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VOL. IT.....1821. 


‘Sold by the Publisher and Howe & Spalding, New-Haven; Huntington & 
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. lege, No-C, 




Mr. John Dickson on the Mineralogy and Beolog gy ab parts 
of South and North Carolina - 
Ebenezer Granger, Esq. on vegetable impression in ake 
of Zanesville Coal formation © - - - - 

Dr. G. Troost on the amber of Maryland - - - - 8 
L. Bringier, Esq. on the region of the Mississippi, &c. | - 15 
Notice of Mr. H. H. Hayden’s Geological Essays = 25) 4a 
Prof. F. Hall on ores of Iron and Manganese - 56 
Notice of Mr. Schoolcraft’s work on the Missiuei lead- 

mines, &c. - - = 29509 
Mr. M. Hale’s Geblonea Mice af Bio, - 72 
Dr. J. A. Allen on the West River Mountain, with localities 

of Minerals - 73 
Mr. Henry R. Schooleralt on the ae Copper of jake Su- 

perior, &c. - - 207 ® 

Letters of Mr. Alexander Biaienta, ae Editor’s tna 216 
Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. by vari- 

ous persons - ; 227 
Professor Buckland on Gedlacbal investigations, ote. - 249 
Mr. J. W. Wilson on the bursting of lakes through mountains 252 
Dr. John I. Bigsby on Gealoey:, &c. of the N. mt: Portion 

of Lake Huron - - - 254 


W. Prince, Esq. on a hybrid production between the Span- 
ish Chesnut and Maryland Soper with remarks by 

Prof. S. L. Mitchill = 77 
Dr. Jacob Porter’s Floral and Mideallaneous Galendae of 
Plainfield, Mass. &c. = - - - = OTS 
J. C. Vanden Heuvel, Esq. on American Honey Bees - 79 
Professor J. Green on Bones of the Rattle Snake - 85 
Professor Rafinesque ont a Fossil Medusa - - - 285 



. Page. 

Dr. B. L. Oliver on priority of medical use of the Prussic 

Acid - - - - = e = - =o 182 
Cases illustrating the medical effects of the Prussic Acid 187 
Dr. F. Magendie on Absorption - 288 

Professor E. D. Smith on Calculous Ady Gone (posthumous) 300 


Upon the fusion of various bodies by Hare’s Blowpipe—from 
the Annals of Chemistry, dc. with remarks by the Editor 87 

new mode of forming water - -— aed 
Professor Green on instantaneous crystalization oh SA RE EQS 
Mr. S. Morey on Mineral Waters, &c. - - =. 94 
Professor D. Olmsted on a peculiar effect of lightning - 100 
Rey. R. Emerson on the divining rod - - - 102 
Professor Hare on new Galvanic apparatus and theory - 105 
Professor E. D. Smith on the warm serine: of Buncomb 
county, N. C. (posthumous) - - 117 
Remarks on Enfield’s Philosophy, third eiition - - 125 
Mr. Town’s new mode of Bridge-building  - - - 158 
J. Hall, Esq. on the desea of wood, and on medical elec- 
tricity - - ‘ - - 166 
Thomas Jarman, me: on Gis Lists - - - - 170 
Editor’s notice of an argentiferous Galena, &c. - - 173 
Editor on the formation of ice in certain circumstances = ——-179 

Professor A. M. Fisher on Printing Presses and their Theory, 326 
—————— on the new Press of Mr. John I. Wells ib. 
Dr. John Locke on the manufacture of Copperas in Vermont 326 
Remarks on some points of modern Chemical theory, with a 

notice of Professor Gorham’s Elements of Chemistry = 330 
Miscellaneous chemical notices - - - B41 
Liability of barns to be struck by lietinide: - - 346 
Jacob Perkins, Esq. on the compressibility of water . - 347 
Notice of Mr. Perkins’ invention of engraving on steel’ 353 
Tests for Arsenic - aa - - - - 354 

Dr. Eli Ives on spring pasture - - SR ice gil cele <2) 


I. Domestic. 

i. Archeologia Americana, notice of - - - 357 
2. American Geological Society - — - - - - 360 
3. Remarks on the study of Geology - - - 363 
_ 4, Sulphat of Strontian - - Bo oe - «ib. 

eke © wey 
we ee eS 


5. Map of mountains. 6. Epidote - - - - 364 
7. Western Minerva. 8. Annalsof Nature. 9. Fossil Fish 365 
10. Cold at Plattsburgh - - - - - - 366 
11, Crystalsof Snow. 12. FluorSparof Genesee. 13. Do. | 
of Hlinois — - - - = - - - - 367 
II. Forercn Lirerature anp SCIENCE. 

1. Slide of Mount Pilatus = - - - - 368 
2. Oxigenized water - - 369 

3. Lithographic paper. 4. Ivory do. 5. Manufactory of 

Glass - -- - - 2 Ws 
6. Portable gas lamps. Potash in sea water - - ib. 
7. Salt. 9. Iron Boat - - - - - - 371 
10. Glasgow, how supplied with water - - - ib. 
11. Vegetation. 12. Electrometers — - By es - 372 
13. Surgical operation extraordinary - - - . ib. 
14. Royal Society of London - - - - - 373 
15. Prisons. 16. Pompeia. 17. Antidote to corrosive sub- 
limate - scm - - - - - 374 
18. Schools. 19. Manufacture of thimbles - - ib. 

20. Auscultation - - - - - - - 375 
21. Languages. 22. Evaporation of spirits - - ib. 
23. A large flower - - - - - - - 376 
24, Chinese Dictionary. 25. Van Diemen’s land - 377 

26. Egypt. 27. Temple of Jupiter Ammon. 28. Finland 378 
29. Pultowa. 30. Linneus. 31. Switzerland. 32. The poor 379 

33. Medicine - - - - - - - 380 
34. Athens. 35. Greek language. 36. Chios. 37. Potatoe ib. 
38. Distillation of sea water. 39. Hydraulic Ram - 381 
40. Sea signals. 41. Petrifaction. 42. Combustion 383 
43. Magnetism - wf - - - - ib. 
44, Translations from the Arabic. 45. New Alkali - 384 
46, Greenland - Sh ee - - - SiG tis 
47. Mildew. 48. Electricity. 49. GasLights | - - 385 
50. Iodine. 51. Mercurial atmosphere. 52. Magnetism 

and Electricity - - - - - - - 386 
53. Vegetable Remains, &c. — - ss - - 389 
54. Ancient Sarcophagus - - - - - - 390 
55. Siliceous Sinter - - - - - - 391 
56. Swainson’s Zoological Miscellany. 57..Revue Ency- 

clopedique - - - - - - : - 392 
58. Atomic weights of bodies.” 59. Palermo - - 396 

Coca of Peru - = = = - : & - 397 


Page 97—note, for bones, read remains. yes a 
189—line 25, for I. S. read J. L. , 
184—line 17 from top, for Medicarninum, read Medicaminum. 
do.—line 27 from top, for Langrist, read Langrish. 



Page 105—Title, dele new before theory. 
108—line 27 from top, after troughs read made. 
112—line 26from top, after Van Marum, read with electricai machines. 
114—line 7 from top, for about, read between a quarter and. 
143—line 5 from bottom, dele when the object is of finite magnitude. 
144—line 9 from top, for axis, read azes. 
do.—line 12, from top, for pencils, read axes. 



Tue third volume of this work being now completed, all 
concerned in its success will naturally wish some account of 
its situation and prospects. The experiment of an original 
American Journal of Science, is novel, and it is but reason- 
able to allow sufficient time to the community to become 
informed as to the nature of the enterprize before we can 
expect them to feel interested in its prosperity. The ques- 
tion whether it is to be supported by adequate pecuniary re- 
muneration, is not one which can be hastily decided. It 
must require several years from the commencement of the 
work, and the Editor (if God continues his life and health,) 
will endeavour to prove himself neither impatient nor queru- 
lous, during the time that his countrymen hold the question 
undecided, whether there shall be an American Journal of 
Sczence and Arts. Another person may conduct it better, 
and to such an one, the task would be, without hesitation, 
resigned. But it is due to our numerous and highly respec- 
table band of contributors to say, that no successor, however 
meritorious, can hope to be better supported. That the 
Journal is appreciated abroad, in a manner gratifying to its 
friends, is sufficiently evinced by the numerous extracts 
from it in-the periodical scientific works of Europe, by the 
readiness to exchange, evinced by the Editors of foreign 
Journals, and by letters on the subject, addressed to the edit- 
or of the American Journal, from scientific and literary men 
abroad. Among them are the names of the late Dr. John 
Murray of Edinburgh, of Dr. Thomas Thomson, now Re- 
gius-Professor of Chemistry, &c. in the University of Glas- 
gow, of Mr. Tilloch of London, editor of the Philosophical 
Magazine, of Mr. Julien, editor of the Revue Encyclope- 
dique, and of Mr. Brongniart, both of Paris; of Professor 
Germar and Sweigger of the University of Halle in Germany, 
and of Professor Berzelius of Stockholm. From one of 
these private communications, we shall presume so far on 
the indulgence of the author, and of the public, as to cite a 
single paragraph.* 

Dr. Thomson, speaking of the first five numbers of the 

* One vther passage is selected from Mr. Brongniart’s letter. [See p. 
218 of this Vel.] 


American Journal, (which were all that he had then seen) 
says; ‘I hail it as the commencement of American scien- 
_ tific periodical works, and have no doubt from the valuable 
matter which you have already presented us with, that 
America will rival the most scientific countries in the old 
world.” The citing of this passage would be inconsis- 
tent with decorum, were not the commendation of this illus- 
_trious author, and teacher, and editor, chiefly the property 
of our contributors, and but ina small degree our own. 
The celebrated Professor Ferrara of the University of Pa- 
lermo in the Island of Sicily, speaking on the subject of 
American Science, said recently to a friend of the editor, 
that he “ did not doubt that the Sciences and Arts would be- 
fore long, pass to America in their highest perfection, and 
that we should ere long, succeed to Asia and Europe, in the 
literary empire of the world.” 

But, on the other hand, we are now bound in justice to the. 
interests of American Science, not to withhold from its patrons, 
the fact that the two first volumes of this Journal have been, 
thus far, in a pecuniary view, losing concerns. The pro- 
ptietors of the first Volume have not yet received back the 
money which they have expended—nor is the editor yet re- 
paid, simply for the paper, printing and engraving of the sec- 
ond volume, and that upon the supposition that all the mon- 
ey is collected from the contractors for quantities. 

But it is some relief to add, that the patronage, during the 
past year, has been gradually, but on the whole, regularly 
increasing, and as it now stands, will probably, just about 
cover the expense of the materials and mechanical labour of 
the third volume. Nothing has ever been paid for contri- 
butions to the pages of the work; to the honour of our sci- 
entific friends, they have contributed their gratuitous labours 
with cheerfulness and perseverence, and the scientific pub- 
lic, both at home and abroad, have already decided favour- 
‘ably on their productions. — ; 

- With this simple statement of facts, we now dismiss the 
subject, after expressing our determination, notwithstanding 
all discouragements, to proceed, cheerfully, and with good 
courage, in our labour, contented also to relinquish it when- 
ever others will more faithfully and successfully perform it, 
or our country shall have clearly decided that it does not 
approve, or will not support our undertaking. 

May, 1820. 


i uxkpoop ss 




Ant. I.—WNotices of the Mineralogy and Geology of paris 
of South and North. Carolina, in a letter to the Editor 
from Mr. Soun Dickson, Instructor of youth at Colum- 
bia, S. Cs by 

se ue » Crarinsron, Dec. 21st, 1819. 
Deur Sir, my 3 

{ TAKE the opportunity given me by a stay of a few days 
in this place, to send you a few loose remarks on the geol- 
ogy and miberalogy of Carolina, more particularly of South 
Carolina. That they are not more extended and system- 
“ you will attribute to my close employment asa teach- | 
Although my vacations are very short, it is my custom 
Be ride once a year into the regions where minerals are 
found. I hope this will furnish a few facts for your Jour- 

The Civoiines are naturally divided into ee parts. 
From the sea-shore, we pass through the sandy region into 
the middle, (which I shall distinguish by the name of the 
Clay region,) and thence into the oe a Portion, 
called the Mountains. 

1. The Sandy Region. | In this no rocks are Hand, eX- 
cept near its upper edge, under ground, and in the beds of 
the Congaree and Wateree. Near the sea it is flat and 
marshy. As you recede from the coast, the sand rises 
gradually into hills, some of which, higher up, are immense 

Vou. Hi,..,.No. 1. 1 

"2. Notices of the Mineralogy and Geology 

piles of white sand, based on rock, and thinly covered with 
stinted pine or scrub oak. Through all this region swamps 
of various extent are found. A kind of geodes of sand 
stone,* filled with ochres of various colours, is frequently 
met with near its upper edge. A crust of sand stone, with 
a large proportion of iron in it, only a few inches thick, is 
spread over the surface in some parts of the range called 
‘The high hills of Santee.” Of these hills, the site of 
Columbia affords a good example. ‘This town stands on 
an elevated plain, the mass of the hill being a very hard 
srown clay, deposited upon vast quantities (closely com- 
pacted) of the substance enveloped in the paper marked A, 
and on huge blocks of granite, now completely decompos- 
ed, or rather disintegrated. The course of the hill is from 
N.E. toS. W. The N. W. side is very steep, and quite 
a heavy clay: the S. E. side slopes off gently in deep sand. 
In digging wells, rough and hard brown sand stone and 
pudding stone, with a large proportion of iron, are taken 
out at great depths. The species of clay, marked A, is 
used by Col. Blanding in puddling the reservoir from which 
he will supply the town with water. It is visible in deep 
gullies, and from a spot of this sort he has it dug out. 

2. The Clay country is so called because clay predomi- 
nates. Here, when land is worn out and left uncultivated, 
if the slope be considerable, all soil capable of supporting 
vegetation is washed off, and stiff red clay is left bare. 
The cultivation of grasses might therefore be useful. Gran- 
ite is the most common rock, although a large tract of coun- 
try in this region is formed of argillaceous schistus, (appar- 
ently a deposit on the primitive rocks,) in all stages of co- 
hesion, from clay to building stone. The specimens mark- 
ed B and Cf are from this tract; and have been used as 

' * These are abundant near Colambia. I happen not to have any just 
now, but will endeavour to send specimens by another opportunity. Some 
of them are globular, and contain emery. « : 

t Thisclay is pleasingly variegated with red spats interspersed in a ground 
of white ; it contains spangies of mica—is a little harsh at, first, between 
the fingers, but by rubbing becomes somewhat saponaceous to the feel, and 
adheres strongly to the tongue.—ditor. 

£B, is considerably decomposed, but bears the appearance of being a 
very fine grained mica slate, or possibly even an anenaceous quartz: it is 

of paris of South and North Carolina. 3 

whetstones. Fragments of this schistus are often used as 
red chalk,” and probably by the Indians as paint. They 
used the various ochres which abound through the clay 
country for the latter purpose, and the present inhabitants 
- employ them in dying. D* is a specimen from Lincoln 
County, North Carolina. In that county and York district, 
South Carolina, are extensive iron works, richly supplied 
on the spot with productive ore. C, was obtained from a 
quarry in Anson County, North Carolina, and there is a 
quarry of the same kind on the estate of Gen. Davie, at 
Handsford, on Catawba river, in Chester district, South 
Carolina. Arrowheads of quartz, flint, and schistus, are 
found every where through the clay resian On Broad riv- 
er, within its limits, and in the district of ————, South 
Carolina, limestone has been found, which is thought to be 
of the best quality for making lime: I have seen no speci- 
mens of it. 

Thousands of acres in North and South Carolina, consist 
of small irregular fragments of opaque white or rose colour- 
ed quartz, and the poverty of the land is in proportion to 
the quantity of this quartz mixed with the clay. Poor 
ridges of this kind produce nothing but a dwarfish deformed 
oak, called black jack. 

The Gold country lies in Cabarras County, North Caro- 
lina, where the gold is found in small pieces, from the size 
of half a pea to mere dust, in the beds of little rills empty- 
ing into the waters of Rocky River. 

Fine specimens of pyrites (iron) are found in Newberry 
district, South Carolina. Isinglass in wide plates, and pitch 
stone, are frequently met with, 

3. The Mountains are granite, and, of course, among 
them are found the minerals usually accompanying the 
primitive rocks. Rock crystal, antimony, and carburet of 
iron, I have seen from oe and Greenville, in this 

dotted with innumerable exceedingly minute red points of some decom- 
posed substance ; possibly garnet. 

C, has much the appearance of a true whetstone slate ina state of par- 
tial decomposition Editor. 

*D, isa fine specimen of the compact oxid of titanium, and isa true 
pebble, of an inch anda quarter in diameter.—Edijar. 

4 Notices of the Mineralogy cml Geology, Sc. 

state. Silver, it is thought, has — discovered in the for- 
mer district, near Andersonville. | | 

Of this, i shall endeavour to obtain specimens in the 
summer, when I expect to visit the upper country. 

At the Warm Springs, (Buncombe County, North Caro- 
lina,) limestone begins to be found, as we go west. After 
passing them, we are in the limestone country. A litne- 
stone cave is situated very near them. Patent yellow* is 
found native within a few miles, unless the chemists and 
painters, who have examined the substance there found, be 
deceived. Sulphate of barytes is abundant in the neigh- 
bourhood. | 

General remarks. The localities given in Cleaveland 
from McClure, I find almost always correct, and I presume 
1 should find them me so, had I time for strict examina- 

“Mineral springs abot: Among the most shitting is 
a very strong sulphureous spring, a few miles from Cam- 
bridge, South Carolina, near Saluda. This was examined 
by the late Dr. Smith. It promises fair to be the most 
useful in the state. 3 

The rough draught below} is intended for a perpendicular 
section ina W. N. W. direction from the mountains to the 
sea, passing through the tract of limestone, and that of ar- 
gillaceous schistus. 

I remain with great respect, 
Your sratefial pupil, and sincere feat 


Pesan by the Editor. In esdeumenine he specimens 
iransmitted by Mr. Dickson, was a very perfect crystal of 
corundum ; it isa regular prism of six sides—the diagonal 
diameter measures one inch, and the greatest length of the 
crystal i is nearly three- fourths of an inch ; its colour is blue ; 
it seratches carnelian, garnet, and beryl; it presents the 
cleavage and strie of the East Indian corundum, and in 
fact, looks i in all respects so a the ppp aimless from those 

* Such was, at first, the impression of the late Professor E. D. Smith, of 
the College of South Carolina, but it was rather weakened by examination 
of the faets and of the evidence. —LEditor: 

t This sketch being hastily made with the pen, it was not thought neces- 
sary to have it engraved — Filter. 

Granger on Zanesville Slate. 5 

countries, that it would easily be mistaken for them. It is 
not named or alluded to in Mr. Dickson’s paper, and it re- 
mains for him to inform the American public whether it is 
a native specimen, and if so, from what locality. 

Arr. Uf.—WNotice of vegetable tmpressions on the Rocks 
connected with the Coal formation of Zanesville, Ohio, 
in w letter to the Editor, from Keenezer Graneer, 
Esq. dated August 18, 1820. 

[For the drawings see the plate at the end of this Number. ]} 


C. B. Gopparp, Esq. will deliver you a small box cou- 
taining drawings, and specimens.of vegetable impressions, 
collected by Mr. Wm. A. Adams and myself from the rocks 
of this vicinity. — 

_ Ill health, will prevent me from giving a very particular 
description of the situation in which they are found. 

This whole region, you are aware, is composed of secon- 
dary rocks. The hills run about two hundred feet above 
the bed of the Muskingum river, which has evidently cut its 
channel from their summits; as have all the other rivers and 
streams in this country—the tops of the hills from Lake 
Erie to the Ohio, probably being the remains of a once 
tolerably level plain. The drawings and specimens are 
marked and numbered agreeably to the order of the strata 
in which they were found beginning with the lowest. A. No. 1. 
(drawing,) and No. 2. (drawing, and specimen) from the bed 
of the river. This stratum is two or three feet in thickness, 
and contains many shells, it also contains many holes, and 
resembles in some measure in appearance a large body of 
cast Iron—resting on this is a stratum of bituminous shale, 
two or three feet in thickness, full of indistinct impressions, 
over which is found a species of iron stone, from which are 
taken the specimens marked B. 

From this were taken drawing No.. 1, of a fan-shaped 
eaf twenty inches in length, by twelve in width at top— 
parts of the leaf may be seen on specimen No. 2 and 3— 
No. 4, 5 and 6, are from the same. The last we suppose 
tobe a fern. We have a very fine and perfect specimen of 


6 Granger on Zanesville Slate. 

this with the stall and leaves—stalk two feet, leaves — 
eight inches. 

' No. 7 and 8, impressions are from the same but the stone 
contains more sand. 

No. 9, specimen of sand stone from the same bed—simi- 
lar impressions are found in bituminous and argillaceous 
slate, in the same bed in great abundance. 

The next stratum is sand stone varying in thickness from 
five to fifty feet in different places. ‘The solid parts of the 
rock contain throughout, pieces of carbonized wood—be- 
tween the layers, the wood is more frequently bituminized, 
and changed to stone-coal. Trunks and branches of trees 
petrified are often found, the bark generally changed to stone- 
coal. In part the w ood séemé in these cases to have per- 
ished, leaving a mould which has been filled up with sand. 

“C. No. 1, 3, 3, 4 and 5—the drawings are from specimens 
in this stratum.’ 

No. 1 must be the same as A. No.1. They all resemble 
drawings by the Rev. H. Steinhauer of Fossil Spe found 
in the coal strata of England. 

No 4 isa branch about four inches in diameter a little flat- 
tened. Above this sand stratum for many feet, lies soft ar- 
gillaceous slate without impressions. » 

D. No. 1 and 2—specimens rest upon this “id form the 
floor of a coal stratum. 

No 1, was found in length ten feet, and in breadth four 
feet—impression on the under side. It is doubtless the 
same as No. 3 in the sand stone. E. Coal.—The stratum 
from one to five feet thick. In this vicinity but one stratum 
is found above the river, another much thicker is found by 
poring from 15 to 20 feet below the bed of the river. 

F. No. 1 and 2—(drawing,) three specimens from the 
roof of a coal bed in one place. In another, small leaves 
and apparently flowers in the greatest abundance are found. 

G. 1, was found a few feet above the coal, a eae of sand 
stone intervening. ‘ 

Above this, oe sometimes resting on “lie coal, is a stra- 
tum from two to four feet of shell lime. stone—from hence 
to the tops of the hills is either clay, slate, or sand stone. 

I can only add that these impressions afford a considera- 
ble variety, and are found in great abundance. 

I am satisfied they are mostly ofa tropical growth. It 
would be gratifying to us, to be informed of the species of 

Granger on Zanesville Slate. 7 

plants to which they or any of them belong, or to which 
they bear the strongest analogy. 

I cannot forbear suggesting, that a botanical description 
of the vegetable remains found in ‘different latitudes and 
jongitudes, and which it is said always occompany the coal 
strata, may lead to very important results. "They may at all 
events, afford some evidence, whether the poles of the earth 
have at some remote period been changed. 

I had nearly forgotten to mention, that the pebbles in our 
river are many of them primitive rock. H. No. 1, is a spe- 
cimen of quartz pebble of considerable size. No rocks of 
these descriptions are to be found in this region. 

Very respectfully 
vour obedient servant, 


Remarks by the Editor.—Mr. Leconte, of the Engineer 
department at Washington, on viewing the specimens de- 
scribed above, pronounced the impressions on most of them 
to be those of ferns; the broad leaved impression he con- 
‘sidered afucus. It may be added, that the specimens are 
singularly beautiful; and the delineations of several of them 
given in the present ‘ Number, cannot fail of being interesting 
to Geologists, 

We would again call the attention of Geologists. to the 
views of Mr. Bronentarrt, of Paris, expressed in his note 
which was printed in the first Number of this work. He is 
pursuing, on an extensive scale, the plan of comparing the ve- 
getable impressions from different countries, and is particu- 
larly anxious to obtain those from the American coa! forma~ 
tions. We should. be greatly obliged to any persons who will 
transmit specimens, especially from the anthracite beds near 
the Susquehannah; from the bituminous coal beds of Rich- 
yond, Pittsburgh, and Ohio, and generally from all American 
localities. Several specimens of a kind are desireable, that 
at least, one good one may be forwarded to Mr. Brongni- 
art, and others reserved for an American Cabinet. We 
bee leave to refer to some extracts of a letter from Mr. 
Brongniart—see the present number. His views are wor- 
thy of general encouragement, since they have for their 
abject. the promotion ef the science ef Geology. 

3 - Dr. Troost on Amber, &e. 

Arr. 1l.—Description of a variety of Amber, and of a 
- Fossil Substance supposed to be the nest of an Insect dis- 
covered at Cape Sable, Magothy Rwer, Ana-Arundel 
County, Maryland; by Docror G. Troost, of Balti- 

more. | 

Tu Amber found at Cape Sable is either perfectly 
Opaque, of the colour exhibiting every shade of a mixture 
of yellow, grey and brown, sometimes so arranged in near- 
ty concentric zones as to display the most beautiful colours, _ 
admired in the Egyptian Jasper, (quartz agathe onyx of 
Haity,) or disposed in alternate bands, dots, spots, clouds, 
each as in the other agates and jaspers. It resembles also, 
often the mastich or gum sandarac, occurring in that case al- 
ways as this gum resin does in tears, and is then wax or hon- 
ey yellow: sometimes with a tinge of brown, and sometimes 
reddish yellow or hyacinth red. The transparent variety 
eccurs seldom. It is again translucent, resembling near- 
ly, in this case, in its external appearance, the resin or colo- 
phony. The lustre of some is very considerable, and of 
others, particularly of some of the opaque varieties, is dull. 
It breaks easily, exhibiting a perfectly conchoidal fracture, 
and is of the same hardness with the amber of the Baltic. 

Its specific gravity varies from 1,07 to 1,180. This dif- 
ference is no doubt owing to small particles of pyrites, with 
which the cavities are sometimes lined. Sv 

Some specimens have only a slight degree of electricity, 
whilst others possess this property in a high degree. yi 

Itis susceptible of a good polish. Sieve ane, 

2d Variety. Earthy Amber. This usually occurs in 
fragments or friable porous masses, of the size of a walnut, 
having a dull earthy aspect intermixed with pyrites. Its so- 
“lidity does not exceed that of clods of loam or of a stiff 
soil, with which, externally, it has some resemblance, and 
like this, crumbles by friction between the fingers. Its 
colour is gray or yellowish gray like ashes—by exposure to 
‘heat it melts, gives out the smell of common amber, and 
has then all the properties of the common melted amber. 

The first variety of amber occurs in grains, and in de- 
tached pieces, from the size of a mustard seed to that of 
pieces front 4 to'5 inches in diameter. Its external surface 

Dr. Troost on Améer, &e. 9 

is rough and of a dirty grey colour, covered, here and there, 
with pyrites. This surface is an opaque crust, which has 
in some pieces the thickness cf one-eighth of an inch. 
Of whatever colour and lustre the amber may be, this er ust is 
always of a dirty grey, and dull. Tt is found in an alluvial 
formation at, Cape Sable, on the north side of yey 
river, western shore, Maryland. 

The surface of Cape Sable and of its environs is consid- 
erably undulated—some of the hills rising as much as from 
80 to 85 feet above the surface of the Cliesapeake bay. 

The uppermost stratum is sand, the lower part of which 
is SO strongly agglutinated by iron oxide as to form a coarse 
ferruginous sand stone, usually employed by the inhabi- 
tants to wall up their cellars. This stone is sometimes so 
rich in iron’as to constitute the compact brown oxide of 
iron (dichter braun eisenstein of Werner). This stratum 
varies from 15 to 60 and 70 feet, below which lies a stra- 
tum of lignite of three and an half to four feet in thickness. 
This bed contains nearly all varieties of lignite, such as Jet, 
brittle lignite, bituminous wood and brown lignite, penetra- 
ted throughout by pyrites. ‘Ihe junction of this stratum 
with the above is a mixture of lignite and sand, no separa- 
tion being perceptible. It is in this stratum that the amber 
is found intermixed with the wood; and sometimes also on 
the very top of this bed—in one instance, a piece was found 
one foot and an half above the bed in the sand. Tis spe- 
clmen possesses all the properties of the amber of the Bal- 
tic, and is of a light yellow colour.* These circumstances 
would induce the belief, that the amber was formed before 
it was deposited in the earth. Some of the wooed contains 
also small grains of amber. ‘This lignite seems to be formed 
of three varieties of wood, or rather the wood has under- 
gone three different changes, some pieces of which are en- 
tirely charred, often changed into bituminous wood; and 
others again having undergone very little change from the 
brown lignite. All these varieties, particularly the brown 
lignite and the charred wood, are penetrated by pyrites, and 
are sometimes entirely changed into it. ‘Phis stratum offers 
nearly an horizontal surface, at least no dip more than 5° to 

es me Notefirst. at the end of it he Memoir. 

Vou. in AREY) te os 

10. Dr. Troost on Amber, &e.. 

the horizon is to be observed, and this seems owing, at the 
spot examined, to a small imdulation. t 

Below this, is a stratum of sand intermixed with py rites, 
in which are often found large nests of this mineral, 15 to 
20 feet in square surface, and from one foot to one foot and 
an half in thickness. ‘The quantity of pyrites this bed pro- 
duces is astonishing ; having cleared off its superincumbent 
strata of sand and lignite, (a surface of perhaps 1700 square 
feet,) it gave me, excluding the pyrites, which were broken 
up into soiall pieces, upwards of twenty- -five tons. This 
stratum is here and there entirely wanting, its place bemg 
then oceupied by shaly clay. 

There follows a bed of earthy lignite. from 5 to 12. feet 
in thickness, embracing a great abinidatiue of pyritous wood, 
intermixed with large fragments, thirty and more feet long, 
of bituminous wood. This bed is intersected by streaks 
and nests of a grey clay and a fine grained earthy lignite, 
bearing much resemblance to the amber of Cologne. ‘There 
occur in this, pebbles of greasy quartz, and in one instance, 
a small crystal of Disthene was found, two substances which 
occur in abundance in the primitive rocks, fifteen or twenty 
miles distance from here, principally near Baltimore. — 

In this stratum of lignite, was found a substance which T 
at first sight mistook for a fruit, endeavouring to find its 
analogy among the palm fruits. The error soon, however, 
became manifest from the observation, that what had been 
taken for the stem of the fruit, was not implanted im it, but 
traversed its centre, and sometimes perforated its sides— 
two circumstances bearing no analogy to the stem of fruits. 
The substance was therefore subjected to a more attentive 
investigation, the result of which led to the belief, that it 
was an animal product of a very curious nature, and that it 
could be nothing else buta kind of comb or nidus made by 
some insects around the twigs and extremities of the suceu- 
lent branches of a tree. 

“The size of those nests ‘is to three riches in 
length, their diameters varying in proportion—for instance, 
if the nest have three inches in length, its. diameter will 
have commonly one inch 5 ; if one inch in length, its diame- 
ter will have half an inch. Their shape. is regular, their 

+ See Note second, at the end of the Memoir 

Dr. Troost on Amber, ¥e. li 

surface rough, resembling often in roughness and colour, 
the unripe fruit of the orange tree known to the druggists 
by the name of bitter oranges; sometimes its surface re- 
sembles the bark of some oak limbs. | This surface is over- 
spread-with small openings or round holes of two sizes, one 
size large enough to admit of a large pin, the other, one- 
fourth of the size. These holes are arranged somewhat in 
this manner : : : , and are the openings of interior cells of 
an irregular oval shape. There are four of these openings 
in every cell, one in the centre cf the comb being in con- 
tact with the branches around which the matter or substance 
is deposited, and three on the outside, being the openings 
above mentioned, of which the centre one is the largest. 
ft would appear that these four openings were formed by 
the female insect on depositing her eggs. ‘The young in- 
sects, on being hatched, appear to have fed on the sub- 
stance, and to have eaten through the investing coat, by 
which operation one of the openings has become larger, 
leaving a hollow bag. 'The substance of which these nests 
are made is of a resinous nature, possessing the same chem- 
ical properties as amber. The cavities and surface are 
often decked with minute crystals of pyrites. The colour 
of the internal part varies, probably, according to the change 
it has undergone from its long stay under ground, or from 
other unknown agencies—some of them appearing to have 
undergone a partial fusion, in which case, the internal colour 
is black, and partly charred. Some others seem to be in a 
state approaching to their primitive appearance, the colour 
varying then in every shade of yellow, from whitish yellow 
to orange. 

This bed contains also, a fruit bearing some resemblance 
to a bean, but so much disfigured, that | cannot ascertain to 
what species it belongs. 

The stratum of lignite containing these’ fossil remains 
rests on an argillaceous sandstone, froth two to five feet in 
thickness, embracing small masses of pyrites. 'The surface 
of this stratum is very hilly, and is neither intermixed with 
lignite at its line of junction, nor is the least fragment of lig- 
nite perceptible through the whole bed: hence, it may be 
conjectured that the lignite has been deposited after the ar- 
eillaceous sandstone was formed, and is, therefore, a sepa- 
rate formation. 

12 | ‘Dr. raid on Amber, &c. 

This is followed by a stratum of whitish grey clay, four 

feet in thickness, exempt from pyrites. Tuis clay rests on 
a bed of white sand, in which the water is so abundant as 
to render it difficult to penetrate lower. 

Note First t, p- 9.—The difference existing between this amber 
and that of the Baltic, is, perhaps, ascribable more to the local 
circumstances than to the difference in the trees which produced it. 
The amber found, one and an half feot above the stratum of lig- 
nite is, in every respect, equal to the Prussian amber, is exempt 
from pyrites, had no crust except some ferruginous sand cemented 
around it: im other lumps which are found in the bed of lignite, in 
contact with and sometimes wholly penetrated by pyrites, the amber 

has usually a thick opaque crust; and the more it is in coutact with _ 

this mineral, the more the colour deviates from that of the Baltic. 
According to Hotsman, who has examined these mines, the amber 
seems not to be in contact with the pyrites, but the mines are work- 
ed in a bed of coarse sand below. As for the rest, the geognostic 
situation of Cape Sable seems to have much resemblance with the 
Baltic mines. It would be very interesting to determine what sort 
of trees produce this amber—at least there seems to be no doubt 
that amber owes its origin to the vegetable kingdom: this‘has been 
the opinion of the oldest nations, whose histories have been trans- 
mitted to us by the fables of the ancients, as we learn from the 
beautiful fiction of the hazardous enterprize of Phaéton, where his 
sisters, bewailing the loss of their brother. find their feet fastened to 
the oie their arms stretching out in flexible twigs, upon which 
Zepliyr moves the silvery leaves of the poplar, and their falling 
tears becoming yellow pearls, give birth to the precious amber, 
which is gathered by the Graces for the toilet of Venus. — 

Judging from the position in which we find the amber here, we . 

have to conclude that it was already formed before it was deposited 
inthe earth, and only by some, at present, unknown agent, has ac- 
quired the nature of amber. Jt must have been a vegetable resin, 
perhaps of the nature of copal, before it was buried with its parent 
trees; it cannot be, as professor Stermstadt supposes,a mineral ore, 
thickened by the boamiren of oxigen; nor, as is the opinion of 
Mr. Parkiuson, an inspissated mineral oil; nor again, as Patrin 
maintains, honey modified by time and mineral acids, which has 
converted it into bitumen: in all these cases, it would have been in 
a liquid state in the earth ; it would have been produced by the ve- 
getable substances after they \ were buried: and we should find it in 
the form. of stalactites, below the substances from which it was 
generated—this is not the case at Cape Sable; we find it in the 
stratum of lignite on its top, and one foot and a half above it-—And 

Dr. Troost on Amber, &c. 13 

in the former case I would ask, whence the insects which are some- 
times found in the Baltic amber? Certainly, these insects did not 
dweil in a living state one hundred and more feet under the surface of 
the ground, a depth at which the amber mines are usually worked, 
it is more reasonable to suppose, that they existed in the resin be- 
fore it was deposited in the earth—besides, the form in which the 
pieces occur, bears more resembiance to that of the copal, than to 
w substance which was liquid, and tm this state filled up some in- 
terstices found below it. There is a still more striking circum- 
stance which induces me to believe, that amber is nothing but an 
altered resin, which is, that the nests of insects found in the stra- 
ium of earthy lignite have, when burnt, the smell of amber; are 
like this substance, only sparingly soluble in alcohol, and have, as 
iar as Lbave been able to ascertain, all its other properties. Now, 
these nests were not in a liquid state before they were deposited in 
the ground, but were formed of a resinous substance, i in the same 
way as those of the coccus lacca,* aud have acquired the nature of 
amber during theirstay in the earth, from the same agent as other res- 
inous substances. hese fossil remains can, perhaps, throw a 
clear light on the formation of amber—at least, by their assistance 
we shall be able to determine to what species of trees it owes its 
origin. Amongst the varieties of wood of which the stratum of 
lignite at Cape Sable is formed, of which I believe there have been 
different kinds, there is only one which appears to have produced 
the amber; at least, I have found it only in one of these varieties: 
and this wood, in its mineralized state, is of a very compact and 
close grain, which. according to the smallness of its concentric 
layers, must have been of a slow growth; (nevertheless, these lay- 
ers may have been altered by the pressure the wood has undergone, 
having now all a flat appearance. ) But I have not been able to 
ascertain the species to which it belongs. 

In elucidation of the foregoing, 1 would propose the following 
questions : 

ist. What kind of insects are found in the Baltic amber et 


* Coccus lacca of Kerr, inhabits India, on the figs of the Pagodas, the 
pipiba and some varieties of the croton ; it transforms into a particular spe- 
ciesiaf red resin, the juices produced by these trees. 

t According to Jussieu, they are not natives of the continent of Europe. 
‘The amber of Cape Sable does not contain any insects. IT have seen large 
collections of amber, but found only one variety of insects in the true. The 
greatest part of specimens in the Cabinets, labelled amber, with insects, is not 
amber bat copal—f myself have assisted, in Holland, one of my friends in se- 
leeting from copal, found at different Drag ggists, a large collection with in- 
sects, which was cut and polished. This collection, ‘after the death of the 
owner, was sold as otie of true amber with insects, which the most practis- 
ed eye was not able to distinguish, 

14 Dr. Troost on Amber, ¥c. 

2d.. Does this insect make its nidus of resinous matter, as the 
coccus laccar : ‘ 
_3d. What species of trees do these insects inhabit P 

’ Note Second, p..i0.—Nature seems to have adopted this. bed of 
lignite as its laboratory for the formation of sulphur, of which the 
pyrites are composed—at least, it is true, that above this bed not 
the Jeast vestive of this mineral ts to be found, whereas, it appears 
as soon as the lignite is discovered. In the superior part, the py- 
rites is found in the wood partly charred; lower down is found, here 
and there, the sand which exists in the interstices of the wood, 
agglutinated by pyrites, and at other times, uniform pieces, or 
twigs of trees entirely changed into this mineral, the cavities lined 
with small erystals. Beneath this bed, in the stratum of sand, of 
which we have made mention in this memoir, are large masses of 
pyrites, found principally in the inferior part of the stratum, at a 
spot where the water has been prevented from infiltering itself to 
a lower depth, by the bed of earthy lignite through which (as in the 
ease of common clay) water does not penetrate but with great diffi- 
eulty, if atall. In the stratum of earthy lignite, the greatest part of 
these branches have been changed into pyrites, and have preserved 
the primitive structure of wood; in the stratum of sandstone which 
serves as a support to the lignite, we find small masses of sand ce- 
mented together by pyrites. This stratum is generally ten or twelve 
feet below the surface of Magothy river, and of course, that which 
filtered through the superior strata, descends no lower than ina 
proportion to its greater density compared with common water, 
which density it has acquired, in its passage, by the solution of for- 
eign matter. Below this bed, of which the mean thickness is three 
feet, no pyrites are formed. - 
What shall we conclude from all this? Here I would hazard 
vay opinion. Let us at first suppose that the constituent parts of 
the sulphur are lodged in the vegetable matter—that only an active 
agent is wanting to disengage them from the matter with which 
they are combined. and to recombine them to produce sulphur— 
let us suppose, at the same time, this agent to be water, or water 
eharged with iron, then the water, by filtering through the superior 
stratum, which, as has been said, is sand agglutinated by oxide of 
iron, is charged with the iron, and meeting in the stratum of lignite 
‘the constituent parts of the sulpbur, has put the same into action. 
The sulphur being. now made,* has entered into combination. with 

the iron, prodacing for result, the pyritous matter, partly filling, in | 

the first place, the cavities occasioned by a decomposition in the 
wood, by which operation the pyrites Has acquired the form and 
the very texture of the wood. The liquid thus generated, filtering 
x f 
* Does Dr. Troost consider sulphur asa compound: Ed. 


Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, &e. 15 

lower and. lower through this stratum, becoming more and more 
charged, and being for the most part stopped by the bed of earthy 
lignite, has there given birth to the large masses above mentioned. 
The stratum of earthy lignite being but a bad filter, the pyrites be- 
come very scarce beneath, and soon (at two to two and an half 
feet below it) disappears altogether. 

Art. I1V.—Notices of the Geology, Mineralogy, Topogra- 
phy, Productions, and Aboriginal inhabitants of the re- 
gions around the Mississippi and its confluent waters—in 
a letter from L. Brincirr, Esq. of Louisiana, to Rew 
Elias Cornelius—-communicated for this Journal. 

f ntroductory Remarks. 

Through the medium lpi T aunsl ae pp. 214and317, 
the public have been already favoured with the observations 
of the Rev. Mr. Cornelius, on some portions of the southern 
and south western States. At the request of the Editor, 
facts and statements, derived from other sources, were ob- 
tained by Mr. Cornelius; and relating principally to parts 
of the country on the Mississippi, which that gentleman had 
not the opportunity of seeing. ‘This was the origin of Mr. 
Bringier’s memoir, which peculiar circumstances idee pre- 
vented our publishing till now. 

‘Although somewhat immethodical, it abounds so much 
with interesting statements, that we have thought it better to 
publish it, with some alterations and omissions, (agreeably 
to the author’s permission communicated with the paper,) 
rather than to attempt a new digest of the subjects: for Mr. 
Briagicr appears to have contemplated little more than. the 
communication of materials, to be wrought into a different 

County of Aecadia, 20th March, 1818, 
Str, wes 

{ rnecrer sincerely, that yours of the 28th ultimo, on ac- 
count of my bemg absent when it arrived, has reached me 
only this day: this delay has nearly absorbed {if not alto- 

{6  Bringier on the Region of the Mississippt, gc. 

gether) the latitade you had prescribed for an answer, aod 

which would have required several | ies, in order to give 

you any satisfaction. 

- Notwithstanding, I will endeavour to send you, for the 
aie such information as the narrow bounds J have left 
will admit. Iwill hereafter take more time for a detailed 
description, which I will forward to you, or to Professor 
Silliman. | 

» Iam extremely mortified, that the specimens* remaining 
in my possession, and w hich will accompany this, are of so 
little account. I should have been happy to be able to 
give youa better testimony of my good will, towards all 
attempts useful to society. 

Before I proceed, I must claim your indulgence for at- 
(empting to write ina language with which I am so little fa- 

The state of Louisiana,t covering mostly a country 
of alluvion, just making its appearance above water, af- 
fords but little variety of Mineral productions; whilst it 
presents a vast field for those who wish to trace many 
grand operations of nature. 

I will pass over the numerous phenomena which the sedi- 
ment of the Mississippiis preparing, for future ages, in the 
Gulph of Mexico. The effect resulting from the infinite 
quantity and variety of matter carried daily by the torrents 
into the bosom of the sea, and precipitated therein, accord- 
ing to their respective gravities; the depth of the water; 
its currents and counter-currents, and all the various marine 
productions, constitute a subject sufficiently interesting, but 
which can be examined in many other places. 

Banks of the Mississippi 

I will, however, stop a moment, on the margin of the 
Mississippi, to consider how, as the stream is ascended, the 
banks of this river gradually rise, and again descend to- 
wards the swamps; so that the Mississippi, i in all its allu- 

* The specimens alluded to by the author, are in our possession, and in 
general we agree with him as totheir nature. Editor. 

t In this Essay, P uniformly use the names on Mellish’s map of the United 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississoppi, Fe. 17 

vial region, may be considered as a river running on the 
top of a hill of 24 feet in its highest position—whose base 
of three miles, in its average diameter, reposes on the 
swamps, which are about nine feet above the marshes of 
the sea shore, which swamps descend gradually towards 
the marshes until they are confounded together. Jt must 
be remarked, that I am alluding to a distance up the Mis- 
sissippi equal to 215 miles from its mouth, (Baton Rouge,) 
where, as we ascend, the first high land begins on the right 
hand; on the left, the first high lands are at the mouth of 
the St. Francis, or 7 miles below, although the grand val- 
ley is intersected several times below the St. Francis, by 
the high lands of Sicily Island, between the Wachitta and 
the Mississippi, which are not visible from the banks of this 

Drift Wood. 

Before I speak of that immense valley, which covers an 
area of upwards of thirty-five thousand miles,* of which 
one-third belongs to the territory of Missouri, I must re- 
mark that, by what has been exposed of the Mississippi 
river, it is evident that whatever once escaped from its 
banks, never returns to them again; hence, we could form 
an idea of the enormous beds of timber, leaves, and other 
substances, which are assembled below the surface of the 
_ valley mentioned above, provided we could know how long 
the Mississippi has been floating them into the lower coun- 
try. This inference we might found upon the quantity that 
we see going, without inierruption, into the Achafalaya, 
where several hundred miles are converted into solid rafts 


* The bed of the Mississippi oceupied formeriv, the actual bed of St. 
Francis, and the hills at the moath of this river, then were at the mouth of 
the Ohio. The old bed of the Mississippi is at Cape la Cruz, six miles be- 
tow Cape Girardeau; and now, since the Ohio and Mississippi have united ; 
in time of high water, the Mississippi, following the high lands of Black 
river, and those of Arkansas, covers all that bottom, and, after crossing 
White river, overflows a great part of Wachitta, then all the low lands be- 
iween itself and Apnelousas, and Atacapas and all its swamps, and that of 
Achafalaya. It thus covers an area of thirty-five thousand miles, offering a 
great surfaee to the action of the atmosphere, which evaporates nearly as 
much water, as what empties itself out of the mouth of the river. This 
causes the mouth of this river to be so narrow in proportion to the extent 
of its dimensious. 

Vor.: 1ff.....No. 1. a 

18 Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, &c. 

of wood. ‘These rafts of wood, in the course of every two 
or three years, disappear under the sand and leaves. » This 
operation alternately removes the bed of the Achafalaya 
sometimes four or five miles to the east, or two or three to 
the west, but more commonly towards the east. On this 
side, it has gained more than 10 miles already, since it-has 
‘become an outlet of the Mississippi; indeed, in its length, it 
will soon fall into this river, and bring its ne lower down; 
for it is evident that the Achafalaya was formerly the outlet 
of Red river, whose actual confluence with the Mississippi 
is two and three quarters of a mile from the mouth of the 
Achafalaya. When this was joined to the Red river, it 
formed a separate stream, running parallel to the Mississippi, 
without any communication. This communication has howev- 
er taken place in consequence of the encroachment of the 
Mississippi, whose bed constantly gains on one bank or the 
other, substitutmg, on the opposite side, glarle and sand, 
(what is called sand beach,) and thus forming bars, some of 
which are one mile broad, and from three to five miles long. 
T will now return to the drift wood accumulated in the 
Achafalaya. Lest any one should hear with incredulity of 
the enormous quantity of wood spread over the country 
which that river every year inundates, I will give an abstract — 
of my observations, made in 1812. Having landed at the 
mouth of this river, when it was at its fullest, | was surprised 
at the quantity of wood leaping perpetually into the shoot. 
{ then counted the large trees entering the river, in a g'ven 
ume, which I found te produce more than eight thousand 
cubic feet per minute. The estimation, I am satistied, was 
rather below than above the fact; but if we even reduce 
this estimate to less than one half, we shall be astonished te 
find what a surface of country such an accumulation of timber 
will cover in twenty-four hours, particularly, when we con- 
sider how much space large trees will occupy with their 
limbs and roots. ‘The Alene: will observe, that I have 
omitted to estimate the leaves, bark, reeds, &c. whose uni- 
ted quantity is, probably, equal to that of the wood 3 nel- 
ther have I included the sediment of the muddy water, as 
discharged from the mouth of the Mississippi river, which 
proved, “according to several elaborate experiments whieh E 
formerly made, to be equal to thirty-six cubic miles annually. 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, &c. 19 

I will give a few more examples of this kind, before Lb 
change the subject; for L consider it to be of great impor- 
tance. I will leave, for the observation of the Mississippi 
navigators, the beds of drift wood collected on the heads of 
the Islands, which they pass in coming down the Ohio, and 
more particularly the Mississippi. I will, therefore, advert to 
the large raft of the Red river, which is sixty miles in length, 
and, in many places, fifteen in breadth. On this, in some 
places, cedars are heaped by themselves, and in others, 
pines. At the foot of a hill, where nothing else grows, the 
flood sweeps them into a pile, where they are matted to- 
gether, with their leaves, and with the pods or capsules of 
their seeds, forming the most compact kind of rafts. If these 
leaves ever enter into fermentation, or any other decompo- 
sition, this must certainly produce bituminous substances 
in great quantity; whilst the other kinds of wood mixed 
likewise, by the same cause, with a very large proportion of 
minute vegetables, may produce other bituminous bodies in 
-gmaller quantity; but I conceive that mineral coal would be 
formed in greatest abundance, as the rafts of mixed wood 
are inexhaustible. 

In this raft of the Red river, numerous small streams are 
seen to disappear under the raft, and show themselves again, 
after having passed several miles under the surface, and un-~ 
der the sand banks, which are, probably, part of the raft 
buried under the sand.* 

_* This account being communicated in MS. to N. A. Ware, Esq. an in- 
telligent and scientific gentleman, from Alabama, he gave me the following 
opinion of the statement of facts— Editor. 



Mr. Bringier’s estimate of the drift, and his account of the extent of the 
raft in the Achafalaya, ismuch too large. Darby, in his Emigrant’s Guide, 
gives the best accouut of it: to which I refer you, pp. 15,52, 53, and 54. 

Darby’s account, as far as regards the state of Louisiana, is very minufe, 
and very correct, in the aforesaid work; and is the best accouut extant.t 

+ The passages referred to by Mr. Ware, are as follows: ‘ This river (the 
Achafalaya) exhibits the singular spectacle of being choked with timber, 
brought by the floods from the Mississippi. Some extraordinary facts have 
been published respecting this mass of timber, sucn as being suificiently 
compact to admit of horses and men passing, as on a bridge; of having 
large trees growing upon it, and finally, of having been passed unperceived. 
The falsity of this the author can aver from his own personal observa- 

20 = Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, &c. 

The following circumstance will show what influence 
rafts have on the alluvial soils of such rivers as this. 

Earthquakes and Eruptions. - 

ets) } 

On the sixth day of January, 1812, during the earth- 
quakes* which destroyed New-Madrid, and which were 
felt two hundred miles around, I happened to be passing in 
its neighbourhood, where the principal shock took place. 
The violence of the earthquake having disturbed the earthy 
strata impending over the subterraneous cavities, existing 
probably in an extensive bed of wood, highly carbonized, 
occasioned the whole superior mass to settle. This, press- 

T have seen the oil stone for hones and tools, mentioned by Mr. B. as 
foand on the Quichita—it is no doubt better than those brought from Tur- 
key. Ihave always heard the same account of the Quichita, that he gives 
inrerard to ifs minerals. [never heard of the cinnabar or quicksilver ore, 
ef which he speaks; but there is no doubt at all, of the salt rock abounding 
on the Arkansas ; and of the salt sterilizing the soil, and mixing its erystals 
through large plains. The large piece of pure iron, weight near three thou- 
sand, which he speaks of, was displayed in New-Orleans, and is now, as you 
know, in New-York; it was found as he describes. Ihave often heard of 
the abundance of marble, which he mentions as being on the White river; 
and Lhave heard that the same river ran over a bed of green marble for filty 
miles. ] have no doubt of the granite or primitive mountains, on the Ar- 

kansas, and neighborhood. 

tion, having surveyed the right bank of the river, on all the parts where the 
vafts are lodged. Men may pass in many places, but in none without diffi- 
culty and danger. The timber rises and falls with the water; is continu- 
ally shifting; lies in all directions, having large interstices open, and fre- 
quently moves in a body, from the weight of the incumbent mass. It is 
about twenty miles from the upper to the lower extremity of the raft, ten 
miles only of this isactually closed with timber,” pp. 52. 

There are other rafts mentioned by Mr. Darby, but none so large. Mr. 
Darby’s book was published in 1818; and Mr. Bringier’s visit to the 
Achafalaya was in 1812. Whether the rafts had-actually diminished since 
this period, or in what way we are to reconcile the accounts, we cannot at 
present discern; even Mr. Darby’s account is however sufficiently won- 
derful._— Editor. iS ite 

* Several autbors have asserted that earthquakes proceed from volcanic 
causes, but although this may be often true, the earthquake alluded to bere, 
must have had another cause. Time, perbaps, will give us some better 
ideas as to the origin of these extraordinary phenomena. It is probable, 
that they are produced, in different instances, by different causes, and that 
electricity is one of them; the shocks of the earthquake of Louisiana, in 
1812, produced emotions and sensations much resembling those of a strong 
galvanic battery. It will, perhaps, be pertinent to observe, that this earth- 
quake took place after a long succession of very heavy rains, such as had 
never been seen before in that country.. 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, &e. 21 

ing with all its weight upon the water that had filled the low- 
er cavities, occasioned a displacement of this fluid, which 
forced its passage through, blowing up the earth with loud 
explosions. It rushed out in all quarters, bringing with it 
an enormous quantity of carbonized wood, reduced mostly 
into dust, which was ejected to the height of from ten to 
fifteen feet, and fell in a black shower, mixed with the sand 
which its rapid motion had forced along; at the same time, 
the roaring and whistling produced by the impetuosity of the 
air escaping from its confinement, seemed to increase the 
horrible disorder of the trees which ev ery where encount- 
ered each other, being blown up, cracking and splitting, and 
falling by thousands at atime. In the mean time, the sur- 
ie was sinking, and a black liquid was rising up to the bel- 
ly of my horse, who stood motionless, struck with a panic 
of terror. 

These oceurrences occupied nearly two minutes; the 
irees, shaken in their foundation, kept falling here and there, 
and the whole surface of the country remained covered with 
holes, which, to compare small things with great, resembled 
so many craters of volcanoes, surrounded with a ring of \ 
carbonized wood and sand, which rose to the height of about 
seven feet. 

I had occasion, a few months after, to sound the depth of 
several of these holes, and found them not to exceed twenty 
feet; but I must remark the quicksand had washed into 
them. The country here was formerly perfectly level, and 
covered with numerous small prairies of various sizes, dis- 
persed through the woods. Now it is covered with slaches 
(ponds) and sand hills or mounticules, which are found prin- 
cipally where the earth was formerly the lowest; probably 
because, in such places, the water broke through with more 

A circumstance worth noticing, was a tendency to car- 
bonization, that I perceived in all the vegetable substances 
soaking in the ponds produced by these eruptions. It was 
about seven months after the event had taken place, that I 
had occasion to make these remarks, on the spot before 
mentioned. The same earthquake produced a lake between 
St. Francis and Little Prairie, distant twenty-seven miles 
from the Mississippi river. This lake much resembles the 
Big lake on Red river, inasmuch as the trees are standing 
upright in all of them, and sunk about thirty feet when the 

22 Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, &c. 

water ishigh. They are all evidently modern lakes, whose 
beds were, not long since, part of the forest. . 

Fossil Remains of the Mastodon. 

On the same voyage, I saw, in New-Madrid, a Mam- 
moth grinder, which had just been found by one Francais 
Lesieur. Along with it were several other teeth belonging 
to the same jaw—it was found about three miles below the 
village, on the banks of the Mississippi, but it was very 
damp and very soft.* This kind of fossil is frequently met 
with on the porphyry ridges bordering, in many places, a 
portion of the grand valley whichis included in the state of 
Missouri. | 

Between White river and Strawberry river are three par- 
allel porphyry ranges, running circularly from the west to 
the north east; the three mountains are twenty-eight miles 
across, and seem to have been above water, when the whole 
eountry around was covered by the ocean. The south- 
west side presents a large undulating valley of basalts, 
amongst which are some calcareous stones that may be de- 
nominated marbles. : 

‘At the foot of the before mentioned mountain, was an 
elephant or mammoth’s tooth (or grinder) of an enormous 
‘size; it was fully twice as large as the largest I had seen be- 
fore at Big-Bonelick. A great quantity of these fossils are 
there gathered in a small compass, and this collection was 
doubtless occasioned by the appetite which these animals 
had for the salt. Attracted by the water that oozes in these 
“marshy places, they were evidently mired when they ven- 
tured too far in, and of course, the struggles of the last one 
would sink the bones of his predecessor still deeper. Thus 
these collections are easily accounted for, although at first, 
it seems very strange to see these bones accumulated, like 
those of some of the extinct Indian tribes in the west. ‘The 
srinder which I discovered, was perfectly preserved in its 
shape, and converted into a siliceous petrification, repre- 
senting milk white jasper, variegated with beautiful colours. 
It was incrusted by a solid block of porphyry, which the de- 
structive hand of time had worn away to such a degree, 

* Its weight is mentioned in the text as being, if we could read it correct- 
ty, eleven to seven ounces—but this could hardly be the correct meaning. 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, §e.. 23 

that it projected like a tooth in its own alveolage. By 
breaking a piece from one corner, the enamel and the lay- 
ers of the tooth soon became visible, so that there could be 
no doubt as to what it was. 

I examined the block of aanahaty attentively, and think 
I could discern some osseous forms; the bones appeared to 
be in their full size, and, like the grinder, converted into 
jasper; but it was of a more dull colour, and not so hard, 
and resembled indurated clay. The other component parts 
were clay, feldspar, and quartz, and some other things not 


I will next describe the marbles found in those hills al- 
ready mentioned, which are situated in a portion of the 
territory of Missouri, known by the name of Laurence 

The kind that is most abundant is a brick coloured mar- 
ble, with brown stripes, (resembling the Italian Roso di 
Monte Catini.) ‘The nextisa plain flesh coloured marble, 
(Rosso di Caldona.) A white and black marble, 1 is the fet 
that occurs at the foot of the ridges; it is a most beautiful va- 
riety, (Nero, y Bianco Antico. y I have found many other 
varieties in the branches of the creeks, but have not discov- 
ered the quarries. The kinds first mentioned, are found in 
great plenty. The first covers more than 50 miles of sur- 
face. ‘The land is extremely fertile in the places where the 
Marble lies, buried in two or three feet of loam. This is 
particularly true on the bottoms of a great number of 
streams which abound in this country, and are produced by 
large springs flowing every where. ‘The growth is black- 
walnut, hickory, mulberry, sassafras very large, white oak, 
cherry, &c. Where the rocks are above the vegetable 
earth, nothing is seen for miles, except now and then a few 
wild gooseberry bushes. ‘These quarries generally exhibit 
level surfaces of a tolerable height. 

Other Mineral Preduetions. 

Mark of several varieties cover a great portion of this ex- 
tensive country. In the south, swine stone, impregnated 
with bitumen, is very plenty: and in the nerth, another ya- 

24 Bringer on the Region of the Mississippi, &c. 

riety (which is a non-descript) covers extensive vallies, upon 
which the pieces are scattered in piles, that are from three to 
four feet in diameter, and two in height. The colour pre- 
sents different shades of gray: the texture is earthy, although 
in seme places exhibiting a chatoyant knob of various col- 
ours, having some resemblance to the cat’s eye. ‘These 
colours are produced by the reflection of small prismatic 
crystals, filling up the places which had been left empty by 
some other enbstanece: that must have expanded them- 
selves, and occasioned the protuberances on the stone, and 
the alteration of its composition, which is in these places 
siliceous, resembling transparent white flint. This peculiar 
appearance, however, confounds itself with the great mass 
within an inch from the central point, which is very hard, 
giving fire with steel. It is composed of calcareous, sili- 
ceous, and a little portion of argillaceous earth, besides me- 
tallic substances, for some are striped with black veins like 
marbles, with which it might well compare. 

While I speak of non- -descript objects, or at least of what 
I have seen described no where, I will mention a stone re- 
sembling granite, although it is no granite, which is found 
ten anlee south of Baisses ford, St. Francis river, on the 
road from Laurence court house to St. Michal. The beau- 
ty of this stone exceeds any thing that I had seen before. 
The quarry is inexhaustible, and Aodke of any SIZe, from 
one to a thousand feet, may be got, precisely alike in every 
part. This is composed of pure transparent prismatic crys- 
tals, of the size of grains of wheat, cemented with very 
black crystals of the same size and shape, without the ap 
pearance of any other mixture or colour. 

Not far from that place, has been found sulphuret of anti- 
‘mony, and is said to be in great quantity ; but I receive this 
fact on the report of others. : 

Lead Mines. 

_A few miles north of St. Michal, is the mine Lamotte, a 
celebrated place where an immense quantity of lead ore 
was formerly dug. ‘This ore is the common galena, having, 
as usual, the colour of lead ;. it erystalizes in small cubes. 
Its: fracture i is foliated, and it soils the paper when rubbed 
on, leaving a metals lustre. It affords from seventy to 

Bringier on the Region of the ee Se. 25 

eighty-six per cent. of lead; and this lead is said to have 
afforded one per cent. of silver. But the other lead mines, 
now working near Herculaneum and St. Genevieve, produce 
only one-fourth per cent. which is not separated, as it would 
not defray the expences. 

The galena or lead ore is found disseminated in blocks of 
different sizes, at a depth of about nine feet, covered with a 
stratum of seven feet, composed of rubbish, very much de- 
composed, and strongly impregnated with oxid of iron, 
under which, large blocks and small pieces of what Walle- 
rius calls Corneus Trapezius, are found intermixed in about 
equal proportion with white selenitic spar, (sulphat of Ba- 
rytes, Ed.) in pieces of about the same size, buried in the 
rubbish before mentioned with the ore, which generally 
adheres to some of the spar. , 

The workmen dig only at random. Some are fortunate, 
and will dig, on an extraordinary occasion, two thousand 
pounds a days when another will not dig fifty pounds. At 
mine Chobohdllay,* the workmen who lease, each of them, 
so many square yards per week or per day, all work on 
their own account, and sell their ore at two dollars per hun- 
dred, to the founderers, who are proprietors of the mineral 
land. ‘The ore issimply piled on a few logs of wood, which 
reduces all the metal it can, and the cinders (since a few 
years only) are put afterwards into an air furnace, where 
_ they are reduced into slags, after yielding another little por- 
tion of the lead remaining in the scorias. The ore of this 
mine yields generally eighty per cent. of lead. 

To the north of mine Chobohdllay, the whole face of the 
country exhibits indications of metals. In 1812 I had ga- 
thered numerous specimens while merely crossing the coun- 
try. Unfortunately they all went under a raft, with my boat, 
below Cape Girardeau, as I was descending the Mississip- 
pi. I would advise adventurers to explore the mountains 
between the waters of St. Francis, high up near its sources, 
and near and even above the head waters of Big and Little 
Black river, Between these waters and White river are 
very extensive salt petre caves, where great quantities of ni- 
trate of potash could be extracted. Lead mines are very 

* A Choctaw namie for St.Francis river, upon the head of which this 
mine is-situated : it means Ci taken from oca chohohéllay, smokey wa- 

Vous TH.....No.-b. 4 

26 Bringwer on. the Region of the Mississippi, &e. 

abundant 5 ieaoe exhibit much variety, and the apne 
relate that are a variety of other minerals. 

Tron Ores. 

Iron ores of several varieties are found in great quantity, 
between the currents and White river. The Wachitta, eigh- 
teen miles below the hot spring, affords, in a place called 
the cove, five points of hills, where the very richest 1 iron ore 
is gathered in enormous heaps; it yields the best of Iron. 

Some cellular brownish red ore, which occurs in very large 
bodies, and mineralized by about thirty per cent. of oxigen, 
is likewise found in this cove, and in many other places, 
particularly on the north side of the mouth of Little Mis- 
souri, (a fork of Wachitta.) 

About one hundred and fifty miles up this Little ‘Miscowe 
river, there are inexhaustible quarries of sulphate of lime, 
of several varieties; it is likewise found in the cove, within 
two hundred yards of the magnetic iron ore. Above the 
ore, and not one hundred yards off, is an extensive bed of 
common talc, (mica? Ed.) the leaves are of an extraordinary 
size, not less than five inches by seven. 

Cove of Wachitta. . 

The Cove of Wachitta is formed by a circular mountain, 
shaped like a horse shoe. This mountain consists of spar- 
ry iron stone and heavy spar; it encloses an area of nine 
miles of surface of very fertile soil, traversed with two 
very fine streams fed by numerous springs. In this valley 
there are trees of an enormous size, and of a very great va- 
riety. This cove faces on the Wachitta river, and offers a 
charming perspective. It is surrounded with pitch pines of 
the extraordinary height of one hundred and sixty feet. 

Clays, Hones, &c. 

This valley atiords all kinds of earths of the very best 
quality for every kind of furnaces and crucibles, for glass 
manufactories and iron founderies. There is petumze or 
kaolin of a very superior quality, for por celain. Materials 
for glass are equally good and plenty. A quarry of ra- 
zor hones (Lapis Coticularis of Waillerius) has been opened 
for several years past within a few miles from this place ; : 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississtppi, &c. | 27 

and the hones have been found so good in the States, to 
which four hundred pounds were taken last year, that the 
same man who discovered the quarry is now loading a flat 
boat with them. He sold the first at one and two dollars 
per pound. Those taken out of the lower strata are of a 
coarser grain, and are found by the carpenters who use 
them much superior to those imported from Turkey. 
Some are red, some of a flesh colour, others transparent 
with a ereyish blue cast. They have a sparry texture ; 
they seem to be an aggregate of siliceous argillaceous and 
magnesian earths, with a little oxid of iron. 

Salt, Sand Hills, &c. 

_On the opposite side, I mean six miles below the cove, 
{the hone quarry is above the cove) there is a salt work; 
it makes a great quantity of salt, which is sold at one 
dollar per bushel. They could make any quantity, the wa- 
ter is so far saturated that it yields one fifteenth of salt; but 
there are salt springs on the Arkansas that yield one sixth 
of salt; and higher still there are streams of a sufficient size 
for a boat to navigate in, coming out of a lake called lake 
Jefferson, which is a saturated alien of salt. This water 
is of a bright red, taking its colour from cinnabar or quick- 
silver mines, which are very plenty on the Canadian. 
Large blocks of rock salt of the same colour are found in the 
crevices of the mountains eastward of these lakes. ‘There 
are three in arange; their beds are a solid mass of muriate 
of soda, and beyond them are immense plains where the 
eye beholds nothing but naked hills of light flat sand, mix- 
ed with the fragments of snails, and perhaps marine shells 
pulverised like wheat bran. These hills move about ac- 
cording as the wind directs them, sometimes eight or ten 
miles or more at a time. ‘They are impassable; one would 
sink in them as in ashes. 

The north side of the Arkansas exhibits a prairie coun- 
try aang all the characters of a mineral region.* 

*Tt is inhabited by innumerable herds of Buffaloes, wild horses, wild goats, 
(Berindos) prairie wolves and common ones. There are also, it is said, pral- 
rie dogs, called by some republican dogs, on account ot their living in large 
families, and having, according to popular impression, watciies placed round 
their encampment. They burrow under ground, and when they come out 
of their holes, which they always evacnate in a body when the sentrics 

28 Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, Se. 

Other facts respecting the Cove of Wachitta. 

Since I was at the Cove of Wachitta, ] understand that 
an Indian has found a piece of native copper of the size and 
shape of an ear of Indian corn. He melted and doubtless 
used the copper, for some of the Cherokees on the Arkan- 
‘gas are tolerable silver-smiths. Pyrites is found here in 
abundance, so is native copperas, or vitriol; this forms a 
component part of some veins running through a large | 
bed of a milk white and apparently talcose earth, which the 
blow pipe, even when aided by borax, does not affect. - 

Burr Jill Stones. 

On the hills surrounding the Cove there are among the 
Spathose iron stone, and the fibrous and compact heavy 
spar, some of the siliceous stones with which the French Burr 
mill stones are made. They are pronounced by a good 
judge to be of a superior quality; this person caused to be 
cut, from a solid block, a pair of stones twenty-two inches 
in diameter. 

Alum Slate. 

Twenty four miles from the Cove between that and the 
Arkansas, one hundred yards to the left of the road, after 
erossing the third fork of the Saline river, and immediately 
on its banks, there is an acclivity leading to a perpencicular 
wall of about one hundred feet in height; this is composed of 
a black slate, (aluminous shistus) rather inclining in its posi- 
tion. The observer, on removing a few of the loose slates 
under his feet, will discover the upper surface of many thou- . 
sand tons of Alum. It is the kind called Feather Alum 
(plumose alum.—Ed.) it is in large light cakes, matted in with 
some pieces of slates and composed of long needle shaped 
erystals of a bright whitish hue, between that of silver and silk 

perceive any thing, they bark or make a kiad of clapping noise, on which 
account they have been referred to the canine tribe, although they appear 
to resemble them in no respect: but, what I know of them ts only by hear- 
say. Ihave however seen their stamping ground, and their boles, which 
appeared to be very deep. For this reason travellers can never catch them, 
and rarely even get sight of them, except a few beaver trappers who venture 
thus far with their traps, which they set at the entrance ofthe holes. By 
what I understood from the information which I have received, they ap- 
peared to resemble the weasel more than any other animal, although they 
are larger and have along snout.* ~ 

* See Pike’s Journal. 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, &c. 28 

Hot Springs. 

The hot springs of Wachitta have proved to be the most 
efficacious thermal waters in the United States. Their repu- 
tation, particularly in one disease, bas undoubtedly reached 
the most remote ‘corner of our country it is much to be 
regretted that visitors find no accommodations When 
I was at these springs, there were two hundred and eighty 
persons. A number had come more than one thousand 
miles from home; but they all appeared to suffer for want 
of accommodation, provisions, &c. for, in fact, they had 
none of the comforts which they ought to have had. Stull, 
notwithstanding, every year about the same number of per- 
sons come hither, and they generally return weil. The heat 
of the water is 192° of Fahrenheit ; there are about thirty 
springs ; ; two are about forty feet above the level of the oth- 
er springs ; the water in those is ny, 186°. They issue out 
of a bed of fibrous heavy spar* which some travellers have 
taken for a volcanic production, but I could see no trace of 
any such agency. Some sulphur which is seen in the pores 
of the spar, in some places mixed with a metallic substance 
which I took to be iron, has been deposited by the water, 
but it is not volcanic sulphur. Indeed, the country is well 
known for more than five hundred miles around, and no . 
signs of burning voleanoeshave beenseen. ‘There seems to 
be little or no foreign matter dissolved in this water, for it 
has no peculiarity of taste whatever, and is generally made 
use of for tea, and indeed for all culinary uses; besides be- 
ing drunk when it is cold enough. Still there are good 
springs of water flowing down the hill, after issuing from 
the earth not two hundred yards from the hot springs. All 
the springs together will, with ten feet head, yield a supply 
of water equal to eight inches square, and perhaps more. 
They are seated between two hills, running parallel, joining 
together in the shape of the letter U, and forming a valley. 
whieh is very level. The stream of the springs flows to- 
wards the eastern wall, where it extends for one quarter of 
a mile, in all that extent receiving the springs, besides the 
very high ones mentioned before s there are a few, four or 
five feet above the branch; the others are quite low. 

*'Probably fibrous salphate of barytes—possibly fibrous sulphate of Lime. 

30  Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, Yc. 

Soil, Productions, &c. 

CONE first sight, the country about the hot springs ‘appears 
poor, being composed principally of pine lands; but expe- 

rience has” proved, that the pine flats, which are very ex-’ 

tensive, produce the best of wheat, and cotton of a superior 
quality. ‘The soil produces, moreover, the majority of the 
other productions cultivated in that climate; a great quanti- 
ty and variety of grapes, of an exquisite ‘quality, and as 
large as musket balls, are found in the woods. 

The extensive surrounding country is populating rapidly, 

in spite of the repeated orders which have been given to the — 

settlers to move out of that region. Emigrants daily pass 
over the Arkansas, and they count already, upward of 3000 
individuals spread, since three years, about the springs Four- 
che Cadeau, Little Missouri prairie aux nes, Mount prai- 
rie, (a thick settlement,) and Pacane point, wane Red riv- 
er, above the rafts. 

Indian Nations—their Manners, §e. 

A small party of Cherokee Indians, amounting to about 
forty, likewise went over the Arkansas last year, to form a 
settlement on the Red river; they are increasing every day 
by the accession of dissatisfied persons livmg on “the Arkan- 
sas; they will probably, all pass over there before long 5, and 
_ claim both the country they will have im possession, and 
that which has been given to them by treaty, in enonaiige 
for some of their lands in Tennessee. 

Nearly all the country, lying between thé Canadian river 
to the west, the Red river to the south, the Wachitta to the 
east, and Arkansas to the north, is. claimed by a small rem- 
nant of a once formidable nation of Indians, called the Ar- 
kansas or Quawpaws, (from Ogaghspagh floating with the 
current or down stream.) They pretend to have come down 
the Ohio about five generations ago, and at the confluence 
of that river, as some wanted to go up the Mississippi, and 
others to descend the river, they “divided into two parties : 
these came down stream as far as the mouth of Arkansas, 
which they ascended about thirty miles to the first prairies; 
the others ascended the Mississippi and the Missouri. They 
are the Mawpaws settled below the river Kansas. They 
understand each other perfectly well, ‘The Osages are said 


Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, Fe. 31 

to have sprung from these, and their language differs very — 
little from that of the other two. All three tribes abound 
with tall, well-proportioned, and large men. Both in their 
physical and moral faculties, they are much superior to all 
the other tribes of Indians inhabiting North America. 
Amongst the Osages, there are some unsubordinated strag- 
glers, who now and then commit depredations abroad, but in 
their villages, as in those of the other two tribes, a stranger 
is in more security than he would be in any civilized city. 
Their hospitality exceeds all bounds; they act as if nothing 
was their own, and the best way to please them, is to refuse 
nothing from them. When a trader stops his boat on the 
Arkansas, at the landing place, forty-six miles from their vil- 
lage, they immediately send people to transport his goods 
to the village; they unload the boat themselves; station a 
suard to take care of the empty boat, sometimes for four 
months; and they pack the goods themselves, disputing the 
privilege of lodging the people of the boat, whom they di+ 
vide among them. The merchant is reserved for the princi- 
pal chief, who gives him a warrior to guard his person and his 
eoods, besides many other attentions, which, with delicate al- 
though unpolished courtesy, he pays to his guest, who receives 
every day, a large wooden bow! full of provisions, from every 
one of the principal cabins of the village. ‘The bowls con- 
tain smoked pumpkins, cut in slices and plated together; 
sweet corn which they boil when green, and dry in the sun; 
buffaloe’s dry meat, and bear’s meat, or fresh venison and 
turkeys. All the other Indian tribes, except these Osages, 
aat beaver; the latter have a tradition, by which they pre- 
tend to have sprung from a female beaver and a snake. 
They, like most of the other tribes, believe in the metem- 
sychosis; they revere a Supreme Being, whom they call 
Kaykay, (great Chief,) to whom they always present the 
best piece in the dish, which they bury in the fire before 
they eat. ‘They have a great veneration for old people, for 
the use of whom the first choice of their provision is put 
aside. When the whole village united, surrounds a herd of 
buffaloes, by making a double fence, with their own bodies, 
so as to encircle sometimes forty or fifty of these animals, 
two or three men on horseback pursue the animals within 
the circle with their bows and arrows, (for they never kill a 
buffalee with a gun,) and when all are killed they first select 

32 Bringier on ihe Region of the Mississippi, &e- 

the fattest for the old people, and ge + Santini is eg 
among all the others. 

They have prophets, whom they all Aires they pro- 
phesy many absurdities, which they pretend are communi- 
cated to them by messengers of the Great Spirit, with whom 
they can converse when they are in a profound sleep, occa- 

stoned by a certain somniferous beverage, which they know 

how to prepare. They are very adroit in playing a number 
of tricks which, to the Indians, appear to be of a very seri- 
ous nature, and some of them would ‘surprise our own show 
masters. ‘The most extraordinary isa secret they pretend 
to have, of a composition which preserves them altogether 
from the action of fire. After anointmg their hands with 
this composition, which leaves no mark on the hand, they 
take hold of large stones red hot,* which, even at arm’s 
length, would burn any other. person. Phe acid of a kind 
of prickly ash ROG GO), enters intothe composition; that 
is all I could find out. ‘They likewise expose threads on a 
round siliceous stone, in the fire; they do not burn—but 
this was known before: all silex has that property. © The 
rounder the stones are, the better they preserve the threads, 
and if they are perfectly round they preserve them entirely. 
T have seen also, several in the possession of some of the 
French hunters on the Arkansas, which have manifested 
ie property. 

_ The Osage prophets are likewise their physicians, 

The Osage village on the Verdigris river, contains about 

two hundred and fifty lodges or cabins, of about forty feet 

by eighteen or twenty, placed with little regularity: some 
ate built with bar ks, and others with upright poles; they are 
all nicely covered with plated flags. The village stands in 
-a handsome and fertile prairie, a hee weeds grow twelve or 
fourteen feet high. . 
Near this village there are three beautiful mounis, which 
may be cighty or one hundred feet high; the surface of one 
is perfectly level, and is more than 150 yards in diameter. 
‘The rest of the country, for a great distance round, is almost 
level.» The mounts afford ihre fine springs, which yield 
good pure water, although the country is a calcareous one. 

* Mr. Bringier does not inform us, whether he received this from hear- 
say 3 he relates it with the air of be lief, but possibly he meant it only as an 
example of legerdemain, where one thing appears to be done; and qnite a 
different one 7s done. —Euitor. 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, §c. 33 
oa Salt Springs. 

Fifteen miles from the village, is the saline which yields 
ihe water that gives one-sixth of salt. One Herhart had 
put up about thirty kettles on that spring. 

Historical Anecdote. 3 

But last year the Cherokees persuaded a number of other 
iribes to join them, and destroy the Osages, in order to take 
their rich possessions, (for these prairies afford the most fer- 
tile lands in the United States;) but they were deceived in 
their expectations. Six hundred and fifty of them, after 
committing the most atrocious act towards a flag of truce, 
sent to them by the Osages, were defeated by three hundred 
and fifty Osages, whom they had even surprised in the night ; 
butreturned home shamefully beaten,after butchering ninety- 
six women and children whom they traced into a cave, where 
ihey had hid-themselves. As the Herhart mentioned be- 
fore, had committed a murder in the Indiana territory, the 
Cherokees threatened to deliver him to the governor, if he 
did not draw the Osages into their ambuscade. ‘To effect 
this object, he did his best; but the Osages mistrusting the 
propositions of the Cherokees, which Herhart was charged 
to interpret, refused to come and treat for peace without 
arms, as they were requested to do. One warrior said he 
would go, and followed Herhart; as he arrived, the Cherokees 
fell on him, and while they were disputing who should have 
the honour of killing a defenceless wretch, having already 

several spears through his body, ‘ Finish your deed,” (said 
he:) ‘my death, justifying the opinion we had of your ‘ ca-_ 
nardiere’,* will manifest the wisdom of our old men.” 

The Osages. 

The Osages on the Verdegris, may amount to about four- 
teen hundred altogether : and they had, in this last engage- 
ment, all the men they could or can muster. It is said that 
the White Hare village, on the Osage river, the Missouri 
two villages, and the band de la Chenierre, amount. to a 

* Decoy—ambush. 

+ Herhart, since that time. hav abandoned his salt warke 

Von. UL.....No. 1. 45 

34 Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, &c. 
population of two thousand souls, including two small new 
villages on the head of the Verdegris. They all cultivate 
{ndian corn and pumpkins, in one field common to all and 
not fenced in; none but the women work in these fields, 
which are about half an acre for each woman. All their 
tools consist in one hoe, and a large tomahawk. 

The Osage women are generally very homely, which 
must be attributed to their hard labour. 

A man may have as many wives as he can obtain; these 
mayleave their husband when they please, and the man, on 
his part, can repudiate his wife, but if she belongs to a fami- 
ly of consideration, he is liable to have an explanation with 
the men belonging to it. The Osages have no other law 
but the law of nature; the law of the strongest. If they 
commit a murder, they must submit to the law of retaliation, 
or redeem themselves with one hundred fathoms of wam- 
pum beads,* presented to the nearest friends of the mur- 
dered, who are the only ones who pursue them. The Osa- 
ges are very faithful. There is no instance of any trader 
having lost, in consequence of the credit given to them. 
When necessity or bad fortune obliges them to postpone 
their payment to another succeeding hunt, they are always 
found to be punctual. They are sober, and never take 
spirituous liquors. Their wealth consists in horses which 
they possess in great numbers. 


But what a dreadful contrast is presented by the Chero- 
kees, who possess all the vices which the Osages have not, 
and not one of their good qualities. I have witnessed so 
many infamous acts of these half civilized savages, thai 
Trevolted at the idea of tracing them. Did they not rob 
three out of four boats with force and arms last year? Did 
they not, about the same time, in several instances, murder 
their own friends while drinking with them, and when show- 
ing no spite a’minute before? Did they not dismount a 
number of travellers, and send them on foot when they did 
not murder them? Can their neighbours keep any horses 
or cattle? Have they ever paid a cent entrusted to them, 

* Beads made in Canada of clam shells.» 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, Ge, 35 

except what the United States paid out of their annuity? 
Was there ever one seen sober, where spirituous liquors 
could be got? Is there any hospitality amongst the Chero- 
kees? No! I will dispense with answering the first ques- 
tions; but I will warn the travellers, who should happen to 
cross their settlement on the Arkansas, to be on their guard 
wherever they incamp; otherwise they are sure to be left 
on foot next morning, unless their horses should be of very 
little consequence. In that case, an officious fellow will of- 
fer himself to go and hunt the horses, sometimes for as much 
as they are worth,* and he will always be sure to find them 
where the thieves had left them under the care of another 
Cherokee, often fifteen and twenty miles out of the way. 
They are haughty and deceitful to the last degree, and, in 
one word, completely perverted. It is true that these Cher- 
okees on the Arkansas, are those who have been driven 
away, and have fled from the old nation on the Tennessee 
river, (with whom I am not acquainted.) However, it is 
notorious that all the Indian tribes in a state of civilization, 
within the limits of the United States, are extremely cor- 
rupted, whilst those under the Spanish iron rod, are mild, 
and possess no other vices, en eps those inseparable from 

Indian Languages. 

Some may object that they can be of a different temper; 
but I will mention a circumstance, which evinces that there 
is no great difference between these very Cherokees, and 
the Othomite Indians in the province of Michioican,(in Mex- 
ico,) who, notwithstanding their great distance apart, speak 
nearly the same language, (at least I found much resem- 
blance with some words, and a perfect one with others, 
which I noted in a journal, whilst I was viewing the 
province of Michioican, which is mostly inhabited by the 
Othomite Indians, who are seldom found to speak Spanish.) 
As water is very scarce in those parts, I often had to en- 
quire where I could find some at hand for my horses; and 
very often I was presented with salt, instead of water. By 
making further inquiry, I found out that ama was water, and 

* They never Beree to zo out until they think you have given up ail 
hopes of finding them. 

36 =Bringuer on the Region of the Mississippi, &e. 

aman was salt. ‘These two words I was particular in setting 
down with their true pronunciation; and I found them, after 
I learned the Cherokee language, to correspond precisely 
to the same thing amongst them. The other words, which 
I was rather careless about, have some similar sounds; but 
every one knows how difficult it is to seize the oe 
tion of a dialect we do not understand. 

Cherokee, Naytaw, |Sellaw, earch Catouch, 
Othomite, |Noatsaw, Deghton, Chonoyay, Cahatoeh, 
English, !Sun, Corn, Night, Mountain, 

These are the common names which I find in my jour- 
nal, and if corn differs thus much, it is not improbable that 
they did not know that grain, before they left the source 
from which they both took their origin. Cahato, in Cher- 
okee, means bread, and cato means the earth, catouch- 
means mountain; and in Othomite, cahatogh means moun- 
tain, where we find resemblance in the sound, and with the 
word cato, the earth, and cahato, a loaf of bread; but I 
~ doubt whether they knew how to make bread before they 
knew corn. 

Dieression on the province of Michiwacan. 

Whilst I am adverting to the province of Michiwacan, (al- 
though it is far out of my present sphere,) I will add some- 
thing on that topic. 

In the province of Michiwacan, or from Tobuca to Sala- 
manca, and more particularly about Acambaro, to the west 
of lake Gasquaro, there is a number of thick veins of vit- 
reous lava, running in all directions. _ In some places they 
occur in large bodies, all shivered confusedly. This kind 
resembles perfectly, the glass of the English porter bottles; 
it is very compact; the Spaniards call it pedernal. If have 
seen it no where else, except some few small pieces used 
for arrow points, found in the numerous Indian mounds 
which cover the greatest part of these western countries. — 

Indian Mounds. 

They have a great resemblance to the old Mexican villa- 
ges, built with raw bricks of fourteen inches square, and 
covered with limbs, and turf on top, which, when moulder- 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, fe. 37 

ed down leaves a mound, such as a traveller is never out of 
sight of, from Red river to St. Louis, Missouri Territory. 
In this distance of about five hundred miles, in a breadth 
of, in some places, eighty, and in others, two hundred miles, 
and seldom more than three-quarters of an acre from each 
other, these mounds constantly occur; and, generally, they 
are symmetrically arranged. In all this extent, there are 
hardly two-thirds of the surface vacant. What an immense 
population must have inhabited these innumerable huts! 
‘hey all contain the ruins of human works; and many of 
them the bones of the inhabitants, and some cf their pro- 
ductions. ; 

On the banks of White river, where the earth had caved 
in, 1 found part of an earthen coffin, in which the neck 
bones and the scull were yet remaining; and on top of the 
_neck bone, as I dug to see what bone could be inserted thus 
in part of an earthen box, I found a parcel of pieces of 
bones cut round, and remaining on the neck in the exact po- 
sition in which they had been used as a necklace. They 
were pierced, but the string had entirely disappeared; they 
were the one-eighth of an inch thick, and three-fifths in di- 
ameter; and the bones of which they were made, were 
much better preserved than those of the skeleton. This, I 
was confident, did not belong to the modern tribes of In- 
dians which inhabit some parts of that country. I found 
among the clay, which rolled down from the same mound, 
several pieces of lead ore, (common galena,) which had 
been carried there. It is not uncommon to find this ore 
amongst human bones, throughout the whole country ; prob- 
ably they used trinkets made of lead, and this was a pro- 
vision for them to dress in the other world. 

Ancient Fortifications. 

There are several curious fortifications in these western 
countries ; but they are described by Clark, and Lewis, 
Capt. Pike, and others—except one within two miles from 
the banks of the Arkansas, and two miles and a half to the 
north of a base line, commencing at the mouth of St. Fran- 
cis river, latitude 35°, and running due west till it strikes 
ihe Arkansas, at a distance, across, of eighty-two miles and 
a-chalf, three hundred and twenty miles from its mouth, or 

38  Bringier on the Region of the Mississeppr, &c. 

twenty-four miles below the crystal rock. This fortification 
is tolerably regular, covering an area of about twenty-five 
acres; the trenches remain about eight feet high, and the 
ditches which are nearly filled up, seem to have been very 
deep, and about twenty-five feet wide. ‘There are two 
gateways, in the inside of which there is a large well, which 
probably was a covered way ; and in the centre there are 
two mounds about eighty feet in height, whose bases are 
about three hundred feet in diameter, with a truncated sum- 
mit offering a surface of about ninety feet across. Both 
are artificial, and perhaps were formed from the dirt out of 
the ditches. ‘The country around is perfectly level. 

The Cherokees. 

From this digression we return to the Cherokees, who 
are divided into seven clans or tribes; there were twelve 
tribes, but five of them having been too much reduced, 
_joined the others, and there now remain but seven, viz. 

The Neewahaya—means the Wolves; they are the most populous. 
The Neekeelawhay—the Floating hair; next do. 
The Neekawtaylaway—the Blind in the field; third. , 

The Neewawtay—the Pyed or Painted: fourth. 
~The Neecaway—the Deer in the field; fifth. 

The Neeshawnee—(I do not know the meaning of this;) sixth. 

The Neekoola—feeds upon Acorns ; seventh. » 

No Cherokee can take a wife in his own tribe; it would 
be considered as an incest. Each tribe forms a family, 
and the individuals call one‘another brother and sister, ma- 
king no difference between their relations of the same blood: 
and those who have not the least affinity with them. They 
are therefore obliged to marry with other tribes, and the 
children belong to the tribe of the mother, who protects 
them as brothers and sisters. The father has no control 
over his own children; but the mother, and her own tribe, 
have power of life and death; and no member or members 
of any other tribe, not even the father, has a right to inter- 
fere. bgt aie 
If a member of one tribe assassinates a member of another 
clan, it is the duty of his nearest blood relation, (‘ consan- 
guine,”) belonging to the tribe of the deceased, (for a Cher- 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, §e. 39 

okee who has two or three wives of different tribes, may 
have children by all three wives, and these children are not, 
by their laws, related to each other,) to waylay the murder- 
er, and kill him; unless this last can escape, and return with 
seven scalps, which he must present to the tribe whom he 
has deprived of a member. This must be performed be- 
fore the expiration of a certain period or epoch, which, I be- 
lieve, is during their assembly of the green corn dance, ° 
which takes place every year before they ever dare to taste 
of a grain of new corn. These assemblies last sometimes 
several weeks, and they often come one hundred and fifty 
and two hundred miles to attend them. 

- On these occasions, they discuss all their matters of con- 
sequence, and their prophets display their eloquence. In 
1812 I happened to assist at one of these assemblies; and 
1 wilt copy the following speech from my journal, for the 
sake of giving an idea of their eloquence. 

Cherokee Prophecy. 

Speech of the Cherokee Skaquaw, (the Swan,) on the 3d 
day of June, 1812, at Crowtown, on St. Francis rier. 

“Ye red men, who have prepared to fill yourselves with 
the words which will mark what will come to pass. (Atea,) (a 
word which they repeat at the end of every sentence, as we 
should say, men.) If thou hast been continent nine nights 
and days, and viewed the sun these two last days with a 
hungry stomach, open your ears, and feed with the sacred 
words which the ever great Spirit (Skayaaguste) has sent in 
my mouth, for me to transmit over to his red children. 
(Atea.) It was about one moon before the earth first shook, 
or about seven moons ago, one night, when every thing 
was silent, and the sky as clear as spring water, that I was 
standing leaning on a stump, contemplating the blazing star, 
(comet,) those everlasting lights which sparkle from one 
horizon to the other, when suddenly four lightnings departing 
from the four opposite points, came and alighted together at 
my feet, and there I perceived the blazing star; I first rais- 
ed it on achip, but perceiving it did not burn the chip, I 
tried with my finger, and found it was a tame fire. The 
moment if was in my hand. I’ saw two children come to- 

AO ~Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, fe. 

wards me, one from sun set and the other from sun rise. 
They were as bright as the sun of noon, and exhaled a 
perfume which laid my senses asleep for a few seconds; 
when I awoke I was in the hands of one of the children ; 
my spirit had passed into the blaze of the star, and I per- 
ceived my body leaning on the stump where I had left it. 
(Atea.) ~Skaguaw, said the child which held my spirit, 
‘we are the messengers of the Ever Great Spirit; we have 
come to bring the word of truth, for the red children of our 
beloved father, who lives beyond the blue world above, as 
nothing from there can have any communication with the 
impure matter here below, we have parted your spirit from 
its mortal body, which we have purified in this celestial fire, 
its present body. Now you are ready to hear the word of 
the Great Spirit, open your ears Skaquaw. The Ever- 
Great spirit, with your mouth, speaks to his beloved red 
children, that he has determined to put an end to mankind,* 
their mortal enemy, and save his children alone; the fire. 
of war is burning already in all four corners of the earth. 
Watch for a sign, and the earth will soon shake, like a horse 
who shakes the dust from his back; but be sure to move 
away from St. Francis before the next sign manifests itself: | 
go towards the sun set, and travel until you are stopped by 
a big river which runs towards sun rise; there stop, plant 
corn, and hunt in peace, until the last sign prepares you to 
hope for days of happiness, (it says days without clouds)— 
a spark brighter than the moon, will give light to the earth, 
drive away the winter, and drain the swamps; corn will 
srow in all seasons; and there will be but two families on 
the globe, (it repeats earth,) one to the sun rise, and his be- 
~ loved red children to the sun set.’ (Atea.) As soon as he 
had thus spoken, the other child blowed out the blaze; my 
spirit resumed its mortal body, and I perceived them no 
more.  (Atea.)” re 
~The singularity of the ideas of this prophet, induced me 
to set down his prophecies, which I did nearly in his own 
metaphors. ) fae 
I must observe, that the Cherokees, like most of the In- 

‘dians, speak aphoristically. The result of these prophe- 
cies was the total evacuation of St. Francis river. Two or 

* Tt says, “mankind, the mortal enemy of mankind.” 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississuppi, &c. 41 

three months after, all the Cherokees abandoned their 
farms, (and some were very good ones ») their cattle, and oth- 
er property and removed, some to White river, and the 
greatest part to the Arkansas. Those that fixed on the White 
river have since removed. to the Arkansas, where they 
occupy the river on both sides, from point Renou, (four 
lmdred miles up the river,) to the Big Mulberry, where the 
Osage line crosses: departing from the fine prairie on the 
Missouri river, the land nhey occuppy is far the best on the 


On the north bank, a little above the pine bayou, (five 
hundred miles from the mouth,) there is a large body of 
blind coal immediately on the bank of the Arkansas. It is 
equal in quality to the Kilkenny coal; it is by far the best I 
have seen in the United States. 

About one hundred and twenty miles above this place, 
there are some United States troops, who stopped there a 
few months since, and probably they will take a station at 
the mouth of the frog bayou, which affords a fine place for 
a garrison, between the Osages and Cherokees. 

‘The Cherokees on the Arkansas, are about twelve 
hundred and fifty. They have cleared about six thou- 
sand acres of land with the fire which they have set in 
the thick canes; but they do notcultivate more than two 
thousand five hundred acres, and that very badly. They 
raise no other staple except a few sweet potatoes and pump- 
kins, although they might cultivate a great quantity of cot- 
ton, which grows exceedingly well on the Arkansas, and 
whose quality is much superior to all that is raised in Lou- 
isiana. ‘lhe Indians spin some cotton, but this hardly 

amounts to five or six yards per annum, for each of those 
_ who spin, and these are but few individuals. Indeed, the 
whole amount is not two hundred yards. The women are 
very licentious, and the men extremely lazy. ‘The men 
dress with what we call a morning gown, or a long hunting 
shirt, a pair of leggings, a calico er a white shirt, and a shawl 
tied around their heads in the manner of a turban. The 
women dress with gowns like white women. They are 
sac eld but less so than the Osage squaws; but they do 

WoL. YL....No. L 6 

42 Bringieron the Region of the Mississipi, &c. 

not look so well as the Quawpaws, who have a custom pe- 
culiar to them alone, to distinguish the women from the girls, 
by the different manner in which they put up their hair. 
These Quawpaws have four small villages, two hundred 
and sixty miles below the Cherokees, on the south bank of 
the Arkansas, extending along the bank as low as the post. 
Although they have been better, than one hundred years 
with the French hunters, they are precisely in their primi-. 
tive savage state; and what is strange, most of the French 
hunters who have lived with them, are nearly savages like 
them. These Indians are very mild; and, in every re- 
spect, the best savages in the world, though very miserable, 
and in all other respects they resemble the Osages. 


A trait of magnanimity worth figuring in the annals of the 
aboriginal American heroes, is evinced in the following act 
of Kaykay Watonica, one of the ancient chiefs of the Quaw- 
paw Indians. ‘The fact occurred about the time when the 
French first came on the Arkansas river, which French gave 
a common name to all the tribes on that river. 

This chief leading a party of one hundred and twenty 
Quawpaws,* in pursuit of the Chekessas, overtook them at 
the mouth of St. Francis river. This party consisted of 
two hundred and sixty men, who were making all speed to 
cross the river in order to avoid, an engagement. Kaykay 
Watonica taxed the Chekessas with cowardice; they replied 
that they could not make. defence, as their powder had got 
wet. Well, said Kaykay Watonica, send yours here; we 
have some Aina: is dry, it is not enough to share with you, 
but we will mix the whole together, and then we will share. 
This was done aceon ME ya all the horns were emptied on 

* When Mr. Encl and after ie Mr. Delatharpe, first came on the pi 
rege river in 1617, they found it inhabited by the Quawpaws, the "Naso- 
nites, the Sacks, the Cherokees, and the Kansas, who were the first tribes 
they met with. - They called the river des Kansas, which meant the river of 
‘the Kansas, and all the other tribes were named after the river. As these 
Indians made very fine bows with the bow wood mentioned before, which 
grows -on this river, their bows were in great demand amongst the other | 
tribes, who generally ¢ gave a good horse for one of them. Soa Kansas 
bow was something of importance, which makes .Arckansas in French. The 
river took the full name, and all the Indians of course: hence the Quaw- 
paws and Arkansas are synonimous. 

Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, &c. 43 

a blanket, and equally divided; and then addressing the 
Chekessas, now, says he, when this tree falls it will give 
the signal of the engagement: therefore be ready. He 
then ordered a small tree to be cut by one of his warriors. 
The issue of the action was, the total destruction of the 
Chekessas, and only five killed on his side. ‘They spared 
one of the Chekessas, whom Kaykay Watonica sent home 
free, to give the news to the Chekessas, who soon after made 
peace,” giving up altogether, their pretensions on the west 

of the Mississippi. 
| The Cherokees. 

I now return to the Cherokees, and their green corn 
dance. I said that a murderer must return within a certain 
period, otherwise the life of his nearest friend must pay for 
that of the murderer; for that reason it is very common to 
see a brother kill his full brother who has become an assas- 
sin, not with a spirit of justice, but for self-preservation. 
This is savage philosophy : they say one must die in any 
event; and if the murderer is a coward, it is soon over with 
him, but a famed warrior can kill as many as he pleases 
with impunity. 

Indian Cruelty. 

One Catecantiskey (the dirt-seller or merchant of earth) 
was boasting one day, in my presence, that he had killed 
nine or ten Cherokees, and had redeemed himself with 

* The lastengagement which took place between the Quawpaws and the 
‘hekessas, offers another singularity. The Chekessas, seeing that they 
could gain nothing against the Quawpaws, sent a calumef, (this is a parli- 
mentary with tobacco and pipe,) to make peace with the enemy; during 
this time a party of discontented Indians, about thirty in number, started 
to make a last coup de main, but unfortunately they fell in with Kaykay 
Watonica, with one hundred men and more. As they took to their heels, 
Kaykay Watonica hailed them to stop, and not to show themselves such 
cowards; the Chekessas replied, he was too strong for them; you are right 
said Kaykay Watonica; butcome and I will give youa fair chance: here 
pick out two of my worst men, and oppose them with two of your best, in 
single combat ; if your’s are victorious, you may bunt on this side of the 
Mississippi; but if mine are victorious, you must come no more and disturb 
my game. The challenge wasaccepted. The contest was warm, but Kay- 
kay Watonica was still more fortunate than the Romans, for be lost none of 
the modern Horatii, and was presented with both of the now Curiatii’s 

44. Bringier on the Region of the Mississippi, ce. 

American scalps, which many times he delivered without 
counting; for he had never penetrated into any houses, 
without finding children more than he needed for the pres- 
Sno ‘visg ci peat ny 
This was during the Indian war it is true, but who would 
not revolt at hearing a monster in human shape, boast of 
having slaughtered seventy or eighty harmless women and _ 
children, to redeem himself from punishment for the mur-’ 
der of his companions. I could not restrain myself from 
telling him, that his boasting of such atrocious deeds had 
torn off the mask which hid the blackness of his  soul.. 
(They make use of wooden masks in their dances.) 

Yellow Wood, resembling Fustie. 

I have omitted to mention, that on the Arkansas and on | 
Red river, we have a great quantity of a yellow wood an- 
swering perfectly well the same purpose as the fustic.. Itis_ 
called bows d’are by the French hunters, (bow-wood,) but it 
js absolutely a non-descript. It is like the fustic of the mo- 
rus genus, with some modifications.* The wood is as tough 
as whale bone. The Indians made, and still make, all their 
bows of the wood of that tree. wee 

We have likewise the tree which gives the vegetable 
caoutchouc or elastic gum. ‘This tree is the same that 
they have in Peru, which they call Higera del oule; the 
bark of this tree being pounded and washed, gives one-third 
of its weight of oule, or caoutchouc. The tree does not 
grow of the largest size; it has a tolerably smooth bark; . 
when this is cut, milk exudes, which coagulates and forms 
elastic gum. It has the strong smell of the common, ca- 
outchouc; the leaves of the tree resemble those of the 
pin oak; it bears a black olive, a little smaller than the com- 
mon olive; it is sweet and good to eat, the birds and the 
bears being fond of it. The French hunters on the Arkan- 
sas, call it arbre a gomme; it is easily known by chewing a 
piece of the bark—the gum remains in the mouth; or 
if a piece of the decayed bark is washed until the rotten 
ligneous substance is gone, the remainder is pure. Some 
Americans, to whom I have made it known, on the Arkan- 

* 1 cannot find the description J had taken of the tree. 

Bringier on the nara the Mississippi, Sc. = 48 

sas, told me it was very common on the Ohio, and all over 
Kentucky, but none could tell me the name. The bark of 
the tree is rather whiter, and the leaves very deep green, re- 
sembling the live-oak and the pin-oak, as I have Bou re- 
maukedsuSome areessvill yield from one hundred and fifty 
to two bundred pounds of caoutchouc. I have observed, 
that this wood, when dry, is very electric; like the caoutch- 
oue if rubbed on a body which is electric, particularly in 
a cold day, the body rubbed will adhere to the wall; a quill. 
for example, will be attracted six inches from the wall, and 
stick fast to it, until all the fluid is dissipated. But the elec- 
tric excitement of this substance differs ftom the common; 
it has not only the property which the idio-electric bodies 
possess, but it communicates the same properties to the an- 
electric bodies. ‘The gum elastic drawn several times on a 
quill, produces the same phenomena: these experiments 
made in a cold winter’s day, afford some amusement. 


Although this communication might be much farther ex- 
tended, I will close it with a few miscellaneous facts and ob- 

On the head of the river Trinity, longitude from London, 
95° 10”, and latitude 32° 7’’,* are, or were, several blocks 
of native iron, from one thousand to seven or eight thou- 
sand pounds weight—one of which was taken to New- 
York, weighing twenty-five hundred ;} itis now in that city.} 
Ti is very malleable, and equally good as the Swedish red 
short iron. How did these masses come into that prairie? 
(for they are in a prairie,) is a question worth resolving : for 
what process in nature can reduce iron ore toa state of 
ductility, except the hammer. 

ft is observable, that there is a kind of are which 
covers them all over, and prevents their oxidation. I must 
rest on the suspicion, that they proceed from meteoric bod- 
ies; and this 1s countenanced by the manner in which they 
are scattered about over an extent of about seven or ten 

See Melish’s Map of the United States. 

+ Over three thousand—LEditor. 

t It was afterwards bought by Col. Gibbs, and deposited in the Museum 
of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York.— Editar, 

46  Bringier on the Region of the Mississyppi, &e. 

miles, without any sign of iron ore or other minerals in that 
region. ‘The varnish can proceed only from a sudden cool- 
ing, after changing the atmosphere. Whether dampness in 
ours, or whatever cause might have occasioned the explosion, 
that event will explain the scattering of the pieces. 

A few miles to the east of these blocks of native iron, a 
belt of trees is seen extending itself towards the SS. E. 
The hunters know this by the name of the cross timber ; 
they mean that it crosses the prairie; for there is no other 
-wood in sight. ‘This wood grows in a low ridge of lime 
stone, which extends to the north-west shore of the lake 
Sabine, bordering on the river Natchez; but here it is only 
one mile in breadth: whereas, ten miles above, the timber 
spreads from fifteen to twenty miles in breadth. | It gives. 
rise to the waters of the Trinity, whose west fork runs en- 
tirely through it. These hills afford a great number of en- 
chanting seats, whose description would occupy a great deal 
of time, without affording me any hopes of success; for 
they are beyond description. The trees, which are natu- 
rally low, but spread very wide, become smaller and small- 
er towards the north-east, till they grow quite scrubby. ‘The 
country is siliceous, anda soil of gravel and loam produces 
a great variety of distinct qualities of grapes, in patches of 
twenty miles surface; one acre of surface will here afford 
more grapes than three acres will in the best cultivated 
vineyards. ‘These grapes are certainly suitable for wine, 
if one may judge by their fragrance and flavour, and their 
good appearance. Some are white and transparent, so that 
we can count the seeds through them; some are blue and 
very sweet, but hard, in a thick skin of a yellow or straw 
colour; and are very large, nearly or quite as much so as an 
English cherry. The former are a little smaller. The black 
are not sweet, but very fragrant, and the pulp is as thin as if 
they were cultivated grapes, something like those of Sovig- 
non. ‘In fact, the view of these extraordinary grape patch- 
es would astonish even the person who should have perus- 
ed this description before. ‘To the north-east are immense 
‘prairies which the eye cannot measure. 


Notice of Hayden’s Geological Essays. 47 

Arr. V.—WNotice of “Geological Essays, or an inquiry into 
some of the Geological Phenomena, to be found in various 
parts of America and elsewhere—by Horace H. Hay- 
pEN, Esq. member of the American Geological enna 

&ec. ae 

Tue ‘ater of this volume has long been known, to the 
cultivators of mineralogy and geology, in the United States, 
-as an active, acute and successful observer in this depart- 
ment of Natural History. Although we believe he has 
never before appeared, in form, as the author of a distinct 
work, he has aided others, by the communication of valua- 
ble facts, and we observe his name frequently cited, as 
an authority, in Professor Cleaveland’s valuable Elementa- 
ry work, on Mineralogy and Geology. Those who have 
been accustomed to contemplate Mr. Hayden with respect, 
as a devotee to science, in the midst of the distractions of 
business ;—while they will not find their respect diminished, 
will be gratified at observing the persevering and discrimi- 
nating industry—the patience of research, both in the great 
volume of nature, and in the volumes of men, and the 
signal zeal, with which he has prosecuted an investigation, 

that must have.cost a great amount of labour. 

We arte free to say, “that we have perused his work, with 
much pleasure and advantage, and that we consider it as a 
valuable acquisition to the science, to which it appertains. 

At the same time we cannot help expressing a little re- 
gret, that the respectable author had not pruned off from 
hic style some redundancies and inaccuracies, of expres- 
sion. ‘These are however in a considerable degree, veiled 
by a glow and energy of thought and language that evince 
a mind at once ardent and vigorous. | 

As verbal criticism is not our object, we leave these minor 
things, to the author’s own correcting hand, and proceed to 
the far more grateful task, of stating the object and PEOPE of 
Mr. Hayden’s Essay. 

This work may be regarded as a history, toa very con- 
siderable extent, of the most Hapanvant alluvial formations 
of our globe. 

In the systematic arrangement of Mr. Werner, it is well » 
known that the three leading formations, the primitive, the 

48 Notice of Hayden's Geological Essays. 

transition, and the secondary, occupy a rank far more ex- 
tensive and distinguished, than the volcanic and the alluvial. 
The latter has been, for years, growing in importance in 
the view of geologists, and has, in consequence of much 
contemplation and research, assumed, in Mr. Hayden’s 
eyes, a rank not inferior—to say no more—to that which 
he allows to the other formations. — moran -(pro- 
vided that no very commanding importance were attach- 
ed to the peculiar theory which the author so zealously es- 
pouses and defends,) might, we imagine, be very properly, 
entitled, materials towards a history of the alluvial forma~ 
tions of our globe. In this view, the collection is rich and 
various, and we are disposed to think with an intelligent 
scientific friend, must ** become a text book, for ae Sa 
in the subjects of which it treats.’ 

Indeed we are not aware that there can be found, in any 
single author, so complete a view of alluvial districts, as Mr. 
Hayden has presented, and it is probable that the elaborate 
defence of his peculiar theory, has thus, incidentally secu- 
red to his work, a perpetuity which even that meaty; how- 
ever beautiful, might not have enjoyed. 

We do not however mean to prejudge this theory, but per- 

haps it would have been as well to have made 1t a deduc-. 
tion from the facts, rather than to have prefixed it to them ; 
the latter method is the most grateful to the majority of 
minds, while the former is perhaps safer, and more apt to 
lead us to truth. 
The quotation from Patrin, which Mr. Hayden has intro- 
duced upon his title page, gives, it is true, a very just view 
of the uses and consequently vindicability of hypotheses, 
and certainly the course pursued by our duthorti is — 

In his preface he states that “ the principal and only mo-~ 
tive by which he has been actuated, is the wish to interest 
and invite the attention of ceclosists, naturalists, and scien- 
tific men of every denomination, to the great and important 
physical changes, that appear to have taken place upon and 
near the surface of the earth, in various parts of the world, 
and more particularly in our own country ; and als6 to the 
numerous and interesting facts, that seem to have, not only 
a direct relation to, but an intimate connexion with those 
changes; and this with the view of enabling us to form, 

Notice of Hayden’s Geological Hesays. 49 

something like correct ideas of the causes and operations, 
by which they were produced; and possibly too of the 
times at which they took place. 

Among the most prominent of these changes (and which 
may be considered, as being one of the most interesting fea- 
tures in the seolocy of this country) is the alluvial nepion, 
skirting the Atlantic ocean. 

It is this which constitutes the principal subject of the 
present work, and in the examination of which, he has en- 
deavoured to adduce facts sufficiently numerous and strong, 
to prove that the whole region, with the attendant phenom- 
-ena, is the result of the operation of currents, that flowed 
from the north-east to the south-west; or from the north to 
the south over the whole continent of America.” 

The existence of the vast alluvial district of the southern 
American states, has ever appeared to us,as it does to Mr. Hay- 
den, as a very interesting geological fact, and by no means, 

.to be accounted for by the commonly received opinions re- 

specting alluvion. In Mr. Hayden’s view, there is no cir- 
cumstance that affords so strong an evidence of the cause 
of its formation, as that of its having been deposited by a 
general current, which, at some unknown period, flowed 
impetuously across the whole continent of America; and 
that from north east to south west.” 

Those who may regard this opinion with the smallest de- 
gree of favour, will be struck with the numerous proofs 
which the author has adduced in its support. 

The almost universal existence of rolled pebbles, and 
boulders of rock, not only on the margin of the oceans, 
seas, lakes, and rivers; but their existence, often in enor- 
mous quantities, in situations quite removed from large wa- 
ters; inland,—in high banks, imbedded in strata, or scatter- 
ed, occasionally, in profusion, on the face of almost every 
region, and sometimes on the tops and declivities of moun- 
tains, as well as in the vallies between them; their entire 
difference, in many cases, from the rocks in the country 
where they lie—rounded masses and pebbles of primitive 
rocks being deposited in secondary and alluvial regions, and 
vice versa; these and a multitude of similar facts have 
ever struck us as being among the most interesting of ge- 
ological occurrences, and as being very inadequately ac- 
counted for by, existing theories. “Pebbles may, in given 

Vou. II.....No. 1. 7 

50 Notice of Hayden’s Geological Essays. 

instances, be formed, (possibly,) by decomposition of the 

angular portions of a stone, by various chemical agencies, 
aiding those of a mechanical nature, but an immense num- 
ber, and in our view, the immensely greater number of peb- 
bles, present unquestionable evidence of having been brought 
to their rounded form by attrition. 

The attrition of the common waters a the earth, and 
even that exerted during the comparatively short period of 
the prevalence of the deluge of Noah, would do very little 
towards producing so mighty a result, and we must assign 
this operation to the more recent periods of the prevalence 
of the great chaotic deluge, whose existence is distinctly 
recorded in the first chapte: of Genesis, and equally ad- 
mitted by all geologists. However strongly inclined, we 
have neither time nor room to pursue this fruitful topic any . 
further, but must leave it to return to Mr. Hayden’s book. 

In support of the opinion, that our alluvial formations 
have been produced by currents, the author mentions “the 
wave-like or undulating appearance of almost every section 
of alluvial formation, whether perpendicular to the surface, 
or inclined, shewing the operation of a current from the 

‘This appearance we have often observed in the alluvial 
plain of New-Haven, and _ in other alluvial regions of Con- 
necticut—exhibiting frequently, a delicacy of flexion, in the 
layers of gravel and sand, which makes them appear as if 
they had, but a moment before, received their impulse and 
position from undulating water, and as if they had copied 
the very eddies, and gyrations. of the wave. 

To support the position, that the currents flowed from ie 
north-east to the south-west, Mr. Hayden mentions the riv- 
ers in the vicinity of Baltimore, which generally run in a 
direction from north to'south. ‘‘ In almost every instance,” 
he remarks, ‘‘ where the rolled pebbles abound, they are 
in much the greatest quantities on the west or south-west 
side of the river or creek.” He states also, that there are 
great accumulations cf sand and gravel in such places as 
correspond with the southern mouths or outlets of valleys 
and streams, or with their southern sides, and but small por 
tions or none of these things are found in the opposite di- 

Notice e ‘Hayden’s Geological Essays. 51 

Mr. Hayden mentions similar facts as existing in a very 
striking manner, and degree, on the Connecticut river, and’ 
on several of its branches; the accumulations of pebbles 
being on those banks, md in those places, which corres- 
pond with the idea of a current from the north and east, and 
with a consequent deposit of alluvial spoils, in a position, 
which is south or west in relation to the current. 

Other instances are described, by the author, which, in 
connexion with those already mentioned, go far towards 
making out his case; but, in order to its full establishment, 
would it not be necessary, to enter into a very exten- 
sive induction of particulars, regarding, especially, the great 
alluvial formations of this country, and to derive those facts 
from as many portions as possible, of the flat country of 
the southern states ? 

The general cause of these currents Mr. Hayden con- 
cludes to be the deluge of Noah. While no one will ob- 
ject to the propriety of ascribing very many, probably most 
of our alluvial features, to that catastrophe, we conceive 
that neither Mr. Hayden, nor any other man, is bound to 
prove the immediate physical cause of that vindictive in- 

Neither the fusion of the polar ice, as imagined by St. 
Pierre, nor the subsidence of continents, as conjectured by 
Dr. Clarke, are necessary to account for an event of this 
nature, when it is attributed, in the history which records it, 
to the immediate power of the Creator, who (although in 
this instance, rains are named, and subterraneous waters al- 
luded to, as the immediate agents) never hesitates for means, 
to accomplish an end. 

If however, in our turn, we might be indulged in stating 
an hypothesis, we would beg leave to suggest the following 
as a cause which may have aided in deluging the earth, and 
which, were there occasion, might do it again. 

The existence of enormous caverns in the bowels of the 
earth, (so often imagined by authors,) appears to be no very 
extravagant assumption. Itistrue it cannot be proved, but ina 
sphere of eight thousand miles in diameter, it would appear in 
no way extraordinary, that many cavities might exist, which 
collectively, or even singly, might well contain much more 
than all our oceans, seas, and other superficial waters, none of 
which are probably more than a few miles in depth. Vf 

52 Notice of Hayden’s Geological Essays. 

these cavities communicate in any manner with the oceans, 
and are (as if they exist at all, they probably are,) filled 
with water, there exist, we conceive, agents very competent 
to expel the water of these cavities, and ths to deluge, at 
any time, the dry land. These agents are the aerial fluids 
—the gases—whose competency to any and every degree of 
energy, which a given mechanical movement may require, 
is abundantly exhibited, in the rending force of gun powder, 
and of the other still more potent explosive compositions, 
and in the phenomena of earthquakes and volcanoes, whose 
mechanical effects, we conceive, depend principally upon 
the sudden and abundant evolution of aerial bodies. These 
bodies, suddenly evolved, and subjected to pressure and re- 
sistance, are competent not merely to propel cannon balls 
and bombs, to burst rocks and to explode mines—they can 
rend mountaims—they can rock them from their bases— 
they can shake continents, and ¢ cause the globe itself to vi- 
brate and tremble. 

If then, there were occasion to alent a column of wa- 
ter even six miles in height, so that it should transcend the 
highest mountains ; aerial fluids would be equal to the effort. 
Should they be disengaged, abundantly, in the vast sub- 
terraneous and subaqueous cavities, they would of course 
occupy the roof or vaults of the cavity, and would there- 
fore expel the water, which we suppose they may contain, 
and this water rising and spreading itself over the dry land, 
-might,. by its abundance, more or less complete, submerge 
the continents more or less completely. In short, it would 
be merely a case of compressed air acting to raise a column 
of water, as ina fire-engine. If :t be objected, that the 
pressure would split the incumbent earth, we answer that it 
would do so did not its counteracting pressure, arising from 
a cae gravity at least two or three times greater than of 
water,* resist, with even superfluous energy. ( 

It is not necessary to shew, that any such agencies have 
been actually exerted, and have certainly produced. these ef- 
fects. . It is suction to evince that they are possible, and 
that if exerted, they are competent to the supposed effect. 

* Possibly even much greater, according to the deductions of Maskelyne 
and Hutton on the specific gravity of the earth. 

Notice of Hayden's Geological Essays. a3 

If it be required what aerial fluid could be furnished in 
the earth in sufficient abundance, it may be answered, that 
hydrogen gas, proceeding from the decomposition of water, 
by the action of metallic and inflammable bodies, aided by 
subterranean heat, would be abundantly equal to the effect, 
and even the evolution of oxigen and hydrogen from the de- 
composition of water, by the natural galvanic arrangements 
in the bowels of the earth, is probably a sufficient source 
for the gas. We have not mentioned carbonic acid gas, 
which might be evolved by many agencies, because itis ab- 
sorbable by water, especially when aided by pressure. Ai- 
though it is true, that water once saturated by it might then 
be elevated by its pressure. If by any cause, the gas that 
has forced the water from its internal cavities, should be ab- 
sorbed, or make its escape, the waters would again retire 
into the caverns, and the lands that had been inundated, 
would be left dry. 

It is very possible, that anterior to the deluge of Noah, 
and to the peopling of the globe by rational beings,* and 
during the gradual draining of the earth from the grand 
chaotic deluge, several floods more or less partial or exten- 
sive, may have taken place,—thus accounting for partial 
formations, as the parasitical trap rocks, &c. 

To return from this digression. It is not within the scope 
of this desultory notice, to follow Mr. Hayden through all 
the varied and deeply interesting proofs, by which, in our 
opinion, he completely establishes the fact, that our great 
alluvial formations have proceeded from the sudden and 
violent prevalence of a deluge, attended by sweeping cur- 
rents, which buried great quantities of animal and vegetable | 
bodies. eels ; 

Among these things are trees,} sometimes of large size, 
found, frequently, at the depth of forty or fifty feet: some- 
times their fruit is found with them. Bones and skeletons 
of whales, porpoises, and sharks of enormous size—bones 
and teeth of the Asiatic elephant, and of the Mastodon or 

* We consider the accurate chronology of the Genesis as commencing 
only with the creation of man, and the first formation aud chaotic state of 
the globe, as not included in any of the periods called days. 

t The trees are in many instances below low waters mark, and in a bed of 
bluish clay or mud resembling sea bottom. ; 

54 Notice of Hayden’s Geological Essays. 

or Mammoth—horns of deer, and other animal as well ‘as 
vegetable remains, are found in many parts of our alluvial 
districts, both near and remote from the sea; and evincing, 
completely, that they could never have been deposited and 
covered by any of the ordinary processes of alluvion. 

These facts, it is well known, are common to the alluvial 
regions of other continents; and Mr. Hayden has adduced 
many examples in relation to this part of the subject. 

The author has suggested some ingenious thoughts as to 
the processes of petrification. We feel and acknowledge, 
that there is a difficulty in accounting for the preservation of 
animal and vegetable substances, by petrifaction or other 
similar changes : ; but as we see the process, actually going 
on, atthe present day, and some very perishable substances _ 
preserved either by petrifaction or incrustation;—as at 
Knaresborough in Yorkshire; at the baths of St. Philip i iy 
Italy, and in wnany other places, we perceive that the thing is 
actually possible, and whatever may be the difficulties of the 
subject, they appear to us less than those that attend the 
bold assumption that perned bodies have been invested by 
earthy substances in the gaseous state, or that even our plan- 
et may have been formed by gaseous emanations mee the 

Mr. Hayden believes that, from the opposite ple re- 
gions, there were currents which combined to produce the 
deluge, and he conceives, that their ravages are distinctly 
recorded in the naked and rocky state of the land in the 
higher latitudes, of both hemispheres, the loose earth having 
been, as he imagines, swept away and transported to other 

Mr. Hayden objects to the received ideas, as to the fora 
tion of soils and loose earth, by the decomposition of rocks, 
which he believes to be much less extensive and rapid, than 
has been generally imagined. This is probably true in a 
degree, but still we cannot but think that he has underrated 
these agencies. The decompositions, arising from the un- 
intermitted activity of galvanic electricity, evolved by the 
juxta position of strata and fluids of different kinds, is prob- 
ably a potent cause, and is not, we believe, adverted to! by 

Mr. Hayden.* 

* This cause would, however, it is true, operate principally tn thé date 
ior of the earth. - 

Notice of Hayden’s Geological Essays. 55 

We think, that he has not conceded enough to the rava- 
ges, committed by time, upon a part at least, of the stony 
monuments of the globe, whether erected by the Creator or 
by man. Stonehenge which he cites, (and which is not 
granite, but sand stone,) is very deeply furrowed by time: 
the angles are rounded, and the stones are evidently reduced 
in size. The same thing is true of many of the ancient 
cathedrals, castles, palaces, and other buildings in England 
and Scotland. . Where they have not been kept in repair by 
assiduous attention, they are all in ridges, hollows, and prom- 
inences, decisive marks of the tooth of time, and many 
prominent parts of considerable size, are almost or quite de- 

Most of the public buildings in England, both ancient 
and modern, are constructed of a calcareous sand stone, or, 
of lime stone of the secondary or transition class. 

In Cornwall, one of the granite regions of England, ex- 
tensive ledges of granite, as we have seen, are crumbling 
down ina state of decomposition, and the granite of Limo- 
ges, in France, from which their excellent porcelain clay is 
derived, is decomposed in some instances almost to a clay. 

The degradation of hills and mountains is, we suspect, 
much more considerable than he admits it to be. We could 
take him to a place* where enormous broken columns of 
greenstone trap, even twenty-five feet in diameter, are ly- 
ing upon a declivity in just that confusion in which they 
evidently fell, from some colonade of naked pillars, forming 
a greenstone ridge, and yet the nearest ridge, which is ma- 
terially higher, is a mile distant. The particular ridge from 
which they originally fell, must have been, at hand,t and al- 
though its ruins are still there, the ridge itself has been de- 
graded by time. 

Mr. Hayden has assembled a very instructive and enter- 
taining collection of facts respecting the Deltas of rivers, 
and generally concerning their alluvion, whether relating to 
their banks or their embouchures. We conceive that he 
has proved, that even these examples of alluvion are less 
attributable to the agency of the rivers themselves, than is 

* The western declivity of Talcot mountain, ten miles from Hartford, om 
ihe Albany turnpike. | 

+ Unless, indeed, Mr. Hayden would suppose, that currents had moved. 
these enormous masses from seme other place 

ge Notice of Hayden’s Geological Essays. 

generally supposed, and of course much. more to other 
eauses: among the most conspicuous of which, in his view, 
are the operations of man himself in creating artificial 
ground, and the action of winds, in transporting sand and 
loose earth. But, it is impossible to convey any adequate 
idea of the value of this part of Mr, Hayden’s work, with- 
out entermg more into detail than is consistent with the na- 
ture and limits of this article. ie . 

In concluding our remarks, we will observe, that Mr. 
Hayden’s book will prove an interesting and useful volume 
io the general reader, as well as to the Geologist. 

It is not so much. involved in technics as to assume a re+ 
pulsive aspect to the view of the general scholar, or of the 
reader of common intelligence. It will prove an agreeable, 
and we think, an attractive volume, at the family fire side, 
and we therefore hope that the meritorious author may be 
adequately remunerated for his labour and expense, by an 
extensive sale of the work, and be enabled, in a future edi- 
tion, to add those useful illustrations from maps which he 
had designed. cee Leese 

He will allow us to suggest, that some sort of table of 
contents or index (or better both) would greatly increase. 
the ease of reference, and consequently, the utility of the 
volume, in the divisions of whch, there is at present little 
to guide the eye, or to aid the recollection, in retracing our 
steps, for the purpose of adverting to particular parts. 

Among the original productions of this country, the pres- 
ent volume has a right to hold a very respectable rank. 
We wust be allowed however to observe, that its principal 
value consists, in its presenting so extensive a view of the 
numerous and very astonishing facts, connected with the 
important, but perhaps undervalued subject of alluvion.. 

We are not averse to the author’s particular theory, but,. 

still, we could wish to see the present volume grow into a 
regular systematic work upon alluvion, excluding extraneous 
matter, and including a digested arrangement of all the im- 
"portant facts connected with that subject, with as much theo- 
ry as those facts will warrant, and the theory would then 
flow naturally as an induction, according to the strict Ba- 
conian mode of philosophising. | 

The author would, in that case, obtain also the important 
additional advantage, that while the volume would not be 

Ores of Iron, Manganese, §c. in Vermont. 5% 

less attractive to general readers, of intelligence, it would 
be in a form adapted to the uses of the geological student, 
and could hardly fail of coming into general use as a text 
book on the doctrine of alluvion. 

‘Nas: VI.—WNotice of Ores of Iron and Manganese, and of 
Yellow Ochre, in Vermont; by Professor FReprrice 
Haun, in a letter to the Halton: dated, 

Middlebury College, Dec. 1, 1820. 

I visited a few months since, the iron ore bed, and the 
iron works, in Bennington, Vermont. The ore bed is sit- 
uated on the south side of an arm of the green mountain. 
It is covered by a stratum of sand, about two feet thick, con- 
taining innumerable round, quartzose stones of various si- 
zes, called by the inhabitants of the town, hard heads. The 
ore Is obtained with great facility from the bed. It is most- 
ly brown hematite. I collected a few specimens of the 
common argillaceous oxide of iron. It does not make 
good bar iron. It is manufactured into kettles, stoves, car- 
riage-boxes, &c. The ore is not rich. Mr. Traner, the 
owner and superintendant of the works, informed me, that 
ityields, on an average, about 33 1-3 per cent. He added, 
that not far from two hundred and twelve tons of cast iron 
-are made annually, at his works. 

The iron ore rests on a bed of unknown thickness, of the 
oxide of manganese, which appears to belong chiefly to the 
variety called earthy oxide of manganese. Its colour is brown, 
often very deep brown, inclining to black. Its texture is 
earthy ; its lustre dull. To borax it imparts a violet co- 
lour, verging tored. The surfaces of some specimens, 
which I procured from this bed, are slightly mammillary. 
It gives oxigen in tena when heated with sulphuric 

The iron ore is sometimes fae with manganese, which 
renders it totally useless. ‘‘ For,” said Mr. T. “if we melt 
it with the iron, the gas causes such an explosion, that it 
scatters the metal i in small. pieces over the whole furnace.’ 

Vou. ITI.....No. 1. Ss 

58 Ores of fron, Manganese, he. in Ve ermont. 

The iron ore bed is very extensive, and will aay not: 
be exhausted for several ages. ? 

I proposed to Mr. T. a number of questions, in writing. 
The following is one of them. 1 give you the answer in 
his own language. Have you found ochre?“ Yes, in vast 
plenty.” After showing me the substance, as it was dug 

‘from the earth, he proceeded to describe how he prepared 
it for the market. ‘‘ We first break it in small pieces, then 
put it into a large cistern, filled with water, and keep stirring 
it, until all is dissolved : . then after allowing the sand to sub- 
side for some omen let it off into a second cistern ; in 
this it stands till the paint settles to the bottom, and the top 
is clear water; by a two inch hole, just where the water 
and paint meet, let off the water; then, by a large door in 
the bottom, let ‘off the paint into a ‘large square cistern. Af- 
ter lying in this a day or two, we carry it off into small flat 
boats to dry. In order to make the paint separate com- 
pletely from the water, there must be a shovel full or two 
of good lime, thrown into the cistern, in the first washing. 
It is now yellow ochre. In order to make it brown, or ou 
we expose it to the fire in an oven or kettle.” 

I lately examined the iron works and iron ore of Pitts- 
ford, twenty-four miles south from this place. The ‘ore ts 
dug ‘within a few feet of the spot, where it is manufactured. 
Itis chiefly an ochrey brown oxide of iron, and quite friable. 
Its fracture and texture are earthy. It soils the fingers 
strongly. When taken from the earth, its colour resembles 
that of yellow ochre. Exposed to’ the action even of a 
small degree of heat, it loses its yellow hue, and assumes a 
reddish brown colour. Mixed with borax, it fuses before 
the blowpipe, and yields a globule of transparent glass of a 
beautiful green colour. It occurs both in beds, and in veins 
in iiniestone. The ore is less productive than the Benning- 
ton ore. It yields, as 1 was told by the proprietor, Mr, 
Nathan Gibbs, about 20 per cent. “or four tons of the ore 
make one ton of iron.” He informed me, that the quantity 
manufactured, yearly : his works, was about twenty tons of 
bar iron, and eighty tons of cast iron, consisting of stoves, 
potash kettles, &c. &c. Imay give you, ina Fane eg 
some account of the iron ore, manufactured at other places 
in this state.’ a 

Notice of Mr. Sehealeralss View, &c. 59 

Ane. VII.—Wotice of “A view of the Lead Mines of Missou- 
ri including some observations on the Mineralogy, Geology, 
Geography, Antiquities, Soil, Climate, Population, and 
Productions of Missouri and Arkansaw, and other sec- 
tions of the Western country, accompanied by three engra- 
vngs; by Henry R. Scnooicrart, corresponding mem- 

ber of the Lyceum of Natural History of New-York.” 

As this work has been more than a year before the Amer- 
ican public and is already well known, it may seem super- 
fluous to make any remarks upon it at so late a period. It 
was our purpose to have given it an early notice but circum- 
stances which could not be controlled, prevented. Still, as 
it is devoted to subjects, which form a prominent object in 
this Journal, and is, as far as we are informed, the only elab- 
orate and detailed account of a mining district in the United 
States, we are not disposed to remain silent, especially as the 
discharge of the duty is not likely to be painful, either to our- 
selves or to the author. Reviews in form, although within 

the plan of this Journal, do not constitute one of its mostlead- 
ing objects, and we do not hold ourselves responsible for 
analyses or even for notices of new American books, unless 
they appear “particularly interesting or important, or hold a 
very intimate connexion with the creat design of our work. 

We have already intimated that we regard Mr. School- 
eraft’s work in this light. We take it for granted, that the 
statements of facts made by this author, are both faithful 
and accurate ; the mformation which we have incidentally 
derived from other sources, certainly countenances this im- 
pression, but the whole amount of it is small, compared with 
the details contained in the present volume. 

Mr. Schooleraft’s opportunities for observation were ex- 
tensive, particularly m relation to the mines of lead in the 
Missouri region. Among those mineshe spentayear. ‘1 
have made, (says he) a personal examination of every mine 
of consequence, with a view to ascertain its general charac- 
ter and value and its peculiarities. I have travelled on fooi 
over the whole mine country, exploring its minerals, its geo- 
logical structure, its geographical position, soil, climate, pro- 
ductions, towns, streams, settlements, and whatever else ap- 
peared to me to be necessary to describe, explain and illus- 
irate the subject before me.’ 

66 Notice of Mr. Schoolcraft’s View of 

‘Mr. Schoolcraft appears to have made good use of the 
advantages which he enjoyed, and his countrymen are in- 
debted to him for a great amount of valuable information. 
He appears also to have studied the observations of prece- 
ding writers, and, with their works before him, it was in his 
pease to correct errors and to supply deficiencies. 

He has prefixed an historical sketch which we presume 
will be acceptable to every reader. The French as is well 
known were the original discoverers and settlers of the Mis- 
souri, and Illinois regions, which were embraced in their vast 
scheme of forming a chain of posts and setilements from the 
mouth of the St. Lawrence, to that of the Mississippi.— 
They did not occupy the country of the Missouri and Hli- 
nois, till more than a century after the settlement of Que- 
bee, and about a century before the present period. At 
that time, (1720) the lead mines were discovered by Philip 
Francis Renault, and M. La Motte, and by them they were 
wrought, although they and the adventurers under them 
were de pnonned in their expectations of finding gold and 

At the end of about half a century, the country passed 
into the hands of the Spaniards, and under their dominion, | 
probably about forty years since, the principal mine was 
discovered by a man of the name of Burton, and from him 
it has derived the name of Mine a Burton.* 

It appears that the processes of mining under the Sais, 
iards were very eee as they obtained only fifty per 
cent. of lead from the ore, threw away the lead ashes, and 
did not attempt any manufactures of shot or any other ar- 
ticles. ‘They employed only the open log furnace. 

In 1797, Moses Austin, Esq. a native of Connecticut, 
who had been occupied with lead mines, in Weythe Coun- 
ty in Virginia, obtained from the Spanish government, a 
grant of a league square in the mining district in considera- 

tion of his Pee a MONEE oa Hee He sunk 

ise It scems he was anti and found the lead ore lying upon the elas 
ofthe ground. This remarkable man was living last year, near St. Gene- 
vieve, at the ereat age of one hundred and nine.. He had bees employed 
under the first adv enturer, Renault, and has passed an eventful life, having 
served both in Europe and America, as a soldier under distinguished com- 
manders, and on various memorable occasions, as at Fontenoy and Bergen 
op zoom, under Marshall Saxe, and at Braddock’s defeat, near Piltsburgh. 

the Lead Mines of Missouri, &c. 6L 

ihe first regular shaft—the mining having, till that time, been 
prosecuted solely by open digging, in the manner of quar- 
ries. Mr. Austin also introduced the manufacture of shot, 
and that of sheet lead soon followed. About the same time 
several other American families collected at the mines, and 
infused new spirit and enterprize into the mining operations, 
so that they were carried on with considerable vigour at the 
time when (in 1803) the country was transferred to the U- 
nited States. Mr. Schoolcraft, from whom these facts are 
taken, remarks, that since 1804 the number of mines has 
been astonishingly multiplied—population has flowed rapid- 
ly in—the processes on the ore have been much improved— 
better furnaces have been constructed; and ‘‘ every season is 
adding to the number of the mines.” ‘‘ Every day is de- 
veloping to us, the vast resources of this country, particular- 
ly in lead,” and the author expresses his opinion that “ the 
mines of Missouri are paralleled by no other mineral district 
in the world.” 
From the specimens which we possess of this ore, and 
from the documents produced by the author respecting the 
produce of the mines, we believe his opinion is covrrect, 
especially if we consider the fact that “the earth has not 
-yet been penetrated over eighty feet;’ ‘“ we know not 
what may be found in the lower strata.” “ There is rea- 
son to believe that the main bodies of ore have not been hit 
upon, that they lie deeper, and that we have thus far been 
only engaged upon the spurs and detached masses.” 
Mr. Schoolcraft informs us, that although the mining bu- 
siness is much improved, there is still a great deficiency 
both of capital and of skill—there is in the whole district but 
one regular hearth furnace for smelting, and that not the 
best ;—among forty mines, there are only four or five regu- 
lar shafts—there is among all the mines, no engine of any 
description, for raising water, and some of the richest mines 
with the best prospects in view, have been in consequence 
abandoned. Yet, under all these disadvantages, the annual 
produce of the mines is estimated at three millions of pounds 
of lead. 

The author suggests the expediency of establishing a 
school of mines and minerals in the midst of the mines 
themselves ; this would, without doubt, be a very proper 
Measure, but in the mean time, skilful practical miners, and 

62, Notice of Mr. Schooleraft’s View of 

captains of mines, such as are found in every mining district 
in Europe, would supply the immediate demands of the 
country. : y, SL 
The mining district, formerly called the lead mines of 
Louisiana, is situated between the 57th and the 38th de- 
gree of north latitude, and between the 89th and 92nd degree 
of west longitude, covers three thousand one hundred and 
fifty square miles—it is from seventy to one hundred miles 
long by forty or forty-five wide, extending in width from the 
Mississippi south-west to the Fourche a Courtois, and in 
length from the head waters of St. Francis northerly to the 
Merrimack. oy | 
Lead ore is found in almost every part of this district. 
Mr. Schoolcraft says, “the general aspect of the country is 
sterile, though not mountainous: the lands he rolling, like 
a body of water in gentle agitation. In some places the 
hills rise into abrupt cliffs, where the great rock formations 
of the country may be seen; in others, they run into level 
plains ; a kind of highland prairze.” Le 
“ The soil is a reddish coloured clay, stiff and hard, and 
full of fragments of flinty stone, quartz and gravel: this ex- 
tends to the depth of from ten to twenty feet, and is bot- 
tomed on limestone rock. Itis so compact in some places, 
-as almost to resist the pick-axe; in others it seems to par- 
take of marl, is less gravelly, and readily penetrated. ‘The 
country is particularly characterized by quartz, which is 
strewed in detached pieces over the surface of the ground, 
and is also found imbedded in the soil at all depths. ‘This 
is here called blossom of lead. Iron ores and pyrites are 
also scattered over the surface of the ground, and occasion~ 
ally lead ore. Such is the general character of the minera! 
hills, which are invariably covered by a stinted growth of 
oaks.” : pes aad 2 
Walnut is also found on the hills, and there is a ridge of 
yellow pine, not more than six or eight miles wide, rup- 
ning nearly south-east and north-west, but it is nearly or 
quite destitute of lead—the mines lie generally east of it, 
In summer the flinty aspect of the country is veiled by a 
luxuriant growth of grass, which gives ita very pleasing and 
picturesque appearance. 
The vallies have a rich alluvial soil, well fitted for culti- 
vation; but our limits will not allow us to mention the vege- 

the Lead Mines of Missouri, &c. 63 

table productions of the country. . This region is well uri- 
gated, and very healthy, being possessed of a fine climate. 
Mr. Schoolcraft remarks, that during a residence of ten 
months he never heard of a death ; the country is free from 
the fevers ‘which infest some of the neighbouring regions. 
It seems, however, that the animals are visited by what is 
ealled the mine sickness. ‘* Cows and horses are frequent- 
ly seen to die without any apparent cause. Cats and dogs 
are taken with violent fits, which never fail, in a short time, 
io kill them.” It is said that the inhabitants impute these af- 
fections to the sulphur exhaled in smelting the lead, as the 
eattle are often secn licking about the old furnaces. But 
sulphur is not poisonous either to men or anizals. The 
author imputes it to the sulphat of baryies, with which the 
district abounds, which he states is a ‘‘poison to animals.” 

The carbonat of barytes is eminently poisonous, but we 
have never heard that the sulphat is so. May not the lick- 
ing around the furnaces expose the cattle to receive lead in 
some of its forms, minutely divided—or if it be not active 
in the metallic state, both the oxids and the carbonat, which 
must of course exist around the furnaces, would be highly 
active and poisonous. Is it not possible also that some of 
the natural waters of the country may, in consequence of 
saline or acid impregnations, dissolve some of the iead, and 
thus obtain saturnine qualities? We must allow, however, 
that we are not acquainted with the existence of any natural 
water thus impregnated. 

Among the mineral productions of this region, certainly 
not the least remarkable mentioned by Mr. Schoolcraft, is 
the Iron mountain, where the ore is piled in such enormous 
masses as to constitute the entire southern extremity of a 
lofty ridge, which is elevated five or six hundred feet above 
the plain: the ore is the micaccous oxid, and is said to 
yield good malleable iron. 

There is another body of iron ore five miles west of the 
iron mountain, scarcely inferior to that mentioned above. 
and it appears that several other beds exist in the same vi- 

Zinc is abundant, but as the ore is the stints is not 
very valuable. [tis not mentioned that the calamine, which 

is the useful ove of ame, has been found. 

64 Notice of Mr. Schooleraft’s View of 

As to the Geological nature of the country, in which the 
lead mines are situated, we must confess, that we are not 
‘quite so well satisfied, as we have found reason to be with 
almost all the other important facts and gemons, which Mr, 
Schoolcraft has communicated. 

He informs us that “ Bellevue abounds in granite Ft that 
the only vein of granite rock in the mine country (as far as 
he had opportunity to observe) passes across the south- 
western end of Madison county—runs into Bellevue—is 
four or five miles wide, and twenty or thirty miles in a di- 
rection from §. E. to N. W. 

We are again informed that the country affords granate, 
gneiss and mica slate, and that the whole country is boitom- 
ed on primitive lime stone, that secondary lime stone is met 
with, and that- when it occurs, it lies over transition and 
primitive rocks, ‘The granite is spoken of in another place, 
(p. 170) as being a geological phenomenon, as containing 
imbedded in it or lying upon its surface, gneiss, green stone, 
porphyry, i iron ores, &c.3 it is spoken of as a red granite, 
containing very little mica, and as being used for mill stones. 
It is mentioned as the “ only mass of granite known to exist 
between the primitive ranges of the Alleghany and Rocky 
mountains,” and as being Paaanded on all sides, and to an 
almost immeasurable ied with secondary tiie stone. ~ 

Again, (p. 193) the granite is cited as the “ old red 
granite in mountain masses, with some veins of green stone, 
green stone porphyry, and gneiss ;” it is said to terminate in 
very rough and broken high lands. At page 213, itis men- 
tioned, still again, as giving origin to the river StF rancis, 
whose “springs gush out among these stupendous piles of 
red granite.” Besides the ores of iron, lead and zine, 
r quartz, feldspar, shorl, mica, and graphite are among the 
minerals furnished by that region, and “ green stone, gneiss, 
and green stone porphyry, are among the larger masses of 
rock.” The green stone, it seems, is found i in large iso- 
lated fragments, lying promiscuously among the fragments 
of granite which have tumbled down from the lofty cliffs 
above, and is rendered porphyritic by crystals of green and 
flesh-coloured feldspar.” 

We have no right to doubt that the rock described is 
granite, as the principal. features delineated, correspond with 
that supposition. As it is described as being solitary, the 

the Lead Mines of Missouri, §¢. 65 

only granite between the Alleghanies and the Rocky moun- 
tains, we are lead to ask—is it a portion of the nucleus of 
our globe, covered on every side, for many hundred miles, 
with secondary rocks, and here heaving its head through the 
superincumbent strata, and standing alone ? 

But, what are we to conclude of the lime stone? Al- 
though Mr. Schooleraft states that the granite is every 
where surrounded by secondary lime stone, he remarks in 
several places that the country is based on primitwe lime 
stone : as at page 92, “the whole mineral country is bot- 
tomed on primitive lime stone’—at the same time he 
adds, that “ secondary lime stone is met with, but that it is 
far less common than in Ohio, Indiana,” &c. At page 108, 
speaking of the lime stone, which, he says, is the rock inva- 
riably met with in digging, and generally at the depth of 
fifteen or twenty feet, he remarks, that there are many va- 
rieties of it, the texture varying from very hard and com- 
pact, to soft and friable—the latter crumbling between the 
fingers, and being called rotten lime stone: lime stone, he 
says, is invariably the basis on which the mineral soil at 
Mine a Burton, and the numerous mines in its vicinity re- 
poses. He speaks of it as “ passing into transition and sec- 
ondary lime stone, in various places on the banks of the 
Mississippi, between Cape Girardeau and St. Louis, and as 
becoming a variety of marble near Herculaneum.” He does 
not inform us whether this primitive lime stone is crystal- 
line in its structure, or translucent, if not crystalline. He 
generally speaks of it as compact, and if he uses the word 
compact, in the sense to which Mr. Werner’s descriptive 
language limits it, we must remark that compact lime stone 
is rarely if ever primitive—the structure of this latter bemg 
almost always crystalline, and if ever compact it will gene- 
rally be translucent also, at least on the edges, but if com- 
pact and a secondary lime stone, it will in most instances be 
perfectly opake. ‘The compact translucent lime stone is gen- 
erally of the transition, and not of the primitive class. 

The term marble, sometimes introduced by Mr. School- 
craft, is not distinctive-—perhaps it was not intended to be 
so; for the marbles, it is well known, are derived from all 
the divisions of, lime stone, primitive, transition and seccn- 
dary. Nor is the absence of “ shells, (p. 108) animalcula, 
or other traces of animal life” conclusive ; their presence 

Vou. TE...No. Fb. 9 

66 Notice of Mr. Schooleraft’s View of 

would of course decide the lime stone not to be primitive, 
and therefore to be transition or secondary ; but both these 
latter kinds of lime stone are often found without shells, 
vegetable impressions, or any other trace of organized be- 

The minerals mentioned by Mr. Schoolcraft as accompa- 
nying the lead ore, in and above the supposed primitive 
lime stone, are not such as are decisive of a primitive coun- 
try—for crystalized quartz, sulphate of barytes, calcareous 
spar, blende, hornstone, flint and pyrites, &c. are found 
along with lead ore m the Peak of Derbyshire, a transition 
country ; and they are found also in secondary countries. 
Primitive lime stone also, we believe, (at least this is the 
fact in the magnificent formations of it in Connecticut, Mas- 
sachusetts, and other northern States) usually occurs, form- 
ing beds in the primitive rocks, especially in gneiss, mica 
slate, and clay slate; and we are not aware that it often 
forms the basis of a country ; whereas transition and secon- 
dary lime stone form immense masses, and pervade exten- 
sive regions, without necessarily forming beds in other 
rocks. ° 

It would then have been more satisfactory to have had 
the mineralogical character of this lime stone described 
with more precision, and especially to have had the order. 
of succession, (if any exist) with respect to ae rocks 

- We should have liked especially to have it the “gene 
e this lime stone with that remarkable granite region, point- 
edout. As that granite ridge is said to be surrounded by sec- 
ondary lime stone, does this secondary lime stone repose on 
this other, called primitive, and does this latter repose on 
the granite, where it dips obliquely under, as it probably 
does, in order to find its way beneath the other rocks, and to 
vindicate its claim to a fundamental position? But, per- 
haps we are asking more than is reasonable, for, it may be 
that there are no such sections in the strata as would expose 

all these facts to view, and enable the observer to decide. 

These hints we have dropped, not, we trust, from a cap- 
tious disposition, (which we ab} hor) but ocae we have 
found a real difficulty in conceiving clearly of the geological 
nature of this lime stone, which, it seems, 1s the basis of the 
lead mine country, and therefore it is very important that 

the Lead Mines of Missouri, &c. 67 

tts characters should be indubitably fixed. We have not 
been so fortunate as to see Mr. Schooleraft’s specimens : 
possibly a view of them would have rendered the prece- 
cing remarks, in part at least, unnecessary. 

The difficulty of conceiving that this lime stone is really 
primitive, is increased by the very remarkable position of 
most of the lead ore hitherto obtained in the Missouri mines, 
and which, it appears, is still obtained in the same situa- 
tions, although some of the mines have been wrought for a 

We allude to the vast deposit of allavion with which this 
lime’ stone is covered, and in which, te the depth of many 
feet, the lead ore lies, often in loose pieces of several pounds 
weight. ( 

Leaving the Geological features of the lead mine district, 
we proceed to cite some interesting and important facts 
from Mr. Schooleraft’s work :— The soil, he remarks, is a 
reddish coloured clay, stiff and hard, and full of fragments 
of flinty stone, quartz and gravel; this extends to the depth 
of from ten to twenty feet, and is bottomed on lime stone 
rock. It is so compact in some places, as almost to resist 
the pick-axe ;, in others it seems to partake of marl, is less 

gravelly, and readily penetrated. ‘The country is particu- 
larly characterized by quartz, which is strewed in detached 
pieces over the surface of the ground, and is also found im- 
bedded in the soil at all depths. ‘This is here called 6los- 
som of lead. ron ores and pyvites are also scattered over 
the surface of the ground, and occasionally lead ore.” The 
mineral productions of the country, in addition to lead, are, 
zinc, iron, ochre, red chalk, salt-petre, sulphur, alum and 
salt.” , 

The number of lead mines is forty-five ; and there are 
eertain points in which they resemble each other. ‘ ‘The 
ore is found in detached pieces, and solid masses, in veins 
and beds, in red clay, and accompanied by sulphuret of ba- 
rytes, calcareous spar, blende, iron pyrites, and quartz.” 

The ore (the author remarks) is the lead glanee, galena, 
or sulphuret of lead. Itis very rich and beautiful, and 
specimens in our possession fully confirm Mr. Schoolcraft’s 
account; they have a very broad, and perfectly foliated 
fracture, and a high degree of metallic lustre ; they break in 
cubical fragments, and the miputest portions still retain this 

6S Votice of Mr. Schooleraft’s View of 

We have already observed that large fragments are form- 
ed loose in the earth; they sometimes weigh four or five 
pounds ; we have such specimens from these mimes; they are 
of a cubical form, and are surrounded, except writers they 
have been broken, by an earthy incrustation. 

It is observed, that the marly earth thrown out from the 
pits, enriches the ground, so that ina few years itis covered 
with a very rank srowth of trees, vines, &c, and this is a 
regular characteristic of old diggings. Innumerable por- 
tions of radiated quartz, and sharp fragments of flinty stones 
are mixed with the clay, and form the first stratum of about 
fourteen inches. .The next is of a red clay, and is four or 
five feet thick, and less mixed with similar siliceous sub- 
stances. ‘Then comes a layer of gravel and rounded sili- 
ceous pebbles, about one foot thick, containing small portions 
oflead ore. The thickness of the bed of ore is generally a 
foot ; and the lumps of ore appear to have been rounded 
by attrition, like common gravel. This is the character of 
what is called the gravel ore, and no spars are found accom- 
panying it. The greatest proportion of lead ore is, howev- 
er, found imbedded in, and accompanied by the sulphate of 
barytes, resting in a thick stratum of marly clay, bottomed 
on limestone rock.” ‘They invar lably arrive at the rock at 
the depth of from fifteen to twenty, or sometimes thirty 
feet—a new process by boring and blasting is now necessa- 
ry, and most diggers abandon their pits rather than prose- 

cute them at this expense. If, however, (as there can be 
little doubt,) the limestone is the real matrix of the lead ore, 
the time will come when the present diggings will be con- 
sidered as ney, superficial beginnings, and the work wiil 
be resumed where hitherto it has been abandoned. It 
seems that the almost invariable practice of the miners now 
is, to persevere till they strike the rock, and then to go and 
dig elsewhere ; they cannot, if disposed, prosecute the busi- 
ness by levels or galleries, for they are not permitted to car- 
ry on their mining, except immediately under the surface 
that is covered by their respective leases, or by twelve feet 
square which, if unoccupied, an adventurer may cover by 
occupancy. Among the substances accompanying the lead, 
blende and the sulphate of barytes, are said to be very 
abundant; the latter in specimens which we have, is par- 

the Lead Mines of Missourt, §c. 69 

ticularly brilliant and white ;* the quartz is often prettily 
cetystalized, and is so invariable a concbmitant of the ore, 
that the miners, as we have before remarked, give it the 
meaning appellation of mineral blossom. 

A curious fact is mentioned by Mr. Schooicraft, respect- 
ing the Elliott’s mines. ‘‘ During the remarkable earth- 
quakes of 1812, a fine spring of water at the mouth of the 
mines suddenly became warm, and foul, and ina few days 
dried up entirely, and no water has run there since.” “ Il- 
luiminations in the atmosphere are frequently observed in 
this vicinity on the approach of night.” + 

It seems there is a considerable quantity of a greyish 
white sublimate collected at the log hearth furnaces, and re- 
jected by the workmen upon the supposition that it is sul- 
phur and arsenic; but Mr. Schoolcraft, by unquestionable 
experiments, ascertained that it was lead, (as would appear) 
in the form of a carbonated oxid. A considerable loss is 
in this manner sustained, and in a more advanced state of 
the metallurgic operations of these mines, the author’s val- 
uable suggestions will not be neglected. There is one mine 
(M’Kain’s,) where the ore is of the steel grained variety 
—it is said to yield less lead, and is inferred to contain 
more silver than the common ores: we are aware that this 
is the common impression, but our own experiments on 
different varieties of lead ore, would induce us to think 
that it cannot be relied upon. We have examined fine steel 
grained ore which contained very little silver; in one speci- 
men only one five thousandth part, and in another, and that 
a foliated specimen, we found three and a half per cent. of 

The methods of digging for the ore are sufficiently sim- 
ple. ‘A pick-axe and shovel are the only tools used for 
removing the earth, and the drill, hammer and priming rod 
are added when it is necessary to blast.” The process is 
earried on as in digging a common well. 

*Ttis mentioned by the author (p. 70) as a chemical test or reagent: it 
may, by decomposing it by ignition with charcoal, or with an alkaline 
carbonat, be made to afford its earth for the preparation of barvtic tests, 
bot we are not aware that it is eself ever used as a test. 

{ They are attributed by the author to phosphorus. Is it supposed to be 
inthe form of phosphuretted bidrogen ? may not these be electrical phe- 
nomena * 

70 Notice of Mr. Schoolcrafi’s View of 

We must refer our readers to the book itself for a clear 
account of the furnaces and furnace operations, employed 
for smelting the lead: it will be the more intelligible, as it 
is accompanied by two good plates containing views and 
sections of the furnaces. A circumstance which appears 
very extraordinary is, that the furnaces are most commonly 
built of limestone, which is of course calcined, and brought 
to the condition of quick lime by a few blasts, and then it 
crumbles and the furnaces must be rebuilt. 

The ore yields at first fifty per cent. and then the ashes 
give fifteen per cent. more—sixty-five* in the whole.+ 

Custom, says the author, has established a number of 
Jaws among the miners, with regard to digging, which have 
a tendency to prevent disputes. Whenever a discovery is 
made, the person claiming it is entitled to claim the ground 
for twenty-five feet, in every direction from his pit, giving 
him fifty feet square. Other diggers are each entitled to 
twelve feet square, which is just enough to sink a pit, and 
afford room for throwing out the earth. Each one meas- 
ures and stakes off his ground; and though he should not 
begin his work for several days afterwards, no person will 
intrude upon it. On this spot he digs down, but is not al-_ 
lowed to run drifts horizontally, so as to break into or un- 
dermine the pits of others. If appearances are unpromis- 
ing, or he strikes the rock and chooses to abandon his pit. 
he can go on any unoccupied ground, and, observing the 
same precautions, begin anew. In such a case, the aban- 
doned pit may be occupied by any other person; and 
sometimes large bodies of ore are found by the second oc- 
cupant, by a little work, which would have richly rewarded 
ihe labours of the first had he persevered. 

Mr. Schooleraft, from various particulars, infers, that the 
average annual produce of the Missouri lead mines, as men- 
tioned before, is three million pounds per annum, and the 
lead was worth in 1819, at the mines, four cents per pound.t 

* According to Dr. Meade, the Missouri ore affords only a trace of 
silver. (See Bruce’s Mini. Journal, Vol. £ p. 10. 

t Mr. Schooleraft thinks it may yield seventy per cent.--it gave him by 
analysis eighty-two per cent. 

+ “ The price paid to the miners for raising the cre, and delivering it ready 
dressed to the smelters, is two dollars per ewt. pavable in pig lead.” 

the Lead Mines of Missouri, &c. V1 

for the last three years, up to 1819 inclusive, the produce 
of the mines was estimated at three million seven hundred 
twenty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six pounds per 
annum of pig lead, which the author supposes to be not 
more than one half what the mines are capable of yielding. 

The number of miners is between eleven and twelve 
hundred, and the number of hands employed in labour at 
diferent mines, is from twenty to two hundred and forty, 
including in both cases persons of all descriptions. 

Many miscellaneous topics connected with the general 
subject of his work, are introduced by Mr. Schoolcraft, 
such as the sections relating to the manufactures, and uses 
of lead, &c. but it is not our object to advert to those topics. 

Among the miscellaneous mineral productions of the 
western regions, there are some that are interesting, and it 
will be seen from the author’s table of minerals (p. 177) 
that the list is various. There are several caverns which 
produce nitrate of potash by the usual treatment, and Ash- 
ley’s Cove, about eighty miles from Potosi, is said to be 
one of stupendous size, and to “ afford native nitrate of pot- 
ash in beautiful white crystals.”’ 

Beds of chalk are mentioned as occurring on the west 
bank of the Mississippi, about thirty-five miles above the 
mouth of the Ohio. It is described as being of an excel- 
jent quality, and as containing flint in strata,* and some- 
times in nodules. 

‘The novaculite is mentioned as occurring on Wachitta, 
as described by Mr. Bringier in the present Number. 

Steatite exists in abundance at the Falls of St. Anthony, 
on the Mississippi, and is used by the Indians for pipes. 

The fluate of lime near Shawneetown, was described in 
the first volume of this journal, 

Among other minerals, Mr. Schoolcraft mentions chalced- 
ony in several varieties, earthy oxid of lead, native copper, 
alum, manganese, opalized and agatized wood, opal, jasper, 
coal, gypsum, native epsom salts, pumice stone, agate, onyx, 
burr mill stone, native iron, &c. for the localities and de- 
scriptions of which we must refer to the book itself. 

Those facts of Mr. Schooleraft’s volume which relate to 
statistical and political topics do not come within the plan 
of these remarks. 

* May not this be hornstone in veins ? 

72 Notice of the Geology of Troy. 

During our cursory notice of this work, we have cited 2 
number of the most prominent facts which it contains, both 
because they are in themselves important, and because we 
were willing to call the attention of our readers both to 
them, and to the volume in which they are contained. 
Both are, in our view, entitled to great respect, and we con- 
fess ourselves very much indebted to Mr. Schoolcraft for a 
great mass of valuable information, which, in a connected 
form, is, we believe, no where else to be found. His state- 
ments {as regards the most valuable part) are drawn from 
his own researches and observations, and have, evidently 
been the result of much effort, and of no small share of fatigue 
and personal privation. We trust that so valuable a work 
will not stop with a single edition, and perhaps we might. 
venture to suggest to the author, that in a second, he might 
advantageously condense into one view, some facts which 
are several times repeated in different parts of the volume ; 
such as those respecting the granite and its connected rocks 
—the lead ore and its associated minerals, &c. 

We consider the present work as an acquisition to our 
means of information respecting our mineral resources, and 
believe, that it must be a regular volume of reference for all 
those who are interested in the investigation of these 

Arr. VII.—Geological Notice of Troy.—Extract of o 
letter to the Edvtor. 

Tue city of Troy is situated on the east bank of the 
Hudson river, on an elevated plain, from eighteen to twen- 
ty-four feet above the bed of the river. It is about one 
mile and a half in length, and about sixty rods wide. When 
digging for wells, &c. we pass through a series of almost 
uninterrupted gravel, of the coarsest and most sterile kind, 
mixed with a vast number of pieces of quartz of various 
colours, and all worn smooth, and rounded so as to be fit 
for paving streets, &c.: among these are many of the same 
size and figure as before mentioned ef horn stone, lydian 
stone, sinople jasper, chlorite, (connected with quartz,) sili- 
ceous slate, rubble stones, &c. Sometimes we meet with 
a stratum of coarse blue clay or sand, but we uniformly 

Dr. Allen on West River Mountain. 73 

find, at from eighteen to twenty-four feet deep, logs of 
wood and other vegetable substances, in a tolerable state of 
preservation. At the lower end of this plain, and where 
the river was probably once bounded, a quarry of siliceous 
slate-appears, which is worked for use in building, &c. ; and all 
interspersed through this, we find bituminous shale and blind 
coal or anthracite, as you will observe by the specimens, with 
frequent pieces of iron pyrites, lenticular spar, crystalized 
quartz, &c. in connexion. Over this, the alluvial deposits 
appear, in regular order, consisting of gravel, sand, clay, 
and loam. No rocks, except slate, are found in the ‘neigh- 
borhood for several miles around, although all the incrusta- 
tions or natural cements, as in pudding stone, appear to be 
carbonate of lime. The water is generally sweet and good. 

Should you wish any other information as respects locali- 
ties in this neighbourhood, I will furnish them with pleas- 

Yours respectfully, 


Troy, October 6, 1818. 

Arr. IX.—On the Question, whether there are any traces 
of a Volcano in the West River Mountain—in a letter to 
the Editor from Dr. Jonatuan A. ALLEN. 

inaiteboroush Vermont, July 31, 1820. 

West-River Moonie having havi announced, in the 
annals of the American Academy, as volcanic, ‘and m 
Bruce’s Mineralogical Journal, as ‘‘ presenting no traces of 
an eruption,” I was induced to examine the evidence. 

Ihave not only several times visited the mountain, but I 
have availed myself of the accounts of those who resided 
in this vicinity, at or near the time when the eruption 
was said to have happened. ‘There is now living in this 
town, an old man of acknowledged veracity, who, at the 
time of the reported explosion, resided at Fort Dummer, 
about two miles distant from the spot. He says, that he 

Mor. f0.....Ne. ¥- 10 

74 Dr. Allen on West River Mowntain. 

frequently heard “ noises like thunder on the mountain” — 
that “ the hole made by the eruption, was about thirty feet 
deep”—and that “ he repeatedly visited the place, but nev- 
er saw any flame.” 

‘The mountain is situated on the east side of Goomeciene 
river, opposite to Brattleborough, East-Village.. Its great- 
est length is north and south, and does not exceed four 
miles. Its height, above the water in the river, as ascer- 
tained by my friend Erastus Root, M. D. is nine hundred 
and ferty feet. Passing from the river to the mountain, the 
rocks change from argillite to mica slate. which constitutes 
most, if not all the mountain. 

Towards the top, the mountain separates into an east- 
ern and western section. At a distance of about thirty 
rods, ascending from where vegetation flourishes, on the 
south extremity of the eastern cliff, you come to the shaft 
which has been sunk into the rock about one hundred feet. 
Here the volcanic eruption is supposed to have occurred. 
This place is extremely craggy. A spectator, here instinct- 
ively falls on his hands and knees, and cautiously peeps into 
the shaft,—for about thirty feet he sees a wide expanse, like 
an irregular the rocks; it then diminishes like 
a funnel, and at a distance of forty or fifty feet below, the 
water, ae a stone is thrown in, is seen undulating, and 
appears to aid in reverberating a hollow sound. Above, 
masses of rocks impend over your head, and seem ready to 
crush the observer. From this place, I have known people 
retreat with precipitation, lest that should be their fate. 

The shaft has been sunk at different times, by individuals 
in search of the precious metals. The vein which has 
been followed into the rock, is about a foot in diameter, 
and contains hematite iron ore. From this shaft, at some 
former period, it is said, capillary filaments of silver | were 
obtained, but this is probably a mistake.* 

* Mr. Gibbs, recently a tutor in Yale College, shewed me some of this 
ore, which, many years ago, was sent from the garrison at Fort Dummer, 
to his father, who then owned the mine. Afterw ards, this gentleman said, 
he carried some of it to Professor Silliman, who pronounced it to be silver. 
Some of the ore which Mr. Gibbs gave me, is inclosed—is it not a soldier’s 
epanlet ? Did not the locality of native silver, mentioned in Cleaveland’s, 
Mineralogy, oviginate from this? 

Answer.—tt did—we- know nothing, however, of the soldier’s epauleé— 
we can say only that the origitial specimen, like that sent by Dr, Allen, was 

Dr. Allen on West River Mountain. G5 

The rock, through which the workmen have passed in 
making the shaft, is mica slate, passing into granular quartz. 
In some instances, however, the quartz is found crystalized, 
but it is neither frequent nor elegant. 

Leaving the shaft, and ascending to the top of this cliff, 
on the west side, you observe a descent of one hundred 
feet perpendicular, and from the bottom of this the rocks 
are scattered in huge broken masses, in such a manner, that 
an inclined plane over the whole would form an angle of 
about 45°, for the distance ef ten or twelve rods where it 
intersects the western section of the mountain. 

No appearances of lava could, by repeated examination, 
be discovered. How then, it may be asked, are we to ac- 
count for the repeated reports heard at Fort Dummer ? 
Could they be imaginary ? 

-We have no right to conclude they were, for the facts 
were related by persons whose testimony would not have 
been doubted on other occasions, and why should they be 
called in question in this? It is asserted in Bruce’s Jour- 
nal, that the reports were caused ‘ by the wind’s rushing 
through the clift of the mountain near the shaft.” If so, 
why are not the same noises heard at the present time? 

Then to what cause shall we attribute these novses lke 
thunder on the mountain? The most probable conclusion 
is, that they were produced by the falling of the immense 
masses of rocks from the western side of the eastern cliff. 
By this conclusion every difficulty is removed. Go to the 
spot, and there you will find evidences in favour of this 
opinion, stronger than language can describe,—but search 
for. voleanoes, and you will find nothing deserving your no- 

In determining the geological character of the West-river 
mountain, | am happy to acknowledge the assistance of the 

Rev. Edward Hitchcock, A. M. of Deerfield, Ms. 

selver in filaments—that it exhaled arsenic, by the blow-pipe, and would not 
dissolve in nitric acid till the arsenic had ‘been expelled ; it then dissolved 
readily and was precipitated white by muriate of soda. Manufactured 
‘silver, we believe, does not exhale arsenic, but native silver often contains 
arsenic—such is that at Mr, Lane’s mine in Huntington.— Ed. 

76 Dr. Allen on West River Mountain. 

Localities of Miuieale: in the vicinite y of Bratleborough, 
communicated by Dr. dillen. 

Tremolite—beautiful specimens crystalized in quartz, are 
found at Wardsboro, Vt.; also at Brattlebo- 
rough, but not good. 

Schorl———elegant crystals, in quartz, Dummerston; and, 
also, Baattleborough, less perfect. 

Indicolite—-in large crystals contained in feld spar and 
quartz, Hinsdale, N. H. 

Granular Quartz—appearing like loaf sugar, Vernon, Vt. 

Actynolite—Windham and New-Fane. At New-Fane I 
found it in large masses separate from any 
other substance. 

Micaceous Oxide of Iron—Jamaica: in veins in ‘eee lime 
stone, near ‘Turkey mountain. 

Crystalized in chlorite, beautiful specimens; 
Marlborough, Vt. | poe 

Scaly Talc—beautiful specimens, discovered by Professor 
Hall, Windham, and by myself, New-Fane. 

Serpentine—-An immense mass, Grafton, discovered by 
Professor Hall. 3 

Magnetic Tron Ore—in large quantities, containing about 
sixty per cent. iron, Sumerset, Vt. This ore is 
frequently carried to the forge near Bennington, 
to be wrought. Pyrites is also found here in 

: abundance, and what the people call bog ore. 

At Sumerset, an iron forge might be established, with 
much profit, but those in this vicinity who have the. dispo- 
sition, have not the necessary capital. 



Mixed production of the Spanish Chesnut, fe. 77 



ART. X.— Experiments on a valuable variety of fruit, pro- 
duced between the Spanish Chesnut, and the Maryland 
-Cinquapin—in a letter from Wrirram Prince, Esq. to 
the Hon. Samuen L. Mrreni. 

(Read before the Lyceum of Natural History, at New-York, Oct. 15, and 
communicated for insertion in this Journal.) 

Fiusuine, Oct. 14, 1820. 
Dear Sir, 3 

Knowine the interest you take in the various phe- 
nomena of nature, I wish to call your attention to one of 
its most curious operations, the production of new va- 
rieties in the vegetable kingdom. I herewith send you 
a specimen of a new and valuable Chesnut, accidental- 
ly produced in the following manner :—about the year 
1788, the large Spanish chesnut was first imported into 
this country. I planted some of the nuts, and obtained 
bearing trees——-beneath one of which, I had planted the 
fagus pumila or chinquapin of the southern states, which 
produce fruit when not more than two feet in height. The 
farina of the blossoms of the large Spanish chesnut, fell on 
the stiles of the flowers of the little chinquapin, whose fruit, 
when ripe, J planted, and in the spring when they came up, 
{ observed several of the plants had leaves resembling the 
Spanish chesnuts—those plants far outgrew the others, and 
have produced a new fruit, Paving of the chinquapin in 
its abundant prolificacy, and of the Spanish chesnut in the 
improved size of its fruit, which is larger than the com- 
mon American Chesnut. The quality of the fruit you will 
be able to judge of by those I send you. 

This is a satisfactory evidence of the improvement that 
may be made by mixing the different kinds of European 
and American fruits; and I have no doubt great improve- 
ment might be made in the American grape, if the seeds 
were sown from vines whose blossoms had been previously 
impregnated by the farina of the best foreign sorts. Vines 

78 Mixed production of the Spanish Chesnut, &c. 

might be thus produced, that would stand the cold of our 
climate, and combine the prolificacy of the indigenous with 
the flavour of the finest exotic kinds. | 
: I am, with respect, 
Your obedient servant, 


(ANSWER.) | 
New-Yors, Oct. 16, 1820. 
My Dear Sir, Bers 

I beg you to accept my thanks for your valuable com- 
munication of yesterday. ‘The articles susceptible of pre- 
paration in a herbarium, have been placed there for the 
inspection of my friends and visitors at home, and of my 
class at the college. The capsules and fruits have already 
been exhibited to such agriculturists and cultivators as have 
called upon me. They, who have tasted them, admire the 
new product, as an excellent variety for the table. 

It is a curious and memorable fact, that the farina fecun- 
dans of the European chesnut, does, in the manner you 
describe, impregnate the American chinquapin. ee 

I believe, with you, the principle is capable of extensive 
application. Hybrid plants, possessing qualities worthy of 
being known and perpetuated, have often appeared. lam 
inclined to think, they are more frequent than is generally 
supposed. I hope vines may be found susceptible of im- 
provement by such an intermarriage ; and that all interested 
may experience the benefit, in the better quality of grapes, 
and of the precious liquid they afford. : 

The world stands very much in need of faithful. observ- 
ers, to ascertain facts. Another class of persons is quite 
as necessary, I mean those who write and register their re- 
marks, for public instruction. Unless the things we know, 
are thus put upon record, to travel far and wide among our 
contemporaries, and forward a long line to our successors, 
they will perish with our failing memories—die with us, or 
at farthest, be imperfectly remembered a generation or two 
by tradition. wae * 

I rejoice that you have set so good an example; and re- 
commend it to diligent imitation. 

Health and respect, 


Vanden Heuvel on the Honey Bees of Guiana, &c. 79 

Arr. XI.—4 memoir* on the honey-bees of America, ad- 

dressed to the Hon. Samuel L. Mitchill, President 
of the Lyceum of Natural History—by J. C. Vanpen 
Heuvet, Esq. 

~ (Communieated for insertion in this Journal.) 

§ IR, 

Constperine the institution over which you preside as 
the proper depository of such articles of interest or value in 
any of the branches of natural history, as may be brought 
from foreign countries by private means, I take the liberty 
of addressing you for the purpose of contributing to their 
cabinet, a collection of bees obtained by me, during a re- 
cent residence in Guiana ; indulging a belief that the region 
whence it proceeds will rather increase than diminish the 
interest which it may excite. While most of the provinces 
of South-America have been examined by scientific obser- 
vers both of the old and new hemisphere, the portion lying 
between the rivers Oronoke and Amazon has attracted but 
little of their attention. To this neglect various causes of a 
moral and political nature have contributed; but impedi- 
ments, arising from the physical aspect of the country, have 
been alone sufficient to occasion it. Its immense forests, 
almost impervious by their exuberant luxuriance of vegeta- 
tion, excited by a tropical sun and humid atmosphere, are 
rendered inaccessible during a great part of the year by the 
torrents of rain that periodically fall, and descending from 
the higher grounds, form vast reservoirs on the intermediate 
Savannas ; while a still farther difficulty is presented in the 
dreadful aspect of hordes of savages roaming there in prim- 
itive rudeness, and in many cases with existing traits of the 
wildest ferocity. 

In the course of my residence in the province of Deine- 
rara, | became acquainted with a German naturalist, Dy. 
George Schmidt, who has lived for a number of years in va- 
rious parts of Guiana, and is now an inhabitant on the banks 

* Dated at New-York, Sept. 21st, 1820, and read before the Lyceum, 25th 
Sept. 1820. 

80 Vanden Heuvel on the Honey Bees of Guiana, Ye. 

of the river Essequibo. His assiduous and persevering ex- 
ertions have brought to light sufficient data to convey an 
idea of the extensive and most interesting treasures of Nat- 
ural History, which are contained in that unexplored re- 
gion. The department to which he has chiefly devoted 
himself, i is that of Entomology, and the abundance and di- 
versity of the various tribes of i insects, as disclosed by him, 
among which is a vast number heretofore unknown, cannot 
be viewed but with mingled delight and astonishment.— 
Among the varieties collected by him, 1 was particulary 
struck with the number and beautiful diversity of the order 
of bees; and presuming that of a country so little known, 
any information would be gratifying to Naturalists of the 
United States, I obtained from him a preparation of the spe- 
_ cies in his possession, and which I have now the pleasure to 
present to your highly respectable institution. The num- 
ber of bees contained in the collection is twenty, but half of 
the whole number (as Dr. Schmidt informed me) which he 
had indicated. I regret that no nomenclature attends them, 

as in consequence of his discoveries not being completed, 

he had not yet bestowed “his attention to that subject. It 
may be gratifying, Sir, however to you and others, to learn 
the names given to these various species by the Aborigines 
of the country, not only as furnishing means for a systematic 
discrimination, but also as corroborating the statement of 
Dr. Schmidt, of the honey-producing property of all these 
- varieties. This information I have derived from an indi- 
vidual who was for many years a constant resident among 
the savage tribes, and qualified both by education and an in- 
quisitive turn, to notice and preserve by written memorials, 
whatever important facts came to his knowledge. He took 
up his abode chiefly among the celebrated nation of Arro- 
wauks, who, ‘distinguished above all the tribes for their 
mildness and benevolence ‘of disposition, are also pre-emi- 
nent among them as minute observers of all the productions 
of nature. Being the original proprietors of the whole coast 
of Guiana, though subsequently dispossessed of a portion of 
it by the ferocious Charibs; all the rivers and creeks, the 
intervening territories and. prominent positions ; all the yari- 
eties of animaland vegetable life bear to this day their own 
appellations. Like other savages, they are little used to ab- 
straction and generalization, but led by their habits, accus-" 

Vanden Heuvel on the Honey Bees of Guiana, &c. 81 

tomed to an attentive observance of external objects, they 
evince in the discovery of specific differences,: an inquisi- 
tiveness of remark, and nicety of discrimination, which can- 
not be surpassed by naturalists whose minds have been dis- 
ciplined by systematic studies. Not a tree nor a shrub, no 
creature of the air, of the flood or of the forest, however di- 
minutive, or kowever rare, throughout the endless distine- 
tion of nature, exists without an Arrowauk denomination. 
According to the authority referred to, their name for Bee is 
Ambani ; and every variety is designated by prefixing to 
this word another, indicative of some analogy which its 
shape or colour, the acuteness of the sting, or the scent of 
the honey bears to:some other object. JMaba is their name 
for honey, to which, in like manner, to distinguish its seve- 
ral kinds, they prefix the term appertaining to that species 
of Bee from which it is obtained. Thus they say Kurewd- 
ka-Ambant. Kurewaka is the name of a small Parrot, 
whose colour that of the Bee bearing this name resembles ; 
and Kurewaka-Maba, is the honey of that Bee. Hydo- 
Ambani is a Bee whose honey smells like the milky juice 
exuding from a tree, called Hyao: and Yawahu-Ambani is 
one whose sting causes fever, Yawahu being their name for 
Devil, whom they, like most other rude nations, believe to 
be the cause of all diseases, as well as other calamities with . 
which they are afflicted. ‘The number of Bees noticed by 
my informant is twenty-nine, all of whom he asserts are 
honey Bees; the quality of the honey, he moreover adds, 
is remarkable for its clearness, thickness and sweetness ; 
the wax of a yellowish brown, imparting a fragrant smell. 
The following are the Arrawauk names, as furnished by him 
for these species : ) 

ecclire Ga ; Carrion-Bee, (from the smel! 
of the honey) 

2. Siwiriri, Small... 

3. Maburia, Very small. 

4. Honno-Honuri, Large. wih 
_5. Honno-Honno, Very large. 

6. Tuturilu, | - , Large black... 
4%. Aikki, Fire, (stings like.) 

8. Wakara, White Golding. 

9. Wirukuturi, — Yellow-Bird, 

iO. Kuyara, Large Deer. 

Fou. Wi.e.No. 4d. 1} 

82. Vanden Heuvel on the Honey Bees of Guiana, &ec. 

11. Puteréra, Very painful. 

12, Kuriwiri, Blood-letting. 

13. Kana, Wild Cow. 

14. Haw, The Sloth. 

15. Hituri, Black Ape. 

16. Kuriwaka, A species of Parrot. 

17. Saramma, Largest sort of Parrot. 

18. Warumuri, — Long black Ant. 

_ 19. Pariéddi, Large White. 

20. Léndi Gubi, Calabash.. 

21. Baraddi, Bill. Bird. 

22. Waraddi, Very rare. 

23. Kuribiru, Snake Fish. 

24. Warakabba, White back. 

25. Yawahu, Devil. 

26. Sibéru, Frog. 

27. Suli-Sali, Sinall black Parrot. 

28. Alaso, Small land Turtle. 

29, HyAo; ; A Tree that exudes a milky 

In presenting this collection to the Lyceum, I have, Sir, 
another pleasure, independent of that of enlarging its cabi- 
net. It is derived from the opportunity I have of affording 
by ocular evidence, incontestable refutation of a theory 
which has been maintained by European writers, of the ori- 
gin of the Bees of the western hemisphere. In consequence 
of their supposed fewness in North-America, an opinion’ 
was advanced by the Abbe Raynal that they were brought 
there by the first settlers, and is recently put forth in a work. 
of credit and general reference, (Rees’ Cyclopedia: Art. 
Bees,) in these words: 
honey Bee, is an HMuropean insect. It is supposed by Mr. | 
Hunter to be an inhabitant of Asia‘and Africa; its appear-_ 
ance in America may be accounted for in the presumption — 
that it was originally introduced there from Europe, and in 
the course of time has been completely habituated to. the 
climate.” Thus, by an inversion of the rules of just rea- 
soning, an hypothesis is formed before acquiring a know-_ 
ledge of facts, and these, when disclosed, though entirely at 
variance with it, must, to support it, be explained away by — 
arbitrary assumptions. Of the native origin of the Bee of 
North-America, no doubt can be entertained by any one, 

“‘'The Apis-mellifica, or common | - 

Vanden Heuvel on the Honey Bees of Guiana, §c. 83 

possessed of the least experience inthe country. Even the 
fewness of its numbers may fairly be questioned ; at least if 
applied in any other than a comparative sense. In all parts 
of this portion of the continent, to the remotest settlements, 
honey Bees are found in a wild and unappropriated state in 
every wood. Of these there are several varieties which 
have never been domesticated, and therefore could never 
have been brought from foreign regions. If neither the 
climate, nor the fruits of the soil are entirely uncongenial 
with the habits of these species, no reason exists for the 
presumption that those which are domesticated, are not also 
mdigenous. ‘To facts of which we have daily evidence, it 
is superfluous to produce written authorities ; but allow me 
Sir, to observe, that Carver, in his Travels in North-West- 
America, describes the Bee, in connection with the Beaver, 
&c. “ as one of those productions almost peculiar to Ameri- 
ca,” an opinion very extraordinary, when contrasted with 
the hypothesis of Raynal, and which could have arisen only 
from his observation of such numbers of this insect, as sur- 
passed in his belief the swarms of the old world. Their 
mode of depositing their honey is indeed peculiar, and oc- 
casioned solely by local causes. Instead of concealing it in 
the hollow of a tree, or suspending their hives from the 
branches, they place it in a hole made in the ground, their 
object being to preserve it from the attacks of tigers. With 
reference to the southern portion of North-America, I take 
the liberty also, of presenting an anecdote I accidentally met 
with, illustrative of the existence of Bees in that quarter. 
In Roberts’ History of Florida, it is mentioned that in the 
Expedition of Ferdinand De Soto, for the conquest of that 
territory in 1539, his army, after a fatiguing march of some 
days, besides receiving provisions from the Indians, were 
agreeably surprized with the discovery of wild honey in the 
woods, which, considering the date of the expedition, must 
have proceeded from Bees indigenous to the country. 
Their paucity in North-America, admitting it to exist, 
might have been accounted for by Raynal, without hazard- 
ing the idea of their transmigration from the other continent, 
_ by reflecting that the nature of the climate was less favoura- 
ble to them, than that of more southern regions; as in Eu- 
rope, though they are cultivated to some extent in the north- 
ern parts, they are more the objects of the attention of man, 

$4 Vanden Heuvel on the Honey Bees of Gmana, &c. 

and thrive more under his fostering care, beneath those 
warm and indulgent skies, where nature affords nutriment 
for them in gay profusion, and lengthened summers pro- 
longing their labours render their products of greater impor- 

tance. In like manner on the Western NGoisiiwont: itis In. 

southern climes that they are found in greatest abundance, 
and that the results of their iudustry are most valuable. 

The ardent sun of the tropics, which generates in all veg- 
etable bodies an increased portion of saccharine matter. 
which decks the woods and groves with an endless display 
of blossoms and flowers, of aromatic and nectareous fra- 
grance, and distils from the trees of the forest in luscious 
streams those balmy juices with which it surcharges them, 
furnishes a region where Bees may luxuriate in “a wilder- 
ness of sweets.” Accordingly in all parts of South Ameri- 

ca, and in the West Indies, their different products form — 
not only material articles of diet and domestic. utility, but 

also very considerable items of foreign exportation. 

Along the banks of the Amazon, says Southey, (Ist Vol. 
History of Brazil) honey is one of the sree articles of 
sustenance of the natives. 

In Chili, according to Molini, it is an artielé of commerce _ 

between several of the provinces. 

In Paraguay, wax is one of the two staples of trade ay 
the river La Plate, across the country, (Ulloa.) 

In Peru, Bees are so numerous, that when one of the 
Spanish Generals, on the conquest of it, entered a certain 
province, scarce a tree could be cleft but eos, flowed from 
the aperture. (Southey.) 

The province of Yucatan, in New-Spain, says Hum- 
boldt, is so well stored with this insect, that wae is its prin- 
cipal export; and in the island of Cuba, adds the same au- 
thority, it is so abundant, that in 1803, 45,000 oe or 
one million pounds weight of that article was exported. 

“In regard to the remaining part of South America, the 
collection I lay before the institution, affords a nt 
testimony to the point. 

Such being the abundance and variety of this insect in the 
southern portion of the continent, far superior to all similar 
productions of the old world, the idea of its transportation to 
those parts from Europe, is manifestly absurd; and’ even if 
the North American Bee should be admitted not to be indi- 

_ Deposit of Banks of the Rattle Snake. - 85 

genous to its own siicnciees an admission, contrary to fact, 
and unsupported by the shadow of authority, we should of 
course attribute its appearance there to emigration from the 
contiguous and well supplied regions of the south, rather 
than to transportation by human agency, from the far less. 
extensive swarms of another continent. — 

On the whole, Sir, from these facts, it appears to me, and | 
1 trust will also appear to your better judgment, that the pre- 
sumptuous hypothesis of Raynal and his successors, is to be 
considered merely as the genuine offspring of the spirit 
once so fashionable among a certain class of Furopean wri- 
ters, and even now not extinguished, of decrying and dispar- 
aging all the productions, Pes aia vegetable, moral and 
intellectual, of the Western Hemisphere. 

Lf have fie honor to be, Sir, with best wishes for ihe con- 
tinued prosperity of your Institution, 

Your very respectful, 
and obedient humble servant, 


Arr. XIL.—Some curious facts respecting the Bones of the 
Rattle Snake ; communicated for this Journal by Profes- 
sor Jacop Green, in a letter to the Editor, dated 
Princeton, oe 4) 1920. 

- Asovr the year 1748, some labourers in working a quar- 
ry in this neighbourhood for the stone with which our Col- 
lege is built, discovered a small cavern, which contained 
the entire skeletons of an immense number of the rattle 
snake, Sa ) ‘The bones were in such quantities as to 
require two or three carts for their removal. ‘There can, I 
think; be but little doubt, that this cavern had once a small 
opening which was afterwards closed by the accidental fall 
of a stone, or some other impediment. This cavehas prob- 
ably been the winter abode of the rattle snake for years, 
where many have died through age, and others in conse- 
quence of the circumstance just mentioned. Mr. Hum- 
boldt, in the third volume of his Personal Narrative, hints 
at an occurrence somewhat similar to the above. ‘1 had 
visited the caverns of the Hartz, those of Franconia, and the 
beautiful gretto of Treshemienshiz, in the Carpathian 

86 =» Deposit of Bones of the Ratile Snake. — 

) mountains, which are vast cemeteries of bones of tygers, 
hyenas and bears, as large as our horses.” Bakewell, in 
his Geology, has an account of the entire skeleton of an Ble 
phant of immense size, discovered in Derbyshire, in a cay- 
ernous rock composed of marme animals. We supposes 
the cavern to have been open, and afterwards closed by the 
deposition of calcareous earth, forming stalactites ; instances 
of which are common in Der byshibes “ Into this cavern I 
conceive, (says he) the animal had retired to die, at a peri- 
od long after the existence of the marine animals which are 
imbedded i in the surrounding rock.” 

The discovery of the organic remains of the rattle stake 
in our neighbourhood, may serve as an additional caution 
to geologists, not to form theories from isolated facts; and 
that if the bones of animals similar to those which now in- 
habit cur earth are discovered, with reliques peculiar to 
what we now suppose to be ancient strata, a careful exaim- 
mation of all the circumstances will sometimes illustrate the 

The stones of es our College is built are argillite and 
hornblende, taken from various quarries in the neighbour- 
hood. In which of these the above remains were discover- 
ed | am unable to Siac, but most probably they were in the 
argillite. ; 

Within the memory of some of the old inhabitants af our 
town, rattle snakes were common in this vicinity ; but as 
in other places, they have retired as the population has in- 
creased to more uncultivated regions. ‘There is a popular | 
story among them, that this reptile always retired to his 
winter quarters before the leaves of the white ash (Fravinus 
discolor) began to fall—the leaf of this tree being peculiarly 
obnoxious to him. J am aware that stories of this kind are 
not entitled to much credit, and therefore do not intend to 
add the leaves of the white ash to the list of antidotes to the 
bite of the rattle snake, but merely state i circumstance 
to excite further observation. | 

Comparison of the Blowpipes of Hare and Brook. 87 


pe Pi 
Arr. XIII.—Upon the fusion of various refractory bodies 
by Hare’s Blowpipe. 

(Translated from the Annales de Chimie et de Physique of Panis; for July, 
1820—Editors Gay Lussac and See) 

Tux blowpipe of Hare was described in the Annals of 
Chemistry, (Vol. 45, p. 113.) It is supplied by two 
streams, one of hydrogen and the other of oxigen, which do 
not mix till the moment of their combustion, and conse- 
quently are attended by no kind of danger. This blowpipe 
is in this respect far preferable to that of Newman, or rath- 
er of Brook, who appears to have been the first inventor, 
and it is not inferior to it, or only in avery slight* degree, in in- 
tensity of heat. We can besides supply it with hydroge 
gas and oxigen gas, compressed each in its own reservoir ; 
but, if we were to judge of it by the effects produced by this. 
instrument, and by that of Brook, there is but little advan- 
tage in having recourse to this means. 

The simplest mode of constructing Hare’s blowpipe in a 
laboratory, would be, by taking two cylindrical bell glasses, 
furnished with stop cocks, the horizontal sections of which 
(the glasses) should be such, that the one should present a 
surface double to that of the other: they are to be fixed in 
the pneumatic cistern, the largest to contain oxigen and the 
smallest hydrogen. From each of the bell glasses should 
proceed a tube, which should terminate in a somewhat mas- 
sive cone of platina, perforated with two small ducts, very 
near to each other, and corresponding to the two tubes. 
The cistern being supposed to be filled with water, and the 
bell glasses immersed in it, the gas will escape from them 
by opening the stop cocks, always i in the proportion to form 
water, which is the best adapted to produce the maximum 
of heat. 

* Whether it is inferior even in the slightest degree, may be seeu from the 
dee comparison of results, foode by Profes ssor Hare, in our last Number. 
Editor. i 

88 Comparison of the Blowpipes ‘of Hare and Brook. 

- Lavoisier, as is well known, by directing oxigen gas upon 
burning charcoal, succeeded in melting and volatilizmg some 
substances, which, till that time, had been considered as in- 
fusible and fixed. (Mém. de l’Acad. 1782 et 1783). He 
melted alumine, and many of its mixtures; but he did not 
succeed in melting silex, barytes, lime and magnesia. | 

Mr. Hare, by means of his blowpipe, pertectly melted 
alumine, silex and barytes, but with great difficulty, lime 
and magnesia. He brought silver and gold toa state of 
ebullition, and succeeded, almost instantly, in volatilizing 
completely, globules of platina of more than a line in diame- 
ter. (An. de Chim. XLV. 134. et LX. 82.) 

Some years afterwards, Mr. Silliman, Professor of Chem- 
istry and Mineralogy, who had. co-operated in the early ex- 
periments of Mr. Hare, performed new ones, which were 
published in 1813, in the first volume of the Memoirs of the 
Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences; we proceed 
to give the principal results. | 

Alumine was perfectly melted into a milk white enamel. 

Silex, into a colourless glass. 

Barytes and strontian into a greyish white enamel. 

Glucine and Zircon were perfectly melted into a white 
enamel. Saeeug 

Lime, prepared by the calcination of Carrara marble, was 
melted into a perfectly white and brilliant enamel. 

The splendor of the light was such that the eye, when na- 
_ked, and even when protected by deeply coloured glasses, 
could not sustain it. The lime was seen to become round- 
ed at the angles, and gradually to sink down; and in a few 
seconds, there remained only a small globular mass. — 

Magnesia was affected almost exactly as lime; the light 
reflected was equally vivid; the surface was melted into 
small vitreous globules. BO ie 

Platina was not only melted, but volatilized with strong 
ebullition. ke dat Pa 

A great number of minerals, such as rock crystal, chal- 
cedony, beryl, Peruvian emerald, . peridot, (chrysoberyi) 
amphigene, (leucite) disthene, (sappar) corundum, zircon, 
spinel-ruby, &c. melted with the greatest facility. aa 
~ In subsequent experiments, which Mr. Silliman has com- 
municated to us, platina, gold, silver, and many other met- 
als -were not only rapidly vaporized, but entered, at the 
same time, into beautiful and vivid combustion, 

Comparison of the Blowpipe of Hare and Brook. 89 

Although the experiments of Mr. Silliman date in 1812, 
we have thought that they ought to be known upon our con- 
tinent. They demonstrate, on the one hand, that Mr. Clark 
has been anticipated in America, with respect to the fusion 
of bodies in the flame of hydrogen and oxigen ;—and on the 
other, that the blow-pipe of Hare gives results almost per- 
fectly identical with those of Brook. 

Rémonke by the Editor. 

Having, in company with Professor: Griscom, used the 
blowpipe of Brook, and repeated with it many of the 
experiments cited above, we are constrained to agree 
with Messrs. Gay Lussac and Arago, (an authority which 
both on this point, and on that of priority, will proba- 
bly be admitted as of the first import,) and to say 
that we can perceive very little, if any superiority which 
Brook’s instrument has over the prior and original inven- 
tion of Mr. Hare. ‘The exact apportionment of the gases 
is, at first view, a consideration of importance—but in prac- 
tice, (and we speak from a long course of experience with 
Mr. Hare’s instrument,) it is really found of very small mo-' 
ment. A little habit in using the instrument, soon enables 
the operator to decide by the eye, from the size and intensi- 
ty of the flame—especially when directed upon any object, 
whether the proportions are right, and nothing is easier than 
to alter them, by simply turning the key of one stop cock, 
or of the other, as may appear necessary. Wecan say with 
the utmost confidence, that there is no difficulty on that 
head, and the results with the two instruments sufficiently 
establish this fact. 

Theory would probably Jead us to opens much from the 
effect of pressure—but here again we were, when using 
Brook’s instrument, greatly disappoimted. We raised the 
pressure, by forcing in the mixed gases till the flat sides of 
the thick and strong copper parallelopiped, which is em- 
ployed as a recipient, were swollen out tll they were all 
distinctly convex, and yet the intensity of the flame did not 
appear to surpass that produced by Mr. Hare’s instrument, 
used with the aid of a pressure of a few inches of water. 

Ought we, however, even from theory, to expect any 
advantage from pressure, bevond that which may cause the 

Vou Ti. No. 1. 12 

90 Comparison of the Blowpipe of Hare and Brook. 

gases to flow decidedly to the focus, and with such rapidity 
as to keep up a constant supply. As there is nothing to 
confine the stream of gas—no reacting force, particularly 
on the sides of the stream, except simply the pressure of 
the atmosphere, will not the effect of great pressure be, to 
dissipate laterally, a portion of the gases, so that they will. 
not arrive at the focus, either burning out of it, or possibly, 
even to some extent, escaping combustion. | 

In Brook’s instrument also, were a high pressure deemed 
of advantage, it is evidently very transient, as, the moment 
the gases begin to flow, it is dimmished, probably, in a ge- 
ometrical ratio, aud it is very soon reduced to a pressure 
not superior to that exerted in Mr. Hare’s. From the small 
capacity of the reservoir, the entire duration of one charge 
of gas is also very short, and it is burnt outim a minute or: 
two. It is true, it is possible i in some measure to compen- 
sate for this defect, by employing an assistant to inject gas 
constantly while the flame is burning, but this, besides the 
inconvenience of the thing, would probably eccasion hilo 
tions in the flame. 

The reservoir for Brook’s blowpipe may, indeed, be made 
‘stronger and larger to any extent—but whe (considering the 
evident liability to explosion which, after all the ingenious 
contrivances to prevent it, does occasionally happen) would 
wish to be in the vicinity of even a cubic foot of these gases 
which, when kindled, would, of course, exert, in their ex- 
plosion, a force proportioned to the resistance of the walls 
of the reservoir, and might therefore pene fragments, with 
even fatal velocity, * t- 

'* That this inference is not unfounded, will perhaps appear from the fol- 
jowing fact. We had been accustomed (borrowing the experiment from — 
the late Dr. Woodhouse, of Philadelphia) to mix fulminating mercury and 
oxy muriate (chlorate) of potash by agitating them on an open paper by a 
feather; they were then gently poured into {he bowl of acommon tobacco 
pipe; and exploded by pouring sulphuric acid from a long g pole ; the expto- 
sion was always very violent, but no barm happened from the fine frag- 
ments, into which the pipe bow! was alwa ays broken. 

On one occasion, we substituted for the pipe bowl, a common Gaeiie can- 
dle extingnisher, placing it with the vertes,of Back dice nwards, in an iron 
candlestick, which was intended to actas a support. _We were aware, thai 
by the explosion, the tin recipient would be torn, but we imagined that the- 

fraginents would hardly be projected, or, if they were, it was concluded. 
that, on account of their thinness, they would not be propelled to any. 
distance, nor with sufficient momentum, todo any harm. But when the’ 
explosion occurred, the iron candlestick was split, although no part of if 

Comparison of the Blowpipe of Hare and Brook. 91 

Especially, would this danger be serious, were such vol- 
umes of the gases employed as to keep up a train of experi- 
ments for hours, without recruiting the gases. This is the 
case in the large pneumatic cistern in the Laboratory of 
Yale College. ~The recipients for gas, in this, amount col- 
lectively to the capacity of fifty gallons; they are all con- 
nected at pleasure; the gas in them, when they are full, 
has a pressure of fifteen inches of water, and the consump- 
tion of half a cubic foot of gas reduces. the pressure only 
one inch, and so in proportion. 

_ This instrument, or one on similar principles, has been in 
use, in our hands, for-the purposes of the compound blow- 
pipe, seventeen or eighteen years; and no explosion ever 
occurred, or can occur, because the well of the cistern is 
between the two hostile gases. 

The scale of the instrument has enabled us to baie, 
even to luxury, in the numerous and splendid experiments 
of fusions and combustions, which were performed on most 
substances that possess any particular interest, in the suc- 
cessive public courses of chemistry before the various clas- 
ses, as well as in private researches, for years before the 

‘Cambridge experiments were ever heard of. 

Application of Hare’s oe. to the synthetical formation 
of Water. 

The synthetical formation of water, from the combustion 
of the oxigen and hydrogen gases, is of course an interest- 
ing experiment, to all who attend on a course of chemica! 

The apparatus of Lavoisier, or enlarged and 
improved one which we had made under our direction, in 
London, exhibits the fact extremely well; but the appara- 
ius is expensive,—rather complicated, ae not without some 
pevet difficulties in a the use. ) 

was missing; and the fragments of the tin extinguisher were shot out 
among the audience, to the distance of twenty feet ail around ; several 
persons were scratched, and one young man had the right temporal artery 
divided, so as to produce a copious hemorrhage ; perhaps this little i inci- 
dent will justify the remarks in the text. 

92 Comparison of the Blowpipe of Hare and Brook. 

We have, this season, availed ourselves of Mr. Hare’s 
blowpipe, and have applied it with good success, to exhibit 

the formation of water. For this purpose, the two tubes 

which end in the frustrum of platina, are screwed out and 

inserted through a cork: they are then again screwed into 

the platina, and are lastly connected with the tubes which — 

lead to the reservoirs of gas, exactly as when we are to use 
the compound blowpipe. 
An apothecary’s bottle, which should be from fifteen to 

eighteen inches high, and of the capacity of about three or. 

four gallons, is then filled with oxigen gas. This is easily _ 

done, without the air pump, by using a tube bent twice at 

right angles, and long enough to. reach with one leg to the 
bottom of the bottle: ; the other leg i is screwed to the stop 

cock of a large bell glass; this last is filled with oxigen gas, _ 

and by being pressed into the well of the pneumatic eistene, 

while the long leg of the bent tube is passed to the bottom | 
of the large bottle, on turning the key of the stop cock of 

the bell glass, the oxigen gas flows in, and lifts the common 
air out, cad takes its place, thus filling the bottle with an at- 
mosphere of oxigen gas, without resorting to the air pump, 

and without wetting the inside of the bottle, which would,- 

of course, render the experiment nearly nugatory, and the 
result ambiguous. Jt is known when the bottle is filled with 
oxigen gas, “by Elieing a taper, that instant blown out, to 
the mouth of the boule, when if fall, the taper will be re- 

“Things being thus arranged, the flame of the poanaed 
blow pipe is lighted, and Is jntroduced into the bottle, taking 

eare not to bring it within nine or ten inches of the bottom: ~ 
the cork which is on the tubes, cleses: the mouth of the 

bottle,* which is, from the first moment, kept cold. by. 

copious streams of water poured incessantly over the 
shoulders of the bottle, which, if neglected for a minute or 
two, will grow hot—the vapour of the water formed will no 
longer condense—it remains in the condition of steam, and 

if the bottle be tight, will produce an explosion; or, if after 

the glass is once hot, we attempt to pour on water, the bot- 
tle cracks. But, by reasonable attention, theres is no diffi- 

* Not, however, nbsolulely tight, fer fear os explosion, from the great 

rarefaction arising ‘from De heat. 

Professor Green on a case of sudden Crystahization. | 93 

culty, and we let in both gases at once, or the hydrogen 
only, and the oxigen as it is wanted, and thus produce as 
much water as we choose, or as our gases will afford. 

The experiment may be performed without first filling 
the bottle with oxigen gas, and by operating with it full of 
common air, but the nitrogen, ina degree, obstructs the 
combustion, and the result is less satisfactory. 

This little application of Mr. Hare’s blowpipe may, per- 
haps, be of some use to chemical demonstrations, and 
serves to evince the additional value of this fine instrument. 

For an illustration of the above description, see the draw- 
ing ona plate, at the end of this Number, where a section 
of the pneumatic cistern, with the air cells—the recurved 
tubes coming from them and terminating in the blowpipe, 
and the connexion of the latter with the bottle, are ex- 

Arr. XIV.—On an instance of instantaneous Crystaliza- 
tion—by Professor Green, of Princeton. 

Tue instantaneous erystalization of a saturated solution 
of the sulphate of soda or common Glauber’s salt, is fa- 
miliar to every one who makes chemical experiments, and 
perhaps the crystaline process I shall now mention, has been 
often noticed before—I send you, however, the following 
account, as I have not seen it any of the books on Chem- 
istry. ’ 

In preparing the nitric acid from nitrate of potash and 
sulphuric acid, I had occasion to stop the process just as 
the red fumes of the nitrous gas made their appearance, 
and of course, when the nitrate of potash was completely 
dissolved in the sulphuric’acid—the next day I found the 
solution perfectly transparent, and upon admitting the at- 
mospheric air no change took place, but upon dropping into 
it a small piece of the nitrate of potash, crystalization im- 
mediately ensued, and the whole was quickly solidified. 
There was, I think, a larger quantity of caloric extricated 
during the above process, than in the instantaneous crystali- 
zation of the sulphate of Soda—another difference was, 
ihat the solidification did not. as far as I observed, com- 

94 Morey on Mineral Waters, &¢. 

mence on the upper surface and proceed gradually down- 
wards, as in the sulphate of soda, but began to form: round 
the small pieces of nitre which were thrown in. 

Other particulars might be stated, but as the phenomena 
are probably familiar to you, I omit them. 

The above experiment is another proof that atmospheric 
pressure is not essential to the crystalization of salts, nei- 
‘ther could the phenomena be ascribed to the sudden’ ob- 
struction of a portion of heat from the liquid on the admis- 
sion of air, as the crystals were not first formed on the 
surface ; hesides: I found in one or two instances, the fluid 
erystalized throughout, when there was no Ex pOSULe: to the 
air. 3 

From the numerous experiments on saline crystalization, 
made by Dr. Coxe of Philadelphia,* and Professor Ure of 
the Glasgow Institution, no correct inferences, it appears, 
can as yet be deduced ‘from the facts. The last gentleman 
supposes that negative electricity may be the ies employ- 
ed by nature. 

Should not the erystals formed in the experiment I have 
described, be called the Nitro-Sulphate of Potash? 


Arr. XV.—On Ariifiecal Mineral Waters, ‘lth some re- 
marks on Artificial Light ; Oy SAMUEL Morey, of Or- 
ford, Vew-Hampshire. 


Dear Si, 

Besse something for the American Jounal may be 
selected from the following thoughts and experiments, the 
object of which is to furnish, ata cheap rate, an abundant 
supply of light for many purposes, and also. to raultiply 
fountains, such as those of Seltzer, Saratoga, &c. at such an 
expense, and in such quantities and situations, that the calls 
and necessities of every one may be conveniently gah 

* See Annals of Philosophy, Vol. VI. page 101. 

+ See Journal of Science and Arts, by Broude; Vol. ¥. page i06 

Morey on Mineral Waters, &e. 95. 

it is. well known, that the vapour of water, in passing 
through ignited charcoal, is decomposed. If the product is 
made to pass through water, the carbonic acid gas is ab- 
sorbed, and the hydrogen is so far separated, as to be at 
command for furnishing light, filling balloons, or other pur- 
poses... If water be composed of 85 parts of oxygen and 
15 of hydrogen,* and carbonic acid gas of about 28. of 
carbon, in the 100; one pound of charcoal and not far 
from four of water, ought to give something like two hun- - 
dred and fifty gallons of carbonic acid gas, or enough to 
supply that quantity of as nearly strongly impregnated 
mineral water as is to be found in nature ;} and near five 
hundred gallons, or about seventy-five cubic feet of hidro-. 
gen gas, something like equal to ee -five pounds, or six 
wax candles burning twenty-five hours, for affording light: 
Some very trifling addition of spirit of turpentine or other 
substance will be required to make the flame white. These 
vases, as formed, may be forced into the aqueduct of a lim- 
ited quantity of water, to be conveyed along with it tosome 
desirable situation to be let out for use. The quantity of 
water let in will depend on the quantity of mineral water 
wanted. Ifa flame be applied to the surface of these 
fountains, the hydrogen gas takes fire and burns on the sur- 
face of the water: thereby, perhaps, exposing some . na- 
ture’s hidden operations. 

In this way, Towns, Cities, and Manufactories, may be, 
ior aught that yet appears, supplied with a pleasant, healthy 
jee and at the same time, and from the same materials, 
abundantly lighted... There must be an addition of some 
‘kinds of fuel, to preserve the red heat of the charcoal, and 
io evaporate the water. But that will be trifling, especially 
if it be a fact, as I fully believe, that carbonic acid gas, in 
forming, always gives out, instead of absorbing, heat. If 
$0, it is at least one source. of animal heat. As yet, my 
attention, so far as my health would permit, has been di- 
rected chiefly witha view to come at an easy mode of fur- 

* The mostrecent authorities give the composition of water at 88.24 of 
exigen, and 11.76 of hidrogen —Edilor. 

t Gaoitie acid gas derived direcily from almost any species of burning 
tuel, would be very prone to impart an empyreumatic taste and smell to 
the water in which it is condensed.—Editor. 

a Morey on Mineral Waters, &¢. 

nishing mmeral springs, by the disengagement of the car- 
_bonic “acid from marble, by the stronger acids. For that 
purpose and others, 1 had a small cool spring of water 
_ brought in a wooden aqueduct about one hundred and fifty 
yards, having a descent of fifty feet, all the way on an in- 
clined plane, so that the water should in nO instance, fill 
the bore of the logs, and obstruct the passage of the gas OV 
gases, if turned into the aqueduct with the water, or forced 
in at the bottom. I found no difficulty in filling the aque- 
duct with water, so as to give a pressure or head equal to 
thirty or forty feet perpendicular. Very fine streams of wa- 
ter, issuing under any thing like this head, and coming in 
contact at nearly a right angle, with a plane surface, were 
converted into a spray, as fine, much of it, as mist. When 
this mist or spray was forced into an atmosphere of pretty 
strongly compressed carbonic acid gas, it became suitably 
impregnated with the gas, so as to form a very pleasant 
drink. ‘To facilitate the impregnation, and to prevent a 
possibility of any of the sulphuric acid being retained by 
the water, and for other purposes, I filled. the vessel, (a 
common three gallon stone jug answers well,) about two- 
thirds or three-fourths, with grains of the marble, about the 
size of large peas: the spray falling on these, passing slow- 
_ly from one piece to another, gives more time and presents 
an immense surface to the gas. In this way, water under a 
pressure of twenty or thirty feet head, or much less, i issuing 
at the rate of about two half-pint tumblers per minute, ‘flows 
in, pure spring water at the top, and flows out nearly or per- 
fectly saturated at the bottom: as much so nearly as any 
known natural mineral spring. By adding one vessel: to 
the top of another, or increasing the length, and increasing 
tbe pressure, any desired quantity of the gas may be added 
to the water.. Indeed, any part or the whole length of the 
aqueduct may be filled with these fragments and with those 
of iron. ‘The gas and water evidently dissolve more or 
less of the lime and iron. Carbonate of soda, or any other 
substance which renders the water more healthy or useful, 
may be added in any desired quantity. The quantity of 
‘water that flows in, may be regulated or stopped so as to 
“meet very exactly the call or demand there shall be for the 
rineral water. ‘The overplus of the spring water is applied 
to keep the vegsels and mineral water coo!. This mineral 


Morey on Mineral Waters, &e OF 

water, with a portion of the gas, may be continued into an 
aqueduct, and discharged into the bottom of a box, in which 
they will rise up feruse, with the same bubbling appear- 
ance as those of the natural mineral waters. Some of the 
marble which I use appears to contain much sulphuretted 
hidrogen,* and some iron pyrites. If the mineralized wa- 
ter stands a day or two on these fragments of lime, it gives 
the water as strong a smell and taste of this gas probably as 
any natural spring in the world: and there is an appear- 
ance of iron being deposited from this water by standing 
m a glass vessel. How easy then to produce at one estab- 
lishment, from a single spring of pure water, our choice of 
any number of mineral waters, and those as good as any to 
be found in nature or possibly better. 

If the vinous fermentation should be adopted for pro- 
‘curing the carbonic gas, a flood of it may be procured from 
many sources, not only without expense, but even at a 

But in those situations, where these waters will be most 
wanted, and where they are much the most useful, I know 
of no reason why an abundant supply of the gas, ready 
formed, may not always be had, and that without expense—— 
-Tallude to brewertes. At as many of these as is neces- 
sary (where there is steam or other power) it will be but to 
avail ourselves of a forcing pump to drive the gas, as formed 
and purified or from reservoirs, into suitable pipes with a 
sufficient quantity of water, to be conducted to some pleas- 
ant, suitable situation, far enough to have the water properly 
impregnated, and then to be let out for use. If a greater 
pressure than what the ground naturally affords, be wanted, 
it is only to add at the outlet, a valve sufficiently loaded. 
A small fountain may receive the water and overplus gas 
above the valve, or they may be drawn below. 

It appears necessary, that where the gas is disengaged 
from limestone, the vessel containing that and the diluted 
acid should in some way be agitated, so as to shift the posi- 

* It is doubtless one of those fetid although erystaline and decidedly primi- 
tive lime stones, which have been found repeatedly of late in this country : 
their existence must give rise to interesting geological speculations. Is the 
sulphuretted hidrogen, from which fetor is probably derived, owing to the 
decomposition of pyrites by moisture? Pyrites often exists in primitive 
rocks, but animal bones never.—-Lidilor. 

Vor. TIL....No. 1. 13 

98 Morey on Mineral Waters, &c. 

tion of the pulverized marble. The best mode I have 
tried as yet, is to cause the vessel to revolve, say a stone 
jug, on an axis and end over end: and to have a portion of 
the marble coarse. As the sulphate of lime forms on the 

surface of these lumps, by their friction in rolling over each: 
other, it appears to be worn off, presenting continually fresh 

surface for the acid to act upon, and thereby continuing ve- 
ry regularly, its operation ever so long. ‘These vessels may 
be made to revolve (very slowly if necessary) by weights, 

springs, or a part of the water—or may occasionally be 
moved by hand. The gas presses out at one end of this 
axis. A very cheap, quick, and agreeable mode of pre- 
paring the water, where we have (or have not) an aqueduct 
or head to resort to, is to take four or five, or more decan-. 
ters, say of the capacity of a quart; fill them with fragments 
of marble—set them in a row or other form, each with a 
good cork; let atin tube screw upon the axis to receive 
the gas, and press pieces of cork or other stuffing to the 
vessel, to make it tight around the axis., This tube, near 
the other end, is of a conical form, and turned down at a 
right angle far enough to be inserted through the cork of 
the first bottle: another tube, turned down at each end, so 
that one leg shall pass through the cork also, to the bottom 
of the first decanter, and the other through the cork of the 
second decanter; and so on with as many as are to be used. 

A small reservoir is to be placed. as' many feet above as 
convenient, and the first'vessel, with a small pipe leading 
down and through the: first cork, with an opening at the 
lower end about one- -thirtieth of an inch in diameter. A 
quantity of pulverized lime and water may be put into the 
revolving vessel ; then more water, containing a small quan- 
tity of clay or sulphate of lime. This, will be deposited on 
the lime, so as to prevent the action of the acid when pour- 
ed in, which may now be added, and this vessel corked. 

It is now ready foruse. Put coal water: into the reservoir, 
turn the vessel moderately a very little, if the gas is not al- 
ready forming fast enough. The water strikes on the first 
fragments of stone, is throw n over them, and passes over 

the surface, from one to another, to the bottom, where it is 

continually taken up by the tube with a pertion of the gas, 

and discharged just below the cork of the second vessel ; 
or thrown out in a spray by and with the gas; or else dis- 

Morey on Mineral Waters, &c. 99 

charged at the lower end of the tube in bubbles; thereby 
furnishing a carbonic gas within and without, with an al- 
most infinitely thin film of water between, to absorb it on 
each side. By continuing the same process, it passes the 
whole, let the number be ever so many. At the last one it 
is thrown out, through a stop cock, as at common soda wa~- 
ter establishments, or flows out in a continued stream with 
the gas. It may be well to fill the first decanter, or even all 
of them, with water, and discharge it into the last one, by 
the gas, before the water is let in from the reservoir above. 
These glass vessels may be placed ina trough to keep them 
cold: this can stand on a table or side board, where the do- 
mestics or other members of the family, may at any time 
furnish a bottle or bottles of the mineral water when 

If tin plate tubes will answer, it is but a short day’s work 
to prepare this apparatus, which may afford sixty or one 
hundred and twenty tumblers per hour, with half a dozen 
decanters. By increasing their number or size, any given 
quantity in this way can be constantly or occasionally sup- 
plied. One pound of sulphuric acid, if 1 mistake not, 
ought to furnish gas enough to saturate sixty or seventy gal- 
lons, or not far from one thousand tumblers of water. Ex- 
periments, I think, justify me in saying, we may expect not 
far from half this quantity, practically. I can but hope, 
and do believe, if owned and properly managed by corpo- 
rations and companies, it may and will do much, very much 
towards annihilating the use of ardent spirits, as well as be 
the means of saving many annually from an untimely death, 
by drinking cold water, to say nothing of its usefulness in 
other respects. 

When currents of this gas, conveniently situated, are 
found issuing naturally from the earth, they may be turned 
to account. As for instance, at the Grotto del Cane, two 
miles from Naples: if the gas from this grotto were receiv- 
ed into an aqueduct, and carried in the direction of Naples, 
or in any others, until a supply of water could be added, 
_ the current might be continued until the gas and water were 

perfectly united, and then they might be let out for use in 
any situation most agreeable, or most conducive to the 
comfort and convenience of that city and country. 

_ Ornrorp, Sept. 27, 1820. 

100 Liemoval of a Paratytic Affection 

ia s Rosterints : Beet cele Beads 
F rom an ounce of sulphuric acid, I oon obtain a 
may say without trouble) about twenty ieablers of as ples 
ant drink asJI could ask or wish for. 
It isa great luxury, and I have no doubt that it has been 
of much service to my health. The sulphate of lime here, 
is worth six or eight times what the ground poarble'e costs. 

Arr. XVI.—Case of a Paralytic Peectiong: cured by a 
stroke of lightning. Communicated for this Journal, by 
D. Otmsrep, a os or Chemistry in the College of 
North Carolina. 

Tue following case of recovery from a paralytic affection 
by a violent stroke of lightning, was first mentioned to me 
by a very respectable gentleman i in whose hearing I had re- 
cited the well known galvanic experiments, performed by 
Dr. Ure, of Glasgow, on the body of a culprit. My in- 
formant not having had opportunity to investigate the facts, 
was so obliging as to direct me to such sources of informa-_ 
tion as could be relied on; and J have since been favoured 
with letters from the mdividual himself, and from respecta- 
ble gentlemen in his neighbourhood. Common report, as 
usual, had represented ihe case in the most marvellous col- 
ours, from which it would appear, that tottering and wrink- 
led age being restored, in an instant, to vigorous and 
blooming youth, was no longer a matter of fable, - Accord- 
ing to this authority, “the patient (Mr. Samuel Leffers of 
Carteret County, N. C.) having reached a very advanced — 
age, and suffering so severely under: a paralytic affection — 
that his feet were unable to support him, and his face was 
greatly distorted, acquired at once the full activity of his 
early years, and a remarkable smoothness and beauty of 
complexion. This complete exemption from decay and 
infirmity, and the entire possession of his intellectual fac- 
ulties, he had retained ever since, during a period of four- 
teen years, which had brought him upon the verge of four- 
score years and ten.’ 

' Desirous to ascertain how pines of this story was 
matter of fact, l commenced a correspondence which finally 

by a stroke of Lightning. 101 

introduced me to Mr. Leffers himself, who is still living on 
the eastern coast of this state, and has attained the age of 
eighty-four years. As was anticipated, the marvellous cir- 
cumstances reported of the case have dwindled away toa 
small compass; but enough, perhaps, remains to render 
the case somewhat interesting to those who cultivate the 
study of medical electricity. 

I beg leave to give the facts in the language of Mr. Lef- 
fers himself, only premising, that I have received the most 
ample and satisfactory testimonials of his perfect integrity, 
particularly from the Rev. Mr. Arendell of Beaufort, who 
characterizes his life ‘as affording a model of every vir- 
tue.” The presumption, also, that the facts, as related by 
himself, may be relied on, is strengthened by the simpli- 
city of his narrative, divested as it is of all those marvel- 
lous appendages, with which common report had amplified 
and embellished the story. ‘The account is as follows. 

“In the summer of 1806, waking after a night of quiet 
rest, I felt an unusual numbness in the left side of my face. | 
I was not alarmed, thinking it might be occasioned by lying 
too long on that side; but on rising, I felt the effects more 
painfully—I could not throw the spittle from my mouth; 
and found great difficulty in speaking ; my eyelid was per- 
manently fixed, while the eye remained open, and I was 
unable to close it. These symptoms made me apprehen- 
sive of having received a stroke of the palsy. After 
some time, the disorder abated in other parts, and centered 
im the eye, which, remaining uncovered both by day and 
night, was exposed to constant injury. 

‘Such was my situation until the 10th of August follow- 
ing, when, as I was walking my floor during a thunder- 
storm, I was struck down by lightning. After lying sense- 
less fifteen or twenty minutes, (as it appeared,) | revived so 
far as to be sensible of my situation, and to perceive the 
objects around me. I recovered the use-of my senses and 
of my limbs, by degrees, during the remainder of the day 
and night, and felt so well the next day, that | was inclined 
to give to a distant friend, an account of what had happen- 
ed. I expected my letter would be short and imperfect 
through want of eye-sight; but was most agreeably sur- 
prised to find myself able to write a long letter without the 

102 | On the Divining Rod. 

use of glasses. Since that time, I have not felt a Bynipiain 
of the paralytic disorder, but have reason to conclude that 
it was effectually cured by the shock. But I have reason 
to think, that the same cause which restored my sight, im- 
paired my hearing, since a deafness commenced at the 
same time, which has continued to the aa hour. 
I am, Sir, with respect, 
Your obedient servant, 


‘Nie: XVII om the Dwining Rod, with reference to the 

use made of it in evploring for Spri mes of water ; im 
letter to the Editor, dated 

Norrorx, (Con.) Oct. 23, 1820. 

Remark.—¥very person, in the least conversant with the objects 
of a scientific Journal, must be aware that an Editor is, 2m no case, 
answerable for the opinions of his correspondents. We are will- 
ing to preserve all well authenticated facts respecting the divining 
rod, although we have the misfortune to be sceptical on that sub- 
ject: perhaps, however, we ought in candor to add, that we have 
never seen any experiments. Those so often related by the igno- 
‘rant, the credulous, the cunning, and.the avaricious, are, in general, 
aavorthy of notice’; but when attested by such authority as that of 
the Reverend eentleman, whose name is sane to this letter, they 
will ever command our ready attention. 

Dear Sir, 

Tam highly pleased with your Journal of Science ; and 
doubt not of its being at once a source of instruction 1 and 
an honor to our country. 

Permit me to suggest the propriety of inserting an arti- 
| ele, embodying a sufficient number of well authenticated 
facts on the use of ‘* mining rods” in discovering fountains 
of water under ground, to put their utility beyond a doubt. 
1 presume that. yourself or some of your correspondents 
are already in possession of such facts and could easily fur- 
nish the article. 

For myself, I, was totally sceptical of their efficacy, till 
convinced by my own senses. 

On the Divining Rod. 103 
My class-mate, the Rev. Mr. Steele, of Bloomfield, N. 

Y. called on me, a few weeks ago, and, in conversation on 
the subject, informed me that the rods would “ work” in 
his hands. We made the experiment. A twig of the 
peach was employed for the purpose. It was at once man- 
ifest that it bent, and often withed down from an elevation 
of 45° to a perpendicular, over particular spots; and when 
we had passed them, it assumed its former elevation. At 
one spot in particular, the effect was very striking, and he 
at once said there must be avery large current of water 
passing under that place, or it must be very near the surface. 
Linformed him that a large perennial spring issued at the 
distance of perhaps fifty rods, and requested him to trace 
the current, without informing him of the direction of the 
spring. He did so, and it led him, in nearly a direct lime, 
to the spring, which was so situated as to prevent his dis- 
covering it till within one or two rods of its mouth. ‘The 
mode of his tracing it, resembled that of a dog on his mas- 
ter’s track, crossing back and forth, and he proceeded with 
as little hesitation. The result, however inexplicable, re- | 
moved all my doubts. It was in vain for me to reply 
against the evidence of my senses, by saying, How can this 
be? and why should not these rods operate in the hands of 
one as wellas another? | 

On a journey I have since taken to the south-east part of 
New-Hampshire, I was pleased to learn the practical use 
which has been made of these rods in that region, for a 
year or two past, in fixing on the best places for wells. [I 
was informed, by good authority, of a man, in that vicinity, 
who could not only designate the best spot, but could tell 
how many feet it would be needful to dig to find water; and 
that he had frequently been employed for this purpose with- 
out having failed in a single instance. I will recite one case 
out of a number which were told me. A man who had 
dug in vain for a good well near his house, requested his 
advice. On experiment of the rods, the best place was 
found to be directly under a favorite shade tree in front of 
the house; and there the proprietor was assured he would 
find abundance of water at a moderate depth. But on re- 
flection, he was loth to sacrifice the tree, and concluded it 
would answer as well to dig pretty near it. He dug; and 
after sinking the shaft much deeper than had been directed, 

104 "On the Divining Rod. 

abandoned it in despair. He soon complained of his dis- 

appointment. ‘ Did you then dig in the precise spot I told 
you ba ‘‘T dug as near it as I could without injuring the 
tree.” ‘*Go home and dig up that tree, and if you do not 
find water at the specified depth, I will defray the expence.” 

He did so; and obtained an excellent well at the given 

As to the depth, it occurred to me at once, when seeing 
the operation of the rods in the hands of Mr. Steele, that 
it might be easily ascertained, by taking the angle they 
inade at a few feet from the spot where. they became di- 
rectly vertical ; and this, I conclude, is the mode of ascer- 
taining it, though I was not informed. 

Het me also mention a fact in optics, which I have 1 not 
before witnessed, and which occurred to me when travelling 
recently in company with a friend. As we were descend- 
ing the hill perhaps two miles this side of Tolland, we 
were admiring the fine view of the highlands, which are 
seen stretching from north to south on the west of the Con- 
necticut. All at once, the northern half of the range ap- 
peared to change from the brown hue of an autumnal for- 
est, to a bright and beautiful green, resembling the verdure 
of a rich pasture in the spring, or a distant wood of deep 
evergreens. But after descending a few rods further, it 
assumed its native aspect. The sun, about three hours be- 
fore setting, was then shining very brightly on the range, 
and the sky clear, though damp. I conclude the effect was 
produced by the particular angle of reflection, and the state 
of the atmosphere. . 

Yours with respect, 

P. S.—One morning, we witnessed a beautiful exhibi- 
tion in nature, of the ‘ sun’s drawing water,” (asit is com- 
monly termed,) produced by the shadow of a copse ona 
hill, projected across a valley filled with a dense fog. It 
led me to conclude, that that appearance is never produced 
except in clouds of so thin a texture that the sun can shine 
through them—contrary to what I had before supposed. 
But you are too familiar with so common a phenomenon, to 

-need any remarks upon it from me. R. E, 

Hare’s New Calvange Sapo Theory, ce. 105 

pe XVII. a Memoir on some new Modifications of 
Galvanic Apparatus, with Observations in support of his 
New Theory of Galvanism. By R. Harz, M. D. Pro- 
om of Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania. 

‘From a bribed: paper, communicated to the Editor, by the author, and 
copied from the Philadelphia Medical Journal.) 

I wap observed that the ignition produced by one or r two 
galvanic pairs attained its highest intensity, almost as soon 
as they were covered by the’ acid used to excite them, and 
ceased soon afterwards; although the action of the acid 
should have increased during the interim. TI had also re- 
marked in using an apparatus of three hundred pairs of 
small plates, that a platina wire, No. 16, placed in the 
circuit, was fused in consequence of a construction which 
enabled me to plunge them all nearly at the same time. It 
was therefore conceived, that the maximum of effect in 
voltaic apparatus of extensive series had never been attain- 
ed. The plates are generally arranged in distinct troughs 
rarely containing more than twenty pairs. Those of the 
great apparatus of the Royal Institution, employed by Sir 
H. Davy, had only ten pairs in each. There were one 
hundred such to be successively placed in the acid, and the 
whole connected ere the poles could act. Consequently 
the effect which arises immediately after i immersion, would 
be lost in the troughs first arranged, before it could be pro- 
duced in the last; and no effort appears to have been made 
to take advantage of this transient accumulation of power, 
either in using that magnificent combination, or in any other 
of which I have read. In order to observe the consequence 
of simultaneous immersion with a series sufficiently nu- 
merous to test the correctness of my expectations, a gal- 
vanic apparatus of eighty concentric coils of copper and 
zine, was so suspended by a beam and levers, as that they 
might be made to descend into, or rise out of the acid in 
-aninstant. The zine sheets were about nine inches by six, 
the copper fourteen by six; more of this metal being ne- 
cessary, as in.every coil it was made to commence within 
the zine, and completely to surround it without. The 
sheets were coiled so as not to leave between them an in- 

Sor. BEEN. 1.” 14 

106 Hare's New Galvanie anyon tars Theory, &c. 

terstice wider than a quarter of an inch. Each coil is in 
diameter about two inches and a half, so that. all ‘may de- 
scend freely into eighty glass jars two inches and three 

quarters diameter inside, and eight inches high, duly sta- 

tioned to receive them.* 

My apparatus being thus arranged, two small lead pines: 

were severally soldered to each pole, anda piece of char- 

coal about a quarter of an inch thick, and an inch anda half 

long, tapering a little at each extremity, had these sever ally 
inserted into the hollow ends of the pipes: The jars being 
furnished with diluted acid and the coils suddenly lowered 
into them, no vestige of the charcoal could be seen: It was 
ignited so intensely, that those portions of the pipes by 
which it had been embraced were destroyed. In order to 
avoid a useless and tiresome repetition, I will here state 
that the coils were only kept in the acid while the action 

at the poles was at a maximum in the experiment just men- 

tioned, and in others which I am about to describe, unless. 
where the decomposition produced by water is spoken of, 
or the sensation excited in the hands. I designate the ap- 
paratus with which I performed them, as the galvanic de- 
Hagrator, on account of its superior power, in proportion to 
its size, in causing deflagration; and as, in the form last 
adopted, it differs from the voltaic pile in the omission of 
one of the elements heretofore deemed necessary to. its 

Desirous of ‘seeing the effect of the simultaneous immer- 
sion of my series upon water, the pipes soldered to the poles. 
were introduced into a vessel containing that fluid. No ex- 
traordinary effect was perceived, until they were very near, 
when a vivid flash was cbserved, and happening to touch 
almost at the same time, they were found fused and incor- 
porated at the place of contact. -T next soldered to each 
pipe a brass cylinder about five-tenths of an inch bore. 
These cylinders were made fo receive the tapering extrem- 
ities of a piece of charcoal about two inches long so as to 
complete the circuit. The submersion of the coils caused 
the most vivid ignition in the coal. It was instantaneously 
and entirely on fire. A piece of platina of about a quarter 
of an inch diameter in connexion with one-pole, was in- 


* See Bhates 27 


Hare’s New Galvanc Apparatus, Theory, &c. 107 

stantly fused at the end on being brought in contact with 

some mercury communicating with the other. When two 

cylinders of charcoal having hemispherical terminations 

were fitted into the brass cylinders and brought nearly into 

contact, a most vivid ignition took place, and continued 

after they were removed about a half or three quarters of 
an inch apart, the interval rivalling the sun in brilliancy. 

The igneous fluid appeared to proceed from the positive 

side. The charcoal in the cylinder soldered to the latter 

would be intensely ignited. throughout when the piece con- 

nected with the negative pole was ignited more towards 

the extremity approaching the positive. The most intense 

action seems to arise from placing a platina wire of about 
the eighth of an inch diameter, in connexion with the posi- 
tive pole, and bringing it in contact with, and afterwards: 
removing it a small distance apart from a piece of charcoal, 
(fresh from the fire) affixed to the other pole. 

As points are pre-eminently capable of carrying off (with- 
out being injured) a current of the electrical fluid, and very 
ill qualified to conduct caloric; while by facilitating radia- 
tion, charcoal favours the separation of caloric from the 
electricity which does not radiate ; this result seems consist- 
ent with my hypothesis, that the fluid as extricated by Vol- 
ta’s pile is a compound of caloric and electricity ;* but not 

* According to the theory here alluded to, the galvanic fluid owes its 
properties to caloric and electricity ; the former predominating in propor- 
tion to the size of the pairs, the latter in proportion to the number, being in 
both cases excited by a powerful acid. Hence in batteries which combine 
both qualifications sufficiently, as in all those intervening between Chil- 
dren’s large pairs of two feet eight inches by six feet, and the 2000 four- 
inch pairs of the Royal Institution, the phenomena indicate the presence of 
both fluids. In De Luc’s column, where the size of the pairs is insignifi- 
cant, and the energy of.mterposed agents feeble, we see electricity evolved 
without any appreciable quantity of caloric. In the calorimotor where 
we have size only, the number being the lowest possible, we are scarcely 
able to detect the presence of electricity. ‘ 

When the fluid contains enough electricity to give a projectile power ad- 
equate to pass through a small space in the air, or through chareoal, which 
impedes or arrests the caloric, and favours its propensity to radiate, this 
principle heat is evolved. This accounts forthe evolution of intense heat 
under those circumstances, which rarify the air, so that the length of the jet 
from one pole to the other may be extended after its commencement. 
Hence the portions of the cireuit nearest to the intervening charcoal, or 
heated space, are alone injured; and even non-conducting bodies, as 
quartz, introduced into it are fused, and hence a very large wire may be 
melted by the fluid, received through a small wire imperceptibly affected, 

See Silliman’s Journal, No.6, Vol. I. Thomsen’s Annals, Sept. 1819, 
Tilloch’s Philosophical Magazine, October, 1939. 


108 Hare’s New Galvanic Apparatus, Theory, &. 

with the other hypothesis, which supposes it to be electri- 
eity alone. 'The finest needle is competent to discharge’ 
the product of the most powerful machines without detri- 
ment, if received gradually as generated by them. Platina 
points, as small as those which were melted like wax in my 

experiments, are used as tips to lightening rods without in- 
jury, unless in nas SS aie a under esi 

The hee experiment 1 conceive to be very foal 
vourable to ‘the idea that caine ignition, arises. from a 
current of electricity. 

A cylinder of lead of about a quarter of an anol cetusicn. 
and about two inches long, was reduced to the thickness of 
a common brass pin for. about three quarters of an inch. 
When one end was connected with one pole of the appara- 
tus, the other remained suspended by this filament; yet it 
was instantaneously fused by contact with the other pole. As 
all the calorific fluid which acted upon the suspended knob, 
must have passed through. the filament by which it hung, 
the fusion could not have resulted from a pure electrical 
current, which would have dispersed the filament ere a 
mass fifty times larger had been perceptibly affected. Ac- 
cording to my theory, caloric is not separated from the 
electricity until circumstances very much favour a disunion, 
as on the passage of the compound fluid through charcoal, 
the alr, or a vacuum. In operating with the deflagrator, I 
have found a brass knob of about five tenths of an inch in 
diameter, to burn on the superficies only ; where alone ac- 
cording to my view, caloric is separated so as to act on the 
mass. Having, as mentioned in the memoir on my theory’ 
of galvanism, found that four galvanic surfaces acted well in 
one recipient, I was tempted by means of the eighty coils 
to extend that construction. It occurred to me that attempts 
of this kind, had failed from using only one copper for each 
zinc plate. ‘The zinc had always been permitted to react 
towards the negative, as well as the positive pole. My coils - 
being surrounded by copper, it seemed probable, that, if 
electro-caloric were, as I had suggested, carried forward by 
circulation arising from galvanic polarity, this might act 
within the interior of the coils, yet not be exerted between 
one coil and another. 

* See Adams’s Hlectricitv, on points. 

‘Hare’s New Galvanic Apparatus, Theory, &c. 109 

f had accordingly a trough constructed with a partition 
along the middle, so as to receive forty coils on one side, 
and a like number on the other. This apparatus when in 
operation excited a sensation scarcely tolerable in the backs 
of the hands. Interposed charcoal was not ignited as easily 
as before, but a most intense ignition took place on bring- 
ing a metallic point connected with one pole of the series, 
into contact with a piece of charcoal fastened to the other. 
It did not take place however so speedily as when glasses 
were used; but soon after the ignition was effected it be- 
came even more powerful than before. A cylinder of pla- 
tina nearly a quarter of an inch in diameter, tapering a little 
at the end, was fused and burned so as to sparkle to a con- 
siderable distance around, and fall in gers. A ball of brass 
of about half an inch diameter was seén to burn on its sur- 
face with a green flame. ‘Tin foil, or tinsel rolled up into 
large coils of about three quarters of an inch thick, were 
rapidly destroyed, as was a wire of platina of No. 16. Pla- 
tina wires m connexion with the -poles were brought into 
contact with sulphuric acid; there was an appearance 
of lively ignition, but strongest on the positive side. Ex-- 
cepting inits power of permeating charcoal, the galvanic fluid 
seemed to be extricated with as much force, as when each 
coil was ina distinct glass. Apprehending that the partition 
in the trough did not sufficiently insulate the poles from each 
other, as they were but a few inches apart, moisture or 
moistened wood intervening, I had two troughs each to hold 
forty pairs, and took care that there should be a dry space 
about four inches broad between them. They were first 
filled with pure river water, there being no saline nor acid 
matter to influence the plates, unless the very minute quan- 
tity which might have remained on them from former im- 
mersions. Yet the sensation produced by them, on the 
backs of my hands, was painful; and a lively scintillation 
iook place when the poles were approximated. Dutch 
gold leaf was not sensibly burned, though water was found 
decomposible by wires properly affixed. No effect was 
produced on potash, the heat being inadequate to fuse it. 

A mixture of nitre and sulphuric acid was next added to 
the water in the troughs, afterwards charcoal. from the fire 
was vividly ignited, and when attached to the positive pole 
a steel wire was interposed between it and the other pole. 

110 Hare’s New Galvanic Apparatus, Theory, &c. 

the most vivid ignition which I ever saw was induced. I 
should deem it imprudent to repeat the experiment without 
glasses, as my eyes, though unusually strong, were affected 
for forty-eight hours afterwards. if the intensity of the 
light did not t produce an optical deception, by its distressing 
influence upon the organs of vision, the charcoal assumed 
a pasty consistence, as if in a state approaching to fusion: 
That charcoal should be thus softened, without being de- 
stroyed by the oxygen of the atmosphere, will not appeal 
strange, when the power of galvanism in reversing chemical 
affinities is remembered; and were it otherwise, the air 
could have no access, ee because of the excessive rare- 
faction, and in the next place as I suspect on account of 
the volatilization of the carbon forming about it a cireum- 
ambient atmospheres This last mentioned impression arose 
from observing, that when the experiment was performed 
in vacuo, there was a lively scintillation, as if the carbon in 
an aeriform state acted as a syilien os of combustion on me 

A wire of platina (No. 16) was faxed into a globule on 
being connected with the positive pole, and brought into 
contact with a piece of pure hydrate of potash, situated on 
a silver tray in connexion with the other pole! The potash 
became red hot, and was deflagrated rapidly with a flame 
having the rosy hue of potassuretted hydrogen. 

The great apparatus of the Royal Institution, am projectile 
power was from six to eight times more potent than mine, 
ft produced a discharge between charcoal points when ser 
moved about four inches apart, whereas mine will not pro- 
duce a jet at more than three fourths of an inch. But that 
series was two thousand, mine only about a aren part 
as large. ‘ 

A steel wire. of about one tenth ae an inch in diameter, 
affixed to the negative pole, was passed up through the axis 
of an open necked inverted bell glass, filled with water. A 
platina wire, No. 16, attached to a positive pole being pass- 
ed down to the steel wire, both were fused together, and 
cooling, could not be separated by manual force. immedi- 
ately after this incorporation of their extremities, the platina 
wire became incandescent for a space of some inches above 
the surface of the water. ; 

Hare’s New Galvanic Apparatus, Theory, &c. 111 

A piece of silvered paper about two inches square was 
folded up, the metallic surface outward, and fastened into 
- vices affixed to the poles. Into each vice a wire was screw- 

ed at the same time. The fluid generated by the apparatus 
was not perceptibly conveyed by the silvered paper, as it 
did not prevent the wires severally attached to the poles 
from decomposing water or producing ignition by contact. 
In my memoir on my theory of galvanism I suggested, 
that the decomposition of water, which Wollaston effected 
by mechanical electricity, might not be the effect of divel- 
Jent attraction like those excited by the poles of a voltaic 
pile, but of a mechanical concussion, as when wires are dis- 
persed by the discharge of an electrical battery. In support 
of that opinion £ will now observe, that he could not pre- 
vent hydrogen and oxygen from being extricated at each 
wire, instead of hydrogen being given off only at one, and 
oxygen at the other, as is invariably the case when the vol- 
taic pile is employed. That learned and ingenious philoso- 
pher, in concluding his account of this celebrated experi- 
ment, says ‘‘ but in fact the resemblance is not complete, 
for in every way in which I have tried it, I observed each 
wire gave out both oxygen and hydrogen gas, instead of 
their being formed separately as by the electric pile.” 
Is it not reasonable to suppose that an electrical shock 
may dissipate any body into its elementary atoms, whether 
simple or compound, so that no two particles would be left 
together which can be separated by physical means. 
Looking over Singer’s Electricity, a recent and most 
able modern publication, I find that in the explosion of brass 
wire by an electrical battery, the copper and zinc actually 
separated. He says, page 186, ‘‘ Brass wire is sometimes 
decomposed by the charge; the copper and zinc of which it 
is formed being separated from each other, and appearing in 
their distinct metallic colours.” On the next page in the 
same work, I find that the oxides of mercury and tin are 
reduced by electrical discharges. ‘‘ Introduce,” says the 
‘author, “ some oxide of tin into a glass tube, so that when 
the tube is laid horizontal, the oxide may cover about half 
an inch of its lower internal surface.. Place the tube on the 
table of the universal discharger, and introduce the poiated 
wires into its opposite ends, that the portion of oxide may 
he between them. Pass several strong charges in succes- 

i12 Hare’s New Galvanic Apparatus, Theory, ibe. 

sion through the tube, replacing ihe oxide in its situation, 
should it be dispersed. If the charges are sufficiently pow- 
erful, a part of the tube will soon be stained with metallic tin 
ealiiell has been revived by the action of transmitted elec- 
tricity.” It cannot be alleged that in such decompositions 
the divellent polar attractions are exercised like those 
which characterize the action of wire proceeding from the. 
poles of a voltaic apparatus. The particles'were dispersed 
from, instead of being attracted to the wires, by which the 
influence was conveyed among them. This being undenia- | 
ble, it can hardly be advanced that we are to have one mode 
of explaining the separation of the elements of brass by an 
electrical discharge, another of explaining the separation of 
the elements of water by the same agent. One rationale 
when oxygen is liberated from tin, and another when libe- 
rated by like means from hydrogen. In the experiment in 
which copper was precipitated by the same philosopher at 
the negative pole, we are not informed whether the oxygen 
and acid in union with it were attracted to the other; and 
the changes produced in litmus are mentioned notas. simul- 
taneous, but successive. The violet and red rays of ‘the 
spectrum have an opposite chemical influence in some de- 
gree like that of voltaic poles, but this has not led to the 
‘conclusion that the cause of galvanism and light is the same. 
Besides, admitting that the icone results obtained by Wol- 
laston and Van Marin. are perfectly analogous to those ob- 
tained by the galvanie fluid, ere it can become an objection 
to my hypothesis, it ought first to be shown that the union 
between caloric and electricity, which I suppose productive 
of galvanic phenomena, cannot be produced by that very 
‘process. If they combine to form the galvanic “fluid when 
extricated by ordinary galvanic action, they must have an 
affinity for each cther. As I have suggested in my me- 
moir, when electricity enters the pores of a metal it may 
unite with its caloric. In Wollasten’s experiments, being 
-eonstrained to enter the metal, it may combine with enough 
of its caloric to produce, oS emitted, results. slightly ap- 
proaching to those of a fluid in which caloric eXists in great- 
er proportion. 

But once more I demand why, if fadchanicel electricity 
\f too intense to produce galvanic phenomena, should it be 
rendered more capable of producing them by being: still 
more concentrated. 

Hare's New Galvanic Apparatus, Theory, &e. 

If the one be generated more copiously, the other more 
intensely, the first will move m a large stream slowly, the 
last in a small stream rapidly. Yet by narrowing the chan- 
nel of the latter, Wollaston is supposed to render it more 
hke the former, that is, produces a resemblance by increas- 
ing the supposed source of dissimilarity. ‘y 

‘It has been imagined that the beneficial effect of his con- 
trivaned arises from the production of a continued stream, 
instead of a succession of sparks, but if a continued stream 
were the only desideratum, a point placed near the condue- 
tor of a powerful machine would afford this requisite, as 
the whole product may in such cases be conveyed by a 
sewing needle in a stream perfectly continuous. As yet no 
adequate reasons have been given why, in operating with 
the pile, it is not necessary, as in the processes of Van Ma- 
rum and Wollaston, to enclose the wires in glass or sealing 
wax, in order to make the electricity emanate from a point 
within a conducting fluid. The absence of this necessity is 
accounted for, according to my hypothesis, by the indispo- 
sition which the electric fluid has to quit the caloric in 
- union with it, and the almost absolute incapacity which 
caloric has to pass through fluids unless by circulation. 1 
conceive that in galvanic combinations, electro-caloric 
may circulate through the fluid from the positive to the 
negative surface, and through the metal from the negative 
to the positive. In the one case caloric subdues the dispo- 
- sition which electricity has to diffuse itself through fluids, 
and carries it into circulation. n the other, as metals are 
excellent conductors of caloric, the prodigious power which 
electricity has to pervade them agreeably to any attractions 
which it may exercise, operates almost Without restraint. 
This is fully exemplified in my galvanic deflagrator, where 
eighty pairs are suspended in two recipients, forty succes- 
sively in each, and yet decompose potash with the utmost 
rapidity, and produce an almost intolerable sensation* 
when excited ‘only by fresh river water. I have already 
observed that the reason why galvanic apparatus composed 
-of pairs. consisting each of one copper and one zine plate, 

* I do not say shock, as it is more like the permanent impression 9f liot 
pointed wire, especially when an acid is used. 

BM ANE Nou bec gt eke 

i14 Hare’s New Gulvanic Apparatus, Theory, §c. 

have not acted well without insulation,* was because . 
electro-caloric could retrocede in the negative, as well as. 
advance in the positive direction. I will now add, that ~ 
independently of the greater effect produced by the simul- 
taneous immersion of my eighty coils, their power is m- 
proved by the proximity of the surfaces, which are only 
about an eighth of an inch asunder; so that the circulation 
may go on more rapidly. Ri oS aria 
Pursuant to the doctrine, which supposes the same quan- 
tity of electricity, varying in intensity in the ratio of the 
number of pairs to the quantity of surface, to be the sole 
agent in galvanic ignition, the electrical, fluid as evolved by 
Sir H. Davy’s great pile, must have been nearly two thou- 
sand times more intense, than as evolved by a single pair, 
yet it gives sparks at no greater distance than the thirtieth or 
fortieth cf an inch. The intensity of the fluid must be at 
least as much greater in one instance, than in another, as the. 
sparks produced by it are longer. A. fine electrical plate 
machine of thirty two inches diameter, will give sparks at. 
teninches. Of course the intensity of the fluid which it 
emits, must be three hundred times greater than that emit- 
ted by two thousand pairs. The intensity produced by a 
single pair, must be two thousand times less than that produ- 
ced by a the great pile, and of course six hundred thousand 
times less than that produced by a good electrical plate of 
ihirty two inches. Yet a single pair of about a square foot in 
area, will certainly deflagrate more wire, than a like extent of 
coated surface charged by such a plate. According to Sing- — 
er, it requires about ove hundred and sixty square inches of 
coated glass, to destroy watch pendulum wire ; a lareer wire ~ 
may be burned off by a galvanic battery of a foot square. 
But agreeably to the hypothesis in dispute, it compensates. 
by quantity, for the want of intensity. Hence the quantity 
of fluid in the pair is six hundred thousand times greater, 
while its intensity is six hundred thousand times less; and 
wice verse of the coated surface. Is not this absurd? What 
does intensity mean as applied to a fluid? Is it not expres- 
sed by the ratio of quantity, to space? If there be twice as 
tauch electricity within one cubic inch,.as within another, is 


* That ts, with the same mass of conducting Auid, in eontact with all the 
surfaces, instead. of being divided into different portions, each restricted in 
its action to ene copper and one zine plate. 

Hare’s New Galvanic Apparatus, Pheory, §c. 115 

ihere not twice the intensity ? But the one acts suddenly, it 
may be said; the other slowly. But whence this difference ? 
They may both have exactly the same surface to exist in. 
‘The same zinc and copper plates may be used for coatings 
first, and a galvanic pair afterwards. Letit be said, as it 
may in truth, that the charge is, in the one case attached te 
the glass superficies, in the other exists in the pores of the 
metal. But why does it avoid these pores in one case 
and reside in them in the other? What else resides in the 
pores of the metal which may be forced out by percussion ? 
4s it not caloric? Possibly, unless under constraint, or cir- 
cumstances favorable to a union between this principle and 
electricity, the latter cannot enter the metallic pores, beyond 
a certain degree of saturation; and hence an electrical 
charge does not reside in the metallic coatings of a Leyden 
phial, though it fuses the wire which forms a circuit between 

Tt is admitted that the action of the galvanic fluid, is upon 
or between atoms ; while mechanical electricity when unco- 
erced, acts only upon masses. ‘T’his difference has not been 
explained unless by my hypothesis, in which caloric, of 
which the influence is only exerted between atoms, is sup- 

posed to be a principal agent in galvanism. Nor has any 
“other reason been given that water, which dissipates pure 
electricity, should cause the galvanic fluid to accumulate. 
“From the prodigious effect which moist air, or a moist sur- 
face, has in paralyzing the most efficient machines, I am led 
to suppose, that the conducting power of moisture so situa- 
ted, is greater than that of water under its surface. The 
power of this fluid to conduct mechanical electricity, is un- 
fairly contrasted with that of a metal, when the former is 
enclosed in a glass tuve, the latter bare. 

According to Singer, the electrical accumulation is as 
great when water is used, as when more powerful menstrua 
are employed; but the power of ignition is wanting, until 
ihese are resorted to. De Luc showed, by his ingenious 
dissections of the pile, that electricity might be produced 
without, or with chemical power. The rationale of these 
differences never has been given, unless by my theory, 
which supposes caloric to be presentin the one case, but 
not in the other. The electric column was the fruit of De 
Luc’s sagacions enquiries, and afforded a beautiful and m- 

116 Hare's New Gaivanie Apparatus, Theory, &. 

controvertible support to the objections he made to the idea, 
that the galvanic fluid is pure electricity, when extricated 
by the voltaic pile in its usual form. It showed that a pile 
really producing pure electricity, is devoid of the chemical 
power of galvanism. pay 

We are informed by Sir H. Davy; oie when charcoal 
polats in connection with the poles of the magnificent appa- 
ratus with which he operated, were first brought nearly into 
contact, and then withdrawn four inches apart, there was a 
heated arch formed between them in which such non-con- 
ducting substances as quartz were fused. I believe it im- 
possible to fuse electrics by mechanical electricity. If op- 
posing its passage they may be broken, and if conductors 
near them be ignited, they may be acted on by those ignited 
conductorsas if otherwise heated; but I will venture to 
predict, that the slightest glass fibre'will not enter into fu- 
sion, by being placed 1 in a current from the largest a 
or electrical battery. / ; 

-L am induced to believe, that we must eoialan light, as 
well as heat, an ingredient in the galvanic fluid; and think 
it possible, that, being necessary to vitality in animals, as 
well as vegetables, the electric Auid may be the vehicle of 
its diiipaisn: 

I will take this opportunity of stating, that the heat sia 
ved by one galvanic pair has been found by the experi- 
ments which I instituted, to increase in quantity, but to di- 
minish in intensity, as the size of the surfaces may be en- 
larged. A pair containing about fifty square feet of each met- 
al, Grilleadtltuce platina, nor deflagrate iron, however sma!l 
may be the wire employed; for the heat produced in metallic 
wires is not improved by a reduction in their size beyond a 
certain point. Yet the metals abovementioned, are easily. 
fused or deflagrated by smaller pairs, which would have no. 
perceptible influence on masses that might be sensibly igni- 
ied by larger pairs—These characteristics were fully de- 
monstrated, not only by my own apparatus, but by those con- 
structed by Messrs. Wetherill and Peale, and which are larg- 
er, but less capable of exciting intense ignition. Mr. Peale’s 
apparatus contained nearly seventy square feet, Mr. Weth- 
erll’s nearly one hundred, in the form of concentric coils, 
yet neither could produce a heat above redness on the small- 
est wires. At my suggestion, Mr. Peale separated the two 

Prof. E. D. Smith, on the Warm Springs, ge. 117 

surfaces in his coils into four alternating, constituting two 
galvanic pairs in one recipient. Iron wire was then easily 
burned and platina fused by it. These facts, together with 
the incapacity of the calorific fluid extricated by the calori- 
motor to permeate charcoal, next to metals the best electri- 
cal conductor, must sanction the position I assigned to it as 
being in the opposite extreme from the columns of De Luc 
and Zamboni. For as in these, the phenomena are such 
as are characteristic of pure electricity, so in one very large 
galvanic pair, they almost exclusively demonstrate the agen 
cy of pure caloric. ' 


Arr. XIX.—An account of the Warm Springs, in Bun- 
come County, state of North-Carclina; by the late En- 
warp D. Suitu, M. D. and Professor of Chemistry ond 
Mineralogy in the South-Carolina College. 

(Communicated to the editor, by the lamented author, just befors 
his death.) 

-Presuming that contributions to the natural history of 

the United States will not be unacceptable, I now offer 

some details respecting the situation and nature of the Min- 

eral Springs of Buncome County, North-Carolina, which ° 

have, for some years past, been much visited by the inhab- 
itants of the southern states, In the years 1816 and 1817 
I had the opportunity of analyzing some of the water, 
which had been carefully bottled on the spot and conveyed 

in safety to me; and the results of this process were pub- — 

lished in a newspaper of the day. Desirous however to 
examine these celebrated waters at their fountain head, 
made an excursion, in July last, for this express purpose : 
and the information obtained by that journey, is now re- 
spectfully presented to the view of the public. 

These mineral waters are found upon the margin of a 
river called the French Broad, about thirty two miles from 
Ashville, the county town of Buncome, and five and a half 
miles from the Tennessee line. Several springs have al- 
ready been discovered, at various distances from each oth- 
er, and the whole extent of ground, im which they rise, al- 
though not accurately ascertained, is supposed to be at least. 

118 Prof. E. D. Smith, on the Warm Springs 

one mile. ‘They are generally so near to the bank, that in 
moderate freshets the river comes into them, and it was as- 
serted by one of the present proprietors that at a particular 
- spot in the bed of the stream, about ten yards from the usu- 
‘al bank, there was a constant jet of warm water. The depth 
of the river is various, being in some’ places 10 to 15 feet, 
and in others very shoaly. The last spring which has been 
opened, is perhaps twenty yards further from the river than 
the former ones, but its temperature is not quite so high.— 
The supply of water in all of them is very abundant. 

The original proprietor of these springs, a respectable 
and intelligent old gentleman by the name of Nelson, in- 
formed me that he supposed the first discovery of them to 
have been made about forty years since, at which time this 
part of the country was altogether uninhabited, and the per-. 
sons who resorted to the viatens: had to encamp in their vi- 
cinity. He has been personally acquainted with them, for 
upwards of twenty years, and made the first and lowest es- 
tablishment for bathing, near to a ferry, which is opposite to 
his residence. Mr. Nelson further states that he has known 
sundry cases of palsy, rheumatism, cutaneous affections, &e. 
greatly benefited by the internal and external use of the 
waters. The large establishment, and the one that is now 
principally visited, is seated about half a mile higher up the 
river, and has at the present time two large baths, whose. 
temperature at the boils of the springs is 104° of Fahrenheit ; 
but at the surface the temperature of the old bath, which is 
very near to the river, is 100°, while that of the new which 
is higher up the bank, is but 94°. [was informed that this 
temperature was much increased, when there was a consid- 
erable swell in the river, but f had no lo ppomemuiys of wit- 
nessing the fact. * 

A smaller stream of water, W Hoh is usually limpid and 
shallow, comes into the French Broad on its southern side, 
and separates the first bathing establishment from that which 
is now used. The stream “affords the conveniences of a 
saw, and grist mill, within a very short distance of the estab- 
lishment, and without the necessity of a mill-pond. The 
whole are situated in a beautiful and romantic spot upon 
a large flat, contiguous to the water, and embosomed in 
lofty mountains, among which the river winds, while the 
valley in this spot appears not to exceed a mile in width, and 

in Buncome County, North-Carolina. 119 

js much narrower in all others, both above and below. These 
mountains seem to consist principally of rocks, of which acon-. 
siderable proportion in the immediate vicinity are compact 
lime stone, both blue and grey. About six miles above the 
springs there is said to be a veinof the sulphate of barytes, a 
specimen of which was given me ; and in the vicinity of the 
ferry below, there is a cavern of lime stone, which may be _ 
penetrated with convenience for thirty yards and from the 

roof of which stalactitesare pendant. Near to this cave there 
is another containing a large quantity of good yellow ochre. 

There are said to be mines of cobalt, copper, and iron in 
the neighboring mountains, but these are lofty and not very 
accessible. I found that there was, from the local cireum- 
stances of the establishment, considerable humidity during 
the mornings and evenings, and a pretty high temperature 
for several hours of the day. There were also sudden and 
frequent thunder showers, but these were generally of short 
duration. ‘These meteorological observations will perhaps 
lead to the conclusion, that this watering place would not be 
advisable for persons laboring under pulmonic or dropsical 
affections,and J did not learn that any such had been bene- 
fited by their residence. 

After premising these remarks upon the situation and his- 
torical account of these springs and the country in their vi- 
ceinity, I will proceed to detail the particulars of an analysis 
of the water, which was commenced on the spot in July, 
1818, and recently concluded in my laboratory. 

1. The appearance of the water at the fountain was lim- 

pid, although there was a continual ascent of air bubbles to 
its surface. — 

2. The taste was insipid, excepting the disagreeable im- 
pression made by its temperature, which has been aiready 

~ stated to be 104° as the water emerged from the sand. 

3. There was no smell perceivable by myself, or by an 
intelligent friend, who aided my researches, although I was 
assured by several persons that in some seasons this water 
was impregnated with so strong and permanent an odour, as 
to be sensible after it had been conveyed to some distance. 
tn the immediate vicinity of the drinking springs, there 
was undoubtedly an unpleasant effluvium, but this 1 attribu- 
ted to the stagnation of common water in these low spots, 
and the presence of decaving vegetable matter. It should 

120 Prof. E. D. Smith on the Warm Springs 

be remarked that, during one of the seasons above alluded 
to, there were eran rains; but at the time of my Visit, 
there had been an uncommon drought. 

4. The application of the sulphuric and nitric acidegn to 
separate portions of the water, produced no a 
or discoloration. 

5. The oxalic acid produced slowly a white cioud. 
6. The oxalate of ammonia occasioned an instant ei 
cloud. : 

G Nitrate of mereury caused a brewitich yellow precip 

8. Sirup a8 violets produced no effect. wi 

9. ‘Turmeric paper was not altered. | 

10. Muriate and nitrate of barytes, each occasioned: an 

iminediate white precipitate. 
11. Nitrate of silver produced a very slight, atin cloud, 
when the water was fresh from the spring ; but after it" had 
stood two hours, the nitrate of silver occasioned a denser 
cloud instantly, and the precipitate became dark, when eX- 
posed to the sun. 

12. Prussiate of potash and gee of lime produced 
no discoloration. 

13. Acetate of lead occasioned an immediate ae 
cloud. aus 
14, Solution of soap in alcohol canted a supernatant ‘thie 

15. Alcohol had no visible effect. 

16. Phosphate of soda caused an immediate white pre-_ 

17. Ammonia occasioned a slight supernatant cloud. 

18. Carbonate of ammonia made no change of appear- 
ance, until phosphate nf soda was added, when there v was 
an immediate white precipitate. 

19. Neither the infusion nor the tincture of gals produ- 
ced any effect. 

20. Silver leaf seemed to be slightly darkened. 

21. Fresh made lime water was applied at the fountain, 
but produced no effect. This experiment was repeated 
many times, because a general idea was entertained that 
carbonic acid was contained in the water and that the air 
bubbles, which were constantly ascending from the bottom 
of the spring, were really this gaseous “substance. This 

in Buncome County, North- Carolina. 121 

opinion was likewise corroborated by the following experi- 
ment made in the summer of 1816, by the late and much 
lamented Dr. Mc Bride, of Ciceiesins 

“Lime water on being added, threw down a white, flaky 
precipitate. On decanting the water and adding a few drops 
’ of sulphuric acid, there was a violent effervescence and the 
smell of the carbonic acid gas or fixed air. ‘The previpi- 
tate also disappeared.” Concerning this experiment it may 
be observed that the inference drawn from it, respecting the 
presence of carbonic acid cannot be correct, for sulphuric 
acid, when applied to the carbonate of lime, would consti- 
tute another salt of considerable insolubility, and there 
could not be a disappearance of the precipitate.* Any one 
who will make the direct experiment, may be satisfied of 
this fact. Whatever may have been the cause of the pre- 
cipitate in Dr. Mc Bride’s experiment, repeated trials did 
not afford me any such results ; but in order ta be more sat- 
isfied upon the point, | placed in a tin vessel, of the form 
described in Dr. Meade’s analysis of the Ballston and Sar- 
atoga waters, one quart of the mineral water and set it on a 
fire to boil, having previously inverted over it a decanter 
full of lime water... This lime water was ascertained to be 
good, by blowing into it some air from the lungs, which 
made it of a milky colour. ‘The water in the tin vessel was 
boiled for some time, but not the least cloudiness was in- 
duced in the superincumbent decanter. From this deci- 
sive experiment the conclusion must be drawn that no car- 
bonic acid was contained in the mineral water. 

Most of the preceding experiments were repeated upon 
a portion of the water that had been boiled, but without any 
variation of the results. 

Three quarts were then carefully papiated and the fixed 
product secured in white paper, for ate examination in 
a more convenient place. 

Some of the air bubbles, which were continually arising 
in the Spies were received into inverted glass vessels. 
On testing these with lime water no discoloration ensued, 
but when placed over a burning candle, the flame was im- 

* Unless a large portion of acid were added, when the sulphate of lime 
would be dissolved.— Ed. 

Vou. U....No. 1. 16 

122 Prof. E. D. Smith, on the Warm-Springs 

mediately extinguished. From these two experiments. it 
was inferred. that this air was nitrogen or azotic gas. From 
the whole of the humid analysis. ee chemical reader will 
probably admit, that these waters contain, not only nitrogen 
gas, but sulphuric and muriatic acids, and lime and magnesia, 
all in a state of combination ; and that neither carbonic — 
acid nor sulphuretted hydrogen, or any combination of sul- 
phur, as had been generally believed, Were present. That 
sulphur is never recognized, as an ingredient of these waters, 
and that very wet seasons may not cause some combination 
of it, Iam not prepared to deny; because in.addition to: 
the remark of the peculiar odour of the water in wet sea- 
sons, it may be stated that in {wo successive years, previous 
to my visit, I had the opportunity of examining the water 
brought in bottles to this place, | and then detected sulphu- 
retted hydrogen. Supposing it possible however, that. 
the keeping of the water for several weeks, might induce & 
change of its properties, f brought away two bottles with me 
and six {months afterwards examined them in my laborato- 
ry, but found the results of analysis to be the same as at 
the springs. 1 know not how to account for this variation 
of properties, unless on the former occasions the springs 
may have been little attended to, and from the decomposi- 
tion of vegetable matter in them sulphuretted hydrogen may 
have been eenerated ; or unless the causes, which occa- 
sion the increased temperature of the water, may so vary 
in differing seasons as to produce different decompositions 
beneath the earth’s surface. 

It was my intention to have proceeded with the examina- 
tion of the fixed product, as soon as I returned to Colum- 
bia; but some unexpected and unavoidable circumstances 
have prevented until lately. 

The results of this analysis are as follow: 

1, On examining the papers, containing three powders, 
each of which had been precured by the separate evapora- 
tion of one quart of the mineral water, it appeared that each 
paper was damp, and stained of a light fawn colour. In 
iwo parcels, brilliant particles were visible to the naked eye; 
and, viewed through the microscope, they were evidently 
saline. The other ‘powder shewed no marks of crystalliza- 
tion. The weight of the whole was twenty-eight grains, and 
allowing for loss in transportation, perhaps it may be said 

in Buncome County, N orth- Carolina. 123- 

with propriety, that each quart of water contains about ten 
grains of fixed product. 

2. The whole amount (28 gr —“ Was putinto a small glass 
bottle, and alcohol poured on, to the depth of aninch. This 
mixture was frequently shaken, and stood for twenty hours. 

3. It was then carefully filtered: washed with more al-_ 
cohol, and the filter dried by a regular and moderate heat. 
The: powder separated from the filter, was weighed, and 
amounted to twenty-three grains, and as the filter which had 
been weighed both before and after use, appeared to retain 
one grain, the quantity taken up by the alcohol, a be es-: 
timated at four grains. 

4. A smail portion of the alcoholic polation was diluted 
with water, and tested with sulphuric acid and with a solu- 
tion of copper; but as no effect resulted, it may be conclu- 
ded that neither barytes nor ammonia were present. 

5, The remainder of the alcoholic solution was evapora- 
ted, but an accidental fracture of the evaporating vessel pre- 
ented the ascertaining of the nature of the residuum. 

6. The portion (23 grains) which the alcohol did not take 
up, was then mixed with eight times its weight of distilled 
water and stood for forty eight hours. 

7. This mixture was then filtered, dried and weighed. 
The residue was seventeen grains, so that six grains must 
have been dissolved by the water. 

8. This watery solution was then evaporated, and the 
residue being re-dissolved in water, was tested as follows: 
Nitrate of barytes gave a white cloud, so did carbonate of 
soda. Oxalate of ammonia produced a thick white cloud. 
Nitrate of silver had no effect. It may be inferred then, 
that these six grains were principally sulphate of Magnesia, 
and thata small portion of sulphate of lime was also pres- 

9. Ten grains of the seventeen, that were not dissolved 
in solution (6) were mixed with ten ounces of cold, dis- 
tilled water, and boiled for some hours. On filtering and 
drying, the ‘undissolved residue was between one and two 
grains, so that nearly the whole of these ten grains was prob- 
ably sulphate of lime. 

10. A portion of the preceding clear solution was tested 
as follows: Oxalic acid produced a white cloud slowly ; but 
oxalate of ammonia, an immediate and thick white cloud. 

124 Prof. E. D, Smith, on the Warm-Springs, &c. 

Nitrate of barytes and carbonate of soda, each occasioned 
a white cloud. Nitrate of silver made no change. The re- 
maining solution, evaporated, re-dissolved and tested in a 
similar manner, shewed the same results. The inference’ 
then will be, that this solution contained sulphate of lime 
chiefly, with a trace of sulphate of magnesia. —_ Ay 

11. The residue of one to two grains, being very light : 
and bulky and of a dark ash colour, was moistened: with 
water and exposed to the sun’s rays but after: a aay on time 
was eal lost. 

In making up the summary of the preceding, analysis, it 
may probably be stated as follows. — 

In the alcoholic solution (3) are present 

Muriates of lime and magnesia, Hie A QU ease 
In solution (7) Sulphate of magnesia i) 18) eral eee 
By solution (9) Sulphate of lime in ca er MAL ome ag 
Insoluble residue, . 23 a 
DiGes: Se pa eta 1 gr. 
From three quarts of water, 28 er. 

It will be observed, that the results of the analysis of the 
fixed product denote the presence of the same substances 
as were detected by the humid analysis, and thus the one. 
confirms the correctness of the other. The nature of these 
mineral waters, having been thus ascertained, it becomes an 
interesting inquiry, whether they can probably exert much 
effect upon the constitution. ‘The great bulk of their in- 
gredients would appear to be very inert, unless, according 
to the opinion offered by Dr. Murray, in his excellent analy-. 
sis of the Dunblane and Pitcaithly waters, the process oc- 
casions a different combination of ingredients from that 
which originally existed, and then the muriate of lime, which 
is an active substance, would be present in a much lar- 
ger proportion than appears from the analysis. Persons 
using these waters, are in the habit of drinking from three 
to four quarts in a day, and also of bathing twice. They 
generally remain in the bath from a half hour to an hour, 
and find. it so pleasant, they are loth to leave it. It was sta- 
ted to me by a very respectable gentleman, who has resort- 
ed to this watering place, fer several summers past, that af- 
ter drinking the water freely for several days, it generally 
had a brisk cathartic effect for a day or two, and after that 

Remarks on Dr. Enfield’s Institutes, §c. 125 

produced no sensible result. This gentleman is afflicted 

with chronic rheumatism, and has always obtained decided 

relief from the long sontinued use of the waters, both inter- 

nally and externally. Upon the record book of the estab- 

lishment, there are sundry interesting cases of benefit, im- 

parted to persons labouring under rheumatism, palsy, or loss 

of motion from other causes. I am inclined to believe that 

long continued bathing in water of such an elevated and 
constant temperature, must produce some effect in such ca~ 
ses as have been alluded to, independent of the mineral in- 

gredients, and conjoined with them, it will probably be still 

more efficacious. ‘The healthy, cheap and plentiful country, 

in which the Buncome Springs are situated, the novel and 

mountainous scenery, variety of company, &e. present many 

attractions to the invalid, the idler and the curious, and will 

no doubt, make this watering place, if properly attended to, 

an inereasing source of profit to its proprietors. 

South-Carolina College; March 1819. 

Arr. XX.—Remarks on Dr. RAY Institutes of M at- 
: ural Philosophy.— Phard American edition—1820. 

‘For more than twenty years past, the compilation of En- 
field has been extensively employed in this country as a text- 
book in Natural Philosophy ; and at present, we believe, is 
used for this purpose by nearly all the higher seminaries of 
learning in New-England. The want of an elementary sys- 
tem more select and better digested in its materials, more 
free from erroneous statements and reasonings, and exhibit- 
ing amore faithful outline of the existing state of physical 
science, is beginning to be generally felt ; “put as the work of 
Enfield will probably be retained in our seminaries for some 
years to come, we have embraced the occasion furnished 
by the appearance of a new edition, to make a few such 
comments on it as may perhaps add somewhat to its value, 
with the student, and at the same time prove not wholly un- 
interesting to those teachers who have but limited access to 
other authorities. 

The Institutes of Natural Philosophy will be found on 
examination to be little more than an abridgement, without 
much alteration either in language or form, from different 

126 _ Remarks ox Dr. Enfield’s Institutes 

works on the same subject which appeared in the former 
part of the last century. The Hydrostatics, Prieumatics, 
and Optics, are chiefly taken from Dr. Rutherforth 5 as_ is 
also the Astronomy, with the exception of the four last chap- 
ters of Part II., which are borrowed from Rowning. The 
Mechanics does not appear to have been derived so exclu- 
sively from any single source. It is apparent, however, that 
Rutherforth furnished the arrangement. ‘The filling up is 
from various authors. ‘The chapters‘on the perpendicular 
and oblique descent of falling bodies, the.vibration of pen- 
dulums, (excepting the cycloidal theory taken from Row- 
ning,) and the motion of projectiles, are chiefly from Helsham. 
A considerable portion of the concluding section on cen- 
tral forces, is copied, nearly in its original form, from the 
Principia. The few pages of the original work devoted 
to Magnetism and Electricity, we presume, were written a- 
new by Dr. Enfield ;—but the additions made by the Edit-. 
or of the second eee edition, which amount to two 
thirds of the whole, are taken nearly verbatim from wie pub- 
lications of Cavallo. 

The compiler of this work, while sitting with bis pen in 
one hand and his author in the other, appears never to have 
indulged fora moment the illiberal suspicion that his author 
might be in the wrong. The consequence is, that when- 
ever his originals erred, the error is faithfully transcribed in- 
into his abridgement. The number of these errors multi- 
plied in his own hands, from the want of sufficient care to - 
shape and adjust materials, detached from their original 
connexions, reduced in their dimensions, and sometimes 
brought together from heterogeneous sources,—in such a 
manner as to form parts of a connected and harmonious 
whole.—Nor is the praise of judicious selection much bet- 
ter deserved, than that of freedom from error. Proposi- 
tions and scholia of little interest or importance compared 
with others which might have taken their place, often occur : 
complex and unsatisfactory demonstrations are admitted 
where those of superior clearness and elegance were attain- 
able : and while one chapter of an original author is pared 
down to meagerness itself, another is left in a state of 
redundancy. Even in those parts of the work to which no 
objection can be made on the score either of accuracy or 
importance, occur abrupt transitions in the subject or man- 

of Natural Philosophy. 127 

ner of handling it, parenthetical propositions, and haltings 
or retrograde movements in the march of investigation, for 
which the student who is unacquainted with. the secrets 
of book making, and honestly ascribes the whole to the os- 
tensible author, will be utterly at a loss to account. 

In a treatise on Natural Philosophy designed exclusively 
to introduce the student to the elements of the science, we 
are not so unreasonable as to look for originality in the ma- — 
terials... Accuracy and judicious selection in the principles, 
reasonings, and experiments, unity of plan, and clearness of 
arrangement, together with a good degree of neatness and pre- 
cision in style, are all that can be expected, or even desired. 
The introduction of original speculations would in general — 
rather impair than enhance the merits of a text-book for 
learners. But the merits just enumerated we certainly have 
a right to expect, from one who takes on himself the respon- 
sibility of adding to the number of books without adding to 
the amount of knowledge in the world ; while he contrib-. 
utes to withdraw from public notice, and accelerate the obliv- 
ion of those older authors, who deserve the gratitude of pos- 
terity for their original discoveries. We can make no bet- 
‘ter apology for Dr. Enfield in allowing so ill-digested a com- 
pilation to go before the public, than to suppose that he was 
hindered from giving it the necessary attention by the en- 
gagements of a laborious profession, or that he had not suf- 
ficiently. familiarized himself with the subjects on which the 
wants of his pupils, (as he informs us in his preface,) impos- 
ed on him the necessity of writing. Like his distinguished 
colleague in the Warrington Academy, Dr. Priestley, he 
seems to have been not unambitious of the reputation of 
universal learning. Elocution, history, biography, sermons, 
metaphysics, prayers and hymns, alternately occupied his 
attention and his pen. ‘To complete his claims, it might 
seem necessary that his name should be in some way con- 
nected with the departments of physical and mathematical 
science. How far considerations of this nature may have 
had influence in bringing the Institutes of Natural Philoso- 
phy before. the public, we must leave for those who have 
better means of information concerning the character of the 
author than ourselves, to decide. 

Whatever was the reason why this work originally ap- 
peared in se imperfect a state, it was at least incumbent o 

128 Remarks on Dr. Enfield’s Instatutes 

those who have had the charge of editing subsequent edi- 
tions to give it a thorough revisal, and to correct its errors. 
Instead of this, they have been chiefly solicitous to add to 
its bulk; and while they have given it a far more motley 
and heterogeneous aspect than it originally possessed, by 
forcing asunder the parts of the original to make room for 
quotations from later authors,—quotations which seldom coa- 
lesce, which sometimes repeat, and sometimes clash with 
those parts of the original which are retained without alter- 
ation,—they have extended rather than diminished the 
amount of its inaccuracies. Pal Shae re 
_ From this last remark we must except the edition which 
has appeared the present year. It has been submitted to 
the revisal of a gentleman well known as a mathematician 
and an instructor; and we are happy to notice that a large 
number of the most palpable and embarrassing of the erro- 
neous statements of former editions are rectified. = 
But although the present edition appears in a form con- 
siderably superior to either of its predecessors, we still re- 
gard it as very far from possessing the character which is 
demanded by the present state of learning in our country, 
and the mode of instruction adopted in our colleges. With 
the exception of the Electricity and Magnetism, and a few 
particulars in the Astronomy, it is borrowed from sources 
nearly a century old; and hence presents scarcely any idea 
of the progress made in the different branches of philosophy 
since the period of Newton. In mentioning this as an im- 
portant defect in the work, we would not be understood to 
imply that the theoretical principles of philosophy were 
studied with less success at that period than at present, or 
that almost every elementary proposition which would now 
find a place in a text-book for schools might not be found 
in the sources from which Enfield borrowed his compila- 
tion. So far as mere theoretical investigations are concern- 
ed, the writers of the period to which we refer, afford an 
ample fund of valuable materials to a compiler. But it 
must be allowed that they pushed the application of mathe- 
matical reasoning to physical inquiries to a faulty extreme. 
They too seldom gave themselves the trouble to inquire 
how far their ingenuity in forming deductions was leading 
them astray from plain matters of fact, and how far they 
were building systems of principles for a world of material 

af Niall Philosophy. wie 129 

substances which ae only in their own imagmations. 
Ifit be desirable, in studying Natural Philosophy, to ac- 
quire just ideas of the properties ‘and mutual actions of 
bodies as they actually are, those experimental details by 
which the results. of theory are modified and corrected, 

musi enter extensively even into an elementary treatise. 
Bat in this respect, the original work of Enfield is almost 
totally deficient. Like those from which it is borrowed, it 
contains little more than a naked series of mathematical 
principles ;* with scarcely an intimation that any of them 
are at variance with facts. Nor do we think that the edi- 
tors of later editions have been fortunate in their at- 
tempts to supply the deficiency. We look in vain to the ad- 
ditions they have made, for any account of the late research- 
es of philosophers into the nature and laws of action of 
those modifying causes which were once regarded as too 
stubborn to yield to calculation, and which theory according- 
ly overlooked. The names of Bossut, Coulomb, Hutton, 
Dalton, Biot, Young, and other great experimentalists who 
have almost created ; a new era in philosophy, by their suc- 
cess in gleaning up the scattered laws of nature which New- 
ton and his cotemporaries left behind them ; in compelling 
empirical formule to perform the office of Te aws where the 
subject is incapable of theoretical investigation ; and in as- 
eertaining the precise values of those arbitrary constant quan- 
tities without which laws themselves are incapable of prac- 

* While we regard this work as too exclusively mathematical in its con- 
tents, we would by no means wish to see ifs present mathematical form 
discarded. With the exception of electricity, magnetism, and a few topics 
included under other branches, to which this mode of discussion is certainly. 
ill suited, we regard the ferm of proposition and demonstration into which 
Enfield has thrown his Institutes as constituting its chief recommendation, 
when compared with most other elementary works. It disc iplines the stu- 
dent more effectually, and renders his task better defined, than a more loose 
and popular form; and atthe same time facilitates the employment of the 
instructer and examiner. We will add that so far as our own experience 
extends, the mode of discussing physico- mathematical subjects which was 
fashionable a century ago, that is, by a statement of principles in common 
laneuage, and demonstrations annexed, is farsuperior, for the purposes of 
elementary mstruction, to the modern analytical mode, in which the theorem 
terminates the investigation, and is expressed by an alvebraic. formula. 
The employment of the latter mode is doubtless occasionally necessary, 
and it is almost always the most concise ; but the former, w henever it can 
be employed, has altogether the advantage in its power to interest, and te 
impress the imagination and memory of the student, while it is incompara- 
bly better fitted to the purposes of recifation. 

Vous FEY.....No. 1: jee 

130 Remarks on. Dr. Enjield’s Institutes 

tical application,—these names, we say, scarcely once occur 
in a work which embraces nearly the whole extent of the 
philosophical studies in our systems of liberal education.— 
We are aware that the best selection of topics for such a 
a work must often be a delicate task ; 5 and that there will be 
room for differences of taste and opinion concerning it. Not 
every thing that is highly valuable will on this account be. 
admissible. Many of those details which are of high 
importance in their applications to practice may possess 
none of that elegance which would attract the attention of 
the general scholar ; ; and many investigations which com- 
bine elegance with utility may be inaccessible to him, from 
involving mathematical principles with which he is not fa- 
miliarized, or requiring an extent of discussion to render 
them at all intelligible which would be inconsistent with the 
claims of his other pursuits. Among the great variety of 
theoremsand principles which belong to the different branch- 
es of Natural Philosophy, our own Ghote 1 in making a se-_ 
Jection for an elementary work, would be determined ‘by. the 
following requisites. 1. The ihenredt should possess, in a 
purely mathematical point of view, a good degree of ele- 
gance. 2. It should admit of satisfactory proof, either ex- 
perimental or demonstrative :—if the latter, it should be. 
such as to exercise without fatiguing the learner, and should 
as seldom as possible require a : series of lemmas, or merely 
subsidiary propositions. 3. It should be very nearly, if not 
accurately conformable with fact,—or if otherwise, the mod- 
ifications demanded by experiment should be capable of a 
neat-and simple explanation. 4. Itshould-have some per- 
ceptible bearing on what is practically useful,—or at least 
form a link in a chain of investigations which terminates in 
some practical result. 

If tried by the foregoing tests, the contents of Enfield’s 
Philosophy will be found extremely defective. We have 
no hesitation in asserting that a work of the same size with 
this, in which the selection was judiciously made, would 
not have more than half its contents, in any form, common - 
with it,—and that, (without increasing the difficulties or di- 
minishing the interest of the study, by crowding in a multi- 
tude of naked results unaccompanied by the necessary il- 
lustrations,) it might be made to comprise more than twice 
the amount of valuable facts and principles. ‘To substan- 

of ‘Natural ‘Philosophy. oe 131 

tate an assertion which may perhaps be deemed harsh, 
we will just glance at the contents of the Second Book,— 
a part which certainly affords a not unfavourable specimen 
of the execution of the whole. As all the improvements 
which we propose are predicated on the supposition that the 
size remains unaltered, (a supposition rendered necessary 
by the limited time which ean be properly devoted to this 
subject in our colleges,) we begin with the general remark 
that room might be ‘gained for several important topics now 
omitted, by abridgements i in the demonstrations, particular 
ly thosé in which variations are introduced, and various oth- 
ers in which prolixity contributes not at all to clearness.— 
The chapter on percussion might have been easily made 
to include, within its present limits, a general theory of im, 
pact in bodies imperfectly elastic, and a statement and recon- 
ciliation of the apparently jarring theories of Newton and 
Leibnitz concerning the measure of force in moving bodies. 
To that on the composition of forces, might have been ad-- 
vantageously subjoined the results of impact in spherical 
bodies, whether non-elastic or elastic, which meet each oth- 
er from directions not in the sameright line. If the theory of 
the cycloidal pendulum, detailed at length inch. v. sec. 3. de- 
serves to be retained, itis only forthe sake of a theorem which 
Enfield has by astrange oversight omitted ; we mean that which 
determines the tzme of vibration. \ This theorem is valuable 
principally as it also determines the limit of the time of vi- 
bration of the common pendulum, when the arc is made in- 
definitely small. But as the subject is now left, not only 
is no true information given to the student concerning the 
time of vibration in a Pmenlor are, but the eeoa 
blunder of Keill, Parent, Musschenbroek and others, in 
making it ere to that in the chord,* is imposed upon him. 

* This is not indeed in so many words afirmed ; but several of the demon- 
atrations imply it, and become nugatory unless it is admitted. Thus in prov- 
ing that vibrations in small unequal ares are performed in nearly equal times, 
the inference is made from the chords to the ares on the ground that ‘very 
small arcs differ very little from their respective chords in length or decliv- 
ity.” The same language had been used before by Helsham “and Ruther- 
forth. But it must be obvious-to all who are in the least familiarized to the 
subject of ultimate ratios, that although the are and its corresponding chord 
ultimately agree in “length,” they “differ totally in “declivity.” In all 
states of the are and chord, (and therefore when both are indefinitely small,} 
the declivity of the former, on the highest point, is twice that of the latter. 
The accelerating force down tl be cher di is uniform; inthe arc it isas the sine 

132 ‘Remarks on Dr. Enfield’s Institutes 

The theory of equilibrium in the mechanical powers (chap. 
vi.) might have been stated in a more concise and popular 
form, grounded on the principle of virtual velocities, to make 
room for a brief account of prime movers, and the motion 
and maximum effect of machines. The subjects of friction, 
and the construction of wheel carriages, are now dispatched. 
in half a page,—less than half the room occupied by the 
difficult and almost useless proposition onthe wedge. These 
important and practical subjects ought to be discussed much 
more in detail; nor ought the former to be grounded on the 
experiments of Vince, to the exclusion of the much more 
important and diversified ones of Coulomb. In chapter vit. 
the mathematical theory of projectiles is pursued to the 
length of ten or twelve propositions; and we are left to an 
incidental remark of a single sentence inserted by the editor. 
of the second edition, for all our information concerning the 
total discrepancy between theory and practice. Several 
parts of this chapter possess very little interest, even in a 
mathematical point of view ; and had they been much more 
important than they are, they ought to have given way to 
such a statement of the principal results of experiment on 
the motion of projectiles as the writings of Robins, Rum- 
ford, and Hutton mighthave easily furnished. Several lem- 
mas introduced from the Principia, into the concluding sec-. 
tion on central forces, although needed forthe objects which 
the original author had in view, are here entirely out of 
place. Such of them as were wanted should have been di- 
vested of their latinized idiom, and translated into a more 
modern and intelligible dialect. Several of the more im- 
portant theorems relating to motion by a central force vary- 
ing inversely as the square of the distance, might have been 
subjoined with the utmost advantage to the single one with 
which the Book now closes.—The subjects of rotatory mo- 
tion, the funicular polygon and equilibrium of arches, the 

of the distance from the lowest point, or ultimately as the distance itself. This 

last circumstance establishes the equality of the times of vivration in very 

small cirentar arcs and in the cycloid, on grounds independent of the high- 

er calculus ; for it is evident that the radius of curvature at thelowest point 

is the same for both curves. Instead, therefore, of its being true that the 

times of vibration in the are and chord approach to an vltimate ratio of 
equality, they approach to a ratio of finite inequality. No one but the stu- 

dent can need {0 be infovmed that the former is the least, in the ratio of. 
0,7854 to 1. 

of Natural Philosophy. | 133 
strength and stress of materials, with various others of minor 
importance, are left entirely unnoticed. We are not prepar- 
ed to decide how far these omissions are judicious. ‘The 
attention of the student may certainly be distracted by at- 
tempting to crowd too great a variety of ‘subjects within a 
narrow compass; and it must be admitted that most of the 
subjects just referred to, if introduced at all, must be treated 
at some length, to render them useful, or even intelligible. 
We should suppose, however, that some account of the 
principles which determine the transverse strength of 
beams, would not be misplaced, even in a work of this lim- 
ited extent. 

In these remarks, which might, if necessary, be equally 

extended to all the other branches, we would by no means: 
imply that the editors of Enfield are censurable for not 
making all the changes in their author which would improve 
him,—or that the attempt to make these changes, had any 
one leisure and inclination for the task, would be an advisa- 
ble one. It would be quite as easy, and on every account 
much better, to write a new system. We have made them 
to invite the attention of those who superintend the philo- 
sophical department in our public seminaries, to the impor- 
tance of putting it in their power to dispense with their 
present text-book entirely, by furnishing one for themselves. 

As much the greater part of the erroneous statements of 
former editions stand A ccica in the last, we think it 
will be doing the student an acceptable service, for the pres- 
ent, to present him with a list of those which will be most likely 
to mislead him, or toembarrass his progress.—-The remainder 
of this article being intended only for those who are sufli- 
ciently interested in the subject to follow us with a copy of 
Enfield in their hands, our comments will sometimes be 
made with more brevity than might otherwise be consistent 
with clearness. 

Book I. Prop. 5. “ Some bodies appear to pessess a pow- 
er the reverse of the attraction of cohesion, called .repul- 
sion.” Of the five experiments adduced in support of this 
proposition, the first four,—namely, the depression of mer- 
cury around iron, and in capillary tubes, the suspension of 
a needle by water, and the depression of the surface around 
a floating piece of tin-foil »—are so far from furnishing any 


134 Remarks on Dr. Enfield’s Institutes 

evidence of a repulsive power in bodies, that they are mere 
examples of cohesion, modified by circumstances. If we 
suppose the force of aggregation between ‘the particles of 
mercury tobe more than twice their force of cohesion to 
iron and to glass,* it appears from the investigations | of 
Clairaut, that a depression ought to be the consequence.—+ 
The suspension of a small needle on water is owing to a 
certain degree of viscidity in this fluid,—in consequence of 
which the particles of the uppermost stratum present more 
resistance to separation than can be overcome by the down- 
ward pressure of the needle. Those who are acquainted 
with the extendedresearches of Count Rumford on this sub- 
ject, will find no more reason for ascribing the support of a 
‘needle on water to a positive repellency, than the support of 
acannon ball on ice. Both are alike owing to the eche- 
sion of the upper surface. ‘The only difference i is, that as 
the cohesion is many times the least in the former case, the 
weight of the supported body must be proportionally less, 
when compared with the surface it exposes. 

Book Il. Prop. A. This proposition, (besides that the 
demonstration is unsatisfactory,) is out of place ; as the 
chapter is confined by its title to the comparison of uniform 
motions. It ought to have been deferred to ch. v. 

Prop. 22. Cor. 1. is evidently ‘erroneous. A second 
“ Cor. 1.” is inserted under this pie Oe: which belongs 
to the preceding one ; for it is true only of non-elastic bod- 

Prop. 30. The demonstrations ef the laws of oblique de- 
scent in the annexed corollaries, are rendered unnecessarily 
obscure by changing the denomination of the entire force of 
gravity, which was F in the preceding section, to unity. In 
a subsequent demonstration relating to the pendulum it 1s 
again changed to A. We mention these changes, not as 
involving « any thing positively erroneous; but as an illustra~ 
tion of our sonenal remark concerning ‘hie want of care in 
the compiler, to reduce the notations af the different authors 
from whom he borrowed, to a common standard. 

Prop. 37. The denionstration i is defective, from not being 
extended, as it easily might be, to the supposition that mo- 

* Perhaps it ought rather to be s said —to “the jfilin of moisture see is 
ordinarily attac hed to the silace of glass.” Sce Hativ—Traité de Physique, 
1, 225, Biot], 455. 

of Natural Philosophy. 135 

tion is lost in passing from one plane to another. The dem- 
onstration of the 38th is also inconclusive, because it has 
uot been previously shown that the total loss of motion in 
passing through a set of planes becomes evanescent, when 
the planes become indefinitely numerous, and their sue- 
eessive inclinations indefinitely small. 

Prop. 47. The demonstration shews that we may fore a 
body by assembling particles round a given point, such that 
the body shall balance itself about this pomt; but it by no 
means shews that when the body is given, a point about 
which it will balance itself can be found ;—much less that 
this point, as the proposition implies, 1 is the same for all posi-. 
tions of the same ody. 

Prop. 49. The diagram employed in the proof of this 
proposition is drawn so inaccurately as to render if scarce~ 
ly.intelligible. . There was the less reason for this inaccura- 
cy, as in  Rutherforth, from whom the diagram is copied, it 
is drawn correctly. 

Prop. 51. The demonstration of this important theorem 
isJess general than the enunciation requires, by being con- 
fined to the case in which the bodies move in the. same 
plane. The statement with which the first corollary begins. 
is true only under such limitations as the student can searce- 
ly be supposed able to apply. 

Prop. 56. In the great majority of instances in : which the 
screw is employed, the resisting force is not moved up 
through an inclined plane, as the demonstration supposes. 
it would be far more simple and satisfactory to infer the law 
of equilibrium directly from the relative velocities of the 
points of application of the power and resistance. 

Prop. 57. Schol. 1. “In all compound machines there 
will be an equilibrium, when the sum of the powers are to 
ihe weight, as the velocity of the weightis to the sum of 
the velocities of the powers.” No interpretation can be put 
upon this statement which will render it tue. The error 
arose, we presume, in some such manner as the following. 
It was apparent that in compound machines, (or rather im 
machines where several powers put several resistances in 
equilibrio,) the sum of the products of the powers each inte 
its velocity, was equal to the sum of the products of the 
weights each into its velocity. ‘This equation had the ap- 
pearance of emg capable of resolution into an analogy: 

136 Remarks on Dr. Enjield’s Institutes . 

‘and the resolution was accordingly made. But in doing it, 
two things were confounded which are widely different : the 
sum of the products, aid the product of the sums.—lt would 
have been better if the compiler had not attempted. to de- 
viate from Rutherforth. Supposing only one power, and 
only one resisting force which balance each other through 
the intervention “of a series of mechanical Papeete 
“power will be to the weight simply as the velocity of the 
weight is to the velocity of the power.* 

Prop. 60. Schol. The method here given of, finding 
the initial velocity of a projectile, gives only that part of it 

.which is in a direction perpendicular to the horizon. ‘To 
obtain the whole velocity, this result ought to have been in- 
creased in the ratio of radius to the cosecant of the angle of 
elevation. But it would have been altogether preferable to 
omit noticing a method so entirely useless and even de- 
ceptive in practice, and to have substituted for it that by the 
ballistic pendulum. 

Prop. 68. In the last edition, several. Halianbte errors 
which formerly perplexed the demonstration have been cor- 
rected ; but the reasoning is still far from being demonstra- 

eet The erroneous figure of former editions is also retain- 

The circle GNV, apace of GML, should have had 
= fora its centre, and GM should have ison an tes naw: 
ing ‘T’ for its farther focus. 
- Def. 16. Schol. It is improperly asserted in this elo 
lium, thet ‘‘ the projectile and the centrifugal forces differ 
from each other as the whole from the part.” These forces 
are dissimilar in kind, and are incapable of comparison. 
They stand to one another in the same relation as pressive 
and percussive foices. If the tangent which measures the 
projectile, and the subtense ahaa: measures the centrifu- 
gal force, be diminished indefinitely, as they must be before 
we can properly make the attempt to compare them, the 
latter becomes evanescent in respect to the former. The 
centrifugal is rather a consequence of the projectile ee, 
than aor of it. ! 

Prop. 70. ‘ When bodies revolve in-a circular orbit 
about a oe the centripetal a and centrifugal forces are 
equal.” This proposition implies that in other orbits these 

= See Rutherferth’s System, Vol. P. Art. 72s 

‘of Natural Phalosophy. 137 

forces are not equal. But the demonstration is such as 
would prove them no less equal, in all cases whatever.— 
We must confess ourselves ata loss to assign any consistent 
meaning to the term “ centrifugal force,” in relation to or- 
bits not circular. Is this force measured by the distance by 
which a revolving body would be more remote from the 
centre, in a given small time, if the centripetal force were 
suspended, than it actually is while the centripetal force 
acts? If so, the centripetal and centrifugal forces are al- 

ways equal, for the same point of an orbit, whatever be its 
figure. Or is it measured by the absolute increase of dis- 
tance from the centre, which would take place in a given 
small time, if the body were abandoned to its projectilé 
force? If so, in passing from the higher to the lower ap- 
sis of an excentric orbit, the centrifugal force i is a negative 

Lemma 4. The inference concerning the equality of the 
are to the chord and tangent in their vanishing state, is in- 
conclusive when the tangent is less than the arc, as it will be’ 
in certain positions of the subtense. ‘The demonstration 
may be rendered complete in the followimg manner :—AB: 
AD+DB:: AC: AB+BC. But AB+BC is ultimately 
equal to AC ; hence AD+ DB is ultimately equal to AB, 
and much more is the arc AB equal to the chord AB. 

The first Part of Book LI. which treats of Hydrostatics, 
presents us with several instances of explicit or implied er- 
ror; particularly prop. 2, prop. 13, Schol. and propositions 
24, 26, 31, and 86. But we have no room to dwell upon 
them; and shall therefore pass directly to the second Part, 
which is devoted to Pneumatics. 

Prop. 51.. The force with which wind strikes a sail of 
civen dimensions, was stated in former editions as varying 
in the duplicate ratio of the cosine of the angle of incidence. 
In the last edition, the term szne is substituted for cosine. 
The phrase ‘angle of incidence” was before used in the same 
sense as in optics: it is now employed in the ordinary sense 
of mechanics. But this correction goes but little way to- 
wards freeing the proposition from exception. If the sail 
be supposed confined to move in the same direction with 
the wind, which the demonstration seems to imply, a reso- 
lution of the force on a third independent account was ne- 

eessary, which would have reduced that part of the force 
Vou. UTE.....No. 1. 18 

138 Henints on Dr. Enfield’s Institutes 

which is effective to the ratio of the cube of the sine, instead 
of the square.* But as the variation of the force deter- 
mined from experiment differs totally both from the square 
and the cube, it would have been better to erase pone 
sition, than to attempt to amend it. 

Prop. 55. Schol.. The mode in which the constant ve- 
locity of sound is attempted to be explained, (which, like 
the rest of the scholium, is copied from Rowning,) is whol- 
ly erroneous: nor do we think it easy to substitute an un- 
exceptionable theory of the mechanism of aerial pulsations, 
without involving mathematical principles of a higher order 
than the student is supposed to be acquainted with. 
~ Prop. 56. Schol. 3. “It is found by experiment, that 
air is necessary to the existence of sound, of animal life, of 
fire, and of explosion.” ‘This, like several other statements 
scattered up and down the work in which chemical princi- 
ples are alluded to, needed correction to render it accord- 
ant with the present state of our knowledge on these sub- 
jects. The experiments of Biot and Chladni shew that 
sound is transmitted by solid bodies as well as gaseous ones, 
and that it may be conveyed to the organs of hearing with- 
out the intervention of air, by forming a communication 
between the sounding body and the head by means of a 
solid conductor.—That fire and explosion require air for 
their existence, is true only in the most loose and popular 
sense of the terms. In particular, that the explosion of 
gunpowder cannot be effected in a vacuum, as is implied in 
one of the annexed experiments, is an entire mistake.+ 

The articles on the barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, 
and steam-engine, are extremely defective in point of valu- 
able information, compared with what might have been said 
about them within the same limits, and in several respects are 
calculated to leave erroneous impressions: but we must 
content ourselves with giving this general caution against 
placing implicit confidence in them. 

* This theoretical determination may be seen, Gregory's Mechanics, fT. 
539, We. 

+ Robins, Hntton’s Math. Dictionary, &c. 

} It may be proper Just to state, for the information of es who may 
have access to no other rule than that given page 110, in making loose estt- 

of Natural Philosophy. 139 

Book IV. Prop. 1. Scholium. The editor of the Lon- 
don edition of 1799, left the question undecided, as. Mr. 
Cavallo had done, whether any other than ferruginous bodies 
are capable of magnetic properties. ‘I’his scholium has been 
retained ; although the experiments of ‘Tourte of Berlin,* 
and Lampadius, place it beyond a doubt, that nickel and 
cobalt possess the same capacity, in this respect, with iron, 
except ian inferior degree. According to Lampadius, (see 
Thomson’s Annals, 1815,) the “‘ magnetic energies’’ of iron, 
nickel, and cobalt are as the numbers 55, 35, and 25, re- 

Prop. 2. Schol. If it were worth the while to retain 
the experiments of Musschenbroek on the variation of the 
magnetic force at all, in place of the far more important 
ones of Coulomb, the numbers ought at least to have been 

corrected. Had the editor of the second edition taken 
' these experiments from Musschenbroek himself, instead of 
taking them from Cavallo, he would have avoided the error 
of making the distances all ten times too large.t The de- 
nomination employed in the original statement (see Philos. 
I. 206. Ed. 1744,) is tenths of inches. instead of inches. 

Prop. 10. To illustrate the mode of finding the declina- 
tion of the needle by amplitudes of the heavenly bodies, 
the following example is stated: ‘If the magnetic ampli- 
tude is 80° eastward of the north, and the true amplitude is 
82° towards the same side, then the variation of the needle 
is 2° west.” This statement cannot be reconciled to any 
definition of the term “‘ amplitude ;” and it cannot be re- 
conciled with the usual definition and the one given in the 
Astronomy, except by making all the alterations which fol- 
low: “If the magnetic amplitude be 10° N. of E. and the 

mates of altitudes from the barometer, that the ascent corresponding to 1-10 
in. fall of the mercury, instead of being one hundred and three feet, is 
ata mean, (that is, when the barometer itself is at 30 in. and the thermom- 
eter at 60°,) only about ninety-three feet. 

* Nicholson’s Journal, Vol. 26. 

+ If perfect exactness in such a case were of any importance, it would 
be necessary to recollect, that Musschenbroek’s denominations were Rhin- 
land measure; which are greater than the English in the ratio of 1,03 to 1. 

We acknowledge ourselves indebted, for the above remark, to the sug- 
gestion of a scientific friend. _ 

140 Remarks on Dr. Enfield’s Institutes 

true amplitude is 8° towards the same side, then _ varia- 
tion of the needle is 2° east.” 

Prop. 10. Schol. 2. The late and accurate obeenattets 
of Mr. Gilpin* and Col. Beaufoy on the diurnal variation 
of the needle in different months of the year, present wide 
deviations from the results here given from Mr. Canton. Both 
the observers just mentioned, “make the extremes of the 
mean diurnal variation in different months, about 11’ and 
4’; and both place the time of the maximum earlier in the 
year than was done by Mr. Canton. Col. Beaufoy cate 
son’s Annals, 1819,) places it in April. 

Prop. 11. Schol. 1. The dip of the needle is here rep- 
resented as probably ‘“ unalterable at the same place.”— 
Whatever be the cause of the dip, this supposition is ex- 
tremely improbable, while the declination is known to be 
variable, and to be, im common with the dip, the result of 
the tendency by which the needle places itself in the mag- 
netical line. Nor do the observations made at London du- 
ring the last century, warrant the inference made in this 
Scholium. As measured by Whiston in 1724, it was 75° 
10’: and nearly accordant with this result is that of Gra- 
ham, obtained in the following year. Cavendish, in 1775, 
found it to be 72° 30’, and Gilpin, in 1805, 70° 21’. These 
observations, after every allowance is made for the imper- 
fection of the instruments employed, leave no doubt that 
the inclination of the needle has undergone a gradual dimi- 
nution in London, during the last century. According to 
M. Humboldt, (see Biot—Traité de Physique, IIE. 136 Wa 
similar diminution has taken place, during the same period. 
in France. 

Book VI. Prop. 13. Schol. 1. The statements concern- 
ing the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to ‘that 
of deviation, in passing to and from water and glass, are 
true only under a limitation which is not distinctly pointed 
out,—namely, that the angle of incidence is indefinitely 
* small. 

Schol. 2.. The partial reflection of light by the second 
surface of transparent media, when the angle is within the 
limit for light to be refracted, is erroneously ascribed to 
“inequalities” of the surface. If this were the true cause. 

* Philos, Trans. 1816. 

of Natural Philosophy. < EAL 

no distinct image of an object could be seen by light thus 
reflected. oe aad ; 

Prop. 17. Exp. The effects of a single dense medium, 
bounded by a convex surface, on parallel, diverging, and con- 
verging rays, can never be illustrated by a convex lens, 
which produces two successive refractions,;—one by a con- 
vex surface of the denser, and the other by a concave sur- 
face of the rarer medium. ‘The lens presents the combined 
result of the former part of prop. 17, and the latter part of 
prop. 18. In particular, a convex lens can never render 
converging rays ‘less converging,” as is asserted in the 
fourth paragraph under the Exp. 

Precisely similar remarks might be repeated concerning 
the introduction of the concave lens to illustrate the several 
cases of prop. 18.—Both these experiments, if introduced 
at all, should have been placed after prop. 18; and the man- 
ner in which each illustrates’ both propositions should have 
been pointed out.* , 

Prop. 22. Cor. 2. The corollary is right; but the inves- 
tigation which is given of it, is incorrigibly wrong. By 
comparison with the figure, it will be seen that it gives the 
position of the principal focus of a glass sphere within the 
sphere; and that of a sphere of water, comcident with the 
hinder surface. ‘The proper mode of proceeding would be, 
first to determine the focus of parallel rays entering a den- 
ser medium by prop. 22; and then to find by prop. 23, the 
focus of rays converging (to the point just found,) when 
passing out of a denser medium into a rarer, through a con- 
eave surface of the rarer. 

Prop. 26. ‘“'The image will not be distinct, unless the 
plane surface on which. it is received be placed at the dis- 
tance of the principal focus of the lens.” For ‘ princi- 
pal,” read—* corresponding to the distance of the object.” 

Prop. 35. “ Though the distance of the object from the 
lens be varied, the image may be preserved distinct without 
varying the distance of the plane surface which receives it.” 
The distance of the plane surface from what? The second 
mode of doing it, pointed out in the demonstration, is in- 

* Both these propositions have materially sufered in point of clearness, 
feom employing as diagrams sections of lenses, instead of media indefinite 
in the direction towards which the rays proceed after refraction,—as well 
as from the inaccurate manner in which some of the lines are drawn. 

142, Remarks on Dr. Enfield’s Institutes 
consistent with the supposition that the distance ef the plane 
surface, either from the object, or the lens, remains unalter- 
ed. Those who will consult Rutherforth’s Optics, Ci. 
VII. will see that this inconsistency has arisen from an at- . 
tempt to blend into one, two propositions of which the con- 
ditions were different. We will add, although the remark 
has no relation to the last edition, that the mistake in the 
statement of the magnifying power of the double micro- 
scope (prop. 147.) arose from precisely the same source. 
Rutherforth investigated the two ratios on which the magni~ 
fying power depends in separate propositions,—first sup- 
posing the eye at the station of the object glass, and then 
at the limit of distinct vision. In uniting these two propo- 
sitions into one, Enfield madvertently retained the condi- 
tion of the former. Za seg aetna Gi ea 
Prop. 44. “Reflection is caused by the powers of at- 
traction and repulsion in the reflecting bodies.” This pro- 
position is altered and abridged from the following in Ru- 
therforth: “ Bodies refract and reflect light by one and the 
same power, differently exercised in different circumstan- 
ces.” ‘The illustration of this proposition by the original 
author is an excellent one, considering the state of optical 
‘knowledge at the time he wrote; but in the hands of his 
abridger, although all.the suppositions made by Rutherforth 
ave retained, and we are required to admit that ‘ bodies at- 
tract those rays which are very near them, and repel those 
a little farther from them,” yet no use is made of the at- 
tracting surface, and the most interesting part of the propo- 
sition, the reflection produced by the second surface of the 
medium, (in regard to which so much pains had been taken 
in the previous scholium to exclude other hypotheses,) is 
entirely omitted. The student is left to wonder why “ at- 
traction” is mentioned in the proposition as having any 
concern with reflection; and the identity of action in the 
medium by which refraction and reflection are produced, is 
kept out of his sight. 
Prop. 46. Schol. Although perhaps nothing positively 
erroneous is advanced in this scholium concerning Sir Isaac 
Newton’s theory of fits of easy transmission and reflection, 
we cannot but object to a naked statement of a theory, 
stripped of all the facts which it was formed to explain, and 
“made at the same time in so obscure a manner as must im- 

of Natural Phiiosophy. 143 

‘pair the respect of the student for its illustrious author. 
The hypothesis of fits, however it may seem fitted to excite 
ridicule as exhibited in this scholium, is now justly regarded 
as one of the most striking displays which Newton ever 
made of his transcendant genius. In the hands of Biot 
and his companions in the career of discovery, it has ac- 
quired an importance of which Newton himself could have 
had no adequate conception.—Whether the principles of 
this now highly interesting and important department of Op- 
ties can be reduced to the level of a system of elementary 
instruction, is deserving of serious inquiry. A digest of the 
phenomena and laws of polarization, involving no difficul- 
ties which would render it inaccessible, or deprive it of its 
interest with those who aim at nothing more than general 
views of science, appease at least to be as yet a desidera- 

Prop. 58. “In all mirrors, plane or spherical, &c.” 
This proposition, in regard to spherical mirrors, is true only, 
of those pencils of reflected light which are indefinitely 
near the perpendicular. 

Prop. 68. In the demonstration it is stated that “ by 
prop. 31, the diameter of the image, when the object 1s 
given, 1s inversely as the distance of the object.” ‘This is 
not said, in prop. 313 nor is it true, except when the object 
is very remote. ‘The image formed by a lens is not in cir- 
cumstances analogous to that produced on the retina of the 
eye; for the lens has no provision for preserving the image 
distinct, for different distances of the object, without vary- 
ing the distance of the plane surface which receives it. 

Prop. 73.“ When equal objects in the same right line 
are seen obliquely, their apparent lengths are inversely as 
the squares of their distances from the eye.” ‘The limita- 
tion, ‘in the same right line,’ has been very properly in- 
serted by the editor ‘of the present edition; but to render 
it cofrect, it wants another limitation which the proposition 
originally had as given by WRutherforth; that is, “ When 
equal objects are seen very obliquely,” &c. When the ob- 
ject is of finite magnitude, the obliquity must be very great, 
in order that the proposition may hold true,—unless indeed 
the object itself be very small; in which case it holds true 
for every degree of obliquity. But under this last modifi- 
cation, it requires a different demonstration ; and is more 

144 Remarks on Dr. Enjield’s Institutes 

properly referred to the subject of apparent velocity, than 
of apparent magnitude. As referred to the head of appa- 
rent velocity, the proposition might have been thrown into 
the following simple and not inelegant form: “* When a body 
moves uniformly in a right line, its apparent velocity will 
be inversely as the square of the distance from the eye.” 
In demonstrating the 83d and 85th propositions, it is 
stated as the reason why the image produced by a convex 
or concave lens is erect, that the axis of the pencils which 
proceed from the extremities of the object “ only cross one 
another at the lens.” It should be, ‘ because they only 
cross one another at the eye.” The pencils which pass 
from the extreme points through a lens, do not; in fact, meet 
each other till they reach the eye. Figs. 8 and 9 convey 
no idea of the manner in which the pencils come to the 
eye, except in the single case in which the eye is in contact 
with the lens; nor is there any other diagram in the Optics 
which gives the student any information on this important 
point.—The remark scarcely need be added, that almost all 
the propositions in this chapter which state ‘the effect of 
lenses on apparent magnitude, have unsatisfactory demon- 
strations. Jt is taken for granted that at whatever distance 
from the lens the eye is placed, the pencil which enters it 
from the same point of the object diverges as if from the 
“same point in space. But the fact is, that as the eye re- 
cedes from the lens, the rays which enter the pupil from 
the same point of the object, gradually change: the axis of 
the pencil, instead of coinciding with the centre of the jens, 
passes above or below it, according as the point of the ob- 
ject is above or below. Hence it is improper to assume 
that the pencil from A (figs. 8 and 9) diverges as 1! from the 
same point D for all distances of the eye from the lens. 
The assumption is erroneous, except when the object is 
extremely small, and it ought not to be made even in this 
case without proof.* ; Sel Gat 
Prop. 89. If this proposition were one of the least val- 
ue, it would be desirable that it should have a more satis- 
factory demonstration than its present one, which on several 
accounts 1s wholly inconclusive. 

* The remarks made in this paragraph are equally applicable to the pro- 
positions in the succeeding chapter, which relate to vision as affected by 

of Natural Philosophy. . 145 

The statements concerning the brightness of the image, 
made in different propositions of this chapter, are not legit- 
imately proved; for the number of rays received by the 
pupil from any one point of the object may be increased, 
and the brightness nevertheless diminished,—on account of 
the increase of apparent magnitude. 

Props. 108, 110, and 111, assert unconditionally con- 
cerning the magnifying power of mirrors, what is true only 
in certain positions of the eye. If, for example, the object 
be nearer a concave mirror than its principal focus, and the 
eye be in the centre of concavity, the image, instead of 
‘‘ appearing larger” than the object, as is asserted in prop. 
108, will appear of the same magnitude ; and if the eye be 
brought still. nearer the mirror, the image will appear the 
smallest. _ 

Prop. 144. Schol. 1. “Oftwo Saeiae telescopes which 
magnify equally, the shorter will give a more imperfect im- 
age than the longer. For the image appearing equal in both, 
but being farther from the object-glass in the longer than 
the shorter, must be in reality larger or more magnified ; 
whence the defect arising from the different reftangibility of 
the rays, will be more visible in the longer than in the short- 
er telescope.”’—The statement with which this paragraph 
begins is correct. ‘The reasoning subjoined is evidently 
erroneous, and leads to a conclusion the reverse of what 
was first asserted. If two telescopes were exactly similar 
in all their parts, differing only in size, it is manifest that the 
imperfection of the image arising from unequal refrangi- 
bility, would be the same in both. But the smaller would 
shave the disadvantage of rendering the object less bright, 
in the duplicate ratio of the linear “dimensions. To render 
the brightness the same in both, the object glasses must be 

made equal; in which case the one of least focal distance, 
_ being a greater portion of a sphere, would produce the most 
imperfect image. 

Schol. 2. The account of achromatic lenses in this sche- 
lium omits the essential circumstance on which the whole 
explanation turns. We are told that a convex lens of crowa 
glass is to be united with a concave one of flint glass in such 
a manner that “ the excess of refraction in the crown glass 
may destroy the colour caused by the flint glass.” Here 
the student will naturally inquire, how the crown glass can 

Vou. IIT....No. 1. 19 

446 Remarks on Dr. Enfield’s Institutes 

possess an excess of refraction, without also possessing an 
excess of dispersive power? Forthe removal of this diffi- 
culty,no hint is given of the great fact which lies at the 
foundation of Dollond’s improvements, viz. that the dis- 
persive power of different media is not proportioned to 
their mean refractive power. Unless he has the sagacity 
to conjecture that this may be the case from the obscure 
statement above quoted, he will remain in ignorance of what 
has been justly regarded as the greatest discovery made in. 
Optics since the period of Newton. tit ' 

Book VII. We had hoped to see the numerical express- 
ions. for the- principal magnitudes, distances, and angles 
which occur in Astronomy, corrected in the present edition 
80 as to correspond with the present state of the science. But 
with the exception of two or three manifest errors of the — 
press, and the general table at the end of part I., the num- 
bers of former editions, many of which are a century old, 
are retained. We will therefore, once for all, give the cor- 
rections of those which may be considered as ascertained 
with the most precision. The student can, if he chooses, 
go over them with his pen. ; 

Prop. 3..Cor. 133, 137, for 3985 ready “0-4. 3856, 

Prop. 3. Cor. 229 1230) Ae Ge Blas 

Prop. 8. Schol. 23°:28' 5?\(1820), 23°. 2957" 
Do. h- one degree 2° 42/- 

Prop. 33. 32! 47" » 32! 354” 
31 40 aie SE BM 

32 12 32. 3) 

Prop. 51. Schiol. line 9 ‘Ho aiath ~ tenth 
ky Wea 110. d. h. in. 

Prop. 116. Schol. 1 18 28,6} 1:18 27,6 

213 17,9 3 13:13,7 

7 3 59,6 7 342.6 

1618 5,1 — 16 16 31,8 

Prop. 117. Cor.179, 182, 194,000,000 190,000,000 

* Delambre, Playfair, Lambton, Bowditch, &c. 
+ Laplace. 

; + These numbers are Flamsteed’s. The corrections are given from Lap- 

_ of Natural Philosophy. 147 

Praprissicg - 240,000 , 238,200* 
Prop. 135. 5201 5203 
Ge apes : 9538 - 9539 
Props. A, B, 182. Part. HI. = 2” A a 
ey | 100,000 - 400,000. 

~ Prop. 13. To make the demonstration from fig. 10, con- 
sistent, KPLH ought to be regarded as a circle in the heav- 
ens; it is therefore improper to place the spectator at P. 
The diagram should have been constructed like fig. 2, with 
a small concentric circle to denote the earth. 

Prop. 35. Cor.‘ Hence it appears that the earth, at the 
winter solstice or Capricorn, is mits perihelion.” The stu- 
dent will be apt to infer, from this mode of expression, that 
the two points mentioned have some necessary connexion. 
But so far is this from being true, that the time when the 
earth is in its perihelion is about ten days later than that of 
the winter solstice. ‘The angular motion of the earth in the 
interval (for 1820) is about 9° 50’. 

Prop. 35. Prob. 6. The method of finding the bearing 
of two places on the earth’s surface, here described, is 
manifestly erroneous, except when the places are very near 
each other. This part of the problem does not appear ca- 
pable of a solution on the artificial globe. 

Chapter ur. on Twilight, has undergone several material 
improvements in the last edition. The Cor. to prop. 37, is 
however out of place, and should have been expunged. 
The demonstration of prop. 39, is freed from several theo- 
retical errors; although we think the attempt to distinguish 
between the sun’s centre and upper limb, in an angle lable 
to so much uncertainty as the sun’s depression at the com- 
mencement of twilight, attended with no advantage sufficient 
to compensate for the additional complexness it gives the 

* In calculating this distance, 57’ 11’ was retained as the mean equatorial 
parallax: this being the result obtained by Delambre and Lalande, and be- 
ng employed in Burg’s Lunar Tables. 

_t Delambre, Astronomie IIT. 142. Philos. Trans. 1818. Although Mr. 
Pond fixes the greatest possible limit at 0’,5, he supposes that in all proba- 
bility the double parallax does not equal 0”,25, even for Arcturus and Lyra. 

It issearcely necessary to remark that when either of ithe foregoing num- 
bers are employed in calculations, in different parts of the Astronomy, 
corresponding alterations must be made in the results deduced from them. 

146 Remarks on Dr. Enjieid’s Institutes 

demonstration.— After all, we should have been much bet- 
ter pleased to see the proposition entirely omitted, than any 
attempt made to amend it. The hypothesis that the rays 
which come to the eye at the end of twilight are brought by 
a single reflection, is a very questionable one. ‘The power 
of reflecting light possessed by the atmosphere, must de- 
pend on one or both of two causes: 1. It may reflect some 
of the rays which pass through it in consequence of a defect 
of transparency. 2. It may reflect in the same manner as 
light is ordinarily bent back into a denser medium. This 
last mode of reflection, if it ever takes place without an ab- 
rupt change of density, is evidently more likely to take 
place, in proportion as the variation of density is more rapid. 
Now whichever of these causes operates to produce twi-. 
light, it must evidently exist in a far higher degree in the 
lower, than in the higher regions of the atmosphere. Hence 
instead of a single reflection at the height of forty-two 
miles, two or more successive reflections may quite as pro- 
bably transmit to the eye the light with which twilight clo- 
ses.*-But even admitting the correctness of the assump- 
tion that twilight is produced by a single reflection, it is 
most obvious that no inference can be deduced concerning 
“the height of the atmosphere,” or even the height at 
which it ceases to reflect light. ‘The only legitimate con- 
clusion is, that forty-two miles is the limit beyond which. 
light is not reflected in sufficient quantity to affect the or- 
gans of vision. If, instead of this vague proposition, the 
law of atmospheric density at different altitudes had been 
inserted in its proper place in the Pneumatics, the subject 
would have been exhibited in a far more interesting and in- 
structive form. . SER 
‘The subject of the moon’s librations, in props. 78—S82, 
is managed with singular infelicity. ‘The introductory pro- 
position should be, that ‘the time of the moon’s rotation 
on its axis is equal to the mean time of its revolution round 
the earth,”—instead of beginning with the fact that “the 
moon always has nearly the same side toward the earth,” 
and drawing the strange inference that ‘af the moon re- 
volves-about its axis, its periodical time must be equal. to 
that of its revolution round the earth.” The librations 

* See Vince's Ast. 1. Art. 206: 

of Natural Philosophy. 148 

should be assigned each to its proper cause; that in lati- 
tude to the obliquity of the axis to the plane of the orbit, 
and that in longitude to the excentric form of the orbit,— 
instead of blending the explanations of both under the 
loose proposition, “ the librations of the moon may be ex- 
plained on the supposition that the moon has a revolution 
on its axis.” In prop. 81, the equality of the times of ro- 
tation and revolution is inferred from the librations; while it 
isin fact a matter of direct observation, and must be pre- 
supposed in explaining the librations themselves. In prop. 
82, the elliptical form of the moon’s orbit is inferred from 
the libration in longitude. We very much doubt whether 
the species of oval to which the moon’s orbit most nearly 
approaches could have been determined from direct ob- 
servations on so trifling a change of phase. The proper 
mode of presenting this part of the subject would be, to 
infer the elliptical form of the orbit from the observed rela- 
tion between the anomaly and the apparent diameter; and 
then to employ this conclusion for the explanation of the 
libration in longitude. . 

Prop. 83. Schol. In stating the results of Dr. Hers- 
chel’s observations on the altitude of the lunar mountains, it 
ts mentioned that ‘ one was found to be about a mile in 
height ; but none of the others which he measured proved 
to be more than half that altitude.” By consulting the orig- 
inal memoir: in the Philos. Trans. and another which he 
has published since, it will be seen that Dr. Herschel’s re- 
sults differ much less from the estimates of the older As- 
tronomers, and from the recent and accurate measurements 
of: Schroter, than is here represented. Dr. H. makes 
several over a mile, and one, nearly two miles in height. 

Prop. 106. ‘Tf the moon, when new, is in one of its 
nodes, the eclipse of the sun will be central. It should be, 
—*to the inhabitants of some part of the earth it will be 
centrally eclipsed in the zenith.” To those parts of the 
earth at which the moon js never vertical, a central eclipse 
can happen only when the moon is not in its nents at the 
the time of conjunction. 

Prop. 113, which affirms a motion “ i antecedentia,” 
of the satellites of the superior planets while passing from 
one elongation to. the next through their inferior conjunc- 
tion, is no less erroneous than the propositiens of former 

150 Remarks oi Dr. Enjield’s Institutes 

editions concerning the retrogradation of the primary plaa- 
ents; and, should, like them, have been rectified or struck 
out. All that can be said with truth is, that during the spe- 
cified interval the motion of the secondary is retrograde 
relatwely to its primary; and even this statement can 
scarcely be extended to the satellites of Herschel.* 

Prop. 114. “ 'The greatest elongations of a satellite on 
each side are equal.” ‘This proposition has several excep= 
tions. ‘The orbits of the third and fourth satellites of Ju- 
piter have a very sensible excentricity ; and the same is true 
of the fourth (now more generally numbered as the sixth) 
satellite of Saturn. See Laplace: Syst. du Monde. The 
latter, according to Delambre, (Ast. III. ae) has an 5h 
ticity nearly equal to that of our moon. 

Prop. 123. Several of the particulars ee. in the an- 
nexed scholium from Sir I. Newton, have now become ob- 
solete. In particular, the quantities of matter in Jupiter 
and Saturn, instead of being to that in the sun in the ratios 
of 1 to 1100 and 2360, are now known to be in the ratios wt 
1 to 1067 and 3534.4 

Prop. 135, is founded on the erroneous theory ok retro- 
gradation previously laid down; and therefore should have 
been corrected. 

Prop. 155. The demonstration af this proposition is in 
part fallacious. It is said to be contrary to prop. 51. cor. of 
Book II, that the centre of gravity of two gravitating bod- 
res should move; and is inferred that if one of the bodies 
is projected in any direction, the other must acquire (by 
what means we are not told) an equal motion in the oppo- 
site direction. Now this is so far from following as a ne- 
cessary consequence, that the other body will not in faet 
acquire any such motion; and if a ileal aay movement me 

* We have not attempted, in the general ist of edrenetionén ichseetl 
146, to rectify the periodical times of the satellites of Herschel ; for oe 
the exception of the second and fourth, their distances from their primary 
are wholly conjectural ; nor is even their mber Dr. Herschel 
as yet fully ascertained. His last detenninanor of the synodital revolutions 
of the second and fourth, given in the Philos. Trans, for 18i5, is as follows: 

II. 8d. 16h. 56/.5”. 
IV. 18d. 11h. 8/ 59”. 

The inclination of their orbits to ‘the ecliptic he finds to be 780 58/,— 

much farther from See ean ey than has Beem heretofore supposed. 

‘+ Mec. Céleste. Part. I. Ch. 9. 

of es 151 

given to one of them alone, the common centre of gravity of 
the two will not continue at rest. Nor does this contradict 
the proposition referred to in the Mechanics ; for the com- 
mon centre will move uniformly in a right line. The propo- 
sition should have stood thus: “The sun and any planet 
revolve round a common centre of gravity, which remains- 
at rest, or has a uniform rectilineal motion.” 

Prop. 162. This theorem, as it stood in Rowning, was 
preceded by an investigation of the motion of the apses 
produced by a force varying in a greater or less than the 
inverse duplicate ratio of the distance. As nothing analo- 
gous to this investigation has been retained by Enfield, the 
assertion that when the force varies faster than in the inverse 
duplicate ratio of the distance the line of the apses will 
move forward, and vice versa, made in the course of the 
demonstration, i is wholly gratuitous. — 

Prop. 163. The demonstration is not only inthe ale to 
the proposition, but from an inadvertent change in the con- 
ditions as laid down by Rowning, a blunder is carried 
through it and the annexed corollary. The demonstration 
affirms that if the moon is passing from the higher to the 
lower apsis and its gravity increases too fast, ‘ it will ap- 
proach nearer to the earth” than it would otherwise do, 
“and describe a portion of an orbit less excentric, or near- 
era circle.” The former statement is correct; but it con- 
tradicts the latter. So in the corollary we are told that 
“when the gravity of the moon towards the earth decreas- 
es teo fast, the excentricity of the orbit will increase; and 
when her gravity towards the earth increases too fast, the 
excentricity will decrease.” The fact is, that in both cases 
alike the excentricity will increase. It is when the gravity 
increases or diminishes too slow, that the excentricity will 
decrease. ‘Those who will give themselves the trouble of 
consulting the prop. as it stands in Rowning, will find no 
difficulty in perceiving how a hasty abridger might shift the 
tonditions of the demonstration. 

Props. 164 and 166. Why two propositions so nearly 
idee should find a place in this chapter we can give no 
account,—unless that the compiler had forgotten that he 
had given a theorem on the motion of the nodes from Row- 
ning, and therefore looked for one in some other author. 
So much at least is certain,—that prop. 166, and this only, 

fom Remarks on Dr. Enfield’s Institutes 

among those which compose the chapter, is borrowed trom 
- Rutherforth. Mt. 
Prop 168. Schol. This method of finding the direction 
of gravity includes only the effect of the centrifugal force. 
Including the joint effect of rotation and of figure, the di- 
rection is manifestly that of a perpendicular to the tangent 
plane of the earth’s surface, or of a normal to the elliptical 
curve of the meridian passing through the given place. 
Prop. 173. In the concluding paragraph of the demon- 
stration, the relative forces of the sun and moon to raise 
tides are erroneously stated. ‘The real forces are directly 
as the masses, and inversely as tle cubes of the distances. 
The concluding scholium of the Astronomy consists of | 
extracts from a, paper of Dr. Herschel’s in the Philos. 
Trans. for 1795. These extracts are so unskilfully made, 
and are presented in so disjointed a form, as to afford scarce- 
ly any idea of the train of argument pursued in the origi- 
nal. But in the original itself, high as is the estimation in 
which the author is justly held as an observer, we must be 
permitted, to think that there are several statements which 
cannot be defended. With the view of multiplying the 
points of analogy between the sun and the planets, and 
thus increasing the presumption that the former is inhabit- 
ad, he endeavours to shew that both primaries and seconda- 
ries shine in some measure by their own light. The partial 
illumination of the moon, for example, during a total eclipse. 
cannot be entirely ascribed to the light which may reach it 
from the earth’s atmosphere;—‘* because, in some cases, 
‘the focus of the sun’s rays refracted by the earth’s atmos- 
phere must be many thousand miles beyond the moon.” 
Dr. Herschel assumes as the basis of this calculation that 
the rays of the sun are bent by the atmosphere at only an 
angle of 31’. He seems to have inadvertently neglected 
the circumstance that the rays undergo a second equal re- 
fraction in passing out of the atmosphere. In consequence 
of this, the real inflection is 62’, (or rather 66’, taking 33’ 
‘as the mean horizontal refraction,) so that the focus of the 
sun’s rays as refracted by the earth’s atmosphere can never 
in fact be so distant as the moon. An observer stationed at 
the moon, even during a-central eclipse of the sun, would 
see a luminous ring encircling the earth. The light thus 
thrown upon the moon’s disc is amply sufficient to explain 

of Natural Philosophy. 155 

its par tial illumination during a central eclipse. Were Dr. 
H.’s assumption concerning the amount of atmospheric 1e- 
fraction correct, his conclusion would not follow ; for the 
same agency of the atmosphere which ‘produces iwilight 
to an observer stationed on the earth’s surface, will produice 
the same eflect to a second spectator, stationed any where 
behind the first, and in the same tangent plane of the earth.* 

Another obvious proof that Dr. H. was misled by his zeal 

to find points of analogy between the sun and the other 

bodies of the system, at least so far as the phosphorescent 

quality of the moon is concerned, is, that light is not given 
off in any sensible degree from the crescent which is unen- 

lightened by the sun, just before and after opposition, 

The attempt to remove an objection to the sun’s being 
Panabiacd by supposing that ‘“ heat is produced by the sun’s 
rays only when they act on a calorific medium,” and that 
they are the cause of heat only “ by uniting with the mat- 
ter of fire which is contained in the substances that are 
heated,” together with the arguments advanced in support 
of these strange positions, certainly ought, for the credit of 
one who has deserved so highly of astronomical science, to 
have been suppressed. They are too far behind the pres- 
ent state of Chemistry, and too little essential to the object 

_ which their author had in view, to deserve transcribing into 
the pages of an elementary work, which is intended ‘to be 
employed in instruction. 

In passing to the Appendix,—our limits will not allow us 
to notice a variety of errors which occur in the progress of 
the examples; nor a number of small inaccuracies unne- 
cessarily introduced into the mode of projecting solar 
eclipses. The tables of epochs (which terminate with the 
present year) should have been extended; and might also 
have been advantageously corrected from those of Delam- 
bre and Burckhardt.—But the most important positive er~ 
ror, perhaps, which occurs in the Appendix, relates to the 
method of finding the arguments of the moon’s latitude. 
In Ewing’s Astronomy and all the editions of Enfield ex- 
cept the last, we have given over the IIld table, “* Arg. 1— 

* Hence the 93d Proposition, which ascribes the light transmitted to the 
moon’s disc during a total eclipse to “ the reflection of rays of light falling 
upon the earth’s atmosphere,” is doubtless in part carrect. 

Vou. Ill.....No. 1. 290 

154 Remarks on Dr. Enjield’s Institutes 

)’s mean anomaly 5” and over the Vth, “ Arg. IV—@’s 
mean anomaly.” Both these arguments are wrong. | ‘Those 
who may have the curiosity to look mto Mason’s edition of — 
Mayer’s Lunar Tables, from which Ewing’s were abridged, 
ieee see at a glance how these erroneous captions originat- 
“They are in fact the 3d and 5th arguments of Mayer’s 
Fines but Mayer’s 3d table is omitted, and his 10th is’ 
made Ewing? s 5th. The captions were inadvertently cop- 
ied, although they belonged, in consequence of these omis-_ 
sions, to the wrong tables. In the last edition, the-caption 
of the third table is altered to make it agree with the gene- 
ral directions for finding the arguments of Latitude given in 
Prob. 8th; but that of the 5th still remains. erroneous, as 
well as ihe general rule under Prob. Sth. It should be, 
‘subtract the moon’s mean anomaly from the second argu- 
ment,” &c.3 and the caption of table 5th should be, * Ang. 
{1.— y’s mean anomaly.” 

The principal part of the corrections and alterations made 
by the editor of the last edition have our entire approbation. 
Particularly in regard to two highly important propositions, 
the one relating to the law of refraction, in the Optics, and 
that on the sun’s parallax, in the Astronomy, he has probably 
done the best that the elementary character of the work 
admitted. "There are a few. instances, however, of | altera- 
tions, the propriety of which appears very questionable, 
and which justice to the labours of former editors oo 
us briefly e notice. 

Thus in the first proposition, “ Matter my A and mere 
extension is infinitely divisible,’ the clause in italics is pe- 
culiar to the last edition. We recollect having seen in 
Hutton’s Dictionary an attempt to establish a distinction be- 
tween “actual” and “ potential divisibility ;” but we could 
not understand it; nor are we any more fortunate in regard 
to the lancuage just quoted. If the term ‘ divisibility” it- 
self means nothing more than the possibility of: being di- 
vided, to say that matter may be infinitely divisible is a sole- 
cism. ‘The distinction between the divisibility: of matter 
and that of extension seems to depend on the definition of 
the term. If by ‘‘divisibility” be meant merely the pos- 
sibility of being ideally divided by mathematical planes 
without any separation of parts, then the property is one 
which belongs to matter and to extension in precisely the 

of Natural Philosophy. 155 

same sense. But if in the phrase “ divisibility of matter’ 
be included the additional idea of discerptibility, or the pos- 
sibility of being separated into parts not in contact, then the 
property is one which belongs no degree to pure exten- — 
sion. In neither case does the distinction made in the pro- 
position as quoted above appear to have any foundation. 
That matter zs infinitely divisible in the first sense, is almost 
self-evident: whether it is so in the last, (admitting the ex- 
ercise of any supposable power which does not change the 
nature of matter,) is a question which lies beyond the reach 
of the human faculties. 

We notice, in the second place, that three experiments, 
on the approach of light bodies floating on water to each 
other, or to the side of the vessel, have been transferred 
from prop. 5, where they were originally placed to illus- 
trate the cohesion between solids and fluids, to prop. 4, 
where, if they illustrate any thing, it must be the cohesive 
attraction between two solid bodies. It is true that these 
phenomena are only indirect consequences of the attraction 
between solids and fluids ; and a scholium was very proper- 
ly added by the author, (which has been omitted in all the 
subsequent editions,) to aid the student in tracing their con- 
nexion with the proposition. But it is most certain that 
they have nothing to do with the cohesive force of two 
solid bodies. When there is an elevation or depression of 
the fluid around both of two floating bodies, they will ap- 
proach: when there is an elevation around one and a de- 
pression around the other, they will recede. ‘These are 
mere results of capillary action; and as such, admit of an 
easy explanation from the general theory of Laplace.*—A 
popular idea of the mechanism of these phenomena will be 
gained from the following experiment, by which we have 
been much amused, and which we do not recollect to have 
seen noticed. ‘Two small giobules of mercury, carefully 
laid upon water, will swim. Let these globules be brought 
within one or two inches, and it is surprising to observe the 
rapidity with which they dart together... If one of the glob- 
ules. is forced to the edge of the water, (the vessel being 
of such materials as to be capable of being moistened,) it 

* See Méc. Céleste. Sup. an dix, Livre: Biot—Traité de Physique I. 462. 
Haiiy 1. 237 ‘ 

156 _ Remarks on Dr. Enfield’s Institutes 

will recede with an activity which might seem the effect of 
animation. But on holding the vessel in the light, the se- 
cret of these motions will be apparent. Each globule will 
be seen to have a depression around it, which perceptibly,ex- 
tends to the distance of more than half an inch. The globules 
will be seen to rush together, not from any mutual attrac- 
tion, but because, in doing it, each descends down an inclin- 
ed plane. 'Two needles, laid on water and kept parallel to 
each other, will exhibit similar appearances. 

In the Optics, under Prop. 18. Exps. 22, 23, 55, 56, &c. 
the term focus, as used to denote the point as if from which 
diverging rays proceed after refraction or reflection, is 
changed into imaginary radiant. 'The latter term is doubt- 
less the most descriptive of the actual condition of the rays, 
and by some writers is uniformly employed instead of vir- 
tual or negative focus. But to introduce this distinction 
increases the complexness of enunciation of several impor- 
tant theorems which are already too complex.* It were to 
be wished, for the sake of these theorems, that we had some 
term which should merely express the point where the lines 
of direction of a pencil of rays meet, before refraction or 
reflection,— without including the idea of divergency or con- 
vergency ; and another to denote the same thing after re- 
fraction or reflection, As long as this is not the: case, we 
are not cenfident that any advantage i is gained by changing 
the denomination of focus, when virtual, to imaginary radi- 

‘ant. But if the change is made at all, it ought at least to 
be carried through. This has not been done by the Editor ; 
and the consequence is, that several propositions contain an. 
implied error. He has inserted ‘ imaginary radiant” after 
“focus” in prop. 55; but in props. 22, 23, and 56, which 
equally required a similar addition, and in prop. 54, which 
required a substitution, neither has been made. Such an 
addition would, it is true, have rendered the enunciation of 
some of these propositions exceedingly perplexed; but 
consistency demanded that it should be done, or that the 
language of former editions should be left unaltered.+ 

* Such), in Enfield’s Cae are props. 21, 25, 54, 56. 

t It must be admitted that the language of former editions, in this re- 
spect, was not entirely consistent with itself. Defs. 8 and 18, and the Schol. 
to def. 13, needed modification. 

of Natural Philosophy. 157 

The erroneous theory of the stationary points and retro- 
gradations of the planets in Ch. 4. Part. I. of the Astrono- 
my has been very properly expunged from the present edi- 
tion. An investigation is substituted, (p. 262,) which gives 

the formula D ee for.the sine of elongation of 
y2— 2 Lavan 
‘ y2—V2 ; 
the superior planet, and d ae for that of the 

inferior pianet, at the time when each is stationary as seen 
from the other. Instead of these cumbrous formule, which 
require the calculation of the velocites, and are unfitted for 
logarithmic computation, we should rather have seen the in- 
vestigation so conducted as to terminate in the equations, 
cot E = tea and cote = sail E being the 
elongation of the superior, and e that of the inferior planet. 
These expressions are far simpler, besides being confined 
to terms of the distances.* 

* We have taken no notice, in the progress of these remarks, of errors 
which are merely typographical, or which might have arisen from mistakes 
committed by the compiler in transcribing. We will therefore subjoin a 
list of such as affect the sense, and as the student will not probably be able 
to rectify for himself, with their corrections. Many of them are peculiar 
to the last edition. 

oF|? oF |? 

Book II. Prop. 30. Car. 6. For ae read, : 
Share Lemma GU vor centrifugal (three times) centripetal. 

Book IV. Prop. 10. Schol. 2. table at top. For 12° 2/ 19° 2". 
Book V. Prop.5. Exp.6. For cups metallic cups. 
. | Prop. 11. line 2. For electrified unelectrified. 
Prop. 14. Exp. line 7. For positively negatively. 

Book VI. Prop. 37. Exp. line 21. For diverging converging. 
Prop. 126. Schol. For 42° 20/ 42° 2/. 

Book VIE Prop. 18. For half year _ half a year. 
Def. 40. For earth earth’s orbit. 

Prop. 57, end of Schol. For al iad 

) -P—p p—P 
Pag. 295. 8th col. against Merc. For 24.5.28. 

3d col against Herschel. For 1908352 19183852 
Do. head of last 2 

i lista ist. he earth. 
a bnanee Cs mean distances mean dist. of t 

158 = Mr. Town’s new mode of Bridge-building. 

Arr. XXI.—A Description of Irurex Town’s Improve- 
ment in the construction of Wood and Iron Bridges: in- 
tended as a general system of Bridge-Building for rivers, 
creeks, and harbors, of whatever kind of bottoms, for any 

“practicable width of span or opening am eee part afer the 

To establish a general mode a constructing wooden and 
iron Bridges, anil. which mode of construction shall, at the 
same time, be the most simple, permanent, and economical, 
both in erecting and repairing, has been, for along time, a 
desideratum of great importance to a country so extensive, 
and interspersed with so many wild and majestic rivers as 
ours is. It has been too much the custom for architects and 
builders to pile together materials, each according to his 
own ideas of the scientific principles and practice of Bridge- 
building, and the result has been, Ist. That nearly as many 
modes of construction have been adopted as there have 
been bridges built. 2d. That many have answered no pur- 
pose at all,jand others but very poorly and for a short time, 
while most of the best ones have cost a sum which deters 
-and puts it out of the power of probably five-sixths of those 
interested in ferries, to substitute bridges, which would ob- 
viate the many dangers and delays incident to them. 

That architects and builders adhere to their own ideas 1n 
the construction of not only bridges, but of buildings, is 
almost universally true; they are obstinately opposed to the 
adoption of any other mode than their own, consequently 
it is as true, and it is seen to be so, throughout the country, 

(and it is much to be regretted,) that in very few instances, 
either in erecting bridges or buildings, there is any model 
either uniform, or, in general, very good. But in bridges 
and public buildings, it would seem, something better might 
be expected, if men scientifically and practically acquaint- 
ed with such subjects, would step forward, in a disinterest- 
ed manner, and determine between principles which are 
philosophical, and those which are not, and between modes 
of execution which are founded in practice and experience, 
and those which are founded in ignorance and inexperience ; 
and in matters of taste, if they would determine in favour 
of classic and well established taste, and that which is the 

Mr. Town’s new mode of Bridge-building. 159 

_ offspring of unimproved minds and whimsical fancies, which 
are ever upon the rack to establish new things, the creation 
of their own imaginations; and which are therefore sure to 
be wrong for this good reason, that their authors are so. 

Perhaps the following proposition comprises what is the 
most important to be determined with regard to a general 

system of Bridge-Building, viz. 

By what construction or arrangement will the least quan- 
tity of materials, and cost of labor, erect a bridge of any 
practicable span or opening between piers or abutments, to 
be the strongest and most permanent, and to admit of the 
easiest vonage? 

In giving the best answer to this proposition, which I am 
capable of, after a number of years’ attention to the theory 
_ and practice of this subject, I shall refer to the plates ac- 
companying this article. The mode of construction is so 
simple and plain to inspection, as'to require little explanation 
of them. 

Figure 1, is an elevation of one of the trusses of a bridge; 
one, two, or three of those trusses placed vertically upon 
piers, are to be considered as the support of the bridge, and 
are to be of a height, at least, sufficient to admit a waggon 
to pass under the upper beams, which lie horizontally upon 
the top string-piece of the side trusses; and on these same side+ 
string-pieces rest the feet of rafters, which form a roof to 
shingle upon. In this case, a middle truss is used, which 
will always be necessary in bridges of considerable width; 
the height of it will be as much greater than the side ones 
as the height or pitch of the roof. The height of the trus- 
ses mast be equal to the whole height of the bridge requir- 
ed, aad is . be an exact continuation of the work represent- 
ed in Fig. 1. 

The eight of the trusses is to be proportioned to ihe 
width of the openings between the piers or abutments, and 
may. be about one-tenth of the openings, when the piers are 
fifteen fect or more apart—a less span requiring about the 
same height, for the reasons before stated. 

The diagonal bearing of these trusses, is composed of 
sawed plank ten or eleven imches wide, and from three tc 
three and a half inches thick; it may be’ sawed from a1 
tumber that will last well, when kept dry. White sia 
spruce are probably the best kinds of timber for the pur- 

160 Mr. Town’s new mode of Bridge-building. 

pose, on account of their lightness, and their not belie so 
subject to spring or warp as white oak. 

The nearer those braces are placed to each other, the 
more strength will the truss have, and in no case are they 
to be halved or gained, where they intersect each other ; 
but they are to stand in close contact, depending entirely 
on three or four trunnels, which go through each joint or in- 
tersection, and where the string-pieces pass over these joints 
the trunnels go through them also, and are each of them 
wedged at each end to keep the timber in close contact; a 
chain or champ is necessary to bring the work ngit to- 

The trunnels may be made of white oak, one and a half 
inches in diameter. ‘They are made very cheaply and ex- 
cellently, by being rived out square, and driven, while green 
or wet, through a tube fitted to a block and ground to an 
edge at the top end; they are then to be seasoned before. 
they are used. 

The string-pieces are composed of two thicknesses of 
plank, of about the same dimensions as the braces, and 
they are so put together as to break joints as shewn at Fig. 
6. This renders long hewn timber unnecessary, as also 
any labor in making splices, and putting on iron work. 

For any span or opening not exceeding one hundred and 
ihirty feet, one string-piece at top and one at bottom of each 
truss, if of a good proportion and well secured, will be sufii- 
cient, (see Fic. 2.;) but as the span is extended beyond 
one hundred and thirty feet, two or more at top and bottom 
would be required as shown in Fig. 1 where two string- 
pieces run over the two upper and lower series of joints or 
intersections of the braces, and in wide spans the floor- 
beams. fe be placed on the second string-piece as shown 
at Fig. 

Fig. 3, shows on a larger scale how each joint is secured, 
by w fick it is seen that the trunnels take hold of the whole 
thickness of each piece. | 

Fig. 4, is a section of a bridge of this construction, and 
shows the manner in which the braces and string-pieces 
come together, and also the manner of making the fisar of 
the bridge, and of putting beams and braces over head, 
which are to be connected with the middle iruss for the 
purpose of bracing the bridge agaist lateral rack or mo- 

JMr. Town's new mode of Bridge-bwiding. 163 

iion. Very flat pitched eats will be preferable, as it-will, 
in that case, be a greater Samper to the BL ReEpatl of the 

Fig. 5, is qa floor or plan cof bridge, showing the 
_mode of bracing and the haaraiet) 

Fig. 6, is a view of the bottom or top edge of the 
string-pieces, and shows how the joints are broke in using 
the: plank, and also how the trunnels are distributed. 

This mode of construction will have the same advantages 
in iron as in wood, and some in cast-iron which wood fas 
not, viz. that of reducing the braces in size between the 
joints and of casting flaunches to them where they intersect, 
thereby making it unnecessary to have more than one bolt 
and nut to each joint or intersection. 

When it is considered that bridges, covered from ie 
weather, will last seven or eight times as long as those not 
eovered, and that the cheapuess of this mode will admit of 
its being generally adopted, with openings or spans be- 
tween piers composed of piles, and at a distance of one 
hundred and twenty to one hundred and sixty feet apart, 
then the construction of long bridges over mud bottomed 
rivers, like those at Washington, Boston, Norfolk, Charles- 
ton, &c. will be perceived to be of great importance, espe- 
cially as the common mode of Pui is so exposed to fresh- 
ets, uncommon tides, drift-wood, and ice, as not to insure 
‘safety or economy in covering them, and consequently con- 
tinual repairs, and often rebuilding them, become neces- 
sary. ‘There is very little, if any, doubt, that one half of 
the expense, computing stock, and interest, that would 
be required to keep up, for one hundred years, one of the 
common pile bridges, like those at Boston, would be suffi- 
cient to maintain one built in this new made, keep it cover- 
ed, and have all or nearly all the piers built with stone at 
the’end of the one hundred years. If this be the case, it would 
be great economy tocommence rebuilding, by degrees, in this 
manner. ‘The saving, in the one article of floor planks, if 
kept dry, would be very great, as by being so. much wet 
they rot and wear out in about half the time. 

For aqueduct bridges of wood. or iron no other mode 
ean be as cheap or answer as well; this mode has equal ad- 
vantages also in supporting wide roots of buildings, centres 
of wide arches in masonry, trussed floorings, partitions, 

Vou. Ifl.....No. 1. oF 

162 JM. Town's new node of Bridge-building.. 

sides of wood towers, steeples, &c. &c. of public buildmgs, 
asi it requires nothing more, than common planks instead ‘of 
long timber—being much cheaper, easier to raise, less sub- 
ject to wet or dry-rot, and requiring no iron work. 

Some of the advantages of consent putes) accord- 
ing to this mode are the following : e & 

it There is no pressure against Bee or piers, as 
arched bridges have, and consequently perpendicular sup- 
ports only, are necessary ; this saving in wide arches is very 
great, sometimes equal to a dnnd part ¢ of the hele erevense 
of the bridge. 

2. The shrinking of timber ue little. or no ) effect apthe 
strain upon each plank of the. trusses, both. of the braces 
and string-pieces, is an end-grain strain or lengthwise of the 
wood. 7 

3., Suitable: ee can be easily procured ae aes at 
common mills, as it requires no large or long timber—de- 
fects in timber may be discovered, and wet and dry rot pre- 
vented much more easily than could be in large timber. 

4. There is no iron work required, which at best is not 
safe, especially in frosty weather. 

5. It has less motion than is common in bridges, anu 
which is so injurious and frequently fatal to bridges—and 
being in a horizontal line, is much less. operated bipeitt by’ 

6. A level. road-way is among the most, important ane 
tages of this mode of construction. ; Hh aa 

7, The side-trusses serve as a frame to cover, upon, anil 
thereby save any extra weight of timber, except the cover- 
‘ing itself{—and the importance and ‘economy of covering 
bridges from the weather, i is too well understood to need re- 
commendation after the a es which this equate has 
already had. , 

8. Draws for shipping to pass through, may with. es 
safety be introduced in any part of, the bridge, without 
weakening it as in arched bridges, where the strength and 
safetyof the arches depend so much on their pressure 
against each other and abutments, that a draw, by destroy- 
ing the connexion, weakens the whole superstructure. 

G;' The great number of nearly equal parts or joints into 
which» the” strain, occasioned by a great weight upon the 
bridge, is divided, is a very important advantage over any 

Mr. Town’s new mode of Bridge-building. 163 

other mode, as by dividing the strain or stress into so ma- 
ny parts, that what falls upon any one part or joint is easily 
sustained by it without either the mode of sccuring the 
joints, or the strength of the material being insuificient. 

10. The expense of the superstructure of a bridge would 
not be more than from one-half to two-thirds ‘ok other 
modes of constructing one over the same span or opening ; 
this is a very important consideration, especially im the 
southern and western States, where there are many wide 
rivers, and a very scattered population to defray the ex- 
penses of bridges. 

11. This mode of securing the braces by so many trunnels, 
zives them much more stren eth when they are in tension-strain 
than could be had in the common mode of securing them 
by means of tennons and mortices, for tennons being short, 
and not very thick, compared with this mode, nor having 
so much hold of the pins or trunnels as in this case, will, of 
course, have much less power to sustain a tension or pulling 
strain, and it is obvious that this strain is in many cases 
equal to, and in others greater than, the thrust or pushing 
strain. Itis also very obvious, that this pushing or thrust 
strain in the mode of tennons and mortices receives very 
little additional strength from the shoulders of the tennons, 
as the shrinkage of the timber into which the tennon goes, is 
generally so much as to let the work settle so far as to give 
a motion or vibration, which, in time, renders them weak 
and insufficient. 

12. Should any kind of arched bridge, for any reason, 
be preferred, however it may be arched either at top or bot- 
tom, or both, still this same mode of combining the mate- 
vials, will have all the advantages as to cheapness and 
strength, over the common ones of framing, as in case of 
the horizontal or straight ones before described. In cases 
where abutments are already arth it may sometimes be 

'Side-walks may with equal ease be constructed, either 
on the outside or inside of the main body of the ‘bridge, 
which particular, as also the great strength of the mode, &c. 
may he better seen by examination of the models which 
are (or soon will be) placed in most of the principal cities 
of the United States, and no merit is either desired or 
claimed in this new mode of construction, by the patentee, 

164 Mr. Town’s new mode of Bridge-building. 

which the mode itself dees net command, even on the most 
strict philosophical investigation as to its mathematical prin- 
ciples, the easy, practicable, and advantageous application 
of materials, the advantages it possesses in mechanical ex- 
ecution, and its simplicity, strength, economy, and durabili- 
ty, as a general and uniform mode of Bridge-building. 

Science and practice will, in a short time, decide on this 
question so important to this extensive country. 

I shall conclude this article by a few ideas, taken’ froin 
the celebrated Robert F ulton’s treatise on canal navigation, 
page 117, and subsequent ee 

In England, the attention of engineers has of late years 
been much engaged on bridges of ion, "Phese bridges, 
as experience produces courage, are progressively enlarging 
their dimensions, nor should I be. surprised if genius should 
in time, produce the mechanic rainbow of one thousand 
feet over wide and rapid rivers. In crossing the rivers im 
such countries as Russia and America, an extensive arch 
seems to be a consideration of the first importance, as the 
rivers or even rivulets, in time of rain, suddenly swell toa 
great height, and in the spring, on breaking up of the ice, 
the i immense quantity which is borne down with a rapid 
stream would, if interrupted by small arches and piers, col- 
lect to such a weight as ultimately to bear away the whole. 
It is therefore necessary that, in such situations, an arch 
should be extended as far as possible, and so high as to 
suffer every thing to pass through, or the inhabitants must, 
without some other expedient, submit their passage to the 
easualities of the weatiter. 

The important objection to bridges of wood is clei 
rapid decay, and this objection is certainly well founded 
when particular situations are alluded to where timber is 
scarce and consequently expensive. But in such countries 
as America where wood is abundant, I conceive it will be a 
fair eriterion to judge of their application by calculating on 
the expense of a bridge of stone, and one of wood, and 
then compare the interest of the principal saved in adopt- 
ing the wood bridge, with the expense of its annual repairs. 

I have before exhibited the necessity of constructing 
bridges in America of an extensive span or arch, in order to 
suffer the ice and collected waters to pass without interrup- 

Mr. Town’s new mode of Bridge-building. 165 

tion: and for this purpose it must be observed that a wood 
arch may be formed of a much greater length or span than 
it is possible to erect one of stone; hence wooden bridges 
are applicable to many situations where accumulated waters 
bearing down trees and fields of ice, would tear a bridge of 
stone from its foundation. 

It therefore becomes of importance to render bridges 
of wood as permanent as the nature of the material will 
admit. he ee 

Hitherto, in bridges not covered from the weather, the 
immense quantity of mortices and tenons, which, however 
well done, will admit air and wet, and consequently tend to 
expedite the decay of the weak parts, has been a material 
error in constructing bridges of wood. 

But to render wood bridges of much more importance 
than they have hitherto been considered, first from their 
extensive span; secondly from their durability ; two things 
must be considered, first that the wood works should stand 
clear of the stream in every part, by which it never would 
have any other weight to sustain than that of the usual car- 
riages, secondly that it will be so combined as to exclude as 
much as possible the air and rain. 

When the true principle of building bridges of wood is 
discovered, their progressive extension is as reasonable as 
the increased dimensions of shipping ; which, in early ages, 
was deemed a great work if they amounted to one hundred 
tons burthen; but time and experience have extended the 
art of ship-building to two thousand tons, and in the com- 
bination and arrangement of the various and complicated 
parts, there certainly is more genius and labour required 
than in erecting a bridge of five hundred or one thousand 
feet span: but the great demand for shipping has rendered 
their formation familiar, and their increased bulk has gradual- 
ly grown upon our senses, But had a man, in the infancy of 
naval architecture, hinted at a vessel of two thousand tons, 
I am inclined to think his cotemporary artists would have 
branded him as a madman. 


Those who wish to purchase rights, and to obtain particular 
directions for building bridges according to this improve- 

166 Hall on the Staining of Wood, and 

ment, (the description of which is annexed,) will please 
to write to. me at the City of Washington in the District of 
Columbia, where myself or an fet will at all times ate 

Poeun p tly to the business. : 

Ann. XXI-—On the Staining eae wad ow “Medical 
Electricity; by Joun Hawn Esq. of Ellington, Conn. 
Communicated in a letter to the einions : ‘dated May 30th, 



Dear Sir, , ei Ss 
Wuen | closed the iptten W dace accompanies thhigs 1 fos 
got to mention a stain, as cabinet-makers would call it, for 
some sorts of wood used in the making of cabinet furniture. 
This stain consists simply of a decoction of walnut or 
hickory bark, with a small quantity of alum dissolved in it, 
in order to give permanency to the color. Wood, of a white 
color, receives from the application of this liquor, a beauti- 
ful yellow tinge, very little liable to fade. Indeed, so far as 
I have ascertained the fact by several experiments, the color 
does not appear to fade at all; and I have good reason to 
think that it will abide until it is worn off- So far as I have 
tried the experiment, the color retains its proper state, when 
not defended at ail from the action of the light and the air; 
when protected by varnish, it will, of course, be still less 
liable to change. I have in my house .an article of furni- 
ture stained in this manner, which has stood exposed to the 
near light of a window fifteen months, and the color appears 
at this time, if any change has taken place, even bushi 
than at first. Bead 
This stain is particularly pied to several sande ye. fur- 
niture which are commonly made of maple. It gives a 
beautiful and delicate tinge to the high posts of bedsteads, 
when made of that kind of maple which is called curly or 
curled. But to that kind of maple which is called bards- 
eye, it gives the finest appearance of any. This spe- 
cies of wood is commonly prepared, by cabiet-makers, by 
scorching its surface over a quick fire? which does not, at 
the same time, smoke. The wood, after being thus scoreh- 

on Medical Electricity. 167 

ed, is made smooth in the: usual way, and varnished. The 
scorching produces a great variety of dark shades and 
specks on the surface; these have generally been consid- 
ered to possess considerable beauty, ‘and the wood, so pre- 
pared, has come into pretty extensive use in the making of 
particular sorts of cabinet furniture. When birds-eye ma- 
ple is thus prepared, except the varnishing, if it is then 
stained with the walnut dye, it receives much additional 
beauty. In the common mode of preparing that wood, the 
colors are black, of various shades and degrees of intense- 
ness; and that ica of white, though cee tarnished, 

which is natural to maple. These colors are destitute of 
any other lustre than what the varnish merely gives them. 
But the application of the walnut dye gives a lustre even to 
the darkest shades; while to the paler and fainter ones it 
gives, in addition to this, a somewhat greenish hue; and to 
the whiter parts, various tints of yellow. The whole, to- 
gether, has a very pleasing effect on the eye, and is very 
ornamental when used, with taste and judgment, in particu- 
lar parts of some kinds of furniture. For pannel work, 
the yellow stain alone, without the previous scorching, has 
avery delicate and pleasing appearance. Both modes of 
staining give the wood very much the appearance of figured 
satin 5 ‘and, for particular purposes, are altogether superior, 
in their effect, to mahogany. Such, at any ‘rate, is my own 
opinion; and such, too, is that of all who have received 
specimens of work done in this manner. 

In staining cherry wood, cabinet-makers generally em- 
ploy some kind of red paint, rubbed in small quantity inte 
the wood. ‘This paint fills up the pores of the wood, oe 
by that means conceals the natural grain. Uhis concea 
ment of the grain, causes the surface to look as if inea 
and greatly detracts from the beauty of it. When this spe- 
cies of wood is stained with the walnut tegion, and reddened 
somewhat with a tincture of some red dye whose color is 
not liable to fade, a handsome tinge is given to it, which 
oes not hide the grain; and which becomes still more 
handsome as the cherry itself grows darker by age. ‘The 
effect of the compound stain on apple tree meed, is the 
same as that on cherry. 

Walnut bark makes the most permanent yellow for dying 
rlothvof any of the vegetable substances used in this coun- 

i68 Hall on the Staining of W wisi and 

try for that purpose, with which T am acquainted. | Care 
should be taken that the dye be not too much concentra- 
ted; when this happens, the color is far less bright and deli- 
cate : and approaches nearer to orange. Itis hardly ne- 
cessary to add, that the dye should be boiled, and kept, 
in a brass, or some other vessel into the composition: of 
which tron does not enter, 

On a Elbit 

Sine I have taken upon me to write, 1 will adel some- - 

thing on another subject. Soon after the general proper- 
ties of electricity were discovered, and attention to them 
had become fashionable, it was suspected to possess medic- 
al virtues of great value, and of extraordinary character. 

Essays to prove those virtues were accordingly made, and 
with exactly the success which might have been anticipated 
from the peculiar character of the electric fluid, and the 
peculiar propensity of mankind to form, in the first instance, 
high-wrought expectations from something new and striking 
to the senses; and then to vibrate to the opposite extreme, 
so soon as the novelty is lost im habitual contemplation, and 
those senses are cloyed with repeated gratification, or dis- 
gusted with disappointment. For a while, it was believed 
by many, that electricity would have the same efficacy in 
the cure of all diseases, as the inventors of nostrums as- 
sert that their preparations possess. After this, public 
opinion changed ; and now, for a good while, little reliance 
has been placed on the medical, properties of the electric 
fluid in any case. As the truth, ‘however, is oftener found 
to lie between extremes, so, I apprehend, it will be found 
in the present instance. That electricity does actually pos- 
sess some valuable medical properties, I deem to be cer- 
tain; and cannot but regret that trial of them is not oftener, 

but more judiciously made. Ideem it to be equally cer- 
tain, that these properties have, in a great measure, failed ot 
proper credit, because electricity has been too exclusively 

applied to patients by way of shocks. Had it oftener been 
used by way of insulating the patient, and then extracting 

the fluid from the diseased part by moving a metallic or 
other conductor, frequently over it, I have no doubt that its 
application would have oftener been attended with success. 

But I do not intead to write a treatise—I barely give these 



on Medical Hlectricity. 169 

hints; and will now state one class of discases, in which I 
have found, by repeated experiments, beneficial effects to 
result from the use of electricity by way of insulation. 
~The kind of complaints to which I allude, is that peculiar 
soreness and pain which result from what we commonly 
call, the taking of cold. This soreness and pain, we all 
know, are often very troublesome, and difficult to be re- 
moved; and are usually seated in the jomts, in the head, 
and muscular parts of the body. They are very common 
in cases of influenza, and very troublesome. I have tried 
imsulation, in the manner just stated, on several persons af- 
fected with these complaints, and do not recollect that it 
ever has, in a single instance, failed of giving speedy relief. 
In every instance, I believe, the pain and soreness have been 
completely removed. ‘The cough and expectoration still 
continue, but have generally subsided soon, and seem to 
yield more readily to the medicines commonly given for 
these complaints. Perspiration at once becomes more free, 
and the breathing less obstructed. ‘These facts have been 
known to me for a considerable number of years; but such 
have been the general prejudice against the efficacy of elec- 
tricity, on the one hand, and the inflated encomiums on its 
virtues made by empirics on the other, that I have seldom 
ever suggested them evento my friends. I however consider it 
my duty now to do so; and hope that the suggestion may 
contribute to the relief of some, at least, who may hereaf- 
ter be afflicted with these complaints. In cases of influ- 
enza this relief is often of great importance; and it is to 
these cases, in a special manner, that the remedy seems to 
be adapted.—I have never yet known, and I have often 
made the experiment, that electricity has proved beneficial 
in nervous diseases; unless spasms, of certain kinds, are 
considered as properly belonging to that class. In some 
spasmodic affections, | have seen essential benefit resuli 
from electricity. What effect this fluid may have on pain 
and soreness, arising from other causes than the taking of 
cold, and that, whatever it is, which produces influenza, I 
am unable to say. [It is proper that I should state further, 
that notwithstanding I have often made the experiment, I 
have never known the least benefit to result from giving 
electric shocks in any case whatever. Still 1 by no means 
intend to deny that shocks may be useful in certain diseases. 
Vou. UL.....No. 1. 22 

170 Jarman on Gas Lights. 

Art. XXIIL.—On Gas Lights. a unceaeen an a letter 
to the Editor, by Tuomas Jarman, Esg. of Bristol, 
England.* : 

State-Street, New-Haven, 2d Jan. 1821. 

My Dear Sir, 

As you seemed to think the facts I mentioned to you this 
inorning, worthy of notice, I beg leave to state them in wri- 

The streets of the city of Bristol, in which I reside, 
were lighted with lamp oil till about two years ago, when a 
few persons united in forming a company for supplying the 
city with gas from pit-coal: I was one of that company ; and 
we deemed it expedient to obtain an Act of Parliament for 
the protection of our property, and recovery of the annual 
income to be derived from the sale of our gas. In this we 
were opposed by the Corporation of the city, and the Com- 

missioners for paving and lighting it; but they at length — 

withdrew their opposition, on our agreeing to light the 
streets of the city with as many lamps as they chose at the 
rate of £5 per lamp, per annum ; each lamp to have such a 
burner in it as would consume a certain quantity of gas per 
hour; and we were to be limited to a profit of ten per cent. 
on our capital employed; we engaging to employ at least 
£50,000 in the undertaking: that sum was immediately 
subscribed; and we accordingly sell our gas to the public at 
£5 per lamp per annum 3 and to individuals at various pri- 
ces, differmg according to circumstances, and to the de- 
mands made for it. To give you an instance:—I have a 
house in the city where my professional businesst is carried 
on, and in which f use six rooms, and an entrance hall; the 
gas is conveyed into each of these places by pipes from 
the main pipe in the street; and I burn the gas till ten 
o’clock at night, for £25 a year: this is nearly about what 

* In consequence of his haying been present at a Chemical Lecture, in 

the Laboratory of Yale College, when Gas Lights were spoken of and ex~ 

lubited— Mr. Jarman being on a visit to this country. 

* That of a solicitor. 



Jarman on Gas Lighis. 171 

it cost me for candles before; but I have an unvarying and 
brilliant light in every room, without any trouble but the 
turning of a key. All the offices and shops (or stores) in 
Bristol, of any respectability, purchase the light in the same 
way, and from hence the profits arise. It is intended, how- 
ever, to sell the gas by measure; as some abuses have crept 
in by individuals burning the gas longer than they contract 
for: a Gas-Meter has been invented, which, placed at the 
entrance into the house, ascertains the quantity of gas used. 
{tis a box containing a wheel, which revolves more or less 
in proportion to the gas driven through it, and when it has 
made a certain number of revolutions, moves an index, 
which ascertains the number; and is so constructed that it 
cannot be altered to deceive the proprietors. Most of the 
churches, and other public buildings, take the light at vari~ 
ous prices, proportioned to the time in which they use it; 
~ and the streets through which it already passes, are as light 
throughout the night, asin broad day. The Gasometer and 
other works are near the entrance into the city. I need 
not describe them to you, as you so perfectly understand 
them, and gave so accurate a description of them this 
morning as surprised me; you having only seen the very 
limited, commencement of the gas works in London, when 
you were there.* I had the honor of being Chairman of. 
the committee appointed by the Company for conducting 
the Bill through the Houses of Lords and Commons; and 
while I was in London had great satisfaction in seeing the 
progress of the gas-manufactories there: all the principal 
streets are lighted by gas—so are most of the public build- 
ings, and particularly the theatres; these latter have gaso- 
meters of their own; and the light produced is the most 
brilliant that can be imagined; the centre-light in Drury- 
lane theatre, passing through an immense number of cut 
glass lamps, arranged with great taste and elegance, resem- 
bles the light of a mid-day sun in splendour, and is too daz- 
azling to look on. ‘The light thrown on the stage from the 
orchestra is also very beautiful, and admirably managed. 
Bat there is a more important use made of gas, both in 
London, and other great cities; Manufactories are lighted 
with it, and carried on at a much less expense than before. 

* Tn 1805, 

172 Jarman on Gus Lights. 

A friend of mine works his glass manufactory by it through 
the nights of winter, and has a gasometer of his own. One 
of the taverns in Bristol is lighted by its own gasometer ; 
and most of the coffee-houses in London are lighted by the 
public gas. At first, the management of the pipes and keys 
not being well understood, an offensive smell used to be 
produced ; but now it is very seldom found; the purifying of 
the gas, by passing it through lime-water, is general; but a 
person at Exeter in Devonshire has obtained a patent for 
purifying gas, by passing it through lime unmixed with wa- 
ter, as T understand: it is said to be placed on perforated 
shelves in a receiver, through which the gas is made to pass 
in its way from the furnaces to the*gasometer ; and this is 
said to. be a much more effectual way of removing the of- 
fensive smell than by passing it through lime water ; but we 
have not tried it at Bristol. 

I forgot to mention to you that the charcoal and tar, pro- 
duced from the coal at the works, are profitable to us, and 
help to make up our ten per cent. I should also mention, | 
ihat any surplus profit is to be applied to the reduction of 
the price for lighting the public lamps, as a remuneration to 
the public for permitting us to carry our mains (i. e. our 
main-pipes) through the streets. 

No accident has ever happened in Bristol since the works 
began; except that one evening an unlucky mouse got into 
the first pipe, and by moving a valve, prevented the gas 
from passing into the mains, and consequently all the lamps 
went out, and the city was in darkness for half an hour; 
but it happened to be early in the evening and not very dark; 
and a repetition of the accident ts now effectually prevented. 

Bath, Cheltenham, and many other towns, are now light- 
ed by gas. I believe fifty or sixty acis of Parliament have 
passed incorporating companies for this purpose ; and when 
the committee waited on Lord Grenville (who is our Lord 
High Steward) for his support in the house of Lords, he 
told us he had no doubt the use of gas would be universal; 
he recommended us to visit a manufactory lighted by gas 
produced from oil, which he thought more beautiful than 
that produced from coal; and it certainly did appear to be 
more brilliant; but we have coal in abundance, and not 
oil. ‘The coal we use is the small brush coal, such as 
smiths use, and it is cheaper than the other pit-coals. 

Observations on Lead Ores. 173 

I have now, I believe, repeated to you the principal facts 
I mentioned this morning. If they afford you any amuse- 
ment I shall be highly gratified. 
I am, dear Sir, , 
Your obliged and obedient friend and servant, 


Arr. XXIV.—WNotice of an argentiferous galena, from 
Huntington, and of another Lead Ore from Bethlem, Conn. 
with mescellaneous observations on Lead Ores—the lat- 
ter extracted chiefly from authors.—Epiror. 

Tue localities of galena, within the territory of the Uni- 
ted States are very numerous. 

We have published but a very small part, of those that 
have come to our knowledge, chiefly because the quantities 
discovered, have been in most instances, too small to make 
it an object to prosecute the research; and still, when we 
remember that the first hint of the existence of a valuable 
mine may arise from the occurrence of a minute quantity of 
ore, it is obvious that all such facts ought to be preserved, 
either in public or private documents. 

In Dr. Bruce’s Journal, (pa. 65,) some account is given 
of the valuable and interesting lead mines near Northamp- 
ton in Massachusetts, and, in the present number of this 
work, an abstract is given of some of the principal facts 
stated by Mr. Schoolcraft, respecting the rich mines of Mis- 
sourl. These mines, from their richness, and from the 
facility with which the ore is obtained, it is probable, will 
supply the demands of this country, for ages, and if they 
cannot entirely exclude the introduction of foreign lead, 
there appears little probability that many other American 
lead mines can enter successfully into competition with 
them. | 

We make this remark, not to discourage enterprize in 
other places, but to produce caution, in plunging into the 
heavy expenditures which inevitably attend mining opera- 
tions—while the returns are always in a degree uncertain. 

But, with respect to the poorer localities of lead, there is 
another consideration which may be worthy of attention; it 

174 Observations on Lead Ores. 

is a well known fact that most galenas contain silver; of 
course, most of the metallic lead of commerce contains it. 
Among a considerable number of American ores of lead, 
which we have examined by chemical means, we have 
found only one, entirely without silver; this was the lead 
ore which is found near Shawnee Town, in the Hlinois, 
along with fluor spar. : 

We have extracted silver from the thin sheet lead, which 
comes as a lining for the tea chests from China. 

In most instances, whether in the case of ores, or of me- 
tallic lead, the proportion of silver obtained by us has been 
too small to admit of profitable extraction, but we have now 
the pleasure of stating an instance of a contrary character. 

We have had occasion, more than once, to call the atten- 
tion of our readers to the mine of Mr. Ephraim Lane, sit- 
uated in the town* of Huntington, eighteen miles west of 
New-Haven. Ba 

The great diversity, especially of metallic substances, 
in this place, indicates a mining region, although it is difti- 
cult to say which of the numerous metals found there, will 
ultimately be the prevailing one, either im quantity or in 

It will be recollected, that the excavation is very slight, 
having as yet, scarcely exceeded ten or twelve feet. 

Galena has been constantly found, but in quantities toe 
small for profit, if the lead alone were regarded. ‘This ga- 
lena is not the steel grained kind; it is the foliated—in 
plates of moderate size, usually not exceeding one-quarter 
or one-half of an inch in diameter. It is interspersed in a 
quartz gangue, and is obtained, as yet, with difficulty. 

The occurrence of native silver some time since in the 
same mine, and indeed almost in contact with the lead, 
might well have raised an enquiry, whether this galena 
were not peculiarly argentiferous. On examination, this 
proves to be the fact. } 

* For the sake of forcign readers we will observe, thal tbe word town is 
eften used, in the northern and middle states, as a /errilorial term, meaning 
a certain geographical crea, (usually six miles square,) often expressed also 
by the word township, and although it usually contains, within the territo- 
ry, @ town in the Kuropean sense of the word, it does not, necessarily 
imply such a nucleus of houses and population, both being sometimes 
scattered over the whole surface. 



Observations on Lead Ores. 175 

In order to extricate from it, a striking quantity of silver, 
it is not even necessary to reduce the sulphuret of lead to 
the metallic state. It is sufficient merely to lay some frag- 
ments of the lead ove upon a cupel, and to place this upon 
a fragment of a brick in the forge fire. This simple method 
of operating we learned from the proprietor, Mr. Lane, and . 
repeated the experiment with entire success. ‘The cupel is sur- 
rounded by ignited charcoal, and some pieces of burning coal 
ure laid an an arched form, over the cupel, so as to preserve, 
at once, a good red heat, and to admit of the access of air. 
The forge bellows are very gently blown by an assistant, 
and, at the same time, a blast of uncontaminated air, from 
common hand bellows, is thrown upon the lead ore, in such 
regulated quantity, as to oxidize the lead, without cooling 
it too much, and the sulphur is in the mean time dissipated. 

By preceeding in this manner, we obtained in a short 
time, two per cent. of good silver, estimated in relation to 
the. metallic lead contained in the ore. 

In another operation, after previously reducing the ore to 
the metallic state, and proceeding in exactly the same man- 
ner, we obtained three and a half per cent. of good malleable 

There is no reason to believe that these processes were 
conducted with more accuracy, than is attainable in the 
large way, and we are therefore justified in concluding, that 
Mr. Lane’s lead ore is rich in silver, and is worthy of being 
explored for that object. 

{t was our intention to have given the result upon this 
ere in the humid way, and we had obtained the nitric solu- 
tion, and, by the aid of common salt, precipitated both the 
lead and the silver in the form of muriat; the muriat of 
lead was then dissolved in boiling water, and the muriat of 
silver obtained upona filter. Butas we have not found leis- 
ure to complete the process ; it must be reserved for an- 
other occasion. We think however that there can be no 
mistake in admitting that the lead in this ore contains one- 
thirtieth of silver,* and is therefore one of the richest ar- - 
gentiferous galenas. # 

We have been called upon to examine another lead ore, 
from Bethlem in Connecticut, about thirty miles N. W. 
from New-Haven. 

* Mr. Lane’s ore is accompanied by suiphat ef lead. as an tnernstation - 
according to him this is equally rich in silver. 

176 Observations on Lead Ores. 

It was discovered during the late autumn, in digging a 
well, and appeared to form a vein, or possibly a bed, at the 
depth of eighteen or twenty feet. 

The country is primitive, but the specimens brought to 
us, appear to have been deposited in loose ochreous earth, 
by which they are enveloped. 

The structure of this ore is a mixture of small foliated, 
granular, or steel grained, and fibrous ; in some places it is 
so distinctly Bene as to indicate strongly a combination 
with antimony.* 

Having reduced this ore to the metallic state, we exam- 
ined it by cupellation, and obtained a distinct globule of 
silver, but it bore only the proportion of one-five thousandth 
part to the lead—viz. less than six ounces to the ton. 

That of Southampton, (Bruce’s Journal, pa. 69,) gave 
twelve ounces and one-eighth to the ton, viz. about one- 
two thousand four hundredth part; that of Missouri contains 
only a trace. 

As this is a practical subject, which may prove of im- 
portance to this country, especially as the oxides of lead 
obtained during the extraction of the silver would go far 
towards paying the expense, we will subjoin a memorandum 
of facts respecting lead and its ores, which, in a very con- 
densed form, we had eccasion, some time since, to abstract 
from works of good authority, principally from the Chem- 
ical Essays of Dr. Watson, late Lord Bishop of. Landaff, 
and from Aikin’s Dictionary. 

Notes on Lead. 

The expense is not paid, in Great Britam, by less than 
twelve ounces of silver to the ton, or six-tenths of an ounce 
to one hundred pounds of ore; some say nine ounces of 
silver to the ton of ore, will pay the expense, including loss 
of lead. 

The ore of Brunentit Moor, Yorkshire, contained two 
hundred and thirty ounces of silver to the ton, or more than 
eleven ounces to one hundred pounds. 

Duruam and Westmoreland, seventeen ounces to a ton. 

* The Bethlem ore is said by the discoverers, Messrs. Gideon Alen and 
Abner Strong, to be in abundance, but as their attention has been di- 
rected to it principally on account of the silver il might contain, they have 
mot, as yet, explored thoroughly for the lead. 

Observations on Lead Ores. 177 

That of Poutnaen in Brittany thirty-nine ounces. 

Lead ore is dressed, washed, SLE and roasted in a 

In Derbyshire a ton of ore ig put at once into the furnace. 

Two thousand one hundred pounds of ore do not yield 
more than one thousand four hundzed pounds of lead, or 

sixty-six per cent. 

Three tons or six thousand pounds of ore are worked 
off at a smelting house every twenty-four hours. 

Lead ore melted by a wood fire, yields one-tenth more 
lead than by pit-coal. (Watson IIT. 253.) 

The cupola furnace is in general use for the smelting of 
lead ores in Derbyshire ; (See Watson, III. 275 5) it is a 
reverbaratory ; this furnace may be constructed any where, 
and is not noxious to the workmen. 

One ton is put in at a time, and three charges worked off 
in twenty-four hours; in six hours from the charging of the 
furnace the ore becomes fluid as milk; a bushel of lime is 
thrown in to absorb the slag, which i is then raked to one 
side ; a hole, previously stopped with clay is opened, and 
the reduced metal runs out. 

By fusing the lead ore too soon, and raising the heat too 
high, much of the lead is volatilized, along with the sulphur. 

Derbyshire lead is said to contain two grains of silver in 
a pound of lead. 

Mine Est Kyr-Kyr, is asserted by some, to afford sixty 
pounds of silver in every ton of lead ore; by others only four. 

There are some lead ores in Great Britain, which, al- 
though poor in lead, contain between three and four hun- 
dred ounces of silver in a ton. 

The best kind of Derbyshire lead ore is worth £7 a ton. 
(Wat. III. 310.) 

Steel grained lead ore is asserted to be awe richer in 
silver than other kinds.* 

There is no place in Derbyshire where silver is now ex- 
tracted from lead. 

It was done at Matlock a few years since, but is now 
abandoned, from the failure of the lead ore ;—it yielded | 
fourteen ounces to a ton. . 

* See the remarks on this subject, pa. 69, of the present Number. 

Vou. III....No. 1. is Og 

178 Observations on Lead Ores. 

At Patterdale, the ore yields fifty or sixty ounces of sil- 
yer to a ton. | 

The poorest lead ores yield most mee 

‘From seven to ten thousand tons of lead are covalicd! an= 
nually in Derbyshire. 

The tests or cupels are made of four parts of calcined 
bones, and one part unwashed fern ashes; wood ashes are 
sometimes used without washing. 

If galena be free from pyrites the lead may be melted 
out without roasting, otherwise not. (BI. II. 620.) 

One-eighth of an ounce, or less, of gold or silver may be 
separated “from one hundred pounds of lead by scorification. 

The lead is recovered from the cupels by pounding thena 
up, and mixing the powder with inflammable matters by 
the aid of heat. 

Fourcroy (VI. 74) asserts that every sulphuret of lead 
contains silver ; ; we believe very few are without it. 

Galena, with small facets, or of'a granulated texture, is 
apt to contain most silver; but this is, im our view, not an 
infallible criterion. 

- Fourcroy (VI. 82) gives the following process. Roast 
the ore, weigh, and fuse with two parts of black flux, or bo- 
rax and charcoal and a little decrepitated salt, and try the 
button on the cupel, (pa. 84,) after the nitric solution is 
made, precipitate it by carbonat of soda, one hundred and 

thirty parts of the carbonat of lead contain one hundred of 

lead—ammonia dissolves out the silver,* but cupellation 
is best. 

Tron precipitates both lead and silver. (Fourcroy.) 

The proportion of silver in lead, wanies from anes 
hundreth to one-twelth. ! 

The lustre of galena is impaired by silver ; this metal is 
more commonly found in the octohedral than the cubical 

Blende and calamine often occur with galena. 

“Antimony is commonly in argentiferous lead ores, which 
hardens the lead; and the processes for getting rid of the 
antimony are the s same as for extracting the silver. 

Cupels may be made of any infusible earth of little co- 
hesion, (Aikin, 1. 110 ,)—cores of ox horns are wee at 
the tower. 

* This may however be dangerous, as fulminating silver may be formed. 

On the formation of Ice. 179 


Galena, when pure, has the proportion of eightf-five lead, 
and fifteen sulphur; but five particular specimens gave the 
following more complex results : 

Lead 54 69 68 64 63 
Sulphur : Bente AG eee Te 
Carbonat of lime and silex 38 15 16 18 19 

Pyrites are frequent in lead ores, and sometimes antimo- 
ny, copper, gold, and silver. | 

Arr. XXV.—Circumstances connected with the formation 
of Ice on still waters, and with the continued action of . 
cold upon the fluid beneath.—Eprror. 

New-Haven, Jan. 12, 1821. 

Tue recent cold weather, which, with an uniformity not 
common in this maritime region, has prevailed with little in- 
terruption, for nearly a month, varying between 3°* below 0, 
and ten or twelve above—(for the coldest parts of the twen- 
ty-four hours) has produced on our mill ponds ice of fifteen 
inches in thickness. This ice is remarkably firm and trans- 
parent, entirely free from intermixture of spongy portions, 
and resembles, very much, fine masses of rock crystal, 
with a slight cerulean tinge. 

* This is not mentioned as the extreme cold of this climate, but only as 
the extreme hitherto observed by us, this winter; this occurred at eleven 
P.M. on the 10th inst. We have the mercury in Fahrenheit’s thermome- 
ter, occasionally depressed here to 10° and 12° below 0. d 

P.S. Jan.20. Since the above note was written, the thermometer has 
here (just before’sun-rising on the 19th) indicated 12° below 0. In the in- 
terior it has been much lower, and ia Maine, as the newspapers inform us, 
ithas been 35° below 0, thus approximating to the congelation of the 
quicksilver. At Norwich, Conn. it has been 26° below 0. 

_Jan.25. Yesterday the thermometer sunk 5° from sun-rising till ten 
o'clock, and was then about 0, and remained very little above through the 
day, allhough the sun shone bright ; several times this winter, the maximum 
of cold has been several hours. after sun-rising. This morning, at sevea 
o'clock, the thermometer was 14° below—and at eleven last evening, it 
was 9° below 0. In other exposures it was, in the morning 16°, and even, 
in one instance, 174° below 0—all these being greater degrees of cold than 
were ever observed here before: and the average of the winter, thus far, is 
colder than that of any preceding winter on record here. Still there have 
been particular days, whose average has been colder. On the 25th, it was 2 
o’clock P. M.before the mercury rose to ©, and at 3 o’clock it was 2° above. 

180 On the formation of Ice. 

The filling of the ice-houses (which, within a few years, 
have become considerably numerous in this town,) has af-. 
forded good opportunities of observing some small cireum- 
stances, the mention of which may not be superfluous, = 
though, perhaps, not entirely novel. 

The first thing to be noticed is the regularity of the lave 
ers of ice produced by each night’s congelation. In masses 
fifteen inches thick,* there are “twenty- one distinct layers— 
quite as distinct as those of agate, or striped jasper, or of 
the annual rings produced by the growth of wood. These 
layers, near, and at the top, are from one and a half to two 
inches thick, and at the bottom, next the stream, they are 
from one-half to one quarter of an inch—giving an average 
of nearly three-quarters of an inch, Although, (owing 
‘doubtless to the different degrees of cold, in different nights,) ~ 
the layers of ice do not decrease in an uniform ratio their 
decrement is still tolerably regular, and when we compare 
the extremes (granting that the cold was not diminished, 
and the truth was it was rather increased on the whoie,) we. 
are struck with the wide difference, and, of course, with 
the almost non-conducting power of ice ae relation to heat. 

This is one provision, among others, made by the creator, 
to prevent very deep congelation, which would be attended 
with deplorable consequences. Had the accumulation of 
ice, in the present instance, gone on uniformly, in the high- 
est ratio, the ice would, during these twenty-one nights have 
been forty-two inches, or three feet six inches thick, and * 
during eight weeks or fifty-six days of such severe weather, 
it would have become 112 inches, or nine feet four inches 
thick, which would insure winter’s cold, and consequent 
sterility, in the vicinity of that ice during the next summer; 
(for the heat would not be sufficient for its fusion,) and con- 
sequently perpetual cold would be established ; the suc- 
ceeding winter, and all succeeding winters, would only aug- 

ment the effects. 

{t is now a good while, siace Count Rumford pointed out 
the most important reason which prevents the entire conge- 
lation of deep waters in winter,—namely, that water cooled 
to 40° pem to expand, and continues to do so, thus be- 

* Jan. 30. The cakes of ice are now twenty one inches thick, but still, 
although the recent cold has been much the most severe, the lower Jayers of 
ice are only from 4 to ?ths of an inca thick. 

On the formation of Ice. 181 

coming so light as to remain on the surface, till it freezes at 
32°; of course, the upper layer freezes, while those below 
are still above the freezing point, and are now cooled al- 
most solely by the very slow conducting power of ice and 
Wwater—the currents of cold water down, and of warmer 
water up, by which almost exclusively the water was cool- 
ed, before it arrived at 40°, being in a great measure pre- 
vented, after the first film of ice is formed on the surface. 

Mankind are little aware how much they are, indebted to 
such apparently trivial laws for their comfort, and indeed 
for their very existence ; for itis undeniable, that had the 
creator omitted to endue water with this unparalleled pe- 
culiarity of contraction, and had ice been as good a con- 
ductor of heat as the metals, the polar seas would, even in 
the early ages, have been frozen to the bottom; all other 
waters, not excepting the oceans within the tropics, would 
have been successively converted into a solid as enduring 
as granite; vegetable and animal life would have become 
extinct ;—the very atmosphere might have congealed, and 
in the language of Dr. Black, all nature would have. bes 
come a silent, lifeless, and ewig ruin. 

In the case of congelation which has elicited these oe 
there was another circumstance worthy of observation. 

The layers of iee were much more transparent in the di- 
rection of their length than in the opposite; this arose from 
the distorted refraction of light occasioned by innumerable 
air bubbles, from the size ae duck shot to that of a small 
pin’s head, which were, in every imstance, to be observed 
at the junction of the layers, and at the top of each par- 
ticular layer, excepting that on the surface, where there 
were none. If we mistake not, these peculiarities can be 
satisfactorily explained. It is well known that all natural 
waters contain air in solution, and that itis expelled by boil- 
ing, by the air pump, and by freezing. 

On the surface of the water, when the first layer of ice 
was formed, there was nething to retain the air bubbles; as 
they were evolved, they passed through the water and es- 
eaped. But after the first layer of ice was preduced, the 
air bubbles that were extricated by the chilling of the wa- 
ter next below, were of course arrested by the ice, and 
during the succeeding night were frozen in and detained. 
Had the cold continued equally intense during the day as 

182 Dr. Oliver on the Prussic Acid. 

during the night, the air bubbles mght have been equally 
diffused through the i ice, but, as the nights (according to the 
usual course of things) are marked by a rather sudden and 
commonly by a considerable increase of cold, the layer of 
water about to congeal, was made suddenly to evolve the 
dissolved air, and this, from its levity, rising rapidly through 
the as yet fluid water, necessarily collected with considera- 
ble regularity, just at the bottom of the last formed layer 
of ice, but still completely within the new one. 

It was observable that the layers of air bubbles were well 
defined and regular on the upper side, but irregular on the 
lower—many bubbles being below the general level, and 
appearing to have been arrested before they wee time to 
arrive at the upper surface of the water. 


Art. XXVI.—On the Hydrocyanie. or Prussic ‘Acid, by 
B. Lynpe Ouiver, M. D. of Salem, Mass. 

Insanum quiddam esset, et in se contrarium, existimare ea, que adhue 
nunquam facta sunt, fileri posse nisi per modos adhue nunquam tentatos, 
Bacon Nov. Organ. Aphor. Vi. 


Havine read in your excellent Journal of Science and 
Arts, a very interesting paper on the Prussic Acid, in which 
an. invitation is given ‘0 physicians to transmit their remarks 
en the trial they may have made with this active agent ; [ 
now beg leave to avail myself of it, and hope that you will 
pardon my prolixity. 

Itis now more than nine years since I ¢ gave an attention 
to this subject,* nor did I then know, that the Prussic acid 

* In Dr. Thatcher’s interesting work, entitled, Observations on Hydro- 
phobia, p. 280, the following note occurs: ‘’The cherry laurel is the same 
as the lauro-cerasus, of which we have a particular account in Cullen’s 
Materza Medica, as being one of the most deadly of all the vegetable poi- 
sons. A cautious use of it has been attempted m some diseases, and my 
friend and correspondent, Dr. B. Lynde Oliver of Salem, has recently em- 


Dr. Oliver on the Prussic Acid. 183 

had been prescribed in Europe, nor have I since seen any 
evidence of such early prescription.* ‘The inclosed cer- 
tificate+ will prove that, since 1811, the Prussic acid has 
been prepared in this town, and has also been kept for sale. 
I believe that many quarts of the article have been sold 
during the last nine years, and prescribed. Ata sale at the 
Chemical Laboratory, not long since, a very considerable 
quantity was found on hand, and sold. 

| By-referring to my common place-book, I find, that it 
was in the autumn of 1811, that I prevailed on Mr. John 
Hunt, Chemist and Apothecary, to make for me a small 
quantity of the Prussic Acid. It was prepared according 
to the process of Dr. Schaub (vide Med. Repos. Hexade 
2d, Vol. I. p. 314,) and afforded the characteristic smell, 
and when tested, gave evidence of the presence of the 
Prussic principle. 

ployed it, and contemplates prosecuting his experimental tests relative to its 
medical properties. The Prussic Acid is obtained from the lauro-cerasus, 
and is also a deadly poison to animals. There is evidently an affinity be- 
tween the laurel and the wild black cherry, (prunus Virgina,) the kernels 
of which have long been known to prove poisonous. These several sub- 
stances having attracted the attention of Dr. Oliver, were subjected. to his 
experimental inquiries, and he has suggested the trial of them in hydropho- 
bia. He proposes for trial the Prussic acid, as being readily obtained by a 
chemical process, and. as affording the efficient principle in the lauro-cera- 
sus. The leaves of ths black-cherry might subserve the purpose of a sub- 
stitute. He judiciously observes, that it is sufficiently unpleasant to admin- 
ister poisons before their precise dose is ascertained, but medicines and 
poisons are convertible terms, and differ only in their doses.’? See Murray’s 
Materia Medica. Dr. Thatcher’s Book was printed in 1812—but the cor- 
respondence of the parties was several years antecedent to the publication. 

* This was 1ith July, 1820, when the communication was dated—but a 
delay in printing of it, has given occasion to an addition of later date. 

+ Anderson Township, Hamilton County, State of Oirio, Nov. 16, 1820. 
This may certify, that in the: autumn of the year 1811, at the request of 
Dr. Benjamin Lynde Oliver, and_ by directions received from him, the sub- 
scriber, then an inhabitant of Salem, Massachusetts, and by occupation 
Apothecary and Chemical Operator, prepared a quantity of prussic acid, 
and after testing it in the presence of said Oliver, delivered a portion of it 
for the use of a patient then under said Cliver’s care, And that the sub- 
seriber delivered the prussic acid (at the order of said Oliver,) for the use 
of a number of patients, previous to the winter of 1812-13, when he deliy- 
ered it for the use of his brother, William Hunt, of Salem, Massachusetts. 
And further, that the Prussic acid was not known to the Apothecaries of 
Salem as a medicine, antecedent to Dr. Oliver’s order on the subscriber for 
the preparation of it. ; 


184. Dr. Oliver on the Prussic Acid. 

Some of the first experiments which I made with this 
' pail agent, gave rather flattering results, although. it 
afterwards Bien failed in giving the rele anticipated. Such, 
however was the success ‘attending my trials, that I was in- 
_ duced to recommend the acid io my medical brethren. 
Several of them administered it, and with a success that oc- 
casioned a demand for the article in the shops. Antece- 
dent to my researches, the acid had not been seen in this sec- 
tion of the country, nor had any conjecture been made of its 
medical properties, that I have heard of by any person; but 
of this the early date itself of the certificate affords paaer 
_ sumption. 

The circumstances which igaeed me to turn my 3 atten- 
tion to the subject were, the want of success attending the 
common modes of treating the phthisis pulmonalis, and my 
having a very near relation in the incipient stage of that 
disease,* I had read in Murray’s Apparatus Medicarninum, 
(when treating on the subject of prunus lauro-cerasus,) the 
following, “ Unica brevitate laborat Linnei (Amen. ac. Tr. 
4, p. 30,) effatum, quod folia per Belgium usitatissima sunt 
pro infusione in morbis pulmones depascentibus (utor vero 
propriis ejusdem verbis) Phthisis eundem intellexisse, ex 
libro ejus de Materia Medica colligo, in quo hie morbus 
significatur.”” Some other hints to the same purpose, by 
anhicn writers, are to be found in the same article. The ex- 
periments made with the aqua lauro-cerasus, by Dr. Brown 
Langrist, had also suggested to my mind the probability of 
the laurel proving a useful medicine. About the year 1810, 
a small quantity of laurel-water came into my possession ; 
I prescribed it m the case of my relation with good effect, 
and likewise in the case of one other patient laboring under 
the same disease. But my laurel-water became exhausted 
in a short time. . I then applied to the late Professor Bar- 
ton of Philadelphia, to ask his aid in procuring for me some 
_ of the leaves of the prunus lauro-cerasus. He very kindly 

‘sent me a small quantity which was all that could then be 
procured. A tincture was made of the leaves, which, on 
trial, yielded the same result as the laurel-water. ek here 

* T have spoken of the disease as being in the incipient stage, as the ex- 
pectoration was not purulent, but such progress had the malady made, thet 
most of the persons who saw the patient supposed it would prove fatal; and 
_ one physician pronounced that the disease appeared like desperate phthisie. 

Dr. Oliver on the Prussic Acid. 185 

again, the medicine was exhausted before the cure of the 
disease. ‘This put me upon reflecting, that if I could pro- 
cure the Prussic acid, that I then should be able to prescribe 
the efficient principle of the lauro-cerasus, and might then 
command any quantity of it. JI therefore applied to the 
Chemist above mentioned, and was furnished with the de- 
sideratum. It was prescribed for my relative, and soon 
manifested. its good effects in relieving the cough, promoting 
appetite, and shortly producing a complete suspension of the 
malady. In several other patients, it appeared to palliate 
the symptoms. In some other cases little or no effect was 
manifested. 'This failure in the acid, I am now inclined to 
think, arose from its degeneration and decomposition, either 
from the agency of the vehicle it was exhibited in, or from 

the dose not having been accommodated to its deteriora- 

tion. Although this want of success in many of the cases 
lessened’ my confidence in the remedy, yet it did not pre- 
vent me from prescribing it. I soon after saw two more ca- 
ses of phthisis which were cured by the acid. They had 

not reached the purulent stage. 

I have generally found it necessary to increase the dose 
of the acid, until it manifests its effects on the system by 
producing a pain of the head or dizziness. There are, 
however, some constitutions found in which those symptoms 
do not readily take place from the action of any dose, in 
which it is prudent to give the acid, but who still derive 
benefit from its use : and on the other hand, some are found 
in whom a very small dose excites much disturbance in the 
system, and who can scarcely bear the medicine in any 

Iam not certain that I have ever seen any permanent 
bad effects from its cautious exhibition. I have known, 
however, when the dose has been augmented too suddenly, 
a very great distress to be excited in the stomach, attended 
with dizziness and faintness, accompanied with a rapid 
pulse. These symptoms often being followed with retching, 
on the patient’s lying down on the bed soon went off, and 
left her remarkably well afterwards. 

I have seen two cases of mania, attended with obstruct- 
ed catamenia, which were cured by the acid; the disease, 
however, recurred in one or both patients. I once exhibit- 
ed the prussic acid to a patient, who had long laboured un- 

Vou. MJ.....No. 1. 24. 

186 Dr. Oliver on the Prussve Acid. 

der an organic disease of the heart—the malady was attended 
with great palpitation of that organ, and pain at the breast, 

and insufferable sense of anguish on ascending an eminence; 
the patient told me that he could not “bear the medicine 
as it exasperated all his complaints.” I had some doubts 
whether the disease was to be classed with Angina Pectoris, 
or the one before mentioned. Probably, both diseases 
sometimes proceed from the same source. Dr. Willan has 
remarked, that almost all the cases of Angina Pectoris he 
had known, arose from organic disease of the heart. Does 
it not afford some reason for conjecturing, from the bad ef- 
fect of the prussic acid, that the group of symptoms de- 
nominated Angina Pectoris, may arise from a sudden loss 

of irritability in the muscular fibres of the heart? and do’ 

not the effects of stimuli in relieving a paroxysm of Angina 
Pectoris countenance the same conjecture ? I have found 
the acid remarkably increase the appetite for food. - I havé 
known it to be useful in a case of stricture in the esopha- 
gus, and asthma. J have seen it give more sudden relief in 
whooping cough, and in the late influenza, than any medi- 
cine I ever exhibited. I once prescribed it in a case of 
hydrophobia, but without success. The acid in this case, 
itwas afterwards found, had lost much of its virtue, although 

it was not rendered entirely inert. In this case, the acid was. 

given freely, but | now much regret that it had not been 
more freely given, or that it had not possessed more virtue. 

1 should hope, that the unfavourable result of this case, 
would not prevent the farther trial of the hydrocyanic acid 
in hydrophobia, as it seems to me, to be a medicine of 


much promise 5 and for the reasons before assigned, it seem- 

ed here not to aus had a fair trial. 

The prussic acid which I have used, has been much 

weaker than that of Scheele, or the preparation used in 
France and England. As Gay Lussae tells us, that the 
pure prussic acid will be decomposed in an hour; and as 
we know that of Schecle will retain its virtue much longer, 
may we not infer that a preparation which is still weaker, 
will retain its strength much longer? Tam satisfied, that I 
have seen some of the Salem preparation, (which i is origin- 
ally weaker,) and have prescribed it after it has been made 
more than a year, when it has evinced its retention of its 
virtue by the cure of the disease it was prescribed for. 

Effects of the Prussic Acid, 187 

I do not recollect to have heard, that the laurel-water is 
liable to lose its strength by keeping, and this may be con- 
sidered as a dilute prussic acid. 

If the above facts be correct, may we not infer from them, 
that a weak preparation of the acid is better to be kept in the 
shops than a stronger? and also for another very important 
consideration, that the danger of too large a dose being ad- 
ministered, is very much lessened. 

L should recommend the trial of the prussic acid in An- 
gina Trachealis or Croup, but not to the exclusion of bleed- 
ing, and the other remedies which have had the sanction of 
experience. As the prussic acid has the power of repressing 
mordinate arterial action, and also the property of lessening 
the tendency to spasmodic action in the muscular fibre, we 
may expect, from the first, a diminution of the inflamma- 
tion; and from the latter, that it would counteract the dis- 
position to a fatal spasm of the glottis, which even a small 
portion of the adventitious membrane formed in croup, is 
liable to excite, if it happen to be placed near the glottis. 
Analogy, in other cases of internal inflammation of hollow 
cavities, leads to the conjecture, that in irritable habits, such 
spasm may occur even from the bare inflammation of the 
parts: a still farther argument for the ue an of the 

I am, Sir, with great respect and esteem, 
Your obedient servant, 


Arr. XXVII.—Reports and Memoranita of cases in which 

the Prussic Acid has been administer ed. 

1. By Dr. J. A. Assebies of Brattleborough, Ver (Com- 
- munication dated Aug. 4, 1820. 

_ Miss P. Keyes, a young lady of about twenty, for three 
years had laboured under a protracted cough. It was of 
that species produced by catarrh, in which the mucous 
membrane of the bronchia appears to be the seat of the 
complaint. She had no symptoms which would denote the 
incipient stage of either tubercular or apostematous phthisis. 

188 Effects of the Prussic Acid. — 

A great variety of medicines had been used without any 
Sensible benefit. About a year since, she commenced the 
use of the hydrocyanic acid, in doses of two drops, every 
four hours, diluted in water. In a few days the cough be- 
gan to abate, and in a week or two she was entirely free 
from the complaint. Since which time, her health has 
been almost uninterruptedly good. She finds, however, 
that a slight catarrh will sindare a return of cough, but this 
has, usually, abated with the other catarrhal symptoms ;—if 
not, a few drops have, always, produced a cure. 

Another Lady, in whom symptoms of tubercular phthi- 
sis were well marked, experienced much benefit from the 
use of the acid in doses of two drops every four hours; the 
cough became less tedious, the hectic abated, and the pulse 
diminished from ninety to seventy-five per minute, in twen- 
ty-four hours from the commencement of the use of the 
acid; but the head became giddy to such a degree as to 
render it necessary to diminish the quantity taken. The pa- 
tient continued, apparently, gaining for ten days, when there 
was an increase of the symptoms—an increased quantity of 
the acid again abated the symptoms, eight or ten days long- 
er, when the violence of the symptoms returned, but could 
not be relieved by the acid, nor r by apy other medicine _ 

I have used the acid in several other cases, with various . 
degrees of success. From all of which, and from what has 
been published, I have no doubt that the: hydrocyanic acid 
is one of the most valuable sedatives we possess. To digit. 
purp. it is to be preferred on account of its not producing 
those tremors, and that disagreeable depression which are 
sometimes known to follow the use of that doubtful remedy. 
The disagreeable effects from the use of the acid, will 
abate on a subduction of the medicine, but the unpleasant 
effects from the use of digitalis are well known to continue 
several days ;—And, further, it may be asked whether the 
use of digitalis, in hectic cases, does not serve to under~ 
mine the already shattered constitution? 

Il. By Professor Dewey. 

As our physician had some ekhes cases, I made for him 
some prussic acid, accordivg to Scheele’s pracess. It has 

Effects of the Prussic Acid. : 189 

now been used for some weeks, with favorable results so far. 
it has been used for asthma with complete success in a 
case of long standing. In the whooping cough, its effects 
are very favorable, as tried thus far. In some instances it 
produces sleep—pleasant indeed—but the person would fall 
asleep when he seemed fully awake—sleep but a short time 
—but drop asleep again unexpectedly. Ina case of almost 
constant cough, and laborious breathing when there was not a 
cough, and which had not been affected by any medicine tried 
for weeks, it effected a cure in two days, attended with reno- 
vated health. The patient had been sick for three months 
with fever. In one hectic case fast becoming past cure, 
the acid had a very good effect, and also in two others, one 
of which commenced with bleeding at the lungs, almost to 
death. It remains to be seen how permanent its influence 
will be. I suppose the acid has usual strength, for inno case 
have more than two drops been given in twenty-four hours. 

If. From Dr. J. W. Wesster. 

Dr. Webster informs the Editor, that he has prescribed. 
the Prussic acid in many cases, in the Boston Alms-House, | 

especially in spasmodic asthma, and chronic coughs, with 
the greatest benefit. As an external application to irritable 
ulcers, it has also proved exceedingly beneficial. 

May 13, 1820. 

IV. By Dr. 1. 8S. Comstock, Hartford. 

Cases illustrating the effects of the Prussit Acid, as a reme- 
dy t im Pulmonary Diseases. 

Case Ist. A. M. aged about thirty, had been afflicted 
with symptoms of tuberculous phthisis for more than two 
years—had during that time made use of a great variety of 
medicines, and had taken a journey of several hundred 
miles on horseback, into a more temperate climate, without 
any permanent benefit. His cough, the most distressing 
symptom, was of the tickling kind, not attended with ex~ 
pectoration, but an unremitted irritation of the trachea de- 
prived him of comfort and of rest. This was not at ali 
times sufficient to produce the convulsive motion of the 


190 Effects of the Prussic Acid, 

diaphragm ; but only a heaving of the chest, a burried re- 
spiration, and an expansion of the ale nasi. When the 
cough occurred, the turns of which were frequent, partic- 
ularly towards morning, it was dry, hollow, and gave that 

peculiar sound, as though the quantity of air respired was 

not sufficient to fill the tube through which it passed. Ap- 
petite tolerable—digestion more or less bad—bowels cos- 
tive—countenance pale and hollow—emaciation considera- 
ble—able however to walk about, and attend to some busi- 
ness—pulse sixty-nine in a minute. 
In this state, Sept. 2d, 1820, he beeen to ned the e prussic 
R Syrup Sugar i ounce. 
Water vii ounces. Cr as " 
Prussic Acid 64 drops. 
He began by taking three drachms of this julep three 
times a day. For a few days, no apparent effect was 

produced’ on any of his symptoms. On the fifth day there- 

fore the dose was increased to half an ounce of the julep, 
five times a day, making twenty drops of the Prussic acid 
in twenty-four hours. The effécts of the remedy now be- 
came obvious; and on continuing it for several weeks, and 

- watching all the symptoms of the patient, and consequences 

of the medicine, with much attention, I am confident that 
the following observations on this case are well founded. 
“Ist. The pulses being counted three times a day for 
eighteen days, it was found that no effect on the number of 
pulsations was produced. It was however obvious that the 
medicine had its influence over the heart and arteries—the 
peculiar tense, or windy feeling of the pulse being changed 

“to comparative softness, and gave to the touch a more heal- 

thy and agreeable sensation. 

“Qd. ‘The costiveness was obviated by the remedy. 

3d. The appetite, and digestive powers were improved. 

Ath. Its immediate effects were stimulant and cordial. 

_ 5th. Its secondary effects were soporific, so. that the pa- 
tient frequently found it difficult to keep himself awake after 
he had taken a dose of four drops. This effect was uni- 
form for several weeks, but different m degree. 

6th. Immediately after swallowing a dose of the prussic 
acid, the patient experienced a peculiar sensation, approach- 
ing to numbness, and which he described as beginning at 

eS Se yee Yee 


Effects of the Prussic Acid. 191 

the head, and gradually approaching the extremities. This 
sensation lasted only a few moments, and was followed by 
no disagreeable consequences. _ 

7th. It seemed to produce a slight degree of stricture 
across the chest. ‘This effect was not, however, so clearly - 
ascertained as the others, this symptom not always following 
the use of the remedy. 

8th. On intermitting the remedy, its good effects, par- 
ticularly on the cough, became much more apparent than 
when the patient was under its immediate influence. This 
observation has been verified in several cases. 

This patient, after taking the prussic acid for several 
weeks, became obviously much better in many respects.— 
The digestive powers were improved—the appetite better 
~~sleep less disturbed by turns of coughing—countenance 
observed by every one to look more healthy. The cough, 
however, did not cease to be troublesome, and indeed seem- 
ed to be Jess affected by the remedy than any of the other 
symptoms, and it is but fair to state, that notwithstanding 
the indications of returning health, as above described, the 
medicine, either by continued use, or the influence of the 
cold season on the patient, seemed afterwards to lose its 
powers, and was finally discontinued. The patient, how- 
ever, is still confident that the prussic acid has been of es- 
sential service to him, and will probably again resume its 

Case 2d. C.A. laborer aged twenty-seven, of a healthy 
constitution, but bilious habit, on exposure to cold was seiz- 
ed with a violent catarrhal affection, attended with a dis- 
tressing cough, which left him scarce any repose day or 
night ; at night particularly, the cough became so exaspe- 
rated as almost entirely to deprive him of rest. When I 
saw him, five weeks after the commencement of his com- 
plaint, his countenance was pale, languid, and shrivelled ; 
and he was apparently worn out by the violence of his dis. 
ease, and the want of ordinary sleep—pulse feeble, but not 
much accelerated—complained of great muscular debility, 
so that slight exercise produced copious sweating. For 
these complaints he had already taken the usual remedies 
prescribed by physicians, without any relief. 

In this state, I prescribed for him the prussic acid in do- 
ses of three drops, three times a day, in a convenient vehi- 

192 Hffects of the Prussic Acid. 
ele. This quantity was to be increased, one drop each 
day, or until it produced some obvious effect. The good 
consequences of this course were immediate, and altogether 
beyond my expectations. 

Having been for the last two weeks distressed by a con- 
stant irritation of the trachea, and unable to obtain much 
repose, he found the first night, after taking the remedy, that 
ihese symptoms were so much alleviated, that he enjoyed a 
night’s rest, to which, for many weeks, he had beena stran- - 
eer; and by persevering in the same course, for a single 
week, he was perfectly cured, without any other medicine. 

Case 3d. L. C. aged six years, (October, 1820,) was 
siezed with a violent catarrhal affection, attended with a 
shrill and nearly convulsive cough, difficulty of respiration, 
and great anxiety. Pulse quick—tongue furred with a 
white coat—hot surface—and loss of appetite. Had taken 
various remedies without alleviating the cough, difficulty of 
breathing, or other symptoms. In this state, the third day 
after the attack, I prescribed for her the prussic acid in do- 
ses of one drop every two hours, in simple syrup. The 
promptness with which this prescription relieved my little 
patient of her most pressing symptoms, gave the highest 
satisfaction to her anxious friends, and to me an unequivo- 
cal pledge of the power of the remedy in such cases. Af- 
ter three or four doses, the cough and difficult respiration 
began to subside, and completely disappeared under its 
use in about two days. 

This being the only case in which I have used the prus- 
sic acid when the system was laboring under considerable 
febrile affection, it may be proper to remark, that I did not 
observe the immediate action of the remedy to have the 
least influence on any of the symptoms of fever, which the 
case exhibited. The fever, being of the sympathetic kind, 
and depending on the irritation, which the remedy seemed 
so promptly to control, of course began to subside when 
its cause was diminished, and finally, was cured with it. 

In this, and the last related case, it was as obvious to me 
that the symptoms of disease were cured by the prussic 
acid, as it is in ordinary cases that opium relieves those of 
the same, or of any other description. © a 

Case 4th. A child aged two years, had been afflicted 
with the whooping cough about two weeks. I prescribed 

Effects of the Prussic Acid. 193 

half a drop of prussic acid, in sweetened water, every two 
hours; to be increased to a drop on the next day. The 
mother, who knew nothing of the nature of the medicine, 
informed me that, on increasing the dose, the child became 
dizzy, and could not walk strait, but observed no other con- 
sequence. She was therefore advised not to increase the 
quantity above the half drop. The first effect was to di- 
minish the aggravated, and distressing paroxysms of cough- 
ing which afflicted the patient, particularly during the night, 
and to procure some repose. The medicine being continu- 
ed, the symptoms gradually disappeared, until at the end of 
about one week, I was informed by the mother that the child 
had no more turns of coughing, and was in fact cured of all 


T have witnessed the operation of the Prussic acid in ten 
or twelve cases, all of them diseases of the lungs or catarr-. 
hal membrane. . 

That it acts with tense energy on the living system can- 
not be doubted by any one who has made experiments with 
it on animals or insects, and that it possesses great power as 
a medicine, when given in proper doses, will not be denied 
by those who have administered it as such. 

But whether its effects are directly sedative, as supposed 
by Dr. Magendie, Orfila, and others, may reasonably admit 
of doubt. It is well known that the principle of life may be 
as completely (and even more quickly) destroyed, bya stimu- 
lant which shall, in an instant exhaust the sensorial power 
beyond a certain point, as by any means with which we 
are acquainted. 

The effects of lightning and electricity. are examples. 
Here not only the phenomena of life, but the principle of 
irritability itself becomes extinct ina second of time. And 
we know of a great variety of stimulants which produce 
the same effect, the time being in inverse propernign to the 
energy with which they operate. 

But it may be fairly doubted, whether we are acquainted 
with any substance which affects the principle of life by di- 
rectly destroying the source from which the sensorial power 

Vor. Bboy No. 1 us 25 

194 Effects of the Prussic Acid. 

emanates, or which prevents its influence in any way, but 
by exhaustion. | is LE 
The instantaneous operation of the prussic acid, in large 

doses, is then, in this respect, analagous to that of other 
powerful stimuli. But we are not acquainted with a single 
substance ever denominated sedative, which acts with any 
comparative promptness. — ae ae mph 
- In case Ist, related above, it is stated that the prussic acid 
operated as a cordial and stimulant. As a proof of this, it 
is proper to state that the patient, whenever he felt unusual 
lassitude or fatigue from exercise, was for many weeks in the 
habit of taking a dose of four or five drops, particularly be- 
fore dinner; which not only had the effect to relieve those 
feelings, but also to promote his appetite. That such ef- 
fects necessarily involve the quality of a stimulant in the 
article taken, I believe will not be denied. 

Its laxative power, which I have witnessed in several in- 
stances, is a further proof of the same quality. The fact 
also, that it sometimes produces stricture across the chest is 
another proof that it is not a direct sedative, but would 
seem to show that it possesses some tonic, as well as stimu- 
lant powers. . 

Its secondary, or sedative effects seem to be peculiar ; 
and in greater proportion to the excitement produced, than 
is common to other stimulants. These effects seem also to 
be more permanent, particularly on the irritability of the 
membranes, but without producing any perceptible influ- 
ence In retarding the action on the heart and arteries. 

In the second and third cases it produced all the good 
effects in calming the cough and irritation, which we com- 
monly expect from opium—but with this obvious difference, 
-that the prussic acid seemed to cure those symptoms, which 
are only palliated by the use of opium. If future experi- 
ments should prove this to be the case, the prussic acid 
must become an article of the highest importance to physi- 
cians, since, besides its curative powers, its use is not fol- 
lowed by the disagreeable consequences which frequently 
attend opium, and might, undoubtedly, be given in many 

eases in which that article is inadmissible. re 

In catarrhal affections, attended with membranous irri- 
tation, cough, &c. whether recent or of long standing, T am 
satisfied that this is a medicine of peculiar powers. 

Effects of the Prussic Acid. 196 

In the first stage of catarrhal, or tuberculous phthisis, I 

am induced to believe, from Re sions made on five ca- 
ses, that it will alleviate most of the urgent symptoms.— 
Whether it will cure patients actually laboring under con- 
sumption, in any stage of the disease, is, perhaps, as yet 
undecided. But by the controul which it appears to pos- 
sess over the morbid irritation of the membranes, there is 
little doubt but it will, at least for a time, retard the progress 
of the disease, and prevent the approach of ulceration. 
This position seems, indeed, to have been proved in a 
‘considerable number of instances. 
In cases where the lungs are already ulcerated, with the 
concomitants of the third stage of consumption, there is no 
reason to believe it does any permanent good. I have 
known one instance, however, of this kind, where it seemed 
to operate as a palliative, by obviating the costiveness, and 
lessening the disposition to cough. 

One word concerning the mode of giving the prussic acid, 
and I have done. 

As this article is given only by drops, I have fund: it 
most convenient to measure out a certain number of fluid 
drachms of the vehicle, as of syrup of Tolu or of sugar 
and water, into which is then dropped, one or two drops of 
prussic acid to each drachm, The paee a is then a measured 
quantity of the julep. - 

I have known several instances ales the medicine lost 
its effect by being exposed to the light, by taking out the 
cork several times a day from a vial of unmixed prussic 
acid, for the purpose of dropping out each dose, or from 
leaving the cork loose. 

V. By Dr. A. S. Monson, of New-Haven. 

I would notice the following case as illustrative of the 
beneficial operation of the prussic acid in incipient phthisis. 
The patient had been subject to chronic catarrh for seve- 
ral years, to dyspnoea after much bodily exercise, and lat- 
terly to slight cough, expectoration, and pain in the breast; 
which symptoms, by recent additional colds, had been much 
The expectoration, mixed ott Reiid blood, had now he 
come purulent and dark coloured, of a very offensive teal 

196 Effects of the Prussic Acid. 

and a considerable haemoptysis soon supervened. ‘The 
usual remedies were resorted to. The abatement of cough 
by the use of opium was not sufficient to counterbalance » 
the inconvenience resulting to the patient from its use ; nor 
was the haemoptysis (which was considerable every forty- 
eight hours) lessened by depletion, een medicines, 
spare diet, &c. &c. 

The phosphorous acid most certainly and most speedily 
suppressed the hemorhage from the lungs, but so iene as 
the cough continued it was certain to return. 

Under these circumstances, the use of the prussic acid 
was advised and commenced. By its prompt administra- 
tion, the cough was soon subdued, and with it, the other 
concomitant symptoms. Its use was continued, as the 
cough appeared to demand it, for about forty days. The 
patient was bled twice, and during the latter part of the 
time, for several days, took the tincture digitalis to diminish 
the frequency of the pulse. With a view F of lessening the 
offensiveness of the expectoration, he inhaled carbonic acid 
gas; but whether any advantage was gained by it was diffi- 
cult to decide. id 

The feetor diminished with the quantity of the expecto- 
ration, until what was expectorated became mere mucus, 
and finally ceased entirely. Small hopes were entertained 
of a recovery in this case, either by physicians, or by the 
friends of the patient. The expectoration was, on inspec- 
tion, pronounced purulent, and the simplest test confirmed 
itto beso. The patient has often called on me to ac- 
knowledge his gratitude ; and is, at this time, perfectly free 
from cough, and from every other symptom of disease. 

Communicated by a Cotsen 

A site with the signature of W. in the last sfueiteh of 
the New-England Journal of Medicine and Surgery re- 
lates three cases of the unfavourable Bpevatices of the prus- 
_ sic acid. 

He commenced under the impression that the dose usu- 
ally administered is from six to twelve drops, and says he 
began with four, and never increased the dose beyond ten 
drops given twice or three times a day. What physician, at 
all acquainted with the strength of this article as it is com- 

Effects of the Prussic Acid. 197 

monly employed in medicine, would not be prepared, on 
reading this paragraph, to expect worse consequences than 
what actually ensued. ; : 

But what result should we not anticipate from the unpre- 
cedented dose of eight drops to a child, only seven or eight 
years old! : 

It seems that the dose of the medicine was so great in 
the first case as to produce loss of sense and of motion; the 
same symptoms precisely which result from too great a 
dose of opium. 

The unwillingness of the writer, at first, to refer these 
symptoms to their true cause, argues his inexperience in the 
use of the powerful medicine he was administering. 

The second case above referred to, is one of a lady, who 
after taking a second dose of five drops, experienced a 
strange disturbance in the head, and symptoms of debility. 

In this case ‘the patient had no suspicion she was taking 
a medicine possessed of any peculiar violence.” Without 
adverting to the necessity of cautioning the patient of the 
power of any medicine, in order to ensure accuracy in the 
dose, we cannot help animadverting upon the impropriety 
of such bold prescription, in the case of a remedy of almost 
unexampled energy. 

It is the gradual effect of the medicine upon the system, 
resulting from moderate doses, continued for some time, up- 
on which all its medical efficacy depends. 

Who can, with impunity, prescribe, in large doses, opium, 
digitalis, corrosive sublimate, or arsenic, or any of the more 
powerful articles of the Materia Medica? What violent and dan- 
gerous symptoms might we not reasonably expect, were we 
to prescribe for a dose, thirty-two drops of digitalis, or five 
grains of corrosive sublimate, or ten grains of arsenic? To 
obtain the salutary effect from any of them, they must be 
administered in smaller doses, and with the necessary pre- 
caution to the patient not to exceed the prescribed dose. 

We would refer this writer to the researches and experi- 
ments of Magendie and others on prussic acid—by which 
we think he will be convinced that even prussic acid may 
be administered with safety if administered also with due 
caution. ne 


198 Effects of the Prussic Acid. 
SP an lite A depts aR aati 

VI. A useful little volume ns been published in New- 
Haven,* containing a transcript of Dr. Magendie’s memoirs 
on the prussic acid, with prefatory remarks by the trans- 
lator, Dr. J. G. Berea al with some additional cases of the 
use of the acid, and an appendix by Dr. Alfred S. Monson. 
“It will afford much useful information to those who wish to 
employ this acid. 

The following is Dr. Monson’s process for preparing the 
acid : 

Pour into a glass retort, eighteen fluid ounces of a satu- 
rated solution of prussiate of mercury, at the temperature 
of 65° of Fahrenheit; add to it two ounces and an half of 
iron filings; pour upon these, two ounces by weight, of 
strong sulphuric acid, and distil off two fluid ounces into a 
receiver containing one fluid ounce of distilled water. The 
receiver must be surrounded with ice, and covered with a, 
cloth to render it dark. 

To get rid of the colouring matter, together with some 
sulphuric acid, and iron that come over, it may be redistilled 
from dry carbonate of lime. 

A tubulated receiver is employed: this is connected with 
the retort by means of one or two adapters of common 
length; the junctures are made perfectly tight, a tabe of 
safety leads from the tubulure of the receiver into a little 
water, and a tube descends from the retort to the bottom of 
the receiver. 


Dr. Monson, in the volume mentioned above, observes: 
*‘In forming the prussiate of mercury, I have observed, 
(and the same fact was noticed by Professor Silliman ) that 
if only half as much of red oxid of mercury as of Prus- 
sian blue be used, as directed by Scheele, the whole of the 
Prussian blue is not decomposed, and more of the prussiate 
of mercury is obtained, by adding more of the red oxid, 
and boiling them again. 

To ascertain the precise quantity required to produce a 
saturation, I have employed several proportions. From 
these experiments it results, that where the materials are of 

* By Howe & Spalding, and A. H. Maltby & Co. 

Or Le up ee 

Notice, &c. 199 

the best quality, two and a half parts by weight, of the red 

oxid, to four of the Prussian, blue, is the best proportion. I 
prefer using a larger quantity of water thanis directed, to aid 
the mutual action of the Prussian blue and of the oxid of 

Sixteen fluid ounces of distilled water, at the temperature 
of 65°, will hold in solution five hundred and thirty-five 
grains of erystalized prussiate of mercury. 

Pi * & x % * 


Dr. Atrrep S. Monson, of New-Haven, and Dr. J. L. 
Comstock, of Hartford, constantly keep the Prussic Acid 
for sale for the use of Physicians. 

On the fidelity and accuracy of these gentlemen, entire 
reliance may be placed; and those who wish for supplies 
of the Prussic Acid are, by their permission referred to them. 

=r BQO«- 

Tuis number, having already exceeded the size of any 
preceding one, and containing thirty-nine pages over the 
stipulated amount of matter, it is with great regret, that 
the Editor is compelled to postpone many miscellaneous 
articles which were in readiness. Among them were a No- 
tice of the Achzologia Americana—of Professor Gorham’s 
Chemistry—of the Revue Encyclopedique of Paris—of Mr. 
Brongniart’s Geological opinions concerning certain Ameri- 
can Formations, and of specimens sent by him to illustrate 
the art of making porcelain—of the American Geological 
Society, and of donations to it, especially of a splendid 
one by the President, Mr. Maclure—of some original Ob- 
servations of Professor Hare—of new Localities of Ameri- 
can Minerals—of articles of Foreign Intelligence, by Pro- 
fessor Grisecom—and of others, by Dr. J..W. Webster, &c. 
&c. We hope to give most of them in our next, which 
mav be expected (1). V.) in May. 


4 ae ip 
ae 9. 
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Art. I.— Account of the Native Copper on the southern 
shore of Lake Superior, with historical citations and mis- 
cellaneous remarks, in a report to the Department of War ; 
by Henry R. Scnooicrartr : 

: a. 


(The following letter accompanied Mr. Schoolcraft’s Report.) 
Ausany, Feb. 16th, 1821. 


Accrevasty to your request, and the permission of the Sec- 
retary at War, I enclose you a copy of my report on the 
Copper Mines of Lake Superior. In preparing it, I have 
consulted the former travellers of the region, and by com- 
bining their remarks with my own, endeavoured to present, 
in an embodied form, all the information extant upon the 
subject. It has been a cause of regret to me however, that 
more time was not devoted to the mineralogy and geology 
of that section of country, but it appeared incompatible 
with the more important objects of the expedition, and 1 
could only make use of the time that was allowed to me. 
In presenting the subject to the Secretary at War, I thought 
my observations would be more acceptable in a practical 
and business form, than as assuming the character of a sci- 

-entific memoir, and in choosing an intermediate course, I 

have probably said more on the geology of the country than 
Vou. TIL...No. 2. "26 

ee ih sliailt ee 
202: » Jr. Schoolerafiten the 

may be thought important to the statesman, and less than 
will we considered satisfactory to the professed geologist 
and scientific amateur. A few marginal notes have there- 
fore been added, but I have been studious not to overload 
the original MSS. in that way. I do not send the views 
and geological charts accompanying the report to Mr. Cal- 
houn, as it would be very inconvenient at the present period 
to copy them, and as the subject may be sufficiently under- 
stood without these embellishments. ; 

- With respect to the deductions, so far as science is con- 
cerned, it is hoped they will be read with. candour, and 
therefore submit them to your, judgment and to that of the 
scientific public. 

With great respect, and regard, 
your most obedient servant, 

“Vernon, Oneida Co. (N. ¥.) Nov. 6th, 1820. | 
“* Hon. Jonn C. Caunoun, Secretary at War, 

“TF have now the honor to submit to you such observa- 
tions as have occurred to me, during the recent expedition 
under Gov. Cass, in relation to the Copper Mines of Lake 
Superior; reserving as the subject of a future communica- 
tion, the facts I have collected on the mineralogy of the 
country explored generally. 

The first striking change in the mineral aspect of the 
country north of Lake Huron, is presented near the head of 
the Island of St. Joseph in the river St. Mary, where the 
calcareous strata of secondary rocks are succeeded by a 
formation of red sand-stone, which extends northward to 

the head of that river at Point Iroquois, producing the falls _ 

called the Sault de St. Marie fifteen miles below, and thence 
stretching northwest along the whole southern shore of Lake 
Superior to the Fond du Lac, and into the regions beyond. 
This extensive stratum is perforated at various points by up- 
heaved masses of granite and hornblende, which appear in 
elevated banks on the margin of the lake between Dead riv- 
er and Presque Isle, and from the Porcupine mountains ten 

Native Copper of Lake Superior, &c. 203 

leagues to the west of the Ontonagon river. It is overlay- 
ed in other parts by a stratum of grey sand-stone, resembling 
certain varieties of grauwacke, of uncommon thickness, 
which appears in various promontories along the shore, and 
at the distance of ninety miles from Point Iroquois, consti- 
tutes a lofty perpendicular wall upon the water’s edge cal- 
led the Pictured Rocks, which is one of the most com- 
manding objects in nature. So obvious a change in the 
geological character of the rock strata in passing from lake 
Huron to lake Superior, prepares us to expect a correspond- 
ing one, inthe imbedded minerals, and other natural associa- 
t1ions,—an expectation which is realized during the first 
eighty leagues, in the discovery of red hematite, prehnite, 
opal, jasper, sardonyx, carnelion, agate, and zeolite. 

The first appearances of copper are seen on the head of 
the portage across Keweena point, two hundred and seventy 
miles beyend the Sault de St. Marie, where the pebbles 
along the shore of the lake contain native copper dissemi- 
nated in particles varying in size from a grain of sand to a 
lump of two pounds weight. Many of the detached stones 
at this place are also coloured green by the carbonate of 
copper, and the rock strata in the vicinity exhibit traces of 
the same ore. ‘These indications continue to the river On- 
tonagon, which has long been noted for the large masses of 
native copper found upon its banks, and about the contigu- 
ous country. This river (called Donagon on Mellish’s Map) 
is one of the largest of thirty tributaries which flow into the 
lake between Point Iroquois and the Fond du Lac. It orig- 
mates in a district of mountainous country intermediate be- 
tween the Mississippi river and the fakes Huron and Superi- 
or, and after running in a northern direction for one hun- 
dred and twenty miles, enters the latter at the distance of 
fifty one miles west of Point Keweena, in north latitude 46° 
52! 2 according to the observations of Capt. Douglass. It 
is connected by portages with the Menomonie river of 
Green Bay, and with the Chippeway river of the Mississip- 
pi, routes of communicatien occasionally travelled by the 
Indians in canoes. At its mouth there is a village of Chip- 
peway Indians of sixteen families who subsist chiefly on the 
fish (sturgeon) taken in the river; and whose location, in- 
dependently of that circumstance, does not appear to unite 
the erdinary advantages of Indian villages in that region. 

204 Mr. Schoolcraft on the 

A strip of alluvial land of a sandy character extends from 
the lake up the river three or four leagues, where it is sue- 
ceeded by high broken hills of a sterile aspect and covered 
chiefly by a growth of pine, hemlock, and spruce.. Among 
these hills, which may be considered as lateral spurs of the 

Porcupine mountains, the Copper Mines, so called, are situ-— 

ated, at the distance of thirty two miles from the lake, and 
in the centre of a region characterized by its wild, rugged, 
and forbidding appearance. The large mass of native cop- 
per reposes on the west bank of the river, at the water’s 
edge, and at the foot of avery elevated bank of alluvion, 
the face of which appears, at some former period to have 
slipped into the river carrying with it the mass of copper 
together with detached blocks of granite, hornblende, and 
other bodies peculiar to the soil of that place. ‘The copper, 
which is in a pure and malleable state, lies in connexion with 
serpentine rock, the face of which, it almost completely 
overlays, and is also disseminated m masses and grains 
throughout the substance of the rock.(1) The surface of 
the metal, unlike most oxydable metals which have suffered 
a long exposure to the atmosphere, presents a metallic bril- 
liancy ;* which is attributable either to alloy of the pre- 

(1) In preparing this report, a more particular description of the geog= 
nostic character of this mass of copper was deemed unnecessary, but in 

presenting it for the perusal of the amatuers of natural science, it may be’ 

proper to add—that the serpentine rock is not in situ, nor is it so found in 
any part of the regions visited. To account for its appearance in a section 
of country to which itis geologically foreign, it would be necessary to enter 
into the enquiry ‘‘by what means have the loose masses of primitive rocks. 

been transported into secondary countries’’—an enquiry which is incom- 

patible with the limits of this report, and which, moreover would, in itself 
furnish the subject of a very interesting memoir. I will now however 
suggest, what has struck me im passing through that country—that the Por- 
cupine mountains which are situated thirty miles west, are the seat of ex- 
tinguished volcanoes that have thrown forth the masses of native copper 
which are found (as will be mentioned in the sequel) so abundantly through- 
out the region of the Ontonagon. This opmion is supported by the fact 
that those mountains are composed (so far as observed) of granite, which is 
probably associated with other primary rocks, and among them serpentine— 
that the red sand-stone rock at their base is highly inclined towards the 
mountains so as to be almost vertical, and apparently thrown into this 'posi- 
tion by the up-heaving of the granite—and also, that their elevation which 
has been calculated by Capt. Douglass and myself at 1800 feet above the 
level of lake Superior—their conical and rugged peaks, and other appear- 
ances, are such as frequently characterize volcanic mountains. _ 

* This however, is 20 uncommon appearance of native copper.—Eb. 

Native Copper of Lake Superior, &c. 205° 

«ious metals, or to the action of the river, which during its 
semi-annual floods carries down large quantities of sand 
and other alluvial matter that may serve to abrade its sur- 
face, and keep it bright. The shape of the rock is very 
‘irregular—its greatest length is three feet eight inches—its 
greatest breadth three feet fourinches, and it may altogether 
contain eleven cubic feet. In size, it considerably exceeds 
ihe great mass of native iron found some years ago upon 
the banks of Red River in Louisiana, and now deposited 
among the collections of the New-York Historical, Socie- 
ty, (1) but on account of the admixture of rocky matter, is ~ 
inferior in weight. Henry, who visited it in 1766 estima- 
ted its weight at five tons. (2) But after examining it with 
scrupulous attention, I have computed the weight of metal- 
lic copper in the rock at twenty two hundred pounds. ‘The 
quantity may, however, have been much diminished since 
its first discovery, and the marks of chissels and axes upon 
it with the broken tools lying around, prove that portions 
have been cut off, and carried away. The author just quo- 
ted observes ‘that such was its pure and malleable state, 
that with an axe he was able to cut off a portion weighing 
a hundred pounds.” Notwithstanding this reduction it may 
still be considered one of the largest and most remarkable 
bodies of native copper upon the globe, and is, so far as 
my reading extends, exceeded only by a specimen found in 

avalley in Brazil weighing 2666 Portuguese pounds. (3) 

Viewed only as a subject for scientific speculation, it pre- 
sents the most interesting considerations, and must be re- 
garded by the geologist as affording illustrative proofs of an 
important character. Its connexion with a rock which is 
foreign to the immediate section of country where it lies, 
indicates a removai from its original bed, while the intimate 
connexion of the metal and matrix, and the complete en 
velopement of individual masses of the copper by the rock, 
point to a common and contemporaneous origin, whether 
that be referable to the agency of caloric or water. ‘This 
conclusion admits of an obvious and important application 

(1) See Bruce’s Mineralogical Journal, p. 124, 218. 
(2) See Henry’s Travels and adventures, p. 205. 

(3) Philips’ Mineralogy. 

206 Jr. Schoolcraft on the 

to the extensive strata of serpentine and other magnesian 
rocks found in various parts of the globe! The Ontonagon 
river at this place is broad, rapid and shallow and filled with 
detached masses of rock out of place, which project above 
the water, and render the navigation extremely difficult, 
during the summer season. The bed of the river is upon 
sand-stone similar to that which supports the Palisadoe 
rocks upon the Hudson. There is an island nearly in the 
centre of the river which serves to throw the current against 
the west bank where the copper reposes, and which as it 
is the only wooded island noticed in the river, may serve 
to indicate the locality of this mineral treasure to the future 

Several other masses of native copper have been ae 
on this river at various periods since it has been known to 
Europeans, and taken into different parts ef the United 
States and of Europe, and a recent analysis of one of these 
specimens at the University of Leyden, proves it to be na- 
tive copper in a state of uncommon purity, and uncombin- 
ed with any notable portion either of gold or silver. 

A mass of copper discovered by the Aborigines on an 
island in lake Superior at Point Chegoimegon eighty miles 
west of the Ontonagon, weighed twenty eight pounds, and 
was taken to the island of Michilimackinac some years ago 
by M. Cadotte, and disposed of. It was from this mass 
that the War Department was formerly supplied with a spe- 
cimen, and from which the analysis alluded to, is also un- 
derstood to have been made. About eleven years ago, a 
trader by the name of Campbell procured from the Indians 
a peice of copper weighing twelve pounds which they 
found on an island in Winnebago lake, about a hundred 
miles in a direct line east of the copper rock on the On- 
tonagon. This was also taken to the Island of Michili- 
‘mackinac and there disposed of. Other discoveries of this 
metal in masses, varyjng from one to ten pounds are stated 
to have been made on the shores of lake Superior—the Fox 
river—the Chippeway—the St. Croix, and the Mississippi . 
about Prarie du Chien, but the statements do not rest on suf- 
ficient authority to justify any particular enumeration. The 
existence of copper in the region of lake Superior appears to 
have been known to the earliest travellers and voyageurs. 
As early as 1689 the Baron La Hontan in concluding a de- 

Ne ee 


Native Copper of Lake Superior, &. 207 

scription of that lake adds “that upon it, we also find cop- 
per mines, the metal of which is so fine and plentiful, that 
there is not a seventh part loss from the ore.” (1) In 172} 
Charlevoix passed through the lakes on his way to the 
gulf of Mexico, and did not allow the mineralogy of the 
country to escape his observation. ‘ Large pieces of cop- 
per,” he says in speaking of lake Superior, “are found in 
some places on its banks, and around some of the islands, 
which are still the objects of a superstitious worship among 
the Indians. They look upon them with veneration as if 
they were the presents of those gods who dwell under the 
waters; they collect their smallest fragments which they 
carefully preserve without however making any use of them. 
They say that formerly a huge rock of this metal was to 
be seen elevated a considerable height above the surface 
of the water, and as it has now disappeared, they pretend 
that the gods have carried it elsewhere ; but there is great 
reason to believe that in process of time the waves of the 
lake have covered it entirely with sand and slime; and it is 
certain that in several places pretty large quantities of this 
metal have been discovered without being obliged to dig 
very deep. During the course of my first voyage to this 
country, I was acquainted with one of our order (Jesuits) 
who had been formerly a goldsmith, and who, while he was 
at the mission of Sault de St. Marie used to search for this 
metal, and made candlesticks, crosses, and censers of it, for 
this copper is often to be met with almost entirely pure.” (2) 

In 1766, Capt. Carver procured several pieces of native 
copper upon the shores of lake Superior, and about the 
sources of the Chippeway and St. Croix rivers, and pub- 
lished an account of these discoveries in his book of travels, 
which has served to give notoriety to the existence of that 
metal in the region alluded to, without however furnishing 
any very precise information as to its locality or abundance. 
He did not, from his own account traverse the southern 
shore cf the Jake, but states that virgin copper is found in 
great plenty on the Ontonagon or Copper Mine river, and 
about other parts of lake Superior, and adds—“ that he ob- 
served many of the small islands, particularly those on the 

(1) La Hontan’s voyages toe Canada,p. 214. 

(2) Charlevoix’s Journal of a voyage to North America, vol. 2. p. 45. 

208 Mr. Schoolcraft on the 

eastern shores, were covered with copper ore, which appear- 
-ed like beds of copperas, (sulphat of iron) of which pany 
tons lay in a small space.” (1) 

Five years after Carver’s visit (A. D. 1771,) a conemee 
able body of native copper was dug out of the alluvial earth 
on the banks of the Ontonagon river by two adventurers of 
the name of Henry and Bostwick, and, together with a lump 
of silver ore of eight pounds welehe of a blue colour and 

semi-transparent, transported to Montreal, and from thence 
shipped to England, where the latter was deposited in the 
British museum after an analysis of a portion of it, by 
which it was determined to contain 60 per cent of silver. (2) 
‘These individuals were connected with a company which 
had been formed in England for the purpose of working 
the copper mines of lake Superior, among whom were the 
Duke of Gloucester, Sir William Johnstone, and several 
other gentlemen of rank. ‘They built a small vessel at 
Point aux Pins, six miles above the Sault de St. Marie, to 
facilitate their operations upon the lake, and a considerable 
sum of money was expended, first,—in exploring the north- 
ern shore of the lake, and the island of Maripeaux, and af- 
terwards,—in the mining operations which were authorized 
upon the banks of the Ontonagon. ‘These transactions will 
be best illustrated by a quotation from the narrative account 
which Henry has himself published. After returning from 
the Canadian shore of the lake, and passing Point Lroquois, 
where the silver ore was found, he observes,—‘‘ Hence we 
~eoasted westward, but found nothing till we reached the 
Ontonagon, where, besides the detached masses of copper 
formerly mentioned, we saw much of the same metal: im- 
bedded wn stone. Proposing to ourselves to make a trial on 
the hill, till we were better able to go to work upon the sol- 
id rock, we built a house and sent to the Sault de St. Marie 
for provisions. At the spot anes upon for the com- 
mencement of our preparations, a green coloured water 
which tinges iron of a copper colour, issued from the hill, 
and this the miners called a leader. In digging they found 
frequent masses of copper, some of which were of three 
pounds weight. Having arranged every thing for the ac- 
commodation of the miners, during the winter, we return- 
-ed to the Sault. 

(1) Carver’: Travels p. 67. (2) Henry’s Travels, p. - 30. 

JVative Copper of Lake Superior, &c. 209 

“Early in the spring of 1772 we sent a boat load of pro- 
' visions, but it came back on the 20th day of June, bringing 
with it, to our surprise, the whole establishment of miners. 
They reported that in the course of the winter they had 
penetrated forty feet into the face of the hill, but on the ar- 
rival of the thaw, the clay on which, on account of its stiffness, 
they had relied, and neglected to secure it by supporters, 
had fallen in aes from the detached masses of metal, 
which to the last had daily presented themselves, they sup- 
posed there might be ultimately reached a body of the same, 
but could form no conjecture of its distance, except that it 
was probably so far off as not to be pursued without sinking 
an air shaft; and lastly,—that the work would require the 
hands of more men than could be fed in the actual situa- 
tion of the country. Here our operations. in this quarter 
ended. The metal was probably within our reach, but if 
we had found it, the expence of carrying it to Montreal 
must have exceeded its marketable value. It was never 
for the exportation of copper that our company was form- 
ed, but always with a view to the silver, which it was hoped 
‘the ores, whether of copper or lead, might in sufficient 
“quantity contain.” 

Eighteen years after the failure of this. acme (1789) 
Mc Kenzie passed through lake Superior on his first voyage 
of discovery into the pound and in his description of lake 
‘Superior says,—‘‘ On the same side, (the south) at the riv- 
er ‘Tennagon, is found a quantity of virgin-eopper. The 
Americans, soon after they got possession of that country, 

sent an agent thither; and I should not be surprised to hear 
of their employing people to work the mine. Indeed, it 
might be well worthy the attention of the British subjects 
to work the mines on the north coast, though they are not 
supposed to be so rich as those on the south.” (1) 

The attention of the United States government appears 
first to have been turned toward the subject during the ad- 
‘ministration of President Adams, when the sudden augmen- 
tation of the navy rendered the employment of domestic 
copper in the equipment of ships, an object of political as 
well as pecuniary moment; and a mission was author- 
ized to proceed to lake Superior. Of the success of this 

3 (1) McKenzie’s Voyages, p 
Vot. iL. iow? 27 

210 ? Wr. Schoolcraft on the  - 

mission, as it has not been communicated to the public, 
nothing can with certainty be stated, but from the enquiries 
which have been: instituted during the recent expedition, it 
is rendered probable, that the actual state of our Indian re- 
lations at that period arrested the advance of the commis- 
sioners into the regions where the most valuable beds of 
copper were supposed to lie, and that the specimens trans~ 
mitted to government were procured through the instru-— 
mentality of some friendly Indians. cmpleyed for that pate, : 

Such are the eles which those who ie preceded me 
in this enquiry,, have thrown upon the subject, all of which 
have operated in producing public belief in the existence 
of extensive copper mines upon lake Superior, while trav- 
ellers have generally argued that the southern shore of the 
lake is most metalliferous, and that the Ontonagon river may 
be considered as the seat of the principal mines. Mr. Gal- 
latin in his report on the state of American manufactures in 
1810 countenances the prevalent opinion, while it has been 
reiterated in some of our literary journals, and in the nu- 
merous ephemeral publications of the times, until the public 
expectation has been considerably raised in regard to them. 

Under these circumstances the recent expedition under 
Gov. Cass, entered the mouth of the Ontonagon river on — 
the 27th of June, having coasted along the southern shore 
of the lake from the head of the river St. Mary, and after 
spending four days upon the banks of that stream in the ex- 
amination of its mineralogy, proceeded on the first of July 
towards the Fond du. Lae. While there, the principal part. 
of our force was encamped at the mouth of the river, and 
the Governor, accompanied only by such persons as were — 
necessary in the exploration, proceeded in two light canoes © 
to the large mass of copper which has already been deseri- 
bed. We found the river, broad, deep, and gentle for a dis- 
tance, and. serpentine in its course,—then becoming nar- _ 
rower,-with an increased velocity of current, and before. 
reaching the copper rock, full of rapids and difficult of as- 
cent. At the distance: of three or four leagues from the 
lake, it is skirted on either side by a chain of hills whose — 
extreme elevation above the bed of the Ontonagon may be 
estimated at from three to four hundred feet. These hills 
appear to be composed of a nucleus of granite, rising 

JNVative Copper of ‘Lake Superior, Fe. ali 

ihrough a stratum of red sand-stone, and covered by a very 
heavy deposit of alluvial soil full of water worn fragments 
of stones and pebbles, and imbedding occasional masses of 
native copper. Suchis the character of the country in the 
immediate vicinity of the copper rock, and thelatter is man- 
ifestly one of those imbedded sabeenece. which has been 
fortuitously exposed to the powerful action of the river 
against an alluvial bank. 

During our continuance upon this stream we found, or- 
rather procured from the Indians, another mass of native 
copper weighing nine pounds (Troy) nearly ; which will be 
forwarded to the War Department. This specimen is par- 
tially enveloped by a crust of green carbonat of copper. 
which is in some places fibrous, and on the under side mix- 
ed with a small portion of adhering sand, and some angular 
fragments of quartz, upon which it appears to have fallen 
in aliquid state. ‘There is also an appearance of crystal- 
ization upon one side of it, and a portion of adhering black 
oxyd, the nature of which it is difficult to determine by 
ocular imspection. Several smaller pieces, generally weigh- 
ing less than a pound, were also procured during our ex- 
eursion up the Ontonagon, and in the regions east of it, but 
all, excepting those cut from the large mass, are somewhat 
oxydated, or otherwise encrusted upon the surface. ‘The 
geological structure of the country in detail, and the mine- 
ral appearances of the shore about the copper rock and 
at other points along the river, between that and the lake, 
are also of a highly interesting character, but do not appear 
to me to demand a more particular consideration in this re- 

The discovery of masses of native copper is generally 
considered indicative of the existence of mines in the 
neighborhood. ‘The practised miner looks upon them as 
signs which point to larger bodies of the same metal in the 
earth, and is often determined, by discoveries of this nature, 
‘in the choice of the spot for commencing his labours. The 
predictions drawn from such evidence, are also more san- 
guine in proportion to the extent of the discovery. It 
is not, however, an unerring indication, and appears liable 
to many exceptions. A detached mass of copper is some- 
times found at a great distance from any body of the met- 
al, or its ores; and these on the contrary, often occur in the 

212), Mr. Schoolenaje on the 

earth, or imbedded in rock hse where here) has been no 
external discovery of metallic copper to indicate it. So far 
as the opinions of mineralogical writers can be collected on 

this point, they teach,—that large, veins of native copper | 

are seldom found, but that it is frequently disseminated in 
masses of various size in the rocks, and among the spars 

and ores of copper and other mines; and when found in 
scattered masses upon the surface, is ‘yather to be consider-— 
ed as a token of the existence of the sulphuret—the car-_ 
bonate, and other ores of copper, within the circle of coun- . 
try where it occurs, than as the precursor to, contiguous: 
bodies of the same metal. “ Native copper” says Cleye- 
land, “is found chiefly in primitive rocks, through: vpetiied it 

is sometimes disseminated, or mége freqaéntly at éfitgrs into 
the composition of eeiie veing, which traverse these ‘rocks. 

It is thus connected with gramte, gheiss, micaceous-and ar-_ 

gillaceous slates, granular, limestone, chlorite, serpentine, 
Aeansition and secon- 

porphyry, &c. It also occurs. im: 
dary rocks. It accompanies other: gres of copper, as the 
red oxyde, the carbonate and sulphuret of copper, pyzitous 
and grey copper, also the red and brown oxides of iron, 
oxide of tin, &c. Its usual gangues are quartz, the fluate 

and carbonate of lime, and sulphate of barytes. At Ober- 
stein it occurs in prehnite; and in the Faroe islands, it ac~ 

companies zeolite. 

‘« Native copper is not rare, nor is it found in ‘coflicient 
quantity to be explored by itself. It sometimes occurs in 
loose, insolated masses of considerable size.” (1) 

From all the facts which I have been able to cola: on. 

lake Superior, and after a deliberation upon them since my 

return, | have drawn the following conclusions :— 

Ist. That the alluvial soil along the banks of the ‘Onto 

agon river, extending to its source, and embracing the con- 

tiguous region which gives origin to the Menomonie river of 
Green Bay, and to. “the Ousconsing, Chippeway and St. 

Croix rivers of the Mississippi, contains very frequent, and 
some most extr aordinary imbedded masses of native copper; 
but that no body of it, which is sufficiently. extensive to be- 
come the object of profitable mining operations, is to be 
found at any particular place. This conclusion is support- 

x be 

(1) Cleveland's Mineralocy, YP. 450. 

Native Copper of Lake Superior, §:c. 213 

ed by the facts already adduced, and so far as theoretical 
aids can be relied upon, by an application of those facts to 
the theories of mining. A further extent of country might 
have been embraced along the shore of lake Superior, but 
the same 2 eli pears applieablento tte oes.) 

2d. That a mineralogical survey of the rock formations 
skirting the Ontonagon, including the district of country 
above alluded to, would result in the discovery of very val- . 
uable mines of the sulphuret, the carbonate and other prof- 
itable ores of copper; in the working of which the ordi- 
nary advantages of mining would be greatly enhanced by oc- 
casional masses, and veins of native metal. ‘This deduction 
is rendered probable by the general appearance of the coun- 
iry, and the concurrent discoveries of travellers,—by the 
green coloured waters which issue in several places from 
the earth,—by the bodies of native copper found,—by the 
cupreous tinge which is presented in the crevices of rocks 
and loose stones,—by the geological character of the coun- 
try, and by other analagous considerations. _ 

These deductions embrace all I have to submit on the 
mineral geography of the country, so far as regards the 
copper mines. Other considerations arise from the facili- 
ties which that section of country may present for mining 
operations,—its adaptation to the purposes of agriculture,— 
the state, and dispositions of the Indian tribes, and other 
iopics, which a design to commence metallurgical opera- 
tions, at the present period would suggest. But lam not 
aware that any such views are entertained by government, 
and have not considered it incumbent upon me in this com- 
munication, to enter into details on these subjects. K 
may be proper, however, to remark, that the remote situa- 
tion of the country containing the most valuable mines, 
does not, at the present period, favour the pursuit of min- 
ing. It would require the employment not only of the ar- 
tificers and labourers necessary to conduct the working of 
mines, but also, of a military force to protect their opera- 
tions,—first, while engaged in exploring the country, and 
afterwards, in their regular labours. For, whatever may 
be their professions, the Indian tribes of the north, possess 
strong natural jealousies, and in situations so remGte, are to 
be restrained from an indulgence in the most malignant pas- 
sions, only by the fear of a prompt military chastisement. 
In looking upon the southern shore of lake Superior, the 

Bit; |) cca TAS Schoolcraft on the 

period appears distant, when the advantages flowing : from a 
military post upon that frontier, will be produced | by os 
ordinary progress of our settlement ;—for it presents: few 
enticements to the agriculturalist. A coysiderable portion 
of the shore is rocky 3 3; and its alluvions a general of too 
sandy and light a texture for profitable husbandry. With 
an elevation ‘of six hundred and forty one feet above the 
Atlantic ocean, (1) and drawing its waters from territories 
all situated north of the forty fourth degree of north lati- 
tude, lake Superior cannot be represented as enjoying a 
climate very favourable to the productions of the vegetable 
kingdom. Its forest trees are chiefly those of the fir kind, 
mixed with white birch, (betula papyracea, the bark of 
which is so much employed for canoes by the northern In- 
dians,) and with some varieties of poplar, oak, and maple. 
The meteorological observations which I have made, indi- 
cate however, a warm summer, the average heat of the 
month of June being 69°, but the climate is subject to a 
long and severe winter, aa to storms, and sudden trans- 
_itions of temperature, during the summer months. We saw 
no Indian corn among the savages upon this lake, whether 
the climate is unfavorable to its ‘growth, or the wild rice (ze- 
zania aquatica) furnishes an adequate substitute, is not, cer- 
tain. A country lacking the advantages of a fertile ‘soil, 
may still become a very rich mining country, like the coun- 
ty of Cornwall in England,—the Hartz mountains in Ger- 
many, and a portion of Missouri in our own country ; but 
this deficiency must be compensated by the aUvANIAB eS of 

(1) This level is predicated upon the following facts and estimates which 
J extract from my “ Narrative Journal.’’ 
“Elevation of lake Erie above the tide waters of the Hudson ac- ce 
cording to the Fepeee of the New-York Canal Commission- - jo 

ers = - - = 560° 
Estimate fall of Detroit river 20 miles at 6 ae permile - ~ ae > 10 
-  §t. Clair River 30 miles at 4imches  . - = 10 
Rapids of St. Clair River at the outlet of lake Huron, in the 
_ distance of three miles ares) 
Estimated fall of the river St. Wary, Geeeeen the Detour. and 
_ Point Iroquois, 60 miles at three inches per mile, Cans not } 
included) — -  - - - + - Bi if a eee 375 
Nibish Rapid - - - -  -  - eet =) GOs 
Sugar Island Rap id - - ein - 6 
Sault de St. Mavi ae Gecorawn to Col Gratiot) se? e - uD 10. 

ENE oT ‘Level of Lake Sypeiion G41, ut 


Native Copper of Lake Superior, &c. oe 

seographical position, contiguous, or redundant population, 
and the facilities of a ready commercial intercourse. To 
these, the mineral district of lake Superior can advance but 
a feeble claim, while it lies upwards of three hundred miles 
beyond the utmost point of our settlements on the north- 
western frontier, and in the occupation of savage tribes 
whose hostility has been so recently manifested. Concern- 
ing the variety, importance, and extent of its mineral pro- 
ductions, little doubt can remain. Every fact which has 
been noticed tends to strengthen the belief, that there are 
extensive copper mines upon its shores, while the informa- 
tion that has been gathered in the course of the late mission, 
renders it certain that not only copper, but iron, lead, plumba- 
go, and sulphur are productions of that region, together with 
several of the precious silicious, (1) and crystalized minerals. 
It is rendered probable also, that silver ord 1s imbedded in the 
transition rocks of the region; and whenever it shall be- 
come an object with the American government, or people, 
to institute mineralogical surveys of the country, no doubt 
can be entertained but such researches will eventuate in dis- 

-coveries of a highly interesting character, and such as can- 

not fail, both to augment our sources of profitable industry, 
and to promote our commercial independence. In the 
event of such operations, the facilities of a ready transpor- 
tation, either in vessels or barges, of the crude ore to the 
Sault de St. Marie, will point out that place as uniting with 
a commanding geographical position, superior advantages 
for the reduction of the ores, and for the subsequent conver- 
sion of the metal either into ordnance or other articles. At 
this place a fall of twenty two feet in the river in the dis- 
tance of half a mile, creates a sufficient power to drive hy- 

(1) The Carnelion is first found on approaching the Pictured Rocks on 
lake Superior, and afterwards becomes very abundant along the shore ex- 
tending to the Fond du Lac. Sandy lake on the head of the Mississippi 
isa good locality of this mineral, and it is found around the shores of the 
numerous little lakes in that region. In descending the Mississippi it is con- 
stantly met with in the alluvial ‘soil. At the foot of the Falls of St. Antho- 
ny itis sparingly found; around the shores of lake Sepin it is very abund- 
ant, and it may be traced below Prairie du Chein, and evenas low as St. 
Genevieve, as | have mentioned in my view of the mines. According to 

the classification of Werner, which is founded on “alternate bands of red i 

and white,” many of these specimens may be considered as Sardonyx. 
They are often associated with common chalcedony, with cacholong, and _ 
‘with certain varieties of agate and flinty j jasper. {na few instances the 
common opal, in small fragments, is met with. 

216 Letters of Mr. Brongmart with remarks. 

‘diate works to any extent; while the surrounding coun- 

try is such as to admit of an ‘agricultural settlement. 
_ Laccompany this report with a geological chart of a ver- 
tical section of the left bank of the Mississippi at St. Peters, 
embracing a formation of native copper, and in which the 
superposition of the layers of rock, and the several subde- 
posites forming the alluvial stratum, exhibit a remarkable 
order. “Che curvatures in the lines of the alluvial stratum, 
represent a natural mound or hillock recumbent upon the 
brink of the river, which has partially fallen in, thus expo- 
sing its internal structure. The formation was first noticed 
by the garrison who quarried stone for quicklime, and for the 
purpose of building chimneys, at this spot. The masses of 
copper found are all small, none exceeding a ound m en 

I have the honour to be sir, ea awl 
with great respect, and regard, — a) 

your most obedient servant, 


Art. I].—Miscellaneous suedanod relating to ee 

Mineralogy and some connected topics, in extracts of let- 
ters from Mr. Aurx’r. Bronentart, member of the Roy- 
al Academy of Sciences, Engineer of Mines, &c. of Paris 
with remarks by the Editor to whom the letters were As 
dressed. Nat rab 

Tue observations of Mr. Brongniart, especially on some 
American localities will probably be interesting and instruc- 
tive to others in this country, as they have been to us; this 
has induced us to give publicity to remarks which although 
“not forwarded for this purpose, cannot fail to do honour to 

Ri mee respectable author. . . 

His first letter, dated Oct. 9, 1819, is a reply to one ac- 
ine American specimens transmitted. to him, and 
about some of which his ‘opinion was asked. Mr. Bu ae 
art observes :— 

*T transmit you to-day through the intervention of Mr 
- Doolittle, 

“J. A collection sufficiently complete, of substances 
adapted to the manufacture of porcelain, and illustrative of 
the principal changes and processes which these substances 

Letters of Mr. Brongniart, with remarks, 217 

undergo, in arriving at the condition of Porcelain. ‘The cat- 
alogue which is in the box will give you an idea of the order 
of these processes.” MEET G i 
Mr. Brongniart, as is well known, is director of the great 
National manufactory of Porcelain, at Sevres, near Paris, and 
therefore, authentic specimens, of this kind received from him, 
must be regarded as particularly valuable. A mere translation 
of the catalogue, (which is however, full and detailed) without 
an exhibition of the specimens, would probably not be very 
useful. We will content ourselves with saying, that the 
‘specimens are very instructive, and conduct the observer, 
gradually, from the crude natural clay, sand, white feldspars, 
decomposed graphic granite, &c. through the regular series 
of changes, till we arrive at the finished vessel, possessing 
the whiteness, lustre, infusibility,* imperviousness to fluids, 
and delicate translucence, which are among the qualities that 
characterize one of the most perfect and beautiful produc- 
tions of human skill... The tablets that illustrate the paint- 
ing of the porcelain, are particularly elegant, and embrace 
most of the colours that are applied for the purposes of dec- 
oration. 2 nite 
Gold and platina are applied in the metallic state, and bur- 
nished so as to produce the proper lustre and colour of those 
metals. But, in most instances, the metallic oxids, applied 
by the pencil, are incorporated by heat, and actually form 
part of the substance of the porcelain, so that the colours 
cannot be discharged, and are scarcely liable to fade even 
by the action of light. Thus, cobalt gives an intense blue- 
chrome—a grass-green, and gold-rich purples and violets. 
The principle of their application is the same with that of 
lass and enamel staining, and the superb painted glass win- 
dowsin the Gothic Cathedrals in Europe evince both the early 
perfection of the art, and the endurance of these colours, from 
century to century, in unfaded splendor.t These facts are 
finely illustrated by Mr. Brongniart’s specimens, which will 
be freely submitted to the view of those whom either curi- 
osity or interest may allure to this subject. Before return- 

* By furnace heats. 

+ It isalmost unnecessary to remark, that the colours of the animal and 
vegetable kingdom which form our common dyes are inapplicable in 
cases where they must be burnt ¢f, as it is termed; they would of course be 
destroyed. . 

Vot. II.....No. 2. 28 


218 Letters of Mr. Brongmart, with remarks. 

ing to the letter, we will add (a fact that appears not to be 
generally known in this country,) namely, that the steel lustre 
on porcelain is metallic platina, and that the copper lustre is 
metallic gold to which this particular tinge is imparted by 
an umber basis below—the gold being partially pervious to 
light and the only metal that is so. It is sufficiently curious 
that the gold is applied to the porcelain in the condition of 

 fulminating oxid ; the oil of spike is used to make it adhere, 
and the fulminating properties are gradually destroyed with- 
out an explosion.* 

The time will arrive, when the manufacture of Tene 
will become a great object in this country, and we cannot be 
too early in acquiring the requisite information. 

Mr. Brongniart goes on to mention, | 

«2, Some minerals and rocks from the environs 5 of Pac 
and from France, and even from foreign countries, which 
(he adds) I hope will be interesting to you.” ' 

Among these specimens are many illustrating the - mine- 
ralogical : survey of the environs of Paris, made by Messrs. 
Cuvier and Brongniart; they are particularly valuable in 
that connexion, and especially as giving precise ideas of the 
signification of ‘the terms used by those gentlemen. 

«3. Distinct copies of some of Mr. Brongniarts works— 
he observes, 

‘J would also have added a copy of my essay upon the 
classification of mixed rocks, published in 1813, &c. but I 
have only one perfect copy. Besides, I have since that pe- 
riod made many changes in this classification, and I intend, 
as soon as possible to publish a new and much more com- 
plete edition than the first.” __ 

This remark is cited that Geologists n may avail themselves 
of Mr. Brongniart’s aid, as soon as his new edition shall ap- 
penss we shall not fail to give our readers the earliest notice 
of it 

In justice to the numerous contributors to this work, we 
feel authorized to publish the following remarks upon, the 
American Journal, which if it were exclusively or even prin- 
cipally our own production, we should of course suppress. 

“J have received sir, and I continue toreceive, with regular- 
ity, your J ournal of Science and Arts, and J return you my par-: 

* A private communication from London to the Editor. 

Letters of Mr. Brongmart, with remarks. 219 

ticular thanks for your kindness in sending itto me. I have 
not only myself derived from it both pleasure and instruc- 
tion, but f have put in the power of various persons to en- 
joy it also, and they as well as myself find it very well exe- 
cuted and consequently very interesting. I was gratified to 
observe that you had been so kind as to insert the notice 
upon the manner of collecting petrifications; a notice 
which I had not myself published except for the promotion 
of my own views; still 1 tender you my acknowledgments. 

*‘ But I reserve for the end of this letter, the object that 
has interested me most, and that which has been with mea 
subject of instruction and of very varied reflections—name- 
ly, the rocks and petrifications, which you have had the 
kindness to send me and which I received in October last. 

“‘T have already made an incipient study of them, and 1 
intend to return to it when I shall be able to combine all the 
means adapted to determine exactly or rather more prectse- 
ly these fossil organized bodies. 1 shall confine myself then 
for the present, to the communication of some of the reflec- 
tions, which these rocks have excited, and of some of the 

determinations which I have made respecting them; these 
determinations are made in accordance with the classifiea- 
tion of mixed rocks which I published in 1813. 

“The serpentine of New-Haven, of which you have sent 
me so beautiful a specimen, constitutes one of the ornaments 
of my cabinet and is referred with great precision to my spe- 
cies, ophicalce veinee*, (viz. veined serpentine limestone.) 

“ The rocks which accompany the Anthracites of Wilkes- 

barre and of. Rhode-Island are, according to my classifica- 
tion, the +Phyllades pailletees ; one of them contains the 
impression of a leaf of fern, whose species appears to me a 
little different from all those of Europe which I possess. - 

“| shall be very desirous that circumstances may permit 

you to enrich me still further, with specimens bearing the 
impressions of vegetables, and of all other fossil organized 
bodies, which are found in your coal formations, or in those 
of anthracite, and finally in all your bituminous formations. 

* This remark was quoted in Vol. 2, p. 165, under the head of American 
Yerd Antique Marble. 

+ The Phyllades of Mr. Brongniart are schists with an argillaceous basis, 
céntaining mica, quartz. feldspar. amphibole, marl, &c. 

220 Letters of Mr. Brongniart, with remarks. 

It isa very important object for Geology, to ascertain the 
resemblances and differences which exist between the im- 
pressions in the different countries of the terrestrial globe. 
I have been much occupied in this labour, and my son, who 
is devoted more particularly to botany, than to other branch- 
es of natural history, has aided me effectually in this work. 

«The bituminous formation of Westfield, near Middletown, 
appears to me very different from the formation of coal and 
anthracite of Wilkesbarre and Rhode-Island. You alsore- — 
mark that this coal (if nevertheless it be true coal) is found 
only i in thin veins, that itis bituminous, &c. This forma- 
tion appears to me to have the strongest resemblance to that 
of the bituminous mar! slates of the copper mines in the 
country of Mansfield and Hesse. The presence of copper 
is not an essential thing, and besides, it may be that pyrites 
or some other metallic sulphurets accompany this bitumin-— 
ous formation ; what is certain and very remarkable, is, that 
this bituminous slate i is perfectly similar to that of Mansfield 
and that the impression of a fish, which we find in that which 
you have sent me, is entirely like one of the species of fish- 
es found in the Mansfield slates—it is the Paloeothrissum 
freislebenense of Mr. Blainville—a species of fish altogeth- 
er peculiar; and which has been no where found, except — 
in these formations of bituminous slates—often alliance 
of the mines of Mercury of the Palatinate, and of Musse, 
near Autun, department of the Saone and Loire. Indeed 
sir, the resemblance is so striking, so complete, that if it had 
not been sent by such a person as yourself, I should have 
feared that it was a rock with the impression of a fish, which | 
had been formerly transmitted from Hessia to America, for 
some cabinet, and which oo mse had been 
erroneously labelled. 

“ For the purpose of convincing you of these aloes ; 
so remarkable on account of the great distance, and still, so 
complete, notwithstanding this distance, | send you a spe- 
cimen of the bituminous slate of Mansfield, with the impres- 
sion of a fish, and a very imperfect, but sufficient piece of 
those from the environs of Autun. If you are desirous of a 
greater number of the former specimens, on being made ac- 
quainted with it, I will procure them for you. You per- 
ceive © sir, how this first and singular specimen has excited 
my curiosity, and what a pleasure you will do me if you 

Letters of Mr. Brongniart, with remarks, 221 

can procure others for me. It will be very interesting to 
obtain a suite of all the fossil organized bodies which are 
found in the bituminous formation of Westfield; I am in- 
clined to think for instance, that impressions of genuine ferns 
will be found there; it isa thing to be verified by farther 
observations.” ; ae vam 
Unhappily for science, the research which led to the dis- 
covery of the impressions of fish, alluded to by M. Brongn- 
iart, has been abandoned. There is no doubt however, 
that the specimens were genuine. | bh alee ss 
The person who brought them, obtained them at the depth 
of about 40 feet, while exploring for coal, four miles west 
of Middletown: he brought his chaise box full of them te 
New-Haven; he had probably never heard of the fish of Mans- 
field and Hesse, nor had he any theories, of any kind, to 
serve ; his single object being the discovery of coal for pur- 
poses of profit. It is remarkable that the coincidence 
which struck Mr. Brongniart so powerfully, and in which he 
looked for the additional, although adventitious fact of the 
existence of copper, holds, perfectly, even in that particular. 
The great formation of which the Westfield locality is a por- 
tion, may be denominated the trap formation of New England. 
Excepton the south where it touches the sea at New-Haven., 
it is bounded all around by primitive country. It extends 
more than one hundred miles from the sea coast into the 
interior, and varies in width from three or four to twenty- 
five miles ; ridges of columnar green-stone trap, stretching, 
generally from north to south, in the direction of the length 
of the formation, and sometimes attaining the height of sever 
or eight hundred feet, constitute the most prominent feature ; 
they repose on a sand-stone rock——(considered by Mr. Ma- 
clure as the old red sand-stone) formed by the ruins of 
primitive rocks sometimes unseparated, and varying in its 
composition from a pudding or breccia with very large frag- 
ments, toa fine grained sand-stone, and this in its turn pass- 
es into an argillaceous sand-stone, and in some places into 
slaty clay. Beneath the sand-stone rock, lie slaty rocks 
(we mean argillaceous schist or thonschicfer) of various 
qualities, often divided by thin veins of coal and jet, im- 
pressed with what appear to be reeds and other elongated 
vegetables, and frequently the rock is, throughout, so bitu- 
minous as to burn onthe fire. It was in such strata as 

222 Letters of Mr. Brongniart, with remarks. 

these, that the fish were found at Westfield, beneath argil- 
laceous sand-stone. Now, throughout this whole trap form- 
ation, copper is found—principally in the sand-stone rock 
beneath the trap. [tis in the form of copper pyrites, of — 
oxid of copper, of green and blue carbonat, and of native 
copper.* Many shafts have been opened for working it, and 
the Connecticut state’s prison for convicts is in the aban- 
doned pits and galleries, wrought many years ago, for cop- 
per, in the sand-stone beneath the trap, in the township of 
Granby in Connecticut. The existence of the copper then, 
in this region, fulfils another condition | ‘of resemblance be- 
iween the countries alluded to by Mr. Brongniart, and those 
in this region. We would add, that although no more fish 
have been obtained at Westfield, because the pit has long 
been filled with water, they have been found in various oth- 
er places in the same formation. Particularly at Sunder- 
land in Massachusetts, in rocks that pass under Connecticut 
river; they were discovered by that excellent observer, Mr. 
Edward Hitchcock, who says they are very numerous. 
They are found in the argillaceous sand-stone. ‘The addi- 
tional interest imparted to our trap region by the remarks 
of Mr. Brongniart, with the peculiar nature of the country, 
will, we trust, induce some of our geologists to examine the _ 
entire formation with more scrupulous care, and to give a 
connected report of the whole. It isa feature almost un- 
ique, in American geology, and should not be allowed to re- 
main without a complete and skilful delineation, especially 
as the prehnite, zeolite, chabasie, analcime, laumonite, chal- 
cedony, agate, &c. which are found imbedded in the “ag 
impart an additional interest to the research. 

We return to Mr. Brongniart’s letter :— 

‘The compact blackish limestone from the environs of 
Lake Ontario, contains petrifactions, which I have not yet 
been able exactly todetermine. I suppose that there is one 
species of Orthoceratite, and I observe among them many en- 
trocites. But these generic determinations are too vague, 
and therefore ever inadequate. The case is the same 
with the sand stone of Cayuga, containing ee bine ag 

* For some remarkable examples of very fine specimens As the fatter see 
Vol. J. pa. 55, of this Journal, and Bruce’s Journal, pa. 149; the former cf 
these pieces weighed six, aud the latter ninety pounds, 

Letters of Mr. Brongmart, with remarks. 223 

which I shall perhaps be able, at some future time, to give 
you the exact name. Mee» 

‘‘T had intended to adopt a more exact order, in the min- 
erals and specimens which I send you, but I have made up 
the box by little and little, and it would require too much 
time to commence it anew. You can easily arrange the 
rocks and minerals from the environs of Paris, by means of 
the numbers transmitted by me; the same as those that Mr. 
Cuvier and myself have published in the Geology of this 
country, which work you will find in the case. 

“‘T am afraid that I may have included in this box, many 
things which you already have, but, being without any thing 
to direct me in my selection, I have preferred sending 
some useless pieces, rather than omit any thing which I im- 
agined might interest you. 

“‘If you should entertain the intention of sending me 
some minerals and rocks of your country, I will take the 
liberty of indicating my wishes more particularly. 

“‘Every thing that relates to the secondary formations 
and to the fossil organized bodies which they contain, spe- 
cimens from the formations west of the mountains, and es- 
pecially from the limestones, of all formations, with their 
petrifactions, from the coal strata with their impressions— 
of these I am particularly desirous. 

“‘T perceive that your position will not allow you, in per- 
son, to collect specimens of these rocks, which in general 
appear to be very remote from your residence ; but I sup- 
pose that by means of your pupils and correspondents, you 
can procure some of the objects so useful in my geological 

“T ought not sir, to make all these demands of you if I 
had not received proofs of your civility, and were I not aware 
of your zeal for the progress of natural science. I am de- 
sirous, in return, to render you similar services here, and I 
beg of you to make use of my good will in this respect.” 

In a subsequent letter from the same gentleman, dated 
Nov. 3, 1820—There are remarks relating both to Europe 
and this country, which we are not disposed to withhold from 
our readers. ' 

‘“‘T have been performing a tour, exclusively geological, 
through the whole of Italy, for the purpose of examining 

224 Letters of Mr. Brongniart, with remarks. 

the extent and the nature of the tertiary* formations, anala- 
gous to those in the environs of Paris. I have not only tra- 
ced these formations quite to Rome, but I have fully ascer- 
tained, by conversations with M. Brocchi, that they are 
found also at the extremity of Calabria near Regio. = 
_ “JT have had moreover, a long time, in my collection, a 
piece of madrepore which came from this region, and 
which led me formerly to suppose, the existence of such 
formations, among those that were so far removed from 
what we had been accustomed to consider as their centre ; 
I have learned from him that they exist under the volcanic 
rocks of Ischia; + finally, saw them near Geneva, at a great 
elevation, in the environs of the small town of St. Remo, 
and on my return at the foot of the southern side of the 
Alpes, from Bassano to the environs of Verona at Rouca, 
Bolca &c. 1 am occupied in digesting a notice upon the 
analogy of these formations with ours, and I have learned 
with much satisfaction that Mr. Buckland, who on his return 
from Italy, also saw the same places, observed the same a- 
nalogy, an analogy which holds in almost all the characters, 
and especially in the group (“ensemble”) of fossil ae 
and other marine bodies, which they contain. 

“Thus a definite position is assigned in the strata of the 
globe, to the celebrated fossil fish of Bolca, that is, in the 
tertiary formations in analogy with those in the environs of 
Paris, and with those of other places. Mr. Beudant has 
just found these same formations in Hungary, and Mr. Prevost, 
one of my former pupils, has recently discovered them near 
Baden in the environs of Vienna, in Austria. He has pre- 
pared a memoir on this subject, and will soon read it to the 

_ “But this analogy, so striking and complete, between the 
rocks and the tertiary formations, in countries very remote 
from each other, is not the only one which exists, and which 

_has strongly impressed me as well as Mr. Buckland. 

“The greater part and possibly the whole of the rocks. 
which compose the crust of our globe, present, in their na- 
ture, in their structure, and in their order of superposition 

* We presume coinciding generally with the Seton nts forse of 
pie Ed. 


+A small Istand, scarcely four leagues from N aples. 

Letters of Mr. Brongniart, with remarks. 225 

resemblances so striking, that often it would not be possible 
in a collection, to distinguish a. psammite* or a compact 
limestone which came from England, from one, from the 
environs of Vienna or of Rome, provided the labels did not 
give us information as to the different places. 

‘“‘ Weare certain of these resemblances, as to all the coun- 
iries of Europe, and from indications sufficiently clear, we 
presume them for Asia, Africa, America and the islands.— 
It remains to establish them in a manner evident and cer- 
tain, and to prove that they exist at such great distances. 

“It is for you sir—it is for the numerous and well inform- 
ed geologists, who inhabit the greater part of the American 
states, to follow up these observations, and to put it in our 
power to compare, with precision, the American formations 
with ours; with this view I have already sent to you, and to 
other American naturalists, and I will continue to forward, 
suites of European Rocks. 

“You have also transmitted those that were, in this 
point of view, very interesting, and which I have already 
had the honour to acknowledge. 

“I ask the continuance of these interesting relations, so 
useful to the sciences and to true philosophy and so hon- 
ourable to. myself. 

“I have just terminated a work which I began five years 

ago, upon a family of organized bodies, called trilobites.—- 
I received the last year, from the Royal Academy of Sci- 
ences, an impression in plaster, of an American trilobite 
_sent to the academy by Dr. David Hosack of New-York, and 
which came from the region of Albany. I pointed out in 
my report, the similiarity between the formations in which 
this fossil was found and those in England, France, Sweden 
and other countries of Europe, where the same animal re- 
mains have been found, but at first, I could not establish any 
difference between that of M.Blumenbach and that of M. 
Hosack,—the plaster cast which represented the latter, 
was 50 ill defined, that no exact judgement could be passed 
‘upon the differences or resemblances. 

“Tn repeating these observations, and comparing again, 
this j impression with two other specimens of trilobite, one of 
which alan; came from America, they were united by Mr. 

*A Tae sects sand stone (in Mr, Brongniart’s nomenclature.) _ 

‘Vou. IIl.....No. 2. 29 

226 Letters of Mr. Brongniart, with remarks. 

Ducald. I have discovered characters sufficiently distinct 
to establish a particular species, remarkable for the large- 
ness of the eyes, and which I denominate Calymene macrohp- 
talme. 1 learn from these specimens, and from some 
others which I have received, in different ways—that trilo- 
bites exist in America, as well as in Europe, that the ani- 
mals differ very little (if indeed they constantly differ at all) 
from those of Europe, and that they are, in both cases, found 
in the schists phyllades, or in the transition NRE EEE or 
at least, in those which are very ancient. 

“But sir, these are only first impressions ; i address 
them to you, and to all the American geologists, that you 
and they may enable us either to reduce them to pertains 
or to abandon them. 

‘‘ My son who accompanied me into Italy, and | ule (as 
observed in a former letter) is more particularly devoted to 
Botany, continues his research-upon the determination of fos- 
sil plants. You were so good as to send me pieces, which in 
relation to this subject were very curious, but, unfortunately 
the impressions were not sufticiently diversified or exact, to 
determine the differences and resemblances of the plants, 
belonging to the coal formations of Europe and America. — 

“‘T must then again commend myself to your zeal for the 
advancement of the sciences, and to your kindness towards 
myself. Ishall here terminate this letter, which, already 
too long, would be much more extended still, if I were only 
to glance at the various subjects for reflection ventas my late 
travels have presented.” 

Thus we have taken, we trust, not an improper bats 
with the letters of Mr. Brongniart. We have made the 
most important parts of them public, because we believed 
we could in no way so effectually promote his liberal and 
laudable views, as by exhibiting them in his own language. 
In addition to the observations upon this subject on page 7 
of this volume, we would say, that geological deductions 
drawn from the comparison of a great number of particu- 
lars, collected from many different countries, exhibit a good 
example of the Baconian or inductive course of reasoning, 
and afford us the fairest prospect of arriving at truth. Such 
a research is as different from the visionary hypotheses with 
which geology formerly abounded, as_the analytical course 
of modern chemistry, is from the ancient assumption of the 
four elements. 

Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. 227 

» We may without impropriety, urge on all the friends of 
geology, the importance of aiding Mr. Brongniart in his 
great enterprize. Noman is better qualified to conduct it 
to a successful issue, and after the specimen which we al- 
ready have, of manly, perspicuous and interesting writing in 
Mr. Brongniart’s Elements of Mineralogy, so well known in 
this country, we cannot doubt, that the results of the pres- 
ent research will be communicated to the world ina form 
equally alluring and useful. — . 
We take the liberty therefore to invite our friends and the 
friends of science, especially beyond the mountains, and 
more especially in the vicinity of the various coal and other 
secondary formations, to collect and forward such speci- 
mens as are alluded to above, and such as are described in 
Mr. Brongniart’s note, published in the first volume of this 
work. His address is Paris, Rue St. Dominique, No. 71, 
but we will, when desired, cheerfully act as the medium of 
communication, still giving due credit to the individuals who 
may make efforts on this occasion, so interesting to science, 
and which may be so honourable to the American character. 

Arr. I.—WMiscellaneous notices and memoranda of facts, 
relating to American Mineralogy, and Geology, Local- 
tues of Minerals, &c. &c. 

1. Cursory notice of some parts of North and South Caro- 
lina; by Dr. Timorny Dwicut Porter, one of the 

_ faculty of the Un. of S. Car. in a letter to the Editor, dated 
Cues S. Car. Oct. 18, 1820. 
Dear Sir, 

' T wave recently returned from a hasty ride of about four 
hundred miles, into, and through the Northwestern portions 
of this state.. The limitation of my time was a matter of re- 
gret to me, as it prevented almost entirely any of my favor- 
ite researches. The country which below Columbia is 
very nearly a perfect level, and after, as it were ascending 
one stair at this place, (which is situated on the falls in the 
Congaree, and is said the boundary of the primitive 

228 Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &. 

formation,) continues to exhibit the same appearance for a 
-day’s ride toward the mountains, then becomes undulating ; 
and the hills gradually crease in height, and steepness, till 
they rise into mountains near the Blue ridge. The rocks 
at the falls, at Columbia, are granite—next to these in one 
spot, I noticed on the east side of Broad river, at about 
eight miles distance from Columbia, green-stone; on the 
other side of the same stream none of this latter rock met 
my observation on the route westerly, to Pendleton Dis- 
trict, but instead of it, sand-stone, stratified : and partially 
disintegrated granitic ‘and’ shistose rocks. ‘The surface of 
the earth was covered very extensively, in every part of my » 
ride, with loose irregular fragments of quartz, varying in size 
from an inch or two to two feet in diamater. I saw no 
masses of quartz in place—but no particular examination 
was made. The appearance of the country is precisely the 
same with that of Virginia where the titanium was found ; 
{See Vol. II. p. 143 of this Journal. ]—and here too, the 
same mineral was met with. Crystals of quartz, many of 
them handsome, were collected in the road in different pla- 
ces. The celebrated Table Mountain lay near my route, 
and was visited; that great mass of granite, eight hundred 
and twenty-two feet in height, and almost absolutely perpen- 
dicular, extending near a mile with the same smooth and 
even front, but so covered that no termination is to be seen 
from the station of the spectator, produces strong impres- 
sions of grandeur. 

A new road is now cutting across the Saluda mountain, 
and passes through granite, some of it very fine and hand- 
some, much like the Chelmsford Granite, used in Boston. 
In one spot a vein of gneiss lies in the granite, in the side of 
the mountain—but perhaps vein is not the word proper to 
express the truth in this case, block might be better. At 
about fifteen or twenty miles from the eoneane on my re- 
turn to Columbia, green-stone began to appear, crossing my 
path, and alternating with granite : it continued for thirty 
miles or more to meet me, passing to the South. Some of 
the : specimens were very fine grained and handsome, others 
of coarser texture, exhibiting much the same variety as the 
New-Haven mountains. I had very little opportunity to 
search for particular minerals ; a few fell in my way, and of 
course were not neglected.. A very few small specimens 

Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, §c. 229 

will accompany this letter. The four sided and terminat- 
ed crystals* were furnished me by a ramble in Buncomb, 
N. C. they scratch quartz, with difficulty. The onyx-like 
striped specimen was found near the same place, by Col. 
Blanding or Mr. Poinsett, probably the latter. 

2. Confirmation of the genuineness of the locality of Amert- 
can Corundum, mentioned p.7 of this Volume. Extract 
of a letter from Mr. John Dickson to the Editor, dated 
Charleston, March 9, 1821. Bo: 

As to the locality of the Corundum I thought it had been 
noted. I think it was Laurens District; atall events it was 
picked up by my own hands, if not in situ, in a place to 
which no geological or mineralogical specimens had ever 
been carried, and which it could have reached only by one 
of the usual and natural accidents which displace minerals 
of all kinds, and leave them at greater or less distances 
from their peds. I am sure it is American and Carolinian. 

I hope to revisit the upper country in three or four 
weeks, and shall pay particular attention to this point, and I 
am in hopes of obtaining other specimens equally well 
marked. I shall be able then perhaps to correct any mis- 
takes I have made on former occasions. My brother, Dr. 
S. H. Dickson, will accompany me on this tour, and we 

* Crystals of Zircon.—The crystals alluded to here are parallelopipeds, with 
-rectangular bases—a four sided pyramid is set upon the prism, sometimes at. 
both ends, and in such a manner, that the angles of the base of the pyramid 
correspond with those of the prism—the crystals are very smooth, of a light, 
almost drab brown colour, and they have a somewhat varnished appearance, 
a little resembling the vesuvian. The edges, sides and solid angles have great 
neatness and finish. They scratch quartz, carnelian, and other siliceous 
stones, and even slightly impress beryl. The specific gravity is 4.—they are 
completely infusible by the common blow-pipe, but before the flame of Hare’s 
compound blow-pipe melt into a white enamel. 

All these characters induced us from the first, to think the crystals found 
by Dr. Porter, to be zircon, and in this opinion we are supported by Proj. 
Cleaveland, to whom we have since transmitted aspecimen. It will be ob- 
served that the specific gravity is somewhat less than that commonly attrib- 
uted to zircon, and the angle formed between the planes of the prism 
and the corresponding ones of the pyramid, differs a little from those laid 
down in the books. The crystals are from one fourth to three fourths ofan 
inch long, and from two eighths to three eights of an inch in diameter. 
This interesting lecality should receive farther attention.—{ Edzfor.? 

230 Miscellancous Notices in Mineralogy, ii &c. 

shall both be gratified if we can add any thing to me stock 
of useful knowledge by the best gues akg we can make. 
sy Pa 

3 Tiinde for water Cement. ow s 

The following notice of fie lime used in the aiib- -aqueous constr menue ae 
the great canal i in the state of New-York, we owe to the kindness of W. W. 
Woolsey, Esq. Thespecimens alluded to have been received, but we have 
not yet been able to subject them to any experiments. i 

Extract of a letter from Bonet Wright, Esq. chief Engi- 
neer of the Erie Canal, to W. W. We volsey, Esq. — 
New-York, dated wee Tune 24, 1820. ss 

Deny Sir, 

The specimen of Ar sillo-ferruginous limestone, ierevetls 
presented, is found in great abundance in the counties of 
Madison, Onondaga and Cayuga, in the state of N ew-York. 
_ When found in place, it is always under the blue lime, which 

is uniformly overlaid with grey lime. The grey is the up- 
per stratum, and is found in large heavy blocks ; the whole 
six or eight ‘feet in thickness, The biue which next occurs, 
is various in thickness, and from it is made the beautiful 
white lime. Under the blue lies the first described, which 
is found to be a superior water cement, and is used very 
successfully in the stone work of the Erie canal, and believ- 
ed to be equal to any of the kind found in any other coun- 
try. I cannot give you the analysis—if convenient to give a 
sample to Mr. Silliman for his examination, it might be use- 
ful to the community to have its properties fully understood, 
and if he thinks it merits a place in his useful publications 
I presume he will give it. Ido not know thatit is found in 
the counties west of Cayuga, but presume from the geolo- 
gical character of that county it may be found in all the 
‘country west to Niagara, and probably further west. It is 
pulverized (as it will not slack) and then used by mixing two 
parts lime and one part sand. It hardens best under water, 
and it is believed its properties are partially lost if permit- 
ted to dry suddenly, or if not used soon after mixing. 

Mr. Canvass White, a friend of mine, has obtained a pat- 
ent for it when used for hydraulic purposes, and it is be- 
lieved it will answer an excellent purpose for rough casting, 

Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, Sc. 23k 

&ec. For cisterns it will be much used, no doubt, and for 
all the principal erections of stone work for canals, it is in- 
dispensable. | 
Respectfully, 1 am, 
Dear Sir, your Obedient Servant, 
W. W. Wootsey, Esq. 

We are informed by Mr. Woolsey that the price of this 
lime, pulverized and burnt and delivered at Utica, is twenty 
cents the bushel. Mr. W. remarks, that ‘‘ Mr. Wright is a 
gentleman equally distinguished for respectability of char- 
acter, and high attainments as a civil engineer,” and that 
‘f “ his aa may be relied on.’ 

Postscript, April, 3, 1821. 
In February we had an interview with Mr. White, from 

whom we obtained the following result of the analysis of 
the caer lime, by Dr. Hadley. 

Carbonic acid, - = 35,05 

Lime, - - - =, 25, 

. Silex, - Ai Mive hy ws 15,05 
Alumine, - - - - 16,05 
Water, - - - - 5,03 
Oxid of iron, - - - 2,02 


To this notice we add the following extract of a letter from 
Myron Holley, Esq. one of the Commissioners of the great 
canal, dated Albany, 20th January, 1821. 

Mr. White, one of our Engineers on the Erie canal, and 
aman of good character and useful attainments, especially 
on subjects connected with his profession, discovered, in 
the course of the season before last, the material for making 
an excellent water-proof-cement, existing in great abun- 
dance in the western district of this state. And we have 
made extensive and profitable use of his discovery i in the 
locks and other mason-work of the Erie canal. — Itis proba-.- 
bly superior to Parker’s Roman-cement, in quality, and may 

232 Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. 

be afforded at less than half the expense of that. It will, 
therefore, probably soon come into general use throughout 
‘our country, whenever such cement is required. Mr. 
White has some specimens of the stone which constitutes 
the principal material of his ceed: which he intends 
presenting to ks . 

4. “Micaceous Iron ore, for alieiote of Halal 

We have recently seen this ore in very thin delicate 
plates from Virginia, and from Mr. Lane’s mine in New 
Stratford, Conn. That mentioned (pa. 50, Vol. I.) as oc- 
curring near Bellows Falls on the Gonnecticut river, we are 
informed by Professor Hall, is found at Jamaica, in Ver- 
mont, twenty miles directly west of Bellows Falls. Itis a 
remarkably beautiful but very fine gramed variety—in its 
structure much resembling the finest grained Dolomite of the 
Alps; the plates however, although thus minute, are dis- 
tinctly visible, but their coherence is so feeble that they 
crumble easily between the fingers; the grains are not af- 
fected by the magnet. We have recently received a spe- 
cimen of this fine mineral from Dr. I. A. Allen, of Brattle- 
borough. He states that it is found in Ball Mountain, which 
rises five hundred feet above the water in West river. Dr. 
Allen will supply specimens by exchange or otherwise. 
From the adhering matter, this ore would appear to be im- 
bedded in mica slate. 

pe see of the Suiliin Stenite, Jasper, Amygdaloid, §e. 

The uncommon beauty of the polished specimens of ids 
rock, induce us to give the following particulars denied 
' from the Rev. Elias Cornelius. 

The specimens accompanying this were taken from a 
rock which is found in Salem, Mass. near the eastern ex- 
‘tremity of the peninsula, or neck of Jand upon which the 
town is situated. 

The rocks in its neighborhood are either pure granite, or 
that variety of it called sienite, the hornblende of which is 
diffused in different proportions, from a few specks scarcely 
discernible, to very considerable quantities. 

Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &§e. 233 

The only difference between the rock which has so re- 
cently been wrought, and that which is commonly found is, 
that it has a finer texture, and is capable of the highest pol- 
ish—its hornblende wee also diffused 1 ina kind of porphy- 
ritic manner. 

The mass from which it is taken lies upon the side of a 
hill—in the form of a ledge, and may be split into slabs 
without digging, or any similar difficulty. The quantity ap- 
Lee to be very considerable. 

4 ‘ i 

We have received from Dr. B. L. Oliver, handsome pol- 
ighed specimens from Salem, some of which we are inclin+ 
ed to call Jasper ; those which we are told are called Por- 
phyry at Salem, appear to be rather amygdaloid; the for- 
eign imbedded substances are rather ovoidal, or almond 
shaped concretions, than crystals; the latter, imbedded in 
some basis, being necessary to constitute a true porphyry. 

6. Microscopic crystals of Iron Pyrites. 
Extract of a letter to the Editor, dated Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1820. 

Tue object of the present letter is to send you inclosed, 
some ofthe most minute, cubic and octahedral, and other varie- 
ties of crystals of sulphuret of iron that leversaw; they were 
sent to this place from Scotville, Kentucky, as flowers of si- 
ver. I pronounced them at once to be pyrites, and thought 
them powdered fragments, but the lens betrayed the crys- 
tals, which are beaatitul and well defined. I do not recol- 
lect seeing in any cabinet such small ones, and I feel desi- 
rous that you should possess a specimen. If you think it 
worth while to notice their discovery in Kentucky, you 
candoso. Tam very truly, yours, 


These crystals are singularly beautiful; they are so mi- 
nute, that they look like brass filings. —| Ed. ] 

7. Limpid Quartz, froin Fairfield, New-York. 

jscabaee of quartz are innumerable, and even trans- 

parent crystals are very common, but we have received 
Vou. T.....No. 2. 30 

234 Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. 

some quartz crystals (among other minerals which we may 
notice on a future occasion) from Dr. Porter of Plainfield, 
Mass. which for their perfect transparency equal any thing, 
of the kind, that we have ever seen; they do not exceed one 
fourth or one third of an inch in diameter, and the largest 
that has been obtained is only three fourths. 

8. Agaric Mineral. 

- Professor Hall in a letter to the editor, states, that a sub- 
stance found in Vermont, and there called chalk, effervesces 
with nitric acid in precisely the same manner that English 
chalk does; it answers all the purposes to which Spanish 
white is applied, and is used in making putty; and is from 
the Lyndon, Caledonia County, where it exists in inexhaus- 
table quantities. The specimen transmitted by Prof. Hall, ° 
corresponds with his description, and has every appear- 
ance, as he intimates, of a disintegrated carbonat of lime, 
whose minutely divided parts have been feebly reagglutina- 
ted. It so strongly resembles agaric mineral that we have 
ventured to give itthat name. = 

9. Marbles of Kentucky. 

We have received from Mr. Joseph W. Edmiston, hand= 
some specimens of compact marbles from Kentucky—they 
are stated to be from the counties of Clark, Jessamine and 
Woodward. Their colours are yellow, smoke and ash grey 
and they are considerably variegated by darker clouds.— 
Being from a secondary country, their structure is wholly 
‘compact, and they are, most remarkably different from the 
highly crystalized marbles of the primitive countries. 

10. Fetid Crystalized Limestone. 

We formerly mentioned a fetid crystalized limestone 
transmitted by Prof. Dewey. Mr. Samuel Morey of Ox- 
ford, New-Hampshire, has transmitted another, which al- 
though fetid by friction and percussion is very distinctly 
erystalized and its colour greyish white. It is from the vi- 
cinity of Oxford, from a quartz mountain in a country high- 
ly primitive. 5 ecieg 

Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. 238 

These facts connected with that mentioned by Dr. Hay- 
den, (Vol. 1, p. 307) and by Prof. Dewey, seem to evince 
that the fetid odour of minerals cannot always be traced to 
organized matter. ; 

11. Fluor Spar on the Genesee River. 

{Communicated by Mr. John Boyd, a eumee of the Senior class in Yale 
College, from Winchester, Conn. ] 

Fluor spar in transparent cubical crystals imbedded in fe- 
tid limestone, is found in the bottom of the great Western 
canal, on the east shore of the Genesee river, at Brighton, 
Ontario county, N.Y. 

Chalcedony is found among the loose masses of rock be- 
low the Genesee falls, at Carthage, Ontario county. 

We have seen this fluor, it is very well characterized, the 
crystals are from one half to three fourths of an inch in di- 
ameter; being deposited upon a black limestone, and being 
themselves transparent and white, with a slight tinge of 
blue, they forma pleasing contrast with the limestone.—Ed. 

12. Chalybeate Spring at Latchfield. 

Extract of a letter to the Editor from James Pierce, Esq. 
dated Litchfield, August 22, 1820. 

I have recently discovered in this town a chalybeate 
spring that promises to be of considerable utility. It issues 
from an extensive bed of sulphuret of iron, situated on the 
eastern side of Mount Prospect, four miles west of the vil- 
lage of Litchfield. The spring is copious and perennial, 
exhibiting in its course much oxid of iron, ochre, and a 
white deposit. ‘The extract from gall nuts, or an infusion 
of white oak leaves produces a copious precipitate of the 
gallate of iron, changing the colour of the water nearly black ; 
neither lime-water or sulphuric acid effected any change. A 
dense white precipitate was produced by acetate of lead, in- 
dicating probably a muriate or a sulphate. A peculiar 
smell, by popular opinion attributed to sulphur, is pereepti- 
ble at the spring; the hands retain this smell for hours after 
washing in its waters. An astringent effect and soreness of 

236 Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. 

the throat is produced by a free use of the spring. Iron is 
evidently the chief mineral ingredient of this water, but I 
was destitute of tests for satisfactory examination. A yellow 
deposit is observable in vessels containing standing water 
from this spring, and less effect is produced upon the water 
by astringent extracts. A patient afflicted by the rheuma- 
tism, attended by much debility has been greatly relieved 
by a free use of the spring for a few days, and a complete 
cure 1s anticipated. 
Mount Prospect, above ientioned, isa pesky. wood clad, 
elevated ridge, of two miles extent. From its summit an 
interesting and diversified view is presented of villages, and 
lakes, and of a well cultivated, healthy country. Sienite, 
rendered porphyritic by crystals of feldspar, is the predomi- 
nant rock of the mountain; it presents ledges of considera- | 
ble height and extent. Beds of sulphuret of iron are ob- 
served on both sides of the mountain, sometimes exhibiting 
a white efflorescence. Native sulphate of iron has been col- 
lected on this mountain, and used in dying by the adjacent 
inhabitants. The spring is a ready much resorted tay and» 
has excited considerable interest. : 


In an additional letter from Mr. Pierce, dated March 20, 
1821, we are informed that the above mentioned “ mineral 
spring has attained considerable reputation, and effected 
cures of obstinate rheumatic complaints, that have resisted: 
ordinary remedies: its water has been sent for weekly from 
Hartford, and has been considered equal to that of a . 
Stafford spring.” | : 

13. Chalybeate Spring at Catskill —Marl and Pf at the 

same place. 

Extract of a letter to the Editor from James Pierce, Esq. 
dated Litchfield, March 20, 1821. 

I discovered at Catskill last fall, a copious, never failing 
chalybeate spring, within half a mile of that village, as rich” 
in iron as any water in America. With an extract from 
‘gall nuts or oak bark, it makes a tolerable writing ink. 


Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. 237 

Though adjacent to a turnpike where hundreds are daily 
passing, and exhibiting abundant ochreous indications, its 
chalybeate character had remained unsuspected. Itis now 
much frequented, being found very beneficial as a tonic. 

In the neighborhood of Catskill I have met with several 
beds of rich marl ; the proprietors were ignorant of the use 
of this earth in agriculture; and in the same vicinity, rocks 
and extensive beds of calcareous tufa, deposited by streams 
issuing from caverns in limestone hills. 

14. Catskill Lyceum, &c.—Extract from the above letter. 

The attention of the well informed residents of Catskill 
has been of late excited to the study of mineralogy, botany, 
chemistry and agriculture, and they have recently organized 
a scientific institution under the name of the Catskill Lyce- 
um of Natural History, composed of between twenty and 
thirty resident, and as many corresponding members, who 
evince much zeal, and have formed a small cabinet of miner- 
als and plants. The corresponding members are mostly of. 
the learned professions, and resident in the counties of 
Greene, Columbia, Delaware, Ulster and Otsego, generally 
elected at their own solicitation. I think that in time, the 
Catskill Lyceum will become a numerous and efficient so- 
ciety, well calculated to disclose the resources of the region 
in which it is located. 

I have occasionally read to this society papers cn natural 
History, dwelling more particularly upon mineralogy, exem- 
plifying the remarks by specimens to render the external char- 
acters of minerals more familiar; I have endeavoured to in- 
duce research by drawing their attention to valuable minerals, 
which, from the geological character of the river valley, and 
adjacent districts, may be met with ; as silver, lead, copper, 
plumbago, iron, gypsum, alum, salt, coal, marble and marl. 
T have found in different parts of the Catskill mountains, ex- 
tensive ledges richly impregnated with alum, and salt licks 
in the same region. Some springs of Columbia and Greene 
county hold im solution muriate of soda. I have found. 
new localities in the valley of the Hudson for galena, plum- 
bago, and iron. 
_ If IT make Catskill my residence the ensuing summer, 1 
will explore the Catskill, Shuongunck and Highland ranges. 

238 Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. 

z have embodied many new facts relative to the natural His- 
tory, scenery and inhabitants of the Highlands of New York 
and New-Jersey, obtained by personal examination. 

15. The Globe had a beginning. 

Mr. Amos Eaton, lecturer on Geology and Bouts at 
Troy, Professor in the Castleton Institution, &c. infers that 
the earth is not eternal, because the ruins of its rocks in the 
form of gravel, sand, &e. being constantly borne down by 
the rains, torrents, &c. to the sea and other low situations, 
there ought by this time to be no “ projecting rocks,” not 
one “naked cliff,” but all should have been “ alluvial.” 

By collecting and drying the sediment from the water of 
ae river Hudson, opposite to the city of Albany, during 
three days of the great freshet of April, 1819, he found that 
it amounted to a certain quantity for every quart of water; 
the quantity of water being duly estimated from the dimen- 
sions of the channel and the rapidity of the current, Mr. 
Eaton computes that twelve hundred tons of alluvial earth 
passed in three days. 

16. Ehill of Serpentine. 

Extract of a letter from Dr. William Atiwnter; dated West 
field, Mass. March 12, 1819. 

With this letter I send you some specimens of stone 
which abound in this neighborhood. In the second num- 
ber of your Journal of Science, &c. there is an account of 
the different strata in the Southampton level leading to the 
lead mine, in which the writer, Mr. Amos Eaton, mentions 

a vein or quarry of serpentine rock between this town and 

Russel. The dark coloured specimens are, J presume, 
_ from the same quarry as the one to which he refers. The 
green coloured specimens are from a mountain fifteen or 
twenty miles distant. The mountain, or bluff, which is per- 
haps as large as east rock at New-Haven, 1 1S wholly oes 
ed of this kind of stone or marble. 

he specimens mentioned aber are very dark” green 
serpentine, with numerous patches and spots of tales and 

Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, §c. 239 

other magnesian minerals imbedded; the polished pieces 
are handsome, and large slabs, such as might probably be 
obtained, would be ornamental in architecture.—Ed. 

17. Fetid Dolomite. 
Extract of a letter from Professor Dewey, to the Editor. 

_ [have found dolomite in Lee, east of Stockbridge, per- 
fectly fetid—as much so as any of the fetid carbonates of 
lime. On breaking, the odour is strong, and continues for 
some time; and friction gives it off abundantly. The stone 
has the appearance of dolomite, and not of the fetid lime- 
stones, and a solution of it in sulphuric acid gives magnesia 
in abundance. Dolomite is very abundant indeed in this 
county. I find that most that is usually called limestone, !s 

18. American Wavellite. 

On the subject.of the Wavellite mentioned p. 249. Vol. . 
II. Professor Dewey in letters to the Editor remarks : 

Since I wrote you, I find that Wavellite is mentioned in 
Aikin’s mineralogy as occuring in stalactical forms in Eung- 
land; Professor Cleveland does not mention this. There 
is indeed no doubt in my mind, that the new mineral found 
at Richmond, is Wavellite. Continued for one hour in a 
high red heat, it lost thirty six per cent. of water—I had be- 
fore known it lose thirty three per cent., and thirty. The 
continuance and the degree of heat obviously throw off 
more water, and I find very little besides alumine left. 1 
think it must be called hydrargillite. It occurs in an earthy 
form, and has been found in another town. I intend to send 
you a more full account of it. _ | 

19. Geological survey of the County of Albany, &c. 

Under the direction of the Agricultural Society of the 
county of Albany, a geological survey of that county has 
been recently executed by Dr. Theodore R. Beck and 
Professor Amos Eaton, with a particular reference to the 
improvement of agriculture. The attempt is novel in this 

240 Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &§c. 

country, and is creditable both to the patrons and agents. it 
‘this work, which appears to be executed with laudable fidel- 
ity and ability. We wish it may be followed by similar ef- 
forts in other parts of this country. We observe also, among 
numerous other important subjects discussed in the fourth 
volume of the Transactions of the Society for the promo- 
tion of useful arts in the state of New-York, an elaborate 
paper on alum, by one of the obove gentlemen, namely, Dr.. 
Theodore R. Beck. 

He has concentrated much useful information on pees im- 
portant practical subject and the paper may be advanta- 
geously consulted by those who wish to obtain the most im- 
‘portant facts without the trouble of consulting numerous au- 

Dr. Beck’s memoir contains “the following remarkable 
fact:—A distinguished American general was interred, sev- 
eral years since, at the town of Erie, on the border Me the 
lake of the same name. His son, three or four years ago, 
removed the remains to Chester county, in Pennsylvania. 
‘On raising the body, it was found in a high state of pres- 
ervation, so much so, that the features were readily recog- 
nized by those who had previously known the general. The 
flesh was indurated to such a degree that it could mgiaehe 
oe from the bones by a’ knife.” 

In short, the body appears to have been a perfect natur- 
al mummy; the preservation is imputed to aluminous salts 
which abound so much there that ‘‘ quantities of crystalized 
alum are found on the surface of the ground.” 

20. Alum in decomposed mica slate. 

Among the sources of alum, there is one sgt we oe. 
never seen mentioned by any author. It is from the decom- 
position (net of clay slate, which all authors mention, but) 
of mica slate. We have been frequently presented with 
specimens of alum formed in decomposed mica slates, as 
from the towns of Preston, Waterbury and Hunting- 
ton, m Connecticut, and indeed. we. have seen but a few 
instances als American alum, derived from any other source. 

i If. We are not in anerror, this body had. been interred more than twen- 
ty years.—Ep. 

ESS Notices vn Mineralogy, Geology, fc. 241 

It is, as we are informed, so abundant in some places, that 
the people use it in dying, without resorting to any other 
supply. We are not aware that this source of alum has 
been observed in other countries. We have not room to 
discuss the origin of the alum in these cases; but we will 
add, that in some decomposed mica slates, we have seen 
sulphur i in a state of freedom, mixed with the proper con- 
stituents of the rock, and burning abundantly with the char- 
acteristic flame and smell when thrown on the fire. Indeed, 
is it not probable that alum will be obtained from more 
rocks and minerals than have yet been thought of for this 
purpose. The very remarkable example of Breccia from 
Mount D’Or in Auvergne in France, mentioned in volume 
two page 356 is an apices in point. 

21. Lomuchoble loswled of ae 

Garnet is a nll of such fiedneat occurrence in primi- 
tive countries, that it would be useless to attempt to point out 
all its localities. In Connecticut it is most abundantly dif- 
fused through the vast strata of mica slate and gneiss, bat — 
especially of the former. The cornet: mentioned in the 
following account are remarkable for the neatness of their 
cr ystalization—the planes are smooth, the angles, and edg- 
es well defined and they:are bounded, each by twenty four 
tr apezoidal faces ; ‘not unfrequently they occur in pairs; 
their general size is from that of grape shot to that of mus- 
ket and pistol balls; they are imbedded in a mica slate, 
composed almost entirely of Mica which is in plates and 
possessed of so little cohesion, that both on the outside and 
inside of the rock, it crumbles easily between the fingers. 

22. Gras Rock. 

\Bxmast of a letter from Mr. Lloyd Seeley, to the Editor, 
dated Weston, Ct. May 27,1820.  * 

- Garnet Rock or the precipice in and about which, gar- 
nets are found in abundance and perfection, is situated one 
mile and an half South of the Congregational meeting-house 
in the town of Reading, and about one half mile North-west 
of the junction of the iwo largest branches of the Saugatuck 

Vou. I....No. 2 31 aye 

242) Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. 

river, which unite a short distance above the south bounda- 

ry of the town of Reading. This precipice is about sixty 
rods North-west of the house of Mr. John Gray, and’ about 
seventy-five rods West of Mr. Seth Andrus’ house. The 
North-west branch of Saugatuck river rans a winding course 
in a southerly direction at the foot of the hill, on the top of 

which are the rocks under consideration. ~ “At the passage of 
the river in this place are erected on the east side, a carding 

machine, and on the west, a saw-mill, not laid down on the 

map of the State. Thirty rods west ‘of these. two buildings 

on the west side of the stream, I ie Mie ee to we 

most abundant. a 

The hill on which are the rocks and precipices, is: per- 
haps sixty or seventy feet high, and of very steep ascent. 
On the top of the hill, the rocks are situated, and at the base 
of these rocks on the South-east side, the garnets will be 
seen by the most inattentive observer, projecting from the 
rocks ina manner resembling musket balls, shot half way 
into a board. These rocks are overshadowed with trees of 
red cedar which grow in their interstices. This kind of 
trees extend to the North and West of “ Garnet Rock” for 
more than a hundred rods, while on the South and South- 
east, an extensive, uncultivated plain is presented to the eye, 
so that an observer acquainted With the description of this” 
spot, would be able to tell where it beet when he was at a 
distance of some miles. 

The inhabitants seem to be gratified, in isi duideds to 
strangers who wish to visit the place, and even assisted me 
in my endeavours to procure garnets for those friends who 
esteem them as valuable scientific curiosities. 

I have been thus particular in my description of the love! | 
boundaries of “ Garnet Rock,” so that whoever needs it, may 
be at no loss to find the spot which must afford to every scien- 
tific visitor, pleasure in proportion to the interest he feels in 
the progress “ prologice, and mineralogical a 

23. Curious variety of Carbonat of Lame resembling < 
Cine oC Mineral. =—( Communicated. a, a 
Fou koilbe south ae Maudie (Vermont,) ¢ on the great’ 
road from Bennington to Rutland, there is a mags of disin- 
tegrated lime-stone, from which is made a beautiful lime for 
plaistering rooms. 

Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, §&q 248 

Immediately west of the road, is a narrow marsh thirty 
or forty rods wide, at the western extremity of which, a 
steep bank rises, perhaps twenty feet in height; through this 
bank at right angles to it, a chasm has been worn by a small 
stream, to the level of the marsh adjoining. The banks of 
the chasm thus formed, disclose a mass of loose earth of a 
dusky white, exhibiting an appearance very much like that 

of a bed of slacked lime, somewhat aluminous, when tritur- — 

ated between the fingers; it has a degree of lubricity ; when 
it is soaked by the water, it adheres to the shoes like com- 
mon.clay, difficult toruboffK a 

In some places in the vicinity of the stream, where the 
earth has been penetrated by the water, and dried again by 
the action of the sun, the surface exhibits nodules of the 
size of a walnut, minutely perforated, appearing like a very 
compact moss, its organization also, like that of moss, be- 
ing very easily destroyed, by compressing it with the thumb. 

Detached pieces are found, possessing a curious struc- 
ture. At first it would seem that they were pieces of turf, 
the roots of which had been incrusted with lime ; but. the 
whole is easily reduced to a fine white powder by tritura- 
tion. In some cases this ramification is very minute and 
very beautiful, in others it is coarser and very irregular. 
Some exhibit the appearance of the incrustation of a lime- 
stone cave, but without polish and very porous. 

This earth is very easily deprived of its carbonic acid, 
and is converted into a finely pulverized quick-lime resem- 
ling wheat flour. . 

‘The quantity must be considerable, as the whole bank 

appears to be composed of it. J.R 
24. Virginia and Minois fluor spar. 

In Dr. Bruce’s Mineralogical Journal, Vol I. p. 79. there 
is a notice of this Virginia fluor spar, communicated by the 
tate Professor Barton of Philadelphia. RN 3 
_ Through the kindness of the late Richard P. Barton, Esq. 
of Virginia, and of his son, Mr. D. W. Barton a member 
of Yale College, we last summer, received a box of this fluor 
spar. Some circumstances may be mentioned in addition to, 
orin illustration of Professor Barton’s account. It appears 
that “the fluor spar is found at the footof the north moun- 


244 Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &. 

tain on the east side, twenty five ane south west of Win- 
chester, and it appears to be confined to a small spot of 
ground not exceeding twenty or ‘thirty yards square.” _Al- 

though this fluor spar is spoken of as occurring in loose pie- 
ces, it evidently cannot be far from its native bed, which 
must be in the lime-stone of the contiguous mountain. 

- Among the specimens sent to us, the violet fluor is, in 
some instances inlaid like mosaic, in large, white, and bril- 
liant fragments of rhomboidal calcareous spar 5 the con- 
trast produced by the violet fluor in its white bed is beautiful. 

This fluor spar is highly pase per eseeae ea oe on 
red hot iron in the dark. 

We do not observe any crystals among our specimens, ie 
though the cleavage and fracture shew the Ph a 
structure. 1p Nias 

In exposing some pieces, recently to shosphunesdened we 
observed the fragments thrown around by decrepitation were 
frequently very distinet tetrahedra, thus giving us, spontane- 
ously, the Bess Si molecule a — Pye ia 

P.S. Since writing the above, we have learned the fol- 
lowing additional particulars from Mr. D. W. Barton. | 
_ The fluor spar may be said to be at the foot of the nor th 
mountain, as the ascent is not perceptible until you arrive 
at this spot. It is found on a small ridge of yellow clayey 
soil, deposited in the space intervening - “between two walls 
of lime stone, which is the common rock in the country ; 
indeed within this vein (which is probably twenty or thirty 
feet wide) the crystalized carbonat of lume alternates with 
the fluor spar. 

The direction of the vein is parallel withthe range of the 
mountain, i.e. nearly north and south. The land has once 
been cultivated, and the fluor spar near the surface has been 
broken by the plough and dispersed over a: space of forty or 
fifty yards in extent. The locality has never been diligently 
explored, and it is therefore not ascertained whether the 
mineral exists in masses of considerable magnitude. How- 
“ever, all the researches that have is het been made indi- 
cate that at does. iid 

Illinois fluor. —In Vol. I. p 525 of an Journal the. duit 
found near Shawnee Town Tiinois,) is mentioned. We 

Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, Ge. 245° 

understand it continues to be discovered in increasing quan- 
tities, and in a recent letter from Shawnee Town, we are 
informed that it has been found in loose masses as large 
as twenty-four pound shot; they are of a fine violet colour 
and the surface is covered completely with cubical crystals ; 
they have as SPE ake of having been Heed in beds 
of oe c ne 4 

25. _ Manganese and Sulphat of Line i im Vi inginia. 

<i a setter from the late Rich. P. Burton, Esq. we are in- 
formed that the manganese mentioned by Dr. Barton (Bruce’s 
Journal, Vol. I. p. 80,) is found in considerable quantities 
ten or twelve miles east of the locality of the fluor ig but 
not in the same mountain. 

Very lately also, plaster of paris has been coord in 
Jefferson county at the foot of the Blue Ridge, and near 
Shanandoah river, twenty-five miles north east from Win- 
chester. I believe, adds Mr. Barton, that in no othef in- 
stance has sulphat of lime been found on the east side of 
the Alleghany mountains in Virginia. On the west side much 
has been found, on the Holston andi« on the Kenawa. 

26. Alum-stone and pide sites in Ohio, with remarks 
on vee remains. 

Extracts of Ie Letters from Caleb Atwater, Esq. of Circleville. 

‘Speaking of the line rocks of Zanesville, Ohio, of which 
some account was a ae (page five) in this volume, Mr. 
Atwater remarks: 

Alum-stone is fea until found one two and three feet in 
thickness, remarkably rich. Immediately above the shale, 
f have found it in such situations in Bho ds abundance and i in 
many places. 

‘The flint beds of Ohio, are seeaewlitl Gite caltt from 
those of England, and I intend to point out that difference 
at some future day, and also to send you a complete set of 
specimens from our flint beds. Copper, I suspect, fre- 
quently occurs in our flint beds ; I must collect what I deem 
to be such. The green carbonate of copper is said to oc- 
cur in great abundance in the flint beds of Athens county, 
about sixty miles from this place. 


gis ilaisiacs Notices in ‘islets pend &e. 

abled. to compare ours sui or. ae nes aie this com- 
parison, I hope to be enabled to lay before you, withina few 
months. ‘The bamboo, I think, certainly grew in England, 
but I see no cassia, nor palm leaves. The largest roots 
found in iron stone in England, appear to have belonged t to 
some plant fescue the water hilly. ae 

27. Notice of a Dolomite and description of a soft green 
rock—by Mr. George Chase,ina letter to the editor dated, 
Randolph, Vt. Nov. Sth, 1818. 

(See Vol. I. p: 241 of this Journal.) In ‘addition to th 

very singular limestone which I mentioned in a former . let- 

ter, there is on a farm in Northfield fourteen miles to. the 
northwest, a limestone—white as snow—perhaps it may be 
called a Dolomite. In Roxbury, there is a rock of whicl 
the following isa description. ‘ Will not strike fire—can be 
scratched with a nail—slightly unctuous—general appear- 
ance of the mass green—small pieces grass-green—this 
colour when the stone is wet, is very lively—small pieces 
harden by exposure to the blowpipe, but a large piece put 
into the fire seemed to break easier after burning than be- 
fore—the spots or specks throughout the stone of a whi- 
-tish colour, effervesces feebly with nitric acid—those parts 
of the deepest green do not effervesce—scaly and splintery 

fracture—well fitted to be sawed and cut being free from 
rifts—magnet does not take up small pieces which xe, 

been exposed to the heat—there is occasionally i 
stone an appearance of minute scales of mica.” In] 
el, a town adjoining, a rock similar to this is cut into p 
fitted for hearths, &e. bat its colour is different, being o 
bluish grey. I can think of nothing in your ‘cabinet itr 
sembles more than grauwacke slate, but the composition is 
evidently different, smce this is a primitive country. The 
geological situation of this rock is between - the clay and 
mica slate. 

Is not the above rock chlofite slate with some intermix- 
ture of carbonat of lime? Its infusibility is however sane? 
this SUB OETOR we have not seen apy epceien: Ep. 



Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, &c. 247 
Be Pumice Stone floating on the Mississippi. 

ie is mentioned by a western ‘correspondent that at every 
rise of the Mississippi, pumice stone floats down from the 
heads of the Missouri river. Mr. Schooleraft in his book 
mentions similar facts; the pumice stone has been observed 
floating even below Natchez. 

Every one will see the obvious inference with respect to 
volcanoes in the west. : 

29. Fossil Bones found in East-Windsor, Connecticut. 

In Vol. il. p. 146 of this Teva mention is made of 
bones found imbedded in red sand-stone through which 
they were sinking a well; and the suggestion was made that 
"te may possibly be human. 

he following extract of a letter from John Hall, Esq. 
of Ellington, Connecticut, dated May 27th 1820, expresses 
a different opinion. 

Doctor Porter, a respectable surgeon, resident. on the 
spot was present a considerable part of the time while the 
well was digging, and had the best opportunity for forming 
a judgement o' the nature of these bones. He says that 
the bones did not belong to a human body, but to some an- 
imal; and that the animal must have been about five feet 
in length. The tail bone was easily discovered by its nu- 
merous articulations distinctly visible when the bones were 
first obtained ; and by its being projected, in a curvilinean 
direction beyond the general mass. 

Dr P. further says that he critically Seated the bones 
as they appeared when first extricated from the rock; that 
some of them, indeed, resembled particular bones in the 
human body, but would also compare with certain bones 
of other animals. He further confirms what, indeed, is 
otherwise evident, that the bones, after exposure sometime 
to the air, begin to crumble fast, and lose much of the ap- 
pearance which they presented at first. He has specimens 
of the tail bone now in his possession, 

248 Miscellaneous Notices in Mineralogy, Geology, Su. 
30. Coal found é in Somers and in Ellington, Connection. 

Additional extract es the letter mentioned above. : 

MI saw, a few days ago, a jeep of ‘coal which came , from 
Somers. I was informed that a considerable quantity might 
be obtained near the spot from which this was taken. My 
informant was unable to describe the kind of ground from 
which the coal came; all that he knew. was, that-it was 
woodland. I believe that I never told you that I discover- 
ed a small quantity of that substance on my farm last sum- 
mer, it was found imbedded in shelly sand-stone, in a hol- 
tow between twohills, in ground of the secondary. formation. 
Tt was in the form of thin lamelle and burned freely aoe 
senited by a candle. The quantity. found was very small. 

31, Geological character of the lisestae’ of the Missouri 
Lead Mine region. - Bape ih 

Remark.—In the “ notice’? of Mr. Sch oolceatie view of the Miscou lead 
mines, (p. 63 Vol. 3,) doubts were expressed by us respecting his account of 
the limestone of that region; we doubted whether it could be primitive, 
and were inclined to think it must be of the tranistion class ; 3 we addressed 
a letter to Mr. S. for specimens and explanation on this point ; the “nofice’’ 
however was printed before Mr. Schoolcraft’s letter arrived, but his letter 
was wrilten before he had seen the “notice.”’ pals 

Extract of a letter to oe ve ‘feet Mr. H. R. Schooleraf 
dated oe Jan. Sst. 1821.0 

i an to rely to your able ope of ne »mber 
28th, which has this moment come to hand. Its. delay i is 
attributable to my unexpected tarry at this city instead of 
New-York; and although it is probable that it is now too 
late to make use of my reply in the way ‘contemplated, it 
may still be thought acceptable. = pat 

“As to the primitive character of the Missouri mining 
country” 1 am happy that your enquiry offers me the op- 
portunity of saying that subsequent observations upon the 
upper Mississippi, where the same formation exists, and a 
more minute examination of specimens brought from Mis- 
sour! in 1818, have convinced me that the mines are seated 
in transition limestone. Tre texture is ervstaline and grann- 


_ Professor Buckland’s Instructions, &c. 249 

larly foliated and some specimens are translucent on 
the edges, but it is to be remarked, that neither the crys- 
talization or translucency are perfect, such as we see them 
in well characterized specimens of primary limestone. A 
farther examination has also disclosed to ine organic petri- 
factions of madreporites, and other relics, very sparingly im~ 
bedded, and sometimes not to be noticed for miles in suc- 
cession, even where the abrupt nature of the country ex- 
poses it to examination. ‘The metalliferous formation is 
overlayed by a stratum of calcareous carbonate manifestly 
secondary, but this appears to have been much broken 
down, and washed away, as it is only seen capping bluffs 
and eminences. 
As to the primitive region which I have described about 
the sources of the river St. Francis, you can place every 
reliance upon it. It will be necessary, however, carefully 
to distinguish the limits which I have fixed to this forma- 
tion, and which, I believe, are defined with sufficient pre- 
cision in the work. The rock here is red granite, consist- 
ing, mainly of feld spar and quartz, with very little mica. 
It is traversed by veins of green stone, which is in some 
places rendered porphyrytic by large greenish and flesh- 
coloured crystals of feld spar. Of all these I shall take a 
pleasure in furnishing you duplicate, on my arrival at New- 
York, in the spring, as my specimens are now there, and I 
shall have no means of access to them before that time. 


Art. 1V.—* Instructions for conducting Geological Inves- 
tigations, and collecting Specimens; by Rev. Professor 

Bucxuanp, of the University of Oxford, England. 
(Communicated for insertion in this Journal by Prof. Hare of Philadelphia.) 

In collecting specimens to illustrate the geology of our 
country, one great object isto obtain those substances which 
are of most common occurrence in it. | 

Tn Vol. L. (p. 71) of this Journal, we published the instructions of Mr. 
Brongniart for collecting geological specimens, especially those containing 
organizedremains. Wishing to give as wide a circulation as possible to 
this species of information, so eminently needed in this country—we now 
publish the instructions of Professor Buckland which, if we mistake not, 
will be found like those of Mr. Brongniart, tobe drawn up with that skill 
which we might indeed expect from men so thoroughly versed in the subject. 

Vor. III.....No. 2. 32, 

250 Professor Buckland’s Instructions, &c. 

‘The best authorities to be consulted are engineers, min- 
_ers, masons, well-diggers, and quarry-men: the latter have 
in the course of their work, constant opportunities of col- 
lecting what is most valuable, viz. fragments of stone 
containing in them the petrified remains of animals and 
vegetables; and it requires no knowledge of geology to ob- 
tain from such persons good information and specimens. — 

It is desirable to get from every country specimens of 
all the varieties of rocks occurring in it; e. g. of building- 
stone, free stone, marble, limestone, slate, and all kinds of 
common rocks and also of every variety of fossil shells, 
plants, bones and metallic ores, with a list of all the places 
where similar rocks and similar prsamie remains are known 
to exist. 

If several varieties of stone occur in the. same cliff or 
quarry, specimens of each should be taken and numbered 
according to their order of succession, marking the upper- 
most No. 1. and thence descending. ‘The thickness and 
quality of each bed should be also mentioned, and whether 
they contain shells, plants, or pebbles in them; - ce they do; 
specimens of each should be collected. 

If the rocks are stratified, i.e. divided into beds, it 
should be noticed whether they are horizontal or inclined, 
or contorted. 

If inclined it should be stated at what angle, and towards 
what point of the compass. 

If contorted, a sketch would be desirable. | 

Slight sketches of any sections of strata on the sea-coast, 
showing their inclination, and marking the changes that oc- 
cur in their substance and colour, will be of great value. 

Where there are wells, it will be desirable to get a list of 
the strata sunk through in digging them, giving the thickness 
of each from the surface downwards. 

In volcanic districts to get a list of volcanos now in action, 
and of the craters of volcanos ; ; stating their position and 
distance from the nearest town. — 

To get a list of all places known to contain coal, bitu- 
men, salt, alabaster, metallic ores, and precious stones 5 
specifying their kinds, ens io what extent they have been 

In cases of coal-pits, specimens of the coal itself, and of the 
differentstrata sunk through to obtain it, especially those which 
have impressions of plants on them, will be valuable. Also 

Professor Buckland’s Instructions, &c. 251 

a list of the number and thickness of each of the beds of 
coal and their supposed extent, stating whether limestone 
or iron ore, or springs of bitumen occur near them. 

Fossil plants, corals, shells, fish, and bones of all kinds, 
with a portion of the rock in which they are found, are of 
all specimens the most valuable. Also fossil tusks and teeth 
and horns of elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, ox, stag, 
&c. &e. which abound in diluvian gravel over Europe, 
North America, and Siberia. | : 

If there be any example of petrified human bones, spe- 
cimens of them, accompanied by portions of the substan- 
ces in which they occur, and a minute description of their 
situation and circumstances, are particularly requested: they 
should be sought in beds of diluvian gravel, which are 
spread abundantly over the surface of all great vallies in the 
world. Oe 

Rules for selecting and conveying specimens. 

In selecting specimens of common rocks, the best size is 
that of a common flat piece of Windsor soap, taking not the 
outside bit, but the second slice that is struck from the block 
by the hammer. 

Every specimen should be ticketed with the name of the 
place where it is found, or with a letter or number referring 
io a catalogue describing it: in case of places little known, 
their distance from the nearest important town, and in what 
direction should be specified. 

Every specimen should be wrapped in a separate piece 
of paper, and the whole closely packed with moss or hay, 
ina barrel or strong box, to be sent by ship to London, di- 
rected to ‘ Rev. Professor Buckland, Museum, Oxford, to 
the care of Mr. Hunneman, 5 Mead-street, Dean-street, 
Soho, London.” The bill of lading, with notice of the 
arrival of the vessel, should be sent to Mr. Hunneman, who 
is Mr. Buckland’s agent, and will duly forward the package 
to Oxford. 

‘Itis desirable to get sent to England a list of the best maps and books de- 
scriptive of foreign countries, specifying how far they are correct, and their _ 
time and place of publication; and also a list of the names and address of 
all the naturalists that may be resident in them, stating to what department 
of natural history they have given most attention, and whether they would 
be willing to correspond with persons in England who are devoted to the 
same pursuit. 

252, Bursting of Lakes through Mountams. 
Arr. V.—Bursting of Lakes through Mountains. 
| (Communicated for this Journal by ap sttibe’ a 
TO core see 

‘T'ae modern theories of the earth have certainly gone 
too far in ascribing geological appearances to second causes. 
We have specimens of what I deem this kind of extrava- 
gance in Volney’s Views, in the Notes on Virginia, and in 
the Appendix to the American edition of Cuvier’s Theory. 
In the Notes on Virginia we are told, that the Blue Ridge 
at Harper’s ferry was torn asunder by the pressure of wa-~ 
ters on the north west. The writer of the appendix has 
improved upon the hint, and maintains that the North River 
at West Point, the Delaware below Easton, the Schuylkill 
to the south west of it, and the Susquehannah below Har- 
tisburgh, find their way ‘through the mountains, by passages 
torn open by the pressure of “Lake Ontario, of which that 
mountain was formerly the south eastern boundary ! 

It requires but a slight acquaintance with the courses of 
the mountain, its figure: and altitude, and the configuration of 
the valley alone its north west side, to be satisfied, that all 
ihese hypotheses are not only improbable, but certainly un- 

The Highiands from West Point are extended lmaasty un- 
broken into Georgia. In Jersey, this range of mountain 
is known by the name of Kittatinny, from a tribe of In- 
dians of that name that occupied a considerable extent of 
district along its base, near where the Delaware river passes 
through it : “in Pennsylvania it is distinguished by the name 
of the South Mountain: and in Virginia it is known by the 
name of the Blue Ridge. I would adopt the Indian name, 
and denominate the whole, the Kittatinny mountain. North 

east of Harrisburgh, it sweeps round to the south east, cross- 
es the Susquehannah above Columbia, and returns in a cir- 
cular course until it regains its ordinary direction, south east 
of Carlisle. ‘That bend is the lowest part of the range. 
Its altitude for twenty miles is at least five hundred feet less 
than that of the Highlands at West Point. The valley be- 
tween the Kittatinny mountain and what I call the Powhat- 
tan range, known by that name in Virginia from the father 

Bursting of Lakes through Mountaons. 253 

of Pocahontas, is continued from the North River into 
Georgia, without interruption from even one ridge. I have 
travelled along it nearly five hundred miles, at least 1 am 
acquainted with it from Newburgh to Fincastle in Virginia. 
The tide flows across this valley in the North River, of 
course it is here much lower than at Fincastle, which is two 
hundred miles from the sea-board. So that the waters of 
James River might be brought by a canal into the Hudson 
river near Newburgh. 

To say nothing of the unphilosophical hypothesis that 
represents the mountain torn asunder at six points simulta- 
neously, it is most evident, that the supposed lake could 
never have risen within five hundred feet of the summit of 
the Highlands at West Point, as they would have discharg- 
ed themselves over the summit of the mountain below Har- 
risburgh. The same remark applies with still greater force 
to the passage of the Potomac, at Harper’s Ferry. 

But what is most decisive, the height of land on the route 
of our northern canal, is only one hundred and fifteen feet 
above the head of the tide at Still Water, on the Hudson. 
Hence the waters of the lake would have: discharged them- 
selves by lake Champlain and the Sorrel into the St. Law- 
rence, before they could rise within fourteen hundred feet of 
the summit of Butler Hill, near West Point. 

Is it not the best theory of the earth, that the Creator, in 
the beginning, at least at the general deluge, formed it with 
all its present grand characteristic features °* 

If the above short dissertation comports with the design 
of your Journal it is at your service. 

Truly yours. 

Newburgh, 29th March, 1821. 

.* The Creator undoubtedly brought all matter into being and established 
the laws which govern it; the operation of those laws then is always a fair 
subject of discussion, and although it is the shoréest itis not the most instruc- 
fave aes to cut the knot where it may be wntied.—Ed. 

254 Geology and Mineralogy of the 

Arr. VI. ieee nearest and Mineralogical Observations on 
the North West Portion of Lake Huron; by Dr. Jou 
I. Biessy, of the Medical Staff of the ‘Batsh army i 
Canada, and Assistant Secretary under the 6th ib Vth 

_ Articles of the Treaty of Ghent. 



I very respectfully beg your acceptance of a few asa 
gical observations on the north west portion of Lake Huron; 
collected under rather favorable circumstances in the sum- 
mer of 1820. 

The part of Lake Huron under examination is ‘contained 
within the Latitudes 45° 46’ and 46° 20’; and by the Lon- 
gitudes 83° and 84°, with some ater of small im- 

At the upper part of this space the waters of Take Sugide 
rior are received, through the medium of the straits of St. 
Mary and the minor Lake, George ; and by three channels, 
the sum of whose breadth perhaps does not exceed a mile— 
as the interval of three leagues or more between the north 
and south shores of Lake Huron, is here (lon. 84° lat. 46° © 
20') principally occupied by the Henge islands of La Crosse 
and St. Joseph.» 

St. Joseph, with which we are more immediately con- 
cornea is compact in shape and woody, rising to the height 
of five hundred feet in the centre. It is about sixty-five 
miles in circumference. Its most southern point is at Fort 
St. Joseph, in the latitude of 46° 5’—six miles north of 
‘Drummond Island. 

This latter island is the most western of the great Meni 
touline chain; which in the latitude of 45° 58’, divides the 
Lake into two unequal parts. One extremity approaches 
to within a mile of the South Main, in lon. 83° 52’, pad the 
other is contiguous to Cabot’s Head. 

Drummond’s Island is an assemblage of . nels an mo- 
rasses, seventeen to twenty miles long, by five in cee 

The lesser Manitou, which next presents itself in the line, 
is ofa similar fiemiacn and is about seven miles in diameter. 

N. W. Portion of Lake Huron. : 255 

Of the Grand Manitou, which now succeeds, little is 
known. Its western termination is remarkable for its ma- 
jestic precipices. 

The northern mainland is hich, barren and rocky; the 
southern shore, being of a secondary formation, is level, and 
abounding in marshes and the densest woods. 

The north west portion of Lake Huron, (whose outline 
has just been traced) in common with the rest of the earth’s 
surface, exhibits many evidences of change and convulsion; 
when, and in what manner effected, | am not prepared to 
state; but they are obvious. 

The original form of the bed of the Lake may be de- 
seribed as a triangular valley of great extent, divided in an 
easterly direction by the Manatouline Ridge into two une- 
quai parts, the northern being rocky and of variable ele- 
vation; and the southern more uniform in its level, and 
generally lower: in its present form, the bed of the Hu- 
ron Lake is covered with the debris of distant countries : 
its rocks are furrowed and abraded ; its loftiest heights over- 
thrown, (of greenstone, one of the most tenacious of miner- 
als, as in the narrows of St. Joseph) separating large tracts 
from the Main; and finally, passages from ten to twelve 
miles wide and ten long, are forced in the Great Manitou- 
lime barrier itself. These violences, and particularly the 
first and last, indicate a more general and powerful agency 
than that of a gradual accumulation of the waters of Lakes 
Huron and Superior, whose united surplus requires only an 
outlet of three hundred yards in breadth (R. St. Clair) in 
place of the four Manitouline Detours. The effect of a 
gradual accumulation of water would have been to have fil- 
Jed the north division of Lake Huron, and in the end, to 
have inundated the lower grounds on the south and east by 
an embouchure at the point of least elevation in the Great 
Ridge. Iam inclined to the opinion that an enormous body 
of water has rushed over these countries (a “ debacle’’) 
swept from distant lands, the collossal fragments of rock so 
frequent in the Lake ; and formed the breaches called the 
detours; perhaps at the same time when the passages of the 
Hudson and Shenandoah were opened, and the heights of 
Quebec, and the marshes of Montreal were covered with 
the ruins of annihilated mountains. 

256 Geology and Mineralogy of the 

- These frapments are incredibly numerous in Lake Hu- 
ron, and may be divided into two geological classes, the for- 
eign and the native. The former are the more plentiful, 

-and are round and smooth. ‘They are seen every where 
but are collected principally in the interior of the coasts and 
islands either in confused heaps, or in parallel ridges, and 
crowning the highest acclivities in great numbers and the frag- 
ments are of various dimensions. ‘They belong almost exclu- 
sively to the older orders of rocks, and are therefore of a 
northerly origin. Granites, gneiss, mica slate, and porphyries 
prevail, of ee which J never saw in situ, although I have 
skirted the north shore for two hundred miles, and havetrav- | 
ersed the wilderness to the east north east for six hundred 
miles. Mica slate I never met with in a fixed state, excepting 
a few strata of the black variety at the Falls des Chat, on the 

The other class is small, angular and ragged. They.< are 
most frequent on the beaches, whither they are driven by 
the waves. 

A curious fact is presented by many parts of Lake Huron, 
and very strikingly in the north channel to St. Mary’s. It 
shews that the debris of the present day is nearly stationary. 
The containing shores of this channel are of different forma- 
tions, the one veing of limestone and the other of green- 
stone; each shore is lined with its own debris, and without 
admixture. A few well rolled granites, puddingstones and 
an occasional greenstone do however occur among the cal- 
careous matter. 

In the spring the ice occasionally removes Fadeey = of 
great size. During the winter it surrounds those which are 
placed i in the shallows, and on being broken up in April by 
mild weather, and a casual rise of water,* it carries them to 
some other shore. Remarkable instances of this are found 
on the islets near the south end of St. Joseph, where a few 
yards from the water and little above its level, are deposit- 
ed rolled stones some yards in diameter, with a furrow ex- 
tending from them to the water, most probably tracing the, 
Jast steps of the route to their place of rest. 

Changes in the form of the bed of the lake indicate very 
strongly changes also in the nature and quantity of its water. 

* This is very commonly observed on the aAtdes blowing a few d days from 
the opposite quarter. 

NN. W. Portion of Lake Huron. 257 

I believe (together with Dr. Mitchill of New-York) that 
it has been formerly salt, and that in the course of time it 
has been diluted by rivers, rains, snow, and dews: a con- 
stant drain materially assisting. The sturgeon, a sea fish, is 
frequent in this lake and in great perfection. The falls of Ni- 
agara prevent their access from the sea. ‘The very immen- 
sity of the flood which has buried a continent, identifies it 
with the ocean. But I need not multiply proofs after Dr. 
. Mitchill’s powerful arrangement of evidences. 

Many of the facts just stated, shew that the waters of Lake 
Huron have been in much greater quantity than at present’ 
and to them may be added the marshy alluvions, and the exten- 
sive collections of sand around the bases of precipices, and 
on the sides of heights. Ancient beaches are not uncom- 
mon at some distance from the water, as on the Lesser 
Manitou. It is likewise evinced by the belts of rolled mass- 
es which gird every slope, and even mark the successive 
retreats of the lake. 

The dense vegetation which covers the islands and envi- 
rons of Lake Huron, restricts our geological inquiries in a 
great measure to the immediate edge of the water; a nar- 
row border where the nature and stratification of the rocks 
are disguised by a multitude of causes. 

The rocks of the districts embraced in the tour of 1820, 
belong to the transition and secondary classes of Werner. 

The transition formation occupies the north shore of the 
lake and some of its subordinate islets, from lon. 83° 42 to 
the foot of Lake George. From the small portion submit- 

‘ted to examination, it is difficult to detect their relation with 
the rocks around them, and even their comparative ages I 
was unable to assign positively, from their never over-lying 
each other, and from their various and often indistinct incli- 
nations. ‘They appear to be intermediate to the primitive 
regions on the north and the secondary on the south. 

With respect to the surrounding rocks, those on the north 
and north east being situated in inaccessible fastnesses, Iam 
ignorant of their nature. On penetrating for two miles in 
that direction by means of a marshy creek, I found no 
change. On the north west the transition is succeeded by 
the first slaty sandstone. On the west and south horizontal 
limestone is universal. Easterly they are bordered by a 
very extraordinary rock which, as far as my limited experi- 

Vor. TMl.....No- 2. ao 

258 Geology and Mineralogy of the 


ence or reading avails me, is unexampled. | I refer to a rock 
which has induced the Canadian voyagers to give to the 
tracts around the Missassaga river the characteristic eis 
lation of ‘“ Le Serpent.” 

The extent of this rock in any dimeptiba I have not as- 
certained. I first observed it on the northern mainland, 
fifteen* miles above the river Missassaga, and afterwards, 
for many miles towards the river Thessalon; when morasses 
and luxuriant forests conceal all traces of stratification, until 
we reach the pelemporneod of the greenstone, about to be 
described. — 

It is an intermixture, in he Maree, af a light coloured 
greenstone, and a granitous compound of minute texture, 
{consisting of white quartz and red feldspar, the latter being 
im excess.) ‘These substances mutually penetrate and tra- 
verse each other in nearly equal quantities, so that either 
may be considered matrix or vein at pleasure ; and each is 
indicated externally by knotty, straight, waved, or stellular 
configurations of its own proper color, which is lively and 
strongly contracted. (See plate, fig. A.) 

The direction of this “ Serpent” rock is north west, will 
a south west dip at an angle of 70°. Accompanying it, in 
the lake, a few granite mounds rise above the water, hold- 
ing a northerly course, an. example of the low level of de 
primitive rocks in America. : 

We have here an instance of a iliad. rock being fevinea 
from the intimate union of two others, pre-existing and co- 
temporaneous, which have met in the same state of fluidity, 
and have been enabled by violent agitation or strong cur- 
rents, to insinuate themselves into each other’s strueture in a- 
very equable manner. Satis 

dts geological relations and its origin, place it among the 
transition class of rocks. ; 

Easterly from this locality for twenty miles or more, -por- 
phyritic granites, gneiss and trap, alternate along shore In 
BrOnpe forming islets, naked rocks - reefs, abe granite and 

*T was wind-bound for two ae there. 

+ Previous to this, a tease or 50, a few vertical strata shew themselves 
among the marshes, which circumstance did not permit me to examine ; 
but from their brown color, close texture, Wc. I conjecture them to be a ; 
trap; particularly as fragments of that rock ofa brown color are common 
on the adjacent islands. s 

ica W. Portion of Lake Huron. 259 

gneiss having a ‘northern direction, and the trap a south west 

These last ened rocks are ictnicely primitive, and are 
supported on the north and north east by others of that or- 
der, as for instance, for thirty-seven miles further to the east 
is a large trappose* formation, at the west end passing into 
greenstone, but at the eastern being nearly a pure horn- 
blende, highly crystalline, and rising in precipices which 
reflect a metallic lustre in certain positions. The islands of 
La Cloche are of this substance, which occasionally be- 
comes a clinkstone, and has given to this picturesque cluster 
its present name. 

The rocks for two hundred miles to the north east of this 
spot are, with the exception of a little white marble, invari- 

ably small grained quartzose gneiss. 

Having now cursorily noticed the geology of ihe country 
in connection with the transition rocks of the north west por- 
tion of Lake Huron, I shall enter upon their description. 

A greenstone in various modifications occupies the north 
main, from lon. $2° 42’ to the head of the Narrows of St. 
Joseph, a distance perhaps of twelve miles. In the exten- 

~ sive marshy bay, east of the broad promontoryt+ in the mid- 
dle of this distance, this rock forms islets (either barren or 
fringed with a scanty vegetation,) rising from the water in 
round and smooth ridges. Itis the same here as at the low- 
er end of the promontory, where it is a dark greenstone, 

very compact, yet shewing a schistose tendency in its weath- 

ered portions. It is rather thickly studded with rolled 
masses of from one to eighteen inches in diameter, of the 
red granitous ingredient in the Serpent rock—a curious fact. 
In some parts of this headland these fragments are so nu- 
merous as to give to the rock the character of a-conglome- 
rate; the imbedded substances being a large proportion of 
the whole. 

They disappear gradually, but entirely or nearly so, and 
the form of a splintery greenstone slate is now and then as- 
sumed, differently colored, commonly of a dark leaden blue, 

* With a south west direction and vertical. Among them at one place | 
observed a few granite strata running north. 

+ The want of appellations for the different localities is severely fel im 
Speaking of unfrequented countries. 

260 Geology and Mineralogy of the 

but running both abruptly and insensibly into cream or 
straw yellow, red, biue, and light green. It clearly observes 
anorth west course, either ata high angle north east, or ver- 
tically. This greenstone is a: slate on the south east side of 
the excellent harbor at the west end of the promontory. 

The greenstone of the contiguous large island (proceeding 
north west) i is at first for a short distance brown, in shades, 
and slaty, and then becomes almost pure hornblende, split- 
ting into thick blocks, and containing few or no nodules 3 
occasionally however changing to a reddish hue from a pre- 
dominance of feldspar, as the flattened rhombs of that min- 
eral in the fissures would seem to indicate. The rock soon 
after continues to the end of the island in the form it wore 
on the promontory, with smaller granitoid nodules. Some- 
times the splinteriness is remarkably great. The direction, 
&c. continue the same. 

At the spot where the hornllenrii is most shandaade ee 
waving vems of ligneous asbestus traverse the rock for some 
yards. ‘The matrix is so difficultly frangible that I could 
not remove specimens more than two inches long. Itshews 
itself by insensible gradations ; the centre only of the vein 
being perfect. Here are also vertical veins of quartz half a 
foot in diameter, containing cavities lined with hexahedral 
prisms of great size. ‘The surface of the rock occasionally 
takes a polish and becomes undulatory. In the concave 

ortion there is often a round congeries of small and very 
bilhant rock crystals of a honey yellow color, which at- 
tracts the eye immediately. The only other foreign mine- 
rals E found are galena, in a thready vein three yards long, 
dipping obliquely into the rock, and cale spar. 

"The bluff at the lower end of the narrows (which are two 
and a half miles long) is also greenstone passing into the 
slaty species, and is here penetrated by a strong seam of 
quartz, containing much of what I conceive to be copper 
pyrites in mass, and in obscure octohedral crystals. » The 
sound part yields readily to the knife, and is every where 
encircled with yellow and green crusts of various shades. I 
am at present unable to apply the proper tests tom not hav- 
ing access to the specimens. 

On passing upwards along the line of precipices constitu- 
ting the narrows of the north channel to St. Mary’s, we find 
the rock to take a reddish brown hue, and to become very 

NV. W. Portion of Lake Huron. 261 

splintery ; so much so that the precipice frequently changes 
into a steep declivity of schistose debris. At the head of 
the narrows the greenstone is much less disintegrated, and 
dips into the clear and deep waters in compact walls of al- 
most pure hornblende. ‘The contiguous islets (filling up the 
interval of a mile between St Joseph and the main,) are of 
a similar formation, and are composed of aggregated ridges, 
rising to a great height, and presenting to the current rapid 
slopes of smooth rocks or perpendicular cliffs.* 

The head of the narrows being the seat of a strong cur- 

rent, is one of the north west limits of Lake Huron. Ad- 
vancing still north westward we come to the lower of the 
two basins (included between the north main and St. Jo- 
seph) which separate Lake Huron from Lake George on 
this side. ‘The shores of the lower basin being marshy or 
alluvial, as is to be expected at the entrance of so confined 
a pass as that of the narrows, no strata are met with as far 
as Tam aware, until we arrive at the rapid formed by the 
line of islets, dividing the lower from the upper basin. Here 
a new order of rocks occurs. 
_ It is of quartz and is of the transition class, as appears 
- from its associations, its inclination and the breccias and 
nodules which it frequently contains. It prevails from hence- 
to Lake George, (five and a half miles.) Its direction is 
distinctly north west, with a dip either vertical or obscure ; 
but at the islets of Encampment Douce, at the foot of the 
rapids of the Great Nibish, this is perhaps not quite so evi- 
dent from the innumerable rents and dislocations, and from 
original displacements. . 

On the third large island from the rapid of the basins, 
{above mentioned) a parallel stratum of almost sienitic 
greenstone occurs, and the same is seen on the main three 
miles north north west. It may be a continuation of the 
stratum of the rapids. ea 

The composition of this quartz rock varies much. | It is 
here an aggregation of minute grains of vitreous quartz ce- 
mented by the same substance, opaque and of a milky white 
colour. It is easily frangible, and becomes soft and pow- 
dery on exposure to the weather: the external surface how- 
ever is frequently hard and smooth in patches. Its frac- 

* Dir. N. W. dip. vertical. 

262 Geology and Mineralogy of the 

ture is earthy-conchoidal. The only substance I met witli 
‘in its fissures was brilliant and well-formed quartzose prisms 
of a red colour. ; a ks 

The north shore only of the upper basin exhibits any 
stratification and it is of the transition quartz; but whether 
precisely of the same species as that of the rapid of the ba~ 
sins I know not. At Encampment Douce it changes; in 
becoming crystalline, compact, translucent at the edges, 
~conchoidal, and in passing occasionally by imperceptible 
shades into a feldspathic form; the fracture being then foli- 
ated, fragments schistose, lustre shining, and the translu- 
cency at the edges very slight. It is very commonly stud- 
ded with nodules of red and brown Jasper, averaging an 
inch in diameter, and often arranging themselves in the 
form of belts or stripes of from one to five feet in breadth, | 
mingled with round pebbles of white and black quartz. 
Every part of the north west portion of Lake Huron abounds 
in a conglomerate of this rock ; rich in Jaspers of all col- 
ours, and occurring in blocks of great magnitude. IT never 
met with this species in situ. ; 

Small proportions of black and brown hematite are not 
unfrequent in the rock of Encampment Douce, and are as- 
sociated with a bluish black, scaly, ore; of iron I suppose. 
Quartz is sometimes met with in a state of crystallization. 

[have not traced the transition farther than two miles up 
the Great Nibish rapids. ‘ ts 

Having finished the observations on this class of rocks, 
the following inferences may not be out of place. 

The “ Serpent” rock was not deposited in the Wernerian 
method of gradual deposition, but it is the product of the 
forced union of two nascent formations; and which it is 
most easy to conceive took place horizontally, and not in 
their present inclination: thereby pointing out an after-de- 
pression or elevation. on 

All this applies equally to the greenstone conglomerate : 
of which it may be remarked that it is of a different era 
from the “ Serpent” rock, though composed of nearly the 
same ingredients. The granitous compound is here in the 
form of rolled balls; which indicates that it had previously 
existed independently, had been reduced to fragments and 
subjected to attrition. § i 

N. W. Portion of Lake Huron. 263 

It may be conjectured that these two rocks owe their ori- 
gin tothe trap and granite on the north east, or that they 
have been evolved from the same repository Pes in closer 

The Huttonian theory explains these phenomena, by pro- 
viding powers and materials. - 

Further evidences of the convulsions to which this part 
of Lake Huron has been submitted, are afforded by the six 
distinct species of conglomerate in the state of debris, and 
as many of breccia which every where abound ;* and by the 
brecciated and vesicular limestones of Michilimackinac. 

Most probably the first fletz sandstone is the rock in jux- 
ta position on the north west, with the transition quartz 
just described. 

It have not visited in favorable circumstances the line of 
junction, and I saw the former first distinctly at the falls of St. 
Mary, among the petty rapids of the marshy islets around 
the falls. In the summer of 1819, while travelling in a ca- 
noe, at dusk, I observed in Lake George not long after leav- 
ing the inclined strata, a number of islands with moderately 
high cliffs of horizontal rock, breaking into parallelopipeds, 
which perhaps are the first fletz sandstone, especially as 
much of its debris is found with sharp edges on the rapids of 
the Great Nibish. 

The portage of the falls of St. Mary furnishes the best 
means of examining the stratification of this mineral. The 
stores of the North West Company are founded upon it; 
and it is traced, imperfectly covered with mould and herb- 
age to the arealie channels of the falls, in horizontal or 
slightly inclined layers of some thickness. It breaks and 
splits readily. Itissoft. Its colours are principally brown 
and dull white or red, occasionally with yellow spots or cir- 
clets. Itis the sandstone of the Genesee oy NY: 
without so large an impregnation of iron. 

This rock is every where surrounded by morasses. 

Tn returning through Lake George into Lake Huron by ei- 
ther side of Isle a la Crosse, we gradually emerge from swam~ 
py musquito grounds into a calcareous formation, as is seer: 
by the debris on the beaches. No fixed stratum, I believe, 
is met with but on the North side of Si. Joseph, or in the 

* These are classed in the Appendix. 

264 Geology and Mineralogy of the 

latitude of the Manitoulines. With the exception ae the 
narrow selvage of transition and primitive on the North main- 
land, the whole of Lake Huron rests on secondary lime- 
stone. I have myself noticed it encroaching on those class- 
es as far East as the river des Francois on the North shore 
—and found it to be the only living rock in the South and i 1D 
the Manitouline chain of Islands; including that of St. Joseph. 

The calcareous basin of Lake Huron (and the remark 

may be extended to Lower and Upper Canada) differs from 
those of Europe* in essential particulars: in being often 
non-crystalline and full of organic remains while in comact 
with the oldest rocks—without observing their direction and 
inclination. Again in the Canadas, limestones deposited in 
the midst of fletz countries are sometimes highly | cr ystalline, 
and crowded with fossilized animals. — 

The following facts illustrate these observations. 

Between the mouth of the River Des Francois and the 
groupe of Islands named La Cloche, there are several isles 
of some magnitude whose centre or nucleus is of gneiss, lof- 
ty and barren—girded by a broad zone of dark coloured 
horizontal limestone. which is loaded with vegetation. I 
landed on one of them and found the rock 10. “be soft and 

knotty, and full of organic remains. ‘The same appearance 
occurs between La Cloche and Messassaga. 

A gentleman of the party met with an island off the River 
Thessalon composed of a number of parallel ridges of gran- 
tte much disturbed and broken; whose intervals contain 

horizontal limestone thus. [See the Plate, fig. 2.] ihm 

Inthe rear of the promontory of the Cedar Island, passage _ 
near Kingston, on Lake Ontario, I observed horizontal 
compact, dull, brown limestone overlying gneiss in a simi- - 
lar manner. Farther east, in the contracting portion of Lake 
Ontario, this Rock ute the immediate bank with the 
primitive emerging behind it thus. [See the Plate fig. 3.] 
The intervals of these mounds are often (as i m Lake Hu- 

ron) filled with secondary limestone. 

An occurrence nearly the same takes place at the Falls 
of Montniorenci near Quebec. 

_ Repeated instances are met with in the thousand islands 
near Kingston where white quartzy sandstone, rests, in hor- 
izontal layers on granite. 

* Rurope. however, does contain a few similar examples, 

NV. W. portion of Lake Huron. 265 

The crystalline grey or brown limestone of the Island of 
Montreal, of the Falls of the Chaudiere on the river Ottawa; 
and of the Falls of Montmorenci, and Point Aux Trembles 
near Quebec, are examples of secondary strata assuming 
the structure of the primitive class. Their fracture is slaty 
in the large, and imperfectly conchoidal in the small. They 
yield to the knife, but not to the nail. Their fracture-sur- 
face is full of rhomboidal facets, and resembles that of Horn- 
blende. ‘They are at the same time full of bivalves, turbi- 
nites, branches of coral, of fibres of wood, and of small 
drusy cavities of pearl-spar and yellow Blende. 

_A strong odour of sulphur is exhaled on percussion. 
_ The limestones of the North West portion of Lake Hu- 
ron vary considerably in character and contents; and may 
be divided into three principal species, viz. that of St. Jo- 
seph and the islets on the north shore—that of the Manitou- 
line Range and that of Michilimackinac. 

To commence with that of St. Joseph, as being nearest 
the elder rocks, it is of various shades of brown, which are 
usually light. Itis soft, knotty, schistose, and of an imper- 
fect conchoidal fracture. | 

It seldom shews itself in ledges of more than two yards 
high, and then is much shivered; the fragments being blunt, 
and weathered. The lower strata are often of a greenish 
tinge—not occasioned by decaying vegetables and only af- 
fecting the surface, but also the deeper and sound portions. 
This variety is remarkable for its number of what appear to 
be clove brown shells, oblong, and of the size of millet seeds. 
On Isle Vert, (six miles East of St. Joseph, and two from 
north shore) this substratum rests upon a very dark blackish 
brown limestone so schistose as to be in fact a shale, as tru- 
ly so as that of Niagara. It contains no shells. It is under 
water. Rhomboidal, pearl, and dog-tooth calc spar are the 
only minerals I met with in this limestone. P 

An enumeration of its organic remains is placed in the 
appendix. I have to lament that Tam not more familiar 
with this interesting part of Geology. ; 

‘The limestones of the Manitouline Range although in part 
on the same level with the species, just described, differ 
from it in many respects; and thus themselves are not al- 
ways the same. That a basin of secondary deposition, 
should contain on the same level, rocks of different charac-. 

Vor. W.....No. 2. 34 

266 Geology and Mineralogy of the « 

ter, is a curious fact, and appears to lead to the conclusion 

that the great solvent medium (according to Theories) may 

have been, at the same moment, charged with several forms 

of mineral substances in fields or districts ; and without any 

evident barrier to prevent their commixture—a supposition 
which involves a perfect state of repose or a steady motion 
as in rivers, equality of specific gravity and of fluidity, &e. < 
of none of which conditions are we assured. 

In Lake Huron the brecciated and vesicular species of 
Michilimackinac, the quartzose of the Grand Manitou and 
Drummond, and the odorous variety of the Lesser Manitou 
are on the same level. 

The soft and brown kind of St. Joseph and the light col- 
oured schistose and non-organic* of the Lesser Manitou are 
both on the level of the Lake also. ; on 

Lake Ontario presents similar appearances; Be 
to sandstone. At Sackets Harbour thirty-five miles from 
Kingston the limestone is of a very deep blue, and com- 
monly largely studded with very convex bivalves. At the 
latter place on the same plane, the limestone is brown 
and blue, without a shell (as far as I saw) and abounding in 
tremolite. At Gauanoque at the head of the one thousand 
islands, on the same level with the limestone of Kingston is 
a white quartzy sandstone which continues to line the de- 
scent of the St. Lawrence to Montreal, covered by lime- 
stone. Further, if it be allowed (and I believe it must be) 
that during the first three miles from Lake Ontario, the Gen- 
essee River does not ascend eighteen feet, we shall then 
have the first fletz sandstone of that locality, the blue and 
brown limestone of Sackets Harbour and Kingston, and the 
white sandstone of Gauanoque on the same parallel of height. 

I have been induced to enter into these digressions, from, 
their being the vehicles of new facts respecting the Geology 
of unexamined countries. 

To return, the rocks of the Western part of the Meco 
ie Islands are so deranged, and so concealed by debris 
and vegetation t that it requires opportunities superior to. 
mine to ascertain correctly the nature of the successive 
strata from the level of the Lake to the summit of the Grand 
Manitou. | : w 

* Without organic remains: | 

NV. W. portion of Lake Huron. 267 

At Collier’s Harbour, the British post at oti west end of 
Drummond Island, a little higher than the water there is.a 
light brown liiestaries hard, with few or no organic remains, 
but full of superficial spherical excavations.* No fixed 
rocks are then visible until an elevation of eighty feet is 
attained, when low precipices of a whiter and much harder 
limestone protrude through the sides of the slope. They 
are either somewhat slaty, or broken into large cuboid 
blocks. It is here the singular organic remains of the local- 
ity are found. 

On the North side of the Lesser Manitou and toward. the 
east end, the rock at the level of the lake is of two 
kinds, the one, white, hard, and so slaty as to resemble a 
shale, and without fossil remains, the other, is plentifully 
supplied with these substances and is dark, soft, full of knots, 
and very much less slaty. The interrupted low cliffs which 
range along the acclivity of the Island from thirty to seven- 
ty feet above the water, furnish a dull brown granular, rath- 
er hard, slaty limestone, which gives out a disagreeable odor 
on percussion and is free from shells, as far as I could ob- 

This island does noi seem to agree in its geological for- 
mation with Drummond Island. Its rocks are very much 
‘concealed by vegetation and debris. It is proper to register 
every bhecnnnn respecting these countries, as from their 
remoteness, total want of attractions and moreover from the 
difficulty of subsistence, visits to them will be very rare and 

The west end of the Grand Manitou, at the level of the 
lake has a flooring similar to that of Collier’s Harbor, and 
at the height of ten—thirty feet, a slaty rock like that of the 
cliffs of the Lesser Manitou; but inodorous. This is in the 
middle of the detour. ‘Toward the south end of this 
channel there is a rocky bluff divided into enormous cubes, 
piled upon each other to the elevation of fifty feet or more. 
The foot of the higher precipices (which in the middle of 
the Detour rise two hundred and fifty feet) and the beach 
in general is strewn with the quartzose limestone of Drum- 
mond, and abounds in the same kind of organic remains.— 

* These are tolerably accurate parts of spheres, commonly one and ahalf 
inch in diameter, and containing on their ner surface another series of cay- 
ities. They are so numerous as sometimes to run into each other. 

268 Geology and Mineralogy of the 

Masses of honeycomb and chain madrepores are frequently 
met with two or three yards in diameter ; but the material 
of which they are composed being more calcareous they are- 
not so beautiful as those at Collier’s Harbour. A description 
of the organic remains of the Manitoulines (as far as they 
have been examined) will be found in the Appendix. 

The island of Michilimackinac, (situated close to the — 
straight dividing Lakes Michigan and Huron; and in the 
latter) is of an oval form and nine miles in diameter; the 
long sides being lofty precipices rendered picturesque by 
their fantastic shapes and luxuriant dosti: and the ek 
sides, pebbled beaches. ae 

The rocks are calcareous 5 ‘antd the oe idea of then na- 
ture is afforded by the south-east extremity of the north- 
east precipice which may be described as follows :—A few 
soft strata, very thin, white and horizontal, shew themselves 
at the top; but below this the iinesne becomes yellow 
and ragged. Much of it is compact, but it is more usually 
occupied by vesicles (as from bubbles of air) encrusted with 
erystals of quartz in botryoidal clusters. A few of them are — 
three or four feet in diameter, and contain smaller cavities 
in several series. Other parts contiguous to this, are an ag- 
gregate of angular fr agments of slaty limestone cemented 
as if by semifusion, and with interstices lined with quartzose 
crystallizations. The size of the fragments varies from one 
to eight inches. ‘They also are of an ochry yellow. | The 
bottom of the cliff is in horizontal strata, which are mode-. 
rately thick, very soft, even so as to write, and of a white, 
or bluish colour. I have been thus minute, on this spot a8 
the herbage does not permit an examination at any other 
except in small patches where similar  sraeulea tags were no- 

‘The north-west half of this long side of the elas sles 
clines in height very gradually and consists-of debris except-- 
ing a few schistose strata at the top. Not far from the end 
a road is making up the steep (1819.) Here the limestone 
contains a few blue and white striped flints, which are re- 
markable for being broken, small, and angular. ‘They are. 
also met with onthe beach. J met with no organic remains. 
A friend saw a single bivalve. ‘There are indeed several 
fragments of the limestone of the Lesser Manitou on the 
shore, penetrated by a multitude of short i incisions as with 
the point of a knife. 


NV. W. Portion of Lake Huron. 269 

The other long side possesses the same geolopical fea- 
tures as the one just described. The breccia perhaps 
abounds more here. The slaty portions are found at every 
fevel and at one place in strata two feet thick. About the 
middle there is a cave, about three yards in its great- 
est depth, formed by the concurrence of several of the cav- 
ernous, bowl-shaped hollows, thus creating one of great di- 
mensions; whose interior is subdivided into ‘smaller cavities 

The beach is covered almost exclusively with fienebaees 
slaty, vesicular and brecciated. I saw the vesicular species 
after it had been exposed to the heat of a kiln. It had suf- 
fered a change of colour only from its ochry yellow, to a 
brown or black. 

The stratified limestone burns profitably. 

Two, if not three eras and modes of formation are here 
clearly distinguishable. ‘The first and oldest is the slate, 
which is seen to floor the lake for miles around. Upon it 
are supported two calcareous masses which mingle with 
each other and with short slips of the schist in the greatest 
disorder; and having a few of the broken flints interspers- 
ed. In all probability they are veins of strata which have 
been overwhelmed by a sudden violent force. 

-Heat may have been the means of raising, comminuting, 
and partially melting this bed of limestone. Steam, a prin- 
cipal agent, may have insinuated itself into the more yield- 
mg ee ; and the whole, has finally, consolidated. | 


As this paper has already assumed an inconvenient size, 
f shall content myself with noticing in the briefest manner 

possible, the conglomerates, and a mineral with which | am 

acquainted. The description of the organic remains, must 
also be greatly limited. 

The conglomerates are curious, and are met with prin- 
cipally in the shape of debris. ‘Their matrices are of two 
kinds, quartz and greenstone. ‘The quartzose species ex- 
hibits three forms—its nodules are sometimes exclusively, 
translucent white quartz. In other instances they are mass- 
es of greenstone; but by far more commonly they are of 

270 Geology and Mineralogy of the 

_ jasper,* red, green, ash, and greenish brown and black, ei- 
ther uniform, or in stripes and clouds. The first and last 
of these species often run into each other. 

_ The greenstone conglomerates are also of three sttoe 
that of quartz nodules, of the granitous compound, of the 
« Serpent rock,” and of greenstone nodules. 

Breccias of the same composition with these conglome- 
rates are not uncommon. 

Near Collier’s Harbour and on an islet near the Grand 
Manitou a curious mineral occurs in rolled fragments of close 
grained granite. 

It is in the form of octohedral crystals yas rounded cde 
es—one specimen was found three inches in length and two 
and a half in breadth. A section discovers the following 
appearances. The external coating isa slender layer of 
dark copper colored mica in promiscuously arranged frag- 
ments, succeeded by an inner ring of a substance resem- 
bling hornblende, which insensibly passes into a yellowish 
ereen mass of fibres radiating from the centre of the erystal, 
where, however they disappear in the form of a Avinitish 
yellow powder. [See plate, fig. 4.] 

The organic remains of the limestone of St. Joseph in- 
clude numerous and very extraordinary appearances similar 
to what Dr. Lloyd of Oxford in his Ichnographia calls Al- 
veoli—cylindrical tubes or cases, of various sizes—sometimes 
giving off branches,—belemnites, coralites, impressions of 
weeds, four species of entrocite, five of bivalves, trochites 
and turbinites.| There are also, honey comb and chain 
madrepores, and many singular impressions &c. which are 
perhaps non-descript; but no adequate idea can be fovmaed 
of them without accompanying sketches. 

Drawing No. 5, is one fourth of the size ofa cli ta- 
ken from a small island off the river Thessalon on the north 
coast of Lake Huron. It was found imbedded in a large 
fragment of limestone. ‘The raised and more perfect: por- 
tion is elevated above the matrix, one and a half inches. 
The mass separates into two parts in the line of the delin- 

_* Insome rare examples, masses of greenstone accompany the jasper, in- 
dicating the destruction of a greenstone, pein to the formation of the 
“jasper conglomerate. 

+ The shells in Lake Huron, at present seit are tellinites, artis, 
cochlites, turbmites and various bivalves. 


N. W. Portion of Lake Huron. 244 

eated rent. The interior consists of calc spar. At the right 
end there is a smooth cylinder one inch in diameter and 
two and a half inches long, issuing obliquely from the body 
of the Remain. I can offer no conjecture as to the nature of 
this substance, except that they are orthoceratites.* They 
have been called fossilized sturgeon, but the direction of 
the flakes in that fish, and an examination of a transverse sec- 
tion forbid the idea. ‘They were first noticed in 1820 by a 
surveying party. 

All these remains are calcareous. . 

The fossilized remains of the Manitouline range must be 
the subject of a separate paper, as together with those of St. 
Joseph, and the necessary drawings, they occupy fifty-five 
pages. They are composed of quartz, frequently so fine as 
to approach to the form of calcedony. 

Numbers 6 and 7 are varieties of organic remains abun- 
dant in the quartzose limestone of Collier’s Harbour: in which 
they are wholly or partially imbedded. They are composed 
of quartz with a small proportion of lime. Their colour is 
brown of different shades. The external surface is more or 
less situated longitudinally. ‘The interior is filled with a 
granular, sandstone-like substance, or presents radii issu- 
ing from the centre, or irregular cavities lined with quartz 
and botryoidal calcedony. ‘They are more or less flatten- 
ed, but sometimes they are nearly circular. No. 6 its the 
most common form. The usual length of a joint is an 
inch. I have seen one, two inches long, and with a mode~ 
rate breadth. The latter dimension has never exceeded 
two and a half inches or been less than one inch. No. 6 is 
illustrative of the ordinary expansion at the socket part of the 
joint. No.7 presents great expansion at this part with mod- 
erate size. Fragments only have been found. I have seen 
fifty. The longest is twenty-seven inches, which tapers 
gradually to one extremity, a circumstance not observed in 
any other case. ‘I'wo fragments of similar form have been 
met with lying parallel and contiguous. In another exam- 
ple one is partially imbedded in the other without mutual 
derangement. ‘These substances greatly resemble vertebre, 
of what animals I know not. They belong to members of 

* Judging from the drawing, these remains appear to us similar to some 
found south of Lake Ontario, and which Mr. Brongniart thinks are or--, 
thoceratites.—Vid. p. 222 of this Vol.—[ Editor] 

272 Geology and Mineralogy of the 

the same family, but their diversity of form indicates differ- 

ent organizations and consequent faculties and habits. [ti 

remarkable that these remains have no processes, nor place 

of insertion for other bones. — at ye 
Quebec, March 25, 1821. 

Extract from the letter which accompanied the preceding 
; memoir. — Weak 

Possibly too great stress has, been laid on limestone of 
recent formation being found in contact with granite without 
observing its inclination.* 7.” aK 

The want of a more detailed Topography of these dis- 
tricts is greatly felt: from its length and tediousness, it is 
incompatible with the plan and interests of a periodical 
work. I hope the epitome J have prefixed willsuffice. It 
would have been impossible to have furnished engravings 
for all the organic remains—their description occupies filty 
six pages. ‘The Topography and Geology with its appen- 
dix fill one hundred and twenty pages of matter equally con- 
densed with those now before you. This has been present- 
ed to the Earl of Dalhousie. | cites vi tee 


% We do not think so; this fact as well as many others mentioned by Dr. 
Bigsby is very curious and interesting. —|[ Kd. | fer gba 

Dr. J, Porter's Floral Calendar, &. Q73 


Arr. VIL—Floral* and Miscellaneous Calendar for Plain- 
field, Mass. 100 miles West of Boston, (Lat. supposed 
about 42° 30’ N. and Lon. West from Lond. 73°—more 
than 100 miles from the ocean—country fel and elevated, } 
by Dr. Jacop Porter. | 

Remark.—Floral Calendars, very much in detail, having been objected ta 
by some persons, the editor has selected only what he supposed the author 
deemed the most interesting observations,from a calendar still more in detail. 

It appears by this Journal, that in the course of five months, about 
twenty rainy days occurred, and in the same period there were fourteen 
cloudy and fogey days, but without rain. ‘The notices of temperature, and 
weather being unaccompanied with any thermometrical observations, have 
been generally omitted, except where some connected circumstances ren- 
dered thei interesting.—Ep. 

1819.—Jan. 24.—Common chickweed partly, and hair- 
cap moss fully blown. 

Feb. 8. Before this date, the roads were settled and trav- 
elling good. 

26. Heavy snow. 

March, 17, 18. Snow in some places ten or twelve feet 
deep, and so hard as to bear men and animals. 

April 2. The first blue-bird seen. In some places the 
snow is still above the tops of the fences, entirely conceal- 
ing them. ‘The farmers are now tapping their sugar-maple 
trees, which are very abundant here, and furnish the domes- 
tic supply of sugar ; the tapping of the trees began before 
March 26. 

3. Warm. The song of the robin heard for the first time. 

7. Summer bird heard to sing. 

11. The aments of the alder and poplar considerably 


13. At sunrise a very large and beautiful rainbow. The 
ground is about two thirds bare, though in some places, the 
fences are entirely concealed by the snow. Several chirp 
ing birds are seen. 

14. The first butterfly seen; the bees are also eee? 
to venture abroad and the song - of the marsh quail has been 

* The dates may be considered as being generally those that icles to the 
@arliest events of the kind. 

Vor. IIl....No. 2. ah 

(274 Dr. J. Porter’s Plorai and 

heard for a few days past. Making sugar is now the em- 
ployment of our farmers. | 

15. So warm that we sat with open windows. The: sn 
der in blossom, its beautiful aments waving gracefully over 
the snow. The buds of the hazel are also tipped with red. 

16. The threelobed hepatica or wes leaf begins to show 
its buds. 

17. A severe storm of rain, snow aaa hail, atiended with 
some thunder and lightning. 

21. 'The hazel and hepatica in blossom. — 

22. The eroaking of the frogs is heard for the first time. 

23. Found the clatonia or spring beauty in flower at 
Worthington. Some deep snow- -banks still. 

24. Sun eclipsed. . 

26. Farmers are now beginning to plough. 

27, Roundleaved violet in blossom. 3 

28. Woodpeckers and blackbirds appear. 

29. Swamp willow in blossom. Reh 

May 1. So warm that an umbrella is agreeable. ae 
thronium or adders tongue in blossom. 

2. Early corydalis or colic weed and two species of pelea 
in blossom ; the trees are beginning to put forth their leaves, 
the chirping of the wren is heard, and the groves are full oy 
music. | 
3. Lombardy poplar and Canada violet in blossom. | 

4, Observed the balm of gilead, red maple, yellow birch, 
rhomboidal trillium, lead Shee or bellwort, on 
delicate chrysosplenium or golden saxifrage and field equis- 
etum in flower. The sun shines with a scorching heat, and 
vegetation is surprisingly rapid. _ Here and there however, 
a bank of snow is still to be seen on the hills. 

5. Found the elm, fly, honeysuckle, colt’s foot and straw 
berry 2 in blossom at Cummington. The large poisonous | 
leaves of the veratrum or poke root and the “wooly heads 
ef the polypods are starting up every where by our brooks. 
The first swallow seen. i 

6. The white birch, sugar maple, owecteenen ah vi- 
olet and bluish houstonia mn flower at the same place. Very 
warm; the first chimney swallow seen. It is the season 
for sowing English grain. In the woods the leaves are not 
large enough to form much shade, but the long delicate 
aments of the yellow birch, waying over our head, appear 

Miscellaneous Calendar. 215 

like the fringe of an umbrella. ‘The herbaceous plants are 
flowering every where, and the petals of the roundleaved 
violet, in particular, resemble specks of gold scattered 
around ‘the path. 

8. Found the viburnum, the blue violet and the delicate 
three leaved panax in blossom. This beautiful pee: of 
panax is very abundant with us. 

9. Found the beech tree and threeleaved arum or indian 
iurnip in flower. 

12. The yellow violet and prostrate mitella in blossom. 
The first snake seen. 

14, The currant bush and red berried elder in blossom. 

17. The plumb tree and dentaria or tooth root in blossom. 
Plumb trees do notsucceed well with us, many of them having 
large black excrescences on their limbs. Peach trees do 
not eae at all; indeed, very few at present attempt to 
cultivate them. The root of the dentaria has a sharp 
spicy taste, not unlike that of horse radish. ‘“* Radices,” 
says Michaux, ‘ab indigenis, loco sinapis, a ciborum con- 
dimentis exsiccantur.’ 

18. The wild red cherry tree, aronia or shad tree, cow- 
slip and dandelion in blossom. 

19. The small veronia or smooth speedwell and two spe- 
cies of granaphalium in flower. 

20. The threeleaved coptis or gold thread and dewberry 
in blossom. 

- 21. Pleasant. Farmers are engaged in planting their po- 
tatoes and indian corn, which has been deferred till now on 
account of the late storm. The first yellow bird seen. 

22. Warm and pleasant. Found the apple, peach and 
red cherry trees, the iron-wood, june-berry, and anemone, 
twoleaved mitella, painted trilliutn, wild gooseberry bush, 
caulophyllum, slender rush, two species of ranunculus and 
two of saxifrage in flower on the banks of Westfield river, 

23. Pleasant. The moose-wood wild currant and rose- 
‘flowered convallaria in blossom. The est is the rosy strep- 
topus of Michaux. 

24. Ash tree in flower. The bob uy lincoln and ue 
bird, seen for the first time. 

25. Shepherd’s purse and common cerastium, or mouse 
ear chickweed in bloom. 

276 - Dr. J. Porter’s Floral and 

26. Windy and cold; in the morning 4 beautiful rain 

27. Dwarf cornel and hispid gaultheria i in flower. The 
latter is sometimes used by the common people as a 1 substi= 
tute for tea. 

28. Clear and cold. This morning the ‘ground is white 
with frost. — Ri FE A 
29. Frost this morning. © She . Ee 
31. Our orchards are now in full bloom. | Ree | 

June 1. Large convallaria in flower. Kaas 

2. Pleasant. Found the red oak, butternut, choke cher- 
ry, common ranunculus, clustered and umbelled convalla- 
ula, veratrum or poke root, water erysimum, trientalis, wa- 
ter cress and a beautiful species of gooseberry bush in flow- 
er, the most of them on the banks of Westfield river, Cum- 
mington. The delicate trientalis is the only native plant, 
that we have of the seventh class. 

4, Visited the bog in Goshen, where I found the higer 
chokeberry, the elaucous kalmia, the dwarf and rosemary 
leaved, andromedas, a species of eriophorum or cotton 
grass, the stemless cypripedium or lady’s slipper, and two 
species of vaccinium in flower. ‘To the botanist this is an 
interesting spot, and I would take the liberty of recommend- 
ing it with emphasis to the attention of botanists. The 
pine, larch, mountain ash, sarracenia and many other very 
interesting trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants grow here. 
This bog is about three fourths of a mile east of Keith’s - 
Hill in Cummington. Observed the thorn bush and two- 
leaved convallaria in blossom by the road side. 

5. Sarsaparilla in blossom.. 

6. The redberried actea or panebere medeola or indian 
cucumber, white clover and strawberry blite in flower. The 
white clover is the shamrock of the poets. The strawber- 
ry blite grows wild in this place. I have also observed it a 
few yards from the sulphur-spring at Ballston Spa. — 

7%. Very warm; towards night a thunder shower. Black 
cherry tree, bluey ed grass and common sorrel in blossom. 

8. In riding to Northampton, I observed in flower at Go- 
shen the yarrow, celandine, yellow oxalis, or upright wood, 
sorrel and raspberry bush; at Williamsburg the locust tree, 
high blackberry and thimble berry, garden and wild colum- 
bine, red clover and common potentilla ; and at Northamp- 

Miscellaneous Calendar. 274 

ton the barberry bush, two species of honeysuckle, one of 
them growing wild, two species of azalea or swamp pink, 
narrowleaved kalmia, spotted geranium, red top and foxtail 
grass, besides lilac, snow ball, rye and many other exotics. 

9. Extremely warm; towards night a severe thunder 
storm. Common iris or blue flag in = at the same 
place. ‘The first fire fly seen. 

10. The prunella, small znothera and: delicate krigia in 
flower at Northampton ; longstalked smilax at Williams- 

12. In the morning, sharp thunder and lightning with tor- 
rents of rain; in the afternoon pleasant. 

13. The white flowered oxalis or stemless wood sorrel in 

a Virginia hydrophyllum or burr flower in blossom. 

. Pleasant. Strawberries which are excellent and 
be ee here, are now beginning to ripen. 

16. Warm. Found the red connel, golden senecia or 
ragwort and threeleaved convallaria in blossom at Cum- 

17. Mountain ash, Norway potentilla and common alsine 
or chickweed in Hlessone, 

18. Another species of cotton grass and a very delicate 
species of spergula in bloom. In the afternoon a thunder 
storm with some hail; in the night, another tremendously 
severe, with large hailstones and torrents of rain; the hail 
in some parts of the town, so large as to break the glass. 

19. Windy. Found the grape vine, broadleaved kalmia, 
purple sarracenia or meadow cups, common galium or clea- 
vers, white weed, large veronica or, marsh speedwell and 
circea or enchanter’s night shade in blossom at Cumming- 
ton. The fantastic sarracenia grows aiso at Goshen, Ash- 
field and Hawley. Doctor David Hunt also informed me 
that he has found at Northampton, numerous specimens of 
the sarracenia with yellow blossoms. 

20. Very pleasant. The sanicle, small late and 
exquisitely beautiful and delicate lmnea in flower. The last 
mentioned plant may be found on the margin of a small 
brook, about a mile east of the meeting house. I have al- 
so discovered it in the east part of Savoy, on each side of 
the county road leading from Plainfield to Adams. All the 
specimens that I have seen, are didynamous. 

278 Dr. J. Porter’s Floral oe 

21. Pleasant; clouds uncommonly beautiful. Yellow 
water lily, potamogeton or floating pond weed, plantain, 
climbing palyeeua and slechoma ¢ or ground ivy in blos- 
. Common fleabane in blossom. a 
be Found the broadleaved ledum or Labrador tea, 
three leaved menyanthes, common avens, craneberry and a 
handsome species of sedge in blossom, at the bog near 
Hawley meeting house, a most interesting spot. Observed 
the common cynaglossum or hound’s tongue and the woody 
gaa ee or bittersweet in flower by the ae peehy 
. False flax in blossom. 

* Some of our fields and pastures : are now so com- 
pletely covered with the blossoms of the common ranuncu~ 
lus, here called the yellow weed, as to have the apeeaance 
of being wrapt in sheets of gold. 

28. False mustard in blossom. 

29. Red and wild rose, mitchella and a es of rere 
grass in blossom. 

30. Sage in blossom, ‘ind indian corn nestecie to tassel. 

July 1. “Lilyleaved malaxis in blossom. 

2. Flax, motherwort, sow-thistle, mimutlus or mon- 
key flower and climbing celastrus or saff tree in flower, the 
two last on the banks of Westfield river, Cummington. — 

3. Blackberried elder, bristly aralia, large enothera, round 
leaied mallows and small flowered hypericum in blossom. 
In the evening a comet seen in the northwest. 

4. Fair. “Mullen, common asclepias or milk- weed, 
fringe flowered orchis and one-sided pyrola in blossom. » 

5. Frost. this morning. Air uncommonly clear and 
weather very fine. Found the large flowered raspberry, 
common hypericum or johnswort, agrimony, Virginia or 
tall anemone, field thyme, two species of avens and two of 
galium or cleavers in blossom, on the south side of Deer 
Hill, Cummington. Spiked epilobium or willow herb and. 
commom nettle, also in blossom. ~The red raspberry is, be-- 
ginning to ripen. Gi Ae ead 

7. Roundleaved orchis in Bisccik 

8. Roundleaved hypericum, Canada or simone ny 
pericum and purple vervain in flower, and currants begin- 
pas to ripen. Farmers are beginning to cut their grass. 

Sere warm. Mustard, catmint, buckwheat, common 


Miscellaneous Calendar. 279 

spergula or tangle weed, and the climbing red flowered bean 
in blossom ; the last attracts the humming bird. 

12. Found the common sumach, white spirea, panicled 
andromeda, upright lysimachia, tuberous cymbidium, white 
nymphea or fragrant water lily, adder’s tongue, arethusa, 
comarum or marsh fivefinger, common typha and a hand- 
some species of scutellaria or skull cap im flower, and june- 
berries ripe at Goshen bog. The fragrant nymphea eros 
also at Ashfield. 

13. Weather very fine. Umbelled chimaphila, common 
stachys or hedge nettle, and knot grass in flower. 

14. Wheat, cockle, spotted polygonum or heart’s ease, 
common gnaphalium or life everlasting, and cud weed in 

15. Cloudy. Ponte: in blossom. 

es Bass wood in blossom. 

. Maize in blossom. 

He Spikenard, ginseng, penthorum and coloured willow- 
pee in blossom. 

_ Nettleleaved vervain in flower. The farmers are 
mie engaged in hay making. 

21. Cloudy, the sun shining at intervals with a scorch- 
ing heat. Found the clematis or virgin’s ‘bower, tansy, 
heartleaved lysimachia, hop, yellow nodding lily, impatiens 
or touch me not, and a delicate species of veronica in flow- 
er, the most of them in the meadows at Cummington. The 
hop grows wild at this place. The spring and summer 
have been, thus far, very favourable to vegetation; indian 
corn and potatoes, very flourishing; grass, not so good as 
usual, owing, probably, to the open winter; peas, fit for the 
table» Crickets begin to chirp. 

22. Very warm. Found the hydropeltis or water shield, 
cordate pontederia, sheathleaved dulichium or bog rush, 
roundleaved drosera or sundew, transparent eriocaulon or 
pipewort, and a species of prinos in flower at the Crooked 
Pond. During the latter part of the season, this is a very 
interesting place of resort to the botanist. 

23. Weather the same. Wormwood, water pepper and 
pig weed in blossom. ‘The first mentioned plant is natural- 
ized and very common in this and the neighboring towns. 

24. Found the common amaranth, elecampane, ampelop- 
sis, sideflowering skull cap, one flowered monotrapa and 

280 Dr. J. Porter’s Floral and 

whorled eupatorium in blossom, the most of them at Cum- 
-mington. The asters are also beginning to blossom. 
"26. Spear thistle in blossom. hy 

31. Cucumbers fit for the table. , ‘oe 

August 2. Whiteflowered cynoglossum, common eupa- 
torium or thoroughwort and linearleaved epilabium in blos- 
som. Notwithstanding the extreme heat of the a ee 
itis still very healthy; no prevailing disease. 

4. Tall ambrosia or Roman wormwood in blossom, sind 
high blackberries ripe. 

6. Green corn fit for the table. 

7. Intensely warm. There are at t present some cases of 
dysentery among us. — " 

8. The golden rods, of whieh we have several species, 
are beginning to blossom. I once used a tincture of the 
root of our most common species in brandy, as a tonic in 
my own case of spitting blood from the lungs, with very 
considerable benefit. The proper dose for an adult, is a ta- 
ble spoonful, two or three times a day. 

9. Finger grass in blossom. Grasshoppers very diynd- 
ant for two or three weeks past. 

10. Warm and pleasant; clouds cumulous and very 
beautiful. Annual flea bane, burdock, chelone or snake 
head, wild sunflower, fennelleaved cicuta and two species of 
sagittaria in flower; all, except the two first, on the banks 
of Westfield river. 

11. Potatoes fit for the table. 

12. Currant bushes defoliating. 

13. Found the downyleaved spirea, or handhaele and 
longleaved drosera in blossom, and high blue whortleber- 
ries ripe at the crooked pond. Small berries or the com- 
‘mon gaultheria. 

18. Collinsonia, pennyroyal and commom niersaent in 
flower at Cummington. 

19. Simple sparganium in flower at Hawley Farmers 
engaged in harvesting their wheat, rye and oats 5 5 crops very 
excellent. | 

23. Early apples ripe. > 

24, Very clear and pleasant. Suing frost this mabning 
on low grounds. Hemp in blossom. 

. 27. Common tobacco in blossom. 

28. Berries of the mountain ash turning red. 


‘“Miseslidineous Calendar. 281. 

31. Visited the ous oniy The leafless utricularia, 
water lobelia and floating villarsia or spur stem grow here in 
great plenty, but the gr owth of these interesting plants has 
been so much retarded this season, by the flowing of the 
pond, that they have not yet blossomed. ‘The last year, I 
found them in flower the eighteenth of this month. The 
utricularia grows also at Ashfield and Hawley, the villarsia 
in a pond near the village of Sand Lake, New-York. 

September 1. Common bidens in blossom. 

2. Farmers cutting their stalks. 

A, Beech drop and bladderfruited nicandra in blossom. 

5. Indian corn ripening very fast. , 

6. Black cherries ripe. 

9. Drooping neottia and largeflowered dene in blossom, 
and common elder berries ripe. The leaves of our forests 
are beginning to assume the livery of autumn. 

11. Farmers beginning to make their cyder. . 

15. Frost this morning. Clear, cold and windy. 

16. Spearmint and witch hazel in blossom. 

22. Leaves of the beech tree turning yellow and falling. 

29. Maple and yellow birch defoliating, the leaves of the 
maple being, many of them, of a bright scarlet. 

30. Artichoke in blossom. Farmers harvesting their 
corn ;—crops abundant and very excellent. 

1820.—March 19. The first woodpecker seen. Flies 
brisk and lively. The crust of the snow, owing to the late 
storms of hail and rain, is so very hard that a small dwelling 
house has been moved about a quarter of a mile upon it! 

20. Farmers are beginning to tap their sugar maples. 

23. Blue birds appear. 

24. Robins appear. 

29. In warm situations the aments of the alder are con- 
siderably swelled. 

April 6. Buds of the willow ae: swelled. 

7. A fall of snow. 

11. Farmers busy in making sugar. . : 

16. Found in warm woods the (nee-lbed hepatica in 
flower. The first butterfly seen. Inmany places the snow 
is still two or three feet deep. 

18. Alder in bloom. The croaking of the foe heard 
for the first time. 

19. Poplar and claytonia in blossom. — 

Vor. ELY:.....No. 2, 36 

282. Dr. J. Porter's. Floral and 

20. So warm that we sat with open windows. ‘The 
round leaved violet in blossom. ‘The first miller seen. 

22, Red maple, swamp willow, and dog’s tooth de in 

23. Martins arrived. 

24. Wild strawberry, chrysosplenium or golden saeiiee 
tuberous corydalis, and two species of sedge in blossom. 

25. American elm, Lombardy poplar, and sessile leaved 
uvularia in flower. 

26. The-song of the wren heard for the first time. Dark 
purple trillium in flower. 

29. Sugar maple in blossom. 

30. Two leaved mitella and three leaved panax in flower. 
The month of April has been uncommonly warm and pleas-_ 
ant; and vegetation is remarkably forward, indeed, it is a 
common remark with us that it was never ‘known to so 
forward at this season of the year. 

May 1. Fly honeysuckle in blossom. — 

2. Ash tree, and blue, . Canada and yellow violets ip 

3. Currant bush in blossom. 

4, Viburnum, sweet gale or Dutch myrtle, and sweet- 
scented white violet in flower. 

5. Dandelion in blossom. 

6. Yellow willow in blossom. has 

7. Indian turnip and wood anemone in flower. 

8. Beech tree, shad tree and red-berried elder i in oq, 

9. Iron wood in flower. ; 

10. Plum tree and heart leaved tiarella in flower. ‘The 
buds of the mountain ash appear. en 
11. Pennsylvania saxifrage in blossom. __ 

12. Apple tree, red cherry tree, and heart Jeaved epipac- 
tis in blossom. In the afternoon a copious thunder shower 
with some hail. “ 

13. Thunder shower with hail. ei 

Me Cowslip, chickweed, and smooth veronica in flower. 

. The first swallow seen. ©The three leaved coptis or 
gall thread, and bluish houstonia in flower. Farmers plant 
ing potatoes and Indian corn. 

21. The first bob of lincoln seen. _ 

22. Common cerastium or mouse ear chickweed in blos- 

Miscellaneous Calendar. 283 

23. Indian corn, that was planted very early, starting 
from the ground. Common yanunculus or ye weed in 

24, Caulophyllum, glaucous kalmia, painted trillium, and 
water cress in flower at Cummington. Our ee trees are 
now in full bloom. 

26. A severe storm of rain | and snow. 

27. This forenoon the hills in Ashfield, Goshen and 
Windsor are white with snow, 

28. Frost this morning. King birds appear. 

29. Quince, wild columbine, golden smyrnium, and 
clammy azalea in flower at Conway. 

June 3. Rosemary leaved andromeda, (see the figure on 
the plate) and small enothera in flower at Goshen. 

_ 5. Grasshoppers appear. Black cherry tree, and white 
flowered oxalis in blossom. 

7. Virginia hydrophylium in flower. 

8. Fire flies appear. 

10. Red and white clover in donee. 

12. Strawberries ripe, and green currants fit for the table. 

14. Crickets begin to chirp. Upright wood sorrel, and 
golden senecio in flower. 

15. Mountain ash in flower. 

16. Norway potentilla in flower. 

17. Prunella and Philadelphia fleabane in blostat: 

21. Linnea and circea or enchanter’s nightshade in 

23. Mullen in blossom. 

24. Red rose in blossom. 

26. Broad leaved kalmia in flower. 

27. Onesided pyrola in flower. 

28. Mitchella in flower, and red elder berries ripe. 

30. Farmers beginning to mow. Wild rose, black ber- 
tied elder and common asclepias in flower. 

July 1. The weather for some time past has been ex- 
tremely warm and dry. Round leaved pyrola in flower. 

2. Common hypericum and fimbriate orchis in flower. 

3. Red raspberries ripe. Spiked epilobium, large flow- 
ered raspberry, and transparent pipewort in blossom. 

6. Virginia hypericum in flower. 

‘te Phytolacea or poke and umbelled chimaphila in blos- 

284 Floral and Miscellaneous Calendar. 

8. Farmers very busy in hey Locusts begin to 
sin g.! 

10. Blconmpaties gay eypripediuia, baal inflated babelia 
in flower. Currants ripe. 

12. Indian corn in blossom, and red garden cherries ne 

13. Thimble berries ripe. 

17. White flowered cynoglossum i in flower. 

18. Nettle leaved vervain in flower. 

20. Green peas fit for the table. 

22. Virginia demalis, common elymus, topseed, and | a 
species of aster in flower at Cummington. 

24, Button bush in flower. 

26. Cucumbers fit for the table. 

31. Spearmint in blossom. 

August 4. Burdock in blossom. 

5. Downy neottia in blossom. 

6. Common golden rod, and Virginian versia in blossom. 

7. Rye fit for the. sickle. Decurrent gnaphalium in 

8. White fringe flowered orchis and bulb, bearing cicuta 
in flower at the bog near Hawley meeting-house. 

10. High blackberries ripe, and green corn fit for the table. 

15. Potatoes fit for the table. Grasshoppers so abun- 
dant for some time past as to be very injurious to vegeta- 
bles, particularly to grass and Indian corn. eek 

22. Currant bushes defoliating. 

24. Common gratiola in flower. Springs se ncoly low. 
Many rocks in the North Pond, which I do not recollect 
ever to have seen before, appear above the water. On one 
of these we cut the figures 1820. 

25. Berries of the mountain ash turning red. 
26. Watermelons ripe. 

29. Black elder berries ripe. 

30. Black cherries ripe. - 

’ ; 
Errata in the oe Sie 

Page 215, date May 19, for granaphalivm read gnaphaliun. 
ee 278, ** July 2, for mimutlus read mimulus, — 

Roafinesque on « fossil Medusa. 985 

New-York, 11th mo. 21st, 1820. 

Respected Friend—At the request of C. S. Rafinesque, 
I take the liberty of forwarding his description of a suppos- 
ed fossil medusa, contained in a paper sent by him to the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia some time 
ago. The paper by some accident got mislaid, or it should 
have been forwarded long before. Wal 
I remain with best wishes, and sincere respect, 
Thy friend. . 

Arr. VIIL.—Description of a fossil Medusa, forming a 
new genus. ‘Trianisites Cliffordi, by C. S. Rart- 

The genus Medusa of Linneus is now become, by the 
multiplied observations and discoveries of many zoologists, 
an extensive tribe of animals, containing a great many gene- 
raand more than two hundred species. 1 have myself dis- 
covered in Sicily and in the Atlantic ocean many new ones, 
which are partly enumerated in my former works, and 1 
mean to describe now a fossil one, which has been discov~ 
ered in Kentucky, by my worthy friend John D. Clifford of 
Lexington, in whose collection I have seen it. I believe 
that this is the first instance (at least in the United States) 
of an animal of that tribe being found in such a fossil state, 
and I do not at present remember any author’s mentioning 
any species found fossil in Europe. This may therefore be 
entirely a new discovery, to which we are indebted to the 
unwearied researches of Mr. Clifford; the only merit I claim 
is of having ascertained that his specimen does not belong 
to any known genus, and is therefore an extinct one. It is 

* Now Professor of Botany and Natural History in Transy!vania Univer- 
sity, Kentucky. 

286 Rafinesque on a fossil ene 

well known that the animals of that tribe are of a soft gela- 
tinous substance and structure, they do not leave any exuviz 
after their death, and they are very easily destroyed by the 
‘contact of any hard substance, whence it is no wonder that 
their fossil remains are so rare : yet in the specimen under 
consideration, the animal appears quite perfect, and is em- 
bedded in a crystallized limestone; the mode of its fossili- 
zation is therefore very singular. We must either suppose 
that this extinct species was of a harder cartilaginous sub- . 
stance, or that the liquid in which it was swimming or floating, 
was coagulated at once: it even appears probable to me that 
both circumstances may have occurred, since the specimen 
is in its proper natural position, and not in the least com- 
pressed nor altered; but the whole of it is changed into a 
similar stone to that which surrounds it: the animal howev- 
er is become rather silicious as usual with fossil mollusca 

or r polyps. 
Genus Triantsites—(See the engraved figure.) 

Generic definition.—Body with three unequal peduncles 
or appendages underneath, the middle one with a mouth or 
opening at the extremity, surrounded by two fascicles of 
short tentacula. Back simple, not ombrelled. 

Generic observations—The generic name derives on 
Greek words meaning, three unequal appendages. In the 
natural arrangement this genus will belong to the real family 
medusa, and to the sub-family branchypia, having peduncles 
or appendages underneath and no wing nor bladder on the 
back, next to the genus pelasgva of Peron and Lesueur; but 
it differs from it, and indeed from any other of that tribe, 
by having a sort of trifid body, and the tentacula only 1 near 
the mouth. The following species is the type of the ae 

Trianisites Cliffordi. 

“Specific definition—Back subconical and subacute, axil- 
las obtuse and unequal, peduncles compressed transversally 
obtuse, the shortest larger, the longer one smaller and op- 
posed to it, the middle one nearly as ‘Tong, extremity fim- 
briated by the tentacula. 

Rafinesque on a fossil Medusa. 287 

Description.—Length or height of the specimen six inch- 
es, breadth above three inches. Back rounded convex 
conical, nearly acute, dividing itself gradually underneath in 
three branches or peduncles, all unequal in length and size, 
the axilla or sinuses of the division are also unequal and ob- 
tuse. The lateral peduncles are quite detached from the 
middle one, and slightly curved outside : they are both situ- 
ated obliquely, and slightly compressed in the direction of 

~ the obliquity. The longest peduncle is also the slenderest 

and quite obtuse at the end; the shortest which is opposed 
thereto is the thickest and slightly obtuse at the end; its 
length is only about two and a half inches, while the long- 
est is about four and a half inches long. The central pe- 
duncle is quite straight, obliquely compressed also, attenua- 
ted at the end and about four inches long, the opening is ter- 
minal and furnished above on each side by a large fascicle of 
tentacula, assuming a kind of fringed appearance ; they are 
eapillary, flexuose "and thickly fasciculated, longer than the 
central peduncle and reaching the end of the longest pedun- 
cle, the outside tentacula appear to be the longest. The 
longitudinal section of the animal shows an appearance of 
internal vessels as in many medusas: three central faint ves- 
sels appear to run through the peduncles in a slightly flex- 
uose form and to unite near the back, while the whole cir- 
cumference shows many short capillary vessels deriving 
from the surface, extending obliquely inside, but not reach- 
ing quite to the central vessels. A transverse section shows 
the curious respective obliquity of the peduncles, and that 
their inward circumference is slightly striated by those small 
superficial vessels. ; 

Specific observations. — This interesting animal remain 
was found in 1817, by Mr. J. D. Clifford, near Lexington 
in Kentucky, in an upper stratum of compact bluish lime- 
stone, granulated and crystallized: the specimen is quite 
imbedded in it, of the same appearance, but rather smooth- 
er and of a paler colour. It was not accompanied by any 
shell nor other fossil, but stood alone, and rather below the- 
stratum where so many shells are found. I have dedicated 
the species to its discoverer, in whose rich museum it is ts 
be seen. C. 5. RAFINESQUE 

Philadelpina, 12th January, 1819. 

288 Magendie on Absorption. 


Heteacs of aletter to the Editor, from Mr. Isaac Doalil 
dated Paris, Nov. 9, 1820. 

_ Dr. Magendie’s Memoir on abeorisiin has: ceeciteel con- 

siderable sensation among the faculty here; he has been so 
obliging as to confide to me his manuseript, from which I 
have made the accompanying translation, for your Journal. 
Dr. Magendie has looked over my — and found it 

Ant. IX.—Memoir on the Mechincsn, of Sabet mM vd 
mals of red and warm blood ; by F. Macenpte, of Paris. 

Read before the Academy of Brann, at Paris, on the 9th October, 1920. 
Translated from the Brench of the author’s manuscript; by I. AE use 

Wuenever any substance, whether liquid, gazeous, or 
in a state of vapour, is kept for a space of time in immedi- 
ate contact either with an external or internal surface of our 
bodies, that substance is absorbed; or, in other words, it 
passes into the sanguiferous vessels, mixes and circulates 
with the blood, and produces thus on Gurorgans: aes el- 
ther salutary or hurtful. 

This Physiological effect is especially remarkable in vi 

action of poisons: a single drop of hydro-cyanic (Prussic) 
acid, placed on the tongue of a dog, causes death na few 
y seconds, by being carried to the brain with the blood. I 

have often produced effects equally prompt, by the applica- 
tion of substances reputed much less powerful than Prussic 

‘acid, by simply taking care to increase propernanams the 
rapidity of the absorption. 

‘A result of this nature was well calculated to excite curi- 
osity 5 but our aliments, our drinks, our medicines and even the 
air itself, become useful tous only ‘after being absorbed. We 
contract, by means of absorption, many diseases, some of 
which are even, dangerous. In a word, our very existence 
is so closely cotmected with this phenomenon, that were it 
to cease for a moment, death would be the almost immedi- 
ate consequence. 

Mugendie on Absorption. 289 

No study is therefore, at the same time, more curious, and 
more important than that of absorption. ; 

The first step to be taken, after establishing the reality 
of the phenomenen, was to discover the instruments ; or in 
other words, which are the organs that exercise the absorb- 
ing faculty. 1 have had the honour to present to the Acad- 
emy several rmemoirs on this subject, which have been re- 
ceived with approbation. . eee ae 

The following general consequences result from my for- 
mer researches ; Rees 

Ist. The veins are endowed with the absorbing faculty ; 

_ Qndly. It is not demonstrated that the vessels which ab- 
sorb the chyle are capable of absorbing other matter ; 

_ $dly. The absorbing power of the lymphatic vessels, oth- 
er than the chylous, is not yet established on satisfactory 
evidence. es 

From these genera! facts may be deduced a great num- 
ber of secondary facts ; we may here comprehend, for ex- 
ample, why the absorption is slow in some cases, and very 
rapid in others; why certain substances appear to produce 
greater effects when absorbed in certain points than when 
absorbed in others; why certain organs entirely deprived 
of lymphatic vessels, such as the eye, the brain, &c. possess 
nevertheless strong powers of absorption. 

The solution of these questions was doubtless matter of 
some importance ; but the main question was not yet agita- 
ted; it was not known by what mechanism the absorption 
was effected. 

The most accredited books contain no satisfactory solu- 
tion on this point; their authors have proceeded as the hu- 
man mind generally dees in most cases where it is in a state 
of complete ignorance, on points on which it would be high- 
ly important for it to be enlightened. It begins by suppo- 
sing certain beings and then endows them with the faculties 
necessary to produce the effect observed ; and it generally 
happens that it repeats its own history without being aware 
GL ity) ‘ 

Tn the case before us, authors began by supposing radt- 
cals, orifices, absorbing mouths, §c.; these radicals, these 
mouths do not fall under our senses; this is what might have 
been expected; but they have the faculty of pumping, of 
sucking, of absorbing the substances with which they are 

Vor. FEL....No. 2. a7 

290 Magendie on Absorption. 

placed in. contact; these operations are not performed with- 
out discernment; they are done with the nicest sense of 
discrimination ; those organs choose with great exactness 
what ought to ‘be. taken in and what rejected ; and it is not 
until after dué examination that they determine to exercise 
their absorbing power. 

It is sufficient merely to doubt ‘of the truth of sath aie 
nations to become at once sensible of their absurdity ; but 
they seldom produce this effect. Such is the charm which 
they exercise over our minds that we are easily led to be- 
lieve them true ; and we afterwards repel with passion what- 
ever might tend to undeceive us.* It is, however, time 
that such deceptions should flisapHeae from the doctrine of 
Physiology. pa, 

I believe I do not exaggerate m asserting ‘that hitherto, 
nothing positive has been advanced relative to the mechan- 
ism by. which absorption is effected in animals of schol ae 
warm blood. 

Some experiments which I have made this year seem to 
me to throw some light on this important subject; when I 
shall have related the circumstances, the judgment of the 
Academy will show me whether I am mistaken, or whether 
I have hit upon the truth. 

In a public lecture on the mode of action, of rnedichied! 1 
was showing the effect of a certain quantity of water, at the 
temperature of 40° Centigrade, (104° Farenheit) introdu- 
ced into the veins; in making this experiment, the idea 
struck me to observe the effect of the artificial plethora thus 
produced, on the absorbent faculties; consequently, after 
having injected nearly a litre (almost an English quart) of 
‘water, into the veins of a dog of a middling size, I introdu- 
ced into the pleura a small dose of a substance, the effects 
of which were well known to me. It struck me as singular 
that those effects did not appear until several minutes: ‘after 
the time in which they are ordinarily seen. I immediately 
repeated the experiment on another animal, and obtained a 
similar result. 

In several other essays the effects were ‘observable at re 
time when they should manifest themselves; but they were — 

* At each in the present state, and meh the absurd ce of education in 
which we are brought up. 

Magendie on Absorption. 291 

much weaker than would have been produced in the usual 
state of the body, by the dose submitted to absorption, and 
were prolonged much beyond the ordinary term. 

Finally, in another experiment, where I had introduced 
as much water (about two litres) as the animal could support 
and remain alive, the effects were altogether imperceptible, 
the absorption was probably prevented. After waiting near 
half an hour for the effects which are generally developed. 
in two minutes, I reasoned as follows: if the distention of 
the veins is the cause of the non-absorption, that cause ceas- 
ing to operate, the absorption should take place. I there- 
fore immediately caused the jugular vein of the animal to be 
opened, and I saw with great satisfaction, that the effects 
became manifest in proportion as the veins emptied them- 

I then thought of making the contrary experiment; that 
is, to diminish the quantity of blood and to see whether the 
absorption was more rapid; the result proved my conjec- 
tures well founded. About half a pound of blood being ex- 
tracted from an animal, the effects which would not have oc- 
curred until the expiration of two minutes, manifested them- 
selves in less than thirty seconds. 

It might nevertheless be suspected that it was less the dis- 
tention of the blood-vessels than the alteration of the blood 
which retarded or prevented the absorption. To overcome 
this objection I-made the following experiment; a very co- 
pious bleeding was practised ona dog; the quantity of blood 
was immediately replaced by an equal quantity of water of 
the temperature of 40° (Centigrade) a determinate quantity 
of the solution of nux vomica was introduced into his pleura, 
ihe effect was as prompt, and as intense as though the na- 
ture of the blood had undergone no change.* It is then to 

* Several attempts were made which, though they could not answer the 
purpose for which I intended them, may, nevertheless, be usefully noted 
here, as they seem to open a new field for discoveries. 

To change the nature of the blood, I at first thought of injecting oil into 
the veins, supposing that this innocent substance would circulate with the 
blood without inconvenience ; the result did not answer my expectations ; 
the animal subjected to the experiment died in a few instants after the in- 
jection of an ounce of oil into its jugular vein. On examining the organs, 
after the death, I observed that the oil had obstructed all the ‘ramifications 
of the pulmonary artery, and had thus stopped the circulation and the res- 
piration, by preventing the passage of the blood to the left side of the heart 
by the pulmonary veins. The oil had produced the same effect as an inert 

292. _ Magendie on Absorption.» 

the distention of the blood vessels that the diminution or 
total want of absorption must be attributed. = 
From that moment I became, as it were, completely mas- 
ter of the phenomenon, which, until then, had been to me 
an impenctrable mystery. Being now able to produce or 
prevent its developement, to render it prompt or tardy, in- 
tense or feeble, at pleasure, it was difficult that its nature 
should entirely escape my investigation, = nowt 
‘In reflecting on the constancy and the regularity of the 
phenomenon, it seemed to me impossible to connect it with 
what the physiologists term vital action, such as the action 
of the nerves, the contraction of the muscles, the secretion 
of the glands, &c. It was much more reasonable to com- 
pare it with some physical effects: and among the conjec- 
tures that may be permitted on the subject, that which 
would make absorption depend on the capillary attraction of 
the vascular membranes on the absorbed matter, was un- 
doubtedly the most probable; this supposition agrees per- 
fectly with all the facts observed. For, if we suppose this 
cause to preside over the absorption, solid substances insol- 
uble in our humours, being unable to traverse the mem- 
branes of the small vessels, should resist absorption, which 
is exactly the case: solids which, on the contrary, are capa- 
ble of combining with our system, or of dissolving in the 
blood, would be susceptible of being absorbed, which is al- 
so conformable to observations. ‘The greater number of 
liquids, whatever be their chemical natures, being capable 
of wetting, or being promptly imbibed by the vascular 
membranes, should be rapidly absorbed, this conclusion is" 
confirmed by experience, even with the caustic liquids. In_ 
this hypothesis, the greater the distention of the vessels the 
less marked would be the absorbing power, and the mo- 
ment might arrive when that power would be no longer sen- 


and impalpable powder, suspended in water, and which causes immediate 
death if it be injected into the jugular vein, because it obstructs the last di- _ 
visions of the pulmonary artery. (See Vol. I. of my Elementary treatise - 
of Physiology.) Not having sttceeded in the introduction of oil, I had re-_ 
course to a slight solution of gum-dragon, which produced exactly the same _ 
effect as the oil. After these trials] contented myself with injecting water 
after having withdrawn the blood. These facts show how important itis” 
that every thing which enters into circulation with the blood, should arrive — 
there in exceeding small particles, and after being, as it were, strained — 
through the agents of absorption. This use of the absorbing organs had 
not, I believe, been heretofore observed. % hci 

Magendie on Absorption. 293 

sible. ‘The absorption would be more rapid in proportion 
as the vessels became more numerous, and their size di- 
rainished, because the absorbing surfaces would become 
more extensive. 

This action of the membranes once aed: nothing 
can be easier than to comprehend how absorbed substances 
are transported towards the heart, since they are constantly 
drawn forward by the current which exists in the interior of 
even the smoothest vessels. 

I was so much tlie more willing to admit this supposition 
as I well remembered that, on poisoning an animal by piere- 
ing its thigh with a Java dart, all the softer parts which sur- 
rounded the wound, to the A odee of several lines, turned 
to a brownish yellow colour, and assumed the bitter savour 
of the poison. 

But a supposition which best connects a certain number 
of phenomena, 1 is, at bottom, but a more convenient manner 
of expressing them ; and only assumes the character of a 
theory after being confirmed by direct experiments, suffi- 
ciently varied to leave no room to doubt. 

It therefore became necessary to continue my research- 
es in order to determine at what point my supposition would 
become inadmissible. 

The affinity of the vascular membrane for the Aes 
absorbed, being supposed to be the cause, or, at least, one 
of the causes of absorption, this effect ought to take place as 
well after the death as during the life of the animal. This 
fact could be easily verified, for the vessels of a certain size ; 
it is true that, taking into consideration their diameter, their 
thickness and their smaller extent of surface compared with 
the capacity of the canal, the experiment should present but 
a feeble though still appreciable absorption. 

I took therefore one end of the jugular vein of a dog, 
which, in an extent of more than three centimeters (about 
one and a quarter English inches) did not receive any 
branch, and stripped it entirely of its surrounding cellular 
substance ; ; L attached a glass tube to each extremity, by 
which means I established a current of warm water in its 
interior; I then plunged the vein ina slightly acidulated li- 
quid, and carefully collected the liquid of the interior current. 

From this disposition of the apparatus it is evident that 
no communication could exist between the interior current 
and the exterior acidulated liquid. 

294. Magendre on Absorption. 

During the first minutes of the experiment the liquid 
which I gathered did not change its nature, and after twelve 
or fifteen minutes it became sensibly eed; ; the gina 
had taken place. ; van 

repeated this experiment with veins taken from the hu- 
man body, the effect was the same. , 

This phenomenon manifesting itself in the veins, [ ull 
see no reason why it should not equally take place when ap- 
plied to the arteries; I consequently made the experiment 
on the carotid af a small dog which had died the preceding 
day, the result I obtained was exactly similar; I remark- 
ed moreover, that the absorption became more rapid i in pro~ 
portion as the acidity and eoapeeare of the exterior nants 
were increased. 

‘If the capillary absorption was produced on the large 
blood vessels after death, why should not a similar effect 
be produced on the same vessels i ina living state? © 

_ If experience did not give me this result, all my reason- 
ings would be overthrown, and my supposition destroyed. 
And I felt so much the less confidence in the success of the 
experiment as I kept in mind the observations which we 
daily hear of the changes which death operates in the phy S- 
ical properties of our organs. 

Nevertheless, as I had often found in my researches, dhe 
advantages of doubting the exactness of generally re- 
ceived opinions, I determined on making the following: ex- 
periment. | 

I took a young dog, of about six weeks old, at which: age 
the vascular membranes, being very thin, are better adapted 
to the success of the experiment. I uncovered one of the 
jugular ves and isolated itcompletely throughoutits whole 
length. I stripped it carefully of all its appendages, especial- 
ly of the cellular substance, and of some small vessels which: 
adhered to it: I placed it on a card in order to prevent its 
having any point of contact with the surrounding parts. 
Thus prepared, | dropped on the surface of the vein, and 
opposite the middle of the card, a thick aqueous solution of 
‘alcoholic extract of nux vomica, a substance which acts 
with great energy on dogs; I! was very careful that no por- 
‘tion of the poison should touch any part except the vein 
and the card, and that the current of blood in the interior 
should be unobstructed. Before the expiration of the 


dMagendie on Absorption. 295 

fourth minute the effects which Lanticipated began to mani- 
fest themselves, feebly at first, but afterwards with so much 
activity that I was obliged to have recourse to pulmonary in- 
flation to prevent the death of the animal. | 
I intended to repeat this experiment, but I was unable to 
procure any other than a full grown dog, much larger than 
the former; the coats of his veins were consequently much 
thicker. The same effects were produced, but, as might 
have been expected, their appearance was much more tar- 
dy ; and they were developed only after the tenth minute. 
‘Satisfied with this result as to the veins, I was desirous of 
ascertaining whether the arteries possessed analogous prop- 
erties. Yet the arteries are not, in the living animal, in the 
same physical condition as the veins; their texture is less 
spongy and offers more consistence ; their tubes are much 
thicker in proportion to their diameter, and they are, more- 
over, constantly distended by the blood thrust forward from 
the heart. It was, therefore, easy to foresee that, if the phe- 

‘nomenon of absorption did really take place in the arteries, 

the effects would become visible much later than in the 
veins; this belief was fully confirmed by experience in the 
case of two large rabbits; after having stripped with the 
greatest care, one of the carotids in each of them, it was 
more than a quarter-of an hour before the solution of nux 
vomica could traverse the sides of the artery. 

Although I ceased to wet the artery as soon as the effects 
became visible, one of the rabbits died. And, to assure 
myself that the poison had really traversed the coats (pa- 
rois) of the artery, and that it had not beenabsorbed by the 
small veins which might have-escaped my dissection, I care- 
fully detached the vessel which had served for the experi- 
ment, and opened it throughout its whole length; the per- 
sons who were present tasted with me the small portion of 
blood which remained adhering to the interior surface of the 
artery, and we all found in it the extreme bitterness of the 
extract of the nux vomica. : 

Absorption by the large vessels was, therefore, well as- 
certained to exist, as well during life as after death. It re- 
mained only to furnish direct proof that the smaller vessels 
possessed the same faculty ; their multiplicity, their ex- 
treme tenuity, their thinness and the great extent of their 
coats, were so many conditions which would tend to favouw 
the production of the phenomenon. 

296 Magendie on Absorption. 

To develope it after death, it was necessary to find a 
membrane in the vessels of which a current could be es- 
tablished which should imitate the circulation of the blood. 
J at first made choice of an intestinal part ; but was obliged 
to renounce my experiment on account of 1 the extravasation 
which took place in the cellular substance, and because the 
liquid found great difficulty in passing from the artery ito 
the veins. I next tookthe heart ofa dog which had died the 
preceding day, and forced a quantity of water at the tem- 
perature of 30° Centigrade (S6° Farenheit) into one of the 
coronary arteries, the water returned with facility, by the 
coronary veins, into the right auricle whence it ran into a 
vase fixed for the purpose; I then poured half an ounce of 
slightly acidulated water into the pericardium. At first, the 
injected water gave no signs of acidity, but at the end of 
five.or six minutes it presented unequivocal traces of acid. 
‘The effect was then evident for the small vessels of a dead 
animal, and J had no occasion to recur to new essays, or to 
ehefies other animals to-prove that the same effect exists in 
living ones. The experiments related in my memoir on the 
organs of absorption in mammiferous animals (mammiferes ) 
leave no doubt on this subject, according to the judgment 
of the academy itself. 
_ But one possible objection remained to be removed, 
which was, that the membranes which are permeable after 
death, do not seem to be so during life; in the dead body 
vthe bile transudes into the peritoneum, and tinges with yel- 
low all the parts which exviron the gall-bladder, which ef- 
feet does not appear to take place in the living animals; the 
fact is true, I have witnessed it too often to be disposed t to 
deny it; but it does not appear to me to be indispensably 
necessary to draw thence the conclusion that the membranes 
-are impermeable during life; for if we suppose that the 
sides (coats) of the vesicle (gall- bladder) i in the living ani- 
mals admit the process of the bile, the sanguiferous current 
which exists in the small vessels of which these sides or 
coats (parois) are principally composed, would carry off the 
bile as fast as it impregnated them; this effect cannot take 
place in the dead body, since the circulation no longer ex- 
ists to carry off the matter which the vessels imbibe. 

Besides, I have often observed that even in living a 
the membranes are penetrated and coloured by substances 

a on Absorption. 297 

with which. they are in contact. For instance, if a certain 
quantity of ink be introduced into the pleura of a young 
dog, in an hour’s time the pleura, the pericardium, the in- 
tercostal muscles, and the surface of the heart itself will be 
sensibly tinged with black. (1) 

It appears then to be established beyond all doubt, that 
all the blood vessels, whether arterial or venous, great 
or small, in dead bodies or in living ones, possess in their coats 
(parois) a physical property by which we may perfectly ex- 
plain, and to which we may reasonably refer all the princi- 
pal phenomena of absorption. ‘To affirm that this property 
1s the sole cause which produces that effect would be going 
beyond the limits assigned by sound logic; but in the pres- 
ent state of known facts, I am acquainted with none which 
tend to invalidate this explanation ; on the contrary, they all 
tend to confirm the exactness of it. 

For example, Lavoisier and Mr. Seguin have proved, by 
a series of interesting experiments, that the skin, while cov- 
ered by its epidermis, does not absorb water, nor any other 
substance. But the epidermis is of a different nature from the 
vascular membranes ; it isa sort of varnish which does not 
imbibe, as every one may observe on his own body while 
bathing; but as soon as the epidermis is taken off, the skin 
absorbs like all other parts of the body, because the sides 
of the vessels are then immediately in contact with the sub- 
stances destined to be absorbed. Hence the necessity of 
placing beneath the epidermis the substances to be absorbed 
in innoculation and vaccination; hence, also, the necessity 
of long continued frictions ; and, often the employment of 
greasy substances, to facilitate the absorption of certain 
medicaments by the skin covered with its epidermis; hence, 
likewise, the preference given to those parts of the body 
where the epidermis is thinnest for the application of medi- 
caments by friction. 

| will cite, as another example, the absor ption hich takes 
place by all parts of our bodies of the most irritating sub- 
stances, and even of substances which are capable of pro- 
ducing chemical changes in our organization. This effect 
is entirely opposed to the supposition that absorption is a 

(1) This effect is observable with still greater facility in smaller animals, 
such as rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, &c. &e. 

Vor. HIl....No. 2. 38 

298 Magendie on Absorption. 

mere vital action, and that the absorbing orifices exercise a 
sort of choice; but it carries with it no degree of improba- 
bility when once absorption is assimilated to a physical op- 

These consequences have a relation not only to a healthy 
state of the body; but how many pathological phenomena 
may not be more easily understood and explained by com- 
paring them with the experiments which I have related! — 

The cure of the dropsy, of obstructions, and of inflamma- 
tions by bleeding; the evident want of the action of medica- 
ments in violent fevers, when the vascular system is strongly 
distended; the practice of some physicians who purge and 
bleed their patients preparatory to admmistering active med- 
icines ; the employment of Peruvian bark during the re- 
cess, and for the cure of intermitting fevers; the general 
or partial Edema in cases of organic affections of the heart 
or lungs; the use of ligatures applied to members that have 
been stung or bitten by venomous animals, to prevent the 
deleterious effects that would otherwise ensue, &c. &c. 

As to the influence that the knowledge of these facts may 
in future have over the manner of treating different affec- 
tions, it appears to me likely that every physician sufficient- 
ly enlightened to relinquish aneient prejudices, will find in 
the single circumstance of the greater or less absorbing pow- 
er of the blood vessels, in proportion as they are more or 
less distended, a fruitful source of curative indications. — 

From the above experiments I conclude that the capilla- 
ry attraction of the smaller blood-vessels, appears to be the 

cause, or, more properly, one of the causes of what is 
termed venous absorption. 

This conclusion does not, in any manner, interfere with 
the absorption of chyle which is effected in the small intes- 
tines by the chylous vessels; an absorption with which 
shall occupy myself specially hereafter; still less does it in- 
terfere with the absorbing power of the lymphatic vessels ; 
nevertheless, the experiments above described seem to in- 
dicate that if, in most cases, these vessels do not absorb, this 
circumstance is owing to the want of a current in their 
interior, and not to any particular quality of the vessels them 
selves, which possess the same physical genie: as the 

In supposing that I am not mistaken, either in the facts 
which I have related, or in the consequences I have de-. 

Magendie on Absorption. 299 

duced therefrom, I should even then, only have ex- 
plained the absorption of substances which are soluble 
in our humours; gases and vapours cannot be submit- 
ted to capillary attraction, and yet, every one knows that 
these bodies are absorbed, and that often, with great rapidi- 
ty. An animal plunged into sulphuretted hydrogen gas, 
and immediately withdrawn, is often struck with death. 2! 
have seen rabbits die fron a single inspiration of prussic va- 
pour. How can these phenomena be explained ? 

To understand them, we must remember that the mem- 
branes of animals seem to offer but a feeble resistance to 
the free circulation of the gases and vapours. Blood con- 
tained in a bladder, reddens at its surface as though it were 
in Immediate contact with oxygen gas; pure hydrogen gas, 
confined ina bladder, promptly acquires its detonating qual- 
lity, if the bladder remain exposed to the atmosphere. On 
the other hand, we are acquainted with many physiological 
facts in which the living membranes conduct in the same 
manner. The venous blood reddens in the lungs, when it is 
separated from the air only by the vascular membrane ; the 
same effect is produced in the gills of fishes. The beauti- 
ful experiments of Mr. Edwards have recently proved that 
the skins of certain reptiles offer a phenomenon entirely an- 

Ihave myself lately proved that, in birds and young mam- 
miferous animals, the blood reddens, and assumes the arte- 
rial qualities, in the jugular vein when uncovered and ex- 
posed to the air, if the precaution be taken to slacken the 
circulation by a slight pressure on the lower extremity (ex- 
tremite cardiaque) of the vein. 

It appears, therefore that the absorption of the gases and 
vapours, should be attributed to the permeability of the liv- 
ing membranes to those bodies. The theory of that per- 
'meability is not yet well understood, notwithstanding the ef- 
forts of some celebrated men, such as Priestly and Dalton ; 
but here physiology must stop, and depend for its future 
progress, on the advances of physical science. 

300 Prof. E. D. Smith on Calculous Affections. 

Arr. X.—On the application of Medico-Chemistry to Cal- 

 culous Affections; by the late Enwarp D. Suiru,* 
M. D. Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, in the 
South- Carolina College. i B 

Tue benefits which are continually resulting from chem- 
ical investigations, are peculiarly striking in the application 
of such investigations to the advancement of medical sci- 
ence. For, although it must be confessed that a rash en- 
thusiasm may have unwisely attempted to explain the mys- 
teries of some Phenomena, that are observed in the living 
system, by the analogy of the results of the action of chem- 
ical agents upon dead matter, it must be granted that there 
are cases, in which the useful application of chemical know!- 
edge is conspicuous. Animal chemistry is undoubtedly a 
complicated subject, and from its nature, must necessarily 
be involved in much obscurity ; but ingenious and patient 
analyses have already developed some facts in connexion 
with this branch of the science, that are exceedingly im- 
portant and interesting and well calculated to display some 
of the causes of imperfection in the healing art. ‘The la- 
bours of Scheele, Wollaston, Fourcroy, Vauquelin, Pear- 
son, Berzelius and others, in the analyses of urine and uri- 
nary calculi, have diffused upon these subjects, a light that - 
is very cheering to the friends of science and humanity. 
We are now enabled totake a clear and satisfactory view of 
what was heretofore involved in much doubt; and instead 
of timidly groping in the blind paths of empiricism, we may 
walk boldly upon the highway of correct principles. This 
is the sure road, and if we are careful not to deviate from it, 
must gradually conduct us towards the attainment of our ob- 
ject. It has been truly observed by the editors of the Ed- 
inburgh Review “that caleulous complaints are among the 
worst of human maladies, and that to investigate the nature 
of the stone, for the purpose of discovering solvents, which 
might remove it, has accordingly been long considered as 
one of the noblest problems in practical chemistry, and 

*This is the last communication for. this Journal with waich the editor was 
favoured by the respectable and estimable author of this memoir; it was 
transmitted a little before his death, but it has not been convenient to pub- 
lish it before.—Iin. ; 

Prof. E. D. Simth on Calculous Affections. 3034 

among the best services which that science could render to 
the healing art.””* 

In this grand and humane enterprise, omitting the men- 
tion of inferior names, the genius of a Black was exerted in 
vain; and we are now reluctantly compelled to concede 
that itis hopeless to search for solvents of caleulous concre- 
tions in the living system. But, although the researches of 
the chemist have, in this instance, failed to discover a reme- 
dy for a deplorable evil, they have nevertheless produced a 
great benefit by suggesting the means of preventing a calam- 
_ ity, which they cannot remove when it is once formed. The 
able experiments and reasonings of Mr. Brande, the pres- 
ent chemical lecturer at the Royal Institution, London, aided 
by the practical experience of Sir Everard Home, have 
greatly elucidated this subject and are calculated to afford 
much instruction and consolation to the scientific and philan- 
thropic inquirer. From their investigations, together with 
those of the philosophers already nam would seem that 
the components of calculi are often different from each oth- 
er and that upon their specific nature must depend the 
use of the preventwe remedy. 

Here it is that chemical knowledge is of signal benefit 
and affords usa clue in a labyrinth, that would otherwise be 
impervious. A kind providence often furnishes premonito- 
ry symptons of threatening dangers, and by a timely atten- 
tion to these, an impending evil may be averted. Thus it 
has been ascertained by chemical analysis, that the urine is 
a very compound fluid, containing both acids and alkalies 
in various states of combination, but so adjusted as that the 
whole should present an apparently uniform and homogene- 
ous mass in the healthy state—by disease, these circum- 
stances may be altered, and there may be an undue pre- 
dominance of acid or alkaline matter, both tending to pro- 
duce calculous concretions and requiring different modes of 
treatment. Observation has proved that the greater num- 
ber of these concretions consist of uric acid, -principally, 
while the remainder are formed by certain neutral salts, or 
earths, which ought to be held in solution by an excess of 
acid, but are deposited in the bladder in consequence of 
disease. Happily, before any such depositions take place, 

* See No, 33, 1810. 

302» Prof. E. D. Smith on Calculous Affections. 

a change in the qualities and appearance of the urine gen- 
erally indicates the approaching mischief and affords the 
opportunity of arresting its progress. When the uric acid 
is In excess, it occasions irritation in the urinary passages 
and finally, a discharge of very small crystals, like red sand: 
and when the alkaline salts predominate, a fine white and 
sandy substance is voided.* 

A previous knowledge of the subject and a proper atten- 
tion to these indications will generally enable us to apply 
correct remedies and thus to destroy in the germ what 
would be irremediable’at maturity. 

Without stopping to investigate the fact, whether there 
may be a short and direct communication from the stomach 
to the bladder, or whether this communication may depend 
upon the retrograde action of the absorbents, it will be suf- 
ficient to assert what has been proved by numerous experi- 
ments, that the character of the urine can be changed by 
substances, that ‘taken into the stomach. Its nad 
state of free acidity can be entirely altered and it can 
be made obviously alkaline in its nature ; and upon this cir- 
cumstance has been grounded the practice of administering 
alkalies for the relief of gravelly complaints. This seems 
to have been the practice of the ancient Greek physicians, 
as stated in the second volume of Johnson’s Animal Chem- 
istry, and it is well known to have been that of the mod~ 
ens, from the era of Mr. Steven’s celebrated lithontrip- 
tic down to the present time. A little reflection will satisfy 
that this mode of practice has been too empirical ; for if 
chemical analyses have demonstrated that calculous concre- 
tions are sometimes of opposite natures, it must be allowed 
that the same remedy cannot be adapted to every kind. Ii 
is then surely incumbent upon the physician to ascertain the 
real nature of the case; and, from the want of knowledge 
to do so, there can be fe donk that such diseases, instead 
of being relieved, have often been aggravated. To this 
difference in the constitution of calculous matter it is owing 
that both the strong and the weak acids have sometimes 
been used with eminent benefit; and yet the indiscriminate 
prescription ofacids would frequently produce the most seri- 
ous injury. 

* London Medical and Physical Journal, Vol. 30, page 327, &. 

Prof. E. D. Smith on Calculous Affections. 803 

Admitting, however, that satisfaction has been obtained 
with regard to the peculiar nature of the disease, a question 
of much importance still remains to be discussed. 

In the case of a tendency to form uric calculi, which are 
supposed to be the most common, it is not a matter of in- 
difference what particular alkali is used to counteract this 

‘tendency. ‘Mr. Brande clearly shows that an alkali, ad- 

ministered to a calculous patient, stands no chance of reach- 
ing the uric concretion in a caustic state; for the ure con- 
tains both phosphoric and carbonic acid uncombined. But 
experiment clearly shows that neither carbonates nor sub- 
carbonates exert any sensible action on uric acid: in other 
words the affinity of the uric acid for alkalies is weaker than 
the affinity of carbonic acid for the same bodies: therefore 
alkaline liquors cannot act as solvents of the uric caleuli.”* 

Experiments made upon healthy urine, tend to show that 
the internal use of sub-carbonates of pot-ash and soda oc- 
casions a considerable and speedy deposition of the phos- 
phates (a circumstance, that ought to excite a caution in the 
fashionable use of soda-water, by persons in health) proba- 
bly by neutralizing the free acids, which hold these salts in 
solution; while the similar use of the alkaline earth, mag- 
nesia, does not produce this effect but in a very limited de- 
gree. Hence the inference has been drawn, that in calcu- 
lous cases, which need alkaline remedies, magnesia is to be 
preferred; and the particular mode of its action has beer 
accounted for, both by the assumption that the disposition 
to generate uric acid in undue quantity commences in the 
stomach, and by the fact, that magnesia from its insoluble 
nature, will remain in the stomach long enough to combine 
with any acid that may be formed there—if this acid does 

not exist in the stomach, the use of the sub-carbonates of 

potash and soda does little good ; because, from their great 
solubility, they are carried too rapidly out of the seat of 
disease and being conveyed into the bladder, may pro- 
duce injury there by causing a deposition, which would not 
otherwise have taken place, while magnesia, retarded by its 
uisolubility, acts efficaciously upon the acid and is totally 
neutralized by it. In case of no acid existing, then both 
the sub-carbonated alkalies and magnesia will be injurious, 

* Edinburgh Review. November 1820. 

304 = Prof. E. D. Smith on Calculous Affections. 

as will be noticed hereafter. ‘The carbonated alkalies will 
be likely to prove less i injurious than the sub-carbonates, be- 
cause their greater proportion of acid will tend to prevent 
the deposition of the phosphates in the bladder: but 
at the same time they are equally inert as the sub- carbonates 
as to the acids* in the stomach. 

The preceding reasoning is amply confirmed by direct 
- experiments, upon cases of uric acid, with alkaline carbo- 
nates and sub-carbonates and with magnesia. The result 
proved that the use of magnesia ereatly relieved or entire- 
ly removed the symptoms of uric acid, while the other rem- 
edies produced no such effect. 

I have been led to pay more particular attention to this ; 
subject, from the circumstance of my own case, which is- 
believed to have been of the nature alluded to, and a suc- 
cinct account of which may serve to shew a practical con-— 
nexion between some remarks that have already been, and 
some that are yet to be made. an 

During a considerable portion of the year 1817, Thad 
lived in a very sedentary manner and for some part of the 
time was unusually abstemious in diet, closely confined in 
the damp walls of a new brick haiti g, which was fre- 
quently neither well ventilated nor warmed. In November, 
I experienced several short and pungent attacks of a pain 
im the right side, and near the region of the kidneys, which 
were removed in a little time by a stimulating potion ; but 
at length, in a few hours after drinking a glass of wine, 
from which I had long abstained, a severe and most distres- 
sing paroxysm came on and continued for several hours. 
Some of the symptoms indicated a violent, flatulent cholic, 
while from others it might be concluded that either rheu- 
matism, or the passage of calculous matter fron the kidney 
to the bladder was the cause of suffering. Considerable 
eructations took place, there was acute and fixed misery in 

the loin and hip of that side, and frequent shooting and 
lancinating pains down the right thigh urethra, &c. but 
there was no nausea of the stomach nor febrile affection. 

Stimulating potions were used, and also embrocations and 

Nv ¥ 
* We presume that the writer intended to restrict this remark to the uric 
acid, for it is notorious that the carkonate, &c, neutralize and remove acids 
in the stomach. —ED. 

Prof. E. D. Smith on Calculous Affections. 305 

enemas without relief. Castor oil was also given; but the 
suffering continued for several hours, until at length sleep 
was gradually induced, and I awoke with no other sensation 
than a soreness of the parts, which had been affected. No 
such violent attack occurred again, neither did the urine at 
any time, exhibit any other appearance of disease than an 
unusually rapid separation of its mucous particles. Ina 
little while however, it was observed that a few hours of 
close application to study, standing for a short time, or any 
exposure to cold, always induced a considerable pain in the 
back, hip and urethra; and when this pain was present, 
the calls to void urine were more frequent and its passage 
through the canal occasioned great irritation—and finally 
this acrimony increased so much as to produce slight he- 

maturia and the discharge of small membranaceous fila- 
ments. Abstraction from mental employment, equal and 

comfortable temperature, and moderate exercise, together 
with a regular and more generous diet, afforded much tem-~ 
porary relief. ‘To make this benefit more permanent a 
journey, of several weeks duration was undertaken; but 
there wassuch aconstant succession of wet and cold weather 
that I returned with deteriorated health, and the distressing 
sensations in the urethra became so great, that frequently 
they prevented sleep, and these sensations were much ag- 
gravated by the use of any indigestable food and particular- 
ly by wine. ‘The whole system began to sink under con- 

tinued suffering and gloomy apprehensions, and in this state 

I resolved again to consult an ingenious medical friend, of 
this town, who had before aided me with his advice. It 
was his opinion that an acrimony of the fluids was exhibit- 
ing itself in the urine and was probably the principal cause 
of the symptoms, and if not arrested that it would termi- 
nate in the formation of calculous concretions. The sub- 
carbonate of soda had been already used without apparent 
benefit and therefore, for the reason stated in a preceding 
part of this memoir, it was determined to make use of mag- 
nesia. Doses of a tea spoonful each, twice in the day, 
were exhibited for several days, and, although at first con- 
siderably purgative, they soon ceased to be so. The un- 
pleasant sensations were gradually ameliorated, and at the 
end of four days disappeared altogether. Since that time 

occasional imprudencies in diet or much confinement have 
Vor. HV.....No. 2. 39 

306 = Prof. E. D. Smith on Caleulous Affections. 

occasioned slight returns of the complaint, but two or three 
doses of magnesia have never failed to remove it. And it 
appears to be not an unfair inference that the injurious ac- 
rimony was generated in the stomach and therefore quickly 
and efficaciously counteracted by the internal use of the al- 
kaline earth. 

‘To attempt a practical provement of the preceding ae 
tails, 1 would offer the following suggestions. 

1. Has not the doctrine of the humoral pathology been 
ioo hastily and entirely disearded, and would not the admis- 
sion of it, to a certain extent, fend to elucidate some of the 
phenomena, connected with our subject : if 

The extravagance of theorists, in almost any depieiaant 
of science, has sometimes carried them so far beyond 
the bounds of rational induction, as to involve in one com- 
mon condemnation both truth and error; and this perhaps, 
has been the fate of the Humoral Pathology. Very lately 
this subject has been ably treated by Professor Cooper, of 
Philadelphia, in his ingenious discourse upon the connex~ 
ion of chemistry with medicine, and in which it has been 
plainly shewn that the applications of chemical science 
throw much light upon the reprobated doctrine. As an ad- 
ditional proof to what has been there and elsewhere stated 
of active substances being found in different viscera of the 
human body, after being taken into the stomach, it may 
be observed that Mr. L’Heiminier, an able French chem- 
ist and naturalist, now resident in Charleston, found the 
phosphate of mercury in the urine of a child, that had been 
taking calomel internally forsome time previously. 

2. Is it not of great importance that those, who undertake 
to practice the healing art, should be well acquainted with the 
principles of chemical science, inasmuch as it is only by such 
an acquaintance that they can, in many cases, be directed 
to a correct understanding of the subject before them? The 
observations which have been made respecting the use of 
remedies in calculous complaints, obviously indicate the ne- 
cessity of a well informed and discriminating judgment, and 
they prove farther that a particular knowledge is requisite 
for the successful treatment of the diseases of such com- 
pound fluids, as are found in the living system—the very 
nature of such fluids demanding an accurate and compe- 
tent attention to the various changes, which may be produ- 

Prof. E. D. Snvith on Caleulous Affections. 307 

ced in them by the ae continued use of particular sub- 
stances. Thus, although a tendency to form uric calculi 
. indicates the propriety of using alkaline remedies, it is cer- 
tainly of consequence what peculiar alkalies are employed 
and a judicious selection can proceed only from an acquaint- 
ance with the specific and distinguishing properties of each. 
May it not be apprehended that a want of due attention to this 
subject has retarded the progress of medical science, and 
ought not any opinion in favour of such neglect, to be com- 
batted as a dangerous error? 

3. From the. knowledge of the composition of urine and 
of urinary calculi, should not even the really scientific phy- 
sician proceed with caution in the use of his remedies? 
This query is connected with the fact, that not only do dif- 
ferent calculous affections require distinct and totally oppo- 
site remedies, but also on another circumstance. A reme- 
dy, which is demanded in a certain state of things, may, 
by its too long continuance, not only counteract the evil, 
which it was intended to do, but it may produce an oppo- 
site and equally injurious state. In such a case the chem- 
ical knowledge of the prescriber could alone direct the 
course, that should be pursued. From the analyses of 
healthy urine it appears to be granted that when it is first 
_voided, an acid character predominates, and it is believed 
that a certain degree of this predominance is necessary, for 
the purpose of holding in solution the various neutral salts, 
with which the urine is charged; now, if this be the fact, it 
is easy to conceive that an increased quantity of this acid 
will occasion disease of one kind, and a diminished propor- 
tion that of another. 

If therefore, in the attempt to remove the former state, 
the remedies employed, be pushed too far, there can be no 
doubt that the latter would be induced. 

To possess then the knowledge, that would be requisite 
for maintaining in equilibrium these easily alternating con- 
ditions of the system, as also to select the preferable reme- 
dy for any determinate class, must be highly advantageous, 
if not indispensable. Numerous experiments, connected 
with this subject, have induced Mr. Brande (London Medi- 
eal and Physical Journal, Vel. 30) to draw the following 
therapeutical conclusions. 

308 Prof. E. D. Smith on Calculous Affections. 

1. “‘ That where alkalies fail to relieve the increased se- 
cretion of uric acid and to prevent its forming calculi in the 
kidneys, or where they disagree with the stomach, magnesia 
is generally effectual; and that it may be persevered 1 in for 
a considerable time, Gillon inconvenience, where the ten- 
dency to form excess of uric acid remains. : 

2. ‘‘ When the alkalies or magnesia are unpropetly con- 
tinued, after having relieved the symptoms connected with 
the formation of the red sand or uric acid, the urine ac- 
quires a tendency to deposit the white sand, consisting of the 
are magnesian phosphate and phosphate of lime: 

3. “The mineral. acids (muriatic, sulphuric and nitric) 
diminish or entirely prevent the deposition of the phos- 
Pate but are apt to induce a return of the red gravel. 

. “That vegetable acids, especially the citric and tar- 
wee are less liable to produce the last mentioned | effects, 
even when taken in large doses for a long time ; and that 
carbonic acid is particularly useful in cases, her the irrita- 
ble state of the bladder prevents the exhibition of other 

Under this head perhaps it would be well to notice that, 
in some cases, the long continued use of magnesia in large 
doses seems to have produced bad effects, by occasioning a 
mechanical constipation of the bowels, (see Journal of Sci- 
ence and the Arts, No. 2 

4, As calculous complaints are maladies of such a griev- 
ous nature, would it not be practicable to prevent them 
by an early and assiduous attention to diet, habits of life, 
&c.—and is it not probable that such attention would be effi- 
cacious, from the analogy between arthritic and calculous 
affections, as ascertained by Dr. Wollaston’s analysis of 
gouty concretions ? 

In cases of gout, even where accompanied with an he- 
reditary diathesis, it is well known that a rigid adherence to 
a particular plan will greatly mitigate, if not prevent, that 
disease 5 and analogical reasoning would infer the probable 
success of a similar practice in cases of calculus. To ac- 
quire the inforination that would be valuable here, it would 
be necessary to have accurate accounts of the ages, em- 
ployments, diet and constitutions of those, who have been 
known to be afflicted with calculous complaints. In a late 
valuable work on caleulous disorders, Dr. Marcet, of Lon- 

Prof. E. D. Smith on Calculous “Affections. 309 

don, has furnished some information of this kind, and it is 
much to be regretted that his materials were so scanty. 
From his table it appears that out of five hundred and six 
calculous subjects only twenty-eight were females. Upon 
this fact some useful reasoning might perhaps be founded. 
The habits of females are, commonly speaking, more seden- 
tary than those of males, and yet it has been generally ad- 
mitted that men, of sedentary lives, are more liable to calculi 
than others ; but may it not be questioned whether in such 
cases the influence of diet has not been too much overlook- 
ed? Is it not a general fact that females are more tempe- 
rate in their diet than males; and again, resorting to the 
analogy with gout, do we not find that the proportion of wo- 
men, affected with this disease, is much less than that of 
men’ With regard to calculous complaints, I am aware 
that anatomical reasons would make their occurrence less 
frequent in women than in men; but this difference can 
scarcely account for the vast disproportion, which has been 
observed. ' 

Dr. Marcet’s table shows that nearly one half of the cal- 
culous patients were under fourteen years of age, and that 
these children were only from the poor classes; a strong 
argument in favor of the influence of diet in promoting such 
diseases. That the diet of an animal has an important ef- 
fect upon the disposition to produce particular calculi may 
be inferred from what is stated by Dr. Wollaston, (London 
Med. and Phys. Jour. Vol. 25) respecting the proportion of 
uric acid found in the excrements of different birds, which 
had been nourished by different kinds of food. From this 
it appears, that those which consumed the most animal mat- 
ter, furnished the greatest proportion of uric acid, while the 
herbiverous animals exhibited an inconsiderable quantity. 

To the supposed influence of diet it may be objected that 
persons, sedentary from their occupations or from their be- 
ing confined by wounds, Nc. to the horizontal. posture, are 
peculiarly liable to urinary calculi: but this hability may 
probably be attributed to the following causes. 1. Such 
persons are subject to indigestion, whatever may be their 
diet, and then the acid is found tooabundantly. 2. Finding 
that their situation makes vegetable food peculiarly indi- 
gestible and productive of inconvenience, they may resort 
chiefly to animal, which is far more productive of the acids. 

310 ProftE. D. Smith on Calculous Affections. 

In connection es this part of the subject would it not be 
a valuable, pathological fact to ascertain, whether females i In 
general, and male children are more subject to one peculiar 
kind of calculus than to another; and _ whether this is like- 
wise the pase; with regard to male ae at different Lee 
ods of life ? 

It might also be an useful inguiry, what influence liens 
has in producing such a state of the system as favors the 
formation of calculous matter. We are told that such dis- 
eases are exceedingly rare, either in very hot or very cold 
countries ; and to discover whether the extremes of tem- 
perature prevent such alterations of the digestive powers, 
as take place in more temperate climates, would therefore 
be an interesting physiological fact. ss 

From all that has been now said, may it not be inferred 
that, with respect to uric calculi at least, their formation is 
generally preceded by an impaired state oe the digestive or- 
gans, which state may be produced either by diet too luxu- 
tious or too much impoverished, by occupations of too 
sedentary a nature, by uninterrupted mental pursuits, by 
confinement, even in active employments, toa close room, 
&e.: a combination of two of more of these causes being 
sufficiently injurious, although one alone might not be so. 
And if this influence be correct, the propriety of using rem- 
edies that act chemically upon ‘the fluids, while the other 
plain indications are likewise attended to, is sufficiently evi- ~ 

Hoping that this imperfect essay will incite the inquirer 
after knowledge to investigate, for himself, the sources of in- 
formation as to this interesting subject, among such I would 
take the liberty to mention the 22d,.23d, 24th, 25th, 30th 
and 34th volumes of the London Medical and Physical 
- Journal, and Dr. Marcet’s treatise upon calculous disorders, 
observing however that of this last work I have seen only a 
review, but that I entertain no doubt of its being the most 
satisfactory which has yet appeared. 

_ Sonuary, 1819. 

On Printing Presses and their Theory. 311 

1 tig : 
Art. [X.—On some recent improvements in the construction 
of the Printing Press; with a particular notice of that 
lately invented by Mr. John I. Wells, of Hartford, Ct. 
by A. M. Fisuer, Professor of Mathematics and Natu- 
ral Philosophy in Yale College. 

Tue principal defect in printing presses of the ordinary 
construction, so far as the mechanism employed to procure 
again of power is concerned, consists in the want of adap- 
tation of this power to the variable resistance which is to be 
overcome. ‘The elastic substances interposed between the 
form of types and the platen, present at first a compara- 
tively trifling resistance ; but it gradually increases as the 
platen descends, and must finally be made immensely 
great, in order to attach the ink with sufficient firmness to 
the paper. But to overcome this resistance the mechanical 
advantage furnished by the screw is perfectly uniform. 'To 
make up for the want of an increasing advantage in the me- 
chanism, the pressman is obliged to place his body in such 
an attitude that his weight shall conspire with the force of 
his museles, and to exhaust on the bar as much motion as 
he can accumulate in a pull of three feet, in order to give it 
a species of percussive effect. Hence the employment of 
pulling at the common press has been always regarded as 
one of the severest kinds of labour; nor has it been repre- 
sented without reason as often ‘‘ destructive of health and 

It has long been an object with those interested in the 
improvement of the art of printing, to introduce into the 
press a variable power, which shall increase with the resist- 
ance to be overcome, and thus render the pull on the bar a 
nearly equable one throughout. ‘The earliest contrivance 
for this purpose which appears to have been in any degree 
suecessful, was that of Mr. Roworth, a London printer.* In 
his press the screw was dispensed with, and a plain spindle 
-substituted in its place. ‘To the under side of the head o1 

* See art. Printing, Rees’ Cyc. fora more full account of this construction. 

312 On Printing Presses and their Theory. 

summer, ete the spindle was inserted, was attached a 
species of inclined plane, rounded off so as to have a varia- 
ble inclination. Through the spindle immediately beneath 
ran a cross bar, which ‘plied against this winding surface, 
and forced the spindle down as it was turned round ; rapidl 
at first, but more slowly as the inclination diminished, ae 
at last with a velocity as trifling as was shewn by experi- 
ence to put the press into the best working state. In a 
press recently invented by Mr. Medhurst, an ingenious Eng- 
lishman, the power is gained by means of two iron rods, 
one on each side of the spindle. ‘These rods pass down 
from the summer to the top surface of a circular enlarge- 
ment of the spindle, and rest at each end in hollows which 
allow them a racking motion. The two extremities of each 
are equidistant from the centre of the spindle, but are pla- 
ced in a winding position when the platen is raised. The 
bar turns the spindle partly round, and moves the lower 
ends of the rods so that they come towards a vertical posi- 
tion, and bear down the platen with that kind of i increasing. 
mechanical power which every one has seen exemplified in 
bringing a prop erect by driving at right angles again the 

But in most of the recent attempts to improve ‘the con- 
struction of the printing press, a kind of mechanical power 
has been resorted to in different forms, somewhat different 
from either of the foregoing; one which is well known to 
every theoretical and practical mechanician, but which has 
scarcely acquired a distinct name. To attempt to reduce it 
to the head of the lever or wedge, as has been sometimes 
done, appears an unwarrantable extension of the meaning 
of these terms; and yet I know not how to designate the 
principle better than to call it that of combined levers. It is 
ihe power of thrusting possessed by the outer extremities of 
two straight rods, placed obliquely end to end or riveted to- 
gether, when the moving force is applied to bring, ‘them 
straight. Let a pair of compasses, or a carpenter’s rule the 
iwo halves of which shut together with a joint, be opened 
nearly straight and placed between two parallel obstacles : 
on taking the rivet between the thumb and finger and vary- 
ing the angle, it will require no skill in mechanics to discoy- 

* The principle of this combmation will be investigated in the Supple- 

On Printing Presses and their Theory. 313 

er that there is a gain of power, which gradually imcreases 
as the two halves approach a straight line, and becomes im- 
mensely great at the moment this position is attained. The 
thrust of two such arms is precisely the same, and varies ac- 
cording to the same law for different angles, as the pull in 
the simplest case of the funicular polygon ; that is, when a 
rope is tended by a certain force and is drawn aside from 
a rectilineal position by pulling at the middle. _ 

This principle is introduced «in different forms into the 
Ruthven, Stanhope, and Columbian. presses. In that in- 
vented by Earl Stanhope itis employed to give a diminish- 
ing velocity to the screw: in the Columbian press of Mr. 
Clymer, it is employed to give a diminishing velocity to a 
large lever of the second kind, which is substituted for the 
screw. ‘These two presses, especially the latter, from their 
durability, the neatness and uniformity of the impression 
they produce, and the diminution of labour they occasion 
to the pressman, have been justly held in high estimation. 
To the excellence of the Columbian press, honorable testi- 
monies have been borne in foreign countries: among others 
has been a present of six thousand rubles to the inventor 
from the Emperor of Russia. 

But of all the presses which act on the principle of com- 
pound leverage, the one recently invented by Mr. Wells, 
of Hartiord in this State, appears to possess the highest re- 
commendations. It has now been in operation in various 
parts of the country more than two years,—a period suffi- 
ciently long to furnish an experimental test of its excel- 
lence ; and it seems due no less to the interests of the me- 
chanical arts in this country than to the ingenious and wor- 
thy inventor, that a more particular account of it than has 
hitherto appeared should be given to the public.. 

A perspective view of this elegant piece of mechanism is 
given, plate II, fig. 1. The frame is of iron, cast (with the 
exception of the feet) ina single piece; and is of such form 
and dimensions as to be incapable of springing, while the 
press is in operation. The platen (4) is of cast iron, and is 
of the dimensions of an entire form. The circular projec- 
tion in the middle, with six radiating pieces, gives it an am- 
ple degree of firmness. ‘The platen is immediately acted on 
by bringing nearly into a straight le the two main levers 
(6) and (17). These levers, in presses of the mdi sIze, 

Vor. UIL.....No, 2. 40 

314 On Printing Presses and their Theory. 

are fifteen inches each in length ; 3 and in the position repre- 
sented in the figure, which is that of the greatest obliquity, 
they want two and a quarter inches at their point of contact 
of being straight.» The lower end of each lever is four inch- 
es broad, and is rounded off into a portion of a cylindrical 
surface of half an inch radius. A piece of steel fixed within 
the circular projection in the middle of the platen has a hol- 
low bush or bed of corresponding figure: in this the lower 
end of the lever (17) is set: The upper end of this lever is 
hollowed out in the same manner to receive the lower end 
of (6); and the upper end of (6) to receive a projection 
from the under side of the top of the frame. At (5) there 
is a provision for raising or lowering this projection by slips 
of sheet iron or tin, and thus adjusting the position of the 
levers to the best working state. The ends of the levers 
and the beds in which they rest are overlaid with steel, and 
the beds are so contrived as permanently to retain a small 
quantity of oil. (9) is a spindle of wrought iron fastened at 
the upper end by ascrew and nutto the shorter arm of the bal- 
ance lever (7), and branching below into three parts, each of 
which is attached by an adjusting screw to the platen. This 
answers the double purpose of keeping the platen steady, 
and enabling the weight (18) attached to the longer arm of 
the lever (7) to hit the platen and carry back the bar imme- 
diately after each pull. The platen is still farther guided 
by lateral projections which run in grooves — with 
the cheeks of the press. 

The mode in which the movement of the working bar 

_ (12) is transmitted to the main levers, will be best under- 


stood from Fig. II. which is a representation of the parts 11, 
12, 13 and 15, as they would appear to an eye looking down 
upon the press from above. The bar BA (the lever work- 
ed with the hand) is. inserted into a strong cast iron roller 
(13), which turns in sockets secured to the right cheek of 
the press. From this roller, about six inches above the bar, 
proceeds an arm AC three inches in length, and to the ex- | 
iremity of this is connected by a joint the driving lever CD, 
twenty-one and a half inches long. The extremity D is 
connected in a similar way with ey iron rod EF, one end 
of which slides in a pewter guide (represented by 10, in 
Fig. 1.) while the other end is fastened by a hook and eye 
to the upper main lever (6), at the distance of an inch from 

Gn Printing Presses and their Theory. = 318 

ithe bottom. (16) is a bar check, which limits the revolu- 
tion of the bar to a precise are. "The carriage part of the 
press, which stands in front of the upright iron frame, pre- 
sents nothing materially different from the Columbian press, 
and will not require a particular description. 

The operation of the mechanism will now, it is believed, 
be sufficiently apparent. When the bar BA is brought 
round, the roller A and the arm AC are made to turn with 
it: this drives forward the lever CD, and this in its turn 
gives motion to EF, which by means of the elbow at F 
brings the two main levers (6) and (17) towards the posi- 
tion of a straight line. As the movement of the bar is con- 
tinued, the mechanical advantage not only increases from 
the gradual approach of the two main levers to a vertical po- 
sition, but from the approach of AC and CD towards a 
straight line. The combination is therefore one which is 
eminently adapted to effect that rapid increase of power 
near the end of the pull, which has been already mentioned 
as the great desideratum in the construction of this part of 
the printing press. ‘To determine the actual gain of power 
atthe beginning and at the end of the pull, measures have 
been taken from an individual press, of the lines necessary 
for the computation. When the bar was thrown back, the 
angle ACD (of the triangle ADC formed by joining the 
three centres of motion with straight lines) was found to be 
=113° 52/, CDA=7° 12’, and the distance of the centre of 
motion of the two adjacent ends of the main levers from the 
Straight line joining their outer extremities =21 inches. 
The length of AC was 31, and the distance from A to the 
part of the handle where the hand was generally applied 
was 24 inches. Hence, as will appear from the theorems 
annexed to this paper, the gain of power will be found by 
compounding the four following ratios: 24 to 33, Cos. 7° 
12!to Sint/ 113° 52',.:15" to 2x 23, and 14 to 15; which 
gives a total of 20 to 1. 

At the end of the pull, the angle ACD =1720, the angle 
CDA=1° 3', and the distance of the vertical levers from a 
straight line, acounding to the specification of the inventor, 
which was found nearly exact, = halfaninch. Hence the 
gain of power will be found by compounding the following 
fuss 24 to 34, Cos. 1° 3’ to Sin. 172°, 15 to 2x4, and 
14 to 15; which gives a result of 763 to 1. 

316° = On Printing Presses and their Theory. 

It thus appears that the power gained is about siemens 
times greater at the end than at the beginning of the pull. 
While the re-action of the elastic substances which form 
the tympan is small, the mechanical advantage is small, and 
the platen is. brought down rapidly ; but as the resistance 
increases, the power gained undergoes somewhat more than 
even a proportional increase, so that during the last mo- 
ments of the revolution, the pull actually grows somewhat 
easier. Jn consequence of this, although the bar is stopped 
suddenly by the action of the check, nothing of that violent 
jar is produced on the arm, which is ‘so serious an incon- 
venience in the common press; and to relieve which most 
pressmen find it necessary to sacrifice a part of the force 
exerted by inserting an ore sag we over Jap tenons of 
the summer. “6 

~ Let us now compare fee a moment the sgehauiely fonte 
vantage furnished by this combination with that furnished 
by the screw of the ordinary press. In all presses alike, 
ihe perpendicular motion of the platen may be regarded as 
a constant quantity. It must necessarily rise a sufficient 
distance to allow the thickness of the tympan frame to pass 
freely under it. The distance allowed for this purpose ap- 
pears to be in general about 2 of an inch. But in addition 
to this, in the screw press, we must allow at least1of an 
inch for the spring of the summer; making the vertical dis- 
tance described by the interior relatively to the exterior 
serew half an inch. Then supposing the length of the pull 
to be no greater than in the Lever press, the mechanical ad- 
vantage gained will be uniformly 44:1. But if we sup- 
pose, as is generally the the case in fact, that the distance 
described by the hand is greater by about a foot, (although 
the increase of the distance is in reality only an exchange of 
one disadvantage for another,) the power gained will be 
uniformly 66 to 1. Hence, on the most favourable hy pothe- 
sis, the strength of the pull at the last point, independently 
of the force already accumulated in the body, ay be but 

1. as great in the Lever as in the screw préss; or? as great, 
if but half a form is worked at once with the latter.* og 

* The force actually exerted at the last point of the: Uestehakion of the read 
in the Lever press, was found by measurement to be on an average, for the 
Rentess kinds of work 30 lbs. ; for the heaviest, 45. 


9 On Printing Presses and their Theory. 317 

must not be supposed however that this ratio is a fair crite- 
rion of the total strength exerted. This is probably about 
half or 2 as great, in the former as in the latter. When a 
pressure is to be produced between the paper and form of 
types of from 25 to 35,000 pounds, it is not in the power of 
mechanism to supersede the application of a considerable 
aggregate force to the bar. The superiority of the Lever 
press lies much more in the equalization of the force which 
it occasions, than in the reduction of its total amount. It is 
true at the same time that the Lever press does considerably 
diminish the total force of the pull; but it is chiefly by per- 
mitting a diminution in the thickness of the elastic substan- 
ces which form the tympan, and dispensing with the spring 
of the summer,—not from the peculiar nature of the mechan- 
ism which effects the gain of power. 

By admitting the two main levers (6) and (17), or the 
two horizontal ones AC and CD to come much nearer to a 
straight line, a far greater mechanical advantage might have 
been obtained ; but it would have been of no practical use. 
The inventor has rightly judged that it is time to stop the 
bar when it begins to move sensibly easier. If it were per- 
mitted to go further, the platen could descend but an ex- 
tremely minute interval, and consequently the elastic re- 
action of the tympan and blankets would remain nearly sta- 
tionary. At thesame time, the positive disadvantage would 
be incurred of rendering it impossible for this elastic force 
to produce the return of the bar. 

‘There are a variety of circumstances relating to the Lever 
press, aside from the peculiar nature of the power it em- 
ploys, which recommend it to the attention of the owners of 
printing establishments. 

1. The foree exerted being exactly gauged by the pin 
which stops the bar, the impression of different successive 
sheets will be absolutely uniform, except the trifling and 
searcely perceptible difference which may arise from the 
variable thickness of the paper. 

2. For the same reason, the pressman will fad it much 
less easy, if disposed, to do his work imperfectly. Indeed 
from the superior facility with which the press is worked, 
the temptation to slight his task is in a ae measure re- 

3. The whole of a form being *orkea at once, and the 
platen admitting a superior evenness of surface and exact- 

318 On Printing Presses and their Theory. 

ness of movement, the different pages of the same sheet will 
present a neater and more uniform appearance than when 
worked with a wooden platen and two pulls. This. remark 
is especially applicable to the duodecimo page. 

_ 4. By admitting a less thickness to the tympan and its 
contents, it produces a less rapid wear Pe the hair strokes of 
the letter. 

&. ‘The ribs on which the carriage r runs have the peoulias 
construction seen in the figure, by which the friction is much 
reduced, and the waste of oil diminished. 

6. From the best estimate which can be made, ee press 
will in a course of years be attended with an actual ie of 
money to the purchaser.* 

Many of the foregoing advantages, it is eee conceded, 
are such as this press possesses in common with that of Mr. 
Clymer; but without detracting from the merits of the lat- 
ter, there is little danger in hazarding the prediction that its 
use will be speedily superseded; and that as it has lene 

* The grounds of this conclusion are the following. In the first frien ie 
wear is almost nothing. With the exception of the main roller (13) which 
with its sockets is of cast iron, and the jomt C, (Fig. I.) all the moving 
parts slide over an extremely small arc; and these are made of hardened 
steel. ‘The writer has examined the parts most exposed to wear in a press 
which has been in constant operation nearly two years, and the effects of 
friction were found wholly insignificant. The slight roughnesses which had 
been left on the surfaces by the manufacturer were scarcely aifected. It is 
obvious, however, that the wear of many of the parts might become very 
‘considerable before the action of the press would be sensibly impaired ; 
and that others might be replaced ata trifling expense. The original cost 
of a common: wooden press is about one hundred and seventy dollars ; ; and 
the annual expense of maintaining one will consist of the following items: in- 
terest on the original cost $10,203; principal to be replaced, supposing: ‘the 
average time’of wearing-out to be ‘twenty-five years, $6,80; repairs, inclu- 
ding accidents and insurance, $10,00. "The interest on the first cost of the 
Lever press is from 18 to 21 dollars; principal to be replaced i in all proba- 
bility not $2; repairs &c. perhaps $4,00. This estimate is made out from 
inquiries addressed to different printers who have been conversant with both. 

The foregoing particulars are such as chiefly interest the proprietor of a , 

printing establishment ; but no inconsiderable additional advantage has 
‘been conferred on the public by Mr. Wells, in lightening the task of the 
journeyman. Not only is the pull rendered far easier, as has been already 
shewn at length, but the number of pulls is reduced one half. Those who 
might apprehend areduction of wages from an acknowledged reduction of 
their labour, can scarcely be expected to be among the most forward to pro- 
claim the extent of their obligations to the inventor of the Lever press; but if, 
as the writer has been credibly informed, it has in some instances been hired 
by individual journeymen at an annual: expense of fifty dollars, in prefer- 
ence to using the common presses offered them by their employers, a stronger 
cestimonial to its superiority from this class of persons could not be desired. 

On Printing Presses and their Theory. 319 

prior inventions into the back ground, it must in its turn 
yield to the progress of 1 improvement. The points of supe- 
riority in the Lever, over the Columbian press, appear to be 
the following. 1. It is afforded at two thirds of the expense. 
2. The mechanism is lighter, and more compactly stowed. 
3. From the greater simplicity of structure, it is less lable 
to get out of repair, and is more easily put in order when 
out of repair by a person of common mechanical skill. 4. 
The surfaces which move in contact are so contrived as to 
be kept oiled without being taken in pieces. Accordingly, 
those who have had trial of both, so far as the writer can 
Jearn, both owners and workmen, give the preference to the 
Weve: press. 

High as is the perfection to which this press has been 
brought by its inventor, it would be strange if it were abso- 
lutely incapable of improvement, or if farther experience 
should not point out some changes for the better. Among 
the infinite variety of which the adjustment of the levers is 
capable, there can be but one which is absolutely the best; 
and it is scarcely supposable that this one has been yet at- 
tained. A slight variation of the position and form of the 
working parts in different successive castings, promises more 
effectually than any thing else to make known those slight 
improvements of which they may still be capable. Several 
of the parts appear to possess superfluous strength. The 
cheeks might probably be reduced to one half their present 
size with “advantage. The top and bottom of the frame 
must be made strong, because they require to be incapable 
of sprnrging as well as of breaking. But while this is the 
cease, the strain on the sides so far as it is produced by the 
two main levers is wholly a longitudinal one, and the re-ac- 
tion of the driving lever against the right side is comparative- 
ly small. Admitting the re-action of the platen, in perform- 
ing the heaviest work, to be thirty-five thousand pounds, the 
two sides would possess sufficient strength to prevent their 
being drawn asunder if made of sound cast iron three-fifths 
of an inch square. But if reduced to one half their present 
size, they would possess sixteen times this degree of strength. 
The driving lever also, if made very nearly straight, as it’ - 
might be without interfering with the main levers, might be 
diminished one half or two thirds in size. On other im- 
provements of a more problematical character which have 
suggested themselves, it will not be necessary to enlarge. 

320 On Printing Presses and ie Theory. 


As the power gained by different epMatOhs like ae 
referred to in the preceding pages seems to have scarcely 
attracted the notice of writers on Mechanics, J shall Subjoin 
an investigation of such as are most likely to occur in prac- 
tice, for the information of those who may be concerned in 
the invention or improvement of machines which contain 
such combinations, and to whom it may be sometimes im- 
portant to know with precision the mechanical advantage 
they gain by different supposed arrangements of machinery: 
and the strain to which the different parts are subjected. . 

Prop. I. Let CB (Plate Ill. Fig. 1.) be a straight rod, 
moveable about C, and BA another rod, connected by a 
joint with CB at B, and with its other extremity A confined 
to move in the line: CA produced: it is required to deter- 
mine the power which applied at B, in a direction at right 
angles to CB, will overcome a given resistance acting on 
the point A, in the direction AC. 

The power will be to the resistance, in his, as in all pik 
er cases, in the inverse ratio of the velocities of their re- 
spective points of application. We have therefore only to 
investigate, for any given position of B and A, the velocity 
with which B moves, or the circular are DB increases, 
compared with that of A’s motion on the line CA. For 
_this purpose, draw the perpendicular BP, put AB=a, C 

B=6, AC=a, BP=y, and DB=z.. Then a= far—y2+ 

f : —ydy ay dy 
/2-y2 ; and taking the fluxions, Moe: | 2 Ly? 

Fae ap 
ae ; hence by division © ae _ Wb, 2 
V b2 = aa by aaa 
“This expression gives the ratio of the velocities of A and B; 
and hence is to unity as the power is to the resistance. Bui 
by reinstating the values for which x, y, &c. were substitu- 
ted, it admits of simplification. Reducing the terms to a 
common denominator and restoring their palges. it becomes 
BR. AC. smBAC , sinABC ABC _ sin ABC 
AP CB cosBAC sinBAC cos BAC 

er is to the resistance overcome, as the sine of the angle 

But de 

- That is, the pow- 

On Printing Presses and ther Theory. 321 

made by the two rods, is to the cosine of the angle, made 
by the rod to which the resistance 1s opposed and the direc- 
tion of the resistance. ; 

Cor. 1. If the power, instead of being applied at B, is ap- 
plied at any other point X in CB or CB produced,—pow- 
er: resistance: : CBrsin ABC : CX-cos BAC. 

Cor. 2. If the rods CB, BA become equal in length, 
J b2—ya = Va2—y2, and the seneral expression is reduced to 
Om at i is, the power isto the resistance as twice the 
cosine of half the angle contained by the rods is to radius,— 
‘or as twice the distance of their point of junction from the 
line joining their outer extremities is to the length of either. 

Cor. 3. If the power, instead of acting in a direction 
perpendicular to CB, act in the direction of BP, itis seg 
mferred that power : resistance : : tan BAC ian BCA : 

Prop. II. It is required to determine the ratio of the or 
ces which keep each other in equilibrio when the point A 
(Fig. 2.) is confined to move in any other given line AH. 

From © draw Cé equal, and infinitely near to CB, and 
from 6 as centre with BA as radius, intersect AH in a. fern 
6, a, and draw the perpendiculars ar and 4s. Ar is ultimate- 
ly equal to Bs. For Ar—Bs =AB—rs =ab—rs = (as may 


be easily shewn) ~~ This being an infinitesimal of 

the second oie is clbniaely evanescent in respect to 
Ar, and consequently Ar—Bs=0, or Ar=Bs. It follows 
that Aa: Bb:: sec BAH: sec bBs::sec BAH: cosec 
CBA:: sin CBA: cos BAH. But Aa and Bd measure 
the velocities of the points A and B; hence power: resist- 
ance : : sm ABC : cos BAH. This result includes that of 
the last Prop. as a particular case. 

Prop. III. Let the extremity A, instead of moving. in a 
straight line, be confined to move in a circle, by being con- 
nected with the rod AC’, moveable about the fixed point 
C’: the power applied to B will be to the resistance acting 
at A with which it is in equilibrio, as the sine of CBA is to 
the sine of O’AB. 

For draw through A the line AH pernendicolar to AC’: 
then the initial motion of A will be in the line AH, and by 
the last Prop. power: resistance :; sin ABC : cos BAHL. 

Vor. IIT.....No. 2. 4} 

322 On Printing Presses and their Theory. 

But, BAH= comp. BAC’; therefore Poyiens : resistance : 
sin ABC : sin C/AB.* 

Cor. 1. When the the radii stand in opposite directions 
as C/A, CB’, ABC becomes a reflex angle of more than 
180°; but the sine of any arc is the same (except in regard 
to its ‘siga) as the sine of its supplement to 360°; hence, as 
before, the two ferces applied at A and B’ will be. in equili- 
brio when they are to each other as the sines of the ane 
ABYC, C’AB' to which they are respectively applied. — 

Cor. 2. The same result may be extended to the case in 
which A and B are confined to move in any lines whatever, 
straight or curved, to which a tangent can be drawn. For 
let AH and Bé be the tangents at ‘the points A and B; and 
power : resistance :: cos ABb : cos BAH, or (lrawing the 
normals CB, C’A,) :: sin CBA : sin CAB. 

Remark.—The foregoing results will equally apply apa 
the rods CB, BA, &c. are curved, and when in con- 
sequence of being iacetied into dierent parts of the same 
roller, they are not in the same plane ;—provided that CB, 
BA, &c. are taken as the perpendicular distances from the 
central line of one roller to that of another. 

Pros. IV. Let there be three levers CA, C’B, CD, 
(Fig. 3.) moveable about C, C’, and C’, as centres, and hav- 
ing their other extremities connected by straight rods AD 
and DB: the power applied to A will be the resistance act- 
ing at B perpendicularly to C’B, as sin CAD x sin C’DB 
is to sin ADC” x sin DBC’. 

This proposition evidently follows oe the first Cor. to the 
last, and is equally true for all possible positions of the cen- 
tres C, ©’, Cand of the rods CA, C'B,C’D. ean 

Cor. When CA and AB come into the position of a a 
straight line, sin CAB vanishes, and the power gained will 
be infinite. If the rods be so disposed that C’D and DB 
come into the position of a straight line at the same time, 
the power gained at the moment of atennine this position 
heegnce infinite upon infinite. | 

Puce. V. If any number 7 of equal ‘rods be connected 
by rivets at their middle and ends as in Fig. 4, the end C 

«This proposition determines the eal advantage gained at any 
given part of revolution of the bar, in the Stanhope press. ~ 

On Printing Presses and their Theory. $23 

being fixed, and A being moveable along CA; the power 
applied at B” and acting perpendicularly to CA is to the 
resistance overcome at A, as twice the tangent of BAC is to 

Suppose in the first place that the power is applied at B : 
by Prop. 1. Cor. 3. it will be 1o the resistance : : 2 tan 
BAC:1. But the nature ofthe combination requires that the 
tods should in all states be parallel to each other; hence 
velocity of B'=3x vel. B; vel. B’=5x vel. B, &c., and 
power at B’= | power at B; so that power at B”: resist- 
anceatA::2 x 2tan BAC: 1::2tan BAC: 5. In the 
the same manner it may be shewn, whatever be the num- 
ber of reds combined, that power: resistance :: .2 tan 

BAC : n—1. 

Prop. VI, (Fig. 5.) Let the two levers of Prop. I. instead 
of being united at B, act on each other by means of circu- 
lar cheeks BD, B'D, having equal radii BO, B’O’, less than 
BA : it is required to determine the power which, applied 
to B at right angles to BA, shall overcome a given resist- 
ance acting at A in the line AC. 

To simplify the investigation of the relative velocities of 
B and A, let it be supposed that when B suffers an indefi- 
nitely small change of position, A and C move equally in 
opposite directions. ‘Then the centres O, O’, of the arcs B 
D, B/D, will describe lines perpendicular to AC ; and if 
the motion of B be continued, the point of contact D, the 
sentres O,O’, and the points B, B’ will all fall upon AC to- 
gether. Let ab (Fig. 6.) be the position which AB assumes 
when it has moved an indefinitely small distance : the point 
o will be in the perpendicular OP, and ao will be equal to A 
O. Drawing the perpendiculars, bg, oh, Ae, and placing f 
at the intersection of AO and ao, it may be shewn as in the 
demonstration of Prop. Ul-that Be =Oh=ea. Hence Ae: 
ho:: tan OAP: cot OAP:: sin? OAP : cos? OAP::O 
P?:AP?. Bysim. tri. ae: ho:: Af: fo. But fO may be 
taken as=fo; therefore Af: fO:: OP? : AP?. By compo- 
sition, fO: AO :: PA? : AO’; hence, putting A to denote 
the angle BAP, fO=AO cos?A. Likewise oh =Ae. = ss 

pee sin2 A’ 
and Ae=Aa. sin A; so that oh = Aa. — By sim. tri. gb: 
$ sin 

% nt 
oh:: Bf: Of; thatis. (by substituting the values already found,) 

B24 - On Printing Presses and their Theory. 

ob: Aa. fst) YOB-4AO. cos? A: AO. cos? A. Divi- 

ding the eee and fourth terms by Te? we obtain, gb: 4 

Aa:: OB+A0. cos? A: AO. sin A. But gb represents 
the velocity with which B moves, reduced to the direction 
of a perpendicular to BA, and Aa denotes the cotemporane- 
aus velocity of A. Hence the power is to either of two 
equal resisting forces applied to A and © as AOvsin A: 
AO ‘cos? A+OB.—If the angle BCA be not too large, 
we may suppose C immoveable, ea the whole resistance ap- 
plied at A. We shall then have power : resistance applied 
at A:: 2AO-sin A:: AO-cos? A4+-OB. 

Cor. When A is so small that cos? A may be consider- 
ed as == 1, power : resistance :: 2AO sin A: AB. When 
the two ends B,B’, are immediately: ne to each other, 
as in Prop. I. the ratio is that of 2sin A: 1. Hence when 
two levers act by circular cheeks, they furnish a mechanical 
advantage greater than that of two simple levers of equal 
length at the same angle of obliquity, in the ratio of the 
length of the lever to the excess of this length above the ra- 
dius of curvature of the cheek.* 

Prop. VU. Let two equal rods AB, A’B’ (Fig. ”) eatin 
on the immmoveable points A,A’, support the circular plane 
BEB’ at two opposite points of the circumference B,B’; and 
let this plane be capable of turning round and sliding paralle! 
to itself onthe fixed line CF, which passes through its centre 
‘and rises perpendicularly from C the middle of the line AA’: 
if DE be drawn parallel to CA, the power acting at the cir- 
-cumference B, is to the weight resting on BEB whieh 1 It 
will support, as: the sine of BDE to radius CA, is to CD. 

“se . 
* This principle (which may be called. that of excentrie waiters) ie the 
Tar ther advantage of entirely avoiding friction between the adjacent surfaces. 
It deserves an inquiry whether the immense power which can be thus com- 
manded does not admit of bemg advantageously introduced into certain kinds 
of machinery. Possibly it would be an Improvement to construct the adja- 
cent ends of the two main levers of Mr. Wells’ press in this form. 

It would be easy to assign the ratio of the power to the resistance for differ- 
ent obliquities of AB and CB’, when BD, B’D, are elliptic arches having 
AB, CB’ for their semitra nsverse axes. But the ‘result would be of no prac- 
tical importance, on account of the difficulty of grinding the surfaces BD B’D 
to an exactly elliptical form. Whatever be the nature of these curves, the 
proportion given in the Cor. will be true for very small obliquities, if “ 
BIO! be tuken le to the radii of curvature at the points B,B’. : 

On Printing Presses and their Theory. 325 

Draw BP perpendicular to DE and join AP. Then the 
plane ACDP is perpendicular to the plane BEB’; and BP 
drawn perpendicular to their line of common section is also 
perpendicular to the plane ACDP, and therefore to the line 
PA which it meets in that plane. Hence APB is a right 

angled triangle, and AP?-+-PB?—AB?. If BD be put— 
De A AB=a, CD=z2, and BE=z, BP will be- 
come==sin 2, DP = cos z, and AP? (~DC? 4+AC-PD’ ) 
=2?+(r'vcos z). Hence sin? z+#?+4(r'“cos z)?__a?. 
Expanding (r’ + cos z)?, and substituting r? for sin 2z+-cos” 
z, we have a+7?—2r' cos z+r? Es Taking the flux- 

ions, 2 eda = 2 7’ oa (cos 2)—=— 7 2 sin z dz; and by resolu- 
tion, de > —d2.227.\sinz 22. But dx and —dz express the 
velocities of she mbit to which the weight and He Pe are 
respectively applied; so that power : weight: :— = Sin 2 

sin BDE to rad. AC: CD. 

Cor. 1. When BDE=0 or 180°, sin BDE vanishes, an 
the gain of power becomes infinite. But DE is. evidently 
the position which BB’ assumes when AB and A’B’ come 
into the same vertical plane. Hence the weight infinitely 

exceeds the power necessary to support it, when the two 
rods come into the same vertical plane. When the angle 
EDB is so small, or the line DC so large, that the variation 
of DC may be neglected, the power necessary to support 
a given weight will, vary as the sine of EDB, the angular 
distance from the position at which it becomes evanescent. 

Cor 2. Every thing else being the same, the gain of pow- 
er from this combination will increase in the same propor- 
tion as the distance of the lowest points of the rods from C 
is diminished. 

Cor. 3. If, as will generally be the case, the two extrem- 
ities of each rod are equidistant from the central line CF, 
or AC=-BD, the power will be to the meet simply as 
BP: CD. 

326 Manufacture of Sulphat of Iron. 

Ai XII.—Some account of the Copperas mines and mans 
_ factory in Strafford, Vt. ; oy Dr. < oun Locke. ~ 

ek ‘ 

‘ilu mine is situated about Heelies wiles from Dartmouth 
College, and about five miles from Thetford, Vt. Itis near 
the summit of a hill which rises probably two or three 
hundred feet above the bed of thie streams in the vallies 

The gangue in which it occurs is mica slate, the strata are 
which, are very highly inclined to the horizon, and present 
their long ridges above the surface in various parts of the 
hill, particularly at its summit. There are occasionally 
veins of quartz in the slate. The rocks for several miles 
around are, as far as I observed, principally mica slate. 
There are no particular indications of iron at any consider- 
ble distance from the mass of the mine, but the transition 
from the slate to the pyritic ore is abrupt. The mine has 
been opened obliquely up the hill, about twenty rods in 
length and four in breadth. ‘The ore has been traced near 
half a mile, running pretty much in the direction of the stra- 
ta of the slate. s 

The ore consists of an aggregate of quartz and «assent 
posed pyrites in small grains. In its granular aggregation, 

the ore resembles the quartz and feldspar in fine gramed 
granite. The pyrites constitutes the greater proportion. 
Many specimens contain abundance of needle shaped crys-. 
tals of schorl. Its fracture possesses a metallic lustre, and 
most of it approaches in colour to pale brass, from which it 
varies to steel grey. 2 

The ore is very compact and is obtained for’ laren heatae 
ing by drilling and blowing. In manufacturing it into cop- 
peras it goes through the several operations of decomposition, 
lixiviation and evaporation, each of which constitutes a dis- 
tinct operation. For several years the manufacturers effect- 
ed the decomposition in the following manner: the ore was 
broken into fragments of a foot or less in diameter, and 
heaped upon inclined scaffolds erected and floored with © 
plank for the purpose. Thus exposed to the action of air 
and moisture it very gradually decomposes at the surface. 
Thus from the same mass of ore a solution was obtained, 
year after year, either by the rains or by the application of 
water by other means. The solution was received from 
the inclined seaffolds in plank cisterns. 

Manufacture of Sulphat of Iron. 829 

For three or four years past they have adopted a more 
expeditious method of decomposition, which was discover- 
ed in the first place by accident. They break the ore into 
much smaller fragments, three inches and less in diameter, 
and throw them into a convenient heap, taking care to leave 
air holes at the base, so as to allow the air to pass freely 
through the heap. On applying water the decomposition 
commences, and so much heat is evolved, as presently to 
raise the temperature of the heap to such a degree as to 
charr wood, boil water, sublime sulphur, &c. Great quan- 
tities of sulphurous acid gas are evolved during the process, 
and in the course of three or four weeks the whole becomes 
deintegrated and ready to fall into the state of powder. It 
then by lixiviation with water, yields all its copperas atonce ; 
the process is performed in a plank cistern. P : 

When I visited the mine last summer one of these artificial 
volcanoes happened to be burning. ‘The sulphurous acid 
produced had run down the side of the hill below, and kill- 
ed the grass and leaves of the trees for several rods, as com- 
pletely as though they had been scorched by fire. It was 
even dangerous to approach it except on the windward side. | 
I thrust a stick into it and it was charred to blackness in a 
few minutes. I obtained needle-shaped crystals of sulphur 
which had evidently been formed on the external surface of 
the heap by sublimation. I was informed that the sulphur 
usually melted and ran down into the cavities, and that it 
frequently burned with flame in various parts of the heap. 

~The manufactory in which the processes of evaporation 
and crystalization are performed, is placed on the declivity 
quite below the mine. This gives great facility to all the 
operations, allowing the various reservoirs to be so arranged 
one above another that the liquor may be transferred from 
One process to another merely by means of a trough. 

The bottoms of the evaporating vessels are of lead, 
and about ten feet square; the sides are of wood about 
three or four feet high. The bottom is supported by a 
number of parallel brick walls, placed at a small distance 
from each other. The avenues or arches between these — 
walls communicate at one end with the arch in which the 
fire is placed, and at the other with the common flue. 

The ore is a sulphuret of iron with a small proportion of 
copper; and the solution, first obtained, is a sulphate of iron 

328 Manufacture of Sulphat of Tron. 

and copper with an excess of acid. “During the process of 
evaporation a leaden vessel, having its sides perforated and 
containing fragments of old iron is suspended in the liquor. 
The iron at the same time that it neutralizes the excess of 
_acid, decomposes the sulphate of copper and the copper is 

| precipitated in the form of a fine powder which the work- 

“men call “copper mud.” In a conversation with Profes- 
sor Cleaveland upon this subject he observed, that he could 
not conceive why the copper did not form a pellicle upon the 

iron. I think its detachment is referable to the constant — 

and active operation of the acid in the hot liquor, removing 
the copper as fast as it is deposited. Hydrogen gas which 
I collected in tumblers and burned, is evolved during 
the solution of the metallic iron in ‘the acid liquor. When 
the liquor is first heated it becomes turbid with some ae od 
material, probably alumine. 

After ‘the liquor has been sufficiently cvaperdted it is 
drawn off into cisterns to crystalize. Branches of trees are 
put into them as a nucleus for the crystals. When the 
erystalization has proceeded as far as it will go, the remain- 

ing fluid is drawn off, and returned to the evaporating ves- , 

sels. The cistern remains lined several inches in thickness 
with crystals, like a seode. ‘The branches have a fine crop 
of foliage and fruit “composed of beautiful green crystals. 
The crystals are very large and perfect, presenting numer- 
ous brilliant facets which are often several inches broad. I 
obtained some which were perfect four sided prisms with a 
rhombic base six inches in length and half an inch broad. 
Every thing about this ihineral manufactory is curiously 
reddened with iron rust. When a dry day succeeds a rain 
or a shower, the whole mine becomes covered with a white 
crystalline efflorescence like a hoar frost, and the rain water 
which runs down into the cavities of ihe mine becomes so 
strong a solution as to crystalize. Wherever the solution 
‘dribbles from the rocks, or leaks from the cisterns, large 
stalactites are formed so precisely like icicles that they 
would not be distinguished from them were it not for their 
green colour. These stalactites are very numerous at some 
seasons and present a very beautiful spectacle. ms 
An ingenious method has been contrived to catch the 
wash of the whole mine. There has been cut in the com- 
pact ore, quite across the lower edge of the mime, a chan- 

Manufacture of Sulphat of Iron. 329 

vel, into which by its inclination the mine discharges the 
wash of every shower, together with the natural oozing 
from the hill above. A trough conveys the fluid from the 
channel to the boilers. To increase the effect of this natu- 
ral brook of copperas, the ore has been broken into large 
fragments, and heaped along the upper side of the chan- 
nel, there to undergo a slow decomposition precisely as it 
does upon the scaffolds mentioned above. | 

The mine where it has not been opened is covered with 
oxid of iren which consists principally of incrustations of 
vegetables. s 

In the part where I examined these incrustations they are 
about three feet deep. The vegetables seem to have been 
enveloped by a thin uniform crust, but having decayed and 
disappeared the crust remains an empty mould or pattern of 
the vegetable. The general figure of the vegetable is pret- 
ty welll preserved 1 in the external form of incrustation ; 3 but 
the internal cavity is wonderfully perfect, the sinuosities 
of the bark, the veins of the leaves and the strie of the 
buds are preserved to microscopic minuteness. The im- 
pressions are so perfect that it is difficult for one to con- 
vince himself that the real vegetable is not there. All the 
vegetables that we should expect to find upon a given spot 
of ground, in the woods, seem to occur there. I could in 
general recognize the species and even the varieties. 
Among the specimens I obtained were the following : hem- 
lock branches and cones; nuts, burrs, and leaves of the 
beech ; hazel nuts and a species of golden rod which I re- 
eognized by a peculiar swelling often produced upon this 
plant by an insect. I could not ascertain that any animals 
had ever been found incrusted. The incrustations are divi- 
ded into several strata by layers of oxid, which have a 
structure so compact as to a a fracture almost or quite 

The superintendant told me that four men manufactured 
one hundred tons of copperas in a year, besides carrying on 
the business of a small farm. 

A small quantity of the ore has heen finned which had 
undergone a spontaneous decomposition and was thought to 
be very rich. The superintendant told me, that a barrel of 
it afforded three hundred and thirty- -three pounds of coppe- 
ras. When I considered the quantity of iron the liquor dis- 

Vou. TIT.....No. 2. 42. 

330 Remarks on Chemical Theory, and on 

solves, and the water it acquires in crystalization, _ State- 
ment seemed less incredible than at first. 
Ihave deposited specimens of the gangue, of the! erste 
its various conditions, the crystals, &e. in the New-England 
Museum, Boston. a chee ss its 

Art. XML. pee on some ie ARE “of Modern Chemical 
Theory, with a notice of “the Elements of Chemical Ser- 
ence, in two volumes, with plates; by Joun Goruan, M. 

D. Member of the American Academy, and Professor of 
Chemistry in Harvard University, Cambridge.” 


ris ees 

Homo nature minister et spas Lins —Bacon. 

Tue present peat is didiaemcicd by oudenal mental 
activity ; it might indeed with great propriety be denominated 
the intellectual age of the world. At no former period, has the, 
mind of man been directed, at one time, toso many and so use- 
fulresearches. Name whatever department of human’knowl-. 
edge you please and you can at once, find men of talent and in- 
dustry vigorously engaged in pushing its interests, and extend- 
ing its boundaries, while the press is prolific, beyond all for- 
mer example, in productions upon every art and every sci- 
ence. Even that department of knowledge, whose ele- 
ments admit of no extension or modification, is as a practi- 
cal subject, pressed with unprecedented vigor and success 
into the still savage recesses of all the continents ex- 
cept one, and to the remotest islands sprinkled in the In- 
dian, the Southern and the Pacific oceans. Every thing 
that relates to man’s duties and rights, as a moral, social and 
intellectual being—all that concerns his mental powers in 
their varied operations, and all that respects the physical ex- 
istences around him, is explored with unceasing industry and 
perseverance. The physical sciences have, in this general 
career of intellectual effort, attracted a distinguished degree 
of attention, and the civilized world is filled both with ama- 
teurs and with labourers in every department of this un- 
bounded field. A century has now passed, since (principal- 
ly by the labours of Newton) ihe mechanical laws of the 
universe have been, as to their most’ important features, defi- 
nitely settled; the last century has added comparatively lit- 

Gorham’s Elements of Chemistry. 331 

ile to the fabric, although the endless relations of quantity 
continue to afford inexhaustible topics for the researches of 
theoretical mathematics, and we may add also, innumera- 
ble practical applications of these theoretical speculations. 
After all the labour that has been bestowed on the subject, 
the study of the external forms and of the internal constitution 
of natural things has not been exhausted,—in a word, Natural 
History and Chemistry continue to afford an endless variety 
of topics of observation and research. Every year new 
minerals, animals and plants present themselves to the min- 
eralogist, the zoologist and the botanist, respectively ; this is 
‘true, even in the oldest countries, in those that have been 
most minutely and faithfully explored, and every voyageand 
every tour of discovery, in unknown or imperfectly known 
regions, adds abundantly to the stores of natural history. 
It is however true that in the greater number of countries 
the most conspicuous and important objects have been al- 
ready observed and described, and particular naturalists 
have, in a sense appropriated them as their peculiar prop- 
erty; it isalso true that in new countries conspicuous subjects 
eccasionally occur, but most of the objects now found are more 
minute and less valuable than those that were before discov~ 
ered, and the labour of the present period is often bestowed 
rather on the gleanings of the field, than on its first abound- 
ing harvest. With that science, whose object it is to as- 
certain the composition of bodies, the case is however wide- 
_|y different. It is, in all probability, in its very nature, in- 
exhaustable. Its domain being co-extensive with the phys- 
ical creation, (or rather with that portion of it which is ac- 
cessible to man,) chemistry is bound to attempt the analy- 
sis of all things, in earth sea and air. It is required of it 
to unfold, not merely the immediate state of combination, 
in which the parts exist, but to discover as well their ulti- 
mate elements, as their proximate principles. Great diver- 
sity of opinions has existed respecting the elements of 
bodies; these opinions have vibrated between the four as- 
sumed by the ancients, and the forty, fifty, or more admitted by 
the moderns. The progress of discovery has tended con- 
stantly to increase their number, and’yet without any abso- 
lute certainty, that any of them are really elementary. In- 
deed, it is obvious, that this certainty can never be attained, 
for were the great number of elementary bodies, now ad- 

332 Remarks on Chemical Theory, and ox 

mitted as such, to be ultimately reduced to two, (which: is 
physically possible) —and although it is self evident that 
there cannot be fewer than two elements;—still it is clear- 

"dy possible that the two which appear to. be. elements, may 

be in their turn, decomposed—each may contain one new 

“body and one before known or possibly each may consist 

of two new bodies, and these again may contain each one 
new body or more; and thus, when the subject has appar- 
ently reached the point of greatest simplicity, it may again — 
become more complex and ultimately carry the enquirer 
farther than ever from the desired result.* ‘This is one great 
reason why the researches of chemistry are boundless. 
Another is, that independently of our theoretical views as 
to the number and nature of the elements, we can never 
know when we have formed every possible combination ; 

the progress of chemistry has constantly evinced that com- 

pounds are produced which, as we have every reason to be~ 
lieve, exist no where in nature, and nota few of them are. 
possessed of astonishing properties. For these reasons 
principally, chemistry has, in our times exhibited more fluc- 
tuations, than any other science ; immense activity has been 
exerted in its various departments and a great number of in- 
genious and able men, spread over all enlightened countries, 
have been and still are constantly occupied in its numerous and 
diversified operations. Fromal] these causes ithasarisen, that 
chemistry has, during the last twenty or thirty’ years, produced 
more elementary books than perhaps any other branch of 
science. This has resulted, in a considerable degree, from . 
the necessity of the case, because the progress of the sci-. 
ence has been so rapid, that it has required but a few years 
to throw a particular edition of a good elementary work into . 
the back ground, and therefore new editions and new books: 
have been frequently multiplied. In this view of the subject, 
(although there were already many good works on chemis- 
try,) Professor Gorham had undoubtedly the same right as. 
other authors who have preceded bens to give aes science a 
new elementary treatise. sia 
bid * We a not mean to say that this will be the fact ; oe Sosiliinds cuff 
cient for our purpose. In point of fact, it. appears probable that most of the 

bodies now: admitted as elements. will I retain cai Figesnsooed 
Pe ae oy ° b 3 ¥ nat 

Mish Aa P ts : Mie ene eae 

Garhemntsl Elements of Chemistry. 333 

it appears, however, from his preface, that this was not 
his original motive; he remarks: ‘the work which is now 
_ offered to the public, was originally intended, by the author, 
as a text-book to the lectures delivered by him, to the med- 
ical students, and under graduates of Harvard University.” 
This object, was unquestionably a correct one, for it would 
generally be advantageous to every class, to have the pecul- 
iar course of instruction which they are to receive laid be- 
fore them in a concise and perspicuous printed form, for 
most studentsin a college have no time to do any thing more 
than to follow their instructor, in the shortest route possible, 
and in general it is of very little use to recommend to them 
the perusal of various authors; the greater part of them 
will obtain little more than what they get either from the 
lips or the pen of their immediate instructor. 

But Professor Gorham goes on to remark: “¢ while ar- 
ranging the materials, it was'thought that by extending it 
(the work) to a greater length, and dilating more upon the 
general principles of the science, it might still answer the 
purpose above mentioned, and at the same time, be adapt- 
ed to a class of readers who might wish to acquire a 
knowledge of the laws of oes without entering much 
into its practical details.” » é 

In stating his design, the author observes, that a work 
which on the one hand shall be more diffuse than that of 
Dr. Henry, and-on the other, less extended than the elabo- 
rate and profound system of Drs. Thompson and Murray, 
will be sufficient to include the most important facts in 
chemistry without tasking the memory of the student with 
a mass of matter, the knowledge of which, though indis- 
pensable to the Bp aatve chemist, must be uninteresting to 
the general scholar.” He observes with sufficient modesty ; 

—‘ This work is a compilation; it has no claims to origin- 
ality, though from the unsettled state of some parts of “the 
science, there is room for the exercise of the Judgement in 
determining the value of opposing doctrines.” 

Perhaps “this work may be regarded as occupying a niche 
not exactly filled before. It does not claim to present a 
system of chemical knowledge with the fullness of the great 
works of Fourcroy, Thompson, Murray and Thenard, 
but among the works of middling and minor size—as those 
of Brisson, Jacquin, Heron, Park, and the Conversations on 

334 Remarks on Chemical Theory, and on 

chemistry—La Grange and the abridgments of ‘Thompson 
and Murray, Chaptal, Lavoisier, Accum, Brande, and even 
Henry,* ithas, we believe, a right to claim a peculiar character 
as being more full than any of them, and more philosophical 
than most of them, while it is not encumbered with more of 
the details of the practical parts of the subject, than are ne- 
cessary to illustrate the philosophy of the science, a ind 
pears to be the great object of the work. eat 

It would be saying a great deal to affirm that ane pak 
can surpass the fine elementary treatise of Dr. Henry, pro- 
vided we take into view its particular destination. It com- 
bines in a happy manner, the perspicuous exhibition of 
principle, with ample details of experiment. These are 
stated with great precision—the selection is happy, and we 
believe that few of Dr. Henry’s statements relating either 
to principle or practice can be seriously invalidated. His 
_ book has maintained its standing for more than twenty years, 
and has passed through nearly half that number of editions. 
It is not perhaps likely to be soon superceded—it had its 
feebler youth—it now flourishes in vigorous maturity, and it 
promises ultimately toenjoyagreenoldage. ‘Thereisindeed 
little interference between the works of Dr. Henry and Dr. 
Gorham. Each has its appropriate object and mode of exe- 
cution, and we think Dr. Gorham having resolved to go be- 
yond his original plan of a text book, has been judicious, 
in giving his ‘work the form of a eeneral treatise on the phi- 
losophy of chemistry. It bears more resemblance to the 
elements (in two volumes) of the late lamented Dr. Murray, 
than to any other book, but it is fuller, and much more re- 
cent than his latest edition. shaZilivt 

The plan of Professor Gorham’s work is. thus He by 
himself: : “ The first part is devoted to the general laws of 
the science, and to the properties and modes of action of the 
powers or agents which are concerned in the production of 
chemical phenomena. In the second part, are detailed the 
properties and relations of ponderable bodies and their com- 

* The American reader will it ued to ae ingaed, hated in addition to 
the foreign works enumerated in the text, Drs.’ Ewell, Cutbush, and Bache 
have each ad in this oy a work on | the elements of chemistry. 

¢ ws oe 

tit will sf course be understood that we ii nt alld to Dr. idee s 
large system in 4 vols. ' rere Gt oPesaey oh Nea 

Gorham’s Elements of Chemistry. 335 

pounds. This part is formed into two divisions; im the 
first, is given an account of the properties of tnorganic mat- 
ter; the subject of the second is organic matter; and organic 
matter has been as usual, divided into vegetable hid animal.”’ 

Mineralogy and geology have been very properly omit- 
ted; those topics are too extensive to be adequately inclu- 
ded in a chemical treatise, without swelling its size oy in- 

For these subjects, Professor Gorham refers iis eilbie 
to “the excellent work of Professor Cleveland,” and we 
may be allowed to add, that we think te reference alto- 
gether judicious. 

Professor Gorham’s work (which we have teen prevent- 
ed by the pressure of occupation, from recommending be- 
fore) is now too well known to make it necessary to give an 
analysis of its plan and contents. We shall therefore limit 
ourselves to a few remarks intended principally to recom- 
mend this performance to the attention of those who may 
feel interested in chemical science, and who still have never 
perused this valuable production. The work is embraced in 
two octavo volumes, containing together, nearly eleven hun- 
dred large and full pages, neatly and correctly executed, 

and illustrated by seven good plates. 

The subordinate arrangementof the subjects bearsa strong 
resemblance to other modern chemical works, and we are 
not disposed to object materially to any important feature 
in Dr. Gorham’s arrangement, except so far as we would 
raise similar objections against the arransemients of most au- 
thors of the present period. 

Perhaps there has been of late years, toogreat a failing 
given to the admission of new principles, when the evi- 
dence of their existence has been slender, and in some in- 
stances, far from being satisfactory. This we imagine, is 
the case with the principle called fluorine. On any evi- 
dence which we now possess, it can hardly be entitled to a 
place in a system—certainly not, if it is to form the basis of 
important inductions, and of analogical reasoning. The new 
view of chlorine, for example, can ‘scarcely deviirs much 
support from so feeble an ally, and the student, on reading 
the article fluorine, is disappointed in finding how little it 
amounts to, after all. At present, we apprehend fluorine is 
scarcely entitled to a more distinguished place than ina 

“336 Remarks on Chemical Theory, and on 

memorandum, printed in connexion with the: article fluoric 
acid or better perhaps ina general appendix, containing sim- 
ilar things. '[he same is probably the fact with some other 
principles, both elementary and proximate, and it would, 
Wwe Imagine, conduce to the progress of the science, and to 
the comfort and advancement of learners, if newly discov- 
ered things, when their character is dubious, were kept long- 
er in waiting at the door, until their title to admission and 
their proper place were very clearly made out. In chemis- 
try, as in other branches of knowledge, we are too apt’ to 
proceed upon the presumption, that we. know every thing, 
and we construct our arrangements accordingly; but, our 
errors it is probable, are not few, and our deficiencies, must 
without doubt, be very numerous. ‘The unexpected dis- 
covery of some new and important principle, frequently 
produces a very extensive influence on the relations of other 
bodies, and of course on the state of the science. . How 
“great was the change produced by the discovery of oxigen, 
and of the constitution of water, and of the atmosphere, 
and how ramified and important, are the relations which the 
new views of chlorine introduced into almost every part 
of the science of chemistry. The subject of chlorine is 
one respecting which, we may perhaps evict ie ae of 
those whose opinions we respect. 
In the first place, we are far from thinking es ee is expe- 
dient, to introduce this difficult and complicated subject, in- 
to the early part of a course of lectures or of a treatise. It 
is impossible, either upon the old or new theory, to examine, 
with success, the numerous and important facts in which chlo- 
rine acts a part, without an acquaintance with a large number 
of bodies and without a considerable familiarity with chemical 

phenomena and reasoning. We are aware that if it be, as 

many chemists suppose, a distinct principle of combustion, 
analogy would lead us to place it where Dr. Thomson, Dr. 
- Gorham and others have done—that is, next to oxigen; 
but if it be really a distinct principle of combustion, it nev- 
er comes within the experience of mankind in any common 
case, nor in any case, except in philosophical or manufacturing 
experiments. The discussion of any part of its properties, and 
_ even the mention of its name, may therefore be omitted, -with- 
out the slightest i inconvenience, till we have gone on so far in 
the subjectas to have introduced, ina natural and familiar way, 

Gorham’s Elements of Chemistry. 337 

all those precursors which are necessary to announce so im- 
portant a body, and then we may begin upon its history 
with the commanding advantage, of being freed from the ne- 
cessity of anticipating, and of being always Reneeily intel- 

It was one of the great ivan of Dr. Black’s mode of 
instruction, that he carried his pupils forward in their course, 
with an ascent so gentle, that they scarcely perceived that 
they were mounting, till they learned it from the ey 
increasing extent of the horizon. » 

We are aware that it is not the sopeecth analogy with 
oxigen alone, which induces the early mention of chlorine ; 
writers and teachers are allured, by the imposing extension 
of the analogy so as to include four principles of combustion, 
namely, oxigen, chlorine, iodine, and fluorine. Of the last 
we have already remarked that its very existence is ex- 
tremely hypothetical, and its nature is if possible still more 
so. The fact is otherwise with iodine; this is a well es- 
tablished and well characterized body—but except the at- 
traction to the positive pole in the voltaic arrangements, 
which property it enjoys in common with oxigen and chlo-: 
rine, what peculiar claim has it to be ranked as a supporter 
of combustion. Certainly it is in no common sense a sup-. 
porter of combustion, and the solitary fact that its vapour 
supports combustion, or something that appears like it, in 
‘the case of potassium, can scarcely be considered as giving 
‘it a title to rank along with oxigen and chlorine to the for- 
mer of which, itis in all other respects, and to the latter in 
most respects, so unlike. Indeed this very remarkable 
body isso peculiar in the tout ensemble of its properties, 
that it appears at present better to give it a niche by itself 
whenever it may appear most convenient ; but we are dis- 
posed to think that it ought not to be introduced very early, 
and that wherever it may be placed it should be oes 
to chlorine. 

_ As to the new ahieony le ahlvadnes irsell this is not the 
place to discuss a subject, which, traced into all its ramifica- 
tions, and discussed invall its important bearings, would alone 
occupy a volume. We are aware that most chemists have 
anon anes new views, and chaste in the most recent systems 

* Excepting its elegitiend eiahass 

vo ME eS 43 

338° Remarks on Chemical Theory, and on 

and elementary treatises they are now inwrought into the . 
whole texture of the science. But the late acute and logic- 
al Dr. Murray never became a convert to those views, al- 
though he did in the latter part of his life perhaps virtually: 
abandon the old ground ; Professor Berzelius, whose name 
stands as high as that fe any man, was-a vigorous and for- 
midable opponent of the new. views, and we have not heard 
that he has changed his opinions. If we may be permitted 
to express an opinion, but without any intended disrespect. 
to the highest authorities of the day, we would add that there 
appears to have been rather too much haste to adopt the 
new theory, in all its. bearings—not only its proofs, but in 
its hypotheses. and conjectures, and to carry them in the 
form of doctrine, into every part, of the science. In the 
supposed play between oxigen, hydrogen, chlorine’ and the 
metallic bases of the fixed alkalies and earths to. produce 
the muriates and the chlorides respectively ; a maze in 
which they are made to pass, insensibly, into one another, | 
back and forward, and that often with no perceptible change’ 
of properties, and often also with no. better proof than the 
convenience of these supposed changes; in this dance of 
affinities there isas large a claim on our acquiescence in the 
authority of names, as can well be found in the history of. 
science. A moistened chloride becomes a muriate and a 
dried muriate a chloride, and yet Thenard informs us, that: 
a crystal of common salt although formed in the midst of 
water is still nothing but a chloride 5 but this crystal mois- 
tened or perhaps dissolved becomes a true muriate. Who 
can believe, rather we should say, who ought to believe 
that where there is so total a change i in composition there: 
should be so little in external and physical properties. 
_ The non-combustion of charcoal too in. chlorine, which» 
does admit of explanation upon the old view, confessedly 
admits of none at all upon the new: it is true this is now 
called an ultimate fact, but what is this more than to say 
over again, that the thing cannot be explained. Those 
very judicious writers, Dr. Henry and the Messrs. Aikins, 
in their Chemical Dictionary (at least in the last editions of, 
or additions to those works that we.have seen, ») take a‘more — 
cautious ground and giving many of the most important ex- 
pling upon both theories, reserve their final opinion for 
a day of greater clearness and’ sina if the panne 

Gorham’s Elements of Chemistry. 339 

of authority were necessary, we should not be afraid to be 
found insuch company... 

_ We are aware that the new cay of chlorine ee the ad- 
vantage of the old in some important points, and that the 
old is liable to some formidable objections, but we cannot 
help thinking that it will ultimately appear that there is 
something get to be discovered on this subject, which will 
evince that it is not now fully understood by either party, 
and that light will break in which will clear up the dark pla- 
ces in oth theories, cr substitute one which is better than 
either. At present the state of the subject seems to de- 
mand caution and reserve, and we are inclined to think that 
it is still incumbent on a teacher and of course on a writer, 
to give the double explanations which unfortunately are al- 
most every where equally applicable to the phenomena con- 
nected with this singular topic. We can discern no dis- 
advantage in this course, and itis certainly adapted to give a 
fuller view ie the whole — than if we exhibit one side 

It is not one th the least of the disadvantages as the new 
view that it has led to a copious list of new names and de- 
rivatives, thus adding to the onerous burden, which the spirit 
of neology, so prevalent in modern times, is daily imposing 
upon us. Thus the student must now learn that muriatic 
acid is hydro-chloric acid and muriates are hydro-chlorates, 
&c. In the same manner the prussic acid (we mention it 
for illustration and not as being connected with chlorine,) 
‘has become the hydro cyanic acid, and the prussiates are 
hydro cyanates or cyanurets, and in the view of Mr. Porrett 
the prussic acid should be called the chyazic acid, or the 
ferruretted chyazic acid, and the compounds chyazates or 
ferruretted chyazates, &c. Surely, this multiplication, es- 
pecially of cumbrous and ill-sounding names, is very un- 
fortunate and is to be justified only by imperious neces- 
But unfortunately, a new discovery is no sooner made, or 
‘supposed to be made, than we have a crop of new terms, 
grounded of course upon the assumption, that all is correct 
in the statement of facts; but perhaps in a short time, an 
additional discovery ora correction of a former one imposes 
‘the necessity of a new series of terms, or of important 
modifications of former ones, and thus the nomenclature is 


340 Remarks on Chemical Theory,'&c. 

constantly fluctuating. We would not be so unreasonable . 
as to say, that there should be no changes in the language of 
chemistry, but they should be as few as possible, and they 
should not be lightly made upon every trivial occasion. 
To the term chlorine we do not however object ; or ‘ies 
contrary we think it a happy word, concise and well sound= 
ing, and being derived froma sensible property of the body, 
namely its colour, it does not involve controversy, or take 
for granted a subject in dispute. The derivations from it 
are also good and nothing can be better imagined than chlo- 
ric, acid chlorates, oxid of chlorine, chloride, &c.; for wheth- 
er chlorine be simple or compound, these terms. will ever 
remain correct. But, when the terms derived from hydro- — 
gen are added to those from chlorine, we not only have 
cumbrous expressions, but they are involved in all the fluc- 
tuations of a disputed theory. As there was no necessity 
of precipitancy on this point, and no harm could have re- 
sulted from continuing to use the words muriatic acid, muri-. 
ates, &c.—we should prefer them to hydro chloric: acid» 
gas, liquid hydro chloric acid, hydro chlorates, &c. We 
are perfectly aware that these terms are in entire consisten- 
¢y with the original principles of the French nomenclature, 
and it may be ultimately. proper to adopt them. But as a 
principle we object to precipitancy in new. modelling a 
nomenclature, iespecaaly where the cei must be nu- 
merous and important. pin em 
‘It is the rage of the day to make new eeu sini it 1s 
without doubt, proper, on many occasions, but great cau- 
tion and thorough consideration should direct every such: 
step 5 otherwise it will retard instead of praentiee the ‘pro- 
gress of science. NN lh 
These remarks are meant to i of a sencieil nature, and 
are not to be understood as bearing in any peculiar manner, © 
on Professor Gorham’s work. He has gone no farther on 
this head, than he is supported by some of the first authori- 
ties in the scientific world. In closing these miscellaneous 
remarks, we hasten, with pleasure to express our general 
opinion of the merit of the elements of Dr. Gorham. This work 
is not surpassed by any one with which we are acquainted, 
asa perspicuous, chaste and philosophical treatise. The doc- 
trines of chemistry are stated with sufficient fullness and they 
are well connected, so as to form (as far as the present state 

Chlorine and Hydrogen. — 341 

of the science admits of it) a regular and connected system. 
The statements evince a correct and discriminating mind, 

and there is sufficient evidence that the author has thorough- 
ly studied his subject. We believe few chemical works 
may be relied upon with more safety, both as regards the 
statement of facts, and the fair and philosophical induc- 
tions that are drawn from them. It is said that a for- 
eign chemist of eminence has remarked that this work con- 
tains more of the science of chemistry than any other. As 
Americans we may be gratified with such an observation, 
not because we would wait for an European decision of the 
merits of an American work before we ventured to admire 
it ourselves; for we have both in literature and science, 
enough of native talent and learning, to justify original ef- 
forts and opinions of our own; sustained not in the spirit of 
vanity and of self adulation, but in the firmness of independ- 
ence, and in that spirit of self respect which is at once our 
right and our duty. We are happy in saying that, in our 
view, Professor Gorham has executed his difficult task, 
with much faithfulness and ability, and his country has oc- 
casion to be proud of his work. His style is pure, per- 
spicuous and concise, without becoming dry and repulsive ; 
indeed we may say it is characterized by an elegant sim- 
plicity, and the reader finds himself in company with one 
who is at once instructive and agreeable. 

We consider it as no small thing, that this country has, 
in so short a time, produced two elementary treatises, of so 
much merit as those of professors Cleaveland and Gorham, 
and we are not afraid that either of them will suffer by 
close examination either at home or abroad. : 

‘In this country it is no small thing to have set so good an 
example, and we trust that its future scientific treatises will 
be marked by equal correctness and ability. 

Arr. XIV. — Miscellaneous Chemical Notices. 


“¢ Chlorine and Hydrogen—danger from their mixture. 

Bien since Mr. Cruickshanks, of Woolwich, England, — 
pointed out the mutual action of chlorine and hydrogen, 
these gases have been freely mingled, by chemical demon- 


342 Chlorine and Hydrogen. 

strators, and no one has (so far as we are informed) indicated 
any danger, unless the direct rays of the sun were allowed 
to fall upon the mixture. In common with others, we have 
been accustomed to mix these two gases, in presence of the 
classes, and, without apprehension, to leave them to their 
own mutual action. The result, it is well known, is the pro- 
duction or evolution* of muriatic acid; which, when the ves- 
sel stands over water, or is opened in contact with thet fited, 
is instantly absorbed. 
Being aware of the danger arising from the mixture of 
chlorine and hydrogen gases, when “exposed to the sun’s 
direct rays, we have been sufficiently cautious on that head. 
In one experiment, we mingled, in equal volumes, about 
three quarts of the gases; they were introduced,—first the 
hydrogen, and then the chlorine,—into a strong flask’ of 
green glass: the vessel was wrapped in a thick coarse towel, 
corked, and laid on the snow, (January, 1820,) by the side 
of a brick wall, where the sun’s meridian rays were received 
_withoutany interposing obstacle. We now removed the towel, 
with all possible speed, and ran to the distance of thirty feet ; 
where we had just time to observe marks of a powerful action, 
as evinced by a white fume, rapidly undulating through the 
flask, when it exploded, with great force, and a violent re- 
port, reducing the glass to very small fragments, als of 
which struck us, as well as other observers. 
~The present season, (February 16, 1821 ,) being deaths 
of showing this interesting experiment to the pupils, the gas- 
es were, in the presence “Ofthe classes, mixed as before, in 
a similar vessel, and in about the same quantity. The audi- 
ence, consisting of two hundred, or more, formed a large cir- 
cle, out of doors: the flask was placed i in a wooden box, which 
‘was carried into the sun’s rays; then, by hand, we suddenly 
threw up the lid, and slipped into a contiguous door of the 
laboratory. There was scarcely time to escape, and, indeed, 
hardly an appreciable interval of time, before the explosion 
occurred, with such violence, as not only to rend the glass, 
but to, blow the box into pieces, which were thrown all 
around. : ck a 

* According as the phenomena are explained by the new or the old theory. 

Chlorine and Hydrogen. 343 

In this instance, as well as in the other, the undulating 
white fume was observed; and, in both cases, the air around 
and above, for several yards, was filled with a dense white 
cloud, which appeared to be muriatic acid gas, condensed 
by the moisture of the air. These facts are not stated be- 
cause they are new, (as they evidently are not,) but they will 
serve to give additional force to the caution derived from 
another fact which we are now to mention. 

Being desirous to ascertain whether this remarkable effect 
could be produced by the radiation of a common culinary 
fire, we filled a common Florence-oil flask (well cleaned) 
half full of chlorine gas, and were in the act of introducing 
the hydrogen in the pneumatic cistern. There was not only 
no direct emanation from the sun, but even the diffuse light 
was rendered much feebler than common, by a thick snow 
storm, which had covered. the sky-light above w ith a thick 
mantle, and veiled the heavens in a singular degree, even for 
such a storm. Under these circumstances, the hydrogen 
was scarcely all introduced, before the flask exploded, with 
a distinct flame;* portions of the glass stuck in the wood 
work of the ceiling of the room, and the face and eyes 
escaped, by being out of the direction of the explosion: 
nothing but the neck of the flask remained in hand. This 
occurrence, then, proves, that a mixture of chlorine and hy- 
drogen gases may explode spontaneously, even in a diffuse 
light, and even in a very dim light. We have not seen this 
fact mentioned by any writer, and have therefore been thus 
minute for the sake of cautioning others. Itis evident, that 
the explosion of considerable quantities of these gases, when 
ihe operator is near, must be attended with great danger: 
and it is therefore obvious, that some peculiar precautions 
are requisite when this experiment is repeated. Such pre- 
cautions have occurred to us, but, as we have not had op- 
portunity to put oe in practice, we forbear to state them 
at present. 

The progress of Bieuaictiy has.been such in this age, as 
frequently to demonstrate, that tremendous energies are 
slumbering all around us; we grope on in our experiments, 
walking, without solicitude, over hidden mines; and, fre- 
quently, the first hint we have of their existence, is derived 

* Ae reported by bystanders—we did not observe it. 

344 ~ Chlorine—Radration, &e. 
from some thunderstroke, from whose effect, the experi- 
menter is happy if he escape uninjured. — Editor. ee 

“son B. In the first experiment, related i in. this notice, ‘the 
flask was not covered while filling, but it was done in an 

under-ground laboratory, where the Tight was imperfect <. 

in the second experiment, the flask was filled in an upper 
room, when the sun shone out of doors, but the flask | was 
covered by a thick towel: in the third, although i in an upper 
room, it being a very dim light, no precaution was used, and 

the glass was not covered ; on the other hand, there was no . 

heat from any adventitious cause, nor could the effect be at- 
tributed to any thing peculiar, for we had made this mixture 
many times before, under similar circumstances, without any 

explosion.— Ed. , 
2. Chlorine produces heat in the skin. — 

( (Communicated, in a letter, dated Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 1820, from Professor 
Hare to the Editor.) 

1 find, among the obvious qualities of vulécine: one ssuhiohs 
L belies: has never been mentioned as such. The air 
around being at about 60, it produces a sensation of heat 
equal to 90 or 100, on immersing the hand in it, though the 
common (hermoriéter/ should diotehewadiered when im- 
mersed. The differential thermometer shewed the gas 
slightly warmer; but the effect thus indicated was too small 
to have affected the hand, and possibly may arise from 
chemical action on the atmospheric air, with which it com- 
municates, or the moisture init. Perhaps a sort of chemical 
action takes place, between the gas and the insensible per- 
spiration of the skin, as the power of chlorine in decompos- 
be animal effluvia is well known. iene ron 

3. Radiation of Heat through Glass. 

x neglected to mention to you, that I had, abuse two eats 
ago, two large brass mirrors, sixteen inches diameter, one 
foot focus, accurately turned by a fixed radius of two feet. 
By these, an incandescent ball of iron, about three inches 
diameter, being placed in one focus, phosphorus was igni- 
ted, in that of the other, at the distance of sixty feet. But 

Barns often struck by hghtning. 345 

my object for introducing this topic now is, more particularly 
to state, that the phosphorus was ignited, on one occasion, 
at the distance of twenty-two feet, notwithstanding the inter- 
position of alarge pane of glass, twenty inches square. This 
shows, that glass i is permeable by radiant heat from very 
hot bodies. [had my hand on a lever, to which the pane 
was attached in order to raise it; but 1 had not time to get 
it under way. For this experiment, the phosphorus was 
melted on cotton, at the bottom of a tube, and the cotton 
afterwards divided, under water, into pieces of a proper size. 
Being placed ina candle wick, the candle may be lighted. 
by wi mirrors, which is a very pretty result. 

4, Construction of Galvanic Apparatus.® 
(See Professor Hare’s Memoir in the present volume.) 

I am constructing a galvanic apparatus, in a glass jar, two 
and a half inches in diameter, by eight inches in height, of 
coils of copper and zinc; the zinc plates are about nine 
inches by six, and are rolled up with the copper by means 
ofa mandrel, and two pieces of soal leather interposed, one 
eighth of an inch thick, the copper beginning on the inside 
and ending on the outside; so that it takes fourteen inches 
of this metal. There will be eighty pairs only, at first. The 
-soal leather is used merely to give them the proper spiral ; 
and is, of course, withdrawn, when they are taken off the 
mandrel. Narrow pieces of wood are employed to keep 
them apart afterwards. 

* Although the descr iption of this apparatus has been published, we have 

thought it best to preserve this memorandum, because it contains some usefu! 
directions relative to the mechanical construction.—Ed, 

ART. Xv. —Peculiar ioe of Barns to be struck by 

Tue fact, that barns are much more frequently struck by 
lightning than any other description of buildings, is notori- 
ous. Every summer presents a calamitous list of these 
buildings burnt in thunder storms; and it is no very uncom- 
mon occurrence, that several are consumed by the same 
thunder storm. Instances are at hand in sufficient numbers; 

but, as these occurrences are so frequent, it is not thought 
Vor. Hf.....No. 2. A4 

346 Barns often struck by lightning. 

necessary to enter on the proof of the fact, which will there- 
fore be taken for granted.—What then is the cause? 

_ It will be observed, that these events more generally oc- 
cur after harvest, or hay-time, when the barns are more or 
less filled with hay and grain ;* which renders the calamity 
peculiarly distressing, as, in many Estee the farmers’ 
hopes are blasted in an hour. 

It is obvious, that the produce ge the fields, eat tena 
in a barn, must give rise to a copious evaporation. This is 
peculiarly the case with hay, which, especially when put up 
still damp, (and it always is so in a degree,) sweats (as it is 
termed) very powerfully ; a hand thrust into the mow, is 
often rendered sensible of great heat and moisture, and a 
visible vapour is often abundantly exhaled, when a heap of 
such hay is moved. As the large barns of ‘the farmers often 
contain many tons of hay and grain, it is obvious, that this 
cause is sufficient to produce the rise of a great column of 
vapour into the atmosphere, and that may be the fact for 
weeks together. 

Vapour i is a good conductor of the clecinié fluid ; aie nie 
the lightning may be determined, by the attraction of the va- 
pour, ‘to descend upon the barn, rather than to strike atrandom. 

There is an additional fact, which is worthy of being men- 
tioned. Evaporation, viz. the very act of forming vapour, 
produces electrical excitement; the vapour itself is differ- 
ently electrified from the bodies around, and to produce a dis- 
charge of the electric fluid, it is necessary only that there be 
a decidedly different electrical state between two contiguous: 
bodies; as, for instance, between the vapour arising from 
the barn and the neighbouring thunder cloud. It is imma- 
terial which is positively, and which negatively electrified.+ 

Both these causes then,—that is, the conducting. power of 
the vapour, and its different electrical state, may conspire to 
direct the lightning where to strike; and, from the combusti- 
ble nature of the etal contents of barns, as wellas of the build- 
ings themselves, it is in no way surprising that, when struck, 
they are almost inevitably consumed. ‘The most interesting 
qugaian remains—What can be done to aemicdy the evil? 

o ota in the language of the English annie 

+ The electrical excitement, produced by eve poration, is seen in the fa- 
miliar experiment of putting a few live coals into a crucible; the crucible 
is placed on the cap of the gold leaf electrometer, and water is ‘dropped upon 
the coals, when the gold leaves of the ele ctrometer instantly diverge. 

On the Compressibility of Water. 347 

‘The answer is obvious. Let every man furnish his barn, 
as well as his house, with a lightning rod. In the case of 
such low buildings, a rod, which, without a curvature, may. 
pass up at one end, would cause but a trifling expense, and, it 
is believed, would, in most cases, prove a perfect security. 
When the barn is very long, it may be better to let the rod 
pass over the middle of the roof, or else to have two rods— 
one at each end of the building. | 

Arr. XVI.—On the Compressibility of Water; by Jacos 
Perkins, Esq.—from the Philosophical Transactions of 
London; read before the Royal Society, June 29, 1820, 
and forwarded to the editor of this Journal, by the author. 

(With Notes, by a Correspondent.) 

Havine believed, for many years, that water was an elas- 
tic fluid, | was induced to make some experiments, to ascer- 
tain the fact. (a) ‘This was done by constructing an instru- 

(a) Although the experiments detailed in this paper present the subject of 
the compressibility of water in several new and interesting points of view, 
they cannot be regarded as the first by which this property has been ascer- 
tained to belong to liquids. Soearly as the year 1764, a series of experiments 
was instituted by Mr. Canton, (Phil. Trans. Vols. 11 and 12, Hutton’s 
Abridgement,) from which it decidedly appears, that not only water, but 
liquids in general, sensibly expand by removing the pressure of the atmos- 
phere, and contract-under additional pressure. The method of Mr. Canton, 
for moderate differences of pressure, is susceptible of a high degree of accu- 
racy, and seems to have been conducted with every necessary precaution. 
He found that, in the medium state of the thermometer and barometer, water 
expands one part in 21740 by the removal of the pressure of the air, and 
undergoes an equal diminution of bulk by subjecting it to the pressure of an 
additional atmosphere in a condenser. Similar results were cbtained, from 
a series of experiments, directed to the same object, by M. Mongez, in France. 
Yet most of the continental writers on physics seem unacquainted with these 
results, and still appeal to the vague experiment of the Florentine academy 
for the proof that water is incompressible. Deluc found that, on breaking 
off the sealed end of the tube of a water or oil thermometer, and admitting 
the pressure of the air upon the column of the fluid, it instantly sunk. But, 
instead of ascribing it to the compressibility of the fluid, he resorts for an 
explanation to the hypothesis, that liquids, however carefully purified, still 
contain a portion of air, which, although chemically combined with the fluid, 
retains some part of its elastic force, and thus yields to an increase of press- 
ure. It is somewhat singular, that this conclusion should be quoted with 
approbation by Biot, in his late elaborate treatise, (I. 195.) without express- 
ing any suspicion that the phenomena may arise from the compressibility of 
the liquid. That most of the air which ordinarily exists in water tends, on 
xemoving the external pressure, to assume the gaseous form, and to rise in 
bubbles, is well known from experiment; but so long as no more air is 

348. On the Compressibility of Water. 

ment, which I calla piezometer, and which is represented 
in Plate XXXII, (PI. 3 of this No.) Fig. 1. The cylinder, A, 
was three inches diameter, and eighteen inches long. — ‘The 
end, B, was made water tight, by means ofa plate, which was 
soldered firmly to it. At the other end, C, a cap was made — 
to screw on and off at pleasure; being also made water-tight. 
The rod or plunger, D, which was five-sixteenths of an inch 
in diameter, was made to pass through a tight stuffing box, E. 
On the rod, immediately above the Aree box, was fixed a 
flexible ring, a. A cannon, Fig. 2, of a pei as size to 
contain the piezometer, was fixed vertically in the earth, 
the muzzle being left about eighteen inches above ground, 
and the touch-hole plugged tight. At the mouth, a strong 
cap, A, was firmly screwed on. In the center of this cap, 
a small forcing pump, B, was tightly screwed, the piston of 
which was five- -eighths of an inch in diameter. There was 
an aperture, C, in the cap, to introduce a valve, for the pur- 
pose of ascertaining the degree of pressure. One pound 
pressure on this valve indicated an atmosphere. The piez- - 
ometer, which was completely filled with water, was intro- 
duced into the cannon, which was previously filled with 
water, and additional water forced in until the cap showed 
signs of leakage; the valve, at the same time, indicating a. 
pressure of one hundred atmospheres. The piezometer was 
then taken out of the cannon, and the flexible Ting found to — 
be eight inches up the rod, evidently proving the rod to have 
been forced into the cylinder that distance, showing, also, a 
compression of about one per cent. (6) We have seen, by 
repeated experiments, that, to be able to produce this degree 
of EOE oie, three per cent. must be pumped into the: 

sone than can exist in the liquid state, (as was the case in the sihentaten ts va 
of Deluc,) there is every reason to suppose that it possesses the physical 
properties of a liquid, and has as little compressibility as the ‘water with | 
which it is united. Accordingly, Mr. Canton found that water was no more _ 
compressible when saturated with air, than when deprived of it by boiling. 
—M. Hauy, (Traité de Physique, I. 198.) although he denies that water is _ 
compressible in any appreciable degree, at the same time justly appeals to its 
power of conducting sound, evidence that it is in fact an elastic fluid. 

(8) By calculating the:solid contents of the piezometer, and of that part of — 
the rod which was forced into it, the real compression will be found to have . 
been only one-half per cent. ‘There j is reason to believe that the error lies 
here, rather than in the dimensions given at the beginning of the article, as 
the supposition that the compression was one-half per cent. harmonizes with | 
the statement afterwards made, that the apparatus last employed g gave the. 
compression twice as great as the first. 

On the Compressibility of Water. 349 

gun. This fact proves, either that the gun expands, or that 
the water enters the pores of the cast iron; it is probable 
both these circumstances contribute to produce this effect. 

This experiment was made in America, in the year 1819, 
and before I had time to strengthen my apparatus for the 
purpose of making farther experiments, I was obliged to 
embark for this country. On my passage, however, I had 
frequent opportunities of repeating those 1 had already 
made, and of making others, by a natural pressure. They 
were as follows. The piezometer, by the assistance of fifty- 
four pounds of lead attached to it, was sunk in the ocean 
to the depth of five hundred fathoms, which is about equal 
to the pressure of one hundred atmospheres. When drawn 
in, the gague or ring was found removed eight inches up the 
rod, indicating, as in the before-mentioned experiment, a 
compression of one per cent. This experiment was several 
times repeated, and with the same result. 

The next experiment was that of sinking a strong empty 
porter bottle to the depth of an hundred and fifty fathoms, 
having first tightly corked and sealed it, in the following 
manner. Six coverings of cotton cloth, saturated with a 
composition of sealing wax and tar, were strongly fastened 
over the cork, by a cord wound round them, directly under 
the projection at the neck of the bottle. After the bottle 
had been suffered to remain at the depth mentioned a few 
minutes, it was drawn up. No water was found to have 
been forced into it, neither was there any visible change at 
the mouth. 

The same bottle was again sunk, and at the increased 
depth of two hundred and twenty fathoms: when drawn in, 
it was found to contain about a gill of water; but not the 
slightest visible change had taken place in the sealing. 

The same bottle was now sunk, for the third time, to the 
still greater depth of three hundred fathoms, and when 
drawn up, only a small part of the neck was found attached 
to the line. Its appearance was truly interesting. The 
bottle was not broken by external pressure, but evidently 
by the expansion of the condensed sea-water, which had 
found its way through the sealing. Upon examination, it 
was found that the cork had been compressed into half its 
length, making folds of about one-eighth of an inch; and 
that the coverings, consisting of six layers of cloth and — 

350 On the Compressibality of Water. 

cement, had been torn up on one side before the bottle burst. 
The effect produced upon the cork can, we imagine, be ac- 
counted for only in one way, viz. that “the water, divided 
nto very minute particles, must, by the surrounding pressure 
of water, have been forced through the coverings, and filled 
the bottle ; that the water thus forced in, and condensed to 

a great degree, expanded as the pressure was removed by — 

drawing it towards the surface, not only so as to press the 
cork back into the neck, and, owing to the resistance of the 

coverings, to compress it half its sIZe, but ‘to ae ae 

neck from the body of the bottle. 

Experiment 4. An empty porter bottle, the srenbest 

that could be found, was stopped in the following manner. 
A cork, with a large head, was firmly driven into the neck ; 

it was then covered with six layers of fine linen, saturated. 

with a composition of tar and wax; over them was applied 

a covering of leather, and all perfectly secured by being 
well bound at the neck. The bottle, thus prepared, was. 

sunk two hundred and seventy fathoms. When drawn in, 
it was found perfectly sound, and the sealing unchanged ; 
but filled with water to within an inch of the cork. ‘The 
coverings were: taken off, layer after layer, but no signs of 
moisture were visible. Had the bottle remained down a 
sufficient length of time to have completely filled, it would 
undoubtedly have been broken by the expansion of the 
water upon being drawn towards the surface, as was the 
case in the former experiment. It is worthy of remark, 
that, when the water from this bottle was poured into a 
tumbler, it effervesced like mineral water. (c) | 

Experiment 5. In this éxperiment, two strong” bales 
were sunk to the depth of five hundred fathoms. “One of 

‘them was stopped with a ground glass stopper, and well 

cemented, then placed in a strong canvass bag. When the 
bag was drawn in, it was found that the bottle had been 
crushed into many thousand pieces. ‘The other bottle was 
very tightly corked, but, not having been left down a suffi- 

cient length of time, it came up whole, having filled to within. 

one anda half inch. ‘The cork had been driven in aaa 

(c) This effervescence doubtless arose from the escape of the air eck, 
had been let down in the bottle, and was forced into combination vee the 
water which made its way through the corking. 

On the Compressibility of Water. 351 

mained so; but the cementation was unaltered, excepting 
at the surface, where it had become a little concave. 

Being satisfied that the piezometer, as first constructed, 
would not show all the compression, I determined to make 
one differently modified. The object was, to avoid the fric- 
tion occasioned by the collapsing of the leather upon the rod, 
under such great pressure. ‘The drawing in Plate XXXII, 
(Pl. 3,) Fig. 3, shows another modification of the piezome- 
ter, made since I have been in this country. This proves 
my suspicions to have been correct; since, under the same 
pressure, it indicated nearly double the compression shown 
by the former. (d) f A 

This instrument is constructed as follows, Fig. 3 bemg a 
section of it. It is simply a small tube, A, closed at the 

end, B, and water-tight. At the upper end, C, the water is 

allowed to enter through a small aperture, E, closed by a 
very sensible valve, opening inwards. The tube is flattened 
at D, in order that it may yield to the expansion of the 
water, when taken out of the press. 

-(@) It seems scarcely credible, that the whole difference between the re- 
sults of these two sets of experiments could be owing to the friction of the rod, 
employed in the first set, against its stuffing box. The friction, on this sup- 
position, must have been sufficient to counteract an excess of pressure on 
the outer end, of fifty-seven pounds. ‘Nor is it probable that any error, 
which may be supposed to have arisen from the neglect to ascertain the tem- 
perature of the compressed water in the first experiments, would be sufficient. 
to account for the difference. The temperature of the water in the cannon 
was undoubtedly raised, by a diminution of specific heat, analogous to what 
takes place in other cases of compression; but, unless the experiment was 
completed ina very few moments, its sensible heat must have been reduced 
nearly to a level with that of the surrounding air. We are not informed 
what time was allowed for the equilibrium of temperature to be restored, 
nor what the temperature of the water was at the commencement of the 
experiment ;‘ both which circumstances are necessary to an accurate esti- 
mate of the error which might have arisen from the neglect to ascertain the 
temperature after compression. If, however, we suppose the previous tem- 
perature to have been 50°, and the rate of expansion for different tempera- 
tures to be the same under all degrees of pressure; the elevation of the 
water in the piezometer on compression, as is easily inferred from the inves- 
tigations of Deluc, must have been no less than 26°, to produce an increase 
oft, inbulk. Is it not more probable than an error was committed m 
estimating the pressure? The valve, C, Fig. 1, is not particularly described; 
but it would require to be constructed with peculiar accuracy not to indicate 
too great a pressure, in consequence of the water insinuating itself between 
the top of the cap and the part of the valve which rests upon it, before it 
sensibly lifts the valve. The lever too, by which the valve is held down, 
unless made of great strength, would prove a source of deception, by its lie~ 
bility to spring. s 

352 On the Compressibility of Water. 

The experiment with this instrument was made at Mr. 
Kirr’s manufactory, in the presence of many scientific gen- 
tlemen. The piezometer, being perfectly filled with water, 
(the weight of which was accurately known,) was put into 
an hydraulic press, and subjected to a pressure of about 
three hundred and twenty-six atmospheres. When it was 
taken out and weighed, there was found an increase of water 
amounting to three and a half per cent. This water had 
been previously boiled, and cooled down to a temperature 
of forty-eight degrees, and kept at the same temperature 
during the experiment. 

A machine, calculated to avoid loss of pressure from de- 
struction of the materials of which it is composed, will be 
made with all convenient speed. This machine, being con- 
structed with metallic stuffings and flexible metallic. pistons, 
will effect a much greater pressure than the hydraulic press, 
the power of which is limited by the animal stuffing now 
used. It is probable, a pressure of from two to three thou- 
sand atmospheres may be obtained, before the metallic ‘ol 
ton is destroyed. 

_ It is expected that this machine will be sinceeailys accu- 
‘rate to give the exact ratio of the compressibility of water 
with much greater precision than has hitherto been obtained; 
but the results of farther experiments must be the gees of 
a future communication. (e) is 
29, Austin Friars, June 6, 1820. bo ai. 

(e) The experiments described in this paper establish the i impor tant con- 
clusion, that water continues to yield to a compressing force, after it has been 
rendered vastly greater than has been hitherto employed; but much remains 
to be done, in order to give our views on this subject the extent and precis- 

_jon which it would be desirable to attain. The exact degrec of condensation 
by a given pressure, and the law of variation in the density for different 
“pressures, both remain in uncertainty. The experiments of Mr. Canton, 
which seem entitled to much confidence, from the mode in which they were 
‘conducted, and which have the singular confirmation of explaining the 
known velocity of sound in water, make the compression, by a single atmos- 
phere, Sonne. ue epee s last experiments give to each atmosphere an 
average pomrresion of sso: M.Oersted, (Journal de Physique, October, 
1818,) makes it 7z455- Which of these deserves the most reliance? To 
‘reconcile the results of Mr. Canton with those of Mr. Perkins, we must sup- 
pose the compressibility to increase as the pressure increases; a supposition 
contrary to the laws of all other elastic substances.—Should our ingenious 
‘countryman continue to prosecute his researches on this subject, and « extend 
them to much higher pressures, as is promised i in his concluding paragraph, 
it would be peculiarly desirable that the law of condensation By. different 


Engraving upon Steel. 353 


ART. XVIL—WNotice of Mr. datob Perkins’s Invention of 
Engraving UBOR Steel. —Epitor. 

Tur American public are aes ed that Mr. 
Perkins, has given to the, before, comparatively perish- 
able labours of the engraver, a degree of perpetuity which 
may well vie with that of bronze or marble. We allude 
to his well known discovery of a method of engraving 
upon steel. In an interview with Mr. Perkins, some years 
since, we were informed by him, that his steel plates, after 
being duly prepared, were, by a particular process, car- 
ried on by the aid of fire, decarbonized, as (if we do not 
misremember) he termed the operation. ‘The result, at any 
rate, was to soften the steel, so that it would admit of the 
easy application of the graver. The design being made, 
the plate goes through another fire process, by which it is 
hardened to a high degree; and then the work becomes so 
permanent, that the plate may be passed through the rolling 
press to an almost indefinite extent, without undergoing any 
material wear. 

We have just received, from Mr. Perkins, (now in Lon- 
don,) a planisphere of the “ solar system; shewing the orb- 
its of the primary planets,* transferred to the plane of the 
ecliptic, with the place of aphelion; and exhibiting, also, 
the satellites, the ring of Saturn, some of the comets and 
their orbits, the ecliptic and its constellations, &c. This 
plate, executed on steel, and published by Perkins, Fairman 
and Heath, is nine niches and three-fourths, by eight and 
three-fourths; it was drawn and engraved by Lowry, whose 
reputation is well known in this country, and is a beautiful, 
and—for its particular object—a perfect thing. It is a fine 
engraving; and the lines and shades are sufficiently delicate 
to evince that this mode of engraving is susceptible of great 
precision. Upon the margin of the plate, there is written, 

degress of pressure should be exammed. Forsmall pressures, the usual law 
of elastic bodies, when made to undergo slight variations of form, viz. that 
the variation of bulk is proportional to the compressing force, may be re- 
garded as sufficiently established by the experiments of Canton and Oersted. 
But farther experiments are wanting, to ascertain whether it continues to 
hold true for pressures of several hundred atmospheres. 

* Including those of the new discovered ones, VesTA, Juno, CERES and 
PALLAS, whose orbits are all included between those of Mars and Jupiter. 

Vou. IIT....No. 2. 45 

354 . Tests for Arsenic. 

in pencil—‘ From the number of impressions taken from a 
similar plate to this, we have no doubt of obtaining two 
hundred thousand proof impressions from this plate.”’ 
When it is recollected that the common number of proof 
impressions is two thousand, and that one plate scarcely 
affords more than four or five thousand prints, Mr. Perkins’s 
invention may well be regarded as one of great value, and 
as enhancing, in a high degree, the importance of the pro- 
ductions of the pencil and the graver, so that statuary has 
scarcely any superiority in this respect, while it has no 
means of multiplying copies, except the slow and tedious 
ones by which the originals are produced, or the substitu- 
tion of plaster casts. Asien : 

Art. XVIIL.—Tests for Arsenic.—Ep1tor. 

Ir is a question very interesting to medical jurisprudence, 
whether there is any test for arsenic, which can be implicitly 
relied on, to such an extent as to justify, on that ground 
alone, the condemnation of an accused person. Some ex- 
perience, in such cases, has produced in us an increasing 
impression, that nothing short of the actual production of | 
the metallic arsenic can be safely relied on for the above 
purpose, aithough various tests may serve, more or less per- | 
fectly, to guide the inquiries, and to influence the opinion 
of the practical chemist. 

A pupil, Dr. T. D. Porter, now a member of the faculty 
of the University of South Carolina, in his inaugural disser- 
tation states, that he finds, on repeating some of the popular 
experiments, with onion juice, which were some time since 
published in the newspapers ;—that the onion juice, with 
the solution of sulphate of copper, (blue vitriol,) but without 
the carbonate of potash, produces, in a weak arsenical solu- 
tion, ‘‘a shade like Scheele’s green;” but, if carbonate of . 
potash be added, the effect is completely different. Con- 
sidering Scheele’s green as a test that has been much relied 
on for the discovery of arsenic, Dr. Porter formed it in the 
usual way, with sulphate of copper and subcarbonate of 
potash; in one experiment, a decided precipitate was pro- 
duced from a stronger, and, in another, a scarcely percepti- 

Agriculture.— On Spring Pasture. 355 

ble one, from a weaker, arsenical solution. Coffee was then 
added to the solution of copper and of carbonate of potash, 
but without arsenic, and the effect resembled that of the 
stronger arsenical solution, more than this last was resembled 
by that of the weaker. 

But the most important facts mentioned by Dr. Porter 
remain still to be stated. He found, that,—in the production 
of Scheele’s green, by arsenic, sulphate of copper and car- 
bonate of potash,—chromate of potash might be substituted 
for the arsenic; and that it produced a precipitate not to be 
distinguished, by the eye, from Scheele’s green. He aseer- 
tained, also, that even Mr. Hume’s celebrated test, nitrate 
of silver, (as modified in its application by Dr. Marcet,) 
gave, with chromate of potash, a yellow precipitate; which, 
when placed side by side with one produced by arsenic, 
could not be distinguished by their colour.and appearance. 
Dr. Porter’s experiments appear, then, to throw still greater 
suspicion on the infallibility of tests. for arsenic, and are 
worthy of being repeated.* His results were exhibited to us. 

* The nitrate of silver used by Dr. Porter, was the lunar caustic dissolved, 
and the chromate of potash contained an excess of alkali, having been formed 
by heating potash on chromate of iron. 



sa XIX. —On Spring Pasture; by Professor Ex1 Ives. 

A PLANT which will grow in the autumn, of a size suf- 
ficient to make it an pale of food for cattle, and which 
will not be destroyed by our severe winters, is much need- 
ed by the farmers in the northern and eastern states. 
‘The severity of the weather in January, and the sudden 
transitions of the temperature mm March and April, are 
equally unfavourable to vegetation. All the grasses occa- 
sionally, and at least the foliage and the roots of many, are 
‘destroyed by the severity of the winter and spring. 

The burnet (poterium sanguisorba) has been recom- 
mended to be cultivated for early spring pasture. Objec- 
tions exist against cultivating the burnet for this purpose. 
In the first place, it requires the whole of the previous sum- 

356 Agriculture.—On Spring Pasture. 

mer for its growth, and it is, toa considerable extent, killed 
by the frost ; according to the experiments made in England 
with this plant, as related in Miller’s Gardiners’ Dictionary, 
it appears that, even in Great Britain, the crop is so scanty, 
as to render it an object unworthy of the attention of the 

A species of vetch was recooninerted! for a sae feed; 
but, by an experiment which was made, every plant was 
destroyed by the severity of the winter, or the sudden change 
from winter to the occasional summer heat of March. 

Excepting the winter grains, wheat and rye, I know of no 
plant that promises so much to the farmer, for the purpose 
of supplying his cattle with green food in the spring, as the 
woad (isatis tinctoria.) This plant is less affected by the 
temperature of the winter and spring months, than any other 
plant, unless it be those appropriately called evergreens. 
It is cultivated, so far as I have been able to learn, only for 
the purpose of dying. 

The woad is a biennial, very little, if at all, ap resall by 
the winter. It affords an pundant foliage ; pale together 
with the upper part of the root, is readily eaten by cows, in 
March, April and May. The woad might be sown in July 
or August, after plowing in the stubble, and would make 
fine green feed for cattle in March and April. After the 
leaves and a part of the root are eaten by cattle, it will sprout 
again; and, probably, if eaten off in April, would be suffi- 
ciently grown, by the last of May, to be valuable to plow in 

as a green dressing for potatoes. This plant is extremely 
tenacious of life, and will flourish in a meagre, sandy soil. 

A small piece of ground was sown, in June, with the seeds 
of the woad, which was fed by cows in April. They ate it 
vety readily, and no unpleasant taste was given to the milk. 
_ The experiment was made on a small scale; the cows sub- 
sisting on the woad but part of the time. 

It will require more experiments to determine the eal 
value of the plant as food for cattle. From the experiment 
above related, it is abundantly proved, that it does not suffer » 
from the severest frost, its foliage not being injured,—that 
its growth is merely suspended by severe freezing weather, 
—that its life is readily extended, and that it is nutritious to 
cattle. . 

The above article is offered to adeienltiniots! as worilly of 
their attention, for the purposes above specified. 


Archeologia Americana. . 357 

=n 8 QO«-- eee 
1. Domestic. 

A. Archeologia Americana. Transactions and collections of 
the American Antiquarian Society. Vol. 1. 1820. 

Tue American Antiquarian Society, as appears from the 
act of incorporation, was instituted at Worcester, Massachu- 
setts in the year eighteen hundred and twelve. The imme- 
diate design of the association, in the language of their pe- 
tition to the legislature of Massachusetts, is “‘ to discover the 
antiquities of our own continent; and, by providing a fixed 
and permanent place of deposit, to preserve such relics of 
American antiquity as are portable, as well as to collect and 
preserve those of other parts of the globe.” From the time 
of their incorporation to January 1820, the Society had 
collected a library of more than six thousand volumes of 
rare and valuable books, some of which, it is believed, can- 
not be found elsewhere in the country. ‘The cabinet is 
stated to be likewise respectable. The national govern- 
ernment has ordered its laws, &c to be sent to the society ; 
and the legislature of Massachusetts has directed the Sec- 
retary of the state to furnish the institution with two copies 
of all their laws and other publications, which they now 
have or may hereafter have. The society has experienced 
like indulgence from the legislatures of most of the other 
states. For the preservation and proper arrangement of the 
library and cabinet, a commodious and substantial building 
has been erected at the expense of the president of the so- 
ciety, Isaiah Thomas, Esq. of Worcester; whose munifi- 
cence in this instance, as well as in his valuable dona- 
tions to the library of the society, and im the aid he has af- 
forded towards completing the examination and surveys of 
the antiquities in the western country, justly entitle him to 
an honorable rank among the benefactors of the literature 
of the union. | 

The volume mentioned above, is the first in the series of 
the proposed publications of the society. After a historical 

398 - Archeologia Americana. 

account of the origin and progress of the society, the volume 
commences with Father Hennepin’s narrative of the discoy- 
ery of the river Mississippi and the adjacent country, by the 
lakes; and of La Salle’s undertaking to discover the same 
river, by the gulf of Mexico. ‘Then follow several highly 
interesting communications from Caleb Atwater, Esq. of 
Circleville, Ohio, respecting the ancient fortifications and 
tumuli, which exist in that and the adjacent states. We have 
next, a full account of the Indian tribes inhabiting Ohio, by 
John Johnson, Esq. conjectures respecting the ancient inhabit- 
ants of North America, by Moses Fiske, Esq. and a communi- 
cation on the antiquities and curiosities of western Pennsylva- 
nia, by President Alden. After these, follow several highly val- 
uable papers written and published at different times, by S. L. 

Mitchell, LL, D. “showing the progress of his mind incoming - 

tothe conclusion, that the three races of Malays, Tartars, and 
Scandinavians contribute to make up the American popula- 
tion.” 'Tothese are subjoined, a description of a cave, in 
Kentucky, by J. H. Farnham ;—of a mummy found in the 
same cave, by Charles Wilkins, Esq.; of the Caraibs who 
inhabited the Antilles, by William Sheldon, Esq. ; and of a 
great and very extraordinary cave in Indiana. 

It is not our object to give a review, or an abstract of this 
volume :—the latter would, indeed, be scarcely practicable 
without the accompanying engravings to illustrate the de- 

scriptions. We would merely invite the attention of the 

public to the work, which we think highly creditable to the 
individuals who have contributed to its pages, and to the so- 
ciety in whose name it appears. It is a point of no small 
consequence gained, when a man of the intelligence, zeal 
and activity of Mr. Atwater can be brought heartily to en- 
gage in an undertaking so extensive and arduous, as a com- 
plete examination and survey of the numerous vestiges of 
the ancient population, which, there is little reason to doubt, 
once extended from the straits of Bhering to Mexico; and 
perhaps through the whole of the American continent. It 
is much to be hoped that this gentleman will be encouraged 
to proceed, and to give to the public as ample descriptions 
of the antiquities in the country west of the Mississippi and 
on the gulf of Mexico, as he has now done of those in his 
own state and neighborhood. There is undoubtedly a gen- 
eral similarity in all these ancient works, in whatever part’of 

Archa@ologia Americana. 359 

the continent they are situated; yet the examination of the 
whole will be useful; as the few weapons, ornaments, and 
instruments of labor, which may still be found, will afford 
new varieties, and furnish important aid, in any comparison 
between these and similar remains in the northern regions of 
Asia and Europe. 

The Asiatic tumuli scattered over the whole tract from 
the borders of the Wolga and its western branches, to the 
lake Baikal, and perhaps to the straits which separat 
Asia from ‘Amorita: according to Mr. Tooke, are found only 
in plains and extensive deserts, which seem to have been 
the abode of a nation which subsisted by pasturage and the 
produce of the chase. "There is in this respect, a striking 
resemblance between the ancient mounds of Asia and Amer- 
ica: as none, it is believed, have yet been found in America 
in the mountainous regions. It is true Mr. Tooke supposes 
these Asiatic monuments to be of comparatively modern 
date, and refers them to the Tartars of Jenghis Khan and 
their immediate successors, and it is certain that the Kal- 
mucs are still in the habit of burying horses, arms, &c. with 
their chiefs. The truth probably is, that these monuments 
are of very different ages; and that there are among them 

those of the ancient Scythians, as well as those of the mod-. 

ern Tartars who have succeeded them. It is by a careful 

discrimination of the different ages of these tumuli; their 

several peculiarities, and especially the utensils which may 

be discovered in them; and by an exact comparison of 

these with similar remains on our own continent, that we 
can hope to approximate towards the time when these latter 
works ‘were erected. Whatever may be thought of this, all 
will admit, that the subject of these pees is one of ra- 
tional curiosity. 

We consider this publication as adding much to our former 

stock of materials for deciding the question which has so | 

long perplexed historians and antiquaries, and which has 
led to so much vague speculation,—we mean, the original 
peopling of America. While we acknowledge our obliga- 
tions to the Antiquarian Society for what they have already 

done, we would express a hope they will not relinquish the 
inquiries which they have so successfully commenced. It 

is an object which falls directly within the design of their as- 
sociation and what they have already accomplished will fa- 
cilitate their future operations. 

360 American Geological Society. 

2. American Geological Society. 

A stated meeting of this society was held at the house of 
Professor Ives, on the evening of the first Mond in De- 
cember. ; 

Reports were made to the society. of the receipt 5— 

I. Of a box of specimens from Professor Dewer: ; they: 

_are chiefly primitive and transition rocks, and are illustrative 
rincipally of the geology of the vicinity of Williams Col- 
ege, and of the region between it and the Hudson river. — 

If. Of two boxes from the president of the society, Wi- 
uiam Macuure, Esq.3 these contain geological specimens, 

« collected and ticketed” by Mr. Maclure during his differ- 

ent travels* in Europe, and are therefore a conttibution to- 

wards a cabinet of foreign geology. 

III. Of two boxes from Col. Georce Gipss, first vice- 

‘president; one of these was mentioned in the last report, 
and consists of foreign specimens, chiefly in mineralogy ; 
the pieces are select and fine. The other _ is Sa 
of domestic specimens. 

IV. A collection of books from the srecidlont of the soci- 
ety: they are, 

1. The Transactions of the Geological Society of Lon- 
don, as far as published, in 5 vols. quarto, with 150 plies 
chiefly coioured. 

2. The Transactions of the Wernerian Society of Edin- 

burgh, as far as published, in 2 thick vols. Svo. with between 
40 and 50 plates, principally coloured. 

3. Journal de Physique, or Journal of Natural Science, 

_(Paris,) 54 vols. quarto, with numerous platesf. 
_ 4, Chemical and Economical Memoir on the production 
of Joan quarto. 
5. Mineralogy of France, by Rozzin, 1 vol. 8vo. 
6. Meidinger’s work on Fishes, royal folio, with fifty su- 
perb coloured plates. 

* This gentleman has, in person, examined the geology of almost every 
yortion of Europe, as well as of the civilized portions of North America. 
He has visited several countries repeatedly, and has inspected most of the 
iteresting localities of minerals in Europe and America. 

+ With the promise of thirty-four more volumes, as soon as they ean be 

American Geological Societi, he 36) 

qa Batsch’s Elements of the History of the Fungous 
Plants, 1 vol. quarto, with 42 beautiful coloured plates. 

8. Botany of J. J. Rosseau, 1 vol. 8vo. 

9. Colvet’s complete treatise on Nurseries, 1 vol. 

10. Jaquin’s descriptions and representations of the rarer 
plants. of the Czsarian Garden, at Schoenbrunn, Vienna, in 
4 vols. royal folio, with 500 elegant coloured plates—a mag- 
nificent work. 

11. The able Gardener’s Almanack for 1808, 1 vol. 

12. The Gardener’s Calender for 1816, 1 vol. 

_ Besides the above works, relating to the physical scien- 
ces and arts, there are several works in the fine arts. 

13. Designs of Leonardi de Vinci, 1 vol. folio, with 66 
plates chiefly in outline. 

14. Collection of designs engraved from the famous mas- 
ters—drawn from the collection of the electoral Palatine - 
academy of the fine arts, at Dusseldorf, 1 vol. folio, with 67 
plates in outline. 

15. Description of the bas reliefs and figures, &c. found 
among the ruins of the baths of Titus, and Sh Livy, engra- 
ved for the Cabinet of the Count Hele 1 vol. royal fol- 
10, with 74 fine plates. 

16. Pictures, statues, bas reliefs and cameos of the Flo- 
rence gallery and the Pitt palace, 2 vols. royal folio, with 
117 plates in the most finished style of Parisian engravings 
as each plate contains (in a great proportion of instances) two, 
or three distinct pictures—the work comprehends from two 
to three hundred separate designs, executed in the most ex> 
quisite manner and as the subjects are from the pencils of 
the first artists of Italy and other countries, the entire work 
with the accompanying descriptions is unrivalled. 

Fo following works are of a Miscellaneous nature. 

. Life of Frederic the second, 7 vols, 8vo. 

th Atlas of the Prussian monarchy with statistical tables 
and numerous designs illustrative of tactics and the art. of 
war, in the whole 103 maps and designs i in 1 vol. folio. 

19. Statistical annals of France in 33 vols. 

20. Statistical archives of France in 6 vols. = 

21. Extracts from the deliberations of the council of 

Vou. TI....No. 2. 46 

362. ° American Geologecal Socvety. 

siete and a number of other small works put in to 
fill the trunk.* 

In Mr. Maclure’s donation, there are more than 1100 fine 
plates without reckoning those i in the Journal de Physique, 
and in the smaller works, which would probably amount to 
iwo or three hundred more. 

This gentleman’s liberality to purposes of science and hu- 
manity, has been too often, and too munificently experien- 
ced in this country to demand any eulogium from us. It is 
rare that affluence, liberality, and the possession and the love 
of science, unite so signally in the same individual. 

~¥V. Count Bournon’s Treatise on Mineralogy or rather, 
that part of it which relates to the Carbonat. of lime, in 3 
vols. large quarto with 72 plates, presented by Mr. Wate 
uram C. Woousey of New-York. 

The society directed a committee to procure cases with 

glass fronts for the reception of the above books and of such 

as may hereafter be presented to the society. They also 
ordered that the name of the society and that of the donors 
of the books should be stamped upon them in gold letters. 

Since the meeting of the society, Horace H. Hayden, 
Esq. of Baltimore has presented to the society a copy | ps 
his geological essays. [See P: 47 of this volume. | 

P. S.—A box of specimens for the society has been ve 
teed: from James Pierce, Esq.—this box has not yet been 

A box is announced as being on its way from Profes- 
sor Dev This is the second from this gentleman. 

* Mr. Maclure, in a letter to one of the officers of the Geological Society, 
remarks that the reason why the collection of books is of so mixed a nature, 
is, that being packed at Paris along with the whole of his library, they were 
not assorted, but were put up indiscr iminately, and forwarded to Havre, 
whence this trunk was ordered to be sent to the American Geological So- 
ciety. Its members will consider themselves fortunate that they are thus 
fortuitously ae into possession of such interesting and rare ees 

+ This remark as respects the present case, will be well understood in 
Philadelphia, and especially im the academy of Natural Sciences. 

Sulphat of Strontian. 363 
3. Remarks on the study of Geology. 

In a recent letter to the editor, from William Maclure, 
Esq. President of the American Geological Society, dated 
at Paris, are the following remarks : “It has always appear- 
ed to me that the science of geology was one of the sim- 
plest and easiest to acquire of any: the number of names 
to be learned is small, and the present nomenclature al- 
though rather generic than specific, is not difficult. In teach- 
ing geology | would have a cabinet of specimens containing 
all the rocks divided into four classes, or as many of them as 
F could procure, keeping always in mind, that the most com- 
mon are the most useful. I would begin by giving the stu- 
dent an exactidea of all the rocks of transition, at one end 
of which he will find the primitive, and at the other the sec- 
ondary, which two classes are so different in their structure 
as not to be easily mistaken. The alluvial rocks encroach 
on the secondary, as soon as they have remained in contact 
long enough to adhere, and take the consistence of rocks, 
for the whole secondary, was at one time, alluvial, when 
they were first deposited by the waters, excepting always 
the volcanic.” : 

We are not willing to withhold an additional remark :— 
when speaking of this Journal, he observes: “In some of 
the memoirs of geology there it a little tnaccuracy in the . 
names of the rocks which should be as strictly scientific as 
possible ; the Wernerian nomenclature Is still the best under- 
‘stood.” ial 

Every such hint, coming from such an authority as Mr. 
Maclure than whom no man (with the single exception of 
Col. Gibbs,) has so good a right to give advice on the sub- 
ject of American geology, is worthy of attention and will 
have its full weight in this country. 

4. Sulphat of Strontian. 

Fxtract of a letter to the editor from Professor Douglass of the Military 
Academy at West-Point, dated Black Rock, (N. Y.) May 5th, 1820. 

My Dear Sir, 

The mineral which I had announced to you upona slight 
examination of it as sulphate of barytes, (see Vol. II. p. 241) 

364 Map of Mountains.—Epidote. 

proves to be sulphate of strontian. Its specific gravity, 1 
find to be 3.85 to 3.90. The crystal a flattened prism of © 
six angles, formed as it were by the bevilment of two op- 
posite “lateral edges of a four sided prism, thus producing 
four obtuse angles of 140° each, and leaving the other 
two of 76° each. I have no crystal which will lead me to 
the form of its termination. ; 

This mineral is found in a small clan called in « our maps. 
of last summer, Mouse Island; it lies Pkont a mile west. 
Bass, or Put-in Bay Island.. The crystals intersect and 
cross each other in every possible direction, as will ap- 
pear to you by some of the largest specimens. ‘They easily 
separate however, or rather break to pieces by a slight stroke 
of the hammer. The gangue isa compact grey lime stone. 

5. Map of Mountains. 

Cummingsand Hilliard of Boston, have just published* an 
engraving presenting at one view, the comparative heights of 
the principal mountains in the world, with corrections, and up- 
wards of one hundred additions of the principal American 
mountains. We havea copy of this map and think it well wor- 
thy of being possessed, both for geographical and geological 
purposes, as it produces, at a coup d’ eal, an impression, for 
which no description can be an adequate substitute. The 
annexed heights, latitudes and names, give the most impor-_ 

tant particular information, and the map neatly mounted, 
eee and varnished, forms a handsome parlour picture. 

6. Epidoie. 

Dr. Webster informs us, that very beautiful epidote and 
fibrous prehnite have been lately found in the trap rocks of 
Nahant, nine miles north east of Boston. 

% Price: coloured and mounted on rollers $5,25, plain $4,00—coloured: 
and not varnished 4,25, pee 



Annals of Ne ature.—Fossil Fish. 365 

7. Western Minerva, or American Annals of Knowledge 
and Literature; a Quarterly Journal to be published in 
Lexington, Kentucky. 

The motto is un peu de tout and corresponds with the 
sketch drawn in the prospectus. This literary and scientific 
journal will be published quarterly, in Lexington, Kentucky, 
in numbers of eighty pages, forming every year a volume of 
three hundred and twenty pages or more. The first number 
was promised for January, 1821, and the other numbers to ap- 
pear successively in April, July and October following. 

8. Annals of Nature. 

Professor Rafinesque has published the first number of an 
annual or occasional Journal, which he denominates Annals 
of Nature, or Annual Synopsis of new Genera, and species 
of animals, plants, &c. discovered in North America. This 
work is established principally for his own discoveries and 
for those of his friends. His first number contains sixteen 
pages, and is occupied upon animals under the classes suck- 
lers, birds, reptiles, fishes, crustacea, insects, worms, mollusca, 
polyps, and porostomes ; and upon plants under the classes 
eltrogynes, mesogynes, endogynes, symphogynes, aniogynes, 
gymnogynes, phanerians, cryptians, fungians, and algians. 
Under these respective classes both of animals and plants 
many species are embraced. 

9. Fossil Fish. 

On page 222 of this volume mention is made of the fossil 
fish, found at Sunderland, Mass. by Mr. Edward Hitchcock. 
This gentleman at our request, has caused this place to be 
more thoroughly explored, and we have now the pleasure 
to state, on the authority of a letter from him, dated April 
9, 1821, that fifty or sixty specimens of fossil fish have been 
discovered at Whitmore’s Ferry, Sunderland, by those 
whom he has employed. We are informed, that there are 
two distinct species of fish, and as we have not yet obtained 
the box of specimens, put up for us by the kindness of Mr. 
Hitchcock, we subjoin the catalogue received with the letter, 
as this will impart some valuable information.—Ep. 

366 Severity of Cold at Plattsburgh. 

List of ¢ organi remains and accompanying rocks, contained 
in a box forwarded to Ero Silliman by Edward 

No. 1. Pudding stone perhaps Zrauwacke state) obeaiHen 
from the bottom of Connecticut river, Whitmore’s Ferry, 
Sunderland, Mass. 

2. Slate lyine immediately above No. 1, commencing at 
ihe sifface of the river and extending upwards of ten feet, 
containing one species of fish. 

3. Same rock containing another species of ish. 

4. Same rock, fish impressions, two fish lying across } each 

5. Fish impressions, same slate rock. 

6. Fish impressions. 

7. Organic remains in same slate. 

8... 5 do. do. do. 

9. Specimen of a reddish slate two hundred fous! above 
the fish. 

10. do. brown slate three hundred feet above the 
fish. ie 

11. do. do. do. do. with 
a vegetable or animal relic penetrating the specimens. 

12, Vegetable remains on the same general formation. 

13. Slate three hundred feet above the fish containing a 
clam shell. 

More particular information will be found i in the labels. 

10. Severity of cold at Platisburgh® on Lake Champlara. 

_ Extract of a letter to the Editor, dated March 17, 1821, from Dr. Lyman 
Foot, surgeon in the United States Army. f -s 

[t is now snowing violently and hal been snowing for 
thirty six hours; the inhabitants here call it the ‘‘ equinox- 
ial storm.” ‘The weather has been very cold at this place, 
during the last winter. The Jake Champlain is now passa- 
ble on the ice in every direction; I have seen ice cut out of 
the lake this winter, which I should judge to be three feet 
thick. The thermometer on the 25th of January last, at 
Reveillee stood 23° below 0. Notwithstanding the intense 
cold here, we do not suffer so much as you would naturally 

* Lat. 44° 42’ N, 

Fiuor Spar of Genesee and Illinois. 367 

suppose. Every one prepares for it, and no one ventures 
out without being properly guarded. On that extremely 
cold day, Jan. 25th, wrapped in buffaloe skins, furs, &c. J 
drove six miles ina sleigh without any inconvenience. 

11. Crystals of Snow. 

Professor Dewey, in a letter to the editor, mentions, 
tions, that in a late fall of snow, he observed double crystals, 
formed by a junction of two of the stars of six rays and of 
two others of the same form, but with bifurcated points ; 
they were, in each instance, united by the ends of the three 
contiguous rays, on each crystal, and of course, the middle 
ray of the three, formed, in each instance, a continued right 
line passing through both crystals. The single crystals we 
suppose to be correctly represented in Figs. 1 and 4 of 
that plate of Vol. Il. which illustrates Professor Green’s 
piece on snow crystals,—see page 338. 

12. Fluor Spar of Genesee. 

_ We have just received (May 1, 1821) from Mr. H. R. 
Fenn, of Rochesterville, Ontario County, N. Y. some spe- 
cimens of well crystalized fluor spar, which were discover- 
ed by him, half a mile from Rochester on the Genesee riv- 
er in the bed of the great canal. ‘They are scattered in cav- 
ities of secondary lime-stone rocks. ‘The discoverer re- 
marks that this mineral is found there in considerable quan- 
tities, and that some crystals are an inch and a half square. 

N. B. We presume that if this locality be not exactly the 
same as that mentioned page 235 of this volume, it must at 
least be in the same formation; the specimens received 
from Mr. Boyd and from Mr. Fenn, cannot be distinguished 
from each other.—Eb. f 

13. Fluor Spar of Ilinois. 

At page 52 Vol. I. we mentioned this locality of fluor 
spar, and again at page 243 of the present volume. We 
have this day (May 2, 1821) received through the kindness of 
Capt. Abm. Hawkins of Shawneetown, some superb speci- 
mens, which we mention for the sake of drawing the atten- 
tion of mineralogists to this locality, the most remarkable 

368 Slide from Mount Pilatus to the Lake of Lucerne. 

that has been observed in North America and probably one 
of the most interesting in the world. A specimen now lies 
before us more than six inches square, on which are depos- 
ited between three and four hundred distinct cubes and par- 
allelopipeds some. of which are an inch in diameter, and 
others so minute as to be almost microscopic; they are ofa 
deep violet and purple colour, and the whole group (except 
that it has not quite the freshness of specimens which have 
been recently taken from the cavities of mines) is scarcely 
inferior to the finest pieces of Derbyshire and France. 

1. Slide from Mount Pilatus to the Lake of Lucerne.* 
Communicated by Professor Griscom. ; 

A slide waserected in 1812, by Mr. Rupp, forthe purpose 
of bringing down to the lake of Lucerne the fine pine trees 
which grow upon Mount Pilatus. ‘The wood was purchas- 
ed by a company for 3,000/ and 9,000/ were expended in 
forming the slide. The length of the slide is about 44,000 
English feet, or about 8} miles, and the difference of level of 
its two extremities Is about 2,600 feet. 

It is a wooden trough about five feet broad and four deep, 
the bottom of which foistss of three trees, the middle one 
being a little hollowed, and small rills of water are conduc- 
ted into it to diminish friction. 

The declivity at its commencement is about 223°, and it 
was calculated by Professor Playfair thata heavy body, not 
retarded by friction, would describe the whole length of the 
trough in 66”. 

The large pines with their branches and bows cut off, 

are placed i in the slide, and descending by their own cavity ' 

they acquire such an impetus by their descent through 
the first part of the slide, that they perform their journey of 

* Although these facts have been already published in our newspapers we 
are willing | to present them in a more permanent form. Indeed it often 
happens that articles of scientific and literary intelligence go the round of 
our principal newspapers, before it is possible that they should appear in 
our more permanent journals. When the articles are interesting and im- 
portant we shall not think this a sufficient reason for omitting “to insert 


— Ongenized Water. 369 

eight and a quarter miles in the short space of six minutes. 
Only one or two descend at a time, but by means of signals 
placed along the slide, another tree is launched as soon as its 
predecessor has plunged into the lake. Sometimes the mov- 
ing trees spring or bolt out of the trough, and when this hap- 
pens they have been known to cut through trees in the 
neighborhood as if it had been done by an axe. When the 
trees reach the lake, they are formed into rafts, and floated 
down the Reuf into the Rhine. — 

The very singular phenomena described by Mr. Playfair’s 
paper, arise from the diminution of friction, in consequence 
of an increase of velocity, and may be regarded as an ex~- 
perimental confirmation, on a large scale, ‘of the ingenious 
views of Coulomb who had'the merit of diseovenibs this 
remarkable property a friction.— Eb. wae Journal. 

Be Omecinieed Water. 

Oxigenized water as prepared by ‘Phenard is a real com- 
bination of water with oxigen, and not a simple solution of 
oxigen gas in water. It is not analagous to any compound 
at present known in chemistry. Its density is 1.452 and 
when poured into common waiter it flows upon it hke syrup. 

The phenomena presented by its contact with other sub- 
stances differ entirely from those ordinarily observed. Thus 
platina, gold, silver, and oxide of manganese decompose if 
immediately ; separating the whole of the combined oxigen 
gas, and without appropriating to themselves any part of it. 
This cannot be explained by affinity, at least as the term has 
generally been used. This is certainly one of the most re- 
markable discoveries of modern times, and opens to chem- 
ists a new career, which can hardly fail to extend their views 
of chemical combinations. ‘The oxigenized water has been 
employed in restoring ancient pictures for designs, which 
have been spoiled by the gradual combination of sulphur or 
sulphuretted hydrogen with the white lead used by the 

painters. It is only necessary to wash the dark spots with 

water feebly oxigenated, i. e. with five or six times its vol- 
ume of oxigen. ‘The dark hue immediately disappears. 
The sulphuret of lead is converted into sulphate, which is 
white. . 

Vor. III.....No. 2. 47 

370 Ivory Paper.—Manufacture of Glass. 
| 3. Lithographic Paper. pata ity aye 

Cpu Lasieryeie has reported to the Society D’En- 
couragement of Paris (under date of June 28th, 1820) i in 

favour of the Lithographic paper or cards, invented by 

Senefelder. The card is covered on one or both of its fa- 
ces, with an argillo-calcareous mixture, which has the prop- 

erty of receiving the ink or the crayon and of undergoing’ 
the ordinary preparation and furnishing proofs as neat and. 

perfect as those obtained from designs traced on stone: 
Common writing is easily transferred to the lithographic 
or papyrographie plate and copies of it taken. The Persian 
ambassador being present with the commissioners at their 
examination of the press, wrote in Arabic a note, of which 
copies were taken. The translation is as follows : 

Mirza Aboul Hassan Kham, ambassador extraordinary 
from the illustrious court of Persia, residing in the delightful 
city of Paris, the 24th May, 1820 of the christian era came 
to see the papyrographic press which has been invented in 
France, and which offers greater facilities than any other: 
All that I have seen in Paris, either with respect to the cli- 
mate or to objects of art, surpasses all _ I have seen in 
other countries.’ | 3 

4. Ivory Paper. 

A Mr. Einsle of London has invented what he calls Ivory 
Paper which is found in regard to hardness, smoothness and 
whiteness, to answer as well as ivory in the hands of minia- 
ture painters. A premium of thirty guineas has been assign- 
ed to the inventor by the Adelphi Sheen’ in London. 

fi Manufacture of Glass. 

-M. Westrumb has found that the salts of potash and so- 
da deprived of their water of crystalization answer as well 
as the pure alkali itself in the fabrication of glass. Muriate 
of soda, sulphate of potash, and particularly sulphate of so- 
da, contain much water. The latter loses fifty eight per 
cent by drying. ‘Twenty four parts of sulphate of soda are 
thoroughly dned and mixed with eight parts of powdered 
charcoal and sixteen of good white sand. The mixture is 

Potash in Sea Water.—Salt.—Iron Boat. 371 

to be calcined in the drying oven until the sulphur is dissi- 
pated and then transported into the pots for fusion. It gives 
a superb glass.—/nnals General de Sciences de Physique 
Brussels, May, 1820. a . 

6. Portable Gas Lamps. 

These have been contrived by David Gordon of Edin- 
burgh, and it is probable they will become quite common in 
private families. Lh ie 
They and made of strong copper, either spherical or cyl- 
indrical, with hemispherical ends. The gas from coal or 
oil is forced into them by a condensing pump, and is dis- 
charged through a stop cock to the burner. A reservoir of 
six inches diameter and nine inches high, filled with gas, 
eondensed by twenty-five atmospheres will burn six hours, 
and afford a light equal to five candles of six to the pound. 
If the gas be obtained from oil, such a lamp will burn 
twelve hours. A sphere twelve inches in diameter will con- 

tain sufficient gas for two argand lamps, equal to twelve 

eandles, burning six hours with coal gas or twelve hours with 
gas from oil. Such lamps can be filled with very little ex- 
pense or trouble, in every town where there is a public manu- 
factory of coal gas.—Edin. Journal. 

". Potashin Sea Water. 

Dr. Wollaston has ascertained the existence of potash in 
sea water. It is in the state of sulphate and constitutes rath- 
er less than gy'o0 part of the water.—Idem. 

8. Salt. 

The European salt mines and salt springs produce annu- 
ally, as nearly as the estimate can be made, from twenty-five 
to thirty millions of hundred weight of salt.—Idem. 

9. Iron Boat. 
The iron passage boat on the Forth of Clyde canal, con- 

structed under the direction of Henry Creighton, Esq. for- 
merly of Soho, has an extreme length of sixty feet, beam 

237 at Electrometers. 

thirteen feet and depth five feet. Withiwo hundred pas- 
sengers it draws forty eight inches of. water. The weight 
of iron is twelve and a half tons, rather less than that of a 
wooden vessel of less internal dimensions. It is found to 
be more easily tacked than a wooden boat.—Idem. 

10. Supply of Water to Glasgow. 

The city of Giesan is supplies with water from the 
Clyde.» This stream is commonly very turbid, but the wa- 
ter filters through a body of sand into a well on the. left 
bank of the river. Into this well dips a flexible iron tube 
which passes across the river, lying on its bottom. ‘Three 
engines are employed on the other side to raise the water, 
two of thirty-six inch cylinders and seven feet stroke, and 
one of fifty-four inch cylinder and eight feet stroke. The 
flexible tube is the invention of the late celebrated J. Watt. 
He bee. his first idea of it from observing a lobsters tail. 

11. Aur and Water support Vegetation. 

A fig tree, seven and a_ half feet high, with a stem five 
and a half inches in circumference, is growing luxuriantly 
in the hot house of the botanic garden of Edinburg, com- 
pletely suspended from the ground, and without a particle 
of earth to nourish it. Water is thrown over it every day. 


12. Electrometers. 

The Abbe Haiiy has’ contrived two very delicate and 
useful electrometers. Ist. A fine crystal of Iceland spar 
attached to the end of a lever, and suspended by a silken 
string, is electrified vitreously by simply pressing it between 
two fingers. It retains its excitementtwo hours; and i is not 
much altered by dipping in water. 

2d. A supportis made of sealing wax in chick is stuck. 
aneedle that serves as a support and centre of vibration of a 
small bar of silver or copper terminating in balls. 

This retains its excitement much longer that when sus- 
pended by silk.—French Journal. 

Royal Society of London. 373 

13. Extraordinary Surgical Operation. 

The mostéurprising and most honorable operation of sur- 
gery is, without any contradiction, that executed by M. 
Richerand, by taking away a part of the ribs and of the 
pleura. The patient was himself a medical man, and not 
ignorant of the danger he ran in the operation he had re- 
course to, but he also knew, that his disorder was otherwise 
incurable. He was attacked with a cancer on the internal 
surface of the ribs and of the pleura, which continually 
produced enormous fungosities, that had been in vain at-' 
tempted to be suppressed by the actual cautery. M. Rich- 
erand was obliged to lay the ribs bare, to saw away two, 
to detach them from the pleura, and to cut away all the 
cancerous part of that membrane. As soon as he had 
made the opening, the air rushing into the chest, occasion- 
ed for the first day, great suffering, and distressing shortness 
of breath; the surgeon could touch and see the. heart 
through the pericardium,which wasas transparent as glass, and 
could assure himself of the total insensibility of both ; much 
serous fluid flowed from the wound, as long as it remained 
open, but it filled up slowly by means of the adhesion of 
the lungs with the pericardium, and the fleshy granulations 
that were formed in it. Atlength the patient got so well that 
on the twenty-seventh day after the operation he could not 
resist the desire of going to the medical school to see the 
fragments of the ribs, that had been taken from him, and in 
three or four days after, he returned home and went about 
his ordinary business.— Thomson’s An. 

14. Royal Society of London. 

Dr. Wollaston has been chosen ad interim President* of 
the Royal Society of London. It would be difficult to 
name any philosopher of the present day, who excels him 
in acuteness of perception, as well as depth of attainment. © 
A paper by him was read before the Royal Society in June 
last, on sounds inaudible to human ears. On observing that 
the ears of a person were insensible to the sound of a small 
organ pipe which was far within the limits of his own hearing, 

4 ™ 

* Sir Humphrey Davy has since been chosen president. 

374 Antidote to Corrosive Sublimate. 

he found upon examination that this person’s hearing ter- 
minated at a note four octaves above the middle E of the 
piano-forte. Other instances were then referred to, of the 
insensibility of certain persons to various acute sounds, 
such as the chirping of the grasshopper, crickets, and spar- 
rows, and especially the squeaking of the bat, the existence of 
which is unknown in many individuals from its being iau- 
dible to them. ‘The pitch of the sound was stated to be 
about five octaves above the middle E. ‘The author fixed 
the limits of his own hearing at six octaves above the same 
note. The range of human hearing includes upwards of 
nine octaves, the whole of which are distinctly audible to 
most ears, although the vibration of the acuter sounds is 
six or seven hundred times more frequent than that of the 
lower. The author concluded by observing that it is very 
probable that other animals are so organized as to be able to 
distinguish sounds still more acute and of course more in- 
audible by human ears, and thus to possess what may be 
considered a new sense.— Thomson’s An. ae 

15. Prisons. 

A Society for the Amelioration of Prisons has been es- 
tablished at St. Petersburg eta ikin Galitzin is the: presi- 
dent. —fev. Ency. | 

16. Pompera. 

A Hier of ashes having fallen recently on the ruins of 
‘Pompeia, M. De Gimbernat, a Spanish naturalist, compared 
its composition with that of the substance under which the 
city was anciently buried. He did not find the least resem- 
blance between them; whence it appears doubtful wheth- 
er the ruin of that city was occasioned by a shower of ash- 
es. The same philosopher observed that some days after 
the eruption, the crater of Vesuvius was covered with Pee 
taline © marine salt——Ibid. 

17. Antidote to Corrosive Sublimate. 

M. Taddei professor of Pharmacy i in the hospital of Sari- 
ta Marie Nuova, of Florence has ascertained that the glu- 

Manufactory of Thimbles.—Auscultation. 375 

ten of wheat dissolved in water with soap, destroys the ter~ 
rible effect produced in the animal economy by corrosive 
sublimate. He has published a memoir on this subject 
which is highly praised in the Italian Journals. —Ibid. 

18. Schools. 

Sihiocts for the instrustion BF the poor on the system of 
mutual instruction are making rapid progress in Italy. The 
duchess of Parma has established three, two at Parma and 
one at St. Donino.— Ibid. 

19. Manufactory of Thimbles. 

A thimble manufactory has been established in France 
by Rouy and Berthier, in which the mechanism is so in- 
genious and perfect that they can afford to make steel thim- 
bles lined with gold and of elegant workmanship, at the 
rate of eighteen or twenty francs per dozen. The same kind 
of thimbles lined with silver, can be afforded at six or seven, 
per dozen. Common iron ‘thimbles, closed at the end, can 
be sold for one franc per dozen. 

In this single branch of manufactory, France has been 
tributary, it is said, to other countries, to the amount of 
875,000 francs. At present it is supposed that French 
thimbles will be sought after in other countries—Bul. Soc. 
ad encouragement. 

» 20. Auscultation. 

This singular method of discovering the various disor- 
ders of the chest by percussion, was, we believe, first sug- 
gested by Avenbruggen, a physician in Venice, who pub- 
lished a work on the subject, since translated by M. Corvi- 
sart. A memoir has lately been presented to the French 
Academy, by M. Lacunec, detailing the various modes of 
employing this discovery. 

Among others, Mr. L. recommends using a tube with 
thick sides, or a cylinder, pierced along its axis with a nar- 
row aperture. ‘I’his, on being applied to the chest of a 
person in good health, who is speaking or singing, produces 
a sort of trembling noise more or less distinct; but if an ul- 
cer exists In the Jungs a very singular phenomenon happens. 

Saar - Evaporation of Spirits. 

The voice of the sick person can no longer be heard by 
the ear at liberty, the whole of the sound passing along the 
aperture of the cylinder to the observer. Commissioners 
appointed by the French Academy, have verified the exper- 
iment in various cases of consumption. 

21. Languages. ; 

M. Frederick Aldeling counsellor of state to the emperor 
of Russia, has lately published i in one hundred and fifty 
three pages. ‘A view of all the known languages and 
their dialects.” 

In this view, we find in all 937 Asiatic, 587 European, 
276 African, and 1264 American languages and dialects 
enumerated and classed, a total of 3064. 

22. Evaporation of Spirits. 

_ The rapidity of evaporation and the cold produced by it 
have been applied by Mr. Ritchie of Perth, to the deter- 
mination of the strength of spirits. 

“Having made three very delicate hydrometers, according 
to Leslie’s construction, I inserted the bulb of one of daar 
with strong whiskey, the bulb of another with a mixture of 
equal quantities of the same spirits and water, and the bulb 
of the third with water. I watched the descent of the fluids 
in the stem till each had gained its maximum of cold and 
marked the cold induced by the water 40, by the diluted 
spirits 64, and by the strong spirits 88. Now the difference 
40 and 64. is 24, and between 40 and 88 is 48. Hence the 
following proportion 24:48:: the strength of ane dilute 
to the strength of the strong spirits. 

This I have tried with different proportions of ee and 
water, in different states of the atmosphere, and found the 
same property uniformly obtain. ‘The experiment requires 
io be performed with great delicacy and care, as the spirits 
soon acquire their maximum, after which the sa in the 
tube begins to ascend—An. of Phil. 

23. A newly discovered flower of extraordinary dimensions. 
Mr. Brown read before the Linnean Society of London a 

memoir on a new species of plants, discovered in Sumatra 


Van Diemen’s Land. B77 

in 1818, by the late Dr. Jos. Arnold. It‘has been named 
Rafflesia, from Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles under whose - 
pie bee Dr. Arnold travelled. 

This flower springs immediately from a horizontal root. 

The stem is covered with round imbricated floral leaves, 
of a darkish brown colour, and not very unlike a cabbage. 
The size of this flower is surprisingly great, when fully ex- 
panded its diameter is three feet, and its weight is fifteen 
pounds. Its tube holds twelve pints. 
- Mr. Brown im treating of the affinities of this singular 
plant, compares it principally to the aristolochias and passi- 
floras. He has not undertaken to decide however, to which 
of these two species it approaches the nearest. He sus-~ 
pects that it is parasitic upon the root which supports it; but 
to decide this question more fully, further observation ap- 
pears to be necessary. ; ; 

The largest flower that has hitherto been found is the 
purple flower of the aristolochia cordifolia. According to 
the measurement of Humbolt its diameter is sometimes six- 
teen inches. Upon the borders of the river Magdalena 
children amuse themselves in covering their heads with it. 
is fi An. de chimie, Aug. 1820, 

24. Chinese Dictionary. 

Mr. Morrison is advancing with his Chinese Dictionary. 
The second part of this important work was begun in 
April 1811. It will contain one thousand pages in 4to and 
more than twelve thousand chinese characters explained by 
numerous examples. In the month of April 1817, they had 
finished six hundred pages, comprising nearly eight thou- 
sand characters. ‘The impression of all the volumes will 
require at least ten years. 4 

25. Van Diemen’s Land. 

A printing office was established in 1818 at Hobart’s town 
in Van Diemen’s land, to which convicts are sent from Eng- 
land. The first book published there was the history of 
Michael Howe, a convict, who, at the head of twenty eight 
brigands, disturbed the peace of the colony during six years. 

Vou. FY.....No. 2. AS 

378 Comforts of Travelling in Finland. 
26. Egypt. 

‘The grand uel at Ramainah, which extends from. ais 
ro to Alexandria, was completed in the month of January 
1820. The Pacha made a voyage upon it to assure him- 
self that the whole of it has been executed agreeably to 
his instructions.— Rev. Ency. 

Egypt under the intelligent and active Paverimiene of the 
present Pacha is opening “commercial relations with differ- 
ent parts of the world, by means of agents sent by his or- 
ders. Specimens of anes sugar have been received at 
Trieste from Egyptian manufacture. Cotton, silk, and 
cloth are also manufactured in that country.—Jdem. 

27. Temple of Jupiter Ammon. 

After sixteen days of great fatizue employed in travers- 
ing the desarts of Lybia and Marmorica, M. Frediani an 
Ytalian traveller, has at length succeeded in discovering the 
famous edifice called the great temple of Jupiter Ammon, 
which it is supposed has not been visited since the time. of 
Alexander the great. M. Frediani was accompanied by an 
escort of two thousand men, and was obliged to open, his 
way by force to this celebrated monument of superstition. 


28. Comforts of travelling in Finland. 

fn the course of last winter, the Russian government es- 
tablished, for the comfort of travellers, along the gulf of 
Finland, from St. Petersburg to Cronstadt, euard houses, 
at the distance of three Verstes, or half a league from each 
other. They are well warmed by stoves, and offer to stran- 
gers a comfortable retreat during the night. The top of 
each house is lighted by a reflector which. can be seen at a 
great distance, and during a thick fog, a bell is frequently 
rung as a call to those who may wander from their track. 
Large posts are also erected surmounted by a pavilion to 
serve asa guide during a deep snow. At mid distance an 
mn is kept, well provided with needful refreshments. 

Idem. — 

ak pte 

_ Education of the Poor. 38 
29. Monument of Pultowa. 

_ A monument of cast iron has been erected at Pultowa by 

the emperor Alexander, in memory of the victory obtained 

by Peter the great over Charles the 12th of Sweden. 

30. Biography of Linneus. 

‘Chaver has recently brought to light at the house of a 
florist, a biography of Linneus, in the Swedish language, 
written by himself and continued to his death. 

-'The manuscript has been sent to Upral and will soon be 
published in an 8vo. of five hundred pages. It will be or- 
namented with six engravings, presenting two portraits of 
the celebrated naturalist, a fac simile of his writing, his 
monument in the cathedral church and the arms of his fam- 
ily.—Idem. . 

31. Jurisprudence in Switzerland. 

_A premium of fifty louis has been granted to M. Han- 
gard by a convention of inhabitants of the Canton de Vaud, 
in Switzerland, for the best dissertation on the question, 
“‘ would the institution of juries in criminal cases prove ad- 
vantageous in the Canton de Vaud.” The memoir will be 
printed at the expense of the Canton and spread through- 
out Switzerland. The author has decided against the es- 
tablishment of juries in Switzerland though an admirer m 
general of that excellent institution. But in the Canton the 
judges are appointed by the people at determinate periods ; 
they receive nothing from government, and have neither 
grace, favours, nor fortune to hope for. Their independence 
is established by good laws, and they enjoy besides the en- 
tire confidence of the nation. These reasons with many 
others, not less plausible, are developed in the memoir with 
great precision.—ddem. 

32. Education of the Poor. 

If the school for poor children at Hosfevyl demonstrates 
the happy influence of a moral education upon a large scale, 

380 : Mecheine. 

it is a fact that similar results may be obtained in smaller es- 
tablishments. There exists a poor woman who has devoted 
herself to the education of unhappy orphans: without any 
other resource than public and private charity. She has 
eight of these orphans, and supports them as well as_her- 
self with twenty nine francs per month. Her dwelling 
costs her four francs per month, so that there remains only 
a batz per day for the maintenance of each individual. The 
children are, nevertheless, in good condition, and nothing 
in their exterior indicates misery. This wonder of econo- 
my is still surpassed by the ability with which this respecta- 
ble woman supports her authority and instils mto her chil- 
dren habits of order and neatness and the love of labour. 

She has been led instinctively to adopt the Lancasterian 
mode of education by assigning to the elder the instruction 
of the younger children. Would it be difficult to find in 
each district females thus qualified, who might serve for 
two or three villages, and who might be furnished with lodg- 
ing, fuel, and a small lot of ground which the pupils would 
cultivate? Government might encourage such establish- 
ments by granting a premium to the communes which 
formed them. ‘The following is an instance similar to the 

The widow Rumph, aged 70 years, residing near Bethe: 
ny, supports, with less than thirty francs a month, five boys 
and three little girls. These children are remarkable for 
their lively and happy countenances, their good condition 
and polite behaviour. The widow Rumph has been the 

mother of fifteen children and has pas thirty two at. ae 
own breast. —LIdem. of Scalia 

33. Medicine. 

M. Re, Professor of Materia Medica in the veterinary 
school of ‘Turin, has discovered that the lyeopus europceus 
of Linneus, called the herb of China by the whabitants of 
Piedmont, where it grows abundantly, especially in marshy 
places, possesses the same properties as the guinguing and 
may be conveniently used as a substitute. —Idem. 

New Hydraulic Ram. 281 
34. Bible Society of Athens. | 

1 Bible Society has been formed at Athens in Greece, 
the direction of which is committed to twelve respectable in- 
habitants, all native Greeks. 

35. Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Greek. 
A Dictionary of the Greek Language, Ancient and Mod- 

ern, is now in the course of publication at the patriarchal 
press at Constantinople. It will form more than six large © 
folio volumes, the first of which has already appeared. This 
important work is under the auspices of the present patriarch 
Gregorios, a native of Peloponnesus, a prelate as virtuous 
as he is enlightened. : 

36. College of Chios. 

The grand College of Chios, has already become a kind 
of European University. Ambrosios Argentis, one of its pu- 
pils aged 17 years, has just published a discourse on Navi- 
gation, in which he exhorts with much ardour, his country- 
men to engage in commercial navigation, as an imperisha- 
ble source of riches and prosperity.—Idem. 

37. Fruitfulness of the Potatoe. 

Marseilles —There has been brought here from London, 
a kind of potatoe which is a prodigy of vegetation. A single 
tubercule has produced 1,058 kilogrammes (2,160 pounds) 
of potatoes, the quality of which is excellent—Dvreppe. 

38. Distillation of Sea Water. 

P. Nicole an apothecary of Dieppe has succeeded in dis- 
tilling sea water so as to deprive it of the disagreeable odour 
which it isso apttoretain. This he haseffected by causing 
the vapour to ascend through a stratum of charcoal.—Jdem. 

39. New Hydraulic Ram. 

M. Godin, Rue de Poliveau, No. 21 Paris, has invented 
a new hydraulic Ram of such simplicity as to be easily exe- 

282 Remarkable Petrifaction. 

cuted by any village ploughman. {t is adapted to the rais- 
ing of water for agricultural,and economical purposes. M. 
Godin furnishes those who desire it with engraved repre- 
sentations of his machine, accompanied with instructions, 
for its fabrication, and if desired a model in relief.—Jdem. 

40. Sea Signals. 

Experiments have been made in the neighbourhood of 
Paris upon a new kind of nautical telegraph, intended to 
furnish by day and by night the means of enabling seamen to 
communicate with each other, and with a neighbouring 
coast, in all languages at the distance of three or four 
leagues. 'This improvement may be the means of dimin- 
ishing the number of shipwrecks.—Idem. 

41. Remarkable Petrifaction. 

A tree about twenty six inches in diameter has 
been found in the actual erect condition in which it grew, 
but in a state of complete pretrifaction, in a sand stone quar- 
ry near Glasgow in Scotland. ‘The body of the tree itself 
is composed of sandstone similar to the rest of the quar- 
ry. But the bark has been converted into a perfect coal, 
which adheres firmly to the tree and renders it easy to re- 
move the rock with which the tree is incrusted. About 
three feet of the bottom part has been uncovered. ‘This 
portion is situated about forty feet below the surface of the 
earth, ina solid quarry of sand stone. The roots may be 
seen dipping into the earth precisely as the roots of living 
trees do. Four large roots may be seen issuing from the 
trunk and extending about a foot before they are lost in the 
quarry. The upper part of the trunk and branches has not 
been traced. This petrifaction demonstrates that the sand 
stone has been formed at a period posterior to the existence of 
large trees, and that the water-worn appearance of the quarry 
pebbles of which the sand stone is composed is not a deceit- 
ful indication, as some Geologists would persuade us, but 
quite correct. But if the sand stone which constitutes so 
great a proportion of the coal beds, be a formation posterior 
to the earth’s being covered with wood, we can entertain 
no doubt that this was the case also with the slate clay, and 

Magnetism by Voltaic Electricity. 283. 

the coal which alternate with this sand stone. If the coal 
formation, exists as a portion of the old red sand stone, we 
can entertain no reasonable doubt that the old red sand 
stone itself was formed after the earth was covered with wood, 
and if it turn out to be true, as there is some reason for Bee 
lieving that the transition and some of the primitive rocks, 
alternate with the old red sandstone, we must conclude that 
these rocks also have been formed after the earth was cov- 
ered with wood.—Thomson’s Annals, Nov. 1821. 

42, Spontaneous Combustion. 

A barrel of oat-meal which had been left in a recess of 
ihe chimney of a house in Glasgow, took fire while the fam- 
ily were absent at bathing quarters last summer. Nothing 
remained but the iron hoops of the barrel and a few pieces 
of charcoal. The meal was probably a little moist.—Jdem. 

43. Magnetism produced by Woltaie Electricity. 

A new and interesting discovery has been made in relation 
to the connexion between Voltaic electricity and Galvanism. 
It has been ascertained that the Voltaic (Galvanic) fluid, diree- 
ted ina proper manner, is capable of communicating magnetic 
properties to bars of steel. If steel bars or rods be exposed to 
the Galvanic current, placed in the direction of the magnetic 
axis, no effect follows ; ; but if they be placed parallel with the 
magnetic equaior, they become magnetic, the end placed te 
the west becoming the north pole of the new magnet, and 
that toward the east the south pole. The galvanic influence 
is so great in this respect as to exert its power at a distance 
of some inches (even ten or twelve) so that if the steel bar 
be moved in a circle round the course of the galvanic cur; 
rent, but always kept parallel to the magnetic equator it be- 
comes magnetic. 

When an electrical or a voltaic battery of considerable 
quantity is charged, the compensating or discharging wire 
becomes magnetic upon the completion of the discharge. 
Common needies or bars of steel placed transversely on the 
wire, or under it, or on its sides, become permanent magnets 
on the discharge. 

384 Population of Greenland. — 

If the quantity of electric fluid be very great, contact 
with the wire is not requisite. In one instance magnetism 
was communicated at fourteen inches distance from the 
conducting wire. It was also communicated through plates 
of glass and even when the bars or needles were immersed 
in water. These experiments were made both at the Roy- 
al and London Institutions. At the latter, the electrical 
batteries used, were from eighteen to seventy cubic (square) 
feet. ‘The voltaic troughs of four inch plates, mounted 
with double copper agreeably to Dr. Wolloston’s plan. 

a Phil. Mag. for Nov. 

44, French Translations from the Arabic. 

The French literati are occupied at this time in a work 
of some importance, preparing translations of Plutarch, 
Salust, Tacitus, Aristotle, Hippocrates, &c. from the Ara- 
bic MSS. into which languages many or all the best Greek 
and Roman authors are known to have been translated. 

The French Ambassador at Constantinople, M. Giardin, 
has lately sentto Paris fifteen valuable MSS. in Arabic, from 
the Imperial Library there, among which are the complete’ 
works of Plutarch and Heroditus.—Jbid. 

45. New Alkali. — 

Pelletier and Caventon have, it appears detected another 
alkaliin the seeds of the veratrum sabadilla, or meadow 
saffron. It has been named veratrine. It is white, pulveru- 
lent, without smell, but excites violent sneezing ; it is very 
acrid, but not bitter, producing violent vomiting in so small 
doses, that according to some experiments, a few grains 
may cause death. It is but little soluble in cold water, 
boiling water dissolves about ;4,, part, and acquires an 
acrid taste. It is very soluble in alcohol. The super sul- 
phate alone appears to form crystals.—Ibid. : 

46. Population of Greenland. 
‘The whole population of Greenland, according to the last 

report of the missionary board, consists of three thousand 
five hundred and eighty-six individuals, spread through 

Gas Hlumination. 385 

seventeen colonies on the western coast. The interior is 
not habitable owing to accumulations of ice. The popu- 
lation has increased seven hundred and fourteen since the 
year 1789,—-Ibid. 

47. Mildew. 

Dr. Cartwright has ascertained that a solution of com- 
mon salt, sprinkled on wheat infected with mildew, com- 
pletely removes the disease. Six or eight bushels of salt 
will serve an acre, the expence will be more than repaid 
from the improvement of the manure, arising from the salt- 
ed straw. The efficacy of this remedy has been complete- 
ly verified. Its operation is so quick, that in forty eight 
hours, ie vestiges of the disease are hardly discernible. 


48. Theory of Electricity. 

A paper was read by Dr. Van Marum, at the Royal In- 
stitution of the Sciences at Amsterdam in 1819, the reason- 
ing of which goes far to prove that the Franklinian hypoth- 
esis of a single electrical fluid is the true one; and that the 
theory of Du Fay, of vitreous and resinous fluids principally 
supported by the French philosophers, does not so well ex- 
plain the phenomena. ‘The paper of Van Marum is pub- 
lished in Thomson’s Annals, December 1920. 

49. Gas illumination, 

Has been introduced into one of the districts of Paris 
with the best effects, under the judicious direction of M. 
Darcet. ‘The hospital of St. Louis which contains seven 
hundred patients is finely lighted by it, as also the hospital 
for incurables in Rue des Recollets, ane the Maison de San- 
ti, Rue St. Denis and the prison de St. Lazare. Three 
hundred lights are sufficient for the hospital St. Louis. 
The gas is obtained by the distillation of con. 

Vou. TT....No. 2. 49. 


386 Connenon between Magnetism and Electricity. 

. 50. Todine. 

‘This substance has been found to be an excellent reme~ 
dy in the cure of Goitre. An able memoir upon it by Dr, 
Coindet in the Bib. Univ. of Geneva contains the following. 
ode is a stimulant, it gives tone to the stomach, and excites 
appetite ; it acts neither as a cathartic, nor diuretic, nor 
does it excite sweating; but its action is directed to the re- 
productive system, and especially to the uterus. If given’ 
ina certain quantity and continued for some time, it is one 
of the most active emmenagogues that I know. It is per- 
haps by the sympathetic action that, in the greater number 
of cases it cures Goitre. This substance deserves, under 
this new point of view, the attention of physicians, and I 
doubt not, that it will become in skilful hands one of the 
most powerful remedies with which modern chemistry has 
enriched the materia medica. It has been discovered in 
sponge and in peat. ¢ 

51. Mercurial Atmosphere. 

Mr. Faraday chemical operator at the Royal Institution, 
Lendon, bas found that when a thin stratum of mercury 
rests In the bottom of a clean vial, a piece of gold leaf care- 
fully suspended from the stopper, becomes in the course of 
a few weeks, whitened by a quantity of mercury through ev- 
ery part of the bottle, the mercury remains just as before. 

; Brande’s Journal. 

52. Connexion between Magnetism and Electricity. 

The discoveries of Professor Oersted of Copenhagex 
which so clearly establish the connexion between Mag- 
netism and Voltaic electricity have been considered so im-. 
portantas toinduce the Royal Society of London to vote him — 
the Copley medal. We insert from the Journal of the Roy- 
al Institution, a summary of these highly interesting results. 

‘No discovery has, for a long time, so strongly excited 
the attention of the philosophic world, as that of the mag- 
netic phenomena belonging to the voltaic apparatus; we 
shall, therefore, endeavour to give our readers a short state- 
ment of what has been done in this department of scientific 

Conneaion between Magnetism and Electricity. 389 _ 

i. If the extremes of a voltaic battery (we will suppose 
it to consist of 20 pairs of 8 inch plates,) be connected by 
a platinum wire, it becomes heated, and, if of sufficiently 
small diameter, it suffers ignition. Let us suppose such a 
wire W, lying upon the supports P and N, which represent 

the positive and negative conductors of the active Voltaic 
apparatus, P being connected with the first zinc plate, and 
N with the last copper plate ; upon bringing the north pole 
of a common magnetic needle delow and at a right angle to 
the platinum wire, it will be repelled or driven downwards ; 
if we now remove the needle keeping it in the same posi- 
tion, so that its north pole may be above the platinum wire, 
it will then be attracted towards it. If the electric poles be 
reversed, these phenomena will also be reversed. __ 

If we suppose the conjunctive platinum wire to be vertic- 
al, instead of horizontal, and in that position approach it 
with either end of the magnetic needle, the needle will os- 
cillate, but will not be permanently attracted or repelled by 
any part of the conjunctive wire.—Professor OrrsTep. 

2. If asmall steel bar be attached to the conjunctive 
wire, and parallel to it, it does not become a polar magnet ; 
but if it be attached transversely, it does become polar, and. 
it becomes north and south, or south and north, according 
to the direction of the supposed electric current traversing 
the conjunctive wire, according as one or the other end of 
it is positive or negative. Thus supposing W to represent 
the platinum conjunctive wire of the Voltaic apparatus, and 

388 Connexion between Magnetism and Electricity. 

N.S a wire of iron attached transversely to it, the latter be- 
comes permanently magnetic.—Sir H. Davy. - 

3. If we suppose a second conjunctive wire parallel to, 
and similarly situated with, the first, as in this figure, those 

Digs. evo eens ere N) 

wires will wttract each other; but ifone conjunctive wire be 
traversed by the electric fluid in one direction, and another 
in an opposite direction, as m the following wood-cut, those 

PE ren ee ere rN 
Nica oe a a 

wires will repel each other. In this circumstance, the dis- 
similarity of the electro-magnetic and of simple electric 
phenomena is observed: for bodies similarly electrified re- 
pel each other, and, dissimilarly electrified, attract each 
other; but here the horizontal wires, similarly electro-mag- 
netized, attract; and, dissimilarly electro-magnetized, re- 
pel each other.—M. Amprre. ener 

4. The shock of a Leyden Jar, or battery, passed through 
a wire, confers upon it, at the moment of its passage, prop- 
erties precisely similar to those of the Voltaic apparatus. 

To render a steel bar magnetic, it is not necessary that 
it should touch the conjunctive wire, to which it is attached 
at right angles, for the electro-magnetic influence is convey- 
ed to some distance, and is not excluded by the interposi- — 
tion of a plate of glass, of metal, or of water.—Sir H. Davy. 

5. The phenomena, exhibited by the electro-magnetic 
or Conjunctive wire, may be explained upon the supposition 
of an electro-magnetic current passing round the axis of 
the conjunctive wire, its direction depending upon that of 
the electric current, or upon the poles of the battery with 
which it is connected.—Dr. Wo.uuasTon. 


WVotices of Vegetable Remains in Coal Strata. 389 

In the above figure, such a current is represented in two 
sections at right angles to the axis of the wires, when simi- 
larly electrified, from which it will be apparent that the 
north and south powers meeting, will attract each other. 

In the following figure, the sections of the wire are shown 

dissimilarly electrified, by which similar magnetic powers 
meet, and consequently occasion a repulsion. 

53. Notices of Vegetable Remains in Coal Strata. 

SIR—The very close resemblance the figures in your 
last Journal marked C 3—C 4—, bear to a remarkable 
sandstone which occurs abundantly in the coal fields of 
Scotland, must strike every one acquainted with the latter. 

On the shores of the Frith of Forth are vast quantities 
of this sandstone in various imitative forms, more com- 
monly resembling branches of trees. These are seldom 
less than an inch in diameter, and often exceed four inches. 
Branches of smaller size are sent off from the larger, and. 
the exterior of all is covered with the impressions so well 
delineated in Mr. Granger’s paper. Although they have 
been examined by many distinguished naturalists in Great 
Britain, no satisfactory explanation of them has been pub- 
lished. ‘The following notice of similar appearances is from 
Teg Magazine for December, 1820. 

Your's, &e. 

“ Large Organic Remains. 
“In some of the sandstone rocks which alternate with 

ihe seams of coal, in a great many if not in all the coal- 
fields of England, the remains of very large. thin, hollow or 

390 Ancient Sarcophagus, from Dr. J. W. Webster. 

reed-hike vegetables have been found, sometimes lying along 
in the stone, and sometimes standing erect therein ; the in- 
side hollow of the vegetable being now completely filled 
with sandstone, in all respects like that which surrounds it, 
and the vegetable case or sheath is found converted into 
perfect coal ;* on the outside of which coaly case or sheath, 
the papilia or places where very numerous large leaves 
were once attached to the vegetable, are in general visible; — 
and not uncommonly, particularly in the medium and 
smaller sizes of these reed-like remains, the leaves are yet 
attached and ina coaly state, and spread out into the sand- 
stone on every side: itis seldom that these remains are 
quite round, but mostly somewhat oval; particularly to- 
wards the bottom, where they usually swell out into an ir- 
regular club-like form, much more resembling the lower 
parts of coralline and other aquatic stems, than the com- 
mencement of the roots of a tree, or of any land plant; no 
branches have ever been observed, proceeding from the 
sides or the tops of these remains; but. it is very common 
to observe the smaller and medium sizes of them, to ter- 
minate at top in a large bud, very closely resembling the 
top of an asparagus shoot in the state the same are brought 
to market. In a free sandstone quarry on the western side 
of Glasgow, a large organic remain has lately been found, 
which in every essential particular seems to agree with the 
description above mentioned.” 

54. Ancient Sarcophagus. (J. W.W.) 

Dr. E. D. Clarke has communicated to the Cambridge 
Philosophical Society a discovery which he had made re- 
gpecting the supposed alabaster soros, brought by Mr. Bel- 
zoni from Upper Egypt; and which he had found to con- 
sist of one integral mass of arragonite.—Jbzd. 3 

* “Ji seems more than probable, that hollow vegetable pipes contributed 
greatly to supply the masses of which the coal-seams are now composed ; 
because, on the tops of many coal-seams of inferior quality, and where much 
earthy matter is found mixed with the bad coal, such pipy vegetables, near- 
ly or quite collapsed, and converted into coal, very much abound ; the pa- 
pilia, and sometimes the leaves also, being visible on the outsides of such. 
collapsed pipes, cr flattened reeds as they are very commonly called. In 
the process of forming good or perfect coal, a crystalization of the vegetable 
mass has taken place, by which all traces of organization are obliterated.”” 

Sihceous Sinter of the Azores. 391 
55. Siliceous Sinter of the Azores. 


In examining some varieties of siliceous sinter from the 
Azores, I have met with one which differs from any hither- 
to found in Iceland or other countries, where the substance 
occurs under those forms usually seen in our cabinets. 
From the island where this variety occurs (St. Michaels) it 
might perhaps be distinguished by the term Michaelite. 
From the specimens before me I send you the following 
description. Your’s, &c. 


External Characters. 

_ Color snow white, reddish and yellowish white, passing 
in some specimens to yellowish grey. 
It occurs in long slender (capillary) filaments, from one 
to four inches in length. , 
The filaments cross each other in every direction. 
On the cross fracture, viewed with a microscope, a lus- 
tre between vitreous and pearly is observed. 
It is translucent. Brittle and light. 
When reduced to powder and rubbed on glass it scratch- 
es it. 
Specific gravity 1.866. - 

Chemical Characters. 

Infusible without addition before Brooke’s blowpipe. 

Constituent Parts. 

Silex, - - 97.0 

Alumina, - rantciies ts, 
Tron a trace, - = 

Water, - - - 1.5 

1X grains in fine powder, intensely ignited in a platina 
crucible for fifteen minutes, lost 0.98125 grains, equal to 
16.35 per cent.; it is an hydrate of silex and is composed of 
Silex, - 83.65 
Water, - + 16.35 

392 — Notice of the Revue Ene yelopeigne ¥e. 

This approaches very nearly 2 propottionals of water 
—= 18 — five proportionals of Silex = 80. 


Geological and Geographical Situation. s 

It occurs in cavities in massive and other varieties of si- 
ter, and upon conglomerated masses of altered lava and 
pumice, in the vicinity of the hot springs of the island of 
Saint Michaels, (Azores) and has probably been deposited 
from the waters which held it in poluven by their elevsie 
tqinpeTan lire aided by an alkali. 

56. Swainson’s Zoological Miscellany. 

Notice communicated by Professor Rafinesque, in a letter 
dated Lexington, 10th October, 1820. 

Tam requested by the author to have the following no- 
tice inserted in your Journal. 

“Mr. William Swainson of Liverpool, a gentleman. who 

has travelled in Brazils, Greece, Italy, Sicily, &c. was to 
commence publishing in London, in October, 1820, a Zoo- 
logical Miscellany, with coloured plates. He is an able 
naturalist and painter, two qualities which will render his 
work very valuable. It is to be on the plan of the Zoolo- 
gical Miscellany of Dr. Leach, where so many new objects 
have been elucidated, and to contain the figures and de- 
scriptions of the new animals which he has discovered in 
his travels. It will be published in monthly numbers, in 
Svo, each number will contain four highly finished colour- 
ed plates of new and unfigured or imperfectly known birds, 
fish, shelis and insects, all from original drawings by the au- 
thor, who has likewise engraved the plates. ‘The price will 
be two shillings and six pence per number. He has also a 
monography of the genus of humming birds, with colour. 
ed engravings of each species, nearly ready for the press.” 

57. Notice of the Revue Encyclopedique, ene in Paris 
under the direction “ Mr. Julien. 

This Monthly Journal has but recently begun to be 
known in this country. Indeed. its publication began only 

Notice of the Revue Encyclopedique, &c. 393 

two years since, but this period has been sufficient to shew 
that it is one of the ablest and most interesting publications 
of the kind extant. : 

‘i embraces within its plan 

“* Analysis of and extracts from choice works. 
Bais Memoirs, notices and miscellanies, poe objects of 
ads interest. 
*« Literary and scientific news from all countries. 

ri ‘A Bibliographical Bulletin, or annunciation of new 
works both French and foreign, the substance of all the 
most remarkable productions in literature, the sciences and 
the arts.” 

It is remarked of it in one of the Paris Journals,* that 
a numerous and select band of literary, scientific and 
learned men; of authors, and distinguished writers of all 
descriptions labour in this work, and seem honourably to 
represent in it, universal literature and the extent of hu- 
man knowledge. This new “ Recueil literaire” has al- 
ready obtained honourable mention and copious extracts 
are made from it in many of the literary and scientific 
Journals of Germany, England and Italy.t The effect 
of this Review is to open a central channel of commu- 
nication to the friends of science and humanity, whatev- 
er part of the globe they inhabit, and in whatever depart- 
ment of the sciences and arts they exert their efforts. It 
offers and already promises a valuable and continued ab- 
stract of all the works useful to man in society. It presents 
by degrees the annals of comparative civilization. 

It is remarked that the six numbers published in the six 
first months of the year 1819, contained analyses or extracts 
or simple annunciations of more than three hundred choice 
works; a collection of more than thirty memoirs or notices 
of a general interest upon literature and the sciences; and 
lastly, many pictures of the movements of human genius, 
manifested in different countries, by the labours of learned 
societies or by those of public utility, by inventions and dis- 
coveries, by the measures of government in support of edu- 
cation and of industry, and by marks of honour rendered to 
distinguished and useful men. 

* L’ Independant, Journal general, politique, literaire et militaire. 

+ Itis beginning to be quoted in the American Journals. 

Vor. IIl,....No. 2. 50 

394 Notice of the Revue Encyclopedique, &e. 

In another Parisian Journal* there is a very minute and 
animated picture of this Review, and an analysis of the last 
number in detail: our limits will allow us to cite only some 
passages. ‘The work is spoken of as being highly meritori- 
ous on account of the extent and importance of the plan, 
the merit of the execution, the reputation and talents of its 
editors, the noble end which they have in view and the 
spirit of moderation and of true philanthropy by which they 
are actuated. ‘Ihe United States and with them our own 
humble labours and those of our collaborators are honoured 
with a good degree of attention in this Journal. It is re- 
marked, i in the notice before us, that the United States ap- 
pear to cultivate particularly the physical sciences and sta- 
tistics, and that we are a rising nation (une nation naissante) 
still occupied in making out the inventory of the riches of 
our vast territory and of the means of exploring. them. 
Speaking of the -notice of all nations in the Revue En- 
cyclopedique the Journalist goes on to remark—“ thus, in 
their turn, many different countries have been passed in re- 
view, brought together and compared, and the noble ex- 
amples, the public works, the important facts, the pregnant 
observations collected with discernment and presented with 
perspicuity, have contributed to manifest and still to excite 
the movement of human intellect, embraced in the peace- 
ful sphere of the sciences, of letters and the arts. With re- 
spect to that division of the work which relates to scientific 
and literary intelligence, it is remarked that the review pre- 
sents a true panorama of the civilized world, and that we 
there see appear, in succession, in the course of more than 
sixty articles, all*the nations known; the summaries of 
their journals of science and of the labours of their literary 
and scientific societies ; the designations of prizes propos- 
ed and of prizes distributed ; the particular objects of the 
researches of skilful men in every country ; the actual con- 
dition of national schools and their progress, especially 
among communities recently organized; extracts of letters 
respecting scientific travels or which have reference to 
some useful public object, with respect to antiquities, arts, 
sciences or the progress of civilization; inventions and dis- 
coveries, the immediate publication of works, the organiza~ 


* Le Moniteur Universal, for August 10, 1820, 

Notice of the Revue Encyclopedique, &e. 395 

tion of public establishments, universities, museums, hos- 
pitals, savings banks, &c.; national remunerations, accord- 
ed by governments or by societies to learned men and to 
benefactors of the human race ; monuments consecrated to 
celebrated men; the phenomena of natural history or of 
meteorology, processes of domestic economy, statistical ex- 
tracts, discoveries of objects of art or of ancient manu- 
scripts, the finest recent productions of architecture, sculp- 
ture or painting, the progress of mutual instruction adopted 
by all governments that interest themselves in the well be- 
ing of their people, the state of lithography ; the new dra- 
matic productions which obtain a degree of celebrity, and 
the direction given to the influence of the theatres which 
may become schools of public feeling ; lastly, obituary no- 
tices of men whose lives have been illustrated by good ac- 
tions or by good productions; such are the infinitely varied 
subjects which are created and multiplied in this gallery of 

It is added, “The Revue Encyclopedique is not then 
merely a scientific work destined for the savans; or, literary, 
for mere scholars, or national, designed for one nation only. 
It is a methodical collection of interesting facts, which 
evince the activity of the genius and industry of man, upon 
all parts of the globe. It is a philanthropic enterprize in 
which all elevated minds ought to be interested, and all 
generous hearts summoned to form a kind of electric and 
mysterious chain infinitely extended, embracing the desti- 
nies of man and which from age to age, from country to 
country, unites all the thoughts, all the works having refer- 
ence to the great end of the preservation, amelioration and 
alleviation of the condition of man, as well as to the more 
free and complete developement of the human faculties 
and of the social institutions which constitute true civiliza- 

Such are the views entertained in Paris of this periodical 
work. As far as we have had opportunity to peruse it, 
they are (abating perhaps a degree of enthusiasm which is 
certainly pardonable on such a subject) justified by the ex- 
ecution which evidently involves an amount and variety of 
knowledge and Jabour unprecedented, we believe, in the 
execution of any periodical work. . : 

396 Palermo. 
58. Atomic Weights of Bodies. 

Extract of a letter dated Glasgow, November 2, 1820, fom. : 
Dr. Thomas Thomson Regius, Professor of Chemistry 
in the University of Glasgow, &c. &c. to the Editor. 

T have but little scientific news to communicate to you. 
Little is doing at present in chemistry, either in this coun- 
try, or on the continent of Europe. I am at present en- 
gaged in a set of experiments, to determine the true atomic 
weights of bodies with mathematical accuracy, and I have 
already made considerable progress. A first paper on the 
subject has just appeared in the annals for November, a 
second will appear in the January number. Having this 
winter a course of clinical lectures to deliver, and being 
anxious to take the opportunity of investigating more exact- 
ly than has been done, the state of the urine in various dis- 
eases, I shall be obliged to interrupt my experiments for 
the winter, but I shall resume them next May. As soon 
as I have completed this investigation I shall have it in my 
power to apply mathematics to chemistry. 

59. Palermo. 

Extract of aletter to the Editor from Mr. William C. 
Woodbridge, of the American Asylum for the Deaf and 
Dumb, dated February 25, 1821, Palermo. 

‘The University (of Palermo) has a noble unfinished 
building, a small philosophical apparatus and scarcely any 
chemical. There are thirty schools, where lectures are de- 
livered on every branch of science, and about five hundred 
students who attend gratis. ‘The professors are supported 
by the funds now much reduced, and by government. At 
the Royal Palace is the observatory, under the direction of 
Professor Cacciatore, a scholar of Piazzi. It contains sev- 
eral very fine instruments, particularly a circle for the ob- 
servation of altitudes, which is said to be unique. It was 
made by Ramsden and presented by him to the University 
when Piazzi was the Professor. It is said to have cost him 
two years labour. It seems to be about three feet in di- 
ameter and revolves horizontally in an iron frame, fixed on 

Appendix. «397 

a foundation of stone, at the beielt of at least sixty or seven- 
ty feet from the ground. 

‘Palermo offers little that is interesting in mineralogy. 
The able Ferrara tells me that the whole region is transi- 
tion limestone, and calcareous tufa, and that the only inter- 
esting minerals are jasper and agate. It is situated much 
like New-Haven, on a plain, surrounded by mountains. 
The country is beautiful. 

«The weather has been as mild as September is with us. 
{n two instances only have we had a little snow, which. 
melted immediately. Green peas and other vegetables are 
abundant. Oranges are just ripening.” 

Communicated (in MS.) for this Journal. 

Read before the New-York Lyceum of Natural History, April 30, 182{.— 
(This communication came too late for insertion in its proper place.— 


The Coca of Peru; a plant whose leaves are employed 
most extensively by the native Americans for a masticato- 
ry, as the Asiatics chew Betel. 

Abstract from a communication of Hippotirr Unanue, 
Proto-medico of Peru, Secretary of the Philosophical So- 
ciety at Lima, &c. &c. to Samuen L. Mitcaitt, dated « at 
Lima, Ist Feb. 1821. 

The mternal commerce in the leaves of the Coca is im- 
mense throughout the provinces of this viceroy, although it 
is in extensive and constant use, both in Upper and Lower 
Peru. The aboriginal natives are the principal consumers. 

The native Indians believe the use of the Coca to be in- 
dispensable. ‘They must chew it, or cease to live. The 
Spaniards employ it merely as a remedy ; ; or whenever the 
inclemency of the season induces them to adopt the Indian 
custom. Its operation is similar in almost every particu- 
lar, to that which the East-Indians experience ‘from Bes 
tel. The leaves are the parts gathered for the mouth. 
They excite a flow of spittle, which is not rejected as by 


398 Appendix. 

tobacco-chewers, but swallowed together with the substance 
extracted from the plant. Employed in this way, tlie Coca 
enables the people, whose principal articles of substance 
are maize and potatoes to undergo the toil of cultivating the 
land, the labour of working the mines, the fatigue of tending 
herds of cattle in the mountains, and other severe exercises. 
In short they find the coca capable of repairing lost vigour, 
of withstanding the assaults of time, of opposing the inroads 
of the elements, and of performing in short, the function of 
a true ————* elevating the spirits on occasions of trouble 
and inducing a forgetfulness of the ils of life, as is observed 
in the Odyssey, on the drink prepared by Helen to refresh 
her guests: | pos 

Charmed by that virtuous draught, th’ exalted mind, 

All sense of woe delivers to the wind. 
i Lib. 1v. 

From analysis it appears, that the Coca contains much 
zum and no resin. ‘The gum has a bitter and stimulant 
taste; and the leaves exhale an agreeable smell. When 
chewed, the coca is warm to the tongue and palate, stimu- 
lates the glands, and provokes a copious flow of saliva. 
This, with the abundance of gum expressed and swallowed, 
produces a most comfortable operation on the stomach, 
which is nourished and supported by the gum. In some 

weakly persons who are not accustomed to its action, the 

nerves are sometimes affected, and an agreabie sleepmess 
induced. If an alkali, (such as quick lime, for example) 
is mixed with coca in chewing, the virtues are much in- 
ereased. Its virtues are considered as tonic, nutritive 
and calming. Hence are explained the remarkable ben- 
efits derived from it by the well Indians. ‘They who are 
sick, may be thrown into a sweat by drinking a hot tea 
of it. It is excellent against the humid asthma. In the 
same preparation it strengthens ‘the stomach, removes ob- 

- structions, loosens the bowels, and relieves colics. It is an 

admirable remedy for hypochondriacs, and dyspeptics. 
They who are addicted -to chewing it, have fine and sound 
teeth. ; 

* A word in the MS. was here rendgred illegible by the seal; the idea is 
however, fully exhibited by what follows.—| Editor. ] 

Appendix. 399 

its extraordinary restorative and prophylactic qualities 
recommend it to be used by seamen who are exposed to the 
hardships of all climates, and by soldiers who are obliged 
to hazard themselves in all sorts of expeditions. 

The Coca isa shrub of middling size, growing on the An- 
des. It belongs to the class Decanpria, and order Diey- 
nia. Its botanical name is Erythroxylon Peruvianum, or 
Peruvian red-wood. The leaves are eliptical with short 
footstalks, alternate, entire, smooth and shining, three-nerv- 
ed, with the two lateral nerves oes observable than the 
middle one. 

The Coca is cultivated in many tracts adjoining the moun- 
tains, and blossoms in May and June. It grows best in the 
strong, moist soils of hot climates. ‘Therefore it is most 
congenial to the valleys. The seeds are planted during the 
moist and rainy season, to wit, in December and January. 
When grown to the height of a foot and a half, they are 
transplanted into the grounds prepared to receive them. 
The shrub lives many years, and in favourable situations, 
the leaves may be picked, three times in twelve months. 

This plant had acquired great celebrity in the time of the 
Incas, before the invasion of the Spaniards. ‘The smoke of 
the leaves was the holy incense offered to the sun, on the 
most solemn occasions. 

A more complete and detailed history of the Coca, was 
published in that highly respectable work, the Peruvian 
Mercury, embracing its botanical description, culture, com- 
merce, use and virtues, with agricultural and economical 
remarks. From that performance, the present is but a con- 
cise abstract. 


Several communications came too late for this number, and will be no- 
ticed in ournext. Some memoranda of errata forwarded to us have been 
mislaid; they are, however, either obvious or unimportant.—[ Editor. | 


Absorption, Dr. F. Magendie on, 288 
Achaialaya, drift wood of, 18 
Acid Prussic, or hydrocyanic, 182 & 187 
Adams, William, A. 5 © Agaric Mineral of Vermont, 234 
Affections, Calculous, 300 
Affection, paralytic, cured by lightning, 100 — 
Albany, geological survey of the county, 239, 
Alkali, a new one, 384 : 
Allen, J. A. Dr. on West River mountain, 73 
prussic acid, 187 
Alluvial districts, view of, 48 Alum slate, 28. 
Alum, essay on, 240 
in mica slate, 240 

| at Zanesville, 245 Amber, variety of, 8 
American Geological Society, 360 
Amygdaloid of Salem, 232 
Analysis of hydraulic lime, 231 
Anecdote, historical, 33—42 Annales de chimie, &c. 87 
Anthracite, 41 Apparatus, galvanic, Prof. Hare’s, 105 
construction of, 345 3 
Archeologia Americana, notice of, 357 
Arrowacks, their names for things, 31 
Arsenic, tests for, 354 Athens Bible Society, 281 
Atmosphere mercurial, 386 Atomic weights of bodies, 396 
Atwater, Caleb, Esq. alum, &c. 245 

William, serpentine, &c. 238 Auscultation, 375 

; B. 

Banks‘of the Mississippi, 16 

Barns, their liability to be struck by lightning, 345 

Barton, R. P. and D. W. on Virginia fluor— manganese and 
sulphat of lime, 243 

Basin, calcareous of lake Huron, 264 

Beck, T. R. Dr. mineral survey, &c. 239 

Bees, honey, memoir on, by J. C. Vanden Heuvel Esq. 79 

Bigsby, John, I. Dr. on lake Huron, &c. 254 

Biography of Linneus, 379 Blossom of lead, 67 

Blow-pipe, of Hare, 87—90—91 _ Boat of Iron, 371 

Bones, in alluvion 53, of rattlesnakes, 85, fossil in East- 
Windsor, 247 : 

Boyd, John, Mr. fluor spar of Genesee, 233 

Brattleborough, localities of minerals near, 76 

Bridge building, by Mr. I. Town, 158 

Bridges iron, 164 Bringier, L. Esg. his memoir, 14 

Vou. III....No. 2. S| 

402 INDEX. 

Bristol, England, how lighted by gas, 170, 
Brongeiart, ees Mr. his views, 993297 hig vane 216 
his remarks on American localities oo 220° > 
Buckland, Prof. his Instructions, &c. 249 - fd pisses 
Bursting of lakes through mountains, 2520 FS MEN 
Calubila, its geological chatdonbe, 224-973 os 
Calendar, floral, by Dr. J. Porter, Droits es 
Canal, Erie, lime see tt constructing, 230) i: 
Carolinas, mineralogy and geology of parts of, 1 & 227 
Catskill, mmeral spring, 236, marl and tufa, &c. do. agg 
ceum, 237 Cayuga, Torebratuites, fim: 222 
Chalybeate, waters, 235—236 
Chase, George, Dolomite, &c. 246 
Chemistry, medical, 300 ily ie ¢ 
Chemistry, Wlements of, Dr. Gorhams, 330 Re ans 
Cherokees, 35—38—39—43 &e. | Chesnut, Savi 77 
Chinese Dictionary, 377 Chinquapin, gs oo 
Chios, College in, 281 
Chlorine, theory of, Sg explosions of, with hydrogen. 
341—heat on the skin, from, 344 . 
Clay, Country of the Carolinas, 2 
Clays, 26 ‘Clifford, J. D. fossil Meds, OS aisvs 
Coal impressions from England, 246 Coca of Peru, 397 
Coffin, ancient, 37 Cold of f January 1821, ete 179 
on Lake Champlain, 366 
Combustion, Spontaneous, 283 — a oe 
Comstock, Dr. on Prussic acid, 189 Ras Sai 
Conglomerate of Lake Huron, 259-269 : hate 
Copper native of Lake orc 201—2 12 of Connectient 
&e. 222. ™ 
Copperas, mannfactory of in Vermont, 326 0 
Cornelius E. Rev. 232 Corendune in Carolina, 4229 
Cruelty, Indian, 43 Crystalization, instantaneous, - 
— theory of, by H. H. Hayden, Esq. es &e. 


Deltas of rivers, how formed, 55 
Deluges, physical causes of, 52. ; 
Dewey, C. Prof. on Puassie acid, 188—fetid aolawiite, 239 
~ wavellite, ga9..- donation to Geol. Poe 357 
on snow ‘crystals, Bowe Mies 
Dickson, John Mr. on Min. and Geol. of Cwoliies | 
Dictionary, Chinese, 377 Divining Rod, 102. 
Dolomite, 246 Dolomite, fetid, 239 : 

INDEX.) 403 

Doolittle, Isaac, letter and translation of a memoir, 288 
Drift wood, 17. 

Earthquakes and eruptions, 20 
Eaton, Amos Prof. 236—238 
Edminston, J. W. Kentucky marbles, 234. 
_ Education of the poor, 379 Egypt, its canal and arts, 378 
Electricity, medical, J. Hall, Esq. on, 166 
theory of, DOO. cc) Mele 
Electrometer of Abbe Hatiy, 372. 
Elements of Chemistry, notice of Dr. Gorham’s, 330 
Ellington, Connecticut, coal there, 248 
Enfield’s Institutes, ee ou, 125 
Emerson, R. Rev. on divining rod, 102 
Engraving on steel, by Mr. J. Perlane 353 
Epidote at Nahant, 364 Essays, geological, 47 
Experiments with Dip ence Deflagrator, 107 Sc. 
Explosion of fulminating mercury, and chlorate of potash, (note) 90 
chlorine and hydrogen, 341 Evaporation of api, 376 

Fenn, H. R. Mr. discovers fiuor spar, 367 
Petia limestones, 234—239 
Finland, comforts of travelling in, 378 - 
Fish, Tose at Westfield and Simdentanal 299-365 

, Belea, near Verona, 224 
Ficher, A. M. Prof. on printing presses, 311 
Floral and Miscellaneous Calendar, 273 
Flower of great size, 376 
Els} spar “on Genesee river, 235—367 

in Virginia, 243, Mlinois, 243-—367 
Foot, Lyman Dr. on cold at Plattsburgh, 306 
Formations, geological of the globe, their similarity, 225 

= off different kinds on same level, 266 
Fortifications, ancient, 37 - Fossil a 285 
Fusions by Prof. ee s blow- Pipe, 87 

Galena sehen ede 173: 

Galvanic apparatus, construction of, 345 

Galvanism, theory of, by Dr. Hare,105_ 

Garnet locality in Reading, Conn. O41 

Gases, mechanical agency of, 52 

Gas illumination, 370—385 | Genesee river, fluor spar, 2365 

Geodes, 2 Geological essays, 47 

Geologists, American, their duty, 225 

Geology, &c. of Carolinas, 1—Mississip. Region, 15—Troy, 73 
remarks on the study of, 363 

404 INDEX. 

Gibbs, G. Col. donation to Am. Geol. Soc. 357 

Gilmor, R. jr. Mr. pyrites microscopic, 233 __ 

Glasgow, how supplied with water, 372 

Glass, manufacture of, 3'70 Globe not eternal, 238 
Gold of Cabarras county, N.C. 3 

Gorham, John Prof. his elements, 330 — 

Granite in South Carolina, 2, 3, 228 

Granger, Ebenezer, Esq. on cart formation of Zanesville, 5 
Green, Jacob Prof. on bones of rattle snake, 85—crystalization, 93 
Greenland, population of, 384 — 

Green stone of S. Car. 998-—of Lake neta, 259 
Griscom, John Prof. on foreign literature and science, 368 
Gum elastic tree, 44 

Hadley, Dr. his analysis of hydraulic lime, 231 
Haines, Reuben, letter from, 285 
Hale, Moses, Mr. notice of Troy, 72 ; 
Hall, John, Esq. on the staining of wood, and on medical ane 
_ eity, 166—on fossil bones, 947—-coal, 248 
Hall, F. Prof. on iron, &c. 57—agaric as 234 
Tie. Rob. Prof. he deflagrator, 103--345—on chlorine, 344 
heat, 344 Haity Abby, his elegtrometens 372 
Hawkins, Abu. Tilinois fluor, 367 
Hayden, H. H. Mr. his Geological essays, a7 
Hydrogen & Chlorine, explosions of, 341 ek, 
Hygera del Oule, taeaie gum tree, 44 Historical anecdote, 33 
History of Lake Superior copper, 248 
Hitchcock, Ed. on Fossil fish, 365 
Heematite of Lake Huron, 262 
Holley, Myron, Esq. on water cement, 231 ~ Hones, 26 
Honey bees, memoir on, 79 Hot Springs of Wachitta, 29° 
Huron Lake, geology of its N. W. Shore, 254 
Hydrargullite, American, 239 _ 
L& J. 
Ice, circumstances respecting its formation, 179 
Illinois, fluor spar, 243 
Impressions vegetable, of Zanesville, 5 
Improvements in printing presses, 301, 
Indian nations, 30—their languages, 35. 
Institutes, Enfield” s remarks on, 125 
Instructions of Prof. Buckland, 249 
Jodine, its medical powers, 386 
ron eres, 26—of Vermont, 57—micaceous, 332 . 
, native of Louisiana, 45 Iron, mountain, 63 
———, Sulphat of, manufactory of, 1 in Veitoont, 326 
satis tinctoria, proposed for apis feed, 354 
Tsinglass, (mica) i in So, Carolina, 3 
ives, Eh, Prof. on spring pasture, ‘BBS. Ivory paper, 370 

INDEX. 405 

Jasper, brown, striped &c. 262-—270 

Siapiters Ammon, temple of, 378 

Jarman, oe, Esq. on Gas lights, 170 

Kaykag, W toniox: anecdote of him, 42 

Kentucky. Marbles, 234 pine 


Lakes, bursting of, &c. 252 

Lane, Ephraim, his argentiferous galena, 173 

Lamps, pertable gas, 370 Languages, Indian, 35 
of omiaiasl their number, 376 

Lead mines of Missouri, 24, 60 & 63 

Lead ores, &c. notes on, 176 Lead ores, argentiferous, 173 
Leconte, Mr. his opinion, &c. 7 Leffers, Samuel, his case, 102 
Lightning, why it strikes barns, 545 ~ Lignite, 9 

Limestone country and cave, 4 
Lime, for water cement, 230, its analysis, 231 

disintegrated, 242 | 

stone of Missouri, its geological character, 248 

secondary crystaline 265, 
Linneus, biography of, 379 Litchfield mineral Spring, 235 
Lythographic paper, 370 Localities of minerals, 76 
Locke, John, Dr. on manufacture of Copperas, 326 

Maclure, William, esq. 357—his donation to American Geologic- 
al society, 360—on study of geology, 365 
Magendie, F. Dr. en absorption, 288 
Magnetism by galvanism, 283-—-286 
Manganese of Vermont, 57—of Virginia 245 
Marbles of Missouri, 93—of Kentucky, 234 
Mastodon, fossil remains of, 22 : 
Medical electricity, J. Hall. jr. 168. Medusa fossil, 285 
Mica, 26, mica slate, alum in it, 240 
Michilimackinac, island of, its geology, 268 
Michiwacan, province of, 36 © Mildew, remedy for, 385 
Mill-stones, burr, 28 Mining in Missouri, how edaoted. 70 
Mineralogy, &c. of Carolina, ane: Mississippi region, Lec, 
Missouri, 59 Mineral productions of Missouri, 24-——67—71 
Mineral, a singular one, 270 
Mineral ee atiioiel formation of, 85 
Minerva Western, 265 Mines of lead in Missouri, 24-59 
of pyrites in Vermont, 326 Mississippi, banks of, 16 
Missouri, its marbles, 23—lead mines 24—lime stone, 248 
Mitcbill, S. L. Hon. Mr. Prince’s letter to, T—answer 78 
Mr. Vandenheuvel’s letter to, 79 
on Coca of Peru, letter to, 397 , 
Mounds, indian, 36. Mountain, of iron, 65-—table, 228. 
Mountains, bursting of, 252—map of, 564 

406 - INDEX, 

Monson, A. S. Dr. on Prussic acid 195 

Morey, Samuel, Mr. on mineral waters, 94. 
fetid limestone, 234 é 

Nations, Indian, 30 Na dare aie of, 365 

Notice of Hayden’ S essays, 47—of archeologia americana, 357. 
of Schoolcraft’s mission, 59 Notiecs, chennai » 241 

O. salts we 
Ochre in Vetmont, 58 At ne: a he Pew 
Oliver, B. L. Dr. on Prussic, 182. cecitenes 233 

Gimetead: D. Prof. on a peculiar effect of cheng 100 . : 

Ontario lake petrifactions from, 222 
Operation, surgical, extraordinary, 373 — 
Ores of lead, of Missouri, 24 Yo ae 
iron on the Wachitta, 26 Organic remains, 389 ~ 
Osages, 31—32—34 vies 

BAson any freislebenense of Westfield: Conn. 290 

Palermo, extract of a letter from, 396° 

Paper, lithographic, 370—ivory do. 370° 

Paralysis cured by lightning, 100 

Pasture, spring, Dr. E. Ives on, 345 = 

Poskae. Jacob, Mr. on compressibility of water, 347—engra 
ving on steel, Soa.) soe 

Petrifaction, aeneicabiles 282 

Pierce, ees esq. on mineral wa aters, &e. 235 

Eilatus, mount, slide down, 368 

Plaster of Paria in Virginia, 245 : 

Pompeia, how covered, S74 Poor, education of, 379 

Porter, 'T. D. Dr. his Sicich; &c. 227—tests for arsenic, 354 | 

Porter, J. quartz from him, 234—floral, &c. Ealenes a PA te 

Poran Dr. fossil bones, 247. : 

Presses, printing, improvements and theory, Sid 

Prince, Wm. Mr. on a singular vegetable productbns 77 

Rrisse acid, 182 

Pullowa, monument at 379 Pumice stone on Mississippi 247 

Pyrites, 1 iron, 3; Og ee of in Venens 326. 

Quartz in South Carolina, 3—in issounk: 67 say 
_ Fairfield, New-York, 233° ie Drie a 
age substitute for, S808” ) te Cage 

Ration oftbeat ‘through A a 344 
Rafinesque, Prof. on fae Medusa y285' vo. 0% i 
Ram, hydraulic, 281 ~ —_—- Rattlesnakes, bones of, 85 
Region, sandy of the Carolinas, 1 
Remaind, organic of L. Huron, ‘270-—anknown, O71 
Remarks on Enfield’s Institutes, 12 : 

INDEX. | 407 | 

Revue Encyclopedique, notice of, 392 
Rock, garnet, 241 Rod, divining, 102 

Salem Sienite, &c. 232 Salt, 27—Springs, 33 
quantity of made in Europe, 371 
Salts, various used in glass makmg, 370 - Sand a Se QF 
ae high hills of, 2 Sarcophagus, ancient, 390 — 
Schinidt. DE 80 
Schoolcraft, H. R. Mr. on Missouri lead, 59—limestone,, ke. 248 
on native copper of L. Superior, 201—Schools, 375 

Sea water, distillation of, 38 ' Signals, 282 
Seeley, Lloyd Dr. garnet locality, 241 
Serpent Rock of ak Huron, 258 . Serpentine, hill of, 238 

Shaquaw Cherokee, his prophecy, 39 Sienite of Salem, 232 
Silliman, B. compound blow-pipe, es ores, 173 
formation of ice, 179 &c. 
Silver of West River mountain, 75, note. 
in lead ores, 175 Sinctetis Siliceous, 391 

Slate, argillaceous in Carolina, 2. Alineaoe 28—micaceous 

with alum, 240 Slide down Mount Pilatus, 368 
Smith, Ed. D. Prof. on Buncombe springs, 117-—calculous affec- 

tions, 300 Snow crystals, 367 
Society, Atierican Geological, 357—Royal of London, BEN 
Somers, Connecticut, coal in, 248 
Speculations, geological, 262 Spirits, evaporation of, 376 
Springs, salt, 33 

warm of Buscomlie Cause N.C. 117 ie 
Staining of wood by J. Hall, Esq. 116 3 
State’s prison of Connecticut, in an old copper mine, 222 
Steel, mode of engraving on, 353. 
Stafford, Vermont, its copperas manufactory, 326 
Strontian, sulphat of from L. Erie 363 
Sublimarc Corrosive, antidote against, 374 
Sulphate of lime, 26 
in Virginia, 245 

Superior, Lake, copper of, 201 
Surgery, extraordinary operation on, 373 
Survey, geological, of Albany County, 239 
’ Swainson’s zoological miscellany, 392 
Switzerland, jurisprudence of, erie 

Table mountain, 22 Temple of Jupiter Ammon, 37& 

Terebratulites of Cayuga, 222 Tests for arsenic, 354 

Theory of printing presses, 311 
chemical, modern, remarks on 330 

Thermometer at ‘New-Haven, Jan. 1821, (note) 179, 

Thetford, copperas manufactory near, 326 

408 INDEX. 

Thimbles, manufacture of, 375 
‘Fhomiaen, Thomas, Prof. extract oF letter nes S96; 
Titanium, oxid of, (note) 3 

in South Carolina, 208 
ditch of Lake Huron, &c, 254) 
Trap region, of New- England, Qt he EAL 
Transition formation of Lake Huron, 957 Ae Shia eat 
Translations from the Arabic, 384 Trees in alluvion, 53 — 
Trilobite of Albany, 225. ‘Troost: G. Dr. on. Oe ae: 
Troy, geological notice of, 72 _ 
Town, Tthiel, Mr. on Bridge Building 158 


Unanue, Hippolite, letter from to eel 8. L. Midi 397 
Vanden Heuvel, IoC: Bsq. on n honey Aces, 79 
Van Diemen’ s land, OU 
Vegetation how suppor ted) 372 
Vegetable i impressions of Zanesville, Ohio. 5 
‘remains in coal, in Scotland &c. 389 
Virginia fluor spar, 243 
Voleano, whether West River. Mountain was ever the seat of 
eee 73 
Wachitta, cove = of 20—28, hot springs of, 29 
Ware, N. A. Esq. his opinion on drift wood, 19 (note) 
Warm springs of Buncombe county, N. Car. 117. 
Water, formation of, by compound blowpipe 91 
its compressibility. 34 a 369 
of the sea contains potash, 371 _ oan 
Waters, mineral, artificial formationof, 95. 
chalybeate, 235 Wavellite, American, 239 
Webster, J. W. Dr. on prussic acid, 179-—epidote 364 
ef Sinter of St. Michael, DOM OH a 
Westfield, ‘Conn. its analogies with Mansfield i in Hesse, 296 ; 
¥ Serpentine, 238 
West river mountain, notice of, 73. =White, Ganv vass, Mr. 329 
Wilson, J. W. Mr. on bursting of lakes through mountains, Q52 
Woad recommended for spring pasture, 355 ati 
Wood, modes of staining 166 } igen 
Woodbridge. W.C. Mr. extract of a letter from, 395, 
Woolsey, W. W. Esq. 230 
Wright, Benjamin, Mr. on Plage ae lime, 230° 

Yellow wood, 44 
Zanesville, coal formations,5 © —- Zinc, sulphuret of, 63 
Zircon of South Carolina, 229 (note) ) 


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VOL. HE....No. 1.....Fesruary, 1821. 






Sold by the Publisher and Howe & Spalding, New-Haven; Huntington & 

Hopkins, Hartford; Cummings & Hilliard, Boston; Ezekiel Goodale, 
’  flallowel, Maine; A.'T. Goodrich & Co. New-York; Littell and Henry, 

- Philadelphia; Caleb Atwater, Circleville, Ohio; Thomas] Ray, Augus- 
ta, Ged.; Henry Whipple, Salem, Mass.; Edward J. Coale, Baltimore ; 
(|) ‘Timothy B. Porier, Columbia, S. C.; John Mill, Charleston, S.C. ; Mil- 
ler & Rutchins, Providence, R.1.; Thomas R. Wililams, Newport, RL; 
William T. Williams, Savannah, Geo. ; Luke Loomis, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; 
- Daniel Stone, Brunswick, Me. ; Professor D. Olmsted, Chapel Hill Col- 



Ant. 1. Mr, John Dickson on the Mineralogy and beology of aig big 
South and North-Carolina = 
2. Ebenezer Granger, Esq. on vegetable impressions in rocks ‘of 

Zanesville Coal formation —- mh ome mca 

3. Dr G. Troost on the Amber of Maryland Peanut neat il 

4. L. Bringier, ne on the region of the Mississippi, &c. : 15 

5. Notice of Mr. H.H. Hayden’s Geological Essays. - =< 47 

6. Prof, F. Halli on ores of Iron and Manganese - 57 

7. Notice of Mr. Schooleraft’s work on the Missouri lead mines ee. 59 

8. Mr. M. Hale’s Geological Notice of Troy - = es 

9. Dr. J. A. Allen on the we River Mountain, with lonalities of 
Minerals - CAUSES Sites Ponta ea. oe 


10. W. Prince, Esq. on ahybrid production between the Spanish 
Chesnut and Matyland Pingaapin, with ee by: Prof. S. 

 L. Mitehill Jn - 77 
11. J. C. Vanden Heuvel, Esq. on American. Honky Bees - 79 
12. Prof. J. Green on Bones of the Rattle Snake  - = = 85 


13,/ Up on the fusion of various bodies by Hare's Blowpipe—from the 
; sghaeee of Chemistry, &c. with remarks by as ane - 87 

ea ee a SS ee a 

‘new mode of orming water - - =. 91 
14. Prof, Green on instantaneous crystalization = - +  -~ 93 
15. Mr. S. Morey on Mineral Waters, &c. - 94 
16. Prof. D. Olmsted on a peculiar effect of lightning - - 100° 
17. Rev. R. Emerson on the divining rod - is het 102 
| 18. Prof. Hare on new Galvanic apparatus and thebry - 105 
19. Prof, E.D. Smith on the warm pane of Meee County, N. 
C. (posthumous) — - Wy 
20. Remarks on Enfield’s Philoso ophy, third editign - oe {Ce 
21. Mr. Town’s new mode of Bridge-building - | - 158 
22. J. Hall, Esq. on the staining of pwd, and on medical electricity 166 
23, Thomas Jarman, Esg.on Gas Lights -  - 170 
24, Editor's notice of an argentiferous Galexa, &c. - - 173. 
26, Editor on the formation of ice in certain circumstances --» V9 


26. Dr. B. L. Oliver on priority of medical use of the Prussic Acid 182 — 
27. Cases illustrating the medical effects of the Prussic Acid = =. 187 

‘Hutieton & 
Goodale, : 


omis aie Pa; 
el Hill V8 

THE egetieinliss kf. j OURNAL : 
OF ae 
oe : Y : 

Prue or Silliman, of Vale College, 


THE work is published in quarterly numbers, of which two make 
a volume containing at least 320 pages, illustrated by engravings, of 
which, when very expensive, a part of the cost is paid by the au- 
thors or contributors. Two volumes will be pu blished the present year. 

This Journal, the only one devoted to American Science and 
Arts, which has: ever been attempted, has received the general 
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has been adequately supported by original commanications. Expe- 
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dividual subscribers should be in advance. 

To the friends of American Science, and to the friends of the 
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Amenican JourNAL oF Scimnce are respectfully commended. It 
cau never prove a lucrative work : and it remains for the public | 
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not be losers, or whether it shall be relinquished, with the painful cer- 
E tainty that this vast republic will not support a solitary Journal, 
devoted to its Science and its Arts.’ . Its increasing patronage, and 
the marked approbation with which it is received in Europe, afford 
however, grounds to believe that it will be continued. a 

-- @ BOs. : 

Three dollars a volume in advance. An omission to remit for a 

new volume is of course a discontinuance. 
‘Oke Term of credit to general agents, 6 months, from the apt 
cation of No. 1. of each volume. 


i Slide from Mount Pilatus - - 368 
2 Oxygenized water - -. a Cee NS BBO 

_ 3 Lithographic pener- 4 Ivory ‘ag Matiutactite of 
‘Glass - - - fs = - 370 

6 Portable Cat ran. 7 Potash in the sea. 8 Salt. 
9 Iron boat - - - - - - 371 

10 Glasgow, how supplied with water. 11 A acho 
12 Electrometers - 372 

13 Extraordinary Surgical Operation. 14 Royal Sie, 
ety of London - - . - 373 

15. Prisons. 16 Pompela., 7 Antidote to corrosive 
sublimate - 374 

18. Schools. 19 Manntacture of Phimbiles, 20 is: 
cultation = - - 375 

21 Languages. 22 Evaporation ae pes: 23. a lange 
Flower - 376 

24 Chinese Diniohary. 25 hia Dismen’ s Lane - 377 
26 Egypt. 27 eee of ie Ammon. 28 Fin- 

land - 378 
29 Pultowa. 30 ioaneos 31 Ss iieeiland. 82 The Puts 379 
33 Medicine - . 880 

34 Athens. 35 Greek: Liudieioaie: 36 Chios: 37 Pota- 
toes. 38 Distillation of Sea-water. 39 Hydraulic Ram 381 

' 40 Sea Signals. 41 Petrifaction - -~ 382 
42 Combustion. 43 Magnetism - - 383 
44 Translations from the Arabic. 45 New en 

46 Greenland - - - - 384 
AT Mildew. 48 Electricity. 49 Gas lich - - 385 
50 Jodine. 51 Mercurial Atmosphere. 52 pectian & 
Electricity - - - - - ce 386 
53 Vegetable Remains, &c. - : - . 389 
54 Ancient Sarcophagus - - += + + 396 
55 Siliceous Sinter — - 391 
56 Swainson’s Zoological Miscellany. 57 Revue En 
cyclopedique - - 392 
58 Atomic weights of Bodies. 59 Pilewin - - 396 
Coca of Peru” - - * - = . * 397 
| =O @ex:-- 

2, page 240—line 21 from top, for we believe, read I believe. 
351—last line, for waters, read craters. 
352—line 17 from top, for Dr. Boru, read Borre. 

ol. 3. 184—line 17 from top, for Medicarninum, read Medicaminum: 
do.—line 27 from top, for Langrist, read Langrish. 

. 190—line 30 from top, for ea, read wiry. 

A bee 372—read 372 for 237 and 3 for 2 on pages 381, 2 and 3. 


> “Stay o. 

or ve 






Ts now issued in quarterly numbers, of which two make a volume | 

containing at least 320 pages, illustrated by engravings, of which, 

when'very expensive, a part of the cost is paid by the authors or | 



This Journal, the only one devoted to American Science and | 
Arts, which has ever been attempted, has received the general | 
approbation of the scientific public, both af. home and abroad, and | 
has been adequately supported by original communications. Expe- | 
: tience has evinced the necessity of requiring that the payments of in- 

dividual subscribers should be in advance. 

Yo the friends of American Science, and to the friends of ae 
prosperity and reputation of this rising empire, the interests of the — 
American JournNAL oF Scrence are respectfully commended. It | 
can never prove a lucrative work : and it remains for the public | 
to say whether it shall be sustained, so that those engaged init may | | 
not be losers, or whether it shall be relinquished, with t :e painful cer- | 
tainty that this vast republic will not support a sclitary Journal, | 

devoted to its Science and its Arts. Its increasing patronage, and — 

Os the marked approbation with which it is received in Europe, afford — 

however, grounds to believe that it will be continued. 
> BQO«~ 

Three dollars a volume in advance. An omission to remit for a 
new volume is of course:a discontinuance. 

o= Term of credit to general agents, 6 moaths, from the publi- 
cation of No. 1. of each volume. 



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