  Captain  General  and 
Governor,  together  with  the  captains  and  officials  of  the 
expedition.   The  occasion  was  not  a  mere  ceremony  nor  did  it 
simply  mark  a  beginning  date  for  the  Spanish  occupation  of 
Florida.   It  held  much  greater  significance. 

The  first  stage  of  a  Spanish  conquest — that  of  the 
construction  of  the  political  foundation  upon  which  its 
social  and  economic  structure  should  be  built — was  then  and 
there  accomplished.   The  first  essential,  the  act  of 
possession-t2Jcing  itself,  done  with  solemnity  cmd  made  a 


public  record,  fulfilled  the  requirements  of  the  King's 

ordinances  for  conquest. 

To  halt  at  this  point,  however,  would  be  to  overlook  a 
vital  part  of  the  machinery  for  Spanish  conquest  and  settle- 
ment. A  major  purpose  of  an  Adelantado  was  to  introduce  a 
most  significant  medium  of  conquest — the  municipal  institu- 
tions of  Spain. ^^  One  of  these  institutions — the  concejo — 
was  juridically  based  on  the  military  and  governmental  cen- 
ter which  was  the  city  proper,  but  its  limits  and  its  in- 
fluence extended  far  beyond  that  area.   In  St.  Augustine, 
each  man  could  expect  to  become  a  vecino  or  citizen  of  the 
municipality  who  would  be  granted  a  city  lot,  his  solar,  and 
would  also  be  given  Icind  to  cultivate  in  the  rural  sections 
of  the  concejo.   Through  the  estates  thus  granted,  the 
Spanish  municipality  reached  out  into  the  country  as  the 
primary  institution  of  settlement.   The  role  of  the  Adelan- 
tado was  essential  in  establishing,  protecting  and  commanding 
this  organism.   In  each  of  the  Florida  settlements  to  be 
made,  beginning  with  St.  Augustine,  Men^ndez  named  the  Al- 
calde and  Reqidores  of  the  first  cabildo.   Royal  Treasury 
officials  would  later  be  named.   There  was  thus  created  a 
microcosm  of  Castilian  civilization  to  effect  the  conquest, 
as  the  Spanish  ventured  forth  into  new  and  uncertain  terri- 
tory, basing  their  enterprise  firmly  upon  their  cuicient 
urban  customs.    Pedro  Menendez  moved  to  fulfill  these  tra- 
ditions.  As  noted  by  Barcia: 


"The  Adelantado  had  set  up  the  courts  and  the 
municipal  government  in  St.  Augustine  and  left 
as  Alcalde  his  brother  Bartolome,  who  had  al- 
ways been  a  governor.   He  held  the  first 
session  of  the  Cabildo  with  the  officers  of  the 
AyuntamientOy  who  were  the  captains.   It  was 
decided  that  appeal  from  the  sentences  handed 
down  by  the  Alcalde  and  Regidores  would  be 
handled  by  the  Maestre  de  Campoy  whom  he  had 
named  his  Lieutenant  General/  in  accordance 
with  the  royal  authority  he  possessed. "^l 

At  St.  Augustine,  the  first  step  had  been  made.   To 
those  who  took  part  that  day  in  the  ceremonies  of  establish- 
ment, the  other  steps  would  shortly  follow.   Their  expecta- 
tions were  great,  for  every  free  man,  no  matter  how  humble, 
could  hope  at  least  for  the  status  of  labrador,  farmer,  and 
would  gain  land  for  his  own  cultivation.   Each  man  hoped  to 
raise  his  status,  but  this  advance  would  be  along  a  well 
known  and  traditional  scale.   As  a  matter  of  course,  the 
hierarchial  society  of  Asturias  or  Andalusia  would  be  re- 
produced in  Florida.   The  higher  the  rank  of  the  settler, 
the  more  exalted  his  vision  of  his  future  estate.   If  he 
were  but  a  soldier,  he  could  hope  for  land  and  profit.   If 
he  were  noble,  his  expectations  were  greater — he  could 
picture  his  city  and  country  homes,  complete  with  Spanish 
and  Indian  vassals,  land,  cattle,  and  horses.   He  hoped  for 
profit  through  familiar  and  established  agricultural  enter- 
prise:  the  raising  of  cattle  for  local  consxamption  and 
hides  and  the  cultivation  and  refining  of  sugar  for  export. 

It  was  evident  that  this  hoped-for  Utopia  of  mutual 
hopes  could  only  be  built  where  there  were  peaceful  and 


fmitful  relationships  with  the  Florida  Indicms,  a  number  of 
whom  attended  emd  observed  the  ceremonies  of  possession- 
teJcing  and  governmental  establishment  that  day  in  St. 
Augustine.   The  Spemish  who  came  to  Florida  found  themselves 
in  the  midst  of  one  of  the  great  culture-areas  of  the 
native  peoples  of  the  southeast.   From  a  line  north  of  the 
St.  Johns  and  St.  Marys  rivers  westward  to  the  Aucilla  River 
southward  to  Charlotte  Harbor  and  Cape  Canaveral  lived  the 
people  known  as  Timucuans.   Although  these  Indians  generally 
shared  cultural  characteristics,  they  were  divided  into 
separate,  warring  groupings.   The  most  powerful  chief  was 
Saturiba,  whose  seat  of  authority  was  located  close  to  Fort 
Ccuroline,  near  present-day  Mayport.   Further  north  dwelt 
the  Tacatacuru.   To  the  south,  up  the  St.  Johns  River,  was 
the  home  of  chief  Calibay.   Even  further  south  dwelt  the 
rival  to  Saturiba,  Utina,  and  in  the  very  upper  reaches  of 
the  St.  Johns  lay  the  kingdom  of  Macoya  or  Mayaca.   Some  of 
the  best  descriptions  of  the  life  and  culture  of  the  north- 
eastern Florida  Indiems  came  from  the  French,  particularly 
through  the  narrative  and  pictures  of  Jacques  Le  Moyne  de 
Morgues  and  the  insights  recorded  by  Ren^  de  LaudonniSre. 
The  16th  century  Adelantados  such  as  Pedro  Men^ndez  had  no 
appreciation  of  compeurative  religion  or  interest  in  anthro- 
pology.  Menendez  does,  however,  describe  the  northeastern 
Florida  Indians  with  some  insight  in  the  following  passage: 


"The  ceremonies  of  these  natives,  for  the 
greater  part,  are  to  worship  the  Sun  and 
Moon;  they  have  dead  stags  emd  other  animals 
for  idols.   Each  year  they  make  three  or 
four  feasts  for  their  devotions ,  where  they 
worship  the  Sun.   They  are  three  days  with- 
out food,  drink  or  sleep;  these  are  their 
fasts.   He  who  is  weak,  who  cannot  suffer 
this,  is  taken  for  a  bad  Indian.   He  goes 
about  scorned  by  the  noble  people.   He  who 
passes  best  through  these  troubles  is  taken 
for  the  principal,  and  is  given  the  most 
courtesy.   They  are  a  people  of  many 
strengths,  swift,  and  great  swimmers.   They 
have  many  wars  with  each  other,  and  no  chief 
among  them  is  recognized  as  powerful. "32 

If  is  the  best  measure  of  the  distance  which  the 

Florida  conquest  would  have  to  travel  in  order  to  realize 

the  expectations  of  the  Spaniards  that  relations  with  the 

Florida  Indians  were  in  a  very  primitive  first  stage,  one 

of  mutual  exploration  at  arms'  length.   In  this  time  of 

first  contact,  Men^ndez  elected  to  act  with  caution,  because 

of  legal  proscriptions  against  the  exploitation  of  the 

Indians,  and  because  of  the  existing  state  of  affairs  in 

Florida.   The  Spanish  had  landed  in  a  place  where  the  French 

had  clearly  established  a  degree  of  influence  with  the 

Indians,  cmd  the  native  cultures  were  in  a  condition  of 

strong  organization.   By  contrast,  the  Spanish  invaders  had 

as  yet  insufficient  number  and  power  to  effect  a  total 

conquest,  so  Menendez  sought  to  implant  Spanish  settlements 

alongside  of  the  Indian  cultures  without  disturbing  their 

essential  rights  in  the  land.   He  did  not  endeavor  to  change 

at  once  their  religious  and  political  arremgements . 


Kherever  he  went  in  Florida,  the  Adelantado  proclainved  the 
overlordship  of  Philip  II  as  rightful  ruler  of  the  land,  and 
sought  to  make  agreements  with  the  Indiems  based  upon  this 
concept.  As  a  practical  matter,  however,  the  Spanish 
lacked  the  power  to  enforce  the  relationship.  They  were, 
Boreover,  dealing  in  a  situation  of  war;  even  though  the 
Crown  forbade  alliances  with  one  Indian  group  against  em- 
other,  the  realities  of  the  French-Spanish  struggle 
dictated  that  some  Indiams  would  be  friends  and  some  would 
be  enemies. 

Far  from  reaching  the  stage  of  encomienda  or  reparti- 
miento,  relations  between  the  Spanish  emd  the  Florida 
Indians  were  still  in  the  stage  of  trade  for  booty  known  as 
rescate.   Under  the  agreement  with  his  Indian  friends,  Pedro 
Menendez  was  to  receive  tribute  in  the  name  of  his  King. 
Before  the  pacification  of  the  country  had  reached  the  state 
where  outlying  agricultural  settlements  could  function  in 
peace,  tribute  was  to  be  paid  at  the  top  level — from  Indian 
chiefs  directly  to  the  Adelantado.   Evangelization  of  the 
natives  had  to  await  further  developments.   In  this  first 
stage,  when  the  number  of  interpreters  was  few  and  the 
language  barrier  requisitely  great,  religious  contact  was 
limited.   The  clergymen  who  had  come  on  the  first  expedition 
were  intended  to  provide  religious  examples  to  the  Indians 
and  to  furnish  the  sacraments  to  the  Spaniards  in  the  expedi- 
tion.  They  could  accustom  the  natives  to  the  broad  outlines 


of  the  Christian  faith  amd  give  some  hint  of  the  mystic 
power  of  its  chief  symbols,  but  more  complete  religious  in- 
struction and   the  use  of  the  doctrina  would  have  to  await 
the  coming  of  trained  missionaries  and  a  more  settled  rela- 
tionship with  the  Indians. 

On  the  day  of  the  formal  possession-tadcing  at  St. 
Augustine,  Pedro  Men^ndez  named  his  brother  Bartolom^ 
Governor  of  the  district  of  St.  Augustine,  which  extended 
from  San  Mateo  to  the  river  of  Mosquitos.   Bartolomd  was  also 
designated  Alcaide,  or  warder  of  the  fort.  As  the  Adelantado 
signed  the  formal  certificate  of  appointment  for  his  brother, 
the  men  in^jroved  that  part  of  Chief  Seloy's  village  which 
they  were  Iciboring  to  convert  into  a  fort.  The  language  of 
the  document  imparts  the  atmosphere  in  St.  Augustine  that 
day : 

Because  the  Lutheran  French  are  fortified 
...  teaching  their  evil  sect  among  the 
Indians,  I  need  to  establish  arrangements 
here,  while  I  go  to  expel  them  ...  it  is 
necessary  to  make  a  fort  in  the  port  of  St. 
Augustine  to  guard  the  port  so  that  His 
Majesty's  vessels  Ccin  navigate  freely  .  .  . 
they  are  making  a  place  in  it  where  the 
artillery  and  munitions  will  be  .  .  .^-^ 

In  the  meantime,  the  French,  having  felt  out  the  Spanish 

forces  in  their  first  skirmish,  and  having  reconnoitered  the 

Spanish  establishment  at  St.  Augustine,  returned  to  Fort 

Ceuroline  where  Jean  Ribualt  and  his  captains  assembled  for  a 

council  in  the  bedroom  of  the  ailing  Rene  de  Laudonniere. 

From  the  friendly  Indian  Emola,  they  had  word  that  the 


Spanish  had  begun  to  build  a  fort,  and  had  landed  in  force 
to  establish  themselves  there.   It  was  decided  in  the  coun- 
cil that  they  should  descend  upon  the  Spanish  with  all  their 
leur^er  ships,  for  the  enemy  might  be  caught  with  his  forces 
divided  %^ile  unloading  supplies.   In  spite  of  Laudonni^re's 
objection  to  the  plan,  the  motion  carried  amd  most  of  the 
French  left  the  fort,  even  taking  along  38  of  LaudonniSre ' s 
soldiers.  Estimates  of  the  garrison  remaining  in  Fort 
Caroline  ranged  from  150  to  240.   It  had  been  substantially 
weeJcened  in  order  to  bolster  up  the  marine  striking  force. 
Ribault  left  the  Sieur  de  Lys  to  aid  Laudonniere  in  the 
fort.   After  delaying  two  days  to  assemble  their  forces,  the 
four  meiin  vessels  of  Ribault 's  fleet  sailed  southward  to- 
gether with  a  number  of  small  craft,  carrying  altogether 
400  soldiers  and  200  seamen. 

In  the  meantime,  Pedro  Men^ndez  was  increasingly  anx- 
ious over  the  safety  of  his  most  valuable  asset,  San  Pelayo, 
and  was  fearful  that  it  might  be  captured  by  the  French  or 
lost  in  a  September  storm  on  the  little-known  Florida  coast. 
Even  though  its  cargo  was  not  fully  discharged,  Men^ndez 
determined  to  send  the  galeass  to  Hispaniola.   He  unloaded 
much  of  the  arms  and  ammunition  from  the  great  ship,  but 
left  the  bulk  of  the  food  supplies  aboard.   This  left  him 
enough  rations  ashore  to  last  him  into  January,  when  he 
hoped  to  have  San  Pelayo  back.   It  was  after  midnight  on 
the  10th  of  September  when  San  Pelayo  sailed,  and  when  dawn 


broke  on  the  morning  of  the  11th,  Spanish  seamen  and  sol- 
diers were  caught  unloading  munitions  near  the  St.  Augustine 
bar  when  the  French  fleet  suddenly  appeared.  Even  though 
the  tide  was  low,  Menendez  was  able  to  escape  across  the  bar 
to  safety.   The  French,  after  sailing  around  briefly,  went 
off  to  the  southward,  seeking  to  find  and  destroy  the  San 

On  the  second  day  after  the  French  attack,  a  storm, 
which  may  well  have  been  a  hurricane — struck  the  area.   It 
began  with  strong  and  heavy  north  winds,  which  (as  Menendez 
sensed  at  once)  prevented  the  French  from  returning  immed- 
iately to  their  base.   His  instincts  also  told  him  that  the 
French  had  left  no  great  garrison  at  Fort  Caroline,  and  had 
probably  put  their  best  troops  into  their  marine  assault. 
He  was  told  by  friendly  Indians  that  one  could  reach  the 
lower  St.  Johns  and  Fort  Caroline  by  way  of  the  Matanzas 
River,  and  could  thus  take  the  French  works  from  the  rear. 
Pedro  Menendez  decided  to  attack,  left  less  than  300  men  at 
St.  Augustine  under  the  charge  of  Bartolom^  Menendez,  and 
set  out  on  the  18th  of  September  to  assault  Fort  Caroline. 
Menendez'  500  arquebusiers,  led  by  their  captains,  were 
guided  by  Pedro  de  Valdes  and  the  Adelantado  himself  in  the 
general  direction  given  by  the  Indians.   Once  they  reached 
the  neeir  vicinity  of  the  fort,  they  would  be  guided  by  one 
of  the  French  prisoners  brought  from  Spain.   During  the 
storm,  heavy  rains  had  fallen  and  continued  to  fall  during 


the  next  several  days.   The  route  of  the  Spaniards  carried 
them  along  low  areas  west  of  the  samdy  coastal  ridge  and  led 
them  alongside  broad,  grassy  sloughs.   In  normal  weather, 
small  streams  wound  through  the  marsh  grass  in  these  low 
areas,  but  the  inundations  of  rain  had  converted  these  low- 
lands into  lakes.   The  normal  banks  were  overrun  and  the 
water  rose  into  the  tangled  underbrush  which  lay  beyond.   In 
such  conditions,  the  march  was  difficult  and  arduous.   In 
the  vanguard  went  Basque  axmen  who  could  prepare  the  way  for 
the  little  army.   By  the  evening  of  Septen±>er  19,  the 
Adelantado  estimated  that  they  had  come  45  miles,  and  were 
less  than  three  miles  from  the  site  of  the  fort.   The 
Spanish  column  left  the  low  and  marshy  land,  crossed  open 
pine-barrens,  and  finally  reached  rolling  country.   Here, 
near  the  banks  of  the  river,  was  deep  virgin  forest,  studded 
with  many  magnificent  oak  and  maple  trees  and  covered 
thickly  by  wild  grapevines. 

At  nightfall,  the  leaders  and  their  captains  labored  to 
gather  the  straggling  forces  and  camped  for  the  night  in 
great  discomfort  from  the  continuing  rains.   Sometime  before 
daybreak,  the  men  were  aroused  and  the  Frenchman  begem  to 
direct  the  Spanish  toward  Fort  Caroline.   At  this  point, 
Menendez*  puarpose  was  only  to  try  the  defenses  of  the  fort 
after  an  approach  under  cover  of  the  woods  on  the  south  side. 

The  French  garrison  inside  the  works  was  markedly  in- 
ferior in  numbers  to  the  Spanish  force  which  approached  it. 


in  about  the  ratio  of  one  to  two.  The  make-up  of  the 
garrison  itself,  moreover,  rendered  its  inferiority  even 
greater.   Perhaps  less  them  100  of  those  within  the  fort 
were  capable  of  bearing  arms.   The  worst  weakness  of  Fort 
Caroline,  however,  was  its  lack  of  vigorous  leadership, 
for  authority  for  the  garrison  was  divided  between  the  Sieur 
de  Lys  cind  Rene  de  Laudonni^re.  As  a  result  of  this  divi- 
sion of  command  and  the  illness  of  Laudonni^re,  little  had 
been  done  to  put  the  fort  into  a  state  of  defense.   Some 
work  had  been  accomplished  on  the  palisades,  but  a  strong 
and  vigilant  guard  was  not  being  maintained. 

As  dawn  broke  over  Fort  Caroline  amid  pelting  rain, 
some  of  the  sentinels  left  their  posts  because  of  the 
weather.   The  Spanish  drew  near  the  fort,  discovered  a  lone 
French  sentry  outside  and  captured  him.   Pedro  de  Vald^s  then 
led  the  way  as  the  Spanish  quickly  forced  the  poorly  defended 
main  gate  with  two  battle  standards  carried  by  his  side. 
The  Spanicirds  swarmed  in  after  their  flags  and  quickly  took 
the  fort.  As  the  Frenchmen  poured  out  of  their  lodgings  in 
their  nightclothing,  they  were  cut  down.   One  hundred  and 
thirty-two  were  killed  within  the  fort  in  what,  by  all 
accounts,  must  have  been  a  confused,  violent  scene.  A  French 
eyewitness  has  described  the  slaughter: 

They  made  a  pretty  butchery  of  it,  except  for  a 
small  enough  number,  among  which  were  the 
deponent,  three  drummers  (one  from  Dieppe,  the 
other  two  from  Rouen) ,  and  four  trumpeters  (three 
from  Normamdy  and  the  other,  named  Jacque  DuLac, 
from  Bordeaux) . 36 


Forty-five  men  climbed  the  stockade  amd  escaped  into  the 
woods,  or  plunged  into  the  river  in  an  attempt  to  reach  the 
French  vessels  anchored  near  the  fort.   Among  these  were 
Rene  de  Laudonni^re  himself,  the  carpenter  Le  Challeux,  and 
the  artist  Jacques  Le  Moyne.   Pedro  Men^ndez,  who  entered 
the  fort  after  the  first  wave  of  attackers,  called  out  to 
his  men  to  spare  the  women  cind  children  huddled  within  the 
huts.   Some  50  of  these  were  granted  their  lives. 

When  he  had  gained  control  of  the  fort,  Mendndez  held 
parley  with  Jacques  Ribault,  son  of  the  French  commander, 
aboard  the  Pearl  anchored  just  off  the  fort  stockade.   When 
negotiations  broke  down,  the  Spanish  opened  fire  with  a 
cannon  and  sank  one  of  the  small  vessels.   The  men  aboard 
Pearl  and  Levri^re  cut  their  cables  and  moved  down  closer 
to  the  river  mouth,  to  a  place  of  comparative  safety,"'^ 

The  Adelantado  surveyed  the  arms  of  the  captured  fort, 
but  found  only  a  few  bronze  guns  with  some  ammunition.   The 
spoils  of  war  also  included  200  casks  of  flour  and  wine, 
some  hogs,  sheep  and  donkeys,  and  a  quantity  of  silver  the 
French  had  obtained  from  the  Indians.   The  victorious 
Spanish  soldiery  appropriated  most  of  the  booty,  except  for 
the  food,  artillery  and  ammunition,  which  Menendez  put  under 
guard.   He  also  had  come  into  possession  of  two  small  French 
craft  as  well  as  the  sunken  ship  in  the  river;  another  boat 
was  found  under  construction  near  the  fort. 


The  rejoicing  and  feasting  of  the  victors  was  somewhat 
tempered  by  the  discovery  in  the  fort  of  some  of  the  books 
and  symbols  of  the  Huguenot  religion.   These,  and  the 
presence  of  the  heretic  women  and  children,  gave  the  Spcuri- 
iards   deep  disquiet.  Men^ndez  made  a  mental  note  to  have 
the  French  dependents  sent  away  as  soon  as  possible.   He 
began  to  negotiate  with  the  Indians  for  the  ransoming  of 
some  of  those  men  who  had  fled  Fort  Caroline  and  been 
captured  by  Satxiriba's  Indians.   The  French  nobles  would  be 

valuable  properties  whose  ransom  could  bring  large  sums 

from  their  families  in  Fraince. 

Those  surviving  Frenchmen  who  had  escaped  searching 
Spaniards  and  the  Indiems  gathered  aboard  a  little  cluster 
of  2mchored  vessels  near  the  river  mouth.   After  consulta- 
tion between  Jacques  Ribault  cuid  Ren^  de  LaudonniSre,  the 
three  smaller  craft  were  scuttled  cind  sunk  in  the  river. 
On  September  25,  the  French  set  out  in  the  Pearl  and  Levridre 
for  France  without  any  attempt  to  join  Jean  Ribault.   Pedro 
Menendez  wished  to  take  the  escaped  Frenchmen  and  return  to 
his  St.  Augustine  base  to  protect  it  against  assault  by  Jeein 
Ribault.  On  September  23,  the  Adelantado  set  out  across  the 
same  country  he  had  traversed  the  week  before,  and  left  a 
garrison  behind  in  the  captxired  fort,  now  renamed  San  Mateo, 
under  the  commcind  of  Gonzalo  de  Villaroel.   At  St.  Augustine, 
his  welcome  and  the  celebration  of  his  victory  was  tumul- 
tuous . 


In  deep  contrast,  there  was  no  joy  whatever  among  the 
men  who  had  been  aboard  Jeein  Ribault's  ships.   The  storm 
which  had  lashed  the  coast  and  interrupted  the  raid  on 
Pedro  Menendez  on  the  11th  of  September  had  driven  the 
ships  to  the  southward.   Desperately,  the  shipmasters 
attempted  to  claw  their  way  out  to  sea,  but  as  the  strong 
winds  shifted  and  they  lost  sails,  masts  and  rudders,  the 
vessels  were  driven  toward  the  shore.   One  by  one,  they 
stranded  and  broke  up  in  the  heavy  surf.   Three  of  the 
heavier  ships  were  wrecked  in  the  vicinity  of  the  Mosquito 
(Ponce  de  Leon)  inlet,  and  many  of  their  men  drowned  in  the 
churning  seas.   The  flagship  Trinite,  with  its  commander  and 
crew,  grounded  intact  not  far  from  Cape  Canaveral  and  most 
of  its  men  came  safely  ashore.   One  smaller  craft  managed  to 
make  its  way  free  of  the  winds  and  seas.   Its  crew  decided 
to  leave  Florida  waters  and  go  to  the  Caribbean. ^^ 

The  shipwrecked  men  found  themselves  lost  upon  a  hos- 
tile shore,  with  their  supplies  destroyed  or  damaged  in  the 
storm.   As  Indians  appeared  along  the  beaches  to  raid  the 
scattered  survivors,  the  castaways  gathered  into  two  large 
parties  for  mutual  defense.   One  of  these  was  formed  of 
survivors  from  the  Trinite;  the  other  of  men  from  the  other 
ships.   After  mutual  communication  the  separate  groups  began 
a  long  trek  northward,  headed  for  Fort  Caroline. 

In  the  mecmtime,  Pedro  Menendez  had  begun  to  take  stock 
of  his  resources  in  order  to  be  ready  to  strike  again  at  his 


enemies.  Having  disposed  of  the  French  fort,  his  major  con- 
cern was  the  marine  striking  force  of  Jeam  Ribault.   He  was 
now  ready  for  San  Pelayo  to  retxirn  with  his  reinforcements 
from  Santo  Domingo  and  Havana,  for  he  realized  that  the 
supplies  aboard  his  galeass  would  soon  be  sorely  needed  in 
Florida.   He  sent  Gonzalo  Gay6n  in  San  Andres  to  search  for 
Pelayo  in  the  islands,  and  dispatched  Juan  Rodriguez  on  the 
same  errand  in  San  Mateo,  a  renamed  vessel  which  had  once 
been  French.    It  was  also  necessary  to  resupply  the  sol- 
diers sent  by  the  Crown  and  outfitted  at  C^diz,  for  many  of 
them,  Menendez  claimed,  had  left  their  arms  and  clothing 
aboard  San  Pelayo  in  the  haste  of  its  departure.   Pedro 
Menendez  furnished  the  men  from  his  own  stores,  and  the  men 

signed  a  document  agreeing  that  they  had  received  150  reales' 

worth  of  goods  apiece. 

On  September  28,  friendly  Indians  brought  the 
Adelantado  the  news  that  mamy  Frenchmen  had  gathered  on  the 
south  shore  of  a  small  inlet  of  the  sea  18  miles  from  St. 
Augustine.  With  one  company  of  men.  Chaplain  Mendoza 
Grajales,  and  a  French  prisoner  for  interpreter,  Menendez 
set  out  and  arrived  at  the  inlet  at  dawn  on  September  29. 
After  some  shouted  exchanges  across  the  water,  Menendez  and 
his  interpreter  spoke  at  length  with  a  French  pilot  and  ship- 
master.  The  Frenchman  told  Menendez  frankly  the  situation 
of  his  marooned  countrymen.   After  Pedro  Menendez  broke  the 
news  of  the  taking  of  Fort  Caroline  to  the  envoy,  he  sent 


him  back  to  his  fellows  with  the  message  that  he  was  their 
enemy,  bound  to  pursue  them  with  fire  and  blood  war  to 
extermination.   Shortly  a  French  nobleman  came  to  parley 
with  Men^ndez,  asking  for  their  lives  in  return  for 
surrender.   The  Adelantado  claims  that  he  said  that  they 
could  place  themselves  at  his  mercy,  but  that  he  made  them 
no  guaramtees  of  safety. 

As  a  practical  matter,  the  options  open  to  the  French 
at  Matanzas  were  few  and  poor.   If  they  turned  away  to  the 
southward,  they  could  only  expect  starvation,  death  or 
captivity  at  the  hands  of  the  Indians.   The  friendly  base 
to  which  they  had  been  marching  was  now  occupied  by  their 
enemy.  They  chose  to  surrender,  and  were  ferried  across 
the  inlet  in  small  parties.   Their  hands  were  tied,  and 
they  were  taken  a  short  distcince  beyond,  to  a  place  out  of 
sight  behind  the  dunes.   Pedro  Men^ndez  removed  the  French 
pilot,  four  carpenters  and  caulkers,  and  12  Breton  sailors 

from  the  group  of  bound  men.   He  spaured  their  lives,  and 

had  the  rest  put  to  the  knife. 

Menendez  returned  to  St.  Augustine  with  his  prisoners. 

Since  he  had  learned  that  Jean  Ribault  still  lived,  he 

feared  that  Ribault  might  refloat  his  flagship  and  threaten 

the  Spanish  settlement.   The  Adelantado  placed  cannon  at  the 

St.  Augustine  bar  and  posted  sentinels  and  lookouts.   He 

began  his  first  report  to  his  King  since  the  taking  of  the 

French  fort.   Writing  with  an  obvious  feeling  of  elation. 


the  Asturian  recounted  the  events  of  his  victories  over  the 
enemy,  listed  the  booty  found  in  the  fort  and  described  his 
general  strategic  situation.  Men^ndez  emphasized  anew  the 
continuing  threat  posed  by  the  French  to  the  whole  Atleintic 
coastline  and  to  the  galleon  routes.  To  counter  the  danger, 
the  Adelantado  proposed  to  build  a  fort  further  south,  to 
anchor  the  Bcihama  Cheinnel  and  complement  the  works  at  Havana 
and  St.  Augustine.   He  then  shifted  his  subject  to  a  major 
interest — his  future  settlements  in  the  north. 

Men^ndez  stated  that  he  would  go  first  to  Santa  Elena 
to  found  a  colony.   Then  he  would  pass  along  to  the  Bay  of 
Santa  Maria,  where,  he  again  reminded  Philip  II,  lay  the  key 
to  the  entire  continent.   It  was  there  that  the  great  water- 
way to  the  southwest,  which  offered  a  new  and  shorter  route 
to  return  the  New  Spain  silver  to  Spain,  lay  waiting.   He 
pleumed  to  protect  this  route  by  fortifying  a  town  in  the 
Province  of  Co9a,  inland  at  the  foot  of  the  mountains.  The 
^reat  kingdom  thus  secured  would  be  rich  in  cattle,  vine- 
yards, and  sugar  plantings.   Its  timber  resources  would  pro- 
vide naval  stores,  so  that  ship-building  could  flourish 
along  its  coasts.   In  Menendez*  view,  his  mission  in  the 
vast  stretches  of  land  called  Florida  was  to  "fix  our  fron- 
tier lines  here,  gain  the  waterway  of  the  Bahamas,  and  work 
the  mines  of  New  Spcdn." 

The  King's  Adelantado  reminded  his  sovereign  of  the 
costs  he  had  undergone  in  his  Florida  effort.   He  advised 


that  he  had  committed  a  thousamd  people  so  far  to  the 
enterprise,  counting  those  en  route  to  Florida  but  not  yet 
arrived.   Although  the  contract  only  obliged  him  to  bring 
500  persons  for  the  conquest,  he  had  asked  Pedro  del 
Castillo  to  send  300  soldiers  in  addition  to  the  1,000 
already  committed.  Menendez  urged  the  King  to  increase  the 
Royal  forces  in  Florida  to  the  level  of  the  promised  500. 
For  his  own  costs,  the  Adelantado  stated  that  he  would  need 
30,000  ducats.   He  pledged  his  willingness  to  devote  all  the 
funds  he  could  earn  or  borrow  from  his  friends  or  kinsmen, 
but  begged  that  the  King  hasten  the  payment  of  monies  due 
him  in  Seville. 

Pedro  Menendez'  letter  writing  was  interrupted  at  this 
point.   First,  news  was  brought  to  him  of  the  burning  of 
Fort  San  Mateo;  he  dispatched  food  and  munitions  to  the 
place  at  once  by  sea,  and  realized  that  supplies  would  now 
be  shorter  than  ever.   Then  there  came  another  urgent  mes- 
sage to  the  Adelantado;   more  Frenchmen  had  come  to  the  in- 
let where  the  first  group  had  been  killed,  and  among  them 
was  Jeein  Ribault.   This  time,  Menendez  took  150  armed  men 
emd  arrived  at  the  place  at  dawn  on  October  11.   The  drama 
played  out  on  the  bauiks  of  the  inlet  now  called  Matemzas 
followed  much  the  same  course  as  before.   After  almost  an 
entire  day  of  negotiation,  the  French  leader  came  himself 
under  a  flag  of  truce  to  see  the  Adelantado  of  Florida. 
When  the  two  antagonists  faced  each  other  personally  for  the 


first  and  last  time,  they  met  under  vastly  different  cir- 
cumstances than  when  the  two  fleets  had  clashed  off  the  St. 
Johns  river  mouth  a  month  before.  Although  he  attempted  to 
do  so,  Ribault  could  not  move  Pedro  Menendez  from  his  terms 
of  surrender:  The  Frenchmen  must  yield  themselves  entirely 
to  the  mercies  of  the  Spaniard.   The  next  morning,  half  of 
the  French  force  chose  to  retain  their  liberty — they  re- 
treated southward  away  from  the  Spanish.   Jean  Ribault, 
together  with  several  of  his  captains  and  70  of  his  men, 
came  to  surrender  amd  be  taken  across  the  water.  A  few  of 
the  Frenchmen  were  taken  as  captives  and  the  rest  were 
killed.   Among  the  dead  was  Jean  Ribault.   The  major  enemy 

figrire  had  now  been  eliminated,  together  with  the  greater 

part  of  his  forces. 

Menendez  commissioned  Diego  Flores  de  Vald^s  to  sail  at 

once  in  the  Scin  Miguel  to  carry  the  tidings  of  victory  to 

Philip  II.   At  the  same  time,  he  dispatched  Francisco 

Genoves  to  Puerto  Rico  with  50  Huguenot  women  and  children, 

survivors  from  Fort  Caroline.   Genovds  was  also  to  seek  and 

inquire  further  about  the  whereabouts  of  San  Pelayo,  now  gone 

more  than  a  month  from  Florida.   At  this  moment  of  triumph 

for  Pedro  Menendez,  he  had  no  way  of  knowing  that  his  great 

ship  had  been  seized  by  heretic  mutineers  aboard,  and  was 

even  then  on  its  way  to  Europe  where  it  was  shortly  lost  on 

the  coast  of  Denmark. 


Within  two  weeks  after  the  second  slaughter  of  the 
French  at  the  inlet  of  Matanzas,  word  came  that  many  survi- 
vors from  the  lost  Ribault  ships  had  gathered  and  fortified 
themselves  at  Cape  Canaveral.   Pedro  Men^ndez  determined  to 
make  a  foray  into  the  area  of  the  great  cape.   The  expedition 
would  serve  to  expunge  the  remaining  French,  to  explore  a 
section  where  the  Adelantado  hoped  to  plant  a  fort,  and 
would  also  enable  further  search  for  Juan  Men^ndez.   In  the 
last  of  October,  Pedro  Men^ndez  left  St.  Augustine  with  250 
men  divided  between  a  land  and  sea  force.   Three  small  craft 
commanded  by  Diego  de  Amaya  sailed  southward  close  to  shore. 
Along  the  beaches  marched  the  Adelantado  with  150  of  his 
soldiers.   The  boats  offshore  carried  the  bulk  of  the 
supplies  and  munitions  for  the  expedition. 

One  early  dawn  in  the  very  first  of  November,  Pedro 
Menendez  approached  a  point  just  a  few  miles  cibove  the  head- 
Icmd  of  Cape  Canaveral.  There  the  Frenchmen  had  created  a 
rough  earthworks  surmounted  by  six  bronze  cannon  from  the 
Trinite.   Nearby,  they  had  a  small  boat  well  along  in  con- 
struction.  Huguenot  sentries  gave  the  alarm  as  they  spied 
the  morning  sun  flashing  upon  the  helmets  and  armor  of  the 
Spaniards.   From  the  sea  they  could  see  three  boats  closing 
in  upon  them.   Alarmed,  the  Frenchmen  fled  over  the  sand 
ridges  through  the  low  palmetto  into  deeper  woods  to  the 
westward.   The  Adelantado  sent  a  French  prisoner,  a 
trumpeter,  to  offer  safety  to  the  enemy  if  they  would 


surrender.   Except  for  a  few  of  their  leaders,  the  French- 
men ceune  in  and  yielded  to  the  Spemish.   Perhaps  75  were 
thus  captured.   The  crude  fort  was  burned,  the  boat  des- 
troyed, the  cannon  buried  in  the  sand,  cind  the  expedition 

continued  southward. 

As  his  leind  forces,  swollen  by  the  number  of  the  French 
prisoners,  slogged  along  the  long  expanse  of  beach  which 
stretches  like  a  cresent  moon  south  from  Cape  Canaveral,  the 
Adelantado  of  Florida  entered  a  new  eind  distinctive  part  of 
his  kingdoms.   As  the  marching  men  moved  down  the  narrowing 
island  they  soon  caught  glimpses  of  the  broad  open  waters  of 
the  Indian  River.   Menendez  could  quickly  see  that  the 
waterway  would  afford  protected  navigation  by  small  craft 
which  would  enable  more  rapid  and  secure  communication 
along  the  central  East  Coast. 

The  Spcuiish  had  also  entered  a  quite  different  culture- 
area  of  the  Florida  Indians.   The  people  who  lived  in  this 
area,  who  were  called  the  Ais,  had  built  a  long  and  stable 
culture  organized  almost  entirely  around  the  sea.   Their 
life  was  sustained  by  turtles,  fish  and  shellfish  from  the 
river,  inlets  and  the  ocean.   Over  20  years  of  acquaintance 
with  Spanish  shipwrecks  along  the  east  coast  had  accustomed 
the  Indiams  to  the  taking  of  white  prisoners  and  the  salvage 
of  ships.   By  1565,  they  had  already  built  a  reputation  for 
ferocity  and  cruelty  which  compelled  the  advamcing  Spanish 
to  move  with  caution.   When  they  ccune  to  the  place  where  the 


ISLXid   between  river  eind  oceem  was  a  mere  sand-spit,  they  had 

arrived  at  a  thick  cluster  of  Indian  villages  and  the 

dwelling  place  of  the  chief  of  the  Ais. 

The  first  meeting  between  the  Spanish  and  the  Indian 
chiefs  went  very  well  indeed.   Although  communication  was 
difficult  between  the  men,  Pedro  Men^ndez  cind  the  Cacique 
Ais  concluded  em  agreement,  in  which  the  Indian  swore 
fealty  to  Philip  II  and  promised  peace  and  obedience. 
Menendez  sealed  the  treaty  with  gifts  of  clothing  and  per- 
sonal jewelry.   He  undertook  no  direct  trade  for  bullion, 
but  noted  the  gold  and  silver  ornaments  worn  by  the  Indians. 
A  number  of  the  soldiers  did  engage  in  trading  for  the 
precious  metals.   Since  the  need  of  the  Spanish  who  had  come 
by  land  for  food  was  becoming  acute,  they  welcomed  the 
coming  of  the  three  supply  boats  with  joy.   When  Amaya 
lemded  there  was  momentary  relaxation  from  the  tension  which 
short  rations  had  brought,  and  the  place  was  named  "Puerto 
de  Socorro."   It  was  soon  realized,  however,  that  the  food- 
stuffs on  hand  could  not  last  the  Spaniards  and  their  French 
prisoners  for  long  and  the  Indians  had  little  food  which  the 
Spaniards  would  eat.   To  return  to  the  forts  in  the  north 
would  be  no  solution,  for  they  had  no  reserves  after  the 
burning  of  Fort  San  Mateo.   The  Adelantado  decided,  after 
consultation  with  his  captains,  to  proceed  with  his  original 
design  to  fortify  the  area,  emd  determined  to  leave  Captain 
Juan  Velez  de  Medrano  there  with  200  men  and  50  of  the  French 


captives.   His  intention  to  populate  the  Indian  River  was 

shown  by  the  appointment  of  V^lez  de  Medrano  as  Civil 

Governor  as  well  as  military  commander  of  the  district. 

He  himself  would  take  two  of  the  small  craft,  50  men  and 

20  of  his  prisoners,  and  proceed  directly  to  Cuba,  and  make 

a  link-up  with  the  reinforcements  coming  from  the  north  of 

Spain  or  with  the  New  Spain  Capitana  which  was  to  await  his 

orders  in  Havana.   After  locating  his  men  in  a  better 

situation  somewhat  to  the  south  of  the  complex  of  Indian 

villages  immediately  surrounding  that  of  the  chief,  Men^ndez 

put  to  sea  in  the  two  small  ships,  pushed  toward  Cuba  by 

the  strong  north  winds  of  winter.   For  the  Adelantado,  the 

first  phase  of  the  conquest  of  Florida  had  ended. 


1.  Pedro  Men^ndez  to  Crown,  n.d.  (prob.  October,  1567), 
A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1024-A.   In  this  letter  Men^ndez 
describes  the  arrest  of  the  heretics  and  their  confinement. 

2.  A  description  of  the  re-arrangement  of  Men^ndez' 
fleet  at  the  Canary  Islands  is  found  in  "Informaci6n  sumaria 
hecha  en  Cadiz,"  Pedro  del  Castillo,  Cadiz,  September  22, 
1567,  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1024-A.   The  muster  is 
described  in  "Informacion  ante  Alcalde,"  by  Pedro  Men^ndez 
de  Aviles,  Madrid,  October  16,  1567,  in  the  same  legajo. 
Menendez  mentions  the  stowaway  of  Valdes  in  his  letter  to 
the  Crown  from  Florida  dated  September  11,  1565,  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  231.   This  letter  has  also  been  reproduced  in 
Ruidiaz,  La  Florida  II,  74-84.   It  has  been  translated  and 
reprinted  in  Charles  Bennett,  The  Settlement  of  Florida 
(Gainesville,  Florida:   University  of  Florida  Press,  1968), 

pp.  148-155,  and  is  also  in  the  Stetson  Collection. 

3.  The  Grajales  narrative  comes  from  A.G.I.  Patronato 
19.   It  has  been  reprinted  in  the  Collecion  Munoz.   See 
Real  Academic  de  La  Historia,  Catalogo  de  la  Collection  de 
J.  B.  Munoz  (3  v.,  Madrid:   Real  Academic  de  la  Historia, 
1954-1956),  II,  folio  283-200  vto.   It  has  also  been  repro- 
duced in  D.I.,  III,  441-479,  as  "Relacion  del  capellan 
Francisco  Lopez  de  Menanza  Grajales."   The  narrative  was 
trcuislated  by  Benjamin  F.  French,  and  is  found  in  his  work 
Historical  Collections  of  Louisiana  and  Florida  (New  York: 
A.  Mason,  1875),  pp.  191-234.   Edward  H.  Lawson  has  made  a 
translation  in  his  book  Letters  of  Menendez  (2  v.,  type- 
script; St.  Augustine:   E.  H.  Lawson,  1955),  pp.  167-176; 
180-195.   A  more  effective  translation  is  found  in  Charles  E. 
Bennett,  Laudonniere  and  Fort  Caroline  (Gainesville:   Uni- 
versity of  Florida  Press,  1964),  pp.  141-163. 

4.  See  Pedro  Menendez  to  Crown,  Puerto  Rico,  August  13, 
1565,  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  224.   In  Stetson  Collection. 

5.  The  loss  of  La  Vitoria  is  described  in  "Ship  Losses 
of  the  Adelantado,"  n.d.  (Noveir±>er,  1567),  A.G.I.  Escribania 
de  C£mara  1024-A.   Menendez  describes  the  loss  of  the  caravel 
in  his  letter  to  the  Crown,  Matanzas,  December  5,  1565, 
Seuito  Domingo  115. 



6.   There  are  many  discrepancies  between  the  chronology 
of  the  Mendoza  Grajales  narrative  and  that  given  by  Pedro 
Menendez  in  his  letters  to  the  Crown.   The  priest's  story 
was,  however,  written  at  some  later  date,  while  Menendez' 
letters  were  current.  Where  there  is  conflict  between  dates, 
therefore,  the  writer  has  chosen  that  given  by  the  Adelan- 
tado.   For  instance,  Mendoza  Grajales  states  that  they 
arrived  at  San  Juan  on  the  10th  of  August  while  Menendez 
gives  the  date  as  the  13th.  As  a  check  on  the  correctness 
of  Menendez'  dating,  the  Adelantado  mentions  the  arrival  of 
the  Almiranta,  in  correspondence  dated  August  15,  1565, 
and   found  in  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  71.   A  previous  letter, 
which  bore  the  date  of  August  13,  did  not  mention  that  the 
other  ships  had  yet  arrived,   Solfs  de  Mer^s,  in  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Aviles,  78,   gives  the  date  of  arrival  as 
August  9. 

7.   Ponce  advised  that  the  poder  enabled  him  to  buy 
amd  sell  goods  so  as  to  supply  ships  bound  for  Florida; 
see  his  letter  to  the  Crown,  San  Juan,  April  20,  1566, 
A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  71,  Stetson  Collection.   The  King 
acknowledged  these  services  in  a  letter  to  Juan  Ponce  de 
Leon  from  Madrid  dated  May  12,  1566,  found  in  A.G.I. 
Justicia  1,000,  Stetson  Collection.   Menendez'  description 
of  his  connection  with  Ponce  de  Leon  is  found  in  his  letter 
to  the  Crown,  dated  August  15,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Santo 
Domingo  71. 

8.  An  effective  description  of  the  sixteenth  century 
Spanish  military  organization  may  be  found  in  Rafael 
Altamira  y  Crevea,  Historia  de  Espana  y  de  la  civilizacidn 
esoanola  (4th  ed. ,  Barcelona:   J.  Giu,  1928) ,  Tomo  III, 

9.  See  supra,  132. 

10.  "Nombramiento  de  Pedro  Menendez  de  Vald^s  .  .  . 
Maestre  de  Campo,"  in  "Relacion  de  los  bastimentos,  artilleria, 
armas  .  .  .  munioiones  que  recibio  Juan  de  Junco  .  ,  .,•* 
A.G.I.  Contaduria  941,  ramo  1  ...  in  microfilm,  P.  K. 

Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History,  University  of  Florida. 

11.  Menendez'  plans  and  actions  in  Puerto  Rico  are  well 
described  in  his  two  letters  to  the  Crown  dated  August  13 
amd  August  15,  1565,  op.  cit. 

12.   The  decision  to  sail  directly  to  Florida  without  any 
stop  in  Havcuia  is  described  by  the  Adelantado  in  his  letter 
to  Philip  II  from  St.  Augustine,  dated  September  11,  1565, 
A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  231.   From  the  Stetson  Collection. 


13.  Father  Lopez  describes  the  ncunlng  of  the  captains 
in  his  narrative,  on  page  148  of  the  Bennett  tr2mslation. 
The  Adelantado  describes  amd  names  ten  of  the  captains  whom 
he  had  chosen  in  his  letter  of  September  11,  op.  cit. 

The  naunes  of  the  other  captains  were  Diego  de  Alvarado, 
Pedro  de  Laurrcuidia,  and  Francisco  de  Mexia. 

14.  A  case  in  point  was  that  of  Graviel  Ayala  Salredo, 
who  was  appointed  Ensign  at  this  time,   Ayala  was  a  member 
of  the  three  hundred-man  Royal  contingent,  but  was  appointed 
by  the  Adelantado  to  the  reinX  of  Ensign  in  the  troop 
reorganization.   Upon  his  return  to  Spain  in  1570,  Ayala 
attempted  to  collect  from  the  Crown  the  additional  pay  due 
him  for  his  post  as  Ensign,   The  Casa  de  Contratacion 
demurred,  saying  that  when  the  troops  left  Spain  there 
really  were  no  officials,  only  squadron  leaders.   The  Crown, 
however,  insisted  on  payment.   Ayala 's  petition  is  found  in 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,222  under  the  date  of  Deceinber  9, 
1570,  in  Seville. 

15.  Father  Mendoza  Grajales  and  Pedrp  Menendez  are  far 
apcurt  in  the  dates  they  assign  to  the  sighting  of  Florida, 
In  his  letter  of  September  11,  the  Adelantado  advises  that 
the  landfall  was  made  around  noon  on  "Sunday  the  25th.'' 

The  priest  advises  that  the  landfall  did  not  occur  until 
"afternoon  of  Tuesday  September  28th."  Menendez  erred — 
the  date  of  August  25  fell  on  a  Saturday;  Father  Mendoza 
Grajales  had  the  days  of  the  week  right.   The  Adelantado 's 
letter  was,  however,  written  much  closer  in  time  to  the 
event.   Perhaps  his  dating  is  correct  even  though  he  has 
erred  in  assigning  the  correct  dates  to  the  days  of  the 
week.   Gonzalo  Solis  de  Meras'  account  of  the  landfall 
agrees  with  that  of  the  priest. 

16.  Woodbury  Lowery  in  The  Speinish  Settlements,  II, 
111,  cites  a  letter  from  Philip  II  to  the  Duke  of  Alba, 
written  on  June  15th. 

17.  See  Alba  to  Philip  II,  June  28,  1565,  A.D.E., 
K.  1504,  30. 

18.  Amb.  de  Silva  to  the  Crown,  London,  June  25, 
1565,  printed  in  D.I.E.  LXXXIX,  173. 

19.  Sanchez'  deposition  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Patronato 
267,  No.  1,  ramo  41;  it  is  also  in  the  Stetson  Collection. 
Notice  of  SSnchez'  testimony  was  sent  to  Philip  II  in  Casa 
to  Crown,  Seville,  August  15,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n 
5167,  Book  III.   It  is  obvious  that  Sanchez*  description  of 
Fort  Caroline  is  extravagemt,  if  not  totally  imaginary. 

It  is,  fxirther,  doubtful  that  any  French  vessel  of  the  size 
he  described  was  necir  the  French  colony  at  the  end  of  1564 


or  the  beginning  of  1565.  Woodbury  Lowery  expresses  his 
conoplete  skepticism  of  Sanchez'  testimony  in  "Manuscripts 
of  Florida,"  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  History, 
reel  1. 

20.  See  Crown  to  Casa,  Bosque  de  Segovia,  July  30, 
1565,  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,012;  in  Stetson  Collection. 

21.  The  Casa's  letter  of  August  22,  1565,  is  referred 
to  in  Crown  to  Casa,  Bosque  de  Segovia,  September  6,  1565, 
A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,012;  in  Stetson  Collection.   The  letter 
of  September  4,  1565,  from  Seville  is  found  in  A.G.I, 
Contrataci6n  5,167,  Book  II. 

22.  See  Admiral  Coligny  to  Jean  Ribault,  cited  in 
Woodbury  Lowery,  The  Spanish  Settlements,  II,  95.   One  of 
the  best  descriptions  of  the  departure  of  the  French  rein- 
forcement fleet  is  found  in  Nicholas  Le  Challeux,  "Discourse 
de  I'histoire  de  la  Florida,"  in  Suzanne  Lussagnet,  ed., 
Les  Franpais  en  Floride  (Paris:   Presse  Universitaire 

de  France,  1958),  pp.  208-209.   Le  Challeux,  who  shipped  as 
a  carpenter  with  the  expedition,  has  given  a  simple  and 
graphic  narrative  of  the  Ribault  expedition  and  its  fate. 

23.  The  episode  is  described  in  Le  Challeux,  "Dis- 
course," p.  209.   It  appears  that  this  man  was  Pedro  de 
Bustin<yury,  who  is  probably  the  man  known  as  Don  Pedro 
Vizcaino,  of  the  Escalante  Fontenada  narrative.   See 
Eugene  Lyon,  "Captives  of  Florida,"  Florida  Historical 
Quarterly,  L,  No.  1  (July,  1971),  6,  15. 

24.  It  is  quite  likely  that  this  landfall  was  at  the 
Ponce  de  Leon  inlet,  between  present-day  New  Smyrna  Beach 
cuid  Daytona  Beach,  where  there  was  a  sizeable  concentration 
of  Indian  population.   This  description  of  Menendez'  north- 
ward journey  from  Cape  Canaveral  and  the  first  clash  with 
Ribault' s  ships  was  taken  from  his  letter  of  September  11, 
1565,  op.  cit. 

25.  Menendez  describes  no^deliberation  in  reaching  his 
decision.   Gonzalo  Solis  de  Meras,  however,  states  that  a 
council  of  officers  was  held.   He  advises  that  the  majority 
of  his  lieutencints  proposed  cin  immediate  return  to  Santo 
Domingo  to  collect  the  forces  prepared  by  its  Audiencia, 
await  the  vessels  of  de  las  Alas  and  Pedro  Menendez  Marquez 
and  the  galleon  of  Ruelas.   Menendez,  says  Solis  de  Meras, 
then  said  "no,"  believiijg  that  he  had  the  advantage  of 
surprise.   Solis  de  Meras,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  84. 

26.  The  spy's  report  (supra,  116)  assigned  T-rinite  a 
tonnage  of  150  to  160.   Two  of  the  other  French  vessels 
150  tons  apiece,  one  of  120,  and  three  smaller  craft,  at 


between  60  and  70  tons.  On  the  Spanish  side,  their  chief 
vessel  was  rated  at  more  than  900  tons,  with  the  ber^antfn 
La  Esperanza  at  150  tons  and  San  Miguel  and  San  Andres  at 
60  and  70  respectively.   The  tonnage  of  the  vessel  purchased 
in  San  Juan  is  not  known. 

27.  Men&idez  estimate  of  forces  is  found  in  his  letter 
of  September  11,  1565,  op.  cit.   The  French  forces  are 
estimated  in  the  spy's  report  and  Laudonni&re's  "L'Histoire 
Notable."   It  appears  that  Men^ndez'  September  11th  estimate 
gives  the  lie  to  his  later  claim  that  some  1,504  left  C^diz 
xinder  his  commcmd  (see  supra. ,   169  ).   It  appears,  in 
fact,  that  Factor  Duarte's  original  muster  must  have  been 
essentially  correct  and  that  few,  if  any,  additional  persons 
could  have  embarked  at  Cadiz.   This  evaluation  comes  from 
deducting  the  men  lost  through  the  sinking  of  La  Vitoria, 
the  turning-back  of  La  Concepci6n  and  the  straying  and  even- 
tual  loss  of  the  caravel  San  Ant"onio.   It  further  involves 
allowance  for  the  gain  of  43  men  at  San  Juan  balanced  against 
the  desertion  of  33  others. 

28.  See  "Ordenanzas  .  .  .  ,"  D.I.,  XIV,  No.  XII,  490. 

29.  Many  historians  have  discussed  the  significance 

of  the  concejo  and  other  municipal  institutions  in  Castilian 
conquest  and  settlement.   Richard  M.  Morse  has  done  a  fruit- 
ful analysis  of  the  concejo  in  "Some  Characteristics  of 
Latin  American  Urban  History,"  American  HistoricaJ.  Review, 
LXVII  (January,  1962),  317-388.   His  cogent  statement  (on 
page  325)  runs:   "The  city  is  the  point  of  departure  for 
the  settlement  of  the  soil."   Francisco  Dominguez  y  Company, 
in  "Funciones  econoraicas  del  cabildo  colonial  hispano- 
Americano,"  in  .Rafael  Altamira  y  Crevea  etal . ,  eds . ,  Con- 
tribuciones  a  la  historia  municipal  de  America  (Mexico 
City:   Pan  American  Institute  of  Geography  and  History, 
1951),  has  the  following  comment  (page  166):   "The  munici- 
pality is  in  fact  the  juridical  agent  authorized  by  the  Crown 
to  effect  concessions  and  allotments  of  land,  whether  rural 
or  urban."   Perhaps  the  most  detailed  outline  of  the  func- 
tioning of  the  Castilian  municipality  in  the  Indies  has 
been  done  by  John  Preston  Moore  in  The  Cabildo  in  Peru 
Under  the  Hapsburgs  (Durham,  N.C.:   The  Duke  University 
Press,  1954),  pp.  15-28.   James  Lockhart  discusses  a 
variety  of  applications  of  the  basic  municipal  institutions 
in  different  parts  of  the  Spanish  Indies.   He  also  proposes 
an  evolutionary  connection  between  the  colonial  city  and 
the  hacienda  system.   Of  particular  value  to  this  writer 
was  his  article  "Encomienda  emd  Hacienda:   The  Evolution  of 
the  Great  Estate  in  the  Spanish  Indies , "  Hispanic  American 
Historical  Review,  XLIX  (1969),  419-429. 


30.  See  the  statement  of  Manuel  Ballesteros  Gaibrois 
in  La  Idea  Colonial  de  Ponce  de  Leon;   un  ensayo  de  interpre- 
tacion  (San  Juan,  Puerto  Rico:   Instituto  de  Cultura  Puerto- 
rriquena/  1960)  ,  p.  14.   Speaking  of  Ponce  de  Leon,  Balles- 
teros says:   "He  had  no  utopicin  ideas  of  creating  a  new 
society,  but  simply  wished  to  reproduce,  on  a  small  scale, 
that  of  Castile."  As  a  good  example  of  the  way  an  Adelan- 
tado  moved  in  practice  in  the  Indies  to  create  the  municipal 
framework  is  found  in  the  way  that  young  Montejo  founded 
Ciudad  Real  at  Chichenitza  in  Yucatan.   He  appointed  the 
first  cabildo,  designated  one  hundred  of  his  soldiers  as 
vecinos,  and  assigned  plots  of  land  to  each.   This  is 
described  by  Robert  S.  Chamberlain  in  The  Conquest  and 
Colonization  of  Yucatan,  p.  136. 

31.  Barcia,  Chronological  History,  p.  98.   Although  no 
books  of  the  acts  of  the  Florida  cabildos  have  been  found,  a 
number  of  documents  refer  to  these  acts  and  bear  the  signa- 
tures of  the  Alcaldes  and  the  escribanos  of  the  cabildos 

in  St.  Augustine,  San  Mateo  and  Santa  Elena.   See  certifica- 
tions  of  Alcalde  Peleaz  and  his  escribano  in  "Probanza 
hecha  a  pedimento  de  Gonzalo  Gayon  .  I  T","  St.  Augustine, 
October  28,  1566,  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  11  (Stetson  Collec- 
tion) ;  those  of  Diego  de  Valles  as  escribano  of  the  cabildo 
at  St.  Augustine  during  September,  1566,  from  A.G.I. 
Contratacion  58,  ramo  2,  No.  3  ("Criminales") ;  the  memorial 
of  the  settlers  and  cabildo  at  Santa  Elena,  July  15,  1569, 
from  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941  (in  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge 
Library  of  Florida  History,  reel  1,  frame  35).   Formal  re- 
quirements for  the  foundation  of  the  concejo,  republica,  and 
appointment  of  the  legal  officials  for  the  cabildo  in  newly 
discovered  territories  are  outlined  in  "Ordenanzas  .  .  .  ," 
D.I.,  XIV,  No.  XLIII,  501. 

32.  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  to  a  Jesuit  friend  at 
Cadiz,  St.  Augustine,  October  15,  1566,  in  Ruidiaz,  La 
Florida,  II,  155-156.   Juan  Lopez  de  Velasco,  in  Geografia 
universal  de  las  Indias  (1571-1574)  (Madrid:   D.  Justo 
Zaragoza,  1894),  pp.  159-160,  provides  a  good  description 
of  the  customs  of  the  aboriginal  Florida  Indians.   The  cul- 
ture area  of  the  Timucuan  is  described  by  Ripley  P.  Bullen 
in  "The  Southern  Limit  of  Timucua  Territory,"  Florida  His- 
torical Quarterly,  XLVII,  No.  4  (April,  1969),  414-419. 
The  matter  of  language  is  discussed  by  Father  Francisco 
Pare j a  in  Catecismo  en  lengua  Timuquana  y  castellano  (Mexico 
City:   Imprenta  de  Juan  Ruyz,  1627). 

33.  Nombramiento  of  Bartolome  Menendez  by  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Aviles,  St.  Augustine,  September  7,  1565, 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,219. 


34.  Laudonni^re • s  own  account  of  the  circumstances 
surrounding  the  departure  of  Ribault  and  his  remaining  garri- 
son are  foundin  his  "L'Histoire  Notable,"  from  Lussagnet, 
Las  Fran(^ais  en  Floride/  pp.  176-178. 

35.  For  the  French  commander's  version  of  events  prior 
to  and  during  the  taking  of  Fort  Caroline,  see  ibid.,  pp. 

36.  From  "Deposition  of  Jean  Mennin,"  from  Paul 
Gaffarel,  Histoire  de  la  Floride  Francaise  (Paris:   Firmin- 
Didot  et  Cie.,  1875),  p.  445. 

37.  For  an  outline  of  events  concerning  the  Frenchmen 
captured  by  the  Spanish  at  various  times  see  Eugene  Lyon, 
"Captives  of  Florida,"  Florida  Historical  Quarterly,  L, 

No.  1  (July,  1971),  1-24. 

38.  The  Adelantado  describes  the  taking  of  the  fort 
with  its  booty  and  the  captured  ships  in  his  letter  to  the 
Crown  sent  to  Philip  II  from  his  base  at  St.  Augustine  on 
October  15,  1565;  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  231  (Stetson 
Collection).   The  unease  felt  by  the  Spanish,  which  led  to 
the  sending  away  of  the  French  women  and  children  is 
described  by  Hernando  de  Baeza  in  "Los  despachos  que^se 
hicieron  en  la  Florida  .  .  .  ,"  from  A.G.I.  Escribania  de 
Camara  1,024-A.   The  rescue  and  ransom  of  the  French  noblemcin 
Pierre  d'Ully  is  described  by  the  Adelantado  in  his  letter 

to  the  King  sent  from  St.  Augustine  on  October  20,  1566,  cind 
found  in  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collection). 

39.  The  estimate  of  the  location  of  the  three  major 
French  shipwrecks  was  given  to  Pedro  Menendez  by  survivors 
of  the  first  massacre  at  Matanzas.   From  the  same  source  he 
lieamed  that  Trinite  was  grounded  some  five  to  ten  leagues 
from  the  other  vessels.   See  his  letter  to  Philip  II  from 
St.  Augustine  on  October  15,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo 
231  (Stetson  Collection) .   The  story  of  the  small  French 
craft  which  survived  the  storm  and  sailed  to  the  Caribbean 
is  found  in  "Papers  relating  to  various  Frenchmen  who  came 
as  prisoners  in  the  fleets  and  were  captives  in  the  jail 

of  the  Contratacion  of  Seville;   1571;"  from  A.G.I. 
Patronato  267,  No.  2,  ramo  7. 

40.^  See  "Los  despachos  que  se  hicieron  ,  .  .  ,"  A.G.I. 

Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

41.   See  the  hearing  before  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  in 
Seville  in  February  and  March  of  1572,  and  found  in  A.G.I. 
Justicia  817.   Menendez  claimed  a  total  of  4,080  ducats  for 
this  aid  to  the  Crown  soldiery. 


42.  The  writer  will  not  attempt  to  render  judgment  upon 
the  vexed  question  of  the  good  faith  of  Pedro  Menendez  de 
Aviles  in  the  episodes  at  Matemzas.   Rumor  that  he  had  in 
fact  offered  Ribault  and  the  others  their  lives  and  then  had 
them  killed  in  contravention  of  his  word  was  transmitted  from 
Madrid  by  the  Sieur  de  Fourquevaux  in  letters  to  the  French 
rulers  sent  from  Segovia  on  July  5,  1566;  from  "Lettres  et 
Papiers  d'etat  de  Fourquevaxix , "  in  Paul  Gaffarel's  work. 

La  Floride  Francaise,  pp.  439-441.   In  his  own  letter  to  his 
sovereign  Pedro  Menendez  states  that  he  obtained  the  surrender 
of  the  French  without  any  specific  promise  as  to  treatment, 
2md  then  simply  had  them  quickly  and  systematically  killed. 
He  evidently  neither  asked  nor  expected  any  further  justifica- 
tion of  his  actions  than  that  dictated  by  the  exigencies  of 
war  and  supply  and  felt  himself  to  be  fully  empowered  by 
royal  authority  to  carry  out  his  action.   See  the  descrip- 
tion of  the  executions  at  Matanzas  in  Menendez*  letter  to 
Philip  II  written  from  St.  Augustine  on  October  15,  1565, 
from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  231  (Stetson  Collection). 

43.  Observers  at  the  scene  of  the  first  slaughter  at 
Matanzas  differed  as  to  the  number  of  those  who  died  and  who 
had  been  saved.   Father  Mendoza  says  that  111  were  killed, 
and  "ten  or  twelve"  were  given  their  lives  because  they  were 
Catholics;  see  "narrative  of  Francisco  L6pez  de  Mendoza 
Grajales,"  in  the  book  of  Charles  E.  Bennett,  Laudonni^re  and 
Fort  Caroline  (Gainesville:   University  of  Florida  Press, 
1964),  p.  163.   Gonzalo  Solis  de  Meras,  in  contrast,  states 
that  eight  were  saved  and  two  hundred  were  executed:   from 
Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  115.   The  Adelantado  gave  no  total 
of  the  slain. 

44.  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  to  Crown,  St.  Augustine, 
October  15,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  231  (Stetson 
Collection) . 

45.  The  Adelcuitado  estimated  the  number  which  sur- 
rendered at  seventy;  Solis  de  Meras  put  the  figure  at  150. 
While  Pedro  Menendez  states  that  he  spared  five  men,  Solis 
de  Meras  says  that  the  lives  of  sixteen  were  saved.   See 
Soils  de  Meras,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  115. 

46.  The  Adelantado  mentions  his  sending  of  Flores  in 
his  letter  of  October  15,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo 
231  (Stetson  Collection).   The  dispatch  of  Genoves  is 
described  in  "Los  despachos  que  se  hicieron  .  .  .  ,"  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A.   The  loss  of  San  Pelayo  through 
its  seizure  by  "Lutherans"  aboard,  and  its  subsequent  ship- 
wreck, is  described  in  expository  statement  by  Pedro  Menendez 
introducing  his  case  against  the  Crown.   It  bears  no  date, 
but  is  probably  from  October,  1567,  and  is  contained  in 
A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A.   The  event  is  also 


described  in  "Ship  Losses  of  the  Adelantado,"  n.d.  (November, 
1567),  from  the  same  legajo.   News  of  the  loss  of  San  Pelayo 
had  come  to  the  Spanish  Court  by  April  9,    1566,  on  which  date 
it  was  transmitted  to  the  Queen  Mother  of  Framce  by  her 
ambassador  Fourquevaux;  the  letter  is  from  "Lettres  et 
Papiers  d'etat  de  Fourquevaux,"  found  in  Paul  Gaffarel, 
Histoire  de  la  Floride  Frangaise,  p.  436, 

47.  Pedro  Menendez  describes  the  taking  of  the  French 
force  at  Cape  Canaveral  in  his  letters  to  Philip  II 

dated  December  5,  1565,  at  Matsmzas,  Cuba,  from  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collection)  and  dated  January  30, 
1566,  from  Havana,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  168  (Stetson 
Collection).   Irving  Rouse,  in  his  Indian  River  Archaeology 
(New  Haven,  Connecticut:  Yale  University  Press,  1951),  p. 
192,  lists  a  site  numbered  BR  84  not  far  above  the  extremity 
of  Cape  Canaveral.   He  believes  this  to  have  been  a  possible 
site  for  the  French  works. 

48.  Although  the  Indian  background  of  the  Indian  River 
area  has  not  been  thoroughly  developed  by  historians  and 
anthropologists,  some  very  useful  studies  have  been  made. 
The  basic  theory  of  the  location  of  the  Ais  culture-center 
was  developed  by  Mr.  Homer  N.  Cato  of  Micco,  Florida,  who 
has  done  much  fruitful  field  work  in  a  number  of  Ais  sites 
in  the  vicinity  of  the  Sebastian  River  and  the  ocean  inlet 
opposite  it.   His  work  on  the  Spanish  salvage  site  and  on 
the  Cato  site  led  to  later  investigations  by  Dr.  and  Mrs. 
Ripley  Bullen  and  Mr.  Carl  J.  Clausen.   See  Homer  N.  Cato, 
"Foxind — Ancient  Sebastian  Man,"  Florida  Sportcamping,  II, 
No.  3  (September,  1966),  32-34.   Also  see  Ripley  P.  Bullen, 
Adelaide  K.  Bullen,  and  Carl  J.  Clausen,  "The  Cato  Site  near 
Sebastian  Inlet,  Florida,"  The  Florida  Anthropologist, 

XXI,  No.  1  (March,  1968),  14-16.   Charles  D.  Higgs  studied 
some  sites  and  wrote  "Some  Archaeological  Findings  and  In- 
vestigations in  the  Land  of  Ais"  (unpublished  manuscript  at 
office  of  the  National  Park  Service,  St.  Augustine,  1941), 
and  "Spanish  Contacts  with  the  Ais,"  in  the  Florida  His- 
torical Quarterly,  XXI  (1942),  25-30.   Irving  Rouse  summed 
up  all  the  archaeological  publications  to  1950  in  Indian 
River  Archaeology  (New  Haven,  Connecticut:   Yale  University 
Press,  1951).   Work  was  also  done  by  Dr.  Hale  G.  Smithj  see 
Two  Archaeological  Sites  in  Brevard  County,  Florida  (Gaines- 
ville:  University  of  Florida  Press,  1949).   The  writer 
attempted  to  summarize  the  ethnology  of  the  Ais  in  "More 
Light  on  the  Indians  of  the  Ays  Coast"  (unpublished  paper, 
typescript,  Gainesville,  1967).   As  to  the  culture-boundary 
between  the  Ais  emd  Indian  groupings  to  the  north,  it  is 
fairly  well  established  by  the  "Useful,  profitable,  emd 
totally  correct  geographical  course-description  of  the  rivers, 
inlet-chcuinels,  lagoons,  woods,  villages,  stream-crossings 
.  .  .  from  the  city  of  St.  Augustine  to  the  bar  of  Ais," 


written  in  1605  by  Captain  Alvaro  Mexia  and  found  in  A.G.I, 
Santo  Domingo  224  (from  a  recent  translation  by  Homer  N, 
Cato  cind  Eugene  Lyon) .   The  cultural  line  is  also  empha- 
sized by  Fray  Francisco  Pcireja  in  Catecismo  en  Lengua  Timu- 
guana  y  castellano  (Mexico  City:   Imprenta  de  Juan  Ruyz, 
1627),  in  which  Brother  Pareja  pointed  out  that  speakers  of 
the  Icinguages  of  the  south  coast  could  not  be  understood 
by  the  Timucuans. 

49.   The  appointment  of  Juan  Velez  de  Medrano  is  found 
in  "Testimonio  de  los  documentos  de  Capt.  Juan  Velez  de 
Medrano,"  in  A.H.P.,  Protocolo  646,  fol.  256-259. 



When  he  arrived  in  the  Cuban  port  of  Bahiahonda,  Pedro 
Menendez  had  behind  him  a  remarkable  small-boat  journey.   It 
had  been  more  than  just  a  hasty  voyage  through  rough  autximn 
seas,  impelled  by  the  urgencies  of  supply.   It  was  a  trip  of 
exploration  and  discovery.   As  the  two  barcos  had  threaded 
their  way  southward  along  a  low  shoreline,  the  features  of 
Florida's  southeast  coast  were  gradually  revealed  to  the 
eyes  of  a  master  seaman.   Menendez  had  made  an  important 
navigational  discovery:   one  could  sail  southward  inside 
the  north-setting  Gulf  Stream  with  a  vessel  of  euiy  usual 
draft.   He  had  also  found  and  reconnoitered  two  ports 
suitable  for  Indies  ships  seeking  refuge  from  storm  or 
corsairs.   The  combination  of  easy  round-trip  navigation 
from  Florida  to  Cuba  suddenly  made  Cuba  very  importamt  to 
the  Adelcintado,  for  it  offered  the  best  way  to  chcinnel 
supplies  and  reinforcements  from  the  Indies  to  the  Florida 

Pedro  Menendez  did  not  remain  long  in  Bahiahonda,   By 
November  13,  he  was  within  the  great  harbor  of  Havana, 
where  mauiy  vessels  were  anchored.   He  shortly  found  that  at 



least  one  peurt  of  his  Asturias  fleet  had  arrived — his  nephew 
Pedro  Men^ndez  Marqu^z  had  axae   with  the  two  Gij6n  ships  emd 
a  Portugese  prize  they  had  taken.  Gonzalo  Gay6n  and 
Francisco  Genoves  were  also  in  hetrbor  with  San  Andres,  euid 
the  patache  Espiritu  Santo  after  returning  from  their  un- 
successful search  for  San  Pelayo.  Men^ndez  could  also  see 
the  nao  Santa  Catalina,  the  promised  Capiteina  of  Pedro  de 
las  Roelas,  anchored  in  somewhat  deeper  water. 

From  his  nephew,  Men^ndez  learned  that  the  whole 
northern  fleet  had  also  had  a  stormy  passage  from  Spain, 
After  a  halt  at  the  Canary  Islands,  where  they  met  Captain 
Luna,  the  ships  had  reached  San  Juan  in  badly  damaged  con- 
dition and  Juan  Ponce  de  Leon  gave  them  substcuitial  help. 
Off  the  north  coast  of  Hispaniola,  the  convoy  had  sighted 
two  Portuguese  ceiravels  and   given  chase.   Estevcui  de  las 
Klas   took  the  larger  vessel,  while  Marqu^z  captured  the 
smaller.   Since  they  were  found  to  be  present  in  the  Indies 
without  legal  registry,  the  Ceiravels  were  fair  game.  The 
fleet  continued  around  the  precipitous  shore  towards  the 
port  of  La  Yaguana  and,  on  October  8,  saw  three  vessels  off- 
shore.  They  were  discovered  to  be  am  urea,  a  fregata,  and 
a  captured  French  patache  with  the  Santo  Domingo  aid  for 
Florida  under  the  command  of  Captain  Gonzalo  de  Penalosa, 
It  caurried  250  men,  20  horses,  cind  the  necessary  supplies 
and  munitions.   Penalosa  had  also  indulged  in  some  corsair- 
chasing  and   had  just  captured  a  French  patax  when  he  met 


Esteban  de  las  Alas.  After  the  united  convoys  entered  the 
harbor  of  La  Yaguana  for  water,  Pedro  Menendez  Marqu^z  left 
with  his  prize,  emd  came  directly  to  Havana.   He  brought  200 
men  and  a  qucintity  of  arms  and  munitions,  but  little  food. 

Gayon  and  Genoves  had  been  utterly  unable  to  find  any 
trace  of  the  great  galeass,  San  Pelayo.   She  had  not  come  in- 
to cmy  island  port.   The  unavailability  of  the  supplies 
eUtJOeurd  the  missing  ship  only  made  Menendez'  need  the  more 
pressing.   The  supplies  from  Santo  Domingo  had  not  yet 
arrived.   Menendez  also  received  another  piece  of  bad  news: 
the  caravel  San  Antonio,  outfitted  at  his  expense,  had  been 
seized  by  French  corsairs  and  then  lost  in  a  storm  off  Cuba. 
The  French  survivors  had  been  hung  by  the  Governor  of  Havana, 
Garcia  Osorio  de  Sandoval  and  all  the  supplies  were  lost. 
Menendez  had  little  in  the  way  of  money  at  hand;  he  began  to 
explore  all  possible  means  to  raise  cash. 

The  Adelantado  began  by  selling  the  Portuguese  prize  cind 
its  cargo  at  public  auction.   With  his  share  of  the  proceeds, 
Pedro  Menendez  bought  seabiscuit,  meat,  cassava,  corn  and 
some  cattle,  and  loaded  these  for  Florida.   Scin  Andres  was 
sent  with  supplies  to  St.  Augustine  and  San  Mateo  under  the 
command  of  Diego  de  Amaya,  while  the  second  captured  French 
patax,  renamed  Santiago,  went  to  Puerto  de  Principe,  Bayamo, 
euid  Santiago  de  Cuba  to  seek  out  supplies. 

When  he  turned  to  examine  the  Capitana  of  de  las  Roelas, 
and  learned  the  circvimstances  of  her  stay  in  Havana,  Pedro 


Menendez  beceune  embroiled  in  controversy.   The  Adelantado 
learned  that  the  ship  had  been  detached  at  Cape  San  Antonio 
by  Roelas,  who  had  placed  Captain  Juan  de  la  Parra  in 
connnand  of  the  ship,  iintil  he  could  turn  it  over  to  Menendez 
in  Havana.   On  his  way  to  Havana,  Parra  also  went  hunting  for 
prizes.   Off  Matanzas,  he  surprised  and  took  another 
Portuguese  caravel,  which  proved  to  be  richly  laden  with 
hides,  pearls,  gold  and  Negro  slaves.   The  capture  was 
escorted  into  Havana  by  Parra,  who  then  made  the  necessary 
legal  proceso  against  the  Portuguese.  As  soon  as  he  had 
emchored,  the  Cuban  Governor,  Garcia  Osorio,  sent  armed  men 
to  take  charge  of  the  caravel.   The  Governor's  men  roughed 
up  Parra 's  prize-master  cind  Osorio  had  the  captain  jailed  in 
irons . 

When  he  learned  of  the  arrest  and  confinement  of  Parra, 
Pedro  Menendez  was  furious.   His  anger  was  rooted  in  two 
things  which  always  moved  him  powerfully:   a  matter  of  his 
authority  and  a  matter  of  his  money.   Parra,  the  ship  he  had 
commanded  and  the  prize  he  had  taken,  were  now  under 
Menendez'  authority,  and  the  Governor's  action  against 
Menendez'  subordinates  was  an  affront  to  the  Adelantado. 
The  Portuguese  ship  represented,  moreover,  a  value  of  between 
13  to  14,000  ducats  and  his  share  would  go  far  towards 
replenishing  the  depleted  funds  of  the  Adelantado. 

For  three  days,  the  two  antagonists  exchanged  regueri- 
mientos.   Since  these  had  no  visible  effect,  the  men  finally 


met,  and  joined  conflict  personally.  Other  tensions  lay  be- 
tween Pedro  Menendez  and  Garcia  Osorio.  Men^ndez  had  strong 
and  long-standing  affiliations  with  some  of  the  members  of 
the  most  powerful  local  faction,  that  of  the  linked  Rojas, 
De  Soto,  Lobera  and  Hinestrosa  families,  and  Osorio  knew  it. 
Menendez  had  further  angered  Osorio  by  moving  into  the  house 
of  Juan  de  Hinestrosa,  the  Treasurer  at  Havana,  and  hiring 
Gonzalo  Gallego,  Parra's  maltreated  prize-master,  and  sending 
him  to  Florida  as  a  ship  captain.   Pedro  Menendez  repre- 
sented another  threat  to  Osorio:  he  held  dirct  evidence  of 
Royal  favor  in  his  asiento.   Cedulas  had  come  to  Havana, 
bidding  special  attention  to  the  needs  of  Florida,  and  Pedro 
Menendez,  with  privileges  from  the  King  in  hand,  prepared  to 
make  demands  and  assert  his  authority  against  that  of  the 
Royal  Governor.   Both  men  were  intensely  proud  personalities, 
jealous  of  their  prerogatives  and  highly  sensitive  to  any 
encroachment  upon  them,  and  their  rivalry  rapidly  became  a 
deadly  one. 

Pedro  Menendez  and  Garcia  Osorio  were  unlikely  to 
achieve  any  meeting  of  minds.  Menendez  asked  for  the  re- 
lease of  Parra,  and  the  release  of  some  of  the  goods  from 
the  prize  caravel.   If  he  could  have  these,  Menendez 
averred,  he  would  use  the  money  he  realized  to  supply  the 
Royal  troops  in  Florida.   Osorio  refused  to  release  the  ship 
or  anything  from  it.   Menendez  then  asked  for  a  loan,  so 
that  he  could  better  supply  his  own  men  in  Florida.   This  was 


also  refused.   Discussion  of  the  royal  order  to  furnish  50 
supplied  soldiers  also  resulted  in  deadlock.  Men^ndez 
needed  no  more  troops  in  Florida,  and  Osorio  would  furnish 
no  separate  supplies.   Finally,  Pedro  Men^ndez  tried  to  take 
possession  of  the  four  bronze  artillery  pieces  which  had 
just  arrived  for  the  fort  at  Havcuia.   Osorio,  anxious  for 
the  defense  of  the  place  cOid  concerned  about  its  weakness, 
refused  this  as  well. 

In  einy  event,  it  is  unlikely  that  Garcia  Osorio  could 
have  done  much  for  the  Florida  supply.   It  does  appear  that 
the  Governor  had  cm  obligation  to  help  supply  the  Royal  men 
in  Florida,  if  not  Pedro  Menendez'  private  soldiers.   Al- 
though Menendez  was  already  moving  to  meet  his  needs  in 
other  ways,  the  Governor's  obstructions  did  impede  and 
embarrass  him.   While  he  outwardly  concealed  his  deepest 
feelings  about  the  Governor,  Menendez  began  a  campaign 
against  him  at  the  highest  levels.   He  accumulated  materials 
about  the  Parra  case,  made  other  procesos  against  Osorio, 
and  prepared  to  send  them  to  the  King.   He  began  to  explore 
the  possibility  of  obtaining  the  Cuban  government  for  him- 

After  being  rebuffed  by  Osorio,  Menendez  attempted  to 
obtain  supplies  from  friendly  Havana  merchants.   He  estab- 
lished a  warehouse,  stored  the  munitions  brought  by 
Menendez  Marquez  to  Havana,  and  begem  to  sell  or  trade  them 
for  food  stuffs,  but  prices  in  Havana  were  high  emd  food  was 


scarce.   Men^ndez  gave  Rinestrosa  his  poder  to  hamdle 
business  matters  in  Havama.   From  the  captain  of  a  fregata, 
Men^ndez  learned  that  the  Santo  Domingo  support  fleet  had 
met  with  disaster,  and  that  the  urea  had  been  sunk,  but  could 
find  out  nothing  about  the  fate  of  Esteban  de  las  Alas.   He 
decided  to  outfit  an  expedition,  search  the  old  Bahama 
Chcuinel  for  de  las  Alas,  emd  attempt  to  negotiate  a  loan 
from  the  Audiencia  of  Scinto  Domingo.   Most  of  all,  however, 
he  hoped  to  capture  other  valuable  corsair  ships.   This  was 
his  best  opportunity  to  realize  enough  money  to  relieve  his 
financial  necessities,  cind  was,  after  all,  in  line  with 
Menendez'  most  deeply-held  inclinations  and  longest  experi- 
ence.  Menendez  had  to  justify  his  taking  the  crown-leased 
New  Spain  Capitana  on  such  em  adventure.   In  order  to  do 
this  he  established  it  as  a  contra-cosario  expedition,  and 
later  told  Philip  II  that  there  was  great  danger  that  Juan 
Ribault's  son,  who  had  fled  Florida  with  two  "armada  ships" 
would  come  to  the  Caribbean,  join  with  other  roaming  pirates 
there,  and  assault  the  shipping  and  settlements  of  His 
Majesty's  loyal  subjects. 

In  order  to  refit  and  supply  the  vessels  for  the  cor- 
sairing  voyage,  the  Adelantado  spent  or  encumbered  himself 
for  4,000  ducats.   Menendez  hoped  that  this  investment, 
probadjly  realized  from  the  sale  of  arquebuses  and  munitions 
and  credit  from  Hinestrosa,  would  pay  real  dividends.   To 
help  cover  his  expenses,  Menendez  dispatched  Captain  Luna 


to  Verz  Cruz  with  am  urgent  request  that  the  Audiencia  of 
Mexico  lend  him  3,000  to  4,000  ducats.  At  the  same  time,  he 
asked  the  New  Spain  officials  to  send  him  Don  Luis  Velasco, 
the  Indian  from  the  Chesapeedce  Bay  area,  so  that  he  might 
be  available  to  Men^ndez  in  his  projected  northern  explora- 
tion and  colonization  in  the  spring.   Men^ndez  left  Havcma 
November  30,  1565,  with  his  ships  and  men.  At  the  very 
beginning,  it  appeared  that  fortune  smiled  upon  the  Ade- 
lantado.   A  short  distance  to  the  east  of  Havana,  his  look- 
outs sighted  a  sail.   Since  it  seemed  to  be  a  Portuguese 
caravel,  Men^ndez  sent  his  nephew  to  chase  it  down.   The 
vessel  took  refuge  in  the  port  of  Matemzas,  and  Men^ndez 
followed  with  his  four  ships.   It  turned  out  that  the  caravel 
was  in  reality  a  Spanish  dispatch  ship  sent  from  Seville 
with  messages  to  the  authorities  in  Santo  Domingo  and  Cuba. 
In  one  of  those  fortuitous  accretions  of  information  which 
occurred  in  an  age  of  infrequent  communications ,  the 
Adelantado  was  suddenly   brought  up  to  date  on  events  in 
Europe . 

Nothing  aboard  the  caravel  was  addressed  to  Pedro 
Menendez,  but  he  took  the  liberty  of  reading  the  cedulas  the 
King  had  directed  to  the  Santo  Domingo  and  Cuban  officials. 
Th^ contained  a  revelation.   Obviously  Menendez'  suggestions 
that  a  backup  fleet  be  sent  to  reinforce  and  support  his 
efforts  against  the  French  had  borne  fruit,  for  the  King 
advised  that  he  was  sending  many  ships  with  1,800  men  to 


Florida  by  way  of  the  islands,  and  asked  the  Indies  offi- 
cials to  provide  supplies  for  the  force  for  nine  months. 
This  momentous  news  roused  a  mixture  of  feelings  in 
the  Adelantado  of  Florida.  While  greatly  relieved  to  hear 
that  Crown-paid  reinforcements  were  coming,  Menendez  felt  it 
imperative  that  the  succor  fleet  save  valuable  time  by 
sailing  directly  to  Florida.   He  also  felt  a  nagging  concern 
that,  if  the  Royal  forces  were  coming  to  Florida  in  the 
spring,  he  had  best  attend  more  decidely  to  the  supply  and 
maintenance  of  the  forts  cuid  garrisons  he  had  left  in 
Florida,  or  he  might  feel  the  weight  of  Royal  censure. 
Pedro  Menendez  decided  to  protect  himself  and  advance  his 
cause  by  doing  some  corresponding  of  his  own. 

First,  he  wrote  to  the  Audiencia  of  Santo  Domingo,  and 
objected  to  the  King's  supply  plan,  proposing  instead  that 
he  provide  fresh  meat  from  the  islands  and  fresh  fish  in 
Florida  at  less  cost  to  the  Crown  and  with  better  results 
for  the  health  of  the  garrisons.   He  also  advised  that  he 
would  not  be  financially  able  to  return  to  Florida  before 
March,  but  was  concerned  that  the  men  there  be  provided  for 
properly.   Next,  Menendez  sent  Philip  II  his  first  letter 
since  October,  reported  on  all  that  had  taken  place  since 


the  death  of  Jean  Ribault.    He  repeated  the  recommendations 
he  had  made  to  the  Santo  Domingo  Audiencia  and  noted  that  he 
was  sending  a  pilot  to  Spain  who  could  guide  the  ships 
directly  to  Florida.   Menendez  also  made  ccsnplaint  against 


Garcia  Osorio,  and  sent  along  certain  formal  allegations 
in  the  Parra  case. 

Next,  Men^ndez  looked  beyond  the  immediate  problems  of 
logistics.   He  sketched  out  to  the  King  his  broad  proposals 
to  benefit  the  kingdom  and  himself  by  vigorous  action  on  the 
sea.   If  Philip  would  grant  him  the  title  of  "Captain- 
General"  of  these  parts  of  the  Indies,  Tierra  Firme  and  the 
Ocean  Sea,  Pedro  Menendez  would  provide  and  command  a  fleet 
of  small,  fast  and  mobile  fregatas.   Two  of  these,  to  be 
equipped  with  oars  and  powerful  guns,  he  had  already  ordered 
for  delivery  in  the  spring.   With  two  more,  Menendez  could 
secure  the  entire  Atlantic  coast  from  Newfoundland  to  the 
Caribbeem  islands.   All  he  wanted  in  return,  said  Menendez, 
was  the  title  and  a  thousand  slave-licenses.   He  could  sell 
some  of  these  to  finance  his  operations,  and  would  use  the 
other  licenses  to  obtain  Negroes  for  the  guard  fleet. 

While  he  was  in  Matanzas,  the  Adelantado  prepared  to 
actuate  his  small  vessel  trade  privilege.   He  told  Philip 
that  am  error  had  been  made  in  the  asiento,  when  the  tonnage 
of  the  shallops  had  been  listed  at  50  instead  of  100  tons 
apiece  and  asked  that  the  asiento  be  amended,  thus  increasing 
his  tonnage  permission  substantially.   While  at  Matanzas, 
Menendez  organized  his  trade  fleet,  named  Pedro  Menendez 
Marquez  as  commander  of  the  six  shallops  emd  four  zabras, 
and  prepared  to  send  him  to  Spain  with  dispatches  and  to 
seek  supplies  to  put  into  the  Indies  trade  for  the  provision 



of  Florida.   He  was  able  to  utilize  the  Portuguese  captured 

by  Menendez  Marqu^z  as  galley-slaves,  as  well  as  some  of  the 

French  prisoners  captured  in  Florida. 

Menendez  next  turned  to  matters  of  personal  privilege 

and  appealed  to  the  King  for  certain  key  appointments  in 

Florida.   For  the  principal  Royal  posts  in  Florida,  he 

exercised  his  adelantamiento  powers  and  proposed  four  men. 

He  described  the  Asturian  hidalgos  nominated  as  follows: 

They  are  people  of  confidence  cind  high 
stcinding  who  have  served  your  Majesty  many 
years  in  my  company,  amd  are  all  married  to 
noblewomen.   Out  of  covetousness  for  the 
offices  (for  which  they  are  proposed) ,  and 
out  of  love  for  me,  it  could  be  that  they 
might  bring  their  wives  and  households.   Be- 
cause of  these  cOid  of  others  who  would  come 
with  their  wives,  it  is  a  fine  beginning  for 
the  population  of  the  provinces  of  Florida 
with  persons  of  noble  blood, ^ 

Those  proposed  were  Esteban  de  las  Alas,  Pedro  Menendez 

Margu^z,  cuid  Hernando  de  Miranda,  as  Treasurer,  Accountant, 

and  Factor — the  three  Royal  financial  posts  in  Florida.   He 

also  suggested  Diego  de  Miranda,  successor  to  the  Miramda 

mayorazgo,  as  Escribano  Mayor  of  Florida  and  Secretary  of 

the  government  there.   Thus,  before  the  struggling  Florida 

garrisons  had  achieved  more  than  a  foothold,  Menendez 

looked  cQiead  to  the  fulfillment  of  the  dream  he  sheured  with 

his  principal  lieutenants  and  supporters.   The  letter  was 

immediately  sent  to  Spain  in  a  patache,  with  a  request  that 

its  crew  be  paid  by  the  King  or,  failing  that,  by  Pedro  del 



In  steurk  contrast  to  his  exalted  plans  for  gain  emd  ex- 
pansion expressed  to  the  King,  Pedro  Men^ndez  had  to  face 
unpleasant  realities  when  he  returned  to  Havauia  amd  aJDan- 
doned  his  voyage.   By  December  12,  he  had  received  full 
news  of  the  disaster  which  had  befallen  the  Scinto  Domingo 
expedition.   A  storm  north  of  Cuba  had  sunk  the  urea  and  the 
Zctbra  of  Candamo  which  left  Avil^s  the  previous  summer  with 
all  the  supplies  they  had  carried,  and  a  host  of  shipwrecked 
sailors  eind  soldiers  were  stranded  350  miles  east  of  Havana. 
Pedro  Menendez  Marquez  and  Estebah  de  las  Alas  joined  to- 
gether to  ferry  the  men  across  to  the  mainlcind.   It  was 
decided  that  the  men  should  go  to  Bayamo  or  Puerto  Principe 
to  seek  food  at  Menendez*  expense,  and  Menendez  sent  them  a 
letter  of  credit,  drawn  upon  Juan  de  Hinestrosa.   Pedro 
Menendez  commissioned  Diego  de  Miranda  to  go  to  eastern  Cuba 
with  2,000  ducats  and  estcJDlish  supply  sources  in  the 
Savanna  of  Vasco  Porcallo,  Puerto  Principe,  Bayamo,  and 
Baracoa.   He  authorized  his  lieutenant  to  purchase  more 
than  16,000  arrobas  of  meat  a  year,  to  build  warehouses  to 
store  the  provisions,  and  to  draw  upon  Menendez*  credit 
freely  in  so  doing.   He  also  made  arrangements  in  Puerto  de 
Plata  with  Francisco  de  Zavallos  to  furnish  supplies  for 
Florida.   The  Adelantado  also  decided  to  dismiss  the  sol- 
diers from  Santo  Domingo  cuid  reduce  the  expense  of  their 
maintencince .   The  prize  caravel  of  Esteban  de  las  Alas, 
still  half  laden  with  valuable  hides,  remained  in  Matanzas. 


Menendez  tried  to  sell  the  caravel  and  its  Ccurgo,  but  none 
voold  buy  it  sight  unseen.   Finally  a  deal  was  struck  with 
Francisco  de  Reinoso,  of  Men^ndez*  entourage.   Reinoso 
agreed  to  buy  the  caravel  and  the  2,000  hides  remaining  in 
it,  for  4,000  ducats.   He  would  cancel  the  2,000-ducat  debt 
already  owed  him,  pay  cind  supply  the  caravel  crew,  and  give 
Menendez  1,000  ducats  in  cash.   The  Adelantado  then  sent  one 
of  the  captured  French  barcos,  renamed  Buenaventura,  to  the 
garrison  which  had  been  left  with  Captain  Velez  de  Medrano 
at  the  Ms  village  with  10,000  pounds  of  sea  biscuit,  cassava, 
meat  euid  com. 

Pedro  Men&idez,  worn  by  the  strain  of  recent  months, 
fell  ill,  seriously  enough  to  require  the  attentions  of  a 
physician.  After  10  days'  sickness,  he  recovered  suffi- 
ciently to  write  a  lengthy  letter  to  the  King,  Menendez 
conqplained  again  of  the  lack  of  cooperation  he  had  received 
from  Governor  Osorio,  and  noted  that  40  men  had  taken  ad- 
vantage of  his  illness  to  desert.   He  accused  the  Governor 
of  permitting  some  of  these  deserters  to  escape  the  city 
and  flee  inland.   Another  witness,  more  favorable  to  the 

Governor,  notes  that  Osorio  had  quite  properly  subdued  many 

of  the  soldiers  who  had  fled. 

Menendez  now  redoubled  his  efforts  to  provide  cind  send 
supplies  to  his  Florida  forts.   Armed  with  the  3,000  ducat 
loem  sent  by  the  Audiencia  of  Mexico  and  the  money  he  ob- 
tained from  Reinoso,  the  Adelantado  shortly  also  received 


the  remaining  arms  and  munitions  which  had  come  from 
Astiirias  and  Vizcaya.   He  established  a  warehouse  in  Havana, 
gathered  foodstuffs  and  livestock  from  his  Indies  sources, 
and   named!  Hernamdo  de  Baeza  as  Tenedor  de  Bastimentos  for 
the  Florida  supply. 

The  Adelantado  purchased  Penalosa's  fregata,  and  leased 
a  Portuguese  caravel  named  La  Asenci6n  from  its  master, 
Alvaro  Gomez.   He  sent  the  caravel  to  buy  corn  in  Yucatan, 
where  it  was  cheap  and  plentiful.   By  January  28,  two  small 
vessels  had  already  been  sent  to  Florida  with  hams,  chickens, 
cassava,  and  corn  when  Diego  de  Amaya  returned  to  Havcina 
with  more  xinpleasant  tidings.    Amaya  had  gone  first  to  St. 
Augustine,  where  he  had  found  that  cui  early  and  harsh  win- 
ter cuid  the  poor  state  of  supply  had  led  to  more  than  100 
deaths  in  the  two  forts.   After  leaving  off  foodstuffs  for 
the  St.  Augustine  garrison,  Amaya  had  sailed  northward  with 
San  Andres  with  supplies  for  San  Mateo,  only  to  be  caught 
in  a  strong  gale  off  the  St.  Johns'  river  bar.   Amaya  tried 
to  cross  the  lines  of  breakers  which  marked  the  bar  entrance, 
but  the  vetercin  San  Andres  was  driven  ashore  and  broken  up 
in  the  surf.   The  rest  of  the  supplies  were  lost,  and  Amaya 
had  to  return  to  Havana  in  another  vessel.   On  his  return 
voyage,  he  could  not  locate  the  garrison  at  Ais,  and  had 
sailed  to  a  point  just  south  of  the  St.  Lucie  Inlet  when  he 
sighted  a  small  boat  with  Captain  Juan  Velez  de  Medrano 
aboard.   Vel^z  told  a  harrowing  tale  of  hardship  and  mutiny. 


Soon  after  the  departure  of  the  Adelantado  the  previous 
November,  the  garrison's  rations  had  given  out.   The 
friendly  Indians  possessed  no  store  of  food  sufficient  for 
such  a  large  body  of  men.   As  discipline  disintegrated, 
roaming  bands  of  soldiers  roved  the  area  seeking  food. 
Friction  between  the  Indians  euid  the  Spanish  became  outright 

A  soldier  named  Escobar  persuaded  100  of  his  fellows  to 
desert  and  to  march  southward  with  him,  seeking  an  escape 
from  Florida  and  passage  to  New  Spain.   Captain  Vel^z 
followed  in  the  small  boat  the  Adelantado  had  left  him,  and 
found  the  mutineers  encamped  45  miles  south.   They  had 
reached  the  north  side  of  the  wide  St.  Lucie  River  and  could 
go  no  further.   Keeping  his  distance  from  the  rebels,  Vel^z 
told  them  he  would  go  to  Havcina  to  seek  supplies.   Soon 
after  he  reached  the  open  Atlantic,  the  two  vessels  met, 

Diego  de  Amaya  and  the  Captain  sailed  together  along 
the  coast  and  found  a  promising  harbor  at  the  Jupiter  Inlet, 
where  cm  elevation  commanded  a  good  view  of  land  and  sea. 
There,  on  December  13,  1566,  St.  Lucie's  Day,  they  built  the 
fort  Scinta  Lucia.   Amaya  left  supplies,  and  went  on  to 
Havcuia  to  report  to  Pedro  Men^ndez,  while  Vel^z  recovered 
his  rebel  soldiers  and  ferried  them  south  18  miles  to  the 
new  fort.   Artillerist  Diego  Lopez  aided  in  the  placing  and 
siting  of  the  ccinnon  in  the  works,  and  the  men  began  to 
trade  with  the  Indians,  called  the  Jeaga,  for  bits  of  gold 


and  silver  recovered  from  Spanish  shipwrecks.  News  that 
many  men  from  Velez'  garrison  had  died  came  to  Havema  with 
the  supply  ship.   Discontent  with  Florida  was  expressed  in 

many  private  letters  which  then  spread  from  Cxiba  to  other 

parts  of  the  Indies.    Pedro  Men^ndez  determined  to  re- 

lieve  the  garrison  by  March. 

When,  at  last,  Esteban  de  las  Alas  had  rejoined  his 
chief  in  Havana,  Men^ndez  could  arm  his  ships  and  prepare 
his  next  move.   He  had  established  a  supply  pipeline  from 
Cuba  to  Florida,  even  though  it  was  poorly  funded  for  any 
long-run  operation.   Help  was  coming  from  Spain:   He  knew 
of  the  large,  heavily-laden  reinforcement  fleet  which  should 
shortly  leave  Andalucia  and  come  directly  to  Florida,   In 
addition,  the  Adelantado  had  sent  by  Menendez  Marquez  a 
request  to  Pedro  del  Castillo  to  furnish  wine,  shoes,  and 
Indian  trade  goods,  together  with  some  settlers  and  their 
equipment.   He  could  send  no  money,  but  could  repay  Castillo 
with  the  slave  licenses.   He  was  still  hopeful  that  the 
missing  San  Pelayo  could  be  found. 

Menendez'  plans  now  were  clear:   he  would  continue  the 
mission  of  exploration  and  conquest  interrupted  by  the  ex- 
pulsion of  the  Laudonniere  and  Ribault  French.   His  next 
expedition  had  multiple  purposes.   First,  he  would  explore 
the  lower  keys  for  a  passage  east  of  Tortugas  for  the  home- 
bound  New  Spain  fleets  on  their  way  to  Havema.  Then,  with 


pilot  Gonzalo  Gay6n  (who  knew  the  eurea  from  the  time  of  the 
De  Luna  expedition)  he  would  skirt  the  western  coast  of  the 
peninsula  and  seek  a  good  port  near  the  Bay  of  Juan  Ponce. 

Pedro  Men^ndez*  settlement  strategy  was  tied  to  his 
belief  that  the  Florida  peninsula  was  crossed  by  a  navigable 
river  system.   He  believed  that  the  St.  Johns  emptied  into 
the  Gulf  at  some  point  on  the  southwest  coast,  and  wished 
to  place  his  fort  and  found  a  settlement  near  that  place. 
Thus,  easy  water  communication  between  his  cities  would 
facilitate  the  interchange  of  men  and  supplies  and  help  in 
their  mutual  defense  against  any  enemy.   The  southwestern 
port  would  be  in  the  best  position  to  receive  supplies  from 
Havana,  from  Yucatan  and  from  his  galleons  in  the  New  Spain 
trade.   Settlers  and  missionaries  could  then  solidify  the 
establishments.   Menendez  planned  to  leave  Esteban  de  las 
Alas  in  charge  of  all  the  forts,  and  direct  his  attentions 
to  eradicating  the  supposed  French  presence  in  Guale,  and 
building  his  main  base  of  operations  at  Santa  Elena.   Always 
in  the  background,  as  the  matter  of  the  highest  priority, 
was  Menendez'  search  for  the  great  interconnecting  passage 
to  the  New  Spain  mines  and  the  South  Sea,  and  the  urgent 
need  to  deny  the  secret  of  it  to  the  French.   He  would 
launch  himself  northward  to  explore  and  populate  this  area 
at  the  earliest  possible  moment.   Another  continuing  motive 
was  the  hope  that  Christian  prisoners,  perhaps  even  his  son 
Juan,  might  be  recovered  from  Indian  captivity. 


On  February  10,  1566,  Menendez  made  a  proclamation  in 
Havana,  to  justify  his  use  of  the  New  Spain  ship  Santa 
Catalina  in  his  proposed  expedition.   He  stressed  the 
possibility  of  finding  French  corsairs,  and  the  need  to 
eliminate  the  threat  they  represented  to  the  Florida  coasts, 
the  other  Indies  and  the  Spanish  fleets.  Next,  he  took 
formal  control  of  the  supplies  and  rations  aboard  Santa 
Catalina.   There  were  some  86  soldiers  and  sailors  still 
£d>oard;  some  had  deserted  in  Havana.   Several  months' 
supplies  were  turned  over  to  Menendez.   He  bought  some  addi- 
tional materials  of  his  own,  and  prepared  to  sail. 

While  Pedro  Menlndez  prepared  to  return  to  the  scene 
of  his  triumphs  in  Florida,  no  solid  news  of  the  September 
clash  between  Frenchman  and  Spemiard  had  yet  reached  Europe 
by  the  first  days  of  1566.   In  the  absence  of  any  real 
intelligence,  the  military  and  diplomatic  lines  of  action 
already  decided  upon  by  the  King  and  his  Councils  went  for- 
ward.  Concrete  actions  were  begun  to  implement  a  heavy  re- 
inforcement of  Pedro  Menendez  with  Royal  troops  and  instruc- 
tions were  sent  to  the  Casa  de  Contratacidn  to  embargo  pri- 
vate ships  for  the  new  Florida  fleet,  and  to  gather  supplies 
of  foodstuffs  and  ammunition.   The  difficult  task  of 
locating  artillery,  powder,  helmets  and  arquebuses  for  the 
journey  was  begun. 

The  choice  of  a  commcuider  for  the  relief  and  reinforce- 
ment expedition  had  been  made — Philip  II  selected  Sancho  de 


Archiniega,  a  Basque  seafarer,  on  September  14,  1565.   On 
September  26,  the  King  had  written  to  his  Florida  Adelantado 
explaining  that  he  was  sending  him  1,500  soldiers.  Philip 
II  was  careful  to  spell  out  the  touchy  issue  of  jurisdiction 
over  the  new  force,  and  ruled  that  General  Archiniega  and 
Colonel  Hernando  de  Orsuna  would  have  full  legal  control 
over  their  troops  once  they  left  Spain,  When  they  arrived 
in  the  adelantcimiento  of  Florida,  the  King  assured  Menendez 
that  the  commcuiders  had  instructions  to  obey  and  defer  to 

him  as  "the  person  in  whose  charge  was  the  enterprise  of 


that  Icind."    Philip  II  did  urge  Pedro  Menendez  to  cooper- 
ate with  amd  seek  military  advice  from  these  men  who  were  so 
experienced  in  war.   In  addition  to  Colonel  Orsuna,  who 
%rould  raise  a  company  himself.  Captains  Juan  Pardo,  Pedro 
Redroban,  Pedro  de  Andrada,  Miguel  Enriquez  and  Juan  de 
Zurita  began  to  assemble  their  companies.   They  concentrated 
their  recruiting  in  lower  Andalusia. 

In  the  mecintime,  the  Spanish  King  felt  it  was  time  to 
disclose  to  the  French  that  Pedro  Menendez  had  been  sent  to 
Florida.   He  instructed  Ambassador  Alava  to  speak  to 
Catherine  de  Medici  and  advise  that  the  Spanish  had  learned 
of  "usurpers"  in  their  land  and  had  taken  action  to  punish 
them.   Before  this  formal  notice  was  finally  given  them  on 
November  23,  1565,  the  French  already  knew  of  the  Mendndez 
expedition.   When  the  announcement  was  made,  a  dispute  then 
arose  between  Alava,  the  Queen,  and  Councillors  of  the 


French  King,  in  which  the  old  argxnaents  about  territorial 
jurisdiction  were  repeated  without  any  agreement.   In  actual 
fact,  the  actions  of  Pedro  Menendez  in  Florida  had  already 
Bade  the  question  a  moot  one.  The  Spctnish  Queen  had  already 
warned  the  French  Ambassador  to  Spain  that  Philip  II  would 
not  tolerate  any  French  colonies  in  his  lands  or  near  the 
fleet  routes  of  Spain.  Late  in  December,  Ambassador 
Fourquevaux  had  an   interview  with  the  Duke  of  Alba  on  the 
question  of  Florida.  The  Dxoke  flatly  told  the  Frenchmcm 
that,  in  spite  of  the  lack  of  agreement  on  the  question  of 
territorial  rights  after  the  signing  of  the  treaty  of 
Cateau-Cambresis,  the  Spanish  position  was  that  this  treaty 
definitively  denied  any  land  rights  in  the  Indies  to  the 
French.   The  Florida  incursion  would,  therefore,  be  vigor- 
ously resisted  and  ejected. 

This  position  brought  no  relief  for  the  Spanish  from 
their  concern  over  further  French  reinforcements  to  Florida. 
In  August  and  September,  reports  had  come  to  the  Court  that 
a  new  atrmada  for  Florida  was  being  outfitted  in  LeHavre. 

The  eagerly  awaited  news  of  what  had  happened  in 
Florida  was  contained  in  the  Adelantado's  letter  of  October 
15,  1565,  entrusted  to  Captain  Diego  Flores  de  Vald^s,  and 
had  been  long  delayed  in  reaching  the  Spanish  Court.  The  San 
Miguel,  which  carried  the  message,  had  been  wrecked  in  the 
Azores  and  Flores  had  great  difficulty  in  finding  another 


vessel  to  brave  the  winter  gales  and  carry  him  to  Spain. 

Although  Pedro  Men^ndez  Marqu^z  was  also  enroute  to  Spain, 
he  had  not  aurrived  either. 

It  was  after  the  first  of  the  new  year  that  any  in- 
telligence came  from  Florida  to  the  Spanish  King,  and  this 
news  came  by  way  of  France.   Philip  received,  by  mid- 
January,  a  letter  from  his  Ambassador  in  France,  advising 
of  the  arrival  there  of  Jacques  Ribault.   Thus  word  of  the 
taking  of  Fort  Caroline,  but  not  of  the  massacres  of 
Matanzas,  was  communicated  to  the  Spainish  Court.   Another, 
more  direct  messenger  Ccime  shortly  to  Philip  II.   Pedro  de 
Bustin9ury,  a  Vizcayan  prisoner  eiboard  young  Ribault 's 
ship,  escaped  the  French,  cuid  made  his  way  to  Madrid.   This 
man,  the  shipwreck  survivor  who  had  been  an  Indian  captive 
among  the  Ais  Indieins  on  the  Florida  east  coast,  told  the 
King  of  the  Spanish  victory  at  the  French  fort.   He  so 
in^ressed  Philip  II  that  he  was  commissioned  to  return  to 

Florida  to  aid  Pedro  Menendez  in  his  relations  with  the 

Indians  of  that  area. 

The  vessel  which  had  brought  Rene  de  Laudonni^re  back 

from  the  tragedy  in  Florida  had  been  much  slower  in  arriving 

in  France.   His  ship  had  arrived  in  England  in  mid-November, 

After  experiencing  illness  and  difficulty  there,  the 

Huguenot  leader  had  finally  reached  the  French  Court  on 

March  18.   Another  captive  Spemiard  who  had  been  kept  aboard 


Laudonniere ' s  vessel  also  escaped  and  came  to  Spain. 


In  the  meantime,  the  long-awaited  news  from  Pedro 
Menendez  finally  came  to  Philip  II  in  Madrid.   Diego  Flores 
VcQdes  arrived  in  Seville  on  February  13,  and  dispatches 
telling  of  his  coming  probably  just  preceded  the  arrival  of 
the  man  himself  at  Court.   When  Philip  II  learned  of  the 
clear-cut  and  decisive  victory  of  arras  won  by  Pedro  Menendez 
in  Florida,  the  monarch  wasted  little  time  in  rejoicing. 
Because  of  the  eradication  of  the  French  garrisons  in  Florida, 
he  could  change  the  extent  cmd  en^hasis  of  his  committments 
in  the  Indies.   The  King  sent  the  news  to  Sancho  de 
Archiniega,  and  began  to  consider  alteration  of  his  military 
force.   He  also  took  immediate  steps  to  reaffirm  the  contract 
obligation  of  his  Adelantado  in  Florida. 

Since  the  danger  in  Florida  was  clearly  lessened, 
Philip  II  toyed  with  the  idea  of  cutting  the  force  the  Crown 
was  to  send  from  1,500  to  1,000  men.   He  finally  concluded 
that  it  could  now  be  put  to  a  wider  use  than  duty  in  Florida, 
and  directed  that  the  Archiniega  force,  under  the  direction 
of  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil€s,  should  serve  as  the  response  to 
a  widespread  menace  to  the  Spanish  Indies.   A  part  of  the 
expedition  would  be  used  to  reinforce  the  Florida  troops, 
«rtiile  the  greater  portion  would  become  a  mobile  defense 
force  for  use  elsewhere  in  the  Indies.   By  the  last  days  of 
March,  1566,  these  decisions  had  been  taken  cuid  advices  of 
them  sent  to  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  and  to  Pedro 


The  private  side  of  the  Florida  conquest  was  not 
neglected  by  the  Spanish  King.   In  a  letter  to  his  officials 
in  Seville,  the  monarch  advised  that  he  expected  that  Pedro 
Menendez  would  supply  and  pay  300  of  the  men  who  were  to  go 
with  Archiniega.   Pedro  del  Castillo,  who  had  already  pro- 
tested that  he  had  not  yet  received  the  Casa  de  Contratacidn 
money  due  Pedro  Menendez,  reacted  strongly  to  this  news, 
Castillo  said  that  there  was  no  way  that  he  could  underwrite 
any  new  draft  of  soldiers  nor  even  supply  the  Adelantado's 
own  men  currently  in  Florida  without  the  20,000  ducats  which 
was  owed  to  Menendez.   Creditors  were  pressing  him  for  out- 
standing obligations,  cmd  he  pleaded  also  for  payment  of 
the  additional  charter  fees  earned  by  San  Pelayo.   According 
to  the  accountants  of  the  Casa,  perhaps  16,000  ducats  in 
all  could  be  owing  and  Castillo  had  not  yet  presented  all  of 
the  proper  supporting  papers.   The  King  directed  that 
Menendez  be  paid  6,000  ducats,  including  reimbursement  for 
the  journey  of  Flores  Valdes  even  though  the  ship  had  not 
made  the  complete  voyage  to  Spain.   The  Casa  de  Contrataci6n 
did  not  make  the  payment. 

As  he  made  certain  that  the  private  obligations  of  his 
Adelantado  in  Florida  were  not  neglected,  the  King  also 
moved  to  improve  the  supply  of  his  own  Florida  troops  from 
the  Indies.   On  February  24,  1566,  he  directed  the  Royal 
Officials  at  Havcma  to  furnish  ample  supplies  for  this  pur- 
pose.  Unfortunately  for  Pedro  Menendez,  however,  the  order 


was  not  a  very  realistic  one.   In  view  of  the  poverty  of 
the  public  treasury  of  the  little  community  at  Havana  and 

the  hostility  of  its  Governor,  cmy  such  aid  for  Menendez 

was  as  unlikely  in  1566  as  it  had  been  in  1565. 

Seventeen  ships,  laden  with  supplies,  sailed  for 
Florida  with  the  1,500  men  originally  planned  for  on  April 
19,  1566.    The  Archiniega  expedition,  originally  intended 
to  help  in  the  expulsion  of  Jean  Ribault  and  the  capture  of 
the  fort  built  by  Rene  de  Laudoxvni^re,  would  now  serve  to 
reinforce  the  general  defense  of  the  Indies.   The  continuing 
menace  to  Spain  represented  by  French  marauders  had  served 
to  encourage  another  substantial  royal  investment.   The 
responsibility  of  utilizing  this  great  force,  whether  in 
Florida  or  the  Caribbean,  had  been  put  in  the  hands  of  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Avil^s. 

In  the  meamtime,  the  King's  Adelantado  had  left  his 
winter  base  at  Havcina  eind  sailed  with  his  convoy  toward  the 
lower  Florida  Keys.   The  seven  vessels,  led  by  Santa 
Catalina  amd  the  ship  which  had  come  with  De  las  Alas  from 
Santander,  probed  cautiously  among  the  shallows  and  dis- 
covered an  ample  channel  to  the  eastward  of  Tortugas.   This 
was  the  passageway  Menendez  had  been  seeking  for  the  New 
Spctin  fleets.   Sailing  through  the  new  chcmnel,  the  ships 
continued  in  a  northeasterly  direction  iintil  they  sighted 
the  Florida  coast  in  the  vicinity  of  the  Ten  Thousand 
Islands.   Then  the  vessels  moved  in  closer  to  shore,  seeking 


the  Bay  of  Juam  Ponce.    Leaving  Estebem  de  las  Alas  off- 
shore with  the  larger  ships,  Pedro  Men^ndez  went  in  to 
shallower  water,  and  soon  came  to  an  inlet  where  he  spied 
an   Indiem  canoe.   In  the  canoe  was  Herneindo  Escalemte 
Fontaneda,  who  had  been  20  years  a  captive.   The  Adelantado 
describes  the  young  man  who  came  out  to  greet  him  in  the 
following  terms: 

.  .  .  very  good  looking,  of  noble  parents, 
the  son  of  the  late  Garcia  Descalante,  a 
conquistador  of  Cartagena  .  .  .  (one)  of 
two  brothers,  boys  of  10  years  of  age: 
they  were  being  sent  to  Salamanca  when 
their  ship  was  lost.   The  people  aboard 
escaped,  but  over  the  years  the  father 
of  this  (chief)  Carlos  had  killed  42  of 
the  captives,  among  whom  was  his  elder 
brother. ^^ 

Pedro  Menendez  had  arrived  in  the  land  of  Carlos,  or  the 


In  his  contact  with  the  principal  chief  of  Carlos,  it 
was  the  Adelantado' s  purpose  to  assure  the  security  of  his 
communications  network  and  that  of  the  settlers  which  he 
hoped  to  leave  in  the  area.   He  hoped  to  accomplish  this  by 
making  friendly  connections  with  the  Indian  whose  sway  ex- 
tended over  much  of  extreme  southwestern  Florida,  the  Keys, 
and  the  southeast  of  the  peninsula  as  well. 

The  Soils  de  Meras  narrative  pictures  the  arrival  of 
the  Adelantado  at  the  island  kingdom  of  Carlos  as  one  of 
consideraible  pomp.   Accompanied  by  cm  entourage  of  arque- 
busiers  with  matchcords  lit  and  weapons  ready,  Menendez 
lemded  at  the  village  to  the  music  of  fife,  drum  and  trumpet. 


The  ruler  of  a  large  part  of  the  southwest  end  of  the 
Florida  peninsula  was  seated  in  state,  to  receive  the  homage 
of  a  leirge  assemblage  of  his  own  people  and  to  greet  the 
Spanish  leader  as  cm  equal. 

Menendez  persuaded  Chief  Carlos  to  release  the  ship- 
wreck survivors  who  had  been  held  captive  there,  and  to  con- 
clude an  agreement  of  peace  emd  friendship  with  the  Spanish. 
The  Adelantado  advises  that  he  found  five  men,  five  mestiza 
women  from  Peru,  cmd  one  black  woman  as  living  prisoners  in 
the  area  of  Carlos.   The  Chief  promised  also  to  free  three 
other  Christians  who  were  held  captive  at  some  distance  in- 

The  Adelantado  and  Cacique  Carlos  exchanged  gifts  and 
entertcLined  each  other  with  food  and  drink.   Carlos  granted 
to  Menendez  the  highest  honors  that  he  could  in  light  of 
his  traditions  by  giving  his  sister,  later  christened  and 
renamed  Dona  Antonia,  to  the  Adelantado  as  wife.   In  order  to 
seal  this  agreement,  Menendez  felt  it  advisable  to  consxammate 
the  meirriage  while  at  Carlos.   At  this  time,  he  did  not  leave 
religious  missionaries  nor  colonists  at  Carlos,  but  did  re- 
indoctrinate  the  shipwreck  survivors  who  chose  to  remain 
there,  auid  he  left  behind  symbols  of  Christianity  and  of 
Spain.   He  had  endeavored  to  some  degree  to  instruct  the 
Indians  in  the  basic  tenets  of  Catholicism,  emd  hoped  to 
accustom  them  to  worship  of  the  Cross. 


Pedro  Menendez'  approach  to  Carlos  embodied  many  of  the 
elements  of  his  developing  policies  towards  the  Indians  of 
Florida.   He  believed  that  the  mouth  of  the  strategic  cross- 
peninsular  waterway  was  nearby.   When  the  friendship  with 
Chief  Carlos  had  sufficiently  developed,  he  would  anchor  the 
Gulf  entrance  to  this  vital  channel  with  a  Spanish  settle- 
ment.  The  three- fold  purpose  of  the  conquest — colonization 
for  economic  exploitation,  evangelization  of  the  native 
peoples  in  the  Catholic  faith,  and  the  establishment  of  a 
military  base  for  Spain — would  thus  be  accomplished. 

Menendez  restrained  himself  considerably  in  the  matter 
of  the  obtaining  of  trade  through  booty.  While  his  men 
entered  enthusiastically  into  the  exchange  of  trinkets  for 
gold  amd  silver  recovered  by  the  Indians  from  shipwrecks, 
Menendez  did  not  do  so.   Where  the  men  gathered  perhaps 
3,500  ducats  worth  of  treasure,  Menendez  simply  received  the 
gift  of  a  single  gold  bar  from  the  Chief.   He  then  sailed 
away,  to  double  the  Keys  and  proceed  to  the  northward.  The 
news  of  the  expedition  was  sent  back  directly  to  Spain  in 
the  vessel  which  had  been  brought  from  Santcinder,  so  that 

the  King  might  have  word  of  the  recovery  of  the  shipwrecked 


Christians  and  of  the  alliance  with  Indians  of  Carlos. 

Pedro  Menendez  turned  his  fleet  northward  on  the  east 
side  of  the  Florida  peninsula,  sailing  through  rough  seas. 
On  March  19,  1566,  as  his  convoy  moved  along  the  lower  south- 
east coast,  lookouts  sighted  the  sails  of  a  southbound 


caravel.   As  they  drew  closer,  it  was  evident  that  the  ship 
was  the  Ascension,  which  had  been  loaded  with  corn  in 
Yucatan  amd  sent  to  supply  the  forts.  When  the  Adelcintado 
boeurded  the  ceuravel,  he  could  insnediately  sense  what  had 
occurred;  he  had  intercepted  the  escape  of  a  shipload  of 
mutineers!   In  addition  to  the  crew  of  the  vessel,  the  cap- 
tauin,  ensign,  and  entire  surviving  garrison  of  the  fort  at 
Santa  Lucia  were  aboard.   In  the  last  weeks  before  the 
relief  ship  came,  rations  in  the  little  fort  had  been 
systematically  reduced — for  two  weeks,  the  men  received 
nothing  but  a  bowlful  of  com  a  day.   The  last  four  days  be- 
fore the  caravel  arrived,  there  was  nothing:   the  supplies 
had  run  out.   Only  75  of  the  250  Spanish  soldiers  and  French 
prisoners  left  at  Ais  had  survived.   When  the  ship  came  to 
amchor  outside  the  Jupiter  inlet,  the  rebellious  soldiers 
seized  it  cind  forced  Captain  Juan  V^lez  de  Medrano  and  En- 
sign Ayala  to  come  along  in  am  escape  from  Florida.   Grimly, 

Menendez  took  command  emd  turned  the  caravel  around  in  the 

direction  of  St.  Augustine. 

Worse  troubles  awaited  the  Adelantado  in  the  north. 
When  he  entered  the  port  of  St.  Augustine  on  March  21,  he 
quickly  learned  that  there  had  been  a  general  rising  of  the 
soldiery  in  that  fort  and  at  San  Mateo.   His  coming  inter- 
rupted a  formal  investigation  being  conducted  by  Maestre  de 
Ccunpo  Valdes,  who  brought  his  superior  up  to  date  on  the 
mutinies.   The  events  had  been  both  gruelling  and  dramatic. 


Disaffection  had  begun  in  the  two  forts  more  them  two 
months  before.   Although  some  supplies  had  come  to  the 
garrisons  from  Havana,  rations  were  often  meager.   Also  in 
short  supply  were  opportunities  for  entertainment  amd  loot, 
those  essential  needs  of  the  16th  century  private  soldier. 
Foci  of  discontent  arose  in  both  forts,  and  correspondence 
between  the  two  groups  of  malcontents  was  advanced  by  mid- 
January.   Their  purpose  was  to  leave  Florida  as  soon  as 
possible.   Pressure  from  the  disaffected  men  forced  Vald^s 
to  grant  permission  for  work  to  begin  on  the  uncompleted 
frigate  left  by  the  French  on  the  ways  near   the  former 
Fort  Caroline.   Sergeant  Gutierre  de  Valverde  came  from  St. 
Augustine  to  supervise  the  construction,  and  persuaded  12 
captive  Frenchmen  who  were  skilled  at  carpentry  amd  ship- 
building, to  help  get  the  ship  ready  for  an  escape  to  the 
Indies . 

By  mid-February,  it  was  evident  that  Captains  Recalde, 
Mexia  emd  San  Vicente,  some  of  their  noncommissioned 
sergeants  and  many  of  the  men  were  affected  by  the  rebellious 
mood — Licenciado  Rueda,  Chaplain  of  the  tercio  at  St. 
Augustine,  was  a  leader  in  the  plot.   Several  of  the  married 
settlers  were  also  involved  in  the  conspiracy.   One  night, 
while  searching  for  food,  a  large  group  of  soldiers  assembled 
at  the  armory  and  forced  Valdes  to  let  them  examine  the 
building  to  see  if  amy  supplies  had  been  buried  there.   They 
also  searched  the  houses  of  Juain  de  Junco  and  Pedro  de 


Coronas /  who  were  known  to  be  close  associates  of  the 
Adeleintado  emd  of  Bartolome  Menendez,  None  of  the  civil  or 
military  officials  could  do  much  in  the  face  of  such  wide- 
spread disaffection.   Significamtly ,  those  officials  who 
remained  loyal  were  all  close  associates  or  relatives  of 
Pedro  Menendez — Pedro  de  Vald^s,  Bartolom^  Menendez,  Jucui 
de  Junco,  Captain  Ochoa,  Diego  de  Hevia,  Pedro  de  Coronas, 
Antonio  Gomez,  Rodrigo  Montes  and  Martin  de  ArgUelles. 
Valdes  fortified  himself  in  the  armory  to  guard  the  arms 
and  munitions  stored  there.   As  things  settled  into  an  un- 
easy truce,  it  was  apparent  that  only  a  spark  was  needed  to 
set  off  a  full-scale  revolt. 

That  spark  was  provided  by  the  coming  of  the  frigate 
La  Concepcion,  which  arrived  at  the  port  of  St.  Augustine 
in  the  first  week  of  March,  1566.   The  vessel  brought  a 
quantity  of  com,  more  than  a  ton  of  prepared  meat,  wine, 
oil  and  live  hogs — more  than  two  months '  rations  for  both 
forts.   As  the  news  spread  that  a  supply  ship  had  come,  the 
plans  of  the  mutineers  quickly  took  final  shape.   When  the 
word  reached  San  Mateo,  Valverde  and  Captain  San  Vicente 
set  out  for  St.  Augustine.   On  the  night  of  March  8,  led  by 
Sebastian  de  Lezcano,  a  large  number  of  soldiers  assaulted 
the  armory  where  Pedro  de  Valdds  was  lying  ill.   Shouting 
and  beating  on  the  doors  with  their  halberds,  the  soldiers 
broke  their  way  in  cuid  seized  Valdes.   Soon  the  other 
officials  were  in  their  power.   The  Maestre  de  Campo  was 


confined  in  Captain  San  Vicente's  house,  and  the  others 
were  placed  in  the  stocks.   The  rebels  next  went  to  the 
shore,  took  small  craft  and  shortly  possessed  the  frigate 
at  anchor,  which  they  began  to  prepare  for  their  escape.   It 
appeared  that  the  authority  of  the  King  and  his  Adelantado 
in  St.  Augustine  had  come  to  an  end. 

It  would  seem,  however,  that  Pedro  de  Valdes  was  as 
resourceful  as  was  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s.  The  Maestre  de 
Campo  escaped  from  his  imprisonment,  freed  Junco  and  others 
and  gathered  a  small  nucleus  of  loyal  troops.  With  these, 
he  hurried  to  the  water's  edge,  where  the  mutineers  were 
busily  engaged  in  loading  munitions  aboard  the  captured 

Valdes  and  his  men  assaulted  and  took  the  small  boat 
into  which  the  rebels  were  loading  artillery  from  the  fort. 
Lezcano  was  taken  prisoner  and  the  loyalist  forces  again 
took  charge  of  the  city  and  the  fort.   The  frigate  withdrew 
to  the  bar,  and  prepared  to  sail.   Valdes  mounted  a  bronze 
cannon  in  a  small  craft  cuid  went  to  parley  with  the 
mutineers,  whom  he  urged  not  to  leave  the  men,  women  and 
children  of  St.  Augustine  without  food  and  munitions.   When 
negotiations  broke  down,  Valdes  fired  several  shots  at  the 
rebel  vessel,  and  it  sailed  away. 

Pedro  de  Valdes  began  formal  legal  hearings  on  the 
mutinies,  heard  Lezcano  confess  his  role  in  the  uprising, 
and  had  him  hung  on  the  public  gallows.   Many  of  the  other 


guilty  parties  had  departed  with  the  frigate,  while  some 
fled  inlcmd  emd  were  killed  by  the  Indiems.   About  120  £rom 
St.  Augustine  had  left;  a  similar  number,  had  fled  San 

Mateo  in  the  other  vessel.   The  mutineers  took  with  them 

the  books  of  the  cabildo  and  other  papers. 

Pedro  Menendez  was  infuriated  when  he  arrived  to  find 

that  such  "great  mutinies,  disgraceful  insubordinations  and 

.  .  .  treason"  had  occurred  among  his  garrisons.    He 

moved  immediately  to  restore  the  discipline  of  the  troops 

and  attempt  to  locate  and  punish  those  who  had  fled.   In  a 

bando  proclaimed  the  day  after  his  arrival,  the  Adelantado 

labelled  the  actions  of  the  rebel  troops  as  mutiny  and 

treason.   He  noted  the  sacrifices  which  had  been  made  to 

undertake  the  jomada  to  Florida,  and  added  that  he  fully 

expected  another  French  attempt  to  conquer  the  territory. 

Because  he  wanted  no  disaffected  soldiers  or  settlers  in 

his  provinces,  Menendez  freely  offered  to  anyone  who  wished 

the  privilege  to  leave  Florida,  at  their  own  expense.    A 

number  availed  themselves  of  the  opportunity. 

On  March  24,  word  came  to  Pedro  Menendez  at  St. 
Augustine  that  the  rebel  frigate  had  sailed  to  the  bar  of 
the  St.  Johns,  to  await  the  other  mutineers  of  the  San  Mateo 
garrison,  cind  sail  together  to  the  West  Indies  or  to  New 
Spain.   He  took  three  small  craft  and  went  directly  to  the 
spot,  and   loaded  one  of  his  vessels  with  com,  to  demon- 
strate that  supplies  would  be  furnished  to  those  who 


renounced  the  mutiny.   Indeed,  these  seemed  to  be  reluctant 
rebels.   Some  of  the  men  returned  to  the  fort  at  San  Mateo, 
and  the  frigate  delayed  its  departure  while  negotiations 
continued.   The  Adelctntado  offered  amnesty  to  the  men  aboard 
the  ship,  and   some  of  the  men  ashore  accepted  the  offer, 
but  the  ships  finally  left  in  a  powerful  storm  which  covered 
their  departure.   The  mutinies  of  March  had  come  to  an  end, 

but  the  trials  continued  so  that  action  could  be  taken 

against  those  who  had  fled  to  other  parts  of  the  Indies. 

The  desertions  of  1565-1566,  and  deaths  caused  by 
illness,  starvation  or  by  Indian  action,  had  cut  the  original 
Speinish  forces  in  Florida  by  almost  one-half.   The  fresh 
soldiers  which  Pedro  Menendez  had  brought  from  C\iba  were 
essential  to  maintain  a  presence  in  the  adelantamiento ,  and 
to  support  the  start  of  a  new  impetus  of  exploration  and 
colonization.  After  the  garrisons  at  St.  Augustine  and  San 
Mateo  had  been  reinforced  with  more  than  200  men,  the 
Adelantado  directed  his  fleet  northward  in  early  April, 
1566.   He  took  his  primary  Lieutenant,  Esteban  de  las  Alas, 
to  begin  the  first  exploration  of  the  seacoasts  of  his 
northern  dominions.   From  the  time  of  the  first  Ay lion  voy- 
age to  that  of  Angel  de  Villafane,  much  information  about 
these  coasts  had  entered  the  store  of  mariners '  common  know- 
ledge, but  this  was  a  more  systematic  examination  of  the 
lands  and  waters  which  could  yield  substcintial  fruit  in  the 
prosecution  of  the  Florida  conquest.   The  official  royal 


geographer,  Jucin  Lopez  de  Velasco,  who  used  the  accoxmts  of 

Pedro  Men^ndez'  explorations  in  his  work,  has  described  the 

shore  which  Men^ndez  saw: 

Prom  the  river  of  San  Mateo,  the  coast 
mns  to  the  northeast  to  Santa  Elena. 
The  coast  is  made  up  entirely  of  great 
and  small  islands,  which  create  many 
bars  cind  inlets  so  that,  although  it 
seems  to  be  a  mainland,  it  is  not. 46 

Across  this  maze  of  inlets,  sounds  and  sea-islcuids, 

land  communication  was  difficult,  if  not  impossible.   The 

Florida  Adelantado  cind  his  entourage,  mariners  all,  chose  to 

conquer,  establish,  and  supply  their  provinces  by  sea.   The 

sea-route  they  pioneered  was  rapid  and  convenient — it  would 

become  the  lifeline  linking  the  Florida  forts  and  settlements 

to  the  Havana  supply-base  and  other  points  in  the  Caribbean. 

A  vessel  of  any  size,  Menendez  learned,  could  sail  from  the 

St.  Augustine-San  Mateo  area  all  the  way  to  Santa  Elena  in 

a  safe  depth  of  more  than  60  feet  of  water.   As  the  low 

coastline  slowly  unrolled  before  the  appraising  eyes  of 

Pedro  Menendez,  his  evaluation  of  each  inlet  had  to  do 

directly  with  the  amount  of  water  over  its  bar.   Thus  the 

large  and  deep  entry  at  the  bar  of  Sena,  where  the  St.  Mary's 

flows  out  to  the  sea  at  the  south  end  of  Cumberland  Island, 

was  marked  down  as  a  strategic  place:   Ships  upwards  of  200 

tons'  burden  could  enter  and  find  harbor  there.   Since  the 

people  who  inhabited  the  area,  the  Tacatacuru,  were  allied 

with  Saturiba  and  hostile  to  the  Spanish,  it  might  be 


necessary  to  fortify  the  river  mouth.   Other  inlets  to  the 
north,  Gualequeni,  Osao,  and  Ospoque,  were  ishallow  and 
dangerous,  and  only  fregatas  or  chalupas  could  traverse  them. 
As  the  Santa  Catalina  and  the  smaller  escort  ships  that 
made  up  Menendez*  armada  of  discovery  approached  the  next 
opening  in  the  belt  of  shoreline,  it  became  evident  that  it 
was  a  far  more  commodious  and  convenient  port.   The  bar  and 
its  principal  Indiem  settlements  bore  the  name  of  Guale. 
It  was  evidently  the  pass  at  the  south  end  of  the  island 
presently  called  St.  Catherine's.    Soundings  indicated  a 
safe  depth  of  19  feet  over  the  bar  at  low  water,  enough 
for  substantial  vessels. 

■  Leaving  his  armada  at  anchor  in  charge  of  Esteban  de 
las  Alas,  Pedro  Menendez  took  two  small  craft  with  50  men 
and  entered  the  sound  to  the  westward  of  the  sea-island.   He 
moved  with  caution,  as  it  was  here  that  he  expected  the 
possibility  of  a  colony  of  French,  fled  from  the  defeats  or 
shipwrecks  of  the  past  year.  At  about  1,000  yards  from 
the  bank  of  the  sound,  he  discovered  a  village  of  Indicms. 
The  village,  a  few  huts  of  wattle-and-daub  thatched  with 
sabal  fronds,  was  no  more  impressive  than  its  surroundings. 
The  lamd  west  of  the  sound  was  marsh,  interspersed  with  low 
oeJc-hammocks  and  other  trees;  what  soil  could  be  seen  was 
seuidy.   The  scemt  population  of  Indians  eked  out  part  of 
their  living  from  scattered  cornfields,  hunted  the  deer  and 
small  game  in  the  scrub  or  the  deeper  woods,  or  fished  along 
the  shores. 


Menendez  did  find  his  "Frenchmaui"  here — a  Spaniard  who 
had  come  to  the  area  as  a  part  of  Ribault's  1562  expedition 
to  Port  Royal.   With  this  ready-made  interpreter,  named 
Guillermo,  the  Adelantado  explained  his  presence,  appealed 
to  the  Indicuis  for  obedience  to  Philip  II,  and  for  their 
acceptcince  of  the  Catholic  faith.   The  chief  at  Guale  had 
heard  of  the  triumphs  of  the  Spanish  at  Fort  Caroline  and 
Matanzas,  and  was  glad  to  acquiesce  in  Menendez'  demands. 
A  cross  was  erected  in  the  village,  and  the  Speinish  and 
Indiem  leaders  joined  in  evening  and  morning  ceremonies  of 
litany  and  adoration  of  the  Christian  symbol, 

A  central  part  of  Menendez'  Indian  policy  was  the 
bringing  of  order  to  broad  areas  of  his  provinces — reaching 
across  the  parochial  culture-boundaries  of  warring  native 
groups  to  enforce  peace  in  the  name  of  the  Hapsburg  monarch. 
Thus  an  over lordship  of  power  could  pacify  the  land  and  pave 
the  way  for  peaceable  exploitation.   The  Adelantado  had 
learned  that  Guale  was  at  war  with  the  Indians  of  Crista, 
in  the  vicinity  of  Santa  Elena  in  the  north,  where  he  hoped 
to  make  a  major  settlement.  How  he  asked  the  chief  at  Guale 
to  yield  up  to  him  two  captive  Indians  from  Crista;  in  re- 
turn Menendez  would  leave  Alonso  Menendez  Marqu^z  and  seven 
other  Spciniards  as  hostage.   Menendez  assured  the  chief, 
however,  that  any  injury  to  the  men  would  mean  his  return  to 
cut  off  the  heads  of  those  guilty  of  the  offense. 


In  spite  of  its  poverty,  the  Spanish  retained  favoreUale 
impressions  of  Guale  as  a  future  site  for  colonization.   The 
Indians  seemed  tractcible,  cind  there  was  a  good  port  for 
marine  supply  and  reinforcement.   If  the  soil  was  poor,  then 
at  least  the  spot  could  serve  as  entrep6t  into  the  interior, 
where  richer  lands  and  mines  surely  beckoned.   As  he  had 
done  in  Carlos,  Menendez  evaluated  Guale  for  its  fitness  in 
his  scheme  of  peripheral  settlement  at  places  of  strategic 
importcince  easily  reached  by  water.   If  friendly  Indian  re- 
lations could  be  established  at  these  key  points,  his  rear 
would  be  protected  and  he  would  have  a  safe  path  for  retreat 
to  the  sea.*^ 

The  fleet  left  with  its  hostages,  and  departed  for  the 
north.   The  northeasterly  course  of  the  Adelantado's  ships 
carried  them  past  several  more  inlets,  none  of  which  would 
admit  vessels  of  any  draft.   They  sailed  by  the  shoals  at 
the  mouth  of  the  Savannah  River  and  soon  approached  the 
great  point  now  called  Hilton  Head,  but  long  known  to  the 
Spcmish  as  the  Punta  Santa  Elena.   Beyond  it  lay  the  finest 
harbor  in  the  provinces  of  Florida,  which  the  French  had 
named  Port  Royal. 

As  the  Spanish  rounded  the  point  they  saw  a  wide  en- 
tr2mce,  more  than  six  miles  across,  containing  several 
islands.   The  south  bar  lay  deep  enough  to  allow  the  Santa 
Catalina  to  pass  within,  but  it  was  swept  by  strong  cur- 
rents.  Pedro  Menendez  brought  the  large  ship  to  anchor,  and 


proceeded  to  explore  the  harbor  in  two  bergantines  with  Alas 
and  100  soldiers.   The  Adelantado  spied  an  islcind  placed 
advantageously  in  the  center  of  the  harbor  entramce.   Its 

seawgurd  point,  he  noted,  held  a  white  sauid-hill  eminence 


that  would  be  ideal  for  fortification. 

The  expedition  passed  further  into  the  port  cmd  sur- 
prised a  number  of  Indians  near  an  old  burned  village.  With 
the  aid  of  the  interpreter  brought  from  Guale,  they  identi- 
fied themselves,  to  the  mutual  pleasure  of  both  parties. 
When  the  Indians  leanred  that  Menendez  had  brought  back  the 
captive  Oristans,  their  delight  increased,  and  a  formal 
parley  was  arranged  with  cacique  Crista.   The  Adelantado  of 
Florida  utilized  the  ceremony  of  returning  the  prisoners  who 
had  been  held  in  Guale  to  proffer  Spanish  peace  emd  order 
and  the  Christicuiization  of  the  tribe.   Chief  Crista  retired 
to  consult  with  his  council  and  returned  directly  to  accept 
the  offer.   Menendez  then  agreed  to  leave  men  among  them  to 
learn  their  language  and  to  teach  them  the  rudiments  of 

The  Crista  Indians  lived  in  several  groupings  around  and 
to  the  north  of  the  main  harbor  of  Port  Royal.   They  were 
somewhat  greater  in  numbers  thcin  the  Guale  people  and  they 
appecLT  to  have  been  more  closely  integrated  in  culture.  Al- 
though dedicated  to  the  cultivation  of  com  cind  other  crops, 
they  were  still  attuned  to  the  rhythms  of  the  acorn  haurvest 
emd  the  seasonal  runs  of  fish  in  the  ocean  and  bays,  and 
moved  their  residence  during  these  times. 


The  Spanish  commander  chose  the  site  for  his  city  with 
an  eye  to  strategic  considerations  and  in  line  with  his 
desire  to  be  near  the  centers  of  Indian  population,  yet  not 
directly  among  them.   The  central  islcuxd  in  the  harbor,  now 
named  Parris  Islcind,  became  the  location  of  the  second  munici- 
pality founded  in  the  adelantamiento  of  Florida.   Here  the 
dual  entities — the  city  of  Santa  Elena  and  the  fort  of  San 
Salvador — were  built  around  the  high  sand  bluffs,  a  little 
distance  from  the  Ribault  settlement  of  1562-1564.  Although 
there  was  fertile  soil  to  be  found  in  some  parts  of  the 
great  bay,  the  island  chosen  for  settlement  and  fortifica- 
tion '••^.s  not  particularly  blessed  with  good  soil.   Menendez 
named  Esteban  de  las  Alas  to  govern  both  the  civil  and 
military  elements  of  the  district,  making  him  Alcaide  of 
the  fort  and  Governor  of  the  province  of  Santa  Elena. 
The  municipal  regimiento  and  cabildo  was  formed  for  what 
promised  to  be  the  center  of  the  King's  dominions  in  Florida. 
Again,  the  location  of  settlement  was  directly  related  to 
marine  access  and  established  in  this  case  upon  a  fine  deep- 
water  port. 

It  was  now  time  for  Menendez  to  begin  the  return  voyage 
down  the  east  coast  of  his  territories,  for  it  would  shortly 
be  necessary  to  return  the  large  galleon  and  her  crew  to  the 
New  Spain  fleet  as  escort  for  the  homeward  journey  to  Spain. 
On  his  way  south,  he  would  stop  at  Guale  and  then  inspect 
the  peninsular  garrisons,  still  shaky  in  morale  after  the 


mutinies.  At  Havcma  Men^ndez  vould  endeavor  to  pump  more 
resources  into  his  supply  pipeline »  %^ich  had  continued  to 
function  during  the  late  winter  and  early  spring  of  1566, 
bringing  com  from  Yucatan,  wine,  biscuit,  cassava,  vege- 
tables, pork,  live  chickens,  goats  and  sheep  from  Cuba. 
Now  that  Santa  Elena  had  been  added  to  the  route,  the  small 
ships  would  touch  there  also.   The  Adelantado  promised  the 
men  he  had  left  in  Fort  San   Salvador  that  he  would  send  them 
supplies  in  very  short  order,  but  keeping  that  promise  might 
be  difficult,  for  Men^ndez'  resources  were  becoming  slim  in- 
deed; if  the  promised  fleet  of  reinforcement  from  Spain  did 
not  soon  arrive,  it  would  be  difficult  for  him  to  continue 
the  enterprise. 

When  Menendez  came  to  St.  Augustine  he  found  that 
redding  Indians  had  attacked  cmd  burned  the  fort  built  near 
Seloy's  village.  Many  of  the  papers  of  the  expedition,  a 
qucuitity  of  food  and   munitions,  and  the  French  banners  and 
trophies  captured  the  previous  fall  were  destroyed  in  the 
fire.   The  fire  sharpened  the  problem  of  supplying  all  of 
the  forts,  for  there  was  little  left  in  Florida,  and  an- 
other voyage  to  Havana  had  become  urgently  necessary. 

The  Adelantado  arrived  at  the  Cuban  port  in  mid-May, 
1566.   The  supplies  he  had  found  atboard  Santa  Catalina  when 
it  was  taken  for  his  service  had  been  exhausted,  and 
Menendez  had  to  supply  the  soldiers  and  crew  aboard  at  his 
cost.  Menendez  was  not  yet  ready  to  release  the  big  ship 


from  his  service,  for  he  had  another  voyage  to  make.   On  May 
25,  1566,  he  left  Havana  to  make  a  rapid  trip  to  Carlos.   He 
wemted  to  further  cement  his  relationship  with  the  chief 
there,  and  had  promised  to  bring  Dona  Antonia,  his  "wife," 
to  HaveUia  with  other  Indieins  for  instruction  in  the  Christicui 
faith. ^^ 

The  little  fleet  from  Florida  reentered  the  harbor  at 
Havcma  on  June  7,  and  Pedro  Men^ndez  dismissed  the  large 
ship  which  had  served  him  so  well.   The  rough  seas  along  the 
Florida  coasts  that  winter  had  taken  their  toll,  for  Santa 
Catalina's  owner  complained  that  the  vessel  was  returned  in 
badly  damaged  condition.   Four  of  the  crew  had  died  on  the 

voyages  (one  at  the  hands  of  the  Indians) ,  and  26  remained 

in  Florida.    The  Adelantado  established  the  first  house- 
hold of  instruction  for  the  Indians  of  Florida  in  Havana; 
when  the  religious  personnel  arrived  to  take  charge  they 
would  have  a  body  of  potential  Christians  for  their  pupils. 

Again  the  Florida  leader  attempted  to  obtain  aid  for 
the  Royal  troops  in  Florida  from  the  Governor  at  Havana, 
For  the  second  time,  Garcia  Osorio  refused  to  use  funds  of 
the  Havana  treasury  for  any  such  purpose;  this  time,  a 
member  of  the  Council  of  the  Indies  and  the  Royal  Officials 
at  Havana  were  also  involved  in  his  action.   In  February, 
1566,  the  King  had  written  the  Havana  officials,  ordering 
them  to  give  the  Florida  Adelantado  the  supplies  he  needed, 
since  they  had  not  been  forthcoming  from  Sauito  Domingo. . 


When  the  royal  cedxala  was  received  in  Cuba,  the  Licenciado 
Geronimo  Valderrama  was  present.   The  Governor,  Valderrama, 
and  the  King's  officials  met  to  discuss  Men^ndez*  requests 
for  supplies  and  aid.   It  was  Valderrama ' s  opinion  that 
nothing  should  be  given  until  a  specific  order  should  come 
from  the  Audiencia  of  Santo  Domingo  to  that  effect,   Garcia 
Osorio,  for  his  part,  Sciid  that  Pedro  Men^ndez  would  have  to 
pay  for  whatever  he  got.    Geronimo  Valderrama,  who  had 
been  away  from  Spain  for  more  than  two  years,  was  hardly  in 
any  position  to  have  had  much  knowledge  of  the  Florida  ven- 
ture.  His  involvement  with  Osorio,  Mendndez  and  the  Royal 
Officials  in  Havana  must  have  been  nothing  more  than  a 
matter  of  momentary  judgment,  and  was  not  a  formal  examina- 
tion of  the  affairs  of  Florida.   His  record  in  New  Spain 
indicates  that  the  man  was  inclined  to  weight  all  government 
matters  in  the  light  of  strict  observance  of  his  Majesty's 
ordinamces  and  stem  protection  of  the  royal  fisc.   His 
legalistic  reaction  was  entirely  predictable. 

In  the  first  week  of  July,  and  just  before  the  depar- 
ture of  Menendez  for  Florida  again,  both  Garcia  Osorio  and 
Pedro  Menendez  wrote  to  the  King.   The  Adelantado's  letter  is 
disappointing  to  the  historian,  for  it  refers  to  a  letter 
Menendez  had  written  Philip  II  from  Santa  Elena  in  early  May, 
and  notes  that  Gonzalo  Solis  de  Merds,  who  was  coming  to 
Spain,  would  furnish  more  particular  information.   Both  men, 
in  their  letters,  asked  the  King  to  seek  further  data  about 


the  Florida  enterprise  from  Valderrama,  who  was  returning 
to  SpcLin  with  the  same  fleet  after  his  visit  to  New  Spain. 
In  his  dispatch.  Governor  Osorio  refuted  cooly  the 
accusations  Menendez  had  made  against  him  to  the  King, 
saying  that  he  had  done  all  he  reasonably  could  for 
Menendez,  and  that  Valderrama  would  vindicate  him.^^ 

The  Adelantado  obtained  more  cash  or  credit,  and  was 
able  to  purchase  additional  supplies  and  munitions  for  his 
enterprise.   On  the  same  day  he  had  written  his  letter  to 
the  King,  Menendez  left  Haveina  to  carry  supplies  to  his 
forts  along  the  now  well-known  route.   As  Pedro  Menendez 
returned  to  the  Florida  provinces,  the  expedition  sent  from 
Spain  under  the  command  of  Sancho  de  Archiniega  was  com- 
pleting its  voyage.   The  ships  had  followed  the  usual  route 
for  vessels  outbound  from  Spain  to  the  Indies;  they  had 
reached  Grand  Canary  on  May  4.   On  June  10,  the  worst  of 
their  journey  over,  the  fleet  entered  the  harbor  of  San 
Juan  in  Puerto  Rico  after  watering  at  Dominica.   Sancho  de 
Archiniega  wrote  Philip  II  that  he  received  a  letter  in 
Puerto  Rico  which  described  the  sufferings  and  starvation 
of  the  Spciniards  and  French  at  Santa  Lucia  in  Florida.   It 
also  told  him  of  Menendez'  "marriage"  to  the  sister  of  an 
Indian  cacique — evidently  a  reference  to  the  happenings  in 
Carlos.   Archiniega  also  advised  his  King  that  cannibal 
Carib  Indians  had  killed  most  of  the  survivors  from  Pedro 
Menendez'  ship  lost  the  year  before  in  Guadeloupe. ^^ 


The  further  journey  from  Puerto  Rico  to  Florida  was 
routine,  except  that  one  of  the  vessels,  San  Salvador, 
strayed  from  the  rest  and  found  harbor  at  Puerto  de  Plata 
on  the  northeast  coast  of  Santo  Domingo.   There  60  men  from 
the  compciny  of  Captain  Andrada  became  embroiled  in  contro- 
versy when  their  sergeant,  Diego  de  Buytrago,  attempted  to 
lead  them  in  the  capture  of  a  Portuguese  ship  which  had 
anchored  in  that  port.   The  arrival  of  the  men  in  Florida 
was  delayed  while  the  case  was  tried;  the  Audiencia  of 
Santo  Domingo  sentenced  Buytrago  to  three  years  at  the  oar 

in  the  galleys,  for  a  soldier  had  been  killed  in  the 


Great  was  the  rejoicing  in  the  fort  and  town  of  St. 
Augustine  when,  on  Jvine  29,  1566,  a  large  fleet  of  Spanish 
vessels  was  seen  off  the  bar.   Their  coming  meant  reinforce- 
ment, supplies,  and  the  bolstering  of  the  will  to  persist 
in  Florida.   Since  the  Adelantado  had  not  yet  returned  from 
his  last  voyage  to  Havana,  Bartolome  Men^ndez  made  the 
necessary  formal  welcomes  in  his  name.   Hernando  de  Miranda 
begem  his  duties  as  Royal  Factor  by  receiving  the  ships 
officially.   Then  he  and  Juan  de  Junco  acknowledged  receipt 
of  the  soldiers  emd  cargoes  that  the  vessels  had  brought. 

The  King's  reinforcements  had  arrived,  and  the  belated 

Royal  support  could  not  have  come  at  a  better  time. 


1.  See  Menendez'  assessment cf  the  navigational  dis- 
coveries in  his  letter  to  Philip  II  from  Matanzas  dated 
December  5,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson 
Collection).  An  excellent  description  of  the  journey  of  the 
Adelantado  from  Florida  is  foxond  in  Solis  de  MerSs,  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Aviles,  pp.  129-131. 

2.  Garcia  Osorio  states  that  the  Adelantado  arrived 
in  Havana  November  13,  in  his  letter  to  the  Crown  from 
Havana,  December  18,  1565,  F.M.  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115 
(Stetson  Collection) . 

3.  Ponce  describes  his  aid  to  Alas'  ships  in  his  letter 
to  the  Crown,  San  Juan,  April  20,  1566,  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo 
71  (Stetson  Collection) . 

4.  The  send-off  of  Penalosa  and  his  subsequent  ad- 
ventures is  described  in  "Copia  de  una  relacion  que  Capitan 
Gonzalo  de  Penalosa  dio  de  un  viaje  que  hizo  a  la  Florida 
con  socorro  de  las  armada  del  Adelantado  Pedro  Menendez 

de  Aviles,"  from  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  22 
(Stetson  Collection).   The  Audiencia  of  Santo  Domingo  dis- 
cusses its  role  in  the  dispatching  of  the  expedition  in  its 
letter  to  Philip  II,  sent  from  Santo  Domingo  on  December  12, 
1565,  cind  found  in  A.G.I.  Sainto  Domingo  71  (Stetson  Collec- 
tion) .   The  Royal  Officials  of  that  place  also  reported  on 
the  matter  to  the  King  in  a  dispatch  dated  November  26, 
1565,  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  74  (Stetson  Collection). 

5.  Menendez  describes  the  sale  in  his  letter  to 
Philip  II  from  Matanzas  dated  December  5,  1565,  op.  cit. 
Hemcindo  Baeza  recounts  the  return  of  San  Andres  from  Havana 
in  "Los  despachos  que  se  hizieron  en  la  Florida  ..."  from 
A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

6.  In  reality,  of  course,  young  Ribault  had  returned 
to  France.   In  any  event,  his  feeble  force  would  have  posed 
little  dcinger  to  Spanish  fleets,  and  could  only  have  done 
scattered  raiding.   Menendez  outlines  the  supposed  threat 
and  the  arming  of  the  expedition,  in  his  letter  to  the 
Crown  from  Matanzas  on  December  5,  1565,  A.G.I.  Santo 
Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collection) . 



7.  Men^ndez  mentions  the  Luna  mission  in  the  December 

5  letter,  op.  cit.  Confirmation  of  the  loan  request  is  found 
in  Royal  Officials  of  Mexico  to  Crown,  Mexico  City,  March  30, 
1566,  A.G.I.  Mexico  323. 

8.  See  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s  to  Audencia  of  Scinto 
Domingo,  Matanzas,  December  2,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Santo 
Domingo  71  (Stetson  Collection) .   The  letter  to  the  King 
is  the  December  5  letter,  op.  cit. 

9.  The  nombramiento  is  addressed  to  Pedro  Men^ndez 
Marquez,  dated  December  4,  1565,  at  Matcinzas,  and  is  found 
in  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  4,  ramo  1. 

10.  The  Adelantado  mentions  the  use  of  the  Portugese 
in  his  December  5  letter,  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson 
Collection).   The  French  are  shown  on  ration  lists ^for  1566 
and  1567  as  ship  crew  emd  foxind  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941 
(in  microfilm  at  the  P.  K,  Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History, 
University  of  Florida) . 

11.  Pedro  Men^ndez  to  Crown,  Matanzas,  December  5, 

12.  The  events  described  here  are  outlined  by  Pedro 
Menendez  in  his  letter  to  the  Crown  from  Havana  dated 
December  12,  1565.   Menendez  wrote  that  letter  and  mailed 
it  separately.   This  separate  letter  is  also  included  as  a 
part  of  Menendez'  letter  of  December  25.   It  appears  that, 
when  he  had  recovered  from  his  illness,  he  also  mailed  both 
letters  together,  thus  repeating  the  contents  of  the  earlier 
letter.   In  the  Stetson  Collection  are  found  the  combined 
letters  of  December  12/25,  and  also  a  separate  copy  of  the 
December  12  letter,  all  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  2  31.   It 
is  the  separate  December  12  letter  which  bears  the  marginal 
comment  of  Philip  II.   The  letter  of  December  12,  but  not 
the  one  of  December  25,  is  included  in  "Siete  cartas  escritas 
al  Rey,"  45  fol. ,  from  "Cartas  de  Indias,"  in  the  Coleccion 
Navarrete,  XIV,  fol.  281-326.   The  letter  has  been  reprinted 
from  Lhe  collection  of  Francis  Parkman  in  Proceedings  of 

the  Massachusetts  Historical  Society,  series  2,  Vlll  (ia94)  , 
459.   For  the  supply  data,  see  "Instruction  of  Pedro  Menen- 
dez de  Aviles  to  Diego  de  Mircuida,"  Havana,  November  8  (sic), 
1565,  from  Santo  Domingo  11.   The  arraingement  with  Zavallos 
is  described  in  Menendez'  letter  to  Philip  II  written  from 
St.  Augustine  on  October  20,  1566,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo 
115  (Stetson  Collection). 

13.  See  "Despachos  que  se  hicieron,"  A.G.I.  Escribania 
de  Camara  1,0 2 4- A. 


14.  Menendez'  letter  is  that  of  December  25,  1565. 
The  royal  accountant  at  Havana,  Diego  L6pez  Osorio,  wrote 

to  Philip  II  from  Havana  on  Jcmuary  26,  1566,  found  in  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  115.   In  Stetson  Collection,  misdated 
December  26,  1565. 

15.  Baeza  came  with  Menendez  on  the  Cadiz  ships.   His 
caureer  is  described  by  witnesses  in  "Cargo  y  data  de  la 
cuenta  que  dio  Fernando  de^Baeca,"  Havema,  February  10, 
1569,  from  A.G.I.  Contaduria  94l,  in  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge 
Library  of  Florida  History.   His  commission  as  a  notary 
public  in  the  Indies  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General 
425,  Book  XXV,  fol.  233  and  vto.   Menendez  describes  the 
establishment  of  the  supply  depot  in  his  letter  of  Januairy  30, 
1566.   (See  note  47,  p.  236,  supra.),  op,  cit.   Baeza's 

list  of  supply  vessels  from  Havana  is  found  in  "Despachos 
que  se  hicieron,"  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 
In  addition  to  Menendez'  letters  and  the  ship-dispatches  of 
Hexmcindo  de  Baeza,  we  eire  most  fortunate  in  having  the 
detailed  list  of  supply  vessels  and  cargoes  sent  by  the 
Adelantado  from  Havana  from  1566  to  1574  contained  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  1,174.   These  data,  collected  by  the  Royal 
Officials  of  Havcina  at  the  request  of  the  Crown,  were 
gathered  at  Menendez'  request  to  support  his  position  that 
he  had  supplied  royal  soldiers  at  his  own  expense.   There 
is  record  of  Baeza's  dealing  in  Yucatem  with  one  Juan 
Fernandez  of  Campeche;  see ^Declaration  of  February  17, 
1569,  from  A.G.I.  Contaduria  454. 

16.  Pedro  Menendez  discusses  Amaya's  report  in  his 
letter  of  January  30,  1566,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  168, 
which  he  directed  to  the  King  from  Havcma. 

17.  Captain  Velez'  recollections  are  from  his  "Testi- 
monies .  .  .  ,"  St.  Augustine,.  May  15,  1566,  from  A.G.I. 
Justicia  999.   A  description  of  the  sufferings  of  the  men 
in  Fort  Santa  Lucia  is  found  in  "Meritos  y  servicios  de 
Diego  Lopez,"  St.  Augustine,  December  16,  1569,  from  the 
Woodbury  Lowery  Collection,  in  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge 
Library  of  Florida  History,  I:   2:   414:   265-290.   In  his 
narrative,  Lopez  baldly  stated  that  the  Spanish  in  the 
Velez  garrison  resorted  to  cannibalism.   As  to  location  of 
Santa  Lucia,  Woodbury  Lowery,  in  The   Spainish  Settlements, 
Appendix  S,  II,  434,  places  it  at  the  present  St.  Lucie 
River  inlet  near  Stuart,  Florida.   On  the  other  hand.  Captain 
Juan  de  Soto  placed  the  location  of  Santa  Lucia  in  "Xega"  in 
his  testimony  in  "Daiios  de  los  indios  de  la  Florida,"  A.G.I. 
Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  20.   After  working  with  Mr.  Homer 
N.  Cato  of  Micco,  Florida,  in  the  translation  of  the  Mexia 
derrotero,  the  writer  believes  that  the  beginning  point  of 
the  mutineers'  southward  journey  was  not  far  south  of  the 
Sebastian  River  in  Indian  River  County.   Their  course, 
estimated  at  from  twelve  to  fifteen  leagues  in  length. 


would  have  brought  them  to  the  north  side  of  the  wide 
St.  Lucie  River,  from  whence  it  is  about  eighteen  miles, 
or  six  leagues,  to  the  Jupiter  Inlet. 

18.  See  Diego  L6pez  Osorio  to  Crown,  Havana,  January 
26,  1566,  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115.   The  news  of  trouble 
and  disaster  in  Florida  reached  San  Juan  before  the  arrival 
of  Semcho  de  Archiniega  there  in  June  of  1566.   See  Ar- 
chiniega  to  Crown,  Sam  Juan,  June  11,  1566,  from  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  71  (Stetson  Collection) .   Many  deserters  also 
carried  the  news  to  Santo  Domingo  and  other  places  in  the 
island  Indies. 

19.  The  Adelcuitado's  decision  is  mentioned  in  his 
letter  to  Philip  II  from  Havema  dated  January  30,  1566, 
and  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  168. 

20.  There  is  much  material  eibout  this  ship-arming  in 
"Infonnacion  de  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,"  Seville,  1567- 
1568,  which  was  assembled  in  an  attempt  to  prove  that 
Menendez  had  spent  much  of  his  own  money  in  feeding  and 
supplying  the  crew  of  Santa  Catalina.   This  is  found  in 
A.G.I.  Contratacion  4,802  (Stetson  Collection).  There  are  two 
lists  of  ships  engaged  in  the  expedition;  one,  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  1,174,  gives  the  sailing  date  as  March  1,  1566; 
the  other,  from  "Despachos  que  se  hicieron,"  in  A.G.I. 
Escribanxa  de  Camara  1,024-A,  gives  the  date  as  February  20. 
Soils  de  Meras,  in  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  sets  the  date 
at  February  10  (page  138) . 

21.  On  September  4,  1565,  the  Casa  officials  reported 
to  Philip  II  that  cannon  amd  arquebus  powder,  matchcord 
and  lead  were  being  gathered  in  the  Seville  warehouses  for 
the  expedition;  from  A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,167,  Book  II, 

On  August  15,  they  had  been  busy  trying  to  locate  ships; 
on  that  date,  the  shallop  La  Trinidad  was  embargoed  in  Port 
Santa  Maria — see  A.G.I.  Contaduria  299,  12:   3,  4.   Evi- 
dently they  had  difficulty  finding  a  proper  Capitana  for 
the  fleet  and  in  locating  enough  cannon;  the  King,  in  a  letter 
to  the  Casa  from  the  Bosque  de  Segovia,  September  6,  1565, 
commented  on  their  problems ,  cuid  advised  that  he  had  sent 
to  Vizcaya  for  a  thousand  arquebuses  and  helmets.   The  letter 
is  from  A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,012  (Stetson  Collection). 
The  orders  to  the  proveedores  of  artillery  at  Malaga  and 
to  the  officials  of  Vizcaya  and  Guipuzcoa  were  dated  the 
same  day,  and  come  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  738, 
ramo  7,  No.  74,  74-C,  and  74-E  (Stetson  Collection) . 

22.  Crown  to  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  Bosque  de 
Segovia,  September  26,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Escribania  de 
Camara  1,024-A.   Archiniega's  appointment  is  from  A.G.I. 
Patronato  254,  and  his  first  day  of  duty  was  listed  in 
A.G.I.  Contaduria  299,  12:   7. 


23.  Royal  messages  were  taken  to  the  captains  re- 
cruiting men  at  Utrera,  Port  Santa  Maria,  Librijia  and  Medina- 
Sidonia;  see  A.G.I.  Contaduria  299,  21:   2  vto.   Difficulties 
and  a  lawsuit  eventually  arose  out  of  the  expenses  incurred 
by  Captain  Pardo  in  the  town  of  Tolox  del  Marques,  near 
Marbella  on  the  Mediterranean  coast,  as  the  municipality 
sued  for  reimbursement.   The  case,  dated  January  27,  1566, 
somehow  came  to  rest  in  A.G.I.  Mexico  209,  ramo  1, 

24.  Philip  II  gave  his  orders  to  Alava  in  a  letter 
dated  September  30,  1565,  and  found  in  A.D.E.,  VII,  No.    , 
(A.G.S.,  Estado,  legajo  K,  1,504,  No.  66).   The  Ambassador's 
report  on  his  meeting  and  arguments  with  the  Queen  and  her 
advisers  was  found  in  his  letter  to  Philip  II  sent  November 
29,  1565,  and  fromA.D.E.,  VII,  No.    (A.G.S.,  Estado, 
legajo  K,  1,504,  No.  80). 

25.  Isabel's  comments  to  Fourquevaux  are  found  in  the 
Ambassador's  letter  to  the  Regent  written  November  3,  1565, 
from:   Celestin  Douais,  ed. ,  Depeches  de  M.  de  Fourquevaux, 
ambassadeur  du  roi  Charles  IX  en  Espagne,  1565-1572  (2  v.  , 
Paris:   E.  Leroux,  1896),  I,  63.   The  meeting  of  Fourquevaux 
with  the  Duke  of  Alba  is  described  in  a  letter  from  the 
Ambassador  to  the  Regent  dated  from  Madrid  on  December  24, 
1565,  ibid. ,  I,  17. 

26.  See  testimony  of  Sebastian  de  Vacoli  Pedrossa, 
taken  by  Juan  Gutierrez  Tello  in  Seville,  from  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  738,  ramo  7,  No.  74-A,  and  the  response 
from  the  Crown  in  a  letter  to  the  Casa  sent  from  Bosque  de 
Segovia  on  September  14,  1565,  from  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,012. 

27.  The  loss  of  Ssm  Miguel  cind  the  subsequent  delay  in 
receipt  of  the  news  of  Men^ndez'  victory  is  described  in  a 
letter  from  the  Crown  to  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  dated 
February  20,  1566,  from  A.G.lT~Contrataci6n  5, 012  (Stetson 
Collection) .   It  is  also  contained  in  "Memorial  de  los  navios 
cargados  de  bastimentos  y  municiones  que  se  perdieron  el 
Adelantado  Pedro  Menendez  yendo  a  echarlos  luteranos  que 
estavan  poblando  en  aquella  tierra  de  la  Florida,"  in  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A,  n.d.  (probably  October,  1567). 

28.  The  letter  from  Alava  to  Philip  II  is  dated  January 
6,  1566,  and  is  found  in  A.D.E.,  VIII,  No.  1,  184,  189 
(A.G.S.  Estado,  legajo  K,  1,505,  61-63).   Fourquevaux  wrote 
back  from  Madrid  about  the  coming  of  the  Basque  to  the 
Spanish  Court  in  two  letters:   February  4  and  18,  1566, 

from  "Lettres  et  Papiers  d'etat  de  Fourquevaux,"  in  Gaffarel, 
Histoire  de  la  Floride  Frangaise,  pp.  417,  421. 


29.  Laudonniere  describes  his  voyage  in  "L'Histoire 
Notaibley"  from  Lussagnet,  Les  Francais  en  Floride,  pp..  183, 
184.   Alava  described  the  coming  o^  Laudonniere  to  the  French 
Court  and  the  incident  of  the  second  captive  in  a  letter  to 
Philip  II  dated  March  16,  1566,  from  A.D.E.,  VIII,  No.  1,205, 
271  (A.G.S,  Estado,  legajo  K,  1,505,  81)  and  one  written  on 
March  18,  1566,  to  Secretary  Gonzalo  Perez,  from  A.D.E., 
VIII,  No.  1,206,  272  (A.G.S. ,  Estado,  legajo  K,  1,505,  84). 

30.  Philip  II  had  not  received  the  dispatches  from 
Florida  by  February  10,  when  he  issued  a  commission  to 
Juam  de  Ubilla  as  Almirante  of  the  Archiniega  fleet  and 
urged  him  to  go  and  expel  the  French  from  Florida,   See 
cedula  to  Juan  de  Ubilla,  Madrid,  February  10,  1566,  from 
A.G.I.  Contratacion  58.   The  arrival  of  the  message  and 
Diego  Flores  Valdes  were  acknowledged  by  Philip  II  in  a 
letter  to  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  on  February  21,  1566, 
from  A.G.I.  Contratacidn  5,012  (Stetson  Collection).   It  is 
also  described  in  Fourquevaux's  letter  to  Charles  IX  dated 
February  18,  1566,  from  "Lettres  et  Papiers  d'etat  de 
Fourquevaux,"  in  Gaffarel,  Histoire  de  la  Floride  Frangaise,  p, 
421.  ■ 

31.  The  Spanish  King's  letter  to  Archiniega  was  dated 
February  24,  1566,  and  is  described  in  the  auditor's  summary 
of  events  affecting  the  Menendez  asiento  in  the  first  pages 
of  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941  (especially  fol.  2),  which  is  in 
microfilm  at  the  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History. 

32.  After  consideration  by  the  Council  of  the  Indies 
on  March  15,  1566,  the  King  sent  his  decision  to  the  Casa  on 
March  21  from  Madrid.   The  letter  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Contra- 
tacion 5,012  (Stetson  Collection).   The  cedula  to  Pedro 
Menendez  is  outlined  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941,  fol.  2.   In 
another  letter  sent  from  Madrid  on  March  21,  1566,  the  King 
also  notified  his  officials  in  Havana  that  parts  of  the 
Archiniega  force  would  be  used  to  man  the  fort  there.   This 
is  from  A.G.I.  Contaduria  454. 

33.  See  Castillo  to  Crown,  Cadiz,  January  30,  1566, 
from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  2,673.   Castillo  had  also 
evidently  written  the  King  on  February  15,  for  Philip  II 
replied  to  him  in  a  letter  sent  from  the  Escorial  on  March 
15,  1566;  this  letter  is  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General 
1,966,  Book  II.   The  trade  officials  discussed  the  matter 
with  the  King  in  a  letter  sent  from  Seville  on  March  6, 
1566,  from  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,167,  Book  III.   On  the 
fifteenth  of  March,  Philip  had  written  the  Casa  functionaries, 
ordering  them  to  make  a  payment  of  6,000  ducats.   This 
letter  is  described  in  a  Royal  cedula  sent  to  Casa  repre- 
sentative Abalia  in  Cadiz,  dated  at  Madrid  August  28,  1566, 
from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,966  (Stetson  Collection). 


34.  The  cedula  of  February  24,  1566,  to  the  Royal 
Officials  at  Havana  was  sent  from  Madrid;  it  is  foxind  in 
A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collection).   It  is 
also  referred  to  in  A.G.I.  Contadurla  1,174,  and  also  in 
Contaduria  454. 

35.  Led  by  the  480-ton  galleon  Los  Tres  Reyes  as 
Capitana,  the  Archiniega  expedition  carried  four  ureas, 
vessels  of  great  capacity  and  relatively  small  draft,  to 
transport  supplies  to  Florida  and  enter  its  ports.   The 
outbound  ships  are  listed  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  2,898  in 
Yd a — 1566.   The  successful  departure  is  described  in  a 
letter  of  Francisco  Duarte  to  the  Casa  on  the  same  date, 
found  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,185. 

36.  The  departure  of  the  expedition  to  Carlos  is 
described  in  "Despachos  que  se  hicieron  .  .  .  ,"  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A,   Menendez  evidently  sent  dis- 
patches  to  the  King  from  Carlos,  which  were  lost  when  the 
courier  vessel,  Nuestra  Senora  del  Rosario,  was  taken  off 
Spain;  see  "Memorial  de  los  navios  .  .  .  que  se  perdieron 

.  .  .  ,"  from  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A.   Because 
of  this  gap  in  Menendez'  correspondence,  one  must  rely  upon 
the  Solis  de  Meras,  Barrientos,  and  "Barcia"  narratives. 
The  Adelantado  does,  however,  give  some  details  cibout  Carlos 
and  the  Spanish  prisoners  there  in  his  letter  to  Philip  II 
sent  from  St.  Augustine  on  October  20,  1566,  and  found  in" 
A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  231  (Stetson  Collection). 

37.  From  Menendez'  letter  of  October  20,  1566,  op.  cit. 
De  Escalante  has  usually  been  called  Fontaneda,  and  his 
striking  Memorial  has  appeared  in  a  number  of  places.   The 
best  and  most  recent  edition  is  Memoir  of  Hernando  d'Es- 
calcinte  Fontaneda  (translated  by  Buckingham  Smith,  edited 

by  David  O.  True;  Coral  Gables,  Florida:   University  of 
Miami  Press,  1944).   De  Escalante  appears  on  a  Spanish 
ration  list  of  1565-66,  with  another  captive  at  Carlos, 
Alonso  de  Rojas,  as  an  interpreter.   See  "Lista  de  la 
gente  .  .  .  conquista  de  Florida,"  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941, 
fol.  9  and  10  (in  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida 
History).   The  culture  of  Carlos,  Calus,  or  Escampaba  was 
a  vigorous  one,  whose  history  is  well  described  by  Pro- 
fessor Charlton  W.  Tebeau  in  Florida's  Last  Frontier  (Coral 
Geibles:   University  of  Miami  Press,  1956),  pp.  25-32.   Dr. 
John  M.  Goggin  has  identified  it  as  a  Glades  III  culture  in 
"Cultural  Traditions  in  Florida  prehistory,"  from  The  Florida 
Indian  and  his  Neighbors  (edited  by  John  W.  Griffin;  Winter 
Park,  Florida:   Rollins  College,  1949).   The  northern  boun- 
daries of  the  Calusa  area  on  the  peninsular  west  coast  were 
defined  by  Ripley  P.  Bullen  in  "The  Southern  Limit  of  Timucua 
Territory,"  op.  cit.   Woodbury  Lowery,  in  The  Spanish 


Settlements/  II,  states  his  belief  that  the  capital  city  of 
Carlos  was  located  at  Charlotte  Harbor;  see  pp.  230-231,  n.  2. 
On  the  other  hand.  Father  Clifford  M.  Lewis  posits  the  loca- 
tion of  Mound  Key  in  Estero  Bay;  this  view  is  expressed  in 
an  unpublished  manuscript  entitled  "The  Speinish  Jesuit 
Mission  of  1567-69  in  Southwest  Florida:  Search  for  Location," 
%n:itten  at  Wheeling,  West  Virginia  in  1967.   After  reading 
the  description  in  Juem  L6pez  de  Velasco,  Geograffa  uni- 
versal de  las  Indias,  esp,  164,  this  writer  tends  to  agree 
with  Father  Lewis. 

38.  From  Men^ndez'  letter  to  the  King,  St.  Augustine, 
October  20,  1566.  Pedro  Men^ndez  Marqu^z  advises  that  eighteen 
captive  Christians  were  rescued  at  Carlos;  see  "Darios  de 

los  Indies  de  la  Florida,"  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3, 
ramo  20.   With  Rojas  and  Escalante  appear  the  name  of  "Luis, 
mulatto,  interpreter  of  the  land  of  Carlos" — from  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  941,  fol.  9,  in  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library 
of  Florida  History. 

39.  See  Menendez*  letter  to  the  King,  St.  Augustine, 
October  20,  1566. 

40.  Captain  Velez  describes  the  incident  in  "Informa- 
cion  que  enbio  el  General  Pedro  Melendez  de  Avil^s  sobre 
cierto  motin  que  passo  en  la  Florida,"  A.G.I.  Justicia  999. 
The  caravel  can  be  identified  from  the  list  in  "Despachos 
que  se  hicieron,"  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A,  and 
is  also  mentioned  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  1,174.   The  descrip- 
tion of  the  number  of  survivors  of  the  garrison  is  found  in 
the  "Meritos  y  servicios  de  Diego  L6pez,"  St.  Augustine, 
December  16,  1569,  from  the  Woodbury  Lowery  Collection, 

in  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History,  I: 
2:  414:   265-290. 

41.  The  author  has  utilized  the  detailed  testimonies 
about  the  soldiers*  revolts  of  March,  1566,  and  later  in 
that  year  which  are  found  in  several  piezas  in  A.G.I. 
Justicia  999.   It  appears  that  some  of  this  material  had 
originally  been  located  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci5n  58,  but  is 
not  now  to  be  found  in  that  legajo.   The  papers  were  evi- 
dently gathered  in  connection  with  appeals  of  the  Redroban 
euid  Enriquez  cases  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies. 

42.  See  "Order  to  hcuig  Sebastiein  Lezcano,"  St.  Augus- 
tine, March  13,  1566,  from  "El  Fiscal  de  Su  Majestad  con 

el  Capitan  Pedro  de  Redroban,"  A.G.I.  Justicia  999. 

43.  From  statement  about  his  arrival  given  on  March 
27,  1566,  and  found  in  "Infojnnaci6n  que  enbio  el  General 
Pedro  Melendez  .  .  .  ,"  A.G.I.  Justicia  999. 


44.  Statement  of  Pedro  Menlndez  de  Avil^s,  St. 
Augustine,  March  22,  1566,  from  "Informacion  que  enbfo 
.  .  .  ,"  A.G.I.  Justlcia  999. 

45.  Pedro  Men^ndez  forwarded  the  procesos  of  the  cases 
to  the  King  with  his  letter  written  at  Havana  on  July  1, 
1566,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  168  (Stetson  Collection). 

46.  Juem  L6pez  de  Velasco,  Geograffa  universal  de  las 
Indias,  p.  168. 

47.  After  comparing  the  Velasco  derrotero  with  later 
maps,  the  writer  would  follow  the  identification  of  Guale 
inlets  suggested  by  Jofm  Tate  Lanning  in  The  Spanish  Mis- 
sions of  Georgia  (Chapel  Hill:   University  of  North  Carolina 
Press,  1935) ,  p.  11,  and  seconded  by  Felix  Zubillaga  in 

La  Florida,  p.  353,  and  by  Verne  Chatelain,  The  Defenses  of 
Spanish  Florida,  1565-1763  (Washington:  Carnegie  Insti- 
tution  of  Washington,  1941),  esp.  35-40.  The  most  complete 
record  of  the  Guale  visit  in  the  spring  of  1566  is  in  Solis 
de  Meras,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  199-210.  The  mission- 
aries' letters  cited  by  Zubillaga  give  by  far  the  best  view 
of  Guale  in  the  Menendez  years  to  1572. 

48.  Menendez  described  his  policy  of  peripheral 
settlement  in  his  letter  to  Philip  II,  written  from  St. 
Augustine  on  October  20,  1566,  and  found  in  A.G.I.  Santo 
Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collection) . 

49.  The  descriptions  of  the  port  of  Santa  Elena  or 
Port  Royal  are  taken  from  the  contemporary  account  of  Jucin 
Lopez  de  Velasco,  in  Geografia  universal  de  las  Indias, 
pp.  161,  169.   The  specific  location  of  Menendez'  first 
fort  there  was  also  described  in  the  "Derrotero  que  hizo 
Andres  Gonzalez,  piloto  de  la  Florida,  del  viage  que 
verifico  al  Xacan,"  from  A.G.I.  Patronato  19,  No.  1,  ramo 

50.  Alas'  first  appointment  is  affirmed  in  his 
later  nombramiento  as  Governor  of  Florida,  found  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  941,  in  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida 
History,  under  the  date  of  August,  1566. 

51.  The  shipments,  carried  from  February  through  May, 
1566,  in  the  navios  La  Ascensi6n,  Santa  Ysabel,  and  San 
Simon,  in  the  pataches  San  Sebastian,  Buenaventura,  and 
San  Mateo,  the  fregata  Espiritu  Santo  and  the  bergantin 
San  Anton,  are  detailed  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  1,174  and 
described  in  "Los  despachos  que  se  hicieron,"  from  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 


52.  Menendez'  promise  to  supply  Santa  Elena  quickly 
was  described  by  Licenciado  Godoy  in  "Governor  Osorio  sobre 
los  cuttotinados  de  Scinta  Elena,"  Havana,  July  5,  1566,  from 
A.G.I.  Justicia  999.   The  burning  of  the  fort  and  the 
destruction  of  its  contents  was  mentioned  in  A.G.I,  Jus- 
ticia 817,  No.  5,  and  in  "Informaci6n  ante  el  Alcalde 
desta  Corte,"  Madrid,  October  16,  1567,  from  A.G.I. 
Escribanla  de  Cimara  1,024-A. 

53.  The  Soils  de  MerSs  narrative  and  the  work  of  Felix 
Zubillaga  appear  to  have  confused  cind  merged  the  two  voyages 
to  the  Calusa  area,  that  of  February  and  that  of  May,  1566. 
The  register  of  ship  sailings  from  "Los  despachos  que  se 
hicieron,"  in  A.G.I.  Escribanfa  de  c£mara  1,024-A  clearly 
show  that  the  second  voyage  was  for  the  purpose  of  bringing 
Dona  Antonia  to  Havana, 

54.  Ximeno  de  Bretendona,  the  owner  of  Santa  Catalina,  oit- 
lined  the  damages  caused  in  the  Florida  expedition  in  his 
petition  for  larger  charter  fees  in  a  petition  found  in  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  2,673.   The  return  of  the  vessel  is  also 
mentioned  in  "Informacidn  de  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles, 
Seville,  1567-68,"  A.G.I.  Contratacion  4,802  (Stetson  Collec- 
tion) . 

55.  The  refusal  to  aid  Menendez  is  described  in  a 
letter  from  Juan  de  Hinestrosa  and  Juan  de  Carteaga  to  the 
Crown,  Havana,  December  24,  1568,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo 
115  (Stetson  Collection),   Solis  de  Meras  mentions  the  epi- 
sode in  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  p.  141,   The  visita  of 
Licenciado  Valderrama  is  detailed  by  Mariano  x:uevas  in 
Historia  de  la  Iglesia  en  Mexico  (Mexico  City:   Imprenta 

de  el  Asilo  "Patricio  Sanz,"  1922),  II,  2  v.,  70,  95,  122, 
180-190,  252-253,  324, 

56.  See  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  to  Crown,  Havana, 
July  1,  1566,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  168  (Stetson  Col- 
lection), and  Garcia  Osorio  to  Crown,  Havana,  July  3,  1566, 
from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collection). 

57.  The  passage  of  Archiniega's  ships  and  the  accounts 
of  his  Almiranta  are  discussed  in  a  large  pieza  in  A.G.I. 
Contratacion  3,259  (Stetson  Collection).   This  legajo  also 
contains  a  list  of  the  Florida  troops  aboard;  many  of  these 
same  men  can  also  be  identified  by  later  petitions  for  their 
back  pay;  these  are  found  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  310-B;  the 
writer  is  indebted  to  Paul  E.  Hoffman  for  this  citation. 
Archiniega's  letter  to  the  King  is  dated  at  San  Juan  on 
June  11,  1566,  and  is  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  71  (Stetson 
Collection) . 


58.  See  "Peticion  de  Diego  de  Buytrago,"  seen  in 
Madrid  on  March  31,  1568,  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General 
1,220.   The  case  itself  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Justicia  1,000. 

59.  A  record  of  some  of  the  formalities  at  St.  Augus- 
tine when  the  fleet  arrived  there  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Contra- 
taci6n  58. 


In  contrast  to  his  feelings  of  the  previous  summer, 
the  Spanish  King  could  feel  a  degree  of  satisfaction  by 
inid-1566  about  affairs  in  Florida.   He  had  learned  fully  of 
the  victory  of  his  Adelantado  there,  and  had  dispatched  to 
him  a  fleet  of  reinforcement.   In  a  mood  of  approbation, 
Philip  II  wrote  Menendez  late  in  the  spring  praising  his  acts 
and  acknowledging  all  of  his  dispatches  sent  from  August 
through  December  of  the  previous  year.   The  King  advised 
that  he  was  sending  formal  confirmation  of  the  appointments 
of  captains  and  officials  that  Pedro  Menendez  had  made, 
noted  his  approval  of  Menendez'  seizure  of  the  Portuguese 
caravel  taken  off  C\aba,  and  supported  him  in  the  Parra  con- 
troversy with  Garcia  Osorio.   On  the  same  date,  a  royal 
letter  of  commendation  was  sent  to  Bartolome  Menendez. 

Another  of  Pedro  Menendez*  proteges  was  soon  to  be 
honored,  as  the  Adelantado  had  wished.   On  July  5,  1566, 
Captadn  Diego  Flores  Valdes  was  named  General  of  the  Tierra 
Fiirme  fleet  which  would  next  leave  Spain  for  the  Indies. 

Thus  the  influence  of  the  Menendez  coterie  in  the 



Carrera  de  Indias  continued,  even  while  many  of  its  members 
were  heavily  engaged  in  the  Florida  enterprise. 

By  spring  of  1566,  the  news  of  the  slaughters  at 
Natcuizas  and  Fort  Caroline  had  provoked  a  formal  reaction 
from  the  Valois  court.  On  June  18,  Ambassador  Fourquevaux 
filed  a  second  written  protest  against  the  acts  of  Pedro 
Menendez  in  Florida  on  behalf  of  the  French  King.   He  pre- 
sented his  protest  in  an  audience  with  Philip  II,  who  took 
the  matter  under  advisement.   The  French  Ambassador  followed 
up  his  protest  with  a  detailed  letter  about  the  situation 
of  individual  French  prisoners  being  held  in  Florida,  Cuba, 
Puerto  Rico  and  Spain.   When  the  Spcinish  ruler  gave 
Fourquevaux  his  reply,  he  decreed  that  all  female  prisoners 
and   their  children  under  14  years  of  age  could  return  to 
Seville,  where  they  would  be  freed.   The  men  would  also  be 
brought  to  the  Andalucian  port,  where  their  cases  would  be 
tried  under  Spanish  law  by  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n.   Philip 
II  refused,  however,  to  categorize  Pedro  Menendez  or  his 
acts  as  criminal. 

By  midsummer  of  1566,  events  in  the  Netherlands 
dominions  of  Philip  II  clearly  justified  substantial  con- 
cern.  The  King's  efforts  to  enforce  obedience  to  the 
Tridentine  decrees  he  had  proclaimed,  together  with  some 
episcopal  reforms  of  his  own,  had  brought  first  passive  and 
then  active  resistance.   As  Philip  II  pondered  the  con- 
flicting advice  of  his  counsellors  in  this  matter,  the 


direction  he  sent  Margauret  of  Parma,  the  Regent,  was  con- 
ciliatory.  His  decision  finally  to  take  a  hard  line  was 
dictated  by  the  outbrecJc  of  the  iconoclastic  fervor  which 
swept  Flanders  in  August,  1566.  After  that  time,  rebellion 
and  heresy  in  the  Netherlcinds  were  fused  in  the  mind  of  the 
King,  and  he  determined  to  send  an   army  shortly  to  enforce 
his  will.  A  new  battleground  in  the  worldwide  war  against 
"the  Lutheran  sect"  was  cibout  to  open,  but  this  did  not  make 
the  needs  of  the  Indies  any  less  pressing.   Having  expended 
much  upon  Florida,  Philip  II  was  prepared  to  spend  more. 
He  authorized  a  shipload  of  supplies  for  the  royal  troops  in 
Florida  to  serve  as  a  backup  for  the  original  Men^ndez  and 
the  Archiniegas  expeditions.   The  urea  Pantecras  was  loaded 
with  food  cind  munitions  and  sent  with  its  Flemish  master 
at  a  cost  to  the  Crown  of  more  than  26,000  ducats. 

The  urea  contained  a  vital  cargo  of  another  kind:  Two 
priests,  a  brother  of  the  Society  of  Jesus  and  an  interpre- 
ter, sent  to  Florida  to  begin  the  great  effort  of  evangeli- 
zation of  the  Florida  Indians.   Thxis  the  "shock-troops  of 
the  Counter-Reformation"  would  furnish  the  necessary 
spiritual  weapons  in  the  struggle  against  heresy.   Pedro  de 
Bustin(jury,  the  Basque  who  had  for  many  years  been  a  captive 
of  the  Ais  on  the  east  coast  of  the  peninsula,  would  aid  the 
missionaries  in  their  communication  with  the  Indians  until 
they  could  themselves  learn  the  languages  of  Florida. 


Pedro  Men^ndez  had  considered  other  religious  orders 
for  the  work  in  Florida,  but  he  had  been  in  contact  with  the 
Jesuits  for  some  time.   His  friendship  with  Diego  de 
Avellemeda,  the  provincial  of  Andalusia,  dated  back  to  the 
time  of  his  imprisonment  in  the  Atarazanas  in  1563-1564. 
During  his  preparations  for  the  1565  journey  in  Seville, 
Menendez  had  written  Francisco  de  Borja,  then  vicar-general 
of  the  order,  asking  for  missionaries  for  Florida.   Within 
60  days,  Borja  replied,  giving  his  approval  and  advising 
that  he  would  attempt  to  send  three  missionaries. 

Although  the  necessary  formalities  with  the  Casa  de 
Contratacion  were  completed  in  time  for  Jesuits  to  sail  with 
the  Archiniegas  expedition,  it  appears  that  internal  com- 
plications in  the  Society  prevented  it.   Examination  of  the 
correspondence  of  the  missionaries  with  their  superiors  and 
of  the  qualifications  of  the  men  chosen  for  the  task  re- 
veals the  zeal  and  the  quality  of  the  Jesuit  mission.   The 
order  which  served  as  the  cutting  edge  of  conversion  and 
reconversion  in  Europe  and  overseas  was  characterized  by 
orgemizational  discipline  and  personal  dedication.   These 
qualities  would  now  be  put  to  the  test  in  the  Jesuits' 
first  commitment  to  American  missions.   The  three  men 
chosen  were  Fathers  Pedro  Martinez,  Jucin  Rogel  amd  Brother 
Francisco  Villareal.   They  spent  the  time  prior  to  the  de- 
parture of  the  urea  preaching  to  the  men  in  the  New  Spain 
fleet  and  preparing  themselves  spiritually  for  the  tasks 
ahead.   The  Pantecras  sailed  June  28,  1566. 


Nhile  the  Spamish  Crown  was  busily  engaged  in  the 
supply  and  support  of  Florida,  the  agents  of  Pedro  Men^ndez 
were  no  less  so.   Pedro  Men^ndez  Marqu^z,  who  had  come  from 
Cuba  with  his  uncle's  dispatches,  visited  Pedro  del 
Castillo  in  CSdiz.   He  then  went  to  the  court  and   thence  to 
Asturias  to  restock  the  vessel  San  Sebastiam  for  the  journey 
to  Florida.   In  the  port  of  Cangas,  Menendez  Marqu^z  super- 
vised the  loading  of  the  vessel;  in  addition  to  the  items  of 
food  euid  drink  permitted  by  the  Florida  asiento,  he  also 
loaded  tar,  rigging,  ship  fastenings  auid  cloth — illegal 
cargo  under  the  King's  contract. 

After  Menendez  Marqu^z'  departure  from  Ccidiz,  bad  news 
reached  Pedro  del  Castillo  there.  One  of  Mendndez'  pataches 
had  been  teiken  by  Turkish  galleys  off  the  Andalusian  coast 
on  its  way  from  Santo  Domingo,  the  second  ship  from  Florida 
to  be  seized  in  a  few  months.   Castillo  had  other  problems 
as  well,  for  the  Casa  representative  in  Cadiz,  Juan  de 
Abalia,  was  delaying  the  sailing  of  other  vessels  of  the 
Adelantado.   Pedro  del  Castillo  protested  eibout  this  to  the 
King  cind  also  asked  again  for  the  payment  of  back  charter 
fees  due  on  San  Miguel  cind  San  Pelayo.   The  great  galeass 
was  now  known  to  have  been  totally  destroyed  upon  the 
D2Uiish  coast. 

As  the  ships  beairing  supplies,  reinforcements,  eind 
missionaries  left  Spain  for  Florida,  the  French  were  also 


preparing  ships  for  an  Indies  venture.   More  than  20  vessels 
were  being  outfitted  in  Norman  emd  Breton  ports  for  a  major 
raid  upon  Spamish  amd  Portuguese  commerce. 

Meanwhile,  in  Florida,  while  the  Archiniega  expedition 
began  to  disembark  its  soldiery  and  unload  supplies  and 
mimitions  in  St.  Augustine,  Pedro  Menendez  had  not  yet  re- 
turned from  his  most  recent  trip  to  Havana.   His  major 
lieutenants  at  St.  Augustine,  Pedro  de  Vald^s,  Bartolom^ 
Menendez,  Hernando  de  Miranda  and  Juan  de  Junco  agreed  with 
the  leaders  of  the  expedition  to  send  the  two  largest  ships 
to  Santa  Elena  with  supplies.   It  was  agreed  that  pilot 
Gonzalo  Gayon,  experienced  from  the  Villafane  and  Manrique 
de  Rojas  expeditions  to  that  place,  would  guide  the  ships. 
Captain  Juan  Pardo's  company  of  250  men  was  embarked  aboard 

as  reinforcement  for  the  northern  garrison.   By  July  18,  the 

relief  ships  had  arrived  at  Santa  Elena. 

When  the  Adelantado  landed  again  in  Florida,  he  touched 
first  at  the  St.  Johns'  River  and  learned  to  his  inexpress- 
ible relief  .and  satisfaction,  that  the  Archiniega  fleet  had 
arrived.   By  July  10,  Menendez  was  in  St.  Augustine  where  he 
met  with  Sancho  de  Archiniega  to  arrange  the  disposition  and 
division  of  the  forces  which  he  had  brought. 

The  two  men  agreed  that  750  soldiers,  one  half  of  the 
new  reinforcements,  would  remain  in  the  Florida  forts.   Cap- 
tain Pedro  de  Redroban,  em  experienced  military  engineer, 
remained  in  St.  Augustine  with  his  company  to  aid  in 


reconstruction  of  the  fort.  Another  officer  who  had  arrived 
with  Archiniega,  Miguel  de  Enriquez,  was  also  stationed  at 
the  first  settlement.  Colonel  Orsuna  did  not  come  to 
Florida,  emd  his  company  was  assigned  to  Juan  de  Vascocaval. 
The  compamy  of  Captain  Martin  de  Ochoa  remained  at  Sem 
Mateo;  the  fort  there  was  still  commanded  by  Sargento  Mayor 
Gonzalo  de  Villaroel.   Death  and  the  desertion  of  some 
officers  had  left  some  companies  decimated  and  others  leader- 
less.   Fremcisco  de  Reinoso  was  promoted  to  Captain  and 
assigned  the  men  who  would  shortly  leave  for  the  new  fort 
at  Ccurlos.   Captain  Juan  Velez  de  Medrano  of  Ais  and 
Captain  Zurita  would  go  with  the  Adelantado  on  his  voyage 
to  reinforce  the  Caribbean  islands.   Until  they  left,  the 
forces  designated  for  the  West  Indies  expedition  could 
stiffen  Menendez*  forces  for  special  missions  he  had  planned 
in  Florida. 

To  replace  the  military  organization  he  had  used  to 
defeat  the  French,  Pedro  Menendez  had  prepared  a  system  of 
regional  lieutenants  exercising  civil  cmd  military  powers 
tinder  the  overall  commauid  of  another  subordinate.   As  the 
Adelantado  pleinned  a  journey  of  some  months  in  the  Islcuids 
and  a  lengthy  voyage  to  Spain  in  the  coming  year,  he  decided 
to  act  as  an  absentee  overlord,  while  Florida  would  be  ad- 
ministered by  his  nortefio  associates. 

It  was  now  time  for  Pedro  Menendez  to  go  northward  for 
his  final  tour  of  inspection  of  the  new  settlements  made 


there  in  the  spring.  After  his  vessels  left  St.  Augustine 
the  Adelantado  paused  at  San  Mateo  on  August  1  to  commission 
am  expedition  to  the  north.   It  was  Menendez'  plan  that  it 
probe  for  the  "Bahia  de  Santa  Maria"  and  the  Western  Passage 
while  Don  Luis  de  Velasco,  the  Jacan  chieftain,  made  the 
first  contact  with  the  Indians  there.   The  Adelantado  also 
instructed  his  men  to  reaffirm  the  Spanish  dynastic  claims 
by  taking  formal  possession  of  the  Icinds  in  the  name  of 
Philip  II.   An  Asturian  relative  of  Menendez,  Pedro  de 
Coronas,  was  promoted  to  Captain  and  directed  to  share 
authority  for  the  expedition  with  Dominican  friar  Pablo  de 
San  Pedro.   A  skilled  pilot,  Domingo  Fernandez,  and  15 
soldiers  rounded  out  the  contingent,  which  sailed  in  the 
patache  La  Trinidad  on  August  3,  1566.    Pedro  Menendez 
had  already  sailed  for  Santa  Elena. 

When  the  Adelantado  dropped  anchor  in  the  Santa  Elena 
harbor,  he  discovered  that  the  garrison  had  almost  been 
wiped  out  in  June  by  a  mutiny  which  had  followed  much  the 
same  course  as  those  in  the  south.   The  arrival  of  the 
promised  supply  vessel  had  precipitated  a  full  scale 
revolt.   Trouble  had  flared  earlier  when  a  junta  of  dis- 
satisfied soldiers  forced  Esteban  de  las  Alas  to  permit  them 
to  wander  inland  seeking  food  from  the  Indians.   Now  the 
leaders  of  the  mutineers  seized  the  Spanish  commander  cind 
Captain  Pedro  de  Larrsmdia  and  put  them  in  irons.   The 
rebels  divided  the  meager  supplies  euid  munitions  in  the  fort 


and  left  some  with  the  twenty-six  men  who  chose  to  remain 
with  their  leaders  at  Santa  Elena.  The  mutineers  then 
deserted  the  enterprise  of  Florida  by  sailing  away  with 
the  captxired  vessel  emd  a  French  Huguenot  pilot,  Phillipe 
Buser.   Their  adventure  ended  at  Tequesta  in  Biscayne  Bay 
for  some;  for  the  rest,  it  ended  in  their  capture  by  Governor 
Osorio  in  Cuba  more  than  a  month  later. 

The  infusion  of  men  and  supplies  provided  by  the 
Archiniega  expedition  allowed  Pedro  Men^ndez  to  turn  the 
situation  at  Samta  Elena  around.   When  he  arrived,  Men^ndez 
found  that  Pardo  emd  de  las  Alas  had  the  situation  under 
control  and  had  arrived  at  a  modus  vivendi,  in  which  the 
Captain  scrupulously  observed  the  jurisdiction  of  the  senior 
official.   The  Adelantado  allotted  enough  soldiers  to  build 
and  man  a  larger  and  better  fort.  With  the  rest,  Juan  Pardo 
was  to  undertake  a  lengthy  exploration  into  the  interior  of 
Florida  and  was  to  seek  the  land  and  water  route  to  New 
Spain,  thus  coitpleting  the  unfinished  work  of  Hernando  de 
Soto.  Menendez'  most  significant  action  at  Santa  Elena  was 
governmental,  for  he  shifted  the  center  of  the  Adelantamiento 
of  Florida.   Esteban  de  las  Alas  was  nauned  Chief  Lieutenant 
and  was  to  exercise  his  control  from  Santa  Elena,  which 

became  the  capital  of  Florida.  Alas'  appointment  as  Gov- 
ernor and  Captain-General  was  dated  August,  1566.  In  St 
Augustine  and  at  San  Mateo,  regional  Governors  Bartolome 


Men^ndez  and  Gonzalo  Villaroel  would  continue  to  exercise 
their  offices.   Jucin  de  Junco  remained  in  the  office  of 
Tenedor  de  Bastimentos  at  St.  Augustine  while  Thomas  Alonso 
de  Alas  carried  out  the  same  duties  in  Seuita  Elena. 

On  August  17,  Men^ndez  paused  on  his  return  journey 
south  to  leave  Captain  Pedro  de  Larrandia,  whom  he  had 
detached  from  the  Santa  Elena  garrison,  at  Guale.   Six  sol- 
diers were  left  at  Guale  where  they  began  a  small  fort  near 
the  Indicm  settlements.    By  the  28th  of  the  month,  the 
Adelantado  reached  San  Mateo  and  foiond  that  there  had  been 
a  second  rebellion  in  the  peninsular  garrisons.   This  time, 
the  uprising  had  been  rapidly  discovered  and  contained,  and 
there  was  little  for  Menendez  to  do  but  hear  the  legal 
appeals  of  the  prisoners  who  were  still  alive.   This  time, 
the  troubles  had  also  begun  in  the  garrison  of  Fort  San 
Mateo.    Dissension  centered  in  the  company  of  Captain 
Pedro  Redroban,   although  soldiers  from  other  companies 
were  also  involved.   Unhappy  with  the  land  and  their  assign- 
ment in  Florida,  the  soldiers  had  been  brought  to  a  state 
of  tension  by  continual  Indian  raids  and  began  to  whisper 
of  desertion.   In  the  forts,  there  was  talk  of  the  treasure 
there  was  in  the  land  of  Carlos  for  einy  man  to  take. 
Redroban 's  sergeant,  Pedro  de  Pando,  and  his  cousin,  Joaquin 
de  Redroban,  formed  a  party  whose  aim  it  was  to  go  overland 
to  Carlos.   After  mcdcing  themselves  rich,  the  rebels  plamned 
to  make  their  way  to  New  Spain  and  be  forever  freed  of  the 


misery  of  service  in  Florida.  More  than  100  men  bemded 
together  and  set  out,  but  had  gone  only  a  short  disteuice 
«rtien  they  %rere  intercepted  and  halted  by  Pedro  de  Valdes. 
He  pron^tly  put  the  leaders  of  the  pcirty  on  trial.   Gonzalo 
Villaroel  arrested  Joaquin  de  Redrobcui  at  Seui  Mateo  and  his 
trial  began  August  13.   On  the  24th,  Valdes  issued  a  formal 
order  that  the  mcin  be  hung  for  his  "enormous  and  atrocious 
guilt."  As  Villaroel  prepared  to  carry  out  the  order, 
Redroban  approached  the  coiort  through  his  procurador  to 
make  a  formal  appeal  to  the  Adelantado. 

The  time  had  come  for  Men^ndez  to  grasp  firmly  the 
nettle  of  the  Indian  problem  which  his  garrisons  faced  in 
the  whole  of  the  lower  St.  Johns.   Throughout  the  year, 
the  Spanish  continued  to  suffer  casualties  from  annoying 
Indian  raids.   Succinct  marginal  comments  in  the  Florida 
ration  lists  indicate  that  many  of  the  killed  and  wounded 
had  been  caught  in  ambush.  When  the  Indiems  suddenly 
attacked  with  bows  and  arrows,  the  Spanish  were  uneible 
quickly  to  return  fire  with  their  arquebuses,  and  the  little 
skirmishes  often  ended  with  several  Spanish  dead  left  on 
the  groxind.   Menendez  proposed  to  protect  his  men  with 
padded  cotton  jackets  (escupiles)  which  had  been  used  in 
New  Spain  and  Yucatan  and  further  plcuined  to  augment  his 
firepower  with  crossbows,  which  could  come  into  action 
rapidly  and  cover  the  arquebusman  while  he  prepared  to  fire 
his  awkward  weapon. 


In  contravention  of  his  royal  orders  and   contrary  to 
his  ovm  expressed  policy,  Pedro  Men^dez  found  himself 
forced  to  practice  alliemce  politics  with  the  Indians  in 
order  to  lessen  the  attacks  upon  his  men.  The  hostility 
of  Saturiba  and  his  allies,  who  occupied  the  lower  St.  Johns 
and  the  mouth  of  the  St.  Mary's  River,  made  some  action 
essential.  The  Adelcintado  chose  to  attempt  to  immobilize 
his  opposition,  eind  Menendez  prepared  for  a  voyage  up  the 
St.  Johns.   Among  the  allies  and  enemies  of  Saturiba,  still 
uneasy  from  the  wars  in  the  time  of  Laudonniere,  he  might 
be  able  to  meike  profitaible  treaties.  At  the  saiae  time,  the 
Adelantado  could  test  his  theory  of  a  water  route  across  the 

At  the  end  of  August,  1566,  with  three  small  craft  and 
100  men,  Menendez  made  his  way  upriver.    Not  20  miles  from 
San  Mateo,  he  came  to  the  village  of  Otina,  who  had  once 
been  captured  by  Laudonniere.  That  chief  was  most  wary  of 
entanglements  with  the  Spauiish,  as  he  had  already  suffered 
considerably  from  involvement  with  Europeams,  cind  he  refused 
to  treat  with  Menendez.   The  expedition  passed  on  southward, 
camping  at  nights  under  guard  on  river  beaches  on  the  cypress 
shoreline.   The  Spanish  bypassed  the  towns  of  Chief  Calabay, 
near  the  great  double  bend  in  the  river  near  the  present 
Palatka,  traversed  Lake  George  emd  found  the  river  notice- 
ably more  naurrow.   Further  on,  they  knew,  lay  the  land  of 


Menendez  met  with  no  success  in  dealing  with  the  Mayaca 
Indians.  After  finding  the  main  village  empty  amd  deserted, 
the  Speuiiards  advanced  in  their  boats  until  they  reached  a 
narrow  point  in  the  river.   There  they  were  threatened  by 
hos tiles  with  bow  cmd  arrow  and  they  found  the  waterway 
blocked  with  stakes.   There  was  no  negotiation  with  Chief 
Mayaca,  neither  had  the  water  passage  to  the  Gulf  been 
found.   There  was  nothing  to  do  but  to  return  the  way  they 
had  come. 

On  the  voyage  down  river,  however,  Men^ndez  realized 
some  fruitful  adveuitage  from  his  expedition.   After  tenta- 
tive but  favorable  contact  with  the  Calabay  chief,  the 
Spemiards  left  some  soldiers  to  begin  the  teaching  of  a 
simplified  Gospel.   This  move  stirred  the  jealousy  of 
Saturiba  and  the  interest  of  Utina  and  even  of  Mayaca.   The 
Adelantado  was  finally  cUble  to  send  catechists  and  gifts  to 
Utina  and  Mayaca. 

When  he  returned  to  San  Mateo,  Pedro  Men^ndez  was  in 
time  to  preside  over  the  appeal  of  the  mutiny  case  against 
Joaquin  Redroban.   The  case  was  heard  aboard  a  ship  anchored 
off  the  fort  and  was  very  brief,  for  the  Adelantado  simply 
noted  that  he  busily  occupied  with  the  disptach  of  his  West 
Indies  expedition  and  remanded  the  convicted  man  back  to 
Sargento  Mayor  Villaroel.   Redrobcin  was  probably  hung; 
Vald4s  notes  that  three  of  the  guilty  were  executed  euid 
three  others  sentenced  to  10  years'  galley  service.   A 


continually  widening  circle  of  suspicion  soon  included  Cap- 
tain Pedro  de  Redroban.   Although  there  seems  no"  valid 
evidence  that  he  was  involved  in  the  mutiny  plot.  Captain 
Redroban  was  arrested  on  September  12,   The  mutinies  of 
1566  had  come  to  an  end,  but  their  unwholesome  effects 
continued  to  be  felt. 

After  his  return  to  St.  Augustine,  Pedro  Men^ndez 
commissioned  his  experienced  Piloto  Mayor  Gonzalo  Gay6n,  to 
make  a  journey  to  Mayaca.   Gay6n  was  ordered  to  take  a  small 
ship  down  the  east  coast  and  treat  with  the  chief  for  the 
ransom  of  French  and  Spanish  captives  reputedly  in  his 
power.    Menendez  also  sent  Francisco  de  Reinoso,  promoted 
to- Captain,  to  establish  a  fort  and  colony  at  Carlos,  near 
the  other  end  of  the  supposed  waterway.   With  him  went  12 
soldiers,  six  of  them  noblemen  and  six  farmer-soldiers,  the 
Indiem  heir  to  Chief  Carlos  and  two  interpreters.   The 
mission  of  Reinoso  and  the  others  was  to  win  the  confidence 
of  the  chief,  build  a  fort  and  begin  the  cultivation  of 
the  land.-"-^ 

As  he  prepared  the  ships  and  men  which  were  to  embark 
with  him  on  his  anti-corsair  expedition,  Pedro  Men€ndez  was 
saddened  to  learn  of  the  unfortunate  results  of  the  voyage 
of  the  urea  Pantecras.   News  was  brought  to  St.  Augustine 
that  the  relief  ship  had  lost  its  way  and  put  a  small  craft 
ashore  to  seek  directions  to  St.  Augustine.   The  boat,  with 
Father  Martinez,  one  of  the  Jesuit  missionaries,  aboard 


was  attacked  by  the  Indians  on  September  29,  1566.   The 
priest  and  three  other  men  were  killed,  not  far  from  San 
Mateo.   Before  their  mission  had  fairly  begun,  the  Jesuits 

had  already  obtained  a  martyr.   The  urea,  unable  to  find 

the  Florida  ports,  went  on  to  Havana  to  unload  its  supplies. 

After  establishing  more  firmly  his  system  of  government 
for  the  control  of  the  Florida  provinces,  the  Adelantado 
next  filled  out  his  scheme  with  more  detailed  regulations. 
The  lessons  of  the  mutinies  on  the  Indieui  River,  at  St. 
Augustine,  San  Mateo  and  Santa  Elena  were  not  lost  upon 
him.   After  due  consideration  by  the  cabildo  in  St.  Augustine, 
Pedro  Menendez  published  seventeen  ordinances  for  the  govern- 
ing of  Florida.   These  regulations  ran  the  gamut  from  mili- 
tary discipline,  through  religious  instruction  in  the  forts, 


to  the  powers  and  functions  of  the  cabildos. 

By  voice  and  trumpet,  Menendez  had  the  ordinances  pro- 
claimed in  the  fort  and  city  of  St.  Augustine  and  had  them 
conveyed  also  to  the  other  Spanish  Florida  settlements. 
The  Adelantado  prefaced  his  laws  with  a  discourse  on  why 
previous  attempts  to  settle  Florida  had  been  a  dismal 
failure;  he  felt  that  poor  discipline  euid  lack  of  firm 
authority  had  doomed  the  other  efforts  of  conquest  and 
evangelization.   Now,  he  said,  victory  had  been  gained 
over  the  French  heretics  and  His  Majesty  had  sent  fifteen 
hundred  troops  to  support  his  untiring  efforts  in  the  land. 
So  that  this  enterprise,  too,  should  not  fail,  the  regula- 
tions had  been  established. 


The  punishments  set  in  the  ordinances  for  deviations 
from  military  order  and  discipline  were  harsh.   Insubordina- 
tion, blasphemy  or  fighting  with  sword  or  dagger  were 
punished  with  time  in  the  stocks,  whipping,  deprivation  of 
rations,  months  at  hard  labor  on  the  fortifications,  by 
perpetual  sentencing  to  the  galleys  or  by  death.  Attendance 
at  mass  and  the  learning  of  the  catechism  was  obligatory 
upon  the  garrison,  on  pain  of  punishment. 

In  Florida,  the  ancient  Spanish  municipal  institutions 
were  utilized  as  the  means  for  both  civil  emd  military 
government.   In  each  fort,  the  cabildo  was  to  meet  twice 
weekly  to  consider  current  business.   Its  membership  would 
consist  of  the  Governor,  military  captains,  the  royal 
treasury  officials,  the  alcaldes,  procurador,  a  representa- 
tive of  the  clergy  and  the  tenedor  de  bastimentos.   The 
members  would  choose  the  alcalde,  procurador,  an  alquacil 
and  the  alcaide  of  the  public  jail  in  annual  elections. 
The  whole  body  would  deal  with  matters  of  coramxinity  concern 
and  legal  matters,  both  civil  and  military.   The  clergy 
member  was  given  a  vote  only  in  civil  cases.  Jurisdiction 
euid  authority  were  given  to  deal  with  legal  cases  and 
execute  sentence  (barring  appeal  by  the  convicted  party) 
in  cases  of  mutiny  and  sentences  of  ten  thousand  maravedis 
and  less.   During  military  emergencies,  the  cabildo  called 
to  deal  with  such  situations  should  consist  only  of  the 
Governor  and  Captains.   Appeals  taken  from  the  legal 


processes  of  the  alcalde  and  cabildo  would  be  to  the 
Adelantado  and  thence  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies. 

On  October  20,  1566,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avills  sailed 
from  St.  Augustine  with  a  sizeaible  force  of  ships  and  men  on 
his  emti-corsair  voyage.   The  Adelantado  had  prepared  his 
provinces  for  his  absence  by  the  appointment  of  regional 
lieutenants  emd  that  of  an  overall  governor  at  Santa  Elena. 
He  had  fleshed  out  the  structure  of  the  Florida  govern- 
ment with  ordinances  regulating  its  governance.   Menendez 
had  staffed  and  financed  a  supply  network  to  furnish  the 
garrisons  and  settlements  with  food  and  munitions,  even 
if  this  at  times  functioned  haltingly.   He  had  prepared 
the  ground  in  Florida  and  in  Europe  for  the  coming  of  a  band 
of  dedicated  missionaries  who  would  undertake  the  conversion 
of  the  Indians  of  Florida.   Important  initiatives  in  the 
exploration  of  his  far  flung  territories  had  been  undertaken 
or  commissioned  on  both  coasts  and  inland  on  the  peninsula, 
north  and  westward  from  the  base  at  Santa  Elena,  and 
northward  to  the  Bahia  de  Santa  Maria. 

As  soon  as  he  left  St.  Augustine  in  the  fall  of  1566, 
the  proprietor  of  Florida  began  a  new  relationship  with 
the  territories  granted  him  by  contract  of  the  King.   From 
this  time  forward  until  his  death,  Pedro  Menlndez  would 
lead  a  dual  existence,  vis-2l-vis  Florida.   As  Adelantado, 
he  would  continue  to  act  as  the  directing  spirit  of  the 
enterprise.   Between  his  visits  there,  lieutenemts  would 


govern  the  provinces  in  his  name  and  in  that  of  the  King, 
while  Menendez  sought  preferment  emd  profit  elsewhere.  The 
monies  and  benefits  gained  in  this  way  would  help  support 
his  efforts  in  Florida.   The  heightened  menace  of  French 
attacks  in  the  Indies,  of  which  the  Ribault  and  Laudonni&re 
thrusts  had  been  a  part,  furnished  the  rationale  for  his 
wider  role.  Menendez'  dual  interests  made  heavy  dememds 
\jqpon  his  time  emd  energies,  and   often  each  separate  area 
of  his  concerns  would  suffer  from  his  momentary  preoccupa- 
tion with  the  other. 

The  first  of  these  extra-Florida  activities,  the 
expedition  to  the  Windward  Islands,  lasted  from  late 
October  1566  until  the  return  of  the  Adelantado  to  Spain 
in  May  of  the  next  year.   Except  as  they  might  touch  upon 
Florida,  its  details  lie  outside  the  scope  of  this  work. 
Suffice  it  to  say  that  Pedro  Menendez  and  his  chief  lieu- 
tenant, Pedro  de  Valdes,  passed  systematically  from  point 
to  point,  fortifying  the  rim  of  the  northern  Caribbean 
against  possible  enemy  attack  and  seeking  French  corsair 
ships.   News  of  the  French  assault  upon  Madeira  gave  fresh 
impetus  to  his  efforts.   As  he  studied  local  forts  and 
established  garrisons  in  the  major  ports,  Menendez  moved 
with  his  usual  decisive  rapidity.   As  they  often  had,  these 
characteristics  sometimes  brought  him  into  direct  conflict 
with  the  jurisdiction  of  local  officials. 


When  the  Adelantado  reached  S2mto  Domingo  emd  began 
to  treat  with  the  Audiencia  there,  he  found  that  body  willing 
enough  to  cooperate  in  matters  of  defense.  The  Audiencia 
wanted  the  troops  he  had  brought,  but  suggested  the  Adelcintado 
return  to  Florida.  When  Menendez  attempted  to  bring  action 
against  Captain  Juan  de  San  Vicente  and  other  deserters 
from  Florida  who  were  living  at  Santo  Domingo,  he  found 
three  of  the  Oidores  airrayed  against  him.  Although  Sem 
Vicente  was  indicted  by  the  fiscal  and  was  jailed,  influ- 
ence exerted  by  the  three  officials  got  him  quickly  freed. 
The  problems  of  his  Florida  colonies  were  never  com- 
pletely out  of  Menendez'  mind.   During  his  visit  to  Santo 
Domingo,  he  wrote  the  King,  describing  his  Indies  defense 
dispositions.   The  Asturian  went  on  to  remind  his  sovereign 
that  supplies  for  Florida  would  continue  to  be  em  urgent 
necessity,  and  hinted  to  Philip  II  of  a  great  secret,  which 
would  serve  greatly  to  increase  the  King's  patrimony.  This 
must  have  been  the  discovery  of  the  great  northern  water- 
passage,  which  he  hoped  his  mission  to  Jacan  would  have 
found  by  that  time.   Menendez  told  the  King  that  he  planned 
to  re-visit  Florida  early  in  the  spring  of  1567,  and  would 

thereafter  come  to  Spain  with  news  of  the  momentous  dis- 


By  the  first  of  the  New  Year,  Pedro  Menendez  had  ac- 
complished his  main  purpose  in  Puerto  Rico,  Santo  Domingo, 
and  eastern  Cuba:   the  establishment  of  garrisons  in  key 


points.   After  leaving  a  small  force  in  Santiago  de  C\iba 
in  mid-JcUiuary,  the  Adelantado  moved  west  along  the  south 
shore  of  the  island,  heading  to  Havana.   Pedro  de  Vald^s 
had  already  arrived  there  with  the  larger  ships  and  the 
remaining  soldiery.  Until  his  chief  should  arrive,  it 
was  up  to  Valdes  to  represent  Men^ndez  and  begin  to  prepare 
the  defenses  of  Havana.  On  Janucury  21,  1567,  Valdes  pre- 
sented his  credentials  and  displayed  the  King's  order  to 
Menendez.    Governor  Osorio  and  his  cabildo  cooly  heard 
Valdes  state  that  he  had  come  with  sizeable  forces  to 
strengthen  Havana  against  enemy  attack  and  proposed  to  build 
a  watch tower  and  strong  point  at  the  Morro  in  Havana  harbor. 
The  first  to  speak  after  Menendez'  lieutenant  had  made 
his  presentation  was  Garcia  Osorio.   The  Governor  objected 
professionally  to  Valdisf  fortification  plans,  but  his 
strongest  objections  touched  upon  matters  of  jurisdiction. 
Osorio  stressed  the  fact  that  he,  as  the  King's  Governor 
and  Captain-General  of  Cuba,  was  the  person  responsible 
for  defense  in  that  island.   The  royal  orders  to  Pedro 
Menendez  seemed  to  him  a  direct  affront,  emd  he  proposed 
that  the  force  of  soldiers  brought  by  Menendez  and  Valdes 
should  be  given  to  him,  and  Menendez  should  return  to 
defend  Florida,  **.ich  was  his  own  particular  responsibility. 

A  vote  weis  taken  of  the  cabildo  members  on  the  question, 
and  the  majority  backed  the  Governor.  Even  Juan  de 
Hinestrosa,  long  a  friend  of  Menendez,  cast  his  ballot  for 
Garcia  Osorio.   In  the  new  battle  vrtiich  was  forming 


between  the  Florida  Adelantado  and  the  Governor  of  Cuba, 
Pedro  Menendez  had  lost  the  first  round. 

Shortly  afterwards,  the  Adelantado  himself  arrived  in 
Havana  and  took  charge  of  his  affairs  there.  He  paid  otf 
the  Crown  ships  and  sent  them  back  to  Spain.  The  Cuban 
port  was  now  heavily  occupied  with  the  comings  and  goings  of 
the  supply  ships  of  the  Florida  proprietor.   From  Spain 
itself,  and  from  the  Indies,  from  San  Juan  to  Yucatan,  they 
converged  upon  Havana  and  were  sent  on  to  the  forts  in 
Florida  by  Hernando  de  Baeza.   Menendez  found  the  battered 
urea  Pantecras,  which  had  come  the  previous  December  with 
the  surviving  Jesuits,  anchored  at  Havana.   The  valuable 
cargo  which  the  ship  had  brought  was  intact,  and  was  trans- 
ferred formally  to  Menendez  and  his  agent.   Pedro  Menendez 
then  bought  the  urea,  rechristened  it  Espiritu  Santo,  and 
put  his  own  captain  in  charge.   The  large  store  of  goods 
thus  received  was  of  vital  importance  to  the  Florida  enter- 
prise— it  acted  as  a  massive  transfusion,  renewing  the  flow 
of  supplies.   From  the  middle  of  February,  1567,  until  the 
last  of  that  month,  foodstuffs,  munitions,  cloth  and  apparel 
from  the  urea  were  parcelled  out  and  sent  in  several  direc- 
tions.^* By  written  authprization  of  Pedro  Menendez, 
Baeza  allegedly  sent  six  shiploads  of  cloth  and  foodstuffs 
to  St.  Augustine  and  Santa  Elena.   An  auditor,  following 
up  the  supposed  deliveries,  found  that  the  Florida  officials 
could  not  show  receipt  of  all  of  the  goods.   In  one  case* 


that  of  the  patax  San  Christovaly  the  shipmaster  was 
supposed  to  have  received  oil  emd  vinegar  from  the  urea's 
cargo,  but  he  later  s%rore  that  he  had  received  nothing. 
It  is  evident  that  Pedro  Menendez  diverted  much  of 
the  royal  property  to  uses  not  intended  by  the  King,  and 
that  he  converted  some  of  it  to  private  use.  Although 
Henendez  continued  to  purchase  and  send  large  quantities 
of  com,  cassava,  and  meat  to  Florida,  a  good  bit  of  this 
was  bought  with  the  royal  supplies,  or  with  money  obtained 
from  their  sale.   Juan  de  Orduna,  a  servant  of  Pedro  Mendndez, 
Ccurried  two  hundred  hats  and  a  substantial  amount  of  cloth 

from  the  urea  to  Yucatan  to  trade  for  corn,  honey  and 

chickens  which  was  then  transshipped  to  Florida. 

Pedro  Menendez  utilized  the  goods  sent  from  Spain  for 
the  Florida  garrisons  to  supply  some  of  the  soldiers  he 
had  posted  in  the  Caribbean.   The  renamed  urea  was  sent  to 
Samto  Domingo  with  one  hundred  pipes  of  four  for  the  garrison, 
and  Menendez  turned  over  a  quantity  of  clothing  to  Baltasar 
de  Barreda,  whom  he  had  named  as  captain  of  the  company  he 
left  in  Havana.   The  Adelantado  issued  thirty  pipes  of  the 
royal  wine  and  some  of  the  oil  and  vinegar  to  his  servant, 
Juliem  Garcia,  for  his  own  use.  An  audit  made  two  years 
later  resulted  in  the  charge,  already  current  at  the  Spanish 
Coiirt,  that  Herneuido  de  Baeza  had  openly  sold  a  large  quan- 
tity of  goods  from  the  Pantecras  at  public  auction  in  Havana. 
To  this  charge  Menendez  responded  that  if  goods  were  sold 


in  Havana  amd  Campeche,  the  proceeds  of  the  sales  were  used 
to  send  things  necessary  for  the  supply  of  the  Florida 
soldiers  of  the  King.    As  a  matter  of  fact,  it  appears 
that  the  intermingling  of  royal  and  personal  funds  and  goods 
was  such  that  the  Crown  had  virtually  no  control  over  the 
use  of  its  property.   This  situation  resulted  in  part  from 
the  structure  of  am  adelantamiento,  in  which  the  contractor 
had  such  personal  influence  that  his  control  of  operations 
within  his  little  kingdom  was  almost  total. 

Bolstered  by  the  infusion  of  supplies  and  money  re- 
sulting from  the  arrival  of  the  Pantecras,  Pedro  Menendez 
greatly  expanded  his  shipments  to  Florida.   In  addition  to 
the  biscuit,  wine,  oil,  vinegar,  cloth  and  munitions  directly 
unloaded  from  Pantecras,  Baeza  sent  meat  in  cask,  large 
amounts  of  corn,  live  chickens  cuid  hogs,  and  (in  April, 
1567)  a  shipload  of  horses  and  mares.   For  mounted  defense, 

agricultural  purposes,  and  breeding,  these  animals  would 


strengthen  the  colonies. 

The  Adelantado,  looking  beyond  the  exhaustion  of  the 
supplies  which  had  arrived  with  the  urea,  wrote  the  King  on 
February  tenth  asking  for  another  shipment.   Estimating 
the  royal  troops  then  in  Florida  at  nine  hundred  in  niamber, 
Menendez  requested  eight  shiploads  of  goods,  including  two 

thousand  pipes  of  wine  cind  five  hundred  tons  each  of  flour 


and  biscuit.   This,  he  believed,  would  last  for  eight  months. 


Among  other  actions  he  took  to  raise  money  for  the  Florida 
enterprise,  Pedro  Men^ndez  had  arranged  to  ransom  some  of 
his  noble  prisoners  in  their  native  France.   One  of  these, 

Pierre  d'Ully,  had  already  been  sent  to  Spain,  and  Men^ndez 

awaited  the  ransom.    Although  no  records  have  survived 

to  furnish  proof  of  the  allegations,  Andres  de  Equino,  the 
Florida  auditor,  charged  that  Men^ndez  and  his  lieutenants 
used  Crown  property  to  barter  for  gold  and  silver  with  the 
South  Florida  Indians.   According  to  Garcia  Osorio,  qucin- 
tities  of  this  treasure  had  come  into  Havana  from  the  north, 
and  the  royal  percentage  had  been  paid  on  none  of  it. 

The  quarrel  between  Garcia  Osorio  and  Pedro  Mendndez  de 
Avil^s  had  been  diminished  no  whit  by  the  coming  of  the 
Adelantado  to  Havana,  but  was  moving  toward  a  major  confron- 
tation.  When  it  came,  the  conflict  centered  on  the  matter 
of  jurisdiction  over  the  royal  troops  Men^ndez  had  brought  to 
Havana,  and  featured  Captains  Baltasar  de  Barreda  and  Pedro 
de  Redroban.   Among  the  unfinished  business  before  the 
Adelantado  in  Havauia  was  the  completion  of  the  trial  of 
Redrobem  for  mutiny,  which  had  begun  in  St.  Augustine  the 
previous  fail.   The  Captain-engineer  had  been  removed  from 
command  of  his  company,  which  had  been  given  to  Barreda  and 
stationed  in  Havana.   As  Menendez  prepared  to  leave  for 
Florida,  he  formally  put  Barreda  in  charge  of  these  troops, 
under  his  command,  not  that  of  Osorio.   The  Governor  immedi- 
ately began  secret  negotiations  with  Pedro  de  Redroban,  with 


an  eye  to  a  possible  merger  of  their  interests,  and  the  de- 
feat of  the  Menendez  faction. 

The  Adelantado  next  undertook  another  voyage  to  the 
west  coast  of  Florida,  where  he  proposed  to  continue  the 
effort  to  find  the  water  passage  which  would  link  up  the 
east  and  west  coasts  of  the  peninsula.   The  failure  of 
previous  expeditions  from  Carlos  and  up  the  St.  Johns  only 
encouraged  another  attempt.   Pedro  de  Valdes  was  sent  to 
St,  Augustine  with  instructions  to  try  again  from  that  coast, 
and  Hernando  de  Miranda  preceded  the  Adelantado  to  the  Gulf 
coast  to  begin  the  explorations  there. 

As  hostage  for  the  good  intentions  of  Chief  Carlos, 
Captain  Reinoso  had  sent  Menendez'  "wife"  Dona  Antonia  to 
Havana,  where  she  had  passed  the  winter.   Now  Pedro  Menendez 
planned  to  return  her  to  her  brother  in  Florida  and  at  the 
same  time  establish  more  securely  the  garrison  there.   Some 
Indians  from  Tequesta,  on  the  lower  southeast  coast,  had 
also  come  to  Havana,  and  Menendez  could  take  them  there  and 
pursue  Spanish  objectives  in  that  place.   Father  Juan  Rogel 
and  Brother  Francisco  Villaroel  would  also  go  to  Florida  with 
the  Adelantado  to  make  the  first  Jesuit  mission  establishment 
in  the  Spanish  Empire.   On  March  first,  a  fleet  of  seven 
sails  left  Havana  for  Carlos,  led  by  Menendez  in  the  new  fast 
frigate  El  Aguila.   That  vessel,  which  had  been  made  to  order 
in  Havcina,  was  commanded  by  Pedro  Menendez  Marquez. 


When  he  eurrlved  at  the  Indiem  settlement,  Menendez 
saw  at  once  that  the  fierce  and  intracteUsle  nature  of  Chief 
Carlos  and  his  people  had  been  little  affected  by  all  of 
his  initiatives  towards  them.   The  surface  amity  which  had 
prevailed  when  Carlos  had  given  his  sister  to  Men6ndez  and 
when  he  had  released  the  Christian  captives  had  largely 
dissolved.   The  return  of  Dona  Antonia  was  no  palliative 
to  the  situation,  for  she  told  her  brother  that  the  "marriage" 
to  Pedro  Menendez  was  artificial  and  unfulfilled.   The  pro- 
posal which  Menendez  next  made  puzzled  and  infuriated  the 
Indian  chieftain:   The  Adelantado  urged  reconcilation  of 
the  Calusa  Indians  with  the  Tocobaga  nation,  their  hereditary 
enemies  to  the  north.   For  the  moment,  however,  Menendez 
was  able   to  persuade  Carlos  to  come  on  cin  expedition  to 
Tocobaga.   It  appears  that  Hernando  Escalcmte  also  came, 
serving  as  interpreter. 

After  coasting  northward  along  the  shoreline  of  the 
Gulf  for  several  days,  the  Spanish  ships  reached  the  en- 
trance of  Tampa  Bay  amd  had  passed  from  one  distinct  culture- 
area  into  another  one:   the  Tocobaga  were  related  to  the 
Timuqucui  grouping.   Without  being  discovered  by  the  Indians, 
the  Spaniards  entered  Old  Tampa  Bay  and  approached  the  main 
village  of  the  Tocobaga,  located  on  the  shores  of  Safety 
Harbor.   Here  Carlos  showed  that  all  of  his  instincts  were 
intact,   as  he  proposed  to  Menendez  that  they  attack  the 
village,  seeing  that  they  had  caught  the  enemy  by  surprise. 


Patiently  the  Adelantado  reiterated  to  Carlos  that  the 
mission  on  which  they  had  come  to  Tocobaga  was  a  peaceful 
one,  but  mollified  Carlos,  by  promising  that  he  would  negoti- 
ate for  the  return  of  Calusa  prisoners  whom  Tocobaga  held. 

After  an  initial  meeting  with  the  chieftain  of  Toco- 
baga, the  Indian  consulted  with  sub-chiefs  and  advisers  from 
the  surrounding  country  and   finally  agreed  to  a  joint  treaty 
vith  the  Spanish  and  the  Calusas.   Tocobaga  returned  several 
prisoners  to  Carlos,  and  Menendez  left  a  garrison  of  thirty 
men  headed  by  Captain  Garcia  Martinez  de  Cos.   Since  the 
Adelcintado  had  been  unaJile  to  follow  up  the  search  for  the 
supposed  water  route  across  the  peninsula,  Martinez'  detach- 
ment could  explore  for  the  waterway,  and  begin  to  accustom 
the  Indicins  of  Tocobaga  to  the  Catholic  faith. 

Events  on  the  voyage  back  to  Carlos  and  after  the  party 
returned  there  made  it  clear  that  Menendez '  attempted 
rapprochment  between  Indian  groups  had  only  exacerbated 
hostility  to  the  Spanish.   Although  Dona  Antonia  remained 
with  the  Christians,  it  was  evident  that  Menendez'  "marriage" 
with  her  had  failed  to  tie  the  Indians  more  closely  to  the 
Spanish.   Tension  between  two  noble  factions  among  the 
Calusas  brought  Indians  opposing  Carlos  into  contact  with 
the  Christians  through  the  little  community  of  Spaniards  who 
had  been  prisoner  there,  and  the  news  could  reach  the  Spanish 
in  time  to  learn  of  danger.   For  example,  when  Pedro  Menendez 
decided  to  settle  his  colony  on  cinother  island  apart  from 


that  on  which  Carlos  held  his  court,  the  chief  offered 
canoes  emd  men  to  help  make  the  move.  When  the  SpcUiish 
learned  through  their  friendly  grapevine  that  Carlos  plamned 
to  overturn  the  canoes  and  drown  the  Spanish  en  route  they 
used  Menendez'  small  boats  instead.   The  fort-mission  of 
San  Anton  de  Padua  had  been  born.   In  the  prevailing  atmos- 
phere. Father  Rogel  was  unable  to  preach  directly  to  individu- 
al Indians,  but  had  to  confine  himself  to  worship  at  the 
centrally  located  Cross.    It  was  not  a  promising  beginning 
for  the  Jesuit  mission,  but  Pedro  Menendez  had  no  choice.   He 
could  not  remain;  news  from  Havana  forced  his  immediate  re- 
turn there  to  deal  with  a  serious  challenge  to  his  authority: 
Menendez  received  word  that  Pedro  de  Redroban  had  escaped 
from  custody  and  that  Garcia  Osorio  had  arrested  Baltasar  de 
Barreda  and  had  assumed  control  over  the  garrison  Menendez 
had  left  there.   After  reinforcing  the  Carlos  fort  with  fifty 
soldiers,  the  Adelantado  departed  for  Havana. 

When  Pedro  Menendez  arrived  in  Havana  in  the  last  week 
of  March,  he  found  a  conflict  raging  just  short  of  armed 
combat.   Baltasar  de  Barreda  has  escaped  from  confinement, 
emd  he  emd  the  Adelantado  quickly  reassumed  control  over  the 
royal  soldiery  Menendez  had  left  there.   Menendez  found  out 
the  hiding  place  of  Pedro  de  Redroban  and  seized  the  rebel 
captain.   On  April  12,1567,  Redroban  was  sentenced  to  be 
beheaded  in  the  town  square  of  Havcina,  but  he  formally 
requested  an  appeal  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies.   Pedro 


Menendez  granted  Uie  request,  and  agreed  to  take  Redroban 
with  him  to  Spain  so  that  his  case  could  be  heard  in  Madrid. 
The  battle  between  two  rival  power-centers  still  continued 
in  Havana,  but  Menendez  had  maintained  and  augmented  his 
own  position  in  that  city  so  important  for  his  supply  of 

At  this  time,  as  the  Adelantado  prepared  for  one  last 
visit  to  Florida  before  his  voyage  to  Spain,  Pedro  Menendez 
Marquez'  network  of  small  supply  craft  was  most  active.   In 
a  report  prepared  at  the  end  of  March,  1567,  Hernando  de 
Baeza  noted  that  150  men  and  more  than  ten  vessels  were  then 
involved  in  the  effort.  On  March  25,  he  advised,  the  pataches 
Buenabentura  and  San  Christoval  had  left  for  Campeche  to  load 
com  for  Florida,  while  the  oatax  San  Mateo  departed  the  same 
day  for  the  Savanna  of  Basco  Porcallo  to  load  meat  and 
cassava.   The  bergantin  San  Julian  had  already  gone  to 
Tequesta  to  return  the  Indians  to  their  village,  and  the 
freqata  Espiritu  Santo  was  loading  horses ,  mares  and  hogs 
for  Florida. 

The  renamed  urea,  now  also  called  Espiritu  Santo,  was 
still  on  its  voyage  to  Santo  Domingo,  while  yet  another 
vessel  by  the  same  name  had  been  lost  off  Havana  while 
returning  from  Puerto  de  Plata  with  calves.  Three  ships. 
El  Aquila,  a  new  shallop  named  Buenabentura,  and  the  Sevilla 
were  being  prepared  for  Menendez'  planned  voyage  to  Florida. 

Two  more  vessels,  the  patax  San  Anton  and  a  large  shallop 

^   ^        35 
%rere  being  outfitted  to  go  to  Campeche  for  com. 


The  first  stop  made  by  the  Adelantado  on  his  way  north 
was  the  Indian  settlement  located  where  the  Miami  River 
flows  into  Biscayne  Bay.   Here  lived  the  Tequesta,  and  it 
was  at  this  place  that  rebel  Spaniards  had  been  shipwrecked 
in  1566.   Pedro  Menendez  halted  at  Tequesta  to  establish 
formally  the  Spanish  mission.   Evidently  the  earlier  Spanish 
presence  there  had  encouraged  the  Indians  to  break  to  a 
degree  from  their  vassalage  to  Carlos,  so  that  the  Adelantado 
was  in  a  more  favorable  position  in  Tequesta  than  he  had 
enjoyed  on  the  west  coast.   Concord  between  the  Spanish  and 
the  Indians  progressed  so  well  and  so  rapidly  that  Menendez 
was  able  to  leave  Brother  Villareal  and  a  thirty-man  company 
there  to  begin  the  erection  of  a  fort  and  mission.  When  he 
departed  Tequesta,  Pedro  Menendez  took  with  him  three  Indians, 
including  the  brother  of  the  chief,  to  go  with  him  to  Spain. 

As  he  had  done  the  previous  July,  Pedro  Menendez  made 
his  landfall  first  at  San  Mateo.  At  the  fort  there,  his 
district  Governor  Villaroel  quickly  brought  the  Adelantado 
up  to  date  on  occurrences  in  the  vicinity  of  San  Mateo  since 
his  departure.   Another  reconnaisscince  up  the  St.  Johns, 
this  time  by  Pedro  de  Valdes,  had  failed  to  yield  the  secrets 
of  the  water  route  from  Mayaca  to  the  Gulf.   The  soldiers 
at  San  Mateo  experienced  all  of  the  unease  of  those  within 
a  beseiged  fortress;  Indian  raiders  made  any  forays  outside 
patiently  unsafe.   On  the  previous  November  30,  Captain 
Pedro  de  Larrandia  and  several  of  his  men  had  been  attacked 


from  ambush  on  their  way  to  San  Mateo  from  the  fort  at 
Guale,  and  killed.   In  counter-retids,  Villaroel  had  been 
able  to  capture  sixteen  of  Saturiba's  warriors,  including 
his  son  Emola.   Using  the  Indiam  hostages  to  draw  the  inter- 
est of  Saturiba,  Pedro  Menendez  aurranged  a  face-to-face 
confrontation  with  the  Timucuan  chief.   The  meeting  took 
place  near  the  St.  Johns  bar,  where  the  Adelantado  anchored 
offshore  vrfiile  Saturiba  remained  back  some  distance  from  the 
beach.  After  some  hours  of  fruitless  parley,  the  Spamish 
suspected  a  plot  to  ambush  their  shore  party  amd  lure  Menen- 
dez to  his  death,  while  Saturiba  refused  to  negotiate 
personally  with  the  Spanish  leader,  and  the  meeting  broke 
up  in  renewed  mutual  enmity.   The  uncertainty  and  hostility 
of  the  Timucuams  in  the  vicinity  of  San  Mateo  would  continue. 
Faced  with  continuing  attacks  upon  his  communications  and 
sorts,  Pedro  Menendez  gave  orders  for  the  construction  of 
a  protective  line  of  blockhouses  from  Matanzas  to  Guale. 
One  of  these,  named  Alicamini,  was  located  near  the  place 
of  the  parley  with  Satiruba,  on  the  north  bank  of  the 
St.  Johns. ^^ 

Even  though  St,  Augustine  had  been  supplied  reasonably 
well  during  the  months  since  Menendez'  departure  the  previous 
October,  the  community  and  gaurrison  had  suffered  the  same 
uncertainties  then  current  at  San  Mateo.   Tensions  between 
the  faction  of  the  Adelantado,  his  brother,  and  other 
Asturians  amd  that  of  the  captains  who  had  come  in  July, 


1566,  with  Sancho  de  Archiniega  had  flared  up  on  several 


This  time,  the  trouble  had  begun  the  December  before, 

after  the  cabildo  had  established  a  daily  ration  of  one- 

qucurter  pound  of  bread  per  man.   Captain  Miguel  de  Enriquez, 

who  had  come  to  Florida  with  one  of  Archiniega 's  companies, 

objected  to  the  decision  of  the  cabildo,  amd  said  that  he 

would  appeal  it  to  the  Audiencia  of  Santo  Domingo.   Witnesses 

testified  that  Enriquez  had  scoffed  at  the  jurisdiction 

of  the  cabildo,  and  had  offered  obscene  comments  about  its 

authority.   Bartolome  Menendez,  whom  his  brother  had  left  in 

charge  as  regional  governor  at  St.  Augustine,  clashed  with 

Enriquez  on  several  occasions.   The  governor  had  intervened 

to  punish  one  of  the  soldiers  in  Enriquez'  company,  whom 

he  had  apprehended  giving  cloth  to  a  prostitute  at  the  public 

fountain  of  St.  Augustine.   In  another  instance,  Bartolom^ 

Menendez  piiblicly  rebuked  the  captain  for  the  laxity  of  his 

men  on  the  sentinel  posts.   His  remarks  upon  that  occasion 

are  indicative  of  the  tension  in  St.  Augustine: 

It  is  notorious  that  numerous  French  Lutherans 
have  been  expelled  from  these  provinces,  and 
the  fort  at  San  Mateo  and  other  forts  which 
they  had  occupied  in  the  kingdom  and  jurisdiction 
of  His  Majesty  .  .  .  taken  from  them.   It  can 
now  be  expected  that  they  may  come  and  that  they 
will  come  to  revenge  themselves  for  such  great 
slaughter  and  destruction  of  their  people. 
If  this  took  place,  it  would  be  a  great  dis- 
service to  God  Our  Lord  and  to  His  Majesty, 
if  we  were  found  as  careless  and  unprepared  as 
we  have  been  on  the  occasions  when  Captain 
Miguel  Enriquez'  sentinels  were  so  careless. 


Miguel  Enriquez  was  arrested  and  charged  with  insub- 
ordination.  Beginning  April  27,  1567,  Pedro  Men^ndez  heard 
testimony  from  Enriquez  emd  from  those  appearing  against 
him.   The  officer  was  adjudged  guilty,  and  sentenced  to  lose 
his  command  euid  have  his  salary  reduced.   Enriquez  also 
appealed  his  sentence  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies. 

In  the  first  week  of  May,  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s  bid 
farewell  to  his  brother  and  to  the  other  captains  and  offi- 
cials at  St.  Augustine,  euid  set  sail  in  El  Aguila  and  another 
small  ship  for  Santa  Elena.   With  him  went  the  Indians  from 
Tequesta,  the  officer  prisoners,  Pedro  de  Valdes,  and  a 
small  force  of  soldiers  and  seaman.   He  also  carried  three 
of  the  Timucuan  Indians,  including  one  who  had  been  christened 
Juan  de  Valdes,  to  go  with  him  to  the  Spanish  Court.   Pedro 
de  Bustin9ury,  the  Vizcayan  who  had  been  captive  of  the  Ais 

Indians  and  whom  the  French  had  taken  to  the  Valois  Court, 

went  with  the  Indians  as  interpreter. 

When  he  reached  Santa  Elena,  Pedro  Men^ndez  focused 

his  attention  upon  the  exploration  and  exploitation  of  the 

fertile  continental  areas  of  his  domains  and  the  discovery 

of  a  more  rapid  passage  from  Spain  to  New  Spain  and  the 

Pacific.   Menendez  therefore  called  upon  Juan  Pardo  to 

report  on  his  four-month  journey  deep  inlcmd,  in  which  the 

energetic  Captain  had  travelled  more  than  five  hundred  miles 

and  had  reached  the  foot  of  the  Appalachian  Mountains. 

Pardo  and  his  men  had  left  Santa  Elena  on  December  1,  1566, 


and  had  seen  traversed  a  great  variety  of  terrain  from  the 
relatively  warm  seacocist  to  the  snow-covered  eminences  of  the 
Blue  Ridge,  all  within  the  boundaries  of  the  present  state 
of  South  Carolina.  At  the  sizeable  Indian  city  called  Joada 
near  the  mountains,  Juan  Pardo  had  founded  a  city  called 
Cuenca,  built  Fort  Joada  and  left  a  sergeant  and  garrison 
to  man  the  fort.   The  Captain  reported  to  Pedro  Men^ndez 
that  he  had  found  rich  clay  soils  and  heavy  forest  growth 
which  promised  great  fertility.   He  also  advised  that  the 
inland  areas  were  watered  and  drained  by  several  great 
rivers  which  could  offer  access  for  their  development. 

No  trace  had  been  found  of  the  storied  waterway  which 
should  lead  to  the  Viceroyalty  of  New  Spain  or  to  the  South 
Sea,  but  the  Pardo  exploration  was  an  important  initiative. 
It  established  in  Menendez'  mind  the  fertility  of  the  vast 
inland  areas  and  their  suitability  for  his  own  future 
agricultural  enterprise.   The  first  contact  was  made  with 
the  Indians,  and  many  new  tribes  had  been  marked  out  for 
evamgelization  and  conversion. 

The  Adelantado  probably  already  knew  that  his  Jacan 
expedition  had  failed.   Instead  of  finding  the  homeland  of 
Don  Luis,  it  had  landed  near  the  Outer  Banks  of  present 
North  Carolina.   After  being  discouraged  by  stormy  fall 
weather,  Pedro  de  Coronas  cind  his  men  had  returned  directly 
to  Spain,  «Lrriving  in  Seville  by  November  5,  1566.   The 


"Bahia  de  Santa  Maria"  emd  the  water  passage  would  have  to 


await  futiire  explorations. 

When  he  left  Scmta  Elena  for  Spain  on  May  18,  1567, 
Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  had  behind  hira  more  them  eighteen 
months'  labor  in  and  for  his  new  provinces  of  Florida.   His 
short-run,  military  objective  imposed  by  the  presence  of 
the  Laudohniere  garrison  had  been  successful.   The  French 
fort  had  been  tadcen  cuid  the  reinforcing  fleet  of  Jecin  Ribault 

The  first  actions  had  been  costly,  and  not  only  to  the 
French.   Thanks  largely  to  the  work  of  Paul  E.  Hoffman,  the 
cost  of  the  Florida  enterprise  to  the  Spanish  crown  can  be 
itemized  rather  precisely.   To  Hoffman's  totals,  this  writer 
could  add  the  sums  paid  directly  to  the  Adelantado  in  con- 
junction with  his  contract.   After  making  this  adjustment, 
the  royal  cost  at  Cadiz,  the  expenses  of  the  aborted  expedi- 
tion from  Santo  Domingo  and  the  shipments  made  in  the  urea 
Pantecras  in  1566  total  about  108,000  ducats.   In  addition, 
some  charges  attributable  to  Florida  accrued  when  Menendez 
used  the  fleet  ship  Santa  Catalina,  its  crew  and  supplies 
during  the  winter  of  1565-66.   As  to  the  Archiniega  expedi- 
tion, which  Hoffman  has  demonstrated  to  have  cost  more  than 
130,000  ducats,  it  is  felt  that  only  about  half  of  its 
expense  should  be  allocated  to  Florida.   Many  of  the 
Archiniega  ships  cuid  men  were  sent  in  1566  to  the  West 
Indiem  islcuids  under  Menendez'  command  to  provide  for  their 


defense.  After  making  these  adjustxnents,  it  appears  that 
Philip  II  spent  about  200,000  ducats  directly  on  support 
of  the  Florida  enterprise  during  its  first  phase — virtually 
all  of  the  monies  spent  by  the  Crown  for  Indies  defense 
during  those  years. 

The  direct  "private"  costs  of  the  Florida  conquest  in 
its  first  phase  cem  also  be  approximated.  Men^ndez'  initial 
outfitting  cost  has  already  been  estimated  at  50,000  ducats, 

Menendez  had  spent  10,400  ducats  in  1566  for  the  purchase 

of  supplies  in  Havcina,  for  his  Florida  enterprise.    He  had 

also  spent  at  least  7,000  ducats  in  other  Cviban  ports,  and 

had  expended  additional  sums  in  Yucatcin,  Santo  Domingo, 

Puerto  de  Plata,  and  San  Juan,  Puerto  Rico.  Menendez  also 

expended  some  7,000  ducats  in  Spain.  His  costs  probably 

totalled  more  than  75,000  ducats  in  the  first  phase  of 


The  goods  and  supplies  bought  by  Pedro  Menendez  and 
his  agents  had  to  be  delivered  and  there  was  substantial 
cost  involved  in  the  operation  of  his  fleet  of  small  boats. 
Another  kind  of  cost,  related  to  these  shipping  routes,  was 
the  loss  of  ships  and  men  that  had  steadily  eroded  the  Menen- 
dez forces  throughout  the  first  yeeir  of  the  Florida  conquest. 

Within  less  than  two  years  after  Menendez'  first  expedi- 

tion sailed  from  Cadiz,  eleven  ships  had  been  lost  to  the 
enterprise  of  Florida.    The  sinking  of  these  vessels, 
large   amd  small,  represented  the  loss  of  the  greater  part 


of  the  marine  assets  of  Menendez  and  his  coterie.   To  offset 
these  damages,  there  was  little  in  the  way  of  income. 
Ransoms  emd  booty  from  the  Florida  conquest  did  exist  but 
were  not  appreciable.   Profits  from  the  small  cargoes 
carried  by  Menendez  Marqu^z  could  not  approach  the  potential 
that  San  Pelayo  would  have  represented  in  the  rich  New 
Spain  or  Tierra  Firme  trade.   Faced  with  such  losses,  Pedro 
Menendez  had  left  Florida.   His  command  of  the  Windward 
IslcUids  expedition  enabled  him  to  sail  at  Royal  cost.   During 
his  voyage  to  Spain,  the  Adelantado  would  endeavor  to  trade 
his  deeds  in  Florida  for  royal  recognition.   The  defeat  emd 
expulsion  of  the  French  colony  of  Laudonniere  and  Ribault 
would  surely  be  rewarded  by  his  sovereign,  and  soon. 

Evaluation  of  the  first  phase  in  Florida  also  demon- 
strates that  Pedro  Menendez'  inost  vital  contribution  was 
that  of  acting  as  Captain-General  and  entrepreneur  on-the- 
spot.   It  was  his  own  presence  and  leadership  that  had 
defeated  the  French.   The  Crown  exerted  a  more  passive, 
supporting  role  in  the  Florida  conflict  of  1565-66.   During 
its  active  stages,  the  resources  of  the  Adelantado  proved 
the  more  telling;  much  of  the  royal  support  was  wasted 
or  came   too  late  to  influence  the  outcome.   Because  of  his 
slim  finauicial  reserves  and  due  to  the  loss  of  many  of  his 
supplies  and  his  largest  ship,  Pedro  Menendez  and  his  men 
in  Florida  suffered  many  hardships  and  privations  directly 
traceable  to  the  single-minded  way  in  which  he  had  come  to 


the  taisk  of  erasing  the  French  colony.  Men^ndez  can 
scarcely  be  faulted  for  the  zeal  he  displayed  in  striking 
out  stredghtavay  for  Florida  to  meet  the  French,  but  the 
cost  of  this  decision  was  a  heavy  one.  Once  his  victory 
had  been  von,  short  supplies  forced  the  Adelantado  to  try 
to  link  up  with  his  own  missing  forces,  and  those  promised 
by  the  King. 

When  he  left  Florida,  Pedro  Ken^dez  removed  his 
unifying  and  commanding  presence  from  the  scene.   The  men 
he  left  in  charge  of  the  sepeirated  garrisons  had  been  unaUble 
to  cope  with  the  situations  which  eirose.   Indeed,  it  might 
have  been  in^Kjssible  for  any  leader  to  deal  with  the  indepen- 
dent-minded sixteenth-century  Spanish  soldiery  in  such  cir- 
cumstances. Men  whose  clothing  and  food  supplies  were  low, 
fearful  of  death  in  a  hostile  land,  might  have  rebelled  in 
any  event,  but  Menendez*  four-month  absence  seems  to  have 
been  critical. 

Once  in  Cuba,  the  Adelantado  sought  with  all  means  at 
his  command  to  supply  his  Florida  enterprise.  The  expedients 
he  employed  were  generally  successful.  The  charge  that 
Pedro  Menendez  deserted  his  Florida  responsibilities  to  go 
hunting  corsairs  begs  the  question;  he  actually  spent  little 
time  in  this;  the  sale  of  the  two  Poirtugese  prizes  yielded 
him  some  badly  needed  operating  funds. 

On  the  otner  hand,  it  does  appear  that  the  Adelcintado 
could  have  taken  sane  rapid  measures  to  relieve  Scuita  Lucia, 


once  news  of  the  difficulties  there  reached  him  in  Havama. 
Menendez*  presence  in  St.  Augustine  and  San  Mateo  could  have 
forestalled  the  Mcurch  mutinies.   Instead,  he  scLiled  first 
to  Carlos. 

Pedro  Menfindez'  funding  arremgements  are  subject  to 
the  same  criticisms  which  one  might  level  against  those  of 
the  Crown;  they  had  proven  insufficient  to  provide  ample 
and   continuous  support  for  the  Florida  enterprise.   In  spite 
of  losses  and  setbacks,  however,  Menendez  persisted  in  his 
efforts.   By  early  1567,  he  had  set  up  a  vicible  pipeline  for 
the  supply  of  Florida  through  Cuba,  and  other  Caribbean 
areas,  was  preparing  further  groups  of  soldiers  and  settlers 
in  Spain  and  had  installed  the  first  group  of  Jesuit  mis- 
sioncuries.   Menendez  left  the  Florida  establishments  in 
reasonably  good  condition.   Fortified  by  the  soldiery  and 
supplies  which  had  come  in  mid-summer  of  1566,  the  garrisons 
had  been  extended  nortn  and  south  of  the  initial  settlement. 
The  Adelantado  had  founded  cities  at  Santa  Elena  eind  St. 
Augustine,  and  had  set  up  regional  government  xinder  major 
lieutenants.   In  view  of  widespread  Indian  hostility  in  this 
critical  phase  of  colonization,  internal  defense  continued 
to  be  essential.   The  task  of  exploring  the  new  lands  had 
proceeded  remarkcibly  well  in  a  short  time.   Reliable  naviga- 
tion routes  had  been  discovered,  linking  the  Florida  settle- 
ments cuid  tying  them  to  the  supply  base  at  Havana.   The 
coastal  features,  harbors  and  ports  of  a  long  shoreline  had 


been  studied  cmd  recorded.  Pedro  Menendez  had  also  dis- 
covered a  short-cut  for  the  New  Spain  fleets  coining  to  Havana- 
the  passage  east  of  the  Dry  Tortugais ,  which  would  ever  there- 
after be  in  the  official  derroteros  of  the  Carrera  de  Indias. 
He  had  taken  formal  legal  possession  of  territories  from  the 
extreme  south  of  the  Florida  peninsula  to  the  North  Carolina 

One  may  therefore  evaluate  the  Florida  conquest  at  the 
end  of  its  first  phase  in  early  1567.   First,  the  immediate 
niliteury  objectives  had  been  rather  completely  fulfilled 
by  the  eaq)unging  of  the  French  forces.   There  remained, 
however,  an  uncertain  quality  to  this  victory.   The  Spanish 
had  been  uncible  to  destroy  French  corsair  power  in  the 
Indies,  emd  new  enemy  incursions  were  expected  momentarily 
at  points  along  the  long  continental  frontier  which  Pedro 
Menendez  had  to  defend.   It  seemed  the  destiny  of  Florida 
never  to  be  free  of  peril,  always  to  be  an  enterprise 
endangered.   The  vital  elements  in  the  conquest  of  a  land — 
the  construction  of  am  economy  and  a  society — were  in  a 
critical  stage.   The  essentials  of  Spanish  settlement:   the 
military  presence,  the  municipal  institutions,  cind  the 
evangelizing  Church  were  only  tentatively  estetblished  at  a 
few  outpKJsts  over  a  thousand  miles  of  frontier.   Profitable 
exploitation  of  the  lands  and  native  peoples  of  Florida 
through  economically  viable  colonies  was  still  to  be  realized* 
At  great  cost,  the  enterprise  of  Florida  had  been  bom,  but 
its  existence  was  indeed  precarious. 


1.  The  King's  letter  is  dated  at  Madrid  on  May  12, 
1566,  and  has  been  reprinted  in  Lawson,  "Letters  of  Menen- 
dez,"  II,  296-300.^  The^letter  to  Bartolome  Menendez  is 
found  in  "Bartolome  Menendez  con  el  Fiscal  sobre  sueldo, 
1570,"  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,219.   The  King  also 
granted  to  Pedro  Menendez  Marquez  a  merced  of  three  hundred 
ducats  for  the  news  he  brought  in  dispatches  from  Florida. 
This  is  cited  by  Martin  Menendez  de  Aviles  in  a  letter  dated 
at  Madrid  on  June  9,  1633,  and  found  in  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo 

2.  The  appointment  of  Diego  Flores  Valdes  as  Fleet 
General  is  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  738,  ramo  8. 

3.  For  a  discussion  and  documentation  of  Fourquevaux' 
plaint  and  the  reply  of  the  Spanish  King,  see  Eugene  Lyon, 
"Captives  of  Florida,"  pp.  18-20. 

4.  The  cost  of  Pantecras  is  described  in  items  from 
A.G.I.  Contaduria;   294,  No.  2b,  6:   2-4;  304,  No.  1,  102: 
4-103:   1;  306,  No.  2,  124:   1.   These  citations  were 
kindly  furnished  by  Paul  E.  Hoffman. 

5.  For  the  Florida  Jesuit  missions,  the  writer  relies 
upon  a  body  of  materials  from  Jesuit  archives  published  in 
three  fine  works.   The  first,  in  point  of  time,  is  Ruben 
Vargas  Ugarte,  "The  First  Jesuit  Mission  in  Florida,"  U.S. 
Catholic  Historical  Society,  Historical  Records  and  Studies, 
XV  (1935),  59-148.   Next  is  Felix  Zubillaga's  La  Florida,  and 
the  last  is  the  work  in  which  he  published  the  documentation, 
Monumenta  Antiquae  Floridae  (Rome:   Monumenta  Historica 
Societatis  lesu,  1946).   The  mission  had  begun  with  a  request 
from  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  to  Francisco  de  Borja,  sent 
from  Madrid  in  March,  1565,  and  reprinted  in  Monumenta 
Antiquae  Floridae,  1-4,    Borja  replied  favorable  to  the 
Adelantado  from  Rome  on  May  12,  1565  (Monumenta  Antiquae 
Floridae,  6-8).   Royal  approval  of  the  mission  was  given  by 
Philip  II  in  a  letter  sent  to  Diego  Carrillo,  Provincial 

of  the  Order,  from  Ucles  on  April  9,  1565  (Monumenta  Antiquae 
Floridae,  42-44).   The  voyages  of  Pedro  de  Bustin9ury  are 
described  in  a  letter  from  the  Casa  to  the  Crown,  Seville, 
February  17,  1568,  from  A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,168,  in  a  pay- 
ment to  him  before  his  journey  in  1566  authorized  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  294,  No.  2,  Data  123:   1-124:   1. 



6.  MenSndez  Marqu6z'  voyage  and  the  cargo  of  his  ship 
are  detailed  in  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  4,  rcuno  1. 

7.  The  loss  of  Menfindez'  patache  is  described  in  a 
letter  from  the  Casa  to  the  Crown,  Seville,  August  2,  1566, 
from  A.G.I.  Contratacidn  5,167.   Philip  II  chided  Abalia 
for  delaying  the  sailing  of  Men^ndez'  ships  in  a  letter 
sent  August  28,  1566,  and  found  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente 
General  1,967.   The  loss  of  San  Pelayo  is  mentioned  in 
"Memorial  de  los  navios  cargados  de  bastimentos  y  municiones 
que  se  perdieron  el  Adelantado  .  .  .  ,"  from  A.G.I. 
Escribania  de  C^ara  1,024-A. 

8.  See  the  declaration  of  Estaban  de  las  Alas,  from 
the  city  of  San  Salvador,  punta  of  Santa  Elena,  July  18, 
1566,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  11  (Stetson  Collection). 

9.  The  abortive  expedition  to  the  land  of  Jacan  has 
been  depicted  in  an  excellent  monograph  by  Louis-Andre 
Vigneras,  entitled  "A  Spanish  Discovery  of  North  Carolina 
in  1566,"  North  Carolina  Historical  Review,  XLVI,  No.  4 
(October,  1969),  398-414.   The  main  primary  source  is  A.G.I. 
Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  4  (Stetson  Collection) ,  dated 
August  1,  1566.   The  names  of  the  soldiers  assigned  to  the 
expedition  are  found  in  the  ration  list  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria 
941  (microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History) . 

10.  Best  source  of  information  about  the  Santa  Elena 
mutiny  is  the  testimony  before  Governor  Osorio  of  Cuba  taken 
in  Havana  on  July  19,  1566,  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  999. 

11.  Nombramiento  of  Estebcin  de  las  Alas,  Governador  y 
Capitan-General,"  August,  1566,  Santa  Elena,  from  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  941,  fol.  2  vto.  (microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library 
of  Florida  History). 

12.  The  names  of  the  soldiers  of  Guale  are  found  in  the 
ration  lists  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941  (microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge 
Library  of  Florida  History) ,  under  the  date  of  assignment  of 
August  17,  1566. 

13.  Documentation  of  this  mutiny  is  from  "El  Fiscal  de 
sue  Majestad  con  el  Capitan  Pedro  de  Redroban,"  A.G.I. 
Justicia  999.   Pedro  de  Vald^s  describes  the  events  in  his 
letter  to  the  King  sent  from  St.  Augustine  on  September  12, 
1566,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  168  (Stetson  Collection, 
incorrectly  labeled  as  from  Juan  de  Vald6s) . 

14.  The  Adelamtado  analyzed  the  warfare  methods  of  the 
Florida  Indicins  and  his  suggested  counter-measures  in  his 
letter  to  Philip  II  from  St.  Augustine  on  October  2€,  1566, 
from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collection).   A 


typical  action,  related  by  Pedro  de  Vald^s  in  his  September 
12  letter  (see  note  13  supra.)  ,  ended  in  the  death  of  three 
Spaniards  in  a  cornfield  ten  miles  from  St.  Augustine  on 
September  1,    1566.   Gonzalo  Solis  de  Mer^s  recounts  the 
casualties  in  Indian  raids  in  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avilgs,  p. 
196.   Deaths  of  men  by  Indian  action  are  listed  in  the  mar- 
ginal comments  written  upon  the  ration  lists  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  941  (microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida 
History) .   The  writer  disagrees  with  the  chronology  of  the 
St.  Johns  expedition  given  by  Solis  de  Mer^s  in  Pedro  Mendn- 
dez  de  Aviles.  pp.  237-252,  and  repeated  by  Zubillaga,  La 
Florida,  p.  262,  no.  23,  in  which  they  fix  the  date  at 
July,  1566.   The  Valdes  letter  of  September  12  fixes  the 
limits  of  Mendndez'  trip  to  Guale  and  Santa  Elena  as  from 
August  1  to  August  28;  this  is  confirmed  by  the  appearance 
of  the  Adelantado  at  the  Redrobal  appeal  on  September  13. 
On  this  point,  Solis  de  Meras  is  not  an  eyewitness— he  had 
already  left  for  Spain. 

15.   The  outline  of  the  lands  under  direct  or  indirect 
control  of  Chief  MayaCa  can  be  roughly  estimated  by  consult- 
ing two  Spanish  derroteros.   The  first  is  "Provanza  hecha  a 
pedimiento  de  Gonzalo  de  Gay6n,"  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo 
11  (Stetson  Collection).   Gayon  was  sent  south  in  the  fall 
of  1566  from  St.  Augustine  to  seek  Mayaca  from  the  seacoast, 
and  stated  that  the  villages  near  the  coast  ov/ed  allegiance 
to  Mayaca.  In  the  Mexfa  derrotero  of  1605  (see  n.  48, 
Chapter  V) ,  the  explorer  wrote  that  "Mayaca  and  its  surround- 
ing towns  are  on  the  San  Mateo  River  (the  St.  Johns) ,  three 
days'  travel  from  Nocoroco  oh  a  poor  road."  Nocoroco  was 
an  Indian  town  located  north  of  the  Mosquito  (Ponce  de 
Leon)  Inlet.   See  John  W.  Griffin  and  Hale  G.  Smith, 
"Nocoroco — A  Timucua  Village  of  1605  Now  in  Tomoka  State 
Park,"  Florida  Historical  Quarterly.  XXVII,  No.  4  (April, 
1949),  340-361. This  writer  feels  that  a  line  drawn  south 
of  Lake  George  eastward  to  the  seacoast  and  one  from  the 
Orlando  metropolitan  area  to  the  Cape  would  probably  define 
the  northern  and  southern  boundaries  of  the  Mayaca  culture. 

16.  From  "Provanza  hecha  .  .  .  Gonzalo  de  Gay6n"  (see 
n.  15  supra. ) . 

17.  See  Menendez'  letter  to  Philip  II,  St.  Augustine, 
October  20,  1566,  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson 
Collbction).   The  soldiers  assigned  to  Carlos  are  listed  in 
A.G.I.  Contaduria  941  (microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of 
Florida  History) . 

18.  The  Adelantado  described  the  loss  of  Father 
Martinez  in  a  letter  to  Diego  de  Avellaneda  written  from 
St.  Augustine  on  October  15,  1566,  and  reprinted  in  Monu- 
menta  Antiquae  Floridae.  89-99.   Father  Juan  Rogel  ali^ 


related  the  killing  of  the  priest  in  his  letters  to  Pedro 
Hemeindez  sent  from  Monte  Christi  on  November  11,  1566, 
and  reproduced  in  Monumenta  Antiquae  FJoridae,  99-128. 

19.  "Ordinemces  which  the  very  illustrous  Senor  Pedro 
Menendez,  Governor  and  Captain-General  of  the  land  and  the 
coast  of  the  Provinces  of  Florida  for  His  Majesty  cind  Ade- 
lantado  of  them  provided  cind  instituted  in  these  said 
provinces  of  Florida,"  n.d.  (September,  1566),  from  A.G.I. 
Justicia  999. 

20.  An  excellent  account  of  the  Windward  Islands 
expedition  of  1566-67  has  been  given  at  length  by  Paul  E. 

•  Hoffman  in  "The  Background  and  Development  of  Pedro  Men^ndez • 
Cbntribution  to  the  Defense  of  the  Spanish  Indies,"  M.A. 
thesis  (Gainesville:   University  of  Florida,  1965). 

21.  This  affair  is  related  in  "Probanza  de  Alonso  de 
Grafeda,"  Santo  Domingo,  February  15,  1569,  from  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  12. 

22.  See  Pedro  Menendez  to  Crown,  Santo  Domingo, 
November  29,  1566,  from  Lawson,  "Letters  of  Menendez,"  II, 

23.  The  documentation  of  Vald^s'  appearance  in  Havana, 
dated  January  21,  1567,  also  contains  a  copy  of  the  March 
21,  1566,  Royal  cedula  to  Menendez  about  the  Windward 
Islands  expedition,  and  a  copy  of  Menendez'  poder  to  Vald^s, 
dated  at  Monte  Christi  on  January  3,  1567.   This  material 

is  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collection). 
Another  copy  is  in  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  5. 

24.  The  controversial  question  of  the  distribution 
of  goods  from  the  urea  Pantecras  can  be  traced  in  several 
primary  sources.   Casa  Factor  Duarte's  original  list  of 
goods  aboard  was  received  in  Havana  by  Menendez'  repre- 
sentative, Juan  de  Hinestrosa  on  December  12,  1566;  this  is 
from  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941  (microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library 
of  Florida  History) .   In  the  same  legajo  is  the  body  of 
material  gathered  by  Andres  de  Equmo  for  his  audit  of  Baeza's 
books  in  1569.   More  material  on  the  audit  is  found  in  A.G.I. 
Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  8.   The  ship  movements  can  be 
followed  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  1,174  and  in  "Despachos  que 

se  hicieron,"  from  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

25.  The  Orduna  voyage  is  confirmed  by  Bishop  Toral  in 
a  letter  written  at  Merida,  Yucatan  on  April  5,  1567,  and 
found  in  Lawson,  "Letters  of  Menendez,"  II,  320-324. 


26.  See  "Memorial  of  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avilds  to  the 
Casa  de  Contratacion^ "  Madrid,  September  21,  1567,  from 
A.G.I,  Contratacion  5,012  (Stetson  Collection). 

27.  The  shipments  are  listed  in  A.G.I.  Contadurfa 
1,174,  under  the  date  of  1567. 

28.  The  Adelantado's  letter  of  February  10,  1567, 
dated  at  Havana,  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  5,012 
(Stetson  Collection). 

29.  Menendez  had  told  Philip  II  of  his  plams  to 
ransom  d'Ully  in  his  letter  of  October  20,  1566,  sent  from 
St.  Augustine,  and  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson 
Collection).   The  arrival  and  imprisonment  of  the  French 
noble  in  Seville  was  recounted  in  a  letter  from  the  Casa 

to  the  King  sent  from  Seville  on  January  11,  1567,  and  from 
A.G.I,  Contratacion  5,167  (Stetson  Collection). 

30.  See  charge  number  24  in  the  audit,  from  A.G.I. 
Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  8.   Osorio's  letter,  dated 
simply  "1567"  at  Havana,  is  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115 
(Stetson  Collection) . 

31.  See  Menendez  to  Casa,  Havana,  February  12,  1567, 
from  A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,101. 

32.  The  writer  bases  this  supposition  on  the  fact  that 
Hernando  de  Escalante  is  described  as  being  conversant  with 
the  language  of  Tocobaga  as  well  as  that  of  Carlos.   This 
statement  is  found  opposite  the  name  of  Escalante  in  the 
distribution  of  cloth  and  weapons  for  the  years  1566-1596 

in  A, G.I.  Contadurfa  941  (microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of 
Florida  History), 

33.  Father  Rogel  depicts  the  situation  at  Carlos  after 
the  return  of  the  Spanish  from  Tocobaga  in  April,  1567,  in 

a  letter  to  Geronimo  Ruiz  del  Portillo  sent  from  Havana  on 
April  25,  1568,  and  reprinted  in  Zubillaga,  Monximenta  An- 
tiquae  Floridae,  306-307, 

34.  The  Redroban-Barreda  case  involving  Pedro  Menendez 
and  Garcia  Osorio  is  developed  in  "El  Senor  Fiscal  con  Capitan 
Pedro  de  Redroban,  1567,"  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  999.   It  is  also 
featured  in  the  body  of  Osorio's  residencia;  the  charges  are 
itemized  in  ^Traslado  de  la  sentencia  que  se  dio  contra 
Garcia  Osorio  Gobemador  y  Capitan  General  desta  Ysla  de 

Cuba  .  .  .  ,"  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  99.   The  best 
narrative  of  the  dispute  is  by  Solis  de  Meras  in  Pedro 
Menendez  de  Aviles,  pp.  230-232. 


35.  Data  contained  in  Baeza's  "Despachos  que  se  hicier- 
on,"  from  A.G.I.  Escribamia  de  Camara  1,024-A  Ceui  be  con- 
firmed by  comparing  the  ships  and  cargoes  listed  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  1,174. 

36.  The  parley  with  Saturiba  is  narrated  in  Soils  de 
Nereis,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil6s,  pp.  233-235. 

37.  Testimony  of  Bartolome  Menendez  from  "La  Florida, 
ano  de  1567,  El  Senor  Fiscal  con  Miguel  Enriquez,"  A.G.I. 
Justicia  999. 

38.  Bustincury's  return  to  Spain  is  mentioned  in  a 
letter  from  the  Casa  to  the  Crown,  Seville,  March  4,  1568, 
A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,168. 

39.  Record  of  the  first  journey  of  Captain  Juan  Pardo 
to  the  inland  areas  lias  survived  in  a  report  made  at  Santa 
Elena  on  July  11,  1567,  by  Francisco  Martinez,  a  soldier 
on  the  expedition.   This  report  has  been  reprinted  by  Rui- 
diaz  in  La  Florida,  pp.  474-4  80,  and  by  Lawson  in  "Letters 
of  Menendez,"  II,  324-327.   Payment  to  the  friars  and  to 
Don  Luis  after  their  arrival  at  Seville  from  the  ill-fated 
Jacan  expedition  are  found  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  299;  3:   1, 
dated  November  1,  1566. 

40.  Dr.  Hoffman's  most  recent  and  explicit  application 
of  his  research  to  expenditures  in  Florida  by  the  Spanish 
Crown  has  been  published  as  Paul  E.  Hoffman,  "A  Study  of 
Defense  Costs,  1565-1585:   A  Quantification  of  Florida 
History,"  Florida  Historical  Quarterly,  LI,  No.  4  (April, 
1973),  401-422.   In  this  article.  Dr.  Hoffman  has  listed  the 
total  Royal  spending  allocated  to  Florida  defense  costs  for 
1565-1568  as  208,401  ducats. 

41.  See  Appendix  V.   In  1566  Pedro  Menendez  had  sent 
from  Havana  505  loads  of  cassava,  854  fanegas  of  corn,  492 
pumpkin-squashes,  26,700  lb.  of  sea-biscuit,  28  pipes  of 
wine,  325  jugs  of  wine,  58  jugs  of  oil,  442  yards  of  cotton 
print  cloth,  775  yards  of  coarse  linen,  65,800  lb.  of  jerked 
beef,  27  calves,  600  chickens,  80  goats  or  sheep,  550  sows, 
and  47  hams.   These  items,  extended  at  the  prices  given  by 
the  Havana  officials,  total  10,396  ducats  as  shown  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  1,174.   A  witness  in  Mexico  in  1591  testified 
that  Menendez  bought,  over  an  uncertain  period,  2,700  fanega 
of  corn,  3,000  chickens,  and  beans,  honey,  was  cind  hemp 
sandals  from  yucatan;  see  Ruidiaz,  La  Florida,  II,  622. 

42.  The  ship  losses  are  detailed  in  "Memorial  de  los 
navios  cargados  de  bastimentos  y  municiones^que  se  perdieron 
el  Adelantado  .  .  .  ,"  from  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara 


In  the  fast  fregata  El  Aguila,  the  Menendez  paorty  made 
a  very  rapid  Atlantic  voyage  indeed,  cuid  reached  the  Azores 
in  seventeen  days.  There  Menendez  learned  that  Philip  II 
might  be  going  to  the  Netherlands  to  supervise  military 
operations  against  the  rebels.  The  Adelantado  therefore 
decided  to  sail  directly  for  the  north  coast  of  Spain  to 
intercept  his  King  and  report  on  the  Florida  enterprise. 

On  June  29,  the  Florida  party  arrived  off  La  Cor\ina 
and  were  forced  by  the  presence  of  corsair  ships  to  put  into 
Vivero  in  Galicia.  There  the  two  prisoners,  Enriquez  emd 
Redroban,  were  sent  to  Madrid  under  guard.   There  Menendez 
learned  that  the  King  was  still  at  Court. 

Pedro  Menendez  was  able  to  pass  a  few  days  in  Aviles 
with  his  wife  euid  other  family  before  pressing  on  to  the 
Court,  where  he  arrived  July  20,  1567.   The  two  captives 
had  arrived  three  days  earlier.   The  Florida  Adelantado 
made  a  striking  entrance  into  the  presence  of  Philip  II, 
accompanied  by  the  six  Florida  Indians  and  preceded  by  his 
reputation  of  battle  and  victory,  exploration  and  foundation. 
He  found,  however,  a  sovereign  and  Court  preoccupied  with 



the  events  of  an   exciting  spring  cuid  svunmer.   The  Spamish 
King  had  been  pushed  beyond  his  tolerance  by  the  rebels  in 
the  Netherlands,  and  he  had  ordered  the  Duke  of  Alba  to 
bring  Spanish  troops  from  Milan  to  enforce  royal  power  in 
the  Low  Countries.  While  Calvinist  Geneva  held  its  breath 
and  all  Europe  watched  in  fearful  cmticipation,  the  world's 
finest  army  marched  overland  directly  to  Antwerp.   By  mid- 
summer, the  Spanish  had  begun  a  full-scale  costly  commitment 
in  tile  Netherlands.   The  short  but  sharp  actions  against  the 
Huguenot  French  in  Florida,  the  wider-ranging  expedition  of 
Pedro  Menendez  in  the  Caribbean,  and  the  disciplining  of  the 
Netherlands  were  all  seen  by  Philip  as  part  of  one  war. 
Within  Spain,  tightening  ideologies  were  also  leading  to 
disturbcuice.   On  November,  1566,  a  pragmatic  had  been 
adopted  which  required  the  Moriscos  of  eastern  Andalusia  to 
change  their  Moorish  customs  as  a  part  of  their  complete 
Christicinization.   Philip  II  was  fearful  that  connection 
between  Moriscos  and  the  Turkish  enemy  could  lead  to  an 
invasion  of  Spain.   After  the  new  law  was  openly  published 
on  January  1,  1567,  discontent  began  to  grow  among  the 
Moriscos.   Sooner  or  later,  it  was  bound  to  result  in  open 

The  French  representative  at  the  Spanish  Court,  Ambas- 
sador Fourquevaux,  had  continued  to  press  for  action  on 
the  prisoners  Pedro  Menendez  had  made  in  his  Florida  con- 
quest.  Philip's  policy  of  the  previous  summer  to  release 


the  captives  had  been  carried  out  slowly  after  continual 
pleas  by  the  French  Ambassador.   The  Sieur  de  Lys  was  freed 
after  a  long  term  in  the  Madrid  jail.   In  May,  Philip  had 
also  released  eight  other  prisoners  of  the  Florida  French 
who  had  been  brought  to  Seville.    Still  concerned  with 
seeking  some  general  recompense  by  the  Spanish  Crown  for 
Menendez*  actions  in  Florida,  Fourquevaux  viewed  the  Ade- 
lantado's  arrival  at  Court  with  interest  and  with  malice. 
The  Frenchman  sought  out  Captain  Miguel  Enriquez,  cuid 
pressed  him  for  details  of  Menendez'  circumstances.   The 
Spaniard,  awaiting  trial  before  the  Council  of  the  Indies  on 
the  appeal  of  his  case  from  Menendez'  service,  told  the 
French  Ambassador  that  the  Spanish  estcQ)lishment  in  Florida 
was  meager.   He  said,  moreover,  that  Pedro  Menendez  had 
come  in  part  to  defend  himself  against  charges  that  he  had 
permitted  many  men  to  die  of  hunger  and  that  he  had  embezzled 
royal  goods  emd  sold  them  at  auction  in  Havana.   Forquevaux 

passed  word  of  his  confidences  with  Enriquez  to  his  own 


royal  master. 

Prior  to  the  cirrival  of  Pedro  Menendez  at  Madrid,  the 
King  has  already  begxin  to  act  upon  his  request  for  a  new 
royal  supply  expedition  for  Florida.   In  May,  the  Crown 
had  sent  along  to  Seville  Menendez'  order  list  for  new 
supplies  for  the  royal  troops  in  the  adelantcimiento .   In 
mid-June,  Philip  II  sent  another  letter  to  the  Casa, 
advising  that  he  had  cut  the  asking  for  wine  for  Florida 


from  two  thousamd  to  twenty  pipes,  but  had  otherwise 
approved  the  supply  list.   On  June  23,  the  trade  officials 
replied  that  they  had  only  12,000  ducats  available  for  such 
expenditure,  and  that  it  was  already  too  late  to  send  the 
goods  in  the  New  Spain  convoy,  for  it  was  due  to  sail  the 
next  day.   They  suggested  instead  a  shipment  in  a  large 
shallow-draft  urea  direct  to  the  Florida  ports. 

When  he  had  completed  the  formalities  of  his  appearance 
before  Philip  II,  Pedro  Menendez  was  ordered  by  the  King  to 
report  by  written  memorandum  to  the  Council  of  the  Indies. 
The  Adelantado  did  so,  narrating  the  history  of  his  defeat 
of  Jean  Ribault  and  Rene  de  LaudonniSre,  the  far-reaching 
explorations  which  had  been  made  in  Florida,  and  the  forts 
and  cities  he  had  founded  there.   Menendez  went  on  to  give 
his  considered  opinion  on  the  state  of  defense  of  the 
Caribbeein  Indies  against  the  forces  threatening  the  Empire 
there.   After  he  made  his  report,  it  appeared  that  Pedro 
Menendez  had  faced  down  his  detractors  for  the  moment,  and 
his  return  became  a  triumph. 

After  his  initial  duties  had  been  completed,  the 
Adelcintado  inquired  about  the  status  of  arrangements  for 
the  supply  of  the  royal  soldiers  in  Florida,  and  was  taken 
aback  to  learn  that  nothing  had  yet  been  sent.   The  forts 
had  only  eJoout  three  months'  supp ' /  left  when  he  had  sailed, 
and  the  summer  was  now  far  advanced;  thus  it  appeared  that 
his  own  network  might  again  have  to  bear  the  full  burden 


of  sustaining  both  the  royal  amd  private  soldiery.   Menendez 
pressed  the  King  to  speed  up  the  provisioning  and  dispatch 
of  the  ships  which  were  to  go  to  Florida,  but  also  objected 
strongly  to  the  diminished  amount  of  wine  which  was  to  be 
sent.  Menendez  proposed,  and  the  King  passed  along  to  the 
Casa,  the  suggestion  that  the  supplies  could  be  loaded  on 
one  of  Menendez'  own  ships  which  Pedro  del  Castillo  was 
then  loading  to  go  to  Florida. 

After  he  had  made  report  of  his  services  in  Florida, 
Pedro  Menendez  naturally  expected  some  substantial  royal 
reward  for  his  deeds.   His  expectations,  and  the  actions  he 
took  to  bring  these  hopes  to  fruition,  took  two  distinct 
channels.   First,  Menendez  pressed  for  appointment  to 
salaried  office  of  high  distinction  and  other  mercedes  from 
his  sovereign. 

The  second  course  of  action  taken  by  Pedro  Menendez 
was  most  illustrative  of  the  nature  of  his  position  as  a 
private  conqueror.   In  September,  1567,  he  filed  suit  against 
the  Spemish  Crown,  seeking  recompense  for  heavy  expenditures 
and  losses  in  the  conquest  of  Florida.   This  action  was 
not  a  suit  between  parties,  but  rather  one  between  an 
individual  subject  of  Castile  and  the  royal  patrimony, 
defended  by  the  Crown  Fiscal.   It  was  the  duty  of  the  Fiscal 
to  keep  charge  of  the  asientds  and  capitulaciones  of  the 

Indies  Adelcmtados,  and  allege  amd  charge  individuals  freely 

where  the  interest  of  his  King  was  at  stake.    The  legalism 


of  Spanish  life  and  the  niceties  of  the  relationship  between 

Philip  II  and  his  vassals  is  evidenced  by  the  fact  that  the 

Crowns  prepared  to  reward  Menendez  for  his  services  in 

Florida  at  the  same  time  that  the  lawsuit  over  the  contract 

was  being  argued. 

The  body  of  testimony,  allegations  and  documents  which 

make  up  this  lawsuit  remains  the  best  single  primary  source 

exteuit  about  the  contract  with  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  for 

the  conquest  of  Florida.   The  material  included  covers  some 

seventy- five  years.   The  corpus  of  the  case  begun  by  Menendez 
in  1567  also  includes  a  wide  variety  of  biographical,  geo- 
graphical, and  financial  data  about  the  Menendez  years  in 

The  main  line  taken  by  Menendez  in  his  case  was  to 
attempt  to  prove  that  he  had  over-performed  his  contract 
for  Florida,  and  to  list  and  itemize  his  losses  in  the  con- 
quest, thus  demonstrating  overwhelming  personal  loss  and 
damage  in  the  effort.   To  this  end,  Pedro  Menendez  and  his 
attorney  put  on  record  plea  after  plea  to  prove  their  case. 
On  September  22,  they  filed  a  list  of  the  ships  with  which 
Menendez  had  sailed  from  Cadiz  two  years  before.    On 
October  16,  the  Adelantado  and  his  associates  testified  that 
the  Florida  expedition  had  carried,  in  fact,  many  more  men 

them  Francisco  Duarte  had  showed  in  his  muster  in  June, 
1565.     There  was  added  material  describing  the  addition  oi 
the  Luna  contingent  at  Cadiz  and  the  men  and  ships  taken  to 


Florida  from  Aviles,  Gijon,  and  Santander.    Now  Men^ndez 
was  ready  to  demonstrate  his  concrete  losses  in  the  enter- 
prise of  Florida.   He  filed  a  memorial  describing  the  eleven 
vessels  lost  in  the  effort  up  to  the  time  of  his  departure. 
He  also  detailed  the  performance  of  his  network  of  small 
supply  ships  which  had  served  Florida  in  1566-67  from  Havana 
and  other  points  in  the  Caribbeam. 

Pedro  Menendez  had  not  as  yet  decided  upon  the  amount 
of  money  or  other  considerations  which  he  might  finally  ask 
in  recompense  for  his  efforts  and  losses.   His  decision  upon 
that  point  in  the  late  fall  of  1567  was  also  related  to 
the  benefits  which  the  Crown  was  then  in  the  process  of 
granting  to  Menendez.   Also  involved,  as  matters  of  his  pride 
and  prestige,  were  the  Enriquez  and  Redroban  cases,  and  the 
case  of  Captain  Parra,  which  Menendez  had  furthered.   The 
latter  two  suits,  of  course,  concerned  Garcia  Osorio, 
against  whom  Pedro  Menendez  was  determined  to  gain  satis- 

Although  the  Adelantado's  position  in  disciplining  the 
two  captains  who  had  served  in  Florida  was  not  upheld  (both 
were  given  token  fines  and  freed) ,  the  evidence  presented 
against  Osorio  in  the  Redroban  and  Parra  cases  found  its 
mark.    On  October  24,  1567,  Philip  II  issued  a  cedula 
naming  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  Governor  and  Captain-General 
of  Cuba,  with  no  prejudice  to  his  Florida  titles.   Menendez 
would  also  have  the  right  to  serve  in  absentia  through 


lieutenants  as  he  had  done  in  Florida.  Osorlo  would  have  to 
undergo  residencia  at  the  hands  of  his  hated  rival,  and  had 
still  to  answer  the  charges  being  developed  in  the  Parra 

Of  far  more  importaince  to  Pedro  Menendez  was  the  ap- 
pointment which  next  came  to  him.  On  November  2,   1567, 
Philip  II  granted  Menendez  the  office,  title,  salary  and 
privileges  of  Captain-General  of  a  new  Royal  Armada  vrtiich 
was  to  act  as  the  main  line  of  Caribbecm  and  fleet  defense. 
Menendez'  long  past  services  and  his  most  recent  efforts  in 
Florida  and  the  Caribbean  thus  received  substantial  recogni- 
tion.  In  addition  to  salary,  the  new  Captain-General  would 
receive  the  King's  fifth  share  of  any  prizes  taken  as  well 
as  his  own  share  of  the  other  four-fifths.    The  twelve 
ships  of  his  armada  would  be  of  his  own  design,  and  were  to 
be  built  in  Vizcaya  under  Menendez'  supervision  by  a  close 
associate,  Juan  Martinez  de  Recalde.   In  prize  money,  paid 
appointments  for  a  host  of  friends  and  followers,  and  the 
chance  for  profits  through  contreiband,  Pedro  Menendez  stood 
to  gain  greatly  from  his  appointment.   In  a  sense,  the  Captain- 
Generalcy  of  the  Royal  Armada  offered  the  conquerors  of 
Florida  an  escape  hatch  and  a  safety  valve  for  the  pressures 
of  financial  insolvency  which  they  faced.   The  royal 
appointment  came  none  too  soon;  the  next  month  Menendez 
was  embargoed  by  his  creditors  for  debt  in  Seville. 


The  honors  poured  upon  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s  had  not 
yet  ceased.   Philip  II  began  the  formalities  connected  with 
the  granting  of  am  encomienda  in  the  military  order  of 
S2uitiago  to  Menendez.   Soon  it  was  emnounced  that  Men^ndez 
had  been  greinted  the  title  and  revenues  of  the  Comendador 
of  Santa  Cruz  de  la  Zarza,  a  property  of  the  order  located 
at  Campos,  near  Palencia  in  Castile.   It  carried  an  smnual 
revenue,  which  would  help  bolster  the  sagging  finances  of 
the  Adelantado.-*-^ 

Philip  II  also  took  steps  to  revise  the  Menendez  con- 
tract so  as  to  make  its  trade  privileges  conform  to  the 
actual  state  of  the  ships  which  Menendez  now  possessed.   On 
October  6,  the  Crown  ruled  that  the  section  of  the  asiento 
which  granted  Menendez  licenses  for  two  600-ton  galleons 
be  changed  to  allow  for  three  400-ton  vessels.   Another 
cedula  sent  the  same  day  approved  the  change  of  the  size  of 
Menendez'  shallop  licenses  from  fifty  to  eighty  tons  apiece. 
Menendez  now  moved  through  Pedro  del  Castillo  to  send  a 
galleon  into  the  Indies  trade. ^^ 

As  the  Florida  Adelantado  moved  from  triumph  to  triumph, 
enlarging  notably  his  sphere  of  influence  and  gathering  the 
visible  tokens  of  royal  favor,  his  case  over  Florida  losses 
atnd  expenses  continued.   The  documents  he  had  presented  in 
evidence  and  the  entire  status  of  his  contract  with  the 
King  were  subjected  to  careful  review  by  the  chief  auditors 
of  the  realm.   The  accountants  issued  a  lengthy  analysis  of 


the  case  on  October  22,  1567,  setting  forth  all  of  the 
pertinent  facts  but  making  no  conclusions.  Lists  %rere 
appended  detailing  the  costs  of  the  Crovm  emd  the  Adelantado 
at  Cadiz,  After  placing  Factor  Duarte's  original  1565 
muster  at  Cadiz  of  record,  the  Fiscal  challenged  Pedro 
Menendez'  contention  that  he  had  in  truth  carried  five 
hundred  more  men  than  Duarte  had  showed.   Since  the  muster 
Menendez  claimed  to  have  made  at  the  Canary  Island  had  been 
destroyed  when  the  St,  Augustine  fort  had  been  burned,  it 
was  difficult  for  the  Adelantado  to  prove  his  case. 

Now  Pedro  Menendez  asked  the  Crown  for  25,000  ducats 
for  the  value  of  San  Pelayo,  a  sum  for  the  aviso  he  had  sent 
Philip  II  in  October,  1565,  and  payment  for  what  he  had 
over-spent  in  Florida.  Altogether,  his  askings  were  for 
more  than  50,000  ducats.   On  February  9,  1568,  the  Council 
of  the  Indies  passed  its  definitive  sentence  in  the  case. 
Menendez  was  to  receive  500  ducats  for  the  aviso  San  Miguel, 
sent  with  Captain  Diego  Flores  Valdes  amd  lost  in  the  Azores, 
and  six  reales  per  ton  charter-fee  for  San  Pelayo  during  the 
four  and  one-half  months  she  served  in  the  Florida  enter- 
prise, altogether  some  3,500  ducats.   As  for  the  rest,  the 
Council  left  it  up  to  Philip  II.    Shortly,  the  King  granted 
a  me reed  to  Pedro  Menendez  of  10,000  ducats  for  his  services 
and   losses  in  the  enterprise  of  Florida.   The  Adelantado 
made  arrcuigements  in  Seville  for  a  fellow  Asturian,  Diego 
de  Valdes,  who  served  as  aide  to  the  Archbishop  of  Seville, 


to  collect  the  2,000  ducats  of  the  me reed  which  wafe  to  be 
paid  by  the  Casa.    The  other  claims  Pedro  Men^ndez  had  made 
had  not  been  finally  settled  by  this  payment,  and  the  case 
of  1567-68  would  be  taken  up  again  at  a  later  date.  Other 
minor  requests  for  reimbursement — for  the  pay  of  Roelas' 
men  Menendez  took  from  Havana  and  for  supplies  he  furnished 

for  the  royal  troops  in  Florida — would  also  be  continued  by 


the  Adelantado  and  his  attorneys. 

It  was  apparent  that  Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil€s  had  gained 
greatly  as  a  result  of  his  trip  to  Spain,   In  the  face  of 
much  rumor  and  some  fact  about  his  misappropriations  and 
carelessness  in  the  Florida  conquest,  the  Adelantado  had 
received  evidence  of  royal  favor.   The  concrete  realization 
of  cash  sums  from  the  benefits  and  offices  he  had  received 
would  be  somewhat  slower  in  coming.   It  is  evident,  however, 
that  Castillo  had  by  now  received  the  back  charter-fees  due 
Menendez  from  1563,  and  that  the  Adelantado  now  had  been 
voted  those  from  the  1565  voyage.   With  more  supplies  coming 
to  Florida,  and  with  the  forthcoming  collection  of  salaries 
and  me r cedes,  the  worst  time  seemed  to  be  past.   Best  of  all, 
the  gaining  of  the  fleet  and  Cuba  offices  would  open  many 
doors  for  Pedro  Menendez  and  his  associates.   Legal  and 
illegal  sources  of  funds  would  now  become  available,  if 
properly  exploited.   His  private  trade  could  continue,  and 
the  gramd  design  for  the  settlement  of  Florida  could  now 


Most  particularly,  Men^ndez  could  now  begin  to  carry 
out  the  population  of  Florida  with  settlers  emd  their 
families — that  key  to  conquest  without  which  the  adelanta- 
miento  could  never  prosper.   It  was  common  knowledge  at 
Court  that  the  settlement  of  Florida  was  to  be  accomplished 
during  1568.    The  previous  year,  Men^ndez  had  contracted 
with  one  Heman  Perez,  a  Portugese,  to  bring  from  the  Azores 
two  hundred  farmers  emd  their  families.  The  arramgement  fell 

through,  for  Perez  emd  Pedro  Menendez  disagreed  and  became 


bitter  enemies.    Now,  however,  the  Adelantado  could  go 

ahead  with  his  plsm,  using  instead  settlers  from  the  province 
of  Toledo,  in  Castile.   Under  individual  contracts  with  each 
settler  family,  Menendez  agreed  that  their  passage  and 
freight  would  be  paid  for  them.  Upon  arrival,  the  Adelantado 
would  grant  them  lands  for  farms  and  pastures.   Within  two 
years,  he  contracted  to  furnish  each  farmer  twelve  cows  emd 
a  bull,  two  oxen  for  plowing,  two  mares,  a  dozen  sheep, 
goats,  hogs,  and  chickens.   He  agreed  to  give  the  farmers 
vine- shoots  for  their  own  vineyards.  For  each  family, 
Menendez  woxHd  build  a  house,  fvimish  a  shepherd  boy,  and 
give  one  male  and  one  female  slave.   Pedro  Menendez  also 
hoped  that  merchants,  learning  of  the  richness  of  the  Florida 
lands,  would  invest  enough  to  create  large  stock-raising 
haciendas  and  sugar-mills,  sizeable  vineyards  and  grain- 
fields.   After  ten  years,  he  assxired  Philip  II,  the  Crown 

%rould  receive  fine  profits  from  such  a  land.    The 


gathering  of  the  settlers  in  Toledo  begsm,  and  Pedro  del 
Castillo  began  to  prepare  to  receive  them  in  C5diz  to 
arreinge  for  their  passage  overseas  to  Florida. 

Meamwhile,  the  royal  agencies  had  finally  begun  to 
prepare  the  Florida  supply  shipment  which  had  been  dis- 
cussed since  the  previous  summer.   After  repeated  orders 

from  Philip  II,  the  Casa  de  Contrataci6n  selected  and  began 

to  stock  two  ureas  for  the  Florida  voyage.    Once  the  winter 

had  begun,  the  sailing  was  deferred  until  early  spring. 

Also  to  be  sent  in  the  ureas  to  Florida  would  be  a 

number  of  persons  returning  to  the  provinces  as  well  as  a 

heavy  reinforcement  of  the  Jesuit  Florida  mission,  led  by 

Father  Juan  Bautista  de  Segura.   The  Indians  who  had  come  to 

Spain  with  Pedro  Menendez  and  their  interpreter  would  also 

board  one  of  the  vessels,  as  would  Menendez'  new  lieutenant 

Governor  of  Cuba,  Dr.  Zayas.   Diego  de  Miranda  would  return 

on  the  same  ship  to  serve  Pedro  Menendez  in  Cuba. 

It  was,  for  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  a  matter  of 

practical  urgency  and  personal  conscience  that  the  Jesuit 

mission  in  Florida  go  ahead  with  all  possible  speed.   Upon 

his  return  to  Spain,  the  Adelantado  had  pressed  his  monarch 

and  the  high  officials  of  the  Jesuit  Order  for  further 

missionaries.   It  was  evident,  by  the  fall  of  1567,  that 

Menendez  was  exerting  his  influence  so  that  a  new  contingent 

of  Jesuits  might  be  approved  and  sent  to  Florida  with  the 

relief  ships. 


For  their  part,  the  Jesuits  appreciated  the  sincere 
religious  zeal  of  the  Adelantado  and  were  cognizcmt  of  his 
power  and  influence  at  the  Spamish  Court.    There  were, 
however,  obstacles  to  the  Florida  mission  which  Men^ndez 
had  to  overcome.   Widespread  deprecation  of  Florida  as  a 
place  of  sterile  soil  amd  hostile  Indians  had  come  to  Spain 
and  Mas   current  at  the  Court.   The  news  of  the  death  of 
Father  Martinez  could  cut  both  ways;  the  dangers  of  Florida 
might  dishearten  the  timid,  but  the  possibility  of  martyrdom 
might  encourage  those  of  fervent  faith.   In  an  attempt  to 
overcome  any  hesitations  which  the  Jesuits  might  have,  Pedro 
Menendez  appeared  at  their  college  in  Seville  on  December  16, 
1567.   There  he  described  the  religious  efforts  in  Florida 
to  date,  and  outlined  his  plan  to  establish  a  Jesuit  college 
in  Havana.   In  Cuba,  the  Adelantado  declared,  the  children 
of  Indiam  leaders  from  Florida  would  be  taught  the  Spanish 
language  eind  the  tenets  of  Christianity.   They  might  also 
serve  there  as  hostages  for  the  safety  of  missionaries  and 
soldiers  at  the  posts  of  Florida. 

Menendez  had  delineated  his  design  for  the  conversion 
of  the  Florida  Indiems  in  considerable  detail;  this  he 
conveyed  to  the  General  of  the  Jesuit  Order  at  about  the 
same  time.   From  this  plan  it  is  evident  that  the  post  at 
Havana  was  to  be  only  one  of  several  regional  colleges 
which  were  to  deal  with  the  vast  areas  of  continental  Florida, 
as  missionaries  arrived  and  were  assigned  to  new  areas. 


Menendez  included  in  his  design  the  promising  new  fields 

opened  up  by  the  Pardo  journey  eind  a  series  of  pleinned 


settlements  on  the  Gulf  Coast  route  to  New  Spain. 

In  a  moving  ceremony  on  January,  1568,  in  the  great 
Cathedral  at  Seville,  the  five  Florida  Indians  were  baptized 
in  the  Roman  Catholic  faith  in  the  presence  of  the  Adelantado 
and  the  Royal  Officials  of  the  House  of  Trade.   This  baptism 
helped  to  dramatize  the  expectation  that  thousands  of  others 
would  follow,  and  that  the  men  going  shortly  to  Florida  would 
be  the  means  for  the  gaining  of  many  souls ,  to  the  glory  of 

Loaded  with  supplies  for  Florida,  the  royal  expedition 

left  Semlucar  de  Barrameda  on  April  10,  1568.   The  cost  to  the 

Crown  had  been  more  than  30,000  ducats.    This  time  the 

relief  vessels  would  be  going  to  a  land  in  which  established 

cities  had  been  founded,  and  means  of  supply  were  functioning 

well.   Hopefully,  the  work  of  mission  could  proceed  upon  the 

foundations  already  well  laid. 

On  the  nineteenth  of  June,  1568,  the  convoy  of  two 

ureas  dropped  anchor  in  the  port  of  St.  Augustine.   The  ships 

had  been  guided  directly  to  Florida  by  Gonzalo  de  Gayon,  v^o 

then  formally  turned  over  the  cargoes  aboard  to  the  Governor 

and   Alcade  at  St.  Augustine.    The  foodstuffs,  clothing 

and  munitions  were  sufficient  to  relieve  the  immediate  needs 

of  the  garrisons. 


Father  Segura,  newly  arrived  at  the  mission  field 
placed  in  his  charge,  met  with  Governor  Bartolom^  Men^ndez 
amd  Chaplain  Mendoza  Grajales  to  gain  first-hand  impressions 
and  increase  his  knowledge  of  Florida.   He  was  told  that 
Father  Rogel,  who  had  recently  come  from  the  South  Florida 
missions,  was  still  on  his  voyage  to  Santa  Elena  and  Guale 
amd  would  shortly  return  to  report  to  Segura.   In  the  mean- 
time, it  was  easy  to  determine  that  the  St.  Augustine  garrison 
was  almost  demoralized.   The  Spanish  were  still  in  a  state 
of  shock:   less  than  two  months  before,  the  French  had 
Icuided,  made  common  cause  with  hostile  Indiams,  and  taken 
and  burned  Fort  San  Mateo!   As  the  Jesuits  learned  about  the 
disaster,  it  beccime  clear  to  them  that  its  roots  lay  deeper 
in  the  past.   The  two  main  causes  of  the  loss  of  San  Mateo 
seemed  to  lie  in  the  nature  of  Menendez'  undisciplined  sol- 
diery and  in  the  continued  hostility  of  major  components 
of  the  Timucuan  Indians  to  the  Spanish. 

Soon  after  the  departure  of  Pedro  Menendez,  yet 
amother  mutiny  plot  had  been  uncovered  at  St.  Augustine, 
Five  ringleaders  had  confessed  under  torture  and  had  been 
executed.    Even  among  the  inner  circle  of  Menendez'  faith- 
ful Asturicins,  moreover,  dissent  and  argument  had  flourished 
during  his  cJasence.   Martin  de  Arguelles  and  Bartolom^ 
Menendez  had  come  almost  to  blows,  and  Esteban  de  las  Alas 
had  found  it  necessary  to  intervene  and  confine  the  two  men 
until  they  could  be  reconciled.   Under  such  circumstances. 


it  was  indeed  difficult  to  maintain  adequate  discipline  and 
to  keep  proper  guard  over  the  posts  of  Florida. 

In  the  summer  of  1567,  the  tensions  between  the  Spanish 
garrisons  and  the  Indians  of  Saturiba  and  his  allies 
reached  a  climax.  The  Timucuan  chief  had  joined  with  the 
Indians  of  the  Nocoroco-Mayaca  area  and  with  those  of 
Potano  (located  near  the  great  Alachua  savanna)  to  wage  war 
upon  Utina.   Although  it  was  something  which  the  Adelantado 
of  Florida  had  sought  to  avoid,  the  Spanish  again  found  them- 
selves playing  out  a  role  opposite  to  that  which  Rene  de 
Laudonniere  had  played.   The  enemies  of  the  French  had, 
perforce,  become  friends  to  the  Spanish,  and  Indians  who  had 
allied  with  Laudonniere  were  now  firmly  united  against  the 
Spaniards.   In  August,  1567,  Captain  Pedro  de  Andrada  marched 
his  company  of  eighty  men  deep  into  the  interior  of  the 
peninsula  to  attack  the  stronghold  of  the  Potanos.  While 
passing  a  heavily  wooded  hammock,  the  Spanish  company  was 
attacked  from  ambush  by  a  sizeable  force  of  Indians.   A 
cloud  of  arrows  struck  the  soldiers,  and  Captain  Andrada 
and  many  of  his  men  died.   Circumstances  were  new  ripe  for 
the  very  eventuality  which  Pedro  Menendez  and  Philip  II 
had  so  strongly  feared— the  union  of  a  French  invader  with 
hostile  Florida  Indians. 

It  was  left  for  a  Gascon  nobleman,  Dominique  de 
Gourgues,  to  mount  a  French  expedition  of  national  revenge 
for  the  death  of  Jean  Ribault  and  the  other  Florida  French 


in  1567-1568.  Although  his  voyage  exhibited  some  of  the 
characteristics  of  a  normal  corsair  journey,  its  leisurely 

course  to  the  Cape  Verde  Islands  and  westward  to  the  Windward 

Islands  led  de  Gourgues  at  last  to  Florida. 

Spanish  and  French  sources  agree  that  the  three  ships  and 

two  small  craft  of  Dominique  de  Gourgues  arrived  off  the 

St.  Augustine  bar  on  the  afternoon  of  Good  Friday,  1568, 

The  Spanish  were  already  somewhat  on  edge  due  to  the  touchy 
Indian  situation.  On  the  last  of  March,  at  dawn,  a  force  of 
four  hundred  Timucuems  had  assaulted  San  Mateo,  forced  one 
side  of  the  fortress,  and  withdrawn  after  wounding  several 
Spaniards.   Now,  at  St.  Augustine,  the  Spanish  fired  two 
cannon  shots  to  mark  the  port,  if  the  sails  were  those  of 
friendly  ships.   If  they  proved  to  be  those  of  the  enemy, 
they  would  be  waimed  that  they  would  be  met  there  with  gun- 
fire.  The  vessels  sheered  off,  and  turned  their  course 
northward.   Esteban  de  las  Alas,  who  was  ill  of  fever  at 
St.  Augustine,  sent  warning  of  the  strange  ships  to  his 
garrison  at  San  Mateo,  together  with  reinforcements. 

When  de  Gourgues  anchored  his  ships  in  the  mouth  of  the 
St.  Mary's,  he  was  greeted  by  Indians  whose  unfriendly  aspect 
soon  turned  to  joy  when  they  learned  that  the  strangers  were 
Frenchmen.   Shortly,  Chief  Saturiba  'himself  arrived  to  parley 
with  Dominique  de  Gourgues.   His  enmity  towards  the  Spanish 
and  liberal  gifts  from  de  Gourgues  sealed  a  bargain:   the 
Spanish  forts  would  be  assaulted  and  destroyed.   Intelligence 


provided  by  the  Indians  and  confirmed  by  Pierre  de  Bre,  a 

young  Frenchmam  who  had  found  refuge  with  Saturiba,  gave 

de  Gburgues  a  good  understanding  of  the  Spanish  dispositions, 

Crossing  with  his  Indian  allies  in  two  small  boats,  the 
French  leader  took  a  hundred  2urquesbusiers  to  the  two  small 
blockhouses  which  the  Spanish  had  built  on  the  opposite 
banks  of  the  St.  Johns  river  mouth.   First  one,  then 
the  other  fort  was  taken  and  burned.   There  is  substcintial 
discrepamcy  between  the  opposing  accounts  as  to  the  strength 
of  the  Spanish  garrisons  and  the  actions  which  ensued  at 
the  little  stockades.   It  is,  however,  evident  that  some  of 
the  Spanish  got  away  to  St.  Augustine,  and  some  few  escaped 
to  give  the  warning  to  San  Mateo. 

At  that  fort,  the  news  inspired  little  but  overwhelming 
fear.   Instead  of  preparing  to  repel  the  enemy,  and  perhaps 
to  withstand  a  long  siege,  the  Spanish  soldiers  were  panic- 
Stricken.   They  grossly  overestimated  the  number  of  the 
French  forces,  decided  to  flee,  and  began  to  cook  up  rations 
euid  get  their  possessions  together.   At  dawn  of  April  25, 
the  men  began  to  slip  out  of  the  fort,  3 caving  the  guns 
unspiked  and  the  artillery  ammunition  intact.   None  of  their 
officers'  orders  had  any  effect — safety  was  their  primary 
aim.   They  skulked  through  the  thick  woods,  trying  to  find 
their  way  to  St.  Augustine.   Some  were  killed  or  captured  by 
the  Indians.   Later,  a  loyal  captain  returned  to  the  fort 
with  a  few  men,  eind  remained  long  enough  to  spike  the  guns. 


When  the  French  came  against  San  Mateo,  they  took  it 
without  opposition.   Two  captives  who  had  been  caught  by 
the  Indians  in  their  headlong  fight  were  hung  outside  the 
fort.   Dominique  de  Gourgues  retraced  his  steps  to  the 
ships  in  the  St.  Maury's;  he  was  richer  by  the  gaining  of 
some  nine  bronze  artillery  pieces  and  other  lesser  prizes. 
Bidding  feurewell  to  the  Indians  of  Saturiba  cind  Tacatacuru, 
the  Frenchmen  left  Florida  to  return  to  Europe. 

An  expedition  from  St.  Augustine  had  the  melancholy 
duty  of  visiting  the  burned  forts  and  burying  the  dead.   It 
found  eight  men  hanging  from  trees  near  the  two  destroyed 
blockhouses,  and  two  more  outside  the  shell  of  Fort  San 
Mateo.  A  fire  accidentally  set  by  the  joyous  Indians  of 
Satxiriba  had  gutted  the  buildings  inside  the  fort,  and  all 
the  artillery  was  gone.   The  Spanish  began  the  customary 
task  of  assessing  the  blame  for  the  loss  of  the  forts. 
Esteban  de  las  Alas  gave  it  as  his  opinion  that,  of  one 
hundred  twenty  men  in  Scin  Mateo,  only  a  dozen  or  so  would  be 
free  of  the  stigma  of  cowardice  in  the  face  of  the  enemy. 
A  hearing  was  held,  and  the  trial  of  the  guilty  began.   The 
Spcmish  were  determined  to  punish  the  Indians  who  had  aided 
the  French,  and  also  decided  to  build  a  strong  outpost  at 
the  island  of  Tacatacuru  to  prevent  further  attacks  by  way 
of  ^the  hostile  Indian  communities  near  the  St.  Mary's. 

The  French  triumph  at  the  scene  of  their  earlier 
disaster  was  as  cheaply  won  as  had  been  Menendez'  own  assault 


upon  Fort  Ceuroline.  Their  chief  gain  was  in  the  satisfaction 
of  a  deep  need  for  national  revenge,  for  the  capture  of  an 
eiq)ty  fort  emd  the  hamging  of  a  few  men  was  scarcely  more 
than  a  symbolic  victory.   The  de  Gourgues  raid  did  not 
succeed  in  dislodging  the  Spamish  from  their  foothold  in 
Florida.   In  spite  of  this  blow,  the  garrisons  would  remain. 
For  their  part,  the  Spanish  had  even  less  reason  to  boast 
of  their  performcmce  in  the  action.   The  defense  system 
erected  amd  maintained  at  great  cost  and  effort  by  the  King 
euid  the  Adelantado  of  Florida  had  utterly  failed  its  first 
test.   If  this  were  the  way  in  which  the  dominions  of  the 
King  would  be  defended,  eind  the  manner  in  which  the  settlers 
now  coming  to  Florida  would  be  protected,  it  augured  ill 
for  the  future  of  the  enterprise. 

After  learning  of  the  debacle  of  San  Mateo,  the  new 
Jesuit  Vice-Provincial  and  his  missionaries  were  struck 
afresh  by  the  dangers  and  difficulties  of  their  chosen 
field.  Within  a  few  days  of  their  arrival,  Juan  Rogel 
arrived  from  Santa  Elena  to  report  to  his  superior  amd 
fellows.   Father  Rogel  quickly  brought  the  Jesuits  up  to 
date  on  the  missions  of  South  Florida  and  on  possibilities 
for  evcuigelization  among  the  Indians  of  Guale,  Crista  and 
inthe  uplands  west  and  north  of  Santa  Elena. 

The  tale  Juan  Rogel  had  to  tell  of  events  at  the  fort 
missions  of  Scui  Anton  in  Carlos,  at  Tequesta  eind  Tocobaga 
was  one  of  struggle  amd  disaster.   At  Carlos,  the  main 


Station  of  the  Jesuit,  the  tension  between  Spaniard  and 
Indian  had  risen  after  the  departure  of  Pedro  Men^ndez  in 
the  spring  of  1657.  At  last,  the  Spanish  were  like  men 
beseiged  in  their  little  blockhouse — they  dared  not  leave 
it  without  armed  guard.   Rogel,  who  had  helped  mediate 
between  the  opposing  forces,  left  for  Havana  in  early 
;^ril,  1567.   Shortly  after  his  departure,  Carlos  moved 
his  women  cmd  treasure  to  smother  island,  called  in  his 
subordinate  chieftains  and  prepared  to  massacre  the  Christians, 

After  he  learned  of  this,  Captain  Reinoso  called  Chief  Carlos 

to  him  near  the  fort,  and  killed  him  outright. 

The  new  chief,  named  Philip  by  the  Spanish,  was  a  man 
who  had  held  a  valid  claim  to  the  throne  of  the  Indicin 
kingdom.   After  the  death  of  Carlos,  Philip  svunmoned  the 
sub-chiefs  of  the  surrounding  Calusa  towns  to  swear  homage 
to  him,  amd  to  bring  their  usual  gifts  of  women  to  the  new 
King.   Philip  was  now  the  accepted  leader  of  the  Calusa, 
and  the  Spanish  could  make  a  fresh  beginning  in  that  land. 

Upon  his  return  from  Cuba   with  Pedro  Menendez  Marquez, 
Father  Rogel  went  directly  to  the  tiny  settlement  the  Ade- 
lantado  had  made  in  Tocobaga.   There  he  found  the  garrison 
in  good  health  and  spirits.   Chief  Tocobaga  and  some  of  his 
principal  nobles  attended  the  Mass  celebrated  by  the  priest, 
but  it  was  riimored  that  the  chief  was  displeased  at  the 
possibility  that  the  images  in  the  Indian  temple  would  be 
burned  by  the  Spcuiiards.   If  that  occurred,  the  interpreters 


told  Rogel,  the  Chief  himself  and  his  family  had  sworn  to 
perish  in  the  same  fire. 

When  the  Spanish  returned  to  Carlos,  Pedro  Men^ndez 
Marquez  confirmed  Philip  as  chief,  as  a  vassal  of  the  King 
of  Spain.   Father  Rogel  then  began  in  earnest  to  converse 
with  the  Calusa  chief,  recognizing  that  to  win  his  conversion 
was  a  vital  first  step  in  the  Christianization  of  his  people. 
For  six  months,  Rogel  labored  persuasively  with  Philip.   As 
his  mission  moved  from  the  shallow  first  stage  of  teaching 
the  Indian  children  and  a  few  adults  the  basic  prayers  and 
the  adoration  of  the  Cross,  the  real  difficulties  began. 

It  now  became  clear  that  the  Indians  might  be  willing 
to  accept  the  Christian  God  as  a  coequal  or  even  superior 
deity  in  their  pemtheon,  but  that  claims  for  exclusivity  on 
behalf  of  God  would  meet  dogged  opposition.   The  Catholic 
doctrines  of  the  afterlife,  moreover,  conflicted  directly 
with  the  Indian  view  of  a  three-fold  soul  of  the  dead  which 
became,  after  transmigration,  a  nullity.   The  harsh  con- 
demnation by  the  Jesuit  of  strong  cultural  traditions,  such 
as  the  sacrifice  of  children,  the  practice  of  sodomy,  and 
polygamy  for  the  chiefs,  also  raised  a  strong  reaction  on 
the  part  of  Philip.   Although  the  Calusa  chief  recognized 
the  power  of  the  written  theology  of  the  Christians,  he 
persisted  in  his  old  ceremonies,  while  continuing  to  pray 
before  the  Cross.   For  his  part,  Jucin  Rogel  was  determined 
to  baptize  Philip  only  when  he  truly  reached  the  point  of 


fall  understemding  and  acceptance  of  Christian  doctrine. 
The  Jestiit  also  vowed  to  deface  and  bum  the  Indiems*  idols 
and   free  Philip  euid  all  of  his  people  forever  from  the 
heathen  rites  of  their  worship. 

Prom  Brother  Villareal  in  Tequesta,  Rogel  heard  that 
the  Indians  on  Biscayne  Bay  seemed  more  tractable  and  sub- 
missive than  those  of  Carlos.   Even  so,  the  work  of  evem- 
gelization  went  very  slowly  in  Tequesta.   The  chief  permitted 
the  Jesuit  to  catechize  the  children  in  the  main  house, 
where  older  Indians  were  often  present,  although  they  took 
no  part  in  the  prayers.   After  meiny  months  of  work,  only  one 
old  dying  woman  had  accepted  baptism.   The  Tequestas,  who 
were  seasonal  gatherers  and  moved  their  residence  to  the 
islcuid  keys  in  Biscayne  Bay  during  the  winter,  had  little 
to  spare  from  their  meager  store  of  food.   Indeed,  the 

presence  of  the  Spanish  garrison  began  to  be  a  troublesome 

burden,  as  the  soldiers  at  times  abused  the  Indians. 

At  the  beginning  of  December,  1567,  Juan  Rogel  had  again 

made  a  trip  to  Havana  to  seek  a  more  full  and  reliable  supply 

for  the  South  Florida  garrisons  from  Juan  de  Hinestrosa 

and  Hernando  de  Baeza  in  Havana.   Shortly  after  the  first  of 

January,  1568,  the  Jesuit  missionary  returned  to  Florida 

with  Pedro  Menendez  Marquez  and  three  small  craft.   Again, 

the  Spaniards  directed  their  vessels  first  to  the  middle 

west  coast  of  the  peninsula,  and  approached  the  village  of 

Tocobaga.   There,  they  beheld  cin  eerie  spectacle.   The 


Indian  tovm  was  completely  deserted,  and  nothing  was  found 
except  the  bodies  of  two  dead  Spanish  soldiers.   After 
further  search,  they  learned  that  all  twenty-four  of  the 
garrison  had  been  killed  by  the  Indians.   Outraged,  and 

unable  to  find  anyone  to  punish,  Menendez  Marquez  burned 

Tocobaga  and  returned  to  Carlos. 

On  April  4,  1568,  a  small  boat  came  into  the  harbor 
of  Carlos  with  Brother  Villareal  and  eighteen  soldiers,  the 
survivors  of  the  garrison  at  Tequesta.  Menendez  Marquez 
had  rescued  them  after  the  Indians  had  murdered  four  and 
surrounded  the  other  men  in  their  wooden  fort.   The  immediate 
reason  for  the  hostile  acts  of  the  Indians  was  the  killing  by 
the  soldiers  of  a  principal  native  leader.   Shortly  after 
the  arrival  of  the  survivors,  Rogel  and  Villareal  went  to 
Havana.   The  priest  from  Carlos  then  sailed  north  with  one 
of  Menendez'  supply  vessels  to  meet  eventually  with  his 
fellow  Jesuits. 

Juan   Rogel  had  much  to  tell  the  new  company  of  mission- 
auries  from  Spain  about  the  northern  settlements  cind  forts 
established  by  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles.   He  had  first 
stopped  in  Guale,  emd  was  impressed,  as  the  other  Spaniards 
had  been  the  year  before,  by  the  mild  nature  of  the  Indians. 
Rogel  noted  that  twenty-three  affiliated  chieftains  in  and 
around  Guale  spoke  a  common  language,  which  was  understood 
for  a  good  distance  inland.   When  he  arrived  in  Santa  Elena, 
Father  Rogel  was  immediately  struck  by  the  similarities  of 


the  farmland  nearby  to  that  of  Spain.  Wheat,  grapes,  amd  a 
kind  of  wild  olive  grew  well  there,  and  the  priest  had  seen 
a  thriving  vineyard  at  Santa  Elena  itself.  At  the  time  of 
his  stay  at  Santa  Elena,  Captain  Juan  Pardo  had  just  re- 
turned from  his  second  lengthy  journey  inland.   He  discussed 
his  discoveries  with  the  Jesuit,  and  shared  his  insights 
about  the  continental  reaches  of  Spanish  Florida  with  him. 

Juem  Pardo  had  left  garrisons  on  his  first  journey 
inleuid,  but  instead  of  maintaining  peaceful  relationships 
with  the  Indians,  the  soldiers  left  in  the  forts  had  waged 
war  upon  the  natives.   In  the  fall  of  1567,  Pardo  made  a 
second  inland  journey  of  exploration.   After  renewing  his 
garrisons  at  Guatari  and  Joada,  the  Spanish  captain  pressed 
on  through  the  cool  lands  to  the  westward.   Skirting  the 
south  end  of  the  mountain  chain,  he  crossed  extreme  northern 
Georgia  and   entered  present-day  Alabama.   Crossing  the 
upper  reaches  of  the  Tennessee,  Chatahoochee  and  Coosa 
rivers,  the  captain  noted  the  well-watered,  fertile  nature 
of  the  land.   At  the  great  Indian  town  of  Cosa  or  Cossa, 
Jueui  Pardo  again  crossed  the  track  of  Hernando  de  Soto. 
Pardo  continued  on  for  seven  more  days  until  he  came  to 
Trascaluza,  which  to  him  marked  the  western  boundary 
of  Menendez'  land  of  Florida.   From  here,  he  maintained, 
it  was  only  nine  to  eleven  days •  travel  to  New  Spain — 
only  cJbout  a  hundred  miles.   Actually,  more  than  a  thousand 
miles  stretched  between  northern  Alabama  and  the  closest 


point  in  Nueva  Galicia  or  the  nearest  coastal  settlement  in 
Panuco.  Menendez*  chief  geographic  error— the  foreshorten- 
ing of  continental  distances— was  thus  continued. 

After  the  end  of  his  second  continental  trip,  Juan 
Pardo  sent  reinforcements  to  his  settlements  at  Guatari 
and  Joada.   By  the  time  Father  Rogel  reached  Santa  Elena  in 
June,  1568,  news  had  already  reached  the  seacoast  that  many 
Spanish  soldiers  had  been  massacred  by  Indians  at  the  inland 



As  the  one  man  who  was  in  an  unusually  good  position 
to  survey  the  entire  colonization  effort  of  Pedro  Menendez 
from  the  Florida  West  Coast  all  the  way  to  Santa  Elena,  Juan 
Rogel  is  a  valuable  witness  for  the  historian.   In  July, 
1568,  he  gave  the  General  of  the  Jesuit  Order  his  frank 
opinion  of  the  state  of  the  enterprise  of  evangelization  in 

Florida. ^^ 

Father  Rogel  thought  he  could  discern  one  major  obstacle 
which  had  impeded  the  religious  mission  in  Florida — one 
thing  which  he  believed  had  led  to  the  many  Indian  uprisings 
in  the  two  years  immediately  past.   In  his  opinion,  it  was 
the  behavior  of  the  Spanish  soldiers  which  had  outraged  the 
natives  in  every  area  of  occupation.   They  had  demanded  food 
from  the  Indians,  beaten  and  killed  natives  and  abused  their 
women.   The  Spaniards  had  been,  he  asserted,  overbearing, 
cruel  and  harsh;  this  treatment  had  been  the  proximate  cause 
of  the  loss  of  Santa  Lucia,  the  troubles  at  Tocobaga,  Carlos, 


Tequestar  and  the  reason  for  the  Indian  attacks  upon  Fort 
Joada  and  other  inland  blockhouses.  While  the  priest  prayed 
for  restraint  of  the  licentious  soldiery,  he  could  also  see 
one  great  hope  for  the  Jesuit  mission  with  the  Florida 
Indians.   If,  he  said,  married  settlers  came  in  numbers, 
the  land   could  be  secured  and  the  Gospel  might  then  be 
preached  in  an  atmosphere  of  community  instead  of  one  of 
lust  and  bloodshed. 

What  Juan  Rogel  could  not  see  as  clearly,  or  perhaps 
could  not  admit  to  his  superior,  was  that  the  strict  incul- 
cation of  Christian  doctrine  also  posed  a  threat  to  the 
Indiam  cultures.   Under  the  influence  of  the  charisma  of 
Pedro  Menendez'  driving  personality  and  exposed  to  the  power 
euid  technology  of  Europeeui  civilization,  the  Indians  had 
taken  the  first  steps  to  Christianization.  The  exclusive 
acceptance  of  Catholicism  by  the  Indians  would  not  be  as 
lightly  imposed,  however.   Elimination  of  the  old  rites, 
ceremonies  and  beliefs  would  imply  a  thoroughgoing  change  in 
Indian  life.   As  they  sensed,  it  would,  in  fact,  mean  the 
total  alteration  of  their  culture.  The  enforcement  of  such 
change  only  would  be  accomplished  through  heavy  and  con- 
sistent pressure  by  the  Spanish  over  a  period  of  time. 

The  framework  in  which  Castilian  religious  and  social 
values  could  best  be  instilled  in  the  Indians  was,  as  Rogel 
had  stated,  one  of  successful  Spanish  colonization,   the 
only  means  by  which  the  enterprise  of  Florida  could  succeed 


as  that  of  greater  population.  As  the  first  three  years 
of  the  Florida  asiento  neared  its  end,  the  greater  part 
of  the  effort  of  settlement— ^the  population  of  the 
provinces — had  still  to  be  accomplished.   Adelantado, 
■lissionary  and  soldier  all   saw  this  to  be  the  most 
i>Q>ortant  task. 

To  support  the  colonization  of  Florida,  feverish 
activities  were  going  forward  in  Spain  in  the  face  of 
some  difficulty  and  opposition.   While  Pedro  Menendez 
de  Aviles  dedicated  his  remarkable  energies  to  the  con- 
struction and  outfitting  of  his  fleet  of  fast  new  ships 
in  Vizcaya,  his  deputy  Castillo  continued  to  lc±)or  in 
Cadiz  for  the  enterprise  of  Florida.    He  had  dispatched 
a  C2Lravel  and  galleon  in  the  winter  of  1567-1568,  and 
had  encountered  a  degree  of  obstruction  by  the  Casa 
officials  in  Seville. 

As  the  Crown  moved  slowly  to  pay  the  men  who  had 
served  in  the  Archiniega  expedition  to  Florida,  the  King 
made  a  ruling  which  favored  Pedro  Menendez.   Philip  II 
agreed  to  pay  the  pilots  who  had  gone  on  the  original 
journey  to  Florida,  even  though  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  had 
disputed  the  payment. ^^  The  King  wrote  the  Royal  Officials 
of  Cuba,  asking  that  they  pay  the  two  hundred  soldiers 


Pedro  Menendez  had  left  in  Havana,  so  that  their  support 

would  not  become  a  charge  upon  the  Adelantado.     There 

continued,  however,  a  strong  reaction  against  the  privileges 
and  benefits  the  King  had  granted  to  Pedro  Menendez  de 
Avil^s.   Unfavorable  reports  on  Florida  continued  to  arrive 
from  the  Indies.    The  ruling  by  the  Council  of  the  Indies 
for  Captains  Redrobem  and  Enrique z  was  a  setback  for  the 
Adelantado  who  had  sentenced  them.   With  characteristic 
conservatism  and  concern  for  the  rights  of  the  Crown,  Philip 
II  shortly  took  another  step  to  offset  some  of  the  power 
which  he  had  given  to  Pedro  Menendez.   In  view  of  the  accusa- 
tions, the  King  determined  to  reassert  royal  control  over  the 
Crown  Treasury  in  Florida,  and  on  May  23,  1568,  he  named 
Fremcisco  de  Esquivel  as  Treasurer  of  Florida.   Evidently 
the  monarch  also  thought  of  removing  the  Accountant  whom 
Menendez  had  named. 

It  was  the  controversy  over  the  embarking  of  Pedro 
Menendez'  two  hundred  colonists,  however,  which  led  to  the 
major  determination  the  Crown  next  made  cJx>ut  the  adelanta- 
miento  of  Florida.   Pedro  del  Castillo  asked  permission  of 
the  Casa  representative  in  Cadiz,  Antonio  Abalia,  to  load  the 
urea  Salvadora  with  the  large  body  of  married  settlers  in- 
tended for  Florida.   Even  though  Menendez'  trade  privileges 
had  not  expired,  the  three-year  term  of  the  asiento  had  ended 
at  the  end  of  June,  1568.   The  Casa  alleged,  however,  that 
since  the  term  had  then  passed  in  which  the  Adelantado  was 


to  have  taken   five  hundred  settlers  to  Florida,  the  ships 
could  not  be  sent. 

On  August  23,  1568,  the  King  granted  specific  permission 
for  the  ship  with  its  colonists  to  sail  to  Florida.   Three 
weeks  later  the  order  was  followed  up  with  a  more  detailed 
coramcmd  to  the  royal  trade  representative  in  C^diz.   The 
two  hundred  should  immediately  go,  and  Men^ndez  would  also 
have  permission  to  embark  other  settlers  direct  from  the 
Canary  Islands  to  Florida.    Philip  II  had  effectively 
renewed  the  Men^ndez  contract.   The  King  had  also  made  a 
key  decision  to  aid  his  Florida  Adelantado  to  continue  his 
population  effort  in  Florida.   As  an  intermediate  stage 
between  the  haphazard  means  of  supply  previously  used  to 
support  for  royal  troops  in  Florida  and  a  full-fledged 
sxibsidy,  the  King  had  agreed  to  provide  regular  support  for 
a  minimum  royal  garrison  of  one  hundred  fifty  men.   This 
would  promote  stability  in  royal  support  for  Florida,  and 

would  help  regularize  the  financial  requirements  of  both 

partxes.    There  would  now  be  means  to  encourage  the 

effort  of  population,  upon  which  the  future  of  the  enterprise 

of  Florida  would  depend.   Both  parties  to  the  adelantamiento 

of  Florida  were  deeply  committed  to  the  continuation  of  their 

mutual  enterprise.   Their  expecations  to  date  had  led  them 

into  great  expense    but  remained,  as  yet,  unrealized. 



Study  of  the  background  and  events  of  the  initial 
Florida  conquest  of  1565-1568  discloses  that  it  was  ac- 
complished by  a  conquest  entrepreneur,  or  Adelantado.   The 
founding  of  Spemish  Florida  thus  fitted  into  a  long  tradi- 
tion in  which  much  of  Spanish  expansion  was  done  through  Royal 
surrogates,  who  underwrote  the  pacification  and  settlement 
of  new  Icuids  in  return  for  license  to  exploit  them  and  the 
granting  of  titles,  monopolies,  Icuid-grants  emd  revenues. 
Philip  II,  caught  between  the  urgencies  of  his  dynastic 
policies  and  his  limited  resources,  granted  adelantamientos 
upon  a  number  of  occasions  and  promulgated  Royal  ordinances 
in  1563  defining  the  place  of  private  conquerors  in  Spanish 

After  the  collapse  of  Spanish-French  negotiations  over 
New  World  spheres  of  influence  following  the  treaty  of 
Cateau-Cambresis,  the  Spanish  monarch  learned  of  the  French 
settlement  at  Port  Royal.   He  ordered  a  punitive  expedition 
to  sail  against  the  intruders  and  licensed  Lucas  Vazquez 
de  Ayll6n  as  Adelantado  for  the  settlement  of  the  North 
American  mainland.   Neither  of  these  efforts  succeeded,  but 
the  French  vacated  Port  Royal  of  their  own  volition,  only 
to  be  succeeded  by  another  Huguenot  colony  which  estciblished 
itself  in  Florida  and  built  Fort  Caroline.   Deserters  from 
that  garrison  went  a-corsairing  in  the  West  Indies,  and  their 
capture  and  confessions  eventually  resulted  in  the  sending 


of  very  tardy  word  of  the  French  incursion  to  Spain. 

Meemwhile,  the  Asturiem  seeunan  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles 
had  risen,  through  ability  and  influence,  to  be  a  minor 
power  in  the  Indies  trade  and  a  major  Crown  official  in  the 
fleet  system.   He  soon  Ccime  into  direct  conflict  with  the 
merchants  of  Seville  cind  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  over  juris- 
diction.  After  his  conviction  in  1563  cind  1564  upon  charges 
of  smuggling  and  conflict  of  interest,  Menendez  escaped  his 
imprisonment  in  Seville  and  finally  succeeded  in  having  all 
charges  against  him  annulled  by  the  Council  of  the  Indies. 
He  then  signed  an  asiento,  or  contract,  with  Philip  II  for 
the  conquest  and  settlement  of  Florida. 

Lamentably,  historians  have  concentrated  upon  the  strik- 
ing events  of  Fort  Caroline  and  Matanzas  and  thus  upon  the 
purely  diplomatic  and  military  aspects  of  the  Florida  con- 
quest.  This  has  resulted  in  general  disregard  of  the  fact 
that  the  Menendez  contract  was  signed  before  knowledge  of 
Rene  de  Laudonniere's  fort  on  the  River  May.   It  was  only 
then  that  the  dual  nature  of  the  enterprise  of  Florida  began, 
as  the  Crown  added  troops,  supplies  and  munitions  to  Menendez 
own  effort.   Even  though  Royal  aid  continued  on  a  sporadic 
basis  and  resulted  in  1568  in  the  King's  guarantee  of  payment 
for  a  minimum  number  of  soldiers,  Menendez'  private  govern- 
ment continued  to  control  Florida  and  undergird  its  support 
during  the  entire  period.   The  very  nature  of  an  adelanta- 
miento,  such  as  that  in  Florida,  rendered  Crown  control  over 
the  use  of  Royal  resources  virtually  impossible. 


Pedro  Menendez  had  to  buy  or  lease  ships,  hire  seamen 
and  soldiers  and   purchase  supplies  for  his  expeditions  to 
Florida;  he  was  required  to  encourage  emd  support  settlers, 
and  had  to  maintain  his  establishment  for  the  term  of  his 
contract.   Examination  of  the  resources  of  the  Adelantado  for 
the  conquest  discloses  that  he  utilized  all  the  cash,  loans 
and  credit  he  could  obtain  in  order  to  fulfill  his  obliga- 
tions,  Menendez'  origin,  as  a  product  of  the  north-of- 
Spain  contra-corsario  culture  and  his  relationship  to  its 
great  noble  families,  insured  that  his  Florida  conquest  was 
not  to  be  a  solitary  effort,  but  a  regional  enterprise.  Man- 
power, associates  in  leadership  and  funds  for  Florida  came 
from  a  matrix  of  f ellow-nortenos ,  whose  commercial  and  politi- 
cal reach  extended  to  the  south  of  Spain  and  to  the  Indies. 
The  Adelantado  executed  a  contract  with  Pedro  del  Castillo 
of  Cadiz,  mcJcing  him  his  surrogate,  and  erected  a  structure 
of  powers-of-attorney  which  enabled  him  to  tap  commercial 
revenues  emd  maintain  his  effort  in  Florida.   The  events  of 
the  conquest  tested  Menendez'  resources  to  the  utmost.   His 
decision  to  proceed  directly  to  Florida  from  Puerto  Rico 
in  1565  made  his  victory  possible  but  cost  heavily  in  ships, 
lives  and  money.   After  Royal  aid  promised  to  Menendez  in 
the  Indies  failed  to  materialize,  the  Adelantado  had  great 
difficulty  providing  for  the  garrisons  in  Florida.   The 
conquest  also  seriously  reduced  his  private  income  potential 
through  the  destruction  of  memy  of  his  ships,  cuid  Menendez 


underwent  great  tribulations  with  the  unruly  contract 
soldiers,  whether  those  sent  by  the  King  or  his  own  men. 
Their  mutinies  emd  rebellions  cost  Men^ndez  dear,  and  their 
treatment  of  the  natives  undermined  his  Indicin  policies. 
In  spite  of  obstacles,  Pedro  Men^ndez  de  Avil^s  and 
his  norteno  conquest  group  had  achieved  partial  success  in 
the  realization  of  their  Florida  conquest  design.  Their 
continental  exploration  had  reached  the  Appalachians  and 
Chesapeake  Bay  while  forts  and  missions  had  been  built  from 
the  peninsular  Gulf  coast  around  the  southeast  cape  north 
to  Santa  Elena.   In  spite  of  slow  progress  in  converting 
the  Indians,  dedicated  Jesuits  persisted  in  their  Florida 
mission  in  keeping  with  Men^ndez '  coherent  plan  for  areal 
mission  centers.   Despite  the  soldiers'  mutinies,  Pedro 
Menendez  had  imposed  a  detailed  system  for  local  and  regional 
government  upon  his  provinces.   He  made  his  establishments 
in  complete  accordance  with  ancient  Castilian  municipal 
institutions,  which  provided  for  the  means  of  government, 
justice  and  extension  into  the  land  under  Spanish  law. 
Menendez  had  created  cities  whose  cabildos  would  hopefully 
govern  communities  where  settlers,  soldiers  and  missionaries 
could  build  a  society  that  would  include  and  instruct  the 
native  peoples.   He  made  arrangements  to  bring  hundreds  of 
settlers  to  Florida,  with  whom  he  would  share  the  costs  and 
benefits  of  their  establishment.   Noble  and  commoner  alike 
shared  expectations  of  a  land  which  would  prosper  in  local 


self-sufficiency  and  in  the  production  of  hides  and  sugar 
for  export.  They  also  hoped  that  Florida  would  profit 
through  discovery  of  a  water  passage  to  New  Spain  amd  the 
Pacifict  and  that  naval  stores  emd  shipbuilding  would 
flourish  there.  The  Adelantado  himself  planned  a  large 
domain  in  the  fertile  lamds  north  and  west  of  Santa  Elena, 
which  might  support  the  title  of  Marquis,  such  as  Cortes  had 

At  the  end  of  the  first  phase  of  the  Florida  conquest 
in  summer,  1568,  Pedro  Men^ndez  had  been  personally  rewarded 
for  his  services  in  Florida  by  profitable  offices,  a  bonus, 
and  additional  revenues.   The  King  had  also  agreed  to  support 
a  minimxua  Florida  garrison  of  one  hundred  fifty  men  from 
fleet  funds,  while  Menendez'  trade  privileges  were  extended 
in  return  for  his  continuation  of  the  efforts  of  coloniza- 
tion.  In  spite  of  the  expulsion  of  the  French  at  great 
cost  to  both  contracting  parties,  a  bare  foothold  had  been 
gained  in  Florida.   The  small  number  and  wide  dispersal  of 
Spanish  forces  made  real  penetration  and  exploitation  of  the 
land  impossible.   Successful  evcingelization  of  the  Indians 
and  the  creation  of  prosperous  colonies  was  not  yet  realized. 
It  had  become  ominously  clear  that  only  sizeable  Spanish 
population,  supported  by  military  force,  could  provide  the 
matrix  for  a  true  pacification  of  the  vast  territory  of 
Florida  and  its  native  peoples.   The  tasks  of  conquest  had 
just  fairly  begun. 


1.  See  the  certificate  of  custody,  Graviel  de  Ayala, 
in  Vivero,  Galicia,  July  2,   X567,  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  999. 

2.  The  notification  of  receipt  of  the  prisoners,  dated 
at  Madrid  on  July  17,  1567,  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General 

3.  The  King's  order  of  release  was  directed  to  the 
Casa  from  Madrid  on  May  19,  1657,  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente 
General  1,967.   Royal  policy  toward  the  French  prisoners 
is  discussed  by  Eugene  Lyon  in  "Captives  of  Florida,"  pp. 

4.  See  Fourquevaxix  to  Charles  IX,  Madrid,  n.d.  (1567), 
from  "Lettres  et  Papiers  d'Etat  de  Fourquebaux , "  in  Gaffarel, 
La  Floride  Frangaise,  p.  450. 

5.  Philipfe  letters  of  May  24,  1567,  and  June  13,  1567, 
were  both  sent  from  Madrid,  and  are  found  in  A.G.I.  Contra- 
tacion  5,012  (Stetson  Collection).   The  reply  of  the  Casa 
came  from  Seville  on  June  23,  1567,  and  is  from  A.G.I. 
Contratacion  5,167. 

6.  Apart  from  the  letters  of  Fourquevaux,  the  best 
description  of  Pedro  Men^ndez'  arrival  at  the  Court  is  from 
Solis  de  Meras,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  pp.  241-245. 

The  Soils  de  Meras  narrative  ends  after  that  portrayal. 

7.  Menendez  describes  his  discomfiture  at  learning  of 
the  delay  in  the  Florida  supply  in  a  memorial  to  the  Casa 
dated  at  Madrid  on  September  21,  1567.   The  King  sent  his 
suggestion  eibout  using  one  of  Menendez'  ships  to  the  Casa 
from  El  Pardo  on  August  13,  1567.   Both  documents  come  from 
A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,012  (Stetson  Collection). 

8.  An  excellent  description  of  the  powers  and  duties 
of  the  Royal  Fiscal  is  found  in  "Powers  of  the  Fiscal," 
from  "Codice  de  Leyes,"  September  24,  1570,  reprinted  in 
D.I.,  XVI,  431-435. 

9.  The  case  is  in  a  single  legajo — A.G.I.  Escribania 
de  Camara  1,024-A.  Although  the  manuscript  inventario  for 
the  Escribania  de  Camara  section  of  the  Archive  of  the  Indies 



lists  eighteen  piezas  in  the  legajo^  only  nine  are  now 
present  in  the  bundle.  Microfilm  of  the  legajo  is  now  in 
the  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History.   The  writer 
believes  the  material  so  rich  that  he  associates  with  it 
the  Soils  de  Meras  narrative,  and  that  it  may  in  fact  have 
contained  the  "missing  relacion"  from  which  both  the  Solis 
de  Meras  and   Barrientos  works  were  teiken.   See  the  cogent 
summary  of  parallels  between  the  two  narratives  by  Lyle  N, 
McAlister  in  his  Introduction,  esp.  xxi  and  xxii.  (Solis 
de  Meras,  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles).   It  may  be  that  the 
arrangement  of  papers  for  the  Menendez  lawsuit  against  the 
Crown  also  paralleled  the  materials  contained  in  the 
I^evillagigedo  archive.   The  asiento  copy  in  Escribania  de 
Camara  1,024-A  is  cm  original,  signed  by  Philip  II, 

10.  ■lnformaci6n  sumaria  hecho  en  Cadiz  por  Pedro  del 
Castillo,"  September  22,  1567,  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Cimara 

11.  ■lnformaci6n  ante  Alcalde,"  Madrid,  October  16, 
1567,  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

12.  The  Luna  soldiery  is  enumerated  in  "Requeremiento 
de  Luna  a  Castillo  que  le  de  para  los  fletes  y  costa  de  los 
soldados";  the  northern  effort  is  discussed  in  "La  lista 
que  hizo  el  [sic]  de  las  Alas  en  Aviles  de  257  personas," 
"Visita  y  registro  de  los  navios  y  gente  en  Gijon,  and  Visita 
y  registro  del  navio  Espiritu  Santo,"  all  of  which  are  from 
A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

13.  As  previously  cited,  the  ship  losses  are  itemized 
in  "Memorial  de  los  navios  cargados  de  bastimentos  y  muni- 
ciones  que  se  perdieron  el  Adelantado  ....,"  while  the 
supply  sailings  were  listed  in  "Despachos  que  se  hicieron 

.  .  .  ,"  both  from  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A. 

14.  The  end  of  the  Enriquez  case  is  documented  under 
the  date  of  August  24,  1567,  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General 
1,219.   The  Parra  case,  which  continued  until  1570,  is 
detailed  in  part  in  A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  952.   Pedro 
de  Redroban's  appeal  was  finally  successful;  see  the  Cedula 
to  the  Casa  of  August  2,  1568,  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente' 
General  1,967  (Stetson  Collection). 

15.  The  Menendez  appointment  as  Governor  of  Cuba  of 
October  24,  1567,  is  from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115.   The 
Adelamtado  named  Diego  de  Miranda  as  secretary  for  the 
Osorio  residencia  on  February  2,    1568,  at  Madrid;  see  A.H.P., 
Protocolo  521,  Escribania  of  Diego  Rodriguez.   It  appears 
that  Garcia  Osorio  had  already  been  suspended  from  his 
office  when  the  Menendez  appointment  was  made;  on  August  30, 
1567,  Philip  II  wrote  from  Madrid  to  Don  Diego  de  Santillan 
as  "our  Governor  of  the  island  of  Cxiba,"  ordering  him  to 


punish  Osorio  for  his  actions  against  Barreda.   This  is  from 
a  letter  in  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  1,122. 

16.  The  cedula  of  appointment  on  November  2,    1567, 

is  found,  among  other  places,  in  A.G.I.  Contadurla  454,  No. 
3,   Menendez*  arrangement  to  receive  the  Royal  fifth  of  all 
prizes  as  well  as  his  usual  share  is  discussed  in  a  cedula 
to  the  Casa  sent  from  El  Escorial  on  November  5,  1570; 
from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  24. 

17.  The  embargo  is  described  by  the  Casa  officials 
in  a  letter  to  the  King  dated  at  Seville  on  December  24, 
1567,  and  found  in  A.G.I.  Contatacion  5,167. 

18.  The  income  of  the  encomienda  was  at  least  200 
ducats  per  year,  for  Menendez  later  pledged  that  sum  from 
the  revenues  of  Santa  Cruz  to  Hernando  de  Miranda  as  part 
dowry  for  his  daughter  Catalina.  See  the  dower  agreement 
dated  at  Aviles  on  March  27,  1574,  from  A.G.I.  Escribania 
de  Camara  153-A. 

19.  See  Crown  to  Casa,  Madrid,  October  6,  1567,  from 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,220.   The  shallop  tonnage  change 
is  from  a  Royal  letter  to  Pedro  Menendez  dated  at  Madrid 

on  t he  same  day,  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  2,67  3. 
The  dispatch  of  the  galleon  is  described  in  a  communication 
dated  May  15,  1568,  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,220. 

20.  The  sentence  is  from  A.G.I.  Escribanfa  de  C^ara 
1,024-A,  and  is  dated  at  Madrid  on  February  9,  1568. 

21.  The  poder  of  Pedro  Menendez  to  Diego  de  Valdes  is 
found  in  A.C.R. ,  legajo  2,  No.  3,  A7a  (microfilm,  P.  K, 
Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History).   It  bears  the  date  "1568." 
The  me reed  of  10,000  ducats  was  granted  on  April  11,  1568, 

by  a  cedula  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,967  (Stetson 
Collection) . 

22.  Persuaded  by  Menendez,  the  King  wrote  the  Royal 
Officials  of  Havana  from  Madrid  on  February  2,  1568,  and 
asked  them  to  itemize  the  cost  to  Pedro  Menendez  of  the 
supplies  he  had  shipped  to  Florida  from  Havema.   This  letter 
is  from  A.G.I.  Contadurf a  1,174. 

23.  The  Baron  Fourquevaux  advised  Charles  IX  that 
Menendez  was  to  leave  in  the  winter  of  1567-1568  with  1,500 
young  married  men  emd  their  families  to  make  a  massive 
effort  to  settle  Florida.   The  letter  was  dated  at  Madrid  on 
September  12,  1567,  and  was  reprinted  in  "Lettres  et  Papiers 
d'etat  de  Fourquevaux,"  in  Gaffarel,  La  Floride  Frangaise,  p. 
452.  * 


24.  Menendez  describes  the  agreement  with  Perez  in 
his  letter  to  the  King  from  St.  Augustine  dated  October  20, 

1566,  from  A.G.I.  Satnto  Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collection), 
The  rupture  with  Perez  is  evident  in  the  letter  Perez  wrote 
on  November  28,  1567,  from  Scinto  Domingo  to  the  King, 
castigating  Menendez  for  selling  Royal  property  and  accusing 
the  Adelantado  of  attempting  to  ruin  him.   The  letter  is 
from  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  71  (Stetson  Collection). 

25.  See  Pedro  Menendez  to  Crown,  St.  Augustine, 
October  20,  1566,  A.G.I.  Santo  Domingo  115  (Stetson  Collec- 
tion) for  the  Adelantado *s  plan  for  the  settlers  emd  his 
arrauigement  for  them. 

26.  The  collection  of  the  settlers  from  Toledo  in 
early  1568  is  described  in  material  found  with  an  order  of 
July  26,  1568,  before  the  Casa  representative  in  CSdiz, 
from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,220. 

27.  The  Royal  orders  were  sent  to  the  Casa  on  August 
13,  28  cind  30  of  1567;  Philip  II  sent  the  Menendez  Memorial 
of  September  21  with  another  dispatch  to  Seville  on  October 
1,  1567,  and  sent  yet  another  letter  there  on  October  15, 

1567.  These  are  from  A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,012  (Stetson 
Collection) .   Other  letters  from  the  King  to  the  Casa  were 
sent  on  November  3,  4,  and  18;  these  are  in  A.G.I.  Indiferente 
General  1,967  (Stetson  Collection). 

28.  The "Casa  de  Contratacion  acknowledged  the  King's 
order  authorizing  the  Indians  to  sail  on  the  relief  ships  in 
a  letter  sent  from  Seville  on  February  17,  1568,  from  A.G.I. 
Contratacion  5,16  8.   From  the  same  legajo,  on  March  4,  1568, 
the  approval  for  the  passage  of  Miranda  and  "Pedro  de  Ba- 
cortoqui — the  Vizcaino  who  came  with  the  Indians"  was  given. 
Payment  of  freight  for  the  Indians  and  their  interpreter  is 
listed  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  299;  53:   2  and  53:   2  vto. 

Dr.  Zayas  later  wrote  a  letter  (from  Seville,  August  29, 
1569)  to  the  Crown  telling  of  his  voyage  on  one  of  the  ureas 
of  1568.   His  letter  is  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General 

29.  Menendez'  influence  in  obtaining  the  Royal  letters 
of  authorization  for  the  missionaries  was  mentioned  in  a 
letter  from  Geronimo  Ruiz  del  Portillo  to  Francisco  de  Morja, 
now  General  of  the  Jesuit  Order.   The  letter,  dated  September 
25,  1567,  has  been  reprinted  in  Zubillaga,  Monumenta  An- 
tiquae  Floridae,  204-205. 

30.  Both  points  of  view  are  expressed  in  a  letter  from 
Pedro  de  Saavedra  to  the  General  of  the  Order,  written  from 
Madrid  on  October  10,  1567,  and  reprinted  in  Zubillaga, 
Monumenta  Antiquae  Floridae,  206-207. 


31.  The  Men^ndez  visit  is  detailed  in  a  third-person 
narrative  entitled  "Anonymous  Relation  of  a  visit  which 
Pedro  Men^ndez  made  to  the  Florida  Missionaries  in  Spain," 
dated  December  16,  1567,  and  reprinted  in  Zubillaga,  Monu- 
menta  Antiquae  Floridae,  214-218, 

32.  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles  to  Francisco  de  Borja, 
Madrid,  Jemuary  18,  1568,  in  Ziobillaga,  Monumenta  Antiquae 
Floridae,  228-234.  

33.  The  baptism  is  described  by  Felix  Zubillaga  in 
La  Florida,  p.  313. 

34.  The  departure  is  mentioned  in  a  letter  from  Gon- 
zalo  de  Alamo  to  Francisco  de  Borja,  sent  from  Havana  on 
November  17,  1568,  and  reprinted  in  Zubillaga,  Monumenta 
Antiquae  Floridae,  349.   Crown  costs  for  the  ureas  are 
summarized  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  299,  No.  2,  533;  No.  5-B, 
11-2.   The  writer  is  indebted  to  Dr.  Paul  E.  Hoffman  for 
this  citation. 

^35.   The  date  of  arrival  is  given  by  Father  Antonio 
Sedeno  in  a  letter  to  Francisco  Borja  dated  at  Havana 
November  17,  1568;  in  Zubillaga,  Monumenta  Antiquae  Floridae, 
351.   The  order  of  Gonzalo  Gayon  to  Martin  de  Argiielles, 
Alcalde,  is  dated  at  St.  Augustine  June  22,  1568,  from  A.G.I. 
Contratacion  58. 

36.  Francisco  Lopez  de  Mendoza  Grajales  recounts  the 
mutiny  in  his  letter  to  Pedro  Menendez,  written  from  St. 
Augustine  on  August  6,  1567,  and  reprinted  in  Lawson, 
"Letters  of  Menendez,"  II,  328-332.   The  hanging  of  one  of 
the  mutineers,  Alonso  Lopes  de  Yepes  on  June  1,  1567,  is 
mentioned  in  a  marginal  note  opposite  his  name  on  the  ration 
list  for  1566-67  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  941  (microfilm,  P.  K. 
Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History). 

37.  The  Andrada  expedition  is  recounted  briefly  by 
Chaplain  Mendoza  Grajales  in  his  August  7,  1567,  letter; 
see  n.  36  supra.   The  death  of  the  Captain  and  his  men  b 
mentioned  in  the  ration  list  marginal  comments  in  A.G.I. 
Contaduria  941.   In  1569,  Andrada's  wife.  Dona  Constanza, 
received  a  500-ducat  me reed  from  the  King  after  pleading  her 
case  before  the  Council  of  the  Indies.   The  matter  was  heard 
before  the  Council  in  Madrid  on  January  27,  1569,  and  the 
case  is  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,220. 

38.  The  basic  source  for  the  De  Gourgues  expedition 
is  "La  Reprinse  de  la  Floride  par  le  captaine  Gourgues," 
published  in  translation  (Jeannette  Thurber  Connor)  and 
reprinted  in  Charles  E.  Bennett  in  Settlement  of  Florida 
(Gainesville:   University  of  Florida  Press,  1968),  pp.  202- 


226.  According  to  the  narrative,  the  Frenchmen  left  Europe 
on  August  22,  1567,  and  reached  Florida  by  way  of  Dominica, 
Puerto  Rico  and  Scmto  Domingo. 

39.  The  first  Spanish  description  of  the  De  Gourgues 
raid  is  a  report  from  Esteban  de  las  Alas ,  prob2±>ly  addressed 
to  Juan  de  Hinestrosa  in  Havana,  and  dated  May  9,  156  8,  at 
St.  Augustine.   It  is  from  A.G.I.  Patronato  254,  No.  2,  ramo 

1  (Stetson  Collection),  and  is  mis-dated  1569  on  the  cover 
sheet.   The  loss  of  San  Mateo  is  narrated  at  length  in  the 
body  of  the  legal  case  against  the  Spanish  soldiers  charged 
with  its  loss.   This  is  from  A.G.I.  Justicia  998  (Stetson 
Collection) . 

40.  Juan  Rogel  describes  the  death  of  Chief  Carlos 
and  events  at  Tacobaga  and  Tequesta  in  a  letter  to  Geronimo 
Ruiz  del  Portillo  dated  at  Havana  April  25,  156  8,  and  re- 
printed in  Zubillaga,  Monumenta  Antiquae  Floridae,  274- 

41.  The  religious  differences  between  Philip  and 
Father  Rogel  are  outlined  in  the  priest's  letter  to  Geronimo 
Ruiz  del  Portillo,  cited  in  n.  40  supra. 

42.  See  Brother  Villareal's  letter  to  Juan  Rogel, 
dated  at  Tequesta  on  January  23,  1568,  from  Zubillaga, 
Monumenta  Antiquae  Floridae,  235-240. 

43.  The  voyage  to  Tocobaga  and  the  subsequent  flight 
of  the  Spanish  from  Tequesta  is  discussed  by  Rogel  in  a 
letter  to  Geronimo  Ruiz  del  Portillo  dated  at  Havana  on 
April  25,  1568,  in  Zubillaga,  Monumenta  Antiquae  Floridae, 
274-311.   Menendez  Marquiz  and  other^witnesses  testified 
to  events  at  the  two  missions  in  "Danos  de  los  Indios  de 

la  Florida,"  in  A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  20  (Stet- 
son Collection) . 

44.  The  second  Pardo  journey  inland  evidently  endured 
from  September  1,  1567,  to  March,  1568.   The  account  which 
has  survived  is  that  taken  by  Juan  de  la  Vandera  at  Santa 
Elena  on  January  23,  1569.   The  writer  found  a  copy  of  this 
in  A.G.I.  Contratacion  58.   It  has  been  reprinted  by  Ruidiaz, 
La  Florida,  II,  465-473,  and  by  Lawson  in  "Letters  of  Menen- 
dez,"  II,  345-351.   The  deaths  of  several  of  the  soldiers 
left  in  the  inland  forts  are  mentioned  in  the  1566-67 
ration  list  in  A.G.I.  Contadurfa  941  (microfilm,  P.  K. 
Yonge  Library  of  Florida  History) ,  fol.  5-9  vto. 

45.  Juan  Rogel  to  Framcisco  de  Borja,  Havana,  July  25, 
1568;  in  Zubillaga,  Monumenta  Antiquae  Floridae,  317-328. 


46.  The  Adelantado  describes  his  preoccupation  with  the 
construction  of  the  Guard  Fleet  Galibrazas  in  his  letter  to 
the  King  from  Santander  on  May  12,  1568;  from  Lawson, 
•Letters  of  Menendez,"  II,  336-345. 

47.  A  Jamuary  dispute  over  the  dispatch  of  a  galleon 
w£is  heard  before  Antonio  de  Abalia  in  cSdiz  on  May  15,  1568; 
this  is  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,220. 

48.  Calculation  of  the  pay  due  each  man  was  made  in 
A.G.I.  Contaduria  310-B.   The  payment  of  Sancho  de  Archiniega 
is  listed  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  299;  12:   7.   The  payment  of 
Gonzalo  de  Gay6n  and  the  other  pilots  was  recorded  in  the 
same  legajo  at  38:   4  and  2. 

49.  The  cedula  is  dated  February  2,  1568  at  Madrid, 
and  is  found  in  A.G.I.  Contaduria  54  8. 

50.  See  the  letter  from  Hernan  Perez  to  the  King  sent 
from  Santo  Domingo  on  November  28,  1567,  and  from  A.G.I. 
Santo  Domingo  71  (Stetson  Collection) . 

51.  Esquivel's  appointment  was  dated  at  Madrid  on 
May  23,  1568,  and  is  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,220. 
The  Adelantado  complained  of  the  removal  of  his  own  people 
from  their  offices  in  his  letter  to  Philip  II  dated  at 
Santander  on  May  12,  1568,  and  reprinted  in  Lawson,  "Letters 
of  Menendez,"  II,  336-345. 

52.  Pedro  del  Castillo,  in  attempting  to  load  the 
shallop  Nuestra  Senora  de  la  Consolacion  and  a  caravel  to 
carry  the  settlers  and  supplies  to  Florida,  ran  into  opposi- 
tion from  Antonio  de  Abalia,  representative  of  the  Casa  in 
Cadiz.   Abalia  swore  that  many  Portuguese  people  were 
illegally  aboard  the  ships.   See  "Informacion  ante  Abalia," 
Cadiz,  July  26,  156  8,  from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General 
2,673.   Pedro  Menendez  discussed  the  dispute  and  complained 
to  the  King  about  Abalia  in  a  letter,  n.d.  (August,  1568), 
from  the  same  legajo.   The  Casa  alleged  that  the  actions 

of  Abalia  had  been  justified  because  the  term  of  Menendez' 
asiento  had  expired;  the  King  referred  to  this  charge  and 
ordered  that  the  Casa  let  the  ships  and  settlers  go,  in  his 
letter  to  Seville  sent  from  El  Escorial  on  August  22,  1568, 
from  A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,967. 

53.  The  King  admitted  that  Menendez  had  carried 
Portuguese  on  his  vessels,  but  extended  the  Adelantado 's 
trade  privileges  and  ordered  that  the  violations  be  over- 
looked.  This  is  contained  in  a  letter  from  Philip  II  to 
Abalia,  sent  from  El  Pardo  on  August  17,  1568,  and  found  in 
A.G.I.  Indiferente  General  1,967.   A  copy  is  also  in  A.G.I. 
Indiferente  General  2,673. 


54.   The  cedula  of  July  15,  1568,  is  cited  emd  sum- 
marized in  a  later  Royal  order  of  June  17,  1570,  found  in 
A.G.I.  Contadurfa  548. 



"Agreement  between  Dr.  Vazquez  of  the  Council  in  the 

name  of  the  King,  with  Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles," 

March  15,  1565. 

— A.G.I.  Patronato  257,  No.  3,  ramo  3. 
in  Stetson  Collection,  P.  K.  Yonge 
Library  of  Florida  History, 
University  of  Florida. 

That  «diich  is  agreed  between  Dr.  Vazquez  of  the  Council  of 

His  Majesty  and  in  his  name  as  party  of  the  first  part  and 

Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles,  Caballero  of  the  Order  of  Santiago 

of  the  other  is  as  follows: 

First,  that  the  said  Pedro  Menendez  obliges  himself  that 
within  the  coming  month  of  May,  he  will  have  ready  and 
equipped  to  sail  in  SemliScar  de  Barrameda  or  Puerto  de  Santa 
Maria  or  Cadiz,  to  go  with  the  first  (good)  weather,  six 
shallops,  each  one  of  fifty  tons,  more  or  less,  and  four 
fast  zabras,  with  their  oars,  artillery,  arms  and  mxinitions, 
loaded  with  supplies  cind  put  in  condition  for  war. 

Item — He  will  carry  five  hundred  men,  one  hundred  farmers, 
one  hundred  sailors  and  the  rest  men  and  officers  of  sea 
and  wair,  and  among  these  there  will  be  at  least  two  clerics 
and  other  persons,  skilled  in  stonecutting,  Ccirpentry,  and 



farriers,  blacksmiths  and  surgeons,  all  with  their  arms, 
arquebuses,  crossbows,  helmets  and  shields  and  with  the 
other  offensive  smd  defensive  arms  that  might  seem  fitting 
for  the  expedition. 

Item — He  will  have  ready  within  the  same  time-period  his 
galleon  named  San  Pelayo,  which  is  of  more  than  six  hundred 
tons,  new  from  its  first  voyage,  which  he  will  load  emd 
freight  for  euiy  part  of  the  Indies  which  he  might  wish. 
One-half  or  two-thirds  of  the  cargo  he  may  carry  and  the 
rest  should  be  left  vacant  in  order  to  carry  in  it  up  to 
three  hundred  men  of  the  said  five  hundred,  and  some  food 
and  supplies  which  might  be  needed,  as  far  as  Dominica  or 
Cape  Tiburdn  or  San  Antonio,  as  he  might  deem  best  (which 
is  seventy  leagues  from  Havana,  more  or  less,  and  about  the 
same  distance  from  Florida) ,  because  the  said  shallops 
cannot  carry  the  said  people,  since  they  are  small  ships  and 
not  covered.   They  would  sicken  and  die  with  too  much  sun 
and  the  heavy  rain-squalls  which  there  are  in  the  said 
parts.   Neither  Ccui  they  carry  the  supplies  which  are  needed 
for  these  people  for  such  a  long  journey.   Having  arrived 
as  it  has  been  said,  at  Dominica  or  some  other  place  which 
seems  best  to  him,  he  will  tremsfer  the  people  from  the 
said  galleon  to  the  said  shallops  and  the  said  galleon  will 
go  on  its  voyage.   He  (will  go)  with  the  said  shallops  and 
zabras,  with  the  said  five  hundred  men,  supplied  and  prepared 


for  war,  as  has  been  stated,  to  the  Coast  of  Florida. 
There  he  is  obliged  to  see  and  discover  places  which  seem  to 
him  the  best  and  most  commodious,  sailing  along  the  coasts 
by  sea  and  discovering  and  investigating  by  land,  seeking 
the  best  site  for  a  port  and  settlement  and   arranging  to 
seek  information.   If  there  are  on  the  said  coast  or  land 
some  corsair  settlers  or  any  other  nations  not  subject  to 
His  Majesty,  arrange  to  throw  them  out  by  the  best  means 
possible,  which  seem  best  to  him.  Take  the  lemd  of  the  said 
Florida  for  His  Majesty  and  in  his  royal  name,  attempting 
to  bring  its  natives  to  the  obedience  of  His  Majesty.   He 
will  explore  from  the  Ancones  and  bay  of  St.  Joseph,  which 
is  in  the  western  region  of  Florida  to  the  Cabeza  de  los 
Mar tires,  which  are  in  twenty-five  degrees,  and  from  there 
to  Terranova,  which  is  at  fifty  to  sixty  degrees  of  east- 
west,  and  all  the  coast  north-south,  to  see  and  discover 
the  ports  and  currents,  rocks,  shoals  and  inlets  which 
might  be  in  the  said  coast,  marking  and  noting  them  as 
precisely  as  he  can  by  their  latitudes  and  bearings,  in 
order  that  the  secret  of  the  coast  and  ports  which  are  in 
it  might  be  known  and  understood.   This  year  he  will  do 
what  he  can  and  the  rest  within  the  three  years  for  which 
he  is  obligated  in  this  said  asiento,  and  of  all  he  shall 
bring  testimony. 


Item — He  shall  carry  the  necessary  supplies  for  the  said 
expedition  for  the  five  hundred  men  for  one  year,  which  year 
shall  be  counted  from  (the  time)  when  the  people  are  in  the 
ships r  ready  to  depart. 

Item — That  from  the  day  when  he  sets  sail,  in  the  three 
years  immediately  following,  he  will  put  into  the  said 
coast  and  land  of  Florida  up  to  five  hundred  men  who  might 
be  settlers  in  it,  of  which  two  hundred  shall  be  married 
cuid  at  least  one  hundred  and  the  rest  shall  be  farmers  and 
officials,  so  that  the  land  may  be  cultivated  with  more 
ease.   They  shall  be  religiously  clean,  and  not  of  the  pro- 
hibited (ones). 

Item — With  the  said  people,  he  shall  build  and  populate  in 
the  said  three  years  two  or  three  towns  in  the  places  and 
ports  which  seem  to  him  the  best.   In  each  one  (there  shall 
be)  at  least  one  hundred  vecinos,  and  there  should  be  in 
each  one  one  great  house  of  stone,  adobe  or  wood,  in  ac- 
cordance with  the  fitness  and  disposition  of  the  land. 
(Each  should  have)  its  moat  and  draw-bridge,  as  strong  as 
it  could  be  made  in  accordance  with  the  weather  and  lay  of 
the  land.   Thus,  if  it  be  necessary,  the  vecinos  could  be 
gathered  within  it  amd  sheltered  from  the  dangers  which 
might  threaten  from  Indians,  corsairs  or  other  people. 


Item — He  will  place,  within  the  said  time,  among  the  number 
of  the  said  people  that  he  is  obliged  to  bring  at  least  ten 
or  twelve  religious  of  the  order  which  seems  best  to  him — 
persons  who  might  be  of  good  life  emd  exaunple.   (He  shall 
bring)  four  others  of  the  Society  of  Jesus,  in  order  that 
the  preaching  of  the  Gospel  might  teJce  place  in  t  he  said 
lemd,  and  in  order  that  the  Indias  might  be  converted  to  our 
Holy  Catholic  faith  amd  to  the  obedience  of  His  Majesty. 

Item — He  shall  place,  within  the  said  time,  in  the  said 
lemd,  one  hundred  horses  cind  mares,  two  hundred  calves, 
four  hundred  hogs,  four  hvindred  sheep,  some  goats  and  all 
the  other  livestock  which  seems  fitting  to  him. 

Item — He  shall  endeavor,  in  every  way  possible  to  carry 
out  the  said  discovery  and  conquest  in  all  peace,  friendship 
and  Christianity.   The  governing  of  the  people  in  his  charge 
shall  be  accomplished  through  Christian  treatment,  insofar 
as  he  can  provide  it,  so  that,  in  all  things.  Our  Lord 
and  His  Majesty  might  be  served,  conforming  to  the  instruc- 
tions which  might  be  given  to  him,  which  is  that  which  is 
usually  given  to  those  who  go  to  make  similar  settlements. 

Item — He  shall  attempt  to  place,  within  the  said  three 
years,  five  hundred  slaves  for  his  service  and  for  that  of 
the  people,  in  order  that  the  towns  might  be  built  with 
more  facility  and  the  land  might  be  cultivated.   (They 


shall)  plant  sugar  cane  for  the  sugar-works  which  shall  be 
made,  and  to  build  the  said  sugar-works. 

Item — Since,  upon  the  coasts  of  Vizcaya,  Asturias  and  Galicia 
there  are  shallops  and  zabras  more  serviceaible  than  those  of 
Andalucia  and  the  same  applies  to  skilled  carpenters,  black- 
smiths, stone-cutters,  and  farmers,  it  is  understood  that  the 
part  of  this  armada  and  people  which  depart  from  those 
places  may  go  directly  to  the  Canary  Islands  without  coming 
to  the  city  of  Sanliacar  or  to  C^diz,  being  first  visited 
before  the  Justice  or  person  whom  His  Majesty  might  name  in 
the  port. 

Item — It  is  agreed  that  the  said  armada  which  he  must  taike 
out  (as  has  been  said)  must  first  be  visited  by  one  of  the 
officials,  in  accordance  with  the  customary  regulation, 
in  order  to  see  if  he  goes  with  the  order  (perscribed  by) 
and  in  compliance  with  the  said  asiento. 

Item — He  must  give  valid  and  sufficient  bond  that  he  will 
return  to  His  Majesty  15,000  ducats  of  which  he  has  made  him 
me reed,  if  he  is  not  prepared  to  sail  with  the  first  favor- 
able weather  by  the  end  of  May,  emd  if  he  does  not  have 
readied  all  which  he  is  obliged  to  carry  for  the  said  period 
of  time,  in  conformity  with  this  asiento.   He  shall  give  the 
bond  in  this  Court  or  in  the  city  of  Seville,  with  submission 
to  the  royal  Council  of  the  Indies  and  to  the  other  Justices 
of  His  Majesty. 


In  order  to  aid  in  the  great  expenses  and   labors  which  the 
said  Pedro  Menendez  must  undergo  in  the  discovery  and  settle- 
ment, that  which  is  offered  on  behalf  of  His  Majesty  is  as 

First,  that  there  must  at  present  be  given  cuid  paid  to  him 
15,000  ducats. 

Item — That  His  Majesty  must  give  authority  to  the  said 
Pedro  Menendez  so  that  he  might  be  able  to  give  reparta- 
mientos  to  the  said  settlers  of  lemds  and  estates  in  the 
said  land  for  their  plantations ,  farms  and  livestock- 
breeding,  in  accordance  with  the  qualifications  of  each  and 
what  seems  best  to  him,  without  prejudice  to  the  Indians. 

Item — That  His  Majesty  must  give  him  five  hundred  slave 
licenses,  free  of  all  duties,  with  which  they  might  be 
enabled  to  be  taken  to  the  said  land,  registered  for  it 
and  for  no  other  place. 

Item — That  he  must  be  given  the  title  of  Governor  and  Captain- 
General  of  the  said  coast  and  laund   of  Florida  for  all  his 
life  and  for  that  of  a  son  or  son-in-law,  with  2,000  ducats 
of  salary,  which  he  must  have  from  the  benefices  emd  profits 
of  His  Majesty  coming  from  the  said  land,  and  in  no  other 


Item — That  he  must  be  given  the  title  of  adelantado  of  the 
said  land,  for  himself  and  for  his  heirs  in  perpetuity. 

Item — If  His  Majesty  establishes  an  Audiencia  Real  in  the 
said  territory,  he  must  be  given  the  title  of  Alguacil  Mayor 
of  the  said  Audiencia  for  himself  cind  his  heirs  and  succes- 
sors in  perpetuity. 

Item — That  His  Majesty  gives  him  in  the  said  land,  for  him- 
self and  for  his  heirs  in  perpetuity,  twenty-five  square 
leagues  in  one  or  two  locations  (as  he  might  wish  it) ,  which 
may  be  good  land  and  in  a  place  which  might  seem  good  to 
him — conveniently  located,  without  prejudice  to  the  Indians. 
With  regard  to  the  title  of  Marquis  of  the  said  land,  which 
he  asks  be  given  to  him,  it  is  agreed  that,  the  expedition 
being  finished,  and  that  which  is  contained  in  the  as i en to 
being  complied  with.  His  Majesty  may  make  him  the  me reed 
which  would  be  fitting,  in  conformity  with  his  services. 

Item — Of  fifteen  parts,  he  must  be  given  one  of  all  the 
profits  of  mines,  gold  and  silver,  precious  stones,  pearls 
and  benefices  which  His  Majesty  might  have  in  the  said  lands 
euid  provinces  perpetually,  for  himself  and  for  his  heirs  and 
successors,  from  which  it  is  understood  that  the  costs  have 
been  taken. 

Item — He  must  be  given  two  fisheries  which  he  may  select, 
one  of  pearls  and  the  other  of  fish,  for  himself  cind  for  his 
heirs  2uid  successors  in  perpetuity. 


Item — In  the  first  ten  years,  the  vecinos  amd  settlers  of 

the  said  land  of  Florida  will  not  pay  any  almojarifazgo  on 

the  necessary  supplies  and  provisions  for  their  persons  cmd 

Item — In  the  Scd.d  first  ten  years.  Bis  Majesty  need  not  be 
paid  more  tham  one-tenth  of  the  gold  amd  silver,  pearls  and 
(precioxis)  stones  which  might  be  found  amd  discovered  in 
the  said  land,  which  said  ten  years  shall  begin  to  be 
counted  from  the  day  when  the  first  smelting  is  done. 

Item — That,  when  the  said  Pedro  Men^ndez  absents  himself 
from  the  said  land,  he  may  name  and  leave  a  deputy  (who 
shall  have  in  everything  the  same  authority  as  himself)  for 
as  long  as  he  wishes  in  order  to  come  to  these  kingdoms 
and  navigate  in  the  Indies;  this  deputy  whom  he  may  name 
should  be  one  who  has  the  necessary  qualities  for  the  post. 

Item — That  in  all  the  said  three  years  that  he  must  comply 
with  this  asiento,  he  need  not  pay  any  duties  of  almojari- 
fazgo or  of  the  galleys,  or  of  auiy  other  things,  whether 
of  impositions  upon  ships  or  supplies,  of  arms  or  munitions, 
of  bcLTter  with  the  Indians  nor  of  any  kind  of  good  or  drink. 
For  all  the  above,  he  does  not  have  to  pay  anything,  as  has 
been  saiid;  it  is  understood  that  this  refers  to  items  which 
are  caurried  for  Florida. 


Item — That  froa  the  day  he  departs  from  these  kingdoms,  he 
may  bring  in  the  Indies  navigation  in  emy  one  year  for  a 
term  of  six  years,  two  galleons  of  five  to  six  hundred  tons 
and  two  pataches  of  from  one  hundred  fifty  to  two  hundred 
tons,  armed  and  equipped  with  artillery.   They  may  sail  as 
merchcmt  or  arzzada  ships,  within  or  outside  of  fleets,  as 
might  seem  best  to  him.   He  may  send  them  to  any  part  or 
parts  of  the  Indies  which  he  might  wish,  together  or  singly, 
but  they  Ceuinot  go  loaded  with  any  merchandise  except  food 
emd  drink.  Of  the  goods  vrtiich  he  may  carry  and  bring,  cmd 
freight-revenues,  and  of  the  ships,  he  may  not  be  required 
to  pay  averia  for  any  armada  or  for  galleys;  this  benefit 
is  given  him  in  aid  of  the  costs  and  labors  which  he  must 
experience  in  the  said  settlement  and  provision  of  it.  Upon 
return  from  the  Indies,  he  may  bring  (emy)  merchandise  %rtiich 
he  wishes  free  of  averias,  as  it  has  been  said,  but  he  may 
not  bring  gold  or  silver,  pearls  or  precious  stones,  except 
monies  which  belong  to  him  cind  may  be  his  own,  and  that  which 
comes  from  freight- revenues  from  the  galleons  and  pataches, 
of  vrtiich  he  does  not  have  to  pay  averia  as  it  has  been  said. 

Item — That  for  the  period  of  six  years,  he  may  teike  frcan 
these  kingdoms  and  from  any  part  of  them  to  the  islands  of 
Puerto  Rico,  Santo  Domingo,  Cuba  and  to  Florida,  and  from 
those  parts  to  these,  six  shallops  and  four  zabras.  (These 
may)  sail  together  or  singly,  within  or  outside  of  fleets 


for  the  trade  and  commerce  of  the  said  Florida  emd  to  comply 
with  the  said  asiento,  and  to  carry  there  what  seems  best  to 
hitt  and  may  be  needed  for  the  people  who  may  be  in  the  said 
Florida.   If  he  might  wish  to  discharge  some  goods  of  eating 
and  drinking  which  the  said  shallops  and  zabras  carry  in  the 
said  islands,  he  may  do  it,  so  that  in  place  of  those  goods 
they  may  load  livestock  and  things  necessary  for  the  said 
Florida.   If  some  shallop  or  zabra  should  be  left  in  those 
parts  or  might  be  lost,  he  may  bring  others  in  its  place. 
The  said  six  yeaurs  must  r\in  from  the  month  of  June,  1566. 
The  masters  and  pilots  who  go  in  these  ships  must  be  natives, 
but  may  serve  as  masters  and  pilots  even  though  they  may 
not  have  been  examined. 

Item — That  all  (the  ships)  which  he  might  take  with  the 
galleons,  zabras  and  pataches  during  the  time  of  the  said 
six  yeaurs  from  the  corsairs  should  be  his  or  his  heirs ' . 
Also,  whatever  prize  might  be  taken  from  them — all  the  above 
to  be  without  prejudice  to  the  tercio  (one-third  Crown  in- 
terest) . 

Item— It  is  agreed  that,  during  the  said  six-year  term,  no- 
one  may  in  any  detain  or  embargo  for  His  Majesty's  service 
any  of  the  said  galleons,  pataches,  shallops  or  zabras,  in 
these  Icingdoms  or  in  the  Indies.   If  for  some  urgent  and 
necessary  reason  any  of  the  said  ships  may  be  embargoed,  he 


may  put  others  in  their  places,  of  the  same  tonnage.   As  long 
as  the  said  six  years  might  not  have  passed,  he  may  bring 
them,  in  conformity  with  this  said  asiento  all  of  the  time 
for  which  they  have  been  detetined  or  embargoed.   The  offi- 
cials of  the  Casa  de  Contratacion  of  Seville  or  of  Cadiz,  or 
any  other  justices  of  these  kingdoms  or  of  the  Indies  where 
the  said  ships  might  arrive  shall  give  him  all  favor  for  the 
rapid  and  good  dispatch  of  them.   They  shall  give  the  regis- 
tries with  all  brevity,  in  order  that  they  shall  not  be 
detained;  they  shall  give  all  favor  and  aid  to  the  captains 
and  officials  who  sail  in  them. 

Item — If  God  should  carry  off  the  said  Pedro  Menlndez  before 
the  end  of  the  said  three  years  in  such  a  manner  that  he 
might  not  have  been  able  to  comply  with  his  part  of  that 
which  is  contained  in  this  said  capitulaci6n,  that  the  person 
whom  he  shall  name  and  designate  may  comply  with  it.   In 
the  event  that  no  such  person  has  been  named,  the  person  who 
inherits  his  estate  may  comply  with  it  in  order  to  enjoy 
all  the  me r cedes  contained  in  this  said  capitulacion. 

Item — That  these  said  shallops  and  zabras  which  are  to  go 
during  the  said  six  years,  as  has  been  said,  do  not  have  to 
pay  any  averias  on  what  they  carry  for  the  first  time,  when 
theyleave  on  their  voyage  to  Florida.   When,  however,  during 
the  said  six-year  term,  they  bring  things  from  the  said 
Florida  or  the  islsmds,  or  if  they  take  some  things  from 


this  kindom  (whether  supplies  of  food  and  drink  or  other 
necessary  things  for  the  said  Florida) ,   in  such  case  they 
must  pay  the  averias^  which  are  divided  up  for  the  galleys 
which  cruise  this  coast  of  the  west  of  Spain,  of  which  Don 
Alvaro  de  BazHn  is  Captain-General.   They  must  also  pay  the 
aver X as  of  the  armada  which  goes  to  the  Indies,  if  the  said 
shallops  and  zabras  go  in  convoy  with  them.   If,  however, 
the  shallops  and  zabras  navigate  by  themselves,  and  do  not 
go  in  convoy  with  the  said  armada  which  goes  to  the  Indies, 
they  do  not  have  to  pay  the  averia  of  the  said  armada  which 
goes  to  the  Indies. 

Item — With  regard  to  the  notaries  public  who  must  be  carried 
(cdaoard  ship) — insofar  as  the  two  galleons  and  the  two 
pataches  are  concerned,  the  regulation  shall  be  observed. 
Insofar  as  the  six  shallops  and  four  zabras  are  concerned, 
however,  for  all  of  them  together  there  shall  not  be  named 
for  His  Majesty  more  than  one  notary,  in  consideration  of 
the  fact  that  they  are  the  ships  of  the  said  Pedro  Men^ndez 
and  that  he  must  bear  the  cost  personally  of  all  the  arms, 
artillery,  munitions,  supplies  and  other  things  which  they 
carry  and  must  carry.   They  are,  moreover,  small  ships  and 
of  small  cargo,  and  for  each  one  to  carry  its  own  notary 
public  would  cost  him  very  much. 


Item — His  Majesty  must  give  him  the  title  of  Captain-General, 
in  proper  form,  of  this  entire  armada  and  the  ships  and 
people  who  go  in  it. 

Item — Let  all  the  above  be  given  to  the  said  Pedro  Menendez — 
the  titles,  cedulas  and  provisions  in  the  necessary  form  for 
that  which  has  been  given  above  with  the  favor  which  befits 
its,  and  of  this  asiento  in  order  that  one  (copy)  might 
remain  in  the  possession  of  His  Majesty  and  he  shall  carry 
the  other  one.   Done  in  the  town  of  Madrid,  March  15,  1565. 

(rubrica)  (rubrica) 

Dr.  Vazquez  P"  Menendez 



Lucas  V.  de 

Panfilo  de 

Hernando  de  Soto 

Lucas  V.  de 

Ay lion 







April,  1537 


June,  1523 


June,  1563 

Stated  purpose 



"Conquer,  pacify 


of  the  effort 

the  land 


euid  populate  200 

conversion  and 

and  build 


leagues of 

instruction  of 





Required  effort 

"Arm  ships 


Take  500  men 

Take  three 

and  duration 

at  your 


with  supplies  for 

caravels  and 

own  cost." 

Put  in  200 
men  in  two 
sites  in 
one  year; 
horses , 
other  live- 
stock from 
Rico,  Cuba. 

18  months. 

250  men  (100 
married)  6 
months'  sup- 
plies, 8 
100  calves, 
100  horses/ 
mares;  200 
sheep.   Plamt 
sugar  cane, 
cana  fistula, 
vines  and 
olives.   3,000 
ducat  perform- 
amce   bond. 




Build  "three 

Build  two  towns. 

founding  of 



stone  forts 

towns  and 


at  own  ex- 






General  govern- 

General govern- 




ment;  military 

ment;  military 






1  life 

1  life 

1  life 

1  life 


Pedro  Menendez  de  Avil^s 

Captain  Pedro  da 

Juan  Ortiz  de 

Diego  de 





March,  1565 


Rio  de  la  Plata 

Costa  Rica 

October,  1568 

July,  1569 


Conversion  of  the  Indi- 

"Discovery, con- 

"Discover and 

ans  to  the  holy  Faith; 

quest  and  popu- 

populate at 

conquest,  exploration 

lation;  pacify 

your  cost." 

and  population. 

the  Indians." 

Take,  with  one  year's 

Take  500  men. 

Take  four  ships 

Must  spend 

supplies,  500  men,  of 

or  which  400 

at  his  cost; 

20,000  ducats; 

which  100  farmers,  100 

men  of  war 

500  men,  of 

eucm   three  ships 

sailors  and  rest  skilled 

cind  100  farmers; 

which  200  farm- 

of about  400 

men-of-war.  Must,  with- 

four ships,  six 

ers  and  skilled 

tons,  "well- 

in  three  years,  place  a 


men;  4,000  cows; 


total  of  500  settlers. 

4,000  sheep;  500 

with  200  men. 

including  skilled  trades- 

goats; 300  mares 

100  of  whom 

men.   10-12  religious 

and  horses. 

married,  with 

and  four  add.  Jesuits. 

supplies  for 

100  horses,  mares;  200 

one  year.   Must 

calves;  400  hogs;  400 

go  with  fleet. 

sheep.   Take  galeass 

Survey  and  dis- 

San Pelayo. 

cover.   1,000 
cows;  1,500 
sheep;  500  hogs 
and  goats;  100 
horses  and 
mares.  10,000- 
ducat  perform- 
ance bond. 

Establish  two  or 

Found  one  or 

Build  forts 

three  fortified 

t*ro  Spanish 

in  three  sites. 


towns;  build 
three  stone 

General  government- 

General  govern- 

General govem- 

2  lives 

ment-  2  lives 

ment-2  lives 

Military  authority- 

Military  author- 

Military  author- 

2  lives 

1  life 

ity-2  lives 


APPENDIX  II  (continued) 

Lucas  V.  de 

Panfilo  de 

Hern2mdo  de  Soto 

Lucas  V.  de 








April,  1537 


June,  1523 


June,  1563 

Titles  and 









1  life 

1  life 

1  life 

1  life 





Lieut. - 

1  life 

1  life 

1  life 



Governor /Cuba 



1 Fort  lieut. 



3  Fort 









1,500  ducats 

1,000  ducats. 



salary;  500 

Lieut. - 

Fort  Cmdr.- 

ducats  ayuda  de 



costa;  Lieut. - 




Tax  Exexap- 

No  almo- 

No  almo- 

No  royal  pay- 

No almojari- 

tions;  their 



ments  on  gold; 

fazgo  10  yrs.; 


1  life. 

1  life  on 

6  yrs . ;  no  almo- 

Florida  ma- 

No diezmo 
of  precious 
metals  or 

for  vecinos. 

jarifazgo  for 


vecinos,  6  yrs; 

puinto  reduced 

pay  50%  on  items 

to  10%  for  10 


5  yrs. 

from  sepulchers; 



Quinto  re- 
duced to 
10%,  3  yrs. 
No  salt 
tax,  5 

keep  5/6  Indian 


15  leagues 

10  leagues. 

12  leagues. 

15  leagues. 

and  land- 



squared . 

squared;  may 


can  "divide 
lands  and 

"divide  lamds 
and  estates." 


Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles 


March,  1565 

Captain  Pedro  de 
October,  1568 

Juan  Ortiz  de 


Rio  de  la  Plata 

July,  1569 

Deigo  de 
Costa  Rica 

Adelantado,  perpetxial 
Govemor/Capt . -Gen. - 
2  lives 

Alguacil  Mayor,  per- 
petual Marquis 

Adelantado,  per- 

Govemor-2  lives 
Capt.-Gen.  amd 
Justicia  Mayor- 
app.  1  life. 
Lieut. -3  forts 

Govemor-2  lives 

Capt.-Gen. -2 


Alguacil  Mayor- 

2  lives 

Lieut. -3  forts. 

ducats,  from  profits 

ducats;  Fort 
Lt.,  100,000 
mauravedis . 

ducats;  from 

No  alrooiarifazqo  for  all 
in  Florida;  10  yrs. 
Quinto  reduece  to  10%  for 
10  yrs.  after  1st  smelt. 
No  averia-larger  ships, 
or  smaller  if  out  of 

No  alcabala- 
20  yrs. 
No  almojari- 
fazgo-10  yrs. 

For  Artiega, 
no  almojari- 
fazgo on  first 
voyage .  For 
settlers,  no 


No  almojarifazgo  for 

Menendez  for  3  yrs.; 

or  alcabala 
for  20  yrs. 

25  leagues  squared;  may 
"divide  lands  and 


APPENDIX  II  (continued) 


Lucas  V.  de 
June,  1523 

Panfilo  de 





Hernando  de  Soto 
April,  1537 

Lucas  V.  de 
June,  1563 


on  Florida 

repart amiento , 

"No  en- 

"You  may  make 
encomiendas . " 

No  encomiendas 

and  Indian 



50,  free  of 
duties;  later 
50  more 

8,  pay  duties. 

Other  Eco- 

1/15  of  prof- 
its; 500-du- 
cat  subsidy 
to  ratise  silk 
2  fisheries. 

4%  of  royal 
profits,  in 

1/15  of  profits. 
500-ducats  in 
juros;  2  fisher- 
ies; use  Indian 
tribute  for  pensions. 

Royal  aid 

silk  subsidy. 

Citation  of 

A.G.I.  Indif- 
tarente  Gen- 

A.G.I. Indif- 

A.G.I.  Indif- 
erente  Gen- 

A.G.I. Contra- 


erente  Gen- 

tacion 3,309. 

eral  415. 

eral  415  and 
3.309  D.I., 
vni,  224- 

eral  415. 


Pedro  Menendez  de  Aviles 


March,  1565 

Captain  Pedro  de 
October,  1568 

Juan  Ortir  de 


Rio  de  la  Plata 

July,  1569 

Diego  de 
Costa  Rica 
December , 

License  for  two  galleons, 
two  pataches;  6  yrs.  in 
Indies  trade;  only  slight 

averia;  out-of-fleet  priv. 
License  six  shallops,  four 
rabras,  6  yrs.  after  con- 
quest yeaur;  tied  loosely 
to  Florida;  no  escribamos 
each  vessel;  out-of-fleet 

Two  ships  a 
year  licensed, 
free  of  almo- 

Two  ship 
licenses  to 
Costa  Rica 
and  to  other 
paurts  for 
Costa  Rica 

No  mention  in  asiento; 
refers  to  Ordenanzas. 

One  repairta- 

May  grant  two- 
life  encomien- 
das  in  country; 
three-life  in 
new  cities. 

500,  free  of  all  duties 



1/15  of  profits,  per- 
petual.  Two  fisheries, 
one  of  fish  and  one  or 


15.000  ducat  merced, 
if  sailed  prior 
May  31,  1565. 

See  Chapter  5,  supra, 
footnote  1. 

A.G.I.  Indif- 
erente  General 

A.G.I.  Indif- 
erente  General 

A.G.I.  Indif- 
erente  General 






Juan  Alfonso 
Sanchez  de 


Berenguela  Alvaro 

de  -M-     Sclnchez  de 

Vald^s  I         Aviles 

I 1 \ 

•Pedro  *Pedro 

Men^ndez    *Alonso    Menendez 
el  mozo   Menendez    Marqu^z 

V  E  L  A  S  C  O 
*Diego  de 







■M-  2nd  Marriage 
F  L  O  R  E  S 


Menendez  y  ^„_ 
Marquez   ~  ~  Valdes 

A  R  A  N  G  O 




Alonso  de 


I     ~ 

Menendez  „ 
de  Avil^s   Soils 

Maria  *Gonzalo 
de     Soils 

de  Meris 


Sor  Maria 



Jucm     Maria  de 

de    „  Valdes  y  * 
Vald^sy  LaBandera 

^^   -M- 

Menendez    Valdes 

2nd  Marriage 



De  las  Alas 


M  =  Marriage 

*  =  Official  in  the  Enterprise  of 

-  »  Connection  not  fully  known 



Supplies  and  Munitions  17,381  ducats 

Merced  paid  to  the  Adelantado  15,000 

Payment  to  Pedro  Menendez  in  recompense 

for  loss  of  Tierra  Firme  voyage  2,000 

Payment  to  Pedro  Menendez  on  account  of 

sueldo,  1562-1563  ships  3,000 

Total  3  7,381  ducats 

Sources:   A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  4,989-A 

A.G.I.  Contrataci6n  4,680 

A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,167 

A.G.I.  Contaduria  310-B 



Supplies  and  Munitions  Purchased 


"IT, 000 








C^diz  (Luna  ship) 


600  Arquebuses 





Pay  Advances 

Officers  and  Mariners 




North  Coast 














Ship  Purchase  and  Charter;  outfitting 


Purchase  three 


small  craft; 

two  ships 

San  Pelayo  work 


Charter  San  Antonio 


Charter  two 



Charter  Virtudes 



50 ; 817 


Sources:   A.G.I.  Escribania  de  Camara  1,024-A 
A.G.I.  Contratacion  5,167 
A.G.I.  Contaduria  310-B 

A.   Spanish  Archival  Materials  Utilized 

Archivo  de  los  Condes  de  Revillagigedo — Madrid  (A.C.R.) 
(material  in  microfilm,  P.  K.  Yonge  Library  of 
Florida  History,  University  of  Florida) 

Legajo  2 

Number  3;  3-B,  A7a. 
Number  4 
Number  5 

Legajo  9 

Number  21 

II.   Archivo  General  de  Indias — Seville  (A.G.I.) 


Legajo  294 


Legajo    9 

























Excribania  de  C^mara 

Legajo   153-A 


Audiencia  de  Mexico 

Legajo   209 

Audiencia  de  Santo  Domingo 

Legajo  11 



Indiferente  General 

Legajo   415 



















Legajo  212 

Patronato  Real 

Legajo   10,  ramos  2,    4 

19,  No.  1,  ramo  12,  14,  15,  31 
177,  No.  1,  ramo  25 


179,   No.  5,    rauno  1,    4,    5 

254,   No.  2,    ramo  1,    38 

No.  3 

257,    No.  3,    ramo   2,    3,    4,    5,    8,    12,    16, 
20,    21,    22 

No.  4,    reupo   1,    6,    8,    11 

267,   No.  1,    ramo   37 

No.  2,    ramo  7 

III.   Archivo  General  de  Simancas — Simancas  (A.G.S.) 

Guerra  Antigua 

Legajo  18 

Junta  de  Hacienda 

Legajo  67 

IV.  Archivo  Hist6rico  de  Protocolos — Madrid  (A.H.P.) 

1568:  Escribania  of  Diego  Rodriguez;  No.  521 

1568:  Escribania  of  Nicolas  Munoz;  No.  635 

1568:  Escribania  of  Francisco  de  Cordova;  No.  646 

1574:  Escribania  oi  Juan  del  Campillo;  No.  605 

V.   Archivo  de  Protocolos  de  Ccidiz — Cadiz  (A.P.C.) 

1565:   Escribania  of  Alonso  de  los  Cobos 
1576-78:   Escribania  of  Diego  and  Marcos  Ribera 
1576-78:   Escribania  of  Juan  de  Medina 

VI.  Archivo  de  Protocolos  de  Sevilla — Seville  (A.P.S.) 

1580:   Escribania  No.  19,  Libro  IV. 

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Habana  en  el  siglo  XVI.   2  vol.   Havana:   Imprenta  el 
Siglo  XX,  1927. 

Zavala,  Silvio.   The  Colonial  Period  of  the  History  of  the 
New  World.   Translated  and  abridged  by  Max  Savelle. 
Mexico  City:   Instituto  Panamericano  de  Geograffa  e 
Historia,  1962. 

Los  intereses  particulares  en  la  conquista  de  la 

Nueva  Espana.   Mexico  City:   Universidad  Nacional 
Autonoma  de  Mexico,  1965. 

Zubillaga,  Felix.  La  Florida:  La  Mission  Jesuitica  (1566- 
1572)  ye  la  colonizacion  espanola.  Rome:  Institutura 
Historicum  S.I.,  1941. 

Monumenta  Antiquae  Floridae.   Rome:   Monumenta 

Historica  Societatis  lesu,  1946. 


Eugene  Lyon  was  born  in  Miami,  Florida,  on  April  9, 
1929,  and  educated  there.  After  obtaining  a  B.A,  in 
Political  Science  from  the  University  of  Florida  in  1951, 
he  served  in  the  Korean  War  as  a  naval  quartermaster.  After 
he  obtained  the  M.S.  from  the  University  of  Denver  in  1953, 
he  served  eight  years  in  the  field  of  municipal  administra- 
tion. After  some  years,  Lyon  re-entered  the- University  of 
Florida  for  graduate  study  in  History.   He  is  married  to  the 
former  Dorothy  Mathews  of  Plymouth,  Florida,  and  they  have 
four  children.   For  sixteen  years,  the  Lyons  have  resided  in 
Vero  Beach. 


I  certify  that  I  have  read  this  study  and  that  in  my 
opinion  it  conforms  to  acceptable  standards  of  scholarly 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  quality, 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy. 

L.  N.  McAlister,  Chairman 
Professor  of  History 

I  certify  that  I  have  read  this  study  and  that  in  my 
opinion  it  conforms  to  acceptable  standards  of  scholarly 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  quality, 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy. 

■■^  -— 

m  K.   Mcihon 
>rofessor  of  History 

I  certify  that  I  have  read  this  study  and  that  in  my 
opinion  it  conforms  to  acceptable  standards  of  scholarly 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  quality, 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy. 


Harry  W.  pS5i       Z 
Associate  Professor  of  History 

I  certify  that  I  have  read  this  study  and  that  in  my 
opinion  it  conforms  to  accepteible  standards  of  scholarly 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  quality, 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy. 

Andre5„i>u«Te : 
^^rofessor  of /Latin  American  Studies, 
''History  and  Political  Science 

I  certify  that  I  have  read  this  study  and   that  in  my 
opinion  it  conforms  to  acceptable  standards  of  scholarly 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  quality, 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy, 


Charles  H,  Fairbanks 
Professor  of  Anthropology 

This  dissertation  was  submitted  to  the  Department  of 
History  in  the  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences  euid  to  the 
Graduate  Council,  and  was  accepted  as  partial  fulfillment 
of  the  requirements  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy, 

December,  1973