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Vol.  24,  No.  1. 

JULY,  1907. 

Whole  No.  93. 


— •         -  ^'  ■       - 



H.  T.  KEAUJSG,  A.  M.,  Editor  and  Publisher,  631  Pine  Street, 

Philadelphia,  Pa.,  U.  S.  A. 

Entered  it  the  Philadelphia  Pott  Office  as  Second-Glftsi  Mail  Matter. 

The  Leading  Negro  Publication 



Published  in  behalf  of  the  Negro  Race 

The  best  Magazine  issued.  Articles  of  interest  by- 
representatives  of  the  Negro  race  throughout  the  coun- 
try appear  each  month.  It  tells  you  of  the  Negro's 
progress.     It  should  be  in  your  home.     Subscribe  now. 

The  Price  is  $1.00  a  Year.      10c.  a  Copy 


4  Cedar  Street,  New  York  City 

It  deserves  your  support.     Your  influence  and  efforts 
in  its  behalf  will  be  appreciated. 

The  Colored  American  Magazine  and  the  A.  M.  E. 
Review,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  both  sent  to  one  address 
for  $1.50. 

FRED.  R.  MOORE,  Publisher. 

CONTENTS,  JULY,  1907. 

I.  Some   Noted    Negroes 1 

II.  Alain  LeRoy  Locke.     By  Wm.  C.  Bolivar 14 

J  J  I.  The  Negroes  of  Philadelphia.  By  R.  R.  Wright,  Jr.  .20 

IV.  Theodore  Tilton.     By  R.  C.  Ransom 36 

V.  The  Caucasian.     By  Joseph  G.  Bryant 42 

VI.  Religious:     The  Christian  and  Amusements — Effect 

of  College  Training  on  the  Ministry 53 

Women:  Mirandy  Hears  About  Creeds — A  Family 
of  Temperance  Workers — Who  Are  the  Idealists. 57 

Education  :     1  )isciplinary   Course  of  Study 64 

Miscellaneous:  Jews  Leaving  Palestine — The 
New  Kind  of  Indian — Diminishing  Lynchings — A 
Notable   Conference    67 

Editorial:  Reform — Japan  and  the  United  States 
Mrs.  Derrick's  Death — The  Immortal  Miss  Jeanes 
— The  African  Sleeping  Disease  Cured — Mr. 
Stead — "The  Atlanta  Riot,"  by  Baker — Some  Pe- 
culiarities of  American  Suffrage — The  Tendency 
of  Negro  Population — The  Pen  and  Microscope 
vs.  the  Sword — The  Hague  Conference 7$ 

Business:  Notes  of  Travel.  By  Miss  E.  Marie 
Carter   83 


Vol.  XXIV,  No.  i.  JULY,  1907.  Whole  No.  93 



Besides  the  men  and  women  fairly  well  known  to  the  per- 
son of  average  information  by  reason  of  their  appearance, 
more  or  less  fully  and  frequently,  in  the  pages  of  history  or 
current  literature,  there  are  characters  not  a  few  deserving  of 
public  presentation,  whose  names  are  hidden  away  in  fugitive 
pamphlets,  old  books  out  of  circulation,  or  in  the  memories 
of  contemporaries  still  alive,  but  soon  to  pass  because  of  age. 
These  names  ought  to  be  preserved  to  history  and  to  the  Negro 
race,  for  it  is  not  so  rich  in  heroic  personalities  that  it  can  af- 
ford to  let  one  pass  from  existence  for  lack  of  a  biographer,  or 
at  least  an  index  finger  pointing  to  the  place  in  some  musty- 
corner  of  an  old  library  where  the  facts  can  be  found. 

The  names  of  men  like  Douglass  in  America,  Dumas  in 
France,  or  Toussaint  L'Ouverture  in  Hayti,  are  safely  his- 
tory's;  there  are  others  full  worthy  of  an  equally  honorable, 
if  not  an  equally  illustrious,  page,  from  whom  the  obscuration 
of  the  studied  silence  of  Caucasian  book-makers  must  be 

It  has  been  said,  and  is  to  a  degree  true,  that  the  Negro 


is  so  busy  making*  history  that  he  has  not  time  to  write  it.  It 
may  state  a  fact,  but  it  declares  a  deficiency  also;  for  the  men 
and  deeds,  noble  though  they  be,  that  die  for  want  of  a  chron- 
icler, exercise  no  influence  in  fixing  the  capacity  of  a  race,  re- 
futing the  malicious  diatribes  of  a  priori  dogmatists,  inspiring 
the  hopes  of  following  generations,  or  justifying  the  faith  of 
sturdy  friends.  Men,  therefore,  like  Daniel  Murray  and  Wm. 
C.  Bolivar,  who  are  devoting  all  their  leisure  moments  to  the 
discovery  of  such  persons  and  to  the  unearthing  of  creditable 
records  too  long  buried,  are  of  a  class  which  is  doing  more  val- 
uable work  for  race  vindication  than  most  of  the  men  who 
regard  the  deed  without  the  record. 

The  writer,  acknowledging  the  inspiration  of  their  ex- 
ample and  mindful  of  the  mission  of  the  A.  M.  E.  Review, 
has,  in  this  series,  attempted  to  "lend  a  hand." 

The  first  person  to  whom  the  reader's  attention  is  di- 
rected is 

Robert  Campbell. 

In  1858,  a  year  previous  to  that  made  memorable  in 
American  history  as  the  time  when  John  Brown's  raid  at  Har- 
per's  Ferry  precipitated  the  "irrepressible  conflict"  that  de- 
stroyed human  slavery,  a  body  of  earnest  humanitarians  met 
together  and  formed  what  they  called  the  "General  Board  of 
•Commissioners"  to  plan  and  provide  for  an  exploration,  scien- 
tific and  anthropological,  of  that  part  of  Central  Africa  occu- 
pied by  the  Egbas  and  Zorubas.  The  purpose  was  not  avow- 
edly to  ascertain  the  fitness  of  that  region  for  the  residence  of 


the  American  Negro,  though,  doubtless,  that  had  a  large  un- 
acknowledged place  in  their  minds. 

The  gentlemen  forming  this  Board  of  Commissioners 
were  men  well  known  in  their  day  around  Philadelphia  and 
the  North.  William  Howard  Day,  President;  Matisen  F. 
Bailey,  Vice  President;  Geo.  W.  Brodie,  Secretary;  James 
Madison  Bell,  Treasurer;  Alfred  Whipple,  Auditor;  Dr.  Mar- 
tin R.  Delany,  Special  Foreign  Secretary;  Isaac  D.  Shadd, 
who  subsequently  took  Mr.  Bailey's  place  as  Vice  President; 
Abram  D.  Shadd  and  James  Henry  Harris. 

All  of  these  men  had  shown  a  profound  interest  in  the 
promotion  of  the  political  and  general  interests  of  the  colored 
inhabitants  of  North  America,  especially  of  the  United  States 
and  Canada.  After  due  deliberation,  it  was  decided  to  or- 
ganize "The  Niger  Valley  Exploring  Party"  for  the  purpose 
of  visiting,  the  Niger  region  to  make  a  topographical,  geological 
and  geographical  examination  of  it;  to  inquire  also  into  the 
state  and  condition  of  the  people  of  the  valley,  with  such  other 
scientific  inquiries  as  might  be  deemed  expedient  for  the 
purpose  of  science  and  for  general  information ;  but  it  was  ex- 
plicitly stated  that  the  expedition  had  no  reference  to  an  emi- 
gration movement,  the  board  being,  in  fact,  opposed  to  the 

Nevertheless,  it  would  require  a  stretch  of  faith  not  likely 
to  be  exercised  by  our  readers  who  know  of  the  oppression 
and  interest  of  the  Negro  in  America  at  that  time,  to  ask  them 
•to  believe  that  this  party  of  Negro  explorers  were  going  out 


for  pure  love  of  science  and  in  absolute  disregard  of  the  fitness 
of  Africa  as  a  haven  for  their  kinsmen  in  tribulation. 

Among  the  five  chosen  for  this  work  was  Professor  Rob- 
ert Campbell,  of  whom  we  write.  He  was  one  of  the  earliest 
and  most  eminent  scientists  produced  by  the  Negro  race  in 
America,  holding  at  the  time  of  his  appointment  the  profes- 
sorship of  Science  in  the  famous  Institute  for  Colored  Youth, 
Philadelphia,  recently  removed  from  that  city  to  Cheyney, 
Pa.,  about  20  miles  away,  where  it  still  flourishes  under  the 
management  of  the  Friends. 

It  was  because  of  Professor  Campbell's  scientific  attain- 
ments that  he  was  selected  for  the  exploring  party,  for  it  was 
desired  that  the  observation  should  not  be  superficial  or  hasty, 
but  thorough  and  competent. 

He  was  not  a  full-blood  Negro,  but  a  quadroon,  resembling 
in  personal  appearance  a  Scotchman  in  cast  of  face  and  in  his 
raw-boned  frame.  His  eye  was  keen  and  piercing,  his  nose 
thin  and  sensitive,  well  bridged  and  straight.  The  mouth  was 
thin  and  straight-lined,  the  chin  pronounced  and  inclined  to 
be  square ;  the  cheek-bones  prominent ;  while  a  mustache  and 
scrawny,  scattering  beard  covered  his  lower  face.  Altogether, 
his  was  the  make-up  to  undertake  the  arduous  duties  assigned 
him,  and  right  joyfully  did  he  undertake  them,  when,  having 
crossed  to  Liverpool,  he  set  sail  on  the  second  stage  of  his 
voyage  June  24,  1859,  touching  at  Funchal,  Madiera,  Santa 
Cruz,  Teneriffe  and  Cape  Verde,  before  anchoring  in  the  port 
of  Bathurst,  Gambia. 

We  are  indebted  to  his  own  account  of  this  memorable 


trip  for  most  of  the  interesting  facts  we  are  able  to  present. 
On  his  return,  he  published  a  brief,  but  very  satisfactory,  ac- 
count of  the  country,  the  tribes  and  their  customs ;  an  account 
that  loses  none  of  its  interest  read  by  the  light  of  more  ambi- 
tious volumes  in  these  later  days  when  Africa  and  everything 
African  is  being  examined  with  a  microscope  and  raked  with 
a  fine-toothed  comb. 

Landing  at  Lagos  on  the  Gulf  of  Guinea,  after  a  stay  of 
some  weeks  awaiting  Dr.  Martin  R.  Delaney,  his  companion 
explorer,  in  vain,  he  began  his  journey  inland  up  the  Ogun 
river,  having  for  his  first  objective  the  native  town  of  Abbeo- 
kuta.  He  was  fortunate  in  making  the  acquaintance  of  Rev. 
Samuel  Crowther,  the  gifted  native  preacher  and  scholar,  since 
made  Bishop  of  Niger  by  the  Episcopal  Church — a  man  as 
brilliant  as  he  is  black.  The  two  sons,  Samuel  and  Josiah 
Crowther,  decided  to  accompany  Prof.  Campbell,  and  together 
they  set  out.  In  due  time  they  arrived  at  Abbeokuta  and  were 
given  an  audience  with  the  King,  who  regarded  their  mission 
with  great  favor. 

A  digression  whi'ch  Prof.  Campbell  makes  in  his  narra- 
tive is  of  much  interest  as  showing  that  the  idea  that  Negroes 
always  pay  more  deference  to  white  men  because  they  are 
white  than  to  colored  men,  is  false  and  the  result  of  slavery 
rather  than  any  innate  sense  of  inferiority  in  the  black  man. 
On  this  point,  he  says : 

'The  natives  generally  at  first  regarded  me  as  a  'white 
man,  until  I  informed  them  of  my  connection  with  the  Negro. 
This  announcement  always  gained  me  a  warmer  reception. 


"The  reader  here  will  permit  me  to  digress  to  explain  a 
matter  respecting  which  there  has  hitherto  been  some  miscon- 
ception. It  has  been  asserted  that  the  native  African  does  not 
manifest  under  any  circumstances  the  same  deference  for  col- 
ored men  as  he  does  for  white  men;  and  so  fully  is  this  be- 
lieved, particularly  in  the  United  States,  that  both  my  col- 
league, Dr.  Delaney,  and  myself  were  frequently  cautioned 
respecting  the  danger  to  which  we  should  be  exposed  in  con- 
sequence of  our  complexion.  It  is  indeed  true  that  more  re- 
spect has  been  accorded  to  white  men,  on  account  of  their  su- 
perior learning  and  intelligence,  than  to  the  generality  of  semi- 
civilized  black  men  from  the  Brazils  and  other  places,  who 
now  live  in  the  Aku  country ;  but  it  is  a  great  mistake  to  think 
that  the  same  is  withheld  from  colored  men  similarly  endowed 
with  their  white  brethren.  Let  any  disinterested  person  visit- 
ing Abeokuta  place  himself  in  a  position  to  notice  the  manner 
in  which  such  a  person,  for  instance,  as  the  Reverend  Samuel 
Crowther,  or  even  his  son  of  the  same  name,  each  a  pure  Ne- 
gro, is  treated,  and  he  would  soon  perceive  the  profound  re- 
spect with  which  Africans  treat  those  of  their  own  race  worthy 
of  it.  The  white  man  who  supposes  himself  respected  in  Af- 
rica, merely  because  he  is  white,  is  grievously  mistaken.  I 
have  had  opportunities  to  know,  that  if  he  should,  presuming 
on  his  complexion,  disregard  propriety  in  his  bearing  towards 
the  authorities,  he  would  receive  as  severe  rebuke  as  a  similar 
offense  would  bring  him  in  England.  One  of  the  chiefs  of 
Abbeokuta,  Atambala,  was  with  us  one  day  when  a  young 
missionary  entered  and  passed  him  with  only  a  casual  nod  of 


the  head.  As  soon  as  he  was  seated  the  haughty  old  chief 
arose  and  said,  in  his  own  tongue :  'Young  man,  whenever  any 
of  my  people,  even  the  aged,  approaches  me,  he  prostrates  him- 
self with  his  face  to  the  ground.  I  do  not  expect  the  same 
from  you  or  from  civilized  men,  (oyibo),  nevertheless  remem- 
ber always  that  I  shall  demand  all  the  respect  due  to  a  chief  of 
Abbeokuta.'  A  sufficient  apology  was  given,  and  the  matter 
ended,  not  without,  it  is  hoped,  teaching  a  salutary  lesson." 

This  incident  gives  us  an  insight  into  the  distorting  ef- 
fects of  slavery.  Men  who  have  seen  white  enthroned  and 
made  the  standard  of  all  excellence  learn  to  depreciate,  if  not 
despise,  black;  which,  indeed,  was  the  aim  of  those  who  de- 
prived their  fellow-men  of  God-given  liberty.  It  is  a  travesty 
upon  reason  and  good  judgment  to  distort  and  deform  a  hu- 
man being's  conceptions  by  a  false  system  of  training  and  then 
point  to  the  resulting  product  as  the  outcome  of  "race  traits- 
and  tendencies;"  yet  this  is  exactly  what  American  opinion 

Possibly  no  question  has  been  more  hotly  debated  than 
the  Negro's  ability  of  self-government.  The  Reconstruction 
regime  is  always  put  to  do  service  to  demonstrate  his  inability ; 
but  Professor  Campbell  found  a  degree  of  social  and  political 
efficiency  among  the  Aku  nation,  of  whom  the  Egbas  form  a 
part,  that  was  truly  wonderful.  Besides,  it  had  the  rare 
merit  of  being  indigenous  to  Africa,  thus  discrediting  another 
stock  explanation  of  whatever  merit  Americans  see  in  a  Negro 
— that  of  "mere  power  to  imitate." 


Professor  Campbell  informs  us  that — 

"Viewed  as  to  its  power  of  enforcing  order,  and  afford- 
ing security  for  life  and  property,  the  government  of  Abbeo- 
kuta  is  as  efficient  as  a  civilized  government  can  be,  and  it  ac- 
complishes these  ends  with  the  greatest  ease  and  simplicity. 
Punishment  is  always  summary  and  certain;  notwithstanding, 
nobody  complains  of  injustice.  The  penalty  for  theft  is  ex- 
treme, being  either  decapitation  or  foreign  slavery.  Before 
the  advent  of  missionaries  and  civilized  people  adultery  was 
sometimes  also  a  capital  offense;  now  it  is  modified  to  heavy 
fines,  the  amount  of  which  is  always  proportioned  to  the  posi- 
tion and  wealth  of  the  offender.  Cases  of  adultery  often  oc- 
cur, and  must  be  expected  until  they  are  taught  to  abandon 
the  disgusting  system  of  polygamy. 

"The  tenure  of  property  is  as  it  is  among  civilized  people, 
except  as  to  land,  which  is  deemed  common  property;  every 
individual  enjoys  the  right  of  taking  unoccupied  land,  as  much 
us  he  can  use,  wherever  and  whenever  he  pleases.  It  is  deemed 
his  property  as  long  as  he  keeps  it  in  use;  after  that,  it  is 
again  common  property.  This  custom  is  observed  by  all  the 

"The  surviving  relatives  of  one  buried  on  any  lot  of 
ground  have  a  right  to  that  ground,  which  nothing  can  tempt 
them  to  relinquish,  and  from  respect  to  the  sentiment,  no  one 
would  invade  on  any  pretext,  particularly  when  the  deceased 
was  a  mother  or  father.  Mr.  S.  Crowther,  Jr.,  has  long  de- 
sired to  possess  a  strip  of  land  contiguous  to  his  place  of  bus- 
iness, but  no  offer  of  money  can  induce  the  owner  to  part  with 


it,  although  he  is  very  poor;  because  his  father  lies  buried 

Surely,  here  is  the  source  of  Henry  George's  single  tax 
theory  which  is  intended  to  take  from  a  man  all  idle  land, 
leaving  him  only  as  much  as  he  can  use  profitably ;  yet  observe 
how  filial  regard,  and  respect  for  the  dead,  make  a  beautiful 
exception  to  the  general  law  in  Africa  by  setting  apart  forever 
burial  grounds.  Nothing  quite  like  it  can  be  found  outside  of 
China,  where  veneration  for  parents  approaches  ancestor  wor- 
ship. Certainly  America,  which  runs  a  street  right  over  the 
bones  of  a  hero  to  make  way  for  traffic,  cannot  match  it. 

A  little  further  on,  our  author  gives  us  an  amusing  in- 
stance of  that  universal  jealousy  that  seems  to  exist  among 
physicians  of  every  race  and  kind.  The  sprightly  recital  can- 
not be  improved  upon.     Says  he : 

"There  are  many  doctors — physicians,  I  might  have  said 
—throughout  the  Aku  country;  and  they  are  as  jealous  of  their 
profession,  and  as  opposed  to  innovation  in  practice  as  the  most 
orthodox  disciple  of  Aesculapius  amongst  us  can  be.  Shortly 
after  the  return  of  Mr.  S.  Crowther,  Jr.,  from  London,  where 
he  received  the  training  of  a  surgeon,  several  of  these  doctors, 
hearing  that  he  was  prescribing  for  many  who  were  before 
their  patients,  assembled  en  masse  in  the  market  place,  and  af- 
ter due  deliberation  issued  an  "injunction"  that  he  should 
forthwith  abandon  his  practice.  Some  of  the  foremost  of  them 
were  deputed  to  communicate  the  decree  of  the  faculty.  They 
were  cordially  received  and  heard  with  patience.  After  some 
conversation,  Mr.  C.  informed  them  that  he  was  willing  to 

10  THE    REVIEW 

obey,  but  only  after  a  trial  on  both  sides  should  prove  him  to 
be  the  less  skilled  in  the  mysteries  of  the  profession.  To  this 
they  consented.  Time  was  given  for  preparation  on  both 
sides.  In  the  afternoon  the  regulars  appeared,  clothed  in  their 
most  costly  garments,  and  well  provided  with  orishas  or  charms 
attached  to  all  parts  of  their  persons  and  dress.  In  the  mean- 
time Mr.  Crowther  had  also  prepared  to  receive  them.  A  table 
was  placed  in  the  middle  of  the  room  and  on  it  a  dish  in  which 
were  a  few  drops  of  sulphuric  acid,  so  placed  that  a  slight  mo- 
tion of  the  table  would  cause  it  to  flow  into  a  mixture  of  chlor- 
ate of  potassa  and  white  sugar.  A  clock  was  also  in  the  room,, 
from  which  a  small  bird  issued  every  hour  and  announced  the 
time  by  cooing.  This  was  arranged  so  as  to  coo  while  they 
were  present.  Mr.  Crowther  then  made  a  brief  harangue,  and 
requested  them  to  say  who  should  lead  off  in  the  contest.  This 
privilege  they  accorded  to  him.  The  door  was  closed,  the  cur- 
tains drawn  down.  All  waited  in  breathless  expectation., 
Presentlv  the  bird  came  out,  and  to  their  astonishment  cooed 
twelve  times,  and  suddenly  from  the  midst  of  the  dish  burst 
forth  flame  and  a  terrible  explosion.  The  scene  that  followed 
was  indescribable;  one  fellow  rushed  through  the  window  and 
scampered;  another  in  his  consternation  overturning  chairs, 
tables  and  everything  in  his  way,  took  refuge  in  the  bed- 
room, under  the  bed,  from  which  he  was  with  difficulty  after- 
wards removed.  .  It  need  not  be  added  that  they  gave  no  more 
trouble,  and  the  practice  they  sought  to  break  up  was  only  the 
more  increased  for  their  pains." 

Prof.  Campbell,  pursuing  the  purpose  for  which  he  was 


sent  out,  collected  much  valuable  information  about  the  form 

of  government,  the  grades  of  native  officials,  native  food  and 
cooking,  clothing,  skill  in  iron  working,  shrewdness  in  trade, 
native  notions  of  honor,  slavery,  polygamy,  military  genius  and 
funeral  rites.  In  almost  all  of  these  specifications  he  shows 
the  innate  ability,  ingenuity  and  initiative  of  the  African  who 
had  not  come  in  contact  with  Caucasion  instruction.  The 
whole  showing  is  in  disagreement  with  American  ideas. 

Those  readers  interested  in  philological  investigation  are 
told  of  the  richness  of  the  Aku  vocabulary.  In  methods  of 
salutation  alone  they  have  more  than  a  score  of  words.  For 
instance : 

"Equals  meeting  will  simply  say,  acu;  but  one  addressing 
a  superior  affixes  some  word  to-  acu,  thus,  acabo,  (acu  abo*) 
acuni,  etc.  The  superior  usually  salutes  first,  and  when  the 
disparity  of  position  is  great,  the  inferior  prostrates.  The 
young  always  prostrate  to  the  aged.  Women  kneel,  but  nev- 
er prostrate.  Sons,  without  reference  to  age  or  rank,  prostrate 
to  their  mothers  or  senior  female  relatives.  They  never  suffer 
anything  to  interfere  with  the  observance  of  these  courtesies. 
There  is  an  appropriate  salutation  for  every  occasion;  for  in- 
stance: acuaro,  good  morning;  acuale,  good  evening;  acusht\ 
for  being  industrious;  acabo,  or  acuabo,  (ua  as  diphthong), 
for  returning  from  a  journey;  acatijo,  for  long  absence;  acu- 
joco,  for  sitting  or  resting;  acudaro,  for  standing  or  walking; 
acuraju,  expressive  of  sympathy,  in  distress  or  sickness ;  acne- 
ro,  for  bearing  a  burthen;  acualejo,  for  entertaining  a  stranger. 

*One  vowel  dropped  for  euphony 


So  rich  is  the  language  in  salutations,  that  the  above  list  could 
have  been  increased  indefinitely." 

So  great  a  variety  in  the  language  of  politeness  would 
indicate  a  Chesterfieldian  people,  and  truly  it  is  so,  for  we  are 
informed  that  not  even  a  Frenchman  is  more  polite  than  these 
untaught  Africans.  Even  two  strangers  never  pass  without 
saluting,  and  the  most  scrupulous  attention  is  paid  to  the  social 
position  of  persons  saluted.  An  old  man,  whose  age  and  posi- 
tion as  selector  of  the  successor  to  the  king  entitled  him,  by 
native  custom,  to  require  the  prostration  of  all  who  came  into 
his  presence,  refused  to  allow  the  king  to  pay  this  act  of  def- 
erence; but  the  king  insisted.  Then  began  what  must  have 
been  a  most  amusing  contest  between  the  two,  each  seeking, 
on  every  meeting,  to  approach  the  other  unawares  and  pros- 
trate himself  first. 

They  could  frequently  be  seen  stealthily  creeping  upon 
each  other,  hiding  behind  bushes  or  huts,  to  be  the  first  to 
throw  themselves  on  the  ground  before  each  other. 

After  gathering  much  valuable  data  for  the  General 
Board  of  Commissioners  who  had  sent  him  out,  and  pushing 
his  explorations  as  far  inland  as  Ilorin,  notwithstanding  seri- 
ous hindrances  from  native  wars,  Professor  Campbell  reached 
Liverpool  on  his  return  May  12,  i860,  having  been  from  home 
about  one  year. 

Proceeding  to  London  with  Dr.  Martin  R.  Delaney,  his 
fellow  explorer,  he  reached  there  in  time  to  attend  that  famous 
session  of  the  International  Statistical  Congress,  over  which 
the  Consort  Prince  Albert  .presided,  and  from  which  Judge 


A.  B.  Longstreet,  delegate  from  Georgia,  retired  in  high 
dudgeon  because  Dr.  Delaney  was  seated  on  the  platform,  a 
fact  to  which  Lord  Brougham  called  admiring  attention. 

It  will  be  remembered  that  the  General  Board  of  Com- 
missioners who  sent  out  Professor  Campbell  and  Dr.  Delaney 
disclaimed  any  intention  of  encouraging  or  arranging  for  emi- 
gration to  Africa,  yet  after  having  made  the  exploration  Pro- 
fessor Campbell  announced  his  intention  to  make  Africa  his 
home.  In  the  wisdom  of  this  course  both  of  the  explorers 
agreed.  Indeed,  they  proceeded  to  negotiate  a  treaty  with 
the  tribes  they  visited,  stipulating  four  things : 

i.  The  kings  and  chiefs  agreed  to  grant  them  on  behalf 
of  the  African  race  in  America,  the  right  of  settling  in  any 
part  of  their  unoccupied  territory. 

2.  These  settlers  were  to  be  governed  by  their  own  laws 
and  customs. 

3.  The  settlers  were  to  have  "intelligence,  education,  a 
knowledge  of  the  arts  and  sciences,  agriculture,  and  other 
mechanical  and  industrial  occupations,  which  they  shall  put 
into  immediate  operation  by  improving  the  lands  and  in  other 
useful  vocations." 

4.  The  laws  of  the  natives  were  to  be  respected,  and 
matters  of  dispute  between  natives  and  settlers  were  to  be  set- 
tled by  commissioners  equally  chosen. 

These  few  glimpses  of  Professor  Robert  Campbell  show 
him  to  have  been  a  very  capable  man  in  his  chosen  field  of 
science,  observant  as  a  traveler  and  entitled  to  some  rating  as 
ro  statesmanship.  Certainly,  his  love  and  loyalty  for  the 
Negro  stood  out  above  all  else. 



^L^/Af  L*#OK  LOCKE. 

Had  it  been  known  that  Alain  LeRoy  Locke  was  a  candi- 
date for  the  Cecil  Rhodes  Oxford  Scholarship,  whatever  of 
surprise  there  might  have  come- in  the  result  of  such  examina- 
tion, to  those  who  knew  him,  it  would  only  have  come  through 
a  knowledge  of  failure.  The  fact  of  his  candidacy  came  with 
the  newspaper  accounts  of  the  decision  of  the  examining  board. 
Scores  of  persons  scarcely  knew  of  the  existence  of  this  young 
man;  but  there  were  some  who  had  followed  his  fortunes 
through  a  long  line  of  triumphs,  through  personal  interest, 
from  the  kindergarten  up;  who  would  have  discounted  the  cli- 
max without  the  least  fear  of  its  being  misplaced.  Human 
kind  delights  in  results,  but  is  equally  delighted  at  antecedents. 
We  all  want  to  know  of  momentum  and  processes,and  now  that 
young  Locke  is  an  international  figure,  anterior  considerations 
share  the  fact  of  the  moment.  The  editorials  in  the  Philadel- 
phia Press  and  Inquirer  laid  great  stress  on  a  well  equipped 
ancestry,  for  three  generations.  That  was  on  the  paternal 
side.  The  maternal  line  takes  us  back  to  Charles  Shorter,  a 
freeman  born  about  1790,  and  an  enlisted  soldier  in  the  war 
of  1812.  His  wife  (born  Daffin)  was  also  free  born.  They 
both  possessed  schooling  equal  to  the  best  of  their  kind  nearly 
•one  hundred  years  ago.     This  advantage  was  improved  upon 





in  his  grandparents  with  an  advanced  stride  on  the  part  of  his 
mother,  born  Mary  J.  Hawkins,  who  was  a  graduate  of  the 
Institute  for  Colored  Youth,  in  the  class,  of  1869,  and  whose 
•career  as  a  teacher  has  continued  until  now,  with  but  few  in- 
terruptions, with  fine  success  all  the  way  through. 

The  military  spirit  in  his  family  seemed  to  be  in  the  ma- 
ternal line,  because  his  great  uncle,  Thomas  Hawkins,  won 
Congressional  thanks,  as  well  as' a  governmental  medal  for  un- 
usual bravery  during  the  Civil  War.  His  grandfather,  Ish- 
rhael  Locke,  was  born  a  freeman  in  Salem,  New  Jersey,  in 
1820,  and  died  in  1852.  He  attended  the  public  schools  of  his 
native  place,  and  was  soon  noted  for  his  ability  and  studious 
habits.  This  resulted  in  a  continued  course,  privately,  under 
tutors,  when  he  made  great  advancement  and  became  a  well 
equipped  man.  He  taught  school  in  Salem,  N.  J.,  and  was 
sent  to  Africa  by  a  Society  of  Friends,  to  establish  schools 
and  to  do  missionary  work.  Four  years  were  spent  there,  and  he 
married  a  daughter  of  Kentucky  parents, who'  had  preceded  him 
on  a  similar  mission.  On  his  way  to  Africa  he  spent  a  season 
in  England  and  matriculated  as  a  student  at  Cambridge  Uni- 
versity in  a  special  course  of  lectures.  Returning  to  the  Uni- 
ted  States  he  was  made  master  of  a  public  school  at  Provi- 
dence, Rhode  Island.  Later  on  he  taught  in  Camden,  N.  J., 
located  at  Fifth  and  Cherry  streets.  When  the  Institute  for 
Colored  youth  began  its  orderly  career  Ishmael  Locke  was 
elected  as  its  head.  It  was  through  Marmaduke  Cope, 
Philadelphia's  great  merchant  and  ship  owner,  that  he  was 
so  placed.     Mr.  Cope  knew  of  the  qualifications  of  Ishmael 

16  THE    REVIEW 

Locke  through  direct  personal  knowledge  with  men  in  Salem, 
N.  J.,  and  Providence,  R.  I.  These  were  school  officials  and 
thoroughly  able  to  judge.  Some  of  his  endorsers  are  worthy 
of  mention,  and  among  them :  T.  Ellwood  Chapman,  Edward 
Needles,  Caleb  Clothier,  Casper  Wister,  R.  P.  Thompson,  At- 
torney General  of  New  Jersey,  Alexander  G.  Cattell,  later  on 
United  States  Senator  from  New  Jersey,  Rev.  William  B. 
Otis,  rector  of  St.  John's  Protestant  Episcopal  church,  Salem, 
N.  J.,  of  which  Ishmael  Locke  was  a  communicant  member, 
and  many  others.  This  was  as  far  back  as  1844,  and  to  merit 
such  high  endorsement  from  men  not  given  to  signing  their 
names  without  full  knowledge  proves  the  sterling  quaiities  of 
the  man. 

The  sequence  is  in  the  father,  Pliny  I.  Locke,  a  native  of 
this  city  and  a.  man  who  displayed  great  mind  strength,  all 
through  his  school  life  which  was  had  here  at  his  home.  He 
graduated  from  the  Institute  for  Colored  Youth  in  1867,  un- 
der Prof.  E.  D.  Bassett,  and  in  all  lines  of  study  outranked 
his  colleagues.  He  was  a  fine  mathematician,  and  the  influ- 
ence of  his  methods  as  a  teacher  lasts  till  now.  Through 
Marmaduke  Cope,  the  friend  of  his  father,  he  taught  in  the 
school  where  his  father  was  the  first  head  and  where  he  had 
been  a  scholar.  Later  on  he  entered  the  government  service 
in  Washington,  D.  C,  and  held  the  highest  grade  clerkship. 
While  there  he  finished  the  law  course  at  Howard  University ; 
later  on  returning  to  his  home  in  this  city,  he  received  a  clerk- 
ship in  the  post-office,  and  afterwards  an  inspector  of  me- 
ters in  the  gas  department.     The  evolution  thus  outlined  from 


both  the  paternal  and  maternal  lines,  brings  us  to  the  mam 
object — Alain  LeRoy  Locke. 

He  was  born  in  Philadelphia  in  1885,  and  being  an  only 
child,  with  both  parents  experienced  teachers  and  thoroughly 
familiar  with  child  nature,  his  training  began  in  his  own  home 
with  an  orderliness  out  of  the  common.  All  of  his  play  was 
arranged  with  the  added  view  of  study.  Not  that  he  was 
hampered,  but  there  was  intelligent  direction  in  the  relief  mo- 
ments of  his  tasks.  He  could  romp,  be  noisy,  and  did  all  that 
boys  of  his  age  usually  did.  His  parents  knew  his  aptitude 
at  assimilation  and  digestion,  and  in  every  way  furthered  it. 
The  death  of  his  father  left  him  under  the  sole  care  of  a 
mother,  and  her  share  in  shaping  his  after  successes  has  beeiv 
as  sane  as  unremittent.  When  Miss  Florence  A.  Lewis  (now 
Mrs.  Charles  E.  Bentley)  was  educational  editor  of  the  Phil- 
adelphia Press,  she  said  of  him :  "In  one  of  the  divisions  of 
the  tenth  grade  the  smallest  and  youngest  boy,  LeRoy  Locke,. 
is  said  to-  be  doing  the  most  satisfactory  work,  and  is  leading: 
his  class.  Locke  is  doing  especially  good  work  in  mathe- 
matics." This  was  the  estimate  of  his  teachers  and  the  opin- 
ion, from  observation,  of  the  writer,  who  had  herself  foeera 
a  teacher.  It  must  be  remembered  that  the  boy  Locke  was 
even  then  a  great  deal  younger  than  his  classmates.  The  av- 
erage age  of  our  High  School  graduates  is  nineteen.  Lock 
entered  No.  1,  and  finished  the  course  No.  1  at  sixteen.  From 
there  to  the  School  of  Pedagogy,  leading  all  the  way  through 
and  ahead  of  all  at  the  end.  The  same  thing'  has  obtained  aft 
Harvard  University,  from  which  he  has  just  been  graduated, 

18  THE    REVIEW 

winning  all  the  honors  through  the  various  terms.  The  fact 
must  be  noted,  that  he  has  achieved  all  this  in  three  years,  in- 
stead of  the  usual  four.  He  entered  the  examination  for  the 
Cecil  Rhodes   Oxford  scholarship  and  was  one  of  five  out 

of  fifty,  the  other  from  Pennsylvania  being  a  Jew.  If  stolid- 
ity, endeavor  and  brain  power  count,  no  one  knowing  the  sub- 
ject of  this  chronicle  will  have  the  slightest  apprehension  as  to 
a  repetition  of  past  triumphs  during  the  three  years'  course 
he  is  to  take  at  Oxford  University. 

There  is  an  old  story  about  John  C.  Calhoun's  having  said : 
""li  you  show  me  a  Negro  able  to  comprehend  Greek,  in  the 
least,  I  will  acknowledge  my  mistake  in  all  previous  estimates 
as  to  brain  power."  Just  after  that  James  McCune  Smith,  of 
New  York,  graduated  at  Edinburg  University,  Scotland;  Jon- 
athan C.  Gibbs,  of  Philadelphia,  a  few  years  later  from  Dart- 
mouth, and  ten  years  after  that,  Jesse  E.  Glasgow,  of  this  city, 
had  nearly  finished  a  brilliant  course  at  Glasgow  University, 
wvhen  cut  off  by  death. 

The  Rhodes  bequest  knows  nothing  of  race,  color  or  na- 
tionality. This  benefactor  knew  the  importance  of  character, 
and  in  the  conclusions  of  the  Board  of  Managers  that  counted 
with  Locke,  along  with  his  pure  ability.  As  the  Boost  Book 
Magazine  said :  "There  were  five  men  to  take  the  last  exam- 
ination. Four  of  these  were  white.  The  black  won  out. 
It  was  decided  that  he  was  not  only  the  most  learned  student, 
but  that  he  possessed  the  qualification  of  manliness  and  the 
further  asset  of  popularity.  *****  There  is  a  tre- 
-.mendous      significance      in      this      thing.     *     *     *     *     * 


The  black  man  had  to  fight  an  uphill  fight." 
Lock's  "modesty  is  a  candle  to  his  merit/'  and 
public  notoriety  is  far  from  his  taste.  The  narrator  of  this 
cursory  glance  at  Locke  and  his  forbears  has  done  it  despite 
the  fact  of  his  dislike  for  the  limelight.  He  is  thoroughly  con- 
scientious and  works  hard,  not  only  from  a  sense  of  duty,  but 
because  study  is  his  passion.  In  what  he  has  achieved  a  race 
has  been  uplifted.  His  aversion  to  publicity  stays  the  pen. 
This  much  millions  feel  a  proprietorship  in,  and  it  is  for  this 
reason  that  the  writer  has  especially  aimed  to  picture  the  loins 
from  which  Alain  LeRoy  Locke  sprung. 

Just  one  month  ago,  Alain  LeRoy  Locke  added  to  his 
great  triumph  in  March,  by  winning  the  Bowdoin  Prize  at 
Harvard.  Even  without  securing  the  Rhodes  Oxford  schol- 
arship, this  would  have  been  a  rare  achievement.  The  be- 
stowal is  the  highest  within  the  gift  of  Harvard,  and  but  sel- 
dom granted.  Among  previous  holders,  were  Longfellow  and 
Lowell.  It  carries  with  it,  a  medal,  a  public  presentation  of 
a  thesis,  and  two  hundred  and  fifty  dollars  in  money,  and  is 
given  for  literary  work.  Most  men  consider  themselves  for- 
tunate to  even  graduate  in  the  specified  four  years,  and  here 
is  a  very  young  man,  who  lops  off  one  year,  and  gathers  in 
every  honor  obtainable.  This  last  act  accents  many  other 
strong  ones,  and  presages,  not  only  victories  at  Oxford,  but 
after  results  of  vast  good,  not  only  to  himself,  but  to  his  kind, 
and  the  world  generally.  Our  subject  is  a  live  refutation  of 
mental  inferiority  cm  the  part  of  the  Negro. 

William  C.  Bolivar. 




[Mr.  R.  R.  Wright,  Jr.,  has  carved  for  himself  a  commanding  and  unique  place 
among  the  social  students  a  ad  statisticians  of  the  country.  His  equipoise  and  ability 
to  draw  legitimate  deductions  from  figures  and  isolated  facts  compel  the  respect,  if 
not  the  assent,  of  all  thoughtful  men.  It  is  because  of  their  informational  and  ref- 
erence value  that  this  series  of  papers  originally  printed  in  "The  Public  Ledger," 
are  reproduced.    We  are  sure  their  value  will  be  generally  appreciated. v-Editor.] 


While  to-day  the  whole  country  has  its  interest  turned 
upon  the  question  of  the  Negroes  in  general,  and  recently  upon 
the  Negro  soldiers  in  particular,  it  will  not  be  without  profit 
to  those  interested  in  the  subject  to  relate  a  few  things  regard- 
ing the  black  population  in  our  midst — the  Negroes  of  Phil- 

There  has  never  been  a.  time  in  the  history  of  Philadel- 
phia when  there  were  no  Negroes  here;  but  when  they  first 
came,  or  how,  we  may  never  know.  In  the  first  laws  for  the 
government  of  the  Province  of  Pennsylvania  black  servants 
are  mentioned  along  with  white  servants,  plainly  showing  their 
presence  in  the  colony  during  the  time  of  William  Penn.  In- 
deed, there  is  evidence  that  they  were  in  Pennsylvania  and 
Delaware  before  the  Proprietor  came  to  this  country. 

To-day  Philadelphia  has  about  5  per  cent,  of  its  popula- 
tion Negroes,  which  is  two-and-a-half  times  as  great  a  percent- 
age as  in  New  York  or  Chicago.  •  Philadelphia  has  the  largest 


aggregate  Negro  population  in  the  North,  and  the  fourth  larg- 
est in  the  whole  country.  Our  Negro  population  for  numbers 
is  only  exceeded  by  Washington,  D.  C,  which  in  1900  had. 
86,702;  Baltimore,  79,258,  and  New  Orleans,  77,714.  Phil- 
adelphia had  62,613  Negroes  in  1900,  and  at  the  present  time 
the  colored  population  is  nearly  80,000.  Next  to  Philadel- 
phia, New  York  city  has  the  largest  Negro  population,  the 
number  being  60,666,  and  then  the  cities  follow  in  population 
in  the  order  here  given  :  Memphis,  Tenn.,  49,910;  Louisville, 
Ky->  3SM39;  Atlanta,  Ga.,  35,727;  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  35,516; 
Richmond,  Va.,  32,230;  Charleston,  S.  C,  31,522;  Chicago, 
30,150;  Nashville,  Tenn.,  30,044.  There  are  13  cities  having 
more  than  30,000  Negroes;  three  of  these  are  in  the  North, 
six  are  in  the  border  States  and  four  in  the  far  South. 

Philadelphia,  like  most  of  the  Northern  cities,  gets  is 
Negro  inhabitants  largely  from  the  South.  Only  about  a 
third  of  them  were  born  in  the  State  of  Pennsylvania,  and 
about  one- fourth  in  the  city  of  Philadelphia,  while  the  num- 
ber whose  parents  were  also  born  in  the  city  is  exceedingly 
small.  The  accompanying  table  shows  the  States  from  which 
Philadelphia  has  drawn  its  colored  population: 

CENSUS.  1900. 
Place  of  Birth.  No.        Per  Ct. 

Northeastern  States 25,609  42 . 1 

Maine 17  - 

New  Hampshire  6  .... 

Vermont    10  .... 

Massachusetts   % 183  .... 



Connecticut    , 108 

Rhode  Island 52 

New  York 627 

New  Jersey i,77i 

Pennsylvania    22,8.35 

Southeastern  States 34,255 

Delaware  2,527 

Maryland  9,474 

Virginia   16,369 

West  Virginia  197 

North  Carolina 3,403 

South  Carolina  ._ 577 

Georgia 429 

Florida 94 

District  of  Columbia  .' 1,185 

Southwestern  States 457 

Mississippi    54 

Louisiana    $7 

Texas    42 

Tennessee   109 

Arkansas   18 

Kentucky 59 

Alabama , in 

Indian  Territory 2 

Oklahoma  5 

North  Central  States  405 

Ohio    172 

Indiana 32 

Illinois    64 

Michigan  26 

Wisconsin 36 

Minnesota  13 

Iowa   1 

Missouri 27 

North  Dakota n 

South  Dakota   2 

Nebraska   12 

Kansas  9 

Western  States 140 

California    48 

Colorado   7 

Washington   76 

Montana 3 

New  Mexico    2 





Oregon  i 

Arizona    i 

Idaho    i 

Utah   i 

Not  specified  238 

At  sea  and  under  the  U.  S.  flag 6 

Porto  Rico 7 

Americans  born  abroad  24 

According-  to  this  table  ^j(>  were  born  in  New  England, 
or  6  per  1,000;  25,233,  or  415  per  1,000,  were  born  in  the 
Middle  States,  and  378,  or  about  6  per  1,000,  were  born  in 
the  Western  States,  while  34,739,  or  571  per  1,000  were  born 
in  the  South.  The  largest  number  were  born  in  the  State  of 
Virginia — 16,369. 

Although  Philadelphia's  Negro  colony  is  composed  of 
only  about  one-third  native-born  Negroes,  it  still  has  a  larger 
percentage  of  this  class  than  either  New  York  or  Chicago. 
The  former  has  about  37.3  per  cent,  of  its  Negro  population^ 
born  in  New  York  State,  while  about  20  per  cent,  of  Chicago's- 
Negro  people  were  born  in  Illinois.  The  city  Negro  is  a 
comparatively  new  development,  and  Philadelphia,  in  the- 
North,  was  one  of  the  first  centres  to  which  migration  poured.. 
This  migration  has  in  the  main  been  steady,  accelerated  now 
and  then  by  some  social  unrest  in  the  South,  such  as  the  Den- 
mark-Veasie  plot  of  1822  at  Charleston,  S.  C. ;  the  Nat  Tur- 
ner insurrection  of  1831 ;  the  emancipation  and  the  end  of 
the  war,  1863- 1866;  the  disfranchisement  in  Virginia,  or  some 
new  economic  opportunity  in  Philadelphia,  such  as  was  af- 
forded by  the  filter  plant  operations  and  other  public  works. 
Higher  wages  in  domestic  service,  better  school  facilities,  bet- 
ter opportunities  in  business  and  the  professions,  are  among. 

24  THE    REVIEW 

other  reasons  why  thousands  of  negroes  come  to  the  city  each 

The  great  majority  of  those  who  come  are  young  men 
and  young  women,  the  latter  predominating.  In  1900  there 
were  28,940  males  and  33,673  females.  These  young  people 
are  largely  between  20  and  35  years  of  age.  In  1900  there 
were  13,260  under  15  years  of  age,  and  40,767  between  15 
and  44  years,  while  8,586  were  above.  44  years  of  age.  They 
are  largely  single,  for  out  of  the  62,613  there  were  but  23,203 
married  persons.  Thus  in  some  respects  the  negro  population 
differs  from  the  average  city  population,  but  not  greatly  from 
the  average  immigrant  population,  except  in  the  excess  of  fe- 
males. This  latter  fact  is  due  to  the  general  excess  of  fe- 
males in  the  Negro  race,  and  to  the  greater  demand  for  women 
workers  who  are  largely  in  domestic  service  than  for  men. 

Since  the  Civil  War  the  Negro  population  has  increased 

more  rapidly  than  the  white  population,  as  the  following  table 

will  show : 

Negro  pop.  White  pop.       *Total  pop. 

Year.  No.  Inc.  No.  Inc.  No. 

2870 22,147    651,854  •  •  •  •  674,022 

1880 31,699  43-13  815,362  25.08  847,170 

1890 39,371  24.20  1,006,590  23.42  1,046,964 

•1900 62,613  5900  1,229,673  22.02  1,293,697 

In  the  30  years  the  Negro  population  increased  183  per 
cent.,  the  white  population  89  per  cent,  and  the  total  population 
92  per  cent. 

The  negroes  are  more  scattered  over  the  city  than  for- 

*The  totals  include  the  Chinese  and  Indians,  which  are  not 
included  in  either  white  or  Negro  column  of  the  above  table. 


merly ;  and,  with  the  exception  of  the  Seventh  ward,  there  is 
not  much  segregation  on  a  large  scale.  The  seventh  ward  had 
in  1900  10,462  Negroes.  Other  wards  having  large  Negro 
population  are  the  22d,  with  about  4,000  Negroes;  the  8th, 
2,600;  15th,  2,600;  27th,  3,500;  26th,  3,00;  30th,  6,000;  4th, 
3,000;  20th,  3,000;  24th,  2,300;  36th,  2,300.  In  1900  the 
16th  ward  had  only  102  Negroes;  the  17th,  125;  the  18th, 
only  18. 

The  cause  of  the  spread  of  the  Negro  population  is  the 
increased  social  surplus  that  the  race  has  accumulated,  which 
has  permitted  the  better  element  to  get  out  from  under  the 
tyranny  of  the  renting  agent.  It  is  well  known  to  every  one 
conversant  with  Negro  life  that  it  was  a  few  years  ago,  and  is 
to-day,  extremely  difficult  for  a  Negro  to  rent  a  house  outside 
of  the  "black  belt,"  where  the  rents  were  exceedingly  high. 
Being  shut  in  chiefly  within  the  narrow  streets  and  alleys,  the 
Negroes  are  largely  at  the  mercy  of  the  unscrupulous  renting 
agent,  and  sometimes  they  have  been  forced  to  pay  as  high 
$30  per  month  rent  for  a  five-room  house.  That  this  is 
not  entirely  in  the  past,  hundreds  of  instances  are  now  in  evi- 
dence. Of  course,  these  poor  Negroes  cannot  pay  the  high 
rent,  so  they  sublet  the  house,  or  take  only  one  room  as  an 
"apartment/'  and  permit  the  agent  to  rent  the  other  "apart- 
^  merits"  to  other  poor  negroes.  And  to-day  in  some  parts  of 
the  Seventh  and  Eighth  wards  a  dirty,  dilapidated,  unsanitary, 
tmdrained,  unplastered  house  of  four  rooms  on  first  and  second 
floors,  two  cellar  rooms  and  one  attic  room  is  known  to  bring 
§28  and  sometimes  $32  per  month,  though  it  is  not  fit  for  re- 


spectable  pigs.  It  is  done  in  this  way :  The  "apartments,  un- 
furnished/' are  rented  by  the  agent,  who  sometimes  has  an 
office  in  a  skyscraper  on  Chestnut  or  some  other  prominent 
street,  at  $i  to  $2  per  week,  the  tenant  paying  from  $4  to  $6 
for  one  room,  and  from  $6  to  $8  per  month  for  two  rooms, 
according  as  they  are  in  the  cellar,  first  or  second  floor,  or 

I  visited  one  of  these  "apartments''  one  day  in  a  dirty, 
narrow  alley — it  was  12  feet  wide.  I  met  the  careworn,  un- 
derfed, illiterate  woman  who  was  the  head  of  the  family.  She 
showed  me  into  her  apartment. 

"How  many  rooms  have  you?"  I  asked, 

"Two,"  she  replied;  "this  one  and  the  back  cellar  room." 

"What  do  you  pay?" 

"Two  dollars  per  week." 

"Who  is  your  agent?" 

"Mr.  ,  from  the  (a  16-story)  building." 

I  examined  the  place.  No  underdrainage,  foul  privy 
well,  dark  cellar  room,  plastering  out  of  bedroom,  and,  worst 
of  all,  the  poor  woman  said  that  the  man,  who  gets  $30  per 
month  out  of  this  house,  which  is  assessed  at  $1,000,  won't 
make  any  improvements  as  to  plastering,  underdrainage,  etc. 

Renting  agents  generally  seem  to  forget  their  morals 
when  renting  to  Negroes.  A  most  interesting  specimen  is 
that  one  who  comes  to  the  unsuspecting  Negro  claiming  to  be 
a  philanthropist  and  willing  "to  rent  a  house  to  a  Negro  which 
has  never  been  rented  to  Negroes  before."  In  many  cases 
this  "philanthropist"  does  not  make  any  improvement  on  the 


house.  Often  the  whites  who  are  leaving  have  mistreated  it; 
but  he  shows  his  "great  love  for  the  colored  race"  (sometimes 
assuring  his  victim  that  his  "father  fought  in  the  war  for 
you  people*' )  by  raising  the  rent  $2  to  $6  per  month. 

It  is  often  amusing  to  hear  some  simple  Negro  victim 
who  is  paying  $18  for  the  house  which  rented  a  month  before 
to  a  white  person  for  $16,  tell  of  the  virtues  of  his  renting 

agent.     "Mr. is  such  a  good  w'ite  gent'man ;  he  loves 

colored  folks ;  he  really  does,'*  says  he  in  ignorant  bliss.  But 
it  is  just  this  oppression  which  has  opened  the  eyes  of  the  more 
thrifty  Negroes  and  they  are  buying  homes  in  many  desirable 
parts  of  the  city,  often  finding  it  cheaper,  on  the  building  and 
loan  association  plan,  to  buy  a  really  desirable  house  than  to 
rent  a  poor  one.  The  Negroes  have  organized  among  them- 
selves  about  a  half  dozen  building  associations,  the  largest  be- 
ing the  Berean,  which  has  made  loans  for  the  purchase  of 
about  150  homes.  To-day  Negroes  own  property  worth  at  least 
$10,000,000  in  this  city,  and  their  are  estates  running  as  high 
as  a  half  million. 

But  it  would  be  unfair  to  the  renting  agents  to  say  that 
they  are  all  unscrupulous  when  it  conies  to  Negroes.  They 
have  their  hardships,  too.  Owners  sometimes  say  ''don't  rent 
to  Negroes,"  and  they  obey.  Other  tenants  say  they  will 
move  out  if  Negroes  move  next  door  to  them.  And  so  the 
agent  has  troubles  of  his  own.  There  are  some  conscientious, 
agents  who  try  to  better  the  housing  conditions,  but  they  are 
few.  Notable  among  them,  however,  is  the  Octavia  Hill  As- 
sociation, which  rents  scores  of  houses  to  the  poorest  class  of 


Negroes  in  Lombard,  Rodman  and  Naudain  streets,  near  Sev- 
enth, and  in  most  cases  charges  a  reasonable  rent  and  keeps 
the  houses  up  to  a  certain  standard  of  decency. 

The  last  twenty  years  have  seen  a  bettering  of  conditions. 
Except  a  few  home-owners  the  better  class  of  Negroes  have 
largely  moved  out  of  the  east  end  of  the  Seventh  ward,  going 
further  west  and  south,  securing  better  houses  on  better  streets, 
but  still,  in  the  case  of  the  renters,  paying  high  rents.  Some- 
times the  tenants  living  next  door  to>  the  newly  arrived  Negro 
family  threaten  to  move,  and  occasionally  they  carry  out  their 
threats;  sometimes  they  build  a  partition  between  themselves 
and  their  Negro  neighbor,  as  was  done  by  one  family  to  shield 
itself  from  a  negro  Princeton  graduate — now  a  most  valuable 
citizen — and  in  another  case  to  prevent  contamination  from 
a  Negro  bishop.  In  due  time,  however,  the  partitions  and  cur- 
tains are  removed,  and  instances  are  'known  where  good  fel- 
lowship has  been  established.  In  nearly  every  case  only  a  few 
months'  contact  convinces  most  people  that  Negro  neighbors 
are  not  so  bad  after  all. 


According  to  the  census  of  1900  a  larger  per  cent,  of  Ne- 
groes were  engaged  in  gainful  occupations  than  for  the  coun- 
try at  large — 84.1  out  of  a  hundred  Negro  males  over  ten 
years,  and  40.7  per  cent,  of  the  Negro  females  were  returned 
as  having  gainful  occupations,  while  for  the  country  at  large 
the  percentages  were  80.0  for  the  males  and  18.8  for  the  fe- 
males. In  Philadelphia,  as  in  the  rest  of  the  country,  a  lar- 
ger per  cent,  of  Negroes  have  gainful  occupations  than  whites. 


This  is  very  noticeable  in  the  case  of  the  women.  Fifty  out 
of  every  hundred  Philadelphia  Negro  females  over  ten  years 
old  are  engaged  in  gainful  occupations,  as  against  27.8  per 
cent,  for  the  whole  city. 

The  occupations  most  generally  followed  by  the  men  arey 
according  to  the  census,  as  follows :  7,690  laborers,  4,378  ser- 
vants and  waiters,  1,957  teamsters,  draymen  and  hackmen, 
921  porters  and  helpers  in  stores,  444  barbers  and  hairdress- 
ers, 346  messengers  and  errand  boys,  308  brick  and  stone  ma- 
sons, 297  retail  merchants. 

The  work  of  the  women  is  chiefly  as  follows:  10,522 
servants  and  waitresses,  1,344  laundresses,  717  dressmakers, 
392  housekeepers  and  stewardesses,  121  steamstresses  and  104 
boarding  house  keepers. 

The  following  table  shows  the  division  of  the  Negroes  of 
Philadelphia  among  the  different  classes  of  occupations: 

Number  Percentage 

Males.     Females.   Males.  Females. 

Total  population   28,940  33,673 

Total  at  work 21,128  14,095  100.0  .      100.0 

Professions    415  170  2.0             1.2 

Domestic  and  personal  service.  13,726  12,920  64.9          91.7 
Manufacturing   and    mechanical 

pursuits    2,155  896  10.2            6.3 

Agricultural 213  1  1.1 

Trade  and  Transportation 4,619  108  21.8            0.8 

The  table  shows  a  great  concentration  of  the  Negroes, 
and  especially  the  women  workers,  in  domestic  and  personal 
service.  There  were  in  1900  71,694  male  domestic  workers 
in  the  city,  of  whom  Negroes  comprised  19. 1  per  cent.,  and 
52,057  females  in  domestic  service,  of  whom  Negro  feirmlcs 


comprised  22.9  per  cent.  To  the  social  student,  however,  the 
most  significant  fact  is  not  that  most  Negroes  are  in  domestic 
service,  but  that  an  increasing  number  fill  other  employments. 
To-day  hundreds  of  Negroes  fill  positions  in  the  city  which 
were  practically  beyond  the  reach  of  their  race  forty  years 
.ago.  The  present  generation  has  seen  the  rise  of  the  profes- 
sional class  among  Negroes,  the  semi-professional  class  and 
the  large  entrepreneur.  The  leaders  of  Negro  society  before 
the  war  were  largely  among  the  caterers,  head  waiters  and 
coachmen ;  it  is  not  so  to-day. 

In  the  professions  the  census  of  1900  gave  415  males  and 
170  females,  585  in  all.  There  are  today  at  least  1,000  Ne- 
groes in  that  class,  including  physicians  and  surgeons,  clergy- 
men, dentists,  teachers,  electricians,  architects,  artists,  musi- 
cians, lawyers,  journalists,  civil  engineers  'and  surveyors,  lit- 
erary and  scientific  persons,  actors,  etc. ;  in  fact,  in  nearly  ev- 
ery branch  of  professional  service.  Another  comparatively 
new  line  is  the  so-called  semi-professional  service,  including 
clerks,  stenographers  and  typewriters,  agents,  bookkeepers, 
etc.  Their  rise  in  large  numbers  has  been  comparatively  re- 
cent. Of  the  above  there  are  now  about  1,100  in  Philadel- 

The  entrepreneur  class  has  in  the  past  twenty  years  made 
great  improvement,  both  in  the  amount  of  capital  invested 
and  the  character  of  the  operations.  The  census  of  1900  gave 
297  males  and  22  female  retail  merchants  and  dealers,  and  10 
wholesale.  Besides  these,  there  were  13  hotel  keepers,  253 
boarding  house  keepers,  saloonkeepers  and     others.     In     the 


past  five  years  there  has  been  a  great  increase  of  the  numbers 
in  the  above  classes  of  business,  except  the  saloons.  Into  new 
lines  of  business  unknown  to  the  Negro  in  slavery  times 
many  Philadelphia  Negroes  have  gone.  One  runs  a  men's 
furnishing  store,  another  a  drug*  store,  others  groceries,  meats, 
etc.-  The  beneficial  society  has  grown  to  a  regular  insurance 
company,  the  renting  ag*ent  has  become  a  real  estate  dealer; 
individuals  have  combined  and  corporations  have  been  formed. 
\\  ithin  the  past  twelve  months  there  have  been  incorporated 
among  the  Negroes  two  realty  companies,  one  land  investment 
company,  four  building  and  loan  associations,  one  manufac- 
turing company,  one  insurance  company,  besides  a  number  of 
other  smaller  concerns. 

The  civil  service  has  proved  of  advantage  to  the  Negro 
of  Philadelphia,  as  of  every  other  large  Northern  city.  In 
the  postoffice  there  are  about  150  clerks,  carriers  and  other 
employes;  on  the  police  force  about  70  patrolmen,  and  40 
school  teachers  and  about  200  persons  in  other  municipal  of- 

But  the  great  majority  of  Negroes  are  in  common  labor. 
( )ne  of  the  largest,  if  not  the  largest,  employer  of  Negro  labor 
is  the  Midvale  Steel  Company,  which  of  late  has  been  so  suc- 
cessful in  its  bids  against  the  Steel  Trust  for  armor  plate  for 
the  United  States  Government.  Mr.  Charles  J.  Harrah,  the 
president  of  this  company,  said  before  the  United  States  In- 
dustrial Commission  in  1900  concerning  his  Negro  labor: 

"We  have  fully  800  or  1,000  colored  men.  The  balance 
are  Americans,   Irish  and  Germans.     The  colored  labor   we 

32  THE    REVIEW 

have  is  excellent.  *  *  *  They  are  lusty  fellows.  We 
have  some  with  shoulders  twice  as  broad  as  mine,  and  with 
chests  twice  as  deep  as  mine.  The  men  come  up  here  ignorant 
and  untutored.  We  teach  them  the  benefit  of  discipline.  We 
teach  the  colored  man  the  benefit  of  thrift,  and  coax  him  to 
open  a  bank  account ;  and  he  generally  does  it,  and  in  a  short 
time  has  money  in  it,  and  nothing  can  stop  him  from  adding 
money  to  that  bank  account.  We  have  no  colored  men  who- 
drink."  Asked  as  to  the  friction  between  the  white  and  black 
workmen,  Mr.  Harrah  replied :  "Not  a  bit  of  it.  They  work 
cheek  by  jowl  w7ith  Irish,  and  when  the  Irishman  has  a  fes- 
tivity at  home  he  has  colored  men  invited.  We  did  it  with 
trepidation.  We  introduced  one  man  at  first  to  sweep  up  the 
yard,  and  wre  noticed  the  Irish  and  Germans  looked  at  him 
askance.  Then  we  put  another.  Then  we  put  them  in  the 
boiler  room,  and  then  we.  got  them  in  the  open  hearth  and  in 
the  forge,  and  gradually  we  got  them  everywhere.  They  are 
intelligent  and  docile,  and  when  they  come  in  as  laborers,  un- 
skilled, they  gradually  become  skilled,  and  in  the  course  of 
time  we  will  make  excellent  foremen  out  of  them."  Mr.  Har- 
rah added  that  there  was  "absolutely  no  difference"  in  wages 
of  negroes  and  whites  in  the  same  grade  of  work. 

In  domestic  service  there  are  various  testimonies  about 
negro  workers.  Ask  one  person  and  you  are  led  to  believe 
they  are  losing  ground;  they  are  less  competent  than  formerly, 
etc.  Ask  another,  and  the  testimony  is  reversed.  One  lady 
says  they  are  dishonest,  another  says  they  are  more  honest 
than  the  average;  one  says  they  are  impudent;  another  says 


their  great  point  is  docility;  and  so  it  goes.  Miss  Isabel  Eaton 
has  very  excellently  summarized  this  medley  of  opinions  about 
Negro  domestic  servants  in  her  study  of  domestic  service  pub- 
lished by  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  in  "The  Philadelphia 
Negro."  Her  study  seems  to  emphasize  the  fact  that  domes- 
tic service  is  still  a  "belated  industry"  for  blacks  as  well  as 
whites.  Still,  whatever  may  be  the  trouble,  Lombard  street 
employment  agents  say  they  cannot  possibly  supply  the  demand 
for  Negro  servants. 

It  is  in  the  skilled  trades  that  the  Negroes  are  at  the 
greatest  disadvantage.  And  it  is  in  this  relation  that  the  sys- 
tem of  education  in  Philadelphia  has  shown  the  least  practical 
results  so'  far  as  the  mass  of  Negroes  is  concerned.  Negroes 
have  been  largely  shut  out  of  mechanical  trades,  partly  be- 
cause of  indifference  and  occasional  active  hostility  of  labor 
unions,  partly  because  it  has  been  difficult  to  overcome  the 
traditional  notion  that  a  "Negro's  place"  is  in  domestic  ser- 
vice, but  chiefly  because  there  has  been  very  little  and  prac- 
tically no  opportunity  for  Negroes  to  learn  trades.  Those 
Negroes  who  know  skilled  trades  and  follow  them  are  prin- 
cipally men  from  the  South,  who  learned  their  trades  there- 
The  poorest  of  them  fall  into  domestic  service;  the  best  have 
found  places  at  their  trades.  For  the  Negro  boy  who  is  born 
in  this  city  it  is  difficult  to  acquire  a  trade.  And  here,  I  say, 
the  system  has  been  weakest. 

It  has  been  possible  for  the  Negro  boys  to  complete  their 
cojurses  in  the  public  schools,  go  to  the  normal  school,  the  uni- 
versity, the  various  professional  schools  and  fit  themselves  as 

34  THE    REVIEW 

lawyers,  doctors,  dentists,  artists,  etc.  A  few  of  the  most 
energetic  who  are  not  able  to  go  to  the  university  are  fitted  to 
take  the  civil  service  positions,  and  a  still  fewer  number  to 
start  some  sort  of  small  independent  business.  But  the  great 
majority  cannot  enter  the  civil  service,  cannot  enter  the  pro- 
fessions, cannot  do  so-called  semi-professional  work.  There 
is  but  one  other  avenue  open  for  the  negro  boy — domestic 
service.  The  inconveniences  of  domestic  service  need  not  here 
be  entered  upon.  But  because  there  is  no  other  opening  there 
is  likely  to  be  an  overcrowding  of  the  professions  with  infer- 
ior and  incompetent  men  who  desire  to  escape  domestic  ser- 
vice. On  the  other  hand,  there  will  likely  be  many  discon- 
tented and,  therefore,  largely  inefficient  persons  in 'domestic 
service.  The  white  boy  can  get  an  apprenticeship,  and  the 
schools  have  not,  as  a  rule,  seen  fit  to  provide  him  a  trade. 
But  the  Negro  boy  is  practically  shut  out  of  all  apprentice- 
ship. He  can  rarely  learn  a  trade  unless  he  goes  South.  It 
seems,  therefore,  that  the  school  system  has  largely  missed  his 
case  in  a  most  fundamental  way.  The  result  is,  the  Negro 
boy  who  is  educated  in  Philadelphia,  spending  eight  or  ten 
years  in  school,  is  often  less  prepared  for  the  battle  of  life  than 
the  boy  who  has  spent  a  similar  time  or  less  in  a  Southern 
Negro  industrial  school,  such  as  Hampton  Institute. 

To  enable  Negroes  to  learn  trades  is  a  very  desirable 
thing  from  many  points  of  view.  At  present  the  men  who  are 
in  domestic  service  are  largely  unable  to  support  their  families 
because  of  very  low  wages.  This  necessitates  the  working 
of  an  abnormally  large  number  of  women  and  children.     En- 


larged  opportunities  in  the  trades  will  remedy  this  to  some  ex- 
tent, and  will  also  open  a  natural  avocation  for  the  growing- 
middle  class  of  Negroes  and  will  prevent  the  overstocking  of 
the  professions  or  the  forcing  into  domestic  service  of  men  who 
cannot  but  be  discontented. 

There  are  at  present  about  3,000  men  in  manufacturing 
and  mechanical  pursuits;  of  these  about  1,900  are  in  the  so- 
called  skilled  trades.  Practically  all  of  these  were  born  in  the 
South.  The  more  successful  of  them  inform  me  that  if  there 
were  more  Negroes  who  were  skilled  workmen,  places  could 
be  found  for  them  without  very  great  difficulty. 

I  shall  conclude  this  chapter  with  a  restatement  of  what 
I  have  just  said,  namely,  that  any  careful  study  of  the  econo- 
mic life  of  Negroes  in  Philadelphia  cannot  but  reveal  the 
great  drawback  it  is  to  the  race  to  be  concentrated  largely  in 
domestic  service,  and  the  only  possible  remedy  for  it  in  the 
present  situation  is  the  establishment  of  trade  schools  in  the 
neighborhoods  where  Negroes  live.  Many  of  the  best  Ne- 
groes will  object  to  this  on  the  ground  of  drawing  the  color 
line.  I  shall  not  discuss  this  feature.  It  can  be  worked  out 
later.  It  is  not  necessary  to  draw  the  color  line.  I  only  say 
and  emphasize  this,  that  aside  from  what  other  boys  in  Phil- 
adelphia need,  Negro  boys  certainly  need  trade  schools. 

{To  be  Concluded.) 



THEODORE    TILTON— 183 5- 1907. 

[Dr.  R.  C.  Ransom,  of  Boston,  Mass.,  than  whom,  as  a  warm  admirer 
of  Mr.  Tilton,  there  is  no  fitter  man  among  us  to  pen  a  tribute,  gives  us 
in  the  following  appreciation  something  as  beautiful  as  his  subject.  We 
;ire  happy  in  being  able  to  present  it  to  Review  readers.     Editor.} 

"The  gods  are  dead, — and  all  the  godlike  men 

Are  dying  too !     How   fast  they  disappear ! 
J.Hor  Death  seems  discontent  to  fill  the  grave 

With  common  bones,  but  downward  to  his  den 
Drags,  like  a  greedy  monster,  year  by  year, 

The  men  most  missed — the  good,  the  wise,  the  brave!" 

Self  exiled,  Theodore  Tilton  breathed  his  last  upon  a 
foreign  shore.  Few  American  men  of  letters  have  stood 
upon  the  threshold  of  their  career  with  more  promising  pros- 
pects of  a  brilliant  future.  Nature  bestowed  her  choicest 
gifts  upon  him  with  a  lavish  hand.  Physically  "his  form 
was  like  Apollo's/'  he  was  six  feet,  four  inches  in  height  and 
straight  as  an  arrow.  He  was  both  a  poet  and  an  orator, 
while  his  pen  wrought  powerfully  in  the  creation  of  potential 
literature.  He  was  the  idol  of  a  select  company  of  intel- 
lectuals who,  through  their  influence,  opened  wide  to  him  tin 
door  of  opportunity.  But  in  the  prime  of  his  manhood,  al 
the  height  of  the  exercise  of  his  splendid  powers,  the  sun  of 
his  ascendency  was  eclipsed  at  noon  by  the  dark  shadow  oi 
a  domestic  tragedy.  . 

Theodore   Tilton   was   born   October   2,    1835.      He   was 


educated  in  the  public  schools  of  New  York  City  and  gradu- 
ated from  New  York  College.  He  became  a  member  of  Ply- 
mouth Church,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  He  took  down  the  first  ver- 
batim stenographic  reports  of  Henry  Ward  Beecher's  ser- 
mons that  were  ever  published.  Under  the  inspiration  of  Mr. 
Beecher  he  early  allied  himself  with  the  Abolitionists  in  es- 
pousing the  cause  of  freedom. 

He  was  an  intimate  of  Garrison,  Phillips,  Sumner,  Gree- 
ley, Ben  Wade,  Frederick  Douglass,  Lucretia  Mott,  Whittier, 
and  others.  He  was  one  of  the  escorts  to  John  Brown's  body, 
which  was  secretly  carried  from  Philadelphia  to  New  York. 
John  Brown's  wife  was  at  his  house  when  a  message  from 
the  condemned  man  told  her  not  to  come.  He  was  at  Fort 
Sumter  in  1865  when  the  American  flag  was  rehoisted.  He 
was  editor  of  the  New  York  Independent  from  1856  to  1871, 
succeeding  Henry  Ward  Beecher  as  Editor-in-Chief  about 
the  year  1861.  He  founded  the  Golden  Age  in  1871,  which 
he  edited  for  nearly  four  years.  Next  to  Mr.  Beecher  he 
was  one  of  the  most  popular  men  upon  the  American  lecture 

The  Negro  in  America  never  had  a  more  loyal  friend 
and  fearless  advocate.  When  statesmen  hesitated  and  timid 
or  lukewarm  friends  wavered,  Tilton  stood  firm  and  aggres- 
sive. In  a  speech  entitled,  "The  Negro,"  delivered  by  Mr. 
Tilton  in  Cooper  Institute,  New  York,  May  12,  1863,  among 
other  things  he  said :  "The  opposition  is  no  longer  to  the 
slave,  it  is  to  the  Negro.  There  is  a  sworn  enmity  to  the 
black  man,  whether  under  the  yoke  or  free.  Who,  then,  is 
e  Negro?     What  is  his  rank  among  men?     Send  men  to 


seek  for  the  Negro,  .and  where  will  they  look?  They  will 
look  under  their  own  feet,  for  they  keep  him  down  to  trample 
on!  Lift  him  up  and  ask,  Who  is  he?  and  what  do  men  an- 
swer? An  inferior  man,  a  half-gifted  child  of  God.  A 
white  man  looking,  down  upon  a  Negro  straightway  lifts  him- 
self up  an  inch  higher  into  a  fool's  pride!  Do  you  say  the 
Negro  race  is  inferior?  No  man  can  yet  pronounce  that  judg- 
ment safely.  It  may  be  that  the  Negro  race  on  their  own 
continent — in  the  long  future — growing  strong  as  other  na- 
tions grow  weak — holding  the  soil  in  one  hand  and  the  sea 
in  the  other — may  yet  rise  to  be  the  dominant,  superior  race 
of  the  world.  Now,  what  is  it  that  I  ask  for  the  Negro?  J 
ask  nothing  more  than  for  the  white  man — nothing  less.  1 
ask  nothing  more  than  for  myself — nothing  less.  First  of 
all,  I  ask  that  he  shall  not  be  held  a  slave.  I  ask  that  aftei 
he  is  free  he  shall  not  be  oppressed  by  those  cruel  laws  whicl 
degrade  him  to  a  secondary  slavery  in  this  free  state.  I  asl 
that  in  the  State  of  New  York  he  shall  go  to  the  ballot  box  • 
subject  to  the  same  restrictions  as  white  men,  and  subject  to 
no  other.  I  ask  that  he  shall  take  his  seat  in  the  jury  box 
to  perform  his  part  in  those  honorable  services  from  which 
no  white  man  escapes.  I  ask  that  he  be  eligible  to  every  po- 
litical office  to  which  white  men  are  eligible 

"We  are  not  to  have  in  America  a  Negro  race  of  un- 
mingled  blood.  Great  nations  get  the  fibre  of  their  strength 
from  mixed  blood.  The  history  of  the  world's  civilization  is 
written  in  one  word — which  many  are  afraid  to  speak — 
which  many  more  are  afraid  to  hear — and  that  is  amalga- 


Now,  after  a  lapse  of  more  than  thirty  years,  men  can- 
not discuss  dispassionately  the  great  moral  and  social  tragedy 
in  which  Theodore  Tilton  played  such  a  conspicuous  part;  a 
tragedy  which  fell  like  a  blast  from  heaven  out  of  a  peaceful 
sky.  Henry  Ward  Beecher,  his  most  intimate  friend  and  as- 
sociate, the  greatest  preacher  that  ever  graced  an  American 
pulpit,  the  weight  of  whose  influence  as  a  reformer  was  felt 
not  only  throughout  this  country,  but  in  Europe,  was  accused 
of  improper  intimacy  with  his  wife.  The  scandal  shook"  the 
religious  and  social  circles  of  America  to  their  very  founda- 
tions. Some  charged  that  Tilton' s  accusation  was  due  to  jeal- 
ousy and  envy  of  Beecher  s  prestige  and  popularity,  others 
even  cried  blackmail.  There  were  others,  however,  who  sided 
with  Tilton  and  did  not  hold  Mr.  Beecher  to  be  blameless,  but 
neither  the  courts  of  law  nor  the  weight  of  American  public 
opinion  was  willing  to  sacrifice  Mr.  Beecher.  The  jury  that 
tried  Mr.  Beecher  disagreed  just  about  in  proportion  that  pub- 
lic opinion  throughout  the  nation  was  divided. 

After  this  Tilton  seemed  to  feel  that  this  country  was 
not  large  enough  to  hold  him  and  Mr.  Beecher  at  the  same 
time.  In  1883,  he  went  to  Paris,  never  again  to  return  to  his 
native  land,  save  for  one  brief  visit.  There  he  remained  a 
literary  recluse,  refusing  to  meet  Americans  unless  they  spec- 
ially requested  to  be  presented  to  him.  lie  walked  the  boule- 
vards of  Paris  a  picturesque  figure,  giving  no  sign  save  that 
of  his  impressive  reserve,  of  a  heart  tragedy  which  had  cut 
short  his  career,  wrecked  his  home,  cast  a  shadow  upon  one 
of  the  greatest  names  of  the  American  pulpit,  and  left  him  a 
pathetic  and  solitary  figure  in  a  land  of  strangers. 


"Love,  homeless,  and  forlorn ; 

Love,    beggered,    tattered,    torn ; 

Love,  robbed  by  fate  ; 

Of  all  its  fair  estate 

'Till  naught  remains  its  own; 

No  pillow  for  its  head, 

Except  a  stone, — " 

These  lines,  quoted  from  a  sonnet  written  by  Mr.  Tilton 
years  ago,  may  perhaps  give  an  inward  glance  into  his  heart. 

Between  Theodore  Tilton  and  Frederick  Douglass  there 
existed  the  warmest  friendship  and  affection.  No  more  beau- 
tiful and  affectionate  tribute  was  ever  paid  by  a  man  to  a 
departed  friend  than  that  which  Tilton  wrote  on  the  death 
of  Frederick  Douglass,  a  few  stanzas  of  which  are  quoted 

"I  knew  the  noblest  giants  of  my  day, 

And  he  was  of  them, — strong  amid  the  strong: 
But   gentle  too:   for  though   he   suffered   wrong,  »  •» 

i  Yet  the  wrong-doer  never  heard  him  say  vj 

^Thee  also  do  I  hate !' 

"Proud  is  the  happy  grief  with  which  I  sing; 
For,   O   my   Country !   in   the  paths   of  men 
There  never  walked  a  grander  man  than  he ! 
He  was  a  peer  of  princes — yea  a  king! 

Crowned  in  the  shambles  and  the  prison-pen ! 
The  noblest  Slave  that  ever  God  set  free ! 

''How  does  it  happen  that,   in  every  clime,  n 

When  any  groaning  nation  of  the  earth  „  .      .  ■* 

Hath  need  of  some  new  leader  of  a  race, 
Or  some  true  prophet  of  a  better  time, 
The  Heavens  elect  him  for  his  lowly  birth, 

Ere  they   uplift  him   to  his   lofty  place?  i 

XT  answer :     He  must  first  be  taught  to  know — 

(I  say  to  know,  and  not  to  guess) — how  real  *  "» 

Is  all  the  misery  which  he  hopes  to  heal ! 
The  high  may  show  a  kindness  to  the  low: 
Some  wealthy  lord  is  generous, — be  it  so : 

Yet  who  except  the  poor  and  pinched  can  feel 
*  Their  pang  of  poverty?  ... 

So  for  their  v      I, 
They  need  a  champion  who  has  borne  their  woel 


"Chief  of   his   tribe,   he   centered   in  his   soul — 
As  their  evangel — all  their  hopes  and  fears! 
— Through  all  his  lifetime,  as  their  wisest  head, 
Me  planned  to  lead  them   to   some  happy  goal! 
(How  they  will  lack  him  in  the  coming  years, 
How  wish  him  back  among  them,  from  the  dead!) 

"His   form   was   like  Apollo's,  and  his  brow 

Like  what  the   sculptors   carve   for  Zeus's   own — 
As   godlike  as  was  ever  cut  in   stone ! 

For  if  the  old  god  Thor  were  living  now, 

With  his  dark  visage,  with  his  frosty  pow, 

And  with  his  awe-inspiring  thunder-tone, — 

Such   a   resembling  pair    (could   both   be   known) 

Would  pass  for  twin-born  brothers,  I  avow! 

"Spake  I  of  goodly  giants  in  the  land? 

And  did  I  boast  that  I  had  known  them  well? 

I  was  a  stripling:   so  I  live  to  tell, 
In  these  degenerate  days,  how  great  and  grand, 
How  plain  and  simple,  were  the  noble  band 

Who  cried  to  Heaven  against  that  crime  of  Hell 

Which  to  the  auction-block  brought  Babes  to  sell, 
And  which  on  Women  burnt  a  market-brand !  ,  . 

"Who  were  those  heroes?     Since  the  roll  is  known 
I  need  not  call  it:     Lincoln  was  the  chief: 

The  rest  were  legion, — name  them   whoso  can : 
But  whoso  counts  the  list  of  Freedom's  Own 

Must  name  the   Chattel   whom,   with   pride   and   grief, 
We  buried  yesterday  and  called  a  Man!" 

Theodore  Tilton  is  dead.  He  fell  asleep  in  Paris,  May 
25th,  1907.  He  was  buried  there  from  the  little  American 
Church,  with  only  thirty  persons  present  to  pay  their  tribute 
of  respect  and  honor.  He  died  the  last  survivor  of  the  tragedy 
which  will  live  long  in  American  annals.  He  believed  in  God. 
Let  us  hope,  that  even  now,  his  wounded  heart  has  been  for- 
ever healed  with  balm  of  Gilead  applied  by  the  wounded  hand 
of  Him  who  was  also  "a  man  of  sorrows  and  acquainted  with 


Reverdy  C.  Ransom. 

42  THE    REVIEW 


To  make  the  earth  an  increasing  comfort,  and  a  source 
of  happiness  for  the  ever-expanding  human  race,  has  taxed 
and  ever  will  tax  the  energy  and  wisdom  of  man.  He  is 
progressing.  Linked  with  his  evolution  is  the  growing  ap- 
preciation of  the  claims  of  universal  brotherhood.  The  hu- 
man family  with  the  lapse  of  each  century  is  coming  better 
to  understand  itself,  and  consequently  there  is  a  correspond- 
ing desire  for  the  betterment  of  all  the  branches  of  the  family. 
Notwithstanding  the  painful  manifestation  of  racial  preju- 
dice, the  noble  characters  and  splendid  geniuses  of  the  hither- 
to backward  races  challenge  attention  and  compel  respect. 

With  a  growing  spirit  for  universal  elevation,  the  en- 
lightened portion  of  the  world  can  not  possibly  be  satisfied 
with  the  present  deplorable  condition  of  a  large  part  of  its 
population.  In  Africa,  Australia,  Oceanica,  China,  Europe,, 
and  sections  of  the  Western  world,  there  is  a  loud  and  con- 
stant outcry  against  man's  inhumanity  and  brutalizing  prac- 
tices. The  world  will  not  continue  to  tolerate  the  cruel  deeds 
which  have  distressed  and  degraded  man.  Therefore,  the  re- 
leasing of  him  from  oppression  and  destructive  environments,, 
and  putting  him  in  a  position  so  that  he  may  develop  and  un- 
fold himself  as  designed  by  his  Maker,  regardless  of  racial 


affiliation,  is  an  ever-increasing  consideration  and  a  subject 
of  growing  importance. 

Fraternalism,  fostered  and  strengthened  by  the  benevo- 
lent principles  embodied  in  the  golden  rule,  must  be  the  mea- 
sure of  conduct.  Along  with  this  improvement  necessarily 
w^ill  come  a  constant  need  of  the  readjustment  of  the  relation 
of  the  races,  and  therefore,  a  necessity  for  a  recasting  of  in- 
ternational law,  which  I  hope,  some  day,  will  be  synonymous 
with  inter-racial  law.  A  race  moved  by  the  dictates  of  its 
own  crude  selfish  policy,  as  a  result  of  such  narrowness,  will 
drift  in  the  rear  and  become  a  victim  of  its  own  suicidal  ef- 
forts. Racial  arrogance  and  oppression  are  a  menace  and 
will  be  regarded  by  all  peoples  of  advanced  ethical  training 
as  diametrically  opposed  to  true  liberty  and  the  essential  prin- 
ciples of  human  development.  The  spirit  of  future  civiliza- 
tion will  be  to  place  all  men  upon  a  better  and  surer  founda- 
tion. The  effort  will  not  only  be  to  train  well,  but  that  train- 
ing will  be  suited  to  and  in  harmony  with  progressive  liberty 
and  moral  worth. 

We  hear  much,  in  this  enlightened  age,  of  race  assimi- 
lation, race  integrity,  race  inheritance,  and  race  instinct. 
What  is  race  but  a  limb  of  the  human  tree?  And  as  such  it  ' 
is  as  much  dependent  upon  the  parent  stock  as  every  branch 
of  a  tree  is  dependent  upon  its  trunk  and  roots.  Race  is  a 
gift  limited  by,  and  in  some  degree,  dependent  upon,  the  whole 
race  of  man;  for  that  none  of  us  liveth  to  himself,  and  no 
man  dieth  to  himself,  is  as  true  of  races  as  of  individuals. 
All  history  proves  that  it  was  impossible  for  the  Caucasian 
to  have  attained  his  present  position,  without  the  helping  hand 


•of  the  Negro  and  other  races.  The  Anglo-Saxon  is  probably 
the  best  exponent  of  their  race.  Who  can  tell  what  would 
have  been  their  present  status  without  the  Negro?  We  know 
he  has  been  a  powerful  force  in  assisting  them  to  reach  their 
present  position  of  distinguished  greatness. 

Every  race  possesses  special  fitness  and  adaptation  for  cer- 
tain lines  of  work,  and  is  absolute  master  within  the  sphere  of 
its  specific  labor.  Therefore,  each,  through  foreordination,  is 
an  important  and,  indeed,  indispensable  factor  in  the  uplift 
of  mankind.  Not  only  has  each  its  own  allotted  work  as- 
signed, but  also  special  ages  as  well.  When  we  take  into  con- 
sideration the  multitudinous  needs  of  man,  so  widely  separ- 
ated, with  great  differences  and  strongly  marked  habits  and 
peculiar  temperament,  it  is  utterly  impossible  for  any  particu- 
lar race,  no  matter  what  may  be  its  gifts  and  attainments,  to 
accomplish  what  is  clearly  designed  and  assigned  to  the  whole 
human  family. 

For  many  centuries  the  Indo-European  peoples  have  been 
•occupying  the  center  of  the  stage.  They  are  leaders  of  the 
-intellectual  and  religious  life  of  the  world.  Though  not  the 
originators,  they  are  the  best  exponents  of  modern  civiliza- 
tion. This  distinction  has  given  them  great  prestige;  thus, 
for  ages  they  have  been  "The  observed  of  all  observers,"  and 
the  admiration  of  all  races.  They  are  a  virile  people,  thriv- 
ing best  in  temperate  latitudes,  with  little  or  no  fitness  for 
tropical  regions ;  after  the  first  generation  there,  they  signally 
fail  to  maintain  their  racial  standard.  Some  take  this  as  a 
complete  refutation  of  the  gratuitous  assertion  that  they  are 
and  always  will  be  the  superior  race.     A  distinguished  ethnol- 


ogist  claims  that  the  Caucasians  are  a  mixed  race,  a  cross  be- 
tween the  yellow  and  black.  Perhaps  an  evidence  of  it  lies- 
in  its  inhuman  treatment  of  other  races;  for  barbarity  is  a 
marked  characteristic  of  the  lowest  element  of  the  yellow  and 
black  races.  However  this  may  be,  we  know  that  the  Cau- 
casian race  is  wonderfully  cohesive,  and  is  specially  gifted  with 
genius  for  initiative;  no  race  excels  it  in  organizing  power 
and  administrative  ability.  Its  adaptation,  its  intellectual 
greatness,  its  quick  sympathy,  its  subtlety,  and  its  shrewdness,, 
give  it  a  wide  and  commanding  influence ;  although  it  is  ham- 
pered by  an  intense  and  irreconcilable  selfishness.  It  is,  in 
a  marked  degree,  a  self-centered  race;  the  whole  force  of  its 
character  is  concentrated  and  directed  for  its  own  uplift  and 
advancement.  Its  dauntless  ambition,  its  restlessness  and  end- 
less striving  for  superiority  intensify  its  life;  and  give  it  a 
color  which  is  not  the  reflection  of  its  best  self.  This  feature 
of  Caucasian  character  in  general,  and  the  Anglo-Saxon  in 
particular,  has  caused  the  advanced  thinkers  and  leaders  of 
the  other  races  seriously  to  doubt  Caucasian  sincerity  and  hon- 
esty of  purpose  in  the  intercourse  with  the  darker  races. 
Viewed  in  the  light  of  their  recent  history,  it  does  seem  that 
they  have  a  double  standard  of  conduct.  Indeed,  it  is  cer- 
tain, the  Golden  Rule  has  little  binding  force,  and  is  not  a 
sufficient  restraint  upon  their  lust  for  wealth  and  dominion 
when  the  lower  races  are  concerned.  The  following  is  from 
an  editorial  of  the  Baltimore  American,  and  is  indisputable 
evidence  of  the  unfairness  of  the  so-called  superior  race: 

"In  considering  the  relations  between  the  United  States 
and   Asiatic  countries,  a  proposition  that  will  be  hardly  dis- 


puted  is,  that  we  should  at  least  practice  honesty  in  our  deal- 
ings  with   them Although   far   more   moderate   in 

our  demands  than  some  European  powers,  we  exacted  an  in- 
ordinately large  sum  from  the  Chinese  government  after  the 
Peking  expedition  of  1901,  to  cover  claims  for  damages  sus- 
tained through  the  Boxer  uprising.  Those  claims  were  so 
grossly  exaggerated  that  after  all  were  ascertained  and  paid 
there  remained  a  balance  of  nearly  $22,000,000  of  the  indem- 
nity fund.  Secretary  Hay  advised  that  Congress  should  au- 
thorize the  return  to  China  of  the  entire  excess,  but  no  action 

has  yet  been  taken The  question  involved  is  simply 

that  of  national  honesty/' 

The  progress  and  development  of  the  world,  under  the 
tutelage  of  the  European  race,  is  as  special  as  it  is  great.  It 
has  long  been  their  boast,  and  asserted  with  greater  emphasis 
than  ever,  that  they  are  so  blessed  by  heaven  with  superior 
greatness,  as  to  constitute  them  ad  infinitum  divinely  appoint- 
ed leaders.  We  note,  however,  in  connection  with  this  ex- 
travagant claim,  that  their  efforts,  with  a  very  few  lame  ex- 
ceptions, have  been  only  directed  toward  their  own  race. 

The  Mediterranean  Sea,  which  "Washes  the  face  of 
Afric's  dusty  brow,"  played  an  important  part  in  Grecian  and 
Roman  civilization.  Yet  Africa  slumbered  long  on  the  lap 
of  time,  with  her  secrets  locked  in  her  own  bosom.  For  three 
European  peoples.  Kingdoms  and  empires  rose  out  of  the 
thousand  years  history  is  replete  with  the  development  of  the 
mud  of  barbarism  and  the  stifling  dust  of  superstition  and 
paralyzing  ignorance.  The  struggle  for  superiority  was  not 
only  for  national  glory  and  dominion,  but  also  in  the  direc- 


tion  of  larger  liberty  and  religious  freedom.  All  Europe  at 
times  was  a  camping  ground  of  contending  armies.  Out  of 
the  conflict  came  stronger  and  more  efficient  governments; 
and  with  the  governmental  development,  and  as  a  natural 
•consequence,  came  a  greater  thirst  for  a  higher  degree  of  in- 
tellectual attainments.  Both  social  and  political  life  became 
more  complex  and  more  earnest ;  it  sent  its  roots  deeper  into 
the  national  soil.  Consequently  there  was  an  uninterrupted 
growth  of  widening  responsibility;  the  powers  were  less  im- 
pulsive and  more  responsive  to  the  demands  of  racial  preser- 
vation and  expansion. 

With  all  of  its  interesting  and  instructive  history  and 
large  opportunities,  it  has  not  civilized  and  Christianized  a  sin- 
gle nation  out  of  the  limits  of  its  own  lineage.  Whenever  it 
has  come  in  direct  contact  and  competition  with  other  peoples, 
its  disposition  and  custom  have  been  to  destroy  or  to  cripple 
and  keep  them  dependent.  Notwithstanding  its  profuse  re- 
ligious pretension  and  exuberant  enthusiasm  for  Christian 
missions,  it  has  carried  the  Bible  in  one  hand  and  the  gun  in 
the  other.  It  teacnes  die  Golden  Rule  theoretically  but  practi- 
cally that  "might  makes  right."  The  flag  follows  the  mis- 
sionary. Ceylon,  Hawaii,  Samoa,  and  Philippines,  Uganda, 
Congo  State,  Australia,  West,  East  and  South  Africa,  and 
India,  are  part  of  their  colonial  system,  as  well  as  their  mis- 
sionary field.  King  Mtesa's  Macedonian  cry  from  darkest 
Africa  has  been  answered  with  British  Bibles  and  hymn  books, 
Tier  bayonets  and  her  flag. 

Although  the  Caucasian  is  under  the  masterful  influence 
of  a  barbarous  cupidity,  it  is  pre-eminentlv  an  intellectual  race. 

48  THE    REVIEW 

With  martyr  devotion  it  has  given  itself  to  severe  and  thor- 
ough mental  culture.  The  splendor  of  its  achievements,  and 
its  glorious  triumphs  over  seeming-  impossibility  are,  without 
doubt,  its  grandest  and  proudest  monuments.  It  does  seem 
the  object  for  which  God  created  these  peoples,  so  largely  and 
magnificently  endowed,  is  to  unfold,  to  train,  and  develop  the 
intellectual  side  of  man's  nature. 

The  ethical  development  of  the  Occidental  peoples  is  due 
directly  to  the  Hebrew  people.  They  have  given  the  world 
the  Bible  and  the  purest  and  best  moral  system  the  human 
family  has  had.  This  was  their  mission.  The  Caucasian  has 
a  mission.  Never  in  the  history  of  the  world  has  there  been 
a  wider  spread  of  letters;  learning  permeates  the  masses.. 
The  earth  has  never  had  so  many  schools  of  learning  and  such 
an  army  of  educated  and  learned  men.  There  is  little  excuse 
for  ignorance;  the  founding  of  schools  and  libraries  is  almost 
a  mania  among  the  wrealthy  classes.  Says  Mr.  Nash  in"  his 
"History  of  the  Higher  Criticism  of  the  New  Testament" : 
"Nature  stands  before  us  with  a  full  and  eager  mind.  To  lis- 
ten to  her  reverently,  to  go  outside  the  bounds  of  our  present 
knowledge  in  order  to  learn  new  things,  and  by  learning  to 
enrich  and  strengthen  our  race  in  its  struggles  against  the  con- 
ditions that  have  enslaved  us,  this  is  the  ideal  of  mental  life 
that  inspires  and  disciplines  the  highest  reason  of  our  time." 

The  result  of  this  intense  intellectual  activity  is  the  birth 
of  a  merciless  commercialism.  The  money-gathering  and 
money-loving  Caucasian  ransacks  seas  and  continents,  tames 
the  dangerous  lightning,  rides  it  like  a  steed,  tunnels  moun- 
tains, and  rivers,  oppresses  and  degrades  whomsoever  he  can,. 


enslaves  some  and  robs  all  to  enrich  and  aggrandize  himself. 

An  African  traveler,  writing  about  white  men  in  the  Congo 
says:  "They  are  a  most  interesting  lot  of  adventurers,  French, 
Belgian,  Italian,  Norwegian,  Danish,  and  renegade  British 
and  American.  If  you  could  line  them  up,  you  would  have 
a  motley  regiment  indeed.  Most  of  the  men  would  be  beard- 
ed or  unshaven,  long  haired,  unkempt  and  un-uni formed,  in 
anything  from  a  half  suit  of  gaudy  pajamas  and  undervest  to 
a  decayed  survival  of  an  ancient  suit  of  reach-me-downs.  A 
few  would  be  in  spotless  ducks  and  white  pith  helmets,  these 
being  the  civil  officers;  the  rest  would  be  military  men,  array- 
ed in  resplendent  uniforms  of  blue  and  gold He 

falls  ill,  he  takes  his  quinine  and  whiskey  or  fermented  native 
liquor.  Why  did  he  come?  For  money;  money  for  himself 
and  for  his  family.  He  must  get  enough  to  get  a  fresh  start 
in  Europe." 

Another  eye  witness  writes :  "The  frequent  wars  upon  the 
natives,  undertaken  without  any  motive  by  State  soldiers  sent 
out  to  get  rubber  and  ivory,  are  depopulating  the  country. 
The  soldiers  find  that  the  quickest  and  cheapest  method  is  to 
raid  villages,  sieze  prisoners  and  have  them  redeemed  after- 
ward with  ivory." 

The  handless  African  because  of  failure  to  gather  and 
bring  in  the  allotted  task  of  rubber,  the  multitude  of  human 
skeletons  which  lie  along  the  foot-path,  from  the  interior  of 
"darkest  Africa"  to  the  Portuguese  colony  on  the  west  coast; 

I  the    lamentations    in    German    Africa,    begging    the   Christian 
euton  to  cease  slaughtering  the  innocent  and  helpless  women 
id  children  to  satisfy  their  lust  of  power  and  of  wealth;  the 

50  THE    REVIEW 

long  dark  night  of  cruel  slavery  of  the  Western  world,  and  the 

painful  annihilation  of  the  North  American  Indian,  are  the 
outcome  of  that  ceaseless  commercialism  which  continually 
feeds  the  insatiable  and  unrestrained  ambition  of  this  race  of 
oppressors.  Now,  by  reason  of  the  marvelous  lack  of  fair- 
ness in  their  intercourse  with  the  backward  peoples,  it  does 
seem  that  they  are  nowise  in  a  position  effectively  to  teach 
and  amply  to  illustrate  through  their  race  life,  those  uniform 
and  welding  ideas  of  universal  brotherhood,  so  fully  explained 
in  the  Golden  Rule.  Indeed,  it  is  difficult  to  understand  how 
a  people  can  be  under  its  salutary  influence  and  not  appre- 
ciate applied  Christianity.  The  following  quotation  from  a 
chapter  of  the  great  American  Republic  is  a  good  illustra- 
tion :  "No  one  can  look  at  one  of  the  photographs  of  a  lynch- 
ing without  a  sense  of  abysmal  horror/'  says  the  American 
Magazine.  It  is  not  horror  alone,  or  chiefly  of  the  thing  it- 
self, the  ugly  inanimate  center  of  the  tragedy;  it  is  the  faces 
of  the  spectators  that  shock  our  very  soul.  They  are  always 
laughing  faces.  Good  nature,  even  jollity,  seems  to  be  the 
note  of  these  gatherings.  Always  we  see  the  faces  of  little 
boys  grinning  cheerfully  toward  the  camera.  There  are  wo- 
men sometimes  in  the  crowd,  and  sometimes  little  girls.  There 
as  no  sign  in  these  pictures  of  the  horror  of  death,  even  of 
;grim  satisfaction  over  a  difficult  task.  The  man  who  called 
it  a  lynching  bee'  appreciated  the  true  feeling  of  the  lynchers. 
Leave  out  the  grim  wretch  in  the  center,  and  the  picture  might 
be  taken  for  an  ordinary  cheerful  gathering  at  a  country  fair. 
Leave  it  in,  and,  oh,  my  brothers,  it  is  not  the  dead,  but  the 
Jiving,  that  terrifies." 


There  is  a  striking  analogy  between  the  Hebrew  nation 
and  the  Caucasian  race.  The  former  came  upon  the  stage  un- 
der peculiar  circumstances,  and  was  given  a  specific  work; 
and  when  it  was  accomplished  they  were  forced  from  the  arena 
because  of  their  stubborn  will  and  misguided  judgment. 
Though  their  moral  code  is  the  soul  of  modern  civilization, 
vet  with  all  their  spiritual  enlightenment,  they  failed  to  retain 
their  right-mindedness  and  hence  misinterpreted  the  spirit  of 
that  new  and  invincible  force  which  is  reforming  and  ever 
exalting  humanity.  Consequently  they  are  an  effete  nation, 
a  national  derelict,  drifting  on  the  ocean  of  time.  Is  history 
repeating  itself  in  the  life  of  the  Caucasian?  Perhaps  they 
have  reached  the  highest  stage  of  efficiency  and  arrested  pro- 
gress is  about  to  set  in.  The  many  centuries  of  interrupted 
success  probably  seriously  have  affected  their  judgment  and 
weakened  their  spiritual  apprehension.  Every  race  under  the 
sun  accuses  them  at  the  bar  of  justice;  it  is  an  undeniable  fact, 
their  conduct  is  a  long  series'  of  flagrant  violations  of  the  spirit 
and  letter  of  the  Decalogue. 

Unless  it  enlarges  its  vision  and  becomes  great-hearted 
enough  to  rise  above  its  selfish  wall  of  degrading  prejudice, 
and  truly  believes  and  practically  demonstrates  that  the  broth- 
erhood of  man  outwreighs  the  claims  and  exactions  of  race, 
they  must  vacate  the  stage;  for  mankind  will  have  received 
all  that  they  have  of  any  value  to  give.  Kidd,  in  his  inter- 
esting book  on  "Social  Evolution/'  says:  "As  the  process  of 
development  proceeds  it  must  become  increasingly  evident  that 
the  advanced  races  will  have  no  power,  in  virtue  of  their  in- 
tellectual characteristics  alone,  to  continue  to  retain  the  posi- 


tion  of  ascendency  they  have  hitherto  enjoyed  throughout  the 
world;  and  that  if  they  have  no  other  secret  of  rule  than  this, 
the  sceptre  is  destined  eventually  to  pass  from  them.'' 

The  ethical  development  and  the  modernizing  of  the  East- 
ern peoples  is  most  rapid  and  very  significant.  The  centuries 
may  not  be  far  distant,  when  the  Orientals  will  have  a  com- 
manding, and  perhaps  a  controlling-,  influence  in  the  affairs 
of  nations.  Thev  have,  beyond  doubt,  a  higher  mission  and 
must  sooner  or  later  take  tire  place  assigned  them,  and  must 
meet  the  requirements  of  their  responsible  position. 

Joseph  G.  Bryant. 




Dr.  Edward  Judson  says  in  Christian  Work,  the  development  of  the 
instinct  for  play  is  one  of  the  most  striking  features  of  the  advance  of 
civilization  during  the  last  quarter  of  a  century.  The  working  man  de- 
mands more  leisure  for  recreation.  Holidays  are  mulitplied.  The  public 
goes  mad  over  football,  baseball,  basket-ball,  and  boat  races.  People  go 
earlier  to  the  country  and  stay  later.  The  cities  arc  environed  by  an  end- 
less succession  of  parks,  beaches  and  summer  resorts.  In  old  times  there 
were  only  hunting  and  fishing.  Now  we  take  up  one  by  one,  croquet,  lawn- 
lennis,  golf,  the  kodak,  the  bicycle,  the  motor  cycle,  the  automobile.  The 
world  is  learning  how  to  play.     This  is  one  of  the  key-notes  of  our  age. 

What  is  the  Christian  attitude  toward  all  this?  Is  it  right  for  the 
follower  of  Christ  to  play?  What  view  shall  he  take  of  doubtful  pleasures, 
as  smoking  and  wine-drinking  and  card-playing  and  dancing  and  theatre- 
going?  Feeling  his  way  through  the  intricate  labyrinth  of  modern  society, 
has  the  Christian  any  clue? 

While  these  questions  cannot  be  answered  off-hand,  there  are  certain 
clear  principles  that  guide  us  like  heavenly  constellations  : 

i.  The  first  condition  of  moral  insight  is  the  surrendered  will,  an 
.absolute  willingness  to  take  either  one  of  two  alternative  courses  that  seems 
to  us  more  right.  Blessed  are  the  pure  in  heart,  for  they  shall  see  God, 
Onr  self-will,  like  breath,  makes  a  little  film  on  the  window  pane  so  that 
we  cannot  sec  clearly  the  vision  of  beauty  that  lies  beyond.  If  our  will 
be  to  do  his  will,  we  shall  feel  the  presence  of  the  firm  hand  that  guides 
us.     Conscience  must  be  obeyed,  right  or  wrong. 

2.  Our  own  conscience  must  be  used.  We  must  decide  for  ourselves. 
Each  man  must  give  answer  for  himself  to  God.  We  must  not  look  around 
for  some  stronger  nature  against  which  to  lean.  This  is  the  wrong  use  to 
which  to  put  a  minister.  Ik-  is  not  a  kind  of  priest  to  silence  or  intensify 
jour  scruples.  The  New  Testament  even  gives  no  categorical  answers  to 
these  social  questions.  It  lays  down  great  principles  so  that  our  moral 
sense  may  be  strengthened  by  grasping  them  and  applying  them  to  each 
case.  We  are  not  to  depend  upon  others  for  an  answer,  but  to  train  our 
own  conscience  by  keeping  it  in  constant  use,  as  a  hunter's  eyesight  grows 
keen  through  his  frequent  and  sustained  efforts  to  perceive  small  game  m 
the  thick  woods.  The  priestly  way  of  deciding  such  questions,  one  for 
another,  causes  the  moral  vision  of  the  one  who  seeks  counsel  to  be  im- 
paired through  disuse  and  week  dependence  upon  whose  sight  he  thinks 
is  keener  than   his   own. 

f)4  THE    REVIEW 

3.  Our  moral  sense  is  corrected  and  quickened  by  prayer.  It  is  not 
the  office  of  the  Holy  Spirit  to  point  out  to  us  the  right  path,  but,  in 
answer  to  prayer,  so  to  strengthen  our  moral  vision  that  we  shall  find 
the  path  ourselves. 

4.  The  deliverances  of  our  own  consciences  will  be  verified  and  cor- 
rected by  our  knowledge  of  the  teachings  of  the  New  Testament  bearing: 
upon  these  social  questions.  Such  teachings,  however,  will  not  be  in  the 
form  of  vestpocket  rules,  but  of  great  moral  principles  which  we  shall  have 
to  apply  for  ourselves.  The  Bible  is  the  crystallization  in  literature  of  the 
best  moral  and  religious  consciousness  of  humanity,  extending  through 
vast  periods  of  history,  and  controlled,  as  we  believe,  by  the  Holy  Spirit. 
It  is,  therefore,  vitally  authoritive,  just  as  in  art  an  individual  does  not 
set  himself  up  against  the  common  consciousness  of  mankind.  The  man 
whose  central  purpose  it  is  to  obey  his  own  conscience  enlightened  by 
the  teachings  of  Christ  made  clear  to  him  through  the  Holy  Spirit  given  in 
answer  to  prayer,  cannot  go  far  wrong  in  any  social  question. 

5.  Our  decision  should  be  absolute.  One  must  not  walk  in  the 
twilight  of  dubiety.  No  step  should  be  taken  in  a  path  of  doubtful  pleas- 
ure until  all  misgivings  about  it  has  been  cleared  up.  He  that  doubteih 
is  condemned,  St.  Paul  said,  even  about  things  that  seemed  to  him  perfect- 
ly right.  A  person  of  principle  thinks  things  clear  through,  and  has  settled 
convictions  before  he  acts.  Be  so  pursuaded  in  your  own  mind  before 
going  to  the  theatre  to  see  a  high-toned  drama  that  you  will  not  be  scared 
by  any  bogey  in  your  path.  Do  it  without  concealment  or  shame.  Be  able 
to  justify  yourself  to  God  and  your  fellow  Christians.  Otherwise  the 
enjoyment  of  the  play  is  marred  by  an  aching  conscience.  Your  religion 
spoils  your  pleasure  and  your  pleasure  your  religion. 

6.  Unflinching  refusal  to  indulge  in  pleasures  that  are  wrong  in  them- 
selves is,  of  course,  the  Christian's  duty.  One  need  not  say  much.  Silent 
refusal  is  eloquent.  Gambling  is  wrong  in  itself.  The  element  of  chance 
is  not  what  makes  it  wrong,  otherwise  one  ought  not  to  play  backgammon. 
There  is  chance  in  football.  The  ball  may  chance  to  hit  a  stone  and 
bound  just  out  of  the  player's  reach.  Card-playing  is  not  what  makes 
gambling  wrong.  Cards  are  not  wrong  in  themselves.  Of  course,  the  asso- 
ciations of  gambling  are  bad,  but  they  are  not  what  makes  gambling  wrong. 
Gambling  it  stealing.  The  winner  at  the  gambling  table,  has  money  in  his 
pocket  that  belongs  to  others.  It  is  not  his  own.  He  has  neither  earned 
it  nor  has  it  been  given  to  him.  If  I  make  a  contract  with  another  gentle- 
man according  to  the  terms  of  which  a  valuable  consideration  passes  from 
him  to  me  or  from  me  to  him  without  a  fair  equivalent,  I  do  what  is  in  its 
very  nature  fraudulent.  It  makes  no  difference  whether  I  gain  or  lose. 
The  fraud  is  in  the  contract.  The  other's  consenting  to  be  robbed  does 
not  make  my  act  any  less  robbery.  The  Christian's  duty  is  surely  clear 
as  regards  pleasures  that  are  wrong  in  themselves. 

Many  social  pleasures  are  not  wrong  in  themselves.  Meat-ax  con- 
demnation of  them  is  singularly  unjust  and  ineffective.  Whether  they  are 
right  or  wrong  depends  upon  other  considerations  than  their  own  inherent 
quality.  Many  a  thing  that  is  not  wrong  per  se  is  made  wrong  by  what 
goes  before  or  comes  after  it  or  is  associated  with  it.  Nothing  in  life 
comes  to  us  per  se.  Everything  is  always  connected  with  something  else, 
like  a  live  wire  which  is  perfectly  innocent  per  se,  but  happens  to  be  con- 
nected with  a  dynamo.  In  regard  to  pleasures  that  have  no  inherent  mor.-ij 
quality,  other  principles  come  into  view\ 

7.  Excessive  indulgence  in  even  the  most  innocent  pleasure  is  wrong. 


Pleasure  is  the  fringe  of  life,  not  the  garment  itself,  the  sauce  that  seasons 
the  food,  not  the  food. 

8.  A  pleasure  right  in  itself  becomes  wrong  if  it  steeps  my  mind  in 
an  atmosphere  of  evil  association,  as  a  violin  is  sensitive  to  sea  air  and 
is  detoned.    Our  Lord  teaches  us  to  pray,  Lead  us  not  into  temptation. 

9.  To  the  Christian,  things  not  wrong  in  themselves  become  wrong  if 
they  harm  the  spiritual  life  of  others.  Self-renunciation  out  of  regard  for 
the  weak  is  a  principle  which  St.  Paul  urges  with  varied  iteration.  Even 
in  matters  which  seem  perfectly  right  to  ourselves,  our  duty  often  consists 
in  a  gentle  and  self-denying  conformity  to  the  beliefs,  feelings  and  even 
prejudices  of  our  weaker  brethren  so  as  to  make  it  easier  for  them  to 
abstain  from  what  they  think  is  wrong.  This  is  something  unknown  among 
worldlings.  It  is  distinctive  of  Christianity.  It  requires  a  Christian  to 
give  up  with  a  smile  the  most  congenial  recreation  if  by  so  doing  he  may 
save  those  from  engaging  in  it  to  whom  it  would  be  a  sin,  and  who  would 
be  influenced  by  his  example  to  commit  that  sin.  This  principle  may  easily 
be  overworked  by  an  enthusiastic  Christian,  the  weaker  brother  being  put 
upon  a  kind  of  throne  from  whence  he  dominates  his  fellow'  Christians. 
One  must  learn  to  make  nice,  prayerful  distinctions,  considering  whether 
more  harm  may  not  be  done  by  the  narrower  course.  It  may  easily  happen 
that  we  may  show  more  strength  of  character  in  breaking  with  the  tradi- 
tions of  our  childhood  than  in  acquiescing  in  their  enslavement.  Each  one 
of  us  is  entitled  to  an  ample  and  symmetrical  development  of  the  wrhole 
self,  body,  mind,  social  nature,  spirit,  all,  of  course,  with  an  altruistic 
end.  We  are  not  doing  our  best  if  we  give  to  the  service  of  man  a  starved 
or  half-developed  nature.  It  is  rather  in  regard  to  those  pleasures  that 
have  little  to  do  with  our  higher  development  that  we  are  to  coddle  our 
weaker  brother,  as  for  instance,  wine-drinking,  while  other  recreations 
might  form  an  important  factor  in  our  education  for  the  service  of  our  fel- 
lows. In  some  things  pleasure  predominates,  in  others  profit.  All  this  has 
to  be  considered,  if  it  is  a  question  of  the  pleasure  by  itself,  that  one  might 
readily  give  up  for  a  weaker  brother,  but  it  is  another  thing  to  give  up 
mental  and  moral  profit  which  contributes  to  our  power  to  help  the  weak. 

Such  principles  as  these  give  to  the  Christian  life  a  serious  and  heroic 
character.  Some  natures  may  be  led  by  them  into  solitary,  abstemious,  and 
even  thorny  paths;  but  losing  pleasure,  we  sometimes  gain  peace.  Christ 
gives  infinitely  more  than  he  takes  away.  We  do  not  so  much  mind  the 
paling  of  the  street  lamps- if  it  is  caused  by  the  rising  sun. 


In  a  normal  instance,  the  effect  of  the  course  upon  the  man  is: 

i.    To  reveal  to  him  his  limitations  both  of  powers  and  of  acquisitions. 

2.  To  give  him  due  humility  in  view  of  such  limitations. 

3.  To  impart  that  genuine  docility  without  which  these  limitations  will 
disqualify  him  forever  for  the  work  of_the  ministry. 

4.  To  discipline  his  untrained  powers,  so  that  he  can  thereafter  him- 
self wisely  and  effectively  employ  them. 

5.  To  create  new  and  never  flagging  desires  for  more  of  personal  in- 
sight  and   personal    efficiency. 


6.  To  acquaint  him  with  right  methods  of  investigation  and  to  accus- 
tom his  mind  to  their  use. 

7.  To  give  him  for  a  scries  of  years  among  chosen  spirits  of  high 
quality  that  personal  contact  with  equals  needed  to  relieve  him  of  his 
odious  self-conceit  and  to  implant  in  its  place  a  proper  esteem  for  his 

8.  To  give  him  for  four  plastic  years  that  personal  contact  with 
recognized  superiors  which  will  elevate  and  clarify  his  ideals  of  personal 
character  and  fit  him   for   recognized   leadership. 

9.  To  give  him  a  correct  conception  of  the  various  sciences  on  which 
the  welfare  of  society  depends,  and  of  their  relation  to  religion. 

10.  To  give  him  a  correct  conception  of  the  various  arts  on  which 
the  welfare  of  society  depends,  and  of  their  relation  to  religion. 

n.  To  acquaint  him  with  the  educational  world,  with  educational 
methods,  and  with  the  vast  responsibilities  of  the  ministry  and  Church  of 
Christ  in  the  instruction  of  mankind. 

12.  To  acquire  the  intimate  friendship  of  not  a  few  of  the  men  with 
whom  in  his  future  lifework  he  is  to  be  associated,  and  from  whom  life- 
long as  a  consequence  he  will  receive  help  and  inspiration. 

13.  To  qualify  him  to  pursue  his  later  studies  with  the  least  possible 
loss  of  time  and  labor. 

14.  To  entitle  him  at  once,  and  in  advance  of  all  other  evidence  to  the 
confidence  and  esteem  of  the  best  people  in  any  community  to  which  in 
later  life  he  may  be  sent. 

15.  To  give  him  a  home  feeling  among  the  educated  in  any  land  under 
all    circumstances. 

16.  To  augment  manifold  his  ability  to  interest  and  instruct  persons 
greatly  differing  in  age,  taste  and  calling. 

17.  To  open  his  eyes  to  the  significance  of  human  history  and  to  the 
part  w'hich  human  sin  has  played  therein. 

18.  To  create  a  desire  to  learn  what  he  can  of  the  religions  of  the 
world  and  of  the  true  religion. 

19.  To  bring  him  to  his  knees  in  fervent  gratitude  for  birth  in  a  Chris- 
tian  land  and  for  a  place  in  a  Christian  college. 

20.  To  deepen  his  sense  of  God's  call  to  him  to  go  and  at  any  cost 
evangelize  the  nations. — President  IP.  P.  Warren,  in  Northwestern  Chris- 
tian Advocate. 




"Br'er  Jenkins  was  at  my  house  last  night,"  observed  Mirandy,  "an' 
he  was  expostulatin'  'bout  dat  new  sect  of  religioners  out  in  de  West, 
whar  de  man  say  he  is  Adam,  an'  dc  woman  say  she  is  Eve,  an'  dey  is 
tryin'  to  start  a  sort  of  second-hand  Eden  whar  dey  'lows  dere  won't  be 
no  sin,  an'  ev'body  will  go  about  widout  no  clothes  on  onless  dey  maybe 
mought  be  sort  of  dressy,  an'  wear  a  fig  leaf  or  so. 

'  'Humph,'  'spons  I,  'I  don't  think  much  of  dat  as  a  faith,  leastways 
for  women.  Dere  wouldn't  be  no  Eden  ef  hit  didn't  have  a  few  bonnits, 
an'  longery  shirt  waists  in  hit,  for  no  female  lady  dat  I  is  acquainted  with. 
Besides  even  a  angel  looks  better  wid  a  nice  rloatin'  robe  on,  an'  dere  ain't 
nothin'  in  de  spectacle  of  a  bony,  scrawny  woman  not  a  fat,  floppy  one  to 
elewate  de  thoughts  towards  speritual  things.  No.  Br'er  Jenkins,'  says  I, 
'clothes  is  lak  de  mantle  of  charity — dey  covers  a  multitude  of  sins,  an' 
you  wont  never  ketch  me  runnin'  off  after  any  newfangled  religion  dat 
<ioe^  away  wid  yo'  Sunday  go-to-meetin'  frock  an'  hat.' 

'  'Bless  Gord  for  de  faithful !'  spons  Br'er  Jenkins,  'but  dese  folks 
aim  peeled  down  to  de  skin  yit,  owrin'  to  not  yit  findin'  enough  folks 
dat  is  got  a  strangle  hold  on  sin,  'an'  furdermore  de  climate  been  ser  vig- 
orous in  dem  parts  in  de  winter.  But  I  hears  dey  is  git  a  mighty  likely 
little  valley  whar  dey  is  gwine  back  to  the  simple  life  of  our  first  pa  an' 
ma    befo'   dey   got   mixed-up  wid   dat   serpent  business.' 

"Yassum,  dat's  so.  An'  Br'er  Jenkins'  remarks  remind  me  of  Br'er 
Isham.  Br'er  Isham  was  a  moughty  peart  man,  what  was  a  master  brick- 
layer, an'  when  he  move  into  our  neighborhood  dere  was  a  mighty  wrastlin' 
around  to  see  what  ch'ch  he  would  jine,  because  we  all  felt  dat  he  would 
be  a  po'ful  ornament  to  de  congregation,  bein'  as  how  he  was  a  personable 
man.  wid  a  plug  hat  an'  a  bass  voice  dat  shook  de  rafters  when  he  open 
his   mouf  to   sing. 

"So  all  de  sisters,  dey  go  mighty  perlitc  to  call  on  Br'er  Ishan.  an 
invite  him  to  deir  chu'eh,  an'  he  thank  'em,  an'  say  he'll  be  pleased  to  drop 
around,  but  he  don't  say  which  faith  is  his  faith,  an'  befo'  we  knowed  hit 
de  Methodist,  an'  de  Baptist,  an'  de  Presbyterian,  an'  de  Unitarian,  an'  de 
Piscumpalums  sistern  was  all  a  chimin'  him,  an'  having  eyes  on  his  pocket- 

"At  last  I  went  to  h*jfi,  an'  i  says : 

'"Br'er  J  sham/  says  I,  'widout  wishin'  to  pry  into  yo'  private  affairs, 
I  makes  bold  to  ax  you  what  is  de  entitlement  of  de  chu'eh  dat  you  belongs 
to,  for  Sis  Sany  Ann  says  you  is  a  Methodist  an'  is  a  countin'  on  you  to 
contribute  to  deir  strawberry  supper,  an'  Sis  Lucindy  says  you  shorly  will 


help  out  wid  de  missionary  fund  for  de  Presbyterians,  you  bein'  one  anr 

strong  in  de  faith,  whilst  Sis  Malviry  is  looking  for  you  to  open  de  raffle 

at  de  Unitarian  bazaar,  an'  Sis  Tempy  is  got  you  down  for  a  cake  for  de 
Baptist  supper,  an'  de  Piscumpalum  guild  is  waitin'  for  you  wid  foteen 
pairs  of  slippers  dat  dey  is  expectin'  to  sell  to  a  gemman  who  is  been 
brought  up  in  de  only  religion  dat  is  really  styly.  Darefore,'  says  I,  'hit 
will  be  money  in  yo'  pocket  to  come  out,  an'  say  whar  you  belongs. ' 

"  'Sis  Mirandy,,  spons  Br'er  Isham,  'dat  is  de  true  word  you  is  givin' 
me.  an'  I  thanks  you  for  hit.' 

"Wid  dat  Br'er  Isham  heave  a  sigh  an'  den  he  went  on.  'To  tell  you 
de  truf,  Sis  Mirandy/  he  'spons,  'I  hardly  knows  whar  I  stands,  for  I'se 
a  religious  man,  Sis  Mirandy.  An'  dere's  somethin'  in  hit,  when  de  organ 
sampled  mos'  all  of  de  chu'ches,  an'  all  of  'em  had  deir  good  pints  an' 
deir  bad  pints. 

"  'I  was  raised  in  de  Catholic  chu'ch,  Sis  Mirandy,  an'  hit  suttinly  is  a 
grand  ole  chu'ch.  An'  deres  somethin'  in  hit  when  de  organ  rolls,  an  de 
candles  shine  on  de  altar,  an'  d«  priest  sings  de  Mass  dat  makes  a  lump 
come  in  yo'  throat,  an'  you  fsel  lak  you  can  almost  stretch  out  yo'  hand 
s&d  tetch  de  robes  of  de  holy  ones ;  but,  Sis  Mirandy  de 
Catholic  chu'ch  is  too  sudden.  Hit's  too  contemporaneous,  so  to  speak. 
Hit  don't  put  off  de  judgment  day  to  de  nex'  world.  Hit  brings  hit  right 
along  now,  and  whilst  I  didn't  worry  none  'bout  running'  up  an  account 
wid  the  Recording  Angel,  hit  shorly  did  go  against  de  grain  to  have  to 
pay  for  rav  sins  on  de  nail,  des  as  I  went  along.  Mo'over,  I'se  a  hearty 
man  wid  a  good  appetite,  an'  dere  was  too  many  fast  days  to  suit  me,  sa 
I   sorter  moved   on. 

'  'Den  I  jined  de  Methodist  chu'ch.  Sis  Mirandy,  an'  ef  I  dose  say  hit 
myself.  I  am  mightv  gifted  as  a  shouter.  Dat's  a  fine  church,  too.  Si$ 
Mirandy,  but  wid  hit's  'sperience  meetin's  whar  ev'body  gits  up  an'  tells 
about  deir  sins,  hit  ain't  no  place  for  a  nigger  whut  is  a  jedge  of  fat 
pullets,  an'  lives  close  to  a  place  whar  de  chickens  roost  low.  De  Metho- 
dist chu'ch  is  a  mighty  good  chu'ch  for  dem  whut  ain't  been  led  into  tempta- 
tion, or  is  slick  tongued.  but  hit  didn't  suit  me.  so  I  dis  sorter  drew  out 
an'   iined  de   Presbyterians. 

"  'Dat  shorly  is  a  grand  faith,  Sis  Mirandy,  an'  I  took  to  predestination 
an'  foreord ination  like  a  duck  to  water,  for  hit  suttinly  is  comfortin'  ra 
know  dat  what  is  to  be  is  gwine  to  be',  wedder  hit  is  or  not,  an'  da^ 
vou  ain't  really  responsible  for  doin'  de  things  dat  hit  was  settled  you  was 
bound  to  do  millions  of  years  befo'  you  was  bawn.  Somehow,  dough,  i 
got  col'  feet  in  de  Presbyterian  chu'ch  a  wonderin'  ef,  maybe,  I'd  drawee 
de  wrong  ticket  an'  got  de  double  cross  in  life :  an'  so,  as  nobody  could  tell 
me  fur  certain  which  wav  I  was  headed  I  hiked  out  for  a  chu'ch  where  de 
signboards  was  a  little  nlainer. 

"  'Den  I  jined  de  Piscumpalums,  but  dat  is  a  book  chu'ch,  an'  I 
didn't  know  how  to  read,  an'  hit  kept  me  so  mixed  up  dat  I  was  always 
afeard  I'd  git  de  wrong  blessin',  for  lak  as  not  when  I'd  want  to  'zort  de 
Lawd  to  send  me  <l  ram  to  uring  up  de  potatoes,  de  only  prar  dat  I  could 
remember  x?%j  for  aem  wnut  go  down  to  de  sea  in  ships,  which  didn't 
seem  to  have  no  bearin'  on  de  case.  So  I  passed  up  de  Piscumpalums, 
dough  I  shorly  would  lake  to  be  saved  in  as  good  company  as  dey  is.  Dey 
suttinly  would  do  you  proud  when  Gabriel  blows  his  horn. 

"  'De  next  chu'ch  I  tackled  was  de  Unitarians.  Dat's  a  big,  fine,  broad 
eftu'eh,  Sis  Mirandy,  but  hit  is  cut  too  big  for  me.  I  lak  to  feel  my 
religion  fit  a  little  closer,  an'  bind  a  little  at  the  seams,  not  enough  to  really 
hamper  me.  you  know,  but  just  so  I'll  know  I'se  got  hit  on,  so  me  an'  da* 

WOMEN  59» 

chu'ch  didn't  stick  togedder  ve'y  long,  an'  den  I  mover  over  to  do  Bap- 

"  'Dat's  de  chu'ch  for  me,  Sis  Mirandy !  Dat's  hit !  Hit's  dip  an'  duck 
an'  dere  you  are.  Hit's  de  church  wid  de  double  action  plan  for  salvation 
for  when  you  blackslides  all  you  got  to  do  is  to  come  again.  And  hit  sets 
more  store  on  doctrine  dan  hit  does  on  works,  which  is  mighty  com-  • 
fortin'  to  a  man  lake  me  whut  drops  by  de  wayside  occasionally,  yit  is 
strong  in  de  faith. 

:i  'Dat's  whar  I  stands,  Sis  Mirandy.  I'se  a  deep  water  Baptist,  but  I 
ain't  sayin'  nothin'  against  all  de  odder  chu'ches.  Dey's  all  good,  but 
you  has  to  pick  out  yo'  religion  lak  you  does  you'  coat — what'll  suit  one- 
won't  suit  anodder,  an'  ev'ybody  to  deir  taste/ 

"  'Dat's  so,'  'sponds  I,  'an'  hit's  a  good  thing  we  don't  hold  to  de 
same  faith,  for  ef  we  did  dere  wouldn't  be  nOthin'  to  fight  over.' 

'  'Amen,'  says  Br'er  Isham,  'an'  hit's  a  better  thing  dere's  so  many 
different  chu'ches — dey  perlices  each  odder.' " 

Dorothy  Dix,  in  the  Evening  Bulletin. 


Probably  there  are  no  members  of  the  British  peerage  more  out  and  out 
in  their  opposition  to  the  social  evils  that  threaten  the  home  life  of  the 
British  people  to-day  than  the  Earl  and  Countess  of  Carlisle  and  their 
children.  The  chief  object  of  their  attack  is  the  liquo  traffic  which  they 
claim  lies  at  the  root  of  most  of  the  dangers  that  menace  the  home,  causing 
the  physical  deterioration  of  the  race  and  the  demoralization  of  the  home; 
and  blasting  the  lives  of  the  young  children  who  are  the  future  citizens 
of  the  British  Empire.  When  it  is  apprehended  that  seven  and  a  half  mil- 
lion people  have  fallen  victims  to  the  liquor  traffic  in  England,  and  that 
more  people  have  been  killed  by  it  during  the  last  thirty  years  than  in  all 
the  wars  in  the  nineteenth  century  the  world  over,  the  importance  of  the 
problem  is  understood. 

It  is  the  acute  seriousness  of  the  menace  of  the  drink  evil  that  has 
brought  the  Earl  and  Countess  of  Carlisle  and  those  with  whom  they  are 
closely  related  to  the  front  in  the  radical  movement  to  suppress  the  traffic. 
The  importance  of  their  influence  may  be  gaged  by  their  high  social  stand- 
ing in  the  hereditary  nobility  of  Great  Britain,  and  by  their  prominence  in 
the  larger  and  greater  nobility  of  those  who  are  enlisted  in  endeavors  to 
make  the  world  a  better  place  for  all  humankind. 

The  Earl  of  Carlisle  is  a  British  peer  of  a  line  over  two  centuries  old. 
He  is  the  ninth  Ear]  of  Carlisle,  the  earldom  having  been  created  in  1661. 
His  other  titles  are  Viscount  Howard  of  Morpeth  and  Baron  Darce  of 
Gillesland.  lie  was  born  in  1843  and  he  was  just  twenty-one  years  of  age 
when  he  married  the  brilliant  and  beautiful  lion.  Rosalind  Frances  Stan- 

It  is  said  that  there  is  no  royal  residence  eqhal  in  extent  and  beahty 
to  Castle  Howard,  the  family  scat  of  the  Howards.  Howard  is  the  family 
name  of  the  Earl  of  Carlisle,  who,  divested  of  his  titles,  is  simply  Mr. 
.George  James  Howard,  J.  P.  Castle  Howard  is  located  at  York  and  is  a 
magnificent  place  with  a  dome  two  hundred  feet  in  the  air.  Much  interest 
attaches  to  the  castle  because  it  is  here  that  the  Earl  and  Countess  of 
Carlisle  gave  to  the  world  a  unique  and  telling  demonstration  of  their  genu- 


inc  conversion  to  total  abstinence.  Convinced  that  the  drinking  of  liquors 
is  only  a  source  of  evil  and  never  of  good,  and  that  the  complete  destruc- 
tion of  alcoholic  drinks  is  essential  to  human  happiness  and  progress,  they 
proceeded  to  show  their  faith  by  their  works.  Castle  Howard  possest 
wine-cellars  famous,  far  and  wide,  for  their  collection  of  rare  old  liquors. 
The  Howards  opened  these  rusty  old  vaults,  removed  all  the  vats,  kegs, 
■and  bottles,  and  destroyed  their  contents.  A  storm  of  indignation  arose 
from  those  who  could  not  understand  the  conscientious  and  high-minded 
purpose  of  Lord  and  Lady  Carlisle.  Not  content  with  a  partial  movement, 
they  made  their  severance  with  the  liquor  traffic  complete  by  closing  all  the 
public  houses  and  retail  liquor  stores  on  the  great  estates  belonging  to  the 

Naworth  Castle,  the  family  seat  at  Carlisle,  is  celebrated  as  one  of 
the  old  border  castles,  built  as  a  stronghold  for  defense  during  troublesome 
times  between  Scotland  and  England,  and  preserved  as  a  type  of  the  expen- 
sive baronial  seats  which  marked  the  splendor  of  early  British  nobles.  The 
castle  is  full  of  reminders  of  Sir  William  Howard,  the  "Belted  Will"  of 
Scott's  "Lay  of  the  Last  Minstrel,"  his  library  being  here  and  his  bedroom 
just  as  they  were  in  ancient  times.  Connected  with  the  estate  is  Lanercost 
Priory,  founded  in  the  twelfth  century,  where  King  Edward  made  his  tem- 
porary residence  in  1280,  and  where  two  memorial  tablets  have  been  placed 
to  sons  of  Lord  and  Lady  Carlisle,  one  of  whom  is  buried  here  and  the 
other  in  the  African  desert. 

No  liquor  saloons  are  to  be  found  on  the  ground  of  Naworth  Castle. 
And  neither  here  nor  in  Castle  Howard  nor  in  the  handsome  London  resi- 
dence at  No.  1  Palace  Green  is  liquor  ever  served  to  guests,  no  matter  how 
high  their  station.  What  this  attitude  toward  social  drinking-customs  on 
the  part  of  so  influential  a  family  involves  is  not  difficult  to  estimate.  It 
is  certain  to  be  of  far-reaching  effect  in  strengthening  the  position  of  the 
radical  element  working  for  social  uplift  through  temperance  reform. 

With  the  Countess  of  Aberdeen  and  Lady  Henry  Somerset,  the  Coun- 
tess of  Carlisle  ranks  as  one  of  the  most  business-like  women,  the  most 
active  in  politics,  and  the  most  eloquent  in  platform  speaking  of  Great 
Britain.  She  personally  superintends  all  her  enterprises.  Like  Queen  Vic- 
toria, she  goes  about  in  the  most  unpretentious  fashion  and  is  personally 
acquainted  with  every  man,  woman  and  child  on  her  estates.  When  her 
daughter,  Lady  Mary  Howard,  chose  to  marry  Prof.  Gilbert  Murray  of 
Glasgow  University,  the  good  countess  had  great  happiness,  because  she 
had  no  desire  that  her  children  should  marry  only  those  of  wealth  and  rank. 
Of  her  eleven  children,  six  are  living.  The  four  daughters  (one  of  whom 
is  married  to. Hon.  Charles  Roberts,  M.  P.)  and  two  of  whom  are  single 
are  all  enthusiastic  temperance  workers.  The  heir  to  the  earldom  is  Vis- 
count Morpeth.  The  second  son,  Hon.  Geoffrey  Howard,  is  a  member  of 
Parliament,  and  does  active  service  for  better  liquor  legislation.  The  laws 
'which  the  countess  is  now  seeking  are  for  the  prohibition  of  the  sale  of 
liquors  to  minors,  and  for  the  elimination  of  the  barmaid  system.  Lady 
Dorothy  Howard  represented  her  mother  in  the  World's  Woman's  Chris- 
tian Temperance  Union  convention  in  Boston,  when  the  Countess  of  Car- 
lisle was  chosen  world's  president. 

The  only  law  as  yet  procured  to  mitigate  the  practice  of  sending  chil- 
dren for  liquor  has  been  a  provision  that  the  liquor  must  be  carried  in 
covered  receptacles,  thus  decreasing  the  temptation.  Headed  by  Lady  Car- 
lisle and  her  influential  family,  the  cause  of  temperance  will  receive  a  great 
and  permanent  impetus,  not  only  in  Great  Britain  but  around  the  world. — 
Nav  Idea  Woman's  Magazine. 

WOMEN  6 1 


Abraham  Lincoln  in  his  great  debate  with  Stephen  A.  Douglas  forced 
his  opponent  over  and  over  again  to  face  the  question,  "Did  the  writers 
of  the  Declaration  of  Independence  mean  'all  men,'  or  did  they  mean  only 
white  men?"  The  "Little  Giant"  unhesitatingly  answered,  "Only  white 
men !"  This  answer  returned  him  to  the  United  States  Senate,  but  two 
years  later  made  his  opponent  President  of  the  United  States.  Notwith- 
standing the  grim  arbitratment  of  the  sword,  the  triumphant  Emancipa- 
tion Proclamation  which  challenged  the  admiration  of  the  civilized  world, 
notwithstanding  the  splendid  rise  of  the  colored  people  since  that  time,. 
the  prompt  way  in  which  thousands  of  slaves*  and  hundreds  of  thousands 
of  their  children  sprang  into  self-supporting  competency,  out  of  a  dense, 
inherited  illiteracy  into  intelligent  readers,  high  school  and  college  gradu- 
ates, accumulators  of  dollars  and  directors  of  industries,  there  is  at  the 
present  time  a  painful  revival  of  the  Stephen  A.  Douglas  philosophy,  of 
compromise  with  prejudices  and  of  temporizing  with  the  prophetic  utter- 
ances of  the  fathers  and  the  saviors  of  the  republic, — Washington,  Jeffer- 
son, Lincoln,  and  their  associates.  There  is  the  same  reproach  of  "Idealist" 
thrown  at  those  who  really  believe  that  "all  men  have  certain  inalienable 
rights,  among  which  are  life,  liberty,  and  pursuit  of  happiness.*'  "Idealism''' 
as  a  term  of  reproach  must  mean  the  persistent  ignoring  of  facts,  the  re- 
fusal to  take  note  of  things  as  they  are.  Thus  interpreted,  the  most  per- 
verse "idealists"  in  American  life  to-day  are  those  who  persist  in  prating 
of  the  dangers  of  Xegro  domination  on  the  one  hand,  and  the  native  in- 
capacity and  essential  inferiority  of  the  colored  race  on  the  other  hand, — ■ 
those  who  talk  of  "segregating  of  races,"  "setting  them  apart,"  "coloni- 
zation," etc.,  etc. 

All  this  talk  Hies  in  the  face  of  the  arithmetic.  It  is  simply  a  physical 
impossibility  to  drown,  shoot,  or  in  any  other  way  kill  off  11,000,000  or 
more  men  and  women,  and  this  is  the  only  way  to  stop  the  procreative 
stream.  It  is  equally  a  physical  impossibility  to  transfer  as  many  people 
to  any  corner  of  the  globe  under  legislation,  however  generous,  aided  by  a 
spirit,  however  willing,  on  the  part  of  both  races.  If  it  be  said  that  segre- 
gation is  aimed  only  for  the  degraded  and  the  ignorant,  it  is  an  equal 
physical  impossibility  to  keep  the  illiterate  in  their  ignorance,  the  degraded 
in  their  degradation,  or  the  acceptable  ones  from  slipping  downwards  as 
others  climb  upwards.  If  it  is  a  matter  of  blood,  race  peculiarities  and 
grim  heredity,  it  is  a  mad  idealism  that  ignores  the  fact  that  the  blood  in 
the  veins  of  from  four  to  six  million  of  alleged  "colored"  people  is  over- 
whelmingly Caucasian  in  its  elements.  They  are  the  direct  product  of 
boasted  Anglo-Saxon  blood  and  brain,  and  the  African  stream  is  being 
perpetually  adulterated  by  infusions  of  the  "dominant  white  man,"  the 
"conquering  Saxon;"  and  the  production  of  mulattoes  goes  steadily  on,  and 
according  to  some  good  authorities  in  the  South,  is  on  the  increase.  And 
this  not  on  account  of  the  degradation  of  the  colored  woman,  but  the 
aggressiveness  of  the   degenerate   white  man. 

It  is  equally  impossible  to  stop  colored  children  from  learning  their 
letters,  and  when  this  is  once  accomplished  there  is  no  way  of  building 
a  barrier  high  enough  to  keep  a  reading  child,  black  or  white,  from  occas- 
ionally climbing  into  his  algebra,  mastering  his  Greek,  and  winning  col- 
lege degrees. 

What  are  these  mad  "Idealises"  going  to  do  with  these  obstinate 
"facts-"     There  is  nothing  to  do.  spite  ^\  their  ravings,  but  t<>  accept   the 

62  THE    REVIEW 

situation,  recognize  the  existence  of  the  colored  race,  give  it  a  chance,  and 
let  the  white  man  take  his  chances.  The  only  solution  is  the  solution  of 
common  sense,  fair  play,  and  submission  to  the  inevitable  workings  of  the 
divine  law  of  justice.  If  the  Anglo-Saxon  is  to  dominate  the  world  and 
the  white  race  is  to  become  universal,  he  must  absorb  and  not  annihilate 
his  rivals.  His  triumph  must  come  through  elevating  and  not  through 
destroying  those  whom  he  pronounces  "inferior." 

The  appeal  to  "facts"  is  a  timely  one.  The  "facts"  were  on  the  side 
of  Lincoln  and  not  of  Douglas  in  1858.;  they  are  on  the  side  of  Booker  T. 
Washington  and  Professor  DuBois  to-day  and  not  on  the  side  of  Tillman 
or  his  more  dainty  sentimentalists  among  the  "ladies  and  gentlemen"  of 
Northern  clubs  who  were  so  menaced  with  hysteria  oyer  the  prospects  of 
"social  equality"  and  "colored  invasion."  The  grossest  violation  of  "fact" 
and  the  most  perverse  methods  of  reason  are  those  which  persist  in  study- 
ing one  race,  sect  or  party  at  its  lowest  and  the  opposing  race,  sect  or  party 
at  its  highest,  and  then  draw  conclusions  based  upon  such  vicious  data. — 

education  (j:; 

With  the  July  number,  1905,  according  to  announcement,  we  began 
what  may  properly  be  called  our  Correspondence  Course  in  the  studies 
laid  down  in  the  A.  M.  E.  Discipline  for  ministers  entering  or  seeking 
to  enter  the  itinerant  service  of  the  Church.  It  is  the  purpose  to  make 
this  course  of  real  value  to  all  who  wish  to  compass  the  work  in  an 
earnest,  profitable  way.  It  will  be  impossible,  with  the  small  assistance 
wc  are  able  to  command  in  clerical  work,  to  undertake  to  answer  letters 
hy  personal  correspondence,  for  that  would  require  more  time  than  we 
can  give ;  but  those  pursuing  the  course  may  feel  free  to  write  con- 
cerning any  point  upon  which  they  feel  doubt  or  desire  information ; 
and  the  answer  will  appear  in  the  succeeding  issue  of  The  Review. 
This   rule   will   not   be   varied   from   under   any   circumstances. 

It  is  thought  best  to  put  the  matter  in  the  form  of  question  and 
answer,  in  order  to  give  as  much  definiteuess  and  point  to  the  work 
as  possible.  The  Student  will  find  the  questions  on  any  particular  study 
given  in  one  number  of  The  Review  and  the  proper  answers  in  the 
next  number.  In  this  way  he  will  have  three  months  to  prepare  him- 
self upon  the  questions  by  research,  and  can  test  the  correctness  of  his 
knowledge  by  the  answers  when  they  appear.  We  advise  that  every 
student  put  his  own  answer  in  writing  in  a  blank  book  kept  for  that 
purpose ;  in  that  way  alone  he  can  make  progress  in  accurate  scholar- 

Remember,  above  all  else,  that  in  this  plan  you  have  a  school  brought 
to  your  very  door,  and  no  expense  except  the  $1.00  subscription  you  p»v 
for  The  Revlew.  This  is  a  sincere  effort  to  help  the  man  who  cannot  go 
to  school  away  from  home. 


Binney's  Compend  used  to  be  the  standard  work  used  by  the  A.  M. 
E.  Church  as  a  digert  on  theology,  but  with  the  publication  of  Embry's 
Digest  in  1890,  the  Compend  was  superseded  by  it,  or  at  least  made  only 
an  alternative.  Dr.  Embry  himself,  however,  acknowledges  the  work  of 
Binney,  and  every  student  of  the  Digest  ought  to  read  Binney  also. 

On  page  407  of  the  A.  M.  E.  Discipline  for  1005  will  be  found  tin. 
studies    for    admission    to    the    traveling    connection.      The    books    ther^ 

64  THE    REVIEW 

designated   are   the   Gospels,   the   Discipline,   Embry's   Digest  of  TheoI< 
Tanner's  Outlines  of  A.   M.   E.   Church   History,  Wesley's   Plain  Account 
of   Christian    Perfection. 

We  begin  with  the  Digest.  It  will  be  noted  that  the  Discipline  refers 
to  Methodist  Polity  (Turner).,  page  245,  for  questions  to  be  propounded. 
Reference  to  that  work  shows  that  the  questions  of  theology  are  based  on 
Binney's  Compend  and  not  Embry's  Digest.  This  is  because  the  Dige^r 
had  not  been  written  at  that  time,  and  Binney  was  the  authorized  book. 
Though  we  are  to  study  the  Digest  instead  of  Binney,  these  questions  will 
furnish  excellent  tests  of  the  student's  real  knowledge  of  the  subject,  in- 
dependently of  the  particular  author;  for  it  must  never  be  forgotten  that 
it  is  the  facts,  rather  than  the  author's  statement  of  them,  that  you  are  after. 


(To   be  continued.) 

ANSWERS    TO    QUESTIONS    IN    THE    AERIE    (07)    -'REVIEW:' 

These   answers   refer    to    correspondingly    numbered   questions   in    the* 
October   number  of  Tin-;  Review,   to  which   reference  should  be   made. 

The   Editor 

117.  Sin  is  a  great  mystery, 

118.  "Repentance  nor  grief,  nor  any  possible  reformation   will  or  can   re- 

store the  relation  of  harmony  between  the  offender  and  his  God." 
P.    138. 

119.  The    Mediator    must    be    Divine.       lie    must    also    be    human.      Gal. 

iv:   4,   5. 

120.  The   first    is   expiatory;    that    is,   that    Christ   died   as   a   sacrifice  and 

substitute  for  sinful  man;  the  second  is  exemplary;  that  is,  that 
Christ's  death  was  intended  to  exemplify  God's  great  love  and 
thus  soften  and  turn  to  righteousness  man's  sinful  and  rebellions 
heart.      Pp.    139.    140. 

121.  The  author   believes  it   w«s  expiatory. 

122.  See  Isa.  53:  4  and  the  Lord's  words,  "This  is  my  body  which  is  given. 

for  you,"  etc. 
123..    (a)     Holiness  cannot  regard  sin   with  complacency; 

(b)  Justice   cannot    commute   or   pardon   sin; 

(c)  With  relation  to  these  two  the  sinner  is  lost; 

(d)  Lore  in  the   form  of  Mercy  intervenes  and  pleads; 

(e)  Wisdom   provides  a  way   for  reconciliation   and  recovery; 

(f)  In  this  provision  mac1",  appears  the  fullness  of  the  Godhead-- 
tnrce  m  one. 

1^4.     No;  the  legal  aspect   cannot;  the  gracious  aspect  must  be  brought  ir 
—that   is.   both    law    and   grace. 


i25,     (a)     The  Levitical   law  provided  a  sin  and  a  Tjurnt  offering;  ChrisV 
was  both. 

(b)  The  Levitical  law'  required  a  regular   Priest;  Christ  was   such- 
after  the  order  of  Melchisidec; 

(c)  The  Levitical  law  made  an  ottering  once  a  year;  Christ  was; 
offered  once  for  all.  He  was  both  Priest  and  victim.  P^. 
j  49,   150. 

126.  (a)     The    old    school    Calvinistic    view; 

(b)  The   modern   Calvinistic  view ; 

(c)  The   Universalist   view; 

(d)  The  Armenian   doctrine. 

127.  They   regard  the  atonement  as   limited  to  the  elect — a  selected   few. 

Pp.    152,    153. 

128.  They  hold  that  legal  obstacles  are  removed  so  that  all  men  may  b? 

saved,  if  God  wills  it,  but  they  are  not  sure  of  His  purpose. 

I2Q.  Armenians  (Methodists)  believe  that  Christ  died  for  all  and  thf 
sole  condition  of  salvation  is  faith;  this  faith  comes  through  wha/ 
is  called  the  new  birth.  John  3:  16,  and  I  John,  2:  2.  Read  al/ 
of  pp.   154-163. 


1  36 

•  ?>7 





(Questions   to   be  answered   in    October.) 

Who   was  the   first   influential   teacher   of   Universalism ?      When   di# 

he:  live? 
State  the  substance  of  this  doctrine. 
What   is    religion?     What   Latin   word   is   it   from? 
What    is   the    use    of    Christian    doctrine? 
What  is  repentanc'-9 

What  are  some  of  the  Hnds  of  repentance  recognized  by  theologians.? 
What  kind  of  repentav^e  i.s  required  by  God  ? 

What  is  saving  faith?     Fro*?3  what  Greek  word  doe-  the  term  come? 
What    is   the   relation   of   faith  to    love? 
How    are   children   and   in.:  cole-;   saved? 
What  is  justification.' 
What  is  meant  by  pedo  or  paiJo  baptism? 

Why    are    Methodists    called    pedo-baptists? 
Make  the  strongest  argument  you  can  in  favor  of  infant  baptism*. 
What  is  regeneration? 
What  is   sanctification  ? 

66  THB    REVIEW 

145.  What  is  the  Roman  Catholic  belief  on  this? 

146.  State  briefly  Mr.  Wesley's  views. 

N.  B, — With  the  next  number  (October)  of  The  Review,  we  shaV 
finish  Embry's  Digest.  The  closing  subject  will  be  Eschatology,  as  found 
in  Part  V  of  the  book. 

The  October  number  of  The  Review  will  signalize  the  completion 
of  the  Digest  by  offering  a  prize  of  $5.00  for  the  best  essay  on  soma  sutr 
ject  covered  in  the  questions  asked  in  this  department,  the  subject  anV 
conditions  to  be  announced  in  the  October  Review. 

"Tanner's  Outlines  of  A.  M.  E.  Church  History"  will  be  our  nex/ 
book  in  course.  -  Editor. 



Many  good  people  have  looked  for  the  day  when  the  Jew  would  be  in 
possession  of  the  land  of  his  fathers.  A  correspondent  of  a  German- Jewish 
paper  writing  from  there  says  that  many  of  the  later  colonists  are  anxious 
to  get  away.  It  now  appears  that  Palestine  itself  is  nothing  more  than  a 
temporary  station  for  the  Jewish  wanderers  who  are  drawn  away,  as  if  by 
some  irresistible  power,  to  America,  Africa  and  even  Australia.  The  main 
reason  why  Jewish  colonization  has  not  taken  strong  root  in  Palestine  is 
the  lack  of  markets  and  factories.  Without  markets  and  factories,  the 
colonies  cannot  develop  and  gain  a  solid  footing.  And  then,  it  must  also 
J>e  borne  in  mind  that  the  colonists  here  are  entirely  dependent  upon  what 
they  call  "miracles,"  the  whim  of  the  weather.  One  dry  year  is  sufficient 
to  throw  the  colonists  into  a  state  of  destitution.  They  run  into  debt,  and 
their  condition  at  once  becomes  critical.  Besides,  they  are  burdened  with 
heavy  taxes.  And  the  colonists  complain  that  the  Arabs  frequently  steal 
the  crops  from  the  fields,  and  the  cattle  from  the  barns. — Ex. 


The  new  Constitution,  providing  for  a  State  of  Oklahoma,  has  been 
completed,  and  if  approved  by  the  President,  will  likely  be  yoted  on  this 
fall.  The  convention  had  112  delegates,  100  of  them  Democrats  and  12 
Republicans.  The  Indian  Territory  had  55,  Oklahoma  55,  and  the  Osage 
nation  2.  It  was  supposed,  because  of  special  intellectual  attainments,  that 
Oklahoma  could  dominate  the  convention  as  against  the  representatives  of 
the  ignorant  Indians.  The  Indians,  fearing  this  danger,  sent  their  very 
best  men.  Many  of  them  had  been  educated  in  Carlisle,  Harvard  and  Cor- 
nell. Not  only  were  they  able  to  cope  with  the  best,  but  they  soon  showed 
ihat  they  were  as  sound  morally  as  they  were  able  intellectually.  These 
men  were  trained  in  mission  schools  before  they  went  to  college,  and  the 
missionary  stamp  was  on  them  first  and  will  remain  longest.  In  Oklahoma 
the  saloon  element  in  part  controlled  and  sent  professional  politicians,  men 
of  low  moral  standards  and  of  mediocre  ability.  The  Indians  showed  their 
intelligence  and  ability  by  blocking  measures  that  would  likely  injure  their 
people.  Efforts  were  made  to  abolish  trusts  and  monopolies  and  to  con- 
trol  railways  and  other  public  carriers.     The  Indian  Territory  is  to  be 

(')&  THE   REVIEW 

"dry*'  for  twenty-one  years.  Statewide  prohibition  will  be  submitted 
separately,  with  a  probability  that  it  will  carry.  Separate  schools  must  be 
provided  for  Negro  children.  "In  the  creation  of  Senatorial  and  legisla- 
tive districts  the  State  was  gerrymandered  beyond  hope  of  Republican 
success."  The  direct  primary  was  not  made  mandatory ;  free  railway  pass- 
es are  not  allowed;  in  the  preamble,  the  guidance  of  'Almighty  God"  is 
invoked. — Ex. 


In  1906  there  were  J2  lynchings  in  the  United  States. 

It  is  a  disgraceful  number — a  black  national  sin.  The  coward's  owr, 
offense.  Tenfold  more  helpless  men  were  done  to  death  in  1906  by  brum 
mobs  in  the  "land  of  the  free  and  the  home  of  the  brave"  than  in  all  tht 
rest  of  the  civilized  world — except  Russia. 

But  bad  as  this  crime  is.  at  least  it  diminishes.  In  iqo6  there  were  72 
lynchings.  In  the  five  years  ending  with  1905  the  lynchings  averaged  112 
In  the  five  years,  1891-1895,  the  lynchings  averaged  187.  In  rive-year 
periods  for  fifteen  years  they  steadily  fell. 

The  average  now  is  about  half  what  it  was  fifteen  years  ago.  The 
lynchings  in  1906  were  less  than  half  the  average  for  the  first  ten  year:- 
of  which  we  have  record  and  less  than  a  third  the  highest  figure — 1892, 
with    235    lynchings. 

When  any  crime  steadily  diminishes  for  half  a  generation  one  can 
predict  its  disappearance.  The  diminution  will  not  be  steady.  There 
were  12  more  lynchings  in  1906  than  in  1905.  So  there  were  43  more  in 
[892   than  in    1891. 

But  year  by  year,  in  the  main  and  on  the  average,  the  number  of 
lynchings  falls — one-half  in  fifteen  years.  In  another  generation  the  num- 
ber will  be  so  fewT  that  suppression  will  be  near. 

The  South  itself  is  waking  up.  The  last  Texas  Democratic  conven- 
tion passed  a  resolution  aimed  at  lynching.  All  the  papers  in  the  South- 
west bitterly  deplored  the  26  murders  which  fell  on  Christmas  Day  along 
the  Gulf  coast  from  Mobile  to  Galveston.  Governor  Vardaman,  with  all 
his  faults,  has  acted  with  courage  and  energy  in  suppressing  the  mob 
assaults  on  Negroes  in  Mississippi,  set  a  price  on  the  heads  of  white 
murderers  and  restored  security.  The  Citizens'  Committee  on  the  Atlanta 
not  has  made  a  perfectly  fair  report,*  condemning  disorder  and  vindicating 
the  Negroes  slain  as  law-abiding  men. 

Dark  as  has  been  much  in  the  race  outlook  in  1906,  the  world  moves, 
and  it  turns  toward  the  sun  of  righteousness,  justice  and  equal  light  for 
ail. — lyress. 


Last  week  there  met  in  Philadelphia  a  gathering  of  gentlemen  and 
ladies  as  important  in  purpose  and  as  unique  in  personnel  as  it  was  small 
in  numbers.  About  thirty  invitations  were  sent  out  to  persons  skilled  in 
social  investigations  and  statistical  interpretation,  to  meet  at  the  Eighth 
Ward    Social    Settlement    House.   22   Locust    street,  over   which   Mr.   R.   R. 


Wright,  Jr.,  is  the  directing  influence,  requesting  that  an  evening  might 
be  given  to  a  candid  and  informal  discussion  of  the  main  American  problem, 
under  the  subject,  "The  Point  of  View  of  the  Negro  Problem." 

There  is  nothing  remarkable  in  the  meeting  of  a  body  of  intelligent 
citizens  to  talk  over  such  a  subject,  I  grant;  but  the  participants  and  the 
manner  of  discussion  were  entirely  unusual  and,  I  may  say,  remarkably 

First  of  all,  the  parties  present  were  assured  that  there  would  be  no 
annoying  publicity  given  to  the  views  of  any  speaker ;  so  that  the  utmost 
freedom  might  be  exercised  in  "speaking  out  one's  heart."  All  were 
warned  to  take  blows  as  well  as  encouraged  to  give  them;  and  indeed,  the 
session  opened  with  a  passage  at  arms,  in  which,  however,  the  only  blood 
in  evidence  was  in  the  ruddy  cheeks  of  an  eminent  Caucasian  student  of 
national  life  as  he  repelled  the  Damascene  thrusts  of  an  Afro-American 
theologian  who  sought  to  solve  instanter  the  whole  matter  by  the  touch- 
stone of  the  Bible.  For  a  while  the  two  doughty  knights  whacked  and 
thwacked  each  other's  helmets  and  corslets  with  sociological  principles  versus 
Pauline  saying,  till  the  watchful  and  tactful  Mr.  Wright  led  them  gently 
from  the  lists  to  make  way  for  new  entries. 

Now,  it  is  evident  from  the  promise  of  immunity  from  reporters  made 
to  those  who  spoke,  that  I  cannot,  in  this  sketch,  fit  to  each  proper  person 
the  opinion  he  advanced;  but  I  can,  without  violation  of  pledge  or  implica- 
tion, tell  in  a  general  way  what  views  were  advanced,  and  I  can  with 
propriety  tell  some  of  the  people  who  made  up  this  meeting,  without  be- 
traying to  editor  or  reader  the  particular  Jove  from  which  each  minervan 
thought  sprang;  nor  will  it  be  possible  for  the  astute  editor  to  guess  the 
thought  belonging  to  the  man  by  counting  equal  numbers  of  each,  since 
there  were  more  persons  present  than  views  presented. 

The  thing  that  struck  me  on  studying  the  gathering  was,  (i)  that  it 
was  composed  of  both  races  in  their  most  thoughtful  representatives;  (2), 
that  both  sections  of  the  nation— the  North  and  the  South — were  present; 
(3)  that  both  sexes  were  there;  and  (4)  that  everybody  knew  that  there  was 
to  be  no  reservation  of  thought  or  opinion  in  the  presence  of  a  delicate 
phrase  of  the.  general  question,  such  an  amalgamation  is  considered  to  be. 
of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  where  he  holds  the  chair  of  Economic 

First,  I  noted  the  presence  of  Prof.  Carl  Kelsey,  Professor  of  Sociology 
in  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  an  author  and  investigator  of  vigor  and 
originality.  He  stands  in  the  estimation  of  college  men,  very  near  in 
authority  to  Prof.  Samuel  McCtine  Lindsay,  late  Commissioner  of  Educa- 
tion for  Porto  Rico,  and  Professor  of  Sociology  in  the  University  of  Penn- 
sylvania. -Mr.  Kelsey  has  written  a  work,  "The  Negro  Farmer,"  after  a 
visit  to  the  Southern  field,  that  is  in  excellent  spirit  and  evinces  scientific 
vision;  besides  this,  he  is  at  the  head  of  the  Social  Workers'  Club;  is  a 
director  of  the  School  of  Philanthropy  (New  York  and  Philadelphia)   and 


to  make  the  cathocility  complete,  is  from  the  State  of  Iowa.  Following 
him  were  the  persons  below  mentioned: 

Prof.  Surface,  Professor  of  Political  Economy  in  a  Virginia  University, 
an  Investigator  for  the  Carnegie  Institution,  and  just  now  resident  in 
Philadelphia.  Prof.  J.  Russell  Smith,  of  the  Wharton  School  of  Finance 
of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  where  he  holds  the  chair  of  Economic 
Geography.     Mr.  Smith  is  a  Virginian. 

Prof.  George  B.  Mangold  is  Professor  of  Statistics  in  the  University 
of  Pennsylvania,  and  was  a  fellow  student  with  Prof.  R.  R.  Wright,  Jr., 
field,  that  is  in  excellent  spirit  and  evinces  scientific  vision;  besides  this, 
he  is  at  the  head  of  the  Social  Workers'  Club;  is  a  director  of  the  School 
his  host  on  this  occasion,  at  the  Chicago  University.    He  is  an  Iowan. 

Mr.  Jno.  T.  Emlen  is  an  active  social  settlement  worker  in  German- 
town,  and  is  a  descendant  of  one  of  the  old  Quaker  families  that  came 
over  with  William  Penn.  It  was  his  grandfather  who  gave  the  main  hall 
at  the  Institute  for  Colored  Youth,  at  Cheyney,  Pa. 

Perhaps  the  most  interesting  figure  in  this  Caucasian  group  is  Mr. 
Alfred  Hope  Stone,  a  large  plantation  owner  in  the  Yazoo  Valley,  Mississip- 
pi, some  idea  of  the  magnitude  of  whose  farming  operations  can  be  gained 
wThen  I  state  that  he  employs  ninety-four  Negro  families  on  his  land. 
He  also  has  farms  in  Arkansas,  I  am  told.  He  is  a  most  engaging  per- 
sonality, with  the  small  foot  and  haughty  face,  common  opinion  associates 
with  his  kind,  I  saw  nothing  Of  the  provincial  narrowness  that  we  expect 
from  the  native  Southerner,  especially  when  that  Southerner  is  from 
Mississippi,  and  that  Mississippian  from  the  Yazoo.  On  the  contrary,  he 
was  broad,  cool,  remarkably  well-informed  and  capable  of  valuable  deduc- 
tions. Perhaps  I  give  a  better  idea  of  his  thought  place  among  such 
persons  as  were  assembled,  by  stating  that  he  is  an  investigator  for  the 
Carnegie  Institute  and  a  valuable  contributor  of  sociological  matter  to  some 
of  our  best  magazines. 

Completing  and  adorning  this  group,  were  two  ladies  who  held  their 
seats,  not  by  courtesy,  but  by  right  of  high  service  in  the  cause  of  human- 

Miss  Cornelia  Hancock,  one  of  the  first  teachers  to  go  South  after  the 
war  for  the  purpose  of  teaching  Negro  children.  She  went  to  Mt.  Pleas- 
ant, South  Carolina,  near  Charleston,  under  the  auspices  of  the  Pennsyl- 
vania Abolition  Society.     The  school  she  established  still  continues. 

Miss  Frances  R.  Bartholomew,  a  sweet-faced  Quakeress  from  Connecti- 
cut, who  heads  the  Eighth  Ward  Social  Settlement  Work  in  Philadelphia, 
and  is  unconscious  of  color  differences  in  estimating  the  value  of  men, 
except  to  deny  the  prevalent  American  heresy  that  "ail  coons  look  alike." 

Miss  Helen  I.  Thompson,  also  of  Connecticut,  in  charge  of  work 
among  the  girls  at  the  Eighth  Ward  Social  Settlement. 

The  next  group,  most  of  whom  will  be  too  well  known  to  the  readers 
of  "The  Age,"  to  need  any  race  or  color  designation,  consisted  of  Bishops 


Benjamin  T.  Tanner,  Levi  J.  Coppin,  Editors  H.  T.  Johnson,  C.  F.  Perry, 
James  Samuel  Stemmons,  H.  T.  Kealing,  J.  E.  McGirt,  Revs.  B.  F.  Watson, 
R.  W.  Fickland,  R.  H.  Armstrong,  Hon.  George  H.  White,  Prof.  R,  R. 
Wright,  Jr.,  and,  sole  representative  of  her  sex  in  brown,  the  courageous,- 
fluent  and  uncompromising  champion,  Mrs.  N.  F.  Mossell. 

Here  we  have  all  the  elements  and  most  of  the  points  of  view. 

The  views  emanating  from  the  white  group,  as  the  discussion  pro- 
ceeded, were  that  race  prejudice  was  universal  and  necessary;  that  it  was 
the  incentive  or  provocation  to  a  rivalry  -that  advanced  civilization. 

The  colored  group  replied  that  it  could  not  be  either  a  good  thing  or 
necessary,  since  it  was  contrary  to  religion,  and  was  the  mother  of  all 
that  was  evil  in  civilization  from  slavery  to  lynching;  that  it  was  not 
natural,  because  it  only  grew  by  teaching. 

The  white  group  asserted  that  that  social  equality  was  not  desirable 
and  that  the  best  colored  people  did  not  want  it. 

The  colored  group  rejoined  that  they  wanted  social  freedom  and  cer- 
tainly did  not  stand  for  a  social  inequality  that  always  put  white  at  the 
top  and  black  at  the  bottom;  that  such  matters  were  not  proper  subjects 
for  regulation  anyway. 

The  white  group  stood  for  race  purity,  was  opposed  to  amalgamation 
and  intermarriage. 

The  colored  group  pointed  to  itself  as  a  sufficient  refutation  of  the 
white  man's  desire  for  race  purity  and  claimed  that  the  miscegenation  law* 
of  the  South  were  the  greatest  .promoters  of  amalgamation  by  removing, 
from  the  aggressing  party  the  proper  penalty  for  his  sin. 

The  white  group  then  took  up  the  economic  side  of  the  question  and' 
showed  that  the  Negro  laborer,  both  North  and  South,  was  industrially 
inefficient  and  unreliable;  though  admitting  an  emerging  class  which  was- 
rising  to  economic  independence. 

The  colored  group  adduced  the  restrictions  placed  upon  Negro  op*- 
portunity  in  the  North  and  fraudulent  and  brutal  methods  in  the  South 
as  both  the  main  cause  and  explanation  of  this  condition. 

Mr.  Wright  then  suggested  that  the  remainder  of  the  time  be  devoted 
to  a  statement  of  the  points  of  agreement  between  the  two  groups  as  repre- 
sentatives of  the  two  races. 

The  summary  of  views  upon  this  point  was : 

i.  That  there  is  a  growing  element  in  the  South  standing  for  justice- 
to  co-operation  with  and  protection  of  all  its  citizenship,  regardless  of 

2.  That  this  better  element  is  not  in  political  control  of  the  South, 
as  the  spokesmanship  of  Messrs.  Tillman,  Vardaman,  Dixon  and  Davis 

3.  That  the  Negro  must  not  only  have  protection,  but  participancy 
in  politics,  as  well  as  in  business  and  society. 

4.  That  his  full  manhood  must  be  admitted,  according  to  American- 
standards,  and  steps  taken  to  protect  it. 


5.  That  universal  education,  higher,  professional  and  industrial,  ac- 
cording to   individual   needs,   must  be   accorded   and   encouraged   for  the 

Negro  as  well  as  the  white  man. 

The  meeting  closed  with  a  mutual  and  increased  respect  on  the  par* 
of  the  groups  each  for  the  other ;  and  with  the  feeling  that  much  had 
been  learned  from  each  side,  with  an  infinite  supply  of  ignorance  still 
to  be  disposed  of  by  some  future  renewal  of  the  conference. — H.  T.  Keal- 
rNG,  in  the  New  York  Age.  , 


Our  readers  will  find  it  well  to  file  away  Mr.  R.  R.  Wright's  articles  On 
the  Philadelphia   Negro   for  their  reference  value  in   the   future. 

An  industrial  exposition  is  to  be  held  in  Dublin,  Ireland,  this  summer, 
covering  fifty-two  acres,  and  lasting  six  months.  It  is  estimated  that  6,000,- 
000  people  will  visit  it. 

The  Brownsville  investigation  drags  wearily  and  almost  fruitlessly 
on.  The  general  effect  has  been  favorable  to  the  soldiers,  since  even  their 
officers  who  expressed  belief  in  their  guilt  have  now  changed  their  opinion 
and  believe  them  innocent. 

The  closing  of  the  colored  State  College  at  Dover,  Delaware,  was  thf 
occasion  of  much  social  enjoyment  and  the  opportunity  for  visitors  to 
witness  many  evidences  of  solid  educational  advancement.  President 
Jason  supplements  his  own  efficiency  and  vigilance  by  gathering  around 
him  a  faculty  of  culture  and  competency.  The  venerable  Chief  Justice  ot 
Delaware,  Judge  Lore,  is   President  of  the  Trustee   Board. 

It  has  been  demonstrated  by  an  experiment  performed  by  Prof.  Fisher, 
of  Yale  University,  that  the  superior  endurance  of  vegetable-eating  people, 
like  the  Japanese,  over  flesh-eating  people,  like  the  Russians,  has  a  scien- 
tific basis,  and   is  not  accidental,  as  some  have  claimed. 

He  subjected  nine  men  to  a  diet  of  their  own  choice,  stipulating  only 
that  they  should  chew  the  food  thoroughly  and  give  attention  to  bringing- 


out  the  full  taste.    In  a  few  days  the  amount  of  meat  they  ate  began  to 
diminish,  nuts  and  cereals  being  substituted  instead. 

At  the  end  of  the  experiment  the  meat  eaten  was  considerably  less  than 
half  of  the  amount  eaten  at  first,  while  their  strength  and  endurance  had 
increased  to  double  and  their  digestion  was  perfect. 

The  announcement  is  made  at  Harvard  that  to  Alain  Le  Roy  Locke,  of 
Philadelphia,  has  been  awarded  $250,  the  first  of  the  three  Bowdoin  prizes 
given  annually  to  undergraduates  for  the  three  best  literary  essays.  The 
interesting  fact  about  this  is  that  Mr.  Locke  is  the  young  colored 
man  who  recently  carried  off  the  Rhodes  Scholarship  from  Pennsylvania 
over  a  number  of  competitors.  The  Bowdoin  prize  is  the  most  important 
bestowed  at  Harvard.  This,  we  are  inclined  to  think,  shows  conclusively 
that  Mr.  Locke  has  "forgotten  his  place."  It  is  trying  enough  to  have 
him  beat  our  white  boys  for  the  honor  of  going  to  Oxford;  but  that  he 
should  now  carry  off  the  Bowdoin  prize  by  an  essay  on  Tennyson  of  really 
unusual  literary  merit,  will  be  regarded  in  some  circles,  we  fear  as 
seriously  threatening  the  foundations  of  our  Anglo-Saxon  civilization. 
It  is  really  very  cruel  of  Mr.  Locke.  True  he  has  two  generations  of  edu- 
cated parents  behind  him,  but  this:  is  no  excuse.  Has  it  not  been  proclaim- 
ed from  a  thousand  housetops  and  sanctums  that  the  Negro  is  a  beast, 
incapable  of  high  intellectual  development?  We  very  much  fear  that  the 
Negroes  are  as  determined  not  to  stay  in  the  places  assigned  them  by  their 
mental  superiors  as  are  those  women  who  refuse  to  recognize  that  church,, 
cookery  and  children  should  forever  limit  their  intellectual  activities. — 
New  York  Evening  Post. 


There  seems  to  be  a  great  moral  awakening  just  now  concerning  com- 
mercial honesty.  It  is  full  late  in  manifesting  itself,  but  not  too  late. 
Dishonest  millions  have  been  made  and  multiplied  all  these  years  with 
impunity,  and  often  with  praise;  but  if  the  pursuit  of  such  gilded  crimin- 
als by  the  nation  can  put  a  stop  to  rebates,  legal  stock  looting  and  special- 
privileges  to  grafters,  we  may  well  afford  to  let  the  past  be  past  in  thank- 
fulness for  a  better  future. 



We  regard  war  between  this  country  and  Japan  as  pretty  •  sure  tf 
come,  though  how  long  delayed  no  one  can  say,  of  course.  Our  reason  fcf 
expecting  it  is  that,  notwithstanding  the  object  lesson  of  military  capabil 
ity  Japan  has  given,  there  is  a  compartment  of  obtuseness  in  the  averagt 
Caucasian  mind  th^t  prevents  their  profiting  by,  or  acting  on,  informa* 
tion  impressed  upon  another  compartment.  In  other  words,  the  American 
mind  is  like  the  American  Government  in  that  one  part  need  not  obey  the 
other  unless  it  wants  to  do  so.  Thus  the  State  of  California  can  plunge 
tlie  nation  into  war  and  the  nation  cannot  make  California  quit.  So  much- 
for  much-vaunted  State  Rights. 


Liberia  and  Abyssinia  are  the  only  independent  Negro  governments  in 
Africa,  while  Hayti  and  Santo  Domingo  are  the  only  two  in  the  New 
World.  Emigrationists  must  chose  between  these  four  and  no  more  for 
the  exodus  of  the  American  Negro.  Language  and  religion  would  count 
out  Hayti,  Santo  Domingo  and  Abyssinia,  to  say  nothing  of  general  cus- 
toms in  the  last.  Liberia  alone  is  left ;  but  it  is  independent  only  in  a 
nominal  sense  and  by  the  favor  of  the  great  white  nations.  It  is  financially 
a  dependency  of  Germany,  and  sentimentally  a  ward  of  the  United  States. 
There  seems  to  be  nothing  to  do,  therefore,  but  to  let  down  our  buckets- 
where  we  are,  in  the  expressive  figure  of  Dr.  Washington. 


The  unexpected  death  of  Mrs.  Lillian  Derrick,  wife  of  Bishop  W.  R- 
Derrick,  of  the  A.  M.  E.  Church,  was  a  shock  and  a  great  bereavement 
to  all  who  knew  her  gentle  character,  sunny  disposition  and  Christian 
spirit.  She  was  in  every  sense  a  good  and  noble  woman,  one  whose  place 
in  our  hearts  was  a  large  one  and  which  will  not  be  easily  or  quickly 

Her  loss  to  her  husband  cannot  be  measured.     She  has  walked  by  hijr 


side  all  these  years  in  both  lowly  and  high  estate,  and  life's  sun  is  now  too 
far  in  the  west  for  him  to  ever  find  life  the  same  without  her;  but  he  can 
and  doubtless  does,  live  in  the  lively  hour  that  she  awaits  the  reunion  that 
is  sure  to  come  to  all  who  trust  in  God. 

We  extend  the  tenderest  sympathy  to  the  dear  Bishop  and  commend 
3iim  to  the  Comforter  of  sorrowful  hearts. 


The  gift  of  Miss  Jeanes  to  the  Negro  race  is  a  most  remarkable  one 
both  in  its  object  and  in  the  agency  for  its  administration.  It  was  given 
for  rudimentary  education  and  its  distribution,  unlike  any  other  fund 
bestowed  for  the  race,  was  put  into  the  hands  of  Negroes.  For  many 
years,  it  was  thought  that  no  Negro  could  administer  large  funds  wisely; 
but  Dr.  B.  T.  Washington  has  changed  all  that.  Not  even  those  who 
would  have  refused  to  put  the  management  of  money  into  the  bands  of 
this  race,  can  object  or  criticise  the  wisdom  of  Miss  Jeanes'  choice. 

Dr.  Washington  is  one  of  the  rare  men  of  any  age.  Blessed  with  the 
physical  endurance  of  an  athlete,  he  is  as  virile  as  he  is  versatile,  and  the 
whole  world  feels  him;  but  no  act  of  his  life  will  shine  more  for  its  broad- 
ness and  unselfishness  than  his  agency  in  determining  the  direction  of  this 
princely  benefaction  to  a  needy  people.     Nor  will  the  people  forget  it. 


There  is  a  disease  in  Central  Africa  with  which  the  natives  become 
afflicted,  called  the  sleeping  disease.  The  victims  become  listless,  lazy 
and  drowsy,  falling  asleep  anywhere  at  all  times.  The  end  is  sure  death. 
Science  recognized  it  as  the  main  hindrance  to  the  development  of  the 
country  and  a  remedy  has  been  diligently  sought.  The  first  step  was  to 
discover  the  cause.  This  was  found  to  "be  a  germ  called  trepanosoma, 
-introduced  into  the  system  by  the  bite  of  a  gnat  called  glossina  palpalis. 

Various  palliatives  and  inoculatives  were  tried,  but  without  avail;  and 


it  was  thought  that  nothing  but  the  extermination  of  the  guilty  gnat  would, 
banish  the  disease. 

At  last,  however,  Prof.  Robert  Koch,  the  noted  German  scientist  and 
chemist,  seems  to  have  hit  upon  a  complete  cure  and  thousands  of  the 
natives  are  flocking  to  him  from  all  parts  of  the  infested  sections,  to  be 
cured;  and  in  every  case  so  far  success  has  attended  the  treatment.  This 
consists  of  a  serum  called  atoxyl,  which,  when  injected  into  the  circulation, 
kills  the  germ.  Thus  another  obstacle  to  the  civilization  of  the  Dark 
Continent  is  removed  and  the  day  pf  its  glory  draws  nearer. 


Mr.  W.  T.  Stead,  the  eminent  English  editor,  is  essentially  a  fighter. 
Just  now  he  is  fighting  for  peace.  He  is  eminently  fair  and  courageous 
in  all  his  contentions  and  does  not  fear  to  follow  his  logic  where  it  leads. 
He  is,  above  all,  a  lover  of  men;  and  neither  color,  race  nor  habitat  can 
contract   the   largeness   of  his   soul. 

Mrs.  May  Church  Terrell  sought  and  obtained  an  interview  with  him 
when  he  was  in  Washington  City  a  few  months  ago,  and  behind  the  thinly 
guised  veil  of  speaking  of  South  African  Negroes  and  not  Afro-Americans. 
he  said  many  things  that  will  rasp  the  complacency  of  Negro-haters  the 
world  over.  That  he  could  invent  the  easy  fiction  of  not  talking  of  Ameri- 
can affairs  while  talking  to  an  American  colored  lady  about  the  color  ques- 
tion shows  that  Mr,  Stead  has  humor. 

Mr.  Stead  but  expresses  the  world  view  when  he  refuses  to  consider 
a  man's  color  as  any  criterion  to  his  place  in  the  world.  Nowhere,  save 
in  the  South  do  civilized  people  take  any  other  view,  and  it  must  ulti- 
mately abandon  its  anachronistic  attitude  as  to  what  constitutes  honor,, 
worth  and  manhood  or  lag  behind  the  onrushing  tide  of  civilization. 

Mr.  Thcrrias  Nelson  Page,  at  a  dinner  in  Philadelphia  last  May, 
expressed  the  fear  that  the  South  would  remain  behind  the  rest  of  the 
nation  unless  some  competent  man  arose  soon  to  write  the  true  history 
of  the  South.  Bui  Mr.  Page,  as  usu,;l,  when  not  writing  fiction,  misses 
the  point.  It  is  not  a  new  kind  of  historical  writer  that  is  to  save  the 
S<mth.  but  a  new  kind  of  maker  of  historical  deeds  that  is  needed.  The 
South   must    develop  and   encourage   the  man    who   is   no1    -pending  all   hi- 


Jife  and  energy  trying  to  hold  another  man  down  and  kicking  against  the 
pricks  of  inevitable  fraternity  based  on  equality  of  opportunity  and 


Through  permission  of  the  Phillips  Publishing  Company,  the  Com- 
mittee of  Twelve  for  the  Advancement  of  the  Interests  of  the  Negra 
.Race,  is  sending  out  a  reprint  of  the  article,  "The  Atlanta  Riot,"  by  Mr 
Ray  Stannard  Baker,  in  the  April  number  of  The  American  Magazine. 

A  copy  of  this  remarkable  article  can  be  obtained,  free  of  all  charge 
by  writing  a  postal  card  to  Mr.  Hugh  M.  Browne,  Cheyney,  Pa.. 

Whoever  wants  to  see  the  fairest  statement  of  facts,  good  and  bad 
contained  in  any  published  contribution  on  the  race  question  should  send 
for  "The  Atlanta  Riot"  at  once.  It  takes  its  place  easily  by  the  side  of 
<the  able  and  fair  article  by  Carl  Shurz  in  McClure's  a  year  ago. 

And  besides,  it  is  different  from  the  mass  of  matter  now  passing 
through  our  magazines  and  papers.  It  recites  facts,  cold-blooded,  uncoloretf 
facts,  leaving  readers  to  form  their  own  opinions  from  them.  This  i? 
what  we  want — facts — because  they  are  the  hardest  things  to  get  in  thk 
■  discussion.  Opinions  dictated  t>y  hostility  or  sympathy  we  have  galore,  but 
till  Mr.  Baker  entered  the  field,  we  have  had  no  one  to  give  us  all  thi 
facts.  Each  previous  writer  we  have  seen  has  selected  his  facts  with 
•reference  to  proving  his  thesis.  Mr.  Baker  has  no  thesis  or  theory.  He 
gathers  the  raw  material  and  sends  it  in  original  packages. 

It  is  to  be  hoped  that  100,000  copies  of  this  article  will  be  called  for 
and  sent  out.  No  one  who  proposes  to  know  whereof  he  speaks,  or  who 
essays  to  advise  or  direct  the  people  will  have  proper  credentials  till 
he  has  not  only  read  this  one,  but  the  following  contributions  to  be  givei? 
by  Mr.  Baker  in  The  American,  under  the  general  title,  "Following  the 
Color  Line." 

The  editor  of  the  A.  M.  E.  Review  will  also  mail  copies  of  Mr.  Baker's 
"The  Atlanta  Riot"  to  all  who  write  to  him,  so  long  as  his  supply  of  these 
pamphlets  last. 



Can  a  foreigner,  not  a  citizen  of  the  United  States,  choose  our  Presi- 
dent for  us?  Yes,  in  some  States  such  persons  are  permitted  to  vote 
before  they  are  naturalized,  if  they  declare  their  intention  to  be. 

If  the  deciding  electoral  vote  for  President  of  the  United  States  were 
to  come  from  such  a  State,  and  the  election  be  so  close  that  the  foreign 
vote  would  decide  it,  as  was  the  case  in  New  York  when  Blaine  was  a 
candidate,  it  is  easy  to  see  that  our  President  would  be  elected  by  voters 
not  yet  citizens. 

As  to-  sex,  while  public  sentiment  is  largely  against  women  voting, 
there  is  no  national  constitutional  prohibition,  and  in  some  States  they 
•do  vote;  for  instance,  in  Colorado,  Wyoming,  Montana  and  Utah.  It  is, 
therefore,  possible  for  women  to  elect  our  President  against  the  wishes  of 
a  majority  of  the  men,  if  the  decisive  electoral  vote  came  from  either  of 
these  four  States. 

As  to  race,  theoretically,  Negroes  ought  to  elect  the  President  when 
the  North  is  evenly  divided,  because  they  are  usually  solidly  Republican 
in  the  Southern  States  where  their  numbers  make  them  determinative; 
but  as  a  matter  of  fact,  this  great  vote  cuts  no  figure  whatever,  owing  to 
the  peculiar  devices  adopted  by  the  Southern  States  to  neutralize  it. 

Women  and  unnaturalized  foreigners  may  legally  elect  a  President 
when  occasion  favors,  but  the  Negro,  who  is  a  citizen  and  a  legal  voter 
besides,  can  exercise  no  influence  in  the  choice.     This  is  a  paradox. 

As  a  matter  of  history,  it  is  interesting  to  note  that  when  the  ques- 
tion of  Negro  suffrage  was  being  discussed  in  the  New  York  Legislature 
in  Albany,  the  most  effective  argument  against  it  was  that  the  wealthy 
families  with  many  negro  servants,  would  thereby  be  enabled  to  cast 
more  than  one  vote  per  man  bj  influencing  the  votes  of  their  servants. 
The  solons  never  seemed  to  realize  that  this  was  an  argument  against 
any  laboring  man's  having  the  suffrage. 

Another  peculiarity  of  our  voting  arrangements  is  that  the  majority 
of  the  voters  does  not  elect,  if  the  majority  is  wrongly  distributed  among 
the  States;  that  is,  if  in  the  winning  Stares  of  a  party  the  majorities  are 
small  and  in  the  losing  States  the  opposing  majorities  are  large,  the  minor- 
ity of  all  the  voters  may  elect  a  majority  of  the  electors  and  so  win  the 


election.  This  has  actually  happened.  This  peculiar  fact  is  the  direct 
result  of  State  lines.  If  the  country  voted  directly  for  the  President  and 
regardless  of  State  lines,  it  could   not  happen. 


A  person  noting  the  large  "Negro  population  of  Northern  cities,  like 
New  York,  Philadelphia,  Chicago  and  Pittsburgh,  and  learning  that  this 
population  has  grown  more  rapidly  in  the  last  ten  years  than  ever  before, 
is  apt  to  conclude  that  it  means  a  steady  transference  of  the  Negroes 
from  the  Southern  to  the  Northern  States.  Indeed,  many  observers, 
influenced  by  local  conditions  and  drawing  conclusions  from  their  own 
surroundings,  do  stoutly  assert  this.  But  if  one  will  correct  observation 
by  official  statistics  of  the  movement  of  the  Negro  population  in  the  whole 
country,  he   will   see  how   mistaken   such   a  conclusion   is. 

While  the  North  shows  an  almost  doubled  population  of  this  class,  the 
preponderence  of  trend  is  not  northward,  nor  directly  southward,  but 
southwestward.  It  should  be  remembered,  too,  that  most  of  the  Northern 
increase  comes  from  the  moving  of  adults  with  their  dependents  from 
a  Southern  to  a  Northern  State,  but  the  Southern  tendency  comes  from 
births,   the    most   permanent   and    reliable    source. 

Walker  County,  Georgia,  was,  in  1880,  the  centre  of  Negro  popula- 
tion   in  the   United   States. 

In  1890,  this  centre  had  moved  22'4  miles  to  the  southwest,  in  the 
same  County;  in  1900,  it  had  moved  11  miles  still  further  southwest  into 
Dekalb    County,    Alabama. 

Since  this  movement,  twice  measured  in  twenty  years,  has  been  stead- 
ily in  one  direction  it  would  seem  to  be  a  sound  assumption  that  the 
region  south  and  west  of  the  Carolinas  and  Georgia  is  growing  faster 
than  east  of  these  States;  in  other  words,  Mississippi,  Louisiana, 
Arkansas  and  Texas  are  to  be  the  future  teeming  matrix  of  Negro  mil- 
lions. When  we  consider  the  fertility  of  soil  in  all  these  States,  the 
warm  climate  and  the  invitation  offered  to  agricultural  effort,  in  which 
the  Negro  excels,  all  economy  and  social  philosophy  would  a  priori 
predict  what  is  actually  taking  place.  Texas,  especially,  and  perhaps 
Oklahoma  also,  seems  to  be  marked  as  the  future  home  of  the  American 


"Problem;"'  and  it  the  numerous  and  comparatively  recent  evidences  of 
business  and  industrial  efficiency  in  the  Negro  continue,  he  will  some 
day  dominate  in  wealth  as  well  as  in  numbers. 

It  is  useless  to  inveigh  against  natural  and  social  forces ;  for  whether 
we  fike  them  or  not,  they  "go  on  forever"  and  they  have  a  way  of  rolling 
over  the  man   who  does  not  go  with  them  or  rlee  from  them. 


One  of  the  French  newspapers  took  a  vote  on  the  most  illustrious 
Frenchmen  of  the  century  just  closed,  with  a  somewhat  curious  result. 
One  would  have  supposed,  without  question,  that  Napoleon  Bonaparte 
would  have  headed  the  list,  but  it  was  not  so;  he  came  fourth,  and  be- 
sides him,  not  one  of  the  persons  in  the  list  was  a  military  man. 

Whether  this  indicates  that  peace  sentiment  is  changing  the  French 
idea  of  heroes,  cannot  be  told,  but  it  would  seem  so.  The  list  of  name-i, 
with  the  votes  of  each,  is  as  follows : 

Pasteur    1,338425  votes. 

Victor  Hugo  1,227,103  votes. 

Gambetta    1,155,672  votes. 

Napoleon    1,1 18,034  votes 

Thiers i,o39>453  votes. 

Lazare  Camot   950,772  votes. 

Curie    851,107  votes. 

Dumas   (Pere)    850,602  votes. 

Dr.  Roux   603,941  votes. 

Parmentier 498,863  votes. 

This  list  shows  that  a  chemist  leads,  followed  by  a  writer,  an  orator, 
a  soldier  and  a  statesman,  in  the  order  named.  Dumas,  the  Negro  French 
writer  is  also  found  in  the  list. 

Such  a  roster  of  eminent  Englishmen  would  probably  be  led  by  a 
scientist  like  Darwin  or  Lord  Kelvin,  or  by  a  statesman  like  Gladstone; 
an  American  list  would  begin  with  a  statesman  like  Lincoln,  an  inventor 
like  Morse  cr  Edison,  or  with  a  warrior  lilv  Grant.  In  any  event,  the 
lists  would  show  the  dethronement  of  the  military  ideal;  and  this,  taken 
with  the  world-wide  peace  movement  realized  in  the  Hague  Tribunal, 
presages  that  the  day  is  not  far  distant  when  the  pen  will  indeed  >*■ 
"mightier  than  the  sword." 




The  peace  movement  grows.  Statesmen,  rulers  and  business  men 
no  longer  deem  it  beneath  the  dignity  of  serious  men  to  predict  the  time 
when  wars  shall  cease.  Passing  strange  it  is,  too,  that  this  movement 
should  have  originated  with  warlike  Russia,  and  with  a  Czar  who  was 
suspected  of  imbibing  to  the  full  the  hope  of  swallowing  up  all  of  Asia 
and  much  of  Europe.  Strange  also  that  this  same  nation  had  to  refuse 
to  attend  the  second  session  of  the  Hague  Tribunal  on  the  invitation  of 
President  Roosevelt  because  it  was  engaged  in  a  war  with  peace-loving 
Japan,  brought  on  by  Russian  greed  and  aggression.  In  such:  inconsisten- 
cies, paradoxes  and  contradictions  are  we  involved  when  we  begin  to 
regard  the  whole  matter  critically.  Yet  headway  is  undoubtedly  being 
made,  and  it  is  no  longer  a  foolish  dream,  this  "parliament  of  nations,  the 
federation  of  the  world." 

The  second  Hague  Conference  is  now  assured  and  disarmament  will 
be  its  main  subject  either  openly  and  directly  or  by  intendment. 

Mr.  Andrew  Carnegie's  part  in  the  National  Arbitration  and  Peace 
Congress,  which  met  in  New  York  last  April  is  easily  the  most  illustrious 
act  of  service  to  mankind  in  his  whole  useful  life.  The  Congress  lasted 
two  weeks  and  left  as  the  ripe  residium  of  its  deliberations  a  series  of 
resolutions  which  put  the  coming  Hague  Conference  on  notice  and  shaped 
the  psychology  of  its  point  of  view. 

These  resolutions  urge  a  closer  international  union  for  co-operation 
in  securing  the  peace  of  the  world;  that  the  Hague  Court  of  international 
disputes  be  open  to  all  nations;  that  a  general  treaty  of  arbitration  be 
drafted  for  settlement  of  all  disputes  which  cannot  be  settled  by  diplomacy ; 
that  before  resorting  to  force  the  disputing  powers  shall  invoke  a  com- 
mission of  inquiry;  that  immunity  from  capture  in  war  be  given  private 
property;  that  reductions  of  armaments  be  considered. 

President  Roosevelt  has  appointed  a  list"  of  distinguished  men  to  sit 
as  delegates  in  the  Hague  Conference.  The  press  is  favorable,  the 
people  enthusiastic  and  the  tiue  ripe. 

International  peace  must  precede  the  brotherhood  of  man  and  the 
Kingdom  of  God.    Let  it  come. 



Atlanta,  Ga. — My  main  purpose  in  going  from  Buxton,  Iowa,  was,  as  I 
said  in  the  April  Review,  to  attend  the  Negro  National  Business  League. 
Space  will  not  permit  me  to  do  more  than  say  it  was  a  grand  session.  I 
met  and  received  royal  treatment  from  Dr.  Booker  T.  Washington,  the 
bonored  founder  and  President,  elected  now  for  the  seventh  time.  His 
creat  speech  on  Wednesday  night,  August  20th,  to  an  audience  which 
resembled  the  number  which  John  saw,  will  never  be  forgotten.  May  the 
blessing  of  God  ever  be  upon  this  great  and  useful  man  and  his  noble 

A.U  the  speeches  and  testimonials  made  were  very  instructive  and 
inspiring.  I  admire  very  much  the  high  esteem  Dr.  Washington  is  receiv- 
ing from  his  race. 

Dr.  I.  N.  Ross,  the  very  popular  pastor  of  Bethel,  secured  me  a  pleas- 
ant and  very  comfortable  home.  I  was  the  guest  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert 
Anton.  Mr.  Anton  is  the  clerk  of  Bethel,  and  a  subscriber  for  the  "Re- 

On  Saturday  night,  September  1st,  I  arrived  in  Hannibal,  Mo.,  the 
home  of  my  aunt,  Mrs.  Cornelia  Bishop,  a  loyal  member  of  the  church,  a 
subscriber  for  the  "Review."  On  Monday,  September  3rd,  I  left  Hanni- 
bal for  Buxton,  Iowa,  the  scat  of  the  Iowa  Conference,  with  Bishop  C.  T. 
Shaffer,  presiding.  On  Wednesday  mornigg,  September  5th,  at  0  o'clock, 
a  large  number  of  the  Conference  ;insweied  to  the  roll  call.  The  Confer- 
ence was  very  pleasant  and  most  royally  entertained  in  this  mining  town 
of  six  years'  growth,  having  a.  population  of  5,000,  of  which  4.000  arc 


The  Buxton  band,  composed  of  some  of  the-  leading"  colored  men.  en- 
tertained the  Conference  with  very  fine  sacred  music.  The  leader  of  the 
tend.  Air.  Richard  Olliver,  is  an  African  Methodist,  and  is  also  the  leader 
of  the  choir  of  St.  John  A.  M.  E.  Church.  This  is  said  to  be  the  leading 
choir  in  the  Iowa  Conference.  Buxton .  takes  another  step  forward  by 
having  a  Boys'  Department  Y.  M.  C.  A:,  which  opened  on  Thursday, 
September  6th.  The  Y.  M.  C.  A.  building  is  a  palace,  a  place  of  comfort, 
where  the  men  and  boys  may  gather  for  general  advancement  and  whole- 
some   entertainment. 

The  "Review"  received  a  very  liberal  support,  an  increase  over  last 
year.    I  was  well  cared  for  at  the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edward  Miles. 

Marion,  Ind. — En  route  to  this  beautiful  city,  I  spent  Monday  night 
in  Chicago,  at  the  home  of  Mrs.  Lee,  a  very  faithful  member  of  Quinn 
Chapel.  On  Tuesday,  September  nth,  I  arrived  in  Marion,  the  seat  or 
the  Conference.  On  Wednesday,  September  12th,  at  9  A.  M.,  Bishop 
Shaffer  convened  the  Indiana  Conference.  Each  session  was  very  inter- 
esting. Each  department  was  carefully  looked  after  by  the  Bishop.  The 
"Review"  received  a  liberal  support,  an  increase.  I  was  well  cared  for  at 
the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  S.  Moss.  The  Bishop,  at  the  request  of 
the  Conference,  presented  the  Mayor  with  a  copy  of  "The  History  of 

Danville,  111. — On  September  19th,  at  9  A.  M.,  Bishop  Shaffer  con- 
vened the  Illinois  Conference  in  this  city.  The  Conference  made  excellent 
reports  and  was  alive  to  every  issue.  Each  department  received  marked 
attention.  An  increase  of  subscriptions  for  all  the  oeriodicals.  The  "Re- 
view" more  than  doubled  the  list  since  the  Conference  convened  in  this 
city  five  years  ago.  Rev.  J.  Al.  Wilkerson  and  his  dear  members  and  friends 
deserves  special  mention  for  the  beautiful  church  readv  for  the  convening 
of  the  Conference. 

Lively  Eight,  the  young  people's  club  of  nine  members,  presented  th<» 
church  with  the  center  chandelier,  containing  twenty-four  lights.  Miss 
Fdith  Carter  is  the  very  worthy  president.  The  juvenile  section  of  the; 
Women's  Aid  Circle  put  in  the  eight  lights  on  the  wall,  also  the  pulpit 
hmv.  The  Women's  Aid  Circle  gave  the  beautiful  circle  window  over 
the  pulpit.  The  Sewing  Circle  gave  the  furnace  at  a  cost  of  $165.00.  Mrs, 
J.  M.  Wilkerson  is  the  president.  I  was  well  cared  for  at  the  home  of  Mrs. 
Lucy  Roberts. 


Hutchinson,  Kansas. — On  Wednesday  morning,  September  26th,  a* 
9  o'clock,  Bishop  A.  Grant  convened  the  thirty-first  session  of  the  Kan- 
sas Conference  in  this  very  enterprising  city.  The  church  being  small, 
the  Conference  convened  in  the  main  building  at  the  fair  ground.  On  the 
morning  of  the  second  day.  the  janitor  being  late,  Bishop  Grant  announced 
the  opening  hymn,  and  we  had  a  glorious  open-air  meeting.  The  "Re- 
view" went  over  the  large  list  secured  at  Topeka,  Kansas.  I  was  royally 
entertained  at  the  very  beautiful  home  of  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Chas.  O.  Smith, 
312  nth  St..  west.  "Peace  and  harmony  prevail  in  the  Fifth  District," 
was  the  statement  made  by  Bishop  Grant. 

Columbia,  Mo. — En  route  to  North  Missouri  Conference,  I  had  the 
extreme  pleasure  of  spending  one  night  at  the  very  pleasant  home  of  Dr. 
and  Mrs.  F.  J.  McDonald,  Kansas  City,  Mo.  The  twenty-first  session  of 
the  North  Missouri  Conference  convened  in  Columbia,  Mo.,  on  Wednes- 
Jay,  October  3rd,  Bishop  A.  Grant,  presiding. 

On  the  first  clay  each  minister  answered  to  the  roll  call  and  report- 
ed an  increase  over  last  year.  The  several  departments  were  well  repre- 
sented and  subscriptions  secured.  The  "Review"  received  a  very  libera' 
suuport.  The  Conference  was  well  attended.  Mrs.  Easton,  407  West  Fifth 
str^t,   made  by   stay  very  pleasant. 

Kansas  City,  Mo. — On  Wednesday,  October  10th,  at  9  A.  M.,  ir 
beautiful  Allen  Chapel,  of  which  Dr.  F.  J.  Peck  is  pastor,  Bishop  A.  Grant 
convened  the  fifty-second  session  of  the  Missouri  Conference.  Each  ses- 
sion was  well  attended  and  at  the  evening  service,  on  account  of  the  intense 
crowd,  the  officers  of  the  church  were  compelled  to  lock  the  doors,  thus 
sending  away  hundreds  of  people.  Bishop  Grant  is  not  only  the  Bishop 
f*f  the  A.  M.  E.  Churches  in  Kansas  City,  hut  Bishop  over  all  the  peopF 
rOgardaess  of  denomination.     This  is  the  saying  of  the  people. 

Each  department  received  due  recognition.  The  ''Review"  received 
a  very  large  subscription  list.  The  colored  people  own  beautiful  horn.;. 
in  this  city.  Located  in  Kansas  City,  Kansas.  312  Washington  avenue,  tf 
well-equipped  two-story  brick  building  known  as  "Douglas  Hospital," 
mounded  by  Bishop  Grant.  Board  of  Directfors,  25;  15  arc  members  of  the 
A.  M.  E.  Church. 

On  Sunday,  October  14th,  Allen  Christian  Endeavor  League  and  the 
Baptist  Young  People's  Union  held  a  joint  meeting  at  6  P.  M.,  at  the 
Baptist    Church.   Rev.    S.    C.    Bacote,    pastor.      The    representative    of   the 


"Review"  addressed  the  meeting,  setting  forth  the  work  of  the  League 
and  a  historical  sketch  of  the  same.  Miss  Smith,  president  of  the  Union, 
in  well  chosen  words,  explained  the  objects  of  the  B.  Y.  P.  U.  Rev.  C.  A. 
Williams,  Mrs.  Nora  Taylor  and  Rev.  S.  C.  Bascote  also  made  addresses 
which,  were  highly  appreciated.  I  was  well  cared  for  at  the  very  pleasant 
iome  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  B.  Johnson,  2449  Highland  avenue.  One  session  of 
Ac  Conference  was  held  at  Quindarb  University,  Prof.  Shelton  French, 

Bowling  Green,  Ky. — On  Monday,  October  15th,  at  8.30  P.  M.,  I  left 
Kansas  City,  Mo.,  tor  Bowling  Green,  Ky.,  the  seat  of  the  Kentucky  Con- 
ference. On  Wednesday,  October  17th,  at  9  A.  M.,  Bishop  C.  T.  Shaffer 
convened  the  Kentucky  Conference,  which  was  quite  pleasant  and  very 
profitable  to  the  departments.  The  "Review"  received  a  large  subscription, 
an  increase  over  last  year. 

The  colored  people  own  very  pretty  and  comfortable  homes  in  Bowl- 
ing Green.  On  Saturday  evening,  October  20th,  I  had  the  pleasure  of 
enjoying  with  several  friends  a  social  repast  at  Bowling  Green  Academy. 
Rev.  R.  L.  'Hyde  is  the  most  worthy  president.  Miss  Bertha  Lee  Tate,  a 
graduate  of  A.  and  M.  College,  at  Normal,  Ala.,  whom  I  had  the  pleas- 
ure of  meeting  at  Normal  in  December,  1905,  graduated  May,  1906,  and  is 
now  one  of  the  teachers  of  Bowling  Green  Academy.  We  wish  for  her 
much   success-. 

Rev.  Robert  Mitchell,  D.D.,  pastor  of  State  St.  Baptist  Churcli,  assisted 
greatly  in  caring  for  the  Conference.  The  Conference  presented  the  Dr. 
with  a  copy  of  the"History  of  the  Episcopacy,"by  the  lamented  Dr. James 

A.  Davis,  and  a  receipt  for  one  year's  subscription  to  the  "Review."  The 
Conference  also  presented  the  Mayor  with  "The  History  of  Education." 
These  tokens  were  received  with  great  delight.  I  was  well  cared  for  at 
the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  C.  Carter  and  Mr.  and. Mrs.  John  Porter. 

Pulaski,  Tenn. — On  Thursday  morning.,  October  25,  at  9  o'clock,  Bishop 

B.  F.  Lee  presiding,  the  thirty-ninth  session  of  the  Tennessee  Conference 

convened  in  Pulaski,  Tenn.;.   The  Conference  was  well  attended  and  the 

beautiful  church  made  so  by  the  pastor,  Rev.  A.   P.  Gray,  his  dear  mem- 
bers and   friends,  was  awaiting  the  coming  of  the  Conference.     The  dear 
people  of  Pulaski  entertained  the  Conference  in  royal   style.     Bishop  Lee 
was    delighted    with   the   entertainment   at   his   home.     The   "Review"    re- 


ccived   a    most    excellent   list   of   subscribers,   and   the   representative    was 
most  graciously  entertained  at  the  home  of  Mrs.  Sarah  Suggs. 

Pulaski  has  one  colored  doctor,  in  the  person  of  Dr.  J.  D.  Fowler,  who 
has  an  extensive  practice.  The  colored  people  own  some  very  pretty  and 
comfortable  homes  in  this  town. 

El  Reno,  Okla. — On  Wednesday,  October  31st,  at  9  A.  M.,  in  Bethel 
A.  M.  E.  Church,  Bishop  Evans  Tyree  convened  the  eleventh  session  of 
the  Oklahoma  Conference.  This  is  truly  a  missionary  Conference,  but 
loyal  to  the  connection.  The  Bishop  and  each  member  of  the  Conference 
gave  me  a  warm  welcome.  We  had  fine  weather  for  the  Conference,  a 
comfortable  church  and  the  white  citizens  gave  liberally  to  the  support  of 
the  Conference.  At  the  close  of  the  missionary  sermon  by  Rev.  Kennard, 
■on  Thursday  evening,  Rev.  Carter,  pastor  of  the  M.  E.  Church  (white), 
a>\sisted  in  calling  sinners  for  prayer.  El  Reno  has  a  population  of  5,000. 
Most  of  the  people  own  two  houses,  one  built  on  the  ground,  and  another 
under  the  ground  where  they  go  for  safety  from  the  cyclones  in  the  spring. 
The  ''Review"  received  a  liberal  support.  The  largest  list  ever  secured 
from  the  Oklahoma  Conference.  I  was  most  royally  entertained  at  the 
beautiful  home  of  Mr.   and   Mrs.   Edwin   Moore. 

Yoakum,  Texas. — Leaving  El  Reno,  Okla.,  in  company  with  Bishop 
and  Mrs.  Tyree  on  Monday  morning,  November  5th,  at  2  o'clock,  arrived 
in  Fort  Worth,  at  9  o'clock,  and  spent  the  day  very  pleasantly  at  the 
beautiful  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Andrew  Stovall.  Leaving  at  5  P.  M. 
arrived  in  Waco,  Texas,  at  10  o'clock.  Enjoyed  a  most  excellent  supper 
at  the  home  of  Mrs.  Moore,  widow  of  the  late  Prof.  Moore;  then  to  the 
home  of  Prof,  and  Mrs.  A.  S.  Jackson,  where  I  enjoyed  a  sweet  rest.  On 
Tuesday  morning,  the  6th,  we  left  Waco  for  Yoakum,  the  seat  of  the 
West  Texas  Conference,  arriving  at  1.05  P.  M.  On  Wednesday  morning, 
November  7th,  at  9  o'clock,  Bishop  Tyree  convened  the  thirty-first  session 
of  the  West  Texas  Conference,  which  was  grand  and  glorious  from  the 
convening  to  the  adjournment.  The  "Review*'  was  triumphant,  increase 
over   last   year. 

Prof.   Kealing,   our  very  distinguished   elitor,   is   loved  dearly  by  the 

tiembers  and  friends  of  the  Conferences  in  Texas.  Mrs,.  L.  ,M.  Wyseman, 
President  of  the  Conference  Branch  and  Organizer  of  the  Woman's  Home 

and  Foreign  Missionary  Society,  and  the  representative  of  the  "Review," 

Avere   most  graciously   entertained  at   the   comfortable   home  of   Mr.   and 

88  THE    REVIEW 

Mrs.  Abraham  Johnson.  Rev.  Charles  W.  McCowan,  D.D.,  Presiding 
Elder  of  the  Yoakum  District,  owns  a  beautiful  home  in  Yoakum,  and  ft 
was  in  this  home  where  Bishop  and  Mrs.  Tyree  were  lavishly  entertained. 
Yoakum  has  a  population  of  6,000,  quite  an  enterprising  town. 

Temple,  Tex.— En  route  to  Temple,  the  seat  of  the  Central  Texas 
Conference,  1  had  a  very  pleasant  stop-over  at  Cameron,  where  we  have 
a  commodious  and  beautiful  church,  Rev.  H.  K.  McCoy,  pastor.  Mrs. 
McCoy. fully  understands  how  to  make  one  feel  "at  home."  On  Sunday 
night,  November  nth,  at  the  request  of  the  pastor,  I  made  a  talk,  which 
was  highly  appreciated  by  all,  and  subscribers  were  secured  for  the  "Re- 
view." On  Wednesday  morning,  November  14th,  at  9  o'clock,  Bishop 
Tyree  convened  the  nineteenth  session  of  the  Central  Texas  Conference 
in  the  beautiful  church,  made  so  by  the  pastor,  Rev.  L.  J.  Sanders  and 
his  faithful  members  and  friends.  The  Conference  was  well  attended. 
The  church  was  crowded  to  an  overflow  ;  each  evening  hundreds  were 
turned   away. 

Bishop  Tyree  is  loved  by  his  many  faithful  ministers  and  friends  1? 
the  Lone  Star  State.  I  had  the  good  fortune  of  securing  more  subscribers 
in  two  Conferences  this  year  than  was  secured  in  four  Conferences 
last  year.  Tticrease  in  Central  Texas  a  hundred  per  cent.  I  was  well 
cared  for  in  the  pretty  and  comfortable  home  of  Mrs.  A.  Dorsey. 

Palestine,  Texas. — En  route  to  Palestine,  the  seat  of  the  Texas  Con- 
ference, 1  had  a  very  pleasant  stop  over  at  the  home  of  Rev.  and  Mrs.  J. 
Jones,  at  Taylor,  Texas.  We  have  in  this  town  a  neat  church  and  the 
beautiful  carpet  which  covers  the  rostrum  was  purchased  by  Mrs.  Jones 
and  the  faithful  women  of  the  church.  On  Wednesday  morning,  Novem- 
ber 21st,  at  9  o'clock,  Bishop  Tyree  convened  the  fortieth  session  of  the 
Texas  Conference,  at  Palestine,  Texas,  in  Mt.  Vernon  A.  M.  E.  Church.. 
of  which  Rev.  F.  W.  Wright  is  the  very  able  pastor.  The  Conference  was 
quite  interesting.  The  "Review-"  received  an  excellent  list  of  subscrib- 
ers. J  was  well  cared  for  at  the  parsonage.  My  kind  host  and  hostess, 
Rev.   and    Mrs.    Wright,   ma'V,  my   stay   very   pleasant. 

Summit,  Miss. — Leaving  Palestine,  Texas,  on  Thursday  night,  Novem- 
ber 22nd.  I  arrived  in   Summit  on   Friday   night,   November  23rd.     This 

town  was  the  seat  of  the  Mississippi  Conference,  Bishop  M.  B.  Salter 
presiding.     My  stay  was  very  pleasant.     Rev.  Jones,  pastor  of  the  Baptist 

business;  8(J 

Church,  and  his  members  treated  me  royally.  I  was  entertained  at  the 
home  of  Mrs.  Cotton  and  daughter,  who  did  not  leave  a  stone  unturned  in 
making  my  stay  pleasant. 

Yazoo  City,  Miss. — This  is  now  a  very  pretty  city,  since  the  fire 
in  1902.  The  fifteenth  annual  session  of  the  Central  Mississippi  Confer- 
ence convened  in  this  town  on  Wednesday  morning  November  28th,  at 
9  o'clock,  with  Bishop  M.  B.  Salter  presiding.  The  "Review"  received 
an  excellent  list  of  subscribers.  I  was  well  cared  for  by  the  pastor.  Rev. 
H.   H.   King,  D.D.,   Miss   Elizabeth   McGee  and   Mrs.   Priscilla  Scott. 

Greenwood,  Miss.— This  town,  with  a  population  of  9,000,  the  home 
of  Mr.  Vardemari,  the  Governor  of  Mississippi,  was  the  seat  of  the  thir- 
teenth session  of  the  North  Mississippi  Conference,  which  convened  on 
Wednesday  morning,  December  5th,  at  9  o'clock,  with  Bishop  M.  B.  Sal- 
ter presiding.  More  than  one  hundred  ministers  answered  to  the  roll  call 
on  the  first  day  of  the  Conference.  We  greatly  feared  that  Turner  Chapel 
A.  M.  E.  Church,  of  which  Rev.  W.  T.  Johnson  is  the  energetic  and  con- 
genial pastor,  would  not  accommodate  the  Conference  and  friends.  Several 
general  officers,  representatives  and  visiting  clergymen  were  in  attend- 

The  colored  people  own  beautiful  and  well-furnished  homes  in  this 
town.  The  labor  of  the  colored  people  is  appreciated  and  sought  for,  as 
they  are  employed  in  all  the  industries  operated  in  this  towm.  I  was 
royally  entertained  in  the  elegant  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Charles  Wicks 
and  their  two  very  pretty  and  accomplished  daughters,  the  Misses  Louise 
and  Cecil.  Mr.  Wicks  is  a  prosperous  farmer,  owning  a  large  farm  only 
two  miles  from  Greenwood,     lie  raised  this  year  thirty  bales  of  cotton. 

St.  George,  S.  C. — On  leaving  Greenwood,  Miss.,  on  Monday  evening, 
December  10th,  at  6.30  o'clock,  1  arrived  in  St.  George,  S.  C,  the  seat 
•of  the  South  Carolina  Conference,  on  Wednesday  morning,  December  12th, 
at  6.30  o'clock.  Promptly  at  the  hour  announced  Bishop  L.  J.  Coppin  con- 
vened the  forty-ninth  session  of  the  old  historic  South  Carolina  Confer- 
ence. At  the  conclusion  of  the  organization,  the  Bishop  introduced  the 
general  officers,  representatives  and  visiting  clergy  to  the  Conference. 
We  were  accorded  right  of  way  and  at  once  proceeded  to  business,  thus 
securing  an  excellent  list  of  subscribers  for  the  "Review."  an  increase  over 
last  year.  The  Conference  was  well  attended.  Many  great  and  good 
-speeches  were  made,  which.  T  trust,  will  result  in  much  good  to  the  many 


listeners.  The  South  Carolina  Conference  was  honored  by  a  visit  from 
Bishop  Gaines,  who  was  delighted  to  be  present  and  in  a  kind,  fatherly  way, 
rendered  valuable  service.  Rev.  P.  N.  Monzon  and  his  dear  people  deserves 
much  credit  for  the  spacious' two-story  parsonage  just  built  this  year;  the 
remodeling  of  the  church  and  the  very  splendid  entertainment  given  to 
the  members  of  the  Conference,  general  officers  and  representatives.  Two 
of  the  general  officers  and  the  two  lady  representatives  were  entertained 
at  the  parsonage  with  Bishop  Coppin  and  Bishop  Gaines.  These  two 
Bishops  dearly  love  each  other.  It  is  as  it  should  be,  "Drawn  out  in  liv- 
ing  characters." 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. — At  the  very  special  invitation  from  Dr.  and  Mrs. 
A.  R.  Cooper  to  be  their  guest  for  the  Christmas  Holidays,  I  arrived  m 
Brooklyn  on  Friday  night,  December  21  st,  at  8.22  o'clock,  and  was  met  by 
the  Dr.  at  Fulton  ferry.  In  a  few  moments  we  arrived  at  the  very  com- 
fortable and  commodious  parsonage  where  Mrs.  Cooper,  Mrs.  Robinson 
and  dear  little  Robert,  of  five  years,,  baby  Naomi  of  eighteen  months,  and 
an  excellent  supper  awaited  my  arrival. 

On  Sunday,  December  23rd,  at  Bridge  St.  Church,  of  which  Dr. 
Cooper  is  the  successful  pastor  (not  only  in  money  raising,  but  in  soul 
saving)  at  11  A.  M.  preached  a  powerful  sermon.  Text,  St.  Matthew. 
16:  28.  On  Christmas  morning,  at  10.30  o'clock  he  preached  again.  Text, 
St.  Matthew,  2:  10.  Subject,  'The  Star  of  Hope."  Many  were  the  greet- 
ings and  presentations  to  the  pastor.  At  8  P.  M.,  Christmas  tree  for  the 
little  ones.  The  tree  was  very  pretty  and  all  went  home  rejoicing.  Much 
credit  is  due  the  superintendent,  Mrs.  Smith,  and  the  faithful  teachers. 
On  Sunday,  December  30th,  at  11  A.  M.,  I  attended  Payne  Memorial  A. 
M.  E.  Church,  Rev.  R.  T.  Chase,  pastor. 

This  is  only  a  mission;  Rev.  Chase  is  striving  his  uttermost  to  ob- 
serve the  connectional  days,  ajgo  having  a  missionary  and  Allen  Christian- 
Endeavor  League.  His  dear  |  >eople  presented  him  with  "The  History  of 

Watch  meeting  night  at  Bridge  St.,  on  Monday  night,  December 
31st,  was  conducted  just  as  they  are  usually  conducted  in  the  South.  Ser- 
mon by  the  pastor,  praise  meeting,  silent  prayer  and  then  a  burst  of  "A 
Happy  New  Year."     The  church  was  crowded,  all  space  taken.     All  went 


home  rejoicing.     Several  subscribed  for  the  "Review"  as  a  new'  year's  giftr 
wishing  the  department  much  success  this  year  of  1907. 

With  love  and  gratitude  to  all  for  the  kindness  shown  me  and  wish- 
ing you  a  glorious  success,  I  am  yours  for  God,  the  Race,  and  the  "Re- 

E.    Marie   Carter. 

The  Afro- American  Press 


will  be  given  as 



4  New  Subscribers  £  A.  M.  E.  Review  4 

AT  $1.00  EACH,   TO  ANYONE 

This  great  offer  is  for  any  minister  especially,  who  will  secure  four 
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The  book,  "The  Afro-AmericCLn  Press/'  is  worth 
$2*50  a  copy.  We  have  less  than  one  hundred  (ioo)  copies  on 
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Should  the  books  become  exhausted,  a  cash  prize  of  one  dollar 
($i.oo)  will  be  paid  instead;  thus  everyone  will  get  a  prize. 

The  book  contains  many  race  facts  to  be  found  nowhere  else,  and 
will  be  valuable  in  any  library.  It  contains  pages  and  is  profusely 
illustrated  with  fine  cuts  of  leading  Negroes. 

Send  in  four  names  with  four  dollar/  ($4. 00)  and  the  book  will 
reach  you  by  return  mail. 


H.    T.     KEAUIINQ 



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