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.  S  the  state  is  divided  into  three  distinctive  physical  regions,  the  Western,  the 
Piedmont,  and  the  Coastal  Plain,  so  do  its  occupations  tend  to  group  themselves  into  three 

areas:    in  the  West,  forestry;  in  the  Piedmont,  industries;  in  the  Coastal  Plain,  agricul- 
ture.  There  is  overlapping,  of  course;  but  one  thinks  of  these  areas  first. 

Our  theme  in  the  yearbook  is  the  State  and  the  college.  We  have  tried  to  locate  the  schools 
in  the  geographical  area  which  they  represent  in  industry  and  in  the  life  of  the  State.  And 

we  have  divided  the  school's  activities  into  the  three  seasons:    Fall,  and  its  riot  of  color  in 
the  mountains;  Winter,  and  the  hum  of  industry  in  the  Piedmont;  Spring,  and  the  blossom- 
ing  of  agriculture  in  the  Coastal  Plain. 


Bill  Foushee,  Editor 

Jack  Franks,  Business  Manager 





As  you  travel  through  the  beautiful 
Tar  Heel  State,  whether  you  are  in 
Murphy,  Charlotte,  Greensboro, 
Raleigh,  or  Wilmington  or  any  other 
city,  however  large  or  small,  there  is 
one  fact  that  you  cannot  help  noticing; 
the  influence  of  North  Carolina  State 
College.  It  IS  felt  in  some  respect  by 
every  person  in  North  Carolina,  and 
that  is  true  whether  the  person  is  a 
forester  in  the  Mountains,  an  industrial 

worker  in  the  Piedmont,  or  a  farmer  in 
the  Coastal  Plains.  And  it  is  true  be' 
cause  in  the  broadest  sense,  the  campus 
of  North  Carolina  State  College  extends 
through  its  services,  to  the  boundaries  of 
the  state  and  beyond  into  the  whole 
southern  region.  But  the  focal  center  of 
these  widespread  activities  is  the  college 
campus  in  Raleigh,  the  Capitol  City. 

The  Western  part  of  our  great  state 
is  richly  endowed  with  the  treasures  of 

mother  nature.  Among  her  wonderful 
gifts  are  the  endless  forests,  which  range 
from  the  tall  loblolly  pine  to  the  small 
dogwood,  each  playing  a  major  part  in 
the  growth  of  industry  in  the  western 
part  of  our  state.  The  old  folks  still 
produce  the  homespuns,  the  counter- 
panes and  other  handicrafts;  but  the 
youth  prefer  to  work  in  such  modern 
plants  as  that  of  the  big  Enka  Rayon  Mill 

near  Ashe vi lie,  the  paper  plants  at 
Canton  and  the  new  mill  at  Pisgah 
Forest,  where  the  Ecusta  Paper  Corpo' 
ration  produces  the  paper  for  cigarettes 
made  in  the  Piedmont  from  tobacco 
grown  in  the  Coastal  Plain.  This  prO' 
gress  is  due,  in  part,  to  the  technological 
help,  in  the  way  of  trained  foresters  in 
forestry  research,  which  has  been  sup- 
plied by  North  Carolina  State  College. 

this,  the  1956  Agromeck,  to  express  our  great  appreciation  and  heart 
felt  gratitude  to  you,  Everett  N.  Case.  We  congratulate  you  on  raising 
the  esteem  and  honor  of  State  College  by  producing  basketball  teams  of 
the  highest  ability  and  integrity.  Due  to  your  endless  toil  as  coach.  North 
Carohna  State  College  is  now  honored  all  over  the  world. 

Everett  N.  Case 


The  growing  demand  tor  forest  products, 
coupled  with  the  progressive  development  of 
the  torests,  has  brought  a  rapid  increase  in 
the  demands  for  trained  foresters.  Forests 
are  one  ot  the  most  important  and  funda- 
mental resources  of  the  Southeast.  Wood 
products  industries  rank  second  to  textiles 
as  a  source  of  employment  in  manufacturing. 

The  School  of  Forestry  offers  undergrad' 
uate  and  graduate  instruction  in  the  fields  of 
forest  management,  wood  technology,  pulp 
technology,  and  lumber  products  merchandis- 

•ALL  IX  A  DAYS  WdlJK" 

WHERE  IT  ALL  BE(i.\.\ 

A.   ]j.   Mak'I'in 

\V.    Ji.    DOZTKK 

V.  6.  Dowi.Ess 

li'.    <i.    NoHWlKlD 

11.  J.   Miller 

V.  A.   (iii.iiii:ETi 
C.  D.  Wki:i; 

L     <:~'Lantu 

Xi  Sigma  Pi  is  a  national  forestry  honor  fraternity 
whose  purpose  is  the  recognition  and  promotion  of 
leadership,  scholarship,  and  interest  in  the  profession 
of  forestry.  Each  year,  the  organization  honors  the 
outstanding  freshman  and  senior  in  the  School  of 
Forestry.  The  fraternity  sponsors  annual  public  lec- 
tures hy  nationally  known  individuals  working  in 
forestry  or  in  allied  professions. 

DON.M.II    W.     IlOHTOX 



j^Av  we  eur/N. 


•'  w. 


The  School  of  Education  provides  the 
professional  pre'employmcnt  training 
required  for  certification  teachers  of  Math- 
ematics and  Science,  Vocational  Agricul- 
ture, Industrial  Arts,  and  Industrial 
Education.  The  curriculum  in  each  of 
these  departments  includes  courses  de- 
signed to  aid  prospective  teachers  in 
acquiring  an  understanding  of  high  school 
pupils  and  in  selecting  and  using  accept- 
able teaching  methods.  The  School  also 
provides  under-graduate  training  for  rec- 
reation leaders  in  industrial  and  rural  areas. 

Idjja    iPlil    Kajja 

Kappa  Phi  Kappa  is  a  national  honorary  and 
professional  education  fraternity  based  on  the 
broad  objective  of  increasing  the  efHcacy  of  the 
profession  as  an  instrument  of  social  betterment. 
Kappa  Phi  Kappa  was  organi2;ed  to  recognize  those 

characteristics  of  the  individual  teacher  deemed 
fundamental  to  the  successful  promotion  of  the 
cause  of  education,  thereby  working  towards  a 
higher  standard  of  service  offered  to  humanity 
by  the  profession. 


Carl  Ipock Presidou 

Richard  Freeman Vice  PiL'sidoit 

Charles  Law Secretary 

KiLBY  Lanier Treasurer 




Curtis  A.  Leonard,  Jk Presidt'iit 

J.  R.  Be:)YER Vice  Presuicnt 

W.  R.  Stallings Treasurer 

S.  W.   Bedell Secretary 

Prof.  Robert  T.  Troxler Adi'i'.scr 

The  Industrial  Arts  Club  brings  together  the  members  of  the  department  in  order  that 
they  may  become  better  acquainted.  Outstanding  men  in  related  fields  present  to  the  club  at 
its  meetings  the  latest  ideas  and  news  of  the  professional  world.  The  club  strives  to  make  its 
profession  better  known  and  to  influence  young  men  to  train  tor  a  future  in  Industrial  Arts. 





Stalliiuis  Swiinser 




1  ^^Br""^ 

Lancaster  Stojihcnson  Spoiifor 

Hostetler  .Sclmiitt  Troxlev 

f  7     D-  1 


.1(111  \    K.  Lancaster Frcxidenl  Di!.  Tvax  TTostetler Trustee 

l'.<ji;i;v  .1.  Stki'henson Vice  Prpftiilriil  1  >i:.   MAiisiLvi.i,  Ij.  ScHJirrr Co-Trustee 

J)Aiii{i;i.i.  E.  Spexcer Serrclarij-Trrasurcr  I'lioF.  Iioiikht  T.  Troxlek Co-Trustee 

rne  eur^  /^-^^^ 

^OA/OOA/  3R/DG£, 

L^B  Pf^BjD/iRAr/OA/ 


sr£P  o(^ 


IIicNHY  Pickett 
I 're  side  II I 

Waynk  Kukris 
1  'ice  Presideii  t 




The  Interfraternity  Council  was  organized  in  the  Spring  of  1931 
through  the  efforts  ot  the  College  Administration  and  the  fraternity 
leaders.  The  purpose  of  the  Council  is  ''to  advance  the  interests  of 
North  Carolina  State  College;  to  promote  the  general  interests  and 
welfare  of  the  associated  fraternities  as  a  body;  and  to  insure  co- 
operation between  them  in  their  relations  with  the  faculty,  student 
body,  and  the  public  in  general."  The  Council  is  composed  of  two 
representatives  from  each  chapter,  elected  by  the  chapter. 

As  the  social  feature  of  the  college  year,  the  Council  sponsors 
two  dances — the  Pledge  Dance  in  the  fall  semester  and  Spring  Finals 



I  pock 






























Kkiiakii     I..     M.WN 






Tfiin  \iM>   ^r  \w -- 



Vice  Vvesldfiil 

l;  M.IMI    K  1  I.Mirdll 

l!()(iL;i;    llii.i - 

Secret  avij 


Alpha  Caiiiiiia  l.'lio  \va<  Iniiiidcil  in  I'.iOS  a1  Oliin  Slalc.  Its  |illi-|i(isf  is  t(i  dcwldp  the  licst 
Sdcial.  iiiriilai.  inmal.  ami  plivsiral  (iiialilirs  in  cac-li  iii-dl  lici'.  and  Id  |]i-ciiii(ilr  a  «  iilcr  ai-quaint- 
aiirc  and  a  lududt-r  dutldok  dii  llir  ]iart  dl'  auiiriill  ural  men  tlndiigli  ]idlu\vslii|j  in  a  national 
di'^anizal  idn.    There  are  iidW  'M  active  cliaiiters. 

\u  Chaiiter,  hefore  beeomiiig  natidiial  in  ll»l!i.  was  the  local  fiatcrnilv.  Theta  llcta.  One 
oF  the  hiiihest  aims  of  Nil  C'liaiiter  is  ontstandin.u'  schdlarshi|i.  and  all  nienihers  ai'e  expected  to 
dcviddp  a  hi,i:h  standiiiji'.  Xu  Chaptei'  has  \\i\i\  six  times  a  phnpie  awaided  liv  the  iialional 
or.uani/.atidn  lov  the  highest  schdlastic  average.  Tin.  chapter  also  has  won  the  IFC  Sclidlarship 
Cup  eiLihl  times  in  the  lil'teeu  years  that  it  has  1 n  awarileil. 



1-  M-  wJ^^^^^B 


I'niiik   liiiwns  Hozarili 
Crt'iKl'l''"  I''"''  ''Jilliniin 
Kiimir    Ki'lton    iMvis 
Wllliain   iMlwiii  IMck.  -Ir 

.TartU'S    \VilIi:iin    tlnn- 
.Toliii    Ira   iJray 

Kthvard    .Icpseplnis 
Ilaiisipii.    .Ir. 

(ieorjrc  Wt-avcr  Ilipi 

Charles  Armon  Jackson 
fharles  Nixou  .laokson 
.Tacksou  Dewalt  Koone 
Wilson    Lovett 

Karl   Clogg  McIIwean. 

Francis   Ennett   Mason 

James   Edwin   Mitchell 

DaI(.)D    Kay    I'roctor 

David  O.   I'roctor 

John  Robert  Richardson 

John    Russfll  Rogt^rs.  Jr. 

James  Mustian  Stewart, 

Percy  Leo  Strickland, 

Riihard   flay   White 

James  Franklin 

Joseph  Luther  Williams 


Justus  M.  Ammons 




Bug  W.N 


Justus  A  m  moxs U reside ul 

KuuKNi:   I'h'ki.ku Vice  President 

'V  \i.M  AiKiK   Wiggins Secrelarij 

KiiH  \i;i)   l!i;ii\\'\ Treiisurer 

l''ai'iii  I  Idusc  is  a  iiatiniial.  iiini-lircck  Icltcr.  siicial  I'raliTiiil  \ .  The  lirsl  i-lia|iti'i'  was  rstal>- 
lisiicil  ill  l!)(),'i  at  till'  I  i  iii\'crsitv  ol'  Missouri.  Si'M'ii  iiicii  i-iiiii'ci\  cd  the  idea  of  Farm  1  Imise  at 
Missouri,  having  in  iiiiiid  the  (l('\clo|)iiiciit  of  a  social  I'latci  iiity  which  would  niaiiitain  high 
uiorals.  dcNfdoj)  outstiuidiug  lcad(M>lii|i  cjiialitics.  strive  for  high  scholastic  acliicxcnicnts  and 
|iro\idc  ii  home  Tor  worthy  agricultural  students  wliile  in  college.  With  these  deliiiite  ohjectives 
to  icacli  the  motto.  "Builder  of  Men."  was  adopt  imI   {uy  the  i'raternity. 

'I'lie  national  scojn'  of  Fai-mjlouse  now  inchiiles  II  acti\c  clia|iters.  All  of  tliese  groups 
Inne  conliniied  |o  carry  out  the  liiL;li  ideals  siM  forth  hy  the  mot  her  cha|itei-.  Kacli  year  almost 
e\ei-\'  l*'armllouse  I'anks  lirst  in  scholarslii|i  among  the  oilier  I'raternit  ies  on  their  respective 
cam  puses. 

The  Xcn'tli  (arolina  Farmlloiise  ('liili  was  formalh  installed  on  May  l."i.  IK'il.  and  ve- 
eei\ed  its  charter  as  the  thirteenth  chapter  id'  Kariiillimse  Fraternilv.  Since  its  heginiiing 
on  the  State  College  camjius  in  li)"r.'  the  orgaiiizal  ion  has  gained  prestige  through  ilcinonstrated 
ahility   ill   scholarship,  leadership,   iiit  ramurals  and  joint  fraternity  functions. 


^  A 

K. ■nil. 'til    11. '.M-.'   T!:irU.T 

Slu'iTill  Kt-niiii  llrinkli-.v 

U.'i-.f    IMwiirtl    r.i-nwii. 

Williiim    Vnimts   roht. 

ICiiHTson    n.   Opi'sp.   Jr. 

.IjiTiics   AllnTl    Kvans 

Unlierr   Upevps  Hyatt 

rnlnicr  A\'ilsiin   l.oe 

Ranks    Lee    Leonard 

Claude   Wavne  Moss 

.Tului   Harold   Seats 

Kt-nneth  Osborn 

Alonzo   Jackson 

riiarles  Donald  UVlih 

r.ill.v   Hunt   White 

J'n*   HiTinnn    V<nin<; 


James  A. 


(liii'iiduv  Bi'iiuis  Htli, 


.)n[   SrTHF.RLAxn I' reside ii I 

Fi{i:i)   Gki:gory Vice  rrcxiJciii 

\\' Ai  \K   BuKKis Sern'hiri/ 

Kknneth  II 1 1. 1 Treasurer 

Tile  T\ii[i|i;i  Al|iliii  Onlcr  was  I'lniiiilcd  at  Wasliington  and  T;cc  T'liixci'sii y  in  IST).")  to  piT- 
petuatc  till' S(mllii'i-ii  ideal  (if  i^ciitltMiKuily  rliai-arlcr  ty]>ili('il  by  li'dlicrl  K.  Lrc.  our  spiritual 
founder.  The  ultiinalc  aim  oL'  the  Order  is  to  inspire  earli  liroilier  hi  arliic\i>  a  iiohle  character 
and  an  int('i;i"ity  ol'  |)i  iiiiM|ilc. 

At  ju'esent  there  arc  'IT)  chapters  within  the   OrdiT.  Alpha    ()nicL:a    ('liapicr.   cliartered   at 

North  Carolina  State  Colleo-c  in  1903,  is  the  third  oldi'si  fialciiiily  on  llic  campus.  I'',acli  Sprini;- 

our  S(JUtlierM  heritajiX'  manifests  itself  in  the  Old  Soulli  Hall,  willi  diaplrr^  of  ihr  ■'I'd;:'  Four"' 

participating  iu  the  South's  most  f: us  hall. 

Ernest   Andrew 

I'lml    KmImti    Harlun 

Mason   I.indsav   (';irrt>ll. 

Kill  Uarrisun  (Vile.v 

Uai'huian  Dear,  Jr. 

KdKar   Wilson   Freeze 

lti<-liard  (ts.-ar  Urant 

(_'harlfs    Kakfr    llardiii;; 

John   Cantey   Heatl 

George   Itobert   Iluward. 

John  Robbins 
McLaughlin.  Jr. 

Robert   Jerome    I'arke 

Edward   do.Milhau 

David    Arthur 

Richard  P.  Webstf-r 

John  Farris  Williamson. 

Edgar  F.  York 

ImiM'AK     (    liOSS,      III 

I'rcsiilcii  I 






Gkne  Cross ,  Til Prrsiilciif 

Sam    1'kirsox I '/'■'•  I'rcsuJnil 

.Iack  Vnv/.v.u.v. Seen  la ri/ 

Kicri'ii  I'oosEK Trriisurcr 

l\:i|i|ia  Siiiiiiii  iiii;_;iii;itcil  al  the  l' iii\  I'vsit  V  iil'  Pmln'^iia  ill  I  KHI  and  sckhi  s|)i'rail  1ii  many 
(if  llir  larger  uii i\ rrsit irs  iiF  Kiirii|ic'.  On  I  •ci-ciiilii'i-  10.  IS(;'.i.  tlir  "Ki\r  Kriniils  ami  liro- 
tlirrs"  rmmdcil  tlir  liisl  Aliici'ica  n  ('lia|ili'l-  at  llu'  I'liixci-sity  of  \'n\i;iiiia.  Ka|i|ia  Siuina  lias 
liTowii  until  it  ihiw  has  at  least  one  cliaiitrr  in  (•\('rv  stall'.  Tlicrr  ai'c  jlKI.OiKI  li\  inu"  aliniuii 
(if   tile    I'^t)    c-liaplcis. 

I'x'ta  I'lisilciii  ('lia|i|iT  was  fDUnili'ij  ou  tln'  State  Collfgc  raiM|ius  in  IIU.)"..'  ami  siiiiT  tlii;n 
liaN   initiatcil  u\rr    JKO   men. 

.Tdhn  PMvid  I!:irnli;ircll 

Kc.v  WultiT  Hcat.v 

Cbarlos  RiuIhmi  H.vr<l. 

Uobert  Meredith  Guun 

Kudulph  (JorddU 

Ltinis  Arnold   Kiser.  .Ir 

Robert  Hand  Rankin 

Charles  Hunt   Shiiford 

Jack  Donald  Turnoy 

Leonard  Alfred   Willson 

4r  -^  ^  (j 

Kic  11  Aiiii  W.   Reagan 




IIavwoui  11 


BicHAHn   Regan President 

Egbert  Rogeks .' Tire  President 

Clarence  Herman Secretary 

Egbert  Hay  worth Treasurer 

Founded  at  Boston  University  in  lOO'.t.  Laiiil"]a  Chi  Al|ili:i  Fi-atiTiiity  has  grown  to  lie  the 
largest  natimial  fraternity,  with  147  eliapters  located  at  proiiiineiil  colh'iics  in  the  United  States 
and  Canada.  Tiic  "Cross  and  Crescent,''  the  fraternity  magazine,  is  ]niiilislied  seven  times 
annually.  Otlier  Lambda  Chi  .Alpha  eliapters  in  the  State  are  located  at  Duke.  Wake  Forest. 
Carolina  and  High  Point. 

Ciamma  I'psilon  Chapter  was  founded  ciii  the  State  College  campus  in  ld:i4:  and  lias  in- 
itiated 416  men  since  that  time.  Tlie  local  cliapter  sponsors  the  annual  fraternity  bridge  tourn- 
ament, a  Christmas  party  and  an  Easter  Egg  Hunt  for  underprivileged  children. 

Thomas   Ollvrr 

Slac.v  Ulivi'  liarliciiir 

IlMn.liI  li.iiKil.l  c.ilsiMii 

Francis   UfhciT    I'utiii 

Lvmau  Hiirwi'll  Harris, 

Charles  D.  Iluhns 

(ini    r.  Jr. 

linger  Ira  Markay 

Charles  Rnssel  Reed 

Frank  Wetherill  Kboads 

HoI.>ert  Samuel   liovster, 

Edward   .\ndi-e\v   Shonk. 

Donald    Har\> 

Jaek    I>\va,vue    Stafford 

Bernard    Ilai-..ld    Tavli- 

'^'^       ^       { 

C  J 

>7       ■■-.^'        <■,.•) 


l)l).\    (.Al.IIERUX 

PHI  ^lyDN  PI 





Don. \ I.I)  C.M.DKKOX Suprrior 

lIiCNKY    SaI'TEK Vin--Sii/icri(ir 

Km  11.  CoHX,  1 1 1 : Seerrldi-i/ 

Hoi!    Simon Ti-cusurcr 

Soon  iifliT  tile  ciiil  of  Woi'lil  War  II  a  iiru  fcatcrnil  v.  I'lii  l^lpsilnii  Tau.  \\a.'<  roniKMl  on 
tile  State  Colli'^i.  i-ain])iis.  Tlir  |irinci]il('.'<  it  stood  for  were  ,-ini|ile  and  nnii|iie.  Tliev  wi'i'e  I'ra- 
teniity.  iiheralisin.  and  noiLseetariaiiisin.  ridiiiid  toiictlier  1)\'  tlii'se  inti'i'loekinLi  niaxims  the 
fraternity  evew  in  mimher  and  in  spirit. 

In. lime  of  111  111  tile  local  elia|iti>r  411'  I'lii  I'lpsiloii  Tau  was  I'drinallv  eiiaitei'ed  liv  tlie  na- 
tional or,L;aiii/ation  ol'  I'lii  l^|isiliiii  I'i  I'^ratei'iiity.  In  Mai'eli  of  Ill."i:l  the  i;i'ou|i,  lindiiii;'  llieir 
|iliysieal  plant   no  loni;ci'  aih^cpiate.  nioxcd  to  their  presiMit    headipiartiTS  on    1 1  aw  tliorne   li'o,-id. 

The  hiyhliiiht  (d'  the  year's  soeial  aeti\itv  is  the  annual  I'lii  hip  week  end  at  whieli  new 
nieiiiiiers  are  initiated  and  new  olliwrs  aro  installed. 


Stanley  B.   Borman 

.iiiliiis  Caiitor 

Mclvin  .lames  l>eitch 

Richard     (inldcnhcrg 

AIIktI  ,Jnbu  (Irunfeld 

Hicliard  (.'harlos  Jordan 

Marvin  Berward  Katz 

Bill  A.  Neokman 

Donald  .lacnh 


Ronald   .lamos   Rough 

Frank  Joseph   Strauss 

PHI  bdm  TAu 

IIaroi.d  t'.  Lawkknce 
l^yrsiiJiii  I 





Harold  Laweence PrcfiuJenI 

George    Huffixes Vice  President 

BiiCKY  Fountain Secretary 

Donald  Anderson Treasurer 

Phi  Kaj)])a  T;m  was  founded  in  UtO(i  Uy  four  outstandino;  sindonts  of  ^lianii  1' iii\i'rsity, 
Oxford,  Ohio,  to  break  up  the  monopoly  on  student  elections  wiiirh  un-i'  held  hy  ihi'  fi'atniiity 
tmions.  The  iiifnihership  of  Phi  Kappa  Tau  consists  of  fi5  aetixe  chapiei's,  and  thi>  IVatcrnity  is 
pi'iHid  of  its  active  alunuii  chapters.   "'I'hc    Ijjiurel.'"    the    fraternity    magazine,    is    pulilisiied 


Chi  Chapter  was  chartered  at  State  College  in  1923.  Since  its  organization  the  (•ha|)ter 
has  been  outstanding  in  scholarship  and  athletics  and  has  won  the  IFC  Scholarship  Cup  for 
four  years.   Chi  Chapter  now  ranks  as  the  top  chapter  of  Phi  Kappa  Tau. 

.limit's  KirkliiuM  .\\fiil 

Williiiiu    NnniKiii  r..irii. 

l;|ili     ('iinsliiiiliuc' 

Il,,l.liy   .I..hI    Kill 

.Tnliii   I'^dgar  rjarrett 

William   Uan.Ul 
Hawkins.  Ill 

Thomas   Charlps    Ilnosi' 

Havid   Uoy   Ilostetler 

Cliris   LIuyd   Kametcbes 

Harry  Lee  Xeely,  Jr- 

Harrv  Albert  Osborne, 

Kicbard    l^lelLber 
Pea  rsi  III 

William    Edwin 

liavid  Ilelmar 

Delmer  Lee   Roberts 

Donald   I. eon    Roso 

Erastus  Edwin  Rose 

William   Tbomas 

Eugene  Ervin  Thorn iisc in 

r)   Kiski! 






MosE  KisER,  Jr President 

Bill  Greene 

. T'iVt  l'n'.'<i(]ciit 

Sidney   ItonKKTS Secrelnri/ 

EnciAR   \Vi)(iL\Rii Treitsurvr 

Diii-iiij;'  thr  r:ii'lv  s|ii-iiii;  111'  lS(;S1lic  fricnil  slii  |i  ciT  six  siiidcnls  al  tlic  I '  n  Imm'sII  y  (iT  \\v- 
.iiinia  ,urc\v  into  I'i  l\:i|i|)a  Alpha.  Fniiii  tlii.s  liriiiiinin.i;-  sa  year.-;  a,i;<i  the  fratcniily  lia.s 
Ijranclied  mit  Icj  Imin  lii:i  chapters,  .\lpha  E))silon  ('haptcr  at  Stair  CdIIcw  was  ui\cii  its 
charter  in  OitcjhiM-.  lHOi.  This  year  .Mpha  Epsih)ii  (if  I'i  Kappa  .\lpha  rrlchralc(|  its  Ccihlcn 
Anniversary  and  pri'senteil  the  I'orly-.scventh  annual  I'iKA  Hall. 

AiiL'iistiis  Walki'i- 
iiiii'hniuii.   .Tr. 

Cluirlt's   I'niunihiis 

1-1   Ni'mI   Kr- II)' 

Ihirulil  Wnil.'  r.ii.liMiiMM 

.l.ilin    Wfsli'v  (-..p.-lanil 

Claud.'   l-'ranklin   Elli.itt 

(Tetirirt'   Wilsun   r:oolsl>y. 


,'rv«ir  Wilsun  James 

W'ilsnu    Iiiir\vai'<l 
Legg.'tt.  Ill 

.IdIiu   KiiDx   Pattersun 

iJi'llalil  H.vnuni  I'orkins 

Diiw   \"\ck   Perry 

Nathan  Jones  Pond,  Jr. 

\\'iUiam   (lane  Uohinsun 

Williani    Davlil    Statun 

\erni.n    A.    Vanglin 



liullKIST    T.    Po}TKR 


Hitch  cucK 



TllEO.    Ti.     i'oTTl-U Prrsiih'lll 

J{ii:iiAi!i)    lUsANAR Vice  I'lrsidciil 

Donald  Iv   II  tk  iuock Senrlarij 

Pi  Kappa,  Phi  was  founded  on  December  H),  190-1  at  the  College  of  Charlcstdii.  Cliarleslnii, 
South  Carolina.  The  founders,  seven  men  who  ]iledged  tlieniselves  to  a  lasting  IkiikI  of  I'lii'nd- 
ship,  had  11(1  idea  of  the  \ ast  (uganizat  ion  that  would  llower  from  the  seeil  they  had  |ilaiili'd. 
With  the  delinite  purpose  of  exteniling  thr  inllueiiee  of  the  oiganizatinn.  the  incoi'|ioi-ati(in  as  a 
nati<iiial  fi'aternitv  took  place  in  11)01.  'rin'  purpose  of  the  fraternilv  is  to  promote  fellowship 
and  mutual  tru>t  among  its  nii'iiilicrs:  to  uphold  the  ideals  and  t  I'ad  it  ions  (d' t  he  I'olleges  where 
its  cha]itei's  are  located  ;  to  encourage  e.xcellence  in  .scholarship;  and  to  iiii  ulratr  in  its  nirndx^rs 
the  highest  ideals  of  Chi-istian   maiduiod  iind  good   fellowship. 

Tau  Chaptiu-  was  e>lahlislied  at  State  College  in  Itf.'O.  and  since  thai  Inne  has  lireii  acti\i' 
ill  till'  Iratcinit y  family.  For  many  years  I'i  Kappa  Phi  has  sponsored  an  annual  intnlra- 
tei'nity  sing  to  jiromote  cultural  interest  on  the  campus.  To  its  mrudicis.  I'i  Kappa  I'lii  is 
more  than  just  three  Creek  lettei-s;  it  is  their  college  home  and  the  cornerstone  of  iife-hiug 

Ali'X    K.    Allllluiiy.   Jr. 

Sli.'lt.iii    Itiiy    <'.iUier 

Tni.v    Alviii    Doby 

\'jnighn    Terrey 

Williniii  llriirv  Herring, 

Jnhn    Miiilioll   Jenkins, 

James   Vernnn   llageean 

ji/mm  ^ 


Mariiiu    Hamilton 
.Morton.  Jr. 

Haviil   Edward 
Selireffler.  Jr. 



Jerry  Powell  Miller 



JOSEI'U   T.   tiliMEIt 


/@\  t  ~ 

IJlill.KY  .Ml.  I.Al  Ul.N  KdllKUS 


Joe  SivViiiR Einiiicnl  Airhun. 

Sidney  E.  Bui  lev Deputy  Archon 

Allan    McLaukin Secrclnri/ 

Richard  Rogers T-casurcr 

''T'licrc  I'diiiiiiieth  a  linger! ii>;'  jiresuiu'e,  tlie  gluist  (if  good  ri'l)ii\\slii|i  I'ni'i'."  This  liiii^.  ri-oiii 
one  (if  dill'  (iftcii  sung  SAE  songs,  cnihodips  tli(>  spirit  (if  Alplui  ('liaplcr. 

Fdundcd  at  llic  I 'ilivcrsity  (if  .\l;ili;iiiia  in  lS."i(i.  Sigma  Aiplia  F|isiliiii  was  tlic  iirst  (if 
the  great  line  (if  Sdiillirrii  f  i-atcniit  ics.  Since  that  tiiiic  it  has  gi-adually  gi'nwn  and  cxiiandcd 
until  t(.i(lav,  with  nalidnal  olllces  hdusnl  in  ihc  liciiut  i  fill  hevei'e  .Meiiioriiii  Temple  at  Kvanston. 
I  Hindis,  eollegiate  ehaiiters  represent  SAI'l  in  hi  of  tlie  18  states.  Now  the  second  largest 
natinnal  fi-atci'idt  v,  Sigma  .\lplia   I'^psihin  has  always  been  a  leader  in  I  he  (licek  Udrld. 

.\lpha  ('hiiplci'  was  csl  alilishcd  dii  the  Stale  ('dllc>;c  campus  ( )cliihci'  ".M  .  1  !l  I ; .  and  dui'ing 
this  brief  eight-vear  span  since  its  conception,  lias  risen  Id  lake  its  riLihliul  phice  on  campus, 
(luided  by  high  ideals  and  nnhh'  ambitions,  it  hopes  to  hidp  piuM'  ihe  wurtbiiiess  and  \iihie 
(if  fraternal  li\  ini;'. 

Kenneth    Baird 

William  Tliomas  Hnswcll 
WaltiT  Taft    r.railshaw 

William    llullir,...!; 
I'.n'luu.    II 

li.inald    KMxal    Carey 

Itieharil   Kenneth 

i'raiik    Ileiirv   Cnnner. 

r.iirt    Sparlina:   Davis, 

Channeey  Graham 

William   Horace 
rolishee.   Jr. 

William  Peter 

Sidney  Hamilton  (Jordan 

William  Alexandi-r 
liraliam.   Ill 

Klliot  Brewer  Griiver 

.Tosepli   Iiitnald   Haney 

.Tasptr  Huraee 
Hardison.  Jr. 

Alhert  Stnart  Hart 

Joseph  Mol'hail  Hatcher 

Heywood  Barron   Ilonfz 

ciarkson    Jones.    Jr. 

II  ugh    (Flash  I    I.indsley 

Uohert    Chamlierlayne 
Lyne.  Jr. 

Charles  Moore  Martin 

Carl  Sleeker  Maurer 

James    Sliarples    Miller 

Frank  Elhridge  Minter. 

Roger  I.eRoy   Morrow 

Arthur   Crier   I'arli 

Joel   Kay  Parker 

Charles  Itohert 

Patti'rson.  Jr. 

WallcT  I'.ales  Pi'tersoii 
llii^li  lie.\rnionil  Sample 
Robert    Ilriice   Stuart 
Richard  Alan  Teague 
Fred  Thomas  Teal,  Jr. 

The    I'hautum 

Tliomas  Mason  \^"umllle, 


Howard  H. 

cp>«  la 



I  liiw  Mill  1 1 .  Si  mux I'r'nir  ]>.  Tlii.rox llrcoi-dn- 

HoBKRT  E.  <;iiiiii:ns E.i-clif(jiirr 

(Sigma  Alpha  M  ii  was  IniiiuliMl  (Hi  'I'liaiiksjiiving  Eve.  Novi'iiilii'i-  '^Jii.  r.Hr,).  at  the  ('(ilU'>;c' 
III'  tile  (!ity  of  New  \'iirk.    The  eiulit  I'diliulei-s  jilediieil    theliisel\  cs    to    lastiiii;'    ri-ii'ii(lshi|i. 

The  object  of  tlie  fraternity,  as  exjjresseil  in  its  constitutitm.  is  "td  I'ustei'  anil  iiiaiiitaiii 
among  its  sons  a  spirit  ol' mutual  iimral  aiil  ami  sujijwvt ;  to  instill  ami  maintain  in  llir  hearts 
of  its  sons  love  I'or  and  loyalty  to  .Vlina  Mater  ami  its  ideals:  to  imaili-alr  aiimnv  its  smis  such 
ideals  as  will  irsiilt  in  actions  wiirtliy  of  the  liiiihest  precepts  of  tiaic  inanhonil.  ilcinncracy.  and 

.Sigma  Omega  Chapter  is  the  outgrowth  of  a  local  fraternity.  Tlicta  I'lii.  which  had  its 
heginniug  in  ]U2U.  From  its  inauguration,  the  fraternity  has  always  niaintaiiiiMl  high  stand- 
ards of  scholarship  and  conduct.  Sigma  Omega  Chapter  is  the  nwner  nf  its  nw  ii  hnine  at  ."lO  I 
East  Park  Ih-ive. 

\l;irliii   li.iviil   r.iir 

^.■.iiianl  All. 11   r.iiitl.i- 

IJithi-rl    Sjiiimu'I   ( I.irdiMM* 

.l;iy    II.   IIcss 

Fn  (i   (Ji-nilil   KIriinan 

Sanl'iird    1..    hi-vine 

Alan  <  ir«'mlan(i 

llarvi'v    Uichard 

-Martin   Stetgpr 

llalph   .Tiiliiis   Stf rn 


Kay  U.   l'M..\y 





Roy  Fag  an Prcsiilnii 

Ci.ARK  Horner I'lVv  I'lrsiili'iil 

•  loiix    Parker Sfn-clnri/ 

Chari.ik  Thomas Trcitsurcr 

Sio'iiia  Chi  Fraternity,  tlie  iiineteeiith  oollege  fraternity  to  be  founded,  this  year  celebrates 
tlie  centennial  of  its  founding.  Established  on  June  28,  1855,  at  INrianii  T'niversity  in  Ox- 
ford, Ohio,  Sigma  ('hi  now  has  124  active  ehaiitci-s  throughout  the   I'liilfil   States  and   Cainula. 

Delta  Epsiloii  Cliaiiter  at  Noitli  Cardliiia  State  was  instahed  on  May  15.  IDi:!.  aftei-  two 
years'  existence  as  a  local  fraternity  known  as  Chi  Sigma.  Sigma  ('hi  is  located  in  its  own 
chajiter  house  at  2514  Clark  Avenue. 

Sigma  Chi  always  takes  an  active  jiart  in  all  campus  activities.  .Vmong  the  many  accomjilisli- 
mcnts  of  the  fraternity  are  the  winning  of  the  athletic  cu]i  for  five  years  straight  and  a  singing 
grouj)  that  is  held  in  high  esteem  on  the  camjnis  and  in  the  City  of  I'aleigh.  .\  gi-owing  cul- 
lection  of  all  types  of  trophies  may  be  seen  at  the  fi-aternity  linusc. 

John  Dwight  Arnold 

Joel  Conyers  Bennett. 

(Jeoriie   Colvin   Coekran 

Thomas  ('ol)Ie  Coleman 

liohliv    Drake   Ueana 

Ansiist   Allien 

Robert  Walileii   liillani 

Kiiliert    Crc'.v    Ef;erti.n 

Vanee.v    ('.    Klliott,    .Ir. 

(.'liarles  Gordon  (laston 

Jiisc'iih   Kohn   Hall 

Hub    I..vnwood    llubbaril 

Jnsi'ph    Louis    Iluglu's. 

HIair  Jenkins.  HI 

John  Wilson  Jones.  Jr. 

*  r:  ^i^mm   \t  >  mm 

.Inhn   Llnvd    Kirk 

KuluTt    lijinicl    Kmiiim- 

Kay    Howard   Lancaster 

John   Haywood   Layne. 

George   Terrell    Lathrop 


.lames  Walker  Lazenbv. 

Ilarve.v    Glenn    Lee.    Jr. 

John    Ronald     Lindse.v 

Lorenza  Wilson  Locke 

James  Malcolm 

Robert  George  Medle.v 

Richard   Earl   Moser 

James  M.   IVden.  Jr. 

George  Maxwell 

Benton  Sapp  Satterflelil 

Kric    Errol    Smart 
Samnel    Crews    Wablen    Lee   Williams 
liavid  Michai-1  Williams 

\\  ll.],l  AM      S.      l'"lSlli;i! 


I  1  \  W  X  I  N  > 


(   (lltKV 

W'n.i.i  \M   S.   Fisher - Cininiiinulrr 

(iKHAl.l)   (i.    II  \\\KI\S - ///.    ('Dllilliilllilcr 

Jno.  II.   lli':iNi;()CKi:i Sccrrhiri/ 

Ham  I  lion   Cdnia,  .1  \t Trrusiircr 

Si,<:lllil    Nil    Wiis    fniiiKJcii    IVolii    lllc    LcLlioll   iif     Ijiillol-.    il     SIT1-('I     scicii'ly     iil'i^Mllizcil     ill      ISiiS 

at  the  Virjiinin  Militnn  Institute.  Tlir  loiimlers,  iiioxcd  liy  iilralist  ic  li()|ii's.  cstalili.-ilicd  n 
society  wliicli  Wdiilil  iiiciil -ate  Ikhiih-  and  niutiially  bcnelit  it.s  mcnilirrs.  Sinci'  its  founding;'  the 
fraternitv  has  iiroslcii'il.  and  al  the  |ircseiit  tinii'  tiuMV  are  11!»  a;'ti\e  cliaiilrrs  t  hrout^lioiit  the 
coll  lit  ]-y. 

The  |iiii-|iose  oT  its  roiindcis  was  "to  establish  throiii;-h  the  warm  rrieiulship  ol'  a  u-roiip  of 
COii,';-eiiial  collei;(>  nicii.  on  the  roundati(]li  stone  of  honoi'.  ideals  of  ilit(dlectiial  aiiiTxeincnl . 
character,  and  social  i|e\  ehi|i)nenl .  all   to  llie  end   of  liecoinine    better  men   and   beiler  <•!!  izeiis." 

Beta  Tail  ('lia|iter  was  installeil  at  State  ('olle-v  in  IS'.l.'i.  inakiii-  il  tlie  olilest  IValin-nitv 
on  the  camjius. 


Williniii  ilc.riiciii  AMin 

Willi.'iin    liunnM    I'.nuM'li 

lliiniii'   l;.    Mrvnnl 

Kii-liiinl  I-^arlr  Ili-.v;iiu 

JaiiH-s    I, I'M    ( 'aiT 

Wilhiir   l.cslii'  Cirson 

l.ishr    Caiiiiihi'll 
1  'r:iM;.'hli'n.   .1  r. 

(IliviT   IlamnidiKi    tirfi-n 

I'liiiglas    I.ctmv    cinniii'll 

.lack    licid    Hall.    .Ir. 

William    A.    Ilardistcr. 

I'linrh's    liclay    Iluninirl 

•lamos  Tliumas  Linvis 

K"li.'rt    IlHiirv    Marriotl, 

•Ii'liii  \V.  M,,ntK..Ti 

liar.. Ill    M,,wi.r.v 

'I..IUI   llal   llliv.'i 

llari.lfl    Th.inias    Rood   Alvjn   TIkhiiiis.  n 

■Iiisppli   Raymmul 
Wilson.  .Jr. 



Daviii  a.   1Ii,i.\/ma\n 

/  /"Ci'luC/// 






111!  OWN 


I)  win  ITi:iNZJLAXN I'rosideiit 

i;(ii;i:i;  I     \j\\\  \l[:srv. \'irr  I'irsiilciil 

I'll  Mti.i'is  .Irs'i'US Kcvrrlnnj 

(Ji;iii;(;i:    liijowx Trcd.suri'r 

SiL;iii;i  I'lii  l^psiliin  w.-i^  riniliili'il  mi  .\(i\  cmlicr  I.  11)111  (in  llic  caiiiiiiis  of  ji  iiliiiiiiiid  ('(illi'i;'e 
ill  li'icliiiKiiiil.  \'ii-L;iiii;i,  In  llic  .").")  yours  siucr  its  Idiiinlin,:;'  Siii'iiiii  i'lii  l']|isil(in  lins  ;ii'(i\vii  I'voiii 
;i  slinill  l;|-iiII|i  (if  \''  lo  :i  llli'lllliiTsIl  i  |i  ol'  o\it  Kl.OIIO  lirotilci'S  ill!  unci'  tllr  Wiil'ld.  'I'ihImV  tlU'VP 
arr  Sii;'  I'j|i  rlia|itiM:s  at  iicailv  cmtv  ini |iiirlant  ciiilciie  and  n n i\ crsil y  in  tin'  Initcd  States. 
Till'  (iraiid  Secretary  lias  Ids  lieadqiiartei-s  at  the  eentral  iillice  in  ifii-liiniinil.  \'ir,L;inia,  where  a 
e(illl|ilele  nlliee    force   is  elll|)loyeil. 

Iieta  Chapter  at  Slate  Colleae  was  gi\eii  its  cliarti'r  in  IIH)."),  niakiiiir  it  the  lil'teeiith  elirt])- 
ter.    The  present  house,  purcliaseil   in   1!)-18  hy  the  aluiiiiii.  is  located  at  2512  Clark  .\venue. 

Uallas   I'aroll    AIh-p.   Jr. 

William    .Tiirdan    Hdipiii-. 

Kiinnic  ICllis  Itn'wir 

.li.liii   .\ll..rt    r.r...-k\v.-ll 

K..iini\    W'ils.iii  Carre. 11 

William    Hrfvard 

Worlev   IIa.siiue   Clark, 

Jamoji    Kredcrirk    I'alb.v 

John    Juse|)ll    DuIMessi.s 

AIox  Mt'Kaeheni   Kfriil 

Curtis  Kaefiird  l-'urf 

charli's    Holt   (iarrismi 

linbby  George  (Iragg 

Bvron    Alcv    Ilamrick. 

James   Edward    Harris 

Charles  Lester  Helms 
liobh.v  Mai  Honeycutt 
U.ibert   .\llcn  Justus 
I 'avid    Harris   Kerse.v 
John  Marshall  Lake 

K..lM.rl    W.Hli-  .\I,l>..nald 
Killv   Kay  .M,i  halliard 

I'aul    llinkb'   Mcllinnis, 

llerlM-rl   Ilonney  ^L^1(■»1I^ 
llarc.ld    l.ulhcr   Martin 

Morgan  Turlington 

Joseph  Henry  Miller.  Jr. 

Charles   Harry   Mateer 

Vincent  Thomas    Novak 

Oscar  Earl   Tope.   Jr. 

Victor    Ludwig    Rcitz 

IIiiRh  .Milton  Sandersim 

I'avid   lianiel    Srailev. 

I.lnwood    Waddell 
Standi.    Jr. 

.Max   Uandnlpli 
Steelmau.  Jr. 

William    IIukIi 

f'.asil    Waili's   Tiirbylill 

lli-rbi-rl    .\l.   Veriiiilva. 

K.   v.   Willard 

Marcus  Haper 


WaYLA.M)     ]).     CUHIUIC 



/I^\  \ 








\\'  AVI.  AMI    D.   CURRIK I'rcxiilriil 

(ii:i;Al.ii  I!.   llriiST I'/rr  Prr^iilciit 

William    I!.    Hri.Loc  k Secrclanj 

(iKoiidic  W.  Si'1!IX(;l|'; Trciisiirrr 

Siiiiiiii  I'i  WMs  rdiiiiilcil  (111  Krlinuirv  "ICi.  IS!)"  at  \'i])c'(>nin's  Fnivcrsity.  N'iiu'i'iiiics.  Tiidiaiia. 
'I'lir  |iur|i(isc'  (if  its  riiuiidi'i's  was  tii  cstalilisli  lii'nt IhmIhkkI  ami  "to  or^'aiiizc  llic  iiidst  Wdi'tliv  ar- 
tivit  ics.  scicial.  atlilrt  ir.  and  sclidlarlx,  and  to  set  a  liij^li  standai'd  cil'  iiiaiiliMcss  and  ('(illct^c 
liix'alf y.'"    Tlici'c  ai'i'  imiw  '>'i  acli\c  I'liaptci's  lucalcd   Ihi'dii^luint   llic   nalidii. 

Klid  ('lia|itin-  was  cslalil  islicil  at  Stale  ( 'dllc,i;c  on  May  ^8,  \'.>2\.  iMakinj^-  it  one  dt  ilic  dldor 
IVatcrnitics  mi  tlir  cainiins.  'I'lii>  i'lia|itri-  iiiaintaiiis  its  own  lioiiic  at  "^51;!  Clark  A\c'iiiir  wliori' 
its  nidiiilii'rs  I'lijiiy  sdinr  df  llic  liciirlils  dt  lidinr  lite  aldiii:'  willi  llii"  ad\anla,i:('s  <it  In-dl  licrliddd. 

'I'lic  dxcnt  dt  till' yrar  is  llic  Annual  l''dii  iidrrs  l>av  l)aii(|iirt  and  liall.  in  (•(■jclii-al  imi  o\' 
tile  tdundinj;'  ot  tlic  trati'riiitv.  Tliis  is  ;i  <;ala  week  end  In  wliiili  all  tlir  acii\i'  niiinliiTs.  as  widl 
as  tlie  aluiiuii,  look  forward. 

U'illiani    liniinkl   Itoodi 

Jiiiimy   StfijliiMi   Caildi'll 

Il.-Tiry    llililli-y    i'<ii-kn'll 

I'TMiik  Wiltr.ii  I'nil't 

Iticlianl  Atlnil   CanliuT 

Hart    Ilnll    Hates 

Itcnnv    llrrrin 

Iki*    Ailanis   .Toni'S 

l..-i;..y  Walt.T  Mii'all 

Jaiiit's   RnginaUl 

Will;,'  Al.inzo  Mavc.  Jr. 

Wayne  Wadilell  Miller 

i'iseidius  (larlaud   Pass. 

Ileury    Ward    I'ickett 

.Iidin    Franklin    KudnKUi 

Allie  Maitland   Suiiili 

iJrady    Huston    Sykes 
I'aiil   Marshall   Sykes 

•lames  Burton 

•  Iamks   U.  Eunst 


•  w 




J  AMI'S   liAY    KrXST - I'l-rxidciil 

WAJiUKN  (III  AY  SriCNC'KK Vicc  I 'refill  I'll  I 

(\v.i).    Mil'..    M  \Ki;i,v      Hf'rrcliiri/ 

.1  A  M  Ks    W .     1 1  \i;iM  I.I 'rrrnstirrr 

'I'nii  K;i|i|i;i  I'lpsildii  was  I'liiindcd  oii  .liLiiuarv  lH.  ISli!)  at  llliiiiii<  \\'cslc\  an  I 'iii\  rrsity 
liliiiiiniiiutdii.  1  Hindis.  Till'  loundrrs  cstalilislicil  a  Iratcniity  (}!'  men  ilidscn  "iidl  lor  llicii 
wealtli.  rank,  imr  Imndi's.  lint  lin-  tlicii'  |icrsdiial  Wdrtli  and  cliai-arlci'."'  'Plu.'  liasii-  |ii-in(i|ilc> 
arc  cliai'itv.  cstrciii  and  ld\c.  Tan  Kappa  I'lpsildii  began  its  tii'dWlli  in  llie  South  dii  Janiiai'v  111 
IDll  with  the  liida  lieta  Cliapler  at  Stale  College.  There  are  iidw  K  aiti\c  cliaplers  hicaled  ii 
the  south. 

1 1 .11  ry   M  :i  lid rpy   Booke 

Charles    McKfudree 

William    Walker 

Uyan  Caperton 

Henry   Cbeuk-Hung 

Uoy    Karl    Lookadoo 

.l.'lm    Uicliard   .Tt.^.-nh 

James  Alexander 

riAliOI.l)    JV    I'OI.K 


:'  Hh^M 




r.EAM  AN 


II  \i;i    I'oi.K I'rrsiilfiil 

Mac  lloi.M  KS SciTchtri/ 

Lh;\\'   Hi^AiiAN Trriixii }■(■)■ 

'riu't.-i  Clii  Kralcriiitv  was  (ii'L;aiiizril  on  April  10.  IS(l."i  at  Xin'wicii  l'ni\  ci'silw  .\iii-\\icli. 
N'criiKiiit.  Tile  scciiikI  ilia|iliM'  was  cstalilislii'il  at  Massai-liiisi'tls  Institute  (if  Trrlijioldu'V  on 
Dcc-iMnlicr  1.').  1!I0'^.  Sinn'  that  time  the  Iratcrnitv  has  i'\|ian(h'(l  until  it  is  nnw  <iiic  iif  liii' 
fastest  fiTdwi  lit;-  IVatri'iiit  ics  in  the  natinn.  tntalini;'  111  ilia  pfi'i's  at  leading  ciiUciiCs  and  iini- 
voi'sities.  in<-lu(lin,i;  lliuh  I'nint.  Lcnuii-  li'lnnc  ami  tin-  "liiL;   Fdur"  in  N'cii'tli  ('ar<ilina. 

A  cohmy  was  organizcil  at  State  Cdllciic  on  May  26.  lli.'in.  'I'wo  ycais  lalri-  tlii'cdlnny  met 
all  the  reqiiiri'iiiPiits  for  an  act  i\r  ilia|iti'i' and  was  installed  as  Delta  Klic  ( 'haptn-  <iii  May  K, 

Kodn.-v   M.Niihh  Bell 

llfiiry    KngiMie   RIair 

Miinluc.'   Burke 

Ilandd  Eugene   Polk 

.Tnhn  Willard  Porter 

Henry  Joe  Taylm- 



Sponsored  By 
Sigma   Alpha    Epsilon 



Sponsored  By 

Sigma  Nu 


i<f  (%oL^  (ijat&i<^tm 








%^  -^^^ 










^=^- r- c  trdifcc  LI  c  c:  [L  i_  CI 



As  our  literary  trip  moves  east,  we  come  to  the  Piedmont 
region  of  our  great  state.  Within  this  section  lies  the  majority  of 
the  state's  manufacturing  concerns  as  well  as  the  major  portion  of 
our  population.  Although  the  Piedmont  lacks  the  spacious  beauty 
of  the  mountains  it  is  not  lacking  in  beauty.  Many  colorful  spots 
are  there  for  the  asking.    Among  these  are  the  beautiful  Duke 

University  Gardens,  the  Reynolds  Estate  in  Winston-Salem  and  the  rolling 
golf  courses  of  Pinehurst,  plus  a  host  of  other  interesting  sights.  Situated 
within  a  150  mile  radius  are  Charlotte,  Raleigh,  Durham,  and  Greensboro, 

each  playing  a  major  role  in  ^^— -i^^-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 

the  state's  progress. 

The  School  of  Engineer- 
ing of  North  Carolina  State, 
through  its  various  activity. 

again  plays  a  big  hand  in 
the  manufacturing  and  re- 
search of  the  major  indus- 
tries in  the  state.  Some 
of  these  are  Cone  Mills, 
Greensboro;  R.  J.  Rey- 

nolds Tobacco  Company, 
Winston-Salem.;  West- 
inghouse,  Raleigh  and 
many  more  too  nu- 
merous to  list  here. 
Together  they  make  the 

wealth  which  has  been  the 
basis  of  the  burgeoning  of 
North  Carolina  in  comparison 
with  her  sister  states  to  the 
south.  Last  year  it  pushed  the 
value  of  its  industrial  products 
up  above  $2,000,000,000. 

Another  important  element 
in  the  state  economy  is  the  Tex- 

tile Industry.  What  Rockefeller 
is  to  oil  so  Cannon  of  Kannap- 
olis  is  to  Textiles,  the  largest 
producer  of  towels  in  the  world. 
Textile  graduates  from  State, 
receive  the  top  consideration 
from  every  textile  concern  in 
the  nation;  the  school  is  valued 
as  number  one  in  the  United 

Keeping  the  IJoiiu'  Fires  Burnmji 


Attuned  to  the  rapid  industrial  development 
in  North  Carolina,  the  School  ot  Engineering  is 
an  effective  contributor  through  its  modern  edu- 
cational program  and  research  activities.  In  ad- 
dition to  Its  seven  accredited  undergraduate 
curricula,  the  School  of  Engineering  also  provides 
courses  of  study  leading  to  the  Master,  Master 
of  Science,  and  Doctor  of  Philosophy  degrees. 
These  curricula  and  outstanding  research  depart- 
ments provide  educational  facilities  for  students 
who  seek  an  opportunity  to  be  a  part  of  the  in- 
dustrial and  scientific  growth  of  the  State. 

The    lltiiuate 

Lowerins  the  Boom  ! 





John  R.  Comiis 

LoNNiE  A.  Grant 
Vice  President 

Walter  C.  Tiimmas 

W'll.l.lA.M    1).     Wn.KKliSOX 


The  Engineers'  Council  is  composed  of 
elected  representatives  of  the  various 
engineering  societies  on  the  campus.  The 
primary  function  of  this  group  is  to  co- 
ordinate the  activities  of  the  engineering 
societies  represented. 

Each  year  the  Engineers'  Council 
sponsors  the  Engineers'  Exposition.  It  is 
also  responsible  for  directing  the  publi- 
cation of  the  Sout/iL'?-)!  Engineer. 

Another  outstanding  event  sponsored 
by  the  Council  is  the  knighting  of  out- 
standing engineering  students  into  the 
Order  of  St.  Patrick.  The  outstanding 
senior  engineering  student  is  recognized 
and  given  a  gift  by  the  Council. 

Scholarship  is  encouraged  at  the 
Freshman  level  by  selecting  the  two  out- 
standing Freshmen  from  each  depart- 
ment as  Companions  of  St.  Patrick. 


WM :  I 

































<:r^^mtLcun     <z~>^cietu    t' 


I    ■  I  f  ■     ■ 

Tlir  Stuili'iit  Piiniu-h  of  A.  S.  ^[.  K.  (illVi-s  mciiilirrs  in  Mccliiinical  Engiiipi'riiiti' aii  ()|i|iiirtu]iity  to  (levelop  iinesse 
in  k'udi'i'sliip.  ailiiiinistrat  ion,  ;iiiil  |iiililic  spcaJxiiii;;'.  A.  S.  1\I.  E.  Iii'iiiu's  main'  iiiti'i'rst  iiiii'  s|irai\('i'.s  to  tiic  canipus  to 
stiiiiiilali'  |iicilcssioiial  intci'i'st  aiiioiiy  its  inrinliiTs.  Its  [iroi;rains  iiicludi'  iiis|i('cl  ion  Irijis.  social  outings,  joint  meet- 
ings with  neiglilioring  colleges.  s])onsoring  s])eakers  nf  national  pvomincnre,  ami  loi-al  competition  for  prizes. 



lioiiKicr  (JuiGSiiY I'residciil 

Joii.v   LoiiA.x Vice   I'rcsidcnl 

John   l-^nw  \i>iis Secrclary 

OlOORGE    llUFFlNUS  . 





\\'ll.l.l.\M    (Jr IX  1.1  VAN  J'n'slih'ii/ 

liAYMONll  StICVKNS - Vice   I' rr aide II I 

Andrkw  Lowry Si'i  n'htrij 

Ja>[Es    DkFooe Tri'iisiirvr 


The  primary  function  of  the  student  hrniu-li  of  the  American   Institute   of   Eh'ctrical   Enftineers   is  to   promote 
professional  interest  in  this  field  and  to  develop  hiteut  abilities  of  its  members. 

Tlie  student  branch  of  the  Institute  of  TJailio  Enizineers  aims  to  promote  fellowship  amon.o-  students  interested 
in  communications.    Interesting  sjieakers  from  tlie  radio  iudustrv  are  lirought  to  the  campus  by  the  organization. 



%:•  fr^r  vi-.-fc^' ' 

. ,- .  >^-- 

<r:r4-metuatt     <::^0CLctij    oj:    k^ivlI     (^nain 


Tlie  object  of  til  is  society  is  to  afford  an  ojipovtunity  for  closer  acqtiaintanco  among  the  students  in  Civil  Eng'i- 
iH'cring  at  X.  (A  8tatc  College,  to  increase  interest  in  engineering,  to  foster  a  true  professional  knowledge  and  spirit 
among  students,  and  to  co-operate  with  the  professional  and  academic  Civil  Engineering  World. 

IFeetings  are  held  once  a  month  and  include  addresses  hy  ])rofessioiial  engineers,  fihns  on  engineering  projects 
and  constructiiin.  student  jiajifrs  jireseiiteil  liel'ore  the  chapter,  social  affairs,  and  Inisiness  meetings.  The  chapter 
publishes  its  own  monthly  paper,  On  the  Level. 



Joiix    Combs President 

Willi Aji  Biggeh Vice  President 

Edwin  Rose Secrelnnj 

Charlie  Sessoms Tr 


,:::r4- met  Lean     cz:r  nAitiiie    ct 

cz^  itdnditial    (^  (it/iitee'cj 



Don  ALU   L.   Kkyt I'rcsidi'nl 

John  1?.  An  wood „ Vice  I'rcnulnil 

W 1 1.1.1  AM  E.  Ogbi'rn Sec  IT  I II  I- 1/ 

\\'-\i.ri:K  C.  Th()M.\s Trmsiirrr 

Stephen  Derky -idviscr 


The  ]iviinary  fuiiptidii  nf  tlio  stiidont  rha])tei-  of  tlie  Aiiu'i-icau  Institute  of  Industrial  Engineers  is  to  foster 
among  its  nieuiiiers  a  strong  bonil  of  fellowsliiii  and  aeliieveinent.  Professional  interest,  current  jjrulilenis.  coordi- 
nation of  departmental  activities,  and  development  of  character  and  leadership  are  other  high  objectives. 

Bi-monthly  meetings  include  guest  speakers  from  the  industrial  field,  films  on  engineering  problems  and  solu- 
tions, student  papers,  A. I. I.E.  business  meetings  and  social  affairs. 

The  high  ])oint  of  the  year's  activity  conies  in  the  spring  with  the  chapter's  e.\hiliit  for  the  Engineer's  Eair. 




.1  \('K    LisKK Pre.s-idciil 

liANsoM    1 1  AliHls....l'/V7'  I'residriil 

.Tdiix  Fhke.max Sfcri'lari/ 

Franm\   Ki.i.KtTT Trcasiiirr 

Kcrainos.  the  national  pi't)res,si(iiial  Ci'iainic  Engineering  Fraternity,  was  fonndeil  in  ]!K)2  at  Ohio  State 
I'niversity,  and  is  the  oldest  professional  engiiiei'riiig  fraternity  in  flir  woiM.  While  the  organization  is  strictly 
professional  in  nature,  the  requirements  for  iiiciiilici'slii|i  ari'  as  high  as  most  of  thr  honorary  societies  and  it  permits 
the  wearing  of  the  key  hy  honor  students.  .Mcuihrrship  is  offered  only  to  students  in  the  ]>epartment  of  Ceramics 
or  Ceramic  Engineering  who  have  a  good  scliolastic  record,  a  good  iliaractcr  i-ecord  and  who  give  promise  of  making 
good  in  industry.  The  principal  ohject  of  the  fraternity  is  to  promote  and  emphasize  mental  achievement  and  to 
promote  interest  in  ceramic  art,  technology,  and  engineering. 

,^:^MtetiLaii    iz^acLctii    ^j:  j:^H~eutLiiu    ana.      hcii/iLilutcJ    (^iicfLii 


The  olijectives  of  ASIIVE  are  as  follows:  to  sup]ilement  tlic  student's  classi-oom  work  and  his  tmderstanding  of 
the  pidhleuis  of  air  conditioning  and  related  industries,  jn-imarily  hy  securing  (|uaiilied  speakers;  to  pro\  i<le  a 
medium  of  exchange  of  ideas  and  intere.sts  hy  the  pi-esentatiou  of  student  papers:  t<i  focus  the  attention  (d'  the 
ail'  condilioning  industry,  jjarticularly  that  of  Xiu'th  Cai-olina.  on  Xortli  Carolina  State  College  as  a  progressive  in- 
stitution and  graduating  engineers  I'oi'  lieating  and  air  conditioning  «ork. 


liAV    (  'UA\\  Folil) I'rcsiflcill 

IJoliKHr    Mr]  )(INAI,I>, 

I'/Vc   I'rrsidciil 

S.'V.MUKL   'MooKE Si'crrltinj 

ElCHARU   Kow  i.i:i{ Treiisurer 

Willis    Derdion He  porter 


Membership  in  Pi  Tau  Sigma  is  the  highest  honor  that  can  be  obtained  by  a  mechanical  engineering  student  in 
his  iield.  He  must  maintain  a  very  higli  scholastic  average  in  order  to  be  eligible  for  membership,  but  this  is  by 
no  means  the  only  requirement.  Before  a  student  is  selected  for  meml>ership  in  Pi  Tau  Sigma,  he  must  also  be  rated  on 
social  adaptability,  honesty,  personal  cleanliness,  neatness,  and  soundness  of  principles  and  morals.  If,  after  all 
these  things  have  been  considered,  a  man  is  deemed  worthy  of  the  honor,  he  is  invited  to  join  Pi  Tau  Sigma.  Thi.s 
is  an  honor  which  all  men  would  be  prond  to  claim  as  theirs. 


'\\'.U)i-;  Thomas  I'AUKLit,  Jk I'rcsiih'iil 

PuiLlI'    DlNAKUO 

.  I'lVc  J'n-sidnil 

Joe  Skvier Secretary 

Sajiukt.  Bass 






(ilL.MKK    1'kOCTOK P  rcsiilc  ii  I 

(iiAiii.KS  LuxDY Vice  Preside )i I 

.loiix   Lo.MAX Secfelanj 

•loi-;    liiao- 



Tlu'ta  Tail  was  rmnidcd  on  October  1.").  1904.  at 

tile    I'liiversitv    oT    Minnesota.     Tlieta    Tail    is    a 

rofessional   engiiieeriui;'    I'l-aternity    whose   oliject 

is  to  develop  and  maintain  a  lugli  standard  of  pro- 

ressional  interest  ainoiii;'  its  nicniljei's  and  to  unite 

them   with  a  strong  bond   of  fraternal   fellowship. 


PI   MU 

On  JamuuT  14,  lii.jd  tlie  sixteenth  charter  of  Aljilia  I'i 
Mu.  Industrial  En^ineerini;-  TToiior  Society,  was  trranted  to 
the  Xorth  Carolina  State  ('ollf;;c  cliapter.  ^lenihcrsliiii  in 
■Al]iha  Pi  Mu  is  one  of  tiie  hij.i-hest  iionors  that  can  hehestowed 
ui>on  an  undergraduate  industrial  engineer. 

•  loiIN    ArWIKII) 


Joseph  E.  Settle 
Vice  President 

Fuller  T.  Motsixgek 
Corresponding  Secretary 

Eu  W.  Nuckolls 
Recording  Seci'etary 

Richard  Rogers 







(    I  LLieHblt 







\'\  w  .M(i\  II   1 1.   Stevens I'rcslilctil 

Ja.mes  W.  Gkay \'i(e  J'n'siilciil 

KnH.uu)  K.  Jaiksun Recordihfj  Scrrftiinj 

\\'ll.l,lA.M    H.   JessuI' CorrefpoiuliKi/   Ncf  rchiri/ 

James  E.  Kirhy Trcusun'r 

Andrew  Lowery Bridge  Con-cspiiudcul 

L»K.  W.  J.  Barclay Advisei- 

The  purpose  of  Eta  Kapj)a  Nu  is  to  ivcog-nize  and  eiu-ourage  outstanding  ailiicNcniriits  in  tlie  electrical  engi- 
ucfi'iiig  pi'oi'cssioii.  jiarticularly  among  students.  High  scholarship,  leadership  ability,  and  integrity  of  character  are 
i-e(piirenients  for  membership.  The  organization  has  pre]iared  a  chajiter  room  which  is  used  as  a  study  room,  and 
has  uuch'rtaken  several  similar  projects  for  tlie  genci'al  aid  of  students  in  Electrical  Engineering. 





(  raw  fmil 












Gray  Haw  llnn  nc  .lacksmi 

Potter  I'lilcliard  rniiiM 

Tiirnpr  ^'anT,aluliM^halll  W  ill<iii>oii 


An  engineering  society  ohartered  at  North  Carolina  State  College  in  19"25.  Tau  Beta  Pi  elects  into  its  ranks  each 
year  those  student  engineers  that  have  ilistingiiished  themselves  scholastioally.  A\'hile  scholarship  is  the  prime  req- 
uisite tor  membersiiip.  trui'  integrity  is  considered  "sine  quo  Jion''  for  nienilicrshiii.  ilenihershiji  in  Tau  ili'ta  I'i 
is  one  of  the  highest  honors  that  can  be  bestowed  u]X)n  a  student  engineer. 


Harry  S.  Eeichard President 

Claude  Elliott Vice  President 

A.MOS    BuLLARIi  . 





(.'hi  Epsilon  is  a  natioual  professiomil  ('i\il  KnuiiU'ering  fraternity,  liased  on  tlie  broad  objective  of  increasing 
tile  etficiency  of  tlie  profession  as  an  instrument  of  social  liettermeiit.  Chi  Epsilon  was  organized  to  recognize  those 
characteristics  of  the  individual  engineer  deemed  fundamental  to  the  successful  [uirsuit  of  an  engineering  career,  to 
aid  in  the  development  of  those  characteristics  in  the  undergraduate  engineer,  thereljy  working  toward  a  higher 
standard  of  services  ottered  to  humanity  by  the  profession. 

The  Americdn  Cerdmic  Society 


Claude   Elliott - President 

Tom  Coleman Vice  President 

Jack  Liske Secrefanj 

JOHX    BelK Tmi.surry 

The  Xorth  Carolina  State 
College  Student  liranch  of 
the  .VnicT'iiiin  Cciamic  So- 
ciety was  organized  to  ianiil- 
iarize  students  with  the 
various  aspects  of  the  i-era- 
mic  industry  thrtjugh  talks, 
discussions  and  motion  ]iic- 
turcs.  and  to  ])roniote  a 
stronger  bond  (d'  I'cllnwshi]) 
between  students  anil  faculty 
ill  the  de]iartment. 

Institute  of  Aerondutical  Science 

The  institute  of  Aeronautical  Sciences  is  an  organization  of  all  siuilents  re.gistered  in  the  Aeronautical  Engi- 
neering- curriculum.  Its  purpose  is  to  promote  interest  of  the  aeronautical  profession,  to  unite  its  members  into  a 
fellowship,  to  foster  social  activities  for  recreational  enjoyment,  and  to  publicize  the  Aeronautical  Engineering 
Department.  The  lAeS  here  is  a  student  society  branch  of  the  National  Society  of  Aeronautical  Engineers,  and  a 
considerable  amount  of  information  is  thereby  conveyed  to  the  students  concerning  the  activities  of  the  National 


L)a\jli  \'.  GUKLEY President 

Ch.uiles  Luxdy Vice  President 

Sam   Beddixgfield Secretary 

.Toiix   Dawsox Treiisuver 



With  new  and  improved  technology  in  the 
Textile  Industry,  there  comes  a  demand  for  men 
with  technical  training  to  meet  and  solve  its  prob- 
lems. It  is  the  main  objective  of  the  School  of 
Textiles  to  provide  the  training  in  Textiles  which, 
coupled  with  practical  experience  following  grad- 
uation, equipes  young  men  to  assume  positions  of 
real  responsibility  in  the  industry. 

A  fully  equipped  building  and  a  well-trained 
and  experienced  teaching  staff  assure  us  that  the 
quality  of  training  now  being  offered  is  on  a  par 
with  the  demands  of  the  industry. 

Tompkins  Textile 


Willi  \_\l    S.   FlsHKH Pri'sldnil 

l.'li  II  Alll>   (ior.IIENBURG, 

.I'/cc  J'ri'sidi'iil 

1(111  \   ARXOi.n Srcreliiri/ 

Donald   Kosenbaum 



Tlie  Tompkins  Textile  Counril  atteiii|its.  tliroujili  l)i-ni(intlily  niei'tings.  U<   I'lirtlier  stuilcnt   interest   in  textiles 
and  til  lirin.ii-  the  student  body  and   taeiilty  closer  together  through  mutual  respect  and   Ivieiidship. 

The  social  highlight  of  the  year  is  tlie  annual  Lint  Dodgers'  Ball,  which  the  council  sponsors  for  the  entire 
Textile  Scliool. 

Aiiiither  highlight  of  the  year  is  the  Textile  Open  House,  which  gives  tlie  people  of  the  state  a  chance  to  see  what 
the  Textile  School  is  doing.    This  year's  Open  House  featured  a  fa.«hion  show  disjilayiiig  \arious  textile  fahries. 

Sigma  Tau  Sigma 

A  local  textile  honor  fraternity,  Sigma  Tau  Sigma  strives  to  instill  in  textile  students  a  desire  for  higher  scho- 
lastic attainments.  An  incentive  toward  tliis  goal  is  the  Sigma  Tau  Sigma  Scholarship  Cuj)  that  is  presented  each 
year  to  the  Senior  in  textiles  with  the  highest  scholastic  axerage.  The  Greek  letters  composing  tlie  name  of  the 
fraternity  represent  the  wurds,  Society  of  Textile  Scholarshij). 


Ernest  K.  Shekeill President 

Henry  AV.  Saffer Vice  President 

Ernest  Sternberg.. 

.Secret  dry 

EiCH.\RD  Reagan Treasurer 






I  lull  SiTART Preside  II I 

Lakky  JiKi.KiN Vice  Fresideiil 

T(iM    1'>KATY Secretary 

J  1  _M    IjANCASTER ..Treasurer 


Pill  Psi  Fraternity  is  a  professional  textile  Iraternity,  the  objects  and  aims  being:  lirst,  to  promote  good 
fellowship  among  men  of  textile  sehools  and  the  textile  industry;  second,  to  encourage  a  high  standard  of  textile  work ; 
thii-d.  t(i  assist  by  every  hoiKiralilr  means  the  acKaiieement  of  its  memliers. 

Eta  Chapter  at  North  Carolina  State  is  the  largest  chapter  in  the  fraternity,  in  parallel  with  the  largest  textile 
school  in  the  world.  During  194t)-l!>50,  the  chapter  took  part  in  arranging  a  display  of  student  work  for  the  national 
Phi  Psi  convention,  and  conferred  honorary  degrees  upon  two  outstanding  men  in  the  textile  industry.  Social  activ- 
ities of  the  group  include  the  annual  liantpiet.  at  which  time  a  cup  will  lie  awarded  to  tlie  Man  of  the  Year  in  the 
Textile  Industry. 

^  ■♦'tif^- 




Delta  Kappa  Phi  is  the  oldest  professional  textile  fraternity  in  America,  haviua'  been  founded  in  18i19  at  the 
J'hiiadelphia  Textile  Institute.  Started  by  a  nucleus  of  seventeen  members.  Ka]ipa  Chapter  was  instituted  on  May  1-i. 
Iil48.  at  State  College.  The  fraternity  holds  an  annual  convention  each  year.  The  chapter  liere  at  State  College 
strives  to  promote  activities  of  interest  to  the  Textile  School. 


Kkxxeth  Cloxixger President 

Robert  Bicrrier Vice  President 

TiO(;Kit    Maekat Secretary 

Bill   TKOUiiiAX Treasun 







\\  1 1. 1,1  AM    E.    HONEYCUTT Prrsidi'ill 

Ernest  Koifn  Shereill Vice  President 

Jack  U.  Hall Secreiary-Trcasurer 

Mi;.  W.   F.  Suinn Adfiser 

'I'lir    Kappa    Tail   Beta   is   n    Pi-otVssidiial    Kiiiltiiij;'   Fraternity  coinpusnl   nf   Sopluiinnres.  Juiiiois.  and   Seniors. 
Their  iiKitto  is  Knitting  TechniqiH'  I'linds. 

cr^^nietLcan    c=::74-i^iociatL0ii    ot    J-CKtile    ^  lientLjt  ait  A    ^alatLJi 


Hexky   Saffer Presiilnil 

Frkij   Rawicz Vice  President 

Lawrence  Bklkin Treasurer 

Cir.UiLES   NiMMO Secretary 

Mr.  JI.  a.  Rutherford Adviser 


-COLLCOE    ClwrCT-eRXA.-lbOl 





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The  Army  EOTC  has  as  its  purpose,  the  traiiiinji' 
of  students  for  positions  of  leadersliip  in  the  Army 
ill  time  of  national  emergency.  The  sueeessful  eum- 
pletion  of  a  four  year  Army  KOTC  course  leads  to  a 
loiiimission  as  a  second  lieutenant  in  the  Army  re- 
serve. In  the  classroom,  emphasis  is  placed  on  givinji; 
tlie  prospective  officer  a  general  background  knowl- 
edge of  military  subjects  and  activities  essential  to  all 
of  the  Army's  fifteen  arms  and  services,  ilaximum 
effort  is  made  to  arouse  the  student's  interest  through 
tile  use  of  weapons,  illustrations,  training  films.  ])rae- 
tical  exercises  and  models.  Drill  and  Exercise  of 
Command  facilitate  development  of  those  essential 
ciiaractcristics  of  leadership  such  as  self-contidence, 
initative,  loyalty,  and  the  ability  to  think  clearly, 
make  wise  decisions  and  inspire  others  to  work  for 
the  success  of  any  endeavor. 

Col.  Richard  R.  Middlebrooks 
Professor  nf  }filitarii  Science 


Lt.  Col.  I'aull  A.  Bane,  Jr. 
Lt.  Col.  Joseph  A.  McCulloch 
Lt.  Col.  Basil  I.  Mishtowt 
Major  Vernon  B.  Drum 
Major  Isadore  A.  Gargaro 

Major  James  B.  Lyon 
Major  William  J.  Rieck 
Captain  Harry  T.  Stewart 
Captain  Robert  A.  Tolar 
Captain  William  A.  Whichard 
CWO  Joe  :\I.  Pvland 

(^    r'N   ^    r^ 


M /Sgt.  Wilbert  11.  Allen 
M   Sgt.  Thomas  J.  Denton 
M/Sgt.  Floyd  Eggert 
M/8gt.  Otis  Spillman 
SFC  James  0.  Harvell 

SFC  Robert  X.  licuser 

SFC  Harold  C.  Shipley 

Sgt.  Robert  C.  Cooke 

Sr-Z  Richard  F.  Blackmail.  Jr. 

Sgt.  Byron  S.  Proffer 

Sl':i  .lark  I-:,  licd.lim; 

Sidney   E.   Hkilkv.  -Ih. 
Reginiontal  Co. 






Cadi't  Lt.   Col.  Tfddy   II.  Jones 
Regimenial  Execulivc  Officer 

Ciidet  Major  Kov  (».   Faaan 
llrii'niiciititl    >■-/ 

Miss  Carolyn   Wise 

/(;/•   //)('    li't'f/lliicii/ill   (  'mil  liiilinlcr 

Cadet  Major  Colunibu.s  E.  Vii-k 
Recjimenfa]  PIO 

Cadet  Major  Creighton  L.  Callioiiii 
Iii'i/iiiirnhil  S-S 






Cadet  Major  Ausry  Treece 
liuttdUon  Executive  0/ficer 

Cadet  Captain  Fred  C.  Ai!i:i<m:i  iiy 
lintlalioii   Ailjiildiil 

Cadiot  Captain   William    II.   'liKiMPsdN 
BattaUon   I'lii 

I'ADKT    CaI'TAIN     illK.Kli     I'.     IIVATT 
Hut  III  I  inn   X-.; 

Miss   Saka  A.w    I  hi  KKEisoN 
For  the  Battalion  Coinnuinilcr 




Major  James  M.  Stewart 
Company   Commander 

Miss   Peguy  Sanders 

Captain  Dow  V.  Perry 
Executive  Officer 


1  ST  Lt.  Charles  L.  Justus 
I'hilumi  Leader 

Robert  C.  Cline 
Platoon  Sgt. 


1st  Lt.  William  S.  Fisher 
I'liitniDi   Liader 

John  L.  Perkixson 
Platoon  Sgt. 


1st  Lt.  Benjamin  B.  Taylor 
I'lalooii  Leader 

Charles  S.  Davis 
Platoon  Sgt. 

■0'   ^         tf.  * 

k     f      •^     ♦      f 



;Maji)I!  Jack  R.  Hall 
Company  Commander 

ilis.s   Kay   Wilmf.lm 

CaptjUN  Willlwi  M.  Sle 
Execu  live   Officer 




1st   Lt.   .Ioiin    H.    I'akkkr 
I'hilitnn   l.cdihr 

(iiAiu.Es   H.   Harding 
I'laloon  Ki/I. 


Isr  l.'i'.  Man  li.  (iiuMics 
I'tftl'i'Hi   l.cddrr 

CiiARLKs  M.  Martin 
Platoon   Syt. 


Isr    L'l  .    IlKMtY    M.    liooKK 
I'hiliKin    hcfiilrr 

Don    I{.   TrcKKK 
/'Id loon    Sift. 





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Major  Wiij.iam  B.  Troutman       Miss  Norma   Gray         Captaix  Edgak  S.  Woolard 
Voinpany   Commander  Sponsor  Executive   Officer 


Isr  Lt.  Ronald  B.  E.striu(ie 
PUiloon  Leader 

Fb^vnk  M.  Cothran 
I'latoon  Sgt. 


1st  Lt.  Gray  E.  Everiiardt 
Pkiloon  Leader 

Ronald  V.  Siiarpe 
I'latoon  Syt. 


1st  Lt.  Axtiio.ny  Lf.o.nk 
I'latocMi  Leader 

William  G.  Jones 

I'latoon   S(i1. 



ilA.ioR  William   R.  Jessii 
Company  Commander 

ill.■^.■^   I"i;a.m_l.-5  .Il.-^.->i  1' 

LAl'lAl.N"    HUKUEKT  {..    KatI.AN 

Executive   Officer 


IsT  I.T.  .IdSKl'll    T.   I'kAHSO.N 

I'IdluDii   l.iiiilr-r 

David   M.   MtOiiRK 

I'tnlDllll     S(jt. 


1st  1,1.  -Ia.mks  T.  McCokki.k 
I'hiluoii  Ijcailer 

•Iamk.s  a.  Morgan 

Pliitnon   Stit. 


■lilSKI'H    AliNKW    l!l(;(.S.   .In. 
/{(illuliiiii   Co. 






Cadet  Major  Jesse  E.  Powell 
Battalion  Executive  Officer 

Cadet  Captaix  James  E.  Ingram 
Battalion  Afljiitaiil 

Cadet  Cattaix  Loiis  II.  Lediii:ttkr 
Battalion    I'lO 

Cadet  Captaix  High  I,.  T.ixer 
Baltalion  N"-.! 

Mrs.  Sally  W  ise  Uicgs 
for  the  Bfiltalion   CoinuHniilir 




Major  Charles  T.  Kluttz 
Comimin/   Coiiniiander 

Mis.s  Jax  Jarrett 

C'Ai'TAiN  WiixiAM  A.  Wilder 

Executive   Officer 


1st  Lt.  Joseph  Ft. 

I' la  1 0011  Leader 

I'aii.  (i.  Braxton 
I'Uilooii  Sgt. 


lsi-  l.r.  Ku'iiAKi)  ]..  .Ma.\.\ 
ritilmtn   lAtjdvr 

Jon.N  H.  Lane,  .Ib. 
Platoon  Syt. 


1st  \j\\  (harlks  I!.  Zei'(;.\ki{ 
I'tatofm    Lvitdrr 

■)ov.  M.  Smith 
Platoon  Sgt. 



JIajok  Ci^ude  V.  Elliott 
Company   Com inandcr 

Mlss  Jane  Ellkitt 

Captain  Allen  L.  ilAUTiN 
Executive   Officer 

^  ^  ^  ^  I*, 


1st  Lt.  Jackson  D.  Koone 
Platoon  Leader 

Claude  W.  Moss 
Platoon   Sgt. 


Is  I   Lt.  Konald  C.  Pitts 
I'IiiIdoii    fjcader 

l''lilOII    \\".    KiSEB 
Platoon   Syt. 


1st  Lt.  M.  Santoli 
Platoon  LeO'der 

John  JI.  Lowe 
Platoon   >S'.'/f. 

p^      »,     ^     ^     m> 

•t;^  -itr  -h    f^    •^■•. 

^  0t^.,         ^  A  A, 



ilAJOR   SiDXEV   B.   Cooke 
Company   Commander 

Mrs.  S.  B.  Cook 

(  AI'TAIX    ANDREW    C.    VaSTAXO 

Executive   O/ftcer 


IST   LT.    .IiMMIK    I!.    K(  KAIil) 

Platoon  Leader 

KoBERT  A.  Thompson 
I'lotoon    fifit. 


IsT  Lt.  I'Air.  11.  Haiitox 
I'liilijijii  Liiidir 

CllAKLEH    A,    .IaCK.SOX 

rlnfonil    Sfil. 


1st  Lt.  .Ia.\ies  .M.  White 
I'Uiloon    header 

Kay  II.  Lancaster 

Platoon  S<jt. 

^.  Ih,         ,f^  »  ^ 


*       ^     ^     ^ 

I  ab^  jys  s^  iMii 

^  %  *       I  4 




JIa.kii!  Lawrknce  W.  Sherrili. 

('i)in /Id II II    Commander 

Miss  (JhA(K 

(AI'TAIN    KOHERT   M.    (ilX.N 
Kxecutii'e  Ofjicer 


1st  lyr.  KicENE  Cross.  Ill 
I'liilnoii  Leader 

I.eKoy  W.  McCall 
I'Uihion  Sgt. 


I.ST  Lt.  Dan  C.  Joxes 
I'latoon  Leader 

Charles  E.  Caudill 
Platoon  figt. 


1st  Lt.  ElDWix  F.  Harris 
I'Idliiiin  Leafier 

John  L.  Freeman 
Platoon  Sgt. 

^'        ^         ,^.         ^  A         €31 

■f.*    'f.^i    f:'     ^^     f^       f 



*^  ^  f^  t^  0, 


IvMlNKST     KdllN     SlIlHHMI 

ttiit tiilion  Co. 

MeAI)I,(I(  K 




Cadet  ilAJOU  .Iamks  W.  .Meadi.dck 
Jialtalion  Executive  0/liccr 

Cadet  Captain  FhaiNK  U.  (On.nkk 
Hal  I II I  ion   All  ju  Inn  I 

C'ADKT    CaI'IAI.N    a.    I)A\1I)    Sl'AMil.KU 

iiiitiiiiiiiii  no 

Cadkt  Captain   James   K.   Sipes 

HiilldHiin  .S'-.f 

Miss   lioiiiiiK  .Iean    (  isAiii 
fur    Ihi     Itill  hlliiiil    < 'iinniiil  ilili  r 



Ma.iiiu   .Iamks    M.    ild'oHMICK 

('iiiiiiiiiini    ('niiniiiliiih  I- 

Miss   W'.wda    I'lrn:!.!'; 

(AlTAl.N    .lolIN     M.    .IK.N'KINS.    ill 

K.rrcntiii;  O/licer 




1st  I.- 

■.    rdl'.nv    K.   .loNKS 


u    Liitihr 


A.   Santowasso 


onii   Sijl. 


1st   I.t.  .Iosi:i>ii    II.    Mii.i.KR. 

•  In. 
I'll!  loon    t.ra'Iri 

lidlUlY    H.    FlKl.llS 

I'liilooii   Sfit. 


1st  Lt.  Henry  D.  McCoy,  II 
I'hiliion   Leader 

Ai.itKRT  (Poosii  I  D'Ancei.o 
I'lalodii   Sijl. 




^FA.ioit  r.KiiAim  S.  R(k;eks 
Cumi>iiHij   Uoiiniiaiirlcr 

iliss  Ei.LEX  .Johnson 

(    \ll\l\     .IaMKS     K.     \\KI!1! 
l:.r(ri,IUf   <l/lir,f 

:  »■■<:■  'r^ni^'-'-'^r'^T^,^     «»-»-««^,J».r*|   ; 


1st  Lr.  Fi!i:i>  (.'.  Ki.i;iman 
J'ht t'lDn    l.ntih  r 

l,Ai;in    ('.    HosriAN 
ritiloi, II   .Si/l. 


1st    ly]'.  Willi  AM  I),  lilioou: 

•  In. 
I'liilixjii    Lcuiltr 

Al.llKKT    S.    HaHT 
I'Idlooii   l^gt. 

i»    m 

(^     ^ 



I  ■  ■     I   ▼ ..  I    ■  ■•  •    ^a 


Isi   Lt.  Karnest  W. 


I'latooii  Leader 

.Iames  U.  ,SMATiii;ns 
I'lutoon   Kgt. 





.MA.Hiit  1!(ii;ekt  K.   IIkiifcihh 
Cotnpanji   Com  iiuiiidi  r 

Mrss     I.Al  l!A     Al.I.STO.N 


(    Al'l  Al.\      IlKMiV     •!.     M  MtCOl  I  A 

Executive  Ojjicer 

fs      ^     (^,      ^      ^     ^ 


1st  Lt.  I^awrkmk.  1.  Hki.kix 
I'hitoiiii   Lender 

KaHL    (.'.    FAGliERT 
I'hitoon  ^!it. 


1st  I.t.  .Ioiix  W.  .Ionks.  .Ik. 
I'bitDon   Leailer 

O.'-CAR  E.  Pope 
Plalnon  ^gt. 


isT    I.T.    Ulll'.EKT    I-;.    BeA.MAN 
I'hilonii    Lender 

.Iames  L.  Lowe,  .Jr. 
I'lntDon    Hyt. 



Ma. Idle   ll(j\\Aiii)   II.   SiM(i\ 
Company   CommanOcr 

Miss   .1iiv(  i:    Sim 

I    Al'IAIN     ItKliAlill     I  ;ill.l)K\Ki:Ui; 

Exeruiiri    0///riw 


1st  Lt.  Lkoxako  a. 
1'"rekma.n.  .)h. 

I'EIKH   1).    Trril.E 
I'hiUxm   S(it. 


1st  Lt.  (fiiAiiA.M    .\.   I'cii'K 
I*liifi>nu    Ijcailrr 

•  1(111  .N    W.   (Ol'KI.A.M) 

riiiiiioii  Sjit. 


1st  Lt.  W  ir.i.iAM   L.  IIiiya.nt 
I'hitnoii    Lvinlcr 

W'lLIilK    K.    (lUKKli 

Platoon    K;/t. 


•"W  ■  Hissiiif*'-^  V'^  --".^vf!- 

^  \   A. 



L  4   1  'i. 

2nd  I.t.  Roland  L.  Pitts  — A  Co, 
•Jnd  l.t.  Waltor  H.  Kiihrt.  Jr.         — B  Co. 

llnd  I.t.  .Tames  D.  Neighbors  — K  Co. 
L'nd  Lt.  Kdward  .T.  Ilanson,  Jr.      — U  Co. 

L'nd  I.t.  Tiiomas  V.  Hoiiowcil  — C  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Hoy  S.   White  — I)  Co. 

■Jnd  I.t.  Jolin   C.    Henderson  — I)  Co. 

■Jnil  I.I.  Claucl.'  .\.  — DCo. 

I'lKi  I.t.  llaTii.l  E.  Mil!ane  — K  Co. 

2iid  I.I.  Henry  C.  I'layer.  Jr.  — E  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  .\miis  (;.  Huilard,  Jr.  — F  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Klihah  T.  Holt  —  K  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  IIail>ert  !•'.  Urinson  — (J  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Charles  C.  liassett  — G  Co. 

2nd  Lt.  Joseph  F.  Dickey  — U  Co. 

2nd  Lt.  Harold  C.  Ilielss  — G  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  I><inald  J.  Rosenlianm         — ti  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Charles  E.  Cordon  — II  Co. 
2nd  I.t.  r.ernard  II.  Taylor.  Jr.         — II  Co. 

2ud  I.t.  Stanley  B.  Walker  — I  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  I.ebron  II.  Herring  — I  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  .\rthur  G.  I'ark  — I  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Robert  W.  Dillard  — K  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Olin  C.  Trull  — K  Co. 

2nd  1.1.  Herbert  C.  Sebater  — I.  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Frank  W.  lUioads  — L  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Warner  I..  Thrower  — I,  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Kalton  R.  I'roctor  — M  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  I.utber  R.  Beaver  — M  Co. 

2nd  I.t.  Paul  K.  Tuggle  — M  Co. 

SFC  William  E.  Dick.  Jr.  — A  Co. 

SFC  Nathan  J.  Pond.  Jr.  — A  Co. 

SFC  Victor  P.  Thompson  — A  Co. 

SFC  Samuel  N.  Broome  — A  Co. 

SFC  .Max  K.   Phillips  — A  Co. 

SFC  Jesse  B.  Wilkins.  Jr.  — B  Co. 

SFC  William  D.  Moxley,  Jr.  — B  Co. 

SFC  Emerson    B.   Deese.   Jr.  — B  Co. 

SFCIJayle  M.   Wylie  — C  Co. 

SFC  John  B.  Hardy,  Jr.  — C  Co. 

SFC  Thomas  B.  Wood  — C  Co. 

SFC  Vincent  T.  Novak  — C  Co. 

SFC  A.  Keith  Pooser.  Jr.  — C  Co. 

SFC  Lawrence  I..  Bissett  — D  Co. 

SFC  Alex  M.  Efird  — D  Co. 

SFC  Ronald  D.  Kincaid  — D  Co. 

SFC  Otha  0.  I.angley  — D  Co. 

SFC  Cecil  C.  Beumer  — D  Co. 

SFC  Hamilton    Corey.    Jr.  — E  Co. 

SFC  John  R.  Green  — E  Co. 

SFC  J.  Lee  Ha  user  — E  Co. 

SFC  Hugh  M.  Sanderson  — E  Co. 
SFC  Richard  H.  Ilapward.  Jr.       — F  Co. 

SFC  Roderick  H.  Morris  — F  Co. 

SFC  Walter  B.  Peterson  — F  Co. 

SFC  Talmadge  J.  Wiggins  — F  Co. 

SFC  David  M.  Williams  — F  Co. 

SFC  Thomas  u.  .\nderson  — G  Co. 

SFC  Harold  W.  Buchanan  — G  Co. 

SFC  RobiTt  It.  Cooke  — G  Co. 

SFC  Douglas  I..  Gunnell  — G  Co. 

SFC  Ralph  L.  Gilland  — H  Co. 

SFC  Leonard  C.  Hoots  — II  Co. 

SFC  Richard  F.  Jessup  — II  Co. 

SFC  (Jordim  E.  Powder  — IT  Co. 

SFC  Richard  A.  Reynolds  — I  Co. 

SFC  Robert  R.  Carpenter  — I  Co. 

SFC  William   E.   Brown  — K  Co. 

SFC  James  C.  Stevenson  — K  Co. 

SFC  William  D.  Lawing.  Jr.  — K  Co. 

SFC  William    R.    Lewis  — K  Co. 

SFC  Ted  L.  Waters  — I.  Co. 

SFC  Paul  J.  Pickenheim  — L  Co. 

SFC  David  O.  Proctor  — L  Co. 

SFC  John  T.  Walton  — L  Co. 

SFC  Coy  E.  Shields  — M  Co. 

SFC  Victor  H.  Garrou  — M  Co. 

SFC  Frank  E.   Minter,  Jr.  — M  Co. 

SFC  Charles  R.  Norris  — M  Co. 

0-^tMMitff  ki^lidf(^iV'^l 



.Ma.TIIH     .losKl'll      I!.     \\  AUI.Il'K 

f  'inn  iiKiiifh  r 

Miss   1'at   Kkx.neki.v 


l.T.  C'oi..  .loSKPII  A.  McCuLLOtil 


Scabljiiril  and  Blade  is  a  national  lioiKn-ary  society 
and  was  founded  in  1905.  Tlie  mend)erslii])  consists  of 
(iiitstanding  ROTCI  advanced  course  oHicers.  The  pur- 
[lose  of  the  orji'anization  is  to  inci'ease  efficiency.  ])roniote 
u'ood  reilmv<hi[i.  and  raise  the  stanchii'ds  i)f  military 
traiiiin.i;'  in  EOT(.!  units  at  American  cdlleues  and  \u\\- 
Ncrsities.     At    the    pi'escnt    time    thiM-e    are    nearh'    one 

hundre(l  cjiapters  in  tlie  Tnited  States.  The  hical 
chajiter  is  known  (illiciaily  as  (i-;5.  There  ai'e  a])|)r().\i- 
mately  forty-five  niemhers  at  all  times  in  the  State 
('olle<;e  society.  The  acti\ities  in  which  niemhers  of 
(t-3  Were  en<J'aged  durins;  thi'  past  school  vear  include 
the  formal  hancpiet  Idi'  new  menihei's  and  the  cn-sponsor- 
sliip  (if  the  annual    Militaiy   Hall   in    Mai'ih. 

IlKiiDiNia'iKi.i),   BKi)i(Ha>.    l;i(ii.KV,    I'lsiii-.H.   Cm-.ciiHV,    Hanson.    Ingkam.    .Ionks,    Kmtiz.  im:  i  i  i:  ii.    Mahiin,    Miiiik,    I'i  aumin. 
I'i,ia<v,   I'oPE,  KodEUS,  Simon,  'I'iiompson.  'ruKKCK,  '1'uoutmax,    \ic  k,  u,    wd    Wiiiii 


Ma.jok   .losEl'll    K.    W'aklu  K 
Conipany    CiiiiiiikiihIi  r 

Miss    Pat    Ivk.smkia 

Isi   Lt.  .Iu.sei'H  K.  Sktti.k 
Executive   Officer 


The  Pershing  Eifles  is  a  national  honorary  military 
society  formed  for  tlie  pnrpose  of  promoting  high  quality 
military  training  and  leadership  in  IIOTC  Units  of  the 
colleges  and  universities  of  the  United  States.  The 
National  Society  of  Pershing  Rifles  is  organized  into 
companies  and  reginiciitiil  areas.  The  X.  C.  State  Col- 
lege Cha])ter  is  Company  L  of  the  4th  Regiment. 

Tile  Pershing  Rifle  memhership  is  composed  of  cadets 
who  prove  themselves  superior  in  leadership,  academics, 
and  military  bearing  as  members  of  the  Cadet  ("orps. 
The  activities  of  the  organization  are:  drill  and  parade 
exhiliitidiis.  demonstrations  for  the  Regiiiu'ii  ta  1  and 
Xatioiial  Drill  meets,  and  particijiation  in  tiii'  .Viinual 
National  Ccjinention  of  Pershing'  Rifles. 

Rkiiahd  C.  White.  Assistant  Joseph  E.  Settle,  Drill  Platoon  Lcadrr 

.\.\iiKi-:ws.  Atki.n'.s.  Bak.nes,  Blaxke.\ship.  Bledsoe.  Bkaswell.   Bklwkk,   Bkitt.   Bulllck,   Cooper.   Dry,   Ki.liott.    Koutin.    K(j\, 
lIoBsox,  Hoover,  Hol'.ser,  Jasper,  Kay.  Ledwell,  Leggett,  Madrex,  Makely,  Xewlix,  Osborxe,  PEMnERTON,  1!oi!ektsox.  Smith, 

StRI  M 


.MA.Jim    I'm  i.    Flltchkk    Mi  iikav 
<  'omtnandey 


All   ri'jlii    UK  li    \\ii\\  11  /CI    ill    i,'i  ,,iL 


*:-.w.  ^.^iitaysiciLStif , 

when  ive  were  at  Benning 

the  Air  Force  was  watching  from  abo^e 


CaDKTS   Wll.l.lAM    \.    I'.AKVKS,  .li;.,   (;.    I'.iiNsnX    IIOBSON,  Jk., 

.losKi'ii  P..  I'kmi'.kiiidn,  .Ik,,  wn  Wii.ii  \m  II.  1'.i.axki;n-siiii' 


Caiikts  Eaiu.  E.  Dvi;.  .Ik..  Hoishy  G.  Casky,  TIolix  F.  Kaukk'it, 
AND  Wesley  J.  Henky,  .)k. 


Tin-  mission  of  the  Air  F(ircc  stalV  a\  X.  C.  State 
Colleuc  is  tile  training  ol'  iilliccrs  In  nird  the  L;r(i\ving 
needs  (iT  a  i-a|ii(lly  exjiand  iiig  rnitcd  States  Air  F(ii-ee 
— our  cuiintn's  in-edoniiiiant  delcn-ent   to  aggression. 

I'nder  till'  sii|ii'r\  isioii  and  direitioli  ol'  ("idomd 
liisliei'.  a  Idgldy  coinin'ti'iit  stall'  of  ollirers  send  on 
aeti\('  dutv  each  year  young  ollli-ers  trained  under 
tile  highest  inilitai-y  anil  aeademir  standards  to  take 
to  the  skies   in  our  country's  dehuise. 

COLONKI,    .1A-\II:s     I''.     KiSHER 
I'rofcxsor  of  Air  .Seicncf 


Lt.  t'oL.  Stanton  C.  Acnkw 

Major  Ned  S.  Hays 

Major  Milliard  B.  Mc'C'rLU)UGii 

Major  Mack  White 

Cattaix  \VnXL\M   R.   Cook 

Captain  Olivkr  P.  Hedhepetii 
Captain  (^ukntin  M.  Lewis 
Cai»taix  Victor  L.  Xunenkamp 
Captain  .Tajiks  K.  Oshorn 
Captain  Gcy  P.  McSweeney 
1st  T.t.  Harold  R.  Sklfriikie 

o  o 


KM, IS)  Kl) 

M/Sirr,    \ou\i.\N    Dam. 
M/SiiT.    .\Miia:\v    li.    MrCAi.i.rM 
M/S(iT.   .loii\    !■:.    Nkai. 
T/Scr.  Kavmiimi   K.  IIackhty 

T  'Sc.T.     .Mel. Kl, AMI     .loNKS 

'I'/Scrr.   C.M.\i\    C.    .Montiio.mkhy 
T/ScT.    Kknmtii    M.   KrssKLi. 
T/S(,'r.    Will, IK    M.    \\  iiiitiN(;ton 
S/Sgt.  (idiiDON    KKirii,  .Ir. 
S/S(,-T.   (ill.llKlil     !■:.    \\  INKCOKE 


Caiu'I    Col.   .lAsi'Kii    II.    Haudisox,    .Ik. 
11"  iim    f  'oiii  1)1(1  inlcr 





Lath  KOI' 


iU  I.Armx 

t'ADKT   I/r.  Coi..  (;ei)Ki;k   K.    HrRDiCK 
Ihpuhi   \\  iufi  Com iiitniiify 

Cadet  Lt.  t'oi..  Wim.iam   II.   Mukiixi.  Ill 
liiapi  clur  (hiii  I  III 

Cadet  I^t.  Coi..  .Ioii.n  A.  .Ioiin.sox 
Director  of  Opnnliniis  mi<l  Tidiiiiiui 

Cadet   Lt.    Cor..    A.    W  mis.xant 
Uiiertor  of  Mntpiial 

(  .\IIKT     .Ma.IOU     lioMHY     I'.     HlSKKV 

Willi/  Ailiiilinil 

Cadet  Ma.iok    IIkxhv    W.    I'kkktt.   -Ik. 
/.   .V.   <).   (l/lifir 

C.VDET   JI/SGT.   GEOR(a-:   T.    r.ATIIHul" 
Ming  Sergeant    Major 

Cadet  M/Sct.  Floyd  A.  JIcLavki.v 

Assl.    Win;/    .S';/(.    Major 

Mis.-.  Hi;ni    I'ayk  'Iylki! 
For   tlie    Winij   Coniiiianth'r 


T/r.  t'oL.  John   Kdnseli.   Kdci  i;s,  .In. 
(hoiip  Coiiniiniiilrr 

I  loNDHlls 

,\    lijVKMi.MlK 

Hi  iisi 


t'ADKT     MA.rolt     Sl'Iliu     (.      llci.NDIiO.S 

Depiiti/   Croiiji  ('otninuiider 

t'ADKT  (Al'TAI.N    (iERAI.II   H.    lll'KSl 

Mis.s  .lovcK  l!nK.\i;AiiK 
/■'nr   I  in-   dniiiji   ('(HtnmiH'Icr 




Major  Harry  E.   Coor 
Squadron  Commander 

Miss  Maky  Hampe 

(AiTAiN  Joseph  .1.  McNamara 
Deputy  Commander 


Isr  Lt.  Paii.  K.  Pkarsun 
I'liillit   Commander 

Lewis  S.  Howe,  Jr. 
Flight  Sgl. 


1st  Lt.  Francis  1'.  Wrkuit. 


yiiilh t    Com iiniuilcr 

loLLEV  B.  McT.ArfniUN 
Flight  Sgt. 


1st  Lt.  John  M.  Lake 
Flight   Commander 

DoN.\i-D  L.  MoORK 
Flight  Sgt. 

^^  h  k  M  ^    *'  ''     '  ^ 



'^  w  > 



/    1    »  ■«•  '   . 




i[AJOR    SXEI'llKN    C.    GoODIM. 

Syuudnm  Commander 

-Mrs.    MAIi-lOlUE    (ioilDlNC 


•The  Futuke" 


IsT  I,T.  Ckokue  T.  Urown 
Flijllit    Commiiiider 


Fliilhl   Sgt. 


1st  T/r.  ClkvkIjVxd  "SI.  I'rice 
l-l'njlit    I'nnt niinnirr 

AuiHIK    \\  .    Col'EI.AN'I) 
Flight  Sgl. 


I  ST  Lt.  Spencer  S. 
Kdmundso.n.  ,1r. 

FHi/hl   C())inu(niilrr 

•  IkKUY     I'dWHI  1.    Mll.I.ER 

Flighl    Sgl. 



-\1ajoii  ilnvuEix  E.  Clahy 
Squadron   Commander 

Mrs.  JliTCHBLL  E.  C'l.\ry 

Captai.n   Phil  UiNardo 
Deputy  Commander 


1st  Lt.  DoxAi.n  S.  Calderon 
Flight   Commander 

Robert  L.  Ellis 
Flight  Sgt. 


1st  Lt.  Paul  J.  Wicker 

Fligh t   I 'uui niander 

Fliglit   Sgl. 


1st  Lt.  E.vamel  K. 


Fliglil    Cijiinnander 

(In  IS  (AKi.  Price 
llit/hl    Silt. 




Ma.tou   Stephex   K.    Brannax 
^(jiHKlion  Commander 

Mrs.  Stei'Hen  Brannan 

Captain   Paiii.  Li  cas 
Deputy  Commander 


1st  Jvr.  DoNAi.i)  L.  Den'TON 
Flight  Commnnder 

Phiup  K.  Pruna 
Flitjht  S(/t. 


IST    LT.    Uu.NAl.i)    K. 

Flight  Commander 

James   L.   Bi  kton,  .In. 
Fliijht  Hgt. 


1st  ]>t.  I.o.nnik  M.  Thomas 
FHfjht    i'iim)i)uni]er 

HoliKR'r    P.    HASTINfiS 

Flight   Hgt. 

:  v:**ft 

Lt.  Col.  Josei'ii   II.  Hatchkr 
Group  Commander 

Taylor  Owen- 



Cadet  Major  Robert  Tayi.or 
Deputy  Group  Commander 

Cadet  Captain  Zack  Clark 

Miss  Inez  Owen 
For  the  Group  Commaiuler 




Major  William   H.   Koushek,  Jr. 
SqiKidron   Com iiiander 

Ml.SS    Ivl.NDA    1!K^^^ 


Am  I'uwKu 


1st  \a:  Zack  C.  Clark 

I'liclhl   rniiniimider 

.Ikiikv   M.  AllSlIER 

riii/iit  si/t. 


Is  I     I.T.    .IciSKIMI    M. 

Fliflhl    ('mil niainlcr 

I   11  inn    ('.    I'OWKLL,     II  I 

FInjIil    Syf. 


1st   Lt.    1.  (ioUFKKY    DaVK 

Flight  Commander 

Glen'n   v..  Carter 

Flight  Sgt. 



Major  Haiiry   S.   Keriiaku 
Sijiiadroit   Commander 

Miss  Francis  Robinson 

Captain  Kdwin  li.  Smith 
Deputy  Cuiirinunder 


1st  Lt.  Robert  Uria.n 

Flight   ConiiiKiiiihr 

.Tune  Sini:letary,  Jr. 
Flight    Sgt. 





1st  Lt.  Richard  A. 



Flight   Comiiiaiulor 

Joe  B.  Emory 
Flight    Hgt. 



1st  Lt.  iloHRis  Rati.ii-f 
Flight  t'oiinnaitder 

WiLLiAJi  R.  Green 
Flight  Sgt. 



Major  Waltkr  (i.   Siorr,  .hi. 
Squadron   Commander 

MiS.S    .JoAiNN     'I'iMllKUI.AKE 


L'ai'Tain    Charles    E.    Lindv 
Deputy  Commander 


1st  Lt.  KiiY   M.  1,AN(;ST()N 
Flif/lit  Coin  unintlcr 

LkONAHII    W.    CllTTKN 
/■'liiiht  Silt. 


is  I     1,1  .    I  I  Ain  IV    (  '.    (    AUHIIl.l., 

Ftii/ht  Com iiniiiiirr 

(iKRAI.I)   C.    IIaWKIN.S 
Flight   Stjt. 


Isi   Lt.  .IrsiTs  M.  Ammoxs 
l-'liglil   Coiiiiiiamdrr 

Wonv.KV  D.  Parkkr.  .(r. 

Fliqhl    Sgt. 



JFa.ior  Mario.n   11.  Hoi.T 
SqiKiilrmi    Commander 

Mrss   Mary   Bei.i.  Hakkison       Captai.n    Uuiiari)  K.  Jackson 
Sponsor  Deputy  Commander 


l!ST  Lt.  David  CJotkin 
Flight    Commander 

(  D.  SiMrso.v 
lliilhl   Sgt. 


1st  Lt.  'rilEODORE  KlI.VK.  .Ir. 
Flif/ht    I  'oni  iiiandrr 

Ahi.ey  .I«ih.\\v   DrccEK 
Flitjht  Sr/t. 


1st  lyi.   Bn.i.Y   L.   Moork 
Flifjht    ('onn)i(itidrr 

•Ta.mes  H.  Hk.i.khs 

riiflht   Sfit. 

Lt.  Col.  John  G.  Dawson,  Jr. 
droup  Commtindcr 

Kbyt  M.\Y 



Cadet  Ma.kik  Donai.d  I..  Keyt 

Voputy   (iiuiij)   dniii iiKiiiilcr 

Cadkt  Captain  Ned  K.  Hkinhardt 

Miss  Catiierink  May 

/'(*;■   ///('    flriiiiii   foinniandcr 




AIajou  Tkuman  a.  Davis,  Ju. 
Squadron  Commander 

iliis.   Tiu  MAN    Davis 

Caitain  Uoueri   I'j.  Wesi' 
Ucpiity  CoiiiiiKindcr 


1st   Lt.   .ToIIX    W.    liROWN 

Flight  Cominiiiidcr 

Joel  C.  Bennett,  Jr. 

Flii/ht  Sfit. 


1st  Lt.  Thomas  A.  Beatv 
Fliyht  Commander 

Robert  E.  Jobe 

Flight   Sijt. 


1st  Lt.  Bobby  ]j. 
Flight   Coiiimandf  r 

Fred  D.  Woou 

FligJit  Sgt. 

^-  "v^"^. 




JIaJOR   CiEOKdE    K.    I'OWELL 

Stjuailron   Commander 

Mrs.  (iEORGK  rowEi.L 

Captain  William  C.  Holtzmann 
Deputy  Commander 


I.ST  Lt.  Francis  K.  Mason 
Flight  Commander 

Kobert  M.  Bennett 
Flight   l^gl. 


1st  Lt.  .Iames   K.   .\r.AK 
Flight  Voiiijiiaiiiirr 

Ashley  f!.  Lkiiheit,  .Iu. 
Flight    Sgl. 


1st  Lt.  Ariih  r  W  .  Kihelly 
Flight  Com mantirr 

Victor  (;.  Dowi.ess 
Flight   Sgt. 




Major  John   H.   Seats 
Squadraii  Commander 

Miss  Mary  Randall 

Captain  Anthony  G.   Frvntz 
Deputy  Comnuinder 


Isr  lyr.  Loris  A.  Dhkm  \.\ 
riifjht  Ciiniinander 

XoRMAX     L.     ZiMMKRNrAN 

Flitilit  flgl. 


I  NT    I,T.    HaK<i1.I)     I'.    KeiI) 

Fit II lit    Com iininilrr 

(iLENX  Harold  SrnoN 
Flit/hi   f<f/t. 


I  NT  T/r.  (Jle.nwoou  H.  I'lrrv 
l-li;i/il   Cum iiKitiiIrr 

Klx  a.  Phillips 
Flight  Syt. 



AlAJOR  William  D.  Staton 
^(jiiadroit   Commander 

JIiss  liAuuARA  Tyson 

Cai'Tai.n  Sam  T.  Bkuui.ngfiklu 
Deputy  Commander 


IsT  Lt.  .Tasiks  M.  Conry' 
I'liijli  I   Cinn niiniilt'r 

James  K.  Wallace 
FUglit  H(if. 


1st  l^T.  Tra  .1.  Ellis,  Jr. 
Flifili t    Com  mander 

KiiKi>A  L.  Johnson 
Flight  Sgt. 


Isr  Lt.  IIicuAm)  B.  Siikj'Ari) 
Flifllit  I'ummaiiitcr 

JoK  VorxG 

Ftiglil    Si/t. 

SIajor  Edwarh  ^\'.   AvilNT.  Ill Rillld 

M/S(!T.  Tkrry  L.  Hkusiiky 1  Sijil. 

T/Sgt.  Wilbur  E.  Anderson ^  Sqd. 

T/Sgt.  Pkrry  L.  Deai .4  SipJ. 

M/Sqt.  Elbert  G.  Brown B  Sqd. 

M/Sgt.  Eichard  M.  Beam D  Sqd. 

M/Sgt.  Fred  T.  Teai E  Sqd. 

M/Sgt.  Ernest  T.  Miller F  Sqd. 

T/8gt.  William  U.  Green k F  Sqd. 

M/Sgt.  Richard  E.  ]\Ioser G  Sqd. 

M/Sgt.  David  1).  Smiley,  Jr //  Sqd. 

T/Sgt.  Victor  A.  Moludet H  Sqd. 

M/Sgt.  Kenneth  B.  Alexander..../  Sqd. 

M/Sgt.  D.avid  H.  Kersey A'  Sqd. 

T/Sgt.  Russell  L.  Roberson K  Sqd. 

M/Sgt.  D\yw  H.  Pitt.vrd L  Sqd. 

T/Sgt.  James  S.  Batts .1/  Sqd. 


Joe  Hatcher 

JIbs.  Joe  Hatch kr 


John  Johnson 
Executive  Officer 


The  Arnold  Air  Society,  named  in  im-inorv  oi'  Geneial  "Hap"  Arnold,  has  as  its  members  advanced  AF  ROTC 
students  who  have  a  high  academic  standing  and  a  high  degree  of  interest  in  the  Air  Force.  The  organization  is 
national  in  sco])e  and  is  America's  fastest  growing  collegiate  society. 

State  College's  James  .1.  Knglaml  Sqnadron  of  the  Arnold  Air  Societv  I'uithei-s  a  fraternal  spii-it  among  tlic 
ilrill  lield  IcadiMN  through  formal  and  iiifornud  social  events,  educational  iii-og|-anis.  field  trips,  and  a  coordinated 
program  with  the  c-adi-e  officers  of  the  detaclnucnt. 

The  Arnold  Aii-  Society's  motto.  "The  warrior  who  culti\atcs  his  niiiid.  polishes  his  arms."  is  the  spirit  of  tlie 


Preston    C'ou.ins 

Com  infiiider 

Miss  Betty  XIiij.s 


Willis    Cri'mplkk 
Ih'piilii   Coinmfindcr 











;                   llfiiiy 















































P  i 










MiKK    Nahdom; 

At.    IVAxuKi.i) 

thp:  coachks 


Thus  the  second  ye;iv  (if  rclniililiiii:  llic  lodtliall  tcaiii  lici;aii  »itli 
the  team  in  high  spirits  and  ti-a\rliiiL;  1"  tlic  yreat  suiiiiy  statr  of 
Florida.  Till'  heat  and  the  rain  were  most  uiiliearaMe.  The  Woirpaek 
had  a  liaid  time  getting  started  with  their  olfense,  and  through  iin 
I'ault  of  theirs,  Florida  State  eanir  mit  nf  the  game  on  the  winning 
end.  This  might  have  heen  a  had  nidiale  factor  for  any  team  except 
State,  hut  thev  only  had  their  spirits  anuiscd  and  ranie  hark  tii  West 
lialei.uh  with  the  idea  ot  driving  Duke  into  the  grnuiid.  This  was  a 
hard  thing  to  do  against  a  great  team  like  Duke  and  with  the  hiraks 
gciing  I'oi'  Duke  there  was  no  other  end  exrept  the  :!:>-;  defeat  we 
sull'ered  at  the  hands  of  the  Blue  Devils. 

State,  still  Idiiking  fur  that  lirst  win  uliirli  wnuld  start  tlieiii  roll- 
ing to  a  successful  season  fought  Carulina  to  a  'if^-liS  seore  with  the 
Tar  Heels  the  victor.  The  game  heing  played  throughout  in  the  rain 
was  the  tirst  one  to  he  ]ilaye(l  in  I'iddick  Stadimn  hetucrii  the  iwn 
sihools  in  many  a  year.  State  played  a  wonderful  game  and  nii;dit 
lia\e  Won  except  for  a  pass  interception  and  a  penalty  thai  pro\ed  mo 
c(istl\-  in  the  fading  minutes  id'  the  i:ame. 

lliiwexcr.  the  Wake  Forest  tilssel  was  a  lioise  ol'  a  dilTeii'iil  color 
herause  the  Wolf])ack  played  one  of  the  lu'sl  gained  in  sexei'al  seasons 
hut    auain    in   the    fading  minutes   the   l)cacons   eame   hack   to   tie   the 

Dick    To.nn 

. 1(111. \      I^IWK 

.lolIN    SZCC   IIA.N 

.ll\l       lllllMl 

l!o\MK     (iAI.I. 

1m ■:  W  i>r 




DhK      lIlNIKl! 

I  ii:cini;K  Maui.n  K(i\ 

DUK     CllHI.STY 


Joii.x    ZriiATY 
FkAN(  IS     loKAl! 

score.  Tliis  was  tlie  Ix'uinniiig  of  a  new  era  for  the  boj's  from  \\'est 
Raleijjh  caiiijms  because  they  roared  back  the  next  week  and  put 
\'illanova  to  slianie  lieating  them  ."54-13  on  their  home  grounch  The 
same  wa.s  true  witli  the  tussel  at  (ireenville.  Soutli  Carolina  witli 
Fuinian.   The  "new""  WnHp^ick  lead  the  entire  game  for  a  33-T  \ictoi'y. 

The  rains  came  again  and  tlie  "Pack'"  traveled  or  should  we  say 
swam  to  Boston  for  their  game  with  Boston  University.  Being  well 
accustomed  to  wet  weather,  this  was  another  victory  in  favor  of  State. 
To  lie  exact  it  wa.s  a  sma.shing  victory  of  40-13.  Having  a  3-3-1  record. 
they  traveled  to  Bluefield.  West  Virginia  and  ran  into  a  stone  wall 
which  V.r.I.  threw  up  against  them  and  went  down  a  34-26  defeat. 
.Vlthough  the  Wolfjiack  led  most  of  the  game,  they  couldn't  stop  the 
offensive  of  V.IM.  and  had  to  vield  to  them. 



State 7 

State 18 

State 13 

State -- 3-1 

State 33 

State 40 

State 36 

State 28 

State 7 


Florida    State 7 

Duke  33 

Xiirtli   ( 'arolina 25 

Wake  Forest 13 

\'illanova 13 

Furman 7 

Boston    University 13 

Virginia  Tech 34 

William  and   Mary 21 

West  Virginia 27 




Tony  (Ukkhikki 

•  li.M    .Mkadijk  K 

State  scores  against  Carolina 

We  tried — but  Carolina  won 

Dick  UeAxcklis 
Jay  Beacon 
MiKi:  Mii.i,ER 

Hank  Swvkv 

John  Collar 

C.  M.  Price 

West   Ilrudiii''  Suutli 


Tliis  was  iKi  c^o  killiT  li('<'ausf  the  State  ('iillcnc  men  caiiii' 
hack  ti)  Ixalci^h  and  won  the  II  iiiium-oiii  i  ii  i;  uaiiic  ai;ain-it 
William  and  ihirv  •^S-'^l.  Tlic  \\'(ilf]iack  was  well  (ui  its  way 
to  the  most  successl'ul  season  in  many  years  and  played  a  .ureat 
game  with  West  Virginia  for  the  first  half,  hut  the  loss  of 
Dick  Christy,  wlu)  was  ill  was  felt  in  the  seconil  half.  The 
strong  Mountaineers  slosheil  their  way  thi-ough  a  detei-mined 
eleven  to  win  ^7-7. 

Xow  the  season   is  all  o\im'.  and    Ivirle   Ivlwards  has  hi'en 

Tliat's  Far  Kiicin'rli ! 

He  can't  eateh  it  if  lie  can't  see  it. 

Once   more   and   no  score. 

signed  to  a  new  eontraet.  Xortli  ('ardlina  State  C'olle.w  is 
)ilannin,i;-  on  prodnciug  one  ol'  the  finest  footl)all  teams  in  the 
United  States.  (_'oat-h  Edwards  has  done  a  marvelous  job  and 
can't  be  thanked  euougli.  However,  the  Ageomkck  Staff 
would  like  to  take  this  oiuiortuiiitv  to  sav  "'Well   Done"'  to 

Coarh  I-^aile  Edwards  and  his  staff  for  putting  State  College 
on  the  nuip  in  the  football  world.  We  wish  hini  even  more 
suceess  next  year  and  hope  that  come  ne.xt  New  Years  Day. 
Xortli  Carolina  State  College  will  be  represented  in  the 
Orange  Bowl.    Good  Luck.  .  .  . 

FULI.IiACK   (ilERKIKRI.    H  AI.  I' U  A  (   K    IlrxTKK. 

Coach    Edwards.    K.nd   (   and    Hai.k- 


tU)ACIl    S.MAITZ.   ■rA(  Kl.E    DlXIIN.    lU  AHD    (  OX, 

IIakfisack  Xye 

run,  DiNardo 


\   I(      MllKMlKT 

■'      ^    -f?W 





•    • 


-7  m. 



KoN     SlI.WIlK 

C'likk   Haker 


wen  anutlier  great  season  for  the  North  Carolina  State 
College  basketball  team  was  completed  this  year  with  the  team 
having  its  best  record  since  1948.  When  a  team  wins  21  and 
loses  only  3  games  such  as  State  has  done  this  year,  is  bound  to 
be  a  great  team. 

Tile  l!).35-5fi  season  was  quite  a  tiu-ilier  tor  the  nicinliers 
of  the  Big  Four.  It  seems  that  no  one  team  had  the  ujiper  hand, 
unless  it  was  State.  Each  school  was  usually  the  winner  if  it 
played  on  its  own  court  and  there  were  very  lew  e.xceptions.  As 
for  the  final  Atlantic  Coast  Conference  standings.  State  was 
tied  with  Carolina  for  the  lead,  with  Wake  Forest  and  Duke  not 
far  behind.  So  you  can  see  what  a  tough  year  State  liad  in  its 
own  backyard  with  its  sister  school  tluit  is  also  fast  liei-oming  a 
basketball  power. 

'I'lie   Victorious    I'ack 

Two   Baptist  oil   Sliavlitc 






The  \\iil!'|iaik  was  raiikt'd  in  the  to]i  ten  teams  of  the  country 
all  season  and  most  of  the  time  within  tlie  to])  live.  Tliis  is  a  story 
in  itself  in  tellinu'  hnw  i^ooil  tlie  wolfpack  was  this  year. 

"Tlie  Carolina  Court  Champs."  as  they  were  recently  t'alleil  in 
a  twenty  minute  film  hy  Paramount,  was  not  as  strong  on  the  bench 
as  they  have  been  in  the  past  years.  Everett  Case  was  worried  at  the 
lieiiinning  of  the  year  as  to  who  would  be  Ills  best  reserve,  but  he 
didn't  have  to  wait  lonu'  because  Lou  Dickman  came  through  with 
Hying  colors  and  won  himself  a  starting  berth.  Lou  who  was  always 
a  liussler  ])ro\ed  to  be  a  great  player  along  with  the  rest  of  the 
"Cool"'  men  IVom  West  Raleigh. 

!fs   iline.   All    Mine 

lion  tShavlik  who  was  prohably  tlie  greatest  player 
in  the  history  of  State  College  basketball  ended  the 
year  with  a  new  scoring  record  to  iiis  credit  and  many 
moi'e  that  would  take  pages  to  write.  Jle  was  one 
jilayer  that  was  a  real  credit  to  the  game  with  his 
haskethall  aliility  and  the  great  s|)ortsmansliip  which 
lie  constantly  displayed.  It  will  he  a  long  time  before 
anolher  player  like  Sliavlik  will  shoot  at  the  liack- 
hoards  in  the  Coliseum.  Ron  had  an  im])oi-tant  side- 
kick that  Evei'ett  Case  said  was  the  fastest  man  he 
had  e\er  coached.  This  one  as  you  W(dl  know  was 
Vie  "Beno"  ilolodet.  There  was  not  a  liettci'  com- 
bination than  these  two  greats  and  it  is  doulitful  if 
any  team  in  the  udrld  had  two  better  players. 

Coach  Cuts  clown  another  one 
Shavlik    lionks   one 



























State                   lii' 





















Florida  State 63 

I'enn   State 42 

Wake  Forest 81 

Eastern    Kentuckv 74 

Clenison  83 

South    Carolina tiG 

West    N'irginia 71 

lii'ioliani  Yountr 81 

Oiegon  State 54 

Wake  Fore^it 58 

North   Carolina fiO 

Duke 68 

Maryland 64 

North    Carolina 73 

William  anil   Mary 71 

St.  .lohn's 70 

\'ir*riiiia 5  1 

Clenisdii  88 

Mrj;inia 76 

Sduth    Carolina 68 

Duke 81 

Maryland 71 

North   Carolina 73 

Wake  Forest 78 



WluMT    will    it    fall 
■Tlif   Bi"   Five" 

state  'Ri'ImuiikIs 

Till'  WOllpark  will  Inx'  fiiiii-  of  tlir  startiii.u'  live  as  !i  ri'suli 
of  urailuatidii.  This  is  f^oiiiji'  tn  incaii  a  iiil  ol  work  luf  I'asi' 
ami  put  a  l)ii;'  Imi-clcii  mi  .Inliii  ^laulio  ulm  will  lie  the  All- 
Aiiii'ricaii  raiiiliilali'  Idr  Slatr  ('(iIIclic  iirxt  vi'ai'. 


Tile  A<;i!()Mi:rK  StatV  Wdulil  like  to  onii'jfratnlate  tlip  eiitii-e 
liasketliall  team  ahmu  with  the  ruaehes  Idl'  l'e]il'eseiitilli;'  Xnrtll 
Caidlina  State  Cdlleue  in  the  haskethall  wurlil.  We  wish  the 
team  link  next  year  ami  with  Evei'ett  Case  at  the  controls 
there  i-ollld  olilv  he  line  ellil  result,  a  ii'reat  liaskethall  team.  .  .  . 

Di.Nanlu  scoi'fs  Z 





Wake  Forest 

Xortli  Carolina 

Mirlii.iiaii   State 

SdUtli    Carolina 


Wake  Forest 


South    Carolina 

North   Carolina 

































State..  . 

Wake  Forest 







....     1 






North   Carolina 



Second   I' 

Di.xic  Classic 

Norris,  Santoli,  iunl  Ciistccii 


1!).-).-,  itp:srLTs 

state 0     North   Carolina ;i 

State 2      Pittsliuruh 1 

State 0     Navy 5 

State 3      iJuke 1 

State 0      ^laryhind (! 

State :5     North    Carolina I? 

State 4     Washinjiton  iK:   Lee 1 

State 1     Virginia 3 

State 1     Duke 3 


]'.<:,:,   HKSII/rs 

Stato V':  Xortli   Carolina   38 

State I.-)  W'akr  Forest  55 

State l-"'  Sdulli    Carolina    54 

State :;i  .Marylaiul 25 

State 2-i  William   .V    Marv 42 

State 50  Vir-iiiia 42 

State 15  Duke 52 

Secoml   in    State    Cli;iiii]]i(jiislii|) 
Second  in  ACC  Toiiriianifnt 










U.S.C - 















O  1 















Tied  w 

ith  Carolina  for  ACC  Cliani| 


I'roiit  lioir:  PRorio.  Cmmo.  .I.\mes.  Fl.\nagan,  F.^dgex 

S<r(j)ifl  How:  (.0.4CII  Casey.    Iayuir,  Xauss,  JIerchel.  McIntyre,  DrxLAP 


1955  RESULTS 

State I8I/2     Camp  Lejeuue  ....1 121/2 

State 28I/2     ^''orth  Carolina. ...lO^l/^ 

State 41         C'li'insoii  90 

State 39         I'.S.C 92 

Trian^ii'iilar  meet   Wake   Forest....  -t3% 
State 50%     Ya 6T 

State 25         Duke 10(5 

State 88  East  Carolina 43 

State 40  Davidson 91 

1       A 

^_._>iA        ■^^^...^.iB*.  «?^M -^ V.t  Afb 

rniiit   Ifiiir.   Left   to   Ititjlit :   Ed  Xoni.i;.   Dick   Siii:i>.\1!I).   Mikk  .Io-nes.  C'   -Iim 
Hahiikk,  .Ioh.n  Dawso.x.  Art  Scott 

Scciiiii/  li'oir :  Dan  Baker.  Hir.i.  Ai.i.ix.  Hon   (iwvNx,  .Timmif  Kckarh.   Mike  Shka. 
Tom  Tallei',  Bou  Jones 

Third  How:  Coach  Paul  Derr.  Gordon  Ponder,  Steve  (;oi)i)iN(i.  Dave  (l|lo^[.  Ronnie 
Gall.  .Ii.m   \\iie.\t,  Assistant  Coach,  Jim  Little 

lioliliv  -Idiics  M't  a  new  xai'sity  880 
i-ci-oi-il  at  1  :'>'■>.'>.  He  also  won  lintli  thr 
indooi-  and  outdoor  cunl'ereuce  8S0  titles. 
Jlike  Shea  set  a  new  varsity  and  Atlantic 
Coast  ( 'iiiiriTciui'  "^  mile  rpcoi'cl  in  9:2.. (i. 

Bonnv   Jones,   Coai  11    Dirr.   and   Mike   Shea 


Tile  iiurposet;  of  tlie  MonogTiini  Cliili  arc  t(i  ivio^jjiiizp 
thi-dU.ii'li  a  student  ori;aiiizatioii  those  men  wlio  lia\e  earneil 
a  nionofrrani.  in  aeeonlance  with  tlie  re^iihitions  at  X.  ('.  State 
Colleiie  Athletie  Couneil.  ill  cdiniietitive  athh-tics  at  X.C.  State 
('(ine;,^';  to  foster  good  fellowship  among  monogram  winners; 
to  promote  a  high  standard  of  intercollegiate  athletii-s  and  thf- 
spirit  ill  whiili  they  are  conducted;  to  encourage  ideals  of 
good  spdrtsmanship  among  athletes  iind  s|)ectators :  and  to 
liimtidii  as  a  student  organization  in  the  hest  interest  <il 
North    Caniliiia    State   College. 

.Iamks   II.  FwAZiKK l'n'f!idriil 

EkXKST    K.    SllKltlilLI --.A' ice    l'rc^\il<'ltl 

Larry  C.  Bosti.vx Scnr/nri/ 

('   11.  Oaddy - TrPdsiircr 




Kari.e  Kuwakds 
//((!(/   Football   Couch 

Everett  Case 
rirud    Hn-sl-ethnlJ    Cmiih 

Vif  BuuAs 

Assialiint  Ha  sleet  hall  Vixii  h 

Lek  Terrili, 

Asainlnnt  liiixkethiitl  ('inich 

Vic  Sorreli, 

liaseball  Coarh 

Roy    15.   (i.ocsTOx 

JOHX     F.    Ke.M'IEI.D 

\\  II.I.IS     C'ASKY 

rAUI.   11.    IJEltlt 

Golf  Cdiifli 

Tivinis    Coarli 

fiiciiiiiiiiitrj   Conih 

Trad;  Coach 

Our  final  stop  is  the  Coastal  Plain  where  wide  waters  and  slowly  rising  land  are 
both  Coastal  North  Carolina.  No  one  has  better  described  this  section  than  Raleigh's 
Jonathan  Daniels: 

"And  sometimes  it  is  most  beautiful  when  wet  flowering  swamps  and  the  rivers 
in  which  old  trees  stand  up  to  their  knees  slip  up  between  the  long  rows  in  the  culti- 
vated fields.  Occasionally  you  can  see  a  fish  house  by  a  tobacco  barn,  and  that  is 
Coastal  North  Carolina  complete." 

As  agriculture  plays  an  ever  dominant  role  in  the  lives  of  these  quiet  people  so, 
too,  does  the  School  of  Agriculture,  which  with  its  many  technological  advances 
gives  them  the  necessary  help  and  assistance  to  better  their  crops. 

North  Carolina  State  College  has  progressed  since  its  beginning  in  1889  to  be- 
come one  of  the  greatest  institutions  of  higher  learning  in  the  United  States  of 
America.  In  so  doing  it  has  made  its  weight  felt  by  all  the  citizens  of  this  great  state. 



■BiiiSi3Hi^^_a,,r  s  ,  ■  ■  ■  as  E  ■ 




i^mj,5-?!S:a^- '^-■•'**' 

The  School  of  Agriculture, 
since  its  founding  has  pro- 
gressed to  become  one  of  the 
best  known  schools  in  its  field, 
and  through  its  untiring  ef- 
forts, on  the  part  of  both  the 
students  and  the  faculty,  has 
improved  the  status  of  the 
farmer  throughout  this  great 
state.  Agriculture  is  basic  to 
North  Carolina's  whole  econ- 
omy. Today  changes  are 
taking  place  in  the  state's  ag- 
riculture which  will  have  a 
profound  effect  on  the  lives  of 

all  of  our  people.  The  School 
of  Agriculture  in  all  three  of 
its  main  divisions — Teaching, 
Research  and  Extension  —  is 
dedicated  to  a  program  of 
training  men  and  women  to 
assume  leadership  in  these 
changing  times.  Various  cur- 
ricula have  been  developed 
which  will  enable  students  to 
choose  the  field  of  work  in 
which  they  are  most  inter- 
ested and  best  gualified  to 

Progress  has  also 
been  shown  by  an- 
other school  on  cam- 
pus, namely  the  school 
of  design.  As  the  archi- 
tecture of  this  modern 
age  indicates,  people 
are  slowly  acquiring  a 
taste  for  the  modern- 
istic type  design  and 
the  School  of  Design 
has  more  than  amply 
done  its  part  toward 
contributing  to  the 
states  progress  along 
this  line. 


^k^ '  ^^ 


The   Elements  ot  Ai;iifulture 


Agriculture  is  basic  in  North  Carolina's 
welfare,  physical  and  economic.  Changes  are 
occurring  constantly  to  affect  the  lives  of  all 
our  people.  Many  of  these  changes  in  agri- 
cultural science  originated  at  State  College, 
in  the  labs,  in  the  greenhouses;  and  many  of 
them  were  made  by  men  trained  at  State. 
From  the  School  of  Agriculture  go  men 
trained  in  various  fields  in  agriculture,  to 
carry  their  knowledge  to  the  farms  and  to  the 

^tfi*"'  ir  fir  I 


1-ilULY     UllZlHK 




Wii.i.iAM    B.   DoziKE Chnncellor 

RicHAKi)  Man n- - Censor 

Tui.LY  Williams Scribe 

Chakles  Webb Treasurer 

Joirx  Seats Chronicler 

Alpha  Zeta  was  founded  at  ('nliiml)us, 
Ohio  on  Xoveniber  -4_,  1807.  The  North 
Carolina  Cha|)ter  was  the  eighth  of  forty- 
five  chapters  and  was  chartered  in  1904.  Its 
aims  are  perliaps  best  expressed  in  the  words 
of  its  founders :  "Alpha  Zeta  was  established 
neither  as  an  lionorary  nor  as  a  social  fra- 
ternity, but  as  a  ])r()  fessional  fraternity 
whose  nieniliersliip  shall  be  cimi  blued  of 
tlie  qualities  of  high  sebola  r<li  i  ]i.  tine 
fellowship,  and  sound  cliaiacter."'  These  are 
the  vital  qualities  of  real  leadcrsbip,  and  it 
was  The  actual  ]ioteutiaI  leailcrship  in  the 
field  of  agriculture  for  which  the  fraternity 
was  established  to  encourage  aud  develop. 






















The  aims  of  the  Agronomy  Society  are  to  improve 
relationships  between  faculty  and  students,  to  stimulate 
interest  in  the  field  of  Agronomy,  and  to  aid  in  carry- 
ing on  student  activities.    The  Society  sponsors  a  de- 

])artmental  exhibit  at  the  Xorth  Carolina  State  Fair 
in  the  fall,  an  election  banquet  in  the  winter  and  an 
o\er-the-state  field  trip  in  the  spring. 

Richard  Manx 

Hiss  Ann  Albritton 





ilAX   T.  LoYD President  Proctor Vice  President 

.7oHX  Seats Secretary 

Ituii  \i;ii  ^^ANN Treasurer 

Da\iij  Proctor Reporter 

Joe  Young Custodian 

Max  I.  LoYD 

Mclllbersliij)  of  till'  .\iS  ('lull  riiiisists  iif  tlic  sliidcnts   in  tlic  sclidnl  <il' 
Mfirii-ulturt'   iUlil    flic   ilc|i;ll'tliir]it    dl'   ilLirirultlll'nl    iMluciitioll    ill    tllc   school 

ol'  education. 

The  Aji'  Chih  was  oro-iuiizcd    in    llil";    to  inoniotc  IcadiM'sliip   in  ajiri- 
cullurc  and  campus  actixitics.  to  provide  recreational,  educational,  and  m^  ^^%  N 

entertainment  jiroizrams   for  its  menihers.  and   to  ]ironiote  school  spirit.  ••      ^"fc""  ^ 

The  ('lull  strives  to  accomplisli  these  ohjectives  throujili  a  varictv  of 
activities.  At  the  weekly  nicetinii's  uiemhers  ciijov  inrormativc  talks, 
illustrated  lectures,  educational  movies,  jind  enterlainiuf;  programs.  It 
also  sponsors  tlu'  Student's  .Vg  Fair,  the  Piarnwarming,  Ag  School  Day, 

and  has  it's  own  outstanding  puhlication.  Tlie  A'.  ('.  Stale  A(/ricullurisl.  ^////j^^  ^ 




|i(iN    Ik-nsox President. 

Cm  ufi.Es  DkPok Vice  I'lrsiilcul 

Hakiiv    MoRiiisox Secretary 

Frank   .Iuhnson Treasurer 









Donald  B.  Pittmax President 

]\()liEl!T   ('.    liKooKS.., r/rc   President 

('.  0.  Bli\\>r,r.K. ..Secretii ri/-T n-asii rri 

])i;.   Wai.tkk   II.  PiKKt'E Adi 

Dun  Pitliiian,  (Jliarles  Coolcy,  l!ul)ert  Bnioks,  James  Vinson,  Jr..  lliiiiun  Rouse,  ililtmi 
Spain.  Robert  Parker,  Richard  Hewitt,  Cliarles  Caudill,  C.  0.  Bridger,  Ellis  Vestal. 
Jonathan  Ellis,  Eugene  Pickler,  Robert  Brown.  James  McCoy.  James  Donald.  Fred  Mangum, 
Harry  Daniel,  Har  Swarup  Singli.  James  E.  Martin,  Dr.  Walter  H.  Pierce,  Holliday  T. 
Short.   Donald  Karris,  and  Angelo  J.  Garbarino 




Eugene  Caeeoli Presidnit 

Fheemax  Dickey Vice  Presideiil 

John'  Winston Secrelnri/ 

Phil  McMahan Tn'asurrr 

Douglas  Clauson Reporter 

J.  11.  Gkegoet - Adviser 


The  purpose  of  the  Animal  Lidustry  Club  is  to  better  aetjuaint  students  interested  in  Animal  Industry  with 
members  of  the  A.  I.  Staff  and  the  work  which  is  beinj;-  done.  It  encourages  A.  I.  students  to  participate  in  judging 
contests,  puts  on  the  A.  I.  exhibit  at  the  Ag  Fair,  and  publishes  Meat  and  Milk  the  Scientific  ^Vmj  annually. 

The  club  also  affords  its  members  with  an  opportunity  to  better  themselves  by  (1)  practice  in  Parliamentary 
Law;  C^)  jDublie  speaking  and  appearance;  (3)  participation  in  round  table  discussions  of  professional,  social,  civic, 
and  general  questions;  (4)  organization,  presentation,  and  discussion  of  papers  or  informal  talks;  (5)  practice  in 
organizing  and  carrying  out  projects  involving  initiative  and  responsibility;  (6)  listening  to  outside  speakers  or 
witnessing  motion  pictures  and  demonstrations. 




First  How  Officers:  Bowen.  FarKlty  Adriser:  Kisur.  Itcpovtcr :  Harris,  Treasurer;  Morgan,   Vice  President; 
Thompson,  President;  Biggers,  \orth  Carolina  Ayricultural  Editor;  ilatthcs,  FE[  Chairman ;  Young,  Hecretury. 

Second  Row  Officers:  Willborne,  Price,  McNeil,  Brady,  Toney,  Morton,  Trill,  Tyndall,  Humphries,  Sasser,  Parker, 
Finch.   Masscy.   Springston,   Black,  and   Zaf. 


The  Agricultural  Education  Club  is  an  organization  for  the  students  in  the  DeiDartment  of  Agricultural  Edu- 
cation. The  purpose  of  this  club  is  to  develop  character,  leadership,  personalitj-,  social  and  professional  skills,  and 
cooperation  needed  for  directing  the  learning  process. 


''  Home  of  Champs  " 

Lancaster,  AMtSTRONG,  Lrxnv,  Hyati,  Hciisnix,  \\>\ 

JOHX   Lancastkr. 

]U:\  Wilson 

Ci.AY  Houston 


Prf.sidriil  CU-VELES   LuNDT Sucial  I)  i  reel  or 

J'ice  Preside II I  .Thi.mik  Armstrong lllilelle  Direrfor 

Secret unj  IfodKR  Hyatt VJaur  MiUKKjer 

,A  Jli^hii^ 


"  Home  of  Operation  Spirit " 


Fki:u  1.  .Ju.sia'U President 

CuARLK^i  Fkrrki.i Vice  President 

Herbert   Schaffer Secretunz-Treasurer 

Owen's  goal  lor  the  year  has  heeu  more  aiul  better 
school  spirit.  It  was  here  that  "Operation  Spirit"  was 
initiated  and  the  clinnw  was  reached  when  the  Owen 
"I'an-Beaters"  attended  tlie  'Wake  Forest  game  in 


Ferbell,  Joseph,  Schaffer 


The  School  of  Design,  formed  in  the 
summer  of  1948,  is  devoted  to  the  develop' 
ment  of  an  organic  and  indigenous  architecture 
and  its  accompanying  landscape  architecture 

and  the  related  arts  to  meet  the  needs  and 

conditions  of  the  southern  regions. 

As  the  only  Department  of  Architecture  in  the  most  progressive  State  in  the  South  and  the  only 
Department  of  Landscape  Architecture  in  the  region,  the  opportunities  are  unlimited  for  the  School's 
graduates  to  contribute  to  the  solution  of  problems  in  building  design,  planning  and  general  construction. 

■-?Tt«^V>  ■-   •-.■-'  .  -  ■  -^S 

r^l«^>.'>^»T'^^j^^f»iL3CS■  U>JJ"BI!     -^ISf' 



Ri'DOLPH  Pate 




Editor Bii.i,    Fousiiee 

Bi(siiiess  Manager Jack  Franks 


Editor Gene    I'm  kleii 

Business  Mamtiirr Kexneth  liARKER 



Business  Manager. 



Business  Manager 

...Ill  1. 1. V    DoziEH 
,\'ri(l   (  'll.IHEKTI 

.Dox    IIakiis 
.Dat.e  Bi.osskk 


Editor Charles  Lunuy 

Business  Manager Frank   Elliott 


Editor L.   C   Dravgiiox 

Business  Manager John  Lane 


Editor Richard  Goldenberg 

Business  Manager Lawrexce  Bei.kix 


Station  Manager Sam  Il.UiliELi. 

Business   Manager .loiix    LuM  w 


Jni  Nolan 

Billy  Dozier 


TTi-(Ui  IjIXDsley 


Xearly  a  (luarter  of  a  century  lias  passed  since  A.  8. 
Hruwci'.  then  Imsiiicss  iiianaj;'cr  ol'  the  Col  lege.  Stewart 
Ifobert.soii  of  the  English  Department,  and  the  eilitiu's  and 
business  managers  of  eacli  of  the  throe  major  student  ]iul)li- 
cations,  the  -Xokomkck.  the  Tci-Iiiiirimi,  and  the  ]\'(il(iiiijini . 
formed  the  nucleus  of  the  present  Boai'd.  In  lH.'il  this  grcuip 
became  the  Board  of  Student  Publications,  now  under  the 
guidance  of  Kudolph  Pate.  Chairman. 



(  II  ii;i;i!Ti 




J 11  this,  tlic  19.36  Agromeck,  wp  liave 
tried  to  jjive  to  you  a  retiection  of  stu- 
dent life  as  lived  at  our  Alma  ilater. 
North  Carolina  State  College.  Due  to 
the  speed-u])  program,  we  have  heen 
t'orc-od  to  hurry  our  date  of  piihlication 
so  that  the  usual  chaos  out  of  wliich 
a  college  annual  is  horn  has  liecome 
even  more  ]>ronouiiced.  Consequently, 
there  aix'  many  things  in  this  college 
yearhook  which  could  he  vastly  im- 
proved nnder  more  normal  conditions; 
there  are  .some  elements,  such  as  a  full 
account  of  winter  athletics,  which  we 
have  heen  forced  to  omit.  There  are 
other  shortcomings,  hut  none  of  them 
have  heen  established  without  the  .sin- 
cerest  and  most  arduous  effort  to  a\oid 
them.  But  it  is  not  our  purpose  to 
build  excuses  for  something  that  has 
been  so  close  to  our  hearts  during  the 
past  months.  We  sincerely  hope  that 
each  student  will  find,  the  contents 
herein  to  his  liking. 

I'.ll  I      l-'iJl  SIIEK 

K  (lit  or 

^-kc      1^56     c^^atanteck 








Jack  Franks. 

.lillsilli'ss    M illUKICf 

IvliK  TkaiU'E Assisliiiil   Ihisiiicss  Miunujrr 

Bii.i.  Oraham \>t\iirii(li'  Biisiiirss  Miiiii. 


I)()X   Mkmory Buxiiieas  Sluff 

Gkrai.d  .Iacksox Buxiiipxs  Slujf 


Jack  1-kaxks 
Business  Manager 






Bii.i.    FousHKE KiVil,),- 

.loK  Hatcher Axsocintf  EilUav 

•IacK    IIahiusox MililKri/    Kdi/or 

Odie  Cku.mi'LER  Editor 

Don-   K  eyt Copij   KdUnr 

I  Ion   (MiEY Loirer  Chixs  Editor 

ArnREY  Pope Chief  Photo(/ni/)lirr 

Cari.yek  Teague Pliofoi/niiilwr 

Stacy  Avtry Fliolonniphrr 

Jl.M    IxcUiAM Fnth'niihj   lull  I  or 

Charlie    I'  vttersox Fraternily  Editor 

.  *--■— T/ 

S  ii^: 

L.  C.  Draughon 





The  paper  was  rolled  iuto  the  typewriter  ami  two 
hands  bepau  beating  away  on  the  keys.  The  ])ictures  in 
the  mind  of  tlie  writer  were  transformed  into  tangible 
W(ii-(1<  (in  tlie  pajier.  AMien  the  writer  was  through,  ho 
jrrked  the  jiajier  out  of  tlie  typewriter,  hastily  scrawled 
";iO"  under  tlie  story  and  handed  it  to  the  news  editcu' 
in  the  slot  of  the  cojiy  desk.  The  stnry  was  editeil.  a 
headline   was  written,   and   the  page   was  taken   tn  the 

]iriiit  shop.  Tlierc.  the  linotype  operator  peeked  away 
at  the  keyboard,  setting  the  story  in  type.  When  lie  was 
finished,  the  story  was  proofed  and  checked  for  mistakes, 
then  it  was  matched  with  the  proper  headline  and  jdaced 
iiitd  tile  ])r()]>er  page  form.  This  was  dime  with  all  X\v 
stories,  the  form  was  locked  up  and  the  Trrhnicitui  was 
ready  to  roll. 

(ildiiilay   Niglit)    Look   Chit   Cafeteria! 

John   Lane 
Business  Manager 









L.   C.   Draughox Edilor 

.John  H.  Laxe Business  Manager 

Tekky   LathroI'-...- — Associale  Edilor 

LoYD  Kirk AssistanI  Busini'ss  Manager 

Gerald  G.  Hawkins Sports  EiJUor 

Worth  Gurkin News  Edilor 

Jack  Greenwood 4  ri  Edilor 

Austin    Cooley..... Photographer 

Fred  Joseph Advertising 

Thomas  York Circulation 

.loHX    Johnson Circalalioa 

Mai.col.m   ilcL'oRMicK Editorial  Staff 

John  Lindsey Circulation 

David  Barxhardt Editori<d  Staff 

Ham  JIortox Editorial  Staff 

Dick  Moser Idreriising 

Jo  1 1 N  Clifford Editorial  Staff 

Ki i.iY  Evans Editorial  Staff 

Hoy  Lathrop Editorial  Staff 

Dkrle  Hagwood Editorial  Staff 




Sam  Harrei.l 
Slatioti  Mamager 


The  studio  was  bustling  with  activity.  People  were 
running  around  setting  up  microphones  and  arranginu 
cord.  Inside  the  control  room,  engineers  were  dialing 
knobs  and  coloi'ed  lights  were  flashing  on  and  off.    Con- 

fusion ?  No.  of  course  not.  This  is  nut  confusion.  These 
are  the  studios  of  radion  station  WVWP  on  the  third 
floor  of  I'.d  1  liuililing.  These  stuilios  make  State  radio- 

L\   '' 



Business  Manager 


Sam  Hareell  Station  Manager 

John  Lomax Business  Manager 

Jerry  Rasor  Program  Director 

Clyde  Hoots Technical  Director 

Keith  Phifer  PiMicity  Director 

Jim  Haxey Public  Relations  Director 

Bill  Bradley Record  Library 

Paul  Essex Special  Productions 

Paul  Oughton  Audio  Engineer 

Roy  Griffix R.F.  Engineer 

1^  ^    jtM    ir"^"^*^ 






















Charles  Lundy 



The  Soiillicni  I'Jiii/iiiper,  sponsored  liy  tlic  En-^i- 
ncci'"s  Council,  is  |uililisli(M|  \,\  till'  stiuli'iits  u(  the 
Sriiool  of  iMi^ilieeriii^  ami  aiipeni-s  six  times  iluriuj;- 
tlic  school  year.  Tlie  ina.naziiie  has  the  ihial  ])nrpose 
of  (lisseiiiiiiatin,i;'  inroriiiatidii  and  alTordini;-  students 
an  opportunity  to  develop  writinji'  techniipies.  It  also 
helps  intorni  the  engineeriuii-  jiuhlic  ol  the  South  ol 
the  standards.  o])|)ortunities,  and  progress  of  the 
School  of  Kngineering. 


Chakles  Lundy Editor  Gene  Hekm.\n Feature  Editor 

William  A.  Neckman Managing  Editor  Paul  Essex Featnre   Editor 

Willi  a  m  Little.iohn Laijout  Editor  Bill  Kimbali Special  Editor 

Dkk   Wkstmoreland Assistant  Editor  Don  L.  Keyt Assistant  Editor 

Frank  Elliott.. 


Business  Manager  Trwin  L.  (ii.KiTjrAN., 

Gerald Ci  real  nil  mi    Mimiujer 

.Assistniil  Miiiiagci' 


Fu.vNK  EiJ.iOTT,  Business  Manager 

GKiNK  I'll  ki.ich 

KeXXKTII     liAHKlOli 

liusiiirss   M II  lift  Iff  r 


The  Ayrinill itrisi  is  tlir  otfii/ial  uruau  iiC  the  Sl-1ioo1 
of  Agriculture  Miicl  tlie  "Ag"'  Clulj.  It  i.-^  pulilishecl  six 
times  a  year.  This  magazine,  by  printing  articles  on 
soils,  livestock,  and  other  items  that  are  invaluable  to 

agriculturists,  promotes  closer  coo)ieration  between  stu- 
dents, faculty,  and  alumni.  The  Ai/rinillurisl  serves  as 
an  important  mode  of  [lulilicity  Ixitli  within  this  state 
and  others. 

Am  mi  I.N  s 
Huiiw  x 



Richard    Golde.nbebg Editor 

l.AWRENCK  I.  liEi.Kiy....H iisincxf)  Manaycr 
AiiiKRT  .7.  Oreenfield.  Mannrtinf]  Editor    HERMAN....('!iri(/«h'o»    Miinn(irr 

DdVAI.I)    .1.     ROSEXRAIM Staff 

1.1  n.NARII   I.EFKOWITZ Staff 

Ken    Prodo Staff 

Del  Roberts Staff 

l)(i.\   Carky Staff 


The  Textile  Forum  is  the  publication  of  the  School  of 
Textiles.  The  staff  is  made  up  entirely  of  students :  thi> 
3-ear  with  Eiehard  Goldenberg  in  the  Editor's  slot,  and 
Lawrence  Belkin  the  man  who  handles  finances. 

Each  year  the  Texiile  Fonim  publishes  a  brochure 
featuring  a  picture  of  each  rising  senior  and  a  write-up 
of  his  extracurricular  activities. 


The  Pineium  is  the  annual  publication  of  the  Forestrv 
flub.  For  the  past  24  years  the  Pineium  has  grown 
from  its  small  beginning  to  an  issue  of  over  100  pages 
of  articles,  pictures  and  reports.  All  of  the  events  and 
happenings  in  the  School  of  Forestry  are  recorded  in  the 

A  large  part  of  the  Pinetum  is  for  the  alunmi  who 
have  graduated  in  forestry  at  State  College.  In  this 
section  an  ahniini  can  find  out  where  all  of  the  members 
of  his  graduating  class  are  and  what  they  are  doing. 

The  Pinetuui  is  distributed  to  all  forestry  students 
at  the  college,  to  other  forestry  schools,  and  to  alumni 
who  request  it. 


William  B.  Dozier 



Business  Manager 


r  5  M'IKKI         association 

^^^^^^^^^^""^  OFFICKKS 

H'lii    l,A\K Pirsiih'iil 

lliNTKi!    Iii.\('K\\i:i,i,  ._   Vice  I'lryiilnil 

'I'l:"   t'lH.UKi.i HecrcLanj 

Kill  J.ii-pard Treasurer 

En  Lackey f^odal  Director 

The    Ncirdi    ( 'aroliiia    Shitf    Veterans',    organized    in  in  every  student  jirnbleni  of  inajoi'  importance  has  vw\- 

Oetober,  1!):):!.  has  been  actively  associated  with  student  trihuted  much  to  nialce  the  name  ot  the  Veterans'  Asso- 

programs.  functions  and  social  events  from  the  first  day  elation  well  known  on  this  campus. 

of  Its  hirth.    Mend)ers]iip  of  the  group  is  presently  over 

As  stated   in  the  constitutinn   ol'  lln'   Noi'th  (lanilina 
•i.iO   \clcrans   and    eacli    new   semester   sw(dls   the   rolls. 

,,  ,,;*+■  I       ,  T  IT  State  Veterans'  Association — "For  God  and  count  rv,  we 

(  (inimon  niterest  m  yearly  planned  programs  including 

su.-h    lten,s   as   Veteran    Association   sponsored    dances,  "««o""te  ourselves  together  ...  to  perpetuate  in  peace 

stag   socials,   school    projects    and    inter-group    student  ^^wae  ideals  for  which  we  fought  In  war  .  .  ." — and  this 

activities  has  done  inncli  to  create  a  feeling  of  friend-  i^  f'^f  only  country  In  the  wcnid  wIhti'  those  ideals  can 

ship    within    the    Association.     An    active    i)artlcipatioii  be  realized. 

James  M.  Nolan 

Kdwin  L.  Yancey 


Robert  II.  Gunn 
lice  President 

Sidney  E.  Brilev 



SiiR-e  the  student  government  was  first  formed  in  1!)21.  at  State 
('<iliegp.  it  lias  had  "the  iinr])ose  of  fovminsj  a  more  jierfeot  community 
of  scholars,  afTording  ojiportunity  for  training  in  American  citizenship, 
and  those  securing  the  i)lessings  of  liijerty.  learning  and  integrity  .  .  ." 
for  those  of  the  college  community.  During  the  period  .since  !'.•■.;  1 
many  revisions  have  heen  made  for  the  Student  (Jovernnient.  Init  the 
central  theme  of  student  participation  has  not  1 n  <-hanged. 

The  Student  Government  works  very  similar  to  any  government 
and  when  you  are  enrolled  in  State  College,  you  Ijccunie  a  memher 
of  this  government  and  are  subject  to  the  rules  that  govern  State 
College.  The  organization  has  the  responsibility  of  nuiintaining  the 
spirit  and  interest  that  a  student  may  have  and  to  raise  these  things 
with  the  student.  The  interest  of  the  students  are  also  the  interests 
of  the  student  government. 

The  legislature  is  a  cross-section  of  the  Student  Body  and  rejjre- 
.sents  each  professional  school,  and  each  class  is  represented  therein. 
As  was  previously  stated,  this  government  is  similar  to  others  in  the 
democratic  world  and  the  elections  are  held  each  sj)ring  for  the  officers. 
These  men  who  are  chosen  to  lead  the  .student  body  are  directly  from 
the  student  body  itself.  Being  President  of  the  Student  Govei'nment 
is  probably  the  highest  office  a  student  can  hold  at  North  Carolina 
State  College. 

This  past  year  the  Student  (Jovernnient  has  really  worked  liard 
for  the  welfare  of  the  student.  They  have  arranged  it  so  thai  it  is 
now  possible  to  use  another  students  ticket  book  for  your  date.  They 
had  the  holidays  changed  at  Chi-istnias  time  so  we  could  got  more 
than  a  few  days  off  for  Christmas.  The  plans  foi'  the  |iaving  of  the 
parking  lots  and  the  new  campus  lighting  system  were  more  things 
that  the  government  has  done.  These  are  only  the  inajnr  things  that 
have  heen  done  and  it  would  take  a  niih'  of  paper  t"  tell  all  the  little 
things  that  were  accomplished. 

'    ■<! 









Second  niir : 

J.S<.ttli'..l.W.  Ln/,Miliv,  i;.  Kill.. null.  S.  ^FcOfiv 

First  rair: 

F.  Davis,  I).  .Mciser.  (iniiniKin,  L.  W.  I^dcke 




J.  Peden,  J.  Young.  H.  Keniiol 
G.  Smart.  .T.  Lane  rhuiriiinn,  II.  Rosenberg 


.1.  Williams.  ]>.  II.  liarnettc.  S.  Hawkins 
C.  Ipoek.  I>.  Tanen,  cliiiininiii 


J.  Liner.  .L  AV.  Lazenhy.  R.  Miller.  B.  Fi.sher 
R.  Teao'ue.  B.  A^'illiani.s,  rlniininiii,  J.  Arnnlil 

III  '       II.       H  I 


J.  (-'ojielancl.  J.  Li\ely.  D.  Bai'nhardt 
P.  Pickeiiheini.  cJiainiiaii 


W.  Wii-ht.  J.  Willis.  C.  Hinson.  .1.  riinit. 

I'.  Antoniewicz 

T.  Cliiiiiar.l.  .1.  CiifVoid.  A.  Capel,  L.  H.  Coulter 

C.  HHiinah,  J.  Lane,  S.  I'icisdii 
P.  Pethel 


('.  I  laniiiili.  Iv  I''iii-lics.  M.  Ihnvkins.  I'',,  (iiirley 
B.  Km  lot 

STl'DENT    1I01SIX(; 

II.  Mosi'T.  .7.  Nolan.  P..  (iuim.  V..  IJosp.  !•".  Yaiu-ey, 
1).  VapT 

FKESl  1  M  K.\    ()i;i  KXTATION 

B.  Mn,l(,n.  M.  r.'nllitV 


|[u(iH  Sami'i.::,  ('Iniliiiian 
( .V'(/  pirlurcd  ) 

Charles  E.  Woddam. 
Kknxeth  Barker 
Cecil  C.  Brooks 

HoiiERT  B.  Deal 

WllinU    W.    (iURKIN 

Bob  Lyne 
Keith   Verble 
.Ia.mes  E.  Webb 


The  Music  Di'iiMi-fnicnt  is  under  ihr  dirrctidu  (iT  ('lii-isti;iu  D. 
Kutschiuski.  Conductdr  of  the  liand.  Orclirst  im  and  (ilcc  Chii), 
iiiid  llfrliiM't  W.  Fred,  Associate  (.'(inductor  ol'  tlic  liand. 

Tiie  RANI)  presented  a  new  haU'tinie  show  at  each  (d'  the  hiinie 
I'oofliall  e-anies.  and  accinnpanied  Ihe  ti'am  tn  (lrcen\illc.  S.  ('.  foi- 
the  Furnian  uanie.  he<i(h's  ]iartici|iat  ini;  in  all  tlie  KOTC  |iaiiides 
and  reviews  throuejiout  tlie  yeai-.  many  ci\ic  atl'airs,  and  jn-esented 
three  tornial  i-oiicerts  in  additinii  to  the  ('(inunenceineiit  concert  and  iirocessional  music.  'I'he  liand  furnislied  a  small 
Vdluiiti'er  unit  under  the  dii'ection  <<[  Frank  Strauss  which  furnished  ].i.|)ular  music  al  many  id' the  haskethall  eaines. 
The  Oi.'ClliOSTlvA  presented  three  .symjiliuny  concerts  iii  I'ulleu  iiall,  one  ot  which  was  an  ail-.Mo/.art  pnijiram 
commeiiKu-atin.u- the  -.'OOth  anniversary  year  of  Mo/.art's  birth.  The  GLEE  CLUB  ifave  a  formal  concert  in  November, 
.saufj  a  Chi-isimas  pi-ii,urani  over  Station  WTVD-TV  in  Durham  in  Decemlier,  anotluT  TV  proeram  (WTXC-TV)  in 
Fehniary.  and  sau"'  at  the  anniud   faculty  hanquet  in   .March. 

.\Ia.J(ii{  ('.   1).  i\r  isciiiNsKi 

■    ^ 



Kdwahi)  .\vi:\t, 

I'rcxidful  mill  ('mil'/  t'liiiimniiilvr 

WiNFiKi.ii  KA:{-i'iiiN(i Vice  Presideni 

'J'liriniAX  FiKi.Ds  Firxl  Serr/eani 

lM(ii:\K  'riMlM  I'SDX. 

( 'orrrsiiiiiiiliiii/  Sccrctiin/ 

KoHERT  Warden  H/'cfelnnj-Trcasurcr 

David  Hawortii  Busim-fis  Minifif/cr 

James  Harrii.i Public  Rehilion^  O^/Zckr 

l'i"ri:i!   Mi'I'j.i.KioTT  LiJiniriiiii 



L.   D.   Bryan Pre.'iiden  I 

R.  G.  Cashwei.l,  Jii Vice  Prexidenl 

A.  C.  Cooi.KY iSecretnri/ 

W.  < ).   Parker Librarian 

J.  B.  Willis Accompanisl 



Wallace  Grieves. 


Olive  Miller Principal 


Y  M  C  A 


James  M.  Stewart 1' resident 

Wilson  Lee Vice  Fresideitt 

HuBEKT   B.   BuTLKK Secretary 

Chakles  J.  Law Treasui 

Ja.ME.S    M.    STEUAItT.    .In. 

Prcsiilen  f 

OSCAK     B.     WuOLUHllK.K.     .Jh. 
General  Serictnrif 

Lawrexce    nAIiUIS., 
JouN   Newlin 

fi;eshjl\n  cabinet 

...President  Harry    Uoward Secretary 


Vice  President  Joe  Cavin. 

I.ARKV    Jl.UtUI.-5,    Jr. 

Freshman  President 

,Jo.sEi'ii  A.  Pouter 



Dedicated  to  the  worship  of  God  with 
the  Prayer  that  here  in  comiiiuniou  with 
the  Highest  those  who  enter  may 
ar(iiiirt'  the  Spiritual  i'liwei-  to  aspire 
luilily.  adventure  daringly,  serve 


Highlight  of  the  year  is  the  annual 
Banquet,  the  theme  lieing  a  review  of 
the  vear"s  activities. 


of  Physics 

Tile  AiiU'riiiin  Iiistitiitc  of  Pliysics — Xurtli  Caiulina 
Stall'  Chapter  —  is  an  orgaiiizatiun  of  >tuilents  and 
fatuity  intMulicrs  who  are  stiulving  or  working  in  thr 
tielil  of  Physi(/s.  Tlie  primary  fiinction  of  the  local 
All'  is  to  provide  for  the  dissemination  of  information 

in  the  field  of  pliysies  liy  means  of  leeture^  liy  |irominent 
men  ill  the  lield  and  All'  |JuMieat ions.  The  All'  also 
sjionsors  several  social  events  for  memliei's  and  their 
families  aii<l  friends  during  each  school  year. 


To  serve  as  a  means  of  awarding  distinction  to 
students  having  high  scholarship  and  promise  of  achieve- 
ment in  physics;  to  promote  student  interest  in  research 
and  advanced  study  of  the  subject;  to  encourage  a  pro- 

fessional spirit  and  friendship  among  those  who  have 
displayed  marked  abilities  in  physics;  to  jiopularize 
interest  in  physics  in  the  general  collegiate  public 


CiiARi.ii:  W.  Tkrrii.i, 
F  resident 

Dadi:  aw    Mi)1.i,i:i{ 
Vice   I'r/'sidcii/ 

Aethl'k   \i:TrER 

FkKI)    11.    (iREGORY 






.liiiix    Dawson President  A.   (i.    P>ri.i.AKi> Secretary 

•  I.  W  .   HiidWN' Tire  Preddent  Himan   (iuicsiiV Tremtiirer 

Tlif   l-!a|)tist   Stuilfiit    I'liidii    |ii-iiiii(]ti's  a   |iriii^raiii  uf  ilciit    riiioii   lluut:e,  2',i^i   Hillsl)uni   Street.    Ini-  all   the 

U(irslii|i.  Hihle  Stiiily.  Social  activity  and   Christian  Baptist  students  at  State  College.  The  IC  S.  l".  Kxecutive 

ei-(]\\th  thrdiieli  the  Ideal  eliuiihes  and  the  Bajrtist  Stu-  Council  plans  and  cari'ies  out  the  features  (jT  the  proerani. 


The  Catholic  Newman  Club 

(iK(ii{(;t:    11.    Lni-RiG-\X- 

\'iri>    .V.    ClI.JUEKTI 


, President  .Ioiin    F.    1 1 

A'ire   President  S\.ii.   Hiiaii 


The  Xewnian  Cluh  was  estahlish<'d  to  foster  and  tliere-  in    this    oi-der    id     importance    of    Catholic    students    in 

hv  dee|ien  the  s|nritual.  iiitelleetuaL  and  social  interests,  secular  institutions  of  higher  learning. 

®l|r  Ololbn? 

Jerry   Krdahl  —   Dean    C'i.oyd 

Nancv    M<ii)I)Y 

Sam   Beddingfield 


Fred   Rawkz 
^'il•e  PreMtlmt 

Board  of  Advisors 

I ;.!  \Kii  .11    JUKI,  hii:^ 



Til..  |iurp(w^<  of  till- College  rnion  of  Xortl,  ('an.lina  State  College  are  to  enrich  the  student's 
lile  through  teaching  him  sorial  and  recreational  skills,  to  expose  the  student  to  good  standards  of  ai1 
and  hrhavior.  to  en.<.urage  him  to  have  i)ride  in  his  dormitory,  fraternity  and  school  and  to  bring  the 
student  and  faculty  into  a  closer  relationship  outside  the  chissroom.  The  Union  also  tries  to  give  the 
student  an  opportunity  to  try  to  satisfy  the  need  for  recognition,  accejitanee.  new  e.xiiericnce.  and  .self 
e.\pression.  This  gr.uip  endeavors  to  teach  the  student  the  elements  of  organizing  community  events, 
wliich  lead  to  the  making  of  goo.l  .-itizens.  Finally,  the  whole  Union  program  attempts  to  develop  and 
encourage  interesting  programs  to  make  the  student  feel  "at  home  awav  from  home." 


*- I-IXE  Foriiiii 

Beddi.xgfielu President 

Strother gg^iai 

Taxex Thetiter 

'^^■'■'■^^ Publicitii 

SM.4TIIERS  Phoioyraphfi 

^KELY   _ ^obhil 

^loRTOX HospUaHt,/ 

HOLOMAX  pjiii, 

^looRE  AcHmties 

JUSTICE Library 

E^GLAXD  ijusic 

Rawicz Yifg  prexiclent 

Newman  o„„pg 

*'^^''' Games 

Newman c,„,;„^ 

^loo"'*'  Seeretary 

Peterson Galler,, 

Board  of  CHAiKM.ix 






9    9    B    3 




















student  Variety  Show 


General  Sturgis  and  C.U.  Personnel 

Coed  in  Billiards  Room 

Mill/or Charles  W.  Hannah 

Sc(rrl(iri/ ^[lis.    M  \ii'i.K\i:    'I'lliiM  I'scin 

Slwritf 'I'lioM  \s    II  M,i. 

I'liljliiili/  Dii-pclnr Mhn.   M\i;ik   |)i    I'm: 

Mlilclu^  ( 'iKiiiliiinhn- William   I).  Wilkinson 

Allilrllc    Diivrhn- ( ),   ( '.    Alikitt 

Alilcniu'ii :    llii.i'dN    li.    I'ei'.i.i:.   Snmikl   T.    llrnsdN. 
.Iami:>   II.   W'li.Mi,   II.  (I.  Smiiii,   l-lnw  \i,'|i   I  >.  (Iriu.LV 

Vetville  Council 







.\Iar(;ik    Bhidckr 

Mari.exe   Thompson 
Vice  President 

Mak.iorik  Kdwariis 


State's  Mates  was  oryanizcil  tu  i)i'u\idt'  ine.xpi'iisivc  ami   rntertaiuiiig  ji  rug  rams   Tor  stiulcut   \vi\cs. 

I'i'ogi'aiii    LoiiniiitU'c 
Publicity   Coiniuittee 

Dt'iMiraticiiis  ('uiiiiiiittci' 
Wavs  and  Means   C'nnnnittc 

l!ul'r<'sliini.'nt  L'uMiniittpe 
State's  Mates  at   woi'k 

C'RAiii  Hahxiiarot,  .Ir. 

■  lllII.N    STI'ART 

1  let  I'lCsUltnt 

James  Vinson 

THE   I  D  C 

Evfrv  stiidi'iit  wild  lives  in  a  doiniildi'v  iit  N.  C.  State  Collc.ue  is  a  niciiilicr  oi  tliis  ni-LianizMlioii. 
Each  (ionnitoi-v  clcc-ts  annually  a  iircsiilcnt,  \'\vv  president  and  a  seci-etarv  I'l-din  its  nieniliei's.  Tln' 
presidents  and   \ice  presidents  ol'  all  tlie  ilornis  fnrni  the   Inter-I  l(irniit(irv  ('(luncil. 

The  purpose  d!  the  I  nter- 1  )diniitdi'V  Cduneil  is  to  plan  ami  direct  athletic,  sucial  and  reci'e- 
ational  activities  for  all  tlu'  (Icn-niitory  nieinhers.  The  Council  accoinjilishes  these  tunctions  thi'cjuuh 
tlie  apiwintnieut  of  social  and  athletic  directors  in  each  dorniitorv.  These  apjiointed  directors 
\V(jrk  nniliT  the  <uper\  isioii  of  an  1 .1  •.( '.  So  ial  1  'i  recti  u'  a]  id  an  1 .1  •.( '.  Atldel  ii'  I  )ii-ector.  In  ai  Id  it  ion 
to  these  ollieers,  thei'e  is  also  an  appointed  I'nhjicity  Director  whose  joh  it  is  to  puhlici/.e  dornntm'y 
e\ents  and  to  stininlale  inteiest  in  tlie  \arions  events  of  the  vear. 

-Malcolm  McL'ormu  k 
Sociiil  Director 

Tlhry  Her.suey 
Publicity   Director 



1  in     I'li  sii/riit 


\'irt'   Prcsitlrnt 


Our   New   Dormitoiys 

MEMORIES  OF  li)5.-)-5(i  1)(  )i;M  ITOlJY  LIFE 

1.  Picking  up  room  keys  in  dorm. 

2.  First   iiicftiii,'z-  of  the   Host   and    Hostess. 

3.  Open  liouse  in  the  dorm. 

4.  Annual  I.D.C.  ball. 

0.  Those  wet  homecoming  floats. 
6.  Dorm  intramural  champs. 



Vice  President 

Vice  President 



1  ice  Piishlent 

1  In    l'ref<iilful 



nmnis  that  liavc  a  Host  and  Hostess  tliis  yrar 

Olll-    ll^^t    and    llnsti'~-c-    till-    y-Al  : 

l-iil   h,  ii<ihl:   Mr.  and    Mrs.   Cliarlr-   \\rij;lil.   -Mr.   and   Mr>.  fliarlu-  Alcxandi'r.   Mr.   and   Mrs. 

ItuliiTt    \l\--~  and    .Mr.  and    .Mr-,  .lanir-    K.Kvards 




\  ill     /•m^iilnit 

11(1.-1  i.w 
1   /(■(■    I'lrsiitriil 


Vice  I'rexiilciit 



Tile  Louiifics  are   leallv  great 




I  ice   I'rexidcii  t 

\'irc    Prt'fiiilnit 








Bulla  RE) 











Ik\i;y    IldliN'K Prr.<i(lriil 

li'iiHI'.irr   Me  All  VMS Vice    I'rrsidfiil 

I'll  1,1.   Jenkins t^errchinj 

Lynn    Xi;\\ton. 


Dh.    Chowxfiei.p \drh 



C'irAKLKS   C.   Bassktt. 


- Pri'fiidi'll/  CllAKI.ES   T.    W'ai.kkk 

Vice  Frc.sidciil  L'iiahm;s  li.  IIakdy 

RuuoLi'ii  "Wii.i.Ani).  E.  D.  Johnson idvi.^crti 




, » €>H(/  0u/t  /fat/oz^&4- 

^)ftc^^  ^eoK  'pou^Aec 

Sponsor  for 
Bill  Foushee,  Editor 

Sponsor  for 
Joe    Hatcher,    Associate    Editor 


Miss  Bio'iTY  F.wi: 
for  Jack  H.  Bardisox,  Militury  Editor 

Miss  Axn  Caklsox 

for    C'liAHi.lK    r'ATTEHSox,    Frtiteriiili/    E'liti,r 

Miss  Becky  Jo  Bknson 

for  RirK  Teague,  Assisttint  Hu.iiiiesn  Manage: 


Miss  Ruth  Eeece  Sides 

>r  Charlie  Luxdt,  Editor,   Southern  Engineer 

Miss  Carolyn  AVaei.ick 

for  John  Lane,  Business  Manager,  Technician 

Miss  Shirley  Collins 

for  L.  C.  Draughon,  Editor,  Technician 


Luther  Hodges 

(IfifrriKir  of  Xorlli   Ciiroliiia 

Carey  II.  ISostian 

( 'liiuici'Iliir  iif  .\i)iili 

CaroUiui   Sliilr   Ciillcgc 

JoiJX  A\'.  SlIlHI.KY 

Di'iiii  of  I  III'  FiiniUij 

J.    .'.    S'l'FA\Ain' 

I  li'iiii  of  SI  Nil  I' II I  .1  Ijitirs 

^^  #^^H 


VVVv  T     W.  ■"■IT>'" 

^1^^^  ^K^^^^^^l 

Hk   am^ 

^  .  \^ii 


Banks  C.  Talley,  Je. 

E.  L.  Cloyd 

Alice  A.  Shirley 

Assistant  Dean  of  Student  Affairs 

Dean  of  Students 

Dean  of  Women 


J.   S.    FULGHUM 

N.  B.  Watts 

IJireclor  of  Student  Personnel 

Student  Housing 

Student  Housing 


Ravi,  Edvardo  Alvarez 

Wan  Yon(!  Chon 

James  Robert  Donald 

Herdert  Clay  Edwards 

Buonos  Aiips,  Argentina 

Seoul,  Korea 

Onu'ga,  rjeorgia 

Knightdale,  N.  C. 

Industriiil    Engineeriny 

Nuclear  Engineeriny 

Ayriculfural    Kconoinicti 

Applied  Mathematics 


Sigma  l*hi  Sigma. 

Max   Kliwix   Gregoky 

Yorkville,  Tennessee 
Dairy  Manufacturing 

John   Donald  Hobart 
Davidson,  N.  C. 

1  liihistritd    Psyrliolotiy 


WiLLUM  High  Johnson 

Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Agricultural  Engineering 

Phi   Kappa  Phi ;   ASAE. 

Jong  Soon  Kim 

Seoul,  Korea 


Banks  Lko  Leonard 

Kobe,  .lapan 

Paul  Harrison  McArthur,  Jr. 

Hugh  JIax  JIiller 

Lexington,  N.   C. 


Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Winston-Sali-ni.    X.    f. 

Dairy    Manufacturing 

Delta     Kappa     Plai ;     Kappa     Tail 


Ruriil  Sociology 



VasAjNT   L.   Mote 

Shamrao  Srinivasrao 

Jong  Chul  Park 

Bernard  S.  Pasternack 




Chemical   Engineering 

Taegu,  Korea 

Brooklyn,  New  York 

Exi)riinu)ital    Stri t istics 

Chemical  Engineering 
AICliK  ;    .\merican    Cliemical     So- 

Experimcn tn  I    fit  at  istics 


Dharwar,  India 

ludian   Institute  of  Chemical   En- 
gineers;    CU    Dance    Committee; 
CU  ruljlicity  Committee. 

Ger.\li)   Ian   Pritchard 
Quebec,  Canada 


Stephen  Rodman  Ragar 

Raleigh,  N.   C. 

Nuclear  Engineering 

Henry   Ford   Rash 
West  Jefferson,  N.  C. 

Agricultural  Education 


Animal  Industry 

AIP;  Sigma  Pi  Sigma, 

Ag  Ciul) :  Ag  Education  Club 

George  Paul  Redman 

John   Eldridge  Smith 
Burlington,  N.  C. 

Roger  Dean  Stuck 
Swannoa,  N.  C. 

Ahmad  Khan  Syal 

Leslie.  Jlicliignn 

Xuclear  Engineering 

Electrical  Engineering 


liitl  list  rial    Etigineerinij 

AIP;  Sigma  Pi  Sigma. 





Ti.NG   CiUAo   Tan 
Manila.   Philippines 


Pi  Kappa  Ptii  ;  Delta  Kappa   I'hi  ; 
Sigma  Tan  Sigma. 

Karvanil   Thomas    Thomas 

Chein ical   Enijinccriiiy 

Alonzo  Jackson   Vandkrhvuc 


Concord,  N.  C. 

Agricii  II  ma  I    Education 

Agricultural    ErUicatinn:    ,\g   Edu- 
cation  Cluli. 


Ludwigsti'f.    Germany 

ilecliaii ical   Enginccriii;/ 

Cosmopolitan  Chiit:  I.S.\. 

.James  Karl  Walters 

Gus   Kick    Wooler 

Cyris  Michael  York 

Fuquay   Springs,   N.    C. 

Wilson,  N.  e. 

l\crnersville,    N.    C. 

Animal    Imliintry 

.\  frric}iltural   and    liicilogiral 

/  lid  II  si  rial    I'siichiihifiii 




William  Paul  Braswexl 

Goldsljoro,  N.  C. 


Phi  Eta  Sigma:  School  of  Design 
Magazine  ;  Corres.  Secretary,  AIA. 

James   Douglas   Ix)gax 

Detroit,  Michigan 



•Toiix  Dennixg  Pearman 
Ooldsborn.  X.  C. 

Architecture , 
AIA;   Arnold  Air  Society. 

William  House  Dove 

Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 



KoilKRT    BeXTOX    ilcDoNALD 

Murphy,  N.  C. 

Landscape   Architecture 

AIA ;   President,   Landscape   Club. 

Paul  John  Pillau 

Miami,  Florida 


Peteb  Sherwood  Jacobsex 

Sigma  Nc 
Wihnington,   N.    C. 


AIA  ;  Arnold  Air  Society  ;  School 
of  Design  Publications :  Class  Sec- 
retary I. 

EuGEXE  Barton  Midyette 
Winston-Salem,  N.   C. 


C  ii.\BLES   M.    Sappexfield,   Jr. 

Sigma    Phi    Epsilox 

Cliarlotte,   N.    C. 

Agricultural  Design 

AIA:  School  of  Design  Magazine: 
Student  Government  3.  4  :  Gallery 
Committee,   CTJ. 

H.  Creighton  Joxes 

Raleigh,  N.  C. 



Earl  Lewis  Moses 
Franklin,  N.  C. 
Mechanical   Engineering- 
Aeronautical  Option 

ASME;    lAeS. 

Arnold   Fred  Young 

Salisbury,  N.  C. 


Baptist     Student     Union :     Photo- 
graphy   Club  ;    AIA. 



N.  C.  STATE 

Mary  Massacre 



The  State  College  School  of  Nursing  was  organized 
in  1955  by  the  trustees  to  enhance  the  work  done  by  the 
School  of  Medicine.  At  present  the  nurses  are  affiliated 
at  Rex  Hospital  until  accomodations  con  be  provided  at 
the  School. 

Alice  Artery 
Annie  Ankle 
Betty  Boneless     |^ 
Bernice  Bicept 
Bertha  Bladder 
Cora  Cartilage    ; 
Doreen  Deodorant 
Gretchen  Gangrene 
Hetty  Hernia 
Ida  Illness 
Inez  Intestine 
Irene  Infection 




William  U.  Dozikr 

L.  \V.  Locke 
Vice  President 

Charles  L.  Justice 

Ted  R.  Jones 



.Ia.mks   L.   Adams 

lidiiKij   .Iames   Adki.ns,   .)ii 

(   Alil.os    M.    .Ac;llKHi;i  KHEl  A 

li.Vll.MAT    Al.I 

Hreviird,  N.  C. 

Draper,  N.  C. 

l';i    Salvailor,    C.    A. 


.1  (iri)iii)in;/ 

Mi-ell II niiul   Engineering 
AS.MK  :  Sliuliiim  SImls. 



Ai.M.N    i;.\v 
All)emarle,  N.  C. 

(iEoiuiE   Anderson 

tiiiADY   Kay'  Anderson 

1!oi!ERT  Keene  Axdkew.s 
Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Eh'cUirnl    I'hirnneeriiig 

Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Industrial    Engineering 

l.AMHDA    Chi    Alpha 
Migli   Point,  X.  C. 

Chemical   Engineering 

^'oforaas  Club;   Canterbury  CI 
A  IKK. 


Mcrhan  tea  I   En  gin  eerin  g 

Ai.KX  Eddie  Anthony.  Jr. 

Hnsketball    1,2, 

I'l    K.vrr.v    I'm 
Lauriiiljui;,'.  X.  C. 

.li.MMiK  Ckay   Armstrong 

Joii.N  Reynolds  Arwood 
Raleifili,  X.  C. 

\itrlca-r  Engineering 

Iti.c-ky   Mount,  X.  C. 

I'linil    h'icreation 

KapiiH    riii    Kappa:    Athletic 
rei-tur.     llii-;     llunn    Athletic 


Industrial    Engineering 

Technician   Staff :   Arnold   Air  So- 
cict.v:    AFUOTC:    Newman    Club: 
Tlifati-r    I'ommlttop.     ('II:     IFC: 



Belmont,  X.  C. 

Agricultural    Ecotwmics 

Ag  Club:  Ag  Kconomics  Club. 

Theta  Tan;  Vice-rreskient.  AIIK 
CbaiMer  I'resiflent.  Alpha    I'l   Mu 
Veterans    .Vssociatinn  :     l-hij;ineer 
ilunor.s    I'nijrrani  :    'I'an    Ueta    I'l. 



Cliarlir  LumiIn.  Mi-.  Sijutlu-ni 
KiiHilit'i'i".  over  nil  tUv  move, 
liut  iievpi-  too  huHV  lo  stop 
I'lir   a   c-liiMTt'iil   coiivcrsiition. 

Eex  Frank  Ashburn 

King,  N.  C. 
Afjricultural  Education 

Patrick  Edward  Baker 

Concord,  N.  C. 

Mechanical    Enginceiiiig 


Craighead  Lentz 
Barnhardt,  Jr. 

Kew  Bern.  N.  C. 

Civil  Engineering 
Blue  Key:  Arnold  Air  Society. 
Executive  Officer:  Dorm  Vice-Pres- 
ident 4  ;  Dorm  President  5  :  Fresli- 
man  Tracli  :  Basketball  Manager; 
Jlonogram  Club :  Secretary.  IDC 
■1 ;  President.  IDC  5 :  Board  of 
Directors,  CII ;  Student  Ooyern- 
ment  4. 

Kiiward    White   Avext,    III 
I'l  Kappa  Phi 
Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Landscape    Architecture 
Mu    Beta     Psi,    President ;     State 
College    Band.    President;     Land- 
scape  Architi'cture    Club;    AIA. 

Ralph  Arthur  Bansbach 

Asheville,  N.  C. 

Ciril   Engineering 

ciii    Kiisilon ;    Phi    Theta    Kappa: 

R.  J.  Basinger 

Ro(k%yell,  X.   C. 


Intramural    Sports. 

John   Amiukw    I!ai;(inis 

Lnzorne,   Pennsylvania 

Industrial    Technical    Option 

Football    1-4. 

Kenneth  Reece  JJakker 


Roaring  Itiver,  X.  C. 

.[  gronont  g 

Alpha  Zeta  ;  Thirty  and  Three  :  Ag 
<'lub;  Agronomy  Chili;  Busines.s 
Manager,    7'/ic   AijriruUurist. 

Samuel   Edward    Bass 
Fry,  N.  C. 

Mechanical   Enginrcring 

Pi  Tau  Sigma:  ASMi:  ;  \-.i.i:ins 

James    Fred    Bailey 

Biscoe,  N.  C. 

Agricultural  Education 

Kappa  I'hi  Kappa. 

William  Morgan  Barnett.  -Ir. 

Pi   Kappa  Phi 

Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Textile  ChemiHtry 


DuRWARD  Franklin  Bateman 

Tyner,  X'.  C. 


Kappa    Phi    Kappa. 





RUFAS  A.  r.ASI.KY.  Ili. 

Fayetlevillf,  N.  C. 

Cliem  icitl  Knyinrrrin;! 


Roy  Wai.tbu  Beaiy 

Kaita    Sioma 

Cliarliittc.    N.    C. 

ilechanical   linyinccrina 

ASME  ;   Engineers  Council. 

Lawrknce   Irving   Bei.kin 

I'm  Krsii.oN  I'l 

New  York  City 

Textile  Vhcmisirij 

Treasuror,  AA'Prf  ;  Tnnipkins  Tpx- 
tilp  Cfniucll  :  Vli'p-I'rosiilont.  I'll! 
Psi ;  T'nltlicJUicins  lioarrl :  Iliisinrss 
Manager.  'J'e.xtlle  Koriiin  :  Intra- 
mural llandhall  ;  Chalruum.  Col 
lege   rniou   'J'heater  Coniuiittee. 

R.VYMdM)     IlKMiY     I'.KAI, 

College    Park    ,\lar>laiul 
Forest  Munaycincnt 

Forestry  Club ;  Societ.v  of  Ameri- 
can  Forestors. 

Thomas  Axtiio.vy  Reaty 

Plii!ailel])liia,  Pennsylvania 


I'hi  I'si  ;  Monogram  Club  ;  Varsity 
Soccer  2.  'A,  4;  Intramurals  1-4; 
Corresponding  Secretary,  Plii  Tsi  ; 
Honor  Council   2. 

.Tames   Kt.wooD   Rkxcki. 

New  Hern,  N.  C 


Scabbard  and  Blade;  HSU:  Sec- 
retary. Historian.  Leopold  Wlldlil'e 


Shelljy.  N.  ('. 
Viril    l-Uiffinei'fintt 

LuTHEB  Hay  Beaver 
Troiitman,   N.   C. 

Delta   Kappa   Phi. 

RllirARI)     XeU,    BElililER 

Raleigh,  N.  0. 
Textile   Chennytni 
Vice-Presidenl.  AATc'i  ■ ;  D.^lin  K 
pa   Phi. 

RoRERT   Earl   Beaman 

Walstonburg.   N.   t'. 

Ciiil  EiKjiueerinji 

Cbi    Fp.    ASCIO. 

•Samuel  'I'iio.m.vs  liEi)i)iN(ii'iEi,ii 

Clayton.  N.  C. 

Media /i ii<il  EiiyiiiceriiKi- 

A  eroHd  u  t  iral  Op  t  ion 

fJoldcn  Cbaln;  Scabbard  and 
Blade:  President.  Collei;e  I'nion: 
(lames  Committee  Cliairman  ;  Hob- 
by  (.'ommlttee:    Secretary.    lAeS. 

Martin   I)  win   I'.iki; 

Sli'.MA    AlJ'liA    Mr 
I.:i«rence.  New  York 



Hill  l)u/iiT,  an  outstanding 
«tii(lcnt  in  the  School  of 
I'oivstiy,  }5ill  has  shown 
great  leadership  ability  as 
President  nf  the  Senior  Class. 

William   Isaac   Bigger.   Jr. 

Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Ciril  Engineering 

Theta  Tau  :  Vice-President.  ASCE  ; 
Society  of  American  Military  En- 
gineers :  Engineers  Council. 

David   Glexx   Bissette 

Spring  Hope,  X.  C. 

Civil  Enf/ineering 

.\SCE:  Dorm.  Secretary  (4i:  In- 
tramural Activities. 

Keith    Bkow.n   Bowman 
Greensl>oro.  X".   C. 

Mechanical  Engineering- 
Aeronaiilical   Option 
Intramural  Sports  2-4. 

Leo.nard  Alla^-  Binder 

Sigma  Alph.i  Mu 

Xew  York  City,  Xew  York 


IKC  Representative  i3i;  Secre- 
tary. IFC  i4i:  Agromeck  (1): 
Technician  Staff  1,  2:  Freshman 
Track :  President.  Sigma  Alpha 
.Mu   (31. 

James  Oliver  Blackwell 
Hendersonville.   X'.    C. 
Industrial  Engineering 

.\lpba  Pi  Mu ;  AIIB:  Intramural 
Sports  :  Engineers  Fair. 

.Tames   Rahn   Boyer 

Mayoilan.  X.  C. 

I  n'htst  rial -Technical    Option 

.\lplia  Phi  Omega  :  Vice-President, 
Industrial  Arts  Club. 

(Jettys  David  BiNon.\.M.  .1r. 

Fallston,  X.  C. 

i/echanical   Engineering 


Gilbert  Warren  Booxe 

Xashville,  X.   C. 


Fraxk  Downs  Bozarth,  III 
Alph.i  Gamm.\  Rho 

Durham,  X.  C. 

Animal  Hushandry 

.\nimal    Industry   riuli :   .\g  Club; 

.\sst.    Treasurer.    Alpha    Gamma 


Kk  ll.\UI)    ASBUBY    BiSANAB 

I'l  K.4PPA  Phi 

tiastonia.  X.  C. 

Industrial  Engineering 


Daniel  JIalotha   Bowex 

Williamston,   X.   C. 

Math   Education 

Kappa  I'hi  Kappa :  Intramurals 
1-4 :  Vetville  Council  2-3 :  Vet- 
erans Asociation  3-4  ;  Intramural 
.\dvisory   Board   3. 

\\'.\lter  Taft   Bradshaw 
SiGM.t  .\i,pn.A  Epsilon 
Landscape    A rch itect ure 
AIA:  Landscape  Club:  IDC;  Stu- 
dent Government. 





William  .TEXNixns  BrvVdy.  .Th. 

licnsoii,  X.  C. 

Agricultural  Engineerint/ 



New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Civil  Engineering 

Chi  Epsllon  ;  Baptist  Student 
Union  ;  Engineers  Council ;  ASCE  ; 

Robert  Charles  Brooks 

Oxford,  N.  C. 

Agricultural    Economics 

Vice-President,  Ag  EconomicsClub. 

Stephen  Earl  Br^innan 

Selma,  N.  C. 

Rural   liecreaiion 

Intramurals  1  -4  ;  Honor  Committoe 
2;  Athlotic  Director.  IDC:  I''loor 
ManiiRer,  Athletic  Director,  Tucker 

Boiiiiv  J^EB  Broaowell 

Sclma,  X.  C. 

Electrical  En gineerin y 

AlEE;  Eta  Kappa  Nu ;  Tau  Beta 

\\  ILI.IAM  Da. \. NELLY  BkOOK.S, 

Kvergreen.  X.  C. 

Meclianical   Engineering 

Alpha    Phi    Omega :    ASME ; 
ROTC;    Wesley    Foundation. 


RoBtatT  Carlton  Br.\siier 

Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 


■J'ihrman   Klwooi)   Brock 

Wade,  X.  C. 

Agricultural    Education 

Ag.     Ed.     Club:     Veterans     Cluli 
Ag  Club:  Kappa  Phi  Kappa. 

LoDDiE  Daniel  Bryan,  .Jr. 

Sanford,  X.  C. 

Lanihcape    A rcli itccture 

Mu  Beta  Psl ;  President,  Glee  Club. 

WlI.I.lA.M    HoLBROOK    BrEHM,    II 
Siu.MA  Alpha  Epsilo.n 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania 
Textile  Chemistry 
AATCC  ;    Phi    Psl:    Thlrt.v-and- 
Three  :  Tompkins  Textile  Covincil  ; 
Arnold    Air    Societ.v.    7'eclinicinn  : 
Sophomore  Class  Treasurer  :  \\'ing 
Sgt.  Major  AKIITC:  Cadet  l,t.  Col. 
AFROTC :     Textile     Honor     (^)ra- 
mitte :   Textile   Open    House   Com- 

JIarion  Thom.^^s  Brooks 

Portsmouth,    Virginia 

Forest   Management 

Society     of    American     Foresters : 

Forestry  Civil). 

Perry  Cotton  Bryant.  Jr. 

Woodland.  X.  C. 

Agrirnltinal  Eil  neat  ion 

Ag   Club  I   Ag   Education    Club. 



Wilbur  Decs,  our  choice  of 
"The  Civil  Engineer"  from 
the  Class  of  '50.  One  wlio 
excels  in  his  school  work, 
"Piir"  continues  his  cngineer- 
inr;  training  as  Presiilent  of 
(111    K|im1..m. 

\\  ii.LiA.M   Lko.v   Bryant 
GreenslKjro,  X.   C. 

Delta   Kappa   Phi. 

CKoKiiE  Edward   Blrmck 
Manson,  N.  C. 

Milillifc   Vmiservation    and 

AG  Club ;  Commander  AFROTC 
Drill  Team ;  Deputy  Wing  Com- 
mander .\FROTC. 

RiPEKT   Carlyi.e   Butler 

KcidsviUe.    X.    C. 

Agricultural  Education 

]>i>i!i!V  Dale  Buffaloe 

Kaleigh,  X.  C. 

Mccliaiiical  Engineering 


.Iame.s  Cooper  Blrx.s 

Metiichen,  Xew  Jersey 

Wood   Products   ilanufactwring 

and    Mcrchandisinr/ 

Fl'US;   Forestry  Club. 

.Toii.x   JIaxley   Campbell 

Burlington,  N.   C. 

Elect  rival  Enyinecring 


Amos  Gentry   Billard,  Jr. 
Cary.  X.  C. 

Chemical  Engineering 

Tau  Beta  Pi :  Alpba   Phi  Omega  ; 
Phi    Eta    Sigma  ;    AIChE  :    BSU ; 

Engineers  Council. 

Caklto.n    CiRRiE    Butler 

Robhins,  X.  C. 


Veterans  Organization. 

Robert  Lee  Campbeix 

Raleigh,  X.  C. 
Mechanical  Engineering- 
Aeronaut  ica I  Op t ion 
IDC,  Co-chairman.  IDC  Ball  :  I.\S  ; 
Dorm   \'ice-Presideut ;  Dorm  Man- 

C;eorge  Edmund  Eullaro.  Jr. 

Wade,  X.   C. 

Agricultural  Education 

Intramural  Sports  2-4  ;  Big  Four 
Sport  Day  2.  3  :  Athletic  Director 
4  ;   Ag   Ed   Club. 

Gordon    Lee 

Andrews,  X.   C. 
Forest  Management 

John  Alton  Cabpentek 

Cherryville,  X'.  C. 






KUQENE  EnGAB   Caiikoll,   Jr. 
Providenre,  N.  C. 
Atiiiiial  Industry 

Pri'Sident,  Animal  Industry  Club: 
Cliairman  Ag  School  Day. 

Ernest  Cashwell 

Fajetteville,   N.   C. 

Electrical  Enyineeriny 


MiTciiEa,L  E.  Clary 

Shelby,  N.  C. 

Poultry  Science 

Arnold  Air  Society :  Intramural 
Athletics ;  Major.  ATROTr :  Ag 
Club :  I'resident,  Poultry  Science 

Joshua   Vaxn   C^u!ri)i,i. 

Faniiville,  N.  C 

Che  mica  I   Engimeriny 

Thcta  Tau:  AIChE  :  Phi  Eta  Sig- 
ma: Intramural  Tennis  and  Bad- 
minton .'!,  4. 

Harry  Fr.\zier  Ciikrkas 

Oxford,  N.  ('. 


Cecil  Douglas   Claw.son 
lioone,  N.  C. 
Animal    Intlustry 
Wn'slliriK    2-4:    Animal    Industry 
Chih  :    Rrporlcr.    A I    Chih    4:    As; 
Club:    Itadlo    Station    WVWP ; 
Dairy  Judging  Team  4. 

Paul  Ui.aik  (arson,  .Ir. 

(iastonia,  X.   C. 

Forestry   Management 

Forestry    Club. 

\'IT()      Am'HO.W      t'U.IIlKKTI 

Olive  Bridge,  New  York 
Pulp   and   Papoi-   Technology 

XI  SlRma  PI:  Forestry  Club: 
Hnslness  Manager.  Plnetum  :  Vice- 
President,  Newman  Cluh :  Secre- 
tary,  Fiscal   Agent,    XI   Slgml    Pi. 

Kenneth   (Ilenn   Clo.mncicr 

Paw  Creek.  N,  C. 


Delta  Kappa  Phi;  President,  Del 
ta  Kappa  Phi  (41:  Intramural 
.\thleties  :  Tomjikins  Textile  Coini- 
eil  :  Dorm  Social  and  Recreational 
Director   (3). 

CiLENN    FRKIIRU  K    (AEtVKR.    .Ir. 

Ashevillo,  N.  C. 

Cib-il  Engineering 


Zack  Carrol  Ci.ark 

Lenoir,  N.   C. 

Ciril  Engineering 

ASCE:  AAS:  YMCA  :  ry  :  intra 
murals  1-4;   Arnold   .\ir   Sociely, 


EllerlM-.    X.    C. 

I  gririiltiirtil    Ednratinii 

Kappa  Phi  Kappa, 




Tcirey  Latlirop,  the  rising 
spiiior  that's  sure  to  lead 
the  State  canii)  politically 
and  militarily.  I'lus  par- 
ticipation in  numerous  extra 
curricular  activities.  He  is 
an  A  student  in  Civil  Engi- 

Fk.vxk    Henrv    Cox.ner,    .Ir. 
Sigma  Alpha  Epsilon 
Charlotte.  X.  C. 
Varsit.v  Track  1.  2;  Intramurals  : 
Vice-President.     Freshman     and 
Sopliomore  Ciass :    Student   Judic- 
ial   Board  ;    Student   Government : 

Ralph  Edvvix  Cooi. 

Raleigh,  X.  C. 
Chemical  Enginrcrimi 

Tower  3.  4  ;   Wesley   Foundation  ; 
AIChE  :    Engineers    Council. 


Wilson.  X.  C. 
Textile  Manufacturiiuj 

•Ia.mks   Michael  Conry 

Rockwell,  X.  C. 

Cinl  Enfiineering 

ASCE  :    Arnold   Air   Society 

Harry  Eltgexe  Coor 

Ooldsboro,  X.  C. 

CiL'il  Engineering 

Aruuld  Air  Society;   PIO  :   ASCE. 

Arthur  Joiix  Cornell 

Raleigh,  X.  C. 

huliistrial  Engineering 

Alpha    Pi    Mu;    AIIE. 

Eddie   Ray   Cook 
Kannapolis.  X*.  C. 


Paul  Edwix  Coppala 

Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Mechanical   Engineering 

ASME  :   Arnold  Air  Society. 

UiLi.ARD  Roy  Cox 
Statesville.  X.  C. 
Animal    Inilustry 

Sidney  Buchaxax   Cooke 

Kannapolis,  N.  C. 


Track   Letterman   1  ;  DXIS. 

^^'^LLIAJt  Carltox  Coppersmith 

Warwick,  Virginia 

Nuclear  Engineering 

Tau  Beta  Pi ;  Sigma  Pi  Sigma 
AIP  :  Varsity  Tennis-Letter  1,  2 
Intramural  Basketball  1  ;  Presi 
dent.    AIP :    Student    Legislature 


Charles  Williaji  Crawford 

Forest  City,  X''.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 






Krxest  Wilson  Cra\vi-(ihi) 
Chapel  Hill,  N.  (J. 

Delta  Kappa  Plil. 

Eugene  Cross,   III 

Kappa  SiiiMA 

Marion.  X.  ('. 


I'll!  I'si :  Varsity  Tennis  2-4;  Ju- 
ilieiiil    Board    (:{). 

Albert  D.  D'Angelo 
Crabtreo,  Pennsylvania 
hKlnstiial-Terhnieal  Option 
Kappa    IMii   Kai)pa:    Mimogram 
Clul):  Varsity  I'^ootball  (1-4),  Var- 
sity Letters    (1-4),  Athletic  Coun- 

I'UANK    A]J)KHM.\N    (itAWKJKl) 

Cliadljinn,  N.  ('. 
Industrial  Arts  Education 

Odie  Ben.iamin  Criimpleu,  .1h. 
Roanoke  Rajiids,  N.  C. 

Ciml  Engineering 
ASCE  ;  Agrombck   Staff. 

IlARitv   Taylor   Da.niix 
Oxford,  N.  C. 

Agrieuttural   Economics 
As    Club;    Ag.    Economies    Club; 
Secretar.v-Trea-iiurer,  National  Stu- 
dent Section  of  the  A1'"K.\. 

1!av    Kmkrsox    Cr.wvicikii 

Kali'igh.  N.  ('. 

flcaliuf/   null    Air   Conili I iutnug 

rhi    Ela    Sigma:    rresidcni.    Stn 
dent  Branch  ASHAK. 

lit  liWLLl,  .IaMES  Cir.MfllEH 

Knotts  Island,  N.  C. 

I nilusl rial  Enitiwcrinri 
Aim: :  Aipiia  ri  .mu. 

TldllOM  [lio   I'liniA    l)A   ."^ILV.V 

Ilio    de    .laiU'iro,    Brazil 


CnsmnpolUau    Club;   Delia    Kappa 

Charles    Kdwin   Cress 

Salisbury,  N.  C. 


.\g  Club  ;  Agronomy  Club  ;  Intra- 
murals  1-4  ;  Treasurer,  Agronomy 
Club   4. 

RoHERT  George  Currier 

Roxboro,  N.   C. 


Delta    Kappa    Phi;    Dc   Kap,    Tex- 
lile    I'lTlilieaticin. 

Jesse   Shumate   Davis.   .Tr. 

W'inston-Saloni,    N.    C. 

-I  iiiiiial   Tudustrii 

Ag   Club;    Animal    Iiulustry    Club. 



Phil  DiXardo.  Cajitaiii  of 
State's  cliampionsliip  liasket- 
liiill  team,  iiuiiiilains  an  A 
ill  iiieelianical  eiiKiiieciiiif;. 
Here's    t(i    iiKjie    like    him. 

TRIMAN     AKL.\NtlER     DaVIS.    .Ik. 

Patterson  S|)iini;s,  X.  C. 

Ayiicultural    Education 

Kappa     Phi     Kappa  :     Intramuriil 
Sports  ;    Ag   Club. 

CHARLE.S  Edward  De  Poe 
Southampton,  Xew  'i'nrk 
HorticiiUurc  and  Zoology 

Vice-President,  Horticulture  Club: 
Vetville    Council. 

Alto.n-  KEirit  Dickens 

Roanoke  Rapids,  X,  C. 

Mrrhanirnl    Engliierriiui 


Jonx    GoKUo.v    Dawson.    Jr, 
Charlotte,    X.    C. 
Mechanical  Engineering- 
Aeronautical  Option 

IAES  :  BSU  ;  Track  2,  3 :  Presi 
(lent,  BSU;  Treasurer,  IAES. 

Willis  Andrew  Debden 

Durham.  X.  C. 

Heating    and   Air   Conditioning 


Joseph  Freeman  Dickey 
Hillsboro,  X.  C. 
Animal  In/lustri/ 

Vice-President,  Animal  Industr.v 
(^lub  :  Dairy  Cattle  .Judging  Team  ; 
Ag   Club. 

Wii.BiR  Eugene  Dees 

Hope  Mills,  N.  C. 

Ciril  Engineering 

President.   Chi    Epsilon  :    ASCE. 

Richard  Alexander  DESAvaoNY 
Greenville,   X'.   C. 
Mechanical  Engineering- 
Aeronautical  Option 

I.\ES  :  Arnold  Air  Societ.v  :   Stad- 
ium  Studs  :   Canterbury  Club. 

Okoroe  Lee  Dickson,  Jr. 

Greenwood,   S.  C. 

Forest   Management 

Secretary  Forestry  Club  ;  Pinctum 

James  Edwaed  DeFoor 
Portsmouth,    Virginia 

Electrieal  Engineering 

Engineers    Council  ;    Treasurer, 
.Toint  Student  Branch.  AIEE-IRE. 

George  Louie  Deviney 

Spindal,  X.  C. 


Kiialid  Abelul-Eidha  Dijaili 
Al-Khalis,  Iraq 






KoiiKKT    WaI.DK.N     Dlll.AKl) 
SiciMA    Olll 

Charlotte,  N.  c. 


Vice-President,  Blue  Key:  Psi 
Psi :  Fresliman  Swimniinp  Team  : 
Class  Treasurer  3;  Stiuient  Gov- 
ernment; Treasurer.  Tumplilns 
TextiU'    Council. 

Clarence  Avery  Duckworth 

Morganton,  X.  ('. 

Forest   Management 

Forestry    Clul). 

■  Iacic  Dean  Kdwahds 
I'isfiah  Forest,  N.  C. 
Fwcst   ilanagemeni 

■|noY  Ai.viN    Doiiv 

I'l    IvApi'A    I'm 
Kaniia|i(ilis.  X.   ('. 

Cit>il    Engineerin  I 


Wir.LiA.M  Ix)fis  DuDr.EV 

Roxboro,  N.  C. 

Civil  Engineering 

•  lOHX    AVEUT    i:i)\VARns 

Midilletowii,    Xew    York 

Mechaniriil    Engineering 

Pi     Tau    Sigma  ;    Tan     Beta     Pi  : 
I'lii  Kapiia  Phi  ;  Secrelary.  .VSMIC. 

\\  II.I.IAM     ISlEMAN.N     Do/.IEK 

Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Forest    ifanagement  .Mplia  Zeta  :  Xi  Sij;- 
nia  I"i  ;  Coldeu  Cliain;  Blue  Key: 
l*>ditur.  I'inftnin  :  I'resideiit.  Sen- 
ior Class;  .Vlplia  Plii  Dmesa; 
l-'oresiry  Cluli ;  Puhlieations  Board. 

•li>Y(  E   Lee   Dpitox 

Kockiiigliam.  N.  C. 


Phi    I'si. 

Rohert   Cray   Egehtox 

Si(;ma  Chi 

(ireenslx>ro,  N.  C. 

Textile  Cliemistri/ 

Kappa    Phi  ;    AATCC ;    De 



Lester  CA.MPiiEU.DRAUGHox.. Jr. 

Sigma   Mu 

Dunn,  X.   C. 

Ciril  Engineering 
Blue  Ivey  :  lOditor.  The  Tit'hnirian  : 
Puhiications  Board  ;  .XSCIC  ;  CT'S(^ : 
State  Student  lyegisiature  ;  Board 
of  Directors.  CV  ;  Development 
<^ouncil  :  Kresliman  Orientation 
Committee:  Ex-officio  Member. 
Alumni    Board    of    Directors. 

TiM.MiE  Ronald  Eckard 

Charlotte,  X.  0. 

Clieniieal   Engineering 


(  lAiPE  Fr.\nki.ix  Eij.iott 

Pi    K.m'pa    .\i,ri!A 

Ileiulerson.   X.   C. 

Ceramic  Engineering 

(lolden    Chain :    Blue    Key  ;    Kera- 

mos  ;  Tau  Beta  Pi  :  ACS  :  Soiitliirn 

Engineer;  Class   President   2,   3. 

As  President  of  the  College 
I  11  ion,  Sam  Beddingfleld, 
tliroufrli  his  untiring  eft'orts, 
lias  ]ilayod  an  important 
part   in   stiulciit  morale. 

Ki-oYii  WiLKiNS  Elliott,  Jr. 
Charlotte.    X.    C. 
Math  Eihication 

Class  Vice-President  3;  YMCA 
Cabinet:  Vice-President.  Fresh- 
man   Y. 

■lolIX     iIcL.\UGHLI.\-     EUBAXKS 

McCain.  X.  C. 

Electrical  Enciineering 


Archie    Brown    Faire--^ 

Wallace.  X.  C. 

Animal  Industry 

Football  1. 

Ira  .Joel  Ellis.  Jr. 

Saratoga,  X.  C. 
.-l)iiiHa(    nushanilry 

.\nimnl  Industr.v  Club;  Ag  Club: 
liecton  ."ird  :  Meats  .Tudging  Team  ; 
Livestock  .Tudging  Team. 

DoiGLA.s  Ray  Evax.s 
Connelly   Springs,  X.   C. 
Mechanical   Engineering 

Dorm    Floor  Manager. 

Chauncey  Graham   Far.mer 

Sigma  Alpha  Ep.silon 

Wilmington,    X.    C. 

Indnslrial    Engineering 

.\rnokl  Air  Society:  AIIE:  Wa- 
taugan  :    .\11    Campus   Intramurals 

•  Ia.ME.S    I'lllI.llKRr    El'I'ER.SO.N 

White  Plains,  N.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 


James  Albert  Evans 


Wilson.  X.  C. 


Kappa    Phi    Kappa 
Club  :   Ag  Chih. 

t)llAIS    ^1.    Farrington 

Kernersville,   X.    C. 
Electrical  Engineering 

TiON.VLD     BR.\FIX)RI)     E.stridge 

High  Point,  X.  C. 

Chemical  Engineering 

Phi    Kappa    Phi :    Tan    Beta    Pi ; 
Phi   Eta  Sigma  :   AIChE. 

Lucius  Russell  Evans 

Youngsville,  N.  C. 



Bogota,  Colombia 
Mech an ical  Engineerin g 
ASME  ;  Cosmopolitan  Club. 





Joseph  Martin  Ferguson 
Raleifili,  N.  C. 
Nuclear  Enijinccrintj 
Kngineers    roimcil :    Socretar.v, 
AIP :    Kngineers    Fair ;    Cliemical 
Engineers   Fair;    Student   Govern- 

RiCHABI)  Spofpori)  Fowler 

Indiana,   Pennsylvania 

Ilealinfi    and    Air    Condilioiiiiif/ 

Treasurer,    ASIIAC. 

John  W.  Franks 
Sii;ma  Ai.riiA  Epsii.ox 
Wilmington,    N.    C. 
Cir-il  Enfiineerinij 
liusiness    Manager,    AGH()Mi;rK: 
A.S(^K ;     Inlraniurals :     Hoard     of 
Directors.     I'rlnt     Sliop :     Student 
I'ul>licati(ins  Iluard  ;  Ttelegate.  As- 
sociated Collegiate  I'ress  ;   IDC  -. 

CuARi-ES  Stanley  Fi.rrki.i, 
Kinston,  N.  ('. 
Ctril  Eiifiinccrinri 
Clii    Epsilon :    ASCE:    Dorm    Vice- 
President    4  :    Treasurer,    Clii    I'-p- 
silon ;     Disciple     Student     Fellow- 
ship,   Vice-President    ;i.    President 

William  II,  Fousiiee,  Jr, 

SiC.MA  Ai.riiA   ICpsilon 
Raleish,  N.  C, 
I nduntrial-Technical   Option 
Agkomeck    ],    2,    3;    Editor,    A(i- 
ROMECK    4 :    Arnold    Air    Society : 
Student    Publications    Hoard  ;    Ca- 
det Major,  AI'"ROTr. 

Anthony  (George  Frantz 

Charlottw,  N,  C, 

Mefhaniriil  Enginerrimi- 

Apronaiitical  Option 

.Vrnold  Air  Societ.v  :  Tennis,   L',  ,'t, 

4  :  Secretar.v-Treasurer.  Owen  Dorm 

1  ;  Cadet  Captain  AFROTC. 

.Jack    Kick.nk    Kkkkki.l 
Raloifili.  X,  ('. 
hiilu.slridl  awl  Rural  Rccrcaliun 
Footliall    l-S. 

Charlie  Alexander  Fox,  Jr. 

Morganton,  N.  C. 


Sigma   Tau    Sigma ;    President.    S. 

F.   Club:   Intramural    Sports   'A.   4. 

.Iames  Henry  Frazier 

KaI'I'A     .S'KiMA 

Goldshoro,    N.    C. 
Furniture  Manufaeturinr] 
and  Management 
Golden    Chain.    Itlue    Key;    Foot- 
ball.   1,    2.    ;t.    4;     Student    Gov 
ernment  :     IFC:     DMS  :     Elections 
Committee    Chairman:    Monogram 
Clnh.   President:   Furniture  Club; 
.Vtliletic    Council:    Dorm    .\tbletic 
and    So<-ijil    Director. 

\\  ii.i.iAM   Schaeffer  Flsheb 
Sigma  Xu 
Concord.  X.  C. 
Kappa    Tau    Beta  :    Scabbard    and 
HIade :    Phi    Psi  :    Blue    Key  :    Ar, 
romeck;    Intrafraternity    Sports; 
Student     Government ;     President. 
Tompkins   Textile  Council  ;    Presi- 
dent,   Sigma    Nu  ;    Lutheran    Stu- 
dents  .\ssociation  ;    Chancellors 
High   School  Day  Committee. 

Henry  Bi^nd  Frvnkiin.  -Ti!. 

Raleinh,  X.  ('. 

Dairii   IFushandrji 

Dairy  Judging  Team:  Ag  Club. 

Leonard  Ai.lkn   Freeman.  Jr. 

Loxiiii.'ton.  X.  C. 

Afirieultural  Education 

.\g    ('lub ;    .\g    Hducalion    Club. 


Jdliti  .Joliiisnn, — a  born  leader 
and  a  natural  scht>lar  with 
tliose  innate  qualities  we 
should   all   strive   to  attain. 

KiciiARo  Javalaxta   Frekman 


Star,  X.  C. 

Af/iicultural  Education 

Kappa   Phi  Kappa  ;   Ag:  Club  ;   \^ 

Education  Club  :   Editor.  Vo-Ay. 


Black  ilountain,  X.  C. 

huhistriul  EnqinreiiniJ 

Thi'ta     Tau ;     AIIE';     IDC,     Viee- 

I'resident    3 :    Dorm    Tresident    3. 

4  :    Engineers    Council. 


Phi    Epsilon    Pi 
Xcw   York.   Xew   York 
Pbi   Psi ;   Sigma   Tau   Sifrma :    Phi 
Eta  Sigma  ;  Editor.  Textile  Fnniiii  : 
Editor.     Tliix     Week     in     Tertilrx  ; 
Tomi)kins    Textile    Council.    Vice- 
President  :  Publicity  Director,  Tex- 
tile   School. 

Ideix    RoiiERT   FULK 

Pilot  ilountain.  N.  C. 

Aiiiiiml    Jiidiisfrij 

-Vg   Club ;    Animal    Industry   Club. 

Hart   Hall  Gate.? 

SiGM.v   Pi 

Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Civil   Engiiteeriiiri 

.\l|dia  Pbi  Omega:  Southern  Enf/i- 
nrer:  Intramural  Sports:  Vice- 
I'resiflent.  Sigma  Pi :  Treasurer. 
President,  .\lpha  Phi  Omega  :  Wes- 
ley Foundation  :  IFC. 

Kexato   .Iaime    Gojikz 
Colombia.  South  America 

International  Club  ;  Soccer. 

Ci-YUE  H.   Gaddy 

Arlington,   Virginia 

Ifiirnl  and  Industrial  Recreation 

Soccer  3.  4  :  Intramurals  1-4 : 
Dorm  Athletic  Director :  Mono- 
gram  Club.   Treasurer. 

.ToHx  George  Harvey  Geitner 

Hickory,  X.  C. 


.Stepiiex  Council  (Joodixg 

Sylva,  X.  C. 


Monogram    Club :    Cross   Country 

•Toii.x  Edgar  CJarkeit 

Phi  Kappa  Tau 

Burlington,  X'^.   C. 

Civil  Engineering 

Tommy  Deltox  Glover 
Bailey,  X.  C. 

Agricultural  Education 
Intramural    .Activities. 

Harry  Kale  Goodman 

Gold  Hill,  X.  C. 
Chemical  Engineering 





Fred  Houston  GoonNiciiT 

Concord,  N.  C. 

Mechanical  Engineering 


William    IIkxry   Gray 

Riitliorfordton,   X.    C. 


Sigma    Tau    Slgina. 

Fbedemck   Harrison    Gregory 

Kappa    Alpha 

Halifax,  N.  C. 

\uc-lrar  Engineering 

Sigma    Pi    Sigma ;    Scabbard    and 
Blade;  Tau  Beta  I'i. 

Charles    Kuw  Aun   (Iohdon 

Charloltc,  X.  C. 

Civil  Engineering- 

Con^trurfimi   Option 


GiLMi'.B  Glenn  Grken,  .Ir. 

Durham,  X".  C. 

Forest   Management 

Track   1.   2 :   President.   Fresliman 
Class:    SAF;    Forestry    Club. 

Max  Hryan  Gri.mes 

Hope  .Mills,  X.  C. 

Ci»il  Engineering 


I>onnie  Avery  (■'kant 

Selina,  X.  ('. 

Median ical   Engineering 

Theta  Tau  :  Blue  Key  ;  Vice-Pres- 
ident,   Engineers   Council ;    ASME. 

Ollis  Eddie  Green 
Reidsville,   X.    C. 
Civil  Engineering- 

Const rtii'tion   Option 

KoMERT  Brian  Griosby 
Warwick,  Virginia 

Mrt'hnniral    Engineering 
I'i  Tau  Sigma;  Tlieta  Tau:  BSU  : 
ASME:   Engineers  Council. 

James  Winton  Gray 
ElizalK'tli  City,  X.  ('. 
Electrical  Engineering 

Eta  Kappa  Nu  ;  Tau  Beta  Pi; 

Thomas    Jackso.v    Green wimui 
Mt.  Airy,  X.  C. 


Art  Editor,  Technician  :  Intrrt- 
murais  3,  4;  IDC:  Vice-President. 
Stadium  Dorm  :  ASCE. 

Robert  Meredith  Ginn 

Kappa    Sioma 

Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Ciril  Engineering 

.\SCE.  Consolidated  T'niversity 
Student  Goveniiuent  ;  \"ice-Presi- 
dent.   Student   GovorDuient. 


From  undor  liis  pile  of  ex- 
tia-cuii  kiilar  activities,  Don 
Keyt  will  always  find  time 
to  assist  you  with  any  prob- 

li'iii"    that    ari-c. 

\VoRTH  Wicker  Gcrkix 

Clarkston.   X.   C. 
Ai/riciiltiiral  Ethicatioii 
Kappa    Phi    Kappa:     Technician: 
IDC  :   Student  Government ;   Judi- 
cial   Board  :    Ag   Education    Club  ; 
Vice-President,    Stadium    Dorm. 

Joseph  Kohn  Hall 
Sigma  Chi 
fireensboro,  N.   C. 
Mu    Beta    Psi :     Student    Govern- 
ment:   Consolidated    Universitv 
Legislature ;    Orchestra  ;    AIA. 

Byro.v  Alct  Hambick,  Jr. 

Sigma  Phi  Epsilox 

Gastonia.  X.  C. 

Ilrntinq  ami  Air  Conilitioninti 
ASIIAC:  Engineers  Council;  In- 

])avii>  \'ax  Gurley 

Haleigli,  X.  C. 

Mechanical  Engincering- 

Acronfintical   Option 

Theta  Tan:  Soiitliirn  Eni/intcr: 
lAESI,  (_'hairman,  Vicc-Chairman  ; 
Engineers   Council. 

Paige  Xelson  Hall 

Jit.   Holly,  K.   C. 

Mechanical   Engineering 

AS.ME  ;    Intramural   Sports. 

Edward  Josephus  Haxso.n,  Jr. 

-Vi.rnA  Gamm.\  Rho 

Charlotte,  X.  C. 


Scabbard  and  Blade;  Pershing 
Hlfles  ;    Horticulture    Club.   Caldwell   Hair 

Spencer,  X,  C. 
Electrical  Engineering 

Theta  Tau ;  Sniitlicrn  Engineer : 
Intramural  Spurts:  President. 
P.iTr.v  Dorm,  Dorm  .Manager  ; 

Thoma-s  Hall 

Pink   Hill,   X,   c. 


•Tasper  Horace  Haridson 

Sic;ma  Alpha  Epsilon 

Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

Civil  Engineering 

Chi  Epsilon  :  Military  Editor  '.".(1 
.\iaiuMKi-K  :  Cross-Countrv  2.  :i: 
Cadet  Colonel;  AFROTC  Wing 
Commander;  D.M.S. 

Jack  Reid  Hall,  .Ir. 

Sigma   Nu 

Charlotte,  X.  C, 

Textiles — Sgn  Ihetiea 

Kappa  Tau  Beta.  Secretar.v ;  Phi 
Psi :  rnderclass  Editor,  "5.5  IFC  : 
Co-chairman,  Open  House  Textile 
School:  Cadet  Major.  UOTC  ;  IFC 
LJancc    t/ommittee. 

.)oH-\  Lee  Hamme 
Wanenton,  X",  C. 
Civil  Engineering 
Intramural  Sports. 

Kocert  .Six)AN  Hardwick 

Wrightsville  Beach,  X.  C. 






llAItVKY    Kdwaki)    IIakdy,    .Tli. 
La  (iiaiigc.  X.  C. 
Civil  Enyiiieeiiiig 


Hahrei.l.  Jr. 

Alioskie,  N.  C. 
Mecli  a niral   Bnyineeriny 

HeXUY    (tEORGE    IIartis 

Fu()uay  Springs,  N.  C. 

Chi'in ical   Engineering 

IlK':     Onrin     Sooretary     li,     Vice- 

rresklenl  H.  rresident  4;  AICbE  ; 

Veterans  Club. 

DoxAi.i)    R.    Harkey 

1*111    Katta   Tau 

Kalci-h.  X.  C. 

Tcdtilc  Cliciiiistrij 

Delta  Kappa  Phi;  AATCC. 

Samuel  Riddick  Habreu. 
Portsiiioutli.    Virfrinia 
Elcrtriful  EiiiiiiiKring 
(inldini  Cliiiiii.   Arcli   Hi'K'lit  t   lies- 
idiial   rro.^idciit.   Illin'   Ki'.v  :   RadU) 
Statiun    \V\'\V1'.  Slatimi  .Miiiiager; 
l<mtihrrn  tluiiinvi  r :  Hoard  of  Stu- 
dont     I'lililiciitions :     Tlicta     Ta\i : 
Consolidatod     rulvcrsily     Student 
t'ouncil,  I  UK. 

Wiley  Gordon  IIartzog,  Jr. 

Boone,  N.  C. 

Industrial  Arts  Education 

Ued   Coat   Band,   ] ,   2.  3  ;    College 

Orchestra    1,    2;    Industrial    Arts 


•    Wor.sley    Harrei,!..    Jr. 
liiianoke  Rapids.  N.  t'. 

Mccliiuiiriil  Engincerinfi- 

Acroiiaiitieal  Oiilimi 


Kdwix   Freeland  TlAHiiis,  Jr. 

K.MM'A     Al.I'ilA 

Klldn,   N.    C. 

.1  rchitertiirc 
.\l\  ;     riu     Kta    Sigma  ;     Campus 
<;o\'iTnni('nt    1. 

Al.I   H.VTAM 

Haglulad,  lra(| 
liural  Sociology 

Ki.Nii  Ty.sox  IIarbeu, 

Watha,  N.  V. 

Forest    Mnnagcment 

S.\F ;    Forestry    riiil>.   Treasurer. 

Wii.Mw   P.\rL  llAHBi.s.  Jr. 

]\(>l)ers(uiville.   X.   C. 

Agritiilfiinil  EdiK alioii 


Sin.MA   Ai.riiA    Frsii.oN 

Fayctteville,   X.   C. 

Ciml  Engineering 

Chl   Kpsilon.   Arnold   Air   Society; 

ASCK:    Associate    Kdifor.    ■.->(!    Ao 

KO.MECK ;    Seereiary,   Sigma   Alpha 

Kpsilon     3 ;     Commander,     .\ruoId 

Air  Society  4;  U.  Col.  AFROTC  ; 

SNAFUS  1,  2,  3,  4. 



Joe  Si'vicr,  a  soiiior  with 
great  pcitential  in  leadersiiip 
iind  engineering,  has  mafle 
ijuite  a  record  for  himself 
at  State  College  l)oth  seho- 
lasticalh    am!   siiciallv. 

William  Harold  Hawkins 
I'm  Kai'I'a  Tal' 
llarion,  X.  C. 


John  Calhou.v  Hexdeksox 

Fletcher,  N.  C. 

^ff'rhalticrll   Enfiineeriiiff 

Vaughx  Terrey  Hawthorne 

Pi   Kappa   Phi 

Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Elect liriil  Enr/iiteeriiiii 

ThetR    Tau :    Tau    Beta    Pi  ;    Phi 
Eta  Sigma  ;  Eta  Kappa  Nu. 

Philip  Moxroe  Hexdircks,  Jr. 

lycxington.  X.  C. 

Mallicmntii'x    Education 

Kappa    Plii    Kappa:    Intramiirals ; 

Persliing  Rifles. 

PvOiiLRT  Wilson  Hayworth.  Jr. 
Lambda   Chi  .\LrHA 
High  Point.  X.  C. 


Delta  Kappa  Phi ;  Intramurals  : 
Treasurer.  Lambda  Chi  Alpha; 
A  I"  &  AM. 

Richard   Sherman   He.vdricks 

Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Cirii  Engineering 


Hexry  Braxsco-m  Head.  Jr. 

Riitherfordton,  X.  C. 

ilechanical   Engineering 


Amos  Glenn  Hexson 

Forest  City,  X.  C. 

Meehanieal   Engineering 

Veterans    Association. 

Ja.mes    McRae    Heistess 

Wilmington.    X.    C. 


Lebrox   Harvey   Herring 

Seven  Springs.  X.  C. 


FU  Eta  Sigma. 

PvlCHARt)    P.    lIlCKKY 

Raleigh.  X.  C. 
Industrial-Technieal  Option 


Harold   Clarke   Hicks 
Pi   Kappa  Alpha 
Henderson,  X.   C. 





HtGii  Gray  Hii.i, 

llooiesville,  X.  C. 

Industrial  Engineerinij 

AIIF'' ;    Veterans    Association. 

Eli.iah  Talmage  Holt 
Gretna,    Virginia 

Industrial  Enginea-ing 
Intramurals  ;    AIIE. 

Staxley  Leonard  Hii.tox 

Sir.MA  Alpha  Mr 

Xew  York,  Xew  York 


Sigma  Tail  Sigma  :  Intramurals  : 
Fraternity  Steward  Secretary: 
Fraternity  Yearliooli  Kditor  :  IFC. 

•loHN"    Ray   Holt 

Ohl  Fort,  X.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 

David  Hoik;ix.  .Ik. 

Guilford   College.   X.    C. 

Dairy   Hushandry 

Mariox   Howard   Holt 

Apex,  X.  C. 


Business  Manager,  Cro/ia  and  Soils  : 
Agronomy  Club:  Ag  Clul). 

TiiiiMA.s  Vax.x  Hollo  well 

Hobbsville.   X.   C. 

Industrial   Arts   Education 

Industrial   Arts   Club;    Glee   Club. 

William  Carl  Holtzmann 

Xorlina,  X.   C. 


Agronomy    Club  :    Arnold    Air    So- 
ciety ;  Captain.  AFROTC. 

Spiro  (_il\  Hondros 

Kure  Beach,  X.  C. 

Ciril  Engineering 

ASCE  ;   Arnold  Air  Society;    Hep 

uty  (jroup  Commander,  AFROTC. 

William  Edward  Hoxeycutt 

Hope  Mills,  X.  C. 


President.  Kappa  Tau  Beta  ;  Tom- 
pkins Textile  Council ;  Jack  Gold- 
forb  Scholarship  4. 

Claltde  ADAM.S   Hood 

Johnson   City,  Tennessee 

Forest    Management 

SAF ;   Forestry   Club. 


\\  ii.i.iA.M  Henry  Horne.  HI 

Fayetteville.  X.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 



Amateur  llatiio  Club.  Presi- 






i.  -t. 

■Toliii  Combs,  the  man  about 
the  campus,  has  put  his 
Icaderslii])  i|ualitics  to  work 
ill  tile  iiiaiiv  oif^aiiizations 
til  wliicOi  hi'  lii'longs. 

KiiwAKD   Clarke  IIor.ner,   -Tr. 
Sigma  I'm 
Oxford,  X.  (_'. 
I mliist rial-Technical  Option. 
Intramurals  :    Vice-President,    Sig- 
ma Clii. 

Samuel  Thomas  Hudson",  Jr. 
!Metuchen,  N.  J. 
Forest  Managt  mcnt 
Cross  Country  1.  2:  Track  1.  2; 
Monogram  Club:  Intramurals: 
Forestry  Club.  Secretary ;  Vet- 
erans Association  :  Vetville  Coun- 
cil :  SAF. 

Gerald  Barry  Hurst 
Sigma    Pi 
Jacksonville,  X.  C. 
Business  Manager.  Soitthcrn  Engi- 
neer: Cheerleader  2.  '6:  Vice-Pres- 
ident.   Sigma    Pi ;    Cadet    Major. 

DoxALD  Wilsox  Hortox 

Whiteville,   X.    C. 

Forest    Miinngcinent 

Xi     Sigma     Pi :     SAF ;     Forestry 
(_'Inb :    Veteran's    Association. 

\VlLLL\M     ROHERT    HuFF 

Ro.xboro.  X.  C. 

Afirienltural   EOuration 

Intramurals:   S.   F.  Club. 

Bobby   Pixk   Huskey 

Covington,  Tennessee 

AfiriciiUnial  Engineering 

Ain.ikl  Air  S.icietv :  AFKOTC 
Drill  Team:  ASAE:  AFKOTC 
Wing  Adjutant,  D.M.S. 


I'm    Kappa    Tap 

Kaleijih.  X.  C. 

Clicm  ical   Engineering 

Phi  Eta  Sigma ;  AIChE :  Tau 
Beta  Pi ;  Intramurals  :  Chairman 
CU  Music  Committee :  CU  Board 
of  Directors  ;   Engineers  Council. 

Allex  Rease  Hixter 

Pilot  Mountain.  X.  C. 

Heating    and   Air    Conditioning 

ASHACE :     Intramurals. 

Roger  Persox  Hy.\tt 

Canton.  X.  C. 

Animal    Hushandrg 

circulation     Manager,     ^[ea1     and 

Milk:  Dorm   Floor  Manager:  Ani- 

mal  Industry  Club :  Ag  Club. 

Thomas  Clay  Houstox 

X'ewland,  X.  C. 

Animal   Hu~^bandry 

.\nimal  Industry  Club  :  Ag  Club  : 
Secretary.  Becton  Dorm  :  Floor 
.Manager.  Becton :  Intramurals ; 
Dorm  Athletic  Director  :  Livestock 
.Iiidging   Team. 

Robert  Watxe  Huxteb 

Pilot  Mountain,  X.  C. 

Animal    Itidustry 

.\g  Club :    Animal    Industry   Club. 

James   Bex.jamix  Ixgram,  Jr. 

Parkton,   X.   C. 


Delta  Kappa  Phi :  IDC ;  S.  F. 
Club  ;   Intramurals. 





.Iaxiks  Ermogkxe  Ingram,  Jr. 
Sh:ma  Ammia  IOpsilox 

W'iliiiiii^ton.   N.   C. 
Iiiduslridl  Enfiiiieering 
Alplm  I'lii  .Mu  :  I'>atoriiity  Editor. 
'."»)i    .\(;i(u.Mi;rK  ;    Student    (Jiivern- 
iiH'Ut  :    .ludii-iil    Hoard  ;    Soabl)ard 
and  liladc  ;  A  HE. 

(  IIAUI.K.S   Xixo.N   .Iac'KSox 

.Vl.rilA    (iAMMA    RUO 

Sali'iiilmif?.   X.   C.  *■ 

Ayrirult ii ra I  Ed Kcatiuii 
Ag  Chil),  Ak  EdncatidD  Chib. 

Ui.Aiit  Jenkins,  III 

Sigma  Cm 

Kiileigli,  N.  C. 


Sigma    I'i   Alpha  ;    llortluultiu'e 

Club ;   Cantebury  Club. 

Gradv    Codkk    1  .n.sciif.: 

Lniii^liiitf;.    X.    ('. 

Mechanirnl    Enr/iiieviiii(i 

Engineers  ('u\incil  ;  ASMIO  ;  Treas- 
urer.   IAS. 


Brevard,   X.   C. 

Electrical  Eiuiiiucrini/ 

Tail    I'eta    IM ;    Eta    Kappa    Nn    '.\. 

Recording   Secretary   4  :    Intra- 

Football     14;     AIKEIUE. 



.loiix    Mitchell  .Jenkins, 
I'I  Kai'I'a  I'm 
RaleifjlL  X.  V. 
Vhcmicdl    E>i<linvcrinii 

Pill    Eta    Sigma  ;    Tau    Iteta 
\VVWI>;  Tlieta  Tau  AICliE. 


Carlton  1'"r.\xklin   Ii'oik 

Ai.riiA  Oa.mxia   lUhi 

Cove   City.   X.   ('. 

.  1  gficiiltinal  Ediica t iim 

.\lpba    Zeta  :    Kappa    Thi    Kappa 

Thirty-and-Tliree  ;     Aiirii'itlt iiri^t 

.\g     Edncatum     Club;     .\g     Club 

Student  (111  vern  III  en  t  :  EieclUni 

I'ummlttee  Clialrman  ;  High  School 

Day  Committee. 

Hahrv   Cd.MLV   .Iames 

Gialuini,  N.  C. 

Electiiral  Enpinecring 


William  Reid  .Iessup 
Denton.  X.  C. 

Electrical   Ent/inccrinff 
IMd    Kta    Sigma  :    Kta    Ka[)i)a    Nu  : 
Tan   Beta  I'I;   AIEE. 

John  H.  Isimixger 
W'inston-Salein.   X.    C. 

M rclianical    Eiiaint trint/ 

1'ryou  Wilson  James 

ri  Kappa  A].pil\ 

Richnioiul.   Viroinia 

.Ualli  Education 

\'arsitv  Swimming  1-4  ;  Monogram 
Club   1-4. 

John  Allen  .Johnson 

Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 
Mechanised  Agriculture 

Executive  Officer.  Arnold  Air  So- 
ciety; Techniciait  Staff:  Cadet 
T,t.  Col..  AFUOTC:  CU  Dance 


C'liaiaeteiistics  of  an  ideal 
pc'isoiiality  are  ilisplayed  bv 
.lim  Krazier,  atlete.  soi-ialite. 
and   statesman. 

BoBiiY  EiGEXE  Jones 

iliioresboio.  X.   t'. 


rershing    Rifles;    Vice-President 

Turlington   Dnrm  ;   IDC. 

MiciiAKL   Hii.Tox   Jokes 

High   Point  N.  C. 
Meeliaiiiral   Engineriimi- 
Ai'ionaidiciil   Oplian 
Tau   Beta   Pi ;   Art   Editor.   Soittfi- 
crn    Emjineer :    Varsity    Cross- 
oountrv    1-4;    Captain    Cross-coun- 
try 4  :  Varsity  Track  1-4  ;  lAES  ; 
Charles  Livingston  Justus 
Sii;m.\  Phi   Epsilox 
Hendersiinyille,  X.  C. 
I nihislrifil  Kutiineerint/ 
.\IIE:     Secretary.     Senior    Class; 
Sigma    Phi    Epsilon;    Wolfpack 

Ua.x  t'oi.E.MA.N  .l().\i:s 

Oxford,  X.  ('. 

Forest    Management 

Forestry  Club. 

Teddy   Robert  Jones 
Lake   Junaluska.   X*.    C. 
Eleeti  iral  Enijineerittfi 
Scabbard  and  lilade  ;  IDC;  Persh- 
ing   Rifles;    AIEE:    Dorm    Presi- 
dent :    Wesii'y     Eoundation.     Vice- 
I'resMent ;     Intramurais ;     Senior 
Class    Treasurer. 

Herbert  Charles  Kaplan 

Phi  ErsiLOX  Pi 

Carteret.  Xew  .Jersey 

Rural    SocioIt)(iii 

Wrestling    l-:>.    Captain   4;    Mono 

gram  Club  ;   Pershing  Rifles. 

•ioii.N  Alfred  Jones.  Jn. 

Ayden,  X.  C. 

Ciril  EnghieeriiKj 


Fred  Irving  Joseph 
(ireeiiville.    X.    C. 
Math  Education 
Intramural  Sports:  President  Vet- 
erans   Club    1.    2    (ECCi    Sttident 
(ioyemment     ( ECC 1     Owen    Dorm 
Social    Director;     \'ice-I*resident 
\'eterans     Association ;     President 
( )\yen    Dorm;    Dorm    Athletic    Di- 
rector   and    Floor    Manager ;    IDC 
E.xecutiye   Coram. 

iL\NOHAR  Lai    Kataria 
Xew   Dellii.   India 

Cosmopolitan    Club. 

•  loiiN    Wilson   Jones.  Jr. 

SiGM.v   Chi 

Wood    Products    Merchandising 

Forestry    Products    Research    So- 

Edward   Carroix  Joyner 
Mt.  Olive,  X.  C. 
Anintiil    Industry 

Ode    Farouck    K.\ttan 

Colombia,  South  America 


Sigma   Tau    Sigma  ;    Cosmopolitan 
Club  ;  CC   Publicity  Committee. 





Marvin  Bernard  Katz 

Phi    Krsii.oN    Pi 

Newbiiif;li,    New    York 


Sigma  Tau  Sipnn  ;  Phi  Psi ;  Te^r- 

tile    Forum;    Tom  pit  ins    Textiie 


DONAI-I)  T^EB  Keyt 
Gainpsvillo,  Georgia 
fnilustrial  Hiiginconng 
I'ri'sidi'nl  AIIE  ;  Tri'asuror.  Arnold 
Air   Society  :    Southern   Engineer: 
Intramiirais ;    Copy    Editor,    '56 

John    Maiti.a.nd    Kincky 
Winston-Salem.   N.   C. 
Electrical  FJnfiiiiccring 
.Southern    Eiifiiii'ir    Staff;    Intra- 
mural   i^'oiithall;    Vi'tcrans    Asso- 
ciation ;  AIEE  ;  Tlieta  Tau. 

Charles  Litti-e  Keels 
Monroe,  N.  C. 

Agricultural   Education 
Kappa     Pill     i-Capjia  :     Intramural 

KaLI'II     ArXOI.II     KlLI.OlKill 

Alpha  Gamma  Uho 
Mattliew.s,  N.  C. 


Technician    Staff    2,    3 ;     Stuiicut 
Govomment  4  ;   Ag  Club  ;   HSU. 

Ja.mes   Elhert  Kiruy 
Electrical  Enginc< ring 
Tau  Beta  Pi  :  Treasurer.  Eta  Kap- 
pa  Nu:   AlEE;   lEB. 

Johnnie   Ken 

Midillesex,    N.    C. 


TiiEonoRE  J,  KiLYK,  Jr. 

Sii;m.\    Ni: 

I'lioL'iiix villi',    I'oniisylvaiiia 

Itidustrial  Engineering 

Monogram  Club,  Publicity  Direc- 
tor; AIIE;  Track  1,  1';  Football 

Ijoris   Arnoij)   Klser,   .Ik. 

K.ippA  Sii;.M.\ 

Kings   Mountain,   N,   C, 

Sigma   Tau   Sigma ;    I'lii   I'si. 

Joe   Mason   Kenyox.   .Th. 

Hillslwro,  N.  C. 


Ak  Club  ;  Agronomy  Club  ;  YMCA  ; 
Intramural   Sports. 

You  SoxG  Kim 
Seoul,   Korea 
Ceramic  Engineering 
ACS;    AME. 

Benjamin  Franklin*  Kissam 

Evergreen,    \.    C. 

iiiricnlliirnl  Education 

Ag    Education    Club ;    Ag   Club. 


liiin  Sliuvlik,  our  "Mr. 
Basketliall" — an  outstandiiiir 
atlilete,  a  great  personality, 
and  a   devoted  Inisliand. 

Fred   Gerald    Ki.f.imax 

SioMA  Alpha  Mr 

Brooklyn.  New  York 

Textiles  Editor,  ROTC  Yearbook  ; 
Intramurals ;  Fraternit.v  House- 
manager.  2.  3.  Treasurer  3,  Stew- 
ard  2. 

Walter  Herjian  Kuhet,  Jr. 

Margarita,  Canal  Zone 

Ciril  Engiiieeiiiifi 

Intramurals;     .\Sr'E. 

Ron  M.\sox  Laxgstox 

Charlotte.  N.   O. 
Meehaniral  Engineering 

.Arnold    .\ir    Society ;    Air    Force 
Association  ;   ASME. 

(iiARLEs  Thomas   Klvttz,  .Tk. 

Salislmry,  X.  C. 

Elect  Ileal  Engineering 

AIEE:  IRE:  Scabbard  and  Blad.'. 

.Ja.mes  Xeal  Lancaster 

Concord,  N.  C. 


riii  Psi  :  Kappa  Tau   Beta. 

Edward  Bert  Lassiter 

Four  Oaks,  X.  C. 

.1  gricultiiral   Economies 

Ag   Economics   Club ;    Glee   Club. 


.I.\CKSox  Dewalt  Kdone 

.\LrHA    Camma    Uho 
Union    Mills.   X.    C. 
Agriciiltiinil  Ediiration 
.\lpha    Zeta :    Kappa    Phi    Kappa ; 
Intramural  Sports  ;  President.  Col- 
legiate   4-H    Club ;    Secretary,    Ag 
Education    Club ;    Secretary,    Col- 
legiate 4-H  Club :   Ag  Club. 
,ToHX  Kexneth  Lancaster 

Fayeftoville.  X.  C. 
Inrhtstrial    Arts   Edtieatioii 
I'bi   Eta  Sigma  ;   Kappa  Phi  Kap- 
pa :    Epsilon    Pi    Tau ;    Ind.    Arts 
Club    1-4.    President    3:    Veterans 
Association  ;    IDC  :    Becton    Dorm 
Social  Director  3.  President  4. 
Leoxaru  Clyde  Latiiax 
ilonroe,  X.  C. 
-i-itinial   huhistrji- 
Dairg  Hnshandrii  Opliuii 
.Animal   Industry   Club  ;  Ag  Club  ; 

Kkhard   Howard   Kooxtz 

Lexington,  X^.  C. 

Agricultural  Education 

.4g  Education  Club  ;  Ag  Club. 

Joseph   Robert  Laxcaster 

ilebane,  N.  C. 
Industrial  Engineering 

Harold  Corbett  Lawbexce 
Pi  ICtppA  Tau 
Dillon,   S.  C. 

Mechanical  Engineering 




I>ouis  Richard  J.kdiiktikr 

Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Uln-trical  Engineering 

iOla     Kappa     Nu ;     Si'ahhartl     anil 
Blade ;    Captain    UOTC. 

CiTRTis  Adams  Leoxakd,  Jr. 

Tjcxington,    N.   C. 
[ nd II nt rial-Teclmical    Option 

Mu    Ilfta    I"si '.    Presirlc'nt.    Indns- 
Irhil    Arts  Club. 

•  Iamks  Harold  F.rni.K 

Oaklxiro,  N.  C. 
Agrirulluial  Education 

\\.\H\  KY  Glenx  T.kk.  .1r. 

Sigma  Cm 

Saiiford,    X.    C. 

I'm  nil  lire     Manufactiiriini     iiitil 

Manar/<  meiit 

Furniture  Club. 

Helm  IT  Otto  Leizk 

Ovven-Teck,  Germany 


I.OIilCNZA    WtL.SOX    lyOfKE 

Sii:ma  Cm 
Knli.'ld.    X.    ('. 
Aiirii'iilliiral  Engiiircrinii 
ASAM:     Intramurals ;    Mce-Tresi- 
(lent    Senior   Class :    Student   <Jov- 
ernment  ;    Campus    Welfare    Cum 
inittoe :    Sigma    chi     \:iiiuii;i! 

lioHKHr    \\  INSTOX     l.KK 

Anlen.   X.   C. 
F.lirirical  Enijinecrinii 

I'hirtv  and-Throe  ;  DMS  ;  Scabbard 
.mil   Illaile;    IDC:   AIEE. 

^^K    l>i   \\    I.I 

Kulie.    .lapan 

Tr.rlilc  Cliemistiji 

W  il.SdX     LovETT 
.Vl.rilA    li.VMM.V    Uho 

Taliiir  City,  X.   V. 
I  ijrii'iitf  iinil  Kiliiration 

Kjippa  I'bi  Kappa:  Intramurals: 
Kepnrler.  .\lpba  (lamraa  Uho:  Co- 
i-liairmau.  .Vg  Kair  :  Huslness  Man- 
ager. I'll-. 1 1/.-  .\sst.  Husiness  Mgr., 
111.  I. I/. 

Gray  Xewton  Leinracii 

Winston-Saleni.   X.   C 

Enrcxt    Mamiiiiiiien t 

Forestry    Club    14  ;    Outing    Com 


High   Lupton   Lixer 
Hillsboro,    X.    C. 

.{ griritll iinil  Fihirfiliiiii 
Alplin    Zeta  :    Kappa    I'lii    Kappa: 
Ag     Chill :     Ag     Fdueatioii     Club, 
President   4. 


Lauriiilun-f;,  X*.  C. 
Elect  rival  Engineering 
Bridge  Secretary.  Kta  Kappa  Nu  : 
Corresponding     Secretary.     Tan 
Beta   1*1:    Local   Secrelar\.    .Vll-^Iv 



Norm  Xonis  is  an  exampU' 
of  a  goiKl  State  College 
atlilete,  having  those  innate 
iHialities  whieli  promote 
i-li'an   sports. 

Joseph  Ruiiard  Lucas.  Jr. 

Raleigli.  X.  C. 

Elect rwnl  E}iciinceritt<i 

AIEE  :   YMfA:   CU. 

Clifford  iliTCHEi.i,  McCaciirex 
Concord,  X.  C. 
Alpha   Phi   Omeg.i 
Westminster    Fellowship    1.    "J.    w. 
4.  Treasurer  .S.  President  4  :  Dorm 
President   3.   4  ;    IDC   3.   4 :   Agro- 
nomy t'lub  ;  YMCA  Cabinet. 

James  Thomas  McCorkle 

Charlotte,   X.    C. 

Industrial  Engineering 


Charles  Edward  Lu.ndy 

Itdcky  iiount.  X.  C. 
MrrlKiHiral  Engineering- 
Acrona  ii  t  iral  Opt  inn 
Thirty-and-Thrce  :  Bine  Key  :  Gol- 
den Chain  :   Editor.   The  Soifthcrn 
Knaiiirrr :  Engineers  Council :  Vice- 
President    lAeS ;     Board    of    Stu- 
licnt     Puhlicatious. 

Charles  Ray  IIcCarx 
llooresville,  X'.   C. 
r)elta  Kappa  I'hi 
Ja.mes  Malcolm  JIcCor.\iick 
Sifj.MA  Chi 
St.  Pauls,  X.  C. 
AgriciiUiunl  Engineering 
Student   Covernnient ;   ASAE:    In- 
tramural Sports  ;  Chairman  Junior 
Class    King    Selection    Committee : 
IDC.    Social  Director:  Dorm  Mana- 
ger and    President. 

Ger.\ld    \Vhis.v.\xt    Lftz 
Pollvville,  X.  C. 

Geologieal  Engineering 

Intramural  Sports  1-4;  Treasurer. 
Uockhound  Club. 

Clarence    Edw.\rd    ilcC.^uLEY 

Charlottesville,   Virginia 

/ntlttsfrinl  and  Rural  Recreation 

Swimming  3,  4. 

Henry  Drewry  McCoy,  II 

Christiansbing,   Virginia 

I'liniihire   Manufacturing   ami 

Furniture    Club ;    Assistant    Busi- 
ness    Manager.     The     Technician  : 
\'arsitv    Tennis. 

Daniel  Everette  IIcBaxe 
Snow  Camp,  X.  C. 


.Agronomy  Club  ;  .\dvanced  IIOTC  ; 
Ag  Club. 


Derita,  X'.  C. 

Ciril  Engineering- 
Construction  Option 

Herbert  Hall  JIcCoy 

Elizabeth  City,  X.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 

AIEE  ;   Vetvillc  Coimcil. 





James   Siiiklky   McCoy 

Snow  Hill,  X.  C. 

A  (jric'ultural  Economics 

Ag    Economics    Club. 

.Iames  Alexander  McLean 

Waxhaw,   N.    C. 


Intramural    Athletics. 

Jame.s   Edward   McNehj. 
Marion.  X.  C. 

Civil  Eiif/ineeriiig 
Chi  Epsilon;  ASCE. 

I'ORKRT     \\  A1>E     McDoXAI.D 

SioM.v     I'm    Ki'sii,()N 

Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Ilctiliiiy   and   Air   Condilioninii 

ASHACE  :  Intpr-Fraternitv  Foot- 
l)all  ;  ASriAE.  Socrotarv  :■,  : 
ASIIAIO,    rrcsich>nt    4. 

(  AHY     \A'.¥.    JIcLiCOD.    .In. 

I'artliage,   N.    ('. 


Ut'porti'r.    .Vffronom.v    CIuli. 

Andrew   1''rankux  McKorie 
Troy,  X.  C. 

Ciril   Enfiineeiiiiij 

IlKIMAS     MlI.ION     Ml'Kl.llA.N.NON 

.\shl„>ni.  X.  C. 

'I'(  .rtiles 


•losEi'ii  .John  McXamara 

S<'arsdal(',  Xcw  York 


I'hi    Psi. 

liicHARD  Lee  JL\.nx 
Ar.niA   GA.M5IA   Run 
Fairfield.  X.  C. 
A(ifononi  ji 
.Mliha     Zcia  ;     liiisiness    Manager, 
fmiis     intd     iSttils :     IntramuralB ; 
Treasurer.   Agmnoni.v   Ciuh ;    Pres- 
ident. .\gronomv  CInli;  Treasurer. 
Ai;i{    :i:     NoliU-     Iliiler.     ACU    4: 
I'ledp.     Master,     Alpha     Zeta     .■) : 
Vice  President.    Alpha    Zeta    4; 
Treasurer,    Ag   Club    4. 

r.ii.i.v    [Jay   .MctlAi.i.iAUD 

.siorA   Piii  Krsii.oN 

.Marion.  N.  c. 

Ilcaliini    (iml    Air   VoixUlioniint 

Gerau)   Carr   McXeiu, 

Broadway,  N.  C. 
Agricultural  Engineering 

Mcrhnnizrd    Enfiiiurriiii/ 

Roo.ER  Ira  Mahkay 

IjAmbda  Cm  Ai.i'iiA 

Tenafly,  Xcw  .Jersey 

Delta    Kappa   Phi:    Drkaii :   litti-;i 
nuirals:    Secretary.    Delta    Kappa 


Al  D'Aiigelo,  All  American 
material,  always  has  a  smile 
for  the  occasion. 

Fred  Elliott  Marshall 

Jit.  Airy,  X.  C. 

Industrial  Engineering 


TiioifAs  Wade  JIattox 

Charlotte,    X.    C. 

Animal  Industry 

Ag  Club  :    Animal    Indu-stry    Clult. 

Bobby   Lee  Mii_\m 

Creston,  X.  C. 

Agricultural    Education 

Intramural  Sports  :  Ag  Education 
Club:  Ag  Club;  Meat  Judging 

Allex   Lee  ilARXix 

Winston-Salem.   X.   C. 

Forest   Management 

Xi  Sigma  Pi :  Scabbard  and  Blade  ; 
.<!AP' ;    Forestry   Club. 

f'ARL  Meeker  JIavrer 

SlUM.V    .\LPHA    EpSILON 

.Mlentown.   Pennsylvania 
Ornimentiil   Tlnrtifulture 

•  losKi'ii   Hexrv  JIiixer,  Jr. 
Sh;m.\    F*hi    Epsilox 
liiitlierfordton,  N.   C. 


Scabbard    and    Blade :     Pbi     Psi  : 
RUTC  ;   Atliletic  Director. 

Francis  Ex.nett  Masox 

.\LPIIA    G.VM.MA    Rno 

X'ewport.  X.  C. 


.\rnribl   .\ir   Society ;    Horticulture 
Club  :  Ag  Club. 

.Tames  William  Meadlock 

Taylorsville,  X.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 

Varsity    Football :    Varsity    Base- 
ball :    AIEK;    .Monogram   Club. 

IvOBERT    IIoo\-ER    MiLLER 

Mt.  Ulla,  X.  C. 

Animal    Induslrg 

I'lii  Kappa  Pbi:  .\^-  Club;  .\nimal 
Industry  Club. 

Ralph  Kenxeth  Matthes.  ,Tr. 

Conway,    S.    C. 

Agricultural  Engineering 

Phi   Kappa    Phi  :    ASAE. 

RoBBET  George  Medley 

Sigma  Cm 

Kinston,  X".  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 

Intramurals :  AIEE:  Captain. 
.\FROTC ;  Corresponding  Secre- 
tary.   Sigma    Clii. 

Robert   .1.    Miller 
Fayetteville,  X.  C. 
Forest  Management 
Sigma     I'i :     Forestry     Club : 
SAF  ;  Student  Legis- 






i;cmi:iii    KiciiAUi)  Miri.KU 
All>erinarle,  X.   ('. 

Dale  Johnson  Mills 
Landis,  N.  C. 

Dd.NAI.II     1!()Y(  K     .MdHOHN 

Kiilicld.  X.  C. 

Joe  Taylor  JIoore 
Gastonia,  N.  0. 

Nuclear  Engineei  iiifi 

Civil  Engineerinri 

Af/rii-iilhiral  Education 


Sigma  Pi  Slsma  ;  I'lii  Kappa  I'hi ; 



Aj;  CIiil) :   Intramiirals. 

Sigma  Tan  Sisima. 

t)AKI.KY    IjAMICK    .MoDHK 

Hayesville,  N.   C. 
Poultry  Science 

Samuel    1!av    .\1(](ii{|0 

('liarlc)ttc.    X.    C. 

It  rati  11(1    and   Air   ConititidiiiiKi 

ASHAE ;     Dorm     Bowling:     Vlcc- 

President  3,  Secretary  4.  ASHAE. 

OiiA  Billy  Morgan.  .Ik. 
Kersliaw,  S.  C. 

A(iriciiltiiral  Enf/ineerinti 
I'hi     Kappa     Plii  ;    Vice-President, 
Sliidenl    Hraiicli    ASAI'",. 

James  Ivey  Morris,  Jr. 

Greenslroro,  X^.  C. 

Chemical  Engineering 

Plii   Eta   Sifinia  :    ATCiiE. 

Dorothy  Jkan  Morton 

Kiilei<;U,  N.  C. 
Landscape   Architeeture 

liiiard    of    riiairmen.    C'U ;    Board 
of  nircctors,  CU  ;   WVWP:   Chppr 
IcadiT ;     Landscape     Arclv.     ("Uil), 
StH-retary-Treasurer ;    AIA. 

.Ta.mes  KnriAR  Morton 

O.xford.  X.  C:. 

.1  ffririiltiirnl  Enf/iin  triiui 


.Ia.ME.S     FlLVNliLIN     ilORTON 

Rockwell,  N.  C. 
Piril   EiifiinperiDfi 
Per.sliini;   Kilies;   Naval   I{cservi.<t  ; 

.Marion  Hamilton  Morton,  .'r. 

Pi    Kaita    Pui 

AllMimarlc,   \.   ('. 


AIA  :   Art    Editor,   rlli    rirhiiirinii 

3,  i. 

L.  C.  Draughon,  the  seiiidr 
tliat  prints  tlie  student  "side 
of  story";  our  liats  off  to 

I'l  i.i.KK   Thomas    Motsi.xger 
Cartilage,  X.  C. 
Industrial  Engineering 
AIIE:    Alpha    I'i    Mu  :    Sigma    l>i 
Alpha :     Ilcmors     Program  :     ^'et- 
erans   Association  ;    National    Car- 
hon    Scholarship. 

James  Donald  Neighbors 
Pittsboro,  N.  C. 

.l/(  (7i n n ical   Enyineerin g 


Greensboro,  X.   C. 

Textile  Chemistry 

Phi    Tsi :    A-'TC= :    Veterans    Asso- 

Carthage,  X.  C. 

Agronoin  1/ 

Tru.m.v.n   Leo  Xewberry,  .Tr. 

Raleigh,  X.  C. 

.1  rchitectiire 

.\IA;   School  of  Design  Magazini' 

.\(ii;.\iA\    Carroll    Xokkis 

lialtiniore.  Marvlaml 

I  till  list  rial  (ind  Rural  Rix-reniion 

Treasurer.  Monogram  T'lub :  Var- 
sit.v  Soccer  \A.  Co-Captain  4; 
Varsity  Haschall  L'-4, 

Paul  Fletcher  Mirray 
Greenville.  X.  C. 
Clicni iral   Engineering 
Theta  Tail :  I'hi  Eta  Sigma  ;  Treas- 
urer;    SAME;     AIChE ;     EOTC 
Drum   and   Bugle  Corp. 

Charles  Reddixg  Xirlack 

Highlands,  X.  C. 


Phi    Psi ;    Alpha    IMi  i    Omega; 

Sport.smen's  Cluli. 

\\  ILLIAM  Erxest  Ogburx,  .Ir. 
Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 
Industrial  Engineering 
I'ciicing  Team  1-4.  Captain  ."i.  4: 
-Vlpha  Phi  Omega.  President  3; 
.VIII*'.  Secretary;  Engineers  Coun- 

LiNEOfs   Bea.max   Xan(  e.  Jr. 

Cliadbourn,   X.   C. 

Agrieultuial  Edueation 

Mu  Beta  I'si  ;   Band. 


Kappa    Alpha 

Southern  Pines,  X'.   C. 

Industrial  Engineering 

Jajies  Wendell  Oliver 
Carthage,  X.  C. 
Civil    Engineering- 
Construction   Option 

ASCE  :  Societ.v  for  Advancement  : 
Young  Democrats  Club. 





Wiij,iAM   Herndox   Overton 

Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 


JosEPHUS   Gari^nd   Pass,   Jr. 

Sigma  Pi 

Roxboro,  N.  C. 


Phi   Eta   Sigma  ;    Persliing  Rifles  ; 
AIA;   Fraternity   Kociltiet   4. 

Samuel  Peirson,  IIT 
Kappa    Skjma 
Enfield,  N.  C. 

Muchanical   Engineering 

Am  MIR  Grier  Park 
Skjma  Alpha  Epsii.on 
Oxford,  N.  C. 
Furniture    Manufacturing 
and    Management 
Furniture  Cluli ;   AIA  ;  Forest  Pro- 
ducts Resoarcli   Society. 

John  Knox  Patteuso.n 

I'l     IvAI'l'A     Al.l'HA 

Salisliury.  N.  C. 
I*;(iitor     IIKA     Newspaper:     Vico- 
I*res!dent.    Sophomore    Class: 
Tompitins    Textile    Council :    Ring 
Coniuiittee  .*?. 

(ARf.  Atkikso.x  Pexdi.ey 

Fayetteville,  N.  C. 


\\  AIlK     'I'lKlMAS     PaKKKH.     .Ili. 

Kavetteville,  N.   C. 

Mechanical  Engineering 

Pi   Tan   Sigma  :   ASME  :   Fciuing 
Film   Committee,  CV. 

Joseph   Tate.m  Pearson,  Ju. 

New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Median  ical   Engineering 

Theta  Tau  ;  IDC  :  ASME  :  ASIIAE. 

lio.NAi.i)    Gaines    Perkins 

Roxboro,  N.  C. 


S.F.   Ciuli :   Gymnastics   Club;    In- 


W  ir.r.IA.M    (ARVOS    i'ARTnx 

Gilkey,  X.   C. 

Agricultural  Education 

Kappa  Phi  Kappa  :  Ag  Education 
I 'lull :  Ag  Club. 

Pai'L  Kioiiahi)   1'kakson 

Mechanical  Enginc<rin<i- 

Acronaii  t  ical  ()j)  I  ion 

Plii  Eta  Sigma:  CTT  Committee: 
lAeS:  BSU:  Band;  Arnold  Air 

•  loiix    ISe.nja.min    I'khry.    hi 

Koanoke,  Virginia 

\  ncliar  Engineering 



Muiiiin  Holt,  hail  and 
hearty :  a  little  man  with  a 
hit  .III   the  ball. 

.ToHx    Kenxetii    Pekrv 

Sherwood,  X.  C. 

Animal  Hushandry 

Ag   Ciub  :    .\nimal    Industry    I'lub. 

Dd.nai.i)  Braxton  Pittman 

Kenly,   X.   C. 

Agricultural  Economics 

As    Cluh :    Ag    Economics    Chib : 

President  .\g  Economics  Cluh  ;  Vi't 

ville    Council. 

Hexry  Carlton  Player, 

Fayetteville,  N.   C. 

Ciril    Engineering- 

Con-struction   Option 



Bobby  Emerson  Phillips 

Bakersville,  N.  C. 

\ iiclear  Eiiginecriiiij 

IvO.NALD   Lewis   Pitts 

Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Wildlife    Ciinserra  tioit 

and    Managemcnl 

.\g  Club :  Secretary  3.  Leopold 
Wildlife  Club.  Program  Cliairman 
4:  Publicity  Director,  BSU ;  Per- 
sliing  Ililies. 

Graha.m  Aubrey  Pope 

Wallace,   X.   C. 

Textile  CItemistry 

Phi  Psi;  AATCC;  Scabbard  and 
Blade;  Agbomeck  1,  2,  3,  Chief 
Photographer  4. 


Henry  Ward  Pickett,  .Jr. 
Sici.MA    Pi 
Durham,  X.  ('. 
Mechanical   Engineering 
Phi    Eta    Sigma :    Southern    Engi- 
neer; Secretary,  Sigma  Pi  3  :  Sec- 
retary. IFC  3  :  President.  IPC  4  : 
AS.ME  :  Arnold  Air  Society  ;  Chair- 
man ^lilitarv  Ball  4:  Cadet  Major 
Wing    PIO.    APUOTC;    Board    of 
Directors.   CIJ  :    Consolidated    Pni- 
versity    Student    Council. 

Ronald  Cole.max  Pitts 

Charlotte,  X.  C. 
Agricultural  Ediwation 
Ag    Education     Club  ;     SF    Club ; 
Rifle    Team. 

TiiEO  Robert  Potter 

Pi    Kapp.i   Phi 

Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 

Phi  Eta   Sigma :   Eta   Kappa   Nu ; 

Tau  Beta  PI ;  Tbeta  Xau. 

KuGENE    BcRNS    PiCKLEli 
Xew   London,   X.   C. 
Agricultural  Economics 
Alpha  Zeta  :  Phi  Eta  Sigma  :  Blue 
Key  :    Golden    Clialn  :    Thirty-and- 
Three :    Sigma    Pi    Alpha  :    Editor, 
Ai/riciiltnriiit ;  Intramural  Sports 
i'.Sl':    .\g   Club:   Ag   Econ.   Club 
Student  Uoverninent :  Consolidated 
I'niyersiiy    Student    Council:    .Ju- 
dicial Board. 

Atiian  Michael  Platanis 

Athens,  Greece 

Mechanical  Engineering 


.Ja.mes   JIeachem   Potts 

Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Mechanical   Engineering 





Jesse  Kva.ns  I'owkm.,  .In. 

Cliarli'stoii.  S.  ('. 



Dalton   Ray  Proctor 
Ai.iMiA    Gamma    Uiki 
Walstoiilnivg,  N.   C. 

Aiiitnal    Ituliislrj/ 
Ag    Chill.    Aliiliiiil    Indiislry    Club. 

Frei)   Manfred   Rawicz 
Long  Island,  New  York 
Textile  Chemislrii 
Phi  Eta  Sigma  ;  Delta  Kappa  I'lii : 
Vioe  rri'sidcnt   AATCC  :  Tiimpkins 
Textile     Cduneil  ;     Vice-rresident, 
CU;  Golden  Chain. 

X1c\'erxo.\    Prescoti',    .In. 

Xew  Bern,  N.  C. 

Mechanized   AiiricuUiire 

ASAE :    Intramural    Sports:    Air 
Eorce  Glee   Club. 

Davtii  (Iwk.n   Proctor 

.Vi.rn.v    G.\MM.\    Itlln 
WaNtcinlmrg,  X.  C. 

Anhnal   Itnlioilrii 
Alpha   Zeta  ;  Meat  ami   Mill;. 

Wii.i.iAM   l"nzini;ii  Rawi.s 

KiK-ky   .Mount,  X.  C. 

Chemical   Eiigineerinfj 

AIChE  ;  Engineers  Council. 

.IlKUV      I'AciK      I'liKE 

Monroe,   N.  <\ 

.  I  fifi'ull  iiral  Entjinci'iiiiti 


Thomas  Cii.mer   Proctor 
Hendersonville,  X.  C. 
Xuclcar  Etu/iiicerinfi 

I'hi  Eta  Sigma :  Sigma  I'i  Sigma ; 
Tau   Beta    I'i  ;   Theta  Tau. 

K.vRi.  Junior   Rayiurn 

Marion.  X.  ('. 


Vice-President,    Forestry    Club. 

W  11. MAM      iMiNiOS'l      I'R'IHERI' 

Lal'nyclte.    (  al  ifiiriii:i 

I  'uHsl  nirl  mil 


.IA.ME.S    RoliERT    RATCMl-dRIl 

Brevaril.   X.    V. 

EIril  liciil   Eiiiiiiiri  liny 

RiCHARll     \\  ARRE.N     KeAC.A.N 

l/AMiiPA  Chi  Alpha 
(Canton,  X.  C. 


Sif-'liia  Tau  Sigma;  I'lii  I'si  ;  Sill 
(lent  liiivernmi'iit  ;  Tompkins  Tex- 
tile Council;  IKC;  Veterans  Asso- 


(-'raip  Iiiiiiiliiu<lt,  A  welcoino 
old  frii'iid ;  u  worker  willi 
the  inti'i-fsts  of  otliers  at 

ElGKXE  Aloxzo  IJeardox 

Raleigli.  \.  C. 

Industrial  Eiigiiieeriny 

AIIK  :    Intramural    Sports. 

Chaki^e.s  RrssELL  Reed 
l^.vMe.O-v   ("HI  Ai,rn.\ 
Forest  City,  N.  C. 

MfX'lifnurul    Engiiiccrin;/ 
B.S.    in  Textiles  '.~).'i. 

RuHAiiii  \Vall.\ce  Reed 
Wiiiston-Salcni.   X.   C. 
I  ml  UK  I  rial  Eiu/incerinfi 

Enoch  Clayton  Regi.ster,  .Jr. 

Elizabethtown.  N.  C. 

Median ical    Eiuiiiieeriiirj 


Harry  Six)ax   Reichard 

Charlotte,  N.   C. 

Electrical  Eiuiineeriuii 

Phi  Eta  Sigma ;  I'^ta  Kappa  Nil  : 
Tail  Beta  I'i ;  Phi  Kappa  Plii  : 
Varsit.v  Tennis:  President.  Tan 
Beta  Pi;  Vice-President.  Phi 
Kappa  Phi:  AFROTC  Supliomore 

Jloyi)   Bripger.s    Robbin.s 

Wilson.  X.  C. 

Electrical  Enj/iiiecriny 


Ned  Earnest  Reiniiasdt 

Xewton,  N.  C. 
Media  ii  ical   Engineering 
.\rnnld    Air    Society;    ASME:    In- 
tra nuirals. 

Delmer  Lee  Roberts 
Piii    Kappa    Taii 
Raleigh,  X.  C. 
Tcrtiic    Forum,     Editorial     Staff; 
Kraternit.v    Intramurals ;     Social 
Chairman  ;  Phi  Kappa  Tau  ;  Cheer- 
leader 1. 

Frank  Wetherill  Rhoad.s 
Lajibda  Chi   Altha 
(ireensl)oro,  N.   C. 


hi     Psi  :    Assistant    Editor.    Plii 
si    Weekly    Paper:    Intramurals. 

Stephen  Payne  Robinson 

(Ireensboro,  X.   C. 


Leopold   Wildlife  Society.   2.  3.   4, 
Publicity  Chairman  4. 

John  Robert  Richardson 

Alpha    Oamma    Kho 

Reidsville,  X.  C. 

Mechanized   Agriculture 

Reporter.  ASAE  2. 

Daniel  JIatthew  Rociielle 

Raleigh,  N.  C. 






.loiiN    FnANKi.ix    Rodman 

SHIMA     I'l 

Windiest  or,  Virginia 
Mecliaiiirut    Kiifjinceriny 
ASMK ;     Ih'iid    Cheer    Leader    'A; 
Clu'erleader    L' ;    II''C. 

Marion'   KoiiKR  Rouse 

Kinston,  N.  C. 

A(/iieulliirnl  Economics 

Ay  KtMintiinics  i'lub;  Ag  Club. 

llKuriKRT  t'liHis  Sciiafek 

Kenosha,   Wisconsin 

Text  ties 

Secretary,  Owen  Dorm:  Dorm 
('(iiinsellor ;  IDC;  Secretar.v  '-!, 
rreskient  :^,  4,  Stale  College 
Christian   Fellowship;   Lt,   ROTC. 

•loiiN  Ko,s,sKi>L  Rogers,  .In, 

Al.I'llA    (JAJIMA    IllIU 

Willianiston,   N.   C, 
1st  Cniiiii  Cninmande'r,  AFUOTC  : 
.Vriiold    .\ir    Scpiiely:    .Xgronomy 
Club,  < 'urresiiondiny   Secretary: 
Ag    cinli. 

IIaUVIOY   lilCIIARU  RuuiiioFF 

SlilMA    Al.l'HA    MU 

Hicjoklvn,  New  York 
Agromkck  2  ;  Tt'chuicUin  2  ;  ROTC 
Yearbook  2 :  Intramural  Sports : 
Treasurer,  S.\M  ;  Athlete  of  Year, 
SAM;  Publicity  Reporter,  IFC ; 
Social   Chairman,   SAM. 

CiEORGE  Ronald  Sciiofiki.d 

]..irna,  Peru 

Textiles-Quality  Control  Option 

Kkmard  Stanley  Rogers,  .1r. 
Sigma  Alpha  Ep.sii.ox 

Wilmington,  N.  C, 
Industrial  Engineerinn 
Alpha  I'i  Mu  ;  Scabbard  and  Blade  ; 
AIIK;   DMS:    Rifle   Team. 

(AR.MEN  Michael  Santoli 

South  Orange,  New  Jersey 

Industrial  Enffincerinfi 

Varsity   Raseball  ;   Varsity  Track: 

Intramural    Sports;    AIIE  ;    Dorm 

Athletic  Director  :  Monogram  club, 

Walter  Glenn  Scott,  .Ir. 
Greenville,  N.  C. 
Chemical   Enf/ineerinii 
rill    I'lta    Sigma  ;    Tau    Iteta     1*1  ; 
I'hi    Kiiiiiia    I'lil  ;    Arnold    Air    So- 
ciety;   AlClil';;     Thela    Tau;     lu- 


I'm    Epsii.ox    I'l 
Lawrence,  New  York 
riii    I'si  ;    Kapiia   Tau    Reta  ;    Tex- 
tile    FuntiH  :    Intramural    Sports; 
Ci;    AWARDS   Couimlttee;   Treas- 
urer.   *l>-n  ;    Treasurer,    Tompkins 
Textile  Council :  IFC. 

•Iack  Savage 

Council.  N.  r. 

.1  ijricultnral  Ethicatitin 

.Torn  Harold  Seats 


.Moeksville.   N.   ('. 

Duirii    Manufacturing 

A  I  p  li  a    /,  eta  :    Ititramurals  ;    Ag 

Club.  Secretary  ;   .\nimal   Industry 

Club;   Major  AFROTC. 



Ki'M  Cloniiigor,  reserved,  yet 
il  V  t  ('  r  111  i  n  V (1  ;  leafier  a  ii  il 
w  inker;  siici'i'ssfiil  in  all  lie 

Charlie  Clarexce  Sessoms,  Ju. 

Alioskie,   N.   C. 

C'iril  Eiiyinecriny 

ASCE  :  SAME;  Chi  Epsilun  : 
Tlieta  Tau  :  CI'  Music  Committee. 

Ernest  Koiin  Sherrill 

Hudson,  N.  C. 


Sigma  Tau  Si^ma  :  Kappa  Tau 
Beta  ;  Pershiug  Rifles  ;  ilouegrani 
Club  :  Tompkins  Textile  Council  ; 
Soccer;  Intramurals. 

Joseph  Avin  Simpson 
Beulaville.  N.  C. 

Agricultu ra I  Ed ucalion 
Kappa  Phi  Kappa. 

JoKKPii   Thomas   Sevier 
SKi.MA  Alpha  Kpsidjn 
Asheville,  N.  C. 
Mechanical   Eiiffiiieeriiifj 
Tau    Beta     Pi ;     Pi    Tau     Sigma  ; 
President.    Sigma   Alpha    Epsilon  ; 
Seeretar.v.  Pi  Tau  Sigma — a  quar- 
ter   I. steel). 

Lawrence   Wesi^y 
Sherrill,  Jb. 
Aslieville,  N.  C. 
Electrical  Engineering 
Distinguished     Military     Student ; 
Wolfpaek    Band ;     Symphony    Or- 
chestra ;   AIEB. 

James   Ernest  Sipes 
Troutman,    N.    C. 
Textile  VhemUstrti 
AATCC:  Phi  Psi  ;  WVWP  ;   Intra- 
mural    Sports;     I'er.shing     Rifles; 
Public    Information   Oflicer. 

JlAtjiiooL  Kami  Shaikh 



Knppa    Tau    Beta. 

William  ilAx  Sigmo.v,  Jr. 

Hickory,  N.  C. 

Mechanical   Engineering 

Theta  Tau :  Pi  Tau  Sigma ;  Phi 
Kappa  Phi;  Phi  Eta  Sigma; 

William   C'liftox   Slater,  ■ 
Kaleigh,  X.  C. 
Electrical  Engineering 
Phi    Eta    Sigma;    AIEE-IRE 


Wir.i.iA.M  Walston  Sharher 

Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

Industrial  Arts  Education 

Howard  Harry  Simon 

SiG.MA  Alpha  Mu 

Chicago,    Hliuois 


Sigma   Tau   Sigma  ;   Scabbard  and 

Blade:    IPC;    DMS  ;    WVWP;   Ai>- 

KO.MECK  ;    Intramurals  ;    President, 


Allie  JIaitland  Smith 
Sigma   Pi 
Tabor  City,  N.  C. 
Mechanical  Engineering 
I'^ngineering  Honors  Program  Stu- 
dent :  Tau  Beta  Pi ;  Pi  Tau  Sigma  : 
Iniramurals;    Sigma    Pi    Scholar- 
ship    Award;     ASME,     Executive 





Dki.ta  Kai'I'a  Krsii.oN    (UNC) 
Biltniciie,  N.  C. 
Wood    I'todiicts    Merchandising 
Secretary,    Forest    Products    Re- 
search    Society;     A.B.-U.N,C,-(48- 

I-owEi.L  Thomas  Sxkad 

Lcaksville,  N.  C. 

Civil  hhuiini'criiiii 

ClU    Kpsilon ;    ASCE:     School    ot 

Engr.     Honors     I'rogram ;     Intra- 

ninrals:    BSU. 

Jebby  Lamont  Spijvwn 

Sigma  Cm 

Burlington,  N.  C. 


Monogram   Club  ;   Track. 

Hknry  George  Smith.   Ill 
Akron,   Now   VorU 
liKhistridl  KiKiiiiniiini 
riii  Kin  Sigma;  Theta  Tau  ;  IAS; 
llcgcnt    (Jolden    Chain    4;    AIIE; 
Class    Treasurer    2;     Class    Vice- 
I'ri'.siilcut    :i  :    Vi'tville    Council    ,■!, 
."i :    Student  Lcgishilure   .". ;   Chair- 
iiinu.    .Ir.-Sr.    King    Dance    :^ ;    Di- 
1 iiir,   I''irst  CI'   Variety  Show  3. 

•  Iackie  K.   Snow 

State   Road,  N.   C. 
Ariiiciilluidl  Education 
Sealiha'rd    and    lilaiie ;    CC    Hoard 
of  Directors;   Chairman.  t'\'   Out- 
ing and   (James   Committees. 

SlOMA    Pi 

Raleigh,  X.  C. 


Treasurer,    Sigma    PI. 

\\  n.i.iAM  Mauio.n-  S.mitii 

Ktitlierfordtoii,  N.  0. 

C'lfil   Engineeriny- 

( 'onstniction  Option 


David  .Si>A.\(a.Ki! 
Winston-Saleiii,   X.   ('. 
IJIerlrU'dl   Engineerinf/ 

AIEE;  Monogram  Club;  CTI; 
Scabbard  and  Hlade  ;  Cross  Coun- 
try;  Track;    Honor  Committee  of 


Rex  Bailey  Sprincs.ston 

Luminorsville,  West  Virginia 

.1  griciiltuial  Engineering 

ASAE,   President  4. 

Connie  ,S.\had 

Ro.\l)oro,  X.  C. 


Delia     Kappa    Phi;    S.    F. 

Tompkins  Textile  Council; 

Delia    Kappa    I'bi. 

Club  ; 


(idllllON-     ECGE.NE    Si'At'OII 

Spray,  X.  C. 

CiiHI  Engineeriiifi 

ASCE;    Chi    Epsllon  ;     Scln.ol    of 

Engr.  Honors  Program  ;  .Moravian 

Church    Student    Representative. 

])().\AI.1>  .Jacksox    Stai)I-er 

Reidsville,  X.  C. 



Kildie  West.  let  c-icilit  go 
wliiMC  credit  i^  iliii':  lie  is 
kiiiiwi]  ^iiiil  liked  liy  all; 
Stat<'  (  iilli'^v  iiiav  \<c  |ii(,u.l. 

W'yatt  Hichabd  Stalli.nus 

Pinetops,  N.   C. 

Jiidiish-ial  Arts  Education 

Kappa  Phi  Kappa. 

•James  ilrsTiAX   Stewart,  Jr. 

XoiHna,  X.  C. 


Benjajiix  B0.SW00D  Tavlor 

Maple,  jSr.  C. 



ilKMiv  \an.n  Stanfield 

Brown  Summit,  X.  C. 

Mrcliaiiical    Eniiiiicci iiiij 

IniiiiiiiiiraLs  :    .\SME. 

Daviii  Lewis  Strider 

I'lat  Rock,  X.  C. 


hi  :    Horticulture 

Phi    Kapiia 

Bernard  Harold  Taylor,  Jr. 
I,.\.Miii).v    C'Hi    Alpha 
Koc'ky  Jlount,  N.  C. 

Industrial  Engineeriiig 

.\  1 1  E  :    Intramurals;    Fraternity 

W'lLLiA.M   David  Stato.v 

Pi  Kappa   Alpha 

Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Civil  Engineering 

Intramural   Sports  :  .\SCE  :  Squad- 
ron  Commanfler.  .\KUOT(_'. 

John  Cai.hou.n  Stuart,  Jr. 

Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 

Tan  Beta  IM  :  Phi  Eta  Sigma : 
Eta  Kappa  Nu  ;  Pershing  Rifles ; 
AIBE-IKE  ;  IDC  ;  Engineers  Coun- 
cil ;    IDC,    Vice-President. 


Cliarlotte,  X'.  C. 
Elect rica I  Eng in eering 
AIEE:  Baptist  Student  Union. 

li.AV.MOM)  IUdso.n  Stevens 
Raleigh.  X.  C. 
Electrical  Engineering 
Phi    Eta    Sigma :    Eta    Kappa    Nu. 
President:     Tau     Hoin     Pi;     Blue 
Key;    AIEE-IIIE.    Vice    Chairman 

JAME.S  Alexander  Sutherland 
Kappa    Alpha 

Statesvillc,   X.   C. 
Furniture  ifanufacttm-ing 

and   Management 
President,    Kappa    Alpha;    Furni- 
ture   Club. 

Samuel  Ve.stal  Taylor 

Wliite  Plains.  X.   C. 
Agricultural  Economics 





William  Jamks  ISryant 


llamli-t,  N.  C. 


Delta  Kappa  Phi. 

William  .Smith  Thompson 

Uoldslioro,   N.   C. 

Auricultural  Engineering 

Prpsident.  ASAE  :  National  Presi- 
dent. ASAE. 

AusBY  Trekce,  .Jr. 

Allteniarlo,   N.    C. 


Scabbard  and  Blade  ;  IDC  ;  ASCE. 

.John  Charles  Thomas 

Sir, MA  Chi 

Fninklin,  N.  C. 

Chemical   Engineering 

Football  1,  2;  AIChE ;  Cadet 
-Major  ROTC. 

Lawrente  Alan  Tippett 

i:nl..i<.'li,  N.  C. 

Mechanical   Engineering 

ASME  ;  APO  ;  Wesley  Foundation. 

Benjamin  Eiley  Tripp 

Ayden,  N.  C. 
Electrical  Engineering 

Eta  Kappa  Nu ;  AIEE :  lUE ; 
IDC;  Tail  liota  Pi;  Vice-Presi- 
dent, Fourth  Dorm. 

LoXNiE  Meredith    Thomas 

.Sanf(H-d,  N.  (_'. 


AFItOTC:     .\rnold     Air     Society; 

Agronomy    Club:     SCS    Student 


■Ia.mes  Herbert  Todp,  .Tk. 
Pi   Kappa   Alpha 
KaleiKh.  X.  C. 
Mvrhanicnl   Enginrcring- 
Arronaiitical  Option 
Phi    Eta    Sigma ;    Program    Chair- 
man.  IAS. 

W.vrnek  Lloyd  Thrower 

Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 
fndimtritil  Arts  Education 
Kappa  Phi  Kappa  ;  Industrial  Arts 
Club  ;    Intrnmurals. 

William   IIich   Tho.mpson- 

SimiA    Phi    Er.sii.uN 

Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Geological  Engineering 

Rockbound    Club;     Scabbiird    and 
made  :   Engineers  Council. 

Lewis  Charlie  Toney 

Mooresboro,  N.  C. 

Chemical  Engineering 


OuN   C/VRlyle  Trull 

Monroe,  N.  C. 

.1  gricitl turu I  Engineerin g 

.\S.VE  :    Vice-President,  Dorm  ; 
HSU;    Ag   Club;    IDC. 


sill  Hiiley.  gfiitlcman  ollicor, 
versatile  and  distinguished : 
a    friend    indeed. 

■Ton -NX Y  Gordon   Tucker 

Jlonroe,  N.  C. 

M echanical   Engineering 


SOBASITir   Vacharotayan 

Bangkook,  Tliailand 


Agronomy    Club;    Cosmopoliiau 

Keith   Eugene  Verble 

Morrisville,  K.   C. 

il echanical  Engineering- 

Aeronaiitical  Option 

Pi  Tau  Siffma ;  Theta  Tau  ;  Tau 
Beta  Pi:  I'lii  Kappa  Phi:  IAS. 
Secretary ;    Veterans    Association. 

Li.oYD  Chester  Turner 

Elizabeth  City,  K.  C. 

Electrical  Engineering 

Eta  Kappa  Nu  :  Tau  Beta  Pi. 

John  Thomas  Vaden 
Francisco.  X.  C. 

Chemical  Engineering 
Theta    Tau:    Phi   "Kappa    Pbi: 

Columbus  Edwin  Vick.  -Jr. 
.Jacksonville.  Florida 
Civil  Engineering 
Chi    Epsilon.    Vice-President :    Plii 
Eta  Sigma  :   Scabbard  and  Blade  : 
ASCE  ;  Engineers  Council  :  YMCA 
Cabinet :    BSU :    IMii    Kappa    Plii 
Award  :  Co-Cbairman.  CE  Exbibit 
in   Engr.  Fair ;   Most  Outstanding 
Sophomore    in    CE    Award :    Cadet 
Major,  ROTC. 

.Tack  Donald  Turney 

Kappa    Sn;.MA 

Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Industrial  and  Rural  Recreation 
Baseball.  Co-Captain:  Athletic 
<  'ouncil ;  Vice-President,  Monogram 

John  -James  Vargo.  Jr. 

Charlotte,  N.  C. 
Mcchan ical   Engineering 

Stanley  Blanton  Walker 

Ellenboro,  X.  C. 

Civil  Engineering 

Scabbard  and  Blade  :  Wesley  Fmni- 

dation  ;   Lt.   EOTC  :   ASCE.' 

George  Philmore  Upton.  Jr. 
Randleman,  N.  C. 
Animal  Industry 

Andrew  Charles  Vastano 

Winston-Salem,  N.   C. 

Xuclear  Engineering 

Theta  Tau;  Scabbard  and  Blade; 
.MP;  Newman  Club;  Engineers' 


Statesville,  N.  C. 
Industrial  Engineering 






Joseph   Kai.i'ii  Waimrk.   lit. 

Cimcoril,  N.  t'. 

Civil  Enyinecring 

Pershing     Rifles ;     Scaliluird     and 
Blade  ;  ASCE  ;  DMS. 

1'"red  Smith  Wiiisknhunt 

Newton,  N.  C. 

Chemical  Engineering 

Secretary,  AICliE. 

(  M  AHi.E.s  Thaddel's  Wkatiikhi.y 


Greensboro,   X.   ('. 
Dairy  M  ami  fart  ii  ring 

Jimmy  Alfred  Whisnant 

Hiekory,  N.  C. 

Chemical   Engineering 

Arnold    Air    Society:    AICliIO 
VMCA;    Cf ;    Intramural    Spiirls 

James  E'rxest  WEnn,  Jit. 

Swannanoa,  N.  C. 

Forest   Management 

Alpha   Zeta ;   Forestry   Chili;    Stu- 
dent  Government.  AloDi.i.N   White 

Coleraiii,   N.   C. 

Ciril    Eiigincrring 

Si-al>li.-ir(l    .iTid    I'.ladr  ;    ASCI-;. 

Teiomas  Henuv  W  i:iu.  -In. 

Cliarlotte,  N.  C. 

Furniture  Manufacturing 

ami  Management 

l''urnituro  Cluh  :  Forestry  Pro- 
ilnets  Research  Society.  Vice-  Pres- 

S.  B.  White,  Jr. 

Union  Grove,  N.  C. 


Wir.EY  Jackson  Wiirn; 

Tryoti,  N.   C. 

M(rliiinical   Engineering 


Claude  Linwood  Wiiiti  ii:i  n 

Snow  Hill,  N.  C. 

Civil   Engineering 


W  ii.i.iAM  UiDi.EY  Whitley 

I'inetops,  N.   C. 

It'uial   lleereation 

Kiipiia    I'hi    I-Capjia  :    Monogram 
Cliili;    Baseliall. 

SlD.NKY    Al.IKKP    WlKK 

Lenoir,  N.  C. 


Joe  Hatclier,  the  gontleman 
sinrere,  alioundiiig  in  energy 
niid    ability;     a    quality    of 

chavni'tcr  to  lie  rcmrinlinrcfl. 

JoHx  Francis  Wiles 
Asheboro,   X.    C. 

IndiistrMi  Engineering 
Theta  Tail ;  Thirty -and- Throe  : 
President.  Blue  Key  ;  AIIE  ; 
Soittheni  Kutjineer ;  Student  Gov- 
ernment ;  Chairman.  Investigat- 
ions Committee  ;  Engineers  Coun- 

James   Franklin   Williams 

Alpha    Gamsh    Rho 

Autryville,  X.  C. 

Agricnitural  Education 

Kappa  Phi  Kappa. 

Leonard  Alfred  Willso.v,  Jb. 
Kapp.\    Sigm.\ 
Raleigh.  N.  C. 
Median  ical  Engineering 
Uotkhound  Society  ;  ASME  ;  Engi- 
neers Council. 

.Iames   Harvey   Wilkie 

Hutherfordton,  X.  C. 
Iiidustrial  Engineering 

AIIE:     Vetville    Council;     Photo- 
graphy CUil). 

Robert  Marshall 
Williams,   Jr. 

Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Civil  Engineering 
Phi   Delta   Theta 

Benjamin  Charles  Wilson 

Newton,  N.  C. 

Heating   and   Air   Conditioning 

ASIIAE  :    IDC;     Scahhard    aud 
ISlade  ;   Wrestling. 

Hyron   Lee  Williams 

SicijiA  Chi 

Lublock,   Texas 

I  lid  list  rial  Engineering 

.VllE:    Intramurals;    Class   Treas- 
urer ;> ;   Student  Government. 

WiLLiA^t  Rraxton"  Williams 

Wade,  N.  C. 

Agricultural  Education 

Ag  Education  Club ;   Ag  Cluli. 

(Jr.iFTON  Lawrence  Wilsox 

Lenoir,  X.  C. 

Forest  Management 

Forestry    Club. 

Herbert  Herrox  Williams,  Jr. 

Maxton,  X^.  c. 

Industrial  Engineering 

.John  Farris  Williamson,  Jr. 

Kappa  Alpha 

Wadesboro,  X.  C. 

Beaux-Arts:    AIA  ;    ASCE. 

Eddie  Kay  Wilson 
Columbus,  X.  C. 

Agricultural  Education 





Joseph  Kay.\ioxi>  Wilsox,  .In. 
Sic; MA    Nf 
Salislniiy,  X.  0-. 
Civil  Eiuiineeriny- 
Con.strurtioii    (tplit)ii 
ASCE  :   Intr.iiminils. 
Eduar  Smith  Wooi.ard,  .Ik. 
Pi  KArr.\  Alpha 
Washiiifiton,  N.  C. 
Industritil  EiifiiDeniiifi 
Phi    Eta    Sigma;    Alplia    Pi    Mii  : 
Tau   Rpta   Pi :    I'lii   Kappa   Plii. 
I'Cdwin  Lovku.  Yancey 
ilcbaiie,  X.  C. 
liiimal    Indiistry 
Alplia    Zola:   Goldi-u   Chain;   liluo 
Key;    Co-Kditor,    Mint    and    Milk 
4  ;   Student   (Joveniment   r!.   Secre- 
tary 4  ;  Ag  t'lul) ;  Auiniai  Industry 
Ciub ;    \Ve.sley    Foundatiou ;    Con- 
solidated University  Student;  Coun- 

.lllIlNNV    Kl.I    Wl.NSTON 

.ToiiN   C'ARl.o.s   Wood 

Ciiarle.s  KnwARD  Wooimi. 

lialeigh,  X.  C. 

Haycsville,   X.   C. 

Smitlifield,  X.  C. 

Atiimal  Industry 

:\  t/rononi  1/ 


Ag   Club;    Animal    Industry    < 


Cadet    1st   I.t.  AFROTC. 

Secretary-Treasurer.    Blue    Kev; 
AIA;     Colden     Chain:     Collesiate 
411    Cluh  ;    Judicial    Board    3.    4. 

Francis  Prience  Wright,  .Ik. 

Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Mcchnnicdl  Engiiiecriiif/- 

Ariunautical  Option 

Arnold    Air    Society;    Tennis: 

Charles   Fkkdkkk  k  Wit.f. 
Wasliin<;ton.    X.    C 
l-Ucctrical  Engineering 
Tlieta  Tau;   AIEEIRE. 


.Ia.mks  Wiu,iam  York 
.Mt.  Aiiy.  X.   ('. 
Aninifil    liidustri/ 

Thomas  Au.e.v    Vork 


Hi>iig  Kong 


Delta     Kappa     I*hi  ;     Kappa 


(iiccnsboro.  X.  C. 

Kltetrieal  Enyitieeriny 

\y \- \V P    a  :    Ticlin ician    Staff; 
.\IEE;  IIX"  :!.  4;  Secretary,  Alex- 
.vndcr    Iicirri!    :i ;    Uorm    Vice-Presi- 
dent 4. 

ClIAKl.K--     KolllKl     ZkCGNKR 

Skylanil,   X.   C. 

Electrical  Enginecrinii 

Mu   Beta   Psi,  Treasurer  4  ;   Wolf- 
pack    Hand    1-4;    President,    West- 
minister   fellowship    4  ;    AIEE. 


Cavl  Ipoek,  the  ever  huinlilo 
and  conscientious  follow  tluit 
never  misses  sinilin<;  at  yon, 
or   savin"    licllo. 

Robert  1'.  Burns.  Jr. 

Roxboro,  X.  C. 

Architect  lire 


George  Edwix  Powell 

Hentlersonville,  N.  C. 

Af/ricultiirnl   Education 

.Vrnold  Air  Sociot.r  :  FFA  ;  YMCA 
Caliini't  :  Fuotliall  1. 

Harry  EnwARii  Epp.s 
Wilson.  N.  C. 

I' II  nil  I  lire  ilanujactiiring 

anil    iluniiiiement 

Tail     beta    Vi :    Furniture    Cluli ; 
t'ompanion  of  St.  Patriel?  :   AIIE. 

Kenneth  Williaji  Prodo 
East  Rockaway,  New  York 
Delta    Sigma   Plii,  Treasurer:    I'lii 
I'si  :     Tij-tilr    l-'nnim  :    Varsily 
Swimming    1-4:    Monugvam    Clnli: 
I.ntlieran   Student  Association. 
Stewanlsliip   Cliairman. 

XOR.MAX    Leo    Zl.\tMERMA.N 

High  Point,  N.  C. 



ilAX    lUA    Lovi) 
Statesville.   X.    C. 
Dairii  il  a  II II  j  act  II I  ill  ft 
.\lpba  Zeta  :   Phi  Kappa  Phi  :   Plii 
Eta  Sigma  :  Dair.v  Products  .Judg- 
ing   Team  :    President.    Ag    Club  ; 
Program    Chairman    Ag    School 
Day  :   Treasurer.  Animal   Industr.v 
Cli'ib :     High     School     Day     Com- 

William  Francis 

Wilmington.   X.    C. 

Electrical  Eti'iiiieerinii 
P.loe  Key:  Eta  Kappa   Nn  ;  AIEE- 
11!E.    Cliairman    .Tuiiif     Sindent 
I'.rancli :  Newman  Cliil)  :  Engineers 

.IaJIES    K.    ZAIJiSKI 

Chicago,    Illinois 

Electrical  Eiigineerinij 

Chairman.     Advisory     Board     for 

Guy  Arnold  Myers 
Winston-Salem,  X.   C. 

Mechanical  Engineering 

.John  Robert  Zubaty 

Blairsville,  Pennsylvania 

Indiistriiil-Technical    Option 

Intercollegiate  Football.  1-4;  3 
Year  I.ettermaa  :  Monogram  Clnb  ; 
Industrial  Arts  Club. 

The    Southern    Engineer; 
Engineers   Council. 





Hugh  Lindsley 
Preside  lit 

Douglas  Gunnell 
Vice  Pre-fiilenl 

DoxALO  Denton 


Roger  Hill 





Onega  Clark  Abboot Henderson,  N.  C. 

.leiTV  Mack  Absher Northwilksboro,  N.  C. 

Stanford  ilorgan  Adams Four  Oaks,  N.  C. 

Francis  Marion   Alcorn Raleigh,  N.  C. 

A.  Turkey  AI-Doon- Baghdad.  Iraq 

Kenneth  Baird  Alexander.. ..Wilmington.  N.  C. 

A.  I{.  Ghead  Al-Hadithy Hachitha.  Iraq 

Larry  Douglas  Almond Albemarle.  X.  ('. 

.Michael  Slainiaii  Alsimaani Haleigb.  \.  C. 

Amir  A-Hussiau  Al-Talibi Omarah.  Ira(| 

Jafar  Mehdi  Al-AVaily Xunianiia.  Iraq 

Justus  Murry  Ammons Mars  Hill.  N.  C. 

Thomas  Oliver  Anderson Durham,  N.  C. 

W'illier  Elmo  Anderson Tarboro,  N.  C. 

Muhammad  Salim  Anwar Stem,  N.  C. 

Edward  Dean  Armit Turtle  Creek,  N.  C. 

.lolin   Dwight  Arjiold Lexington.  N.  C. 

.lames  Edward  Arriugton Waynesville,  N.  C. 

Wallace  Terrell  Atkins High  Point.  N.  C. 

William  Arthur  Atkinson Jonesville,  N.  C. 

llaliz  Muhaniniad  Ayyub West  Pakistan 

.lohn  Barchiesi Greenslnirg.  Penna. 

Billy  Gray  Bass Thomasville.  N.  C. 

James  Speight  Batts Sharpsburg,  N,  C. 

Ivirl  Stewart   liaxter Russellton.  Pa. 

Shamoon  Isa  Bekou Mangaish,  Iraq 

James  Calvin  Belote Raleigh,  N.  C. 

James  Dorch  Belote Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

liichard  iloore  ]ieam Shelby,  N.  C. 

Joel  Conyers  Bennett Hamlet,  N.  C. 

Robert  Merrill  Bennett Weaversville,  N.  C. 

David  Saul  Bernzweig Brooklyn.  N.  Y. 


William   Evorctt   Bill in,u-.s ley Ilainlet,  N.  ('. 

Lawrence  Lvnii  Bissett Wilson.  X.  ('. 

David  Harrison  Blaek Roekinghani,  N.  ('. 

TIenrv  Eugene  Blair Raleigli.   N.  C 

Harry   Anderson   Blount Raleigh,   N.  C. 

Lany  Charles  Bostain Conover,  X.  0. 

Pierre  Mauriee  Boulogne Raleigh.  X.  C. 

James  Klmer  Boyd Xew  Bern,  X.C. 

Mitchell  Detroy  Brackett Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Paul  Gyles  Braxton Siler  City,  X.  C. 

Marvin  McCahe  Breeze Durham.  X.  C. 

Charles  Oscar  Bridger Bhidenhoro.  X.  C. 

David   Harold  Briles Asheboro.  X.  C. 

Claude  Franklin  Brinkley Mt.   Airy,  N.  C. 

Gordon  Mathews  Britt Raleigh,  X.C. 

John  Albert  Broekwell Raleigh.  X.  C. 

James  Oliver  Brooks Brevard.  X.  C. 

Richard  Joyner  Brooks Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Samuel  Xeal  Broome Cliarlotte,  X.  C. 

Billy  Harold  Brown Micor,  X.  C. 

Ell)ert  Gordon  Brown Charlotte,  X.  C. 

John  Wister  Brown Gastonia,  X.  C. 

Reece  Edward  Brown Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Robert  Vance  Brown Zebulon.  X.  C. 

Roger  Dan  Brown Gastonia,  X.  C. 

.Steve  Kelly  Brown Heudersonville,  X.  C. 

William  Edward  Brown "Wilmington,  X.  C. 

William   Eddie   Bryan,   Jr Bladenboro,  X.  C. 

John  Burts   Bryant Stedman,   X.  C. 

Harold  Wade  Buchanan Stem,  Fla. 

Larry  Scott  Butf Xewton,  X.  C. 

William  Bennett  Bullock, 

Roanoke  Rapids.  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  7 



Jackie  Burgess Huntersville,  N.  C. 

James  Lee  Burney Clarkton,  N.  C. 

John  Steele  Burns Newton  Highlands,  Mass. 

Koliert  Pascal  Burns Roxboro,  N.  C. 

Walter  Cornelius  Cagle Greeiislioro,  N.  C. 

llcnrv  Lee  Campbell Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Ja.k  Wayne  Carlyle Holly  Ridge,  N.  C. 

K'dhcrt   Hex  ('avj)enter Peacliland.  X.  C. 

Ilar\cy  Clarke  Carroll llandet,  \.  C. 

(Jary  Jackson  Casey Dudley,  N.  C. 

Cliai'les   Kdward   Caudill. 

(Ilendale   Springs,  X.  C. 

(leorge   K\iTett  Caudle li'icliHelil.  X.  C. 

Jessee  Cliapjiell.  Jr Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Ned  Oliver  Chapman Morganton,  N.  C. 

James  Hamlin  Cheatham.  Jr.,  Smithfield,  N.  C. 
na\id  Tli()ni|ison  Church Stuart,  Va. 

.John   Edward   Clark Sanford,  N.  C. 

I.'dliert   Woolard   Clark Everetts.   N.  C. 

Donald    Henry  Clarke Grimesland.  N.  C. 

Ificlianl    William    Climo Brooklyn,   N.  Y. 

Otis  Earl  Cobb Reidsville,  N,  C. 

William  Vsiw]  Cochran Concord,  N.  C. 

Kinil   Colin,  .Ir I'liiladeljiliia,  Pa. 

Marilyn  h'.velyii  Collins Durham.  X.  t'. 

Preston  Andrew  Collins Maysville,  N.  C. 

Archie  Wallace  Copeland Raleigh,  N.  C. 

John  Wesley  Copeland Durham,  N.  C. 

Frank  Minges  Cothran Salishuiy.  N.  C. 

Leonard  Wayne  Gotten Pittsboro,  N.  C. 

.lohn  Wesley  Cowand,  Jr Windsor,  N.  C. 

Kenneth  Wesley  Cowans Charlotte,  N.  C. 

.I.ilm   Kdward   Cox Brevard.  N.  G. 


Billy  lloyle  Craver I!alei.-h.  X.  ('. 

Lewis  Walker  Cress Coiicoril,  X.  C. 

Ronald  Warren  Crow Ix'xinfrton.  X.  C. 

Willis  Ison   Crunipler,  .Jr Watlia.   X.  C. 

Kennetii  Jlyron  l)ai)er ilt.  Airy.  X.  C. 

Abban  Kariu  Daoiul 15af;hdad,  Iraq 

TIanna  Xouri  Daoud llosiil.  Iraq 

John  Harry  Daskal Fayetteville.  X.  C. 

Ht'iuiit'  Hurtoii  Daxis Ii'aleigli,  X.  C. 

Conrad  Alvin  Davis Leaksville.  X.  C. 

Ceue  Carroll  Davis Gastouia,  X.  C. 

James  Robert  Davis Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Thomas  Safrit  Davis Cliffside,  X.  C. 

Young  Steele  Davis.  Jr Statesville,  N.  C. 

J.  Godfrey  Daye Concord,  X.  C. 

Perry  Lee  Deal Landis.  X.  C. 

Robert  Burnell  Deal Hickory.  X.  C. 

John  Barclay  DeCoiirsey Cliarlotte,  X.  C. 

Emerson  Bernard  Deese.  .Ir ilonroe,  X.  C. 

August  Albert  Dellertogh Lemont,  111. 

ilelvin  James  Deiteh Chattanooga.  Teuu. 

James  William  Dempsey Wintcrville.  X.  C. 

Donald  Lee  Denton Morganton.  X.  C. 

Darrell  Charles  Dess Xew  Ca.stle,  Pa. 

Richard  Erdman  Diggs Xorfolk.   \'a. 

Victor  Gerald  Dowless Acme,  X.  C. 

David  Humphrey  Dillard,  Jr Sylva,  N.  C. 

James  Archie  Driggers Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

Charles  Edward  Dusenbury.  Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Alex   McEachern   Efird Wilmington,   N.  C. 

Jonatham  Barnes  EUis Stantonburg,  N.  C. 

James  Thurman  Emery Raleigh,  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  7 




.liir    Braniluu   Einury Aslicville,   N.  C. 

.Idlm  Albert  EmoiT Asheville,  N.  C. 

Frank  Watson  English Marion,  N.  C. 

Janips  Kay  Ernst Bluefield.  W.  Vn. 

I  lamp   Krwin Morgantoii.  X.  ('. 

.lose  .loaqiiin   Escol)ar Colonihia.  S.  A. 

Karl  Calilwvll  Faggert Rockwell.  -\.  ('. 

Winlii'lil    Harrison   Farthing Hoimc.  N.  ('. 

^^'illianl  .Ti'iinings  Ft'inister. 

Inioii  (ii-(i\('.  N.  (_'. 

hdiialil   ilughey  Fetner.... Durham.  N".  C. 

Ilariilil    MotKtt   Flanagan Farniville.  N.  C. 

William  Pete  Franklin Kaleigh,  N.  C. 

.Idlm  Lee  Freeman llendersonville,  X.  C. 

Ivlwani  William  Friddle Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Donald    Clinton    Frink Charlotte.   N.  C. 

William     Franklin     Funderburlt. 

Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Ii'diiald   Andic  (lall New  Castle,  Pa. 

William  I'eter  (Jarrahrant.... Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Colleen   Buff   (Jarrison Lineolnton.   N.  C. 

\'iitor  lleiliiM't  (iarron Valdese.  \.  C. 

liolil.y  K'ay  Gay Kitrell,  N.  C. 

.lames  Patterson  Gibson Laurel  Hill,  N.  C. 

I(al|ib   Mai-ion   Gibson Laurinburg.  N.  C. 

.lames   Dabnrv  (iiUiaiii Kockv  Mount.  X.('. 

loilicrl  Trevy  (Jladwell Raleigh.  N.  C. 

(  V'cil  Conway  (ioode.  dr.,  IJoiling  Springs,  N.  C. 

•  lames  William  (hn'c Tabor  City.  N.  C. 

Wavniii'    Marl   Gougb Winston-Salem.   X.  C. 

i^eonard    Mann    Gould Xewport.  X'.  C. 

Tliomas  .\rthur  (iraee Asheville.  X'^.  G. 

Howard  Stall'onl  Gray Kernersville.  N.  C. 

('laiidc    Kuiicni'    Green.... Winston-Salem.  X^.  C. 


Jolin  liandolph  Green Tarboro,  N.  C. 

(Joorge  Donald  Greene Shelby,  N.  ('. 

Wilbur  Kent  Greer Old  Fort,  N.  C. 

Donald  DeArmon  Grey Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Edward  Vance  Griffin,  Jr Xashville,  N.  C. 

Albert  John  Grunfeld Scranton.  Pa. 

Mehniet  Irian  Guner Fongouldak.  Turkey 

Douglas  Leroy  Gunnell Portsmouth.  Va. 

Creighton  Lee  Gupton Gastalia,  N.  C. 

Edward  Dewitt  Gurley Bostic,  N.  C. 

Lawrence  Ray  Gurley Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Don  Hill  Gwynn Henderson.  N.  C. 

Kainal  Mustafa  Habib Ililla.  L-aq 

Gerald  Epps  Hagler Belmont,  N.  C. 

Eouald  Eugene  Hailey Wilmington,  X,  C, 

Ghazi  Ismail  Hamad Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Davey   Gray   llanipton.... Winston-Salem.   X.  C. 

Joe  Webb  Hamrick Chimney  Rock.  X.  C. 

Billy  Maurice  Haney Canton.  X.  C. 

Joseph  Donald  Haney Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Charles  Willard  Hannah Clyde,  X.  C. 

Richard  Herbert  Hapward Bloumfield,  X.  J. 

Jerry  Warren  Hardesty.... Elizabeth  City,  X.  C. 
John  Blackwell  Hardy.  Jr Durham,  X.  C. 

Carroll   David   Harris Asheville,  X.  C. 

Albert  Stuart  Hart High  Point,  X.  C. 

Robert  Paul  Hastings Lawndale.  X.  C. 

George  Glenn  Hatch Mt.  Olive,  X.  C. 

ilarion  Arnold  Hawkins Sandy  Ridge,  X.  C. 

Thomas  Bulluek  Hawkins.  .Tr.. 

\\'ilmington,  X.  C. 

Charles  Henry  Haynes Avondale,  X.  C. 

Donald  Oslxjrne  Heafner Belmont,  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  7 

^.».*i..    ^ 



Otis  Haywood  Henderson C'luulotte.  X.  C. 

Allen  John  Henery Merrick,  N.  Y. 

WilliMHi   Henry  Herring Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Terry  Lee  Hershey Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Roger  Post  Hill Pink  Hill.  X.  C. 

David  Elliott  Hipp.  Jr Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Byron  Rankin  Hodgin.... Guilford  College,  X.  ('. 
Emanuel  Kenneth  Hoffman Gold  Hill,  N.  ('. 

Clillonl    Wilsdii    II(d,lsela\v. 

SherrilLs  Ford,  N.  C. 

.\lni(Mi  OrJaiid   lldlland Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Rohert   Douglass  Holmes Henderson.  N.  C. 

Leonard  Clyde  Hoots Hendersonville.  N.  C. 

Arthur  Leon  Howard.  Jr Raleigh.  X.  C. 

William   lidward  Howard Kannapolis,  N.  (L 

Mcivin   Edgar  Howell Tyner,  N.  C. 

Bob  Lynwood  Hubbard Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Donald    Elmer    Hudson Zireonia.  N.  C. 

Larry   Bruce  Hudson Maiden,  N.  C. 

Rohert  Reeves  Hyatt Bryson  City.  N.  C. 

Charles  Thomas  Isoni Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Cliarles  Allium  .(aekson Benson,  N.  C. 

Lewis  Clark  Jackson Cramerton,  N.  C. 

Thomas  (teorge  James Graham.  N.  C. 

Rail   Ja\  id Teheran.    Iran 

liiiliai'il    Frederick   Jessup, 

Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

i.'obcrt  Elmer  Jobe Elm  City,  N.  C. 

Charles  Artiiur  Johnson Asheville.  X.  C. 

James  Vinson  .lolinson.  Jr Kenly.  N.  C. 

.lohii   Oliver  Johnson Jacksonville,  N.  C. 

Mack  McGuire  Johnson Four  Oaks,  N.  C. 

.Toe  Walters  Jones Hickory,  N.  C. 

William   Giles  Jones Pine  Hall,  N.  C. 

Ificliiii'il  Cliarii's  .Ionian, 

( 'aiiiliria   Ih'ijilits.  X.  Y. 

William    Micliael  .l(iyc('....\\'iiist(>n-Sal('iii.  N.  C. 

Karl   Otto    Kaehhcrling Lciioir.  N.C. 

Bert   Maxwell    Kalet Winston-Saleiii.  N.C. 

Joseph  William  Kaplierr rreediiKior.  N.  0. 

William   Harry   Keller.  .Ir.. 

('(iriiitli-lldlilers.  N.  C. 

Jaek  Stewart  Kelley lA),uaii.  \\'.  Va. 

I'atoii  Holmes  Kelley Wallace,  N.  ('. 

liichard   Peatross   Kelley Germaiitmi,   .\.  ('. 

David   Harris  Kersey Greensboro,  N.C. 

James  Edward  Key Mt.  Airy,  N.C. 

William  Edward   Kiker Monroe,  N.  C. 

lionald  David  Kiueaid  ...Kings  Mountain.  N.  C. 

Cecil  Dillard  Kirhy.  .Ir Dunn,  N.C. 

Fred  William  Kiser Kings  Mountain,  N.  C. 

William  Edward  Knighten Asheville,  N.  C. 

Jane  Asl)ill  Land York,  S.  C. 

John  Haywood  Lane.  Jr Stantoiisliurg,  N.  C. 

Kilby  Chesley  Lanier Chinquajiin.  N.  C. 

John  Paul  Langley Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Otha  Gene  Langley Pocky    Mount.   N.  C. 

George  Terrell  Lathro]> Asheville.  N.  C. 

Charles  James  Law.  Jr Pelham,  N.  C. 

William  Dennis  Lawing,  Jr Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Hal  Thomas   Leach Statesville.  N.  C. 

James  Marion  Lee.  Jr Baltimore,  Md. 

Ashley  Gray  Leggett,  Jr Washington.  D.  C. 

Sanford   L.   Levine Brooklyn.   N.  Y. 

Donald  Turner  Li(len....Rockville  Centre.  N.  Y''. 
Hugh   Paudolph   Lindsley....Williamston.  N.  C. 

Donald  Gray  Lloyd Fayetteville.  N.C. 

Wilhur    L.    Lockrow Hickory.    N.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  7 


.laiiirs  Clevehuul  Long Ga.stonia,  N.  C. 

l{i)l)i'rt  Clinton  Lowery Richfield,  N.  C. 

I'luficiie  Isley  Lowry Kingsjiort.  Tcnn. 

l\oy   Leon   Luckenbach....Winston-Saleni,  N.C. 

Fred  Allen  Miinguni.  Jr Zebulon.  N.C. 

Henry  Scott  .Martin Boonville,  N.C. 

William  MeAulay  Martin Wadesville.  N.C. 

Keitli  Stewart   Ma.son Xewjiort.  N.  C. 

Michael  Anderson  ^lason.  .7r..  Beaufort,  N.  C. 

^[or.uan  Turlington  Massey Charlotte,  N.  (". 

Kenneth   ^'ance  ^Litthew.«....Kernei'sville.  N.  ('. 
Oscar   I'.enton   Maxwell.  Jr Kaetord.  N.C. 

.lames  Iluliert   Medlin.  .Ir Wilmington.  N.C. 

William  Thomas  Meeks Raleigh.  N.  C. 

George  John  Meyer,  Jr Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Ernest  Theron  Miller.  Jr Hickory,  N.  C. 

Josepli  Thomas  iLller Warrens\ille,  N.  C. 

Michael  Josejih  Miller Allentown,  Pa. 

Thomas  Dalton  Jliller Mooresville,  X.  C. 

Cvuv  Anderson  Mills Watlia,  N.C. 

James    Ivlwiri    Mitchell Louisburg,   N.C. 

Atalla  Said  ilohammed Kirkuk,  Iraq 

(Ilaude  Early  ilonsees Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Bobby  Lewis  Montague Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Maliolm  High  Montgomery Semora,  N.C. 

Xatlianiel  Henry  Moore.  .Ir..  Washington.  N.  C. 

Thomas  Monioe  Moore Four  Oaks,  N.  C. 

James  Alviu  Morgan Asheville,  N.  C. 

Ii'dderick  llai'voy  Morris Maxton.  X.  C. 

Iioger    jjidioy   Morrow Burlington,   N.  C. 

h'icliard   Karl  Moser Asheville,  N.C. 

Walter  Lee  Moss Rutherl'ordton,  N.C. 


|)(ir(itliv    hurillc    Mdiii't'iUi Currituck.    X.  C. 

William    Drll    Mc.xlev.  .Ir K'alci-li.  X.C. 

KiiliiTt    Fi'aiiris  .Mo:'.ur Kalt'i^li,  N.C. 

. hilar  lladi   Muhjn Dirvaniuali.  Iraq 

Xirhnlas   F.   Mussai-k Halifax.  N.C 

AUiMi   Frazicr  .Myers Badin.  N.  C 

I'aul  Tiltoii  Myers Hoffman,  N.  C 

Jiminie  Dean  Mvrick Star,  N.  C 

lioliert  .Michael  .Mi.Vilam.^ Hurliu.utdii.  X.C. 

Hobert  Lee  JliCJuire Brevard.  N.  C. 

.Terry  Allen  Melntosli New  Bern.  N.  C. 

Kenneth  Loekworth  ^IcKinney. 

(treenshoro.   N.  C. 

Tolley    Burnett    .MeLaughlin....A.shel)oro.   N.  C. 

Charles   Mitchell   Nance Greensboro,   N.  C. 

.\\vis  X.  A.  Xaouni Iraq 

Howard  Edward  Xeels t4reensboro.  N.  C. 

Hubert  Edward  X^elson.  Jr (Jreensboro,  N.C. 

Roy  Rockwood  Xewton.... Southern  Pines,  N.  C. 

Carmine  Franklin  Xocholas Concord,  N.  C. 

James  Martin  Nolan Shannon,  N.  C. 

Charles  Rexford  Xorris Wallace.  N.C. 

Charlie  Ray  Norton High  Lands,  N.  C. 

(Henn  David  Norvell Asheville,  N.  C. 

Ronald  George  Norwood Ealeigh,  N.  C. 

N'iucent    Thomas    Xo\ak....Kenosha,    Wisconsin 
Edward  Wayne  Nuckolls,  Hendersonville,  N.C. 

Bernice  Will)ur  Odin Wilmington.  N.C. 

David  Vance  Gdom Plumtree,  N.  C. 

.Tohnnie  Earl  Olund Havelock,  N.  C. 

David  Linwood  Owens Wilson.  N.  C. 

Carl   Einii   Parker Raleigh.  N.C. 

Joel   K'ay   Parker Charlotte,   N.C. 

CLASS      OF    '5  7 

m^ -•-«■■.•  • 





Jiiliii  J5uxtuii  i'arker Elizabeth  Citj',  ><'.  C. 

Robert.  Dale  Parker,  Jr.,  Roanoke  Rapids,  X.  C. 

Willis  Melvin  Parker Four  Oaks.  N.  C. 

lieujjeu  Elliott  Payne,  Jr Mauteo,  N.  C. 

Iia   \\liiti'ner  Pearce Hickory,  N.  C. 

Siit'ltKU  Ray  Peed Durham,  N.  (". 

.lolm   l^iuwood  Perkinson Xorlina.   N.  ('. 

(  ;Icii\\(iimI   Hayes  Perry Zcbuhni.  X.  ('. 

JiiiH'  dill   Perry Zdiuloii.  X.  C. 

Killv  Snow   Perryman Lewisville,  X.  C 

Fi'aiik  Colby  Pethel,  Jr Kaniiapolis,  X.  C. 

l!cx  Askew  Phillips (irifton.  X.  C. 

Paul  .John  Pickenheim Tamaqua,  Pa. 

David  Joe  Pierce Reidsville.  N.  C. 

Eilniond  Joseph  Pierczpiski Charlotte.  X.  C. 

William    Ddiinie    Porter Fayetteville.   X.  C. 

,Ia<kie   lladley  Potter Kinston,  X.  C. 

Luther  Cabel  Powell,  III Greenville.  X.  C. 

James  Albert  Preston Elizabeth  City.  X.  C. 

Jack  Cameron    I'ritchard Raleiirh.  X.  (!. 

.Mbert    Edwai'd    I'roe.scher C'ary,   N.  C. 

Philip  K'oland   Pruna Burlinu-ton.  N.  C. 

Edw-ard   Tyres   Pullman Duibaiii.   X.  C. 

Stacy  Kay  (^liun I'mk  llill.  X.  C. 

Ii'ichanl   Lee   Kaiiiey Dan\ille.  Va. 

I>ewis  Taylor  h'ascoe Wiudson.  X.  C. 

Thomas  Davis  Ratliif Raleigh.  N.  C. 

William  .Joseph   Reavis Angler,  X.  C. 

(ieorge  Fletcher  Reeves,  Jr.,  Morganton,  N.  C. 
Richard  Alexander  Reynolds.  Wadesboro,  X.  C. 

Robert  Franklin  Rhyne Ellenboro,  N.  C. 

Jami's  Alvin   Ivive Wilmington.  N.C. 


Clyde  Russell  Rich Clinton,  N.  C. 

Henry  Ijce  Ritchie Concord,  >f.  C. 

liuluTt    lldkc   I.Mtchie Tlu.inasN  illc.   X.C. 

.Icrcmiidi  .laroli  liivcnliark.  Jr.. 

W  ilniinuldii.  X.  C. 

George  Williiini   Itciherson Forest  City,  N.  C. 

Russell  Leo  Rolierson Williamston,  N.  C. 

(iratz  Linwood  Roberts.  Jr Fairfield.  N.  C. 

(ieorije  ila.wvell   Robertson .\sheville.  X.C. 

William  Gray  Robertson.  Jr Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Robert  Clayton  Rogers High  Point,  N.  C. 

James  Dillon  Roland Winston-Saleni.  N.  C. 

Erastus  Edwin  Rose Newton  (irove,  N.  C. 

Norman   David   Rosenstein Paterson.   X.  J. 

Ronald  James  Rough Mincola.  N.  Y. 

Daniel  Alphus  Safriet,  Jr China  (Jrove,  N.  C. 

Hugh  ]Milton   Sanderson Erwin,  Tennessee 

Leo  Anthony  Santowasso Rahway,  N.  J. 

George  Basil  Sarafidis Athens,   Greece 

Lester  Bernard   Sarter Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Lynwood  (;.  Sattertield Durham.  N.  C. 

David   Edward    Schreffler.   Jr.,   Raleigh,   N.  C. 
Rudolph  Francis  Schroeder....Ne\v  York,  N.  Y. 

llaynard  Lowell  Self Casar,  N.  C. 

Joseph   Edgar   Settle Jacksonville.   N.  C. 

.Tohn  Robert  Shanks Jonesboro,  Tenn. 

Ronald  Vernett  Sharpe Raleigh,  N-  C. 

Robert   Melvin   Shaw Evergreen,  N.  C. 

Wilfred  Michael  Shea Harrisville.  N.  H. 

Clayliorn  Glenn  Sheets Jefferson,  N.  C. 

Richard  Bayley  Shepard Weaverville,  N.  C. 

Coy  Eilgar  Shields Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

William  David  Shipnian,  Jr.,  Bladenboro.  N.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  7 




l^ciiiucl  Marion  .Shirley,  Jr luilciirli,  X.C. 

Kilwai-il   AiidiTw  Shook.  Jr.. 

X.  Wilkesboro,  X.C. 
llowiii'd    I'lT'stoii  Siiort.  Jr.. 

Eoaiioke  liapicks,  X.  V. 
Bivrc  Sifj;iiioii Greenville,  N.  C. 

Hiiinnin  Bashir  Simaan Zaklio.  Iraq 

Robert  Curtis  Siiiimon.s Whiteville.  X.C. 

Wayne  T?ol)ert  Simmons Stuart.  Xa. 

Charli's   Dimulas  Simpson Alheniarle.  X.C. 

June  Singetary,  Jr Hhidenhoro,  X.  C. 

Iv'ichard  Clemence  Sloan Mt.   UUa.  X.C. 

James   Burton    Smathers Delanil.   Fla. 

])a\id   Danifl  Smiley,  Jr Salisbury.  X.C. 

ImIw  in  Blean  Smith Black  Mountain,  N.  C. 

Joe  Miehael  Smith Peachland,  N.  C. 

John  Lytton  Smith,  Jr Concord,  N.  C. 

Wilton    I'zzle   Smith Louishursi-.   X.C. 

Jimmie   l\ay   Smyre Hickory,  X.C. 

Charles  l\ebert   Southerland... .Goldsboro.  X.C. 

Milton   liay   Sjiain Greenville.  X.C. 

W'ahi'i-   lleni'y   Spivoy Garner.  X'.  C. 

Linwood  Waddell  Standi.  Jr Warwick,  Va. 

.\lvin    Mercer  Stanford Beulaville,  X.C. 

David   Lancaster  Steele Asheville,  X^.  C. 

.lack  Ivlwin  Steele.  Jr Burlin<j;ton,  N.  C. 

Henry  Li\ini;'^ton  Steele Raleigh,  X.C. 

Jolui  W'hitaker  Stejihenson.  Jr IJaleigh.  X.  C. 

Wilbur  l.'alph  Stevens Sanford.  X.C. 

.lanics  Conrad  Stevenson Clemson.  S.  C. 

William   Henry  Stocks Leaksville.  X.C. 

Floyd  Arthur  Stone Asheville,  X.C. 

Paul   Sanmel   Stone Louishurg,  N.  C. 

I'erev   l,eo  Slrieklaiid.  Jr Dunn,  X.C. 


Joliii  Dt'vereaux  Sugg Snow  Hill.  X.  C. 

Glenn  Hill-old  Sutton TJiilcigli.  X.  ('. 

James  Ifoss  Sykes Wiillatc.  N.  ('. 

Paul   Marshall   Sykes Portsnuuith.   \'a. 

Thomas  Hugh  Talley :\lt.  Airy.  X.  C. 

Frank    Warren   Taylor Kaleigh,    N.  C. 

Fred  Tlmnias  Teal.'  Jr Wadeshoro.  X.  C. 

Zain-Aliidin    Hassan   Terzi Kirkiik.    Irac] 

James  Edward  Thomas High  Point.  X".  C. 

Walter  Carr  Thomas,  Jr Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Wayne  Wesley  Thomas Apex,  N.  C. 

Victor  Patrick  Thunipson Morgantoii.  X.  C. 

Francis  Lewis  Thorne Ahoskie.  N.  C. 

Frank  Covington  Townsend Durham,  X.  C. 

Martin  Herman  Traumuller Teaweck,  X.  J. 

Don  Royden  Tucker Laurel  Springs,  X.  C. 

Paul  Kinley  Tuggle Kaunapolis,  X.  C. 

James  Edward  Turner Gatesville,  X.  C. 

James  Harold  Turner,  Jr Polkton,  X.  C. 

William  McXeil  Turner Yanceyville.  X.  C. 

Daviil  Walter  Tuttle Hickory.  X.  C. 

Peter  Doub  Tuttle Tobaccoville,  X.  C. 

Lehman  Donald  Underwood-. .Smithfiekl,  X.  C. 
Hugh  Fock  Vanlandingham,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

James  Eaymond  Vinson.  Jr.. 

Hurliugton.  X.  C. 

Reginald  Rudolph  Vinson Knightdale,  X.  C. 

Marion  Wade  Vuncannon Ether.  X.  C. 

John  Waddington Yonkers.  X.  Y. 

Oren  Harry  A\'agncr.  Jr Taylorsville,  X'.  C. 

Charles  T.  AValker.  Jr Rocky  Mount.  X.  C. 

William  Edward  Walker Raleigh.  X.  C. 

.James  Edward  Wallace Sanford,  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  7 

:  I, 


r^^  \ 


Carv  K'olicrtsoii  Warren Port.siiioutli.  \';l 

Chailcs  Dciiialil   \Vi'l)b Clearwater,  Fla. 

Frnl    Griffith   Welfare Clemmons,  N.  C. 

.liiiiniy   Garland   Westbrook Kiiiston,  N.  C. 

Eoilolph  iFarioii  Whaley.  Jr Kichlands.  N.  C. 

Hilly   Hunt  White Whiteville,  N.  C. 

Faison  Youui;  Whitaker.  Jr Kaleigh,  N.  C. 

Cdlieii  O'Xeal  White Wiiidsdr.  X.  C. 

David  Hoyce  White Franklin.  X.  C. 

Pritchai'd  Hunter  White,  Winston-Saleni.  X.C. 
Thomas  Walton  Whitehead....Philadelphia.  Pa. 
Ilei-hei-t  Lafayette  Wliitener....Green.'ih()ro.  N.  C. 

Bobbie  Catherine  Whitley Raleigh,  N.  C. 

( 'oleman  ilorrison  Wliitloc-k.  Jr.,  Raleigh.N.  C. 

'Palniadge  Jay  Wiggins Bry.son  City,  N.  C. 

.lesse  Pradsher  W^ilkins,  Jr Woodsdale,  N.  C. 

William  Deems  Wilkinson Greensboro,  N.  C. 

David    Michael  AVilliams Kinston,   N.  C. 

Frederick  AMiitnell  Williams.  Warrenton.  N.  C. 
.lames  Allen   Williams Morganton,  X'.  (!. 

Tully    Baxter   AVilliams,   Jr.,   Currituck.   N.  C. 

(icoi-ge  Dennis  Williamson Canton,  N.  C. 

Leon   liraxton    Williamson Lucama,   N.  C. 

Kci-init    Marshall    Winstead Sanford,   N.  C. 

I'.ohhy  Kelly  Wood Durham,  N.  C. 

Fred    Douglas   Wood.  Jr Wadesboro.  N.  C. 

Ilavard    Ashlmry   Wood Enfield,   N.  C. 

TlKimas  Bookhart  AVood Greenville,  S.  C. 

Milton  Cary  Woodlief Kittrell,  N.  C. 

James  Bethel  Wright Holly  Springs,  N,  C. 

James  Robert  AVright Hendersonville,  N.  C. 

Gayle  Madison  W^ylie Shelby,  N.  C. 

Joe  Herman  Young Candler,  N.  C. 

Mozafaredin  Zolfaghari Teheran,  I  ran 



Ninety-six  (.'iinptors 
Colors  :  ]?lue  ami  (loid 

Installed  May,  1928 


Dr.  C.  C.  Bostian 

T.  C.  Brown 

Col.  J.  W.  Harrelson 

Dr.  L.  C.  Hartley 

Dr.  W.  N.  Hicks'^ 

Dr.  H.  F.  Jeter 

Maj.  C.  D.  Kutschinski 

E.  S.  King 

Col.  R.  R.  Middlebrooks 

R.  Pate 

J.  J.  Stewart 

B.  C.  Talley 

L.  R.  Whiciiard 

Dr.  E.  T.  York 

L.  W.  Long 

James  B.  Arthur 
Kenneth  R.  Barker 
Craig  L.  Barnhardt 
Samuel  T.  Beddingfield 
Sidney  E.  Briley 
John  R.  Combs 
Robert  W.  Dillard 
Philip  DiNardo 
William  B.  Dozier 
L.  C.  Draughon,  Jr. 
C.  Franklin  Elliott 


William  H.  Foushef 
James  H.  Frazier 
Lonnie  A.  Grant 
Robert  M.  Gunn 
Samuel  R.  Harrell 
Carl  F.  Ipock 
John  H.  Lane,  Jr. 
Charles  J.  Law.  Jr. 
John  Y.  Loniax 
Charles  Ij.  Lundy 
James  M.  Nolan 

Eugene  R.  Pickler 
William  F.  Quinlivan.  Jr. 
Fred  M.  Rawicz 
E.  Edwin  Rose 
E.  Kohn  Sherrill 
Raymond  H.  Stevens 
James  ^I.  Stewart 
John  F.  Wiles 
Braxton  Williams 
Charles  E.  Woodall 
Ivlwin  Yancev 

Blue  Key  Honor  Fraternity  was  founded  at  the  T'niversity  of  Florida  in  October,  1924.  to  per- 
jietuate  the  belief  in  (iud,  to  preserve  the  principles  of  good  eitizenship.  and  to  promote  the  best 
interest  of  the  students. 

The  fraternity  I'ecognizes  outstantling  qualities  in  character,  scholarship,  and  service,  placing 
equal  emphasis  upon  leadership  in  student  activities.  Membership  is  composed  of  graduate  and 
undergraduate  students  of  all  departments  of  American  colleges  and  universities. 

Each  year  Blue  Key  co-sponsors  the  Homecoming  celebration.  Annually,  the  fraternity  presents 
the  citizenship  award  to  the  senior  who  has  distinguished  himself  as  the  foremost  citizen  of  his  class. 
In  addition.  Blue  Key  cooperates  with  other  campus  organizations  in  various  activities  to  perpetuate 
a  more  meaningful  campus  life. 






I'AVF.  \\i;].\sri;iN' 

.li.M   I'edkn 

\'in'  I'irsiilnil 

Cecil  Brooks 

Frank  Overtox 

Htt  T_  *';"'■  !"•' 



Collin   .McKimion   Al^bitt.  Jr Roxbora,  N.  C. 

Dallas   Carroll   Abee '. Hickory,   N.  C. 

Dan  Wortli  Abematby,  Jr Kalcinb.  N.  C. 

KiclianI   Wesley  Adams K'aleij,^!.  N.  C. 

Aref    I'alia-Kilileeii   Adel-Gari. 

Zerka,  Kingdom  ol'  Jordan 

Cliarles  Dewey  Adkins Leaksville.  N.  C. 

I  ftkliar  At'zal Karachi,  Pakistan 

James  iloiiroe  Alexander Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Abdnl  Ahbass   Hantosh  Al-Jabiry. 

Bairhdad,    Iraq 
Dallas  Fred  Allen Ayden.'  N.  C. 

're(l(ly   (iray   Allen Farmville,    X.C. 

Alton  Thomas  Alligood.  Jr.,  Washington.  N.  C. 

Jesse  Franklin  Allred Mt.  Airy.  N.  C. 

James  Alton  Almond Albemarle.  N.  C. 

Donald  Henry  Anderson,  Win.ston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Donald   Wayne   Anderson Tarboro,  N.  C, 

Charles  Thomas  Andrews Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Ii'ohert  Michael  Angell Mocksville.  N.  C. 

Careth   Kdwin  Annos. Hudson,  N.  C. 

iionald   Wayne  Ashby Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

(ieorge  Calvin  Atkins A])ex,  \.  C, 

.Samuel  Franklin  Austin High  Point,  N.  C, 

James  Kirkham  Avent,  Jr Tarboro,  N.  C. 

Hohbv  Jo(d  Bailev Rutherfordton,  N,  C, 

Paul' Williamson'liailey Everetts.  N.  C. 

liirliard    l']verette  Bailey Fai.son,  N,  C. 

William    Lvnewood   Baird Raleigh,   N,  0, 

[•'lank  II.  iiaker Oxl'ord,  N,  C, 

Willieil  Theodore  Banner Sanford,  N.  C. 

Ii<il)i'rl    Francis   l?arber....Hendersonville.   N.  C 

Maui'ice  Wendell  Barbour Fayetteville.  X.C. 

Stai-y  Olive  Barbour Benson.  N.  C. 

Kelly  Barger China  Grove,  N.  C. 

Darry  Everett  Barnes Angier,  N.  C. 

Tiionias  Jetferson  Barnes,  Jr Angier,  N.  C. 

William  .\orman  Barnes,  Jr.,  Lumberton,  N.  C. 
I'lenjaniin  Harrison  Barnette,  Jr.,  Lenoir,  N.  C, 

Hilly   Klmer   Harnhanlt Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Hubert  i'anl  l'>ari'inger.... Bessemer  City,  N.  C. 
William    rre<toii    I?artlett Camden.    X.C. 

WChloii    l!av    iiass Dunn.   Xi.  C. 

Leslie  Davis  Batts Magnolia,  N.  C. 

William  :\Iorris  Batts,  Jr.,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Ilaivie  .loe  Baxter Kannapolis,  N,  C. 

Helen   Joyce   Bazemore ilt.   01i\e,  N.  C. 

.lolin    Ivlward    Heanian,  Jr Raleigh.   N.  C. 

I'hilip   Leo   Beaman Walstonburg,  N.  C, 

Xeill  :\rcLaurin  Beatty....Elizal)etlitown,  N.  C. 
Xornum  Alexander  Beaver.. ..China  (irove.  N.  C. 
Susanne  Catherine  Beckstoli'er,  Riclunond,  \a. 


Wujih  Curtis  Beusoii KcriUMSvilk',  N.  C. 

.loliu  Xewsonie  Belk (irconslioro,  N.  C. 

Alljert   Queiitiu    Bell.   .Tr Manteo,  N.  C. 

William    Kilwiird    Bcnjaniiii iJaleiuh.  N.  C. 

Carroll    Wiiil'oiil    l'.riii' I!alrii;ii.  X.  C. 

Koiuu'th   KohiTts   Jk'ntiin Saiifdril.   N.  C. 

Hiirvev  Sandl'ord  Beriiiaii Brooklyn,   N.  Y. 

Williaiu   Kenneth  Best Jit.  Olive.  N.  C. 

Jolin  Neil  Bireh Haleifih.  N.  C. 

William  Lee  Bizzell.  Jr (Jolil.sboro.  X.  C. 

James  Donald  Blaekburn Jit.  .Viry.  X.  C. 

Donald   K'aeford  Blaloek Angier.  N.C. 

Wallace   Davis  Blaloek....Winston-Salem.   N.  C. 

Eloise  Lennre  Bleaii Pineblutf,  N.  C. 

Boliert  Wayne  Boles Walnut  Cove.  N.  C. 

William  Murray  Booker Kaleigli.  N.  C. 

Judson  \'auglian  Booth Durham.  X.  C. 

Joseph  Thomas  Bordeaux Lillington,  X.  C. 

Donald  Stephen  Bost Concoid.  X.  C. 

Karl  P2ugene  Bostian IJaleish.  X.  C. 

Eiehmoiul  Pearson  Boyden Vsheville.  X.  C. 

Charles  Woodward  Bovette Clinton.  X".  C. 

Jack  Alfred  Brady ' Salisbury,  X.  C. 

ilaljihus  Leroy  Bradbury.  Jr. Wilson,  N.  C. 

Donald  Xorris  Bridges Shelby.  X.  C. 

Sherrill   Kermit   Brinkley Moi'ksville.  X.  C. 

John  Quincv  Britt.  Jr Haleigh,  X.  C. 

Robert  Curtiss  Britt Favetteville^  X.  C. 

Cecil  Charles  Brooks Sparta,  X.  C. 

Eonny  Leonad  Brooks Carthage,  N.C. 

Clifford  Jerald  lin.wn.  Jr.. 

Tarawa  Terrace,  X.  C. 

Dallas  J.  Brown Kannapolis,  N".  C. 

James  Allen  Brown La  Grange,  X.  C. 

Joe  Alvey  Brown Charlotte,  X.  C. 

John  Taylor  Brown Swannanoa.  X.  C. 

Kenneth  Eugene  Brown X"ew  Bern.  X.  C. 

Ronald  Alan  Brown Greensboro,  X.  C. 

David  Benjamin  Browning,  Jr..  Edenton.  X.  C. 

Claude  Jefferson  Bryant Portsmouth.  Va. 

John  David  BuUuck,  Jr Greenwich,  Conn. 

Fielding  Horace  Bumpass.  Jr.. 

Montgomery.  Ala. 

Phillip  Eugene  Burt Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Donald  Jack  Burchette Hamptonville,  X.  C. 

Barbara  X'^ell   Burkett Morganton,  N.  C. 

J.  AY.  Busick Elon  College.  X.  C. 

Harold  Francis  Butler,  Jr Charleston.  W.  Ya. 

Robert  Bion  Butler Southern  Pines,  X.  C. 

Medwick  Yaughan  Bvrd Angier,  X.  C. 

John  ilcPberson  Byrd Sanford,  X.  C. 

Her.schel  Herrin  Cabe Sylva,  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  8 




lioy  JliiWiiid  Campbell,  Jr Salisbury,  N.  V. 

Ebncr  Kuj;eno  Capps Selma,  N.  C. 

.luliaii  ^Mc'Klree  Capps Henderson,  N.  0. 

.Max  Tjee  Cardell Marion,  N.  C. 

Les(<'i-  Athis  Car])enter T{ockiiiL;h:iin.  \.  ('. 

Thdiiias  Earl  ('arj)i'nter Albemarle.  X.  C. 

Iiciilney  Wilson  Carroll Ne\v)iort  News.  Va. 

Harold    Hol'eman   Carter.  Jr..  Cliarlotte.  N.  C. 

Lee  Wiley  Cash .'. .'. Shelby.  N.  C. 

.Ian  -Morrill  Cayton Farmville.  X.  C. 

Herman    liobert   Cbandgie Salisbury,   X.  C. 

iiilly   Chapman Morf^^anton.   X.  C. 

Iioliert    Eugene   Chapman,  Jr Ualeigh,  X.  C. 

Dunean  Dale  Cliap])ell Candor.  X.  C. 

Tilson  Edward  Cliappell Belvidere.  X.  C. 

Ira  Barry  Cheate Pineville,  X.  C. 

Kenneth   Eugene  Cherry China  Grove,  X.  C. 

James   lieiu'v  Christie Ealeigh.  X.  C. 

I'.illv  Ifandolph  Churchill Winterville,  X.  C. 

Wiliiam    Dawson  Clark Oriental.  X.  C. 

Caiy  ().  Clarke Shelby.  X.  C. 

Eewis  Eugene  Clemmer Gastonia.  X.  C. 

]')ruee  Simnmns  Clodfelter.  Jr.. 

High  Point.  X.C. 

Henry  Hadley  Cockrell,  Jr IJaleigh,  X.C'. 

Carole  Austin  Gofer Greensboro,  X.  C. 

C'arl  D.  Cole Kings  Mountain,  X.C'. 

Curtis  Edward  Collier Selma.  X.  C. 

Harold   Donald    Colston Xashville,   X.C. 

George  Marshall  Colton.... Southern  Pines.  X.C. 
Julius  Theadfoi-d    Comptoii Durham.   X.C. 

Edmund    lleniard    Cook Cimi-ord.    X'^.  C. 

James  Ernest  Corbett.  Jr..  Elizabeth  City.  X'.  C. 

Bobbv   Joe   Corbin Franklin.    X.C. 

l.'ichard    Arnold    Cording Wallaee,    X.C. 

William  Jefferson  Corn,  Jr Arden.  X.  C. 

(Ills  Thomas  Costas (ireen.shoro,  X.C. 

Doiudd  Glenn  Cox Raleigh,  X.C. 

Donald  Xesbitt  Cox Raleigh.  X.  C. 

James   C^uiney  CjOX Charlotte,  X.C. 

Shei'uuui   Louis  Criner...AVinston-Salem,   X^.  C. 

Wiley  liynuui  Crook Asheville.  X.C, 

Roy  Harold  Cudd Kannapolis.  X.C. 

Louis  Edwin  Culli])her Knotts  Island.  X.  C. 

Kverette  Berry  Curlee Jlatthews.  X.C. 

William   .\ltoii   Cuthliert Ridgeway.  Pa. 

Joseph  Darrell  Dail Walloniiurg.  X.  C. 

Jinnnv  'i'lannan  Daughtridge. 

Roeky  Mount.  N.  C. 

Hilly  I'.rysoii  Davis ! Sylva,  X.C, 

.lames    Kiantley    Davis.. .AVinston-Salem,   X.  C. 
.lames   Minor   Davis.  ,Jr Eoekv  Mount.  X.C. 


Moses  Paul  Davis,  Ji' Sanforcl.  \.  C. 

Pyke  Cole  Davis Bui-lini-ton.  N.  C. 

Tiicliard  Benny  Davis China  Grove.  X.  C. 

William  Clark  Davis Southern  Pines.  X.  C. 

ivlwanl  Kuiicui'  ]>a\vson Wilsdii.  N.  C. 

Claude  Parker   Day,  Jr KaleiKli.   X.  C. 

Billy  Eugene  Deal Newton,  X.  C. 

Leonard  Franklin  Dean Oxford,  N.  C. 

Pete  (Jraham  Deaver Deep  Pun,  N.  C. 

Alexander  Bunn  Denson Whitakers,  X.  C. 

llamld  Pay  Denton Pueky  Mount,  X.  C. 

Clarence  Lee  Dillinirham Cliffside,  N.  C. 

Joseph  Evans  Dixon: Maple  Hill,  X.  C. 

Thomas  Wray  Dixon Reidsville,  X^.  C. 

Troy  Lee  Dohson ^lortranton.  X.  C. 

Tommy  Dean  Doekery Mountain  Paik,  X.  C. 

Henry  James  Douglas Peidsville.   X.  C. 

William   Corbin  Dozier Hertford,  X.  C. 

Victor  Finley  Dry Albemarle,  X'.  C. 

Thomas  Alexander  Eakins Ivanhoe.  X.  C. 

Theodore  W.  Earle.  Jr Savannah.  Ga. 

Donald  Dwight  Eason Durham.  X.  C. 

Hubert  Jesse  Edge.  Jr Aberdeen.  X'.  C. 

John  Pobert  Ildmondsou,  Scotland  Xeck.  X.  C. 
Robert  Louis  Edwards....Sherriirs  Ford.  X'.  C. 

Bobby  Joel  EUis Asheville.  X.  C. 

James  Luther  Elsmore Statesville,  X.  C. 

Pichard  Eppes,  Jr Hopewell,  Va. 

Charles  Robert  Eskridge.  Jr Shelby.  X.  C. 

Judson  Paul  Essex,  Jr Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Van  Buren  Webb  Etheridge,  Silver  Spring.  Md. 

Jack  X'  Everette Acme.  X'.  C. 

Donald   Fred   Farley Bluefiehl,   W.  Va. 

Howard  Barksdale  Farlev,  Jr Kinston.  X.  ('. 

Walter  Ronald  Farley.....".. Bluefield.  W.  Va. 

William   Benjamin    Farrow....P]ngelhard.    X.  C. 

John  Arringtou  Fields Raleisrh.  X.  C. 

Thurman  ilelvin  Fields.  Jr Wallace.  X.  C. 

Carl  Holmes  Fisher Kannapolis.  X.  C. 

Gerald  1!.  Fleming Raleigh.  X.  C. 

William  .Vlexander  Floyd Hickory,  X.  C. 

John  Broughton  Fortin,  Jr Decator,  Ga. 

Frederick  Russell  Foster Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Lafayette  E.  Fountain Tarboro.  X.  C. 

Erich  Fournier Paris.  France 

Vance  Garri.son  Fowler Henderson.  X.  C. 

William    Melvin  Fulp Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Pobert  Howard  Futrelle ilt.  Olive.  X.  C. 

Philip  Gaines Brooklyn.  X.  Y. 

William  Ernest  Garrison.  Jr..  Lincolnton.  X'.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  8 



.loliii  (i.  (Jay WalstonburjT.  N.  ('. 

Cai'l  SiiiitirGentry JIaxtoii',  X.  ('. 

Ii'dlii'i't    Iji'invood   George,  Jr., 

Roanoke  Kapids.  N.  ('. 

.laiiirs   Jloiiroe   Glass Greensboro,  N.  ('. 

Irwin  Leonard  Gleitman New   York.  N.  Y. 

Robert  Kaird  Godley Wilmington.  \.  ('. 

Grover  Audrey  (iore Sballotte.   X.  V. 

William  Alexander  Graham,  III. 

Charlotte.  X.  I'. 
W  illiam  Hawley  Grathwol.... Rocky  Point,  N.  V. 
li'ii-hard  Lee  Graves .\sheboro.  X.  C. 

Carroll  R,  Gray Elizabeth  City.  \.  C. 

Jasper  Lee  Gray Edenton,  X.  C. 

Robert  Judson  Gray,  Jr (iastonia,  N.  C. 

Earnest  Clarence  Greene,  Jr.,  Spindale,  N.  C. 
Robert    Alli.son    Greene (Joldsboro.    X.  C. 

Jame.s  Brown  Grier,  Jr Charlotte,  X*.  C. 

Herman  Curtis  Gunter....Fuquay  Springs.  X.  C. 

Layton  Herbert  Gunter,  Jr Graham.  X.  C. 

Charles  Worrell  Gurkin Richmond.  Va. 

Ilirliard    Xorwood   Gurley Newton.    X.C. 

Josejjh   Marshall   Ilamriek, 

Boiling  Sjtrings.  X.C. 

Fred  Lindley  llaney,  Jr Elizabeth  City.  X.  C. 

.Iciscph  Lauriston  Hannah. ..AVaynesville,  N.  C. 
William  Francis  Hanrahan.. ..Oyster  Bay,  N.  Y. 
Roy  X^athan  Harding Raleigh,  N,  C, 

X'orwood   O.sear  Hargrove Clinton,  N.  (_'. 

Edward  William  Harman Newton,  N.  C. 

William  Albright  Harrell....Rockv  Mount,  N,  C. 

.lames   W.   TIarrill .Raleigh.   N.  C. 

Lyman  I^ui'well  Harris,  Jr Griftoii.  X'.  C. 

Marvin  Etlicldred  Harris Mt.  Gilead.  X.C. 

Robert   Harold  ILirris Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Donald  Avery  Hart Lenoir.  X^.  C. 

Zatar    Hassan Daraclii,    Pakistan 

Oscar  Elwood  Hatley Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Thomas  Luther   Hayworth..._lligh   Point.  X.C. 

Winl'red  Allan   Heath Kinston,  N,  C. 

Lloyd  Martin  Hedgepeth.... Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

.Iiilm   Henry  Heinbockel Manhasset,  N.  Y. 

.lames  David  Hyatt  Helms,  Jr Monroe,  N.  C. 

Steven  Anderson  Helms.  Jr.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Eugene  McDowell  Hendriek Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Douglas   liradley   Henson Vilas,   N.  C. 

Clai-neci'   Eugene   Herman Hickory,  X".  C, 

Charles  Shinier  Hewett.  Jr Sballotte,  N.  C. 

Theodore  Osgood  Hilbourn.  .h\.   IJaleigh,  X.C. 

David  l^right  Hilburn,  Jr Bladeidtoro.  X.C. 

Druid  Dixon  Hobgood,  Jr Winterville.  X.C. 

George  Booson  Hobson.  Jr Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Benny  Ray  Hockaday Angier,  N.  C. 

W'illii'   Li'e    lloiliie liiillii'iiordton.   \.  ('. 

.Idli    Hilly    Jlolland Union    Grove,    N.  C 

.laiufs  Bennett   HoUiday I'inetops.  X.  ('. 

Donald  Pearson  Ilolloway, 

Fuquay  ,S|)rinas.  X.  ('. 
John    Dewey    Holt Liberty.    X.  ('. 

Eoliert  .laek  Ilolt Biltniore.  N.C. 

James  (ius  llondros Hocky  ilount.  X.  ('. 

E.  Melvin  Honeyeutt,  Jr Fayetteville,  N.  (". 

Thomas  Charles  Hoose Cliarlotte.  X.  C. 

John  Earl  Hoover Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Vann  llarshall  Hoover Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Donald  Glenn  Hopkins Raleigh,  X.  C. 

James  Arlen  Horton Oriental.  X.  C. 

iliehael   House Bethel.    X.  C. 

James  Robert  Howai-d Kannapolis.  X.  C. 

John    Exerett    Howard Jesuji.   (ia. 

Charles  llenrv  Huffman K'iehlands.  X.  C. 

Claud  Evans  Hull Wendell,  X.  C. 

Richard  Murray  Hultz Springfield,  Oliio 

Ervin  Grigg  Humphries Shelby.  X.  C. 

William  Graham  Hunter Wilmington.  X.  C. 

George  Andrew  Hurst Verona.  X.  J. 

Lawrence  Anthony  Huskey, 

Winston-Salem,   X.  C. 

Charles  Robert   Hutehins Raleigh,   X.  C. 

Harry  AVatkins  Ingold Gary,  X.  C. 

Cedric  Henry  Ingram Goldsboro,  X.  C. 

William  ilortimer  Israel Westmount,  P.  Q. 

James   Ray  Jarrell Salisburg,   X.  C. 

Jerry  Edward  Jarvis Concord,  X.  C. 

William  .John  Jasj)er Burgaw.  X.  C. 

Hubert  Lee  Jenkins IJutlierfordton.  X'.  ('. 

Wilber  Harris  Jenkins Stella.  X.  C. 

^Marshall  Ezra  Jeannette Raleigh,  X.  C. 

William  Robert  Jernigan.  Jr Dunn,  X.  C. 

Billy  Grayson  Johnson Ashelioro,  X.  C. 

Charles   Elliott  Johnson. ...Robersonville.   X.  C. 

Frank  Roy  Johnson,  Jr Murfreesboro,  X^.  C. 

Harry  Delmar  Johnson Manteo,  X.  C. 

Hilton  (iraham  Johnson Deleo,  N.  C. 

William   Carl  Johnson Erwin,  X.  C. 

Carroll  Graham  Jones Bailey,  N.  C. 

Claude  I'icklesimer  Jones Sylva,  X.  C. 

Hugh  Braswell  Jones Roxboro,  X.  C. 

Ike  Adams  Jones.  Jr Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Lawrence  Braden  Jones Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Ronald  X^eil  Jones Raleigh.  X^.  ('. 

Victor  Allen  Jones Laurel  Springs,  X.  C. 

Harvey  Ray  Joyuer Elm  City,  X.  C. 

Jimmy  Yates  Joraer Wendell,  X.  C. 

Herliert  Adin  Justice Forest  Citv.  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  8 



(lliulaiii  Rasool  Kalwar Pakistan 

l'liili|i   Cliarles    Kainian Wilson,   N.  C 

Xorwocid  Saunders  Keel Willianiston.  X.  ('. 

IJolxM-t    Paul   Keller Brevard,  N.  C. 

Jlarry  Sloan  Kendrick Gastonia.  X.  C. 

J5illy  liay  Kennedy Thomasville,  X.  (_'. 

Robert  Philip  Kennel New  Bern,  N.  ('. 

Francis   Scott  Key Cramerton.   N.  C. 

Joe  Frank  Key.-.' State  Road.  X.  ('. 

Carl  James  Kiger Kaleij.di,  X.  ('. 

i'.illy   Wayne  King Freeland.   X.  ('. 

Maitin  Bruce  King Hamlet,  N.  ('. 

Artiiur   Kugeiie   Knoefel,   III, 

F.hick  -Mountain,  X.  ('. 
James  Linwuod  Kuuwles,  Jr.,  Jamesville,  X.  C 
Lewis  Gaston  Kornegay Albertson,  X'.  C. 

Frank  .\ndei-son  Lackey Statesville.  X^,  C. 

.lames   Richard   Lackey Statesville.  X.  C. 

McSherry  Ervin  Lackey.. .- Winston-Salem,  X.  ('. 

Zack    Frank   Ladd Yadkinville,    .V.  ('. 

Ernest  Mose  LaFoy Concord.  X.  ('. 

Harold  Wilbur  Laudrum Wilson,  X.  C. 

Walter  Robert  Lane Wilmington.   X.  ('. 

liad'ord   Earl  Langdon Smithiield.  X.  C. 

K'aipli  Gray  Langley Greenville,  N.  ('. 

ilai'viii   Ray   Ijanier Statesville,  X^.  C. 

Robert    P\M'ebce   Latiiani Mocksboro,  N.  C. 

.T;unes  Langston  Law Raleigh,  N.  C, 

.lames   Walker  Lazenltv,  .Jr Raleigh,  X^.  ('. 

Alfred    Kay  Leach ." Raeford,  N.  C. 

Benny  Butler  Leazer Mooresville,  N.  C. 

Stuart  Randall  LeCroy Rocky  Mount.  X.  ('. 

.loJin  Wavland  Lee Burlington,  X.  C. 

Willie  Sherrill  Lee Four  Oaks,  N,  C. 

John  Robert  Lewis Ayden,  X.  (', 

Jcjseph  Jordan  Lilley Washington,  N,  C. 

Harold    Reid    IJiieberger Dallas,   X.  G. 

Ijcwis  I^arber  Lini'berger Woodleat,  X.  ('. 

Larry    Keitii   Linker Concord,   X'.  C. 

Walter  Saunders  Linville,  Jr.,  Oak  Ridge,  X".  C. 
William  Francis  Lijipard Greensboro,  N.  C. 

.lohn   Hebron  Lively,  Jr Tampa,  Fla. 

Charles  Dwaine  Livengood Linwood.  X.  C. 

Larry   Taylor   Lowe Edenton.   N.  C. 

Lester  Vincent  Lowe,  Jr Chadbourn,  X'.  C, 

Andrew  .lames   Luke Handet,  N.  C. 

Robert  Chaniberlayne  Lyne,  Jr.,  Riclunond.  Va. 

Billy  (iene  Maddron Concord,  N.  C. 

Daniel    Ferrel    Mann ^lanteo,   X.  C. 

Richard   Stancil  Manning.. ..Williamston,  N.  C. 
Thonuis  Register  Manning Weldon,  N.  C. 


Robort.  Heury  Marriott,  Jr Battleboro,  N.  C. 

Richard  James  Martin Lenoir,  N.  (J. 

William  Franklin  Massey Zebnlon,  N.  C. 

James   IJiihert   Mauney Cherryville,  X.  V. 

II:ii\V(.Hiil    Maui-ice C'reswell,  N.  ('. 

James  Reginald  Maus Greensboro,  N.  C 

Joe  C.  McCaslin Maiden,  N.  C 

Edward    Goroon    McCoy Snow    Hill,    N.  f 

William  (Jardiior  McCrarv Clyde,  N.  C 

lluiih   Arthur   McDcrmott Vass,   N.  C 

Kenneth  Edgar   .McFaddon....(}reensboro,  N.  C. 

Robert  Laverne  McGarr Lenoir,  N.  C. 

Edward  Gral'tt)n  ilcGavron.-.. Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Johnny  Renal  McCJlaniery Statesville,  N.  C. 

Fred   Lee  McHan Lauada,  N.  C. 

John  I'aul  ilcNeely Jcsup,  tia. 

Sam  B.  McQueen.  Jr Galivants  Ferry,  S.  C. 

Bruce  Medford Canton,  N.  C. 

Jesse  Daniel  ilelton Enfield.  N.  C. 

Donald  Wayne  Memory Wagram.  N.  C. 

Harold    David    Meyer (ierton,    \.  C. 

Crawford  Paul  Miller Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Marshall  Edward   Miller.  Jr Concord,  N.  C. 

Roy  Leslie  Miller Boone,  N.  C. 

Wavne  Waddcll  Miller Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Lawrence  Albright  Mink.  Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

James  Reid  ilisenheimer Shelby,  N.  C. 

Larry   Lee   ilisenheinier Richfield.   N.  C. 

Bobby  Glen  Mitchell Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Frank  Herbert  Mitchell Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Daniel  Haley  Motfatt,  Jr Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Phillip   Elwood  Monteith Hamlet,  N.  C. 

Nancy  Ann  Moody Raleigh,   N.  C. 

David  Pete  Moore Wilson,  N.  C. 

Ormaud  Kelly  iloore Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Ronald  Baxter  Moore Franklinton,  N.  C 

William  Douglas  iloore Marshville.  N.  C 

James  Thomas  Morgan Rural  Hall.  X.  C 

Samuel  Dean  Morgan Marion,  N.  C 

Charles  Edgar  Morris.  Jr Charlotte,  N.  C 

Clair  Edward  Morris,  Jr Columbia,  X.  C'. 

Marshall   Gene   ]Morris Concord.   X.  C. 

Kenneth  Under\vood  Martin. ...Jonesville.  X.  C. 

James   David    Moss (lastonia.    X.  C. 

Tom  RuflRn  Move Raleidi.  X.  C. 

Frank  Kldridge  Mull Morgauton.  N.  C. 

Stephen  Thomas   -Mullen New  Bern,  X.  C. 

Guy  Arnold  Myers,  Jr Winston-Salem,  X.  C, 

Rufus  Bradshaw  Myers W.  Jefferson,  X.  C. 

Joseph  Hugh  Xanney Hendersonville,  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  8 



William  Alan  Xockiiian Bronx.  N.  Y. 

I.'iiyal  J\'.  Xeeilliam Pilot  Mountain,  X.  C. 

Harry  Lee  Neely Charlotte,  N.  C. 

liayniond  Douglas  Nelson New  Bern,  N.  V. 

James  Livingston  Newman.. ..Leakesville,  N.  C. 

Benjamin  Franklin  Niven,  Jr Monroe.  N.  C 

Charles  Bay  Norville Union  Mills,  N.  C. 

Joe  Allen  Nuckolls Hendersonville.  N.  C. 

Norwood  Keith  Gates Albertson.  N.  C. 

Ttiiliert  Traey  ()<lum Clinton.  X.  C. 

Cliai-les  Xeill  (.)'Quinn Lund)erton,  X.  C. 

llarrv  Albert  0.sborne.  Jr Mocksville.  N.  C. 

Kichart  Ott Guilford  College,  N.  C. 

li'obert   Ottingcr Kinston,  N.  C. 

Frank   Hudson  Gverton Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Milo  Krvin  Gwens Kinston.  N.  C. 

Kenneth  Kay  Padgett Jacksonville,  N.  C. 

Harry  Lee  Page Brown  Summit,  N.  C. 

James  Eay  Park Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Carl  Duncan  Parker Cordova,  N.  C. 

Charles  Leonard  Parker Varina,  N.  C. 

John  Vann  Parker Murfreesboro,  N.  C. 

llalph  Jerome  Parker ....Williani.ston.  N.  C. 

Walter  Dean  Parrish Fuquav  Sjirings.  N.  C. 

Fre.l  William  Paschall.  Jr., 

Hendersonville,  N.  C. 

Arza  Donald  Patterson. ...Winston-Saleni.  N.  C. 

Kenneth  Eay  Patterson Lt^aksville,  N.  C. 

.lames  Roy  Pearson,  Jr Ape.x.  N.  C. 

li'ichard  Fletcher  Pear.son Clinton,  N.  C. 

'riidiiias  E.   Peatross Winstou-Salem,  N.  C. 

.lanu-s  M.  Peden.  Jr Paleigh.  X.  C. 

Donald  Kay  Peeler Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Bradley  Mack  Pennett Lenoir,  N.  C. 

.\ugustine  (Uileb  Penny Clayton.  N.  C. 

Xed   Kla|i|i   Pi'rry Zebulon.  N.  C. 

Carl   Henry  Peters Kockv  Mount.  N.  C. 

Jesse  Julius   Peterson.  Jr..   \\'ihniii':t(iii.   X.  C. 
I.eiinart   Kudolpli   Peterson. 

Winston-Salem,   N.  C. 

Charles  William  I'ettus Morrisville.  N.  C. 

.Man    Clair    Phillips Mocksville,    X.  C. 

Harold    Eugene    Phillips Selma.  N.  C. 

li'obert    Kenneth    i'liilli]is Lillington.    N.  C. 

Johnnv   Oran    Piuu' Winirate,  N.  C. 

Theo  ('lyde  Pilkington Durham.  N.  C. 

Kirby   .\llen    Pitts Wiiistoii-Saleni.   N.  C. 

HaMd   Delinar   l'Iockehnan....Palin    Beaih.   Fla. 

I'jverette  John  Poinde.xter Kaleigh,  N.  G. 

David   Arville  Poole Kockwood,  Teun. 

Ernest  Gordon  Poole Stem.  N.  C. 

Zeb  Vance  Poole Statesville.  N.  C. 


Jack  :\rcKay  Pressley I'isgah  Forest,  X.  C. 

AVilliani   Lailont  Price Goklshoro,  N.  C. 

Lovd  George  Priddv Gernianton,  N.  C. 

Dean  Mac  Pruette.." High  Point,  N.  C. 

Eddie  Cantrell  Putnam Shelby,  N.  V. 

Grady  Eugene  Queen Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Don  Oliver  Qninn Asheville,  N.  C. 

John  Wesley  Rackley.  Ill Petersburg.  Va. 

Victor  Douglas  Rackley Sharpsburg,  X.  C. 

John  Marion  Radford Selnia,  N.  G. 

Jack  AA'oolsev  Ranisev.  Jr.. 

Hlack   Mountain.  X.  C. 

William    Howard    Ray Giljsonvilie.   X.  C. 

Jan  Richard  Reddick Portsmouth,  Va. 

William  Kirkpatrick  Reid Gastonia,  X.  C. 

George  Harold  Riclimoud Durham,  X.  C. 

William  Bruce  Richmond Hillsboro,  X.  C. 

Wiley  Fletcher  Ritter,  Jr Robhins,  N.  C. 

Robert  Wayne  Roach Rurlington,  X.  C. 

Jerry  Allan  Roberts Landis,  X.  C. 

Paul  Vernon   Register Tarboro.    X.  C. 

Donald  Leon  Rose Arlington.  Va. 

Philip  Clarion  Rothroek  .Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Ralph  Marion  Rountree Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Larry  Herl)ert  Royster Durham,  X.  C. 

Sioniy  Jack  Routh Charlotte.   X.  C. 

Dick  Moore  Royster Durham,  X.  C. 

Rotiert   Samuel  Royster,  Jr., 

Tarawa  Terrace,  X.  C. 

Denver  AVinifred  Rupard Statesville,  X.  C. 

Kenneth   Eugene   Russ Burgaw,  N.  C. 

Milton  John  Ruzicka Queens,  N.  Y. 

Robert  Saieed Greenville.  X.  C. 

Robert  Franklin  Sawyer....Elizabetli  City.  X.  C. 

Beaman  Harris  Scarboro Wendell,  X.  C. 

Ostia  Ralph  Self Siler  Citv.  X.  C. 

James  :\I.  Sell Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Ashok  Ramanlal  Shah Bombay,  India 

Archie  AVard  Shaw Evergreen,  X.  C. 

Alarshall  Monroe  Shepherd.  Jr.. 

Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Lamont  Allen   Shinn Warwick,  Va. 

Robert  Francis  Shipman.  Jr.. 

Rocky    ilount,    X.  C. 

Gerald  Dwight  Simmons Albertson,  X.  C. 

Hugh  Edison  Simmons Hickory,  X.  C. 

James  Edward  Simmons.  Jr Enfield,  X.  C. 

Robert  Harris   Simons... .Winston-Salem,  N.  G. 
Kenneth  Xorman  Sisk \sheville.  X.  C. 

Garland  L.  Slagle Hopewell.  Va. 

Marvin  Kenneth  Sloan Erwin,  X.  C. 

Paul  Alexander   Sloop Concord,  X.  C. 

Howard  Gordon  Small,  Jr Fair  Blutf.  X.  C. 

Craig  J.  Smith.  Jr Albemarle,  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  8 


Uk  \ 


Dennis  ITcilt  Rinitli Marshville.  N.  C. 

Kd-ar  Williams  Smith Charlotto,  N.  C. 

(Jaston    Fi'aiiklin    Smith.   .Ir..    Ashevillc.    X.C. 

(ieiinis   Jlizzt'll   Smitii Ash.   >.'.('. 

.lames  Hoijcrt  Smith Belvidere,  N.  ('. 

-Iimmu'  l.,re  Smitii Cary.  .X.C. 

Marvin  Konald  Smitii.  Jr.. New  Bern.  X.  ('. 

Rov  Marvin  Smith Mar.sliville.  X.C 

Ronald  Ernest  Sneed O-xtonl.  X.C. 

l~)(iiiald  Harvey  Sonierville Plymiiutli.  .X.(_'. 

.lack    Lamar    Spark^ W'instdii-Salciii,    .\.C. 

I^eonard   Spitz Xew   York   City.    X.'i'. 

lioijer  Cojieland  S]ii\ey lIol)lisvill('.  .X.C. 

.lack   Dwayne  Stafford Princeton.  A\'.  \'a. 

Donald  Stalliugs ilaysvillu,  N.  C. 

Bobby  L.  Starlin.u- Statesville,  N.  C. 

Monroe  Franklin  Starnes Wendell,  N.  (\ 

Hall   Eii.iiene   Starr Hickory.  N.  C. 

.\lton   Parker  Stephen.son.  Jr Ralei,u:ii.  N.  C. 

Charles  Warren  Stephen.son O.xford,  N.  C. 

William  Thomas  Stewart Bui-linfj;ton,  N.  C. 

Kenneth  Franklin  Stout Ashehoro.  N.  C. 

.lackie  Benjamin  Strum Ro.xboro,  X.  C. 

William   Tjcc  Strum Rocky  Mount.  X'.  C. 

(iai\     Warren    Stump (Jreensboro.    N.  C. 

Kenneth  Osborn  Stimnierville.  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Clia]le<   -lerry   Sutton Franklin.  N.  C. 

Michael    Donovan   Sutton Kiiistoii.  X.C. 

iiobert  Wayne  Swain Southport.  X.C. 

Sidney    Cai'l    Swansoii Boomer.  X.C. 

Charles   E<l\vard   .S\\  ariiii^i'r I'inehurst.   .X.C. 

Kenneth  Thomas  Swit'e,i;'ood..-. Cleveland.  N.  C. 

Larry  Melviii  Talhert.....' Albemarle.  X.  C. 

Iiobert  Jules  Taiien Brooklyn.  N.  Y. 

.Joseph    Mii'hael   Tai'duj;'iio.  Jr.. 

\\'ilmiii;^tiiii.    .X.  C. 

Clarneee  (iarren  Tate.  Jr Concord.  X.C. 

F.yron    Harris  Taylor Pearl   River.  X.  Y. 

Charles    Ifobert  Taylni' Stantoiisburj;-.   X.C. 

.losepli   lluuli  Taylor Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Francis  Carlyle  Teag'ue Liberty.  N.  C. 

.lobii  X'irgil  Teague (iuilford  College.  X.C. 

Kolieil    Hdiiald   Testerman Burlington.  N.  C. 

.lacob  .loyner  Tliigpen Dudley.    X'.  C. 

Dewitt  Calvin  Thompson Weiideil.  X.C. 

Donalil     Morris    Thompson (iastonia.    .X.C. 

iMIgelle    Kl'\ill    Tllolll]isoii Iiah'igb.    X".  C. 

James   Uurton   Thompson Xew    Bern,  N.  C. 

Jessie  Linwood  Thompson Princeton,  N.  C. 

Seymour  Ral|)h  Thuni Brooklyn,  X.  Y. 

Carl  '\\'ilbuni  Tonev !Mooresboro.  .X'.  C. 


Jimniie   Xeal   Townseiul Luinberton.   X.  C. 

William  Guy  Townsend ilauqiiin.  Va. 

Hdhert  Woodson  Tucker Raleifrli.  N.  C. 

Basil   Waites  Tiirbvfill Hifkorv,  N.  C. 

.lerrv  ilitchcll  Turner Fayctteville,  X.  C. 

Xellie    Ann   Tutor Kaleiuh,  X.  C. 

Lloyd  Arlinjrton  Tyndall Kinston.  X.  C. 

William  Alfred  I'nderwooil.  TTl. 

A^hel.oro.  X.  C. 

Ellis   iirinsou    ^"estal KenansviUe,  X.  C. 

James  Calvin   Waehol>.  .Ir Mori^anton,  X.  C. 

Robert  Allen  Waddell Fair  Blufl'.  X.  C. 

Gerald  I^ouis  Waitnian Fayetteville.  X^.  C. 

Luther  Marvin  Walters Rocky  ilount.  X.  C. 

Robert  Kennedy  Warden Cbarlotte,.  X.  C. 

Fredric  (^lenn  Warren Seliiia.  X.  C. 

Burl   Jackson    Washam Huntersville.   X.  C. 

Earl  Wayue  Waters. Roanoke  Rapids,  X.  C. 

Henry  Tjcwis  Waxmnnski,  Jr..  West  Point.  Va. 

Robert  Dalton  Weatberly Durham.  X.  C. 

r)a\  i<l   Franklin  Weinstein....Lumberton.  X.  C. 

Larry  Wyatt  Welker Greensboro,  X.  C. 

William  "Burton  Wells ....Canton,  X.  C. 

Thouuis  Elam  West X'atbalie.  Ta. 

Bynum  Crawford  Westmoreland. 

West   Point.  Va. 
Richard   Prevette  Westmoreland. 

Thonuisville.  X.  C. 

Ifarold  Carter  Whims.  Jr Aslieboro,  X.  C. 

William  Bu.xton  Whisnant Raleigh^  X.  C. 

Carroll  Eugene  White..... Dover,  N.  C. 

Charles  Henry  White China  (trove.  X.  C. 

William  Morgan  Whitehurst, 

Roberson\ille,  X.  C. 

David   Reid   AVilder Chadbouru,  X.  C. 

Albert  Lee  Wiley Acme,  X.  C. 

Donald  David  Williams Tabor  City,  X.  C. 

George   Perry  Williams Fairmont,  X.  C. 

Josejth   Howard  Williams Beulaville.  X.  C. 

Robert  Stranae  Williams.  Jr Erwin.  X.  C. 

Robert    Whitfield    Williams....Currituck.    X.  C. 

James  Derwell  Williamson Canton.  X.  C. 

Charles  Arthur  Willis Charlotte!  X^.  C. 

Donald  Allen  Wilson 8ummerfield.  X.  C. 

Henry  James  Thomas  Wilson,  Greensboro.  X'.  C. 

Olin  Everette  Wilson Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Franklin  David  Windley Bath.  X.  C. 

Ollie  Clifton  AVoodard.". Spring  Hoiie.  X.  C. 

James  Richard  Woodside Lenoir.  X.  C. 

David  Jan  Worthiugton Princeton,  X.  C. 

JLlton  Kennedy  Worthingion.  Jr.. 

Winterville.  X.  C. 

Jerry  Hoyle  Wrape Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Bobby  Gordon  Wright Tabor  City,  X.  C. 

Stephen  Cole  Wuamett Cleveland.  X.  C. 

Frank  Earl  Wynne Williamston,  X.  C. 

G«orge  William  Wynne ilorgaiiton.  X.  C. 

J.   C.   Yancey Xewton.   X.  C. 

John   Xicholas  Yantsios Salisbury.  X.  C. 

Dennis  Raymond  York.  Jr Asheboro,  X.  C. 

Larry  Monroe  Yow Albemarle,  N.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  8 




.ToKi.  "R.  Pakkkh Pri'slilnil 

Tei;i;y  I..   II  latsnioY Secretary 

Jorl   l';irker 
TiMTV  llershcy 
Burt  Kalet 
W:ili  Thomas 
Hngli  Saniiile 
Iliiirli  Lindslov 
Cliarlie  Law 
Frank  ('lirrrv 
Rpx  Phillips 
({('lie  Pir-kltT 
['■ill   r>rrhiii 
.1  ill!  Stewart 
Hill  Dozier 
John  Wiles 
.Tdhn  Comhs 
Carl  Ipock 
Ciiarlif  Liinflv 
KCn  Marker 




Lajiar  M('L:';ni)()N 

Bn.i.  Bass; 

Vice  rrcftidfiil 

Dick  Iiibakovic 


Thomas  Duxn 



llcniy  Tiill  Abbott,  Jr La  Grange.  N.  C. 

Hnli  Aliernclliy Sprav.  N.  C. 

Hi.h  Adnnis  .  '. Winston  Saleiii.  X.  C. 

.Iiilin    Dciiifjlas   Adams l!alcif;li.   X.  ('. 

\\  illiain  Ailanis Roekv  .Muunt.  X.  C. 

Dwifjht   Steele   Ailkins Hickory.   X.  C. 

.lolin    Xieliolas    A<rnos Winston  Salem.    X.  ('. 

Shalilada    Monnoo    Alani Karaihi.    Pakistan 

Michael   Delano   Aldridge Pink    Hill,    X.  C. 

Lawrenee   Erie   Alexander Cliarlott*.   X.  C. 

Carroll   (Jlenwood   -Allen Farmville,   X.  C. 

Donald  Panl  Allen Tobaccoville.  N.  C. 

<;eorge  Calvin  Allen.  Jr Lumberton,  X.  C. 

Tlionias    Kdward    Allen Lewiston,    X'.  Y. 

Frank   Mallard  Alley,  .Jr Omaha,  Xeh, 

.lames   Warren   Allifrood Beaufort,  X.  C. 

Donald   Wayne   Almond AllK'niarle,   X,  C, 

Calvin   Curtis   Anih'rson 'I'arboro,  X.  C, 

Carl   Woodlill'e  Andcrsdu,  Jr Kamseur,  X.C, 

.Iose])h   Leonard   Anderson Tarboro,  X,  C, 

Charles   David   Andrew Greensboro,  X,  C. 

Herljert  Lee  Andrews Trinity,  X.  C. 

X'orman  I.K'on  Andrews Robbins,  X,  C, 

I'eter  Roman  Antoniewiez Salisbury,  X'.  C. 

Krnest   Stevenson   Arthur,  Jr Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Reuben   Bell   Arthur,   Jr Greensl)oro,   X.  C. 

(iene  Leroy  Asby Washington,   X.C. 

llcury  Foust  Atwater Burlington,  X.C. 

Edward  Beard  Austin Clastonia.  X'.  C. 

Stacy  Maurice  Autry Clinton,  X.C. 

.lohn   Samuel   Austin Taylorsville,   X'.  C. 

X'crnon   (ilenn   Avery Wilmington.  N.  C. 

.Iiihn   Holmes  Aycock Gohlsboro.  X.C. 

I.oiiiiic  Kdward  .\yers Dobson,  X.C. 

Billy  X'ewcomb  Ayseue Henderson,  X.  C. 

Conrad   Ziegler   Bailey,  .Jr Elizabeth   City.  X.C. 

Donald    Scott    Baker..". Gastoniii.    X.C. 

Kicliard  I'liillip  Ballard Scmth  Hill,  Va, 

Hay    Herbert    Ballenger Wilson.    X.C. 

Arthur   Eugene   Barber,  Jr Fayetteville,   X.  C. 

William    Benjamin   Barksdale Raleigh,   X,  C. 

Donald  Hay  Barnes Wilson,  X,  C, 

William    Hufu^    Barnes .\ngier,   X,  C, 

William  .Sicbcrt   Barnes,  Jr Linwood.  X.  C. 

(Jeorge    Xeill    Barnett...^ Charlotte.    X.C. 

Bert   Tennyson   Barrett Raleigh.   X.  C. 

Rolin  Farror  Barrett Raleigh.  X.C. 

Eddie   Max   Barringer Raleigh.   X.  C. 

Ceorge  Herbert  Barringer .Jacksonville,  X.C. 

Larry   Edward   Barringer Bessemer  City,  X.C. 

Donald    l!a\  niond   Barry Stem,   X.C, 

.lohn   H.   Barwick ! Grifton,   X.C. 

.lames    Reid    Basinger China    Grove,   X.C. 

Floyd  Ijee  Basnight Manns  Harbor.  X.  C. 

(iccirge   Stanford   Bason,  .Jr Swepsonville,  N.  C. 

iioderick  .Sidney  Bass Xashville,  X'^.  C. 

W  illiam  llartwcll   Bass,  Jr.. Falmouth.  \'a. 

Lawrence  llcrnuiii  Bates,  .Jr Asheville.  X.C. 

Lawrence  I'eter  Bavier Georgetown,  S.  C. 

Idnimy   Millard   Beadles Hayesville.   X.  C. 

W  arren    Beam I.,ineolnton.    X'.  C. 

.losepli   Wayne   Beane T^aurinburg,  X.C. 

William   Cancdl   Beard,  Jr Fayetteville.   X.C. 

Iiobert  Eailc  Beaslev Salisburv.  X.  C. 

Ilandd   Drew  Beck..' Sanfor'd.  X.C. 

(live  (Jilhert   Bell Statesville.  X.  C. 

Robert   Humphrey   Bell Greensboro,   X'.  C. 

Hugh    Clements    Bennett,    Jr Raleigh.    X'.  C. 

Willett   Boyd    Beiuiett,   Jr Hendersonville,   X.  C. 

Ridicrt  Rutland   Benton Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 


Joseph    Gilbert    Berrv Vienna.    \a. 

Riehanl   .losejili   Biek'el Kaston.    I'a. 

.lolin     David     Hillingslev Peaelilan<l,    X.  C. 

William    Kltoii    liissette,  Jr Wilson,  N.  C. 

Daniel   Jasper   Black,  Jr Wilminnton,  N.  C. 

John    U'ster    BUu'k Charlotte.   N.  C. 

William   Keith  Black Miilland,  N.  C. 

I!c.l>ert     Talton    BlaekweUler Charlotte.    N.  (_'. 

\\  illiani  Henry  Blankenship Warwick,  \'a. 

.lolin   Oliver   Hlevins Kinston,  X.  C. 

BoUl)   D\ike   Boger Winston-l^ialeni,  X.  C. 

Howard  Kli  Bollinger Granite  Falls,  N.  C. 

Malcolm   l!ay  Bonner.  Jr Comfort,  N.  C. 

William  Jordan   Boone Gates,  X.  C. 

Kenneth   Everett  Boosin Hewlett.   L.   T..  X'.   Y. 

John  Carl   liorg Winston-.Salem.  X.  C. 

Charles   Anthony   Borniuth,  Jr York,    I'a. 

James    Franklin    Bost Belnunt.    X.  C. 

Carl   Franklin   Bottoms Pikesville.  X.  C. 

David  Collins  Bourne Georgetown,  S.  C. 

Rohley   Kivette  Bowman Taylorsville.   X.  C. 

llarrv   \\  illiani   Bradv.  Jr Graham,   X.  C. 

Cecil'  Clark    Bradsha'w Clinton.    X.  C. 

James   William   Braswell Smithfield,  X.  C. 

Daniel    Webster    Brattain,   Jr Oakslmro.   X.  C. 

Tom  Lee  Brightwell Winston-Salem,  \.  C. 

John  Roger  Briscoe Mountain  Lakes,  X^.  J. 

Clarence  Willard  Britt Roxboro,  X.  C. 

Joseph   Harvey   Brittain.  ,Tr Asheville.  X'.  C. 

Walter   Donald   Brock Raleigh,   X.  C. 

John  Lawrence  Brooks Bryson  City,  X.  C. 

Bettv  .Joanne  Brown Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Billy  Le  Brown Mt.  Airy,  X.  C. 

Gene  Talmadge  Brown Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

George   Washington   Brown Kaleigh,   X.  C. 

James  Richmoiul   Brown Fayetteville,  X'.  C. 

Jasper    Cary    Brown Rockingham.    X.  C. 

John   Wesley    Brown Raleigh,   X.  C. 

Robert   Paul   Buchanan,   Jr Yadkinville,   X.  C. 

Roderick    Burton    Brown Asliford,   X.  C. 

Charles  Hugh  Brvant Y'adkinville,  X.  C. 

.lohn   Edward  Buffaloe Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Douglas  Jlerle  Bullard Raleigh,  X.  C. 

James  Connor  Bullard Charlotte,  X'.  C. 

.John   Trent   Bunn Charlotte,  X.  C. 

George  Oden  Biirbage,  Jr Bath,  X.  C. 

Charles  Vance   Burgess Pisgah   Forest,  X.  C. 

Richard  Hunt  Burgess Dumont,  X.  J. 

William   Brantley   Burnett Durham,   X.  C. 

William  Linwood  Burroughs Xorfolk,  Va. 

.Sherrile  Pearson  Burton Durham,  X^.  C. 

Watson  Ix-e  Burts Greenville,  S.  C. 

Maetin  Ausljurn  Bush Acme,  X.  C. 

CJeorge  William  Butts,  Jr Greensboro,  X.  C. 

James  William  Byrd Mt.  Olive,  X^.  C. 

Roger  Woodrow  Byrd Marion,  X^.  C. 

Robert  I^onard  Byrum,  .Tr Greensboro,  X'.  C. 

Daniel  .Tames  Cagle,  Jr Seagrove,  X.  C. 

.lack  Verlie  Cagle Greenslxiro,  X.  C. 

\\'illiam  Ralph  Cain Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

.Tames    Morgan   Campbell Elizal>ethtown,   X.  C. 

Ix>rin  Scott  Campbell Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

William    Donaldson    Campbell Charlotte,   X.  C. 

Arron  William  Elijah  Capel Trov,  X.  C. 

Ernest  Paul  Capell Pisgah  Forest,  X.  C. 

George  Davis   Capps Rocky  Mount,  X.  C. 

David  J./ee  Carmiehael High  Point,  X.  C. 

.Tames  Robert  Carpenter Shelby,  X.  C. 

James  W  alker  Carr Rose  Hill,  X.  C. 

Edward  Earl  Carraway X'ewport,  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  9 




^  .^f! 


Daiiii'l  Wilson  Caiioll Durham,  N.  C. 

.lames   Charles   Carroll Dunn,   X.  C. 

Larrv   Lee  Carter Winston  Salem.   K.  C. 

William  Nelson  Caudle IVaehlaiHl,  X.  C. 

.)<ie   William   Cavin Kaniiapolis,  X.  C. 

William  Branson  Caviness,  Jr Kaleigh,  X'.  C. 

Howard    l!ol)ert    Cell Kaleigh.  X.  C. 

Kohert    Diirges  Cliaf;n(m Greensboro,  X.  C. 

])(iiial(l  Kav  Cliapman Lincolnton,  X'.  C. 

James  Kay  Chapiiell,  Jr Elkin.  NO. 

James  Owen   Chatham Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Walter   llujih    Chatliam,   Jr Leakesville,   X.  C. 

Gerald   Wallaee  Cheek Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Donald   Corhell  Cherry Portsmouth,  Va. 

•  lerry  Anderson  Clinri-h Valdese,  'N.C. 

KefTfiie  Jlorgan   Cilvik Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Richard  Edwin   Clapp Siller  City,  X.  C. 

John    Palmer    (lardy Georgetown,    S.  C. 

Henry  Laddie   Clark Virgilina,   Va. 

John'  Douglas    Clark Charlotte,    X.  C. 

Uiiljert   Kdwnrd   Clarke Jlorganton,   X'.  C 

.lohn   Harry   Clayton,   Jr Charlotte,   X.  C. 

Henry  Clay  Clegg.  Jr Xloncure,  X.  C. 

•losepli  ilason  Clement Xew  Bern.  X.  C. 

liohert   Lane  Clement Xew   Bern,  X.  C. 

■loll   Barnes  Clendenin Greenslwro,  X.  C. 

Jolm  Cliarles  Clifi'ord,  III Atlanta,  Georgia 

And)rose   Schenck   Cline Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Carson  Alexander  Clippard Raeford,  X.  C. 

James   Henry   Clippard,   Jr Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Edgar  Coltrane  Cohle 1^'vington.  X.  C. 

Arthur   Gwynne  Coekman Pittsboro,  X.  C. 

Benjamin  Baker  Coekman Pittsboro,  X.  C. 

linssell    Preston    Coekman Pittsboro,   X.  C. 

Walter  James  Coker,  .Tr Roanoke  Rapids,  X.  C. 

Frank  .Jaekscm   Ccjle Asheboro,  X'.  C. 

Robert  Cole  C(de Charlotte,  X.  C. 

ToUie  Boyce  Cole Aeme,  X.  C. 

Alonzo  Brown  Coleman,  Jr Hurdle  Mills,  X.  C. 

Kdward  Legrand   Coleman Tabor  City,  X.  C. 

Wilnier  Grant  Collier Roanoke  Rapids,  X.  C. 

Ihigh   A>hl<.y   Colvard Robbinsville.  X.  C. 

.lames  Alexander  Connell,  Jr Spartanburg,  X.  C. 

Randolph  Constantine,  .Jr Tarboro,  X.  C. 

Austin    Craig   Cooley Blaek   Jlountain,   X.  C. 

William    Kdward  Cooper.  Jr Richmond,  Va. 

Howard   Wayne  Copenhaver,  Jr.,  Morganton,  X.  C. 

Larry    Tom    Costner Casar,   X.  C. 

Lonnie  B.  Coulter Salisbury,  X.  C. 

Dallas    Bruce   Cox Rockingham.   X.  C. 

Ral|di    Jackson    Crabtree Carthage,   X.  C. 

Edgar    Reid   Crews Creedmoor,    X.  C. 

.lames  Xorrie  Crocker,  Jr Hubert,  X.  C. 

■  lohnny   Lee  Crow Lincolnton.  X.  C. 

(Jwyn   Norman   Crump Hickory.  X.  C. 

Ronald  DeWayne  Cruea Cedarville,  Ohio 

.lerry  Matthew  Culbreth Hope  Mills.  X.  C. 

Richard    Everette   Curlee Raleigh.    X.  C. 

Avery  Madison  Currie Clarkton.  X.  C. 

Roliert   Mignerey    Cusliman Greenville.    S.  C. 

Arthur   William"  Daniel.  Jr Rocky   Mount.  X.  C. 

William   Lee  Daniels Dviriiani.  N.  C. 

Anlocy  Tbonuis  Davis Hertford,  X'^.  C. 

Carlton   Earl    Davis Goldslioro,   N.  C. 

Charles   .Mgcrnoii   Davis,  Jr Draper.  X.  C. 

IJoU'rl    Charles   Davis Lund^.rton.   X.  C. 

Robert   Ernest    Davis ThonuisviUe.  X.  C. 

Schuyler  C.  Davis,  Jr Xorth  Wilkeslwro,  X.  C. 

Tlion'ias  Paul   Davis Shelby,  X.  C. 

William  Richard  Dawson,  Jr Durham,  N'.  C. 

lidlici't  K(hv;iiil   Dean Kington.  N'.  C. 

I'liili|i  Mmiriic  Di'iins Wilson,  X.  t  . 

Willis  Hcplii'it   Dcatuii Cornelius,  X.  (  . 

\\  illiiir   Aitlmr    Di'llinger Altament,   X.  C. 

liiian  Malinn  Decly,  .Ir Xcw  Roilu'Uo,  X.  ^  . 

I  lionias   ('(iiipfi-  Dees Pikesville,    N.C 

Kverctte   WiiMie    Dcnninir Mt.   Dlivc,    N.C. 

Klon   Slate   Diiiiiis .Salislmrv.  X.  C. 

I'liillip   Donald    Dennis TroV.  X.  C. 

llaiuld   I'   Dew Haefoiil,  N.C. 

I'liailcs   Kiivee  Dixon Siler  City,  X.  C. 

IJoilney    .McSwain    Dixon Statesville,   X.  C. 

Henry   \\  iseinan   Dodson,  Jr Ossipee,  N.  C. 

Koland   William   Doepner,  Jr Raleigh,  N.C. 

Milton  'riionias  Dooley W'instonSaleni.  N.C. 

Kine^t    Xidaml    Dnnalioe Frederiekslmifr.   \'a. 

Jerrv   (  randid    Doinian Kaleigh,  X.  C. 

Artliur  Do/ier.   Ill Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Gary    Krajiklin    Dozier Raleigh,    X.  C. 

•lohn   l.ander   Driggers Charlotte,  X.  C. 

.loseph  Addison  Dniiois.  .]r Sea  Level.  X.  C. 

I'ranie   lliiglns   Dunn Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

I  lionias    Kicliard    Dunn Hamlet.  X.  C. 

Carlton   Walker   Duke.  Jr Xorlina,  X.  C. 

Asa    W  e-ley    Duke '. Fayetteville,    N.  C. 

Andre'   Kedwine   Duval Waxhaw,  X.  C. 

Arlen   Held   Karney Charlotte.  X.  C. 

.lohn  Walter  Karnhardt ilonroe,  X.  C. 

William    Tavlnr  ICaster Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Carl  Arthur  EMiardt Halifax,  N.C. 

Joseph  Harold  Eekerd Marion,  N.  C. 

Arthur   Jay    Edwards George,   N.  C. 

Arthur  Randolph  Edwards Rockv  Mount.  N.  C. 

Charles  '1  Innnas  Edwards Si'nithtield,  N.  C. 

Jose]di  Edwards,  Jr Fotir  Oaks.  N.  C. 

Ted  Alfred  Edwards Belmont.  N.  C. 

George  Klearchos  Eliades Liunberton,  N.  I'. 

John   Doane   Ellenherg Cliarlotte,  X.  C. 

Kenneth  Eugene  Elliott Black  Mountain,  N.  C. 

(^lin   Sylvester   Elliott,  Jr Greenville,   S.  C. 

1  homas  Vern  Ellison Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Horace  Richard  Elzey Creston,  N.  C. 

Emery  Ge;irge  Freeman Washington,  N.  C. 

John   Edward   English Marion,  N.  C. 

Roljert   Earl   Ernull New  Bern,  X.  C. 

Joseph  Lister  Etheridge Elizabeth  City,  X'.  C. 

William   Ernest    Evans Murfreesl)oro,   X.  C. 

Roliert   (Jlemi   Eudy Alliemarle.  X.  C. 

Lynn  Wade  Eury  Xew  London.  X".  C. 

Darrell  Joe  Endy Rockingham.  X.  C. 

John  David  Everette Rocky  Mount,  X'.  C. 

Herbert   Eugene  Ezzell Whiteville,  N.  C. 

Thomas  Kilby  Faison,  Jr Faison,  N.  C. 

\\  illiam  Casper  Earner Morganton,  X'.  C. 

William   Henry  Faulk.  Jr Smithfield,  X.  C. 

Louis  Alexander    Faulkner. ...Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Charles   Detroit   Fesperman.   Jr Salisbury.   X.  C. 

Frederick  Arthur  Ficcjuett,  Jr Dunn,  X.  C. 

Charles  Weldon   Fields.  II Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Curtis  Muse  Fields,  Jr Thoniasville,  N.C. 

Edwin   Orville   Finch Bailey,  N.  C. 

Marion    Thomas    Fine Lexington,   N.  C. 

Henry   Lolir    Finger Xewton.  N.  C. 

Iiinins  Virgil  Fisher.  Jr Charlotte.  X'.  C. 

William   Persim   Fitts Littleton,  N.C. 

Kussell  Herbert    Fleming Morganton.  N.  C. 

lohn    Edward    Fletcher Marion,    X'.  C. 

Wa>ne  Thomas    Flinchum Carthage,  X.  C. 

linger   ^laraus   Flowers Rockingham.  X'.  C. 

Willie  Leon  Floyd,  Jr Rose  Hill,  N.C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  9 

ili^i^  i  ^. 



MM  T  s:^^M^* 




.liiliii   WC^lcy    I'uUuiii Warwick.  \i\. 

Ilailiuiil    ]liTiiian    l-'orbes,   Jr Willianiston.   X.  C. 

.lames    Anclii'w    Forbes Wilniiiifjton,    N.  ('. 

Isaac  .IiU'ttu  Koreliantl Uuillcy.  N.  C 

Walter  Keiii])  Forehand South  Mills.  X.  C. 

.loliii   (Jerome  Formy  Duval.  IT....\Vhiteville,  X.  ('. 
Alton  (irey  Foster Henderson.  X.  C. 

.1.    \  ann    Foster Bridgetown,   X.  .1. 

(iene   l!av   Foust Lexington.  X.  C. 

Albert  Dean  Fox Kaleigh.  N.  C. 

Dennis    l^>e   Fox (iastonia.   X.  C. 

Ilaridd   Hoyd   Freeman Roanoke  Rapids,  X.  C. 

licibbie  Kiigene  Freeze Jloorosville,  X.  C. 

Krnest   .Mason  Friar,  Jr Tarlmro,  X.  C. 

llaMiinnd    K.    iMilirer ('harlc^tte,  X.  C. 

I'liilli|,    Kudolpb    Fuleher,  Jr Leiand,  X.  C. 

I  lionias    lia\     Kiilgbum Wilson.    X.  C. 

Hobbv    Lee    Fuller Durham.   X.  C. 

lien  'Gay   Futrell Rocky   Mount,  X.  C. 

Charles   Hay   Gardner Greenville,   X.  C. 

lark   Allen  Gardner Pasadena.   Calif. 

William    Wright   (Jardner .Wilmington.  X.  C. 

John    William    Garris,    Jr Goldslxiro,    X,  C. 

Henry   Horace  Gatewood Winston-Salem.  X'.  C. 

Critz  Horton  (ieorgo Raleigh,  X'.  C. 

Richard  Lee  Gentry Reidsville,  X.  C. 

.loe  Cornwell  ( iettys Shelby,  N.  C. 

Fdward    Lee   Gibbon Kichnic.nd.   Va. 

George  Curtis  Giles l)ra|)er,  N,  C, 

Thomas   Odell   Gilniore .Inlian,   N.  C. 

George   Douglas  Glover Ellenboro,  N.  C. 

Otis  Edwin  Goad,  Jr Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

(Carlos  Diaz  Gonzales Mexico 

Edward   Macilillan   Goodson Lincolnton,   X.C. 

Williiim    llaibaugh   Gordon Durham,  X,  C, 

Charles    Gotuacu Manila.    I'bilippines 

Lloyd  Vandell  Grantham Fairmont,   X.  C. 

Jionjamin  ()rvis  firay Trenton,  X.C. 

William   Ihi^ib  Gray Supply,  N.  C. 

Chesley  McAulay  Greene Mt.  (4ilead,  N.  C. 

Donald   Xeale  Greene High  Point,  X.C. 

iiobert  Lee  Greene Star,  X.C. 

Robert    William    Greene CJastonia,   X.  C. 

William    Harold  Green Zcbulon,   X.C. 

Charles  Roy  Grillin.  Jr Pinetojjs,  X.C. 

Daniel   Martin   (Irillin Lenoir,  X.C. 

Dewey   Mauriie   (irillith Greenville.   X.C. 

IClmo'  Llovd    Grillin Raleigh,   X.C. 

.lohnny  W'ilson  Griffith,  Jr Charlotte,  X.C. 

Eugene  Tj<'van  Grillin.  Jr Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Marlon    Carndl    (iritlin Rolxusonville,    N.  C. 

( 'liris   (Jross Wilmington,   X,  C, 

Marshall  Edward  Gross Asheville,  X.C. 

(illic  .loseph   Gnpton,  Jr Wood,  X,  C. 

.lames   llerliert  Gurkin Willianiston,   X.C. 

Patrick  Thaddeus  Gurley Seven  Springs,  X.  (  . 

Wendell    Lee  Gnth Elkin,   X.C. 

(Jharlrs   Allen   Guy Fayettevillc,  N.  C. 

Charles  ^IcDonaki  Hagwood Youngsville,  N.  C. 

(ieorge  Franklin  Hahn,  Jr Mt.  Pleasant,  X.C. 

.lohn   Xeil    llaigler,  Jr Monroe,   X.C. 

Bruce   Tbonuis   Hainley....Schuylkill    Haven.   Penn. 
Hernard   Leo   Hall '. Beaufort.   X.  C. 

.■\wni   .Mohamad  Hamad Stem,  X.C. 

»  harles   Wayne  Hammer Siler   City,  X.C. 

Ilarvev  Gray   Hancock Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Kirkbind    I'^dward  Hanrahan.... Newport  Xews,  Va. 

N'oinian   Carl    Hardee (ireenville,   X.C. 

Charles  Edward  Hardy La  Grange,  X.C. 

.lohn   Mason  Hardv....". Washington,  D.  C. 


T/<'(iii  HcrlK'it   Harkins Newton,  N.  C. 

Kvcictti'  Name  Harper Deep  Run,  N.  ('. 

Saiilonl  ((istiiii  llarpor.  IlI....\Vinstiin-Saleni.  N.  C. 

Willie   Harold   Harjicr Udikv   Mount,  X.  C. 

Han. 1,1    liru,,U>liiri'   Harris Ml.  Uilcad,   N.  C. 

Hirl.i'rt    Ihuitir  Harris Kaleigh,  X.  C. 

Mfrri'lli'    \\  asliiiif;tiiii    Harris I>ouisl)urg,    X.  ('. 

Lawrence   Harris,  .Ir Wake  Forest,  N.  C. 

1  hiinias  Wayne  Harris New  London,  N.  C. 

l-'ranklin    Delano   Hart Angier,  X.  ('. 

Larry    (Jre^ory    Hart Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Kalpli    \\  illiam    Hart Lansing,  X.  C. 

William    Hayes    Harwell Concord,  N.  C. 

Uiissell    Kuyene   Hassell.   .Ir Jamestown,  X.  C. 

i:len   (  arltun   Hatelier Selnia,   X.  C. 

Kdward    Krnest    Hatley Albemarle,    N.  C. 

Kdward  William  Hatley Oaksboro,  X.  C. 

Larry    Houston    Hatley (ireensboro,  X.  C. 

Albert   Mayo   Hattaway Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

William  Kainey  Hawkins,  ,Ir Durham,  X'.  C. 

Manley   Harris   Hayes Hamlet,   N.  C. 

.lames   Malcolm   Hays Hamilton.   Obio 

Frank   t'alvin   Hayworth Salisbury,  X.  C. 

Charles  Fugene  Heath (Jreensljoro,  X'.  C. 

George  Edwin  Hedriek,  Jr High   Point,  X'.  C. 

Charles  Signey  Heilig,  Jr Salisbury,  X'.  C. 

William   Clark   Hamrick Spindale,  X.  C. 

Kenneth   Dean   Henderson .Spindale,  N.  C. 

.lames  William  Hendri.x Greenville,  X.  C. 

Amos  Brooks  Henley Linville,  X"^.  C. 

Earl  Fmaiuiel  Ilennessee Bostic,  N.  C. 

.Joe    Bennett    Hennings East    Bend.  X.  C. 

William  (iregg  Heritage Burlington,  X.  C. 

Malcolm    LaKoy    Herring Wilson,    X.  C. 

Thomas   Woo<lrow    Herring LaGrange,   X.  C. 

Thomas  Marshall  Hester Dade  City,  Fla. 

James   Alliert   Hewett Shallcotte"   X.  C. 

Robert   Freeman   Hibbard Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Frank  (ieorge   Hickman X'ew  Bern,  X.  C. 

Charles  Samuel  Hicks Xewland,  N.  C. 

Haniilton    Edward    Hicks Wilmington,   N.  C. 

Handd    Lelaiiil    Hicks Forest   City,  N.  C. 

Ahmed  Atif  Hilal Aleppo,  Syria 

Charles  Henry  Hill Kinston,  N.  C. 

Richard   Kay   Hill,  .Tr Youngsville,  N.  C. 

Clyde   Keith   Hinson Oakboro,  X'.  C. 

Dolan  Ray  Hinson Albemarle.  X'.  C. 

Alfred  George  Hofmann New  York,  X.  Y. 

Forney  Moore  Hoke,  .Tr Havelock,  X.  C. 

Larry  David  Hoke Hickory,  X.  C. 

W  illiam   Henry  Holderness,  Jr Greensboro,  X.  C. 

F.ugene  Emniitt   Holland Franklin.  Va. 

I'hilli]!   Parker  Ibilland Franklin.  Va. 

Guy  Richard  Holshouser .Salisbury.  X.  C. 

Edward    Franklin    Holt Salisbury,   X.  C. 

Clarneie   Elam   Hood Xewton,  X.  C. 

•lonatban   Wintield  Hooks Kenly,  N.  C. 

James  Xesbit  Hoover Bostic,  N.  C. 

W  illiam  Jackson  Hopper Gastonia,  X.  C. 

David   Mason   Home Polkton,  N.  C. 

Dcjuglas  Ale-\ander   Home Polkton,  X.  C. 

Harvey  Alan   Ibirowit/ O.vford,  X.  C. 

William  Elijah   Horton Roxboro,  X.  C. 

.Tames  Herbert  Hoskins Spencer,  X.  C. 

Richard  Slater  Hoskins New  York,  X.  Y. 

Sanuu'l  (iiles  House Lincolnton.  X.  C. 

.John  (ilenn  Houston,  .Jr China  Grove,  X.  C. 

Harry  Harold  Howard Battlelmro,  N.  C. 

John   Henry  Howerton,  Jr Greenslwro,  X"^.  C. 

George  Walter  Hoyle Newton,  N.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  9 



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Robert  Wesley  Hansford Seaford,  Va. 

.lames  Franklin   Hul)l)ard Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Arlen   Gladstone   Hudson Mt.   Olive,   N.  C. 

Harrv   Hood   Hudson Waxhaw,  N.  C. 

Harold  Huylies Mt.  Olive,  N.  C. 

•losepli   Percy    Hughes Ash,   N.  C. 

Paul  Thomas  Hundley Winston-Saleni,  N.  C. 

Worth  Eugene  Hunsucker,  Jr Conover,  N.  C. 

lames  Baxter  Hunt,  Jr Lucama,  N.  C. 

•lames  Larry  Huntley Charlotte,  N.  C. 

William  Wesley  Hurst Roanoke,  Va. 

Faiz  Abbeljawad  Husein Stem,  N.  C. 

Cho  Hyuk Seoul,  Korea 

Joseph  King  Ingram Badin,  N.  C. 

John   Douglas  Inman Pilot  Mountain,  N.  C. 

.Joseph   William   Inseoe Newton,  N.  C. 

Richard  Willis  Ivey Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Gerald   Franklin  Jackson Lincolnton,  N.  C. 

Norwood   Ijee  Jackson Charlotte,  N.  C. 

James   Sherman  Jackson Plymouth,  N.  C. 

Jimmy  Ray  .Tacumin Rutherford  College,  N.  C. 

Allen  Hall  James Halifax,  N.  C. 

Charles   Aubrey   Jenkins Raleigh,   N.  C. 

William  Allen  .Jenkins Roanoke  Rapids,  N.  C. 

.John  .Stanley  Jennings Hickory,  N.  C. 

Russell  lidward  Jordan High  Point,  N.  C. 

Aaron   Whitley   Johnson Smithfield,   N.  C. 

Franklin  Mitchell  Johnson Greenville,  N.  C. 

Howard  Leon  Johnson Mount  Gilead,  N.  C. 

.James   Ellis  Johnson Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

James    McNeill    Johnson Aberdeen,    N.  C. 

Larry  Buekner  Johnson Sanford,  N.  C. 

Raymond  Gerald   .Johnson, 

Atlantic  Highlands,  N.  J. 

William   Edward  Johnson,  Jr Roanoke,  Va. 

William  TImI  .Johnson Taylorsville,  N.  C. 

William    Ransom   Johnston Littleton,   N.  C. 

William   Thonuis  Joines Moravian   Falls,  N.  C. 

James  Wence  Jolley Nelroy,  Florida 

Billy  Daniel  Jones! Benson,  N.  C. 

Harold  Holyoake  Jones New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Killy  I^ess  Jones,  Jr Burgaw,  N.  C. 

Robert  Ralph  Jones,  Jr Laurinburg,  N.  C. 

William  Bowling  Jones,  Jr Dyford,  N.  C. 

Itodri    Christy   .Joseph Downingtown,   Pa. 

Ander  Judge. West  Jefferson,  N.  C. 

Douglas  Melvin  Jurney Harmony,  N.  C. 

Richard  Otto  Kaufmann.... Franklin  Square,  N.  C. 

William  Byrd  Kay,  Jr Red  Springs,  N.  C. 

Wayne  Thomas  Kearney Henderson,  N.  C. 

Joseph   Donald   Kerr Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

\\avne   Dciuglas  Keller Lenoir,  N.  C. 

Darrell  Brown   Kelly Lillington,  N.  C. 

.Mmmv  Carr  Kellv Newport,  N.  C. 

.John  Timothv  Ivelly Mount  Olive,  N.  C. 

Paul   Omer   lielly...! Newport,   N.  C. 

ICdward  Dickson  Kendrick,  Jr Fallston,  N.  C. 

Jjarry  Stevenson  Iverr Mooresville,  N.  C. 

Walter  Bernard  Kerr Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

Gene  Paul  Ivesler Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Joel  Oho   Kimrev Norwood,  N.  C. 

William  Hatcher  Kincheloe Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Carev  Alliert  Kenney Wilson,  N.  C. 

William   Henry   I-iirk Asheville,   N.  C. 

Roljcrt  'J'aft  I\irkland,  Jr Raleigh,  N.  C. 

John  Kecly  Kirkpatrick Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Donald  R.iy  Knight Roanoke  Rapids,  N.  C. 

James   Thomas  Knight Charlotte,  N.  C. 

William  Ross  Ivnowles Jamesville,  N.  C. 

Joe  Darrell  Ladd Gastonia,  N.  C. 

James   David   Lafeuers Kannapolis,   N.  C. 

Kenneth    Lee    Lail Laxvniiale,    N.  C. 

Kussell  Dale  Lamb West  Aslieiville.  N.  C. 

John    Hall    Lambert Hrevanl,    N.  C. 

(Jcorge  Pete  Lamprinakos Asheville,  N.  C. 

Sheriill  Glenn   I^aney Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

Robert  Ix>e  Lankioril Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

James  Daniel  Lassiter Clayton.  X.  C. 

Kay  Kol)erts  Lassiter Ahoskic,  N.  C. 

William  Lee  Latham Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

William  Jeral  Laughton,  Jr.,  Morehead  Citv,  N.  C. 

Ilngh  Lawing Forest  City,  N.  C. 

Ralph  Butuer  Leach Aberdeen,  N.  C. 

Hoy  Eugene  Leach Julian,  X.  C. 

Carol  James  Leatherman Newton,  X.  C. 

John  Steven  Ledbetter Rockingham,  X.  0. 

Jerry  Windsor  Lee Greensboro,  X.  C. 

•limmy   Dale  I^ee Oakboro,  X.  C. 

ililton   Wayne  Lee Jlayodan,  X.  C. 

Robert  Eugene  Lee Pikeville,  X.  C. 

Roger  Cilenn  I.iee Woodhaven,  X.  Y. 

Fred  B.  Leggett,  Jr Danville,  Va. 

Ralph   Avery   Leonard Louisburg,  X'^.  C. 

Robert  Lindsay  Leonard Lexington,  X.  C. 

Howard  Stuard  Levene Xew  Rochelle,  X.  Y. 

Herbert  Lawrence  Lewallen,  Jr., 

Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Charles  Robert  Lewis Shannon,  X^.  C. 

William  Elby  Lewis,  Jr Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Edgar  C.  Lineberry Sanford,  X'.  C. 

Erie  John  Lindsay Xew  York,  X'^.  Y. 

Harry   Vernon   Lindsay Greensboro.   X.  C. 

Douglas  Eugene  Lingle Faith,  X.  C. 

Max   Robert   Livengood Carthage,   X.  C. 

Wayne  Thomas  Livengood Cartilage,  X.  C. 

Thomas  B.  Long,  .Jr Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Charles  Klem  Lombard Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Gareth  Marvin  Lowder Albemarle,  N.  C. 

X'ed  Edward  Lowder Albemarle,  X.  C. 

Gene  Ray  Lowrimore Tabor  City,  X.  C. 

Hugh  ilcCoU  Lupoid Columbia,  S.  C. 

George  Suell  Lvda Raleigh,  X.  0. 

Harvey  Dick  Lyerly Faith,  X.  C. 

James  Edd  McBride Mount  Airy.  X.  C. 

John  Garrett   McCormiek Lilesville,   N.  C. 

Robert  Alexander  McCormiek... .Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

Gene  Cleveland   MeCracken Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Earl   Wilson  McDaniel Salisbury,  X.  C. 

Robert  Lament  McDonald Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Bobby  Ray  McDowell Higli   Point,  X.  C. 

George  Hutaft'  McEachern Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Harold  Gene  McEntire Cordova,  X.  C. 

James   Ronald   McGee Greensboro,   N.  C. 

Robert  Antliony  .Jones  McGrady,  Wilkesboro,  N.  C. 

Donald   Buddv  McKinnev Reidsville.  X.  C. 

Edward  McKnight.  Jr...! Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Delton  Jack  McLelland Statesville,  X.  C. 

Lloyd  I^aniar  ilcLendon Mt.  Gilead,  X.  C. 

James  Xewton  McQuay Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Charles  Bruce  McRae Maxton,  X.  C. 

Stanley  Richard  Mackay Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Paul  Lee  Madren Elon  College,  X.  C. 

.James  Ishani  Malone Charlotte,  X.  C. 

John    Kent   Maness Biscoe,   X'.  C. 

Erbie  William  Mangum,  Jr Durham,  X.  C. 

Fred  William  Manley Reidsville,  X'.  C. 

Don   Pace  ilanning Greenville,   X.  C. 

Edwin   Forrest  Martin,  Jr Kinston,  X.  C. 

Jimmv    Douglas   ilartin Lincolnton,   N.  C. 

W.  Baine  Martin,  Jr Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Homer  Livingston  Mason Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Roy  Harold  Massengill Kenly,  X.  C. 

CLASS      OF    '5  9 

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William    Howard   Mast Rominger,   N.  C. 

Douglas  Harold  Matthews Wilson,  N.  C. 

Richard   Wesley   Matthews Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Roljert   Lynwood  Mattocks,  II Maysville,  N.  C. 

Albert    Herr    Maxwell.   .Tr Morganton,   N.  C. 

Jim   May LaGraiige,   N.  C. 

Roljert  Edward  May Kinston,  N.  C. 

Hassell   Gray   Mayberry Winston-Salem,   X.  V. 

Klbert   Clifton   Meares Gloucester,   N.  C. 

Charles   Robert   Medlin Wendell,  N.  C. 

Richard    Hrinslcy   Meehan.  .Jr Asheville,  N.  C. 

Archie  "tis   Mclclior Mooresville,  N.  C. 

Dennis    Ariiolcl    Mentz Winston-Salem,   N.  C. 

.lames  Mathis  Jlerrell Shelby.  Ala. 

Samuel    Chester   Merritt Raleigli,    N.  C. 

Craig  Richard  Meshaw Rockingham,  N.  C. 

Lester  \'ernoii  Messer .Tarboro.  N.  C. 

Richard   Alton    Mewborn Snow   Hill,   N.  C. 

Larry  .loe  Micol Valdese,  N.  C. 

Arviii   Alexander  Midgett Manteo,  N.  C. 

Hoyd    C^ohimbus   Miller.   .Ir Salisbury,   N.  C. 

Cliarles   Frederick   Miller.  .Tr Wavnesville.  N.  C. 

George  Kiml)all  Miller,  ,Tr .Old  Fort,  N.  C. 

Kodney  .laye  Miller Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Sidney    l-eou    .Miller Asheboro,  N.  C. 

William   Hernard  Miller Pineville,  N.  C. 

William    Monroe   .Minish Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Kiiy   llarrixiM   Miushewi Asheljoro,  N.  C. 

Franklin   IJclores   Moore Greensboro,  N.  C. 

.lames   Donald   Moffitt Staley,  N.  C. 

Curtis   Eugene   Moore Hurdle   Mills,   N.  C. 

Harold  Marvin  Morgan Candler,  N.  C. 

Otis  Cleveland  Morgan Candler,  N.  C. 

Tom   Adam    Morgan Oakboro,   N.  C. 

William   1!.   :\Iorris Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Charles  Ellis  Morrison Rowland,  N.  C. 

Robert   Allen   Morrow Monroe,  N.  C. 

Melvin    Kdward  Morton Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Ralph   Lee   Morten .Jacksonville,  N.  C. 

.luliaii    Devon   Mosley Butner,  N.  C. 

Walter    I'.  Mottinger,  III Burlington,  N.  C. 

Klhert   Stanley  Mullis Haw   River,  N.  C. 

Perry   Laney   JIungo Pageland,   S.  C. 

Paul    Branson    Murphy Leicester.    N.  C. 

Maurice  Talmadge  Murray Ayden,  X.  C. 

Joseph    Samuel    Murrow Raleigh,    N.  C. 

Artis   Medlin   Xarron Kenly,  X.  C. 

Robert    Lee   Nethery.  Jr Henderson,   X.  C. 

.loseph  llernuui  Xewberry Plymouth,  N.  C. 

.Inlin   Roger  Newby Le.xington,  N.  C. 

.lohn   Henry   Newlin Sanford,   X.  C. 

.lames  Britt  Xewsome.  II Goldsboro,  X.  C. 

Henry    Lynn    Xewton Wilson,   X.  C. 

Robert  siisser  Xewton.  .Ir Wilmington,  N  C. 

Wayne  Eugene  Xifong Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

.lohn    Wesley    Nix Rutherfordton,    X.  C. 

Osborii    Clark   Xoble Greenville,   X"^.  C. 

Paul  .\l.  Xoell Durham.  X.  C. 

Donald   Welch   N'orman Mount  Airy,  X^.  C. 

Peter    Friedrich    Xohl Greenslwro,   X.  C. 

.loseph    Hoyt    Xunn Toughkenamon,   Penn. 

.lohn    Michael    O'Brian Stem,    X.  C. 

.linuny   Lee   O'Connell Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Lewis  Ray  O'Ferrell Greensboro.  X'.  C. 

Itimald    Dean  Oldham Liljerty.   Missouri 

Ricchard  Buchanan  O'N'eal Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Robin  Turner  O'Xeal Middlesex,  X.  C. 

Leonard   Randolph  Orders.  Jr Asheville,  X.  C. 

Robert   Scott  Ouda Arlington,   Va. 

William  Paul  Oughton Raleigh,  X.  C. 


Allen    Ray   Overman Pikosville,  N.  C. 

Austin    Andrew    Owen Elizabethtown,  N.  C. 

Deri   Rex   Owen Canton,  N.  C. 

Virgeon  Alvin  Pace,  Jr Spring  Hope,  N.  C. 

Howard  Slierwood  Page Albemarle,  N.  C. 

(Jeorge  Robert   Painter Plynioutli,  N.  C. 

Krnest  George  Pappas Wilson,  N.  C. 

Kichanl    Jiovden    Park Raleigb.  N  C. 

.Iidin    Henry    I'arker.   Jr Polkton,  N.  C. 

.Idlm   Wiliner    I'arker,   Jr Lasker,  N.  C 

Wallace  O'Xeil    Parker Hubert,  N.  C. 

(leorge   Stephen    Parrish Henderson,  N.  C. 

Karl  Max  Parrish Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Jimmie  Jones  Parton Gilkey,  N.  C. 

Emmett  Sloop  Patterson China  Grove,  N.  C. 

I^rrv  Hugh  Patterson China  Glove,  N.  C. 

BolibV    Waldo   Paul Pike    Road,   N.  C. 

Moses  Benton  Paul JIaxton.  N.  C. 

James   Hoyt  Paxton Charlotte.  N.  C. 

tJeorge  Seymour  Peacock Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Wayne  Lee  Peed Angier,  N.  C. 

Frederick  James  Pearson Saluda,  N.  C. 

Charles  Van  Ruren  Peele Goldslwro,  N.  C. 

Jos<>ph  Boykin  Peml>erton,  Jr Goldslxiro.  N.  C. 

Carl   Murray   Penney Warwick,  Va. 

James  \'anee  Perkins,  Jr Greenville.  N.  C. 

Terrell   Barclay   Petrie Arlington,  Va. 

James  Clifton  Phelps Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Milton  Leon  Phillips Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Robert  Lincoln  Phillips High  Point,  N.  C. 

Priihard   James   Phillips Beulaville,   N.  C. 

Thomas   Lipes   Pickard Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Bobby   Overton    Pinner Columbia,   N.  C. 

Harney    Wess    Pittman Hillsboro,    N.  C. 

James  .ludson  Piver Hampstead,  N.  C. 

W  illiam  Brandon  Poindexter East  Bend,  N.  C. 

Paul  W  ilson  Foley Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Donald  Page  Pollock Kinston,  N.  C. 

Reginald  Wallace  Ponder Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Lonnie  Craven  Poole,  Jr Raleigh,  N.  C. 

•  lolin    Haywood   Pope,  Jr Dearborn,   N.  C. 

William    Barham    Porter Washington,   N.  C. 

Talmadge    Merritt   Poston Smithfield.    N.  C. 

James  T.  Potter Charlotte,  N.  C. 

(ierald   Vann   Presson Charlotte,   N.  C. 

Clay   Crowson    Price Taylorsville,    N.  C. 

Andrew  .lay  Proescher Gary,  N.  C. 

Paul  Lawrence  Propst Southern  Pines,  N.  C. 

Billy   Arthur    Puett Morganton.   N.  C. 

Bobby  Eugene  Puett Morganton,  N.  C. 

James  Darrell  Punch Conover,  N.  C. 

Alljert  Columbus  Purvis Winnabow,  N.  C. 

Jacob   Craig   Quickel Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Warner   Smith   Rackley Nashville,  N.  C. 

Edgar    Lee    Ramsey Gastonia,  N.  C. 

John  \'ashti   Randall Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Robert  Nissen  Randolph Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Mark   Raney,  Jr Jacksonville,  N.  C. 

James   LeRoy   Raper Thomasville.   N.  C. 

Ijannv  Reese  Ravfield Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Arch 'Perry  Read Wood,  N.  C. 

Clark    Delano   Readling Cornelius.   X.  C. 

Jobie    Gene    Redmond Watenille,    N.  C. 

Richard  Horace  Redwine Rural  Hall,  N.  C. 

Kenneth  Dale  Reid Granite  Falls.  N.  C. 

Robert  Franklin  Renegar Vadkinville.  N.  C. 

Mac   Respess Greenville.  N.  C. 

Robert  Lee  Reynolds Cherryville,  N.  C. 

Albert  Jones  Rhodes,  Jr Brevard,  N.  C. 

Benjamin    Rhodes Kinston,  N.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  9 

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DcWitt    Talinage   Rice,   Jr Raleigh.   X.  C. 

Kicliard   Ilarvey   Rii>ak(>ve Sanford.  N.  C. 

Jennings  Farrell  Riilenhour Albemarle,  X.  C. 

Ivey  James  Riggs High  Point,  X.  C. 

Ceter  .Teffiies  Ringgold Searsdale,  X.  Y. 

Kichard  Z.  Riviere Charlotte,  X.  C. 

lames  Lewis  Rohhins Durants  Neek,  X.  C. 

Don   Speneer  Robertson King.  X.  C. 

William   V.   Robertson Greenville.  S.  C. 

\\  illiam  Tlionias  Robins,  III  ,Gloucester  Point,  Va. 

KliiKT  .Tames   Robinson Liberty.   X.  C. 

William  Daniel  Rodgerson,  Jr Williamson,  X.  C. 

WilK   I'inknev  Rodgers,  Jr Franklinville,  X.  C. 

J. .1,11  (liadwiJ-k  Rogers High  Point,  X.  C. 

I.oriiiic  .loe  Rogers Williamstoii,  X.  C. 

William   James   Rogers W'hittier,   X.  C. 

William    lieiil    Kogers Pineville,    X.  C. 

Ki.hcrt    Waitsell    Rollins Rutherfordton.    X.  C. 

William    L.    Koper Engelhard,  X.  C. 

William    Karl   Ross Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Rf.liert    TluMHlore   Roth Klkin,   X.  C. 

Tliomas  Hardy   Rothroek,  Jr Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Kolicrt  Lee  Rovster Clarksville.  Va. 

Carl  (iladtdrd'Hutr.  Jr.... Mill  Spring,  X.  C. 

Norman  <;ilmer  Rush Asheboro.  N.  C. 

.bsse   Kessller   Rnssell Rielilands,  Va. 

David   Wallace   Ryan Gre<»nsl>oro.  X.  C. 

Kugciic  Ivhvaid  Sadler Englehard.  X.  C. 

Tommv   Anthonv    Saieed (Jreenville,   X.  C. 

William  Carlos  Sain Statesville.  X.  C. 

.lunius  Lee  Sales Asheville,  X.  C. 

Luther  Carlton   Salter,  Jr Shellield,  Ala. 

Ndrman  Gilbert  Samet High  Point.  X.  C. 

Kicliard  .loseph  Sanchez JIurrav  Hill.  X.J. 

.I..I111  Walton  Sanders.  Jr li'aleigh.  X.  C. 

William   Ferrell  Sanders,  .Tr Badin,  X.  C. 

\irgil    ilayo   Sanderson Beulaville,   X.  C. 

I'reston  Eugene  (sasser Dover,  X.  C. 

David   Leroy   .Saunders Charlotte,   X.  C. 

Daniel   Gerard  .Scanlon Xew  York  City,  X.  Y. 

I'aul    Eugene    Scarborough.    Jr Statesville,    X.  C. 

Rcilicrt   Kciiiictli   Sciirborough Greensboro.  X.  C. 

.lames  Roy  Seholield Bessemer  City,  X.  C. 

Vernon    Jake    Schrum Lineolnton,   X.  C. 

William    Andrew   .Schul Hamilton,   Ohio 

.lolin   .\verv  Seism Kings  llountain,  X.  C. , 

Fri'deriek  Mvers  Scott.   Ill .Jacksonville,  X.  C. 

Herbert  Rue'l  Scott,  Jr Bladenboro,  X^.  C. 

.loliii  McClayton  .Scott Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Homer   Lee   Sealey Orrum,  N.  C. 

Donald  Ray  Seamon Spencer,  N.  C. 

Oscar  Fiiicii  Sears Apex,  X.  C. 

Donald   Bruce  Searcy Mill  Spring.  X.  C. 

rniiimv  Coward  Roddey Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Mike   iiruc'c   Rovve '. Hickory,  X.  C. 

Haywood    Bunyan   .Smith.   Jr Fayetteville,   N.  C. 

Allen   Lee  Stewart Raleigh,  X.  C. 

.\riiold   Willard   Seawell AlK'rdeen,  X.  C. 

Kobcii   'riioMias  Seay Bryson  City,  X.  C. 

Mark  Albert  Seidenstein Xewp<nt  Xews,  Va. 

(icorge  Dewey  Self.  Jr Leaksville,  X.  C. 

(  oorg).    Clillord    Selkinghaus Moncure,   X.  C. 

r.oliby  Eugene  Sellers Bessemer  City,  X.  C. 

Waiil    Leaveiii    .Setzer Lenoir,  X.  C. 

David   Earl   .Sewell Roanoke   Rapids,  X.  C. 

lulius  Augustus  Shanklin,  Jr Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Boyd    Idamus   Sharpe .Sharpsburg.  X.  C. 

William   Xorman   Sharpe.  Jr Chapel   Hill,  X.  C. 

Wesley   Edward   Shaw Monroe,  X.  C. 

•  lames  Edward  Shepherd,  Jr Lewisville,  N.  C. 


Charles    Dcllinner    Slierill Clierrvville,  X.  C. 

.liiii   Kcini)  .Slii'i  run,  Jr Fuqiiay  Springs,  K.  C. 

John    Xichohis    Siili'ris Ureenville,  X.  C. 

Arville  .lenkins    Sit;nion Newton,  X.  C. 

Titus   Odell   Sills,   ,lr Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Mah-olin  (ilenn   Siniph'r,  Jr Charhitte,  X.  C. 

Albert    Leroy    Simpson I'lyinoiith,  X.  C. 

Guy   JleCall  Sinclair Kowland,  X'.  ( ', 

Negrous  Colunilius  Sizemore,  Jr., 

Winston-Saleni,  X.  C. 

William   James   Skiilniore Mt.   Gilead,  N.  C. 

Uruci'    Leroy    Smatliers Canton,    X^.  C. 

Sani   Taylor   Sniathors Canton,  N.  C. 

Allen  Maurice   Smith Havelock,  X.  C. 

Allic  Oray  Smith Xewporf.  X.  ('. 

Bobhy   Earl   Smith Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Charles  Hall  Smith,  Jr Marion,  X.  C. 

David  Albert  Smith Lexington,  X,  C, 

Diayton  IxMidell  Smith,  Jr Albemarle,  X.  C. 

Uuane   Gordon   Smith Kannapolis,   X^.  C. 

Erwin   Stowe  Smith ^'llarl(^tte,  X.  C. 

Eugene   Edward   Smith Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Floyd  A.  Smith,  Jr Kinston,  X.  C. 

Frederick    William    Smith.... Winston-Salem,    X.  C. 

Iverron  Richard   Smith Xewton,  X.  C. 

Robert   Graham  Smith Gary,  X'.  C. 

William  Marvin  Smith Selma,  X.  C. 

Lawrence  Edward  Spalir Bristol,  Va. 

Thomas  Glenn   Sparrow Gastonia,  X.  C. 

Eugene  Travis  Speed Speed,  X,  C. 

George  Broughton  Spence,  Jr Lillington,  X'.  C. 

Joseph   Knight    Spiers Tarboro,  X^.  C. 

Anthony  Gerald  Spinello Southern  Pines,  X.  C, 

Wallace  Reece  Spivey Seagrove,  X.  C. 

William  Edward   Spooner Wilmington,  X.  C, 

John  Ale.x  Sprinkle Winston-Salem,  X',  C. 

Winborne  Finch  Springs Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Bobby  Xeal   Stanley Clarendon,  X.  C. 

John    Robert   Stass Greensboro,   X.  C. 

Luther   Earl   Stegall Warrenton,   X,  C. 

Paul   Madison  Stephens Rocky  Mount,  X.  C. 

Billy   Ma.xton   Stevens 'Sanford,   X.  C. 

James  McMillin  Stevenson Henderson,  X.  C. 

Robert  Turnage  Stewart Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Charles  Xelson  Stinnett,  Jr Canton.  X.  C. 

Frederick   Moses   Stirewalt Kannapolis,   X.  C. 

Charles  Jackson   Stone Charlotte,   X^,  C, 

Donald    Franklin   Stovall Winston-Salem,   X.  C 

Thomas   Francis   Stradley Pittsburgh,    Pa. 

Rice   (Jwynn    Strange Danville,   Va. 

Ray   Thornton   Stuart Durham.   X'.  C. 

Thomas  Larry  Summer Cherryville,  X'.  C. 

Lyman   Earl   Summerlin Jamestown,  X.  C. 

James   Edwin   Summers,   Jr Gibsonville,   N.  C. 

David  Ross  Swain Sonthport,  X.  C. 

David  Leroy  Swaringen Albemarle,  X.  C. 

Jerry  Oliver  Sweatt Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

James  Grey  Sykes Bunn,  X'^.  C. 

Christopher  Alan  Tabor Baltimore.  Md. 

Steve  Kent  Talley Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Jimmy    Clifton   Tart Benson,   X.  C. 

David  Ray  Taylor Spring  Hope.  X'.  C. 

Jerome  Burton  Taylor Snow  Camp,  N.  C. 

John   Robert  Taylor Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

Kenneth  X'ewsome  Taylor Como,  X.  C. 

Larrv  Holmes  Tavlor Marion,  N.  C. 

Leslie    Everette   Taylor Charlotte,    X.  C. 

Ralph  Currin   Teaslev Durham,   N.  C. 

Dewev   Rav   Tedder...! Clarkton,  X.  C. 

John  Marshall   Tetterton Bethel,  X.  C. 

Ronnie  Owen  Tliarrington Louishmg,  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  9 


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Tdiiiinie  Higlit  Thariington Louisburg,  N.  C. 

Jack   Barker   Thomas Rocky   Jloiint,   N.  C. 

James  Joseph  Thomas Greenslioro,  N.  C. 

Jesse  James  Thomas Siler  City,  N.  C. 

James  Boyd  Thomason,  Jr Tartoro,  N.  C. 

Daniel  Claude  Thompson,  Jr Taylorsville,  K.  C. 

Delton  Reitzel  Thompson Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Frank     Hooks    Thompson Stantonshurg,    N.  C. 

Kiinalil   Leon  Thompson Laurinlnirg,  N.  C. 

lionahl    Wesley   Thompson Lnmberton,   N.  C. 

William  Ulysses  Thompson.... Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Robert    Muse    Thorburn Greensboro,    N.  0. 

Clarence  Otto  Thornburg Dallas,  N.  C. 

Robert   LeRoy   Thornburg Gastonia,   N.  C. 

Robert   Roger   Tibbs Xewton,   N.  C. 

Linton   Alexander   Tillman Greenslioro,   N.  C. 

Harry   Motte   Timmons Charlotte,   N.  C. 

Joseph  George  Tobert Asheboro,  N.  C. 

Robert  Baker  Todd Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Thomas  Simeon  Tolar Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Donald  Dean  Tomlin,  Jr Hickory,  N.  C. 

Fred    Toney,   Jr Morresboro,  N.  C. 

William  Brown  Towles Stem,  N.  C. 

Robert  Walker  Traylor Norlina.  N.  C. 

Curtis   Cliffton   Traywick,   Jr Marstlville,  N.  C. 

Frank    Bacon    Trotman Hadelowfield,  N.  J. 

Patricia   Ann   Truitt Glen   Raven.  N.  C. 

Albert  G.  Trunnell.  Jr Southport,  N.  C. 

Henry  Lansing  Tucker,  Jr Townsville,  N.  C. 

James   Ijewis  Tucker Warrenton,  N.  C. 

William   Troy   Turlington Jacksonville,   N.  C. 

Richard  Edward  Turner Wadesboro,  N.  C. 

Roger  Blair  Turner Gastonia,  N.  C. 

William   Howard  Turner Durham,  N.  C. 

LeRoy    Klwood   Tyndall Kinston,   N.  C. 

Paul   Elwood   Tvndall Albertson,   N.  C. 

Bradley    Yates   "Tyson Wadeslwro,    N.  C. 

Tony  Leon   Underwood Jonesville,  N.  C. 

\\  iliie  Eugene  L'nderwood Waynesville,  N.  C. 

Allan    Wade    LTmstead Durham,    N.  C. 

Ben   Lee   Umstead,  Jr Durham,  N.  C. 

James  Neal  Untz Belmont,  N.  C. 

Myron   St«>phen  L'sdan Woodmere,  X.  Y. 

.Milton  Everette  Ussery Fairmont.  K.  C. 

Joseph  McAlpin  Vann Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Kenneth    Everett    Vaughn Providence,    N.  C. 

Jiihnnie    Glenn    Vick,    Jr Nashville,   N.  C. 

Cliarh's   McKinney  Vogler Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

I'vobert  Alan  Vogler Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Robert    Lee   WagstafT.   Jr Kannapolis,   N.  C. 

Walter    Rudolpli   Wagner Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Paul    Dean    Walker Old    Hickory.   Tenn. 

Janu'^  Dean  Wallace Spindale.  N.  C. 

Leon   Earl   Wallace Bath,  N.  C. 

Rol)ert   Earl    Wallace Sanford,   N.  C. 

Jesse  Clancy  Walter Grassy  Creek,  N.  C 

Xoah    Linwood    Wand Nakina.  N.  C. 

Bennie   Ray   Ward.  Jr Elkin.  X.  C. 

James  Edward  Ward Rose  Hill.  X.  C. 

Robert   Lee  Ward,  Jr Mt.  Holly,  X.  C. 

Robert    Earl   Wardsworth Macclesfield.  X.  C. 

Frederick   Jlichael   Warlick,   Jr Salisbury,  X.  C. 

•lames  Arnold  Warren Statesville,  X.  C. 

I  hciidure    Samuel    Warren Raleigh.  X.  C. 

David    Paul    Warrick Jackson,  N.  C. 

Charles    Dennis    Watson Smithfield.  N.  C. 

Larry    Wayne   Watson Sanford.  X.  C. 

Glenn   Brawler  Watts,  Jr Huntersville,  X.  C. 

Lentz   Hoover   Waugh Statesville,  X.  C. 

Jack  Tillery  Wajnick Greensboro,  X.  C. 


Robert  Spencer   Waynick IJeidsville,  N.  C. 

•Tetfrev    Wayne    Wca'vil Liberty,    X.  C. 

Bruce  Hilton    Webb Fountain.   X.  C. 

Andrew  Jobn  Weber Cream  Ridge.  X.  C. 

James  Lynn   Weir ValiU-se.  X'.  C. 

Arthur  Bernhardt  Weissor Cresskill.  X.  .1. 

Raymond   Tbi>nias   Weldi:n,  Jr Hender-ion.   X.  C. 

Richard  Vanneman   Webb Oreenslniro,   X'.  C. 

William    Frederiik    WelllMirn. 

X..rth    Wilkesboro,   X.  C. 

Larrv    Eugene   Wensil Concord,   X.  C. 

.Tohn    Lewis    West Plantersville,    S.  C. 

William    Hugh    Latimer   Westlirook.   III. 

<Tumberry.   X.  C. 

Robert   Franklin    Weston Williamson,    X.  C. 

Charles  Julian  Whaley Durham,  X.  C. 

•Tames   Rolen   Wheatley.  .Jr Beaufort.  X.  C. 

Earl  Arvin   Whitaker Leicester,  X.  C. 

Havwood  Carroll   White Colerain.  X.  C. 

Herbert    Edison    White Xakina,  X.  C. 

•James  Franklin  White Sanford.  X\  C. 

Kenneth  Xorman    White Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Fred    Erwin    Whitesell Pinehurst,  X.  C. 

Charles  P^dward  Whitesides,  Kings  Mountain,  X^  C^ 

Gene  Louis  Whitesides Lineolnton,  X.  C. 

Billy   Carroll  Whitley Kenly,  X.  C. 

Richard  Xorwood   Wliitman.  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Bobby    Gene   Wilder.. Wendell,  X.  C. 

All)ert   Corpening   Wilfong.   .Jr Claremont,  X.  C. 

Maywood   Rolwrt   Wilkerson Lexington.  X'.  C. 

Eddie    Campbell    Wilkes Asheboro,  X.  C. 

Edward   Dayton   Wilkinson Xewton,  X.  C. 

JIarion   Wesley   Willard Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Robert  Keith  Williams Xewton  Cirove,  X.  C. 

Royce    l>e    Williams Salisbury,  X.  C. 

Donald   Hugh   Williamson Lucama,  X.  C. 

Finley  Lea  Williamson.  III....Ft.  Lauderdale,  Fla. 

Essaac  Hubert   Williamson.  Jr Tarboro,   X'.  C. 

Ricliard  Arlen   Williamson Cerro   Cordo.   X.  C. 

Jack   Preston   Willitord Wilson,  X".  C. 

James  Belmont  Willis,  Jr Morehead  City,  X.  C. 

Dwight  Eugene  Wilson Xewton.  X.  C. 

Josejih  Baker  Wilson Magnolia,  X".  C. 

Larry  Kelly  Wilson Burlington.  X.  C. 

Robert    Vance    Wilson Concord,    X.  C. 

Robert  Reid  Womack Franklin,  X.  C. 

David   Lamar   Wood Benson.  X.  C. 

Robert  Russell  Wood Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Henry    Harrison    Woodard.... Scotland    Xeck.    X.  C. 

Glenn   Walker  Woodley Columbia,   X'.  C. 

James   Raymond    Woodrutt Lawton,    Michigan 

Hugh  Lawrence  Woods,  Jr Roxlwro,  X.  C. 

Jimmy  Luther  Wooten Walstonhura,  X.  C. 

Thomas   Richard   Workman Raleigh,   X.  C. 

Jackie   Derring   Worlev Canton.  X.  C. 

Samuel   Mayo  Worsley Oak  City,   X.  C. 

Lloyd  Buiton  Worthington,  Jr.,  Winterville,  X.  C. 
David  Wayne  Wright.  Jr Lynchburg.  Va. 

Thomas    Fulton    Wyke Marion,    X.  C. 

Clarence  Lyman  Yearwood,  .Jr Durham,  X.  C. 

Stevie  Mike  Yionoulis Wilson,  X.  C. 

Charles    Richard     Younts Lexington,    X.  C. 

Thomas   Lee    Younts Thomasville,   X.  C. 

Woodrow   Lloyd   Yonts,  Jr Thomasville,   X.  C. 

Henry   .Jerome   Young.   Ill Statesville,   X".  C. 

•John   Samuel   Yow Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Claude  Ross  Zachary,  .Jr Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Frederick  Lane  Meredith Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Robert    Lewis    Poovey Hickory,    X".  C. 

William    Pangle Rosman,    X.  C. 

John   Arthur   Waters.  Jr Gary,  X.  C. 

Edwin  Weews  Winkler,  Jr Raleigh,  X.  C. 

CLASS     OF    '5  9 



PH  I    ETA    SIGMA 

.Mrniliriship  in  Phi  Eta  Si.yiiiii  is  o]iene(l  to  those  Freshmen  who  make  the  equivalent  of  half  A's  and 
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Charles  P.  Settle  myer 

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Congratulations  to  the 
State   College   Seniors 



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We  Specialize  in  All  Types 
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Our  American  inventors  and  scientists,  baclvetl  by  our  remarkable 
industrial  know-how  and  skills,  may  seem  to  have  produced  today  about 
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But  to  American  youth  the  gates  of  opportunity  are  wider  open  than 
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prepare  themselves. 


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New  "Hy-Vacuum"  Pressure  Autoclave  for  Nylon  "Helanca" 

High  Pressure  Rotary  Dyer 

Laboratory   Dyeing   Machine 

Multiole-Kier  Beam  and  Package  Dyeing  Machine 


Pioneers  in  Automatically     ^Pflv  Controlled  Dyeing  Machinery 

Stanley,  North  Carolina 



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Construction,   Industrial  and 
Logging   Equipment 

Industrial   Power 

Raleigh,   Greenville,   Wilmington,   Greensboro, 
Charlotte,  Asheville 



William  E.  Stubbs,  Mgr. 


Arthur   E.   Buddenhagen,  Mgr. 






Gastonia,  North  Carolina 


Gastonia,  North  Carolina 


Andy  Jackson 

president  .  .  . 

We've  been  turning  out  cards  and 
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North  Andover,  Mass. 






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and  DYEING  and  FINISH- 



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Airports,  Highways,  Dams 

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All  Types  of  Earthmoving 




Pfister  (hf  mica 






J.  p.  BELL  CO. 


Celebrating  Our  Centennial  In  1959 





1956  is  a  good  year  to 
advertise  in  Virginia. 



Adams,  James  L Brevard,  N.  C. 

Adkins,  Eorer  James,  Jr Draper,  N.  C 

Aguirreurreta,  Carlos  J.  M San  Salvador,  El  Salvador,  C.  A. 

Ali,    Kahmat W.    Pakistan 

Almond,  Alvin  Ray Route  4,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Anderson,  George 1893  W.  Smallwood  Drive,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Anderson,  Grady  Raj- 30U  Walker  St.,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

Andrews,  Robert  Keene Route  7,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Anthony,  Alex  Eddie,  Jr Laurinburg,  N.  C. 

Armstrong,  Jimmie  Gray, 

709  Franklin  Street,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Armstrong,  William  Neil Belmont,  N.  C. 

Arwood,  John  Reynolds 315  Vance  Street,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

Ashburn,    Rex    Frank King,   N.  C. 

Avent,  Edward  White,  III, 

2724  Cambridge  Road,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Bagonis,  John  Andrew Luzerne,  Pa. 

Bailej',  James  Fred Biscoe,  N.  C. 

Baker,  Patrick  Edward Rt.  12,  Concord,  N.  C. 

Bansliach,  Ralph  Arthur 65  Oakley  Road,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Barker,  Kenneth  Reece Roaring  River,  N.  0. 

Barnett,  William  Morgan,  Jr., 

1422  Mordecai  Drive,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Barnhardt,  Craighead  Lentz,  Jr., 

1404  Spencer  Avenue,  New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Basinger,    K.   J Rockwell,    N.  C. 

Bass,  Samuel  Edward....3208  Player  Avenue,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Bateman,  Durward  Franklin Tyner,  N.  C. 

Baxley,  Kufus  A.,  Jr 2002  Burnet  Ave.,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Beal,  Raymond  Henry College  Park,  Md. 

Beam,  Everette  Eugene 324  Beanmonde,  Shelby,  N.  0. 

Beaman,  Robert  Earl Walstonlmrg,  N.  C. 

Beaty,  Roy  Walter 938  Henlv  PI..  Charlotte  N.  C. 

Beaty,  Thomas  Anthony,  3426  W^  Coulter  St.,  Philii.lelpliia,  Pa. 

Beaver,  Luther  Ray -' Troutman,  N.  C. 

Beddinglield,   Samuel   Thomas Clayton,   N.  C. 

Belkiii,  Lawrence  Irving New  York  City,  N.  Y. 

Bengel,  James  Elwood New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Berrier,  Richard  Neil 403  E.  Edenton  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Bier,  Martin   David Lawrence,   N.  Y. 

Bigger,  William  Isaac,  Jr Belmont,  N.  C. 

Binder,  Leonard  Allan 605  Park  Ave.,  New  York  City 

Bingham,  Gettys  David,  Jr Fallston,  N.  C. 

Hisanar,  Richard  Asbury 105  S.  Myrtle  Ed.,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Bissette,   David  Glenn Sjiring  Hop<»,  N.  C. 

Blackwell,  James  01iver....910  Locust  St.,  Hendcrsonville,  N.  C. 

Boone,   Gilbert   Warren Nashville,   N.  C. 

Bowen,   Daniel  Malotha Williamston,   N.  C. 

Bowman,  Keith  Brown 926  Bellevue  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Boyer,   James    Rahn Mayodan,   N.  C. 

Bozarth,  Frank  Downs,  III.... 1107  Minerva  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Bradshaw,  Walter  Taft 307  S.   17th  St.,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Brady,  William  Jennings,  Jr Benson,  N.  C. 

Brannan,   Stephen   Earl Rt.   1,   Selma,  N.  C. 

Brasher,  Robert  Carlton....l333  Mordeeai  Drive,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Brclim.  William  Holbrook,  III,  Scotforth  Rd.,  Philadelphia.  Pa. 

Brinson,  Halbert  Felton Rt.  4,  New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Broadwell,  Bobby  Lee Rt.  2,  Selma,  N.  C. 

Brock,   Thurman'   Elwood Wade,   N.  C. 

Brooks,  Marion  Thomas,  2023  Darden  Terrace,  Portsmouth,  Va. 

Brooks,  Robert  Charles Rt.  1,  Oxford,  N.  C. 

Brooks,  William  Dannelly,  Jr Evergreen,   N.  C. 

Bryan,  Loddie  Daniel,  Jr 628  Oakwood  Ave.,  Sanford,  N.  C. 

Bryant,   Perry   Cotton,  Jr Woodland,   N.  C. 

Bryant,  William  Loon 1502  Maple  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Buffaloe,   Bobby  Dale Rt.   3,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

BuUard,  Amos  Gentry,  Jr Cary,  N.  C. 

Bullard,  George  Edmund,  Jr Wade,  N.  C. 

Burdick,  George  Edward Manson,  N.  C. 

Burns,  James  Cooper Metuchen,  N.  J. 

Burns,   Robert  P Roxboro,  N.  C. 

Butler,  Carlton  Currie Robbins,  N.  C. 

Butler,  Gordon  Lee Andrews,  N.  C. 

Butler,  i;ui)ert  Carlyle Rt.   12,  Reidsville,  N.  C. 

Campbell,  .lohn  Manley 1019  N.  Main  St.,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

Campbell,  Robert  Lee Coral  Gables,  Fla. 

Carpenter.  John  Alton Cherryville,  N.  C. 

Carroll,   Eugene  Edgar,  Jr Providence,  N.  C. 

Carroll,  Joshua  Vann Farmville,  N.  C. 

Carson,  Paul  Blair Rt.  1,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Carver,  Gcnn  Frederick,  Jr.,  187  Pearson  Dr.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Cashwell,   Ernest Rt.   7,   Fayetteville,   N.  C. 

Cherkas,  Harry  Frazier 419  Kingsbury  St.,  Oxford,  N.  C. 

Ciliberti,   Vito   Anthony,   Jr Brooklyn,   N.  Y. 

Clark,   Zack   Carrol Lenoir,   N.  C. 

Clary,  Mitchell  E Rt.  2,  Shelby,  N.  C. 

Clawson,  Cecil  Douglas Boone,  N.  C. 

Cloninger,  Kenneth  Glenn Paw  Creek,  N.  C. 

Comer,   Ray   McFayden Ellerte,   N.  C. 

Conner,  Frank  Henry,  Jr 677  Colville  Rd.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Conry,  James  Michael Rockwell,  N.  C. 

Cook,  Eddie  Ray Rt.  4,  Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

Cooke,  Sidney  Buchanan 508  Cooke  St.,  Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

Cool,  Ralph  Edwin 106  Dixie  Trail,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Coor,  Harry  Eugene Rt.  5,  Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Coppala,  Paul  Edwin 620  Grandin  Rd.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Coppersmith,    William    Carlton Warwick,    \"a. 

Corbett,  .lolm  Allie 51!)  W.  Vance  St.,  Wilson,  N.  C. 

Cornell,  Arthur  John 5\i>  Dixie  Trail,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Cox,  Dillard  Roy 214  South  Race  St.,  Statesville,  N.  C. 

Crawford,  Charles  William Rt.  2,  Forest  City,  N.  C. 

Crawford,  Ernest  Wilson Et.  1,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Crawford,   Frank  Alderman Chadbourn,  N.  C. 

Crawford,  Ray  Emerson Rt.  4,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Cress,  Charles  Edwin Rt.   2,   Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Cross,   Eugene,   III Marion,  N.  C. 

Grumpier,  Odie  Benjamin,  Jr., 

305  Madison  St.,  Roanoke  Rapids,  N.  C. 

Cullipher,   Burwell   James Knotts   Island,   N.  C. 

Currier,  Robert  George Roxboro,  N.  C. 

D'Angelo,   Albert   D Crabtree,   Pa. 

Daniel,  Harry  Taylor Rt.  2,  Oxford  N.  C. 

DaSilva  Neto,  Teodomiro  F Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brazil 

Davis,  Jesse  Shunuite.  Jr Rt.  4,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Davis,  Truman  Arlander,  Jr Patterson   Springs,  N.  C. 

Dawson,  John  Gordon,  Jr 2508  E.  5th  St.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Dees,  Wilbur  Eugene Hope  Mills,  N.  C. 

DeFoor,  James  Edward 427  N.  8th  Ave.,  Portsmouth,  Va. 

DePoe,  Charles  Edward Southampton,  L.  I.,  N.Y. 

Derden,   Willis   Andrew 1804    Bivins   St.,   Durham,   N.  C. 

DeSavigny,   Richard   Alexander. 

205  N.  Harding  St.,  Greenville,  N.  C. 

Deviney,  George  Louie Spindale,  N.  C. 

Dickens,  Alton  Keith Rt.   I,  Roanoke  Rapids,  N.  C. 

Dickey,  Joseph  Freeman Rt.  2,  HiUsboro,  N.  C. 

Dickson,  George  Lee,  Jr 116  Circular  Ave.,  Greenwood,  S.  C. 

Dijaili,  Khaliel  A.  R Al-Khalis,  Iraq 

Dillard,  Robert  Walden....2016  Beverly  Drive,  Charlotte,  N.  C, 

Doby,  Troy  Alvin HI   S.   East  Ave.,  Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Dozier,  William  Biemann 18  Dixie  Drive,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Draughon,  Lester  Campbell,  Jr Dunn,  N.  C. 

Duckworth,   Clarence  Avery Morganton,   N.  C. 

Dudley,    William    Louis Roxboro,   N,  C. 

Dutton,  Joyce  Lee 129  Biltmore  Drive,  Rockingham,  N.  C. 

Eckard,  Jimmie  Ronald 4700  Thrift  Road,  Charlotte,  N,  C, 

Edwards,  Jack  Dean Pisgah  Forest,  N.  C. 

Edwards,  .John  Avert 67  Genung  St,,  Middletown,  N.Y. 

Egerton,  Robert  Grey,  314  W.  Bessemer  Ave.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Elliott,  Claude  Franklin Rt.  3,  Henderson,  N.  C. 

Elliott,  Floyd  Wilkins,  .Ir.,  2005  '1  homas  Ave,,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Ellis,  Ira  Joel,  Jr Rt.  1.  Saratoga,  N.  C. 

Epperson,  James  Philbert White  Plains,  N.  C. 

Epps,  Harry  Edward 1104  Branch  St.,  Wilson,  N.  C. 

Estridge,   Ronald   Brafrord.....S14   Circle   Dr.,   High   Point,  N.  C. 

j;ubanks,  John  McLaughlin McCain,  N.  C. 

Evans,  Douglas  Ray Connelly  Springs,  N.  C. 

Evans,  James  Albert Rt.  3,  Wilson,  N.  C. 

Evans,  Lucius  Russell Youngsville,  N.  C. 

Faires,  Archie  Brown Wallace,  N.  C. 

Farmer,  Chauncey  Graham, 

511   Colonial  Dr.,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Farrington,   Odais   M Kernersville,   N.  C. 

Feferbaum,    Luis Bogata.    Colomlua 

Ferguson,  Joseph  Martin 3405  Ruffin  St.,  Raleigh,  X,  C. 

Ferrell,  Charles  Stanley Rt.  5,  Kinston,  X.  C. 

Ferrell,  Jack  Eugene 1337  Rhamkatte  Rd.,  Raleigli,  N.  C. 

Fisher,  William   Schaett'er....I13  N.   Union   St.,   Concord,  N.  C. 

Fowler,  Richard  Spofford 335  Locust  St.,  Indiana,  Pa. 

Foushee,  William  II..  Jr 2505  Wake  St.,  Raleigh,  X.  f. 

Fox,  Charlie  Alexander,  Jr Rt.  5,  Morganton,  N.  C. 

Franklin,  Henry  Bland,  512  Jones-Franklin  Rd.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Franks,  John  W Wrightsville   Beach,  X.  C. 

Frantz,  Anthony   George.. ..4025   Sheridan  Dr.,   Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Frazier,  James  Henry.  .205  S.  Andrews  Ave.,  Goldsboro.  X.  C. 

Freeman,  Leonard  Allen,  Jr., Lexington,  N.  C. 

Freeman.  Richard  J Star,  N.  C. 

Fulk,  John  Robert Pilot  Mountain,  X.  C. 

Gaddv,  Clyde  N 3820  N.  Staflford  St.,  Arlington,  Va. 

Garrett,  John  Edgar 415  Tarpley  St.,  Burlington,  X.  C. 

Gaskins,  Cortex  Dillon Black  Mountain,  X.  C. 

Gates,  Hart  Hall 2820  Van  Dyke  Ave.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Geitner.  Jolin  George  H 811  7th  St.,  Hickory,  N.  C. 

(ilover.   Tommy    Dclton Bailey,   N.  C. 

Goldenberg,  Richard Hotel  Taft,  New  York  City 

Gomez,  Renato  Jaime Colombia,  S.  A. 

Gooding,   Stephen   Council Sylva,   X.  C. 

Goodman,   Harry   Kale Gold   Hill,   N,  C. 

Goodniglit,  Fred  Houston Rt.  2,  Concord,  N.  C. 

Gordon,  Charles  Edward, 

2421  Commonwealth  Ave.,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Grant,  Lonnie  Avery Selma,  N.  C. 

Gray,  James  Winton Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

Gray,   William   Henry RutherforJton.   X.  C. 

Green,  Gilmer  Glenn,'  Jr 2606  Sater  St.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Green,  Ollis  Eddie Reidsville,  N.  C. 

Greenwood.   Thomas   .laokson Mt.   Airy,  N.  C. 

Gregory,  Frederick  Harrison Halifax,  N.  C. 

Grimes,  Max   Bryan Hope  Mills,   N.  C. 

Grigsby,  Robert  Brian Warwick,  Va. 

Gunn,  "Rol)ert  Meredith 126  Tranquil  Ave.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Gurkin,   Wortli   Wicker Clarkton,  X.  C. 

Gurley,  David  \aii 1617  Sunrise  Ave.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Hair.  Havne  Caldwell Spencer,  X.  C. 

Hall.  .Tack  Reid,  .)r 201  Hillside  Ave.,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Hall,  Joseph  Kohn 307  Victoria  St.,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Hall.  Paige  Xelson Mt.   Hollv,  X.  C. 

Hall.  Thomas Rt.  2.  Pink  Hill,  X.  C. 

Hamme.   .John   Lee Warrentnn.    X.  C. 

Hamrick.  Byron  Alcy.  Jr 400  Dale  St..  Gastonia.  X.  C. 

Hanson,  Edward  Joseplius.  .Jr loii  I'errin  PI..  Charlotte,  X'.  C. 

Hardison.  Jas|)er  Horace,  819  Ethelored  St.,  Favetteville,  X.  C. 

Hardwick.  Robert  Sloan Wrightsville  Beach,  X.  C. 

Hardv,   Harvev    Edward,   Jr LaGrange,   X.  C. 

Harkey,  Donald  R 2904  O'Berry  St.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Harrell.  Jesse   Worslev.  Jr., 

609  Vance  St.,  Roanoke  Rapids,  X^.  C. 

Harrell,  King  Tyson Watha,  X.  C. 

Harrell.  Xorfleet  Gladstone,  Jr Ahoskie,  X.  C. 

Harrell.  Samuel  Kiddick 1628  Maple  Ave.,  Portsmouth,  Va. 

Harris,   Edwin   FreeUind,  Jr Elkin,  X'.  C. 

Harris,   Willis   Paul,   Jr Robersonville,   N.  C. 

Hartis,  Henry  George Fuquay   Springs,  X.  C. 

Hartzog,  Wiley  Gordon,  Jr Boone,  X.  C. 

Hatam,  Ali Baghdad,  Iraq 

Hatcher,  Joseph  McPhail. 

406  Cape   Fear  Ave.,  Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

Hawkins,   William   Harold Marion,   X.  C. 

Hawthorne.  Vaughn  Terrcy.  121  Wayne  Dr.,  Wilmington,  X.  0. 
Havworth,  Robert   Wilson.   .Jr.. 

312  W.  Ray  St.,  High  Point,  X.  C. 

Head,  Henry  Branseom.  Jr Rt.   1,  Rutherfordton,  X.  C. 

Henderson,  John  Calhoun Fletcher,  N.  C. 

Hendricks,  Philip  Monroe,  Jr., 

1014  Greensboro  St.,  Lexington,  X.  C. 

Hendricks,  Richard   Sherman Rt.    11.  Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Henson.  Amos  Glenn Rt.  3,  Forest  City,  X^.  C. 

Heustess,  James  McRae.  2802  Highland  Dr..  Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Herring.  Lebron  Harvey Seven  Springs,  X.  C. 

Hickey,  Richard  P Fernandina  Beach,  Fla. 

Hicks,  Harold  Clarke Henderson,  X'.  C. 

Hill,  Hugh  Gray Mooresville,  X.  C. 

Hilton,  Stanley  Leonard 40  E.  88th  St.,  Xew  York,  X.  Y. 

Hodgin,  David  Eugene,  .Jr Guilford  College,  X.  C. 

Hollowell.   Thomas  Vann Hobbsville,  N.  C. 

Holt,  Elijah  Talmage Gretna.  Va. 

Holt,  .John  Ray Old  Fort,  X'.  C. 

Holt,   Marion  Howard Rt.   2,  Apex.  X.  C. 

Holtzmann.  William   Carl Rt.  2,  Xorlina,  X'.  C. 

Hondros.  Spiro  Charles Kure  Beach,  X.  C. 

Honeycutt.  William  Edward Hope  Mills,  X.  C. 

Hood.  Claude  Adams Rt.  8,  John.son  City,  Tenn. 

Home,  William  Henrv,  III, 

"134  S.  Churchill  Dr.,  Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

Horner.  Edward  Clarke.  .Jr Horner  Heights.  Oxford,  X.  C. 

Horton.  Donald  Wilson 210  Franklin  St.,  Whiteville,  X.  C. 

Hostetler,  David  Roy 2004  Van  Dyke  Ave..  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Houston.   Thomas   Clay X'ewland,   X.  C. 

Hudson,  Samuel  Thomas,  Jr Rt.  1,  Metuchen,  X.  J. 

Huff,   William   Robert Roxlxiro,   X.  C. 

Hunter,  Allen  Reese Pilot  Mountain,  X.  C. 

Hunter,  Roljert  Wavne Pilot  Mountain,  X.  C. 

Hurst,  Gerald   Barry 412   Warlick  St.,  Jacksonville,  X.  C. 

Huskey,  Bobby  Pink Covington,  Tenn. 

Hyatt,  Roger  Person Canton,  X'.  C. 

Ingram,  James   Benjamin,  .Jr Parkton,  X.  C. 

Ingram,  James  Ermogene.  Jr.. 

1801   Chestnut  St.,  Wilmington,  X".  C. 

Inscoe,    Grady    Cooke Louisburg,    X.  0. 

Ipoek,  Carlton  Franklin Cove  Citv,  X.  C. 

Isiminger,  John  H 1006  W.   1st  St.,  Winston-Salem,  X'.  C. 

Jackson,  Charles  Xixon Salemburg,  X.  C. 

Jackson.  Richard  Kimsey Brevard,  X.  C. 

James,  Harry  Comly '. 103  W.  MeAden  St.,  Graham,  X'.  C. 

James,  Prvor  Wilson 3216  Hawthorne  Ave.,  Richmond.  Va. 

Jenkins.   Blair,  III 2327   Bvrd  St.,  Raleigh,  X".  C. 

Jenkins.  John  MitcheU,  III 407  Home  St.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Jessup,  William  Reid Denton,  X.  C. 

Johnson.  John  Allen Rt.  3,  Rocky  ilount,  X.  C. 

Jones,  Bobby  Eugene Mooresboro,  X.  C. 

Jones,  Dan  Coleman 318  Cherry  St.,  Oxford,  X.  C. 

Jones,  .John   Alfred,  Jr Ayden,  N.  C 

Jones,  John  Wilson.  Jr., 

409  W.  Church  St.,  Elizabeth  City,  X.  C. 

Jones,    Michael    Hilton 635    \\  est    Lexington, 

Jones,  Teddy  Eoljert Lake  Junaluska,  X.  C. 

Joseph,  Fred  Irving 210  Paris  Ave.,  Greenville,  X.  C. 

Joyner,  Edward  Carroll Rt.  3,  Mt.  Olive,  X.  C. 

Justus,   Charles   Livingston, 

104  Shepherd   St.,  Hendersonville,  N.  C. 

Kaplan,    Herbert   Charles Carteret,   X.J. 

Kalaria,  Menohar  Lai New  Delhi'  India 

Kattan,  Ode  Farouck CaliColombia,  S.  A. 

Katz,  JIarvin  Bernard Balmville  Road,  Xewburgh,  X.  Y. 

Keels,  Charles  Little Rt.  6,  Monroe,  N.  C. 

Kemp,  .lohnnie  Ken Middlesex,  N.  C. 

Kcnyon,  Jcm!  Mason,  Jr Rt.  2,  Hillsboro,  N.  C. 

Keyt.  Donald  Lee Brown  Bridge  Rd.,  Gainesville,  Ga. 

Killough,  Ralph  Arnold Rt.  2,  Matthews,  X.  C. 

Kilyk.   I  heiidore  J.,  Jr 334  Hall  St.,  Phoenixville,  Pa. 

Kim,  You  Song Seoul,  Korea 

Kingry,  .lolin  Maitland 2513  Emma  Circle,  Tampa,  Fla. 

Kirby,    James    Elbert Supply,   N.  C. 

Kiser,  Louis  Arnold,  Jr Kings  Mountain,  X.  C. 

Kissam,  Benjamin  Franklin Evergreen,  N.  C. 

Kk'iman,  Fred  Gerald 600  E.  18th  St.,  Brookh^  20,'  X'.  y! 

Kluttz,  Charles  Thomas,  .Jr.,  5  Pine  Tree  Rd.,  Salisburv,  X.  C. 

Koone,  Jackson  Dewalt Union  ilill's,  X.  C. 

Koontz.   Richard   Howard Rt.   8,   Ix!xington,  X.  C. 

Kuhrt,  Walter  Herman,  Jr Margarita,  Canal  Zone 

Lancaster.  James  Xeal 11  Dove  St.,  Concord,  X.  C. 

Lancaster,  John  Kenneth, 

3817  E.  Hanna  St.,  Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

Lancaster.   .Joseph    Robert Mebane,    N.  C. 

Langston,  Roy  Mason 609  Walnut  Ave.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Lassiter,  Edward  Bert Four  Oaks,  X.  C. 

Lathan.  Leonard  Clyde Rt.  6,  Mcjnroe,  X".  C. 

Lawrence.  Harold   Corbett Dillon,   S.  C. 

Ledbcttcr,  I>ouis  Richard 2022  Kersey  St.,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Ijee.  Harvey  Glenn,  Jr., 530  Sunset  Drive,  Sanford,  N.  C. 

Lee,   Robert  Winston Arden,  N.  C. 

Leinbach,  Gray  X'ewton Rt.  I,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Leonard,  Curtis  Adam,  Jr Lexington,  X.  C. 

Leuze.   Helmut  Otto Oweu-Teck.   Germany 

Li.  Yuk  Duan Stem,  N.  C. 

Liner.  Hugh  Lupton Rt.  2,  Hillslwro,  N.  C. 

Little,  James  Harold Oaksboro,  N.  C. 

Locke.  Lorenza  Wilson Enfield,  X.  C. 

Lovett,  Wilson Rt.  2,  Tabor  City,  N.  C. 

Lowery,  Andrew Rt.    1,  Laurinburg,  X'.  C. 

Loyd,   Max   I Rt.    5,    Statcsville,   X.  C. 

Lucas,  Joseph  Richard,  Jr 1310  Glenwood  Ave.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Lundy,  Charles  Edward 834  Pender  St.,  Rockv  Mount,  X'.  C. 

Lutz,  Gerald  Whisnant Polkville,  X.  C. 

McBane,  Daniel  Everette Snow  Camp,  X.  C. 

McCachren,  Clifford  Mitchell Rt.  1,  Concord,  X.  C. 

McCarn,  Charles  Ray Rt.  3,  Mooresville,  X.  C. 

McCauley,   Clarence   Edward, 

325  1 1th  St.,  N.E.,  Charlottesville,  Va. 

McClure,   William   Mcintosh Derita,  N.  C. 

McCorkle,  James  Thomas,  1729  Woodland  Dr.,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

McCormick,  James  Malcolm St.  Pauls,  X.  C. 

McCoy,  Henrv  Drewrv,  II Christiansburg,  Va. 

McCoy,  Herbert  Hall Elizabeth  City,  X.  C. 

McCov,  James  Shirley Snow  Hill,  X'.  C. 

McDonald,  Robert  Wade 2502  St.  Mary's  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

McElhannon,  Thomas  Milton, 

207  Virginia  Ave.,  Asheboro,  X.  C. 

McGalliard,  Billy  Ray Marion,  X\  C. 

McLean,  James  Alexander Waxhaw,  X.  C. 

McLeod,  Gary  Lee,  Jr Rt.  3,  Carthage,  X'.  C. 

MeXamara,  .Joseph  John Scarsdale,  X*.  Y. 

McXeill,   Gerald  Carr Broadway,   X.  C. 

McX'eill,  James  Edward Marion,  X.  0. 

McRorie.  Andrew  Franklin Troy,  X.  C. 

Mann,   Richard   Lee Fairfield,   X.  C. 

Markay,  Roger  Ira Tenaflv,  X.  J. 

Marshall,  Fred  Elliott Rt.  4,  Mt.  Airv,  X".  C. 

Martin,  Allen  Lee Rt.  2,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

ilason.   Francis   Ennett X'ewport,   X.  C. 

ilatthes,   Ralph  Kenneth,  Jr 901   Lakeside,  Conwav,  S.  C. 

.Mattox,  Thomas  Wade Rt.  3,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Maurer,  Carl  Meeker....ll31  Cedar  Crest  Blvd.,  Allentown,  Pa. 

Meadlock.   James   William Rt.   2.   Taylersville,   X.  C. 

iledley,  Robert  George 1003  W.  Washington,  Kinston,  X.  C. 

Milam,  Bobby  Lee Creston,  X.  C. 

Miller.  .Joseph  Henry,  Jr Rt.  I,  Box  194,  Rutherfordton,  X.  C. 

Miller,  Robert  Hoover Rt.  1,  Mt.  Ulla,  X.  C. 

Miller,  Robert  J Rt.  6,  Box  178,  Favetteville,  X.  C. 

Miller,   Robert  Richard Rt.  2,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Mills.  Dale  Johnson Box  78,  Landis,  X.  C. 

Mohorn,  Donald  Royce Rt.  3,  Enfield,  X.  0. 

Moore,  Joe  Taylor..." 1020  Ridge  St.,  Gastonia,  X.  C. 

Jloore,  Oakley  Lanier Hayesville,  X.  C. 

Moore,  Samuel  Rav 2701  Eastwav  Dr.,  Charlotte  5,  N.  C. 

Morgan,  Ora  Billy,  Jr .'.....Rt.  4,  Kershaw,  S.  C. 

Morris,  James  Ivey,  Jr 1504  Textile  Dr.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Morton,  Dorothy  Jean 47  Dixie  Dr.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Jlorton,  James  Edgar Oxford,  N.  C. 

Morton,  James  Franklin Rt.  2,  Rockwell,  N.  C. 

Morton,  Marion  Hamilton,  Jr., 

227  X'th  4th  St.,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Motsinger,  Fuller  Thomas Carthage,  N.  C. 

Motsinger,  Ralph  Eugene Rt.  1,  Carthage,  N.  C. 

Murray,  Paul  Fletcher 308  Meade,  Greenville,  N.  C. 

Myers,  Guy  Arnold Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Xance,  Lineous  Beaman,  Jr.....Et.  2,  Box  335,  Chadbourn,  N.  C. 

Neighbors,  James  Donald Box  203,   I'ittslKiro,  N.  C. 

Newberry,  Truiiian  J^eo,  Jr 1719  Park,   Kaleigb,  N.  C. 

Niblack,    Charles    Keclding Highlaiuls,   N.  C. 

Nicholson,   Edward   deMilhau Southern   Pines,   N.  C. 

Nimmo,  Charles  Franklin,  r)04  Cireenbriar  Ct.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Norris,  Norman  Carroll....8002  Harris  Ave.,  Baltimore  14,  Md. 
Ogburn,  William  Ernest,  Jr., 

4170  Glenn  Ave.  Ext.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Oliver,  James  Wendell Cartilage,  N.  C. 

Overton,  William  llerndon,  713  Pender  St.,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Park,  Arthur  Gricr 508  Park  Drive",  Oxford,  N.  C. 

I'arkcr,  Wade  Thomas,  Jr 717  Hay  St.,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Parton,  William  Carvos Box  41,  Gilkey,  N.  0. 

Pass,  Josephus  Garland,  Jr 113  Morgan  St.,  Koxboro,  N.  C. 

Patterson,  John  Knox 132  Circle  Drive,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Pearson,  Joseph  Tatem,  Jr 821   Clark  Ave.,  New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Pearson,  Paul  Kichard Rt.  5,  Box  87,  Hickory,  N.  C. 

Peirson,  Samuel,  HI Entield,  N.  C. 

Pendley,  Carl  Atkinson,  727  Kooler  Circle,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Perkins,  Ronald  (Jaines Roxboro,  N.  C. 

Perry,  Jolni   Kenneth Sherwood,   N.  C. 

Perry,  John  Benjamin,  III... .1894  Arlington  Rd.,  Roanoke,  Va. 

Phillips,  Bobby   Emerson Rt.   3,   Bakersvillc,  N.  C. 

Pickett,  Henry  Ward,  Jr 1304  Cilendale  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Pickler,  Eugene  Burns Rt.   1,  New  London,  N.  C. 

Pittman.  Donald   Braxton Rt.   2,   Kenly,  N.  C. 

Pitts.  Roland  Lewis Rt.  4,  Box  51,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Pitts,  Ronald  Coleman Rt.  4,  Box  51,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Platanis,  Athanassios  Michael.... 14  2nd  Maystr.,  Athens,  Greece 
Player,   Henry   Carltcm,  Jr., 

417  Lake  Shore  Dr.,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Pope,  Graham  Aubrey Box  135,  Wallace,  N.  C. 

Potter,  Theo.  Robert 1801  Wills  Ave.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Potts,  James  Meachem Rt.  3,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Powell,   George   Edwin Rt.   4,  Hendersonville,   N.  C. 

Powell,  Jesse  Evans,  .Ir.,  10  Kenihvorth  Ave.,  Charleston,  S.  C. 

Prescott,  McX'ernon,  Jr Rt.   1,  New   Bern,  N.  C. 

Price,  Jerrv  Pago Rt.  6,   Monroe,  N.  C. 

Probert,  William  Ernest 18-D,  Vetville,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Proctor,  Dalton  Ray Rt.  3,  Walstonburg,  N.  C. 

Proctor,  David  Owen Rt.  3,  Walstonburg,  N.  C. 

Proctor,  Thomas  Gilmer Rt.  4,  Hendersonville,  N.  C. 

Prodo,  Kenneth   William, 

2  Yarmouth  Rd.,  East  Rockaway,  N.  Y. 
Ouinlivan,   William    Francis.  .Jr.. 

12   Kentucky  Ave.,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Ratchford,  James  Robert P.'O.  Box  23,  Brevard,  N.  C. 

Ravvicz,  Fred  Manfred, 

03-43   Carlton,   Kego  Park,   Long   Island,  N.  Y. 
Rawls,  William  Fitzhugh, 

831    Western  Ave.,   Rocky   Mount,   N.  C. 

Rayburn,  Earl  Junior Cross  Mill   Station,  Marion,  N.  C. 

Reagan,    Richard    Warren Canton,    N.  C. 

Reardon,    F^igene    .\lon/.o Raleigh,    N.  C. 

Reed,   Charles   Russell Rt.   3,   Forest  City,   N.  C. 

Reed,  Richard  Wallace,  929  W.  Bank  St.,  VVinston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Register,  Enoch  Clayton,  Jr Elizal>ethtown,  N.  C. 

Reichard,  Harry  Sloan Rt.  5,  Box  476,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Reinhardt,  Ned'  liarnest 203  West  D.   St.,  Newton,  N.  C. 

Rhoads,  Frank  Wcthcrill....3502  Dogwood  Dr.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Richardson,  John   Robert Rt.   (i.   Box   177,   Reidsville,  N.  C. 

Robbins,  Floyd  Bridgers 707   Fleming  St.,  Wilson,  N.  C. 

Roberts,  Deliiier  Lee Ridge  Rd.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Robinson,  Stephen  Paviic....2640  Walker  Ave..  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Kochelle,  Daniel  Matl'lic\v....l31  Hawthorne  Rd.,  Kalcigli,  N.  C. 
Rodman,  John  Franklin.. ..330  N.  Loudoun  St.,  Winchester,  Va. 

Rogers,  John  Rossell,  Jr Rt.  2,  Williamston,  N.  C. 

Rogers,  Richard  Stanlev,  Jr., 

2728  Mimosa  PI.,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 
Rosenbaum,  Donald  Jacob.. .40  Meadow  Lane,  Lawrence,  N.  \'. 

Rouse,  Marion  Roger Rt.  5,  Box  214,  Kinston,  N.  0. 

Rudikofi',  Harvey  Riehard....l316  E.  23  St.,  Brooklyn  10,  N.  V. 
Santoli,  Carmen  Michael,  10  Fielding  Ct.,  South  Orange,  N.J. 

Savage,  Jack Rt.   1,  Council,  N.  C. 

Schafer,  Herljert  Chris 4000-31st  Ave.,  Kenosha,  Wise. 

Schofield,   George   Ronald Lima,   Peru 

Scott,  Walter  Glenn,  Jr., 

1000  West  Fourth  St.,  Greenville,  N.  C. 

Seats,  John  Harold Rt.  2,  Mocksville,  N.  C. 

Sessoms,  Charlie  Clarence,  Jr West  South  St.,  Ahoskie,  N.  C. 

Sevier,  Joseph   Thomas 84   Edwin   Place,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Shaikh,    Maqbool    Kalii Lahore,    Pakistan 

Sharher.  William  Walston Box  197,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

Sherrill,  Ernest  Kohn Box  93,  Hudson,  N.  C. 

Sherrill,  Lawrence  Wesley,  Jr., 

101  Washington  Rd.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Sigmon,  William  Max,  Jr Rt.  3,  Box  287,  Hickory,  N.  C. 

Simon,  Howard  Harry 6932  Jeffery,  Chicago  49,  111. 

Simpson,  Joseph  Avin Beulaville,  N.  C. 

Sipes,  James  Ernest Box  213.  Troutman.  N.  C. 

Slater,  William  Clifton,  Jr 3114  Douglas  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Smith,  Allie  Maitland Box  333,  Tabor   City,  N.  C. 

Smith,  Edwin  Bretney 8  White  Oak  Rd..  Biltmore,  N.  C. 

Smith,  Henry  George'   III Stage  Road,  Akron,  N.  Y. 

Smith,  William  Marion Box   185.  Rutherfordton,  N.  C. 

Snead,  Ccmnie 209  Lake  Drive,  Roxlxiro,  N.  C. 

Snead,  Lowell 411  Moir  St.,  Leaksville,  N.  C. 

Snow,  Jackie  K State  Road,  N.  C. 

Spangler,  David 416  Irving,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Spaugh,  Ciordon  Eugene Box  300,  Spray,  N.  C. 

Splawn,  Jerry  Lamont....l203  Hawthorne  Ln.,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

Springle,  George  William 1027  South  St..   Ualeigh,  N.  C. 

Springston,  Rex  Bailey Box  1025.  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Stadler,  Donald  Jackson Rt.   1,  Reidsville,  N.  C. 

Stallings,   Wyatt    Richard Box   154,    I'inetops,  N.  C. 

Stantield,   Henrv   \'ann Brown    Sununit,   N.  C. 

Staton,  Willian'i  David 414  Bickett  Blvd.,   Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Stevens,  Raymond  Hudson 501  Harvey  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Stewart,  James  Mustian,  Jr Rt.  2,  Norlina,  N.  C. 

Strider,  David  Lewis Rt.   1,   Flatrock,  N.  C. 

Stuart,  .John  Calhoun,  Jr., 

1217  W.  Wendover  Ave.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Sutherland,  James  Alexander, 

222  N.  Mulberry  St.,  Statesville,  N.  C. 

Taylor,  Benjamin  Boswood Maple,  N.  C. 

Taylor,  Bernard  Harold,  Jr Box  1281,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Taylor,  Robert  Edward 1115  Sprice  St.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Ta'ylor,  Sanuud   \cstal White  Plains,  N.  0. 

Tennant,   William   .lames  Bryant Hamlet,  N.  C. 

Thomas,  John  Charles Franklin,  N.  C. 

Thomas,  Lonnie  Meredith Rt.  7,  Sanford,  N.  C. 

Thompson,  William  Hugh P.  0.  Box  344,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Thompson.  William   Smith Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Tippett.  La\irencc  .\lan 3137  Stanhope  Ave.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Todd,  James  Herbert,  Jr 140  Lucst,  Rye,  N.  Y. 

Toney,    Lewis    Charlie Rt.    1,    Mooresboro,   N.  C. 

Treece,  Ausbv  .lunior Rt.   2.  Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Tripp,  Benja'min  Riley 207  East  Third  St.,  Ayden,  N.  C. 

Thrower,  Warner  Lloyd. ...Nashville  Hwy.,  Rockv  Mount,  N.  C. 

Trull.  Olin  Carlylc Rt.  1,  Jlonroe,  N.  C. 

Tucker,  .lohniiy   tiordcui Seacrest   Dr.,   Monroe,  N.  C. 

Turner,  Lloyd  Chester, 

1100  Parsonage  St.,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

Turney,  Jack  Donald 1212  Ozark  Ave.,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

LTpton,  Cieorge  Philmore,  Jr Box  63,   Randleman,  N.  C. 

Vacharotayan.    Sorasith Bangkook,   'I  hailand 

Vaden,  John   Thomas Francisco,   N.  C. 

Vargo,  John  James,  Jr 1109  Leigh  Ave.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Vastand,  Andrew  Charles, 

Rt.  0,  Perry  Dr.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Verble,  Keith  Eugene Apt.  36-H,  Vetville,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Vick,  Columbus  Edwin.  .Ir.. 

1013   Old   Hickory   Rd.,  Jacksonville  7,   Fla. 

Walker,  Stanlev  Blanton .' Rt.  2,  EUenboro,  N.  C. 

Walker,  Theodore  Harvard 130  Park  St.,  Statesville,  N.  0. 

Warlick.  Joseph   Ralpli,  .Tr Box  203,  Concord,  N.  C. 

Weatherly,  Charles  '1  haddeus,  Rt.  1,  Box  379,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Webb,  .lames  Ernest,  Jr Rt.   1,  Box  109,  Swannanoa,  N.  C. 

Weir,  Thomas  Henry,  Jr 2729  Bancroft  St.,  Charhitte,  N.  C. 

Whisenhuut.    Freil    Smith Box   003,   Newton,  N.  C. 

Whisnant,  Jimmy  Alfred 425  F.  Ave.,  S.  E.,  Hickory,  N.  C. 

White,  James  Mi)dlin Colerain,  N.  C. 

White.  S.  B.,  Jr Union   Grove,  N.  C. 

White,  Wilev  Jackson Box  1061,  Trvon,  N.  C. 

Whitfteld.  C'laude  Linwood Rt.  2,  Snow  Hill,  N.  C. 

Whitlev,  William  Dudlev Box  72.  Pinetoi)s,  N.  C. 

Wike,  Sidney  Alfred Rt.  5,  Box  380,  U^nior,  N.  C. 

Wiles,  John'  Francis 800  Sunset  Ave.,  Ashelioro,  N.  C. 

Wilkie,  James   llarvev Rt.   1,  Rutlierforilton,  N.  C. 

Williams,   I'.yron    Lee' 3206  20tli   St.,  Lubluick,  Texas 

Williams,  Herbert  Uerron,  Jr Box  341,  Maxton,  N.  C. 

Williams,   .lames    Franklin Autryville,   N.  C. 

Williams,   Robert  Marshall,  Jr., 

1801   Grace  St.,   Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Williams,   William   Braxton Rt.    1,   Wade,  N.  C. 

Williamson,  John  Farris,  Jr Box  304,  Wadesboro,  N.  C. 

Willson,  Uonard  Alfred,  Jr.,  518  Cleveland  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Wilson,   Benjamin   Charles Newtcm,   N.  C. 

Wilson,  Clifton   Lawrence... 1 12  Underdown  Ave.,  Lenoir,  N.  C. 

Wilson,   Eddie   Kay Columbus,   N.  C. 

Wilson,  Joseph  Raymond,  Jr., 

420  Mocksville  Ave.,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Winston,  Johnnv   Eli 2303%   Clark  Ave.,   Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Wood,    .John    Carlos Rt,    Hayesville,    N.  C. 

Woodall,   Charles   Edward Rt.    1,   Smithlield,  N.  C. 

Woolard,  Edgar  Smith,  Jr 114  E,  lltli  St.,  Wasliiiigtun,  D.  C. 

Wright,  Francis  Prienee.  .Jr.. 

1509    Morningside   Dr.,    Charlotte,   N.  C. 
Wule,  Charles  I'^rederick.  Jr., 

220  E.  Main  St.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Y'ork,   James  William Rt.   3,  Mt.  Airy,   N.  C. 

Yancey,  Edwin  Lovell Rt.   1,  Mebanc,  N.  C. 

Yuen,' Chick-Fung 121  Argyle  St.,  Hong  Kong,  China 

Y'ork,  Thomas  Allen,  Tabernacle  Rd.,  Rt.  4,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Zaleski,  James  K 2306  W.   19th  St.,  Chicago,  111. 

Zeugner,   Charles   Robert Box   243,   Skyland,   N.  C. 

Zinunerman,  Norman  l.*o, 

501   Old  Winston  Rd.,  High  Point,  N,  C. 
Zubaty,   John    Robert Box   257,   Blairsville,   Pa, 


Abbott,  Onega  Clark 984  Maple  St.,  Henderson,  N.  C. 

Absher,  Jerry  Mack North  Wilkesboro,  N.  C. 

Aihuiis,   Stanford   Morgan Four   Oaks,  N.  C. 

Aliorn.  Francis  Marion 822  Clarkbrook  Ril..  Ualeit;!!.  X.  ('. 

Al-Doorv.  A.  Turkov Baf:li<la<l,  Iraq 

Alfxanii'er.  Kenneth"  Baird....304  N.  21st  St.,  Wilmington.  N,  C. 

Al  Iladithv.   A.   R.   Oliead Hachitlia.   Iraq 

Alnionil,   Larry    Douglas All)eniarle.   \.  C. 

Alsinuiani.   Miihael   Slaiman Raleigli.   X.  C. 

Al-Talilii.   Aniir  A-IInssian Onuirali,   Iraq 

Al-W'aily.  .lafar  Mi'lidi Xunianiia,  Iraq 

Amnions,  ,T\istus  Murray Mars  Hill,  X.  C. 

Anderson.  Tlionias  Oliver.... ITIS  Maryland  Ave.,  Durham,  X.  ('. 

Anderson,   W'illier   Khno Tarlwro.   X.  C. 

Anwar.   Mulianuuad    Salim Stem,   N.  C. 

Armit.  F.dward   Dean Turtle  Creek,  X.  C. 

Arnold,   .lohn    Dwiglit Lexington,   N.  C. 

Arrington.   .TaMu>s   Edward Wavnesville.   X.  C. 

Atkins.  Wallace  Terrell 710  Park  St.,  High  Toint.  X.  C. 

Atkinson.   William    .\rthur -Tonesville.  X.  C. 

Ayyub.   Hatiz   Muhammad Khanpur,    West    Pakistan 

Barchiesi.  .John 513   Coulter,  (treenslmrg,   Peiui. 

Bass,   Billy   Gray Tliomasville,   X.  C. 

Batts.  James   Speight Sharpslnirg,  X.  C. 

Baxter.  Earl  Stewart Russellton,  Pa. 

Bekou.  Shamoon  Isa Mangaish,  Iraq 

Belote.  .Tames  Calvin 415  Wayne.  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Belote.  .Tames  Dorch 205  W.  Chestnvit.  Goldsboro,  X.  C. 

Beam.   Richard   Jloore Shelby,   X.  C. 

Bennett.  .To<d  Convers Hamlet,  X',  C, 

Bennett.   Robert    ilerrin Weaverville.   X''.  C. 

Bernzweig.  David  Saul 473  Milfard,  Brooklyn,  X.  Y. 

Billingslev.   William   Everett Hamlet,   N.  C. 

Bissctt.  Lawrence  Lynn II03  Herring  St.,  Wilson,  X.  C. 

Black.  David  Harrison Rockingham.  X.  C. 

Blair,  Henrv  Eugene Rt.   1,  High  Point,  X.  C. 

Blount.  Harry  Anderson 203  Mitchell.  Salisbury.  X.  C. 

Bostain.  Lany  Charles Conover.  X.  C. 

Boulogne.  Pierre  ^laurice 2720  St.  Michael,  Xorfolk,  Va. 

Bovd.  .Tames  Elmer I6I2  Park.  New  Bern.  X.  C. 

Brackett,  Mitchell   Detrov Casar,  X.  C. 

Braxton.   Paul   Gyles '. Siler    City,   X^.  C. 

Brei^ze.  Marvin  McCabe....2522  Wake  Forest  Rd..  Durham.  X.  C. 

Bridger,  Charles  Oscar Bladenboro,  N.  C. 

Briles.   David   Harold A.sheboro,   N.  C. 

Brinklev.  Claude  Franklin Mt.  Airv.  X^.  C. 

Britt.  Gorihm  ilathews 2.502  Van  Dvke.  Raleigh.  X".  C. 

Brockwell.  John  AllH>rt 1917  Alexander  Rd..  T^aleigb,  X.  C. 

Brooks,  .Tames   Oliver Brevard.   X.  C. 

Brooks.  Richard  Joyner Rt.  2.  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Broome.  Samuel  Xeal 621  Jackson  Ave..  Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Brown.   Billv   Harold Mieor,   X^.  C. 

Brown,  Ellie'rt  Gordon Rt.  4,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Brown,  .Tohn  Wister 130  Cox  Ave.,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Brown.  Reece  Edward Kt.  4,  Charlotte,  XT.  C. 

Brown.  Robert  Vance Zebulon,  N.  C. 

Brown.  Roger  Dan Gastonia.  N.  C. 

Brown.  .Steve  Kelly Hendersonville.  X.  C. 

Brown.  William  Edward 404  N.  2Ist,  Wilmington,  X"".  C. 

Bryan.   William    Eddie,   Jr Bladenboro,   X.  C. 

Bryant.  .Tohn  Burts Stednian.  X.  C. 

Buchanan.  Harold  Wade Stem.  Fla. 

Buff.  Larrv  Scott Mewton,  X.  C. 

Bullock,  William  Bennett. 

714  Monroe.  St.,  Roanoke  Rapids,  N.  C. 

Burgess.  .Tackie Huntersville.  X.  C. 

Burney.   .James  Lee Clarkton.   X.  C. 

Burns.  .Tohn   Steele Xewton  Highlands,   Mass. 

Burns.  Robert   Pascal Roxboro.  X.  C. 

Cagle.  Walter  Cornelius Rt.  4.  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Campliell.  Henrv  Lee 648  N.  Peace,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Carlyle,  Jack  Wayne Holly  Ridge,  X".  C. 

Carpenter,  Robert  Rex Peachland,  X,  C. 

Carroll.  Harvey  Clarke Hamlet,  X^^.  C. 

Casey.   Gary   .Tackson Dudley,   X.  C. 

Caudill.  Charles  Edward Glendale  Springs,  X.  C. 

Caudle.  George  Everett Richfield.  X^.  C. 

Chappell.  Jesse.   -Tr Raleigh.   X.  C. 

Chapman.  X"ed  Oliver Morganton.  X.  C. 

Cheatham.  James  Hamlin.  .Tr.,  819  S.  Sec.  St.,  Smithfield.  N.  C. 

Church.  David   Thompson Stuart.  Va. 

Clark.  John  Edward Sanford.  X.  C. 

Clark.   John   Edward Sanford.  X".  C. 

Clark,   Robert  Woolard Everetts,  N.  C. 

Clarke.  Donald  Henry Griniesland.  X.  C. 

Climo.  Richard  William 2534  Broadwav.  Brooklvn.  X.  C. 

Cobb.  Otis  Earl ."...Reidsville.  X".  C. 

Cochran,  William  Earl Concord,  X.  C. 

Cohn.  Emil.  .Tr 231  E.  Sedsrivick.  Philadelphia.  Pa. 

Collins,  ilarilyn  Evelyn 604  Rita  Rd..  Durham,  X".  C. 

Collins.  Preston   Andrew Maysville.   X.  C. 

Copeland.  Archie  Wallace 3129  Stan.  Ave.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Copeland.  .Tohn  Weslev.-..I03  W.  Mavnard  Ave..  Durham.  X.  C. 

Cothran.   Frank  Minges 112  E.  .Steele  St..   Salisbury,  X.  C. 

Cotton.  Leonard   Wayne Pittslwro.  X.  C. 

Cowand.  John  Weslev.  Jr 101  Dundee  St..  Windsor.  X.  C. 

Cowans.  Kenneth  Wesley 1813  Hall.  Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Cox.  .Tohn   Edward Brevard.   X.  C. 

Graver,  Billy  Hoyle Rt.  8,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Cress,  Ivewis  Walker Concord,  X^.  C. 

Crow.  Roiuild  Warren Lexington,  X.  C. 

Crampler,  Willis  Ison,  .Jr Watha,  N.  C. 

Daber,  Kenneth  Myron Mt.  Airy,  X.  C. 

Daoud.   Abban    Karin Baghda"d,   Iraq 

Daoud.  Hanna  Noiiri Mosul,  Iraq 

Daskal.  .lohn   Harry 225  Nimoulta,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Davis,  Hcnnie  Hutron 710  Van  Buren,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Davis.   Conrad   Alvin Leaksville,   X.  C, 

Davis.  Gene  Carroll (Jastonia,  X.  C. 

Davis,  James   Robert Raleigh,   X,  C. 

Davis.  Thomas  Safrit Cliffside,  N.  C. 

Davis.  Young  Steele,  Jr Statesville,  N.  C. 

Daye,  J.  Godfrey Concord,  X.  C. 

Deal.  Perry  Lee Landis,  N.  C. 

Deal,   Robert   Burnell. Hickory,   X.  C. 

DeCoursey.  .Tohn  Barclay Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Deese,   Emerscm    Hcrnard,  .Ir Monroe,  N.  C. 

DeHertogh,  August  Alliert I.«raont,  III. 

Deitch,  Melvin  James, 

203  S.  German  Town  Rd..  Chattanooga.  Tenn. 

Dempsey,   .lames   William Winterville,   X.  C. 

Denton,   Donald   I^ee ilorganton.  N.  C. 

Dess,  Darrell  Charles 109  Knox,  Xew  Castle.  Pa. 

Diggs.  Richard  Erdman 1135  Little  Bay,  Xorfolk.  Va. 

Dowless.   Victor  Gerald Acme,  X.  C. 

Dillard.  David  Humphrey.  Jr Sylva,  X.  C. 

Driggers.  James  Archie Rt.  3,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Dusenbury.  Charles  Edward Rt.  I,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Efird,   Alex   McEachern Wilmington,   N.  C. 

Ellis,   .Tonatham   Barnes ^ Stantonburg,   X.  C. 

F-'mery,  .Tames  Thurman Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Emory,  Joe  Brandon 43  Eola,  Asheville,  X.  C. 

Emory,  John  Albert 43   Eola,  Asheville,  X.  C. 

English.    Frank    Watson Marion,    X.  C 

Ernst,  James  Ray 677  Prl..  Bluefield.  W.  Va. 

F>win,  Hamilton.  Ill Morganton.  X.  C. 

Escobar.   .Tose  Joaquin Colombia.   S.  A. 

Faggert,  F^arl  Caldwell Rockwell,  N.  C. 

Farthing,  Wintield   Harrison Boone,  X.  C. 

Feimster,  William  .Tennings Union  Grove,  N.  C. 

FVtner,  Donald  Hughev 1803  Hillsboro,  Durham,  X.  C. 

Flanagan.  Harold  Moffitt 211  E.  Church.  Farraville,  X^.  C. 

Franklin.   William   Pete Box  2051.   Raleigh,  X^.  C. 

Freeman.   .Tohn   Lee Hendersonville,  X.  C. 

Friddle.  Edward  William 15  S.  West..  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Frink.    Darald    Clinton Shallotte,   X.  C. 

Funderburlt.  William  Franklin Kannapolis.  N.  C. 

Gall.  Ronald  Andre 1403  Kerr.  Xew  Castle.  Pa. 

Garrabrant.  William  Peter 2236  Mimsa.  Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Garrison.  Colleen  Buff 214%  N.  Harrington,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Garrou.  Victor  Herbert Valdese.  N.  C. 

Gay,  Bobl)y  Ray Kitrell,  N.  C. 

Gibson,  James  Patterson Laurel  Hill,  X.  C. 

Gibson.  Ralph  Marion Laurinburg.  X.  C. 

Gilliam.  .Tames  Dabney 1404  Snst..  Rockv  ilount.  N.  C. 

Galdwell.    Robert   Trevy 20114    Park.    Raleigh,   N.  C. 

Goode,  Cecil  Conway,  Jr Boiling  Springs,  N.  C. 

Gore,  James  William Talmr  Citv,  N,  C. 

(k>ugh.  Wayne  Earl 2240  Glenn,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Gould.  Leonard  Mann Xewport,  N.  C 

Grace.  Thomas   Arthur Asheville,   N.  C 

Gray.  Howard   Stafford Kernersville,  X.  C. 

Green,  Claude  Eugene Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Green.  .Tohn  Randolph Tarboro,  N.  C. 

Greene.  George   Donald Shelby,  X.  C. 

Greer.  Wilbur  Kent Old  Fort,  N.  C. 

(irey.  Donald  DeArmon 1910  Thomas,  Charlotte.  X^.  C. 

Griffin.  Edward  Vance,  Jr X'ashville.  X.  C. 

Grunfeld,  Albert  John 930  Harsn..  Scranton.  Pa. 

Guner.  Mehmet  Irfan Fongouldak.  Turkey 

Gunnell.  Douglas  Leroy Portsmouth.  Va. 

Giipton.   Creighton   Lee Gastalia,  X.  C. 

Gurley.  Edward  Dewitt Bostic.  X''.  C. 

Gurlev.  Lawrence  Ray Goldsboro.  X.  C. 

Gwyn'n.  Don  Hill ' Henderson.  X.  C. 

Haiiib.  Kamal  ilustafa Hills.  Iraq 

Hagler.   Gerald   Epps Belmont.  N.  C. 

Hailev.   Ronald   Eugene 1107   Grce.   Wilmington.   X.  C. 

Hamad.  Ghazi  Esmail 436  X.  Meer.  Rocky  Mount,  X^.  C. 

Hampton.  Davey  Gray Winston-Salem.  N.  C. 

Hamrick.  .Toe  Webb Chimney  Rock.  X.  C. 

Hanev.  Billv  Maurice Canton.  X^.  C. 

Hane'v.  Joseph  Donald 2133  Colony,  Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Hannah.    Charles    Willard ". Clyde.    X.  C. 

Hapward.  Richard  Herl}ert Bloumfield,  N.  J. 

Hardestv.  Jerrv  Warren Elizabeth  Citv,  X.  C. 

Hardv,  .Tohn  Blackwell,  Jr 2400  W.  Club.  Durham,  N.  C. 

Harris,  Carroll  David Rt.  5,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Hart.  AUx-rt   Stuart High  Point,  N.  C. 

Hastings.  Robert  Paul Lawndale,  N.  C 

Hatch,  George  Glenn Mt.  Olive,  X^.  C. 

Hawkins.  Marion  Arnold Sandy  Ridge,  X'.  C. 

Hawkins,  Thomas  Bulluck,  Jr Wilmington,  X'.  C. 

Haynes.  Charles   Henry Avondale.  N.  C. 

Heafner.   Donald   Osborne Belmont.   N.  C. 

Henderson,  Otis  Haywood Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Henery,  Allen  John Merrick,  X.  Y. 

Herring,  William  Henry 413  E.  5th,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Hershey,  Terrv  Lee Burlingion,  N.  C. 

Hill,  Roger  Post Pink  Hill,  X.  C. 

Hipp,  David  Elliott,  Jr F-1,  Shelton  Apts.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Hodgin,  Byron  Rankin Guilford  College,  X.  C. 

Hoffman,  Emanuel  Kenneth Gold  Hill,  X.  C. 

Holdselaw,  Clifford  Wilson Sherrills  Ford.  X.  C. 

Holland,   Almon    Orland Raleigh,   X.  C. 

Holmes,  Robert  Douglass Henderson,  X.  C. 

Hoots,  Leonard  Clyde Hendersonville,  X.  C. 

Howard,  Arthuh  Leon,  Jr 104  Dixie  Tr.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Howard,  William   Edward Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Howell,   Melvin   Edgar Tyner,  X.  C. 

Hubbard,  Bob  Lynwood Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Hudson,  Donald  Elmer Zirconia.  X.  C. 

Hudson,  Larry  Bruce Maiden,  X.  C. 

Hyatt,  Robert  Reeves Bryson  City,  N.  C 

Isom,  Charles  Thomas, 

Route  3,  Buffalo  Trail  Court,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Jackson,   Charles  Armon Benson,  X.  C. 

Jackson,  Lewis  Clark Cramerton.  X.  C. 

James,  Thomas  George Graham,  X.  C. 

Javid,  Rafi Teheran,  Iran 

Jessup.  Richard  Frederick Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Jobe,  Robert  Elmer Elm  City,  X^.  C. 

Johnson,  Charles  Arthur 41   Dorchester,  Asheville,  X.  C. 

Johnson,  James  Vinson,  Jr Kenly,   X.  C. 

Johnson,   John   Oliver Tacksonvill'e.  N.  C. 

Johnson,  Mack  McGuird Four  Oaks,  N.  C. 

Jones,  Joe  Walters Hickory.   X.  C. 

Jones,  William  Giles Pine  Hall,  X.  C. 

Jordan.  Richard  Charles Cambria  Heights,  X.  Y. 

Joyce.  William  Michael Box.  946,  Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Kaeblierling.  Karl  Otto T>enoir.  X.  C. 

Kalet.   Bert  Maxwell Winston-Salem.   X^.  C. 

Kapherr.  Joseph  William Creedmoor,  X^.  C. 

Keller,  William  Harry,  Jr Corinth-Holders.  X.  C. 

Kelley,  Jack  Stewart Logan,  W.  Va. 

Kelle'y,  Paton  Holmes Wallace,  X.  C. 

Kelley,  Richard   Pcatross Germanton.  X.  C. 

Kersey.  David  Harris Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Key,  James   Edward Mt.   Airy,   X.  C 

Kiker.  William  Edward Monroe,  X.  C. 

Kincaid,  Ronald  David Kings  Mountain,  X.  C. 

Kirby,  Cecil  Dillard.  Jr Dunn,  X^.  C. 

Kiser.  Fred  William Kings  Mountain,  X'.  C. 

Knighten,  William  Edward Rt.  1,  Asheville,  X^.  C. 

Land.   Jame   Asbill Rt.    2.   York,    S.  C. 

Lane,  John  Havwood,  Jr Stantonsburg,  X.  C. 

Lanier,  Kilby  Chesley Chinouapin,  X.  C. 

Lancley,  Jchn  Paul..'. Rockv  Mount,  N.  C. 

Langley.  Otha  Gene Box  135,  Rocky  Mount,  X^.  C. 

Lanthrnp.  Georse  Terrell Asheville,  X.  C. 

Law.  Charles  .Lames.  .Jr Pelham.  X.  C. 

Liiwing.  William  Dennis,  Jr Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Lcacli.  Hal  Thomas Box  264,  Statesville,  X.  C. 

Lee.  James  Marion.  Jr Baltimore.  Jld. 

Ijcggett,   Ashley  Gray,  Jr Washinston,  X^.  C. 

Irvine.  Sanford  L,....' 1519  E.  27th.  Brooklyn.  X.  C. 

Liden.  Donald  Turner Rockville  Centre.  X.  Y. 

Lindsley.  Hush  Randolph Williamston.  X"'.  C. 

Lloyd.  Donald  Gray 2  Cooper,  Favetteville.  X.  C. 

Txickrow.  Wilbur  L 24.'j  5th.'  Hickorv,  X.  C. 

Long.  James  Cleveland 412  Dale.  Gastonia.  X.  C. 

Lowery.  Robert  Clinton Richfield.  X"^.  C. 

Lowry.   Eugene   Isley Kingsport,    Tenn. 

Luckenbach.  Roy  Leon Winston-Salem.  X^.  C. 

Mansnim.  Fred  Allen,  Jr Zebulon,  N.  C. 

Martin.  Henrv  Scott Boonesville.  N.  C. 

Martin.    William    McAulay Wadesville.    X.  C. 

Mason,  Keith   Stewart '. X^wport.  X.  C. 

Mason.   Michael    Anderson Beaufort.    X.  C. 

Massey.  Morgan  Turlington 1318  Carlton.  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Matthews.  Kenneth  Vance Kernersville.  X.  C. 

Maxwell.  Oscar  Benton,  Jr Raoford.  X.  C. 

Medlin.  James  Hubert,  Jr Wilmington,  X^.  C. 

Meeks,  William  Thomas Raleish,  X''.  C. 

Mevcr,  Georse  John,  Jr Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Miller.  Ernest  Theron.  Jr Hickory.  X^.  C. 

^filler.  .Joseph   Thomas Warrcnsville.   X.  C. 

Miller,   Michael   Joseph Allentown.   Pa. 

Miller,  Tliomas   Dalton Morresville.  X.  C. 

Mills,  Gene  Anderson Watha,  X.  C. 

Mitchell,  James  Edwin Louisburg.  X.  C. 

McHammed.  Atalla   Said Kirkuk.  Iraq 

Monsees.  Claude  Early Goldsboro,  X^.  C. 

Montague,  Bobby  Lewis Kt.  5,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Montgomery,  Malcolm  High Semora,  X.  C. 

Moore,  Xathanicl  Henry,  Jr Washington,  X.  C. 

Moore.  Thomas  Monroe Four  Oaks,  X.  C. 

Morgan,   James    Alvin Asheville.    X.  C. 

Morris.  Roderick  Harvey Maxton,  X.  C. 

Morrow.  Roger  JjeRoy..." Burlington,  XL  C. 

Moser,  Richard  Earl Asheville.  X.  C. 

Moss,  Walter  Lee Rutherfordton,  X.  C. 

Moureau,  Dorothy  Lucille Currituck,  N.  C. 

Moxley,  William  Dell.  Jr 3014  Mayview  Rd..  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Mozur,  RoWrt   Francis Wilkes  liarrc.   Pa. 

Muhjo,  Jafar  Hadi Darvanigah,  Iraq 

Mussack,  Xicliolas  F Rt.   1,  Halifax,  X.  C. 

Myers,  Allen  Frazier Badin,  X.  C. 

Myers,   Paul   Tilton Hoffman,   N.  0. 

Myrick,  Jimmie  Dean Star,  X.  C. 

McAdams.   Roliert  Jlichael Santa  Monica.  Calif. 

McGuire.  Robert  Lee Brevard.  X.  C. 

McTntiish,  .Terry  Allen. ...1810  Wilmington  St.,  Xew  Bern.  X.  C. 
McKinncy.  Kenneth  Lockworth,  1813  Oak  St..  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

McT>augh'lin.  Toiler  Burnett Rt.  4.  Asheboro,  X.  C. 

Xance,  Charles  Mitchell 738  Park  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Xaoum,  A  wis,  X.  A Iraq 

Neels,  Howard  Edward Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Xelson.  Hubert  Edward,  Jr Rt.  10,  Greensboro.  X.  C. 

Xewton.  Roy  Roekwood Southern  Pines,  X'^.  C. 

Xocholas.  Carmine  Franklin Concord.  X.  C. 

Xolan.   .James    Martin Sliannon.   X.  C. 

Xorriw,  Charles  Rexford Rt.  2.  Wallace,  X.  C. 

Xorton.    Charlie    Rav Highlands,    X.  C. 

Xorvell,  Glenn  David Rt.  2.  Candler,  X.  C. 

Xorwood.  Ronald  George Rt.  1.  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Xovak.    Vincent    Thomas Kenosha,    Wisconsin 

Xuckolls.   Edwaril    Wayne Hendersonville.    X.  C. 

Odin,  Bernice  Wilbur Plumtree  St.,  Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Odoni.  David  Vance Owenboro.  Ky. 

Olund.  .Johnnie  Earl Havelock.  X.  C. 

Owens.  David  I^inwood 1409  Anderson  St..  Wilson,  X.  C. 

Parker.  Carl  Eion Durants  Xcck,  X.  C. 

Parker,  Joel  Ray 2820  Virginia  St..  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Parker,  John  Bu.xton....410  W.  Main  St..  Elizalieth  City.  X.  C. 
Parker,  Robert  Dale,  Jr,. 

324  Washington  Rcl..  Roanoke  Rapids.  X.  C. 

Parker.  Willis  Melvin Four  Oaks.  X\  C. 

Payne.  Reuben  Elliott,  Jr Manteo.  X.  C. 

Pearcc.   Ira  Whitener Hickorv,  X.  C. 

Peed.  Slielton  Ray 1206  E.  Trinity  St..  Durham,  X.  C. 

Perkinson.   .John   Linwood Xorlina.   X.  C. 

Perrv,   Glenwood  Haves Zebulon.   X.  C. 

Perry.  June   Gill .". Zebulon,  X.  C. 

Perryman.    Billv    Snow JjPwisville.   X.  C. 

Peth'el,  Frank  Colbv,  Jr 405  X.  Ross  St.,  Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Phillips.  Rex  Askew Grifton,  X.  C. 

Pickenheim.    Paul    John Tamanua.    Pa. 

Pierce.  David  .Joe Rt.  4.  Reidsville.  XL  C. 

Pierczvnski,  Edmond  Joseph.  1221  E.  36th  St..  Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Porter,   William   Donnie 300  Cedar   St..  Favetteville.  X.  C. 

Potter.  Jackie  Hadlev E.  Garden  St..'  Kinston.  X.  C. 

Powell.  Luther  Cabel,  II Rt.  5.  Greenville.  X.  C. 

Preston.  .James  Albert Elizalieth  City.  X.  C. 

Pritchard,  Jack   Cameron Siler   City.  X.  C. 

Proescher.  Albert  Edward Carv,  X.  C. 

Pruna.  Philip  Roland 1812  W.  Davis  St..  Burlingto'n.  X.  C. 

Pullman.  Edward  T\ree 2020  Wa  Wa  St..  Durham.  X.  C. 

Quinn,  Stacy  Ray....' Pink  Hill.  X.  C. 

Ramey,  Richard  Lee 101  Essex  St.,  Danville.  Va. 

Rascoe.  I^ewis  Taylor Windsor.  X.  C. 

Ratliff,  Tliomas  Davis 127  Roljeson  St.,  Rockingham.  X.  C. 

Reavis,    William    Joseph Angier,    X.  C. 

Reeves.  George  Fletcher.  Jr Morganton.  X.  C. 

Reynolds.   Richard    Alexander Wadesboro.   X.  C. 

Rh'yne.   Robert   Franklin Ellenboro,  XL  C. 

Rice,  .James   Alvin 815  Ann   St..  W^ilmington.  X.  C. 

Rich.   Clyde   Russell Clinton.   X.  C. 

Ritchie.   Henrv   T^ee .Concord,   X.  C. 

Ritcliie.   Hubert   Hoke Thomasville.   X.  C. 

Rivenbark,  .Jeremiah  .Jacob,  Jr.,  305  Wilrd..  Wilmingt'in.  X.  C. 

Rolierson,  George  William Forest  City,  X.  C. 

Roberson.  Russell  Leo Williamston.  X.  C. 

Roberts,  Gratz  Linwood.  .Jr Fairfield.  X.  C. 

Robertson,  Gcorce  Maxwell 10  Sprs..  Asheville.  X.  C. 

Robertson.   William   Grav,  .Jr X^ewjiort.   X.  C. 

Rogers.  Robert    Clayton.' .4010  S.  Main   St..  Hiirh   Point.  X.  C. 
Roland.  James  Dillon. ...2002  Dacium  St..  Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Rose.   Erastus   Edwin Xewton    Grove.   X.  C. 

Rosenstein.  Xornian  David Paterson,  X.  .J. 

Rough.  Ronald  .James Mincola,  X.  Y. 

Safriet,  Daniel  Alphus.  Jr China  Grove,  X.  C. 

Sanderson.   Hugh    Milton Erwin.    Tennessee 

Santowasso,   Leo  Anthony Railway.   X.  .J. 

Sarafidis,  George  Basil Athens,  Greoce 

Sarter.  J^ester  Bernard 706  Lefferts  Ave.,  Rro  klvn,  X.  V. 

Satterfield,  Lvnwood  G 1201  Inez.  Durham,  X.  C. 

Schrefller.  David  F.'dward,  Jr 3126  Sussex.  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Schroeder,  Rudolph  Francis Ozone  Park,  L.  I..  X.  Y. 

Self.  Maynard  Lowell Casar,  X.  C. 

.Settle.    .Joseph    Edgar .Jacksonville.    X.  C. 

Shanks.  .John  Robert .Tonesboro.  Tenn. 

Sharpe.  Ronald  Vernett Rt.   1,  Burlington,  X^.  C. 

Shaw.  Robert  Melvin Everereen.  X.  C. 

Shea,   Wilfred   Michael Harrisville,   X.  H. 

Sheets.  Clayborn  Glenn .Jefferson.  X.  C. 

Sheiiard.  Richard  Bavlev Wcaverville,  X.  C. 

Shields.  Coy  Edgar  ...'....(i36  X.  Peace  St..  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Shipman.  William  David.  Jr Bladenboro.  X.  C. 

Shirley,  Lemuel  Marion,  Jr Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Shook,  Edward  Andres,  Jr N.  Wilkesboro,  N.  C. 

Sliort,  Howard  Preston,  Jr Roanoke   Rapids,   X.  C. 

Sijimon,   Brvce,   Jr Greenville,   N.  C. 

Liniaan,    Bcliaani    Hashir Zaklio,    Iraq 

Sinininns.    Robert    Curtis Whiteville,    N.  C. 

Simmons,  Wayne  Robert Stuart.  Va. 

Simpsiin,  Charles   Douglas AUienmrle,   N.  C. 

Siiij^etarv,   June.   Jr Bladenboro,   N.  C. 

Sloan,   Riehard   Clemenee Mt.   Ulla,   N.  C. 

Sniatliers,   James    Burton Deland,    Fla. 

Smilev,   David    Daniel,  Jr Salisbury.  N.  C. 

Smith.  Edwin  Bean Black  Mountain.  N.  C. 

Smith.    Joe    Miihael Peachland,    N.  C. 

Smith.  .Tohn  Lytton,  Jr Concord,  N.  C. 

Smitli.  Wilton  Uzzle Louisburg,  N.  C. 

Smyre.    Jimmy    Ray Hickory,    N.  C. 

SoTitherland.  Charles  Robert Goldslxiro.  N.  C. 

Spain,  Milton  Ray Greenville,  N.  C. 

Spivey.   Walter   Henry Garner,   N.  C. 

Stancil.   Linwood    Wadilell.   .Tr Warwick,   Va. 

.Stanford.   Alvin    Mercer..   Beulaville,    N.  C. 

.Steele,    David    Lancaster Asheville,    X.  C. 

Steele,  Jack  Edwin.  Jr 116  Summitt.  Burling,  X.  C. 

Stephenson,  John  Whitaker,  .Jr 405  Aycock,  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

.Steele.   Henry  Livingst m Rt.   3,  Hickor.y,  N.  C. 

Stevenson.   .Tames   Conrad Clemson,    S.  C. 

Stevens,  Wilbur  Ralph Sanford,  N.  C. 

Stocks.   William    Henrv Leaksville,   X.  C. 

Stone.  Floyd  Arthur....! 32-H,  Vetville,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

.Stone.   Paul    Samuel Eouisburg,   N.  C. 

.Strickland.  Percy  Leo,  .Tr Dunn,  X.  C. 

Sugg.  .John  Devereaux Snow  Hill.  X.  C. 

Sutton.  Glenn  Harold 700  E.  Whitaker  Mill.  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Sykes,   James    Ross Wallace,    X.  C. 

.Svkes,  Paul  Marshall Portsmouth.  Va. 

Talley,  Thomas  Hugh Mt.  Airy,  X.  C. 

Taylor,   Frank  Warren Raleigli,  N.  C.  Fred  Thomas.  Jr .319  E.  .Tones,  W'adesbnro,  N.  C. 

Terzi.  Zain-Abidin  Hassan Kirkuk,  Iraq 

Tliomas.   .Tames   Edward High   Point.   X.  C. 

Thomas,   Walter   Carr.   Jr Charlotte,   X.  C. 

Thomas.    Wayne    Wesley Apex.    X.  C. 

Thompson.    Victor    Patrick Morganton.    X.  C. 

Thiirne.  Francis  Lewis Ahoskie,  X.  C. 

Townsend.  Frank  Covinton Rt.  .5,  Durham,  X.  C. 

Traumuller.  Martin  Herman Teaweck,  X.J. 

Tucker.  Don  Bovden Laurel   Springs,  N.  C. 

Tuggle,    Paul    Kinsley Kannapolis,    N.  C. 

Turner,   .Tames    Edward Gatesville,   X.  C. 

Turner.  .James  Harold.  .Tr Polkton,  X.  C. 

Turner,   Willicim   McXeill Yancevville.   X.  C. 

Tiittle,  David   Walter Hicknrv,  X.  C. 

Tuttle,    Peter    Doub Tobaccoville.   X.  C. 

I'nderwond.  Lehman  Donald Smithfield.  X.  C. 

VanLandingham.  Hugh  Fock,  1416  W.  Lake.  Greensboro.  X.  C. 

Vinson.  .Tames  Raymond.  .Tr Rt.  3.  Burlington,  X.  C. 

Vinson.    Reginald    Rudolph Knightdale.   X.  C. 

Vuncannon.  IMarion  Wade Ether.  N.  C. 

Waddington.  .John Yonkers,  X.  Y. 

Waoner.  Oren  Harrv Tavlorsville.  N.  C. 

Walker.  Charles  T.',  Jr Rocky  Mount,  X.  C. 

Walker.  William  Edward 615  X.  Boundr.v'.  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Wallace.  .Tames  Edward Sanford.  X.  C. 

Warren.  Gary  Robertson 105  Hatton  Rd..  Portsmouth,  Va. 

Webb,  Charles  Donald Clearwater.  Fla. 

Welfare.  Fred  Griffith Clemmons,  X.  C. 

Westbrook.  .Timmy  Garland Rt.  3.  Kinston.  X.  C. 

Whalev,  Rodolnh  Marion.  .Tr Richlands.  N.  C. 

White.'  Billv  Hunt Whiteville.   X.  C. 

Whitaker.  Faison  Young,  Jr .1-6  Shelton  Apts..  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

White.   Cohen   O'Meal Windsor,  X.  C. 

White.  David  Boyce Franklin,  X.  C. 

White.   Pritehard   Hunter Winston-Salem.    X.  C. 

Whitehead.  Thomas  Walton Philadelphia.  Pa. 

Whitener,  Herbert  Lafayette 112  Meiner,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Whitlev.   Bobbie   Catherine 512   Pace.   Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Whitlock.  Coleman  M.,  Jr 2309  Yancey  St..  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Wiseins.  Talmadge  .T Brvson  Citv.  X.  C. 

Wilkins.  .Jesse  Bradsher.  .Jr Woodsdale.  X.  C. 

Wilkinson.    William    Deems Los    Anseles.    Calif. 

Williams,   David  Michael 806  Laruque,  Kinston,  X.  C. 

Williams,   Frederick   Whitnell Warrenton,   X.  C. 

Williams,   .James   Allen Morganton,   N.  C. 

Williams.   Tully  Baxter,  Jr Currituck,   X.  C. 

Williamson.  George  Dennis Canton.  X.  C. 

Williamson.    I^eon    Braxton Lucama.    N.  C. 

Winstead.  Kermit  Marshall Rt.  S.  Sanford 

Wood.  Bobby  Kellv 1023  Ellis  St..  Durham.  X.  C. 

Wood.   Fred   Douglas.  .Jr Wadesboro.   X.  C. 

Wood.  Havard  A.: Enfield.  X.  C. 

Wood.  Thomas  B 410  Aberdeen.  Greenville.   S.  C. 

Woodlief.    Milton    Cary Kittrell.    X.  C. 

Wright.  .Tames  Bethel Holly   Springs,  X.  C. 

Wright,    James    Robert Hendersonville,    X.  C. 

Wylie,  Gayle  Madison Rt.   5,  Shelby,  X.  C. 

Young,   .Joe   Herman Candler,  N.  C. 

Zolf aghari ,  Mozaf aredin Teheran,   Iran 


Abbitt,  Collin  McKinnon,  Jr 208  Barnctte,  Roxboro,  N.  C. 

Abee.    Dallas    Carroll Hickory,   X.  C. 

AlK-rnathy.  Dan  Worth,  Jr 725  Laurel,  Valdese,  X.  0. 

Adams,  Richard  Wesley Rt.  1,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Adel-Gari,  .\ref   Halia-Eddeen Zcrka,  Kingdom  of  Jordan 

Adkins,  Charles  Dewey Rt.  2,  Box  46AA,  L(!adsville,  X.  C. 

Afzal,    Iftkhar Karachi,    Pakistan 

Alexander,  James  Monroe 404  Hillcrest,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Al  .Talnry.   Abdul   Abbass  Hantosh Baghdad,   Iraq 

Allen,  Dallas  Fred 513  Montague,  Avden,  X.  C. 

Allen.  Teddy  Gray RFD  1.  Farm'ville,  X.  C. 

Alligood.  Alton  Thomas,  Jr 610  Charlotte.  Washington,  X.  C. 

Allred.  Jesse  Franklin Rt.  6.  Mount  Airy,  X.  C. 

Almond.  James  Alton Rt.  3.  Albemarle,  X.  C. 

Anderson,  Donald  Henry.. ..624  Goldfloss,  Winston-Salem,  X.  0. 

Anderson,  Donald  Wayne Box  131,  Tarboro,  X.  C. 

Andrews,  Charles  Thomas 102  Meade,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Angell,   Robert  Michael Mocksville,   X.  C. 

Annas,    Gareth    Edwin Hudson,    X.  C. 

Ashby,   Donald    Wayne Kannapolis,   X.  C. 

Atkins.  George  Calvin Box   144.  Apex,  X.  C. 

Austin,  Samuel  Franklin Rt.  1,  Box  482.  High  Point,  X.  C. 

Avent,  James   Kirkham Tarlxiro,  X.  C. 

Bailey,   Bobby   Joel Rutherfordton,   X.  C. 

Bailey,   Paul   Williamson Everetts,   N.  C. 

Bailey,  Richard   Everette Faison,  X.  C. 

Baird,  William  Lynnwood....l507  St.  Marys  St.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Baker,   Frank  H Oxford,  N.  C. 

Banner.   Wilbert  Theodore Sanford,   X.  C. 

Barber,  Robert  Francis 618  W.  Allen.  Hendersonville.  X.  C. 

Barlxnir.  Maurice  Wendell....Rt.  3,  Box  330,  Favetteville.  X.  C. 

Barbour.   Stacy   Olive Box    181".   Benson,  X.  C. 

Barger,  Kelly China  Grove,  X.  C. 

Barnes,  Larry  Everett Angler,   X.  C. 

Barnes,  Thomas  Jefferson,  Jr Angier,  X.  C. 

Barnes,  William  Xorman,  Jr 607  E.   13th.  Lumljerton.  X.  C. 

Barnctte.  Benjamin  Harrison.  Jr.,  Rt.  4,  Box  128,  Lenoir,  X.  C. 

Barnhardt.    Billy    Elmer 605    Chrysler,    Kannapolis,    X.  C. 

Barringer.  Hubert  Paul. 

208  W.  Washington,  Bessemer  Citv,  X.  C. 

Rartlett.  William  Preston Camden,  X^.  c. 

Bass.  Weldon  Ray Dunn,  X^.  C. 

Batts.    Leslie    Davis Magnolia,    X.  C. 

Batts,  William  Morris,  Jr Box  34,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Baxter.  Harvie  .Joe 405  Center  Grove.  Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Bazemore,  Helen  .Toyee 306  E.  .Jones.  Mt.  Olive,  N.  C. 

Beaman.  .John  Edward,  Jr 2331  Byrd.  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Beaman.  Philip  Leo Walstonburg.  X.  C. 

Reatty.   Xeill   McT^anrin Elizabethtown,   X.  C. 

Beaver,  Xorman  Alcxander....Rt.  2,  Box  29.  China  Grove,  X.  C. 

Beckstoffer.  .Suzanne  Catherine 3106  Xoble.  Richmond,  Va. 

Beeson.   Hugh    Curtis Kernersville.    X.  C. 

Belk.  .John  X'ewsome 1910  Colonial,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Bell.  All)ert  Qucntin.  Jr Manteo,  N.  C. 

Benjamin.  William  Edward,  42  Walnut  St.,  Binghamton,  X.  Y. 

Bennett,  Carroll  Winford 30  F,  Vetville.  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Benton.    Kenneth    Rolierts Sanford,    X.  C. 

Berman.  Harvey  Sandford....706  LefTerts  Ave..  Brooklyn.  X.  Y. 

Best,  William  Kenneth Rt.  1,  Mt.  Olive,  X.  C. 

Birch.  John  Xeil 2710  Cooleeme,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Bizzell,  William  Lee.  Jr 305  S.  Oleander,  Goldsboro,  X.  C. 

Blackburn.  James  Donald Rt.  6,  Box  529,  Mt.  Airy,  X.  C. 

Blalock.  Donald  Raeford Angier.  N.  C. 

Blalock.  Wallace  Davis Box  302,  Winston  Salem,  X.  C. 

Bleau.  Eloise  Lenore Pinebluff.  X.  C. 

Boles.   Robert  Wayne Walnut   Cove,  X.  C. 

Booker,   William   Murray 2902  Oberry,   Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Booth,  Judson  Vaughan.! 1427  S.  Miami,  Durham,  X.  C. 

Bordeaux.  .Joseph   Thomas Lillington,  X.  C. 

Bost.  Donald  .Stephen Concord.  X.  C. 

Bostian,  Karl  Eugene 1903  Hillsboro,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Bovden,  Richmond  Pear8on....251  Fairway  Dr.,  Asheville,  X.  C. 

Bo'vette.  Charles  Woodward Box  864.  Clinton,  X.  C. 

Brady.  Jack  Alfred 814  S.  Jackson.  Salisbury,  X.  C. 

Bradbury.   Malphus   I.#roy.   Jr 611    Crowell.   Wilson.   X.  C. 

Bridges.' Donald  Xorris....' 1208  W\  Dixon,  Shelby,  X.  C. 

Brinklev.   Sherrill  Kermit Mocksville,  X.  C. 

Britt.  -tohn  Quincv.  Jr 204^^  Linden,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Britt.    Robert   Curtiss Fayetteville,   X.  C. 

Brooks,  Cecil  Charlie Sparta,  N.  C. 

Brown,  Clifford  .Terald,  Jr Tarawa  Terrace,  X.  C. 

Brown,  Dallas  J Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Brown,  .James  Allen La  Grange,  X.  C. 

Brown.  Joe  Alvey 1815  Greene.  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Brown.  .John  Taylor Swannanoa,  X.  C. 

Brown.  Kenneth  Eugene 909  Christopher,  Xew  Bern,  X.  C. 

Brown,  Ronald  Alan 305  X.  Holden,  Greensboro,  X^  C 

Brooks.  Ronny  I^eonad Carthage,  X.  C. 

Browning.  David  Benjamin,  Jr Edenton.  X.  C. 

Bryant.  Claude  .Jefferson 9  Shea  St.,  Portsmouth.  Va. 

Bullock,  John  David,  Jr W.  Brother  Dr..  Greenwich,  Conn. 

Bumpass,  Fielding  Horace,  Jr., 

1933  Gorgas  St..  Montgomery,  Ala. 

Burt.  Phillip  Eugene 301  S.  Lindell  Rd..  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Burehette,  Donald  Jack Hamptonville,  N.  C. 

Burkett,   Barbara    Xoll Jloi-jranton.   X.  C. 

Busick,  J.   W Eloii   College.   X.  C. 

Butler,  Harold  Francis,  Jr 903  Central.  Charleston.  W.  Va. 

Butler,  Robert  Bion Box   1057,  Southern   Pines.  N.  C. 

Byrd,   Medwiek   Vaughan Angier.   X.  C. 

Byrd.  John  McPherson Box  376,  Sanford.  N.  C. 

Cabe.  Herschel  Herrin Sylva,  X.  C. 

Canipl)ell,  Rov  Howard,  Jr 422  N.  Boundary,  Salisburv,  X^.  C. 

Capps,  Elmer  Eugene Rt.  1,  Selnia.  N.  C. 

Capps,  Julian  McElree Rt.  4,  Henderson,  X.  C. 

Cardell.  Max  Lee Baldwin.  JIarion.  N.  C. 

Carpenter.   Lester  Atlas Rt.    1.    l\ockingham.  X".  C. 

Carpenter,  Tliomas  Earl Rt.  4,  Alliemarle,  X'.  ('. 

Carroll.  Rodney  Wilson. 

483.5  Washington,  Ave..  Xewport  Xews.  Va. 
Carter.  Harold  Bozeman.  Jr., 

2209  Kenmore  Ave.,  Charlotte.   X.  C. 

Cash,  Lee  Wiley Rt.  1.  Shelby.  X.  C. 

Cayton,   Jan   Morrill Farmville,   X.  C. 

Chandgie.  Herman  Robert,  304  Mocksville  Ave..  Salislnirv.  X.  C. 

Chapman.  Billy Rt.  fi.  Box  7.30,  Morganton.  X.  C. 

Chapman.  Robert  Eugene.  Jr..  404  Morrison  Ave.  Raleigh.  X".  C. 

Chapell.  Duncan   Dale Box   140.  Candor.  X.  C. 

Chappell.  Tilson  Edward Belvidere,  X.  C. 

Choate.   Ira   Barry RED   1.   Pineville,  X.  C. 

Cherry.  Kenneth  Eugene China  Grove.  X.  C. 

Christie.  .Tames  Henrv 402  Boone  Ave..  Kanna|iolis.  X.  C. 

Cliurehill,    Billy    Randolph Winterville,    X.  C. 

Clark.   William   Dawson Oriental,   N.  C. 

Clarke.  Gary  0 Rt.  4,  Shelby,  N.  C. 

Clemmer.  Lewis  Eugene 912  Gibbons  St..  Gastonia.  X.  C. 

Clodfelter,   Bruce   Simmons,   .Tr., 

704  Montlieu   Ave..   High   Point.  X.  C. 
Cockrell,  Henrv  Hadlev.  Jr..  1313  Mordecai  Dr..  Raleigh.  X^.  C. 

Cofer.  Carole  Austin Rt.  9,  Box  .""ilS.  CTreensl)oro.  X.  C. 

Cole.  Carl  D Kings  Mountain,  X.  C. 

Collier.  Curtis  Edward Selma.  N.  C. 

Colston.    Harold    Donald Xashville.    X.  C. 

Colton.  George  Marshall.  290  W.  Hlinois.  Southern  Pines,  X.  C. 

Compton.    Julius    Theadford 904    .Spring.    Durham,    X.  C. 

Cook,  Edmund  Bernard Rt.  9.  Box  7(i.").  Concord.  X.  C. 

Corl>ett.  James  Ernest.  Jr..  905  Riverside.  Elizabeth  City.  X.  C. 

Corbin.   Bobljy  .Toe Franklin.  N.  C. 

Cording.   Richard   Arnold Wallace.   X.  C. 

Corn.  William  .Teft"erson.  .Jr Arden,  N.  C. 

Costas,  Gus  Thomas 313%  E.  Market.  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Co.x,  Dimald   Glenn 1107   W.  Lenoir   Ave..  Kinston.  X.  C. 

Cox,  Dcmald  Xesbitt 2242   Circle.  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Cox.  .Tames  Quincv 1554   Clinton.  Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Criner.  Slierman  Ixrais....312  N.  W.  Blvd.,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Crook.   Wiley    Byiuim 22   Henrietta.   Aslieville.   X.  C. 

Cudd.   Roy   Harold Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Culliplier,  Louis  Edwin Knotts  Island.  X.  C. 

Curlee,    Everette    Berry Matthews.    X.  C. 

Cuthbert,  William  Alton 33  Morgan  Ave..  Ridgeway.  Pa. 

Dail.    .Toseph    Darrell Walstonburg.    X.  C. 

Daughtridge.  .Timmv  Truman Rt.  4.  Rockv  Mount.  X.  C. 

Davis.  Billy  Bryson .' Sylva.  X.  C. 

Davis.  James  Brantley Rt.  3.  Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Davis,  .fames  Minor,  Jr 216  S.  Howell,  Rocky  Mount.  X.  C. 

Davis.  Moses  Paul.  ,Ir .Sanford.  X.  C. 

Davis,  Pyke  Cole 807  Everett  St..  Burlington.  X.  C. 

Davis,   Richard    Benny China    Grove,    X.  C. 

Davis,  William  Clarke Box  247,  Southern  Pines.  N.  C. 

Dawson.  Edward  Eugene Wilson,  X.  C. 

Day,  Claude  Parker.  Jr 1337  Kings  Dr.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Deal.    Billy    Eugene Newton.   X.  C. 

Dean.   Leonard   Franklin Rt.   3,   Oxford,   N.  C. 

ITeaver.  Pete  Graham Deep  Run,  N.  C. 

Denson.   Alexander  Bunn Whitakers,  X.  C. 

Denton.  TTarold  Ray 714  S.  Franklin,  Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Dillingham.   Clarence  Lee ClilTside.   X.  C. 

Dixon,  Joseph  Evans Maple  Hill,  N.  C. 

Dixon,  Thomas  Wrav Reidsville,   X.  C. 

Dobson.  Troy  Lee .' 113%  Bethel  St..  Morganton.  N.  C. 

Dockery,   Tommy   Dean Jlountain   Park.   X.  0. 

Douglas,  Henry' James 726  Russell.   Reidsville.  X.  C. 

Dozier.   William   C«rbin Hertford,   N.  C. 

Dry,  Victor  Finley 429  Montgomery  Ave..  Albemarle,  X.  C. 

Eakins.  Thomas  Alexander Ivanhoe.  N.  C. 

Earle.  Theodore  W..  Jr 11  E.  50th  St..  Savannah.  Ga. 

Eason,  Donald  Dwight 1914  Chapel  Hill  Rd..  Durham,  X.  C. 

Edge.  Hubert  Jesse.  Jr Box  344.  Aberdeen,  X.  C. 

Edmondson,   .John   Robert Scotland   X^eck.   N.  C. 

Edwards.  Robert  Louis Sherrill's  Ford.  X.  C. 

Elli.s,  Bobby  Joel 181  Courtland  PI..  Asheville.  N.  C. 

Elsmore,  .Tames  T..uther 121  N.  Patterson.  Statesvillc.  X.  C. 

Eppes,  Richard,  .Tr 1015  Pecan   Ave.,   Hopewell.  Va. 

Eskridge,  Charles  Robert,  Jr 327  E.  .Marion,  Shelby.  N.  C. 

Essex,  Judson  Paul,  Jr.,  2634  Forest  Dr..  Winston-Saleiii,  X^  C. 
Etheridge.  Van  Buren  Webb, 

1211   Bluhill   Rd.,   Silver   Spring,   Md. 

Everette,  Jach   Xash Rt.    1,   Acme,  N.  C. 

Farley,  Donald  Fred RED  1,  Box  943,  Bluefield,  W.  Va. 

Farley,  Howard  Barksdale,  Jr.  , 

500  W.   Washington.   K;inston.   X.  C. 
Farley,  Walter  Ronald RFD  1,  Box  943,  Bluefield,  W.  Va. 

Farrow,    William    Benjamin Englehard,    X.  C. 

Fields,  John  Arrington 413  Calvin  Rd.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Fields.  Thurman   >Iclvin,  .Jr Wallace,  X.  C. 

Fisher.   Carl   Holmes Kannapidis.   X.  C. 

Fleming,  (ierald   R 28301/,   Mavview   Rd..   Raleigli.   X.  ('. 

Floyd,   William   Alexander... .803    1st    St..   X.E..    Hickory.   X.  C. 

Fortin.  John  Brouglitun.  .Ir 123  Mt.  Vernon  Dr..  Decatur.  Ga. 

Foster,  Frederick  Russell,  8-L,  Lake  Village,  Wilmington.  X.  C. 

Fountain.Lafayette   E 1201   Main   St.,   Tarboro.   X.  C. 

Fournier.   Erich Paris,    France 

I'^owler.  Vance  Garrison,  921  X.  Williams  St..  Henderson,  X^.  C. 

Fulp.    William    Melvin Rt.    3.    Winston-Salem.   X.  C. 

Futrelle.   RoIkmI    Howard Rt.   3,   Mount   Olive.   X.  C. 

Gaines.    Philip 4024   Beach  40th   St.,   Brooklyn   24.  X.  Y. 

Garrison,  William  Ernest,  .Tr Lincolnton.  X'.  C. 

Gay.  .Tohn  R Walstonlmrg.  X^.  C. 

Gentry,  Carl  Smith ilaxton.  X.  C. 

George,  Robert  Lenwood.  .Tr.. 

929  Washington  St..  Roanoke  Rapids.  X.  C. 

Glass.   .Tames   ilonroe 1600    .\sheboro.    Greensl)oro.    X.  C. 

Gleitman.  Irwin  Leonard 764  Bradv  Ave.,  X'ew  York,  X.  Y. 

Godley.  Robert  Haird 2724  Highland  Dr..  Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Gore.'  Grover    Audrey Shallotte.    N.  C. 

Graham.  William  Alexander,  III. 

726   Bromley   Rd..   Charlotte.   X.  C. 
Grathwol.  William  Hawle.v, 

1422  Broadbridge  Ave..  Stanford.  Conn. 

Graves.  Richard  Lee Rt.  3,  Denton,  X.  C. 

Gray,  Carroll  R 1002  Tuscarova,  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C. 

Gra,v,   Jasper    Lee Edenton.   X.  C. 

Gray.  Robert  Judson,  Jr Box  1092,  Gastonia,  X^.  C. 

Greene.   Earnest  Clarence,  Jr Spindale,  X^.  C. 

Greene.   Robert   .Allison 712   Simmons   St..   Goldsboro.   X.  C. 

Grier.  .Tames  Brown.  Jr Rt.  3.  Box  133.  Cliarbitte.  X.  C. 

Gunter,  Herman  Curtis RFD  1,  Fuquay  Springs,  X.  C. 

Gunter.  Layton  Herbert.  Jr Graham.  N.  C. 

Gurkin.  Charles  Worrell 4624  Grove  Ave,  Richmond,  Va. 

Gurley,    Richard    Xorwood Xewton,   X.  C. 

Hamrick.    Toseph   Marshall Boiling   Springs.   N.  C. 

Haney.  Fred  Lindley,  Jr..  219  X.  Road  St..  Elizabeth  City.  X.  C. 

Hannah.  Joseph   Lauriston 211   Main.   Waynesville.  X.  C. 

Hanrahan.    William    Francis Oyster    Bay.    X'.  Y. 

Harding,  Roy  X'athan 1107  Bryan  Ave.,  Lexington.  Ky. 

Hargrove,    Xorwood    Oscar Clinton,    N.  C. 

Harman.  Edward  William Newton.  N.  C. 

Harrell.  William  Albright.... %H  &  H  Drug  Co..  Grifton.  N.  C. 

Harrill.  James  W 1607  Iredell  Dr..  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Harris.   Lvman    Burwell.   .Tr Grifton.   N.  C. 

Harris.  Marvin  Etheldred P.  0.  Box  214.  Mt.  Gilead,  N.  C. 

Harris,  Robert  Harold....l200  Tarboro  St..  Rockv  ^Slount.  N.  C. 

Hart,   Donald   Avery Rt.   2.   Lenoir.   X.  C. 

Hassan.    Zafar Karachi.    Pakistan 

Hatlev.  Oscar  Elwood Rt.  3.  Alliemarle.  X.  C. 

Havworth.  Thomas  Luther Rt.   1.   High   Point.  X.  C. 

Heath.  Winfred  Allan 1.505  Howard  St..  Kinston,  N.  C. 

Hedgepeth.  Lloyd  Martin.  115  X.  Grace  St..  Rocky  Mount.  X.  C. 
Heinbockel.  .Jolin  Henrv. 

'l53  Castle  Ridge  Rd..  Manhasset.  X.  Y. 

Helms,  James  David,  Jr 1010   Calhoun   St..  Monroe.   X.  C. 

Helms,  Steven  Anderson,  Jr., 

524  Ashland  Dr..   Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Hndrick,  E'ugene  McDowell Box  3,  Method.  N.  C. 

Hewson,   Douglas   Bradley Vilas,   X.  C. 

Herman.  Clarence   Eugene Rt.   3,   Box  298,  Hickory,   X^.  C. 

Hewett,   Charles   Shinier.   Jr Shallotte-.   N.  C. 

Hilbourn,  Theodore  Osgood.  Jr., 

580  Valle  Vista.  Oakland.  Calif. 

Hilburn,  David  Bright,  Jr Rt.    1.   Bladenboro.  X.  C. 

Hobgood,    Druid    Dixon,    .Tr Winterville.    X.  C. 

Hobson,  George  Bonson,  Jr.. 

2515   Belvedere  Ave..   Charlotte.   X.  C. 

Hockaday.   Benny   Ray Angier.  N.  C. 

Hodge.    Willie    t^e  ..'. Rutherfordton.    X.  C. 

Holland,  .John   Billy Union   Grove.  X^.  C. 

Holliday.   .James   Bennett Pinetops,   N.  C. 

HoUoway.  Donald  Pearson Fuquay  Springs.  N.  C. 

Holt,    .Tohn    Dewey .'...Liberty.    X.  C. 

Holt,   Robert   .Jack Biltmofe.   X.  C. 

Hondros.  .Tames  Gus 313  George,  Rocky  Mount,  X.  C. 

Honevcutt,    E.   Melvin,   Jr.. 

413  Rollingwood  Cir..  Favetteville.  X.  C. 
Hoose.   Thomas  Charles.. ..764   Poindexter   Dr..   Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Hoover.  John  Earl Rt.  9.  Box  362.  Greensboro.  N.  C. 

Hoover,  Vann  Marshall 938  Berkeley  Ave..  Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Hopkins.   Donald   Glenn '....Rt.   2.   Raleigh.   X.  C. 

Horton.  .Tames   .\rlen Oriental.   X.  C. 

House.   Michael Bethel.   X^.  C. 

Howard,    .Tames    Robert TCannapolis.    X.  C. 

Howard,  John  Everett 32  F,  Vetville.  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Huffman.  Charles  Henry Rt.  2,  Richlands.  X.  C. 

Hull.  Claud  Evans Wendell.  N.  C. 

Hultz.  Richard  Murray.  571  Pinevbranch  Rd..  Springfield.  Ohio 

Humphries.   Ervin   Grigg '. Rt.   4.   Shelby.   X.  C. 

Hunter,  William  Graham 311  X.  15th,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Hurst,  George  Andrew 88  Pease  Ave..  Verona,  X.  .J. 

Huskey,  Lawrence  Anthony, 

501  Park  Blvd..  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Ihitc'luns.  Cliai-lrs   KdlK-rt Rt.   1,  Box  55,  High    Point,  X.  C. 

Ingolcl,  Harry  Watkins Cary,  N.  C. 

Iiifixam,  Cedric  Henry Rt.  5,  Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Israel,    William   ^lortinier. 

47-27   WestnHiuiit    jihd..  \\ Cstniniuil .  (^hiebee 

.Tarrell,   .lames    l!ay 141!)   \.    Main.   Salisluirx.    N.  C. 

.larvis,  .Terry    Kdward 429  Si)eiK'or   Dr..  Coneord,  X.  C. 

.lasper,   \\  illiam   .lolin Hurfiaw.   N.  C. 

.lenkins,    lliiliert    T^ee Rutherfordton,    N.  C. 

.Tenkins,  WillKT  Harris Stella,  N.  C. 

.lennette.  Marsluill  K/ra SOS  Woodburn   Rd.,   Raleigh,  N.  C. 

.Ternigan.  William   Robert,  .Ir Dunn,  N.  C. 

.Tolinson,  Billy  Grayson Rt.  4,  Box  70,  Aslieboro,  N.  C. 

.Johnson.  Charles   Elliott Robersonvillc.  X.  C. 

.lohnson,   Frank   Roy,  ,Tr 405  Union   St..  Mnrfreesboro,  N.  C. 

.Tohnson.    Harry    Delmar llaiiteo,    N.  C. 

.Tolinson,   Hilton    (iraham Deleo.   N.  C. 

.Tohnson.    William    Carl Erwin,    N.  C. 

.Tones,   Carroll   Oraliani Bailey.   N.  C. 

.Tones,  Claude  Picklesimer Sylvia,  N.  C. 

.Tones.  Huj;h   Braswell Roxboro,  N.  C. 

.Tones,  Ike  Adams,  .Tr 2921  Manor  Rd„  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

.Tones.  Lawrence  Braden Creedniore.  N.  C. 

.Tones,  Ronahl  Neil 112  Riiss  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

.Tones.  Victor  Allen Laurel   Sprinfrs,  N.  C. 

.Toyner,  Harvey  Ray Elm  City.  N.  C. 

tToyner,  Jimmy   Yates Wendell,  N.  C. 

.Tustice,  Herbert  Adin Forest  City,  N.  C. 

Kalwar.  Ohulam  Rasool Pakistan 

I\annan,  Rhilip  Charles 110  E.  BosweU  St.,  Wilson,  N.  C. 

Keel.  Norwood  Saunders Williamston,  N.  C. 

Keller.  Robert  Paul Brevard,  N.  C. 

Kendrick.  Harry  Sloan Rt.   1.  Ga.stonia.  N.  C. 

Kennedy,   Billy  Rav Thomasville,  N.  C. 

Kennel.'  Robert  Philip 1703  High  St..  New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Key.   Francis   Scott Cramerton,   N.  C. 

Key.  .Toe   Frank State    Road.  N.  C. 

Kiger.  Carl  .Tames 191  Chamberlain,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

King,  Billy  Wayne Freeland,  N.  C. 

King,  IMartin  Bruce Hamlet,  N.  C. 

Knoefel.  Arthur   Eugene.   Ill Black  Mountnin.  N.  C. 

Knowles.   .Tames   Linxvood,  Jr .Tamesville,   N.  C. 

Kornegay.  Ijewis  Gaston Albertson,   N.  C. 

Lackey.  Frank  Anderson Rt.  6,  Statesville,  N.  C. 

Lackey,  .Tames  Richanl 409  S.  Race  St.,  Statesville,  N.  C. 

Lackey.  McSherry  Ervin. 

1817  W.  Polo  Rd.,  Winston-Salem,  N.C, 

Ladd,  Zack  Frank Brook  Rd.,  Rt,  3,  Yadkinville,  N.  C. 

LaFoy.   Ernest   Jlose 12   Barrow   Lane.   Concord,   N.C. 

Landruni,  Harold  Wilbur 1003  Toisnot  Ave,.  W'ilson.  N.C. 

Lane.  Walter  Robert 14-B  Vetville.  Raleigh.  N.  C. 

Langdon.   Raeford   Earl Rt.    1,   Smithfield.   N.C. 

Langley.  Ralph  Gray Rt.  5.  Box  303.  Greenville,  N.  C. 

Lanier.    Marvin    Ray Statesville.    N.  C. 

Latham.   Robert    Ferebee Mocksville,    N.  C. 

Law.  .Tames  Laneston 1025  Summit  Ave.,  Reidsville.  N.  C. 

Lazenby,  .Tames  Walker,  Jr 219  Wilev  Ave.,  Salisbury.  N.  C. 

Leach,  "Alfred    Kay ''. Raeford.    N.  C. 

Leazer,  Benny  Butler Rt.  3,  Mooresville.  N.  C. 

LeCroy.  Stuart  Randall Sunset,  Rockv  Mount.  N.  C. 

Lee.  -Tohn   Wavland 213    Colonial   Dr.,    Burlington,   N.  C. 

Lee,  Willie  Sherrill Four  Oaks,  N.  C. 

Lewis,  .Tolui    Robert Ayden,  N.  C. 

Lilley.  Joseph  Jordan 114  Academy  St.,  Washington.  N.C. 

Lineberger.    Harold    Reid Dallas,    N.C. 

Lineberger.  Lewis  Barlier W'oodleaf.  N.  C. 

Linker,  Larry  Keith 207  Kannapolis  Rd,,  Coneord.  N.  C. 

Linville,  Walter  Saunders,  .Jr Oak  Ridge,  N.  C. 

Lippard.  William  Francis,  4305  Cornell  Aye..  Greensboro.  N.  C, 

Lively,  .John  Hebron.  .Jr Ill  S,  Edison,  Tampa,  Fla. 

J^ivengood.  Charles  Dwaine Rt.   1,  Linwood,  N.C. 

Ijowe,    Larry    Taylor Edenton,    N.  C. 

I>owe.  Lester  Vincent.  .Jr Chadbourne,  N.  C. 

Luke,  Andrew  James Hamlet,  N.  C. 

Lyne,  Robert  Chamberlayne,  .Jr., 

4319  Fauguier  Ave..  Richmond   27,  Va. 
McGavran.  Edward  Grafton.  .Jr.. 

708  Greenwood  Rd.,  Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Maddron,   Billy   Gene Concord.   N.  C. 

;Mann.    Daniel    Ferrell Manteo,    N,  C. 

Planning.   Richard   Stancil Williamston,   N.  C. 

Mannins.  Thomas  Register Weldon,  N.  C. 

:\Iarriott.  Roliert  Henry,  Jr Battleboro,  N.  C. 

Martin.  Richard  James 208  Norwood  St.,  Lenoir,  N,  C. 

Massey.  William   Franklin Zebulon,  N.  C. 

Mauney,  James  Robert Cherryville,  N.  C. 

Maurice,  Harwood Creswell,  N.  C. 

Mans,  .Tames  Reginald 112  Odell  PL,  Greensboro,  N.C. 

McCaslin.  Joe  C Maiden,  N.C. 

McCoy,   Edward   Goroon Snow   Hill,   N.C. 

McCrarv.    William    Gardner Clyde,    N.  C. 

McDermott.    Hugh    Arthur Vass,    N.  C. 

McFadden.   Kenneth  Edgar, 

3311  Freeman  Mil!  Rd.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

McGarr,  Robert  Laverne RFD  7,  Box  708,  Lenoir,  N.C. 

McGlamery,  Johnny  Renal.... 114  Wagner  St.,  Statesville.  N.C. 
McHan,  Fred  Lee..'. Lauada,  N.  C. 

McNeely,  .lohn   Paul Bay  St.,  Jesup,  Ga. 

McQueen,  Sam  B.,  Jr RFD  2,  Galivants  Ferry,   S.  C. 

Medford,   Bruce Rt.   1,  Canton,  N.  C. 

Melton,  Jesse  Daniel Enfield,  N.  C. 

Memory,  Donald   Wayn Wagram,  N.  C. 

Meyer,  HaroM   David Gerton,  N.  C. 

Miller,  Crawford   Paul Rt.  2,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Miller,  Marslmll  Kdward,  Jr 7  Hillcrest  Dr.,  Concord,  N.  C. 

Miller,  Roy   Leslie Rt.   1,   Box  213,   Boone,  N.C. 

Miller,   Wayne   Waddell....ll2  S.   Elani   Ave.,  (ireensboro,   N.C. 

Mink,   Lawrence   Albright Rt.   1,   Winston-Salem,   N.C. 

Misenheimer,  .lames  Reid 715  Graham  St.,  Shelby,  N.C. 

Misenheimer,   Larry  Lee Box  60,   Rt.    1,    Richfield,   N.C. 

Mitchell,    Bobby   Glen Rt.   5,   Goldsboro,   N.  C. 

Mitchell,    Frank   llerl)ert....4418   Halstead   Dr.,   Charlotte,   N.C. 

Mofl'att,  Daniel  Haley,  .Ir 2201   Dilworth  Dr.,  Charlotte,  N.C. 

Monteith,   Phillip   Elwood 412   Lackev   St.,   Hamlet,  N.C. 

Moody,  Nancy  Ann 210  E.  Franklin  St.,  Raleigh,  N.C. 

Moore,  David  Pete Rt.  4.  Box  249,  Wilson,  N.  C. 

Moore,   Ormand    Kelly Rt.    2,   (ireensboro,    N.C. 

Moore,   Ronald   Baxter Franklinton,  N.  C. 

Moore,    William    Douglas JIarsbville.    N.C. 

Morgan,  James  Thomas liural  Hall,  N.C. 

Morgan,  Samuel  Dean 49  Pulliam  St..  .Marion,  N.  C. 

Morris,  Charles  Edgar.  .Ir Rt.  8,  Charlotte.  N.C. 

Morris,  Clair  Edward,  Jr RFD  2,  Box  114,  Columbia,  N.C. 

Morris,  Marshall  (iene 414  Railroad  Ave.,  Concord,  N.C. 

Martin,  Kennetli   Underwood Tonesville,   N.  C. 

Moss,   .Tames   David 105   N.    Liberty   St.,   Gastonia,   N.C. 

Moye,  Tom  Rullin 908  E.  Edenton  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Mull,   Frank    Eldridge Rt.  4,   Box   254,   Morganton,  N.  C. 

Mullen,  Stephen  Thomas Rt.  4,  Box  512,  New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Myers,  Guy  Arnold,  Jr., 

2541)   Reynohlia   Rd.,   Win.ston-Salem,   N.C. 

Myers,  Rufas  Bradshaw W.  Jefi'erson,  N.  C. 

Nanney,  Joseph  Hugh... 1038  Justice  St.,  Hendersonville,  N.C. 
Neckman,  William  Alan. ...760  Pelhmod  Pkwy.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Needham,  Royal  R Rt.  2,  Pilot  Mountain,  N.C. 

Neely,   Harry   Lee 2121   Sarah   Marks,   Charlotte,  N.C. 

Nelson,   Raymond  Douglas RFD  5,   New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Newman,  James  Livingston Pine  St.,  Leaksville,  N.  C. 

Niven,   Benjamin    Franklin.   .Jr.. 

1102    Franklin   St.,   Monroe,   N.C. 

Norville,  Charles   Ray Union   Mills,  N.  C. 

Nuckolls,  Joe  Allen Rt.  5,  Hendersonville,  N.  C. 

Gates,  Norwood  Keith Rt.   1,  Albertson,  N.  C. 

Odum,   Robert  Tracy 202 'A    Sampson,   Clinton,  N.  C. 

O'Quinn,   Charles  Neill 1705   Floyd  Ave,,   Luml>erton,   N,  C. 

Oslwrne,  Harry  Albert,  Jr .'. Mocksville.  N.  C. 

Ott,   Richard..! Guilford   College,  N.  C. 

Ottinger,  Robert RFD  5,  Kinston,  N.  C. 

Overton,  Frank  Hudson 425  W.  Fisher  St.,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Owens,   Milo   Ervin Miami,   Mo. 

Padgett,   Kenneth  Ray Box  733,  Jacksonville,  N.  C. 

Page,  Harry  Lee Brown  Summit,  N.  C. 

Parker,  James  Ray Rt.  3,  Box  444,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Parker,  Carl  Duncan Cordova,  N.  C. 

Parker,  Charles  Leonard Varina,  N.  C. 

Parker,  John  Vann Box  39-B,  Murfreesboro,  N.  C. 

Parker,  Ralph  .Jerome.. ..307  Haughton  St.,  Williamston,  N.  C. 

Parrish,    Walter    Dean Fuquay    Springs,    N.  C. 

Paschall,  Fred  William,  Jr.. 

1905  Madison  Ave.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 
Patterson.  Arza  Donald, 

1433  E.  Polo  Rd.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Patterson,  Kenneth  Ray P.  0.  Box  125,  Leadsville,  N.  C. 

Pearson,  .Tames  Rov,  Jr Box  314,  Apex.  N.  C. 

Pearson,  Richard  Fletcher Ill  E.  Faison  St.,  Clinton,  N.C. 

Peatross,  Thomas  E 2701   Bon   Air,   Winston-Salem,  N,  C. 

Peden,  James  M.,  Jr 907  Williamson  Dr..  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Peeler,  Donald  Ray 600  Dowd  Rd..  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Pennell,  Bradley  Mack 100  Crestmere  Dr..  Lenoir,  N.  C. 

Penny,  Augustine  Caleb RFD  2,  Clayton,  N.  C. 

Perry,    Ned    Klapp Zebulon,    N.  C. 

Peters,  Carl  Henry 1116  Eastern  Ave.,  Rocky  Mount,  N.C. 

Peterson,  Jesse  Jiilius.  Jr Rt.  1.  Box  244.  Wilmington,  N.C. 

Peterson,  Lennart  Rudolph, 

1410  S.  Hawthorne  Rd.,  Winston-Salem,  N.C. 

Pettus,  Charles  William Box  102,  Alachua,  Fla. 

Phillips,  Alan  Clair Mocksville.  N.  C. 

Phillips,   Harold   Eugene Selma,    N.  C. 

Phillips,    Robert    Kenneth Lillington,    N.  C. 

Pigg.  Johnny  Oran Wingate,  N.  C. 

Pilkington,   Theo  Clyde 1012  Park  Ave..  Durham,  N.C. 

Pitts.  Kirby   Allen RFD   6,   Winston-Salem,   N.C. 

Plockelman!  David  Delmar, 

Rt.  3.  Box  195,  W.  Palm  Beach,  Fla. 

Poindexter,  Everette  John P  O  Box  209.  Tarboro,  N.  C. 

Poole,  David  Arville Rt.  3,   Rockwood,  Tenn. 

Poole,   Ernest   Gordon Stem,   N.  C 

Poole,  Jeb  Vance Rt.   1,  Statesvile,  N.  C. 

Presslev,  .Jack  McKay Pisgah  Forest,  N.  C. 

Price,  William  LaMont....507  S.  Pineview  Ave.,  Goldsboro,  N  .C. 

Priddy.  Lovd  George Germanton,  N.  C. 

Pruet'te,  Dean  Mac 320  Montlieu  Ave.,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

Putnam.  Eddie  Cantrell RFD  3,  Shelby,  N.  C. 

Queen,  Grady  Eligene 302  N.  Grover  St.,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Quinn,  Don  Oliver Box  5138,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Rackley,  John  Wesley,  III,  1723  Brandon  Ave..  Petersburg,  Va. 

Racklev,  Victor  Douglas Sharpsburg,   X.  C. 

Radford,  John  Marion Et.  1,  Selma,  N.  C. 

Ramsey,  Jack  Woolsey,  Jr Black  Mountain,  N.  C. 

Rav.  William  Howard Gibsonville.  N.  C. 

Reddiok.  Jan  Richard.  4S07  Old  Suffolk  Blvd..  Portsmouth.  Va. 

Reid,  William  Kirkpatrick 307  S.  Broad,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Riclimond,  George  Harold... .807  Hermitage  Dr.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Richmond,   William   Bruce Box  336,   Hillslwro,   N.  C. 

Rittor,  Wiley  Fletcher,  Jr Robbing.  N.  C. 

Roach,  Robert  Wayne 1223  Franklin  St.,  Burlington,  N.  C. 

Roberts,  Jerrv  Allan Landis,  N.  C. 

Rogister,  Paiil  Vernon RFD  2,  Tarboro,  N.  C. 

Rose,  Donald  Leon 4607  3rd  St.,  N.  Arlington,  Va. 

Rothrock.  Philip  Marion Rt.  5.  Winston-Salem.  N.  ('. 

Rountrce,  Ralph  Marion RFD  1,  Gates,  N.  C. 

Rovster.  Larry  Herbert Rt.  5,  Box  405,  Durham,  X.  C. 

Roiith,  Siomv'  Jack Box  4()S,  Sanford,  Fla. 

Rovster,  Dick  Moore Rt.  4.  Box  18S,  Durham,  X.  C. 

Rovster,  Robert  Samuel.  Jr.,  Rt.  5,  Box  122A,  Statesville.  N.  0. 
Ru'pard.  Denver  Winifred. ...Rt.  5,  Box  122A.  Statesville,  X.  C. 

Russ,  Kenneth  Evigene Rt.  2.  Burgaw,  X.  C. 

Ruzicka.   Milton  John 2828   47th,   Queens,   X.  Y. 

Saieed,  Robert 900  Ward  St..  Greenville.  X.  C. 

Sawyer,  Robert  Franklin Rt.   3,  Elizabeth   City,  X.  C. 

Scarboro.  Beaman  Harris Wilson  Ave.,  Wendell,  X^.  C. 

Self,  Ostia  Ralph Siler  City,  X.  C. 

Sell,  James  M 2240  Parkway  Dr.,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Shah,   Ashok   Ramanlal Bombay,   India 

Shaw,  Archie  Ward Evergi-een,  X.  C. 

Shepherd,  Marshall  Monroe,  Jr., 

704  Clement  Ave.,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Shinn,  Lamont  Allen 102  Harrison  Rd.,  Warwick,  Va. 

Shipman,  Robert  Francis.  Jr., 

401   Charlotte  St.,  Rocky  Mount,  X.  C. 

Simmons,  Gerald  Swight Alliertson,  X.  C. 

Simmons,  Hugh  Edison 289  16th  Ave.,  XLE.,  Hickory,  X.  C. 

Simmons,  James  Edward,  .Tr Enfield,  X.  C. 

Simons,  Robert  Harris.... 112  Revere  Rd.,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Sisk.   Kenneth  X^orman 3   Merrimon   PI..   Asheville.   X.  C. 

Slagle.  Garland  L 3316  Trenton.  Hopewell,  Va. 

Sloan,  Marvin   Kenneth 10,')   X'.   Tenth.   Erwin,  X.  C. 

Sloop,  Paul  Alexander RFD  3,  Box  331.  Concord,  N.  C. 

Small,  Howard  Gordon.  Jr Fair  Bluff,  X^.  c. 

Smith,  Craig  .L.  Jr 1131  PeeDee  Ave.,  Albemarle,  X.  C. 

Smith,  Dennis  Holt Marshvillc,  N.  C. 

Smith,   Edgar   Williams....l901   Tippah   Ave.,   Cliarlotte,   X.  C. 
iSmith,  Gaston  Franklin,  Jr., 

29  Le-An-Hurst  Rd..  Asheville,  X.  C. 

Smith,    Gennie    Mizzell Ash,    X.  C. 

Smith,   James   Robert Belvidere,   X.  C. 

Smith,  Jinimie  Lee Rt.  6,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Smith.  Marvin  Ronald,  Jr 806  Clark,  Xew  Bern.  X.  C. 

Smith.   Roy   Marvin Marshville,    X.  C. 

Sneed,  Ronald   Ernest Rt.  2.  Kittrell.  X.  C. 

Somervillc,  Donald  Harvey Plymouth,  X.  0. 

Sparks,  Jack  Lamar.....51 1   S.  Broad  St..  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Spitz.  Leonard 66-40  108th  St..  Forest  Hills,  X.  Y. 

Spivey,  Roger  Copeland Hobbsville.  N.  C. 

Stafford,  Jack  Dwayne 910  Harrison  St.,  Princeton,  W.  Va. 

Stallings,   Donald...'. Mavsville,   X.  C. 

Starling,  Bobby  L Rt.  3,  Statesville,  X.  C. 

Starnes.  Monroe  Franklin Rt.  2,  Wendell.  X.  C. 

Starr.  Hal  Eugene 32  34th  St.,  X.W.,  Hickory,  X.  C. 

Stephenson,  Alton  Parker.  Jr Rt.  3.  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Stephenson.  Charles  Warren 10  Park  Dr.,  Oxford.  X.  C. 

Stewart,  William  Thomas 314  Bradley  St.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Stout,  Kenneth  Franklin. ...1040  Albemarle  Rd.,  Asheboro,  X.  C. 

Strum,  .Jackie  Benjamin Roxboro,  X.  C. 

Strum,  William  I>ee Rt.  3,  Box  12.  Rocky  Mount,  X.  C. 

Stumpf.   Gary   Warren 4003   Dogwood,   Greensboro,   X.  C. 

Summerville,  Kenneth  Osborn....Rt.  5,  Box  578,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Sutton,    Charles   Jerry Franklin,   N.  C. 

Sutton,  Michael  Donovan Kinston,  X.  C. 

Swain,  Roljert  Wayne Box  394,  Southport,  X,  C. 

Swanson,  Sidney  Carl Boomer,  X.  C. 

Swaringen,  Charles  Edward Box  606,  Pinehurst.  X.  C. 

Swicegood,  Kennetli  Thomas Box   145.  Cleveland,  X^.  C. 

Talhert.  Larry  Melvin 123  East  St.,  Albemarle,  X.  C. 

Tanen.  Robert  .Tules 2860  Ocean  Ave.,  Brooklyn,  X.  Y. 

Tardugno,  Joseph  Michael,  Jr.. 

6005  Oleander  Dr.,  Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Tate,  Clarence  Garren,  Jr 156  X.  Union  St.,  Concord,  N.  C. 

Taylor,  Byron  Harris 88  Grand,  Pearl   River,  X.  Y. 

Taylor,  Charles  Robert Rt.  2,  Box  218,  Stantonsburg,  X.  C. 

Taylor,  Joseph  Hugh, 

2506  S.  Hawthorne  Rd.,  Winston-Salem,  X''.  C. 

Teague,  Francis  Carlyle RFD  2,  Liberty,  X.  C. 

Teague,  John  Virgil Guilford  College.  X.  C. 

Testerman,  Robert  Donald, 

1054  Queen  Ann  St.,  Burlinaton,  X.  C. 

Thigpen,  Jacob  .Toyner Dudley,  X.  C. 

Thompson.   Dewitt   Calvin Wendell.   X.  C. 

Thompson,  Donald  Morris. ...110  X.  Liberty  St.,  Gastonia,  X.  C. 

Thompson,  Eugene  Ervin 1702   Dare   St.,  Raleigh,   X,  C. 

Thompson,  James  Burton 1801  Rhera  St.,  Xew  Bern,  X.  C. 

Thompson,  Jessie   Linwood Princeton.  X.  C. 

Thum.  Seymour  Ralph 3991  Burton  St.,  Brooklyn,  X.  Y. 

Toney,  Carl  Wilburn Mooresboro,  X.  C. 

Townsend,  Jimmie  Xeal 1306  Walnut  St.,  Lumberton.  X.  C. 

Townsend,  William  Guy Manquin.  Va 

Tucker,  Robert  Woodson 1051A  Park  Avenue.  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Turbyfill.    Basil    Waites ' Hickory,   X.  C. 

Turner,  .lerry  .Mitchell 210  Cresent,  Favettcvilie,  X.  C. 

Tutor,   Xellie   Ann 2716   Kilgore,"  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Tyndall,    Lloyd    Arlington Kinston,    X^.  C. 

Underwood.  William  Alfred,  III Asheboro,  X.  C. 

Vestal.   Ellie   Brinson Kenansville,  X.  C. 

Wachob,  .James  Calvin,  Jr Morganton.  X.  C. 

Waddell,  Robert  Allen Fair  Bluff.  X.  C. 

Waitman,  Gerald  Ixrais,  2514  Morganton  St.,  Fayetteville,X.  C. 

Walters.   Luther   Marvin Rocky'  Mount,   X.  C. 

Warden,  Robert  Kennedy, 

2700  Country  Club  Lane,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Warren,  Frederic  Glenn Selma,  X.  C. 

Washam.  Burl  .Jackson Huntersville,  X.  C. 

Waters,  Earl  Wayne Roanoke  Rapids,  X.  C. 

Waxmunski,  Henry  Lewis,  .Tr West  Point,  Va. 

Weatherlv.  Robert'  Dalton, 

3224  Wake  Forest  Rd.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Weinstein,    David    Franklin Lumberton,    X.  C. 

Welker,  Larry  Wvatt 1908  Friendly  Rd.,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Wells,  William  Burton .". Canton,  X.  C. 

West,  Thomas  Elam Xathalie,  Va. 

Westmoreland.   Bynum   Crawford West   Point,  Va. 

Westmoreland.    Richard   Prcvette Thomasville,   X.  C. 

Whims,   Harold   Carter,  .Jr Asheboro,  X.  C. 

Whismant,  William  Buxton,  906  W.  Johnson  St.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

White,  Carroll   Eugene Dover,  X.  C 

White.  Charles  Henry China  Grove.  X^.  C. 

Whitehurst.  William  Morgan Robersonville,  X.  C. 

Wilder,  David  Reid Chadljourn,  X.  C. 

Wiley,  Albert  T>ee Acme.  X.  C. 

Williams.  Donald  David Tabor  City,  X.  C. 

Williams,    George    Perry Fairmont.    X.  C. 

Williams,   Joseph   Howard Beulaville,   X.  C. 

Williams,  Robert   Strange,  .Tr Erwin,  X.  C. 

Williams,  Robert  Whitfiebl Currituck,  X.  C. 

Williamson.   Charles   Derwell Canton,   X.  C. 

Willis,  Charles  Arthur 312  Ideal.  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Wilson.  Donald  Allen Summerfield,  X".  C. 

Wilson.  Henry  .James  Thomas,   15  Concord,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 
Wilson,  Olin  Everette, 

C-3-A  Cameron  Court  Apts,,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Windley,  Franklin  David Bath,  X.  C. 

Woodafd.  Ollie  Clifton Spring  Hope,  X.  C. 

W  oodside.    .Tames    Richard Lenoir.   X.  C. 

Worthingtou,  David  .Tan Princeton,  X.  C. 

W'orthington,  Milton  Kennedy,  Jr Winterville,  X.  C. 

Wrapc,  Jerry  Hoyle .'2434  Shenda  St.,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Wright,   Bobby  Gordon Tabor  Citv,  X.  C. 

Wuamett.    Stephen    Cole Cleveland.    X.  C. 

Wynne.    Frank    Earl Williamston.   X.  C 

Wynne,  George  William Morganton,  X.  C. 

Yiincev,  .J.  C Xewton,  X.  C. 

Yantsios,  John  Xicholas 920  S.  Fulton  St.,  Salisbury,  X.  C. 

York.  Dennis  Raymond,  Jr Asheboro.  X.  C. 

Yow,  Larry  Monroe Albemarle,  X.  C. 


Abbott,  Henry  Tull,  Jr La  Grange,  N.  C. 

Abernethy,  Robert  Lloyd Spray,  N.  C. 

Abernathy,  Timothy  Glenn,  808  Townsend  Ave.,  Gastonia,  X.  0. 

Adams,   .John    Douglas Faison,   X.  C. 

Adams,  Joseph  William, 

1627  Xew  Jersey,  Ave.,  New  Castle,  Del. 

Adams,  William  Abner Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Adkins,    Dwight    Steele Hickory,    X.  C. 

Agnos,    .John    Xicholas Athens,    Greece 

Alam,  Shahzado  Monno Karachi 

Alexander,  T>awrence  Eric.... 1401  Carolyn  Dr.,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Allen,  Carroll  Glenwood Farmville,  X.  C. 

Allen,   George   Calvin Lumberton,   X^.  C. 

Allen.  Donald  Paul Rt.  1,  Tobaccoville,  X.  C. 

Allen,  Thomas  Edward 47  Hillview  Court,  Lewiston,  X.  Y. 

Alley,  Frank  Mallard,  Jr King,  X.  C. 

Alligood,  .Tames  Warren Rt.  1,  Beaufort,  X.  C. 

Almond,  Donald  Wayne Rt.  3,  Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Anderson,  Calvin  Cu'rtis Rt.  2,  Tarboro,  X.  C. 

Anderson,  Carl  Woodliffe,  Jr Ramseur,  X.  C. 

Anderson,  Joseph  Leonard Rt.  3,  Tarboro,  X.  C. 

Andrew,  Charles  David 1111  English  St.,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Andrews.   Xorman   Leon Robbins,   X.  C. 

Annas,  .Terry  Aaron Rt.  2,  Granite  Falls.  X.  C. 

Annas.  Wesley  Eugene Granite  Falls,  X.  C. 

Antonicwicz,  Peter  Roman Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Arthur.   Ernest   Stevenson.  Jr., 

414  Westdale  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Arthur,  Reuben  Ball,  Jr 4115  W'alker  Ave.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Ashy,  Gene  Leroy Rt.  2,  Washington,  N.  C. 

Atwater,  Henry  Foust Burlington,  N.  C. 

Auld,  David  Bruce 1800  Forest  Rd.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Auman,  Sherrill  Leonard High  Point,  N.  C. 

Austin,  John   Samuel Rt.   2,  Taylorsville,  N.  C. 

Autry,  Stacy   Maurice Clinton,  N.  C. 

Avery,  Gene  Brooks Erwin,  N.  C. 

Averv,  Vernon  Glenn,  Jr., 

210  Forest  Hills  Dr.,  Wilminfrton,  N.  C. 

Aydlett,  Nathaniel  Taylor Elizal>cth  City,  N.  C. 

Ayers,  Lonnie  Edward R,  F.  D.,  Dobson,  N.  C. 

Ayscue.  Billy  Newcomb Rt.  2,  Henderson,  N.  C. 

Acra,    Roliert Haiti 

Austin,  James  Walker Rt.  3,  Apex,  N.  C. 

Averette.  James  Donald Varina,  N.  C. 

Aycock,  John  Holmes Rt.  4,  Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Berrv,  Joseph  Gilbert Vienna,  Va. 

Bickcl,  Richard  Joseph Rt.  1,  Mount  Olive,  N.  C. 

Rillintrsley.  .Tohn   David Peachland,  N.  C. 

Bissctte,  William  Elton,  Jr Wilson,  N.  C. 

Black,  Daniel  Jasper,  Jr 106  N.  16th  St.,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Black,  John  Lester Rt.  8,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Black,  William  Keith Midland,  N.  C. 

Blackwelder,  Robert  Talton, 

2615  Commonwealth  Ave.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Blakenship,  William  Henry Warwick,  Va. 

Blevins,   John    Oliver Kinston,    N.  C. 

Soger,  Bobb  Duke Rt.  4,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Bollinger.  Howard   Eli Granite  Falls,  N.  C. 

Bonner.  Malcolm  Ray,  Jr Comfort,  N.  C. 

Boone,  William  Jordan Gates,  N.  C. 

Boosin,  Kenneth   Everett Pond  Hewlett,  L.  I.,  N,  Y. 

Borg,  .John  Carl 2411  Rosewood  Ave.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Bormuth.  Cliarles  Anthony,  .Jr York,  Pa. 

Bost,  James  Franklin Belmont,  N.  C. 

Bottoms,   Carl   Franklin Pikesville,   N.  C. 

Bourne.    David    Collins Georgetown,    S.  C. 

Bowman,  Roblev  Kivette Taylorsville,  N.  C. 

Bradv.  Harrv  William.  Jr .'..Graham,  N.  C. 

Bradshaw.  Cecil  Clark Clinton,  N.  C. 

Braswell,   James    William Smithfield,    N.  C. 

Brattain.  Daniel  Webster,  .Jr Oaklroro,  N.  C. 

Brightwell,  Tom  I>?e-  .1848  Runnymede.  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Briscoe.  .John  Roger 117  Morris  St.,  Mountain  Lakes,  N.J. 

Britt,  Clarence  Willard Roxlwro,  N.  C. 

Brittain,  Joseph  Harvey,  Jr., 

274  Merriman  Ave.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Brock.  Walter  Donald Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Brooks.  .John  Lawrence Brvson   Citv.  N.  C. 

Brown,  Bettv  Joanne 2710  Kittrell  Ave.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Brown,  Billy  Lee Rt.   1,  Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

Brown,  Gene  Talmadge, 

203  E.  Monmouth  Ave..  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Brown,  George  Washington 130  Cox  Ave.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Brown,  James  Richmond, 

5107  McCarthy  St.,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Brown,  Jasper  Gary Rockingham,  N.  C. 

Brown,  John  Wesley 130  Cox  Ave..  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Buchanan.   Robert  Paul,   Jr., Yadkinville,   N.  C. 

Brown,  Roderick.  Burton Ashford,  N.  C. 

Brvant,  Charles  Hugh Yadkinville,  N.  C. 

Buffaloe,  .John  Edward Rt.  2,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Bullard,  Douglas  Merle, 

704  E.  Whitaker  Mill  Rd..  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Bullard.  James  Connor Box  284,  Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Bunn.  .John  Trent Rt.  8,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Burbage,  George  Oden,  Jr Bath,  N.  C. 

Burgess.  Charles  Vance Rt.  1,  Pisgah  Forest.  N.  C. 

Burgess,  Richard  Hunt 55  New  York  Ave..  Dumont,  N.J. 

Burnett.  William  Brantley....l008  Rosehill  Ave..  Durham.  N.  C. 

Burroughs.  William  I^inwood 526  Sterling  St..  Norfolk,  Va. 

Burton.  Sherrill  Pearson,  113  W.  Edgewood  Dr..  Durham,  N.  C. 

Burts,  Watson  Lee Greenville,  S.  C. 

Bush,  Martin  Ausburn Rt.  1.  Acme,  N.  C. 

Bush,  Harold  Gene Rt.  1,  New  Ix)ndon,  Conn. 

Butts,  George  William,  Jr., 

1907  Groveland  Ave.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Byrd,  .Tames  William Rt.  4,  Mount  Olive,  N.  C. 

Byrd,  Roger  Woodrow Rt.  4,  Marion,  N.  C. 

Byrum,  Robert  Leonard,  Jr., 

609  Longview  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Cagle,  Daniel  James,  .Jr Rt.  2,  Seagi-ove,  N.  C. 

Cagle,  .Jack  Verlie Rt.  4,  Greenslxjro,  N.  C. 

Cain,  William  Ralph,  3203  Chamberlain  St..  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Campbell.  .James  Morgan Elizaliethtown,  N.  C. 

Campbell.  Lorin  Scott Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Campljell,    William    Donaldson, 

2314  Charlotte  Dr.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Capel,  Arron  William  Elijah Trov,  N.  C. 

Capell,   Ernest  Paul Pisgah   Forest,  N.C. 

Capps,  George  Davis Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Carmichael,  David  J^ee High  Point,  N.  C. 

Carpenter.  .James  Robert Shelbv.  N.  C. 

Carr.  James  Walker Rose  Hill.  N.  C. 

Carraway.  Edward  Earl Newport,  N.  C. 

Carroll,  Daniel   Wilson Rt.   1,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Carroll,  .James  Charles Dunn,  N.  C. 

Carter,  Larry  Lee 1201  Jefferson  St.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Caudle,  William  Nelson Peachland,  N.  C. 

Gavin,   Joe   William Kannapolis,   N.  C. 

Caviness,  William  Branson,  Jr., 

109  N.   Boylan   Ave.,   Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Cill.  Howard  Robert 3114  Darien  Drive,  Raleigh,  N.C. 

Chagnon,   Kol)ert  Durges,  3502  Kirby  Ave.,  Greensboro,  N.C. 

Cliapman,    Donald    Hay Lincolnton,   N.  C. 

Ciuipi)cll,  James  Ray,  Jr Elkin,  N.  C. 

Cliatluim,  .Tames  Owen, 

23(i2  Elizabeth  Ave.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Cliatliam,  Walter   Hugh,  Jr JiCaksville,  N.C. 

Check,  (ierald  Wallace 3615  Rogers  St.,  Charlotte'  n!  c! 

Cherry,  Donald  Corbell,  212  Wake  Forest  Rd.,  Portsmouth,  Va. 

C^hureh,  Jerry   Anderson Valdese,   N.  C. 

Cilvik,  Reggie  Morgan 2841  Adams  St.,  Wilmington',  n!  C. 

Clapp,   liichard    Edwin Silcr   City,   N.C. 

Clardy,  John  Palmer Georgetown,  S.  C. 

Clark,  Henry  Laddie Virgilina,  Va. 

(lark,  JoluiDouglas Rt.  5,  Charlotte,  N.C. 

Clarke,  Rolicrt  Edward Morganton,  N.  C. 

Clayton,  John  Harry,  Jr., 

1912  Lyndhurst  Ave.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Clegg,  Henry  Clay,  Jr Moncure,  N.  C. 

Clement,  Joseph   Mason \ew   Bern,   N.  C. 

Clement,   Robert   Layne New   Bern,   N.  C. 

Clendenin.    .Tohn    Barnes 1000    Hill    St.,    Greensboro'   n!  c! 

Clifford,  .Tohn  Charles,  III 284  Eureka  St.,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Cline,  Schcnck Rt.   2,   l^aleigh,  N.  C. 

Clii)pard,   Carsiin    Alexander Raeford,   N.  C. 

Clippard,  James  Henry,  Jr., 

"  1311   Greenwood  ClifT,  Charlotte,  N.C. 

Coble,  Edgar  Coltrane .'..Lexington,  N.  C. 

Cockman,  Arthur  Gwynne Pittsboro,  N.  C. 

Cockman,   Benjamin    Baker Pittsljoro,   N.  C. 

Cockman,  Russell   Preston Pittsboro'   N.  C. 

Coker.  Walter  James,  .Tr Roanoke  Rapids.  N.  C. 

Cole.   Frank  Jackson Asheboro,  N.  C. 

Cole,  Robert  Ervin Rt.  332,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Cole,  Tollie  Boyce Acme,  N.  C. 

Coleman,  Alonzo  Brown,  Jr Rt.  1,  Hurdle  Millsi  N.  C. 

Coleman,  Edward  Legrand Tabor  City,  N.  C. 

Collier.  Wilmer  Grant Roanoke   Rapids,  N.  C. 

Colvard,  Hugh  Ashley Robbinsville,  N.  C. 

Connell,  James  Alexander,  Jr., 

860  Glendalyn   Ave.,  Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Constantine,  Randolph,  Jr Tarboro,  N.  C. 

Cooley,  Austin  Craig Black  Mountain,  N.C. 

Cooper,   William   Edward,  Jr., 

4205  Chamljerlayne  St.,  Richmond,  Va. 

Copenhaver,  Howard  Wayne,  Jr Morganton,  N.  C. 

Costner,  Larry  Tom Casar,  N.  C. 

Coulter,    Lonnie    B Salisbury,    N.  C. 

Cox,  Dallas  Bruce Rockingham,  N.  C. 

Crabtree,  Ralph  Jackson Carthage,  N.  C. 

Crews,   Edgar   Reid Creedmore,   N.  C. 

Crocker,  James  Norrie,  Jr Hubert,  N.  C. 

Crow,  Johnny  Lee Lincolnton,  N.  C. 

Crump,    Gwyn   Norman Hickory,    N.  C. 

Cruea,  Ronald  DeWayne Rt.  1,  Cedarville,  Ohio 

Culbreth,  Jerry  Matthew Hope  Mills,  N.  C. 

Curlee,  Richard  Everette 1113  Modecai  Dr.,  Raleigh,  N.C. 

Currie,  Avery  Madison Clarkton,  N.  C. 

Cushman,  Robert  Mignerey Greenville,  S.  C. 

Daniel,  Arthur  William,  Jr Rocky  Mount,  N.  C. 

Daniels,  William  Lee Rt.  1,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Davis,  Aubrey   Thomas Hertford,  N.  C. 

Davis,  Carlton  Earl Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Davis,  Charles  Algernon,  Jr Draper,  N.  C. 

Davis,    Robert   Charles Lumberton,    N.  C. 

Davis,  Robert  Ernest Thomasville,  N.  C. 

Davis,  Schuyler  C.  Jr North  Wilkeslxiro,  N.  C. 

Davis,  Thomas  Paul Shelby,  N.  C. 

Dawson,  William  Richard,  Jr.. 

2130  Sunset  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Dean,  Robert  Edward Kinston,  N.  C. 

Deans,  Philip  Maurice Wilson,  N.  C. 

Deaton.  Willis  Robert Cornelius,  N.C. 

Dellinger,  Wilbur  Arthur Newland,  N.  C. 

Deely,  Brian  Mahon,  Jr., 

37  Stephenson  Blvd.,  New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 

Dees,  Thomas  Cooper Pikesville,  N.  C. 

Denning,  Everette  Wayne Mount  Olive,  N.  C. 

Dennis,    Elon    Slate Salisbury,   N.C. 

Dennis,  Phillip  Donald Troy,  N.  C. 

Dew,  Harold  Powell Raeford,  N.  C. 

Dixon,  Charles  Royce Siler  City,  N.C. 

Dixon,  Rodney  McSwain Statesville,  N.  C. 

Dodson,  Henry  Wiseman,  Jr Ossipee,  N.  C. 

Doepner,  Roland  William,  Jr Rt.   1,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Dooley,  Milton  Thomas 2232  Hillsboro  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Danahoe,  Ernest  Noland, 

915  Brompton  St.,  Fredericksburg,  Va. 

Dorman,  Jerry  Crandel Rt.   5,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Dozier,  Arthur  Lee,  III 3307  Hall  Place,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Dozier,   Gary   Franklin 18   Dixie   Drive,   Raleigh,   N.  C. 

Driggers,  John  Lander Rt.  1,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

DuBois,  Joseph  Addison,  Jr Sea  Level,  N.  C. 

Dunn,  Frank  Hughes,  Jr 817  Arbor  Ed.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Dunn,  Thomas  Richard Hamlet,  N.  C. 

Duke,  Carlton  Walker,  Jr Noi  Una,  X.  C. 

Duke.  Asa  Wesley 351  Cedar  Creek,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Duval,  Andre  Reihvine Waxhaw,  X.  C. 

Earney,  Arlen  Reid Box  710,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Earnhardt.  John  Walter Monroe,  N.  C. 

Easter,  William  Taylor Box  2474,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Ehhardt,  Carl  Arut'hur Halifax.  Va. 

Eckerd,  Joseph  Harold Maricm,  N.  C. 

Edwards,    Artliur   Jay George,   N.  C. 

Edwards,  Arthur  Randolph Rocky  Mount,  X.  C. 

Edwards.   Charles  Thomas Smithfield,  X\  C 

Edwards.  Joseph.  Jr Four  Oaks,  X.  C. 

Edwards.    Ted    Alfred Belmont.    X.  C. 

Eliades.  Georire  Klearchos Lumliertcm.  X.  C. 

Ellenberfr.  John  Doane 2500  Elon  Ave..  Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Elliott.   Kenneth   Eugene Black   ilountain.  X.  C. 

Elliott.  Olin   Sylvester,  Jr Greenville,   S.  C. 

Ellison.  Tlioma's  Vcrn 1310  Woodland  Ave.,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Elzev.  Horace  Richard Creston,  X.  C. 

Freeman.  Emerv  George Washington,  X.  C. 

Englisli.  .Tohn   Edward Marion.   X.  C. 

ErnuU,  Robert  Earl Xew  Bern,  X.  C. 

Etheridge.  .Joseph  Lister Elizalx-th  City,  X.  C. 

Evans.  William   Ernest Murfreesboro,  X.  C. 

Eiidv.  Robert  Glenn Albemarle,  X.  C. 

j:ury,  Lvnn  Wade Xew  London,  X.  C. 

Eud'v,  Darrell  .Toe Rockingham,  X.  C. 

Everette.  John  David Rocky  Mount.  X.  C. 

E/.zcIl.  Herbert   Eugene Whitesville,  X.  C. 

Faison,  Thomas  Kilby,  Jr Faison,  X.  C. 

Farmer.    William    Casper Morganton.    X.  C. 

Faulk.  William  Henry.  .Tr Smithfield.  X.  C. 

Faulkner.  Louis  Alexander. 

1120  Bedford  Ave..  Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 

Fesperman,    Cliarles    Detroit,    Jr Salisbury,    X.  C. 

Ficquett.    Frederick    Arthur,   Jr Dunn.   X.  C. 

Fields.  Charles  Wcldon.  II Rt.  10.  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Fields,   Curtis  Muse.  .Tr Thomasville,  X.  C. 

Finch.    Edwin    Orville Bailey.    X^.  c. 

Fine.   Marion   Thomas Ijexington.   X.  C. 

Finger.  Henrv  Lohr Xewton,  X.  C. 

Fisher,  Junius  Virgil.  Jr Charlotte.  X^.  C. 

Fitts.  William  Pearson Littleton,  X.  C. 

Fleming.   Russell   Herl)ert Morganton,  X.  C. 

Fl.'tcher,   Jolin   Edward Marion,   X.  C. 

Fliiichum.   Wavne  Thomas Carthage.  X.  C. 

Flowers.    Roger    Maraus Rockingham,   X.  C. 

Fhivd.  Willie  Leon.  .Tr Rose  Hill.  X.  C. 

Folsoni.  .Tcdin  Wesley Warwick.  Va. 

Forlies.   (iarland   Herman.   .Tr Williamston,  X.  C. 

Forbes.  James  Andrew 4928  Park  St..  Wilmington.  X.  C. 

Forehand.  Isaac  Juette Dudley,  X.  C. 

iMirehand,  Walter  Kemp South   Mills,  X.  C. 

Formv.  Duval.  John  Gerome.  II Wliiti-ville.  X.  C. 

Foster.  Alton   Grey Henck'rson.  X.  C. 

Foster,  J.  Vann Bridgeton,  X.  J. 

Foust.    Gene    Kav Lexington,   X.  C. 

Fox,  Albert  Dean 5107  Western   Blvd..  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Fox,  Dennis  Lee Gastonia.  X.  C. 

Freeman,  Harold  Boyd Roanoke  Rapids,  X^.  C. 

Freeze.   Robl)ie    Eugene Mooresville.   X.  C. 

Friar.  Ernest   Mason.  Jr Tarboro.  X.  C. 

Fuhrer,  Ravmond  K 3105  Foxcroft  Rd.,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Fulcher.  Pliilliii   Rudolph,  .Jr Leland,  X.  C. 

Fulghuni.  Tliomas  Ray Wilson,  X.  C. 

Fuller.  Bobln  I^e .' Durham,  X.  C. 

Futrell.   Ben'  Gay I Rocky  Mount,  X.  C. 

Gardner.  Charles  Ray Greenville,  X.  C. 

Gardner,  Jack  Allen." 625  Berkshire  Rd.,  Pasadena,  Calif. 

Gardner.  William  Wright.. ..215  X.  13th  St.,  Wilmington.  X.  C. 

(Jarris,  John  William,  Jr Goldsboro.  X.  C. 

(iatewood,  Henrv  Horace. 

2623  Old  Lexington  Rd.,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

George.  Critz  Horton 2106  Breeze  Rd..  Raleigh.  X.  C. 

Gentry.  Ricliard  Lee Reidsville,  X.  C. 

Gettys,  Joe  Cornwell Shelby.  X.  C. 

Gibbon.  Edward  I^e 1420  Xottoway  Ave..  Richmond  27,  Va, 

Giles,  George  Curtis Draper,  X.  C. 

(iilmore.  Thomas  Odell Julian,  X.  C. 

Glover.    George    Douglas Ellenboro.   X.  C. 

Goad,  Otis  Edwin.  .Tr Mt.  Airy.  X^.  C. 

Gonzales.  Carlos  Diaz Mexico 

Goodson.  Edwanl  MacMillan Lincolnton,  X.  C. 

Gordon.  William  Harbaugh 1220  Hill  St..  Durham,  X.  C. 

(Jotuaco.  Charles Manila.  Pliilippines 

Grantham.  Lloyd  Vandell Fairmont,  X.  C. 

Grav,  Benjamin  Orvis Trenton,  X.  C. 

Gra'v,  William  Hugh Supply,  X.  C. 

Greene,  Cheslev  McAulay Mt.  Gilead.  X.  C. 

Greene,  Donald  Xeale High  Point,  X.  C. 

Greene.   Robert   Lee Star,  X'^.  C. 

Greene.   Robert    William Gastonia,   X.  C. 

Green,    William    Harold Zebulon,    X.  C. 

Griffin.  Charles  Rov.  Jr Pinetops,  X.  C. 

Griffin,   Daniel   Martin Lenoir,   X.  C. 

Griffith,  Dewev  Maurice Greenville,  X.  C. 

Griffin,  Elmo  Lloyd,  923  Daughtridge  Rd.,  Rocky  Mount,  X.  C. 

Griffith,  Juhnnv   Wilson,  .Jr., 

2132  Kirkwood  Rd..  Charlotte.  X.  C. 

Griffin,  Eugene  Levan,  .Tr Raleigh.   N.  C. 

Griffin,  Marlon  Carroll Robersonville.  X.  C. 

Gross,  Chris 104  Williamson   Dr.,  Wilmington,  X.  C. 

Gross,  Marshall  Edward 20  Austin  Ave.,  Asheville.  X.  C. 

Gupton,    Ollie    .Joseph.    .Ir Wood.    X.  C. 

Gurkin.  .Tames  Herbert Williamston,  X.  C. 

Gurle\ .    Patrick   Thaddeus Seven   Springs,   \.  C. 

Guth,'  Wendell  l#e FClkin,  X.  C. 

(Juy,  Charles  Allen Rt.  3,  Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

Hagwood.   Charles   McDonald Youngsville.   X.  C. 

Hahan.   George    Franklin,   Jr Mt.    Pleasant,   X.  C. 

Haigler.  .Tolin  Xeil.  .Ir Monroe,  X.  C. 

Hainlev.  Bruce  Thomas .Schuvlkill  Haven.  Pa. 

Hall.  Bernard  Leo '..   Beaufort.  X.  C. 

Hamad.  Awni  Mohamad Stem.  X.  C. 

Hammer,  Charles  Wayne Siler  City.  X.  C. 

Hancock.  Harvey  Gray.  1407  Vashti  Ave..  Winston-Salem.  X.  C. 
Hanrahan,  Kirkwood   Edward. 

1130  26th   St..  Newport  X>ws,  Va. 

Hardee.  Xorman   Carl Greenville,  X.  C. 

Hardv.  Charles  Edward LaGrange.  X.  C. 

Hardy,  John  Mason 6435  Second  St..  Washington,  D.  C. 

Harkins.  Ijccm  Herbert Xewton.  X.  C. 

Harper,  Everette  Vance Rt.  1,  Deep  Run.  X.  C. 

Harper,  Sanford  Coston.  Ill, 

920  Avon  Rd.,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Harper.   Willis  Harold Rocky   Mount,   X.  C. 

Harris.   Harold  Brookshire Mt.   Gilead,   X.  C. 

Harris,  Herbert  Hunter 2723  Conleemee  Dr.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Harris,   Merrelle    Washington Louisburg,    X.  C. 

Harris.  Lawrence.  .Tr Wake  Forest.  X.  C. 

Harris.  Thomas   Wayne Xew  London.   X.  C. 

Hart,    Franklin    Delano Angier.    X.  C. 

Hart,  Larrv  Gregorv Rt.  10,  Box  262,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Hart,   Ralph   Willia'm Lansing.   X.  C. 

Harwell.  William  Hayes Concord.  X.  C. 

Hassell.  Russell  Eugene,  Jr Jamestown,  X.  C. 

Hatcher.   Glen   Carlton Selma.   X.  C. 

Hatlev.    Edward    Ernest AUiemarle.   X.  C. 

Hatley,   Edward   William Oakboro,  X.  C. 

Hatlev.  Larrv  Houston... .3700  Cameron  Ave.,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 
Hatta'way.  Albert  JIayo.-..151 1  Jarvis  St..  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 
Hawkins,  William  Rainev,  Jr., 

2017  Wa  Wa  Ave.,  Durham.  X.  C. 

Hayes,  Manley,  Harris Hamlet,  X^.  C. 

Hays.  James  Malcolm 317  Chase  Ave.,  Hamilton,  Oliio 

Hayworth,  Frank  Calvin Salisbury.  X.  C. 

Heath.  Charles  l';ugene..-.602  Franklin  Blvd.,  Greensboro.  X.  C. 

Hedrick.  George  Edwin.  Jr High  Point.  X.  C. 

Heilig.  Charles  Sidney.  .Ir Salisbury,  X.  C. 

Hamrick.    William    Ciark Spindalc.    X.  C. 

Henderson.  Kenneth  Dean Spindale,  X.  C. 

Hendrix.  James  William Greenville,  X.  C. 

Henley,   Amos   Brooks Linville,   X.  C. 

Henessee.   Earl   Emanuel Bostic.   X.  C. 

Hennings.  Joe  Bennett East  Bend.  X.  C. 

Heritage.  William  (iregg Burlington.  N.  C. 

Herring,  Malcolm   l^iRoy Wilson,  X.  C. 

Herring,  Thonuis  Woodrow LaGrange.  X.  C. 

Hester,  Thomas  Marshall Dade  City.  Fla. 

Hewett.  .Tames  All>ert Shallotte,  X.  C. 

Hibbard,  Robert  Frecman....l823  Arlington  St..  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Hickman.  Frank  George Xew  Bern.  X.  C. 

Hicks.   Charles   Samuel Xewland,   X.  C. 

Hicks.  Hamilton  Kilward....730  Windsor  Dr.,  Wilmington.  X.  C. 

Hicks.  Harold   Leland Forest   City.  X.  C. 

Hilal,  Ahmed  Afit Aleppo,  Syria 

Hill,   Charles   Henry Kinston.   X.  C. 

Hill.  Richard  Ray,  Jr Youngsville,  X.  C. 

Hinson.   Clyde   Keith Oakboro.   X.  C. 

Hinson.  Dolan   Ray Albemarle,  X.  C. 

Hofmann.  Alfred  George 2397  Grand  Ave.,  Xew  York.  X.  Y. 

Hoke.   Forney  Jloore,  Jr Havelock.  X^.  C. 

Hoke.  Larry'  David Hickory.  X.  C. 

Holderness,  William  Henry,  .Tr.. 

.■)00  Country  Club  Dr..  Greensboro.  X'.  C. 

Holland,  Eugene  Emmitt .'. Rt.  1.  Franklin,  Va. 

Holland.  Phillip  Parker Rt.   1.  Franklin.  Va. 

Holshouscr.  (iuy   Ricliard Salisbury,  X.  C. 

Holt.   Edward   Franklin Salisliury.   X.  C. 

Hood.   Clarence   Elam,   .Ir Xewton,   X.  0. 

Hooks.  Jonathan  Winfield Kenly.  X.  C. 

Hoover,   James   Xisl>et Bostic.   X.  C. 

Hopper,  William  Jackson Gastonia,  X.  C. 

Home,  David   Mason Polkton,   X.  C. 

Home,  Douglas  Alexander Polkton.  X.  C. 

Horowitz.   Harvey   Alan Oxford,   X.  C. 

Horton.  William'  Elijah Roxboro,  X.  C. 

Hoskins,  James  Herbert Spencer,  X.  C. 

Hoskins.  Richanl  Slater 1066  Clay  Ave.,  Xew  York.  X.  Y. 

House,    Samuel    Giles Lincolnton,   X.  C. 

Houston.  John   Glenn.  Jr China   Grove.  X.  C. 

Howard.  Harry  Harold Battleboro.  X.  C. 

Howerton.  John  Henry,  Jr.,  420  McAdoo  Ave.,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 
Hovle,  George  Walter Xewton,  N.  C. 

Hansford,  Kobeit  Wesley Seaford,   Va. 

Hubbard,  James  Franklin, 

808  Cumberland  St.,  Favetteville,  N.  C. 

Hudson,  Arlen  Gladstone Mt.  Olive,  N.  C. 

Hudson,   Harry    Hood Waxhaw,   N.  C. 

Hugbes,  Handd   l.ce Mt.  Olive,  N.  C. 

Huglies,  .loscpli  I'l'rcy Ash,  N.  C. 

Hundley,  I'aiil  ■|'liiiiii!is. 

l:i2S    Kenwood   Ave..   Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Hunsncki'i,  Wi>rtli    Kugene,  .Ir Conover,  N.  C. 

Hunt.  JaTiics  liaxtcr.  .Tr Lueania,  N.  C. 

Huntley,  .lanics   Larry Rt.  2,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Hurst,  William  Wesley 077   Brandon  Ave.,   Roanoke,  Va. 

Husein,  Faiz  Abl)elja\vad Stem,  N.  C. 

Hyuk,   Cho Seoul.   Korea 

Ingram,  .loseph   King Hadin.  N.  C. 

Innian,  .Tolm  Douplas Pilot  Mountain,  N.  C. 

Inscoe,  ,)use|ih   \\  illiam Newton.  N.  C. 

Ivey,    Ricliaril    W  illis...!)N.   Lake   Village,   Wilmington,   N.  C. 

.laekson,  (ierald   Franklin Line(dnton,   N.  C. 

Jaikson,  Norwood   Lee 1021   Reid  Place,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

.Jackson,  .lames  Sherman Plymouth,  N.  C. 

Jacumin,  .limniv  Rav Rutherford  College,  N.  C. 

James,   Allen   Hall...! Halifax,   Va. 

Jenkins,  Charles  Aubrey 529  N.  Boundry  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Jenkins.  William   Allen Roanoke   Rapids,  N.  C. 

.lennings,   .John    Stanley Hickory,   N.  C. 

Jordan,  Russell  Kilward High   Point.  N.  C. 

Johnson.  Aaron  Whitley Smithfield.  N.  C. 

.fohnson.    Franklin    Mitchell Greenville.    N.  C. 

.Johnson,  Howard  Ix'on Moimt  Gilead,  N.  C. 

Jolmson,  James  Ellis in08  Catawba  St.,  Favetteville,  N.  C. 

.Johnson,   James    McNeill Al>erdeen,   N.  C. 

Johnson,  I^arry  Buckner Sanford,  N.  C. 

Johnson,  Raymond  (ieralil Atlantic  Highlands,  N.J. 

Johnson,  William  Edward,  .Ir Roanoke,  Va. 

.Johnson,   William   Hal Taylorsville,  N.  C. 

.Tolinston,   William   Ransom I>ittleton,   N.  C. 

Joines,   William   Thomas Moravian    Falls,   N.  C. 

.JoUey,   James   Wence Delray   Beach,   Fla. 

Jones,  Billy   Daniel Benson,  N.  C. 

Jones,  Harold  Holyoake New  Bern,  N.  C. 

Jones,  Kibby  Bess.  Jr Burgaw,  N.  C. 

.Jones,  Robert  Ralph,  Jr Laurinbnrg,  N.  C. 

.Jones,  William   Bowling,  Jr Oxford,  N.  C. 

Josepli,  Rodri  Christy Downington,  Pa. 

.Judge,   Ander West  .Jefferson,   N.  C. 

.Turney.    Douglas   Melvin Harmony,    N.  C. 

Kaufmann.  Richard  Otto Franklin  Square,  N.  C. 

Kay.  William  Byrd.  .Jr Red  Springs,  N.  C. 

Kearney,    Wayne    Thomas Henderson,    N.  C. 

Kerr,  Joseph   Donald Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Keller.  Wayne  Douglas Rt.  1,  J^enoir,  N.  C. 

Kelly,  Dariell   Brown Lillington,  N.  C. 

Kelly,  Jimmy  Carr Newport,  N.  C. 

Kelly,  John  Timothy Mount  Olive,  N.  C. 

Kelly,  Paul   Omer.  .". Rt.  4,  Newport,  N.  C. 

Kendrick,   Edward   IDickson,   Jr Fallston,   N.  C. 

Kei'r,   I^arry  Stevenson Mooresville,  N.  C. 

Kerr,   Walter   Bernard Kannapolis,   N.  C. 

Kesler,  Gene  Paul 41  Hill  St.,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Kimrey,  Joel  Otto Rt.  2,  Norwood,  N.  C. 

Kincheloe,   William   Hatcher Rocky   Mount,   N.  C. 

Kenney,    Carey   Albert Wilson,    N.  C. 

Kirk,  'William   Henrv Uo   Smoky   Park,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Kirkland,  Robert  Taft,  Jr 2809  Barm'ettler  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Kirkpatrick,  Jolin  Keely, 

720  W.  Boulevard  St.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Knight,  Donald  Ray I-{oanoke  Rapids,  N.  C. 

Knight,  James  Thomas 4749  Addison  Dr.,   Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Knowles,    William    Ross Jamesville,    N.  C. 

Ladd,  .Joe   Darrell Gastonia,   N.  C. 

I^afeuers,  .James  David Kannapolis,  N.  C. 

Lail,  Kenneth  I>ee Jjawndale,  N.  C. 

I^amb,  Russell  Dale.. ..27  Hillside  Terrace,  West  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Land)ert.   John    Hall Brevard,   N.  C. 

Lamprinakos,  CJeorge  Pete 43  Austin  Ave.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Laney,   Sherrill   CJlenn Kannapolis,    N.  C. 

Lankford,    Robert    Lee Kannapolis,    N.  C. 

Lassiter,  .James  Daniel Clayton,  X.  C. 

Lassiter,  Ray  Roberts Ahoskie,  N.  C. 

Latham,   William   Lee 1707   Bragg   St.,   Fayetteville,   N.  C. 

Laughton,  William  Jeral,  Jr., 

512  Fisher  St.,  Morehead  City,  N.  C. 

J^awing.  Hugh Forest  City,  N.  C. 

J^each,  Ralph  Butner Aberdeen,  N.  C. 

Leach,    Roy    Eugene Julian,   N.  C. 

Ijeatherman,  Carol  .James. Rt.  1,  Newton,  N.  C. 

I^edbetter,  John  Steven 2223  Seventh  St.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Lee,  Jerry  Windsor 800  Moorehead  Ave.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Lee.  Jimmy  Dale Oakboro,  N.  C. 

Xjce.  ililton  Wayne Mayodan.  N.  C. 

Lee,    Robert    Eugene Pikeville,    N.  C. 

Lee,  Roger  Glenn 8910  89th  St.,  Woodhaven,  N.  Y. 

Leggett,  Fred  Bennett,  Jr Danville,  Va. 

I>eonard,  Ralph  Avery Louisburg,  N.  C. 

Lieonard,    Robert   Lindsay Lexington,    N.  C. 




































,  c. 


,  c. 

Levene,  Howard  Stuart.... 17  I^akeside  Dr.,  New  Rochelle,  N.  Y. 
Lewallen,  Herbert  Lawrence,  Jr., 

221  Gaither  Rd.,  Winston-Salem, 

Lewis,    Charles    Robert Shannon, 

Lewis,  William  Elby,  Jr., 

4234  Reidsville  Rd.,  Winston-Salem, 

Lineberry,    Edgar    C Sanford, 

Lindsay,  Eric  .John 140  Riverside  Dr.,  New  York, 

Lindsay,  Harry   Vernon LJdIi  Paul  St.,  Greensboro, 

Lingle,   Douglas   J'^igene Faith, 

Livengooil,   Max    Robert Carthage, 

Livengood,   Wayne  Thomas Carthage, 

Long,   Thomas   B.,   Jr., 

120  Sunset  Dr.,  N.  W.,  Winston-Salem, 

Lombard,  Charles  K 1092  Nicholas  Dr.,  Raleigh, 

Lovvder,  ( iaieth  Marvin Albemarle, 

Ixiwder,   Ned    Edward Albemarle, 

Lowrimore,  Gene  Ray Rt.  3,  Tabor  City, 

Lupoid,  Hugh  JlcColl 2928  Delano  Dr.,  Columbia, 

Lyda,  George  Suell 8  St.  Mary's  St.,  Raleigh, 

Lyerly,  Harvey  Dick Faith, 

McBride,  James  Edd Mount  Airy, 

McCormick,   John   Garrett Jjilesville, 

McCormick,  Robert  Alexander, 

Rt.  2,  Box  22,   Fayetteville,  N.  C. 
McCracken,  Gene  Cleveland, 

2129  Buckingham  Rd.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

McDaniel,  Earl  Wilson Rt.  2,  Salisbury,  N.  C. 

McDonald,  Robert  Lamont Goldsljoro,  N.  C. 

McDowell,  Bobby  Ray 3035  N.  Main  St.,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

McEachern,  George  Hutlaft', 

2522   Guilford   Ave.,   Wilmington,  N.  C. 

McEntire,  Harold  Gene Cordova,  N.  C. 

McGee,  James  Ronald,  103  Muir's  Chapel  Rd.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

MeGrady,    Roliert    Anthony    Jones Wilkesboro,    N.  C. 

McKinn<'v,  Donald  Buddy Rt.   1,  Reidsville,  N.  C. 

McKuiglit.    Edward    Wiley,   Jr Chapel   Hill,   N.  C. 

McLelland,  Delton  Jack Rt.  2,  Statesville,  N.  C. 

McLiendon,   I^loyd    Lamar Mt.    Gilead,   N.  C. 

McQuay,  .James  Newton, 

3200  Tuckaseegee  Rd.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

McRae,  Charles  Bruce Rt.  1,  Maxton,  N.  C. 

Mackay,  Stanley  Richard Rt.  3,  Box  82,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Madren,   Paul   Lee Elon   College,   N.  C. 

Malone,  James  Isham 4810  Addison  Dr.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Jlaness,  John  Kent Rt.  1,  Biscoe,  N.  C. 

Mangum,  Erbie  William,  Jr 2711  Beck  Rd.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Manley,   Fred    William Reidsville,   N.  C. 

Manning,  Don  Pace Greenville,  N.  C. 

Martin,   Edwin   Forrest,   Jr Kinston,   N.  C. 

Martin,  Jimmy  Douglas Lincolnton,  N.  C. 

Martin,  W.  Baine.  Jr 1824  N.  Ind.  Blvd.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

ilason.  Homer  I^ivingston,  108  Highland  St.,  Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Massciigill,   Roy    Harold Kenly,  N.  C. 

Mast,   \\'illiaui   Howard Rominger,   N.  C. 

Matthews,  Douglas  Harold Wilson,  N.  C. 

Jlatthews,   Richard   Wesley, 

103  Forestdale  Dr.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Mattocks,   Robert  Lvnwood,   II Maysville,  N.  C. 

Maxwell,    Albert    Herr,    Jr.,    305   Tate    St.,    Morganton,   N.  C. 

May,  James  Lynn Rt.  2,  LaGrange,  N.  C. 

May,  Robert  Fldward Kinston,  N.  C. 

Mayberry,  Hassell  Gray, 

2834  Greenway  St.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Meares,   Elbert   Clifton Gloucester,   N.  C. 

Medlin,  Charles  Robert Wendell,  N.  C. 

Meehan,  Richard  Brinsley,  Jr 38  Soco  St.,  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Melchor,  Archie  Otis,  .Jr Mooresville,  N.  C. 

Jlentz,  Dennis  Arnold W'inston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Merrell,  .James  Mathis Shelby,  Ala. 

Merritt,  Samuel  Chester 2732  Layden  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Meshaw,  Craig  Richard Rt.  4,  Rockingham,  N.  C. 

Messer,  Lester  Vernon Rt.  3,  Tarboro,  N.  C. 

Mewborn,  Richard  Alton Rt.  3,  Snow  Hill,  N.  C. 

Miool,   Larry   J(X> Valdese,   N.  C. 

Midgett,  Arvin  Alexander Manteo,  N.  C. 

Miller,  Boyd  Columbus.  Jr Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Miller,   Charles    Frederick,   .Jr Wavnesville,   N.  C. 

Miller.  George  Kindjall,  Jr Old  Fort,  N.  C. 

Miller'  Rodney  Jaye 1503  Northfield  St..  Greensl)oro,  N.  C. 

Miller,  Sidney   J^eon 1425   Sunset   Dr.,   Asheboro,  N.  C. 

Miller,   William   Bernard Pineville,   N.  C. 

Minish,   William   Monroe Rt.   3,   Winston-Salem,   N.  C. 

Minshew,    Royal    Harrison Asheboro,    N.  C. 

Moore,  Franklin  Delores....l427  Pinecroft  Rd.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Moffitt,   James    Donald Staley,   N.  C. 

Moore,  Curtis  Eugene Hurdle  Mills,  N.  C. 

Morgan,  Harold  Marvin Candler,  N.  C. 

Morgan,   Otis   Cleveland Candler,   N.  C. 

Morgan,  Tom  Adam Oakboro,  N.  C. 

Morris,  William  R Rt.  1,  Box  180,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Morrison,  Charles  Ellis Rowland,  N.  C. 

Morrow,   Robert  Allen Monroe,  N.  C. 

Morton.  Melvin  Edward 3821  Western  Blvd.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Morton.   Ralph   Lee Jacksonville,  N.  C. 

Moslev,   Julian    Devon Butner,   N.  C. 

Mottiiiger,  Walter  T.,  Ill Burlington,  N.  C. 

Mullis,  Elbert  Stanley Haw  River,  N.  C. 

Muiigo,  Ptrry  Lauey Pageland,  S.  C. 

Murphy,  Paul  Branson Leicester,  N.  C. 

Murray,  Maurice  Talmadge Ayden,  N.  C. 

Murrow,  Joseph  Samuel....l014i^  Canterbury  St.,  Raleigh,  K.  C. 

Narron,  Artis  Medlin Kenly,  N.  C. 

Nethery,  Robert  Lee,  Jr Henderson,  N.  C. 

Newberry,  Joseph  Herman Plymouth,  N.  C. 

N'ewby,  John   Roger Lexington,  N.  C. 

Xewlin,  John   Uenry Sanford,  N.  C. 

A'ewsome,  James  Britt,  II Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Newton,  Henry  Lynn Wilson,  N.  C. 

Newton,  Robert  Sasser,  Jr.,  2525  Adams  St.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Nifong,  Wayne  Eugene Rt.  4,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Nix,  John  Wesley Rutherfordton,  N.  C. 

Noble,  Osborn  Clark 30  Biltmore  St.,  Greenville,  N.  C. 

Noell,  Paul  M 310  Markham  Ave.,  Durham,  N.  C. 

Xcjrnjan,  Donald  Welch Mt.  Airy,  N.  C. 

Nohl,  Peter  Friedrich,  710  Country  Club  Dr.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Nunn,  Joseph  Hoyt Toughkenamon,  Pa. 

O'Brien,  John  Michael Stem,  N.  C. 

O'Connell,  Jimmy  Lee 426  Courtland,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

O'Ferrell,  Lewis  Ray 412  W.  Market  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Uldliam,  Ronald  Dean 499  E.  Kansas  St.,  Liberty,  Mo. 

O'Neal,  Richard  Buchanan....Rt.  (i,  Box  lUT,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

O'Neal,  Robin  Turner Middlesex,  N.  C. 

Orders,  Leonard  Randolph,  Jr., 

84  Louisiana  St.,  West  Asheville,  N.  C. 

Ouda,  Robert  Scott Arlington,  Va. 

Ougliton,  William  Paul 2251/2  Forest  Rd.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Overman,  Allen   Hay Pikeville,  N.  C. 

Owen,   Austin   Andrew Elizabethtown,  N.  C. 

Owen,  Dorl  Rex Canton,  N.  C. 

Pace,  Virgeon  Alvin,  Jr Rt.  3,  Spring  Hope,  N.  C. 

Page,  Howard  Sherwood Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Painter,    George    Robert Plymouth,    N.  C. 

Pappas,  Ernest  George Wilson,  N.  C. 

Park.  Rieliard  Boyden 3120  Darien  Dr.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Parker,   John   Henry,   Jr Polkston,   N.  C. 

Parker,  John  Wilmer,  Jr Lasker,  N.  C. 

Parker,    Wallace   O'Neil Hubert,    N.  C. 

Parrish,  George  Stephen Henderson,  N.  C. 

Parrish,  Karl  Max 722  Carolina  St.,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Parton,  .Jimmie  Jones Gilkey,  N.  C. 

Patterson,  Emmett   Sloop China  Grove,  N.  C. 

Patt<'rsiin.  Larry  Hugh China  Grove,  N.  C. 

Paul,  iioliby  Waldo Pike  Road,  N.  C. 

'  Paul,  Moscs  Benton Maxton,  N.  C. 

Paxton,  James  Hoyt 2717  E'astway,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Peacock,   George   Seymour Goldsboro,   N.  C. 

Peed,  Wayne  Lee Angler,  N.  C. 

Pearson,  Frederick  James Saluda,  N.  C. 

Peele,   Charles   Van   Buren Goldsboro,   N.  C. 

Pemlwrton,  Josepli  Boykins,  Jr Goldsboro,  N.  C. 

Penney,    Carl    Murray W'arwick,    Va. 

Perkins,  James  \'anee,  Jr Greenville,  N.  C. 

Petrie,  Terrell  Barclay Arlington,  N.  C. 

Phelps,  James  Clifton Rt.  1,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Phillips,  Milton  Leon 1410  W.  Blvd.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Phillips,  Robert  Lincoln 419  Greenwood,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

Pliillips,  Prichard  James Beulaville,  N.  C. 

Pickard,  Thomas  Lipes....l30o  Asheboro  St.,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Pinner,  Bobl)y  Overton Box   265,  Columbia,  N.  C. 

Pittnnm,   Barney  Wess Hillsboro,  N.  C. 

Piver,  James  .ludson Hampstead,  N.  C. 

Poindexter,   William   Brandon East  Bend,  N.  C. 

Poley,  Paul  Wilson 2018  Brandon  Cir.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Pollock,  Donald  Page Kinston,  N.  C. 

Ponder,   Reginald    Wallace Raleigh,   N.  C. 

Poole,  Ixmnie  Craven,  Jr Rt.  2,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Pope,  John  Haywood,  Jr Dearborn,  N.  C. 

Porter,  William  Barham Washington,  N.  C. 

Poston,  Talmadge  Merritt Smitlifield,  N.  C. 

Potter,  James  'I'. 1521  Stanfor<l   PI.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Presson,  Gerald  Vann 4436  Park,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Price,  Clay  Crowson Taylorsville,  N.  C. 

Proescher,  Andrew  Jay Gary,  N.  C. 

Propst,  Paul  Lawrence Southern   Pines,  N.  C. 

Puett,    Billy    Arthur Morganton,    N.  C. 

Puett,  Bobby   Eugene Morganton,  N.  C. 

Punch,   .lames    Darrell Conover,   N.  C. 

Purvis,  Alliert  Columbus Winnabow,,  N.  C. 

Quickel,  .Jacob  Craig 1635  Arnold  Dr.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Racklev,  Warner  Smith Nashville,  N.  C. 

Ramsev,  Edgar  Lee 1008  Fairfield  Dr.,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Randall,  John  Vashti Salisbury,  N.  C. 

Randoli>li,  Robert  Nissen,  521  Club  Park,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Kaney,   Mark,  .Jr .Jacksonville,  N.  C 

Raper,  James  LeRoy Thomasville,  N.  C. 

Rayfield,  Laiuiy  Reese 810  W.  Rankin,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 

Read,  Arch   Perry Wood,  N.  C. 

Readling,  Clark  Delano Cornelius,  N.  C. 

Redmond,  Jobie  Gene Waterville.  N.  C. 

Kedwine,  Richard  Horace Rural  Hall,  N.  C. 

Reid,  Kenneth  Dale Granite  Falls,  N.  C. 

Renegar,  Robert  Franklin Yadkinsville,  N.  C. 

Respess,  Mac Greenville,  N.  C. 

Reynolds,   Robert   Lee Cherryville,   N.  C. 

Rhodes,   Albert  .lones,   Jr Brevard,   N.  C. 

Rhodes.    Benjamin Kinston,   N.  C. 

Rice,  DeWitt  Talmage,  Jr 310  Furches  St.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Ribakove,  Rieliard  Harvey Sanford,  N.  C. 

Ridenhour,  Jennings  Farrell All)emarle,  N.  C. 

Riggs,  Ivey  James 203  Westchester,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

Ringgold,   Peter   Jeffries Scarsdale,   N.  Y. 

Riviere,    Richard    Z 2704    Rieardy,   Charlotte,   N.  C. 

Robbins.  James   Lewis Durants  Neck,  N.  C. 

Robertson.  Don   Spencer King,  N.  C. 

Robertson.    W  illiani    F Greenville,    S.  C. 

Robins,  William  Thomas,  III Gloucester  Point,  Va. 

Rolnnson,   Elmer   .James Liberty,    N.  C. 

Rodgerson,  William  Daniel,  .Ir Williamston,  N.  C. 

Rodgers,  Wills  Pinkney,  Jr Franklinville,  N.  C. 

Rogers.  John  Chadwick 1112  Johnson  St.,  Higli  Point,  N.  C. 

Rogers,   Lonnie   .Joe Williamston,   N.  C. 

Rogers.  William  .James Whittier,  N.  C. 

Rogers.   William   Reid Pineville,   N.  C. 

Rollins,    Robert    Waitsell Rutherfordton,    N.  C. 

Roper,  William  L Englehard,  N.  C. 

Ross,  William  Earl Rt.  5,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Roth,  Robert  Theodore Elkin,  N.  C. 

Rothroek,  Thomas  Hardv.  Jr., 

■  1312  Wake  Forest  Rd..  Raleigh,  N.  C 

Royster,  Robert  Lee Clarksville,  Va. 

Ruff,  Carl  Gladford,  Jr Mill   Spring,  N.  C, 

Rush,   Norman    Gilmer Ashelioro,   N.  C. 

Russell,    Jesse    Kessllee Richlands,    Va. 

Ryan,  David  Wallace Rt.  8,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Sadler,  Eugene  Edward Englehard,   N.  C. 

Saieed,   Tommy   Anthony Greenville,   N.  C. 

Sain,  William 'Carlos '. 1001  8th  St.,  Statesville,  N,  C, 

Sales,  Junius  Lee Rt.  6,  Box  64,  Asheville.  N.  C. 

Salter,  I^uther  Carlton,  Jr Sheffield,  Ala. 

Samet,  Norman  Gilbert 300  Edge,  High  Point,  N.  C. 

Sanchez,  Richard  Joseph Murray  Hill,  N.  J. 

Sanders,  John  Walton,  Jr.. 

723  E.  Whitaker  Mill  Rd.,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Sanders,  William  Ferrell,  Jr Badin,  N.  C. 

Sanderson,  Virgil  Mayo Beulaville,  N.  C. 

Sasser,   Preston    Eugene Dover,   N.  C. 

Saunders.   David   Leroy Rt.   6,   Box   631.   Charlotte.  N.  C. 

Scanlon,  Daniel  Gerard 3043  Corlear  Ave.,  New  York,  N.  Y. 

Scarborongli,  Paul  E'ligene,  .Jr Statesville.  N.  C. 

Scarborough,  Roliert  Kenneth,  Rt.  7,  Box  938,  Greenslxiro.  N.  C. 

Schofield.   James    Roy Bessemer   City,   N.  C. 

Schrum,  Vernon  Jake I^inccdnton,  N.  C. 

Schul,   William   Andrew Hamilton.   Ohio 

Seism,  .Jolin  Avery Kings  Mountain.  N.  C. 

Scott,    Frederick   Mvers,    III Jacksonville,    N,  C. 

Scott,  Herbert  Ruel.'  Jr Bladenboro,  N,  C. 

Scott,  Jolui  Mct:iayton....3213  Commonwealth,  Charlotte.  N,  C, 

Sealey.  Homer  Lee Orrum,  N.  C. 

Seamon.  Donald  Ray Spencer,  N.  C. 

Sears,  Oscar   Fincli Apex,  N.  C. 

Searcy,  Donald  Bruce Mill  Spring,  N.  C. 

Roddey.  Thomas  Cowan Route  3,  Box  98B,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Rowe,    Mike    Bruce Hickory,    N.  C. 

Smith,  Haywood   Bunyan.  Jr Fayetteville,  N.  C. 

Stewart.  Allen  I>ee .". 130  Cox  Ave.",  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Seawell.   Arnold   Willard Al)erdeen,   N.  C. 

Seay,   Robert  Thomas Bryson   City,  N.  C. 

Seidenstein,  ilark  Albert 938  19th  St.,  Newport  N(\vs,  Va. 

Self,  George  Dewey,  Jr Leaksville,  N.  C. 

Selkinghaus,  George  Clifford iloncure,  N.  C. 

Sellers,  Bobby  Eugene Bessemer  City,  N.  C. 

Setzer,  Ward  Leavern Lenoir,  N.  C. 

Sewell,  David  Earl Roanoke  Rapids,  N,  C. 

Shanklin,  .Julius  Augustus,  Jr.,  406  Brooks  Ave.,  Raleigh,  N,  C, 

Sharpe,   Boyd   Idamus Sharpsburg,  N.  C. 

Sharpe,  William  Norman,  Jr Chapel  Hill,  N.  C. 

Shaw,    W'eslev    Edward Monroe,    N.  C. 

Shepherd,  James  Edward.  Jr Lewisville,  N.  C. 

Sherrill,    Charles    Dellinger Cherryville,    N.  C. 

Sherron,  .Jim   Kemp,  Jr Fuquav   Springs,  N.  C. 

Sideris,  John  Nicliolas Greenville,  N.  C 

Sigmon.  Arville  .Jenkins Newton,  N.  C. 

Sills.  Titus  Odell.  Jr Kannapolis.  N.  C, 

Simpler.  JIakolm  Glenn.  Jr Rt.  5,  Box  856,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Simpson,  Albert  Ix-rov Plymouth,  N.  C. 

Sinclair.   Guy   McCall Rowland,    N.  C. 

Sizemore,  Negrous  Columbus,  Jr., 

511  W.  8th  St.,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Skidmore,   William   James Mount  Gilead,   N.  C. 

Smathers,    Bruce    Leroy Canton,    N.  C. 

Smathers,  Sam  Taylor Canton,  N,  C. 

Smith,  Allen  Maurice Havelock,  N.  C, 

Smith,  Allie  Gray Newport,  N.  C. 

Smith,  Bobby  Earl 2113  Buckingham,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Smith.  Charles   Hall,  Jr Marion,  N.  C. 

Smith,   David   Alljert Lexington,  N.  C. 

Smith.  Drayton  Lendell,  Jr Albemarle,  N.  C. 

Smith,    Duane    Gordon Kannapolis,    N.  C. 

Smith,  Erwin  Stowe 2009  E.  5th  St.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Smith,  Eugene  Edward 905  Lakeview,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Smith,   Floyd  A.,  Ji Kinston,  N.  C. 

Smith,  Frederick  William, 

2019  Cherokee  Lane,  Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Smith,   Iverron   Kichard Newton,   N.  C. 

Smith,    Robert    Graham Cary,    N.  C. 

Smith,    William   llarvin Selma,   X.  C. 

Spahr,  Lawrence  Edward Rt.  3,  Bristol,  Va. 

Sparrow,  Thomas  tJleiiu Rt.  3,  Gastonia,  X.  C. 

Speed,    Kugeiie    Travis Speed,    K.  C. 

Spente,  George  liroughton,  Jr Lillington,  X.  C. 

Spiers,    Joseph    Knight Tarburo,    X.  C. 

Spinello,  Anthony  (ierald Southern  Pines,  N.  C. 

Spivey,    Wallace    Keeie Seagrove,    X'.  C. 

Spooner,  William  Edward Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Sprinkle,  John  Alex Kt.   1,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

\\  inborne.  Finch  Springs Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Stanley,    Bobby    Xeal Clarendon,    X.  C. 

Stass,  Jolin  Kobcrt Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Stegall,   Lutlicr   Earl Warrenton,   X.  C. 

Stephens,   Paul   JIadison Rocky   ilount,   X'.  C. 

Stevens,  Billy  ilaxton Sanford,  X.  C. 

Stevenson,   James   JIcMillin Henderson,   X.  C 

Stewart,  Robert  Turnage 2505  Country  Club,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 

Stinnett,  Charles  Xelson,  Jr Canton,  N.  C. 

Stirewalt,  1  rederick  Moses Kannapolis,  X^.  C. 

Stone,   Charles  Jackson Charlotte,   X.  C. 

Stovall,   Donald   Franklin Winston-Salem,  N.  C. 

Stradley,  Thomas  Francis Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Strange,  Rice  Gwynn Danville,  Va. 

Stuart,  Ray  Thornton 3020i4Roxboro  Rd.,  Durham,  X.  C. 

Summer,    Thomas    Larry Cherryville,    X".  C. 

Summerlin,   Lyman   Earl Jamestown,   X.  C. 

Summers,  James  Edwin,  Jr Gibsonville,  X.  C. 

Swain,  David  Ross Southport,  X.  C. 

Swaringen,   David   Leroy Albemarle,   X.  C. 

Sweatt,  Jerry  Oliver Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Sykes,    James    Grey Dunn,    X.  C. 

Tabor,  Christopher  Alan 38U7  Charles,  Baltimore,  Md. 

Talley,  Steve  Kent 1217  Hill  St.,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Tart,  Jimmy  Clifton Benson,  X.  C. 

Taylor,  David  Ray Spring  Hope,  X.  C. 

Taylor,  Jerome  Burton Snow  Camp,  X.  0. 

Taylor,  John  Robert Rt.  6,  Fayetteville,  X.  C. 

Taylor,  Kenneth  Xewsome Como,  N.  C. 

Taylor,  Larr}'  Holmes ilarion,  X.  C. 

Taylor,  Leslie   Everette 493.5   Jlonroe   St.,  Charlotte,   X\  C. 

Teasley,  Ralp  Currin Rt.  5,  Box  282,  Durham,  X.  C. 

Tedder,  Dewey  Ray Clarkton,  X.  C. 

Tetterton,   John   Marshall Bethel,  X.  C. 

Tharrington,  Ronnie  Owen Louisburg,  X.  C. 

Tharrington,  Tommie  Hight Louisburg,  X^.  C. 

Thomas,   Jack   Barker Rocky   Mount,   X.  C. 

Thomas  James  Joseph 1813  Grove  St.,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Thomas,  .Jesse  James Siler  City,  X.  C. 

Thomason,  James   Boyd,  Jr Tarboro,  X.  C. 

Thompson,  Daniel  Claude,  Jr Taylorsville,  X.  C. 

Thompson,   Delton   Reitzel Salisbury,   X.  C. 

Thompson,  Frank  Hooks Stantonburg,  X.  C. 

Thompson,   Ronald   Leon Laurinburg,   N.  0. 

Thompson,    Ronald    Wesley Luniberton,    X.  0. 

Thompson,  William  Ulysses Rt.  3,  Winston-Salem,  X'.  C. 

Thornburn,  Roliert  Muse Rt.  7,  Box  904,  Greensboro,  N.  C. 

Thornburg,  Clarence  Otto Dallas,  X.  C. 

Thornburg,  Robert  LeRoy 2320  Leroy  St.,  Gastonia,  X.  C. 

Tibbs,  Robert  Roger Xewton,  N.  C. 

Tillman,  Linton   Alexander, 

1307   Seminole  Dr.,  Greenslwro,  X.  C. 
Timmons,  Harry  Motte....2824   Beechnut  Rd.,  Charlotte,  X.  C. 

Tobert,  .Joseph   George Asheboro,  X.  C. 

Todd,  Robert  Baker Chapel  Hill,  X.  C. 

Tolar,  Tliomas  Simeon 2006  Dalton  Rd.,  Greensljoro,  N.  C. 

Tomlin,  Donald  Dean,  .Jr Hickory,  N.  C. 

Toney,  Fred,  Jr Mooresboro,  X.  C. 

Towles,  William  Brown, 

1102  Magnolia  Place,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Traylor,  Robert  Walker Norlina,  N.  0. 

Traywick,   Curtis   Clifton,  Jr Marshville,  N.  C. 

Trotman,    Frank    Bacon Haddonfield,    X.  C. 

Truitt,  Patricia  Ann Glen  Raven,  X.  C. 

Trunnell,  Albert  G.,  Jr Southport,  X.  C. 

Tucker,  Henry  Lansing,  .Jr Townsville,  X.  C. 

Tucker,  James  Lewis Warrenton,  X.  C. 

Turlington.  \\'illiam  Troy Jacksonville,  X.  C. 

Turner,   Richard    Edward Wadesboro,   X.  C. 

Turner,   Roger    Blair Gastonia,   X.  C. 

Turner,  William  Howard Sprager  Rd.,  Durham,  X.  C. 

Tyndali,   I^Rov   Elwood Kinston,   X.  C. 

Tyndall,  Paul  "Elwood Albertson,  X.  C. 

Tyson,   Bradley  Yates Wadesboro,   X.  C. 

Underwood,    Tony    Leon .Jonesville,    X.  C. 

Underwood  Willie  Eugene Wavnesville.  N.  C. 

Umstead,  Allan  Wade 1008  Southwood  Dr.," Durham,  X.  C. 

Umstead,  Ben  Lee,  Jr 1010  Minerva  Ave.,  Durham,  X.  C. 

Untz,  James  Xeal Belmont,  X.  C. 

Usdan,  ilyron  Stephen 356  Derby  Ave.,  Woodmere,  X.  Y. 

Ussery,  Milton   Everette Fairmont,   X.  C. 

Vann,  Joseph  McAlpin Johnson  City,  Tenn. 

Vaughn,    Kenneth    Everette Providence,   N.  C, 

Vick,  Johnnie  Glenn,  .Ir Xashville,  X.  C. 

\olger,  Charles  McKinney Mt.  Airy,  X,  C. 

Vogler,  Robert  Alan, 

2323  E.  Sprague  St.,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Wagstaff,  Robert  Lee,  Jr S.  Carolyn  Ave.,  Kannapolis,  X.  C. 

Wagner,  Walter  Rudolpli 219  Park  Ave.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Walker,  Paul  Dean Old  Hickorv,  Tenn. 

Wallace,   James   Dean Spindale,   X.  C. 

Wallace,    Leon    Earl Bath,    X.  C. 

Wallace,  Robert  Earl 324  Queens  St.,  Sanford,  X.  C. 

Walter,  Jesse  Clancy Grassy  Creek,  X.  C. 

Wand,  Xoali  Linwood Xakina,  X.  C. 

Ward,  Bennie  Ray,  Jr Elkin,  X.  C. 

W  ard,  James  Edward Rose  Hill,  X.  C. 

W  ard,  Robert  Lee,  Jr Mt.  Holly,  X.  C. 

Wardsworth,    Robert   Earl Macclesfield,   X.  C. 

Warlick,   Frederick,   Michael,  Ji-., 

319  W.  Horah  St.,  Salisbury,  X.  C. 
Warren,  James  Arnold.... 203  S.  Lackey  St.,  SUtesville,  X.  C. 
Warren,  Theodore  Samuel.... 1500  Mass.  Ave.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Warrick,   David  Paul Jackson,  X.  C. 

Watson,   Charles   Dennis Smithfield,   X.  0. 

Watson,  Larry  Wayne 517  Charlotte  Ave.,  Sanford,  X.  C. 

Watts,  Glenn  Brawler,  Jr Huntersville,  N.  C. 

Waugh,   Lentz   Hoover Rt.   6,   Statesville,   X.  C. 

Waynick,  Jack  Tillery 709  Mayflower,  Greensboro,  X.  C. 

Waynick,    Robert    Spencer Reidsville,   N.  C. 

W  eavil,  Jeflrey   Wayne Liberty,  X.  C. 

Webb,   Bruce  Hilton Fountain,  X.  C. 

Weber,  Andrew  John Cream  Ridge,  X.J. 

Weir,   James   Lynn Valdese,   N.  C. 

Weisser,  Arthur   Bernliardt Cresskill,   X.  J. 

Weldou,  Raymond  Thomas,  Jr Henderson,  X.  C. 

Welcli,  Richard  Vanneman,  2132  Wright  Ave.,  Greenslxiro,  X.  C. 

Wellborn,   William   Frederick Xorth   Wilkesboro,  X.  C. 

Wensil,  Larry  Eugene Concord,  N.  C. 

West,  John   Lewis Plantersville,  X.  C. 

Westbrook,  William  Hugh  Latimer,  III Gumberry,  X^.  C. 

Weston,    Robert    Franklin Williamston,    X.  C. 

Whaley,  Charles  Julian....2!lll  Chapel  Hill  Rd.,  Durham,  X.  C. 

\\  heatley,  James  Rolen,  Jr Beaufort,  N.  C. 

Whitaker,  Earl  Arvin Leicester,  X.  C. 

White,    Haywood    Carroll Colerain,   X.  C. 

White,  Herlicrt  Edison Xakina,  X.  C. 

White,  James  Franklin Sanford,  X.  C. 

White,  Kenneth  Norman, 

924   Franklin   St.,   Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Whitesell,  Fred  Erwin Pinehurst,  X.  C. 

Whitesides,   Charles   Edward Kings   Mountain,   X.  C. 

Whitesides,  Gene  Louis Lincolnton,  X.  C. 

Whitley,  Billy  Carroll Kenlv  X.  C. 

Whitman,  Richard  Xorwood, 

1023  S.  Hawthorne,  Winston-Salem,  X.  C. 

Wilder,    Bobby    Gene Wendell,    X.  C. 

Wifong,  Albert  Corpening,  Jr., Claremont,  X.  C. 

Wilkerson,  Maywood  Robert Lexington,  X.  C. 

Wilkes,    Eddie   Campl)ell Asheboro,   X.  C. 

Wilkinson,    Edward    Dayton Xewton,   X.  C. 

Willard,  Marion  Weslev, 

2"441    -Marble    St.,   Winston-Salem,   X.  C. 

Williams,  Robert  Keith Xewton  Grove,  X.  C. 

Williams,  Royce  Lee Salisbury,  X.  C. 

Williamson,  Donald  Hugh Lucama.  X'.  C. 

Williamson,  Finley  Lea,  III Ft.  Lauderdale,  Fla. 

Williamson,   Isaac  Hubert,   Jr Tarboro,  X.  C. 

Williamson,  Richard  Arlen Cerro  Cordo,  N.  C. 

Williford,   Jack   Preston Wilson,   X.  C. 

Willis,  James  Belmont,,  Jr Morehead  City,  X.  C. 

Wilson,   Dwight  Eugene Xewton,  N.  C. 

Wilson,   Joseph  Baker Magnolia,   X.  C. 

Wilson,  Larry  Kelly Rt.   2,  Burlington,  X\  C. 

Wilson,  Robert  Vance Concord,  N.  C. 

Womack,  Robert  Reid Franklin,  N.  C. 

Wood,  David  Lamar Benson,  X.  C. 

Wood,  Robert  Russell 104  N.  Lord  Ashley,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

W<K)dard,  Henry  Harrison Scotland  Xeck,  X.  C. 

Woodley,   Glenn   Walker Columbia,   X.  C. 

Woodruff,  James  Raymond Rt.  2,  Lawton,  Mich. 

Woods,  Hugh  Lawrence,  Jr Roxboro,  X.  C. 

Wooten,  Jimmv  Luther Walstonburg,  X.  C. 

Workman.  Tho"mas  Richard 1800  Park  Dr.,  Raleigh,  X.  C. 

Worley,  Jackie   Derring Canton,  N.  C. 

Worsley,  Samuel  Mayo Oak  City,  X.  C. 

Worthington,    Lloyd    Burton,    .Jr Winterville,    X.  C. 

Wright,  David  Wayne,  Jr Lynchburg,  Va. 

Wyke,  Thomas  Fulton Marion,  X'.  C. 

Yearwood,  Clarence  Lvman  Jr.. 

2214  Albany  St.,  Durham,  N.C. 

Yionoulis,   Stevie  Mike 805   W.   Xash   St.,  Wilson,  X.  C. 

Younts,    Charles    Richard Lexington,    X.  C. 

Younts,  Thomas  Lee Thomasville,  X.  C. 

Yonts,  Woodrow  Lloyd,  Jr Thomasville,  X.  C. 

Young,  Henry  Jerome,  III Statesville  X.  C. 

Yow,  John  Samuel 3101  High  Point  Rd.,  Greensboro,  X\  C. 

Zachary,  Claude  Ross 1446  Cyrus  St.,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 


To  the  following  \vc  Wdulil  likf  to  express  our  .sincere  thanks  for  llu'  siilcndid  cooiieratidii  ami 
advice  wliich  was  so  essential  Inr  the  iiiake-ii|i  and  coniiiletion  of  this  l!i.")('>  AiiUo.MKCK  :  Mr.  I'rice 
Coursey  of  Charlntte  Engraving  Coinpany:  ilr.  Fay  Smith  of  Smith  Studios;  Mrs.  ^Marlene  Thoni])- 
sou.  Secretary  of  Publications  Hoard:  Dean  Banks  Talley  i  Mrs.  Alice  Shirley;  :\Ir.  ('.  J.  Parker. 
Director  of  State  Advertising  Divi^idii  :  Miss  .\nii  Lilley  :  yiv.  Lindsey  Whicliard  and  Mr.  Rudolph 
Pate.  Chairman  of  Publications  Pmard. 

Without  the  help  and  adxice  of  these  persons  we  could  not  have  put  out  a  yearluiok  that  we 
wiiuld  111'  as  i)roud  of  as  we  are  this  1956  Ageomeck: — so  again,  our  thanks  to  each  of  you. 

FINANCIAL  JtKPUKT,  litdG  Aguojiecic 
(As  Some  People  Think!   ?#*!) 


Organizations ^     ^-""O-O" 

Fraternities  7,000.00 

Sponsors 3.000.00 

Donations   from   Loving   Friends - 000.00 

Picture    Fees - 195,000.00 

Advertising - 85,673.00 

Athletic   Department 10,000.00 

Hush  Money  fnmi  Editor  of  1955  Technician 467.93 



Staff  Party ^  §5.50 

Smith   Studio - 3.85 

J.  P.  Bell  Co 28.23 

Traveling  Expenses - 2.000.00 

Secretary's    Salary 1.554.09 

Business  Manager's  Engagement  Eing 4,683.97 

Down  Payment  on  Editor's  Engagement  Ring 690.00 

Kick  Hack  to  Various  Campus  Wlieels 7o3.90 

Cnrcportald,.    Expenses ■  ■ 3,260.00 

Editor's  New  Used  Car 4,500.00 

Total $   17.559.54 

Net   PiiOFiT .$2 88.613.3:5 

Note:  The  Editor  and  P>usiness  Manager  have  retired  to  Catalina  islanil  wliciv  they  recently  bought 
a  luxuridus  ■'maiisidn  bv  the  sea''  on  .shares  with  ^lessrs.  Clogston  ami  Casey  of  the  Athletic 

Audited  by  .Mpbama  O.  Brilligman.  CPA.,  PUB..  lUU. 

