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Cataloging Rules for 

Author and Title 



A.L.A. Cataloging Rules, Second Edition 





(ex officio) ETHEL BOND, President 

American Library Association 
Division of Cataloging and Classification 

A. L. A. 

Cataloging Rules for 

Author and Title 


Prepared by the Division of Cataloging and 

Classification of the American 

Library Association 


Edited by 

American Library Association 

Chicago, 1949 

The Preliminary American Second Edition of A.L.A. Catalog Rules, on 
Part I of which the present volume is based, was prepared by: 


Catalog Code Revision Committee 

Rudolph Gjelsness Chairman and Editor-m-Cfiief 

Nella J. Martin Executive Assistant and General Editor 

Charles Martel Consultant 


Rudolph Gjelsness, Chairman 

T* Franklin Currier Harriet D. MacPherson 

J. C. M. Hanson Margaret Mann 

Keyes D. Metcalf 


Definitions Anna M. Monrad and Anonymous classics Amelia Krieg 

Clara Newth de Villa S. Periodicals Mary W. MacNair 

Documents James B. Childs CapitalizationDelia J. Sisler 

Societies and institutions Harriet W. Incunabula T. Franklin Currier 

Pierson Maps and atlasesFrances Ambuhl 

Religious entries Julia Pettee MusicEva J. O'Meara 
Index Katherine E. Schultz 


Margaret Mann 
Harriet D. MacPherson Arnold H. Trotier 


Effie G. Abraham, Frances Ambuhl, Hazel Bartlett, Bertha Bassam, Ethel Bond, 
James B. Childs, Flora Eckert, Mrs. Anna S. Erichsen, Reverend Colman Farrell 
Sophie K. Hiss, Amelia Krieg, Mary W. MacNair, Lucy W. Markley, Anna M. Monrad, 
Isadore G. Mudge, Theodore A, Mueller, Eva J. O'Meara, Julia Pettee, Miss Clyde 
Pettus, Harriet W. Pierson, Harriet B, Prescott, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Radtke, William M. 
Randall, Marion M. Root, Bertha M. Schneider, Katherine E. Schultz, Delia J. Sisler, 
Arnold H. Trotier, Mrs. Clara Newth de Villa S., Rufh Wallace, Katherine Warren, 
Wyllis E. Wright. 


James D. Stewart, Bermondsey Public Library (Chairman) ; Henry W. Acomb, Dur- 
ham University (Honorary secretary); E. Ansell, Cambridge University Library- 
Herbert M. Cashmore, Birmingham Public Library; F. J. King, Bodleian Library; 
C. B. Oldman, British Museum; C. J. Purnell, London Library; James Ross, Bristol 
Public Library; F. E. Sandry, Edmonton Public Libraries; Henry A, Sharp, Croydcn 
Public Libraries; Margaret S. Taylor, School of Librarianship, University College 
London. * * 

Copyright 1949 by The American Library Association 
Manufactured in the United States of America 


The cataloging rules here presented are an expansion and revision of 
the rules of entry and heading of the 1908 edition of CATALOG RULES, 
AUTHOR AND TITLE ENTRIES. They go back in origin to the rules presented 
at the Buffalo conference of the American Library Association in 1883, 
which were printed in the Library journal of that year (v. 8: 251-54) 
and reprinted in Cutter's Rules for a dictionary catalog, 3d edition, 1891. 
For an earlier forerunner, with its concise statement of many of the 
principles underlying the rules, reference should be made to Panizzi's 
British Museum Rules of 1841, the most important codification up to that 
time and one which greatly influenced subsequent rules in many countries 
and especially in the United States. Incidentally it may be noted that 
these revised rules have profited from a study of the application of 
existing rules to specific cases as revealed in the British Museum Catalog 
and other catalogs of comparable character, especially the files of printed 
cards of the Library of Congress. 

History. The Rules of 1908 were the product of an American Library 
Association committee which was organized in 1901, a year notable also 
for the initiation by the Library of Congress of its printed card service 
to other libraries. The rules formulated by that committee were developed 
over a period of experimentation when libraries were beginning in a 
tentative way to incorporate these printed cards into their catalogs. The 
chairman of that committee was James C. M. Hanson, for many years 
chief of the Catalog Division of the Library of Congress. It was a for- 
tunate circumstance that the Library of Congress was engaged in revising 
its own rules and its own catalogs at a time when the Association was 
seeking a standardization of cataloging practices in order to further 
cooperative or centralized cataloging. The committee which drew up 
the 1908 rules was in a position to reconcile to a great degree the prac- 
tices of the Library of Congress with those of other scholarly libraries 
in the United States. 

Since that time there has been steady progress in the standardization 
of library catalogs, furthered by the increasing use of Library of Congress 
printed cards. American libraries have revised their catalogs extensively, 
frequently at great cost, in order to incorporate easily these printed 
cards. It has followed that cards prepared in individual libraries for 



purely local use have also tended to observe Library of Congress prac- 
tices with such modifications as the local situation might prescribe. 
In the absence of any supplementary rules from the American Library 
Association between 1908 and 1941, libraries had to formulate their own 
rules, relying for guidance chiefly on rules issued occasionally by the 
Library of Congress, added to such deductions relating to practice as 
could be made from the printed cards as examples. 

In 1930, the American Library Association Committee on Cataloging 
and Classification, in response to an inquiry from the Association regard- 
ing needed publications in the field of cataloging, suggested among other 
projects a revised code of cataloging rules as being of first importance. 
A subcommittee, the Catalog Code Revision Committee, with Charles 
Martel of the Library of Congress as chairman, was appointed to begin 
work on a revision. This subcommittee was made an independent com- 
mittee of the Association in 1932 "to make necessary revisions in the 
A. L. A. Catalog rules with authority to cooperate with the Library Asso- 
ciation of Great Britain and with such other national library associations 
as it may think appropriate." 

The work was actually inaugurated during the years 1930 to 1935. 
In this period, cataloging groups studied and discussed the direction 
the revision should take, and material pertinent to the revision was as- 
sembled. Opinions were sought from members of the profession and a 
considerable body of data was collected. This included suggested new 
rulings, additional examples to accompany old rules, and numerous 
questions which the old Rules did not answer. The Committee met at 
annual conferences, and some new rules were promulgated and approved. 
Being dependent entirely on voluntary effort, progress was necessarily 
slow. This was perhaps not unfortunate as it provided a period of stock 
taking, allowed a preliminary investigation of the extent of the project 
and some experimentation in its execution. From the evidence before 
the Committee, it soon became apparent that dissatisfaction with the 
1908 code rested not with its inclusions but rather with its omissions. 
The basic rules were on the whole satisfactory but did not meet the 
present day needs of the cataloger in the large scholarly or specialized 
collection. Expansion was needed rather than change. This was clearly 
brought out in a meeting of the New York Regional Group of Catalogers 
in April, 1931, under the chairmanship of Minnie E. Sears, where re- 
vision needs were discussed. 1 It was emphasized further in Mr. Hanson's 
address before the Catalog Section at the A. L. A. Conference of 1932. 2 

/New York Regional Group of Catalogers, "Summary of discussion of need for re- 
7I ?SV f 5 a S log code ' c d*bo* * classifier^ yearbook no, 3 (1932), p. 250-29. 
J. C. M. Hanson, "Revision of A. L. A, Catalog rules," ibid., p, 7-19 


The needs were emphasized and elaborated upon by a member of the 
Committee, Julia Pettee, in the Library Journal of April 15, 1936. 

Relation to cooperative cataloging. In the meantime cooperative cata- 
loging activities had experienced considerable growth under a committee 
of the American Library Association (Keyes D, Metcalf, chairman) 
aided by a grant from the General Education Board. As a consequence, 
a larger number of libraries became involved in the work of supplying 
copy for printing and distribution by the Library of Congress, and the 
amount of copy provided by libraries previously cooperating was greatly 
increased. This created an urgent demand from such libraries for rules 
which would answer the many questions arising in the preparation of 
this copy. Much time was lost by individual catalogers seeking prece- 
dents in the files of printed cards, and, if this source failed, engaging in 
complicated correspondence with cooperative cataloging headquarters 
at the Library of Congress. It was this demand, along with the growing 
realization that voluntary effort could not produce a new code within 
a reasonable time, which culminated in a decision to seek a subvention 
to hasten the revision. 

Carnegie Corporation grant. With the aid of the Executive Com- 
mittee of the Catalog Code Revision Committee in December, 1935, the 
chairman prepared a statement outlining the plans and stating the 
financial needs of the Committee. This was endorsed by the members 
of that committee (W. W. Bishop, James C. M. Hanson, Harriet D. Mac- 
Pherson, Margaret Mann, Keyes D. Metcalf), was submitted by the 
chairman to Carl H. Milam, Executive Secretary of the American Library 
Association, and by him to the Executive Board of the American Li- 
brary Association, urging that a subvention be secured. The Carnegie 
Corporation, friend of so many worthy publishing projects in the library 
field, made a grant in April, 1936 to further the revision. Nella Martin 
from the staff of the Library of Congress was appointed executive assis- 
tant and began work in September, 1936. 

Plan of work. The revision progressed in two main directions: from 
the central headquarters under the direction of the executive assistant; 
and in the field through subcommittees appointed to prepare rules for 
special classes of material. 

The committee met at annual conferences of the American Library 
Association to discuss questions which arose in the progress of the work 
and to make necessary decisions. The subcommittees were responsible 
for the inclusion of much new material not previously available in so 
systematic or full a form. These subcommittees and their chairmen were 
as follows: Definitions (Anna M. Monrad), Religious entries (Julia 
Pettee), Anonymous classics (Amelia Krieg), Documents (James B. 



Childs), Music (Eva J. O'Meara), Incunabula (T. Franklin Currier), 
Societies and institutions (Harriet W. Pierson) . In most cases the rules 
were circularized first by the subcommittees and revised by them, and 
were later edited by Miss Martin to bring them into conformity with 
the rest of the code. The rules for music were developed in collabora- 
tion with a committee of the Music Library Association. 

The formulation of definitions of cataloging terms, recognized as one 
of the major tasks of the committee from the beginning, was investigated 
carefully by the subcommittee from 1935 to 1938, and a considerable 
number of tentative definitions were formulated. The task of carrying 
this on and preparing the list for printing was entrusted to Mrs. Clara 
Newth de Villa S. who is chiefly responsible also for the form in which it 
appears in the revised second edition. 

The preliminary edition. The preliminary edition, published in 1941, 
expanded the rules of 1908 to make more provision for special classes of 
material, e.g., serial publications, government documents, publications of 
religious bodies, anonymous classics, music and maps; to amplify exist- 
ing rules to cover specific cases of frequent occurrence; to provide better 
examples and more adequate definitions. It was divided into two parts: 
"Part I. Entry and heading;" "Part II. Description of book." As certain 
parts of the rules were criticized as being overelaborate and likely to 
make cataloging unduly expensive, a Committee on the Use of the Code 
was appointed to consider the various points of view and to make recom- 
mendations bearing on further revision. This committee, in 1944, sub- 
mitted its report 3 to the Executive Board of the American Library Asso- 
ciation, which accepted the recommendations of the Committee and in- 
structed the Catalog Code Kevision Committee to proceed with the 
revision of Part I in the light of the criticism available. Further work 
on Part II was deferred. 

As the Catalog Code Revision Committee had no funds at its dis- 
posal little could be done before 1946, when it received a grant from the 
American Library Association. By direction of the American Library 
Association Council, the Catalog Code Revision Committee, which was 
an Executive Board committee, was discontinued and the responsibility 
for the revision of Part I placed with the A. L. A. Division of Cataloging 
and Classification. 

The revised edition, In July, 1946, an editor, Clara Beetle, was ap- 
pointed by the Division of Cataloging and Classification, and, having boon 
granted six months' leave from the Library of Congress, she began the 
editorial revision of Part I on September 1, 1946. She was guided in her 
work by the suggestions and criticisms already available, some sent to 
3 A. L. A. bulletin, v. 38. Oct. 1, 1944. 



the editor of the 1941 edition and some in print, and by the aid and 
counsel of an Advisory Board. The Board, appointed by the Division 
of Cataloging and Classification, was composed of the following mem- 
bers: Rudolph Gjelsness, Evelyn M. Hensel, M. Ruth MacDonald, Har- 
riet D. MacPherson, Mary Hays Marable, Lucile M. Morsch and Arnold 
H. Trotier. Many others were consulted by the Board or by the editor 
on both general and specific questions raised by the comments on the 
preliminary edition. 

The chief changes from the preliminary edition are a rearrangement 
of the material to emphasize the basic rules and subordinate their ampli- 
fications, and to make the sequence of rules logical so far as possible; 
reduction of the number of alternate rules; omission of rules of descrip- 
tion; rewording to avoid repetition or to make the meaning clearer; and 
revision, where possible, of rules inconsistent with the general principles. 4 
Acknowledgements. It is impossible to list all the individuals who 
assisted in one way or another in the preparation of the preliminary 
edition (1941) . The editors had the cooperation not only of the mem- 
bers of the committee, the chairmen of subcommittees, editors of sec- 
tions, and members of the editorial subcommittee, but also of a large 
advisory committee. Other individuals whose assistance should be ac- 
knowledged are Catharine Keyes Millfer and Richard S. Angell, in con- 
nection with the music rules; Margaret B. Stillwell and Dean P. Lock- 
wood with the incunabula rules; Leon Nemoy, especially on Oriental 
names, Shio Sakanishi, Naomi Fukuda, and Da-June Lu on Japanese 
and Chinese names; David J. Haykin, especially in preparing the trans- 
literation tables; and Horatia Corbin, in preparation of the Index. As- 
sistance or criticism of the tentative revisions was given by W. W. 
Bishop, Susan Grey Akers, Alice Charlton, Jens Nyholm, Andrew D. 
Osborn, and Esther A, Smith, and by Charles Harris Hastings, Jessie 
McL. Watson and other members of the Library of Congress staff. 

In the preparation of the revised edition, the editor had the assistance 
not only of the Advisory Board, but also of members of the former com- 
mittee, especially the editors of sections. Thanks are due particularly 
to Amelia Krieg, Julia Pettee and Harriet W. Pierson, and also to mem- 
bers of the Library of Congress staff who answered questions and pre- 
pared or criticized drafts of rules in their special fields. Mrs. Clara Newth 
de Villa S.'s offer to undertake revision of the Glossary was most grate- 
fully accepted. The definitions and rules for music were prepared by a 
joint committee of the A. L. A. Division of Cataloging and Classification 

*Cf. "Progress report on the editing of Part I of the A. L. A. catalog rules," News 
notes of the Board of Directors (A. L. A. Division of Cataloging and Classification, 
1947) v. 3, no. 2, p. 4-8. 



and the Music Library Association, with Mrs. Virginia Cunningham as 

The British Committee, whose cordial cooperation was interrupted in 
1939 by the outbreak of war, has been kept informed of progress and 
general agreement is assured. The work on the preliminary edition 
profited throughout from suggestions that came through the Honorary 
Secretary, H. S. Acomb, Librarian of Durham University, reporting on 
sections of the tentative rules as they passed through the hands of the 
British Committee. 


A. L. A. Catalog Code Revision Committee 


Preface v 

Introduction x i x 

Rules of Entry and Heading 

I. Choice of Main Entry 

1. General rule 3 

2. Individual author, Works by 3 

3. Joint authors, Works by 4 

4. Composite works 5 

A. Collaborators, Works by 5 

B. Debates, conversations, interviews, table-talk ... 6 

5. Collections and serials 7 

A. Collections 7 

B. Encyclopedias and dictionaries 10 

C. Periodicals and newspapers 10 

D Almanacs, yearbooks, etc 14 

E. Directories 14 

F. Series 15 

Works of Special Type 

6. Correspondence and letters 16 

7. Expeditions (Reports, etc.) 17 

8. Inscriptions t 20 

9. Manuscripts 21 

A. Manuscripts and facsimiles of manuscripts .... 21 

B. Calendars of manuscripts 25 

10. Maps and atlases 26 

11. Mediumistic writings 28 

12. Music 28 

13. Private collections (Catalogs) 35 



14. Radio scripts 37 

15. Scenarios (Motion picture) 38 

16. Ships' logs 38 

17. Theses and dissertations 38 

18. Visitations, Heraldic 40 

19. Works of art 49 

Works Belated to Previous Publications 

20. Revisions 43 

21. Translations 43 

22. Abridgments, adaptations, excerpts 44 

23. Dramatizations and novelizations 45 

24. Parodies and imitations 46 

25. Continuations (Supplements) 47 

26. Sequels 48 

27. Indexes 48 

28. Concordances 50 

29. Commentaries and scholia 50 

Works of Doubtful or Unknown Authorship 

30. Pseudonymous works 52 

31. Spurious works and works of doubtful authorship ... 54 

32. Anonymous works (General) 57 

33. Anonymous classics 62 

34. Bible 74 

35. Sacred literature (other than the Bible) 78 

A. Jewish sacred literature 78 

B. Buddhist scriptures 80 

C. Hindu scriptures 81 

D. Koran 81 

H. Personal Authors (Form of Entry) 

36. General rule g2 

37. Modern authors g2 

38. Compound surnames 82 

39. Surnames with prefixes 83 

40. Forenames (form when used with surname) 86 

41. Titles of nobility, office, etc 37 



42. Dates and designations 88 

43. Forename as entry word 89 

44. Writers known under sobriquets, nicknames, etc. ... 89 

45. Changed names 90 

46. Married women 91 

47. Saints 94 

48. Popes 96 

49. Patriarchs 9$ 

50. Cardinals 97 

51. Ecclesiastical princes 97 

52. Bishops and archbishops 97 

53. Religious orders, Changed names of persons in .... 100 

54. Bible characters 102 

55. Sovereigns and rulers 102 

56. Princes of the blood 105 

57. Noblemen 106 

Ancient and Medieval Writers 

58. Ancient Greek writers 109 

59. Byzantine writers 109 

60. Classical Latin writers 110 

61. Medieval writers HO 

62. Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation writers with 
classicized names 112 

63. Post-Reformation and modern writers with classicized 

names 113 

Oriental Names 

64. Arabic names 113 

65. Hebrew names 116 

66. Japanese names 118 

67. Chinese names 119 

68. Annamese names 120 

69. Burmese and Karen names 121 

70. Indie names 123 

HI. Corporate Bodies as Authors 

71. General rule and specification 126 



Government Publications 

72. General rule 126 

73. Sovereigns, presidents, governors, etc 128 

74. Legislative bodies 130 

75. Executive departments, etc 131 

A. Bureaus or offices subordinate to a department . . 131 

B. Divisions and other units 131 

C. Reports, papers, etc., by an official 132 

D. Reports not by an official 132 

E. Collection or series of reports 133 

76. Armies, navies, etc 133 

77. State Guards and National Guard (U. S.) 135 

78. Embassies, legations, consulates, etc 135 

79. Delegation, delegates, delegate 135 

80. Archives 135 

81. Government commissions and committees 136 

82. Special local government districts 137 

83. Laws, Ancient and medieval 137 

84. Laws, Modern 137 

85. Constitutions 140 

86. Constitutional conventions 140 

87. Charters 140 

88. Treaties 140 

89. Courts 142 

90. Trials 144 

A. Pleas and briefs 144 

B. Civil actions 145 

C. Contested elections 145 

D. Crown, state, and criminal trials 146 

E. Impeachment trials 146 

F. Courts-martial and courts of inquiry 147 

G. Admiralty proceedings 147 

H. Collected reports of trials 147 

Societies and Institutions 

91. General rule (Societies) 14g 

92. General rule (Institutions) 151 



93. Entry word (Societies or institutions) 154 

94. Corporate names practically unknown 157 

95. Incorporated societies 158 

96. Political parties 158 

97. International societies 159 

98. Orders of knighthood, secret orders, etc 160 

99. Federated societies 164 

100. Affiliated societies 164 

101. Societies related to, but not an integral part of, a larger 
organization 164 

102. Institutions forming an integral part of a larger organization 166 

103. Institutions located in suburbs later absorbed in a metro- 
politan area 167 

104. State and provincial institutions (U. S. and Canada) . . 167 

105. American state historical and agricultural societies ... 168 

106. Agricultural experiment stations 169 

107. Public schools 170 

108. Private and endowed schools 170 

109. Indian schools (U. S.) 171 

110. Radio stations 171 

111. University and union league clubs 172 

112. Volunteer fire companies and associations ..... 172 

113. Mercantile library associations 172 

114. Gilds 172 

Religious Societies and Institutions 

115. Churches not organized within national bounds .... 173 

116. Catholic and Eastern churches 173 

A. Local ecclesiastical units 173 

B. Orthodox Eastern Church 174 

C. Lesser Eastern churches 174 

D. Eastern churches in communion with Rome ... 174 

E. Ecclesiastical documents 175 

F. Liturgies 175 

117. Canon law (Catholic and Eastern churches) 178 

118. Catholic Church (special rules) 180 

A. Pope and Holy See 180 

B. Congregations, etc 181 



118. Catholic Church (special rules) continued 

C. Concordats 181 

D. Indulgences 182 

119. Councils and synods 183 

120. Protestant denominations 184 

A. Denominations with corporate names 184 

B. Denominations without corporate names (state or na- 
tional churches) 184 

C. Denominational bodies congregational in polity . . . 184 

D. Legislative and administrative departments and organi- 
zations 185 

E. Local administrative units 186 

F. Local ecclesiastical councils 187 

G. Creeds, hymnals, and service books 187 

121. Creeds, hymnals, and service books (Jewish) . ... 187 

122. Religious orders 187 

123. Monasteries, abbeys, convents, etc 189 

124. Churches, cathedrals, etc 191 

125. Church vs. parish, society, etc 194 

126. Subsidiary church institutions 195 

127. Denominational societies with local units 197 

128. Church auxiliary societies 197 

129. Temples 197 

130. Mosques 198 

Miscellaneous Bodies Not Included in the Specifications 
for Societies and Institutions 

131. Diplomatic congresses 199 

132. International meetings 200 

133. Congresses of groups of states having .similar language or 
culture 202 

134. National congresses 202 

135. Institutes, conferences, conventions, etc 203 

136. Exhibitions, etc 203 

137. Pre-congress or pre-exhibition publications 204 

138. Festivals ^ * 205 

139. Commissions and committees 205 

140. Committees and meetings of citizens 206 



141. Classes of citizens ............. 207 

142. Boards, trustees, etc ............. 207 

143. Foundations, endowments, funds ........ 208 

144. Firms, business corporations, etc ......... 208 

145. Banks ................ 210 

146. Chambers of commerce, boards of trade, stock, produce, 
and other exchanges ............ 211 

147. Parks ................ 213 

148. Cemeteries ............... 213 

149. Botanical and zoological gardens ........ 214 

IV. Geographic Headings 

150. Language of heading ............ 215 

151. States, provinces, etc ............. 215 

152. Counties ................ 216 

153. Cities and towns ............. 216 

154. Political division in heading .......... 217 

155. Places of the same name in one country ...... 218 

156. Special rulings .............. 219 

V. Added Entries. References 

157. Added entries .............. 220 

158. References ............... 221 


L Glossary ................. 229 

II. Abbreviations Used in Headings ......... 236 

III. Rules of Style for Headings ........... 238 

IV. Transliteration ............... 243 




The A. L. A. CATALOGING RULES are intended to represent the best or 
the most general current practice in cataloging of the libraries of the 
United States. The rules are not few nor are they, in total, simple, for 
the material to which they are to be applied is almost as multitudinous 
and complicated as humanity itself. The world may have become one 
world, but we certainly do not yet speak with one tongue nor even 
write our various languages in one alphabet. Our names are formed 
differently, our governments and institutions are variously organized, 
our ways of publishing are not the same. 

Whether books are to be read from the left or the right, the top or 
the foot of the page, whether authorship is individual or collective, all 
books are written to express man's ideas and libraries are formed be- 
cause other men wish to read and study those ideas. 

The cataloger's main business is to make the collection of books and 
other materials accessible to all who have a legitimate claim on its 
resources. These persons include not only readers and research workers, 
but members of the administrative, order, reference and cataloging staffs 
of the library itself. Determination of the extent, nature and fullness 
of cataloging needed for various types of material and by any particular 
library should be reached through study of the needs of all these groups. 

The A. L. A. CATALOGING RULES, however, are intended neither as a 
handbook of cataloging nor as a manual of procedure. They give no 
instructions on the selection of material for cataloging, nor on research 
methods; only incidentally do they list any bibliographical aids to re- 
search. After decision to catalog a work has been made and the necessary 
information in regard to its authorship has been obtained, these rules aid 
the cataloger in the choice of entry and form of the heading so that a 
reasonable degree of standardization and uniformity may prevail, not 
only within one catalog, but especially in enterprises such as centralized 
and cooperative cataloging, the making of union catalogs and the com- 
piling of bibliographies. Such uniformity makes the use of a catalog 
easier, since the user learns what to expect. It helps both research 
workers and library workers who go from one library to another to 
find that the same rules have been applied in the making of the catalogs. 



As the catalogs of most American libraries are dictionary card cata- 
logs, the rules are prepared with that type particularly in mind. These 
rules, however, are restricted primarily to author and title entry. Sub- 
ject headings are mentioned only where they bear an important relation- 
ship to the choice of main entry or where there would be a choice between 
a subject entry and some other form of added entry. 

The principle on which the cataloging is planned is the use as main 
entry of the author, personal or corporate, considered to be chiefly re- 
sponsible for the creation of the intellectual content of the work. 1 Thus 
the finding list function of the catalog is extended beyond what is re- 
quired for location of a single book to the location of literary units 2 
about which the seeker has less precise information. Added entries 
provide alternative means of approach to help those who lack complete 
knowledge of a specific work desired or those who lack sufficient ac- 
quaintance with the rules of entry to enable them to reach quickly the 
heading chosen as the main entry. Added entries serve also to complete 
the assembling of related material as part of a literary unit. 

In establishing headings, preference is usually given to authoritative 
forms: to full names and real names of persons, to full legal names of 
corporate bodies, to the use of the vernacular in both personal and 
corporate names. Exceptions are made to allow use of shorter or dif- 
ferent forms made familiar by an author's consistent use or by literary 
custom. Names of corporate bodies also may be -used in a shortened 
form when the full corporate name is so little used as to be practically 
unknown. Preference is given to English when an international organ- 
ization has its name in many languages. Geographic names are given in 
English when that is a well-established usage. In all cases, references 
from forms not used lead to the established heading. 

Similarly, exceptions or qualifications are made when too strict an 
application of a general rule 3 would result in a heading not giving the 
most direct approach. Perhaps there should be other similar modifica- 
tions, but they could be made wisely only on the basis of many more 
studies of reader approach and catalog use than are now available. 

The exceptions to the general principles and to the general rules result 
from practical experience and make the rules, not arbitrary decisions 
reached by a theoretical plan alone, but decisions sufficiently flexible to 
require the exercise of sound judgment on the part of the cataloged 

^ P**h. in cataloging," Catalog and 

< development of authorship enfcy ,' Library quarterly, v. 6 

****** < 4th ** ^written, 


interpreting and applying them. Similar good judgment is needed in 
extending and adapting the general rules to problems not specifically 

Examples are given to aid in understanding and interpreting the rules, 
but they are illustrative only of the points of entry and heading covered 
by the rides. None are complete catalog entries. No attempt should be 
made to use them as examples for description of the book, nor to derive 
rules of description from them. 

The cataloger must determine for each work cataloged: (1) what the 
author or main entry should be; (2) what the form of the heading 
should be in what language, under what part of a name, whether 
corporate bodies should be entered under their names directly or as 
subheadings under country, state or city, etc.; (3) what references should 
be made to lead to the heading chosen; (4) what added entries should 
be made. These decisions should be made within the framework of the 
rules, unless the library has determined a different policy. 

Since promoting increased uniformity and standardization is an im- 
portant purpose of the rules, few alternative rules have been suggested. 
It is recognized, however, that some other variations may be justifiable. 
For example, libraries which provide material for general reading rather 
than for research work may prefer to use an English form of name in- 
stead of the recommended vernacular or classical form, or a well-known 
pseudonym instead of the real name; the fullness of name entries may 
be reduced; the subdivision of the author entry need not be so minute. 4 
It should be emphasized, however, that such deviation should be made 
only to gain some distinct advantage, since libraries benefit most from 
the work of other libraries when all conform to standard practice. 

In the present edition, an effort has been made to bring the rules 
abreast of practice that has changed since 1941 and to fill any notable 
gaps in the rules as given in the preliminary edition. There can, how- 
ever, be no expectation that provision has been made for all contingencies 
nor that changes and modifications will not be required by future de- 
velopments, either in publishing fields or in library administration. 

Second edition 

* Cl Susan G. Alters, Simple library cataloging (3d ed.; Chicago, American Library 
Association, 1944). 


Rules of 
Entry and Heading 

I. Choice of Main Entry 

1. General rule. 

Enter a work under the name of its author whether personal or 

The author is considered to be the person or body chiefly respon- 
sible for the intellectual content of the book, literary, artistic or musical. 
(2, 6-19) When that responsibility is divided, the choice of main entry 
may be the first author mentioned, as with joint authors, or if there 
are many contributors, the collector or editor of the material may be 
considered the author. (3-4) The work of many contributors issued 
serially or in many volumes or editions is usually entered under title, 
since the editors may vary. (5) 

When authorship is undeterminable, entry is made under a head- 
ing substituted for an author's name (as a pseudonym) (30, 31C) or 
under title. (32-35) 

Governments, societies, institutions, and other organizations are to 
be regarded as the authors of the publications for which they as cor- 
porate bodies are responsible, but the papers, addresses, etc., of their 
officials, members or employees as individuals, are entered under per- 
sonal author, even though issued by the corporate body. (Cf. III. 

A form subdivision is sometimes added to the heading to assemble 
material in a group or in a desired order. (Cf. 31, 33A(1), 85-88, 

2. Individual author, Works by. 

Enter a work under the name of its author, when known, whether 
or not his name appears in the publication. (Cf. 32.) Enter revisions 
and other modifications under the original author whenever the work 
remains substantially his, especially if the book purports to be an 
edition of the original work. (Cf. 20-22.) 

Holbrook, Stewart Hall, 1893- 

Lost men of American history, by Stewart H. Holbrook. 
i. Title. 

cBlunden, Edmund Charles, 1896- 

De bello Gennanico, a fragment o trench history, written in 
1918 by the author of Undertones of war. 

i. Title. 


cKerr, Doris Boake, 1893- 

The twig is bent, by Capel Boake 

i. Title. 
Biemann, Hugo, 1849-1919. 

Hugo Riemanns Musik-Lexikon. 11. Aufl. bearbeitet von Alfred 

t Einstein, Alfred, 1880- 

Adler, Alfred, 1870-1937. 

Understanding human nature . . . translated by Walter B6ran 

i. Wolfe, Walter B6ran, 1900-1935, tr. n. Title. 
Joint authors, Works by. 

A. Enter under the first author mentioned on the title page a work 
produced jointly by two or more authors in which the contribution 
of each is not a separate and distinct part of the whole. Make added 
entry 1 with designation JOINT AUTHOR for any author after the first 
whose name is included in transcribing the title. 

Nichols, Boy Franklin, 1896- 

America yesterday, by Roy F. Nichols, William C. Bagley and 
Charles A. Beard, with drawings by George M. Richards. 

r ' . Wi ^m Chandler, 1874- joint author, n. Beard, 

Charles Austin, 1874- ^oint author, m. Title. 

B, In a work of joint authorship in which the chief responsibility 
rests with one author, but the title page reads "with the collaboration 
of . . ." or words to that effect, the making of added entries for the 
coUaborators will depend on (1) the nature of the work; (2) the 
number of collaborators and the importance of their contribution. 
Warden, Carl John, 1890- 

Animal motivation; experimental studies on the albino rat 
by C. J. Warden . with the collaboration of T. N. Jenkins, Marion 
Jenkins, L. H. Warner, E. L. Hamilton t and 3 H. W. Nissen 

f lumbia Unive ^ C <* * 
University ' Council f or Resea *& in the Social Sciences. 

C. If in a work of more than one volume, the names of the joint 
authors do not appear in the same order on the title pages of the 
different volumes, enter under the name which appears first on the 
title page of the first volume and give variation in a note, 
Woody, Clifford, 1884- 

w^ h Jl d " We i^ a ^ e o CS W ' %**** book series > b y Clifford 
Woody . . . Frederick S. Breed . . . t and 3 James R. Overman 


^l der T ick S J 8 ^ J a* R- Overman and Clifford 
S Oveman > 


D. If on the title page of a second or later edition, the order of 
the joint authors has been changed, enter under the name which 
appears first on the earliest edition and add an explanatory note. 

Blackmar, Frank Wilson, 1854-1931. 

Outlines of sociology, by John Lewis Gillin . . . and Frank 
W. Blackmar . . . 3d ed. 

In the earlier editions Blackmar's name appeared first on the title- 

i. Gillin, John Lewis, 1871- joint author. 

E. Enter a narrative told by one person to another person (re- 
porter, "ghost writer," etc.) who prepares the matter for publication, 
under the narrator. Make added entry for the writer. 

Jewitt, John Rodgers, 1783-1821. 

The adventures of John Jewitt, only survivor of the crew 
of the ship, Boston, during a captivity of nearly three years 
among the Indians of Nootka Sound, in Vancouver Island, edited 
with an introduction and notes by Robert Brown . . . 

"Written by ... Richard Alsop . . . c who] drew from Jewett his story 
during repeated interviews." Hist. mag. v. 4, 1860, p. 91. 

I. Alsop, Richard, 1761-1815. n. Brown, Robert, 1842-1895, ed. 

Belmonte y Garcia, Juan, 1892- 

Juan Belmonte, killer of bulls; the autobiography of a mata- 
dor ... as told to Manuel Chaves Nogales. Translated from the 
Spanish and with a note on bull-fighting by Leslie Charteris. 

i. Chaves Nogales, Manuel, 1897- n. Charteris, Leslie, 1907- 


Distinguish from works in which the narrator is the actual author 
those in which the writer has merely used the narrator form for an 
original work (e.g., autobiography of a fictitious person, or fictitious 
memoirs of a real person) . 

4, Composite works. 

Enter composite works (Cf. GLOSSARY.) under the author chiefly 
responsible for the work, under the author first mentioned on the title 
page, or under title, according to the specific rules A-B. 

A. Collaborators, Works by. 

(1) Enter a work produced by the collaboration of two or more 
authors, in which the contribution of each forms a distinct part or 
section of a planned whole, under the author chiefly responsible for it. 
Whenever their contributions warrant, make added entry for each 
of the other contributors without the designation JOINT AUTHOR. If 
a corporate body is considered to be chiefly responsible for the work, 
make an added entry for at least the first personal author mentioned 
on the title page. 

Dubech, Lucien, 1882-1940. 

Histoire generate illustree du theatre, par Lucien Dubech, 
avec la collaboration de Jacques de Montbrial et de Madeleine 
Horn-Monval . . 


"Toute une part du texts, dans chacun des cinq volumes, est de M, 
Jacques de Montbrial, et toutes les illustrations ont ete rassemblees par 
Mme. Horn." Pret 

Vols. 3-5 "avec la collaboration de Jacques de Montbrial, de Claire 
Engel et de Madeleine Horn-Monval." 

i. Montbrial, Jacques de, n. Horn-Monval, Madeleine, in. Engel, 
Claire Eliane. 

International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation* 

The educational role of broadcasting, by F. W. Beidler- 
Wagner, Henry Bonnet, Kristine Bonnevie t and others 3 . . . Paris, 
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, 1935. 

i. Beidler-Wagner, F. W. n. Title. 

(2) If origin, chief interest, or responsibility is not clearly identi- 
fied with or attributable to any one of the contributors, enter under 
the first-named author 2 if there are not more than three and the title 
of the whole work is applicable to each of the contributions, with added 
entry for the other authors. Otherwise, enter under title, with added 
entry for the first author mentioned and for as many others as the 
individual case warrants. 

Buckley, Homer John, 1879- 

Mail-order and trade-paper advertising, by Homer J. Buckley 
. . . G. D. Crain, Jr. ... and Maxwell Broke . . . 

CONTENTS. Mail-order advertising, by H. J. Buckley. Industrial 
and trade-paper advertising, by G. D. Crain, Jr. Advertising letters, 
by Maxwell Droke. 

i, Crain, Gustavus D., 1885- u. Droke, Maxwell, 1896- 

Por que ser anti-semita? Um inquerito entre intellectuacs 
brasileiros; collaboradores: A. C. Pacheco e Silva, Afranio 
Peixoto, Alfredo Ellis Junior . . . c e outros ; 
J, Silva, Antonio Carlos Pacheco e. n. Peixoto, Afranio, 1876- 

m. Ellis, Alfredo, 1896- 

Is unemployment inevitable? An analysis and a forecast; a 

continuation of the investigation embodied in "The third 

winter of unemployment," published in 1923. 

"This volume is ... in the form of a series of essays for which the 

authors alone are responsible, together with an introductory report 

which represents our views of the questions which our inquiry covers.** 

Introd. signed: J. J. Astor, A. L. Bowley r and others]* 


*o*n Astor ' Hon - J oh ? Jacob, 1886- n. Bowley, Arthur Lyon, 

1869- m. The third winter of unemployment. 

B, Debates, conversations, interviews, table-talk, 

(1) Enter a debate, dialogue, conversation, under the participant 

whose name appears first on the title page. Make added entry for 

each name after the first. 

Darrow, Clarence Seward, 1857-1938. 

Debate, subject, resolved: That the United States continue the 
policy of prohibition as defined in the eighteenth amendment. 

iin'iW J<W ^J^^^f*^ writings of two or more authors ar* entered 
under toe first-named author only when there is no collective title. 



Clarence Darrow, negative, versus Reverend John Haynes 
Holmes, affirmative; introduction by Hon. Royal S. Copeland. 
i* Holmes, John Haynes, 1879- 

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. 

Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret Trans- 
lated from the German by John Oxenford, 

I. Eckermann, Johann Peter, 1792-1854. n. Soret, Frederic Jacob, 
1795-1877. m. Oxenford, John, 1812-1877, tr. 

(2) Enter an interview under the person interviewed if his ideas 
only are presented; enter under the interviewer if he has added com- 
ment and interpretation or if he has interviewed several persons. 

MacVeagh, Franklin, 1837-1934. 

Interview, concerning the proposed changes in design and size 
of paper money, of the Honorable Franklin MacVeagh, Secretary 
of the Treasury, September 10, 1910. 

(3) Enter table-talk under the talker with added entry under the 

Selden, John, 1584-1654. 

The table-talk of John Selden; edited with an introduction and 
notes by Samuel Harvey Reynolds . . . 

Originally recorded by Kichard Milward, Selden's secretary. 

i. Milward, Richard, 1609-1680. n. Reynolds, Samuel Harvey, 1831- 
1897, ed. 

5. Collections and serials. 

Specification. This group of rules applies to material in which the 
responsibility for the intellectual content is so divided that no one of 
the contributors can be considered the chief author. The choice then 
is between entry under the agency responsible for editing, assembling 
or issuing the material, as a government agency, society, institution 
(Cf. 71.), a personal editor, a publisher, etc., or entry under title. 
Preference is given to entry under title when it is distinctive or when 
it is the least variable element and it is, of course, the only possible 
entry when no editorial or publishing responsibility is apparent. 

A. Collections. 

(1) With collective title. Enter under the compiler or editor, in- 
dividual or corporate, a collection of independent works by various 
authors, artists, composers, etc., issued with a collective title, except 
as noted in (a) to (c) below. 

Chandler, Frank Wadleigh, 1873- ed. 

Twentieth century plays, edited by Frank W. Chandler . . . 
and Richard A. Cordell . . . 

i. Cordell, Richard Albert, joint ed. n. Title. 
Sobering, Arnold, 1877-1941, ed. 

Geschichte der Musifc in Beispielen; dreihundertfiinfzig 
Tonsatze aus neun Jahrhunderten, gesammelt, mit Quellenhin- 
weisen versehen und herausgegeben von Arnold Schering. 

t. Title. 


Muratori, Lodovico Antonio, 1672-1750, ed. 

Rerum Italicarurn scriptores ab anno ^Erae Christianae quin- 
gentesimo ad millesimum quingentesimum quorum potissima 
pars nunc primum in lucem prodit ex Ambrosianse, Estensis, 
aliarumque insignium bibHothecarum codicibus. Ludovicus 
Antonius Muratorius . . . collegit, ordinavit, & praefationibus 
auxit . . . 

Edited by F. ArgeUati. 

i. Argellati, Filippo, 1685-1755, ed. 

(a) Enter such collections under title if the work of the editor or 
editing body seems to be but slight and their names do not appear 
prominently in the publication or if there are frequent changes of 
editor. Make added entry under editor. 

Galleria delle piu belle incisioni in acciaro. Prima versione dall 7 
inglese, col testo a fronte, arricchita di scritti original! sopra i 
soggetti italianL Dai signori: Giacinto Battaglia, Giambattista 
Bazzoni . . . ecc. . . . 

A Book of broadsheets, with an introduction by Geoffrey Daw- 

son . . . 2d ed. 

Selections from the pocket literature provided by the Times, and 
originally printed in 1915 in the form of broadsheets for distribution to 
the men in the trenches, c/. Introd. 

i. Dawson, Geoffrey, 1874- n. The Times, London, m. Title: 


A Second book of broadsheets, with an introduction by Geoffrey 

Dawson . . . 

Selections from the pocket literature provided by the Times, and 
originally printed in 1915 in the form of broadsheets for distribution 
to the men in the trenches, cf. Introd. 

i. Dawson, Geoffrey, 1874- n, The Times, London, m. Book 
of broadsheets, iv. Title: Broadsheets, A Second book of. 

(b) Enter under title such compilations as monumenta, scriptores, 
anecdota, etc., when they are generally referred to by title. Make 
added entry under editor. 

. . . Monumenta minora saeculi secundi. Ed. altera emcndata. 
Edited by Gerhard Rauschen. 
i. Rauschen, Gerhard, 1854-1917, ed. 

Scriptores rerum Svecicarum Medii $)vi, ex schedis praecipue 
Nordinianis collectos, dispositos ac emendates, edidit Ericus 
Michael Fant . . . 

Vol. 2: "Jussu regis augustissimi post D. Ericum Michaelem Fant 
ediderunt ac ulustrarunt Ericus Gustavus Geijer . . . et Johannes 
Henricus Schro'der"; v. 3: "Edidit et illustravit Claudius Annerstedt" 


> > 

7 ^t' r 1791^1857, ed. w. Annerstcdt, 

Claes, 1839-1922, ed. v. Nordin, Carl Gustaf, 1749-1812. 

Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Editum consilio 
et impensis Academiae Litterarum Caesareae Vindobonensis 

L Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. 



Anecdota varia Graeca et Latina, ediderunt Rud. Schoell et Guil. 

Studemund . . . 

1 Schoell, Rudolf, 1844-1893, ed. n. Studemund, Wilhelm Friedrich 
Adolf, 1843-1883, joint ed. 

(c) Enter festschriften 3 and simflar collections published by a so- 
ciety or an institution in honor of a person, or to celebrate an anni- 
versary, under the society or institution. When not published by a 
society or an institution, enter under editor, if the editor's name 
appears prominently in the publication; otherwise enter under title. 
In any case, make added entry under editor or distinctive title when 
not main entry, and make subject entry under the person in whose 
honor the collection is published. 

Germania Mannerchor, Baltimore. 

Festschrift zum goldenen Jubilaum 10. Oktober 1906 des 
Germania Mannerchor von Baltimore, Md., gegrundet am 10. 
Oktober 1856. Im Auftrage des Ausschusses fur Vereinsge- 
schichte zusammengestellt von Carl Laegeler. 

i. Laegeler, Carl. 

Lille. Facultes catholiques. Faculty des lettres, 

. . . Melange de philologie et d'histoire, publies a Toccasion du 

cinquantenaire de la Faculte des lettres de 1'Universite cath- 

olique de Lille. 


Frankfurter, Felix, 1882- ed. 

Mr. Justice Holmes; contributions by Benjamin N. Cardozo, 
Morris R. Cohen, John Dewey c and others^ . . . edited by Felix 

Published on the occasion of the ninetieth birthday of Oliver Wen- 
dell Holmes, March 8fli, 1931. 
1. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1841-1935. i. Title. 

Festschrift Alexander Cartellieri, zum sechzigsten Geburtstag 
dargebracht von Freunden und Schulern. 
1. Cartellieri, Alexander, 1867- 

Essays in biology in honor of Herbert M. Evans, written by his 
1. Evans, Herbert McLean, 1882- 

* This rule concerns only festschriften that fall into the category of "collections." 
A festschrift consisting of an edition of the works of one author, or of a single work 
to which definite authorship can be assigned, or for which a specific heading is 
appropriate, such as an anonymous classic, is of course cataloged as any other publi- 
cation of the same nature. 

Margaret, Saint. Legend. 

*r J^&tPtt^^V 5 * ?' Christophori; edldit Hermanmis Usenet. cBonn, Uni- 
versitats-Buchdruckerei von C. Georgl, 18863 

' 1 ??!^ ,? e stschrilt zur fiinften SScularfeier der Carl-Ruprechts- 
mmi Heidelberg, tiberreicht von Rector und Senat der Rhelnischen 
1. Heidelberg. UniversitSt. i. Bonn. UniversitSt. tend other added entries 


(2) Without collective title. Enter two or more writings by dif- 
ferent authors, published together but having no collective title, under 
the one named first on the title page, or lacking such indication, under 
the heading appropriate to the first work in the collection. Make added 
entries for other works mentioned on the title page and for the editor. 

Lowell, James Russell, 1819-1891. 

. . . The vision of Sir Launfal, by James Russell Lowell; The 
courtship of Miles Standish, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; 
Snow-bound, by John Greenleaf Whittier; edited with an intro- 
duction and notes, by Charles Bobert Gaston . . . 

I. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882. The courtship of Miles 
Standish. n. Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892. Snowbound, m. 
Gaston, Charles Robert, 1874- ed. 

B. Encyclopedias and dictionaries. Enter encyclopedias and dic- 
tionaries under title unless decidedly better known by the name of 
their editors. In either case make added entry under the form not 
chosen for main entry, and for the publisher if the work is likely to 
be referred to by his name, 

Cyclopedia of American government, edited by Andrew C. Me- 
Laughlin , . . and Albert Bushnell Hart . . . 

I. Mclaughlin, Andrew Cunningham, 1861- ed. n. Hart Albert 
Bushnell, 1854-1943, joint ed. 

Larousse, Pierre, 1817-1875. 

^Grand dictionnaire universel du xix c si^cle, fran$ais, historique, 
geographique, mythologique, bibliographique, litteraire, artis- 
tique, scientifique, etc. . . . par Pierre Larousse . . . 

I. Title. 

Heath's standard French and English dictionary, edited by J. E. 
Mansion . . . 

London edition (G. G. Harrap & company, ltd.) has title: Harrap's 
standard French and English dictionary. 
I. Mansion, Jean Edmond, ed* 

C. Periodicals 4 and newspapers* 

(1) Enter a periodical (Cf. GLOSSARY.) under its latest title. Make 
a reference or an added entry for any earlier title or titles under 
which the periodical may have been issued. In the case of a periodical 
which has ceased publication, make exception in favor of entry under 
an earlier title used for a much longer period than the later title. A 
publication which does not continue the volume numbering of an 
earlier publication is usually considered a new periodical, and should 
have separate entry, 

A periodical issued by a society, institution, or government body 

*The rules for cataloging periodicals as stated here are based on TJ.S. Library of 
K^Kwn ^^T- 011 ^ 1 ^ % faeMtety*! of periodical* (3d cd. Prepared 
LS v ^te5 a ^!S r; /S 7 ^5 g SS n ' W 3E 3 rihat Of! " 1925 >' ft*Priftted im. For 
S2fJ?w rff^S? ^U C ^\ C !i er ' $i ule * for a <*fcttonary catalog (4th ed, re- 
written; Washington, Govt Print 0&, 1904), sec. 133, p. 59 and sec. 145, V 62T 



is ordinarily to be entered tinder its title (especially if this is dis- 
tinctive in character) with added entry for the issuing body. (Cf . 71.) 
For the more important periodicals, make added entries for editors 
included in the title or mentioned in a note; for compilers of indexes 
when of sufficient importance; and for societies or other bodies of 
which the periodical is an organ. The name of each editor is followed 
by the abbreviation ED. not JOINT ED. 

The Children's home magazine. 

Vol. 1, no. 1 has title: The Children's monthly messenger. 
Merged into Boys' and girls' treasury. 

Refer from 
The Children's monthly messenger. 

California schools; official publication of the state Department 
of Education, 
i. California. Dept. of Education. 

The American labor legislation review. Published quarterly by 
the American Association for Labor Legislation. 
Founded and edited by J. B. Andrews, 
i. Andrews, John Bertram, 1880-1943, ed. n. American Association 

for Labor Legislation. 

When the title of a periodical begins with the initials of the name 
of a corporate body, enter under the initials and make added entry or 
reference under the name of the body for which they stand. 

A.SJVLE. news. v.l- 

with added entry under 
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 

AAA travel . . . v.l- 

with added entry under 
American Automobile Association. 

. . * A, and G. motor vehicle year book. 

Refer from 
Armstrong and Gans motor vehicle year book. 

B.-M. Go's cumulative code annotations and current digest. 

Refer from 

Bender-Moss Company's cumulative code annotations and 
current digest. 

When the title of a periodical begins with the initials of the fore- 
names of the editor or publisher, omit the initials. Refer from the 
exact title, and from the title following the name, if distinctive. 

. . , Case's botanical index; an illustrated quarterly botanical 

Title reads: L. B, Case's botanical index . . . 

Refer from 
L. B. Case's botanical index. 

. . , Pepper piano music magazine. 
Title reads: J. W. Pepper piano music magazine. 



JRefer from 

J. W. Pepper piano music magazine. 
Piano music magazine. 

When the title begins with a forename, use the forename as entry 
word but refer from other forms of the name, and if necessary, from 
the part of the title following the personal name. 

Carl Hagenbecks illustrierte Tier- und Menschenwelt. 

Refer from 
Hagenbecks illustrierte Tier- und Menschenwelt. 

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie. 

Refer from 

Liebigs Annalen der Chemie. 
Annalen der Chemie. 

(2) Enter a newspaper under its latest title* Refer from earlier 
titles, if any, and from catch titles by which the paper may be popu- 
larly known. In the case of newspapers which appear in several 
editions (Sunday, morning, evening, etc.) under slightly varying titles, 
enter each edition independently, but with added entry under the 
main title, and reference under the name of the city unless this occurs 
as the first word of the title. 

Boston Evening Transcript. 

Refer from 

Boston Daily Evening Transcript. 
Boston Transcript. 
Evening Transcript, Boston. 
The Transcript, Boston. 

The Westminster Gazette. 

Refer from 
London. Westminster Gazette. 

The Sunday Star. 

with added entry 
The Evening Star, Washington, D. C. 

and reference from 
Washington, D, C. Sunday Star. 

(3) If it is desirable to catalog a special number of a newspaper or 
periodical independently, enter it under the name of the newspaper 
or periodical unless a more definite authorship can be established, in 
which case make added entry under the name of the newspaper or 

Springfield Daily Times. 

The village of Holyoke, Massachusetts . . . 
Issued as a special number of the Springfield Daily Times, no. 5, 1894. 

. . * S. M. la reine Astrid, 1905-1935. 
"Album hors serie. Juzn 193$.** 



Holme, Geoffrey, 1887- ed. 

Children's toys of yesterday, edited by C. Geoffrey Holme. 
"Special winter number of 'The Studio'." 
I. The Studio. 

When the place is not included in the name of a newspaper used 
as a heading, it is to be added. Add the place of publication to a 
periodical title used as a heading where necessary to distinguish be- 
tween two periodicals of the same title. 

The Times, London. 

. . . War graves number ... no. 10, 1928. 
"The Times ... no. 45,047." 

Times-Dispatch, Richmond. 
Annual educational number. 

Life. Chicago. 
War art. 

Life. New York. 
Men, women and birth, 

For monographs issued as supplements to a periodical or news- 
paper see 25C-D. 

(4) Enter a collection of extracts by various authors from a single 
periodical or newspaper under the name of the periodical or news- 
paper. Make added entries under the title of the collection and the 
name of the collector if given. 

Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. 

Humorous tales from Blackwood. 
i. Title. 

The Atlantic monthly. 

Youth and the new world, essays from the Atlantic monthly, 
edited by Ralph Boas . . . 

I. Boas, Ralph Philip, 1889- ed. u. Tide. 

The Sun, New York. 

Casual essays of the Sun; editorial articles on many subjects, 
clothed with the philosophy of the bright side of things. 

i. Title. 

CasselTs magazine. 

My aunt's match making, and other stories by popular authors. 
Running title: Stories from CasselTs. 
i. Title. 

For entry of a collection of extracts by various authors from dif- 
ferent periodicals see 5A. 

The work of a single author republished from a periodical (entered 
under the name of the author if known, or under title if anonymous) 
has no added entry for the periodical, but an added entry is usually 
made under the newspaper for the work of a single author repub- 



lished from it, especially if the author is an editor or official cor- 
respondent, or if the article is anonymous. 

Phelps, William Lyon, 1865-1943. 
As I like it, by William Lyon Phelps . . . 

Previously published in Scribner's magazine from September 1922 to 
August 1923. 

i. Title. 

cChurch, Francis Pharcellus, 1839-1906. 

Is there a Santa Clans? 

The text of the editorial by F. P. Church which appeared in the New 
York Sun, September 21, 1897, together with two letters from Mrs 
Virginia OUanlon Douglas and a biographical sketch of Mr. Church. 

i. The Sun, New York. n. Title. 

D, Almanacs, yearbooks, etc. Enter almanacs, general yearbooks 
and similar serial publications tinder title. 

The Aviation year book . . . 1930- 
Editor: 1930- C, E. Lee. 
L Lee, Charles E., ed. 

Buffalo Evening News almanac and . . , year book. 1933- 
The Farmer's almanack . . . 

18 by Samuel Burr; 18 by Elisha Dwells; 18 by 

Joseph Ray. * 

i. Burr, Samuel, n. Dwelle, Elisha, m. Ray, Joseph, 1807-1855. 
Who's who in commerce and industry, 1936- 
E. Directories. 

(1) Enter a directory published serially under the first word of 
the title not a serial number or the initial of a compiler or publisher. 
The Post Office London directory . . comprising official 
streets, commercial . . . parliamentary, postal . and banking 
directories ... 

Title varies: 18 The Post-Office annual directory . . . 

18 The Post Office London directory 

1. London Direct. 

S, r n eker " Langley San Ewuckco city directory . . , 

* 89 \ Cro <* er ; s San Francisco directory, 
i Crocfcer-Langley San Francisco directory. 

1930 ' ^ B< ^ c * <wy. 

1930- Polk's Crocker-Langley San Francisco city directory 

1. San Francisco Direct. 

Refer from 

Crocker's San Francisco directory. 
Crocker-Langley San Francisco directory, 

dir 7 ect01 ? - being a statistical book of 
for facte relating to the clergy and the church 
Subtitle varies slightly. 
18 published by H. Cox. 

Supersedes the Clerical directory. 



(2) Enter a nonserial directory under the name of the compiler if 
mentioned on the title page. If no compiler is mentioned, enter under 

Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944, ed. 

Leaders in education, a biographical directory, edited by 
J. McKeen Cattell , . . 1st ed. 

i. Title. 

(3) Enter a telephone directory issued by a telephone company 
under the name of the company. 

New England Telephone and Telegraph Company. 

last of subscribers . . . and business directory . . . 
1. Boston Direct. Telephone. 

(4) Enter a telephone directory issued by a compiler or publisher 
other than a telephone company under title if published serially. If 
it is nonserial, enter under compiler if prominently mentioned on the 
title page, otherwise, enter under title. 

San Francisco classified business telephone directory for San 
Francisco and suburbs. 
San Francisco, C. L. Schachtebecfc, c!8 
1. San Francisco Direct. Telephone. 

Rothermel (Charles T.) & Co., Chicago. 

Auxiliary telephone directory o Chicago . . . March, 1896. 
Compiled and published by Chas. T. Rothermel & Co. 

1. Chicago Direct. Telephone. 

F. Series. Enter a series under its title except as noted in para- 
graphs (1) and (2) below. In choosing between varying forms of 
series title, prefer the title as given on (1) added title page; (2) title 
page, unless half title is more exact or gives noteworthy additional 
information; (3) half title; (4) cover; (5) any other source. Make 
added entry or reference under name of editor. 

(1) Enter under editor or publisher a series which is familiarly 
known by the name of the editor or publisher. Refer from title. 

(2) Enter under the name of a society, institution, or other corpor- 
ate body, a series issued by it without distinctive title. However, entry 
under title is preferred for a series whose name begins with the word 
Biblioteca or its equivalent in other languages, 5 with reference from 
the society, institution, or periodical issuing it. 

International scientific series. 

Historic towns. 

Edited by Edward A. Freeman and Rev. William Hunt. 

Make added entry or reference 
Freeman, Edward Augustus, 1823-1892, ed. 
Hunt, William, 1842-1931, ed. 

* To avoid confusion with entry for the library of the organization. 



Grober, Gustav, 1844-1911. 

Grundriss der romanischen Philologie. Neue Folge. 
Refer from title. 

Catholic University of America. 

Canon law studies. 
Refer from title. 

Toledo University, Toledo. College of Law. 
Lectures on the problems of the practicing lawyer. 
Refer from title. 

Haskell lectures in comparative religion delivered before the 
University of Chicago. 

Refer from 
Chicago. University. 

Haskell lectures in comparative religion. 

Works of Special Type 

6. Correspondence and letters. 

A. Enter correspondence between two or more persons under the 
first one mentioned on the title page, with added entry for the other 
party or parties to the correspondence, and for the editor or compiler. 

Terry, Dame Ellen, 1848-1928. 

Ellen Terry and Bernard Shaw; a correspondence, edited by 
Christopher St. John (pseud.^ 

i. Shaw, George Bernard, 1856* n. Marshall, Christabcl, ed. 

B. Enter collected letters of one writer under the writer with added 
entry under the editor or compiler. 

Sedgwick, Anne Douglas, 1873-1935. 

Anne Douglas Sedgwick; a portrait in letters, chosen and 
edited by Basil de Selincourt 

x. De Selincourt, Basil, 1876- ed. 

(1) H the letters are all addressed to the same person, make added 
entry for the addressee. Extend this treatment to include two writers 
or two recipients. When more than two writers are involved apply 
rule C, p. 17. 

Cobbett, William, 1763-1835. 

B Letters from William Cobbett to Edward Thornton, written 
? tk 6 y^rs 1797 to 1800; edited with an introduction and notes 
by G. D. H. Cole . . . 

Howard > 1B89 ' * n - ^omton, Sir 

Browning, Elizabeth (Barrett) 1806-1861. 
Twenty-two unpublished letters of Elizabeth Barrett Brown- 



ing and Robert Browning, addressed to Henrietta and Arabella 

I. Browning, Robert, 1812-1889. n. Cook, Henrietta (Barrett) d. 1860. 
m. Barrett, Arabella, d. 1868. 

cHobbs, Mary (Mendenhall) 3 1852- 

Letters to Gertrude, 1910-1913, edited by Mary I. Shamburger. 

"The letters comprising the present volume were written cbyj two 
Carolina Quakers, Mary Mendenhall and Lewis Lyndon Hobbs ... to 
their young daughter in a boarding school near Philadelphia." Introd. 

i. Hobbs, Lewis Lyndon, 1849- 11. Shamburger, Mary Ina, 1898- 
ed. m. Korner, Gertrude Mendenhall (Hobbs) 1896- iv. Title. 

(2) When the collected letters of a single writer are accompanied 
by biographical matter and the whole is entitled "Life and letters," 
or words to that effect, choice of entry under the writer of the letters 
or under the author of the biography is governed by the relative 
extent and importance or interest of the letters as compared with the 
biography. In case of doubt, prefer entry under the author of the 
biography. If entry is made under the writer of the letters, make 
added entry under the author of the biography; if under the author 
of the biography, make subject entry under the writer of the letters. 
If the latter is a very voluminous writer, both a subject and an added 
entry may be made. 

Barrus, Clara, 1864-1931. 

The life and letters of John Burroughs, by Clara Barrus . . . 
1, Burroughs, John, 1837-1921. 

MacCallum, John Bruce, 1876-1906. 

Short years; the life and letters of John Bruce MacCallum, 
M.D., 1876-1906, by Archibald Malloch. 

"It seemed best to let MacCallum tell his own story through extracts 
from his letters and his 'Memories' which are preserved in his note- 
books. I have added connecting paragraphs and explanations as ap- 
peared necessary." Pref. 

r. Malloch, Archibald, 1887- ed. n. Title. 

C. Enter collected letters by various writers under the compiler 
or editor. (Cf. 5A.) If the letters are all addressed to the same person, 
make added entry for the addressee. Extend this treatment to include 
two recipients. (Cf . B (1) above.) 

Taintor, Sarah Augusta, comp. 

The book of modern letters, compiled by Sarah Augusta 
Taintor and Kate M. Monro; illustrated by W. M. Berger. 

i. Monro, Kate M., joint comp. n. Title. 

7. Expeditions (Reports, etc.). 

Enter official accounts and publications of results of scientific and 
exploring expeditions as follows: 

A. When the work is clearly the production of one person or of 
two or more persons working in conjunction, enter under author 
or compiler. 



Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877. 

Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition. During 
the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. By Charles Wilkes, u. s. N., 
commander of the expedition . . . 

L, United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842. 

tThe first five volumes of the official reports of the expedition copy- 
righted and published by the author^ 

Beebe, Charles William, 1877- 

The Arcturus adventure; an account of the New York Zoolog- 
ical Society's first oceanographic expedition, by William Beebe 
. . , Published under the auspices of the Zoological Society. 

1. Arcturus (Ship) i. New York Zoological Society. 

Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1785-1865. 

The botany of Captain Beechey's voyage; comprising an ac- 
count of the plants collected by Messrs. Lay and Collie, and other 
officers of the expedition, during the voyage to title Pacific and 
Behring's Strait, performed in His Majesty's ship Blossom, 
under the command of Captain F. W. Beechey ... in the years 
1825, 26, 27, and 28. By Sir William Jackson Hooker ... and 
G. A. Walker Arnott . . . 

1. Blossom (Ship) i. Arnott, George Arnott Walker, 1799-1868, joint 
author, n. Beechey, Frederick William, 1796-1856. 

B. When the work consists of contributions by several persons, 
choice of heading is governed by the way in which the expedition is 
generally designated, or by the prominence given on the title page 
to any one of the headings suggested below. 5 In cases of doubt, give 
preference to this order. 

(1) The official name of the expedition, followed by the date. 

United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842. 

United States Exploring Expedition. During the years 1838 
1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Under the command of Charles Wilkes' 

X7.S.N. ... 

r. Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877. n. U. S. Congress. 
tThe complete report of the expedition (19v.) published under act of 
Congress of Aug. 26, 1842. cj. L. C. card 14-19399) 

Navy-Princeton Gravity Expedition to the West Indies, 1932. 

The Navy-Princeton Gravity Expedition to the West Indies in 

L TL S. Navy. n. Princeton University. 

(2) The society, institution, government department, or individual 
assuming the responsibility of the expedition and the publication of 
the results. 

Gesellsdiaft fiir Erdkunde 211 Berlin. Gronland-Expeditivn,. 
^oS^^;? 3 ^ 6 ^ 1011 der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin, 
1891-1893. Unter Leitung von Erich von Drygalski . . 
r. Drygalski, Erich von, 1865- 

entries have been indicated only when the name dTtfe 
* solved Other appropriate subject entries would ol 



Pennsylvania. University. Babylonian Expedition. 

The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. 
Series D: Researches and treatises, edited by H. V. Hilprecht. 

L Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat, 1859-1925, ed. n. Pennsylvania. Uni- 
versity. Dept. of Archaeology. 

Gt Brit Challenger Office. 

Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Chal- 
lenger during the years 1873-76 under the command of Captain 
George S. Nares , . . and the late Captain Frank Tourle Thom- 
son, R. N. Prepared under the superintendence of the late Sir 
C. Wy ville Thomson . . . and now of John Murray . . . Published 
by order of Her Majesty's government. 

1. Challenger Expedition, 1872-1876. 1. Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville, 
1830-1882. n. Murray, Sir John, 1841-1914. in. Nares, Sir George 
Strong, 1831-1915. iv. Thomson, Frank Tourle. v. Gt. Brit. Admiralty, 
vr. Royal Society of London. Circumnavigation Committee. 

Albert I, Prince of Monaco, 1848-1922. 

Resultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht 
par Albert i er , prince souverain de Monaco. Publics sous sa 
direction avec le concours du baron Jules de Guerne. 

1. Hirondelle (Yacht) i. Guerne, Jules de, baron, 1855- 

(3) The commander of the expedition, especially when he edits 
the results. 

Beechey, Frederick William, 1796-1856, ed. 

The zoology of Captain Beechey's voyage; compiled from the 
collections and notes made by Captain Beechey, the officers 
and naturalist of the expedition during a voyage performed in 
His Majesty's ship Blossom under the command of Captain F W 
Beechey . . . in the years 1825, 26, 27, and 28 ... Published 
under the authority of the lords commissioners of the Admiralty. 

1. Blossom (Ship) and added entries i-x for the ten members of the 
expedition whose contributions are shown in the Contents note, and 
xr, Gt. Brit. Admiralty. 

(4) The editor of the results. 

Adams, Arthur, 1820-1878, ed. 

The zoology of the voyage of HJVLS. Samarang; under the 
command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher . . . during the years 
1843-1846 . . . edited by Arthur Adams . . . Published under the 
authority of the lords commissioners of the Admiralty. 

1. Samarang (Ship) and added entries i-iv for the four members of 
the expedition whose contributions are shown in the Contents note and 
v. Gt. Brit. Admiralty. 

(5) The name of the vessel, followed by the date of the expedition. 
If more than one vessel participates, enter under the first-named 
vessel, with added entry for the others. 

Scotia (Ship) 1913. 

Ice observation, meteorology and oceanography in the North 
Atlantic Ocean. Report on the work carried out by the S.S. 
"Scotia" in 1913. 



Expense of the expedition shared by the Board of Trade and the 
shipowners concerned. 

Added entries for authors of special reports mentioned in Contents 
note and Gt. Brit. Board of Trade. 

(6) The first word of the title. 

Exploration scientifique de 1'Algerie pendant les annees 1840, 
1841, 1842. Publiee par ordre du Gouvernement , , . 
I. France. Ministere de la Marine. 

In all cases make added entries freely for government departments, 
names of vessels, commanders, societies, editors, etc. 

8. Inscriptions. 

A. Enter a single inscription of unknown authorship under the 
editor unless it is generally known and referred to by a distinctive 
name, in which case enter under that name as a uniform heading. 

Comparetti, Domenico Pietro Antonio, 1835-1927, ed. 

Iscrizione arcaica del Foro romano, edita ed illustrata da 
Domenico Comparetti. 

Moabite stone. 

The Moabite stone; a facsimile of the original inscription, 
with an English translation, and a historical and critical com- 
mentary . . . 

B. Enter a collection of inscriptions ordinarily under the editor 
or compiler; however, if the editorial work is slight, or if the collec- 
tion is better known by title or by some distinctive name, enter under 
title or distinctive name with added entry for editor or compiler; or, 
if the collection is the property of a private individual or of a cor- 
porate body, entry under the name of the owner may be preferred, 

Hughes Clarke, Arthur William, 1873- 

Monumental inscriptions in the church and churchyard of 
St. Mary's, Wimbledon, transcribed and annotated by A W 
Hughes Clarke ... 

1. Wimbledon, Eng. St. Mary's Church. 

Inscriptiones Graecae, consilio et avctoritate Academiae Litter- 

arvm Regiae Borvssicae editae , . . 

t. Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. 
Tell el-Amarna tablets* 

. . . Oriental diplomacy: being the transliterated text of the 
cuneiform despatches between the kings of Egypt and Western 
Asia in the xvth century before Christ, discovered at Tell 
el-Amarna . . , 

British Museum. Dept of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities. 
Coptic and Greek texts of the Christian period from ostraka 

S3 a f Vi-' ^ the r^ iti S l MUS * U - By H. R. Hall London 
Printed by order of the Trustees, 1905. 

I. Hall, Harry Reginald Holland, 1873-1930. 



9. Manuscripts. 7 

A. Manuscripts and facsimiles of manuscripts. Enter a manuscript 
or the facsimile of a manuscript according to the rules for printed 
books. Make the usual added entries for editors, compilers, titles, etc., 
and in addition, make added entry for the manuscript as such, if it 
belongs to a collection of manuscripts or has a distinctive name. The 
added entry may be for the collection, followed by the abbreviation 
Mss. and the name or number of the manuscript or it may be the name 
of the manuscript, if distinctive. If the two are equivalent, make a 
reference from one to the other rather than two added entries. 

If the main entry heading is one under which there are likely to 
be many entries, make an assembling added entry consisting of the 
heading followed by the abbreviation Mss. and the particular designa- 
tion of the manuscript if it has one. For exception to this treatment 
see A(l), p. 22. 

For every manuscript or facsimile of a manuscript make a form 


Homeri Hias cuin scholiis. Codex Yenetus A, Marcianus 454 
phototypice editus . . . 

1. Manuscripts, GreekFacsimiles. I. Venice. Biblioteca nazionale 
marciana. Mss. (454) n. Homerus. (Codex Venetus A) 

Zul-Fakar, Kiwam uU)m Husain ibn adr ul-Dm 'AH STiir- 

wani, 13th cent. 

... A facsimile of the manuscript (Or. 9777) of Dlwan i 
Zul-Fakar, the collected poems of Zul-Fakar Shirwani . . . 

1. Manuscripts, Persian Facsimiles, i. British Museum. Mss. (Ori- 
ental 9777) n. British Museum. Dept. of Oriental Printed Books and 
Manuscripts, m. Title: Dlwan i Zu'1-Fakar. 

Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400. 

The Cambridge ms (University Library, Gg. 4.27) of Chaucer's 
Canterbury tales . . , 

1. Manuscripts, English Facsimiles, i. Cambridge. University. Li- 
brary. Mss. (Gg. 4.27) n. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Mss. 

7 The rules presented under this heading are based on the cataloging of manuscripts 
occurring most frequently in the average library in the form of facsimiles, 
^cataloging manuscripts, the following points should be kept in mind: 
' ij r? e Designation for a manuscript whether added to the main entry or used as 
an added entry requires that the work be either the original manuscript or a facsimile. 
If a facsimile, the reproduced text should constitute a considerable part of the entire 
manuscript (as preserved) or be arranged to read consecutively. 

(2) If the reproductions are interspersed as facsimile pages through a work which 
deals with the manuscript, make subject entry under the heading appropriate to the 
entire manuscript rather than main or added entry. 

(3) A text edited from a manuscript for which the maiu entry is its name or desig- 
nation, may (even though not a reproduction) be entered under the same heading, 
but without use of the form subject heading MANUSCRIPTS CLANGUAGEU FACSIMUJES. 



Keats, John, 1795-1821. 

Hyperion, a facsimile of Keats's autograph manuscript . . . 
1. Manuscripts, English Facsimiles, i. Keats, John, 1795-1821. Mss, 

Villon, Francois, b. 1431. 

Deux manuscrits de Frangois Villon (Bibliotheque nationale, 
Fonds francais 1661 et 20041) reproduits en phototypie . . . 

1. Manuscripts, French Facsimiles, i. Paris. Bibliotheque nationale. 
Mss. (Fr. 1661) n. Paris. Bibliotheque nationale. Mss. (Fr. 20041) 

A Coptic gnostic treatise contained in the Codex Brucianus 
< Bruce ms. 96. Bod. Lib. Oxford > . . . 

1, Manuscripts, Coptic Facsimiles, i. Oxford. University. Bodleian 
Library. Mss. (Bruce 96) n. Codex Brucianus. 

Orthodox Eastern Church. Liturgy and ritual. Menologion. 
II menologio di Basilio n (Cod. vaticano greco 1613) . . 

1. Manuscripts, Greek Facsimiles, i. Vatican. Biblioteca vaticana. 
Mss. (Graec.1613) 

Edda Snorra Sturlusonar. 

Codex Wormianus (The Younger Edda) Ms. no. 242 fol. in 
the Arnamagnean collection in the University Library of Copen- 
hagen . . . 

1* Manuscripts, Icelandic and Old Norse Facsimiles, i. Copenhagen. 
Universitet. Bibliotek, Mss. (Arnamag. 242f) 

with reference Codex Wormianus sec Copenhagen. Universitet 
Bibliotek. Mss. (Arnamag. 242f) 

(1) Enter a manuscript or the facsimile of a manuscript of the 
Bible or parts thereof under BIBLE, followed by tibu> word MANUSCRIPTS, 
the language of the text, and by further designations appropriate to 
the heading for the work concerned. (Cfc 34.) If the manuscript has 
a particular name, add it at the end of the heading iix parentheses. 8 
When a manuscript is known by a distinctive name and also by a letter 
or number, 9 prefer the name in the heading. Make added entry under 
the collection or collections to which the manuscript belongs, and 
make added entry or reference under the particular name of the 

Bible. Manuscripts, Greek (Codex Alexandrinus) 

. . . The Codex Alexandrinus (Royal ms. 1 p v~vnx) in reduced 
photographic facsimile . . . 

1. Manuscripts, Greek Facsimiles, x, British Museum. Mss. (Royal 
ID 7-vm) 

with, reference Codex Alexandrinus see Bible* Manuscript*. Grefc 
(Codex Alexandrinus) 

Bible. Manuscripts, Greek. 0. T. Genesis (Wiener Genesis) 
Die Wiener Genesis . . , 

use P? ren the$es for Bible manuscripts. 
iE?^ catalogue of Greek New Testament manuscripts In 




1, Manuscripts, Greek Facsimiles, i. Vienna. Nationalbibliothek. 
Mss. (Theol, Graec, 31) 

with reference Wiener Genesis see Bible. Manuscripts, Greek. O. T. 
Genesis (Wiener Genesis) 

(2) For manuscripts in two languages, make the main entry for 
the principal language, with added entry for the other. 

Bible. Manuscripts, Greek. N. T, Epistles of Paul (Codex Bcer- 


Der Codex Boernerianus der Briefe des Apostels Paulus f Msc. 
Dresd. A 145*) ... 

Greek with Latin interlinear translation. 

1. Manuscripts, Greek Facsimiles. 2. Manuscripts, LatinFac- 
similes, i. Bible, Manuscripts, Latin, N. T. Epistles of Paul (Codex 
Boernerianus) n. Dresden. Sachsische Landesbibliothek. Mss. (A 145 b ) 

with reference Codex Bcernerianus see Bible. Manuscripts, Greek. 
N. T. Epistles of Paul (Codex Boernerianus) 

(3) Enter a manuscript which has neither author nor title under 
the name by which it is generally known; or, lacking a name, under 
the collection to which it belongs followed by the specific designation 
of the manuscript. 

Book of Leinster. 

The Book of Leinster, sometime called the Book of Glenda- 
lough, a collection of pieces (prose and verse) in the Irish 
language . . . 

1. Manuscripts, IrishFacsimiles. L Dublin. University. Trinity 
College. Library. Mss. (H.2.18) 

Edwin Smith surgical papyrus. 

. . . The Edwin Smith surgical papyrus . . . 

The papyrus is named after Edwin Smith, who purchased the docu- 
ment in January 1862 during his stay at Thebes. After his death in 
1906 it was presented to the New York Historical Society, ct General 

L New York Historical Society. Library. Mss. 

Codex; Fejervary-Mayer. 

Codex Fejervry-Mayer: an old Mexican picture manuscript 
in the Liverpool Free Public Museums 12014. 


1. Manuscripts, Mexican Facsimiles. I. Liverpool. Public Libraries 
Museums and Art Gallery. Museum. Mss. (M, 12014) 

Paris. Bibliotheque nationale. Mss. (Fr. 19152) 
. . . Le manuscrit 19152 du Fonds frangais de la Bibliotheque 

nationale . . . 

Anonymous anthology (without title) of 61 poems. 
1. Manuscripts, French Facsimiles. 

(4) Enter reproductions of initials, miniatures, or other ornamen- 
tations without text, under the artist if known, with subject entry 
under the heading appropriate to the entire manuscript. If the artist 
is unknown, enter under compiler or editor. 



Huntington, Archer Milton, 1870- ed. 

Initials and miniatures of the ixth, xth, and xith centuries 
from the Mozarabic manuscripts of Santo Domingo de Silos in 
the British Museum; with introduction by Archer M. Hunt- 
ington . . . 

From British Museum Additional mss. 30844-48, 30850-55 ("Visi- 
gothic codices") 

i. British Museum. Mss. (Additional 30844-30855) n. Title, m 
Title: Visigothic codices. 

(5) Treat a collection of facsimiles of manuscripts like other col- 
lections. (5A) Make added entry under the library or other institu- 
tion to which the originals belong. 

Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis, 1857- ed and tr. 
Miscellaneous Coptic texts . , . 

1. Manuscripts, Coptic Facsimiles. 2. Manuscripts, Ethiopic _ Fac- 
similes. i. British Museum. Mss. (Oriental) 

(6) If such a collection is published by the library owning the 
manuscripts, enter under the name of the library, without subheading 
Mss., or, if the library has a special department to which the collec- 
tion belongs, e.g., Department of Manuscripts, enter under the name 
of the library with the name of the department as subheading. If the 
collection is limited to manuscripts in a specified group make added 
entry under the name of the library with subheading Mss. followed 
by the name of the group in parentheses. 

British Museum. Dept of Manuscripts. 
Facsimiles of ... manuscripts in the Stowe collection. 
i. British Museum. Mss. (Stowe) 

Paris. Bibliothcque nationale. Department des manuscript 
... Fac-suniles de manuscrits grccs, latins et francais du 
v* au xiv* siecle exposes dans la Galeric mazarine . . . 

Prefer the Latin form when the word CODEX or its equivalent occurs 
at the beginning of a uniform heading. Refer from other forms. 

Codex Ramirez 
Refer from 
Codice Ramirez, 

Codex Mariano Jimenez 

Refer from 
Codice Mariano Jimenez. 

iS*^ referenC from the de P ar tment heading to individual 

British Museum. Dept. of Manuscripts, 
For individual manuscripts see under 

British Museum. Mss. (subdivided by the designation of the 

Picuiar manuscript, e.g., British Museum ! (Jlarietei 



(7) Treat a single manuscript or facsimile of a manuscript compris- 
ing a miscellaneous collection as a single work, not as a collection. 

Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. Mss. (514) 

Proverbes en rimes; text and illustrations of the fifteenth 
century from a French manuscript in the Walters Art Gallery, 
Baltimore, by Grace Frank and Dorothy Miner. 
m "The manuscript bears no title and that adopted by us, Proverbes en 
rimes, is the one given the related collection, now in the British 
Museum, by the cataloguers of the Bibliotheque A. Firmin-Didot. 
There is nothing to indicate whether the manuscript is complete or 
not." Introd., p. 26. 

1. Manuscripts, French Facsimiles, i. Frank, Grace, ed. n. Miner. 
Dorothy Eugenia, ed. m. Title. 

Paris. Bibliotheque nationale. Mss. (Fr. 837) 

Fabliaux, dits et contes en vers frangais du xm 8 siecle; fac- 
simile du manuscrit frangais 837 de la Bibliotheque nationale, 
public sous les auspices de Tlnstitut de France (Fondation De- 
brousse) par Henri Omont . . . 

1. Manuscripts, FrenchFacsimiles, i. Omont, Henri Auguste, 1857- 
1940. n, Institut de France, Paris. Fondation Debrousse. m. Title. 

B. Calendars of manuscripts. Enter calendars of collections of 
manuscripts under the person or corporate body responsible for their 
preparation* This may be the owner of the collection who prepares 
or causes the calendar to be prepared, or an independent person or 
body for whose work the owner has no responsibility. 

When entry is under owner, make added entry for the person who 
does the actual work of preparing the calendar; when entry is under 
the compiler, make added entry under the owner of the collection. 
If a collection has changed hands but continues to be known by the 
name of the original collector, make added entry under that name also. 

In the case of a calendar of the collected manuscripts of one person, 
make subject entry under the author. 

Enter the calendar of a single document under the heading appro- 
priate for the document itself. 

Enter all calendars of court records, by whomsoever prepared, 
under the name of the court, 

Wisconsin State Historical Society. Library. 

The Preston and Virginia papers of the Draper collection of 

"The work of calendaring the volume has been performed by Miss 
Mabel Clare Weaks," Prefatory note. 

1. Preston, William, 1729-1783. i. Draper. Lyman Copeland, 1815- 
1891. n. Weaks, Mabel Clare. 

Chapman, Charles Edward, 1880- 

Catalogue of materials in the Archive General de Indias for 
the history of the Pacific Coast ... by Charles E. Chapman. 

i. Spain. Archivo General de Indias, Seville. 



Carnegie Institution of Washington. Dept. of Historical Re- 

Calendar of manuscripts in Paris archives and libraries re- 
lating to the history of the Mississippi Valley to 1803. Edited 
by N. M. Miller Surrey (Mrs. F. M. Surrey) . . . Privately 
printed E Washington, D. C. 3 Carnegie Institution of Washing- 
ton, Department of Historical Research, 1926-28. 
i. Surrey, Nancy Maria (Miller) ed. 

Gormanston register. 

Calendar of the Gormanston register, from the original in the 
possession of the Right Honourable the Viscount of Gormanston. 
Prepared and edited by James Mills . . . and M. J. McEnery. 

Printed for the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 

The ancient register book of the Lords of Gormanston seems to 
have been prepared or begun in 1397-8 for the purpose of registering 
the title-deeds of the property inherited or acquired by Sir Christopher 

I. Gormanston, Christopher Preston, 2d baron, d. 1422. u. Royal So- 
ciety of Antiquaries of Ireland, in. Mills, James, 1849-1914, ed. iv. 
McEnery, Michael Joseph, ed. 

Chichester, Eng. (Diocese) Consistory Court. 

. . . Calendar of wills in the Consistory Court of the Bishop 
of Chichester, 1482-1800. By Edward Alexander Fry. 

i. Fry, Edward Alexander. 

10. Maps 10 and atlases. 

A, Enter a map under the name of the person or corporate body 
responsible for the content of the map, as, cartographer, editor, pub- 
lisher, government bureau, society or institution. 11 Preference should 
be given to (1) the person or corporate body stated in the title to be 
responsible; (2) cartographer; (3) engraver, if known to be a map 
maker; (4) publisher; (5) copyright claimant. If responsibility can- 
not be determined, enter under title* 

Early maps are usually known as the work of the individual car- 
tographer, engraver, or surveyor; recent maps are in most cases issued 
by a publishing house or government bureau which assumes full 
responsibility for the production. 

*For assistance hi the technical problems which arise in connection with maps, 
S? i ca ^? ot be 5 ared for x3? a , s tat ment of rules, catalogers are referred to A. H. 
mnks. Maps and survey (Cambridge, University Press, 1913) ; S. W. Bogfrs and Dor- 
othy C. L^wis, The classification and cataloging of maps and atlwc* (Now York, 
Special Libraries Association, 1945) ; L. A. Brown, Notes on the care <fc cataloguing 
of old maps (Wmdham, Conn., Hawthorn House, 1940) and Walter Thiele, Official 
map publications (Chicago, American Library Association, 1938). The last three con- 
^ fences. Maps reprinted or extracted from atlases often can be 
through indexes in U. S. Library of Congress, Division of Maps, A list of 

PVI^/W * L ? W K * C Sy r ^ 9 ^ Compiled under fflrfct on 3 
ashington, Govt Print. Off,, 1909-20). 

^ dual 5 corporate author is consistent with the tisage estab- 
catal ? gin S and mates possible one catalog for both books and map. 

rvT**' ^ nd $ an entry under s ^ ject (U " area Capped) is 
A ' American Library Association, Pamphlet* and minor Entry 
American Library Association Publishing Board, 1917).) and 

^ undcr a -^ - -^ h **&* 



Make added entries for publisher and editor if not the main entry, 
for engraver if important, and title if distinctive. 

U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 

Map of the Philippines, prepared in the Bureau of Insular 
Affairs, War Department September 1902. Washington, D C 
C 1902 3 

Rocque, Jean, d. 1762. 

Rocque's map of London, 1746. Published by John Pine & 
John Tinney in October 1746 according to act of Parliament. 
London, London Topographical Society, 1913-19. 

Canada. Dept. oj Crown Lands. 

... Map of the counties of Gaspe and Bonaventure; exhibit- 
ing the lands adjudicated, unsurveyed, clergy reserves, &c . . . 
Reduced and compiled from original surveys, by G. G. Dun- 
levie . . . 

1. Gaspe Co., Quebec Descr. & trav. Maps. 2. Bonaventure Co., 
Quebec Descr* & trav. Maps. i. Dunlevie, G. G. 

American Geographical Society of New York. 

Physical map of the Arctic. 

Translated and revised by the American Geographical Society of 
New York from map in Andree's Hand atlas, 8th ed., 1924. 

1. Arctic regions Descr. & trav. Maps. i. Andree, Karl Theodor, 

B. Enter atlases under the person or corporate body responsible 
for their production: cartographer, publisher, government bureau, so- 
ciety, or institution. If responsibility cannot be determined, or if the 
work is familiarly known by title, enter under title. Make added 
entry for any person or corporate body, other than the one chosen 
for main entry, who has had any significant share in or responsibility 
for the work. For comprehensive works, make form subject entry 
under the form heading ATLASES. 

Paullin, Charles Oscar. 

Atlas of the historical geography of the United States by 
Charles O. Paullin . . . edited by John K. Wright . . . E Wash- 
ington, D. C., New York, Published jointly by Carnegie Insti- 
tution of Washington and the American Geographical Society 
of New York, 1932. 

1. Atlases, i. Wright, John Kirtland, 1891- ed. n. Carnegie In- 
stitution of Washington. Division of Historical Research, m. American 
Geographical Society of New York. iv. Title. 

U. S. Geological Survey. 

. , . World atlas of commercial geology . . . 

1. Atlases, z, Title. 
Ogle (George A.) & Co., pub. 

Standard atlas of Ford County, Illinois, including a plat book 
of the villages, cities and townships of the county . . . 

The People's illustrated & descriptive family atlas of the world, 

Maps by George F. Cram. 
1. Atlases, i. Cram, George Franklin, 1841-1928. 



11. Mediumistic writings. 

Enter a work received through a medium (automatic writing, table 
rapping, ouija board, etc.) under the medium with added entry for 
the purported author. 

Ramsdell, Sarah A* 

Food for the million; or, Thoughts from beyond the borders 
of the material. By Theodore Parker, through the hand of 
Sarah A. Ramsdell, medium. 

L Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. n. Title. 

Livingston, Marjorie (Prout) 1893- 

. . . The new Nuctemeron (the twelve hours of Apollonius 
of Tyana) preface by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and explanatory 
note by the amanuensis. 

"This remarkable script purports to be produced under the direct 
inspiration of Apollonius of Tyana." 
i. Apollonius, of Tyana. n. Title. 

12. Music. 12 

A. Enter a single musical work or the collected works of one 
composer under the name of the composer. Make added entries for 
arrangers and editors, and if there is text, make added entry for its 
author and title. When several authors are represented, make added 
entries as necessary. 

Instrumental work: 

Elgar, Sir Edward William, 1857-1934. 

. . . Introduction and allegro for strings (quartet and orches- 
tra) composed by Edward Elgar. (Op. 47) ... 


Homer, Sidney, 1864- 

. . . Sing to me, sing; song with piano accompaniment. Poem 
from "Hawthorn and lavender," by W, E. Henley . . , 

x. Henley, William Ernest, 1849-1903. Sing to me, sing. 

Collection of songs by one composer: 

Elgar, Sir Edward William, 1857-1934. 

. . , Sea pictures, a cycle of five songs for contralto . . . The 
music by Edward Elgar, Op. 37 ... The words by Radon Noel, 
C. A. Elgar, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Richard Garnett, Adam 
Lindsay Gordon. 

cAdded entries are not made for the authors in tKia casci 

Parker, Horatio William, 1863-1919. 
Mona, an opera in three acts, the poem by Brian Hooker, 

t to A*$?*5?y **wwy to establish a conventional or 
n occu P l t es . th * By between the author entry and the title as 

nJ W5f^ I * T ^ e *T5 k *. bai ? 3L J . 3Ch ^ e Pte the conventional title is 
not shown, nor are title added entries indicated. In preparing cards for the catalog, 

*^ 1 conventional titl & not given, a line should be left blank for 



the music by Horatio Parker . . . 
i. Hooker, Brian, 1880-1946. Mona. 

(1) Enter a folk song or traditional melody under the composer 
responsible for the arrangement in hand, with added entry for the 
title. If the composer is not known, enter under title. 13 

Gould, Morton, 1913- 

Sometimes I feel like a motherless child, Negro spiritual; A 
Morton Gould string choir arrangement. 

(2) Enter a libretto of an opera, oratorio, masque or other dramatic 
work under the composer of the music, with added entry for the 
librettist and the title. If the same text is published as a literary work 
rather than as a libretto, or if there is no ascertainable connection 
between the text and a particular composer or performance, enter 
under the author of the text. If an earlier work, such as a novel, 
drama or poem has been adapted, make added entry under the author 
and title of the original work. 14 

Composer and librettist named on title page: 

Gruenberg, Louis, 1883- 

Jack and the beanstalk, a fairy opera for the child-like, by 
John Erskine; for music by Louis Gruenberg. 

i. Erskine, John, 1879- Jack and the beanstalk. 

Composer not named on title page; named in dedication: 

Purcell, Henry, 1658 or 9-1695. 

King Arthur; or, The British worthy. A dramatick opera. 
Perform'd at the Qveens Theatre by Their Majesties servants. 
Written by Mr. Dryden. 

i. Dryden, John, 1631-1700. King Arthur. 

Performance mentioned; composer not named: 

[Monsigny, Pierre Alexandra de] 1729-1817. 
Le deserteur, drame en trois actes, en prose, mele de musique; 

13 The title may take the form of a uniform heading following the rule for anony- 
mous classics. (33) 

"Alternative: Enter a libretto under the librettist, with added entry under the 
composer and title of the work. If the author is not known, enter under title. 

Composer and librettist named on title page: 

Erskine, John, 1879- 

Helen retires; an opera in three acts, by John Erskine; for music 
by George Antheil. 

i. Antheil, George, 1900- Helen retires. 

Composer named; libretto anonymous: 

La finta giardiniera. Dramma giocoso da rappresentarsi in Prato nel 
camevale delT anno 1775-nel teatro pubblico dei Nobili Accademici 
Semplici . . . 

i. Anfossi, Pasquale, 1727-1797. La finta giardiniera. 



par M. Sedaine. La musique par M.*** Represente a Paris pour 
la premiere fois par les Comediens italiens ordinaires du Roi, 
le lundi 6 mars 1769. 
i. Sedaine, Michel Jean, 1719-1797. Le deserteur. 

No mention of composer or of performance: 

Zeno, Apostolo, 1668-1750. 
(In his Poesie drammatiche, Venezia, 1774, 1. 1, p. 81-171) 

cNo composer is mentioned- The libretto was set to music by various 

Libretto adapted from earlier work: 

Thomas, Ambroise, 1811-1896. 

Hamlet, opera en cinq ac.tes par Michel Carre et Jules Barbier, 
musique de Ambroise Thomas. 

Adapted from Shakespeare's Hamlet. 

i. Carre, Michel, 1819-1872. Hamlet, n. Barbier, Jules, 1825-1901 
Hamlet, m. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. 

Identical text published as a literary work and as a libretto: 
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892- 
The King's henchman; a play in three acts . . . 

Taylor, Deems, 1885- 

The King's henchman, lyric drama in three acts: book by 
Edna St. Vincent Millay, music by Deems Taylor. 

i. Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892- The King's henchman. 

iThe examples given below show the kind of references which may 
be used to connect entries under both librettist and composer] 

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892- 
The King's henchman. 

Editions of this work published as librettos of the opera by Deems 
Taylor are entered under the name of the composer. 

Taylor, Deems, 1885- 
The King's henchman. 

B^u^S* without *** usi $ Polished as literary works rather than 
as librettos, are entered under the name of the dramatist Edna St 
Vincent Millay. 

(3) Enter a pasticcio under the name of the person responsible for 
the arrangement of the material in this form. If, however, there is 
difficulty in determining which of several persons would have the 
status of author or editor, enter under title. Make added entries as 
necessary for the composers and librettists whose work is adapted or 
parodied for the author of the new libretto, and for any others who 
have contributed important work, 

Bishop, Sir Henry Rowley, 1786-1855 



tA collection of musical numbers with v&ry slight plot and little ref- 
erence to Faust. Bishop's name, although third on the title-page, is 
printed in larger letters than those of the others; he contributed six 
of the twelve numbers, Horn, three, Cooke, 

(4) For incidental music, make added entry under the author and 
title of the play for which the music was composed. 

Sharp, Cecil James, 1859-1924. 

The songs and incidental music arranged and composed by 
Cecil J. Sharp for Granville Barker's production of A mid- 
summer night's dream at the Savoy Theatre in January, 1914 . . . 

i% Shakespeare, William. A midsummer night's dream. 

(5) For ballets, pantomimes and other dance compositions, make 
added entry for the author and title of the scenario or program, and 
for the choreographer if his work is represented. Where the scenario 
or choreography is published apart from the music, enter under its 
own author, with added entry for the composer and title of the work. 


Falla, Manuel de, 1876-1946. 

El sombrero de tres picos. Le tricorne. The three-cornered 
hat. Ballet de G. Martinez Sierra d'apres le roman de P. A. de 
Alarcon. Musique de Manuel de Falla. 

i. Martinez Sierra, Gregorio, 1881- El sombrero de tres picos. 
n. Alarcon, Pedro Antonio de, 1833-1891. EH sombrero de tres picos. 


Bosato, Arturo. 

Castello nel bosco, azione coreografica in un quadro, per la 
musica di Franco Casavola. 

i. Casavola, Franco, 1892- Castello nel bosco. 

(6) liturgical music. Enter music officially prescribed by a church, 
or music authorized by a church council or other governing body, 
under the name of the church, with an appropriate subheading, if 
needed. (Cf. rules 116F and 120G.) 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Hymnary. 

The hymns of the Dominican missal and breviary, edited with 
introduction and notes by Aquinas Byrnes . . . 

I. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual, Dominican, n. Byrnes, 
Aquinas, ed. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Psalter. 

The Psalms with Gregorian notation for Sundays and feast- 
days at vespers and compline. 

i. Bible. O. T. Psalms. Latin. Selections. 1938. 

Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. 

The hymnal; published by the authority of the General 
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of 
America, 1933. 

Clarence Dickinson, editor; C. W. Laufer, assistant editor, cf. p. c li 

i. Dickinson, Clarence, 1873- ed. n. Laufer, Calvin Weiss, 1874- 
1938, joint ed. 



(7) Enter a musical setting of a mass, requiem or other text for 
church use under the composer. Prefer a subject (or form) heading 
to which a general reference is made from the church heading, to 
added entry for the text under the name of the church. 

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. 

Messe (Missa solemnis) fur 4 Solostimmen, Chor und Orchester 
von L. van Beethoven. 

1. Masses. 

Make general reference: 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Missal. 

For musical settings of the mass see entries under the sub- 
ject heading, Masses. 

Yon, Pietro Alessandro, 1886-1943. 
Missa "Regina Pacis" in honor of St. Vincent Ferrer. 
1. Masses. 
[Added entry not made for the person honored) 

Bruckner, Anton, 1824-1896. 

. . . Te Deum laudamus, for chorus, soli and orchestra by 
Anton Bruckner . . , 

1. Te Deum laudamus. 

(8) Enter a psalter with music by one composer under the com- 
poser. For psalters officially prescribed for church use, see (6) above. 
If the composer is unknown or if there are several composers, enter 
under the heading for the text. (Cf, 34.) 

Playford, John, 1623-1686? 

Psalms & hymns in solemn musick of foure parts on the com* 
mon tunes to the Psalms in metre: used in parish-churches . . 
By John Playford. 

L Bible. O. T. Psalms. English. Paraphrases. 1671. Sternhold and 

Bible. O. T. Psalms. French. Paraphrases. 2920. 
. . . Psaumes, avec les mdlodies. 
Translator's name, Clement Marot, at head of title. 
"Introduction" signed: Th6odore Gerold. 
i. Marot, Clement, 14957-1544, tr. re. Gerold, Theodore, 18G6- cd. 

(9) Enter a cadenza under the composer of the concerto or other 
work with which it is associated, with added entry under the com- 
poser of the cadenza. 

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791. 

Cadenzas for the flute concerto in G major (K.313) by 
Mozart . . . [By] Georges Barrfere. 

r. Barrere, Georges, 1876-1944. 

(10) Enter arrangements, transcriptions, paraphrases and other 
compositions in which the work of the original composer has been 
changed, extended, or used in a new context under the original com- 



poser or under the arranger, depending on Hie extent of new composi- 
tion involved. Criteria for determining whether a composition is a 
new work are: marked difference in length, introduction of new 
thematic material, marked differences in harmonization. The mere 
addition of embellishments (trills, runs, and passage work) does 
not constitute a new work. In case of doubt, enter under the orig- 
inal composer. 

Schubert, Franz Peter, 1797-1828. 

. . . Franz Schubert's Marsche flir das Orchester iibertragen 
von F. Liszt . . . Partitur. 

i. Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886, arr. 

Transcription, not constituting new work: 

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. 

Adelaide de Beethoven, transcrite pour piano par H. Cramer. 
I. Cramer, Heinrich, b. ca. 1818, arr. 

Transcription, constituting new work: 

Respighi, Ottorino, 1879-1936. 

"Rossiniana": suite for orchestra, from "Les riens" of G. 
Rossini. Freely transcribed by Ottorino Respighi. 

i. Rossini, Gioacdbino Antonio, 1792-1868. Les riens. 


Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886. 

. . . Concert-Paraphrasen iiber Verdi's Rigoletto, Trovatore, 
Ernani, fur Pianoforte von Franz Liszt. 

i. Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901. 

Opera adaptation: 

Bizet, Georges, 1838-1875. 

Carmen Jones, by Oscar Hammerstein n, based on Meilhac 
and Halevy's adaptation of Prosper Merimee's Carmen. 

i. Hammerstein, Oscar, 1895- Carmen Jones, n. Meilhac, Henri, 
1831-1897. Carmen, m. Halevy, Ludovic, 1834-1908. Carmen. 

(11) Enter fantasias, rhapsodies, caprices, medleys, potpourris, 
variations, etc., under the composer of the medley, unless it is made 
up of excerpts from the work of one composer. In such cases enter 
under the original composer. If the title indicates the use of bor- 
rowed thematic material, make added entry for the composer whose 
work has been borrowed. (Cf. 22.) 


Smith, Edward Sydney, 1839-1889. 

. . . Fra Diavolo, fantaisie brillante pour piano sur Topera 
comique d'Auber par Sydney Smith. Op.67 . . . 

i. Auber, Daniel Francois Esprit, 1782-1871. Fra Diavolo. 



Composition on borrowed theme: 

Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943. 

. , . Rapsodie sur un theme de Paganini, op.43, pour piano 
et orchestre . . . 

r. Paganini, Nicolo, 1782-1840. 

Work modelled upon the style of another composer: 

Tausig, Karl, 1841-1871. 

Nouvelle soirees de Vienne, Valses-caprices d'apres J. Strauss 
[par] Ch. Tausig . . . 

I. Strauss, Johann, 1825-1899. 


Paul, S T 

"Hodge podge," medley . . . Two-part chorus for female 
voices. Arranged by S. T. Paul. 

Works included: Waltz from Faust (Gounod); Soft and light as 
mists of the morning; Jingle bells (J. S. Pierpont) ; Old folks at home 
(S. C. Foster); The rally (S. T. Paul); Nelly Gray (B. R. Hanby); 
Kentucky home (S. C. Foster) ; The flag of freedom. 

Potpourri, from one composer: 

Strauss, Johann, 1825-1899. 

Streifzug durch Johann Straussche Opcretten. Potpourri fur 
kleines Orchester, von Ludwig Schlogel. 

i. Schlogel, Ludwig, 

B. If the composer is not known, enter the work under title 
(Cf. 32.) 

Les amusements d'Orphee, Menuet italien pour les violons, 
flute et hautbois. 

C. Enter a spurious work or a work of doubtful authorship (Cf. 
31.) under the name of the composer to whom it has been generally 
attributed, followed by the designation SUPPOSED COMPOSER. The 
designation is used in an added entry as well as in main entry. 

D. Enter a composition written by two or more composers in col- 
laboration under the one first mentioned on the title page, with com- 
poser and title added entries under the others* 

Schumann, Robert Alexander, 1810-1856. 

F, A. E. In Erwartung der Ankunft des verehrten und gelieb- 
ten Freundes Joseph Joachim schriebcn diose Senate Robert 
Schumann, Albert Dietrich und Johannes Brahms * . . 

1829 - 1908 - F - A * * 

E. Enter collections of compositions by several composers under 
the compiler or editor. If, in the case of collections containing both 
text and music, the work of the editor of tho text seems to be more 
important than that of the compiler or the editor of the music, enter 



under the editor of the text. If the work of the editor or editing body 
appears to be slight, enter under the title, with added entry for 
the editor. 


from the hills of Vermont, sung by James and Mary 
Atwood and Aunt Jenny Knapp. Texts collected and edited 
by Edith B. Sturgis. Tunes collected and piano accompaniment 
arranged with historical notes by Robert Hughes. 
i. Sturgis, Edith B. 

Friedlaender, Max, 1852-1934, ed. 

Gedichte yon Goethe in Compositionen . . . Herausgegeben 
von Max Friedlaender. 

L Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. 

Larkin, Margaret, 1899- comp. 

Singing cowboy; a book of Western songs, collected and edited 
by Margaret Larkin; arranged for piano by Helen Black. 

i. Black, Helen, 1890- arr. 

Bing Crosby's album of song souvenirs . . . with arrangements 
of the . . . songs for all Bb and Eb instruments . . . 
i. Crosby, Bing, 1901- 

F, Enter a thematic catalog under the compiler, if known, other- 
wise under the publisher. Make subject entry for the composer. 

Kochel, Ludwig Alois Friedrich, Ritter von, 1800-1877. 

Chronologisch-thematisches Verzeichnis samtlicher Tonwerke 
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts . . . von Dr. Ludwig Ritter von 
Kochel. 3. Aufl. bearbeitet von Alfred Einstein. 

1. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Thematic catalogs, i. Einstein, Al- 
fred, 1880- ed. 

Breitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig, pub. 

Thematisches Verzeichnis samtlicher in Druck erschienenen 
Werke von Ludwig van Beethoven. 

1. Beethoven, Ludwig van Thematic catalogs. 

13. Private collections (Catalogs). 

A. Enter catalogs, lists, etc., of private collections (libraries, art 
galleries, numismatic cabinets, stamp collections, etc.) under the name 
of the owner of the collection, with added entry under the name of 
the author (compiler) of the work, and under place when known 
also by the latter. 

Walters, William Thompson, 1820-1894. 

Oriental collection of W. T. Walters, 65 Mt Vernon Place, 

Brinley, George, 1817-1875. 

Catalogue of the American library of the late Mr. George 
Brinley . . . 

Compiled by J. H. Trumbull. 

i. Trumbull, James Hammond, 1821-1897. 



B. When a private collection has passed into the possession of 
some institution, society, or other body, entry for all subsequent pub- 
lications is to be made under the name of that body, with added entry 
under the name of the collection and the original collector. Publica- 
tions issued before the change of ownership are to have added entry 
under the name of the institution or other body into whose possession 
the collection has passed. 

Boston. Public Library. Prince collection. 

The Prince library. A catalogue of the collection of books and 
manuscripts which formerly belonged to the Reverend Thomas 
Prince, and was by him bequeathed to the Old South Church, 
and is now deposited in the Public Library of the city of Boston. 

i. Boston. Old South Church, n. Prince, Thomas, 1687-1758. 

Grace, Frederick, 1779-1859. 

A catalogue of maps, plans, and views of London, West- 
minster & Southwark collected and arranged by Frederick Grace; 
edited by his son John Gregory Grace. London, 1878. 

Collection purchased by the British Museum in 1880. 

i. Grace, John Gregory, n. British Museum. Dept. of Printed Books. 
Map Room. 

C. Enter under the name of the compiler unofficial catalogs of 
books or other objects in libraries, exhibitions, galleries, museums, 
etc., private or public; i.e., catalogs which are not issued as publica- 
tions under the auspices of the owners or custodians of the collections 
concerned, though possibly with their approval. Make added entry 
under the name of the personal or institutional owner. 

Daley, Charles Marie, 1897- 

Incunabula of Albert Magnus in the Library of Congress, by 
Rev. Charles M. Daley. 

r. U. S. Library of Congress. 

D. Enter dealers' sales catalogs limited to an individual collection 
under the name of the collector (individual, association, institution, 
or firm)* 

Thomas, George Clifford, d. 1909. 

. . . Autographs, rare books and fine bindings, the collection 
of the late George C. Thomas, to be sold . . . November 18 . . , 
and . . . November 19, 1924 ... in our art gallcri*.* . . . und<>r 
the management of Samuel T. Freeman & Co., auctioneers . . . 

If the catalog covers several collections, one of which is the principal 
or featured collection, enter under the name of the principal collector, 

Salter, Allen, 1864-1933. 

TII" * *^ e * enow ?? d ^dical library of Allen Salter, M.D., of 
111., with a few additions, for sale by Argosy Book Stores, inc. 

Unidentified collections and miscellaneous sales catalogs are entered 
under the name of the dealer. 



Maggs Bros., London. 

. . . English literature of the 19th & 20th centuries, being a 
selection of first and early editions of the works of esteemed 
authors & book illustrators, together with books on sports and 
pastimes , . . 

14. Radio scripts. 

A. Enter a radio script or series of scripts under the author, when 
known. If all of the series were written for a named program or for 
a single broadcasting company, make added entry under the name 
of the program followed by RADIO PROGRAM in parentheses, or tinder 
the name of the broadcasting company. 

Corwin, Norman Lewis, 1910- 
Thirteen by Corwin, radio dramas. 

Fane, Guy. 

Over the garden wall (Mrs. "H." and Mrs. "C." gossip, as 
broadcast in Monday night at seven") A series of comedy 
episodes, by Guy Fane. 

I. Monday night at seven (Radio program) 

B. Enter a single script, when no author is named, under a named 
program or a broadcasting company or station, if any is mentioned; 
otherwise under title. 

Columbia Broadcasting System. 

CBS open letter on race hatred. Saturday, July 24th, 1943 
(as broadcast) 
i. Title. 

C. Enter collections of radio scripts by different authors or by un- 
named authors under editor or under title. However, if all were 
written for a named program or broadcast by a single company or 
station, enter under the name of the program or the name of the 
company or station, giving preference to the name of the program, 
if distinctive. Make added entry for the name of the company. 

Rees, Leslie, 1905- ed. 
Australian radio plays, edited by Leslie Rees. 

Americans at work (Radio program) 
Americans at work. May 20, 1939- 
i, Columbia Broadcasting System. 

The family hour (Radio program) 

United nations; six radio dramatizations presented on "The 
family hour," starring Gladys Swarthout, Deems Taylor and 
Al Goodman. 

Amigos inolvidables (Radio program) 

Amigos inolvidables; recopilacion de los folletos correspon- 
dientes a la ... serie de audiciones del programa "Amigos 
inolvidables," auspiciado por la Asociacion de Difusion Inter- 
americana, transmitido por LR1, Radio El Mundo y la Red azul 
y blanca, Buenos Aires. 



National Broadcasting Company, inc. 

These four men; radio biographies of the four most talked- 
about men in the world, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, 
Adolf Hitler, Franklin D. Roosevelt, presented by the National 
Broadcasting Company. 

15. Scenarios (Motion picture). 

Enter scenarios of motion pictures under the title of the picture, 
with explanatory phrase MOTION PICTURE added in parentheses to 
the heading. 

Elephant boy (Motion picture) 

16. Ships' logs. 

Enter the official log of a ship under the name of the ship. Make 
added entry for the commanding officer if his name appears promi- 
nently on the title page. 

Gloucester (17. S. gunboat) 

Log of the U. S. gunboat Gloucester, commanded by Lt-Com~ 
mander Richard Wainwright, and the official reports of the 
principal events of her cruise during the late war with Spain. 

i. WainwrigHt, Richard, 1849-1926. 

Bon Homme Richard (Ship) 

The log of the Bon Homme Richard; with introduction by 
Louis F. Middlebrook. 

Includes the account by Nathaniel Fanning of tho sea battle of 
September 23, 1779 (p. 49-61) 

I. Fanning, Nathaniel, 1755-1805. n. Middlebrook, Louis Frank, 1866* 

Ariel (Steam yacht) 
Log of the "Ariel" in the gulf of Maine. 

17* Theses and dissertations. 15 

A, Eater under the author theses and dissertations issued after 
1800 with the exceptions noted in C, p. 39, 

B. Enter under praeses dissertations issued before 1800 at con- 
tinental European universities and faculties. Make added entry under 
the respondent. Include the word PRABSES or RESPONDENT in the 

Schurtzfleisch, Conrad Samuel, 1641-1708, praeses. 
. . . Lemmata antiqvitatum francicarum . , . 
Diss, Wittenberg (P. C. Scheibler, respondent) 
i. Scheibler, P. C., respondent 

ReinJharth, Tobias Jacob, 1684-1743, praese*. 

. . . De^rervm vxoriarvm marito traditarvm favore. et qvibvs- 
dam cavtionibvs earvm cavsa attendis . . , 

Diss. Erfurt (G, L. Hoyer, respondent and author) 

L Hoyer, Georg Leopold, respondent 



> - 

Make exception in favor of entry under respondent in cases of well- 
authenticated authorship. 16 In case of doubt prefer main entry under 

Rudolphi, Karl Asmund, 1771-1832, respondent and author. 
Observations circa vermes intestionales . . . 
Diss. Greifswald. 
Part 1, Joannes Quistorp, praeses; pt. 2, Chr. Ehrenfr. Weigel, praeses. 

; 9o i ? OIp Joannes > P^eses. n. Weigel, Christian Ehrenfried von, 
1784-1831, praeses. 

If two respondents are named without a praeses, and without 
designating the author, enter under the first and make added entry 
for the second. 

C. Treat in the same way as in B, p. 38-39, the later dissertations of 
certain universities at which the old custom continued after 1800 (e.g., 
the Swedish and Finnish, and some of the German, particularly 
Tubingen) . 

Schuebler, Gustav, 1787-1834, praeses. 

Untersuchungen iiber das specifische Gewicht der Samen und 
naheren Bestandtheile des Pflanzenreichs . . . 

Inaug.-Diss. Tubingen (C. F. Renz, respondent) 

i. Renz, Carl Friedrich, respondent. 

D. Enter a dissertation consisting of an edition or translation of 
the work of another under the original author. (Cf. 2.) 

Alanus de Insulis, d. 1202. 

The Anticlaudian of Alain de Lille; prologue, argument and 
nine books, translated, with an introduction and notes . . . rby 3 
William Hafner Comog. 

W. H. Cornog's thesis (PHJD.) University of Pennsylvania, 1934. 
1, Cornog, William Hafner, 1909- tr. n. Titie. 

E* Enter a program dissertation under the author of the disserta- 
tion. If a program is accompanied by two or more dissertations, enter 
each independently. Added entry under the institution (or, if the 
case require, form subject entry) may be made. 

Elter, Anton, 1858-1925. 

. . . De Henrico Glareano geographo et antiquissima forma 
'Americae' cotnmentatio. 

Programme-Bonn (Natalicia GvHelmi n) 

i. Bonn. Universitat 

"The respondent's designation as "auctor" on the title page, however, is not to be 
accepted as proof of his authorship without other evidence. Concerning the author- 
ship of dissertations entered under the praeses, see the following: Ferdinand Eichler, 
"Die Autorschaft der akademischen Disputationen," Sammlung Ubliothekswissen- 
schaftlicher Arbeiten, Hft. 10 (1896), p. 24-37; Hft 11 (1898), p. 1-40. Ewald 
Horn, 'Die Disputationen und Promotionen an den deutschen Universitaten, vornehm- 
lich seit dem 16. Jahrhundert/' Centralblatt jur Bibliothekswesen, 11. Beiheft (1893) 
and Georg Kaufmann, u Zur Geschichfce dor aeadermschen Grade und Disputationen," 
ibid., XI. Jahrg. (May, 1894), p. 201-225. 


Jeitteles, Ludwig Heinrich, 1830-1883. 

Ueber einige seltene und wenig bekannte Saugethiere des 
siidostlichen Deutschlands . . . 

Programm N. <D. Landes-Ober-Realschule, St. Polten. 

I. Sankt Polten, Austria. Landes-Real- und Ober- Gymnasium. 

Rydberg, Johannes Robert, 1854-1919. 
Fysikens utveckling till allman tillstandslara . . . 
Programm Lund (with list of doctors' degrees) 
1. Lund. Universitet. Doctors' degrees, 1903. 

18. Visitations, Heraldic. 

Enter heraldic visitations under the name of the herald or king-of- 
arms who makes the visitation. Make added entries for other heralds 
assisting in or continuing the visitation, for the editor, for the college 
or king-of-arms, and make form subject entry under the heading 

Bysshe, Sir Edward, 16157-1679. 

The visitation of Sussex, anno Domini 1662, made by Sir Ed- 
ward Bysshe, knt . . . edited and annotated by A. W. Hughes 
Clarke, F. s. A. 

1. Visitations, Heraldic Sussex, Eng. I. Hughes Clarke, Arthur Wil- 
liam, 1873- ed. H. England, College of Arms. m. Title. 

19. Works of art. 

A. Enter under the artist collections of drawings, or reproduc- 
tions of drawings, engravings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, or 
designs of other art objects, which are the work of a single artist, and 
issued without text, with prefatory notice and list of plates only, or 
with a brief descriptive or other text of obviously secondary im- 
portance. Make added entry for the editor or compiler, personal or 
corporate (museum, gallery, association, etc.) as the case may be, 
Capon, William, 1757-1827. 

Views of Westminster, sketched 1801-1815 and drawn in water- 
colours by William Capon. Reproduced from the originals in the 
possession of the Society of Antiquaries with Capon's descrip- 
tions annotated by Philip Norman . , . 

i. Norman, Philip, 1842-1931. n. Society of Antiquaries of London, 
m. Title. 

Diirer, Albrecht, 1471-1528. 

Albrecht Diirers samtliche Kupferstiche im Grossc dor Qrig- 
inale in Lichtdruck wiedergegcben, ncbst einem erlnuternden 
Vorwort von Dr. Franz Friedrich Leitschuh . . > 

I. Leitschuh, Franz Friedrich, 1865-1924, od. 
Brangwyn, Sir Frank, 1867- 

The British Empire panels designed for the House of Lords 
by Frank Brangwyn, R, A.; descriptive text by Frank Rutter, 
foreword by the Earl of Iveagh. 

i. Rutter, Frank Vane Phipson, 1876-1937. , Title. 
Rubens, Sir Peter Paul, 1577-1640. 

The masterpieces of Rubens . . . sixty reproductions , , 
from the original paintings . * 



Rodin, Auguste, 1840-1917. 
Sculptures de Rodin, 

Adams, Ansel Easton, 1902- 

The four seasons in Yosemite National Park; a photographic 
story of Yosemite's spectacular scenery, photographed by Ansel 
Adams, edited by Stanley Plumb. 

i. Plumb, Stanley, ed. 

B. Enter engravings which reproduce the work of another artist 
under the original artist with added entry for the engraver, but enter 
reproductions of the work of several artists by a single engraver 
under the engraver. 

Turner, Joseph Mallord William, 1775-1851. 

Picturesque views on the southern coast of England, from 
drawings made principally by J. M. W. Turner, R. A., and en- 
graved by W. B. Cooke, George Cooke, and other eminent 
engravers . . . 

I, Cooke, William Bernard, 1778-1855, engr. n. Cooke, George 1781- 
1834, engr. me. Title. 

Feuchere, Leon, 1804-1857. 

^L'art industriel, recueil de dispositions et de decorations in- 
terieures, comprenant des modeles pour toutes les industries 
d'ameublement et de luxe ... 72 planches composees et des- 
sinees jpar Leon Feuchere . . . gravees par Varin freres et 
precedees d'une introduction sur TappHcation de Tart a 

i. Varin, Amedee, 1818-1883, engr. n. Varin, Eugene Napoleon, 1831- 

Finden, William, 1787-1852. 

Views of ports and harbours, watering places, fishing villages, 
and other picturesque objects on the English coast. Engraved 
by William and Edward Finden, from paintings by J. D, Harding, 
G. Balmer, E. W. Cooke, T. Creswick and other eminent artists. 

Text by W. A. Chatto. 

i. Finden, Edward Francis, 1791-1857. n. Chatto, William Andrew, 
1799-1864, ed m. Title. 

C. If the drawings, engravings, etc., form part of a work, even a 
more or less independent part (portfolio, or separate volume or vol- 
umes) in conjunction with a substantial text by a person (or persons) 
other than the artist himself, make the main entry under the author 
of the text with added entry, or subject (depending on the individual 
case) under the artist. In case of doubt, prefer main entry under the 
author of the text, with subject entry under artist. 

Hind, Charles Lewis, 1862-1927. 
Augustus Saint-Gaudens, by C. Lewis Hind. 
1. Saint Gaudens, Augustus, 1848-1907. 
c47 pages of text, 52 plates^ 



Home, Herbert Percy, 1864-1916. 

Alessandro Filipepi, commonly called Sandro Botticelli, 
painter of Florence, by Herbert P. Horne. 

1, Botticelli, Sandro, 14477-1510. 

t366 pages of text, 42 plates^ 

D, When an artist and an author collaborate in the production 
of a work, enter under the one whose contribution forms the pre- 
dominant feature of the work, and make added entry for the other. 
In case of doubt, prefer entry under the author of the text. 

Smith, Alice Ravenel Huger, 1876- 

A Carolina rice plantation of the fifties; 30 paintings in water* 
colour, by Alice R. Huger Smith, narrative by Herbert Ravenel 
Sass, with chapters from the unpublished memoirs of D. E. Huger 

x. Sass, Herbert Ravenel, 1884- n. Smith, Daniel Elliott Huger. 
m. Title. 

Kemble, Edward Windsor, 1861-1933. 
Cartoons by E. W. Kemble; limericks by G. Mayo . . . 
L Mayo, Gertrude, 1879- 

Casdprff, Heinz. 

Heiteres Capri, von Heinz CasdorfL Mit Bildern von Erica 
i. Casdorff-Westendorff, Erica, illus. n. Title. 

E. When the contribution of the artist is limited to the illustration 
of a work independently written by another person, make added entry 
for the illustrator only if the illustrations are a noteworthy feature 
of the work. 

Dante AKghieri, 1265-1321. 

The Divine comedy of Dante Alighieri, translated by Jeffer- 
son Butler Fletcher . . . 

Illustrations from drawings by Botticelli. 

Butler ' 1865 " tr ' n " Botticem ' 

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834. 

Rime of the ancient mariner. By Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 
With twenty illustrations by J. Noel Paton, R.S.JU 

I. Paton, Sir Joseph Noel, 1821-1901, illus. n. Title. 
Barne, Kitty, 1883- 

She shall have music, by Kitty Barne; illustrated by Ruth 
Gervis , , . 

x. Title. [No added entry for illustrator] 

But if the illustrations are assembled and published without the 
text, enter under the illustrator with subject entry under the name 
of the author of the text with subheading ILLUSTRATIONS, 

Paton, Sir Joseph Noel, 1821-190L 

Compositions from Shakespeare's Tempest Fifteen 
ings in outline. By Sir J. Noel Paton. 

1. Shakespeare, William*- Illustrations. 



F. Enter architectural drawings and plans of buildings tinder the 
person (architect) or corporate body responsible for them. 
Burges, WHKam, 1827-1881. 

The architectural designs of William Surges, A. R. A, edited 
by Richard Popplewell Pullan, F. R. i. B. A. 

i. Pullan, Richard Popplewell, 1825-1888, ed. 
Kaufmann, Oskar, 1873- 

Der Architekt Oskar Kaufmann; Vorwort von Oscar Bie: mit 
140 Abbildungen auf 127 Tafeln und 5 Farbentafeln. 

i. Bie, Oskar, 1864-1938. 

Northwestern Lumbermen's Association, Minneapolis. 

Practical small homes. 3d ed. . . . Designs by Northwestern 
Lumbermen s Ass'n, Minneapolis, Minn. 

Works Related to Previous Publications 

20. Revisions, 

Enter a revision under the name of the original author with added 
entry for the reviser* (Cf. 2.) 

c Chisholm, George Goudie, 1850-1930. 

. . . Europe . . . edited by B. C. Wallis . . . London, E. Stan- 
ford, ltd. c 1924-25? 3 

The work of G. C. Chisholm in the previous edition, 1899-1902, has 
been largely retained. It has been brought up to date by B. C. Wallis. 

i. Wallis, Bertie Cotterell, ed. 

The rule applies as long as the work remains substantially that of 
the original author, especially if it purports to be an edition of his 
work. If, however, the revision is substantially a new work, enter 
it under the reviser with added entry for the author and title of 
the original work. 

Mudge, Isadora Gilbert, 1875- 

New guide to reference books, by Isadore Gilbert Mudge . . . 
Based on the 3d edition of Guide to the study and use of refer- 
ence books by Alice Bertha Kroeger as revised by I. G. Mudge. 

i. Kroeger, Alice Bertha, d. 1909, Guide to the study and use of 
reference books, 

Seubert, Adolf Friedrich, 1819-1890, ed. 

Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexicon; oder, Leben und Werke der 
beruhmtesten bildenden Ktinstler. 2. AufL umgearbeitet und 
erganzt von A. Seubert 

Second edition of Friedrich Miiller's Die Kiinstler aller Zeiten und 

i. Muller, Friedrich, d. ca. 1858. Pie Kiinstler aller Zeiten und 

21. Translations* 

A. Enter a translation tinder the author of the original work, with 
added entry for the translator. (Cf. 32G, 33A.) 



Maurois, Andre, 1885- 

The Edwardian era, by Andre Maurois; translated by Hamish 

I. Miles, Hamish, 1894-1937, tr. n. Title. 

B. Enter translations from various authors by a single translator, 
published as one work, under the translator. 

Underwood, Edna (Worthley) 1873- tr. 

Short stories from the Balkans, translated into English by 
Edna Worthley Underwood. 


C. Enter translations from various authors by different trans- 
lators under the compiler or editor, or under title. (Cf. 5A.) 

Cohen, Gustave, 1879- ed. 

... La "comedie" latine en France au xn e siecle; textes 
publies sous la direction et avec une introduction de Gustave 
Cohen . . . Textes etablis et traduits par Marcel Abraham, 
Robert Baschet, Andre Cordier L etc . . . 

r, Abraham, Marcel, tr. n. Baschet, Robert, tr. m. Cordier, Andre, 
tr. rv. Title. ' 

Specimens of the German lyric poets: consisting of translations 
in verse, from the works of Burger, Goethe, Klopstock, 
Schiller, &c., interspersed with biographical notices, and orna- 
mented with engravings on wood . . . 

22. Abridgments, adaptations, excerpts. 

A. Enter an abridgment, epitome, or outline under the same head- 
ing as the original work with added entry for the abridger, epit- 
omizer, etc. 

Scott, Sir Walter, bark, 1771-1832. 

Scott's Ivanhoe; modernized and abridged by Carolyn Pulcifer 
Timm . . . 

r. Timm, Carolyn (Pulcifer) n. Title: Ivanhoe. 
Remarque, Erich Maria, 1898- 

. , . Im Westen nichts Neues. (Abridged ed,) Prepared with 
introduction, notes and vocabulary by Waldo C. Peebles , . , 

i. Peebles, Waldo Cutler, 1895- ed. n. Title. 

B. Enter an adaptation, a paraphrase, or a free translation, as a 
general rule, under the same heading as the original work with added 
entry for the adapter, paraphraser, etc. (Cf. 33D.) 

iBlackmore, Richard Doddridge, 1825-1900. 

Lprna Doone, adapted by Rachel Jordan, A. 0. Berglund t and, 
Carleton Washburne, illustrated by Alexander Key. 

i. Jordan, Rachel, n. Berglund, Albert Olaf, 1902- in. Wash- 
burne, Carleton Wolsey, 1889- rv. Title. 

Vergilius Mato, PuTblius. 

Stories of old Rome. The wanderings of dEneas and the 
founding of Rome. By Charles Henry Hanson . . . 

"Little more than a simplified paraphrase of the po<m''~OPref, 
i. Hanson, Charles Henry, n. Title. 



Rosenkranz, Karl, 1805-1879. 

The science of education. A paraphrase of Dr. Karl Rosen- 
kranz's Paedagogik als System. By Anna C. Brackett. 

i. Brackett, Anna Callender, 1836-1911, ed. and tr. 

However, if the adaptation or paraphrase has been so freely made 
as to bear slight kinship with the original work as in the case of many 
adaptations for the use of juvenile readers, or if it has become a 
classic in its own right, prefer entry under the adapter or paraphraser, 
with added entry under the author and title of the original work. In 
doubtful cases, prefer entry under heading used for the original work. 

When entry is under adapter or paraphraser and the paraphrase 
is not limited to a single work, or if the work paraphrased is by a 
voluminous author under whose name there is a systematic arrange- 
ment of material in the catalog, make added entry under the author's 
name with subheading PARAPHRASES, TALES, ETC. 

Hosford, Dorothy G. 

Sons of the Volsungs; adapted by Dorothy G. Hosford from 
Sigurd the Volsung by William Morris . . . 

i. Morris, William, 1834-1896. The story of Sigurd the Volsung and 
the fall of the Niblungs. n. Volsunga saga. 

Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834. 

Tales from Shakespeare, by Charles & Mary Lamb; with 
sundry pictures and illuminations (now for the first time pub- 
lished) both in colour and in line, by Elizabeth Shippen Green 
Elliott ... 

i, Shakespeare, William. Paraphrases, tales, etc. n. Lamb, Mary 
Ann, 1764-1847, joint author, m. Elliott, Elizabeth Shippen (Green) 
illus. rv. Title, 

cGreene, Edward Burnaby 3 d. 1788. 

The Satires of Juvenal paraphrastically imitated, and adapted 
to the times. With a preface . . . 

i. Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Paraphrases, tales, etc. 

C. Enter excerpts (selections) from a single author under that 
author, with added entry under compiler. 

For entry of excerpts, etc., from several authors see 5A. 


Gleanings from Plato, being analects selected by J. R. Whit- 
well, M. B. 

i. Whitwell, James Richard, ed. n. Title. 

Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870. 

Dickens all the year round; a Dickens anthology, arranged by 
H. N. Wethered & Charles Turley, with an introduction by 
Bernard Darwin. 

i. Wethered, Herbert Newton, 1869- ed. n. Turley, Charles, joint 
ed. ra. Title. 

23. Dramatizations and novelizations. 

A. Enter a dramatization based on a novel, legend, poem or other 



literary form under the playwright, with added entry under the author 
and tide of the work upon which the dramatization is based. 

Howard, Sidney Coe, 1891-1939. 

Sinclair Lewis's Dodsworth, dramatized by Sidney Howard . . . 
I. Lewis, Sinclair, 1885- Dodsworth. n. Title: Dodsworth. 

White, Edward Joseph, 1869- 

Patient Griselda, a drama of the eleventh century (from 
Chaucer's Canterbury tales) Adapted for the screen. By Edw. 
J. White . , . 

I. Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury tales. Clerk's tale. n. Title. 

For musical dramas, see the rule for librettos, 12A (2) . 

B. Enter a novelization based on a play or other literary form under 
the novelist, with added entry under the author and title of the work 
upon which the novelization is based. 

Miln, Louise (Jordan) 1864-1933. 

The green goddess, by Louise Jordan Miln . . . based on the 
play, "The green goddess," by William Archer. 

I. Archer, William, 1856-1924. The green goddess, n. Title. 

24. Parodies and imitations. 

Enter a parody or an imitation under its own author with subject 
entry for the author and title of the work parodied or imitated. 

For parodies not limited to a single work or for a parody of a single 
work by a voluminous author under whose name in the catalog there 
is a systematic arrangement of material, make subject heading under 
the name of the author parodied with subheading PARODIES, TRAV- 

Downey, Fairfax Davis, 1893- 

When we were rather older, by Fairfax Downey . , 
A parody of "When we were very young/ 1 by A. A. Milne. 
1. Milne, Alan Alexander, 1882- When we were very young. 

I* JLluLe* 

Desfontaines, Pierre Francois Guyot, 1685-1745. 

novo Gulliver, ou Viagem de Joao Gulliver, filho do capitao 
Gulliver. Traduzida de hum manuscrito inglez pelo abbade des 
Fontaines, trasladada do francez . . 

An imitation of Gulliver's travels by the Abb6 Dosfontaines. 
1. Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745. Gulliver's travels. x. Title, 

Stevens, Harold Charles Gilbard, 1892- 

. . . High-speed Shakespeare: "Hamlet,** "Julius Caesar," 
*Romeo and Juliet"; three tragedies in a tearing hurry. 

At head of title: H. C. G. Stevens. 

1. Shakespeare, William Parodies, travesties, etc. I. Title. 
Rice, George Edward, 1822-1861. 

4 ,5 n !2 pl ?* y ** n gar ]? ; ( Hamlet > ^nce of Denmark;) in 
three acts. By Geo. Edward Rice ... * 

1 Shakespeare, William Parodies, travesties, etc. x. Title, 


25. Continuations (Supplements). 

A. Enter a continuation which is in the form of an independent 
work with author and title differing from that of the original work 
under its own author. Make added entry under the name of the 
original author followed by a brief title of his work, or, if preferred, 
a reference may take the place of an added entry. 

Donaldson, John William, 1811-1861. 

A history of the literature of ancient Greece; from the founda- 
tion of the Socratic schools to the taking of Constantinople by the 
Turks. Being a continuation of K. (X Mutter's work. By John 
William Donaldson. 

I. Muller, Karl Otfried, 1797-1840. Geschichte der griechischen 

or, instead of added entry make reference: 

Muller, Karl Otfried, 1797-1840. 

Geschichte der griechischen Literatur . . . 

For a continuation of this work 

Donaldson, John William, 1811-1861. 

A history of the literature of ancient Greece . . , Being a con- 
tinuation of K. O. Miiller's work. 

Copinger, Walter Arthur, 1847-1910. 

Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum. Or, Col- 
lections towards a new edition of that work. In two parts 
by W. A. Copinger . . . 

i. Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Theodor, 1781-1836. Repertorium biblio- 

or, instead of added entry make reference: 

Hain, Ludwig Friedrich Theodor, 1781-1836. 
Repertorium bibliographicum . . . 

see also 

Copinger, Walter Arthur, 1847-1910. 
Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum . . . 

Wheeler, Joseph Towne, 

The Maryland press, 1777-1790, by Joseph Towne Wheeler; 
with an introduction by Lawrence C. Wroth. 

A continuation of Lawrence C. Wroth's History of printing in colo- 
nial Maryland, c/. Pref. 

I. Wroth, Lawrence Counselman, 1884- A history of printing 
in colonial Maryland, 1686-1776. P * 

or, instead of added entry make reference: 

Wroth, Lawrence Counselman, 1884- 
A history of printing in colonial Maryland 
For a continuation of this work 


Wheeler, Joseph Towne. 
The Maryland press, 1777-1790. 

B. Enter a continuation or supplement not independent of the work 



to which it belongs (usually, but not necessarily, by the same author) 
with the original work. 

Halevy, lie, 1870-1937. 

A history of the English people ... by ]lie Halevy. With an 
introduction by Graham Wallas; translated from the French by 
E. I. Watkin and D. A. Barker. 
Epilogue . . . translated from the French by E. I. Watkin. 

i. Watkin, Edward Ingram, 1888- tr. n. Barker, Dalgairns Arun- 
del, joint tr. 

C. Enter a single monograph issued as a supplement to a periodical 
under the author, with added entry for the periodical, followed by 
the word Supplement. 

Austin, Bryson Edward, 1851-1903. 

. . . The story of a New England farm house. Boston. Ellis 
& Little, 1883. 

106 p. 24 cm " 

Supplement to Massachusetts magazine of historical research, v. 12, 
no. 3, 

i. Massachusetts magazine of historical research. Supplement. 

D, Enter a series of monographs forming a supplement to a peri- 
odical under the name of the periodical, unless the series has a dis- 
tinctive title. 

Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswescn. 

Beihefte zum Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswcsen . . . Leipzig. 
O. Harrassowitz, 1888- 

26. Sequels. 

Catalog a sequel as an independent work. If the sequel is by a 
different author, make an added entry under the author of the work 
which it continues, followed by a brief title thereof. 

Aimard, Gustavc, 1818-1883. 

Trappers of Arkansas. A narrative. By Gustavo Aimard . . . 
Sequel: The border rifles. 

Aimard, Gustavo, 1818-1883. 

The border rifles. A narrative. By Gustavo Aimard. 
Sequel to Trappers of Arkansas. Sequel: The freebooters, 

Harris, Edwin. 

John Jasper's gatehouse ... A sequel to the unfinished novel, 
"The mystery of Edwin Drood," by Charles Dickens . . . 
i. Dickens, Charles. The mystery of Edwin Drood. 

27. Indexes. 

A- Enter a separately published index to a single work of an 
author with the work, making added entry for the compiler. 

B. Enter a separately published index to the collective works of 
an author under the compiler. Make subject entry for the author 
indexed with subheading DICTIONARIES, INDEXES, ETC* 



Saxton, Eugene Francis, 1884-1943, comp. 

The Kipling index; being a guide to authorized American 
trade edition of Rudyard Kipling's works, compiled by Eugene 
F. Saxton, March, 1911. 

1. Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 Dictionaries, indexes, etc. 

C. Enter cumulated indexes to periodicals and other serials with 
the serials to which they belong. 

If a separate entry is necessary, give the title of the work indexed 
in the heading, followed by the word INDEXES in parentheses. 

Societe de linguistique de Paris. Memoires. (Indexes) 
Table analytique des dix premiers volumes des Memoires de 

la Societe de linguistique de Paris, par Emile Emault . . . Paris, 

Imprimerie nationale, 1900. 

i. Emault, Emile Jean Marie, 1852- comp. 

The Classical journal. (Indexes) 

. . . General index to volumes i-xxv C 1905-1930 3 by Franklin 
H. Potter. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, The Torch Press [1930] 
i. Potter, Franklin Hazen, 1869- comp. 

D. Enter a combined index to several publications of one society 
or institution under the name of the body, with added entry under 
the compiler, and under the several serials indexed, giving heading, 
brief title, and the word INDEXES in parentheses. 

Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

General index to the Archaeologia ^Eliana (vols. i-iv. 4to; 
and i-xvi. 8vo.) and to the Proceedings (vol. i (o.s.); and 
i-v) of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

i. Archaeologia JEliana. (Indexes) n. Society of Antiquaries of New- 
castle-upon-Tyne. Proceedings. (Indexes) 

E. Enter a combined index to several publications of different 
origin under the compiler with added entry under the headings of the 
several publications. Use subject heading instead of added entry if 
the work indexed cannot be particularized. 

Cole, George Watson, 1850-1939. 

An index to bibliographical papers published by the Bib- 
liographical Society and the Library Association, London, 1877- 
1932, by George Watson Cole . . . 

Indexes also the Library, a quarterly review of bibliography. 

1. Bibliography Bibl. 2, Bibliographical Society, London Bibl. 
3. Library Association Bibl. i. The Library; a quarterly review of 
bibliography. (Indexes) 

F. Enter a general index, as a rule, under its compiler. However, 
enter under title indexes to periodical and miscellaneous literature 
if they are better known under their titles, especially such as are 
published periodically. 

Griswold, William McCrillis, 1853-1899. 

... An index to articles relating to history, biografy, litera- 
ture, society, and travel contained in collections of essays (etc.) 
by W, M. Griswold . . . 2d ed., revised but not enlarged. 



Poole's index to periodical literature, by William Frederick 
Poole . . . with the assistance as associate editor of William I. 
Fletcher . . . and the cooperation of the American Library 
Association and the Library Association of the United King- 
dom . . . Rev. ed. Vol. i . . . 1802-1881. 

I. Poole, William Frederick, 1821-1894, ed. n. Fletcher, William 
Isaac, 1844-1917, joint ed. 

Essay and general literature index, 1900-1933; an index to about 
40,000 essays and articles in 2144 volumes of collections of 
essays and miscellaneous works, edited by Minnie Earl Sears 
and Marian Shaw, preface by Isadore Gilbert Mudge . . . 

Supplement, July 1934- 

. . . Edited by Marian Shaw. New York, The H. W. Wilson 

Company, 1934- 

i. Sears, Minnie Earl, 1873-1933, ed. n. Shaw, Marian, 1895- 
joint ed. 

G. Enter indexes of laws which do not index a particular work 
under the name of the country or other jurisdiction, with form sub- 
division LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. (INDEXES). Make added entry for 

Connecticut. Laws, statutes, etc. (iTtdexes) 
Index to General statutes of Connecticut. 

H. Enter an index to a particular code, but not to a particular 
edition of it, under the name of the jurisdiction with form subdivision 
LAWS, STATUTES, ETC., the name of the code, and form subdivision 

Mexico. Laws, statutes, etc. C6digo penaL (Indexes) 
28. Concordances. 

Enter a concordance under its compiler with subject entry under 
the heading appropriate to the work concordanced. 

Crudea, Alexander, 1701-1770. 

A complete concordance to the Holy Scriptures of the Old 
and New Testament ... To which is added, A concordance to 
the books called Apocrypha . . . 

1. Bible Concordances, English. 

Prendergast, Guy Lushington. 

A complete concordance to the Iliad of Homer. By Guy Lush- 
ington Prendergast . . . 
1. Homerus. Ilias Concordances. 

Broughton, Leslie Nathan, 1877- 

A concordance to the poems of Robert Browning, by Leslie 
N. Broughton . . . and Benjamin F. Stelter. 

^ 1. Browning, Robert-Concordances, i. Stelter, Benjamin Franklin, 
joint author. 

29* Commentaries and scholia. 

A. Enter works containing both text and commentary (or scholia) 



under toe author of the text with added entry for the commentator 
or scholiast. 


w?T Sthenes> with ** EnglUi commentary by the Rev. Robert 
Wniston . . . 

L Whiston, Robert, 1808-1895, ed. 

^ B. Enter under commentator or scholiast commentaries (or scholia) 
with partial or fragmentary text, or with text obviously subordinated 
to the commentary either by its typographical disposition (e.g., in small 
type at the foot of the page, in parentheses to elucidate the com- 
mentary, or distributed through the commentary in such a way that 
it cannot be readily distinguished from it) or by the emphasis given 
by author or publisher. Make added entry under the heading ap- 
propriate to the text. 17 

Gill, William Hugh, 1841-1904. 

The incarnate Word; being the Fourth Gospel elucidated by 
interpolation for popular use, by William Hugh Gill . . . 
1. Bible, N. T. John Commentaries, i. Title. 
(Text subordinate to commentary^ 
Steuernagel, Carl, 1869- 

ttbersetzung und Erklarurxg der Bucher Deuteronium u. 

(Handkommentar zum Alten Testament, i. Abth., IJBd.) 
1. Bible. O. T. Deuteronomy Commentaries. 2. Bible. O. T. Joshua 
Commentaries, i. Bible. O. T. Deuteronomy. German, n. Bible. 
O. T. Joshua. German. 

[Emphasis on the commentary^ 

C. Enter scholia without text and of unknown (probably diverse) 
authorship under the editor* Make form subject entry consisting of 
the name of the author upon whose works the scholia are based fol- 
lowed by the word SCHOIJA. In the case of scholia limited to a par- 
ticular work, include the title of the work in the form subject heading. 

Mountford, James Frederick, 1897- ed. 

The scholia Bembina, edited with annotations by J. F. Mount- 
f ord . , , 

1. Terentius Afer, Publius Scholia, i. Title. 

Wendel, Carl Theodor Eduard, 1874- ed. 

Scholia in Apolloniura Rhodium vetera recensuit Carolus 

1. Apollonius Rhodius Scholia, i. Title. 

White, John Williams, 1849-1917, ed. 

The scholia on the Aves of Aristophanes, with an introduction 
on the origin, development, transmission, and extant sources of 
the old Greek commentary on his comedies; collected and edited 
by John Williams White . . . 
1, Aristophanes. Aves Scholia, i. Title. 

w Commentaries issued without text are entered, like criticism in general, under the 
author of the commentary, with subject entry for the work criticized. 



Works of Doubtful or Unknown Authorship 

30. Pseudonymous works. 

Specification. A pseudonymous work is one by an author who 
writes under a false name, (Cf . GLOSSARY.) The term is here extended 
to include those who conceal their identities (1) by assuming the 
name of another real person (allonym), e.g., "by Horacio Flaco"; 
(2) by rearranging the letters of the name (anagram) , e.g., "by Olphar 
Hamst," i.e., Ralph Thomas; or by adopting an inverted spelling, e.g., 
"by Eidrah Trebor," i.e., Robert Hardie; (3) by using forename or 
forenames only, e.g., "by Aurelia," i.e., Aurelia Gay Mace; "by An- 
thony Berkeley," i.e., Anthony Berkeley Cox; (4) by rearranging the 
order of surname and Christian names, e.g., "by Leilani Jones Mel- 
ville/' i.e., Melville Leilani Jones; (5) by using as a name a specific 
word or phrase with or without a definite article, e.g., "by Acutus," 
"by Sigma," "by Cheiro," "by Ex-intelligence officer," "by Operator 
1384," "by the Duchess," "by the Prig," etc. (Cf, also Anonymous 
works, 32.) 

A. Enter works published under pseudonym under the author's 
real name when known, except as qualified below in (1) - (3) and B. 

c Mace, Aurelia Gay a 1835-1910. 

The alethia: spirit of truth. A series of letters in which the 
principles of the united society known as Shakers are set forth 
and illustrated. By Aurelia cpseucL] 

i. Title. 

Refer from Aurelia, pseud. 

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910. 

Following the equator; a journey around the world, by Mark 
Twain tpseud.;, 

i. Title. 

Refer from Twain, Mark, pseud. 

Exception is made in favor of entry under pseudonym followed 
by the abbreviation PSEUD.: 

(1) When real name is unknown, or the author wishes it withheld. 

Rockwood, Roy, pseud 

Bomba the jungle boy ... by Roy Bockwood . . , 
i. Title. 

Ex-convict no. i* 

Dartmoor from within, by Ex-convict no. ("Jock" of 


I. Title. 

(2) When the pseudonym has become fixed in literary history (in- 
cluding current criticism) and biography, and is therefore, the name 

taWUd * * 


looked for by the informed reader. If desirable for clarity, include real 
name in heading or mention it in a note. Refer from real name. 

Caballero, Fernan, pseud, of Cecilia Bohl de 

Faber, 1796-1877. 
Sand, George, pseud, of Mme. Dudevant, 1804-1876. 

This rule may be followed in cases where current popular authors 
are better known by pseudonym than by real name, if they have never 
published under the real name. 

Winwar, Frances, pseud. 

Refer from 

Grebanier, Frances (Vinciguerra) 1900- 
Webb, Frances (Vinciguerra) 1900- 

In cases where the pseudonym and real name are used with about 
equal frequency and are therefore equally well known, the real name 
is likely to gain in ascendancy and should be favored. 

(3) When two or more authors have written together under one 
pseudonym, to avoid a cumbersome heading, give the real names in 
a note, 19 and refer from them. 

Queen, Ellery, pseud. 
The Roman hat mystery ... by Ellery Queen. 

Ellery Queen is the pseudonym of Frederic Dannay and Manfred 
Bennington Lee. 

Make references: 

Dannay, Frederic. 

For works written in collaboration with Manfred Lee 


Queen, Ellery, pseud. 
Lee, Manfred Bennington. 

For works written in collaboration with Frederic Dannay 

Queen, Ellery, pseud. 

But entry under one of the real names is to be preferred to entry 
under initials. 

c Young, Virginia C 3 

Philip; the story of a boy violinist, by T. W. O. tpseud.^ 
T. W. O. is the pseudonym of Virginia C. Young and Mary C. 

I. Hungerford, Mary C., joint author, n. Title. 
Refer from T. W. 0., pseud. 

B, Other combinations of circumstances arise in which an indi- 
vidual case may require a special decision. For example, it is ordi- 
narily better to enter under the real name authors who have written 
under several pseudonyms, especially if they have ever published 

10 The Library of Congress gives this information in a note in the lower right-hand 
corner of the card, e.g., Ellery Queen, pseud, of Frederic Dannay and Manfred Ben- 
nington Lee. 



under the real name; but exception might be made for a very well- 
known pseudonym. 

When in doubt whether an assumed name is a pseudonym or a 
changed name (cf. 45) entry under the assumed name without the 
designation PSEUD, may be better. 

Damase, Jean. 

tName used by a novelist whose real name has been reported to be 
Jean Brun^ 

31. Spurious works and works of doubtful authorship. 

A. Enter under the name of an author (usually ancient, classic, or 
medieval) with form subdivision SPURIOUS AND DOUBTFUL WORKS, 
works that have been transmitted as his in manuscript and early 
printed editions without discrimination, but which have later been 
proved to be spurious or doubtful and excluded from the canon of 
his genuine works, though they are sometimes included in collected 
editions and are also issued as separate collections or individually. 
Restrict the use of this subdivision to the case of authors to whom 
several works (cf. B following) have been thus uncritically ascribed, 
the real authorship of which remains unknown or uncertain. It is to 
be used, however, for an edition of any one of these "spurious" works 
unless another heading is more suitable, (e.g., a uniform title head- 
ing) in which case make added entry, with this subdivision, under the 
name of the person to whom the work has been ascribed. Notable 
examples of authors with whose names this subdivision is appropri- 
ately used are Aristoteles, Cicero, Seneca, Thomas Aquinas, Dante, 

Aristoteles. Spurious and doubtful works. 

Aristoteles qui ferebantur librorum fragmenta collegit Valen- 
tinus Rose. 

Collection of the fragments of Aristotle extant, all of which were 
considered by the editor to be spurious. Previously published with 
title: Valentmi Rose Aristoteles pseudepigraphus. Lipsiae, 1863; also 
r JSJ 5 i^ art edition of the Berlin Academy, vol. v (1870) p. 

L Rose, Valentin, 1829-1916, ed. 

Aristoteles* Spurious and doubtful works. 

De spiritu C translated 3 by J. F. Dobson. 

Separate issue of part of vol. ni of the Works of Aristotle translated 
into English tinder the editorship of J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross. 

j-f s ^S?*? 6 as ^ >een re i ecte <* as spurious by practically all 
editors. ! ft ei. 

L Dobson, John Frederic, 1875~ tr. n. Title. 

Yorkshire tragedy. 

... A Yorkshire tragedy, 1608. 

Entered on the Stationers' register 2 May, 1608, as by "WylUatn 
Shakespeare," and published in the same year under his name There 
is no sufficient reason for ascribing the play to him. cf. Camb. Eng, lit. 

L Shakespeare, William, Spurious and doubtful works. 



B, Enter under the name of an author followed by the designation 
SUPPOSED AUTHOR single works that have been generally attributed 
to him unless his authorship has been disproved. Make added entry 
under title. 

cDennis, John D 1657-1734, supposed author. 

A true character of Mr. Pope. The 2d ed. 

Ascribed generally to John Dennis, cf. Diet, of nat. biog.; H. G. Paul's 
John Dennis, his life and criticism, p. 89-91. 

i. Title. 

(1) But enter under title with added entry under the supposed 
author when there is good reason to doubt the ascribed authorship. 

The law scrutiny; or, Attornies' guide . . . 

A satire in verse, variously ascribed to Andrew Carmichael, William 
Norcott and otiiers. cf. Diet, of nat. biog.; O'Donoghue's The poets of 

I. Carmichael, Andrew Blair, ca. 1780-ca. 1854, supposed author 
n. Norcott, William, 1770? -1820? supposed author. 

The designation SUPPOSED AUTHOR is used with an added entry (or 
author and title reference) as well as in author heading. 

(2) Enter single works that have been variously attributed to 
several authors, but with a strong probability in favor of one of them, 

under the most probable author with added entries or author and title 
references for the other supposed authors, and added entry under title. 

cAllestree, Richard;, 1619-1681, supposed author. 

The whole duty of man . . . 

"Of the many persons to whom the authorship has been at various 
times ascribed, viz., Archbishop Sterne, Bishop Fell, Bishop Hench- 
man, Bishop Chappell of Cork, Abraham Woodhead, Obadiah Walker 
Archbishop Frewen, William Fulman, and Richard Allestree, besides 
one or two others, the preponderance of evidence seems to lie in favour 
of the last-named." Diet, of nat. biog. v. 43, p. 87; for fuller discus- 
sion, cf. also C. E. Doble, in Academy, Nov. 1882, p. 348, 364, 382; 
Bibliographer, London, v. 2, p. 73', 94, 164; Notes and queries, ser. 5, 
11, 12, etc. 

i. Sterne, Richard, Abp. of York, 15967-1683, supposed author, 
n. Fell, John, Bp. of Oxford, 1625-1685, supposed author L and added 
entries in-vin for the other persons to whom authorship has been 
ascribed) DC. Title. 

or make references: 

Sterne, Richard, Abp. of York, 15967-1683, supposed author. 
The whole duty of mm 

Allestree, Richard, 1619-1681. 

cetc., etc., /or the various persons to whom authorship has been 

(3) If the actual authorship of a work which has been attributed 
to another author has been established, enter under the real author 
with added entry under title and added entry or author and title 
reference under the supposed author. 



c Adams, Henry;, 1838-1918. 

Democracy, an American novel. 

Variously attributed by different authorities to Henry Adams, John 
Hay and Clarence King. c/. W. R. Thayer, Life of John Hay, 1915, 
v. 2, p. 58-59. The authorship of Adams is affirmed by the publisher 
Henry Holt in the Unpartizan review, no. 29, Jan. -Mar. 1921, p. 156; 
and Literary review, Dec. 24, 1920. 

I. Hay, John, 1838-1905, supposed author, n. Bang, Clarence, 1842- 
1901, supposed author, in. Title. 

tAuthor and title references may be used if preferred, (cf. example 
above: Allestree, Richard) i 

C. Enter under the name of the person, real or invented, works 
which with no justification of authorship have become established in 
literature under that name. To distinguish such fictitious authors the 
term "pseudo" is prefixed to the name attributed to them, but in the 
author heading it is transposed.- 

Dionysius Areopagita, Pseudo- 
Refer from 

Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. 

There was an historical Dionysius Areopagita, an Athenian, convert of Saint 
Paul. About the turn of the 6th century, a collection of Greek writings originated 
in Syria under the name of Dionysius Areopagita as author and became widely 
known and influential in patristic and scholastic literature, particularly after 
Joannes Scotus Erigena had made a Latin translation in the 9th century. The 
authorship of Severus, patriarch of Antiochia (d. 538) has been suggested, but 
not generally accepted. 

Callisthenes, Pseudo- 

Refer from 

Callisthenes, companion of Alexander the Great, was author of some historical 
works of which some fragments remain. Under his name has become transmitted 
a romantic history of Alexander, variously dated from the 2d century B.C. to the 
3d century A.D. or later, and from which the later literature of Alexander 
romances is mainly derived, 

Turpin, Pseudo- 

Refer from 
Turpin, Abp. of Rheims. (see also) 

Similarly has become transmitted under the name of Turpin, Archbishop of 
Rheims (8th century) one of the paladins of Charlemagne, an unhistorical 
Chronicle or Historia Karoli Magni, the work of an unknown author of the llth 

In the "pseudo" type of literature is found occasionally a body of 
writings which, for many years wrongly attributed to an author, has 
come to be known under a conventional name usually derived from 

T.yr- lnde J :o Maximilianus Manitius, GescFiidUe for latcinischcn Litcratur des 
mttelalters, Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft" (Munchen, Beck. 1911-31) 9 
Bd., 2. Abt, l.-3.Teil, gives an extensive list of "pseudo" authors of this kind: but 
Mamtius is not to be followed necessarily, his list includes authors with whom the 
subdivision SPURIOUS AND DOUBTFUL WORKS is to be used 



the name of the author to whom it was attributed. For instance, the 
term Ambrosiaster has been applied to a series of commentaries on 
thirteen epistles of St. Paul, which until about 1600 were attributed to 
St. Ambrosius, and later to Hilarius, also to a Jew named Isaac. 
Entry should be made under AMBROSIASTER with appropriate refer- 
ences and added entries. 


Refer from 

Ambrosius, Pseudo- 


Ambrosius, Saint, Abp. of Milan, (see also) 
Make added entry or reference under 

Isaac, Jew, fl. 372-378, supposed author. 

Hilarius, praefectus urbis Romae, 408 A.D. Spurious and doubt- 
ful works. 

32. Anonymous works (General). 

Specification. A strictly anonymous work is one in which the 
author's name does not appear anywhere in the book. The term is 
here extended to include (1) works in which the author's name appears 
in the book only in a concealed manner, so that the authorship is not 
obvious; 21 (2) works whose authorship is indicated by a descriptive 
or generic word or phrase preceded by an article, e.g., "by a lover of 
justice," "by a physician/' "by a bishop of the Church of England"; 22 
(3) works in which, instead of his name, the author gives the title of 
another of his books, e.g., "by the author of . . ."; (4) those in which 
the author uses initials, asterisks, or other symbols instead of his name. 

Works in which an author uses as a name a specific word or phrase 
with or without a definite article are treated as pseudonymous. (Cf . 30.) 

See also Anonymous classics (33-35) . 

General rule. 

Enter works published anonymously under author when known. 
Make added entry under title and added entry or reference under any 
phrase used instead of the author's name, 

L Defoe, Daniel, 16617-1731. 

The case of Protestant dissenters in Carolina . . . 
i. Title. 

cCosgrove, Eugene Milne, 1886- 

The science of the initiates; a ready handbook on the age- 
less wisdom; questions and answers, by a server. 

I. A server, n. Title. 

or if preferred, instead of the first added entry make reference: 

21 In case of doubt, consider the work anonymous. 

t^ 7 ^ author's use of a title instead of his name, e.g., "by the Bishop of York," 
by the Secretary of State," does not constitute anonymity unless there is no evi- 
dence as to identity. 



A server. 

The science of the initiates 

Cosgrove, Eugene Milne, 1886- 

If the author is not known, enter under title, making added entry 
under the phrase expressing authorship. 

Memoir of Bowman Hendry, M.D., late of Gloucester County, 
New Jersey. Compiled from the most reliable sources. By a 

r. A physician. 

Medical observations and inquiries. By a society of physi- 
cians . . . 

r. A society of physicians. 

If the phrase expressing authorship is devoid of meaning when 
removed from the context of the title, no reference or added entry 
is necessary. 

L Mayhew, Experiencei 1673-1758. 

A right to the Lord's Supper considered in a letter to a serious 
enquirer after truth. By a lover of the same. 

L Title. 

cDigges, Sir Dudley^ 1583-1639. 

The defence of trade. In a letter of Sir Thomas Smith, knight, 
gouernour of the East-India Companie, &c. from one of that 

i. Title. 

A. Change of title in successive volumes of nonscrial works. When 
the title pages of an anonymous work in several volumes vary, catalog 
from the title page of the first volume unless a majority of the 
volumes are issued under a later title and the work for this or some 
other reason is decidedly better known by this title. Refer from 
title not chosen as entry. 

B, ''By the author of . , ." When an anonymous work of undis- 
covered authorship bears on its title page such a phrase as "by the 
author of," enter it under its title with an added entry under the 
title quoted, followed by the words AUTHOR OP. If different titles are 
thus used by the author at various times, make the added entry under 
the title most frequently referred to, or, in case of doubt, under one 
of his best known or earlier works. Refer from the title of each 
work to the title thus chosen, using the following form: "For other 
works by the same author see . , ." 

The unveiled heart; a simple story. By the author of Early 
impressions, etc., etc. 
i. Early impressions, Author of. 

The unveiled heart. 



For other works by the same author see 
Early impressions, Author of. 

C. Initials, etc., identified. Enter under author's name books in 
which initials, asterisks, or other typographical devices, used in the 
place of the author's name have been identified. Make added entry 
under title and added entry, or reference if preferred, under initials 
(both first and last letters) , asterisks, etc. 

cGraefenberg, Rosie (Goldschmidt);, 1898- 
Prelude to the past; the autobiography of a woman, by R. G. 
i. G., R. ii. R. G. m. Title. 

or make references: 
Prelude to the past 

Graefenberg, Rosie (Goldschmidt) 1898- 

R. G. 

Prelude to the past 

Graefenberg, Rosie (Goldschmidt) 1898- 

Bordelon, Laurent; 1653-1730. 

Les solitaires en belle humeur. Entretiens recueillis des papiers 
de feu M. le marquis de M***. 

I. M***, marquis de. n. Title. 

or make reference: 
M***, marquis de. 
Les solitaires en belle humeur 

Bordelon, Laurent, 1653-1730. 

[Brothers of the Christian Schools, 

La Argentina; estudio fisico, etnografico. politico y economico, 
por PL E. C. 

Make references: 

H. E. C. c i.e. Hermanos de las Escuelas Cristianas 3 

Brothers of the Christian Schools. 

Hermanos de las Escuelas Cristianas 

Brothers of the Christian Schools. 

D. Initials, etc., not identified. Enter under title books in which 
initials, asterisks, or other typographical devices not identified are 
used in place of the author's name. Make added entry under the 
initials (both first and last letters) , asterisks, etc. 

Indiscretions of Dr. Carstairs, by A. De O. 
i. De O., A. n. A. De O. m. O., A. De. 

Relations d'un voiage de Pologne, fait dans les annees 1688 
et 1689. 



Caption title: Eelation d'un voiage de Pologne fait ... par Monsr 
1'abbe F, D. S. 

i. S., F. D. n. F. D. S. 

Voyages et aventures du chevalier de***. Contenant les 
voyages de 1'auteur . . . 
I. ***, chevalier de. 

. . , Un aventurier vous parle. 
At head of title: ? ? ? 
i. ? ? ? 

Initials, asterisks, etc., used in the place of name of editors, com* 
pilers, translators, etc., receive similar treatment. 

cDucray-Duminil, Francois Guillaumej 1761-1819. 

Celina, ou A filha do mysterio. Traduzida do francez Dor 
M. P. C. C. d'A. ... 

A *i-'F' R C ' C ' d '' tr * u ' M ' P ' C ' C ' d ' A " to m - Title - iv- Title: 
A filha do mysterio. 

Pollok, Robert, 1798-1827. 

The course of time, a poem. By Robert Pollok, A. M, With a 
memoir of the author, an introductory notice, a copious index 
and an analysis prefixed to each poem. 12th American ed, ' 

Preface signed: N. W. F. L i.e. Nathan Welby Fiskej 

i. Fiske, Nathan Welby, 1798-1847, ed. 

Make references: 
F., N. W. 

Fiske, Nathan Weiby, 1798-1847. 

N. W, F. 

Fiske, Nathan Welby, 1798-1847. 

Thompson, George. 

Der Zar, Rasputin und die Juden. Meinc Erlebnisse und 
Errinnerungen aus der Zeit vor und wahrend des Kriogcs. vor 
und wahrend der Revolution, von George Thompson. Nach dem 
in englischer Sprache verfassten Manuskript wiedergegebcn 
von *** . , . 

I. V, tr. 

E. Different spelling. 23 If the first word of a title entry or refer- 
ence may be spelled in more than one way, follow the spelling of the 
title page and refer from other forms. 

10 (British) Library Association rule (1908): When the first word of the 


the modern form and refer from variants. 


Where different spellings have been used in successive editions, 
follow the title page in each case and make added entry tinder the 
original form. 

An enquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots 
colony at Darien. Or An answer to a libel entituled A defence 
of the Scots abdicating Darien. Submitted to the consideration 
of the good people of England . . . 

An inquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots 
colony at Darien . . . 

First published Glasgow, 1700, as "An enquiry into the causes of 
the miscarriage of the Scots colony at Darien." 

i. An enquiry into the causes of the miscarriage of the Scots colony 
at Darien ... 

An inquiry into the revenue, credit, and commerce of France. 
In a letter to a member of this present Parliament. The 2d ed. 

A letter to the author of An enquiry into the revenue, credit, 
and commerce of France. Wherein the former and present state 
of the power and commerce of that kingdom are fully con- 
sider'd and deduced from authentic accounts. By a member 
of Parliament . . . 

1. An inquiry into the revenue, credit, and commerce of France. 
1742. i, A member of Parliament. 

Make reference: 

An enquiry into the revenue, credit, and commerce of France 

An inquiry into the revenue . . . 

F. Related works. When the title of an anonymous work begins 
with a word indicating numerical sequence, or defining its relation 
to another work, make added entry or reference under the title of the 
principal work, thus collecting related material under that title. 

A letter to a late noble commander of the British forces in 
Germany. The 3d ed., revised and corrected by the author, to 
which is added a postscript. 

"The writer . . . supposed to be Owen Ruffhead." European maga- 
zine, v. 14, p. 168. 

"A late noble commander" i.e. Lord Sackville. 

1. Sackville, George Sackville Germain, 1st viscount, 1716-1785. 
i. Ruffhead, Owen, 1723-1769, supposed author. 

A second letter to a late noble commander of the British forces 
in Germany. In which the noble commander's Address to the 
public, his Letter to Colonel Fitzroy, together with the Colonel's 
Answer, and Captain Smith's Declaration, are candidly and im- 
partially considered. By the author of the first letter. 

"The writer . . . supposed to be Owen Ruilhead." European maga- 
zine, v. 14, p. 168. 

"A late noble commander" i.e. Lord Sackville. 

1. Sackville, George Sackville Germain, 1st viscount, 1716-1785. 
i. Ruffhead, Owen, 1723-1769, supposed author, n. A letter to a late 
noble commander of the British forces. 



An answer to A letter to a late noble commander of the British 
forces. In which the candor is proved to be affected, the facts 
untrue, the arguments delusive, and the design iniquitous . . . 

Authorship ascribed to John Shebbeare, cf. European magazine, 
v. 14, p. 168; Douglas, John, The conduct of a late noble commander, 
p. 8. 

"A late noble commander'* i.e. Lord Sackville. 

1. Sackville, George Sackville Germain, 1st viscount, 1716-1785. 
2. A letter to a late noble commander of the British forces, i. Sheb- 
beare, John, 1709-1788, supposed author. 

G. Translations. 24 Enter a translation of an anonymous work under 
the translated title as it appears on the title page and make added 
entry under the original title. 

Histoire geographique de la Nouvelle ficosse, contenant le 
detail de sa situation, de son etendue & de ses limites; ainsi que 
des differens demeles entre TAngleterre & la France, au sujet de 
la possession de cette province . . . 

Translated by E. de Lafargue from "A geographical history of Nova 
Scotia," London, 1749. 

i, Lafargue, iStienne de, 1728-1795, tr. n. A geographical history of 
Nova Scotia. 

As they are; French political portraits, by ***; translated 
from the French by Winifred Katzin. 

i. ***. n. Katzin, Winifred, tr. in. Ceux qui nous menent 

33. Anonymous classics. 25 

Definition, An anonymous classic is a work of unknown or doubt- 
ful authorship, commonly designated by title, which may have ap- 
peared in the course of time in many editions, versions, and/or 

Specification. The term includes (3) single anonymous texts, e.g., 
poems, epics, romances, tales, plays, chronicles, etc.; (2) composite 
anonymous texts collectively known by a specific title, e.g., early 
Greek and Latin literary collections, medieval collections of stories 
or laws, series of poems, romances, etc., sacred literature, collections 
of early English plays, collections of legends, etc. Some of these com- 
posite texts form organized literary units; others are simply unor- 
ganized collections. 

Texts may be considered from three aspects depending upon their 
interrelationship: (1) those which are entirely independent with a 
single text of fixed content; (2) those represented in different lan- 
guages by a more or less close translation of an original text of fairly 
fixed content, the original text being in some cases available and in 

84 (British) Library Association rule (1908): Enter a translation of an anonymous 
work under the heading adopted for the original work and make added entry under 
the first word of the translated title. ** 

" These definitions, specifications, and rules can only be considered as tentative. 
A series of studies applying the rules to special literary groups is essential before 
basic principles of entry can be considered standardised and necessary exceptions 
can be formulated. A list of established headings is a desirable aajS wcepuons 



others lost; (3) those centering around one character or group of 
characters or events which are closely related but which have grown 
up in one or various literatures independently of each other, and 
which together are commonly designated as cycles. 26 

A. General rule. Enter editions of anonymous classics and their 
translations under a uniform heading consisting of the traditional or 
conventional title 27 of the work in the language of the original version 
when known. For parts of composite classics and cycles 28 see 33B 
and C. 

Chanson de Roland. Nibelungenlied. 

Vblsunga saga. Edda Ssemundar. 

Stabat Mater. Mahabharata. 

Everyman. Digby plays. 

However, prefer entry under the English form, if the classic is 
known equally well in many languages. 

Arabian nights. 
Bible. 29 
Seven sages. 

Refer from forms not chosen for entry. 

Chanson de Roland. 

Refer from 
Song of Roland. 

Seven sages. 

Refer from 

Historia septem sapientum. 
Le roman des sept sages. 
Seven wise masters. 
Die sieben weisen Meistern. 

*A cycle is a series of poems or prose romances, collected around or relating to 
a central event or epoch of mythic history and forming a continuous narrative (New 
English dictionary) The term cycle as used in these rules is limited to a series of 
texts, which originally appeared independently, relating to a central hero, event or 
epoch, and forming a fairly continuous narrative. 

87 Initial articles and unimportant introductory phrases as "The comedy of," "Here 
begins the tale of," etc., are ordinarily omitted, and a running title is preferred to an 
inverted form, e.g., Book of Hierotheus, not Hierotheus, Book of. 

"Popular and school libraries may prefer to enter all texts under the uniform 
heading for the most inclusive title, using the best-known English form unless the 
vernacular form is decidedly better known. 

Refer from 
Song of Roland. 
Chanson de Roland. 
Reynard the Fox. 

Le roman de Renart. 


Rejer "from 
Nibehings, Lav of. 
Lay of the Nibelungs. 
Song of the Nibelungs. 

29 For special rules for the Bible and other sacred literature see 34-35. 



Make added entries under names of editors, translators, and any 
authors to whom the classic may have been attributed; and under 
title when sufficiently distinctive and not used popularly enough 
to justify a reference, or when the title covers only a part of the classic. 

Chanson de Roland. 

La chanson de Roland. Texte critique, traduction et com- 
mentaire par Leon Gautier , . . 5. ed. 
I. Gautier, Leon, 1832-1897, ed. 

Chanson de Roland. 

The song of Roland; translated into English verse by Arthur 
S. Way . . . 

I. Way, Arthur Sanders, 1847-1930, tr. 

Chanson de Roland. 

... A chevalier of old France, the Song of Roland; translated 
and adapted from old French texts by John Harrington Cox . . . 
i. Cox, John Harrington, 1863- tr. n. Title. 

(1) To avoid confusion with entries of similar phraseology, and 
to aid in identification, where necessary or helpful, a term denoting 
literary type may be added after the uniform heading. 30 

Genesis {Anglo-Saxon poem) 
Genesis (Middle High German poem) 
Genesis (Old Saxon poem) 
Antioche (Chanson de geste) 

The advantage of such a practice is especially obvious when 
the uniform heading resembles a personal name, whether real or 

Beatrix (Chanson de geste) 

Guillaume d'Orange (Chansons de geste) 

[A. composite anonymous work made up of several individual 

anonymous texts] 
Guy of Warwick (Romance) 
Arthur, King (Romances, etc.) 

[A compilation of independent texts] 
Richard n (Drama) 
Jack Juggler (Interlude) 

For anonymous classics based on the lives of saints, other holy 
personages, or holy things, add the term LEGEND to the heading. It is 
used for the entry of a single text, for entry of different texts, or in 
added entries under which different texts are assembled. When the 

80 Appropriate terms are: 

of 11 !^ i Interlude Prose romance 

Block book Liturgical play Bomance 

Chanson SJ asc ^ e , Romances, etc. 

rvSSS? degeste Miracle P lay Sa &* < for headings not in- 

?^ dy Morality play eluding the term Saga 

f <*n a Mystery play or thittr) 

Fabliau Pantomime Tale 




legend concerns an individual, the heading follows the rules for 
personal names. 31 

Alexius, Saint Legend. 
[One text] 

Francesco d'Assisi, Saint. Legend. 

[A compilation of texts} 
GraiL Legend. 

[Used only as assembling added entry] 
Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Legend. 
Cyprianus, of Antioch. Legend. Martyrium Cypriani et Justae. 

The martyrdom of Cyprian and Jttsta . . . 
Refer from 

Martyrdom of Cyprian and Justa. 82 

Martyrdom of Justa. 

Cyprian, Martyrdom of. 

Justa, Martyrdom of. 

(2) When the classic appears in many languages either as direct 
translations or as versions, add to the unif orm heading the name of 
the language 88 of the text of the translation or version. 

Floire and Blancheflor. French. 

Floire and Blancheflor. Spanish. 

Floire and Blancheflor. Swedish. 

Seven sages. Catalan. 

Seven sages. English. 

Seven sages. English (Middle English) 

Seven sages. French. 

Upanishads. English. 

Upanishads. German. 

(3) For anonymous classics which appear as variants in differing 
manuscripts add the name of the manuscript in parentheses. 

Second shepherds' play (Towneley ms.) 
Abraham and Isaac (Brome ms.) 

(4) When the titles of anonymous classics involve personal names, 
either real or fictitious, the uniform heading may be limited to the 

** Because of the prominence of individuals concerning whom a body of literature 
has grown up, dates of birth and death are usually unnecessary when the literary 
type is used after a personal name, but should be used if needed to distinguish those 
of the same name. 

81 For a limited number of historical documents on martyrdoms (cf . Otto Bardenhewer 
Geschichte dcr altfcircMicheti Literatur (2. umbearb. Aufl.; Freiburg im Breisgau! 
Herder, 1914), v. 2, p. 664.) the Library of Congress enters or makes added entry 
under a uniform heading beginning Martyrdom of, e.g., MARTYRDOM op CARPUS, 

"Use the name of the language as given in TJ. S. Library of Congress, Catalog 
Division, Literature subject headings . . . and Language subject headings (5th ed.: 
Washington, Govt. Print. Off., 1926). 

If the text is given in two or more languages hi the same work, make an added 
entry for each language, e.g., main entry: Seven sages. Catalan; added entries: 
SEVEN- SAGES. English; SEVEN SAGES. French. 



name involved, retaining titles of honor and address. Make subject 
entry if the individual is real 

Captain Thomas Stukeley. 

The famous history of the life and death of Captain Thomas 
Stukeley . . . 
1. Stucley, Thomas, 1525? -1578 Drama. 

Richard Coeur de Lion (Romance) 

Der mittelenglische Versroman iiber Richard Lowenherz . . . 
1. Richard I, King of England, 1157-1199 Poetry. 

Godly Queene Hester. 

A new enterlude of Godly Queene Hester. 
1. Esther, Queen of Persia Drama. 

(5) If the titles of anonymous classics involve place names, enter 
usually under the name of the place without designation of country, 
followed by literary type in parentheses. However, use a phrase 
which includes the place name if it is more distinctive. 

Antiodbe (Chanson de geste) 
La chanson d'Antioche . . . 

Aspremont (Chanson de geste) 

La chanson d* Aspremont . . . 

Siege d'Orleans (Mystery play) 

Saint Joan of Orleans; scenes from the fifteenth century 
Mystere du siege d'Orleans. 

(6) Enter fragments and extracts as if they were complete. 

Partonopeus de Blois. 

Ouddietsche fragmenten van den Partonopeus van Bloys . . 

For treatment of manuscripts and manuscript reproductions see 9A. 

For treatment of commentaries and criticisms see 29. 

B. Parts of composite classics. 84 

(1) Enter parts of a composite anonymous classic which forms an 
organized literary unit, so that the parts when issued separately are 
remembered in relation to the whole title, under the uniform heading 
for the classic as a whole, followed by a uniform title for the part. 
Refer from the various names of the part. 

Corpus juris civilis. Codex. 

Refer from 
Codex Justinianus. 
Corpus juris civilis. Digesta. 

Refer from 
Digesta JustinianL 
Pandectae Justinianeae. 
Corpus juris civilis. Pandectae, 
Edda Saemundar. Voluspd. 

Refer jrom 

"See footnote 28, p. 63. ~ ' ~ 



Patrick, Saint. Legend. Purgatorium. 

Refer from 

Purgatory of St. Patrick. 
Purgatorium S. Patricii. 

Cl, 34-35. 

(2) Enter parts of a composite anonymous classic which is merely 
a collection, so that the parts when issued separately are remembered 
as independent titles, under their own uniform headings. Make see 
also or explanatory reference cards 35 from the title of the composite 
classic to the headings for the parts, and from the individual part 
to the whole. 


Townetey plays. 

The Towneley mysteries. 

Individual part: 

Second shepherds' play (Towneley ms.) 
The adoration of the shepherds. 

A collection which is also a cycle: 

Guillaume d'Orange (Chansons de geste) 
Guillaume d'Orange, le marquis au court nez. 

Individual parts: 86 


Charroi de Nimes. 
Couronnement de Louis. 
Chevalerie Vivien. 

C. Cycles. 

(1) Enter combined editions according to the general rule (33A) 
since cycles represent a collection of texts. However, combined edi- 
tions are rare, since these texts have usually grown up in various 

Guillaume d'Orange (Chansons de geste) 
Arthur, King (Romances, etc.) 

(2) Enter parts of cycles, since they are independent single anony- 
mous classics, under their own individual uniform headings. 87 

Ecbasis captivi. 

[Early Latin version] 
Reinaert de Vos. 

[Flemish version] 
Reinhart Fuchs. 

[High German version"] 

38 Cf. 33C(2). 

"All these headings might be followed by the designation CHANSON DE GESTE in 
parentheses (Cf. 33A(1).) 
87 See footnote 28, p. 63. 



Reinke de Vos. 

[Low German version] 
Renart le contrefait. 

[French sequel to the original French version] 
Roman de Renart. 

[French version] 

Make see also references to and from the uniform heading for 
the cycle, 

Reynard the Fox 

see also 

Ecbasis captivi. 

[etc., etc.; list all available versions] 

or better an explanatory reference card: 

Reynard the Fox. 

The story of Reynard the Fox appears in many versions in 
varying languages. Versions will be found in this catalog under 
their own titles. Here are entered critical discussions of the 
cycle, and miscellaneous editions, adapted or abridged, chap- 
books, juveniles, etc., etc., of which the immediate source or 
relation to other versions is not known or is uncertain. 
For the varying versions see entries under: 
Ecbasis captivi. 
Reinaert de Vos. 

Translations of parts of cycles are entered under the uniform head- 
ing for the part. 38 

Reinke do Vos. 

Reynard the Fox, a renowned apologue of the middle age, 
reproduced in rhyme . . . 

"The Low-German edition ... is that from which I have worked: 
Covering . . . between translation and paraphrase* ." Pref. signed: 
S. Naylor. 

Reinke de Vos. 

Die Historie von Reineke dem Fuchs nach dem nieder- 
deutschen Epos von 1498 neuerzahlt . . . 


The high history of the Holy Graal. Translated from the Old 
French . , . 

(3) Added entries and references. In large collections where it is 
desirable to assemble in one place all the entries for a cycle, see also 
or explanatory reference cards indicated in (2) above, may be omitted 
and an added entry for each work, including editions, translations 
and adaptations, may be made under a uniform heading for the cycle 

language oi the tQXt may bc specified i n &e heading, e.g., 


followed by the language of the text. Such added entries may also be 
used to assemble texts influenced by or based upon cycle versions. 

If necessary to conserve space, only one edition of a given text 
need be represented under a specific assembling added entry. The 
note "For other editions see cards under [heading]" on one card, or an 
explanatory reference card, may stand for many available books. 

Assembling added entries are not to be made for (1) mere title 
allusions to cycle stories, (2) minor incidents or references to a hero 
or event, (3) musical scores unaccompanied by words. Form subject 
subdivisions may be used to gather together these and other types of 
related materials where the size of the collection and needs of scholars 
warrant such treatment 

Libro de Alixandre. 

... El libro de Alixandre . . . 

I. Alexander the Great (Romances, etc.) Spanish. 
Prise de Defur. 

La prise de Defur et Le voyage d'Alexandre au paradis 
terrestre . . . 

i. Voyage d'Alexandre au paradis terrestre. n. Alexander the Great 
(Romances, etc.) French. 

Wars of Alexander. 

The wars of Alexander; an alliterative romance . . . 
i. Alexander the Great (Romances, etc.) English. 

Version entry Cycle entry 

E No original version^ Reynard the Fox. English. 

Renart-le-Nouvel. Reynard the Fox. French. 

Roman de Renart. Reynard the Fox. French. 

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang 

Reineke Fuchs Reynard the Fox. German. 

[an adaptation] 59 
Reinhart Fuchs Reynard the Fox. German. 

[an edition in the original 

Reinke de Vos 

Reinhart Fuchs Reynard the Fox. German. 

[a translation in German, 

^ from the low German] 
Reinke de Vos. Reynard the Fox. Low German. 

Version entries with added entries for cycles. 

Chrestien de Troyes, 12th cent. 
Perceval le Gallois; ou, Le conte du Graal . . . 
"Earliest known account of the GraiL" 

I. Perceval (Romances, etc.)* n. Grail. Legend.* 1 French. 

80 See 33D. 

40 Here and in the examples following, this heading might also be divided by 

41 For a discussion of the use of Legend in this heading, see Clarice Krieg, "The 
cataloging of Grail literature. Abstract/* Catalogers* and classifiers' yearbook, no. 5, 
(1936), p. 91-92. 



Lovelich, Kerry, fl. 1450. 

. . . The history of the Holy Grail, English . . . 
i, Grail. Legend. English. 11. Estoire del Saint Graal. 
[Based on the Estoire del Saint Graal] 

Perceval of Galles. 

... Sir Perceval of Gales . . . 
r. Perceval (Romances, etc.) 

[The one Perceval story which does not mention the Grail] 


Le haut livre du Graal; Perlesvaus . . . 
i. Grail. Legend. French, n. Perceval (Romances, etc.) 
[Original French] 


The high history of the Holy Graal . . . 
i. Perceval (Romances, etc.) n. Grail. Legend. English. 
[A translation in English] 

La queste del Saint Graal. 

The quest of the Holy Grail . . . 
i. Grail. Legend. English. 
[A translation in English] 

La queste del Saint Graal. 
... La queste del Saint Graal . . . 
i. Grail. Legend. French. 
[Original French] 

La queste del Saint Graal. 

... La versione catalana della Enchiesta del San Graal . . . 
i. Grail. Legend, Catalan. 
[Translation in Catalan] 

Y Seint Greal. 

Y Seint Greal . . . 

i. Grail, Legend. Welsh, n. Grail. Legend. English, m, Perceval 
(Romances, etc.) iv. Galahad (Romances, etc.) 
[Welsh text with English translation] 

Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883. 

Parsifal, von Richard Wagner. Vocal score with pianoforte 
accompaniment by R. Kleinmichel. With original German text 
and English translation. 

x. Perceval (Romances, etc.) IT. Grail legend. English, in. Grail 
Legend. German. 

Wolfram von Eschenbach, 12th cent. 
. . . Parzival . . . 

i. Perceval (Romances, etc.) n. Grail, Legend, German. 
[Original German] 

Wolfram von Eschenbach> 12th cent. 
Parzival, a knightly epic . . , 

i. Grail. Legend. English, . Perceval (Romances, etc.) 
[English translation] 



D. Adaptations. (Cf. 22B.) 

(1) Enter an adaptation 42 which is more or less a free translation 
of the original text under the uniform heading of the original text 
with an added entry under the adapter or translator. 


. . . Les amours de Lancelot du Lac . . . 
Modern French version by Jacques Boulenger, adapted and abridged 
from the Vulgate romance, Le livre de Lancelot del Lac. 
i. Boulenger, Jacques Romain, 1879- 

(2) Enter adaptations or paraphrases which have become literary 
works in their own right, or which have been freely made from many 
texts, as in the case of many adaptations for the use of juvenile readers, 
under the author of the adaptation. Make added entry under the 
uniform heading for the anonymous classic. 

Lovelich, Herry, fl. 1450. 

Merlin, a Middle-English metrical version of a French ro- 
mance'. . . 

i. Merlin. 

Gray, Terence. 

Cuchulainn, an epic drama of the Gael . . . 
1. Cuchulain. i. Cuchulain. 

[Long discussion of the legend justices the subject.] 

Colnm, Padraic, 1881- 
The island of the mighty. 
x. Mabinogion. n. Title. 

(a) The versions of the King Arthur stories which bear Malory's 
name on the title page are always entered under Malory even though 
they are not always editions nor confined to adaptations of Malory's 
version of the tales of the cycle. 

Malory, Sir Thomas, 15th cent. 

The boy's King Arthur; Sir Thomas Malory's history of King 
Arthur and his knights of the Round Table; edited for boys by 
Sidney Lanier . . . 

I. Arthur, King (Romances, etc.) n. Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881, ed. 

[Follows the wording of Malory] 
Malory, Sir Thomas, 15th cent. 

The story of Sir Galahad, retold from the Le morte d'Arthur 
of Sir Thomas Malory and the original stories, by Mary Blackwell 
Sterling . . . 

i. Sterling, Mary Blackwell. it. Galahad (Romances, etc.) 

Westwood, Thomas, 18147-1888. 

The sword of kingship. A legend of the < Mort d'Arthure" . . . 
_ "The framework of the following legend will be found in ... the 

term adaptation as used on title pages of anonymous classics may denote 
either a free translation of a given version, or a rewritten work possibly based on 
many versions. The term translation is sometimes used when adaptation would be 
more exact. When loosely used on title pages, the terms should be properly inter- 
preted in notes. 



first book of 'La mort d'Arthure' as compiled by Sir Thomas Malory." 
Prefatory note. 

I. Arthur, King (Romances, etc.) n. Malory, Sir Thomas, 15th cent. 
Le morte d'Arthur. in. Title. 

Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911. 

The story of the GraH and the passing of Arthur . . . 
I. Arthur, King (Romances, etc.) n. Grail. Legend, m. Title. 

(b) For adaptations of parts of cycles, make added entry for the 
uniform heading 43 for the part of the cycle involved, as well as that 
for the whole classic. The language, if specified in the heading, is the 
language of the text in hand. 

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. 
Reineke Fuchs . . . 

Based upon Gottsched's prose version of the Low German poem 
Reinke de Vos. 

I. Reinke de Vos. German, n. Reynard the Fox. German, ui. Title. 

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. 

Reynard the Fox, after the German version of Goethe, by 
Thomas James Arnold, esq. . . . 

A translation of Goethe's Reineke Fuchs. 

I. Reinke de Vos. English, n. Reynard the Fox. English. 

Johnson, Clifton, 1865-1940. 

Reynard the Fox, by Clifton Johnson; adapted from Goethe's 
Reineke Fuchs . . . 

i. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832. Reineke Fuchs, n. 
Reinke de Vos. English, m. Reynard the Fox. English. 

(3) Enter any anonymous adaptation under the uniform heading 
for the anonymous classic. 

Reynard the Fox. English. 
The history of Reynard the Fox, and Reynardine his son . . . 

E. Annals, chronicles, and similar records (chiefly medieval). 44 

Enter annals and anonymous chronicles clearly known to have orig- 

^Popular and school libraries may prefer a subject entry, if a hero, event or place 
is involved. 

Wolfram t>on Eachenbach, 12th cent. 
The story ot Parzival, the Templar . . . 
1. Percival. i. Title. 

"Ctoonicles differ from annals in that the former are usually in narrative form 
and fuller in content than the latter, which merely record individual occurrences 
under the successive years or other dates. According to H, F, Deiaborde (feole des 
cnartes) the term chronicle applies to accounts of a universal character while annals 
relate to a locality or religious community. Medieval scribes, however, apparently 
made no clear distinction between the two, often using the terms indiscriminately, 
tfotn nad tneir origin for the most part in abbeys and monasteries as marginal or 
interlinear notes of current events made by various hands in the church calendar 
and were, of course, without titles; these were assigned later by editors, the title 
varying with the editor. As these chronicles developed, they wore loaned by one 
institution to another where they were copied in whole or in part, often without indi- 
cation of source, so that in many cases the place of origin is difficult to determine. 
Cf. R. L. Poole, Chronicles and annals (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1926) ; T. F. Tout 
The study o/ medieval chronicles (Manchester, University Press, 1922); Encyclo- 
paedia Bntannica; New International encyclopaedia. 



inated in an institution under the institution with, added entries for 
editors, translators, titles, variant titles, attributed authors, and other 
individuals whose names have for some reason become closely asso- 
ciated with the work. 

If not of institutional origin, or if the institution of origin is doubt- 
ful, enter under a uniform heading for the title by which the work is 
best known. Make added entries for the institution with which the 
work is associated, editors, translators, etc., and references from 
variant titles. Added entries need not be made for earlier titles used 
as sources even though known. 

Warneton, Belgium (Augustinian abbey) 

Chronicon abbatise Warnestoniensis, ordinis canonicorum reg- 
ularium S. Augustini, ex actis quibusdam monasterii et ex auc- 
toribus collectum, cura et studio duorum Dioec. Brug. sacer- 
dotum C C. L. Carton et F. van de Putte^ 

i. Carton, Charles Louis, 1802-1863, ed. n. Putte, Ferdinand van de, 
1807-1882, ed. m. Title. 

Annals of the Four masters. 

. . . Annals of the kingdom of Ireland, by the Four masters, 
from the earliest period to the year 1616. Edited from the mss. 
in the library of the Royal Irish Academy and of Trinity College, 
Dublin, with a translation and copious notes, by John O'Don- 
ovan . . . 

English title preceded by title in Irish; Irish and English on oppo- 
site pages. 

"The Four masters . . . were Michael, Conary, and Cucogry O'Clery, 
together with Ferfeasa O'Mulconry " Introductory remarks, v. 1, p. xix. 

The Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Museum, v. 1, 
p. 20, gives Peregrine (Cucogry) O'Duigenan in place of Conary 
O'Clery, which agrees with Colgan's statement in his Acta sanctorum 
Hibernise, 1645. 

Known also as the Annals of Donegal. 

i. O'Clery, Michael, 1575-1648. n. O'Clery, Cucogry, d. 1664. m. 
O'Mulconry, Ferfeasa, fl. 1636. rv. O'Duigenan, Cucogry, fl. 1636. 
v. O'Clery, Conary, fl. 1636. vi. ODonovan, John, 1809-1861, ed. and 
tr. TO. Title. 

Refer from 
Four masters 
Annals of Donegal 
Donegal, Annals of 
Annales Dungallensis 
Annales quatuor magistrorum 

Sachsische Weltchronik. 

Das Zeitbuch des Eike von Repgow in urspriinglich nieder- 
deutscher Sprache und in fruher lateinischer tJbersetzung her- 
ausgegeben von H. F. Massmann. 

The first German chronicle in prose, formerly ascribed to Eike von 
Repgow, who possibly wrote the prologue in rime, in which his name 
appears. The Latin translation formerly held to be the original has 
title: Historia imperatorum. 

i. Massmann, Hans Ferdinand, 1797-1874, ed. n. Title. 
Refer from 

Chronica imperatorum Saxonica 

Chronica Romanorum 



Chronicon imperatorum et pontificum 

Chronicon Liineburgicum Saxonica lingua conscriptum 

Chronicon Repegovii 

Chronicon Keren Eiken von Repgow 

Historia Romanensis 

Historia imperatorum 

Repgauische Chronik 



34. Bible. 

Enter the Bible or any part of it 45 (including the Apocrypha) under 
the word BIBLE. Include as subheading, O. T. (Old Testament) , N. T. 
(New Testament), the name of the book or group of books, as the 
case requires, the language of the text, the date of publication, and 
when known, the version. 

Bible. English. 1611. Authorized. 
Bible. O. T. German. 1876. 
Bible. O. T. Genesis. English. 1851. 
Bible. N. T. John. English. 1900. 
Bible. O. T. Pentateuch. English. 1904. 
Bible. N. T. Gospels. Greek. 1896. 
Bible. 0. T. Kings. English. 1900. 

[includes 1-2 Kings} 
Bible. 0. T. 1 Kings. English. 1900. 
Bible. 0. T. Apocrypha. English. 1938. Goodspeed. 
Bible. O. T. Apocryphal books. 1 Enoch. Ethiopia 1851. 

For the form and spelling of the names of Biblical books, follow the 
Authorized version of the English Bible. Refer from variant forms 
and spellings. 

Bible. Paralipomena see Bible. O. T. Chronicles, 
Bible. Canticles see Bible, O. T. Song of Solomon. 

Refer also from the names of individual books to the heading under 
which they appear in the catalog. 

Song of Solomon see Bible. O. T. Song of Solomon. 

Isaiah (Book of the Old Testament) see Bible. O. T. Isaiah. 

A. Polyglot texts. Enter Bibles containing the identical Biblical 
text in three or more languages under the heading BIBLE. POLYGLOT, 
the word polyglot bearing the same relation to the heading as the 
name of a language. 

Bible. Polyglot. 1629. 

Bible. O. T. Psalms. Polyglot 1900. 

B. Diglot texts. 

(1) Enter a Bible containing the identical Biblical text in two 
languages under the original language, if one is the original. 

(2) If the two languages are of equal importance, and there is but 
one title page, enter under the one mentioned first in the title, or if 

46 The Library of Congress, by exception, uses Lord's prayer as author entry. 



neither is mentioned in the title, under the one whose text precedes. 

(3) If the two languages are of equal importance and there are two 
title pages facing each other preceded by a half title that names both 
languages, enter under the one named first on the half title page. 

(4) If one of the two languages is clearly of more importance or 
interest because the purpose is to edit the text in that language and 
the other is printed for convenience, enter under the more impor- 
tant language. 

In each case make added entry for the language not adopted for 
the main entry. 

C. Name of language in the heading. 

(1) The language of the text is specified in the heading in the form 
adopted in the Library of Congress list of literature and language 
subject- headings: 

Bible. English (Middle English) 1878. 
Bible. Anglo-Saxon. 1857. 
Bible. French (Old French) 1890. 
Bible. Basque (Labourdin) 1903. 
Bible. N. T. English (Scotland) 1867. 

Bible. Latin. 1647. Old Latin. 

because Old Latin is the name of a version (as distinguished from 
the Vulgate) not an older form of language. 

(2) The language specified in the heading for a translation of a 
version is the language into which the translation is made. If the 
translation is intended to show the peculiarities of that version as 
far as it is possible by means of a translation, make a subject entry 
for the version. 

Bible. N. T. English. 1855. Murdoch. 

. . . The New Testament; or, The books of the Holy Gospel 
of Our Lord and Our God, Jesus the Messiah. A literal trans- 
lation from the Syriac Peshito version, by James Murdock. 

1. Bible. Syriac Translations into English. 

(3) For Bibles in which the Old Testament is in Hebrew and the 
New Testament in Greek, the whole published as one work, give both 
languages in the heading. Make added entry for each Testament 
showing the languages involved. 

Bible. Hebrew-Greek. 1900. 
with added entries: 

Bible. O. T. Hebrew. 1900. 
Bible. N. T. Greek, 1900. 

This is the only instance in which two languages appear in a 

(4) For the Aramaic translations (targumim) of the Old Testa- 



merit, add the name of the targum after the date if there is more than 
one targum to the same Biblical text. 46 

Bible. O. T. Ezekiel Aramaic. 1902. 

Bible. O. T. Esther. Aramaic. 1920. Targum sheni. 

Bible. O. T. Pentateuch. Aramaic. 1900. Targum Onkelos. 

Refer from TARGUM to BIBLE. O. T. [PART] ARAMAIC., e.g., Bible. 
O. T, Ezekiel. Aramaic. 

Since there are no targumim extant for Ezra and Daniel for large 
portions of which the original text is in Aramaic, there is no possi- 
bility of conflict with the headings 

Bible* O. T. Ezra. Aramaic. 
Bible. O. T. Daniel. Aramaic. 

which headings, as occasion arises, will be used for the original text 
of these books if published separately. For works containing all 
originally Aramaic portions 47 of the Old Testament the heading is 

Bible. O. T. Aramaic. Selections. 
D. Date in heading. 

(1) If an edition is issued in one binding, but special title page for 
the New Testament or for the Apocrypha has a date earlier than the 
general title page, use the date of the general title page in the heading. 

Bible. Tonga (Tonga Islands) 1862. 
Koe Tohi Tabu katoa . . . 1862. 

2 v. in 1. 

Vol. 2 with trie "Koe Tohi oe Fuakava Foou" has special title-page 
only, dated 1860. 

(2) If an edition is issued in more than one binding, give the date 
of the earliest volume in the heading. 

Bible. Malay. 1820. 
Biblia malaica . . . C 1820 r 24. 

3 v. 

Vols. 1-2 (1824) paged continuously. 

Vol. 3 has title: Novum Testamentum malaice . . . 1820. 

(3) Undated Bibles have the same date in the heading as has been 
supplied in the imprint, but without brackets. 

Bible. English. 18-~ 

[avoid such an incomplete date if possible] 
Bible, English. 180-? 
Bible. English. 1800? 
Bible. English, ca.1800. 

[appnweiwation, not so close as 1800?! 
Bible. English. 1800. 

This will apply for all practical purposes only to the Pentateuch for which three 
1! * tlftP*/^?^ T ^ um Pseudo-Jonathan, Targum Yerushalmi, 

n ,^ 3S S^iMk-?5^x there are a!so throc - 
Shem (second), and Shelishi (third). 



(4) For modern facsimile reprints of old editions give the original 
date in parentheses followed by actual date of reprint. 

Make added entry with date of actual imprint. 

Bible. O. T. Psalms. English (1535) 1838. Coverdale. 
with added entry: 

Bible. O. T. Psalms. English. 1838. 

(5) For ordinary reprints give the date of the reprint only, with 
added entry for the date of the Bible reprinted in exceptional cases. 

Bible. German. 1904. 
Die erste deutsche Bibel . . . 1904. 

with added entry: 

Bible. German, ca. 1466. 

E. Version in heading. 

(1) In order to distinguish readily one version from another, add 
(if ascertainable) after the date in the heading, in English, the name 
of the version or the translator; or the name of the printer; or the 
name of the place and printer. 

Bible. Dutch. 1690. States-general version. 
Bible. English. 1560. Geneva version. 
Bible. English. 1611. Authorized. 
Bible. English. 1901. American revised. 
Bible. N. T. English. 1923. Goodspeed. 
Bible. German. 1534. Luther. 
Bible. Latin. 1450-1455. Mainz. Gutenberg. 

(2) If the translator is not the same as the commentator, use the 
name of the translator in the heading for the main entry and make 
an added entry giving the commentator's name. 

The name of the paraphraser or of the paraphrase may be added 
to the heading for all metrical versions of the Psalms. 

Bible. O. T. Psalms. French. Paraphrases. 1904. Marot. 

F. Form divisions in heading. The form divisions when required 
in a Bible heading follow immediately after the language specifica- 
tion. These form divisions are FOR THE BLIND; HARMONIES; LESSONS, 

Bible. O. T. Psalms. English. For the blind. 1924. 

Bible. O. T. Psalms. English. Selections. 1824. 

Bible. N. T. Gospels. English. Harmonies. 1937. Mofatt. 

If two of these should be applicable in a given instance, use only 
one in the heading, making the choice on the basis of the following 

48 Reference only in this position. For exceptional treatment of Bible manuscripts 



priority 49 table (1) For the blind, (2) Shorthand, (3) Paraphrases, 
(4) Harmonies, (5) Lessons, Liturgical, (6) Selections. 
Make added entry using the form not adopted in the heading. 

Bible. O. T, Psalms. English, Paraphrases. 1858. 
A paraphrase of selected Psalms . . . 
I. Bible. O. T. Psalms. English. Selections. 1858. 

35. Sacred literature (other than the Bible). 

A. Jewish sacred literature. 

(1) Talmud. Enter editions of the Talmud under the uniform head- 
ing TALMITD (for the Babylonian Talmud) or TALMUD YERUSHALMI 
(for the Palestinian or Jerusalem Talmud) . Include the language in 
the heading for texts other than Hebrew. Distinguish selections from 
complete works by means of the form subheading SELECTIONS, Make 
added entries for editors, translators, etc. 


New edition of the Babylonian Talmud, English translation. 
Original text edited, formulated, and punctuated by Michael 

i. Talmud. English, n. Rodkinson, Michael Levy, ed, 

Talmud. English. Selections. 

. . . The wisdom of Israel; being extracts from the Baby- 
lonian Talmud and Midrash Rabboth, translated by Edwin 
Collins . . . 

x. Collins, Edwin, tr. 

Talmud Yerushalmi. 

. . . Yerushalmi fragments from the Genizah. Text with vari- 
ous readings from the editio princeps, edited by Louis Ginz- 

i. Ginzberg, Louis, ed. 

(a) Enter the various orders (sedarim) as subheadings under the 
uniform heading TALMUD or TALMUD YERUSHALMI, as the case may be. 

Talmud. Nashim. English. 

The Babylonian Talmud; seder Nashim translated into Eng- 
lish with notes, glossary, and indices under the editorship of 
Kabbi Dr. I, Epstein. 

LWith *"* added entries 

For the form of the names of the orders and tractates follow the 
usage of the Jewish encyclopedia. For necessary references see 
(4) below. 

(b) Enter separate tractates (masektot) of the Talmud (including 
minor treatises) under the uniform heading TALMUD, or TALMUD 
Ywowttian, as the case may be, with the name of the tractate as 
subheading, disregarding the name of the order. 



Talmud. Hagigah. English. 

. . . Translation of the treatise Chagigah from the Babylonian 
Talmud, with introduction ... by A. W. Streane . . . 

I. Streane, Annesley William, ed. 

Talmud YerushalmL Ta'anith. 

... A translation of the treatise Taanith . . . from the Pal- 
estinian Talmud. 

(2) Mishnah. Enter texts of the Mishnah under the uniform head- 
ing MISHNAH. In other respects the entries are analogous to those 
under Talmud. 


Die Mischna. Text, tJbersetziing und ausfiihrliche Erklariuig 

. . . Herausgegeben von G. Beer . . . und O. Holtzmann , . . 

i. Mishnah. German, n. Beer, Georg, ed. ra. Holtzmann, O., joint ed. 

Mishnah. 'Aboddh zardh. English. 

The Mishna of idolatry, 'Aboda zara, ed. by W. A. L. Elms- 
lie ... 

r. Elmslie, William Alexander Leslie, ed. and tr. 

(3) Tosefta. Enter collections of the Tosefta (additions to the 
Mishnah) under the uniform heading TOSEFTA. Subheadings corre- 
spond to those of the Mishnah. 

Tosefta. Baba kamma. 

Die Tosefta des Traktates Nesikin Baba kamma geordnet und 
kommentiert . . . von Adolf Schwarz. 

i. Schwarz, Adolf, ed. 

(4) References. Because of the various forms under which an 
entry may be made for a given tractate, a complete system of refer- 
ences is necessary to indicate the possible entries under which it 
may be found the details in the second element of the reference 
to be added as material appears in the library. 

Baba kamma. 


Talmud. Baba kamma. 
Talmud Yerushalmi. Baba kamma. 
Mishnah. Baba kamma. 
Tosefta. Baba kamma. 

Similarly, reference is made from the name of the orders (sedarim) 
to the Talmud. 



Talmud. Nezikin. 
Talmud YerushalmL Nezikin. 
Mishnah. Nezikin. 
Tosefta. Nezikin. 

Also a general reference from the order (seder) to the tractate. 

Talmud. Nezikin. 
For separate tractates belonging to this order see under 



Talmud. c name of tractate^ e.g. 
Talmud. Baba fcamma. 

(5) Baraita (Tannaitic traditions not incorporated in the Mishnah 
but surviving in the two Talmuds, in the Tannaitic Midrashim, and in 
the Tosefta) . To be used as subject heading only. Enter collections 
under editor. 

(6) Midrash. Enter early anonymous midrashic material under 
the uniform heading MIDRASH with the name of the particular midrash 
as a subheading. For form of name follow the usage of the Jewish 
encyclopedia. For midrashim on a special book of the Bible, make sub- 
ject heading appropriate to that book with subheading COMMENTARIES. 

Midrash. Mekilta. 

. . . Ein tannaitischer Midrasch zu Exodus. Erstmalig ins 
Deutsche ubersetzt und erlautert von Jakob Winter und Aus 
Wunsche ... ** 

1. Bible. O. T. Exodus Commentaries, i. Winter, Jakob, ed 
n. Wunsche, August, joint ed. 

Midrash. Tanhuma. 

Midrasch Tanchuma, ein agadischer Commentar zum Penta- 
teuch von Rabbi Tanchuma ben Rabbi Abba. Kritisch bear- 
beitet . . . von Salomon Buber. 

1. Bible. O. T. Pentateuch Commentaries, i. Buber, Salomon, ed. 

For the sake of uniformity prefer the use of the period in the head- 
ing even in cases where the word Midrash is an integral part of the 
name of the particular midrash, e.g., 

Midrash. Kohelet. 
not Midrash Kohelet. 
nor Midrash. Midrash Kohelet. 
but by exception 

Midrash ha-gadol. 

Where midrashim with identical names deal with different books 
of the Bible, add the name of the book in parentheses. 

Midrash. Sifre (Numbers) 
Midrash. Sifre (Deuteronomy) 

B. Buddhist scriptures. Enter the collected Buddhist scriptures 
under the heading TRIPITAKA; the three divisions, Vinayapitaka, Sut~ 
tapijaka, and Abhidhamma under those names; and each individual 
treatise under its own name. Correlate the whole by means of see also 
references from the subject heading BUDDHA AND BUDDHISM SACRED 
7f S ; ^ y V he T he * di *g> if desirable, versions, and language 
of text, Distinguish selections from complete works by means of the 
form subheading SELECTIONS. 


Tripitaka. German. Selections. 






Dhammapada. Chinese version (Fa chu pi yu) English. 


C. Hindu scriptures. 

(1) Enter general collections of Vedic texts under the uniform 
heading VEDAS using language specification and the form subheading 
SELECTIONS when such delimitation is desirable. 

Vedas. German. Selections. 

(2) Enter the four separate collections of hymns and prayers known 
respectively as Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda 
under the uniform heading VEDAS. Subdivide by the name of the 
collection and refer from it. Further subdivision by version and by 
language may be made. 

Vedas. Atharvaveda. 

Refer from 

Vedas. Rigveda. English. Selections. 
Vedas. Samaveda. 
Vedas. Yajurveda. 
Vedas. Yajurveda. Vajasaneyisamhita. English. Selections. 

(3) Enter the various collections of commentaries and treatises 
known respectively as Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads, under the 
uniform headings BRAHMANAS, ARANYAKAS, UPANISHADS. Subdivide 
in each case by the name of individual treatises, and refer from 
the latter. 60 

Brahmanas. Adbhuta'brahmana. 

Refer from 
Aranyakas. Aitareyaranyaka. 
Upanishads. Chandogya-upanishad. 

D. Koran. Enter texts of the Koran under the word KORAN. Refer 
from variant transliterated forms. Include the language in the head- 
ing for translations and distinguish selections from complete texts by 
the use of the form subdivision SELECTIONS. 


Koran. French. 
Koran. Selections. 
Koran. English. Selections. 
Refer from 





50 Library of Congress enters Vedas and Upanishads as above, but enters each 
separate Brahmana and Aranyaka tinder its own name. 
British Museum usage is as recommended above. 


IL Personal Authors 

(Form of Entry) 

36. General rule* 

In the heading give the author's name in full and in the vernacular 
form with certain specified exceptions. (See 40, 44, 47-49, 51, 53-56.) 
If an author is known in literature, history or common parlance by 
more than one name, prefer (1) the most authentic, (2) the best 
known when the most authentic has been but little used and another 
form has been in use predominantly both by the person concerned 
and in records and literature. 

The form adopted for a given person is used without variation 
whenever it occurs as a heading, whether as author, added entry, or 
subject. 1 Kefer from forms not adopted. 

37. Modem authors. 

Enter persons of modern times under the family name followed by 
the forenames and the dates of birth and death when available. Varia- 
tions from this practice are noted in succeeding rules. 

East, Edward Murray, 1879-1938. 
Joad, Cyril Edwin Mitchinson, 1891- 
Chase, Mary Ellen, 1887- 
Powers, Margaret. 
Brennan, Paul C 

38. Compound surnames. 2 

In general enter compound surnames under the first part of the 
name and refer from the other parts, (See also 46F.) 

'By exception, the Library of Congress has shortened the author form Dante 
Alighien to Dante when the heading is used with a subject subdivision (e,., DANTE- 
BIBL.) (Cf. footnote 6 rule 42 for use of dates.) 

*Not to be confused with compound names are; 

(1) names apparently compound but actually the names of two distinct persons, 
*! - Erckmanri-Chatrian, i.e., Emile Erckmann and Alexandra Chatrian 

(2) hyphenated names (especially in French) in which the first part of the com- 
pound is a forename, e.g., Lassar-Cohn, i.e., Cohn, Lassar 

(3) hyphenated names (especially in German) in which the second part of the 
compound is the place of residence, e.g., Pelka-Berlin 

(4) English names in which the middle name is a family name but not a part of 
the surname, e.g., John Stuart Mill p 

(5) Hungarian names in which the first part of an apparently compound name is 
actually a title, e.g., Korosi Csoma Sandor, Le,, Csoma, Samior, korosl (Cf, 57B, note,) 



Watts-Dunton, Theodore, 1832-1914. 
Cotarelo y Mori, Emilio, 1857-1936. 
Schulze-Delitzsch, Hermann, 1808-1883. 
Vivien de Saint Martin, Louis, 1802-1897. 
BijH Nachenius, Henri Joachim de, 1842-1910. 

Exception is made, however, in favor of entry under some other 
part of the name when it is found that the author's own usage or the 
custom of his country as indicated in national biographical diction- 
aries, bibliographies, etc., distinctly favors entry under that part of 
the name rather than the first part. 

Salomons, Sir David Lionel Goldsmid-Stern, bart, 1851-1925. 
Fenelon, Frangois de Salignac de La Mothe-, Abp., 1651-1715. 

This exception rarely applies to Spanish names since the com- 
pound usually consists of the father's surname followed by the 
mother's surname. 3 

Portuguese and Brazilian names are treated with more variation 
since the mother's name is generally the first part of the compound 
and the father's normally the last. Enter usually under the last of 
the surnames which the author regularly uses in full in his writings 
or by which he is known (rather than under the last of the names 
found by research). Do not, however, separate parts which form a 
phrase, e.g., Espirito Santo, Sao Tiago, Castelo Branco. Entry may be 
under a surname other than the last when a compound form is hyphen- 
ated, or, rarely, when an author is very well known by the compound 
form. (Cf. 42, footnote 7, 46F (2) .) 

Siqueira, Jose de Lima. 

Refer from 
Lima Siqueira, Jose de. 

Espirito Santo, Vicente Antonio de. 

Refer from 

Santo, Vicente Antonio Espirito de. 

Roquette-Pinto, Edgardo, 1884- 

Refer from 
Pinto, Edgardo Roquette-. 

Machado de Assis, Joaquim Maria, 1834-1908. 

Refer from 
Assis, Joaquhn Maria Machado de. 

39. Surnames with prefixes. 

A, Attributive prefixes. Enter under the prefix in all languages 
surnames with attributive prefixes such as A', Ap, Fitz, M', Mac, 
Me, O', Saint, San, etc. 

A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott, 1811-1856. 
Fitz Gibbon, Abraham Coates, 1823-1887. 

9 For a treatise on Spanish personal names see C. F. Gosnell, Spanish personal 
names; principles governing their formation and use (New York, Wilson, 1938). 



MacDonald, William, 1863- 

O'Casey, Sean, 1884- 

Saint Jean, Robert de. 

San Cristoval, Evaristo, 1894- 

Santa Cruz, Alonso de, d. 1567. 

B. Prepositions and articles as prefixes. Names beginning with a 
preposition, an article, a preposition and an article, or a contraction 
of the two are entered under the prefix, or the part of the name fol- 
lowing the prefix, variously in different languages. 

When the bearer of a name with a prefix has changed his citizenship, 
enter according to the rules for the language of the country adopted! 

Exception is to be made in any case where established usage or 
the known preference of the bearer of the name is contrary to the 
prescribed rule. 

(1) Enter under the prefix and refer from the part following the 

(a) English names. 

Le Gallienne. 
De Morgan. 
Van Buren. 
De La Rue. 
Du Maurier. 

(b) French names when the prefix consists of an article or the 
contraction of a preposition and an article. 

Le Sage. 
Des Essarts. 
Du Moulin. 

(c) Italian names when the prefix consists simply of an article. 

La Farina. 
Li Gotti. 
Lo Savio. 

(d) Scandinavian names of romance origin (2) all Swedish names, 
and (2) Danish and Norwegian names when the prefix consists of or 
contains an article. 

De la Gardie, Magnus Gabriel, grefve, 1622-1686. 
La Cour, Jens Lassen, 1876- 

(e) In all languages when the prefix and name arc written as 
one word. 


Since such names occur sometimes as separate words, make refer- 
ence from the component parts, e.g., 



Delacroix with references from Croix, de la; La Croix, de. 
Zurlauben with reference from Lauben, zur. 

(2) Enter under the part of the name following the prefix in all 
cases not specified above and refer from name beginning with the prefix. 

(a) French names when the prefix consists of a preposition. 

Alembert, Jean Lerond d', 1717-1783. 
Faye, Eugene de, 1860-1929. 

In French names containing a preposition and an article (not a 
contraction of the two) the article precedes and the preposition fol- 
lows the name. 

La Fontaine, Jean de, 1621-1695. 
La Borderie, Arthur de, 1827-1901. 

(b) Italian names when the prefix consists of or contains a prep- 

Ancona, Alessandro d 5 , 1835-1914. 
Alberti, Antonio degli, fl. 15th cent. 

(c) Dutch and Flemish names. 

Brink, Jam ten, 1834-1901. 

Laer, Willem, van. 

Vondel, Joost van den, 1587-1679. 

Hoff, Jacobus Hendricus van't, 1852-1911. 

In Dutch names the prefix de has the same significance as van and 
follows the forename as do also articles and prepositions in names 
of French origin. 

Helm, Cornells de. 

Faille, Jacob Baart de la, 1795-1867. 

(d) German names. 

Hagen, Maximilian von, 1886- 
Miihll, Peter von der. 
Ende, Erich vom, 1890- 
Linde, Otto zur, 1873-1938. 
Busch, Josef Paul zunu 
Weerth, Ernst aus'm, 1829-1909. 
Rhyn, August am, 1880- 

(e) Scandinavian names when the prefix consists of the preposi- 
tion av (of) or the German equivalent von. 

Hallstrbm, Gunnar Johannes af, 1908- 
Linne, Carl von, 1707-1778. 

(f) Spanish and Portuguese names. With very rare exceptions, 
Spanish and Portuguese names are entered under the part of the 
name following the prefix. 

Ripa, Domingo la, 1622-1696. 
Bio, Antonio del. 



Casas, Bartolome de las, Bp. of Chiapa, 1474-1566. 
Cunha, Xavier da, 1840-1920. 
Santos, Joao Adolpho dos, 1859- 

40. Forenames (form when used with surname). 

A. Language. Give forenames in the form most common in the 
author's native or adopted language; or in doubtful cases, in the form 
proper to the language in which he has written most of his work, 
e.g., Masaryk, Tomas Garrigue not Thomas Garrigue. (Cf. 45B.) 

In German and Swedish forenames, when the author's usage is in 
doubt, prefer f to ph and k to c, e.g., Adolf rather than Adolph, Karl 
rather than Carl. In names of classical origin prefer ae to e, Aegidius 
not Egidius. 

B. Unused forenames. Unused forenames, middle as well as first 
names, are as a rule to be omitted in author headings, especially in 
the case of living authors. When a shortened form is used, refer from 
full name if the first forename has been omitted. 4 

Humboldt, Alexander, Freiherr von, 1769-1859, 

Refer from 

Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander, Freiherr 

Taridngton, Booth, 1869-1946. 

Refer from 

Tarkington, Newton Booth. 
Windisch-Graetz, Lajos, herceg, 1882- 

C. Forenames with variants. Give forenames which have a dis- 
tinct variant in the form of the variant whenever the author uses it 
regularly. Refer from the original form when necessary. 

Droysen, Hans. 

Refer from 
Droysen, Johannes. 
Renter, Fritz* 

Refer from 
Reuter, Friedrich. 
Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892. 
Carleton, Will, 1845-1912. 

Refer from 
Carleton, William McKendrie. 

D. Compound forenames. 

(1) Do not separate into their component parts forenames that 

appear combined in one word unless it is known that the separate 

*On entries where a shortened form is used in the heading and the full 

bw^tlSS ^% L * raiy , f ?T CS ? S rints ** *& fa a 

SES^feaS ^MBS* form: 

In the case of Hungarian authors, the full name note is riven in 


Hussia* and Hebrew authors, the full name note is given in roman 


form represents the author's own usage. If, however, the author some- 
times uses the full and sometimes the contracted form, prefer the 
full form. 

Martini, Giambattista not Giovanni Battista. 

Bodoni, Giovanni Battista not Giambattista. 
Ortes, Giovanni Maria not Giammaria. 

(2) Do not use hyphens between forenames, even though it is the 

practice of the country, e.g., Roy, Pierre Georges not Pierre-Georges. 

The use of hyphens in Chinese given names (cf. 67) is an exception. 

Wang, An-shih, 1021-1086, 
41. Titles of nobility, office, etc. 

A,^ Included in heading. Add in the heading titles which indicate 
nobility and the higher offices or ranks when they are commonly used 
in referring to a person. 

(1) Titles of nobility are given in the vernacular when surname 
is the entry word. (See 43 and 55-56 for language when forename is 
entry word,) 

Lichnowsky, Karl Max, Filrst von, 1860-1928. 

Ferrero, Augusto, barone, 1866- 

Du Cange, Charles Du Fresne, sieur, 1610-1688. 

(2) Titles indicating office are given in English whenever possible, 
whether entry is under forename or surname, and follow titles of 
nobility when both are included in the heading. 

Andreas, margrave of Burgau, Cardinal, 1558-1600. 

Du Perron, Jacques Davy, Cardinal, 15567-1618. 

Plunket, William Conyngham Plunket, baron, Abp. of Dublin, 

Calleja, Felix Maria, conde de Calderon, Viceroy of Mexico, b. 

Masaryk, Tomas Garrigue, Pres. Czechoslovak Republic, 1850- 


B. Omitted in heading. Omit from the heading titles of address 
(Miss, Mr., Mrs., Frau, Mme., etc.) ; minor ecclesiastical titles (abbe, 
archdeacon, dean, rabbi, reverend, etc.); governmental titles below 
the highest rank (vice-president, senator, governor, etc.); military 
and naval titles; academic and professional titles. 

Make exceptions in cases where the inclusion of the title is neces- 
sary to distinguish between two or more persons having the same name 
and whose dates are unknown, or when needed as an aid in identi- 
fication. (Cf.42.) 

Mendell, Miss Clyde. 
Tourte, Mme. Jo Roger. 
Castagnier, Mme. H. 
Erskine, Mrs. Payne. 



Deidier, abbe. 

Brown, George, captain, (dates unknown) 

Brown, Rev. George, (dates unknown) 

42. Dates and designations. 

For medieval and modern names add dates of birth and death in 
the heading when they can be discovered with a reasonable amount 
of search. 5 They are not, as a rule, to be given for classical names, and 
may also be omitted in the case of well-known persons when the name 
is followed by a subheading. 6 

Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. 

Shakespeare, William Characters. 

Shakespeare, William. Spurious and doubtful works. 

Distinguish persons of the same name whose dates are not known, 
by descriptive designations denoting profession, occupation, resi- 
dence, etc., in English if possible. 

Smith, John, 1536-1616. 
Smith, John, 1580-1631. 
Smith, John, Mar. 8, 1882- 
Smith, John, Aug. 5, 1882- 

6 Dates are important not only for distinguishing persons of the same name, but 
also for placing more or less obscure personalities, even when only approximate dates 
can be given. The following practice is observed by Library of Congress: 
Smith, John, 1837-18S6. (Both dates established with certainty) 
Smith, John, 1836 or 7-1896. (Date o birth deduced from age at date of death) 
Smith, John, 18377-1896. (Authorities diJder as to dale of birth; 1837 probable! 
Smith, John, 1837 (ca.)-1896. (Date of birth uncertain by several years) ' 
Smith, John, 1837-ca. 1896. (Date of death approximate only) 
Smith, John, ca. 1837-ca. 1896. (Both dates approximate only) 
S m }l h ' i!* n ' 5- 182S - < Dale of death unknown with little likelihood of discovery) 
Smith, John, or. 1850. (Date of birth unknown with little likelihood of discovery) 
Joanne* Dtaconu*, fl. 1210 (fl. 122G-1240; i 1260-1280; fl. 1290; fl. 1287- 1313, as the 

case may be; prefer longest ascertalnablc interval) 

Joannea Diaconus, mh cent. (When not possible to identify within a more limited 

Following is a list of names after which dates arc omitted on Library of Congress 
cards when subheadings occur in the heading, 
ArioKto, Lodovlco Irving Wa*htnKton 

jam Sebastian -, ... I*Kft!nff Gotthold Kphrnlm 

Francis, viscount St. Albans Mncoln, Abraham, jW V, S, 

<mMow, Henry 
laithcr, Martin 
M<lri * Antoinette 
Milton, John 
MoH*e, Jean Hnp 

Gre Goraon NoH By.on, ^S^* r^,to. 

6th faron Napollon 1 

Carlyle, TJioniaa IVtrarca, Frnn<vc<> 

<le 'uwlikln, Al*kfmitdr He 

f Jean Xtapttot* 

TaK<t Torqunto 

Tennynon, Alfred T^nnyiion, 


,, Prc*. U. S, 



Smith, John, clockmaker. 

Smith, John, of Malton, Eng. 

Smith, John, rector oj Baldock. 

Smith, John, surgeon and trading captain. 

Evans, Montgomery, n. (author's usage, dates unknown) 

Small, Frank, Jr. 7 (author's usage, dates unknown) 

Brown, George, F. i. p. s. (dates unknown) 

Stuart, John, writer on aviation, (dates unknown) 

43. Forename as entry word. 

Sovereigns, ruling princes, saints and other persons known by their 
forenames only, are entered under forename. (Cf . 47-49, 51, 53-56, 61.) 

Add titles of nobility in English. (Cf. 41A.) 

Add any epithet, byname or adjective of origin, nationality, etc., 
by which the person is usually known. If such word or phrase may 
be considered as part of the name, give it in the same language as 
the forename. If a descriptive word or phrase is added for the sake 
of identification but is not considered part of the name, give it pref- 
erably in English. (Cf. 47, 54, 55, 61.) 

Add dates in accordance with rule 42. 

Karl, Archduke of Austria, 1771-1847. 

Amalie, Princess of Saxony, 1794-1870. 

Kazimierz ffl, Wielki, King of Poland, 1310-1370. 

Joannes Eleemosynarius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, d. 616? 

Guilehnus Arvernus, Bp. of Paris, d. 1249. 

Joannes Braidensis, fl. 1419. 

Augustine, Saint, Abp. of Canterbury, d. 604. 

Elijah, the prophet. 

44. Writers known under sobriquets, nicknames, etc. 

In a few cases, chiefly names of artists, a universally used sobriquet 
or nickname is to be selected as entry word, provided it is not one of 
the forenames of the person in question. Refer from real name. 

Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti, known as, 1512-1594. 

Refer from 
Robusti, Jacopo. 

Correggio, Antonio Allegri, known as, 1494-1534. 

Refer from 
Allegri, Antonio. 

Ucello, Paolo di Dono, known as, 1396 or 7-1475. 

Refer from 
Dono, Paolo di. 
Paolo di Dono. 

7 The word Junior (Jr.) or a foreign equivalent when used with the author's name on 
the title page is disregarded in establishing the heading unless needed to distinguish 
between authors of the same name. In Portuguese, refer from the name proper com- 
pounded with the word Junior (or Filho). Treat in a similar manner the words 
Netto, Neto (grandson) and Sobrinho (nephew) when they are known to express 
relationship only, not to form legally part of the name. 
Marques Junior, Henrique 

Marques, Henrique. 



If the real name is chosen as entry word, the sobriquet or nickname 
is added in the heading and reference is made from it to the real name. 

Grazzini, Antonio Francesco, called II Lasca, 1503-1584. 

Refer from 
II Lasca. 

Theotocopuli, Dominico, called El Greco, d. 1614. 

Refer from 
El Greco. 

Fiorella, Tiberio, called Scaramouche, 1604-1694. 

Refer from 

45. Changed names. 

A. Enter under the adopted name a person who in civil life has 
changed his name unless the original one is decidedly better known. 
(Cfc SOB, 53, 65B(2), 69B.) This includes legal changes of name, 
assumed names such as pseudonyms and professional names that have 
been adopted for general use, and also cases in which merely the 
spelling of the name has been altered. Refer from the form not chosen 
as heading. 8 

Burn, Bruno, 1891- 

Refer from 
Birnbaum, Bruno. 
France, Anatole, 1844-1924. 

Refer from 
Thibault, Anatole. 

Angell, Sir Norman, 1874- 

Refer from 

Angell, Sir Ralph Norman. 
Lane, Sir Ralph Norman Angell. 

Sadleir, Michael, 1888- 

Bef er from 

Sadler, Michael Thomas Harvey. 
Farrere, Claude, 1876- 

Ref er from 
Bargone, Charles. 

Bargone, Frederic Charles Pierre fidouard. 
Stalin, losif, 1879- 

Refer from 

Dzhugashvili, losif Vissarinovich. 
Barrymorc, Maurice, 1847-1905. 

Refer from 
Blythe, Herbert. 
Douglas, Melvyn, 1901- 

Refer from 
Hesselberg, Melvyn. 

8 On Library of Congress printed cards the original name is usually given in 
b* m ' M * ht - hand corner of ** rd, eg., Warn* ortffinaZty; Bruno Bte 




B. When a person regularly uses a foreign form of his name, enter 
under this form. 

Mirkine-Guetzevitch, Boris not 

Mirkin-Getsevich, Boris Sergeevich. 
Tscbermak, Gustav von, not Cermak. 

This practice applies to authors whose works have originally ap- 
peared in a foreign or adopted tongue, and whose names may there- 
fore be given in the form adopted by them. 

Follow this practice also in the case of transliterated names, if the 
author has himself consistently used a particular form when among 
foreigners, or is always known by a transliteration differing from the 
one provided for in these rules. 

Rachmaninoff, Sergei, not Rakhmaninov, Sergei Vasirevich. 
Rangabe, not Rankabes. 
Vlachos, not Blachos. 

46. Married women. 

Enter a married woman under her latest name unless, as specified 
below, she has consistently written under another name. 

The heading is to consist of (1) husband's surname, 9 (2) her own 
forenames, and (3) her maiden name, when known, in parentheses. 
(For the use of the title Mrs., or its equivalent, see 41B.) 

Stowe, Emily Howard (Jennings) 
Curie, Marie (Sklodowska) 1867-1934. 
Benin, Anna (von Zanthier) von, 1856-1933. 
Hamsun, Marie (Andersen) 1881- 
Viterbi, Bona (Benvenisti) 

A* When a woman uses her husband's forenames or initials in 
place of her own on the title page of her books, enter under her own 
name and refer from her husband's name. 

* (1) German women of the 16th to 18th centuries who added the suffix in to their 
surname or family name (e.g., Welserin, Gottschedin, Karschin) are entered under 
the name without the suffix. Refer from name with suffix. 
Kavsch, Anna Lutee (Diirtmch) 1722-1791. 

Refer from 
Karschin, Anna Luise (Dxirbach) 

(2) The enclitic ne added by Hungarian married women is omitted in the head- 
ing, e.g., 

Ma^yary, Margit (Techert) 

Refer from the form with the enclific added to the surname: Magyaryne, 
Margit (Techert) 

Refer also from the form with the enclitic added to the husband's fore- 
name if the woman has used this form or is known by it. 

Magyary, ZoltannS. 
Use this last form as the entry if the woman's forenames are not known. 

(3) Women's names, both married and single, in Polish, Russian, and Czech retain 
the feminine ending with exception in favor of the masculine form when it is the 
prevalent usage. 

Ellzarova, Anna Il'lnichna (Ul'ianova) 
Vototfkova-Lauermannova, O. 



Ward, Mary Augusta (Arnold) 1851-1920. 

Refer from 

Ward, Mrs. Humphry. 
Bussy, Dorothy (Strachey) 

Refer from 
Bussy, Mme. Simon. 

B. Omit the name of an earlier husband in the heading unless it 
continues to appear in the form of name which the author custom- 
arily uses, 

Eddy, Mary (Baker) 1821-1910, not Eddy, Mary (Baker) Glover, 

Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1831-1885. 

Refer from 

Hunt, Helen Maria (Fiske) 
Jackson, Helen Maria (Fiske) Hunt. 

C. Enter a married woman who continues to write under her 
maiden name under the maiden name. Refer from married name. 

Bronte, Charlotte, 1816-1855. 

Refer from 

Nicholls, Charlotte (Bronte) 
Earhart, Amelia, 1898-1937. 

Refer from 

Putnam, Amelia (Earhart) 
Millay, Edna St, Vincent, 1892- 

Refer from 

Boissevain, Edna St. Vincent (Millay) 
Sawyer, Ruth, 1880- 

Refer from 
Durand, Ruth (Sawyer) 

D. Enter a woman who remarries but continues to write or is best 
known under the name of a former husband under the name of the 
former husband. Refer from later married name. 

Wiggin, Kate Douglas (Smith) 1856-1923. 

Refer from 

Riggs, Kate Douglas (Smith) Wiggin. 
Wylie, Elinor (Hoyt) 1885-1928. 

Refer from 

Benet, Elinor (Hoyt) Wylie. 
Forbes, Kosita (Torr) 

Refer from 

Forbes, Joan Rosita (Torr) 
McGrath, Rosita (Torr) Forbes. 

E. men a divorced woman resumes her maiden name, enter 
under the maiden name. If she has written under her married name 
refer from it. 

F. Compound names consisting of a combination of the surnames 
of husband and wife are frequently found on the title pages of books 



by married women. As a rule these are not treated as compound 
names, but are entered according to the general rule for married 
women. (46) However, exceptions are sometimes made, especially 
in the case of foreign names if custom favors entry under the com- 
pound form. 

In any language when the maiden name appears in the heading as 
a part of a compound name, it is not enclosed in parentheses; and 
in all cases references are made from parts of the surname not chosen 
as entry word. 

(1) Spanish names. 10 In Spanish names the customary usage is 
for a woman to add to her own surname the surname of her husband, 
connecting the two by the preposition de. Ordinarily the part of each 
surname which represents the mother's name is dropped, but it is 
sometimes retained if the mother's name is a particularly distinguished 
one, or, as a means of identification if the father's name is a very 
common one. 

Enter according to the general rule for compound names, the entry 
word in this case being the woman's maiden name. 

Molina y Vedia de Bastianini, Delfina. 

[Father's name: Octavio T. Molina. 
Mother's name: Manuela, Vedia de Molina. 
Maiden name: Delfina Molina y Vedia. 
Husband's name: Rene Bastianini] 

Refer from 

Bastianini, Delfina Molina y Vedia de. 
Vedia de Bastianini, Delfina Molina y. 

(2) Portuguese names. The usage in Portuguese and Brazilian 
names is less consistent than in Spanish, but in general names are 
formed in the same way. At present, however, the tendency is toward 
use of the last surname, the husband's, rather than the full compound 
form. Enter under the last surname, with reference from any other 
surnames which form part of the name. 

Vasconcellos, Carolina (Michaelis) de, 1851-1925. 
[Father's name: Gustavo Michaelis. 
Husband's name: Joaquim de Vasconcellos'] 

Refer from 
Michaelis de Vasconcellos, Carolina. 

(3) Dutch names. The Dutch custom is to use a hyphenated com- 
pound in which the husband's name is followed by the wife's maiden 
name. Treat as any compound name. 

Ammers-Kiiller, Jo van, 1884- 

Refer from 

Ammers, Johanna (Kiiller) van. 
Kiiller, Jo van Ammers- 

10 Cf. C. F. Gosnell, Spanish personal names; principles governing their formation 
and use. (New York, Wilson, 1938). 



(4) Italian names. In Italian names the compound form is fre- 
quently found, the wife's name sometimes preceding and sometimes 
following the husband's name. In general enter under the maiden 
name or the married name according to the rules for the names of 
married women, using the compound form only when it is the author's 
consistent usage, or when it is impossible to distinguish between 
maiden name and married name. 

Fusinato, Erminia (Fua) 1834-1876. 

Refer from 
Fua-Fusinato, Erminia. 

Negri, Ada, 1870-1945. 

Refer from 
Negri-Garlanda, Ada. 
Garlanda, Ada (Negri) 

Pierantoni-Mancini, Grazia, 1843-1915. 

Refer from 

Pierantpni, Grazia (Mancini) 
Mancini, Grazia Pierantoni- 

(5) German, Swiss, Scandinavian, and Russian married women who 
use a compound form of name on the title pages of their books are 
entered according to the general rules for married women unless the 
compound form is known to be the preferred usage. 

47. Saints. 

A. Enter saints of the early and medieval church like other writers 
of the same period under the forename, using the Latin form, fol- 
lowed by the designation SAINT in English* 

Since the same name is frequently borne by several saints, descrip- 
tive or definitive epithets or appellatives are necessary for the pur- 
pose of differentiation. The designation SAINT follows epithets or 
appellatives qualifying the name of the saint and titles of nobility 
(cf. D) but precedes titles of office. 

Benedictus, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino. 

Theodoras Studita, Saint, 7597-826. 

Joannes Eleemosynarius, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, <i 616? 

Refer from English or other forms of name, using when possible 
a general reference, e.g., 


For saints and popes bearing this name see 

Exception from the Latin form is made for (1) Biblical saints who 
are entered under the English form of name (cf. 54), and (2) national 
saints or saints of predominantly local interest who are entered under 
the vernacular form of name. 

James, Saint, apostle. 

Augustine, Saint, Abp. of Canterbury, d, 604. 



Genevieve, of Paris, Saint, 5th cent. 

Patrick, Saint, 3737-463? 

Ansgar, Saint, Abp. of Hamburg and Bremen, 801-865. 

Ciaran, Saint, Abbot of CZonmacnois. 

Because saints are officially listed under the forename in Latin, 
reference should always be made from that form when any other 
form of entry is adopted. 

Augustinus, Saint, Abp. of Canterbury 


Augustine, Saint, Abp. of Canterbury, d. 604. 
Genovef a, of Paris, Saint 

Genevieve, of Paris, Saint, 5th cent. 

B, Enter modern saints preferably under the forename in the 
vernacular. Refer from Latin form of name and from surname or 
secular name and any variant names by which the saint is known. 

Filippo Neri, Saint, 1515-1595. 

Refer from 

Philippus Nerhas, Saint. 
Neri, Filippo, Saint. 
Luigi Gonzaga, Saint, 1568-1591. 

Refer from 
Aloysius, Saint. 
Gonzaga, Luigi, Saint. 
Konrad von Parzham, Saint, 1818-1894. 

Refer from 

Conradus a Parzham, Saint. 
Birndorfer, Johannes Evangelist. 
Therese, Saint, 1873-1897. 

Refer from 

Teresia a Jesu Infanta, Saint. 
Therese de TEnfant Jesus, Saint. 
Martin, Marie Frangoise Therese. 

Exception is made in favor of entry under surname for saints 
canonized long after death and known in history and literature by 
their surnames. Refer from name with forename as entry word in 
both Latin and vernacular forms. 

Fisher, John, Saint, Bp. of Rochester, 14697-1535. 

Refer from 
John Fisher, Saint. 
Joannes Fisher, Saint. 
Loyola, Ignacio de, Saint, 1491-1556. 

Refer from 

Ignatius Loyola, Saint 
Ignacio de Loyola, Saint. 
Hofbauer, Klemens Maria, Saint, 1751-1820. 

Kefcr from 

Clemens Maria Hofbauer, Saint. 
Klemens Maria Hofbauer, Saint. 



C. Enter popes, kings, etc., who have achieved sainthood under 
the rules for popes, kings, etc. 

Pius V, Saint, Pope, 1504-1572. 

Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope, 540 (ca.)-604. 

Olav II, Saint, King of Norway, 995-1030. 

D. Enter noblemen who have achieved sainthood under the rule 
for noblemen. Make references as prescribed for names of noble- 
men and, in addition, from the forename in both Latin and vernacu- 
lar forms. 

Chantal, Jeanne Frangoise (Fremiot) de Rabutin, baronne de, 

Saint, 1572-1641. 
Rejer from 

Joanna Francisca Fremiot de Chantal, Saint. 

Jeanne Frangoise de Chantal, Saint. 

Jane Frances de Chantal, Saint. 

Chantal, Saint. 

Fremiot, Jeanne Frangoise, baronne de Chantal. 

Fremyot, Jeanne Frangoise, baronne de Chantal. 

Rabutin-Chantal, Jeanne Frangoise (Fremiot) baronne de. 
More, Sir Thomas, Saint, 1478*1535. 
.Refer from 

Thomas More, Saint. 

Thomas Morus, Saint. 

48. Popes. 

Enter a pope under his Latin pontifical name, followed by the title 
POPE. Popes having the same name are distinguished by a numeral 
Refer from the vernacular form and from his family name. 

Pius XI, Pope, 1857-1939. 

Refer from 

Pio (Make a general reference. Cf. 47A.) 
Ratti, Achille. 

An Sttitipope is entered under his Latin pontifical name with the 
numeral by which he is usually known, followed by the title ANXXPOPE. 

Clemens Vtt, autipope, 1342-1394. 

Refer from 
Robert de Gen&ve. 

Works emanating from a pope in his capacity as head of the church 
are entered under CATHOLIC CHURCH. (See USA.) Correlate the two 
types of entry by references, 

Pius EK, Pope, 1792-1878. 

See also 
Catholic Church. Pope, 1846-1878 (Pius IX) 

49, Patriarchs. 

Enter a patriarch under the name by which ho is known in his own 
country, usually a name assumed in religion, sometimes in Latin and 



sometimes in the vernacular. Include in the heading the title PATRIARCH 
and the name of the patriarchate. Refer from secular name if known. 11 

Cyrillus, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, 376 (ca.)-444. 
Dositheos, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 1641-1707. 
Tikhon, Patriarch, of Russia, 1865-1925. 

Refer from 
Belavin, Vasilii. 

50. Cardinals. 12 

Enter a cardinal according to the rule of entry appropriate to his 
station at the time of his elevation. Earlier ecclesiastical titles, except 
those of ecclesiastical princes, give way to the title CARDINAL, but 
titles of nobility are retained in the heading. 

Gibbons, James, Cardinal, 1834-1921. 

Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, due de, Cardinal, 1585-1642. 

Albrecht von Brandenburg, Cardinal, Abp. and elector of Mainz, 

Andreas, margrave of Burgau, Cardinal, 1558-1600. 

51. Ecclesiastical princes. 

Enter under forename in the vernacular an archbishop or bishop 
who, in addition to his see, rules a territory as a temporal prince. In- 
clude in the heading, in English, the title PRINCE-ARCHBISHOP, ABP. 
AND ELECTOR, or PRINCE-BISHOP, as the case may be, and the name 
of the see. (Cf. 52, 55.) 

Neithard, Prince-Bishop of Bamberg, 15457-1598. 

This rule applies to German and Austrian prince-bishops before 
secularization of 1803, those after 1803 being entered according to the 
rule for bishops and archbishops. (52) 

52. Bishops and archbishops. 

Enter bishops and archbishops under the surname with the designa- 
tion BP. or ABP. Retain titles of nobility in the heading. 

Shahan, Thomas Joseph, Bp., 1857-1932. 

Soderblom, Nathan, Abp., 1866-1931. 

Waitz, Siegmund, Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, 1864- 

The titles vicar apostolic, prefect apostolic, administrator apostolic, 
and vicar-general are not included in the heading, even though these 
officials exercise episcopal jurisdiction. If such officers are consecrated 
titular bishops, then the title BP. or ABP. is used. 

Exceptions to entry under surname are made in cases where the 
rules require another form of entry, e.g., an early or medieval bishop 
under forename, a nobleman under title. 

11 When it can be ascertained the Library of Congress gives the secular name in a 
note in the lower right-hand corner of the catalog card in the following form 
Secular name: Vasilii Belavin. 

11 The term cardinal includes cardinal archbishop, cardinal bishop, cardinal priest, 
cardinal deacon* 



Further variations and specifications. 

A. Include the name of the see in the heading: 

(1) For bishops and archbishops of the Church of England in 
Great Britain and Ireland, and of the pre-Reformation 
Catholic Church in Great Britain (but not for Catholic 
bishops after the reconstitution of the hierarchy in 1850, 
nor for the vicars apostolic with the title of bishop in charge 
after the extinction of the old hierarchy). 

(2) For the ecclesiastical princes of the Holy Roman Empire. 
(Cf. 51.) 

(3) For bishops and archbishops of the Orthodox Eastern 
Church who bear the title Metropolitan. (Cf. E. below.) 

(4) For any bishop when desirable for the purpose of identifi- 
cation or distinction, especially early Christian and medieval 

Fleetwood, William, Bp. of Ely, 1656-1723. 

Edmund Rich, Saint, Abp. of Canterbury, d. 1240. 

Colenso, John William, Bp. of Natal, 1814-1883. 

Gregoire, Henri, Constitutional Bp. of Blois, 1750-1831. 

Gregorius, Saint, Bp. of Tours, 538-594. 

Gregorius, Abp. of Corinth, ft. ca. 1200. 

Hilarianus, Quintus Julius, Bp. in proconsular Africa, 4th cent. 

Paulus, Nestorian Bp. of Nisibis, d. 571. 

Do not include the name of the see in the heading for suffragan, 
auxiliary, coadjutor, titular, and assistant bishops, and chorepiscopi. 

B. When there have been several bishops of the same name in one 
see, especially in the early period, include the number in the heading 
if they have been so distinguished. 

Ruricius I, Bp. of Limoges, d. ca. 507. 

C. In the case of translation from one see to another, include the 
latest see only in the heading. 18 

Andrewes, Lancelot, Bp. of Winchester, 1555-1626. 

(not successively Bp. of Chiche$ter, Ely, and Winchester) 
Lang, Cosmo Gordon Lang, baron, Abp. of Canterbury, 1864- 

(not successively Bp. of Stepney and Abp. of York and Canterbury} 

Refer from see, or successive sees, held by a bishop. 

Markham, William, Abp. of York, 1719-1807. 

Refer from 

Chester, William Markham, Bp. of. 
York, William Markham, Abp, of. 

"Exception may be made in favor of the earlier see if a bishop has died shortly 
after his translation without becoming known or having published as bishop of the 
j^ter see. However, the later see is invariably to be used if (I) a uf!ragan bishop 
has been made a diocesan bishop, (2) a bishop has been made an archbishop, (3) an 
archbishop of York has been translated to the see of Canterbury, 



When a bishop of the Church of England uses as signature his 
forename followed by the abbreviated Latin name of the diocese (e.g., 
Cantuar, Dunelm, Winston) refer also from this form. 

g, Cosmo Gordon Lang, baron, Abp. of Canterbury, 1864- 
Refer from 
Cantuar, Cosmo Gordon. 

If a Catholic bishop is translated to a titular archdiocese do not 
change the title unless he has ruled an archdiocese or published as 
an archbishop. 

Canevin, Regis, Bp., 1852-1927. 

of Pittsburgh; resigned 1921; titular archbishop of Pelusium 

Basin, Thomas, Abp., 1412-1491. 

[Bishop of Lisieux, 1447-1474; resigned and was made archbishop of 
Caesarea; continued to publish] 

D. In case of deposition, especially if accompanied by change of 
denomination and no elevation to the episcopate in the new denomi- 
nation, the title of bishop is omitted. 

Ives, Levi Silliman, 1797-1867. 

[Consecrated Protestant Episcopal bishop of North Carolina, 1831; 
resigned the see, Dec. 22, 1852; became a Catholic Dec. 25, 1852; 
deposed Oct. 14, 1853; active as layman in the Catholic Church 
because as a married man he could not enter the priesthood] 

E. Enter a bishop or an archbishop of the Orthodox Eastern Church 
who bears the title "Metropolitan" under the name by which he is 
known in religion followed by the title METROPOLITAN and the name 
of the see. Refer from secular name if known. 14 

Platen, Metropolitan of Moscow, 1737-1812. 

Kef er from 

Levshin, Petr Georgievich. 
Dimitrii, Saint, Metropolitan of Rostov, 1651-1709. 

Refer from 
Tuptalo, Daniil Sawich. 

F. Enter the official acts and records of a bishop under the diocese, 
subheading BISHOP, YEARS OF INCUMBENCY and, in parentheses, the 
NAME OF THE BISHOP. Correlate the two types of entry by means of 
references. 15 

14 Cf. footnote 11, rule 49. 

15 To make these references intelligible, an explanatory card should be filed at the 
head of the entry for each diocese with the subheading BISHOP. 

Winchester, Eng. (Diocese) Bishop. 

Only official aces or records are entered under this heading, subdivided when. 
necessary by date of incumbency and name of incumbent. Works of bishops 
as personal authors are entered under their family name (in the case of noble- 
men under their title) . For a list of the bishops of Winchester consult Crock- 
ford's clerical directory. 

Footnote continued on next page. 



Winchester, Eug. (Diocese) Bishop, 1367-1404 (William of 

with references to and from 
Wykeham, William of, Bp. of Winchester, 1323? -1404. 

Pastoral letters and charges, not being considered official, are entered 
under the bishop as personal author. 

53. Religious orders, Changed names of persons in. 

Enter writers who have adopted a religious name upon entering 
orders, modifying or relinquishing the original secular name, under 
the modified secular or religious name as further specified under A, B 
and exception C. Add, in English, the designation FATHER for 
priests, BROTHER for those not priests; MOTHER for heads of religious 
houses or those called Mother by the order, and SISTER for those not 
designated Mother. 16 (Cf. 47-49.) 

A. Enter under surname writers known to the lay public under 
the surname combined with the name in religion. Refer from the 
name in religion and from full secular name. 17 

Bransiet, Philippe, Broker, 1792-1874. 

Refer from 
Philippe, Brother. 
Bransiet, Matthieu. 

Miley, Mary Hilda, Sister, 1381- 
Refer from 

Footnote continued from preceding page. 

An explanatory card should also be filed under the name of the see city followed 
by the words BISHOP OF. 

Winchester, llishop of. 

Official acts are entered under the heading Winchester, Ena. (Diocese) . Other 
works are under the family name of the bishop (In the case of nobtomcn, 
under his title) , For a list of the bishops of Winchester consult Crockford'.s 
clerical directory. 

The reference to the authoritative list of bishops is altered according to the denomi- 
nation of which the diocese is a unit. 
Lists of bishops: 

Catholic bishops: Gams. Series epfcreoponmi, 1873. 
Catholic bishops in Great Britain: Catholic directory. 
Catholic bishops in the U. S,: Official Catholic directory. 
Anglican bishops: Croc/c/ord'a clerical director!/. 
Protestant Episcopal bishops: Living church annual. 

10 The name of the order should be included in the heading only whan necessary 
to distinguish between two or more persons having the? same religious name. This 
duplication of names occurs frequently when entry is under forename and in refer- 
ences from forename to full name entry. 
Mary ttarlmra, Si&ter, 18GG- 

lL th T Con x fi re gntion of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vmc*nt <!< Paul 
in ot. Louis) 


Kegran, Mary ttarlmra, Sister, 1866- 
Mary Barbara, Sister, 1886- 

(Of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Michigan) 

McCarthy, Mary Itarftnra, Sister, 1886- 


fc 7 f Co ^ress gives the name in religion (or the secular name as the 
case may be) in a note in the lower right-hand corner of the catalog card in the 

touowing form; 

nr^SIK^lfi^ ?'' Jacc * ue *i r * d c Sttlnte Euphonic, $l$ter. 

or Secular name: Lawrence Anthony Hess, 



Mary Hilda, Sister. 

Hilda, Sister. 

Miley, Gertrude Ann. 

B. Enter under religious name writers who have published all or 
most of their works under that name. Refer from secular name if 
ascertainable. 18 

Cuthbert, Father, 1866-1939. 

Refer from 

Hess, Lawrence Anthony. 
Clotilde Angela, Sister, 1895- 

Refer from 
McBride, Regina Margaret. 

When the name Mary is abbreviated to M. by the author, indicating 
that the name following the initial is the distinctive part of the name, 
it is omitted in both purely religious names and in combinations of 
secular family name and religious given name except in cases where 
the distinctive part of the religious name is a masculine name adopted 
by a nun. 

Eleanore, Sister, 1890- 

Refer from 

Mary Eleanore, Sister. 
Brosnahan, Katharine Mary. 
Hayden, Bridget, Mother, 1814-1890. 

Refer from 

Hayden, Mary Bridget, Mother. 
Mary Bridget, Mother. 
Bridget, Mother. 
Hayden, Margaret, 

Mary Bartholomew, Sister. 

Refer from 
Bartholomew, Sister. 
Frederick, Elizabeth Eva. 

The word SAINT is spelled out when it is the entry word of a 
religious name, either as main entry or reference. 

Saint Catharine, Sister, 1878- 
LeClair, St. Ida, Sister, 1891- 

Refer from 
Saint Ida, Sister. 

Mary of St. Peter, Mother, 1838-1924. 

Refer from 
Gamier, Marie Adele, 

The prepositional phrase indicating place of birth is italicized when 
it is made a part of the religious name. 

18 See footnote 17, p. 100. 



Francis da Offeio, Father. 

Egidio da Caraglio, Father. 

Jose dc Siguenza, Father, 1544 (ca.) -1606. 

C, Enter tinder the secular name 10 writers who have published 
works under the original name and are not known, or not so well 
known, under their religious names. Refer from name in religion. 20 

Pascal, Jacqueline, 1575-1661. 

Refer from 

Jacqueline de Sainte Euphemie, Sister. 
Lathrop, Kose (Hawthorne) 1851-1926. 

Refer from 

Mary Alphonsa, Mother. 
Lathrop, Mary Alphonsa, Mother. 

54. Bible characters. 

Give names of Bible characters in English in the form in which they 
appear in the Authorized version, followed by any necessary dis- 
tinguishing epithet. Refer from variant forms as used in other versions, 
as for example the Douay version. 

James, Saint, apostle. 
Elijah^ the prophet. 
Refer from 

Elias, the prophet. 
Gideon, judge of Israel. 
Refer from 

Gedeon, judge of Israel. 
Absalom, son of David. 
Judith ( Jewish heroine) 
Rahab (Biblical character) 

55. Sovereigns and rulers. 

Enter sovereigns and ruling princes under their forenames in the 
vernacular, 2 * followed by title in English. Refer from the English form 
of name if it differs from the vernacular. 

James I, King of Great Britain, 1566-1625. 

[Kings prior to James I have title: King of England! 
Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria, 1830-1916. 
Fnednch I, Barbarossa, Emperor of Germany 1121-1190. 
Wilhelm II, German Emperor, 1859-1941 

[form of title after 1870] 
Henri IV, King of France, 1553-1610. 
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873 
Umberto I, King of Italy, 1844-1900. 




Paul I, Emperor of Russia, 1754-1801. 

Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 1901- 

Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands, 1880- 

Margaretha, of Parma, Regent of the Netherlands, 1522-1586. 

Albert I, Prince of Monaco, 1848-1922. 

Fr S Egollf prince ~ Bi $hP of Hildesheim and Paderlorn, 1737- 

Enter the consorts of sovereigns under forename in the form used 
in the country of the sovereign, with the titles in English and the 
name of the sovereign in English form. 

Albert, consort of Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1861. 

Marie Antoinette, consort of Louis XVI, King of France, 1755- 

Mariia Feodorovna, consort of Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, 

Maria de la Paz, consort of Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Bavaria, 

Isabel de Valois, consort of Philip II, King of Spain, 1545-1568. 

Refer from 
Elisabeth de France. 
Elizabeth of Valois. 

A. Enter Roman emperors of the West according to the rule for 
classical Latin authors (60) , i.e., under the name by which they are 
most generally known in history. Follow the practice of standard 
classical dictionaries. 

Thus we have under praenomen: 

Tiberius, Emperor of Rome, 42 B.C. -37 A.D, 
Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81. 

Under nomen: 

Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, Emperor of Rome, 121-180. 
Under cognomen: 

Aurelianus, Lucius Domitius, Emperor of Rome, d. 275. 
Severus, Lucius Septimius, Emperor of Rome, 146-211. 
Trajanus, Emperor of Rome, 53-117. 

Under nickname: 

Caligula, Emperor of Rome, 12-41. 
Caracalla, Emperor of Rome, 186-217. 

Refer from parts of name not used as entry word. 

B. Enter Roman emperors of the East under forename in the Latin 
form followed by name of family or dynasty, or (before family names 
came into use) lay any epithet or descriptive appellative by which the 
emperor is known. (Cf. 59.) Refer from family name. 

Emperors having the same forename are distinguished by a numeral 



which immediately follows the forename and precedes the family 
name or epithet as the case may be. 

Constantinus EH, Emperor of the East, d. 641. 
Leo IH, the Isaurian, Emperor of the East, ca. ,680-ca. 740. 
Leo VI, the Wise, Emperor of the East, 865-911. 
Joannes I Zimiskes, Emperor of the East, d. 976. 

Refer from 
Zimiskes, Joannes. 

Joannes n Comnenus, Emperor of the East, 1088-1143. 

Refer from 
Comnenus, Joannes. 

Joannes VI Cantacuzenus, Emperor of the East, d. 1383. 

Refer from 
Cantacuzenus, Joannes. 

C. Enter Mohammedan sovereigns under their given names only, 
transliterated from the original. 

Harun al-Bashld, Caliph, 763 (ca.)-809. 

'Abd al-Majid, -Sultan of the Turks, 1823-1861. 

'Abbas I, the Great, Shah of Persia, 1571-1629. 

Sulaiman I, the Magnificent, Sultan of the Turks, 1494-1566. 

When necessary for identification, add the sovereign's patronymic 
compounded with the word "ibn," i.e., "son of." 

'AH ibn AM Talib, Caliph, 600 (ca.)-661. 
'Uthman ibn Affan, Caliph. 

Prefer the European form of name for Mohammedan sovereigns 
who have become widely known in European literature under a form 
of name differing from the native form. 

Saladin, Sultan of Egypt and Syria, 1137-1193. 

Refer from 

Salah al-DIn Yusuf ibn Aiyub, Sultan of Egypt and Syria. 
Selim I, Sultan of the Turks, ca. 1465-1520. 

Refer from 
Salim I, Sultan of the Turks. 

D. Enter Chinese emperors, with the exception of those of the 
Ming and Ch'ing dynasties, under the name of the dynasty followed 
by the temple-name (commonly known as dynastic title) , which was 
given posthumously. In all cases refer from reign-titles and personal 
names of the emperors. The name of the dynasty is not to be separated 
from the temple-name, or the reign-title, by a comma. The two words 
which form, in each case, the temple-name and the reign-title are to 
be hyphenated and the first only is to be capitalized. 

T'ang Hsiian-tsung, Emperor of China, 685-762. 

Refer from 

T'ang K'ai-yiian. c name of dynasty and reign-title^ 

T ang T'ien-pao. tname of dynasty and reign-titlei 

Li, Lung-chi. ^personal namej 




Ming-huang. ^alternate temple-name? 



Enter Ming and Ch'ing emperors, who are better known by their 
reign-titles, under reign-titles only, not preceded by name of the 
dynasty. Refer from their temple-names as well as from their per- 
sonal names. 

Hung-wu, Emperor of China, 1328-1398. 

Refer from 

Ming T'ai-tsu. cname of dynasty and tempte-namej 

Ming Hung-wu. cname of dynasty and reign-titlej 

Chu, Yuan-chang. {personal name^ 

T'ai-tsu. ctemple-namcj 

K'ang-hsi, Emperor of China, 1654-1723. 

Refer from 

Ch'ing Sheng-tsu. cname of dynasty and temple-name^ 

Ch'ing K'ang-hsi. cname of dynasty and reign-title^ 

Hsiian-yeh. ^personal name] 


E. Enter presidents or other chief executives officially known by 
their surnames under the surname, and add the designation of their 

Jefferson, Thomas, Pres. U. S., 1743-1826. 

Masaryk, Tomas Garrigue, Pres. Czechoslovak Republic, 1850- 

Fonseca, Hermes Rodrigues da, Pres. Brazil, 1855-1923. 

Edicts, proclamations, etc., emanating from a ruler in the exercise 
of his official duties are considered government publications and are 
entered under the country. (Cf. 73.) Correlate the two types of entry 
by references. 

Charles n, King of Great Britain, 1630-1685. 

with references to and from 
Gt Brit. Sovereigns, etc., 1660-1685 (Charles II) 

Laws and edicts and ordinances having the force of laws are to 
be entered under country with the subheading LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. 
(Cf. 84.) 

56. Princes of the blood. 

In general, enter members of the immediate families of sovereigns 
under forename (for members of Russian royal families, include 
patronymic) and refer from title; but enter under title those who 
are decidedly better known by that designation. 

(Cf. 41A(1),43.) 

Eulalia, Infanta of Spain, 1864- 
Carlos, Prince of Asturias, 1545-1568. 

Refer from 
Asturias, Carlos, Principe de. 



Philippe, count of Flanders, 1837-1905. 

Refer from 

Flandre, Philippe, comte de. 
George, duke of Kent, 1902-1942. 

Refer from 

Kent, George, duke of. 
Kirill Vladimirovich, grand duke of Russia, 1876-1938. 

Refer from 

Cyril, grand duke of Russia. 
Yasuhito, Prince Chichibu, 1902- 

Refer from 

Orleans, Philippe I, due d', 1640-1701. 

with reference from 
Philippe i, duke of Orleans. 

Members of mediatized families are entered under the family 
name (title). 

Wied-Neuwied, Maximilian Alexander Philipp, Prinz von. 1782- 

57. Noblemen. 

Enter a nobleman under his latest title unless he is decidedly 
better known by an earlier title or by the family name. 22 In either 
case refer from the name not adopted as entry word. 

A. The form of entry for English nobility is shown in the follow- 
ing examples: 

Duke: Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of, 1769-1852. 

Refer from 

Wellesley, Arthur, 1st duke of Wellington. 
Marquis: Queensberry, John Sholto Douglas, 8th marquis of, 

Refer from 

Douglas, John Sholto, 8th marquis of Queensberry. 
Earl: Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th earl of, 1694- 

Refer from 

Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th earl of Chesterfield. 
Viscount: Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, 1st viscount, 1862- 

Refer from 

Grey, Edward, 1st viscount Grey of Fallodon. 
Baron: Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 
baron, 1803-1873. 

Refer from 

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton, baron Litton. 
Baronet: Scott, Sir Walter, bar*., 1771-1832. 

"Exceptions in favor of entry under better-known femily name; 
Bacen, Francis, viscount St. Albans. 1561-1626. 
Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orford, 1717-1797. 
Souftn Coutinho, Bodrlffo de, conde de Unbares, 1745-1812. 



Knight: Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry, 1802-1873 

Dame: Campbell, Dame Janet Mary. 


[Courtesy title of younger son of a duke or marquis! 
Gordon, Lord George, 1751-1783. '""gwwj 


Qjr rte$tf r tl 2 e Sf the dau 9hter of a duke, marquis or earl] 

Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy, 1776-1839. 


[Courtesy title of younger sons of an earl and sons and daughters 

3 ts?r. SLST the me h<m rMe is * * *> ss 

Keppel, Hon. Arnold Joost William, 1884- 
Russell, Hon. Harriet. 
Right honorable: 

[T ^^ le Wf n beZ ? lfS ?* % ght to al1 ? eers ** never * by them 
rf^EL* 1 ^ o g ? 1 dal d ^- is the prerogative 
of members of the Privy Council and is borne by those of them 

binet ministers - h to " 

** Ecl - tic * Catalog 

(1) The titles of address Lord and Lady are commonly applied to 
an members of the English peerage except dukes and duchesses In 
the heading the appropriate title is substituted, e.g., Lord Macaulav 
becomes: J 

Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, baron, 1800-1859. 

(2) Enter judges of the Court of Sessions of Scotland who bear 
the title Lord, followed by a family or territorial name, under the 
title with the designation LOKD following instead of preceding the fore- 
name as in the case of the courtesy title Lord. Refer from family name 
when it differs from the title. 

If a judge bears a nobility title as well as a law title, prefer entry 
under the nobility title, especially if it is hereditary, unless he is gen- 
erally known by the law title. 

Kames, Henry Home, Lord, 1696-1782. 

Refer from 

Home, Henry, Lord Kames. 
Guthrie, Charles John Guthrie, Lord, 1849-1920. 
Grant, Sir Francis, bart, 1658-1726. 

Refer from 
Cullen, Francis Grant, Lord. 

(3) The wife of a peer takes the title corresponding to that of her 
husband, i.e., duchess, marchioness, countess, viscountess, baroness. 

Devonshire, Georgiana (Spencer) Cavendish, duchess of. 1757- 

(4) The wife of a baronet or knight has the title Lady. Whether 
this title precedes or follows her forename in the heading depends 
upon whether she is entitled to it in virtue of her father's rank or 
whether she acquired it through marriage. 



Montagu, Lady Mary (Pierrepont) Wortley, 1689-1762. 

[Daughter of a duke] 
Duff-Gordon, Lucie (Austin) Lady, 1821-1869. 

[Title "by marriage] 

(5) The daughter of a viscount or baron married to a baronet or 
knight keeps her own title and adds the title Lady. 

Acland, Hon. Anna Emily, Lady. 
If her husband has no title, she retains the title Hon. 

Douglas-Hamilton, Hon. Agnes Rosamund (Bateman-Hanbury) 

(6) The wife of a younger son of a duke or marquis without title 
in her own right becomes, e.g,, 

Campbell, Elizabeth (McNeil) Lady John Campbell. 

(7) The wife of the younger son of an earl, or of the son of a 
viscount or baron without title in her own right becomes Hon. Mrs., e.g., 

Montague, Margaret (Wilson) Hon. Mrs. Charles Montague. 

(8) A maid of honor retains her title after her service has ceased 
or after marriage unless merged in a higher title. 

Grant, Hon. Margaret (Dawnay) 

Do not use the numeral in the entry for a baronet, nor usually for 
a baron, unless it has some special importance. 

B. Titled persons of other countries are treated in the same way 
as far as possible. In many instances, as in England below the peer- 
age, the title is simply an epithet indicating varying degrees of rank. 
In such cases entry is of course under the family name. (Cf. 41A.) 

Cavour, Camillo Benso, conte di, 1810-1861. 

Alba, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, duque de, 1508-1582. 

Egloffstein, Hermann, Freiherr von und zu, 1861- 

Mises, Ludwig, Edler von, 1881- 

Tolstol, Lev Nikolaevich, graf, 1828-1910. 

Akerhielm, Anna Vilhelmina Elisabeth (Quiding) iriherinna, 


Hatvany, Lajos, bdr6, 1880- 
Csoma, Sandor, korosi, 1784-1842, 88 
Tokugawa, Yoshitoshi, baron, 1884- 
Tokugawa, leyasu, shogun, 1542-1616. 

^In the lower ranks of Hungarian nobility a title consisting of an adjectival term 
derived from place of origin, family estate, or, sometimes a fictitious geographical 
location, often precedes the family name, the combination having the appearance of 
a compound name and being so treated in some reference books. In such cases enter 
under the family name with reference from title followed by family name Cf 
Instruktionen jur die alphabetischen Kataloge der preuszischen Bibliothefcen (2d 
ed.; Berlin, Behrend, 1915 cManuldruck 1934:) 1JH9. 

Csomn, S&ndor, Jc5r6*si, 1784-1842. 

liefer from 

Korosi Csoma, Sandor. 
Wagy. PA1, feZs3-biifci, 1777-1857. 

Refer from 
FelsS-biiki Nagy, Pl. 



C. Use a papal title as entry word only if the title coincides with 
the family name, e.g., Loubat, Joseph Florimond, due de. However, 
add the title in the heading if helpful to distinguish the individual, 
e.g., Morone, Girolamo, due di Bovino. 

Ancient and Medieval Writers 

58. Ancient Greek writers. 

Enter ancient Greek authors under the Latin form of their names 
and refer from the English and Greek forms. In selecting the proper 
entry word follow the practice of the classical dictionaries. 24 

Homerus. Aristides, Aelius. 

Refer from Refer from 

Homer. Aelius Aristides. 

Aeschylus. Cassius Dio Cocceianus. 

Refer from Refer from 

Aischylos. Dio Cocceianus. 

Eschylus. Dion Cassius Cocceianus. 

59. Byzantine writers. 

Enter Byzantine authors under personal name or byname, depend- 
ing upon which has become prevalent in literary and historical usage. 
Absolute uniformity in treatment is not practicable. For doubtful 
entries follow Krumbacher, 25 using the Latin f oim for names prior to 
1450. Later names, especially where entry is under family name with 
forenames added, are best given in the Greek transliterated form. 
Refer from part of name not chosen as entry word and from variant 
forms of name. 

Acropolita, Georgius. Georgius Syncellus, jfZ. 800. 

Refer from Refer from 

Georgius Acropolita. Syncellus, Georgius. 

Comnena, Anna, b. 1083. Georgius Trapezuntius, d. 1484. 

Refer from Refer from 

Anna Comnena. George, of Trebizond. 

Komnena, Anna. Trebizond, George of. 

Trapezuntius, Georgius. 

For Roman emperors of the East see 55B. 

M For a guide to the form of entry for ancient Greek authors, see U. S. Library of 
Congress, Classification Division, Classification. Class P. P-PA (Washington, Govt. 
Print Off., 1928), PA 3818 PA 4500: Greek literature. Individual authors to 700 A.D.; 
also List of authorities, ibid., p. 426-427* 

25 Karl Krumbacher, "Register der Personen und Sachen," in his Geschicfite der 
byzantinischen Litteratur (2d ed.) "Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissen- 
schaft," 9. Bd., 1. Abt. (Miinchen, Beck, 1897) , p. 1153-1193. 



60. Classical Latin writers. 26 

Enter Latin authors under the original Latin form of the name. 
Refer from variant Latin spellings and from the English form if it 
differs from the original. 

Enter under the name by which the author is best known and most 
frequently cited in standard classical dictionaries. 27 

Under nomen: 

Lucretius Carus, Titus. 
Terentius Afer, Publius. 

Under cognomen: 

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 

Varro, Marcus Terentius. 

Scipio Africanus major, Publius Cornelius. 

Scipio Aemilianus Africanus minor, Publius Cornelius. 

Under agnomen: 

Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus. 

Under praenomen: 

Tiberius, Emperor of Rome, 42 B.C.-37 A.D. 

When it is doubtful which of two names has been preferred as 
entry word by the best authorities, enter under the first and refer 
from the second. 

Martianus Capella. 

Refer from 
Capella, Martianus. 
Vergilius Maro, Publius, 

Refer from 

Virgilius Maro, Publius. 

For Eoman emperors of the West see 55A. 

61* Medieval writers. 

Enter medieval authors under the given name, favoring the Latin 
form in case of doubt for names prior to 1400. 28 Include in the head- 

* Every freeborn Roman citizen had three names, praenomen, nomen, and cognomen 
To these was sometimes added an agnomen, occasionally more than one The second 
name (nomen) distinguished one gens from another; the third name (cognomen) 
distinguished one family from another; the first name (praenomen) distinguished 
members of the same family from each other; the additional name (agnomen) was 
given ordinarily in allusion to some achievement but might have various significa- 
tions, e.g., adoption from one gens into another, some moral or physical character- 
istic, etc,, and the individual may be known in literature and history by any one of 
these names or by all of them. 

27 For a guide to the best form of heading for Latin authors, see II S. Library of 

P?f e n% ^ Ca ^ n ^o isi ^' SS^? 1 * 1011 - Class P - P - PA - (Washington, Govt. 
Print. Off 1928), PA 6202-PA 6971: Latin literature to ca. 700 A.D. Individual 
authors; also List of authorities, ibid., p. 426-427. 

E.g., where both Joannes and Johannes are found in reference works, prefer 
Joannes; similarly prefer Guilelmus to Gulielmus, Guliermus, etc. 



ing any epithet or byname denoting place of origin, domicile, occupa- 
tion, or distiaguishing characteristic by which the individual is known. 
Refer from byname, variant forms of personal name, and any other 
names by which the author is known in literature and history. 

Epithets or bynames when given as part of the name should be in 
the same language as the forename. A descriptive word or phrase 
added for the sake of identification is given preferably in English. 
(Cf. 43.) 

Giovanni da Ravenna, 1343-1408. 
Refer from 

Ravenna, Giovanni da, 1343-1408, 

Johannes de Ravenna, 1343-1408. 

John of Ravenna, 1343-1408. 

Giovanni di Conversino. 

Conversino, Giovanni di. 
Guilelmus Arvernus, Bp. of Paris, d. 1249. 
Refer from 

Arvernus, Guilelmus. 

Alvernus, Guilelmus. 

Auvergne, Guillaume d 5 . 

Gulielmus Arvernus. 

Guillaume d'Auvergne. 

Guillaume de Paris. 
Joannes Braidensis, fl. 1419. 
Refer from 

Braidensis, Joannes. 

Joannes de Brera. 

Brera, Joannes de. 

Joannes de Garlandia, fl. 1204-1229. 

Refer from 

Garlandia, Joannes de. 
Garland, John. 
John of Garland. 
Joannes Grammaticus. 

Johannes von Holleschau, 1366 (ca.)-1436. 

Refer from 

Holleschau, Johannes von. 
John of Rexham, ft. 1180. 

Refer from 
Hexham, John of. 
Joannes, prior of Hexham. 
Joannes Hagustaldensis. 
Hagustaldensis, Joannes. 
Faulus Diaconus, 720 (ca.) -797. 

Refer from 
Paulus Casinensis. 
Paulus Levita. 
Warnefrid, Paul, son of. 
Paulus Warnefridus. 
Warnefridus, Paulus, diaconus. 
Paul the deacou, 
Paulo Diacono. 
Johannes, notary, fl. 1334. 



Burchardus, provost of Ursperg, cL 1250. 
Refer from 

Burchardus Urspergensis. 
Jan, of Nepomuk, Saint, 14th cent. 
Refer from 

Nepomuk, Jan of, Saint. 

Nepomucky, Jan, Saint. 

Jan Nepomucky. 

Pomuk, John, Saint. 

John of Nepomuk, Saint. 

John oj Pomuk, Saint. 
Johannes, of Winterthur, ft. 1348. 
Refer from 

Winterthur, Johannes von. 

Vitoduranus, Johannes. 

Duranus, Johannes Vito. 

Johannes Vitoduranus. 

Exception is made in favor of entry under the byname if it is better 
known than the personal name, or has come to have the character of 
a modern surname. 

Abailard, Pierre, 1079-1142. 

Refer from 
Petrus Abaelardus. 
Abelard, Pierre. 
Abaelardus, Petrus. 
Wolkenstein, Oswald von, 1367-1445. 

Refer from 
Oswald von Wolkenstein. 

62. Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation writers with classicized 

Enter under the adopted form of name authors of the Middle Ages 
and the Renaissance and Reformation periods who have translated 
their names into one of the classic languages, or who, with or without 
reference to the original, have adopted a name Greek or Latin in form. 

Agricola, Rudolf, 1443-1485. 

Refer from 
Huisman, Roelof . 
Huysmann, Roelof. 
Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-15GO. 

Refer from 
Schwarzerd, Philipp. 
Schwartzerd, Philipp. 

Naogeorgius, Thomas, 1511-1563. 

Refer from 

Kirchmaier c also Kirchmair, Kirchmeyer, Thomas. 
Kirchbauer, Thomas. 
Neubauer, Thomas. 

(Ecolampadius, Joannes, 1482-1531. 

Refer from 

Hausschein f also Heusgen, Husschin, Hussgenj Johann. 
OEkolampadius, Joannes. 



Xylander, Wilhelm, 1532-1576. 

Refer from 
Holtzmann, WiUielm. 

A. But enter under the original name when it has become so firmly 
established, through the author's own usage or otherwise, that he is 
known by that rather than by the adopted name. 

Birck, Sixt, 1500-1554. 

Refer from 
Betulius, Xystus. 
Bircken, Sixtus von. 
Reuchlin, Johann, 1455-1522. 

Refer from 
Capnion, Johannes, 
Kapnion, Johannes. 

In either case refer from the form of name not chosen as entry word. 

B. Medieval family names translated into Latin 5n the genitive 
form retain the genitive form when it indicates father's surname or 
occupation from which the surname is derived. 29 

Fabri, Felix, 14417-1502. 

[Father's name, or occupation, Schmid] 
Institoris, Henricus, d. 1508. 

[Father's name, or occupation, Kramer] 
Molitoris, Johannes, fl. 1480. 

[Father's name, or occupation, Muller] 

63. Post-Reformation and modern writers with classicized names. 

Enter post-Reformation and modern writers whose names are found 
both in a Latin form and in the vernacular under the Latin form when- 
ever this is decidedly better known. Refer from the vernacular. 

Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645. 

Refer from 
Groot, Hugo de. 

Bitschl, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1806-1876. 

Refer from 
Ritschelius, Fridericus. 

Oriental Names 

64. Arabic names. 

Enter Arabic, Persian, and Turkish writers, up to about the year 
1900, living in Mohammedan countries and writing only, or predomi- 
nantly, in their native tongues, under the given name compounded with 
the patronymic (the latter preceded by the word "ibn," i.e., "son of; 
in rare cases "akhu," Le., "brother of") as well as with the surname 

29 Cf. Basler Chroniken, I (Leipzig, 1872), p. 241, note 2. 



and nickname, usually derived from place of birth or residence 
(nisbah) , occupation, physical peculiarities, etc. 

Muhammad ibn Yusuf, Abu 'Urnar, al-Kindi, 897-961. 
Refer from 

Abu *Umar Muhammad ibn Yusuf, al-Kindi. 

al-Kindi, Abu 'Umar Muhammad ibn Yusuf. 
Muhammad ibn Walid, al-Turtushi, called Ibn al-Rundakah, ca 

1059-ca. 1126. ' 

Refer from 

al-Tiirtushi, Muhammad ibn Walid, called Ibn al-Rundakah. 

Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Walid, al-Turtushi. 

Abu Bakr al-Turtushi. 

Abubequer de Tortosa. 

Ibn al-Rundakah, Muhammad ibn Walid, al-Turtushi. 

Ibn Abl Randaqa. 


A. Distinguish with care cases where "ibn" and "abu" indicate 
patronymics and honorifics, from other cases where these words are 
merely integral parts of given names and nicknames. 

Abu Bakr ibn al-Tufail, Abu Ja'far, al-Ishbili, d. 1185. 

[In this cose "abu" in Abu Bakr is an integral part of a given name] 
Abu al-Fida', 1273-1345. 

[In this case "abu 9 ' is an integral part of a nickname] 
Ibn al-Athlr, 1160-1234. 

[7n this case "ibn" is an integral part of a surname] 

B. Exception is made in favor of entry under another part of the 
name when an author of great prominence has become generally 
known under his honorific name, surname, nickname, etc. 

al-Ghazzali, 1058-1111. 
Refer from 

Muhammad ibn Muhammad, al-Ghazzali. 



Abu al-'Ala'. 
Refer from 

Alimad ibn 'Abd Allah, Abu al-'Ala', al-Ma'arn. 

al-Ma'arri, Abu al-'Ala' Ahmad ibn 'Abd Allah. 

C. Enter writers of the Middle Ages, whose works have been trans- 
lated into Latin and were widely read in Western Europe, under the 
Latin form of their name. 

Avicenna, 9807-1037. 

Refer from 

al-Husain ibn 'Abd Allah, Abu 'AH, called Ibn Sina 
Abu *AK al-Husain ibn 'Abd Allah, called Ibn Sina 
Ibn Sma, Abu 'All al-Husain ibn 'Abd Allah. 
Averroes, 1126-1198. 

Refer from 
Muhammad ibn Ahmad, Abu al-WaKd, called Ibn Rushd, 



Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad, called Ibn Rushd. 
Ibn Rushd, Abu al-Walld Muhammad ibn Ahmad, called. 

D. Enter modern (after 1900) 30 Mohammedan writers under such 
shortened forms of name as they habitually use, surname, followed by 
forename, providing, of course, that the second element of the name 
is really a family name and not merely an additional name. 

Nasr, Yiisuf . 
KMri, ShukrL 

E. Enter modern Turkish writers under the family name, 31 when 
known, and refer from the other names. 

Baltacioglu, Ismail Hakki. 

. Refer from 

Ismail Hakki Baltacioglu. 

Hakki Baltacioglu, Ismail. 

Prior to the adoption of family names, Turkish names ordinarily 
consisted either of a personal name or a personal name in combina- 
tion with a distinguishing name (epithet, nickname, name denoting 
locality of author's birth or residence, etc.) . When it is impossible to 
learn the family name, enter under the distinguishing name whenever 
one is used, otherwise under personal name. Refer from the personal 
name if it is not the entry. 

Kamil, Mehmet. 

Refer from 
Mehmet Kamil. 

F. Enter Arabic names of modern writers who write both in their 
native tongue and in a European language, under the European form 
or name if it differs considerably, for filing purposes, from the ori- 
ental form. 

Gibran, Kahlil, 1883-1931. 

Refer from 
Jibran, Kahlil. 

G. The Arabic article "al" 32 (used also in Persian, Turkish, and 
other names) is not capitalized, even when it stands at the beginning 
of an entry. The article "al" should always be written out in full, 
notwithstanding that in actual pronunciation the "a" is elided under 

80 "In modern Syria and Egypt, among both Christians and Moslems, a family name 
now exists. This may originally have been the given name of a prominent ancestor, 
or it arose out of the trade or profession of an ancestor, e.g., Haddad (= Smith), hence 
nisbahs often become family names in which case the article is frequently dropped." 
A. A. Brux, "The treatment of Arabic proper names/' American journal of Semitic 
languages and literatures, v. 47 (1930), no. 1, pt. 2, p. 199 note. 

Since 1921, family names have been required in Iran. 

31 A Turkish ordinance of Dec. 14, 1934, decreed that the head of every family, 
between the dates of Jan. 2, 1935, and July 2, 1936, was to select a name and register 
it as a surname of the family. Cf. Resmi gazete, par. 2891, Dec. 27, 1934, p. 4589-4591. 

82 In some transliterations written "el" or "ul." 



the influence of a preceding vowel, and the "1" is assimilated with 
certain following consonants. In filing, disregard the article when 
it occurs initially. 

Abu al-'Ala' not Abu'l-'Ala'. 

Abu al-Fida' not Abu'1-Fida'. 

Muhammad ibn Zakariya, Abii Bakr, al-Rdzi, not ar-Rdzi. 

al-Ghazzali not Al-Ghazzali. 

EL Give Arabic given names of Biblical origin in their native form, 
e.g., Yiisuf, not Joseph; Musa, not Moses; Ibrahim, not Abraham. The 
same rule applies to Arabic names borrowed from the Greek, Latin, 
etc., e.g., Jirjls, not Georgius; Butrus, not Petrus. 

65. Hebrew names. 

A. Enter Hebrew and Yiddish writers, up to about the year 1800, 
under the given name compounded with the patronymic, the latter 
preceded by the word "ben," i.e., "son of." This may be followed by 
any other designation referring to place of birth, residence, rank, etc. 

Abraham ben Joseph, ha-Levi, of Cracow. 
Judah ben Jehiel, catted Messer Leon, fl. 1470. 
Refer from 

Leon, Messer. 

Messer Leon. 

Jehuda ben Jechiel, called Messer Leon. 

Exceptions are to be made where writers are best known under 
their surname. 

Abravanel, Isaac, 1437-1508. 

Refer from 

Isaac ben Judah Abravanel. 
Zacuto, Abraham ben Samuel, b. ca. 1450. 

Refer from 

Zacuth, Abraham ben Samuel. 
Abraham ben Samuel Zacuto. 

(1) If a writer is known by an initialism, i.e., a combination of the 
initials of his personal names and appellatives, refer from this ini- 
tialism. It is to be written in capitals with the auxiliary letters in 
lower case. 33 

Isaac ben Sheshet, 1326-1408. 

Refer from 

Barf at, Isaac ben Sheshet. 
Perfet, Isaac ben Sheshet. 

If the initialism is as well known as the name, it may be added to 
the heading with the word CALLED. 

83 This is the practice of the Jewish encyclopedia, not always followed by other 
works of reference. 



Solomon ben Isaac, called RaSHI, 1040-1105. 

Refer from 

(2) The Hebrew article should always be written "ha-" or "he-," 
and should never be capitalized. It is to be disregarded in filing when 
it occurs initially. 

Judah, ha-Levi, fl. 12th cent. 

Refer from 
ha-Levi, Judah. 

(3) Hebrew authors writing both in Hebrew and Arabic or Persian 
should be entered under the Hebrew form of name, if known. 

Japheth ben Eli, the Karaite. 

Refer from 

Yafith ibn AH, the Karaite. 
Abu Ali Jephet. 
Jephet ibn Ali. 

Moses ben Maimon, 1135-1204. 

Refer from 

Musa ibn Maimun, Abu Imran. 

(4) In the case of Arabic surnames and nicknames, the rules given 
for Mohammedan names should be observed, and the Arabic article 
"al-" should be so written and not capitalized. 

al-Harizi, Judah ben Solomon, d. 1235. 

Refer from 

Alharizi, Judah ben Solomon. 
Judah ben Solomon al-Harizi, 
Juda Alcharisi ben Saloino. 
Charisi, Jehuda ben Salomo. 
Jehuda ben Salomon ben Charizi. 
Judah ben Solomon Charizi. 

(5) Exceptions, however, may be made where a surname, though 
originally Arabic, has been spelled generally in the Hebrew manner. 

Alshech, Moses. 

Refer from 
al-Shaikh, Moses. 
Moses Alshech. 

(6) For Hebrew writers before 1800, given names of Biblical origin 
are to be spelled in the form in which they are given in the Authorized 
version. Other Hebrew names are to be faithfully transliterated from 
the original, e.g., Yom-Tob, Hayyim. 

B. Enter Hebrew writers after 1800 under the surname, If the 
given name is of Biblical origin, but the bearer consistently uses a 
Hebrew or Yiddish form, his usage is to be preferred to the form 
in the Authorized version. 



Shunami, Shlomo not Solomon. 
Nadir, Isaac Moishe not Moses. 

(1) Enter writers who use a Jewish given name for their Hebrew 
or Yiddish works, and a non-Jewish name for their writings in other 
languages, under the given name by which they are best known, 
preferring the Jewish form in case of doubt. Refer from the name 
not used. 

Berliner, Abraham, 1833-1915. 

Refer from 

Berliner, Adolf. 

Rogoff, Hillel, 1882- 

Refer from 
RogofP, Harry. 

Jellinek, Adolf, 1821-1893. 

Refer from 
Jellinek, Aaron. 

(2) For Jews who have settled in Palestine and have adopted 
Hebrew names there, use the adopted form, and refer from the orig- 
inal name. 

Jbn-Sahav, Ari, 1899- 

Refer from 
Goldstein, Leo. 

But enter an author under his original name if most of his works 
have appeared under that name and he is so known in literature 
and history. 

66. Japanese names. 

Enter Japanese writers under the family name followed by the 
given name as in the case of western writers. 34 

Miyoshi, Kiyotsura, 847-918. 
Noguchi, Hideyo, 1876-1928. 

Exception is made in favor of entry under pseudonym, nickname, 
or other assumed name when such name has become more firmly 
established in literature and history than the real name. 

Jippensha Ikku, 17757-1831. 

[Here the "literary name" a phrase, is the one by which this artist 
and writer is best known] 
Refer from 

"The application of the rule to modern Japanese names is comparatively simple 
since, by a law promulgated in 1870, each person is required to have a surname and 
a forename. Before that time, however, family names were borne only by court 
nobles, the military class, and specially privileged members of the lower classes. 
Others were restricted to personal names, or personal names 'combined with place or 
trade names. Names were frequently changed and pseudonyms were freely used by 
writers, actors, artists, etc. These pseudonyms were often passed on to a favorite 
pupil and a new pseudonym adopted. Noguchi Yonejiro in his book, Katsushika 
Hokusai, lists 53 pseudonyms used by the artist best known to the western world as 
Hokusai. .These earlier names must in many cases, be established each on its own 
merits, with the aid of the best authorities available. 



Shigeta, Teiichi. 

[his legal name] 
Chikamatsu, Yoshichi. 

[the name he assumed as a playwright] 
Hokusai, 1760-1849. 

.Refer from 
Katsushika, litsu. 

[his legal name] 
Katsushika, Hokusai. 
Katsukawa, Shunro. 
Hishikawa, Sori. 

[These are the better-known forms of name by which Hokusai was 
known. .Reference may be made from other uames if desired] 

67. Chinese names. 

Enter a Chinese writer under the family name, separated from the 
given names by a comma. The given names are hyphenated and the 
first only is capitalized. 

Chinese surnames date from approximately 3000 B.C. As among 
other peoples with whom surnames were a later development, they 
were derived from place of origin, or domicile, occupation, hereditary 
title, etc. 

Every Chinese rightfully has three names, a family name and two 
given names. Of these given names, the first, as a rule, indicates the 
generation and is common to all members of a family belonging to the 
same generation. The second is the personal name. Each individual 
may have also one or more courtesy names selected by himself or 
given to him by another. He may, in addition, have one or more 
pseudonyms and in some cases a posthumous appellative. 85 

Wang, An-shih, 1021-1086. 
Li, Shao-keng, 1897- 

The courtesy name is not used officially and does not appear in the 
heading except occasionally in the case of distinguished personages 
who have come to be generally known by that name rather than by 
their real name, in which case it takes the place of the given names, 
and reference is made from any other names, real or assumed, by which 
the person is known. For entry of Chinese emperors see 55D. 

Sun, Yat-sen, 1866-1925. 

Refer from 
Sun, Wen. 
Sun, Chung-shan. 
Sun, I-hsien. 

[Yat-seu (or, I-hsien) the name by which he is best known, as- 
sumed by him while in college; Wen, a name, also assumed later 
in life, which he used for official purposes; Chung-shan, the 
Chinese equivalent of Nayakami, a name he assumed while 
living in disguise in Japan, and which became his posthumous 
appellative. His given names, variously cited as Tai Chu, Tai 
Cheong } Tai Tseung, were not used by him after his boyhood] 

35 Cf. Kiang Kang-hu, On Chinese studies (Shanghai, Commercial Press, 1934); 
Encyclopaedia sinica (Shanghai, Kelly & Walsh, 1917); British Museum. Dept. of 
Oriental Printed Books, Catalogue of Chinese printed books (London, Longmans, 
1877). As authority for Chinese surnames, cf. H. A. Giles, "A list of Chinese sur- 
names," in his A Chinese -English dictionary (2d ed.; Shanghai, Kelly & Walsh, 1912), 
v. 1, tables, p. 1-8. 



Kiang, Kang-hu, 1883- 

Refer from 
Kiang, Shao-ch'iian. 
Chiang, K c ang-hu. 

[Kang-hu, courtesy name selected by himself and used on the 
title-pages of his later works; Shao, generation name; Ch'iian, 
personal name] 

The names should, as far as possible, be given in the standard roman- 
ization, including indication of aspiration ('), of the Wade system 
(used by Giles in his Chinese-English dictionary) with reference 
from any variant forms (including non-Chinese names) . 

Chang, Chung-lin. 

Refer from - 
Tchang, Tchung-lin. 

Lin, Ch'i-imng, 1889- 

Refer from 
Lynn, Jermyn Chi-hung. 

A. On the title pages of western publications, Chinese names some- 
times occur in the normal Chinese order, i.e., family name followed 
by given, names, and sometimes in the western order. If there is any 
doubt as to which part of the name is the family name, refer from 
the part not used as entry word. 

Ma, Heng, 1880- 

The fifteen different classes of measures as given in the Lu li 
chih of the Sui dynasty, by Ma Heng . . . 
Refer from 

Heng, Ma. 
Feng, Han-chi, 1902- 

The Chinese kinship system . . . c byj Han Yi Feng . . . 
Refer from 

Feng, Han-yi. 

Han Yi Feng. 

B. Chinese names for which particular forms have become firmly 
established in western literature are to be entered under these forms 
with reference from the original. 


Refer from 
Kung Fu-tze. 
K'ung, Ch'iu. 

68* Annamese names. 30 

Enter Annamese writers under their names, in full, without in- 
version, in the normal Annamese order. Connect the three names by 
hyphens and lower case the middle word, or name. Refer from the 

"For an explanation of Annamese names, the following works may be consulted: 
Tran-van-Trai, La famille patrictrcale annamite (Paris, 1942), p. r276i-281* Varietfo 
tonkinoises (Hanoi, 1903), p. 122-123. 



third name. Enter under the first name and refer from the second 
when the name consists of only two words. 

Usually Annamese names consist of three characters, or words, 
with the family, or clan, name given first. The second name is an 
intercalary word indicating sex, place in family (i.e., third son, second 
daughter); rank (i.e., duke (cong), baron (ba)), etc. The third 
word is the given name. 

Among the most common family names are Nguyen, Tran, Le, Ly, 
Pham, Phan, Lam, and Luong. Of the intercalary words the two 
denoting sex are the most commonly used (i.e., t;cw for the males and 
thi for the females) . Of the given names those most frequently used 
are Vang, Ngoc, Nga, Cue, and Huong. 


Eefer from 
Trai, Tran-van- 

Rejer from 

Nguyen, Nguyen-xuan- 

Refer from 
Than, Do- 

69. Burmese and Karen names. 

A. Enter Burmese writers under their names in full, without inver- 
sion, in the normal Burmese order, followed by the term of address. 

Burmese do not have family names. Their names consist of one, 
two, or in some rare cases, three words, preceded by a term of address 
or a title. The term of address is inseparable from the name and 
must be retained. For Burmese men the terms of address are Maung 
(abbr. Mg. or M.), Ko or 17 the latter being used to designate men 
of prominence, high social position, professional standing, or age. For 
the women the terms of address are Ma or Daw the latter correspond- 
ing in meaning to U. In some cases the term of address may be a 
word which is identical with one of the words constituting the name. 
Reference should always be made from parts of name not used as 
the entry word. 

On Kin, U. 

Refer from 
Kin, U On. 
Kin, On. 
U On Kin. 
Ba U, U. 

Refer from 
U, U Ba. 
U Shan Maung, Maung. 

Refer from 

Maung, Maung U Shan. 
Maung U Shan Maung. 



Mya Sein, Daw. 

Refer from 
Sein, Daw Mya. 
Daw Mya Sein. 

B. Enter under the latest form of name, with reference from the 
other names, a Burmese who has changed his name, either completely, 
or by adding parts to a former name. This change of name, permissible 
in Burma, seldom occurs after a writer has become well known. The 
new name is not a pseudonym, it becomes the real name of the writer. 

Pe Maung, Maung. {name used to about 

Tin, Maung. iname used between 1911 and 1921i 

Pe Maung Tin, U. t name used since about 1921] 

C. Enter under the name, or names, in full, without inversion, in 
the normal Burmese order, followed by the title, those Burmese in the 
professional groups or those holding high government positions, who 
have titles added to their names. In some cases the title is substituted 
for the term of address; in others both are retained. Refer from the 
parts not used as entry word. The most common of these titles in- 
clude: say a (a man skilled in any art or science) , sayadaw (a Buddhist 
monk of rank) , bhikkhu (a Buddhist mendicant) and thakin (a mem- 
ber of the Thakin political party) . 

Silacara, bhikkhu. 

Refer from 
Bhikkhu Silacara. 
Sakkapala, sayadaw U. 

Refer from 

U Sakkapala, sayadaw. 
Sayadaw U Sakkapala. 
Po E, saya U. 

Refer from 
U Po E, saya. 
Saya U Po E. 
E, Saya U Po. 
E, Po. 

D. Enter Karen names in the same manner as Burmese, since they 
follow the same general pattern as Burmese names, and refer from 
parts not used as entry word. Karen names differ, however, from 
Burmese in that there is only one term of address for the men (i.e., 
Saw) and one for the women (i.e., Naw). Care should be exercised 
not to confuse Saw, the Karen term of address (corresponding to 
Burmese 17) with the Saw used as part of a Burmese name. 

Pwa Sein, Naw. 
Refer from 
Sein, Naw Pwa. 
Naw Pwa Sein. 
Sein, Pwa. 

Chit Maung, Saw. { Karen name, 
Refer from 



Mating, Saw Chit. 
Saw Chit Maung. 
Maung, Chit. 
Saw, U. [Burmese name;, 

Refer from 

Enter under the names, in full, without inversion, in the normal 
Karen order, with references from parts not used as entry word, those 
Karens who have incorporated western names as part of their names. 

Moses Dwe, Saw. 

San Crombie Po, Sir. 

Joseph Maung Gyi, Sir. 

Katie Kaing, Naw. 

Among the Karens the most common title is thra (corresponding 
to the Burmese saya, i.e., a man skilled in any art or science) . 

San Baw, thra. 
70. Indie names. 

A. Enter Indie writers prior to the middle of the nineteenth cen- 
tury tinder the personal name (usually the first) and refer from the 
family name or surname (usually the third). When there are only 
two names refer from the second. 37 

Ramamohana Raya, Raja, 17747-1833. 

Refer from 
Raya, Ramamohana. 
Ram Mohun Roy. 
Roy, Ram Mohun. 
Rammohun Roy. 
Roy, Rammohun. 

Isvara Kaula, 1833-1893. 

Refer from 
Kaula, Isvara. 

B. Where family names have been adopted according to western 
usage, enter under the family name, preferring the transliterated 
form adopted by the author when he has consistently used a form 
differing from the generally accepted transliteration. 88 Refer from 
variant forms and from parts of name not chosen as entry word. 

Indie names present many difficulties to the cataloger, due in part 
to different usage in the various linguistic areas of India, in part to 
the widely varying transliterated forms in which the name may ap- 
pear, and also to the great freedom exercised by the individual in 

w This is the general practice of the British Museum in its various catalogs of Indie 

88 This system of transliteration appears in the Journal of the Bombay Branch of 
the Royal Asiatic Society. Since April, 1944, the Library of Congress has used this 
transliteration with the exception of the anusvara, and anunasika, both of which are 
transliterated by m, and the use of ri for the RAS's r. 



his treatment of his own name. Hence whatever form of the name is 
selected as heading, the importance of adequate references cannot be 

Bose, Chunilal, rai bahadur, 1861- 
Refer from 

Chunilal Bose. 

Chunilal Vasu. 

Vasu, Chunilal. 

Basu, Chuni Lai. 

Chuni Lai Bose. 
Mookerji, Radha Kumud, 1884- 
Refer from 

Radha Kumud Mookerji. 

Radhakumuda Mukhopadhyaya. 

Mukhopadhyaya, Radhakumuda. 

Mukerjee, Radha Kumud. 

Mukharji, Radha Kumud. 
Mukerjee, Kadhakamal, 1889- 

tbrother of the preceding^ 
Refer from 

Radha Kamal Mukerjee. 

Radhakamala Mukhopadhyaya. 

Mukhopadhyaya, Radhakamala. 

Mookerji, Radha Kamal. 

The following rule (1212) from S. R, Ranganathan, Classified cata- 
logue code (Madras, Madras Library Association, 1934) , together with 
some of the discussion which accompanies it, is quoted here as an 
aid to the understanding and treatment of Indie names: 

In the case of modern Hindu names, the last substantive word in 
the name is to be written first and all the earlier words and initials are 
to be added thereafter; except that, in the case of South Indian names 
if the last substantive word merely indicates caste or community and 
the penultimate word is given in full on the title page; the two last 
substantive words are both to be written first in their natural order. 

The substantive words in a modern Hindu name may represent one 
or more of the following: 

(1) the personal name of the person; 

(2) the personal name of the father of the person; 

(3) the name of a place, usually of birth or of ancestral residence: 

(4) the patronymic name denoting the caste or the profession, or 
any religious, academic, military or other distinction or place 
of residence or birth, of an ancestor. 

These words do not occur in the same order in all cases. 
About the middle of the nineteenth century a tendency appeared 
among the Hindus of North India and West India to assimilate their 
names to the English forms of Christian name and surname, by adopt- 
ing the patronymic name as the surname and making the other words 
in the name answer to Christian names. 

In Western India, the patronymic name is usually preceded by two 
names. The first name is the personal name and the second name is 
the personal name of the father e.g. in Mohandas Karamchand 
Gandhi, Mohandas is the personal name of Mahatma Gandhi, Karam- 
chand is his father's personal name and Gandhi is his patronymic name. 
Till about the middle of the nineteenth century, it was not the prac- 
tice to give prominence to the third name. The second name also was 



not much used, except for purposes of distinguishing two or more 
persons having the same personal name. But now the fashion is to give 
prominence to the third name and to relegate the first two names to 
the status of initials. 

In Bengal, the caste-name is usually preceded by a personal name 
originally treated as a single word. This single word is now, in most 
cases, split up into two words to be used as if they are two distinct 
Christian names, e.g. Ramamohan Roy has come to be written as Ram 
Mohan Roy; Rameshacandra Dutt, as Romesh Cunder Dutt: Citta- 
ranjan Das, as C. R. Das. It has also to be stated that certain caste- 
names occur as double words, e.g. Rai Mahassi, Roy Choudhuri. 

' J j p outlx Jndia . . . except in a few very recent, cases, the 
word denoting caste or having some patronymic significance is sub- 
ordinated to the personal name, though it is either written after it in 
full as a separate word or compounded with the personal name so as 
to form a single word, but it is never contracted to initials. Some also 
omit it altogether. In the case in which it is omitted or assimilated 
with the personal name, the last word in the name is the personal 
name; otherwise, the penultimate word is the personal name. The word 
representing the personal name is usually preceded by one or two 
words. What the words represent would depend upon the part of South 
India to which the person belongs. 

For titular or descriptive words in Indian names see S. R. Ran- 
ganathan, "A list of the more common South Indian words indicating 
caste or community," op. cit, p. 68-70; and K. A. Linderfelt, "List of 
Oriental titles and occupations with their significance," in his Eclectic 
card catalog rules (Boston, Cutter, 1890) , p. 76-97. 

Roy Chowdhury, Brajendra Kishore. 

ccaste namej 
Refer from 

Chowdhury, Brajendra Kishore Roy. 
Brajendra Kishore Roy Chowdhury. 
Vrajendra-kiora Raya-chaudhurL 
Gopalaswami Ayyangar, Sir Narasimha, diwan bahadur, 1882- 

tpatronymic and caste names^ 
Refer from 

Ayyangar, Sir Narasimha Gopalaswami. 
Narasimha Gopalaswami Ayyangar, Sir, diwan bdhadur. 
Aiyangar, Sir Narasimha Gopalaswami. 
lyengar, Sir Narasimha Gopalaswami. 
Gopalaswami lyengar, Sir Narasimha. 
Gopalswamy lyengar, Sir Narasimha. 

Aggarwal, Om Prakash, rai sahib, 1905- 

L name derived from community] 
Refer from 

Om-praka?a Agarvala. 
Om Parkash, Lala. 
Prakash Aggarwal, Om. 
Agarwala, Om Prakash. 

Shastri, Gaurinath Bhattacharyya. 

cacodemic title used as surname^ 
Refer from 

Bhattacharyya, Gaurinath, sastri. 
Gaurinath Bhattacharyya Shastri. 
Bhattacharjee, Gouri Nath. 
Bhattacharji, Gauri Nath. 
Gauri Nath Bhattacharjee, sastri. 


III. Corporate Bodies as 
Authors 1 

71. General rule and specification. 

Governments and their agencies, societies, institutions, firms, con- 
ferences, etc., are to be regarded as the authors of publications for 
which they, as corporate bodies, are responsible. Such material as 
official publications of governments; proceedings and reports of so- 
cieties; official catalogs of libraries and museums; reports of institu- 
tions, firms, conferences, and other bodies is entered under the heading 
for the corporate body, even though the name of the individual pre- 
paring it is given. 

Monographic works by individual officials, officers, members and 
employees of corporate bodies, when these works are not clearly ad- 
ministrative or routine in character, are preferably to be entered 
under personal author, even though issued by the corporate body 
(Cf. 73C, 75C-D, 84C-D, 89C, E, H, 90A-B, 118A.) - 

Periodicals (as defined in the GLOSSARY) are entered according to 
the general rule (5C) even though issued by governments, societies 
or institutions. 

Government Publications 2 

72. General rule. 

Enter under countries or nations, states, cities, towns, and other 
government districts, official publications issued by them or by their 


. . . Mandates. Communication from the French Government. 

Great Britain. 

Burma, statement of policy by His Majesty's Government. 

For form of entry see IV. GEOGRAPHIC HEADINGS, especially 154. 
A. Enter publications emanating from the various agencies of 
government under the names of the ^^ciesjlegislative bodies, courts, 

(4th ed, 

., 1904) , p. 39-41. 

ff B 19) ildS> AUthOT mtry iW 9 ot)ernment Plications (Washington, 


executive departments, bureaus, etc.) as subheadings (under country, 
or other jurisdiction) in the latest form in the vernacular. 3 Refer from 
variant forms. 

Breslau. Statistisches Amt. 

China. Inspectorate General of Customs. 

Refer from 

China. Customs, Inspectorate General of. 
Finland. Lantdagen, 1809-1906. Ridderskapet och adeln. 

Refer from 

Finland. Ritaristo ja aateli. 
Finland. Ridderskapet och adeln. 
Mexico. Departamento del Trabajo. 

Refer from 

Mexico. Trabajo, Departamento del. 
New York (County) Board of Supervisors. 

Refer from 

New York (County) Supervisors, Board of. 
New York (State) Dcpt. of Excise. 

Refer from 
New York (State) Excise, Dept. of. 

(1) Use for a subheading the name of the office rather than the 
title of the officer except where the title of the officer is the only 
name of the office. 

U. S. Office of Education not U. S. Commissioner of Education. 

Canada. Fuel Controller. 

Illinois. State Entomologist. 

Pennsylvania. Secretary of the Commonwealth. 

Make whenever necessary a reference from the name of the head of 
a department to the name of the office. 

Exception. Certain classes of institutions and other bodies created, 
maintained, controlled or owned by governments, but not direct 
agencies of government are, however, to be treated according to the 
rules governing these bodies as authors, e.g., colleges, universities, 
schools, libraries, museums, galleries, observatories, agricultural ex- 
periment stations, hospitals, asylums, prisons, theaters, chambers of 
commerce, botanical and zoological gardens, banks, business corpora- 
tions, churches, societies, etc. 4 (Cf . 91-149.) 

3 For governments having more than one official language, prefer English if it is one 
of the official languages, e.g., Canada. The departments, bureaus, etc., of Finland may 
preferably be entered under the Swedish form of name, with reference from the 
Finnish form. Those of Switzerland are entered under the German form with refer- 
ence from the French and Italian forms. For governments not using officially a 
Roman, Greek, or Slavic alphabet, prefer an English form of name. 

*The Library of Congress does not extend this exception to institutions of the 
United States government. The headings for these are established according to the 
regular rules for government agencies, e.g., 

XJ. S. Army War College, Washington, D. C. 
not Washington* D. C. Army War College. 

"U. S. Navy Yard, Boston 
not Boston. Navy Yard. 



B. Enter official gazettes directly under government without sub- 
division. Make added entry under title. Occasional exception may be 
made for entry under title when the publication has had separate 
existence as a newspaper or periodical (cf. 5C.), or has only semi- 
official standing as a gazette. In accordance with the practice in cata- 
loging periodicals, make cross references for changes of title. 


Journal official de la Republique frangaise. 


. . . Gaceta diaria de Mexico . . . 

73. Sovereigns, presidents, governors, etc. 

A. Enter collections of messages to legislative bodies, proclama- 
tions, executive orders, and similar documents of sovereigns, presi- 
dents, governors, etc., covering more than one administration, under 
the name of the country or other jurisdiction, followed by the name 
of the office. Make added entry for editors. 

U. S. President. 

. . . Inaugural addresses of the presidents of the United States 
. . . edited by John Vance Cheney. 

I. Cheney, John Vance, 1848-1922, ed. 

U. S. President. 

Presidential messages and state papers; being the epoch- 
marking national documents of all the presidents from George 
Washington to Woodrow Wilson . . . edited by Julius W 
Muller ... 

i. Muller, Julius Washington, 1867- ed. 

Gt. Brit. Sovereigns, etc. 

. . . British royal proclamations relating to America, 1603-1783. 
Edited by Clarence S. Brigham, A. M. 

i. Brigham, Clarence Saunders, 1877- ed. 

New York (State) Governor. 
The executive budget . . . 

New York (City) Mayor. 
Message of the mayor to the Common Council . . . 

B. For single messages to legislative bodies, proclamations, execu- 
tive orders, etc., include in the heading the inclusive years of the ad- 
ministration or reign and, in parentheses, the name of the incumbent. 
Refer from the name of the incumbent. 

Gt. Brit. Sovereigns, etc., 2702-1714 (Anne) 

A proclamation of Queen Anne for settling and ascertaining 
the current rates of foreign coins in America . . . 

Refer from Anne, Queen of Great Britain, 1665-1714. 



Gt. Brit. Sovereigns, etc., 1558-1603 (Elizabeth) 
Queene Elizabeth's speech to her last Parliament 
Refer from Elizabeth, Queen of England, 1533-1603. 

France. Sovereigns, etc., 1643-1715 (Louis XIV) 

Declaration du Roy, sur le tarif des droils pour les ports de 
lettres ... 

Refer from Louis xiv, King of France, 1638-1715. 

U. S. President, 1913-1920 (Wilson) 

Executive order of President Wilson establishing defensive sea 
areas and regulations for carrying same into effect. 

Refer from Wilson, Woodrow, Pres. U. S., 1856-1924. 

U. S. President, 1933-1945 (Franklin D. Roosevelt) 

. . . Federal Communications Commission. Message of the 
President of the United States recommending that Congress 
create a new agency to be known as the Federal Communica- 
tions Commission . , . 

Refer from Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Pres. U. S., 1882- 

Uruguay. Presidente, 1897-1903 (Cuestas) 

Manifesto de S. E. el senor presidente provisional de la Re- 
publica O. del Uruguay don Juan L. Cuestas dirigida al pais, a 
nacionales y extrangeros. 

Refer from Cuestas, Juan Lindolfo, Pres. Uruguay, 1837- 

New York (State) Governor, 1933-1942 (Lehman) 

. . . Special message of the Governor to the Legislature. Rec- 
ommendations for the improvement of criminal law enforcement. 
Refer from Lehman, Herbert Henry, 1878- 

Boston. Mayor, 1834-1835 (Lyman) 

Communication to the City Council, on the subject of intro- 
ducing water into the city. Printed by order of the Common 

Refer from Lyman, Theodore, 1792-1849. 

C. Enter other single addresses and collected editions of the papers 
of a single sovereign, president, governor, etc., under the individual 
as author. 

Roosevelt, Theodore, Pres. U. 5., 1858-1919. 

Address of President Roosevelt to the Deep Waterways Con- 
vention, Memphis, Tennessee, October 4, 1907. 

Refer from U. S. President, 1901-1909 (Roosevelt) 

Wilson, Woodrow, Pres. U. S., 1856-1924. 

Address of President Wilson delivered at Mount Vernon, July 
4, 1918. 

Refer from U. S. President, 1913-1923 (Wilson,) 

George V, King of Great Britain, 1865-1936. 

The King to his people; being the speeches and messages of 
His Majesty King George the Fifth delivered between July 1911 
and May 1935. 

I. Gt. Brit. Sovereigns, etc., 1910-1936 (George v) 



Irigoyen, Hipolito, Pres. Argentine Republic, 1852-1933. 

Discursos, escritos y polemicas del Dr. Hipolito Yrigoyen, 
1878-1922 ... 

Refer from Argentine Republic. Presidente, 1916-1922 

Hoover, Herbert Clark, Pres. U. S., 1874- 

The state papers and other public writings of Herbert Hoover, 
collected and edited by William Starr Myers . . . 

I. U. S. President, 1929-1933 (Hoover) n. Myers, William Starr, 1877- 

D. Enter the publications of officials or official bodies having gov- 
erning power over a colony, protectorate, territory, etc., with or with- 
out a degree of autonomy, under the name of the territory over which 
they have jurisdiction, rather than under the name of the country 
to whose sovereignty they are subject. Use the title of the official 
or the name of the office as subheading. 

Morocco (Spanish zone) Aha Comisaria de Espana. 

District of Columbia. Commissioners. 

Canada. Governor-general. 

Maranhao, Brazil (State) Interventoria Federal. 

Enter similarly the publications of officials or bodies governing 
occupied territory. 

Cuba. Military Governor. 

Jersey. Mttitarischer Befehlshaber. 

Netherlands (Territory under German occupation, 1940-1945) 

EeicksJcommissar fur die Besetzten Niederldndischen Gebiete. 
France (Territory under German occupation, 1940-1944) Chef 

der Militdrverwaltung in Frankreich. 
Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945- U. S. 

Zone) Military Governor. 

74. Legislative bodies. 

Enter the proceedings of sessions, debates, reports, etc. (but not 
"acts" or laws) , of legislative bodies under the name of the govern- 
ment with the name of the body as subheading, subdivided as needed 
by date of session and/or branch, committee, or other subordinate 
entity. In the case of the United States Congress, when dates are 
given, give also the number of the congress and the session. 

Gt. Brit. Parliament. 

Gt Brit Parliament. Joint Select Committee on Nationality of 

Married Women. y } 

Gt. Brit. Parliament, 1766. 
Gt Brit. Parliament, 1766. House of Commons. 
Gt. Brit. Parliament, 1766. House of Lords. 
Gt Brit. Parliament. House of Commons. Select Committee on 

r inance. 

New York (State) Legislature. 
New York (State) Legislature. Joint Committee on Banking and 

investment Trusts. 
New York (State) Legislature. 1908. Senate. 



New York (State) Legislature. Senate. Committee on Finance. 
U. b. Congress. 

S" I" C9 ress - / oint Committee cm Internal Bevenue Taxation. 

U. S. 2d Cong., 1st sess., 1791-1792. 

U. S. 52d Cong., 2d sess., 1892-1893. House 

U. S. Congress. House. 

U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Labor. 

U. S. Congress. Senate. Library. 

75. Executive departments, etc. 

Enter executive departments, ministries and secretariats as sub- 
headings under the country or other jurisdiction. 

U. S. Dept. of the Interior. 

Refer from 
U. S. Interior, Dept. of the. 5 

Argentine Republic. Ministerio de Guerra. 

Refer from 
Argentine Republic. Guerra, Ministerio de. 

A. Bureaus or offices subordinate to a department. Enter bureaus 
or offices subordinate to an executive department, ministry or secre- 
tariat directly under the name of the jurisdiction, not as a subheading 
under the department, ministry or secretariat. 

U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 

Refer from 

II S. Insular Affairs, Bureau of. 
U. S. War Dept. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 

Italy. Direzione generale dei telegrafi. 

Refer from 

Italy. Telegrafi, Direzione generale dei. 
Italy. Ministero dei lavori pubblici. Direzione generale dei 


When, however, the bureau or office does not have a distinctive 
name so that one of the same name might exist in another department, 
enter under the department with a reference from the bureau. 

U. S. War Dept. Bureau of Public Relations. 

U. S. Treasury Dept. Bureau of Accounts. 

U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission. Bureau of Accounts. 

B. Divisions and other units. Divisions, regional offices and other 
units of departments, bureaus, commissions, etc., subordinate to these 
departments, bureaus, commissions, etc., are usually entered, if re- 
quired, as subheadings to the departments, bureaus, commissions, etc. 

U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of Botany. 

U. S. Bureau of Animal Husbandry. Dairy Division. 

V. S. National Resources Planning Board. Region 8. 

5 Many libraries use such subheadings in the inverted form (e.g., U. S. Interior, 
Dept. of the) or obtain the same arrangement by underlining the key word. 



C. Reports, papers, etc., by an official. 

(1) Enter under the department or other government agency ad- 
ministrative reports which are prepared by an official as a part of his 
routine duty. No added entry need be made under the name of an 
official for a report strictly administrative in character. 

Massachusetts. Secretary of the Commonwealth. 

Instructions relative to the registry and return of births, mar- 
riages and deaths in Massachusetts. By Francis DeWitt, secretary 
of the Commonwealth. 

Oregon. Insurance Dept. 

Fire prevention bulletin, 1915. By Harvey Wells, state insur- 
ance commissioner. 

Oregon. Secretary of State. 

. . . Constitutional provisions and statutes related to incor- 
porated cities and towns . . . Compiled by Hal E. Ross, secretary 
of state. 

(2) Enter under personal author 6 scientific papers, addresses, and 
other publications, not administrative or routine in character, but 
which are issued officially by the department to which the author is 
attached. Make added entry under the department. 

Lamont, Robert Patterson, 1867- 

. . . Unemployment and business stability. An address by 
Secretary of Commerce Robert P. Lamont before the Chamber 
of Commerce of the United States. 

At head of title: U. S. Department of Commerce. 

I. U. S. Dept. of Commerce, n. Title. 

Hoover, Herbert Clark, Pres. U. S., 1874- 

. . . The future of our foreign trade, by Herbert Hoover, 
Secretary of Commerce. An address given at a dinner in New 
York City. 

At head of title: Department of Commerce. Bureau of Foreign and 
Domestic Commerce. Washington. 
I, IT. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, n. Title. 

Veiller, Lawrence Turnure, 

Tenement house legislation in New York, 1852-1900. Prepared 
for the Tenement House Commission of 1900. By Lawrence 
Veiller, secretary . . . 

r. New York (State) Tenement House Commission. 

D. Reports not by an official. Enter under the writer reports made 
to a department or other government agency by a person who is not 
an official, with added entry under the department or agency. 

Hubert, Ernest Everett, 1887- 

. . . Sap stains of wood and their prevention, by Ernest E. 
Hubert, professor of forestry, School of Forestry, University of 

6 The Library of Congress usually enters under personal author papers which ap- 
pear in a series which has been entered under an official heading. 



Idaho. Tenth report of a series on the marketing and use of 
lumber ... 

At head of title: United States Department of Commerce. Wood 

i. U. S. Dept. of Commerce. 11. Title. 

E. Collection or series of reports. Enter a collection or series of 
reports to a department, by different persons, under the department. 
If the importance or manner of publication of the single reports war- 
rants it, make an added entry or analytical entry for each under the 
author's name, even if he is an official. 

U. S. Geological Survey. 

. . . Reconnaissances in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay re- 
gions, Alaska, in 1900, by Alfred H. Brooks, George B. Richard- 
son, Arthur J. Collier and Walter C. Mendenhall Washington, 
Govt. Print. Off., 1901. 

i. Brooks, Alfred Hulse, 1871-1924. n. Collier, Arthur James, 1866- 
m. Mendenhall, Walter Curran, 1871- iv. Richardson, George Burr 

76. Armies, navies, etc. 

A. Enter reports of operations, orders, circulars, proclamations, 
dispatches, etc., emanating from armies, navies, marine corps, etc., 
under the country, with the name of the body as subheading in the 

U. S. Army. 

U. S. Navy. 

U. S. Marine Corps. 

France. Armee. 

Germany. Heer. 


B. Enter military units of armies or navies (such as commands, 
armies, corps, divisions, regiments, artillery and infantry) as subdi- 
visions of the army, navy, etc., in the vernacular. Refer from any 
popular name, 

U. S. Army. Antiaircraft Command. 

Gt. Brit. Navy. Sea Cadet Corps. 

U. S. Navy. 7th Amphibious Force. 

Gt. Brit. Army. Royal Gloucestershire Hussars. 

Germany. Heer. Panzer-Division Nr. 11. 

France. Armee. Artillerie. 

However, enter subdivisions of armies, navies, etc., which have 
names beginning with the- name, or an adjective derived from the 
name, of the army, navy, etc., directly under the country. Refer from 
the indirect form. 

U. S. Naval Air Transport Service. 

Refer from 

U. S. Navy. Naval Air Transport Service. 
Canada. Army Medical Corps. 

Refer from 
Canada. Army. Army Medical Corps. 



(1) In headings for the Army of the United States, and of Great 
Britain and her dominions designate Armies by number spelled out, 
corps by roman numerals, and divisions by arabic numerals. 

U. S. Army. First Army. 

U. S. Army. IV Corps. 

Gt. Brit. Army. 7th Division. 

(2) In the headings for the Army of the United States, and of 
Great Britain and her dominions, enter regiments designated only by 
number within the various services (cavalry, infantry, etc.) under 
number, followed by the name of the service. The word regiment 
is not included in the heading. For other units (battalions, brigades, 
etc.) include the distinguishing word. 

U. S. Army. 27th Cavalry. 

U. S. Army. 101st Cavalry Group. 

(3) In the present organization of the U. S. Army the regiments are 
numbered consecutively within each arm of the service. Besides the 
regular army regiments there were regiments of Negro troops and 
sharpshooters during the Civil War and volunteer regiments during 
the Spanish-American War. As the numbering of such regiments 
may duplicate that of the regular army a distinguishing word is added 
in the heading. 

U. S. Army. 1st Cavalry. r regular armyj 

U. S. Army. 1st Cavalry (Colored) [Civil Warj 

U. S. Army. 1st Cavalry (Volunteer) tSpanish-American Wat) 

U. S. Army. 2d Infantry. 

U. S, Army. 2d Infantry (Colored) 

U. S. Army. 2d Infantry (Sharpshooters) 

C. Military units which are not a part of the U. S. Army but 
were a part of the army conscripted by the states through the Civil 
War period are entered under the name of the state followed by the 
name of the unit. This heading is subdivided in the same manner as 
the present U. S. Army, except that dates of muster and discharge 
are added when possible. The greater number of such units are dis- 
tinguished by ordinal numbers only. Those having distinctive names 
are treated in the same way as those known by ordinal numbers. Refer 
from popular names. 

Delaware Infantry. 1st Regt, 1776-1783. 
Tennessee Cavalry. 2d Regt., 1862-1865. 
New York Infantry. 8th Regt., 1861-1863. 
Refer from 

New York Infantry. Blenker's Rifles. 

Blenker's Rifles. 

Illinois Infantry. United States Zouave Cadets, 1859-1860. 

Refer from 
United States Zouave Cadets of Chicago. 




77. State Guards and National Guard (U. S.). 

A. Enter the State Guard of each state or territory of the United 
States under the name of the state or territory to which it belongs. 

Wisconsin. State Guard. 
Puerto Rico. State Guard. 

B. Enter the National Guard of the United States, a military force 
maintained jointly by the several states and by the U. S. government, 
under the name of the state or territory in which it is organized. 

Louisiana. National Guard. 
Puerto Rico. National Guard. 

During the two world wars the guard was drafted into the regular 
Army of the U. S., and was known by regular army designation. 
Previously, when the army was supplemented by a volunteer army 
conscripted by the states, many of the National Guard units became 
a part of the state organization and were known by the name of the 
state. (Cf. 76C.) 

78. Embassies, legations, consulates, etc. 

Enter publications emanating from embassies, consulates, etc., under 
the nation represented followed by the name of the representing body. 
Include in the heading for embassies and legations the names of the 
countries to which they are assigned; for consulates, the names of the 
cities in which they are located. 

Australia. High Commissioner in London. 
France. Consulat. Buenos Aires. 
Germany. Gesandtschajt. Switzerland. 
Gt. Brit. Consulate. Cairo. 
Gt. Brit Embassy. U. S. 
Gt. Brit. Legation. China. 
U. S. Consulate. Amsterdam. 
U. S. Legation. Sweden. 

79. Delegation, delegates, delegate. 

Enter a delegation, delegates or delegate officially representing a 
country at a conference or congress, under the name of the conference 
or congress with a subheading for the delegation. The subheading 
will consist of the phrase "Delegation from [Country]" unless the name 
of the conference or congress^is not in English; the corresponding 
phrase in the language of the heading will then be used. 

International American Conference. 1st, Washington, D. C. 3 

1889-1890. Delegation from Haiti. 
International Economic Conference, Geneva,, 1927. Delegation 

from the United States. 

80. Archives. 

A. Enter national, state, provincial, municipal, diocesan, parish and 
other local archives under the name of the country, state, city, diocese, 
etc., with the name of the archive as subheading. Add the name of 
the place where located, when necessary for clearness or distinction. 



France. Archives nationales. 
Portugal. Arquivo Nacionnl. 
Netherlands (Kingdom, 1815- ) Rijks Archief in Drenthe, 


Aube, France (Dept.) Archives. 
Augsburg, Stadtarchiv. 
U. S. National Archives. 

B. Enter archives of particular government departments as follows: 

(1) Under the name of the country followed by the name of the 
archive, when the archive has a name of its own, 

France. Archives de la guerre. 

Refer from 
France. Ministers de la guerre. Archives. 

(2) Under the name of the ministry, department or bureau with 
the addition of the subheading ARCHIVES, when the archive does not 
have an independent name. 

France. Ministers des travaux publics. Archives. 

C. Enter institutional, society, and family archives under institu- 
tion, society, or family, with a subheading consisting either of the 
name of the archive or the word ARCHIVES. 

Harvard University. Archives. 

81. Government commissions and committees. 

A. Enter reports and recommendations of official commissions and 
committees, whether permanent or temporary, under the name of the 
country or other jurisdiction, with the name of the commission or com- 
mittee as a subheading, directly under country or under the appoint- 
ing department, legislative body, etc. (Cf. 74.) Refer from the name 
of the commission or committee. 

U. S. Commission to Study the Proposed Highway to Alaska. 
U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission. 
U. S. Committee on Economic Security. 
Gt. Brit. Royal Commission on Local Taxation. 
France. Commission des affaires coloniales. 
France, Comite d r organisation du travail des metaux. 
U. S. Children's Bureau. National Commission on Children in 

B. Enter an official commission to an exposition or exhibition tinder 
the name of the country sending it with the name of the commission 
as subheading. If the commission is mentioned only in general terms 
without an official name, use a subheading in the vernacular consist- 
ing of (1) the term signifying the commission, (2) the name of the 
exposition, (3) the place if it does not appear in the name, (4) the 
date of the exposition. 

Austria. Central-Commission, Weltausstellung in Chicago, 1893. 
France, Commission, Exposition international de Chicago, 1893. 



Germany. Reichskommission, Weltausstellung in Chicago, 1893. 
New Jersey. Commission, Jamestown Exposition, 1907. 
Bolivia. Comision National, Exposition International Panama- 
Pacifico, San Francisco, 1915. 

For international commissions see 139A and C. 

82. Special local government districts. 

Enter special local government districts for harbor control and de- 
velopment, power development and distribution, sanitation, irrigation, 
education, etc., under their own names rather than under the govern- 
ments creating them. 

Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District. 
East Bay Municipal Utility District. 
Houston Independent School District. 
Mancomunidad Hidrografica del Guadalquivir. 

In cases where districts are more generally known by the name of 
the authority or board in charge of them than by their own official 
designation, prefer entry under the governing body. 

California Toll Bridge Authority. 

Dundee Harbour Trust not Harbour District of Dundee. 

Junta de las Obras del Puerto de Santander. 

Port of New York Authority not Port of New York District. 

Tennessee Valley Authority. 

83. Laws, Ancient and medieval. 

Ancient and medieval laws (codes, compilations, special collections, 
extracts, etc.) are entered under the names or titles by which they 
are traditionally known as headings. These may be the name of the 

Hammurabi, King of Babylonia. 

or the name of the people governed by the laws: 

Hittites. Latos, statutes, etc. 
Visigoths. Laws, statutes, etc. 

or the title (name) of the code: 

Breviarum Alarici. 

Corpus juris civilis. 

Leges XII tabularum. 

Lex Romana Burgundionum. 


Salic law. 


84. Laws, Modern. 

Enter laws, decrees, and other acts having the force of law under 
the country, state, or other jurisdiction with the form subheading 


Common forms of publication are: 



General collections, compiled statutes, all laws in force at a 

certain time. 
General codes. 
Civil codes. 

Code of civil procedure. 

Code of civil practice, 
Penal codes. 

Code of criminal procedure. 

Code of criminal practice. 
Judicial codes. 
Political codes. 

(Chiefly American) 
Commercial codes. 

(For countries other than the United States) 
Official editions of a special act or acts on a particular subject 

(e.g., banks, income tax, etc.) whether annotated or un- 

Nonofficial editions or compilations of acts not annotated or 

with annotations subordinate to the text of the law. 
Official drafts (or legislative bills) for individual laws and codes. 

A. Subdivision by reign, administration, etc. For the larger, long- 
continued jurisdictions it may be desirable to segregate individual 
acts (other than codes) , or collections of acts enacted during a given 
reign or executive administration or during a given legislative period, 
by adding to the subheading LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. the inclusive dates 
of the reign, administration, or legislative period, and in parentheses 
the name of the incumbent executive or the designation of the legis- 
lative period. 

France. Laws, statutes, etc., 1924-1931 (Doumergue) 
Gt Brit. Laws, statutes, etc., 1837-1901 (Victoria) 
Spain. Laws, statutes, etc., 1814-1833 (Ferdinand VII) 

Make general references from legislative bodies to the subheading 


B. Laws of territories, dependencies, etc. Enter the laws of states 
and territories, including dependencies, with or without a degree of 
autonomy, under the name of the jurisdiction or territory to which 
they apply, rather than under the name of the country or countries 
to whose sovereignty or suzerainty they have been successively subject 
and whose lawmaking or executive powers have promulgated the laws. 
Make added entry for the latter. 

French Guiana. Laws, statutes, etc. 

Ordonnance du Roi, portant application du Code ^instruction 
criminelle a la Guiane frangaise. 

i. France. Laws, statutes, etc. 

C. Annotated laws. Enter annotated editions or compilations of 
acts under the annotator, publisher, or title, only when the text of the 
acts is obviously subordinate to the annotations, following the same 
principle as for entering other commentaries. (Cf. 29.) 



Carr, Arthur Strettell Comyns, 1882- ed 
Recent mining legislation, including the Coal mines act, 1930 

(annotated) by A. S. Comyns Carr ... and Wilfrid Fordham . 
1. Fordham, Wilfrid Gurney, joint ed. n. Gt. Brit. Laws, statutes, etc. 

Canada. Laws, statutes, etc. 

* ^ 6 I ?! olvent act of 1875: ^h the rules of practice and 
tariffs of fees . . . Annotated by Ivan Wotherspoon . . . with an 
index and list of cases, by C. H. Stephens 

i. Wotherspoon, Ivan Tolkein, ed. n. Stephens, Charles Henry. 

D. Digests of laws. When the original text of the laws digested or 
annotated is quoted only in part, or in a fragmentary manner, or when 
the contribution of the digester or annotater forms the main feature 
of the book, enter under the digester with added entry under the 
name of the country. 

Herty, Thomas. 

A digest of the laws of the United States of America. Being a 
complete system, (alphabetically arranged) of all the public acts 
of Congress now in force from the commencement of the fed- 
eral government to the end of the third session of the Fifth 
Congress, which terminated in March 1799, inclusive. By Thomas 
Herty ... 

i. U. S. Laws, statutes, etc. 

In doubtful cases prefer entry under country with added entry 
under digester or annotater. 

U. S. Laws, statutes, etc. 

Digest of the general laws of the U. S. ... by James Dunlop. 
i. Dunlop, James, 1795-1856, ed. 

E. Ordinances. Enter local ordinances and bylaws, and likewise 
compilations of local laws relating to a single city or other local govern- 
ment, under the name of the city or other local government with 
form subheading ORDINANCES, ETC. 

Cleveland. Ordinances, etc. 

F. Laws of city states. Enter collections of the "statuti," "ordini," 
"leggi," "consuetudine," etc., of the Italian medieval city states, comuni, 
etc., and similar collections of the "Stadtrechte" of the city states of 
Germany, Switzerland, the Baltic states, etc., under the name of 
the city with the subheading LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. 

Bergamo. Laws, statutes, etc. 

Statuta magnificat civitatis Bergomi cum correctionibus, refor- 
mationibus, & aliis decretis ... in veteri non impressis, cum indice 
alphabetico . . . pluribus . . . erroribus expurgata, & faciliori 
lectioni accomodata per Bernardinum Riccium . . . 

i. Riccius, Bernardinus, ed. 

Hamburg. Laws, statutes, etc. 

Gesetz betreffend die Amortisation der Staatsschuld. Auf 
Bef ehl e.H. Senats der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg publicirt 
den 29. Mai 1865. 



85. Constitutions. 

Enter constitutions, and official drafts of proposed constitutions, 
under the name of the country or state with the form subheading 
CONSTITUTION. Refer from country with subheading in the vernacular. 

U. S. Constitution. 
Ohio. Constitution. 
South Africa. Constitution. 

Refer -from 

Gt. Brit. Laws, statutes, etc. 
South Africa Act, 1909. 
Switzerland. Constitution. 

Refer from 
Switzerland. Bundesverfassung. 

86. Constitutional conventions. 

A. Enter constitutional conventions of the states and territories 
of the United States under the name of the state or territory with 
subheading CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, followed by the date. 

New Hampshire. Constitutional Convention, 1902. 

B. Enter constitutional conventions of foreign countries under the 
name of the country with the name of the body in the vernacular as 
subheading, followed by the date. 

Germany. Nationalversammlung, 1919-1920. 
Portugal. Assembleia National Constituinte de 1911. 

87. Charters. 

Enter charters for colonial, provincial or local governments, and 
for other corporate bodies under the name of the government or body 
to whom the charter is granted. Make added entry or reference under 
the name of the sovereign power granting the charter, except under 
states or countries for municipal charters. 

New Orleans. Charters. 

Charter of the city of New Orleans. Act 159 of the General 
Assembly of the state of Louisiana, session of 1912, as expressly 
amended by acts of the Louisiana Legislature to and including 
the session of 1926. Commission form of government. 

Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad Company. 

Charter and by-laws of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton 
Rail Road Company, 
i. Ohio. Laws, statutes, etc. 

88. Treaties. 

A. Enter single treaties, conventions, executive agreements, and 
other exchanges of notes having the effect of treaties, under the party 
named first on the title page, with the form subheading TREATIES, ETC. 
followed by inclusive dates of reign or administration and the name 
of the executive incumbent in the year of signing. For certain govern- 
ments, such as those of the British dominions, the subheading is fol- 



lowed only by the year of signature. Make added entry tinder the 
other party or parties to the treaty. Added entries are also to be 
made, when necessary, for the countries with the subheadings DEPT. 
and for editors, compilers, translators, etc. When the treaty is com- 
monly called by the place where it was signed, make a subject entry 
under the name of the place followed by the phrase TREATY OF and 
the year. Make references from any other appellations. 
See also 118C (Concordats) . 

Canada. Treaties, etc., 1932. 

. . . Trade agreement between Canada and New Zealand. 
Signed at Ottawa and Wellington April 23, 1932. In force May 
24, 1932. 

i. New Zealand. Treaties, etc., 1932. n. Title. 

Gt. Brit Treaties, etc., 1760-1820 (George III) 

The definitive treaty of peace and friendship between His 
Britannick Majesty, the most Christian King, and the King of 
Spain. Concluded at Paris the 10th day of February, 1763. To 
which the King of Portugal acceded on the same day. Published 
by authority. 

1. Paris, Treaty of, 1763. i. France. Treaties, etc., 1715-1774 (Louis xv) 
n. Spain. Treaties, etc., 1759-1788 (Charles in) m. Portugal. Treaties, 
etc., 1750-1777 (Joseph i) 

U. S. Treaties, etc., 1801-1809 (Jefferson) 

Treaty and conventions, entered into and ratified by the United 
States of America and the French Republic relative to the cession 
of Louisiana. 

1. Paris, Treaty of, 1803. 2. Louisiana Purchase, i. France. Treaties, 
etc., 1799-1804 (Consulate) 

B, Enter multilateral treaties or conventions signed at international 
conferences under the name of the conference. 

International American Conference. 4th, Buenos Aires, 1910. 

. . . Convention between the United States and other powers 
on literary and artistic copyright. Signed at Buenos Aires, 
August 11, 1910. 

International Conference for the Unification of Laws on Bills of 
Exchange, Promissory Notes and Cheques. 1st, Geneva, 1930. 
International convention on the stamp laws in connection with 

bills of exchange and promissory notes. Geneva, June 7, 1930. 

<The convention has not been ratified by His Majesty> . . . 

C. Enter collections of treaties of several countries under the com- 

Rockhill, William Woodville, 1854-1914, ed. 

Treaties and conventions with or concerning China and Korea, 
1894-1904, together with various state papers and documents 
affecting foreign interests. Edited by William Woodville Rock- 
hill ... 

i. China. Treaties, etc. n. Korea. Treaties, etc. m. U. S. Treaties, etc. 



D. Enter collections of the treaties of a particular country with more 
than one other country under the name of the country which is a party 
to all the treaties even when it is not the one mentioned first on the 
title page. 

Portugal. Treaties, etc. 

. . ^ Compilagao ate 31 de outubro de 1929 dos tratados e con- 
vengoes comerciais em vigor entre Portugal e os outros paises. 
Autorizada por despacho ministerial de 8 de setembro de 1929. 

U. S. Treaties, etc. 

Treaties of amity and commerce, and of alliance eventual and 
defensive, between His Most Christian Majesty and the thirteen 
United States of America; the definitive treaty between Great- 
Britain and the thirteen United States of America; and the treaty 
of amity, commerce, and navigation, between His Britannic 
Majesty and the United States of America . . . 

i. France. Treaties, etc., 1774-1792 (Louis xvi) n. Gt. Brit. Treaties, 
etc., 1760-1820 (George m) 

89. Courts. 

A. Enter courts under their names (statutory titles) as subhead- 
ings under the countries, states, etc., from which they derive their 

Chicago. Municipal Court. 

France. Conseil d'titat 

France. Parlement (Paris) 

France. Parlement (Toulouse) 

Gt. Brit. High Court of Justice. 

Gt. Brit. High Court of Justice. King's Bench Division. 

New York (State) Court of Oyer and Terminer (Albany Co.) 

Pennsylvania. Orphans' Court (Allegheny Co.) 

Prussia. Oberlandesgericht, Breslau. 

Spain. Tribunal Supremo. 

U. S. Circuit Court (2d Circuit) 

U. S. District Court. Illinois (Northern District) 

U. S, Supreme Court. 

B. Enter joint courts of two or more governments under the name 
of the court followed by the name of the place if there is a permanent 
seat. 7 Refer from the name of the place. 

Corte de Justicia Centro-americana, Cartago 9 Costa Rica. 
Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht, Hamburg. 

C. Enter a single opinion, decision, or charge under the name of 
the court, with added entries under the name of the judge, parties 
to the suit, or other headings as the case may require. (Cf. footnote 8 
rule 90B.) Collections of the opinions and other papers of a single 
judge are preferably to be entered under his name as personal author. 

7 Exception has been made by the Library of Congress for the Permanent Court of 
Arbitration and the Permanent Court of International Justice, both, located at the 
Hague and entered under the place. 



U. S. Circuit Court (1st Circuit) 

The opinion of Judge Story in the case of William Allen vs. 
Joseph McKeen, treasurer of Bowdoin CoUege, delivered in the 
Circuit Court of the United States, at the May term at Port- 
land looo. 

U. S. Circuit Court (8th Circuit) 

. .. Decision of John F Philips, judge, in Temple lot case. 
The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 
versus the Church of Christ, et al. 

^ Phn ! p T s ' Joh ^ Fin is, 1834-1919. n. Reorganized Church of Jesus 
Christ of Latter Day Saints, in. Independence, Mo. Church of Christ 
iv. Title: Temple lot case. 

D. Enter reports of decisions of a single court under the name of 
the court, with added entry under the name of the reporter, editor, or 
collector, as the case may be. 

New York (State) Court of Appeals. 

Transcript appeals . . . The file of opinions in cases argued 
before the Court of Appeals of the State of New York, during 
the January term, 1867- c June term, 186&, From official copies 
certified by Joel Tiffany, state reporter. 

I. Tiffany, Joel, 1811-1893, reporter, n. Title. 

Gt, Brit Court for the Consideration of Crown Cases Reserved. 

Crown cases reserved for consideration, and decided by the 
twelve judges of England, from the year 1799 to the year 1824. 
By William Oldnall Russell and Edward Ryan . . . With refer- 
ences to the English common law reports. 

I. Russell, Sir William Oldnall, 1785-1833, reporter, n. Ryan, Sir 
Edward, 1793-1875, reporter, m. Title. 

E. Enter a collection of decisions on a single subject under the 
editor or compiler. If limited to a single court, make added entry 
under the court, 

Powell, Thomas Reed, 1880- 

Supreme Court decisions on federal power over commerce, 
1910-1914, by Thomas Reed Powell . . . 

i. U. S. Supreme Court. 

F. Enter reports of two courts published together with collective 
title under the first named court with added entry for the second. 

New York (State) Supreme Court. 

Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court 
and in the Court for the Correction of Errors of the State of 
New York E 1845-1848 3 By Hiram Denio . . . 

i. New York (State) Court for the Trial of Impeachments and Cor- 
rection of Errors, n. Denio, Hiram, 1799-1871, ed. 

G. Enter reports of three or more courts published together with 
collective title under the name of country, state, etc., with the 
subheading COURTS. Make added entry for each court. If, however, 



the reports are mainly those of one court and usually so cited, enter 
under that court with added entry for the others. 

Pennsylvania. Courts. 

Reports of cases adjudged in the courts of Common Pleas, 
Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and Orphans' Court of the 
First Judicial District of Pennsylvania ,1808-1841;,; with notes and 
references by John W. Ashmead and with citations from opinions 
of the Supreme Court, Superior Court and other courts of 
Pennsylvania. Collected by Charles A. Hawkins . . . 

i. Ashmead, John Wayne, reporter, n. Hawkins, Charles Augustus, 
1859- nr. Pennsylvania. Court of Common Pleas (Philadelphia 

Co.) iv. Pennsylvania, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace (Phila- 
delphia Co.) v. Pennsylvania. Court of Oyer and Terminer (Philadel- 
phia Co.) yr. Pennsylvania. Orphans' Court (Philadelphia Co.) vii. 
Pennsylvania. Supreme Court, vin. Pennsylvania. Superior Court. 

EL Enter digests of reports under the digester; if anonymous, under 
the title. Make added entry under the name of the court or judge 
whenever the digest is limited to the reports of a particular court, and 
under the title of the collection or set of reports if it is frequently 
referred to by title. 

Morrison, Robert Stewart, 1843-1920. 

Colorado digest; containing the decisions of the Supreme Court, 
Court of Appeals, and federal courts of the state as reported in 
volume 1-25 Colorado reports, 1-13 Court of Appeals reports, 
the contemporaneous Pacific reporters, 1-100 Federal reporters' 
101-178 U ; S. reports and local reports, with table of cases di- 
gested, with their citations, and table of overruled cases, by 
R. S. Morrison . . . 

i. Colorado. Supreme Court. 11. Colorado. Court of Appeals, in. Title. 

I. Enter court rules, plain text or annotated, under the name of 
the court. 

U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals (2d Circuit) 

Rules of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the 
Second Circuit, October 16, 1918. 

J. Enter grand juries under their names (statutory titles) as sub- 
headings under the county or parish. 

Kings Co., N. Y. Grand Jury. 
New York (County) Sheriff's Jury. 
Orleans Parish, La. Grand Jury. 

90. Trials. 

A. Pleas and briefs. Enter a plea or brief printed separately 
under the lawyer who makes it. Make added entries for joint authors, 
parties to the suit, etc., as the case may require. (Cf. footnote 8 
rule 90B.) 

Whiting, William, 1813-1873. 

Argument of William Whiting, esq., in the case of Ross Winans 
v. Orsamus Eaton et al. for an alleged infringement of his patent 




for the eight-wheel railroad car. Before Hon. Samuel Nelson, 
justice of the United States Circuit Court for the Northern 
District of New York. Phonographically reported by Arthur 
Cannon ... 

i. Winans, Ross, 1798-1877. n. Eaton, Orsamus. 

In law cases where briefs and other records are numerous, the 
material may be made available under the parties to the case and 
under subject, using for practical convenience a factitious collec- 
tive entry. 

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, et al., de- 

(Kansas and Public Utilities Commission for the State of Kansas, 


Action brought under the Act to regulate commerce, of 1887. 

Before the Interstate Commerce Commission. 

Briefs and other records in this case, 1912- not separately listed 
or cataloged are to be found on shelf: L Call no. of the collection , 

i. Kansas, complainant, n. Kansas. Public Utilities Commission, 
complainant, in. U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission. 

Eastman Kodak Company of New Jersey, defendant-appellant. 
(Goodwin Film and Camera Company, complainant-appellee) 
Patent case. 

Briefs and other records in this case, 1913- not separately listed 
or cataloged are to be found on shelf: c Call no. of the collection] 

i. Goodwin Film and Camera Company, Newark, N. J., complainant- 

B, Civil actions. Enter reports of civil actions tinder the party to 
the suit who is named first on the title page. Make added entry 
under the second party, under the court, and under the reporter if 
his name appears on the title page. 8 

Brooks, William, 1803-1863, complainant. 

The case of William Brooks versus Ezekiel Byam and others, 
in equity, in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the 
First Circuit district of Massachusetts. Before the Honorable 
Mr. Justice Story, the Honorable Judge Sprague, Sirnon Green- 
leaf, esq., Charles Sumner, esq., counsel for complainant. Frank- 
lin Dexter, esq., Eben'r Smith, Jr., esq., counsel for respondents. 

i. Byam, Ezekiel, respondent, n. U. S. Circuit Court (1st Circuit) 
in. Title. 

C. Contested elections. Proceed according to the rule for civil ac- 
tions, but enter under author reports of committees, speeches in Con- 
gress, etc., upon contested elections, with added entries for the parties 
in the case if the reports, etc., include evidence. Make subject entries 
for the parties in the case when their names are not used as author 
or added entries. 

8 The number of added entries made for courts, judges, defendants other than the 
first will depend largely on the fullness of the catalog and the character of the library. 



Rainey, Henry Thomas, 1860-1934. 

Contested-election case of Henry T. Rainey v. Guy L. Shaw, 
from the Twentieth Congressional District of Illinois. 

i. Shaw, Guy Loren, 1881- n. Title. 

Mumford, William. 

. . . Contested election case of Henry T, Rainey, vs. Guy L. 
Shaw. From the Twentieth Congressional District of Illinois. 
Statement, brief and argument for contestee. William Mumford, 
attorney for contestee. 

i. Rainey, Henry Thomas, 1860-1934. n. Shaw, Guy Loren, 1881- 
m. Title. 

D. Crown, state, and criminal trials. Enter reports of crown, state 
and criminal proceedings under the name of the defendant. When 
there are several defendants, enter under the one named first on the 
title page with added entries for the others. If none are named on 
the title page, enter under the one best known in connection with the 
case, or, lacking such, under title. Make added entry for the court 
and for the reporter and editor. 

O'Connell, Daniel, 1775-1847, defendant. 

... A report of the proceedings on an indictment for a con- 
spiracy, in the case of the Queen v. Daniel O'Connell, John 
O'Connell, Thomas Steele, Charles Gavan Dufry ... in Michael- 
mas term, 1843, and Hilary term, 1844. By John Simpson Arm- 
strong, and Edward Shirley Trevor. 

i. O'Connell, John, 1810-1858, defendant, n. Steele, Thomas, 1788- 
1848, defendant . . . vm. Ray, Thomas Matthew, defendant, ix. Arm- 
strong, John Simpson, reporter, x. Trevor, Edward Shirley, reporter 
xi. Ireland. Court of King's Bench. 

Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836, defendant. 

Trial of Aaron Burr for treason; printed from the report 
taken in shorthand by David Robertson . . . 

Trial in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of 
Virginia, Richmond, May 22-Sept. 1, 1807. 

I. Robertson, David, reporter, n. U. S. Circuit Court (4th Circuit) 
Alley, Leavitt, b, 1816, defendant. 

Report of the trial of Leavitt Alley, indicted for the murder 
of Abijah Ellis, in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts 
Reported by Franklin Fiske Heard. 

i. Heard, Franklin Fiske, 1825-1889, reporter, n. Massachusetts. 
Supreme Judicial Court. 

E. Impeachment trials. Enter reports of impeachment trials under 
the defendant, with subject entry for the office, and added entries for 
the legislative body sitting as the court of impeachment, and for the 
other parties, reporters, etc., whose connection with the case is such 
as to warrant entry under their names. Refer from the subject IM- 
PEACHMENTS [LOCAL SUBDIVISION] to the name of the defendant. 

Burdett, John S defendant. 

Proceedings of the Senate sitting for the trial of the impeach- 
ment of John S. Burdett, treasurer of the state of West Virginia. 
With evidence. 




E. D. York, reporter of the evidence. 

i 7^ eSt yfctfnfe: p^rer's Office, i. West Virginia. Legislature, 
1875. Senate, n. York, E. D., reporter. 

Impeachments West Virginia see also Burdett, John S., defendant. 

F. Courts-martial and courts of inquiry. Enter reports of courts- 
martial and courts of inquiry under the defendant, with added entry 
for the court, followed by name of defendant and date of trial, and 
for the reporter, providing his name is given. 

Hull, William, 1753-1825, defendant. 

Report of the trial of Brig. General William Hull; commanding 
the North-Western Army of the United States. By a court 
martial held at Albany on Monday, 3d January, 1814, and suc- 
ceeding days. Taken by Lieut. Col. Forbes , . . 

i. U. S. Army. Courts-martial. Hull. 1814. u. Forbes, James Grant 
reporter. ' 

Everson, Alfred, defendant. 

Proceedings of a naval general court-martial, in the case of 
Acting Master Alfred Everson, United States Navy, charged with 
assault with intent to kill James O'Neill, a fireman of the British 
steamer Nicholas i, and with maltreatment and cruelty. 

i. U. S. Navy. Courts-martial. Everson. 1864. 

Yancey, Robert, defendant. 

Court martial held at Louisa courthouse, on the 10th of Decem- 
ber, 1806, by order of Major General James Williams, for the trial 
of Lieutenant Colonel Robert Yancey, of the Fortieth Regiment 
of Virginia Militia. 

i. Virginia. Militia. Courts-martial. Yancey. 1806. 

Hall, Theron Edmund, 1821-1880, defendant. 

Proceedings of a court of inquiry, convened at Aquia Land- 
ing, Va., March 13th, 1863, to examine into certain charges pre- 
ferred against Captain T. E. Hall, assistant quartermaster. 

i. U. S. Army. Courts of Inquiry. Hall. 1863. 

G. Admiralty proceedings* Enter admiralty proceedings relating to 
vessels under the name of the vessel. Make added entry for the 
court and for the reporter if his name is mentioned. 

Meteor (Steamship) 

Report of the case of the steamship Meteor, libelled for alleged 
violation of the Neutrality act ... Edited by F. V. Balch . . . 

CONTENTS. i. Proceedings in the District Court of the United States 
for the Southern District of New York.- n. Proceedings in the Circuit 
Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York in 
the Second Circuit, and in the Supreme Court of the United States. 

i. Balch, Francis Vergnies, 1839-1898, ed. n, U. S. District Court 
New York (Southern District) m. U. S. Circuit Court (2d Circuit) 
iv. U. S. Supreme Court. 

H. Collected reports of trials. Enter collected reports of trials 
under the name of the compiler; if published anonymously, enter 
under title. 



Howell, Thomas Bayley, 1768-1815, ed. 

A complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high 
treason, and other crimes and misdemeanors from the earliest 
period to the year 1783 . . . compiled by T. B. Howell . . . 

Coleccion de las causas mas celebres, los me j ores modelos de 
alegatos, acusaciones fiscales, interrogatorios y defensas, en lo 
civil y criminal, del foro frances, ingles, espanol y mexicano. 

Societies and Institutions' 

Definitions and specifications. A society is an organization of per- 
sons associated together for the promotion of common purposes or 
objects, such as research, business, recreation, etc. 

Included in the rules for societies are academies (learned societies) , 
associations, and societies of all kinds, scientific, technical, educational, 
benevolent, moral, etc., even when strictly local or named from a 
country, state, province, or city; also clubs, gilds, orders of knight- 
hood, secret societies, Greek letter fraternities, Young Men's and 
Young Women's Christian Associations, affiliated societies, political 
parties, religious sects, etc., as distinguished from institutions (estab- 
lishments) . 

Institutions (establishments) are entities whose functions require 
a plant with buildings, apparatus, etc., as distinguished from bodies, 
organized groups of persons such as societies, associations, etc., whose 
duties may be performed equally well in one place or another. The 
necessity of having a permanent material equipment tends to identify 
the institution with a locality. 

Included in the rules for institutions are colleges, universities, 
schools, libraries, museums, galleries, radio stations, observatories, 
laboratories, churches, monasteries, convents, hospitals, asylums, 
prisons, theaters, buildings, etc. 

The designations academy, athenaeum, college, institute, lyceum, 
museum, etc., and similar terms in other languages are used inter- 
changeably for cultural associations and educational institutions; these 
are to be entered as societies or as institutions according to the nature 
of their organization. 

01. General rule (Societies). 

Enter a society under the first word (not an article, cf . 93A) of its 
latest corporate name, with reference from any other name by which 
it is known and from the place where its headquarters are estab- 
lished. (Cf. B, p. 150.) 

T/ eH n? 168 fo * corP 1 * enjbry as applied to Societies and Institutions are based on 
U b. library of Congress, Catalog Division, Guide to the cataloguing of the serial 

compiied by Harriet w - piers n (2d ed - : 



Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 

Refer from 

Philadelphia. Academy of Natural Sciences. 
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 

Refer from 

Philadelphia. College of Physicians. 
Colegio de Abogados de Lima. 

Refer from 
Lima. Colegio de Abogados. 

A. Change of name. 

(1) When a society has changed its name, enter under the latest 
form, with references from earlier forms. 10 

Accademia di scienze, lettere e belle arti di Palermo. 

Refer from 

Accademia palermitana. 
Accademia di scienze e lettere, Palermo. 
Academie d'agriculture de France, Paris. 

Refer from 

Societe royale d'agriculture de la generalite de Paris. 
Societe royale d'agriculture de Paris. 
Societe d'agriculture du departement de la Seine. 
Societe royale et centrale d'agriculture, Paris. 
Societe nationale et centrale d'agriculture, Paris. 
Societe imperiale et centrale d'agriculture, Paris. 
Societe centrale d'agriculture de France, Paris. 
Societe nationale d'agriculture de France, Paris. 

(2) When two or more societies which have had an independent 
existence unite to form a new society, enter each under its own name 
up to the time of union, with see also references to and from the 
new body. 

Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne. 

In 1855 the Philosophical Society of Victoria (founded 1854) and the 
Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science (founded 1854) 
united to form the Philosophical Institute of Victoria; in 1859 the name 
of the latter was changed to Royal Society of Victoria. 

In 1887 the society absorbed the Microscopical Society of Victoria. 

Entries to be made under 

Philosophical Society of Victoria. 

with see also reference to 
Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne. 
Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science, Melbourne. 

with see also reference to 
Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne. 
Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne 

with see also references to 
Philosophical Society of Victoria. 

10 The heading established for a corporate body is used for all the publications, 
whether or not another form appears in some of the titles; necessary references are 
made. In case of subsequent changes of name, all entries and references are revised 
to conform to the new name. 



Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science, Mel- 

Refer from 
Philosophical Institute of Victoria. 

B. Use of place in heading. 

(1) If the name of the place does not appear in the corporate name, 
add it in the established form (cf. 153) when the activities of the 
society are local or when the location is an aid to identification for so- 
cieties of nondistinctive or similar names. Refer from the place. 

Civic Symphony Orchestra Society, Fort Wayne, Ind. 

Refer from 

Fort Wayne, Ind. Civic Symphony Orchestra Society. 
Club Catolico, Montevideo. 

Refer from 

Montevideo. Club Catolico. 
Asociacion Amigos del Museo, Buenos Aires. 

Refer from 

Buenos Aires. Asociacion Amigos del Museo. 
Societe d'histoire du droit, Paris. 

Refer from 

Paris. Societe d'histoire du droit. 
Society of Comparative Legislation, London. 

Refer from 

London. Society of Comparative Legislation. 
Sociedad de Psiquiatria, Montevideo. 

Refer from 
Montevideo. Sociedad de Psiquiatria. 

(2) The city is not added, ordinarily, to the names of societies 
whose headquarters have changed, or whose membership is nation- 
wide and whose branches may be located in different places. In 
general, for national societies of the United States prefer the omission 
of the city; for foreign societies, the addition of the city may serve 
also to distinguish the country to which the society belongs. Refer- 
ence may be made for established headquarters, even though not used 
in the heading. 

American Library Association. 

American Library Association. Division of Cataloging and Clas- 

American Philosophical Association. 
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fiir Luftf ahrt. 
Archaologisches Institut des Deutschen Reichs. 
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 

American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. 

Institution of Civil Engineers, London. 

Asociacion Nacional de Ingenieros Agronomos, Madrid. 

Asociacion Sudamericana de Paz Universal, Buenos Aires 

Sociedad Nacional de Mineria, Lima. 

Sociedad Nacional de Mineria, Santiago de Chile. 




(3) When necessary for identification, in cases where headquarters 
of a society are not given, the name of the country, state, province, 
etc., is added. 

Asociacion Nacional de Abogados (Mexico) 

National Council for Maternity and Child Welfare (Gt Brit ) 

Labor Party (Australia) 

State Association of Superintendents of the Poor (Michigan) 

State Association of Miners (Kansas) 

Agricultural Society of New Castle County (Delaware) 

Children's Aid Society (Ontario) 

Friends of the University Library (University of Toledo) 

If the name of state or other geographical division is inserted in 
the body of the heading, it is ordinarily abbreviated. 

Montgomery County (Md.) Agricultural Society. 
Sangamon County (HI.) Bar Association. 

C. Identical name and place. When two or more societies in the 
same place have the same name distinguish them by dates in the 

Scientific Society of San Antonio, (Founded 1892) 
Scientific Society of San Antonio. (Founded 1904) 
Cincinnati Medical Society. (Founded 1819) 
Cincinnati Medical Society. (Founded 1831) 
Cincinnati Medical Society. (Founded 1851) 

The general rule applies to all bodies included in the specification for 
societies unless the subsequent rules (94-130) provide exceptions, varia- 
tions or special rulings. 

For additional rulings on the form of headings see 93. 

92. General rule (Institutions). 

Enter an institution (using the latest name) under the name of the 
place in which it is located. 

Boston. Public Library. 
Manila. Ateneo. 

Refer from 
Ateneo de Manila. 
Philadelphia. Children's Hospital. 

Refer from 

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 
Gratz. Anna-Kinderspital. 

Refer from 

Anna-Kinderspital, Grate. 
Paris. Musee national du Louvre. 

Refer from 

Musee national du Louvre, Paris. 
Louvre, Musee national du, Paris. 
France. Musee national du Louvre, Paris. 



Hamburg. Institut fiir Allgemeine Botanik. 

Refer from 

Institut fur Allgemeine Botanik, Hamburg. 
Newark, N. J. Radio station WOR. 

Refer from 

WOR (Radio station) Newark, N. J. 
Asuncion. "Radio Prieto" (ZP9) 

Refer from 

"Radio Prieto" (ZP9) Asuncion. 
ZP9 "Radio Prieto," Asuncion. 
Louvain. Universite catholique. 

Refer from 

Universite catholique, Louvain. 
Greenwich, Eng. Royal Observatory. 

Refer from 

Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 
Gt. Brit. Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 
Kalocsa, Hungary. Haynald Observatorium. 

Refer from 
Haynald Observatorium, Kalocsa, Hungary. 


A. Names beginning with a proper noun or proper adjective. 11 

Enter an institution of the United States or of the British Empire 
whose name begins with a proper noun or a proper adjective under 
the first word of its name and refer from the place where it is located. 
Add the name of the place to the heading if it does not occur in 
the name of the institution, unless the institution is so well known 
as to make the addition of the place unnecessary. For countries other 
than the United States and the British Empire follow the general rule 
of entry under place. (For state institutions see 104.) 

Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. 

Refer from 

Washington, D. C. Corcoran Gallery of Art. 
Carnegie Institution of Washington. 

Refer from 

Washington, D. C. Carnegie Institution of Washington. 
Smithsonian Institution. 

Refer from 

Washington, D. C. Smithsonian Institution. 
British Museum. 

Refer from 

London. British Museum. 
Dartmouth College. 

Refer from 

Hanover, N. H. Dartmouth College. 

"This exception has not been applied to tax-supported schools (see 107) nor to 
Carnegie, Passmore-Edwards, and similar public libraries which because of their 
number as well as the nature of their grants and endowments, tend to become better 
known, at least outside of their immediate neighborhood, by the name of the city in 
which they are located than by their own name. Where only the building is a private 
donation, the library feeing otherwise endowed and supported by public taxation the 
presumption is particularly strong in favor of entry under the place. 



Passavant Memorial Hospital, Chicago. 

Refer from 
Chicago. Passavant Memorial Hospital, 

To avoid doubt or complications in the order of filing, it has been 
found expedient to write the names of institutions beginning with the 
name of a place (city) in the form of entry under place, with sub- 

San Francisco. Museum of Art. 

not San Francisco Museum of Art. 

Exception may be made, however, in names long established and 
well known. 

Boston Athenaeum. 

Initials of personal names occurring at the beginning of the name 
of an institution are omitted, but forenames when given in full are 
included. (Cf. 93C.) 

Smiley Public Library, Redlands, Calif. 

Refer from 

A. K. Smiley Public Library, Redlands, Calif. 
Redlands, Calif. A. K. Smiley Public Library. 
Redlands, Calif. Smiley Public Library. 
Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore. 

Refer from 

Pratt Free Library, Baltimore. 
Baltimore. Enoch Pratt Free Library. 
Brigham Young University, Prove, Utah. 

Refer from 

Provo, Utah. Brigham Young University. 
Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston. 

Refer from 
Boston. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. 

Colleges and other institutions named after Luther may be re- 
garded as a group and entered under the conventional rather than the 
official form of name LUTHER COLLEGE, followed by name of place, with 
references from the official form. 

Luther College, New Ulm, Minn. 

Refer from 

Dr, Martin Luther College. 
Martin Luther College. 
New Ulm, Minn. Dr. Martin Luther College. 

B. Minor variations in names. French municipal libraries are vari- 
ously and irregularly called Bibliotheque; Bibliotheque communale; 
Bibliotheque de la ville; Bibliotheque municipale; Bibliotheque pub- 
lique. These are preferably to be entered under the designation 
BIBLIOTHEQUE MUNICIPALE in agreement with the practice adopted by 
the Annuaire des bibliotheques et des archives, e.g., 



Reims. Bibliotheque municipale. 

Follow the general rule, however, for libraries having a distinctive 
individual name, e.g., 

Aix. Bibliotheque Mejanes. 

or for important libraries that have issued publications tending to 
make another form distinctive for the library in question, e.g., 

Lyon. Bibliotheque de la ville. 

93. Entry word (Societies or institutions). 

A, Retain the initial article in heading only when necessary for 
clearness, and disregard it in filing. 

The Players, Detroit. 

Refer from 
Detroit The Players. 
The Club, London. 

Refer from 
London. The Club. 
The Typophiles, New York. 

Refer from 
New York. The Typophiles. 

Les Fran$ais de Grande-Bretagne, London. 

Refer from 
London. Les Frangais de Grande-Bretagne. 

B, Omit from the name of a society or institution the adjective or 
abbreviation of an adjective denoting royal privilege, 13 except (I) 
when it forms the distinguishing part of the name and (2) in English 
names. In foreign names the adjective denoting a national body is 
not to be abbreviated. 13 Adjectives denoting pontifical privilege are 
not omitted. 

32 Academies especially reflect in such adjectives the changes in the political history 
of the countries to which they belong. Thus the academy of Berlin has had the fol- 
lowing successive changes of name: 

Societflt der Wisenchaften. 

Ktinlgliche Societttt der WUsenschaften. 

Clrarffiratllch Brandenburglache Socle tat der Wienftchaiteii. 

Preusslflche tmd Churfflratllch Brandenburglache Socletflt der WlMen- 

Academla Regla Scientlarum BeroUnentU. 

Kdnlgllehe Akademle der Wlsnenschaften. 

Acadmle royale dea cience et belle-lettre. 

KftnierIlcJt~prenaiche Akademle der Wi.aen.chaften u Berlin* 

PmiB8lclie Akademie der \Visenchaften. 

In view of the many changes, a shorter form is to be preferred, with references 
from other forms. 

Akademie der Wlssenachaften, Berlin. 

13 National institutions which include in their names the name of the country and 
therefore tend to become better known by the name of the country than by that of 
the place where they are located, may be entered under the name of the country The 
name of the city or town is to be added in the heading, In doubtful cases enter under 
the city or town. This exception is to be confined to the higher institutions of learn- 
ing, such as universities, libraries, etc. Secondary schools are better under the name 
of the city. 

Footnote continued on next page. 




Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti degli agiati in Rovereto. 

(not I. R. Accademia . . .) 
Refer from 

Imperiale Regia Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti degli 
agiati in Rovereto. 

Regia Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti degli agiati in 


Rovereto. Accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti degli agiati. 
Danske videnskabernes selskab, Copenhagen 
(not K. Danske . . .) 

Refer from 

Kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskab, Copenhagen. 
Copenhagen. K. Danske videnskabernes selskab. 
Florence. Galleria degli Uffizi. 

Refer from 

Reale Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. 
Uffizi, Galleria degli, Florence, 

Royal Society of Edinburgh. 

Refer from 

Edinburgh. Royal Society. 
London. National Gallery. 

Refer from 

National Gallery, London. 
Hague. Koninklijke Bibliotheek. 

Refer from 

Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague. 
Bibliotheque royale de la Haye. 
Leyden. Rijksuniversiteit. 

Refer from 
Rijksuniversiteit, Leyden. 

Pontificia Accademia romana di archeologia. 

Refer from 

Accademia romana di archeologia. 
Rome. Pontificio Istituto orientals 

Refer from 

Pontificio Istituto orientale, Rome. 
Istituto orientale, Rome. 

Footnote continued from preceding page. 
Chile. Unlversidad, Santiago. 

Refer from 

Santiago de Chile. Universidad de Chile, 
Venezuela. Ukiivergldad Central, Caracas. 

Refer from 

Caracas. Universidad Central de Venezuela. 
Peru. Blbliotecn Nacional, Lima. 

Refer from 

lama. Biblioteca Naclonal del Peru. 

Victoria, Australia. Public Library, Museum* and National Gallery, 

Refer from 

Melbourne. Public Library, Museums and National Gallery of Victoria. 
New South Wales. Public Library, Sydney. 

Refer from 

Sydney. Public Library of New South Wales. 

San Jose, Costa Rica. Llceo de Costa Rica. 

Refer from 

Liceo de Costa Rica, San Jose. 
Costa Rica, Liceo de, San Jose. 



C. Names beginning with a title of honor, distinction, or address. 

Titles of honor, distinction, or address occurring at the beginning of 
the name of a society or institution are to be retained; if, however, 
they occur in an abbreviated form, they may be omitted. Refer from 
form not used. 

Judge Baker Guidance Center, Boston. 

Refer from 

Baker Guidance Center, Boston. 
Boston. Judge Baker Guidance Center. 
Bishop White Prayer Book Society. 
Sir Walter Raleigh Monument Association. 

Refer from 
Raleigh Monument Association. 

Kaiser \Vilhelm-GeselIschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaf- 
ten, Berlin. 

Refer from 
Berlin. Kaiser Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wis- 

Herzl Zion Club, New York. 

Refer from 

Dr. Herzl Zion Club, New York. 
New York. Herzl Zion Club. 
New York. Dr. Herzl Zion Club. 
Birmingham, Eng. King Edward's School. 

Refer from 

Bang Edward's School, Birmingham, Eng. 
Washington, D. C. Miss Madeira's School. 

Refer from 

Miss Madeira's School, Washington, D. C. 
Madeira's School, Washington, D. C. 

Leyden. Rijksuniversiteit. Jan van der Hoeven-Stichting voor 
Theoretische Biologie van Dier en Mensch. 

Refer from 

Prof. Dr. Jan van der Hoeven-Stichting voor Theoretische 
Biologie van Dier en Mensch, verbonden aan der Rijksuni- 
versiteit te Leiden. 

Jan van der Hoeven-Stichting voor Theoretische Biologie van 
Dier en Mensch, verbonden aan der Rijksuniversiteit te 
Hoeven-Stichting voor Theoretische Biologie van Dier en 

Mensch, verbonden aan der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden. 
Leyden. Rijksuniversiteit. Prof. Dr. Jan van der Hoeven- 
Stichting voor Biologie van Dier en Mensch. 

D. Names beginning with a numeral Enter a society whose cor- 
porate name begins with a numeral under that name, with the numeral 
spelled out in the vernacular. 

For 3 October- Vereeniging write: 

Drie October-Vereeniging, Leyden. 

Refer from 

October-Vereeniging, Leyden. 
Leyden. Drie October-Vereeniging. 
Leyden. October-Vereeniging. 



E. Names made up of initial letters or syllables of the actual name. 

Enter a society using a name made up of initial letters or syllables 
of its actual name or initials of the principal words so combined as 
to make a short, convenient form, under that form if it represents the 
usage of the society. Refer from full name. 

Scapa Society, London. 

Refer from 
Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising, 


Public Advertising, Society for Checking the Abuses of. 
London. Scapa Society. 

Federation of Allied Legions. 

with references from 

Federation interallied des anciens combattants. 
FID AC [i.e. Federation interalliee des anciens combattants] 
F.I.D.A.C. [i.e. Federation interalliee des anciens combattants] 

F. Names containing initials. Enter a society whose corporate 
name contains initials under the form of name used by the society, with 
explanation of the initials in brackets when necessary for clearness. 

Sallskapet D.B.W. c i.e. de badande vannerna] Visby, Sweden. 

Refer from 

D.B.W. sallskapet, Visby, Sweden. 
D.B.V. sallskapet, Visby, Sweden. 
Visby, Sweden. Sallskapet D.B.W. 
K.F.R. Society, Washington, D. C. 

Refer from 
Washington, D. C. K,FJR. Society. 

94. Corporate names practically unknown. 

A society or institution 14 whose full corporate name is so little 
used as to be practically unknown may be entered by a shorter better- 
known form. 

American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. 

Refer from 

American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for Pro- 
moting Useful Knowledge. 
Cymmrodorion Society, London. 

Refer from 

Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion. 
Deutsche Akademie, Munich. 

Refer from 
Akademie zur Wissenschaftlichen Erforschung und zur Pflege 

des Deutschtums: Deutsche Akademie. 
Glasgow North American Colonial Society. 

Refer from 

Society (in connection with the Established Church of Scot- 
land) for Promoting the Religious Interests of Scottish 
Settlers in British North America. 

14 Among institutions, the universities of continental Europe, in particular, are 
known by short forms. 




National Research Council (Canada) 

Refer from 

Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Re- 
search (Canada) 

Harvard University, 

[Corporate name: President and Fellows of Harvard College] 
Bairi (City) Universita, 

Refer from 

Universita degli studi "Benito Mussolini," Bari. 
Briinn. Universita. 

Refer from 

Masarykova Universita, Briinn. 
Oslo. Universitet. 

Refer from 

Kongelige Frederiks universitet, Oslo. 
Heidelberg. Universitat 

Refer from 

Grossherzogliche Ruprecht-Karls Universitat zu Heidelberg. 
Riga. Universitate. 

Refer from 
Latvijas Universitate, Riga. 

95. Incorporated societies. 

Omit in the heading for an incorporated society the term indicating 
incorporation, unless that term is the initial word of the name, or 
forms a distinguishing part of it. (For firms, business corporations, 
etc., cf. 144.) 

The practice of incorporated societies differs in the matter of 
using in their statutory names the term "incorporated" ("inc.") or 
its equivalent in other languages. Many incorporated societies omit 
in their names the term indicating incorporation; others which may 
have existed for a long period before incorporation, add the designation 
"incorporated" ("inc." etc.) upon the adoption of their charter. 

American Ethnological Society, New York. 

not American Ethnological Society, inc. 
Society of Engineers, London. 

not Society of Engineers (incorporated) 
Automobiltechnische Gesellschaft. 

not Automobiltechnische Gesellschaft E.V. 
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kunst und Wissenschaft in Brom- 


not Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kunst und Wissenschaft in 

Bromberg (eingetragener Verein) 

Incorporated Gas Institute, London. 

Incorporated Society of Authors, Playwrights and Composers, 


96. Political parties. 

Enter official publications (platforms, proceedings, manifestoes, cam- 
paign books, etc.) of political parties under the name of the party. 



When necessary for identification, add the name of the country in 
parentheses. (Cf. 91B (3) .) 

Labor Party (Gt. Brit.) 

Refer from 
Labour Party (Gt. Brit.) 

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. 

Refer from 

National Socialist German Labor Party. 

Nazi Party, 


Partido Autonomista Puerto-riqueno. 
Partite socifelista italiano. 
Refer from 

Socialist Party (Italy) 

Republican Party. National Committee, 1932-1936. 
Democratic Party. National Convention, Chicago, 1884. 
Democratic Party. Pennsylvania. 

Republican Party. New York (State) 6th Congressional District. 
Republican Party. Rhode Island. State Central Committee. 

The publications of the Republican and Democratic congressional 
committees are to be entered under the names of these committees, not 
under the parties. 

Republican Congressional Committee, 1901-1903. 

97. International societies. 

Enter a society extending through many lands, or' having authorized 
names in many languages, under the English form if it is used officially 
(i.e., if it appears on any of the society's publications) ; otherwise under 
that official form of the name which occurs most frequently, with 
reference from all other forms. 

International Maritime Association. 

Refer from 

Association Internationale de la marine. 
International Council for the Study of the Sea. 

Refer from 

Conseil permanent international pour 1'exploration de la mer. 
Central- Ausschuss fiir die Internationale Meeresforschung. 
Comite international des poids et mesures. 

Refer from 
International Commission of Weights and Measures. 

Red Cross. 

[for general works] 

Red Cross. U. S. American National Red Cross. 

Refer from 

American National Red Cross. 
Red Cross. Denmark. Foreningen Dansk Rflde kors. 

Refer from 

Foreningen Dansk R0de kors. 
Dansk R0de kors. 



Red Cross. Gt. Brit, British, Red Cross Society. County of Lon- 
don Branch. 
Refer from 
British Red Cross Society. 

Rotary International. 

[for the international association] 

Rotary International. Country or regional subdivision, e.g., 
Rotary International. Brazil. 

But local rotary clubs are entered according to the general rule (91) 
under their own names. 

Rotary Club, Washington, D. C. 

98. Orders of knighthood, secret orders, etc. 

Enter orders of knighthood, both those of medieval and modern 
times, also secret orders and other similar organizations, under their 
names; but enter the American Knights Templars and other regular 
masonic bodies under the heading FREEMASONS. 

. A. Medieval orders (including orders still in existence) are usually 
entered under an English form of the name. 

Teutonic Knights. 

Refer from 
Deutscher Orden. 
Deutscher Ritter. 
Orden der Ritter des Hospitals St. Marien des Deutschen 


Refer from 

Knights Templars (Monastic and military order) 
Order of the Golden Fleece. 

Refer from 
Golden Fleece, Order of the. 

B. Modern orders are entered under their names in the vernacular 
with references from significant words of the name or from other forms. 

Legion d'honneur. 

Refer from 

Legion of Honor (National order of France) 
Order of the Legion of Honor. 

Refer from 

Order of the Elephant. 
Elephant, Order of the. 

C. Masonic bodies are entered under the form heading FREE- 
MASONS, 15 followed by place according to the following examples: 

15 Outline of masonic organization. 
"Blue Lodge. 1 ' lst-3rd degrees. 

Local: Lodges having name or number, usually both. 
State: Grand lodges. 

Footnote continued on next page. 



(1) Masons of a state or place in general, unorganized: 

Freemasons. Massachusetts. 
Freemasons. Galena, III. 

(2) "Blue Lodge" bodies: 

Freemasons. France. Grand Orient. 
Freemasons. New York (State) Grand Lodge. 
Freemasons. New Hampshire. 5th Masonic District. 
Freemasons. Roxbury, Mass. Washington Lodge. 
Freemasons. Lancaster, Pa. Lodge No. 43. 

Such special headings as the following may be made when required: 

Freemasons. Maryland. Grand Stewards 3 Lodge. 
Freemasons. U. 5. Conference of Grand Masters, Cedar Rapids, 
Iowa, 1918. 

Footnote continued from preceding page. 
U. S.: No central body. 

Conventions and meetings of grand masters have been held, but these have 

no official status. 

Other countries: Grand lodges under various names. 

* In toe United st ates some states are divided, for administrative purposes, 
into numbered masonic districts; in England, into provinces. In Maryland and 
New York is found a kind of executive committee of the Grand Lodge called 
the Grand Stewards' Lodge. 

Royal Arch Masons. 4th-7th degrees. 

Local: Chapters with name or number like "Blue Lodge." 

State: Grand chapters. 

U. S. : General Grand Chapter. 

States are subdivided as in the "Blue Lodges." 

Other countries (England, Scotland, Canada): Chapters and grand chapters. 
Royal and Select Masters. "Cryptic Masons." 8th-10th degrees. 

In some states these degrees are conferred by the chapter. 
Local: Councils. 
State: Grand Council. 
U. S.: General Grand Council. 

Other countries (England, Canada) : Councils and grand councils. 
Knights Templars. llth-13th degrees. 
Local: Commanderies. 
State: Grand Commandery. 
U.S.: Grand Encampment. 

These four bodies, the "Blue Lodge" (Freemasons proper), Royal Arch Masons, 
Cryptic Masons, and Knights Templars, make up what is sometimes called the "York 
Rite" as distinguished from the Scottish Rite. 

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. 4th-33d degrees. 


Northern Jurisdiction 

Lodge of Perfection. 4th-14th degrees. 

Council of Princes of Jerusalem. 15th- 16th degrees. 

Chapter of Rose Croix. 17th-18th degrees. 

Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. 19th-32d degrees. 
Southern Jurisdiction 

Lodge of Perfection. 4th-14th degrees. 

Chapter of Rose Cross. 15th-18th degrees. 

Council of Kadosh. 19th-30th degrees. 

Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret. 31st-32d degrees. 
In the United States and Great Britain the lst-3d degrees are conferred only 

by the "Blue Lodge." The 33d degree, Sovereign grand inspector general, 

is conferred by the Supreme Council. 

In some stales are found Councils of deliberation; in some, Grand consis- 
tories; some have no state organization. 
U. S.: 

No national body; instead there are two Supreme councils for the Northern 

and Southern jurisdictions. 
There are also two "clandestine" Supreme councils for the U. S, A., whose 

publications can only be distinguished by noting carefully the names of 

the officers. 



(3) Royal Arch Masons. For Chapter masonry add ROYAL ARCH 
MASONS after name of place. 

For unorganized Royal Arch Masons in general, or those of a state 
or place: 

Freemasons. Royal Arch Masons. 
Freemasons. Boston. Royal Arch Masons, 

For national, state or local bodies: 

Freemasons. U. S. Royal Arch Masons. General Grand Chapter. 
Freemasons. Maine. Royal Arch Masons. Grand Chapter. 
Freemasons. Bridgewater, Mass. Royal Arch Masons. Harmony 

Freemasons. Binghamton, IV. Y. Royal Arch Masons. Chapter 

No. 139. 

The exact name of the Grand Chapter varies slightly in the differ- 
ent states, e.g., Virginia calls it the Supreme Grand Royal Arch 
Chapter; some states say Grand Royal Arch Chapter, others the Grand 
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. Make headings uniform as indicated 
and bring out any variations in the title or a note. Make cross refer- 
ences when necessary. 

(4) Royal and Select Masters. Treat bodies of Cryptic Masons 
(Councils of Royal and Select Masters) like Royal Arch Masons. 

Freemasons. U. S. Royal and Select Masters. General Grand 


Freemasons. Maine. Royal and Select Masters. Grand Council. 
Freemasons. Portland, Me. Royal and Select blasters. Portland 

Council No. 4. 

(5) Knights Templars. Treat Knights Templars like Royal Arch 

Freemasons. U. S. Knights Templars. Grand Encampment. 
Freemasons. Maine. Knights Templars. Grand Commandery. 
Freemasons. Boston. Knights Templars. Boston Commandery. 

(6) Scottish Rite. Treat Scottish Rite bodies like Royal Arch 

Freemasons. U. S. Scottish Rite. Supreme Council for the 

Southern Jurisdiction. 
Freemasons. U. S. Scottish Rite. Supreme Council for the 

Northern Jurisdiction. 
Freemasons. Massachusetts. Scottish Rite. Council of Delibera- 


Freemasons. Boston. Scottish Rite. Massachusetts Consistory. 
Freemasons. Boston. Scottish Rite. Giles F. Yates Council of 

Princes of Jerusalem. 
Freemasons. Boston. Scottish Rite. Mount Olivet Chapter of 

Rose Crowe. 
Freemasons. Boston. Scottish Rite. Boston Lafayette Lodge of 

Freemasons. District of Columbia. Scottish Rite. Robert de 

Bruce Council, Knights Kadosh. 




(7) Other masonic and related bodies."* Enter the Eastern Star 
and Mystic Shrine under their own names, not under Freemasons. 
Their organization is like that of "Blue Lodges" and may be treated 
in the same way. 

For Negro bodies add (Negro) 

Freemasons. District of Columbia. Grand Lodge (Negro) 
Other related bodies may be treated like Royal Arch Masons. 

Freemasons. District of Columbia. Masonic Veteran Association. 
Freemasons. U. S. Red Cross of Constantine. 

Schismatic grand lodges and other "clandestine" bodies may be 
entered like regular bodies. The distinction can generally be brought 
out in the name, 

Freemasons. New York (State) St. John's Grand Lodge. 

D. American secret societies are preferably to be entered under 
that part of the name by which they are commonly known. 

The following selected examples are offered merely as a guide to 
form of entry. Libraries with much material in this class will need 
to work out a scheme of organization for the various societies similar 
to that given above for Freemasons. 

Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order of. 

Refer from 

Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. 

Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order of. Grand Forum. 

Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order of. Missouri Elks Asso- 

Refer from 
Missouri Elks Association. 

Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order of. Augusta Lodge 
No. 205. 

Odd Fellows, Independent Order of. 

Refer from 

Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 

Odd Fellows, Independent Order of. Sovereign Grand Lodge. 

Odd Fellows, Independent Order of. Maryland, Grand Encamp- 

Odd Fellows, Independent Order of. Illinois. Grand Lodge. 
Odd Fellows, Independent Order of. Chatham Village, N. Y. 
Morning Star Lodge, No. 128. 

10 The Eastern Star, Mystic Shrine and Red Cross of Constantine draw their mem- 
bers from Masons and their families, but have no official connection with masonic 
bodies. There are other "rites" or bodies, such as the Rite of Mizraim, some of which 
are recognized and some not. Colored grand lodges exist in many states but are not 
recognized by most white masonic bodies. In some states, also, "clandestine" or non- 
recognized lodges and grand lodges exist. 



Odd Fellows, Independent Order of. Daughters of Rebekah. 

Refer from 

Daughters of Rebekah. 
Rebekah, Daughters of. 
Odd Fellows, Independent Order of. Patriarchs Militant. 

Refer from 
Patriarchs Militant. 

Odd Fellows, Independent Order of. Patriarchs Militant. Ladies 

99. Federated societies. 

Enter local branches of federated societies under the name of the 
general organization when this forms part of the name of the local 
society. On the other hand, local branches having individual names 
which do not include the name of the general organization are to be 
entered as independent bodies according to the regular rule for so- 
cieties, with a reference from the name of the general organization. 

Daughters of the American Revolution. Massachusetts. Col. 

Timothy Bigelow Chapter, Worcester. 
International Musical Society. North, American Section, 

Associazione dei musicologi italiani. 
[which functions as the Italian section] 

Refer from 
International Musical Society. Italian Section. 

Akademiia nauk SSSR. Dal'nevostochnyi filial, Vladivostok. 

Refer front 

Dal'nevostochnyi filial Akademii nauk SSSR., Vladivostok. 
Phi Beta Kappa. New York Delta, Columbia University. 

Refer from 
Columbia University. Phi Beta Kappa. 

Phi Beta Kappa. New York Theta, Cornell University. 

Refer from 

Cornell University. Phi Beta Kappa. 
Psi Upsilon. Chi Chapter, Cornell University. 
Psi Upsilon. Gamma Chapter, Amherst College. 

100. Affiliated societies. 

Enter affiliated societies under their own names without reference 
from the larger organization with which they are affiliated. 

American Association of Law Libraries. 

[which is affiliated with the American Library Association] 
Archaeological Society of Washington, Washington, D C 
[which is affiliated with the Archaeological Institute of America] 

101. Societies related to, but not an integral part of, a larger organization 
A. College or university societies. Enter societies of students, of 

faculty or of both under the name of the institution. Refer from the 
name of the society. 

For Greek letter societies see 99. 



Columbia University. Philolexian Society. 

Refer from 

Philolexian Society, Columbia University. 
Oxford. University. Oxford Union Society. 

Refer from 

Oxford Union Society. 
Michigan. University. Michigan Union. 

Refer from 
Michigan Union. 

Yale University. Elizabethan Club. 

Refer from 
Elizabethan Club of Yale University. 

Michigan. University. Medical School. Victor C. Vaughan 

Refer from 
Victor C. Vaughan Society, Medical School, University of 


B. Alumni organizations. 

(1) Enter general alumni associations, funds, etc., under the name 
of the school, college, or university. 

Yale University. Society of the Alumni. 

Refer from 

Society of the Alumni of Yale University. 
Smith College. Alumnae Association. 

Refer from 

Alumnae Association of Smith College. 
Paris, ficole commerciale. Association des anciens eleves. 

Refer from 

Association des anciens eleves de 1'ficole commerciale de Paris* 
Illinois College, Jacksonville. Alumni Fund Association. 

Refer from 

Illinois College Alumni Fund Association. 
Columbia University. School of Law. Alumni Association. 

Exception. When the association of alumni comprises a profes- 
sional group better known under its name, entry may be made under 
the name of the association, with reference from the name of the 

Association des ingenieurs sortis de Ifcole de Liege. 


Liege. Ecole des arts et manufactures et des mines. Asso- 
ciation des ingenieurs sortis de Pficole de Liege. 
Association des ingenieurs-techniciens de Charleroi. 

Refer from 

Charleroi. Universite de travail. Association des ingenieurs- 
techniciens de Charleroi. 

(2) Enter local associations of alumni under their own names. 

Harvard Club of New York City. 
Harvard Club of Rhode Island. 



102. Institutions forming an integral part of a larger organization* 

Enter the various faculties, colleges, professional schools, labora- 
tories, libraries, chapels, museums, observatories, hospitals, shops, 
etc., which form an integral part of a university or other institution 
under the larger institution with the name of the particular entity 
as subheading, 

Oxford. University. Balliol College. 

Refer from 
Balliol College. 

Yale University. Sheffield Scientific School 

Refer from 

Sheffield Scientific School. 

Bologna. Universita degli studi. Scuola di j armada. 
Toulouse. Universite. Faculte de droit. 
Vatican* Biblioteca vaticana. Gabinetto numismatico. 

Harvard University. Peabody Museum of American Archae- 
ology and Ethnology. 

Refer from 
Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. 

Chicago. University. Hull Physiological Laboratory. 

Refer from 
Hull Physiological Laboratory. 

Berlin. Universitat. Institut fur Meereskunde. 
Refer from 

Institut fur Meereskunde, Berlin. 

Berlin. Institut fur Meereskunde. 
Paris. Universite. Bibliotheque. 

Williams College. Thompson Memorial Chapel 
Refer from 

Thompson Memorial Chapel, Williamstown, Mass. 

Williamstown, Mass. Thompson Memorial Chapel. 
Michigan. University. Observatory. 

Wisconsin. University. Washburn Observatory. 

Refer from 

Washburn Observatory, Madison, Wis. 
Madison, Wis. Washburn Observatory. 


A. Exception may be made in the case of an observatory which 
is much more likely to be looked for under its own name than under 
that of the place or of the institution of which it forms a part. 

Lick Observatory. 

Refer from 

California. University. Lick Observatory. 
Mt. Hamilton, Calif. Lick Observatory. 
Allegheny Observatory. 

Refer from 

Allegheny, Pa. Western University of Pennsylvania Alle- 
gheny Observatory. 



Yerkes Observatory. 

Refer from 

Chicago. University. Yerkes Observatory. 
Williams Bay, Wis. Yerkes Observatory. 

B. Colleges or professional schools whose names begin with a 
proper noun or proper adjective may be entered under their own 
names, particularly if they are situated at a distance from the uni- 
versity of which they form a part, have merely a nominal connection 
with it, or for other reasons are unlikely to be looked for under its 
name. Cases in point are some of the American schools which, orig- 
inally independent, have later affiliated with or become departments 
of a university. 

St. Ignatius College, Chicago. 

Refer from 

St. Louis University. St. Ignatius College. 
Barnard College, New York. 

Refer from 
Columbia University. Barnard College, 

103. Institutions located in suburbs later absorbed in a metropolitan 

When an institution located in a place (town or city) and identified 
with it has been entered under the name of that place, the entry 
may remain in that form until the place itself has become absorbed 
in a larger unit and is known only as a subdivision of a metropolitan 
area, e.g., 

Charlottenburg. Stadtische Volksbiicherei. 

Berlin. Stadtbiicherei, Charlottenburg. 

Entries are made under the earlier heading for the period when 
Charlottenburg was an independent corporation; under the later head- 
ing, from the date when it became a part of the Berlin metropolitan 
area. The two headings are connected by references. 

When churches and other institutions located in a section of a city 
which was formerly independent have become identified with the 
larger metropolis, they are entered under the latter. (Cf . 124C.) 

Philadelphia. Trinity Lutheran Church, Germantown. 

104. State and provincial institutions (U. S. and Canada). 

Enter state and provincial institutions of the United States and 
Canada under the. name of the state or province. The name of the 
state or province is to be followed by a period and the next word 

Illinois. Asylum for Insane Criminals, Chester. 

Refer from 

Asylum for Insane Criminals, Chester, 111. 
Chester, HI. Asylum for Insane Criminals. 



Massachusetts. State Library, Boston. 

Refer from 

State Library of Massachusetts, Boston. 
Boston. State Library of Massachusetts. 
Ohio. State University, Columbus. 

Refer from 

Columbus. Ohio State University. 
Manitoba. Deaf and Dumb Institute, Winnipeg. 

Refer from 

Deaf and Dumb Institute, Winnipeg. 
Winnipeg. Deaf and Dumb Institute. 

Ontario. Institution for the Education of the Blind, Brantford. 

Refer from 

Institution for the Education of the Blind, Brantford, Out. 
Brantford, Ont. Institution for the Education of the Blind. 
Texas. Sam Houston State Teachers' College, Huntsville. 

Refer from 

Sam Houston State Teachers' College, Huntsville, Tex. 
Huntsville, Tex. Sam Houston State Teachers' College. 

When the name of the institution begins with the name of the 
city in which it is located, transpose the name of the city to the end 
of the entry. 

California. State Hospital, Stockton. 

Refer from 

Stockton, Calif. State Hospital. 
California. Stockton State Hospital. 

There are certain institutions which, although not strictly official, 
i.e., maintained and controlled by the state, are, on account of their 
names, most frequently looked for under the name of the state. 
These may best be entered according to the above rule. 

Pennsylvania. University. 

Refer from 

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. 
Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania. 

Exception may be made in favor of entry under its own name for 
a state institution having a distinctive name which gives no indica- 
tion of its relation to the state. 

Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. 

Refer from 

Ohio. Miami University, Oxford. 
Oxford, Ohio. Miami University. 

105. American state historical and agricultural societies. 

Enter American state historical and agricultural societies under 
the name of the state whether or not it is the first word of the name 
of the society. If the corporate name begins with the name of the 
state, the corporate form is to be followed; if not, the name of the 
state is to be followed by a period. 

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. 



South Carolina. State Agricultural Society* 

Refer from 

State Agricultural Society of South Carolina. 

Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, 

[not a stale society] 

Refer from 
Ohio, Historical and Philosophical Society of. 

Enter American state societies which are also state boards under 
the name of the society, with reference from the state. 

West Virginia Humane Society. 

Refer from 

West Virginia. State Board (West Virginia Humane Society) 
106. Agricultural experiment stations. 

A. Enter agricultural experiment stations of the United States 
under the name of the state or territory in which they are organized. 
Include in the heading the name of the place where the station is 
located. Refer from the university or college of which the station may 
form a department, from the name of the station, if it is at all dis- 
tinctive, and from the name of the place where it is located. 

New York. Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva. 

Refer from 

Geneva, N. Y. Agricultural Experiment Station. 
New York. Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca. 

Refer from 

Cornell University. Agricultural Experiment Station. 
Ithaca, N. Y. Agricultural Experiment Station, 
Puerto Rico. Federal Experiment Station, Mayaguez. 

Refer from 

Mayaguez, P. R. (City) Agricultural Experiment Station. 
Mayaguez, P. R. (City) Federal Experiment Station. 
Missouri. Fruit Experiment Station, Mountain Grove. 

Refer from 

Mountain Grove, Mo. Fruit Experiment Station. 
Missouri, State Poultry Experiment Station, Mountain Grove. 

Refer from 
Mountain Grove, Mo. State Poultry Experiment Station. 

B. Enter Canadian agricultural experiment stations under CANADA. 
Include the name of the place in the heading. 

Canada. Experimental Station, Harrow, Ont 

Refer from 
Harrow, Ont. Experimental Station. 

C. Enter foreign agricultural experiment stations according to the 
general rule for institutions. (92) 

Gembloux, Belgium. Station agronomique de llStat. 

Refer from 
Belgium. Ministers de I* agriculture. Station agronomique de 

l'6tat, Gembloux. 
Belgium. Station agronomique de Tfitat, Gembloux. 



Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Estacion Central Agronomics. 

Refer from 
Cuba. Secretaria de Agriculture Estacidn Central Agro- 


Cuba. Estacion Central Agronomica, Santiago de las Vegas. 
Bhadgaon, India. Khandesh Experimental Farm. 

Refer from 
Khandesh Experimental Farm, Bhadgaon. 

107. Public schools. 

Enter all elementary and secondary schools supported by taxation 
under the name of the place and refer from the name of the school 
if distinctive. 

New York. Morris High School. 

Refer from 

Morris High School, New York. 
Minneapolis. Lincoln School. 

Refer from 

Lincoln School, Minneapolis. 
Brooklyn. Public School 48. 
Paris. Lycee Janson-de-Sailly. 

Refer from 

Lycee Janson-de-Sailly, Paris. 
Janson-de-Sailly, Lycee, Paris. 
Leipzig. Thomasschule. 

Refer from 

Thomasschule, Leipzig. 
Edinburgh. Sciennes School. 

Refer from 
Sciennes School, Edinburgh. 

For the entry of institutions of higher learning see 104. 
108. Private and endowed schools. 

A. Enter American and British private and endowed schools under 
the name when this begins with a proper noun or proper adjective, 
otherwise under the place. 

Balliol School, Utica, N. Y. 

Refer from 

Utica, N. Y. Balliol School. 
Copeland School, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 

Refer from 

Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Copeland School. 
St. Peter's College, Westminster. 

Refer from 

Westminster. St. Peter's College. 
Westminster School, London. 
London. Westminster School. 

Washington, D. C. National Cathedral School for Girls. 

with references from 

Cathedral School for Girls, Washington. D. C. 
National Cathedral School for Girls, Washington D C 




When a school is known only by the name of the proprietor, enter 
under his name. 

Chesborough (A. J.) school. 

B. Enter foreign private schools under the place, with reference 
from the name of the school or the proprietor. 

Oslo. Nissens Skole. 

Refer from 
Nissens Skole, Oslo. 
Milan. Istituto private Kobiati. 

Refer from 

Istituto private Robiati, Milan. 
Robiati, Ambrogio (see also) 

109. Indian schools (U. S.) 

A. Enter Indian schools of the U. S. Indian Service and denomina- 
tional and private schools which receive government support, under 
the name of the place where located. Refer from the name of the 
school. For information and lists of schools cf. reports of the Com- 
missioner of Indian Affairs. 

Carlisle, Pa. United States Indian School. 
Pipestone, Minn. Indian Training School. 
Phoenix, Ariz. United States Indian Vocational School. 
Morris, Minn. Indian School. 

B. Private Indian schools not a part of the U. S. Indian Service 
and not receiving government support are to be entered according 
to the rule for American private schools. (108) 

110. Radio stations. 

Enter radio stations, regardless of their ownership or sponsorship, 
under the name of the place in which they are located, followed by 
the name of the station. If the name is limited to call letters, the 
designation RADIO STATION, or its foreign equivalent, precedes the 
call letters. Refer from the name or call letters. 

Cincinnati. Radio station TVKRC. 

Refer from 

WKRC (Radio station) Cincinnati. 
Ames, Iowa. Radio station WOI. 

Refer from 

WOI (Radio station) Ames, Iowa. 
Vatican (City) Stazione radio HVJ. 

Refer from 

HVJ (Stazione radio) Vatican (City) 
Guatemala (City) Radio Nacional. 

Refer from 

Radiodifusoro Nacional de Guatemala. 
Rabat, Morocco. Radio Maroc. 

Refer from 
Radio Maroc, Kabat, Morocco. 



111. University and union league clubs. 

Enter university and union league clubs under the place where 
they are located, with reference from the name. 

Washington, D. C. University Club. 

Refer jrom 
University Club, Washington, D. C. 

Chicago. Union League Club. 

Refer from 
Union League Club of Chicago. 

112. Volunteer fire companies and associations. 

Enter volunteer fire companies and associations under the name of 
the place with reference from the name of the company or association. 

Philadelphia. Hibernia Fire Company. 

Refer from 
Hibernia Fire Company, Philadelphia. 

Chambersburg, Pa. Friendship Fire Company. 

Refer from 
Friendship Fire Company, Chamber sburg, Pa. 

Gloucester, Mass. Steam Fire Association. 

Refer from 
Steam Fire Association, Gloucester, Mass. 

For treatment of the official fire departments of cities or towns 
see 72. 

113. Mercantile library associations. 

Enter mercantile library associations, library companies, etc., under 
the place, with reference from the name of the association. 

Boston. Mercantile Library Association. 

Refer from 
Mercantile Library Association of Boston. 

Philadelphia. Mercantile Library Company. 

Refer from 
Mercantile Library Company, Philadelphia. 

114. Gilds. 

Enter gilds under the name of the place, with the name of the 
company as subheading. 

London. Merchant Taylors' Company. 

Refer from 
Merchant Taylors' Company, London. 

Dunfermline, Scot. Weavers' Incorporation. 

Refer from 

Weavers' Incorporation, Dunfermline. 
Sheffield, England. Cutlers' Company. 

Refer from 
Cutlers' Company, Sheffield. 



Religious Societies and Institutions 

115. Churches not organized within national bounds. 

For ancient churches, the Eastern churches (including the inde- 
pendent units of the Orthodox Eastern communion) and all churches 
not organized as corporate bodies within national bounds, adopt the 
most commonly accepted English form of name as the official entry, 
and use this form for all subject headings. 

Moravian Church. 
Armenian Church. 
Orthodox Eastern Church. 
Catholic Church. 17 

116. Catholic and Eastern churches. 
A. Local ecclesiastical units. 

(1) Enter ecclesiastical provinces, archdioceses, and other regional 
districts of Catholic and Eastern churches under the name of the see 
city, or region for which they are named, adding, in parentheses, the 
type of jurisdiction, followed by the designation of the office or board. 

Baltimore (Ecclesiastical Province) 

Danzig (Diocese) Bishop. 

Harrisburg, Pa. (Diocese) 

Philadelphia (Archdiocese) Diocesan Board. 

If two or more jurisdictions have come to exist in the same city, 
add a distinguishing adjective denoting rite. 

Pittsburgh (Diocese, Catholic Byzantine) 
Pittsburgh (Diocese, Catholic) 

(2) Enter the historic patriarchates under the name of the patri- 
archal city, adding in parentheses the type of jurisdiction, adding also a 
distinguishing adjective denoting rite where necessary. 

Alexandria, Egypt (Patriarchate) 
Alexandria, Egypt (Patriarchate, Coptic) 
Antioch (Patriarchate) 

[Used for early material] 
Antioch (Patriarchate, Syrian Jacobite) 
Antioch (Patriarchate, Orthodox Melkite) 
Antioch (Patriarchate, Maronite) 
Antioch (Patriarchate, Catholic Syrian) 
Antioch and all the East (Patriarchate, Catholic Melkite) 

Disregard patriarchates that are purely titular. 
Lisbon (Archdiocese) 

"In English and American Protestant usage, Roman Catholic Church is the more 
usual and in many cases the legal designation. The Library of Congress uses the 
shorter form, Catholic Church, a designation preferred by Catholics themselves, and 
this form, having been established on the printed cards, is consistently followed in 
these rules. 


116A(3) _ _____ _ A.L.A. CATALOGING RULES 

(3) Enter modern patriarchates, the patriarch of which is the 
ecclesiastical head of a national church (cf . 116B (2) ) under the 
name of the church, followed by the title (in English) , 

Orthodox Eastern Church, Russian. Patriarch. 
Orthodox Eastern Church, Rumanian. Patriarch. 
Orthodox Eastern Church, Yugoslavian. Patriarch. 
Refer from the patriarchal city. 
Moscow (Patriarchate) 

Orthodox Eastern Church, Russian. Patriarch. 

B. Orthodox Eastern Church. 

(1) Enter those autocephalous units of the Orthodox Eastern 
Church which are continuations of ancient patriarchates or arch- 
dioceses under the name of the patriarchate or archdiocese. 

Alexandria, Egypt (Patriarchate, Orthodox) 
Cyprus (Archdiocese) 1 * 

(2) Enter those autocephalous units of the Orthodox Eastern 
Church which are organized on a national basis under the name of 
the church followed by the adjective form of the national name. 19 

Orthodox Eastern Church, Russian. 
Orthodox Eastern Church, Greek. 

(3) Enter the Basilian monastery at Mt. Sinai, which has inde- 
pendent status as a church of the Byzantine rite, under the heading 
appropriate to it as a monastery. 

Sinai. Saint Catharine (Basilian monastery) 

C. Lesser Eastern churches. As the lesser Eastern churches are 
organized as patriarchal jurisdictions, enter all official publications 
emanating from the patriarchate under the name of the patriarchate. 20 
Use the popular name of the church as the author heading only where 
a form subheading is used. 

Alexandria, Egypt (Patriarchate, Coptic) 

[For an official document issued by the Coptic Patriarchate of 

Coptic Church. Liturgy and ritual 
Coptic morning service for the Lord's day 

D. Eastern churches in communion with Rome. Enter Eastern 
churches in. communion with Rome under CATHOLIC CHURCH, adding 
subheading designating rite and, in the case of the Byzantine Catholics, 

18 Now demoted to a diocese. 

^ 8 tyP i? f entry r, would be * rect entr y mder the national 

totRU lt^ a ^ Cted b ? ^ e "**(. because in all these cases the claim 
to the title is based on succession from the historic patriarchates of the early church. 



adding to the name of the rite the adjective denoting the country or 
language group. * 

Catholic Church. Armenian rite. 
Ethiopia rite. 
Syrian rite. 
Byzantine rite. 
Byzantine rite (Bulgarian) 
Byzantine rite (Russian) 

E. Ecclesiastical documents. 

(1) Enter early documents, whether proceeding from general or 
local officials, directly under the name of the person with added 
entry, if necessary, under the name of the church body or local 
ecclesiastical unit. This applies to all documents issued by the Church 
fathers 21 which as a rule need no added entry under the name of the 
church or local ecclesiastical unit. 

Clemens Romanus. 
Epistle of Saint Clement, Bishop of Rome . . . 

Joannes I, Patriarch of Antioch, d. 648. 

Joannis Episcopi Antiocheni ad Cyrillum Alexandrinum epis- 
tola nmto Concilio Ephesino scripta. 

I. Antioch (Patriarchate) 

(2) Enter post-patristic official Catholic and Eastern ecclesiastical 
documents under the name of the church, or the local ecclesiastical unit. 

Catholic Church. 

Mainz (Archdiocese) 

Etchmiadzin (Armenian catholicate) 

F. Liturgies. Enter liturgies of the Eastern and Latin rites, includ- 
ing the early forms, under the name chosen for the church, adding 
the form subheading LITURGY AND RITUAL. Use this subheading with- 
out modification for collections of two or more books. For collections 
containing texts translated into a nonliturgical language, add adjec- 
tive denoting language. 22 

Orthodox Eastern Church. Liturgy and ritual. 
Orthodox Eastern Church. Liturgy and ritual English. 
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. 
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. English. 

21 Limit the use of the term Church fathers to the time of Gregory the Great for 
Latin fathers and to the time of John of Damascus for Greek fathers and the fathers 
of the lesser Eastern churches. 

22 The liturgical language of the Catholic Church in the West (Patriarchate of 
Rome) is Latin and for that reason the term Latin rite is used. There are six dis- 
tinct rites in Latin, of which the Roman, Ambrosian, and Mozarabic are still in use; 
whereas the African, Gallican, and the so-called Celtic rites are defunct. The Roman 
rite is extant in four forms: (1) Early pre-Tridentine, (2) Standardized revision by 
Pope Pius v authorized for general use, (3) Forms in use by various monastic orders 
called Regular use, (4) Forms which have grown up about certain local churches 
called Local use. 



(1) Enter specific service books of the Orthodox Eastern Church, 
either in Greek or in any other liturgical language, under the head- 
the name of the book preferably in Greek. For translations into 
liturgical or nonliturgical languages add adjective denoting language. 

Orthodox Eastern Church. Liturgy and ritual. Leitourgikon** 
Orthodox Eastern Church. Liturgy and ritual. Menaion. English. 

(2) For the lesser Eastern churches, use the form which seems 
to be the best specific designation for the particular book, either the 
vernacular, Latin, or an English translation. 

Armenian Church. Liturgy and ritual. Dagharan. 

(3) Enter Eastern liturgies edited for use in Eastern churches in 
communion with Rome under the name established for the particular 
rite with subheading LITURGY AND RITUAL. Make added entry under 
the name of the corresponding non-Catholic group using this same 


Catholic Church. Armenian rite. Liturgy and ritual. Mystery 

manual of the sacred oblation. 

Liturgia armena transportata in italiano sino dal 1816 cura 
del p. Gabriele Avedichian. 

I. Armenian Church. Liturgy and ritual. Mystery manual of the 
sacred oblation. 

with reference: 
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Armenian rite 

Catholic Church. Armenian rite. Liturgy and ritual. 

(4) Enter separate books of the Latin rite 24 (all rites in Latin or 
Roman rite only) under the heading CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY 
AND RITUAL, f ollowed by the name of the book, 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Missal. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Memoriale rituum. 

(5) Enter collections of Latin service books of the Roman rite used 
in a specific locality under the usual heading, CATHOLIC CHURCH. 
LITURGY AND RITUAL, adding the name of the place. Refer from the 
place with subheading LITURGY AND RITUAL. 

,, 23 T^ Euch ,f r S ti< i litu _ rgy of th t Variou 5 Eastern rites is frequently designated as 
the liturgy." Prefer, however, the specific name of the liturgical book if it can be 

T^^^ ed r JT^ ? 18 ^ foun< i fa Jeannett * M. Lynn, An alternative 
cZottt/teation for Cathohc books (Chicago, American Library Association, 1937). 

* Since the Council of Trent, the basic official liturgical books have been the 
Missal, tiie Breviary, the Ritual, the Pontifical, the Ceremonial of bishops, the Martyr! 
ology, the Memoriale rituum and the Caeremoniale Romanum (for papal ceremonies 



Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Salisbury. 
The use of Sarum . . . 

Refer from 

Salisbury (Diocese) Liturgy and ritual. 
Sarum us a. 2 -" 

For individual service books make added entry with the place as 
second subheading. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Missal. 
Missale ad usum insignis ecclesiae Eboracencis 
i. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. York. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Ordines.-* 
Ordinale Exon . . . 
I. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Exeter. 

Exception. In entering modern directories for use in a specific 
locality include both the name of the book and the name of the place 
in the heading, and make added entry with the place as second sub- 
heading. 27 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual Directory. Treves (Diocese) 
Directorium Dioecesis Treverensis; seu, Ordo divini officii 

recitandi missaeque celebrandae . . . 

i. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Treves (Diocese) 

(6) Enter collections of Latin liturgical books of the Roman rite 
for a monastic order under the usual heading, CATHOLIC CHURCH. 
LITURGY AND RITUAL, followed by the name of the order. Refer from 
the name of the order with subheading LITURGY AND RITUAL. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Benedictine. 

Refer from 
Benedictines. Liturgy and ritual 

For individual books, make added entry with the order as sec- 
ond subheading. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual Breviary. 

Breviarium Romanum ad usum Ordinis Carmelitarum Dis- 
calcatorum . . . 

i. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Carmelite. 

Exception. In entering directories for the use of a monastic order, 
include the name of the book and the name of the order in the heading. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual Directory. Benedictine. 

with added entry: 
i. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Benedictine. 

20 These local variations of the Roman rite are frequently called rites, but are more 
correctly designated by the term use. 

26 The subheading ORDINES is used for older compilations of texts giving liturgical 
directions (often including prayers and worship forms) variously called ordo, ordJLnes, 
ordines romani, ordinarium, consuetudines, etc. 

^The subheading DIRECTORY is used for the annual official book of directions for 
priests, the Ordo divini officii recitandi. 



For local monastic service books, make one added entry with the 
order as second subheading and another with place as second sub- 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Missal. 

The missal of S. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury. 

r. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Benedictine, n. Catholic 
Church. Liturgy and ritual. Canterbury. 

(7) Enter collections of Latin liturgical books in a rite other than 
Roman under the usual heading, CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND 
RITUAL, followed by the name of the rite. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Ambrosian rite. 

Refer -from 
Ambrosian rite. 
Milan, Liturgy of. 
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual Milan (see also) 

For individual service books, make added entry with the rite as 
second subheading. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Breviary. 
Breviarium Ambrosianum . . . 
i. Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Ambrosian rite. 

(8) Enter collections of Latin liturgical books translated into any 
language under the usual heading, CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND 
RITUAL, followed by the name of the language. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. English. 

For translations of individual service books, add the name of the 
language to the heading and make added entry for the language. 

Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual Breviary. English. 

with added entry: 
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. English. 

117. Canon law (Catholic and Eastern churches). 

These rules cover the canon law of Catholic and Eastern churches. 
The documents containing the canon law of such Protestant churches 
as use this term are entered under the name of the denomination 
concerned, using such subheadings as the circumstances require. 

A. General principles. 

(1) The decrees, canons, statutes, etc., of individual councils and 
synods are entered under the heading appropriate to the council or 
synod involved. (Cf. 119.) 

(2) The decrees, etc., issued by individual executives (archbishops, 
bishops, metropolitans, popes, etc.) are entered under the name of 
the official in the early period and under the name of the office in 
the later period. (Cf. 116E.) 

(3) Single laws, constitutions, etc., governing a particular body 



are entered under the name of the body with the name of the law, 
constitution, etc., as subheading. 

(4) Compilations of unknown source and having a specific name 
are entered according to the rules for anonymous classics. (33) 

(5) Compilations known under the name of the individual com- 
piler are entered under his name, but if the compilation is made by 
an executive in his official capacity, enter under the office. 

(6) Compilations that have a particular name and are in force 
in a particular body are entered under the name of the body with the 
name of the compilation as subheading. 

(7) Miscellaneous compilations of laws in force in any particular 
body are entered as form headings under the name of the body. Such 
form headings, however, are not to be used as added entries to assemble 
texts that may be entered under other headings. 

B. Early undivided church. Enter documents considered to be 
sources of canon law as anonymous classics under their conventional 
name, unless they are the compilations of individuals or the decrees 
of early councils. For councils of the early church see 119A. 

Apostolic cations. 
Apostolic constitutions. 
Didascalia apostolorum. 


Hippolytus, Saint, ft. 217-235. 
Traditio apostolica. 

C. Eastern churches. 

(1) Enter miscellaneous compilations of law of the Orthodox Eastern 
Church, the Coptic and other separate Eastern churches under the 
name of the church followed by the form heading CANONS, NOMO- 


Orthodox Eastern Church. Canons, nomocanons, decrees, etc. 

(2) Enter single and collected laws, that can be given a more 
definite treatment, in accordance with the general principles set forth 
above (117A (1-6) .) 

D. Catholic Church. Enter collections of canons, decretals, con- 
stitutions, bullaria, etc., of the Catholic Church as follows: 

(1) Collections other than those specified in the following para- 
graphs, and not limited to the decretals, constitutions, etc., of a single 
pontificate under 

Catholic Church. Canons, decretals, etc. 

(2) Editions of the Decretum of Gratian under 
Gratianus, the Canonist, d, before 116D. 

(3) Editions of the Decretales ("Compilatio nova/' "Extrava- 
gantes") of Gregory ix under 

Catholic Church. Pope, 1227-1241 (Cregorius IX) 



(4) Editions of the Decretales ("Liber sextus") compiled by order 
of Boniface vm under 

Catholic Church. Pope, 1294-1303 (Bonifacius VIII) 

(5) Editions of the Decretales ("Liber Septimus," "Clementinae") 
of Clemens v, promulgated by John xxn, under 

Catholic Church. Pope, 1305-1314 (Clemens V) 

(6) Editions of the Decretales extravagantes ("Extravagantes") 
of John xxn under 

Catholic Church. Pope, 1316-1334 (Johannes XXII) 

(7) Editions of combinations of (2) -(6), first published Rome, 
1582, by authority of the "Correctores Romani," under 

Catholic Church. Corpus juris canonici. 

Refer from 
Corpus juris canonici. 

(8) Editions of the new official codification promulgated by Bene- 
dictus xv, 1917, taking effect May 19, 1918, under 

Catholic Church. Codex juris canonici 

Refer from 
Codex juris canonici. 

Special parts, extracts, selections, etc., from the Codex, dealing 
with particular subjects are entered under 

Catholic Church. Codex juris canonici [inclusive numbers of 
the canons and title of the book (Liber) or other subdivisions 
(Pars, Sectio, Titulus, Caput, Articulus) as the case may be], 

Catholic Church. Codex juris canonici. C. 726-1551: De rebus. ' 

Catholic Church. Codex juris canonici. C. 731-1153: De sacra- 

Catholic Church. Codex juris canonici. C. 1395-1405: De pro- 
hibitione librorum. 

(9) For editions of the constitutions, decretals, etc., of a single 
pontificate see 118A. 

(10) Editions of the partially spurious collection attributed to Isi- 
dorus Mercator (9th century) with genuine decretals in the form of 
the Collectio "Hispana" under 

Decretales pseudo-Isidorianae. 

For collections prior to Pseudo-Isidor, cf. Friedrich Maassen, 
Geschichte der Quellen und der Literatur des canonischen Rechts 
(Gratz, Leuschner & Lubensky, 1870). 

118. Catholic Church (special rules). 
A. Pope and Holy See. 

(1) Enter under CATHOLIC CHURCH with subheading POPE (1) 



ecclesiastical documents proceeding from the Holy See; 28 (2) docu- 
ments proceeding from the pope alone, e.g., collections of bulls, en- 
cyclicals, apostolic letters, etc, 

Catholic Church. Pope. 
Magnum bullarium Romanum . . . 

(2) Enter collections of documents issued during a single pontificate 
under CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE followed by the dates of the pon- 
tificate, and, in parentheses, the name of the pope. 

Catholic Church. Pope, 1585-1590 (SixtusV) 

Bullarii; sive, Collectionis constitutiomim annis quattuor sui 
pontificatus editarum a S.D.N. Sixto Quinto . . . 

(3) Enter single bulls, encyclicals, and other documents as in the 
preceding rule, with the addition in the heading of the first Latin 
word 29 or words of the text by which it is officially known, and the 
date of issue in parentheses. 

Catholic Church. Pope, 1846-1878 (Pius IX) Ineffabilis Deus 
(8 Dec. 1854) 

B. Congregations, etc. Enter under CATHOLIC CHURCH with sub- 
heading for the congregation, tribunal, or office, documents issuing 
from such sources. Use the Latin form of name as officially used in 
the Acta apostolicae sedis, omitting the word sacra which is a pre- 
fix of honor. 

Catholic Church. Congregatio Sacrorum Rituum. 
Catholic Church. Poenitentiaria Apostolica. 

For particular documents officially cited by first words of text, the 
first Latin word or words of the text may be included in the heading, 
followed by the date of issue in parentheses. 

Catholic Church. Congregatio Consistorialis. Maxima cura 
(20 Aug. 1910) 

C. Concordats. 

(1) Enter collections of concordats, "modus vivendi," or other 
agreements concluded between the Holy See and secular governing 
bodies under the heading CATHOLIC CHURCH with subheading TREATIES, 
ETC. Refer from CATHOLIC CHURCH. CONCORDATS. Make added entry 
for compiler. 

Catholic Church. Treaties, etc. 

Raccolta di concordat! su materie ecclesiastiche tra la Santa 
Sede e le autorita civili. 

i. Mercati, Angelo, comp. 

28 The term Holy See embraces the pope and the congregations, tribunals, and offices 
of the Roman Curia. 

30 Occasionally the pope uses a language other than Latin; use the original language 
in the heading. 



(2) Enter single concordats or agreements under the heading 
CATHOLIC CHURCH. TREATIES, ETC., adding the dates of the pontificate 
and, in parentheses, the name of the pope. Make added entry for the 
secular party or parties to the agreement under the name of the 
country with subheading TREATIES, ETC. (Cf. 88.) Make added entry 
or, preferably, see also reference under the heading CATHOLIC CHURCH. 
POPE, followed by the dates of the pontificate and, in parentheses, the 
name of the pope. 

Catholic Church. Treaties, etc., 1922-1939 (Pius XI) 
Die Lateran- Vertrage zwischen dem Heiligen Stuhl und Italien 

vom 11. Februar 1929 . . . 
i. Italy. Treaties, etc., 1900- (Victor Emmanuel m) 

Catholic Church. Pope, 1922-1939 (Pius XI) 

see also 
Catholic Church. Treaties, etc., 1922-1939 (Pius XI) 

(3) Enter early concordats arranged between bishops and secular 
authorities under the heading for the ecclesiastical jurisdiction author- 
izing the concordat, with added entry for the secular governmental 
body which is party to the contract. 

D. Indulgences. 

(1) Enter indulgences granted by the pope under CATHOLIC CHURCH. 
POPE, in accordance with rule 118A. 

(2) Enter indulgences granted by authorities other than the pope 
under the name of the jurisdiction in which they are applicable in 
accordance with rule 116E (2) . 

(3) Enter indulgences granted by cardinals applicable in their 
"titular churches" in Rome under the name of the church with added 
entry under the name of the cardinal. 

Borne (City) San Nicola in Carcere (Church) 

(4) Enter indulgences granted by cardinals applicable to ecclesi- 
astical societies or institutions not within their jurisdiction under the 
name of the cardinal. 

Mundelein, George William, Cardinal, 1872-1939. 

(5) Enter collections of indulgenced prayers (except those col- 
lections which are issued by the Roman Poenitentiaria Apostolica) 
under the compiler. 

Seebock, Phffibert, 1839-1914, comp. 

Vollstandiges Ablass-Gebetbuch ausschliesslich aus authen- 
tischen, Ablassgebeten zusammengesteflt von P. Philibert See- 
bock . . . 

(6) Enter collections of indulgenced prayers issued by the Roman 
Poenitentiaria Apostolica, under the heading CATHOLIC CHURCH. 



Catholic Church. Poenitentiaria Apostolica. 

. . .Collection of prayers and good works to which the Roman 
pontiffs have attached indulgences in favor of all the faithful or 
of a certain group of persons, 1899 to 1928; translated and edited 
from the official versions by Rev. Richard E. Power . . . under 
authority from the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary 

At head of title: Official Vatican manual of indulgenced gravers 
I. Power, Richard E., tr. ' 

119. Councils and synods. 

A. Enter documents proceeding from early councils of the undi- 
vided church, from all general or ecumenical councils both of the 
Latin and Eastern churches and from all early patriarchal, primatial 
and national councils and local synods prior to the Council of Trent, 
under the name by which the council or synod is known, inverting the 
place name if necesary so that place name is the entry word. Add 
to this the date of the meeting and place where held if place is not 
included in the heading. 

Nicaea, Council of, 325, 
Trent, Council of, 1545-1563. 
Vatican Council, 1872. 
Elvira, Synod of, ca. 300. 

B. Enter provincial councils and archdiocesan and diocesan synods 
of Catholic ecclesiastical administrative areas under the heading used 
for the area, adding subheading COUNCIL for ecclesiastical provinces 
and SYNOD for archdioceses and dioceses. 

Paderborn (Arch-diocese) Synod, 1688. 
Mainz (Ecclesiastical province) Council, 1540. 
Westminster (Ecclesiastical province) Council, 1852. 

If the synod is not held in the see of the ordinary the name of the 
place is added to the entry after the date and reference is made from 
the place in which the synod was held. 

Leavenworth, Kan. (Diocese) Synod. 3d, 1922, Kansas City, 

C* Enter plenary councils under the uniform heading CATHOLIC 
followed by the place and date of meeting. Refer from the name of 
the place. 

Catholic Church iu the U. S, Plenary Council. 1st, Baltimore, 

Refer from 

Baltimore, Council of, 1852. 

Baltimore, Plenary Council of, 1852. 
Catholic Church in Spanish America. Plenary Council. 1st, 

Rome, 1899. 
Refer from 

Rome, Council of, 1899. 

Rome, Plenary Council of, 1899. 



120. Protestant denominations. 

A. Denominations with corporate names. Enter modern denomina- 
tional bodies organized within national bounds, including the autono- 
mous units o the Church of England, under the latest corporate 
name* in the vernacular of the country. 31 

Church of England. 

Nippon Seikokwai. 

Nederlandsche Hervormde Kerk. 

figlises reformees de France. 

Svenska kyrkan. 

Reformed Church in America. 

Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. 

Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A. 

Church in Wales. 

When two or more denominations have identical names, add, in 
parentheses, some distinguishing word or phrase. 

Church of God (Adventist) 

Church of God (Apostolic) 

Church of God (New Dunkers) 

Church of God (Headquarters at Anderson, Ind.) 

Friends, Society of (Hicksite) 

Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. (Old school) 

Presbyterian Church in the U. S, A. (New school) 

B. Denominations without corporate names (state or national 
churches). Enter Protestant denominational bodies organized as state 
or national churches but without a distinctive corporate name under 
a conventional form of name in the vernacular of the country. 

This applies to: 

(1) Swiss cantonal churches (French and German cantons) . 

figlise nationale de Geneve L de NeucMtel, etc. 3 
Evangelisch-reformierte Kirche des Kantons Aargau c Berne, 
etc. : 

(2) German state churches prior to their reorganization into more 
or less self-governing bodies in the nineteenth century. 

Evangelische Landeskirche in Nassau-Saarbriicken. 
Evangelisch-Iutherische Landeskirche in Reuss ( Jiingere Lime) 
Evangelisch-reformierte Landeskirche in Lippe. 

C. Denominational bodies congregational in polity. 

(1) Enter general and regional organizations of denominational 
bodies congregational in polity under their own names. 

tlT ?f^ pt j? nai cas f . an inverted form of heading has been used in order 

f ^ m?tlV M W ^ rd A m ^ e name ^ entr y word ' *. Friends, Society of; 
ln North America, General Eldership of. 

may r P^ffe* ** English form for Oriental and East European 



; r if " A SC H Pal Ch T- Ch , ln Ja ?^ ^^ of Ni PP n Seikokwai, butthe 
vernacular is the better practice for scholarly collections. 



American Unitarian Association. 

General Council of Congregational Christian Churches. 

Congregational Union of England and Wales. 

Northern Baptist Convention. 

Southern Baptist Convention. 

Central Eastern Swedish Baptist Conference. 

(2) Enter state, provincial, and lesser Baptist, Congregational, and 
Unitarian 32 local organizations as subheadings under the form head- 
divided by country or state. In each case refer from the name of the 
local organization. 

Baptists. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Baptist Association. 

Refer from 
Philadelphia Baptist Association. 

Baptists. Alabama. Colored Bethlehem Baptist Association. 

Refer from 

Colored Bethlehem Baptist Association. 
Bethlehem Baptist Association (Negro) 

Primitive Baptists. Texas. Salem Association of Primitive 

Refer from 

Salem Association of Primitive Baptists. 

Congregational Churches in Connecticut. South Consociation 
of Litchfield County. 

Refer from 
South Consociation of Litchfield County. 

Congregational Churches in Oregon. Conference. 

Refer from 
Oregon Congregational Conference. 

But enter local organizations of the Society of Friends as sub- 
headings under the name of the society. 

Friends, Society of. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. 

D. Legislative and administrative departments and organizations, 

(1) Enter the legislative and administrative departments and 
organizations of a denominational body under the name of the 

Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. General Assembly. 

Methodist Episcopal Church. General Conference. 

Church of England. National Assembly. 

Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Board of Foreign Missions. 

Protestant Episcopal Church in the U, S. A. National Council. 

(2) Enter societies functioning solely as a department of or through 
the denominational body as subheading under the name of the denomi- 
nation, or of the department to which they are subsidiary. (Cf. 128.) 

32 The Library of Congress enters Unitarian local bodies directly under their own 



Evangelical Lutheran Syned of East Pennsylvania. Women's 

Home and Foreign Missionary Society. 
Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Synodical of South Caro- 


\A women's organization] 
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S, A. National Council. 

Women's Auxiliary. 

E. Local administrative units. Enter local administrative units into 
which a denominational body divides itself, variously known as 
provinces, dioceses, synods, presbyteries, classes, conferences, missions, 
missionary districts, etc., under a heading consisting of the name of 
the denomination followed by the name of the administrative unit in 
the plural, followed by the locality. 33 

Church of England in Canada. Dioceses. Huron. 

Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A. Dioceses. New 


Presbyterian Church in the U.S. A. Synods. New York. 
Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Presbyteries. Pittsburgh. 
Methodist Episcopal Church. Cou/ereTices. Baltimore. 
Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania and Ad- 

jacent States. Conferences. Reading 
Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Iowa and Other States. Dis- 

tricts. Northern District. 

Reformed Church in the U. S. Classes. Eastern Ohio. 
Methodist Episcopal Church. Missions and missionary confer- 

ences. New Mexico Spanish Mission. 


(1) Enter dioceses of the Church of England in Great Britain (in 
conformity with the usage for the Catholic Church) under the name 
of the see city with the qualification DIOCESE, or PROVINCE, added 
in parentheses. 

London (Diocese) 
York (Province) 

(2) Enter overseas dioceses not organized into autonomous churches 
under the heading CHURCH OF ENGLAND with subheading DIOCESES, 
followed by the word OVERSEAS in parentheses and the name of 
the locality. 

Church of England. Dioceses (Overseas) Bermuda. 

(3) The Lutheran synods that entered and now comprise the United 
Lutheran Church in America are entered under their own names, 
because of their long independent history and their earlier member- 
ship in larger bodies. 

Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania and Adjacent 
lUinois Synod of the United Lutheran Church in America. 

Fn^Pr?^ exception for the dioceses of the Protestant 

Episcopal Church in the U. S. A., using the following form: 

Protestanr Episcopal Chwch in the U. S. A. New York (Diocese) 



F. Local ecclesiastical councils. Enter councils called by local 
Baptist, Congregational, Unitarian, etc., churches, or at the request 
of a local church by a local association of churches, under the name 
of the church or association issuing the call for the council. 

Brooklyn. Plymouth Church. Advisory Council, 1876. 

Proceedings of the Advisory Council of Congregational 
churches and ministers called by the Plymouth Church of 
Brooklyn, N. Y., and held in Brooklyn from the 15th to the 
24th of February, 1876. 

G. Creeds, hymnals, and service books. 

(1) Enter creeds, hymnals, and service books issued by a local 
church or for its use under the name of the church. 

Boston. King's Chapel. 

Liturgy collected for the use of King's ChapeL 

(2) Enter creeds, hymnals, and service books issued by denomina- 
tional bodies under the name of the body. Add the name of the creed 
or hymnal in the heading only if essential for the arrangement of 
large groups of material; the name of a service book, if added, follows 
the subheading LITURGY AND RITUAL. 

Presbyterian Church in the U. S, A. 

The hymnal . . . 

United Lutheran Church in America. Liturgy and ritual. 

Common service book . . . 

Church of England. Liturgy and ritual Coronation service. 
Church of England. Book of common, prayer* 4 * 

121. Creeds, hymnals, and service books (Jewish). 

Enter Jewish creeds, hymnals, and service books under the head- 

No single Jewish organization represents all Jews, but the continuity 
of liturgical rites and forms justifies an entry in this form. 

Jews. Liturgy and ritual. 

Prayer book; abridged for Jews in the armed forces of the 
United States. 

Jews* Liturgy and ritual. Hagadah. 1934. 

The Haggadah. A new edition, with English translation, intro- 
duction, and notes by Cecil Roth. 

I. Jews. Liturgy and ritual. Hagadah. English. 1934. n. Roth, Cecil, 
1899- ed. and tr. 

122. Religious orders. 

Enter religious orders under a conventional short form of name in 
English, if the order extends over more than one country and is 
known by an English name. 

84 By exception the Book of common prayer is entered directly under the name of 
the church without the subheading LITURGY AND RITUAL. 



Jesuits not Society of Jesus. 

Benedictines not Order of St. Benedict. 

Poor Clares. 

Sisters of the Holy Cross. 




Exceptions, variations, and further specifications. 

A. Enter religious orders under their full name if a conventional 
form of name has not come into English use. 

Congregation of the Holy Cross. 

Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. 

Society of the Divine Word. 

This will apply especially to orders of women that have episcopal 
approbation only. 

B. Enter religious orders known historically only under the Latin 
form under that name. 


C. Enter religious orders operating in foreign countries and un- 
known under an English name, under a vernacular form. 

Hijas de Jesus. 

Soeurs de Saint- Augustin. 

Soeurs des prisons de la Congregation de Marie-Joseph. 

Instituto de las Esclavas del Corazon de Jesus. 

This will apply primarily to congregations and institutes operating 
solely under the approval of the local bishop and not having received 
pontifical approbation. 

D. Enter "second" orders, i.e., orders of women taking solemn 
vows and following the same rule as the corresponding male orders 
save for necessary adaptations, and without a distinctive name, under 
the adjectival form of the name of the order followed by the word 

NUNS. 35 

Benedictine Nuns. 

Rejer from 

Benedictines. Second Order, 

Poor Clares. 

with reference from 
Franciscans. Second Order. 

E. Enter "third" orders, i.e., organizations of lay people living in 
the world but observing as far as possible the rules of an order, 
whenever they have no name of their own, as subheadings under the 
names of the "first" orders. 

30 This unusual procedure is necessary because the English language no longer 
permits the feminine endings, as for instance, "Benedictinesses." 



Franciscans. Third Order. 

It must be noted that many of these "third" orders by making 
simple vows and leading a conventual life have become "religious." 


f *** Per etual 

F. Enter reform movements no longer under the jurisdiction of 
the order proper and having their own rules, under their own names. 
Refer from the parent order. 


with reference: Franciscans see also Capuchins 

with reference: Benedictines see also Olivetans. 

G. Enter orders similar in name and customarily distinguished 
by addition of the name of the location of the mother house under 
their names with addition of location of the mother house by means 
of a preposition, or by a comma, or by enclosure in parentheses. 36 

Sisters of Bon Secours of Paris. 
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. 
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. 
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Ohio. 

H. Enter subdivisions into which an order is divided as subhead- 
ings under the order but in the language of the territory where they 
are principally operative. 

Jesuits. Missouri Province. 
Jesuits. Provincia de Andaluda. 
Dominicans. Provincia de Buenos Aires. 
Benedictines. Bursf elder Kongregation. 
Benedictine Nuns. Congregation of Saint Scholastica. 
Benedictines. Congregation de Cluny& 

(1) Enter documents issued by a regional group which does not 
have an official jurisdictional status under the name of the order with 
subdivision for the region. 

Jesuits. Spain. 

123. Monasteries, abbeys, convents, etc. 

A. Enter monasteries, abbeys, convents, priories, etc., (other tha*> 
those of the United States and the British Empire whose names begin 
with a proper noun or a proper adjective, cf. 123C) , which are located 
in a city or town, under the name of the place. Give the name of the 
institution in the vernacular followed in parentheses and in English 

36 Cf. practice observed in the Annuario pontificio (Citta del Vaticano) in listing 
the orders of which a cardinal may be the protector. 

37 The Library of Congress has entered Cluniacs under their own name on the 
strength of popular usage. 



by the particular type of institution combined with the name of the 
order. 38 Refer from the name of the institution. 

Angers, France. Saint-Aubin (Benedictine abbey) 

Refer from 
Saint-Aubin (Benedictine abbey) Angers. 

Rijnsburg, Netherlands. Sint Maria (Abbey of Benedictine 

Refer from 

Sint Maria (Abbey of Benedictine nuns) Rijnsburg, Nether- 

Vienna. Unsere Liebe Frau zu den Schotten (Benedictine 

Refer from 

Unsere Liebe Frau zu den Schotten (Benedictine abbey) 

Florence. San Onofrio (Convent) 

Refer from 
San Onofrio (Convent) Florence. 

(1) If the specific name of the institution cannot be ascertained 
use the descriptive name of the institution combined with that of 
the order. 

Barcelona. Monasterio Domenico. 
Rheinfelden. Johanniterkommende. 
New Orleans. Ursuline convent 

(2) When a village or town has grown up around a monastic in- 
stitution and bears the same name, the entry consists of the name of 
the place followed by the type of institution combined with the order 
in parentheses and in English. 

Fulda, Ger. (Benedictine abbey) 
Eiosiedeln, Switzerland (Benedictine abbey) 
St. Gall, Switzerland (Benedictine abbey) 

as distinct from 

Fulda, Ger. (City) 
Einsiedeln, Switzerland (City) 
St. Gall, Switzerland (City) 
St. Gall, Switzerland (Canton) 

necessary to add the name of the province after the name 
of the country in order to distinguish one town from another with 
the same name, to avoid successive parentheses in the heading give 

' Abbey of 



the descriptive name of the institution in the vernacular and with- 
out parentheses. 

Eldena, Ger. (Pomerania) Cisterzienserkloster. 
not Eldena, Ger. (Pomerania) (Cistercian abbey) 

(3) When a village or town has grown up around a monastic in- 
stitution and bears a different name, enter under the name of the 
monastery followed by the name of the place. 

Averbode (Premonstratensian abbey) Testelt, Belgium. 

B. Enter a monastery or other monastic institution not located 
in a city, town, or village under its own name. Add the name of the 
province or other similar geographic designation and name of country 
if necessary for purposes of identification. 

Grande-Chartreuse (Monastery) 

Monte Cassino (Benedictine abbey) 

Santa Maria (Augustinian abbey) Estany, Spain. 

C. Enter abbeys, priories, etc., of the United States and the British 
Empire, whose names begin with a proper noun or a proper adjec- 
tive, under the first word of their names. If the name of the place 
does not occur in the name of the institution, add it in the heading 
and refer from it. If the name includes the name of the place in 
which the institution is located, the country may be added if neces- 
sary to distinguish between two institutions having the same name. 
Give the particular type of institution in parentheses if it is not evi- 
dent from the name. 

Ely Abbey. 

Tintern Abbey. 

St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury. 

St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate. 

St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison, Kan. 

Bangor Abbey (Ireland) 

Bangor Abbey (Wales) 

124. Churches, cathedrals, etc. 39 

Enter churches, cathedrals, basilicas, chapels, baptisteries, etc., also 
synagogues, in accordance with the general rule (92) , under the name 
of the place in which they are located, with exceptions as specified 
in 124K-L, 125C. Refer from the name or names by which the church, 
congregation, parish, etc., is known. 40 

38 The term "church" for the purpose of these rules may be defined as a local estab- 
lishment for the public observance of Christian worship. It covers (I) the edifice 
used for the purposes of the establishment, whether denominated cathedral, church, 
meeting-house, or other term; (2) the organization functioning as the establishment, 
whether called church, parish, society, congregation, or other name (but cf . 125A) ; (3) 
the geographical territory to which the activities of the establishment are limited, 
usually denominated parish. 

40 A general reference may serve the same purpose hi some cases, e.g., 
First Congregational Church. 

Congregational churches designated merely by number are entered under 
place, e.g., Moline, HI. First Congregational Church. 



Philadelphia. Church of the Epiphany. 

Refer from 

Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia. 
Tenafly, N. J. Tenafly Presbyterian Church. 

Refer from 

Tenafly Presbyterian Church, Tenafly, N. J. 
Hamburg. Israelitischer Tempel. 

Refer from 
Israelitischer Tempel, Hamburg. 

Washington, D. C, Cathedral of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. 

Refer from 

Cathedral of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Washington, D. C. 
National Cathedral, Washington, D. C. 
Washington, D. C. National Cathedral. 
New York. Trinity Church. 

Refer from 

Trinity Church, New York. 
Trinity Corporation, New "York. 
Corporation of Trinity Church in New York City. 
New York. Trinity Corporation. 
Verona. Duomo di Santa Maria Matricolare. 

Refer from 

Duomo di Santa Maria Matricolare, Verona. 
Santa Maria Matricolare, Duomo di, Verona. 
Lisbon. Basilica do Santissimo Coracao de Jesus. 

Refer from 

Basilica do Santissimo Coragao de Jesus, Lisbon. 
Santissimo Coragao de Jesus, Basilica do, Lisbon. 

A. If the word church, cathedral, 41 etc., does not occur in the name, 
add the appropriate designation in English and in parentheses. 

Paris. Notre Dame (Cathedral) 
Florence. San Giovanni (Baptistery) 
Pavia. San Michele Maggiore (Basilica) 
Mainz. St. Martin (Cathedral) 
Xanten, Ger. Sankt Victor (Church) 

But add without parentheses an explanatory word presupposed by 
the use of the name of the church in the possessive case. 

Bath, Eng. St. Michael's Church. 
not Bath, Eng. St. Michael's (Church) 
Quedlinburg, Ger. St. Servatiikirche. 

B. For British cathedrals known familiarly by the name of the 
city, the word CATHEDRAL (or MINSTER) is used in composition with 
the name of the city. 

York Minster. 
Winchester Cathedral. 

. "Dom" is used not only for a cathedral, but also for the prin- 

i n S? 7 Clty ' TOien !t ^ necessar y t a *d an explanatory word to the 
heading, use CATHEDRAL for churches that are the seat of a bishop and 

CHURCH lor others. 




London. St. Paul's Cathedral. 

Dublin. Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity* 

C. When it is necessary to distinguish between two or more 
churches of the same name in a city, add the name of the denomina- 
tion or the name of the locality within the city, or both. 

Baltimore. St. James's Church (Catholic) 
New York. St. Peter's Church, Manhattan (Catholic) 
New York. St. Peter's Church, Manhattan (Protestant Epis- 
copal) ^ 
London. St. Paul's Church, Covent Garden. 

D. When it is necessary to distinguish between different church 
edifices used concurrently or successively by the same church organ- 
ization, include the name or address of the individual church in the 

New York. Collegiate Church. Fifth Ave. and 48th Street. 
New York. Collegiate Church. West End Ave. and 77th Street. 

E. Congregational churches, especially in New England, that call 
themselves "Church of Christ" or "First Church of Christ" of a given 
city, frequently add the word Congregational to the name for the 
purpose of popular identification (e.g., First Church of Christ, Con- 
gregational) or incorporate the word in the name and drop "of Christ" 
(e.g., First Congregational Church) . When usage on publications of 

the same institution varies, prefer the form "Church of Christ" be- 
cause it is the historical name and retains local coloring. If it is 
necessary to add the denominational adjective for identification, give 
it in parentheses following the usage for explanatory terms. Refer 
from forms used but not adopted as heading. 

East Haddam, Conn. First Church of Christ (Congregational) 

F. When a church changes its denominational affiliation without 
changing its name, add in parentheses the denominational adjective 
of the new relationship. 

Ipswich, Mass. Independent Congregational Church (Unitarian) 

G. If the name of a church cannot be ascertained, or if it is not 
commonly known and very rarely used, enter under the name of the 
place followed by the generic term in the vernacular. Refer from the 
specific name when known. 

Tortosa, Spain. Catedral. 
Bologna. Cattedrale. 
Pisa. Battistero. 
Chaumont, France, figlise. 
Santillana, Spain. Iglesia Colegial. 

H. Enter a church established to minister to the needs of foreign 



residents, under the name of the city followed by the name of the 
church in the language in which it functions. 

Geneva. English Church. 
Paris. American Church. 
Philadelphia. %lise episcopate frangaise du St. Sauveur. 

I* Enter a church organized by foreign immigrants who are poten- 
tial citizens of the adopted country, under the name of the church in 
the adopted language with reference from the original name. 

St. Louis. Trinity Lutheran Church. 

Refer from 
St. Louis. Erste Deutsche Evangelisch-lutherische Gemeinde 

U. A. C. 
Deutsche Evangelisch-lutherische Gemeinde U. A. C. in St. 

Trinity Lutheran Church, St. Louis. 

J. For churches in the Holy Land, in which the interest is uni- 
versal throughout Christendom, use the conventional English form 
of the name. 

Jerusalem. Church of the Holy Sepulcher. 
Bethlehem. Church of the Nativity. 

K. Enter Spanish missions (e.g., those in California and the South- 
west) directly under their names. 

San Gabriel Mission. 

San Carlos Borromeo Mission. 

San Xavier del Bac Mission. 

L. Enter churches, chapels, etc., located in the open country tinder 
their own names followed by the name of the geographical territory 
(i.e., township, county, state) in which they are located. 
Bever Creek Church, Henry Co., Va. 
Mount Pisgah Church (Presbyterian) Woodf ord Co., Ky. 
Macedonia Christian Church, Taylor Township, Orange Co., Va. 
125. Church vs. parish, 42 society, etc. 

A. In older New England churches of congregational polity when 
local congregational constituencies embrace two separate organiza- 
tions one (the church) consisting of members in full and regular 
standing, the otb* (the society of the church or parish) consfcting 
of all m^nbers of the parish who do or do not have full member- 
ship, both organizations must be considered and entered under their 
own names. 

New Haven. First Church. 

Church *><^~mbers in good 



New Haven. First Ecclesiastical Society. 

[Used for the parish organization including both members in full 
church standing and members of the parish not in full communion] 

B. When in addition to the parish church, there are within the 
parish subsidiary chapels at different locations, use the name of the 
parish church in the heading for material involving the whole parish 
or the parish church. If the chapels have distinctive names of their 
own, use these in headings where they are concerned. Connect entries 
by appropriate references. 

Washington, D. C. St Alban's Church. 

Refer from 

St. Alban's Church, Washington, D. C. 
Washington, D. C. St Alban's Parish. 
Washington, D. C. St David's Chapel. 

Refer from 
St. David's Chapel, Washington, D. C. 

and refer to and from 
Washington, D. C. St. Alban's Church. 

C. Enter under the name of the parish those "larger parishes" 
composed of several congregations, each with its own church, which 
set up or do not set up a larger organization, but have one common 
pastor. Make separate headings when required for each individual unit 
and correlate with the "larger parish" by means of cross references. 

New Ringgold Parish, SchwylkiLl Co., Pa. 

[This parish consists of four congregations: Christ Church, Mc- 
Keansburg; Frieden's Church, New Ringgold; Zion Church, 
Lewiston Valley; and Zion Church, Tuscarora] 

Refer to and from 
McKeansburg, Pa, Christ Church. 
New Ringgold, Pa. Frieden's Church. 
Tuscarora, Pa. Zion Church. 
Zion Church, Lewiston Valley, Pa. 
[Open country] 

126. Subsidiary church institutions. 

A. Enter the churches of monasteries, abbeys, convents, etc., as 
subheadings under the heading appropriate to these institutions, using 
the word church in the vernacular. If the church has a name different 
from that of the institution to which it belongs, use this name as sub- 
heading. If the monastic institution dies out, but the church con- 
tinues in use as a parish church, follow the rule for monasteries if 
the church has no special name; but if the church has a name of its 
own, follow the rules for churches, in which case a separate entry 
is made for the monastic establishment. 

Ottobeuron, Ger. (Benedictine abbey) Kirche. 

B. Enter altars, baptisteries, chapels, etc., subsidiary to the main 
church edifice, as subheadings under the heading appropriate to the 
main edifice. If the subheading consists of a distinctive name, refer 
from it and from the place with it as a direct subheading. 



Frejus, France. Notre Dame et Saint Leonce (Cathedral) Bap- 

Augsburg. St. Anna (Church) Fuggerkapelle. 

Refer from 

Fuggerkapelle, Augsburg. 
Augsburg. Fuggerkapelle. 
Florence. San Marco (Church) Capella di Santo Antonio. 

Refer from 

Capella di Santo Antonio, Florence. 
Florence. Capella di Santo Antonio. 

C. Enter cathedral and collegiate chapters as subheadings under 
the heading for the cathedral or collegiate church with which they 
are connected by adding the word chapter in the vernacular. 

Passau. Dom. Kapitel. 

Le Mans. Saint Julien (Cathedral) Chapitre. 

For cathedral chapters, refer from the name of the diocese. 

Passau (Diocese) Cathedral Chapter 

Passau. Dom. Kapitel. 

D. Enter the variously named boards of executives of a church 
(trustees, elders, deacons, church wardens, vestry, church council, 
etc.) , also special committees appointed by the church, as subheadings 
under the heading used for the church. 

New York. Trinity Church. Men's Committee, 
Savannah. Independent Presbyterian Church. Flower Com- 

E. Enter Sunday schools, Bible classes, etc., that is, all institutions 
whose purpose is to advance the religious knowledge of the church 
members, as subheadings under the heading used for the church. 

Chicago. Third Presbyterian Church. Sunday School 
Philadelphia. Church of Our Redeemer. Christian Workers' 

Bible Class. 
Providence. First Baptist Church. Sunday School. Library. 

For schools conducted by churches that provide religious and secu- 
lar instruction see PRIVATE AND ENDOWED SCHOOLS. (108) 
For church auxiliary societies see 128. 

F. Enter the publications of unorganized groups of church members 
under the heading used for the church with subheading MEMBERS, or 
the term that is used in the publication itself. 

Wayne, Neb. Methodist Episcopal Church. Members and 
r riends. 

Rochester, N. Y. Lake Avenue Memorial Baptist Church. 

Ishpeming, Mich. Grace Church. Women. 




127. Denominational societies with local units. 

Enter denominational or interdenominational religious societies 
confraternities, sodalities, etc., under their names; regional groups of 
such societies under the name of the society with the name of the 
regional group as subheading; but enter local congregational or parish 
units of these societies as subheadings under the heading for the church 
in which they function. 

Epworth League. 

Still Pond, Md. Methodist Episcopal Church. Epworth Leajnie. 
Society of St. Vincent de Paul. U. S. ^Bolivia, France, etc 3 
Society of St. Vincent de Paul. U. S. Central Council of Phila- 

128. Church auxiliary societies. 

Enter church auxiliary societies as subheadings under the heading 
for the church in which they function. (Cf. 120D, 126D-F.) 

Wilmington, Del. Holy Trinity Church. Ladies Parish Aid So- 

Evanston, 111. First Methodist Episcopal Church. Queen Esther 

Omaha. Temple Israel. Sisterhood. 

129. Temples. 

In general, follow the same rules of entry for temples as for 
churches, except that for ancient temples, especially those in extinct 
cities when they are known only from archaeological remains, use the 
English form of name. 

A. Enter a temple dedicated to a special deity under the name 
of the city followed by the words TEMPLE OF [NAME OF DEITY] . 

Dandara, Egypt. Temple of Hafhor. 

Refer from 

Hathor, Temple of, Dandara, Egypt. 
Ephesus. Temple of Artemis. 

Refer from 
Artemis, Temple of, Ephesus. 

B. Enter a temple named after the builder as in A. above, using the 
name of the builder instead of the name of the special deity. 

Abydos, Egypt. Temple of Rameses I. 

Refer from 
Rameses x, Temple of, Abydos, Egypt. 

C. Enter the temple of a foreign ethnic deity under the name of the 
city followed by the ethnic adjective governing the word temple. 

Rome (City) Syrian Temple. 

D. Enter a temple having a specific name under the city followed 
by the name of the temple, adding the word TEMPLE in parentheses if 
necessary for clarity. Refer from the specific name. 



Kedu, Java. Tjandi Mendoet. 

Refer from 

Tjandi Mendoet, Kedu, Java. 
Hanoi, Indochina. Chen Wu Pagoda. 

Refer from 

Chen Wu Pagoda, Hanoi, Indochina. 
Cheribon, Java. Tiao-Kak-Sie (Temple) 

Refer from 
Tiao-Kak-Sie (Temple) Cheribon, Java. 

E. Enter a temple having no particular designation under the name 
of the city followed by the word TEMPLE. 

Amritsar (City) Temple. 
Madura, India (City) Temple. 

F. Enter a temple located in the open country under its own name 
with the word TEMPLE added in parentheses if necessary. 

Angkor Vat (Temple) 

130. Mosques. 

The same general rules which apply to temples apply also to 
mosques, i.e., enter under the place followed by the name of the 
mosque. Use the vernacular if that form of name is generally used 
in western literature, otherwise use the English form of the name. 
Refer from the name of the mosque. 

Samarkand. Gur Emir (Mosque) 

Refer from 

Gur Emir (Mosque) Samarkand. 
Istanbul St Sophia. 

Refer from 

Istanbul. Hagia Sophia. 
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul. 
St Sophia, Istanbul. 
Kairwan. Mosque of Sidi Okba. 

Refer from 
Sidi Okba, Mosque of, Kairwan. 



Miscellaneous Bodies Not Included 

in the Specifications for Societies 

and Institutions 

This section includes conferences, congresses, exhibitions, and other 
occasional meetings; firms, and other business concerns; commit- 
tees and classes of citizens; foundations and endowments; parks, 
cemeteries, etc. 

131. Diplomatic congresses. 43 

Enter diplomatic congresses or conferences for the negotiation of 
a peace between belligerent powers, and all other official congresses or 
conferences commonly known by the name of the place of meeting, and 
noncontinuing, under the name of the place of meeting. (Cf. 88.) 

Rastatt Congress, 1797-1799. 
Vienna. Congress, 1814-1815. 
Berlin. Congress, 1878. 
Paris. Peace Conference, 1919. 
Moscow. Conference, 1943. 

In more recent years many conferences and congresses have been 
called for the purpose of discussion, mutual understanding, and the 
promotion of international agreement; some of them are consultative 
only; others lead to international pacts and treaties. It is preferable to 
enter congresses of this nature under their names, as they frequently 
form a continuing sequence, held at intervals in different places. 

The conventions or agreements resulting from international con- 
ferences are entered under the name of the conference. 44 (Cf. 88B.) 

Imperial Conference, London, 1930. 
Imperial Economic Conference, Ottawa, 1932. 

48 Diplomatic congresses are meetings of plenipotentiaries for the discussion and 
settlement of international affairs. They are called at the invitation of one nation, 
with the concurrence of the participating governments. Such congresses have fre- 
quently been convoked for the negotiation of a peace between belligerent powers 
and the redistribution of territory which, in most cases, is one of the conditions of 
peace. Many of the earlier diplomatic congresses had no distinctive name, but were 
known by the name of the city in which they were held. The more recent congresses 
usually Have descriptive names but are nevertheless known by the name of the city. 
44 For special treatment of an involved and interrelated series of international con- 
ferences and resulting agreements, revisions, etc., see Library of Congress informa- 
tion cards under the following headings: 

International Telegraph Conference (36-23352) 

International Radiotelegraph Conference (36-23357) 

International Telegraph Union (36-23353) 

International Telegraph Bureau, Bern (36-15303) 

International Radiotelegraph Bureau, Bern (36*23371) 

International Radiotelegraph Union (36-23367) 

International Telecommunication Bureau* Bern (36-23372) 

European Radio Conference (36-29054) 



132. International meetings. 

Enter international meetings, conferences, and congresses, of private 
persons, under their English names provided the English name has 
appeared in any of the publications of the conference. In other cases 
enter under the name in the language in which most of the publications 
have appeared, or when this cannot be ascertained, under the name 
by which the conference is best known. Make references from all other 
forms of name, and from the place where each congress has been held. 

International Congress of Orientalists. 

Refer from 

Orientalists, International Congress of. 
Congres international des Orientalistes. 
Internationaler Orientalisten Congress, etc., etc. 

International Geographical Congress. 1st, Antwerp, 1871. 

Refer jrom 
Congres international pour le progres des sciences geo- 

graphiques, cosmographiques et commerciales. 
Congres international de geographic. 
Antwerp. Congres international pour le progres des sciences 

geographiques, cosmographiques et commerciales. 1st, 1871. 

International Geographical Congress. 2d, Paris, 1875. 

Refer from 
Paris. Congres international de geographic. 2d, 1875. 

International Geographical Congress. 3d, Venice, 1881. 

Refer from 

Congresso geografico internazionale. 
Congresso internazionale geografico. 
Venice. Congresso geografico internazionale. 3d, 1881. 

International Geographical Congress. 4th, Paris, 1889. 

Refer from 
Paris. Congres international de geographic. 4th, 1889. 

International Geographical Congress. 5th, Bern, 1891. 

Refer from 
Bern, Congres international de geographic. 5th, 1891. 

International Geographical Congress. 6th, London, 1895. 

Refer from 
London. International Geographical Congress. 6th, 1895. 

International Geographical Congress. 7th, Berlin, 1899 
Refer from 

Internationaler Geographen-Kongress. 

Berlin. Internationaler Geographen-Kongress. 7th, 1899. 
International Geographical Congress. 8th, Washington, D. C., 

Refer from 

D " * Intemational Geographical Congress. 8th, 

International Geographical Congress. 9th, Geneva, 1908 

Refer from 
Geneva. Congres international de geographie. 9th, 1908. 



International Geographical Congress. 10th, Rome. 1913. 
Refer from 

Rome (City) Congresso internazionale di geografia. 10th 1913 
etc., etc. 3 

A. If the numbering of the congresses is very irregular, the num- 
bers are to be omitted from the heading, and an information card, stat- 
ing the sequence of the congresses, is to be made. 

International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. 

clstj Brussels, 1852 (Congres general dliygiene) 

c2d 3 Brussels, 1876 (Congres international dliygiene) 

[3d] Paris, 1878 (Congres international dlrygiene) 

C 4th 3 Turin, 1880. 

c5th] Geneva, 1882 (Congres international dliygiene et demographic) 

c6th] The Hague,1884 (Congres international dliygiene et de demographic) 

[7th] Vienna, 1887 (Internationaler Congress . . .) 

[8th] Paris, 1889. 

t9th] London, 1891 (International Congress . . .) 

clOth] Budapest, 1894 (Nemzetkozi Kzegeszegi es Demografiai Congressus) 

[llth] Madrid, 1898 (Congreso Internacional de Higiene y Demografia) 

[12thj Paris, 1900. 


Brussels, 1903. 
c!4th] Berlin, 1907. 

Washington, 1912. 

The first three congresses (1852, 1876, 1878) were originally not 
numbered; the congresses held 1880-1900 were numbered 3d-10lh with 
reference to the Brussels congress, 1876 as the first, and leaving out of 
the count, the Brussels congress, 1852, and the Paris congress, 1889. At 
the Brussels congress, 1903, the present numbering was adopted. (The 
place and date only are used in the heading) 

B. The sessions of any one congress may be held successively in 
two or more different places. 

When held in two places, the names of both cities are to be used 
in the heading, with reference from the name of each. 

International Congress of Refrigeration. 3d, Washington, D. C., 
and Chicago, 1913. 

Refer from 
Washington, D. C. International Congress of Refrigeration. 

oct, 1913. 
Chicago. International Congress of Refrigeration. 3d, 1913. 

When held in more than two places, the place of headquarters is 
to be used in the heading, followed by "etc.," with reference from 
the name of each city, if not more than three. A note of the places 
entertaining the congress is to be given, if not included in the title 
of the publication. 

Congreso Internacional de la Prensa Tecnica y Profesional. 

5th, Barcelona, etc., 1929. 

Refer from 
Barcelona. Congreso Internacional de la Prensa Tecnica y 

Profesional. 5th, 1929. 
Madrid. Congreso Internacional de la Prensa Tecnica y Pro- 

fesional. 5th, 1929. 
Seville. Congreso Internacional de la Prensa Tecnica y Pro- 

fesional. 5th, 1929. 



When there are many places visited in the course of a meeting 
and the publications of the congress bear only the name of the coun- 
try, the principal (usually the first) place of meeting is to be used 
in the heading, with reference from that name and also from the 
name of the country. 

International Geological Congress* 15th, Pretoria, etc., 1929. 

Refer from 

Pretoria. International Geological Congress. 15th, 1929. 
South Africa. International Geological Congress. 15th, 1929. 
International Geological Congress. 15th, South Africa, 1929. 

133. Congresses of groups of states having similar language or culture. 

Enter congresses of groups of states having similar language, or cul- 
ture (e.g., the Scandinavian countries, or countries of South America) 
under the language in which most of the publications have appeared. 
If this cannot be ascertained, enter under the language of the country 
inaugurating the series. 

No definite decision as to the final best form of entry can be made 
until a considerable body of material has been assembled. In the 
meanwhile references must be relied upon to make the entries read- 
ily available. 

Nordiske Juristm^de. 

Refer from 
Nordiska Juristmotet. 

Nordiske Biblioteksm0de. 

Refer from 

Nordiske Biblioteksstaevne. 
Nordiska Biblioteksmotet 
Nordiske Bibliotekm0te. 
Congreso Internacional de Historia de America. 

Refer from 
Congresso Internacional de Historia da America. 

134. National congresses* 

Enter national congresses under the vernacular form of the name. 

Congres des ingenieurs en chef des associations de proprietaires 
d'appareils a vapeur. 

Compte rendu des seances du 1.- Congres des ingenieurs 
en chef des associations de proprietaires d'appareils a vapeur. 

In the following examples there is record of only two conferences, 
both held in the same year, and two entries are preferable. 

National Conference on Inheritance and Estate Taxation. 1st, 

Washington, D. C., Feb., 1925. 

Proceedings of National Conference on Inheritance and Estate 
Taxation held at ... Washington, D. C., February 19-20, 1925. 

National Conference on Inheritance and Estate Taxation. 2d 

New Orleans, Nov., 1925. 

Proceedings of the second National Conference on Inheritance 
and Estate Taxation held at ... New Orleans, Louisiana, 
Tuesday, November 10, 1925. 



135. Institutes, conferences, conventions, etc. 

A. Enter institutes, meetings, conferences, etc., under the name of 
the meeting, except when they are meetings of the members of a so- 
ciety or other body and have no distinctive name of their own. 

Pacific Northwest Regional Planning Conference. 
Illinois Farmers' Institute. 


International Co-operative Alliance. 2d congress, Paris, 1896. 
Baptist Training Union. Southwide conference. 4th, Birming- 
ham, Ala., 1925. 

B. If the institute or meeting is held at some institution (college, 
university, etc.) add the name of the institution to the heading. 

Institute of Politics, Williams College, 1932. 

Conference on Higher Education, University of Oregon, 1934. 

Indiana Fire School, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 

Care should be taken not to confuse with such conferences, the 
"institutes," "workshops," etc., which are departments or seminars in 
departments of academic institutions, and which are entered as such. 

Minnesota. University. Institute of Child Welfare. 
Puerto Rico. University. Institute of Tropical Agriculture, 

C. If the institute or meeting is associated with a particular city, 
add the name of the city to the heading. If the meeting is held only 
once,* or the heading applies to only one meeting, add the date also. 

Institute of War Medicine and Surgery for Dentists, Chicago, 

D. If no name can be found for the meeting, enter it under the 
place and supply a name descriptive of the character of the meeting. 

Syracuse, N. Y. Convention of mechanics and others, 1850. 
Boston. Women's rights meeting, 1859. 

136. Exhibitions, etc. 

A. General exhibitions. Enter general exhibitions, fairs, bazaars, 
etc., under the name of the place where they are held, and refer from 
the official title and any other names by which the exhibition is gen- 
erally known. 

Philadelphia. Centennial Exhibition, 1876. 

New Orleans. World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Expo- 

sition, 1884-1885. 

Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. 
Buffalo. Pan-American Exposition, 1901. 
London. Franco-British Exhibition, 1908. 
St. Louis. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. 
Paris. Exposition coloniale Internationale, 1931. 
London. Lewis Carroll Centenary Exhibition, 1932. 
London. International Exhibition of Chinese Art, 1931. 



This rule applies to the official publications of an exhibition. Cata- 
logs or descriptions of exhibits and other material published by com- 
missions from the contributing countries, business firms, or other 
contributors, are to be entered under the bodies or persons issuing 
them. (Cf. 81B.) 

U. S. Board of Management of Government Exhibit 9 Tennessee 

Centennial Exposition, 1897. 

. . . Report on the United States government exhibit at the 
Tennessee Centennial Exposition, Nashville, 1897. 

China. Organizing Committee, International Exhibition of 

Chinese Art, London, 1935-1936. 

Illustrated catalogue of Chinese government exhibits for the 
International Exhibition of Chinese Art in London. 

B. Exhibitions held by societies or other bodies. Enter exhibitions, 
fairs, bazaars, etc., held by or under the auspices of some society or 
institution 45 or in connection with an international or other .congress, 
especially when they are numbered and occur at more or less regular 
intervals in different places, under the name of the body or congress, 
with reference from the name of the place and from the name of the 
exhibition when this is at all distinctive. 

Grolier Club, New York. 

Catalogue of an exhibition of French engravings of the eight- 
eenth century . . . exhibited at the Grolier Club . . . MDCCCCV. 

Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. 

Report of the . . . exhibition of American manufactures, held 
in the city of Philadelphia ... by the Franklin Institute. 

California State Agricultural Society. 

Official report . . . annual agricultural fair. 

Licking County (Ohio) Agricultural Society. 

Premium list and regulations for the annual fair. 

Public Works of Art Project. 

National exhibition of art, by the Public Works of Art Proj- 
ect, April 24, 1934 to May 20, 1934 (inclusive) the Corcoran 
Gallery of Art, Washington, District of Columbia. 

i. Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. 

137. Pre-congress or pre-exhibition publications. 

Enter pre-congress or pre-exhibition publications under the body 
responsible for their preparation, if such body can be ascertained. 
If, however, the authorship cannot be determined, enter under the 
congress or exhibition. 

International Child Welfare Association, llth session, Brussels, 


_ . . . Documents preparatoires . . . t Bruxelles? 1935j 

n^!^ biti M n Jh 1 :? fa jhe&lteries or exhibition rooms of a society or institution 
not necessarily held under the auspices of the society or institution. 



National Conference on Street and Highway Safety. 2d, Wash- 

ington, D. 0, 1926. 

. . . Report c s 3 . . . issued for consideration in advance of the 
National Conference on Street and Highway Safety. 

New York. World's Fair, 1939-1940. 
Feria Mundial de Nueva York, 1939. Nueva York, 1936. 

If the congress or exhibition for which the publications were pre- 
pared is not held, add to the heading the words PROJECTED, NOT HELD 
in parentheses. 

International Congress of Architects. 15th, Washington, D. C., 
1939. (Projected, not held) 

138. Festivals. 

A. Enter festivals, athletic contests, etc., if held regularly in one 
place, under the name of the place, with reference from the name 
of the festival. Exception is made for festivals, etc., held under the 
auspices of an institution, which are entered as subheadings under 
the name of the institution. 

Asheville, N. C. Music Festival. 

Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, Ohio. Conservatory of Music. 

Bach Festival. 
Refer from 

Bach Festival of the Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music. 

B. Enter festivals, etc., held at different places under their own 

Olympic Games, Athens, 1906. 
Niederrheinisches Musikf est. 

C* Enter those held under the auspices of a society according 
to the above provisions except when the name of the festival is not 
distinctive. Such festivals are entered under the name of the society 
without subheading. 

Limestone Choral Society. 

Annual music festival. 

Cincinnati Musical Festival Association. 

Music festival at Cincinnati. 

Refer from the name of the sponsoring society to festivals, etc., 
entered under their own names. 

Neue Bachgesellschaft. Deutsches Bachfest 

Deutsches Bachfest. 

139. Commissions and committees. 

A. Enter autonomous commissions and committees, international, 



national or local, under their names, adding the place of headquarters 
only when necessary for identification. 

International Commission for Air Navigation. 
International Commission for the Study of Clouds. 
Commission on Post-war Training and Adjustment. 
Committee on International Economic Policy. 
Committee for Refugee Education, New York. 

For official commissions of governments see C. below and 81. 

B. Enter commissions, committees and delegations appointed by 
corporate bodies to perform particular functions, either permanent or 
temporary, as a subheading under the name of the appointing body, 
with references as required. (Cf. 81.) 

American Council on Public Affairs. Committee on Economic 

Refer from 

Committee on Economic Defense, American Council on Public 

Social Science Research Council. Committee on Personality and 

Refer from 

Committee on Personality and Culture, Social Science Re- 
search Council. 

London. Royal College of Physicians. Planning Committee, 
{no reference needed^ 

The extent to which subdivision is made for routine committees 
depends partly on the prominence given to the committee in the pub- 
lication and partly on the amount of material published either by a 
committee or by the whole body. 

C. Enter joint commissions, committees or boards of two or more 
governments or organizations under their own names, with either added 
entries or references for each of the governments or bodies. 

Mixed Claims Commission (17. S. and Germany) 

Joint Board of Engineers on St. Lawrence Waterway Project 

(17. S. and Canada) 
Interstate Joint Interim Legislative Committee Relating to 

Problems of the Interstate Columbia River Area. 
Commission europeenne du Danube, Galati, 1856- 
Palisades Interstate Park Commission (New York and New 

Joint Committee of the National Association of Manufacturers 

and National Industrial Council. 

140. Committees and meetings of citizens. 

Enter reports of meetings or committees of citizens not belonging 
to any named body or class and having no definite name, under the 
name of the place with subheading CITIZENS. Make reference or added 
entry under the name of the chairman or first signer, 



The subheading CITIZENS which is, in effect, a form subdivision, 
is used m English regardless of the language of the country in which 
the meeting takes place. 

Albany. Citizens. 

Proceedings of a meeting of citizens of the city of Albany, held 

2mJ'c2' Jfil' f ^JW 086 f Promoting a system of literary 
and scientific international exchanges. 

Westchester Co., N. Y. Citizens. 

The Post Office for the people, not for politicians and liquor 
dealers. The conspiracy against the residents near Katonah 
exposed, and the bargain for Whitlock's appointment disap- 
proved. The proceedings of citizens of Westchester Co., New 
York, at Putney's Hall, Katonah, March 27, 1862. 
Geneva. Citizens. 

Le recrutement force des Serbes par les Bulgares: protesta- 
tions publiques de Geneve et Lausanne. 

i. Lausanne. Citizens. 

141. Classes of citizens. 

Enter anonymous publications of any class of citizens (not organ- 
ized) under the name of the place with the name of the class as sub- 
heading in English, preferably, except in cases where it is not possible 
to give a satisfactory English equivalent for a concise foreign phrase. 
If the class is not clearly defined, prefer title entry. 
Albany. Bar. 

Memoir of William A. Jackson, a member of the Albany 
bar . . . 

Published by the bar of the city of Albany. 
Baltimore. Merchants. 

The memorial of the merchants & traders of the city of 
Baltimore . . . 

Geneva. American residents. 

Celebration of the ninetieth anniversary of American inde- 
pendance c! 3 in Geneva (Suisse) July 4th, 1866 . . . 

London. Women. 

A true copie of the petition of the gentlewomen, and trades- 
mens-wives, in and about the City of London. Delivered to ... 
the House of Commons in Parliament, the 4th of February, 
1641 ... 

Paris. Maitres techniques. 

Le travail du fer pratique, 56 objets choisis suivant une pro- 
gression geometrique. Les tours de main completes par un 
vocabulaixe des mots techniques presente par les maitres tech- 
niques de la ville de Paris . . . 

142. Boards, trustees, etc. 

Enter bodies whose legal names begin with such words as Board, 
Corporation, Trustees, under the names of the institutions or bodies 
over which they exercise supervision. 

Harvard University. Board of Overseers. 
British Museum. Trustees. 



If, however, a board is organized to administer the combined funds 
of several bodies, enter it under its own name. 

Board of Trustees of the Belief and Red Cross Funds. 

143. Foundations, endowments, funds. 

Enter foundations and endowments, funds, etc., under their names. 
Retain, at the beginning of the name of a foundation, forenames and 
titles of honor, distinction or address which are given in full; initials 
of forenames and abbreviations of titles may be omitted. (Cf. 92A, 
93C.) Refer from place, and from the exact name if not used as 
the heading. 

Nobelstiftelsen, Stockholm. 

Carlsbergfondet, Copenhagen. 

Teyler's Stichting, Haarlem. 

Fondation egyptologique Beine Elisabeth, Brussels. 

Fondation Thiers, Paris. 

Fondazione Leonardo per la cultura italiana, Home. 

Russell Sage Foundation, New York. 

Julius Rosenwald Fund. 

Refer from 
Rosenwald Fund. 
Baron de Hirsch Fund. 

Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Mich. 

Refer from 

W. K. KeUogg Foundation. 
KeUogg (W. K.) Foundation. 

Endowments and special funds of institutions (universities, col- 
leges, etc.) are usually to be entered under the institution, with a 
reference from the name of the fund. (Cf. 101B.) 

Smithsonian Institution. Hodgkins Fund. 

Refer from 
Hodgkins Fund. 

Michigan. University. Harris Memorial Trust. 

Refer from 
Harris Memorial Trust. 

Yale University. John Addison Porter Prize. 

Refer from 
John Addison Porter Prize. 

144. Firms, business corporations, etc. 

Enter firms, business corporations (including those owned by gov- 
ernments) , hotels, 46 railway companies, etc., under the corporate name. 
The terms incorporated (inc.) , limited (ltd.), etc., or their equivalents 

48 Hotels, while they may be considered as institutions, are better treated as firms, 
corporations, or business concerns and therefore entered under their names A sub- 
ject reference is invariably made from the name of the city, subdivision HOTELS, 




if included in the corporate name are to be retained. Add the place 
in the heading for firms located in one city only, but not for those 
with branches. 

British Broadcasting Corporation. 
General Electric Company. 

Home Owners' Loan Corporation. 

Refer from 

U. S. Home Owners 9 Loan Corporation. 
Greene-Cananea Copper Company. 
New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company. 
International Harvester Company of America (incorporated) 
Sears, Roebuck and Company. 
Safeway Stores, inc. 
Loew's, inc. 
Asch, ltd. 

Vickers (Aviation) limited. 
Hamilton Watch Company, Lancaster, Pa. 
Ambassador Hotel, Washington, D. C. 
with see also reference from subject 

Washington, D. C. Hotels, taverns, etc. 

A. If the name begins with the forename or initials of a personal 
name, enter under surname, giving forenames or initials according to 
the usage of the firm or corporation. If the inversion brings them 
within the corporate name, inclose them within parentheses rather 
than commas. 

Feather (William) Company, Cleveland. 

Refer from 
William Feather Company, Cleveland. 

Harris (M.) and Sons, London. 

Refer from 
M. Harris and Sons, London. 

Hostmann (Chr.)-Steinberg'sche Farbenfabriken Gjn.b.H., 


Refer from 
Chr, Hostmann-Steinberg'sche Farbenfabriken G.m.b.H M 

Celle. Chr. Hostmann-Steinberg'sche Farbenfabriken G.m.b.H. 

Du Pont de Nemours (E. I) Powder Company. 

Refer from 
E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Company. 

Knight (Emerson B.) inc., Indianapolis. 

Refer from 
Emerson B. Knight, inc., Indianapolis. 

Henley's (W. T.) Telegraph Works Co., ltd. 

Refer from 
W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., ltd. 



Exception. Entry under forename may be preferred in a few cases, 
favoring customary use. 

Marshall Field and Company. 

Refer from 
Field (Marshall) and Company. 

B. The names of many foreign firms begin with the words or 
abbreviations denoting a joint stock company. It is preferable in these 
cases to use an inverted form making entry under the first distinctive 
word, with reference from the actual name. 

Elektrometall, Aktiebolaget, Stockholm. 

Refer from 

Aktiebolaget Elektrometall, Stockholm. 
Goteborgssystemet, Aktiebolaget, Stockholm. 

Refer from 

Aktiebolaget Goteborgssystemet i Stockholm. 
Norsk varekrigsforsikring, A/S. 

Refer from 
A/S Norske varekrigsforsikring. 

Svenska teknologforeningens fbrlag, Aktiebolaget, Stockholm. 

Refer from 
Aktiebolaget Svenska teknologforeningens forlag. 

C. If a firm is known only by the name of the owner or founder, 
add the designation FIRM to the heading to distinguish it from the 
same name as personal entry. 

Witte, Friedrich, firm, Rostock. 

D. In dealing with a large number of entries, where slight changes 
in the name are frequent, the following form of heading may prove 

Scribner, firm, publishers, New York. 
(1905. Charles Scri'bner's Sons) 

Refer from 

Charles Scribner's Sons. 
Leavitt, firm, auctioneers. New York. 
(1865. Geo. A. Leavitt) 

Refer from 
Leavitt, Geo. A., firm, New York. 

The second line consists of the date of publication of the book cata- 
loged and the form of name then in use. 

145. Banks. 

Enter banking institutions including government owned and con- 
trolled banks under firm, association, or corporate name. 

Bank of England. 

Banque de France, Paris. 

Refer from 
Paris. Banque de France. 



Cassa di risparmio deUe provincie Lombarde, Milan. 

Refer from 

Milan. Cassa di risparmio delle provincie Lombarde. 
Chase National Bank of the City of New York. 

Refer from 
New York. Chase National Bank. 

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Sydney. 

Refer from 

Sydney. Commonwealth Bank of Australia. 
Finlands bank, Helsingfors. 

Refer from 

Helsingfors. Finlands bank. 
Suffolk Bank, Boston. 

Refer from 

Boston. Suffolk Bank. 
Sveriges riksbank. 

Refer from 
Sweden. Riksbanken. 
Rikets Standers bank. 

Enter national banks in the United States designated merely by 
number or without any special designation, under ihe place. 

Philadelphia. First National Bank. 
Geneva, N, Y. National Bank. 

146. Chambers of commerce, boards of trade, stock, produce, and other 

A. Enter chambers of commerce devoted mainly to the promotion 
of business interests of a definite political division under the name 
of the place 47 (country, state, province, city, etc.) . 

Amsterdam. Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken. 

Refer from 
Kammer van Koophandel en Fabrieken, Amsterdam. 

Kansas City, Mo. Chamber of Commerce. 

Refer from 
Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City, Mo. 

New York. Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. 

Refer from 
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. 

Parma (Province) Camera di commercio e industria. 

Refer from 
Camera di commercio e industria della provincia di Parma. 

Costa Rica. Camara de Comercio, San Jose*. 

Refer from 

Camara de Comercio de Costa Rica. 
San Jose, Costa Rica. Camara de Comercio de Costa Rica. 

(1) If the area is larger than national, or if the body is an association 

47 The Library of Congress enters the Chamber of Commerce of the United States 
of America under its name. 



or union of chambers of commerce, or if the name begins with a national 
adjective, entry under the name of the body is preferred. 

Vsesoiuznaia torgovaia palata. 

Uniunea Camerelor de Comert i de Industrie, Bucharest. 

Canadian Chamber of Commerce. 

Refer from 

Canada. Chamber of Commerce. 
Montreal. Canadian Chamber of Commerce. 

(2) If the region represented is not identical with a political or 
geographical division, enter under the name of the body. 

Niederrheinische Industrie- und Handelskammer Duisburg- 
Wesel zu Duisburg-Ruhrort. 

Refer from 

Duisburg, Ger. Niederrheinische Industrie- und Handels- 
kammer Duisburg-Wesel zu Duisburg-Ruhrort. 

Ruhrort, Ger. Niederrheinische Industrie- und Handels- 
kammer Duisburg-Wesel zu Duisburg-Ruhrort. 

(3) Enter chambers of commerce serving national interests in 
foreign countries under the name of the body. 

British Chamber of Commerce in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 

Refer from 

Rio de Janeiro. British Chamber of Commerce in Brazil. 
Chambre de commerce beige aux Etats-Unis. 

Camara Oficial Espanola de Comercio en los Estados Unidos 

Refer from 
Mexico. Camara Oficial Espanola de Comercio. 

(4) Enter associations and clubs functioning as chambers of com- 
merce under the name of the body. 

Merchants' Association of New York. 

Refer from 

New York. Merchants' Association. 
Long Island Association. 

B. Enter boards of trade, stock, produce, and other exchanges, 
under the place (city, etc.) . 

Boston. Board of Trade. 

Refer from 

Board of Trade of Boston. 
Montreal. Stock Exchange. 

Refer from 

Stock Exchange of Montreal. 
Salt Lake City. Stock and Mining Exchange. 

Refer from 

Stock and Mining Exchange of Salt Lake City, 
bait Lake Stock and Mining Exchange. 



Vienna. Biirse. 

Refer from 
Wiener Borse. 
Vienna. Wiener Borse. 

Sao Paulo, Brazil (City) Bolsa de Mercadorias. 

Refer from 
Bolsa de Mercadorias de Sao Paulo. 

147. Parks. 

Enter reports and other material of official character under the 
name of the administrative body having charge of the park, as sub- 
heading under the jurisdiction (country, state, or city). 

For subject entry, city parks are entered under the name of the 
city, ^subheading PARKS whether the name of the park be distinctive 
(beginning with a proper noun or adjective) or not, e.g., BOSTON- 
PARKS-FRANKLIN PARK. National, state and regional parks are entered 
under their names if distinctive, e.g., YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. 
U. S. National Park Service. 

Circular of general information regarding Yellowstone Na- 
tional Park. 

For earlier reports see: U. S. Superintendent of Yellowstone National 

1. Yellowstone National Park. 
Canada. Dept. of the Interior. Dominion Parks Branch. 

The call of untrodden ways. 

1. Jasper Park, Alberta. 
District of Columbia. Commissioners. 

Report upon improvement of valley of Rock Creek. 

1. Washington, D. C. Parks Rock Creek Park. 

New York (State) Commissioners of Fire Island State Park. 
Annual report. 
1. Fire Island State Park, N. Y. 

New York (State) Attegany State Park Commission. 

Annual report. 

1. Allegany State Park, N. Y. 
Boston. Dept. of Parks. 

Notes on the plan of Franklin Park. 

1. Boston Parks Franklin Park. 

Chicago. Lincoln Park Commissioners. 
1. Chicago Parks Lincoln Park. 

148. Cemeteries* 

Enter local cemeteries under place. Enter city cemeteries located at 
a distance from the city under the name of the cemetery, adding the 
name of the city. Reports issued by cemetery associations are to be 
entered under the name of the cemetery, with reference from the name 
of the association. 

Boston. South Burying Ground. 

Refer from 
South Burying Ground, Boston. 



New York. Calvary Cemetery. 

Refer from 
Calvary Cemetery, New York. 

New York Cemetery of New Jersey, Hackensack. 

Refer from 

Hackensack, N. J. New York Cemetery of New Jersey. 
Gettysburg. National Cemetery. 

Refer from 

Soldiers' National Cemetery, Gettysburg. 
Mt Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Mass. 

Refer from 
Cambridge, Mass. Mt. Auburn Cemetery. 

149. Botanical and zoological gardens. 

Enter botanical and zoological gardens under the name of the place 
where located. 

Botanical and zoological gardens whose names are preceded by the 
titular designations Imperial, Royal, National, etc., are to be entered 
according to this rule even when supported wholly or in part bv 
public funds. y 

Cincinnati. Zoological Garden. 
Brussels. Jardin botanique de l'tat. 
Kew. Royal Gardens. 


A. When distinctly a part of some university or school enter 
under the name of the university or school. 

Cambridge. University. Botanic Garden. 
Munden, Ger. Forstakademie. BotaniscTier Garten. 

B. When owned or controlled by a society and constantly referred 
to by its name, enter under the society. 

Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart. Gardens. 
Zoological Society of Philadelphia. Garden 
Zoological Society of London. Gardens. 

C When private property, enter under the name of the owner 
or under the estate to which it belongs. 

Aken, Hermann von. 


IV. Geographic Headings 

150. Language of heading, 

A. Give countries, self-governing dominions, colonies and protec- 
torates in the conventional English form. 

Austria not Oesterreich. 
Bavaria not Bayern. 
Morocco not Moghreb-el-Aksa. 
Sweden -not Sverige. 

B. Give local geographic names usually in the vernacular form 
but where a well-established English form differs, prefer the English 
form. 1 

Dauphine not Dauphiny. 
Lyon not Lyons. 
Mainz not Mayence. 
Marseille not Marseilles. 
Tucmnan not Tucuman. 

Copenhagen not K0benhavn. 
Florence not Firenze. 
Munich not Mtinchen. 
Vienna not Wien. 

151. States, provinces, etc. 

The states of the United States, and the provinces of Canada and 
the more familiar foreign states, provinces and "departements," do not 
require the addition of the name of the country. 


British Columbia. 


Seine (Dept)' 2 

1 In deciding between different forms of place names consult U. S. __ w __^ 

Board, Sixth report, 1933, and the Decisions of its successor, the U. S. Board on 
Geographical Names; Canada Geographic Board; Permanent Committee on Geo- 
graphical Names for British Official Use; Times gazetteer of tiie world; Bartholomew's 
Survey gazetteer; Lippincotfs new gazetteer; Longmans' gazetteer; Century Cyclo- 
pedia of names; flitters geographvsch-statistisches Lexikon; Vivien de Saint-Martin, 
Nouveau dictionnaire de geographic universelle, etc,, giving preference in all instances 
to official sources. 
a Cf. 154. 






For publications of the colonial and territorial periods of the pres- 
ent states of the United States, see 154C. 

152. Counties. 

Counties in the United States and Canada when used as entry 
word are followed by the name of the state or province, elsewhere 
by the name of the country, in accepted abbreviated form. 

Charlotte Co., N. B. 
Durham Co., Out 
East Feliciana Parish, La. 
Washington Co., Ohio. 
Washington Co., Pa. 

Limerick, Ire. (County) 

153. Cities and towns. 

A. When used as entry word, cities and towns in the United States 
and Canada are followed by the name of the state or province, in 
accepted abbreviated form. (Cf. C, p. 217.) 

Alexandria, Va. 
Cumberland, Md. 
Victoria, B. C. 
Hamilton, Out. 

B. Cities and towns other than those in the United States and 
Canada are followed by the name of the country (not by the name 
of the province or smaller division) ox region. The name of the region 
is used for cities and towns in areas whose political jurisdiction has 
been unstable, as, for example, Sardinia. 

Alexandria, Egypt. 
Alexandria, Scot 
Eberbach, Ger. 
Fulda, Ger. 
Saint-Dizier, France. 
Smolensk, Russia. 
Tananarive, Madagascar. 

Designation follows local usage if distinctive. 

Frankfurt am Main. 
Freiburg L B* 

The name of the country is used in direct form even though in- 
verted for its own entry. 

Elisabethvffle, Belgian Kongo, 
not Elisabethville, Kongo, Belgian. 



C. Exception. Enter largest or best-known city of its name in 
America or elsewhere, without further designation. 3 

Athens but Athens, Ga., Athens, Ohio etc 









D. Suburbs. Enter publications of a town or village which later 
became part of a larger place (thus losing administrative entity) 
under the name of the original unit, followed by the name of the 
state, province or country according to rule 153. 

Germantown, Pa. wow a part of Philadelphia^ 

Boxbury, Mass. L now a part of Boston^ 

Charlottenburg. [now a part of Berlinj 

For entry of institutions located in suburbs later absorbed in a 
metropolitan area see 103. 

Note that in some cases towns which are adjacent to a larger place 
remain administratively independent. 

West Springfield, Mass, suburb of Springfield^ 

Brookline, Mass. suburb oj Boston] 

Schaerbeek, Belgium. ^suburb of Brussels^ 

Frederiksberg, Denmark, ^suburb of Copenhagen^ 

154. Political division in heading. 

A. When different political or administrative units have the same 
name, distinguish them by adding the particular designation in 
parentheses, preferably in English, though a term without a precise 
English equivalent is given in the vernacular form. 

New York (City) 
New York (State) 

3 Library of Congress omits designation of state or province in the heading for the 
following cities and towns in the United States and Canada. 

Albany Grand Rapids Quebec 

Annapolis Hartford Richmond 

Atlanta Indianapolis St. Augustine 

Atlantic City Jersey City St. Louis 

Baltimore Los Angeles St. Paul 

Boston Memphis Salt Lake City 

Brooklyn Milwaukee San Antonio 

Buffalo Minneapolis San Francisco 

Chattanooga Montreal Savannah 

Chicago Nashville Scranton 

Cincinnati New Haven Seattle 

Cleveland New Orleans Spokane 

Colorado Springs New York Tacoma 

Dallas Oklahoma City Tallahassee 

Denver Omaha Toledo 

DCS Moines Ottawa Toronto 

Detroit Philadelphia Trenton 

Duluth Pittsburgh Wheeling 

Fort Wayne Providence 



Mexico (City) 

Mexico (Federal District) 

Sao Paulo (City) 

Sao Paulo (Province) 

Kassel (City) 

Kassel (Regierungsbezirk) 

B. Add an explanatory designation whenever the particular kind 
of political or administrative unit needs to be specified. 

Bramhall, Eng. (Manor) 
Bromfield and Yale, Wales (Lordship) 
Diepholz (Grafschaft) 
San Marino (Republic) 

C. For countries or other political units in which a different gov- 
ernment needs to be specified in the 'heading for official publications, 
add to the usual name of the unit a word or phrase designating the 
period covered. 

Mexico (Viceroyalty) 
Mexico (Empire, 1864-1867) 
but Mexico. 

tfor publications since its independence^ 
Netherlands (before 1581) 
Netherlands (Southern Provinces, 1581-1793) 
Netherlands (United Provinces, 1581-1795) 
Netherlands (Batavian Republic, 1795-1806) 
Netherlands (Kingdom of Holland, 1806-1813) 
Netherlands (Kingdom, 1815- ) 
Netherlands (Territory under German occupation, 1940-1945) 

Publications of the colonial and territorial periods of states of the 
United States are distinguished by the designation COLONY or TER. 

Georgia (Colony) 
Oklahoma (Ter.) 

155. Places of the same name in one country. 

Distinguish two or more places of the same name, the same type 
of unit, and in the same country by the addition, in parentheses, of the 
name of the province, "departement," county, etc. 

Athies, France (Aisne) 
Athies, Fran.ce (Pas-de-Calais) 
Athies, France (Somme) 
Bradford, Eng. (Devonshire) 

R r o^ r f ng ' (Worthumberlanil: Berwick-upon-Tweed Div.) 
Bradford, Eng. (Northumberland: Wansbeck Div.) 
Templemore, Ire. (Co. Mayo) 
Templemore, Ire. (Co. Tipperary) 
Washington, Ohio (Fayette Co.) 
Washington, O7iio (Guernsey Co.) 



156. Special rulings. 

A. Place names beginning with an article have the article as entry 
word. Refer from the part of the name following the article. Excep- 
tion may be made in the case of place names familiarly referred to in 
English under the part of the name following the article, 

La Rochelle, France. 

Refer from 
Rochelle, La, France. 
Le Mans, France. 

Refer from 
Mans, Le, France. 
La Paz, Bolivia. 
Refer from 
Paz, La, Bolivia. 

Refer from 
Le Havre. 

B. Enter German health resorts beginning with the word Bad 
under the name of the place, omitting "Bad." Refer from name be- 
ginning with Bad, 

Eilsen, Ger. 

Refer from 
Bad-Eilsen, Ger. 
Eilsen, Bad- 
Nauheim, Ger. 
Refer from 
Bad-Nauheim, Ger. 
Nauheim, Bad- 


V. Added Entries. References 

157. Added entries. 

The chief function of an added entry is to enable the user of the 
catalog to find a work when incomplete knowledge or imperfect 
memory of the work, or unfamiliarity with the rules of entry, would 
prevent ready access to the main entry. Added entries serve also the 
purpose of assembling closely related matter which has main entry 
under various headings. 

If it is desirable to make an added entry for a name not included 
in the title of the work, an explanatory note or a contents note should 
make the reason apparent. 

The necessity for added entries varies somewhat with the individual 
library and the extent to which they are made is a matter for each 
library to determine according to its particular needs. In general, the 
more indeterminate or divided the responsibility for authorship, the 
more need for added entries. In the foregoing rules, added entries have 
been specified wherever they would be appropriate, as follows: 

A. Make added entries for joint authors, collaborators, editors, 
compilers, translators, illustrators (if the illustrations form an impor- 
tant feature of the work) in short, for any person or corporate body 
other than the one chosen for the main entry that has a significant 
part in or responsibility for the production of the work. 1 Names, per- 
sonal and corporate, used as added entries are established by the same 
rules as those used as main entries. The designations ED., COMP., TR., 
ILLUS., JOINT AUTHOR, JOINT COMP., etc., are included in the heading 
and if the added entry bears more than one relation to the work, e.g., 
ed. and tr., it is so designated. These designations are used only with 
personal, never with corporate names. 

B. Make added entries for the purpose of assembling closely re- 
lated matter, e.g., an added entry under the original author of a work 
when a free adaptation of it has been entered under the adapter; 
or an added entry under a uniform heading for the various ver- 
sions of an anonymous classic whose main entries are under their 
own titles. (C133C(3).) 

l Make added entry for a foundation, corporation, or other body that provides 
funds for publication or carrying on of studies, only when the work is done on the 
initiative of the body supplying the funds, or as one of its acknowledged interests. 
An added entry is not ordinarily made for a foundation, corporation, etc., that makes 
a grant to another corporate body or to an individual who assumes responsibility for 
the work. 



In libraries which make use of printed cards, the use of an added 
entry on the unit card may serve to list the contents of a series. 

C. Make added entries for titles also; in general, whenever an 
entry under the title will insure the ready finding of the book, in 

(1) For all single works of the imagination such as novels, plays, 
poems, and other literary forms 

(2) For all works entered under author which were published 

(3) For composite works and collections where main entry is not 
under title 

(4) For works (except Reports, Transactions, Proceedings, etc.) 
the author entries for which are corporate names 

(5) For all works of any character bearing a distinctive or striking 
title; make partial title entry in cases where a subtitle, alternative 
title, or some striking part of the title (catchword title) is likely to 
be remembered, but prefer a subject heading, or a reference to a 
subject heading, where the title added entry would be substantially 
the same. 

D. In a library which uses printed cards chiefly, added entries may 
serve as analytics (e.g., when a work includes a brief work by another 
author) or added entries may take the place of references. (Cf. 158.) 
On the other hand, in some cases a reference may take the place of 
several added entry cards, e.g., from title to author where there are 
many editions of a given work in which there is little or no change of 
title; or under similar conditions, from editor to work edited. Added 
entry and reference may be combined by making a regular added 
entry for one edition and writing or stamping on the card: "Other 
editions under author." If the reference to author heading is not clear, 
or if the entry referred to is not an author entry, instead of "author" 
give the exact heading to which reference is made. 

'.58. References. 

The function of a reference is to direct the user of a catalog from 
one of several headings under which an entry might be looked for to 
the one adopted (see reference) , or to indicate other headings under 
which related material may be found (see also reference) . This latter 
type of reference occurs most often in subject headings. The follow- 
ing rules deal with the most frequently recurring instances in author 
and title entries where references are required. Other specific cases 
where references are necessary are noted throughout the rules. A 
reference may always be made wherever good judgment and expe- 
rience agree upon its usefulness. In making references, bear in mind 
the following points: (1) There must always be an entry in the cata- 
log under the heading to which reference is made; (2) There must 
always be something in the catalog under the heading from which a 



see also reference is made; (3) Every reference must be carefully 
recorded so that in the event of future changes all references may be 
brought into line. 

Whenever a heading, whether for main or added entry, is chosen 
from two or more possible forms, make references freely from the 
alternative forms to the form of heading chosen, e.g., 

A. From full name to shorter form used by author and adopted 
as heading. 

Tarkington, Newton Booth 

Tarkington, Booth, 1869-1946. 

B. From original name to name adopted in civil or religious life. 

Herzog, fimile Salomon Wilhelm 

Maurois, Andre, 1885- 

Hess, Lawrence Anthony 

Cuthbert, Father, 1866-1939. 

C. Conversely, refer from name in religion to real name if the 
latter is chosen as heading. 

Mary Alphonsa Lathrop, Mother 

Lathrop, Rose (Hawthorne) 1851-1926. 

Lathrop, Mary Alphonsa, Mother 

Lathrop, Rose (Hawthorne) 1851-1926. 

D. From parts of a compound name to the part selected as entry 

Salignac de La Mothe-Fenelon, Francois de 

Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de La Mothe-, Abp., 1651-1715. 

La Mothe-Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de 

Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de La Mothe-, Abp., 1651-1715 

E. From the part of a prefix name following the prefix if entry is 
under prefix, and conversely. 

Essarts, Francois des 

Des Essarts, Francois. 

D'Alembert, Jean Lerond 

Alembert, Jean Lerond d', 1717-1783. 

F. From family name to title when entry is under title, and con- 
versely. ' 



St. Leonards, Edward Burtenshaw Sudden, baron 

Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw, baron St. Leonards, 1781-1875. 

Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st earl of Beaconsfield 

Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, 1st earl of, 1804-1881. 

G. From maiden name to married name when entry is under the 
latter, and conversely, if both names have been used by the author. 

Duncan, Sara Jeannette 

Cotes, Sara Jeannette (Duncan) 18627-1922. 

Boissevain, Edna St. Vincent (Millay) 

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1892- 

H. From pseudonym to real name when entry is under real name, 
and conversely. 

Morgan, De Wolfe, pseud. 


Williamson, Thames Ross, 1894- 

Webb, Frances (Vinciguerra) 1900- 

Winwar, Frances, pseud. 

I. When such pseudonyms as Aristides, Spectator, etc., have been 
used by different writers, include in the reference a brief title. 

Aristides, pseud. 
An address to the country. 

Evans, Estwick, 1787-1866. 

Aristides, pseud, 
Essays on the spirit of Jacksonism. 

McKenney, Thomas Loraine, 1785-1859. 

J. When an author's works may appear in the catalog under his 
personal name and also under an official heading connect the differ- 
ent headings by references. 

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Pres. U. S., 1882-1945. 

see also 

New York (State) Governor, 1929-1932 (Franklin D. Roosevelt) 
U. S. President, 1933-1945 (Franklin D. Roosevelt) 

K. General references should be made between variant spellings 
of the same name. 

Smith Smyth Smyfhe 

see also see also see also 

Smyth Smith Smith 

Smythe Smythe Smyth 



A reference similar to the following one should be made under each 
of the variant spellings if widely enough separated in the catalog to 
make the reference useful. 


For sovereigns, princesses of sovereign houses, and saints: 

Bohemian see Katerina 

Dutch Katharina 

English Catharine 

French Catherine 

German Katharine 

Italian Caterina 

Portuguese Catharine 

Spanish Catarina 

Swedish Katarina 

Danish and Norwegian Katharina 

For Russian, Greek and other languages not using the Roman or 
Gothic alphabet, the English form, Catharine, has been used. 

L. Corporate bodies entered under name require reference from 
place of headquarters, 2 while those entered under place must have 
reference from name of body. Change of name or variation in the 
form used necessitates reference from any name by which a body has 
been or is known to the one adopted as heading. Reference should 
also be made from an inverted form of name if the distinctive word 
is not the first word of the corporate name, unless the use of a sub- 
ject heading or a subject reference obviates such a necessity. 

London. Society of Antiquaries 

Society of Antiquaries of London. 

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 

New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art. 

Association of Government Officials in Industry of the United 
States and Canada 

International Association of Governmental Labor Officials. 

Paris. Exposition des arts et des techniques dans la vie 
moderne, 1937 

Paris. Exposition Internationale, 1937. 

Kings Daughters and Sons, International Order of 

International Order of Kings Daughters and Sons. 

M. In national or local official documents where the entry word 
is a geographical name used as author rather than location, reference 
from the office is not ordinarily necessary unless it is popularly re- 

2 In exceptional cases reference from the place of headquarters of a society may 

dut t%h?l ;ft sp , ec ly W ^? re **&%& or ?*** bod y is nation *i ^ scope, but 

due to toe fact that some catalogs and bibbographies enter all corporate bodies under 
place, a reference is usually advisable. 



ferred to by its name. Individual libraries will naturally be guided 
by local considerations. 

Massachusetts. Commission on Security Laws 

Massachusetts. Special Commission on Security Laws. 

Massachusetts. Security Laws, Special Commission on 

Massachusetts. Special Commission on Security Laws. 

Massachusetts. Special Commission on Study of Laws Regu- 
lating Promotion and Sale of Securities 

Massachusetts. Special Commission on Security Laws. 

Work Projects Administration 

U, S. Work Projects Administration. 



U. S. Work Projects Administration. 

Works Progress Administration 

U. S. Work Projects Administration. 

TJ. S. Works Progress Administration 

U. S. WorJc Projects Administration. 

Illinois. Work Projects Administration 

U. S. Work Projects Administration. Illinois. 

N. Refer from a larger body subdivided by a smaller division, bu- 
reau, etc., if entry is directly under the smaller body, and, conversely, 
refer from a subordinate entity to the larger body of which it is a 
part if entry is under the latter. 

U. S. War Dept. Bureau of Insular Affairs 

U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 

U. S. Insular Affairs, Bureau of 

U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 

Insular Affairs, Bureau of 

U. S. Bureau of Insular Affairs. 

Sheffield Scientific School 

Yale University. Sheffield Scientific School 

O. Refer from any name which a periodical has borne to the name 



under which it is entered in the catalog. (Cf. 5C.) The reference 
may be replaced by an added entry when the set is complete. 

Art and progress 

Magazine of art. 

Art including "Creative art" 

Magazine of art. 

The American magazine of art. 

Magazine of art. 

P. Refer from variant names by which an anonymous classic is 
known to the form chosen as uniform heading for it. (Cf. 33.) 


Chanson de Roland. 

Song of Roland. 

Chanson de Roland. 

Q. Explanatory references are made when a simple reference does 
not in itself justify its existence, but when a brief explanation will 
clarify once and for all the method of treatment of a given type of 
entry. Examples of such references will be found under Bishops (52) - 
Anonymous classics. (33) ' 

For other uses of references see 157D. 



I. Glossary 

Added entry. 2 1. A secondary entry, i,e., any other than the main entry. 
There may be added entries for editor, translator, title, subjects, series, etc. 

2. The heading chosen for an added entry. 

See also Main entry. 

The term "General secondary" is sometimes applied to an added entry 
for a person or a corporate body whose relation to the work in hand cannot 
be indicated in the heading by the use of some specific designation such as 
editor, translator, illustrator, etc. 

When the unit card system is used an added entry card is a duplicate 
of the main entry, with the addition of a special heading. If the catalog 
cards are written or typewritten, added entry cards may be made in an 
abbreviated form. 

Added title page. A title page complementary to the one chosen for the main 
entry of a work. The added title page may precede or follow the main 
title page with which it is issued and may be more general, as a series 
title page, or equally general, as a title page in another language. 
See also Title page. 

Alternative title. A subtitle introduced by "or" or its equivalent, e.g., The 
tempest; or, The enchanted island, 
See also Subtitle, Catchword title. 

Analytical entry. The entry of some part of a work or of some article con- 
tained in a collection (volume of essays, serial, etc.). 

Anonymous. See rules for the entry of anonymous works. 
Anonymous classic. For definition and specifications see rules for entry. 

Arranger. One who translates a whole work, or an integral portion of a work 
to a medium of performance other than that intended by the original com- 

*For definitions of additional terms see the A. L. A. Glossary of library terms. 
(Chicago, American Library Association, 1943) . 

2 Since subject entries are only an incidental concern of this code, the term added 
entry as used in the rules is restricted to added entries other than subjects. Where 
reference to a subject has been necessary, the term subject entry has been used and 
the Library of Congress practice of using arabic notation for subjects and roman 
notation for all other added entries has been followed. 

Note: This logical distinction in tracing may explain in part the desire for a defini- 
tive group term limited to additional entries other than subject. To serve this purpose, 
some would restrict the term added entry to those which the Library of Congress 
traces in roman notation, and reserve secondary entry as a group term to include 
(I) such an added entry and (2) subject entry. Others would make the opposite 
choice, using added entry as the group term to include secondary entry and sub- 
ject entry. 



poser. The arrangement may also be a simplification or amplification, the 
medium of performance and the musical structure remaining the same. 

Atlas. A volume of maps, plates, engravings, tables, etc., with or without 
descriptive letterpress. It may be an independent publication or it may 
have been issued to accompany one or more volumes of text. 

Author. 1. The writer of a work, as distinguished from the translator, editor, 
etc. By extension, an artist, composer, photographer, cartographer, etc. 

2. In the broader sense, the maker of the work or the person or body 
immediately responsible for its existence. Thus, a person who collects and 
puts together the writings of several authors (compiler or editor) may be 
said to be the author of a collection. A corporate body may be considered 
the author of publications issued in its name or by its authority. (Cf. rules 
for entry of publications of corporate bodies.) 

Author entry. 1. An entry of a work in a catalog under its author's name as 
heading, whether this be a main or an added heading. The author heading 
will consist of a personal or a corporate name or some substitute for it, 
e.g., initials, pseudonym, etc. 

2. The author heading chosen for this entry. 

Cadenza. A technically brilliant solo passage toward the close of the first or 
last movement of a concerto, in which the main themes are given furthei 

Catalog. A list of books, maps, etc., arranged according to some definite plan. 
As distinguished from a bibliography it is a list which records, describes, 
and indexes the resources of a collection, a library, or a group of libraries. 
See also Dictionary catalog. 

Catchword title. A partial title consisting of some striking or easily re- 
membered word or phrase. It may coincide with the subtitle or the alterna- 
tive title. Called also Catch title. 

Collection. Three or more separate works or parts of works, not forming a 
treatise or monograph on a single subject, combined and issued together 
as a whole. 

See also Composite work, Festschrift. 

Compiler. One who produces a work by collecting and putting together 
written or printed matter from the works of various authors. Also, one who 
chooses and combines into one work selections or quotations from one 
author. (Cf. Editor.) 

Composer. An author of music. 

Composite work. An original work produced by the collaboration of two or 
more authors in which the contribution of each forms a separate and dis- 
tinct part, although included within a planned whole. 

See also Collection, Festschrift, Joint author, Monograph. 
Compound name. A name formed from two or more proper names, often 

connected by a hyphen, a conjunction, or a preposition. 
Continuation. 1. A work issued as a supplement to one previously issued. 
2. A part issued in continuance of a book, a serial or a series 
See also Periodical, Serial. 


GLOSSARY General secondary entry 

Conventional title. Sec Uniform title. 

Corporate entry. 1. An entry under the name of a society, institution, gov- 
ernment department, bureau, or other organized body, for works issued in 
its name or by its authority, whether this be a main or an added heading. 

2. The heading chosen for this entry. 

See also Author entry, Main entry, Added entry. 

Cross reference. See Reference. 

Dictionary catalog. A catalog, usually on cards, in which all the entries 
(author, title, subject, series, etc.) and their related references are ar- 
ranged together in one general alphabet. The subarrangexnent frequently 
varies from the strictly alphabetical. 

Dissertation, Academic. An essay or treatise presented by a candidate in 
partial fulfillment of the requirements for a degree. (Cf. Program 

Edition. One of the successive forms in which a literary text is issued either 
by the author or by a subsequent editor. 

Editor. One who prepares for publication a work or collection of works or 
articles not his own. The editorial labor may be limited to the prepara- 
tion of the matter for the printer, or it may include supervision of the 
printing, revision (restitution) or elucidation of the text, and the addition 
of introduction, notes, and other critical matter. (Cf. Compiler.) 

Entry. 1. A record of a book in a catalog or list. 
2. The heading chosen for this record. 

See also Heading, and the various types of entry, e.g., Main entry, Author 
entry, Added entry, Title entry, Analytical entry, Series entry. 

Entry word. The word by which the entry is arranged in the catalog, usually 
the first word (other than an article) of the heading. Called also Filing 
word. (Cf. Heading.) 

Excerpt. A passage reproduced verbatim from a printed work or a manu- 
script; an extract or selection. 

Extract (selection). See Excerpt. 

Extract (summary or abstract). See rules for abridgments. 

Facsimile reproduction. A reproduction of a manuscript or printed work 
by means of a mechanical or a photomechanical process. 

Festschrift. A complimentary or memorial publication usually in the form 
of a collection of essays, addresses, or biographical, bibliographical, scien- 
tific, or other contributions, often embodying the results of research, issued 
in honor of a person, an institution, or a society, as a rule on the occasion 
of an anniversary celebration. 

For festschriften which are not collections see footnote 3, p. 9. 

Filing word. See Entry word. 
General secondary entry. See Added entry. 



Heading. The name, word, or phrase used at the head of an entry to indi- 
cate some special aspect of the book (authorship, subject content, series, 
title, etc.) and thereby to bring together in the catalog associated and allied 

See also Entry word. 

Issue (verb). Specifically, to produce, or cause to be produced, books or 
other printed matter and to make them available for purchase by the public 
or for private distribution. 

Joint author. A person who collaborates with one or more associates to pro- 
duce a work in which the contribution of each is usually not separable 
from that of the others. 
See also Composite work. 

Librettist. The author of the text of an opera or other extended choral 

Main entry. 1. The basic catalog card, usually the author entry, giving all 
the information necessary to the complete identification of a work. This 
entry bears also the tracing of all the other headings under which the work 
in question is entered in the catalog. It may bear in addition the tracing 
of related references and a record of other pertinent official data concerning 
the work. 

2. The entry chosen for this main card, whether it be a personal or 
corporate name, the title of an anonymous work, a collection, composite 
work, periodical or serial, or a uniform title. 

See also Author entry, Corporate entry, Heading, Tracing, Unit card. 

Monograph. A systematic and complete treatise on a particular subject, usually 
detailed in treatment but not extensive in scope. It need not be bibli- 
ographically independent. 

Monograph series. A series of monographs with a collective title, usually 
issued serially by a university or a society. There may be more than one 
monograph in a volume. 
See also Serial, Series. 

Partial title. One which consists of a secondary part of the title as given on 
the title page. It may be a catchword title, subtitle, or alternative title. 
(Cf. rules for added entry.) 

See also Alternative title, Catchword title, Subtitle. 

Pasticcio. A musical medley made up of parts of, or selections from, dif- 
ferent works. 

Periodical. A serial in parts which are not monographs and usually contain 
articles by several contributors. It generally has a distinctive title and the 
successive numbers or parts are intended to appear at stated or regular 
intervals, and, as a rule, for an indefinite period. 

Newspapers, whose chief function it is to disseminate news, and the 
Memoirs, Proceedings, Journals, etc., of societies are not considered peri- 
odicals under the rules. 

See also Continuation, Serial. 


GLOSSARY Series e Bt ry 

Praeses. The person or persons who open an academical disputation by pro- 
pounding objections to some tenet or proposition, usually moral or philo- 
sophical, as distinguished from the respondent who defends it The praeses 
is called also the opponent. 
See also Respondent. 

Program dissertation. A dissertation accompanying one of the "programs" 
(i,e., announcements of memorial exercises, lectures, etc.) published by 
universities and schools, especially those of Germany, Austria, Switzer- 
land, and the Scandinavian countries. 

Pseudonym. A false name assumed by an author to conceal his identity 
See also Sobriquet. 

Publisher. The person, firm, or corporate body undertaking the responsibility 
for the issue of a book or other printed matter to the public, 
See also Issue (verb) 

The same person or firm may be printer, publisher, and bookseller, or 
printer and publisher, or publisher and bookseller, but since the opening 
years of the nineteenth century publishing has been, for the most part, a 
separate business. 

Publisher's series. A series of publications whose only link may be the col- 
lective title assigned by the publisher. 
See also Series, definition 1. 

Reference. A direction from one heading to another. 

Respondent. The candidate for a degree who, in an academical disputation, 
defends a tenet or thesis against the objections proposed by the praeses. 
The respondent is called also the defendant. 
See also Praeses. 

Secondary entry. See Added entry, 

Serial. A publication issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals, 
and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials include peri- 
odicals, newspapers, annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc.) and memoirs, pro- 
ceedings, and transactions of societies, and may include monographic series 
and publishers' series. 

See also Continuation, Periodical, Monograph series, Publisher's series. 

Series. 1. A number of separate works, usually related to one another in 
subject or otherwise, issued in succession, normally by the same publisher 
and in uniform style, with a collective title which generally appears at 
the head of the title page, on the half title, or on the cover. 

2. Each of two or more volumes of essays, lectures, articles, or other 
writings, similar in character and issued in sequence, e.g., Lowell's Among 
my books, second series. 

3. A separately numbered sequence of volumes within a series or serial, 
e.g., Notes and queries, 1st series, 2d series, etc. 

See also Continuation, Monograph series, Publisher's series. 

Series entry. An entry, usually brief, of the several works in the library 
which belong to a series under the name of that series as a heading. 


Sobriquet _ _ GLOSSARY 

Sobriquet. A fanciful or humorous appellation given by others; a nickname. 
See also Pseudonym. 

Society. For definition and specifications see rules for the entry of societies 
and institutions. 

Subtitle. The explanatory part of the title following the main title; e.g., The 
creative adult; self-education in the art of living. 
See also Alternative title, Catchword title. 

Thematic catalog. A list of a composer's works, with the theme given for each 
composition or for each section of large compositions, usually arranged 
in chronological order or by categories. 

Thesis. See Dissertation, Academic. 

Title. 1. In the broad sense, the distinguishing name of any written produc- 
tion as given on the title page, including the name of the author, editor, 
translator, the edition, etc., but excluding the imprint. 

2. In the narrow sense the title does not include the name of the 
author, editor, etc. 

See also Alternative title, Partial title, Subtitle, Title page. 

Title entry. 1. The record of a work in the catalog under the title, generally 
beginning with the first word not an article. A title entry may be a main 
entry or an added entry. 

2. The title chosen for this entry. 

Title page. A page at the beginning 3 of a book or work, bearing its full title 
and usually, though not necessarily, the author's (editor's, etc.) name and 
the imprint. 4 The leaf bearing the title page is commonly called the " title 
page" although properly called also the "title leaf." 
See also Added title page. 

Tracing, The record on the main entry card of all the additional headings 
under which the work is represented in the catalog. Also, the record on 
a main entry card or on an authority card of all the related references 

The tracing may be on the face or on the back of the card, or on an 
accompanying card, 

See also Main entry. 

Translator. One who renders from one language into another, or from an older 
form of a language into the modern form, more or less closely following 
the original. 

Transliteration. A representation of the characters of one -alphabet by those 
of another. 

thl 1 ?^ 6 CaSe f TJ rk f *? ? rie i nte J )****&*+ to title P^e and the beginning of 
the text are normally at the back of the volume. 

For the evolution of the title page from the colophon and the label title, cf. R. B. 

pS^lSn S^fTi? *? r *% hy ty li ? crary st **nte (Oxford, Clarendon 
Press, 1927), p. 88-95; A. J. K. Esdaile, A student's manual of bibliography (London 

A> w - pollard> Lost words on the 



Uniform title. The distinctive title by which a work which has appeared 
under varying titles and in various versions is most generally known. 
See also rules for anonymous classics. 

Unit card. A basic catalog card, in the form of a main entry, which when 
duplicated may be used as a unit for all other entries for that work in the 
catalog by the addition of the appropriate heading. Library of Congress 
printed cards are the most commonly used unit cards. 
See also Added entry, Main entry. 

Volume. In the bibliographical sense, a book distinguished from other books 
or from other major divisions of the same work by having its own in- 
clusive 5 title page, half title, cover title, or portfolio title, and usually inde- 
pendent pagination, foliation, or register. 

This major bibliographical unit may have been designated "part" by 
the publisher, or it may include various title pages or paginations. Occa- 
sionally other bibliographical characteristics must be taken into con- 

The most general title page, or half title, or the cover title, will be the determin- 
ing factor in deciding what constitutes the volume; e.g., a reissue in one binding, of 
a work previously issued in two or more volumes, should be considered one biblio- 
graphical volume. 


II. Abbreviations Used in 





anno Domini 
















Before Christ 










manuscript, s 

> ms., mss. 







New Testament 




Old Testament 

0. T. 




Pres. 1 

























et alii 




et cetera 








Abbreviations are not to be used for geographical names that form 
an integral part of a corporate name, nor, with the exception of U. S. 
and Gt. Brit., for geographical names occurring as the first word of 
an official heading. 

The following abbreviations for names of states and territories of 
the United States are permissible in headings after the name of a city, 
county, etc. Names not in this list are written in full. 




N. Y. 





N. C. 





N. D. 
















W. Va. 



N. H. 






S. C. 




N. M. 


' j v. 

D. C. 

District of 


P. R. Puerto Rico 


Territory of Hawaii 

1 Only when used in the personal name heading; 
Only when preceding the name, as St. Paul's Cathedral. 



Other abbreviations commonly used: 

Alta. Alberta Ont. Ontario 

B. C. British Columbia P. E. I. Prince Edward Island 
Can. Canada Que. Quebec 

C. P. Cape Province R.S.F.S.R. Russian Socialist 

D. F. Distoto Federal Federated Soviet 
Eng. England Republic 

Ger. Germany Sask. Saskatchewan 

Gt. Brit. Great Britain Scot Scotland 

Ire. Ireland U. S. S. R, Union of Soviet 

N. B. New Brunswick Socialist Republics 

N. Z. New Zealand U. S. United States 

N. S. Nova Scotia V. I. Virgin Islands 


III. Rules of Style for 

A. Punctuation. 

1. Brackets. 

(a) Inclose in brackets the name of a personal author if it does not 
appear openly in the book. Include within the brackets titles of 
nobility and office, but not dates of birth and death, nor approximate 
dates substituted for them, nor terms added for identification. Do not 
bracket parts of names, e.g., forenames, or forenames of which initials 
only appear on the title page. 

(b) Inclose in brackets the name of a corporate body, when entry 
is under the name of the body, if no part of the name appears in the 
book. When entry is under country, city, or other jurisdiction, how- 
ever, do not use brackets in any case. 

When the name of a corporate body contains initials which need to 
be explained, insert the explanation in the heading within brackets, 

(c) Do not inclose in brackets the uniform heading of an anonymous 
classic entry. 

2. Parentheses. Use parentheses 

(a) In personal headings to indicate the maiden names of married 

Andrews, Mary (Beckwith) 

(b) In corporate headings and uniform headings to inclose a word 
or phrase used for the purpose of definition or identification. 

Hereford, Eng. (Diocese) Bishop, 1516-1535 (Charles Bothe) 

New York (State) Governor. 

Paris, Notre Dame (Cathedral) 

Baltimore. St James Church (Catholic) 

Bible, French (Old French) 

Antioche (Chanson de geste) 

Sirius (Ship) 

(c) To inclose ca. when used after a date of birth, e.g., Smith, John, 
1837 (ca.)-1896. 

3. Dash. The dash is used to connect numbers, signifying "to and 
including," e.g., 1940-1941. Following a number, it signifies continu- 




4. Interrogation point. The interrogation point following a date 
signifies uncertainty. 

5. Period. Use the period 

(a) For abbreviations. 

(b) To separate the main heading from the subheading. 

(c) At the end of a completed heading, if there is no other mark 
of punctuation. 

B. Modified vowels. 

In the heading write modified vowels in whatever language they 
may occur (German, Swedish, Hungarian, etc.) according to the 
usage of the author. 

C. Accents. 

In the heading supply accents in French on lower-case letters and 
on capital E, and in Spanish on lower-case letters. In title entries, 
however, supply accents in French only for books published after 
1800; and in Spanish after 1890. Do not use accents in headings in 
Portuguese, except on the names Jose and Sa, nor supply accents 
in title entries in Portuguese. 

D. Figures. 

1. Use roman numerals in headings after the names of sovereigns, 
princes, and popes. 

Richard HI, Leo XIH. 

2. Use arabic numerals in headings for numbered congresses and 

International Geographical Congress. 4th, Paris, 1889. 
Baptist Training Union. Southwide conference. 4th, Birming- 
ham, Ala., 1925. 

3. For numerals in headings for the Army of the United States 
and of Great Britain, see 76B (1) . 

E. Capitalization. 1 

In English, capitalize: 

1. Proper names 

2. Derivatives of proper names 

3. Common nouns and adjectives forming an essential part of a 
proper name 

4. Names of organized bodies (first word and all important words) 

5. Names of countries and administrative divisions 

6. Names of regions, localities and geographic features 

7. Names of calendar divisions 

1 These rules summarize those approved for use by the Library of Congress, begin- 
ning July 1, 1947. This capitalization has been applied to the examples in the A. L. A. 
Cataloging rules because it affects the headings. No other rulings from the Library 
of Congress Rules for descriptive cataloging, issued in a provisional edition, June 
1947, have been applied to the examples, 



8. Names of historic events 

9. Religious terms: words denoting the Deity; names for the Bible 
and other sacred writings; names of confessions of faith and of re- 
ligious bodies and their adherents. 

10. Titles of persons 

(a) when immediately preceding a name 

(b) when immediately following a name or used alone as a substi- 
tute for the name in the following cases: 

Title of a head or assistant head of state 

Title of a head or assistant head of an existing or proposed National 
or District governmental unit 

Titles of members of diplomatic corps 
Title of a ruler or prince 

11. The first word of the title of a book, periodical or series; all 
principal words in the title of a newspaper. If the first word of a title 
used as main entry is an article, capitalize the following word, except 
in the entry of anonymous works, which, theoretically, are only tem- 
porarily main entries. If the first word of a title is preceded by sym- 
bols indicating that the beginning of the phrase has been omitted, do 
not capitalize it. 

12. The first word of a sentence 

In foreign languages, the capitalization is to conform to national 
practice in each language, including the capitalization of common nouns 
in German. 

V. library of Congress Typography 2 . 

General, The use of various types on the catalog card adds to in- 
telligibility of the entry, gives relative emphasis to its different parts, 
and may be a clue to arrangement in the catalog. 

Bold-faced type and italics are used in the heading to give promi- 
nence to certain elements. The body of the title is printed in light- 
faced roman type. 

The typography of main entries is treated in the following rules. 

1. Boldface. 

(a) Author heading. Print the author heading in bold-faced type. 

Franklin, Benjamin. 

American Library Association. 

National Society of United States Daughters of 1812. 


Havana, Universidad. 

(b) Title entries. Print in bold-faced type the first word or group 
of closely related words, exclusive of an initial article, in a title entry. 

The Spectator. 

* These rules are for Library of Congress usage in force at the time the examples 
were selected and prepared. They are included here to explain the examples and to 
assist catalogers who prepare copy for the Library of Congress. 



The George Washington law review. 

The two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement. 

Anonymous classic headings are printed in boldface. 


Chanson de Roland. 

2. Italics. Print in italics: 

(a) Connective words and abbreviations in the author heading. 

Tintoretto, i.e. Jacopo Robusti, known as. 

Eliot, George, pseud., i.e. Marian Evans, afterwards Cross. 

Mohtoris, Johannes, fl. 1480. 

Smith, John, 1836 or 7-1896. 

(b) Defining and qualifying words and phrases 8 added in the 
author heading, including geographic names, titles, and epithets. 4 

New York (Archdiocese) 

Charlemagne (Play) 

Cohen, Gustave, ed. 

Schuebler, Gustav, praeses. 

Eastman Kodak Company of New Jersey, def endant-appellant. 

Rockwood, Roy, pseud. 

Brown, John, genealogist. 

Brown, George, F.R.A.S. c initials in small capital^ 

Wilson, William, first mate of the ship Duff. 

Cook, T., firm, publishers, London. 

(1913. Thomas Cook and Son) 

International Association for Testing Materials. (Founded 1927) 
Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. 
The Times, London. 
Karl, Archduke of Austria. 
Jan III Sobieski, King oj Poland. 
Bacon, Francis, viscount St. Albans. 
Washington, George, Pres. U. S. 
Jones, Mrs. Paul. 
Frederick the Great. 

(c) Subdivisions 
(1) Of governments. 5 

* Exceptions: "When the defining word precedes the name of an institution, printed 
in. boldface, the defining word or phrase is also printed in boldface. 

Mexico (City) Muaeo Nacional de Arqneologia, Historia y Etnograffa. 
When the defining word follows a subdivision which is printed in italics, the de- 
fining word or phrase is printed in roman. 

Kansas. Office of State Fire Marshal (1939- ) 

* Exception: Anonymous classic headings consisting of a personal name with, a 
byname or epithet affixed are printed in boldface. 

Arthur, King (Romances, etc.) 
Berthe aux grands pieds (Romance) 

8 Note that the names of institutions entered under place are not given in italics, 
since they are not subdivisions of governments. (Of. (la) above Havana. Universidad.) 



Gt. Brit. Public Record Office. 

U. S. President, 1789-1797 (Washington) 

U. S. Army. 101st Cavalry Group. 

(2) Of institutions and societies. 

Yale University. Sheffield Scientific School. 

Columbia University. School of Law. Alumni Association. 

American Library Association. Boo ks for Latin America Project. 

(3) As form headings. 

Aristoteles. Spurious and doubtful works. 
The Classical journal (Indexes) 
South Africa. Treaties, etc. 
Bible. O. T. Psalms. English. 1873. 

3. Lightface. Print in light-faced roman type: 

(a) Dates of birth and death of personal authors, 6 and the abbrevi- 
ations B.C. and A.D. when used with them. 

Washington, George, Pres. V. S., 1752-1799. 
Tiberius, Emperor of Rome, 42 B.C.-37 A.D. 

(b) Dates showing when a body convened, or how long it existed. 

Dordrecht, Synod of, 1618-1619. 

World Conference on Faith and Order, Lausanne, 1927. 

"Designation of the century is printed in italics. 
Malory, Sir Thomas, 15th cent. 


IV. Transliteration 

New Russian Orthography 

The introduction of a new Russian orthography was one of the 
early acts of the Soviet government* The changes made were not, 
however, unpremeditated, for the question had been under considera- 
tion by scholars before the revolution, and had been the subject of 
investigation by official commissions. The new law was based on this 
previous work, and as a result the new system is thoroughly scientific, 
and there is no question as to its simplicity as compared with the old 

Books printed in the U. S< S, R, must conform to this spelling, and 
it is necessary, therefore, for libraries acquiring modern Russian books 
to consider the effect of the new rules on the alphabeting of names 
and titles in their card catalogs, and to provide rules which will guard 
against future confusion. It is not a practicable solution to spell the 
names of contemporary writers the new way and to leave the pre- 
revolution writers under the old forms, for new editions of the older 
authors are being printed in which the new spelling is adopted, and 
bookdealers in Russia are sending out book lists in which they regu- 
larly use the new spelling in listing the older books, to the confusion 
of the library assistant who is not prepared for this change. 

Fortunately, while there are about a dozen changes in the new rules 
for spelling, only two seriously affect the alphabetization of names and 
titles in the catalog. Formerly there were two characters in Russian 
pronounced alike: one, the yat, was transliterated by ie; the other, 
exactly like our letter e in form, was transliterated by e. Under the 
new spelling, the letter yat drops out, and in every case where it was 
used, the letter e is substituted. Thus: in the word Soviet, the letter 
before t was a yat, transliterated ie. It now becomes an e, changing 
the spelling of the word to "Sovet;" the author whose name was for- 
merly transliterated Bieliaev, now becomes Beliaev. 

Another Russian character is transliterated by the letter z. Under 
the new rules, this z becomes an s in the prefixes voz, vz, iz, niz, 
rax, bez, chrez, and cherez when standing before k, p, t, kh, ch, sh, 

1 Report of the A. L. A, Cataloging Committee's subcommittee on Russian orthog- 
raphy, 1927. 



shch, s, and f . This change will create confusion in the catalog, espe- 
cially if it comes near the beginning of a word; thus, Razskaz is now 
spelled Rasskaz. 

It is hereby recommended that in the headings of catalog cards the 
new Russian orthography be adopted not only for contemporary pub- 
lications, but for pre-revolution books. 

When transcribing titles for the catalog card, no change should be 
made in the established principle of exact transcription of the title 
page in hand, whatever may be its system of spelling. This ruling will 
apply even in the case of title entries beginning with a word the 
orthography of which would differ under the old and new systems 
(Lietopis). The catalog treatment should in such cases correspond 
to the treatment now accorded such words as Almanac (Almanack) , 
Centralblatt (Zentralblatt) , which is to copy exactly the spelling of 
the title page and to gather together under one of the spellings (the 
current form or the form most used) all titles beginning with the 
word in question, whatever the spelling may be on the title page in 

A summary of the new Russian rules is appended (see p. 245) . 

The Committee comprised: Archibald Gary Coolidge, Harvard 
University, chairman; Samuel A. Chevalier, Boston Public Library; 
George Rapall Noyes, University of California. 




1. In place of !> write E. 

JIK>AH aa ACJIO, a MM 8a Qff y t jj a H3MKe 

2. In place of I write H, 

HSHK AO Knesa floBeRCT. Humaft MCJIOBCK 

3. In place of write CD. 

Hanaaia aeBOTa na OefloTa. Ttr npo <I>oMy, a OH Te6e npo EpeMy. 

4. Omit T> at end of a word. 

Open Myx He JXOBHT. He nepoM mirnyr, a 

5. In the middle of words T> is retained to separate consonant and 

vowel sounds. 


6. The prefixes, BOS, B3, H3, HH3, PAS, BE3, ^IPE3 and *IEPE3 

before K, n, T, X, H, HI, m, d>, C are to be written with a final C 
in place of 3. 

BocnirraHHe. PacijeHKa. BccKOHennHit. Bcxoffu. Bccne'inwii. HCTOUHXIK. 
HepecccACJitHHK. Paccicaa. 

7. In place of the ending AIX) and flFO in the genitive and accusative 
singular of adjectives, participles, numerals and pronouns write 
OH) and EPO. 

nc saxo^rer ropw<oro. C TPCTLCFO iia , 

Ha ACCHTOC. y BCKoro OnjiaTKH CBOH yxuaTKii. 06ciuaiiHoro TPH 
acayT. Jlcca^ero nc 

8. In place of final BIH and Ifl in the nominative and accusative plural 
of adjectives, numerals and pronouns write UK and HE. 

rmmM. Kaxnc /KHPHBIO yTKn! Xopouine ACTH. 
AepCBi, ricpBbie CTPOKH. J^oGpwc 

9. Instead of the form OH'R, 0,HH!>, 0,HiriSX f OAH'bM, O^II'BMH 
write OHM, OJJHET, OflHHX, OflHIIM, 6;iHIIMIl. 

a OH 3a HOHCOM, TOJILKO u , , 

bapwtxH c yOtiTKOM Ha ojdinx caiinx cn/^T, THO MOU Kuiiruf FAC* OHH? 

10. Instead of the pronoun form EJI write EK. 

He 8MCA cTpauma, a ee ncajio. 

11. Adverbs formed by the combination of substantive, adjectives 

and numerals with prepositions niny be written with the two parts 
either joined or separated, 

B TeieHne. C Bepxy. B cTopone. B Tpofc. UTC'ICHHC. CBOPXV. BCTO- 
pone. Bxpoe. 




Russian i 

Ukrainian * 

White Russian 



A a a 
B 6 b 

B B V 

r r g 

A a a 
B 6 6 

B B V 

T r h 

r * g 

A A d 

A a a 
B 6 6 

B B V 

T T h 

r * * 

R B d 

A a a 
B 6 6 

B B t' 

r r ^ 

A a a 
B 6 & 
B B t; 

r r , 

fl d 

H B d 

S d 
P 1) (t 
E e e 

E e 

E e e 
G e {e 

E e e 

E e e 

E e I 
3K ac 2/1 

3 3 2 

H H *' 

I i 1 

E e tS 

JK 9R Zh 

3s ^ 

EC 5K ^ 

3s * - 

H H y 

J l * 

! x i 
ft & c 

HC c zh 

3 B Z 

H H ; 

3K * i 

H H i 

I i i 

& a t 

Vi ft 1 

Hi fc t 

J j j 
K K i 
JI Ji 1 

JB JB 2j 
MM m 

IB H> nj 
O o o 
II n p 
3P p ? 
C c 

T T < 

li h << 

y y u 

K K A: 
JI Ji Z 

K K ft 

JI ji i 

K K ft 

JI Ji 1 

K K ft 

JI Ji Z 

MM 77i 
H H n 

MM m 
H H n 

MM m 

H H 71 

M M m 

H H n 

o o 
g n p 

P p r 

C C 6 

T T i 

o o 

n n p 

P p r 
C c s 

T T t 

o o 
g n p 
P P r 

C C 5 
T T t 

o o 
P p T 
C c s 
T T i 

y y u 

y y u 

y y n 
y y 

<3> * / 
X x A/i 

n n te 

H H C^ 

y y u 

0> * / 
X x ftA 

sj a 

]H m 5/ic/i 
<B * " 
H LI y 
B B< ? 
*B ii A 

K) K) m 

& a fa 

e * / 

V v y 

<J> * / 

X x *A 

^ u < 

H H C/l 

a> $ / 

X x Aft 

n K ** 

H H c/i 

$ * / 

X x A 

u c 
H d 
51* dl 

ni m s 

m in sh 
UI m s^c/i 

III m sh 

HI m A 

m m u 

!> -B7 fior // 

H M W 
B B f 

9 a e 
K) K) itl 
HA fa 

B i ' 

B B ' 

& * a 

K) K> IU 

a a ' a 

H) K> iS 
^[ a ia 


The present practice of the Library of Congress is In agreement witb this table . 

* Do not confuse with similar part of the letter Bl (y). 
Final disregarded. 

* Do not confuse with similar part of the letter Bl fo) . 

* This transliteration takes account of only the accepted Ukrainian alphabet and ort* 
the older ones, like the "firyzbfca," the "Drahomanivka/' and the so-called etymo] 

* The ligature is necessary here Jn order to distinguish from the combination sr. 

* Transliterate as & !n the middle of a word,, disregard at the end. 

This transliteration insures correspondence between the Serbian and present day Croatian alphabets. 



Ligatures may be used in the cases indicated. They are an aid in 
determining the exact form of the name in the original, but may be 
omitted by libraries where less exact transcription is permitted, 

Russian names of non-Russian origin (more particularly Western 
European) are not transliterated from the Russian, but are given in 
the original form, if the original form used by the bearer of the name 
can be determined. 

Hertzen not Ger^sen. 
Rubinstein not Rubinshtein. 
Witte not Vitte. 
Benois not Benua. 


A a a 

B 6* 

F 7 g (y before 7, 

*, x = n) 
E < e 

Z f 2 . 

II T? e* 

e e tk 

At at ai 
Au au au 
Au au ay 

Spiritus asper O^A, 6. 

*Certain exceptions arc reserved. Names of Greek writers who have published 
books in any of the western European languages and are better known under a 
form of name transliterated differently may be given in that form. The exceptions 
involve chiefly the transliteration of the following letters: 

B, $ transliterated by v. H, ij transliterated by i. 

*P, /& transliterated by r only, T (after /*) transliterated by ft. 

X, x transliterated by h. 

e. g. BXAxos^Vlachos; 'PaTKa/SifJRankabSs (Rangabe*); 
' = Haralambis. 



'P ^ 





S <r 





T r 





T v 





O 4> 




x x 






Q w 



Ev ev 


Hu i\\) 


Ou ow 


* Library of Congress Cat. rules (Suppl.) Kuto n, printed Jan. 26, 19W. 







1 > 



3 (m. :, f. o) t 



i(m.-,f.c>) th 



. (tn. a*., f. O ^ % 



* (m. at., ^.) ^ 



. (m. *.,.) ' kh 



> d 



3 d& 



J r 



j ^ 



-(f.^) 8 



Z (f. c) *& 


-o (f. ^) ? 

3 (f. 1) 


-6 (f. | d 



i. ( 



* 2 

(f- D) 


^ (m. *, f. c) ' 

3 ( f p 


i (m. a, f. ^) ^ 



3 (m. A, f. o) / 



3 (m. A, f. J) Jt 

S (f- l) 


> (m. , f. J) A: 



) (m. 1, f. J) I 



* (f- J>) m 



} (m. i, f, ) yj 



A (m. v , ^, f, *, 4) h 



j W 



j (m, e , f. ^g) y 





L. A bl Cat S alo| S ?SlS m 
8 m.= medial; f.= final.' 

indicated in the Jewish Encyclopedia and recommended 




As a result of the increased amount of cataloging of Hebraica at the 
Library of Congress during the last five years, rules for the translitera- 
tion of Hebrew and Yiddish have been subjected to scrutiny, and certain 
changes have been adopted. The purpose of the changes is to establish 
a consistent and logical system of transliteration requiring a minimum 
use of diacritical marks. The transliteration attempts to represent the 
sound of the Hebrew or Yiddish word; for this the Hebrew follows the 
modern Palestinian (Sephardic) pronunciation and the Yiddish follows 
the Lithuanian Yiddish pronunciation. In transliterating Yiddish the 
etymology of the words is ignored. 

The Yiddish transliteration system now in use is identical with that 
used by the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) in New York. 










D (final, 


initial and final disregard- 
ed; otherwise ' (prime) 
v (in Yiddish, b) 






y (at beginning of word 
or syllable; otherwise, i) 

7 1 

M (final, D) m 
3 (final, )) n 




D (final, e\) 
S (final, f) 




' (inverted comma) 



t (in Hebrew words; 
in Yiddish, s) 

Vowels used 
in Hebrew 


1 o 
1 u 
* u 

>. i 

Vowels used in Yiddish 
X a or o 
IX ,1 u 
IX ,'1 oy 

ay (as ai in aisle) or 
ey (as ei in weigh) 

Adopted March, 1948. The examples in rules 35A, 65 and 121 are from entries 
prepared before the adoption of this system. 




References in bold-face type are to rule numbers. 

Abbeys, 123 

churches of, I26A 
Abbreviations used in headings, 

p. 236-37 

Abridgments, 22A 

Academic dissertations, see Disserta- 

Academies, p. 148; footnote 12, p. 154 
Accents, p, 239 
Adaptations, 22B 

added entries for, 157B 

anonymous classics, 33D 

music, see Arrangements (music) 
Added editions, 157D 
Added entry, 157 

definition, p. 229 

used as analytical entry, 157D 

used as series entry, 157B 

vs. references, 157D 
Added title page 

definition, p. 229 

series, 5F 

two languages, 34B(3) 

by a government official, 75C(2) 

of governors, presidents, sovereigns, 

etc., 73C 

Admiralty proceedings, 90G 
Affiliated institutions, 102B 
Affiliated societies, 100 
Agricultural experiment stations, 106 

government, 72A(1) 
Agricultural societies, American state, 


Almanacs, 5D 
Altars, 126B 
Alternative title, 157C(5) 

definition, p. 229 
Alumni organizations, 101 B 
American secret societies, 98D 
American state institutions, 104 
American state societies, 105 

Anagrams (pseudonyms), 30 
Analytical entry 

collections of reports, 75E 

definition, p. 229 

vs. added entry, 157D 
Ancient writers, 58, 60 
Anecdota, 5A(lb) 
Annals, chronicles, etc., 33E 
Annamese names, 68 
Annual reports of corporate bodies, 
71, 75E 

by a nonofficial, 75D 

by an official, 75C 
Annuals, 5D-E 
Anonymous classics, 33 

added entries, 33C(3) 

alternative rule for popular libraries, 
footnote 28, p. 63 

definition and specification, 33 

parts of, 33B 

references, 33C(3), 158P 

See also specific types, e.g., Bible; 

Koran; etc. 
Anonymous works, 32 

"by the author of," 32B 

change of title in successive vol- 
umes, 32A 

different spelling of first word of 
title, 32E 

initials, asterisks, etc., 32C-D 

music, 12B 

related works, 32F 

translations, 32G 
Antipopes, 48 
Apocrypha, 34 
Apostolic letters, 118A 
Appellatives, see Epithets 
Arabic language, transliteration, 

p. 248 

Arabic names, 64 
Aramaic translations, 0. T., 34C(4) 
Aranyakas, 35C(3) 




Archbishops, 52 
Archdioceses, 116, 119B 
Architectural drawings and plans, 


Archives, 80 
Annies, 76 
Arrangements (music), 12A(3), 

Arranger (music), definition, 

p. 229-30 
Art, works of, 19 
Art galleries, 92 

national, 72A(1) 

private, 13 

Arabic names, 64G 

Hebrew names, 65A(2) 


in headings for societies, 93A 
in place names, 156A 

prefix to surname, 39B 
Artillery, 76B 
Artists, 19 

sobriquets, nicknames, 44 
Associations, p. 148 
Asterisks, used in place of personal 

names, 32C-D 
Asylums, 92 

government, 72A(1) 

state (U. S. and Canada), 104 
Athenaeums, p. 148 
Athletic contests, 138 
Atlases, 10B 

definition, p. 230 
Author entry 

definition, p. 230 

general rule, 1 

corporate, see Corporate entry 

definition, 1 ; p. 230 

doubtful, 30-35 

fictitious, 31C 

individual, 2 

joint, see Joint authors 

personal, 36-70 

pseudo-authorship, 3 1C 

pseudonymous, 30 

spurious and doubtful works, 31 

unknown, 30-35 
Autobiography, fictitious, 3E 
Automatic writing, works received 
through, 11 

Ballets, 12A(5) 
Banks, 145 

government, 72A(1) 
Baptist organizations, 120C(2) 

Baptisteries, 124, 126B 
Baraita, 35A(5) 
Basilicas, 124 
Battalions, 76B-C 
Bazaars, 136 

Benevolent societies, p. 148 
Bible, 34 

capitalization, p. 240 
characters, 54 
date in heading, 34D 
facsimile reprints, 34D(4) 
form divisions in heading, 34F 
in two or more languages, 34A-B 
manuscripts, 9A(1) 
name of language in heading, 34C 
name of version in heading, 34E 
saints, 47 
Bible classes, 126E 
Biography, 6B(2) 
Bishops, 52 

"Blue Lodge*' bodies (Masons), 98C 
Boards, trustees, etc., 142 
Boards of trade, 146B 
Botanical gardens, 149 
government, 72A(1) 
Brackets, p. 238 
Brahmanas, 35C(3) 
Brazilian names, 38 

married women, 46F(2) 
Breviaries, 116F(4) 
Briefs, 90A 
Brigades, 76B-C 
Broadcasting companies, 14 
Buddhist scriptures, 35B 
Bulgarian language, transliteration, 

p. 246-47 

Bulls, Catholic Church, 117D, USA 
Bureaus, departments, etc. (govern- 
mental) , 75 
references, 158N 
Burmese names, 69A-C 
Business corporations, 144 

government, 72A(1) 
"By the author of," anonymous works, 


Bynames, 43, 61 
Byzantine writers, 59 

Cadenzas, 12A(9) 
definition, p. 230 
Calendars of manuscripts, 9B 
Caliphs, 55C 

Canadian agricultural experiment sta- 
tions, 106B 

Canadian provincial institutions, 104 
Canon law, 117 
Capitalization, p. 239-40 




Caprices (music), 12A(11) 
Cardinals, 50 

Carnegie libraries, footnote, p. 152 
Cartographer, 10A-B 
Catalogs, 71 
art galleries, 13, 92 
dealers' sales, 13D 
definition, p. 230 
dictionary, definition, p. 231 
exhibitions, 13, 136 
libraries, 71 
private, 13 

numismatic cabinets, 13 
stamp collections, 13 
thematic, 12F 

definition, p. 234 
Catchword title, 157C(5) 

definition, p. 230 
Cathedral chapters, 126C 
Cathedrals, 124 
Catholic Church, 115-18 
bulls, encyclicals, etc., 118A 
canon law, 117 
concordats, 1I8C 
congregations, 11BB 
councils and synods, 119 
indulgences, 1180 
liturgies, 116F 
pope and Holy See, 1 18 A 
popes, 48 
Cemeteries and cemetery associations, 

Chambers of commerce, 146A 

government, 72A(1) 
Changed names, 45 
firms, 144D 

Jews settled in Palestine, 65B(2) 
persons in religious orders, 53 
references, 158B-0 
societies, 91 A 
Changed titles 
anonymous works, 32A 
periodicals and newspapers, 5C 

references, 158O 
Chansons de geste, 33A(1) 
Chapels, 124 
college or university, 102 
subsidiary to churches, 126B 
Charges, court, 89C 
Charitable societies, p. 148 
Charters, 87 
Chinese names, 40D(2), 67 

emperors, 55D 
Choreography, 12A(5) 
Christian names, sea Forenames 
Chronicles, annals, etc,, 33E 
Church of England, 120 

Churches, 115-20, 124-25 

auxiliary societies, 128 
boards of executives, 126D 
conferences, 120D-E 
councils and synods, 119, 120D-F 
definition, footnote 39, p. 191 
government, 72A(1) 
members, publications of, 126F 
music, 12 A (6*8) 
national, 120A-B 
service books 
Catholic and Eastern churches, 


Jewish organizations, 121 
Protestant denominations, 120G 
state, 12 OB 

subsidiary institutions, 126 
Sunday schools, 126E 
vs. parishes, societies, etc., 125 
See also Catholic Church; Protestant 
denominations; Protestant Epis- 
copal Church; etc. 
Cities, 72 
charters, 87 

form of entry, 150, 153-56 
ordinances, 84E 
parks, 147 
without state designation, footnote, 

p. 217 
classes of, 141 

committees and meetings of, 140 
City states, laws, 84F 
Civil actions, 90B 
Classical names 
dates in heading omitted, 42 
Greek, 58 
Latin, 60 
Classicized names 

medieval, Renaissance, and Refor- 
mation writers, 62 
post-Reformation and modern writ- 
ers, 63 
Clubs, 91 
rotary, 91, 97 

university and union league, 111 
Codes of laws, see Laws 
Codices, 9 
added entry, 157 A 
artist and author, 19D 
composite works, 4A 
joint authors, 3B 
Collections, 5 
composite works, 4 
definition, p. 230 
extracts from periodicals, 5C(4) 




Collections continued 
private, 13 
published in honor of a person or 

an anniversary, 5A(lc) 
title, added entry for, 157C(3) 
translations, 21C 
See also specific headings, e.g,, Laws; 

Letters; Radio scripts; etc. 
College institutions (libraries, muse- 
ums, etc.) , 102 
Colleges, p, 148; 92 
agricultural experiment stations, 


alumni organizations, 101B 
endowments and special funds, 143 
government, 72A(1) 
institutes, meetings held at, 135B 
of a university, 102 
societies, 101A 
state (U.S.), 104 
workshops, 135B 
Colonies, 73D 
form of heading, 150 

U. S., 154C 

Command (military unit), 76B 
Commentaries, 29 
Commissions, 139 

to expositions, 81B 
Committees, 139-40 

church, 126D 
Companies (business) , 144 
Companies (military units), 76B 
Compiler, definition, p. 230 
Compiler as added entry, 157A 
Compiler as main entry 
calendars of manuscripts, 9B 
catalogs, unofficial, 13C 
collections, 5A(1) 
court decisions, 89E 
indulgenced prayers, 118D(5) 
inscriptions, 8B 
letters, 6C 
manuscripts, facsimiles of, 

music, 12E 
reports of trials, 90H 
translations, 21C 
treaties, 88C 
concordances, 28 
directories, 5E(2) 

expeditions, scientific and explor- 
ing, 7A 

indexes, 27E-F 
telephone directories, 5E(4) 
thematic catalogs, 12F 
Composers, 12 
definition, p. 230 

Composite works, 4 
definition, p. 230 
title, added entry for, 157C(3) 
See also Collections; Correspond- 
ence; Festschriften; Joint au- 

Compound names 
definition, p. 230 
forenames, 40D 
surnames, 38 
married women, 46F 
references, 158D 
Concordances, 28 
Concordats, 118C 
Conferences, 135 
church, 120D-E 
delegations to, 79 
diplomatic, 131 
international, 88B, 131-33 
numerals in headings for, p. 239 
peace, 131 
Confraternities, 127 
Congregational Churches, 120C(2) 
Congregations, 118B 
delegations to, 79 
diplomatic, 131 
exhibitions held by, 136B 
international, 131-33 
national, 134 

numerals in headings for, p. 239 
pre-congress publications, 137 
Consorts of sovereigns, 55 
Constitutional conventions, 86 
Constitutions, 85 

Catholic Church, 117D 
Consulates, 78 
Contested elections, 90C 
Continuations, 25 
definition, p, 230 
Contributors, see Collaborators; Joint 

Conventional names for "pseudo" type 

of literature, 31C 
Conventional title 
anonymous classics, 33A 
definition (Uniform title) , p. 235 
music, footnote, p. 28 
Conventions (agreements, treaties), 88 
Conventions (meetings), 135 

constitutional, 86 
Convents, 123 

churches of, 126 
Conversations, 4B(1) 
Coptic Church, canon law, 117C(1) 
Corporate entry, 71-149 
added entry, 157A, 157C(4) 



Editor as main entry 

Corporate entry continued 

definition, p. 231 

series, 5F(2) 

vs. personal author entry, 71, 73B-C, 
75C-E, 84GD, 89C-E, 89H, 
90A-B, 118A 

See also Government publications; 
Institutions; Miscellaneous bod- 
ies; Societies 
Corporate names 

capitalization, p. 239 

punctuation in heading, p. 238 

references, 158L-N 
Corporations, boards, trustees, etc., 


Corporations, business, 144 
Corps, 76B 
Correspondence, 6 
Councils, ecclesiastical 

Catholic and Eastern churches, 119 

Protestant denominations, 120D-F 
Counties, 72 

form of entry, 152, 154-55 
Countries, 72 

language of heading, 150 
Courts, 89 

calendars of records, 9B 

reports, 89C-H 
Courts-martial and courts of inquiry, 


Creeds, 120G, 121 
Criminal trials, 90D 
Criticisms, footnote, p. 51 
Cross references, see References 
Crown trials, 90D 
Cryptic Masons, 98C(4) 
Cycles (anonymous classics), 33 
Cyclopedias, SB 
Czech names of women, footnote, p. 91 

Dance compositions, 12A(5) 

Danish names with prefix, 39B(ld), 

Dash (punctuation) , p. 238 


added to personal names, 37, 42 
omitted from personal names, 42 

Dealers' sales catalogs, 13D 

Debates, 4B(1) 

Decisions, court, 89C-H 

Decrees (canon law), 117 

Decretals, Catholic Church, 117D 

Definitions, p. 229-35 

Delegations, official, 79 

Denominational societies, 127 

Denominations, religious, 115-16,120 

Departments, bureaus, etc. (govern- 
mental), 75 
references, 158N 
Designations, added to personal names, 


Dialogues, 4B(1) 
Dictionaries, 5B 
Dictionary catalog, definition, p. 231 

of court reports, 89H 

of laws, 84D 

Catholic Church, 116A, 119B 

Eastern church, 116A-B 

Protestant denominations, 120E 
Diplomatic congresses, 131 
Directories, 5E 

academic, 17 
definition, p. 231 

program, 17E 

definition, p. 233 
Division (military unit), 76B 
Divorced women, 46E 
Documents, government, see Govern- 
ment publications 
Doubtful or unknown authorship, 

music, 12B-C 
Dramatizations, 23A 

music, 12A(2) 
Drawings, 19 

architectural, 19F 
Dutch names 

married women, 46F(3) 

with prefix, 39B(2c) 

Eastern churches, 115-17 

canon law, 117 

liturgies, 116F 
Eastern Star, 98C(7) 
Ecclesiastical councils 

Catholic and Eastern churches, 119 

Protestant denominations, 120D-F 
Ecclesiastical documents, 116E 
Ecclesiastical law, 117 
Ecclesiastical princes, 51 
Ecclesiastical provinces, 116 
Ecclesiastical titles, 41B 
Edicts, emanating from rulers, 55E 
Edition, definition, p. 231 
Editor, definition, p. 231 
Editor as added entry, 157A 
Editor as main entry 

collections, 5A(1) 
court decisions, 89E 
inscriptions, 8B 


Editor as main entry 


Editor as main entry continued 
collections continued 
laws, 84C 
letters, 6C 
manuscripts, facsimiles of, 

music, 12E 
radio scripts, 14C 
translations, 2 1C 
dictionaries, 5B 
encyclopedias, 5B 
expeditions, scientific and exploring, 


festschriften, 5A(lc) 
maps, 10 A 
scholia, 29C 
series, 5F(1) 
Elections, contested, 90C 
Embassies, 78 
Emperors, 55 
Encyclicals, 118A 
Encyclopedias, 5B 
Endowed schools, 108 
Endowments, 143 
English names, footnote 2, p. 82 
nobility, 57A 
with prefix, 39B( la) 
Engravers, 10A, 19A-E 
Engravings, 19A*E 

definition, p. 231 

See also Added entry; Analytical 
entry; Author entry; Corpor- 
ate entry; Main entry; Series 
entry; Subject entry; Title entry 
Entry word, definition, p. 231 
Epics, 33 

Episcopal Church, 120 
Epithets, added to forename entries, 


Bible characters, 54 
medieval writers, 61 
Roman emperors, 55B 
saints, 47 
Epitomes, 22A 

Establishments, see Institutions 

anonymous classics, 33 A (6) 
Bible, 34F 

Buddhist scriptures, 35B 
definition, p. 231 
from a single author, 22C 
from periodicals, 5C(4) 
from several authors, 5A 
Hindu scriptures, 35C 
Koran, 35D 
music, 12A(11) 

Exhibitions, etc., 136 

catalogs, 13, 136 

commissions to, 8 IB 

pre-exhibition publications, 137 

projected, not held, 137 
Expeditions, exploring and scientific, 


Experiment stations, agricultural, 106 
Exploring expeditions, 7 
Expositions, 136 

commissions to, 81 B 
Extracts (selections) , see Excerpts 
Extracts (summaries or abstracts), 

Fabliaux (anonymous classics), foot- 
note, p. 64 
Facsimile reproduction, definition, 

p. 231 
Bibles, 34D(4) 
manuscripts, 9 
Faculty societies, 101A 
Fairs, 136 

Family names, see Surnames 
Fantasias, 12A(11) 
Federal documents, see Government 

Federated societies, 99 
Festivals, 138 
Festschriften, 5A(lc) 

definition, p. 231 
Fictitious authors, 31C 
Figures, see Numerals 
Filing word, definition, p. 231 
Fire companies, volunteer, 112 
Fire departments, official, 72 
Firms, 144 

Flemish names with prefix, 39B(2c) 
Folksongs, 12A(1) 
Foreign languages 
capitalization, p. 240 
transliteration, p. 243-49 
Forename as entry word, 43 
Bible characters, 54 
medieval writers, 61 
metropolitans, 52E 
patriarchs, 49 

persons in religious orders, 53B 
popes, 48 

ecclesiastical, 51 
of the blood, 56 
ruling, 55 
rulers, 55 
saints, 47 
sovereigns, 55 



Individual author 

Forenames, 40 

compound, 40D 

in names of corporations and firms 

in names of foundations, 143 

in names of institutions, 92A 

in titles of periodicals, 5C(1) 

unused, 40B 
references, 158 A 

variant, 40C 
Form subheadings 

Bible, 34F 

Buddhist scriptures, 35B 

charters, 87 

constitutional conventions, 86 

constitutions, 85 

councils and synods, 119 

Hindu scriptures, 35C 

Koran, 35D 

laws, 84 

liturgies and rituals, 116F, 
120G(2), 121 

ordinances, 84E 

treaties, 88, 118C 

Form subject entry, see Subject entiy 
Foundations, 143 

as added entry, footnote, p. 220 
Fraternities, p. 148; 99 
Freemasons, 98C 
French municipal libraries, 92B 
French names, footnote 2, p. 82 

with prefix, 39B(lb), 39B(2a) 
Friends, Society of, 120<:(2) 
Funds, 143 

Galleries, 92 

national, 72A(1) 

private, 13 

Gardens, botanical and zoological, 149 
Gazettes, official (government pub- 
lications) , 72B 
General references, 158K 
"General secondary," definition 

(Added entry), p. 229 
Geographic names 

abbreviations, p. 236-37 

capitalization, p. 239 

form of entry, 150-56 
Gorman health resorts, 1$6B 
German language, capitalization, p. 240 
German names, footnote 2, p. 82 

forenames, 40A 

married women, footnote, p. 91; 

with prefix, 39B(2d) 
German state churches, 12GB (2) 
"Ghost writer," 3E 

Gilds, 114 
Glossary, p. 229-35 

Government commissions and com- 
mittees, 81 
Government publications, 72-90 

atlases, 10B 

maps, 10A 

periodicals, 5C(1) 
Governors' messages, 73 
Grand juries, 89J 

Greek language, modern, translitera- 
tion, p. 247 

Greek letter societies, 99 
Greek writers, ancient, 58 
Guilds, 114 

Harmonies of the Gospels, 34F 
Heading, definition, p. 232 
Hebrew language, transliteration, 

p. 248-49 

Hebrew names, 65 
Heraldic visitations, 18 
Hindu scriptures, 35C 
Historical societies, American state, 


History cards, see Information cards 
Hospitals, 92, 102 

government, 72A(1) 

slate, 104 
Hotels, 144 

Hungarian names, footnote 2, p. 82; 
footnote, p. 86 

married women, footnote, p. 91 

nobility, footnote, p. 108 
Hymnals, 12A(6), 120G 

Jewish organizations, 121 
Hyphenated names, footnote 2, p. 82; 

See also Compound names 


added entry, 19E, 157 A 
main entry, 19E 
Imitations, 24 
Impeachment trials, 90E 
"Imperial," "Royal," etc., in names of 

societies and institutions, 93B 
Inaugural dissertations, see Disserta- 

Incidental music, 12A(4) 
Incorporated societies, 95 
Indexes, 27 

Indian schools (U. S.) , 109 
Indie names, 70 
Individual author, 2 
vs. corporate author, 71, 73B-0, 
75C-E, 84C-D, 89C-E, 8911, 
90A-B, 118A 




Indulgences, 118D 
Infantry, 76B-C 

Information cards, international meet- 
ings, footnote 44, p. 199; 132A 

Hebrew names, 65 A ( 1 ) 
in names of firms, 144 A 
in names of institutions, 92A 
in names of societies, 93F 
in place of names of societies, 93E 
in place of personal names, 32C-D 
in titles of periodicals, 5C(1) 
pseudonym of two or more authors, 

Inscriptions, 8 
Institutes, 135 
Institutions, 91-114 
boards, trustees, etc., 142 
capitalization, p. 239 
definitions and specifications, p. 148 
endowments and special funds, 143 
entry word, 93 
exhibitions held by, 136B 
expeditions sponsored by, 7B(2) 
festivals held by, 138A 
festschriften issued by, 5A(lc) 
general rule, 92 
government, 72A(1) 
indexes to publications, 27D 
names practically unknown, 94 
periodicals, 5C(1) 
references, 158L 
religious, 115-30 
trustees, 142 

See also specific types, e.g., Col- 
leges; Libraries; etc. 
Interdenominational religious soci- 
eties, 127 

International conferences, 88B, 131-32 
International congresses, 131-33 
International meetings, 132 
International societies, 97 
Interrogation point, p. 239 
Interviews, 4B(2) 
Iranian names, 64 
Issue (verb), definition, p. 232 
Italian names 
married women, 46F(4) 
with prefix, 39B(lc), 39B(2b) 

Japanese names, 66 
Jewish names, 65 
Jewish sacred literature, 35A 
Joint authors, 3 

added entry, 157 

definition, p. 232 

musical compositions, 12D 

pleas and briefs, 90A 
using one pseudonym, 30A(3) 
Judges, Court of Sessions of Scotland, 


Judges' opinions, decisions, charges 
89C ' 

Karen names, 69D 
King Arthur stories, 33D(2a) 
Kings, 43, 55 
saints, 47C 

Knighthood, orders of, 98A 
Knights Templars, 98C(5) 
Koran, 35D 

Laboratories, 92, 102 
Language of geographic headings, 150 
capitalization, p. 240 
transliteration, p. 243-49 
Latin names 
classical, 60 
medieval writers, 61-62 

Arabic writers in translation, 64C 
popes, 48 

post-Reformation and modern writ- 
ers, 63 

Renaissance and Reformation writ- 
ers, 62 

ancient and medieval, 83 
anonymous classics, 33B(1) 
canon, 117 
collections, 84C 
digests, 84D 
indexes, 27G-H 
modern, 84 
Lawsuits, 90B 
Learned societies, p. 148 
Legations, 78 
Legends (anonymous classics), 


Legislative bodies, 74 
Letters, 6 
Libraries, 92 
American state, 104 
Canadian provincial, 104 
Carnegie, footnote, p. 152 
college and university, 102 
French municipal, 92B 
government, 72A(1) 
national, footnote 13, p. 154-55 
Passmore-Edwards, footnote, p, 152 
private, 13 
public, 92 

Library associations and companies, 
mercantile, 113 




Library catalogs 

official, 71 

private, 13 
Library of Congress cards 

capitalization, p. 239-40 

typography, p. 240-42 
Librettist, definition, p. 232 
Librettos, 12A(2) 
"Life and letters/' entry, 6B(2) 
Liturgical music, 12 A (6) 
Liturgies and rituals 

Catholic and Eastern churches, 116F 

Jewish organizations, 121 

Protestant denominations, 120G 
Local alumni associations, 10 IB (2) 
Local branches of federated societies, 


Local church councils, 120F 
Local government districts, 82 
Local societies, p. 148 
Lodges (secret orders), 98C-D 
Logs, ships', 16 
Lord's prayer, footnote, p. 74 
Luther colleges, 92A 
Lutheran synods, 120E(3) 
Lyceums, p. 148 

Maiden names, 46 

references, 158G 
Main entry 

choice of, 1-35 

definition, p. 232 

Malory, King Arthur stones, 33D(2a) 
Manuscripts and facsimiles of manu- 
scripts, 9 
Maps, 10A 
Mariiie corps, 76 
Married women, 46 

references, 1580 
"Martyrdom," in heading, footnote 32, 

p. 65 

Masks, see Masques 
Masonic bodies, 980 

anonymous classics, footnote, p. 64 

with music, 12A(2) 
Mass, music for, 12A(7) 
Medieval annals, chronicles, etc., 33E 
Medieval laws, 83 
Medieval names, 61-62 
Medieval orders of knighthood, 98A 
Mediumistic writings, 11 
Medleys, 12A(11) 
Meetings, 135 

international, 132 

of citizens, 140 
Memoirs, fictitious, 3E 

Mercantile library associations and 

companies, 113 
Messages of sovereigns, presidents, 

governors, etc., 73 
Methodist Episcopal Church, 120 
Metropolitans, 52E 
Middle ages, see headings beginning 

with the word Medieval 
Mio!rash, 35A<6) 
Military units, 76 
Miniatures (manuscripts), 9A(4) 
Ministries (governmental), 75 
Minsters, 124B 
Miscellaneous bodies not included with 

societies or institutions, 131-49 
Mishnah, 35A(2), 35A(4) 
Missals, 116F(4) 
Missions, 120E 

Spanish, 124K 
Modified vowels, p. 239 
Mohammedan names, 64 

sovereigns, 55C 
Mohammedan scriptures, 35D 
Monasteries, 123 
Basilian, Mt Sinai, 116B(3) 
churches of, 126 
Monastic orders, 122 

service books, 116F(6) 
definition, p. 232 
supplement to a periodical, 25C 
Monograph series 
definition, p. 232 
supplement to a periodical, 25D 
Monumenta, 5A(lb) 
Mosques, 130 

Motion picture scenarios, 15 
Multilateral treaties, 88B 
Municipalities, see Cities 
Museum catalogs, 71 
Museums, 92 

college and university, 102 
government, 72 A ( 1 ) 
Music, 12 
Mystic Shrine, 98C(7) 

changed, 45 

in religious orders, 53 

references, 158B-C 
compound, see Compound names 
conventional, for "pseudo" type of 

literature, 31C 

corporate, see Corporate names 
forenames, 40 
geographic, 150-56 




Names continued 

hyphenated, footnote 2, p. 82; 

naturalized, 39B 

nicknames, 44 

personal, 36-70 

religious, 47-53 

surnames, see Surnames 

transliteration, p. 243-49 

See also specific types and various 
nationalities, e.g., Married 
women; Noblemen; Spanish 
names; etc. 
Narratives, 3E 
National banks, 145 
National churches, 120A-B 
National congresses, 134 
National guards (U. S.), 77 
National institutions, 93B 
National parks, 147 
National saints, 47A 
National societies, 91B(2) 
Naturalized names, 39B 
Navies, 76 

New Testament, see Bible 
Newspapers, 5C(2-4) 

capitalization in title, p. 240 
Nicknames, 44 

Arabic, 64 

Japanese, 66 
Noblemen, 57 

references, 158F 

saints, 47D 

titles, 41A(1) 
Norwegian names with prefix, 

39B(ld), 39B(2e) 
Novelizations, 23B 
Numerals, p. 239 

in headings for international meet- 
ings, 132 

in names of societies, 93D 
in names of sovereigns, 55 
in tracing, footnote 2, p. 229 
Numismatic cabinets, 13 
Nuns, orders of, 122D 

Observatories, 92 
college and university, 102 
government, 72A(1) 
Occupation, designation in heading 


Occupied territory, 73D, 154C 
Official commissions to expositions 


Official delegations to conferences, 79 
Official gazettes (government publica- 
tions) , 72B 

Official publications of government 

bodies, 72-90 
Old Testament, see Bible 
Operas, 12A(2) 
Opinions, court, 89C-H 
Oratorios, 12A(2) 

of knighthood, 98A 

religious, 53, 122 

secret, 98C-D 
Ordinances, 84E 
Oriental names, 64-70 

Annamese, 68 

Arabic, 64 

Burmese, 69A-C 

Chinese, 67 

Hebrew, 65 

Indie, 70 

Japanese, 66 

Jewish, 65 

Karen, 69D 

Persian, 64 

Turkish, 64 

Yiddish, 65 
Orthodox Eastern Church, 115-17 

canon law, 117A, 117C 

liturgies, 116F 
Ouija board, works received through, 

Outlines, 22A 
Owner, entry under 

inscriptions, 8B 

manuscripts, calendars of, 9B 

private collections, 13 

Paintings, 19 

anonymous classics, footnote, p. 64 

with music, 12A(5) 
Papal bulls, 117D, 118A 
Paraphrases, 22B 

anonymous classics, 33D 

Bible, 34E(2), 34F 

music, 12A(10) 
Parentheses, p. 238 

in names of married women, 46 

ecclesiastical, 125 

political, footnote, p. 194 
Parks, 147 
Parodies, 24 
Partial title, 157C(5) 

definition, p. 232 
Passmore-Edwards libraries, footnote, 

p. 152 
Pasticci, 12A(3) 

definition, p. 232 



Radio stations 

Patriarchates, 116 
Patriarchs, 49 
Peace conferences, 131 
Peerage, English, titles of, 57A 
Period (punctuation), use in head- 
ings, p. 239 

Periodicals, 5C(1), 5C(3-4) 
definition, p. 232 
extracts from, 5C(4) 
indexes, 27C, 27F 
monograph supplements, 25C-D 
references, 158O 
Persian names, 64 

Personal author entry vs. corporate 
entry, 71, 73B-C, 75C-E, 84C-D, 
89C-E, 89H, 90A-B, 118A 
Personal names, 36-70 
Photographs, 19 

Place names, see Geographic names 
Places of the same name, 155 
Plans, architectural, 19F 
Pleas, 90A 
Plenary councils, Catholic Church, 


Polish names of women, footnote, p. 91 
Political parties, 96 
Popes, 47C, 48 

documents proceeding from, 118A 
Portuguese names, 38; footnote, p. 89 
married women, 46F(2) 
with prefix, 39B(2f) 
Potpourris (music), 12A(11) 
Praeses, 17B-C 

definition, p. 233 
Prayer books 
Catholic and Eastern churches, 


Jewish organizations, 121 
Protestant denominations, 120C 
Prefixes, surnames with, 39 

references, 158E 
Presbyterian Church, 120 
Presbyteries, 120E 
Presidents, 55E 

messages, proclamations, etc., 73 

ecclesiastical, 51 
of the blood, 56 
ruling, 55 
Priories, 123 
Prisons, p. 148 

government, 72A(1) 
Private collections, 13 
Private schools, 108 
admiralty, 90G 
crown, state, and criminal, 900 

of societies, 71 

Proclamations of sovereigns, presi- 
dents, governors, etc., 55E, 73 
Produce exchanges, 146B 
Profession, designation in heading, 42 
Professional schools of a university, 

Program dissertations, 17E 

definition, p. 233 
Proper names 
capitalization, p. 239 
in names of institutions, 92A 
Protectorates, 73D 

language of heading, 150 
Protestant denominations, 120 
councils and synods, 120E-F 
service books, 120G 
Protestant Episcopal Church, 120 
Provinces, Canadian, 72 
abbreviations, p. 237 
form of entry, 151 

Provincial institutions (Canada), 104 
Psalters, 12A(6), 12A(8) 
Pseudo-authorship, 3 1C 
Pseudonymous works, 30 
Chinese names, 67 
definition, p. 233 
fictitious authors, 3 1C 
Japanese names, 66 
references, 158H-I 
use in heading and title, 30 A, 3 1C 
Public documents, see Government 

Public libraries, 92 
Public schools, 107 
definition, p. 233 
entry under 
atlases, 10B 
dictionaries, 5B 
encyclopedias, SB 
laws, collections, 84C 
maps, 10A 
series, 5F(1) 
thematic catalogs, 12F 
Publishers' series, 5F(1) 

definition, p. 233 
Punctuation, p. 238-39 

Queens, 43, 55 
Question mark, p. 239 

Radio broadcasting companies, 14 
Radio programs, 14 
Radio scripts, 14 
Radio stations, 110 


Railway companies 


Railway companies, 144 
Rank, titles of, 41 
References, 158 
definition, p. 233 
explanatory, 158Q 
general, 158K 
vs. added entries, 157D 
Reformation writers, 62 
Reformed Church, 120 
Regiments, 76B-C 
Related works, 20-29 
anonymous writings, 32F 
"by the author of," 32B 
Religious denominations, 115-16, 120 
Religious names 
archbishops, 52 
bishops, 52 
cardinals, 50 
ecclesiastical princes, 51 
in orders, 53 
metropolitans, 52E 
patriarchs, 49 
popes, 48 
saints, 47 

Religious orders, 122 
Religious societies and institutions, 


Renaissance writers, 62 

court decisions, 89D 
narratives, 3E 
trials, 90 
court, 89OH 

of corporate bodies, 71, 75E 
by a nonofficial, 75D 
by an official, 75C 
of trials, 90 
Reprints, facsimile 
definition, p. 231 
of Bibles, 34D (4) 
Requiems, 12A(7) 
Respondent, 17B-C 
definition, p. 233 
Revisions, 20 

Rhapsodies (music), 12A(11) 
Rituals and liturgies 
Catholic and Eastern churches, 116F 
Jewish organizations, 121 
Protestant denominations, 120G 
Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic 


Roman emperors, 55A-B 
Romances (anonymous classics) , foot- 
note, p. 64 

Rotary clubs, 91, 97 
Royal and Select Masters, 98C(4) 

Royal Arch Masons, 98C(3) 

"Royal," "Imperial," etc., in names of 

societies and institutions, 93B 
Rulers, 43, 55 
Russian language, transliteration, 

p, 243-47 
Russian names 
royal families, 56 
women, footnote, p. 91 
married, 46F(5) 

Sacred books, 34, 35 

capitalization, p. 240 
Sagas (anonymous classics), footnote, 

p. 64 

Saints, 47 

names for persons in religious or- 
ders, 53B 

Sales catalogs, 13D 
Scandinavian names 
married women, 46F(5) 
with prefix, 39B(ld), 39B(2e) 
motion picture, 15 
with music, 12A(5) 
Scholia, 29 
Schools, 92 

alumni organizations, 10 IB 
endowed, 108 
government, 72A(1) 
Indian (U.S.), 109 
private, 108 

professional, of a university, 102 
public, 107 
societies, 101A 
Scientific expeditions, 7 
Scottish Rite masons, 98C(6) 
Scriptores, 5A(lb) 
Sculptures, 19 

Secondary entry, see Added entry 
Secret orders and societies, 98C-D 
Secretariat (governmental), 75 
Sees, ecclesiastical, 52 
Selections, see Excerpts 
Semitic languages, transliteration, 

p. 248-49 
Sequels, 26 
Serbian language, transliteration, 

p. 246-47 
Serials, 5C-E 
definition, p. 233 
indexes, 27C-F 

definition, p. 233 
definition, p. 232 
supplements to periodicals, 25C-D 




Series entry, 5F 

definition, p. 233 
Service books 

Catholic and Eastern churches, 

Jewish organizations, 121 

Protestant denominations, 120G 
Shahs, 55C 
Ships, see Vessels 
Ships' logs, 16 
Slavic languages, transliteration, 

p. 246-47 
Sobriquets, 44 

definition, p. 234 
Societies, 91-114 

capitalization, p. 239 

change of name, 91 A 

church, 127-28 

definitions and specifications, p. 148 

entry word, 93 

exhibitions held by, 136B 

expeditions sponsored by, 7B(2) 

festivals held by, 138C 

festschriften issued by, 5A(lc) 

general rule, 91 

government, 72A(1) 

indexes to publications, 27D 

names practically unknown, 94 

periodicals, 5C(1) 

place name in heading, 910 

references, 158L 

religious, 115-30 

union of two or more, 91 A (2) 

See also specific types, e.g., Amer- 
ican state societies; Federated 
societies; International societies; 

Society of Friends, 120C(2) 
Sodalities, 127 
Songs, 12A 
Sororities, p. 148; 99 
Sovereigns, 43, 55 

members of families, 56 

messages, proclamations, etc., 73 
Spanish missions, 124K 
Spanish names, 38 

married women, 46F(1) 

with prefix, 39B(2f) 
Spurious and doubtful authorship, 31 

music, 12C 
Stamp collections, 13 
Standard title 

definition (Uniform title), p. 235 

music, footnote, p. 28 
State boards, American, 105 
State churches, 1200 
State guards (U. S.), 77 

State institutions (U. S. and Canada), 

State libraries (U. S. and Canada), 


State parks, 147 
State publications, 72 
State societies, American, 105 
State trials, 90D 
State universities (U. S.), 104 
States (U. S.) 

abbreviations, p. 236 

form in heading, 151, 154 
Statutes, see Laws 
Stock exchanges, 146B 
Students' societies, 101A 
Style for headings, p. 238-42 
Subject entry, footnote 2, p. 229 

anonymous classics, 33A(4); foot- 
note 43, p. 72 

art, works of, 19C 

atlases, 100 

Baraita, 35A(5) 

Bible versions, 34C(2) 

biography, 60(2) 

Buddhist scriptures, 350 

calendars of manuscripts, 90 

city parks, 147 

commentaries, footnote, p. 51 

concordances, 28 

criticism, footnote, p. 51 

elections, contested, 90C 

expeditions, exploring and scientific, 
footnote, p. 18 

festschriften, 5A(lc) 

heraldic visitations, 18 

impeachment trials, 90E 

indexes, 270, 27E 

letters, 60(2) 

manuscripts, 9A 

maps, footnote 11, p. 26 

masses and requiems, 12A(7) 

Midrash, 35A(6) 

parodies and imitations, 24 

pleas and briefs, 90A 

program dissertations, 17E 

scholia, 290 

thematic catalogs, 12F 

treaties, 88A 

vs. title entry, 157C(5) 
Subtitle, 157C(5) 

definition, p. 234 
Sultans, 55C 
Sunday schools, 126E 
Supplements, 25 
Supposed author, 310 

compound, 38 




Surnames continued 

compound continued 
married women, 46F 
references, 158D 

general rule, 37 

with prefix, 39 

references, 158E 
Swedish names 

forenames, 40A 

with prefix, 39B(ld), 39B(2e) 
Swiss cantonal churches, 120B(1) 
Swiss names, married women, 46F(5) 
Synagogues, 124 
Synods and councils 

Catholic and Eastern churches, 119 

Protestant denominations, 120D-F 

Table rapping, works received 

through, 11 
Table-talk, 4B(3) 
Talmud, 35A(1), 35A(4) 
Telephone directories, 5E(3-4) 
Temples, 129 
Territories, 73D 
laws, 84B 

occupied, 73D, 154C 
U. S. 

abbreviations, p. 236 
form of heading, 154C 
Theaters, p. 148 

government, 72A(1) 
Thematic catalogs, 12F 

definition, p. 234 
Theses, 17 
alternative, 157C(5) 

definition, p. 229 
catchword, 157C(5) 

definition, p. 230 

conventional, see Conventional title 
definition, p. 234 
partial, 157C(5) 

definition, p. 232 
standard, see Standard title 
subtitle, 157C(5) 
definition, p. 234 
traditional, see Traditional title 
uniform, see Uniform title 
Title entry 
added entry, 157C 

vs. subject entry, 157C(5) 
definition, p. 234 
main entry 
almanacs, 5D 
anecdota, 5A(lb) 
anonymous classics, 33 
anonymous works, 32 

atlases, 10B 
Bible, 34 

capitalization, p. 240 
collections, 5 
composite works, 4A(2) 
court reports, digests, 89H 
dictionaries, 5B 
directories, 5E 
encyclopedias, 5B 
expeditions, scientific and explor- 
ing, 7B(6) 
festschriften, 5A(lc) 
indexes, 27F 
inscriptions, 8 
maps, 10A 
monumenta, 5A(lb) 
music, 12B, 12E 
newspapers, 5C(2) 
pasticci, 12A(3) 
periodicals, 5C(1) 
radio scripts, 14C 
reports of trials, 90H 
sacred literature, 35 
scenarios (motion picture) , 15 
scriptores, 5A(lb) 
serials, 5C-E 
series, 5F 

supposed author, 31B(1) 
telephone directories, 5E(4) 
translations, collections, 2 1C 
yearbooks, 5D 
Title page, definition, p. 234 
Sec also Added title page 
Titles of honor, office, address, 41 
in names of foundations, 143 
in names of societies and institu- 
tions, 93C 
noblemen, 57 
Tosefta, 35A(3-4) 
Towns, see Cities 
Tracing, footnote 2, p. 229 

definition, p. 234 
Traditional melodies, 12A(1) 
Traditional title 
anonymous classics, 33A 
definition (Uniform title), p. 235 
Transactions of societies, 71 
Transcriptions (music), 12A(10) 
Translations, 21 
anonymous works, 32G 
Arabic writers of Middle Ages, 64C 
free, 22B 

added entry, 21A, 157A 
definition, p. 234 
main entry, 21B 



Zoological gardens 

Transliterated names, 45B 

Indie, 70B 
Transliteration, p. 243-49 

Arabic, p. 248 

Bulgarian, p. 246-47 

Greek (modern) , p. 247 

Hebrew, p. 248-49 

Russian, p. 243-47 

Serbian, p. 246-47 

Ukrainian, p. 246-47 

Yiddish, p. 249 
Travesties, 24 
Treaties, 88 

Catholic Church concordats, 118C 
Trials, 90 
Trustees, boards, etc., 142 

church, 126D 
Turkish names, 64 
Typographical devices instead of name, 


Typography on Library of Congress 
cards, p. 240-42 

Ukrainian language, transliteration, 

p. 246-47 
Umlaut, p. 239 
Uniform title 

anonymous classics, 33A 

definition, p. 235 

music, footnotes, p. 28, 29 

spurious and doubtful authorship, 


Union league clubs, 1 1 I 
Union of two or more societies, 


Unit card, definition, p. 235 
Unitarian churches, 120C(2) 
United States documents, see Govern- 
ment publications 
Universities, p. 148; 92 

agricultural experiment stations, 

alumni organizations, 101B 

colleges of, 102 

endowments and special funds, 143 

government, 72A ( I ) 

institutes, meetings, held at, 135B 

national, footnote 13, p. 154-55 

professional schools of, 102 

societies, 101 A 

state (U. S.), 104 

workshops, 135B 
University clubs, 111 
University institutions (libraries, mu- 
seums, etc.), 102 

Unknown and doubtful authorship. 

music, 12B-C 
Unused forenames, 40B 

references, 158 A 

Unused names of societies and insti- 
tutions, 94 

references, 158L 
Upanishads, 35C(3) 

Variations (music), 12A(11) 

Vedas, 35C 

Vessels (ships), entry under 
admiralty proceedings, 90G 
expeditions, scientific and exploring, 

Visitations, heraldic, 18 

Volume, definition, p. 235 

Volunteer fire companies and associa- 
tions, 112 

Vowels, modified, p. 239 

Women's names 
divorced, 46E 
married, 46 

references, 158G 

See also various nationalities, e.g., 
Czech names; Spanish names; 

Works of art, 19 
"Workshops," 135B 

Yearbooks, 5D 

Yiddish language, transliteration, 

p. 249 

Yiddish names, 65 
Young Men's and Young Women's 

Christian Associations, p. 148 

Zoological gardens, 149 
government, 72A(1) 



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